UEBBUUEHT JVo Division Range Shelf.. Received 1879 MOM: HERMAN ECKEL, Prgit. ALEXANDER LONG. Treas. ISAAC SIMON, Sec y. THOMAS VICKERS, Librarian. Board of Managi HERMAN ECKE1 ALEXANDER LO L. W. GOSS, Dr. W. H. MUSS CHARLES BIRD, ISAAC SIMON, H. GARLICK. y- \ CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN English, French and German, BELONGING TO THE CLASS OF PROSE FICTION, IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI : PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. .1. It. MILLS A Cii., 124 WALNUT STBKET, PBINTKRH. 1876. IP IR, E ^ A. O E. Ill the Annual Report of this Library for the year ending June 150, 1875. the fol lowing suggestion concerning a new catalogue was made : The plan which ought to be pursued hereafter is to let the so-called complete catalogue consist of separate class catalogues, which can be sold at a merely nominal price to the persons interested in the various departments, and which can be reprinted at small cost whenever they arc out of date by reason of large accessions." The three parts of Prose Fiction contained in the present volume form one of the main divisions of the general catalogue. The other divisions areasfoflows: a) Poetry and the Drama; b) the Fine Arts, including the History of Art; c) the Useful Arts; d) the .Natural Sciences; e) the Medical Sciences; f) History, Biography, Geography and Travels; g) America and American History; h) Politics, Political Economy, and Social Science; i) Philology, Philosophy, and Panlagogics; j) the Biblical and Theolog ical Sciences. These divisions arc not made in accordance with any philosophical classification of human knowledge. The general catalogue is separated into the above parts for the convenience of the public, and for the reason that this is the only method known to the compiler (except that of printing supplement after supplement), by which the printed catalogue in book form can be made to keep pace at all with the increase of books in a library like this. Jt is proposed to reprint entire, with all the additions to the library up to the date of issue, each part as soon as the edition is exhausted. The price at which die various parts are sold is made to cover the cost of printing. It will be seen that more information is given in the present volume than is cus tomary in a mere "class-list" of fiction, and that some new features have been intro duced. There are imperfections and errors, of course. Any one noticing such will confer a favor by pointing them out, in order that they may be remedied in future editions. THOMAS VICKERS. December 4. IHTti. BOARD OF MANAGERS, 1876-1877. F. A. ARMSTRONG, President ALEXANDER LONG, Treasurer, W. H. MUSSEY, Secretary. HERMANN ECKEL GEORGE H. PENDLETON. LEONARD W. GOSS. WILLIAM J. O NEIL, (ex officio.) Librarian, THOMAS VICKERS CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, WHICH BELONG TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI : PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. J. R. MILLH & Co., 134 WALNUT STRKKT, PRI.VTEBS. 1876. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. EXPLANATIONS, To find any book or story in this catalogue, look either under the name of the author or for the first word of the title, except such word be A, An or The, in which case look for the second word. Books are entered under the real name of the author when that is known, under the -pseudonym, or assumed name, when it is not ; and where only the initials of an author are known, the last initial is put first. Compound surnames are entered under the first part of the name. Names or initials enclosed in parentheses are such as are usually not retained. The names in parentheses printed in italics, and not preceded by the word "formerly," are the pseudonyms of the authors whose real names they follow : For example : Dickens, Charles (John Hougham). (Boz~). Where the words In or With occur in connection with a title, they indicate a shorter story published or bound with others, except in some instances where the reference is to the collected works of an author. In the case of translations the original title is usually printed in parentheses : For example : Dumas, A. (D.) CONSCRIPT, The : an historical novel of the days of the first Napoleon. (Tr. of Conscience I innoceid), ABBREVIATIONS, Abfd. Anon. B. Bait. Bost. C. G. R. Oh. Chic. Cin. Coll. EC. [Econ.] Ed. Edin. Edit. H. S. 13. Hart. Her [his] N. and T. Illust. L. C. Leip. Lond. Mcmph. Misc. Mme. [Mad. Mde.] Abbotsford. Anonymous. Born. Baltimore. Boston. Carlylc s German Romance. Chapter. Chicago. Cincinnati. Collected. Economy. Edited, Edition, Editor. Edinburgh. Editor. Harper s Story Books. Hartford. Her [his] Novels and tales. Illustrated, Illustrations. Little Classics. Leipzig. London. Memphis. Miscellanies, Miscellaneous. Madame. N. and T. N. d. N. Y. Nov. Phil. Pol. Pop. Pseud. Pt. R. G. N. R. I. N. Rev. d. d. Mondes. 8m. Sq. T. T. f. 15. T. f. G. T. F. H. T. L. Tr. Trav. Lib. Fict. V. W. S. C. L. W. T. B. Novels and tales from House- No date. [hold Words. New York. Novels. Philadelphia. Political. Popular. Pseudonym. Part. Roscoe s German novelists. Roscoe s Italian novelists. Revue des deux Mondes. Small. Square. Tome. Tales from Blackwood. Tales from the German. Talcs of female heroism [ry. Theological and religious libra- Translated, Translation. Traveller s library : fiction. Volume, Volumes. [ry. Waldie s Select circulating libra- Wilson s Tales of the borders. I M VKRSITV O PEOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JL. A. L. O. B. (pseud.) See TUCKER, Mits C. Abandoned. Ft. 2 of Mysterious island. J.VERNE 39: 3680 Abbe, * * * L - (pseud.) See DELeON. AbbeTigrane. Ferdinand FABRE 37: 1961 Abbey, The. U. G. F. GORE 37: 3187 Abbot The. Sequel to the Monastery. Sir \V. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v *39: 13 19-20 The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1356 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1363 The same 39: 1380 The same. Household ed. 2v 39:1415-16 The same. Pocketed 39: 1461 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1470 Abbott, Jacob, (b. 1803.) AON Kg, A Franconia story. N. Y. n. d. 12 35: 21 ALCOVE. The. In H. S. B. v. 8 35: 43 AUGUST and Elvie. N. Y. 1871. 12 35: AUNT -Margaret; or, how John True kept his resolutions. In H. S. B. v.9 35: 44 BEECHNUT, a Franconia story. N. Y. n. d. 12" 35: BKUNO. In H. S. B. v. 1 35: 36 CALEB in the country. N. Y. n. d. 18 35: 24 CALEB in town. N. Y. n. d. 18... 35: 25 CARL and Jocko. In H. S. B. v. 10. 35: 45 CAROLINE, a Franconia story. N. Y. n. d. 12 35: 26 CONGO. In H. S. B. v. 12 35: 47 COUSIN Lucy among the mountains. Bost. n. d. 18 35: 27 DIALOGUES. In H. S. B. v. 8 35: 43 ELFRKD. In H. S. B. v. 6 35: 41 EI.I.EN Linn, a Franconia story. N. Y. n. d. 12 35: 28 EMMA. In H. S. B. v. 2 35: ENGINEER, The. In H. S. B. v. 7... 35: 42 ENGLISH Channel, The. N. Y. 1868. ]6 35: 29 EXCURSION to the Orkney Islands. N.Y. 1867. 16 35: 30 FLORENCE and John. N. Y. 1867. 16 35: 31 FLORENCE S return. N.Y. 1869. 16. 35: 32 FRANKLIN. In II. S. B. v. 4 35: 39 GIBRALTAR gallery. In H. S. B. v. 8. 35: 43 GRANVILLE valley. N. Y. 1872. 12. 35: 33 GREAT elm, The. In II. S. B. v. 9. 35: 44 GRIMKIE. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 34 HANDIE. N.Y. 1860. 16 35: 35 Abbott, Jacob, (continued.) HARPER Establishment, The. In H. S. B. v. 4 35: 39 HUNTER and Tom. N.Y. 1871. 12. 35: 48 JASPER. In H. S. B. v. 11 35: 46 JOHN True. In H. S. B. v. 6 35: 41 JONAS a judge. N. Y. n. d. 18... 35: 49 JONAS on a farm in summer. N. Y. n. d. 18 35: 50 JONAS on a farm in winter. N. Y. n. d. 18 35: 51 JONAS S stories ; related to Rollo and Lucy. N.Y. n. d. 18 35: 52 JUDGE Justin. In H. S. B. v. 11.... 35: 46 LAPSTONE. In H. S. B. v. 10 35: 45 LITTLE Louvre. In H. S. B. v. 2... 35: LITTLE Paul. In H. S. B. v. 12 35: 47 MALLEVILLE, a Franconia story. N. Y. n. d. 12 35: 53 MARCO Paul at the Springfield ar mory. N.Y. n.d. 16 35: 58 MARCO Paul in Boston. N. Y. n. d. 16 35: 54 MARCO Paul in New York. N. Y. n.d. 16 35: 57 MARCO Paul in the forests of Maine. N.Y. n.d. 16 35: 56 MARCO Paul in Vermont. N. Y. n. d. 16 35: 59 MARCO Paul on the Erie canal. N. Y. n. d. 16 35: 55 MARY Bell, a Franconia story. N. Y. n.d. 12 35: 60 MARY Erskinc, a Franconia story. N. Y. n. d. 12 35: 61 MINIOO. / H. SB. v. 11 35: 46 MUSEUM, The. / H. S. B. v. 6 35: 41 ORKNEY, the peacemaker. In H. S. B. v. 10 35: 45 FRANK. In H. S. B. v. 2 35: 37 RAMBLES among the Alps. In H. S. B. v. 7 35: 42 RODOLPHUS, a Franconia story. N. Y. n.d. 12 35: 62 ROLLO at play. N. Y. 1869. 18.. 35: 63 ROLLO at school. N. Y. 1869. 18 35: 64 ROLLO at work. N. Y. 1869. 18 35: 65 ROLLO in Geneva. N.Y. 1869. 16 35: 66 ROLLO in Holland. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 67 ROLLO in London. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 68 ROLLO in Naples. N.Y. 1869. 16 35: 69 ROLLO in Paris. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 70 ROLLO in Rome. N.Y. 1869. 16 35: 71 ROLLO in Scotland. N. Y. 1869. 16.... 35: 72 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ABBOTT. ADAM. Abbott, Jacob, (continued.) EOLLO in Swizerland. N. Y. 1869. 16 BOLLO learning to read. N. Y. 1869. 18 ROLLO learning to talk. N. Y. 1869. 18 BOLLO on the Atlantic. N. Y. 1869. 16 BOLLO on the Rhine. N. Y. 1869. 16 BOLLO S correspondence. N. Y. 1869. 18 BOLLO S experiments. N. Y. 1868. 18 BOLLO S museum. N. Y. 1868. 18 BOLLO S philosophy air. N. Y. 1869. 18 BOLLO S philosophy fire. N. Y. 1869. 18 BOLLO S philosophy sky. N. Y. 1855. 18 BOLLO S philosophy water. N. Y. 1869. 18 BOLLO S travels. N. Y. 1869. 18 BOLLO S vacation. N. Y. 1869. 18 SCHOONER Mary Ann, The. N. Y. 1872. 12 SCIENCE for the young force. N. Y. 1873. 12 SCIENCE for the young heat. N. Y. 1871. 12 SCIENCE for the young light. N. Y. 1871. 12 SCIENCE for the young water and land. N. Y. 1872. 12 SELLING Lucky. N. Y. n. d. 16 BAINBOW S journey. N. Y. 1860. 16 STORY of American history, The. In H. S. B. v. 5 STORY of ancient history, The. In H. S. B. v. 5 STORY of English historv, The. In H. S. B. v. 5 .". STRAIT gate, The. In H. S. B. v. 1 ... STUDIO, The. In 11. S. B. v. 4 35: STUYVESANT, a Franconia story. N. Y. n.d. 12 35: THREE gold dollars, The. In H. S. B. v. 7 THREE pines. N. Y. 1860. 16 TIMBOO and Fanny. In H. S. B. v. 3 TIMHOO and Joliba. In H. S. B. v. 3 UP the river. N. Y. 1861. 16... VERNON. In H. S. B. v. 9 VIOLA. In H. S. B. v. 12 VIRGINIA. In H. S. B. v. 3 VISIT to the Isle of Wight. N. Y. 1869. 16 WALLACE, a Franconia story. N. Y. n.d. 12 WILLIE and the mortgage. lull. S. B. v. 1 Abbott, Lyman. (b. 1835.) LAICUS; or, the experience of a lay man in a country parish. N. Y. 1872. 12 Abbott, Bosa. I pseud.) See PARKER, B. Y. A. Abdallah. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 3 39: Abdallah ; or, the four-leaved sham rock. E. R. L. LABOULAYE 38: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35; 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 8"> 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 40 40 40 36 39 94 42 95 38 38 96 44 47 38 97 98 36 150 1C38 1255 Abduction, The. Alex. LEIUHTON. In W. T. B. v. 5 4O: 1715 Abdy, Mrs. FAMILY interference. In W. S. C. L. v. 9 34: 4179 The same 15: 4919 Abednego, the money lender. 0. G. F. CioiiE 37: 3188 Abel Drake s wife. J. SAUXDERS 39: 1137 Aboard the Evelyn Brown. 11. Sri- CBR, In Bound to please, v. 2.... 39: 2006 About, Kdinond Fraii9ois Valentin. (b. 1828.) FULL AH, The. (Le Fellah, souvenirs d Eyypte.) Tr. by Kir B. Boberts. Lond. 1870. sm. 8 35: 165 GKRMAINK. (Ocrmaine. Deuxi ine serie des Manages de Paris ) Tr. by M. L. Booth. Bost. 1860. 12. .. 35: 1(50 KING of the mountains, The. {Le roi des montaynes.) Tr. by M. L. Booth. Bost. 1861. 12 35: 167 MAUELON. (Madelon.) N. Y. 1863. 8 35: 168 MAX with the broken ear, The. (L homme it Voreille casse e.) Tr. bv H. Holt. N. Y. 1872. 16 .". 35: 169 NOTARY S nose. The. (Le nez-tfun notiiire.) Tr. by. H. Holt. N. Y. 1874. 16 35: 170 ROUGE et noir : a tale of Haden- Budcn. (lioiige et noir.) Tr. by E. B. Phil. 1873. 12 35: 171 TOLLA, a tale of modern Borne 35: 172 Above tempest and tide. S. VERENA 39: 3660 Abraham Page, Esq. A novel. J. S. Holt 37: 4615 Absent man, The. In W. S. C. L. v. 14 *15: 4024 Absentee, The. M. EDO E WORTH. In N. and T. v. 5 37: 1500 Abu Said Abd al Malik Ibn Kumib al Asmai ANTAK, a Bedoueen romance. Tr. from the Arabic bv Terrick Hamil ton. Lond. 1819. sm. 8 35: 177 Accomplishments, modern. 0. SINCLAIR 39: 1T30 Account of a consulate, An. D. G. MITCHELL. In Seven stories 38: 3013 Ace <>f clubs, The. J. BANIM. In Bit o writin 35: 1531 Achille: a confession of folly. F. W. ROBINSON. In Girl s romance 39: 485 Achsah : a New-England life study Rev. P. PENNOT 38: 4332 Acland, Lady Harriet. In T. F. H... 4O: 2658 Acorn, The. Mrs. C. B. CHARLES. / Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Acquitted. Mrs. G. SMYTIIIES. 3v. 39: 1981-3 Across the street. E. D. E. N. SOUTH- WORTH. In Wife s victory 39: 2042 Acte <>f Corinth; or, the convert of St. Paul. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 960 Actions speak louder than words. K. J. NEELY 38: 3538 Acton Bell (pseud.) See BRONT<!, Anno. Adam Bede. Mrs. M. J. LEWES (George MM) 38: 1700 Thesame , 38: 1701 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 1702 Adam Bell. J. HOGG. In Winter evening tales 37: 4521 Adam Blair. J. ti. LOCKHAHT 38: 1841 PEOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ADAM. ADAMS. Adam Brown, the merchant. II. SMITH. 3v. in 1 39: 1858 Adam Huff. I). (W.) JERROI.D 38: 325 Adam Graeme of Jlossgray. M. ((). W.) OMIMIANT . . 38: 3830 Adams, Charles. ( Timothy Temple- ton.} BOYS at home. N. Y. 1870. \2... 35: 182 EDGAR Clifton , or, right and wrong. N. Y. 1870. 12 35: 183 Adams, F. Colburn MANTEL Percira: sovereign rule in South Carolina. Wash. "l853. 12 35: 193 OUTCAST, An; or, virtue and faith. N. Y. 1861. 12 35: 104 STORY of a trooper. With much of interest concerning the campaign on the peninsula not before written. N. Y. 1865. 12 D 35: 195 VON Toodleburgs, Tlie ; or, the history of a very distinguished family. Phil. 1868. 12 .".. 35: 196 Adams, Mrs. H. A. DAWN. Boat. 1868. 12 35: 206 Adams, Rev. H. C. TALES of Nethercourt. Lond. 1876. 16 35: 209 WHITE Brunswickers, The; or. rem iniscences of school-boy life. Lond. 1865. 16 35; 210 Adams, Nehemiiih (b. VJ06.) SAKLK Cloud, The: a southern tale. Bost. 1866. 12 35: 220 Adams, William T. (Oliver Optic). t ALL aboard ; or, life on the lake. A sequel to the Boat club. Bost. 1874. 16 35: 230 BEAR and forbear; or, the young skipperof lake Ucavga. Bost. 1874. 16 ." 35: 231 BIVOUAC and battle; or, the strug gles of a soldier. Host. 1874. 16 35: 232 BOAT club, The; or, the bunkers of Rippleton. Bost. 1867. 16 35; 233 BRAKE up; or, the young peacemak ers. Bost. 1875. 16 35; 234 BRAVE old salt ; or, life on the quarter deck. A story of the great rebel lion. Bost. 1874. 16 35; 235 BREAKING away ; or, the fortunes of a student. Bost. 1874. 16 35: 236 CARELESS Kate. Bost. n. d. 18... 35; 237 COMING wave, The; or, the hidden treasure of High Hock. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 238 CRINGLE and cross-tree; or, the sea swashes of a sailor. Host. 1875. 16 35; 239 CROSS and crescent; or, young Amer ica in Turkey and Greece. A story of travel and adventure. Bost. 1874. 16 35; 240 DESK and debit; or, the catastrophes of a clerk. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 241 DIKES and ditches ; or young Amer ica in Holland and Belgium. Bost. 1875. 16 35; 242 DOLLY and I. Bost. 1872. 18 35: 243 DORCAS club; or, our girls afloat. Bost. 1875. 16 35; 244 DOWN the Rhine; or, young Amer ica in Germany. Bost. 1875. 16. 35; 245 DOWN the river; or. Buck Bradford and his tyrants. Bost. 1875. 16. 35; 246 Adams, William T., (continued.) FIELD and forest; or, the fortunes of a farmer. Bost. 1875. 16 35; 247 FIGHTING Joe; or, the fortunes of a staff officer. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 248 FREAKS of fortune; or, half round the world. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 249 GOING west; or, the perils of a poor boy. Bost. I87C. 16 35: 291 HASTK and waste; or, the young pilot. Host. 1870. 16 " 35; 250 Horn and have; or, Fanny Grunt among the Indians. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 251 IN doors and out; or, views from the chimney corner. Bost. 1876. 12 35: 293 IN school and out; or, the conquest of Richard Grant. Bost. 1876. 16. 35; 252 ISLES of the sea; or, young America homeward bound. Bost. 1876. 16. 35: 253 LIGHTNING express; or, the rival academies. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 254 LITTI.K Bobtail; or, the wreck of the Penobscot. Bost. 1874. 16 35; 255 LITTI.K by little; or, the cruise of the Flyaway. Bost. 1871. 16 35: 256 LITTI.K merchant, The. Bost. n. d. 18 35: 257 MAKE or break; or, the rich man s daughter. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 258 MONET makers, The ; or, the victory of the basilisks. Bost. 1875. 16. 35: 259 NORTHKKN lands; or, young Amer ica in Russia and Prussia. Bost 1872. 16 35; 260 Now or never; or, the adventures of Hobby Hright. Bost. 1865. 16. 35: 261 OcEAN-born; or, the cruise of the clubs. Host. 1875. 16 35: 290 ON time; or, the young captain of the Ucayga steamer. Bost. 1875. 10 35: 262 OUTWARD Hound; or, young Amer ica afloat. Bost. 1874. 16 35: 263 PAI.ACK and cottage; or, young America in France and .Switzer land. A story of travel and ad venture. Bost. 1870. 16 35: 264 PLANK and plank; or, the mishaps of a mechanic. Bost. 1872. 16 35: 265 Poor and proud; or, the fortunes of Katie Kedburn. A story for young folks. Bost. 1875. 16 35; 266 PROUD and lazy : a story for little folks. Bost. 1867. 18 35: 267 RED cross, The; or, young America in England and Wales. Bost. 1875. 16 35; 268 RICH and humble; or, the mission of Bertha Grant. Bost. 1875. 16.. 35: 269 ROHINSON Crusoe, Jr. Bost. n. d. 18. 35: 270 SAILOR boy, The; or, Jack Somers in the navy. Bost. 1870. 16 35: 271 SEA and shore; or, the tramps of a traveler. Host. 1872. 16 35: 272 SKEK and find; or, the adventures of a smart boy. Bost. 1873. 16... 35: 273 SHAMROCK and thistle ; or, young America in Ireland and Scotland. Bost. 1870. 16 35: 274 SOLDIER boy, The; or, Tom Somers in the Army. Bost. 1873. 16... 35: 275 STARRY flag, The; or, the young fish erman of Cape Ann. Bost. 1868. 16 35: 276 SUNNY shores; or, young America in Italy and Austria. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 277 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ADAMS. ADVENTVRES. Adams, William T., (continued.} SWITCH oft ; or, the war of the stu dents. Bost. 1873. 16 35: THROUGH by daylight; or, the young engineer of the Lake Shore Rail road. Bost. 1875. 16 35: TRY again ; or, the trials and tri umphs of Harry West. Bost. 1875. 16 35: UP the Baltic; or young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Bost. 1873. 16 35: VINK and olive; or, young America in Spain and Portugal. Bost. 1876. 16 35: WATCH and wait; or, the young fugi tives. A story for young people. Bost. 1871. 16 35: WAY of the world, The. Bost. 1872. 12 35: WORK and win; or, Noddy Newman on a cruise. Bost. 1874. 16 35: YACHT club, The; or, the young boat-builders. Bost. 1874. 10... 35: YANKEE middy, The; or, the adven tures of a naval officer. Bost. 1873. 16 35: YOUNG lieutenant, The; or, the ad ventures of an army officer. Bost. 1874. 16 35: YOUNG voyagers, The. Bost. n. d. 18 ". 35: SEK.IES. Note. For the shelf numbers of the follow ing stories, see the alphabetical arrange ment above. Army and navy stories. 1. Soldier boy. 2. Sailor boy. 3. Young lieutenant. Boat Club Series. 1. Boat club. 2. All ab ard. 3. Now or never. Lake shore series. 1. Through by daylight. 2. Lightning express. 3. On time. Riverdale story books. 1. Little merchant. 2. Young voyagers. 3. Dolly and I. 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 4. Yankee middy. 5. Fighting Joe. 6 Brave old salt. Little by little. Try again. Sailor boy series. 1. Sailor boy. 8. Poor and proud. 4. Switch-off. 5. Brnke up. 6. Bear and forbear. 4. Proud and lazy. 5. Ca eless Kate. 6. Robinson Crusoe, jr. 3. Brave old salt. | 2. Yankee middy. Soldier boy series. 1. Soldier boy. 3. Fighting Joe. Starry flag series. 1. Starry flag. 2. Freaks of fortune. 3. Breaking away. Upward and onward series. 1. Field and forest. 2. Plane and plank. 3. Desk and debit. Woodville stories. 1. Rich and humble. 2. In sch >ol and out. 3. Watch and wait. Yacht club series. 1 Little bobtail. 2. Yacht club. 6. | 2. Young lieutenant. Seek and find. Make or break. Down the river. 4. Cringle and cross-tree. 5. Bivouac and battle. 6. Sea and shore. 0. Work and win. Hope and have. Haste and waste. 13. Money maker. 4. Coming wave. Dorcas club. Young America abroad. First series. 1. Outward bound. I 3. Red cross. 2. Shamrock and this- 4. Dikes and ditches, tie. 6. Palace and cottage. 6. Down the Rhine. Young America abroad. Second series. Up the Baltic. 2. Northern Nnds. 3. Cross and crescent. 4. Sunny shores. 5. Vine and olive. 6. Isles of the sea. Addison, Joseph. (1672 1719). SIR Roger de Coverley. In Trav. Lib. Fict. v. 2 4O: 1692 Adela Cathcart. G. MACDONALD. 3v 38: 2151-3 The same 38: 2154 Adelaide Lindsay. A. MARSH 38: 2590 Adele. .1. KAVANAGH 38: 660 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 38: 661-3 Adeler, Max (pseud). Xee Clark, C. H Adeline Mowbray. Mrs. A. OPIB. In Works 38: 3901 Adelmar, the templar. Abbe II. * * * 37: 3725 Adine and the seal. E. HAMERTON. In Mirror of truth 37: 3900 Admiral s daughter, The. A. MARSH 38: 2591 Adopted child. C. BURDETT 35: 3:i59 Adopted child. Miss G. E. JEWS- BURY 38: 367 Adopted heir. J. PARDOE 38: 4145 Adopted son. (W.) W. COLLINS, /re "Queen s revenge." 35: 4581 Adrian. G. P. E. JAMES 38: 100 Adrift in Pixie; or, a Yankee among the rebels. H. L. ESTAUROOKS 37: 3031 Adrift on the sea. E. M. NORRIS 38: 3663 Adrift with a vengeance. K. CORN- WALLIS 35: 4867 Adventures >n the land of the Behe- moth. J. VERNE 39: 3G81 Adventures in the northwest terri tory. /T.f. B. v. 9, y> 4O: 1697 Adventures in Texas. K. POSTKL. In T. f. B. V. 5, 6 4O: 1695 Adventures of an aide-de-camp. J. GRANT 37: 3299 Adventures of an attorney in search ofpractice 39: 2191 Adventures of a brownie. D. M. CRAIK 35: 4905 Adventures of Caleb Williams. W. GODWIN 37: 3096 The same. 2v.ini 37: 3097 Adventures of Captain Blake, The. W. H. MAXWELL 38: 2740 The same 38: 2741 Adventures of Captain Farrago. H. H. BRACKENRIDGE 35: 2507 Adventures of Captain Grant. J. GRANT 37: 3316 Adventures of Captain O Sullivan. W. H. MAXWELL 38: 2742 Adventures of a day, The. In W. S. C. L. v. 10 34: 4180 The same 15: 4920 Adventures of Dr. Brady. W. II. RUSSKLL 39: 763 Adventures of Harry Franco. C. F. BRIOOS 35: 2814 Adventures of Harry Richmond. G. MEREDITH. 3v 38: 2901-3 Adventures of Johnny Ironsides. J. GIRAKDIN . 37: 3046 Adventures of Major O Regan. H. H. BRACKENRIDGE 35: 2507 Adventures of a marquis. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 961 Adventures of Mr. Led bury. A. SMITH 39: 1808 Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. E. BRADLEY 35: 2600 The same 35: 2601 Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. T. SMOLLETT, /re Works 39: 1970 The same. Illustrated 39: 1971 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ADVENTURES. B AlMARD. Adventures of Philip. W. M. THACKERAY 39: 2904 The same 39: 2905 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 290G Adventures of Kob Roy, The. J. GRANT 37: 3300 Adventures of Kobin Day. R. M. BIRD 35: 2116 Adventures of a young naturalist. L. BIART 35: 2085 Advocate s wedding-day. C. CROWE. In L. C. v. 8 4O: 1C18 .^Enone. A tale of slave-life in Kome. L. KIP. [anon.] 38: 1038 JEsopus. vEsop s fables. With upwards of one hundred and fifty emblematical de vices. Lond. 1821. 32 *33: 466 The same. With life of the author. N. Y. 1869. 16 33: 466a The same. A new version, chiefly from original sources, by liev. Thomas James. N. Y. n. d. 16. 33: 46Gb The same. Tr. by S. GROXALL. Edinb. n. d. 16 33: 467 Afloat ixnd ashore. J. F. COOPER 35: 4720 The same 35: 4721 Afloat in the forest. M.REID 39: 230 African crusoes. Mrs. R. LEK 38: 1441 After the ball. Mrs. A. OPIE. In Works 38: 3903 After liaxtow s death. M. FARROW... 37:2010-12 After dark. (W.) W. COLLINS 35: 4540 After life. Sequel to Home life. E. M. SKWEI.I 39: 1570 After n shadow, and other stories. T. 8. ARTHUR 35: 765 Contents: After a shadow. In the way of temptation. Andy Lovell. A mystery ex plained. What can I do? On guard. A visit with the doctor. Hadn t time for trouble. A good name. L ttle Lizzie. Alice and the pigeon. Dressed tor a party. Coffee v.s. brandy. Amy s question. An angel in disguise. Which was most thelft ly. Other people s eyes. After the storm. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 76G After years. W. J. BRADLEY 35: 2630 Against the stream. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES 35: 4066 Against wind and tide. H. PARR. (Holme Lee.) 38: 4191 Against the world. J. R. HADKR- MANN 37: 3821 Agatha Beaufort. Same as Family pride 4O: 2159 Agatha s husband. D. M. CRAIK.... 35: 4906 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 4907 Aged rabbi, The. B. S. INOEMANN. In Danes sketched by themselves. v. 3 4O: 1532 Agent of Broome warren, The. Lond. 1871. 3v. sm8 4O: 2003-5 Agincourt. G. P. R. JAMES 38: lui Agnes. A Franconia story. J. AB BOTT 35: 21 Agnes. A novel. M. (O. W.) OLI- I HANT 38: 38. )! The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 3832 Agnes. M. H. (G.) PIKK 38: 4512 Agnes and her neighbors. F. L. PRATT 38: 4681 Agnes and Katie in service. Lond. n. d. 18 4O: 2000 Agnes Grey. With Wuthering heights. A. BRONTC 35; 2886 Agnes Hilton. M. I. HOFFMAN 37: 4505 Agnes Hopetoun s schools and holi days. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT 38: 3833 Agnes Lee. In N. and T. v. 5 4O: 1645 Agnes of Sorrento. H. (E.) B. STOWK. 39: 2320 Agnes Sorel. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 162 Agnes Wentworth. S. H. PALFREY. (E. Fozton.) 38: 4100 Agnew, K. C. GKRAI.DINK: a tale of conscience. By E. C. A. N. Y. 1873. 12... 35: 330 Agrippina : the great empress. S. DuVuuK 37; 390 Aguilar. Grace. (1816-1847.) DAYS of Bruce. N. Y. 1868. 2 v. 12 35: 340-41 HOMK influence: a tale Cor mothers and daughters. N. Y. 1873. 12. 35: 342 The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35; 343 HOMK scenes and heart studios. N. Y. 1874. 12 35; 341 MOTHER S recompense, The. Sequel to Home influence. N. Y. 1868. 12 35; 346 The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1 sq. 1G D 35; 347 VALE of cedars, The; or, the martyr. N. Y. 18G8. 12 35: 348 WOMAN S friendship. X. Y. 1867. 12 35; 349 Ahsahgunushk NumamahtHhseng ; or, the reed-shaken-by-the-wind. 11. W. HERBERT. In" Chevaliers of France 37; 4353 Aide, Hamilton. CARR of Carrlvon. A novel. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. sq 16 35: 359 IN that state of life. Leip. 1871. sq. 16 35; 361 SIAKSTONB, The. A novel. Leip. 1868. 2v.ini. sq!G 35: 362 MR. and Mrs. Faulconbridge. Bost. [1875.] 8 35; 3G3 MORALS and mysteries 35: 364 NINE days wonder, A. Bost. 1875. 8 35; 367 PENRUDDOCKE. Bost. 1875. 8 35: 365 RITA: an autobiography. Leip. 1859. sq 16 35; 366 Aiken, John (1747-1822) and Mrs. Anna Letitia (Aikin) Barbauld. EVENINGS at home; or, the juvenile budget opened. Edinb. n. d. 16. 35: 380 Aileen Ferrers. A novel. S. MOR- LF.Y 38: 3150 Ailey Moore: a tale of the times. father BAPTIST 35; 1551 Aimard, Gustave. (b. 1818.) BORDER rifles, The. (Les rodeurs des frontiers.) Phil. n. d. 8 35; 387 F it EK HOOTERS, The. (Les francs ti- reurs.) Phil. n. d. 8 35: 388 (TOLD seekers, The. ( La fifvre if or.?) Phil. n. d. 8 35: 389 INDIAN chief, The. ( Valentin Guil- loit.9) Phil. n. d. 8 35; 390 INDIAN scout, The; or, life on the frontier. (L Cclaircur.) Phil. n. d. 8 35; 40C, PIRATES of the prairies. The. (Let pirates des prairies.) Phil. n. d. 8 35: 394 PRAIKI K flower. The. (Balle-franche.l) Phil. n. d. 8 35; 395 RKIIKI. chief, The: a tale of guerilla life. Phil. n. d. 8 35: 402 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. AIM ARK. ALDIUCH. Aimard, (continued.) KED track, The. (Curumilla. ) Phil. n. d. 8 35: TIOEK slayer, The: a tale of the In dian desert. (Le lion du desert, scenes de la vie indienne dans les prairies.) Phil. n. d. 8 35: TRAIL hunter, The: a tale of the far west. (Le chercheur de pistes.) Phil. n. d. 8 35: TRAPPER S daughter, The. Phil. n. d. 8 35: WHITE scalper, The: a story of the Texan war. (Le scalpeur blanc.) Phil. n. d. 8 35: 397 403 401 404 405 1. Trail hunter. 2. Pirates ot the prairies. 3. Trapper s daughter. 1 . Ticer slayer. 2. Gold seekers. 3. Indian chief. 4. Ked track. HI. Border rifles. Freebooters. White scalper. IV. Prairie (lower. Indian scout. Aimee. A tale of the days of James II. A. GIBERNE 37: Aims and obstacles. G. P. K.JAMES. 38: 29G2 J63 Aimwell stories. W. SIMONDS. 7 v. 39:1704-10 Contents : 1. Oscar. [39:1709.1 2. Clinton. [:HI: 1704.1 a. Ella. |39:l?Oo.J 7. Jerry. 4. Whistler. [30:1710.] 5. Marcus. [311:1708.] 6. Jessie. [39:1707.] [39:1706.] See Aimwell, Walter (pseud. ) SIMONDS, W. Ainslee stories. H. C. WEEKS 4O: Ainslie, Herbert (pseud.) See MAIT- LAND, E. Ainsworth, William Harrison, (b. 1805.) CARDINAL Pole; or, the days of Philip and Mary. A romance. Leip. 1803. 2 v in 1. sq 16 CONSTABLE de Bourbon. Leip. 1806. 2 v. in 1. sq. !C CONSTABLE of the tower. Leip. 1861. sq. 16 CBICHTON. A historical romance. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 12 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 10 The same *15: FLITCH of bacon ; or, the custom of Dunmow. Leip. 1854. sq. 16 HILARY St. Ives. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 JACK Sheppard. A romance. Leip. 1846. sq. 16 JOIIN Law, the projector. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq 16 D LANCASHIRE witches, The ; a ro mance of Pendle forest. Leip. 1849. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 LORD mayor of London, The ; or, city life in the last century. Lond. n. d. sm. 8 The same. Leip. 1862. 2v.ini. sq. 16 MERRY England; or, nobles and serfs. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 MERVYN Clitheroe. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 MYDDLKTON Pomfret. A novel. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 OLD court. A novel. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 OLD Saint Paul s. Lond. n. d. 8 291 35: 35: 35: 35: 34: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 411 412 413 414 4180 4920 415 417 418 419 420 421 422 35: 423-5 35: 35: 35: 35; 420 428 429 430 Ainsworth, (continued.) OVINQDEAN Grange. Leip. 1860. sq. 16 35; 431 SAINT James s ; or, the court of Queen Anne. Leip. 1844. sq. 16 35: 433 SOUTH sea bubble, The. Leip. 1 868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 434 SPANISH match, The. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 435 SPENDTHRIFT, The. A tale. Leip. 1856. sq. 16 35: 436 STAR chamber, The. Leip. 1854. 2v.ini. sq. 16 35: 437 TALHOT Harland. Leip. 1870. sq. 10 35: 438 TOWER hill. Leip. 1871. sq. 16.. 35: 439 TOWER of London. An historical romance. Lond. n. d. 16 35: 440 The same. Pictorial, with index. Phil. n. d. 8 35: 441 WINDSOR castle. A romance. Leip. 1844. sq. 16 35: 442 Alamance. C. H. WILEY 4O: 495 Alban: the history of a young puri tan. J. V. HUNTINOTON 37:4860-61 Albatross, The. W. H. G. KING STON 38: 985 Albert Hastings. A novel. M. S. WHITAKER. 4O: 303 Albert Limbacli ; or, a martyr to the fair. A. F. LANGBEIN. &. G. N. v. 4 4O: 1563 Albert Lunel. II. BROUGHAM 35: 2956 Alchemist, The- H. de BALZAC 35: 1510 Alcott, Louisa May. AUNT Jo s scrap bag. Bost. 1872. 2 v. 16 35: 455-6 HOSPITAL sketches. Bost. 1869. 16 35: 457 LITTLK men : life at Plumtield with Jo s boys. Bost. 1871. 16 35: 458 LITTLK women : or, May, Jo, Beth, and Amy. Bost. 1875. 2 v. 16 35: 459-60 MOODS. Bost. 1865. 16 35: 401 MORNING glories ; and other stories. N. Y. 1871. 16 35: 462 OLD fashioned girl, An. Bost. 1870. 10 i 35: 463 THREE proverb stories. Bost. 1871. 16 35: 464 WORK : a story of experience. Bost. 1873. 16 35: 465 Alcove, The. J. AHHOTT. In H. S. B. v. 8 35: 43 Alden, 3/rs. Isabella M. (Pansy). ESTER Kied; or, asleep and awake. Cin. 1870. 12 35: 480 JULIA Ried. Cin. 1872. 12 35: 481 Alden of Aldenholme. A novel. G. SMITH. Lond. 1873. 3v. sm. 8 39: 1831-3 Aldersleigh. A tale. C. J. RIETH- MiiLLER. Lond. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 39: 416 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, (b. 1836)... MAR.IOKIE Daw, and other people. Bost. 1873. 16 35: 492 The same. [In French]. In Rev. d.d.Mondes. t. 105 *11: OUT of his head. A romance. N. Y. 1802. 12 35: 493 PRUDENCE Palfrey. A novel. Bost. 1874. 12 35: 494 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. Aumicn. ALL. Aldrich, (continued.) The same. [In French]. In Rev. d.d.Mondes. t. 111,112 *11: STORY of a bad boy, The. Host. 1873. 16 ." 35: 495 Alec Forbes of Howglen. G. MAC- DONALD 38: 2ir.5 Alexander, Mrs. II KR dearest foe. N. Y. 1876. 16 35: 512 RALPH Wilton s weird. A novel. N. Y. 1875. 16 35: 515 WHICH shall it be? A novel. N. Y. 1874. 16 35: 516 WOOING o t, The. A novel. N. Y. 1873. 16 35: 517 Alexis the runaway. R. Y. A. PAR KER 38: 4171 Alfred Hagart s household. A. SMITH. Loud. 1866. 2 v. 8 39:1816-17 Alfred, King, the great. In Tales of Heroes 4O: 2670 Al?er, Horatio, Jr. (b. 1836). BEN, the luggage boy; or, among the wharves. Bost. 1870. 16... 35: 530 BOUND to rise; or, Harry Walton s motto. Bost. 1873. 16 35: 531 BRAVE and bold; or, the fortunes of a factory boy. Bost. 1874. 16.. 35: 532 CHARLIE Codman s cruise. Bost. 1867. 12 35: 533 FAME and fortune; or, the progress of Richard Hunter. Bost. 1868. 16 35: 534 FRANK S Campaign. The farm and camp. Bost. n. d. 16 35: 535 HKKUKRT Carter s legacy ; or, the .in ventor s son. Bost. 1875. 16... 35: 553 JULIUS; or, the street boy out west. Bost. 1874. 16 35: 536 LUCK and pluck; or, John Oakley s inheritance. Bost. 1871. 16 35: 537 MARK, the match boy; or, Richard Hunter s ward. Bost. n. d. 16.. 35: 538 PAUL, the peddler; or, the adventures of a young street merchant. Bost. n. d." 16 35: 539 PAUL Prescott s charge. Bost. n. d. 16 35: 540 PHIL, the fiddler; or, the story of a young street musician. Bost. 1872, 16 35: 541 RAOGED Dick; or, street life in New York with the boot blacks. Bost. 1868. 16 35: 542 RISKN from the ranks; or, Harry Walton s success. Bost. n. d. 16 J . 35: 543 RouflH and ready; or, life among the New York news-boys. Bost. 1869. 16 ". 35: 544 RUFUS and Rose; or, the fortunes of Rough and ready. Bost. !870. 16. 35: 545 SAM S chance; and how he improved it. Bost. 1876. 16 35: 554 SINK or swim; or Harry Raymond s resolve. Bost. 1870. 16 35: 546 SLOW and sure; or, from the street to the shop. Bost. n. d. 16 35: 047 STKIVK and succeed; or, the progress of Walter Conrad. Bost. n.d. 16. 35: 548 STKONCI and steady; or, paddle your own canoe. Bost. n.d. 16 35: 549 TATTKRKD Tom; or, the story of a street Arab. Bost. 1871. 16.... 35: 550 TRY and trust; or, the story of a bound boy. Bost. n. d. 16 35: 551 35: Alger, (continued.) YOUNG outlaw, The ; or, adrift in the streets. Bost. 1875. 16 SKI,IES. Note For the shelf number? of the follow ing stories see the alphabetical arrange- ment Hbove. Campaign Series. 1. Frank s campaign. I 2. Paul 3. Charlie Codman : Luck and pluck series. FlhST. 1. Luck and pluck. 2. Sink or swim. 3. Strong and steady. 4. Strive and succeed. Ragyed Dickse-ieii. I Ragged iJiok. 2. Faint- and fortune. :i. Mark, the match boy. Tattered Toin series. FIB ST. 1. Tattered Tom. a. I niil, the peddler. 3. I hil, the fiddler. 4. Slow and sure. Algeria, tales of. A. (D.) DUMAS 21: Alic s bride. Miss E. JOLLY 38: Alice ; or, the mysteries. E. G. E. L. BuLWKBr- LTTTOB 35: The same. Tauchnitz cd 35: Alice Arran. Sequel to Prince Charles. J. F. SMITH 39: Alice Brand. A romance of the cap ital. A. G. RIDDLE 39: Alice Benden ; or, the bowed shilling, and other tales. C. K. TOXNA 39: Alice Dale s offers. F. W. ROBINSON. In Girl s Romance 39: 552 Alice Franklin. M. HOWITT Alice Learmont. D. M. CRAIK. With A hero Alice Lorraine. A tale of the south downs. R. D. BLACKMORK Alice Melleville. T. S. ARTHUR. With Mary Ellis The same. In Tales from real life Alice Murray. M. I. HOFFMAN 37: Alice Neville and Kiversdale. C. E. BOWKX 35: Alice Itiordan. M. A. M. SADLIER ... 39: Alice Seymour. Mrs. E. C. GRKY 37: Alice Sherwin. A tale of the da\s of Sir Thomas More. C. J. M..." 38: Alice s adventures in wonderland. C. L. DODGSON 37: Alicia Warlock : a mystery, and other stories. (W.) W. COLLINS 35: Alide : an episode of Goethe s life. E. LAZARUS 38: All aboard; or, life on the lake. Sequel to the Boat club. W. T. ADAMS... 35: All for the best. D. M. CRAIK. In Domestic stories 35: All for greed. A. A. A. Leip. 1868- sq 16 4O: All for love; or, the outlaw s bride. E. A. DUPUY 37: All-hallow eve; or, the test of futur ity, and other stories. N. Y. n. d. 8 4O: Contents: All -hallow eve. Unconverted. Jenefer s prayer. All in the dark. J. S. LE FANTT 38: All in the wrong. T. (E.) HOOK 37: All s for the best.. T. S. ARTHUR 35: All s not gold that glitters. A. B. HAVEN 37: All saints eve: a story of circumstan tial evidence. A. B. EDWARDS. fn Monsieur Maurice, v. 3 37: rescott s charge. I S CTU15O SECOND. 1. Try and trust. 2. Hound to rise. y. Risen from the ranks. 4. Herbert Carter s leg;t<;y. 4. Rough and rondy. 5. Ben, the luggage-boy. 6. Rums and Kose, SECOND. 1. Julius, the street-hoy. &. Young outlaw. 3. Sam s chanue. 948 465 3090 3091 1886 400 3060 485 4745 4921 2200 788 804 4506 2410 1009 3491 2101 738 4539 1385 230 4914 2016 1060 2017 37: 35: 35: 35: 35: 1451 4634 768 4132 1529 PROSE FICTIOX: ENGLISH. ALL. ANDERSEN. All sorts of pop-guns. F. BARROW 35: 1658 All soul s day. B. S. INGEMANN. In Danes sketched by themselves. V. 3 4O: 1532 Allan Hayward. With Drayton Hall. 4O: 2131 Allen house, The. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 767 Allerton homes. A story for boys. Mrs. H. LATHROP 38: 1346 Allston, Washington. (1779-1843.) MONALDI; a tale. Host. 1856. 12 35: 610 Allworth abbey. B. D. E. N. SOUTHWOKTH 39: 2001 Ally T ran some. H. SMITH 39: 1840 Almira. M. EDGEWORTH. In her N. nndT. v. 4 37: 1499 Almoran and Harriet. J. HAWKES- WORTH 37: 4160 Thesame 38: 441 Almost faultless. A story of the present day. By the author of A book for governesses. N. Y. 1871. 8 4O: 2018 Almost a heroine. E. S. SHEPPARD 39: 1616 Almost a nun. J. McN. WRIGHT... 4O: 884 Almost a priest. J. McN. WKIOHT.. 4O: 885 A L O. E. (pseud). See TUCKER, C. Alone. 31. V. (H.) TERHUNE 39: 2831 Alone in London. H. SMITH 39: 1841 Alroy; a novel. B. DISRAELI 37: 657 The same 37: 658 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 37: 659 Thesame. With. Sybil 37: 674 Alsatian schoolmaster, The. Erck- miin (E.) Chatrian (A.) 37: 1730 Altamont. C. E. S. NORTON 38: 3668 Altanesi, Gianfrancesco. PLEASURES of friendships, The. In R. I. N. v. 4 4O: 1583 TRUE friend, The. In R, I. N. v. 4 4O: 1583 Alton Locke, tailor and poet. C. KINGSLEY 38: 924 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 38: 925 Alune. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 7 39: 1642 Alwyn s first wife. D. M. CRAIK. With Lord Erlistoun 35: 4928 Amateur Casual, (pseud.) See Green wood, J Amateur lawyers, The. A. LEIGH- TON, /ft W. T. B. v. 4 4O: 1714 Amaury. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 962 Amazon, The. F. DINGELSTEDT. Tr. by J. M. Hart 37: 636 The same 37: 637 Ambassador s wife, The. Mrs. C. G. F. Gore 37: 3189 Amber Gods, and other stories. H. E. P. SPOFFORD 39: 2126 Ambos, Mile. Bety. Mrs. A. Jame son. 7T. F. H. v. 2 4O: 2658 Amelia. H. FIELDING 37: 2136 Thesame. In Works 37:2146-7 Amelia I pseud.) See WELBY, A. B American, An (pseud.) AT anchor; a story of our civil war. N. Y. 1865. 12 35: 617 American baron, The. .1. DE MILLE. 37: 265 American cardinal, The; a novel. .1. M. LEAVITT 38: 1390 American gun-club, The. J. VEKNE. Tr. by L. Mercies and E. E. King. 39: 3682 American home series. 1. Young Moose hunters. 0. A. STEPHENS... 39: 2257 American nights. T.GREENE 37: 3430 American spy. J. R. SIMMS 39: 1670 American wonderland. R. M. BACHE. 35: 1320 Ames, Eleanor (Eleanor Kirk). UP Broadway, and its sequel. A life story. N. Y. 1870. 12 ............... 35: 620 Ames, Mary Clemmer. See CLEM- MER, M. Among the brigands. J. DE MILLE. 37: 266 Among- the guerillas. J. R. GILMORE. (Edmund Kirke) .......................... 37: 3032 Among the pines; or, the south in secession time. J. R. GILMORE. (Edmund Kirke) .......................... 37: 3033 Among the squirrels. Mrs. DENISON. 37: 330 Among strangers. An autobiography. Ed. by E. S. MAINE .................... 38: 2392 Amphlett love-match. (W.) W. COLLINS. In N. and T. v. 5 ...... 4O: 1645 The same. In Dead secret .............. 35: 4552 Amulet, The. H. CONSCIENCE ......... 35: 46C4 Amusements of a man of fashion, The. N. NUGENT. 3 v ............... 38: 3701-3 Amy Carr. C. CHESEBRO ............... 35: 4190 Amy Herbert. E. M. SEWELL ......... 39: 1571 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 1572 Amy Lawrence. J. F. SMITH ........... 39: 1H87 Amyas Leigh. C. KINQSLEY. 3 v... 38: 937-9 Thesame. 2v .............................. 38:940-41 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed ............... 38: Anastasius. T.HOPE ................... 37: Ancestress, The; or, family pride. Baroness KNORRIN G. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 ...... 4O: Ancient regime, The: a tale. G. P. R.JAMES ................................... 38: Thesame. In W. S. C. L. v. 16... 34: Thesame ...................................... *15: Anderdon, Rev. W. H. CATHOLIC Crusoe, The : adventures of Owen Evans, navy surgeon ? mate, set ashore on a desolate is land in the Caribbean seas, A. D. 1739. Given from the original manuscript. Lond. n. d. 16... 35: Andersen, Hans Christian (1805- 1875). DANISH fairy legends and tales. Lond. 1861. sm. 8 .................. 35: DANISH story book, The. N. Y. 18G9. 16 ........................................... 35: FAIRY tales. N. Y. 1869. 16 ...... 35: GERMAN popular tales. 2nd. series. Bost. n.d. 16 ........................ 35: IMPROVISATORS, The; or, life in Italy. Tr. by M. Howitt. N. Y. 1867". 8 ................................... 35: MAN from paradise, The. In Dane s sketched by themselves, v. 1 ......... 4O: MORTEN Lange. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 ..................... 4O: ONLY a fiddler. N. Y. 1862. 8... 35: O. T. A Spanish romance. With Only a fiddler ............................ 35: SAND-hills of Jutland. Bost. 1865. 16 ........................................... C5: STORIKS and tales. N. Y. 1871. 12 35: STORY book, The. With a memoir, by Mary HOWITT. N. Y. 1869. 16 ........................................... 35: Contents : Fir-tree, The. Lenp-frog, The. 942 4C73 1530 164 4186 4926 630 640 641 643 645 647 1530 1530 648 648 650 652 654 Memoir of Hans Chris- tin Andersen, Miscellaneous stories. My hoots. Two baronesses, The. 12.... Picture-book without pic- lures. Real princess, The. Shoes of fortune. Snow Queen. The. Swineherd, The. N. Y. 1869. 35: 658 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ANDERSEN. ARCHIBALD. Andersen, (continued.) WONDER stories, told for children. N.Y. 1870. 12 35: GGO WONDERFUL tales from Denmark. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: G(51 Andreas llofer. Mrs. C. (M.) MUXDT. (L. Miihlbach). Tr. by F. Jordan... 38: 3235 Andree de Tavern ey. A. (D.) Dumas 37: !>U3 Sole. This is ft translation of part of La conitesie <U Chn -ntj; namelv, from v. 4, cli. 2t, to the enJ of v. 0, ed. Lfivy in 6 v. Aner B return. Rev. A. S. HOF.KMANN. 37: 4454 Angel nnd the demon, The. T. S. AUTHUII 35: 70!) Angel of the household, The. T. S. AKTIIUK 35: 770 Angela. C. VON BOLANDEN With the Progessionists 35: 2321 Angela. A. MARSH-CALDWKLL 38: 2592 Angelina; or, I amie inconnue. M. KDGKWORTII. In M. T. v. 2 37: 149ft The same. In her N. and T. v. 2 37: 1497 Angler s tale, The. O. RICHARDSON. In \V. T. B. v. 8 4O: 1718 Anna Hammer. G. B. II. TEMMK 39: 2820 Annals of an eventful life. Lund. 1H7(. 3 v. sm 8 40:2010-2! Annals of the parish. J. GALT 37: 2775 The same 37: 2770 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. G. MAI DONALD 38: 2158 The same. Tauchnitzed.2v.ini... 38: 2157 Annals of the twenty-ninth century; or, the autobiography of the tenth president of the world-republic. 3v 4O: 2022 Anne Bell; or, the faults. C. K. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth) In Talcs and illustrations 39: 3070 Anne Kurness. Mrs. T. A. TROLI.OPK. 39: 3281 Anne Hereford. Mrs. E. P. WOOD [Mrs Henry Wood]. 2 v. in 1 4O: 070 Anne of Geierstein. Sir W. SCOTT. 1 arker ed. 2 v *39: 1343-4 The same. Edinb. ed 39: 1358 The, same. Abbotsford ed 39: l. !C9 The same 39: 1392 The same. Household ed. 2v 39:1439-40 The same. Pocketed 39: 14G7 The same. Tau hnitzed 39: 1471 Anne Severin. Mid. A. CRAVEN 35: 5008 Annette ; or, the chronicles of Bclle- vue. C. WALSINGIIAM 4O: 86 Annie Grey. E. D. E. N. SOUTH- woRTir. With Wife s victory 39: 2042 Annie Jennings. L. GORE. 3 v 37:3215-17 Annie Mason; or, the temple of shells. A.S. AVERILI 35: 950 Annie s story. A novelette. Bv the author of Peiite s romance. I^ond. 1873. 2 v. sm 8 4O: 2023 Annis Warleigh s fortunes. H. PARR. \JlolmeLee) 38: 4192 Antar: a Bedoueen romance. Abu Said Abd al Malik Ibn Kuraib al ^ Asrnai. Tr. by T. Hamilton 35: 177 Ante bellum ; southern life as it was. M. L. COOK. (M. Lenox^ 35: 4696 Anteros. A novel. G. A. LAW RENCE 38 1300 Antidote to the miseries of humnn life. II. CORP 35: 4870 Antiquary Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2v S 39: 1305-G The same. Edinb. ed 39: 1355 Antiquary, (continued.) The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1360 The same 39: 1373 The same. Household ed. 2v 39:1399-1400 The same. Pocket ed 39: 1447 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1472 Anti-speculator. M. E. Engel. R. G. N. v. 4 4O: 1563 Anton, the fisherman. F. H. HOFF MAN. Tr. by M. A. ilanderson.... 37: 4485 Antonia. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Sand) 37: 900 Antonina; or, the fall of Rome. (W.) W. COLLINS 35: 4541 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 35: 4542 Antonio di Cantra. T. fr. B. v. ft. 4O: 1695 Antonio, the student of Padua. In W. S. C. L. v. 5 34: 4175 The same *15: 4915 Antonio Mi-lidori. D. M. CRAIK. In Romantic tales 35: 4940 Antony Hrade. R. LOWELL 38: 1915 Antony \\ aymouth ; or, the gentle men adventurers. W. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 986 Apostate, The. C. M. BRAME. In Tales from the diary of a sister of mercy 35: 2673 Apparition of Monsieur Bodrv. The. In N. and T. v. 8 .". 4O: 1648 Apparitionist, The ; a fragment. F. v. SCHILLER. R. G. N. v. 3... 4O: 1562 Apple cutting, The. A. GARY. /;* Pictures of country life 35: 3918 Arabella Stuart. G. P. R. JAMES.... 38: 165 Arabian days entertainments. W. HAUFT... 37: 4125 Arabian nights entertainments 4O: 2020 The same. Illustrated. Tr. by E. W. Lane. 3. v 40:2027-9 Arabian tales and anecdotes. E. W. LANE 38: 1326 Arblay, Frances Burney, Mme d (1752-1840). CAMILLA; or, a picture of youth. Loud. 1790. 5 v. 10 35: 671-5 CECILIA ; or, memoirs of an heiress. Lond. 1820. 3 v. 18 35: 676-8 EVELINA ; or the history of a young hulv s introduction to the world. Lond. 1820. 2 v. 18 35: 680-1 The same. Leip. 1850. sq. 16 35: 682 The same. N.Y. n. d. 12 35: 683 Arbouville, Sophie de Bazancourt, comfesxe d 1 . TiiKEEtales: Christine van Amberg. Resignation. The village doctor. Tr. by M. B. Field. N. Y. 1853. 12 35: 690 Arch rogue, The. LOTIIAR. (pseud.) In K. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 Archer, E. M. (pseud.t) CHRISTINA North. A novel. N.Y. 1872. 8 35: C96 UNDER the Limes. Lond. 1874. sm. 8 35: G97 Archer, George W. ( Hesper Bendbow) MOKK than she could bear : n story of the Gachupin war in Texas, 1812-1813. Phil. 1872. 12 35: 706 Archer, Thomas. STKANUE work. A novel. Lond. 1868 3 v. sm. 8 35: 714-16 Archibald Hamilton. E. W. BAAKN- JIIELM... , 35: 1310 PROfcE FICTION: ENGLISH. ARCHIE. 10 ARTHUR. Archie Fell, (pseud.) See Capron, -M. J. Archie Lovell. Mrs. A. EDWARDS... 37: 1540 The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: 1541 Archie s shadow. L. PALMER 38: 4121 Archy Armstrong. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 3 4O: 1713 Arctic Crusoe. P. B. ST. JOHN 39: 1055 Ardison and Co. H. SPICER. In Brought to book. v. 2 39: 2097 Arethusa. F. CHAMIER 35: 4006 Argus Fairbairn. H. JACKSON. 3 v. 38: 100-2 Argyle Anna, (pseud.) OLIVE Lacy : a tale of the Irish rebel lion of 1798. Phil. 1874. 12 35: 726 Aristocrat, The. G. E. JEWSBURY 38: 364 Aristocrat s wife, The; a tale of the French revolution. In W. S. C. L. v. 9 34: 4179 The same *15: 4919 Ark and the fortress, The. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Ark of Elm Island. E. KELLOGG 38: 725 Armadale. (W.) W. COLLINS 35: 4543 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 35: 4544-6 The s:ime. 3 v. in 2 35: 4547-8 Armstrong, Frances. FLORENCE; or, Loyal quand meme. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 35: Army and navy stories. W. T. ADAMS. [35:275. 1. Soldier hoy. 2. Sailor boy, The. a. Young lieutenant. 4. Yankee middy. 5. Fighting Joe. 6. Br;we old suit. 35: 35: 7 [33:288. Army-chaplain Schmelzle s journey to Flaetz. J. P. F. RICHTER. In C. G. R. v. 3 Arne : a sketch of Norwegian country- life. B.. BJORNSON 35: Arnold, Mrs. BETTER than gold. Lond. 1873. sm. 8. 3 v Around a spring. G. DROZ 37: Around the world in 80 days. J. VERNE 39: ArrahNeil. G. P. R.JAMES 38: Arrington, A. W. (Charles Sum- merfield] RANGERS and regulators of the Tan- aha. N. Y. 1856. 12 35: Arrom, Cecelia Bohl d (Fernan Cabal- lero). See BOHL D ARROM, C. Art: a dramatic tale. C. READE. With Clouds and sunshine 39: The same. With. Peg Woffington.... 39: Art and artlessness. Mrs. H. N. W. BAKER 35: Art Maguire. W. CARLETON 35: Artemus Ward, (pseud.) See BROWNK Charles Farrar. (1834-1867.) Artemus Ward : his book. N. Y. 187(1. 12 Artemus Ward : his travels. N. Y. 1866. 12 Artemus W r ard: in London. N. Y. 1867. 12 Artemus Ward s panorama. N. Y. 1872. 12 .. Artemus Ward : his works complete. Illustrated, with a biographical sketch by Melville D. LANDON. (Eli Perkins.) N. Y. 1875. 4 v. in 1. 12 Arthur, Timothy Shay. (b. 1809.) AFTER a shadow. N. Y. 1869. 16. 734 [35:287.1 [35:235.] 3875 2157 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 742-4 860 3683 106 754 141 160 1380 3825 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 765 Arthur, T. S., (continued.) AFTER the storm. Phil. 1868. 12. 35: 766 ALICE Mellville. In Mary Ellis 35: 788 The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 ALLEN house. Phil. 1860. 16 35: 767 ALL S for the best. PJiil. 1875. 16. 35: 768 ANGEL and the demon. Phil. 1867. 16 35: 769 ANGEL of the household. Phil. n. d. 16 35: 770 BELL Martin. In Mary Ellis 35: 788 The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 CECILIA Howard; or, the young lady who had finished her education. Phil. 1851. 8 35: 772 CLUB room, The. In The martyr wife 35: 787 FAMILY pride. In Mary Ellis 35: 788 The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 GOLDEN grains from life s harvest field. Phil. 1857. 16 35: 773 GOOD time coming. Phil. n. d. 16. 35: 774 IlEART-histories and life-pictures. Phil. n. d. 16 35: 775 HEIRESS, The. In The martyr wife. 35: 787 HEROES of the household. Phil. 1875. 16 35: 776 HIDDEN wings. N. Y. 1869. 16. 35: 777 HoME-heroes, saints and martyrs. Phil. 1865. 12 35: 778 HOME lights and shadows. Phil. n. d. 16 35: 779 HOME scenes. Phil. 1853. 16 35: 780 JACK Ketch. In The martyr wife... 35: 787 LESSONS in life. With The two wives. 35: 812 LIGHT on shadowed paths. N. Y. 1864. 12 35: 781 LIGHTS and shadows of real life. Phil. n. d. 16 35: 782 LIZZIE Glenn; or, the trials of a seam stress. Phil. 1859. 12 35: 783 LOVE in a cottage. Phil. n. d. 8. 35: 784 LUCY Sandford : a story of the heart. A temperance tale. Phil. n. d. 8. 35: 785 MADELINE; or, a daughter s love. In The martyr wife 35: 787 MAIDEN, The. In Three eras of a woman s life 35: 806 MARRIED life. Phil. 1859. 12 35: 786 MARTYR wife, The; and other tales. Phil. n. d. 16 35: 787 MARY Ellis ; or, the runaway match; and other tales. Phil. 1850. 16 35: 788 The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 MOTHER, The. In Three eras of a woman s life 35: 806 NOT anything for peace. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 789 NOTHING but money. Phil. 1865. 12 35: 790 OFF hand sketches. Phil. 1858. 18 35: 791 The same. With Seedtime and harvest... 35: 796 OLD man s bride, The. Phil. 1853. 16. 35: 792 OUT in the world. Phil. 1864. 12 35: 793 PEACEMAKER, The. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 791 PRIDE or principle: which makes the lady? In Alary Ellis 35: 788 The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 RICHES have wings. N. Y. 1857. 18 35: 795 RUINED gamester, The. In The martyr wife 35: 787 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. 11 ASSASSINATION. Arthur, T. S. (continued.) KUNAWAY mulch. Same as Mary Kllis 35 788 796 797 810 798 799 800 801 802 8D3 8(14 787 805 806 807 809 808 818 810 813 816 814 787 806 815 816 817 818 819 2033 2410 1859 3301 4545 726 2294-5 3005 2034 2987-8 2192 1560 1561 Arthur St John In W 8 C L v 2 34- 4172 The siime S 15 4912 Article 47; a romance. A. BELOT.... 35: 1930 Artist, The. Surgeon s tales. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B. v. 4 4O: 1714 Artiste 11 M GRANT 37 3350 SEEDTIMK and harvest. Phil. 1859. 12 35 SEEN and the unseen, The. Phil. 1875 10 35 Artist s lesson, The. Mrs. KLI.ET. //( Nouvelltttes of the musicians... 37: 1650 Artist s love, The. E. I). E. N. SoUTHWORTH . 39" 2002 SHADOWS and sunbeams. With True riches 35 Six nights with the Washingt-jnians. Phil 1865 12 35 Artist s proof, An. A. AUSTIN. 3 v. 35: 918-20 Arundel. 11. LEE. In Canterbury talcs v 1 38" 1422 SOWING the wind. N. Y. 1809. 16 35- SPARINO to spend. Phil. n. d. 1G 35: STORIES for parents. Phil. 1858. 1C 3 35- Arzoomund. M. M. SHERWOOD. hi \Vorks v 8 - Q- 1R4S As by tire. N. M. MuAF Asbjornsen, Peter Chi 1812.) TALKS from the fjeld. series of popular tale Norse, by G. W. DAS 1874. sm 8 .;K 38- 2116 STORIES for young housekeepers. Phil 1859 12 . ... . 35 istian. (b. A second !, from the KNT. Lcmd. 35- 840 SUNSHINE at home. N. Y. 1869. 16 35- TALES from real life. Phil. 1864. 16. 35: TEMPERANCE tract, The. In The martyr wife 35 Content^: Hoot? and the leasts. Boots nmi his crew. Box with something pretty in it, The. Oharco..! burner, The. Companion, The. l>eatn of Chanticleer, The; and the greedy cat. Father of the family, The. Friends in life and death. Golden bird. The. Golden palace that hung in the air, The. Goody Gainst -the - strfftm. Green knight, The. Haunted mill and the honest penny, The. How they got llairlock home. How to win a prince. Kairn * three stories: Death and the doc tor ; The day of the woild ; The pancake. King Valemon, the white bear. Little Freddy with his fiddle. Ma.ster Tahacco. Mother Roundabout s daughter. Unborn Hoots and Mr. Glibtongue. Asbury twins, The. R. Osborn s pipe. Our parish clerk. Peter s best Mories : Pork and honey ; 1 he hre and the heiress ; SI p root, catch Reynard s fO M ; Bruin (ioodfellow ; Bruin and Keynard s partners ; Reynard wants to taste horse-flesh. Peter the forester, and Grumhlegizznrd. Peter s three tales: Father Bruin in the corner; Reynard and Chunticleer; Goodman Axchaft. Priest anil the clerk, The. Sheep and the pig who set up house, The. Shopbov and his cheese, and I Vik, The. Silly Mat. Silly men and cunning wives. Skipper r.nd ol.l Nick, The. Sweetheart in the wood, The. Taper Tom. This is the lad who sold the P 8- Three lemons, The. Three years without wages. Town-mouse, The ; and the Fell-mouse. Trolls in Hcdale Wood, The. S. CLARKE 35- 4366 TEN nights in a bar-room. Phil. I860 16 J 35- TIIKKK eras of a woman s life. Phil. 1850 16 35 THREK years in a man-trap. Phil. 1872 12 35- TRIAL and triumph. Phil. n. d. 8 35- TRIALS and confessions of a house keeper Phil 1867. 16 35- TRIED and tempted. With Words TRI - K riches ; and other tales. Phil. 1850 lt> 35 WAY to prosper, The. Phil. 1853. 10 35" WAYS of Providence, The. With W n AT can woman do ? Phil. n. d. 16= 35- WHAT shall I do? With The WIKK, The. ///, Three eras of a wo- WITHERED heart, The. Phil. 1857. 16 35- WOMAN S trials. Phil. 1859. 12.. 35: WOMAN to the rescue. A story of the new crusade. Phil. 1874. 12 35: WORDS for the wise. Phil. 1859. 12 35- Ascanio. A. (D.) DUM. The same \v 37 964 YOUNG lady at home. Phil. n. d. 16 35- 37- 1020 Ashberrys uncle, The. F. BROWNK. In r.xile .s trust 35: 3025 Ashcliffe hull ; a tale of the last cen tury. E. S HOLT 37 4610 Arthur. l!y the author of Anne Uy- siirt. Loud. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8. 40: Arthur. .). M. SUE. (Eugene Sue.) 39: Asheton, Francis, and HALLOWKI.L, Sarah C. MODERN Cressida, A.; by F. ASHE TON. On the church steps; by 8. C. HALLOW KLL. Phil. 1875. 8 U . 4O: 1631 Askaros Kitssis, the copt: a romance of modern Egypt. . De LEON... 37: 250 Aslauga s Knight. F. de LA MOTTE FOUW.UK. In C. G. K. v. 1 35: 3873 Asmodeus at large. E. G. E. L. Bui WFR-LYTTON 35* 3092 Arthur Hlane ; or, the hundred cui- ra*sicrs. .1. GRANT 3*7 Arthur Itonnienstle; an American novel .1 (1 HOLLAND 37 Arthur lirown, the young captain. E. KKI.I.OOG 38" Arthur denning; a novel. T. FLINT. 2 v 37- Arthur Con way. E. 11. MII.MAN 38: Arthur Lee. Host. n. d. 16 4O Arthur Mervyn ; or, memoirs of 1793. ( . li. HKOWN. 2 v 35- Aspen Court. (C.) S. B Aspendale. H. VV. PR Assassination of the Tartary at Newmarket 1240. J. G. BUSHING. ROOKS. 3 v. 35: 2923-ft STON 38 4716 Arthur Monteith. Mrs. BLACKFORD. /" Scottish orphans 35 Empress of in the year 7nK. G. N. 4O: 1561 Arthur O Lcury. C. LEVER 38: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1... 38: PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ASTON-EOYAL. 12 AURORA. Aston-Boyal. E. TABOR, [anon. } 3 v. 39:2710-12 Astrologer of Chaldea. W. P. STRICKLAND .............................. 39: 2400 Asylum, The. P. F. W. OERTEL ..... 38: 3806 At the altar. E.WERNER ................. 4O: 310 At anchor: a story of our civil war. By an AMERICAN ........................ 35: G17 At the back of the north wind. G. MACDONALD .............................. 38: 2158 At Capri ; a story of Italian life. K. BAUER. (Carl Detlef.) ................ 35: 1719 At Eve. (jr. BRODU. In Stories and sketches .................................... 35: 2858 At her mercy. J. S. SATJZADE. (James 1 ayn) ....................................... 39: 1160 At his gates. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT. 38: 3835 At last. M. V. (H.) TERHUNE ......... 39: 2832 At odds. Baroness I. v. TAUTPHOEUS. 39: 2756 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 2757 At the sign of the silver flagon. B. L. FARJEON ............................... 37: 1976 At the south pole. Wm. H. G. KINGS TON ......................................... 38: 987 Atala. K. F. A. de CHATEAUBRIAND. 35: 4105 The same. Illustrated by G. DoRe... *A Athelings, The. M. (O. W.) OLI- PIIANT ....................................... 38: 3834 Atherstone Priory. L. N. COMYN.. 35: 4647 Atkins. M. A KAKI. Whiting; or, the career of a nameless boy. Bost. 1870. 16. 35: 850 LITTLE pea-nut merchant. Bost. 1869. 16 ................................. 35: 851 Atkinson, J. C. PLAYHOURS and half-holidays. Lond. 18<i8. 8 ................................... 35: 860 WALKS and talks of two schoolboys. Lond. 1864. 16 ....................... 35; 861 Atonement, The. T. (E.) HOOK. hi Precepts and practice, v. 2 ..... 37: 4646 Attache, The ; or, Sam Slick in Eng land. T. C. HALIUURTON. 2 v.... 37: 3857-8 Attic philosopher in Paris. E. Sou- VKNTRK. In Trav. Libr. v. 1 ...... 4O: 1691 Attila. G. P. R. JAMES. 2v.ini... 38: 167 Attractive man, The. Mrs. Frances 39: 3230 TROI.LOPE. Aubrey. A. MARSH-CALDWELL. 2 v. in l .......................................... 38: 2593 Auburn Egbert. L. TIECK. In It. G. N. v. 4 ................................ 4O: 1563 Auer, Adelheid von. IT is the fashion. (Modern.) Phil. 1872. 12 .................................. 35: 870 Auerbach, Berthold (b. 1812.) BLACK forest village stories. ( Schwarzwu/der Dor/geschichten. ) N. Y. 1869. 12 ...................... 35: 876 Contents : Klorinn and Crescence. I Ivo, the gentleman. (awk, The. Lauterbacher, The. Good Government. I Manor-house farmer s Vefela. Hostile brothers, The. | Nip-cheeked Toney. Pipe of war, The. EDKLWEISS. A story. Bost. 1868. 16 ........................................... 35: 877 GKKMAN tales. Boston. 1869. 12. 35: 878 Cont tilt Erdmutha. Kudolph and Elizabeth. Step-mother, The. JOSEPH in the snow; a tale. (Joseph Benigna. Christian Gellert s last Christmas. int Nchnee.) Bost. 1868. 12.. 35: LITTLE Barefoot, The; a tale. (Bar- fiisscle.) Tr. by C. B. Lee. Bost. 1867. 16 35: 879 880 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 885-6 35: 34: Auerbach, (continued.) ON the heights ; a novel. (Auf der Ilohe.) Tr. by F. E. Bunnett. Bost. 1869. 16 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 1867. 16 The same. N. Y. 1875. 12 PROFESSOR S lady, The. (Die Frau Professorin.) Tr. by M. Howitt. N. Y. n. d. 8 VILLA Eden : The country-house on the Rhine. (Das Landhaus am Rhein.) Tr. by C. C. Shackford. Bost. 1871. 8 VILLA on the Khine. N. Y. 1869. 2 v. 16 WALDFRIED ; a novel. Tr. by A. Stern. N. Y. 1874. 12 Augsburg goldsmith, The ; a tale of the loth century. In W. S. C. L. v. 11 The same *15: August and Elvie. J.ABBOTT 35: August stories. J. ABBOTT. 4. v. 1. August and Elvie. I 3. Schooner Mary Al 2. Hunter and Tom. | 4. Granville Valley. Augustina, the maid of Saragossa. In T. F. H. v. 1 Aunt Carrie, (pseud.) See SMITH, Mrs. Caroline L. Aunt Charity, (pseud.) See YEISER, Mrs. H. C. Aunt Fanny, (pseud.) See BARROW, Fanny. Aunt Francisca. C. BERNHARD. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 2 Aunt Hattie. (pseud.) See BAKER, Mrs. H. N. (W.) Aunt Honor s keepsake. Mrs. M. A. M. SADLIER 39: Aunt Jane s hero. E. PRENTISS 38; Aunt Jo s scrap-bag. Pt. 1. My boys. L. M. ALCOTT 35: Contents : Back windows. BUH. Children s joke, The. Curious call. Dandelion. Little Marie of Lehon. Madam Cluck and her family. 881 882 888 883 884 887 4181 4921 22 Ann. 4O: 2658 4O: 1531 1010 4686 455 My boys. My little gentleman. My Hay-day among curi ous birds and beasts. Our little newsboy. Patty s patchwork. Tessa s surprises. Tilly s Christinas. The same. Pt. 2. Shawl-straps 35: 45G Contents : 1. Off. 2. Brittany 3. France. Switzerland. Italy. London. Aunt Kate. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 7 39: 1G42 Aunt Kitty, (pseud.) See MC!NTOSH, Maria J. Aunt Madge s story. B. S. CLARKE. (Sophie May.) 35: 4345 Aunt Margaret. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 9 35: 44 Aunt Mary s stories. M. HUGHES 37: 4808 Aunt Patty s scrap-bag. C. L. HENTZ. 37: 4310 Aunt Saidee s cow. S. J. PRICUARD... 38: 4736 Aunt Susan (pseud.) See PRENTISS, Mrs. E. Aurelian. W. WARE. 2v 4O: 126-7 The same 4O: 128 Aureola ; or, the black sheep. Mrs. A.S.MACKENZIE 38: 2300 Aurora Floyd. M. E. BRADDON 35: 2518 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 35: 2519 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. AUSTEN. 13 BACKWOODSMAN. Austen, Jane (1775-1817). KMMA. Bost. 1864. 12 35: 905 MANSFIELD park. Bost. 1864. 12. 35: 906 The same. Leip. 1867. sq. 16... 35: 907 NORTHANOER abbey. With Pride and prejudice 35: 909 KOKTUANOKK abbey; and Persuasion. Tauchnitz ed. 1871. sq. 16 35: 908 PKRNUASION. With Northanger ab bey 35: 908 The same. With Sense and sensibility 35: 911 PRIDE and prejudice; and Northan- ger abbey. Host. 1871. 12 35: 909 PRIDE and prejudice. Leip. 1870. 16. 35: 910 SENSE and sensibility; and Persua sion. Bost. 18(i4. 12 35: 911 SENSE and sensibility. Leip. 18G4. ]6 35: 912 Austin, Alfred. ARTIST S proof, An. Lond. 1864. 3 v. sm. 8 35:918-20 Austin, Arthur. LIGHTS and shadows of Scottish life. X. Y. 1X39. 12 35: 928 Austin, JanoG. CIPHER; a romance. N. Y. 1869. 8. 35: 936 HARNEYHOW K hummock. In Rougegorge and other stories 4O: 1670 MOONFOLK; a true account of the home of the fairy tales. N. Y. 1874. 12 35: 937 SHADOW of Moloch Mountain. N. Y. 1870. x 35: 940 Austin Elliot. II. KINCJSLEY 38: 950 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 951 Australia, Hoys adventures in. W. HIIWITT 37: 4775 Australian Crusoes, The. Chas. KowruoKT 39: 681 Australian wanderings. Mrs. R. LEK 38: 1441 Author s daughter: a tale. M. HOWITT 37: 4746 Author s daughter, The. C. E. SPEXCK. 3 v 39: 2077-9 Autobiography of a cat, The. J. Y. MAGTIRE. With Young Prince Marigold 38: 2386 Autobiography of a man-o -war s bell ; a tule of the sea. Lieut. C. R. Low 38: Autobiography of WillieSmith. A. CAMI-HEI.I.. In W. T. B. v. 2 4O: Avarice chastised ; or, the miser punished. P. SUARRON. In Com. Works 34: Avenger, The. In W. S. C. L. v. 12. 34: The same 5: 15: Avenger, The; or, the legend of Mary Lee. A. LEIOIITON. In W. T. B. v. 10 4O: Averill, Anna S. AjrjriB Mason; or, the temple of shells. N. Y. 1871. 12 35: A very (ililmn. R. H. NEWELL. (Or- pheta C. Ken-.).... 38: Avillion, and other tales. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. ( D. M. Muloch. ) 35: Contents : Antonio Melidori. Avillion; or, the happy isles. Cleornenes the Greek. Cross on the snow mount ain*, The. Daughter of Heremon, The. Story ol Hyas, The. Erotion. Kong Tolv. Life episode, A. Ki HH-rucian, The. Si-iilptor of Bruges, Seir-Seer, The. Storv of Eliutbetta The. 1908 1712 1915 4182 4922 1720 950 3580 4908 The. Mi-iru, Avillion. D. M. CRAIK. (D. M. iMuloch.) In Romantic tales 35: 4940 Away in the wilderness. R. M. BAL- LANTYNB 35: 1452 The same. In Tales of adventure. v. 3 35: 1485 Awdry, Frances. STORY of a fellow-soldier, The. Lond. 1875. 16 35: 960 Awful experience in the life of Filus Kroast, An. H. SPIUKR. In Bound to please, v. 2 39: 2096 Axel ; a talc of the thirty years war. C. F. van der VELDE. In T. fr. G. 4O: 1699 Axel and Anna. F. BREMER 35: 2732 Aylmers of Bally-Aylmer. G. GRIF FIN 37: 3552 Ayrshire Legatees. J. GALT 37: 2775 Aytoun. Phil. 1872. 8 4O: 2041 Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (1813-1865.) TALES. In Tales from Blackwood... 4O: How 1 stood for the Creep- daily burghs, v. 2, How we got possession of the Tuilenes v. 3. Surveyor s tale, The. v. 4, Azarian ; an episode. H. E. (P.) SPOF- FOKD 39: 2127 Emerald stud*, The, v. 3. Glen mulch km railway, The. v. 1. How I became a yeo man, v. 1. B. ! , M. E. CLEMKNT S trial and victory; or, sowing and reaping. N.Y. 1875. 35: 1300 Baarnhielm, E "W. AKCHIHAI.D Hamilton. Bost. 1869. 10 35: 1310 Babes in the wood, The : a tragic comedy. A story of the Italian revolution of 1X48. J. T>K MILI.E 37: 267 Babes in the wood. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 4 39: 1639 Babolain. A novel. G. DROX 37: aiil Bach, Friedemann. Mrs. ELI.KT. In Nouvellettes of the musicians 37: 1650 Bach, Sebastian. Mrs. ELLET. Jn Nouvellettes of the musicians 37: 1650 Bach and Beethoven. C. (F.) BAR NARD 35: 1625 Bache, Richard Meade. AMERICAN wonderland. Phil. 1871. 12 35: 1320 YOUNG wrecker of the Florida reef, The. Phil. n. d. 10 35: 1321 Bachelor of the Albany, The. M. W. SAVAOK 39: 1200 The same 39: 1201 Bachelor of Salamanca, The. A. R. LK SAGK. 2v 38:1541-2 Bachelor s bedroom. (W.) W. COLLINS. In Queen s revenge 35: 4581 Bachelor s revery, A. D. G. MITCH ELL. InL. C. v. 4 4O: 1614 Backbiting-. C. E. TONNA. (Char lotte. Elizabeth.) In Fortune-teller. 39: 3063 Backlog studies. C.D.WARNER 33: 4256 Backwoods, Mysteries of. T. B. THORPE 39: 3025 Backwoodsman, The. J. HALL. In Legends of the west 37: 3870 Backwoodsman, The; or, life on the Indian frontier. C. P. L. WRAXALL 4O: 856 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. .BACON. 14 BALLANTYNE. Bacon, Francis, lord. (1561-1626.) NEW Atlantis, The. Lond. 1852. 12 54: 1390 The same. In Works, v. 5....T. L. 2: 312 The same. In Essays 34: 030 The same. In Works, v. 3 34: 040 Bad speculation, A. I. F. MAYO. (E. Gairett.) With Dead sin 38: 2808 Baddeley, K. Whieldon. LAST of the Lythams, The. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 35: 1331-2 Baddington peerage, The. G. A. SALA. 3 v 39: 1081-3 Baden, Mrs. Frances Henshaw. STORIES with Mrs. SOUTHWOKTH S Artist s love 39: 2002 Contents : At his own funeral. Aunt Ada s ruse. Awful warning. Baby s spirit. Belle s blunder. Carol s forgiveness. Cost of a shirt. Courtship. Don t borrow. Doomed. Edna s worth. Fairy s secret. Frunk Hawley s love. Gold bride. Hero s love, Hiriun Helper s faith. How they paid him. Joyous thanksgiving. Judged too soon. Kriss Kringle. Little ones are safe, The. Lost Lee. Lost love. Lover s ghost. Lucy s jewels. Magic cruse. New mother. New Year s surprise. Night of terror. Noble service. Post-mistress of Peakville. Power of a smile. Priest s story. Removing the Minsk. Richer than he thought. Saved. Saved by a song. Sny so then. That old rnaid. Warned bv a dream. - What the future brought. Willard Grayson s re venge STORIKS with Mrs. SOUTHWOKTH S Christmas guest 39: Contents : Aunt Henrietta s mis take. Aunt Prudence said so. Bride s secret. Days of trial. Ea-nest and true. Entelle s revenge False and true love. Great parish scandal. Husband s mistake. In the hospital. Love unto death. "Mercy." STORIKS with Mrs. SOUTHWOKTH S Spectre lover 39: Cunt fmts: Actress best act. Angel s gifts. Ashes ofroses. Aunt Rachel s ruse. Balm tor the heart. Between two loves. Bosom serpent. Bud and blossom. Christmas child. Daisy s master. Dangerous slip. Disguised. Dress coat. Fido s ward. Florry s New Year s reception. For want of one word. Forbidding the bans. Fortunate slip. Fun with postal cards. Had he but known. Hattie s faults. Her face was her for tune. Baer, Mrs. B. F. IKKNK; or, beach-broken billows. N.Y. 1875. 12 35: Baffled. J. GODDARD 37: Bagby, (ieorge W. ( Moses Adam*.) WHAT I did with my fifty millions. 35: Bage, Robert. N as he is not. Lond. 1820. 12. 35: 2008 Only a comma. Only a flirtation, Our capricious pet. Retaliation. Saved by love. Stealing the wrong child. Three bells. Treacherous wind. Two memorable thanks giving days. Warning. WHS it a ghost ? Why he was merciful. 2035 Herbert Ashley s little waif. His little love. Horrid discovery. Lift by the way. Little hero. Merry thought. Kiss De I respigney. Modern Blue-Beard. My aunt s warr.ing. New Year s surprise. Old coals. Old fashioned thing. Old tramp. Perfect cure. Poor Gertie. Poor little scapegoat. Spirit bride. Touchstone. Very rash vow. What came of a laugh. Why he never married. Wife s test Wild night s ride. 1345 3070 1350 1350 Bailey, James M. (Danbury News man.) LIFK in Danbury. Bost. 1873. 12. 35: 1365 Thesame 33: 800 Baillie, Lady Grisell Home. InT. F. II. v. 1 4O: 2058 Baked meats of the funeral. C. G. HAI.PINK. (Private Miles O Reilly.) 33: 1841 Baker, George M. RUNNING to waste: the story of a tomboy. Bost. 1875. 16 35: 1375 Baker, tin. Harriet Newell (Woods.) (Aunt Haitie; Mrs. Madeline Leslie.) AKT and artlessness. Bost. 1868. 10 35: 1380 CORA and the doctor; or, revelations of a physician s wife. Bost. 1809. 12 35: 1383 COURTKSIES of wedded life, The. Bost. n.d. 12 35: 1386 Note. The same as First and second marriages. FlRST.and second marriages; or, the courtesies of wedded life. Bost. 1809. 12 35: 1386 GOVKRXOR S pardon, The; or, the bridge of sighs. Bost. 1870. 16 35: 1387 HOUSEHOLD angel in disguise, The. Bost. n.d. 12 35: 1388 HOWARD and his teacher. Bost. 1809. 10 35: 1389 I LL Try. Bost. 1809. 10 35: 1390 JACK, the chimney-sweeper. Bost. 1809. 10 35: 1391 JULIETTE; or, now and forever. Bost. 1869. 12 35: 1392 LITTLE Agnes. Bost. 1868. 16... 35: 1393 LIVK and learn. Bost. 1869. 10.. 35: 1394 MOTHERLESS children. Bost. 1809. 16 35: 1395 Now and forever. Bost. n.d. 12. 35: 1392 JSote. The same as Juliette. PAUL Burton; or, the drunkard s son. Bost. 1870. 16 35: 1396 PLAY and study. Bost. 1869. 16. 35: 1397 TRYING to be useful. Bost. 1868. 16. 35: 1398 WALTER and Frank; or, Lathrop farm. Bost. 1870. 16 35: 1400 WHEELS of fortune. Bost. 1800. 16. 35: 1401 Baker, Sir Samuel White (b. 1821.) CAST up by the sea. N. Y. 1871. 12. 35: 1420 Baker, William M. (George F. Har rington.) CARTER Quarterman. N. Y. 1876. 8. 35: 1428 INSIDE: a chronicle of secession. Illust. by Nast. N. Y. 1866. 8. 35: 1430 MOSE Evans: a simple statement of the singular facts of his case. N. Y. 1874. 12 35: 1431 NEW Timothy, The. N. Y. 1870. 12. 35: 1432 Balcombe street mystery, The. In Novels and tales, v. 8.. 4O: 1648 Baldwin, Joseph. FLUSH times of Alabama and Missis sippi. N.Y. 1854 12 35: 1445 The same 33: 803 Ball and Sancho. C. D. GARDETTE. In Pluck 37: 2794 Ballantyne, Robert Michael. AWAY in the wilderness; or, life among the red Indians and fur- traders of North America. N. Y. 1871. 18 35: 1452 The same. In Tales of adventure, v. 3 35: 1485 PliOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BALLANTYNE. 15 BANIM. Ballantyne, (continued.) BATTLE and the breeze, The. In Tales of adventure, v. 1 35: 1483 CANNIHAL islands, Tho. In Talus of adventure, v. 1 35: 1483 CHASING the sun; or, rambles in Norway. Phil. 1869. 16 35: 1453 The same. Jit Tales of adventure. v. 4 35: 1486 CORAL islands, The; a tale of the Pacific ocean. Lond. 1870. 16. 35: 1454 DEEP down: a tale of the Cornish mines. Phil. 1869. 16 35: 1455 DIGGING for gold. Jn Tales of adven ture, v. 2 35: 1484 DOG Crusoe, The ; a tale of the west ern prairies. Phil. n. d. 16 35: 1456 EKLING the bold : a tale of the Norse sea-kings. Phil. 1871. 16 35: 1457 The same. Phil. 1875. 12 35: 1458 PAST in the ice; or, adventures in the polar regions. N. Y. 1871. 16. 35: 1459 The same. In Tales of adventure. v. l...j 35: 1483 FIGHTING the flames: a tale of the London fire brigade. Phil. 1868. 10 35: 1460 FIGHTING the whales ; or, doings and dangers of a fishing cruise. N. Y. 1871. 16 35: 1461 The same. In Tales of adventure. v. 1 35: 1483 FIRE brigade, The; or, fighting the flames: a tale. Phil. 1875. 12. 35: 1462 FLOATING light of the Goodwin Sands, The. Phil. 1871. 16 35: 1463 FKEAKS on the fells, The; and, Why 1 did not become a sailor. Phil. n. d. 16 35; 1464 GASCOYNE, the saridal-wood trader. Phil. n. d. 16 35: 1465 GOKII.I.A hunters, The: a tale of the wilds of Africa. Phil. n. d. 16. 35: 1467 HUDSON S bay ; or, every day in the wilds of North America. Lond. 1857. 12 35: 1468 HUNTING the lions. In Tales of ad venture, v. 3 35; 1485 IKON horse, The; or, life on the line. Lond. 1871. 16 35: 1469 LIFEBOAT, The: a tale of our coast heroes. Lond. n. d. 16 35: 1470 LOST in the forest. In Tales of ad venture, v. 2 35: 1484 MARTIN Rattler. Lond. 18G7. 16 35: 1471 NORSEMEN in the west, The; or, America before Columbus. Lond. 1872. 16 35: 1472 OVKB the Kocky mountains. Jn Tales of adventure, v. 2 35; 1484 PIONEERS, The. In Tales of adven- -ture. v. 3 35; 1485 Pi KATE city, The: an Algerine tale. N. Y. 1874. 16 35: 1473 RED Eric ; or, the whaler s last cruise. Lond. 1861. 16 35: 1474 RIVERS of Ice. N. Y. 1875. 16... 35: 1482 SAVED by the life-boat. In Tales of adventure, v. 4 35; 1486 SHIFTING winds: a story of the sea. Phil. 1870. 16 35: 1475 SILVER Lake; or, lost in the snow. Phil. 1868. 16 35: 1476 SNOWFLAKKS and sunbeams. Nute. Same as Young fur traders. Ballantyne, (continued.) STORY of the rock, The. 7n Tales of adventure, v. 4 35: 1486 SUNK at sea. Jn Tales of adventure. v. 2 35: 1484 TALES of adventure. N. Y. 1875. 4 v. 16 35; 1483-6 UNOAVA: a tale of the Esquimaux land. Phil. 1859. 16 35; 1478 UP in the clouds. In Tales of adven ture, v. 3 35: 1485 W T HY I did not become a sailor. With Freaks on the fells 35: 1464 WILD man of the west, The: a tale of the Rockv Mountains. Phil. n. d. 16 ". 35: 1479 WORLD of ice, The; or, adventures in the Polar regions. Lond. 1863. 16 35; 1480 WRECKED but not ruined. In Tales of adventure, v. 4 35: I486 YOUNG fur-traders, The. Lond. n. d. 16 35: 1481 Balthazar. H. de BALZAC 35: 1510 Note. Same as The alchemist. Baltic to Vesuvius, The. See. the Per cy familv. By D. C. EDDY. Balzac, Honori de (1799-1850.) ALCHEMIST. The; or, the house of Clat-s. (La recherche de Vabsolu). Tr. by 0. W. Wight and F. B. Goodrich. N. Y. 1861. 12 35: 1510 GREATNESS and decline of Cesar Birotteau. (Ilistoire de la grandeur et de la decadence de G Kfir Birotteau.) Tr. by O. W. Wight and F. B. Goodrich. N. Y. 1860. 12 35: 1512 PETTY annoyances of married life. (1 etHe.t miieres de la vie conjugate.) Tr. by O. W. Wight and F. B. Goodrich. N. Y. 1861. 12 35: 1514 Bandello, M. Novels. In R. I. N. v. 3 4O: 1582 Bandit, The. A. BLANCHE 35: 2267 Bane of n life, The. T. WRIGHT. 3v.. 4O: 901-3 Banim, John (1798-1842) and Michael (b. 1796). (The O JJara Family.) ACE of clubs, The. Jn Bit o writin. 35: 1531 ANGELA. Lond. 1853. 12 35: 1530 BIT o writin . N. Y. 1869. 12... 35: 1531 BOYNE water, The. N. Y. 1869. 12 35: 1532 CANVASSING. With Mayor of Wind- gap 35: 1538 CHURCHYARD watch, The. In Bit o writin 1 35: 1531 CLOUGH Fion ; or, the stone of des tiny. M. BANIM 35: 1533 CONFORMISTS, The. With The de nounced 35: 1535 CROIIOORE of the billhook. M. BANIM. With Peep o day 35: 1540 CROPPY, The. M. BANIM. N. Y. n. d. 12 35: 1534 DENOUNCED, The; or, the last baron of Crana. N. Y. 1869. 12 35: 1535 FAITHFUL servant, The. In Bit o writin 35; 1531 FAMILY of the cold feet, The. In Bit o writin 35: 1531 FATHER Council: a tale. M. BANIM. N. Y. 1869. 12 35: 1536 FETCHES, The. With Peter of the castle 35: 1541 (; HUM -hunter and his family, The. M. BANIM. N. Y. 1869. 12... 35: 1537 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BANIM. 16 BARNABT. Banim, (continued.) HALF-brothers, The. lit Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 1531 HALL of the castle, The. In Bit o writin ....................................... 35: 1531 HAREHOUND and the witch, The. In Bit o writin .............................. 35: 1531 ILL got, ill gone. In Bit o writin ... 35: 1531 IRISH lord-lieutenant, The. In Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 1531 JOHN Doe. (same as Peep o day.)... 35: 1540 LAST baron of Cruria (same as The denounced.) ............................... 35: 1535 LAST of the storm, The. In Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 1531 MAYOR of Wind-gap, The. 3d. BANIM. N. Y. n. d. 12 ....................... 35: 1538 NOWLANS, The .............................. 35: 1539 PEASANT girl s love, A. In Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 1531 PEEP o day, The; or, John Doe. Crohoore of the billhook. N. Y. 1866. 12 ................................. 35: 1540 PETER of the castle. The Fetches. N. Y. 1869. 12 ....................... 35: 1541 PUBLICAN S dream, The. In Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 1531 RIVAL dreamers, The. In Bit o writin ..................................... 35: 1531 The same. In L. C. v. 12 ........... 4O: 1U22 ROMAN merchant, The. In Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 153! SMUGGLER, The. N. Y. n. d. 12 35: 1542 SOLDIER S billet, The. Jn Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 1531 STOLEN sheep, The. In Bit o writin 35: 1531 SUBSTITUTE, The. In Bit o writin 35: 1531 TWICE lost, but saved. In Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 1531 WHITE Bristol, The. In Bit o writin ...................................... 35: 1531 Banished son, The; and other stories of the heart. Mrs. C. L. HENTZ... 37: 4311 Contents : Banished son, The. Bell and Rose. Black mask. The. Howard, the apprentice hoy. Little broom-boy, The. Magnolia leaves. Paradise of the dead. Selim: an oriental tale. Sex of the soul, The. Tale of the land of flowers, A. Trip to the bay, A. Wild Jack; or, the stolen child. Banker s secret, The. J. F. SMITH.. 39: Banker s wife, The. C. G. F. GORE. 37: Banquo s ghost. W. GILBERT. In Doctor Austin s guests, v. 2 37: Bankrupt, The. C. BEKNHARD. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3. 4O: Bankrupt stories. C. F. BRIGGS. (Harry Franco.) 35: Contents : Haunted merchant, The. 4O: Banks, Lady Mary. In T. F. H. Y. 1. Banks, X. P.: the Bobbin boy. W. M. THAYKK 39 Bannow postman, The. Mrs. S. C. HALL. In Sketches of Irish char acter 37 Baptist, Father. AILEV Moore: a tale of the times. Boi-t. [1856.] 16 Baptized with a curse. E. S. DRKWRY. 3 v Bar one. R. BLACK. In Lady Caro line: with pendants Barbara. L. C. RKYNOLDS 39: Barbara s history. A. B. EDWARDS. 37: The same. Ttuichnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: 35: 1888 3190 2987 1532 2815 2658 2935 3887 1551 37: 850-2 35: 21 09 295 1515 1516 Barbara s warning. By the author of "Recommended to mercy," &c. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2042 Barbarossa : an historical novel of the XII century. C. VON Bo- LANDEN 35: 2320 Barbauld, Mrs. Anne Letitia (Aikin.) BRITISH novelists. Lond. 1820. 50 v. 18 Contents : AKBI.AY, Mile, F. d . Cecelia, v. 40-42. ARBLAY, Mde, F. d . Evelina, v. 38, 39. BAGE, R. Man as he is not. v. 48. BBOOKE, Mrs. F. M. Julia Mandeville, V. 27. COVENTBY, F. Pompey the little, v. 23. DE FOE, l>. Robinson Crusoe, v. 10, 17. EDOEWOHTH, M. Belinda, v. 49, 50. EncEwoitTH, M. Modern Griselda, v. 50. FIELDING, H. Joseph Andrews, v. 18. FIF.I.DI>G, II. Tom Jones, v. 19-21. GCI.DSMITH, O. Vicar of Wakefield, Y. 23. GBAVES, R. Spiritual Quixote, v. 32, 33. HAWKESWORTH, J. Almoran and Hamet, v. 26. INCHBALD, E. S. Nature and art, v. 27. INCHBALD, E. S. Simple story, v. 28. JOIINSIIN, S. Rasselas. v. 26. LENNOX, C. Female Quixote, v. 24, 25. MACKENZIE, H. Man of feeling ; Julia de Roubigne ; v. 29. MOOIIE; J. Zeluco, V, 34, 35. RADcLirFE, A. Mysteries of Udolpho, v. 45-47. RADCLIFFE, A. Romance of the forest, v. 43, 44. REKVE, C. Old English baron, Y. 22. RICIIABDSON, S. Clarissa Harlowe, v, 1-8. RICHABDSON, S. Sir Charles Grandison, v. 9-15. SMITH, C. Old manor house, v. 3fi, 37. SMOLLET, T. Humphrey Clinker v. 30, 31. WALPOLE, H. Castle of Otranto, v. 22. Note. For shelf numbers see under titles or authors. Barber of Bantry, The. G. GRIFFIN. 37: 3552 Barchester towers. A. TROLLOPE. 39: 3151 Bargagli, S. Novels. In R. I. N., v. 4 4O: 1583 Bargeman of the Loire, The. E. SOUVKSTRE. In Brittany and La Vendee 39: 2066 Barham, Richard Harris. (T/ioi/ias Ingohby). (1788-1845). INOOLSBY Legends, The ; or, mirth and marvels. Lond. 1868. 8... 35: 1562 Memoir. Singular passage in the life of the late Henry Harris. 4O: 1614 35: 1572 35: 1573 1580 Contents : Grey dolrjhin. Leech of Folkestone, The. Legends in verse. Spectre of Tappington, The. JERRY Jarvis wig. In L. C. v. 4... Baring-Gould, Samuel. GABKIKLLE Andre: an historical novel. N. Y. 1871. 12 Note. The same as In exitu Israel. IN exitu Israel : an historical novel. N. Y. 1870. 12 Barker, Mrs. Lucy D. Sale. LITTLE wide-awake: a story book for little children. Lond. 1875. am. 4. *35: Barker, Lady Mary Anne (Mrs. Fred eric Napier Broome.) CHRISTMAS cake in four quarters. N. Y. 1872. 16 RIBBON stories. Lond. 1872. 12. SPRING comedies. Lond. 1871. 12. SYBIL S book. Lond. 1874. 16.... Barlee, Ellen. EFFIE S prayer. N. Y. 1872. 12. Barley Bannock, The. A. CAMPBELL. /nW. T. B. v. 10 4O: Barnaby Rudge. C. (J. H.) DICK ENS. 3 v 37: The same. 2v 37: The same 37: The same 37: 35: 35: 35: 35: 1585 1586 1587 1588 35: 1615 1720 431-3 434-5 436 437 PROSE FICTION : ENGLISH. BARNAKV. 17 BAYER. 1 1128 Barnaby Rudgc, (continued.) The same. Tauchnitz ed. With Mas ter Humphrey s clock. 2v 37:499-500 The same .". 37: 501-2 Barnard, Charles (Francis.) (Mm. Mnriti frilmnn ; Jane Kinfjsforrf. ) BACH and Beethoven. Bost. 1871. 16. 35: HANDEL and Haydn. Bost. 1871. 16 35: MONEY and music: an art story; be ing the sequel to "The Soprano." n. p. n. d. 16 35: MOZART and Mendelssohn. Bost. 1871. 16 35: SOPRANO, The: a musical story. Bost. 1869. 16 35: Note. For sequel see Money find music. TONE Masters, The. Bost. 1871. 3 v. 16. Vol.1. Mozart and Mendelssohn. 3.1:1628 Vol. 2. Hun lei and Harden. 85: IG2C Vol.. I. Kach and Keothoven. 35: 1625 Barney Brady s goose; or, dark doings at Shithbeg. W. CARLETON. With Redmond Count O Hanlon 35; 3847 Barny <> Rcirdon, the navigator. S. LOVER, hi Legends and stories of Ireland 1 38: 1886 The same. In L. C. v. 9 4O: 1619 Baron Miinchausen s travels. R. E. RASPE 39: 120 Baron Miinehausen, aventures du ; illustrees par G. Done *A Baron of Coiirtstown. A. PIC-KEN. In W. S. C. L. v. 7 34: 4177 The same *15: 4!U7 Baronet s cross, The. M. MEEKE. 2 v 38:2840-41 Baronet s daughter, The. Mrs. E. C. GREY 37: 3492 Baronet s sunbeam, The. A. C. W. 40: 38: 1-3 4641-3 Barony, The. A. M. POBTKB. 3 v... Barrack-master s daughier, The. J. HALL. /// Legends of the west. 37: 3870 Barren honor. G. A. LAWRENCE 38: 1361 Barrett, Frank. FANTOCCINI. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8. 35:1040-41 Barrett, Mary. STORY of \Villinm the silent, The, and the Nethcrland war. Bost. [1809.] 16 35: 1650 Barriers burned away. E. P. ROE.... 39: 618 Barrington. C. LKVER 38: 1562 The same 38: 1503 The same. Tauchnitx. ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1564 Barrister, A. (pseud.) FIVE hundred pounds reward. X. Y. 1871. 8 35; 1G52 Barrow, Mrs. Fanny (Aunt Fanny). ALL sorts of pop-guns. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 1658 BABY night-caps. N. Y. n. d. 18 35: 1G68 Bio night-caps. N. Y. n. d. 18... 35: 1659 FAlRY^night-caps. N. Y. n. d. 18 35: 1660 FVNNY pop guns N. Y. I860. 16. 35; 1661 GKASsiiorrKUpop-guijs. N.Y. I860. 16 35: 1662 LITTLE night-caps 35: 1663 NEW night-cups. N.Y. n. d. 18. 35; 1669 NIGHT-CAPS. N.Y. n. d. 18 35: 1670 ONE big pop-gun. N. Y. 1869. 10. 35; 1664 POP-OVNS. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 1665 POST-OFFICE pop-guns. N. Y. 1869. 16 35: 1666 Barrows, W. TWELVE nights in a hunter s camp. Bost. 1870. 1(> 35: 1677 jvoff. Same as The g^nen>]. Barry Gray. See COFFIN, Robert MITT. Bart Kidgely. A. G. RIDDLE 39: 401 Bartleby. H. MELVILLE. In Piazza tales 38: 2877 Bartol, M. HONOR May. Bost. 1860. 12 35: 1687 Basil. ( AY.) W. COLLINS 35: 4549 Basil Godfrey s caprice. H. PARR. ( Ifolmt Lee. ) 2v.ini 38: 4193 Basket-maker, The. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 7 39: 1642 Bates, -I. C. Ql-EST. N.Y. 1864. 12. [anon.] 35: .1700 Bates, Mi Lizzie. DOWNWARD and upward. Phil. 1871. 12 35: 1712 STORIES from the moorland; or, talcs of the covenanters. Bost. n. d. 16. 35: 1700 Batkins, Jefferson S., life of, member from Cranberry Centre. Written by himself, (pxeud.). Bost. 1871. 8 33; 587 Battle and the breeze; or, the fights and fancies of a British tar. R. M. BALLANTYNE. In Tales of ad venture, v. 1 35: 1483 Battle of the Berrins, The. S. LOVER. /;< Legends and stories of Ireland. 38: 1886 Battle of the books, The. J. SWIFT. In Works, v. 3 34: 2077 The same. With A tale of a tub 39: 3433 Battle of Dorking. The; German conquest of England. Col. G. CHKSNEY 35: 4202 Battle of Drvffe Sands, The. In W. T. B. v. "8 4O: 1718 Battle of tbe factions, The. W. CARLETON. In Traits and stories. v.l. 35: 3841 Battle of Life, The. C. (J. H.) DICK ENS. In Christmas stories 37: 450 The same 37: 451 The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: 438 Battle summer, A. M. V. (H.) TKR- HTNE. With Helen Gardner s wedding-day 39: 2835 Battles lost and won. G. E. MERRILL. 38: 2940 Bauer, Karoline. ( Carl De tiff. ) AT Capri : a story of Italian life. (Attf Capri.) Tr. by M. S. Phil. [1875.] 12 35: 1719 DEAD to the world ; or, sin and atone ment. (Schuld und Siihne.) Bost. 1875. 12 35: 1720 M VST it be ? (Musste ei sein ?) Phil. 1873. 8 35: 1721 VALRNTINE, the countess; or, be tween father and son. (Zicischrn Voter und Sohn.) Tr. by M. S. Phil. 1874. 12 35: 1722 Baxter, Francis Willoughby. PERCY Lockhart; or, the hidden will. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 8 35:1730-31 Bay-path, The. J. G. HOLLAND. ( Timnihi/ THrrmb.} 37: 4546 Bayer, Carl Robert. (Robert Byr). SPHINX, The; or, striving with des tiny. (Sphinx.) Phil. 1871. 12 35: 1740 STRI-OOI.E for existence, The : (Der Knmpf urn s Dastin.) A romance after the German of Robert Byr, by Auber Forestier. Phil. 1873. 12. 35: 1741 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BAYLY. 18 BEECHNUT. Bayly, Thomas Hnynes. (1797-1837). DAVID Dumps; or, the budget of blunders. Phil. 1838. 8 35: 1750 Bazancourt, Sophie de. See ARBOU- VILLE, Sophie de Bazancourt, com- tesse d. Beach, Alice. QUEEN Rhoda. Best. [1870.] 16 35: 1760 Beach, C. LOST Lenore. N. Y. 1870. 12 35: 1766 Beale, Anne. SIMPLICITY and fascination. Bost. I860. 12 35: 1778 Bear and forbear; or, the young skip per of Lake Ucavga. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 231 Bear and forbear. Mrs. S. C. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials 37: 3888 The same 37: 3889 Bear hunters of the Rocky mountains, The. A. BOWMAN 35: 2442 Bear king, The. J. GREENWOOD 37: 3454 Beatrice. J. KAVANAGH 38: 664 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1.. 38: 665 Beatrice. Hon. R. NOEL 38: 3646 Beatrice. 0. SINCLAIR 39: 1725 Beatrice Boville, and other stories. L. de la RAME 39: Cmttsati: Beatrice Boville. Holly wreaths and rose chain*. L fly Marabout s troubles. Silver chimes and fetters Slander and sillery 40 golden 37: 3618 35:1788-90 38: Beatrice Cenci. F. D. GUERRAZZI... Beauchamp, Shelsley. GRANTLEY Grange: benedicts and bachelors. Lond. 1874. 3 v. srn. 8 Beauchamp ; or, the error. G. P. R. JAMES Beauchampe ; the Kentucky tragedy. W. G. SIMMS .". 39: Beauclercs, The ; father and son. C. CARLOS-CLARKE 35: Beauclerk, Ladi/ Diana de Vere. TBUK love. Phil. 1870. 12 35: Beaumanoir. N. VIENER 39: Beaumarchais : an historical novel. A. K. BRACIIVOOEL. Tr. by T. J. Had ford ..." 35: Beaumont, Averil. MAGDALEN "Wynynrd. Lond. 1871. 2v.ini. sm. 8 35: TIIORNICROFT S model. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 35:1811-13 Beautiful Bertha. Mrs. L. C.TUTHILL 39: 3384 Beautiful Edith. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: Beautiful fiend, A. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTIIWORTH 39: Beautiful Miss Barrington. H. P;;rr. I Holme. Lee) 38: Beautiful widow, The. M. VV. SHEL LEY 39: Beauty and the beast ; and tales of home. (J.) B. TAYLOR 39: Contents: Beauty and the beast. Can a life hide itself? Experiences of the A. C. Friend Eli s daughter. Jacob Flint s journey. Beauty and the beast. Miss A. I. THACKERAY. With The story of Eli/.abeth 39: 2863 Beauty and the beast. N. P. WILLIS. In L. C., v. 4 4O: 1614 Beauty draught, The. /T.f. B. v. 9 4O: 1697 168 3856 1800 3727 2497 1810 2043 2003 4194 1601 2780- Miss Bartrnrn s trouble. Mrs. Strongitharm s re port. Strange friend, The. Twin-love. Beauty of Vicq. d Azyr. L. de la RAME. With Cecil Castlemaine s gage 39: 42 Beauvoir (Kdounrd Roger de Bully, called) Roger de. (1809-1866.) SAFIA; or, the magic of count Cag- liostro : a Venetian tale. Trans lated from the French by P. F. Christin and Eugene Lies. N. Y. 1858. 8 35: 1823 Bebee ; or, two little wooden shoes. L. de la RAME 39: 41 Bechard, Frederic, (b. 1824.) MAURICE. Tr. by Mrs. Josephine Douglas. N. Y. 1872. 12 35: 1830 Beckett, Arthur A. FALLEN among thieves. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 1840-2 Beckett, Gilbert Abbott a (1810- 185(1). COMIC Blackstone, The. Phil. n. d. 12 33: 823 COMIC history of England, The. Lond. n. d. 8 27: 1377 COMIC history of Rome, The. Lond. n. d. 8..." 26: 2198 Beckford, William. (1-760-1844). VATIIEK: an Arabian tale. N. Y. 1868. 16 35: 1851 Beckoning series, The. P. COBDKN. {pseud.) 4 v 35: 4464-7. Contents : Going on a mission, v 2. I (;ood luck, v. 4. Turning wheel, The, v. 3 Who will win, v 1. N. 33: 33: 33: Beckwith, Mr*. J. K. HOUSE behind the poplars, The. Y. 1871. 12 35: WINTHBOPS, The. N. Y. 1864.12 35: Bede, Cuthbert. (pseud.) See BRAD LEY, Rev. Edward. Bede s charity. H. SMITH 39: Bedford-row conspiracy. W. M. THACKERAY. In Miscellanies, v. 3 The same. Jn Miscellanies, v. 7 The same. In Miscellanies, v. 3... Bedott, widow. See WHITCHER, Mrs. F. M. Bed-time stories. Mrs. L. C. MOUL- TON Contents : Henjie, Child s good work, A. Child s trugedy, A. Coals of fire. How the girls got rid of Freddy. Janie Leech s angel. Just a little bit of Christ mas. Light in the window. Bee, The. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) In Tales and illustra tions 39: Bee Darrel. Mrs. A. FRASER. With Only a face 37: Beebee, Charles Washington. (Ra- vemwood.) EDMUND Dawn; or, ever forgiven. N. Y. 1873. 12 35: Beechcroft. C. M. YONGE 4O: Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward. NORWOOD. N. Y. 1868. 12 Beecher, Mrs. Henry Ward. FROM dawn to daylight; or, the simple story of a western home. N. Y. 1861. 12 Beechnut : a Franconia story. J. AHHOTT 35: 1861 1862 1842 4009 4006 4J13 38: 3180 Little mother, The. Msirgsiret s neckliice. Maud Granger s new dress. Mr. Turk and what became of him. Paying oft 1 Jane. Sir" Harry. What Birdie did. What Jess Cortrell did. 3070 2445 1872 1260 35: 1880 35: 1885 23 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BKKCHWOOD. 19 BKRUKR. Beechwood. R. R. SPRINGER 39: 2137 Beethoven, L. von. Mrs. EI.LKT. In Nouvellettes of the musicians... 37: 1650 Before ho was posted. J. POMEROY. 2 v 38: 4583-4 Beggar on horseback. J. S. SAUZADE. (James I aj/n) 39: 11(31 Beggars. Mrs. S. C. HALL. In Lights und shadows, v. 2 37: 3883 Beggar s camp, The : Serjeant s tales. .1. HOWKLL. 7n Vi. T. B. v. 4.... 4O: 1714 Behind the curtain. H. N. (W.) BAKKR 35: 1381 Behind the hedges. Mud. H. G. de WITT. In Dames of high estate... 37: 401 Behind the scenes. Lady BUI.WKR- LYTTON. 2 v in 1 35: 3275 Behind the veil. C.V.HAMILTON.... 37: 3920 Behold it was a dream. R. BROVOH- TON-. In Tales for Christmas eve... 35: 2!I77 Belcher, Henry. CRAMLKIGH college. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 35; 1890-2 Belforest. A. MANNING. 2 v 38: 2453-4 Belial. N*. Y. 1807. 8 4O: 2045 Belinda. M. EDGEWORTH. In B. B. N. v. 49, 50 37; 14H8- .! The same. In her N. and T. v. 6... 37: 1501 Belisarius : an historical romance. Comt.-sse de (St. Albin) GENLIS 37: 2920 Bell, Acton. See BROSTC, Anne. Bell, Mn. Adolphus. See REYNOLDS, Mrs. Louisa Clarissee. Bell, Currer. Sft NICHOLLS, Mrs Charlotte Bronte. Bell, Kills. See BROXT, Emily. Bell, !Hr. Evans. FIRST appearance, A. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 35; 1901-3 Bell, Mm. Martin. .li-i.iA Howard. X. Y. 1864. 8. 35: 11112 Bell and rose. C. L. HKNTZ. With Banished son 37: 4311 Bell Martin. T. S. ARTHUR. In Tales from real life 35: 804 The same. In Mary Ellis 35: 788 Bella ; or, the cradle of liberty. Mrs. K. St. JOHN 39: 1049 Bella Donna. P. FITZGERALD 37: 2225 Bella Treluwny: sequel to Harold Tracy. J. F. SMITH 39: 1889 "Bellah." <>. FKUILLET. Tr. by (). Yiheur. In Led astray 37: 2121 Bellamy, E. W. (Kamba Thorpe.) FOUR Oaks. N. Y. 1874. 8 35: 1920 Belle of Belgravia. G. \V. GARRKTT. 2 v 37: 2851-2 Belle of the court, The. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 224 Sote. Same a One in a thousand. Belle of the family, The. Mrt. E. C. GREY 37: 3493 Belle of Washington, The. Mrs. X. P. LASSELLK 38: 1340 Bellehood and bondage. Mrt. A. S. STEPHENS 39: 2202 Belles und blaekeock. L. de la RAMK. With Randolph Gordon 39: 5G Bellini, Vineenzo. Mrs. ELLET. In Xouvellettes of the musicians 37: 1G50 Bell-tower, The. H. MKI.VII.I.E. In L. C. v. 3 4O: 1013 The same. In Piazza tales 38: 2877 Belot, Adolphe. ARTICLE 47: a romance. Phil. 1873. 8 ............................................. MEN are what women make them. Phil. 1872. 12 ........................ WOMKN of fire, The. Tr. from the French by Jas. Furbish. Bost. 1875. 8 ................................... Below the surface. Sir A. H. ELTON. Belton Kstatc. A. TROLLOPE ........... The same. Tnuchnitz ed. 2v.ini. Ben Brace: the last of Nelson s Aga- memnons. F. CHAMIKR. 3v ...... Ben, the luggage boy; or, among the wharves. H. ALGER, Jr .............. Ben Sylvester s ward. C. M. YONGE.. Bendbow, Hesper. (pse.ud.) See AKCIIKR, George W. Bending willow; or, missionary life in the north-west. J. G. FULLER.. Beneath the wheels. F. DERRICK ..... Benedict, Frank Lee. JOHN Worthington s name. N. Y. 1874. 8 ................................... Miss Dorothy s charge. N. Y. 1873. 8 ............................................ Miss Van Kortlund. X. Y. 1870. 8. Mu. Vniighan s heir. N. Y. 1875. 8. MY daughter Elinor. N. Y. 1871. 8. PRICK of a dream. In Rougegorge, and other stories ........................ ST. Simon s niece. X. Y. 1875. 8. Benito Cereno. H. MELVILLE. In Piazza tales ............................... Benjamin, E. B. BKKIHTSIDK. X. Y. 1873. 16 ...... Benjamin, S. G. W. CHOICE of Paris, The. 35: 35; 35; 37: 39: 39: 35: 35: 4O: 37: 37: 35: 35: 35: 35; 35: 4O: 35: 38: 35: 1870. Ben-na-groich. In T. f. B. Bennett, Kmcrson. BORDER rover, The. Phil. n. d. 12. HKIDE of the wilderness, The. Phil. n. d. 12 .................................. CLARA Moreland. Phil. n. d. 12. ELLEN Xorbury. Phil. n. d. 12.... FAIR rebel, The: a tale of colonial times. Cin. 1853. 8 ................ FORGED will, The; or, crime and retribution. Phil. n. d. 12 ...... HEIRKSS of Bellefonte and Walde- warren. Phil. n. d. 8 ............. KATK Clarendon. Phil. n. d. 12. OKI-HAN S trials, The. Phil. n. d. 12 .......................................... PHANTOM of the forest, The: a tale of the dark and bloody ground. Phil. [1807.] 12 ........................ PIONEER S daughter, The; and the unknown countess. Phil. n. d. 8 VILLETA Linden; or, the artist s bride. Phil. 1874. 12 ............. VIOLA ; or, adventures in the far south-west. Phil. n. d. 12 ....... Bennett, Martha Haines Butt. PASTIMES with my little friends. X. Y. 1866. 12. . .......................... Benning, Howe. Xix s offering. X. Y. 1873. 16... Beppo. T. A. TROI.LOPK ............... Berber, The; or, mountaineer of the Atlas. W. S. MAYO ...................... Berger, E. (psrud). See SHEPPARD, Elizabeth Sara. 35: 4O: 35: 35; 35: 35: 35: 35: 35; 35: 1930 1931 1932 1695 3152 3153 4007-9 530 2520 347 1942 1043 1944 1945 1946 1070 1947 2877 1956 1904 1096 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1978 1979 1980 35: 1981 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 39: 1982 1983 1984 1985 35: 2000 2010 3251 38: 2830 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BKRKKLEY. BILL. Berkeley, the banker. H. MAKTI- NKAV. In Illus. of Polit. Eeon., v. 5 Berkeley, Hon. Grantly K. ANECDOTES of the upper ten thou sand: their legends and lives. Loud. 18117. 2 v. 8 Berkeley, Mrs. Helen. See RITCHIE, Mrs. A. C. M. Berkley, C. HAMILTON S, The. N. Y. 1850.18 Berlin and Sans-Souei. C. M. MUNDT. ( Luiiina Miihltiiirh.) Bernard, diaries Bernard Dugrail de la Villette. (1805-1850). FATAL passion, A ; or, Gerfaut. Tr. hy O. Vibeur. N. Y. 1874. 12.. Qu KKN S favorite, The ; the price of a crown : an historical romance of the fifteenth century. Phil. n. d. 12 Bernard Mle. Hon. J. CLEMENS Bernard s invention. F. C. FISIIKR. (ClirixtiaH Reid.) In Nina s atone ment Bernhard, Carl. Arxr Francisca. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 2 BANKRUPT, The. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 COUSIN Carl. In Danes sketched t>y themselves, v. 1 DAMON and I vthias. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 2 Bernthal; or, the son s revengi*. Mrs. C. Al. MUXDT. (Louisa MiilMach) Berquin, Arnaud. LOOKING glass for the mind. N. Y. n. d. 18 Berriedale. (p*eudi. 1 T NFOR<1IVKN . N. Y. 1800. 12... Berry, Mrs. Martha E. CELESTA : a girl s book. Bost. 1867. ni : CROOK straightened, The. Bost. 1808. 1(1 . CKOOKKD and straight; or, Jotham and Anette at home. Bost. 1807. It Bertha Weisser s wi.-h. It. L. Bis- SKI.I T. L. Bertha s engagement. Miss A. S. STEPHENS Bertram family, The. E. R. CHARLES. Bertram Noel. E. .1. MAY Bertrams, The. A. TROLI.OPE. 2 v. in 1 Bertrand de la Croix; or, the siege of Rhode*. G. P. R. JAMES. / Club bonk Besetting- sin, The. C. M. BRAME. In Tales fr. the diary of a sister of mercy Bessie. J. KAVANAGH Bessie Wilmerton. M. WESTCOTT.... Bessy Conway ; or, the Irish girl in Anierika. Mrs. M. A. M. SADLJER. Bessy Kane. E. P. WOOD. [Mrs. H e n ry W o od . ] The same. Tauchmtz ed. 2 v. in 1. Bessy s money: a tale. A. MANNING. Best of husbands, The. J. S. SATT- 7.ADK. (James Pfiyn.) Bet, The. EHERHARDT. In R. G. N. v. 2... 38: 2043 33: 849-50 35: 2020 38: 3236 35: 2030 35: 2031 35: 4387 37: 2201 40: 1531 4O: 1532 4O: 1530 4O: 1531 38: 3237 35: 2041 35: 2050 35: 2056 35: 2057 35: 2058 35: 1301 39: 2203 35: 4080 38: 2780 39: 3155 4O: 1520 35: 2073 38: 600 4O: 320 39: 1011 40: 40: 38: 677 078 2455 2321 2616 2047 3590-2 2169 570 95 39: 1162 4O: 1561 Betham-Edwards, Matilda. DOCTOR Jacob. Bost. 1869. 16.... 35: 2061 KITTY. N. Y. 1870. 8 35: 2002 SYLVESTRES, The; or, the outcasts. Phil. 1872. 8 35: 2063 The same. Leip. 1872. 10 35: 2004 Bethell, A. MII.LICENT and her cousins. N. Y. 1872. 16 35: 2068 Betrothed, The. A. MANZONI 38: 2510 -Vo^e. Transhitiun of / prottiessi sposi. Betrothed, The. Sir W. SCOTT. Par ker ed *39: 1385 The same. Edinb. ed 39: 1357 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1367 The same 39: 1388 The same. Household ed. 2v 39: 1431-2 The same. Pocket ed 39: 1463 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1473 Better for worse. M. E. BRADDON... 35: 2520 Better than gold. Mrs. ARNOLD. 3 v. 35: 742-4 Betty s bright idea. Mrs. 11. (E.) B. STOWE Between the cliffs ; or, Hal Forrester s anchor. E. MARSHAL! Between two fires. By the author of " Mot easily jealous." Lund. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 Between two loves. R. J. GRIK- K1TIIS. 3 V Betwixt two stools. R. BLACK. lit Lady Caroline: with pendants 35: Beulah. A. J. (Evans) WILSON 4O: Beverly; or, the white mask. M. T. \\ A I. WORT II Bewick, Thomas. (1753-1828.) SELECT fables, with the original wood- engravings. Lond. n. d. 4 Bewicke, A". K. N. LAST of the Jerninghames, The. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 LOVE me for my love. Lond. 1869. 2 v. sm. 8..". 35: Bewildered querists, The; and other nonsense. F. B. CKOFTOX Bewildered student, The. J. BE- TIIU-XK. In \V. T. B. v. 5 Beyond the breakers. R. D. OWEN... Beyond the snow. P. F. REED 39: Beyond these voices. Lord DESAKT 3 v 37: Bianca : a tale of Erin and Italy. E. MATURIN ". 38: Bianca Cappello. Ltidy BULWEK- LYTTOX 35: Biart, Lucien. ADVENTURES of a young naturalist. N. Y. 1871. 12" Bible the best book, The. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) In Tales and illustrations 39: Bible of Yul du Berger, The. F. BROWNE. In The exile s trust 35: Bidpai. Nee PILPAI. Big brother, The. G. C. EGULESTON. 37: Big- night-caps. Mrs. F. BARROW 35: Bill Arp s peace papers. C. H. SMITH. 33: Bill Drock s investment. M. D. CH EL LIS 35: Bill Riggs, Jr. : the story of a city boy. O. A. WADSWORTH 4O: Bill Stanley ; or, a sailor s story. J. M. WILSON-. In W. T. B. v. 3 4O: Bill Whyte. H. MILLER. In W. T. 15. v. 3 4O: 39: 38: 4O: 37: 4O: :S A. 35: 33: 4O: 38: 2075-6 2077-8 1230 , 1715 3060 203 357-9 2730 3270 35: 2085 3070 3025 1603 1659 3789 4150 20 1713 1713 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BlLI.INfiS. 21 BLACK. 3U49 3i>50 Billings, Josh, (pseud.) See SHAW, II. W. Billings, Josh: his sayings. H. \V. SHAW 33: Billings, Josh, on ice, and other things. II. W.SHAW 33: Billy <i rimes favorite. H. P. II. Now KM 38: Binding the sheaves. S. S. BOBBINS. 39: Bird, Mary Atherstone. WIXIKRKD S jewels. Phil. 1874. 12. Bird, Uobert Montgomery ( 1803-1854.) ADVENTURES of Robin Day. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 12 CAI.AVAR; or, the knight of the con quest: a romance of Mexico. N. Y. 1854. 12 Note, For sequel see The infidel. HAWKS of hawk hollow : a tradition of Pennsylvania. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 12.; INFIDEL, The; or. the fall of Mexico. Sequel to Calavar. Phil. 1835. 12 NICK of the woods; or, the Jibbe- nainosay : a tale of Kentucky. N. Y. 1868. 12 " PKTKK Pilgrim ; or, a rambler s rec ollections. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 12. SIIEPPARD Lee. N. Y. 1836. 2 v. -12. [<mon.] 35: Birdie and his fairy friends. M. T. CAN BY Bird s nest. The. C. E. TONNA ( Cluir- liitte Elizabeth.) In Philip and his garden Birds of a feather. M. K. BRADLEY. Birds of prey. M. E. BRADDON 35: Birth and education. M.S. SCHWARTZ. Birthday present, The. M. M. SHKR- \vooi>. In Works v. 8 Birthmark, The. N. HAWTHORNK. //- L. C. v. 8 The same. In Mosses from an old n la use Birthright, The. C. G. F. GOHK Births, deaths and marriages. T. (E.) HOOK .. Bitzius, (continued.) WKALTH and welfare. Lond. I860. 2 v. 12 35: 2145-fi The same 35: 2147 Note. The above are both translations, by different hands, of Gchi itnfl G?i*t t odcr die. Vers tfinuity. 35: 35: 35: 211; 35: 2118 35: 35: 2120 35: 2121-2 35: 2123 35: 3740 39: 35: 35: 39: 3068 2615 2521 1256 39: 1643 4O: 1618 37: 37: 4182 3191 Two turning* to the right. Unexpected blessing, An. Verdict against J. J., The. With Lady Lady Caroline. Odd shaver, An. Off the scent. Red nose, Tile. Stubbs s luck. Bisaccioni, Maiolino. NOYKLS of. In R. I. N. v. 4. Bishop s son, The. Bissell. Mary L. liKRTHA "VVeisser s wish. Bost. 1865. 16 NED Grant s quest. Bost. 1867. lfi. ROBINSONS, The. Bost. n. d. 16.. Bit o writin , The. J. and M. BANIM. Qmtenti : Ace of clubs. Churchyard watch. Ktiithfiil servant, The. Family of the cold feet. Half-brother*. Hall of the castle, linn-hound and the witch 111 got, ill gone. Irish lord-lieutenant. CARY 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: Lost of the storm. Peasant girl s li\v. ilblicnn s drc;nn. RivHl dreamers. Koman merchant. Soldier s billet. Stolen sheep. Substitute. Twice lost but saved White Bristol. AV. COLLINS.... 35: 39: Biter Bit, The. (W. Bitter is the rind. H. SMART. 3 v... Bitter sweet, The. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 8 Bitzius, Albert (Jeremias (ioiihelf.) (1794-1854.) Sol 1 1. and money, The. Tr. by (iuaterick Yere. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 35: Bivouac, The. S. FOSTER 37: 2426 36K6 Bivouac, The ; or, stories of the 1 e- 45tl ninsulur war. \Y. H. MAXWKI.L. 38: 2743 Bivouac and battle; or, the struggles of a soldier. W. T. ADAMS (Oliver Optic.) 35: 232 Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. (b. 1832.) ARNK; a sketch of Norwegian coun try life. Lond. 18U6. $ 35: 2157 FISH KR girl, The. Lond. 1871. 12. 35: 2158 Black, Robert. BAR one. With Lady Caroline 35: 21C>9 BKTWIXT two stools. With Lady Caroline 35: 21G , BLACKBIRD of Baden, and other stories. Lond. 1869. sm. 8 35: 216S Contents : Friends and rivals, Miirried well. Pretty butcheress, The. FATAL bouquet, The. Caroline 35: FIFTY brides; an old tale re-told. With Lady Caroline 35: FRIENDS and rivals. With Blackbird of Baden 35: 2108 How Robinson lost his fellowship. With Lady Caroline 35: 2H!i LADY Caroline: with pendants. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 35: 2169 Content* : Bar one. Betwixt two stools. Fatal bouquet, The. Fifty brides. How Robinson lost his fellowship. MAKKIKD well. With Blackbird of Baden 35: ODD shaver, An. Wifh Lady Caro line OFF tile scent : rather an adventure for an undergraduate. With Lady Caroline . . 35: 21f> .> PKF/ITY butcheress, The. With Black bird of Baden 158. ! RED note, The. WHh Lady Caroline. 3914 STI-BBS S luck. With Lady Caroline. Two turnings to the rig ht. With Blackbird of Baden 35: 1301 UNEXPECTED blessing, An. With 2133 Blackbird of Baden 35: 2134 VERDICT against J. .)., The. With 1531 Blackbird of Baden 35: Black, William, (b. 1841.) DAi dHTER of Heth, A. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1 FIGHT for a wife. With Maid of Killeenn 35; 2179 IK silk attire. N. Y. 1872. 8 35: 2176 KILMKNY. N. Y. 1874. 8 35: 2177 LOYF. or marriage? N. Y. 1874. 8. 35: 2178 MAID of Killeena; and other stories. N. Y s 1875. 8 35: 2179 MAX who was like Slmkspeare, The. Witt, Maid of Killeena 35: 2179 39: 1643 MARRIAUE of Moira Fergus, The. Bost. 1875. 8 35: 2184 MONARCH of Mincing Lane, The. X. Y. 1871. 8 35: 2180 PRINCESS of Thule, A. N. Y. 1875. 2144 8 35: 2181 37: 4633 40: 2168 2169 2168 2 1 69 2169 2168 2168 2168 35: 2175 35: 35: 35: 35: 455*6 1767-9 PROSE FICTION: KNCiUSH. BLACK. 22 BLUEBEARD S. Black, William, (continued.) QUEEN Tita T s wager. In Maid of Killeena 35: 2179 STRANGE adventures of a phaeton, The. N. Y. 1874. 8 35: 2182 THREE feathers. N. Y. 1875. 8... 35: 2183 TRUK legend of a billiard club. With Maid of Killeena 35: 217!t Black and blue. In N. and T. v. 2. 4O: 1042 Black band. M. K. BRADDON 35: 2522 Black baronet, The. W. CARLKTOX. 35: 3826 Black cottage, The. (W.) W. COL LINS. With Mad Monkton 35: 455U Black Dennis. Mrs. S. C. HALL. In Sketches of Irish character 37: 3887 Black dwarf. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed *39: 13011 The same. Edinb. ed 39: 1355 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1360 The same 39: 1378 The same. Household ed 39: 1405 The same. Pocketed 39: 1450 The same. Tauehnitz ed 39: 1474 Black flags in the Channel. H. SPICKR. In Hound to please. V.I 39: 20!>6 Black forest village stories. B. AUKRBACH 35: 876 (Juntente : Florian and Crescence I Ivo, the gentleman. Gawk, The. | Laulerbaohar, The. Good Government. I Manor-house fiinner s Vel ela. Hostile brothers, The. | Mp-cheeked Touey. Pipe of war. The. Black gauntlet, The. Mrs. H. R. SCHOOLCRAFT 39: 1245 Black mask, The. C. L. HKNTZ. Wilh Banished son 37: 4311 Black proplu-t; a talc of the Irish famine. W. CARLKTON 35: 3827 Black sheep. E. YATES. 2v.ini.... 4O: 1201 Black ship, The. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Black tulip, The. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 065 Black watch, The ; an historical novel. A. PICKEN. In W. S. C. L. v. 3. 34: 4173 The same *15: 4!) 1 3 and other Blackbird of Baden, The stories. R. BLACK Contents : Kriends and rivals. Married well. Pretty bntchere.ss, The. Blackburn, Rev. William M. ULKICH Zwingli, the patriotic re former: a history. Phil. [1868.] 12 Blackford, Mrs. ARTHUR Monteith. With Scottish orphans, and sequel to the same SCOTTISH orphans, The; founded on a historical fact. Phil. 1874. 10. YOUNG West Indian, The. With Scottish orphans Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. ALICE Lorraine; a tale of the South Downs. N. Y. 1875. 8 CLARA Vaughan. Berlin. 1872. 2 v. in 1. 12 CRADOCK Nowell; a tale of the New Forest. N. Y. 1866. 8 LORNA Doone; a romance of Kx- moor. N. Y. 1874. 8 MAID of Sker, The; a novel. N. Y. 1872. 8 Blackwell, Antoinette Brown. ISLAND neighbors, The; a novel of American life. N. Y. 1871. 8. 35: 2108 2192 2192 Two turnings to the right. Unexpected blessing, An. Verdict against J. .)., The. 25: 1924 35: 35: 35: 35: 2200 35: 2201 35: 2202 35: 35: 2204 35: 2210 Blackwood, Tales from. For con tents see Tales from, etc. Blade-o -grass. B. L. FARJKON. N. Y. 1873. 8 37: 1977 Blagden, Isa. NORA and Archibald Lee. N. Y. 1867. 8 35: 2218 Blake, Lady. CLAUDE. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8. 35:2228-30 HAMMONDS of Holycross, The. Lond. 1865. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 2231-3 LADY of Lyndon. Bost. 1872 8. 35: 2234 KUTII Maxwell. Bost. 1873. 8.... 35: 2235 Blake, Lillie Devereux. FETTERED for life; or, lord and master: a story of to-day. N. Y. 1874. 12 ". ". 35: 2245 Blakes and Flanngans, The. Mrs. M. A. M. SADLIER 39: 1012 Blanchard, Sidney Laman. RIDDLES of love; or, the knave of hearts. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8. 35: 2255-7 Blanche, Allen August. BANDIT, The. N. Y. 1872. 8 35: 2267 Blanche Gilrov; a girl s storv. Mm. M. HOSMEK ." 37: 4700 Blanche of Beaulieu. A. (D.) DU MAS. With Twin lieutenants 37: 1<>15 Blanche of Brandywine. G. LIPPAKD. 38: 1773 Blanche Seymour. Phil. 1873. 8. 4O: 2054 Bleaburn, Sickness and health of the people of. Bost 1853. 16 4O: 2565 Bleak House. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. (Boz.) 2v 37:4311-40 The same 37: 441 The same 37: 442 The same. TauehniU ed. 4v 37: 443-6 The same. 4 v. in 2 37: 447-8 Blessed family. M. M. SHKKWOOD. Jit Works, v. 13 39: 16-48 Blessington, Countess of. See Gar diner, M. Blicher, S. S. KSUK.N. In Danes sketched by them selves, v. 3 4O: TALE of Jutland, A. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 4O: Blithedale romance, The. N. HAW THORNE 37: The same 37: Blockade of Phalsburg. E. ERCK- MANN and A. CHATRIAN 37: Block-house, The. In Tales of Glau ber Spa. v. 2 4O: Blood of the Sundons, The. In N. and T. v. 8 4O: Blood seedling, The. J. HAY. With Not pretty, but precious 4O: Bloomfleld. K. WARREN 4O: The same 4O: Blossoming of an aloe, The. Mrs. Cashel HOEY 37: Blot on his escutcheon, A. C. A. CUTHHERT. 2 v. in 1 35: "Blowup with the brig." (W.) W. COLLINS. Wilh Alicia Warlock... 35: The same. With Miss or Mrs? 35: Blue and yellow. L. de la RAMK. ( Ouida.) With Randolph Gordon. 39: Blue-Bell of Red-Neap. L. PAHK... 38: Blue ribbon, The. E. TABOR 39: Bluebeard s ghost. Wm. M. THACK ERAY. In L. C. v. 9 4O: 1019 4177 4186 1731 1700 1648 1640 220 221 4460 5190 4539 4567 56 4230 2713 I ROSK FICTION: KXGUSH. Bluebeard s keys, and other stories. Mist A. I. THACKERAY 39: 2800 KiipU t a la honppe. While cat, The. 35: 37: 2271-3 2274 3100 35: 35: 35: 35: 39: 38: 35: 2284 2285 2286 2287 3070 3205 :if>:2G1 s.Wr.6 1595 Contents: Bluebeard s key*. Jack and the bean-stalk. Blythe. J. A. ST JOHN. LONELY life, A. Phil. [n. d.] 12. 35: 2270 WIFE or slave. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 35: WISE as a serpent Boarding-school days. C. GORDON. Boardman, Mrs. M. M. HAPS and mishaps of the Brown fam ily. Phil. 1870. 16 MOTHER-IX-LAW. Phil. 1870. 10. NELLIE Gates. Phil. 1870. 16.... SISTER S triumph. Phil. 1870. 16. Boat, The. C. E. TONXA. ( Charlotte Elizabeth.) In Tales and illustra tions Boat-builder s family. Z. A. MUDGK. Boat club, The: or, the bunkers of Rippleton. \V. T. ADAMS. (Oli ver Optic. } Boat club series. W. T. ADAMS. (Oli ver Optic.) 6 v. Contents : All aboard, v, i. 3r>:230 Now or never, v. 3. Boat chlb. v.l. 3.1:2:!:! Poor and proud, v. 0. Little b; little. T. 4. 3fi:M Try again, v. 5. Bob Burke s duel with Ensign Brady. Wm. MAOINX. In T. fr. B. v. 3. 4O: Bobbin boy, The. W. M. TIIAYER. 39: Bob-O-link and the owl, The. K. EG- GLESTON. / Schoolmaster s stories 37: Boccaccio, Giovanni. (1313-1375.) NOVELS. In li. I. N. v.l 4O: Note. Stories selected from the Decameron. Bocher of Red-gup lane. Mm. S. C. HALL. In Lights and shadows. v. 3 37: 3884 Boelte, Amalic Charlotte Elise Mari- ane (unuMij only Amely). MADAME de Stael; an historical nov el. Tr. by T. Johnson. N. Y. [1869.]. 12 35: 2298 Bogle o the Brae, The; a qvieer court ing story. J.HoGG. ( Ettrick Shep herd.) //, Club- Book 4O: 1520 Bohemian, The. By the author of Gilbert Earle. In W. S. C. L. v. 14. 34: 41H4 Tin-same 3 15: 4924 Bohl de (Faber) Arrom Caecilia. (Fer- nan Cabullero.) Formerly Minn Faber (b. 1797.) EI.IA : or, Spain fifty years ago. N. Y. 1808. 12...."..." 35: 2311 Boisgobey, Fortune du. CHEVAI.IEK Casse-Cou, The. N. Y. 1875. 2 v. 8 35:2315-6. Contents : Red camelia. The. Search for ancestors, The. GOLDEX tress, The. Phil. 1876. 12. 35: 2314 Bolanden, Conrad von. ANGELA. With The progressionists. 35: 2321 BAKUAROSSA; an historical novel of the xii century. Phil. 1873. 12. 35: 2320 PROGRESSIONISTS, The, and Angela. N. Y. 1873. 8 35: 2321 Bold and brave books. H. AI.GEK, jr. Bost. [1874.] 10 35: 532 BB\VK and hold, v. 1. Bold words by a bachelor. (\V.)\V. I OI.LIXS. With The queen s revenge. 35: 4581 Bolton, Sarah K. PRESENT problem, The. N. Y. 1874. 12... 35: 2330 Bonanza, The great. W. T. ADAMS. 33: 741 Bond and free. / N. and T. v. 2.... 4O: 1642 Boniface, Joseph Xavier. (Called Saintine.) DAME Nature and her daughter 35: 2341 PICCIOLA; the prisoner of Fenestrella. Phil. 1857. 12 35: 2342 Bonny Marv Gibson. Thos. GII.LES- I lE. /M"W. T. B. v. 8 4O: 1718 Bonwick, James. TASMANIA* lily, The. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 35: 2354 Book of golden deeds. C. M. YONOE. (Edit.) 33: 4479 Book of life, The. J. GAI.T. In Club-Book 4O: 1520 Book of snobs, The. Wm. M. f IIACK- ERAY. In Miscellanies, v. 1 33: 4003 The same, /n Miscellanies, v. 3 33: 4013 The same 33: 3995 Border and bastile. G. A. LAWRENCE. 38: 1362 Border beagles. W. G. SIMMS 39: 1076 Border rifles G. AIMAKD 35: 3H7 Border rover. E. BENNETT 35: 1974 Borders of the Tamar and the Temv. A. E. BRAY "... 35: 2693 Born to be a lady. K. HENDERSON.... 37: 4300 Borrow, George, (b. 1803.) LAVENGRO; Romany Kye. N. Y. 1857. 2v.ini. ~8...~ 35: 2364 LAVENGRO. Cincinnati 1852. 8... 35: 2365 ROMANY Rye. With Lavengro 35: 2364 ROVING adventures. Cin. 1852. 8. 35: 23(i6 Borys, Gontran. SHE loved him madly. N. Y. 1870. 12 , . 35: 2373 Contents : Pt. 1. Little at the Brambles. 1 t. 2. Lecluhdes Pendus. Boscobel. \V. H. AINSWORTH 35: 410 Boscobel. In N. and T. v. 8 4O: 1048 Bosom friend, The. Mrs. E. C. GREY. 37: 3494 Bossu, I^e. In Tales of Glauber-Spa. v.l 4O: 1700 Both sides of the street, M. S. WALKER 4O: 38 Bothmer, Countess von. POET Hero, A. Lond. 1870. srn. 8. 35: 2370 STRONG hands and steadfast hearts. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 2377-9 Bothwell ; or, the days of Mary Queen of Scots. J. GRANT .. 37: 3302 Bottari, Giovanni. NOVELS. In R. I. N. v.4 4O: 1583 Bound boy, The. E. EGOLESON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Bound by bis vows; or, at the altar. K. WERNER 4O: 311 Bound down. A. M. FITCH 37: 2215 Bound to John Company. M. E. BRADDON . 35: 2523 Bound to please. H. SPICER. 2 v. in ! 39: 2()9ti Contents : Aboard the Eyeleen Brown Awful experience in the life of; Film* Kroant. Black tiiiKS in the Channel. Busily >ngnge<i Campaigning in the Tyrol. Drawing ft l>adgrr. Gigantic attraction. Going to the front. Hermit Boh. Hero misunderstood, A. Horror in the honr. Tho. Interesting young person, An. Bound to rise; or, Hurry Walton s motto. H. AUJEK, jr 35: Italy in the leash. Lust of the war. The. Lodger s story, The. Love and glo y. Lulkin on I>avmg|>odge. Mere scratch, A. Mutiny aboard the Minnie Jimp*. On the roek with (Jaribaldi. Paradise revisited Solid reasons. Ti-pck of nr. The. Unpatentcd "hoM, An. Waiting for Capua. 531 PROfeE FICTION: ENGLISH. BOUND. 24 BRADDON. 2389 471 Lost in the fo. v. 3. Picked up ndritl. v. 5. Treasure of the sens, v. 6. Bound to the wheel. .T. SAUNDERS.... 39: 1138 Bourne. William Oland. GKMS from Fable Land. N. Y. 1853. 12 35: The same 33: Bouton, John Bell. ROUND the block; an American novel. N. Y. 1868. 12 35: 239-) Bouverie, F. W. B. STORY of Herbert Lovell. Lond. [n. d.] 16 35: 2402 B. O. W. C. series. J. DE MILLK. Bost. 1871-3. 6 v. 16. B. O. W. C. v. I. 37:208 Boys of Grand Pre school, v. 2. 1)7:269 Fire in the woods. V. 4. 37:274 Bowen, C. E. A LICK Neville. N. Y. 1875. 12. 35: JESSIE Wallis. With Alice Neville.. 35: RIVERSDALE. With Alice Neville... 35: Bow in the cloud, The. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) In Tales and illustrations 39: Bowles, Emily. I.v the Camargue. Bost. n. d. 12. 35: Bowman, Anne. AMY Carlton ; or, first days at school. Lond. n. d. 16 35: BEAK hunters of the Rocky Mount ains. Phil. n. d. 16 35: BOY foresters, The ; a tale of the days of Kobin Hood. Lond. n.d. 18 35: BOY pilgrims, The. Lond. n.d. 16. 16 35: BOY voyagers, The; a tale of adven ture. Lond. n. d. 16 35: CASTAWAYS, The; or, adventures of a family in the wilds of Africa. Lond. n.d. 16 35: CLARISSA; or, the Mervyn inherit ance. Lond. n. d. 16 35: ESPEKANZA ; or, the home of the wanderers. Lond. n.d. 16 35: KANGAROO hunters; or, adventures in the bush. Lond. n.d. 10 35: HECTOR S daughter, The. A tale for the young. Lond. n. d. 16 35: SUNSHINE and clouds in the morning of life. Lond. n. d. 16 35: TOM and the crocodiles. Lond. 1867. 16 35: Youxo exiles; or, the wild tribes of the north. Lond. n. d. 16 35: YOUNG Nile voyagers, The. Lond. n. d. 16 . 35: YOUNG yachtsmen, The; or, the wreck of the Gypsv. Lond. n.d. 16 .....". 35: 2454 Box tunnel, The. C. READE. In L. C. v. 9 4O: The same. Wiih Peg Woffington 39: Boxes, The. Inf. f. B. v. 8 4O: Boy farmers of Elm island. E. KEL- LOGG 38: Boy foresters, The; a lale of the days of Robin Hood. A. BOWMAN 35: Boy hunters. M. REID 39: Boy in grey. H. KINGSLEY 38: Boy of .Mount Rhigi. C. M. SKDGWICK. 39: Boy pilgrims, The. A. BOWMAN 35: Boy regiment, The. Mrs. S. S. HAR RIS. With Roundhenrts 37: Boy slaves, The. M.REID 39: Boy tar, The. M.REID 39: 37:278 37:280 2410 2410 2410 3070 2432 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2455 1619 160 1696 2443 231 952 1527 2444 4014 232 233 Boy voyagers : a tale of adventure. A. BOWMAN 35: 2445 Boy with an idea. Mrs. C. J. EILOART. 37: 1620 Boy s hook about Indians. E. B. TUTTLK 39: 3400 Boy s book of travel and adventure. M. JOHNKS 38: 410 Boy s kingdom, A ; or, four years in a cave. By the author of " Under the lime trees." N. Y. n.d. 10. 4O: 2055 Boy s own story-book. By the best authors. Lond. n. d. 12 4O: 2056 Boyce, J. (Paul Pepperyrati.) SPAKWIFK, The; or, the queen s se cret: a story of the reign of Eliza beth. To which is added a bio- gniphieal sketch of the author. Bost. n. d. 12 35: 2465 Boyce, J. C. FROST and thaw. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 35: 2470-1 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. GUXNAR: a tale of Norse life. Bost. 1874. 16 35: 2481 NORSEMAN S pilgrimage, A. N. Y. 1875. 12 T ". 35: 2482 Boyle, R. F. PIKHALD. Lond. 1867. 2 v. sm. 8. 35: 2486-7 Boyne water, The. J. BANIM 35: 1532 Boys at Dr. Murray s, The; a story of school life. W. J. BRADI.KY. (Glance Ga i/lord.) 35: 2631 Boys at home. C.ADAMS 35: 182 Boys of Grand Pro school. J. DE MILLK 37: 269 Boyuca. In Tales of Glauber-Spa. v. 2 4O: 1700 Boz. (pseud.) See Dickens, Charles (J. H.) Brace of boys, A. F. H. LUDLOW. In Little brother 38: 1930 Brachvogel, Albert Emil. (b. 1824.) BEAUMARCIIAIS ; an historical novel. Tr. by T. J. Had ford. N. Y. 1868. 8 35: 2497 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry. (1748- 1816.) ADVENTURES of Captain Farrago; Adventures of Major O Regan. Phil. [1856.] 12 35: 2507 ADVKNTURES of Major O Regan. Wiih Adventures of Captain Far rago 35: 2507 MODERN chivalry; or, the adventures of Captain Farrago and Tea^ue O Regan. Phil, [n.d.] 12..!.... 35: 2508 MODKRN chivalry; or, sequel to the adventures of Captain Farrago and Teague O Regan. Phil. 1857. 12. 35: 2508 Braddon, Miss Mary Elizabeth, (b. 1837.) AURORA Floyd. N. Y. 1874. 8... 35: 2518 The same. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. sq,16 35: 2519 BETTER for worse. Phil 35: 2520 BIRDS of prey. N. Y. 1873. 8.... 35: 2521 BLACK band, The; or, the mvsteries of midnight. N. Y. n. d." 8 35: 2522 Bi.l K bnnd^The; a story of woman s vengeimce. N. Y. n. d. 8 35: 2570 BOUND to John Company. (Same as Rob t. Ainsleigh.) N. Y. 1869. 8. 35: 2523 CAPTAIN of the Vulture, The. Lond. 1867. sm. 8 35: 2524 CHARLOTTE S inheritance. Lond. 1868. 3v. 12 35: 2525-7 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BRAPDON. 25 BRAVE. Braddon, (eonlinucd.) DARRKLL Markham. X. Y. n. d. 8 DKAD men s shoes. N. Y. 1876. 8. DKAD-SKA fruit. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 DIAVOI.A; or, nobody s daughter. N. Y. n. d. 8 3 " DOCTOR S wife, The. Leip. 1H64. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 DVDLKY Carlyon. N. Y. n. d 8. ELKAXOR S victory. Leip. 1803. 2 v. in 1. sq. I6 J FACTORY girl, The; or, nil is nut gold that glitters: a romance of real life. N. Y. n. d. 8 FKXTOX S quest. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 1(1 HK.NRY Dunbar. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 HOST AOKS to fortune. N. Y. 1875. 8. JOHN Marchmont s legacy. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 . LAUY Audlev s secret. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 D LADY Lisle. N. Y. n. d. 8 LADY S mile, The. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 LAWYER S secret, The. Phil, n d. 8 LKIUIITOX grange; or, who killed Kdith Woodville? N. Y. n. d. 8. LOST for love. X. Y. 1875. 8 Lor ELM of Arden, The. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 Lucius Davoren. (Same as Publicans and sinners.) Lond. 1873. 3 v. sin. H MILI.Y Darrcll. Lond 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 OCTOKOOX, The; or, the lily of Lou isiana. N. Y. n. d. 8 ONLY a clod. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. 16 OSCAR Bertrand ; or, the black band unmasked. N. Y. n. d. 8 D Pi HLICAXS and sinners; or, Lucius Davoren. N. Y. 1874. 8 KAI.HH, the bailiff, and other tales. Lond. 1869. sm. 8 KOHKRT Ainsleigh. (Same as Bound to John Company.) Berl. 1872. 2 v. 12 ". RUN to earth. Leip. 1860. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 KfPKKT Godwin. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 SIR Jasper s tenant. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 STRANOK world, A. N. Y. 1875. 8. STKA.VGKRS and pilgrims. N. Y. 1873. 8 TAKKX at the flood. N. Y. 1874. 8. TIIUKK times dead; or, the secret of health. N. Y. n. d. 8 To the bitter end. X. Y. 1873. 8. THAI i. of the serpent. Lond. 18<i(>. 8 WHAT is this mystery? N. Y. n d. 8 " WHITK phantom, The; or, the mune- less child. X. Y. n. d. 8 Bradley, Kev. Edward. (Cuthbrrl Bede. ) ADVKNTURKS of Mr. Verdant (ireen. N. Y. 1860. 12 Tbesame. Pt. 1. Lond. 1853. 12 . 35: 35: 2528 2565 35: 35: 35: 35: 2529 2530 2531 2532 35: 2533 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 2534 2535 2536 2566 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 35: 2567-9 35: 2544-6 35: 2547 35: 2548 35: 2549 35: 2550 35: 2551 35: 2552-3 35: 2554 35: 2555 35: 35: 35: 35: 2556 2557 2558 2559 35: 2560 35: 2561 35: 35: 35: 25G2 2563 2504 35: 2600 35: 2601 Bradley, Key. E.. (continued.) .Mu. Verdant Green married and done for. Lond. 1857. 12 35: 2603 XKAKKR and dearer. X. Y. 18(14. 12 35: 2604 Bradley, Mary E. BIRDS of a feather. Host. 1869. 16. 35: 2615 DofdLAss farm. X. Y. 1863. 16. 35: 2616 HANDSOMK is that handsome does. Bost. 1859. 16 35: 2618 WRONG confessed is half redressed, A. Host. 1871. 16 35: 2620 Bradley, W. J. (Glance Gaylord.) HOYS at Dr. Murray s, The: a story of school life. Bost. 1871. 10 : . DONALD Deane and his cross. Bost. 1868. 16 GILHKRT S last summer at Kainford. Bost. 1870. 16 GILBERT Starr and his lessons. Bost. 1870. 16 JACK Arcombe : a story of a waif. Bost. 1870. 16 Miss Patience Hathaway. Host. 1808. 16 ~. MR. Pendleton s cup. Bost. 1868. 16 ONK-ARMKD Hugh. Bost. 1870.16. "WiiKKL of fortune. Host. 1870. 16. WILL Hood s friendship. Bost 1870. 16 Bradwood, Wat. (pseud.?) ENSK.MBLK. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8. HrxT cup, A; or, loyalty before all. Lond. 1873. sm. 8. ". Braganza \psend.) See Bragg, H. A. Bragelonne, the son of Athos. A. (D.) DI-MAS 37: 906 Note. Tr. of part of Le viconite dc Brnyelonne; namely, from v. 1, ch. 1, to v. 2, eh. 32, iru-l., oil. Levy in v. Bragg, H. A. (Braganza.) TKKKL; or, Cora Glencoe. Phil. 1870. 12 35: *2663 Braggadocio. Afrs. L. C. TrniiLi.. 39: 3385 Brake up; or, the young peacemakers. Win. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic.)... 35: 234 Brakespeare. G. A. LAWRKNCK.... 38: 1364 Brambletye house. H. Smith. 3v. 39: 1860-2 Brame, C. M. TALKS from the diary of a sister of mercy. X. Y. n. d. 12 35: 2673 35: 2631 35: 2632 35: 2633 35: 2634 35: 2635 35: 2636 35: 35: 35: 2637 2638 2639 35: 2640 35: 2650-2 35: 2653 Apostate, The. m \ Besetting ain, The. | Cross ami the crown, The. i Double marriage. The. Fatal accident, The. Gambler s wile, The. Novice, The. Priest s death, The. Bramieri, Luigi. Historical novel. In K. 1. X. v. 4 ............................. 40: 1583 Bramleighs of Bishop Folly. C. LKVKK ..................................... 38: 1565 Bramston. Mary. CKCY S recollections: a story of ob scure lives. Lond. 1870. sm. 8. 35: 2683 RALPH and Hruno. Lond. 1875. sm. 8 ....................................... 35: 2684 Branch of lilac, A. L. de la KAMK. (Ouidn.\ Itfth A dog of Flanders. 39: 45 Branksome Dene. H. M. WALMS- I.KY. 3 v .................................. 4O: 65-7 Brave and bold; or, the fortunes of a factory boy. H. ALKK, jr ........... 35: 532 Brave coucou driver, The. In X. and T. v. 6 .............................. 4O: 1646 Brave heart. J. L. BOWKS .............. 35: 2415 Brave hearts. R. W. RAYMOND. (K. Gray.) ................................. 39: 125 PUOSE KKTIOX: ENGLISH. BRAVE. Brave lady, A. D. M. CRAIK. (for merly Miss Aluloch. ) 2 v. in 1 Brave old salt ; or, life on the quarter deck : a story of the great rebel lion. W T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic.) Bravo: atule. J. F. COOPER. 8 The same. 12 Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza K. (Kempe Strotharii.) COURTENAY of Walreddon: a legend of the coast of England. Lund. 1857. 12 I)K Foix ; or, sketches of the manners and customs of the 14th century. Lond. 1857. 12 FIT/, of Fitz Ford: a legend of De von. Lond. 1857. 12 ._. HAUTI.AND forest: a tale of North Devon. Lond. 1871. sm. 8 HKNHY de Pomeroy; or, the eve of St. John: a legend of Cornwall and Devon. Lond. 1857. 12.... JOAN of Arc and the times of Charles VII, king of France. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 PKOTKSTANT, The: a tale of Queen Mary. Lond. 1857. 12 KKVOLT of the Protestants of Cevon- nes, The. Lond. 1870. sm. 8... KOSKTKAGUE; or, the heir of Treville Crewse. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm 8. TALBA, The ; or, the Moor of Portu gal. Lond. 1857. 12 TRKLAWNY of Trelawne: a legend of Cornwall. Lond. 1857. 12 TRIALS of the heart. Lond. 1857. 12 WAKLEIOH ; or, the fatal oak. Lond. 1857. 12 WHITE hoods, The. Lond. 1857. 12. Brazen gates, The. J. P. SMITH Breach of promise, The. Mrs. G. SMYTH IKS Breach of trust. II. N. (W.) BAKKR. (An/it Halite; Madeline Leslie.) Bread-and-cheese and kisses. B. L. FARJCO.N Bread and oranges. S. WARNER Bread upon the waters. D. M. CRAIK. (form. Miss Muloch.) The same. With A hero Breaking away ; or, the fortunes of a student. Wm. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic.) * Breaking a butterfly. G. A. LAW- KKNCK. 2 v. in 1 Breaking the rules. Mrs. J. D. ( 11 AIM. IN Bred in the bone; or, like father, like son. J. S. SAUZADE. (James Payn.) Bremer, Frederika. (1802-18G(i.) AXEL and Anna. In Works, v. 4... DIARY. (Same as New sketches.) N. Y. 1868. 8 DIARY, H family, Axel and Anna, and other tales. In Works, v. 4. FATiiKRand daughter. Phil. n. d. 12 Foi R sisters, The: a tale of social and domestic life in Sweden. Phil. n. d. 12 H family. In Works, v. 4 iiKKTHA. N. Y. 1856. 12 Ho.M K, The ; or, family joys and fam ily cares. Phil. n. d.* 12 The same. N. Y. 1873. 8 26 BRIDE. 35: 4910 35: 235 35: 4722 35: 4723 35: 2696 35: 2699 35: 35: 2702 35: 35: 2705 35: 2708 35: 2711 35:2714-15 35: 271(1 2719 35: 35: 35: 35: 39: 2722 1935 39: 1984 35: 1382 37: 1978 4O: 170 35: 4911 35: 4921 35: 236 38: 1363 35: 4054 39: 1163 35: 2737 35: 2749 35: 2737 35: 2735 35: 2736 35: 2737 35: 2738 35: 2740 35: 2741 Bremer, (centinued.) HOME, The; or, life in Sweden, and Strife and peace. In Works, v. 4. 35: 2739 HOPES. In Works, v. 1 35: 2746 LIFK in Dalecarlia: The parsonage of Mora. Tr. by Wm. Howitt. N. Y. 1873. 8 35: 2743 LIVE in Sweden. (Same as The homej President s daughter; Nina. N. Y. n. d. 8 35: 2741 MIDNIGHT sun : a pilgrimage. N. Y. 1860. 8 35: 2745 NEIGHBORS, The. In Works, v. 3. 35: 2746 The same. Phil. n. d. 12 35: 2747 The same. N. Y. 1842. 8 35: 2748 NEW sketches of every-day life: a diary. Together with Strife and . peace. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. V. 1868. 8 35: 2749 NINA. In Life in Sweden 35: 2741 The same. In Works, v. 2 35: 2751 PARSONAGE of Mora. (Same as Life in Dalecarlia.) N. Y. 1873. 8... 35: 27" PRESIDENT S daughters The. In Works, v. 2 35: 2751 The same. With Life in Sweden. 35: 2741 SOLITARY, The 35: 2752 The same. In Works, v. 1 35: 2746 STKIKK and peace; or, some scenes in Norway. With New sketches of every-day life 35: 2749 The same. In Works, v. 3 35: 2739 TRSILINNAN. In Works, v. 1 35: 2746 TWINS, The. In Works, v. 1 35: 2746 WORKS. Tr. by M. Howitt. Lond. 1852-3. 4 v. sm. 8. Contents : Axel and Neighbors. V. 1. 35:27411 Nina. v. 2. 36:^751 President s daughters, v. 2, Solitary. Strife and peace. 1. Tritlinnan. Twins. V.I. v.l, 4. 35:2740, 2737 3. 86:2139 :i5:->74 35: :74 n. Anna. v. 4. 36:3737 Comforter, v. 1, 4. 36:2740, 2737 libiry. V. 4. 3 :27:!7 H family, v. 4. :io:27S7 Home, The. v. 3. 35:2739 Hopes, v. 1. 35:2740 Letter about snppe S. v. 1, 4. 35:2740, 2737 Brenda. (pseud.) FROGGY S little brother. d. 12 ...................................... 35: Brentford parsonage. S. S. BOBBINS. 4O: Bressant. -I. HAWTHORNE ............. 37: Brevio, Giovanni. NOVELS. In B. 1. N. v. 2 .............. Brewster, Anna M. H. COMPENSATION ; or, alwavs a future. Phil. 1870. 12 ........ ." ............... Brewster, C. ISKI-LTK. N. Y. 1875. 8 [anon. ] Brian O Linn ; or, luck is even-thing. W.H.MAXWELL. 3v.ini ......... Brick moon, The. E. E. HALK. With His level best ............................. 37: Bridal eve. E. D. E. N. SOUTH- WORTH ...................................... 39: Bridal of Borthwick, The. D. M. MOIR. In Club-book .................. 4O: Bridal of Polmood, The. J. HOGG. (Eltrick Shepherd.) In Winter eve ning tales. v. 2 .......................... Bride, I ho. .T. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 4 ................................. Bride of Bearhaven, The; or, the grandfather s prophecy. In W. S. C. L. v. 9 ................................. The same ...................................... 2769 2060 4166 4O: 1581 35: 4O: 38: 2780 37: 4O: 34: *15: 3834 2004 1520 4521 1714 4179 4919 Bride of the ice-king. D. G. MITCHELL. (Ik. Marvel.) In Seven stories 38: 3013 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BKII>E. 27 BROOME. Bride of Lammcrmoor. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v .......................... *39:1313-14 The same. Edinburgh ed ............... 39: 1355 The same. Abbotsford ed ............... 39: 1362 The same ...................................... 39: 1377 The same. Household ed. 2v ........ 39:140910 The same. Pocketed ..................... 39: 1452 The same. Taiichnitz ed ................ 39: 1475 Bride of Llewellyn, The. E. I). K. X. SOVTHWORTH ........................ 39: 2005 Bride of Oni berg, The. E. F. CAKLON. 35: 3790 Bride of the wilderness. K. BKXNKTT. 35: 1975 Bride s fte, The. E. IX K. X. SOUTIIWOKTH ............................. 39: 2006 Bride s tragedy, A. I). M. CRAIK. (form. Miss Muloch.) In Domestic stories ....................................... 35: 4814 Bridegroom of Uarna, The. In T. IV. I!, v. 12 ............................... 4O: Bridge of glass, A. F. \V. KOKINSON. 39: Bridgman, Mary. CiiKisroriiEK Dudley. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sin. 8 ........ " ..................... 35: KOHKKT Lynne. Lond. 1870. 2 v. sin 8 ........................................ 35; Brierwood, Frank, (pseud. 1 ?) MAHI.K Clifton. Phil. 1869. 12... 35: Briery ereek. 11. MARTIN KAT. In 111. of P. E. v. 8 ....................... 38: Brigadier Frederic. E. EKCKMAXN and A. CHATRIAX ....................... 37: Brigand ; or, demon of the north. V. Ihoo .................................... 37: Briggs, Charles Frederic. (Harry franco. ) HAUXTED merchant, The: Bankrupt stories. X. Y. 1844. 8 ............ 35: 2815 Bright, Matilda A. (Lyndon.) MARGARET: life in a prairie home. N. Y. 1868. 12 ....................... 35: OXI.KY. X. Y. 1873. 12 ............ 35: TIIUKK Hernices, The. Phil. 1809. 12 ... 1GU8 481 2790-2 2793-4 2804 1739 35: Bright days. M. HOWITT 37: Bright morning, A. M. M. GRANT. 37: 35: 35: 282li 2828 2827 4747 3351-3 1956 3791 Brightside. E. 15. BKXJAMIX Brilliant marriage, A. E. F. CARI.CX. British partisan: tale by a South Car olina lady *4O: Brittany and La Vendee. E. Sor- VESTRK 39: Cuntent* : Kiogruphical notice of K. Sotivestre. bargeman of ihe Loire, The. Chonnns, The. Groaeh and the Kakous, The. Broad churchman, A. WARRINER, E. A. Broad grins; my nightgown and slip pers; and other humorous works, prose and poetical. G. COI.MAX, jr. 33: 1211 Omtents : K:il hi- Is and Hongs. Hroad grins. Eccentricities for Edin burgh. Lady of the wreck, The. Memoir of (j. Cclman, the younger. Kourigan, The. I^a/aretto-keepcr, The. Treasure-seek- r, The. Virgin s god-child, The. White boat, The. ( pseud. ) See My nightgown and slippers. Poetieul vagaries. Random records and anec dotes. Two parsons ; or, the tale of a shirt Vftgares vindicated ; or, hypocritic hypercritics. Brock, .!//. Carey. CHARITY Helstone. Phil. 1870. 16. 35; CI.KAR shining after rain. Lond. n.d. 12..... .............................. 35; 2838 2839 Brock, .Writ. ( ., I continued.) JAMES Gordon s wife. X.Y. 1871. 8 MARUARKT S secret and its success. Phil. n. d. 10 Brock, Sallie A. ( Virginia Ifudesoii.) KKXNKTII, my king. X. Y. 1873. 12 . Brockley Moor. .1. W. L Erode, Gertrude. AT eve. In Stories and sketches Broken bonds. H. SMART. 3v Broken chains. E. WERNER. Tr. by F. A. Shaw Broken dreams. C. E. GARDNER Broken engagement. Mrs. E. D. E. X. Soi TiiwoRTH. With Prince of darkness Broken heart, The: a tale of the re bellion. J.M.WILSON. W. T. H. v. 4 Broken hyacinth, The. M. M. SHKR- wooi>. Iii Works, v. 4 Broken idols. H. WOLCOTT. In Stories and sketches Broken pitcher, The; or, the ways of Providence. Chicago. 1870. 16. Broken to harness. E. YATKS The same. Tauchnitx. ed. 2 v. in 1. Broken toys. A. C. STEEI.E Bromyard, Dorothy. STRANDED, but not lost. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 Bronte, Anne. (Acton Bell.) (1820- 1849.) TENANT of Wildfell hall. X. Y. n. d. 12 Bronte, Charlotte. See Xichols, Mrs. C. K. Bronte, Emily. (Ellis Sell.) (1819- 1848.) AON KM Grey. With Wuthering heights WUTHKBIHO heights. X. Y. n. d. 12. Wt THERlNd heights and Agnes Grey. Leip. 1851. "2 v. in 1. sq. 10.... Brooke, Mrs. F. M. JTLIA Mandeville. Lond. 1820. 12 Brooke, Henry. FOOL of quality. X.Y. I860. 2 v. 12 .". Brooke and Brooke farm. H. MAR- TIXK.M-. / 111. of P. E. V. 1... Brookfleld, Mrs. INFLUENCE. Lond. 1871. 2 v. sin. 8 XOT a heroine. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 Brooks of Bridlemere. G. J. WIIYTK- MKI.VII.I.E The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Brooks, (Charles) Shirley, (b. 1815.) Asi EX court. Lond. 18G9. 3 v. 12 (ioRDiAN knot, The : a story of good and of evil. X. Y. 18U8. 8 SILVER cord, The. Leip. 1862. 3 v. s<|. 16 The siime. Leip. 18B2. 3 v. in 2. sq. 16 SOONER or later. Leip. 1868. 3 v. sq. 16 The same. 3 v. in 2 Broome, Mri F. X. .S ce Barker, Lady M. A. 35: 2840 35: 2841 35: 38: 2848 1250 35: 2858 39: 1770-2 4O: 37: 312 2820 39: 2033 4O: 1714 39: 1639 4O: 16-si 4O: 4O: 40: 2064 1202 1203 39: 217ti 35:2868-70 35: 2880 35: 35: 2886 2885 35: 2886 35: 2896 35: 2900-1 38: 2639 35:2910-11 35:2912-13 4O: 4O: 421 422 35: 2923-5 35: 2926 35: 2927-9 35: 2930-1 35; 2932-4 35: 2935-6 PKOSE FICTION: KXGLISH. BROTHER, 28 BUILDING. 4O: 37: 35: 37: 40: 35: 35: Brother Mason, the circuit rider ; or, ten years a Methodist preacher. Cinti. 1855. 12 Brother s secret, The. "VV. GODWIN. Brotherhead, A. P. HIMSELF his worst enemy. Phil. 1871. 1-2 . Brothers, The. H. W. HERBERT Brothers, The; or, a good conscience. In Danes sketched by .themselves. v. 3 ". Brothers and sisters. V. BUKMEB Brothers bet, The. E. F. CAKLCN... Brothers in arms, The; or, three noblest victims for opinion s sake. II. VV. HKKBKKT. In Cavaliers of England Brothers-in-law. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 Brougham, Henrv, Lord. AI.UEKT Lunel. "N. Y. 1872. 8... Brougham, -John. LIGHT of home, The. N. Y. 1868. 8 35: Brought home. H. SMITH 39: Brought to book. H. SPICEK. 2 v. in 1 39: 2069 3098 2946 4350 1532 2733 3792 Contents: Aniison and Co. Brown studies. Calling names. Complete gentleman, A. Eavesdropping. Freddy s aunt. Htumted Hilderton. His little ways. Is it possible? Little secret, A. Little trout. Jlelusina. Mr. Luf kin at a bull-fight. Proll : a mystery, Brought to the front. K. KEI.LOOU... Brought to light. T. W. SPEIGHT Broughton, Rhoda. COMETH up as a flower. Lcip. 18G7. sq. 10 GOOD-BYE sweetheart. N. Y. 1872. 12 The same. Berlin and Phil. 1872. 12 NANCY. N. Y. n. d. 8 NOT wisely, but too well. Leip. 18G7. 2 v. in i. sq. 16 RED as a rose is she. N. Y . 1872. 12 The same. Leip. 1870. 2 v in 1. sq. ]f, TALES for Christmas eve. Lond. 1873 16 Prophetic fits and misfits. Romance of Tweezum hall academy. Speechless bones. Squire s temper-trap, The. Story of the stone eyes, The. Tabernacle lodge. To and from Tunis. Tryst in Twin-tree lane. Very likely story, A. Very old news. What was it? With an old family. 38: 39: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 297 1 ; Contents: Hehold it was a dream. Man with the nose. Poor pretty Bobby. Brown, Charles Brockden. 1810.) ARTHUR Mervyn ; or, memoirs of the year 1793. Phil. 1857. 2 v. 12. CLARA Howard; or, the enthusiasm of love. With Ormond. Phil. 1857. 12 EDGAR Huntley: or, memoirs of a sleep-walker." Phil. 1857. 12... jANETalbot. Phil. 1857. 12 ORMOND; or, the secret witness; and Clara Howard. Phil. 1857. 12. WIELAND; or, the transformation. Phil. 1870. 12 37: 4351 4O: 2070 35: 2956 2958 1843 35: 35: 35: 35: 746 2071 2970 2972 2973 2974 Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Under the cloak. (1771- 35: 2987-8 35: 2991 2989 2990 1G20 1614 3000 Brown, John, (M. D. of Edin.) MAK.IOKIE Fleming. In L. C. v. 10. 4O: RAH and his friends. In L. C. v. 4. 4O: The same. Leip. 1862. sq. 16... 35: Brown, Thurlow Weed. MINNIE Hermon, the rumseller s daughter; or, woman in the tem perance reform. N.Y. 1874. 12. 35: 3009 Brown of Calaveras. (F.) B. HARTE. In Luck of Roaring camp 37: 4056 Brown studies. H. SPICER. In Brought to book. v. 2 39: 2097 Browne, Charles Farrar. (Artemus Ward.) (1834-1867.) AKTKMUS Ward, his book. N. Y. 1870. 12 35: 3015 ARTEMUS Ward, his travels. N. Y. 1866. 12 35: 3016 ARTEMUS Ward in London. N. Y. 1867. 12 35: 3017 ARTEMUS Ward s panorama. (As exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, London.) Ed. by his executors T. W. Roberston and E P. Hingston. N.Y. 1872. 12 35: 3018 ARTEMUS Ward, his works complete. N.Y. 1875. 4v.ini. 12 35: 3019 Browne, Frances. EXILE S trust, The: a tale of the French revolution, and other sto ries.. Lond. n. d. sm. 8 35: 3025 Contents: Ashberrys uncle, The. I Herman s alarum. Bible of Val du Berger. Loan of a legacy. Graemes of Glenmavis. | Widow Simpson s spoons. Brownie Sandford. Mrs. C. L. MAY. (Sweet clover stories, v. 2.) 38: 2770 Brownlows, The. M. (O. W.) OLI- PHANT 38: 3836 Brownson, Orestes Augustus. (1802- 1876.) CHARLES Elwood; or, the infidel con verted. Host. 1840. 16 35: 3030 Brownson, Sarah M. MARIAN Elwood; or, how girls live. N.Y. 1873. 12 35: 3035 Bruin : the grand bear hunt. M.REID. 39: 234 Bruna s revenge, and other tales. Miu E. JOLLY 38: 466-8 Coiilf.nt.-i : Brnna s revenge. v. 1-2. Fior di limone. v. ;J. Old Hilton s daughter, y. 2. Two eras in Maude Rossiter s life. v. :). 36 2992 Bruno. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 1. 35: Brunton, Mary. SELF-CONTROL. N. Y. 1874. 8 35: 3047 Bryan Maurice. Rev. W T . MITCHELL. 38: 3020 Bryant, John I). PAUI.INE Seward: a tale of real life. Bait. 2v.ini. 1856. 12 35: 3057 Buckhurst volunteers, The. J. M. CAPES. 3v 35:3750-2 Buckingham, Emma May. SELF-MADE woman, A; or, Mary Idyl s trials and triumphs. N. Y. 1873. 12 35: 3067 Buddington, Zadcl Barnes. CAN the old love? Bost. 1871. 8. 35: 307T Budget of the Bubble family. Lady HULWKR-LYTTON 35: 3277 Buds and bird-voices. N. HAW THORNE. In Mosses from an old manse 37: 4182 Building of Bagdat, The. G. P. R. JAMES. In String of pearls 38: Building upon sand. E. J. LYSAGHT. 38: 1942 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BULWKK-IiYTTON. 2!) BlTRCKKTT. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Enrlu Lytton. (Lord Lytton.) (1805-1873.) AI.ICK; or, the mysteries. Phil. 18(18. 12 ". 35: 3090 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. l(i. 35: 3091 CALDERON, the courtier. With Leila, and Pilgrims of the Rhine 35: 3129 CAXTONS, The : a family picture. Phil. 1808. 12 35: 3090 The same. Leip. 1849. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 3097 (V)Mix(i race, The; or, the new Uto pia. N.Y. 1871. 12 35: 3099 COURTIER, The. Same as Calderon. DEVEREUX. Phil. 1807. 12 35: 3103 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16.. 35: 3105 DISOWNED, The. Phil. 18<i8. 12. 35: 310<; The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 1(5... 35: 3107 ERNEST Maltruvers. Phil. 1869. 12 35: 3110 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16.. 35: 3111 EUUENE Aram. Phil. 1869. 12... 35: 3112 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16.. 35: 3113 FALKLAND. Phil. n. d. 8. 35: 3115 The same. With Godulphin. (Tauehnitz ed.) 35: 3117 GODOLPIIIX. Phil. 1868. 12 35: 3116 GoDoi.i HiN and Falkland. Leip. 1842. sq. 16 35; 3117 HAROLD: the last of the Saxon kings. Phil. 1868. 12 35: 3121 The same. Leip. 1848. 2v.ini. sq. 16 35: 3122 HAUNTED and the haunter*, The ; or, the house and the brain. In T. f. B. v. 10 4O: 1697 The same. In L. C. v. 2 4O: 1612 HOUSE and the brain, The. Same as Haunted and the haunters. KENKI.M Chillingly: his adventures and opinions. N. Y. 1873. 12. 35: 3123 LAST days of Pompeii. Phil. 1874. 8 35: 3124 The same. Phil. 1809. 12 35: 3125 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16.. 35: 3126 LAST of the barons, The. Phil. 1874. 12 35: 3127 The same. Leip. 1843. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35; 3128 LEILA, Calderon. and the Pilgrim! of the Rhine. Phil. 1868. "l2 35: 3129 Lri KKTiA ; or, the children of night. Phil. 1868. 12 35: 3133 The same. Leip. 1846. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 3134 MAID of Malines, The. In L. C. v. 6 4O: 1616 MY novel: varieties in English life. Phil. 1867. 4 v. in 2. 12 35: 3135-6 The same. Leip. 1851-2. 4 v. sq. 16 35:3137-40 The same. Leip. 1851-2. 4 v. in 2. sq. 16 35: 3141-2 NKIHT and morning. Phil. 1872. 16 35: 3143 The same. Leip. 1843. sq. 16. 35: 3144 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 15. 34: 4185 The same *15: 4925 PARISIANS. The. With illus. by S. Hall. N.Y. 1874. 2v.ini. 12. 35: 3145 PAUL Clifford. Phil. 1868. 12.... 35: 3146 The same. Leip. 1842. q. 16.. 35: 3147 PAUSANIAH the Spartan. N. Y. 187(5. 12 35: 3:66 The same. Phil. 1870. 12 35: 3107 Bulwer-Lytton, (continued.) PEI.IIAM ; or, the adventures of a gentleman. Phil. 1868. 12 35: 3148 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16.. 35: 3149 Pn.iiKi.MS of the Rhine. Phil. 1865. 12 35: 3150 The same. With Leila and Cal deron 35: 3129 The same. With Eva 33: 2663 KIKX/.I: the last of the Roman tri bunes. Phil. 1869. 12 35: 3151 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16.. 35: 3152 Roue, The; or, the hazards of women. Phil. n. d. 8 35: 3168 STRANGE story, A. Phil. 1808. 12. 35: 3153 The same. Leip. 1861-2. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 3154 STUDENT, The. Phil. n. d. 8 33: 2664 WHAT will he do with it? Phil. 1869. 4 v. in 2. 12 35:3156-7 The same. Leip. 1853-8. 4 v. sq. 16 35:3158-61 The same. Lcip. 1853-8. 4 v. in 2. sq. 16 35: 3162-3 ZANONI. Phil. 1869. 12 35: 3164 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 10... 35: 3165 Bulwer-Lytton, Kdward Robert. (Lord Lytton.) (Owen Meredith.) (b. 1831.) RING of Amasis. N.Y. 1863. 12. 35: 3250 Bulwer-Lytton, //</!/ Rosina W. BEHIND the scenes. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. in 1. 12 35: 3275 BIANCA Cappello. Lond. 1843. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 3276 BriXiKT of the Bubble family, The. Lond. 1840. 3 v. sm. 8..". 35: 3277 CHEVELEY; or, the man of honor. Lond. 1859. 3 v. 12 35: 3278 MEMOIRS of a Muscovite. Lond. 1844. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 3279 M i ui AM Seillev ; or, the tares and the wheat. Lond. 1851. 3v. sm. 8. 35: 3284 PERU S daughters. Lond. 1850. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 3280 SCHOOL for husbands. .Lond. 1852. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 3281 VERY successful. Lond. 1858. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 3282 WORLD and his wife, The. Lond. 1858. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 3283 Bungener, Louis Felix. PRIEST and the huguenot. Bost. 1856. 2 v. 12 35: 3302-3 Bunnett, F\ E. LINKED at last. Lond. 1871. sm. 8. 35: 3313 Bunyan, John. (1628-1688.) Pilgrim s progress: illuminated. Glasgow, n. id. 8 S A The same. N.Y. n. d. 1 2....T. L. 35:3327a The same. From 1st ed. Lond 1847. 8 *5: 2508 The same. Host. 1800. 16 35: 3325 The same. Lond. 1859 and 1802. 10 35: 3320 The same. N. Y. n. d. 16 35: 3327 The same. Illustrated by C. Ben nett. N.Y. 1806. 12 35: 3328 The same. Phil. 1870. 10 35: 3329 The same. Leip. 1855. sq. 16.. 35: 3330 Burbury, Mrs. K. .). FLORENCE Sackville; or, self-de pendence: an autobiography. N. V. 1871. 8 ." 35: 3340 Burckett, Florence. (Edith Lee.) WII.DMOOR. Phil. 1875. 12 35: 3350 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BtTRPETT. 30 CAMILLE. Burdett, Charles. CHANCES and changes. N. Y. 1852. 18 " 35: 3360 ELLIOTT family, The. N. Y. 1850. 12 . 35: 3362 MAKKARET Moncrietfe, the lirst love of Aaron Burr. N. Y. 1860. 12. 35: 3365 Burgess, J. T. II AUK Y Hope s holidays. Loud. n. d. ic 35: :80 Burgomaster s family. K. C. W. VAN W.\LReE. (Chrittine Miiller.) 4O: 80 Burial of the tithe, The. S. LOVER. In Legends and stones of Ireland. 38: 1886 Buried alone: a story. Leip. 1809. sq. 16 . . 4O: 2074 Buried in the snow. F. HOFFMANN. Tr. by Sirs. M. A. Manderson 37: 448(i Burke, Peter. ROMANCE of the forum. Lond. n. d. 12 35: 3390 Buries: a bud boy. F. W. ROBINSON. In Girl s romance 39: 485 Burnand, F. C. ABOUT buying a horse, c. Lond. 1875. 16... 33: 1052 Contents : Our representative man. Story of rny legal examina tion, The. In Treas- 1872. 1871. 4O: 33: 33: 33: 35: 35: 40: About buying ft horse. My aunt s great police case. DAY in the academy, A. ure-trove series, v. 1 HAPPY-THOUGHT hall. Bost. 16 MOKE happv thoughts. Bost. 16 Cbntent.1 : More happy thoughts. | Our yacht. MY health. Bost. 1872. 16 MY time and what I ve done with it. Lond. 1874. 12 NEW history of Sandford and Mer- ton. Bost. 1872. 12 TREBLE temptation, A. In Treasure- trove series, v. 2 Burrcliff. J. T. TROWBRIDOE 39: Burton, Mrs. WHO would have thought it? Phil. 1870. 12 Burton, Betty. See Rustic heroine. Burton, Richard Francis. YIKRAM and the vampire. Lond. 1870. sm. 8 35: Bush-boys. M. REID 39: Bush ranger of Van Diemen s Land, The. C. ROWCROFT Bushrangers, The ; Yankee s ad ventures in Australia. W. H. THOMES 39: Busily engaged. H. SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 2 Bussey, (T. MOIR. Fables, original and selected. N. Y. 1869. 8... Butt, Beatrice May. Miss Molly. N. Y. 1876. 16 Butterfly. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 7 1711 1053 1055 1057 3401 1712 :!310 35: 3415 3420 235 39: 39: 33: 35: 39: 082 2956 20!)G 460 3431 1642 By and by: an historical romance of the future. K. MAITLAND. (Her bert Ainslie.) 38: 2409 By birth a lady. G. M. FENN. 3 v... 37: 2067-9 By his own might. W. von HILI.KKN. 37: 4430 By the king s command. V. Hroo 37: 4840 By no fault of their own. A fins TELFER. 3v 39:2817-19 By the sea. S. CURRIER 35: 5170 Byerley, Thomas. (Reuben Percy) and ROBERSTON, J. C. (Sholto Percy.) PERCY anecdotes, The. Lond. 1868. 2 v. sm. 8 33: 1075-6 Bygone days. VV . von K.UKUKLOKN. 3 v 38:1118-20 Byr, Robert, (pseud.) See Bayer, C. R. Byrnes of (ilengoulah. A/ixs Alice NOLAN 38: 3650 C. c- C. G. Bost. 1873. money. sm. 8... 35: 37: 38: MARQUIS of Letoriere. 16 C , W. Too much and too little Lond. 1870. 2 v. in 1. Cabaret of the break of day, The. A. B. EDWARDS. In Monsieur Maurice, v. 1 Cabin on the prairie. C. H. PEARSON. Cabriolet, The. D. G. MITCHELL. 7Seven stories 38 Cachet ; or, the secret sorrow. AJrs. M. J. R. HAMILTON 37 Caddell, Cecilia Mary. NELLIE Netterville: or, one of the transplanted. A tale. N. Y. 1873. 12 WILD times: u tale of the days of Queen Elizabeth. N. Y. n. d. 12. Cadell, Airs. M. H. IDA Craven. N. Y. 1875. 16 CademqstO da Lodi, M. R. 1. N. v. 2. Caged lion. C. M. YONGE 4O The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Cakes and ale at Woodbine. R. B. COFFIN 35 Calavar ; or, the knight of the con quest. R. M. BIRD Calderon, the courtier. E. G. E. L. Bl I.WER-LYTTON Calderwood secret. The. V. W. JOHNSON Caleb Crabbin. A. LEIGHTON. W. T. B. v. 5 Caleb Field. Airs. M. (O. W.) OLI- PHANT Caleb in the country. J. ABBOTT Caleb in town. J. ABBOTT Caleb Krinkle: a story of American life. C. C. COFFIN. (Carletox.) Caleb Williams, Adventures of. W. GODWIN 37 The same. 2 v. in 1 Caliph Haroun Alraschid, Adventures of. A. MANNING Called to account. .A. CUDLIP. (form erly Annie Thomas.) 2 v. in 1 Calling names. H. SPICER. In Brought to book. v. 1 Callista : sketch of the third century. J. H. NEWMAN Caloya; or, the loves of the driver. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin Camel hunt; a narrative of adven tures. J. W. FABKNS Cameron hall ; a story of the civil war. M. A. CRUSE Cameron pride. M. J. HOLMES 37: Camilla. F. B. P ARBLAY. r, v 35: Camille ; or, the fate of a coquette. A. DUMAS fits 37: 35: 3700 35: 37: 37: 38: 35: 39: 38: 39: 37: 35: 3701 1527 4311 3013 3940 35: 3715 35: 3716 35: 4O: 4O: 4O: 3720 1581 1261 1262 35: 4500 35: 2117 35: 3093 38: 445 40: 1715 38: 35: 35: 3837 24 25 4490 3096 3097 2456 5090 2097 3594 1692 1950 5082 4563 671-5 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CAMORS. 31 CARLPN. Camors. O. FEUILLET 37: 2120 Camp tires of the red men. .). R. ORTON 38: 3931 Camp tires of the revolution. H. C. WATSON. X. Y. lt*7o. 8 29: 2271 Campaign series. H. ALHER, Jr. 1. Frank s campaign. :J:V-:C> 2. Paul Prescotl s charge. :io:54n 3. Charlie Codman s cruise. :t:V:r)33 Campaigning in the Tyrol. H. Si icF.u. In Hound to please, v. 1. 39: 2096 Campbell, Harriette. SELF-DEVOTION ; or, the history of Katherine Randolph. X. Y. f67. 8 35: 3725 Campbell, Mrs. Julia H. L. (Judith ( anute. ) EROS and anteros ; or, the bachelor s ward. N. Y. 1870. 12 35: 3731 Camping out. C. A. STEPHKXS 39: 2251 Camping out series. See Our young yachter s scries. Can and could. J. INGKLOW. In Stories told to a child 38: 33 Can the old love? Z. B. BVDDIXGTOX. 35: 3077 Can wrong be right? Mrs. A. M. F. HALL.. 37: 3879 Can you forgive her? A. TROLLOPE. 39: 3156 The" same. Tauchnitz ed. 3v 39:3157-9 The same. 3 v. in 2 39: 3160-1 Canadian crusoes. C. P. TRAILI 39: 3U5 Canadian forest, Stories of. C. P. TRAII.I 39: 3126 Canby, Margaret F. BIRIIIK and his fairy friends, a book for little children. Phil. 1874. 16= 35: 3740 Cancelled will, The. Miss E. A. Dri-i-y 37: 1061 Cannibal islands, The; or, Captain Cook s adventures in the south seas. R. M. BALLAXTVNE. In Tales of adventure 35: 1483 Canon s clock, The. In N. and T. v. 10 4O: 1650 Canterbury tales. 11. LEE. 2v 38: 1422-3 Content* : Vol.. i. Introduction. Landlady s tale, The: Marv Lawson. Fricnil s tale, The : Stan hope. Wife s tale, The : Julia. Trave ler s tale, Ihe: MoDtlord. Poet s tale. The: Arun lei. Old woman s tale, The: Lothaire a legend. Canterbury tales. S. LEE 38: 1446 VOL. n. German s tale, The : Krtiitz- ner. Scotchman s tale, The : Olaudine. Frenchman s tale, The : Constance. Officers tale, The: Caven dish. Cun en s: Memoir of Pophia Lee. Introduction. ClernymntTs tale, The : Pembroke. Young lud> tnle, The : The two Emilys. See CAMP- Canute, Judith, (pseud.). BELL, A/rs. J. H. L. Canvassing. J. BANIM. With Mayor of Wind-gap 35: 1538 Cape Cod, and all along shore : stories. C. NORDHOFK 38; 3655 Contents : Mehctabcl Roger s cranber- Captain Tom : a resurrec tion. Elknimh llrewstor s temptatia Maud Elbr ry swamp. One pair ol Uue eyes. Si- uuglp for life. What is best ? Ibert s love m:itc i h. Cape colonist, A. (jtseud.}. INORAM place. Lond. 1874. sm. 8. 35; 3748 Caper-sauce. Volume of chit-chat. Airs. S. P. PARTO.V. (Funny Fern.) 33: 3314 Capes, J. M. BrcKiH RKT volunteers, The. A novel. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 MOSAIC-WORKER S daughter. Lond. 1868. sni. 8. 3 v Capron, Carrie. HELEN Lincoln. A tale. N. Y . 1856. 12 Capron, M. J. (Archie Fell.) WORTH while; or, ships that never come in. Bost. 1871. 16 Captain Andy. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches Captain HlaUe, Adventures of. W. H. MAX WE LI The same Captain Brand of the "Centipede." Lieut. H. A. WISE. (Harry Gringo.) Captain Carleton. D. DEFOE. In Xov. and misc. works, v. 2 Captain Gray. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 1 Captain Hatteras, Voyages and ad ventures of. J. VERNE Captain of the Guard, The. James 35: 375C-2 35: 3753-5 35: 3765 Captain of the Vulture, The. M. E. BRADDON Captain Paton s lament. T. f. li. v. 5 Captain Singleton. D. DEFOE. In Misc. works, v. 1 Captain s story, The. R. H. DAVIS. In L. C. v. 2 Capuchin. J. HALL. In Tales of the border Caradoc and Deva. By the author of Ruth and her friends. In Days of old . Card-drawer, The. G. GRIFFIN Cardillac, the jeweller. E. T. "VV. HOFFMANN. In Strange stories.... Cardinal 1 ole; or, the days of Philip and Mary. A romance. W. 11. AINSWOHTH. 2 v. in 1 Career of P. Hopkins. C. MATTHEWS. Careless Kate. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oli ver Optic.) Carey, Ro^a Nouchette. WoOKD and married. Phil. 1876. 12 Carey, Mm. Stanley. GERALD Marsdale; or, the out-quar ters of St. Andrew s priory. A tale of the reign of Queen Eliza beth. N. Y. 1874. 12 Carl, ipneud.) See C. S. NEWHALL. Carl and Jocko. J. AHIIOTT. /// H. S. B. v. 10 Carl Bartlutt; or, what can I do? I). S. ERICKSON Carlen, Emilie (Smith) Flygare-(b. 1807.) BRIDK of Ornberg. Tr. by A. L. Krause and E. Perce. X. Y. 1853. 12 BROTHERS bet, The; or, within six weeks. X. Y. 1868. 8 GUSTAVUS Lindorm. N. Y". 1853. 12 HOUSE in the valley. N. Y. 1854. 12 IVAR; or, the Skjuts-boy. A ro mance. Tr. by A. L. Krause. N. Y. 1852. 8 JOHN. N. Y. n. d. 8.... 35: 37: 38: 38: 40: 34: 37: 39: 37: 35: 40: 34: 40: 37: 35: 38: 35: 35: 3772 3887 641 1018 4645 3701 3303 2524 1695 1017 1612 3871 4O: 2110 37: 3553 37: 4480 411 2(i81 237 3777 35: 3780 35: 45 37: 1750 35; 3790 35: 3792 35; 3794 35; 37:>5 35: 3706 35: 3797 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. .CARLGN. 32 CARLOS-CLARKE. Carlen, (continued.) LAVINIA; or, one year. N. Y. 1873. 12 35: 379 J LOVKK S stratagem, The; or, the two suitors. N. I. 1865. 8 35: 3800 MARIE Louise. N. Y. n. d. 8 35: 3801 ONK year; a tale of wedlock. Tr. by A. L. Krause and E. Perce. N. Y. 1853. 12 35: 3799 WHIMSICAL woman, The. N. Y. 1854. 12 35: 3805 WOMAN S life. N. Y. n. d. 8 35: 3802 Carleton: (pseud.) See COFFIN, C. C. Carleton, Hon. Airs. Pigott-. See PIGOTT-CARLETON, Hon. Mrs. Carleton, William. BARNEY Brady s goose; or, dark do ings at Slathbeg. With Redmond. 35: 3847 BATTLE of the factions, The. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 Thesame 35: 3840 BLACK baronet, The; or, the chroni cles of Ballytrain. N. Y. 1875. 12 35: 3826 BLACK prophet, The: a tale of the Irish famine. N. Y. n. d. 12... 35: 3827 DKAD boxer, The. With Jane Sin clair 35: 3833 Do.xACiii, The ; or, the horsi j -stealers. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 The same 35: 3840 ELLEN Duncan. With Jane Sinclair. 35: 3833 EMIGRANTS of Ahadarra, The. N. Y. 1872. 12 35: 3828 EVIL eye, The; or, the black spectre. A romance. Bost. 1875. 12 35: 3820 FARDOROUGHA, the miser; or, the convicts of Lisnamona. N. Y. 1872. 12 35: 3830 FRANK Finnegan, the foster-brother. With Poor scholar 35: 3836 GEOGRAPHY of an Irish oath, The. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 Thesame 35: 384" GOING to Maynooth. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 Thesame 35: 3840 HEDGE school, The. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 Thesame 35: 3840 JAN E Sinclair; or, the fawn of Spring- vale. N. Y. 1872. 12 35: 3833 LARRY M Farland s wake. //(Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 Thesame 35: 3840 LHA Dim ; or, the dark day. With Jane Sinclair 35: 3833 LIANHAN shee, The. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35; 3842 Thesame 35: 3840 LOUOH Derg pilgrim, The. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 Thesame 35; 3840 MIDNIGHT mass, The. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35; 3841 Thesame 35: 3840 NEAL Malone. In Traits and stories. v. 2 35; 3842 Thesame 35; 3840 Thesame. In L. C. v. 5 4O: 1615 NED M Keown. In Traits and sto ries, v. 1 35: 3841 Thesame 35: 3840 I ADDV Go-easy. See Parra Sastha. Carleton, William, (continued.) PARKA Sastha; or, the history of Paddy Go-easv and his wife Nancv. Bost." 1865. "l(i 35; 3848 PARTY fight and funeral, The. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 Thesame 35; 3840 PEASANT girl s love, A. With Poor scholar 35; 3836 PHELIM O Toole s courtship. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 Thesame 35: 3840 PHIL Purcel, the pig-driver. Jn Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 Thesame 35: 3840 POOR scholar, The. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 Thesame 35: 3840 POOR scholar, The ; and other tales of Irish life. N. Y. n. d. 16 35: 3836 PROCTOR S daughter, The. Wiik Jane Sinclair 35: 3833 REDMOND, count O Han Ion, the Irish rapparee. Bost. 1871. 16 35; 3847 SHANE Fadh s wedding. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 Thesame 35: 3840 STATION, The. In Traits and stories. v.l 35; 3841 The same 35: 3840 TALBOT and Gaynor, the Irish pipers. With Poor scholar 35; 3836 THREE tasks, The. In Traits and stories, v.l 35: 3841 Thesame 35: 3840 TITHE-PROCTOR, The. A novel. N. Y. 1873. 12 35: 3839 TRAITS and stories of the Irish peas antry. Eleventh complete edition. With the author s last corrections, an introduction, explanatory notes, and numerous illustrations. Lond. n. d. 2 v. 8 35: 3841-2 Thesame. Lond. n. d. 8 35: 3840 TUBBKR Derg; or, the red well. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 Thesame 35: 3840 VALENTINE M Clutchy, the Irish agent. Dub. 1845. 3 v. 12 35: 3843-5 WII.DGOOSK lodge. In. Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 Thesame 35: 3840 WILLY Reilly. Bost. 1873. 12... 35: 3846 Carlino. G. RUFFINI 39: 710 Carlos-Clarke, Charles. BEAUCLERCS, The; father and son. N. Y. 1866. 8 35: 3856 DENISE. Leip. 1865. sq. 16 35: 4328 MADAME Fontenoy. Leip. 1866. sq. 16 . 35: 4329 MADEMOISELLE Mori. Leip. 1862. 2v.ini. sq. 16 35: 4330 MYRA Gray; or, sown in tears, reaped in joy. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 3860-2 ON the edge of the storm. Leip. 1869. sq. 16 35: 4331 TALES old and new. Lond. 1872. sm. 8... 35: 4332 Content* : Strife and peace in Hor- nuin. Hnnd-orne Hiii^h. Blind Thvrza. Zabdiel, the gips Lost and found. An only child. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CARLYLE. 33 CATHKRINK. 11(14 21 .15 2079 1048 3886 1660 3896-8 359 482 2022-3 Carlyle, Thomas, editor and trans lator, (b. 1795.) GERMAN romance, Specimens of. Kdin. 1827. 4 v. Am. 8 35: Contents : V. 1. Musfius an<l Lft Motte Foiii{iic. V. *2. Tieck and Hoffmann. V. 3. Jean Piiul Friedrieh Uiuhter. V. 4. Goethe. Carlyon s year. J. S. SAUZADK. (James I nyn.) 39: Carmen s inheritance, F. C. FISHKK. 37: Caroline: a Franconia story. J. Ai<- HOTT 35: Caroline ! ones ; or, outward arid in ward adorning. Cin. I860. 1(>. 4O: Caroline Mordaunt. -M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 13 39: Caroll, M. How .Marjory helped. A prize story. Host. L874. li> .".. 35: Carpenter s holiday, The. By the Author of Marion Howard. In Peter s journey 4O: Carr, Lisle, (pseud.) Ji DlTH Gwynne. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8". 35: Carr of Carlyon ; a novel. H. Aim?. 1 v. in 1... 35: Carroll, Lewis, (pseud.) See DODO- SON. C. L. Carry s confession. F. W. ROBINSON. 39: Cartaphilus, the wandering .Jew. 1). HUFFMAN. 2 v 33: Carter, John II. Loo of Commodore Rollingpin : his adventures afloat and ashore: with numerous comic illustrations. N. V. 1H74. 12 Carter Quarterman. W. M. BAKER. Gary, Alice. (182(1-1871.) APPLE cutting, The. In Pictures of country life BISHOP S son, The. N. Y. 1867. 12 CLOVEKNOOK. N. Y. 1852. 12.... COUNTRY cousin, The. In Pictures of country life ELI/.A Anderson. In Pictures of country life HAGAR. N. Y. 1852. 12 HASTY words and their apology. In Pictures of country life HursK with two front doors, The. In Pictures of country life LKM Lvon. In Pictures of country life :. MAKING the children something. In Pictures of country life MARRIED not mated. N. Y. 1856. 12 MKS. Walden s confidant. In Pic tures of country life 35: 3918 MY grandmother that might have been. In Kougegorge and other stories 4O: OLD maid s story, An. In Pictures of country life 35: OriVAST, The. In Pictures of coun try life 35: PASSAGES from the married life of Kleanor Holmes. In Pictures of country life 35: PKTCRES of country life. N. Y. I860. 12 35: SAKAII Morris. In Pictures of coun try life 35: UNCLE John s story. In Pictures of country life 35: 1670 3918 3918 3918 3918 3918 3918 33: 1 1 13 35: 1428 35: 3918 35: 3914 35: 3915 35: 3918 35: 3918 35: 3916 35: 3918 35: 3918 35: 3918 35: 3918 35: 3917 ] Carylls, The. A novel. Sir F. VIN CENT. 3 v 39: 3741-3 Case of evidence, The. Surgeon s tales. A. LEIGHTON. W. T. 15. v. 8 4O: 1718 Casella; or, the children of the valleys. M. F. FINLEY. (Martha Farqhuar- ton.) 37: 2167 Cases worth looking at. I. The adopt ed son. II. The poisoned meal. III. The cauldron of oil. (W.) \V. COLLINS. In Queen s revenge. 35: 4581 Casimir Maremma. A HELPS 37: 4289 Casper and his friends. S. and A. I!. WARNER 4O: 200 Casseday, Davis B. HUKTUNS, The; or, American life at home. Phil. 1866. 12 35: 3925 Cassique of Kiawah. W. G. SIMMS. 39: 1677 Cast away in the cold. I.I.HAYES... 37: 4243 Cast for a crown, A. H. CHILD. 3 v. 35: 4233-5 Cast up by the sea. Sir S. W. BAKER. 35: 1420 Castaways, The. A. BOWMAN 35: 2446 Castaways, The. M.REID 39: 236 Caste. A novel. Mixs K. JOLLY 38: 469 Caste. M. H. (G.) PIKE 38: 4513 Castle Avon. A. MAUSII-CALDWELI.. 2v.ini 38: 2594 Castle builders. C. M. YONGK 4O: 1263 Castle Christburg. LOTHAR. R. G. X. v. 2 4O: 1561 Castle Daly. A. KEARY 38: 704* Castle Dangerous. Sir "W. SCOTT. Parker ed *39: 1347 The same. Edinb. ed 39: 1358 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1370 The same 39: 1394 The same. Household ed 39: 1444 The same. Pocketed 39: 1469 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: Castle Dumberg. R. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 Castle Nowhere. C. F. WOOI.SON 4O: 837 Castle of Crail, The; or, King David and Maude. Tales of the East Neuk of Fife. M. F. CONOLLY. W. T. B. v. 5 4O: 1715 Castle of Ehrenstein. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 109 Castle of Otranto. H. WALPOLE 4O: 75 Castle Rackrent M. EIMIEWOKTII. /// her X. and T. v. 1 37: 1496 Castle Richmond. A. TROLLOPE 39: 3162 The same. Tauchnit/. ed. 2v.ini. 39: 3163 Castle spectre of Scharzfeld, The. GOTTSCHAI.K. R. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1501 Castle Wafer; or, the plain gold ring. K. P. WOOD. (Mrs. H. Wood.).... 4O: 679 Castle s heir, The. E. P. WOOD. (.Vr*H.Wood.) 4O: 080 Castlemon, Harry. (pseud.) See FUSDICK, C. A. Castles in the air, and other phan tasies. R. B. COFFIN. ( Barry (fray. ) 35: 4501 Castles in the air. C. G. F. GORE 37: 3192 Castleton, D. R. SALEM: a tale of the seventeenth century. N. Y. 1874. 12 35: 3935 Cateran of Lochloy, The. J. MAID- MENT. W. T. B. v. 4 4O: 1714 Cathedral chimes, The. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Catherine ; a story. W. M. THACK ERAY. In Misc. v 5 33: 4015 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 2880 I KOSK FICTION: ENGLISH, CATHERINE. 34 CHANCES. 35: 35: 38: 37: c:iO 3043 2089 3953 Catherine Hamilton; a tale for little girls. 31. F. S 39; 1000 Catherine s lovers. (E.) ERCKMAX (A.) CHATRIAX. With. Forest house 37: 1732 Catholic Crusoe; or, the adventures of Owen Evans. W. H. ANDEK- DON Catlow, Agnes and Maria E. THE children s garden and what they made of it. Lond. 1865. 12 Cats and dogs. Mrs. H. 31iLi.ER Cattermole, G. EVEXIMIS at Haddon hall. Lond. 1860. sm.8 35; Caught in the toils. A novel. Mrs. M. DANIEL. 3 v Cauldron of oil, The. ( W.) W. COL LINS. See Cases worth looking at. In "Queens revenge." 35: Cautious Watty. .J. 31. WILSON. W. T. B. v."6 4O: Cavalier, The. G. P. K. James 38: Cavaliers of England ; or, the times of the revolutions of 1642 and 1688. H. W. HKRBERT 37: Contents : Brothers in arms. I Rival sisters, The. Jasper St. Aubyn. Vernon in the vale. Cavaliers of fortune ; or, British heroes in foreign wars. J. GRANT. Cavendish. II. LKE. In Canter bury tales, v 2 Caxton, Laura, (pseud.) See COMINS Lizzie B. Caxton, Pisistrntus. (pseud.} See BULWER-LYTTON, E. G. E. L. Caxtons, The. E. G. E. L. BULWER- L YTTO X The same. Tauehnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Cazptte, Elizabeth. Jn T. F. H. v. 2. 4O: Cecil Castlemaine s gage, and other stories. L. de la KAMB. (Ouida.) Content* : Beauty of Vicq d Azyr. Cecil Oastlemitiue s gage. Deadly Hash. General s match-making, The. Lady Marabout s troubles. Cecil Dreeme. T. WIXTHROP 4O: 623 Cecil, Langford. FKNAORE Grange. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 35; 3961-3 Cecil s tryst. J. S. SAUZADE. (James I ayn.) 39; 1165 Cecile ; or, modern idolaters. II. SMART. 3 v 39: 1773-5 Cecilia ; or, the memoirs of an heiress. F. B. D ARBI.AY 35: The same. 3v 35: Cecilia ; or, the love of dress. Mrt. E. C. EMBURY. Jn Pictures of early life 37; 170(1 Cecilia Howard. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 772 Cecilias, The. A. AIUIYI.E 35; 724 Cecy s recollections. M. BRAMSTOX. 35: 2683 Celebrated jumping frog. S. L. CLEMENS. (Mark Taj/tin.) 33: 1175 Celesta stories. Mrs. M. E. BERRY. 1. Celesta. [:!5 : -20. r .61 2. Crooked and straight. [::20S8] . !. Crook straightened. i35:i!057J Celestial city. N. HAWTHORNE 37: 4195 Celestial railroad, The. N. HAW THORNE. In Mosses from an old manso 37; 4182 37: 38: 35: 35: 39: Little Grand and the March ioness, Story of a crayon-head, The. Stutfy a la Louis Quatorze. Study a hi Louis Quinze. 4581 1716 170 4351 ! 3304 1423 3006 3097 2658 42 Cellar-door club. See Eggleston s Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Centeola ; and other tales. D. P. THOMPSON 39: 2970 Content* : Centeola. Counterfeiter, The. Rustic financiers, The. Starving settlers, The. Unfathomable mystery, The. Century of anecdote, A: from 1760- 1860. J. TIMBS .......................... 33: 4069 Contents : 1. Clerical life. 2. Court and fashionable life. 3. Eccentric persons. 4. Law and lawyers. 5. Men of letters. 6. Players and painters. 7. Political life. Cerise : a tale of the last century. G. J. WlIYTK-MELVII.LE ................. 4Q: 424 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel do. (1547-1616.) HISTORY of the ingenious gentleman, Don Quixote of La Mancha. Tr. from the Spanish, hy 3Iotteux. With copious notes, and an essay on the life and writings of Cervan tes, by John G. Lockhart. Best. 1865. 4v. 12 .......................... 35:3973-6 The same. The text edited by J. W. Clark, and a biographical notice of Cervantes by T. Teigri- mouth Shore. Illust. by G. Dore. Lond. n. d. 4 ............ *A The same. With illustrations by G. Dore. N. Y. 1873. 12 ..... 35: 3977 WIT and wisdom of Don Quixote. N". Y. 1867. 12 ....................... 33: 1121 Cesar Birotteau, History of the grand eur and decadence of. H. de BALZAC ..................................... 35; 1512 Cesarine Dietrich. Mad. A. L. A. I). DUIIEVANT. (George Sand.) Tr. by E. Stiinwood .......................... 37; 001 Chainbearer, The. J. P. COOPER... 35; 4724 The siime ...................................... 35; 4725 Chairolas. E. G. E. L. BULWER- LYTTO.V .................................... 35; 3008 Chairs in council, The. E. EOGLKS- TON. In Schoolmaster stories ........ 37: 1595 Chamberlain, Charles, Jr. PUT to the test. N. Y. 1874. 16. 35; 3987 SERVANT girl of the period. N. Y. 1873. 12 ................................. 35: 3988 Chamberlain, N. H. AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a New England farm-house. N. Y. 1865. J2.... 35: 3096 Chamier, Captain Frederic. ARETHUSA. Lond. 1860. 8 ......... 35; 4006 BEN Brace. Lond. 1836. 3 v. 12. 35; 4007-9 GKKEX hand, The. A short" yarn. N. Y. 1874. 8 ........................ 35; 4010 JACK Adams, the mutineer. Lond. n. d. 8 .................................. 35; 4011 LIFE of a sailor. Lond. n. d. 8.. 35; 4012 SPITFIRE, The. Lond. 1861. 8.... 35: 4013 TOM Bowling. Lond. 1857. sm. 8. 35; 4014 Chance acquaintance. W. D. HOW- ELLS ......................................... 37; 4724 Chance child, A. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett.) ....................... 38: 2814 The same. In L. 0. v. 11 .............. 4O: 1621 The same. Wilh Dead sin ............. 38: 2808 The same. In Seen and heard, v. 1. 38: 2815 Chance for himself. J. T. TROW- URIIIOK ...................................... 39: 3311 Chance medley of light mutter. T. C. GRATTAN .............................. 37: 3371 Chances and changes. C. BURDKTT... 35: 3360 PKOfcE FICTION: ENGLISH. CHANDLER. CHARMS. 38: 10 35: 4045 4O: 4O: 681 082 4O: 4O: 4O: 2081 1204 1205 35: 4054 35: 4055 35: 4057 35: 37: 4056 1675 Chandler, W. A. NOT to be broken. Lond. 1874. 12 35: 4025 Chandos. L. de la HAME. (Ouida.) 39: 4:i The same. Tauehnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 44 Chaney, George L. K Grant & Co.; or, partnerships. A story for the boys who mean busi ness". Bost. 1875. 12 35: 4035 Changed brides, The. Mrs. E. D. K. X. SOUTHWORTH 39: 2007 Changing base. W.EVERETT 37: 1770 Changing the crosses and winning the crown. M. A. IDKEN Channing, Barbara II. SI-XNY skies. Bost. 1809. 12 Channings, The. Domestic novel. E. P. [Mr*. Henry] WOOD The same. Tauehnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Chapel of St. Mary, The. By the au thor of The Rectory of ttoreland. Bost. 1801. 12...". Chaplet of pearls. C. M. YONGK The same. Tauehnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Chaplin, Mrs. Jane Dunbar. BREAKING the rules. Bost. 1869. 10 DEEDS speak louder than words. Bost. 1808. 10 JAMIE Noble, the soldier s son. Bost. 1868. 10 OUT of the wilderness. Bost. 1870. 16 Chapters on wives. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. Content* : Forest farm. Secret. George Milbank. Self-devotion Isabel. Characters and their appearances, with familiar say inge from Dickens works. In Master Humphrey s clock 37: 497 The same. In Uncommercial trav eler, etc 37: 549 Charette ; a tale of lovers sorrows, and their tangled sin 4O: 2082 Charitable man and his dog, The. G. P. R. JAMES. In String of pearls 38: 219 Charlemont. W. (J. SIMMS 39: 1678 j Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth Kundle. (b. 1820.) AGAINST the stream. N. Y. 1873... 35: 4066 I BERTRAM family, The. N. Y. n. d. 10 ." 35; 4086 | CHRONICLES of the Schiinberg-Cotta family; by two of themselves. N. Y. 1804. 12 35; 4068 The same. Leip. 1807. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 35: 4069 CONQUERING and to conquer. N. Y. n. d. 12 35: 4070 COTTAGE by the cathedral. The; and other parables. Lond. 1872. sm. 8. 35: 4071 j Cbntentt: The cottjige hy the cathedral. The unknown architect of the minster. Only the crypt. The sepulchre and the shrine. The black ship. The island and the main land. Humility and her por trait-painters. " Things using us." Grannie 1 * recipe for pickling grievances. The ruined temple. The jewel of the order of the king s own. The cathedra! chimes. What makes things musical? The acorn. Parables in household things. Passages from the life of a fern. Trio clock-bell and the alarm-bell. Thorns and spines. Sunshine, daylight, and the rock. Wanderers and pilgrims. The ark and the fortress. The three dreams. Thou and I. The song without words. Charles, Mm. E. K., (continued.) CRIPPLE of Antioch. N. Y. 1860. 10 DIARY of Mrs. Kittv Trevvlvan. N. V. 1864. 12....". ".. .. The same. Leip. 1809. sq. 16.. DRAYTONS and Davenants. N. Y. 1808. 12 The same. Leip. 1808. 2v.ini. sq. 1 EARLY dawn. N. Y. 1804. 12. .S ame as Sketches of Christian life.. MARTYRS of Spain and liberators of Holland. N. Y. 1805. 12 ON both sides of the sea. N. Y. 1808. 12 The same. Leip. 1808. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 SKETCHES of Christian life in Eng land in the olden time. Lond. 1870. 12. Same as Early dawn Two vocations. N. Y. 1805. 12.. VICTORY of the vanquished. Leip. 1871. sq. 10 WINIFRED Bertram. N. Y. I860. 12 The same. Leip. 1809. sq. 10.. Charles and Antoine Lucyon. II. M AKTIXEAU Charles Auchcster. E. S. SIIEPPARD. Charles Klwood ; or, the infidel con verted. (). A. BROWNSON Charles Lawson. J. M. WILSON. \V. T. B. v. 5 Charles Norwood; or, erring and re penting. C. M. TROWHRIDGE Charles <> Mallev. C. LEVER The same 35: 4072 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 4073 4(174 4075 4070 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 35: 4083 35: 35: 38: 39: 4084 4085 2635 1017 35: 3030 The same. Tauehnitz ed. Tile same. 3 v. in 2 Charles Tyrrel. G. P. R. JAMES. 2 v. in 1 Charles Yavasseur. J. F. SMITH Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. MINISTERING children a.nd sequel. Lond. 1809-71. 2 v. 10 MINISTRY of life. Lond. 1808. 10. Charley and Eva Roberts home in the west. Misi L. M. THURSTON. Bost. 1873. 16 Charley I oberts series. Miss L. M. THURHTON. Bost. 1873. 4 v. 10. Cbntmts; How Charley 39: 38: 38: 1715 3300 1560 1567 3 v 38:1508-70 38: 1571-2 Charley and EvaUolrtrts home in the west. v. :(. ::.TO2 Children of Amity court. v. 4. 3!>::iU3I Roberts be came a min. v. 1. . i .t:;i033 How Eva Roberts gained her education, v. 2. :i J : :t034 728 533 Charlie Bell. E. KEI.LOGO 38: Charlie Codman s cruise. H. ALOER, Jr 35: Charlie Thornhill. C. CARLOS- CLARKE 35: 3857 Charlotte Ackerman ; a theatrical romance. O. MUELLER 38: 3210 Charlotte s inheritance. A novel. M. E. BRADDON. 3 v 35: 2525-7 Charmed sea, The. A tale. II . MARTIXKAU The same. In lllust. of Pol. EC. v. 5. 38: The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 4 34: The name *15: Charming widow, A ; or, wild as a hawk. K. S. MACO.UOID 38: Charms and counter-charms. M. J. McIxTosii 38: 2043 4174 4914 2346 2245 THOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ClIARTERIS. 36 CHILD. Charteris. M. M. MELINE 38: 2859 Charybdis. M. V. (H.) TERHUNE. ( Marion Harlaitd.) With Phemie s temptation 39: 284.-! Chasing the sun. K M. BALLANTYNE. 35: 1453 The same. In Tales of adventure. v. 4 35: I486 Chaste as ice, pure as snow. A novel. Mm. M. C. DESPARD. 3 v. 37: 369-71 Chateaubriand, Rene Francois Au- guste. (17IJ8-1848.) ATALA. Tr. by James Spence Harry. Illustrated by G. Dore. Loud. n. d. 4 *A MARTYRS, The. Ed. by (). W. Wight. M. Y. 1863. 12 35: 4106 NATCHEZ, The. An Indian tale. Loud. 1827. 3v 35:4107-9 Chatelard. A. CAMPHELL. W. T. B. v. :> 4O: 1715 Chatfleld, Paul. TIN trumpet; or, heads and tails for the wise and waggish. X. Y. 1859. 12 35: 4114 Chatsworth. K. P. WARD 4O: 117 Chattanooga, fin. 1858. 12 *4O: 2085 Chatterton, (ieorgiana Lady. GREY S court. Lond. 1865. 2 v. sm. 8 35: 4120-1 LOST bride, The. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 4122-4 WON at last. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 4125-7 Chauntry s boy. A. BOBBINS 39: 445 Chavette, Eugene, (pseud.) See E. VAI IIKTTK Cheaterie packman, The. L. RITCHIE. In Club-book 4O: 1520 Checkmate. -I. S. LE FANU 38: 1452 Cheever, Henry T. REKI. in abottle, A. N. Y. 1852. 12. 35: 4143 Chellis, Alary Dwincll. BILL Drock s investment. Bost. 1870. 16= 35; 4150 DEACON Sims prayers. Bost. 1868. ni 35: 4151 FATHER Merrill. N. Y. 1872. 16. 35: 4152 OLD doctor s son. Bost. 1870. 16. 35: 4153 Chelsea hospital and its traditions. <;. It. Gl.EK). 3v 37:3059-61 Cheney, M-i. Kdnah I). ( MILD of the tide. Bost. 1875. 16. 35; 4160 SALLY Williams, the mountain girl. Bost. 1873. 16 35: 4161 Chequered shade. A tale. Mrs. HODGSON 37: 4442 Cherbuliez, Victor, (h. 1832.) CorNT Kostia. (Tr. of Le comte Kosfia.) A novel. N. Y. 1873. 16 35: 4168 JOSEPH Noirel s revenge. (La re vanche de Joseph Noirel.) N. Y. 1872. 16 35: 4169 Miss Hovel. Tr. by F. A. Shaw. Bost. 1875. 8 35: 4172 PROSPER. (Prosper Kandoce.) A novel. Tr. by C. Benson. N. Y. 1874. 16 35: 4170 ROMANCE of nn honest woman, The. (Tr. of Jje roman d une hwavte . femme.) Bost. 1874. 12 35: 4171 Chermside, Mrn. Henry Lowther. THORNTONS of Thornbury, The. A novel. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8. 35: 4180-2 Cherry and Violet. A. MANNING 38: 2457 Cherry-orchard, The. M. EDGE- WORTH. In Rosamond 37: 1508 The same. WHh Harry and Lucy.... 37: 1493 Cherry-stone, The. Surgeons tales. Alex. LEKIHTON. W. T. B. v. 4. 4O: 1714 Chesebro , Caroline. CHILDREN of light. N. Y. 1853. 12 35: 4191 DREAMLAND by daylight. N. Y". 1851. 16 35: 4192 FOE in the household, The Bost. 1871. 8 35: 4193 PETER Carradine. N. Y. 1863. 12. 35: 4104 Chesney, Esther, (pseud.) See DAK- CIA N, Miss C. Chesney, Col. George. DILEMMA, The. N. Y. 1876. 8... 35: 4203 GERMAN conquest of England, The, and battle of Dorking. .Reminis cences of a volunteer. N. Y. 1871. 16 35: 4202 Chesnez, E. Martineau des. LADY Green-satin and her maid Ros ette. Phil. 1873. 12 35: 4210 Chester, John. DKRWENT; or, recollections of young life in the country. N. Y. 1872. 12 ! 35: 4216 Chesterleigh. A. CONYERS. 3 v... 35: 4671-3 Chetwynd, Hon. Mrs. NEHIHUORS and friends. Lond. 1868. 3 v. sm. 8 35:4224-15 Chetwyndes, The. In N. and T. v. 1 1 4O: 1651 Chevalier Casse-Cou, The. F. du BOISGOHEY. 2 v 35:2315-16 Contents : 1. Red camelia, The. 2. Search for ancestors, A. Chevalier d Artagnan, Captain- lieutenant of the mousquetaires du roi, The. J. Grant. IVith Con stable of France 37: 3305 Chevalier d Harmental. A. (D.) DU MAS 37: 968 Chevalier de Maison-rouge. A. (D.) DI-MAS 37: 969 Chevaliers of France, The; from the crusaders to the mareehals of Louis XIV. II. W. HERBERT 37: 4352 Contents; Aslmhgunushk Nutnumahtahseng. Eimtache de St. Pierre. Hamilton of Hothwelhaugh. Sir Hugues de Coney. Cheveley. Lady K. W. BULWER- LYTTON 35: Chicken Little stories. .VeeEggleston s Schoolmaster s stories Chicot, the jester; or, the lady of Monsoreau. (Tr. of La dame de Monsureau.) A. (D.) DI MAS. Name as Diana of Meridor. With A sen nio Child, Harry. CAST for a crown, A 3 v. sin. 8 Child, Lydia Maria. FACT and fiction. J 37: 3278 37: 1595 Lond. 1870. (b. 1802.) 1854. 16 35: 4233-5 35: 4241 Contents : Beloved tune, The. Black SIIXOMS, The. Brothers, The. Children of Mount Ida, The. Eli/:ilu th Wilson. Hildu Silfverling. Irish heart, The. Legend of the apostle John. Legend of the falls of St. Anthony. Neighbor-in-huv, The. Poet s dream of the soul, A. Quadroons, The. Kosenglory. She waits m the spirit land. Youthful emigrant, The. 1 RUSE FICTION: ENGLISH. Oinr.n. 37 CHRONICLES. Child, L. M., (mnlinued.) FI.OWKRS for children. Host. 1862. 10 35; 4242 NEW flower for children, A. ]5ost. 1H65. 16 35; 4243 FIIII.OTIIKA: a romance. Host. 1830. 12 35: 4244 KOMVXCK of the republic. Host 1808. 12 35: 424. ) Child life, in prose. J. G. \VHITTIEK, editor 4O: 415 Child nf the island glen. E. KKI.UHMI. 38 729 Child of the tide, The. Mrs. Ed. 1). CHUNKY 35: Child wife, The. M. KKID 39: Child s dream of a star, A. C. (J. H.) DICKKXS. In L. C. v. 10 4O: 1U20 The same. In Lamplighter s story. 37: 481 The same. With Old curiosity shop. 37; 515 The same 37: 517 Child s story, A. C. (J. II.) DICK KXS. In Lamplighter s story 37: 481 Childe Koelitfs pilgrimage. .1. K. . PAI-LDIXG. In Tales of Glauber- Spa, v.l 4Q: 1700 Children of the abbey. K. M. KOCHK. 39: 580 Children of Amity court. Afisx L. M.THURSTOX 39: ;t031 Children of light. C. CHKSKKRO 35: 4191 Children of the new forest. V. MARRYAT 38: 2526 Children of the public, The. K. K. HAI.K. In L. C. v. 12 4O: 1022 The same. In If, yes, and perhaps... 37: 383G Children s garden, The, and what they made of it. A. and M. E. CATLOW 35: -ms Chimes. C. (.1. H.) DICKKXS. mth Christmas carol 37: 44! The same. With Christinas stories... 37; 450 The same 37: 451 The same 37: 452 China manufactory. M. M. SHKK- WOOD. In Works, v. 13 39; 1C.48 Chinese tales. T. S. (TUKUI.KTT 37: 3025 Chirping crickets. Miss A. 1. THACK- KKAY. With Village on the cliff... 39: 2866 Chiveley. (pseud.) See Lady K. AV. Hi i WKR-LYTTOX. Choice of Paris, The. S. G. W. BKX- .IAMIX 35: i!ifi4 Choisy, n novel. J. 1*. STORY 39: 2310 Chops, the dwarf. C. (.J. H.) DICK KXS. In L. C. v. 2 4O: 1612 Chouans, The. E. SOUVKSTRK. In Brittany and LaVendee 39; 20IJ6 Chpules, .John Overton. (1801-1850.) Yovxd Americans abroad. Bost. 1864. lli 35: 4255 Chris and Otho. Sequel to Widow Goldsmith s daughter. . I. 1 . SMITH. 39; 1!36 Chrisna. .J. X. BOXIFACK, called Siiintiiie 35; 2. !40 Christian life in England in the old en time. K. R. CIIAKI.KS 35; 4081 Christian physiologist. G. GKIFFIX. Sunif us Tales of the five senses 37: 3557 Christian s mistake. I). M. CRAIK. {formerly Miss .Wulock. } 35; 49] 2 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35; 41113 Christie Johnstone. C. HKADK 39: 137 The same- With Peg Wofflngton 39: 100 Christie <>f the Cleek. A. LKIOHTO.X. W. T. H. v. 5 4O: 1715 Christie s faith. F. W. ROIUXSON... 39: 483 Christina North. K M. ARCHER 35: 696 Christine; a Dutch story. K. HARD- MAX. T. f. 15. v. (i 4Q: I6ii5 Christine. L. PARK 38: 4233 Christine van Ainberg. Countess d ARHOI-VII.I.K. In Three tales 35: Christmas books. \V. M. THACK- KRAY. Ill Misc. V. 5 33; Contents: Mrs. Perkins s ball. Our street. Doctor Hirch. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. The rose and the ring. Christmas <-ake in four quarters. Liidt/ (Mary Anne) BARKER. (Mrs. F. N. Broome.) 35; 1585 Christmas carol, A. C. (.J. H.) DICKKXS 37: 4411 The same. In Christmas stories 37: 450 The same 37; 451 The same 37 : 452 The same. In L. C. v. 5 4O: 1615 Christmas child, The. Mrt. LIVKK- MOKK T. L. 38: 181!i Christmas-eve and Christmas-day. Ten Christmas stories. E. E. HALK. 37: 3833 Christmas gift, The, that came to Hupert. K. Bret HARTK. In Mrs. Skagg s husbands 37; 4057 Christmas guest, The. E. I). E. N. Sot THWORTII 39; 2008 Christmas party, A. E.STRIVKI.YNK. With Princess of Silverland 39; 2405 Christmas stories. C. (J. II.) DICK KXS 37; 450 The same 37: 452 The same 37: 451 The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: 453 Christmas stories, additional. In .Master Humphrey s clock 37: 4!>7 The same. In Uncommercial trav. etc 37: 540 The same 37 : 552 Christmas story, A. See Kiddell s Fairy water. Christmas-tree, A. C. (.J. H.) DICKKXS. / Christinas stories 37: 4">0 The same. In Lamplighter s story... 37: 481 Christmas waits in Boston. K. K. HAI.K. In If, yes, and perhaps 37; 3830 Christopher Crooked ; a Christmas story. W. E. HATHAWAY 37: 4090 Christopher Crowtield. (pseud.) See STOWK, H. (E.) I!. Christopher Dudley. A novel. M. BRIDO.MA.V. 3 v" 35: 2790-2 Christopher Kenrick; his life and adventures. .1. HATTOX 37: 4100 Christopher Tadpole. A. SMITH 39: 1809 Christy s grandson. With Drayton hall 40- 2131 Chronicle of Ethelfled. A. MAX- XING 38: 2458 Chronicles from the originals of Car- taphilns, the wandering Jew. D. HOFFMAN. 2 v 33; 2022-3 Chronicles of the Fermors ; Horace Walpole in love. F. MAHOXY. 2 v. 38: 2388-9 Chronicles of the Canongate. Sir W. SCOTT. First series. Parker ed. 2v *3Q:1339-40 Content s: Highland widow. The. Pngcon s daughter. The. Lurd i Jock, The. TapeMried chamber, The. My annl Mnrgirefs mir- Two ilrovers, The. ror. The same. Edinburgh ed 39; 1357 Thesame. Abbotsford ed 39: 1368 The Mine 39! 1390 A ote. See also under Ibo titles of the sto ries given in the contents. 1 KOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ClIRONlCLfcS. 38 CLARKE. Chronicles <>f the Canongate. Sir \V. SOOTT. Second series. Same as St. Valentine s day; or, the fair maid of Perth. Chronicles of Carlingford. Mn. M. ((). \V.) OLIPHANT ..................... Contents: The Rector ; the Doctor s family ; Salem chapel. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 7 v. in 4. 38: 3838 Contents : Doctor s family, The. Perpetual cunite, 1 he. Miss Marjoribanka. Kector, The NiK::i [38:38581 | Salem chiipel. [38:8406 Chronicles of Clovernook, The. 1). (W.j JERROLD ........................... 38: 320 The same. With A man made of money. In Works, v. ............ 34: 1470 The same. In Works, v. 4. Phil. ed ............................................ 34: 1404 Chronicles of Golden Friars, The. J. S. Le FANU. 3v .................... 38: 1453-5 Chrysal ; or, the adventures of a guinea. C. JOHNSTON K ............... 38: 490 The same .................................. 4O: 2090 Church, Mrs. Koss. (formerly Flor ence Marryatt.) CONFESSIONS of Gerald Estcourt. Leip. 18(i7. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16.... 35: 4265 FUR ever and ever. Leip. I860. 2 v. in 1. sq. 1C ........................... 35: 4206 GUP. Lond. 1868. 8 .................. 35: 4267 HKR lord and master. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 ........................ 35: 4268 LOVK S conflict. Bost. n. d. 8 ..... 35: 4269 The same. Leip. 1865. 2v.ini. sq. 16 ................................... 35: 4270 LUCKY disappointment, A. Bost. n. d. sq. 16 ............................. 35: 4283 MAD. Dumaresq. A novel. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 ..................... 35:4271-3 NKLLY Brooke. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .............................. 35: 4274 No intentions. A novel. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 ............................... 35:4275-7 OPEN! Sesame! Bost. n.d. 8 ..... 35: 4284 PKTRONEL. Leip. 1870. 2 v.in 1. sq. 16 ...................................... 35: 4278 POISON of asps, The. A novelette. N. Y. 1871. 8 ........................ 35: 4279 PKKY of the Gods. Bost. 1871. 8. 35: 4280 STAR and a heart, A. Bost. n. d. 8 ............................................ 35: 4286 VeRONiyun. Leip. 1809. 2 v. in 1. 6 q. 16 ..................................... 35: 4281 WOMAN against woman. Bost. 1867. 8 ................................... 35: 4282 Church and wife. K. St. John COR- BKT. 3v ................................... 35: 4830-2 Churchman, A broad, (pseud.) See WAKRINKK, E. A. Churchyard watch, The. .1. BANIM. In Bit o writin .......................... 35: 1531 Churton, Henry. (pseud.) See TOTKJKK, A. W. Cicely : a story of three years. E. GRAHAM. 3 v .......................... 37: 3251-3 Cinderella. Mi*s A. 1. THACKKRAY. With The story of Elizabeth ......... 39: 2863 Cineas. J. M. VILLEFKANCIIE ........ 39: 3735 Cinnamon and pearls. H. MAR- TINKAU. In lllustr. of Pol. Econ. v. 7 .......................................... 38: 2045 Cinq-Mars. A. V. do VKINY ......... 39: 3730 Cipher ; a romance. J. G. AUSTIN. 35: 930 Circassian boy, The. M. LKRMONT- OKF. Tr. by S. S. Conant 38: Circe. B. WHITE 4O: 370 Circle of light. H. P. MAI.KT 38: Circuit rider : a tale of the heroic age. E. EOGLKSTON -.. 37: 159 . Circumstance. H. K. (P.) SPOF- FOBU. II it/i The amber gods 39: 2126 Citizen of Prague. Tr. by M". Howitt. 4O: 2091 Citoyenne Jacqueline. Mils KKDDIE. (tiarah Tytler). 3v 38: 707-11 City of Nocross, and its famous physi cian. C. TUCK KB. (A. L. O. E.) 39: 3341 City of refuge, A. Mits A. 1. THACK- KRAY. With Village on the cliff... 39: 2866 Civil service. J. T. LISTADO. 2 v. 38:11<>-11 Civil war. T. (K.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 2 37: 4046 Clack, Mrs. Louise. OUR refugee household. N. Y. 1866. 12 35: 4310 Clan-Albin ; a national tale. Mr*. JOHXSTONE. In W. S. C. L. v. 8 .. 34: 4178 The same *15: 4918 Clandestine marriage, The. MissK. A. DUPI-Y 37: 1062 Clara. K. W. HAcKLa.\i>KR 37: 3810 Clara Delamaine. A. W. CUNNING HAM. 3 v 35:5148-50 Clara Howard. C. B. BROWN. With Ormond 35: 29111 Clara Moreland. E. BENNETT 35: 1976 Clara Stephens. M. M. SIIKRWOOD. In Works, v. 4 39: 1639 Clara Vance, (pseud.) See DENISON, Mrs. Mary A. Clara Vaugnan. R. 1). BLACKMORE. 35: 2201 Clare Savile; or, sixty years ago. J. LUARD ". 38: 1923 Clarissa ; or, the Mervyn inheritance. A. BOWMAN 35: 2447 Clarissa Harlowe. S. RICHARDSON. 8 v 39: 321-8 The same. Tauchnitz ed. .4 v 39: 3211-32 The same. Condensed by C. H. JONES. Leisure hour series 39: 333 Clark, Alexander. STARTING out; a story of the Ohio hills. Phil. 1875. 12 35: 4320 Clark, Charles Hebcr. (Max Adeler). OUT of the Hurly-burly. Phil. 1874. 12 .". 33: 742 Clarke, C. C. See CARLOS-CLARKE, C. Clarke Marcus. His natural life. N. Y. 1876. 8. 35: 4333 Clarke, Mrs. Mary Cowden. (b. 1809.) IRON cousin, The. N. Y. 1860. 12. 35: 4335 PORTIA and stories from Shakespeare. N. Y. 1868. 12 35: 433G RAMBLING story, A 35: 4337 YARNsof an old mariner. Bost. 1869. 16 35: 4338 Clarke, Kebecca Sophia. (Sophie May). ASKUBY twins, The. Bost. 1876. 10. 35: 4306 AUNT Madge s story. Bost. 1872. 18 35: 4345 DOCTOR S daughter, The. Bost. 1872. 16 35: 4346 DOTTY Dimple at her grandmother s. Bost. 1870. 18 35: 4347 DOTTY Dimple at home. Bost. 1870. 18 85: 4348 DOTTY Dimple at plav. Bost. 1870. 18 ". 85: 4349 DOTTY Dimple at school. Bost. 1869. 18 35: 4350 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CLARKE. CLUB-BOOK. Clarke, I*. S., (continued.) DOTTY Dimple out west. Host. 1870. 18 35: 4351 ! DOTTY Dimple s fly-away. Host. 1870. 1H 35: 4352 FAIRY book. Bost. 1872. 18 35: 43.13 LITTLE folks astray. Host. 1871. 18 35: 4:i54 j IIITTI.K grandfather. Bost. 1873. 18 35: 4355 LITTI.K grandmother. Bost. 1873. 18 35: 4356 LITH.K Prudy. Bost. 1872. 18... 35: 4357 LITTI.K Prudy s Capt. Horace. Host. 1871. 18 35: 4358 LITTI.K Prudy s cousin Grace. Bost. 1871. 18.". 35: 43511 LITTI.K Prudv s Dotty Dimple. Bost. 1872. 18 ". 35: 4300 LITTI.K Prudy s sister Susy. Bost. 1871. 18 35: 4361 LITTLE Prudy s story-book. Bost. n. d. 18 35: 4362 Miss Thistledown. Bost. n. d. 18. 35: 4303 OUR Helen. Bost. 1875. 18 35: 4364 . Piii DY keeping house. Bost. 1871. 18 35: 4365 i Claude. L,idy BI.AKK. 3v 35:2228-30 Claude, the colporteur. A. MANNING. 38: 2459 Claude (iueux. V. Huoo 37: 4733 Claude Meudowleigh. Capt. W. E. MOXTAOUK. 3v 38: 3051-3 Claude Melnotte as a detective. A. PINKKKTOX 38: 454G Claudia. A. M. DOUGLASS. Claudia. C. TUCKKK. (A. L. O. E.) 39: 3342 Claudine. H. LKK. In Canterbury tides, v. 2 .".. 38: 1423 Claudius, Martin. COTTAGE by the lake, The. Phil. 1869. 10. The fatherland series. 35: 4370 Claverings, The. A. TKOLI.OI-K 39: 3104 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 3105 Clavers, Afn. Mary, (pseud.) .See K IKK LAND, C. M. S. Clayton, Cecil. KKKIK S game; how she lost and how she won. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 35: 4376-7 Clear shining after rain. Mies C. BKOCK 35: 2839 Clemens, Hon., Jeremiah. ( 18U-1865.) BERNARD Lile; an historical romance, embracing the periods of the Texas revolution and the Mexican war. Phil. 1809. 12 35: 4387 MUSTANG Gray. Phil. n. d. 12... 35: 4388 KIVALS, The; a tale of the times of Aaron Burr and Alexander Ham ilton. Phil. 1800. 12 35: 4389 Tom AS Wilson; a tale of the great rebellion. Phil. 1805. 12 35: 4390 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. (b. 1835.) (Murk Twain.) CKI.KKKATKD jumping frog. N. Y. 1869. 16 " 33: 1175 Gn. T>KI> age, The. Tale of to-day. By S. L. CLKMKNS and C. i). WAKXKR. Hartford.. 1873. 8.. 35: 4400 MAKK Twain s sketches. Hartford. 1875. sm. 4 33: 1177 Clement s trial and victory ; or, sow ing and reaping. M. E. B 35: 1300 Clemmer, Mary. ( Mary Ames.) KIKKNK; or, a woman s right. N. Y. 1871. 8 35: 4420 His two wives. N. Y. 1875. 12.. 35: 4421 Cleomenes the Greek. I). M. CKAIK. (form. V. M. Mulock.) In Romantic tales 35: 4940 Clergyman s wife, The. In N. and T. v. 11 4O: 1051 Clergyman s wife, and other aketcheg. A.C. M. RITCHIE. N.Y. 1807. 12. 39: 427 Clerical murderer, The. A. LKIGII- TON. W. T. B. v. 8 4O: 1718 Cleve hall. E. M. SKWKLI 39: 1573 Clever woman of the family. C. M. YUNGE 4O: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 4O: Cliff-climbers, The; or, the lone home in the Himalayas: a sequel to "The plant hunters. 1 M. KEID. 39: 23H Clifford Tnmp; a Georgia story. M. .1. WESTMORELAND 4O: 327 Cliffords of Craven, The. A tradi tion. A. PK. KKN. In W. S. C. L. v. 5 *15: 4915 The same 34: 4175 Climbing the rope. H. P. H. Now KI.L. 38: 3087 Cline, A. .). HKNKY Courtland; or, what a farmer can do. Phil. 1870. 12 35: 4430 Clinton. W. SIMONDS. (Walter Aim- well.} 39: 1704 Clique of gold. The. E. GAKOKIAU... 37: 2750 Clive, L<i(li/ Catherine. PAUL Ferroll. A tale. N. Y. 1856. 12 35: 4430 The same. Leip. 1850. sq. 10.. 35; 4437 WHY Paul Ferroll killed his wife. Leip. 1801. sq. 10 35: 4438 YK A i< after year. Leip. 1858. 10. 35: 4439 Olives of Hurcot, The. H. SMITH 39: 1844 Clock-bell and the alarm-bell, The. Mrt. K. K. CIIARLKS. With Cot tage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Cloister ami hearth. C. RKADK 39: 138 The same 39: 139 The same. Tauehnit/. ed. 2v.ini. 39: 140 Cloth of Frieze. Lady Wool). 3 v... 4O: 765-7 Clotildp ; or, the secret of three gen erations. A. de PONTMAKTIN. Tr. by K. C. Barton 38: 4607 Cloud on the heart. A. S. ROE 39: 597 Cloud pictures. K. II. UNDERWOOD... 39: 3621 Contents : 1. The exile of von Ailelstcin s soul. 2. Topanknlon. . !. Herr UeKenbogen s concert. 4. l ireiit-or^un prelude, A. Cloud with the silver lining, The. M. A. M ArKAKNKNS. In Sunbeam stories 38: 2270 Clouded happiness. Countess d ORSAY. 38: 3920 Clouded in mystery. M. A. BIRD 35: 2105 Cloudesley, a tale. W. GODWIN. 3 v 37:3099-3101 Clouds and sunshine. C. KKADK 39: 141 The same. With Peg Woftington 39: 100 Clough Kion. M. BANIM 35: 1533 Cloven foot, The. K. H. NKWKLI.... 38: 3581 Clovernook. A. CAKY 35: 3915 Club-book, The. .1. I ITKKN, G.M.T, POWER, JEKDAN, GOWKK, MOIR, CUNNINGHAM, HOGG, KITCIIIK, &c. 2v.ini 4O: 1520 Gmtfnfs : Vol I. Bertram! <le la Croix ; or, the siege of KlinilcH. G. P. R. jAMtn. HfuMail-Uen-Almh ; or, the traveller. J. GAI.T. (iipsy of the Abruzzo, The. T. POWER. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CLUB-BOOK. 40 COLLINS. Club-book, (continued.) Eisenbaoh ; or, the adventures of a strnnger. A metropolitan story. A. PlCKEN. Fatal whisper, The. J. GAIT. Sleepless woman, The. W. JEBDAN. Dramatic scenes, lounded on Victor HU GO S celebrated tragedy of Hernani. F. L. GUWER. Vol 2. Gowden Gibbic. A. CUMNINGIIAM. bridal of Borthwick, The. 1). M. Mont. Deer-stalkers of Glenskiach, The. A Highland legend. A. PICKBN. Painter, The. A Sicilian tale. J. GALT. Laidlaws and the Scotts, The. A border tradition by the Ettrick shepherd. (psetul. of J. Hooo.) Unguarde. I hour, The. J. GALT. Cheaterie Paekeman, The. S. RITCHIR. Bogle o the Bral : a queer courting story by the Ettriek shepherd, i pseud, of J. Hono.) Book of lite, The. J. GALT. Three Kearneys, The. A tale of the Dominie. A. PICKEN. Club des pendus, Le. G. BORYS. / She loved him madly 35: 2373 Club room, The. T. S. ARTHUR. In The martyr wife 35: 787 Clumber Chase. G. G. SCOTT. 3 v. 39: 1281-3 Clyde, Alton. l Ni)KR foot. A novel 35: 4448 Clyffards of Clyft e. J. S SAUZADE. (Jiimes I ayn.) 39: 1160 Clytie. A novel of modern life. J. HATTON. 3 v 37: 4101-3 Coaina ; the rose of the Algonquins. Mrs A. H. DORSET 37: 793 Cobb, Sophia Dickinson. HiLi.sitoKo farms. Bost. 18G9. 12. 35: 4458 Cobden, Paul, (pseud.) GOING on a mission. Bost. 1809. 1(5 35: 4404 GOOD luck. Bost. 1869. 10 35: 4465 TURNING wheel, The. Bost. 1869. 10 35: 4406 WHO will win? Bost. 1809. 10... 35: 4467 Cockaynes in Paris; or, gone abroad. (W.) B. JERROLD 38: 3, iO Cockton, Henry. (1808-1853.) FATAL marriage, The. Phil. n. d. 8 35: 4081 GEOROK Julian. Nee The prince. LOVE match, The. Phil. n. d. 8. 35: 4082 PERCY Effingham. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 12 35: 4476-7 PRINCE, The; or, George St. George Julian. Phil. n. d. 8 35: 4475 SISTKRS, The. Same as Fatal mar riage. STANLEY Thome. N. Y. n. d. 16. 35: 4478 STEWARD, The. A romance. Phil. n.d. 8 35: 4083 SYLVESTER Sound, the somnambulist. Phil 35: 4479 VALENTINE Vox ; the ventriloquist. With his life and adventures. Phil. n.d. 8 35: 4480 Coslebs in search of a wife. H. MOKE 38: 3100 The same. In Works, v. 2 34: 1761 Thesame 34: 1763 Coen, P. J. EVALINE; or, weighed and not want ing. A Catholic tale. N. Y 35: 4486 Coffin, Charles Carleton. (Curlelon.) CALEB Krinkle, a story of American life. Bost. 1875. 8 35: 4490 FOLLOWING the flag. Bost. 1865. 16. 35: 441)1 MY days and nights on the battle field" 35; 4492 WINNING his way. Bost. 1866. 16. 35: 4493 Coffin, Robert Barry. (Barry Gray.) Cakes and ale at Woodbine. N. Y. 1868. 12 35: 4500 CASTLES in the air and other phan tasies. N. Y. 1871. 12 35: 4501 MATRIMONIAL infelicities 35: 4502 MY married life at Hillside. N. Y. 1865. 12 OUT of town ; a rural episode. N. Y. 1867. 12 Coggeshall, William Turner. IIOMK hits and hints. N. Y. 1859. 12 Contents : Easy Warren. Little Pe|og. Aunt Patience. Buds and blossoms. Burning coin, The. Smart boy, The. fied. Elton. Little Chip. My first lesson in manli ness. Widow Cliff and her son. An odd music lesson. Tom Toperly. A hint for homes Matrimony for money. The prize piano. Jared Parker. Our fireside. Fashionable suicide. Pretty apple-girl, The. Sketch of sentiment s extremes, A. Pride of wealth and pride of worth. Masterly inactivity. Moral influence of taste, The. Cold hand, The. C. F. GUERNSEY. In Not pretty, but precious 40: Cold heart, The! W. HAUFK. In T. f. G 4O: Cole, Miriam, (pseud.) See HAKHIS, Mrs. S. S. Coleridge, Christabel R. HANHURY mills 35: LADY Betty. Lond. 1869. sm. 8. 35: Coleridge, Sara. (1803-1852.) PHANTASMION: a fairy tale. Bost. 1874. 12 " 35: College theatricals. In T. f. B. v. 2. 4O: Collegians, The. G. GRIFFIN 37: Collins, -Mortimer. IVORY gate, The. Lond. 1869. 2 v. sm. 8 35: 4523-4 MARQUIS and merchant. N. Y. 1871. 8 35: 4525 PRINCESS Clarice, The: a story of 1871. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sin. 8. 35: 4520-7 SQUIRE Silchester s whim. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 35:4528-30 TRANSMIGRATION. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 4531-3 Two plunges for a pearl. N. Y. 1872. 8" 35: 4534 VIVIAN romance, The. N. Y. 1870. 8 35: 4535 Collins, (William) Wilkie. (b. 1824.) AFTKRtlnrk. Leip. 18o6. sq. Hi .. 35: 4540 ALICIA Warlock, and other stories. Bost. 1875. 8 35: 4539 Contents : Alicia Warlock. "Blow up with the brig." Fatnl cradle. Memoirs of an adopted son. ANTONINA; or, the fall of Home. N. Y. 1868. 8 35: 4541 The same. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 :.... 35: 4542 35: 4503 35: 4504 35: 4508 Summer life. Jewish (Quadroon, The. Pinney s pepper bottle. Fallen divine, The. My ragged school and what it suggested. Summer recreation. Story for boys and girls, A. Fable lor financiers, A. Fashionable vulgarity. Street picture, A. Haste makes waste. City and country. What Jasper Haven lost. Kitchen comforts. Marriage by draft. Lesson from the street, A. Pay as you go. Being somebody. Little fibs. Reflections on a barn. Kidnappers. 1 idn t think. Boy enterprise- Shall I go to a city? Man in the moon, The. 1040 1099 4510 4511 4516 1 693 3551" Mrs. Badgery. My black mirror. Queen s revenge, The. Sane madman, A. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. COLLINS. 41 COMINO. Collins, (W.) W., (continued.) ARMADAI.K. N. Y. 1866. 8 The same. N. Y. 1874. 12 35: 4543 The same. Leip. 1866. 3 v. sq. 16 35: 4544-6 The same. Leip. 1866. 3 v. in 2. sq. 16 35: 4547-8 BASIL. Leip. 1862. sq. 16 35: 4549 DEAD alive. Bost. 1874. 16 35: 4550 DEAD secret. Phil. n. d. 12 35: 4551 The same. In N. and T. v. 4-5... 4O: 1644-5 DEAD secret, and other tales. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 4552 Contents : Agnes Lee. Amphlett love-match. Dead secret. Helena Mathowson. How the old love fared. FRO/EN doop, The; and Terribly strange bed. Host. 1875. 16 ..... HIIIE and seek. Leip. 185G. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .............................. LAW and tbe lady, The. N.Y. 1875. 12 ............... . ........................... MAD Monckton; and other stories. I hil. n. d. 8 .......................... Cbuttnts : Bjni-k coltngfi, The. Biter hit, The. Family secret, The. MAN and wife. N.Y. 1874. 8 ..... The same. Leip. 1870. 3 v. sq. 16 ....................................... The same. Leip. 1870. 3 v. in 2. sq. 10 .................................... MIRANDA: a midsummer madness. 3 v ........................................... Miss or Mrs.? and other stories. 1 liil. n. d. 8 .......................... Murder of tbe Archbishop of Paris. My window. New boy at Stylcs s (Queen s revenge. 1 ellow tiger. 35: 35: 35: 35: 4553 4554 455(5 Mad Monekton. Plot in private life, The. 35: 4557 35:4558-60 35: 4501-2 35; 4564-6 " Hlow up with the brig." I Katal cradle, The. Miss or Mrs. MOONSTONE. The same. sq. 16 NEW Mugdalen, The. N. Y. Leip. 1868. 8 1868. 2 v. in 1. N. Y. 1873. No name. N. Y. 1803. 8 The same. Leip. 1863. 3 v. sq. 1(1 The same. Leip. 18G3. 3 v. in 2. sq. 10 PLOT in private life. Leip. 1859. sq. 16. S<itc at Mad Monckton... POOK Miss Finch. N. Y. 1872. 8. The same. Leip. 1872. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 QrKKJt of hearts. N. Y. 185!). 12. Qr KEN S revenge, The; and other stories. Phil. n. d. 8 Con ents: Bold words by a bachelor. Cases worth looking at: 1 Adopted heir. 2 Poisoned meal. 3 Caldron of oil. Curiosities of literature:- 1 I nknown public. 2 Portrait ot an author. Dramatic Grub street. Fragment of personal experiences: 1 Laid up in lodgings. 2 My black mirror. Jerrold, I ouglass. Nooks and corners of his tory : 1 Q leen s revenge. 2 Great (forgotten) in vasion. 3 Remarkable revolu tion. 35: 4567 35: 35: 35: 35: 4570 4571 35: 4572-4 35: 4575-ii 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 4577 4578 4579 4580 1.V-! Sketches of character: 1 Talk-stoppers. 2 Shockingly rude article. 3 Mrs. Bftdgerr. 4 Bachelor bedroom. 5 Prny employ Miij. Nam- by ! *i My spinsters. Social grievances: 1 Journey in search of nothing. 2 Petition to the novel writers. 3 Give us room. 4 Save me from my friends. :> Mrs. Bullwinkle. To think or to be thought for. 35: 35: *35: 35: 35: 35: 35; 35: 35: 38: Collins, (W.) W., (confiimfd.) SIGHTS a-foot. Phil. n. d. 8 ........ SISTKR Rose .................................. STOLEN mask. Columbia, S. C. 1864. 8 ............................................ The same. Phil. n. d. 8 ......... TKKKIHLY strange bed. With Frozen deep ......................................... WOMAN in white, The. Illust. N. Y. 1873. 12 .......................... The same. Leip. 1860. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .............................. YKI.LOW mask, The ........................ Collis, Lauriston. MVSTKKY of Holly tavern. Phil. 1873. 12 ......... ! ....................... Colloquies of Edward Osborne. A. M ANN-IMS ................................. Colman, George, the younger. (1762- liiioAD grins; My nightgown and slippers; and other works, prose and poetical. Edited by G. B. Buekstone. Lond. n. d." sin. 8. 33: Oinlentt : Ballads anil songs. Broad grins. Eccentricities for Edin burgh. Lady of the wreck, The. Memoir. My nightgown and slip pers! Colomba. P. Meima E Colonel Daere. Miss E. JOLLY Colonel Floyd s ward. M. V. (H.) TERIIUNE. (Marion Ilarliinif) Note. S tine as Helen Gardner s wedding day. Colonel I aek, life of. D. DnFoE. In N. and Mis. works, v. 1 34: Colonna, the painter. T. f. 15. v. 1... Colville family, The. F. E. SMEDI.EY. Comedy of terrors. J. DE.MILLK.... Cometh up as a flower. Miss R. 4582 4583 4584 4585 4553 4586 4587 458H 4630 2460 1211 Poetical vagaries. Random records and anec dotes. Two persons, The; or, tbe tale of a shirt. Vagaries vindicated ; or, hypocritic hypercritics. 38: 38: 2930 470 39: 2835 4O: 39: 37: 35: 39: 1017 1693 179(1 270 2970 463 2946 1 50 Comfort Strong. S. S. ROHHINS Comforted. Phil. 1873. 16 Comforter, The. F. BKEMEU. In Works, v.l 35: Comic Blackstone, The. G. A. a BKCKKT 55: Comic history of England, The. G. A. a BKCKKT 27: 1377 Comic history of Koine, The. G. A. i i BECKET 26: 2198 Comic history of the United States. L. HOPKINS 37: 4G90 The same. .1. I). SHERWOOD 29: 1H45 Comic natural history of the human race. H. L. STEPHENS 33: 3891 Comical romance of a company of stage players. P. SCARRON. In Whole com. works 34: 1915 Comin thro the rye. Miss 11. MATHERS " 38: 2679 Coming from the front. R.WOLCOTT. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 Coming home; or, sithors to grind. By the author of "Trap to catch a sunbeam." [Miss M. A. MACKAK- NKSS.] Lond. 1867. 12 Coming home. Geo. K. WALKER 4O: 33 Coming home to roost. G. GRANT. 3 v 37: 3287-9 Coming man, The. Rev. J. SMITH. 2 v 39: 1926-7 Coming race, The; or, the new Utopia. E. (i. E. L. BULWEK-LYTTON 35: 3099 PROSK FICTION: ENGLISH. COMING. 42 CONSCIENCE. Coming wave, The ; or, the hidden treasure of High-rock. Win. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 238 Coxnins, l-ix./iie B. (Laura Caxton). HAKTWKLL farm, The. Bost. 1871. 12 35: 4r,3"> ilAKiox Berkley. Bost. n. d. 12. 35: 4636 Commander of Miilta. J. il. (culled Eugene) SUE 39: Commissioner, The. G. P. K.JAMES. 38: Common errors M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 8 39: 1043 Common sense. C. J. NKWHY. 2 v. in 1 38: 3550 Commonplace : a tale of to-day ; and other stories. Ch. G. ROSSETTI. 39: 667 Contents : Commonplace; The lost Titian; Nick; lino; Vanna s twins; A safe invest ment; Pros nncl eons; The wuves of tins troublesome world. Compensation ; or, always a future. A. M. 1J. BRKWSTEK 35: 2780 Complete gentleman, A. II. SIMCKK. /n Brought to book. v. 1 39: 2097 Compton, J. I" ps and downs of an old maid s life. Lond. 1869. Hi 35: 4042 Compton friars. Miss A. MAXXIXG. 38: 2401 Comyn, L. N. ATMKRSTONE Priory. Bost. n. d. Hi *. 35: 4047 KI.EXA: an Italian tale. Bost. n. d. 10 35: 4048 Con Cretan, the Irish Gil Was. C. LEVER 38: 1573 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 38: 1574 Con O Megan. Mrs. M. A. M. SAD- LIKR... 39: 1014 Condensed novels. (F.) B. HARTK. 37: 4055 (linteals : HAMISUMK is as handsome does. By Ch-s K-de. I.oi HAH. By Mr. Benjamins. Mi CK-A-MueK. After Cooper. I KIIRKNCK I enville. By Cli-I-s L-v-r. SKI.INA Redilia. Bv Ittiss M. E. B-ld-n an.l Mrs. H-n-y W-d. NIMETY-MNK guardsman, The. By Al-x- it-r I -m-9 I>WKU,KII of the threshold, The. By .S iV Ed-<l l.-tt-n B-lu-r. HAiivrKh man; The. By Ch-r-s D-ck-ns. Miss Mix. rli-1-tte Br-nte. GUY Heavyston . By the Author of " Hword nnd gun." Mit. Midshipman Breezy. By Captain M-rry-t. II. N. JOHN Jenkins. By T. S. A-th-r. No title. By W-lk-e C-ll-nx. M. N. Bein g a novel in the French par agraphic style. FANT.SK. Alter the French of Victor Hugo. " LA Kemme." After the French of M. Michelet. MAKV Mcdillnp. After Belle Boyd. With an intioduction hy G. A. S-la. Confession; or, the blind heart. "VV. G. SIMMS 39: 1079 Confessional, The. Chr. WIXTIIKR. In Dunes sketched by themselves. v.l 4O: 15:10 Confessions of an apostate. Mrs. M. A. M.SADUKI: 39: 1013 Confessions of Con Cretan, the Irish (Jil Bias. C. LKVKB.. 38: 1573 I lie same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini.. 38: 1574 Confessions of an elderly gentleman. M. GARDINER. (Countess of Bless- inyion.) 37: 2804 1077 4186 4920 3834 2871 Confessions of Fit/.-Boodle. "W. M. THACKERAY. In Misc., v. 4 33: 4010 The same 33: 4014 The same. In Misc., v. 7. Tauch- nitz ed 33: 4001 The same 33: 4000 Confessions of. Gerald Estcotirt. Mrs. K. CHURCH, (formerly Flor ence Mtirryai). 2 v in 1 35: 42G5 Confessions of a maniac. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Family secrets, v.l... 37: The same. In W. N. C. L. v. 10 34: The same 15: Confessions of an odd tempered man. Mrs. A. Ol iE. In Works, v. 3 38: 3903 Confessions of a pretty woman. J. PAKIIOK 38: 4140 Confessions of a workingman. E. SOVVESTKE. In Trav. Lib. v. 1.. 4O: 1091 Confessors of Connaught, The. M. L. M 38: 2103 Confidence. E. E. HALE. \\ iih His level best 37: Confidence-man.. II. MKLVII.LK... 38: Conformists. J. BAXIM. WHh The denounced 35: 1535 Conformity. Falsehood and truth. C. K. TOXXA. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) 2v.ini 39: 3001 Congo. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 12 35: 47 Coningsby, Christopher. SHELTKRX: a novel. N. Y. 1868. 12 35: 4653 Coningsby: a novel. B. DISRAELI.. 37: Goo The sume 37: 061 The same. Tauchnitx ed 37: 602 Connel of Dee. J. Hocm. (Eftrick Shepherd.) In Winter evening tales 37: 4521 Connells of Castle Connell. J. GOR- DOX. 2 v 37: 3170-7 Connelly, Kmma M. I XDKR the surface. Fhil. 1873.12. 35: 4058 Conquered : the story of a contest. By the author of "Known to none." Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2095 Conquered tit last : from records of Dhu Hall and its inmates. Hardres.% O HARA. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8. 38:3817-19 Conquering and to conquer. Mrs. E.K.CHARLES 35: 4070 Conquest and self-conquest. M. J. ilclxTosn 38: 2240 Conscience, Hendrik. (b. 1812). AMULET, The. (Simon Turchi). Bait. 1874. 12 35: 4004 BI.IXD Rosa. (De blinde liosa). With The conscript : 35: 4059 CONSCRIPT, The. (De Loteling). Bait. n. d. 12 35: 4659 COUNT Hugo of Craenhove. (Oc- schiedenis ran (Jraef Hugo van Craen hove). Bait. n. d. 12 35: 4000 CURSK of the village, The. (Dt plug der dorpen). Bait. n. d. 12 35: 4061 FISHERMAN S daughter, The. (Bella Stock). Bait. 1874. 12 35: 4005 HAPIMXESS of being rich, The. Bait. n. d. 12 35: 4062 LION of Flanders; or, the battle of the golden spurs. (De Leutiiv von Vlanderen). Bait. 1850. 12 35: 4060 LUDOVIC and Gertrude. (Illudwig en Clotildis). Bait. 1875. 12 35: 4063 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CONSCIENCE. 43 COOPER. Conscience, (continued.) MISKR, The. Bait. n. d. 12 35: 4067 POOR gentleman, The. (De arme Sdelman). Bait. n. d. 12 35: 4668 RICK KTICKETACK. ( Rikkelikke-titk). Halt. n. d. 12 35: 406!) Viu.AiiE innkeeper, The. ( liaei (latisenrionck). Bait. n. d. 12... 35: 4670 WOODEX Clara. (De houten Clara). With Ricketicketack 35: 4669 Yorxu doctor, The. (De jonge Doc tor). Bait. 187.-.. 12 35: 4670J Conscript, The. H. CONSCIENCE 35: 4059 Conscript, The. A. ( D.) DI-MAS 37: !>"u Conspirators, The ; or, Chevalier 1) llnrinental. A. ( D.) Di MAS 37: !>71 The same. II ith Doctor Basilius 37: 1022 The same 37; 908 Constable de Bourbon. W. H. Aixs- WOKTH. 2 v. in 1 35: 412 Constable of France, The; and other military historiettes. ,). GRANT.... 37: 3305 Constable of the tower.. \V. 11. AIXSWORTH 35: 41. i Constance. H. LEE. In Canterbury tales, v. 2 . . 88: 112.! Constance Aylmer: a story. -Vrs. 11. K. PARKER 38: 41C4 Constance Herbert. Minn (i. K. JEWSIH-RY 38: 36. . Constance Lyndsay. C. G. HAMIL TON " 37: 3H12 Constance Sherwood. Lady(\. FUL- I.KKTOX. 2 v. in 1 37: 2550 Consuelo. /I/arf. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Sand}. 8 37; 002 The same. Tr. by Fayette Robinson. 12 : 37 : oo3 Contarini Fleming. B. DISKAKU.... 37: 663 The same. Tauehnitz ed 37: not The same. With Venetia 37: 0711 The same. With Young duke. 8... 37; 084 The same. With Young duke. 10. 37; 685 Contentment better than wealth. A. B. HAVKN. (Cousin Alice) 37; 413, i Contraband; or, a losing hazard. .1. G. WHYTE-MELVILLE 4O: 42(j Contradictions. A. K. DUNNIX<;. 37: 1050 Contrast, The. M. KIXIKWORTH. In her X. and T., v. 3 37: ]4iin The same. In Pop. tales, v. 2 37: 1507 Contrast, The. Knrl Mr I.OKA VE. In W. S. C. L. v. 14 *15; 4924 The same 34: 44144 Contrast, The. 11. PARK. (Holme Lee) 38: 41115 Contrast of wives, The. In W. T. B. v. 6 4O: 1710 Convent, The, and the manse. I). C llAI I.IN Convent of St. Clair. M. M. SIIKK- WOOD. In Works, v. 14 39: 1114:1 Convert of St. Paul ; or, Acte of Corinth. A. (D.) DUMAS 37; 900 Convict, The. (i. P. K. JAMES. 2 v. in 1 38: 174 Conyers, Ansley. CIIKSTKKI.KKIII. Loud. 1873. 3 v. m. 8 35; 4071-3 Conyngham, David P. O DOXXKLS of Glen cottage, The. N. Y. 1874. 12 35; 4080 Cook, Dutton. Lo. N. Y YOUNO Mr. Nightingale. Loud. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 Cook, Mrs. Mary Louise. (Mary Lennox). ANTK Bellum : southern life as it was. Phil. 1808. 12 FKMAI.K Quixote. Lond. 1820. 2 v. 12 Cooke, John Ksten. (b. 1830.) DOCTOR Vandyke. N. Y. 1872. 8. FAIRFAX; or, master of Green way court. N. Y. 18G8. 12 ~.. HAMMER and rapier. N. Y. 1870. 12 HEXRY St. John, gentleman, of "Flower of hundreds," in the countv of Prince George, Virginia: a tale of 1774-5. N. V. 1800. 12 H KR majesty, the queen : a novel. Phil. 1873. 12 HILT to hilt; or, the Shenandoah in 1804. X. Y. 1809. 12 LKATIIER stocking and silk; or, hun ter John Myers and his times: u story of the valley of Virginia. N. Y. 1854. 12..." MOHUN; or, the last days of Lee. N. Y. 1869. 12 OUT of the foam. N. Y. 1871. 12. Si KRY of Eagle s-nest. N. Y. 1800. 12 Yoi TII of Jefferson. N. Y. 1854. 12 Coolidge, Susan, (pseud.) See WOOL- SET, A/ins Sarah C. Cooper, Frank, {pseud.) See SIMMS, vv. G. Cooper, James Fenimore. (1789- 1861). AFLOAT and ashore. N. Y. I860. 8 The same. N. Y. 1807. 12 BRAVO, The: a Venetian story. N. Y. 1800. 8 The same. N. Y. 1867. 12 CHAIN-HEARER, The N. Y. 1800. 8 The same. N. Y. 1HOO. 12 CRATF.R, The; or, Vulcan s peak. N. Y. 1807. 8 The same. X. Y. 1809. 12 DKEK-SLATKK, The; or, the first war path. N. Y. 1870. 8 The same. N. Y. 1800. 12 FET-FOLLKT, Le. Same as Wing and wing. HEADSMAN, The; or, the Abbaye des Vignerons. N. Y. 1867. 8 The same. X. Y. 1869. 12 HEIDEXMAI EH, The; or, the Bene dictines: a legend of the Rhine. N. Y. 1867. 8 The same. N. Y. 1808. 12 HOME as found. Sequel to Homeward bound. N. Y. 1870. 8 The snme. X. Y. 1809. .12 HOMEWARD bound; or, the chase. X. Y. 1800. 8 The same. N. Y. 1809. 12 JACK Tier; or, the Florida reef. X. Y. 1800. 8 The same. N. Y. 1869. 12.... 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 24: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 4080 4087-9 4090 1701 4702 4 703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 1866 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4720 4727 4728 4729 47. !0 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 47:t7 4738 4739 1 KOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. COOPER. Cooper, J. F., (coirfinued.) . LAST of the Mohicans. N. Y. 1869. 8 The same. N. Y. 1875. 12 LIONEL Lincoln; or, the leaguer of Boston. N. Y. 1866. 8 The same. N. Y. 186<>. 12 M F.RCF.DES of Castile; or, the voyage to Cathay. N. Y. 1869. 8 The same. N. Y. 1866. 12 MILKS Wallingford. Sequel to Afloat and ashore. N. Y. 1870. 8 The same. N. Y*. 1860. 12 MONIKINS. N. Y. 1860. 8 The same. N. Y. 1860. 12 NED Myers ; or, a life before the mast. N. Y." 1860. 8 The same. N. Y. 1860. 12 OAK-OI-ENINGS; or, the bee-hunter. N. Y . 1866., 8 The same. N. Y . 1864. 12 PATHFINDER, The; or, the inland sea. N. Y*. 1860. 8 The same. N. Y". 1869. 12 PILOT, The: a tale of the sea. N. Y . 1865. 8 The same. N. Y. 1866. 12 PIONEERS, The; or, the sources of the Susquehanna. N. Y. 1866. 8... The same. N. Y. 1870. 12 PRAIRIE, The: a tale. N. Y. 1859. 44 Cooper, J. F., (continued.) The same. N. Y. PRECAUTION. N. Y. 1869. 12 ...... 1867. 8 ...... The same. N. Y. 1869. 12 ...... KKD Rover. N. Y. 1870. 8 ......... The same. N. Y. 1872. 12 ...... RKUSKINS. N. Y. 1866. 8 ......... The same. N. Y. 1869. 12 ...... SATANSTOE: a tale of the colony. N. Y. 1860. 8 ..................... ". ....... The same. N. Y. 1867. 12 ...... SKA-LIONS; or, the lost sealers. ^N. Y. 1864. 8 ............................. The same. N. Y. 1864. 12 ...... SPY, The: a tale of the neutral ground. N. Y. 1870. 8 ........... The same. N. Y. 1874. 12 ...... STORIES of the prairie. N. Y. 1868. 12 .......................................... 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: Bw -hunter. The, Emignmts, Tlie ; and the attack. I Siege of the | house, The. STORIES of the sea. N. Y. 1868. 12. 35: C unffint-i : Adver.tnres in the Pacific. Red rover, The. Crater, The. Water-witch, The. Tjong Tom Coffin and the Wreck of the Dawn, Ariel. STORIES of the woods; or, adven tures of Leather-stocking. N. Y. 18G9. 12 35: Two admirals, The. N. Y . 1867.8. 35: 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 476:-! 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 block- 4775 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16 WATER-WITCH, The; or, the skimmer of the seas. N. Y. 1874. 8 The same. N. Y. 1874. 12 WAYS of the hour. N. Y. 1874. 8. The same. N. Y. 1874. 12 W Ki-Tof Wish-Ton-Wish, The. N. Y . 1874. 8 The same. N. Y. 1874. 12 WING-AND-WING; or, le feu follet. N. Y. 1874. 8 The same. N. Y. 1874. 12 WYANDOTTE; or, the hutted knoll. N. Y. 1874. 8 The same. N. Y. 1874. 12 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: The. 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 COTTAGE. Leaf her-stockiny tales : 1. Deerslaver. 1. batanstoe. a. Last of the Mohicans. !. Chainbearer. 3. Pathfinder. 3. Redskins. 4. Pioneers. 5. Prairie. Cooper of Nuremberg, The. E. T. W. HOFFMANN. In Strange stories. 37: 4480 Coopers, The ; or, getting under way. A. B. HAVF.N. (Cousin Alice.)...... 37: 4134 Copley, Mrs. E. EARLY friendships. N. Y. 1852. 18. 35: 4825 Coppelius, the sandman. E. T. W. HOFFMANN. In Strange stories 37: 4480 Coquette, The; or, Eliza Wharton. H.FOSTER 37: 2420 Cora and the doctor. H. N. (W.) BAKF.U. (Aunt H/ittie.} 35: 1383 Cora Belmont; or, the sincere lover. Phil. 1866. 12 4O: 2097 Coral Island, The : a tale of the Pa cific ocean. K. M. BAI.LANTYNK. 35: 1454 Corbet, Robert St. John. CiH Ron and wife: a question of celibacy. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8. 35: 4830-2 Sue i UK S grandson, The : a tale of a strong man s weakness. Lond. 1873." 3v. sm. 8 35: 4833-5 Corbin, Mrs. C. F. His marriage vow. Host. 1874. 12. 35: 4843 Cord and creese. J. UE MII.LE 37: 271 Corinne ; or, Italy. Mad. A. L. G. N. de STAei.-HoLSTEiN 39: 2147 Cornelius. Mrs. M. A. LITTLE wolf: a tale of the western frontier. Cin. 1872. 12 35: 4851 Corner, Miss Julia. ENGLISH envov at the court of Nich olas I. N. V. 1854. 12 35: 4859 Cornwall, C. .M. FRKK, vet forging their own chains. N. Y. 1876. 12 35: 4865 Cornwallis, Kinahan. ADRIFT with a vengeance: a tale of love and adventure. Lond 1870. 12 35: 4867 PILGRIMS of fashion : a novel. N. Y. 1862. 12 35: 4868 Corp, Harriet. ANTIDOTK, An, to the miseries of human life, in the history of the Widow Placid and her daughter Rachel. Lond. n. d. 16. ..^ 35: 4876 Corsair, The. ilfarl. A. L. A. I). DVDEVANT. (George Sand.) 37: 904 Corse de Leon : a romance. G. P. R. JAMKS 38: 175 Corsican brothers, The. A. (I).) DI-MAS 37: 972 Cottage by the cathedral, and other parables. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES 35: 4071 Contents : Cottage by the cathedral, The. Unknown architect of the minster, The. Only the crypt. Sepulchre, The, and the shrine. Black ship, The. Island and the main land, The, Humanity and her por trait painters. "Things using us." Grannie s recipe for pick ling grievances. Ruined temple, The. Jewel of the order of the king s own, The. Cathedral chimes, The. What makes things musi cal ? Acorn, The. Parables in household things. Passages from the life of a fern. Clock-bell, The, and the a- larm-bell. Thorns and spines. Sunshine, daylight, and the rock. Wanderers and pilgrims. Ark, The, nd the fortress. Three dreams, The. Thou and I. Song without words, The. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. COTTAGE. 45 COUSIN. Cottage by the lake, The. M. CI.AU- Dius.... 35: 4370 Cottage on the hill, The. L. C. MOI-I.TOX. In My third book 38: 3182 Cottagers of (ilenlmrnie. E. HAM ILTON 37: 3H35 Cottar s daughter, The. In W. T. I!. v. H 4O: 1718 Cottin, Mad. S. K. KI.I/.AUKTII ; or, exiles of Siberia. I liil. 18G8. 12 35: 4882 SARACEN; or, Matilda and Malck Adhol : a crusade romance. In W. S. C. L. v. 9 34: 4179 Thesame *15: 4!H9 Cotton, Kobert Turner. ills. Carington: a tale of love and conspiracy. Lond. 1873. H v. sm. 8 35: 4890-2 Coulson, J. G. A. ODD trump 35; 4894 Coulyng custle; or, a knight of the olden days. A. GIHKRXK 37: 2964 Count .Marcos. 15. DISRAELI. With Ixion. 8 37; 6G8 Thesame 37: 609 Count Hugo of Craenhove. H. Cox- SCIKXCK 35: 40(10 Count Kostia. V. CHKKHI I.IK/ 35: 4108 Count Mirabeau. T. MUXDT 38: 3270 Count of Monte-Cristo. A. (I).) DI-MAS 37: 973 Thesame. 2v.ini 37: 1021 Count of .Moret, The. A. (D.) DCMAS. 37: 974 Count I esaro, The. D. G. MITCH KLL. (Ik Marvel.) In Seven stories 38: 3013 Count liobert of Paris. \i> W. SCOTT. I arkcr ed. 2 v 39: 1345-U The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1358 Thcsamo. Abhotsford ed 39: 1370 Thesame 39: 1393 Thesame. Household ed. 2v 39: 1441-2 Thesame. Pocket od 39: 1468 The .-nine. Tauchmtz ed 39; 147G Counterfeiter, The. I). 1 . THOMP SON. In Centeola 39: 2970 Counterparts. K. S. SHKPPAP.II. (E.lierger.) 39: 1618 Countess and queen. Mde. G. I)K WITT. In Dames of high estate... 37; 401 Countess deCharny. A. (D.j DUMAS. 37: 975 flat?.. This is a translation of part ol Ln Ctnntr*xf. fir, Cttnrnif. fr. V. 1, ch. 1, to v. 4, ch. 22, incl. ed. Levy in f v. The siime. With The queen s neck lace 37; 1025 Countess Gisela. K. Jonx. (E. MiirliH.} 38: 380 Countess Ida: a tale of Berlin. T. S.KAY. 2v 37: 2045-6 Countess Kate. G. M. Yoxtu: 4O: 1208 Countess of Cassilis. A. CAMPHKI.L. Jn \V. T. H., v. 8 4O: 1718 Countess of Monte-Cristo. .1. l)r HOYS 37: mio Countess of Pembroke s Arcadia. Sir P. SIDXKY 39: i860 Countess of Hudolstndt. Mad. A. L. A. I). DriiEVANT. ( George ,S nrf). 37: 905 Countess of Salisbury. A. ( I). ) DUMAS . 37: 97fl Country courtships. A. HKAI.K. 3 v. 35: 1775-7 Country cousin, The. A. CARY. In Picture* of country life 35: :i9!8 Country dreams and apparitions. .1. Ho(i<i. (Etfrick Shep/ient.) In Winter evening tales 37: 4521 Country hospitalities. C. SINCLAIR. 39: 1726 Country neighborhood. K. A. Du- PUY 37: l63 Country neighbors. H. (E.) li. STOW K. //< Queer little people 39: 2334 Country of the dwarfs. P. I)r CiiAii.i.r 21: 941 Country quarters. M. GARDIXKK. (Countess of lUe.tsington.) 37: 2805 Country quarters. 15on Gaultier s tales. Th. MARTIN. In W. T. B. v. 2 40: 1712 Country stories, old and new. H. PARR. (Holme Lee.) 2 v 38: 4196-7 Contfn s : v.l. .JANUARY: Poliy s one oft er ; Hawks- well place. FKHUUAKY: Coining inlo a fortune; By the shore of life. MARCH : Lady Sennier s long step ; Grave in the moorland. Ai RiL: Rufns Helstone; St. Mi rk s eve. MAY : Under the rose; Lost on the shore. JUNE : Three nights by Ashpnol ; The holy well; Two prudent by half; or, proud fvelly Kingsland. v. 2. Ji LYi The Chelwyndes ; The love- test. AU<H>T: Sibyl s disappointment ; May Miir^aret ; The sighing sh:ide. SEPTEMBER : The skel. ton in the closet ; Sir Kalph and Lady .loan. OuToitER : The sanctuary in the mount ains ; An autumn shadow. NOVF.MHKR: Lina Kernie ; Shadows. DECEMBER: Jenny s vocation ; The haun ted mere ; A winter wedding in the wolds. Coupon bonds, and other stories. .1. TROWBRIDQK. (I aul Creylun) 39: 3::i2 Contents : Arcbibidd Blossom, bach- | Man who stole a meeting elor. house, The. Coupon bonds. Mr. Hlazay s experience. Fessendcn s. Nancy Blynn s love s. In the ice. Preauhing lor Solwyn. Miidnni Waldoborough s Romance of a glove, The. carriage. Course of true love never did run smooth. C. KKADK 39: 142 Courtenay of Walreddon. Mrs. A. E. ItKAY 35: 2696 Courtesies of wedded life. H. N. (W.) KAKKR. (Aunt Ilultie] 35: 13K6 Courtier, The. E. G. E. L. HCLWKR- LYTTOX 35: 3100 Courting and farming. J. P. SMITH. 39: 19 17 Courtship and a campaign : a Mila nese tale of 06. M. DAMN. 2 v. 37: 25-6 Courtship and marriage. C. L. HUNT/ 37: 4312 Courtship and matrimony. H. MO K- itis 33: 30S4 Cousin Alice, (pseud.) See HAVKX, Alice 15 Cousin Carl. C. BKRXIIARH. In Danes sketched by themselves v.l. 4O: 153d Cousin from India. G. M. CHAIN 35: 4965 Cousin < ieottrey. T. (K.) Hook 37: 4030 Cousin Harry. Mrs. E. C. GRKY 37: 3495 Cousin I-uey among the mountains. J. AIIHOTT i 35: 27 Cousin Marshall. 11. M ARTINKAU. In 1 11 us. of Pol. EC. v. 3 38: 2041 Cousin Mattie, .1. Ho<;. (EHrirk Nliei>Jiertt.) In Winter evening tales, v. 2 *.. 37; 4521 Cousin Maude and Rosamond. M. J. HOI.MKS 37; 4501 PKUSK FICTION: ENGLISH. COUSIN. 46 CRAIK. 2860 Ill-lil! lit . I -I. B,x wrcks ill lloppen- heim. 37: 37: 38: 21: Cousin Phillis ; and other tales. Mrs. E. C. GASKEI.L 37 Contents: Cousin Phillis. Cuiiuus, if true. Miinchester maiTiage, Cousin Virginia, (jaejid.) See JOHN SON, V. W Cousin William. T. (E.) HOOK The same. / Sayings and doings... Cousins, The. M. J. MrlNTosn.. .. Covenanters march, The. Thos. GILLKSPIK. / VV. T. B. v. 8 Covenanting family. The. .1. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 7 Coventry, F. POMPRY the little. Lond. 1820. 12. 35: Coward, The. H. MORFOKD 38: Cox s diary. Win. M. TIIAI KEKAY. In Miscellanies, v. 1. Phil. ed... 33: The same. In Miscellanies, v 4. Tauchnitx ed 33: The same. In Miscellanies, v. \: Bost. ed 33: Cozzens, Frederic Swartwout. (1808- 1809.) ACADIA ; or, a month with the blue noses. N.Y. 1870. 12 SAY-INGS of Dr. Bushwhacker and other learned men. N. Y. 1867. 12 The same. With an autobiographic sketch, and several papers now first collected. N.Y. 1871. 12. SPARKOWGRASS papers, The; or, liv ing in the country. N. Y. 1870. 12 " Crackers for Christmas. E. H. KNATCHDULL-HUGKSSON 38: Cradock Nowell. K. I). BLACKMORE. 35: Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria, (formerly Miss Mulock). (b. 1826.) ADVENTURES of a brownie. N. Y. 1872. 16 AGATHA S husband. N. Y. 1808. 8 The same. Leip. 1800. sq. 16. ALICE Learmont. With A hero AI.WYX S first wife. With Lord Erlistoun 35: AVILLIOX, and other tales. N. Y. 1874. 8 35: Contf.nts : Adelaide. All for the best. Antonio Melidori. Avillion; or, the happy is es. Bride s tragedy. Cleomenes, (he Greek. Cross on the Snow moun tains. Daughter ot Heremon Doctor s family. Erotion. Half-caste. Italian s daughter. BRAVE lady, A. N.Y. 4637 4050 2247 4O: 1718 40: 1717 4898 3123 4007 4004 4011 33: 1227 33: 1228 33: 1062 2202 35: 4905 35: 35: 35: 1759 4906 4907 4921 4928 4908 Kong Tolv. Last of the Ruthvens. Li!e episode. Minor trials. Miss Lilly s experienceH. Old mathematician. The. Only son. RoBicrucian. The. Sculptor of Bruges, The. Sell-seer, The. Story of Elisabetta Sirani. Story of Hyas. Tis useless trying. Two homes. 1872. 8... 35: 4909 The same. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. sq. l(i 35: 4910 BREAD upon the waters. H t MAhcro. 35: 4921 BHKAD upon the waters; A family in love; A low marriage; The double house. I.eip. 18(55. 16 35: 4911 CHRISTIAN S mistake. N. Y. 1865. 12 35: 4912 The same. Leip. 18(15. st|. 16... 35: 4913 35: 4914 Minor trials. Miss Lefty s experiences. old mathematician, The. Only son, The. Ph lip ArmytHge ; or, the blind gnTs love. Tis useless trying. Two homes, The. With Bread Craik, Mrs. I). M., (continued.) DOMESTIC stories. Leip. 1862. sq. 16 Con en s : Adelaide: being the fra. nienls Irom a join W fe s diary. All for the best. Bride s tragedy. Doctor s family. Halt -OHSte, The. Italian s daughter. Last of the Hlithvens. DOUBLE-HOUSE, The. upon the waters 35: FAIRY-HOOK, The. N.Y. 1873. 12. 35: FAMILY in love, The. With Bread upon the waters 35: HANNAH. N. V. 1872. 8 35: The same. N.Y. 1872. 12 35: The same. Leip. 1871. 2v.ini. 16 HEAD of the family, The. N. Y. n. d. 8 The same. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 HKRO, A; Bread upon the waters; Alice Learmont. N.Y. 187o. 12. Is it true? Tales, curious and won derful. N.Y. 1872. 10 J 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 4911 4915 491 1 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 Contents : Banshee of White-goat Castle in the lough. Eiyphina s child, r ani-hoiniek s fairy gifts. Ley, Breis, the Breton David. Night washer-women, The. Story of F.lidnre, The. Witch of Argouges, The. Wonderful turkey, The. Jeandrin the goblin. JOHN Halifax, gentleman. N. Y. 18(59. 12 . 35: 4923 The same. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 4924 LAST house in C street, The. With Lord Erlistoun 35: 4928 LIFE for a life, A. N.Y. n. d. 12. 35: 4925 The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 4926 LITTLE lame prince, The. N. Y. 1875. 16 35: 4927 LORD Erlistoun; Alwyn s first wife; The water cure; The last house in C street. Leip. 1804. sq. 16.. 35: 4928 Low marriage, The. With Bread up on the waters 35: 35: 35: 35: 8 MISTRESS and maid. N.Y. n. d. The same. N.Y. n. d. 12 The same. Leip. 1862. sq. 16.. MY mother and I : a love story. N. Y. 1874. 12 ". 35: NOBLE life, A. N.Y. 1867. 12... 35: The same. Leip. 1866. sq. 16.. 35: NOTHING new: tales. N.Y. n. d. 8. 35: OUILVIES, The. N.Y. n. d. 8 35: The same. Leip. 1863. sq. 16.. 35: OLIVE. N.Y. 1867. 8 35: The same. Leip. 1866. 2v.ini. sq. 16 35: KOMANTIC tales. Leip. 1861. sq. 16. 35: KOSICRIKUAN, The. In L. C. v. 7... 4O: Two marriages. N.Y. 18(57. 12. 35: Contents : 1. John Bowerbank s wife. 2. Pnrson Garland s daughter. The same. Leip. 1867. sq. 10.... 35: 4942 UNKIND word, The, and other stories. N.Y. 1870. 12 35: 4943 4911 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 1617 4941 G)ntcnts : Ag<- of gold. Blind. Bodies and souls. Child s life. Children of Israel. Clothes. Death on the seas. Dreadful ghost. Elizabeth and Victoria. l- ew words about sorrow. Oarden party. Give us nir ! P1UXSE FICTION : ENGLISH. CRAIK. 47 Misery-mongers. GUI Beuteh luvr-ntory. Sermons . Tnle of two walks. To novelistsand u novelist. To parents I nkinJ word. Woman s liook. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 35: 35: Craik, Mrs. D. M, (continued.) Hedpe-side poet. His young lordsliip. History ol a hospital. House of Commons. In her teens. In tlie ring, hast great exhibition. Living in perspective. Meadowsi li- hi>ll>c. The same. sq. 16 WATER cure, The. With Lord Erlis- toun 35: WOMAN S kingdom: a love storv. X. Y. 1872. 8 ". The same. X. Y. 1872. 12 The same. Leip. 1808. 2 v. in I. sq. 10 Craik, Georgiana M. CorsiN from India, The; a book for girls. X. Y. 1871. sq. 10 ESTHER Hill s secret. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 FAITH Unwin s ordeal. Leip. 186ti. sq. "> HERO Trevelyan. Lond. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sin. 8 35; LESLIE Tyrrell. Leip. 1867. sq. 16. LOST and won. Leip. 1862. sq. 10. MILDRED. X. Y. 1868. 8 The same. Leip. 1808. sq. 16.. Miss Moore: a tale for girls. X . Y. 1874. 10 POOR Christine. H Hh Winifred s wooing 35: SYLVIA S choice. X. Y. 1874. 8.. TALE of Florence, A. With Wini fred s wooing WINIFRED S wooing; Poor Christine; A tale of Florence. Leip. 1868. sq. 10 WITHOUT kith or kin. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sin. K Cramleigh college. II. BELCH EK. 35: 4947 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 4973 35: 35: 49; 49: 4975 4975 35: 35: 467U-8 35: 1890-2 Crampton, G. E. E. SILVER sands; or, Pennie s romance. Host. n. d. 10 35: Cranberry Centre, Member from. J. S. BATKINS. (pseud.) 33: Crane, A. M. See SEEMULLER, A. M. C. Cranford. Mrs. K. C. GASKEI.I 37: The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: Crater, The; or, Vulcan s peak. .1. F. COOPER. 8 35: The same. 12 35; Craven, .I/me. Augustus. A.NNKSeverin. X. Y. 1873. 12... 35: FI.EURANOE. X. Y. 1873. 16 35: JETTATRICE; or, the veil withdrawn. Bost. 1875. 8 35; SISTER S story, A. Tr. by E. Bowles. N. Y. n. d. 8 35: Craven, W. G. M A ui i RAVINE, The: a story of the turf. Lond. 1870. 2 v." sm. 8. 35:5015-16 Cravens of Cravenscroft, The. II. B. PKIOTT. 3v 38:4478-80 Creasy, Sir Edward. OLD love and the new, The : a tale of Athens. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 35: Crew of the Dolphin, The. H. SMITH. 39: Creyton, Paul, (pseud.) See TROW- BRIDUK, J. T. 2861 2862 4726 4727 5008 5009 5011 5010 5022 4 1848 35: 4944 4928 I 4945 4946 4905 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 Crichton : an historical romance. W. H. AINSWORTII. 2 v. in 1 35: 41 1 The snme. In W. S. C. L. v. Id 34: 4180 The same * 1 5: 4920 Cricket on the hearth, The. C. (J. 11.) DICKENS. With Christmas carol 37; 419 The same. In Christinas stories 37: 450 The same 37; 45] The same 37; 452 Criminal. The ; or, martyr to lost honour: a true story. F. SCIIIL- I.KK. In R. <;. X. v. 3 4O: 1562 Criminal from lost honour, The. Y. SCIIII.I.KR. 7nT.fr. G 4O: 1G9! Cringle and cross tree. W. T. ADAMS. ((Hirer Optic) 35; 239 Cripple, The; or, Ebenezer the dis owned. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 5 4O: 1715 Cripple of Antioch, The. Mrs. K. R. CHARLKS 35; 4072 Crofton, Francis Blake. I! EWI i. D EKED querists, The; and other nonsense. X. Y. 1875. 12 33; 1230 Crofton boys, The. H. MAKTINE.U-. 38: 2636 Crohoore of the billhook. .J. BANIM. With Peep o day 35- 1540 Crpker, T. C. FAIRY legends of the south of Ireland. Lond. n. d. sm. 8" 35; 5040 Croly, George, D. D. SALATHIKL: a story. Cin. n. d. 12. 35; 5048 TALKS of the great St. Bernard. //i W. S. C. L. v. 7 34; 4177 The snme *15: 4U17 Cromwell, Oliver, Life of. II. W. HKKHKKT 37; 4355 Crook straightened, The. Mrs. M. K. BERKY 35: 2057 Crooked and straight; or, Jotham and Annette at home. Mrs. M. E. BERRY 35: 2058 Crooked branch, The. E. C. GAS- KEI.L. With Lois, the witch 37; 2806 Crooked Comyn, The. Alex. LKIUII- TO.N. In W. T. B. v. 5 4O: 1715 Crooked .lack. E. EGULESTON. In, Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Crooked places: a story of struggles and hopes. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (E. Gurrctt.) 38: 2805 Croppy, The. ,J. BANIM 35: 1534 Crosby, (J. S. MVSTERY, The; or, Platonic love. Phil. 1875. 12 35; 5054 Crosland, Mrs. Newton. HriiKKT Freeth s prosperity : a story. Phil. 1874. 12 35: 5050 Cross and crescent. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic.) 35: 240 Cross and the crown. The. C. B. BRAME. In Tales from the diary of a sister of mercy 35: 2073 Cross of Berny, The; or, Irene s lovers, tide. E. de GIKAKDIN and others 37; 3047 Cross on the snow mountains, The. D. M. CRAIK. In Avillion 35: 4908 The same. In Romantic tales 35: 4940 Cross purposes. T. C. DE LEON 37: 257 Crotchet castle. T. L. PKACOCK. In Works, v. 2 34; 1823 Crouch, Julia. TIIREK successful girls. N. Y. 1871. 12 35: 5074 PKOSE FICTION; EXGUSII. GROW. 48 CURTIS. Crow, Mrs. L. TWISTED link, A. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sin. 8 35: 5064-6 Crowe, Catherine, (b. 1802.) ADVOCATE S wedding day, The. In L. C. v. 8 4O: 1618 Crown from the spear. C. V. HAM ILTON 37: 3021 Crown jewels. E. L. MOFFETT 38: 3030 Crown of success; or, four heads to furnish. C. TUCKER. (A. L. O. E.) 39: 3343 Crown-Harden. Mrs. FULLER. 3 v. 37: 2532-4 Crowquill, Alfred. (pseud.) See KOKKESTER, Alfred Henry. Cruel as the grave. AJrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTH-WORTH 39: 2009 Cruise of the Caseo, The. E. K.EL- LOOO 38: 730 Cruise of the Dashaway, The. H. P. H. NOWEI.L. (May Mannering.).... 38: 3688 Cruise of the Frolic, The. W. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 088 Cruise of the Midge, The. In W. S. C. L. v. 4-6 34:417-1-6 The same 15:401 4-1 ti Cruse, M. A. CAMERON hall: a story of the civil war. Phil. 1867. 12 35: 5082 Crust and cake. Mrs. 1. F. MAYO. (E. darrett) 38: 2806 Cryptogram. J. DEMILLE 37: 272 Crystalline ; or. the heiress of Fall- down castle. F. VV. SHELTON 39: 1610 Cudjo s cave. .1. T. TROWHKIDGE. (I aul Creyion) 39: 3313 Cudlip, Mrs. 1 ender. (formerly Annie Thoiiuii. ) CALLED to account. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 5000 DENNIS Donne. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 5001 DOWER house, The : a story. Lond. 1868. 3 v. 12 .". 35: 5092-4 FALSE colours. Lond. 1869. 3 v. 12 35: 5095-7 HE cometh not, she said. N. Y. 1873. 8 35: 5008 MARRIED at last. Phil. n. d. 12. 35: 5000 MAUD Mohan. N. Y. 1873. 8.... 35: 5 loo No alternative. Phil. n. d. 12.... 35: 5101 ON guard. N. Y. 1865 35: 5102 The same. Leip. 1865. 2v.ini. sq. 16 35: 5103 ONLY herself. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. sq. 16 35: 5104 PASSION in tatters, A. N. Y. 1873. 8 35: 5105 PLAYED out. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 35: 5106 PLAYING for high stakes. N. \. 1868. 8 SIR Victor s choice Til EO. Leigh. N. Y. 1865. 8 Two widows, The. N. Y. 1873. 8. WALTER Goring. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 . Culmshire folk. By IGNOTUS. (pseud.) . \ Cumberers, The. .1. IXUELOW. In Studies for stories Cumberland, George. ORIGINAL tales. Lond. 1810. 2 v. 12 35:5130-31 35: 35: 35: 35: 35: 38: 38: 5107 5110 5108 5100 5111 20-2 34 Lcwina, the maid of Snrnv- den, v. 2. Moscola. the fisherman, v. 2. S-inga, a IVrsinn talc, v. 2. Spaniel and the rabbits, v. 2. Squirrel" and the monkey ; or, the clients, v. 2. Travels of Gurstnn : a Per sian aneedole, v. i. Bv the 4O: 35: 35: 35: 4O: 40: 4O: 35: 35: 35: Cumberland, (continued.) Contents : African tale, v. 2. Bee and the butterfly: a t:ile for the poets, v. 2. Brotl ers of Girge, v. 2. Captive, v. 1. I)ierbeg,rhe Persian mer chant, v. 2. Hermit without a beard, v. t. Cumberstone contest, The. author of The best cheer. n. d. 16 Cummins, M. S. EL Fureidis. Host. 1861. 12 HAUNTED hearts. Best. 1864. 12. LAMPLIGHTER, The. Bost. 1868. 12. Cunningham, Alexander William. CLARA Delamaine. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 Cunningham, Allan. (1784-1842.) (iowi)KX Gibbie. In Club-book HAUNTED ship?, The. In L. C. v. 8. KING of the peak, The. In L. C. v. 7. LORD Roldan : a romance. N. Y. 18(10. 12 Cupples, Mrs. George. DRIVEN to sea. Bost. 1870. 16.... SINGULAR creatures and how they were found. Host. 1872. 16...!. TAFFY S chicks : links between nature and human nature. Loud. 1872. 12 Curate and rector, The. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (E. Gurrelt) 38: Curate in charge, The. Mrs. M. (O. VV.) OLIPIIANT 38: Curate of Govan, The. Alex. CAMP- HELL. "VV. T. 15., v. 4O: Curate s discipline, The. Mrs. C. .). KILO ART Curate s tale, The; or, practical joking. Mrs. JOHNSTON E. Jn VV. S. C. L., v. 3 The same :5 15: Curate s widow, The. Mrs. ELLIS. In Pictures of private life, v. 1 37: Curiosities of literature. (W.) \V. COLLINS. In Queen s revenge Contmtt: 1. The unknown public. II. Portrait of an author, painted by liis publisher. Curious history of the night adven turer. F. deQl EVEno. In Works, v. 2 Currer bell. See NICHOLLS, Mrs. Charlotte Bronte. Currier, .Vrs. S. BY the sea. X. Y. 1871. 12 Curse of Clifton, The. Mrs. K. I). K. N. SouTiiwoRTii 39: Curse of gold, The. Mrs. A. S. STEPHENS 39: Curse of Kishogue, The. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories 38: Curse of prosperity, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials. 37: The same 37: Curse of Scotland, The. Alrx. CAMPHKLL. In VV. T. 15. v. 10... II. CON- 5138 5139 5140 35:5148-50 34: 1520 1618 1617 51 56 51C3 35: 5164 2807 3873 1718 37: 1621 4173 4013 1687 35: 4581 34: 1837 35: 5170 2010 2204 1886 3888 3889 4O: 1720 Curse of the village, The. SCIENCE 35: 4661 Curtis, George William, (b. 1824.) MY Chateaux. In L. C. v. 4 4O: 1014 OUR new liver} , and other things. In Treasure-trove series, v. 1 4O: 1711 PJiOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. Cl KTIS. PANUKK. Curtis, (*. W., (continued.) POTIIMIAR papers, The. N. Y. 1860. 12 33: 1241 PRUKandl. N. Y. 18(18. 12 35: 5176 TRUMI-S. X. Y. 1870. 12 35: 5177 Curtis, -l/V.s . JKSSIK S flirtations. N. Y. 1871. 8. 35: 5185 Curtis, Newton, M. SCOUT, The, of the Silver pond. N. Y. 1849. 8 35: 5187 Cuthbert, C. A. HI.OT on his escutcheon, A. Lond. n. d. 2v.ini. sm. 8 35: 5190 Kirn man s secret, A: a romance. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8 35: 5191-2 Cuthbert Bode, (pseud.) See BK AD- LEY, Rev. E. Cyllene ; or. the fall of paganism. II. SXKYD. 2 v 39; 1991-2 Cypresses. Mist K. JOLLY. 2 v 38: 471-2 Cyril Thornton, Youth and manhood i if. T. HAMILTON 37: 3950 Cyrilla ; or, the mysterious engage ment. I. von TAUTPHOEUS 39: 2758 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 39: 2759 Cyrus, the great, Travels of. A. M. RAMSAY. Lond. 2v 33: 3404-5 The same 33: 346G Czarina, The. Mrs. B. HOKLAXD 37: 4513 Dacre, Lady. WISIKRKD, Countess of Nithsdale: a tale of the Jacobite wars. N. Y. 18H9. 16 37; 15 Daddy Dimple. Chas. D. GAKDKTTK. With Pluck 37: 2794 Daily governess, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials. 37: 3H88 The same 37: 3889 Dairyman s daughter. L. KICHMOXD. 39: 351 Daisie s dn-iiiii : a novel. By the au thor of" Kecommended to mercy." Lond. 186H. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2103 Daisy. S. WARXKR 4O: 171-2 Daisy Brentwell. I. WIDDKMER. (Ireland Ward) 4O: 477 Daisy Hums. J. KAVAXAOH 38: 667 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 668 Daisy chain, The. C. M. YOJTHE. 2 v. 4O:1269- The .same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 4O: 1271 Daisy Nichol. Lady HARDY 37; 3985 Daisy Ward s work. M. W. McLAix. 38: 2330 Dakotah ; or, Sioux Indian mission, History of. Bost. 1841. 16 4: 3453 Dalim, M". COURTSHIP and a campaign : a Milan ese tale of 66. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 37: 25-6 Dall, Caroline H. PATTY (irayV journey to the Cotton islands. Bost. 1870. 3 v. 16... 37: 35-7 Omtentf : 1. From Boston to Baltimore. 37: 30 2. From Baltimore to Washington. 37: 35 3. On the way ; or Patty at Mount Vernon. 37: 37 Dallas (ralbraith. Mrs. K. B. H. DAVIS. 37; 146 Dalton, William. LOST in Ceylon. Lond. 1861. 16. 37: 47 NKST hunters, The. Lond. 1863. 16. 37: 48 WAR tiger, The. Lond. 1869. 16. 37: 49 WIIITK elephant; or, the hunters of Ava. Lond. 1860. 10 37: 50 Dalton, (continued.) WILL Adams, the first Englishman in Japan. Lond. 1861. 12 ....... 37: 51 WOI.K-HOY of China, The. Lond. n. d. 1C, ................................... 37: 52 Daltons, The ; or, three roads in life. C. LEVER. 2 v .......................... 38: 1575-6 The same. 2v.ini ....................... 38: 1577 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 4v ........ 38:1578-81 The same. Tauehnitz ed. 4 v. in 2. 38: 1582-3 Daman and Pythias. C . BKRNHARD. In Danes sketched by themselves. v. 2 .......................................... 4O: 1531 Dame nature and her three daughters. (J.) X. BONIFACE, called Saititine... 39: 1040 Dames of high estate. Mad. DK"WITT. (life Guizot.) .............................. 37: 401 37: 37: 34: 33: 37: 4O: 1530-2 Behind the hedges. I Countess and queen. C imhing high. Something great. Damsel of Darien. W. G. SIMMS ..... 39: Dana, Mrs. Mary S. B. FORECASTLE Tom; or, the landsman turned sailor. N. Y. 1862. 18. Youxo sailor, The : a narrative founded on fact. N. Y. 1854. 18. Dana, Richard Henry, (b. 1787.) EDWARD and Mary. In Poems and prose writings, v. 1 ...................... 34: PAUL Felton. In Poems and prose writings, v. 1 .............................. 34: TOM Thornton. In Poems and prose writings, v. 1 ............................. Danbury, Life in. J. M. BAILEY ..... Dancing academy, The. C. (J. H.) DICKEXS. With Barnaby Rudge... Danes sketched by themselves. A series of popular stories by the Danish authors. Tr. by Mrs. Bush- by. Lond. 1864. 3 v. sm. 8... Gmte.nts : ANDERSON, Hans Christian. Man from Paradise, The. v. 1. 40:1530 Morton Lange. v. 1 ................ 411:1530 BAiioRfiSEN, Jens. Agnete and the Meman. v. 1. 40:1530 BKBNAKD, Carl. Aunt Francisca, v. 2 ............... 40:1531 Bankrupt, The. v. 3 ............... 40:1532 Cousin Carl. v. 1 ..................... 40:1530 riaman and Pythias, v. -C ........ 40:1531 RLICIICR, S. S. Eshen. v. 3 ............................ 40:1532 Tale of Jutland, A. v. 1 ......... 40:1530 ETTA*, Carit. Shipwrecked mariner s treas ure, The,, v. 2 ..................... 40:1531 Too old. T. 1 .......................... 40:1531 Twice sacrificed, v. 3 ............ 40:153i HOI.ST, H. P. Lisette s castles in the air. v.3. 40:1532 INOFMANN, B. S. Aeed rnhlii. The. v.3 ............. 40:1532 All soul s day. v. 3 ................. 40:1532 Doomed house. The. v. 1 ...... 40:1530 Hereditary gohlet, The. v.3... 40:T32 Secret witness. The. T. 1 ........ 40:1530 KvoitHiN i, Baroneu. Ancestress, The. v. 1 .............. 40:1530 OKifi.ENPciii.At iKR, Adam. Death and his victims, v. 3.... 40:1532 STOKM, E. Herr Sinclair. v.3 .................. 40:1532 UNCLE ADAM. Fatal chain. The. v. 2 ............ 40:1531 WINTHEU, Christian. Confessional, The. v. 1 ........... 40:1630 ANON. Brothers, The ; or, a good con science. v.3 ........................ 40:1532 Pair prospect. The. v. 3 ......... 40:1532 Felon s reverie, The. v. 1 ...... 4(1:1530 Waking dream, A. v. 1 .......... 40:1530 Danesbury house. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD ....................................... 4O: Danger in the dark. I. KELHO ......... 38: 1C80 G2 03 994 994 994 800 435 683 800 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DANGERFIELD. 50 DAY S. Dangerfleld, John. GRACE Tolmar: a novel. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 37: Dangerfield s rest ; or, before the storm. [H. SEDLEY.] 39: Dangerous game, A. E. 73 1 546 1204 153 YATKS 4O: Dangerous guest, A - [ JI - JACKSON.] 38: Dangers of dining out. Mrs. S. S. KI.I.IS. In Family secrets, v, 1 37: 1077 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 16 34: 4186 The same *15: 4926 Daniel, Mrs. Mackenzie. CAUGHT in the toils : a novel. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 83-5 ESTHKK Dudley s wooers. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 37: HEIRESS in the family, The. 1 hil. n. d. 12 37: STOLEN waters. Lond. 1871. 2 v. sm. 8 37: Daniel Dennison. Mrs. B. HOFLAND. Daniel Ueronda. Mrs. M. J. LEWES. (George Eliot). 2 v Danish fairy legends and tales. H. C. ANDERSEN 35: Danish story-book. II. C. ANDER- SKN. 2 v. in 1 35: Contents: v. 1. Little Rudy. The butterfly. Psyche. The snail and the rose bush. Twelve by the mail. A rose from the grave of Homer. The racers, v. 2. The imul-kin^ s daughter The last pearl. The metal pig. Danvers. T. (E.) HOOK. In Sayings and doings, v. 1 37: Danver s papers: Prince and the page. C. M. YONGE. 2 v. in 1.... 4O: Darien ; or, the merchant prince. E. WARHURTON. 2v.ini 4O: Dark maid of Illinois, The. J. HALL. In Tales of the border 37: Dark night s work. Mrs. E. C. GAS- KELI 37: The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: Dark scenes of history. G. P. It. JAMES 38: Dark secret, The ; or, the mystery of Fontelle hall. Mrs. M. A. FLEM ING 37: 2254 Darkness and daylight. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES 37: 45C>5 Darnley. G. P. K. JAMES 38: 177 Darrell Markhnm. M. E. BRADDON.. 35: 2528 Darryll gap ; or, whether it paid. V. F. TOWNSEND. (Courin Virginia.) 39: 3100 Dasent, George Webhe. ANNALS of an eventful life. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 40:2019-21 HALF a life. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 101-3 LADY Sweetapple; or, three to one. N. Y. 1873. 8. Same as Three to one 37: 104 THREE to one ; or, some passages out of the life of Amicia Lady Sweet- upple. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sin. 8. 37: 105-7 Dash, Comtesse. (pseud.) See SAINT- MARS, C. de C. de. Daudet, Alphonse. New Don Quix ote. Bost. 1875. 10 37: Daughter of Bohemia: a novel. Miss F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid.)... 37: 89 90-1 37: 4514 38: 1098-9 640 641 i . 2. (cont.) The money pig The wicked prinee. Children s prattle. Two brothers. By the almshouse window. Grandmother. Five out of one shell. The girl who trod upon bread. The old oak-tree s last dream. 4648 1272 110 3871 2863 2864 170 112 2196 Daughter of an Egyptian king. G. EISERS 37; 1430 Daughter of an empress. C. (M.) MUNDT. (Loiii.itt Miihlbnch.) 38: 3238 Daughter of Heremon. Mrs. D- M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock.) In Romantic tales 35: 4940 Daughter of Heth. W. BLACK. 2 v. in l 35; 2175 Daughter of night. S. W. FULLOM. 37: 2571 Davault s mills. Ohas. H. JONES 38: 494 Davenport Dunn ; or, the man of the day. C. LEVER. 2 v 38: 1584-5 The same. 2v.ini 38: 1580 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 38: 1587-9 The same. 3 v. in 2 38: 1590-1 David Copperfield. C. (J. H.) DICK ENS. (Boz.) 2v 37; 454-5 The same 37; 456 The same 37: 457 The same 37: 458 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 37: 459-61 The same. 3 v. in 2 37; 462-3 David Dumps: or, the budget of blunders. T.H.BAYLY 35: 1750 David Elginbrod. G. MACDONALD. 3 v 38:2159-61 Thesame 38: 2162 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 2163 David Swan. N. HAWTHORNE. In L.C. v. 4 4O: 1614 Thesame. In Twice-told tales 37: 4191 Thesame 37: 4193 Davies, Kliza Khyl. MYSTERY of Ashleigh manor, The. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 117-19 Davies, Theodore. LOSING to win. N. Y. 1874. 12. 37: 129 Davis, L. Clarke. DICK Lyle s fee. /nRougegorge and other stories 4O: 1670 STRANDED ship, A: a story of sea and shore. N. Y. 1869. 12 37; 139 Davis, Mrs. Rebecca B. Harding. CAPTAIN S story, The. In L. CT v. 2. 4O: 1612 DALLAS (ialbraith. Phil. 1868. 8. 37: 14G FADED leaf of history, A. Jn L. C. v. 10 4O: 1620 JOHN Andross. N. Y. 1874. 12... 37: 147 KITTY S choice: a story of Berry- town. Phil. 1874. 8 37; 148 WAITING for the verdict. N. Y. 1868. 8 37; 14!) Davis, William M. NIMKOD of the sea; or, the American whaleman. N. Y. 1874. 12 37: 154 Dawn. Mrs. H. A. ADAMS 35: 206 Day, Mrs. . FROM birth to bridal. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 159-61 Day, llev. Lai Behari. GOVINDA Samanta; or, the history of a Bengal Kaiyat. Lond. 1874. sm. 8 37: 170 Day, Thomas. HISTORY of Sandford and Merton. Bait. 1801. 16 37: 180 Thesame. N. Y. 1867. 16 37: 181 Day in the academy, A. F. C. BUR- NAND. In Treasure-trove series. v. 1 4O: 1701 Day of reckoning, A. In N. and T. v.3 4O: 1643 Day s pleasure. A. Mrs. E. C. EM BURY. In Pictures of early life... 37: 1700 Day s pleasure, A. W. D. HOWELLS. 37: 4728 PUOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DAY S. 51 DEFOE. 1593 4760 2109 3839 Day s ride, A : a life s romance. C. LKVKK ...................................... 38: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 38: Days of Bruce, The. G. AOVII.AR. 2 v ............................................ 35: 340-41 Days of the cattle plnguu: a story. Mrs. PROSSKK ............................ 38: Days of Knox, The: a tale. Lond. IHliil. 12 ................................. 4O: Days of my life. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OUPHAKT ................................. 38: Days of old, The: three stories from English history. By the author of Ruth and her friends. Lond. 1865. 16 ........................................... 4O: Contents : Caradoc and Deva. Willfgar and the earl ; or, power. Roland. Days of shoddy, The. H. MORKOKI.. 38: 3124 Days of yore, The. Miss KKDDIK. (Sarah Tytler.) 2v ..................... 38:710-11 Contents : Vol. 1. I Peeps into antiquity : Saint Margaret. Shadows of the coast of Fife. Peggv Melville s triumph. II. Old gathe-ings: Old yeomanry weeks. The. Days of the Dutch fair. The. III. Wooiiigs and weddings of the last century : Adam Home s repentance. Cast in the waggon, A, Great road and the market-place, The. On the stage and off the stage. Vol. 2. IV. Lovers quarrels and how they ended: Judy. Hector Garret of Otter. Insulated. Shadow of "The ancient mariner," The. V. Likenesses and contrasts : Cain s brand. Kingnn ("ockburn s trial and victory. Two panels from an old picture. Twofold. World s end, The. VI. Two specimens of the old school. Second Mrs. Auchterlonie, The. Oliver Shand s partner. De profundis : a tale of the social de posits. W. GILBKRT. 2 v ......... 37: The same ...................................... 37: Deacon Sims prayers. M. I). CHKI.I.IS ................................... 35: Dead alive, The. (\V.) \V. COLLINS.. 35: Dead guest, The. H. ZSCHOKKE ........ 4O: Dead marquise : a romance. L. Kir. 38: Dead men s shoes. M. E. BBADDON. 35: Dead men s shoes. J. R. HADKKMAVX. 37: Dead secret. (W.) W. COLLINS. Phil. n.d. 12 35: The same. In N. and T. v. 4, 5. 4O: Dead secret and other tales. Tauch- nitx ed. 2v.ini 35: 4552 2983-4 2982 4151 4. r >50 1450 1039 2565 3821 4551 1G44-5 Content* : Agnes Lee. Amphlett love match. Dead secret. Helena Mathewson. How the old love fared. Murder of the Archbishop of Paris. My window. New Ixiy at Styles s, The. ?iiren s revenge, A ellow tiger, The. Dead sin, The. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (E. Garrett.) In Seen and heard. v. 2 38: 2816 Dead sin, and other stories. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (. Gurretl.) 38: 2808 Gmfrntx : Old mirror. One new year s night. Real lady. Salt of the earth. Had speculation. Chance child. Dead sin. Ghost story. Dead to the world ; or, sin and atone ment. K. HAVKR. (Carl Detlef). 35: Dead-sea fruit. M. E. BRADDON. 2 v. in 1 35: 1720 2529 Deadly dash. L. de la RAMK. (Ouida). H ith Cecil Custlemaine s gage 39: 42 Deaf and dumb pnge, The. By the author of Family portraits. In W. S. C. L., v. 3.....". 34: 4173 The same *15: 4913 Dean s daughter, The. Mrs. C. G. F. GORK. 2v.ini 37: 3193 Deane, Milly. MARJORY. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 37: 191 Dear Lady Disdain. J. MCCARTHY. 38: 2130 Death and his victims. A. OKIILEX- SCHLAEGER. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 .". 4O: 1532 Death of James I. Alex. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 Death of James III. Alex. LEIOHTON. 7nW. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 Death ship, The. B. S. INQEMANN. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 4O: 1532 Death shot, The. M. RKID. 3 v 39: 239-41 The same 39: 242 Debenham s vow. A. B. KDWARDS. 37: 1517 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 37: 1518 Debit and credit. G. FREYTAG 37: 2480 Deborah s book. J. TNGKLOW. In Stories told to a child 38: 33 Deborah s diary. A. MANNING 38: 2462 Decameron, Stories from the. G. BOCCACCIO. In R. I. N., v. 1 4O: 1580 DeCressy : a tale. Leip. 1857. 16. 4O: 2114 Deeds speak louder than words. Mrs. J.D.CHAPLIN 35: 4055 Deep down: a tale of the Cornish mines. R. M. BALLANTYNE 35: 1455 Deep waters. A. H. DRVRY 37: 871 Deerbrook. H. MARTINBAU 38: 2637 Deerings of Medbury. V. F. TOWN- SKNII 39: 3101 Deerslayer, The. J. F. COOPER 35: 4728 The same 35: 4729 Deer-stalkers of Glenskiach : a highland legend. A. PICK EN. In Club-book.. 4O: 1520 DeFoe, Daniel. (1661-1731.) CAPTAIN Carlcton. In Novels and misc. works, v. 2 *34: 1018 CAPTAIN Singleton. In Novels and misc. works, v. 1 *34: 1017 COLONEL Jack. In Novels and misc. works, v. 1 *34: 1017 DICKORY Cronke. In Novels and misc. works, v. 2 *34: 1018 DI NCAN Campbell. In Novels and misc. works, v. 6 *34: 1022 FORTVNES and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders. In Novels and misc. works, v. 3 *34: 1019 GREAT fire in London. In Novels and misc. works, v. 5 34: 1021 HISTORY of the devil. Lond. 1727. 8 *3: 4937 The same. In Novels and misc. works, v. 3 34: 1019 MKMOIRS of a cavalier. In Novels and misc. works, v. 2 *34: 1018 MRS. Christian Davies. In Novels and misc. works, v. 4 *34: 1020 NKW voyage round the world. In Novels and misc. works, v. 6 34: 1022 PLAGUE in London, 1665. In Novels and misc. works, v. 5 34: 1021 ROHINSON Crusoe. With colored engravings. Phil. n. d. 16 37: 201 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DEFOE. 52 DuQuiNCY. DePoe, (continued.) The same. Phil. 1873. 12 37: 202 The same. Lond. I860. sm. 8. 37: 203 The same. Leip. 1845. sq. 16... 37: 204 ROXANA. In Novels and misc. works, v. 4 *34: 1020 STORM, The, of 1703. In Novels and misc. works, v. 5 34: 1021 De Foix. A. E. BKAY 35: 2699 DeForest, John W. HONEST John Vane: a story. N. Haven. 1875. 16 37: 214 KATE Beaumont. Bost. 1872. 8. 37: 215 LAUSON tragedy, The. In L. C., v. 3 4O: 1613 Miss Ravenel s conversion to loyalty. N. Y. 1867. 12 .". 37: 216 OVERLAND. N. Y. 1871. 8 37: 217 PLAYING the mischief. N. Y. 1875. 8 37: 219 WETHKREL affair, The. N. Y. 1873. 8 37: 218 DeKroyft, Mrs. S. H. LITTLE Jakey. In L. C., v. 10 4O: 1620 The same. N. Y. 1872. 12 37: 228 Delaplaine ; or, the sacrifice of Irene. M. T. WALWORTH 4O: 96 Deleon, (Abbe * * *) UNDER the ban (Le maudit): a tale of the nineteenth century. Tr. fr. the Fr. N. Y. 1868. 8 37: 242 DeLeon, Edwin. ASKAROS Kassis, the copt: a romance of modern Egypt. Phil. 1870. 12. 37: 250 DeLeon, T. C. CROSS purposes: a Christmas experi ence in seven stages. Phil. 1871. 16 37: 257 DeLiefde, J. B. GALAMA; or, the beggars.- N. Y. 1873. 8 37: 235 De L Orme. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 178 Delia Crusca. (pseud.) See MEKHY, R. Deloney, Thomas. THOMAS of Reading; or, the sixe worthie yeomen of the west. In Thorns early English prose ro mances, v. 1. Lond. 1858. 12. 33: 4020 Demerara. H. MARTINKAU. In Illus. of Polit. Econ., v. 2 38: 2640 DeMille, James. AMERICAN baron, The. N. Y. 1872. 8 37: AMONG the brigands. Bost. 1872. 12 37: B. O. W. C. series. Bost. 6 v. 1871-3. 16 1. B. 6. W. C 37:208 2. Boys of the Grand Pre school. 37:2(19 3. Lost in the fog 37:278 4. Fire in the woods 37:274 5. Picked up adrift 37:280 6. Treasure of the seas... 37:28i BANKS in the wood: a tragic comedy; a story of the Italian revolution of 1848. Bost. 1875. 8 37: 267 BOYS of Grand Pre school. Bost. 1871. 16 37: 26!) COMEDY of terrors. Bost. 1872. 8. 37: 270 CORD and creese. N. Y. 1871. 8. 37: 271 CRYPTOGRAM, The. N. Y. 1871. 8. 37: 272 DODGE club, The; or, Italy in 1859. N. Y. 1874. 8..< 37: 27.3 FIRE in the woods. Bost. 1872. 16. 37; 274 LADY of the ice, The. N. Y. 1871. 8 37; 275 DeMille, (continued.) LILY and the cross, The. Bost. 1875. 12 37: 276 LIVING link, The. N. Y. 1874. 8. 37: 277 LOST in the fog. Bost. 1872. 16. 37: 278 OPKN question, An. N. Y. 1873. 8. 37: 279 PICKED up adrift. Bost. 1873. 16. 37: 280 SEVEN hills. Bost. 1873. 12 37: 281 TREASURE of the seas. Bost. 1873. 16 37: 282 Dempster, Charlotte. HOTEL du Petit St. Jean. Leip. 1871. sq. 1(5 37; 310 ISKUI.TK: a novel. N. Y. 1875. 8. [((HOW.] 37: suit YERA. Leip. 1871. sq. 16 37: 311 Dene hollow. E. P. [Mrs. Henry] WOOD 4O: 684 The same: Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 4O: 685 Denis, F. TRVE Robinson Crusoes, The 37: 320 Denis Duval. W.M.THACKERAY.... 39: 2881 The same. In. Miscellanies, v. 3.... 33: 4013 Denise. C. CARLOS-CLARKE 35: 4328 Denison, Mrs. Mary Andrews. (Clara Vance.) AMONG the squirrels. N. Y. 1873. 16 37: 330 HANNAH S triumph. Phil. 1870. 16 37: 331 HOME pictures. N. Y. 1853. 12... 37: 332 Contents : About the minister. Accepted. The ac cident. Alice s confession. The angel hand. Betty s encounter. Birthday fes tival. City life. The convalescence. The cross. Death itself. The departure. The disappointment. Domestic. The dream. The failure. The farm-house. The fash ionable call. Fashionable ennui. First visit to a watering-place. The first visit ors. The flower-girl. General Lengordon. Good conclusion. Gretta s sorrow. Home. Ida Grey. The inebriate s wife. Kitch en troubles. Lady Westerlin fl story. Little Alice. Little Herbert s transgres sion. Little Milly. A little pride. A little story. The living tomb. Lossa and Nini; or, the little organ-grinders. Miss Susan. Mr. Lansden s counsel. My flowers. Mv mother s death. The new minister. "News from abroad. Not at home. The old beggar s sympathy. The old church. The old house in the country. The old poet s garret. The old Quaker uncle. OH superstition. The painter s studio. The partv. Poor Bet ty s troubles. The reconciliation. The return. The reunited family. I he sad letter. The sale. The sermon : the visit. The shadow of death. The sick boy. The silver service. Startling news. Ttie story. The strawberry supper. The sudden death. The thunder storm. The trick. The twilight walk. Two strang ers. Unexpected good fortune. Un happy again. The untimely death. The village schoolmistress. Visit to the city. The walk. The wedding. The youiig poet. LOVER S trials, The 37: 333 NOBLE sister, A. Phil. 1870. 16. 37; 334 OFF the track. Phil. 1870. 16 37: 335 OPPOSITE the jail. Bost. 1858. 16. 37: 336 VICTOR Norman, rector. Phil. 1873. 12 37: 337 Dennis Donne. Mrs. P. CUDLIP. (for merly Miss Thomas.) 35: 5091 Denounced, The; or, the last baron of Crana. J. BANIM 35: 1535 DeQuincy, Thomas. (1785-1859.) FATAL marksman, The. In Works. v. 11 34: 1043 FLIGHT of a Tartar tribe. In L. C. v. 1 4O: 1611 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DIARY. DeQuincy, (continued.) Kixu of llayti, The. From the Ger man. In Works, v. 11 VISION- of sudden death, The. fn L. C. v. 3 Derby, Aleck. IIIA Goldwin; or, the perils of for tune. N. Y. 1876. 12 Derby, George H. (John Phtrnix.) (1824-1801.) PntEXixiAXA. N. Y. 1869. 12.... Sij niton papers. N. Y. 1865. 12. Dermot O Dwyer. Mrs. A. M. F. HAI.I,. In Lights and shadows. v. 2 De Rohan. J. M. (culled Eugene) SUK. Derrick, F. BEXEATH the wheels: a romance. N. Y. 1870. 8 Derwent; or, recollections of young life in the country. J. CHESTER... Desart, Lord . BEYOXI> these voices. Lond. 3 v. stn. 8 Desert home, The. M. RKID Desert of ice, The. .1. VRRXE. In Captai n H atteras Desert sands. H. E. (P.) SPOFFORD. \V\ih Amber gods Deserted family, The. J. T. TROW- KKIIXIE. (1 nitl Creytoii.) Deserted mil), The. E. L. LI.EWEL- I.YX Deserted wife, The. Mrs. E. P. E. X. SOUTH WORTH Desk and debit. "W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic.) Deslonde, Mrs. Darrington. MII.LKR of Silcott mill, The. N. Y. 1875. 12 Despard, Mrs. M. C. CHASTE as ice, pure as snow. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 Desperate character, A. W. TIIOM- SOX-GKBOU. 3 v Desperate remedies. T. HARDY. 3 34: 4O: 37: 33: 33: 37: 39: 1043 1013 343 1300 1301 3883 2412 Destiny. M. FERRIER. Wtlh Mar riage and inheritance Destiny; or, life as it is. K. .M. Ml HI IIY Desultory man, The. G. P. K. JAMES. 2 v. in 1 Detective police. The. C. (J. II.) PICKKXS. In Hard times The same. ///Hunted down The same. In Lamplighter s story... The same. In Talc of two cities The same. In Hard times The same. /// Hunted down The same. In Tale of two cities Detective and somnambulist. A. 1 lXKERTOX Dethroned heiress, The. E. A. Dr- rr Y Detlef, C. (pseud.) See BAUKR, Kar- oline. DeVere, Maximilian Schele. (b. 1820.) GKEAT empress, The: Agrippina. Phil. 1870. 12 De Vcre; or, the man of independence. It. 1 . WARD.... Devereux. IjYTTOX . The same. E. G. E. L. BIM.WER- Tauchnitz ed 37: 35: 37: 39: 39: 39: 39: 38: 39: 35: 37: 37: 39: 37: 37: 38: 38: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 38: 37: 37: 40: 35: 35: 347 4216 357-9 243 3701 2120 3314 1831 2011 241 364 369-71 3001-3 3987-9 2101 3280 179 477 4711 481 546 477 479 546 4547 1064 390 118 3103 3105 1C93 4937 1019 1561 3(10 1561 1648 1501 1880 3367 396 401 403 405 404 402 Devereux hall. Mrs. SOUTH EY. In Tales from Blackwood. v. 2 4O: Devil, History of the. P. I)EFoE *3; The same. In Works, v. 3 34; Devil stones, The. F. GOTTSCHAI.CK. In H. G. N v. 2 4Q: 1501 Devil turned pleader, The. GRIMM. In K. G. N. v. 2 4O: Devil s chain. The. E. JEXKIXS 38: Devil s fight in Goslar cathedral, The. F. GOTTSOIIALCK. In R. G. N. v. 2. 4O: Devil s mark, The. In N. and T. v. 8. 4O: Devil s mill, The. F. GOTTSCIIAI.K. In R. G. N. v. 2 40: Devil s mill, The. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories of Ireland 38: Devoted bride, The. St. G. TLTKEH. 39: Dewall, van. GREAT lady, A: a romance. From the German by M. S. Phil. 1874. 8 37: De"Witt, .Waditme. (ne e (iuizot.) PAMES of high estate. The transla tion edited by Charlotte M. Yonge. Lond. 1872. 8 37: Ckm m c Countess and queen. Climbing high. Something great. I Behind the hedges. FRENCH country family. N. Y. 1868. 12 ". 37: MARIE Perville: a story of a French boarding-school. Phil. 1873. 12. 37: MOTHERLESS; or, a Parisian family. Fr. the French by P. M. Craik. N. Y. 1871. 12." 37: ON i. Y sister, An. N. Y. 1873. 16. 37: D Eyncourts of Fairleigh, The. T. KOWI.AND-SKEMP. 3v 39: 691-3 Dharma.. E. PAULET. 3v 38: 4257-9 Dhu, Helen, (pseud.?) STAXIIOPE Burleigh: the Jesuits in our homes. N. Y. 1855. 12 37: 411 Dial of love, The. M. HOWITT 37: 4749 Dialogues. J. ABBOTT, fn H. S. B. v. 8 35: 43 Diamond cut diamond: a story of Tusc.ui life. T. A. TROI.LOPE". 39: 3252 Diamond necklace, Story of the. H. Yl/.ETEI.I.Y. 2v 39: 3756-7 Diamond on the hearth, The. M. JAMES 38: 245 Diamond rose, The. Mixs K EDDIE. (,SV/rA Tyiler.) 38: 712 Diana Carew; or, for a woman s sake. Atrt. FORRESTER 37: 2359 Diana of Meridor; or, the lady of Monsoreau. A. (P.) PUMAS.... 37: 977 Diana s crescent. A. MAXXIXG. 2 v. 38: 2403- J Diary; H family; Axel and Anna and other tales. F. BREMER 35: 2737 Contents: Axel and Anna. Comforter. IHary. Diary. F. BREMER. Same as New Sketches 35: Diary of Anne Hod way, The. In N.andT. v. 2 4O: Diary of ( . Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. with his letters. W. M. THACK ERAY. In Miscellanies. Bost. ed. v. 1 33: The same. In Miscellanies. Phil. ed. v. 2 33: The same. In Miscellanies. Tauch- nitz ed. v. 4 Letter about suppers. Solitary. 2749 1642 4011 4008 33: The same 33: 4004 3998 PKOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. DlAHY. 54 DICKENS. 40: 40: 227-9 230 810 4073 4074 2418 2073 35; 2530 Diary of a late physician. S. WAR- HEX. 3 v The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Diary of a milliner. C. 11. WOODS. (Belle Otis.) 4O: Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Mrs. K. K. CHARLES 35: The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: Diary of an old doctor, The: being sketches of the most interesting reminiscences of an old physician. J. A. MAITLAND 38: Diary of a sister of Mercy, Tales from the. C. M. BRAMK 35: Diavola ; or, nobody s daughter. M. K. BRADDON Diaz, Mrs. A. M. LUCY Maria. Bost. 1874. 16 STORY-BOOK for the children. Bost. 1875. 12 WILLIAM Henry and his friends. Bost. 1872. 16 WILLIAM Henry letters, The. Bost. 1870. 16 Dick Dallington. In N. and T. v. 2.. Dick Duncan. 1). WISE Dick Libby. Geo. JONES. In Rouge- gorge and other stories 4O: Dick Lyle s fee. L. C. DAVIS. In Kougegorge and other stories 4O: Dick Markham. J. F. SMITH 39: Dick Markham, Sequel to. See LILLIAN. 39: Dick Kodney; or, the adventures of an Eton boy. J. GRANT 37: Dick Tarleton. J. F. SMITH 39: Dick Tarleton, Sequel to. See MARIAN BARNARD 4O: Dick Travers abroad. A. F. SAMUELS. 4 v 39:1109-12 Contents : 1. Palm land, 39:1112 I :). On the wave, 30:1111 2. Lost tar, 39:11111 | 4. Little cricket, :!U:llciu Dickens, Charles (John llougham.) (Boz.) (1812-1870). BARNAHY Rudge a tale of the riots of eighty. N.Y. 1872. 3 v. 12. 37: 431-3 BARNAHY Kudge; Sketches. N. Y. 1871. 4 v. in 2 37: 434-5 37: 37: 37: 37: 4O: 4O: 420 423 421 422 1642 G31 1670 1670 1891 1902 3306 18 J2 1903 Content* : Barnaby Rudge, v. 1-3. Sketches by Boz, v.2. v.4. Blank veil. Bloomsbury christening. Boarding house. Dancing academy, eath. Mr. Minns and bis cousin. Mrs. Joseph Porter. Passage in the !itc of Mr. Watkins Tottle. Prisoners vjm. Sentiment Shabby-genteel people. Steam excursion. Tngg s at Ramsgate, The. Drunkard s de Great Winglebury Horatio Sparkins. Making a night of it. BARNAHY Rudge. Phil. n. d. 12. 37: 436 The same. N. Y. 1873. 12 37: 437 The same. In Master Humphrey s clock, v. 2, 3 37:499-500 The same 37: 501-2 BATTLE of life, The : a love story. Leip. 1856. sq. lti ".. 37: 438 The same. In Christmas books 37: 450 The same. In Christmas stories 37: 451 The same 37: 452 BLKAK house. N. Y. 1872. 2 v. 12 37: 439-40 The same. N. Y. 1873. 12 37: 441 The same. Phil. n. d. 12 37: 442 The same. Leip. 1852-3. 4 v. in 2. sq. 16 37: 447-8 The same. 4v 37: 44:;-G BLOOMKBUKY christening. In Sketches. 37: 435 BOARDING house, The. In Sketches. 37: 435 37: 37: 37: Dickens, (continued.) CHARACTERS, Index of, in Dickens novels. In Master Humphrey s clock The same. In Uncommercial trav eller CHILD S dream of a star, A. With Old curiosity shop. v. 3 The same 37: The same. In L. C., v. 10 4O: CHIMES, The. With Christmas carol. 37: The same. In Christmas books 37: The same. In Christmas stories.... 37: The same 37: CHOPS, the dwarf. In L. C., v. 2 4O: CHRISTMAS books. N. Y. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12 37: Contents : Battle of life. Christinas tree. Chimes. Cricket on the heart! Christmas carol. Haunted man. CHRISTMAS carol, A; Chimes; and Cricket on the hearth. Leip. 1846. sq. 16 37: CHRISTMAS carol, A. In Christmas books 37: The same. In Christmas stories.... 37: The same 37: The same. In L. C., v. 5 4O: CHRISTMAS dinner. In Sketches 37: The same 37: CHRISTMAS stories. Phil. n. d. 12. 37: Contents : Battle of life, The. Chimes, The. Christmas carol, A. CHRISTMAS stories. Contents : Battle of life. Chillies. Christmas carol. CHRISTMAS stories. 16 , Contents : Haunted house, The. Message from the sea, A. Tom Tiddler s ground. CHRISTMAS stories, additional. With Master Humphrey s clock 37: Contents : 497 549 515 517 1620 449 450 451 452 1012 450 449 450 451 452 1(115 515 517 451 Cricket on the hearth, The. Haunted man, The. Phil. n. d. 8. 37: 452 Leip. Cricket on the hearth. Haunted man. Pictures from Italy. 1862. sq. 37: 453 497 Dr. Marigold s prescriptions. Holly Tree inn. Mrs. Lirriper s legacy. Mrs. Llrriper i lodgings. The same. With Uncommercial traveller, etc 37: CRICKET on the hearth, The. With Christmas carol 37: The same. In Christmas books 37: The same. In Christmas stories 37: The same 37: DAVID Copperneld. N. Y. 1871. 4 v. in 2. 12 The same. N. Y. 1873. 12 Phil. 18G8. 8 Phil. n. d. 12 Leip. 1849-50. 3 v. Mugby junction. Se\en poor travellers. Somebody s luggage. 552 449 450 451 452 454-5 456 457 458 37: 37: 37: 37: The same. The same. The same. sq. 16 . 37: 459-61 The same. Leip. 1849-50. 3 v. in 2. sq. 16 37: 462-3 DETECTIVE police. \\ \th Lamplight er s story 37: 481 DR. Marigold s prescriptions; Mug- by junction. Leip. 1867. sq. 16 37: 464 DR. Marigold s prescriptions. With Master Humphrey s clock 37: 497 The same. With, Uncommercial traveller 37: 552 The same. In Treasure-trove series. v. 3 4O: 1703 PROSE FICTION; ENGLISH. DICKENS. 55 BlCKKNS. Dickens, (continued.) DOMHKY and son. N. Y. v. in 2. 12 The name. N. Y. 1873. The same. The same. 1871. 4 Leip. 1847. 3 v. in 2. 12 Phil. n. d. 12 Leip. 1873. 3 v. sq. 10 The same. sq. 16 DRAWN from life; sketches of young ladies, voung gentlemeij, and young couples. N. Y. 1875. 12 GKKAT expectations. N. Y. 1873. 12. 2 v. in 1 The same. Phil. n. d. 12 The same. Leip. 1861. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 The same. With Oliver Twist HARD times. N. Y. 1871. 12. 2 v. in 1 The same. In New stories The same. Leip. 1854. sq. 16.. The same. With Tale of two cities HAUNTED house. In Christmas sto ries The same. With Hunted down The same. In Lamplighter s story. HAUNTED man. With Battle of life.. The same. In Christmas books The same. In Christinas stories.... The same HOI.LY-TRKE inn. With Muster Humphrey s clock The same. With Uncom. Trav HUNTKD down, and Haunted house. Phil. n. d. 12 HUNTKD down, and Uncommercial traveller. Leip. 1860. sq. 16... HUNTED down. With Lamplighter s story LATE "Miss Hollingford. With No thoroughfare LITTI.K Dorrit. N. Y. 1871. 4 v. in 2. 12 The same. N.Y. 1873. 12 The same. Phil. n. d. 12 The same. Leip. 1856-7. 4 v. sq. 16 The same. Leip. 1856-7. 4 v. in 2. sq. 16 LITTI.K Paul. N. Y. n. d. 18 LITTLE Paul. See also Dombey and son. MARTIX Clmzzlewit. N. Y. 1871. 4 v. in 2. 12 The same. Phil. n. d. 12 The same. Leip. 1844. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 MASTER Humphrey s clock. N.Y. 1871. 12 The same. Leip. 1846. 3 v. sq. 16 Barnahy Rudge. v. 2-3. Master Humphrey s clock, v. 1. Old curiosity shop. v. 1-2. The same. Leip. 1846. 3 v. in 2. sq. 16 MUIIBY junction. With Dr. Mari gold s prescriptions The same. With Muster Humph rey s clock MVSTKRY of Kdwin Drood, The. N. 1871. 16 The same. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 37: 465-6 37: 467 37: 468 37: 469-71 37: 472-3 33: 1323 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 474 475 476 520 477 505 478 546 453 479 481 438 450 451 452 497 552 479 480 481 513 482-3 484 485 37; 486-9 37: 37: 490-1 492 37: 493-4 37: 495 37: 496 37: 497 37:498-500 37: 501-2 37: 404 37: 497 37: r>03 37: 504 Dickens, (continued.) The same. With Uncommercial traveller NEW stories. Phil. n. d. 12 Contents : Hard timea. | Pictures from NICHOLAS Nickleby. N. Y. 1871. 4 v. in 2. 12...." N. Y. 1873. 12 N. Y. 1874. 12 Phil. n. d. 12 Leip. 1843. 2 v. in The same. The same. The same. The same. 1. sq. 16 NOIII.K savage, The. In Treasure- trove series, v. 1 OLD curiosity shop. N.Y. 1873. 12 The same. Phil. n. d. 12 The same, and Sketches. N. Y. 1871. 4 v. in 2. 12.... 37: 37: Italy. 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 40: 37: 37: 549 505 506-7 508 509 510 511 1701 5 1 6 518 37: 514-15 Reprinted pieces : v. 2. Begging-letter writer. Billsticking. . Births. Mrs. Meek ofason. 1 Child s dreuui of a star. Long voyage. Our Eng. watering-place. Our Fr. watering-place. Scenes, v. 4. rii sketches from our parish, v. 4. Characters, v. 4. Christmas dinner. Hospital patient. Misplaced attachment of Mr. J. Dounce. Miss Evans aim the eagle. Mistaken milliner : a tale of ambition. New Year. Parlor orator. Thoughts alMnit people. Old curiosity shop. v. 1-3. The same. N.Y. 1872. 12 OLD curiosity shop. With Master Humphrey s clock, v. 1-2 37: The same 37: OLIVER Twist. N.Y. 1873. 2 v. in 1. 12 The same. Leip. 1843. 16 The same, and Great expectations. N. Y. 1871. 12 OUR mutual friend. N. Y. 1871. 4 v. in 2. 12 The same. N.Y. 1868. 12 Phil. n. d. 8 Phil. n. d. 12 Leip. 1864-5. 4 v. The same. The same. The same. 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 517 4.9S-9 501 519 521 520 522-3 524 525 526 Leip. 1864-5. 4 37: 527-30 37: 531-2 The same. in 2. sq. 16" PICKWICK papers. N. Y . 1871. 4 v. in 2. 12 37: 533-4 The same. N.Y. 1873. 12 37: 535 The same. Phil. n. d. 12 37: 536 The same. Bost. 1867. 16 37: 537 The same. Leip. 1842. 2-v. in 1. sq. 16 37: 538 KKI-RINTKD pieces. With Old curi osity shop 37: 515 Long voyage. Our Kng. watering-place. Our Fr. watering-place. 517 479 481 477 Begging-letter writer. Bill sticking. Births. Mrs. Meek of a son Child s dream of a star. The same 37: The same. With Hunted down 37: The same. With Lamplighter s story 37: 1 Ki iuNTKD pieces. With Hard times. 37: OaitfHls : Child s story. Detective police. Down with the tide. Flight. Ghost of art. Lying awake. Monument of Fr. folly. Noble savage. Nolody s story. Olt duty with inspector Field! Our l>ore. Our honorable friend. Onr school. Our vestry. Out of the season. Out of town. Plated article. Poor man s tale of a patent. Poor relation s story. Prince Bull. Schoolboy s tory. lliree detective anecdotes. I. Pair of gloves. II. Artlul touch. III. Sofa, The. Walk ill a workhouse. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DICKENS. 56 DICKORY. Dickens, (continued.) The same. With Hunted down 37: 479 The same. With Lamplighter s story 37 481 Dickens, (continued.) Cvntcnt* : Begging-letter writer. Bill-sticking. Births. Mrs. Meek of a son. Child s dream of a star. Child s story. Christmas tiee. Detective police. Down with the tide. Flight. Ghost of art. Haunted house. Hunted down. Lamplighter s story. Long voyage. Lying awake. Monument o f French (oily- Noble savage. NOVKLS and talcs rep Household words. L( 1 1 v sq. 16 i On duty with inspector Field. Our bore. Our English watering-place. Our French wntei ing-place. Our honorable friend. Our school. Our vestry. Out of the season. Out of town. Plated article. Poor man s tale of a patent. Poor relation s story. Prince Bull : a fairy story. Three detective anecdotes. I. Pair of Gloves. II. Artful touch. III. Sofa, The. Walk in a workhouse. rinted from ip. 1850-9. 4CV1G41-51 The same. With Tale of two cities. 37: 546 SKVKN poor travellers. With Master Humphrey s clock J^ 1 ?- 407 The same. With Uncc SIGNAL-MAN, The. In L WKETCHJCS by Boz. N. 1 Ouiitents : Characters : Christinas dinner. iMncing academy. Hospital patient. Making a night of it. Misplaced attachment of Mr. J. bounce. Miss E vans and the eagle. Mistaken milliner : 11 tale of ambition. New Year, Parlor orator. Prisoners van. Shabby genteel people. Thoughts about people. Scenes : Astley s. Criminal courts. Hrokers and marine- store shops. Doctors commons. Early coaches. First of May. Gin-shops. Greenwich fair. Hackney-coach stands. Last cab driver, and the first omnibus cad. London recreations. Meditations in Monmouth street. Omnibuses. Parliamentary sketch. Pawnbroker s shop. Private theatres. Public dinners. River, The. The same. Phil. n. The same. Phil. n. The same. Leip. 184 The same. v. 1. With ( shop m. trav 37: 552 . C. v. 8... 4O: 1618 f 37: 539 Scotland-yard. Seven dial?. Shops and their tenants. Streets, The. Vauxbal! -gardens by day. Visit to Newgate. Seven sketches from our par ish : Beadle, The. Broker s man. Curate. The. Election for Beadle. Four sisters, The. Half- pay captain, The. Ladies societies. Old lady. Our next-door neighbor. Parish engine. Schoolmaster. Tales : Black vail, The. Bloom 8 bury christening. Boarding-house. Drunkard s death. Great Winglehury duel. Horatio Sparking. Mr. Minns and his cousin. Mrs. Joseph Porter. Pantomime of life. Passage in the life of Mr. Watkins Tottlc. Public hie of Mr. Tulrum- ble. Sentiment. Steam excursion, The. Tuggs 1 at Kam agate. 1 8 37 540 Contents : Amphlett love-rnatuh. v. 5. Apparition of Monsieur Bodry. v. 8. Balcombe street mystery, v. 8. Black and blue. v. 2. Blood of the Sundons. v. 8 Bond and free. v. 2. Boscobel. v. 8. Brave coucon driver, v.6. Canon s clock, v. 10. Chetwyndes. v. 11. Clergyman s wife. v. 11. Dav of reckoning, v. A. Dead secret, by W. Col lins, v. 4-5. Devil s mark, v. 8. Diitiy of Anne Hodway. v. a Dick Dallington. v. 2. Dishonoured, v. 11. Eleanor Clare s journal for ten years, v. 0. End of Fordyee brothers, v. H. Eric Walderthorn. v. 2. Famine abroad, v. 7. Flour de Lys. v. 11 Forbidden fruit, v. 3 Frenchman of two wives. v. 3. From first to last. v. 11. Gipsy king. v. 11. Gnnge family, v. 11. Ground and lofty tumb ling, v. 11. Gudc conceit o oursels . v. x. Heir of Hardington. v. 10. Her face. v. 10. Her first appearance, v. 11. History of a miracle, v.8. Home again ! v. 11. House to let. v. 10. Jerrold, Douglass, v. 11. Renter s evil eye. v. U. La/.v tour of two idle ap prentices, v. 6. Left and never called for. v. ( Legend of my native town. v. 7. Lina Fernie. v. 10. Little Constancy s birth day, v. 8. Little Huguenot, v. 7. Dickens, Helen. MILL wheel, The. L 3 v sin 8 Lost Alice, v. 8. Lucky leg. v. 11. Lyndon hull. v. 7. Marie Courtenay. v. 7. Max and his companions. v. 7. Miss Cicely s portrait, v. 11. Mr. Pearson, v. H. Mrs. Hadgery. v. G. My blind sister, v. 2. My brother Robert, v. 3. My country town. v. I. My lady Ludlow. v. !). My little ward. v. 2. My lost home. v. 7. My two partners, v. 11. Nemesis, v. 1, New mind. v. 11. Ninth of June. v. 2. Number 5, Hanbury terrace. v. 7. Old Saint Ann s gateway, v. 7. On change in Paris, v. 2. Ordeal, An. v. l. Our family picture, v. . Patagonian brothers, v. 7. Perils of certain English prisoners, &c t v. 7. Poisoned meal. v. 10. Poor (, hire. v. :i. Princess roval. v. i*. Rev. Alfred Hoblnah B state ment v. !>. Rogues life. v. 1. Romantic breach of prom ise, v. 6. Salome and I. v. 2. Saving little : wasting much. v. 11. Shadowle.s men. v 8. Sin of u father, v. ID. Six giants of Lehon. v. 8. Smiillelutnge family, v. 11. Tale of an old man s youth. v. 8. Tried friendship, v. 10. Truth in irons, v. y. Two college friends, v. 1. Two in a legion, v. 7. Well authenticated rap- pings. V. 8. What Mr. Burleigh could not see. v. !. Wreck of the Golden Marv. v. :i. Years and years ago. v. 8. ond. 1874. .^7- fini-3 1 12 37- 541 3. sq. 1G... 37: 542 )ld cariosity 37- 515 The same 37- 517 The same. v. 2. With Jiarmibv Rudge .".. 37 435 SOMEBODY S luggage. With Master Humphrey s clock.. 37 497 The same. With Uncom. Trav 37: 5:") 2 The same 37- 543 The same. Leip. 1H( TALK of two cities. N. "* The same. Phil. n. ( The same. Leip. 185 SQ 16 7. sq. 16... 37: 544 f. 1871. 12. 37: 545 12 37" 547 y. 2 v. in 1. 37- 548 The same, and Hard times. N. Y. 1808 12 37 54G UNCOMMKRCIAL traveller. N. Y. IHtiO. 12 37 551 The same. With Hunted down 37: 480 The same, and Additional Christ mas stories. Bost. 18GO. 1G.. 37: 552 The same, arid Edwin Drood. N. Y. 1871 12 37 549 and COLLINS, ("William Wilkie. No thoroughfare 37 512 No thoroughfare, and Late -Miss Hol- llnaford. Leip. 1808. sq. 10 37: 513 and JAMES, Thos. P. .MYSTERY of Edwin Drood. Brattle- boro Vt 1873 8 ... ?*7- Kr3 Wiu> Wood. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm 8 ... 37 1 604-G Dickinson, Anna E. WHAT answer? Bost. 1869. 16.... 37: GIG Dickory Cronke. D. DuFoE. In N. and mis works v 2 34 1018 and OTHERS. LAMPLIGHTIK S story ; H The detective police nouvelletes. Phil. n. unted down ; and other d .. 37* 481 PKOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. DlEKKNCiA. f)7 DR. Diekenga, 1. E. (/>) and ASHWORTII, T. .\l. (Ouno). TOM C liips. Bv DON and Ouxo. Phil. 1H71. l 2 Digby (irand. G. J. W H YT K- M KI.- VII.I.K Digging for gold; or, adventures in California. R. M. BALLAXTYXE. In Talus of adventure, v. 2 Dikes and ditches. W. T. ADAMS. I Oliver Optic) Dilemma, The. &i. George OHSSHEY. Dilemma of 1 hadrig. (i. GRIFKIX... Dimitri Komline: a novel. I. (H.) TUKGUNIEFF Dinah. M. A. MOORK Dingelstedt, Fran/,. AMAZON, The. (Die Amazone.) Tr. by . I. M. Hart. > . Y. 1868. 12. The same. Edinb. 1861). sm. 8. Dion and the Sibyls. M. G. IYKOX Disappointed ambition ; or, wedded and single. A. M. STKWAKT Disasters of .lohnny Armstrong, The. A. CAMPBELL. //( W. T. U., v. 1. Discarded daughter. E. 1). &. N. SoUTH WORT II Discarded wife, The; or, will she succeed? K. A. DUPUY Discipline of life. E. Poxsoxnv Discontented pendulum. .1. TAYLOR. In Pleasures of taste Dishonoured. / N. and T., v. 11... Disosway, K. T. Sorm .Meadows: a tale of long ago. I hil. 1874. 1 2 Disowned, The. K. G. E. L. BULWER- LYTTOX The same. Tauchnitz ed Dispensation. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 3 Disponent, The. /// Livonian tales. Disputed inheritance, The. A. (I).) Di MAS. Same as The marriage verdict Disraeli, Benjamin, (b. 1805.) AI.KOY. N. Y. n. d. 8 The fume. Leip. 184G. sq. 10. The same. With Sybil A I.ROY; and Sybil. Loud. n. d. srn. 8 ". COXINUSHY; or, the new generation. N. Y. n. d. 8 The same. Leip. 1844. sq. Hi ... The sumo. With Young duke COXTARINI Fleming. N. Y. n. d. 37: 40: 35: 35: 37: 39: 38: 37: 37: 38: 39: 40: 39: 37: 38: 39: 4O: 37: Leip. 1846. sq. 16... With Venetia With, Young duke The same. The same. The same. The siiiiir. HENRIETTA Temple. N. Y. n.d. 8. The same. Leip. 185!(. sq. i6... INFKRXAL marriage, The. With Ixion Th same IXION in heaven, n. t. p. 8 Ixiox; and Vivian Grey. Loud. 1868. 16 LOTIIAIK. N. Y. 1870. 12 The same. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 POPANII.I.A. With Ixion The same .. KISK of Iskander, The. In L. ( . v. 6 626 428 35: 1484 Disraeli, (continued.) The same. Wilh Alroy 37: The same 37: SYBIL; or, the two nations. Leip. 1845. sq. 16 37: The same 37: The same. With Alroy 37: 37: 242 4203 36D7 3371 3100 031! 637 831 1711 2012 10(55 4592 2791 1651 647 SYBIL and Alroy. Lond. 186s. TANCBED; or, the new crusade. Lei]). 1847. 2v.ini. sq. 16 37: The same. N. Y. n. d.8 37; VKXETIA. N. Y. n.d. 8 37: The same. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 37: YEXETIA; and Contarini Fleming. Lond. n. d. 8 37; VIVIAN- Grey. N. Y. n.d. 8 37: The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 37: The same. With Ixion 37: YOUNG duke, The. N. Y. n. d. 8. 37: YOUNG duke, The; and Contarini Fleming, n. t. p. 8 37: The same. Lond. 1868. 16 37: Dissertation upon roast pig. A. C. LAMU. In L. C. v. 5..... 4O: 1615 Dissolved pledge, The. (). RICHARD- SOX. In \V. T. B., v. 10 4O: Distant cousins. Bost. 1872. 16... 4O: DittOD. T. (K.)HooK. In Precepts and practice, v. 3 37: Di Yasari : a tale of Florence. C. E. EDWARDS. T. f. li. v. 8 4O: Diver, The; and the bell. Surgeon s tales. A. LKIGIITON. W. T. B. 35: 3106 35: 3107 37: 3884 4O: 2307 37: 078 37: 657 37: 659 37: 674 37: 658 37: 660 37: 062 37: 661 37: 663 37: 664 37: 679 37: 684 37: 685 37: 665 37: 666 ; 37: 668 1 37: 669 I 37: 668 37: 669 37: 671 37: 672 ! 37: 668 37: 66!> 4O: 38: 658 659 675 673 658 674 677 676 678 680 679 681 682 669 683 684 685 1720 2124 4647 1696 1712 219 3870 1713 Diver of Oman, The. G. P. R. JAMES. In String of pearls Divining rod The. .1. HALL. In Legends of the west 37: Divinity student, The. I). M. Mom. In \V. T. B. v. 3 4O: Dixon, Granby. OAKSUOTT castle; being thn memoir of an eccentric nobleman. Edited by Henrv Kingsley. Lond. 1873. 3~v. sm. 8 37; 701-3 Dixon, William Hepworth. (b. 1821.) SPIRITUAL wives. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 37; 710 Doctor Antonio: a tale of Italy, (i. RCFFIXI 39: 711 The same. Tauclmit/. cd 39: 712 Doctor Austin s guests. W. GII.HKRT. 2v 37: 29H6-7 Contents: Amour inMeoin, I/. v. 1. Banquo s gho.st. v, 2. Imprisoned domon, The. Mr. Gunlon s plight. Olrl nmicl. v /. Patent munia, The. Scientific evening, A love story, v 1. . v. 2. A. v. I. 2985 1022 4O: 1016 The same 37: Doctor Hasilius. A. (T).) DUMAS 37: Doctor Dean s governess. J. INGEI.OW. /// Studies for stories 38: 34 Doctor Faustus. THOMS E. E. It. v. 3 33: 4022 Doctor J. Faust, History of that re nowned arch sorcerer. R. (i. N. v. 1 4O: 1">60 Dr. Goethe s courtship: a tale of do mestic life from the German [of Otto MULLKR, by V. S.] 38:. 3217 Dr. Howell s family. H. B. GOODWIN. 37: 3149 Dr. Huger s intentions. L. C. MOUL- TON. //( Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DOCTOR. 58 DON. Doctor Jacob. M. BETHAM-EI>- WARDS 35: 2061 Doctor Johns. D. G. MITCHELL. (Ik Marcel.) 2v 38:3011-12 Dr. -Marigold s prescriptions. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. With Master Humphrey s clock 37: 497 The same. With Uncommercial traveller 37: 552 The same. In Treasure-trove series. v. 3 40: 170.-! The same, and Mughy junction 37: 464 Doctor -Midclleton s daughter. W. THOMSON-GREGG. 3 v 37:3479-81 Doctor Oldham at Greystones, and his talk there. N. Y. I860. 12 4O: 2127 Doctor Onofrio. W. GILBERT. In Wizard of the mountain, v. 1 37: 2995 Doctor Ox s experiment; and other stories. J.VERNK. Tr. by George M. Towle 39: 3C84 Contents: Ascents of Mont Rhine. Master Zitcharius. Doctor Ox s experiment. Winter in the ice. Drama in the air, A. The same 39: 3685 Dr. 1 lassid s patients. U. LOCKE 38: 1836 Dr. Thome. A. TROLLOPE 39: 3166 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 39: 3167 Doctor Vandyke, a novel. J. E. COOKE 35: 4701 Dr. Wainwright s patient. E. YATKS. 2v.ini 4O: 1206 Doctor s daughter, The. K. S. Cl.ARKK. (Sophie May.) 35: 4346 Doctor s dilemma, The; a novel. H. SMITH 39: 1845 Doctor s family, The. I). M. CRAIK. (formerly .Wiss Mulock.) In Do mestic stories 35: 4914 Doctor s story, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 6 4O: 1716 Doctor s wife, The. M. E. BRAUDON. 2v.ini 35: 2531 Doctors, A book about. J. C. JKAF- HRESON. 2v.ini 33: 2305 Doctors and patients; or, anecdotes of the medical world. J. TIMBS. 2v 33: 4071-2 Doctors commons. C. (J. H.) DIOK- KNS. In Sketches 37: 539 The same 37: 540 The same 37: 541 The same. With Old curiosity shop. 37: 515 The same 37: 517 Dodd family abroad. The. C. LEVER. 38: 1595 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 38: 1596-8 The same. 3 v. in 2 38:1599-1600 Dodge, Mary Abigail. (Gail Hamil ton.) (b. 1838.) KKD-LETTER days in Applethorpe. Bost. 1807. 16 37: 720 Dodge, Mary E. HANS Brinker; or, the silver skates. N.Y. 1876. 12 37: 728 Dodge, Mary Mapcs. INSANITY of Cain, The. In Treasure- trove series, v.l 4O: 1701 Dodge club, The; or, Italy in MDCCCLIX. J. DKMILLE... Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis ( tin-oil). ALICE S adventures in wonderland. Loud. 1872. sm. 8 THROUGH the looking-glass and what Alice found there. Bost. 1872. 16 37: 37: 37: 273 738 739 Doesticks, Q. K. Philander, (pseud.) See THOMSON, M. Doesticks letters. M. THOMSON. (Doesticks) 33: Dog Crusoe: a tale of the prairies. R. M. BALLANTYNK 35: Dog fiend, The ; or Snarleyyow. Capt. F. MAKRYAT 38: The same 38: Dog of Flanders, A ; and other stories. L. de la RAME. (Ouida.) 39: Content* 4024 1456 2573 2572 45 Branch of lilac, A. Dog of Flanders, A. Dog of Flanders, A. In L. C. v. 10.... Dogs and cats. H. ILeaf in the storm, A. Provence rose-, A. L. de la RAME. (E.) 4O: 1620 B. STOWE. In Queer little people 39: Doing and dreaming. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (E. Garrftt.) 38: Doing his best. J. T. TROWBRIDGE. (Paul Creyton.) 39: Doings in Maryland. M. DOUGLASS. [anon.] 37: Doll world ; or, plav and earnest. Mrs. R. O REILLY 38: Dollars and cents. A. WARNER 4O: Dolliver, Clara G. No baby in the house, stories. N. Y. 1870. Contents : Brown noses, The. Bundle of twigs, The. Chee. Cross Christie. Dead bird. The. Doctor s froK, The. First boots, The. " I can wait." Jennie. Dolly and I. Optic.) Dolores. Mrs. and 16.. other 37: 2334 2809 3315 830 3908 165 749 Johnny Checkup. No baby in the house. old man In the ground, The. Over my tea-cup. Princess Ethel, The. Tulkinx to himself. Toy balloon, The. Two Curios. White roses, The. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver 35: 243 FORRESTER 37: 2360 Dombey and son. C. (J. H.) DICK ENS. 2 v 37: The same 37: The same 37: 465-6 467 468 469-71 472-3 The same. Tauchnitx. ed. 3 v 37: The same. 3 v. in 2 37: Domestic goblin Hutchen, The. GRIMM. In K. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 Domestic griefs of Gustavus M lver, The. Alex. LKIGIITON. In W. T. B. v. 10 4O: 1720 Domestic stories. D. M. CRAIK. (fmmerly Miss Mulock.) 35: 4914 Domestic tragedy. Mrs. C. V. HAM ILTON. In Ropes of sand 37: 3923 Dominic. F. HOFFMANN. Tr. by Miss R. H. Schively 37: 4487 Dominie and the souter. (The dom inie s courtship. The souter s wed ding.) J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 7 4O: 1717 Dominie of St. Fillan s, The. A. LKKIIITON. /re W. T. B. v. 10... 4O: 1720 Dominie s class, The. J. M. WILSON. In \V. T. B. v. 6 4O: 1716 Domitia. Mrt. R. S. GREENOUOH. In Arabesques 33: 1705 Don Bucefalo. W. Gilbert. In Wiz ard of the mountain, v. 2 37: 2996 Don Quixote of La Mancha. M. de CERVANTKS SAAVEDRA. 4 v 35: The same 35: The same. Illust. by Dor *A WIT and wisdom of. 33: 3973-6 3977 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DON. I)RAMA. Don Sebastian ; or, the house of Hra- gan/.a. A. M. POKTKR. 4 v Donagh, The; or, the horse stealers. W. CARLKTON. In Traits and sto ries, v. 1 The same Donald 1 eane anil his cross. \V. .). BKADLKY. (Ulance flaylord) Donald (iorm. A. CAMPHKLI.. In \V. T. B. v. 1 Donaldson, .1. I). SKKHKANT Atkins. A tale of advent ure founded on fact. 1 hil. 1871. 12 Donelan, A. M. Sowing and reaping: a tale of Irish life. Lond. 1868. 2 v. sm. 8... VALUE of Fosterstown : a tale of Irish life. Lond. 1871. 2 v. sin. H Donkeyshire militia, The. L. de la KAMK. (Ouida.) With Randolph Gordon Doom of the Griffiths, The. K. C. GASKKLI,. With Lois, the witch... Doom of Sonlis, The. J. M. WILSON. In. \V. T. B., v. 4 Doomed chief, The; or, two hundred years ago. D. P. THOMPSON Doomed house, The. U.S. INUKMAXX. In Danes sketched bv themselves, v. 1 " Dora. -I. IvAVAXAdii The same. Tauchnit/. ed Dora Deane. M. .1. HOI.MKS Dorcas club, The; or, our girls afloat. \V. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) Dorothy: a tale. Leip. J857. sq. 10 Dorothy Kox. L. PAKR Dorr, Mrs. Julia C. K. EXPIATION. 1 hil. 1873. 12 SIBYL Huntiiigton Dorsey, Mrs. Anna 11. COAINA, the rose of the Algonquini. N. Y. 1867. 12 Fi.K.MMiNus, The: a true story. The Notre Dame series of Cath. nov. N. Y. 1869. 12 NORA Brady s vow; and Mona, tlie vestal. 1 hil. 1869. 12 OLD gray rosary, The. " Kefuge of sinners." The Notre Dame series of Cath. nov. N. Y. n. d. 12... ORIKNTAI. pearly or, the Catholic em igrants. Unit. 1873. 16 STI DKNT of Blenheim forest; or, the trials of a convert. Halt. 1867. 12 Dotty Dimple stories. K. S. CLAKKK. (Hup/tie May). Contents: v. 1. Dotty Dimple nt her grandmother s. 2. Dotty Dimple at home. :l r >:434 3. Hotly Dimple out west. ar,:4^. r ,i 4. Dotty Dimple nt play. . IfcJ. M J 5. Dotty Dimple ut school. :l5:43 iO li. Dolly Dimple s flyaway. X>:4 J5t Double house. D. M. CKAIK. (for merly Mint Mulock). With Bread upon the waters Double niiirriuge. C. M. BRAXIK. In Tales from the diary of a sister of mercy _ Double play. W. KVERKTT Double story, A. (}. MACDONAI.D.... 38: IU44-7 35: 3841 35: 3840 35: 40: 2632 1711 37: 759 37: 709-70 37: 771-2 39: 56 37: 2866 4O: 1714 39: 2971 40: 38: 38: 37: 35: 4O: 2 1 2<J 38: 4231 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 782 783 793 794 795 706 797 798 35: 4911 35: 267:i 37: 1771 38: 21G4 1530 661) 670 4566 244 Double wedding, The. C. A. WAR- FIKI.l) Double-bedded room, The. \V. LOGAN. In \V. T. K., v. 3 Doubly false. A. S. STEPHENS Doubt. F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid). In Kbb-tide Doubts anil fears. T. (E.) HOOK. In Sayings anil doings, v. 2 Dougherty. M.A. T. H Hh A winged word Douglas, Amanda M. HOME nook; or, the crown of duty. N. Y. 1875. 12 .".. IN the ranks. Bost. 1872. 16 Ix trust; or, Dr. Bertrand s household. N. Y. 1874. 12 KATHIK S aunt Ruth. Bost. 1871. 16 KATII IK S harvest days. Bost. 1872. 16 " KATHIK S soldiers. Bost. 1872. 16. KATHIK S summer at Cedarwood. Bost. 1861. 16 KATHIK S three wishes. Bost. 1871. 16 LITIA: her problem. N. Y. 1872. 12 OLD woman who lived in a shoe, The. Bost. 1H75. 1(1 SEVKN daughters. Bost. 1874. 16. STEPHEN Dane. Bost. 1867. 12... SYDNIK Adriance; or, trying the world. Bost. 180U. 12" TIIKKK S no place like home. Bost. 1875. 12 WITH fate against him. N. Y. 1870. 12 Douglas, .Matilda. DOIXIIS in Maryland. Phil. 1871. 12 Douglas, (Lndi/ Morton.) In T. F. H., v. 1 . Douglas tragedy, The. T. GILI.KSPIE. Gleanings from the covenant. In \\. T. B., v. 8 Douglass farm. M. E. BRADI.KV .... Dove in the eagle s nest. C. M. YoNGE The same. Tauehnit/. ed. 2 v. in 1. Dow, .Ir. (pseud.) See PAIUK, E. F. Dower house, The : a story. Mr*. P. Cl Di.li . (formerly Annie Tlutmtis.) 3 v Down by the sea. H. T. GRISWOLD. In Stories and sketches. Down i n a saloon. Mrs. M. S. \V A l.K KR. Down in Tennessee. .1. R. GILMOKK. (Edmund Kirke.) Down the Rhine. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic.) Down the river. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic.) Down with the tide. C. (J. H.) DlCKENS. In Hard times The same. In Hunted down The same. In Lamplighter s story... The same. In Tale of two cities Downing, Mrs. Fanny M. ( Viola.) NAMKLKSS: a novel. Raleigh. 1866. 12 Downing, Major Jack, (pseud.) /See SMITH, Seba. Downward :md upward. L. BATES. Drama in the air, A. J. VKRNK. In Dr. Ox s experiment 40: 40: 39: 37: 37: 39: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 830 4O: 2658 4O: 35: 4O: 4O: 140 1713 2205 2197 4649 2T02 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 1718 2616 1273 1274 35: 5092-4 40: 37: 35: 35: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 39 3034 245 246 477 479 481 546 840 35: 1712 39: 3684 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DRAMA. 60 DtTDEVANT. 39; 3685 4581 1520 2006 1323 2312-14 4O: 2130 2131 Frank Austin s diamond. Kagle ci Mg. Tnu to his flag. 35: 35: 35: Drama, (continued.) The same Dramatic Grub street, explored in two letters. ("VV.) W. COLI.INS. In The queen s revenge 35: Dramatic scenes, founded on V. Hu go s Tragedy of Hernani. Lord V. L. GOWKK. In C ]iil>book 4O: Drawing a badger. H. SPICKR. In Bound to please, yfi 39: Drawn from life. k Sketches of young Indies, young gentlemen, and young couples. C. (J. H.) DICKENS 33: Dra wn from life. A. FORBES. 3 v... 37: Drayton. A story of American life. N. Y. 1851. 12 Drayton ball ; or, Lawrence Bron- son s victory, and other tales illus trating the beatitudes. By the author of Nettie s mission. Lond. 1871. sm. 8 4O: Oontent* : Lawrence Bronsorrs victory. Christy s grandson Allan Haywood. Draytons and the Davenants, The. Mrs. K. R. CHARLKS The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Dreadful ghost, A. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock.) In Un kind word The same 35: Dreadful story of Macpherson. J. HOGG. (Ettrick Shepherd.) In. Winter evening tales, v. 1 Dream, The. A. CAMPBELL. In W. T. K., v. 7 Dream children, The. C. LAMB. In L. C, v. 4 Dream life. 1). G. MITCH KI.L. (Ik Marrel.) Dream numbers. T. A. TROLLOPS.... Dream of a broken heart, The. In W. S. C. L., v. 5 The same Dreamland by daylight. C. CHESE- 11110 Dreamthorp. A. SMITH. In L. C., v. 4 Dred ; or, Nina Gordon. II. (K.) li. STOWK 39: The same. 2v 39: Drewry, Edith Stewart. BAPTIZBD with a curse. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 37: Drifted and sifted: a domestic chron icle of the seventeenth century. By the author of Until shadows flee away Drifting and steering. L. PALMKR... Drifting goodward. M. J. LAMB Drinkers of ashes. Kirs. C. V. HAM ILTON. In Hopes of sand 37: Driven from the path. A novel. Dr. Charles SMART, ed 39: Driven to sea; adventures of Norrie Seton. G. CUPPLES 35: Droich, The. A. LEIOHTON. In W. T. H. v. 4 4O: Dropped from the clouds. J. YKRNK. Same as Wrecked in the air 39: Droz, Gustave. AROUND a spring. N. Y. 1873. lf> 37: BABOLAIN. A novel. N. Y. 1873. 16 37: 4075 4076 4943 4944 37: 40: 40: 33: 39: *15: 34: 35: 40: 40: 38: 38: 4521 1717 1614 3021 3253 4915 4175 4192 1G14 2324 2322-3 850-2 2132 4122 1302 3923 1761 5162 1714 3686 860 861 Drunkard s death, The. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. With Barnaby Rudge... 37: The same. In Sketches 37: The same 37: The same 37: The same 37: Drury, Anna Harriet. EASTHURY. A tale. N. Y. 1856. 12 37: MISREPRESENTATION. A novel. N. Y. 1868. 8 37; NORMANS, The; or, kith and kin. Lond. 1870. 2 v. sm. 8 37: STORY of a shower, The. A novel. Lond. 1872. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8... 37: Dubois, Charles. MADAME Agnes. Tr. by M. P. T. N. Y. 1874. 8 37: DuBoys, J. COUNTESS of Monte-Cristo. Phil. n. d. 8 37: Duchess of Trajetto. A. MANNING.. 38: Dudevant, Madame Amatine Lucile Aurore Dnpin. ((leorge Sand.) (1804-1876.) ANTONIA. (Tr. of Aiitonia.) Bost. 1870. 12 37: CESARINE Dietrich. (Cfsiirine Diet rich.) Tr. by E. Stanwood. Bost. 1871. 8 37: CONSUELO. (Consuelo.) Tr. by Fay- ette Robinson. Phil. 1870. 12. 37: The same. Phil. 1861. 8 37: CORSAIR, The 37: COUNTESS of Rudolstadt, The. (Tr. of La ^comtesse de Kudolstadt.) Se quel to Consuelo 37: FANCHON; the cricket. (Tr. of La petite Fudette.) Phil. n. d. 12... 37: HANDSOME Lawrence. (Le beau Lawrence.) A sequel to A rolling stone. Tr. by Carroll Owen. Bost. 1871. 8.... 37: INDIANA, a love story. (Tr. of Indi ana.) Phil. n. d." 12 37: JEALOUSY. Phil. n. d. 12. Same .? Teverino 37: JOURNEYMAN joiner, The; or, the companion of the tour of France. (Le compagnon du tour de France). Tr. by Francis Geo. Shaw. N. Y. 1847." 12 37: LAST Aldini, The. (Tr. of La der- niere Aldini) 37: M LI.E Merquem. (Tr. of Mademoi selle Merguem). N. Y. 1868. 12. 37: MAUijns de Villemer. (Le Marquis de Villemer). Tr. by R. Keeler. Bost. 1871. 8 37: MAUPRAT. A novel. (Manprat). Tr. by Virginia Yaughan. Bost. 1870. 16 37: Mn.LER of Angibault. (Le meunier <f Angibault). Tr. by Mary K. Dewey. Bost. 1871. 12 37: MONSIEUR Antoine. (Tr. of La pfche de Monsieur Antoine). Phil. n. d. MONSIEUR Sylvestre. (Tr. of Mon sieur Nylveatre.). Bost. 1870. 16. MY sister Jeannie, a novel. (Jeanne). Tr. by S. R. Crocker. Bost. 1874. 16 ROLLING stone, A. (Tr. of Pierre qni roulc). Bost. 1871. 8. For se quel see Handsome Lawrence 37: 37: 37: 37: 435 539 540 541 542 872 873 8T4-5 876 886 896 2465 903 902 904 905 906 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 920 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DUDEVAXT. Cl DUMAS. Dudevant, (continued.) SIMON. A love storv. (Tr. of Simon). Phil. n. d. 8 37: 921 SNOW man, The. (L homme de neige), Tr. by Virginia Vaughan. Bot. 1871. 12 37: 922 TKVKKINO. (Tr. of Teverino). N. Y. 1855. 12 37: 923 Dudley Curlyon. M. K. BRADDON 35: 2532 Dudley castle. M. M. SHKRWOOD. In Works, v. 13 39: 1648 Duellists, The. In T. f. B. v. 10 4O: 1697 Duke and cousin, The. Mrs. E. C. GREY 37: 3496 Duke of Monmouth. G. GRIFFIN 37: 3556 Duke s dilemma, The : a chronicle of Neisenstein. In T. f. B., v. 4 4O: 1094 Duke s honour, The. E. WII.BER- FORCE. 3 v 4O: 485-7 Dulcken, H. \V. HAPPY-DAY stories for the young;. Lond. 1875. 4 ". .".. A. Dumas, Alexandra, (fits). CAMILLE; or, the fate of a coquette. ( Tr. of La dame aux Came lias). Phil. 1860. 12 37: 950 Dumas, Alexandra (Davy). (1802- 1870). AcTe of Corinth; or, the convert of St. Paul. (Tr. of Aeif). fin. n. d. 8 37: 960 ADVENTURES of a Marquis: a novel. Phil. 1804. 8 37: 961 A.MAVRY. (Antimry). Tr. by E. P. N. Y. 1871. 8 37; 962 ANDReE de Taverney. (Tr. of part of La Comlcsie de Cfiurny. from v. 4, ch. 23, ed. Levy in 6 v., to end of V. B.) Phil. n. d. 8 37; 9fi:i ASCANIO; or, the sculptor s appren tices : an historical romance of the sixteenth century. (Aicanio). Tr. bv Eugene Lies and Eugene Plun- kett. N. Y. 1871. 8 37: 964 The same. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 1020 BF.AU Tancrcde. Same as The mar riage verdict. BLACK tulip, The: a novel. (Tr. of La tulipe noire). Phil. n. d. 8. 37: 905 BLANCH K of Bcaulieu. ( Tr. of Blanche de Beaulieu). With The twin lieutenants 37: 1015 liRAiiEi.ONNE, the son of Athos. (Tr. of part of Jjf. Vicomte de firagelontie, from v. 1, ch. 1, to v. 2, ch. 32 inc., ed. Levy in 6 v.) Phil. n. d. 8. 37: 966 The same. Lond. n. d. 2 v. 16. 37; 1028-9 CHEVALIER d llannental; or, love and conspiracy. (Le Chevalier d"II/irmental). Tr. by P. F. Christin and Eugene Lies. N. Y. 1872. 8. 37: 968 CHEVAI.IKR of Maison-Houge, The. (Tr. of I,e< lieralier de liaison-rouge). Phil. n. d. 8 37: 969 CIIICOT, the jester; or, the lady of Monsoreau. Lond. n. d. 16. Same as Diana of Meridor. With Ascanio 37: 1020 CONSCRIPT, The : an historical novel of the days of the first Napoleon. (Tr. of Conscience Vinnocent). Phil. 1874. 12 39: 970 CONSPIRATORS, The; or, the Chevalier d llarnipntal. Lond. n. d. 10. \\ M Doctor Basilius 37: 1022 Dumas, A. (D.), (continued.) CONVERT of St. Paul ; or, Acte of Corinth. Cin. n. d. 8 37: COHSICAN brothers, The. (Tr. of Lcs freres Corses). Phil. 1866. 8.... 37: COUNT of Monte-Cristo. (Tr. of Le ciimte de Montecristo). Phil. n. d. 8 37: The same. Lond. n. d. 2v.ini. 10 37: COUNT of Moret; or, Richelieu and his rivals. Phil. n. d. 8 37: COUNTESS de Charny. (Tr. of part of La Comte.s$e de Charny, from v. 1 , ch. 1, to v. 4, ch. 22 inc., ed Levy in6v.) Phil. n. d. 8 37: The same. Lond. n. d. 16. With The queen s necklace 37: COUNTESS of Salisbury 37: DIANA of Meridor; or, the lady of Monsoreau. (Tr. of La dame de Monsoreau). Phil. 1873. 8 37: DISPUTED inheritance, The. Aber-. deen. 1847. 12. Same as Mar riage verdict 37: DOCTOR Basilius. Lond. n.d. 16. 37: EDMOND Dantos; sequel to the Count of Monte-Cristo. (?) Phil. n. d. 37: EMMANUKL-PlIII.IIiKRT. (Tr. of Le page du Due de Sarnie ) . X. Y. 1854. 16 37: FALLEN ANGEL, The. (Tr. of Fer- nande). Phil. 1865. 8 37: FEI.INA de Chambure. Phil. n.d. 8. 37: FORESTERS, The. (Tr. of Catherine ftlum). N. Y. 1854. 12 37: FORTY-FIVE guardsmen, The. (Tr. of LCK Quarante-ciny). Phil. n. d. 8 37: GEORGE; or, the planter of the Isle of France. (Tr. of Georges) Phil. n.d. 8 37: HALF brothers, The; or, the head and the hand. Tr. by L. Lawford. Lond. 1858. 16. Same as The iron hand 37: HORRORS of Paris, The. (Tr. of part of Les Mohicans de Paris, fr. eh. 52 to ch. 98 inc.) Phil. 1861. 8... 37: IRON hand, The; or, the knight of Mauloon. (Tr. of Le britdrd de Maulron). Phil. n. d. 8 37: IRON mask, The. (Tr. of part of Le Vicomte de Bragelonne, from v. 2, ch. 33 to v. 5, ch. 4 inc., ed. LcVy in 6v.) Phil. 1864. 8 . 37: ISABKL of Bavaria. (Tr. of Isabel de Bavu re). Phil. n. d. 8 37: KxKiiiT of Mauleon, The. Same an The iron hand. LOUISE la Yalliere. (Tr. of part of Le Vicomte de Hragdonnc. from v. 5, ch. 5, to end of v. 6.) Phil. n. d. 8 37: LOVE and liberty. Phil. 1870. 12 37: MADAME de Chamblay. (Tr. of Madame deChambtay). Phil. 1872. 8 37: MARGUERITE do Yalois. (Tr. of La reine Margot). N. Y. n. d. 8.... 37: MAKRIAGE verdict The. (Tr. of Nylvatultre). Phil. n. d. 8 37: MKMOIR of a maitre d armes. (Tr. of Le maitre d armes). In Trav. Lib. Fict. v. 2 4O: 973 1021 974 975 1025 976 977 978 1022 979 980 981 982 1184 985 980 988 989 991 992 993 994 995 99G 997 998 1692 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DUMAS. 62 EAULE. 37: 37: Dumas, A. (D.), (continued.) MEMOIRS of a. Physician. (Tr. of Memoires d ttn Me decin: Joseph Hal- samo). Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Lond. n. d. 2 v. in 1. 16 MOHICANS of Paris, The. A novel. (Tr. of part of Les Mohicans de Paris, chs. 1 to 51 inc.) Phil. 1875. 8 NANON : or, woman s war. (Tr. of La guerre des femmes). Lond. n. d. 16 QUEEN S necklace, The. (Tr. of Le collier de la reine). Phil. n. d. 2 v. in !. 8 37; The same. Lond. n. d. 16 REGENT S daughter, The. (La fdle du regent). Tr. by Charles H. Town. N. Y. 1840. 8 ROSA Woodville; or, the jailor s daughter. N. Y. n. d. 8 Six years later. (Tr. of Ange Pitou). Phil. n. d. 8 TAKING the Bastilc; or, six years later. Lond. n. d. 2 v. in 1. 16. THREE guardsmen, The. (Tr. of Les trois mouxijuetaires). Phil. n. d. 8 TIIKEK musketeers, The. Lond. n. d. 16 TWENTY years after. (Tr. of Vingt a/is upres). Phil. n. d. 8 The same. With The three mus keteers 37: TWIN lieutenants, The; or, the sol dier s bride. (Tr. of Le capitaine Richard). Phil. n. d. 8 Two Dianas, The. (Tr. of Les deux Diane). Lond. n. d. 16. With Nanon 37: VICOMTE de Bragelonne; or, ten years later. Lond. n. d. 2 v. 16. WAR of women, The. Same as Nanon 1. Memoirs of a physician. 2. The queen s necklace. :i. Six years later. 4. The Countess de Charny. 5. Andree de Taverney. U. The chevalier of Maison- Rouge. II. 1. The three guardsmen. 2. Twenty years after. :i. Bragelonne, the son of Athos. 4. The iron mask. 5. Louise la Valliere. III. 1. Diana of Meridor. 2. Marguerite de Valois. 3. The torty-tive guardsmen. IV. 1. The Mohicans of Paris. 2. The horrors of Paris. Nnte. Chapters 00 to 151 of Lex Mohicans dc Paris are not included in the ahove translation. Dumb love. J. A. MUS.EUS. C. G. R. v. l 35: Dumb lover, The. J. A. MUS.EUS. K. G. N. v. 3 4Q: Dummy. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 2 37: Dun, The. M. EDGEWORTH. In her N. and T. v. 3 37: Duncan Campbell. D. DEFOE. In N. and misc. works, v. 6 34: 999 1023 37: 1000 37: 1024 37: 37: 1005 1025 37: 1007 37: 1030 37: 1010 37: 1026 37: 1013 37: 1027 37: 1014 37: 1027 37: 1015 37: 1024 37: 1028-9 3873 1562 3883 1498 1022 Duncan Campbell. J. Hooo. (Ettrick Hhephcrd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 ............................... Duncan M Arthur. A C<AMPBKI,L. 7n W. T. B. v. 4 ....................... Duncan Schulebred s vision of judg ment. A. LEIOIITON. In W. T. B. v. 3 .................................... Duncan s yarn, Tom. O. RICHARD SON. / W. T. B. v. 5 ............... Dunning, A. K. CONTRADICTIONS. Bost. 1869. 12. Dupuy, Miss Eliza A. ALL for love; or, the outlaw s bride. Phil. 1873. 12 ........................ CANCELLED will, The. Phil. 1872. 12 .......................................... CLANDESTINE marriage, The. Phil. 1875. 12 ................................. COUNTRY neighborhood, The. N. Y. 1855. 8 ................................... DETHRONED heiress, The. Phil. 1873. 12 .......................................... DISCARDED wife, The; or, will she succeed? Phil. 1873. 12 ......... GIPSY S warning. Phil. 1873. 12. HIDDEN sin; a sequel to The dethroned heiress. Phil. 1874. 12 .......... How he did it. Phil. 1871. 12.... HUGUENOT exiles, The; or, the times of Louis XIV: a historical novel. N. Y. 1856. 12 ....................... MICHAEL Rudolph: the bravest of the brave. Phil. 1870. 12 ........ MYSTERIOUS guest, The. Phil. 1873. 12 .......... . ............................... NEW way to win a fortune. Phil. 1875. 12 ................................. PLANTER S daughter, The. Phil. 1858. 12 ................................. WHO shall be victor? Phil. 1872. 12. Sequel to The cancelled will. WHY did he marry her? Phil. n.d. 12 .......................................... Dura Den; or, second thoughts are best. T. Gii.LEsriK. Professor s tales. W. T. B., v. 5 ............................. Durnton abbey. T. A. TROLLOPS ..... Dutchman s fireside. J. K. PAUL- DING ......................................... Dying sheep, The. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In Philip and his garden ........................... Dynevor terrace. C. M.YoNQB ...... .. The same. 2v .............................. The same. Taucbnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. E - , E. V. OLIVIA S lovers. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 ....................................... E - , H. S. FAIRLY won ; or, the heiress of En- derleigh. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 ...... ...................................... E - , L. R. 37; 4 521 4O: 1714 4O: 1713 4O: 1715 37; 1050 37: 1060 37: 1001 37: 1062 37: 1063 37: 1064 37: 37: 1065 1066 37: 37: 1067 1068 PACE that kills, The. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 ............................... Each for himself; or, the two adven turers. F. GERRT/ECKEB .............. Eagle and dove. Tr. from the Fr. of M lle FI.EUKIOT, by E. Bowles ...... Eagle crag. With Drayton hall ........ Eagle pass: life on the border. C. MONTGOMERY ............................. 37: 1069 37: 1070 37; 1071 37: 1075 37; 1072 37: 1073 37: 1074 4O: 1715 39: 3254 38: 4253 39: 3068 4O: 1277 4O: 1275-6 4O: 1278 37:1410-12 37: 1401-3 37: 1406-8 37: 2930 37: 4O: 2268 2131 38: 3070 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. EARL. 63 Earl Whiting; or, the career of a nameless boy. M. A. ATKINS ...... 35: 8.">o Barl a daughter. K. M. SEWKLI ....... 39: 1574 Earl s dene, The. R. E. FKANCII.I.OX. 37: 2435 Earl s promise. Mrs. J. H. KIDDELL. 39: 38: 35: 367-9 4147 4077 Earl s secret. J. PAKUOE ................. Early dawn. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES ..... Early English prose romances. Ed. by W. .1. Thorns. 3 v ..................... 33:4020-22 Early friendships. Mrs. E. COPLEY. 35: 4825 Early recollections of a son of the hills. T. GiLLKsriK. IitVf.T.tt., v. 2 .......................................... 4O: 1712 Earthquake of Carnccas : a tale of Venezuela. By the author of Cam paigns and cruises in Venezuela. In \V. S. C. L., v. 2 ..................... 34: 4172 The same ..................................... *15: 4!H2 East Lynne. E. V. [Mrs. Henry] WOOD. N. Y. n.d. 8 .......... ".. 4O: 680 The same. Tauchnitx. ed. 3 v. in 2. 4O: 687-8 Eastbury. A. H. DRVRY ............... 37: 872 Eastern side; or, missionary life in Siam. Mrs. F. H. FKUDOK ........... 37: 2112 Eastman, Julia A. KOMNEYS of Hidgemont. Bost. 1871. 16 .......................................... 37: 1420 SCHOOL days of Beulah Romney. Bost. 1872. 16 ........................ 37: 1421 Easy Warren. W. T. CoCHiESHALL. In Home hits and hints ............... 35: 4508 Eavesdropping. H. SIMCER. In Brought to book. v. 1 ............... 39: 2097 Ebb-tide and other stories. F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid) ............ 37: 2197 Contents: Ponbt. I Miss Ingleshy s sister-in-law. Ebb-tide. | Story of a scar. Eben Erskinc. J. GALT. 3 v ........... 37: 2777-9 Ebers, George. l)Ai"(iHTKH of an Egyptian king. Phil. 1871. 12 ...... " ................. 37: 1430 Ebon and Gold. C. L. Mcli.VAi.v ..... 38: 2240 Ecce Femina; or, the woman Zoe. C. PINE .................................... 38: 4r>40 Eccentricities for Edinburgh. G. COLEMAN, Jr. In Broad grin8 ...... 33: 1211 Economy. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 13 ............................ 39; 1048 Eddy, Daniel C. . I KKCY family, The. Bost. 1868. 5 v. 16 ................................... 37:1440-44 Gmtents : 1. Visit to Ireland. .17:1444. 2. Through Scotland and Kngland. 37:1443. ;i. Paris to Amsterdam. :17:1442. 4. Baltic to Vesuvius, The. 37:1441. 6. Alps and the Rhine, The. 37:1440. WALTER S tour in the East. N. Y. 1869. 5 v. 16 ......................... 37:1446-50 Contents : 1. Walter in Egypt. 37:1448. Walter in Jerusalem. :i7:1440. Walter in Snmarin. 37:14S<>. Walter in Ihimascus. 37:1447. Walter in Constantinople. 37:1440. Walter in Athens. 37:1445. Ede, Charles. WARM hearts in cold regions: a tale of Arctic life. Lend. 1870. l .......................................... Edelweiss. B. AUERHACH. Tr. by E. Frothingham ........................ Eden, Hon. Kmily. SEMI-ATTACHED couple. Lond. I860. 2 v. 12 ................................... SEMI-DETACHED house. Lond. 1859. 12 .......................................... 37: 35: 1460 877 37:1469-70 37: 1471 Eden in England, An. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3344 Edersheim, A. MIRIAM Kosenhnum: a story of Jew ish life. Bost. 1N73. 1B 37; 148d Edgar Barton. \V. KNHJHTON. , i v. 38:1078-80 Edgar Clifton; or, right and wrong. C . ADAMS 35; IH;S Edgar Huntley; or, memoirs of a sleep-walker. C. B. HKOWN 35: 2!>8!t Edged tools. S. S. ROBBINS 39: 451 Edgeworth, Maria (17fi4-184 .i). BELINDA; Modern Griselda. Lond. 1820. 2v. 16 37: 1488-H CHERRY-ORCHARD. With Harry and Lucy 37; l-j!i3 The same. With Rosamond 37: 1508 FRANK. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. 16.... 37:14!>0-!1 HARRINGTON; Thoughts on bores. Ormond. N. Y. 1859. 12 37: 14112 HARRY and Lucy; to which arc added Little dog Trusty, The cherry- orchard, The orange man. Lond. 1858. 10 37; 141>3 HELEN. In her Novels and tales. v. 10 37; 1.105 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 3... 34: 4173 Thesame *15: 4iii:s LITTLE dog Trusty. Wiih Harry and Lucy 37; 1493 Thesame. With Rosamond 37: 1508 MODERN Griselda. With Belinda 37; 1481) Thesame. /n Aer N . and T v. 5. 37: 1500 MORAL tales. N. Y. 18U7. 2 v. 16. 37: 1494-5 GmtmtA : Angelina, v. 2. Knapsack, The: a dramn, Forester, v. 1. v. 2. Good Hint, v. 1. Mademoiselle Panache, v. 2. Good French governess, I Prussian Vase, v. 1. v. 2. MURAD the unlucky. In L. C. v. 12. 4O: 1G22 The same. In her N. and T. v. 3. 37: 14118 Thesame. In Popular tales, v. 2. 37: 1507 NOVELS and tales. N. Y. n. d. 20 v. in 10. 12 37:1490-1505 Content*: Absentee, V 5. Almeria, v. 4. Angelina, v. 2. Belinda, v. r>. Castle Raekrent, v. 1. Contrast, v. :. Dramas, v. 2, 8. Dun, The, v. 3. Emilie deCoulanges,v. 5. Ennui, v. 3. Forester, v. 1. Good aunt, The, v. 1. Good French governess, v. 2. Grateful negro. The, v. 3. Harrington, v. 9. Helen, v. 10. Irish Lulls, v. 1. Knapsack : a drama, v. 2. Lame Jervas, v. 2. Leonora, v. 7. Letters of .Julia and Car oline, v. 7. Limerick gloves, v. 2. Lottery, v. 2. ORANOE man, The. Lucy , The same. II "ith It comic Love and law : drama, v. 8. Madame de Fleury, v. 6. Mademoiselle 1 atwln , \ Maneuvering, v. 4. Manufacturers, The, v. Modern Uriselda, v. . r >. Moral tales, v. 1, 2. Murad the unlucky, v. Ormond, v. 0. Out of debt, out of danger, v. 2. Patronage, v. 7, 8. Popular tales, v. 2, 3. Prussian vase, The, v. 1. Rosannft, v. 2. Rose, thistle and shamrock : a drama, v. 8. Self-justification, v. 1. Tales of fashionable life, v. 3-fi. Thoughts on bores, v. 9. To-morrow, v. 3. Vivian, v 4. Will, The, v. 2. With Harry and 37: isamond 37: ORMONP. With Harrington 37: The same. In her N. and T. v. 1). 37: POPULAR tales. N. Y. 1800. 2 v. 16 37: 150G-7 1508 1402 1504 Contrast, The, v. 2. Grateful negro, T. 2. Lame .Tervns, v. I. Limerick gloves, v. 1. Lottery, v. 1. Manufacturers, The, v. 2. Murad the unlucky, v. 2. Out of debt, out of danger, v. 1. To-mnrrow, v. 2. Will, The, v. 1. PROSK FICTION: ENGLISH. EDOEWOKTH. EiniENIJORFK. Edgeworth, (continued.) ROSAMOND, and other tales. N. Y. n. d. 12 37: 1508 Contents : Cherry-orchard. Garry Owen ; or, tho snow woman. Little dog Trusty ; or, the liar and the boy of truth. Orange man ; or, the honest hoy and the thief. PoorXob; the chimney-sweeper. THOUGHTS on bores. With Harring ton 37: 1492 The same. Inker N. and T. v. 9. 37: 1504 Edith. ( . A. LKK. 2v.ini 38: 1406 Edith : the backwoods girl. L. 0. TUTIIII.I 39: 3386 Edith Lyle. M. J. HOLMES 37: 4579 Edith s mistake; or, left to herself. J. WOODVILLE 4O: 817 Edma and Marguerite. Mine. WOL- I.IEZ 4O: 605 Edmond Dantos: sequel to the Count of Monte-Cristo. A. (D.) DUMAS. 37: 979 Edmund Dawn. C. W. BEEHEE. (Ravenswooil) 35: 1872 Edna Hrowning; or the Leighton homestead. M. J. HOLMES..! 37: 45C7 Edward and Mary. R. H. DANA. In Poems and prose writings, v. 1... 34: 994 Edward Mansfield. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 8 39; 1643 Edward, Prince, ton of Henry III. In Tales of heroes 4O: 2670 Edwards, Amelia Blandford. BARBARA S history. N. Y. 1868. 8. 37: 1515 The same. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 37: 1516 DKUEXIIAM S vow. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 37: 1518 FOUR-FIFTEEN express, The. In L. C. v. 8 4O: 1618 The same. In Monsieur Maurice, v. 3 37: 1529 HALF a million of money. N. Y. 1866. 8 37: 1519 The same. Leip. 1865. 2v.ini. sq. 16 37: 1520 HAND and glove. N. Y. I860. 8. 37: 1521 Thesame. Leip. 1865. sq. 16... 37: 1522 IN the days of my youth. Phil. 1874. 12 ~. 37: 1523 LADDER of life, The. N.Y. 1865. 8 37: 1524 Miss Carew. N. Y. 1871. 8 37: 1525 The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 37: 1526 AIoNsiK.i R Maurice: anew novelette; and other tales. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 1527-9 Ormtents : I. Cabaret of the Break of day, The. Engineer s story, An. Monsieur Mnurice. Vendetta. II. In the confessional. New pans, The. Night on the borders of the Bhtek- forest, A. Service of danger, A. Htory of Ernst Christian Schoeffer. Story of Salome. III. All-saints eve : a story of circumstantial evidence. Four-fifteen express, The. Sister Johanna s story. Tragedy in the Palazzo Bardello. My brother s wife: a life history. N. Y. 1872. 8 .".. 37: 1530 Edwards, Mrs. Annie. ARCHIK Lovcll. N.Y. 1871. 8... 37: 1540 The same. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 37: 1541 ESTELLE. N.Y. 1874. 12 37: 1542 Edwards, Mrs. A., (continued.) LEAH; it woman of fashion 37: Miss Forrester. N.Y. 1873. 8... MORALS of May fair. Same us Philip Earnscliffe ORDEAL for wives: a novel, Lond. 1865. 3 v. 12 Thesame. N.Y. 1872. 12 OUGHT we to visit her? N.Y. n. d. 8 PHILIP Earnscliffe. N. Y. 1873. 8. POINT of honor, A. N.Y. 1870. 8. STEVEN Lawrence, yeoman. N. Y. 1871. 8 Thesame. Leip. 1869. 2v.ini. sq. 16 SUSAN Fielding. N. Y. n. d. 8... VAGABOND heroine, A. N. Y. 1873. 12 Edwards, H. Sutherland. MALVINA. Lond. 1871. 3 v. srn. 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 1555 1543 1544-6 1547 1548 1549 1 550 37: 1551 37: 37: 1552 1553 37: 1554 37: 40: Edwin Brothertoft. T. WINTHROI*.. Edwin Drood, Mystery of. C. (J. H. DICKENS 37: Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 37: The same. With Uncommercial trav eller 37: The same. C. (J. H.) DICKENS and Thos. P. JAMES 37; Edwin Drood, sequel to. Nee John Jasper s secret. Edwin Drood. See NEWELL S Cloven foot. Effie s game: how she lost and how she won. C. CLAYTON. 2 v Effie s prayer. E. BARLEE Egan, 1 icrce. FAIR Rosamond; or the queen s vic tim. N. Y. 1852. 8 FLOWER of the flock, The. Lond. n. d. 3 v. sm. 8 Eggleston, Edward. CIRCUIT rider, The: a tale of the heroic age. N.Y. 1874. 12 EXD of the world, The : a love story. N. Y. 1872. 12 ".. HOOSIKR school-master, The. N. Y. 1871. 12 MYSTERY of Metropolisville. N. Y. 1873. 12 SCHOOLMASTER S stories, for boys and girls. Bost. 1874. 12 . Obnteilte : Bob-o-link and the owl. Bound boy. Chairs in council. Crooked Jack. Famine and a feast. Flat tail, the benver. Funny little old woman. Great Panjandrum him self. Indian friend. Kitty s forty. La?,v Larkiii and the Job- lilies. Mr. Blake s walking stick Mocking-bird s singing school. Eggleston, George Cary. Bio brother, The. N. Y. Eglantine. E. TABOR 39: Egypt Ennis; or, prisons without walls. K. ETIIEKIDGK 37: Eichendorff, Joseph von. (1788- 1857.) MEMOIRS of a good-for-nothing. Tr. by Chas. Godfrey Leland. N. Y. 1866. 12 1570-2 624 503 504 35: 35: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: Pickaninny, The. Polly Strnder, the fenmlo trnpper ProHigiite prince, The. Shoemaker s secret, The. Simon an-i the garuly. Simple Simon. Story of a flutter-wheel. Swim in the darkness, A. WhMt the tea-kettle said. Widow Wiggins wonderful cat. Wood chopper s children. Young soap-boiler. 4376-7 1615 1581 1580-2 1591 1592 1 593 1 594 1875. 12. 37: 1603 2714 1756 37: 1610 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ElI.OAKT. 65 ELLIS. Eiloart, Mrs. (\ J. Bov with an idea, The. N. Y. 1874. i- 37: 1020 CUKATK S discipline, The. N. Y. 1867. 8 37: 1621 FitoM thistles grapes? N. Y. 1871. 8 37: 1022 LADY Moretoun s daughter. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8.". 37; 1 023-5 LOVK that lived, The. N. Y. 1875. 8 ;... 37: 1020 M A DAM K Silva s secret. Lond. 1809. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 1627-9 Ot T of her sphere. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 37; 1030-2 ST. Bedes. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8. 37: 1033-5 WOMAN S wrongs. Phil. n. d. 12. 37: 1636 Eirene ; or, a woman s right. M . CI.KMMER (Ames) 35; 4420 Eisenbach ; or, the adventures of a stranger. A. PICKEN. In Club- book 4O: 1520 Ekkoes from Kentucky. I). K. LOCKK. {Petroleum V. Nasbi/) 33; 2619 I Eleanor Clare s journal for ten years. In N. and T. v. f> 4O: 1646 | Eleanor s victory. M. E. BRADDON. 2v.ini . 35: 2533 Eleanor s visit. J. II. MATHKWS 38: 2092 Elective affinities. . I. W. von GOETHE. 37: 3113 The same. In his N. and T 34: 1259 Elena: an Italian tale. L. X. COMYN. 35: 4648 Elephant club, The. M. THOMSON. ( Doestickx) 33: 4025 Elfred. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 0. 35: 41 Elfreda. E. LKSI.IE 38: 1547 Eli Perkins: his sayings and doings. M. I). LANDON. (Eli Perkins)...... 38: 1316 Elia ; or, Spain 50 years ago. ( . Bom. D ARROM. (Fernan CabaUero) 35: 2311 Elinor Preston, ^frs. M. A. M.SAM- LIKR 39: 1015 Eliot, George, (pseud.) See LKWKS Mn. M. ".I. Eliza Anderson. A. OAKY. In Pic tures of country life 35: 3U1H Eliza Desjires; or the fatal effects of reading bad books. Tr. from the French, ( in. 1861. 18 4Q: 2133 Eliza Metcalfs basket; or, policy not principle. E. LKSLIE 38: 1548 Eliza \Vharton; or, the coquette. H. FOSTKR 37; 2420 Elizabeth ; or, exiles of .Siberia. Mdf. COTTIN 35; 4882 Elizabeth, Story of. Mist A. I. TIIAI-KKRAY : 39: 2863 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39; 2864 Ella; or, turning over a new leaf. W. SIMOMIS. ( Walter Aimirell) 39: 1705 Ella of Garvcloch. H. MARTINKAU. In Illus. of polit. econ. v. 2 38: 2640 Ellen Arundcl. W. JXKJAN. In W. T. B. v. 5 4O: 1715 Ellen do Vere : sequel to Harry Ash- ton. J. F. SMITH 39: 1803 Ellen Eskdale. Mrs. S. S. Eu.is. In Pictures of private life. v. 1 37; 1687 Ellen Harrington. Mrs. MKKKDITH. In Lace-makers 38: 2925 Ellen Linn : a Franconia story. .1. ABBOTT 35: 28 Ellen Middlcton. LadyG. FUI.I.KRTON. 37: 2551 Ellen Montgomery s book-shelf. S. and A. If. WAKNEB. 5 v. 1077 4432 37: 1650 Mission of genius. Mozart, W. A. Old musician, The (F. ISach) Palestrina. Tamburini, Antonio. Tartina, fi. Three leaves from the diary of a traveller. Young tragedian, (Lablnche). 1659 1600 1608 (pseud.) See BRONTB, Ellen, M., (continued.) Contents: 1. Mr. Rutherford s children. 40:203 3. Sybil and Chryssa. 40: 20G :i. Hard maple. 4<>:2ni 4. Curl Krinken. 40:202 5. Casper and his friends. 4(1:200 Ellen Norbury. E. BENNETT 35; Ellen \\areham; or, love and duty. E. PicKKRiNd "... 38: Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Fries, (b. 1818). NOI-VELI.ETTES of the musicians. N. Y. 1851. 8 Contents: Artist s Lesson. Bach. K. and S. Beethoven, L. von. Bellini, V. Gluck in Paris. Handel, li. F. Haydn, J. Liszt, Francis. Love rcrsux taste. Elliot, Frances. ITALIANS, The. N. Y. 1875. 12.. 37: ROMANCE of old court-life in France. N. Y. 1873. 8 37- Elliott, Alfred. FORKST, jungle, and prairie. Lond. 1868. 8 37- Elliott family, The ; or, New York seamstresses. C. BURDKTT 35: Ellis Bell. Emily. Ellis, Mrs. Sarah Stickney. (b. 1812). CHAPTERS on wives. N. Y. 1860. 12 Contents : Forest farm. George Milbank. Isabel. FAMILY secrets; or, hints to those who would make home happy. Lond. n. d. 3 v. 8 37: Contents : Confessions of a maniac, v. 1. Dangers of dining out, v 1. Favorite child, v. 1. Fireside recollections, v. 3. First impressions, v. 2. The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 16. 34: Contents : Confessions of a maniac. Dangers of dining out. Kate Somerville; or, Somerville Hall. Rising tide. The same *15; The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 17. *15: Cmtentt: Favourite child, The. FIRST impressions. N. Y. 1854. 16. 37: The same. In Family secrets, v. 2. 37: LOOK to the end; or, the Bennets abroad. N. Y. 1863. 8 37: 1682 .MIXISTKR S family, The. N. Y. 1852. 18 37: The same. In Family secrets, v. 2. 37: NORTHERN roses: a Yorkshire story. Lond. 1868. 3 v. sm. 8 37: PICTURKS of private life. Lond. 1868. 3 v. 16.... 3362 37: 1075 Secret, The. Self-devotion. 1677-3 Kate Somerville, v. 1. Minister s family, The, T. 2. Rising tide, v. 1. Two friends, v. ;l. Somervillp Hall ; or, Somerville, v. 1. Young Sculptor, v. U. Kale 4186 4927 1681 1678 1683 1678 1684-6 Contents : Curate s widow, v. 1. Ellen Eskdale, v. 1. Hall and the Cottage, v. 1. Marriage as it maybe, v. 1. Rand temperament. 1840. 12 Contents : Imprisoned mind. 37: 1687-9 Misanthropy, v. 3. Observations on fictitious narrative, v. 1. Pains of pleasing, v. 3. Pretension, v. 2. N. Y. , 37: 1690 | Managing wife. PHUSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ELM. 66 ENGINEER. Elm Island stories. C. KELLOGO. 6 v. Contents : 1. Linn Ben. 38:734. 2. Charlie Boll. 38:728. a. Ark of Elm island. 38:7:>. 4. Boy fanners of Elm island. :i8:7H7. 6. Young ship-builders. 38:74S. 6. Hard-scrabble. 88:7$!. Elms Homestead. M. O. JOHNSON 38: 418 Elphin Misfortunes of. T. L. PEA COCK. In Works, v. 2 34: 1823 Elsie : a lowland sketch. A. C. M 38: 2100 Elsie Dinsmore. M. F. FINLKY. ( Martha Farqu harson .) 37: 2168 Elsie Magoon. Mrs. F. D. GACIK 37: 2764 Elsie stories. M. F. FINLKY. (Martha Farquharson). 3 v. Contents : 1. Elsie Dinsmore. 37:2108. 2. Holidays at Roaelands. :I7: 2170. 3. Elsie s girlhood. 37:21ti9. Elsie Tenner. O. W. HOLMES 37: 4600 Elsie s girlhood. M. F. FINLKY. (Martha Far auharson) 37: 2169 Elsie s rides. E. STRIVKLYNK. With Princess of Silverland 39: 2405 Elsie s Santa-Claus. J. H. MATHKWS. 38: 2693 Elsie s womanhood. M. F. FINLKY. (Martha Farquharson) 37: 2174 Elster s folly. E. P. [Afn. Henry] WOOD 4O: 689 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 4O: 690 Elton, Kir Arthur Hal I am. UKLOW the surface. Loud. 1864. 16 37: Elves, The. L. TIKCK. In C. G R. v. 2 Elwes, Alfred. SuRi RisiNii adventures of Paul Blake. N. V. n. d. 12 Emancipation. M. M. SIIKRWOOD. In Works, v. 5 39: Embury, Mr. Emma Catherine. (1809-1863). PICTL-KKS of early life; or, sketches of youth. N. Y. 1854. 18 37: Contents: Cecilia; or, the love of dress. Day s pleasure, A. Honesty and integrity. Little emigrants, The. Little Susan s temptation Lout children, The. Make good use of your time. Moss roses; or, the bro ther and sister. Perseverance. Emerald, The: a collection of graph ic and entertaining tales, brilliunt poems and essays. Edited by Kpes Sargent. Bost. 1866. 12 33: Contents : ABOUT, Edmund. Without dowry. AIIDET, H. L. "She is so dear f> me." AIKEN, Berkeley. Uncrowned kirgs. ALLINQHAH, Wm. Invocation. BAHBAn.n, Mrs, Life s second morning. BLOOD, Henry A. A prayer. BKOWKELI., H. H. Burial of the Dane. CHALMERS, Alex. Lesson in biography. CHAMBKBS, Kobt. Indoor games. Coincidences : a tale of facts. Eraser s Mag. CRAIK, Dinah M. The double house. LuBEKNARtt, Chas. The consultation. Elopement, The. Anon. Evening brings us home. McMillan s Mag. Fact and fiction. Blaekwood s Mac. Few wurds on social philosophy. Biackvvood,** Mag. HAUDMAN, Fred. My friend the Dutchman. How I made my fortune. From the French. HCST, Leigh. Jenny kissed me. KIMBAI.I,, H. M. The guest. MUDFUHD, Wm. The iron shroud. 1695 35: 3874 37: 1697 1640 1700 Poor scholar, The. Sailor s family, I he. School friendship. True generosity. Twins, The. Two cousins, The; or, modes of education. Uses of adversity. Widow and her son. Worst boy in the village, The. 544 Emerald, (continued.) NF.AL, John. Goody gracious and the forget-me-not. NEWTON, Cradock. Wonderland. PEAKD, W. M. Lyrical charades. Revelry in Br. India. Anonymous. SCRIBE," Eugene. Judith; or, the opera- box. SMITH, Horace. The picnic parly. TF.NMYSI N, Alfred. The loolish virgins. TOWNSHKDD, 0. H. Stanzas. TownsnEM), C. H. Wait. Youth and the sage. Household words. Emerald studs, The. Prof. W. E. AYTOUN. /n T. f. B. v. 6 4O: 169ft Emery, E. 15. QlKKNS. Host. 1872. 12 37: 1708 Emery, M. PII.GRIMAUK of grace, The: a talc of the days of Henry VIII. N. V. 1874. 12. (Tales from church history) 37: 1715 Emery, Sarah A. THKKE generations. Bost. 1872. 8. 37: 1722 Emigrants, The. J. HALL. In Le gends of the west 37: 3870 Emigrants of the Ahadarra. W. OK. OO )Q CARL ETON oo. Emigrant s wife, The; or, one in ten thousand. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sin. 8. 4O: 2135 Emile Roque. I). G. MITCHELL. (/* Marvel). In Seven stories 38: 3013 Emilia in England. G. MKRKDITH. 3v 38: 2!)04-6 Emilia Wyndlmm. A. MAKSH-CALD- WELL. 2v.ini 38: 2595 Emilie. R. S. KIMHAI.I 38: 865 Emilie do Coulangcs. M. EIKIK WORTH. fn her N. and T., v. 5 37: 1500 Emily and her brothers. M. M. SIIKRWOOD. In Works, v. 1 3 39: 1648 Emily Chester. A. M. C. SEEMI-LLKR. (formerly Miss Crane) 39: 1551 Emily s ambition. J. IXOKLOW. In Studies for stones 38: Emma. J. AHHOTT. / H. ^- B., v. 2. 35: 37 Emma : a novel. .J. AUSTEN 35: 905 Emmanuel-Philibert. A. |D.) DI-MAS 37: 980 Emmeline. M. M. SIIKRWOOD. In Works, v. 7 39: 1642 Empress .Josephine. The: historical sketch of days of Napoleon. C. M. MU.NDT. (Louisa Muehlbach) 38: 3239 Empty heart. M. V. (H.) TKKIIUNK. ( Marion Harlund.) Sam* Of Husks. 39: 2833 Encantadas, The; or, enchanted isles. H. MKI.VILLK. //; Piaz/.a tales 38: 2877 Enchanted princess, The. M. D. N.u MAN 38: 3514 Enchanted watch, The. J. MACB. In Home fairy tales 38: 2220 Enchanting nd enchanted. F. W. HACKI..KNDKK. Tr. bv Mrs. A. L. Wister . 37: 3811 Encounter with an interviewer, An. S. L. CLKMENS. (Mark Twain.) In Treasure-trove series, v. 1 4O: 1701 End of Fordvce brothers. In N. and T., v. 8..... 40: 1648 End of a long day s work. Minn A. I. Til ACK ERAY. With. Village on the cliff ; 39: 2866 End of the world : a love story. E. EOGLESTON 37: 1592 Engelbach, A. H. Two campaigns. Lond. n. d. 16. 37: 1726 Engineer, The. J. AHBOTT. In H. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ENOINF.ER S. 67 ESTELLE. Engineer s story.An. A. B. EDWARDS. In Monsieur Maurice, v. 1 ............ England. Romance of history. H. NKKI.K. 3 v .............................. England. Story of Harecourt: his tory of an independent church. J. B. MARSH .............................. English at the north pole, The. .1. VKRNK. IVith Captain llntteras... English channel, The. .1. AHHOTT. English envoy at the court of Nich olas I. ,J. CORNER ..................... English history, Tales from. A. STRICKLAND. ............................. English Mary. M. M. SIIKRWOOD. In Works, v. 6 ........................... English orphans. M. J. HOLM KM ...... English stories of the olden time. M. HACK. 2v ................................ Ennui. M. EDUKWOKTH. In her N. and T., v. :i ................................ Ensemble. W. BRADWOOD. 3 v ..... Enthusiast, The. T. GILI.KSPIE. The Professor s tales. In W. T. B., v. 7 .......................................... Eoline. C. L. HK.NTX ..................... Episode of the east, An. Mrs. A. FRASEK. With Only a face .......... Episodes in an obscure life. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (E. HarreU). 3v ........ Equal to either fortune: a novel. By the author of The man of mark. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm._8 ........... Erckmann-Chatrian. ( h mile Errk- mimn, h. 182.1, atul Alexmidre Chat- rian, b. 1826). ALSATIAN schoolmaster, The. (Tr. of Histoire d un soux-maitre). Lond. 1872. 16 ................................. BLOCKADE of Phalsburg, The. An episode of the fall of the first French empire. (Tr. of Le blocus, episode d? la fin de t empire). N. Y. 1871. 12 ................................. BKIOADIER Frederick: a story of a Frenchman driven out by the Ger mans. (Tr. of L ami Fritz). N. Y. 1875. 8 ................................... CATHERINE S lovers. (Tr. of Let amorevx de Catherine). With For est house .................................... CONSCRIPT, The. A story of the French war of 1813. (Tr. of Hit- ioire d un eonxerit de 1813). N. Y. 1869. 12 ................................. Note. For sequel : see Waterloo. DKAN S watch, The. (Tr. of La mon- tre dti doyen). With Brigadier Frederick .................................. FOREST house, The; (La maison for- esfirrc) and Catherine s lovers. Tr. by John Sirnrns. Bost. 1871. 16. INVASION of France in 1814, The. (Tr. of L invasion, ou le fou Yt gof) N. Y. 1871. 12 ...................... INVISIHI.K eye, The. (Tr. of L oril invisible). With Brigadier Fred erick ......................................... M A DAM B Therese ; or, the volunteers of 92. (Tr. of Madame Thi rrge, ou let volonfaires de 92). N. Y. 1 869. 12 .......................................... 37: 38: 39: 35: 35: 39: 39: 37: 37: 35: 4O: 37: 37: 38: 4O: 2136 37: 37: 37; 37; 37: 37: 1739 1732 1527 3531-3 1781 3701 29 i 4859 ! 2393 j 1041 4568 ; 37:3801-2 j 1498 2650-2 1717 4313 2445 2810 37: 1730 37; 1,31 Erckmann-Chatrian, (continued.) MAN of the people, A. (Tr. of //)>- toire fun homme dupeuple). Lond. 1871. 2 v. 12 ......................... MII.I.KR S story of the war, A; or, the plebiscite. By one of the 7,500,000 who voted "yes." (Tr. of Histoire du pfrbiscite). N. Y. 1872. 16... STORY of the plebiscite, The. Lond. 1872. sm. 8. Same as A miller s story ......................................... WATERLOO; a sequel to The con script of 1813. (Tr. of Waterloo, sm te du conserit de 1813). N. Y. 1872. 12 ................................. Ereighda castle. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 ....................................... Eric Wiilderthorn. In N. and T. v. 2. Erickson, 1). S. CAUL Bnrtlott; or. what can I do? Bost. 1869. 16 ........................ GOOD measure. Bost. 1869. 16.... Erin-go-Bragh; or, Irish life pictures. W. II. MAXWKI.L. 2 v. 1 ........... Omtmts: r. 1. Biographical sketch of the aulhor, by I>r. Maguire. Frank Hamilton ; or, con fessions of an only son. An incursion into Connemara, with an Recount of a traveller who survived it. A. Murdock. iMonysius O Dogherty, Esq., with a few extracts from his diary. A short biogm- phv of a gentleman from Ireland. Last scenes ot the condemned. Terrenee O ShaUffhnlMY*! first attempt to get mar ried. Robert Emmet and Arthur Av Irner; or, Dublin In 1803. Richard Ratf erty; or, the Irish fortune. Adventures of an Irishman filty years ago. The forest ride. of a West Indian planter. v. 2. Queen s bench sketches. Inconvenience ofn suspicion of debt. The two funerals. John Campbell, the homieide. The Sporting outlaw. Song from the Onelic. Anecdotes of duelling. The devil and Johnny I ixon. The Kegaeta. Legends. Hou ogue en route to Paris. Memoir of the Rev. Robert Hogg. Familiar epistles from an elderly gentleman on half-pay. Erling the bold. K. M. HALLANTYNK. The same ...................................... Erma s engagement ; a novel. Phil. 1873. 8 ................................... Ermina. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 5 .............................. Ernest Bracebridge: or, school-boy days. W. H. (J. KINGSTON .......... Ernest Linwood. C. L. HKNTX ......... Ernest Maltravers. K. (J. K. L. 37: 1735-6 37; 1740 The same. Tauchnitz ed Eros and Anteros; or, the bachelor s ward. J. M. L. CAMI MEI.I Erotion. Mrs. I). M. CRAIK. (for merly A/iss Midock). In Romantic tales Errand boy. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 8 Ersilia. Mini POYNTER Erskine, Lady Elizabeth. See Heart of Mont rose Erskine, Mrs. Thomas. WYNCOTE. N. Y. 1875. 16 Esben. S. S. BLITHER. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 Eskdalemuir story, The. Gleanings from the covenant. T. (III.LKSPIK. In W. T. B. v. 8 Esperanza. A. BOWMAN Essay on fools, An. iS. LOVER. In Legends and stories 37: 1734 | Estelle, a novel. Mn. A. EDWARDS. 1739 | 1732 1733 1739 37: 37: 37: 4O: 4O: 37: 37: 38: 35: 35; 4Q: 39; 38: 37: 35; 35: 35; 39: 4O: 4O: 37; 4O: 4O: 35: 38: 37: 1737 1738 1741 2137 1642 1750 1751 2744 1457 1458 2134 1640 989 4314 3110 3111 35: 3731 4940 1643 2138 2658 1753 1532 1718 2448 1886 1542 PKOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. ESTELLE. 68 F. GRANT. Estelle Russell. Sister M. Celeste. 2v.ini 4O: 2139 Ester Reid ; or, asleep and awake. Mrs. I. M. ALDEN. (Pansy) 35: 480 Esther : the captive orphan. 8. H. TYNG 5: 4340 Esther Dudley s wooers. Mrs. MAC KENZIE-DANIEL. 3 v 37: 8G-8 Esther Hill s secret. G. M. CHAIK. 2v.ini 35: 4966 Ethan Allen and the lost children. i). P. THOMPSON. With May Mar tin 39: 2975 Ethan Brand. N. HAWTIIORNK. In L. C. v.l 4O: 1611 The same. With Snow image 37: 4188 Ethel Churchill ; or, the two brides. Miss L. E. LAN DON. In W S. C. L. v. 11 *15: 4921 The same 34: 4181 Ethel Miklmay s follies. A story. By the author of Petite s romance. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 4O: 2140 Ethel s book ; or, the tales of the an gels. V. W. FABKR 37: 1958 Ethelyn s mistake. M. J. HOLMES... 37: 4569 Etheridge, Kelsic. EGYPT Ennis ; or, prisons without walls. N. Y. 1876. 8 37: 1756 Etlar, Carit. SHIPWRECK^!! mariner s treasure, The. In Danes sketched by them selves, v. 2 4O: 1531 Too old. In Danes sketched by them selves, v. 2 .". 4O: 1531 TWICE sacrificed. / Danes sketched by themselves, v. . ! 4O: 1532 Etonian, An. (pseud.) RECOLLECTIONS of Eton. N.Y. 1870. 8 37: 1758 Eubule-Evans, A. REVEALED at last. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 37:1760-1 Eugene Aram. E. G. E. L. BULWER- LYTTON. Phil. I860. 12 35: 3112 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 3113 Eugene Pickering. H. JAMES, jr. In Passionate pilgrim 38: 235 Eustace diamonds. A. TKOLLOPE 39: 3168 Eustache de St. Pierre; or, the sur render of Paris. H. W. HERBERT. In Chev. of France 37: 4352 Eutaw : sequel to The forayers. W. G. SIMMS 39: 1681 Eva. The ill-omened marriage. E. G. E. L. BULWER-LYTTON 33: 2663 Eva St. Clair. G. P. K. .) AMES 38: 180 Eva s adventures in shadow-land. M. D. NAUMAN 38: 3515 Evaline. P. J. COKN 35: 4486 Evan Harrington. G. MEREDITH 38: 2907 Eve. Mrs. A. FRASER. II ith Only a face .".... 37: 2445 Evelina. F. d AituLAY. 2v 35: 680-1 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 682 The same 35: 683 Eveline Murray. E. D. E. N. SOUTH- WORTH. With Wife s victory 39: 2042 Evelyn. A. C. M. RITCHIE, (formerly A. C. Mowatt) 39; 428 Evelyn Marston. A. MARSH-CALD- WKI.L. 2v.ini 38: 2596 Evenings at Donaldson manor. M. J. MACINTOSH 38: 2248 Evenings at Iladdon hall. (i. CAT- TKRMOLE 35: 3953 Evenings at home. J. AIKEN and A. L. BAKHAULD Everett, William. CHANGING base; or, what Edward Rice learned at school. Bost. 1873. 16 DOUBLE play; or. how Joe Hardy chose his friends. N. Y. 1872. 16 Everyday. F. W. A. PIKK Every string broken. Mrs. C. V. HAMILTON. In Ropes of sand Evil eye; or, the black spectre. W. CARL ETON Ewald, Alexander Charles. FKIEND at court, A. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 Ewald, H. F- STORY of Waldemar Krone s youth. Phil. 1868. 12 Ewing, Juliana Horatia. Six to sixteen: a story for girls. Bost. 1876. 16 Excellent opportunity, An. J. KAV- ANAUII. With Seven years The same Excursion to the Orkney islands. J. AUHOTT Exeter hall. W. MACDONNKLL. N. Y. 1871. 8 Exile of von Adelstein s soul. F. H. UNDERWOOD. //* Cloud pictures- Exiles, The. T. A. L. ROBINSON. (Tiilvi) Exiles at St. Germains. By the author of The ladye Shakerly. Lond. 1874. sm. 8 Exiles in Babylon ; or, children of light. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) Exile s trust, The ; and other stories. F. BROWNE Contents : Herman s alirum. The bible of V:l du Berber. The Graemes of Glenmnvis. The Ashberys uncle. Widow Simpson s spoons. The loan of a legacy. Poelry. Expectant, The. E. PICKK.KING. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. T. SMOLLETT The same. 2 v The same. Tauchnitz ed The same. In Works Experience of life. E. M. SEW ELL. Experiences of the A. C. (J.) B. TAYLOR. In Beauty and the beast. Experiences of a gaol chaplain. E. NEALE Experiences of Sylvie Dclmare, The. .1. KAVANAOH. With Seven years. The same Experimenter, The. J. HOWELL. Li W. T. B., v. 2 Expiated Mrs. C. V. HAMILTON Expiation. J. C. R. DORR Eyre, Selwyn. SENTENCED by fate: a novel. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 35: 380 37: 1770 37: 1771 38: 4501 37: 3923 35: 3829 37: 1780-2 37: 1790 37: 1795 38: 681 38: 682 35: 30 38: 2215 39: 3621 39: 560 4O: 2150 39: 3345 35: 3025 38: 4433 39: 1975 39: 1973-4 39: 1976 39: 1970 39: 1575 39: 38: 38: 38: 40: 37: 37: F. 2780 3520 681 682 1712 3922 782 37: 1NOO-2 , M. MARION; or, the smuggler s wife. Lond. n. d. 12 37: 1945 F. Grant & Co. ; or, partnerships. A story for the boys who mean busi ness. G. L. CHANEY 35: 4035 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FAA S. 69 FAITH. Faa s revenge: a tale of the border gvpsics. J. M. WILSON. In W. f. B. v) 4O: 1711 Fabens, .1. W. CAMEL hunt; a narrative of adven ture. N. Y. 1853. 12 37: 1950 Faber, Frederic /William. ETHEL S book; or, the tales of the angels. Bait. n. d. 16 37: 1958 Fabiola ; or, the church of the cata combs. N. WISEMAN- 4O: 647 Fable-land, Gems of. W.O. BOURNE. 33: 471 The same 35: 2389 Fables. vE-sor. With upwards of one hundred and fifty emblematical devices The same. With life of the author.. The same. A new version, chiefly from original sources, by Rev. Thomas James ~. 33: 46Gb The same. Tr. by S. Croxall 33: 467 Fables. Illustrated. J. de LAFON- TAINE. 2v 33: 478-9 Fables ofKrilof. W. K. S. RALSTON. 33: 482 Fables of Pluedrus, construed into English 1: 3639 Fables of I ilpai 33: 4!>2a The same *33: 492 Fables, Original and selected. Ed. by <i. M. BI-SSKT 33: 4GO Fables, Original and selected. Sec ond series. J. NORTIICOTK 33: 486 Fables, Select. T. BEWICK *A. Fabre, Ferdinand. Aitiie Tigrane, The. N. Y. 1875. 12 37: 1961 Fabrics; a story of to-day 4O: 2154 Fact and fiction. L. M. CHILD 36: 4241 Factory girl, The; or, all is not gold that glitters. Miss M. K. BKADDON. 35: 2534 Faded leaf of history, A. K. 11. DAVIS. In L. C. v. 10 4O: 1020 Fadette. (pseud.) See RODNEY, Mrt. M. K. L. Fair, The. J. M. WILSON. / W. T. 15. v. 2 4O: 1712 Fair but not wise. Mrs. FORREST- GRANT. 2v 37:2350-1 Fair God, The. L. WALLACE 4O: 45 Fair Harvard ; a story of American college life. W. T. WASIIIH-RNK.... 4O: 255 Fair maid of Cellardykes, The. T. Gti.LK.spiR. /W."T. B. v.l 4O: 1711 Fair maid of Perth. Sir W. SCOTT. I arker ed. 2v *39: 1341-2 The same. Edinburg cd 39: 1358 The same. Abbotst ord od 39: 1309 The same 39: 1391 The same. Household cd. 2v 39: 1437-8 The same. Pocket od 39: 1460 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1477 Fair passions ; or, the setting of the pearls. Hon. Mrs. I HIOTT CABLE- TON. 3 v 38: 4490-2 Fair play. K. I). K. N. SOUTHWORTII. 39: 2013 Fair prospect, The. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 4O: 1532 Fair puritan, The. An historical ro mance of witchcraft. II. W. II Eii- IIKBT 37: 4353 Fair rebel, The: a tale of colonial times. K. BENNETT 35: 1986 Fair Rosamond: or, the queen s vic tim. P. EUAN 37: 1581 Fair Saxon ; a novel. .). MAI-CABTIIY. 38: 2130 Fair to see. L. \V. M. LOCKIIAKT 38: 1845 Fair women. Mrs. FORRESTER 37: 2361 Fairchild family. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 2 39; 1637 Faire gospeller, The. A. MANNING. 38: 2466 Fairfax; or, master of Green way court. J. K. COOKK 35; 4702 Fairhaired Eckbert, The. L. TIECK. C. G. K. v. 2 35: 3874 Fairly won. H. S. E. 3 v 37: 1401-3 Fairy Alice. P. FITZGERALD. 2 v.... 37: 2226-7 Fairy bells, and what they tolled us.... 4O: 2155 Fairy book. R. S. CLARKE. (Sophie Mm/) 35; 4353 Fairy book, The. Mrs. 1). M. CHAIK. (formerly Miss Mitloek) 35; 4915 Fairy book; home fairy tales. J. MACC .". 38: 2226 Fairy egg and what it held. H. H. WESTOX and others 4O: 332 Fairy-flnder, The. S. Lover. In Legends and stories 38: 1886 The same. In L. C. v. 12 4O: 1622 Fairy fingers. A. C. M. RITCHIE 39: 429 Fairy Frisket; or, peeps at insect life. C. TI-CKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3346 Fairy Know-a-bit. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3347 Fairy legends. See FKERK S Old Dcecan days 37: 2475 Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland. T. C. CKOKER. 4O: 215G The same 35: 5040 Fairy nightcaps. Mrs. F. HARROW. (Aunt Fanny) 35; 1660 Fairy of Forth, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches 37: 3887 Fairy stories. See ROSSETTI S Speaking likenesses 39: 668 Fairy storics. See Moonshine. E. II. KNATCHHUI.I.-HUOESSEN 38: 10G3 Fairy stories. See Tales at tea-time. E. H. KNATCHBULL-IIUGESSEN 38: 1065 Fairy story. See M ACDONALD S Prin cess...." 38: 2173 Fairytales. H.C.ANDERSEN 35: <H3 Fairy tales. See HALL S Midsummer eve 37: 3885 Fairy tales. H. PARR. (Holme Lee). 38: 4202 Fairy tales from gold lands. Mrs. M. W. NEWMAN 38: 3600 Fairy tales of all nations. E. (R. L). LAHOVI.AYE 38: 125G Fairy tales, Standard 4O: 2G10 Contents : Aladdin ; or, the wonderful lamp. All Biiba ; or, the forty thieves. Beauty and the beast. Hlanch inul Hosalinda. Blue Beard. Booby, The. Cinderella ; or, the little glass slipper. Diamonds and toails. Discreet princes*. Dream of little Tuk. Eleven wild swans. Fair one with the golden locks. Fisherman and the genie. Flea, The. Fortunatua. Fortnnio. Grft- ciosa and Percinet. Hop-o -my-thnmb. Invisible prince, The. Jack and the bean stalk. Jack the giant-killer. Little red riding hood. Nourjahad : an eastern tale. Peronella. Prince Fatal and prince Fortune Puss in boots. Riquet with the tnt t. Koyal ram, The. Seven charn- Sions of Christendom. Seven doves. hi -benr. The. Stone in the cock s head. Threewishes. Tom Thumb. Twoeakcs, The. Valentine arid Orson. Vardiello. White cat, The. Yellow dwarf, The. Fairy water. Mrs. 3. H. Ri UDELL. It ititledge s Christmas annual 39: 370 Faith and patience. S. WINTIIROP... 4O: 617 Faith (iartney s girlhood. A. 1). T. WHITNEY 4O: 391 Faith Unwin s ordeal. G. M. CRAIK. 35: 4967 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. trout 5. % ROHM * l *" TV C. E TWA. <*.# Kb*#k h Homitttj fcftir ln*n>r --------- .... --- . ----- 3ft FlUtfeftll *>*&* Mttl CV T*wr -Wte, L, Tiwvn, R, e. S, 2, 4t> ;PWOlftll *sr*l TV 4. (?*: / >>. - - - , <>,. / T *** ill, 3ft 2157 vro M, A u - K > B v ;,*- ~~- 3ft; TV*m. Mttft r-Mitotpfti* ...... ---- 3ft: F*Jkar .M. w ,,*? ............ - 3ft FIkn<*r l.j> M. LBWO-* 2 , w 1, 3ft Fail <vf ftrn*<*. TV T Kownit At W- ft. C. I* , S.-~ ------- . ------ - 34-- 31 IS 3117 4175 491 i 5V fcanae of f~*Vr, TV, B, A PO,. //. i. r, , 2 4ft TV<* /W Work*. ! 34: FaiVm *nrM. TV, A, D I* *** 97: Fafler JMWIMU. /,. - 3ft: WVHTH H. w/-- P. Kno ly Wi* TTtnmax J, B, JWrwrwm tt, P B . 4*r*t sro* .fr*. A, -. SOWS-7 3J9S-7 1*1 Work* PkH, lWS, 40 3ft : ; l 07: H Ax>, Jr,,,, 3ft: ill, TV. CiHmnf , 4O: . - 37: Family * "> E. f E. raw. A, jhmriti,**!* - 3ft Br>. f>, M f 4I. i ,l/r* HnU^k W lh Krt^tA V B *. 4, 4ft Jfft. AlO*T. w - ... -. 84; TV MM ...- *lft: Family * ** ffM ***< Ttu " J 497 1714 41 7 1.VJ1 ...- aft //. T*. ff.rn rM !ifr. 0ft j W,) W, Oix- i*. Monks.-*.,. . .- 36: Family vfTHM, A iwmtwnv-n F*m-- / trr vl* mA PV}nt. Pbit, . 4. 1J. 4ft 37; :77- !. . 1. *, J, TV MMMU AJ. W, . C. L. *. IK.... 34: 4l.<w Gfttf^Mff , r -*mv - *lft: 4**2 TV awwT M W, S, C. tu, , . lft o"l * "** A /- 4O li-r^n .-...> tv A. I, A, 33: 37: Wr* A T. E pnw&M, *. 1- ..... - ----- Ann Hwrkan, //. T. K, H., . 1 I-; i H. *, i 1 T *<"i n"r of, ttw By It* 37: 3* ** 40: 3ft: 3ft ; r. tV .< (UmMMMM. W". f - ,r/v* _____ .... mr ubratiMr, A. ^^< -vr>l. T V : 7X J , w, I, n it tV lTr > T S. 37: 37: is*** 37: 37: - ST7; f.mr a 31. Y, 1*72. Hf*. r,4* p-ri. An, Jl. T. l*7. *, Trtm **l. J. Y, if ... .......... ___________________ JoHr4 MrT.! R., *:: f* ... !. TV. S, Y. 1*74, * iri. Jf. Y, l73, ** ............. ...,. ..... - ix*** 1 * riatorj: l, S. Y. 1*75, *.. ___ ,~ -- ,...*, ---- Farm -f M...-r.. n TV, M. K*ert- . .* 37: 37: 37: 37: 37i 37: * 37: 3ft |r<i,T. JM. .- - - - - - N.T. ,*. 13*_ S- Wiijfrwjk X.T. .4 IF Famers t MMM. Tht H X**- Tt>, Farrow. *-*. Arrr* RaxiiV* Anati. f IB! ;7o. 37 37- an*-:; Fatter Xerr.] *. X D OFSS-.TS - 35 37: SSSi 3SS7 G:"OTT - | - - Load. :**. 3 T. XT oaw* foci. L*ad. ItW 3 T. Pafrrtrmtinti E T. W. Horauxx. 37- 4+*f --.-.-: Fatlter Tv aM tke P-^: r.a night ir Use VaoeaB. S. t j KJ-I -* >. /* T f R - t - - tO: 4O .JS* 165. 1M Fashion ad a i Jfrx. A S t\* aBM. h L. C, T. *. 40 33- >.;* &S5 T ^ - , 37: :-" .- -.: r ? . Falber s ey. X. X. >Hiv^ftiv fc 40: :.* 264$ TV mm ___. TV same. At Wrk*. T. 1 Fast fned* I T TavmancB *15: 34: 38: *<:. 41 Ti Faxbers and >-** a novel. I. >. Faost, Dr. Jofcjann. Aw Hsj.-.ry of Dr. J it Faa<a>. TVaav ea.-.y 33 3372 4*13 ------ :; Faofftiiia. 1- X. L. F. G <wMtBat 37- 3*S* polarnegfc>s R. X. BALLAVTTNF. . 35: 35- u:.f 14J(3 Faostos and <)oeen Etizalwih. /% 4O: ie^3 Fatal aeadnt. C. X. BRA HE. h Take ft\MB tax diary of a sister of 35 V^TUwriie chiid. TV. S. S. K; ; :x. TVsme. "h W Sv. C. L. T 1? ._ 37: 15- 4*27 Fatal h*s. The. W. X. TBACCOLAT. h Xtse. Phil. ed_ T. 1 TkciMML Bo.ed_T.X TWaaaw. Taochniu ed_ v X. 33: 33: 33 * . r.> sl.x-v? X. T. 1S76. ?* Pt WLF artj inc iir.er.: a isovel. X. Y :<7v. ^r 37: 37- . 33 FawctX, Xilliceajt G Fatal hoqoet. The. R. BLJLCK. J 35 TA; E> in potttieal economy. Lood. 1*74, 1^ 37- Fatal chain. The. From uncle ADAM. / Dns ki<ched by themselves. T * 4O- 1531 Fay, Theod>w* Sedewick. h. 1?W7\. l -i NTC* Ida; a tale of Berlin. V Y 1*40. 2 v 12* 37- Fatal nadli. The. W . W O-LL: v> 37- HVtt \licta Wariock 35- 45** Feather ir Jact * cp. V L. PKRR. TV sane, h Xiss or Xrs.* 35- 45C7 -- : 4253 Fatal errors. C. E. T.VSNA. (OUHcMk flinki tk i. In Philip and his gar- 39- .-..-. Felina de Chambore. A. . P. Di MAS. Felix Hoh. tV radical Mr*. X J 37: 37: 2<>3l Fatal marksman The T TVQnvrFT LKWES. tf ftwog Shot ... .,, 38 17*3 In Works, v 1 1 34: 38- 1704 Fatal marrixge. The. E. D. E. X. 39- Felix Kf-nt: or. tV two neichbors. M I HOFFMAN _ 37- 45O7 Fatal marriage. TV, H. Conrrox 35: Fell, Archie. imui. \et CATKOS, M. J. Fellah TV E (F v ! \ITT 35- 1*5 (leanings from the covenant. In W T B v <_ 4/v 1718 Felon s reverie, TV. /. Danes sketch- ed bv themselves, v. 1 4O: 1530 Fatal passion, A. C. B. R d* la V. BFRX VRT> ... ...,. 35- Female minister. The ; a son s re venue. Tr. bv K,;c-r.o Lie* and Fatal rppast. The. In T. f. B, v. 5.... 40: 16S5 Eugene Plunkett. "X. Y. 185S. 8* 4O 2167 m 8 4O- 2161 Female Quixote, C. Lsxxox. 2 v... 38 1523-4 Fatal whisper. The. J. GALT. /- 4CI- Female septic. The. X. Y. n. d. 12 4O: 2168 Fate The. G P K.JVMES- 38- 181 Fenacre Grange. L. CK<nL. 3 v. 35- Father and daughter. F. BRF.MKR.... Father and daughter. Mr*. A. ont. /a Works, v. 1 Father Bright hope* J T TROW- 35: 38: 2735 3901 Fenelon, h"rno<>is de Sali^nac de la Xothe. 1 1651-1715). APVKVTI-RES of Teiomav-hus. X. Y. n. d. 8 _ 37- 20*3 39- 3317 i Fenn GiST^e Manville Father <"nnell : a tale. M. BASIM_ Father IHin y. A. MARSH-CAi.nwcLL. Father (i.-lfr.-y. By tht author of Anno Dysart. Lond. 1873. 3 T. 35: 38: 4O" 1536 2597 2163 j Bv birth a ladv. A tale. Ix>nd. 1871. 3 v. snx. 8 XinxirtHT webs. Ix>nd. 1S72. m. 8. SAFPHIKC cross. The. Lond. 1871. a T, tm 8,........ 37: 37: 37- 2067-9 J070 2073-5 SK KUTloX: EXGI.1SH. 72 FINGER. Fenn, (continued.) SHIP ahoy ! a yarn in thirty-six cable lengths. N. Y. 1874. 8 37: 2076 THAT little Frenchman: a talc. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 37:2078-80 TKKASURE hunters, The; or, the search for the mountain mine. A novel. N. Y. 1874. 8 37: 2077 Fenton s quest. Miss M. E. BRADDON. 2v.ini 35: 2535 Ferdinand, Count Fathom. T. SMOL- I.KTT. In Works 39: 1!70 Ferguson, Samuel. FATIIKU Tom and the Pope. In L. C. v. 9 4O: 1619 HIUKRNIAN nights entertainments. N. Y. 1857. 12 37: 2090 Fern, Fanny, (pseud.) See PARTON, Mrs. S. P. Fern leaves from Fanny s portfolio. Mrs. S. P. PARTON. (Fanny Fern). 2 v . 33: 3315 Fernandez and Gonsalez. MAROAKITA; or, the queen of night. Tr. by Viscount 1 ollington. Lond. 1870. 2v.ini. sm. 8 37: 2095 Fernando de Lemos, truth and fic tion. C. GAYARHC 37: 2900 Ferncliffe. Phil. 1869. 12 4O: 2170 Fernyhurst Court. An every-day story. By the author of Stone edge. Phil. 1871. 8 4O: 2171 Ferrier. Mary. MARRIAGE, a novel. Lond. n. d. 16. 37: 2100 The same. N. Y. 1863. 8. ...... 37: 2102 MARRIAGE. Inheritance. Destiny. Lond. n. d. sm. 8 37: 2101 Ferryman of the Tiber, The. Mine. A. K. de la GRANGE 38: 1205 Festival, The. .1. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 7 4O: 1717 Fetches, The. J. BANIM. With Peter of the castle 35: 1541 Fettered for life; or, lord and master. L. D. BLAKK 35: 2245 Feudge, Mrs. F. K. EASTKRN side; or, missionary life in Siam. Phil. 1871. 16.. 37: 2112 Feuillet, Octave, (b. 1812). BELL AH. (JielUih). Tr. by O. Vi- beur. With Led astray 37: 2121 CAMORS: a love story. (Tr. of Mon sieur de ( amors) . Phil. 1870. 12. 37: 2120 LED astrav. (La. I etite Comtexse). Tr. by(). Vibeur. N. Y. 1875. 12. 37: 2121 MAKRIAOE in high life, A. Phil. 1876. 1G 37: 2123 SPHINX, The. (Julia de Trecaiur). Tr. by O. Vibeur. In Led astray. 37: 2121 STOKY of Sibylle, The. (Jlistoire de fiybilU). Tr. by M. H. T. Bost. 1872. 8 37: 2122 Fevre, Le. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 13 39: 1648 Few days in Athens. F. WKKIIIT 4O: 875 Few words on social philosophy. In T. f. B., v. 12 4O: 1698 Fiddling Freddy. N. FORREST 37: 2340 Field, Horace. GLITTER and gold. Phil. 1872. 12. 37: 2132 Field, Margaret. NOT pretty, but precious. Phil. 1874. 8 4O: 1640 Field and forest; or, the fortunes of a farmer. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic) 35: 247 Field of ice, The. Sequel to A journey to the north pole. J. VERNE 39: 3687 Field of terror, The; or, the haunted field. F. de LA MOTTE-FOUQUE. In R. G. N., v. 2 4O: 1561 Fielding, Henry. (1707-1754). HISTORY of Amelia. N. Y. 1859. 12 *37: 2136 The same. lit Works, v. 2 *37: 2146 The same *37: 2147 JONATHAN Wild. In. Works, v. 2.... *37: 2146 The same *37: 2147 .IOSKPH Andrews. Lond. 1820. 16. *37: 2137 The same. In .Works, v. 2 *37: 2146 The same *37: 2147 JOURNEY from this world to the next. In Works *37: 2147 SELECT works. Phil. 1836. 2 v. 8. *87: 2145-6 Content* : v. 1. Life of Fielding, by Sir W. Scott. History of Tom Jones, v. 2. History of Joseph Andrews. Ame lia. Life of Jonathan Wild. TOM Jones. Lond. 1820. N. Y. 1856. N. Y. 1859. In Works, v 3 v. 1 6. 2 v. 1 2. 2 v. 1 2. 1... ed. N. Y. n. d. 8 The sume. The same. The same. The same.. WORKS. Ne Contents : Life o( Fielding, by Sir Walter Scott. Essay on his life and yenius,hy A. Murphy. Tom Jones. Joseph Andrews. History of AmeliH. Jonathan Wild. Journeyfrom this world to the next. Fielding ; or, society. By the author of Tremaine. In W. S. C. L., v. 11. The same 1572: chronicle of the times of Charles IX. 1 . MERI.MUK Fifteen years. Mrs. T. A. L. Ronix- SON. (Talvi.) Fifty brides: an old tale re-told, being a medley from Homeric and other sources, li. BLACK. In Lady Car oline Fifty years ago: a story of New Kng- laild life." C. A. WII.LARD Figaniere, Viscount de. PAI.MITOS: a novel. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 Fight for a wife, A. W. BLACK. With Maid of Killeena The same. In Treasure-trove series, v. 3 Fight of faith : a story. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. 2 v Fighting the flames. K. M. BALI.AN- TYNK Fighting Joe. W.T.ADAMS. (Olirer Ofitict Fighting the whales; or, doings and dangers of a fishing cruise. K. M. BALLANTYNE The same. In Tales of adventure. v. 1 File No. 113. E. GAHORIAU Filus Kroast. H. SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 2 Fine feathers. K. J. NEKLY Finger of fate. M. KEID *37: *37: 37: *37: 37: *37 2138-40 2141-2 2143 4 2145 2147 2147 34: 15: 38: 39: 35: 40: 37: 35: 4O: 37: 35: 35: 35: 35: 37: 39: 38: 39: 4181 4921 2931 56 1 2155-7 2179 1703 3880-1 1460 248 1483 2755 2096 3539 244 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FlNOEU. 73 FLAG. posts on the way of life. T. 8. ARTHUR. With Way to prosper. Content* : Blessing of a good deed. Kuthausy. Gentle hand. How to destroy a good business. Lay preacher, The. Little bound-lioy, The. Marrving well. Matchmaking. Finley, Martha Parqoharson. tha l iirytititirsoii). CASKI.I.A ; or, the children of the valleys. Phil. 1809. 16 EI.SIK Uinsmore. N. Y. n. d. lti. K LSI K S girlhood. N. Y. n. d. 16. ELSIK S womanhood. N. Y. n. d. 12. HOLIDAYS at Roselands ; with some after scenes in Klein s life ; being a sequel to Klsie Dinsmore. N. Y . 1808. 16 OLD-KASHIONKD boy. Phil. 1871. 35: 813 Paying the doctor. Return, The ; or, who is it ? Shadows from a clouded brow. Throe scenes in the life of a worldling. Two invalids, The. Will it pay? (.1 far- 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 2167 2 1 68 21(59 2174 2170 2171 OUR Fred; or, seminary life at Thurs- ton. A sequel to Old-fashioned boy. N. Y. 1874. 1C 37; 2172 WANTED a pedigree. Phil. 1871. 12 37; 2173 Fior d Aliza. A. de LAMARTINK 38: 1283 Fior di limone. Miss K. JOLI.V. In Bruna s revenge, v. 3 38: 408 Fiorella : a waif. Mrs. A. FBASKK. With Only a face 37; 2445 Fire. Hollo s philosophy. .(. AHHOTT. 35: 82 Fire brigade, The ; or, fighting the flames. R. M. BAI.I.ANTYNE 35: 1402 Fire in the woods. J. DKMII.LE 37: 274 Fireside fairies. S. PINDAR 38: 4530 Fireside recollections. S. S. ELLIS. / Family secrets, v. 3 37: 1079 Firm in the struggle. E. PICKERING. 3 v 38:4458-00 First and last. W. MUDKORD. In T. f. 15. v. 4 4O: 1094 First and last crime, The. In T. f. B. v. 11 4O: 1098 First and last kiss, The. In T. f. B. v. 10 4O: 1G97 First and second marriage, The. .1. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 10. 4O: 1720 First and second marriages ; or, cour tesies of wedded life. Mrs. H. N. (W.) BAKKR. (Aunt Hattie.) 35; 1380 First and true love. A. L. A. D. Du- DEVANT. (George Hand) 37: 907 First appearance, A. Mr*. Evans BKI.L. 3v 35: 1901-3 First families of the Sierras. J. MIL LER 38: 2985 First foot, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 5 4O: 1715 First friendship, A. A tale. N. Y. 1872. 8 4O: 2172 First impressions. S. S. ELLIS. In Family secrets, v. 2 37: 1678 First love and last love: a tale of tins Indian mutiny. .). GRANT 37: 3307 First prize, The. By the author of Aunt Annie s stories. In Under the lime-trees 4O: 2696 Fisher, Fanny. SECRKT of two houses, The. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 37; 2185-G Fisher, -V/m Frances C. (Christian Reid.) CAKMKN S inheritance. Phil. 1873. 8 37: DAUGHTER of Bohemia: a novel. N. Y. 1874. 8 37; Enii TIDK and other stories. N. Y. 1872. 8 $7: Omttiit* : l>uiibc, A. Ebb-tide. Miss Inglesby s sister-in-law. Story of a scar, The. HKAKTS and hands: a story in sixteen chapters. N. Y. 1875. 8 37: "LAND of the sky, The;" or, adven tures in mountain bv-wavs. N. Y. 1876. 8 " . 37: MAHEI. Lee. N. Y. 1872. 8 37: MORTON house: a novel. N. Y. 1872. 8 37; N IN A S atonement ; and other stories. N. Y. 1873. 8 37: Omtfn/x : Bernard s invention. Hugh s vendetta. Miss Chenton s rival. My story. Nina s atonement. Piiiater s d ream." Powell Vardray s life. QUESTION of honor, A. N. Y. 1875. 12 37: VALERIE Aylmer. N. Y. 1871. 8. 37: Fisher boy, The. By the author of Crests from the ocean world. Bost. 1803. 12 4O: 2173 Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove, The. E. KKLLOOU 38: Fisher girl. 15. BJORNSON 35: Fisherman s daughter, The. II. CONSCIEM K 35: Fishing and Whaling. C. NORD- i ri" 38: Fitch, Anna M. BOUND down; or, life and its possi bilities. Phil. 1870. 12 37: 2215 Fitz-Boodle, Confessions of. W. M. THACKKRAY. In Fitz-Boodle papers. Fitz-Boodle papers. W. M. THACK ERAY. In Misc. v 4. Bost. ed... 33: 4014 The same. Phil, ed 33; 4010 The same. v. 7. Tauchnitz ed 33: 4001 The same 33 : 4000 Fitzgerald, Percy. (Gilbert Dyce.) BKI.I.A donna. N. Y 37: 2225 FAIRY Alice. Lond. 1805. 2 v. sm. 8 37; 2220-7 MIDDLE-AGED lover : astory. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 37; 2228-9 Two fair daughters. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 37; 2233-5 Fitzgerald, Uiter. SHADOW of fate, The. In Rouge- gorge, and other stories 4O: 1G70 Five hundred majority; or, the days of Tammany. W. NILES 38: 3041 Five hundred pounds reward : a novel. By a IIAKKISTKR 35: 1052 Five old friends. Mian A. I. THACK ERAY. ICi/A Story of Elizabeth... 39: 28G3 Contents : Beauty and the beast. Cinderella. .Tuck, the giant-killer. Little Red Kiding-hood. Sleeping beauty in the wood, The. Five weeks in a balloon. .1. VKRNE... 39: 3G88 Flag of distress, The. M. UKID 39: 208 Flag of truce, The. S.WARNER 4O: 173 2195 2196 2197 2198 2204 2 1 99 2200 2201 2203 2202 731 2158 4605 3057 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FLAGG. 74 FOR. 2255 2256 2259 2260 2259 1651 50011 2208 1611 Flagg, William. GOOD investment: a story of the up per Ohio. X. Y. 1872. 8 37: 2245 Flat-tail, the beaver. E. EGGLEHTON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Flavia ; or, loyal unto the end. E. LKSME " 38: 1549 Fleeing to Tarshish. V. 11. LTDLOW. In Little brother 38: 1930 Fleetwood ; or, the new man of fuel ing. W. GODWIN 37: 3102 Fleming, Mm. May Agnes. DARK secret, The; or, the mystery of Fontelle hall. N. Y. 1875. 8. 37: 2254 GUY Karlscourt s wife. N. Y . 1873. 12 37: MAD marriage, A. N. Y. 1875. 12. 37: NOKINK S revenge, and Sir Noel s heir. N. Y. 1875. 12 37: ONK night s mystery. N. Y. 1876. 12 37: SIR Noel s heir. With Norine s re venge 37: TERRIBLE secret, A. N. Y r . 1874. 12 37: 2257 "WoxDKKHi L woman, A. N. Y". 1873. 12 37: 2258 Flemmings, The. Mrs. A. II. DOKSKY. 37: 794 Flesh and spirit. Bv the author of The odd trump. N. Y. 1876. 8. 4O: 2153 Fleur de Lys, The. In N. and T. v. 11 4O: Fleurange. Mme. A. ORAVKX 35: Fleuriot, AJlle. - EAGLE and dove. Tr. bv Emily Bow- les. N. Y. 1874. 12 37: Flight of a Tartar tribe. T. DK- QriNCY. Jn L. C. v. 1 4O: Flint, Jas. 1\. FROM nation to nation. Phil. 1871. 16 37: 2278 Flint, S. A. MAKING honey; or, Francis Stuart. Host. 1869. 16 37: 2286 Flint, Timothy. (1780-1840). LIKK and adventures of Arthur Clen- ning. Phil. 1828. 2 v. 12 37: 2294-5 SHOSIIOXEK valley. Cin. 1830. 2 v. 12 ~. 37: 2296-7 Flirtations in fashionable society. 0. SINCLAIR 39: 1727 Flitch of bacon, The. AV. H. AINS- WOKTII 35: 415 Floating beacon, The. /reT.f. B. v.l. 4O: 1693 Floating city, A, and The blockade runners. .1. VKRXE 39: 3689 Floating light of the Goodwin Sands, The. K. M. BALLAXTVXK 35: 1463 Flood and field ; or, tales of battles on hind and sea. \V. S. MAYO 38: 2831 Contents : Astonishing adventures of James Botello. Captain s story, The. Don Sebastian ; fr. the chronicles of Portugal. I>r .gut, the corsair. Legend of the, ( ape de Verdes. Piouw constancy of Inezde Mene.ia Mont-Hoy. Real pirate, A. Washington s first battle. Flood and field ; or, the recollections of a soldier of fortune. W. II. MAXWKLI 38: 2745 Content!; Cone of honour: fatal duels. Con demned soldier. Crowni. g triumph KviU of gambling. Leaves from the journal of a deceased pluralist. Leaves Irom a game-book. Memorable sieges. Flood, (continued.) Mr. Mac Dei-moll s slory. My first steeple chase. The outcast. Retreats, the test of military skill. The romance of war. Soldierly qualities. A soldier s domicile. A tour, not sentimental. Triumphs and mishaps in the Peninsula. True courage. The unknown. Welling ton und Massena s retreats. Florence ; or, loyal quand memo. F. ARMSTRONG 35: 734 Florence and .lohn. J. ABBOTT 35: 31 Florence Erwin s three homes. Host. 1865. 16 4O: 2164 Florence Macarthy. LadyS. MORGAN. 38: 3144 Florence O Ponnell. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows. v. 2 37: 3883 Florence O Neil ; or, the siege of Limerick. A. M. STEWART 39: 2277 Florence Saekville. Mrs. E. J. BUR- BI-RY 35: 3340 Florence stories. J. ABBOTT. 6 v. Contents : 1. Florence and John. I 4. English channel. 35:211 35:31 I 5. Isle of Wight. 35:117 2. Grimkie. S: >:34 I 6. Florence s return. 35:32 3. Orkney islands. 35:30 | Florence s return. J. ABBOTT 35: 32 Florida pilot, The. /;/ T. f. B. v. 9.. 4O: 1697 Floshend inn, The. A. CAMPBELL. In \V. T. B. v.7 4O: 1717 Floss Silverthorn: or, the master s little handmaid. A. GIHERNE... 37: 2963 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. J. P. F. KICHTER. 2v 39: 356-7 Flower of the family. E. PRENTISH.. 38: 4087 Flower of the flock." P. EGAN. 3 v. 37: 1580-2 Flower of innocence; or, Rachel, and other tales. 0. E. TONNA. (Char lotte Elizabeth] 39: 3062 Contents : Good and bad luck. Little oaths. James Orwell. | Visit, The. Flower of Kildalla. E. A. MURRAY. :i v 38: 3293-5 Flower people, The. Mrs. H. MANN. 38: 2442 Flowers for children. L. M. CHILD. 35: 4242 Fowers of the forest. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 5 39: 1640 Flush times of Alabama and Missis sippi. J.G.BALDWIN 35: 1445 The same 33: 803 Foe in the household. C. CHESEBRO . 35: 4193 Foggy night at Ott ord. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 691 Follaton priory. Lond. 1873. 1 v. sin. 8 " 4O: 2175 Folle-farine. L. de la RAME. (Ou uia.} 39: 46 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 47 Follen, Eliza Lee. FOLI.EN stories: The well-spent hour. Host. 1868. 1(1 37: 2305 Following the drum. Mrs. VIELB... 39: 3725 Following the flag. C. C. COFFIN. (Carltton) 35: 4491 Following on to know. Bost. n. d. 10 4O: 2169 Folly as it flies. Mrs. S. P. PARTON. (Funny Fern) 33: 3316 Fonthill recreations. M. G. SLEEPER. 3 v Contents : 1. Mediterranean islands. 39:1743 2. Two Sicilies. 39:1745 3. Sweden and Norway. 30:1744. Fool of quality. H. BROOKE. 2 v.... 35: 2900-1 The same T. L. 35:2900-la For beautv s sake. Lond. 1874. sin. 8.., 4O: 2176 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FOR. 75 FoRTt NES. For better, for worse. Mrs. M. E. POOLS. In Pictures of cottage life. 38: 4624 For better, for worse. Mrs. M. V. II. TKKIITNK. (Marion Harland). With Empty heart 39: 2833 For each mid for all. H. MAKTINKAU. In Illus. of polit. econ., v. 4 38: 2G42 For ever and ever. Mrs. R. CIIVRCH. (formerly Miss Murryntt. ) 2v.ini. 35: 4 2G6 For her sake. F. W. KOHIXSON 39: 484 For husk*, food. By the author of Liiscine." X. Y. 1874. 12 4O: 2177 For thu kins;. C. GIBBON 37: 2949 For the king s dues. A. MACDOXKI.I.. 38: 2210 For lack of gold. C. GIBBON 37: 2950 For love and life. Mrs. M. (<). W.) OLIPHANT 38: 3840 For richer, for poorer. H. I ARK. (Holme Lee.} 2v.ini 38: 41!8 For very life. H. MARSHALL. 2v.ini. 38: 2028 For a woman s sake. H. WACHKX- ursKX 4O: 10 Forayers, The ; or, the raid of the dog-days. W. G. SIMMS 39: 1082 Forbes, Archibald. DKAWX from life. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sin. H 37:2312-14 Forbidden fruit, The. In N. and T., v. 3 4O: 1043 Force: science for the young. J. ABBOTT 35: 88 Forced blooms. Atrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials 37: 3888 The same 37: 3889 Ford, Douglas Morey. KATK Savage. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sin. 8 37; 2320-2 OLD as the hills. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 2323-5 Ford, Mrs. Sallie Rochester. GKACK Truman; or, love and prin ciple. N. Y. 1804. 12 37: 2332 MARY Banyan. N. Y. 1800. 12. 37: 2333 The same. N.Y. 1800. 12. T. L. 37: 2333a Fore and aft: from the life of an old sailor. W. I). PHELPS 38: 4390 Forecastle Tom. M. S. B. DANA.... 37: 62 Foregone conclusion, A. W. D. HOUKI.I.S 37: 4725 Forest days. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 184 Forest exiles. M. REID 39: 24."> Forest farm. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Chapters on wives 37: 1075 Forest glen series, The. E. KELI.OCIG. v. 1-3 dmtentit : 1. Bowed by the wind. :i8:7U7 2. Wolf run. :I8:743 :i. Brought to the front. 38:746 Forest house, The; and Catherine s lovers. E. ERCKMANN and A. CHATRIAX 37: 1732 Forest, jungle and prairie. A. ELLIOTT. 37: 16GH Forest life in Norway and Sweden. 11. NKWLAND 38: 3588 Forest of Gnich. J. GRANT. In Legends of the black watch 37: 3316 Forest tragedy and other tales. Mrs. S. .1. C. Lii i ixcoTT. ( <!rnce Green wood.) 38: 17H5 Forester, Frank, (pseud.) See HEK- RKHT, H. W. Forester. M. EIXIEWORTH. //(Moral tales, v. 1 37: 1494 The same. In her N. and T., v. 1 37: 1496 Foresters, The. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 984 374 11178 1710 18. ! 3823 1800 2347 1208 2340 2341 2342 2343 Forewarned, forearmed. Mrt. J. 11. KIDDKLL. With Krank Sinclair s wife, v. 3 39: Forged will; or, crime and retribution. K. HKXNKTT 35: Forger, The. A. CAMPHKLL. In \V. T. B., v. G 4O: Forgery, The. (i. P. R. JAMES 38: Forgiven at last. J. R. HADERMANX. 37: Forgiving kUs, The. M. LOTH 38: POPffOtten by the world. K. S. MAC- ijroin ." 38: Forlorn hope. E. YATES. 2 v. in 1. 4O: Forrest, Neil. FIDDLIXO Freddy. N.Y . 1871. 16. 37: HONEST and earnest. N. Y. 1872. 16 37: JACK and Kosy. N. Y. n. d. 16. 37: MICE at play. Bost. 1870. 10 37: Forrest-Grant, Mn. FAIR but not wise. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sin. 8 37:2350-1 MAGIC of love, The. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 37:2352-4 Forrest-race romance, The. In T. f. B. v. 8 4O: IGiiG Forrester, Mrs. . DIANA Carew; or, for a woman s sake. Phil. 1870. 12 37: 2359 DOLORES. Phil. 1875. 12 37: 2300 FAIR women. Bost. 1872. 8 37: 2301 MY hero. Phil. n. d. 12 37: 2302 Forrester, Francis. (pseud.) See WISH:, D. Forsaken daughter, The. Mrs. C. L. HKMV. .". 37: 4315 Forsaking all others. E. PICKERING. 2 v 38: 4401-2 Fortescue. J.S. KNOWLES 38: 1092 Fortune hunter, The. A. C. (M.) RlTCHlK. (formerly A. C. Moivatt.) 39: 430 Fortune seeker, The; or, the bridal day. Afr.E.D.E.N.SouTHWORTH. 39: 2017 Fortune-teller, The, and other ta es. C. K. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). 39: 3003 Content* : Buc/kbiting. Promising anil performing. Where ure yon going ? Fortunes and misfortunes of the fa mous Moll Flanders. D. DnKoK. In Nov. and misc. works, v. 3 *34: 1019 Fortunes and misfortunes of Harry Racket Scapegrace. F. E. SMKD- LKY ! 39: 1791 Fortunes of Glencore. C. LEVER.... 38: 1001 The same. Tauohnitz ed. 2v.ini. 38: 1G02 Fortunes of Hector O llalloran and his man Mark Antony O Toole. W. H. MAXWEI.I 38: The same 38: Fortunes of M iss Follen, The. Mrs. GOODWDC TALCOTT 37: Fortunes of the Maid of Arc, The : a superstitious legend of the English wars in France. H. \V. HKKBEKT. (Frank Forester.) In Chevaliers of France 37: 4352 Fortunes of Nigel, The. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v *39: 1325-0 The same. Edinb. ed 39: 1357 The same. Abl d. ed 39: 1305 The same 39: 1383 The same. llou>ehold ed. 2v 39:1421-22 The same. Pocketed 39: 1458 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1478 2740 2747 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FORTUNES. 76 PRANK. Fortunes of the Scattergood family. Alb. .SMITH ............................. ".. 39: Fortunes of Tom Haswell, and Tom Haswc ll s fortune. M. HAYMAN. 2v.ini .................................... 37: Forty-five guardsmen, The. A. (D.) UI-MAS ...................................... 37: Forty-seven Konins, The. A. B. Mn-KORi). In L. C. v. 11 ........... 4O: Fosdick, Charles A. (Hurry Castle mon } . FRANK among the Kaneheros. Phil. n. d. 16 .................................. 37: FRANK at Don Carlos rancho. Phil. n. d. 1(1 ................................... 37: FRANK before Vicksburg. Cin. 1871. 10 .......................................... 37: FRANK in the mountains. Phil. n. d. 16 ...................................... 37: FKANK in the woods. Cin n. d. 1G. 37: FRANK on a gunboat. Cin. n. d. 16. 37: FRANK on the lower Mississippi. Cin. n. d. Hi .................................. 37: FRANK on the prairie. Cin. n. d. FRANK, the young naturalist. Cin. n.d. H;..." ...... . ......................... do ahead; or, the fisher boy s motto. Cin. n.d. 10 ............ " ............. No moss; or, the career of a rolling stone. Cin. n.d. 16 ............... STOKTSMAN S club afloat, The. Cin. n.d. 10 .................................. SPORTSMAN S club among the trap pers, The. Cin. n.d. 10 ......... 37 SPORTSMAN S club in the saddle, The. Cin. n.d. 1U .......................... 37: TOM Newcombe; or, the boy of bad habits. Cin. n.d. 16 .............. 37 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 1810 4250 985 1621 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 Note. For the shelf numbers of the fol lowing stories, see above. (rO-ahffid series : 1. Tom Newcombe. 2. Go ahead. 3. Ko moss. Gnn-boat. series : 1. Frank, the young nat- j 4. uralist. | 5. 2. Frank in the woods. 10. 3. Frank on the prairie, j Rocky-mountain series: 1. Frank among the ranrhoros. 2. Frank at Don Carlos 1 rancho. 3. Frank in the mountains. It iHhitj stone nericx : Kamc as fto-ahead series. Kp irtsinnn s-clut) Rerien : 1. Sportsman s club in the saddle. 2. Sportsman s club afloat. 3. Sportsman s ( lub among the trappers. Fosdick, William W. MAI.MIZTIC theToltec; and the cav aliers of tho cross. Cin. 1851 12. Foster, Hannah. CIMJUKTTK; or, Kliza Wharton. Phil. 1866. 12 Foster, S. BIVOUAC, The. Lond. 1857. 16... Foster-brother, The; a talc of the war of Chiozx.a. Ed. by L. HUNT. Foster sisters, The. E. B. LOUOII- NAN. 3 v Foul play. C. READE and D. Bouci- CAl I.T Found dead. ,1. S. SAUZADK. (Junes Payn.) Fountain of youth. F. PALUDAN- Miil.I.ER Frank on a gunboat. Frank before Vicksburg. Frank on the lower Missis sippi. 37: 2415 37: 37: 37: 2420 2426 4855 38: 1870-2 39: 39: 38: 144 1167 3214 Fouque, DC la Motte. See La Motte- Fouque. Four, and what they did. H. C. WEEKS 4Q: 292 Four-fifteen express, The. A. 11 EDWARDS. In L. C. v. 8 4O: 1618 The same. With Monsieur Maurice. 37: 1529 Four Georges. W. M. THACKERAY. In Misc. v. 4 33; 4014 Four Georges; Lovel the widower. W. M. THACKERAY 39: 2882 Four letters from Helen Hamilton. L. C. MOULTON. In My third book 38: 3182 Four oaks. E. W. BELLAMY. (Kamba Thorpe) 35; 1920 Four sisters: a tale of life in Sweden. F. BREMKR 35: 2730 Fox-hunting. C. A. STEPHENS 39: 2252 Foxton, K. (pseud.) See PALFREY, Sarah H. Fra Gerolamo. W. GILBERT. In Wizard of the mountain, v. 1 37; 2995 Fragment diamond, The. E. HAM- ERTO.N. In Mirror of truth 37: 3900 Fragment of modern history. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 2 37; 464G Fragments of a broken life. Mrs. A. FRASER. With Only a face 37: 2445 Fragments of personal experiences. (W. ) W. COLLINS. In Queen s revenge 35: 4581 Contents : \. Laid up in my lodgings. | 2. My black mirror. Framley parsonage. A. TROLLOPE. 2 v. in 1 39; Francillon. H. E. KARL S dene, The. N. Y. 1871. 8. 37: PEARL and emerald: a tale of Gotham. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 37; ZELDA S fortune. Bost. 1874. 8. 37: Franco, Harry, (pseud.) See BRIGUS, C. F. Franconia stories. J. AHTCOTT. 10 v. Content* : 1. Malleville. 35:53 I (i. 2. Mary Hell. 35:611 7. 3. Ellen Linn. 35:28 8. 4. Wallace. 35:!)8 fl. 5. Beechnut. 35:23 10. Frank. M. EDGEWORTH Frank among the rancheros. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Cast/emon) 37: Frank at Don Carlos rancho. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Castlemon) 37: Frank Austin s diamond. With Dray- ton hall 4O: Frank before Vicksburg. C. A. FOS DICK. (Harry Castlemon) 37: Frank Cooper, (pseud.) See SIMMS, W T . G. Frank Fairleigh. F. E. SMEDLEY. Lond. 8 39: 1792 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 39: 1793 Frank Forester, (pseud.) See II ER- HERT, H. W. Frank Freeman s barber shop.. B. K. HALL 37: 3868 Frank Hilton; or, the queen s own. J. GRANT 37: 3308 Frank in the mountains. C. A. FOS DICK. (Harry Castlemon) 37: 2383 Frank in the woods. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Castlemon) 37: 2384 3170 2436 2437 Stuyvesant. 35:94 Agnes. 35:21 Mary Erskine. 35:61 RodolphUS. 35:62 Caroline. 35:26 2v 37:1490-91 2380 2381 2131 2382 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FRANK. 77 FROM. Frank Mildmay; or, the naval officer. ( apt. F. MARRY ATT 38: The same 38: Frank on a gunboat. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Castlemon) 37: Frank on the lower Mississippi. C. A. FOSDICK. (Ilary Castlemon) 37: Frank on the prairie. C. A. KOSDICK. (Harry Castlemon) 37: Frank Sinclair s wife, and other stories. ./,*.. I. H. RIDDKI.L. 3v 39: Forewftrnedi forearmed. v. :t. wife. . . Frank Sinclair H v. 1-2. Hertford O Dnnnell ing. v. 3. My first love. v. 2. My last love. v. 3. Frank Warrington. Mrs. S. S. HAR RIS. ( former I;/ Miss Cole) . 37: Frank Wildman s adventures. F. GERST.KCKF.R 37: Frank, the young naturalist. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Casilemun) 37: Frank s campaign : tlie farm and the camp. H. AI.OKR, .Jr 35: Frankenstein. Mrs. M. W. SHEL- I.KY 39: Franklin !. AHHOTT. In H. S. B. v. 4 35: Fraser, Mrx. Alexander. ONLY a face, and other tales. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 37: CiHitrnts : Kee Darrell. 2527 2528 2385 2386 2387 372-4 4010 21132 2388 535 1603 39 2445 Curse of Tyrrell. Episode ot the east. (iitunn, La. Just u dream. Manniis de I Orme. My sister Alice. Only a face. 8m of Maude Conyer Sybil Ashton. Eve. Fiorella. Fragments of a hroken life. Fraser-Tytler, C. C. JONATHAN. N. Y. 1876. 16 37: MARCARET. N. Y. 1872. 12 37: MISTRESS Judith : a Cambridgeshire story. Lond. 1873. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 37: The same. N. Y. 1875. 16 37: Fraternal magnanimity. F. v. SCHILLER. In R. G. N. v. 3 4O: Freaks of fortune. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: Freaks on the fells; and why I did not become a sailor. R. M. BAL- LANTYNE 35: FredArdcn. .1. K. SMITH 39: Fred Graham. .1. F. SMITH 39: Fred, Maria and me. E. I RKNTISS... 38: Fred Vcrnon. .1. F. SMITH 39: Freddy s aunt. H. SPICF.R. In Brought to book. v. 1 39: Frederick the Red beard upon the Kvflhiiusen. GRIMM. In K. G. N. v/2 4O: Frederick II. and his court. Mrs. C. MTXDT. (Louisa Mil/Much) 38: Frederick II. and his family. Mrs. C. MTNDT. (Louisa Miihlliarh) 38: Free, yet forging their own chains. C. M. CORN w A LI 35: Freebooters, The. G. AIMARD 35: Freeland, William. LOVE and treason. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 37: French country family. Mme. G. DKWITT..... 37: French prisoner in Russia. Tr. from the French by P. S. N. Y. 1874. 16 : 40: 2457 2454 2455 245(i 1 5(12 249 1464 1894 1895 4688 1896 2097 1561 3240 3241 4865 388 2465-7 403 French school life, Stories of. R. II. MOXCRIKFF. (Ascot R. Jfnpe) ...... French villuge. The. J. HALL. Jn Tales of the border ..................... French wines and politics. H. MAR TIN-HAT. In lllus. of polit. econ. v. 4 .......................................... Frenchman and the bills of exchange. A. PINKKRTON. With Claude Mcl- notte as a detective ..................... Frenchman of two wives. The. In N. and T. v. 3 ........... . .............. Frere, M. OLD Deccan days : or, Hindoo fain- legends, current in southern India. Lond. 1870. 16 ....................... The same ................................... Fresh gleanings. D. G. MITCHELL. (Ik Marvel) ................................ Freytag, Gustav. DKHIT and credit. (Tr. of Noll find llaben). N. Y. 1874. 12 ......... LOST manuscript, The. (Die verlor- ene llttndschrift). Tr. by Mrs. Mal colm. N. Y. 1871. 8 .............. OUR forefathers. (Die Ahneii). Tr. by Mrs. Malcolm. N. Y. 1873. 2 v. 16 ................................... In^o. v. 1. The same. Lond. sin. 8 Friarswood post office. C. Ingrahan. 1873. 2 v. M. Friedrich, Friedrich. LOST dispatch, The. Bost. 1871. 8. Friend nt court. A. C. EWALD. 3 v. Friend Kli s daughter. (J.) B. TAY- i.oit. /n Beauty and the beast ..... Friend Karl. F. W. KOMINSON-. In Girl s romance ........................... Friend of the family, The. T. (E.) HOOK. In Sayings and doings, v. 1. Friend of (iioberti s, A. C. LKVKR. In Treasure trove series, v. 3 ...... Friend of my youth, The. T. B. Ai.n- RICII. H ith Mnrjorie Daw ........... Friends and acquaintances. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward darrelt.) ........ Friends and rivals. Robt. BLACK. In Blackbird of Baden ..................... Frier Hush. In Thorns early English romances, v. 1 .......................... Friquet and friquette. J. MACC //< Home fairy tales ........................ Fritz. F. HOFFMAN. Tr. fr. the Ger man by M. A. Manderson ............ Froggy s little brother. BRF.NDA. Froissart, .SYr .John. (1337-1400?) TRUK tales of the olden times. Lond. 1854. 16 ................................. Frolich, L. MA<;IK S mistake: a school girl s story. N. Y. 1874. 16 ............ From Baltimore to Washington. C. H. PALI ........................ ............ From birth to bridal. Mm. DAY. 3 v. From Boston to Baltimore. C. II. PALI ......................................... From dawn to daylight; or, the sim ple story of a western home. Mrs. II. W. BKECHER ......................... From the earth to the moon. Same as American gun-club. J. VKRXK... From first to last. In N. and T. v. 11. 38: 3042 37: 3871 38: 2612 38: 4546 4O: 1643 37: 2475 1O: 1990 33: 3023 37: 2480 37: 2483 37: 2481-2 v. 2. 37: 2484-5 4O: 1279 37; 24118 37:178(1-82 39: 2780 39: 485 37: 4648 4O: To:: 35: 4!>2 4O: 2180 35: 2168 33: 4020 38: 2226 37: 4488 35: 276 J 37: 37: 2512 37: 35 37: 159-61 37: 36 35: 1885 39: 4O: 36HO 1651 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FROM. 78 GALT. From fourteen to fourscore. S. W. JEWETT 38: 357 From an island. Miss A. I. THACK ERAY. With Village on the clifl ... 39: 28fi6 From jest to earnest. E. P. KOK 39: C19 From 1113- youth up. Mrs. M. V. (H.) TEKIIUXE. (Clarion Hnrland) 39: From nation to nation. .1. H. FLINT. 37: From night to light. 13. E. K. Bost. 1872. 16 4O: 2179 From thistles-grapes. ? Mrs. C. J. KILOART 37: 1622 Frontier life ; or, scenes and adven tures in the south west. F. HARD- MAN 37: 3979 Contents : Adventures in Louisiana. Adventures in Texas. Sketch in the tropics. Tale of the Mexican war. Texan ranger s best shot. Two nights in southern Mexico. Frontier series. 5 v. Contents : 1. Pearson, C. H. C^bin on the prairie. 38:4311. i. Bishop, N. P. Thousand miles walk across South America. 21:28.M). 3. Barrows, W. Twelve nights in a hunter s camp. 86:1677. 4. MO nbe, J. D. Planting the wilderness. 38: !125. 5. Pearson, C. H. Young pioneers of the North-West. 38:4312. 37: 37: Frost and thaw: a story with a moral. J. C. BOYCE. 2v ........................ Frozen deep, The. (W.) W. COLLINS. Fryer Bacon. In Thorns early Kng- lish romances, v. 1 .......... ~. .......... Fuller, Mrs. CROWN-HARDEN. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 ................................. Fuller, Jane G. BENDING willow; or, missionary life in the north west. N. Y. 1872. 10 ........................................... Fuller, Lydia. MISTAKEN; or, the seeming and the real. Phil. 18 0. 12 ............... Fuller, Miss M. KIGHTKD at last. N. Y. 1872. 8. Fullerton, Lady Georgiana Charlotte (Leveson Gower). CONSTANCE Sherwood. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 ........................ KI.LKN Middleton. Leip. 184G. sq. 1G ........................................... The same. .Bait. n. d. 12 ........ GKANTI.KY Manor. Leip. 1847. 2v.ini. sq. 10 ........................ 37: The same. Bait. n. d. 12 ........ LADY-BIRD. Leip. 1853. 2v.ini. sq. 16 ....................................... The same. Bait. 1868. 12 ....... MRS. Gerald s niece. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. sq. 16 ........................ STORMY life, A. N. Y. 18G8. 8... The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 ............................... TALES of truth and trust. N. Y. 1874. 16 ................................. 35:2470-71 35: 4553 33: 4020 37: 2532-4 37; 2520 2526 2540 37: 2550 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37; 2551 2560 2552 2561 2553 25C2 2554 2555 2556 2557 Contents : A>1 majorem Dei gloriam. Beggar of the stops of St. Roch : ft true story. Blacksmith of Antwerp. Earth without heaven : a reminiscence. Reparation : a story of the reign of Louis XIV. Trouvaille; or, the soldier * adopted child : a true story. Too strange not to be true. N. Y. 1865. 3v.ini. 8 .................... 37: 2558 The same. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16. 37: 2559 Fullom, K. "W. DAUGHTER of night, The: a story of the present time. N.Y. 1868. 8. 37: 2571 Funny little old woman, The. E. EGGLESTON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Funny philosophers. G. YKLLOTT.... 4O: 1250 Funny pop-guns. F. BARKOW. (Aunt Finmie) .. . 35: 1661 Fur country; or, 70 degrees north lati tude. J.VKRNE 39: 3691 Fureidis, El. M. S. CUMMINS 35: 5138 G. Gable-roofed house at Snowdon. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES. In Home stead on the hillside 37: 4570 Gaboriau, Emile. CLIQUE of gold, The. [Tr. of Clique doree). Bost. 1874. 8 37: 2750 FILE No. 113. (Tr. of Dossier 113). Bost. 1875. 8 37; 2755 MYSTERY of Orcival. (Tr. of Crime (TOrcival). N.Y. 1871. 8 37: 2751 OTHER people s money. (Tr. of Ciena de bureau). Bost. 1875. 8 37: 2752 WIDOW Lerouge. (Tr. of L affaire Lerouge). Bost. 1873. 8.... 37: 2753 WITHIN an inch of his life. (Tr. of Cordc aii con). Bost. 1874. 8... 37: 2754 Gabriel Denver. O. MADOX-BROWN. 37: 2370 Gabrielle Andre. S. BARING-GOULD. Same as In Exitu Israel 35: 1572 Gage, Mrs. Frances Dana. ELSIE Magoon ; or, the old still-house in the hollow: a tale of the past. Phil. 1872. 12 37: 2764 STEPS upward. Phil. 1871. 12.... 37: 2765 Gage of honour, The: a tale of the great mutiny. 3 v 4O: 2181 Gain of a loss. C. M. YONOE. 2 v. in 1 4O: 1280 Galama ; or, the beggars. J. B. DK.LIKFDE 37: 235 Galibi ; or, the talking monkey. E. HAMERTON. 7n Mirror of truth... 37: 3900 Gallows guests, The. GRIMM. In R. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 Galpin, Mrs. - . Two ghosts of New London turnpike, The. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 Gait, John. (1779-1839). ANNALS of the parish. Lond. 1861. 16 37: 2775 The same. Lond. 1864. 16 37: 2776 AYRSHIRE legatees, The. Lond. 1861. 16. With Annals of the parish 37: 2775 BOOK of life, The. In Club-book.... 4O: 1520 EHEN Erskine. Lond. 1833. 3 v. 12 37:2777-9 FATAL whisper, The. In Club-book. 4O: 1520 HADDAD BEN-AHAB ; or, the travel ler. In Club-book 4O: 1520 The same. In L. C. v. 9 4O: 1619 LAWKIE Todd; or, the settlers in the woods. Lond. 1849. 16 37: 2780 PAINTER, The. In Club-book 4O: 1520 PROVOST, The ; and other tales. Edinb. 1868. 16 37: 2781 Contents : Provost, The. Steamboat, The. Omen, The. Illustrations, anecdotes, and criti cal remarks. SOUTHENNAN. Lond. 1830. 3. v. 12 37: 2782-4 UNGUARDED hour, The. In Club- book... , 4O: 1520 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GAMBLER S. 79 OELDART. 34: 2673 3498 4435 4179 4919 Gambler s wife. C. M. BRAMK. In Tales from the diary of a sister of me rev Gambler s wife, The. E. C. GRKY... Gambler s wife. E. PICKKKIXG Gamester, The : a tale. In W. S. C. Ij. v. 9 The same * 15* Gammer Grethel s fairy tales. H. and L. GRIMM 37: Gaol chaplain, Experience of a. E. NKAI.K 38: 3520 Garden of Eden, The. G. YKAUKR... 4O: 1245 Garden party, A. Mrs. D. M. CKAIK. (formerly Miss AJulock.) In Un kind word 35; 4943 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 4944 Gardenhurst : a novel. A. C. STEKI.K. 3 v 39- 2177-9 Gardette, Charles I). BALL and Sancho. In Pluck 37 : 2794 DADDY Dimple. In Pluck 37; 2794 PLUCK ; or, steps in the lives of the Kecne family; and other stories. Phil. 1869. "|6 37; 2794 Gmtmti : Pluck ; or, steps in the lives of the Keene family. I ^ly mug and her magical glass, \poent 1 Ball and Saneho. Crafty fox and good little hen, (jxwm.l Uaddy Dimple" Gardiner, Margaret (Power) (Count- easo/JSlettington). (1789-1849.) COXKKSSIOXS of an elderly gentle man. Phil. 1834. 8 COUNTRY quarters. Leip. 1850. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 ELLA Stratford; or, the orphan child Phil Af AKMADUKK Herbert. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 MKMOIRS of a famine de chambre. Leip. 1846. sq. 16 MKKKDITH. Leip. 1843. sq. 16.... STRATH BUS; a novel. Leip. 1844. 2v.ini. sq. 16 37- 2810 Gardner, Celia E. HKOKKN dreams. N.Y KICH Medway. N.Y .. TKSTKD; or, hope s fruition: a story of woman s constancy. N.Y 1874 12 . Gardner, H. C. KOSEUALK: a story of self-denial. Cin. 1866. 12. . Garibaldi, Oe,/l. Joseph, On the rock with. H. SIMCKR. In Hound to please, v. 2 39. Garibaldi, Guiseppe. (b. 1807.) KVLK of the monk, The. N. Y 1870. 8 Garland, James. TRKOARTHKN hall. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 37: Garnston ; or, a life s discipline. Mrs. J. MKRCIKR 38- 2895 Garrett, Kd ward, (pseud.) See MAYO, Mm. Isabella Fivey Garrett, G. W. BKI.I.K of Helgravia, The. Lond 2 v. sm. 8 37: Garry Owen ; or, the snow woman. .M. KiKiKwoRTii. In Kosiimond... Garstangs of Garstang Grange. A. TKOI.I.OI-K... Leip. 1847. 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2820 2821 37; 2822 37: 2830 209G 37: 2830 T. 37: 39: 1508 Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader. It. M. HALI.ANTYNK 35 : 3251 , 1465 8 sq. Hi... Gaskell, Mrs. Mary Klix.abeth Cleg- horn. (1822-1866). Coir.-.-v Phillis; and other talcs. Leip. 1867. sq. 16 Ounleatf : Cousin Phillis. Six weeks at Heppen- hi-im. Curious if true. Right at last. The Manchester marriage CRAXFORI). N. Y. n. d. 16 The same. Leip. 1867. sq. 16... DAKK night s work, A. N.Y. 1863 8 ; The same. Leip. 1863. sq. 16... LI/.ZIK Leigh ; and other tales. Leip. 1855. sq. 16 Qmtents : Bessie s trotihles at home. Christmas storms ami sunshine. Company manners. Disappearances. Hat.d and heart. Heart of John MidMeton. Lihhie M rfh sthree eras. Llszfe Leigh. Mr. Harrison s con- lessions. Morion Hall. My French mas ter. Hid nurse s story. Sexton s hero Squire s story. Traits" an. I stories of the Huguenots. Well of Pen-morfa. Lois the witch. Leip. 1861. sn 16 Contents : Crooked branch. The. Doom of the Griffiths, The. Grey woman, The. Half. brothers, The. Lois, the witch. MARY Barton. N. Y. n. d. The same. Leip. 184!. MOOKLA.N-I) cottage, The N" Y 1868. 16 *. MY lady Ludlow: a novel. N Y 1871. 8 . NORTH and south. N. Y. n. d. 8. The same. Leip. 1855. sq. 16... HIOHT at last; and other tales. N Y. I860. 12 Contents: Right at last Manchester marriage, he. Lois, the witeh. Crocked branch, The. Hl TH. X. Y. 18G6. 12 The same. Leip. 1853. 2v.ini. sq. 16 SYLVIA S lovers: a novel. N Y 1871. 8 The same, sq. 16.. WIVKS and daughters. N. Y . 8 .". The same. Leip. 1866. 3 v so 16 ;.... ; The same. 3 v. in 2 Gates ajar, The. E. S. PIIKLPS Gates wide open, The. G. WOOD Gaunt abbey : a novel. E. J . LYSAGT. 3 v ". Gaut Gurley; or, the trappers of Tmbagog. D. P. THOMPSON Gavroche, the gamin of Paris. V. Hu<io. Adapted from " Les mis- erables," by M. C. Pyle Gay, Delphine. (pseud.) See GIRAK- IMN, A/nif. Kmile de. Gayarre, Charles Arthur, (b. 1805.) FKRNAXDO de Lemos, truth and fic tion. N.Y. 1872. 12 Gaylord, Glance. (pseud.) See BUADI.KY, J. \V. Gayworthys, The. A. I). T. WIIIT- NKY Geier-W^ally. A tale of Tyrol. W. von HII.LKRN " The same Geldart, Afrs. Thomas. STORIKS of England and her forty counties. Lond. n. d. 18.... Leip. 1863. 1 v. in 1. 1866. 37: 286H 37: 2861 37: 2862 37: 37: 2863 2864 37: 2865 37: 2866 37: 37: 2867 2868 37: 2869 37: 37: 37: 2870 2871 2872 37: 2873 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 37:2879-81 37: 2882-3 38: 4375 4O: 76o 38: 1943-5 39: 2972 38: 4776 37: 2900 4O: 392 37: 4433 37: 4434 37: 29io PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GEMMA. 80 GIBBON. Gemma a novel. T. A. TROLI.OPE. 39: 3257 Gems from fable land. W. O. BOURN K. 35: 2389 The same 33: 471 Generalship ; or, how I managed my husband. G. Roy 39: 700 Generous lover, The ; or, the man of deeds and not of words. P. SCAR- RON. In Whole comical works *34: 1915 Genevieve. A. de LAMAKTINE 38: 1284 Genevieve. C. von SCHMIU 39: 1230 Genlis, Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de Saint-Aubin, Comtesse de. (1746- 1830). BKLINARIUS: an historical romance. Halt. 1810. 2v.ini. 12 37: 2020 Gentianella : a novel. Mr. RAN DOLPH 39: 10G Gentle recruit, The: a tale. G. R. GI.KHI. /reW. S. C. L. v.l 34: 4171 The same *15: 4 Jll Gentleman of the old school. G. P. R. JAMES. 2v.ini 38: 185 Geoffry llamlyn. H. KINGSLBY 38: 964 The same. Tnuchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 965 Geography of an Irish oath. W. CARI.KTON. In Traits and stories. v. 2 35: 3842 The same 35: 3840 Geordie Willison, and the heiress of Castle Grower. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B. v. 3 George ; or, the planter of the Isle of France. A. (D.) DUMAS George A. Green. Thorns early English romances, v. 2 George Canterbury s will. E. P. [Mrs. Henry] WOOD The same. Tauchnitx. ed. 2 v in 1. George Geith of Fen Court. Xrs. J. H. RlDDKLL The same. Tauchnitx ed. 2 v. in 1. George Julian. H. COCKTON George Milbank. Mrs. ELLIS. In Chapters on wives George Morton and his sister. C. M. TROWHRIDGK George Ready. R. O LINCOLN Georgy Sandon ; or a lost love. A. OCI.K Gerald Estcourt. Mrs. R. CHURCH. (formerly Miss Miirryait). 2 v. in 1. Gerald Fitzgerald. C. LEVER Gerald Hastings of Barton. By the author of No appeal. Lend. 3 v. sin. 8 Gerald Marsdale : a tale of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Mrs. S. CAREY Geraldine. E. C. AGNEW Geraldine. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches Gerda. M. S. SCHWARTZ Germaine. E. (F. V.) ABOUT German conquest of England, The, and battle of Dorking. Reminis cences of a volunteer. Col. G. CIIESNEY 35: 4202 German emigrants, The. J. W. von GOETHE. Tr. by R. D. Boylan. In his N. and T 34: 1259 German novelists. T. ROSCOE. 4 v. 4O: 1560-3 Content) : v. 1. Reynard, the fox. HowleglRS, the merry jester. Doctor Faustus. v.2. Popu lar traditions. Gottschalk. Eherlmrdt. Busehing. Grimm. Lothar. La Motte Fouque. v. 3. Musnens. Schilelr. v. 4. Lewis Tieck. Langbein. Engel. 4O: 1713 37: 986 33: 4021 4O: 4O: 692 093 39: 39: 35: 375 376 4475 37: 1675 39: 38: 3301 3825 38: 3812 35: 38: 4265 1603 40: 2182 35: 35: 3780 330 37: 39: 35: 3887 1257 166 German popular tales. H. C. ANDER SEN German popular tales and stories. .1. L. K. and K. W. GRIMM German romance, Specimens of. T. CAKLYLE. 4 v Contents : v.l. Miisifus. La Motte Fpuque. v. 2. Tiei-k. Hott inarm. v. 3. Richter. v. 4. Goethe. German tales. B. AUERHACH Gerstsecker, Friederich. (1816- 1872). EACH for himself; or, the two adven turers. Lond. n. d. sm. 8 FEATHERED arrow FRANK Wildman s adventures. Bost. 1870. 16 How a bride was won. N. Y. 18G9. 8 Twf) convicts, The. (Tr. of Die beiden Ntrafhige). Lond. 1873. sm. 8.. WIFE to order, A. Tr. by Edmund Routledge. Lond. n. d. sm. 8. W i i.i) sports in the far west. Bost. 1870. 16 Gertrude. E. M. SEWELL.... Gervase Castonel ; or, the six gray powders. E. P. [Mr*. H.] WOOD. Gervase Skinner. T. (E.) HOOK Get money. Mrs. L. C. TUTHILL Get thee behind me Satan. O. L. SIKES. (formerly Olive Logan) Geyer Waelty. F. HOFFMANN. Tr. bv M. A Manderson Ghost, The. W. D. O CONNOR. In L. C. v. 8 Ghost-hunter and his family, The. M. BAMM Ghost in the clock room. H. SMITH. (Ilesla Stretton.) In Lamplighter s story Ghost in the corner room. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. In Lamplighter s story. Ghost in the cupboard room. (W.) W. COLLINS. In Lamplighter s story Ghost in the double room. G. A. SALA. In Lamplighter s story Ghost in Master B s room. C. (J. II.) DICKENS. In Lamplighter s story. Ghost in the picture room. A. PROC TOR. In Lamplighter s story Ghost of art, The. C.( J. H.) DICKENS. In Lamplighter s story Ghost of Gairyburn, The. A. BETHUNE. In W. T. B., v. 6 Ghost of the garden room. Mrs. GASKEI.L. In Lamplighter s story. Ghost of Howdy craigs, The. A. BETHUNE. In W. T. B., v. 6 Ghost-seer,The; or, the apparitionist. F. SCIIII.I.ER. In W r orks, v. 4. Ghost story, A. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett). In Dead sin Giant Despair. M. FARROW. 3v Giant s coffin, The; or, the feud of Holt and Houston. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin Gibbon, Charles. Foil the king. N.Y. 1872. 8 FOR lack of gold : a novel. N. Y. 1872. 8 IN honor bound: a novel. N. Y. 1875. 8 ROBIN Gray: a novel. N.Y. 1873. 8 ... . 35: 645 37: 3603 35: 3873-6 35: 878 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 39: 4O: 37: 89: 33: 37: 4O: 35: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 1576 694 3638 3387 3687 4489 1G18 1537 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 4O: 1716 37: 481 4O: 1716 34: 1930 38: 2808 37:2013-15 39: 1692 37: 2949 37: 2950 37: 2951 37: 2952 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GlBERNE. 81 GIPSEY S. 37: 37: 37: Q-iberne, Agnes. AiMeE; a tale of the days of James II. N. Y. 1873. 16 ............... COUI.YNO castle; or, a knight of the olden days. N. Y. 187G. 111 .... Fi.oss Silverthorne; or, the master s little handmaid. N. Y. 1875. 10. Gibraltar gallery, The. J. ABBOTT. In U.S. B., v.~S .......................... 35: Gideon s rock. K. SAUXDERS ......... 39: Gifford, Hon. Mrs. George. KING S Baynard. Lond. 1866. 3 v. sin. H..." ................................... 37:2970-72 Gift, Theodore. PRETTY Miss Bellow. N. Y. 1875. 16 .......................................... 37: Gigantic attraction. H. SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 1 .................. 39: Gil Bias de Santillane. Adventures of. A. R. LE SAOE. 2 v. N. Y. ed... The same. Bost. ed. 3v ............... The same. Phil, ed ....................... Gilbert, William. DE profundis: a tale of the social deposits. Lond. 1806. 16 ........ The same. Lond. 1864. 2 v. sm. 8 .................................... 37: 2983-4 DOCTOR Austin s guests. Lond. 1868. sm. 8 .............................. The same. Lond. 1866. 2 v. sm. 8 .................................... 37: 2986-7 Contents : Vol 1. Introductory. Mr. Gurdon s plight. Patent mania. Singular love story, A L arnour medicin. IxyrisiToR, The; or, the struggle in Ferrara: an historical romance. Lond. 187(1. 3 v. sm. 8 ........... 37:2988-90 MAGIC mirror, The. Lond. 1866. sm. 8 ....................................... 37: 2991 MARTHA. Lond. 1871. :i v. sm. 8. 37: 2992-4 WIZARD of the mountain. Lond. 1867. 2 v. 8 ........................... 37:2995-6 38: 38: 38: 2962 2964 2963 43 1150 2075 2096 1535-6 1537-9 1540 37: 2982 87: 2985 Vol. 2. Scientific evening, A. Old maid, The. Btnquo s ghost. Imprisoned demon, The. Omtents: Vol. 1. Introduction. Doctor Onofrio, The. Fra Gerolamo Magic flower, The. Last Lords of Gardonal. Totnaso and Pepina. Robber chief, The. Vol. 2. Don Bucefalo and the curate. Physician s daughter, The. Two lovers. The. Stranger, The. lnnominato 9 confession. The. Conclusion. Gilbert Gurney : a novel. T. (K.) HOOK . 37: 4639 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 6-7.... 34: 4176-7 The same *15: 4916-7 Gilbert Massenger. H. PARR. (Holme Lee) 38: 41 J9 Gilbert Rugge : a novel. By the au thor of A first friendship. N. Y. 1866. 8 4O: 2183 Gilbert Starr, and his lessons. W. J. BRADLEY. (Glance Gaylord) 35: 2634 Gilbert s last summer at Rainford. W. . I. BRADLEY, (dlance Uaylard). 35: 2633 Gilberts, Tim; or, Rice corner num ber two. Mrs M. J. HOLMES. In Homestead on the hillside 37: 4570 Gilded age : a tale of to-day. S. L. CLEMEXS (Mark Twain), and C. D. WARNER 35: 4400 Gildersleeve, Mrs. C. H. HEM Y St. Remy ; or, the boy in blue. X. Y. 1866. 12... 37: 3010 Gillespie, Thomas. GLEANINGS of the covenant. T. 1$. v. 8-10 In W. 40:1718-20 Giles s minority; or, scenes at the red house. Mrs. R. O RKJI.I.Y... 37: 38: 3909 Content* : Bonny Mary Gibson, v. 8. Cairny cave of Gavin Mnir, v. 9. Covenanter s march, v. 8. Curlers, The, v. 9. Douglas tragedy, The, v. 8. Eskcialemuir story, The, v. 8, Fatal niistiike, v. 8. Grandmother s narrative, v. 8. Helen Palmer, v. 9. James Renwick, v. 9. John Govan s narrative, v. 10. Kinaldy, v. 10. "Old Bluntie," v. 10. Old Isbel Kirk, v. 9. Penden s farewell sermon, v. 8. Persecution of the M Michasls, v 8. Porter s hole, The, v. 9. Rescue at Enterkin, v. 8. Sergeant Wilson, v. 10. Shoes reversed, The, v. 10. Thomas Harkness of Lockerben, v. 10 Trials of the Rev. Samuel Austen, v. 10, Violated coffin, The, v. 9. PROFESSOR S tales, The. In W. T. B. v. 1-7 Contents : Convivialist, The, v. 1. Dura l>en ; or, second thoughts are hest, Early recollections of a son of the hills, Enthusiast, The, v. 7. Family incidents, v. 4. Home and the gypsy maid, v. 4. Ktrkyards, v. 7. Last of the pedlars, v. 3. Medal, The, v. 6 Mistake rectified, The, v. 5. Mountain storm, The, v. 1. Natural history of idiots, v. 7. Peat-casting time, v. 5. Phcebe Fortune, v. 2. Philips Grey, v. i. Return, The. v. 4. Social man, The, v. 6 Suicide s grave, The, v. 2. Three brethren, The, v. 5. Trees and burns, v. 7. Wedding, The. v. 6. Oilman, Caroline. (b. 1794). and JEKVKY, Caroline Howard. STORIES and poems. Bost. 1872. 16 RECOLLECTIONS of a southern matron and a New England bride, Phil. n. d. 12 Gilman, Mrs. Maria, (pseud.) Set BARNARD, Charles F. Gilmore, James R. (Edmund Kirke). AMOXG the guerillas. N. Y. 12 AMONG the pines. N. Y. 1862. 12. Dowx in Tennessee. N. Y. 1866. 12 MY southern friends. N. Y. 1863. 12 ON the border. Bost. 1867. 12.... PATRIOT boys and prison pictures. Bost. 1866. 12 Ginger-snaps. S. P. PARTON. (Fanny Fern) Ginx s baby : his birth and other mis fortunes. E. JENKINS, [anon.]... Gipsy, The. G. P. R. JAMES The snme. Tauchnitz ed Gipsy babes. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 7 Gipsy king, A. In N. and T. v. 11. Gipsy of the Abruzzo, The. T. POW ER. In Club-book Gipsy s daughter, The. Mrs. E. C. (JREY Gipsy s prophecy, The ; or, the bride of an evening. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOI-TH WORTH Gipsy s warning, The. E. A. DUPUY. 40:1711-17 37: 3020 37: 3021 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 33: 38: 38: 38: 39: 40: 4O: 37: 3032 3033 37: 3034 3035 3036 3037 3318 301 186 187 1642 1651 1520 3499 39: 2018 37: 1066 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GIRAFFE. 82 GOETHE. M. RKID 39: 246 Giraffe hunters, The. Girardin, Jules. ADVENTURES of Johnny Ironsides. Lond. n. d. ,16 " 37: 3046 Girardin, Mme. Emile de. (Velpliine Gay). CROSS of Berney ; or, Irene s lovers : a novel. (Tr. of La croix de Berny). Phil. 1874. 12 37: 3047 MAKGUKKITK; or, two loves. (Mar guerite.) Tr. by J. Leander Starr. N. Y. 1872. 8 37: 3048 STORIES of an old maid. (Conies d une vieille fille). Tr. by A. Elwes. N. Y. 185(1. 16 37: 3049 Girding on the armor. S. S. BOBBINS. 39: 453 Girl he married, The. J. GRANT 37: 3309 Girl s romance, A, and other stories. F.W.ROBINSON 39: 485 Contents : Girl s lomance, A. Sensation at Season- ville. Jenny Merton. Proud wife, A. Achille: a confession of folly. Willow Silvini, The. Alice Dale s offers. Rich- ard Arnot s craze. William Smudge s amendment. Buries : a bad boy. Friend Karl. Tito s troubles. An odd fix. Nantle ferry. Gisli, the outlaw. Tr. by G. "W. Das- ent. Edin. 1866. sm. 4 4O: 2184 Giuseppe s home. J. A. MATHEWS. 38: 2725 Give us room. See Social grievances. In Collin s queen s revenge 35: 4581 Gladiators, The: a tale of Rome and .ludea. J. G. WIIYTK-MELVILLE. 4O: 429 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 4O: 430 Gladstones, The. F. TROLLOPS. 8v 39: 3241-3 Glaikit Willie. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 6 4O: 1716 Glance Gaylord. (pseud.) See BRAD LEY, W. J. Glass back, The. In W. T. K. v. 6. 4O: 1716 Glaucia: a story of Athens in the first centnry. E.LESLIE 38: 1550 Gleanings of the covenant, The. T. GILLESPIE. / W. T. B. v. 8-10.. 40:1718-20 Contents : Bonny Mary Gibson, v S. Cairny cave of Gavin Muir, v. n. Covenanter s march, v. 8. Curlers, The, v. 9. Douglas tragedy, v. 8. Eskdalemuir story, v. 8. Fatal mistake, v. 8. Grandmother s narrative, Helen Palmer, v. 9. James Remviek, T. 9. John Govan s narrative, v. 10. Kmaldy, v. 10. Gleig, C. E. S. OLD colonel, The, and the old corps. Lond. 1871. 8 "Old Blnntie," v. 10. Ok) Ishel Kirk, v. n. Peden s farewell sermon, v. 8. Persecution of the M Mich- aels, v. 8. Porter s hole, The, v. 9. Rescue at Enterkin, v. 8. Sergeant Wilson, v. 10. Shoes reversed, y. 10. Thomas Harknes s of Lock- erber, v. 10. Trials of Rev. Samuel Aus ten, v. 10. Violated coffin, The, v. 9. 33: 1659 Gleig, George Robert, (b. 1795). On ELSKA hospital and its traditions. Lond. 1835. 3 v. 12 37:3059-01 GENTLE recruit, The. In W. S. 0. L. v. 1 34: 4171 Thesame *15: 4911 SARATOGA : a tale. In W. S. 0. L. v. 1 34: 4171 The same *15: 4911 Glen Morris stories. D. WISE. 5 v. v. 1. Guy Carlton. 40:632 v. 2. Dick Duncan. 40:631 v. 3. Jessie Carlton. 40:633 y. 4.. Walter Sherwood. 40:635 v. S. Kate Carlton. 40::i4 Glenn s creek. Mrs. M..T. HOLMES. In Homestead on the hillside 37: 4570 Glimpse of the world. E. M. SEWELL. 39: 1577 The same. Tauohnitz ed". 2 \. in 1. 39: 1578 Glimpses of the past; or, tlie mu seum. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth) 39: 3064 Glimpses of pleasant homes: a few tales for youth. By a member of the Order of mercy, authoress of the life of Catharine Mc Auley. N. Y. 1872. 12 4O: 2185 Glitter and gold. H. FIELD 37: 2132 Glory and sorrow; or, the consequen ces of ambition; and the Pasha of Salonica. Tr. by P. S. N. Y. 1874. 16 4O: 2186 Glory of the house of Israel. D. F. STRAVSS 39: 2350 Gloverson and his silent partners. R. KEELKR 38: 705 Glow-worm, The. E. HAMERTON. fn Mirror of truth 37: 3900 Glow-worm, The. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In Philip and his garden 39: 3068 Gluck in Paris. .Vr.s. ELLET. In Nouveletts-of the musicians 37: 1650 Go-ahead ; or, the fisher-boy s motto. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry ( astlemon). 37: 2389 Goblet, The. L. TIECK. In C. G. R. v. 2 35: 3874 Goddard, Julia. BAFFLED; or, Michael Brand s wrong. N. Y. 1870. 8 37: 3070 WONDK.RFUL stories from northern lands. Lond. 1871. sm. 8 37: 3071 Godolphin, and Falkland. E. G. E. L. BULWER-LYTTON 35: 3116 The same. Tauchnitx ed 35: 3117 Godson, The. E. SOUVESTRF,. Tr. by Emily Bowles. In, Maggie s rosary..... 4O: 1630 Godwin, Mary Wollestonecraft. (1759-1797). MARIA; or, the wrongs of women: a posthumous fragment. Phil. 1799. 16 37: 3081 Godwin, William. (1756-1836). ADVENTURES of Caleb Williams. Lond. 1831. 16 37: 3096 The same. N. Y. 1856. 2 v. in 1. 12 37: 3097 BROTHER S secret, The. Phil. n. d. 12 37: 3098 CLOUDESLEY : a tale. Lond. 1830. 3 v. 12 37:3099-3101 FI.KKTWOOD; or. the new man of feeling. Lond. 1832. 16 37: 3102 ST. Leon : a tale of the 16th century. Lond. 1832. 10 "... 37: 3103 Goethe and Schiller : a novel. C. M. MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach) 38: 3242 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749- 1832). ELECTIVE affinities: a novel. (Tr. of Die Wahlverwandschaflen). N. Y. 1872. 16 37: 3113 The same. In his N. and T 34: 1259 GKKMAN emigrants, The. (Unler- hiiltungen deutscher Emigraitten). Tr. by R. D. Boylan. In his N. and T. 34: 1259 GOOD women, The. (Die guten Wether). Tr.byR.D.Boylan. In his X . and T . 34: 1259 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GOETHE. GORDON. 291 Goethe, (continued.) NOUVKLKTTE. Tr. by R. D. Boylan. In his N. and T ." ." 34: 1259 SOKROWS of younsr Werther. (Die Leiden des juityen Werther). Tr. bv R. 1). Boylan. In /5i> N. and T...".. 34: 1259 The same. Lond. 1801. 12 37: 3114 Wn.iiKi.M Meister s apprenticeship. |Tr. of Wilhflm Meister s Lchrjahre.) Bost. 1867. 2 v. 16 37:3115-16 The same. Lond. 1868. sm 8... 37: 3117 Going into society. C. (.T. H. ) DICK- KXS. H ith Uncommercial traveller. 37: 552 Going on a mission. P. COHDEN. ipteud.) 35: 4404 Going to the front. H. SPICER. In Hound to please, v. 1 39: 2096 Going to Maynooth. W. CARLKTOX. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 Thesinne 35: 3840 Going west ; or, the perils of a poor b.>y. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic}. 35: Gold and dross. Mrs. \. F. MAYO. (Edward (larrett I 38: Gold and name. M. S. SCHWARTZ 39: Gold and tinsel: a novel. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: Gold brick. A. S. STEPHENS 39: Gold bug, The. E. A. POK. In L. C. v. 12 Gold Elsie. E. JOHN. (E. Marlitl). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. "Wister Gold hunter s adventures, The; or, life in Austrailia. "W. 11. THOMKS. Gold hunters in Europe, The. W. H. THOMKS Gold mines of the Gila. C. W. WEH- ItKlt. 2 V Gold seekers, The. G. AIMARII Gold thread, The. N. MACLEOD Gold worshippers. J. ROHINSOX Golden bait, The: a novel. H. HOI.L. :i v Golden rlew. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 4 Golden fetters. M. LEMOX. 2 v. in 1. Golden grains from life s harvest field. T. S. ARTHUR Golden heart, A: a novel. T. HOOD. 3 v Golden lion of Granpure, The. A. TROLLOPI Golden memoirs. E. LEIGH. 2 v.... Golden opportunity, The. J. INGK- i.ow. In Stories told to a child Golden pot, The. E. T. W. HOFFMANN. In C. G. H. v. 2 Golden sorrow, A. Mr*. C. HOEY. ... Golden tress, The. F. Du BOISOOHEY. Goldhunter s library, The. W. H. THOMES. 6 v. Home as Ocean life series. Qinlfntx : \. Gold hunters adventures. The; or, life in Austaailia. [:l:2!IW] 2. Bnshnuigen, The; a Yankee s adven tures during his second visit to Aus trailia. [39:29561 3. Gold hunters in Europe, The; or, the dead alive. [3!>:2<l. r i8] 4. Whaleman s adventure*, The, in the Sandwich Islands and California 5. Slaver s adventures, A, on land and sea. [ 39:2901] . Life in the East Indies. [ J39:29f>9] Goldie, Mm. Thomas. HELEN Walker, the .leanie Deans of the Heart of Midlothian. T. F. H. 4O: 2658 37: 37: 37: 34: Goldielocks. .T. MAC*-. In Home fairy tales 38: Goldmaker s village. II. ZSCIIOKKK. 4O: Goldsmith, Christabel. (p.inid.) Nee SMITH, Julie P. Goldsmith, Oliver. (1728-1774). VICAR of Wakcfield, The. N. Y. 1802. 16 The same. Edin. n. d. 16 The same. N. Y. 1872. 12 The same. In Select works The same. With Coventry s Pom- pey the little 35: The same. In. Misc. works, v. 3... 34: Gone like a shadow. By the author of Recommended to mercy. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: Gonsalez. See FERNANDEZ and Gox- SAI.KZ. Good and bad spirits. Mr*. A. M. F. HALL. //(Sketches 37: Good and bad luck. C. E. Toxx A. ( Ch irlotte Elizabeth.) In Flower of innocence 39: Good aunt, The. M. EDGEWORTII. In her N. and T., v. 1 37: The same. In Moral tales, v. 1 37: Good light, The ; and other tales. C. 2226 1451 Goodwin, Mr*. H. B. DR. Howell s family. Bost. 1869. 12 SHERBROOKK. N. Y. 1866. 12 Goodwin-Talcott, Mr*. . FORTUNES of Miss Follen, The. N. Y. 1876. 12 Goody Gracious! and the forget-me- not. J. NEAL. In L. C., v. 10 Gordian knot, The. (C.) S. BROOKS. Gordon, Clarence. ( Vieux Moutluche.) BOARDIXG-SCHOOL days. N.Y. 1873. 16 ... 37: 37: 4O: 35: 3127 3128 3121) 1271 4898 1269 2188 3887 3062 1496 1494 jr\. 1 W) RKADE no- 145 rrl^. 38: Lw&A 381 Autobiography of a thief. | Jack of all trades. Good for nothing. G. J. "VViiYTK 39: 2957 MELVILLE. 2 v. in 1 4O: 432 Good French governess. M. EDGE- OQ. 2958 37- 1495 Of. The same. In her N. and T., v. 2 37: 1497 40: 271 Good genius,The. H.and A.MAYHEW. 38: 2790 35: 389 Good girl and true woman. W. M. 00. 900 r. THATKK 39: 2936 oo. 39: MOO.) 540 Good investment: a story of the upper Ohio. W. FLAOG 37: 2245 37: 4525-7 Good luck. 1 . COBIIEN. (pseud.) 35: 4465 Good luck! E. WERNER 4O: 313 39: 1639 Good man of Drvfield, The. A. 38: 1506 CAMI-IIELI.. In vV. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 38- 4346 35: 773 Good measure. D. S. ERICKSOX 37: 1751 38: 2467 37: 4620-2 Good Sir Walter : a tale. By the au thor of Family portraits. In AV. 39: 3171 S. C. -L., pt. 1, v. 3 34: 4173 38: 1488-9 The same * 1 5- 4913 Good society. Mrs. E. C. GREY 37: 3500 38: 33 Good time coming. T. S. ARTHUR... 35: 774 Good women, The. J.W. von GOETHE. C. 3874 In his N and T 34: 1259 O*J. 37: 4464 Good-bye sweetheart. R. BROUGH- 35: 2314 TOX 35: 2971 Goodwin, Edward. LILY White: a romance. Phil. 1865. 37: 3139 3149 3151 37: 3156 1620 2926 37: 3160 PKOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. GORDON. 84 GRANT. 37: 35: 37: 3227 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 I 98-3200 3201 3202 I 3204 3203 3205 Gordon, Hewes. LOVKRS and thinkers. N. Y. 1865. 12 37: 3168 Gordon, Janet. CONNELLS of castle Connell, The. Lend. 1868. > v. sm. 8 37: 3176-7 Gore, Mrt. Catherine Grace Francis. (1799-1861.) ABEDNEGO, the money-lender: a ro mance. Cin. n. d. 8 AMBASSADOR S wife, The. Lend. 1863. sm. 8 37: BANKER S wife, The; or, court and city: a novel. N.Y. 1870. 8... BIRTHRIGHT, The: a novel. N. Y. 1874. 8 CASTLES in the air. Leip. 1856. sq. 16 DEAN S daughter; or, the days we live in. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 HECKINQTON. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 LIFE S lessons. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 MAMMON ; or, hardships of an heiress. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16.... PEERS and Parvenus: a novel. N. Y. 1875. 8 POLISH tales. Lond. 1833. 3 v. 12. 37:31 PROGRESS and prejudice. Leip. 1854. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 QUEEN of Denmark. N.Y. 1863. 8. SELF. N. Y. 1845. 8 STORY of a royal favorite, The. N. Y. 1864. 8 Two aristocracies. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. 16 Gore, Leslie. ANNIE Jennings. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 Gorilla hunters. R. M. BALLANTYNE. Gossip s story, A; and A legendary tale. In W. S. C. L., v. 8 .*. 34: The same 15: Gotthelf, Jeromias. (pseud.) See . BITZIUS, Albert. Gould, Jeanie T. MAR.IORIK .S quest. Best. 1872. 12. Goulding, F. R. MAROONBR S island; or, Dr. Gordon in search of his children. Phil. 1872. 16 , 37: NACOOCHE; or, boy-life from home. Phil. 1871. 16 37: ROBERT and Harold; or, the young Marooners on the Florida coast. Phil. 1870. 16 37: SAL-O-QTIAH ; or, boy-life among the Cherokees. Phil. 1870. 16 37: SAPELO ; or, child-life on the tide water. Phil. 1870. 16 37: Governor, The. (pseud.) See MOR- FORD, Henry. Governess, The. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 6 39: Govinda Siimenta ; or, the history of a Bengal. Rev. Lai Behari DAY... 37: Gowden Gibbie. A. CUNNINUHAM. In Club-book 4O: Gower, Lord Francis Leveson. DRAMATIC scenes founded on V. Hugo s Hernani. In Club-book... 4O: Gowrie; or, the king s plot. G. P. K. JAMES. N.Y. 1871. 8 38: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 3215-17 1467 4178 4918 3237 3238 3241 3239 3240 1641 170 1520 1520 188 Grace Cameron. A. CAMPBELL. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 Grace Dudley. C.J.PETERSON 38: 4358 Grace Lee. J. KAVANAOH 38: 671 The same. 2v.ini 38: 672 Grace Tolmar: a novel. J. DANGER- FIELD 37: 73 Grace Truman. S. R. FORD 37: 2332 Grace Wharton. (pseud.) See THOMPSON, Mrs. A. T. Oracle s mission. H. W. PIERSON... 38: 4470 Graemes of Glenmavis, The. F. BROWNE. In The exile s trust 35: 3025 Graham, Ennis. CICELY : a story of three years. Lond. 1874. 3 v. !6 37:3251-3 NOT without thorns. Bost. 1873. 8. 37: 3254 TELL me a story. Lond. 1875. 16. 37: 3255 Graham, Grace. 11 ABEL Livingstone; or, Christward led. Bost. 1873. 16 37: 3264 Grahames, The: a novel. Mrs. T. WHITEHEAU 4O: 385 Grainger s thorn. T. WRIGHT. 3 v. 4O: 904-5 Grammar of life, The. B. F. TAY LOR. I// L. C. v. 4 4O: 1614 Grandfather, The. E. PICKERING. 38: 4436 Grandmother s money. F. W. ROBINSON 39: 486 Grandmother s narrative. T. GIL- LESPIE. Gleanings from the cov enant. / W. T. B. v. 8 4O: 1718 Grandmother s shoe, The. J. IN- OELOW. In Stories told to a child. 38: 33 Grandpa s house. H. C. WEEKS 4O: 293 Grannie s recipe for pickling griev ances. Mrs. E. R CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Grant, Courtenay. LITTLE lady Lorraine. Lond. 1873. 12 37: 3274 Grant. E. HOLIDAY rambles. Lond. 1862. 10. 37: 3280 Grant, Gerald. COMINO home to roost: a novel. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 3287-9 Grant, James, (b. 1822.) ADVENTURES of an aide-de-camp. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3299 ADVENTURES of Rob Roy, The. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3300 ARTHUR Blane; or, the hundred cui rassiers. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3301 BOTHWELL; or, the days of Mary Queen of Scots. Lond. n. d. 16. 37: 3302 CAPTAIN of the guard, The. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3303 CAVALIERS of fortune, The ; or, Brit ish heroes in foreign wars. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3304 CONSTABLE of France, The ; and other military historiettes. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3305 Contents: Chevalier d Artagnan, The: captain- lieutenant of the MODBqUetairea du roi. Constable of France, The. Marquis of Lauriston, The: grand veneur of France. Memoir of General Wolfe, A. Scots 1 fusilier guards, The. Sir Andrew Wood of Largo, captain of the Yellow frigate, and admiral of James III. Story of Private Thomas Keith, who be came aga of the Mamelukes, and gov ernor ot Medina. Traitor and his victim, The; or, the story of the nnfortunate Major Andre. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GRANT. GRKKNOT-OH. Grant, James, (continued.) DICK Kodnev; or, tho aduentures of an Eton boy. Lond. n. d. 1G... 37: 3306 The same. Bost. 18C4. 16 37: 3306a FIRST love and last love : a tale of ^ the Indian mutiny. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3307 FRANK Hilton; or, the queen s own. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3308 (JiRL he married, The. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3309 HARKY Ogilvie. Lond. n. d. 16.. 37: 3310 HIGHLANDERS of Glen Ora, The. N. Y. Same as Laura Everingbam. JACK Manly: his adventures bv sea and land. Lond. n. d. 16." 37: 3311 | JANE Seton ; or, the king s advocate. Lund. n. d. 1U 37: 3312 I KINO S own borderers, The : a mili tary romance. Lond. n. d. 16. 37: 3313 | LADY Wedderburn s wish: a tale of the Crimean war. Lond. 1873. 16 37: 3314 LATRA Everingham; or, the High landers of Glun Ora. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3315 LE<IKNI>H of the Black Watch; or, the forty second Highlanders. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3316 Content* : Adventures of Cant. Grant, The. Forest of Gaich, The. Lettre de cachet. Lost regiment. The. Massaci-e of Fort Wm. Henry, The. Seven grenadiers. Story of Uic k Uutl , The. Story of Farquhar, The Story of the Grey Mousqtietaire. Wile of the Red Comen, The. LF.TTY Hvde s lovers; or, the house hold brigade. Lond. n. d. lf>... 37: 3317 LIVY Arden ; or, Hollywood hall. Lond. n. d. 10 ~. 37: 3318 \ MARY of Lorraine: an historical ro mance. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3319 I OLIVER Ellis; or. the fusiliers. Lond. n. d. 10 . 37: 3320 ONLY an ensign- a tale of the retreat from Cabal. Lond. n. d. 16.... 37: 3321 \ PHANTOM regiment, The; or, stories of Ours. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3322 PHILIP Hollo; or, the Scottish Alus- keteers. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3323 KOMANCK of war, The; or, the High landers in Spain. Lond. n. d. 16. 37: 3324 SCOTTISH cavalier, The: an historical romance. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3325 SECOND to none: a military romance. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3326 UNDKR the red dragon: a novel. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3327 WHITE cockade, The; or, faith and fortitude. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3328 | YELLOW frigate, The; or, the three sisters. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 3329 Grant, Maria M. ARTISTE. Bost. n. d. 8 37: 3350 BRKIHT morning. Lond. 1873.3 v. sm. 8 37; 3351-3 LESCAR, the Universalist. Lond. 1874. 3v. 8in.8 37: 3354-6 Gran tley Grange: benedict* and bach elors. S. BKAUCHAMP. 3v 35:1788-90 Grantley Manor. Lady G. FULLER- TON. 2v.ini 37: 2552 Granville de Vigne. L. de la RAME. (Ouida.) 39: 48 Granville valley. J. ABBOTT 35: 33 Grapes and thorns. M. A. T 39: 2700 Grasshopper pop-gun. F. BA.RROW. (Aunt Fanny) 35: 1662 Grateful negro, The. M. EDOKWORTH. In her N. and T. v. 3 37: 1498 The same. In Popular tales, v. 2... 37: 1507 Grattan, Thomas Colley. (1796- 1864). CHANCE medley of light matter, A. N. Y. 1845/8 37: 3371 Graves, A. C. SKCLUSAVAL ; or, the arts of Roman ism. Memph. 1870. 12 37: 3381 Graves, R. SPIRITUAL Quixote, The. Lond. 1820. 2 v. 12 37: 3386-7 Gray, Barry, (pseud.) See COFFIN, Gray, Robertson, (pseud.) See RAY MOND, Kossiter W. Grayling ; or, murder will out. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin. 39: 1692 Grayson, Eldred. STANDISH, the puritan : a tale of the American Revolution. N. Y. 1850. 12 37: 3405 Graziella. A. de LAMAKTINE. Tr. by S. C. B 38: 1285 Great elm, The. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 9 35: 44 Great expectations. C. (J. H.) DICK ENS 37: 474 The same 37: 475 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: 476 The same. With Oliver Twist 37: 520 Great (forgotten) invasion, The. See Nooks and corners of history. In COLLIN S Queen s revenge 35: 4581 Great Hoggarty diamond, The. W. M. THACKERAY. J Misc. v. 1... 33: 4003 Great lady, A. van DF.WALL.... 37: 396 Great organ-prelude. F. H. UNDER WOOD. In Cloud pictures 39: 3621 Great panjandrum himself, The. E. EIIOLBSTON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Great scholar, The. J. MAC. In Home fairy tales 38: 2226 Great unknown, The: a tale. In W. S. C. L. v. 9 34: 4179 The same *15: 4919 Greatest plague of life, The. H. and A.MAYHEW 38: 2791 Green, Mm. B. R. LORD Castleton s ward. Lond. 1874. 3v. sm. 8 37:3415-17 Greene, Mrs. . GREY house on the hill. Lond. 1870. 12 37: 3425 Greene, Talbot. AMERICAN nights entertainments; compiled from peneillings of a United States Senator : entitled, A winter in the federal city. With a supplement. Jonesborough, Tenn. 18HO. 12 37: 3430 Green gate, The: a romance. E. WICKERT. Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister ". 4O: 471 Green hand, The. F. CIIAMIER 35: 4010 Green mountain boys. D. P. THOMP SON ". 39: 2973 Greenough, Mrs. Rirhard S. APOLI.YONA. In Arabesques 33: 1705 DOMITIA. In Arabesques 33: 1705 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GREENOTJGH. 86 GROUND. Greenough, (continued.) IN Extremis: a novelette 37: 3435 MoNARti. lit Arabesques 33: 1705 OMBRA. In Arabesques 33: 1705 TREASON at home : a novel. Phil. n. d. 12 37: 3436 Greenwood, F. MARGARET Denzil s history. N. Y. 1873. 8 37: 3446 Greenwood, James. (Amateur Casual). BEAR king, The: a narrative confided to the marines. Lond. 1868. sm. 4 37: 34.14 IN strange company ; being the ex periences of a roving correspond ent. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 NIGHT in a workhouse, A. In L. C. v. 1 TRUE history of a little ragamuffin. Lond. n. d. 8 Greey, Kdward. QUEEN S sailors, The. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 Gregg, W. Thomson. DESPERATE character. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 DOCTOR Middleton s daughter. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 Greville Landon : a novel. P. LISLE. 3 v Grey, Mrs. K. C. Ai.icE Seymour : a home tale. Phil. n. d. 8 BAKONKT S daughters, The. Phil. n. d. 8 BKLI.E of the family, The. Phil. n. d. 8 BOSOM friend, The: a novel. Phil. 1864. 8 COUSIN Harry. Phil. n. d. 12 DUKE and cousin, The. Phil. n. d. 8. GAMBLER S wife, The. IS 7 . Y. 1873. 8 GIPSY S daughter, The. Phil. n. d. 8 GOOD society, Phil. n. d. 8 HYACINTHE. Phil. n. d. 8 LENA Cameron. Phil. n. d. 8.... LION-HEARTED. Phil. n. d. 8 LITTLE beauty, The. Phil. n. d. 12. LITTLE wife, The. Phil. n. d. 8.. MANEUVERING mother, The. Phil. n. d. 8 MARRIAGE in high life. Phil. n. d. 8 MARY Seaham. Phil. n. d. 8 OLD dower house, The. Phil. n. d. 8. PASSION and principle. Phil. n. d. 8. SYBIL Lennard: a record of woman s life. Phil. 1848. 8 YOUNG husband, The. N.Y. 1854. 8 YOUNG prima donna, The. Phil. n. d. 8 Grey, Georgie. VIRGILIA: a story of Rome, under Nero. Phil. 1870. 16 37: 3530 Grey-bay mare, The; and other sketches. H. P. LELAND. Phil. 1870. 12 38: 1500 Grey house on the hill. lion. Mn. GREENE 37: 3425 Grey woman, The. E. C. GASKELL. With Lois, the witch 37: 2866 37: 3455 40: 1611 37: 3456 37: 3466-8 39: 3001-3 37: 3479-81 38: 1800-2 37: 3491 37: 3492 37: 3493 37: 37: 37: 3494 3495 3496 37: 3498 37: 37: 37: 37: 37- 37: 37: 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 37: 3506 37: 37: 37 37: 3507 3508 3509 3510 37: 3511 37: 3512 37: 3513 Greye, Armar. (pseud.) NOT in vain. Lond. 1869. 2v.ini. sm. 8 37: 3540 Grey s court. Edited by Georginna, Lady Chatterton. 2 v 35: 4120-1 Gridiron, The. S. LOVER. In L. C. v. 9 4O: 1619 The same. In Legends and stories... 38: 1880 Grif: a story of Australian life. B. L. FARJEOX 37: 1979 Griffin, Gerald. (1803-1840.) AYLMERS of Bally-Aylmer. N. Y. Tales of the Munster festivals 37: 3552 BARKER of Ban try, The. In Works, v. 3 37: 3553 CARD-DRAWER, The. N. Y. n. d. 12. Tales of the Munster festivals. 37: 3553 CHRISTIAN physiologist: a night at sea. N. Y. " n. d. 1 2. In Tales of the five senses 37: 3557 COINER, The. In Works, v. 2 37: 3552 COLLEGIANS, The: a tale of Garry - owen. N. Y. n. d. 12 . .. 37: 3551 Di KE of Monmouth, The. N. Y. n. d. 12 37: 3550 HALF-SIR, The. In Works, v. 2 37: 3552 HAND and word. In Works, v. 3 37: 3553 HOLLAND tide 37: 3552 Note. Same as v. 1 of the Munster festivals. INVASION, The. N. Y. n. d. 12... 37: 3558 MR. Tibbot O Leary, the curious. In L. C., v. 5 *. 4O: 1015 MUNSTER festival, The 37: 3552-4 NIGHT at sea, A. In Works, v. 7 37: 3557 RIVALS, The; and Tracy s ambition. Bost. n. d. 12. tales of the Minister festivals 37: 3554 SUIL Dhuv. In Works, v. 2 37: 3552 SWANS of Lir, The. In L. C., v. 1 ... 4O: 16H TALES of the Jive senses; and Night at sea. Mont. 12 37: 3557 TAI.IS qualis; or, tales of the jury- room. N. Y. n. d. 12 37: 3555 TRACY S ambition. In Works, v. 4... 37: 3554 TRAGEDY of Gisippus. In Works.v. 8. 37: 3558 WORKS. N. Y. n. d. 8 v. 12 37: 3551-8 Griffith, Cecil. MAUD Mainwaring: a novel. Lond. 1868. 3 v, sm. 8 37:3568-70 NOR love, nor lands. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 3571-3 VALENTINE Ford. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 3577-9 VICTORY Deane: a novel. Bost. n. d. 12 37: 3580 UTTERMOST farthing, The. Lond. 1865. 3 v. sm. 8" 37: 3574-6 Griffith Gaunt; or, jealousy. C.KKADE. 39: 146 Griffiths, Robert, jr. BETWEEN two loves. Lond. 1872. :) v. sm. 8 37: Grimkie. J. AHHOTT 35: Grimm, II. and L. GAMMER Gretel s fairy tales. Lond. 1869. sin. 8 37: Grimm, .lakob Ludwig (1785-1863.) and VVilhelm Karl (1780-1859.) GERMAN popular tales and household stories. Phil. 1872. 12 37: Gringe family, The. In N. and T., v. 11 .". 4O: 3590-2 34 3603 1651 Gringo, Harry, {pxmd.) S WISE, Henry Augustus. Griswold, Hattie Tyng. DOWN by the sea. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GRIZEL. HABERMETSTER. Q-rizel fochrane: a tale of Tweed- mouth Muir. J. M. WILSON In \V. T. B. v. 8 4O: 1718 Groach and the Kakous, The. E. SOUVKSTRK. In Hrittanv and La Vendee .". 39: 2086 Ground imd loftv tumbling. In N. and T. v. II. . 4O: 1651 Grumbler, Anthony. (pseud.) See HOFFMANN*, I). Grumbler, The : a novel. Afiss E. 1-icKKKiNu 38: 4437 Gryll grange. T. L. PEACOCK. In Works, v.1 34: 1823 Guardian and ghost, The. I). P. THOMPSON. With .May Martin 39: 2!>75 Guardian angel. (). \V. HOI.MKS 37: 4601 Gude conceit o oursels, A. In N. and T. v. 8 4O: 1648 Guernsey, Clara if. COLD hand, The. In Not pretty but precious 4O: 1640 MKRMAN and the figure-head, The. Phil. 1871. 16 37; 3610 NEW boy, The. Phil. 1871. 16... 37: 3611 RKII fox, The. In Not pretty but precious 4O: 1640 Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. LADY Hetty s governess. N. Y. 1873. 12 37: 3613 LADY Rosamund s book. N. Y. 1874. 12 37; 3614 WINIFRED; or, after many days. N. Y. 1869. 12 37: 3615 Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico. ( 1SO.")-1873). BEATRICE Cenci : a historical novel of the sixteenth century. (Tr. of lira/rife Cenci). N. Y. 1869. 12. 37: 3618 The same. Tr. by Luigi Monti. N. Y. 1875. 2v.ini. 12 37: 3618a MANFRED; or, the battle of Hene- vento (La bntlnglia di Benevento). Tr. by Luigi Monti. N. Y. 1875. 12 37: 3619 Gueulette, T. S. CIIINKSG tales; or, wonderful adven tures of Mandarin Fum-Hoam. Lond. 1795. 16 37; 3625 Guidwife of Caldingham, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 3... 4O: 1713 Guild court. G. AlAcDo.NALD. 3 v. 38: 2165-7 I The same. N. Y. ed 38: 2168 | Guilt and innocence. M. S. SCHWARTZ. Tr. by S. Uorg and M. A. Brown. 39: Guilty or not guilty, [anon.] In W. T. B. v. 3 .". 4O: Guizot, Mme. K. C. P. MORAL tales. Lond. 1853. 16 37: 3630 Popri.AR tales. Lond. 1854. 16.. 37: 3631 The same. Host. 1H59 12 37: 3632 Gulliver, Lemuel. (pseud.) See SWIFT, J. Gulliver s travels. J. SWIFT. In Works, v. 3 34: 2077 The same. v. 2 34: 2176 The same. Lond. 1867. 24 39: 2430 Thi> same. Phil. 1867. 12 39: 2431 The same. Leip. 1844. sq. 16 39: 2432 Gunboat series, The. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Cattlemen). 6 v. v. 1. Frnnk, thf* vourg naturol St. 37:1388 v. 2. Frnnk in the woods. 37:2381 v. :t. Frank on the prairie. 37:2 .87 v. 4. Frnnk on the gunboat. 37:2:18" v. 6. Frank before Vlekiburg. 37:2382 v. 0. Frnnk on the lower Mississippi. 37:2386 Gunnar : a tale of Norse life. H. H. BOYESKN 35: 2481 Gup. Mrs. R. CHURCH, (formerly Miss Marryutt) 35: 4267 Gurney married. T. (E.) HOOK 37: 4640 Gurney papers, The : continuation of the life of Gilbert Gurney. T. (E.) HOOK. In W. S. C. L. v. 9-13.... 34:4179-83 The same * 15:41119-23 Gua Howard. J. F. SMITH. Sequel to Minnie Gray 39: 18!)7 Gushington, Angelia. (pseud.) ANGEI.IA Gnshington s thoughts on men and things. N. Y. 1872. 12. 33: 523 Gustavus Adolphus, and the thirty years war: an historical novel. Z. TOPEI.IUS 39: 3076 Gustavus Lindorm. E. F. CAKLCN. 35: 3794 Guy Carlton. D. WISE. (Francis Forester) 4O: 632 Guy Deverell. J. S. LE FANTJ. 2 v. in 1 38: 1456 Guy Earlscourt s wife : a novel 37: 2255 Guy Fawkes. W. H. AINSWORTH 35: 416 Guy Livingstone. G. A. LAWRENCE. 38: 1365 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 1366 Guy Mannering. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v *39: 1303-4 The same. Fdin. ed 39: 1355 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1359 The same 39: 1372 The same. Household ed. 2 v 39: 1397-8 The same. Pocketed 39: 1446 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1479 Guy Rivers: a tale of Georgia. W. G. SIMMS 39: 1683 Guy s life lesson. Mrs. S. F. KEENE. 38: 722 Gwendoline s harvest. J. S. SAU- ZAHE. (James Payit) 39: 1168 Gwynne, Talbot. NANETTE and her lovers. Lond. 1854. 12 37: 3645 SCHOOL for dreamers. Lond. 1853. 12 37: 3646 SCHOOL for fathers, The. N.Y. 1852. 12 37: 3647 SILAS Barnstarke. Lond. 1853. 12. 37: 3648 YOUNO Singleton. Lond. 18.">6. 2 v. 16 37:3649-50 Gypsies of the Dane s dyke. The. G. S. PHILLIPS. (January Searle.) 38: 4410 Gypsy Hreynton series. E. S. PHELPS. 4 v ". v. 1. Gypsy Breynton. 38:437fi. v. 2 Gypsy s cousin Joy. 38:4377. v. 3. Gypsy s rowing an~<l reaping. 38:4378. v. 4. Qypay s year the Golden cresoeut. 38:4379. Gypsy king, A. In N. and T., v. 11. 4O: 1651 H. H * *, (Abb/). ADEI.MAR: the templar. Bait. 1871. 8 37: 3725 H family, The. F. BREMER. In Works, v. 4 35: 2737 H. J. LAIRD of Darnick, The. In W. T. B. v. 4 4O: 1714 Hack, M. EMII.ISH stories of the olden-time. Lond. 1839. 2 v. 12 37:3801-2 Habermeister, The. H. SCHMID 39: 1235 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HACKLHNDER. 88 HALL. Hacklander, Friedrich "Wilhelui. (b. 1816) CLARA; or, slave life in Europe. (Tr. of Europaisches Sklavenleben). N. Y. 1856. 12 37: 3810 ENCHANTING and enchanted. (Mar- chen). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1871/16 37: 3811 Contents : Kltin tree, The. ( Weihnaclitsmarrhen). Dwarf s nest, The. (Das Ziuerynest) Princess Morgana, The. ( Von der Prinzessin Morgana}. Castle Silence. (Schktss Schweiaen). Fairy tankard, The. (Der Zauoerkjug ) Haded-Ben-Ahab ; or, the traveller. .). GALT. In Club-book, v. 1 4O: 1520 The same. In L. C. v. 9 4O: 1619 Haddon-hall, Evenings at. G. CAT- TKRMOLE 35: 3953 Hadermann, Jeannette K. (Ann Stone). AGAINST the world. Best. 1873 37: 3821 DEAD men s shoes. Phil. 1872. 12. 37: 3822 FORGIVEN at last. Phil. 1870. 12. 37: 3823 " How mother did it." In Not pret ty but precious 4O: 1640 Hadgee Ibraham and his son. G-. P. K. .JAMES. In String of pearls 38: 219 Hagar. A. CAKY 35: 3916 Hagar. E. TABOK. 3v 39:2715-17 Hagarene. G. A. LAWRENCE 38: 1367 Hahn-Hahn, Ida Maria Louisa Fred- erika Gustava, Countess of. (b. 1805). FAUSTINA. N. Y. 1872. 12 37: 3638 Halbert of Lynne. .1. HOGG. (Etirick Shepherd). In Winter eveng tales. v.i 37: 4521 Hale, Edward Everett (Col. Frederic Ingham.) (b. 1822). CHILDREN of the public, The. In L. C. v. 12 4O: 1622 The same. In If, yes, and perhaps. 33: 1828 Thesame .". 37: 3836 CHRISTMAS eve and Christmas day : ten stories, host. 1873. 16 37: 3833 His level best, and other stories. Bost. 1873. 16 37: 3834 Content* : Brick moon, The. Confidence. His level best. Modern Sinbad. Mouse and lion. Queen of California. Tale of a salamander. Water talk. How to do it. Bost. 1871. 16 37: 3835 IF, yes, and perhaps. -Bost. 1868. 16 33: 1828 Contents : Hale, E. E., (continued.) MAN without a country, The. In L. C., v. 1 4O: 1611 The same. In If, yes and perhaps. 33: 1828 The same 37: 3836 OUR new crusade: a temperance story. Bost. 1875. 18 37: 3839 SKELETON in the closet, The. In L. C. v. 5 4O: 1615 Thesame. In If, yes, and perhaps. 33: 1828 Thesame 37: 3836 SYBARIS, and other homes. Bost. 1869. 12 33: 1832 TEN times one is ten. Bost. 1871. 16 37: 3840 THINGS by their right names. N. Y. 1854 18 37: 3852 UPS and downs: an every day novel. Bost. 1873. 16 37: 3841 Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha. (b. 1790). LIBERIA; or, Mr. Peyton s experi ment. N. Y. 1853. 12 37: 2851 Half a dozen daughters. J. MASTER- MAN. 2 v 38: 2675-6 Half-brothers, The. .J. BANIM. In Bit o writin 35: 1531 Half-brothers, The. E. C. GASKELL. With Lois the witch 37: 2866 Half-brothers, The ; or the head and the hand. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 988 Note. Same as Iron hand. Half-caste, The. Mm. IX M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock.) In Do mestic stories 35; Half a life. G. W. DASKNT. 3v 37: Half a million of money. A. B. EDWARDS 37: 1519 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 37: 1520 Half-sir, The. G. GRIFFIN. ///Card- drawer 37: 3553 Half-sisters, The. G. E. JEWSBURY. 38: 3(16 Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. (Sam uel Slick). (1797-1865). ATTACHC, The. Lond. 1843. 2 v. 12 NATURE and human nature. Lond. 1859. 12 OLD judge, The; or, life in a colony. Lond. n. d. 12 SAM Slick, the clockmaker. Concord. 1838. 16 37: 3861 Thesame. N. Y. 1872. 16 37: 3862 Thesame. Phil. n. d. 12 37: 3862a SAM Slick s wise saws. Lond. 1859. 12 37: 3863 Thesame. N. Y. n. d. 16 37: 3864 37: 3857-8 37: 3859 37: 3860 Children of the public. Christmas waits in Bos ton. Last of the Florida. Last voyage of the Reso lution. Man without a country. My double, and how he un did me. Old and new, face to face. Piece of possible history. Skeleton in the closet. South American editor. 37- 3836 Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria iielding. (D. 1804). CAN wrong be right? Leip. 1868. S q 16 37" 3879 FIGHT of faith: a story. Lond. 1869 2 v 12 - 3*7- 3880-1 LIGHTS and shadows o Lond. 1838. 3 v. 1 Contents : Boeder of Red-gap lane, v. a. Dispensation, v. 3. Groves of Blarney, v. 1. Harry O Reardon, v. a Illustrations of Irish pride, v. I. Sketches of Irish high ways, v. 2 : Beggars. Dummy. Jaunting car. f Irish life. 2 37- 3882-4 INGHAM papers, The. Bost. 1869. 16 aa- 1829 Sketches of Irish highways, (continued.) Luck. Pt 1. Moyna Brady. Pt. II. Dermot O - Dwyer. Naturals. Procrastination. Ruias. Pt. I. Pt. Il.StoryofCloon- ey Blanev. Pt. 111. The old eagle Pt. IV. Florence U - Donnell. Servants. Contents : Daily bread. Did he take the prince to ride ? Dinner speaking. Friends meeting. Good society. Good natured pendulum. How Mr. Frye would have preached it. Memoir of Capt. Fred. Ing- ham. Kagnian and ragwoman. Round the world in a hack. Paul Jones and Denis Duval. 37: 3837 IN his name: a story of the Walden- ses, seven hundred years ago. Bost. 1874 16 37 3838 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HALL . HAND. 3881! 3887 Hall, .Urs. A. M. F., (continued.) MIDSCMMER eve: a fairy tale of love. X. Y. 18ii3. 8 37: OUTLAW, The: an historical romance. Lond. 1847. 16 37: SKETCIIKS of Irish character. Lond. 1844. lg. 8 37: Contents : Annie Leslie. Hannow postman. Black Dennis. Captain Andy. Fiury of Forth. Father Mike. Geraliiine. Good and bad spirits. Hospitality. Independence. Jack the shrimp. Kate Connor. Kelly the piper. Larry Moore. Last of the line. SKETCHES of Irish character. In W. S. C. L. v. 4 34: 4174 Contents : Lilly O Brien. Luke O Mrian. Mnbi-1 O Neil s curse. Maegoharh s petition. Mary Ryan s daughter. Master lien. Old Frank. Peter the prophet. Rapparee. Tak- it easy. "We ll sec about it. Wise thought: same Norah Clary. Wooing and wedding. Halves. -I. S. SAVZADE. (James I aan) 39; 1178 Hamerton, Eugene. MIKKOR of truth, The, and other marvellous histories. Bost. 1875. 12 37: Contents : Adine and the seal. Fragment diamond. Galibi; or, the talking Annie Leslie. Jack the shrimp. Kate Connor. Larry Moore. Norah Clary s wise thought. " We ll see ab mi it." The same 15: 4914 STORIKS of Irish peasantry. In W. S.C. L. v. 14 *15: 4924 Content* : " Its only a drop." Tales of womans trials. lUus. Lond. 1868. 18... Contents: Bear and forliear. Curse of property. Daily governess. Forced blooms. Governess, Grace Huntley. Lost beauty. Merchant s daughter. The same. N. Y. 1873. H WIIITKHOY, The: a story of Ireland in 1822. N. Y. 1871. 8 Hall, Bay nurd K. FRANK Freeman s barber shop. N. Y. 1852. 12 Hall, James. LEGENDS of the west. X. Y. 1854. 12 Contents : Backwoodsman, Han aek -master s daugh ter. Divining rod. Emigrants. Harpe s head. 37: 3888 Mosspits, The. Mother, The. Old maid, The. Private purse, The. Uses of adversity. Wife of two husbands. Wiedom of forethought. 37; 3889 37: 3890 37: 3868 37: 3870 Indian wife s lament: a poem Intestate, The. Isle of the yellow sands. Legend of Carondelet. Michel de Coucy. Missionaries. Seventh son. TALES of the border. Phil. 1835. 12 37: 3871 Contents : Capuchin. j Pioneer. Dark maid of Illinois. | Silver mine. French village. I Spy. New moon. Hall and the cottage, The. Mrs. S. S. KLI.IS. In Pictures of private life. v. 1 37: 1687 Hall of the castle, The. J. BAXIM. In Hit o writiri 35: 1531 Halligen, Die; or, in the midst of the North sea. M. KOSKOWSKA. Tr. by .F. Fredk. Smith 39: 045 Hallo well, Sarah C. ON the church steps. With ASHE- TON S Modern Cressida 4O: 1631 Halpine, Charles G. (.Miles O Reilly}. BAKKD meats of the funeral. N. Y. 1866. 12 33: 1841 LIFK and adventures of Private Miles O Keilly. N. Y. 1866. 12 33: 1842 monkey. Glow-worm. Last fairies. Mirror of truth. Rustic and his eels, Two storks, t nknown tree. Wonderful purse. 3900 The. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. HAKKY Blount : passages in a boy s life on land and sea. Bost. 1875. Hamilton, Alexander, Leaves from the lift- of. J.M.WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 10 Hamilton, Mrt. Colin Y. (formerly Miss Dtikiii}. CONSTANCE Lvndsay; or, the progress of error. N. Y. " n. d. 8...." BEHIND the veil. Bost. 1871. 8. CROWS from the spear. Bost. 1872. 8 EXPIATED. Bost. 1873. 8 ROPES of sand, and other stories. Bost. 1873. 8 Content* 37: 4O: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 3906 1720 3912 3920 3921 3922 Domestic tragedy. Drinkers of ashes. Every string broken. Mr. John. Mrs. Gordon s confe Ropes of Mmd. Woman s story. 3923 ssion. "Six months hence." Bost. 1871. manv threads. Bost. 37: 37: 3924 3925 WOVEN of 1874. 8 ; Hamilton, Elizabeth. COTTAGERS of Glenburnie. Edin. 1808. 8 37: 3935 Hamilton, Mrs. M. J. K. CACHET; or, the secret sorror. N. Y. 1873. 12 37; 3940 Hamilton, ( apt. Thomas. YOVTII and manhood of Cyril Thorn ton. N. Y. 1860. 2v"inl. 12. 37: 3950 Hamilton of Bothwelhaugh; or, the massacre of St. Bartholomew. 11. \V. HKKIIKRT. (Frank Forester). In Chevaliers of France 37: 4352 Hamiltons, The. C. BERKLEY 35: 2020 Hamlets, The. H. MARTINEAU. In Misc. tales 38: 2649 Hamley, Edward Bruce. LADY Lee s widowhood. N. Y. 1870. 8 37: 3956 Hammer and anvil. F. SPIELHAOEN. 39: 2106 Hammer and rapier. .1. E. COOKK... 35: 4703 Hammond, S. II. WILD northern scenes. Phil. 1869. 12 37; 3960 Hammond, William A. KOHKRT Severne, his friends and his enemies. Phil. 1807. 12 37; 3965 Hammonds of Ilolycross. Lady BLAKE. 3 v 35: 2431-3 Hanbury mills : a study of contrasts. C. K. COLERIDGE 35: 4510 Hand and glove. A.B.EDWARDS 37: 1521 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 37: 1522 Hand and word, The. G. GRIFFIN. In Aylmer s of Bally-Aylmer 37: 3552 Hand of Ethclbcrta, The: a comedy in chapters. T. HARDY .".. 37: 3993 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. IliiNDEL. 90 HARRY. Handel, Georg Friederich. Mrs. EI.I.ET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians Handel and Hayden. C. F. BARNARD. Handle. -I. ABBOTT Hands not hearts. Mi.ts WILKINSON. Handsome is Unit handsome does. .M. K. BRADLKY Handsome Lawrence. A. L. A. I). DrpEVAXT. (George Sand} Handy Andy: a tale of Irish life. S LOVER Hannah. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (for merly Miss Mulock] The same The same. Tauchnitz ed Hannah Thurston. (.).) B. TAYLOR. Hannah s triumph. M. A. D UNISON. Hannay, David. N KI> Allen ; or, the past age. N. Y. n.d. 8 r. Hannay, James. SINOLBTON Fontenoy. N.Y. n.d. 8. Hans Brinker; or, the silver skates. M. E. DODGE Happy conclusion, The. /// \V. T. B., v. 8 Happy-day stories, for the young. II. \V. Dri.cKKN ." Happy faces. Mrs. A. OPIK. In Works Happy grandmother. 3/rs. M. -M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 13 Happy-thought hall. F. C. BI K- NA MI Happy thoughts, More. F. C. Bi K- XAND Haps and mishaps in the Brown family. W. A. BOAHDMAN Harbour bar, The : a tale of Scottish life. Mrs. John PuiLI.Il l s Harcourt. G. L. TOTTENHAM. 3 v. Hard cash : a matter-of-fact romance. C. READK The same The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v The same. 3 v. in 2 Hard maple. S. and A. K. WARNKR. Hard-scrabble. K. KELLOGG Hard times. C. (J. H.) DICKENS The same. Tauchnitz ed. The same. /// New stories The same. ICiVA Tale of two cities. Harden s revenge. A. LKIOHTON. JH W. T. B., v. 4 Hardman, Francis. FRONTIER life; or, scenes and adven tures in the south-west. Buffalo. 1853. 12 Contents : Adventures in Louisiana. Adventures in Texas. Sketch in the tropics. Tale of the Mexican war. Hardy, Lady. DAISY Nichol. 37: 1G50 35: 1626 35: 35 4O: 510 35: 2018 37: H08 38: 1885 35: 4916 35: 35: 39: 37: 4917 4918 2781 331 Texan ranger Two nights Mexico. 37: 3970 37: 3972 37: 728 4O: 1718 38: 3901 39: 1648 33: 1053 33: 1055 35: 2284 4O: 2 1 93 39: 3081-3 39: 147 39: 148 39: 149-51 39: 1523 4O: 201 38 732 37: 477 37: 478 37: 505 37: 546 4O: 1714 37: 3979 s best shot, in Southern 1871. 8 37: 3985 N. Y. Hardy, Thomas. DKSPKKATK remedies. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 37:3987-9 FAR from the madding crowd. N. V. 1874. 16 37: 3990 HAND of Ethelberta, The: a comedy in chapters. N.Y. 1876. Hi ..". 37: 3993 PAIR of blue eyes, A. N.Y. 1873. 16 37: 3991 UNDER the greenwood tree. N. Y. 1873. 16 37: 3992 Harland, Marion. See TKKHUNE, Jfrs. M.V. (H.) Hartland forest. A. E. BRAY 35: 2702 Harley, A. .1. YOI-NG Crusoe, The. Bost. 1873. 16. 37: 4002 Harehound and the witch, The. .]. BANIM. In Bit o writin 35: 1531 Harneyhow s hummock. J. G. AUSTIN. Iii Rougegorge and other stories 4O: 1670 Harold : the last of the Saxon kings. E. G. E. L. BULWKR-LYTTON 35: 3121 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 3122 Harper establishment, The. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 4 35: 39 Harper s story-books. N. Y. 1870. 12 v. 12 35: 36-47 Contents: v. 1. Kruno ; Willie and the mortgage; Strait gate. 2. Little Louvie; Frank; Emma. . !. Virginia; Timboo and Jolibu ; Tinibno and Fanny. 4. Harper establishment; Franklin; The studio. 5. Story of ancient history; English history; Ameri can history. 0. John True; Elfrert; Museum. 7. Engineer; Rambles among the Alps; Three gold dollars. 8 Gibraltar sallery; Alcove; Dialogues. !. The great elm ; Aunt Margaret ; Vernon. 10. Carl and Jocko ; Lapstone ; Orkney. 11. Judge Justin; Minigo; Jasper. 12. Congo; Viola; Little Paul. Harpe s head. J. HALL. In Legends of the west .". 37: 3870 Harriet and Ellen. Lois. Cin. 1856. IK 4O: 2194 Harrington. M. EIKIEWORTH 37: 1492 The same. In her N. and T., v. 9 37: 1504 Harris, Alexander. MARTIN Beck. Lond. 1853. 12... 37: 4007 Harris, Mrs. S. S. (formerly Miriam Cole). FRANK Warrington. N. Y. 1871. 12 37: 4010 LOUIE S last term at St. Mary s. N. Y. 1864. 12 37: 4011 MARGUERITE S journal. N.Y. 1875. 12 37: 4018 PERFECT Adonis, A. N. Y. 1875. 12 37: 4012 RICHARD Vanderrnarck. N.Y. 1871. 12 37: 4013 ROUNDIIEARTS and other stories. J!. Y. 1867. 12 37: 4014 Contents : Hoy regiment ; Christmas sister; Round- hearts; Willy Collins. PU-TI.KDGK. N. Y. 1871. 12 37: 4015 ST. PHILIP S. N. Y. 1871. 12 37: 4016 SUTHERLAND*, The. N. Y. 1871. 12 37: 4017 Harrises, The: being an extract of the common-place book of Alex ander Smith, Elder. Lond. 1870. 3 V. sm. 8 4O: 2195 Harrison, Agnes. MARTIN S vinevard. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 . 37: 4040 Harrison, Jennie. OLD back room, The. N.Y. 1871. 16 37: 4046 Harry and Lucy ; The little dog Trusty; The cherry orchard ; and The orange man. M. EDGEWOKTH. 37: 1493 Harry Blount. P. G. HAMERTON 37: 3906 Harry Jioiton s curacy. In T. f. B., v. f, .". 4O: 1695 Harry Coverdale s courtship and mar riage. F. E. SMEDLEY 39: 1794 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ItARRY. 01 HAUNTED. Harry Kgerton. G. L. TOTTENHAM. :\ v...." Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. A. TUOI.I.OI K Harry Hope s holidays. ,1. T. BUKOKSS. Harry Lorrequer. C. LEVKR The same The same. Tauc-hnitz ed Harry < Igilvie ; or, the black dragoons. .). GKANT Harry O Reardon. Mrs. A. M. F. HAI.I.. In Lights and shadows, v. 3. Harry Richmond, Adventures of. G. MKKEDITH. 3 v Harry Waters and John Heard. Loud. n. d. 12 Harry s vacation. W. C. RICHARDS. Hart, Gerald, (pseud.) See IRVING, T. .1. Harte, (Francis) Bret. (b. 183!t) l o.Nl>KNsKD novels. N. V. 1871. 12 Contents : HANDSOME is as handsome does. By Ch-s R-de LOTHAK. By Mr. Benjamins. MivK-.\-MurK. Alter Cooper. T I:HRKM K Ocnville. By Ch-l-s I^-v-r. SKLINA Sedilin. By Mist VI. E. B-dd-n and MTU. H-n-y W-d. NINETY-MNK guflrdffDien, The. By Al-x- d-r D-m-s. PWKLI.KR of the threshold, The. By Sir Ed-d L-tt-n B-lw-r. HAUNTED m;u), The. By Ch-r-s l>-ek-ns. Mi.-s Mix. Ch-l-tte Br-nte. GUY Heavystone. By the Author of " Sword and yun." MR. Midshipman Breezv. Bv Cauliun M-rry-t, R. N. JOHN Jenkins. By T. S. A-tli-r. No title. By W-lk-e C-ll-ns. M. N. Being n novel in the Freneh par agraphic style. FANTIM:. After the Freneh of Vietor Hus;o. " LA rename." After the French of M. Hichelet. MAIIY Muiiillnp. Alter Belle Boyd. With an introduction by G. A. S-lft. LVCK of roaring camp. In K C., v. 4. LUCK of roaring camp; and other sketches. Host. 1871. 16.... 39: 3084-6 39: 35: 38: 38: 38: 37: 37: 3172 3380 1004 1606 3310 3884 40: 39: 37: 4055 Bohemmian sketches : Boonder. From t hack window. John Chinaman. Mission Dolores. Sketches : Brown of Calaveras. High-water ni;irk. Idyl of Red gulch. Lonely ride. MRS. Skaggs a husbands sketches. Bust. 1873 Contents : Christmas gift that came to Rupert. How Santa-Cl i us came to Simpson s* bar Iliad of Sandy-bar. Mr. Thompson s prodi gal. Mrs Skaggs s husbands. *. Poet of Sierra Hat. Princes* Bob and her j friends. Romance of Madrono Hollow. Legends and tales : Adventures of Padre Vicentto. I.tovil and the broker. Leg* 1 ?) i of Mon to del Diablo. Night at Wingdam. MISTKK John .Jenkins. Sketches, (continue L) Luck of touring camp. Man of no account. Higgles. Outcasts of Poker Hat. Tennessee s paitner. Stories : HI 188. Notes by flood and field. Right eye ofthecpramander* ; and other lti 33: 1907 Legends and tales, (con.) Ogress of Silver-land. Uuini of Sau Francisco. Urban sketches : Boy s dog, A. Charitable reminiscences. From a balcony. Melons. My suburban residence. Neighborhoods I have move. i from. On a vulgar little boy. Seeing the steamer off. Sidewalkings. Surprising ndventures of Master Charles Sumnier- ton. Venrnible Importer. Waiting for the ship. In Treasure- 38: JOOl-3 312 4O: 1614 33: 1906 4O: 1611 1!>06 40:>8 Jersey centenarian. Passage in the life or Mr. John Uiikhutst. Rose of Timlumne, The. Wan Lee, the pagan. Harte, (continued.} Ot Tt ASTs of Poker flat, The. /;* L. C., v. 1 The same. In Luck of roaring cunip 33: TALKS of the Argonauts; and other sketches. JJosf. 1H75. 12 37: Ounten x : Baby Sylvester. E|>i^od"e of Fiddletnwn. Fool of Five forks. Ho\v t Id niun Plunikett wont home. Hartley, C. 15. lii NTiNu sports in the west. Phil. n. d. Hi 37: 4007 Hartwell, Mary. WOMAN in armor, A. N. Y. 1875. 12 37: 4075 Cunteu .i : MHII who " hiid nt tinie." Old Gfir^oyle. Wointui 11 armor. Hartwell farm, The. L. H. COMINS. 35: 4635 Hartz boys. Tlie ; or, as a man sows, so must he reap. F. HOFFMAN 37: 4490 The same; anrf Kobin the runner 37: 4491 Harvey . \shton. J. F. SMITH. (For nei/ufl, see K!U-n l)e Vere) 39: 18HH Harveys, Tin-. II. KINHSI.EY 38: . 53 Haste and waste; or, the young pilot of Lake Chiunplnin. \V. T. AD AMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: lioO Hasty words and their apology. A. CAUF.Y. In Pictures of country life .". 35: 3918 Hatch, Alice J. I MIKK the cedars; or, what the years brought. Bost. 1872. 1G.." 37: 4082 Hated task, The. C. E. TONNA. Charluile Elizabeth). In Tales and illustrations 39; 3070 Hathaway, William E. CHRI8TOPHKB Crooked: a Christmas story. N. Y. 1873. l(i 37: 4090 Hathaway Strange. G. F. do VINUUT. With Irene 39: 3750 Hatton, -Joseph. CiiKisToi iiKB Kenrick : his life and adventures. N. Y. 1809. 12 37: 4100 CI.YTIK: a novel of modern life. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 4101-3 IN the lap of fortune. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 37: 4104-0 VALI.KY of poppies, The. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 8 37: 4107-8 Hauch, John Carsten. KUHKKT Fulton : an historical novel. Tr. by Paul (J. Sinding. N. Y". 18(58. 12 37: 4118 Hauff, Wilhelm. (b. 1802). AKAHIAN days entertainments. Host. 18(i8. 12". 37; 4125 Coi.u heart, The. In Tales from the German 4O: 1699 MOSK the dwarf. In Tales from the German 4O: 1699 OKIKNTAL story-book, The. Tr. by G. P. Ijutickenbos. N. Y. 1865. 18 37: 4126 Cunfc.nl* : < .inivan, The. Fnl- pi Hire. Fntimn s deli veninue. History ol Cjiliph Stork. Haunted, The, and the haunters. K. (i. K. U Hri.wEK-LY-rroN. With Historyof the hfwn-oM hand. History of the spectre ilii)i. Story of little Muck. trove series, v. 2 4O: Strange story 35: 3153 Tbe same. />/ T. f. B. v. 5 4O: 1697 The same. In L. C., v. 2 4O: 1612 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. 92 HAWTHORNE. Haunted crust, The. K. SAUNDERS. In L. C. Y. 5 4O: 1615 Thesame 39: 1151 Haunted hearts. M. CUMMINS 35: 5139 Haunted Hilderton. H. SPICER. In Brought to book. Y.I 39: 2097 Haunted homestead. Mrs. K. 1). E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39: 201!i Haunted house, The. In Christmas stories 37: 453 I The mortals in the house. C. I J. H.) DICKENF. II. The ghost in the clock room. H. SMITH (Ifftl>a Stretton). III. The ghost in the double room. G. A. S*LA. IV. The ghost in the picture room. Adelaide PROCTER. V. The ghost in the clipboard room. (W.) W. COLLINS. VI. The ghost in master B s room. C. (J. H.) D,,-KKNS. VII. The ghost in the garden room. Mrs. E. C. GASKK.LL. VIM. The ghot in the corner room. C. (.1. H.) DICKENS Thesame. H ith Hunted down 37: 479 Thesame. In Lamplighter s story... 37: 481 Haunted man ; and the battle of life. C. (.1. 11.) DICKKNS 37: 438 The same. In Christmas stories 37: 450 The same 37: 451 Haunted merchant.The. C. F. BRIGGS. (Harry Franco).. 35: 2815 Haunted rooms. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3348 Haunted ship, The. A. CUNNING HAM. In L. C. v. 8 4O: 1618 Haunted tower. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 695 Haven, Alice B. (Cousin Alice). COUSIN Alice s stories. N. Y. 1867. 8 v. 16. Contents: All s not gold that glitters. 37:4132 Contentment better than wealth. 37:4133 No such word as fail. 37:4137 Nothing venture, nothing have. 37:4138 Out of debt, out of danger. 37: 1130 Pat.enco waiting no loss. 37:4140 Place for everything. 37:4141 Whore (here s a will, there s a way. 37:4142 CoorKRs, The; or, getting underway. N. Y. 1866. 12 .". 37: 4134 HOME stories. N. Y. 1869. 12.... 37: 4135 Contents: Carriage friends. Counsel the evil and the good. Furnished house, The. Miss Bremers. Onlv a familv. 1800. 12. T. L. 37: N. Orleal, The; or, the spring and the midsummer of of life. Single lessons, five dollars : a tact. Spring wind? 4130 4152 Loss anil gain. N. Y. Haweis, Her. H. K. I KT ; or, pastimes and penalties. Y. 1874. 12 37: Hawick spat, The. Alex. CAMI>BKI.I.. In W. T. B. v. 10 4O: Hawkesworth, .1. AI.MOKAN ami Unmet. Lond. 1820. 12 37: The same. With JOHNSON S lias selas 38: Hawks of Hawk Hollow. K. M. HIKD 35: 2118 Hawksview : a family history of our own times. II. I ARK. (Holme Lee) 38: Hawthorne, -lulian. BRKSSAXT. N. Y. 1873. 12 37: The same. N. Y. 1876. 8 37: IDOLATRY: a romance. Host. 1874. 12 37: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. (1804-1804.) BIRTHMARK, The. In L. C. v. 8 4O: The same. In Mosses from an old manse 37: 4160 441 4200 4100 4105 4157 1018 Hawthorne, N., (continued.) Bi.n iiDAi.E romance, The. Bost. 1852. 16 37: 4177 Thesame. With Scarlet letter 37: 4186 DAVID Swan. In L. C. v. 4 4O: 1614 The same. In Twice-told tales. v. 1 37: 4193 ETHAN Brand. In L. C. v. 1 4O: 1611 Thesame. In Snow image 37: 4188 HOUSE of seven gables, The. Bost. 1871. 10 MAKHI.E faun, The; or, a romance of Monte Beni. Bost. 1868. 2 v. 10. Thesame. Bost. 1873. 12 MOSSKS from an old manse. Bost. 1804-5. 2 v. 16 37: 4182-3 Content! : Artist of the beautiful, The, v. 2. Birthmark, v. 1. Buds and bird voices, v. 1. Celestial railroad, v. 1. Christinas banquet, V. 2. Drnwne s wooden image, v. 2. Earth s holocaust, v. 2. Egotism; or, the bosom serpent, v. 2. Feathertop : a moralized legend. Fire worship, v. 1. Hall of Fantasy, v. 1. Intelligence office, T. 1. Mrs. Bullfrog, v. 1. OUR old home: a series of English sketches. Bost. 1864. 12...". 37: Qmtrnt : About Warwick. Burns, Some of the haunts of. Civic banquets. Consular experiences. Leamington spa. Liehtield and fjttoxoter. London suburb, A. SCARLET letter, The. Bost. 1871. 4182 37: 4178 37:4179-80 37: 4181 Monsieur dli Miroir, v. 1. New Adam and Eve, v. 2. Old apple dealer, v. 2. Old manse, v. I. P s correspondence, v. 2. Passages from a relinquish ed work, v. 2. Rappaecini s daughter, v. I. Roger Malville s burial, v. 2. Select party. A, v. 1. Sketches from memory, v. 2. Procession of life, v. 1. Virtuoso s collection, A,v. 2. Young Goodman Brown, v. 1. 4184 Near Oxford. Pilgrimage to old Boston. Poverty, Outside glimpses of English. Recollections of : gifted woman. Up the Thames. SCARLET letter, The ; and BHthdale romance. Host. 1873. 12 ......... SEl-TiMirs Felton; or, the elixir of life. Bost. 1872. 10 ............... SNOW-IMAGE The; and other twice- told tales. Bost. 1868. 12 ........ 37: 37: 37: 37: Man of adamant : 4185 4186 4187 4188 Content. : Bell s biography, A. Canterbury pilgrims, The. Pevil in manuscript, The. Ethan Brand. Great stone face, The. John Inglefleld s thanks giving. Little ilattydowndilly. Main-street. Major Molinoux. TANGLEWOOD tales: being a second wonder-book. Bost. 1870. 12... 37: apologue. Old news. J. II. The old French war. III. The old tory. Old Ticonderoga :" a picture of the pat*t. Snow-image: a childish miracle. Sylph Etherege. Wives of the dead. 4189 Contents : Circe s palace. Imigon s teeth, The. Golden fleece. 1622 4194 Minotaur, The. Pomegranate seeds. Pygmies, The. THREEFOLD destiny, The. In L. C., v. 12 4O: The same. In Twice-told tales,v. 2. 37: TRANSFORMATION. Same as Marble faun. TRUE stories from history and biog raphy. Bost. 1800. 10 37: 4190 Contents: I. Grandfather s chair. II. Biographical stories Benjamin West. Sir Isaac Newton. Samuel Johnson. Oliver Cromwell. Benjamin Franklin. Queen Christina. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HAWTHORNE. HEBREW. Hawthorne, N., (continued.) TWICE-TOLD tales. Bost. 1853. 12 .., 2 v. 37: 4191-2 Ornlmtx : Ambitious guest, v. 2. Clippings from i\ chisel, T. 2. David Swan, v. 1. Dr. Heidegger s experi ment, v. 1. Edward Fane s rosehud. v. 2. Endieott and (he red cross, v. I. Fancy s show box, v. 1. Footsteps on the sea shore, v. 2. Gentle hoy, The, v. 1. Gray champion, v. 1. Great carbuncle, v. 1. Haunted mind, v. 2. Hollow of the three hills, v. 1. Legends of the Province house : v. 2. I. Howe s masquerade. II. Kdward Randolph s portrait. III. Lady Ele-anore s mantle. IV. Old Esther Dudley. May-pole of Merry Moiiut, v. 1. Minister s black veil, v. 1. Mr. Higgenhotham s catas trophe, v. 1 Night sketches, v. 2. Peter Goldthwaite s treas ures, v. 2. Prophetic pictures, v. 1. Hill from the town pump, v. 1. Seven vagabonds, v. 2. Shaker bridal, v. 2. Sights from a steeple, v. 1. Sister s yearn, v. 2. Snowflakes, The, v. 2. Sunday at home, v. 1. Threefold destiny, The, V.2. Toll-gatherer s day, v. 1. Village uncle, v 2. Vision of the fountain, v. 1. Waketield, v. 1. Wedding knell, v. I. White old maid, v. 2. I V. The same. Bost. 1800-8. 16 37: 4193-4 VISIT to the celestial city. Phil. n. d. 16 ". 37: WAKKFIELD. In L. C., v. 2 4O: The same, lit Twice-told tales,v. 1. 37; The same 37: WONUER-IIOOK, The: for girls and 1808. 4 1 95 1612 4191 4193 Bust. 12 37: 41H6 Miraculous pitcher. Paradise of children. Shadow-brook. Tanglewood fireside. Tanglewood play-room. Tanglewood porch. Lond. 1R73. 3 v. 37: 4200-8 1040 4218 4220 4227-9 boys. Contents : Bald summit. Chimiera, The. Golden apples. Golden touch. Gorgon s head. Hill side, The Hay, James W. MYSIE S pardon, gin. 8 Hay, John. BLOOD seedling, The. In Not pretty but precious 4O: Hay, Martyn. MADELINE Heathcote. Edin. n. d. sin. 8 37: Hay, Mary Cecil. HIDDEN perils. N. Y. 1876. 8... 37: The same. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sin. 8 37: OLD Myddelton s money. N. Y. 1875. 8 SqriRE .s legacy, The. N. Y. 1870. 8 ". VICTOR and vanquished. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 The same. N. Y. 1876. 8 Haydn, Joseph. Mrs. E. F. ELI.ET. In Nouvellettes of the magicians... Hayes, Isaac I. CAM- away in the cold. Bost. 1870. 12 " 37: 4243 Hayman, Mary. FORTI-NES of torn Haswell, The, and Tom Has well s fortune. Lond. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 37; 4250 Hazlett, Helen. (.17. II. Tatem). HEIGHTS of Eidelberg. Phil. 1871. 12 37: 4254 He cometh not, she said. Afrt. P. CUD- LI i\ {formerly Annie Thomas) 35: He knew he was right. A. TROI.LOPK. 39: Tin- same. Taurhnit/. ed. 3 v 39: 37: 37: 37: 37: 4230 4235 4231-3 4234 37: 1650 The same. 3 v. in 2 39: 5098 3173 3174-0 31 7 7-8 Married sisters. The. Not great, but hiippy. School girl, The. Shadows. Slow and sure. Thankless office, The. Unredeemed pledges. Wile, The. He would be a gentleman ; or. treasure- trove. S. LOVER 38: 1888 Head, xir Edmund.. VKIA Glum s saga. Lond. 1866. 16 37: 4260 Head of the family, The. Mrt. P. M. CRAIK. {formerly Mis* Mulock\... 35: 491!i The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 4920 Headless horseman. M. REID 39: 247 Headlong hall. T. L. PEACOCK. In Works, v. 1 34: 1822 Headlong hall; and Nightmare abbey. T. L. PEACOCK 38: 4286 Headsman, The: a tale of doom. In T. f. B., v. 2 4O: 1094 Headsman, The. .1. F. COOPER 35: 4730 The same 35: 4731 Healy, Mary. LAKKVII.LK; or, substance and shadow. N. Y. 1873. 8 37: 4265 SUMMER S romance. Bost. 1872. 10 37; 4266 Heart and cross. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OLIPHAXT 38: 3841 Heart and hand. N. Y. 1858. 18. 4O: 2204 Heart-histories and life pictures. T. S. ARTHIR 35: 775 Qmtents : Book of memory, The. Brilliant and the common place, The I>on t mention it. Going to the springs. Good-liearied people. Heiress, The. Jenny Lawson. Heart-hungry. M. J. WESTMOKE- LANII 4O: 328 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Nee WALTER, Helen 4O: 2658 Heart of Mid-Lothian. .Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2v *39:1311-12 The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1350 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1361 The same 39: 1376 The same. Household ed. 2v 39: 1407-8 The same. Pocketed 39: 1451 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1480 Heart of Mont rose, The. (Lady Eliz abeth Erskine). In T. F. H., v. 1... 4O: 2058 Heart of Mynha lake, The. M. M. LEE 38: 1435 Heart or head. Ph. WIIARTOX. 2 v. 4O: 337-8 Heart well won, A; or, the life and adventures of Arthur Oldfield. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2205 Hearth ghosts. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 4Q: 220G Hearts and diamonds; or, was it an error? E. P. KAMSAY. 3v 39: 87-9 Hearts and faces. J. T. TROWHRIDCJE. (1 iml drtyton] 39: 3318 Hearts and hands. F. C. FISHER. ( Christian Reid. 1 37: 2198 Hearts and homes; or, social distinc tions. Mrt. S. S. ELLIS Heartsease. C. M. YOMIK. 2 v.... 4O: 1281-2 The same. Tauchnitz cd 4O: 1283 Heat: science for the young. .1. ABBOTT 35: 89 Heathens of the heath. The : a ro mance. W. McDo.NNKLi 38: 2216 Heathergate. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 4Q: 2207 Heavenward led ; or, the two be quests. J. K. SOMMKRS 38: 4 J3 Hebrew heroes, The: a tale of Jewish history. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3349 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HECKINGTON. 94 HENTZ. Heckington. C. (J. F. GORK 37: 31!i4 Hector O llalloran and his man Mark \ntony O Toole. W.li. MAXWELL. 33: 2746 Thesame 38: 2747 Hedge oi thorns. Mrs. Jl. M. biii-.h- woop. / Works, v. 3 39: 1638 | Hedge school, The. W. CAKI.KTON. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 : The same 35: 3840 Hedged in. E. S. PHKU-S 38: 4380 Hedges, Mary J. \VIUTK rose, The. N. Y. 1874. 16. 37: 4273 Heidelberg. (J. I . K. JAMKS 38: 189 Heidenmauer, The. J. F. COOPER... 35: 4732 The same 35: 4733 Heights and depths. A.L.ScANLANii. 39: 1215 Heights of Eidelberg. H. HA/I.KTT. 37: 4254 Heir expectant, The. By the author of Raymond s heroine, etc. N. Y. 1870. " 8 4O: 25011 Heir of Hardington, The. In N. and T. v. 10..... 4O: 1050 Heir of Inshamock, The. In \V. T. H. v. t; 40: 1716 Heir of Main-ward; or, restored. By the author of "Son and heir, etc. Phil. 1874. 8 4O: 2209 Heir of Redclvtte, The. 0. M. YONGE. 2 v " 4O: 1284-5 The same. Tauehnitz ed. 2v.ini. 4O: 1286 Heir of Reddesmount. Lond. 1S74. A v. sm. 8 4O: 2210 Heirof Wast-Wayliind. M. HOWITT. 37: 4750 Heir to Ashley, The. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 696 Heiress, The. T. S. ARTHUR, lit The martyr wife 35: "87 Heiress, The. Ann S. SMITH 39: Heiress in the family, The. Mm. MACKENZIE-DANIELS 37: 89 Heires of Bellefont.- and Walde-War- ren. E. BKNN TI 35: 1979 Heiress of Gm-nhurst. A. S. STKPII- KXS 39: 2209 Heiress of Ilaughton. A. MARSII- CAI.DWKLL. 2v.ini 38: 2598 Heiress of Kilorgan; or, evenings with the Old Geraldines. Mrs. M. A. M. SADI.IKK 39: 1016 Heiress of Sweetwater, The. .). T. KANDOU-II 39: 114 Held in bondage; or, Granville de Yigne. L. de la RAMK. (Ouida.) I v. 39: 64 - 5 Helen M. EDO.EWORTH. In her N. andT. v. 10 37: 1505 The same. In \\ . S. C. L. v. 3 34: 4171 The same *15: 4913 Helen and Arthur; or, Miss Thusa s spinning-wheel. C. LllKNT/. 37: 4316 Helen and Olga: a Russian tale. A. MANNING 38: 2468 Helen Cameron. STALLYHRASS. 3 v. 39: 2151-3 Helen Erskine. Mrs. M. H. ROBIN SON 39: 550 Helen Freeman s ward ; or, always be truthful. Lond. n. d. 8 4O: 2214 Helen Gardner s wedding day. M. V. (H.) TERHUNE (Marion Borland). 39: 2835 Helen Leeson ; or, the belle of New York. Phil. 1855. 12 4O: 2215 Helen Lincoln. C. CAPRON 35: 3765 Helen Mathewson. (W.) W. COLLINS. In Dead secret 35: 4552 The same. In N. and T. v. 5 4O: 1645 1719 4. Little Spaniard. stMfiiifl 5. S-ilt wntpr Dick. 38::tOfll 0. Little nmiil of Oxbow. 3H:;i680 37: 4289 37: 37: 39: 4290 4291 562 33: 4022 39: 2334 4O: 2216 37: 4300 Helen Palmer. (Meanings of the cov enant. T. GILLKSPIE. Jn W. T. 1J. v. 9 4O: Helmore, Margaret C. LUNA: a mere love story. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 .". 37:4280-81 Helping-hand series. II. P. H. NOWELL. (Nay Maiincring). 5 v. Contents : 1. Climbing the rope. 38:3687 2. Hillv Grimes favorite. :i8::)08IJ 3. Cruise of the Daslm- way. 38::lliHS Helps, Arthur, (b. 1808). CASI.MIR Maremma. Bost. 1870. 12. IVAN de Biron ; or/the Russian court in the middle of the last century. Bost. 1874. 12 REAI.MAH. Bost. 1869. 12 Heloise. T. A. L. ROBINSON. ( Talvi). Helyas, knight of the Swanne. fit Thorns Early English romances. v. 3 Hen and her chickens, The. C. E. TONNA. (ChiirloUe Elizabeth), hi Tales and illus 39: Hen that hatched ducks, The. Mrs. II. (K.) B. STOWK. In Queer little people Hence these tears : a novel. Lond. 1X72. 3 v. 16 Henderson, Katherine. BORN to be a lady. Lond. 1874. sm. 8 ." Henpecked man. The. J. M. WIL SON, fn W. T. B. v. 4 Henri de la Tour. .1. Fred. SMITH.... Henri Quarte ; or, the days of the league: an historical novel. / W!"S. C. L. v. 4 The same Henrietta Temple. B. DISRAKLI The same. Tauch.nit7.ed 37: Henry Ancruin: a tale of the last war in New Zealand. J. H. K. 2 v 38: 650-51 Henry Courtland; or, what a farmer can do. A. .1. CLINK 35: Henry Dunbar. M. K. BRADDON 35: Henry V., the hero of Aginoourt. Iti Tales of heroes 4O: Henry VII. ; or, the maid of Orleans. In Tales of heroes 4O: Henry the eighth and his court: his torical romance. C. M. MUNDT. ( Louisa SfvUbaeh) Henry Esmond. W. M. THACKERAY. The same. Tauchnit?. ed. 2 v. in 1. Henry Esmond and Barry Lyndon. W. M. THACKERAY 39: Henry Esmond and Lovel the wid ower. W. M. THACKERAY 39: Henry Masterton. G. P. R. JAMES... 38: Henry Milner. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 1 The same. In Works, v. 15 Henry of Guise. G. P. R. JAMES. 2 v. in 1 38: Henry Powers, banker. R. B. KIM- BALL Henry St. John. J. K. COOKK 35: Henry Smeaton. G. P. R. JAMES 38: Hentz, Mrs. Caroline Lee. (1804-1856). AUNT Patty s scrap-bag. Phil. 1872. 16 37: 4O: 39: 34: *15: 37: 38: 39: 39: 39: 39: 38: 1714 1899 4174 4914 6(>5 666 4430 2536 2670 2670 3243 2883 2886 2885 2884 190 1636 1650 191 866 4704 192 4310 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HENTZ. 95 HKRR. Hentz, (co/itimifd.) BANISH KD son, and other stories of the heart. I hil. n. d. 12 37: Contents : Banished son. | Bell and ro>e. Black m:i-k. the apprentice I h)y. LittlV broom boy, The. Paradise of thi- (lead. Sri in : an oriental tale. Sex of the soul. Tale of the html of Huuc Trip to the bay. Wilil Jack; chiM. Magnolia leav.--. Cor RTSII IP and marriage; or, the joys and sorrows of American life. Phil. 1870. 12 KOI.IVE; or, Magnolia vale ; [or, the heiress of Glenmore.] Phil. 1869. 12 EARNEST Linwood: [or, the inner life of the author]. Phil. 1870. 12 FORSAKEN duughter, The. Phil. 1865. 12 HKI.KN and Arthur; or, MissThusa s spinning-wheel. Phil. 1870. 8. LINDA; or, the young pilot of the Belle Creole. Phil. 1807. 12... LOST daughter, The, and other stories of the heart. Phil. n. d. 12 Contents : Aunt Patty s scrap-bag. !>e Lara s briiie. Maiden of Jn.lea, The a poem. Pea-green taffeta. the stolen 37: 4312 37: 4313 37: 5314 37: 4315 37: 4316 37: 4317 37: 4318 LOVE after marriage, stories of the heart. 12 Contents : Abyssinian neophyte, The. Blind girl s story. The. Hosom serpent, The. Fatal cosmetic, The. Love after marriage. My grandmother s brace let. LOVKLL S folly. Cin. in::::. Prcnuitun love. Purple sutin dress. Ned \vlvet Itodice. Snow flakes : a poem. Soldier s bride. and other Phil. 1870. 37: Mysterious guest. The. Parlor serpent. The. Hainy e\ t tnng, A. Shuker giri, The. Three scenes in the life of a belle. Victim of excitement, The. Village Mitheni, The. MARCUS Warland ; or, the long moss spring. Phil. 1869. 12.... PLANTER S northern bride, The; [or, scenes in Mrs. Hentz s childhood]. N.Y. 1870. 12 RKXA; or, the snow bride: a tale of real life. Phil. 1869. 12 I OIIK.KT Graham : a sequel to Linda. Phil. 1855. 12 Henwife, The. A. LKIOHTOX. In W. T. B. v. 4 Her dearest foe. Mrs. ALEXAXDEH.... 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 4O: 35: Her lace. In N. and T., v. 10 ............ 4O: Her face was her fortune. F. \V. Rou- ixsox ....................................... 39: Her first appearance. v. 11 In N. and T., 4O: Her lord and master. Mm. R. CHURCH. (formerly Miss Marryatt). 2v.ini. 35: Her majesty, the queen. ,T. E. COOKE. 35: Her title of honor. H. PARR. (Holme Lee) .......................................... 38: 4201 Herbert, Henry William. (Frank Forester). (1807-1858). CAVALIERS of England, The; or, times of the revolutions of 1642 and 1688. N.Y. 1852. 12 ............. 37: 4351 Gintmts : Brothers in arms. I Rival sisters, The. Jasper St. Aubyn. | Vernon in the vale. 43 19 4320 4321 4323 4324 1714 512 1C50 4H7 1651 4268 4705 Herbert, H. W., (continued.) CHKVALIERS of France, The, from the crusades to the marechals of Louis XIV. N.Y. 1853. 12... 37: mshk 1IL-. .Mltna- Kortune of the maid of Arc. Hamilton of Hothuclhuugh. 4502 1532 1278 A tun hem main li Eustuche de St. Pierre. FAIR puritan, The: an historical ro mance of witchcraft. Phil. 1875. 12 37; 4353 KximiTs of England, France, and Scotland. N.Y. 1856. 12 37: 4359 OLIVER Cromwell. N.Y. 1856. 12. 37: 4355 WAGER of battle: a tle of Saxon slavery. N. Y. 1855. 12 37: 4357 WARWICK woodlands. N.Y. 1851. 12 37: 4358 Herbert, Mary Elizabeth (Lady). LOVE; or, self-sacrifice. N.Y. 1869. 12 37; 4365 "Wn.KUi.NKss and its consequences. In Peter s journey 4O: 1660 Herbert Carter s legacy; or, the in ventor s son. H. ALOER, jr 35: 553 Here and hereafter. F. W. A. PIKK. 38: Hereditary goblet. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 4O: Heretic, The. LA.IETCHXIKOFK 38: Hereward the wake : the last of the English. C. KIXGSI.EY 38: 926 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 38: 927 Hering, .leannie. THROUGH the mist. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 37:4370-2 Herman ; or, young knighthood. S. PALFREY. 2 v.. . 38: 4101-2 Herman s alarum. V. BKOWXE. In The exile s trust 35: 3025 Herman Agha: an eastern narrative. W. G. PALOKAVI: 38: Hermit Bob. H. SPICKR. In Bound to please, v. 2 Hermit of the rock : a tale of Cashel. .l/7-.s-. M. A. M. SADI.IKK Hero; Bread upon the waters ; Alice Learmont. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock] 35: Hero Carthew. L. PARR 38: Hero misunderstood, A. H. SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 2 Hero of Falcon s island, The; or, the little boy who would be Robinson Crusoe. Altered from the German hy Mrs. Sarah A. Myers. Bost. 1867. 16 ". Hero of the pen. E. WERNER Hero Trevelvan. G. M. CRAIK. 2 v. in 1 " Heroes, The. C. KINCSLEY 38: Heroes in English history, Tales of... 4O: Omlrnts : Alfred the great. I Prince Edward, son of Henry the fifth Henry III. Henry the sixth. Richard Ceour-de-lion. Heroes of the household. T. S. ARTHUR Heroine, The: a legend of the Canon- gate. A. LEKIHTOX. In W T . T. B., v. 10 Heroines and their grandmothers. Miss A. I. THACKERAY. With Village on the cliff. 39: Heroines in obscurity. Mia KEDDIK. (Sarah Tt/tler) 38: 713 Herr Regenbogen s concert. F. H. UNDERWOOD. In Cloud-pictures... 39: 3621 39: 39: 4110 2096 1017 4921 4232 39: 2096 40: 35: 35: 314 4968 928 2670 i 76 4O: 1720 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HERR. 96 His. More nice than wise. Tell your wife. Two le<m -ies, The. Uncle Phil s remedy. Work and worry. Herr Sinclair. E. STORM. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 4O: 1532 Hertford O Donnell .s warning. Mrs. KIDDELL. With KIDDKLL S Frank Sinclair s wife, v. :i 39: 374 Hertha. F. HKKMKK 35: 2738 Hervey, Mrs. T. H. SXOODED Jessaline; or, the honour of a house. Lond. 1865. 3 v. in 1. ?m. 8 37: Hester. M. K. MITFORD. In W. S. C. L., v. 6 34: 4176 The same *15: 4916 Hester Howard s temptation. C.WAK- FIKI.I) 4O: 141 Hester Kirt on. K. S. MAOO.UOID 38: 2348 Hester Morley s promise. II. SMITH. ( Hfsba Stretton. ) 39: 1846 Hester Strong s life work; or, the mystery solved. Mrs. S. A. SOUTH- WORTH 39: 2062 Hetherington, William. SEKR S cave. The. In W. T. B., v. 3. 4O: 1713 Hetty. H. KIXGSI.EY 38: 954 Heyse, ( Johann Ludwig ) Paul. (b. 1830). LAUKELLA. With Maiden of Treppi. 37: 4391 LONELY ones, The. (Tr. of Die Bin- samen). Phil. 1870. 8 37: 4390 The same. With JOHN S Magda- lena 38: 383 MAIDKX of Treppi, The; or, love s victory; and I.aurella. (Das Miid- cheu von Treppi and Laurella). Tr. by A. W. H. N. Y. 1874. 12. 37: 4391 Hey wood, J. C. How will it end ? a romance. Phil. 1872. 12 37: 4397 Hibernian nights. S. FEKOUSON 37: 2090 Hickling, "William. RECTOR of Roxbu gh. N.Y. 1873. 16 37: 4402 Hickory hull. Mrs. E. I). E. N. SOUTHWOKTH 39: 2020 Hickox, Chauncey. MAKIJUIS, The. In Not pretty, but precious .". 4O: 1640 Hidden h re, The. Lond. 1867. 3 v. sin. 8 4O: 2218 Hidden path, The. Mrs. M. V. (H.) TEKHUNK. (Marital Ilarland.) 39: 2836 Hidden perils. M. C. HAY. 3v 37: 4227-9 The same 37: 4226 Hidden sin, The. Miss E. A. DUPUY. 37: 1067 Hidden sin, The. N. Y. 1866. 8... 4O: 2213 Hidden wings, and other stories. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 777 Contents : Catching a sunbeam. I Kich man s benefactor, The. I iscipline of misfortune. Knvit-d lot. The. Hidden \\ ings. Highland adventures. J. HOGG. (Ett- rick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 37: 4521 Highland boy, The. A. CAMPHEI.L. /nW.T.B. v. 3 4O: 1713 Highland tradition, A. A. CAMHHKJ.I.. In W. T. K. v. 9 4O: 1719 Highland widow. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed *39: 1339 The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1357 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1368 The same 39: 1390 The same. Household ed 39: 1432 The same- Pocketed 39: 1463 The same. Tauehnitz ed 39: 1473 Highlanders of Glen Ora, The. J. (I RANT. Same as Laura Evering- hmn 37: 3315 Hila Dart: a born romp. M. E. MUMFOKD 38: 3230 Hilary St. Ives. W. H. AINSWOKTH. 35: 417 Hildegard GRIMM. In R. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 Hildreth, Richard. (1807-1865). WHITE slave, The; or, the Russian peasant girl. N. Y. 1864. 8 37: 4414 Hill, A. F. WHITE rocks, The; or, the robbers den. Phil. 1866. 12 37: 4418 Hill, George Cunning. (Lewis Myrtle). OUR parish ; or, village life. Phil. n. d. 12 37: 4424 Hill and valley. H. MARTINEAU. In Illus. of polit. econ. v. 1 38: 2639 Hill side, The. A. MANNING 38: 2469 Hillern, Wilhelmine von. BY his own might. Phil. 1872. 12. 37: 4430 GKIR-WALLY: a tale of Tyrol. N. Y. 1876. 8 ". 37: 4433 The same. N. Y. 1876. 16 37: 4434 ONLY a girl; or, u physician for the soul. (EinArztderSeele). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1873. 12 37: TWOFOLD life, A. (Doppdlebe,,). Tr. by M. S. Phil. 1873. 12 37: Hillesden on the Moors. R. M. KETTLE. 2v 38: Hills of the Shatemuc. S. WAKNEK.. 4O: Hide and seak. (W.) W. COLLINS 35: 4554 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. (b. 1823). MAI, HONE: an Oldport romance. Host. 1869. 12 37; 4408 Higgledy-Piggledy. E.H. KNATCH- KULL-HuciEssEN 38: 1067 High life. Mrs. JOHNSTON E. In W. S. C. L. v. 4 34: 4174 The same S 15: 4914 High mills, The. K. SAUNDKKS 39: 1152 Higher law : a romnnce. E. MAIT- LAND. (Herbert Ainslie) 38: 2410 4431 4432 849-50 174 4458 Hillsboro farms. S. D. Conn 35: Hillside and border sketches. W. H. MAXWELL. Same as Legends of the Cheviots 38: 2748 The same. 2v 22:2390-91 Hillyars and Burtons, The. H. KINOSLEY 38: 955 The same. Tnuchnitz ed 38: 956 Hilt to hilt ; or, the Shenandoah in 1864. J. E. COOKE 35: 4706 Himself his worst enemy. A. P. HUOTHERHEAD 35: 2946 Hirell. J. SAUNDKKS 39: 1139 His level best and other stories. E. E. HALE 37: 3834 Contents - Mouse and lion, The. Queen of California. Tales of a salamander. Wnter talk. H. SPICEK. In Brought to "book. v. 2 39: 2097 His marriage vow. Mrs. C. F. CORBIN. 35: 4843 His natural life. M. CLARKE 35: 4333 His prison tars. A.A.HOPKINS 37: 4680 His two wives. Mrs. M. CLEMMEB (Amet) 35: 4421 Hrick moon, The. Confidence. His level hest. Modern Sinbad. His little ways. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. His. 97 Hooo. His young lordship. Mrs. D. M. CKAIK. (formerly Miss Muloek). l,i I nkind word 35: 4943 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 4944 Historie of Frier Rush : how he came to a house of religion to seek ser vice, and being entertained by the priour, wns first made under cook. In Thorns English romances, v. 1. 33: 4020 History and adventures of an atom. T. SMOU.KT. //(Works 39: 1970 History, Dark scenes of. (i. P. K. JAMKS 38: 170 History of Count Walter and the Lady Helgunda. J. G. BiiscHixo. In R. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 History of the damnable life and do- served death of Doctor John Faus- tus. /// Thorns English romances. v. 3 33: 4022 History of the devil. P. DEFOE *3: 4937 The same. In Novels and misc. works. v. 3 34: 1019 History of George A. Green, Pindar of the town of Wakefield : his birth, calling, valour, and reputa tion in the country. //( Thorns Knglish romances, v. 2 33: 4021 History of John Bull, The. J. SWIFT. //-Works, v. 5 34: 2109 History of -Martin, The. J. SWIKT. //.Works, v. 3 34: 2077 The same. ///Works, v. 13 34: 2117 History of a miracle. In N. and T. v. 8 4O: 1648 History of my pets. Mrs. S. J. (C.) I.ii i i VCOTT. (Grace Greenwood)... 38: 1786 History of Pendennis. W. M. THACK ERAY 39: 2887 The same 39: 2888 The same 39: 2889 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 39:2890-92 The same. 3 v. in 2 39:2893-4 History of the Koekinghams. Mrs. M. I n.KixciTON 38: 4524 History of Samuel Titmarsh and the (treat Hoggarty diamond. W. M. THACKERAY. With Henry Ksmond. 39: 2885 The same. In Miscellanies, v. 1 33: 4011 The. same. //. Miscellanies, v. 4 33: 4010 History of Tip-top. Mrs. H. (E.) 15. STOWK. In Queer little people 39: 2334 History of a watch-coat. L. STERN K. / Works 34: 2017 Hitherto : a story of yesterdays. Mrs. A. D. T. WHITNEY ". 4O: " Hoc Age." Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. //.Works, v. 13 39: Hodgson, Hon. Mrs. CiiEitrERKD shade: a tale. Lond. 1870. 8 Hoefer, Edmund, (b. 1819). Oi.n countess, The. (Tr. of Das alte Vrimle tn). Phil. 1870. 12 Hoermann, Hev. Alto 8. ANSR S return; or, the migrations of a soul : an allegorical talc. Tr. by Innocent A. Bergrath. N. Y. 1807. 12 Hoey, Mr*. Cashel. BLOSSOMS of an aloe, The. N. Y. 1875. 8 FAI.SKLY true. Lond. 1870. 3 v. am. 8 393 1648 37: 4442 37: 4448 37; 4454 37: 4460 37: 4401-3 Hoey, (continued.} GOI.DKX sorrow, A. N. Y. 1872. 8 37: 4464 IlorsK of cards, A. Lond. 1868. 3 v. sm. 8 37:4405-7 OUT of court. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sin.S 37:4468-70 Hoffman, C. F. .MAN in the reservoir, The. /// L. C., v. 4 4O: 1614 WILD scenes in the forest. Lond. n. d. 2v.ini. sm. 8 37: 4476 Hoffman, David (Anthony (Irumliler). CHRONICLES from the originals of Cartaphilus. the wandering Jew. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 8 33: 2022-3 Hoffman, Krnest Theodore Wilhelrn. I 1770-1822.) SANDMAN, The. Same as Coppelius. In, Tales from the German 4O: 1699 The same. In Strange stories 37: 4480 STRANGE stories. Host. 1856. 12. 37: 4480 OiHle.ntt : Auate heart. The. AnlonioN song. Berthold, the madman. Cnrdellac, the jeweller. Cooper of Nuremberg, The. Ooppelius, the sandman. Fascination. Life of Hoffman. Lost reflection, The. Mystery of the deserted house. Pharo hank. The. Salvator Ros.i. Walled-up door, The. Hoffmann, (Alexander Friederich) Franz, (b. 1814). FATHERLAND series, The. Phil. 1870. 8 v. 16. Confmts : Anton the fisherman. Tr. by Mrs. M. A. Anderson. 37:4485 Huried in the snow. (ImSfhneebrqrabrn). Tr by Mrs. M. A. Anderson. :)7:44; Doniimn. Tr. by Miss Kebecca H. Schiv- ely. 37:44X7 Fritz; or. filial obedience. (Fritz Hcitfr). Tr. liy Mrs. M. A. Anderson. 37:44K8 Geyer Walty; or.fidelity rewarded. (Geier- WdUt/). Tr. by Mrs. M. A. Anderson. 37:4489 Rene. (Rent). Tr. by J. Fredk. Smith. 37:4492 Treasure of the Incft, The. (Dcr Rchalz dfs IH/M). Tr. by J. Fredk. Smith. 37:4493 Under the enrth. (Untcr tier Erde). Tr. by Mixs Rebecca H. Schively. 37:4494 HAKTX. boys, The. Lond. n. d. The same. Bost. 1872. 16 16 Hoffman, Mary J. AUNES Hilton; or, practical views of Catholicity. N. Y. 1863. 12.... Ai.K E Murray: atale. N. Y. 1869. ^2 .......................................... FELIX Kent; or, the new neighbors. N.Y. 1870. 12 ............ . .......... Ho Fi of the yellow girdle. T. T. T. In Treasure-trove series, v. 2 ....... Hoffland, Mrs. Barbara. C/ARINA, The: an historical romance of the court of Russia. N. Y. 1859. 8 ................................... DANIEL Pennison and the Cumber land statesman. N. Y. n. d. 8. UNLOVED one, The: a domestic story. N.Y. 1867. 8 ....................... YOUNG cadet, The. Phil. n. d. 18. Hogg, -lames. ( The Etlrick Shepherd). (1772-1835). BOOLK <> the brie. The: aqueer court ing story. In Club-book, v. 2 ..... LAIDLAWS and the Scots, The. In Club-book, v. 2 ......................... 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 4O: 37: 37: 37: 37: 4490 4491 4505 4506 4507 1702 4513 4514 4516 4515 4O: 1520 4O: 1520 THOSE FICTION: ENGLISH, HOGG. 98 HOME. Hogg, (continued.) \\INTKR evening tales. 2 v. in 1. 12 N. Y. 1871. 37: 4521 Halbert of Lyne. Highlund adventures. King Gregory. Long pack, The. Love adventures of George Coehrane. Maria s tale, written by her self. Old soldier s (ale, An. Peasant s funeral, A. Renowned adventures of Basil Lee. Shepherd s calendar, The. Singular dream, A. Story of two Highlanders. 4O: 39: 38: 40: Qmlents : Adam Bell. Bridal of Polmood. Country dreams and ap paritions : I. John Gray o Mid- dleholm. 11. Connel of Dee. III. Wife of Lochina- ben. IV. Cousin Mattie. V. Weldean hall. VI. Tibby Johnston s wraith. Dreadful story of Mac- pherson. Duncan Campbell. Hogmanay ; or, the lady of ISalloch- gray. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B. v. 9 Hohensteins, The. F. SPIKLHAGEN. Holcombs, The. M. V. MAGILI Holden with the cords. W. M. JAY.. Holiday chaplet of stories. Mrs. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: Holiday house. C. SINCLAIR 39: Holiday rambles. E. GRANT 37: Holidays at Roselands : sequel to Ellen Dinsmore. M. F. FINLKY. (Martha Farquharson) 37: Hall, Henry. GOI.DKN bait, The. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8. 37: Holland, C. ASPASIA. Phil. 1869. 12 37: Holland, JoMah Gilbert. (Timothy Titcomb) (b. 1819). ARTIH K Bonnicastle: an American romance. N. Y. 1873. 12 BAY-PATH, The: a tale of New Eng land colonial life. N. Y. 1866. 12 Miss Gilbert s career: an American story. N.Y. 1867. 12 SEVKXOAKS: a story of to-day. N. Y. 1875. 12 Holland tide. Same as Munster festi val. G. GRIKKIN 37: Hollands, The. Y. W. TOWNSKND. (Cousin Virginia) Hollister, G. H. MOUNT Hope; or, Philip, king of the Wampanoags: an historical ro mance. N. Y." 1851. 12 Holly and Mistletoe. R. KOCH 38: Holly-tree inn. C. (J. H.) DICKKNS. With Master Humphrey s clock The same. In Uncommercial travel ler Holly wreaths and rose chains. L. de la HAME. (Ouida.) With Beatrice Bovine Holm, Saxe. (pseud.} STORIES. N. Y. 1874. Contents : Draxy Miller s dowry. Elder s wife, The. Esther Wynn s love let- 1719 2107 2376 800 3350 1728 3280 2170 4525-7 4537 37: 4545 37: 37: 37: 4546 4547 4548 3552 39: 3102 12. 37: 37: 37: 39: 37: 4557 1100 497 552 40 4561 How one woman kept her husband. One-legged dancers, The. Whose wife was she ? Holmes, Mr*. Mary Johnston. CAMERON pride, The; or, purified by suffering. Phil. 1873. 12 37: 4563 DARKNESS and daylight. N. Y. 1873. 12 .". 37: 4565 COUSIN Maude; and Rosamond. N. 1873. 12 37: 4564 Holmes, Mrs. M. J., (continued.) DORA Deane; or, the East India uncle; and Maggie Miller ; or, old Hagar s secret. N. Y. 1874. 12 37: 4566 EDITH Lyle. N. Y. 1H76. 12 37: 4579 EDNA Browning; or, the Leighton homestead. N, Y. 1872. 12 37: 4567 ENGLISH orphans. N. Y. 1873. 12. 37: 4568 ETHELYN S mistake. N. Y. 1872. 12 37: 45G9 HOMESTEAD on the hillside, The, and other tales. N. Y. 1873. 12 37: 4570 Contents : Gahle-roofed house at Snowdon, The. Gilberts, The. Glen s creek. Homestead on the hill side. Old red house among the mountains. Rice corner. Thanksgiving party and its consequences, A. 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 37: 4O: HUGH Worthington. N. Y. 1870. 12 .. ....................................... 37: LENA Rivers. N. Y. 1873. 12.... 37: MAGGIE Miller ; or, old Hagar s se cret. With Dora Deane ............... 37: MARIAN Gray; or, the heiress of Redstone hall. N.Y. 1873. 12. MEADOW brook. N.Y. 1873. 12. MILLDANK ; or, Roger Irving s ward. N.Y. 1873. 12 .......... . i ........... RECTOR of St. Marks, The. With West lawn ................................. 37: ROSAMOND. With Cousin Maude ..... 37: ROSE Mather. N.Y. 1873. 12.... TKMPEST and sunshine; or, life in Kentucky. N.Y. 1874. 12 ..... WEST lawn; and The rector of St. Marks. N.Y. 1874. 12 ........... Holmes, Oliver Wendell, (b. 1809). EI.SIK Venner: a romance of destiny. Bost. 1871. 12 ........................ GUARDIAN angel. The. Bost. 1871. 12 .............. . ........................... IRIS. In L. C., v. 7 ........................ The same. In Professor at the breakfast-tnble ........................ 33: VISIT to the asylum for decayed punsters. In L. C., v. 5 ............... 4O: The same. In Soundings from the Atlantic ................. .". .............. 33: Hoist, H. P. LISKTTE S castles in the air. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3. Holt, Emily Sarah. ASIICLIFFE hall : a tale of the last century. Lond. n. d. sin. 8 ...... IMOGEN : a story of the mission of Augustine. N.Y. n. d. 16 D ...... ISOULT Barry of \\~ynscote : a tale of the Tudor times. "N.Y. 1872. 16. ROIUN Trcmuyne: a tale of the Marian persecution. N.Y. 1873. 12.... Home, The; or, family joys and family- cares. Same as Home, The; or, life in Sweden. F. BRKMKR. Tr. bv M. Howitt ............................... . . 35: The same ..................................... 35: The same. In Works, v. 3 .............. 35: Home, The; or, the iron rule: a domestic story. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In W. S. C. L., v. 13 .................... 34: The same ..................................... *15: Home again! In N. and T., v. 11 ...... 4O: 37: 37: 37: 37: 4571 4572 4566 4573 4574 37: 4575 4578 4504 4576 4577 4578 37: 4600 4601 1617 2069 1615 2071 4O: 1532 4610 4513 4611 4612 2740 2741 2739 4183 4923 1651 Home and the Gvpsy maid. T. GIL- LESPIK. In W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 Home as found. J. F. COOPER 35: 4734 The same 35: 4735 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HOME. 99 HOOK. Home at Hoatherbne: a tale. N. Y. 1871. 12 ................................. 4O: Home fairy talcs. J. Mxce ............... 38: Gwtrnt*: liitii. }>), boho. Em-named wntch. The. 2219 222G Friiiuette and Friquottt , Qoldielocka. Great scholar. The. Home fairy, The. Little Ravegeot. Mad cow, The. Home heroes, saints, and martyrs. T. S. ARTHUR ............................. 35: Home bits and hints. "Wm. T. Coo- Magic* axe and the white cut. Madlo Pollito. Mips Careless. Necklace of truth. Peter and Paul. Poveretta. Two friends, The. 778 UKSHALI Content* : Aunt Patience. Being somebody. 35: 4508 Boy enterprise. Buds und MOSflOms* Burning coin, The. City and country. Didn t think. E;isy Warren. F:ible for financiers. Moral influence of taste. My first lesson in manliness. My ragged school. Ned Klton. Odd music lesson. Our fireside. Pny as you go. Penney s pepper bottle. Portliness illustrated. Fallen divine, The. Fashionable suicide. Fashionable vulgarity. Hasie ami waste. Hint for homes, A. Jam) Parker. Jewish quadroon, The. Kidnappers. Kite hen comforts. Lesion from the street. Little chip. Little flbe. Little Peleg. Man in the moon, The. Marriage by draft. Masterly inactivity. Matrimony for money. Home influence: a tale for mothers and daughters. G. AGCILAK 35: The same. Tauchnitz cd 35: Home life, Journal of a. E. M. SKWKLI 39: The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: Home lights and shadows. T. S. A KTII i: K 35: Content* : Aunt M ry s suggestion. Both to blame. Common people. Dull *r on the conscience, A. Fatal error, The. Following the fashions. Helping the poor. Humbled Pharisee, The. It s mine of my business. Pretty apple girl, The. Pride of wealth, and pride ot worth. Prize piano, The. Reflections on a barn. Shall I go to a city ? Sketch of sentiment s ex tremes. Smart ln>y. The. Street picture, A. Story tor boys and girls. Summer life. Summer recreations. Tom Toperly What Jasper Haven lost. Widow Cliff and her son. 342 343 1581 158-2 779 Home pictures, (continued.} Making a sensation. Mother s promise, The, Not at home. Portrait, The. Rights and wrongs. Romance and reality. Something for a cold. Two husbands, The. Very poor. Visi ting as neighbors. Home nook; or, the crown of duty. A. M. DOUGLAS 37: 808 Home of the lost child, The: a tale of the asylum of the Good Shepherd, Hammersmith. N. Y. n. d. 1H. 4O: 2220 Home pictures. Mrs. M. A. DKXISON. (Clara Vance,) 37: 332 Content* About the minister. Accented. Accident, The. Alice s confession. Angel hand, The. Betty s encounter. Birth-day festival. City life. Cio ss, The. Death itselt, Departure, The. iMsappointment, The. Domestic, bream, The. Failure, The. Farm-house, The. Fashionable call, Fashionable ennui. First visit to a watering place. First visitors. Flower girl. My flowers. My mother s death. New minister, The. >ews from abroad. Not at home. Old beggar s sympathy, The Old church, The, Old home in the country, The, Old poet s garret. Old Quaker uncle, The. Old superstition. Painter s studio, The. Party, The. Poor Betty s troubles. Reconciliation, The. Return, The. Reunited family, The. Sad leiter, The. Sale, The. Bernion, The : the visit. Shadow of dt-nth, The. General Lenooraon. Good conclusion. Gretta s sorrow. Home. MH Grey. Inebriate s wife, The. Kitchen troubles. Lady Westcrlin s storv. Little " Sick boy, the. Silver service, The{ SMirthng news. / / , Story, The. / I/ A > Slrjiwberrv snnrvtT. I U I J I I II" . / Strawberry suprvr. Sudden death, The. Thunder-storm, Trick, The. Twilight walk. Two strangers. Unexpected good fortune. Unhappy again. Untimely death, The. Village schoolmistress. Visit to the city. Walk The. Wedding The. Young Poet, The. Little Alice. Little Herbert s trans gression. Little Milly. Little pride, A. Little story, A Living tomb, The. Lossa and Nina; or, the little organ-grinders. Miss Susan, Mr. Lansden s counsel. Home scenes and heart studies. G. AQUII.AR 35: 344 Home scenes. T.S.ARTHUR 35: 780 Home stories. T. S. ARTHUR. 6 v. Contents : 1. Hidden wings. 35:7771 4. The peace-maker. 35:794 2. Sowing the mod. 36:799 I 5. Not anything I or peace. 3. Sunshine at home. :i. r ):789 35:803 | 6. After a shadow. 35:705 Home stories. A. B. HAVEN. (Cousin Alice) 37: 4135 Contents : Carriage friends. Counsel the evil and the good. Furnished house, The. Miss Bremers. Only a family. Home, sweet home. Mrs. J. H. RID- HKI.L. (F. G. Trafford.) 3 v 39: 377-9 Homes abroad. H. MARTTNEAU. In Illus. of polit. econ., v. 4 38: 2642 Homestead on the hillside, The; and other tales. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES. 37: 4570 / > Ordeal, The; or, the spring and summer of life. Single lessons, five dollars: a fact. Spring winds. Content!! Gabled-roofed house at Snowdon. Gilberts, The. Glen s creek. Homestead on the hill side. Old red house among the mountains. Rice corner. Thanksgiving party and its consequences. Homeward bound. J. F. COOPER... 35: 4736 The same 35: 4737 Honest and earnest. N. FORREST 37: 2341 Honest John Vane. J.W. DEFOREST. 37: 214 Honesty and integrity. Mrs. E. C. EMHURY. In Pictures of early life. 37: 1700 Honey-moon, The. POMAR, Count of Modena. 2v 38:4578-9 Honor Blake ; or, the story of a plain woman. Mrs. K. H. KEATING 38: 706 Honor -May. M. KARTOI 35: 1687 Hood, Edwin 1 axton. WORLD of anecdote, The. Lend. 1870. 8 33: 2098 Hood, ThMnas. (1798-1845). OUR family: a domestic novel. In Prose works, v. 3 34: 1375 PARISH revolution, The. In Treasure- trove series, v. 1 4O: 1701 TYLNKY hall. Hartford. 1840. 12. 37: 4618 UP the Rhine. In Works, v. 2 34: 1374 WALTON Kedivivus. In Treasure- trove series, v. 2 4O: 1702 Hood, Tom. GOLDEN- heart, A. Lond. 1867. 3 v. sm.8 37: 4620-2 LOVE and valor. Host. 1872. 8... 37: 4623 Hook, Theodore (Edward). (1788- 1841). ALL in the wrong. Lond. 1867. 12 37: 4634 JSiKTirs, deaths and marriages. Lond. 1857. 12 37: 4635 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HOOK. 100 HOUSE. Hook, (continued.) COUSIN Geoffrey. Lond. 1859. 12. 37: 4636 COUSIN William. N. Y. 1857. 12. 37: 4637 The same. In. Sayings and doings. 37: 4650 GKRVASE Skinner. N. Y. 1857. 12. 37: 4638 The same. In Sayings and doings, v. 3 37: 4650 GILHKRT Gurney. Lond. 1841. 16. 37: 4639 The same. In W. S. C. I,., v. 6-7. 34: 4176-7 The same *15:491G-17 GURNEY married. Lond. n. d. 16. 37: 4640 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 9-13. * 15:491 9-23 The same 34:4179-83 JACK Bray. Lond. n. d. 12 37: 4641 MAXWELL. Lond. 1840. 10 37: 4642 PARSON S daughter, The. Lond. n. d. 16 37: 4644 PRECEPTS and practice. Lond. 1840. 3v. sm. 8 37:4645-7 Content* : My last tour, v. 3. O Id people, v. 3. Planter * birthday, v. 3. Practical jokes, v. 3. Russian poli e and English prisoners, v. 3. Stir in the household, v. 2. Trip over London, v. :J. Widdlczig, v. 1. Widow s "dog, v. 1. Atonement, v. 2. Captain Gray, v. 1. Civil war, v. ^. Ditton, v. 3. Fanny Vane, v. 1. Fashionable fiction?, v. 3. Fragment of modern his tory, v. 2. Lite after death, v. 1. Little man, v. 1. Magpie castle, v. 3. Man and his master, v. 1. SAYINGS and doings. Lond. n. d. 3v. 16 37:4648-50 Wine and water, v. 1. Man of many friends, v. 2. Martlm, the gypsy, v. 1. Merton, v. 1. Passion and principle, v. 2. Sutherlands, v. 2. In W. S. *15: 4924 4646 37: 4651 37: 37: Contents : Cousin William, v. 3. Danvers, v. 1. Doubts and fears, v. 2. Friend of the lamily,v. 1. Gervase Skinner, v. 3. STIR in the household, A. C. L., v. 14 The same. In Precepts and prac tice, v. 2 37: WIDOW and the marquis, The. Lond. n. d. 12 Hooper. Henry. LOST model, The : a romance. Phil. 1874. 12 WASH Bolter, M. D.; or, the life of an orator. Lond. 1872. sm. 8... Hooper, Lucy Hamilton. (1816-1841). SNOW upon the waters. In Rouge- gorge and other stories 4O: UNDKR false colors. In Not pretty, but precious 4O: Hoosier school-master, The. Ed\v. EGGLKSTON 37: Hoosier s mosaics. M. THOMPSON.... 39: Hope, Ascott R. (pseud.) See MON- CRIEKF, K. H. Hope, Cecil. SKAHURY castle. Phil. 1869. 12. Hope, Stanley. NKwGodiva. Phil. 1876. 12 Hope, Thomas. ANASTASIUS; or, memoirs of a Greek. N. Y. 1873. 16 Hope deferred. E. F. POLLARD. N. Y. 1872. 8 Hope and have. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic) Hope Leslie. C. M. SKDOWICK 2 v. Hope .Meredith. E. TAHOR 39: Hope on, hope ever. M. HOWITT Hopes. F. BRKMER. In Works, v. 1. Hopes and fears. C. M. YONUK... .. Hopkins, Alphonso A. His prison bars, and the way to es cape. Rochester, N. Y. n. d. 16. 37: 37: 4657 4658 1670 1640 1593 2983 4668 4670 37: 4673 38: 4670 35: 251 39: 1528-9 39: 2718 37: 4751 35: 2746 4O: 1287 37: 4680 Hopkins, Ellice. KOSK Turquand. N. Y. 1876. 8... 37: 4684 Hopkins, John Baker. MAKING the worst of it. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8 37:4686-7 Hopkins, Livingston. COMIC history of the United States. N. Y. 1876. 12 37: 4690 Hopkins, Samuel. YOUTH of the old dominion. Host. 1856. 12 37: 4693 Horace Templeton s diary. C. LEV ER .". 38: 1594 Horace Wilde. ilrt. M. J. MAL- LARY 38: 2434 Horn, Van. (pseud.) See OERTKL, P. F. W. Hornby mills, and other stories. H. KINOSLEY. 2v 38: 957-8 Contents : Episode in the life of Charles Mordaunt Mal- maison, v. 1. Eyre s march, v. 2. Hornby mills garden, v. I. Jackson of Paul *, v. 2. March of Charles fetuarl, The. v. 2. New Year s day at Windsor, 13-27, v. ;. Some account of the village of Inverguoich. v 2. Why Lady Hornbury s hall was postponed, v. 1. Horror i" the house, The. H. SPICER. In Hound to please, v. 2 39: 2096 Horrors of Paris, The. A. (D.) DUMAS 37; 989 Horse-shoe on the church door. NACHTIGALI. (Otmar). In R. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 Horse-shoe Robinson. J. P. KEN NEDY 38: 820 Hortense, (Jueen: an historical novel. Mrs. C. (M.) MUNDT. (Louisa Miitilbach) 38: 3253 Hortons, The: or, American life at home. D. B. CASSEDAY 35: 3025 Hosmer, Mrs. Margaret. BLANCH Gilroy : a girl s storv. 1 hil. 1871. 12 ) ." 37: 4700 MOKRISONS, The: a story of domes tic life. Phil. 1868. l2 37: 4701 VICTIMS of dreams, The. In Not pretty but precious 4O: 1640 Hospital sketches. L. M. ALCOTT.... 35: 457 Hospitality. Mrs. A. M. V. HALL. In Sketches of Irish character 37: 3887 Hostages to fortune. Mint M. E. BKADDON 35: 2566 Hotel du Petit St. Jean : a Gascon story. C. DKMPSTER 37: 310 Hotspur : a tale of the old Dutch manor. M. T. WALWOKTH 4O: 97 Hour and the man, The: an historical romance. II. MAKTINKAU 38: 2638 Hour s instruction in political econ omy, An. A. F. LANGBEIN. In K. G. N. v. 4 4O: 1563 Hours of infancy. Mrs. M. M. .SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 13 39: 1648 House and the brain, The. K. G. K. L. BULWKR-LYTTON. Ill L. C. v. 2 4O: 1612 House behind the poplars, The. Mrs. J. R. BKCKWITH 35: 1861 House by the church-yard, The. J. S. LF.FANU 38: 1457 House in the town, The : sequel to Opportunities. S.WARNER 4O: 175 House in the valley, The. E. F. CARLON 35: 3795 House of cards, The. Mrs. C. HOKY. 3v 37: 4465-i PROSE FICTION : ENGLISH. HorsK. 101 Ho\viTf. House of hlmore, K. W. ROHINSON. 39: House of the seven gables. N. HAW- TIIOKNK .................................... 37: House of Yorke. M. A. T ............... House on the moor Mri. M. ((). W.) 39: 488 4178 2701 F. de BeooN. 38: 3842 1887 1650 35: 3918 1-388 Stories for young house keepers. 35:802 Tried and tempted. 3,1:818 Two wives, The. 35:812 Ways of providence. 35:816 Woman s trials. 38:816 Words for the wise. 35:818 40: 38: House on wheels, The. (Mme.de Stolz) ........................... 35: House to let, A. In N. nnd T. v. 10. 4O: House with two front doors, The. A. CARY. In Pictures of country life ......................................... .. Household angel in disguise. H. N. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt Hatfie) ........ 35: Household library, The. T. S. AR THUR. 12 v. in 6. Contents : Home scenes. 3.1:780 Lessons in life. 35:812 Married life. 35:786 Otf-hand sketches. 35:791 Seed-time and harvest. 35:796 Stories for parents. 35:801 Household of Bouverie, The; or, the elixir of gold. Mrs. C. WARFIELD. 2 v ........ ^ .................................. Household of Sir Thomas More, The. A. MANNING .............................. Household stories. .1. L. K. and K. W. GRIMM ................................. 37: Household wreck, The : a tale. In W. S. C. L. v. 1 1 ....................... 34: The same ...................................... *15: Housekeeper, M. K. MY husband s crime. N. Y. 1868. 8. 37: Hoven, Ernest. MAN with two shadows, The. Phil. 189. 10 ................................. 37: How a bride was won. F. GERST- .CKER ...................................... 37: How Charlie Roberts became a man. L. M. THURSTON ........................ 39: How could he escape? a temperance story. J. McN. YV RIGHT ............ 4O: 886 How could he help it? or, the heart triumphant. A. S. Ron ............... 39: 598 How he did it. E. A. DUPUY ........... 37: 1068 How he won her. Mrs. E. 1). E. N. SOUTH WORTH ........................... _ 39: 2021 How 1 became a yoeman. W. E. AY TOUN. In T. f. B. T.I ............... 4O: 1693 How 1 stood for the Dreepdaily Burghs. W. E. AYTOUN. In T. f. B. v. 2 ................................. 4O: 1693 How I was tracked by trappers. L. de la KAMK. (Ouida.) With. Ran dolph Gordon ............................. 39: 35: 142-3 2470 3603 4181 4921 4708 4714 2933 56 388G How Marjory helped. M. CAROLL.... " How mother did it." J. R. HADKK- MAN.N. In Not pretty but precious. 4O: 1640 How Nellie found the fairies: a grand mother s story. Phil. 1871. 16. 4O: 2223 How the old love fared. (W.) \V. COLLINS. In N. and T., v. 5 4O: 1045 The same. In Dead secret 35: 4552 How one fire lit another. L. de la RAMK. (Ouida.) With Randolph Gordon 3Q : 50 How one came to marry. Mrt. Ij. C. MOULTOX. In My third book 39; 3182 How one woman kept her husband. In Saxe HOLM S stories 37: 45G1 How 1 obinson lost his fellowship. R. BLACK. With Lady Caroline 35: 2169 How Santa Clause came to Simpson s bar. (F.) B. HARTK. In Mrt. Skagg s husbands 33; ;go7 How to be a man. H. NKWCOMB 38: 3575 How to conquer ; or, Allen Ware. C. M. TROWBRIUHK 39; 3302 How to do it. E. E. HALE 37; 3835 How we got possession of the Tuileries. W. E. AYTOUN. In T. f. B., v. 3. 4O: 1G94 How we got up the Gleninutc.hkin railway, and how we got out of it. W. E. AYTOUN. In T. f. B., v. 1... 4O: 1693 How will it end? a romance. J. C. HKYWOOD 37; 4397 Howard, Blanche Wyllys. ONK summer. Bost. 1876. lf> 37; 4720 Howard, Caroline. (pseud.) See JERVEY, Mrs. C. H. Howard and his teacher. H. N. ( W.) BAKER. (Aunt I/titlie) 35: 1389 Howard, the apprentice boy. Mrs. C. L. HENT/. With Banished son. 37; 4311 Howard Tracy. For sequel, see Bella Trelawny. J. T. SMITH 39: 1900 Howell, .John. EXPERIMENTER, The. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 FORTUNES of William Wighton, The. In W. T. B., v. 1 4Q: 1711 LEGEND of Calder Moor. In W. T. B., v. 9 4Q: 1719 MAJOR Weir s coach. In W. T. B., v. 3 4O; 1713 MAN-OF-WAR S man, The. In W. T. B., v. 8 4Q: 1718 PRISONER of war, The. In W. T. B., v. 9 4Q: 1719 SCOTTISH veteran, The. In W. T. B., v. 6 4Q: 1716 SERGEANT S tales, The. In W. T. B., v. 3-5 40:1713-15 Content* : Beggar s camp, v. 4. Packman s journey to Lon- Imprudent marriage, v. 5. don, v. f>. John Square s voyage to Palatines, The, v. 3. India, v. 4. SEVEN years dearth, The. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: 1717 SLAVS, The. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 Howells, William Dean. (b. 1837). CHANCE acquaintance, A. Bost. 1874. 16 37; 4724 DAY S pleasure, A. Bost. 1876. 24. 37: 4728 FOREGONE conclusions. Bost. 1875. 12 37: 4725 ROMANCE of real life, A. In L. C., v. 4 4O; 1614 THBIR wedding journey. Bost. 1872. 12 37: 4726 The same. Bost. 1875. 18 37; 4727 Howitt, Anna Mary. SCHOOL of life, The. Bost. 1855. 16. 37: 4737 Howitt, Mary. (b. 1804). ALICE Franklin: a tale. N.Y. 1854 18 37; 4745 AUTHOR S daughter, The: a tale. N. V. n. d. 8 37: 4746 BRIGHT days. Bost. 1869. 12 37: 4747 CITIZEN of Prague, The; and Li- voninn tales. Tr. by M. Howitt. N.Y. 1870. 8 4Q: 2091 DIAL of love, The. Phil. 1854. 12. 37: 4749 HEIR of Wast-Wayland, The. N.Y. 1855. 12 37; 4750 Hone on, hope ever. N. Y". 1857 18 37: 4751 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. IIOWITT. 102 HUMORS. Howitt, Mary, (continued.} LITTLE coin, much care. N.Y. 18C7. 18 37: LOVE and money. N.Y. 1867. 18. 37: MY own story. N.Y. 1867. 18... 37: MY uncle, the clockmaker. N. Y. n. d. 18 37: No sense like common sense. N. Y. 1859. 18 37: SOWING and reaping. N. Y. 1867. 18 37: STOKY of a genius. N. Y. 1867. 18 37: STRIVE and thrive. N. Y. 1867. 18 37: TKUST and trial. Lond. 1858. sin. 37: 37: 37: 18. 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4764 4765 4766 4776 4777 37: 4778 Poacher s progress. The. Sir Peter and his pigeon. Some love-passages in the lite of every-day people. Two squires, The. Woodnook wells, The; or, neighbors 1 quarrels. Two apprentices. N.Y. 1867. VIGNETTES. Lond. n. d. sm. "VVincii is the wiser? N. Y. 1867. 18 37: 4763 WHO shall be greatest? N.Y. 1867. 18 37: WOOD Leighton. Lond. 1847. 16. 37: WORK and wages. N.Y. 1867. 18. 37: Howitt, William, (b. 1795). BOY S adventures in the wilds of Australia, A. Lond. 1866. 12. 37: JOHNNY Darbyshire. In L. C., v. 9. 4O: LIKK and adventures of Jack ot the mill. N.Y. 1872. 8 37: WOODUURN Grange. Phil. n. d. 12 37: Howitt, William and Mary. SToKiKsof English and foreign life. Lond. 1853. sm. 8 Contents : Hunnyhiins at the sea side, The. Hunt, The. Lent from the diary of a poor schoolmistress. Margaret von Ehrenberg, the artist-wife. Melclruni family, The. Howleglass, the merry jester. In R. U. N., v. 1 4O: 1560 Hubback, Mrs. .1. MAY and December: a tale of wedded life. Phil. 1866. 12 WIFE S sister, The; or, the forbidden marriage. N. Y. 1865. 8 Hubert Freeth s prosperity: a story. Mrs. N. CROPLAND 35: Hudson, Kobert. KI.MHEKWELL house. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 37: Hudson s bay. R. M. BALLANTYNK. 35: Hugh Melton. K. KING 38: Hugh Worthington. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES 37: Hughes, Thomas, (b. 1823). SCOURING of the white horse, The; or, the long vacation of a London clerk. Camb. 1859. 12 TOM Brown at Oxford. Bost. 1864. 2 v. 12 TOM Brown s school davs at Rugby. lllus. Lond. 1872. " 8 37: The same. Bost. 1872. 12 37: The same. Leip. 1858. sq. 16. 37: Hughe s vendetta. F. 0. FISHER. (Christian Reid.) In Nina s atone ment 37: Hughs, Mrs. . Two schools, The: a moral tale. N. Y. n. d. 12 37: 37: 37: 4788 4789 5056 4796-8 1468 915 4571 37: 4814 37:4815-16 4817 4818 4819 2201 37: 4832 4840 4836 37: 4833 38: 4776 37: 4834 4826 Hughs, Mrs. Mary. (Aunt Mary). AUNT Mary s stories. 1st scries. N. Y. n. d. 16 ......................... 37: 4808 Contents : Genorosity. Holidays in the country. Young sailor, The. Hugo, Victor (Marie). (b. 1802). BiiKiAND, The; or, demon of the north. (Tr. of Han d Islands). Phil. n. d. 8 .......................... BY the king s command. (Tr. of Par ordre du roi) .............................. 37: The same. In Man who laughs. Pt. 11 ........................ ....... ..... 37: CLAUDE Gueux : the last day of a condemned man. (Tr. of Claude Gueux and Le dernier jour dun con- damtte). N.Y. 18G9. 12 ........... GAVUOCIIK, the gamin of Paris. (Tr. of part of Leg misembles). Phil. 1872. 16 ................................. HUNCHBACK of Notre Dame, The. (Notre-dame de Paris). Tr. by Henry L. Williams. Bost. 1866. 12 .......................................... JARGAL. (Euy-Jargal). Tr. by Charles Kdwin \Vilbour. illus. N. Y. 1866. 12 ................................. 37: 4835 MAN who laughs, The. (Tr of L homme qui rit). N. Y. 1869. 8. 37: 4836 Contents : Pt 1 I. Sea and night. Pt. II. By the king s command. The same. Pt. 1. N. Y. 1869. 8 ......................................... 37: 4841 Contents : Sea and night. MISKRAHLKS, Les. Tr. by Chas. E. Wilbour. N. Y. 1874. 8 ......... 37: 4837 The same. Lond. n. d. 12. [abridged.] ............................. 37: 4838 NINETY-THREE. (Quatre-vtngt-treize). Tr. by Frank Lee Benedict. N. Y. 1874. 12 ................................. 37: 48311 PAR ordre du roi. In Man who laughs. Pt. 2 ............................. 37: 4836 The same ................................... 37: 4840 SEA and night. /// Man who laughs. Pt. 1 ................................... . ..... 37: 4836 The same ................................... 37: 4841 TOILERS of the sea. (Tr. of Les trav- ailleursde lamer). N.Y. 1869. 8. 37: 4842 Huguenot, The. G. P. R. JAMES ..... 38: 193 Huguenot exiles, The. E. A. Du- ITY .......................................... 37: 1069 Huguenot family, The, in the Kng- li.-h village. Miss K EDDIE. (Sarah Tijtler) ...................................... 38: 714 Hulda ; or the deliverer. F. LEWALU. Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister ............ 38: 1685 Hum, the son of Buz. Mrs. H. ( E.) 15. STOWK. In Queer little people. 39: 2334 Hume :ind the governor of Berwick. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B. v. 9. 4O: 1719 Humility and her portrait-painters. Mri. E. K. CHARLES. With Cot tage by the cathedral ................... 35: 4071 Humility before honor, and other tales and illustrations. Mrs. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth) ....... 39: 3065 Contents : Knithful dogs, The. Memoir of ihe au thor. Widow of the Ziuepath, The. Humors of Falconbridge. J. F. KEI.I.EY ................................... 33: 2395 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HUMPHREY. 103 IN. Humphrey Clinker. T. SMOI.I.ET. In Works 39: 1970 The samo 39: 1975 The same. 2v 39:1973-4 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: - 976 Hunchback of Notre dnme. (M.)V. HiciO 37: 4834 Hundred ministers, and how they switched off: the lights and shad- dows of ministerial life. Bost. 1874. 16 33: 509 Hungarian brothers, The. A. P. 1 oRTKR 38: 4G48 Hungerford, .lames. OLD plantation, The, and what I gath ered there in an autumn month. N. Y. 1859. 12 37; 4850 Hungry heart. The. J. W. DsFoR- RKST. In Xot pretty but precious. 4O: 1640 Hunnybuns at the sea-side. W. and M. HOWITT. In Stories of Eng lish and foreign life 37: 4778 Hunt, (James Henry) Leigh. (1784- 1859). FOSTER brother, The. N. Y. 1871. 8 37; 4855 Hunt, The. W. and M. HOWITT. In Stories of English and foreign life. 37: 4778 Hunt cup, A ; or, loyalty before all. W. BRADWOOD 35: 2653 Hunted down. 0. (J. H.) DICKENS. 37: 479 The same. With Lamplighter s story. 37: 481 Hunted down; and Uncommercial traveller. C. (J. H.) DICKENS 37: 480 Hunter and Tom. J. ABBOTT 35: 48 Hunter s feast. M. RKID 39: 248 Hunting the lions ; or, the land of the negro. It. M. BALLAXTYXE. / Tales of adventure, v. 3 35: 148") Hunting sports in the west. C. 15. HAKTI.KV 37; 4067 Huntington, .J. V. ALDAN : the history of a young pur itan. N. Y. 1853. 2 v. 12 37: 4860-1 LADY Alice; or, the new Una. N. Y. 1873. 8 37: 4862 Husbands and homes. Mrs. M. V. (H.) TKKHUXK. (Marion Ilarland). 39: 2837 Husks : Home us Empty heart. Mrt. M. V. (H.) TKKHUXK. (Marion Ilurlaiid) 39: 2833 The .same 39: 2838 Hutchinson, John C. SHE and I : a love story, a life his tory. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8. 37: 48G8-9 Hwa Tsien Ki. FLOWERY scroll, The: a Chinese novel. Tr. and illus. \>y Sir John Bowring. Lond. 1868. sm. 8. 4O: 2151 Hyacinthe, Mrs. E. C. GREY 37: 3501 Hypatia ; or, new foes. C. Kixos- LEY. 2v 38: 930-1 The same 38: 929 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 932 Hyperion. 11. W. LOXOFKI.LOW. In Prose works 34: 1583 The same 34: 1586 Hypocrites, The. I . SCARUOX. In Whole comical works >:1 34: 1915 I. I cannn be fashed; or, Willie Grant s confessions. J. M. WILHON. In W. T. B. v. 5 4O: 1715 I have a right. J. TXUKLOW. In Sto ries told to a child 38: I will be a sailor. Mrs. L. C. TUTIIILL. 39: I will be a soldier. Mrt. L. C. TUTHILL. 39: Ice maiden, The. H. C. AXDKRSKN.... 35: Ida Craven. H. M. CADELI 35: Ida (ioldwin . or, the perils of fortune. A. DKRISY 37: Ida May: a story. M. H. (G) PIKK. (Mary Langdon) 38: Idalia : a romance. L. de la RAMK. (Ouida) 39: The same. 2 v. in 1 39: Ideen, Marie A. CHANOINH the crosses and winning the crown. Phil. 1873. 10 38: Idle scholar. See Julia Hatfield. Idler, The. Mrt. M. M. SHERWOOD. /n Works, v. 15 39: Idolatry: a romance. J. HAW- TIIORNK 37: Idyl of Red gulch. (F.) B. HARTE. In Luck of roaring camp 33: If, yes, and perhaps. E. E. HALE 33: Contents: Children of the public. Christmas waits in Bos ton. Lust of the Florida, Last voyage of the Reso lution. Man without a country. The same 37: Ignatius, Rev. Father. LEONARD Morris ; or, the Benedictine novice. Lond. 1871. sm. 8 38: Ignotus. (pseud.) CUI.MSHIRK folk. Lond. 1873. 3 v. 3 v. sm. 8 38: Ik Marvel, (pseud.) See MITCHELL, D. G. Iliad of Sandy bar, The. (F.) B. HARTK. In Mrs. Skagg s husbands. 37: 111 got ill gone. J. BANIX. In Bit o writin" 35: I ll try. H. N. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt Haitie) 35: Illustrations of Irish pride. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 1 Illustrations of lying. Mrs. A. OPIE. In Works, v. 3 Image of his father, The. H. and A. M AVIIKW Immermann, Karl Lebrecht. (1796- 1840). WOXDEKS in the Spessart, The. In T. f. G 4O: 1699 Imogen. E. S. HOLT 37: 4(513 Impending sword. E. YATKS. 3 v. 40:1209-11 Imprisoned demon, The. W. GIL- IIKRT. In Doctor Austin s guests, v. 2 ! 37: 2987 Imprisoned mind. Mrt. S. S. ELLIS. //< Temper and temperament 37: 1690 Improvisatore, The. H. C. AXDKR SKN 35: 647 Imprudent marriage, The. In The Serjeant s tales. J. HOWKLL. In W.T.I!, v. 5 4O: 171. r > In bonds: a novel. L. PRKSTON 38: 4727 In the Cumarguo. E. BOWLES 35: 2432 In a cellar. II. E. (P.) SPOKFORD. 1RM Amber gods 39: 2126 In the days of my youth. A. B. ED WARDS ^ 37: 1523 33 3388 3389 646 3720 343 4514 49 50 10 1650 4167 1996 1828 My double and how he un did me. Old and new face to face. Piece of possible history. Skeleton in the eloset. South American editor. 3836 20-2 4057 1531 1390 37: 3884 38: 3903 38: 2792 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. IN. 104 INGRAHAM. Indoors and out; or, views from the chimney corner. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) In duty bound. By the author of Mark Warren. N. Y. 1871. 8. In exile. W. VON ST In exitu Israel: an historical novel. >S. BARING-GOULD In extremis: a novelette. Mrs. R. S. GREENOUGH In a glass darkly. J. Sheridan LE- FANU. 3 v In his name. E. E. HALE In honor bound : a novel. C. GIBBON. In the isle of Wight: a novel. Lend. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 In the lap of fortune. J. HATTON. 3 v In the ranks. Miss A. M. DOUGLASS... In the rapids. T. J. IRVING In the ring. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (for merly Miss Mulock). In Unkind word The same In school and out. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic) In search of the castaways. J. VERNE. In silk attire. W. BLAOK In strange company. J. GRKENWOOD. In that state of life. H. AIDC In trust ; or, Dr. Bertrand s household. A. M. DOUGLAS In the wilds of Africa. W. H. G. KINGSTON In a winter city. L. de la KAME. (Ouida) Ina. K. VALERIO Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth S. (1753- 1821). NATURE and art. Lond. 1820. 18. WUh Mrs. BROOKK S Julia Mande- ville SIMPLE story. Lond. 1820. 18.... Incognito, The; or Count Fitz-Hum. Dr. SCHULTZE. Tr. by Thomas. DeQuiney. / Works, v. 10 Independence : a centennial love story. L. M. ALOOTT. In Silver pitchers Independence. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches India ; the pearl of Pearl river. E. J). E. N. SOUTHWORTH Indian chief, The. G. AIMAKD Indian cottage. .1. H. B. DE ST. PIERRE. In Works, v. 1 Indian fairy tales. C. MATTHEWS Indian friend, An. E. EOGLKSTON. I Schoolmaster s stories Indian pilgrim, The. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 4 Indian queen, The. A. S. STEPHENS. Indiana: a love story. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand). Indian s revenge, An. D. P. THOMP SON. With May Martin Inez: a tale of the Alamo. A. J. WILSON Infant s grave, An. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 6 The same. In Works, v. 13 Infant s progress, An. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 5 Infelice. A. J. (E.) WILSON, (for merly Miss Evans) 35: 40: 39: 35: 37: 293 2226 2187 1573 3435 38:1458-60 37: 3838 37: 2951 4O: 2228 37: 4104-6 37: 809 38: 55 35: 4943 35: 4944 35: 39: 35: 37: 3455 35: 351 37: 38: 39: 40: 35: 38: 35: 37: 39: 35: 34: 38: 39: 39: 37: 39: 4O: 39: 39: 39: 40: 252 3692 217 6 810 990 6G 245 2896 25 34: 1042 471 3887 2022 390 1891 2682 37: 1595 1639 2210 909 2975 571 1641 1648 1640 572 Infernal marriage, The. B. DISR.V.LI. With Ixion in heaven 37: The same 37: Infidel, The. R. M. BIRD 35: Infirmary, The. Mrs. M. M. SIIKR- WOOD. In Works, v. 8 39: Influence. Mrs. BROOKFIELD. 2 v. 35: Ingelow, .lean. (b. 1825). MOPSA, the fairy. Bost. 1869. 16. 38: OFF the Skelligs : a novel. Bost. 1872. 12 38: SISTER S bye-hours, A. Bost. 1868. 16 38: Contents : Laura Richmond. Marked. Musohachito mio. Poor Matt; or,the clouded intellect. STORIES told to a child. Bost. 1866. 16 38: Content* : Can and conld. Deborah s book. 668 669 2119 1643 3111 31 Prejudice ; or, the black polyanthus. Ups and downs of life. Widow Miiclean ; or, lending to the Lord. 33 Golden opportunity] The. Giandmother s shoe, The. I have a right. Life of Mr. John Smith, The. for stories. STUDI H:S 16 Contents : Cumlierers, The. I s governe ambition. Little Rie and the rosebuds. Lonely rock. Minnows with silver tails, The. Moorish gold, The. One-eyed servant, The. Suspicious jackdaw, The. Two ways of telling a story. Wild-dock shooter. The. Bost. 1870. 38: 34 I)r. I Jean s j Ernilv s an My great-aunt s picture. Stolen treasure, The. Ingemann, B. S. AGKD Kabbi, The. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. M 4O: 1532 ALL souls 1 day. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 4O: 1532 DEATH ship, The. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 4O: 1532 DOOMED house, The. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 4O: 1530 SKCKKT witness, The. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 4O: 1530 Ingenue ; or, the death of Marat. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: ! 9<> Ingersleben, Frau von. (E. von lioth- etifels). ELKANORE. Phil. 1872. 12 38: 41 Ingham, Col. Frederic, (pseud.) See K. K. HALE. Ingham papers. E. E. HALE 33: 1829 How Mr. Frye would have preached it. Memoir of ( apt. Fred, lug- ham. Ragman and ragwoman. Kound the world in a hack. Paul Jones and Dennis Duval. Contents : Daily hread. Dicl he take the Prince to ride ? Pinner speaking. Friends meeting. Good society. Good-natured pendulum. The same 37: 3837 Inglises, The; or, how the way opened. M. M. ROBERTSON 39: 472 Ingo. G. FRKYTAG. Tr. by .1/r.s. Malcolm 37: 2481 The same. In Our forefathers, pt. 1. 37: 2484 Ingolsby, Thomas. ( pseud. ) See BARIIAM, B. H. Ingolsby legends. R. H. BAKU AM.... 35: 1502 Ingraban. G. FRKYTAG. Id series of Our forefathers .. 37: 2482 The same. In Our forefathers, pt. 2. 37: 2485 Ingraham, Joseph Holt. (1809-1866). I n.LARof lire, The; Israel in bond age. Bost. 1871- 12 38: 44 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. INGRAITAM. 105 IRVINO. Ingraham, (continued.) I KINCK of the house of David, The. N. Y. 1859. 12 38: 45 SIN xv South, The. Phil. 160. 12. 38: 46 THKOSK of David, The; from the consecration of the Shepherd of Bethlehem to the rebellion of Prince Absalom: being HM illustration of the splendor, power and dominion of the reign of the shepherd, poet, warrior, king, and prophet ances tor mid type of Jesus : in a series of letters addressed by an Assyrian ambassador, resident at the court of Saul and David, to his lord and king on the throne of Ninevah; wherein the glory of Assyria, as well as the magnificence of Judeii, is presented to the reader as by an eye-witness. Bost. 1873. 12.... 38: 47 Ingrain place: a novel. By a CAPK COLONIST. (pseud.) 2v.ini 35: 3748 Inheritance. M. FKRRIKR. With Marriage and destiny 37: 2101 Initials, The: a story of modern life. I. von TAUTPHCKVS 39: 2760 The same. 2v.ini 39: 2761 Innocent: a tale of modern life. M. (O. W.I OUPHANT 38: 3843 Innocent adultery, The. P. SCARRON. In Comical works *34: 10i:> Inquisitor, The; or, the struggle in Ferrara. W. GILBERT. 3 v 37:2988-90 Inside : a chronicle of secession. \V. M. BAKKK 35: 1430 Interesting young person, An. 11. SIMCKK. In Bound to please, v. 2. 39: 209(5 Interpreter, The. G. .1. WHYTE- MKLYILLK. 2v.ini 4O: 434 Interrupted wedding. A. MANNING. 38: 2472 Intestate, The. J. HALT.. In Le gends of the west 37: 3870 Intimate friends. Mrs. M. M. SHKK- WOOD. In Works, v. 7 39: 1642 Invasion, The. G. GRIFFIN .,.. 37: 3558 Invasion of France in 1814. E. KKCKMASN and A. CIIATKIAN 37: 1733 Invisible prince,^, The. F. O CONNOR. I,, L. C., v. 8 4O: 1<518 Involuntary experimentalist, The. In T. f. 15., v. 6 4O: 1<5!)5 Ireland. 11. MARTINEAV. lllus. of pol. econ., v. 3 38: 2641 Ireland. Erin-go-Bragh ; or. Irish life pictures. W. II. MAXWELL. 2v.ini 38: 2744 Ireland, Legendary history of. L. T. UK BAHXKVAL. Tr. by J. G. Shea. 28: 920 Ireland. Legends and stories of. S. LOVER 38: 1886 Ireland, Legends of the wars in. R. D.JOYCE 38: 523 Irene ; or, bench-broken billows. Mr>. B. F. BAKU 35: 1345 Irene; and Hathaway strange. (J. V. de VINOUT 39: 3750 Iris. O. W. HOLMES. In L. C. v. 7. 4O: 1616 Irish life, Lights and shadows of. Mm. A. M. F. HALL. 3v 37:3882-4 Irish character, Sketches of. Mrs. A. M. F. HAI.I 37: 3887 The same. /// W. S. C. L 34: 4174 The same *15: 4914 Irish character, Sketches of. Mrs. MEKEIIITH. In Lacemakers 38: 2925 Irish life, Tale of. See DONELAN S Value of Fostertown 37: Irish lord-lieutenant and his double, The. J. HANIM. In Bit o writin . 35: Irish peasantry, Stories of. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In W. S. C. L. v. 14. *15: Irish peasantry, Traits and stories of \V. CAKLKToN 35: 35: 771-2 1531 4924 3840 3841-2 The samu. 2 v. Irish reaper, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 8 4O: 1718 Irish refugee, The. E. D. E. N. SOUTH WORTH, ll ith Wife s victory. 39: 2042 Iron, N. C. (Stella). MINA Monti. Phil. 1872. 12 38: 52 Iron cage, The. Mrs. M. M. SIIKR- wooi). In Works, v. 4 39: 1639 Iron cousin, The. M. C. CLARKE 35: 4335 Iron hand, The; or, the knight of Maiileon. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 991 Iron horse, The; or, life on the line. K. M. BALLANTYNF. 35: 1469 Iron mask, The. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 992 Iron shroud, The. \V. MUDFORD. In L. C. v. 3 4O: 1(513 Ironthorpe, the pioneer preacher. .1. T. TKOWKKIDGK. (PaulCreyton). 39: 3319 Irreconcilable man, The. A. F. LANOHKIN. In R. G. X. v. 4 4O: 1563 Irving, Thomas .1. (dcrnld Hart). IN the rapids: a romance. Phil. 1871. 12 38: 55 Irving, Washington. ( Geoffrey Crayon; JHettrifh Knickerbocker; Jonathan Oldxlyle). (1783-1859). BRACEKRIDOK Hall; or, the humor- N.Y. 1869. 16. 33: 2257 ists: a medley. Contents : Anncite Pelnrbe. Author, The. Author s farewell, The. Haehelor s con Cessions, A. Bachelors. Busy nmn, The. Culprit. The. D.,lph Heyliger. English country gentle man English gravity. Falconry Family misfortunes. Family relies*. Family servants. Farm house, The. Forest trees. Fortune-telling. Gentility. Gvpsies. Hall, The. Haunted house, The. Hawking. Historian, The. Horsemanship. Library, The. GOLDEN age of Xew York, The. In Treasure-trove series, v. 1 HISTORY of Xew York, A. From the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty. Containing among many surprising and curi ous matters, the unutterable pon- derings of Walter Doubter. The disastrous projects of William the Testy, and the chivalrous achieve ments of Peter the Headstrong, the three Dutch Governors of New- Amsterdam. Being the only au thentic history of the times that ever hath been published. Lond. MUCCCXXXVI. 16 Literary antiquary, A. Love charms*. Love symptoms. Lovers, The. Lovers trouhles. Manuscript, The. May-day May-day customs. Old soldier, An. Popular superstitions. Ready-money Jack. Rookery. The. St. M irk s eve. School, The. Schoolmaster, The. Story-telling. Stout gentleman. The. Student of Salamanca, The. Travelling. Village politician! A. Village worthies. Wedding, The. Widow, The. Widow s retinue, The. Wives. 4O: 1701 33: PKOSE FICTIOX: EXGLISH. IRVING. 106 JACK. Irving, W., (continued.) SKETCH-BOOK, The, of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. Loud. 1834. 2 v. 12.., 33:2259-60 Content* : Angler, The. Art of book-making, The. Author * account of him self, The. Boar s hear! tavern, East- cheap, The. Broken heart, The. Christmas. Christinas day. Christmas dinner, The. Christmas eve. English writers on Amer ica. Inn kitchen, The. John Bull. Legend ol Sleepy Hollow, The. L envoi. Little Hritain. The same. Leip. 1843. London antiquities. Mutability ot literature, The. Philip of Pokanokot. Pride of the village, The. Hip Van Winkle. Roscoe. Royal poet, A. Rural funerals. Hural lite in England. Spectre bridegroom, The Stage coach, The. Stratford on Avon. Sunday in London. A. Traits of Indian character. Voyage, The. WeMminster abbey. Widow and her son, The. Wife, The. 33: 2261 1. 33: . 1. 22G2 61 60 same. Leip. 1843. sq. 16 SPANISH papers, and other miscella nies hitherto unpublished or uneol- lected. Arranged and edited by Pierre M. Irving. N. Y. I860. 12 .......................................... 33; 2263-4 Contents : Abderahrrmn : founder of the dynasty of Ommiades in Spain, v. 1. Biographicf! sketches, v. 2. Chronicle of Fernan Gonzalez, Count of Castile, Chronicle ol Fernando the saint, v. I. Legend of Count Julian and his lamily. v Legend of I)on Roderick, v. 1. Legend of Pelago. v. 1. Legend of the subjugation of Spain, v. 1. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, gent. v. 2. Reviews and miscellanies, v. t. The same. N. Y. 1869. 16 ...... TALKS of a traveller ....................... 31: Thesame ................................... 38: WOI.FERT S roost and other papers, now first collected. N. Y. 1867. 12 .......................................... 33:- Alhiimbra, Kecolleclions of the. Bermudas, The. Birds of spring, The. Bro>k ; or, the Oinch paradise. Contented man, The. Count Van Morn. Creole village, The. lion Juan : a spectral research. Karly experience of Ralph Kingwood, The. Guest from (iibbet Island. Knight of Malta, The. Legend of the engulfed convent. Mountjoy. Phantom island, The. Seminoles, The. Sketches in Paris in 18 25. Tune of nnexanif-led prosperity, A. Widow s ordeal, The, Wolfert s roost. Is it forever? a novel. K. MAINWAK- iNd. 3 v ................................... 38: 2397-9 Is it possible? H. SPICER. In Brought to book. v. 2 39: 2097 Is it the fashion? A. von AUF.R 35: 870 Is it true? Tales curious and wonder ful. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock) 35: 4922 Isabel. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Chap ters on wives 37: Isabel of Bavaria. A. (D.) DUMAS... 37: Isabel, the young wife. T. C. JEAF- FKKSON 38: 253 Iseulte : a novel. C. BREWSTER Ishmael ; or, in the depths. Mrs. E. 1). E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39: 2023 Island and the main land, The. Mrs. K. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Island home; or, the young castaways. C. HOMAUNT " 39: 636 Island neighbors, The. Mrs. A. B. BLACKWELI 35: 2210 Island pearl, An. B. L. FARJEON 37: 1975 Isle of the yellow sands, The. J. HALL. In Legends of the west.... 37: 3870 Isles of the sea. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35. 253 Isma O Weil. T. MAUNSELL. 3 v. in 1. In Legends of the Jacobite wars 38: 2735 Isolina ; or, the actor s daughter. K. U. S 40: 2229 Isoult Barry of Wynscote. K. S. lloi.T 37: 4611 Israel Mort, overman: a story of the mine. J. SAUNDKRS 39: 1140 Israel 1 otter: his fifty years of exile. H. MELVILLE 38: 2872 It is never too late to mend. C. KKADF.. 39: 154 Thesame. 2v.ini 39: 155-6 Ita. (pseud). FAR and near; or, stories of a christ- mas tree. Lond. 1870. 16 38: 70 Italian girl, The. K. S. WASHIU-RN. 4O: 246 Italian novelists, Selections from the. T. ROSCOE. 4v 40:1580-83 Note. For contents see ROSCOE, T. Italian scenes and stories. By the author of How do 1 know ? Bost. 1872. 16 4O: 2234 Italians, The. F. KLLIOT 37: 1059 Italian s daughter, The. Mrs. D. M. CHAIK (formerly Miss Mulock.) In Domestic stories 35: 4914 Italy in the leash. H. SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 1 39: 2096 Ivan de Biron. A. HELPS 37: 4290 Ivanhoe. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v *39: 1315-1 6 The same. Eilin. ed 39: 1356 Thesame. Abbotsford ed 39: 1378 Thesame 39: 1362 Thesame. Household ed. 2v 39:1411-12 Thesame. Pocketed 39: 1453 Thesame. TauchniU ed 39: 1481 Ivar or, the Skiuts boy. E. F. CAR- Lex 35: 3796 I ve been thinking. A. S. ROE 39: 599 Ivors. E. M. SEWEI.L. 2v 39:l">79-80 Ivory gate, The. M. COLLINS. 2 v... 35: 4523-4 Ixion : a novel. B. DISR.ELI Ixion and Vivian Grey. B. DISR.ELI. 37: 669 Ixion in heaven. B. DISR.ELI 37: 667 Thesame. TauchniU ed 37: 670 Ixion in heaven; The infernal mar riage; Popanilla; Count Alarcos: a tragedy. B. DISR.ELI 37: 668 Iza s story. G. RAMSAY. 3 v 39: 97-9 Izax, Ikabod. (pseud). MY satchel and I. Springfield, Mass. n. d. 12 38: 75 J. Jabez Oliphant; or, the modern prince. Lond. 1870. 3v. sm. 8 4O: 2235 Jack Adams. F. CHAMIER 35: 4011 Jack and the bean-stalk. Miss A. I. THACKERAY. With Bluebeard s keys 39: 2860 Jack and Rosy. N.FORREST 37: 2342 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JACK. JAMES. Jack Ari ombe: story of a waif. W. .1. BRADLEY. (Glance Gayiord).... 35: 2635 Jack Brag. T. (E.) HOOK 37: 4641 Jack, the chimney-sweeper. H. N. (W. | BAKER. (Junt llUie\ 35: 1391 Jack Hazard and his fortunes. .1. T. TKOWHRIDGE ( Paul Cre yton ) 39: 332J Jack Hinton, the guardsman. C. LEVER 38: 1007 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 1608 Jack Ketch. T. S. ARTHUR. With The martyr wife 35: 787 Jack Manly: his adventures by sea and land. J. GKANT 37: 3311 Jack Masters; or, the berry-pickers. L. A. MILLS 38: 2999 Jack of all trades. C. RKADE. With A good fight 39: 145 The same. With Peg Woffington.... 39: 100 Jack of all trades. R.(Y.)A. PARKER. l Rosa Abbott > 38: 4172 Jack the giant-killer. .1/i ss A. I. TIIACKKRAY. With Story of Eliz abeth 39: 2863 Jack of the mill. \V. HOWITT 37: 4776 Jack Sheppard. W. H. AINSWORTH. 35: 418 The same. Tauchnitz ed Jack the shrimp. Mrs. A. M. F. H ALL. //(Sketches 37: 3887 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 4 34: 4174 The same *15: 4!)14 Jack Tier. .1. F. COOPER 35: 4738 The same 35: 4739 Jack Tiibbs; or, the happy isle. J. F. MAGUIRK. With Young Prince Marigold 38: 2386 Jack s sister; or, true to her trust. Same as Womanly past question. X. Y. 1874. 8." 4O: 2236 Jackson, Henry. ARGUS Fairbairn. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sin. 8 .-. 38: 1502 DANUEKOUS guest. N. Y. 1870. 8. 38: 153 Jacob Faithful, ( apt. F. MAKKYATT. 38: 2529 The same. Lond. ed 38: 2530 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 2531 Jacob Flint s journey. (J.)B. TAYLOR. In Beauty and the beast 39: 2780 Jacob NimmernQchtern ; or," Jacob of the bowl. NACHTIGAI.I. (Olmar). In K. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1501 Jacquerie, The. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 194 The same. / W. S. C. L. v. 17 *15; 4927 James, (ieorge Payne Kainsford. ( 1791-1860). AGINCOURT. Leip. 1844. sq. 16... 38: 101 AoNEsSorel. N. Y. 1868. 8 38: 162 AIMS and obstacles. N. Y. 1868. 8 38: 103 ANCIENT regime. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 104 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 16. 34: 4180 The same *15: 4920 ARAHELLA Stuart. Leip. 1844. sq. 16 38: 165 ARRAII Neil; or, times of old. Leip. 1844. sq. 16 38: 10G ATTILA. N. Y. 1860. 12 38: 167 HKAUCHAMI-; or, the error. Leip. 1846. 10 38: 108 BELLE of the court. Cin. 1848. 8 Same as One in a thousand 38: 224 BERTRAM) de la Croix; or, the seige of Rhodes, hi Club-book, v. 2... 4O: 1520 James, G. P. H., (continued.} BUILDING of Bagdat. In String of pearls 38: 219 CASTLE of Ehrenstein, The : its lords spiritual and temporal, its inhabit ant" earthly and unearthly. Leip. 1847. sq. 10 " 38: 169 CAVALIER, The. Phil. 1859. 12.. 38: 170 CHARITAHLE man and his dog, The. /n String of pearls 38: 219 CHARLES Tyrrell; or, the bitter blood. N.Y. n. d. 2v.ini. 12 38: 171 COMMISSIONER, The; or, De lunatico inquirendo. N. Y. 1856. 8 38: 173 CONVICT, The. Leip. 1847. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 38: 174 CORSE de Leon. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 175 DARK scenes of history. N. Y. 1850. 12 38: no DARNI.KY; or, the field of the cloth of gold. Leip. 1847. ?q. 10 38: 177 DE 1 Orme. N.Y. n. d. 12 38: 178 DESULTORY man. The. N. Y. n. d. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 179 DRIVER of Oman, The. In String of pearls 38: 219 EVA St. Clair. Phil. n. d. 8 38: 180 FALSE heir, The. Leip. 1843. sq. 10 38: 181 FATE, The: a tale of stirring times. N. Y. 1872. 8 38: 182 FORGERY, The. N. Y. 1871. 8.... 38: 183 FOREST days: a romance of olden times. Leip. 1843. sq. 10 38: 184 GENTLEMAN of the old school, The. N.Y. n. d. 2v.ini. 12 38: 185 Gll SY, The. N.Y. 1864. 12 38: 186 The same. Leip. 1847. sq. 10... 38: 187 GOWKIK; or, the king s plot. N.Y. 1804. 8 . 38: 188 HADOEK tbraham and his son. Jn String of pearls 38: 219 HKIDELHERG. Leip. 1846. sq. 10. 38: 189 HENRY Masterton; or, adventures of a young cavalier. N. Y. 1864. 12 38: 190 HENRY of Guise. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 191 H ENRY Smeaton : a Jacobite story of the reign of George the First. N. Y. 1858. 8 38: 192 HUGUENOT, The: a tale of the French Protestants. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 193 JACQUERIE, The. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 194 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 17. *15; 4927 KINO S highway, The. N.Y. 1864. 2v.ini. 12 38: 195 LAST of the fairies, The : a Christmas tale. N. Y. 1867. 8 38: 196 LEOXORA d Orco. N.Y. 1867. 8. 38: 197 LIFE and adventures of John Mar- ston Hall. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 198 LIKE of vicissitudes, A. N. Y. 1867. 8 38: 199 LORD Montagu s page. Phil. 1858. 12 38: 200 MAN-AT-ARMS, The; or, Henry de Cerons. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 201 MAN in black, The. Phil. n. d. 8. 38: 202 MARGAKKT Graham; or, the reverses of fortune. N. Y. n. d. 8 38: 203 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JAMES. 108 JENIFER S. James, G. P. R.. (continued.) MARY of Burgundy; or, the revolt of Ghent. N. Y. 1864. 2v.ini. 38: 204 MOLLY Ernstein; or, the tenants of the heart. Leip. 1842. sq. 16 38: 205 OLD dominion, The; or, the South ampton massacre. N. Y. 1856. 8. 38: 206 OLD oak chest, The. N. Y. 1873. 8. 38: 207 ONE in a thousand. N. Y. 1804. 2 v. in 1. 12. Same as The belle of the court 38: 208 PALACK of the talisman, The. Jn String of pearls 38: 219 PEQUINILLO. N. Y. 1858. 8 38: 209 PHILIP Augustus. N. Y. 1855. 12. 38: 210 UICHKLIKU. N. Y. 1860. 2 v. 12. 38: 211 KOUHKK, The. N. Y . 1855. 2v.in 1. 12 38: 212 ROSE d Albret; or, troublous times. Leip. 1844. sq. 16 38: 213 RTSSELL: a tale of the reign of Charles the Second. Leip. 1847. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: 214 SEQUEL to Hadgee Ibraham and his son. In String of pearls 38: 219 SIR Theodore Broughton; or, laurel water. Leip. 1848. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 215 SMUGGLER, The. N. Y. 1874. 8. 38: 2ir, The same. Leip. 1845. sq. 16... 38: 217 STEP-MOTHER, The. Leip. 1845. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 21H STRING of pearls. N. Y. n. d. 12. 38: 219 Content* : Building of Bagdad, The. Charitable man and his dog. Driver of Oman, The. Hadgee Ibraham and his son. Valaee of the tail>mnn, The. Sequel to Hitd^ee Ib-aham and his son. Travels of the Prince Aebar. TAJ.KS illustrating the passions. In W. S. C. L. v. 14 *15: 4924 The same 34: 4184 THIRTY years since; or, the ruined family. N.Y. 1874. 8 38: 220 TICOXDKROOA; or, the black eagle. N.Y. 1854. 8 38: 221 TRAVELS of Prince Acbar. In String of pearls 38: 219 WHIM and its consequences, A. N. Y. 1867. 8 38: 222 WOODMAN, The. N. Y. 1872. 8. 38: 223 James, Henry, jr. KrciBXK Pickering. With Passionate pilgrim 38: 235 LAST of the Valerii, The. IViih Passionate pilgrim 38: 235 MADAME de Mauves. With Passion ate pilgrim 38: 235 MADONNA of the future. The. With Passionate pilgrim 38: 235 PASSIONATE pilgrim, A ; and other tales. Host. 1875. 12 38: 235 RODERICK Hudson. Bost. 1876. 12 38: 236 ROMANCE of certain old clothes, The. With Passionate pilgrim 38: 235 James, Marian. DIAMOND on th"e hearth, The; or, the story of sister Anne. N.Y. 1871. 8 38: 245 James I, of Scotland, Death of. A. LEIUHTON. In W. T. 15., v. 8 4O: 1718 James Frazer: a reminiscence of the highlands of Scotland in 1843. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 James Gordon s wife. -l/r. C. BROCK. 35: 2840 James Montjoy. A. S. ROE. Same as I ve been thinking 39: 599 James Orwell, the mountain cottager. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). 7The flower of innocence 39: 3062 James Renwick. T. GILLESPIE. Gleanings of the covenant. In W. T. B., v. 9 4O: 1719 James Strathgeld. Part of an auto biography. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 4O: 2238 James III, of Scotland, The death of. A. LEIGIITON. Jn W. T. B., v. 8... 4O: 1718 Jameson, Mrs. A. M LLE B. Ambos. In T. F. H., v. 2. 4O: 2658 Jamie Noble, the soldier s son. [Mrs. .I.D.CHAPLIN.] 35: 4057 Jane Bouverie. C.SINCLAIR 39: 1729 Jane Eyre. C. B. NICHOLLS. (Currer Bell) 38: 3610 The same 38: 3611 Jane Lomax. H. SMITH. 3v 39: 18635 Jane Seton ; or, the king s advocate. J. GRANT 37: 3312 Jane Sinclair; or, the fawn of Spring- vale. W. CARLETOX 35: 3833 Jane Talbot. C. B. BROWN 35: 2990 Janet Hadway: a girl s romance. Edin. n. d. sm. 8 4O: 2240 Janet s choice. M. C. PHILLPOTTS. 3 v 38:4416-18 Janet s love and service. M. M. RODERTSON 39: 473 January Searle. (pseud.) See PHIL LIPS, G. S. Japhet in search of a father, ( apt. F. MARRYATT 38: 2532 The same. Lond. ed 38: 2533 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 2534 Jargal V..(M.) HUGO 37: 4835 Jasmine Leigh. C. C. FRASER- TYTLER 37: 2453 Jasper. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 11 35: 46 Jasper St. Aubyn ; or, the course of passion. H. W. HERBERT. In Cavaliers of England 37: 351 Jaunting car, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 2 37: 3883 Jay, W. M. L. (pseud.) See WOOD RUFF, J. M. L. Jeaffreson, John Cordy. ISABEL, the young wife, and the old love. N.Y. 1857. 12 38: 253 LIVE it down: a story of the light lands. N.Y. 1873. 8 ;.. 38: 254 LOTTIE darling. N.Y . 1874. 8... 38: 255 NOT dead yet. N.Y. 1864. 8 38: 256 OLIVE Blake s good work. N. Y . 1871. 8 38: 257 WOMAN in spite of herself, A. Leip. 1872. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: 258 Jealous wife, The. J. PARDOK 38: 4148 Jealousy, Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Sand) 37: 910 Jean. M. W. NEWMAN 38: 3601 Jeanie s quiet life. N.Y. 1868. 8. 39: 2719 Jeffrey, Rosa Vertner. WOODKURN. N.Y. 1864. 12 38: 268 Jenifer s pravcr. With All-hallow eve 4O: 2017 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JENINGS. 109 JOANNA. Jenings, Mrs. Edmund. ( Wyeliffe Lane). THYKA Gascoigne. Lond. 1863. 3 v. sin. 8 Jenkin, Mn. 0. JI-PITEK .S daughters. N. Y. 1874. 16 MADAME do Beaupre. X. Y. 18(19. 12 The same. In Two French mar- 38: 274-0 ONCE and again. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 PSYCHE of to dav, A. N. Y. 1868. 16 .". The same. In Two French mar riages SKIRMISHING. Leip. 1803. 16 Two French marriages. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16.. Contents : Mtultune do Houilpr^. | Psyche of to- WHO breaks pays. Leip. 1861. 8 q.l6 . WITHIN an ace. N. Y. 1875. 16. The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 16. Jenkins, Hdward. DEVIL S chain, The. X. Y. 1876. 16 GINX S baby: his birth and other misfortunes. Bost. 1H71. Hi LITTLE Hodge. X. Y. 1873. 12. LOUD Bantam: a satire. N.Y*. 1872. 12 Jenny Merton. F. W. ROBINSON. H J/i A girl s romance Jenny s geranium; or, the prize flower of u London court. Lond. n. d. 16 Jephson, R. M. TOM Bullekeley of Lissington. Lond. 1873. 3 v. " sm. 8 Jerdan, William. SLEEPLESS woman, The. In Club- book Jerrold, Douglas (William). (1803- 1857). ADAM Buff, and other men of char acter. Phil. 1839. 12 CHRONICLES of Clovernook. N. Y. 1871. 8 The .-ame. In Coll. works, v. i> The same. In Works, v. 4 LESSON of life, The. In Coll. works, v. 4 The same. In Works, v. 2 LIVKS of Smith, Brown, Jones, and Robinson, The. In Coll. works, v. 4. The same. In Works, v. 2 MAN made of money, A. In Coll. works, v. 6 The same. In Works, v. 4 MAYOR of Hole-Cum-Corner, The. In Coll. works, v. 4 The same. In Works, v. 2 WEN of character. Leip. 1852. sq. 16 MR. Peppercorn "at home." In Coll. works, v. 4 The Mine. In Works, v. 2 MY husband s winnings. In W. S. C. L., v. 12 The same PKRDITUS Mutton who bought a caul. In Coll. works, v. 4 Tht same. In Works, v. 2 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: day, A. 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 39: 4O: 38: 40: 38: 38: 34: 34: 34: 34: 34: 34: 34: 34: 34: 34: 38: 34: 34: 34: *15: 34: 34: 284 285 289 286 287 289 288 290 292 291 301 302 2241 313-15 1520 326 1470 1464 1468 1462 1468 1462 1470 1464 1468 1402 327 1468 4182 4922 1468 1462 Jerrold, D. (W.), (continued.) PREACHER parrot, The. In Coll. works, v. 4 34: 1468 The same. In Works, v. 2 34: 1462 ROMANCE of a key-hole. In Coll. works, v. 4 34: 1468 The same. In Works, v. 2 34: 1462 ST. Giles and St. James. In Coll. works, v. 1 34: 1465 The same. In Works, v. 1 34: 14T.1 The same. Leip. 1852. 2 v. in 1. sq. Hi 38: 328 SICK giant and the doctor dwarf, The. In Coll. works. V. 3 34: 1467 The same. In Works, v. 4 34: 1464 STORY of a feather. In Coll. works. v. 3 34: 14(i7 The same. //(Works, v. 2 34: 1462 Jerrold (William) lilanchard. Coi KAYNEsin Paris; or, gone abroad. Lond. n. d. 8 38: 336 Jerry; or, the sailor boy ashore. W. SIMONDS. ( Walter Aimu-ell) 39: 1706 Jerry Jarvis s wig. R. H. BAKHA.M. ( Thomas Jngolsby.) In L. C. v. 4. 4O: 1G14 Jerseymen meeting, The. H. MAR- TINKAT. In Illus. of taxation 38: 2648 Jerseymen parting, The. H. MAR TIN-EAT. Illus. of taxation 38: 2648 Jervey, Mrs. C. H. (Caroline Howard, formerly Mrs. dlovtr). STRANUK family, A. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8....". 38: 345-7 Jessamine: a novel. M. V. (II.) TKKHTNK. (Marion Harland) 39: 2839 Jessie ; or, trying to be somebody. W. SIMOND.S. (Walter Aimwtll)... 39: 1707 Jessie Carlton. I). WISK (Francis Fat-enter.) 4O: 633 Jessie Trim : a novel. B. L. FAK.IKON. 37: 1980 Jessie Wallis. C. K. BOWEN. U ilh Alice Xevill 35: 2410 Jessie s flirtations. Afo.f CTRTIS 35: 5185 Jessie s work. M. E. SHIPLEY 39: 1656 Jest book. Mark LEMON 33: 2579 Jettatrice ; or, the veil withdrawn. .Mme. \. CRAVEN 35: Jew, The. C. STINDLKR 39: Jewel of the order of the king s own, The. Mn. C. R. CIIARLKS. IViih. The cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Jewess, The. In Livonian tales 4O: 2307 Jewett, Mm. S. W. FROM fourteen to fourscore. X. Y. 1871. 12 38: 357 Jewsbury, Geraldine K. ARISTOCRAT, The. Phil. 1833. 12. 38: 364 CONSTANCE Herbert. X. Y. 1855. 8 38: 365 HISTORY of an adopted child. N. Y. 1853. UP 38: 367 ZOK: the history of two lives. N. Y. 1873. H 38: 370 Jilt, The. Mm. (i. SMYTIIIKS 39: 195 Joan; or, trustworthy. ."/). M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 8 39: 1643 Joan of Arc. See Henry VJ ; or, the maid of Orleans. Jn Tales of heroes 4O: 2670 The same. InT.F.ll. v. 2 4O: 2658 The same. In HERBERT S Chevaliers of France 37: 4352 Joan of Arc. Mrs. A. E. K. BRAY... 35: 2705 Joanna the actress. L. C. MOTI.TON. In My third hook 38: 3182 PROisE FICTION: ENGLISH. JOCOSSEE. 110 JOHNSON. Jocossee : a Cherokee k gend. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin. 38: 1692 Jocelyn s mistake. J. K. SPENDER... 39: 2086 Jock the dunce. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 6 4O: 1716 Johan Hiibner. GKIMM. In R. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 Johan von Passau. URIMM. lit R. G. N. v. 2 4O: 156) Johannes Olaf. E. de WILLE 4O: 523 John, Eugenia. (E. Marlitt). COUN TKSS Gisela. (lieichsgriifin Gis- ela). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1871. 1 2 38: 380 GOLD Elsie. ( Goldelse). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1870. 12... 38: 381 LITTLK moorland princess. (Das Ilaidepriiizesschen). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wistor. Phil. 1872. 12 38: 382 MAGDALENA. Phil. 1870. 8 38: 383 OLD Mamsell s secret, The. (Dns (leheimniss der alien Mamsell). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 18U9. 12 38: 384 OVER yonder. Phil. 1869. 8 38: 385 SECOND wife, The. (Die zweiie Frim). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1874. 12 38: 380 John. E. F. CARLCX 35: 3797 John : a love story. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT 38: 3844 John An dross. K. II. DAVIS 37: 147 John Brent. T. WIXTHROP 4O: 625 John Hull s castle: a sketch. By the author of O Hanlon and his wife. In W. S. C. L. v. 14 *15: 4024 John Buncle, junior, gentleman. Dub lin. 1776. 16 33: 575 John Dorrien. J. KAVANAQH 38: 673 John Doe. J. BANIM. Same as Peep o day 35: 1540 John Godfrey s fortunes. (J.) 15. TAYLOR 39: 2782 John Godsoe s legacy. E. KELLOOO... 38: 733 John Govan s narrative. Thos. GIL- LESPIE. Gleanings of the cove nant. In W. T. 13. v. 10 4O: 1720 John Gray o Middletown. J. Hooo. ( The Ettrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 37: 4521 John Halifax, gentleman. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. ( formerly Miss Mulock). 35: 4923 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 4924 John-Jack. L. PALMER 38: 4123 John Jasper s secret. Sequel to Mis- tery of Edwin Drood. Henry MOKFORD ". 38: 3125 John Law, the projector. W. H. AINSWOKTH 35: 419 John Miirchmont s legecy. Miss M. E. BRADDON 35: 2537 John Markenfield. Edw. PEACOCK... 38: 4271-3 John Marston Hall. G. P. R. JAMES. 38: 198 John Martin. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 16 39: 1651 John Milton and his times. M. RING. 39: 421 John Paul s book. C. H. WKHH 33: 4286 John Phamix. (pseud.) See DEHHY, G. II. John Rintoul. In T. f. B. v. 6 4O: 1695 John Smith, Life of. J. INGELOW. In Stories told to a child 38: 33 John Square s voyage to India. Jno. HOWEI.L. 7W. T. B. v. 4 4O: 1714 John Thompson, blockhead, and other stories. L. PAKR. Phil. 1872. 12 38: 4233 Contents : At the sign of the golden canister. Christine. Feather in Jack s cap, A How it all happened. John Thompson, blockhead. Notre Uarne des Sept Douleurs. Peter Trotman. Saved from the wreck. Trethill farm. Will of her own, A. Young Tom s grey hairs. John True. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 6 35: 41 John Twiller. Digby P. STARKEY.... 39: 2171 John Worthington s name. F. L. BENEDICT 35: 1942 Johns, Meridith. BOY S book of travel and adventure. N. Y. 1870. 12 38: 410 PRINCE Charlie: the voung chevalier. N. Y. 1800. 12.. 38: 411 Johnnie, the railroad boy. Mrs. L. E. POOLE 38: 4618 Johnnie \\ ilks; or, the old home and the new. By the author of Agnes Falconer. Lond. n. d. 18. 4O: 2244 Johnny Armstrong, Disasters of. A. CAMPBELL, hi W. T. B. v. 1 4O: 1711 Johnny Darbyshire. Wm. HOWTTT. In L. C. v. 9 4O: 1619 Johnny Ludlow. Lond. 1874. 3 v. siii.8 4O: 2245 The same. N. Y. 1875. 12 4O: 2246 Johnny Robinson. Thos. WRIGHT... 4O: 907-8 Johnson, Helen Kendrick. RODDY S romance. N. Y. 1874. 16. 38: 425 Johnson, Mrs. >I. O. ELM S homestead. Phil. 1871. 16. 38: 418 Johnson, Richard. MOST pleasant history of Tom a Lincoln, that renowned soldier, the red rose knight, who for his valor and chivalry was sirnamed the Boast of England. Lond. 1635. 12 33: 4021 SEVEN champions. Lond. 1867. 18 38: 433 Johnson, Rossiter, editor. LITTLE classics. Prose series. Bost. 1874-5. 12 v. 18 40:1611-22 1. Exile 4O: 1611 Content* : bKQuiNOKY, Thomas. Flight of a Tartar tribe. GKKKNWOOD, James. A night in a workhouse. (iKiFFiN, Gerald. The swans of Lir. HAI.R, E E. The man without a country. HAUTE. (K.) Bret. The outcasts of Poker flat. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Ethan Brand. 2. Intellect 4O: 1612 Content .s : BrLWER-LYTTON. E. G. E. L. The house and the brain. DAVIS, R. H. The captain s story. L)KQi iNCEi, T. Murder considered as one o( the fine arts. DICKKNK, C, (J. H.) Chops, the dwarf. HAWTHORNE, N. Wakefield POE, Edgar A. The fall of the house of Usher. SPOKFOHD, H. E. P. L outre mort. 3. Tragedy 4O: 1613 Contents : HtKoKKST, J. W. The I.awson tragedy. PrQriNCEY, T. The vision of sudden death. JIMWO.V, E. C. The Kalhayan slave. MAI-KKNZIE. Henry. The story of La Koche. MKI.VIM.K, Herman. The bell tower. MVDFORH, William. The iron shroud. POE, E. A. The murders in the Rue Morgue. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JOHNSON. Ill JONAH S. Johnson, Rossiter, (continued.) 4. Life... 4O: 1614 Contents : ADDISON, Joseph. Westminster nhhey. l \i:ii MI, K. H. Jerry Jarvis s wig. RRIIWN, .John. Rub jir.d his friends. CURTIS. G. W. Mv chateaux. HAHTE, (F.) IV The luck of Roaring camp. HAWTHOKNE, N. i avkt Swan. HOFFMAN, C. F. The man in the reservoir. HOWF.LLS, \V. F>. A romance of real life. LAMU, Charles. Dream children. LINCOLN, Abraham, (ietty.-burg. MACAI IAY, T. B. The puritans. M i ! HI i i . r>. G. A bachelor s revery. SMITH, A, Dmunlhorpe. TAYLOR, B. F. The grammar of life. WILLIS, N. P. Beauty and the beast. 5. Laughter 4O: 1015 Cuntents : CARLFTON, W. Neal Malone. DICKF.NS. C. (J. H.) A christmas carol. GHIFFIX, G. Mr. Tibbot O Lcury, the curious. HALF., E. E. The skeleton in the closet. HOLMES, O. W. A visit to the asylum for aged and de cayed punsters. LAMB, C. A dissertation upon roast pig. MILLKK, Hugh. Sandy Wood s sepulchre. SAI MIEKB, K. The haunted crust. WALKF.K, Mrs. E. A. The total depravity of inanimate tilings. fi. Love 4O: 1610 Contents : BIBLF.. The story of Ruth. HuLWK-LYTT"N, E. G E. L. The maid of Malines. UISRAEI.I, B. The rise ot Iskander. WINTHRUP, Theodore. Love and skates. 7. Romance 4O: 1017 Content* : CBAIK. Mrs. D. M. The rosicrucinn. CfNNiMjHAM, Al!;m. The king of the peak. HOLMEB, O. W. Iris. SPOFKORD, H. E. P. The south breaker. WILSON, John. The snow storm. 8. Mystery 4O: 1018 Contents : CROWE, Catherine. The advocate s wedding day. CUNNINGHAM, xllau. The haunted ships. DICKENS, C. (J. H.) The signal man EKWAKIIS, A. B, The lour-nfteen express. HAWTHORNE, N. The birthmark. LOWELL, R. T. S. A raft that n > man made. O CONNOR, Francis. The invisible princess. O CoXNuB, W. D. The ghost. !i. Comedy 4O: 1019 Contents : FERUUSON, Samuel. Father Tom and the Pope. GALT, John. Haddnd-ben-Ahab, the traveller. HOWITT, William. Johnny I nrhvshlre. LOVF.R, Samuel. Barney O Reirdon, the navigator. The gridiron. REAI>F., Charles. The box tunnel. SMITH, H. The picnic party. THACKERAY, W. M. Bluebeard s ghost. 10. Childhood 4O: 1020 Content*: Knows, J. Marjorie Fleming. LiKKRi YtT, Mm S. H. Litllv Jakey. DAVIS, Mr?,. K. H. A laded leaf of history. IMCKF.NS, C. (J. H.) A ch Id s dream of a star. KINSLEY, Henry. The lost child. NEAL, John. Goody Gracious and the forget-me-not. PIIEI.PS, E. S The lady of Shalott. KAMC, L. de la. A dog of Flundeis. RCSKIN, John. The king of the golden river. 11. Heroism 4O: 1621 Content* : LCDLOW. Fitz-Hugh. Little Britrgs and I. MAYO. Mr*. I. F. A chance child. MITFORII, A. B. The forty-seven honins. HAM/-, L. de la. A leal in the storm SPOFFOBD, H. E. P. Ray. TAYLOR, B. F. Throe November days. 12. Fortune 4O: 1622 Content* : BANIM, John. The rival dreamers. EimEWMRTH, M. Murud, the unluckv. HAI.E, F. E. The children of the piit.lic. HAWTHORNE, N. The threefold destiny. LOVER, S. The fairy tinder. POF., E. A. The gold hug. Johnson, Samuel. (1709-1784). AI.MORAN and llamet. With Hasselas. HAWKESWOBTH. With Kasselas KASSEI.AS, the Prince of Abvssinia. N. Y. 1K09. n; J . The same. Lond. 1820. 12 Johnson, Virginia W. (Coutin Vir- 38: 38: 38: 38: N. 16 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 34: 38: 38 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 441 441 440 441 445 446 447 448 449 4178 4918 417. -! 4913 4174 4914 4174 4914 4174 4914 4174 4914 CAI.DKRWOOD secret, The. 1875. 8 JOSEPH, the Jew. Phil. 1870. The same. N. Y. 1874. 8 SACK of gold, A. N. Y. 1874. 8. TKAVKLH of an American owl. Phil. 1871. 12 Johnstone, Mrs. CLAX-ALMIX. In W. S. C. L., v. 8... The same * 15: CrHATK s tale, The; or, practical joking. In W. S. C. L., v. 3 34; The same *15: HKIH life: a novel. In W. S. C. L, v. 4 34: The same *15: LITTI.K ferryman, The. In W. S. C. U, v. 4 34: The siime 15: TIIRKK Westminster boys. The. In W. S. C. L., v. 4 . 34: The same s 15: Two Scotch Williams, The. In W. S. C. L., v. 4 34: The same *15: Johnstone, C. (An adept). CiiKYSA].; or, the adventures of a guinea : wherein are exhibited views of several striking scenes, with curious and interesting anec dotes of the most noted persons in every rank of life, whose hands it passed through, in America, Eng land, Holland, Germany, and Por tugal. By an adept. From the second enlarged and corrected edi tion. JS T . Y. 1H16. 4 v. 18... The same. Bait. 1816. v. 1 and 2 in 1. 18 Jokai, M. HrxciARiAX sketches. Edin. 1854. 12 Jolly, .1/i.M Emily. AI.KC- S bride. Lond. 1807. 3 v. sm. 8 33: BHINA S revenge. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 CASTE: a novel. N. Y. 1873. 8. COLONKL Duc-.re. N. Y. 1875. 8. CYPRESSES. Lond. 1805. 2 v. sin. 8 MY son s wife. Phil. n. d. 12 SAFELY married: a novel. N. Y. 1875. 8 Jolly good times. M. P. W. SMITH. (/ . Thorxe) 39: Jonas books, The. J. ABBOTT. N.Y. n. d. v. 18. Contents : v. I. Jonas s stories. :I5:M I v. 4. Jonas on a farm suni- 2. Jonus a judge :t;V:-W I mer. :t5:50 3. Jonas on a farm win- 6. Caleb in town. :i5:-26 ter. 35:51 <;. Caleb in the country. 1)6:24 Jonas a judge. J. ABBOTT 35: 49 Jonas on a farm summer. J. ABBOTT. 35: 50 Jonas on a farm winter. .1. ABBOTT. 3>5: 51 Jonas s stories related to Hollo and Lucy. J. ABBOTT 35: 52 489 490 457 405 466-8 409 470 471-2 473 38: 477 1956 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JONATHAN. 112 KATE. Jonathan. C. C. FRASER-TYTI.KR... Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw. Mrs. F. TROLLOP K .............................. Jonathan Wild. H. FIELDING. In Works, v. 2 ............................... The same. In Works ..................... Jones, Chas. H. DAVAULT S mills. Phil. 1876. 12. Jones, Cornelia. (Jane B. Sommen). HEAVENWARD led. Phil. 1871. 12. Jones, George. DICK Lihby. With Rougegorge ...... Jones, John B. KIVAI. belles, The; or, life in Wash ington. Phil. [1864.] 12 ......... WAR path, The. Phil. 185G. 12. WILD western scenes. Phil. 1854. 12 .......................................... The same. Phil. 1874. 12 ....... Jones, J. K. O_I;AKER soldier, The. Phil. 1866. 12 ........................................... Jonquil, (pseud.) O_UKKN Krinaleen s plagues. N. Y. 1874. 12 ................................. WAS she engaged? Phil. 1871. 12 ............. ! ............................ Jordans of Grange, The, and the old maids of Balmogy. AndreV PICK- EN. / W. S. C. L., v. 6 .............. The same ............ ......................... Joseph and his friend. (J.) B. TAY LOR .......................................... Joseph Andrews. H. FIELDING ...... The sanje. /" Works, v. 2 .............. The same. //(Works ..................... Joseph in the snow. B. AUKKHACH. Joseph, the Jew. V. W. JOHNSON. (Cousin Virginia) ........................ The same ............ . ........................ Joseph Xoirel s revenge. V. CHER- Joseph Rushbrooli ; or, the poacher. Capi. F. MARRY ATT. In W. S. C. L., v. 16 .................................... The same ..................................... Joseph II, and his court. G. M. MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach) ......... Joseph Thorne: his calling. L. C. MOULTON. In My third book ...... Joshua Marvel. B. L. FARJEON ...... Journal of a home life. K. M. SKW- KI.I ................................... ........ The same ..................................... Journey from this world to the next. H. FIELDING. In Works, v. 2 ...... The same. In Works ..................... Journey in seareh of nothing, A. See Social grievances, in COLLINS Queen s revenge ......................... Journey to the center of the earth. J. VERNE ................................. The same. With Meridiana ............ Journey to the north pole. J.VERNE. Journeyman engineer, (pseud.) See WRIGHT, Thos. Journeyman joiner. A/me. A. L. A. I). DUDEVANT. (George Sand). Joyce, K. I). LEGENDS. Bost. 18G8. 12 .......... Judaea Gapta. G. E. TONNA. (Char lotte Ehzabelh) ........................... Judah s lion. C. E. TONNA. (Char lotte Elizabeth) ............................ Judd, Sylvester. MARGARET. Bost. 1871. 16 ........ 37: 39: 2000 1643 39; 1640 35: 1392 265 37: 2457 ; Judge Justin. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 11 35: 46 *A. : Judith, the Egyptian ; or, the fate of the heir of Riccon. J. M. WILSON. S 37: 2146 / W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 37: 2147 j Judith Gwynne. Lisle CARR. (pseud.) 3v " 35; 3896-8 38: 494 Judson, Mrs. Emily C. (Fanny For rester). 38: 493 KATHAYAN slave, The. In L. C.,v. 3. 4O: 1613 Judy of Roundwood. S. LOVER. In 4O: 1670 I Legends and stories 38: 1886 Julia de Roubigne. H. MACKENZIE... 38: 2305 Thesame. In Misc. works 34: 1626 38: 496 | Julia. H. LEE. In Canterbury tales, 38: 497 ! v.l 38: 1422 Julia of Baise. K. PICKERING 38: 4438 38: 498 Julia Howard. M. BELL 35: 1912 38: 499 Julia Mandeville. F. M. BROOKK 35: 2896 Julia Reid. I. M. ALDEN. (Pansy)... 35: 481 Julian ; or, scenes in J udea. W. 38: 505 i WARE 4O: 129-30 Julian Home: a tale of college life. F. W. FARRAH 38: 515 i Julian Pereival. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. /// Works, v. 8 38: 516 i Juliana Oakley. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 5 ! Juliette. H. N. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt 34: 4176 I Ilattie) *15: 4916 Julio ; or, a tale of the Vaudois. Mrs. J. B. WKHH 4O: 39: 2783 Julius ; or, the street boy out west. S 37: 2137 H. AI.GER, jr . 35: 536 ;! 37: 2146 Jupiter s daughters. Mrs. C. J ENKIN. 38: 284 *37: 2147 Just a dream. Mrs. A. FRASER. With 35: 879 Or.lyaface 37: 2445 38: 446 K. 35: 4169 K , J. H. HENRY Ancrum: a tale of the last war in Ireland. Lond. 1872. 2 34; 4186 v. sin. 8 38: 650-1 *15: 4926 Kaloolah; or, adventures of J. Ro- mer. W. S. MAYO 38: 2832 38: 3244 Kamba Thorpe, (pseud.) See BEL LAMY, E. W. 38: 3182 Kangaroo hunters. A. BOWMAN 35: 2449 37: 1981 Karl Krinken. S. and A. B.WARNER. 4O: 202 Kate Aylesford. C. J. PETERSON 38: 4359 39: 1581 Kate Beaumont. J. W. DEFOREST... 37: 215 39: 1582 Kate Carlton. D. WISE. (Francis Forester) 4O: 634 37: 2146 Kate Clarendon; or, necromancy in 37: 2147 the wilderness. E. BENNETT 35: 1980 Kate Connor. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. //(Sketches 37: 3887 35: 4581 Thesame. In W. S. C. L. v. 4 34: 4174 Thesame #15: 4^14 39: 3693 Kate Coventry. G. J. WHYTE-MEL- 39: 3695 VILLE " 4O: 436 39. 3694 Kate Kennedy; or, the maid in Inner Kepple. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B. v.l 4O: 1711 Kate Kennedy. Mrs. C. J. NEWELL.. 38: 3551 37: 911 Kate Morris. F. W. A. PIKE 38: 4503 Kate Savage. D. M. FORD. 3v 37:2320-22 38: 523 Kate Somerville. S. S. ELLIS. In Family secrets, v.l 37: 1677 39: 3066 Note. Same as Somerville hnll. Thesame. In W. S. C. L. v. 16 34: 4186 39: 3067 Thesame #15: 4926 Kate \\ alsingham : a novel. Mitt E. 38: 530 PICKERING 38: 4439 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. KATERFELTO. 113 KEENE. Katerfelto : a story of Exmoor. G. 437 1583-4 Kavanagh, (continued.) SKVKN years, and other tales. N. Y. I860 12 .. . 38 681 Katherine Ashton. E. M. SKWKI.L. v 39 Contents: V. 1. Cheap excursion, Ttie. v. 2, (continued.) Gaiety and gloom. Little dancing-master, The. v. 2. Adrien. Mysterious lodger. The. Comedy in a court-yard, Soiree in a porter s lodge, A. A. Excellent opportunity, Troubles of a quiet man An. The. Experiences of Sylvia Young France. Delmare, The. The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38 682 Kathayan slave, The. Mn. E. C. JUDSON. (Fanny Forester). In L. C v 3 ... 4O 1613 1712 3118 2735 1639 1684 4203 4204 811 812 813 814 815 2256 2696 3845 650 660 661-3 664 C65 606 607 608 069 670 071 672 673 074 075 070 077 678 G7!l OHO Katheran, The. A. CAMPHKI.L. In \\ T B v -2 4O- Katherine Earle A TR \FTON . 39 Katherine Fairfax. T. MAUNSEI.L.. 38: SILVIA. N. Y. 1870. 8 38: 683 Katherine Walton. W. G. SIMMS. 39: Katherine s trial. H. LEE 38 The same. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. sq. 10 38 684 SYBIL S second love. N. Y. 1872. 12 ... .. 88 685 Kathie Hrande. H. PARK. (Ifolnu Lte) 38 The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1 sq. 16 38 686 Kathie s Aunt Huth. A. M. DOUG LAS 37- Kay-Shuttleworth, Wr James. RIHHLKSDALK ; or, Lancashire sixty years ago. Lond. 1874. 3 v. am. 8 38 700-2 Kathie s harvest davs. A. M. DOUG LAS. . . 37- Kathie s soldiers. A. M. DOUGLAS... 37: Kathie s stories. A. M. DOUGLASS. Contents : v. 1. Kathie s three wishes. 37:815 v. 2. Kathie s Aunt Ruth. 37:811 v. 3. Kathie s summer at Cedarwood. 37:814 v. 4. Kathie s soldiers. 37:8i3 v. .1. In the ranks. 37:809 v. 6. Kathie s harvest days. 37:812 Kathie s summer at Cediirwood. A. Kearie, Annie. C \STLK Dalv Phil n d 16 . . 38 704 + OI.DHURY. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 38 703 The same Phil n d 12 38 704 Keatings Vr R H HONOR Blake: the story of a plain woman. Lond. 1872. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 38: 706 Kathie s three wishes. A. M. DOUG LAS 37 Keddie, .Vis. (Sarah Tytler). CITOYENNK Jacqueline. Lond. 1866. 3 v 16 .. 38 707-9 Kathaleen. By the author of Ray mond s heroine. N. Y. 1872. 8. 4O: Katie Kidd and her teacher. By the author of Aunt Annie s stories. In Under the lirne trees 4O DAYS of yore. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 12 38 710-11 Contents : v. 1. Adam Home s repent- T. 2. Cain s brand, ance. Hector Garret of Otter. Cast in the wagon, A. Insulated. Days of the Hutch fair, Judy. The. Likenesses and contrasts. Great road and the mar- Lover s quarrels and how ket-place, The. they ended. Old gatherings. Oliver Khsndi partner. Old yeomanry weeks, The Ringan Cockbuni s trial and On the stage and ort the victory, stage. Second Mrs. Aucterlonie, Peeps into antiquity. The. PeggyMclville striumph. Shadow of the ancient mari- Snint Margaret. ner, The. Shudows on the coast of Two panels troin an old Fife. picture. Wooings and weddings of Two specimens of the old the last century. school. Twofold. World s end. The. DIAMOND rose, The. Lond. 1867. 12 38 712 Katie Stewart. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT. 38: Katsch, A. E. UNDKR the stork s nest. Phil. 1875. 12 ..... 38 Kavanagh, .lulia. (b. 1824). AIM?I K V Y 1870 3v in 1 1 " 38 The same. Leip. 1858. 3 v. sq. 16. 38: BEATRICE. N. Y. 1872. 12 38: The same. Leip. 18(!4. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 38 BESSIE: a novel. N. Y. 1872. 8. 38: DAISY Burns. N. Y. 1807. 12.... 38: The same. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1 sq 10 38 DORA. N. Y. 1H68. 3v.ini. 8. 38: The same. 1808. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38- HEKOINKS in obscurity. Lond. 1871. 12 " 38 713 Hl-fiu KNOT family, The. N. Y. 1868. 12 38 714 GRACE Lee. N. Y. 1872. 12 38 T ATIV Hpll Phil IfiTd 19 *^R- 715 The same. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 38- NOHI.ESSK oblige: an English story JOHN Dorrien. N. Y. 1875. 12.... 38: MADKLINK: a talo of Auvergne. N. Y. 1873. 12 38- of to-day. Lond. 1871. 12 38: 710 Keeler, Ralph. GI.OVKKSON and his silent partners. NATHALIE: a tale. N. Y. 1872. 12. 38: The same. Leip. 1851. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38 Keene, Edwin. SYDNEY Fielding; the domestic his tory of a gentleman who served under their late majesties George IV., and William IV. Lond. 1857. 2 v sm 8 38 720 QUKEN Mab. N. Y. 1874. 3 v. in 1 12 38- The same. Leip. 1803. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38 Keene, Mrs. S. F. Guv s life lesson. Bost. 1872. 16. 38: 722 ORIENT hoys. Bost. 1870. 16 38: 723 RACIIKI. Gray. N. Y . 1873. 12... 38: The same. Leip. 185(1. sq. 16.. 38: PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. KELLOGG. 114 KlN ALP Y. Kellogg, Rev. Elijah. AUK of Elm island, The. Bost. 1871. 16 ................................. 38: 725 ARTHUR Brown, the young captain. Bost. 1873. 16 ......... T. ............. 38: 726 BOY farmers of Elm island, The. Bost. 1871. 16 ........................ 38: 727 BROUGHT to the front. Bost. 1876. 16 ........................................ 38: 746 CHARLIE Bell, the waif of Elm island. Bost. 1871. 16 ........................ 38: 728 CHILD of the island glen, The. Bost. 1872. 16 ................................. 38: 72!) CRUISE of the Casco, The. Bost. 1872. 16 ................................. 38: 730 FISHER boys of Pleasant cove, The. Bost. 1874. 16 ........................ 38: 731 HARD-SCRABBLE of Elm island, The. Bost. 1873. 16 ....................... 38: 732 JOHN Godsoe s legacy. Bost. 1873. 16 ................ .":...." ..................... 38: 733 LION Ben of Elm island. Bost. 1870. 16 .......................................... 38: 734 NORMAN Cline. Bost. 1869. 16... 38: 735 SOPHOMORES of Radclift e, The. Bost. 1872. 16 ................................ 38: 736 SOWED by the wind; or, the poor boy s fortune. Bost. 1875. 1C, ... 38: 737 SPAKKS of genius, The; or, the col lege life of James Trafton. Bost. 1872. 16 ................................. 38: 738 STOUT heart, A ; or. the student from from over the sea. Bost. 1874. 16 .......................................... 38: 739 TURNING of the tide, The ; or, Rad- cliffe Rich and his patients. Bost. 1873. 16 ................................. 38: 740 WHISPERING pine, The ; or, the grad uates of Hadelift e hall. Bost. 1872. 16 .......................................... 38: 741 WINNING his spurs; or, Henry Mor ton s first trial. Bost. 1873. 16. 38: 742 Woi.y run ; or the boys of the wil derness. Bost. 1875. 16 .......... 38: 743 YOUNG deliverers of Pleasant cove, The. Bost. 1871. 16 ............... 38: 744 YOUNG shipbuilders of Elm island, The. Bost. 1871. 16 ............... 38: 745 4. I>oy farmers. 5. Young phi pbuilderB. 6- Hard-scrabble. 4. Child of the island fflen. f>. John Godsoe s legacy, (j. Fisher boys. 4. Turning of the tide. 5. Winning his spurs. 0. Stout heart. 3887 . Note For the shelf numbers of the fol lowing stories, see above. Elm island stories: 1. Lion Ben. 2. Charlie Bell. :t. Ark of Elm island. Forest ylen sei ies : 1. Sowed by the wind. 2. Wolf run. 3- Brought to the front. Pleasant cove series : 1. Arthur Brown. 2. Young deliverers. 3. Cruise of the Casco. Whimpering pine series : 1. SparK of genius. 2. Sophomores of Und- olifle. 3. Whispering pine. Kelly the piper. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches ................................ 37: Kelso, Isaac. DANGER in the dark. Cin. 1857. 12 ........................... ............... Kempe Strolhard. (pseud.) See BRAY, .l/7-.v. A. E. Kendall, Mrs. E. D. STANI FORDS of Staniford Folly, The. Bost. 1872. 16 ........................ Kenelm Chillingly. E. G. E. L. BULWER-LYTTON ....................... 35: 38: 38: 800 808 3123 Kenilworth. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v *39:1321-22 The same. Edin. ed 39: 1356 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1364 The same 39: 1381 The same. Household ed. 2v 39:1417-18 The same. Pocketed 39: 1456 The same. Tauchnitz cd 39: 1482 Kennedy, Grace. PHILIP Colville: a covenanter s story. Lond. n. d. 16 ".. 38: 814 Kennedy, John Pendleton (Clerke of Oxe/iforde ; Paul Ambrose; Solomon Secoitdlhoughts). (1795-1870). HORSE-SHOE Robinson. Phil. 1865. 12 38: 820 QUODLIBET : containing some annals thereof, etc., by Solomon Second- thoughts, schoolmaster. N.Y. 1866. 12 38: 821 KOB of the bowl. Phil. 1860. 12. 38: 822 SWALLOW barn; or, a sojourn in the Old Dominion. N.Y. 1S66. 12. 38: 823 Kenneth. C. M. YONOE 40: 1288 Kenneth my king. S. A. BKOCK 35: 2848 Kentucky s love; or. roughing it around Paris. K. KIM: 38: 900 Keon, Miles Gerald. DION and the Sibyls : a classic Chris tian novel. N. Y. n. d. 8 38: 831 Kerkadec, Vicomlesse de. REMINISCENCES of a canoness: anec dotes and sketches of court lite in France during the reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XV, selected from a diary hitherto unpublished. Lond. 1874. " 2 v. sm. 8 38:839-40 Kester s evil eye. In N. and T., v. 3. 4O: 1643 Kettle, Rosa Mackenzie. HILI.ESDEN on the Moors. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 38: 849-50 31 ISTRESS of Langdale hall. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 38: 851 OVER the furze. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 852-4 Kick him down hill; or, ups and downs in business. Miss M. M. SMITH 39: 1952 Kickleburys abroad, The. W. M. THACKEKAY. In .Misc., v. 2 33: 4003 Kilmeny. W. BLACK 35: 2177 Kimball, Richard Burleigh. (b. 1818). EMII.IE. N. Y. 1876. 12 38: 865 HENRY Powers, banker: how he achieved a fortune and married: a novel. N. Y. 1868. 12 38: 866 PRINCE of Kashna. N. Y. 186ii. 12 38: 867 ROMAXCE of student life abroad. M. Y. 1865. 12 38: 868 SAINT Leger; or, threads of life. N. Y. 1850. 12 38: 869 TO-DAY: a romance. N. Y. 1870. 12 38: 870 UNDER currents of Wall street: a romance of business. N.Y. 1864. 12 38: 871 WAS he successful? N.Y. 1866. 12 38: 872 Kimberwell house. K. HUDSON. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 37:4796-8 Kinaldy. T. GILLESPIE. Gleanings of the covenant. In W. T. B., v. 10 4O: 1720 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. KINO. 115 KlNOSTON. King, Alice. IJfKEN of herself. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 882-4 SrKLi.-uouN D. Lord. 1874. 3 v. sin. 8 3 38: 885-7 King, Kdward. KK.STITKY S love: or, roughing it around Paris. Bost. 1873. 12... 38: 900 King, Gregory. J. Hooo. (Ettrick Shepherd). In Winter evening talcs, v. 2 1 37: 4521 King, Katharine. Ht(iH Melton. N.Y. 1875. 8 38: 915 LOST for Gold. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. a 38: 910-12 OFF the roll. N.Y. 1875. 8 38: 910 OUR detachment: a novel. N. Y. 1875. 8 38: 913 QTEBX of the regiment, The. Bost. 1874. 8 ". 38: 914 King and the bishop, The. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories 38: 1886 King of the golden river, The. J. HI-SKIN. In L. C., v. 1<> 4O: 1020 King of Hayti, The. Fr. the German. Thomas DK^UINCY. In Works, v. 11 34: 1043 King of the mountains. E. (Y. Y.) AHOVT 35: 167 King of No-land, The. B. L. FAR- .IF.ON 37: 1982 King of the peak, The. In L. C., v. 7. 4O: 1017 King O Toola and Saint Kevin. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories.... 38: 1886 King Tolv. Mrs. I). M. CRAIK. (for merly Miss Mulock}. In Romantic tales 35: 4940 Kingdom of heaven, The. F. GOTT- SCHALK. In R. G. N., v. 2 4O: 1561 King s Baynard. Hon. Mrs. G. GIF- FORD. 3v 37:2970-72 King s highway, The. G. P. R.JAMES. 2 v. in l 38: 195 King s own, The. C<apt. F. MARRYATT. 38: 2535 The same. Lond. ed 38: 2536 The same. Tauohnitz ed 38: 2537 King s own borderers, The: a military romance. .1. GRANT 37: 3313 Kingsbury, John II. KiNcisiu RY sketches. N. Y. 1875. 12 38: 917 Kingsford, .lane, (pieud.) See BAR- NARll, C. F. Kingsley, Charles. (1810-1875). ALTON Locke, tailor and poet. N.Y. 1851. 12 38: 924 The same. Leip. 1857. sq. 16... 38: 925 HF.HKWARD, the last of the English. Host. I860. 12 38: 926 The same. Leip. 1866. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: 927 HEROES, The: Greek fairy tales. Bost. 1804. 16 38: 928 Hvi ATiA; or, new foes with an old face. Bost. 1864. 12 38: 929 The same. N.Y. 1866. 2 v. 10. 38: 930-1 The same. Leip. 1857. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: 932 MADAM How and lady Why. Lond. 1870. 8 38: 933 Two years ago. Bost. 1864. 12... 38: 934 The same. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 38: 935 WATKII babies: a fairytale. Lond. 1869. 12 .". 38: 936 Kingsley, C., (continued.) WESTWARD ho! or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Amayas Leigh, Knight of Hurrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth. Rendered into modern English, by C. Kingsley. Cambridge. 1855. 3 v. 12 38: 937-9 The same. N.Y. 1866. 2 v. 10. 38: 940-1 The same. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. 16 38: 942 YEAST: a problem. N. Y. 1864. 12 38: 943 The same. Leip. 1851. sq. 16... 38: 944 Kingsley, Henry, (b. 1830). AUSTIN Elliot. Bost. 1863. 12... 38: 950 The same. Leip. 1863. sq. 16... 38: 951 BOY in grey, The. Lond. 1871. 12. 38: 952 HARVEY S, The. Bost. 1872. 12... 38: 953 HETTY. N.Y. 1869. 8 38: 954 HII.LYARS and the Burtons, The. Host. 1865. 12 38: 955 The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 956 HORNHY mills, and other stories. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 8 38: 957-8 Content* : v. 1. Episode in the life of Charles Mordaunt Mill- mai.aon, An. Hoinhv mill;- garden. Why Lady Hornbury s ball was postponed. v. 2. Eyre s march. Jackson of Paul s. March of Charles Stuart, The. New Year s day at Windsor, 1327. Some account of the villago of Inverguoich. 38: 38: 959 960 1620 LEIGHTON court. Bost. 1866. 12. The same. Leip. 1866. sq. 16... LOST child, The. In L. C. v. 10 4O: OAKSHOT castle: being the memoir of an eccentric nobleman. Written by Henry Dixon. Edited by Hen ry Kingsley. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 37; 701-3 Or.D Margaret: a novel. Berlin. 1872. 16 38: 961 RAVEN-SHOE. Bost. 1866. 12 38: 962 The same. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 963 RECOLLECTIONS of Geoffry Hamlyn. Bost. 1866. 12 38: 964 The same. Leip. 1864. 2v.ini. sq. 10 38: 965 REGINALD Hethprege. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 t 38: 966-8 STRETTOX : a novel. N. Y. 1869. 8 38: 909 The same. Bost. n. d. 8 38: 970 VALENTIN : a French boy s story of Sedan. Lond. 1872. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 38: 971 Kingston, William H. G. ALBATROSS, The. Lond. 1863. 16. 38: 985 ANTHONY Waymouth. Bost. 1865. 12 38: 986 AT the south pole ; or, the adventures of Richard Pengelley, mariner. Lond. n. d. sm. 8 38: 987 CRUISE of the Frolic. N. Y. n. d. 12 38: 988 ERNF.ST Bracebridge; or, schoolboy days. Lond. n. d. 10 38: 989 IN the wilds of Africa. Lond. 1871. 16 38: 990 LITTLE Ben Haddcn. Bost. 1871. 16 38: 991 Lot; house by the lake: a tale of Can ada. Lond. n. d. 18 38: 992 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. KlNOSTON. 116 LABOULAYE. Kingston, (continued.) 31 ARM ADUKK Merry, the midshipman. Bost. 1871. 12 38: 993 MY first voyage to southern seas. Loncl. 1872. 12 38: 994 OLD Jack. Lond. 1871. 12 38: 995 ON the banks of the Amazon. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 38: 996 PKTER the whaler. Lond. 1864. 16. 38: 997 KAI.I II and Dick; or, the two shipmates. Bost. n. d. 16 38: 998 Ron Nixon; the white trapper. N. Y. 1866. 16 38: 999 BOUND the world. Bost. 1870. 16. 38: 1000 SALT water. Bost. 1869. 16 38: 1006 SHIPWRECKS and disasters at sea. Lond. 1873. 8 38: 1001 TIIKKK lieutenants, The; or, naval life in the 19th century. N. Y. 1874. 12 " 38: 1002 TIIKKK midshipman, The. N. Y. 1873. 12 38: 1003 VOYAGE round the world. Lond. 1872. 12 38: 1004 WASHED ashore; or, the tower of Stormount bay. Lond. 1868. 12. 38: 1005 Kinkel. (pseud.) See SHEFPAKD, E. S. Kinzie, Mrs. Julic tte A. WALTER Ogilby: a novel. Phil. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12 38: 1030 Kip, Leonard. .I-KNOXE: a tale of slave life in Rome. N. Y. 1866. 12. [<mo.] 38: 1038 DEAD marquise : a romance. N. Y. 1873. 12 38: 1039 Kirk, Charles D. WOOING and warring in the wilder ness. N. Y. 1860. 12 38: 1046 Kirk, Eleanor (pseud.) See AMES, Eleanor. Kirke, Kdmund (pseud.) SkeGiLMORE, .1. R. Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline Matilda Sttmsbury, (Mary Cluvers) (1801- 1864). OUR new home in the west. N. Y. 1872. 16 38: 1054 Kirkyards. The professor s tales. T. GILLESI-IK. In W. T. B. v. 7.... 4O: 1717 Kirstin s adventures: a tale for the young. C. PEACHY. [OK.] 4O: 2260 Kissing the rod. E. H. YATKS 4O: 1213 Kitty. 31. BETHAM-EDWARDS 35: 2062 Kitty and Lulu s books. J. H. MAT- HEWS. 6 v. Gtntents : Kitty s robins. 38:20!)5 Kitty s scrap book. 38:2096 Kitty s visit to grandmama 38:2fiOT Rudie s goat. 38:2701 Toiitou and pussy. 38:27"2 White rabbit, The. 38:2703 Kitty s choice. R. H. DAVIS 37: 148 Kitty s forty. E. Eggleston. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Kitty s robins. J. H. MATIIKWS 38: 2695 Kitty s scrap book. ,1. II. MATIIKWS. 38: 2696 Kitty s visit. .1. H. MATHKWS 38: 2697 Kleist, Heinrich von. (1776-1811). MICHAEL Kohlhass. In Tales from the German 4O: 1699 Knatchbull-Huggessen, K. 11. CRACK KRS for Christmas. More stories. N. Y. 1872. 12 38: 1062 HlOOLKDY-PlOOLKDY. N. Y. 1876. 12 38: 1067 Knatchbull-Huggessen, (continued.) MOONSHINE; fairy stories. Lond. 1872. 12 38: 1063 QUKF.R folk. Seven stories. Lond. 1874. 12 38: 1064 STORIES for my children. Lond. 1874. 12 38: 1068 TALKS at tea-time. Fairy stories. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 38: 1065 WHISPERS from fairyland. N. Y. 1875. 16 38: 1066 Knickerbocker Diedrich, (pseud.) See IRVINO, W. Knight, E. C. MARCUS Flaminius. Lond. 1792. 2 v. 8 38: 1075-6 Knight of Gwy nne. C. LKVER. 2 v. 38:1609-10 The same. Tuuchnitz ed. 3v 38:1611-13 Knight of St. John. A. M. PORTER. 3v.ini 38: 4649 Knighton, William. EIKIAR Barton : an autobiographical novel. Lond. 1856. 3 v. sm. 8. 38:1078-80 Knight s cellar in the Kytfhiiusen. NACHTIOALL (Oimar). Jn K. G. N. v. 2 4O: 1561 Knights of England, France, and Scotland, The. H. W. HKRHERT... 37: 4359 Knitting sale-socks. H. E. (P.) SPOF- FORD. With Aznber gods 39: 2126 Knorring, Baroness. ANCESTRESS, The ; or, family pride. Jn Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 4O: 1530 PEASANT and bis landlord, The. N. Y. 1855. 12 38: 1084 Knowles, James Sheridan. (1784- 1862). FORTKSCUK: a novel. N. Y. 1864. 8 38: 1092 Koch, Kosalie. HOLLY and mistletoe. Tales tr. by Trauermantel. N.Y. 1867. 16 s . 38: 1100 Kourigan, The. E. SOUVKSTRK. In Brittany and La Vendee 39: 2066 Kroyft, Mrs. S. H. de. LITTLE Jakey. N.Y. 1872. 12... 37: 228 Kruitzner. II. LEE. In Canterbury tales, v. 2 .. 38: 1423 The same. In \V. S. C. L., v. 3 34: 4173 The same ;B 15: 4913 Kuegelen, Wilhelm von. BYC;ONE days; or, an old man s rem iniscences of his vouth. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8" 38:1118-20 Kuzzilbash, The: a tale of Khorasan. In W. S. C. L., v. 12 34: 4182 The same *15: 4922 L. L , J. W. BROCKLF.Y moor: a novel. N. Y. 1874. 12 38: 1250 Lablache : the young tragedian. Mrs. ELLET. lit Nouvellettes of the musicians 37: 1650 Laboulaye, Edouard (Rene Lefeb- vre). (b. 1811). AHDALLAH : or, the four-leaved shamrock. (Abdullah, ou If Irl fle d guatre feuilles : cottte urabe.) Tr. by Mary L. Booth. Lond. 1868. 16. 38: 1255 PROSE FICTION : ENGLISH. LABOULAYE. 117 LAMARTINE. 7 Laboulaye, (continued.) FAIRY tales of all nations. N. Y. 1867. 12 38: 1256 PARIS in America. (Tr. of J arix en Ameri,jue). N. Y. 1863. 12 38: 1257 Lace cap, The : a commercial story. In W. S. C. L. v. 7 !.. 34: 4177 Thesame *15: 4917 Lace merchant of Namur. In \V. S. C. L. v. 12 34: 4182 Thesame *15: 4922 Lacemakers, The. Mrs. MERKDITH. 38: 2925 Contents: Ellen Harrington. | Needlework vs. domestic Lacemaking in Ireland. service Mary Desmond. , Redeemed captive, The. Ladder of life, The. A. B. EDWARDS. 37: 1524 Lady Adelaide s oath. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 69 Lady Alice; or, the new Una. J. V. HL-NTINGTON 37: 4862 Lady and priest. K. C. MAUERLY.... 38: 2110 Lady Anne. A. TROLLOPE. N. Y. 1875. 8 39: 3179 Lady Audley s secret. M. E. BRAD- DON 35: 2538 Lady Bell: a story of the last century. Miss KKDDIK. (Surah Tytler) 38: 715 Lady Betty. Chr. R. COLERIDGE 35; 4511 Lady Betty s governess. L. C. GUKRN- SKY 37: 3613 Lady-bird. Lady G. FUI.LERTON 37: 2553 Lady Caroline: with pendants. R. BLACK 35: 2169 Contents : liar one. Lady Caroline. Betwixt two stools. Odd shiiver, An. Fatal bouquet. Ort the scent. Fifty brides. Red nose. The. How Robinson lost his Stubb s luck. fellowship. Lady Green-Satin, and her maid Ro sette. E. MARTINEAU DBS CHES- NKZ 35: 4210 Lady Herbert s gentlewoman. Eliza MKTEYARD 38: 2960-2 Lady Hester. Charlotte M. YONGE... 4O: 1289 Lady Judith. J. MCCARTHY 38: 2131 Lady Lee s widowhood. E. B. HAM- LEY 37: 3956 Lady Lisle. M. E. BRADDON 35: 2539 Lady Livingston s legacy: n novel. I,ond. 1H74. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2263 Lady Marabout s trouble. L. de la UAME. (Oaida.) With Beatrice Boville 39: 40 Lady May s intentions. John POME- ROY 38: 4585 Lady Moretoun s daughter. Mrs. C. J. EILOART 37: 1623-5 Lady of the ice. J. DKMILLE 39: 275 Lady of the isle. E. D. E. N. SOUTH- WORTH 39: 2024 Lady of Lawford, The, and other Christmas stories. Troy. 1874. 12 " 4O: 2202 Contents : Hidden treasure. I Lawford hall. Lady of Lawford. | Person Ingram. Lady of limited income. A. MANNING. 38: 2473-4 Lady of Lyndon. Ludy BLAKE 35: 2234 Lady of the manor. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. / Works, v. U-12... 39: 1644-7 Lady of Milan. Afrt. A. T. THOMSON. 39: 2995 Lady of Shalott, The. E. S. PHELPS. In L. C. v. 10 4O: 1620 35: 4O: 33: 38: 38: 38: 38: Lady Rohcsia, The. R. H. BARIIAM. ( Thomas Ingolsby). In Treasure- trove series, v. 1 4O: Lady Rosamond s book. L. E. GUERN SEY. (2nd part of the Stanton- Corbet chronicles) 37: Lady Superior: a novel. E. F. POL- LA KD 38: Lady Sweetapple; or, three to one. G. W. DASK.VT 37: Lady Wedderburn s wish : a tale of the Crimean war. J. GRANT 37: Ladye Shakerley, The. By One of the house of Egerton. Lond. 1871. sm. 8 4Q: Lady s mile, The. M. E. BRAUDON... Lady s palfrey, The. Aug. T. LANG- HEIN. InR. G. N. v. 4 La Fontaine, -Jean de. (1021-1695). FAHI.ES. N. Y. 1865. 2 v. 12.... La Gitana. Mrs. A. FRASER. WHh Only a face 37: La Grange, Afme. A. K. de. FEKKYMAN of the Tiber, The. Tr. from the Italian. N. Y. n. d. 12. LAST days of Jerusalem, The. Tr. from the Italian. X. Y. n. d. 12. THECKLA; or the malediction. N. Y. n. d. 12 VESTAL, The. N. Y. 1874. 12.... Laicus ; or, the experiences of a lay man in a country parish. L. Au- HOTT 35: Laid up in lodgings, flee Fragments of personal experience. In COL LINS Queen s revenge 35: Laidlaws and the Scotts, The : a bor der tradition. J. HOOG. (Ettrick Nhepherd]. In Club-book, v. 2.... Laidley worm of Spindleston Hough, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 3 Laing, Mrs. C. 11. B. HEROES of the seven hills, The. Phil. 1873. 16 Laird of Darnick tower, The. J. HOWKI.L. In W. T. B., v. 4 Laird of Lucky s How, The. Alex. CAMI-HELL. lit W. T. B., v. 5 Laird of Norlaw. Mrs. M. (O. W.) 1. 1 I ll A NT Laird Rbieson s will. A. CAMPBELL. In W. T. B., v. 9 Laird s .lock, The. .Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed *39: Thesame. Abbotsford ed 39: The snme 39: Thesame. Household ed 39: Thesame. Pocketed 39: Lajetchnikoff, . HKKETIC, The. Tr. from the Russian by Thos. B. Shaw. N. Y. 1864. 1701 3014 4571 104 3314 2264 2540 1563 478-9 2445 1265 1266 1207 1208 150 4581 4O: 1520 4O: 1713 38: 4O: 40: 38: 40: Lake shore series. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic). Bost. 1870-1. 6 V. 10 Contents : 1275 1714 1715 3846 1719 1340 1370 1394 1434 1464 38: 1278 V. 4. Switch off. 3ft:278 5. Brake uii. 3. r i:a:i4 6. Hear and forbear. .Vi:-231 T. 1. Through by daylight 3.1:2711 2. Lightning express. 35:254 3. On time. 35:262 Lakeville ; or, substance and shadow. M. HEAI.Y 37: 4265 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis Prat de. (1791-1869). FIOR d Aliza. (Tr. of Fior (TAliza). N. Y. 1869. 16 38: 1283 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LAMARTINE. 118 LAST. Lamartine, (continued.) GCNEVIEVE. (Tr. of (fenevii ve). N. Y. n. d. 8 38: 1284 GRAZIELLA. (Qrazidla). Tr. by S. C. B. Phil. 1872. 16 38: 1285 RAPHAEL. (Tr. of RaphaH), N. Y. 1865. 12 38: 1286 STONE mason of Saint Point. (Tr. of Le tailleur de pierres de Saitit-I oint). N. Y. 1859. 12 38: 1287 Lamb, Charles (Elia). (1775-1834). DISSERTATION upon roast pig, A. In L. C., v. 5 4O: 1615 DKKAM children. In L. C., v. 4 4O: 1614 MRS. Battle s opinion on cards. In Treasure-trove series, v. 1 4O: 1701 TALK of Rosamond Gray and old blind Margaret. In W. S. C. L., v. 6 34: 4176 The same *15: 4916 and Mary. TALKS from Shakespeare. N. Y. I860. 16 38: 1293 Lamb, Mrs. Joseph. MENDED life, A; or, the carpenter s family. Phil. 1870. 16 38: 1296 Lamb, Martha .1. DRIFTING good ward. Bost. 1870. 18 38: 1302 SPICY: a novel. N. Y. 1873. 8... 38: 1303 Lamb, Mary. (1765-1847). MKS. Leicester s school ; or, the his tory of several young ladies, related by themselves. In W. S. C. L. v. 13 34: 4183 The same *15: 4923 Lame Jervas. Maria EDOKWORTH. In her N. and T., v. 2 37: 1497 The same. lit Popular tales, v. 1 37: 1506 LaMotte-Fouque, Friedrich Ilcin- rich Karl, Baron de. (1777-1843). ASLAUGA S knight. With Theodolph the Icelander 38: 1306 The same. In C. G. R., v. 1 35: 3873 SINTRAM and his companions. (Tr. of Sintram utid seine Qefiihrten). With Undine 38: 1308 Thesame 38: 1307 TIIEODOLPH, the Icelander. (Tr. of Die Fahrten Thiodol/ s). N. Y. n. d. 12 38: 1305 The same; and Aslauga s knight. N. Y. 1845. 12 . 38: 1306 Two raptains, The. (Tr. of Die beiden Hauptleute). With Undine. 38: 1307 UNDINK; and other tales 38: 1307 Omtents : Undine. I Aalnugn e knight. Two captains, The. | Sintram and bis companions. UNDINE; or, the water-sprites. Also, Sintram and his companions. N.Y. 1864. 12 38: 1308 Lamp of the sanctuary, The. Bait. 1870. 18 4O: 2265 Lamplighter, The. M. S. CUMMINS. Bost. 1868. 12 35: 5140 Lamplighter s story, The. C.(.l. H.) DICKKNS. With Hunted down 37: 479 Lamplighter s storvand nouvelettes. C. (J. H.) DICKKNS 37: 481 Lancashire witches. W. H. AINS- WORTH 35: 420 Lancaster, F. TITLE and estate. Lond. 1871. 3v. sm. 8 38:1310-12 Lances of Linwood. C. M. YONGE... 4O: 1290 Land at last. E. YATES 4O: 1215 Land battles from Hastings to Inker- man. Mrs. It. VALENTINE 39: 3650 "Land of the sky, The;" or, adven tures in mountain bv-ways. F. C. FISHER. I Christian Seid) 37: 2204 Lander, Sarah W. SPECTACLES for young eyes. N. Y. 1867. 16 ". 38: 1320 Landon, Lotitia Elizabeth. (L.E.L.) (1802-1838). ETHEL Churchill ; or, the two brides. / W. S. C. L., v. 1 1 34: 4181 Thesame *15: 4921 Landon, Melville D. (Eli Perkins). ELI Perkins : hi.s sayings and doings. N. Y. 1875. 12 38: I3ir, SARATOGA in 1901. N.Y. 1872. 12. 33: 2530 Land s end, The. Harriet MARTINEAU. In Poor laws and paupers illus trated 38: 2649 Lane, Mrs. Jane. In T. F. H., v. 1.... 4O: 2658 Lane, \Vycliffe. (pseud.) See JEN- INGS, E. Laneton parsonage. E. M. SEWELL. 3v ^ 39: 1585-7 Langdon, Marv. (pseud.) Nee PIKE, Mrs. M. II. (G.) Langley Manor : a novel. Mrs. C. J. NKWHY 38: 3552-4 Langstaff, Lancelot, (pseud.) See I AUI.DING, J. K. Lanier, Sidney. TIGER-LILIES: a novel. N.Y. 1867. 12 38: 1332 Lapstone. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 10 35: 45 La Rochejaquelin,Victorine de. (Mar chioness de L Kscure). In T. F. 11., v. 2 4O: 2658 Larry M Farland s wake. W. CAK- LETON. In Traits and stories, v. 1. 35: 3840 Thesame 35: 3840 Larry .Moore. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches 37: 3887 Thesame. In W. S. C. L., v. 4 34: 4174 Thesame *15: 4914 Lasselle, Mrs. N. P. BEI.I.E of Washington. Phil. n. d. 12 38: 1340 Last Aldini, The. A. L. A. I). DUDE- VANT. (George Sand) 37: 912 Last Athenian. Y. RYDBERG 39: 770 Last baron of Crana, The. Same us The denounced. J. BANIM 35: 1535 Last chronicle of Barset. A. TROL- I.OPE 39: 31HO Thesame. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v. ....... 39: 3181-3 The sumo. 3 v. in 2 39:3184-5 Last days of a condemned man. Y. (M.) HUGO 38: Last days of Jerusalem, The. Mine. A. K. de LA GRANGE 38: 12iiO Last days of Pompeii, The. E. G. E. L. B VLWER-LYTTON 35: 3124 Thesame 35: 3125 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 35: 312U Last fairies, the. E. HAMERTON. / Mirror of truth 37: 3900 Last heir of the house of Klphinstone. Rev. G. THOMAS. In W. i . B. v. 10. 4O: 1 720 Last house in C street. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Muloek). With Lord Erlisto un 35: 4928 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LAST. 119 LET>. Last Tiu-a, The ; or the story of Tupac Ainitru. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8. 4O: 2266 Last leaf from Sunnyside. E. S. PIIKI.PS ............... .................... 38: 4381 Last of the barons. E. G. E. L. BUL- WB.R-LVTTOX ............................. 35: 3127 The same. Tauehnitz ed ................ 35: 3128 Last of the cavaliers. C. M. YOX<IK. 4O: 1291 Last of the fairies. G. P. R. .IAMKS... 38: 196 Last of the Florid*, The. E. E. HAI.K, With If, yes, and perhaps ............ 37: 3836 Last of the Inea*. G. AIMAKD ......... 35: 3!)l Last of the Jerningharnes, The. A. E. X. BEWK-KE .............................. 35: 2075 Last of the line. Mr. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches ..................... 37: 3887 Last of the Lythams. K. W. BAD- DKLKV ...... .". ............................... 35: 1331-2 Last of the Mohicans. J. P. COOPER. 35: 4740 The same ..................................... 35: 4741 Last of the Mortimers. M. (O. W.) OI.IPIIANT .................................. 38: 3847 The same ...................................... 38: 3848 Last of the Kuthvens. Mrs. L). M. CKAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). In Domestic stories ..................... 35: 4014 Last of the storm. John BANIM. In Bit o writin ............................. 35: 1531 Last of the Valirii. H. JAMES, Jr. \\ ith Passionate pilgrim ............... 38: 235 Last of the war, The. H. SPICER. With Bound to please, v. 1 ......... 39: 2096 Last voyage of the Resolute. E. E. HALE. With If, yes, and perhaps. 37: 3836 Last wager ; or, the gamester of the Mississippi. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin ..................... 39: 1692 Last words of Gardonal. W. GIL- KERT. In Wizard of the mountain. v. 1 .......................................... 37: 2995 Late Miss Hollingford. C. (.). 11.) DICKENS. With No thoroughfare. 37: 513 Lathrop, Mrs. II. AI.I.KRTON Homes: a story for boys. I hil. 1869. 16 ........................ 38: 1340 Latter days. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 2 .......................... 39: 1637 Laura Krle : a novel by the author of Blanche Seymour. Lond. 1873. :! v. sm. 8 ............................... 4O: 2208 Laura Kveringham ; or, the High landers of Glen Ora. .1. GRANT... 37: 3315 Laura Richmond. J. INOKLOW. / A sister s bye-hours ..................... 38: 32 Lawson tragedy, The. J. W. DK- FORKST. In L. C. v. 3 ............... 4O: 1613 Lauterdale : a story of two genera tions. Lond. 1H73. 3 v. 8171.3. 4O: 2270 Lavengro ; Romany Rye. G. BOR ROW ......................................... 35; 2365 The same. 2v.ini ..................... 35: 2464 Lavinia. G. RUFFINI .................... 39: 713 Lavinia ; or, one year. E. F. CARLCN. 35: 3799 Law and the lady, The. (W.) W. COLLINS .................................... 35: 4555 Lawrence, A. M. OMVK Loring s mission. Bost. 1871. 10 .......................................... 38: 1352 Lawrence, G. A. ANTKROS. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. BARREN honor. Leip. 18u2. sq. 16. BORDER and bastile. Leip. 18G3. sq. 16 ....................................... 38: 38: 1360 1361 38: 1362 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 35; 38: 39: 4O: Lawrence, G. A:, (continued.) JiRKAKiNu a butterfly; or Blanche Ellerslie a ending. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 BRF.AKSPKARK; or, the fortunes of a freelance. N. Y. 1873. 8 GUY Livingstone. X. Y. 1868. 12. The same. Leip. 1860. sq. 16. HAOARE.VE. N. Y. 1875. 8 MAURICE Dering; or, the quadrilat eral. Leip. 1804. sq. 10 SANS Merci. X. Y. I860. 8 The same. Leip. 1866. 2v.ini. Sq. 10 SWORD and gown. X. Y. 1868. 8. The same. Leip. 1860. sq. 16... LawrieTodd; or, the settlers in the woods. J. GALT 37; Lawyer s secret, The. M. E. BRAD- DON Lawyer s story, The. J. A. MAIT- LAND Lazaretto-keeper, The. E. Sou- VESTRE. In Brittany and La A endee Lazaro s legacy. E. B. HAMLKY. In T. f. B. v. 1 Lazarus, Emma. AI.IDK: an episode of Goethe s life. I hil. 1874. 12 Lazy crow, The: a story of the corn field. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin Lazy Larkin and the Joblilies. Edw. Eodi.EsToN. In Schoolmaster s stories Lazy tour of two idle apprentices, The. In X. and T. v. Leaf in the storm, A. L. de la RAMK. ( Ouida). With Dog of Flanders... The same. In L. C., v. 11 Leaf in the storm, A; and other stories. L. de la RAMK. (Ouida). Contents Br.nich of lilac, A. I Leaf in the storm, A Do of Flanders. A. Provence rose, A. Lear of the steppe, A. I. (S.) TUR- HeXlEFF. Tr. from the French by Wm. Hand Browne. With Spring floods Leather stocking and silk. J. E. COOKK Leather stocking tales. J. F. COOPER. X. Y. 1870. 5 v. 12 Contents : v. 1. Dcerslayor. ,15:4728 v. 3. Pathfinder. 3,1:47 2. Last of the Mohicans. 4. Pioneers. 3">:47.iy 3.1:4741 5. Prairie. 3^:47(31 Leaves from the diary of an aged spinster. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 3 Leaves from the diary of a poor schoolmistress. W. and M. How- ITT. In Stories of English and foreign life 37: Leaves from a family journal. K. SOUVESTRE Leaves from the life of Alexander Hamilton. .1. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 10 Leavitt, J. M. AMERICAN cardinal. N. Y. 1871. 12 Lebrun s lawsuit. In T. f. B., v. 6.... Led astray; or, "La petite comtesse." Thesp hinx; or, "Julia de Trecteur." and " Bellah." Octave FEUILLET. 38: 1363 37; 4O: 39: 4O: 39: 39: 35: 1304 1365 1366 1367 1308 1369 1370 1371 1372 2780 2541 2419 2066 1693 38: 1385 39: 1692 1595 1646 45 1621 51 3376 4707 4O: 1713 39; 4778 2067 4O: 1720 38: 4O: 1390 1695 37: 2121 PROSE FICTION: EXGLISH. LEDYARD. 120 LEGENDS. Ledyard, Laura W. VKKV young Americans. Bost. 1873. 16 38: 1395 Lee, C. A. EDITH. Lond. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 38: 1406 Lee, Day Kcllogg. MASTER buildor, The; or, life at a trade. N.Y. 1852. 12 38: 1410 The same. Cin. 1869. 12 38: 1410a SUMMERFIELD ; or, life on a farm. Cin. 1869. 12 38: 1411 Lee, Kdith. (pseud.) See BURCKETT, Miss F. Lee, Kliza Buckminster. PARTIIEXIA. Bost. 1858. 12 38: 1417 Lee, Harriet. CANTERBURY tales. N. Y. 1857. 2 v. 12 38: 1422-3 Contents : v. 1. Introduction. Friend s tale. The. Stanhope. Landlady s tale. Mary Lasvson. Old woman s tale. Lothaire : a legend. Poet s tale, The. Arundel. Traveler s tale. Montl ord. Wife s tale. The. Julia. V. 2. Frenchman s tale, The. Constance. German s tale. The. Kruitzner. Officer s tale, The. Cavendish. Scotchman s tale, The. Claudine. Lee, Holme, (pseud.) See PARR, H. Lee, M. and C. ROSAMOND Fane. N.Y. 1872. 16. 38: 1428 Lee, Minnie Mary. HEART of Myrrha lake; or, into the light of Catholicity. N.Y. [1872.] 16 .". 38: 1435 Lee, Mrs. K. AFRICAN Crusoes. Bost. 1871. 16. 38: 1440 AUSTRALIAN wanderings. Bost. 1871. 16 38: 1441 Lee, Sophia. CANTERBURY tales. N. ^f. 1857. 12 38: 1446 Contents : Introduction. Clergyman s tale, The. Pembroke. Memoir of Sophia Lee. Young lady s tale, The. The two Emilys. Leech club, The; or, the mysteries of the Catskills. Geo. W. OWEN 38: 3952 Leein Jamie Murdieston. Alex. CAMPBELL. In W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 Leein Peter. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 6 4O: 1716 LeFanu, J. Sheridan. ALL in the dark. N.Y. 1866. 8. 38: 1451 CHECKMATE. Bost. n. d. 8 38: 1453 CHRONICLES of Golden Friars. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 1453-5 GUY Devercll. Leip. 18C5. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 1456 HOUSE by the church-yard. N. Y. 1866. 12 38: 1457 IN a glass darkly. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38:1458-60 LOST name, A. N.Y. 1868. 8 38: 1461 TENANTS of Malory, The. N. Y. 1871. 8 38: 14G2 UNCLE Silas. N. Y T . n. d. 8 38: 1463 The same. Leip. 18C5. 2 v. in 1. 16 38: 1464 WILLING to die. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 1465-7 WTLDER S hand. N.Y. 1866. 12. 38: 1468 Left and never called for. In N. and T., v. 3 4O: 1643 Left on Labrador. C. A. STEPHENS... 39: 2253 Left to herself. Same as Edith s mis take. Jennie WOODVILLE 4O: Lefurt, Annie 15. SWEET not lasting. Lond. 1874. sm. 8 38: Legend of Calder Moor, The. J. HOWEI.L. InVf. T. B.,v. 9 4O: Legend of Carondelet, The. J. HALL. / Legends of the west 37: Legend of the church of Abercrombie: tales of the East Neuk of Fife. Matt. F. CONOLLY. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: Legend of the fair Helen of Kireonnel. Alex. LEKJHTON. In W. T. B.,v. 5. 4O: Legend of Gibraltar, A. E. B. HAM- LEY. In T. f. B., v. 1 4O: Legend of Holyrood, A. Alex. LBIGHTON. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: Legend of Montrose. Sir W. SCOTT. I nrker ed S 39: The same. Edin. ed 39: The same. Abbotsford ed 39: Thet-ame 39: The same. Household ed. 2 v 39: The same. Pocketed 39: The same. Tauchnitz ed. With Black dwarf 39: Legend of my native town. In N. and T., v. 7 4O: Legend of the Rhine, A. Wm. M. THACKERAY. In Misc., v. 1 33: The same. In Misc., v. 2 33: The same. In Misc., v. 3 33: The same. In Misc., v. 2 33: Legend of the Waldenses; and other tales. M. J. WIXDI.E 4O: Contents : Wuldi Florence de Rohnn. Gipsies. Lmlv of the rock. Legend of the Self-devotion, Legendary history of Ireland. L. T. de BARNEVAL. Tr. fr. the French by J. G. Shea Legends and fairv tales of Ireland. N. Y. 1872. 12 Legends and records: chiefly histori cal. C. B. TAYI.EK . Contents 28: 40: 39: 817 1483 1719 3870 1715 1715 1693 1717 1314 1355 1362 1377 1405-6 1450 1474 1G47 4011 4003 4009 3 J96 610 nses. 9211 2267 2770 Anecdote ot George the Lady Anne Carr. Third. Anne of Cleyes. Bible in Spain. Earl of Stratford. Fulgentins and Meta. Guyon of Marseilles. Legends and stories of Ireland. S. LOVER 38: Ladv Lisle. Lady Kussell. Lowly lady. Son and heir. Story of Fiesco. Vision of conscience. 1886 Contents : Baruy O Rierdon, the navigator. Battle of thoBerrins, The. Burial of the tithe. Curse of Kishognl. Devil s mill, The. Essay on fools. An. Fairy finder, Tho. Father Roach. Gridiron, The. Judy of Koundwood. King O Toole and St. Kevin. King and the hi shop, The Litue fairy. Lough Corrib. MS. from the cabinet of Mrs. National minstrelsy. New potatoes. Paddy the piper. Paddy the sport. Priest s ghost, The. Priest s story. The. Shcebeen house, The. Spnnish boar, and the Irish bull, The. White horse ot the Peppers. White trout. The. Legends of the American revolution, 177(1; or, Washington and his gen erals. Geo. LIPPARD 38: Contents : 1773 Buttle of Germantown. Battle of Brandywine. Benedict Arnold. Fourth of July, 1770. Violater of the grave. Wissahikon, The. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LEGENDS. 121 LEISURE. Legends of the Black Watch, or Forty second Highlanders. Jas. GRANT 37: 3316 Contents : Adventures of Captain Grpnt, The. Forest of Gaich, The ; or, the Captain Dhtl. Lettre de cachet, The. Lost regiment, The: a love story. Massacre nt Fort William Henry. Seven grenadiers, The. Story of Dick l>uff, The. Story of Far<|tihnr Shaw, The. Storv of the grey mos<|iiotaire. Wife of the Ked Omyii, The. Legends of the Cheviots and the Lanimermuir. \V. II. MAXWKI.I.. ( Same at Hill side and border sketches, and Matrimonial misfor tunes of Peter Clancy) 38: 2748 The same. 2v " 22:2390-91 Legends of the flowers. S. PINDAR. 38: 4531 Legends of the Jacobite wars. Thom- asine MAL NSEI.I 38: 2735 Contents : Katherine Fairfax. | TsmaO Neil. Legends of love and chivalry. II. W. HKKKERT. (Frank Forester) 37; 4351-2 Content* : Cavnl iers of England. 37:4361 | Chevaliersof France. 37:4362 Legends of Mexico. G. LIFPARD 38: 1774 Legends of the wars in Ireland. R. 1). JOYCE 38: 523 Legends of the west. J. HALT 37: 3870 Contents : Backwoodsman. Barrack-master s daugh ter. Divining rod, The. Emigrants. Harpeshead. Indian wife s lament, [poem.] Intestate. Isle of the yellow sands. Legend of Carondelet. Michel de Coucy. Missionaries. Seventh son. Leigh, Effie. GOLDEN memories. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 38: 1488-9 Leigh, George. M.ARY Grainger. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8 38: 1494-5 Leighton, Alexander. A HDUCTION, The. In W. T. B., v. 5. 4O: 1715 AMATEL-R lawyers, The. In >V. T. B., v. 4 4Q: 1714 AVKXOEK, The; or, legend of Mary Lee. In W. T. 15., v. 10 4O: 1720 BRIDE of Hramble-haugh. In W. T. B., v. .i 4Q: 1719 CAI.KH Crabbin. In W. T. B., v. 5... 4O: 1715 CHRISTIE of the Cleek. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 CLERICAL murderer, The. In "W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 CONTRAST of wives, The. In W. T. ., v. 6 4O: 171i> CROOK K.T) comyn, The. In \V. T. B., v. 5 " 4O; 1715 DOMESTIC griefs of (iustavus M lvar. In W. T. B., v. 10 4O: 1720 UoMisiEof St. Fillans. In W. T. B., v. 10 4O: 1720 DKOICII, The. In W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 DUNCAN Kchulebred s vision of judg ment. In W. T. B., v. 3 4O: 17K! GOKDIE \Villison, and the heiress of Castle Gower. In W. T. B., v. 3... 4O: 1713 HARUEN S revenge. In W. T. B.,v. 4. 4O: 1714 HOGMANAY; or, the lady of Balloch- gray. In W. T. B., v. 9 4O: 1719 IIi ME and the governor of Berwick. hi W. T. B., v. 9 4O: 1719 KATK Kennedy. la W. T. B., v. 1... 4O: 1711 j Leighton, I continued.) LEGEND of fair Helen of Kirconnel. 7nW. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 LEOEXII of Holyrood, A. In W. T. B., v. 7 .". 4O: 1717 LORD Durie and Christie s will. In W. T. B., v. 1 4O: 1711 MAIDEN feast of Cairnkibbie. In W. T. 15. v. 2 4Q: 1712 MIKE Maxwell and the Gretna Green lovers. In \V. T. B. v. 6 4O: 1710 MISEK of Newabbey, The. In "W. T. B. v. 10 4Q: 1720 MR. Samuel Ramsay Thriven: a tale of love and bankruptcy. In "NV. T. B. v. 8 4O: 1718 OLD chronicler s tales, The. In W. T. B. v. 7-8 40:1717-18 Contents : Death of James I. v. 8 I Prince of Scotland, v. 7. Death of James III. v. 3. | PRESCRIPTION; or, the 29th of Sep tember. In W. T. B. v.l 4O: 1711 ROSEALLAN S daughter. In "W. T. B. v. 7 4O; 1717 ROMANCE of the seige of Perth. In W. T. B. v. 5 4O: 1715 ROYAL raid, The. In W. T. B. v. 2. 4O: 1712 SPORTSMAN of Autlieldhaugh. In W. T. B. v. 10 4Q: 1720 SURGEON S tales, The. In W. T. B. v. 1-4, G, 8, 9 40:1711-14, 16, 18, 19 Content* : Altist, v. 4. Bereaved, v. !t. Case of evidence, v. 8. Cherry stone, v. 4. Condemned, v. 9. Conscience stricken, v. 3. Cured ingrate, v. I. Diver and the bell, v. 2. TRIALS of Menie Dempster. / W. T. B. v. 7 40: Leighton court. II. KINGSLEY 38: The same. Tauohnitz ed 38: Leila; or, the seige of Grenada: Cal- deron, the courtier: and the pil grims of the Khine. E. G. E. L. BTLWER-LYTTON 35; Leila; or, the island. A. F. TYTLER. Glass-back, v. C. Henwifc, v. 4. Monomaniac , The. v. il. Somnambulist of Redcleugh v. . I. Suicide, The, v. 6 Three letters, The, v. 6. 1717 959 900 Leila at home. Leila s books. Contents: Vol.1. 3129 3414 3412 A. F. TYTLER 39:3412-16 39: A. F. TYTLER 39: 3. 4. 5. Leila; or, (he island. 3!i : :i414 Leila in Kngland. :M::i41. i Leila at home. 39:3412 Mary and Florence. 39:3415 Mary and Florence at sixteen. Leila in England. A. F. TYTLER ...... Leisure hour scries, The. Content i : ALCESTIS: a novel .................................... ABOUND a spring. G. Droz ........................ HAKOLAIN. G. Uroz ................................. BLACK forest village stones. B. Allerhach. CKCIL hreeme. T. Winthrop .................. CLARISSA llarlowc. (condensed). S. Kich- ardson ................................................... COUNT Kostia. V. Cherbiiliey, ies. T. Hardy I. Turgdniefl l-j n \\ KI.-V. H. Ailcrbach ........................ Euwix Brothertoft. T. Winthrop .............. KutrTiVF. affinities J. W. von Goethe ..... EKMILIA. G. Frances Poynter .................. FAR from the madding crowd. T. Hardy. FATHERS and sons. 1. Tnrgonieft ............. FIBHEK maiden. B. Bjnrnson .................. FLEURANUE. Mme. A. Craven ................... GEKHAK tales. B Auerhaeh .................... HAIIKKMKISTKH, The. H.Schmid ............. HAND of Kthelhert.i, The. T. Hardy ....... HK.R dearest foe. Mr*. Alexander ............ HERMANN Agha. W. Gitlord Palgrave ...... HERO Carthew. Louisa Parr .................... 3!): 34 IB . 39: 3413 40:2011 37: 8iiO 37: Mil Sfi: 87(i 40: 623 DESPRKATE remedies. T. Hardy 37::i! *7-n DixiTHi Kondine. I. Tin-go Ml "77 4(1: (J24 37:3113 40:2138 37: -QUO 89:3372 36: 878 3 J:123S 37:3 .I .I3 3S: 612 38:4110 38:4232 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LEISURE. 122 LEVELLER. Leisure, (continued.] IDA Craven. M, s H. M. Cadell 35:3720 INGO. Gustav Freytag 37:2481 I.M;UAKAN. Gust ; *v Freytag 37:3482 JONATHAN. C. C. Fraser-Tytler 37:2457 JOHN Brent. T. Winthrop 4ii: 025 JOSEPH in the snow. B. Auerbach 35: 879 JOSEI-H ISoirol s revenge. V. Cherbuliez. 35:4169 JUIMTER S daughters. Mr*. C. Jenkin 38: 284 LITTLE barefoot. B. Auerbach 35: 880 LIZA. 1. Turgcnicff. 39:3373 MADAME de Beaupre. Mrs. C. Jenkin 38: 28i MAN with the broken ear. E. About 35:109 Miss Mollie. Beatrice M. Bait 35:1717 MISTHH Smith. L. B. Walford 40: 27 MISTRESS Judith. C. C. Fraser-Tytler 37:2450 MT little lady. G. Frances Poynter 4o : 2409 NOTARY S nose, The. E About 35: 170 Ox the eve. I. Tuigenieff. 39:3374 Us the heights, -i v. B. Auerbach 35: 881 PA in of blue eyes, A. T. Hardy 37:3 .) J1 PICETTY Miss Bellew. T. Gift 37:2 J75 1 Kosi Eii. V. Cherbuliez 35:4170 PSYCHE of to-day, A. Mrs. C. Jenkin 38: 287 HAI-I-H Wilton s Weird. Mrs. Alexander. 35: 515 bKlKMlSHlNG. Mrs. C. Jenkin 38: 2H8 Si.ir in the Fens, A 40:2590 KMOKE. I. Turgcniett 39:3375 Si HiNG floods : a Lear of the Steppe. 1. Tiirgonieff. 39:3370 STOKY of three sisters. C. Maxwell 38:2737 UN DJttt the greenwood tree. T. Hardy 37:3992 VII.IA on the Rhine. 2 v. B. Auerbach... 35:885-6 WHAT the swallows sang. F. Spielhagen. 39.2110 WHICH shall it be? Mrs. Alexander 35: 516 \VniTEi.ADits. Mrs. M. ((>. W.) Ohphar.t. 38:3871 WHO breaks pays? Mrs. C. Jenkin 38: 2!iO WITHIN an ace. Mrs. C. Jenkin 38: 291 \VOOINU o t, The. Mrs .Uexander 35: 517 WYNCOTE. Mrs. T. Erskine 37:1753 Leisure moments improved. N. Y. 1805. 16 4O: 2269 Leland, H. P. GHKY-HAY mare, and other sketches. Phil. 1870. 12 38: 1500 Lem Lyon. Alice GARY. In Pic tures of country life 35: 3918 Lemon, Mark (1809-1870). FALKXKR Lyle. Leip. I860. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 38: 1505 GOLDEN fetters. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 38: 1506 JUST book: choicest anecdotes and sayings. Lond. 1805. 12 33: 2579 LEYTON hall. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 1507 LOVKD at last. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 1508 WAIT for the end. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 10 38: 1309 Lena Cameron. Mrs. E. C. GREY 37: 3502 Lena Rivers. M. J. HOLMES 37: 4572 Lennard, U. B. Talcs from Moliere s plays. Lond. 1859. 12 Contents : Avare, L . Bourgeois gentilhomme, . Le. Kcole des femrnes, L . Jj .eole des maris, L . Ktourdi, L . Feinmes savantes, Les. Fourberries de scapin, Les. Lennox, Mrs. C. FKMAI.E Quixote. Lond- 1820. 2 v. 18 Lennox, -Mary. Mrs. M. L. (pseud.) Nee COOK, Lenzen, Marie [nfe T)i Sebrogondi). NOT in their set ; or, in different cir cles of society. Tr. from the Ger man by M.S. Bost. 1874. 1C ... Leo. (pseud.) SCAPEGOAT, The. Phil. 1871. 12. Leo. D. COOK 38: 1518 George Dandin. Mulade imaginaire, Le. Mt decin malgrn Ini, Le. Misanthrope, Le. Ponrceaugnac, M. de. Precieuses rertienles, Les. Princesse d Elide. Sganarelle. Tartuffe. 38: 1523-4 38: 1529 38: 35: 1532 4686 Leofwine the Saxon. Emma LESLIE. 38: 1553 Leona : a blind man s story. L. C. MOULTON. In My third book 38: 3182 Leonard Morris; or, the Benedictine novice. Rev. Father IONATIUS 38: 15 Leonora. Maria EDOKWORTH. In her N. and T. v. 7 37: 1502 Leonora Casaloni. T. A. TROLLOI-E. 39: 3258 Leonora d Oreo. G. P. R. JAMES.... 38: 197 Leontine K. C. MABKBLY 38: 2111 Lermontoff, Michael. CIRCASSIAN bor, The. Tr. through the German from the Russian by S. S. Conant. Host. 1875. 16.... 38: 1534 LeSage, Alain Rene. (1668-1747). BACHKLOK of (Salamanca. (Tr. of Le bachelier de Salamunyue). Phil. 1868. 2v. 16 38: 1541-2 GIL Bias. (Histoire de (HI Bias de SaittiUnne). Tr. from the French byT.Smollet. N. Y. 1836. 2 v. 12. 38: 1535-6 The same. Host. 1805. 3 v. 12. 38: 1537-9 The same. With an account of the author. Phil. 1874. 12... 38: 1540 Lescar, the universalist. M. M. GRANT 37: 3354-6 L Bscure, .^farchionessdc. ,S eRofiiE- jAtjuKLiN, Mde. V. de la. T. F. H. 4O: 2058 Leslie, Kmina. KLKRKDA. N. Y. 1875. 16 38: 1547 ELIZA Metcalfs basket; or, policy not principle. Lond. n. d. 16. 38: 1548 FI.ATIA ; or, loyal unto the end. N. Y. 1875. 16 38: 1549 GLAUCIA : a story of Athens in the first century. K.Y. [1874.] 16. 38: 1550 LKOFWINE the Saxon. N. Y. 1875. 12 38: 1553 PEKOY Raydon ; or, self-conquest. Bost. 1872. 16 38: 1551 QI-ADRATUS. N.Y. 1875. 16 38: 1552 Leslie, Mrs. Madeline, (pseud.) Nee BAKKK, Mrs. Harriet Newell (Woods). Leslie Tyrrell. G. M. CRAIK 35: 4969 Lesson of life, The. D. (W T .) JKB- ROLD. In Coll. works, v. 4 34: 1468 The same. In Works, v. 2 34: 1462 Lessons in biography, liev. J. UKRKS- KORD. In Treasure-trove series, v. 2 4O: 1702 Lessons in life. With The two wives. T.S.ARTHUR 35: 812 Let those laugh who win. S. W. TITT- TLE. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 Letter of recommendation. The. Frank P. WOKTH 4O: 850 Letters from an Egyptian in New York. N.Y. 1848. 8 38: 583 Letters of Julia and Caroline. M. EDGKWORTII. In her N. and T., v. 7 37: 1502 Letters to Squire Pedant, bv Lorenzo ALTISONANT. Cin. 1856. 12.... 33: 585 Lettice Arnold. A. MARSH-CALB- WELL 38: 2599 Lettre de cachet. J. GRANT. In Legends of the Black watch 37: 3316 Letty Hyde s lovers; or, the household brigade. J. GRANT 37: 3317 Leveller, The. Jno. M. WILSON. Jn W. T. 13., v. 8 4O: 1718 PUOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LEVKA. 123 LEWES. Lever, Charles (James). (Cornelius O Dowd). (1806-1872). AKTHTK O Leary: his wanderings and pondering! in many lands. Phil. n. d. 8 " 38: 1560 The same. Leip. 1H47. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: BAKRIXCTON. Lond. 1863. 8 38: The same. N. Y. 1862. 8 38: The same. Leip. 1863. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: BRAMLEKIHS of Bishop s folly. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16... 38: Cu.vKi.EsO M alley, the Irish dragoon. Phil. 1805. 8" 38: The same. Lond. n. d. sm. 8. 38: The same. Leip. 1848. 3 v. sq. 16 38: The same. 3 v. in 2 38. CON Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias: his confessions and experiences. Phil. n. d. 8 38: The same. Leip. 1860. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: CONFESSION S of Harry Lorrequer, The. Lond. n. d. s 38: The same. Phil. n. d. 8 38: The same. Leip. 1847. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: I) ALTON S, The; or, three roads in life. Lond. 1865. 2 v. 8 38: The same. 2 v. in. 1 38: The same. Leip. 1852. 4 v. sq. 16 38: The same. 4 v. in 2 38: DAY KNi ORT Dunn : a man of our day. Lond. 1859. 2 v. 8 38: The same. 2v.ini 38: The same. Leip. 1 859. 3 v. sq. 16 38: The same. 3 v. in 2 38: DAY S ride, A: a life s romance. Lond. n. d. 8 38: The same. Leip. 1864. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: DIARY of Horace Templeton. Leip. 1848. sq. 16 38: DODD family abroad, The. N. Y. n. d. 8...". 38: The same. Leip. 1854. 3 v. sq. 16 ... 38: The same. . { v. in 2 38:1" FORTUNES of Glencore. Lond. 1865. 38: The same, sq. 16... Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. Km KM> of Gioberti s, A. In Treas ure-trove series, v. 3 GERALD Fitzgerald, the chevalier. N. Y. 1872. 8 JACK Hinton, the guardsman. Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Leip. 184i). 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 KNIGHT of Gwynne, The. Lond. 1858. 2v. 8 The same. Leip. 1847. 3 v. sq. 16 The same. 3 v. in 2 LOUD Kilgobbin. N. Y. 1872. 8 The same. Leip. 1872. 2 v. in 1 sq. 10 LUTTRKLL of Arran. Loud. 1868. 8 The same. N. Y. 1865. 8 The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. 38: 4O: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568-70 1571-2 1573 1574 1604 1605 1606 1575-6 1577 1578-81 1582-3 1584-5 1586 1587-9 1890-1 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596-8 99-1600 1601 1602 1 703 1603 1607 1608 1609-10 1611-13 1614-15 1616 Lever, (continued.) MARTINS of Cro Martin, The. Lond. 38: 1617 1864. 2 v. The same. The same. 16 The same. 8 Lond. Leip. 1856. sm. 8. 1856. 3 v. sq. 38: 1G21-2 38: 162:i 38: 1624-6 38: 1627-8 3 v. in 2 .................... MAURICE Tiernay, the soldier of for tune. Loud. "l865. 8 .............. 38: 1629 The same. Leip. 1861. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .................................... 38: 1630 O DoxooHUE, The. Lond. 1865. 8. 38: 1631 The same. Leip. 1845. sq. 16... 38: 1632 ON K of them. Lond. 1860. 8 ...... 38: 1633 The same. Leip. I860. 2v.ini. sq. 16 .................................... KENT in a cloud. Lond. n. d. 8. The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 1G... ROLAND Cashel. Lond. 1858. sm. The same. Tho same. N.Y. 185(i. 8... Leip. 1858. 3 v. 38: 38: 38: 1618 1619 1620 The same. 3 v. in 2 SAINT Patrick s eve; or, Paul Goss- lett s confessions, Leip. 1870. sq.!6 SIR lirook Fossbrooke. N.Y. 1867. The same. 2 v. in 1 SIR Jasper Carew : his life and exper iences. Lond. 1808. sm. 8 The same. Leip. 18(11. 2v.ini. sq. 16 THAT boy of Norcott s. Lond. 1873. 16 .... . The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 16. TOM Burke of Ours. Lond. 1865. 2 v. 12 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Leip. 1848. 3 v. sq. 1(1 The same. 3 v. in 2 TONY Butler. N. Y. 18G5. 8 The same. Leip. 18(i6. 2v.ini. sq. 16 Lewald, Fanny, (b. 1811). HUI.DA; or, the deliverer. ( Die Erloaerin). Tr. from the German by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1874. 12 Lewes, George Henry, (b. 1817.) RANTHORPK. Leip. 1847. sq. 16. THREE sisters and three fortunes; or, Rose, Blanche, and Violet. N. Y. n. d. 8 Lewes, Mrs. Marian J. (formerly .Wi.w Svont), ( George Eliot). "ADAM Uede. N. Y. 1872. 12 The same. Host. 1873. 12 The same. Leip. 1859. 2v.ini. sq. 16 DANIEL Deronda. N.Y. 1876. 2 v. 12 FKLIX Holt, the radical. N. Y. 1874. 12 The same. N.Y. 1866. 8 The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq.!6 MIDPLKMARCH : a story of provin cial life. N. Y. 1B73. 8 The same. N. Y. 1872-3. 2 v. 12 ... 38: 1634 38: 1635 38: 1636 38: 1637 38: 1638 38:1639-41 38: 1642-3 38: 1644 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 1645 ic.46 1647 1648 164!i 1650 38: 1651-2 38: K>53 38: 1654-6 38: 1657-8 38: 1659 38: 1660 38: 1685 38: 1692 38: 1693 38: 1700 38: 1701 38: 1702 38: 1698-9 38: 1703 38: 1703d 38: 1704 38: 1T05 38: 1706-7 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LEWES. 124 LIGHTS. Lewes, Mrs. M. J., (continued.) MILL on the floss, The. X.Y. 1860. 12 38: 1708 Thesame. Leip. 1860. 2v.ini. sq. 1G 38: 1709 ROMOLA. N. Y. 1868. 8 38: 1710 Thesame. N. Y . 1873. 12 38: 1711 Thesame. Leip. 1863. 2v.ini. sq. 10 38: 1712 SCENES of clerical life. N. Y. n. d. 8 38: 1713 Thesame. N. Y. 1869. 12 38: 1714 The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16" -38: 1715 Si LAS Marner, the weaver of Raveloe. N. Y. 1861. 12 38: 1716 Thesame. Leip. 1861. sq. 16... 38: 1717 WIT and wisdom of George Eliot. Bost, 1873. 16 33: 2590 Lewis Arundel. F. E. SMEDLEY 39: 1795 Lewis, Matthew Gregorv, called Monk. (1775-1818). ADKLLINO; or, the bravo of Venice. Lond. 1834. 16 SL. R. MONK, The. Lond. 1829. 8 |L. R. Leyden professor, The, and the living mummy. In W. S. C. L. v. 9.... 34: 4179 Thesame *15: 4919 Leyton hall. M. LKMON 38: 1507 Lha Dhu ; or, the dark day. W. CARLETON. With Jane Sinclair... 35: 3833 Liberia ; or, Mr. Fey ton s experiment. S. J. HALE . 37: 3851 Libertino Genuchi : an Italian story. In W. S. C. L. v. 9 34: 4179 Thesame *15: 4919 Libussa. J. H. MUS.EUS. In Tales from the German 4O: 1699 The shine. In C. G. R. v. 1 35: 3873 Liefde, J. B. de. GALAMA; or, the beggars. N. Y r . 1873. 8 ? 38: 1742 Life and adventures of Arthur Clen- ning. Timothy FLINT 37: 2294-5 Life and adventures of Duncan Camp bell. Daniel DEFOE. In Nov. and misc. works, v. 6 34: 1022 Life and adventures of Jack of the mill. W. HOWITT 37: 4776 Life and adventures of John Marston Hall. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 198 Life and adventures of Raoul de Sur- ville. J. M. (called Eugene) SUE. 39: 2413 Life and alone. Bost. 1870. 16 4O: 2274 Life and death : a novel. By Your Humble Servant. N. Y." 1871. 16... 4O: 1330 Life and wonderful adventures of Tot- tv Testudo: an autobiography. Flora F. WYLDE 4O: 920 Life after death. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 1 37: 4645 Life ut the south; or, Uncle Tom s cabin as it is. W. L. G. SMITH 39: 1966 Life before him: a novel. N. Y. 1860. 12 4O: 2280 Life episode, A. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). In Ro mantic tales 35: 4940 Life for a life, A. Mrs. D. M. CKAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock) 35: 4925 The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. sq.!6 35: 4926 Life in Delecarlia: the parsonage of Mora. F. BREMER 35: 2743 Life in Danburv. James M. BAILEY. 33: 800 Life in the East Indies. W. H. TIIOMES *39; 2959 Life in the new world. K. POSTEL. (Charles Sealsfield) 39: 1523 Life in Sweden; or, the home. F. BKEMEK 35: 2741 Life in the west ; or, stories of the Mississippi valley. N.C. MEEKEK. 38: 2847 Life in the wilds. H. MARTINEAU. lit Illus of pol. econ. v. l 38: 2639 Life of Paul, the Spanish sharper. Francisco de QUEVEDO. In Works. v. 2 and 3 34; 1837-8 Life of (Juintus Fixlein. J. P. F. RICHTEK. In C. G. R. v. 3 35: 3875 Life of a sailor. F. CHAMIER 35: 4012 Life of vicissitudes, A. G. P. R. JAMBS 38: 199 Lifeboat, The: a tale of our coast heroes. R. M. BALLANTYNE........ 35: 1470 Life-struggle, A. Julia PARDOE.... 38: 4149 Life s aftermath. E.MARSHALL 38: 2621 Life s assize, A. Mrs. J. H. RIDDELL. (F. G. Trafford) 39: 380 Life s destiny, A. R. F. WALLACE... 4O: 55-6 Life s discipline. T. A. L. ROBINSON. (Tnlvi) 39: 563 Life s lesson. M.M.THOMAS 39: 2950 Life s lessons. C. G. F. GORE 37: 3195 Life s reward. H. M. LYSONS. 2 v... 38: 1955-6 Life s secret. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD. 4O: 698 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 4O: 699 Life s tapestry. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 4O: Lifting the veil. N. Y. 1870. 12.. 4O: Light and a dark Christmas, A. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: Light of home, The. J. BROUGHAM... 35: Light on shadowed paths. T. S. AR THUR 35: Contents : Knindy as a preventive. Broken pledge, The. Cure for low spirits. Distiller s dream, The. Eleventh commandment, The. Factory girl, The. P ailing hope, The. Fiery trial, The. Flushed with wine. How to cure a toper. I ll think :tl>!!t it. Iron will, The. Jim Braddock s pledge. Maiden s error, The. Light. Science for the young. J. An- HOTT 35: Lighthouse, The. Lond. n. d. 18. 4O: Lightning express. "W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: Lightning-rod man, The. H. MKL- vii.i.E. / Piazza tales 38: 2877 Lights and shadows of Irish life. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL 37: 3882-4 Contents : Boohcr of Red-gap lane, Sketches cf Irish highways, v. A. (continued.} Dispensation, v. 3. Luck. Pt. 1. Moyna Brady, Groves of Blarney, v. 1. Pt. II. Derniunt O - Harry O Reardon, v. 3. Dvvyer. Illustrations of Irish Naturals. pride, v. >. Procrastination. Old granny, v. 3. Ruins. Pt. 1. Sketches of Irish high- Pt. II. Story ofCloon- ways, v. 2: ey Blaney. Beggars. Pt. 1 1 1. The old eagle Dummy. Pt. IV. Florence - Jauntingcar. Donnell. Servants. Lights and shadows of real life. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 782 2281 2284 700 2958 781 Ruined family, The. Rurnseller s daughter, The. Sisters, The. Swearing otf. Taking toll. Temperance pledge, The. Temperance song, The. Thou art the man. Three hundred a year. Time, faith, energy. Touching reproof, The. Two pictures, The. Wanderer s return, The. Wine on the wedding night. 90 2289 254 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LlUHTS. 125 LITTLE. Lights and shadows of Scottish life. Arthur AUSTIN 35: Like a snowball : a story of seven links in a chain. Lond. n. d. 8. 4O: Like and unlike. A. S. ROE 39: Like father, like son. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 39: Likenesses and contrasts. 3/u* K KI>- i>l E. (Surah Tytler). In Days of yore, v. 2 / 38: Content* : Cain s brand. Ringan Cockburn s trial and victory. Lil. .lean MIDDLKMASS. Lilian s penance. Lond. sm. 8 Lilies or thistledown. J. A. M ATH K ws. Lillian. .J. F. SMITH. Seytul to Pick Markham 39- Lillie, Arthur. Pri i KTs dallying: a novel. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38: Lilliesleaf: a novel. M. (O. "W.I OMPHANT Lillingstones of Lillingstone. E. J. WARHOISE Lilly O Brien. Mrs. A. M. F. HAI.I.. In Sketches 37: Lily: a novel. By the author of "Busy moments of an idle woman." N". Y. 1855. 12 Lily and the cross: a tale of Acadia. Lily White. E. GOODWIN Limerick gloves, The. Maria EDGE- WORTH. In her N. and T., v. 2...... The same. In Popular tales, v. 1 Lina Fernie. In N. and T., v. 10 Linda ; or, the young pilot. C. I.,. HENTZ 1 37: Lindisfarn Chase. T. A. TROI.LOPE. 39: Linked at last. V. E. BUNNETT 35: Linley Kochford : a novel. J. MCCAR THY 38: Linton, E. Lynn. Li x/.i K Lorton of Grevrigg: a novel. X. Y. 1806. 8 PATRICIA Kemball. Phil. 1875. 12. SOWING the wind: a novel. N. Y. 1867. 8 Linton lairds, The; or, exclusives and inelusives. Alex. LEKIHTON. In W. T. B., v. 2 Linwoods, The. C. M. SEDOWICK... Lion Ben of Elm island. Rev. Elijah KKI.I.OGG Lion light, The. Fred k GOTTSCHAI.CK. In K. G. N., v. 2 Lion-hearted. Mm. GRKY 37: Lion of Flanders; or, the battle of the golden spurs. Ilendriek CON SCIENCE 35: Lionel Lincoln. J. F. COOPER. 35: The same 35: Lippard, George. (1822-1854). LKIIKNHS of the American revolution, 1776; or, "Washington and his gen erals. Phil. n. d. 8 38: Omlfntji : Hattle of Brandywinc. Hattle of liermantown. Benedict Arnold. LEGENDS of Mexico. 8 NKW York: its upper ten and lower million. Cin. 1854. 8 ... 928 2291 600 1109 711 Two panels from an old pic- Twofold. Iture. World s end, The. 3 v 38: 2970-2 1873. 3 v. 4O: 2292 38: 2704 1902 1750-2 3849 845 3887 2293 276 3139 1497 1 500 1650 4317 3259 3313 2132 38: 40: 4O: 37: 37: 37: 40: 38: 38: 1761 1762 38: 17C3 4O: 39:1 38: 4O: 1712 >30-31 734 1561 3503 4666 4742 4743 1773 Fourth of July, 17711. Violator of the grave. WlMmhikon, The. Phil. [1874]. 38: 38: 1774 1775 Lippard, (continued. ) yiAKKR city, The. Phil. [n. d.] 8. 38: 1777 WASHINGTON and his men. Second series of Legends of the American revolution, 1776. Phil. n. d. 8. 38: 177H Lippincott, Sara Jane ( Clarke). (Grace Greenwood), (b. 1823). HISTORY of my pets. Bost. 1869. 16 38: 1780 MERRIB England. Bost. 1863. 16. 38: 1787 Content* : Kenilworth castle. Little Rosamond. Lincoln cathedral and York minster. Queen Ph lippa. London and the tower. Sir Walter Haleigh. New palace of Westminster, The. The Prorogation. Mewstead Abbey. Lord Byron. Nottingham castle. Alice Vane. Sherwood forest. Kobin Hood. Stratford upon Avon. Shakespeare. Tower, The. Ladies Jane ami Catherine Grey. Arabella Stuart. Warwick castle. Guy of Warwick. Westminster abbey. The two wills. RECOLLECTIONS of my childhood. Bost. 1866. 16 38: 1788 STORIES and legends of travel and history for children. Bost. 1866. "i 38: 1789 Contents : Antrim The giant s eausewav. The poor schoolmaster. Donnybrook. The little fiddler. Dublin, Howth. Grace O Malley. From Llublin to Cork and Blarney castle. Little Norah and tbe blarney stone. Greenwich hospital. The park, etc. Little Robert and his noble friend. Hiunpton court. The lady Mary s vision. Journey trom England to Ireland. The fisherman s return. Limerick. Little Andy and his grandfather. London parks and gardens. Mabel Howard and her pet. St. Paul s cathedral. -Story of Sir Philip Sidney. Visit to the lakes of Killarnev. Kath een ol Killarnev. Wjcklow. Tim O Dily and ih e clcricaune. Windsor castle. King James of Scotland and the lady- Jane Beaufort. STORIES and sights of France and Italy. Bost. 1807. 16 , 38: 1790 STOKIKS from famous ballads for chil- dren. Bost. 10 38: 38: 1791 Heir of Linne, The. King and the miller of Mansfield. King of France s daughter. Patient Grist-Ida. Sir Patrick Spens. Lond. 1866. Content*: Auld Kobin Gray. Beggar s daughter, of Bednall-Green. Chevy Chace. English merchant and the Saracen lady. Fridolin; or, the message to the foige. Lisette s castles in the air. H. P. HOLHT. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 Lisle, Pier. GRKVII.LE Landon: a novel. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 Listado, J. T. CIVIL service. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8 38:1810-11 Liszt, Francis. Tr. by Mrs. ELLET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians... Little Ada; or, the three new years. n. L. H : Little Agnes library. II. N. (\V.) BAKER. (Aunt Hattie). Content* : /ol. 1. Little Agnes. 3.1:1311.1 2. Trying to be useful. a r >: 13118 4O: 1532 38: 1800-2 37: 37: 1650 3726 Vol. :). I ll try. 35:KtlK> 4. Art and artlessness. :i r .:1380 Little Agnes. H N. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt HaHie} 35: Little barefoot. B. AUERIIACH 35: Little beauty, The. Mrs. E. C. GRKY. 37: Little beggars. Mrt. M. M. SIIEK- WOOD. In Works, v. 4 39: 1393 880 3504 1639 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LITTLE. 126 LITTLE. Little Ben Haddcn. W. H. G. KING STON 38: Little liobtail ; or, the wreck of the Penobscot. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic} 35: Little Briggs and I. KHz Hugh Lui>- LOW. V L. C. v. 11 4O: The same. With Little brother 38: Little broom boy, The. Mrs. L. 0. HUNT/.. With Banished son 37: Little brother, and other genre pic tures. Fitz Hugh LUDI.OW 38: Contents : Bruce of toys, A. Fleeing to Tarshlsh. Little by little; or, the cruise of the Flyaway. VV. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic}.. . 35: Little camp on Eagle hill. S. WAR- NKK 4O: Little Canary series. Mrs. M. A. OS- GOOD. Contents : Vol. 1. Little Canary s Little Brings nd 1. Little brother. dairy. I Vo 38:3940 | 2. Little Canary. : iX:3 J37 :i. Little Canary s Eugene. 4. Little Canary s eats. .d dor. 991 255 1621 ! 930 4311 1930 256 176 cousin 38:3! 13!) black 38: . J88 The same 33: Little classics. R. JOHNSON, Prose series. 1 2 v. Not?. For contents, see JOHNSON, R. Little coin, much cure. M. HOWITT... 37: 4752 Little Constancy s birthday. In N. and T. v. 8 4O: Little cricket. Miss A. F. SAMUELS... 39: Little dinner at Tirnmins s. W. M. THACKERAY. In Misc. v. 3 33: 1648 1109 4009 4013 4001 400G The same. v. 7 33: The same 33: Little dog Trusty, The. Maria EDGE- WORTH. With Harry and Lucy.... 37: 1493 The same. With Ltosamond Little Dorrit. C. i.I. H.) DICKENS 37: 482-3 The same. 4 v. in 2 37: 484 Thesame 37: 485 The same. Tauehnitz ed. 4v 37: 486-9 Thesame. 4 v. in 2 37: 460-1 Little emigrants, The. Mrs. K. C. EMBURY. In Pictures of early life ".. 37: 1700 Little Fairly. Sam l LOVKR. In Le gends and stories 38: 1886 Little ferns. S. P. PARTON. (Fanny Fern) 33: 3320 Little ferryman, The. Mrs. JOHN- STONE. In W. S. U. L. v. 4 34: 4174 Thesame *15: 4914 Little folks astray. E. S. CLARKE. (Sophie May\ 35: 4354 Little grandfather. R. S. CI.ARKK. (Sophie May) 35: 4355 Little grandmother. K. S. CLARKE. (Sophie May) 35: 4356 Little Henry and his bearer. Mrs. M. M. SIIKRWOOU. In Works, v. 3. 39: 1638 Little Hodge. E. JENKIN 38: 302 Little Huguenot, The. In N. and T. v. 7 4O: 1647 Little Jakey. Mrs. S. H. DEKROTKT. 37: 228 Thesame. In L. C. v. 10 4O: 1620 Little Kate Kirby. F. W. ROBIN-SON. 39: 489 Little lady at the " Brambles," The. G. BORYS. With She loved him madly 35: 2373 Little lady Lorraine. C. GRANT 37: 3274 Little lame prince, The. Mrs. D. M. CUAIK. (fo imerly Miss Muloek)... 35: 4927 Little Lou s sayings and doings. E. PRENTISS 38: 4689 Little Louvre, The. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 2 35: 37 Little Lucy and her dhaye. Mrs. AI. M. SHKRWOOD. In Works, v. 3. 39: 1(538 Little maid, The, and Living jewels. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. El) 39: 3351 Little maid of Oxbow. H. P. H. NOWELI.. (May Mannering) 38: 3689 Little man, The. T. (E.) HOOK- In Precepts and practice, v. 1 37: 4645 Little men : life at Plumfleld with Jo s boys. L. M. ALCOTT 35: 458 Little merchant. W. T. ADAMS. i Oliver Optic) 35: 257 Little Momiera. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 6 39: 1641 Little moorland princess. E. JOHN. (E. Mat-Hit) 38: 382 Little mother. N. Y. 1873. 16 4O: 2299 Little nightcaps. Mrs. Fanny BARROW. (Aunt Fanny} 35: 1663 Little oaths. C. E. TONNA. ( Char lotte Elizabeth). With Flower of innocence 39: 3062 Little Paul. Jacob ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 12 35: 47 Little peanut merchant. M. A. AT KINS 35: 851 Little Pedlington and the Pedling- tonians. J. POOLE 38:4612-13 Little Peleg. W. T. COGGESHAI.L. In Home hits and hints 35: 4508 Little Pierre, the pedlar of Alsace; or, the reward of filial piety. Tr. from the French by J. M. C. N. Y. 1872. 12 4O: 2300 Little Prudy s stories. R. S. CLARK K. (Sophie May) Bost. 1871-2. 6 v. 16. Contents : Vol. 1. Little Prutly. 3.1:4337 2. Little Prudy s sister Susie. :!4:4:if,l 3. Little Prudy s Captain Horace. 35:4358 Little Prudy s Flyaway series. May). Vcl, 4. Little Prudy s cousin Grace. 36:4359 5. Little Prudy s story book. 35:43(12 6. Little Prudy s Dotty Pimple. 35:4:iCO R. S. Bost. Vol. 3. Aunt Madge s stoiy. 35:4345 4. Little grandmother. 35:4356 38: 2226 39: 2863 CLARKE. (Sophie 1871-3. 5v. 16. Contents : Vol. 1. Little folks astray. 35:4354 2. Prudy keeping house. 35:4365 | 5. Little grandfather. 35:4355 Little Ravegeot. Jean MACC. Ju Home fairy tales Little Kcd-riding-hood. Miss A. I. THACKERAY. With Story of Eliz abeth .". Little Kie and the rosebuds. J. INOE- i.ow. I/i Stories told to a child Little savage. Capt. F. MAKRYATT.... Little scholars. Miss A. T. THACK ERAY. With Village on the cliff- Little secret, A. Henry SI ICER. in Brought to book. v. 2 Little sister of the poor, The. UNCLE PAUL. In The Nesbits 39: Little Spaniard, The. H. P. H. Now- KLL. {May Mtmnerixg) 38: Little standard bearer. N. Y. 16 Little Susan s temptation. Mrs. E. C. EMISURY. In Pictures of early life 37: 38: 38: 33 2538 39: 2866 39: 2097 n. d. 40: 3015 3690 2304 1700 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LITTLE. 127 LORD. Little trout. Henry SPICKR. In Brought to book. v. 1 ................ Little wife, The. Mr*. E. C. GBKV. Little wolf: a tali> of the western frontier. Mrs. M. A. CORNELIUS. Little women ; or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. Louisa M. ALCOTT. 2 v... Little woodman. Mrs. M. M. SIIKK- WOOD. In Works, v. 4 .............. Live and learn. H. N. (W.) BAKKK. (Aunt flattie) ................ ............. Live and let live. C. M. SKDOWICK... Live it down. 3. C. JEAFFKKSON ...... Livermore. MTK. K. D. CHRISTMAS child. N. Y. 1859. 12. " ZOK " ; or, the quadroon s triumph. Cin. 1855. 2 v. 12 ................. Livermore, Kate. MARY Lee. N. Y. 1865. 16 ........ Lives of Smith. Brown, Jones, and Robinson. D. (W.) JEROI.D. In Coll. works, v. 4 ....................... The same. //(Works, v. 2 ............ Living for appearances. II. and A. MAYIIKW .................................. Living jewels. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) With The little maid ..... Living link, The: a novel. James DK.MII.I.E .................................. Livonian talcs. N. Y. 1871. 8 ..... Ounttmt* : Uisponent, The. Jewess, The. Wolves, The. Liza: a Russian novel. I. (S.) TUR- 39: 2097 37: 3505 35: 4851 35: 459-60 39: 1639 35: 1394 39: 1532 38: 254 38: 1819 38:1820-21 38: 1825 34: 34: 1468 1462 38: 2793 39: 3351 37: 4O: 277 2307 Lizzie <!lenn; or, the trials of a seam stress. T. S. ARTIII-R .................. Lizzie I^igh, and other tales. (M.) E. C. GASKKI.I. ........................... 39: 3373 35: 783 37: 2865 QinteHti: Bessy s trouble." at home Christmas storms and sunshine. Company manners. Disappearances. Hand iind heart. Heart of John Middlcton. Libbie Marsh s three Mister Harrison s confes sions. Morton hfll. My French master, old nurse s story, The. Sexton s hero, The. H<|iure s j-tory, The. Traits and stories of the Huguenots. \VH! of 1 en-morfft, The. Lizzie Leigh. Lizzie Lorton of Greyrigg. Mrs. K. L. LINTON 38: Llanaly reefs. Lady VERNEY 39: Llewellyn, E. L. DESERTED mill; or, reward of in dustry. Bost. 1870. 10 38: Loan of a legacy, The. Frances BROWNE. In Exile s trust 35: Loan of a lyre, The. F. H. LUDI.OW. In Treasure trove series, v. 3 4O: Lochead s daughter: a sketch. In W. S. C. L. v. 6...... 34: The same *15: Locke, David Ross. (Petroleum V. \asby). (b. 1833). DIVERS views, &c. Cin. 1867. EKKOE.S from Kentucky. Bost. 1868. 12 ". MORALS of Abou Ben Adheni, The. Bost. 1875. 12 SwiNdiN 1 round the cirkle. Bost 1867. 12 TRUTHFUL resolve, The. In Treas ure-trove series, v. 3 Locke, U. DR. Plassid s patients. Bost. 1872. 16 .., 1761 3715 1831 3025 1703 417G 41116 8. 33: 2(i20 33: 2619 33: 33: 4O: 2018 2021 38: 1836 Locke Amsden, the schoolmaster. D. P. THOMPSON Lockhart, .lohn Gibson. (Peter Morris). (1794-1854). LIFE of Adam Blair and Matthew Wald. Kdinburg. 1849. 10 VALERIUS: a Roman story. Kdinb. 1842 16 Lockhart, Lawrence \V. M. FAIR to see: a novel. N. Y. 1872. 8 Lodger s story, The. H. SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 2 Lofty and the lowly, The. M. .1. MACINTOSH Log house by the lake : a tale of Canada. W. H. G. KINGSTON Log of Commodore Rollingpin: his adventures afloat and ashore. .lohn II . CARTER Logan, Walter. DOUBLE-BEDDED room, The. In W. T. K., v. 3 EI.LEN Arundel. In W. T. B., v. .1. RECLUSE of the Hebrides, The. In W. T. B., v. 5 STORY of Clara Douglas. In AV. T. 1!., v. 2 Lois Carrol ; or, her two selves. Sarah S. VANCE Lois the witch ; and other tales. (M.) K. C. GASKELL . Cbntenfft : Crooked branch. The. Grey woman, Doom of the Griffiths, Half-brothem, The. Lois the wiU>h London romance. C. H. Ross London s heart. 1!. L. FARJKON Lone dove: legend of the revolu tionary times. Phil. 1850. 12. Lone riinchc, The. M. REID Lonely life, A. J. A. St. J. BLYTHE. Lonely ones, The. 1 J . HEYSE The s:\me. ll tih Magdalena Lonely rock, The. J. INOKLOW. In Stories told to a child Long look ahead, A. A. S. ROE Long puck, The. .1. Hono. ( Ettrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 Long summer s day. M. C. M. SIMP SON Longfellow, Henry Wad.swor^h. (b. 18(17). HYPERION. In Prose works The same. In Prose works, v. 2... KAVANAGH. In Prose works The same. In Prose works, v. 2... Look to the end. Mrs.S. S. ELLIS Looking around. A. S. Ron Looking-glass for the mind. A. BERCJCIN Loom and lugger. H. MARTINKAI*. In Illus. of pol. econ., v. Lora, the goddess of love. NACH- TKIAI.L. ( Otmar). In R. G. N., v. 2. Lord, J. L. ROMANCE of a western trip, The. In Stories and sketches Lord Bantam: a satire. E. JKNKINS. Lord Casleton s ward. Mrs. B. R. GREEN. 3 v Lord Duric and Christie s will. A. LKIGHTON. In W. T. B., v. 1 39: 2974 38: 38: 38: 39: 38: 38: 1841 1842 1845 201)0 2249-50 992 33: 1113 40: 40: 4O: 40: 39: 37: The. The. 39: 37: 40: 39: 35: 37: 38: 38: 39: 37: 39: 34: 34: 34: 34: 37: 39: 35: 38: 4O: 4O: 38: 37: 4O: 1713 1715 1715 1712 3655 2860 653 1983 2309 24!) 2270 4390 383 33 601 4521 1710-17 1587 1586 1587 1586 1682 602 2041 2644 1561 1681 303 Ml 5- 17 1711 PROSK, FICTION: ENGLISH, Loan. 128 LOUISA. 39: 38: 33: 3026-7 2977 Omtents : Aunt Patty s Mrap-bftg. DeLara w bride, [poem. ] Maiden of Judea [poem.] Pea-j^reen tanVta. Premature declaration of love. Purple satin dress. Red velvet bodice. Snow-flakes, [poem.] Soldier s bride, The. Lord Erlistoun ; Alwyn s first wife; Water cure; Last house in C street. Mn. D. M. CRAIK. ( for merly Miss Mulock) 35: 4928 Lord Ilarrv Bellair: a tale of the lust century. A. MANNING 38: 2475-6 Lord Hope s choice. Mrs. A. S. STEPHENS 39: 2211 Lord Kilgobbin : a novel. 0. LKVKK. 38: 1616 The same. Tauchnitz cd. 2 v in 1. 38: 1617 Lord IiRtimer. E. PONSONBY. With Oliver Beaumont 38: 4596 Lord Mayor of London. W. H. AINSWORTH 35: 421 The same 35: 422 Lord Montagu s page. G.P. K..IAMKS. 38: 200 Lord Oakburn s daughters. K. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 701 Thesame 4O: 702 Lord of Hermitage, The. Alex. CAMP BELL. In W. T. B., v. 10 4O: 1720 Lord of himself. F. H. UNDERWOOD. 39: 3622 Lord Koldan. A. CUNNINGHAM 35:. 5156 I Lorenzo Bcnoni. G. RUFFINI 39: 714 j The same 39: 715 j Loretto ; or, the choice. Geo. H. MILES Lorgnette. I). G. MITCHELL. (Ik Man-el). 2 V Loring, F. W. Two college friends. Bost. 1871. 16 38: 1853 Lorna Doone. K. P. BLACKMORE .... 35: 2203 Lorrimer Littlegood. F. E. SMED- I.KY ." 39: 1796 Losing to win. Theodore DAY IKS 37: 12") Loss and gain. A. B. HAVEN. (Cousin Alice] 37: 4136 LOSS and gain ; or, the story of a con vert. J. H. NKWMAN 38: 3595 Lost Alice. In N. and T., v. a 4O: 1648 Lost and found ; or, Jeremy s blessing. By the author < f Marion Howard. In Peter s journey 4O: 1660 Lost and saved. C. E. S. NORTON 38: 3669 Lost and won. G. M. CRAIK 35: 4970 Lost bank note, The. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 703 Lost beauty, The; or, the fatal error: a Spanish novel. Phil. [1866]. 12 4O: 2311 Lost beauty. Mrs. A. M. K. HALL. In Tales of wontan s trials 37: 3888 The same 37: 3889 Lost bride, The. Georglana, Lady CHATTKKTOX. 3 v 35: 4122-4 Lost child, The. Henry KINGSLEY. In L. C., v. 10 ". 4O: 1620 Lost children, The. Mrs. E. C. EM BURY. In Pictures of early life.... 37: 1700 Lost (laughter, The ; and other stories of the heart. C. L. HENTX. 37: 4318 Lost dispatch, The. F. FRIEDERICH. 37: 2498 Lost footsteps: a novel. Joseph V FORK v. 39: 3665-7 Lost for gold. Katharine KINO. 3 v. 39:910-12 Lost for love. Miss M. E. BRADDON. 35: 2542 Lost Gip. II. SMITH. (Hesba Stretfon) 39: 1847 Lost heir of the house of Elphinstone. Rev. G. THOMSON. In W. T. B. v. 10 4O: 172C Lost heir of Linlithgow. Mri. E. 1). E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39: 2025 Lost heiress. Mrs. K. D. E. N. SOUTH- WORTH 39: 2026 Lost in Ceylon. W. DALTON 37: 47 Lost in the fog. J. DEMiLLE 37: 278 Lost in the forest; or. wandering Will s adventures in South Amer ica. R. M. BALLANTYNE. In Tales of adventure, v. 2 35: 1484 Lost Len ore. C. BEACH 35: 1766 Lost love, A. . Annie OGLE. (Ashford Owen). Same as Georgy Sandtn.... 38: 3812 Lost love, The. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT 38: 3850 Lost manuscript, The. G. PRKYTAO. 37: 2483 Lost model, The. H. HOOPER 37: 4657 Lost name, A. J. S. LEFANU 38: 1461 Lost reflection, The E T. W r . HOFF MAN. In Strange stories 37: 448C Lost regiment. The. J. GRANT. In Legends of the Black watch 37: 3316 Lost ship, The. W. J. NEAI.E 38: 3524 Lost Sir Massingberd. J. S. SAUZADE. (James Payii) 39: 1170 Lost son. The. Tr. from the French by Mrs. M. A. M. Sadlier. N.Y. 1862. 16 4O: 2312 Lost tar, The. Miss A. F. SAMUELS... 39: 1110 Lost will, The. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD. 4O: 704 Loth, Morit/. FORGIVING kiss, The; or, our destiny: a novel. N.Y. 1874. 12 .".. 38: I860 OUR prospects: a tale of real life. Cin. 1870. 8 38: 1861 Lothair. B. DISRAELI 37: 671 The same 37: 672 Lothaire. Harriet LEK. In Canter bury tales, v.l 38: 1422 Lothrop, Amy. (pseud.) .See A. B. WARNER. Lottery, The. M. EDGEWORTH. In Popular tales, v.l 37: 1506 The same. In her N. and T. v. 2... 37: 1497 Lottery hall. J. M. WILSON. In W.T. B. v. 7 4O: 1717 Lottie and Grace; or, the two paths. By the author of Aunt Annie s stories. In Under the lime trees... 4O: 2696 Lottie darling. .1. C. JEAFKRESON... 38: 255 Lottie Eaines; or, do your best and leave the rest. Bost. 1874. 16. 4O: 2314 Loudon, J. W. YOUNG naturalist s journey. Lond. 1851. 18 38: 1880 Lough Corrib. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories 38: 1886 Lough Derg pilgrim, The: W r . CAR- LETON. In Traits and stories, v. 1. 35: 3841 The same 35: 3840 Loughnan, Kdmond Brenan. FOSTER sisters: a novel. Lond.. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 38:1870-2 Louie. H. E. (P.) SPOFFORD. In Not pretty but precious 4O: 1640 Louie s last term at St. Mary s. Mrs. S. S. HARRIS, (formerly Mian Cole). 37: 4011 Louis s school days. E.J.MAY 38: 2781 Louisa ; or. the virtuous villager : a Roman Catholic tale. Tr. from the French. N.Y. n. d. 18 4O: 2316 Louisa la Valliere. A. (D.) DUMAS... 37: 994 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. 4O: 37: 37: 4O: 35: LOITSA. Louisa <if Prussia and her times. C. M. MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach) Love; (ir, self sacrifice. Lady ,M. K. HKKIIKKT 37 : Love nd ventures of Mr. George Coch- mn. J. IIono. (Ettrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 37; Love afloat: a story of the American navy. F. II. SHKIM ARD 39; Love after marriage. 0. L. HKNTZ... 37: Love and glory. H. SPIOKR. In Hound to please, v. 2 39 Love and jealousy. Mrs. TROI.I.OI-K.. 39; Love and liberty. A. (D.) DUMAS 37; Love and money. M. Howirr 37 : Love and pride: which is the stronger? By the author of Aunt Annie s stories. In Under the lime trees... Love and skates. T. WINTHROI-. In L. C. v. 6 : Love and treason. "W. FRKEI.AMI Love and valor. T. HOOD Love the avenger. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in I. sq. !u Love in a cottage. T. S. ARTHUR Love in the nineteenth century. II. \V. I UKSTOX .... 38 Love magic some centuries ago. L TIKCK. In K. G. N. v. 4 4Q: Love match, The. H. COCKTON 35: Love me for my love. A. K. N. BEWICK. 2 v". 35. Love me little, love me long. C. K KA " K 39: 1 he same 39. Love, mystery, and superstition. Mrs. A. OIK. In Works, v. 3 38: Love or marriage. W. BLACK 35; Love or pride. Adapted from the Swedish by Annie Wood. Lond. 1873. sm. H 4O: Love story from "The Doctor," The. It. SOUTHKY. In Trav. Lib. Fict v. 2 Love : a tale of Venice and mesmer ism. H. SMITH. 3v Love that lived: a novel. Airs. C. J. KILO ART Love verms taste. Mrs. KLLKT. In Nouvellettes of the musicians Loved at last. Mark Lemon. 2 v. in 1. Lovel the widower. W. M. THACK- KRAY. With Henry Esmond The same. With The four Georges. Lovell s folly. C. L. HKNTZ 37: Lovels of Arden. M. K. BRADDO.V... 35; Lover, Samuel. (1797-1868). BARNY O Hierdon, the navigator. In Legends and stories of Ireland..... 38: The same. In L. C. v. 9 4Q- FAIRY finder, The. In Legends and stories 38- The same. In L. C. v. 12 40 GRIDIRON, The. In Legends and stories The same. In L. C. v. 9 HANDY Andy. Lond. n. d. 12... HK would be a gentleman ; or, trea sure-trove. N.Y. 1873. 12.... 129 LUCK. 38: 324. r . 4521 162G 4319 2096 3231 995 4753 4O: 2606 1616 2465-7 4623 2324 784 4717 1563 4482 2077-8 Lover, (continued.) LKGKNDS and stories of Ireland X. Y. 1873. 12 Contents : Barny O Riordon. the navigator. Battle of (he Berrins The. Burial of the lithe. Cmse of Kishogul. Devil s mill, The. Essay on fools. An. Fairy finder. The. Fiith er Roach. Gridiron, The. Judy of Roundwood. Kins; U Toole and St. Kevin. King and the bishop, The. KORY O More. Lond. n. d. 12.... 33- TREASURE-TROVE. Same as He would be a gentleman QQ. Lover and husband. T. S. ARTHUR... Lovers and thinkers. H. GORDON.... 37; Lover s leap, The. "W. J. SNEI.LINQ. In Tales of the northwest 39- Lovers quarrels, and how they ended. AJifs KKDDIK. (Surah Tytler). In Days of yore. v. 2 38: Contents : 38: 1886 Little Fairly. Lough Comb. Ms. from the cabinet of Mrs. . National minstrelsy. New potatoes, Paddy the piper. Paddy the sport. Priest s ghost. The. Sheeheen house, The. Spanish hoar und the Irish hull, The. White horse of the Peppers White trout, The. Shndow of the Mariner," The. E.F. CAR- 35: 3!)03 2178 4O: 1692 39: 1866-8 37: Judy. Hector Garret of Oitcr. Insulated. Lover s stratagem, The. LCN ."". Lovers trials. Mrs. M. A. DKNISON. (Clara Vance) 37. Love s conflict. Mrs. K. CiirRcn. (formerly Miss Marryat) 35- The same 35! Love s labor won. Mrs. E. D. E. X. SOUTIIWORTH 39. Love s victory. 15. L. FAR.IKON 37; Loyett-Cameron, Mary. TWIXT cup and lip. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 Low, C. K. MAN-O-WAR S bell. Lond. 1875 18 .... 1887 1888 3168 198!) 710-11 Ancient 3800 333 4269 4270 2027 1984 38: 189G-8 37: 38: 39: 39: 38: 4O: 38: 1626 1650 1508 2884 2882 4320 2543 1886 1619 1886 1622 1886 1619 1885 Low marriage, A. Afrs. I). M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). With Bread upon the waters Lowell, Kobert Trail! Spence (b 1816). ANTONY Brade. Bost. 1874. 12.. XKW priest in Conception bay. N Y. 1869. 12 KAFT that no man made, A In L 0. v. 8... 38: 1908 35: 4911 38: 38: 40: 4O: 1915 1916 1618 38: 1888 Loyal : a novel. Same as Loyal unto death. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8. Loyal unto death : a novel. Same as Loyal. N. Y. 1873. 3 v. in 1 12 TT . Luard, Julia. CLARK Sevile; or, sixty years ago. Lond. n.d. sm. 8 " 33- Lucas de Ayllon. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin 39; Lucia : her problem. A. M. Douo- 37: Lucius Davoren; or, publicans and sinners. M. K. BRADDON 35; 25G7-9 Luck. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 2 37; Contents : Denimt O Dwyer. | Moyna Brady. Luck and pluck. Horatio Ai.fiER, .Jr. 35; 4O: 2329 1923 1G92 816 3883 537 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. LtJCK. 130 MACAULET. 2nd. series : 1. Try and trust. 35:5.11 2. Bound to rise. :i/>:5:il 3. Ri.-en fiom Iho ranks 36:643 4. Herbert Carter s legacy. . H. 16. MAX- Luck and pluck books. 1st series : 1. Luck and pluck. 35:537 2. Sink or swim. 35:540 3. Strong and steady. 35:549 4. Strive and succeed. 35:548 Luck is everything. W WELL. Lond. n. d. Luck of Barry Lyndon. W. M. TIIACKKHAY. With Henry Esmond. Luck of Roaring camp, The, and other sketehes. (F.) 15. HAUTE 33: Contents : Bohemian sketehes: Boonder. From a back window. John Chinaman. 38: 39: 274!) 2885 1000 Mission Dolores. Sketches : Brown <>i Calaveras. Hijih-water mark. Idyl of Red yulch. Lonelv ride. Sketches, (mntinucd.) Luck of Roaring camp. Man of no account. Migglcs. Outcasts of Poker flat. Tennessee s partner. Stories : Mliss. Note-s hy flood find field. Right eye of theeommander. Luck of Roaring camp, The. (F.) K. HARTK. In L. C. v. 4 4O: 1614 Lucky disappointment, A. itrx. R. Cm RCH. (formerly ^{iss Murrynt). 35: 4283 Lucky leg, the. In N. and T. v. 11. 4O: 1651 Lucretia ; or, the children of night. E. G. K. L. BUI.WER-LYTTON. 2 v. in 1 35: 3133 The same 35: 3134 Lucy Arden; or, Hollywood hall. .1. GRANT ." 37: 3318 Lucy Arlyn. J. T. TROWBRIDUE. (Paul Creyton) 39: 3321 Lucy Clare. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. / Works, v. 3 39: 1638 Lucy C rofton. Mrs. M. ((). W.) OL- IPHANT 38: 3851 Lucy the light-bearer. Geo. K. SAK- UENT 39: 1125 Lucy Maria. Mrs. A. M. DIAZ 37: 420 Lucy Sandford. T. S. ARTHCH 35: 785 Ludlow, Fit/. Hugh. (1837-187(1). LITTLE Briggaand I. In L. C!. v. 11. 4O: Hi2l LITTT.K brother, and other genre pic tures. Bost. 1807. 12 38: 1030 Contents : Brace of boys, A. Little Briggs and I. Fleeing to Tarshish. | Little brother. LOAN of a lyre, The. In Treasure- trove series, v. 3 4O: 1703 PROI-KR use of grandfathers, The. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1081 Ludlow, Park. KKD shanty boys. Bost. 1871. lt;. 38: 1035 Ludovic and Gertrude. H. CON SCIENCE 35: 4003 Lufkin at a bull-fight. II. SI-ICER. In Brought to book. v. 2 39: 20i>7 Lufkin on Davingpodge. II. SIMCEU. / Bound to please. \.r. 39: 2000 Luke Durrell, the Chicago news boy. Chic. 1870. 10 4O: 2334 Luke O Brien. Mrs. A. M. F. HAM.. In Sketehes 37: 3887 Lulu. M. T. WAI.WORTH 4O: 08 37:4280-81 530 1618 161!) 1620 Luna. M. C. HEI.MORK. Luttrells, The. F. WILLIAMS 4O: Luttrill of Arran. C. LEVEK 38: The same 38: The same. Tauehnitz ed. 2v.ini. 38: Lycee boys, The. R. H. MONORIEFF. (AsccM R. Hope) 38: Lyfe of Robert the Deuyll: a romance. In Thorns Early English prose ro mances, vi 33: 3040 4020 Lykewake, The. Hugh MILLKR. In W. T. B. v. 4 4O: 1714 Lyndon, (pseud.) See BRIGHT, M. A. Lyndon hall. In N. and T. v. 7 4O: 1647 Lynx-hunting. Ed. by C. A. Stephens 39: 2254 Lysaght, Elizabeth J. Bt ii.uiNu upon sand. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 38: 1042 GAUNT Abbey : a novel. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 38:1043-5 Lysons, M. II. LIFE S reward, A. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8 38:1055-0 UK. M , A. C. ELSIE: a lowland sketch. Lond. 1875. sm. 8 38: ALICE Sherwin. N. Y. n. d. 10 38: M , M. L. CONFESSIONS of Connatight, The. Phil. n. d. 10 38: 2103 M. or N."Similia Similibus Curantur." G. .1. WIIYTE-MEI.VII.LE 4O: 43!) Mabel. By the author of Marion Howard, li ilh Maggie s rosary... 4O: 1030 Mabel Clifton. F. BRIKBWOOD.(JJS) 35: 2804 Mabel Heron. Edw. PEACOCK. 3 v. 38: 4274-6 Mabel Lee. F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid) 37: 2100 Mabel Livingston; or, Christian ward led. G.GRAHAM 37: 3204 Mabel O Neil s curse. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches 37: 3887 Mabel Ross, the sewing girl. By the author of Luke Darrell. Chicago. 1870. 10 4O: 2330 Mabel Walton s experiment. .1. H. MATIIKWS 38: Mabel s mistake. Mrs. A.. S.STEPHENS. 39: Mabel s progress. Mrs. T. A. TKOL- 39: 3282 38: 38: 38: 4O: 4O: Maberly, Mrs. Kate Charlotte. LADY and the priest, The: an histor ical novel. N. Y. 1855. 8 LEOXTINE; or, the court of Louis XV. N.Y. n. d. 8 McAfee, Nelly M. As by fire. Harrodsburg, Ky. 1872. 12 ." Macalpine ; or, on Scottish ground. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 Macaria. Mrs. A. .). WILSON, (form erly Miftx Evans} Macaulay, Thomas Babington (Lord.) (1800-1850) PROPHETIC account of a future epic. In Treasure-trove series, v. 2 4O: PrisiTAN, The. In L. C., v. 4 4O: Macauley, -Vm K. W. TALES of the drama. Hartford. 1850. 12 : 38: Qint mis: Belle s stratngein, The. Brothers, The. Conscious lover, The. Coriolanus. I l uke of Milan. Edward the black prince. Gamester, The George Barnwell. Good-natured man, The. Hypocrite, The. Inconstant, The. 2110 1702 1014 2121 Introduction to Shakes peare s plays. .Julius Oresar. King .John. King Richard II. Lady Jane Grey. Merchant of Venice, The. Quaker, The Way to to keep him, The. Winter s tale. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. 131 MACKAY. 38: 2132 38: 2133 38: 2134 38: 2i:sr> 39: 1019 39: 3186 4O: 2658 2145 McCabe, James D. I LAXTINO the wilderness; or, the pioneer boys. Host. 1870. 1U... 38: 2125 McCarthy, .Justin. DEAR lady Disdain. N.Y. 1876. 8. 38: 2136 FAIR Saxon, A. X. Y. 1873. 12. 38: 2130 LADY Judith: a tale of two centuries. N.Y. 1871. 8 ....................... 38: 2131 LINI.EY Rochford. N.Y. 1874. 8. M y enemy s daughter. N.Y. 1869. 8 ....... . .................................... PATI. Massie: a romance. N. Y. n. d. 12 .................................. WATKRDAI.K neighbors. Leip. n. d. sq. ir> ............ . .......................... MacCarthy More. Mrt. M. A. M. SADI.IKR .................................... Macdermots of Hal yeloran. A. TROI.I.OI-K ............... .* .................. Macdonald, Flora. In T. F. H., v. 1. Macdonald, Frcderika. NATHANIEL Vaughan: priest and man. N. Y. 1874. 3 v. in 1. 12 .......................................... 38: MaoDonald, George, (b. 1824.) ADKI.A Cathcart. Loud. 1H64. 3 v. 12 ........................................ 38: 2151-3 The same. Host. n. d. 12 ......... 38: 2154 ALEC Forbes of Howglen. Leip. 1865. 2v.ini. sq."l6 .............. 38: 2155 A.VXALS of a quiet neighborhood. N.Y. 1867. 12 ....................... 38: 2156 The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .................................... 38: 2157 Nitte.. For sequel see Seaboard parish. AT the back of the north wind. N. Y. 1871. 12 ........................... 38: 2158 DAVID Elginbrod. Lond. 1863. 3 v. 12 ..... . .................................... 38:2159-61 The same. Host. n. d. 12 ........ 38: 2162 The same. Leip. 1871. 2v.ini. S(i,16 .................................... 38: 2163 Doi-ui.E story, A. N.Y. n.d. 18. 38: 2164 GUILD court. Lond. 1868. 3 v. 12 ......................................... . 38: 2165-7 The same. N. Y. ed .................. 38: 2168 MAI.COLM: a romance. Phil. 1875. 8 .................... , ........ .............. 38: 2169 PIIAXTASTES: a fserie romance for men and women. Lond. 1858. 12 .......................................... 38: 2170 The same. Bost. n.d. 12 ....... 38: 2171 I OKTKXT, The: a story of the inner vision of the Highlanders. Host. n.d. 12 .................................. 38: 2172 PRINCESS and the goblin, The. 1 liil. 1872. 16 ................................. 38: 2173 KAXALD Bannerman s boyhood. Phil. 1871. 16 ................ ~. ................ 33: 2174 IloiiKRT Falconer. Lond. 18(i8. 3 v. m. 8 ....................................... 38: 2175-7 The same. J5ost. n.d. 12 ........ ST. George and St. Michael. N. Y. n. d. 12 .................................. SEABOARD parish, The: sequel to Annuls of a quiet neighborhood. Lond. 1868. 3 v. 12 ............... The same. N.Y". 1871. 16 ...... Piutfi. For sequel nee Vicar s daughter. THOMAS Wingfold, curate. N. Y. 1876. 12 ................................. VICAR S daughter, The: an autobio graphical story. Ke<]Ufl to Annuls ofaquict neighborhood; and, The seaboard parish. Host. 1872. 12. 38: 2178 38: 2179 38: 2180-2 38: 2183 38: 2186 38: 2184 MacDonald, G., (continued.) WII.FKKD Cumbcrmede: an autobio graphical story. N.Y. 1872. 12. Macdonell, Agnes. FOR the king s dues. N. Y . 1874. 12 McDonnell, William. EXETER hall. N.Y. 1869. 8 HEATH EXS of the heath, The: a romance, instructive, absorbing, thrilling. N. Y. 1874. 12 STORY of Bethlehem. N. Y. 1859. 12 Ma,ce, Jean. FAIRY book: home fairy tales. Tr. by Mary L. Booth. N. Y . 1870. 12 . Content* : Hihi, hiilia, bo .x>. Enchanted watch, The. Friquet and Friquette. Goldielocks. Great scholar, The. Home tairy, r l he. Little Ravf geot. Mad cow, The. M Gau, Rev. James F. PHILIP Seymour ; or, pioneer life in Richland county, Ohio. Mansfield. 185K. 12 ". Macgoharty s petition. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL, lit Sketches of Irish character Macgregor, Annie L. PROFESSOR S wife, The; or, it might have been. Phil. 1870. 12 Mcllvain, C. L. EBON and gold. N.Y. 1874. 12. Mclntosh, Maria J. (Aunt Kitty). (b. 1803). CHARMS and counter charms. N. Y . 1864. 12 COXO.UEST and self-conquest; or, which makes the hero. N.Y. 1854. 18 Covsixs, The: a tale of early life. N. Y . 1845. 18 ". EvF.xiNiisat Donaldson manor; or, the Christmas guest. N. Y . 1853. 38: 2185 38: 38: 38: 38: 2210 2215 2216 2221 38: 2226 Magic ape and the white cat. Medio Pollito. Miss Careless. Necklace of truth, The. Peter pud Paul. Poveretta. Two friends, The. 38: 2230 37: 3887 38: 38: 2235 2240 38: 2245 38: 38: 2246 2247 38: 2248 LOFTY and lowly. The ; or, good in all and none all good. N.Y. 1852. 2 v. 12 ................................... 38:2249-50 MET A Gray; or, what makes home happy. N.Y. 1863. 16 ........... 38: 2251 PRAISE and principle. N.Y . 1861. 18 .......................................... 38: 2252 Two pictures, or, what we think of ourselves, and what the world thinks of us. N.Y. 1863. 12... 38: 2254 "\VoM.vxan enigma; or, life and its revealings. N. Y. 1864. 18 ...... 38: 2255 Mackarness, Mrs. M. A. (formerly -W/A-.S Planchf). MiN(ii.Ei) yarn, A. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 ................................ PEKRI.ESS wife, A. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 ........................ SUNBEAM stories. Leip. 1863. sq. 16 .......................................... Content* : Cloud with the silver lin ing, The. Merry Christinas. Old J oliitfe. Yn.i.AOK idol, The. Lond. 1867. 16 .......................................... 38: 2271 Mackay, Mix* -- . J. PORTER. In T. F. II. v. 2 ............................ 4O: 2658 38: 2266-8 38: 2269 38: 2270 "Only." Star in the desert. Trap to catch a sunbeam. PKOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. 132 MADEMOISELLE. McKeen, Phebe F. THEODORA : home story. N. Y. n. d. 12 .". 38: 2276 THORNTON hall ; or, old questions in young lives. N.Y. 1872. 12 38: 2277 McKeever, Harriet li. WKSTHKOOK parsonage. Phil. 1870. 12 . 38: 2290 MacKenna, Stephen J. OFF parade. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm.8 38: 2293-5 Mackenzie, Mrs. Adelheid Shelton. AUREOLA; or, the black sheep. Phil. 1871. 12.. 38: 2300 Mackenzie, Henry. (1745-1831). JUI.IA de Roubigne. Lond. 1820. 18 38: 230 S The same. In Misc. works 34: 1626 MAN of feeling, The. Lond. 1820. 18 r 38: 2305 The same. In Misc. works 34: 1626 MISCKLLANEOUS works. N. Y. 1853. 12 34: 1626 Contents : Julia de Roubisrne . Papers from the Lounger. Man of feeling, The. Papersfrom the Mirror. Man of the world, The. STORY of La Roche. In L. C. v. 3. 4O: 1613 Mackenzie, Robert Shelton. TKKSSILIAX and his friends. Phil. 1859. 12 38: 2309 Mackenzie-Daniel, Mrs. See DAN IEL, Mrs. M. McKnight, Charles. OLD Fort Duquesne ; or, Captain .lack, the scout: an historical novel. Pittsburg. 1874. 8 38: 2325 McLain, M. W. DAISY Ward s work. Bost. 1871. 12 38: 2330 McLandburgh, Florence. AUTOMATON ear, The, and other sketches. Chic. 1876. 12 38: 2333 Contents: The automaton ear. The paths of (lie sea. Reinhart, the German. Silver Islet. Boydell, the stroller. The death-watch. The man at the crih. Prof. Keller- mann s tuneral. The feverieu. Uld Simlin, the moulder. The anthem of Judea. Macleod, Norman. (1812-1872). GOLD thread, The. Lond. 1867. 12 38: 2335 OLD lieutenant and his son. Lond. 1862. 2 V. sm. 8 38:2336-7 The same. Lond. 1863. 12 38: 2341 The same. Leip. 1863. sq. 16... 38: 2338 STARI.TNG, The: a Scotch story. Lond. 1867. 2 v. 12 38:2339-40 MacMadden. M. M. MASON 38: 2670 Macnish, Robert. (1802-1837). TALKS, essays, and sketches. Lond. 1844. 2v. 16 33:2755-6 Contents : Vol. 1. Life of R. Macnish. By D. M. Moir. Vol. II. Barber of Gottin- gen. Colonel O Shaughnessy. Colonel O Shaiighne.-sy in India. Confessions of an execu ted feminicide. Covenanters : a Scottish traditionary tale. Death and tlie fisherman. Execution at Paris. Loves of the learned, Man-mountain Man with the mouth, The. Metempsychosis, The. Night near Monte Video. Notes of a journey from Paris to Ostend. Punch and Judy. Red man, The. Singular passage in my own life. Terrence O Flaherty. Vision of Robert the Bruce. Who can it be ? Who murdered Bcgbie? a stage-coach romance. Wig, The. Macquoid, Katherine S. CHARMING widow, A; or, wild as a hawk. N. Y. 1874. 12 38: 2346 FORGOTTEN by the world. N. Y. n. d. 12 38: 2347 HESTER Kirton. Phil. 1871. 12.. 38: 2348 MIRIAM S marriage. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 " 38:2349-51 MY story. N.Y. 1875. 8 38: PATTY. N.Y. 1872. 8 38: KOOKSTONE. Phil. 1871. 8 38: Too soon: a study of a girl s heart. N. Y. 1873. 8 . . 38: 2355 MacSherry James. FATHER Laval; or, the Jesuit mis- sionarv : a tale of the North American Indians. Bait. 1873. 18 Mad cow, The. J. MACS. In Home fairy tales Mad Dumaresq : a novel. A/rs. R. CHURCH, (formerly Miss Mam/at). 3 v ...... Mad marriage, A. M. A. FLEMING. .. Mad Monkton, and other stories. (Same as Plot in private life, and other stories). (W.) W. COLLINS. Contents : 38: 38: 35: 37: 2365 2226 4271-3 2206 35: 4577 Mad Monkton. Plot in private life, A. 933 886 285 289 996 1500 Biter bit, The. Black cottage, The. Ramify secret, The. The same 35: 4556 Madam How and Lady Why. C. KINGSLEY 38: Madame Agnes. C. DUBOIS 37: Madame de Beauprc. Mrs. C. JEN- KIN 38: The same. In Two French marriages. 38: Madame de Chamblay. A. (D. ) DVMAS . . 37: Madame de Floury. M. EDGEWORTH. In tier N. and f., v. 5 37: Madame de Mauves. H. JAMKS, jr. Wilh Passionate pilgrim 38: Madame de Stael. A. BOLTE. Tr. by Theodore Johnson 35: Madame Fontenoy. C. CARLOS- CLARK ". 35: Madame la Marquise. By the author of Dacia Singleton, etc. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sin. 8 4O: Madame Silva s secret. Mrs. C. J. EII.OAKT. 3v 37: Madame Therese. E. EROKMANN and A. CHATIUAN 37: Made in heaven: a novel. Lond. 1K73. 2 v. sm. 8 4O: Madeleine. J. KAVANAGH 38: Madeleine s trial, and other stories. A/ad. PRBSSKNSC. Tr. by Annie Harwood 38: Contents : Anna s birthday ; or, it is more blessed to give than to reeeive. Boys and boys. Easier Monday picnic. Little Marquis*; or, pride and its punishment. Mary s first lesson in the law of love. Tale of song and sorrow. Trusted and tried. Madeline ; or, a daughter s love. T. S. ARTHUR. With The martyr wife, v.l ... 35: Madeline. Mrs. A. OI>IK. In Works. 38: Madeline Heathcote. M. HAY 37: Madelon. E. (F. V.) ABOUT 35: Mademoiselle fifty millions. C. de SAINT-MARS. (Cumtesse Dash) 39: 4329 2345 1627-9 1734 2347 674 4710 787 3901 4218 168 1070 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MADEMOISELtE. 133 MAINWARIMO. Mademoiselle Merquem. Mmi. A. I.,. A. 1). Dri>KVANT. ( George Nrtrf| 37: 913 Mademoiselle Mori. C. CARLOS- CI.AKK 35: 4330 Mademoiselle Olvmpe /abriski. T. B. AI.IIKICII. J( i(A Marjorie Daw. 35: 492 Mademoiselle Panache. M. EINIK- WOKTII. In her X. and T., v. 1 37: 1497 The same. Ft. 2. Jit Moral tales, v. 1 37: 14!U Madge; or, night and morning. 11. I!. GOODWIN 37: 3150 Madison, Virginia. (pseud). See BROCK, Sallie A. Madonna -Mary. Mrs. M. (O. W.) Oi.ii-HAXT ..". 38: 3852 Madonna of the future, The. 11. JAMKS, jr. Witk Passionate pil- . grim 38: 235 Madox-Brown, Oliver. GAURIKI. Denver. Lond. 1873. sin. X 38: 2370 Magaziniana ; or, selections from an editor s portfolio. In W. S. (. . I,., v. 4 34: 4174 Content* : Alemoor : n tale. Animal magnetism. Biography of Eulensten. Broken niiniaUire, The. I my at Konthill abbey. FKllaciea of the young. Ignoran -e vs. knowledge. Italian sleep-walker, by O. Goldsmith. Last will anil testament, .1. P. Kichter. Mines of Hois Mnnziel, The. Mrs. Joseph Porter. Over the way. Kur*l pleasures. Skeleton in every house. Spontaneous combustion of the human body. Start, The. Story of Mrs. Muefurlane. Tin same *15: 4914 Magdalen Hepburn. Mrs. M. (O.VV.) Oi.miA.vr 38: 3853 Magdalen Wynyard. A. BKAUMONT. 35: 1810 Magdalena. E. JOHN. (E.MurlM). 38: 383 Maggie Miller; or, old Hager s secret. J/r.r. M. .1. HOLMKS. II A Dora Dcane 37: 4566 Maggie Mistake. L. FRUI.ICH 37: 2512 Maggie s rosarv, and other tales. N. V. 1872. 12 4O: 1630 Contents : ituilson, The. EMiuSoDTmu. Tr. by Emily Bowles. Mabel. Meeting on the Alps. K. SOUVEKTBE. Tr. by K.Bowles. Old Morgan s rose-tree. Sawyer of the Vosges, The. E. SOUVEBTHE. Tr. by E. Howies. White angel, The. Maggie s secret. M. C. PHII.LPOTTS. 2 v 38:4419-20 Magic axe and the white cat, The. .1. MACK. / Home fairy tales 38: 2226 Magic flower. W. GILHKRT. In Wizard of the mountain, v. 1 37: 2995 Magic glass, The. J. L. GRIMM. In K. G. N., v. 2 4O: 1561 Magic lay of the one-horse chay. .). llrmiKN. In. T. f. B., v. 2..." 4O: 1693 Magic mirror, The. VV. GM.HKRT 37: 2991 Magic of kindness. II. and A. MAV- II KW 38: 2794 Magic ot love, The. Mrs. FORREST- GRANT. 3v 37:2352-4 Magill, .Mary Tucker. HOI.COMIIKS, The: a story of Virginia home-life. Phil. 1871. 12 38: 2376 WOMK.V; or, chronicles of the lato war. Halt. 1H71. 12.: 38: 2377 Maginn, William. (Sir Morgan O - JJofierty). (1793-1842). STORY without a tale, A. In Treas ure-trove; series, v. 3 4O: 1703 The same. In T. f. B. v. 2 4O: 16!i3 Magnet stories, The. L. PAI.MKR. 4 v.... Contents : 1. Drifting and steering. 38:4122 2. One day s weaving. . Arehie s shadow. 38:4121 4. John-Jack. :is:4123 Magnolia leaves. Mrs. C. L. HKXTZ. With Banished son 37: 4311 Magpie rastle. T. (K.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 3 37: 4647 Maguire, John Francis. NEXT generation, Tho. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sin. H 38: 2383-5 YouNd prince Marigold, and other fairy stories. Lond. 1873. 16... 38: 2386 Cuntc.nts : Auiobiouraphy of a eat. Jack Tubbs ; or, the happy isle. Mahaska. A. S. STKPHKXS 39: 2213 Mahony, M. F. CIIKOXICI.KS of the Fermors: Horace Walpole in love. Lond. 1873. 2 v. 8 38: 2388-9 Maid Marian. T. L. PEACOCK. In Works, v. 2 34: 1823 Maid of Killeena, The. W. BLACK. 35: 2179 Maid of Malines, The. E. G. K. L. Bi i.wKK-LvTTox. In L. C., v. (>. 4O: 1616 Maid of Orleans, The. Jlfiss J. KOBIN- so.v 39: 541 Maid of Sker. K. I). BLACKMOKK 35: 2204 Maiden, The. T. S. ARTHUR. In Three eras 35: 806 Maiden feast of ( airnkibbie. A. LKiiiimix. In "VV. T. B. v. 2 4O: 1712 Maiden of Treppi. P. HEYSK 37; 4391 Maiden >isters, The. By the author of Still waters. Leip. 1859. sq. Hi 4O: 2354 Maiden widow, The. Mn. K. D. K. N. SofTHWORTll 39: 2028 Maidenhood series, The. v. 1-6. Content* : Asluiry twins, The. R. S. CI.ABKE. (Sophie May) 3. j:4:)ia; Daisy Travel s ; or, thegirls of hive hall. A. F. SAMUELS. Our Helen. R. S. CLARKE. (Sophie. Mai/). :io:43G4 Running to waste. <jeo. M. BAKEH. :i5 :i:J75 Seven daughters. A. M. UOUHHB. :!7:8ls That c|iieer girl. V. K. TOWNSIIEND. 39:3109 Maidment, James. CATKRAX of Lochloy, The. In W. T. B. v. 4 " 4O: 1714 HEIR of Ishannock. In W. T. I!. v. 6 4O: 1716 MOKTI.AKK: a legend of Merton. In W. T. li. v/4 4O: 1714 Maidschenstein : a tradition of the Saxon Swiss. In W. S. C. L. v. 13. 34: 4183 The same *15: 4923 Mailcoach, The. Mrs. M. M. SIIKR- WOOD. In Works, v. 13 39; 1648 Maine, K. S. AMONO strangers: an autobiography. Edited by E. S. Lond. 1870. sm. 8 " 38: 2392 MAKCHMOXT of Redlands. Lond. 1872. 2v.ini. sm. 8 38: 2393 Mainstone s housekeeper. E. MKTK- YARD 38: 2963 Mainwaring, Kate. Is it forever? Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 2397-9 PKOfeE FICTION: ENGLISH. 134 MANNERINO. 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 4(111 4007 3997 4004 2988 1695 3337 1713 Maitland, Edward. (Herbert Ainslee). BY and \>y : an historical romance; of the future. N. Y. 1873. 12 38: 2409 HIGHER law, The. N. Y. 1872. 12. 38: 2410 PILGRIM and the shrine, The. Lond. 1871. 12 38: 2411 Maitland, James A. DIARY of an old doctor, The. Phil. 1858. 12 38: LAWYER S story, The; or, the or phan s wrongs. Phil. 1858. 12. 38: OLD patroon, The; or, the great Van Brock property. Phil. n.d. 12. 38: SARTAROE: a tale of Norway. Phil. n.d. 12 38: THKEK cousins, The. Phil. 1860. 12 38: WANDERER, The. Phil. 1860. 12. 38: WATCHMAN, The. Phil. 1855. 12. 38: Major Gahagan, Adventures of. W. M. THACKERAY. In Misc. v.l... 33: The same, lit Misc. v.l 33: The same. In Misc. v. 3 33: The same. In Misc. v. 3 33; Major Jones courtship. W. P. THOMPSON 39: Major Moss. In T. f. B. v. 4O: Major Koger Sherman Potter. P. VAX TRUESDAI.E 39: Major Weir s coach. J. HOWELL. In W. T. B. v. 3 4O: Make good use of your time. Mrs. E. 0. EMHUKY. In. Pictures of early life 37: 1700 Make or break. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Oplic.) 35: 258 Making the children something. A. CARY. In Pictures of country life ". 35: 3918 Making honey ; or, Frances Stuart. S. A. FLINT 37: 2286 Making the worst of it. J. 15. Hoi>- K1NS. 2v 37: 46867 Malbone : an Oldport romance. T. W. HiiiGi.N-sciN 37: 440S Malcolm : a romance. G. MACU<>N- Ai.D 38: 2 109 Malediction, The. Same as Theckla. Mde. A. K. de la GRANGE 38: 12G7 Mallary, Mrs. M. Janie. HORACE Wilde. Phil. 18G8. 12... 38: 2434 Malleville. J. ABBOTT 35: 53 Malmiztic the Toltec, and the cava liers of the cross. W. W. FOSDICK. *37: 2415 Malot, Hector, (b. 1830). KOMAIN Kalbris: his adventures by sea and shore. (Lex ave/itures de Romain Kalbri*) Tr. by Julia McN air Wright. Phil. 1873. 12. 38: 2438 Malvina. II. S. Kdwards. 3 v 37: 1570-2 Mammon; or, hardships of an heir ess. C. G. F. GORE Man and his master, The. T. (K) HOOK. In Precepts and practice. v. 1 37: 4645 Man and wife. (W.) W. COLLINS 35: 4557 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 35:4558-60 The same. 3 v. in 2 35: 4561-2 Man as he is not. R. BAGE 35: 1350 Man at arms, The. G. P. R. JAMKS... 38: 201 Man at the crib. The. F. McLANn- HURGH. In Automaton ear 38: 23. !3 Man from paradise, The. H. C. A:N- DERSEN. Jn I)anes sketched by themselves, v. 1 .. 4O: 1530 Man, How to be a. H. NEWCOMU 38: 3575 Man in the bell, The. Jn T. f. B. v. 3. 4O: 1094 Man in black, The. G. P. E. JAMES. 38: 202 Man in love, The: an American story. By One who knows. Phil. 1873. 12 4O: 2364 Man in the moon, and other people. K. W. KAYMOND 39: 12G Content* : Bow-wow. Christmas angel. End of Tiptue s tale, by Sarah D. Raymond. Glorioso. Hoyiy-toyty. Idea that flew out of the fire. Karl, the fiddler. Man in the moon. My b.iby find my bird, by riarah 1). Kaym.mil. North sea anil the south Palace of the days. Poverty Peter. S^nta Clans in spite of him self. Two incidents in Dick s life, by Sarah L>. Haymond. Two old angels. Under land and sea. Upstairs, downstairs, and in my lady s chamber. What the horse said to Hez- ekiah. Wrong stocking, The. "X": a christrnaa story. Man in the reservoir, The. C. F. HOFKMANN. In L. C. v. 4 4O: 1614 Man made Of money, A. I). (W.) JERROLD. In Col. works, v. 6 34: 1470 The same. In Works, v. 4 34: 1464 Man of birth, The. M.S.SCHWARTZ... 39: 1260 Man of fashion. N. NUGENT. 3 v.... 38: 3701-3 Man of feeling, The. H.MACKENZIE. 38: 2305 The same. In Misc. works 34: 1626 Man of forty crowns, The. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. In Philosophical tales 39: 3770 Man of many friends, The. T. (E.) HOOK. In Sayings and doings. v. 2 i ."... 37: 4649 Man of the people. E. ERCKMANN and A. CHATKIAN 37: 1735-6 Man of war s-man, The. J. HOWELL. / W. T. B. v. s 4O: 1718 Man of the world, The. H. MACKEN ZIE. ///Misc. works 34: Man who hadn t time," The. M. HAUTWKLL. Wtt,h A woman in armor 37: Man who laughs, The. V. (M.) HVGO. 37: The same. Pt. 1. Tr. by Wm YONGK. 37: Man who was like Shakespeare, The, W. lii.AcK. With Maid of Killecna. 35: Man whose life Was saved. In Stories and sketches 4O: Man with the broken ear. E. (F. V.) AnnrT 35: Man with live wives. A. (D.) I)I;MAS. Man with the nose. The. K. Bnorc,ii- TON. In Tales for Christmas eve... 35: Man with two shadows, The. E. HOVKX 37: Man without a country, The. E. E. HALE. //* If, yes, and perhaps 33: The same. In L. C. v.l 4O: Man who curried his own bundle, The. A.STRICKLAND. ///, Old friends... 39: 2291 Managing wife. The. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Temper and tempera ment 37: 1690 Manchester strike, The. H. MAR- TINKAT. In lllus. of pol. econ., v. 3 38: Mandrake, The. F. de la MOTTK- Forijue. In K. G. >. ., v. 2 4O: Manfred; or, the battle of Benevento. F. I). GUERRAZZI 37: 4075 4::o 4841 1681 297 4714 1H28 1611 2641 3619 Mann, Mrs. Mary. FLOWER people, The. Bost. 1875. 16 Mannering, May. (pseud.) See NOWELL, H. P. H. 38: 2442 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MANNERS. 135 Manners, .l/r. E. Man-of-war s bell, The. C. H. Low. 38: 1908 SKUUKMOOK. N. Y. 1857. 10 ...... 38: 2447 Man-of-war s mini, The. J. HOWKI.I.. Manning, Mrs. Anne. (b. 1812.) In \V. T. I?., v. 8 ........................ 4O: 1718 BELKOKKST. Lond. 1865. 2 v. 12. 38: 2453-4 Man-of-war s man, The. .1. M. BESSY S money: a tale. Lond. 1863. (called Eugene} SUE ..................... 39: " 16 38: 2455 Mansfield park. J. AUSTEN 35: CALIPH Haroun Alraschid, Adven- The same 35: tures of. Lond. 1855. 12 38: 2456 ! Manuel Pereira, Sovereign rule of S. CHERRY and Violet: a tale of the Carolina. F.C.ADAMS 35: great plague [in London]. Lond. Manufacturers, The. M. EDUE- 2457 2414 906 907 193 1870. 12 38: CHRONICLE of Ethelfled. Lond. 1861. 12 38: 2458 CLAUDE, the colporteur. Lond. 1854. 12 38: 2459 COLLOQUIES of Edward Osborne. Lond. n. d. l _ 38: 2460 CO.MPTOX friars. Lond. 1872. am. WORTH. In her N. and T., v. 3 37; 1498 The same. In Popular tales, v. 2 37: 1507 MS. from the cabinet of Mrs. : a legend of Lough Mask. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories 38: 1886 Manzoni, Alessandro. (b. 1784.) BETROTHED, The. (Tr. of / promesst sposi). N. Y. n. d. 12 38: 2510 3 38: 2461 Mapleville boys, The. C. M. TKOW- DKBORAH S diary. Lond. 1860. n;. 38: 2 1G2 BKIDUE 39: DUCHESS of Trajetto. Lond. 1863. 12 DIANA S crescent. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 3303 38: 2465 Marble faun, The. N. HAWTHOKNE. 16 2 v ........................................... 37:4179-80 The same ...................................... 37; 4181 FAIRK gospeller, The. Lond. 1866. 38: 2463-4 i Marchmont of Redlands. E. S. MAINE 38: 2393 12 38: 2460 Marco Paul s voyages and travels. J. GOOD old times, The. Lond. 1857. ABBOTT. 6 v 12 38: 2467 Contents: HELEN and Olga: a Russian tale. 1. In New York. 36:67 j 4. In Vermont. 35:59 T ,.,! iii^- 100 oo :,4i-o 2 - On the Erie canal. 86:6616. In Boston. 3. r i:54 :i. In M.IJ.IC 35:5 .,. At Sprin K liold armory. 35:M BILL-SID., The Lond. n. d. 16. 38: 2409 , Marcus . w . SIMONDS. ( Walter Aim. HOUSEHOLD of Sir Thomas More. //, OQ Lond. 1867. 16 38: 2470 ; MarouBBlaVr." c . B WwQHT" The same, NY 1867 12. 38: 2471 Marcus Flaminius. E. C. KNIGHT! INTERRUPTED wedding, The. Lond. ., v 3Q . 1075 . 6 -" " 38: 2472 Marcus \Varland. ,1/rs. C. L. II ENTX" 37 : 4321 LADYof limited income The. a tale M di ,, ., y t ,, ither ( . j 01 English country life. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sin. 8" 38: 2473-4 2477 2478 2479 2488 LOUD Harry Hellair: a tale of the last century. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sin. 8 ....................................... 38: 2475-6 MAIDEN and married life of Marv Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. N. Y. 1852. 10 ....................... 38: MASO.UK at Ludlow, The. Lond. 1800. 12 ................................. 38: .Miss Hiddy Frobisher. Lond. 1808. 12 ...... . .................................. 38: MRS. Clarinda Singlehart. Lond. 1855. 12 ................................. 38: Noni.K purpose, nobly won. Lond. 1862. 2 v. 10 ..... ." .................... 38:2480-1 OLD Chelsea-bun-house. Lond. 1860. 10 ........... . .............................. 38; 2482 POPLAR House academy. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 16 .......... . ............... 38: 2483-4 PROCRASTINATIONS of Madame Pa- lissy. Lond. 1863. 16 ............ 38: 2485 SEI.VACMIIO: a tale of Italian life. Lond. 1865. 12 ...................... 38: SKK I antaleone, Commentaries of: Tasso and Leonora. Lond. 1856. 12 .......................................... 38: SPANISH barber, The. Lond. 1869. 12 ......................................... 38: Tows and forest. Lond. 1860. 12. 38: VAI.KNTIJJE Duval. Lond. 1860. 12 ......................................... 38: VILLAGE belles. Lond. 1859. 16. 38: YEAR nine, The: a tale of Tyrol. Lond. 1858. 12 ...................... 38: Maneuvering-. M. EDOKWORTH. In her N. and T., v. 4 .................. 37: Maneuvering mother, The. Mrs. E. C. UKKY ................................ 37: 2487 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 14119 350G . ovage \\ ll YTE-M ELVILI.E. 2v 38: 2873-4 Margaret: life in a prairie home. M. A. BRIOHT. (Lyndon) 35: 2826 Margaret. C. C. FKASEK-TYTLKK... 37: 2454 Margaret : a tale of the real and ideal. S. JUDD 38: 530 Margaret and Elizabeth. K. SAUX- DEKS 39: 1153 Margaret and her bridesmaids. .]. STUK.TTON 39; 2380 Margaret Denzil s history. F. GREEN WOOD 37: 3446 Margaret Graham. G. P. K. JAMES. 38: 203 Margaret Hamilton. Mrs. J. C. NEWUY 38: 3555 Margaret Maitland. Mrs. M. (O.\V.) OLIPIIANT 38: 3854 The same. Tnuchnitx ed 38: 3855 Margaret Monrrieff: the first love of Aaron Burr. C. BURDETT 35: 3365 Margaret Percival. E. M. SEWELL. 2v 39: 1588-9 Margaret Smith s journal. J. G. \V HITHER. In Prose works, v. 1 . 34; 2247 Margaret s choice. By the author of Step up the ladder. Lond. n. d. 12 . 4Q: 2369 Margaret s engagement. N. Y. 1868. 8 . 4Q: 2370 Margaret s secret and its success. Mr A. C. BROCK 35; 2841 Margaret von Ehrenberg. the artist wife. W. and M. HOWITT. In Stories of English and foreign life. 37: 4778 Margarita; or, the queen of night. FEKNAMDEX. and GONSALEZ. Tr. by Viscount Pollington 37; 2095 Margery Keith. V. F. TOWNSKND... 39: 3103 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MARGRAVINE. 136 MARRY AT. Margravine, The. W. G. CRAVEN. 2 v .v 35:5015-16 Marguerite ; or, two loves. Mme. E. de GIRARDIN 37: 3048 Marguerite de Valois. A. (D. ) DU MAS 37: 997 Marguerite s journal. Mrs. S. S. HARKIS. (formerly Miss Cole) 37: 4018 Maria; or, the wrongs of women: a posthumous fragment. M. W. GODWIN 37: 3081 Maria s trials, written by herself. J. HOGG. (Eltriek Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 37: 4521 Marian Elwood. S. M. BROWNSON... 35: 3035 Marian Grey. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES.... 37: 4573 Marian Withers. G. E. JEWSBURY... 38: 368 Marianne Moore. A. STRICKLAND. 7n Old friends 39: 2391 Marianne Richards; or, memoirs of an actress. A. F. LANGBEIN. lit It. G. N., v. 4 4O: 1563 Marian s trust. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2373 Maricourt, R. de. VIVIA Perpetua; or, the martyrs of Carthage. N. Y. 1873. 12 38: 2515 Marie Antoinette and her son. C. (M.) MUNDT. (Louisa Miifilbach)... 38: 3246 Marie Courtenay. In N. and T., v. 7. 4O: 1647 Marie Derville: a story of a French boarding-school. Mad. DEWrrr... 37: 405 Marie Louise. E. F. CARLCN 35: 3801 Marietta. T. A. TROLLOPE 39: 3260 Mariette ; or, further glimpses of life in France: a sequel to "Marie." Lond. 1870. 16 4O: 2375 Marion; or, the smuggler s wife. M. F 37: 1945 Marion Barnard. Sequel to Dick Tarleton. J. F. SMITH 39: 1903 Marion Berkley. L. B. COMINS 35: 4636 Marius. (pseud.) MASKS. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8. 38:2520-21 Marjorie Daw, and other people. T. J5. ALDRICH 35: 492 Contents : Friend of my youth, The. Mademoiselle, Zabriski. Marjorie Daw. Miss MehetabtTs Olyrnpe Pere Antoine s date-palm. Qnile so. Ri vermouth romance, A. Struggle for life. Young desperado. Marjorie Fleming. J. BROWN. In L. C., v. 10 4O: 1620 Marjorie s quest. J. T. GOULD 37: 3227 Marjory. M. DEANK 37: 191 Mark Gildersleve. J. S. SAU/.ADE. (James Payn) 39: 1171 Mark the match boy; or, Kichard Hunter s ward. II. ALQER, ,Jr 35: 538 Mark Rowland: a tale of the sea. J. S. SLEEPER. (Hawser Martin gale) 39: 1738 Mark Twain, (pseud.) See CLEMENS, S. L. Marked. J. INOELOW. In Sister s bye-hours 38: 32 Marlitt, Mrs. E. (pseud.) See JOHN, Eugenia. Marmaduke Herbert; or, the fatal error. M. GARDINER. (Countess of Blessington) 37; 2807 Marmaduke Merry, the midshipman. W. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 993 Maroon, The; or, a planter s life in Jamaica. M. REID 39: 250 Marooner s island. F. R. GOULDING. 37: 3237 Marquis, The. C. HICKOX. In Not pretty but precious Marquis and merchant, The. M. COLLINS Marquis and the mole-catcher, The. A. STRICKLAND. In Old friends.... Marquis de Villemer. Mme. A. L. A. D. DFDEVANT. (George Sand} Marquis of Lauriston, grand veneur of France. J. GRANT. With Con stable of France Marquis of Letoriere, The. From the French. C. G. C Marquis de 1 Orme, The. Mrs. A. FKASER. With Only a face Marquis s tactics, The. L. de la KAMK. With Randolph Gordon... Marriage. M. FKRRIER The same Marriage; Inheritance; Destiny. M. FKKIUKR Marriage as it may be. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Pictures of private life. v. 1 Marriage by draft. W. T. COGCIE- SHALL. In Home hits and hints... Marriage in high life, A. (). FEUIL- LET Marriage in high life, A. Mrs. E- C. GIIKY Marriage of Moira Fergus, The. W. 15 LACK Marriage verdict, The. A. (D.) DU MAS Married. Mrs. J. C. NEWHY Married at last. Mrs. P. CUDLIP. (formerly Miss Thomas) Married belle. J. P. SMITH. (Chris- tabcl Goldsmith) Married beneath him. J. S. SAUZADE. (James Pnyn) Married for both worlds. Mrs. A. E. PORT E R Married in haste. Mrs. A. S. STEPH ENS . Married life. T. S. ARTHUR Married not mated. A. CARY Married or single. C. M. SEDU- WICK. 2 v Married shrew, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH. With Wife s victory Married well. R. BLACK. H ^AThe Blackbird of Baden Marryat, Florence. See CHURCH, Mrs. Ross. Marryat, Captain Frederick. (1792- 1848;. CHILDREN of the new forest. Leip. 1848. sq. 16 Dou fiend, The; or, Snarleyyow. Lond. n. d. 16 ..". FRANK Mildmay; or, the naval offi cer. N. Y. 1873. 12 The same. Lond. n. d. 16 JACOB Faithful. N. Y. 1871. 12. The same. Lond. n. d. 16 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16... JAPHET in search of a father. N. Y. 1873. 12 The same. Lond. n. d. 16 The same. Leip. 1843. sq. 16... JOSEPH Rushbrook; or, the poacher. In. W. S. C. L., v. 16 The same 4O: 1640 35: 4525 39: 2391 37: 914 37: 35: 37: 39: 37: 37: 3305 3700 2445 56 2100 2102 37: 2101 37: 1687 35: 4508 37: 2123 37: 3507 35: 2184 37: 38: 35: 5009 39: 1 938 39: 38: 39: 35: 1179 4630 2215 786 35: 3917 39: 1533-4 39: 2042 35: 2168 38: 2526 38: 2573 38: 38: 38: 38: 2530 38: 2531 2527 2528 2529 38: 2532 38: 2533 38: 2534 34: 4186 5 15: 4926 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MARRVAT. 137 MARTIN. Marryat, ( apt. V., (continued.} KINO S own, The. N.Y. 1868. 12. 38: 2535 The same. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2536 The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 16... 38: 2537 LITTLE savage, The. N. Y. 1874. 12 38: 2538 MASTERMAX Heady; or, the wreck of the Pacific: for young people. N. V. 1874. 12..". . 38: 2539 MR. Midshipman Easy. N. Y. 1872. 12 38: 2540 The same. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2541 The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 16.. 38: 2542 MISSION, The; or, scenes in Africa. Lond. 1869. sm. 8 38: 2543 The same. Leip. 1845. sq. 16.. 38: 2544 NARRATIVE of the travels and adven tures of MonsieurViolet in Califor nia, Sonora. and western Texas. Leip. 1843. sq. 16 38: 2545 NAVAL annual, The. In \V. S. C. L. v. 7 34: 4177 Contenttt : Three cutters, The. | Pirate, The. Thesame *15: 4917 NEWTON Forsier; or, the merchant service. N. Y. 1868. 12 38 2546 Thesame. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2547 Ol.I.A Podrida. Lond. 1874. 12... 38: 2548 Content* : Inary en the continent. Legend of the In-ll rock, How" to wite a book of The. travels. Modern town houses. How to write a fashiona- Moonshine. ble novel. Skv-hlue domino. The How to write a romance. S. W. ind by W. */. W. Ill-will. Way to be luijijiy , The PACHA of many tales, The. N. Y. 1873. 12.... 38 2549 Thesame. Lond. n. d. 16 38; 2550 PERCIVAL Keene. N.Y. 1873. 12. 38: 2551 Thesame. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2452 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16.. 38: 2553 PETER Simple. N.Y. 1871. 12... 38: 2554 The same. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2555 Thesame. Leip. 1842. sq. 16... 38: 2556 PHANTOM ship, The. N. Y. 1873. 12 38- 2557 The same. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2558 PIRATE, The; and the Three cutters. Lond. 1867. sin. 8 38: 2559 The same. In \\ . S. C. L., v. 7.... 34: 4177 Thesame *15 491 7 POACHER, The. N. Y. 1873. 12.. 38: 2560 Thesame. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2561 Thesame. hi W. S. C. L. v. 16. 34: 4186 4926 POOR Jack, lllus. Lond. 1840. 8. 38: 2562 Thesame. Pnil. n. d. 8 38: 2563 PRIVATEKBSMAN, The. N.Y. 1870. 12 38- 2564 The same. Leip. 1846. sq. 16... 38: 2565 RATTI.IN, the reefer. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2566 SETTLERS in Canada, The: for young people. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 16 .. 38: 2568-9 The same. Lond. 1869. sin. 8.. 38: 2570 The same. Leip. 1844. sq. 16.. 38: 2571 S.VARLEYYOW: Same as Dog fiend. N. Y. 1873. 12 38: 2572 The same. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2573 THREE cutters, The. With The pirate. 38: 2559 The same, hi W. S. C. L., v. 7.... 34: 4177 Thesame *15: 4917 VALERIE: an autobiography. Leip. 1849. sq. 16 . 38: 2574 Marrying well. T. S. ARTHUR. In Finger posts 35; 813 Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. Anna. (b. 1798]. ADELAIDE Lindsay. N. Y. n. d. 8 : . ADMIRAL S daughter, The AxtiELA. N. Y. 1857. 12 AriiKKY. Leip. 1854. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 CASTLE Avon. Leip. 1852. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 EMILIA Wyndham. Leip. 1852. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 EVELYN Marston. Leip. 1856. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 FARTHER Da rev. N. Y. 1867. 8. HEIRESS of Haughton, The; or, the mother s secret. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 LETTICE Arnold. N. Y. 1871. 8. MOKDAUNT hall; or, a September night. N. Y. 1871. 8 NORMAN S bridge; or, the modern Jlidas. N. Y. 1867. 8 RAVKNSCI.IKKK. Leip. 1851. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 ROSE of Ashurst. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 TIME, the avenger. N.Y. 1864. 8. TRIUMPHS of time. The. N.Y. 1867 8 Wii.MixuTONs, The. N.Y. n. d. 8. Marshall, Kmma. BETWEEN the clitfs; or, Hal Forres ter s anchor. N.Y. 1874. 16... LIFE S aftermath. N.Y. 1876. 12. MATTHEW Frost, carrier; or, Little Snowdrop s mission. N.Y. 1873. 16 The same. Lond. 1872. sin. 8. MRS. Mainwaring s journal. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 STELLAFONT abbey; or, "Nothing new." N. Y. 1872. 16 Marshall, Hamilton. FOR very life. Lond. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 MEN were deceivers ever. Loud. 1872. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 Marstons, The. H. A u>e. 2 v. in 1. Martha. W. GILBERT. 3 v Martha Brown. By the author of Still waters. Leip. V861. sq. 16. Martha, the gypsy. T. (E.) HOOK. In Sayings and doings, v. 1 Martha Planebarke. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 Martin, Theodore. (Bon Guallirr). (b. 1816). COUNTRY quarters: Bon Gualtier s tales. In W. T. B., v. 2 MRS. Humphrey Greenwood s tea- partv. Bon Gaultier s tales. In \V. T. B., v. 5 Martin Beck. A.HARRIS Martin Chu/./.lewit. C. (J. H.) DICK ENS. 4 v. in 2 The same The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Martin the foundling. J. JI. [called Kuyene] S r E Martin Merrivale: his X mark. .1. T. TROWURI DOE. ( I aul Creyton) ... Martin I a/.. .1. VERNE. With Survi vors of the chancellor The same. With The wreck of the chancellor 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 35: 37: 4O: 37: 4O: 40: 4O: 37: 37: 37: 37: 39: 39: 39: 39: 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2616 262 1 2617 2618 2619 2620 38: 2628 2629 362 2992-4 2379 4648 2380 1712 1715 4007 493-4 495 496 2415 3322 3698 3701 PltOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MARTIN. 138 MATHEWS. Martin Pole. J. SAUNDERS 39: 1141 Martin Kattler. K. M. BAI.LANTYNK. 35: 1471 Martin s vineyard. A. HARRISON... 37: 4040 Martineau, Harriet. (1802-1870). CHARLES and Antoine Lucyon: a tale of the French revolution. Gin. 1853. 18 38: 2G35 CHARMED sea, The. In lllus. of polit. econ., v. 5 38: 2fi43 The same. Li W. S. C. L., v. 4... 34: 4174 The same *15: 41114 CROKTON boys, The. N. Y. 1854. 18 ! 38: 2630 DEERHROOK. Lond. 1858. 12 38: 2637 Horn and the man, The: an histori cal romance. N.Y. 1873. 8 38: 2038 ILLUSTRATIONS of political economy. Lond. 1834. Omtents : Berkeley the banker, v. f>. Briei y creek, v. H Brooke and Brooke farm, v. I. Charmed sea, v. o. Cinnamon and pearls, v. 7. Cousin Marshall, v. 3, Dcmcrara, v. 2 Ella of Garveloch, v. a. Fill rers of Budge row, v. !). For encli and for all, v. 4. French wines and poli tics, v, 4. ILLUSTRATIONS of taxation. 1834. 5 v. in 1. 18 Contents Jerseymen meeting, The. Park and the parldock The. Jerseymen parting, The. Scholars of Arm-side, The. Tenth haycock, The. POOR laws and paupers illustrated. 9 v. 18 38:2639-47 Hill and valley, v. 1. Homes abroad, v. 4. Ireland, v. :i. Lite in the wilds, v. 1. Loom and lugger, v. 6. Manchester strike, v. :i. Mrs. Vanderput and Snoek, v. <;. Moral of ninny fables, v. 9. Sowers and reapers, v. 7. Tale of the Tyne, v. 7. Three ages, v. 8. Weal and woe in Garveloch, v. 2. Loud. 38: 2648 18 I Parish, I he. | Town, The. ( pseud. } See C. LEVER. Loud. 1833-4. 4 v Qmtento: Hamlets, The. Land s end, The. Martingale, Hawser. .SLEEPER, J. S. Martins of Cro Martin. 2 v ............................................ The same ...................................... The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3v ........ The same. 3 v. in 2 ....................... 38: Martyr shepherd, The. R. H. MON- CRIKKK. (Ascott Jf. Hope) ............ 38: Martyr wife, The; and other tales. T. S. ARTHUR ............................. 35: Contents: Club-room. The. Heiress, The. 38: 204!) 38: 38: 38: 1021-2 1623 1624-6 1627-8 3041 787 Jaek Ketch. Madeline ; or, ter s love. Martyrs, The. litUANI) Ruined gamester, The. Temperance tract, The. What shall I do? a daugh- K. F. A. de CHATKAU- Martyrs <>f Spain and liberators of Holland. Mrs. E. If. CIIARLKS 35: 4106 35: 4078 Marvel, Ik. (pseud.) See MITCHELL, U. G. Mary and Florence; or, grave and gav. A. V. TVTI.KR .. ... 39: 3415 Mary and Florence at sixteen. A. F. TVTLER 39: 3416 Mary Anne. Afrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. Jn Works, v. 4 39: 1639 Mary Barker: a narrative. C. VER- NON 39: 3717 Mary Burton. Mrs. (M.) K. C. GAS- KELI 37: 2867 The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: 2868 Mary Bell. J. ABBOTT 35: GO Pride or principle: which makes the hero ? 204 3310 2477 3887 3508 Mary Bunyan. Mrs. S. K. FORD 37: 2333 Mary de Cnisa. By an old physician. Jn W. S. C. L., v. 12 .". 34: 4182 The same *15: 4922 Mary Derwent. Mrs. A. S. STEPHENS. 39: 2216 Mary Desmond. Mrs. L. A. MERE DITH. In Lacemakers 38: 2925 Mary Kills ; or, the runaway match. T. S. ARTHUR. In Tales from real life 35: 804 Mary Ellis; or, the runaway match; and other tales. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 788 Content* : Alice Melleville. Bell Martin. Family pride. Mary Krskinc: a Franconia story. J. AHHOTT .. 35: 61 Mary (Irainger: a story. G. LEIGH. 2v " 38: 1494-5 Mary Hoi 1 is. H. J. SCHIMMEL. 3 v. 39: 1221-3 Mary Lawson. H. LEE. In Canter bury tales, v. 1 38: 1422 Mary Lee. K. LIVKHMOKE 38: 1825 Mary Lindsay. E. PONSONKY 38: 4593 Mary Moreton. T. S. ARTHUR Mary of Burgundy. G. P. K. JAMES. 2 v. in I..". . 38: Mary of Lorraine: an historical ro mance. .J. GRANT 37: Mary Powell, Maiden and married life of. Mies A. MANNINO 38: Mary Ryan s daughter. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches ,. 37: Mary Seaham. Mrs. E. C. GUEY 37: Masks. By MARIUS. 2v 38:2520-21 Mason, C. Welsh. RAPE of the gamp, The. N.Y. 1875. 8 38: 2060 Mason, M. M. MAE Madden. Chicago. 1876. 18. 38: 2G70 Masque at Ludlow. Miss A. MAN NING 38: 2478 Massacre at Fort Wm. Henry. J. GRANT. In Legends, of the Black Wateh 37: 3310 Master Ben. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches 37: 3887 Master builder, The; or, life at a trade. 1). K. LKK 38: 1410 Master Humphrey s clock. C. (J. H.) DICKENS " 37: 497 The same. Tiiuchnitz ed. 3 v 37:498-500 The same. 3 v. in 2 37: 501-2 Master of Greylands. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 705 Master of Marlon, The. Lond. 1864. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2382 Masterman, J. HALE a dozen daughters. Lond. 1871. 2 v. sm. 8 38: 2075-6 Masterman Heady; or, the wreck of the Pacific. Capt. F. MARRYAT 38: 2539 Matchmaker, The. B. REYNOLDS... 39: 292 Matchmaking. T. S. ARTHUR. In Finger posts 35: 813 Mathers, Helen. COMJN thro the rye. N. Y. 1876. 8 38: 2679 Mathews, Cornelius. CAREER of Putter Hopkins. N. Y. 1842. 8 38: 2681 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MATHEWS. 139 MAXWELL. Mathews, C., (continued.) INDIAN fairy talcs. N. Y. 1871. 12 " 38: 2682 Contents : Binl lover. The. Hokwewa the humpback. bov who .set a snure for the sun, The. Celestial sisters, The. Crime that crossed the river, The. Enchanted moccasins, The. Fire-plume, The. Gray euglo and his five brothers. He ol the little shell. Leelinati, tin; lost daugh ter. Little spirit or boy-man, The. Magic, bundle. The. Man with his leg tied tip, The. Manabozho, the mischief- maker. Origin ol the robin, The. Osseo, the son of the even ing star. Red swan, The. Sheem, the Jorsaken boy. Strong liesirc and the Red Sorcerer. Toad-woman, The. Two Jeebi, Tin-. Weendigoes and the lione- Dwurf. White Fealher and the six giants. Winter Spirit and his visitor. The. Wonderful exploits of (irasshopper, The. Wun/.h, the father of Indian eorn. Mathews, Joanna II. Gii-sEPi K s home. N. Y. 1K74. li;. 38: 2725 KITTY and Lulu s books. N. V. 1872-73. 6 v. l(i. Qmtente : 1. Toutou and Pussy. 3S:-.!7ii2 2.. Kilty s robins. !18:26U6 :i. White rabbit, The. :tX:27(K) 4. Kudie s goat. :iK:-270l a. Kitty s visit. :i;2tiD7 B. Kitty s scrap-book. :!8: 2G!16 MIS.M Ashton s girls. N. Y. 1875. v. 1(J. Contents : I. Fanny s birthday gift, :i8:^694 2 New scholars, T he. iJHi-Jfi J J X Kosalie s pet. a**:27tKl 4. Kleanor s visit. ^H: JI> .*2 ft. Mabel Walton s experiment. 38:2698 6. Elsie s Santa-Claus. ;i::(JUi Mathews, .Julia A. LILIES or thistledown. N. Y. 1870. Hi 38: 2704 Matrimonial infelicities. ]{. B. COFFIN. (Hurry dray] 35: 4502 Matrimonial misfortunes of Peter Clancy. \V. H. MAXWKLL. .Same as Hillside und border sketches, and Legends of the Cheviots and the Lammerinuir 38: 274H The same. 2v 22:2:iau-91 Matrimony for money. \V. T. CotiiiEsiiAi.l.. In Home hits 35: 4508 Mathew Frost, carrier; or, Little Snowdrop s mission. K. MARSHALL. 38: 2017 Thesame 38: 2u 18 Mathew \Vald, History of. .). G. LIIUKHAKT 38: 1H41 The same. M ith Adam lilair 38: 1841 Mattie : a story. F. \V. KOHINSON. 3v ". 39: 490-02 Thesame 39: 493 Matt s follies, and other stories. M. N. PKKSCOTT 38: 47o:t Oonten/i : After datk. I Pair ol shoes, A. Dilly-dally. | Sweetmeat castle, Mall s lollies. Tad s mince-pie. < idd and even. Tiny Davy. Maturin, Kdward. HIANCA: a title of Erin and Italy. N. Y. 1852. 12 ".. 38: 27:iO Maude ; or, the angliciin sister of mercy. K. .J. WIIATKLY 4O: 34<> Maud Mainwaring. C. (TKIFKITII. . f v 37:. )5U8-70 Maud Miihuii. .Mr.-,. I . Cl!i>Lll . (/;- merly Mist Thomas) 35: 5100 Maud or Nina. G. .). WHYTK-MKL- VII.I.E 4O: 440 II. PARR. (Holme L. WIIITK. 2 v. Lond. 38: 4O: Maude Talbot. Lee i Maude s life work. Maunsell, Tliomasine. LBOKNDB of the .lacobite wars. 1873. 3 v. in 1. srn. 8 Contents : Kalherine Fairfax. | Isina O Neil. Mauprat. Mde. A. L. A. I). DUDK- VAXT. (George Sand i 37: Maureen Dim, the admiral s daughter, Mrs. M. A. M. SADI.IEK 39: Maurice. F. HeciiAKD. Tr. by ~>/r>. .1. Douglass 35: Maurice Derm;;. J. A. LA WHENCE.. 38: Maurice Tiernay. C. LKVKR 38: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: Max Adeler. (pseud.) See CI.AKKE, C. H. Max and his companions. In N". and T. v. 7 4Q: Max Meredith s millenium. V. F. To wx SEX D 39; Maxwell, Cecil. STORY of three sisters, A. N. Y. 187U. lii j Maxwell, William Hamilton. (^1795- 1850). ADVENTURES of Brian O Linn. Same us Luck is everything. Lond. n. d. 10 . ADVENTURES of Captain Blukc. Lond. 1838. l(i The same. Lond. n. d. 1(1 ADVENTURES of Captain O Sullivan. Lond. n. d. Hi BIVOUAC, The; or, stories of the Peninsular war. Same as The rival suitors. Lond. n. d. 3 v. in 1. 4205 377-H 38: 2735 915 1830 1308 1629 1C30 1647 3104 38: 2737 38: 274 J 38: 38: 2740 2741 38: 2742 38: EKIN-OO-BHAQH tures. Loud. Oanlenlx : Adventures of a fishermun fifty years ag or, Irish life pic 1859. 2 v. in i. 12. 38: 2744 Albert Mnrdock. Anecdotes ol duelling. Biographical sketch of the author, by Dr. Maginn. Koulogne, en rouie to Paris. l.e\il. The. and .lohnny liixon. iMonvsins < I l ogherty, "Esq. Eminetl, Robert and Aylmer, Arthur ; or, Imblin in ]8(i:i. Familiar epislles fiom an elderly gentleman on halt-pay. Forest ride of a West India planter. Inconveniences of a " suspicion of debt." Incursion into Connemarna, An. John Campbell, the liomioide. Last scenes of the condemned. Legends. Memoir of the Kev. KoM. Hogg. Kegatla, The. Richard UnhYrty ; or, the Irish fortune-hunter. Short biography of a gentleman from Ireland. Song from the (iaelic. Spoi ling outlaw, Tile. Terence O Shanghnessy s first attempt to get married. Two funerals, The. FLOOD and field; or, the recollections of a soldier of fortune. Lond. n. d. 10 38: Contents: Code of honour : fatal duels. Condemned soldier. Crowning ti iumph. Evils of gambling. Leaves from a game- hook. Leaves from the journal of a deceasid pluralist. Memoriable seiges. Mr. Mac iiermott s story. 2745 My first steeple chase. Outcast, The. Retreats, the test of milita ry skill. Romance of the war. Soldierly qualities. Rol lirr s domicile. Tour, not sentimental. Triumphs and mishaps in the Peninsula True courage. Unknown, The. * PKOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. MAXWELL. 140 MAYO. Maxwell, W. IL, (continued.) FORTUNES of Hector O llalloran and his man, Murk Antony O Toole. Loud. 1845. 8 38: 2746 The same. Lond. n. d. 1(5 38: 2747 HILLSIDE and border sketches. Same as Legends of the Cheviots and the Lammermuir, and Matrimonial misfortunes of Peter Clancy. Lond. 1849. sin. 8 ." 38: 2748 The same. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 12. 22:2390-91 HINTS to a soldier on service. (em- bodied in Flood and field) 38: 2745 LEUKNDS of the Cheviots and the Lammermuir. Same as Hillside and border sketches, and Matri monial misfortunes of Peter Clancy. Lond. 1849. sm. 8 ... 38: 2748 The same. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 12. 22:2390-91 LUCK, is everything; or, the adven tures of Brian O Linn. Lond. n. d. 10 38: 2749 MATRIMONIAL misfortunes of Peter Clancy. Surne us Hillside and bor der sketches, and Legends of the Cheviots and the Lammermuir. Lond. 1849. 12 38: 2748 The same. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 12. 22:2390-91 MY life. Same as Adventures of Captain Blake. Lond. 1838. 16. 38: 2740 PENINSULA sketches. (Hameus .Stories of the Peninsular war). Lond. n. d. 1(1 38: 2751 SI OKTS and adventures in the high lands and islands of Scotland. (A sequel to Wild sports of the west). Lond. n. d. ltj 38: 2750 STORIES of the Peninsular war. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 2751 Contents : Action in front of Bnyonne. Advance from Vittoria. Arroyo dp Molino. Battle of Salamanca. Buttle of Vittoria. Battles of the Pyrenees. British campaign of 1809, under Sir A Wellesley. British cavalry ot the Peninsula. Capture of Ciudad Rod- r go. Dolores : an incident in the Peninsular war. English in Spain. Events subsequent to the battle and ad vance from Salamanca. STORIKS of Waterloo. ! Journey to head-qnarters near Burgos. j Leaves from the journal of a veteran. March to Madrid, and retreat from Burgos. Night in the Peninsular war. Outpost anecdotes. Recollections in quarters : af fair of El Bodon. Recollections of the late war in Spain and Portugal. Recollections ol the Peninsula. Reminiscences of Bayonne. Seven weeks captivity in St. Sebastian, in 1813. Storming of Badajo/,. "Take the hill before dark." Twenty-ninth at Albuera. Lond. 1835. Hi 38: 2752 Contents : Adventure of the Captain of grenadiers. Ball, The. Belgium. Brussels. Captain Plinlimmon. Cavttlry picket. Champ <le Mai. Dead dragoon. Detachment, The. Field of bntile. Frank Kennedy. Gazette, The Letters, and a lost mis tress. Little major s love ad venture. WILD sports of the west, interspersed with legendary tales and local sketches. Lond. n. d. Hi 38: 2753 Maxwell. T. (E.) HOOK 37: 4642 Maxwell Drewitt. Mrs. J. K. KID- DEiA.. (F. G. Trafford) 39: 382 March, The. Maurice MaeCarthy. My own adventure. Napoleon and his army. Napoleon s return. Outlaw s story. Park, The. O_iiatre-bras. Route, The. Sarstield. Seventeenth of June. Stephen Purcell. .Story of Colonel Hilson. Tall Major s story. Waterloo. Maxwell, Patrick. WHITE woman of Tarras, The. In W. T. B., v. 6 4Q: 1716 May Darling. J. F. SMITH. lit W. T. B., v. 5 4Q: 1715 May, Mrs. Carrie L. SWBET clover stories, The. Bost. 1865-9. 4 v. 16. Contents : 1. Nellie Milton s housekeeping; sweet clover. 38:^771 2. Brownie Sandford ; or, the recovered pearl. 38:2770 3. Sylvia s burden. 38:2773 4. Ruth Lovell ; or, holidays at home. 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: or, May, E. J. BERTRAM Noel. N.Y. 1870. 12. Louis school days: a story for bovs. N. Y. 1870. 12 .".... MORTIMER S college life. N.Y. 1870. 1 2 SUNSHINE of Greystone, The: a story for girls. N.Y. 1867. 12? May, Sophie, (pseud.) See CLARKE, K. S. May. Mrs. M. ((). W.) OLIPHANT May flower, and miscellaneous works. Mrs. H. (E.) B. STOWK 39: May and December: a tale of wedded life. Mrs. J. HUBBACK 37: May Martin ; and other tales. D. P. THOMPSON 39; Contents . Ethan Allen and the lost I New way to collect a bad children. | Old soldier s story. Guardian and the ghost. Shaker lovers. Indian s revenge. | Young sea captain. Mayhew, Horace and A. GOOD genius that turned everything into gold, The. Lond. 1847. 16. GREATEST plague of life, The; or, the adventures of a lady in search of a good servant. Lond. n. d. 16... IMAGE of his father, The; or, one boy is more trouble than a dozen girls. Lond. 1848. sm. 8 LIVING for appearances. Lond. 1855. 16 MAGIC of kindness, The; or, the wondrous story of the good Huan. N. Y. 1849. " 16 WHOM to marry and how to get mar ried ; or, the adventures of a lady in search of a good husband. Lond. n. d. sm. 8 Mayo, Isabella Fivey [Mrs. John K.] (Edward and Ilufh GarreU}. CHANCE child, A. In L. C., v. 11 The same. In Seen and heard, v. 1. The same. With Dead sin.. The same. With Quiet Miss Godol- phin CROOK ED places : a story of struggles and hopes. N. Y. 1873. 12 CRUST and the cake, The. .N. Y. n. d. 12 CURATE and the rector, The : a do mestic story. N.Y. 1871. 12... DEAD sin, The. In Seen and heard, v. 2 DEAD sin, The, and other stories. N. Y. n. d. 12 2780 2781 2782 2783 3856 2325 4788 2975 debt. 38: 2790 38: 2791 38: 38: 2792 2793 38: 2794 38: 2795 4O: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 1621 2815 2808 2814 2805 2806 2807 2816 2808 Content* : Chance child. Bad speculation. Dead sin. Ghost story. Old mirror. One New Year s night. Real lady. Salt of the earth. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MAYO. 141 MELVILLE. 38: 2809 Mayo, I. F., (continued.) DOING and dreaming. N. Y. 12 ................... . ...................... KrisoDEs in an obscure life. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 ..................... 38: GOLD and dross. N. Y. 1874. 12. OCCUPATIONS of a retired life. N. Y. n. A. 12 .................................. PHEMITMS paid to experience: inci dents in my life. N. Y. 1872. 12 .......................................... 38: 38: 2810 2811 2812 38: 2813 Contents : Crackling of thorns. Gain of loss. Good situation. Israelite indeed. Pin of omission. Well without water. Vv heat mid tares. Wisdom of fools. QUIET Miss Godolpoin, The. hi Seen and heard, v. 2 38: 2816 (JriKT Miss (rodolphin, The, and A chance child. Phil. 1871. 12... 38: 2814 SEKN and heard. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38:2815-17 Content* : Old mirror, v. :!. QUIP! Miss (indolphin, v. 2. Koiiirh diamond, v. 1. Salt of the earth, v. 3. " Someday," v. Y. Wulh-r Sedley, v. 3. 38: 2818 1. Bad speculation, n Chance child, v. 1. Dead sin, v. L Happy woman, v. 2. Milly Hayden, v. I. Miss Felicia, v. 3. WHITE as snow. X. Y. n. d. 12 Omtents : Happy woman. Ronyh dinmand. Milly Havden. Someday. Miss Felicia. Walter Sedley. Mayo, William Starbuck. (b. 1812). BKKHKR, The; or, the mountaineer of the Atlus : a tale of Morocco. N. Y. 18711 12 38: FLOOD and field ; or, tales of battles on sea and land. Phil. 1855. 12. 38: Content* : Astonishing adventure of James Rotello. Captain s story. Don Sebastian : from the chronicles of Portugal. Dragut, the corsair. 2830 2831 38: 38: Legend of the Cape de Ver- des. Pious constancy of Inez de Meneia Mom-Roy. Real pirate. Washington s h rf-t battle; or, Hra idoek s defeat. KAI.OOLA; or, journeys to the Djebel Kumri: an autobiography of Jon athan Romer. N. Y. 1850. 12. NEVER again. N. Y. 1873. 12.... Mayor of Hole-Cum-Corner. D. JEK- KOI.I). 7n Col. works, v. 4 34: The samo. In Works, v. 2 34: Mayor of Wind-gap, The, and Can vassing. M. BANIM 35: May s garden, and where the flower.-. went. X. Y. 1873. 12 Maze of life, The: its flowers and thorns. By the author of The four sisters. N. Y. n. d. 10 Meadow brooke. Mrs. M. .1. HOI.MKS. Meadow dance, The. F. GOTT- SCHALCK. In R. G. N., v. 2 4O: Means and ends. C. M. SEDGWICK... 39: Measure for measure. By the author of " Greymore." Lond. 1862. 3 v. sm. 8 Mechanic, The. F. H. WIIIPIM.K Medal, The. Thos. GILLESI-IE. Pro fessor s tales. In W. T. B., v. 5.... 2832 2833 1408 14fi2 1538 4O: 2384 4O: 37: 4O: 4O: 2385 4574 1561 1535 2387 357 4O: 1715 Medfleld. In Tales of Glauber-Spa, v.i 4O: 1700 Medio Pollito. .1. M.vre. In Home fairy tales 38: 2226 Mediterranean islands. M. G. SLKEI-ER 39: 1743 Medusa, and other tales. Afr. A. K. SARTORIS 39: 1132 Contents : Medusa. Madame de Montferrato. Reeolleetions of the life of Joseph Heywood. On words liest left unsaid. Meeke, -Mary. BARONET S cross, The. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 38:2840-41 Meeker, N. C. LIKE in the west; or, stories of the Mississippi valley. N. Y . 1868. 12 38: 2847 Meeting at St. Boswells. O. KICHAKD- SO.N. In W. T. B., v. a.. 4O: 17ir. Meeting on the Alps, A. E. SOUVES- TRK. Tr. by Kmily Bowles. /// Mamie s rosary 4O: 1630 Meinhold, William. SIDONIA, the sorceress: the supposed destroyer of the whale reigning ducal house of Pomcrania. N. Y. n.d. 8 38: 2853 Melbourne house. S. WARNER 4O: 177 Meldrum family, The. W. and M. HOWITT. In Stories of English and foreign life 37: 4778 Melechasala. MUS.ECS. In C.G.I . v. 1 35: 3873 Melincourt. T. L. PEACOCK. In Works, v. 1 34: 1822 Melinda. .1. A. SKKRTCHJ.Y 39: 1755 Meline, -Mary .M. CIIAKTKRIS: a romance. Phil. 1874. 12 38: 2859 Mellen, G. H. NOMADS of the north, The. Tr. from the Swedish by Lovel llad- wen. Lond. 1871. sm. 8 38: 2865 Mellichampe : a legend of the Sante. W. (i. SIMMS 39; 168.") Melusina. H. SIMCKK. In Brought to book, v. 2 39: 2097 Melville, Herman, (b. 181(1). BELL tower, The. In L. C., v. 3 4O: 1613 The same. In Piazza tales 38: 2877 CONFIDENCE man. The. Lond. 1857. 16 38: 2871 ISRAEL Potter: his fifty years of life. Lond. 1855. 16 38: 2872 MARDI, and a voviige thither. N.Y. 1849. 2 v. li 38:2873-4 MoHV-DicK ; or, the white whale. Lond. 1851. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 2882-4 OMOO: a narrative of adventures in the South seas. Segttfl to Typee. Lond. 1861. 12 ! 22: 27111 PIAZZA tales, Tha N.Y. 1856. 12. 38: 2877 Orntents: Harlleby. I Eneantadas ; or, enchanted Benito Cereno. isle. Bell-tower, The. Lightning-rod man. I Pia/.za. The. PIEISRK; or, the ambiguities. N.Y. 1855. 12 38: 2878 KEDIU RN : his first voyage. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 12 .". 38:2879-80 Tvi EE; or, a narrative of a four- months residence among the na tives of a valley of the Marquesas islands; or. a peep at Polynesian life. Lond! 1847. 12.... . 22: 2720 WHALE, The. (Same as MOBY-DICK). Lond. 1851. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 2882-4 WHITE jacket; or, the world in a man-of-war. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 12 38: 2885-fi PUOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. MEMBER. 142 MERVYN. 4004 4012 4008 Night-watehes. (Some, ns Voiees of the night.) One of the elect. (Some as Magdalene). Tenth of January. What is the matter? Mend your nets; or, the story of little lack. Host. n. d. 16." 4O: 2389 Mended life; or, the carpenter s family. Mrs. ,]. LAMM ... 38: 1296 Men s wives. W. M. THACKERAY. In Misc., v. 4 33: 4010 The same. In Misc., v. 8 33: 4006 The same. In Misc., v. 3 33: 4013 Mercedes of Castile. .1. F. COOPER. 35: 4744 The same 35: 4745 Merchant of Berlin. Mrs. C. M. MUNDT. (Louixa MHttJbach) 38: 3247 400") 4000 4011 40011 2885 1018 1018 Member from Paris: a tale of the second empire. G. MCRRAY. (TroU-Aoiles) 38: 3308 The s-ime. Tauehnitz <d. 2v.ini. 38: 3309 Memoir of General Wolfe, A. J. GRANT. With Constable of France. 37: Memoir of a Maitre d Armes. A. (I).) Or MAS. In Trav. Lib. Fict., v. 2. 4O: Memoirs of an adopted son. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Alicia War lock 35: Memoirs of Hurry Lyndon, Esq. W. M. THACKERAY. In Miscellanies, v. 6 33: The same. In Misc., v. 6 33: The same. In Misc.. v. 1 33: The same. /// Misc., v. 3 33: The same. With Henry Esmond 39: Memoirs of Captain Carlcton 1). DK.KOK. In Nov. and Misc. works, v. 2 34: Memoirs of a cavalier. I). DuFoE. In Nov. and Misc. works, v 2 34: Memoirs of a femme de chambre. M. GARDINER. (Countess of Ble.t. iit/g- 1on\ " 37; 2808 Memoirs of a good-for-nothing. (Aus dem Leben eincs Tuut/cnichts\. .1. von KICHENDOKKK. Tr. by Charles G. Leland . . 37: 1610 Memoirs of Mrs. Charles J. Yellow- plush. W. M. THACKERAY. In, Misc., v. 4 33: The same. In Misc., v. 2 33: The same. In Misc., v. 2 33: Memoirs of a phy.-ician. A. (D.) Dr MAS . 37: The same 37; Memories : a story of German love. Tr. from the German, by Geo. P. Upton. Chicago. I87T-." 12 4O: Men are what women make them. A. HELOT 35: KIHI Men of character. D. ( W.) JEKROLD. Taiichnitz ed. 2 v. in 1 38: 327 Qmtents : Adam Buff : the man without a shirt. Rarnaby Puling : the man who "felt his way." Christopher Snub : who was " horn to he hanged." Creso Quattrino: the man who "died rich." .la k Rnnnymede : the man of many "thanks." John Applejohn : the man who " meant well." Matthew Clear : the man who " saw his way." The same. In Coll. works, v. 2 34: 1466 j The same. In Works, v. 3 34: 1463 j Men were deceivers ever. H. MAR SHALL. 2v.ini 38: 2629 Men, women, arid ghosts. E. S. PIIKLPS..... . 38: 4382 Contents : Calico. Day of my death. In the gray goth. Kentucky s ghost. "Little Tommy Tucker." Merchant s daughter. The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials The same Merchant s daughter. E. PICKERINU. Mercier, Mrs. Jerome. GARNSTON: or, a life s discipline. Lond. n. d. sm. 8 Mere scratch, A. H. SPICER. In liound to please, v. 1 Meredith, George. ADVENTURES of Harry Richmond, The. Lond. 1871. ~3 v. sm 8.. EMII.IA in England. Lond. 1844. 3 v. sm. 8.T EVAN Harrington; or, he would be a gentleman. N. Y. 1860. 12.. Meredith, Isabella Grant. OLD house on Briar hill, The. N. Y . 1875. 16 Meredith, Mrs. Louisa A. LACKMAKKRS, The: sketches of Irish character, with some account of the effort to establish lacemaking in Ireland. Lond. 1865. sm. 8. Contents : Rile i Harrington. Lacemaking in Ire land. Mary hesmond. Needlework w. domestic service. Redeemed estale, Tin 1 . Meredith. M. GARDINER. (Countem of Slesniiiffton ) Meridiana : the adventures of three Englishmen, and three liussians in South Africa. (Same as Adventures in the Land of the Behemoth). J. Y ERX E Merimee, Prosper. (1803-1870). COLOMHA. (Tr of Colombo). Bost. 1856. 12 1572: chronicle of the times of diaries IX. (Tr. of Chronique du temps de Charles IX.) N. Y. 1830. 12 Merman, The, and the figure head. C. F. Gl E RNS E Y Merrie England. Mrs. S. J. LIPPIN- COTT. (Grace Greenwood) Content*: Kenilworth castle: Little Rosamond. Lincoln Cathedral and York min>ter: Queen Phillippa. London and thetower: Arabella Stuart, Ladies Jane and Catha rine Grey. Sir Walter Rileigh. New pal ace of Westminster: the prorogation. Newstead abbey: Byrnn. Nottingham castle: Alice Vane. Sherwood forest: Robin H<>od. Stratford upon Avon: Shtkespeare. Warwick castle: Guy of Warwick. Westminster abbey : Two Merrill, G. E. BATTLES lost and won. Bost. 1872. Merriton, Mervyn. BINOWOODS of King wood, The. Lond. 1873. ?, v. sm. 8 Merry Christmas, A. M. A. MACKAK- NESS. {formerly Mian Planchf) In Sunbeam stories Merry England ; or, nobles and serfs. W. H. AINSWORTH. 3 v Merry making. Miss A. I. TIIACK- KKAY. With Esther and other tales Merry-mount : a romance. J. L. MOTLEY Merton. T.(E.)HooK. In Sayings and doings, v. 1 Mervyn Clitheroe. "W. H. AINS WORTH 37: 37: 38: 38: 39: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 37: 2809 3888 3889 4440 2895 2096 21101-3 2 J04-6 2907 38: 37: 38: 2931 3610 1787 38: 38: 38: 35: 39: 38: 37: 35: 2940 2945-7 227 423-5 2865 3175 4648 426 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MERY. Mery, Joseph. (1798-1866). THOUCIH thick and thin; or, " La Gnei-rcdii Nizam." Tr. bv O. Vibcur. N. Y. 1874. 12 ." 38: Mesmerism: a mystery. H. SMITH. IIV/A Love: a tale of Venice, v. 3. 39: Message from the sea. C. (.(. II.) DICKKNS, (W.) W. COLLINS, Chug. COLLINS, H. P. CHORLKY, H. PARK, A.EDWARDS. In Christmas stories. 37: 143 MlLMAN. Miles, George II. LORKTTO; or, the choice. Bait. 1871 12" 38: TKI-CK of GoH. The: a tiile of the eleventh century. N. Y". 1871 1868 Hi 38 . Miles Wallingford: sequel to Afloat and ashore. J. F. COOPER 35- Th c same 35 : 453 Mill on the floss, The. Mrs. 51. J. LKWKS. (George Elliot) 38: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 38: 2077 2978 4746 4747 1708 Club-night, Mnnny. Restitution. Sea- farina-man. Village, The. - - . MetaGray. M. J. Mrl.vrosH 38 "251 Mill wheel, The. H. DICKENS. 3 v... 37: 601-3 Meta s faith. E. TAIIOR 39- 27"0 Millbank; or, Hoger Irving s ward. Mrs. M. J. HOI.MKS 37; 4575 Miller, Cincinnati!* Hiner, called Jua.- K. MACNISH. 40- 4175 4H15 1774 2343 1699 1070 3870 3770 Metempsychosis. In T. f. B., v. I Meteyard, Kliza. LADY Herbert s gentlewoman, The. Lond. 1862. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 2960-2 MAINSTONE S housekeeper. Bost. 1864. 12 38; Mexican bandittti : Mrs. Jackson s narrative. In W. S. C. L.. v. 5 34; The same . *15: Mexico. Legends of. G. LIPPARD 38: Mice ut play. N. FORRKST 37: Michael Rohlhaas. H. von KLKIST. In Tales from the German 4O: Michael Rudolph, " the bravest of the brave." E. A. DrruY 37; Michael Tresidder : a Cornish tale. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: Michel de Coucy. J. HALL. //, Le gends of the west 37; Micromegas : a comic romance. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. In Philo sophical tales 39- Middle-aged lover : a story. 1 . Fnv.(iKRALi). 2v 37; 2228-9 Middlemarch. Mrs. M. J. LKWKS. (George Elliot). 2v 38:1706-7 The same 33. i- n: , Middlemass, .lean. LIL. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 33- 2970 2 Midnight mass, The. W. CARI.KTON. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: The same 35. Midnight sun, The: a pilgrimage. F. BRKMKR 1 35. Midnight webs. G. M. FT.N.N 37! Midshipman Easy. Gift. F. MAR- KYAT 38; The same 33- The same. Tauchnitz ed 38 2512 Midside Maggy ; or, the Bannock o Tollishill. J. M. WILSON. In W. T - B., v. 1 4O; nil Midsummer and May. II. E. (I*.) Si-oKFoRD. With Amber gods 39; 212(5 Midsummer eve. Mrs. A. M. F. HALI 37. Midsummer fays. S. PINDAR 38: Miggles. (F.) B. HARTK. In Luck of Roaring camp 33 : Mignonette, (pseud.) See MOORK Emily H. Mike Maxwell and the Gretna Green lovers. /;/ W. T. B., v. 6 40; Mildred. G. M. CR.UK 35- ,,, The same. Tauchnitz ed 35; 4; i7j Milman, /</. K. A. Mildred Arkel. E. P. \ Mrs 111 . . J WOOD 4O: The same. Tauehnit/. ed 4O: Mildred s wedding. Mm. NOTI.KY... 38: 38: 38: 38: quin. FIRST families of the Sierras. Chicago. 1876. 16 ONE fair woman, The. X.Y. 1876. 12 Miller, Emily H. ROYAL road to fortune, The. Chic. 1870. 16 Miller, Hugh. (1802-185,6.) BILL Whyte. In W. T. B., v. 3 4O: LYKKWAKK, The. In W. T. B., v. 4. 4O: 1714 RECOLLECTIONS of Burns. In W. T. li - v. l 4Q: SALMON fisher of Udoll. In W. T. ", v. 2 4O; SANDY Wood s sepulchre. In L. C., 4O: SCOTTISH hunters of Hudson s bav The. In W. T. B., v. 6 ".. 4Q: THOMAS of Chartres. In W T B v- 9 4o- AV mow of Dunskaith. //, W. T. B v. - . 40: Miller, Mrs. Hugh. CATS and dogs. Lond. 1868. 8... 38: Miller, Stephen F. WILKINS Wylder; or, the successful man. Phil. 1861. 12 33- Miller of Angibault, The. Mdt. A. L. A. I). DUDKVANT. ( George Sand. ) 37- Miller of Silcott, The. Mrs. l). DKS- I.ONDK 37. ., 7J - Miller s maid, The. J. SXOWE. //, T. F. H., v. 2 40: Miller s story of the war ; or, the ple biscite. E. ERCKMANN and A. CHATKIAX 37; Millicent and her cousins. A. BKTHKI.I 35; Million too much: a temperance tale. .1. McX. WRIGHT 4Q: Mills, Lucy A. JACK Masters; or. the berry-pickers. N. Y. 1872. 16 : 38: Mills of the gods, The. Mrs. J. II. TWF.I.I.S 39. 340(; Mills of Tuxbury, The. V. F. TOWN- SKND 39; :no5 Milly Darri-ll. M. K. BRADDON. 3v 35- 2544-6 Milly Ilaydcn. Mrt. 1. F. MAYO. \Eiln-nrd Carretl). In Seen and heard, v. 1 38: 3841 3840 2070 2540 2541 3885 4532 1906 2985 2986 2983 1713 1714 1711 1712 1615 1716 1719 1712 2989 2994 916 364 2658 1737 2068 887 2999 2815 1716 4971 The same. In "White as snow ......... 38: 2818 Milly s hero. F. W. ROHINSON ......... 39- 494 706 707 3680 AKTIICR Con way; or, scenes in the tropics. N. Y. 1871. 8 38: 3005 WAYSIDK cross. The; or, the raid of Gomez: a tale of the earliest war. N. Y. 1870. 8 38: 3006 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MlMI. 144 Miss. 35: 37: 38: Mimi Pinson. A. de MUSSKT. In Selection from prose and poetry.... Mimic life. Mrs. A. C. M. BITCHIK. (formerly A. ( . Mowatt) 1O: Mine, The; or, darkness and light. C. TI-CKKK. (A. L. 0. E.) ."..... Mine own familiar friend. lion, Mrs. A. MONTGOMERY, n v Mingled yarn. M. A. MACKARNESS. f formerly Mi** I laitchi ]. 3 v Ministering Children and sequel. M. L. CHARI.KSWORTH. 2 v Minister s family, The. Mrs. S. S. ELMS . 37; The same. In Family secrets, v. 2... Minister s wife. Mrs. M. (O. "VV.) () 1. 1 I ll A NT Minister s wooing, The. Mrs. H. (E.) 15. STOWK The sa m e Ministry of life, The. M. L. CHAR- L KS WORT II Minna in wonder-land; and Roland and his friend. M. C. PYI.K 38: Minna Monte. Mm. N. C. IKON. (Stella) Minnie Herinon, the rumseller s daughter; or, woman in the tem perance reform. T. W. BKOWN.... Minnie GKKY. J. F. SMITH. (For sequel set Gus Howard) 39: Minnie s play-room. 1). \VISE. (/ . Foi-exter) Minnows with silver tails, The. J. IxdKi.ow. In Stories told to a child Minor, R. I). OLD Sadlier s resurrection. In Not pretty but precious t Minor trials. Mrs. T). M. CKAIK. (formerly Miss A/tilock). In Do- m est ic stori es Minotaur, The. N. HAWTHORN K. /// Wonder-book 37: Miracles of heavenly love in daily life. C. TUCKER. " (A. L. O. E.)... 39: Miraculous flsh, The. F. GOTT- SCHAI.CK. In. R. G. N., v. 2 4O: Miraculous pitcher, The. N. HAW THORNE. In Tanglewood tales 37: Miramion. Mde. Marie de RUHKLJ.E. In T. F. H., v. 2 4O: Miranda : a midsummer madness. (W.) W. COLLINS. 3v 35: Miriam. Mm. M. V. (H.) TKRHUNE. (Marion Harland) 39: Miriam Montfort. Mrs. 0. A. WAR- KIKLD 4O: Miriam Rosenbaum : a story of Jew ish life. A. KDERSHKIM 37: Miriam s marriage. K. S. MACCJUOID. :t v 38: Miriam s memoirs. Same as Romance of Beauseincourt, sequrHo Montfort hall. Mrs. C. A. WARFIKLD 4O: Mirk abbey. .1. S. SAUZADK. (James 1 ayn) 39: Mirror of truth, The : and other mar velous histories. E. HAMKRTON 37: Contents : Adine and the seal. Mirror of truth. Fragment diamond. Oiilioi. Glow worm. Last fairies. Misanthropy. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. Pictures of private life, v. 3.... 33: 3101 10: 2773 39: 3352 38: 3083-5 38: 2266-8 35: 4095-6 37: 37: 1683 1678 38: 3857 39: 39: 2326 2327 35: 4097 38: 4777 38: 52 3009 1905 2372 33 4O: 1040 35: 4914 4196 3353 1561 4189 2658 4564-6 2840 145 1480 2349-51 144 1172 3900 Rustic and his eels. Two storks. Unknown tree. Wonderful purse. In ... 37: 1689 Miscellanies, prose and verse. "W. M. THACKERAY. Bost. 1869-70. 5 v. 12 33:4011-15 Contents : v. 1. Memoirs ol Rurry Lyndon. Great Hog- garty diamond. Novels by eminent hands. Jeames s diaiy. Adventures of Maj. Gahagan. Legend of the Khine. Rebecca and Rowena. Next French revolution. Cox s diary. 2. P;iris sketch-hook. Yellowplush papers. Irish sketch-hook. Journal from Corn- hill to Grand Cairo. 3. Book of Snobs. Sketches and travels in London. Character sketches. Denis I uval. Men s wives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry. Dennis Haggarty s wife. Bedford row conspiracy. Little dinner at Timmins s, Fatal Boots. 4. Four George*. English humorists. Char ity and humor. Roundabout papers. Second funeral of Nupoleon. Little trav els and roadside sketches. Fiiz-Boodle papers. Critical reviews. Wolves and lamb- 1 . 5. Catherine. Tit marsh among pictures and books. Fraser miscellanies. Christ mas books. Selections from Punch. Ballads, etc. The same. Phil. 1866. 4 v. 12. 33:4007-10 Contents : v. 1. BiUNds. Book of Snobs. Fatal hoots, (-ox s diary. Mj. Gahagan. 2. Yellowplush papers. Jeames s diary. Sketches in London. Prize novels. Char acter sketches. :t. Barry Lyndon. Legend of the Rhine. Rebecca and Kowenn. Little dinner at Timmins s. Bedford row conspiracy. 4. Flu- Boodle papers. Men s wives. Shab by genteel story. Great Hoggaity diamond. The same. Keip. 1849-57. 8 v. sq. 1<; 33:3995-4002 Contents: v. I. Great Hoggarty diamond. BookofSnobs. "i. Kieklcburys abroad. Legend of the Rhine. Rebecca and Rowena. Second Innerai of Napoleon. Chronicle of the drum. 3. Adventures of Mnj. Gahagan. Fatal Boots. Ballads. 4. Ye I low plush papers. Jeames s diary. Cox s diary. 5. Sketches ami travels in London. Novels by eminent hands. Character Sketches. fi. Memo rs of Barry Lyndon. 7. Little dinner at Timmin S. Bedford row conspiracy. Fitz-Boodle papers. Shabby genteel story. 8. Men s wives. The same. Leip. 1849-57. R v. in 4. sq. 16 33:4003-4006 Mischief s thanksgiving, and other stories. S. C. WOOLS KY. (.S*. Cool- idge. 4O: 825 Contents: Christie. Girls of the far north. How the umbrella ran away with Eilie. Little Roger s night in the church. Mischief s thanksgiving. Nanny s substitute. On the top of the ark. Ricket s valentine. World within the wall. Miser, The. H. CONSCIENCE 35: 4G67 Miser of Newabbey, The. A. LKIQH- TON. In W. T. B., v. 10 4O: 1720 Miserables, L*.-s. V. (M.) HUGO 37: 4837 The same. (Abridged) 37: 4838 Miseries of human life; or, the mis eries of Samuel Sensitive, and Tim othy Testy. N. Y. 1807. 12 33: 655 Miser s daughter, The. W. H. Aixs- WORTH 35: 427 Misfortunes of Elphin. T. L. PEA COCK. In Works, v. 2 34: 1823 Mishaps of Mr. Ezekiel Pelter, The. 1 11 us. Chicago. 1875. 12 4O: 2392 Misrepresentation. A. H. DUCKY. 37: 873 Miss Angel. .Vm A. I. THACKKRAY. 39: 2861 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. .M iss. 145 MRS. Miss Bat-tram s troubles. (.1.) 15. TAY LOR. It ith Beauty and the beast. 39: 2780 Miss feiddy Frobisher. A. MANNING. 38: 247!) Miss Careless. J. MACB. In Home fairytales 38: 2226 Miss Oarew. A. B. EDWARDS 37: 1525 The same. Taiichnitz ed 37: 152G Miss Cheriton s rival. F. C. FISH EH. ( f hrixlian Reid ). With Nina s atonement 37: 2201 Miss Cicely s portrait. In N. and T., v. 11 4O: 1651 Miss Columbia s public school; or, will it blow over? N. Y. 1871. 12. 4O: 23!)4 Miss Dorothy s charge. F. L. BENE DICT 35: 1943 Miss Felicia. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. ( Ed mund (rarrett). In Seen and heard, v. 3 38: 2817 The same, /n White as snow 38: 2818 Miss Forrester. Mrs. \. EDWARDS.... 37: 1543 Miss (Gilbert s career. J. G. HOLLAND. (Timothy Tileomb) 37: 4547 Miss Inglesby s sister-in-law. F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid). In Ebb-tide 37: 2197 Miss Katy-did and Miss Cricket. Mrs. H. (R) B. STOWK. In Queer little people v 39; 2334 Miss Langley s will. Lond. 18C9. sm. 8.....". 4O: 2395 Miss Letty s experience. Mrs B. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). In Domestic stories 35: 4914 Miss Mackenzie. A. TROI.I.OTF. 39: 3187 Miss Majoribanks. Mrs. M. ((). W.) OLII-HANT 38: 3858 Miss Mehetabel s son. T. B. AI.DRICH. H7A Marjorie Daw 35; 492 Miss Molly. B. M. BUTT 35: 3431 Miss Moore. G. M. CRAIK 35; 4973 Miss Oona McQuarrie. A. SMITH 39: 1818 Miss or Mrs.? and other stories. (W.) W. COLLINS 35: 4567 Contents : " Blow up with the brig." Fatal cradle. Miss Patience Hatbnway. W. J. BRADLEY. (Ulance Gaylord) 35: 2636 Miss Kavenel s conversion to loyalty. .1. W. DEFOREST 37: 216 Miss Roberts fortune. F. WINTHROP. 4O: 618 Miss Hovel. V. CiiKRBrnE/.. Tr. by Frances A. Shaw 35; 4172 Miss Hussell s hobby. Lond. 1 86.">. 2 v. sm. 8 4O: 2396 Miss Thistledown. K. S. CLARKE. (Sophie May) 35; 4363 Miss Van Kortland. F. L. BENEDICT. 35; 1944 Missing bride, The. Mrt. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39: 2029 Mission, The; or, scenes in Africa. dipt. F. MAKKYAT 38: 2543 The same. Tauchnitx. ed 38: 2544 Mission of genius, The. Mrt. E. F. ELI.ET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians 37; 1050 Missionaries, The. J HALL. In Legends of the wait 37: 3870 Mist of the valley. The. L. C. MOI:L- TON. In My third book 38: 3182 Mistake rectified, The. The Profes sor s tales. T. GILLESPIE. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 Mistaken. L. FULLER 37; 2526 Mr. and Mrs. Faulconbridge. H. Ai De. 35: 363 Mr. Blake s walkingstick. E. EGGI.ES- TON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Mr. Carrington. R. T. COTTON. 3 v. 35; 4890-2 Mr. Green. In Tales of Glauber-Spa, v. 2 4O: 1700 Mr. Gurdon s plight. W. GILBERT. In Doctor Austin s guests, v. 1 37: 2986 Mr. John. Afrs. C. V. HAMILTON. In Hopes of sand 37: 3923 Mr. John Jenkins. (F.) B. HARTE. In Treasure-trove series* v. 2 4O: 1702 Mr. Ledbury, Adventures of. A. SMITH. 39: 1808 Mr. Lufkin at a bull fight. H. SPICEK. In Brought to book, v. 2 39: 2097 Mr. Pearson. In N. and T., v. 8 4O: 1648 Mr. Pendleton s cup. W. J. BRADLEY. 35: 2637 Mr. Peppercorn "at home." D. (W.) JEUKOLD. In Coll. works, v. 4 34; 14G8 The same. In Works, v. 2 34: 1462 Mr. Rutherford s children. S. WAR- NEK 4O: 203 Mr. Samuel Rarnsny Thriven: a tale of love and bankruptcy. A. LEIOHTON. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 Mr. Smith, a part of his life. L. B. WAI.FORD 4O: 27 Mr. Stewart s intentions. F. W. ROB INSON 39: 495 Mr. Thompson s prodigal. (F.) B. HARTE. In Mrs. Skngg s bus- bunds 37; 4057 Mr. Tibbot O Leary, the curious. G. GRIKKIN. In L. C., v. 5 4O: 1615 Mr. Vaughan s heir. F. L. BENEDICT. 35: 1945 Mr. Verdant Green married and done for. E. BRADLEY. (CuihbrrtBe.de). 35: 2603 Mr. Wynward s ward. II. PARR. (Holme Lee.) 38: 4206 Mistress and maid. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). 35: 4929 Thesame 35: 4930 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 4931 Mrs. Armington s ward; or, the inferior sex. D. T. WRIGHT 4O: 8C8 Mrs. Badgery. (W.) W. COLLINS. In N. and T., v. 6 4O: 1646 The same. IfVM Alicia Warlock 35: 4539 The same. With Queen s revenge.... 35: 4581 Mrs. Battle s opinion on cards. C. LAMB. In Treasure-trove series, v.l 4O: 1701 Mrs Brown at the play. A. SKETCH- LEY. /H Treasure-trove series, v. 1. 4O: 1701 Mrs. Bullwinkle. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Queen s revenge 35; 4581 Mrs. Catherine Crawley. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 8 39: 1643 Mrs. Christian Pavics. D. DicFoE. In Novels and misc. works, v. 4 34: 1020 Mrs. Clarinda Singleheart. A. MAN- NINCI 38: 2488 Mrs. Gerald s neice. G. FULLKRTON. 37: 2554 Mrs. Gordon s confession. Mrs. C. V. HAMILTON. In Ropes of sand 37: 3923 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MRS. 146 MODERN. Mrs. Haliburton s troubles. E. P. [Mrs H ] WOOD 4.O- 708 Mitford, A. Bertram. FORTY-SEVKN Ronins, The. In L. C. , v 11 4O* 161 The same. Tauchnitz ec Mrs. Humphrey Green \ party. Bon Gaultier MARTIN. In W. T. 13 Mistress Judith: a Can story. C. C. FKASEK- The same N Y ed 4O: 709 vood s tea- s tales. T. v ~> 4O 1715 Mitford, Mary Russell. (1 7HH-1855). OUR village: sketches of rural char acter and scenery. Loud. 1870. 2 v sni 8 33- 303R.fi ibridgeshiru IYTLKK 37: 2455 37- 245fi Contents : Admiral on shore, v. 2. Aunt Martha, v. 1. Bird-catcher, v. 2. Black velvet-bag, v. 1. Bramley maying, v. 1. Cnstle in the air. Chalk-pit, v. 1. Children of the village: v. 2. Amy Lloyd. Foster-mother. Harry Lewington. Magpies, The. Pride shall have a fall. Robins. Two dolls. Young master Ben. China jug. Christmas amusements, v. 2. Christmas party, v. 1. Cottage names. Country apothecary, A, v. L Country barber, A, v. 2. Country cricket-match, v. 1. Cuiicin Mary, v. 1. Cousins, The, v. 2. Doctor Tubb, v. 1. Dora Creswell, v. 2. Early recollections: v. 1. Caroline Cleveland. Cobbler over the way. English teacher. French emigrants. French teacher. General and his lady. My grandfather. My grandfather s man euvering. M\ school-fellows. Tom Hopkins. [A. Willow gentlewoman, Election, The. Ellen, v. 1. Fanny s fairings, v. I. Fishernutri in iiis married slate, v. 2. Freshwater fisherman, v. 2. Gho.st stories. Going to the races. Grace Neville, v. I. Great farm-house, A, v. 1. Han:, ah, v. 1. Hay-carrying, v. 2. Haymakers, v. 2. Hopping Bob. Incendiary, Ihe, v. 2. Inquisitive gentleman, v. 1. Jack Hatch, v. 1. Jessy Lucas, v. 2. Little Miss Wren. Mliss. (F.) B. HARTE. Hourinjf t Hinii Little Rm-hel, v. 1. Lost an>l found, v. 2. Lost and won, v. ~i, Lost keys ; or, a day of die- tress, v. 2. Louisa. l.tK Y, V. 1. Mademoiselle Therese, v.2. Marianne, v. 1. Matthew Shore. Mrs. Mosse, v. 1. Modern antiques, v. 1. Mole-catcher, v. 2. Moonlight-adventure, v. 2. My godmothers, v. 2. New-married couple, v. 1. Ol-i bachelor, v. 1. Old gipsy, v. 1. Old master Green, v. 2. Olive Hathawaj, v. 1. ( Mir Maying, V. 2. Our village, v 1. Purting glance at our vil lage, v. 1. . Patty s ne v hat. Queen ot the meadow, v. 2. l^uiet gentlewoman, A, v. 1. Hat-catcher, v. 2. RoMdiwry legatee, v. 2. Kosedale* Knnaway, The, v. 2. Sca-sidc recollections, v. 2. Talking gentleman, v. I.. Talking lady, v. 1. Tenants of Beechgrove, v. 1. Torn Corderv, v. 1 . Touchy lady", Ihe, v. 1. ! wo Sisters, The. Two valentines, v. 1. Vicar s maid, v. 1. Village beau, v. 1. Village schoolmistress*, v. 2. Visii to Lucy, v. 1. VIMI to Richmond. Walk through the village, v 1. Wa Us in the country : v. 1. Copse, The. Cowslip-ball. hell. The. Fall ol the leaf. First primrose. Frost and thaw. Hannah Bint. Hard summer. Nutting. Old house at Aberleigh. Shaw, The. Violet ing. Visit, The. Wood, The. Wheat-hoeing: a morning ramble, v. 1. Whitsun-evc, v. 2. Young gypsy, v. 1.- //;. Luck of an- inofi Mrs. Kitty Trevelvan, Diarv of. Mrs. E R CHART KS afi- 4073 The same. Tauchnitz e Mrs. Leicester s school. A/i In W S C L., v. 12.. 3 35- 4074 s.s M. LAMB. 34- 4182 The same .. *1 .<=> 4 )22 Mrs. Lirriper s legacy. C. (.1. H.) DICKENS. With Master Humph rey s clock 37 497 The same With Somebody s luggage. 37: 544 The same. With Uncommercial trav. 37: 552 Mrs. Mainwaring s journal. E. MAR SHALL 38 2619 Mrs. Matthews. Mrs. F. TROLI.OPE... 39: 3232 Mistress of Langdale hall. R. M. KKTTI E SR- 851 Mrs. Skaggs s husbands, sketches (F.) B. HA Contents : Christmas gift that came to Rupert. How Pfmtfl Clans came to Simpson s bar. Iliad of Sandy-bar. Mr. Thompson s prod igal. Mrs. Skaffgs s husbands. Poet of Sierra flat. Princess Bob and her friends. Romance of Madrono Hollow. Legends and tales : Adventure of Padre Vi- centio. Devil and the Broker. Legend of Monte del Diablo. Mrs. Strongitharm g repr TAYLOR. In Beauty a Mrs. Thome s guest. M. Mrs. Vanderput and Snoe TINEAU. In lllllS. of v 6 and other JTK 33" 1907 Night at Wingflam, Ogress of Silver-land. Ruins of San Krancisco. Urban sketches : Hoy s dog. Charitable reminiscences. From a balcony. Melons. My suburban residence. Neighborhoods I have moved trom. On a vulgar little boy. Seeing the steamer otf. Sidewalkings. Surprising adventures of Master Charles Sum- tnerton. Venerable impostor. Waiting for the ship. rt. (.1.) B. id the beast. 39: 2780 J. CAI-RON... 35: 3791 c. H. MAR- polit. econ., 38 2644 Mrs. Waldin s confidant. In Pictures of country Mitchell, Donald Grant, (b. 1822). BACHELOR S reverie, A. v 4 A. CARY. life 35 3918 (Ik Marvel). In L. C., 4O 1614 DOCTOR Johns. Being a certain events in the 1 thodox minister of N. Y. I860. 2 v. 1 DREAM life : a fable of N Y 1866 l narrative of fe of an or- Connecticut. 2 38 301i-12 the seasons. 33- 3021 Moby Dick. 11. MKLVILLE. Same as The whale 38* 2875 FRESH gleanings. N. Y. 1851. 12. 33: 3023 LORGNETTE, The; or, studies of the town. By an Opera goer. N. Y. 1851 2 v 12 J SS- 309.fi-7 Mocking-bird s .singing-school. E. EGGLESTON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37 1595 REVERIES of a bachelor of the heart. N. Y. SEVEN stories, with bn attic. N. Y. 1864. 1 or, a book 854. 12... 33: 3029 sement and 2 38 3013 Modern accomplishments; or, the imirch of intellect. C. SINCLAIK. 39: 1730 The same. In AV. S. C. L., v. 14 *15: 49 M The same.... 34: 4184 Account of a eonsulftte. Bride of the ice-king Cabriolet. Count Pesaro. Mitchell, Rev. Walter. BRYAN Maurice; or, the seeker. Phil. 1869. 12 38: Emile Florae. Petit Soulier. t nder the roof. Wet day at an Irish inn. 3020 Modern chivalry; or, the adventures of Captain Farrago and Tcague O Regan. H. H. BRACKKNRID(;K. 35: 2508 Modern Cressida, A. F. ASH ETON. H iYA HALI.OWKLL S On the church steps 4O: 1C31 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MODERN. 147 MOORE. Modern fables. K". EOOLESTON. In Schoolmaster s stories ................... 37: 1595 Modern Grist-Ida, The. M. EIMJK- WOKTH. In her N. and T.. v. 5 ..... 37: 15(10 Modern Griseldii, and Belinda. M. EixiKWORTH. 2 v ...................... 37: 14H8-9 Modern society. C. SINCLAIR .......... 39: 1731 Thesmne. / W. S. C. L., v. 14 ...... *15: 4024 The same ...................................... 34: 4184 Moffat, -Vr. A. S. O.NK-ARMKD Hugh, the little corn merchant; or, Ralph and Tib. Host. 18U8. 16 ........................ 38: 3025 Moffett, E. L. CROWN- jewels. N. Y. 1871. 12. 38: 3030 Mohammed All nnd his house. C. M. MUNDT. (Louisa MHhlbach).... 38: 3248 Mohun : or, the lust days of Lee. J. E. CUOKR .................................. 35: 4708 Mohicans of Paris, The. A. (D.) PI-MAS ...................................... 37: 1000 Moir, Davis M. ( Delta). BRIDAL of Bothwick, The. In Club- book ................... ...................... 4O: 1520 DIVINITY student, The. In W. T. B., v. 3 ...................................... 4O: 1713 Moliere, .lean Baptiste, Poquelin. (1622-1673). TALKS from his plays. nard. Loud. 1859. D. B. Len- 12 ............ 38: 1518 George Dandin. Msiladf imitffinairp, Le. M^dcoin n lgr6 Ini. Misimthropo. Pouroeaugnac. M. do. PrOcieusos rodicules, Les. Print;osp d Elide. Sgannrclle. Tarntffe. "34: Qmtcnta : Avare, T/. Bourgeois gentilhomn , lie. Eoolo des fommos, L . Ecole des maris, L . Ktourdi, L . Fommes savantes, LOP. | Fotirberries do scapin Les. Moll Flanders. I). PuFoK. In Nov. and Misc. works, v. 3. ................. Mona, the vestal. Sfrt. A. H. POKSKY. In Nora Brady s vow ................. 37: 795 Monaldi : a tale. W. ALLHTOX ........ 35: 610 Monarch of Mincing lane. \V. BLACK ...................................... 35: 2180 Monare. Mrs. R. S. GRKENOUOH. In Arabesques ................................ 33: 1705 Monastery, The. F. GOTTSCHAI.CK. In R. G. N., v. 2 ......................... 4O: 1561 Monastery, The. Sir W. SCOTT. Par ker ed. 2 v .............................. *39:1317-18 The same. Kdin. ed ..................... 39: 1356 The same. Abbotsford ed .............. 39: 1363 The same ...................................... 39: 1379 The same. Household ed. 2v ...... 39:1413-14 Thesame. Pocketed .................... 39: 1454 The same. Tauchnit/, ed ............... 39: 1483 Moncrieff, Henry Wellwood. VISIT to mv discontented cousin. Host. 1871. 16 ........................ 38: 3035 Moncrieff, Robert Hope. (Axcotl It. Hope). LYCL-K boys, The; or, school life in France. Edin. n. d. 18 .......... 38: 3040 MARTYR shepherd, The: a story of the Scottish covenanters. Edin. n. d. 18 .................................. 38: 3041 STOKIKS of French school life. Edin. 1871. 12 ................................. 38: 3042 Content t: [. The now master, II. Thi- now hoy. III. Tho new book. Money and music. C. F. HAKNARD, jr. (Jane Kiiigxford.) .................. 35; 1627 Money makers, The; or, the victory of the basilisks. \V. T. ADAMH. (Oliver Optic) 35: 259 Moneyed man. The; or, the lesson of a life. H. SMITH. 3v 39:1869-71 Monikins, The. J. F. COOPER 35: 4748 Thesame 35: 4749 Monk, The. M. G. LEWIS *!_,. R. Monk of Cimies. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 14 39: 1649 Monk of Conradburg s tale, The. NACHTHIALI. (Otmar). In R. G. N., v. 2 4O: 1561 Monk of St. Anthony, The. A. CAMP- BKLL. /n W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 Monks of Drvburgh, The. A. UAMP- HKI.L. In W. t. R., v. 2 4O: 1712 Monomaniac, The. Surgeon s tales. A. LEIOHTOV. In W. T. B., v. 9... 4O: 1719 Monsieur Antoine. Mme. A. L. A. D. PriiKVAST. (George Sand) 37: 917 Monsieur Maurice: a new novelette; and other tales. A. B. EDWARDS. 3 v 37: 1527-9 Qmfentx : v. I. Cnhnrt-t of tin- Bronk of day. Engineer s story. Monsiour M:uirioo. II. New P;iss, The. Nifilit on the borders of tin- Klnek forest. Service of dimmer. Story of Ernest Christian Sonoefter. Monsieur Sylvestre. Mme. A. L. A. P. Dfi>Bv.\NT. ( (Iforijf Sund) 37: 38: Story of Salome. .III. All-saints ovo : a story of circumstantial eTi- denoo. Four-fifteen express, The. Sister Johanna s story. Tragedy in the Palazzo Bftr- dello. 918 2545 38: 4O: 37: Monsieur Violet. Ca/>t. F. MARRY AT. Montague, Capt. W. E. CLAUDK Meadowleigh. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 . Montalti, Gentile. In T. F. H., v. 2. Monte-Cristo, Count of. A. (P.) DIM AS Monte-Cristo, Countess of. J. PI-BOYS 37: Montford. H. LEE. In Canterbury tales, v. 1 38: Montgomery, Hon. Mrs. Alfred. MI.VK own familiar friend. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 3083-5 Montgomery, C. E AOL E pass: life! on the border. N. Y. 1852. 12 Montgomery, Florence. THROWN- together: a story. Phil. 1872. 12 . THWARTED; or, duck s eggs in a hen s nest. Phil. 1874. l2 Moods. L. M. AI.COTT 35: Moonfolk: a true account of the home of the fairy tales. J. G. AI-STIX "... 35: Moonshine : fairy stories. E. H. KXATCHHUI.I.-HUGESSKX 38: 3051-3 2658 973 896 1422 38: 3070 38: 38: 3075 3076 461 937 1063 "Potter s gift. Provender lioes, The. Robin-a-Rohin-a- Bilberry- Ben. Valentine s day. Wizard of Bockhanger, The. Qmlmtf : Hoy and the biids, The. Charlie among the elves. Chnxtmas morning. Fern fairy, The. Fitz s story. Mulligatawny. Nose, The. Moonstone. (W.) W. COM. INS 35; 4568 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 4569 Moore, Mrs. Bloomficld H. ON dangerous ground. Phil. 1876. 12 38: 3089 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MOORE. 148 MORTIMER. Moore, Emily H. (Mignonette). LOST life, A. N. Y. 1871. 12 38: 3091 Moore, John. ZKLUCO. Lond. 1820. 2 v. 18. 38:3096-7 Moore, M. A. DINAH. N. Y. 1861. 12 38: 3100 Moorish gold, The. J. INGKI.OW. In Stories told to a child 38: 33 Moorland cottage. Mrs. (M.) E. C. GASKELL 37: 2869 Mopsa, the fairy. J. INOKLOW 38: 30 Moral of many fables. H. MARTIN- KAU. In Illus. of polit. eoon., v. 9. 38: 2647 Moral tales, M. EDGEWORTH. 2 v... 37: 1494-5 Contents : Mademoiselle Panache, Part 2. Prussian vase. Mnrnd the unlucky. The same. In her N. and T., v. 1-2. 37: 1496-7 Moral tales. Mme. GUIZOT. Tr. by Mrs. L. Burke .". 37; 3630 Contents : Forester. Good aunt, The. Good French governess. Knapsack, The: a drama. Aglnia and Leontine; or, manoeuvring. Armand ; or, the indepen dent boy. Dream, The : an eastern tale. Edward and Eugenia. Eudoxia ; or, legitimate pride. Franeou. Helen; or, the failure. History of a louis d or. Julia ; or, the tale of Mme. Cromie MitHine. Little hrigands. Marie ; or, the feast of Cor pus Ohristi. M. le Chevalier. Old Goneviove. Oh ! Oh ! Oh! Secret of courage, The. Morals and mysteries. H. A ii>e ......... 35: Morals of Abou Ben Adhem, The. I). R. LOCKE. Morals of May Fair. 33: 37: 38: 38: Tom White. Two wealthy farmers. Valley of tears. Mrs. A. ED WARDS. Same an Philip Karnscliff. Mordaunt hall. A. MARSH-CALD- WEI.I More, Hannah. (1745-1833). C<ELEBS in search of a wife. N. Y. 1857. 12 The same. In Works, v. 2 34: The same. In Works, v. 2 34: RURAL tales. N. Y. 1854. 16 38: Contents: All for the best. Parley, the porter. Pilgrims. Straight gate and the broad way. SHEIMIKRD of Salisbury plain, The, and other tales. > T . Y. 1859. 12. 38: Contents : Allegories : Grand assizes. Parley, the porter. Pilgrims, The. Servant man turned soldier. Straight gate and broad way. Valley of tears. Stories for persons of middle rank : Cure for the melan choly. History of Mr Fantom and his man William. The same. In Works, v. 1 34: The same. In Works, v. 1 34: More, Sir Thomas. ( 1 480-1 535 ). UTOPIA; or, the happy republic. Lond. 1852. 12 54: More, fiir Thomas, Household of. A. MANNING 38: The same... 38: 364 2i;i8 1549 2600 3106 17H1 1763 3107 3108 Tin all for the best. Two wealthy farmers ; or, Mr. Bragwell. Tales for- the common people : Black Giles, the poacher. History of Hetty Hrown. History of Hester Wilmot. History of Tom White. Shepherd of Salisbury plain. Sunday school. Tawny Rachel ; or, the fortune teller. Two shoemakers. 1760 1762 1390 2470 2471 3181 My little gentleman. My lost sister. NoMiiiy s child. Huthy s country. Thin ii-e. Uncle Jack. Wliut cme to Olive Hay- garth. 1055 706 38: 3113 More bed-time stories. Mrs. . L. C. MOULTON 38: Contents : Against wind and tide. Agatha s lonely days. Blue sky and white clouds Cflusin from Boston. Head boy of Eagleheight school. Joe Golding .s Christmas. Missy. My comforter. More happy thoughts. F. C. BUR- NAND 33: More than she could bear. G. W. ARCHER 35: Mourdun: a tale of 1210. Sir W. SCOTT Morell, V. M. WINGED chariot. Cin. 1858. 12. Morenos, Ojos. (pseud.) WHAT will the world say? and Only a woman. Phil. 1873. 12 Moretti Campanula. JV/i w A. I. THACKERAY. With To Esther and other tales Morford, Henry. ( The Governor). COWARD, The: a novel of society and the field in 1803. Phil. 1864. 12. DATS of shoddy, The: a novel of the great rebellion of 1861. Phil. n. d. 12 . JOHN Jasper s secret. Phil. 1871. 12. ONLY a commoner. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sin. 8 SHOULDER straps : a novel of New York and the army in 18(J2. 1 hil. 1863. 12 Morgan, Henry. NKI> Nevins, the news-boy ; or, street life in Boston. Host. 1X6!). lti. Morgan, Lady Sydney Owenson. FLORENCE Macarthy: a national tale. N. Y. n. d. 12 Moritz, August, and RUHKOTF, Julie. NANNIE S jewel-case ; or, true stories and false. Tales tr. by Trauerman- tel. N. Y. 1867. 16 39: Contents : Hymn-book, The. A. MORITZ. Kasern, the miser. A. Moanz. William, the little chimney sweeper. A. MORITZ. Young countess, The. J. RuHKorF Morley, Susan. AII.EEN Ferrers. N. Y. 1875. 8. THROSTLETHWAITK. Phil. 1876. 12 Merely Ernstein. G. P. R. JAMKS... Morning-glories, and other stories. L. M. ALCOTT ... 38: 39: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 3129 3118 2865 3123 3124 2125 38: 38: 3138 3144 727 38: 3150 38: 38: 35: 3151 205 462 Contents : (JhriMmas song, A. Fairy fire-fly Fancy s friend. Gold-nn and silver-tail. Little Gulliver. Morning glories. Nautilus, The. Peep ! Peep ! Peep Poppy s pranks. Rose family. The. Shadow -children. Strange island, A. Whale story, The. What the swallows d Morris, Peter. See LOCKHART, J. G. Morrisons, The. Mrs. M. HOSMER. Morten Lange. H. C. ANDERSKN. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 Mortimer, C. B. MORTON Montagu; or, a young Christian s choice. A narrative founded on facts in the early his tory of a deceased Moravian mis sionary clergyman. N. Y. 1850. 12 ... d. 37: 4701 4O: 1530 38: 31 5G PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MORTIMER. 149 MTOOE. Mortimer, Grace. Two Barbaras, The. N. Y. 1876. 12 38: 3192 Mortimer s college life. E. .1. MAY. 38: 2782 Mortlake : a legend of Merton. J. M.UDMKNT. In W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 Mortomley s estate. Mrs. J. H. KIDDKLL. (F. <>. Traff urd). 3 v. 39: 383-5 Morton, Ludy. See DOUGLAS, Lady Morton. Morton house. F. C. FISIIKB. (Chri.i- tiait Reid) 37: 2200 Morton .Montagu. C. B. MORTIMER. 38: 3156 Mosaic worker s daughter, The. J. M. C.U-ES. 3v 35:3753-5 Mose Evans. W. M. BAKKR 35; 1431 Mosspits, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials 37: 3888 The same 37: 3889 Moses Adams, (pseud.) See BAUIIY, George W. Moss roses; or, the brother and sister. Mrs. E. C. EMIIURY. In Pictures of early life 37: 1700 Mosses from an old manse. X. HAW THORNE. 2 v 37: 4182-3 Contents : Artist of the beautiful, v. 2. Birthmark, v. 1. Buds and bird voices, v. 1. Celeslial railroad, v. 1. Christmas banquet, v. 1. Drowne s wooden image, Mrs. Bullfrog, v. 1. Monsieur in Miroir, v. 1. New Adam and Kve, y. 2. Old apple dealer, v. 2. Old manse, v. 1. P s correspondence, v. 2. Passages from a relinquish ed work, v. 2. Procession of life, v. I. Rappuccini s daughter, v. 1. Koger Malvin s burial, v. 2. Select party, v. 1. Sketches from memory, v. 2. Virtuoso s collection, v. 2. Young Goodman Brown, v. L Earth s holocaust, v. 2. Egotism ; or, the bosom serpent, v. 2. Feathertop : a moralized legend, v. 1. Fire worship, v. 1. Hall ofliir.tasy, v. 1. Intelligence office, v. 2. Moss-side. Mrs. M. V. (H.) TKU- HTNE. (Marion Harland) 39: 2841 Mosstrooper, The. In W. T. B.,v. 6. 4O: 1716 Most pleasant history of Tom a Lin coln, surnamed the boast of Eng land. R. JOHNSON. In Thorns English romances 33: 4021 Mostyn, Sydney. PERPLEXITY. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 3161-3 SURGEON S secret, The. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 38: 3104 Moth, The. Mrs. C. E. TONKA. ( Charlotte Elizabeth). H^th Philip and his garden 39: 30G8 Moth and rust. Bost. 1870. 10 4O: 2397 Mother, The. T. S. ARTHUR. In Til ree eras 35: 800 Mother, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s triuls 37: 3888 Thesame 37: 3889 Mother-in-law, Tim. Mrs. W. A. BIIARUMAN 35: 2285 Mother-in-law, The: a tale of do mestic life. Mrs. E. I). E. N. SOUTHWORTH . 39: 2030 39: 39: Mother Magpie s mischief. Mr*. H. (E.)B.STows. //(Queer little people. 39: 2334 Motherless, The. Mad. Guizot DE- WITT 37: 404 Motherless children. H. N. (W.) BAKKR. (Aunt ffaltie) 35: 1395 Mother s recompense: sequel to Home influence. G. Am iLAR 35: 340 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 35: 347 4O: 2400 38: 3175 38: 3180 Little mother. Margaret s necklace. Maud Granger s new dress. Mr. Turk and what became of him. Paying off Jane. Sir Harry. What liirdie did. What Jess Cortrell did. In Stories Mother s trials, A. By the author of My lady. N. Y. 1800. 12 Motley, John Lothrop. (b. 1814). MKKKY-MOUNT: a romance. Bost. 1840. 12 Moulton, Mrs. Louise Chandler. BKD-TIMK stories. Bost. 1873. 16. Contents : Bt njie. Child s good work. Child s tragedy. Coals of fire. How the girls got rid of Freddy. Janie Leech s angel. Just a little bit of Christ mas. Light in the window. DR. Huger s intentions. and sketches 4O: MORE bed-time stories. Bost. 1875. IB 38: Contents : Against wind and tide. Agatha s lonely days. Blue sky and "white clouds. Cousin from Boston. Head hoy of Eagleheight school. Joh Golding s Christinas. Missy. MY third book: a collection of tales. N. Y. 1859. 12 Contents : Cottage on the hill. Four letter* from Helen Hamilton. How one woman came to many. Joanna, the actress. Joseph Thome, his ! Ailing. K ,81 . 1281 My comforter. My litili gentleman. My lost sister. Nobody s child. Ruthy s country. Thin ice. Uncle Jack. What came to Olive garth? Hay- 38: 3182 Leona : a blind man s- story. Mis! over the valley. Mountain road. SOMK women s hearts. Hi" ... My inheritance. Number 101. Olive Winchester Wight. Phantom face : story for Christmas. Pride of Moses Grant. Itecord of a troubled life. Story ol a man of business. Tenant of the old brown house. Uncje Roger s story and mine. Bost. 1874. 38: 3183 Cun cnts : Brains. Fleeing from fate. Household gods. Judge s vrife. Letter, and what came of it. Little Gibraltar. Out of Nazareth. Twelve years of my life. Mount Hope; or, Philip, king of the Wampanoan: an historical ro mance. G. H. HOLLIHTKR 37: Mountain storm. T. GILI.ESI-IE. In W. T. B., v. 1 Mpuntford, William. TnoHi K: a quiet English town and life therein. Host. 1852. 12 Mourning queen. Mrs. M. M. SIIKK- woon. In Works, v. 7 Mouse tower, The. If. GOTTSCHALCK. In R. G. N., v. 2 Mowatt, Anna C. See RITCHIE, Mrs. A. C. M. Moyna Brady. Jfrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows of Irish life, v. 2 38: Mozart, Wolfgang A. Mm. E. F. EI.LET. / Nouvellettes of the musicians 37: Mozart and Mendelssohn. C. F. BAR NARD. (Jane Kingxford) 35: Muddock, J. E. FALSK heart, A. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 Mudford, William. IRON shroud, The. In L. C., v. 3 Mudge, G. A. BOAT-HUILDER S family. Bost. 1871. 16 ... 4557 4O: 1711 38: 3190 39: 1642 4O: 1561 3883 1050 1028 38: 3inr>-7 4O: 1013 38: 3205 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MuDIE. 150 MuKRAT. Mudie, Mary. ST. Michael s priory. Lond. 1871. 2 v. sm. 8 38:3209-10 Miiller, Christine. (pseud.) See WALRKK, E. C. W. Muller, F. P. FOUNTAIN of youth. Lond. 1866. sm. 8 38: 3214 Muller, Otto. (b. 1818). CHARLOTTE Ackerman. ( Charlotte Ackermann : ein Hamburger Theater- Roman auxdemvorigcn Jakrhundert). Tr. bv Mrs. Chtipman Colemun and daughters. Phil. 187:. 12 38: 3216 DR. Goethe s courtship. (Der Stadt- schultheisK von Frankfurt: ein, Familien-Roman aus dem vorigen Jahrhunderi.) Tr. by V. S. Lond. 1866. 16 38: 3217 Mugby junction. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. With. Master Humphrey s clock 37; 497 Mugby junction, and Dr. Marigold s prescriptions. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. 37: 464 Miihlbach, Louisa. (pseud.) See MUNDT, Mrs. Clara Muller. Mulgrave, Earl. CONTRAST, The. In W. S. C. L., v. 14 *15: 4924 The same 34: 4184 Mulholland, Mis* WICKED woods of Tobereevil, The. Bost. 1873. 8 38: 3223 Mulock, Mis* D. M. See CRAIK, Mrs. Dinah Maria. Mumford, M. E. Hi LA Dart, a born romp. Phil. 1871. 16 38: 3230 Mundt, Mm. Clara Muller. (Louisa Miihlbach). (1814-1876). ANDREAS Hofer. (Tr. of Andreas Ilo/er. Pt. 1, of Erzherzog Johann und seine Zeit). N. Y. 1868. 12. 38: 3235 BERLIN and Sans-Souci ; or, Fred erick the Great and his friends. (Tr. of Berlin und Sansxouci, oder Friedrich der (Irosse und seine Freunde). N. Y. 1868. 8 38: BERNTHAL; or, the son s revenge. (Tr. of Der Sohn seiner Zeit.) N. Y . 1871. 8 38: DAUGHTER of an empress. N. Y. 1868. 8 38: EMPRESS .Josephine: an historical sketch of the days of Napoleon. (Tr. of Kaiserin Josephine: ein Na- poleoni.schex Lebenxbild). N. Y . 1867. 8 38: FREDERICK the Great and his court. (Tr. of Friedrich der (rroxxe und seinHof). N.Y. 1867. 12 38: FREDERICK the Great and his family. (Tr. of Friedrich der Groxse und Mine Oeschwister). N. Y . 1871. GOETHE and Schiller. (Tr. of Fiir- xttn und Dichter. Pt. 2, of Deutsch- land in Sturm und Drang.) N. Y. 1872. 8 HENRY the Eighth and his court. (Tr. of Kiinig Heinrich VIII und sein ffof, oder Katharine Parr). N.Y. 1873. 8 JOSEPH II, and his court. (Tr. of Kaiser Joseph der Zweite und sein Hof.) N. Y. 1867. 12 38: 38: 3237 3238 3239 3240 38: 3241 38: 3242 3243 3244 Mundt, (continued.) LOUISA of Prussia, and her times. (Tr. of RiKtiHt and Jena. Pt. 1, of Napoleon in Deutschland.) N. Y. 1867. 8 38: 3245 MARIA Theresa and her fireman. (Tr. of Maria Theresia und ihr Ofen- heizer). With Merchant of Berlin. 38: 3247 MAKIK Antoinette and her son. (Tr. of Marie Antoinette und ihr Sohn). N.Y. 1872. 8 38: 3246 MERCHANT of Berlin, The. N.Y . 1872. 8 38: 3247 MOHAMMED AH and his house. (Tr. of Mohammed Alt und .sein Haux). N. Y. 1872. 8 38: 3248 NAPOLEON and Blucher. (Tr. of Napoleon und BHicher. Pt. 3, of Napoleon in Deutxchland). N. Y. 1867. 8 38: 324!) NAPOLEON and the queen of Prussia. (Tr. of Napoleon und die Kijiiigin Louise. Pt. 2, of Napoleon in Drutxchland). N. Y. 1868. 8... 38: 3250 OLD Frit/, and the new era. (Tr. of Der alte Fritz und die neue Zeit. Pt. 1, of Deutschlaad in Sturm und Drang). N. Y . 1868. 8 38: 3251 PRINCE Eugene, and his times. (Tr. of I rinz Eugen und seine Zeit). N. Y. 1809. 8 38: 3252 QIEEN Hortense: a life picture of the Napoleonic era. (Tr. of Kiini- giii Ilortenxe : ein, Napoleomsches Lcbenxbild). N. Y. 1870. 8 38: 3253 STORY of a millionaire (Tr. of Bon - nerx, oder die Geschichte einex Mil- lionarx.) N.Y . 1872. 12 38: 3254 Two life paths: a romance. (Tr. of Zwei Lebenswege). N.Y. 18o9. 8. 38: 3255 Mungo. J. AHHOTT. In H. S. B., v. 11 35: 46 Munster festival. G. GRIFFIN. 3 v. 37: 3552-4 Murad, the unlucky. M. EDOEWORTH. In her N. and f., v. 3 37; 1498 The ime. In Popular tales, v. 2 37: 1507 The same. In L. ( ., v. 12 4O: 1622 Murder considered as one of the fine arts. T. DEtji INCEY. In L. C., v. 2 4O: 1612 Murder of the archbishop of Paris. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Dead secret 35: 4552 The same. In N. and T., v. 5 4O: 1645 Murderer s last night, The. T. DOVULEDAY. In T. f. B., v. 4 4O: 1694 Murders in Rue Morgue, The. E. A. POE. In L. C., v. 3 4O: 161. ! The same. In Works, v. 1 34: 1831 Murdoch, Ken. David. KOYAI.IST S daughter and the rebels; or, the Dutch domain of the Cats- kills : a tale of the revolution. Phil. 1865. 12 38: 3275 Murphy, Rosalie Miller. DESTINY; or, life as it is. N.Y. 1867. 12 38: 3280 Murphy s master. .]. S. SAUZADE. (Janus I uyn) 39; 1173 Murray, Charles Augustus. PRAIRIE bird. Lond. 1844. 3 v. 12 38: 3285-7 Murray, Elizabeth Alice. FI.OWKR of Kildalla, The. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 3293-5 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. MURRAY. 151 MY. Murray, K. A., {continued. ) lioiiKKT Chetwvnds confession. A novel. Lond.")868. 3 v. sni. 8. 38: 3296-8 Murray, Grenville. ( Troix-h loiUs). MKMKKH for Paris, The. Host. 1871. 8 38: 3308 The same. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 3309 YOUNG Brown. Bost. 1874. 8 38: 3310 MUSSBUS, -Ionium Carl August. (1735- 1787). DUMB love. In C. G. R., v. 1 35: 3873 The same. In R. G. N., v. 3 4O: l. r >62 LIHUSSA. /H Tales from the German. 4O: 1699 The same. In C. G. R., v. 1 35: 3873 " Muschachito Mi<>. J. INOKLOW. In Sister s bye-hours 38: 32 Museum, The. J. ABBOTT. In II. S. B., v. I; 35: 41 Musset, Alfred de. SKI.KOTIONS from the prose and poetry of. Tr. by Mr*. Wister. N. Y". 1870. 16 33: 3101 Must it be? K. BAUER. (Karl Detlef.) 35: 1721 Mustang gray. Hon. .J. CLKMKNS.... 35: 4388 Mute singer. Mr*. A. C. M. RITCHIK. 39: 431 Mutiny aboard the "Minnie Jimps." H. SPIOKR. In Bound to please, v. 1 39: 2096 My aunt Kate. Mrs. M. M. SHKKWOOD. / Works, v. 7 39: 1642 My aunt Margaret s mirror. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed *39: 1340 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1370 The same 39: 1394 The same. With Talisman, v. 2. Household ed 39: 1434 The same. Poeket ed 39: 1464 My black coat; or, the breaking of the bride s china. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 1 4O: 1711 My black mirror. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Alicia Warlock 35: 4539 The same. With Queen s revenge.... My blind sister. In N. and T., v. 2.... 4O: 1642 My brother Robert. In N. and T.,v. 3. 4O: 1643 i My brother s keeper. A. 15. WARNKR. 4O: 166 I My brother s wife. A. B. EDWARDS. 37: 1530 j My chateaux. G. W. CTRTIS. In L. C., v. 4 4O: 1614 My college friends. In T. f. B ., v. 2-3. 4O: 1693-4 Content*: v 2. Charles Russell, the gentleman commoner. 3. Horace Leicester. Mr. WellinRtoo Hurst. My country town. In N. and T. v. 1. 4O: 1641 My cousin Maurice. Loud. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2405 My cousin Nickolas. R. H. BARIIAM. (ThonuiK Ingolxby). In, W. S. C. L., v. 5 34: 4175 The same *15: 4915 My daughter Elinor. F. L. BKNKDICT. 35: 1946 My days and nights. C. C. COFFIN. (Carleion) 35: 4492 My double and how lie undid me. K. E. HALK. In If, yes, and perhaps. 33: 1828 My enemy s daughter. J. MCCAR THY 38: 2133 My English acquaintance. F. HARD- MAS. In T. f. B., v. 9 4O: 1597 My father s fireside. A. PKTKKKIN. In \\. T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 My first love. Mrs. J. H. KIDDKLL. (F. G. Trafford). With Frank Sin clair s wife 39: 373-4 My first voyage to so H. G. K INOSTON. uthern seas. W. 38: 994 My friend, the Dutchman. F. HARD- MAN. InT.f. B., V. 6 4O: 1695 My grandmother. Mrs. M. M. SIIKR- WOOD. / Works, v. 13 39; 1648 My grandmother that might have been. A. CARY. /// Rougegorge and other stories 4O: 1670 My great aunt s picture. J. INOKLOW. In Studies for stories 38: 34 My health. F. C. BUBXAND 33: 10.17 My hero. Mm. Forrester 37: 2362 My hero; or, contrasted lives. Mrs. A. E. PORTKR 38: 4631 My heroine: a story. N. Y. 1871. 8 4O: 2407 My husband s crime. M. R. HOUSE- KKKI-KR 37: 4708 My husband s winnings. U. (W.) JKK- ROLD. In W. S. C. L., v. 12 34: 4182 The same -15: 4922 My inheritance. L. C. MOULTON. In My third book 38: 3182 My insect queen. By the author of Margarets engagement. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2406 My lady Ludlow. Mrs. (M.) E. C. GASKKI.I 37: 2870 The same. In N. and T., v. 9 4O: 1649 My last tour. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 3 37: 4647 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 13 34: 4183 The same *15: 4923 My life. W. H. MAXWELL. Same ax Captain Blake 38: 2740 The same 38: 2741 My little girl. liy the authors of Heady- money Mortiboy. Bost. 1873. 8. 4O: 2408 My little lady, jlfo.v G. F. POYNTKR. N. Y. 1872. 16 4O: 2409 The same. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: 2410 My little ward. In N. and T., v. 2 4O: 1642 My lost house. In N. and T. v. 7 4O: 1647 My married life at Hillside. R. B. COFFIN. (Barry <lray) 35: 4503 My mother and I. Mrs. I). M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock] 35: 4932 My new home. S. S. ROBUINS 39: 454 My novel ; or, varieties of English life. E. G. E. L. Bui.wER-Lyr- TON. 2v 35: 3135-6 The same. Tiiuehnitz ed. 4v 35:3137-40 The same. 4 v. in 2 35:3141-2 My "\vn story. M. HOWITT 37: 4754 My rococo watch. .Vi . L. M. ALCOTT. In Silver pitchers 35: 471 My satchel and I ; or, literature afoot. I. I/.AX 38: 75 My school-boy friends. R. II. MON- CRIEFF. (Axcott R. Hope) My shooting box. 11. W. HRRBKRT... 37: 4354 My sister Alice. Mnt. A. FRASKK. With Only a face 37: 2445 My sister Jeannie. Mad. A. L. A. D. DUDKVANT. (George Sund] 37; 919 My sister Kate. In W. S. C . L., v. 2... 34: 4172 The same 15: 4912 My sister Rosa. Mrx. M. E. POOI.K. In Pictures of cottage life 38: 4624 My sun s wife. Alias E. JOLLY 38: 473 My southern friends. J. R. GILMORK. (Edmund Kirke) 37: 3035 My spinsters. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Queen s revenge 35: 4581 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. Mr. 152 NATIONAL. My story. F. C. FISHKR. (Christian Reid). With Nina s atonement ..... 37: My story. Mrs. K. B. MACQUOID ........ 38: My third book. Mrs. L. C. MOULTON. 38: Contents : Cottage on the hill. Four letters from Helen Hamilton. How one woman came to 2201 2352 3182 marry. Joanna, the actress. Joseph Thorne, his calling. Leotm: a blind man s story. Mist over the valley. Mountain road. My inheritance. Number 101. Olive Winchester Wight. Pliant -m face: a stoiy for Christinas. Pride of Moses Grant. Kecord of a troubled life. Story of a man of business. Tenant of the old brown house. Uncle Roger s story and mine. My three neighbors in the Queen City. By a Sylvan Perm. Gin. 1858. 4O: 2415 My three uncles. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 13 39; 1648 My time and what I ve done with it. F. C. BURNAND 35: 3400 My two partners. In N. and T., v. 11. 4O: 1651 My uncle, the clockmaker. M. HOWITT 37; 4755 My uncle, the curate. M. W. SAVAGE. 39: J203 The same. Lond. ed. 3 v: 39; 1204-6 My uncle Timothy. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In "Works, v. 6 39; 1641 My wife and I. Mrs. H. (E.) B. STOWE. 39: 2328 My window. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Dead secret 35; 4552 The same. In N. and T., v. 5 4O: 1645 My young Alcides. C. M. Y ONGK 4O: 1303 Myddleton Pomfret. W. H. AINS- WORTH 35: 428 Myllie Moyne. J. F. SMITH, tieguel to Philip Blandford 39; 1904 Myra Gray; or, sown in tears, reaped in joy. C.CARLOS-CLARKE. 3 v. 35: 3860-2 Myra s mirror. J. F. FITTS. In Rougegorge and other stories 4O: Myrrha Lake, The heart of; or, into the light of Catholicity. M. M. LEE. 38: Myrtle, Lewis, (pseud.) See HILL, G. C. Myself: a romance of New England life. Phil. 1872. 12 4O: Mysie s pardon. J. W. HAY. 3 v... 37: Mysteries of the backwoods. T. B. THORPE 39: Mysteries of the Court of Naples. G. W. M. REYNOLDS 39: 294 Mysteries of Paris. J. M. (called Eugene) SUE. 3v *A. The same 39; 2417 Thesame 39: 2416 Mysteries of Udolpho. Mrs. A. RADCLIFFE. 3v 39: 11-13 Thesame 39: 14 Mysterious disappearance, The. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 Mysterious guest, The. E. A. Du- PUY 37: 1071 Mysterious island, The; or, wrecked in the air. Same as Dropped from the clouds. J.VERNE 39; 3696 Thesame 39: 3703 Mysterious lodger, The. J. KAV- ANAGII. With Seven years 38: 681 Thesame 38: 682 Mystery, The; or platonic love. G. S. CROSBY 35: 5054 Mystery, The. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 710 1670 1435 2420 4206-8 Mystery of Ashleigh manor, The. A romance. E. K. DAVIES. 3 v... 37: 117-19 Mystery of Dark hollow, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39; 2031 Mystery of the deserted house, The. E. T. W. HOFFMAN. In Strange stories 37; 4480 Mystery of Ed\vin Drood. C. (J. H.) DICKENS 37; 503 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: 504 The same. With Uncommercial trav. 37: 549 Mystery of Edwin Drood. C. ( J. H.) DICKENS and T. P. JAMES. 37: 553 Mystery of Holly tavern. L. COLLIS. 35: 4630 Mystery of Metropolisville. E. Eo- GLESTON 37; 1594 Mystery of Orcival. E. GABORIAU. 37: 2751 Nacoochee. Rev. F. R. GOULDING. 37: 3238 Nameless : a novel. F. M. DOWN ING 37; 840 Nan Darrell : or, the gipsy mother. Miis E. PICKERING 38: 4441 Nancy. R. BROTJGHTON 35: 2973 Nanette and her lovers. T. GWYNNE. 37: 3645 Nannie s jewel-case; or, true stones and false. Tales tr. from the Ger man of Julie RUHKOPF and Aug. MORITZ. N. Y. 1867. 16 T.. 39; 727 Contents : The Hyrnn-book : Aug. MOBITZ. Kasern, the miser: Aug. MORITZ. William the little ehimnej -sweeper: Aug. MUKITB. Young countess: Julia KUHROP*. Nanon ; or, woman s war. A. (D.) DUMAS 37; 1024 Nantle ferry. F. W. ROBINSON. In Girl s romance 39: 48o Napier, Sir Charles. \ViLLiAMtheconquerer: an histori cal romance. Lond. 1858. 8... 38: 3500 Napier, Charles Ottley Groom. TOMMY Try. Lond. 1869. sm. 8. 38: 3504 Napoleon. J. G. LOCKHART. In T. f. B., v. 1 4O: 1693 Napoleon and Bluecher. Kirs. C. M. MUNDT. (Louixii Miihlbavh) 38: 3249 Napoleon 1. and the Queen of Prus sia. Mrs. C. M. MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach) 38: 3250 Nares, E. TlIIXKS-I-TO-MYSELF. Phil. 1864. 16= 38: 3509 Narration of certain uncommon things that did formerly happen to me. Herbert WILLIS. Jn T. f. B. v. 4 4Q: 1694 Narrative of his shipwreck. Kir E. SEAWARD. //(Trav. Lib. Fict. v. 1. 4O: 1691 Nasby, Itec. Petroleum V. ( pseud). See LOCKE, David Ross. Nash, Willard G. CENTURY of gossip, A; or, the real and the seeming. New England life. Chicago. 1876. 12 38: 3512 Natchez : an Indian tale. R. F. A. de CHATEAUBRIAND. 3v 35: 4107-9 Nathalie: a tale. J. KAVANAGH 38: 675 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1.... 38: 676 Nathaniel Vaughan, priest and man. F. MACDONALD. 3 v. in 1 38: 2145 National minstrelsy. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories 38: 1886 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH, NATOLIAN. 153 NEVER. Natolian story-teller, The. In T. f. B., v. t; 4O: Natural history of idiots, The. The Professor s tales. T. GILLKSPIE. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: Naturalist, Adventures of a young. L. BIAKT 35: 2085 Naturals. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 2 37: 3883 Nature und art. E. S. INCHHALD. H Hh .\frs. BROOKE S Julia Mande- ville 35: 2896 Nature and human nature. T. C. HAUIH RTON 37: 3859 Nature s nobleman. By the author of Kaehel s seeret. N. Y. 18t;9. 8. 4O: 2423 Nauman, Mary IX ENCHANTED princess. I hil. 1872. 16 38: 3514 EVA S adventures in shadow-land. Phil. 1872. 1G 38: 3515 Naval annual, The. Capt. F. MAK- RYAT. / W. S. C. L., v. 7 34: 4177 Contents : Pirate, The. | Three cutters. The. The same *15: 4917 Neal, A. B. See HAVEN, A. B. Neal, John. (1793-1876). GOODY gracious! and the forget-me- not. In L. C., v. ro 4O: 1020 Neal Malone. W. CAKLKTON. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 The same 35; 3H40 The same. In L. C., v. 5 4O: 1615 Neale, E. EXPERIENCES of a gaol chaplain. Lond. 1850. 16 38 3520 Neale, W. J. LOST ship, The; or, the Atlantic steamer. N. Y. 1874. 8 38: 3524 Nearer and dearer. K. BRADI.KY. ( t uthbert Jiede } 35; Necklace of truth, The. J. MACC. / Home fairv tales 38: Ned Allen. I). HANNAY 37; Ned Klton. W. T. COOOESHALL. In Home hits and hints 35: Ned (irant s quest. M. L. BISSKLI 35: Ned M Keown. W. CARLETON. In Traits und stories, v. 1 35: The same 35: Ned Musgrave. T. (E.) HOOK 37: Ned .Myers. J. F. COOPER 35: Ned Kevins, the newsboy; or, street life in Boston. H. MORGAN 38: Ned s motto. S. 8. ROBMNS 39: Needlework vx. domestic service. Mrs. MERKDITH. In Lucemakers. 38: 2925 Neele, Henry. ROMANCE of history, The: England. Loud. 1828-31. 3 v. 16 38:3531-3 Content* : 1. Chaplct of pearls. The. Conquest of NonmiDfly. Earl Ranulph and his page : historical summary, Edwaid the first, 1274-1:107. Knight of the silver Hhielil, The: historical summary, Henry the third, IZlM-a I. Little battle of Chalon, The : historical summary, Ed ward the second, 1307-1:127. .Lord of Greece, The: historical summary, Stephen, Ii:u-I154. Norman line, The: historical summary, William the rust, IOUU-10S7. Portrait, The. Red king s dream, The: historical summary, Henry the first, 1101-ll:(5. Ryd I encarn : his torical summary, Richard the first, 1189- llirt). Saxon line restored, The : histor ical summary, Henry the second, 1155- 1189. Starry tower, The. Spectre s voyage, The : historical summary, Neele, (continued.) 16U5 E.lward the third, 1327-1377, Three 1>almers, The: historical summary, John, l!i .i-l-21(i. WulstiMi of Worcester: his torical summary, William the second, 1717 108.-1NKJ. 2. Abbot s plot. The: historical summary, Henry the fifth, 14I3-I422. Legend of Agincourt: historical summary. Henry the sixih, H2--14UI. Line of Lancaster, The : historical summary, Henry the fourth, 13UU-14I3. Line o f York, The: historical summary, Edward the fourth, 1401-1483. Pennon of St. George, The. Piophecy, The. Richmond s three pciils. Saxon line restored, The: his torical summary, Richard the second, 1377-14DO. Spaniard s ransom, The. Witch of Eye, The. Wooing at Grafton, The: historiral summary, Edward the fifth ; Kichard the third, 1483-140. 3. Captives, The: historical summary, Charles the first, Kiio-lfU!). Catherine Gray. Families united, The : historical summary, Henry the Seventh, 148.V1609. Goodrich castle. Legend of Pontefraet, A. Nuptials at Sark : historical sum mary, Elizabeth, 15SK-HKI3. Oak of refor mation. The : historical summary, Mary, l. r >S3-1558. Rings, The : a tale of the field of the Cloth of Gold : historical summary, Edward the sixth, IMT-l.Vi:). Union of the two crowns, The: historical sum mary, James the flrar, 1603-1H24. White rose of England, The: historical sum mary, Henry the eighth, 150^1547. Neely, Kate J. ACTIONS speak louder than words. Bost. 1871. 16 38: 3538 FINE feathers do not make fine birds. Bost. 1809. 16 38: 3539 ONE good turn deserves another. Bost. 1871. 16 38: 3540 Nehemiah Dowton, our parish clerk. A. STRICKLAND. In Old friends... 39: 2391 Neighbor Jaekwood. J. T. TROW- HKIlKiK. (1 uul Oreyton) 39: 3323 Neighbours, The. F. BKKMER. 3 v. 35: 2746 The same. Phil, ed 35: 2747 The same. N. Y. ed 35: 2748 Neighbours and friends. Hun. Mrs. CllETWYM). 3 v 35: 4224-6 Neighbors wives. J.T.TROWURIUOK. (Paul Ortyton) 39; 3324 Nellie (iates. W. A. BOARDMAN 35: 2286 Nellie Milton s housekeeping. Mrs. C. L. MAY. Jn Sweet clover stories, v. 1 38: 2771 Nellie Netterville. C. M. CADBEI.L. 35: 3715 Nelly Brooke. Mrs. K. CHURCH. (formerly Miss ilarryat). 2v.ini. 35: 4274 Nelly Dynis ford. Lond". 1873. 3 v. 4O: 2424 Nemesis. In N. and T., v. 1 4O: 1641 Nemesis. M. V. (H.) TKRHTNE. (Marion J far land) 39: 2842 Neptune outward bound, The. W. KOVKK 39; 676 Nesbits, The; or, a mother s last re quest; and other tales. Uncle PAUL 39; 3615 Contents : Little sister of the poor, The. Oiphan, The. Nest hunters. W. DAI.TON 37: 48 Nestlings, The. C. E. TONNA. ( < %ar- lotte Elizabeth). In The simple flower 39; 3069 Netty Kenton ; or, the ghost. W. I). O CONNOR 38: 3800 Never again. W. S. MAYO 38: 2833 Never forgotten. P. FIT/.GERALD 37: 2230 Never too late to mend. C. READE. 39: 154 The same. Tauehnitz ed. 2 v 39: 155-0 The same. 2v.ini 39: 157 2604 2226 3970 4508 2133 3841 3840 4643 4751 3138 455 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. NEW. 154 NlERITZ. New and old: Calafornia and India. J. W. PALMKK 38: 4116 New Atlantis. Lord BACON. In Es says 34: 636 Tin- same. In Works, v. 3. 8 34; 640 The same. In Works, v. 5 T. L. 2: 312 The same. With MORK S Utopia 54: 1390 New boy, The. C. F. GUERNSEY 37: 3611 New boy at Styles g, The. (W.) W. COLLINS. In Dead secret 35: 4552 The same. In N. and T., v. 5 4O: 1645 New-England farm-house, Autobi ography of. N. H. CHAMHKKLAIN. 35: 3996 New flower for children. L. M. CHILD. 35: 4243 New Godiva. H. STANLEY 37: 4570 New history of Sandford and Merton. F. C. BURNAND 35: 3401 New lights; or, life in Gal way. Mrs. M. A. M. SADLIER 39: 1021 New Magdalen. (W.) W. COLLINS. 35:. 4570 New mind, A. In N. and T., v. 11.... 4O: 1651 New moon, The. J. HALL. In Tales of the border 37; 3871 New night caps, The: told to Charley. F. BARROW. (Aunt Fanny)........ .. 35: 16G9 New pass, The. A. B. EDWARDS. In Monsieur Maurice, v. 2 37: 1528 New potatoes: an Irish melody. S. LOVKR. In Legends and stories.... 38: 1886 New priest in Conception bay. R. T. S. LOWKLI 38: 1916 New scholars. The. J. H. MATHEWS. 38: 2699 New sketches of every-day life: a diary; together with Strife and peace. Tr. by M. Howitt 35: 2749 New stories. C. "(J. H.) DICKENS 37: 505 Contents : Hard time*. | Pictures from Italy. New tales. Mrs. A. OriK. In Works. v. 2 38: 3902 New Timothy. W. M. BAKER 35: 1432 New voyage round the world. I). DuFoE. In Nov. and misc. works, v. 6 34: 1022 New way to collect a bad debt. I). P. THOMPSON. With .May Martin 39: 2975 New way to win a fortune, A. Mixs E. A. DI-PUY 37: 1075 New-year s bargain. The. Miss S. C. WOOLSKY. (Susan Coolidge) 4O: 826 New-year s night. From the Ger man. In W. S. C. L., v. 11 34: 4181 The same *15: 4921 New- York City: its upper ten and lower million. G. LIPPARD 38: 1775 Newby, Mm. C. J. COMMON sense. Leip. I860. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 3550 KATK Kennedy: a novel. Phil. n. d. 8 .". 38: 3551 LANULY Manor: a novel. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 3552-4 MARGARKT Hamilton: a novel. Phil. n. d. 8 38: 3555 MARKIKD: a novel. Phil. n. d. 8. 38: 3556 RKJHT and left: a novel. Phil. n.d. 8 38: 3558 SUNSIIINK and shadow: a novel. Phil n.d. 8 38: 3559 TRODDEN down: a novel. Phil. n.d. 8 38: 3560 Wo.NDROfs strange: a novel. Phil. n.d. 8 38: 35G1 Newcomb, H. How to be a man. Best. 1857. 18. 38: 3575 Newcomes, The. W. M.THACKERAY. 4 v 39:2898-2901 The same. 4 v. in 2 39; 2902-3 The same. N. Y. ed. 2v.ini 39: 2896 The same. Bost ed 39: 2897 Newell, Robert Henry. (Orpheus C. If err). AVKRY Glibun ; or, between two fires: a romance. Lond. 1867. CLOVEN foot, The; being an adapta tion of the English novel, The 38: 3580 38: 38: 38: mystery of Edwin Brood, to American scenes, characters, cus toms, and nomenclature. N. Y. 1870. 12 38: 3581 ORPHEUS C. Kerr papers. N. Y. 1862. 12 33; 3122 The same. Third series. N. Y. 1865. 12 33; 3124 SMOKED glass. N. Y. 1868. 12... 33: 3125 WALKING doll, The. N. Y. 1872. 12 38: 3582 Newell boys, The. C. WIIIPPI.K 4O: 351 Newland, H. FORKST life in Norway and Sweden. Lond. 1859. sm. 8 38: 3588 Newman, .John Henry, (b. 1801). CALLISTA : a sketch of the third cen tury. Leip. 1869. sq. 16 38: 3594 Loss and gain ; or, the storv of a con vert. Bost. 1855. 12 s 38: 3595 Newman, Mrs. M. W. (May Went- worth). FAIRY tales from gold lands. Second series. San Francisco. 1868. 16. JEAN. N. Y. 1875. 8 Too late. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8. Newton Forster: or, the merchant service, ( apt. F. MARRYAT 38: The same. Lond 38: Next generation, The. J. F. MAOUIRE. H v 38: Nicholas Nickleby. C. (J. H.) DICK ENS. 4 v. in 2~ 37: The same 37: The same 37: The same 37: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: Nicholls, Charlotte Bronte. (Currer Bell). (1816-1855). JANE Eyre: an autobiography. N. Y. 1874. 12 The same. Leip. 1850. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: 3611 PROFKESSOR, The. N. Y. n.d. 12. 38: 3612 The same. Leip. 1857. sq. 16. 38: 3613 SHIRLEY. N. Y. 1871. 12 38: 3614 The same. Leip. 1849. ?q. 16. 38: 3615 VII.LETTE. N. Y. 1874. 12 38: 3616 The same. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 3617 Nichols, George Ward. SANCTUARY, The: a storv of the civil war. N. Y. 1866. 12 38: 3630 Nichols, Thomas L. FATHER Larkin s mission in Jones- ville. Bait. 1869. 16 38: 3632 Nick. C. G. ROSSETTI. With Com monplace 39: 667 Nick of the woods. R. M. BIRD 35: 2120 Nidworth and his three magic wands. E. PRKNTISS 38: 4690 Nieritz, (Karl) Gustav. (b. 1795). THRBE kings, The. Phil. 1871. 16 38: 3636 3600 3601 3602-3 2546 2547 2383-5 506-7 508 509 510 511 38: 3610 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. NlOEL. 155 NORDHOFP. Nigel Hartnim s ideal. F. WILFORD. 4O: 501 Night and morning: a novel. E. G. E. L. Bri.wF.it-LYTTON 35: 3143 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 3144 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 15 34: 418. r > The same *15: 4925 Night at sea, A. G. GRIFKIS. In Works, v. 7 37: 3557 Night in the sewers. C. D. SHAXLY. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 Night in A vorkbouae, A. J. GRKE.X- WOOD. In L. ( .. v. 1 4O: 1011 Night on the borders of the Blaek- forest, A. A. B. EUWARIJS. In Monsieur Maurice, v. 2 37: 1528 Night scene, A. N. HAWTHORNE. In Dolliver romance 37: 41H7 Night-cap letter, A, from Aunt Fanny. Mrs. V. BARROW 35: 1668 Night-cap letter number two, from Aunt Fanny. Mrs. F. BARROW... 35: 1663 Night-cap letters, how they came to be written. Mrs. F. HARROW. (Aunt Fanny) 35; 1663 Night-caps. Mrs. K. BARROW. (Aunt fanny) 35: 1670 Nightmare abbey. T. L. PEACOCK. In Works, v. f. 34: 1822 The same. With Headlong hull 38: 4286 Niles, Willis. FIVE hundred majority; or, the days of Tammany. X. V. 1H72. n. 38: 3641 Nimrod of the sea; or, the American whaleman. W. M. DAVIS 37: 35: 35: 4O: 39: 37: Nina. F. BREMER The same. In Works, v. 2 Nina Balatka: a maiden of Prague Leip. 1867. sq. Hi Nina Gordon. H. (E. ) B. STOVVE Zfote Same as Dred. Nina s atonemont, and other stories F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid)... Contents: Heniard s invention. I Nina s atonement. Hugh s vendetta. Painter s dream, The. Miss Cherilon s rival. Powell Vardray s life. My story. Nine day s wonder, A. H. Aine 35: Nine little goslings. Mia S. C. WOOL- SEY. (Siuan Voolidgei 4O: Nine years old. Mim K. TABOR 39: Nine years a sailor. C. NORDHOFF 38: Ninety-three. V. (M.) Huoo 37: Ninth of June, The. In N. and T. v. 2 4O: Nix s offerings. H. BBNXING 35: No alternative: a novel. Mr*. P. CUUI.IP. (formerly Afi.i.t Thomas). 35: No baby in the house, and other stories. C. G. DOLLIVER 37: Ointents : Hrown noses, The. Hnndle ol twi^s, The. Chee Cross Christie. Dead bird, The. [poem.] Doctor s (Vox, The. First boots, The. [poem. " I can wait." Jennie. No church. F. W. Romxsox. Tauch nitz ed. 2 v. in 1 39: No intentions: a novel. Sim. Ross CHURCH, (formerly Miss A/arryat\. 3 v No man s friend. F. W. UOISIXSON No moss; or, the career of a rolling stone. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Cattleman) 37: 154 2741 2751 2425 2320 367 827 2721 3656 4839 1642 2010 5101 74!) i] The. Johnnie Checkup. No biihy in the house, Old man in the groun Over my tea-cap. I r ..... es- Kthel, The. Talking to himself, [poem.] Toy balloon, The. [jntem.\ Two Carlos. White roses, The. 496 35: 39: 4275-7 497 2300 No name: a novel. W. ( W.) COLLINS. 35: 4571 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3v 35; 4572-4 The same. 3 v. in 2 35; 4575-6 No sense like common sense. M. How- ITT 37 : 4756 No such word HS fail. A. B. HAVEN. (C ouiin Alice) 37: 4137 No thoroughfare. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. 37: 512 The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: 513 Noble birth and gallant achievements of that remarkable outlaw Kobin Hood. Together with a true ac count of the many merry and ex travagant eqploits he played. In twelve different stories. Newly collected into one volume bv an INGENIOUS ANTIQUARY. Lond. 1678. 12. In Thorns Early English romances, v. 2 33 4021 Noble" life, A. .I//-*. I). M. CRAIK. (formerly Afiss Miilock) 35; 4933 The same. Tauchnitx, ed 35; 4934 Noble lord, A : sequel to Lost heir of Linlithgow. E. 1). E. N. SOUTH- WORTH 39: 2032 Noble purpose nobly won. A. MAN NING. 2v ". 38- 2480-1 Noble savage, The. C. (J. H.) DICK- KNS. / Treasure trove series, v. 1. 4O: 1701 Noble sister, A. M. A. DEXISON 37: 334 Noblewoman. Jl/rs. A. S. STEPHEXS. 39: 2217 Nobleman of 89, The : an episode of the French revolution. M. A. QUINTOX 38: 5000 " Noblesse oblige/ an English story of to-day. Atin KKDDIK. (Sarah Tytler) . . 38; 716 Nobody wants me; or, Charley and his grandmother. By the author of Aunt Annie s stories. lit Un der the lime trees 4O: 2696 Nobody s fortune. K. YATES 4O: 1216 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 4O: 1217 Noel, Laily Augusta. OWEX Gwvnne s great work. N. Y. 1875. 12 ! 38: 3643 Noel, Hon. K. BEATRICE. 1 hil. 18tiO. 1<; 38: 3646 Nolan, Alice. BYKXKS of Glengoulah, The: a true tale. N.Y. 18H1I. 12 38: 3650 Nomads of the north, The. G. H. MKI.I.IX. Tr. by Lovel Hadwen... 38: 2865 Nooks and corners of history. (W.) \\ . COLLINS. In (Queen s revenge. 35: 4581 Cuit tents : I. (Quern s revenge. II. (Vreat (forgotten) invasion, The. III. Remarkable revolution, A. Nor love nor lands. C.GRIFFITH. 3 v. 37; 3571-3 Nora and Archibald Lee. I. BLAUUEX. 35: 2218 Nora Brady s vow. Mrs. A. H. DOR- SKY 37; 7(15 Norah Clareys wise thought. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. lit Sketches 37; 3887 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 4 34: 4174 The same *15: 4014 Nordhoff, Charles. CAPE Cod and all along shore: stories. N. Y. 1868. 12 38: 3655 Gtnten s: Captain Torn : a resurrection. ElKamih firewater s temptation. Maud KiU-rt H love tnatrh. MeheiaM Holer s u.anberry swamp. One pair of blue eyes. stniuirlc for life. What is heat? PROSK FICTION: ENGLISH. NORDHOFF. 156 NOVELS. Nordhoff, (continued.) NINE years a sailor. Cin. 12 1866. 38: 3656 Contents : Man-of-war life. Merchant vessel, The. Whaling and fishing. WHALING and fishing. Cin. 1856. 10 38: 3657 Norine s revenge; and Sir Noel s heir. M. A. FLEMING 37: 2259 Norman Cline. E. KELLOGG 38: 735 Norman Leslie: a New York story. T. S. FAY 37: 2047 Normans, The ; or, kith and kin. A. H. DRUKY. 2 v 37: 874-5 Norman s bridge. A. MAHSH-CALD- WEI.L .". 38: 2601 Norris, Emilia M. ADRIFT on the sea. N. Y. 1872. 16 38: 3663 Norseman s pilgrimage, A. II. H. BOYKSKN 35: 2482 Norsemen in the west. K. M. BAL- LANTYNE 35: 1472 North and south. (M.) E. 0. GAS- KELL 37: The same. Tuuchnitz ed 37: Northanger abbey. J.AUSTEN. With Pride and prejudice 35: 909 Northanger abbey; and Persuasion. J.AUSTEN 35: 908 Northcote, .lames. FABLES, original and selected. 2d series. Lond. 1833. 12 33: 486 Northern lands. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 260 Northern roses: a Yorkshire story. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. 3v 37: 1684-6 Norton, Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah. (\s. 1808). LOST and saved. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 3669 OLD Sir Douglas. Phil. 1867. 12. 38: 3070 The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 3671 STUART of Dunleath. Leip. 1851. L v. in 1. sq. 10 38: 3672 Norwood. H. W. BKECHER 35: 1880 Nose the dwarf. W. HAUFK. In Tales from the German : 4O: 1699 Not anything for peace. T. S. AR- THUR 35: 789 Not dead yet. J. C. JEAFFRKSON 38: 256 Not easily jealous : a novel. Bost. 1873. 8 4O: 2435 Not a heroine : a novel. Mrs. BKOOK- FIELD. 2v 35:2912-13 Not in their set. M. LENZEN. Tr. by M. S 38: 1529 Not pretty but precious, and other short stories. M. FIELD, and others. Phil. 1874. 8 4O: 1640 Gint.enU : Field, M. Not pretty but precious. Forest, J. W. de. The hungry heart. Guernsey, C. F. The cold hand. Guernsey, C. F. The red tax. Hadermann, J. R. "How mother (lid it." Hay, J. The blood seedling. Hickox, C. The marquis. Hosmer, M. The victims of dreams. Hooper, L. H. Under false colors. Minor, R. P. Old Sadler s resurrection. Spotford, H. (E.) P. Louie. Not Time s fool. M. FARROW. 3 v. Not to be broken. W. CHANDLER ..... Not too late. By the author of Only George. Lond. 1808. 2 v. in 1. 37:2010-18 35: 4025 sm. 8 ....................................... 4O: 2437 Not wisely but too well. K. BROUGH- TON. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini 35; 2974 Not without thorns. E. GRAHAM 37: 3254 Not wooed, but won. J. S. SAUZADE. (James Payn). 2v.ini 39: 1174 Notary s nose, The. E. (F. V.) AHOUT. Tr. by H. Holt 35: 170 Notburga.. F. GOTTSCHALK. In H. G. N., v. 2 4O: 1561 Notee by flood and field. (F.) B. HASTE. In LUCK of Koaring camp 37: 4056 Nothing but money: a novel. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 790 Nothing new. Tales. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). 35: 4935 Nothing venture, nothing have. A. B. HAVEN 37: 4138 Notice to quit. W. G. WILLS 4O: 561 Notley, Mrs. MILDRED S wedding day. Bost. n. d. 8 38: 3C80 Notre Dame des Sept Douleurs. L. PAKR. With John Thompson 38: 4233 Nouvelette, A. J. W. VON GOKTHE. Tr. bv K. D. Boylan. In MX N. and f 34: 1259 Nouvellettes of the musicians. Mrs. E. F. ELLET 37: 1650 Contents : Mission of genius. Mozart. Old musician, The. Palestrina. Tarnburini. Tarlina. Three leaves from the diary of a traveller. Young tragedian, The. Novelists, Herman. T. ROSOOE. 4 v. 40:1560-03 Note. For contents, see ROPCOE, T. Novels and tales from household words. C. (J. H.) DICKENS, ed. 1 1 v. 40:1641-51 Artist s lesson, The. Bach, F. and S. Beethoven. Bellini Gluck in Paris. Himdel. Haydn. Liszt, Francis. Love versus taste. Content* : . 1. An Ordeal. Nemesis. Two college friends. Rogue s life. Mv country town. 2. Ninth of June. Bond and Free. My blind sister. Eric Walderthorn. J iary of Anne Rodway. My little ward. On change in Paris. JHek Dallmgton. Black and Hue. Salome and I. 3. Day of reckoning. Kester s evil eye. Poor Clare. My brother Robert Frenchman of two wives. Forbidden fruit. Left and never called for. Wreck of the Golden Mary. 4. Dead secret, by W. Col lins. 6. Dead secret; concluded. Murder of Archbishop of Paris. New boy at Styles s. How the old love fared. Helena Maihewson. Agnes Lee. Yellow Tiger. My window. Queen s revenge. Aniphlett love-match. G. Eleanor Clare s journal. Romantic breach of promise. Brave coucou driver. Mrs. Badgery. Our family picture. Lazy tour 01 two idle ap prentices. v. 7. Perils of certain English prisoners. Lynden hall. Mane Courtenay. My lost home. Number five, Hanbury terrace. Two in a legion. Old St. Ann s gateway. Max and his companions. Legends of my native town. Little Huguenot. Famine abroad. Patngonian brothers. . Well authenticated rap- pings. "A glide conceit o oursels." Apparition of Mons. Bodry. Mr. Pearson. Shadowless men. Little Constancy s birthday. Tale of an old man s youth. Years and years ago. Lost Alice. Balcome St. mystery. Six giants of Lehon. The devil s mark. Boscobel. Blood of the Sundons. History of a miracle. End of the Fordyce brothers. 9. My Lady Ludlow. Rev. Alfred Hoblush s state ment. Truth in irons. Princess Royal. What Mr. Burleigh could not see. 10. House to let. Canon s clock. Her face. Poisoned meal. Tried friendship. Heir of Hardington. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. NOVELS. 157 OFF-HAND. Ground and loftv tumbling. Clergyman s wife. SmaTlehange family. Miss Cicely s portrait. Iiouglass jerrold. My two pnrtluT8. Dishonored. ChPtfryndM. Lucky leg. From first to last. Novels, (contimud.) Lina Fernie. Sin of a father. 11. Fleur de lys. Saving litUe, wasting much. Her first appearance. (iringe family. Home again. Gipsy king. New mind. Novels and miscellaneous works. I). DKFoK. 6v *34:1017-22 Novels by eminent hands. W. M. THACKERAY. In Miscellanies, v. 5. 83: 4005 Contents : Lords and liveries. By the authoress of I Hikes and dejeuners, etc. Phil Fogarty: a tale of the fighting. H. Kollicker. 6. P. R. D. Shrews. The stars and stripes. By the author ol The pilot. 33: 33: Harbazure. James. Codlingsby. berry. Crinoline. Je-mes Pl-sh. George de Barnwell. Sir E.L. B. L. The same. In Miscellanies, The same. v. 2 ............................. Novice. C. M. BRAME. In Tales from the diary of a sister of mercy. Now and forever. H. N. (W.) BAKEK. (Aunt Hattie) ............. . ................ Note. Same a* Juliette. Now and then. S. WARNER ............ 4O: Now or never; or, the adventures of Hobby liright. W. T. ADAMS. I Oliver Of tic) ............................. Nowell, H. 1*. H. (May flaunt ring}. BILLY Grimes favorite. Host. 1870. 16 .......................................... CLIMBING the rope. Bost. 1870. 16 .......................................... CRUISE of the Dashiiway. Bost. 1870 l(i .................... . ............. HELPING HAKD series. Bost. 1869. 6 v. n;. Contents : 4011 4008 35: 35: \. Climbing the rope. 2. Billy Grimes favorite. :i8 : :!(i(i 3. Cruise ot the Dashaw..y. 38::i88 4. Little Spaniard. . Salt uater Dick. 38:3090 :)K:;iU91 C. Little maid of Oxbow. 35: 2673 1392 231 261 38: 3686 38: 3687 38: 3U88 LITTLE maid of Oxbow. Bost. 1871. 16 38: 3689 LITTLE Spaniard. Bost. 1870. 16. 38: 3690 SALT water Dick. Bost. 1869. 16.. 33: 3691 Nowlans, The. J. BANIM 35: 1539 Nugent, Norman. AMUSEMENTS of a man of fashion, The. Loud. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8. 38: 3701-3 Number five, Hanburv terrace. In N. and T., v. 7 .". 4O: 1647 Number 101. L. C. MOUI.TON. In My third book 38: 3182 Nun, The. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 7 39: 1942 Nutcrackers of Nutcracker lodge. H. i K.) B. STOWE. In Queer little people 39: 2334 Oak openings. J. F. COOPER 35: 4752 The same 35; 4753 Oakatibbe ; or, the Choctaw Samp son. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin 39: 1692 Oakridge : an old story. J. E. SMITH. 39: 1880 Oakshott castle : being the memoir of an eccentric nobleman. Granny DIXON. Kdited by Henry Kingsley. 37: 701-3 Obedience. Mrs. M. M.SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 7 39; 1642 Oberon s spell : a novel. Eden ST- LEONARDS 39: 1061-3 Obervations on fictitious narrntive. Mrs. ELLIS. In Pictures of private life, v. 1 37: 1687 Obstinacy punished. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 13 39: 1648 Occasional happy thoughts. F. C. BUR.VAND. Same as About buying ahorse ..". 33: 1052 Occupations of a retired life. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett) 38: 2812 Ocean-born; or the cruise of the clubs. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Oj>(ic) 35: 290 Ocean life series. W. H. THOMAS. Contents : Life in ihe East Indies. p9:2fl59 Slaver s adventures on land and sea. 39:2iMl Whaleman s adventures in the Sandwich Islands and California. .10:2962 Ocean waifs. M. REID 39: 251 Ocean work. .I.H. WRIGHT 4O: 880 O Connor, Francis. INVISIBLE princess, The. In L. C., v. 8 4O: 1618 O Connor, William. GHOST, The. In L. C., v. 8 4O: 1618 O Connor, W. D. NETTY Kenton; or, the ghost. N. Y. 1869. 12 38: 3800 O Conors, The. A. TROLLOPE. In Treasure-trove series, v. 3 4O: 1703 Octoroon, The. M. E. BKADDO.N 35: 2547 Odd couple, An. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT 38: 3874 Odd fix, An. F. W. ROBINSON. In A girl s romance 39: 485 Odd one, The. A. M. Mitchell PAYNE. 38: 4265 Odd people. T. (E.i HOOK. In Pre cepts and practice, v. 3 37: 4647 Odd people. M. REID 1O: 1524 Odd tempered man, The. Mrs. A. OPIK. In W. S. C. L., v. 5 34: The same *15: 35: 4175 4915 48U4 38: 38: 4680 ItiSl 1632 Odd trump, An. J. G. A. COUI.SON... O Donnells of Glen cottage: a tale of the famine years in Ireland. I). P. CONYNOHAM 35: O Donohue, The. Chas. LEVKR The same Odd shaver, An. Robt. BLACK. With Lady Caroline: with pendants Oehlenschlaeger, Adam. DEATH and his victims. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 4O: O er moor and fen. C. WAI.SINOHAM. 4O: Oertel, P. K. W. ( Van Horn}. ULAK Thorlaksen : an Iceland nar rative. (Olaf T/ioilakseii). Tr. from the German by Rev. Matthias Sheeliegh. Phil. l870. 16 SCHOOLMASTER of Abbach, and other stories. Phil. 1870. 12 Contents : I Scissors-grinder. | Schoolmaster of Abbach. T. S. ARTHUR.... 35: 791 35: 2169 1532 87 38: 38: 3805 3806 Asylum, The. May-queen, The. Off-hand sketches. Contents: Almost a tragedy. Circuit preacher, The. Code of honour, The. thriving a hard bargain. Hunting n pa testimonial. Job s comforters. M:m \ ing a count. Much ado abour nothing. New way to collect an old debt. Out of the frying-pan into the fire. Protest, The. Retrenchment. Shocking bad memory. Taking a prescription. Tipsy parson, A. That John Mason. Trenling a case actively. Trying to be a gentleman. Yankee and the luitchman, The. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. OFF. 158 OLD. Off parade. Stephen J. MxcEKNNA. 38: 2293-5 Off the roll. K. KINO 38: 916 Off the scent: rather an adventure for an undergraduate. Rob t. BI.ACK. In Lady Caroline: with pendants. 35: 2169 Off thcSkelligs: a novel. J.INOKLOW. 38: HI Off the track. Mary A. DEMSON 37: 335 Off tu the Geysers." C. A. STEPHENS. 39: 2255 Ogilvies, The. Mn. I). M. CKAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock) 35: 4936 Thesame 35: 4937 Ogle, Annie. (Axhford Owen). IJKOKUY Sandon : or, a lost love. Host. n. d. 12 38: 3812 LOST love. Same as Georgy Sandon. 38: 3812 O Hara family, The. (pseud.) See BANIM, J. and M. O Hara, llardress. CONQUERED at last. Lond. 1874. 3 v. 12 38:3H17-19 Olaf Thorlaksen : an Iceland narra tive. P. F. W. OERTEL. ( Van Horn). Tr. from the German by Rev. Matthias Sheeleigh .". 38: 3805 Old and new ; or, taste vs. fashion. Mrs. M. A. M. SADLIEK 39: 1022 Old and the new face to face, The. E. E. HAI.K. In If. yes, and perhaps. 37: 3836 Old as the hills: a novel. 1). M. FORD. 37:2323-5 Old bachelor married, The. E. H. KNATCHItfLL - HUGESSKN. In Queer folk 38: 1064 Old back room. .1. HARRISON 37: 4046 Old battle ground. .1. T. TROWHKIDOK. (Paul Creyton) 39: 3325 Old Huntie. No. xxi of Gleanings of the covenant. Thos. GILLESPIE. In W. T. H., v. 10 4O: 1720 Old Calabar, (pseud.) WON in a canter. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 3827 Old Chelsea-bun-hoiisc. A. MANNING. 38: 2482 Old chronicler s talcs, The. Death of James I. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 Old chronicler s tales, The. Death of James III. Alex. LKHHITON. In W. T. 15., v. 8 4O: 1718 Old chronicler s tales, The. The Prince of Scotland. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: 1717 Old colonel and the old corps. C. E. S. GI.KIG 33: 1659 Old countess. Edmund HOKFEK 37: 4448 Old c nintess. A/rs. A. S. STEPHENS... 39; 2218 Old court: a novel. W. H. AINS- WORTH 35: 429 Old curiosity shop. C.( J. H.lDiCKENS. 37: 514-15 The same 37: 516 The same 37: 517 The same. With Master Humphrey s clock ."... 37: 498-9 Thesame 37: 501 Old Deccan days; or, Hindoo fairy legends. Collected by M. Frere... 37: 2475 Old doctor s son. The. M. D. CHEI.I.IS. 35: 4153 Old dominion, The. G. P. K. JAMES. 38: 206 Old dower house. Mrs. E. C. GREY... 37: 3509 Old eagle. The. Mr*. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 2 37: 3883 Old English baron. C. KEKVK 39: 210 Old-fashioned boy, An. Martha F. FINLKY. (Martha Farquhargon)... 37: 2171 Old-fashioned girl, The. L. M. ALCOTT 35: 463 Old Fort Duquesne. Chas. McKuioiiT. 38: 2325 Old Frank. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches 37; 3887 Old friends and new acquaintances. A. STRICKLAND 39: 2391 Old Fiitz and the new era. C. M. MUNDT. (Louisa Mvlilliach^ 38: 3251 Old Gargoyle. With HAKTWELL S Woman in armor 37: 4075 Old gatherings. ,Vis K EDDIE. (Sarah Tiller). In Days of yore, v. 1 38: 710 Conlentx : l nys of the Dutch fnir, The. | Old yeomanry weeks, The. Old gentleman s tetootum, The. In T. f. B., v. i 4O: 1693 Old granny. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 3 37; 3884 Old gray rosary, The. Mrs. A. H. DOKSEY 37: 796 Old Hannah Pearson. A. STRICK LAND. In Old friends 39; 239! Old helmet, The. S.WARNER. 2 v.. 4O: 178-9 Thesame 4Q: 180 Old Hicks the guide. Chas. W. WKHISKK 4O: 272 Old Hilton s daughter. HHh Bruna s revenge, v. 2 4O: 467 Old homestead. A. S. STEPHENS 39: 2219 Old house by the river. W. C. PRIME. 38: 4741 Old house on briar hill. I. G. MERE DITH 38: 2920 Old Isbel Kirk. Gleanings of the covenant. T. GILLESPIE. In W. T. B., v. 9 4O: iTlfl Old Jack. W. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 995 "Old Jack and his foot-cavalry. N. TL. W ,4. 12 .". 4O: 2459 Old Jolliffe. M. A. MACKARNESS. (formerly Miss Planche). In Sun beam stories Old judge, The; or, life in a colony. T. C. HALIBURTON 37: Old Kensington. Misx A. I. THACK ERAY 39: Old lady s complaint. Jl/rs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 13 39: Old lieutenant and his son. N. MAC LEOD 38: The same 38: The same 38: Old love and the new, The. Si/- Edw. CREASY 35: Old maid, The. W. GILHERT. In Doctor Austin s guests, v. 2 37: Old maid, The;. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials 37: Old maid s story, An. Alice GARY. Pictures of country life 35: Old Mamselle s secret. E. JOHN. (E. Marlitt). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wis- ter . 38: Old manor house. Mrs. C. SMITH 39: Old man s bride. T. S. ARTHUR 35: Old man s prayer. G. M. BAKER Old Margaret: a novel. H. KINGSI.EY. 38: Old mathematician, The. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). In Domestic stories 35: Old Michaelmas day in Eastern coun tries. A. STRICKLAND. In Old friends Old mirror, The. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Gar rett). With Dead sin. 38: The same. In Seen and heard, v. 3. 38: Old Morgan s rose-tree. In Maggie s rosary 4O: 38: 2270 3860 2862 1648 2341 2336-7 2338 5022-4 2987 3888-9 3918 384 1821-2 792 961 4914 .. 39: 2391 2808 2817 1630 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. OLD. 159 OLIVE. 1374 1 403-4 1449 1650 4230 207 2420 4850 4570 1640 1126 1647 430 Old Mortality. .Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v *39;1309-10 The same. Edinburgh ed 39; 13. r >5 The sume. Abbotsford ed 39; ]3<;o The same 39; The same. Household cd. 2v 39: The same. Pocketed 39: Old musician, The: F. Bach. .Vr.s. EI.LET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians 37: Old Myddelton s money. M. C. HAY. 37- Old onk chest. The. G. P. H. JAMES. 38: Old patroon, The ; or, the great Van Brock property. J. A. MAITI.AND. 38: Old plantation, The. J. HI-NOERFOKD. 37: Old red house among the mountains, The. Mrs. M. J. HOI.MES. In Homestead on the hillside 37: Old Sadler s resurrection. R. 1). MINOR. In Not pretty but precious 4O: Old sailor s story. Geo. C. SARGENT... 39: Old Saint Ann s gateway. In N. and T., v. 1 : 40: Old Saint Paul s. \V. H. AINSWORTH. 35: Old schoolfellows, and what became of them. Host. 1872. 10 4Q: Old Scotch love story, An. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (fotmerly Minx Muloek). With Unkind word 35: The same 35: Old Sinclair, the molder. F. .Me LANDBUROH. In Automaton car. 38: Old Sir Douglas. Mrs. C. E. S. NOR TON !". 38: The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: Old soldier s story. I). P. THOMPSON. With May Martin 39: Old soldier s tale, An. J. llooci. (Ettrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 37: Old stone mansion. C. J. PETERSON. 38: Old things and new things. Mrs. M. M. SHKRWOOD. In Works, v. I. I. 39: Old woman who lived in a shoe, The. A. M. Doiuii.As 37: Old woman s talc, An. N. HAW THORN E. In DOLLIVER romance. 37: Oldbury. Annie KKAKY. 2 v 38: The same 38: Oldenburgh wonder-horn, The. GRIMM. In R. G. N., v. 2 4O: Oldtown fireside stories. H. (E.) 1!. STOWK 39: Content* : 4943 4944 2333 3670 3671 2975 4521 4360 1648 817 4197 103 704 1561 lluil fiKht, Th. Ciiptiiin Kicid s money. Colonel Eph s shoe buckles. Ghost in Ihe Cap n Brown house. Ohoxt in the mill, The. Oldtown folks. H. (E.) B. STOWK. O Lincoln, Kobt. GEOKUE Iteaily. N. Y. 1865. 16. How to fiaht the devil. Minister s housekeeper, The. Miss Kliiei kin s pitoher. Sullivan looking K!""", The. Widow s bandltox, The. (O. Wilson). N. Y. Oliphant, Margaret (b. 1820). ADAM Graeme of Mossgrav n. d. 12 ." AONKS. N. Y. 1867. 8 The same. Leip. 1865. sq. 16.. AUNKS Hopetoun s schools and holi days : the experiences of a little girl. Lond. 1874. 16.... AT his gates: a novel. N.Y. 1873 8 ATHELINOS, The. N. Y. 1857. 39: 38: 38: 38: 38: 3825 3831 3832 .. 38: 3833 38: 38: 3835 3834 Oliphant, (continued.} BKOWNI.OWS, The: a novel. N. Y. 11-70. 8 38; CHRONICLES of Carlingford. N. Y. 1863. 8 ." 38; CHRONICLES of Carlingford. Contents : Mi.-s Marjoribanka. Rector and the :t8:3858 family. Perpetual curate. :W::iKl Sulern Chapel. CUKATK in charge, The. N. Y. 1876 8 DAYS of mv life: an autobiography. N. Y. 1863. 12 ".. FOR love and life. Lond. 1875. sm. 8. HEART and cross. Lond. 1863. sm. 8. HOUSE on the moor. N. Y. 1861. INNOCENT: a tale of modern life. N. Y. 1873. 8 JOHN : a love story. N. Y. 1871. KATIE Stewart. N.Y. 1874. 8... LAIKD of Norlaw. N. Y. 1860. LAST of the Mortimers. N. Y. 1862. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. 3R36 3838 doctor * 3S : :f8G3 38: 2873 The same. si). 16 LM.LIESI.EAF : a novel. Being a con cluding series of passages in the life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland. Bost. 1864. 12 LUCY Crofton. N. Y. 1860. 12. MADONNA Mary. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 MAGDALEN Hepburn : a story of the Reformation. Lond. 1854 3 v sm. 8 MARGARET Maitlund of Sunnyside Phil. n. d. 12= The same. Leip. 1862. sq. 16... MAY. N. Y. 1873. 8 MARKI.AND. Same us Self sacrifice... MINISTER S wife, The. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 Miss Marjoribanlis. Leip. 1870. 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: 38: n. d. 16 38: 38: 38: ODD couple. An. Phil O.MIIRA. N. Y. 1872. 8 PERI-KTI-AI. curate, The. 1865. 8 ................................... 38: The same. Leip. 1870. sq. lii... 38: QUIET heart, The. N. Y. 1874. 8. 38: RECTOR and the doctor s family. Lei]). 1870. S (|. 16 ............................. 38: ROSE in June, A. Host. 1874. K.. 38: SALEM chapel. Leip. 1870. so. 16 ........................................ .. 38: SEI.F-SACRAFICE. Phil. n. d. 12. 38: SON of the soil, A. N.Y. 1865. 8. 38: SQUIRE Arden : a novel. N. Y. 1874. 8 ................................... 38: STORY of Valentine! and his brother. N.Y. 1875. 8 ........................ 38: THREE brothers, The: a novel. N. Y. 1871. 8 ............................. 38: WHITE ladies. N.Y. 1875. 12... 38: Olive. Mrs. I). M. CRAIK. (formerly Mis* Mulock) .............................. 35; The same. Tauchnitx ed ............... 35: Olive Ulake s good work. J. C. JKAF- KRESON ...................................... 38 : Olive Lacy : a tale of the Irish rebel lion of 1798. A.ARGYLE ............ 35: Olive Logan. See SIKES, Mrs. O. L. 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3851 38: 3852 38: 3853 3854 3855 3856 3866 38: 3857 385R 3874 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 4938 4939 257 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. OLIVE. 160 ONLY. 1352 3182 4355 3320 519 520 521 Legend ol the bell rock, Hie. Modern town houses. Moonshine. Sky-hlue domino, The. S. W. and by W. % W. Way to be happy, The. 38: Olive Loring s mission. A. M. LAW RENCE 38: Olive Winchester AVight. Louise 0. MOULTON. In My third book 38: Oliver Beaumont, and Lord Latimer. Lady Kniily PONSONBY 38: 4594-6 Oliver Cromwell. H. W. HERBERT. (Frank Forester) 37: Oliver Ellis; or, the fusiliers. J. GRANT 37: Oliver Optic, (pseud.) See ADAMS. W. T. Oliver Twist. C. (J. H.) DICKENS.... 37: Oliver Twist; and Great expectations. C. (J. H.) DICKENS 37: The same 37: Olivia s lovers:, a novel. K. V. E. Loud. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 37:1410-12 Olla Podrida. Cnjtt. F. MARRYAT 38: 2548 Contents : Diary on the continent. How to write book of travels. How to write a fashion able novel. How to write a romance. Ill-will. Ombra. Mrs. Richard S. GREENOUOH. hi Arabesques 33: Ombra. Mrs. M. (O.W.) OLIPHANT. Omoo : a narrative of adventures in the South seas. Sequel to Tvpee ; or, the Marquesas islanders. H. MELVILLE 22: The same 38: On the Amazons. Edited by C. A. STEPHENS 39: On the banks of the Amazon. \V. H. G. KINGSTON 38: On the border. J. R. GILMORE. (Ed mund Kirke] 37: On both sides of the sea. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES 35: On change in Paris. In N. and T., v. 2 . 4O: On the church steps. S. C. HAL- LOWELL. With ASHETON S Modern Cressida 4O: On credit. Lady WOOD 4O: On dangerous ground. Mrs. B. H. MOORE 38: On the edge of the storm. C. CARLOS- CLARK E 35: On the eve : a tale. Ivan S. TUR- OKNIKFF 39: On guard. Mrs. P. CUDLIP. (formerly Miss Thomas) 35: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 35: On the heights. B. AUERBACH 35: The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: The same. N. Y. ed 35: On the rock with Garibaldi. H. SPI- CKR. In Bound to please, v. 2 On the sea-shore; or, the child teacher. By the author of Aunt Annie s stories. In Under the lime-trees... On time. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) On the wave. Mixs A. F. SAMUELS.... On the way. C. H. CALL 37: Once and again. C. JKNKIN. 2 v. in 1. 38: Once and forever ; or. passages in the life of the curate of Danbury. By the author of " No appeal." Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: One and twenty. F. W. ROBINSON.... 40: 35: 39: 1705 3859 2719 2876 2256 99G 3036 4C80 1642 1631 768-9 3089 4331 3374 5102 5103 881 882 888 39: 2096 39: 262 1111 37 286 2466 498 One-armed Hugh. Mrs. A. S. MOF- KAT 38: 3025 One big pop-gun. Mrs. F. BARROW. (Aunt Fanny) 35; 1664 One day s weaving. L. PALMER 38: 4124 One-eyed servant, The. J. INOELOW. In Stories told to a child 38: 33 One fair woman, The. J. MILLER 38: 2986 One good turn deserves another. K. J. NKELY 38: 3540 One in a thousand. G. P. R. JAMES. 2 v. in 1 . Same an Belle of the court. 38: 208 One-legged dancers, The. / Saxe Holm s stories 37: 4561 One love in a life. Emma M. PEAR SON. 3v 38: 4321-3 One maiden only. E. C. TAINSH. 3 v. 39: 2731-3 One New-year s night. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett) With Dead sin 38: 2808 One night s mystery. Agnes May FLEMING 37: 2260 One of the family. J. S. SAUZADE. (James Ptiyn) 39: 1175 One of the house of Egerton. (pseud.) See Ladye SHAKEKI.Y. One of them. C. LEVER 38: 1633 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 1634 One poor girl : the story of thousands. W. SIKES 39: 1663 One summer. Blanche W. HOWARD. 37: 4720 One woman s two lovers; or, Jacquelin Thayne s choice. V. F.TOWNSEND. 39: 3106 One vear; or, a story of three homes. F: M. PEARD 38: 4297 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 4298 One year: a tale of wedlock. E. F. CARLeN : 35: 3799 Only. M. A. MAOKARNESS, (formerly Minn Planchf). In Sunbeam stories 38: 2270 Only a clod. M. E. BRADDON. 2 v. in 1. 35: 2548 Only a commoner. H. MORFORD 38: 312G-8 Only the crypt. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral Only an earl. Cuuntexs PISANI. 3 v.. Only an ensign : a tale of the retreat from Cabul. J. GRANT 37: Only a face, and other tales. Mrs. A. FRASER 37: Contents : Bee Uarrell. Cnrse of Tyiell. Episode of the east, An. Eve. Kiorella : a waif. Fragments of a broken lite. Only a fiddler, and O. T. DERSEN Only a girl. W. von HILLERN 37: Only girls. V. F- TOWN-SEND. 39: Only herself. Mrs. P. CUDLIP. (for merly 3/i.v.s- Thomax) 35: Only no love. Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. With Rougegorge 4O: Only a pin. J. TARDIEU 39: Only sister, An. Mine. Die WITT 37: Only son, The. Mrs. D. M CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mttlock). In Do mestic stories: 35: Only three weeks: a novel. By the author of Ereighda castle. Bost. 1872. 8 4O: Only to be married : a novel. Mrs. 38: 4557-9 3321 2445 Gitana, La. Just a dream. Marquise de 1 Orme. My sister Alice. Only a lace. Sin of Maud Conyers, The. Sybil Ashtou. H. C. AN- 35: 648 4431 3107 5104 1670 2750 402 4914 2470 Florence WILLIAMSON. 3-v.. Only a woman. Ojos MORENOS... 40: 38: 547-9 3118 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ONYX. 1G1 OUR. Onyx, (pseud.) See PHELPS, MTS. E. S. Onyx ring, The. .1. STIRLING 39; 2266 Open! Sesame! Mrs. K. CHURCH. ( formerly .Vim ^fllrryatj 35: 4284 Open i|uestion. An. J. DK.MII.I.K 37: 279 Operas, Talcs from the. G. F. PAR- WON 38: 4158 Opie, Mrs. Amelia. (17G9-1853). KASIIIOXABLK wife and unfashiona ble husband. In W. S. 0. L., v. 5. 34: 4175 The same *15: 4915 ODD-TKMPBBKD man, The. In W. S. C. L., v. 5 34; 4175 The same *15: 4915 WHITE lies. In W. S. C. L., v. 17. *15: 4927 WORKS. Phil. n. d. 3 v. 8 38: 3901-3 Content! : v. 1. Adeline Mowbray. FiUhi-r iinil daughter- Happy faces. Madeline, Simple title*. v. >. r\e- tides. Tales of real life v. :i. After tlie hall. Confessions of an odd- tempered man. Opportunities. Kequel to What >hc could. S. WARNKK 4O: Opportunity. A. M. C. SKEMUL- LKK. (formerly Mits Crant) 39: Opposite the jail. M. A. DKXISON... 37: Opposite neighbor, The. Mrs. A. Ol IK. In Works, V. 3 38: 3903 Optic, Oliver, (pseud.) See ADAMS W. T. Orange man, The. M. KDOKWOKTII. In Harry and Lucy 37; 149. i The same. In Rosamond 37: 1508 Ordeal, An. In N. and T., v. 1 4O: 1641 Ordeal for wives. A. B. EDWARDS... 37; 1544-0 The same 37: 1547 Order of the garter: a story of Wark castle. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. H., v. 7 4O: 1717 O Reilly, Miles, (pseud.) See HAL- I lXK, C. Ci. O Reilly, Mrs. Robert. DOLL world; or, play and earnest. Bost. 1872. lb 38: 3908 GILES S minority; or, scenes at the red house. Bost. 1874. lii 38: 3909 Orient boys. S. F. KKK.NK 38: 723 Oriental pearl, The. Mrs. A. H. DORSKY 37: 797 Oriental story-book. Tr. from the German of William HAUKF, by G. P. Quackenbos 37: 4120 False or true. Illustrations of lying. Love, mystery, and super stition. Opposite neighbor, Temper. Two sons. Woman s love, and wife s journey. 181 1 552 336 (;>i!-RV*n, The. False prinee. The. Fatnna s deliverance. History of the caliph stork. History of the hewn-oft hnnd. History of the spectre ship. Story of little Muck. Original tales. G.CUMBERLAND. 2 v. 35:5130-31 Ountenta: African title, v 2. Bee and the butterfly: a tale for the poet;*, v. 2. Brother* of Girge, v. 2. Captive, v. 1. Dlerb*g,the Persian mer chant, v. 2. Hermit without a beard, v. 2. Orkney the pencenmker. In II. S. K, v. lo Orley farm. A. TKOLLOI-K The same. Taurhnitz cd. Lowina, the maid of Snow- den, v. 2. Moscola, the fisherman, v. 2. SaHgft, a Persian tale, v. 2. Spaniel and the rabbits, v. 2. Squirrels and the monkey; or, the clients, v. 2. Travels of Gurstan : a Per sian anecdote, v. 2. J. AHBOTT. 35: 3Q : 45 3188 . ! v ........ 39:3189-91 With Orley farm, (continued.) The same. 3 v. in 2 Ormond. M. EDOKWORTH. Harrington ................................ The same. In her N. and T., v. 9 ..... Ormond, and Clara Howard. C. B. BROWN ...................................... Orphan, The. Uncle PAUL. With The Nesbits .............................. Orphan boy, The. Mrs. M. M. SHKR- WOOD. In Works, v. 8 Orphan girls: a tale of southern life. I. S. PEACOCK ............................ Orphan neice, The. K. PICKERING. Orphan of the old dominion. By .SlLVKRVALK LUMINA. ( pseud.) Phil. 1873. 12 ....................... Orphans of Normandy. Mrs. M. M. SHEKWOOD. In Works, v. 2 ......... Orphan s trials, The. K. BENNETT. Orpheus C. Kerr. (pseud.) See N KWELL, K. H. Orpheus C. Kerr papers. R. H. XEWELI ..................................... The same. 3d series ...................... Orr, Mrs. Alexander S. PUNISHED and pardoned; or, how does it end? Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 ......................................... Or say, (bmtesxe d . CLOCDBD happiness. (L ombre du bonhtur). Tr. from the French. N. Y. n. d. 8 ......................... Orton, J. R. CAVII- fires of the red men. N. Y. 1858. 12 ................................. Orville college. K. P. [Mr*. H.] WOOD ....................................... The same. Tauchnitx. cd ............... Oscar. W. SIMONDS. ( Walter Aim- well) ......................................... Oscar Bertrand. M. E. BRADDON ..... Osceola, the Seminole; or, the red fawn of the flower land. M. REID. Osgood, M. A. LITTLE Canary series. Bost. 1873. 4 v. 16 ................................. O)ntents : 1. Little Canary s daisy. I 3. Little Canary 38:3040 | gene. 2. Little Canary. I 4. Little Canary 38:3037 | Oswald Cray. E. P. [Mrs. H.] Wooi>. The same. Tauchnitz ed ................ Other folks children. Mrs. M. E. POOI.E. In Pictures of cottage life ........................................... 39; 3192-3 37; 37: 1492 1504 35: 2991 39: 3615 1643 .. 39: 38: 4290 38: 4442 39: 1666 39; 35: 1637 1981 33: 3122 33; 3124 38:3915-17 38: 3926 38: 3931 4O: 4O: 712 713 39; 1709 35: 2549 39: 252 38:3937-40 s cousin Eu- 3S:39. i9 s black eats. 38:3938 4O: 714 4O: 715 38: 4624 Other girls, The. WHITNKY Mrs. A. I). T. Other people s money. E. G ABORT AU. Otis, Belle. (pseud.) See WOODS C. H. Ought we to visit her ? Mrt. A. ED WARDS ...................................... Ouida. (pseud.) See RAME, L. de la. Ouno. (pteud.) See ASHWORTII, T. M. Our country neighbors. H. (E.) B. STOWE. 7n Queer little people ...... Our di tatchment : a novel. K. KINO. Our dogs. H. (E.) B. STOWE. In Queer little people ...................... Our family : a domestic novel. T. HOOD. In Prose works, v. 3 ......... Our family picture. In X. and T., v. 6. 4O: 37: 394 2752 37: 1548 39: 2334 38: 913 39: 2334 34: 4O: 1375 1646 PRObE FICTION: ENGLISH. OUR. 162 PAINS. Our forefathers. G. FREYTAO. Tr. by Mrs. Malcolm. 2 v 37: 2484-5 Contents : Pi. I. Ingo. | Pt. II. Ingraban. Our forest home, its inmates and what became of them. Lond. n. d. 1(3. 4O: 2475 Our Fred. Martha F. FINLEY. (Mar tha Farquharson) 37: 2172 Our Helen. K. S. CLARKE. (Sophie May) 35: 4364 Our mutual friend. 0. (J. H.) DICK ENS. 4 v. in 2 37: 522-3 Thesame 37: 524 Thesame 37: 525 Thesame 37: 526 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 4 v 37: 527-30 Thesame. 4 v. in 2 37: 531-2 Our new crusade : a temperance story. E. E. HALE 37: 3839 Our new home in the west. Mrs. C. M. (S.) KIRKLAND. (Mary Clo vers) 38: 1054 Our new livery, and other things. G. W. CURTIS. In Treasure-trove series, v. 1 4O: 1701 Our new minister. E. G. FERRYMAN. 38: 4351 Our old home: English sketches. N. HAWTHORNE 37: Contents : About Warwick. Civic banquets. Consular experiences. Leamington Spa. Liehfield and Uttoxeter. 4184 Outside glimpses of London poverty. Pilgrimage to Old Boston. Recollections of a gifted woman. Up the Thames. 4424 1861 4310 1052 2480 London suburb, A. Near Oxford Our parish: pen paintings of village life. G. C. HILI . 37: Our prospects : a tale of real life. M. LOTH 38: Our refugee household. Louise CLACK. 35: Our representative man. F. C. BUR- NAND. With About buying a horse 33: Our two lives; or, Graham and I. By A. H. K. N. Y. 1873. 12 4O: Our village: sketches of rural charac ter and scenery. Mary K. MIT- FORD 33: 3035-6 Note. For contents, see MITFOBD, M. R. Our yacht. F. C. BUKNAND. In More happy thoughts 33: 1055 Our young yachter s series. Edited by C. A. STEPHENS. Omtents : 1. Damping out. 39:2251 2. Left on Labrador. 39:2253 3 Off to the Geysers. 39:2255 Out in the world. T. S. ARTHUR 35: Out of court, . ifrs. Cashel HOEY 37:4468-70 Out of debt, out of danger. M. EDGE- WORTH. In her T. and N., v. 2.... 37: Thesame. In Popular tales, v. 1 37: Out of debt, out of danger. Alice B. HAVEN. (Cousin Alice) 37: 4139 Out of the deep. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD. Same an Castle s heir, and Lady Adelaide s oath 4O: 711 Out of the depths : the story of a woman s life. Phil. 1869. 12... 4O: 2485 Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. M. A. T. With A winged word 39: 2702 Out of the foam. J. E. COOKE 35: 4709 Out of her sphere. Mrx. C. J. EILOART. 3v 37; 1630-2 4. Lynx-hunting. a. Fox-hunting. 6. On the Amazons. 39:2254 39:2252 39:2250 793 1497 1506 Out of his head. T. B. ALDRICH 35: 493 Out of the hurly-burly; or, life in on odd corner. C. H. CLARK. (Max Adder) 33: 742 Out of the meshes. Lond. 1868. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2486 Out of town. R. B. COFFIN. (Barry Gray) 35: 4504 Out of the wilderness. Mrs. J. 1). CHAPLIN 35: 4056 Out of the world. Mian A. 1. THACK ERAY. Wiih To Esther, and other sketches 39: Out of the world, and To Esther. Minn A. I. THACKERAY. With Story of Elizabeth 39: Outcast The. Alice CART. In Pic tures of country life 35: Outcasts of Poker flat. (F.) B. HARTK. With Luck of Hearing camp 37: Thesame. In L. C., v. 1 4O: Outlaw the : an historical romance. Mrs. A. M. F. HALI 37: Outre mort, L . H. (E.) P. SPOFFORD. In L. C., v. 2 4O: Outward bound. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: Over the furze. R. M. KETTLE 38: Over the Rocky mountains; or, wan dering Will in the land of the red skins. R. M. BALLANTYNE. In Tales of adventure, v. 2 35: Over yonder: a nouvellette. E.JOHN. (E. Marlitt) 38: Overend, Mrs. C. SLAVK, serf, and freeman. N. Y. n. d. 16 38: Overland: a novel. J. W. DEFOR- REST 37: Ovingdean Grange. W. H. AINS- WORTH 35: Owen, Ashford. (pseud.) See OGLE, Annie. Owen, George W. LEECH club, The; or, mysteries of the Catskill. Bost. 1874. 12 38: 3952 Owen, Robert Dale. BEYOND the breakers: western vil lage life. Phil. 1870. 8 38: Owen: a waif. F. W. ROBINSON.... 39: Owen Evans: adventures of the Cath olic Crusoe. W. H. ANDERDON... 35: Owen Gwynne s great work. Lady Augusta NOEL 38: Oxley. Mrs M. A. BRIGHT. (Lyndon). 35: 2863 3918 4056 1611 3886 1612 263 852-4 1484 385 3946 217 431 3960 499 630 3643 2828 Pace that kills, The. L. R. E. 3 v... 37: 1406-8 Pacha of many tales. Capt. F. MAR- RYAT 38: 2549 Thesame 38: 2550 Packman s journey to London. J. HOWELL. In W . T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 Paddy Go easy. W. CARLETON 35: 3848 Paddy the piper. S. LOVER. In, Le gends and stories 38: 1886 Page of the Duke of Savoy. A. (D.) DUMAS ". 37: 1002 Pains of pleasure. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Pictures of private life, v. 3 37: 1689 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. PAINTER. 163 PARR. Painter, The: a Sicilian tale. J. GAI.T. In Club-book Painter s bargain, The. W. M. THACKERAY. / Treasure-trove S.T I -s. v. I Painter s dream. The. F. C. FISHKK. (ChrixliaH Reid). With Nina s atonement Pair of blue eyes. T. HARDY Palace and cottage; or, young Amer ica in France and Switzerland : a story of travel and adventure. W. T. ADAMS. ( Olirtr Optic) Palace of the talisman, The. G. P. K. JAMES. In String of pearls Palaces and prisons. Mrs. A. S. STEPHENS Palatines, The. J. HOWKI.L. In W. T. I?., v. 3 Palestrina. Mr. E. F. KI.I.ET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians Palfrey, Sanih II. (E. Fo.rlnn). AGNES Went worth. Phil. 1869. 12 HKKMAN; or, young knighthood. Bost. 18f>6. 2 v. 12...r. Palgrave, W. Gifford. HERMANN Agh:i : an eastern narra tive. N. Y. 1872. 10 Palm land. A. F. SAMUKLS Pa mer, .1. W. NEW and old : California and India. N. Y. 1850. 12 Palmer, Lynde. MAGNET stories. Troy. 186T-70. 3 v. 16. 1. Drifiinz and steering. ::R:4V>2 2. One day s weaving. 38:4124 3. Archie s h:idow. :i8:4r21 4. .lohn-.Inck. .lS:412:i Palmetto boys. J. MeN. WRIGHT... Palmitos. Viscount de FIOANIERE. 3 v Pandour and his princess, The. In T. f. I?, v. 5 Pantulf, Aubrey. SUNKEN* rocks. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 Pansy. ( p*md. ) See ALDEN, Mrs. Isabella M. Papers from the Lounger. II. MAC KENZIE. In Misc. works Papers from the Mirror. IT. MAC- KEXXIE. In Misc. works Par ordre du Roi. V. (M.) HUGO. (Pt. 1, of Man who laughs) Paradise of children, The. N. HAW- TIIOKNK. In Tanglewood tales Paradise of the dead. The. Mr*. C. L. II EXT/. With Banished son Paradise revisited. H. STICKK. In Bound to please, v. 2 Paragreens on a visit to Paris. G. KUFFINI Pardoe, .lane. ADOPTED heir. Phil. n. d. 12 CONFESSIONS of a pretty woman. Lond. I860, sm. 8 KARI. S secret: a love story. Phil. n. d. 12 JEALOUS wife, The. Phil. n. d. 8. LlFK-STBUOOLK, A. N. Y. 1860. 12 .. 40: 4O: 37: 37: 35: 38: 39: 40: 37: 38: 38: 38: 39: 1520 2201 3991 264 219 2220 1713 1650 ! 4100 4101-2 4110 j 1112 38: 4116 4O: 37: 40: 2155-7 1695 38: 4134-6 34: 1626 34: 1626 37: 4840 37: 4189 37: 4311 39: 2096 39: 716 38: 4145 38: 4146 38: 38: 4147 4148 38: 4149 41 58 Luerc/.ia Roreia. (Donizetti.) Martha. (Flotmo.) Norma. (Rettini.^ Pnrit:mi. (Bellini.) Rigoletto. (Verdi.) Roberto il Diavolo. (Meyer beer.) Somnnmbula, La. (Bellini.) Traviata, Lft. ( Verdi.) Trovatore, II. ( Verdi.) 801 1257 2649 1701 3145 2648 41C4 Pardon, George Frederick, (ed.) TALES from the operas. N.Y. 1876. 12 38: Content* : nnrb!erp di Sivisrlia. II. (Rossini.) I>on Giovanni. (Mozart.) Don Pasqnule. (Doni- zeUi.) p;liser d Amore, L . (Donizetti.) Ern;ini. ( Verrli.) Fielia dpi Rpsr^imento, Ln. (Donizetti.) Parents, Stories for. T. S. ARTHUR. 35: Paris in America. E. (R. L.) LAHOU- I.AYE 38: Parish, The. H. MARTINEAU. In Poor laws and paupers illus 38: Parish revolution, The. T. HOOD. IK Treasure-trove series, v. 1 4O: Parisians, The. E.G. E. L. BULWER- LYTTOX. 2 v. in 1 35: Park and paddock. H. MARTIN-EAT*. In Illus. of taxation 38: Parker, Mrs. H. F. CONSTANCE Aylmer: a storv. X.Y. 1869. 12..". " 38: Parker, R. (Y.I A. (Rom Abbott). ROSA Abbott stories. Bost. 1871. 6 v. 16. 1. .luck of nil trades. 38:4172 2. Alexis thp runawiy ; or, nflnat in thp world. 38:4171 3. Tommy Hicknp; or. a pair of hlapk pyes. 38:4174 4. t psido down ; or, will and work. :iH:417. r t .V Yonng detective; or. which won? 38:4176 6. Pinks and blnps. The ; or, the orphan asylum. 38:4173 Parkman, Francis. VASSAL Morton. Bost. 1856. 12. 38: 4183 Parr, Harriet. {Holme. Lee). AGAINST wind and tide. Lond. 1869. sm. 8 38: 4191 ANNIS Warleigh s fortunes. N. Y. 18R7. 8 38: 4192 BASIL Godfrey s caprice. Leip. 1868. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: 4193 BEAUTIFUL Miss Barrington. Leip. 1871. 2v.ini. sq. 16 38: 4194 CONTRAST; or, the school-fellows. Lond. 1868. sm. 8 38: 4195 COUNTRY stories, old and new. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 8 38:4196-7 Contents : 1. January: Polly s onp offpr. Hawkswell placp. February: Coming into a fortune. By thp shorp ot life. March : Lady Scampr s long step. Grave in the moorland. April: Rufns Helstone. St. Mark s pve. May: I ndrr the ropp. Lost on the shore. June: Threp nights by Ashpool. Proud Nelly Kintisland. 2. July : Thp fhptwyndps. Thp lovp-tpst. Aiitrtist: Sibyl s disappointment. May Margaret. Thp sighinc shadp. Spptpmbpr: The skplpton in the closot. Sir Ralph and Ladv Joan. October: The sanctuary in thp mountains. An autumnal shadow. November: Lina Fprnie. Shadows, pppcmher: Jenny s vocation. Thp haunted mpre : a popm. A winter wpdding in the wolds. FOR richer, for poorer. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 38: 4198 GILBERT Massengcr. Lond. 1874. sm. 8 38: 4199 HAWKSVIEW: a family history of our own times. N.Y. i860. 12 38: 4200 HER title of honor. Leip. 1871. sq. 16 38: 4201 HOLME Lee s fairy tales. Lond. 1869. 12..., 38: 4202 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. PARR. 164 PAUL. 38: 38: 38: 38: 4203 4204 4205 42C6 4207 38: 4208 38: 4209 38: 4230 38: 4231 38: r:.;.: sept Parr, Harriet, (continued.) KATHERINE S trial. Lend. 1873. sm. 8 38: KATHIK Brande: a fireside history of a quiet life. N.Y. 1857. 12. MAUDE Talbot. Lond. 1872. sm. 8. MR. Wynyard s ward: a novel. N.Y. 1867. 8 POOR match. Lond. 18G8. sm. 8. SYLVAN Holt s daughter. N.Y. 1800. 12 VICISSITUDES of Bessie Fairfax, The : a novel. Phil. n. d. 12 WARP and woof. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12 38:4210-11 Parr, Louisa. BLUK bell of Red-neap, The; or, shingle-cord: a Christmas story. With notes and emendations by the American editor. X. Y. 1871. 16 Contents : (iarden party, The. Mad s Christmas adventure. Shingle-cord. Tretnill farm. DOROTHY Fox. Phil. 1873. 8 HKRO Carthew; or, the Prescotts of Pamphillon: a novel. N. Y. 1873. 10 JOHN Thompson, blockhead, and companion portraits. Phil. 1872. 12 38: 4233 Contents: At the sign of the golden canister. Christine. "Feather in Jack s cap, A." " How it all happened." John Thompson, block- head. Parra Sastha; or, the history of Paddy Go-easy and his wife Nancy. W. CAKLETON 35: Parsonage, The: my father s fireside. A. IV.TKKKIN. In W. T. B., v. 3... 4O: Parsonage of Mora. F. BREMER. N<i me an Life in Dalecarlia 35: Parson s daughter, The. T. (E.) HOOK Parted lives. Mi-n. J. K. SPENDER. 3 v Parthenia ; or, the last days of Pagan ism. E. B. LEE Partington, Mrs. See SHILLABER, Benjamin P. Partisan, The : a romance of the rev olution. W. G. SIMMS 39: Parton, Mr*. Sarah Payson. (Fanny Fern}. (1811-1873). FERN leaves. 2d series. Auburn. 1854. 12 FOLLY as it flies, hit at. N.Y. 1872. 12 GINGER-SNAPS. N. Y. 1870. 12. LITTLE ferns for Fanny s little friends. N. Y. 1808. 10 RUTH Hall : a domestic tale. N. Y. 1855. 12 Party fight and funeral, The. W. CARLETON. In Traits and stories, v. 1 The same 35: Pascarel. L. de la RAME 39: Passages from the diary of a late physician. In W. S. C. L. v. 8-10. 34:4178-80 The same * 15:4918-20 Passages from the life of a fern. Mrx. K. K. CHARLES. With Cot tage by the cathedral 35: Passages from the married life of Eleanor Holmes. A. CARY. /, Pictures of country life 35: Passing the portal; or, a girl s strug gle: an autobiography. Mrx. M. V. VICTOR 39: Passion and principle. Mm. E. C. GREY 37: Passion and principle. T. (E.) HOOK. In Sayings and doings, v. 2 37: Passion in tatters, A. Mrx. P. CUD- LIP, {formerly Mixs Thomas) 35: Passionate pilgrim, The, and other tales. H. JAMES, jr 38: Content* : Madonna of the future. 4071 3918 3720 3510 4049 0105 235 Eugene Pickering. Last of the Valerii. Madame de Mallves. Passionate pilgrim. Romance ofcertainoldcl Notre Dame des I ouleurs. Peter Trotm<*n. Raved from the wreck. Trcthill farm. "Will of her own, A." Young Tom s grey hairs. 3848 1713 2743 4G44 2087-!) 1417 1C80 33: 3315 37: 39: 38: 33: 33: 33: 38: 35: 3316 3318 4241 3841 3840 53 Pastimes with my little friends. M. II. 15. BENNETT Pastor of the desert, Jean Jarousseau. E. PELLET AN Pastor s fireside, The. J. PORTER. 4 v Patagonian brothers, The. In N. and T., v. 7 Patent mania. W. GILBERT. Jn Doctor Austin s guests, v. 1 Pathfinder, The. J. F. COOPER T] ie same. 35: 38: 38: 40: 37: 35: 35: 38: 40: 4O: 37: 38: 2000 4330 465G-9 1047 2986 4754 4755 2333 2489 395 4140 1702 Paths of the sea, The. Y. McLASD- UfRoii. In Automaton ear Patience Caerhydon: Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8....". Patience Strong s outings. Mr*. A. D. F. WHITNEY Patient waiting no loss. A. B. HA- VEX. ( Couxitt Alice) Patricia Kembnll. E. L. LINTON Patriot boys and prison pictures. J. R. GILMORE. (Edmund Kirke) 37: 3037 Patronage. M. EDOEWORTII. Jn her N. and T., v. 7-8 37: 1502-3 Patty. K. S. MACIJUOID 38: 2353 Patty Gray s journey to the Cotton islands. C. H. BALL. 3 v. Contents : 1. From Boston to Baltimore. 37:30 2. From Baltimore to Washington. 37:35 :l. On the wiiy ; or, Patty at Mount Vernon. :i7:37 Paul, James. VIOLET. Phil. 1858. 12 38: 4248 Paul, John. (pseud.) See WEBB, Charles H. Paul and Virginia. J. H. B. de SAINTK-PIKKKK 39: 1070 The same. In Works, v. 1 34: 1891 Paul Barton; or, a drunkard s son. II. N. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt Haftic). 35: 1390 Paul Clifford. E. G. E. L. BULWER- LYTTON. 2 v. in 1 35: 3140 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 35: 3147 Paul Fane. N. P. WILLIS 4O: 555 Paul Felton. R. H. DANA. Jn Poems and prose writings, v. 1 34: 994 Paul 1 YiToll : a tale. Mrs. A. CLIVE. 35: 4430 The same. Taucbnitz ed 35: 4437 Paul Fen-oil : why he killed his wife. C. CLIVE 35: 4438 Paul Gosslett s confessions in love, law, nd the civil service. C. LEVER. With St Patrick s eve 38: 1044 Paul Massie: a romance. J. MCCAR THY 38: 2134 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. PAT-I,. 165 PENINSTTLAR. Paul, tho peddler; or, the adventures of a young street merchant. H. AI.GER, jr 35: 539 Paul the pope, and Paul the friar. T. A. TKOLLOI-K 39: 3261 Paul Prescott s charge: a story for boys. H. AUIKK, jr ! 35: 540 Paulding, .lames Kirke. (Lancelot Langxtaff. (1779-1860). DUTCHMAN S fireside, The. N. Y. 1868. 8 38: 4253 TALKS of the good woman. N. Y. 18(17. 12.... . 33: 3332 Politician. Progress of the age. Revenge or* Saint Nicholas. Ride of Saint Nicholas. 38: 35: 35: 35: 38: 4257-0 3057 31GG 3107 4508 813 42G5 Contents : A7.ure hose. Conns Yerke. Dumb girl. Dyspepsy. Memoirs of the unknown author. Paulet, E. Dii AKMA; or, three phases of lovo. Lond. 1865. 3 v. sm. 8 Pauline Seward. .1. D. BRYANT Pausanias the Spartan. E. G. E. L. BULWBK IiYTTON The same 35: Pay as you go. W. T. COGGESHALL. /n Home bite and hints 35: Paying the doctor. T. S. ARTHI:R. In Finger posts : Payne, A. .Mitchell ODD one, The. N. Y. 1876. 16... Payn, James, (pxf.ud.) See SAUZADE, John S. Payton Skat. W. J. SNELLING. In Tales of the northwest Pea-green taffeta, The. A//-.S. ( . L. HENT/.. With The lost daughter. Peacemaker, The, and other stor ies. T. S. ARTHUR 35: Contents : As you have opportunity. AH we forgi ye our debtors Compensation. Cripple for life. Giving to the poor. God help the poor. Grandpa and his darling. He lost his reward. Peachey, C. KIRSTEN S adventures: a tale for the young. Loud. 1871. sm. 8 Peacock, Kdwnrd. JOHN Markentield. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 MAIIKI. Heron. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 4274-6 Peacock, Thomas Love. (1785-1866). (JKVI.I. Grange. In works, v. 2 HEADLONG hall. In Works, v. 1 HKAIILONI} hall, and Nightmare ah- bey. N. Y. 1845. 12 MAID Marian. In Works, v. 2 MEMNCOURT. In Works, v. 1 MISFORTUNES of Kl]ihin. In Works, v. 2 NIGHTMARE abbey. In Works, v. 1. The same. With Headlong hull... Peacocke, Samuel S. ORPHAN girls, The: a tale of South ern life. Phil. 1865. 12... 39: 1989 37: 4318 794 His own enemy. Indignation meeting, An. Motherless baby. Oil on the waters of passion. Only words. Peacemaker, The. Unforgotton wrong. What did he leave ? 4O: 2260 38: 4271-3 34: 34: 38: 34: 34: 34: 34: 38: 1823 1822 4286 1823 1822 1823 1822 4286 Peard, Frances M. ONE year; or, a story of three homes. Host. 1871. 12 The same. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. s ( |. 10 ROSE garden, The. Host. 1872. 16. 38: 4290 38: 4297 38: 38: 4298 4299 Peard, (continued.) THORPE Regis. Host. 1874. 12... 38: 4300 UNAWARES. Host. 1872. 16 38: 4301 Pearl and Emerald. R. E. FRANCIL- LON 37: 2436 Pearl ashore, A. M. A. F. With Winged word 39: 2702 Pearl of Orr s island, The : a story of the coast of Maine. Mrs. H. (E.) B. STOWE 39; 2332 Pearson, C. H. CABIN on the prairie. Host. 1870. 16 38: 4311 YOUNG pioneers of the north-west. Host. 1871. 16 38: 4312 Pearson, Emma M! ONK love in a life. Lond. 1874. 3v. sm. 8 38:4321-3 Peasant and his landlord. Baronexn KNORRING 38: 1084 Peasant girl s love, A. J. BANIM. In Bit o writin 35; 1531 Peasant s funeral, The. J. Ho(;o. (Eltrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 37: 4521 Peat-casting time. T. GILLISITK. In W. T. H., v. 5 4O: 1715 Peculiar : a tale of the great transi tion. E. SARGENT..... 39; 1120 Pedant, Squire. See Letters to Squire Pedant. Peden s farewell sermon. T. GILI.KS- PIE. In W. T. B., v 8 4O: 1718 Peep at number five. E. S. PHELI-S. 38: 4383 Peep o day; or, John Doe: (Jrohoore of the billhook. M. HANIM 35: 154(1 Peep into antiquity. ,Vi.s.< KKDDIK. (Sarah Tytler). In Days of vorc, v. 1 .". 38: 710 Content* : Peggy Melville s triumph. Saint Margaret. Shadows on the coast of Fife. Peerless wife, A. M. A. MACKAR- NESS. (formerly Minx Planchf) 38: 2269 Peers and parvenus. Mrn. C. G. F. GORE 37: 3197 Peer s daughters, The. Lady BULWER- LVTTON 35; 3280 Peg Woffington, Christie Johnson, and other stories. C. KEADE 39: 160 Contents : Art: a dramatic tale. Jack of all trades. Box tunnel Peg Wotlington. Christie Johnstone. Propria (|iue maribus. Clouds and sunshine. Pelham. E. G. E. L. HULWKR- LYTTON 35; 3148 The same. Tauchnitx ed 35: 3149 Pelletan, Eugene. PASTOR of the desert, The, Jean Ja- rousseau. N. Y. 1872. 12 38: Pemberton ; or. a hundred years ago. H. PETERSON " 38: Pembroke. S. LEE. / Canterbury tales 38: Pendennis, History of. W. M. THACKERAY 39: The same 39: The same 39: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3v 39: The same. 3 v. in 2 39; Peninsular sketches. W. H. MAX- WEI.I.. (Same as Stories of the Peninsular war) 38: 4330 4368 1446 2887 2888 2889 289C-2 2893-4 2751 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. PENNOT. 166 PETEBSON. Integrity, v. 2. Justice, v. 1. Literature, v. 1. Music, v. 2. Pastime, v. 2. Patriotism, v. 1. Pulpit, The, v. 2. Science, v. 1. Senate, v. 2 Shipwreck, v. 2. Stag.\ The, v. 2. Travelling, v. 2. War, v. 1. Woman, v. 2. Youth, v. I. 9, 12-17, 20. 33: Pennot, Hev. Peter. ACHSAII : a New England life study. Bost. 18T6. 12 ..................... ".. 38: Penny tract, The. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 13 ............... 39: Penny wedding, The. A. CAMPBELL. In W. T. 13., v. 4 ........................ 4O: Penruddocke. H. Ai ne ................ 35: Peppergrass, Paul, (pseud.) See IJOYCE, J. Pequinello. G. V. K. JAMKS ........... 38: Percival Iveene. (. apt. F. MAKRYAT. 38: The same ...................................... 38: The same. Tauchnitz ed ............... 38: Percy. Mrs. C. L. HENTZ. (Same as Banished son) ............................ 37: Percy anecdotes. T. BYERLEY and J. C. ROBERTSON. 2 v ............... 33: Contents: Bar, The, v. 2. Beneficence, v. 1. Captivity, v. 1. Commerce, v. 2. Conviviality, v. 2. Crime and punishment, v. I. Domestic life, v. 2, Eccentricity, v. 1. Eloquence v. I. p^nterprise, v. 1. Exile, v. 1. Fashion, v. 2. Fidelity, v. 2. Fine arts, v. 1. George III. and family, v. 1. Genius, v. 2. Heroism, v. I. Honour, v. 2. Hospitality, v. 2. The same. v. 3-4, 7 (11 v.) Contents : Conviviality, v. 13. Crime and punishment, v. 8. Domestic life, v. 20. Enterprise, v. 3. Fidelity, v. 12. Fine arts, v. 4. George III. and family, v. 3. Heroism, v. 7. Honour, v. 12. Hospitality, v. 13. Percy, S. TALES of the kings and queens of England. Lond. 1868. 16 ....... 38 Percy Effingham. H. COCKTON. 2 v. 35 Percy family, The. D. C. EDDY. Bost. 1868-9. 5 v. 16. 1. Visit to Ireland. 37:1444 2. Through Scotland and England. 37:1443 3. Paris to Amsterdam. 37:1412 4. Baltic to Vesuvius. 37:1441 5. Alps and the Khine. 37:1440 Percy Loekhart; or, the hidden will. F. W. BAXTER. 2v .................. Percy Kaydon ; or, self-conquest. E. LESLIE ...................................... Percys, The. Afw. E. PRENTISS ....... Perditus Mutton, who brought a caul. 1). ( W.) JEKKOLD. In Coll. works, v. 4 .......................................... The same. In Works, v. 2 .............. 34: Pere Antoine s date-palm. T. B. AL- DKICII. With Marjorie Daw ......... 35: Pere la chaise. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 6 ........................... 39: Peregrine Pickle. T. SMOLLETT ...... 39; The same. Tauchnitz ed ............... 39: The same. In Works ..................... 39: Perfect Adonis, A. Mrs. S. S. HARRIS. (formerly Miss dole) .................... 37: Ingenuity, v. 9. Instinct, v. !. Integrity, v. l(i. Justice, v. 18. Music, v. 17. Pulpit, The, v. 16. Senate, v. 14. Stage, v. 17. War, v. 7. Woman, v. 2. Youth, v. 3. 38: 38: 34: 4332 1648 1714 3t>5 209 2551 2552 2553 4311 1075-6 1074 4336 4476-7 35: 1730-1 1551 4091 1468 142 492 1641 1971 1972 1970 4012 Perfect love casteth out fear. K. S. WASIIBURN 4O: 247 Perils of certain English prisoners. In N. and T., v. 7 4O: 1647 Perkins, Eli. (pseud.) See LANDOX, Melville D. Perkins, Frederic B. SoRoi K; or, the lost library: a novel of New York and Hartford. Bost. 1874. 8 38: 4340 Perpetual eurate, The. Mrs. M. ((). W.)()LII-HANT 38: 38(10 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 3861 Perrier, Amelia. GOOD match, A. N. Y. 1873. 12. 38: 4346 Ferryman, E. G. O0B new minister. N.Y. n. d. 10. 38: 4351 Persecution of the McMiehaels. T. Gn.LEsriK. In W. T. 15., v. 8 4O: 1718 Perseverance. Mrs. E. C. EMBURY. In Pictures of early life 37: 17iH) Perseverance; or, the autobiography of Roderic Gray. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 Persuasion. J. AI-STKX 35: 911 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 908 Pet; or, pastime 8 and penalties. Rev. H. R. HAWEIS 37: 4152 Peter and Paul. J. MACC. In Home fairytales 38: 2226 Peter and Polly; or, home life in 2s e>w England a hundred years ago. M. Dorui.As 37: 831 Peter Carradine. C. CHESEBRO 35: 4194 Peter Crisp s spectacles. S. SOBER SIDES. With Rougegorge 4O: 1670 Peter Klaus, the goatherd. NAOHTI- GALL ( Otmar). In R. G. N., v. 2... 4O: 1561 Peter of the castle ; The Fetches. J. HANIM 35: 1MI Peter Patterson, Sayings and doings of. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. 15., v. 10 4O: 1720 Peter Pilgrim; or, the rambler s recollections. R. M. BIRD. 2 v... 35:2121-2 Peter the, prophet. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches 37: 3887 Peter Simple, ( apt. F. MARRYAT 38: 2554 The same 38: 2555 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 2556 Peter Trotman. L. PARR. With John Thompson 38: 4233 Peter, the whaler. W. H. G. KINGS TON 38: 997 Peter s journey, and other tales. By the author of Marion Howard. N.Y. 1872. 12 4O: 1G60 Contents Carpenter s holiday. The. Lost and found ; or, Jenny s blessing. Temptation, The; or, the merchant s story. Peterkin, Alexander. PARSONAGK, The: My father s fire side. In W. T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 Peterson, Charles J. GRACE Dudley; or, Arnold at Sara toga : an historical novel. Phil. 1849. 8 38: 4358 KATES Aylesford: a story of the re fugees. Phil. 1855. "l2 38: 4359 OLD stone mansion, The. Phil. 1859. 12 38: 4300 VAI.LKY farm. The. Phil. 1850. 12. 38: 4301 Peterson, Henry. PKMDKRTON : or, one hundred years ago. Phil. 1873. 12 38: 4368 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. PETIT. 167 PHYSICIAN S. Petit soulier, The. I). G. MITCHKLL. (Ik Marvel). In Seven stories ...... 38: Petite magazine, The. Mrs. SOUTHEY. In T. f. B., v. 2 ........................... 4O: Petition to the novel writers. (W.) W. COLLINS. In (Queen s revenge ...... 35: Petronel. Mrs. K. CHURCH, (for merly A/inK Marryat) .................... 35: Petticoat government. Mrs. F. TROLLOPE ................................. 39: Petty anoyancos of married life. H. de BALZAC ................................. 35: Peveril of the peak, Tlie. .S lY W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2v ............... *39: The same. Edinburgh ed ............... 39: The same. Abbotst ord ed ............... 39: The same ...................................... 39: The same. Household ed. 2v ........ 39: Tin- same. Pocketed .................... 39: The same. Tauchnitz ed.. 2.v.ini. Phantasmion : a fairy tale. S. CDLERHMIE ................................ Phantastes : a faerie romance. G. 38: 3013 1693 4581 4278 3233 1514 1327-8 1357 1305 1384 1423-4 1459 1485 35: 4516 38: 38: Phantom face : a story for Christmas. Mm. L. C. MOULTON. In Aly third book ................................. 38: Phantom of the forest, The : a tale of the dark and bloody ground. E. BENNETT .................................. 35: Phantom regiment, The; or, stories of -Ours." .1. GRANT ................. 37: Phantom ship, The. ( apt. F. MAR- KYAT ........................................ 38: The same. Loud ed ....................... 38: Pharo bank, The. E. T. W. HOKK- MAN. In Strange stories ............. 37: Pheebe Fortune. T. GII.LKSPIE. In \V. T. B., v. 2 ............................ 4O: Phelim O Toole s courtship. W. CARL- ETON. In Traits and stories, v. 2. 35: The same ........... .......................... 35: Phelps. Mm. Elizabeth Stuart. (H. Tru.ita; Onyx). GATKS ajar, The. Host. 18G9. 12 .......................................... GYPSY Breynton series. Host. 18ti!)-71. 4 v. lti. G titents : 1. Gypsy Breynton. 38:4 i"6. 2. Gypsy s cousin Joy. :t8:4:t77. 3. Gipsy s sowing anil reaping. 38:4178. 4. Gypsy s year at the Golden crescent. 38:4.1 HKDOED in. Host. 1870. 12 ........ 38: LADY of Shalott, The. In L. C. v. 10. 4O: MKN, women, and ghosts. Bost. 1869. 12 .......................................... 38: 2170 2171 3182 1982 3322 2557 2558 4480 1712 3842 3840 38: 4375 9. 4380 1020 4382 Calico. Day of my death. In the gray goth. Kentucky s ghost. Litele Tommy Tucker. Night-watches. (Same as voices of the night.) One of the elect. (Same as Magdalene.) Tenth of January. What is the matter. SILENT partner. Bost. 1871. 12. 38: 4384 SUNNYSIDE series. N. Y. 1809. 3 v. 18. Ountents : I.Hurmyside. 38:4:1X1. 2. Peep al numhrr five. 38:4383. 3. Tell-tale. 38:4385. TROTTY S wedding tour, and story h.ok. Bost. 1874. 12 38: 4386 Phelps, W. I). ( U tbfoot). FORK and aft: from the life of an old sailor. Host. 1871. 16 38: Phemie Frost. Mm. A. S. STEPHENS. 39: 4396 2221 541 2904 2905 2900 Phemie Keller. Mn. J. H. KIDDELL. (F. C. Trafford) 39: 386 Phemie s temptation; [and Charby- dis.] Mm. ii. V. (H.) TERM USE. (Marion Harland)... 39: Phil the tiddler; or, the story of a young street musician. 11. AL- OER, jr 35: Phil Purcel, the pig driver. W. CARL- KTON. In Traits and stories Philip, Adventures of. W. M. THACKERAY 39: The same 39: The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: Philip and his garden, and other sto ries. Mm. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth] 39: 30G8 Gtittents: Hird s nest. I Moth, The. Dying sheep. Philip and his garden. Fatal errors. I Premium, The. Glow-worm. Philip Armytage; or, the blind girl s work. Mm. D. M. CHAIK. (for merly Mitx Mulock). In Domestic stories 35: 4914 Philip Augustus ; or, the brothers in arms. G. P. K. JAMES 38: 210 Philip Blamlford: sequel to Mvllie Moyne. .1. F. .SMITH 39: 190G Philip Brantley s life work, and how he found it. M. \V. POWELL 38: 4676 Philip Colville. G. KEXXKDY 38: 814 Philip Earnscliff. Mrs. A. EDWARDS. Same ax Morals of May Fair 37: 1549 Philip Leigh: a tale. Loud. 1873. pin. 8 4O: 2492 Philip Kollo ; or, the Scottish mus keteers. J. GRANT 37: 3323 Philip Seymour; or, pioneer life in Kichland county, Ohio. J. F. M GAU . *38: 2230 Philips Grey. T. GILLESPIE. In W. T. H., v. l 4O: 1711 Philleo, C. W. TWICK married: a story of Connecti cut life. Phil. 1855. 12 38: 440G Phillips, George Searle. (January StarU). GYPKIKS of the Dane s dyke. Bost. 1864. 12 ". 38: 4410 Phillpotts, Mary Charlotte. JANET S choice. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38:4416-18 MADDIE S secret. Lond. 1871. 2 v. sm. 8 38:4419-20 Philosophical tales, romances and satires. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Content* : Bababeo. Candid. Huron, The. Ignorant philosopher. Johnny ; or, the sage and the atheisl. Lord Chesterfield s ears. Philothea : a romance. L. M. CHILD. 35: Phineas Finn. A. TROLLOPS 39. Man of forty crowns, The. Micromegas: a comic ro mance. Princess of Hahylon. Whitebull, The. Zadig; or, fate. 4244 3194 3195-7 3198-9 3200 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 39: The same. 3 v. in 2 39: Phineas Redux. A. TROLLOPE 39: Phoenix, .loh n. (pxcud,) See DERBY, G. H. Phosnixiana. G. H. DERBY, (John Pkcenix] 33: 1300 Physician s daughter, The. \V. GIL BERT. In Wizard of the mountain, v. 2 37: 2996 PHOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ^PHYSIOGNOMIST S. 168 PILGRIM. Physiognomist s tale, The. O. RH:HAKI>SOX. In W. T. J?., v. 4... 4O: Piazza tales, Tho. H. MELVILLE 38: Contents : 1714 2877 the en- Hartleby. Encantadas ; Benito Cereno. chanted isle. Bell-tower, The. Lightning-rod man, The. Piazza, The. Picciola, the prisoner of Fenestrella. J. X. BONIFACE (called Saintine).... 39: 1041 Thesame. In W. S. C. L;, v. 11 34: 4181 Thesame *15: 4921 Pichler, Caroline. SIEGE of Vienna, The. In W. S. C. L., v. 5 34: 4175 Thesame *15: 4915 Pickaninny, The. E. EOGLESTON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Picked up adrift. J. DEMILLE 37: 280 Picken, Andrew. BARON of Courtstown, The. In W. S. C. L., v. 7 34: 4177 Thesame *15: 4917 BLACK watch, The: an historical novel. In W. S. C. L., v. 3 34: 4173 Thesame *15: 4913 CLIFFORDS of Craven, The: a tradi tion. In W. S. C. L., v. 5 34: 4175 Thesame *15: 4915 DEER-STALKERS of Glenskiach, The. In Club-book 4O: 1520 EISENUACII; or, the adve-ntures of a stranger. In Club-book. 2 v. in 1. Thesame 4O: 1520 JORDAN S of Grange, The, and the old maids of Balmogy. In W. S. C. L., v. 6 34: 4176 Thesame *15: 4916 THREE Kearneys, The: a tale of the dominie. In Club-book 4O: 1520 TRADITIONARY stories and legendary illustrations. In W. S. C/L., v. 2. 34: 4172 Thesame 15: 4912 Picnic part} , The. H. SMITH. In L. C., v. 9 4O: 1619 Pickering, Ellen, (d. 1843). ELLEN Wareham ; or, love and duty. Phil. n. d. 8 38: 4432 EXPECTANT, The. Lond. 1842. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 4433 GRANDFATHER, The. N. Y. 1867. 38: 38: 38: 4436 4437 4439 GRUMBLER, The. Phil. n. d. 8... KATE Walsingham. Phil. n. d. 8. MERCHANT S daughter, The. Lond. 1836. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 4440 NAN Darrell; or, the gypsy mother. Phil. n. d. 8 ^. .... . 38: 4441 ORPHAN niece, The. Phil. n. d. 8. 38: 4442 POOR cousin, The. Phil. n. d. 8. 38: 4443 SQUIRE, The. Phil. n. d. 8 38: 4447 WHO shall be heir ? Phil. n. d. 8. 38: 4448 Pickering, Emma. FIRM in the struggle. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 38:4458-60 FORSAKING all others. Lond. 1870. 2 v. sm. 8 38: 4461-2 Pickwick papers. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. 4 v. in 2 37; 533-4 Thesame. N. Y. ed 37: 535 Thesame. Phil, ed 37: 53(i Thesame. Bost. ed 37: 537 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: 538 Pictorial tower of London, with in dex. W. H. AIXSVVORTH 35: 441 Pictures from the history of the Swiss. By the author of Little stories for little people. Bost. 18t>0. 16 Pictures of cottage life in the west of England. M. E. POOLE 38: Contents : Betty Slater s skeleton. For better, for worse. My sister Rosa. Pictures of country life. Contents : Apple cutting, The. Country cousin. Eliza A nderson. Hasty words and their apology. House with two front doors. Letn. Lyon. 4O: 2488 4(524 Other folks 1 children. Without a character. A. CARY. 35: 3918 Making the children some thing. Mrs. Walden s confidant. Old maid s story, An. Outcast, The. Passages from the life of Eleanor Holmes. Sarah Morris. Lncle John s story. Pictures of early life; or, sketches of my youth. Afr*. E. C. EMBURY... 37: 1700 Content* : Perseverance. Poor scholar. Sailor s family. School friendship. True generosity. Twins, The. Two cousins ; or, mode of education. Uses of adversity. Cecilia; or, the love of dress. Pay s pleasure. Honesty and integrity. Little emigrant. Little Susan s tempta tion. Lost children. Make goo.i use of your time. Moss-roses; or, the broth er and sister. Pictures of private life. ELLIS. 3 v . Widow and her son. Worst boy in the village. 3/ra. S. S. 37: 1687-9 Contents: Curate s widow, v. 1. Elltn Eskdale, v. 1. Hall and the cottage, v. 1. Marriage aa it may be, v. 1. The same. Misanthrophy, v. :i. Observations on fictitious narrative, v. 1. Pains of pleasure, v. . i. Pretension, v. 2. In W. S. C. L., v. 10 34; 4180 Contents : Pretension. Thesame *15: 4920 Piebald. K. F. BOYLE. 2 v 35: 2486-7 Piece of possible history. E. E. HALE. Jn If, yes, and perhaps 33: 1828 Pierre. II. MELVILLE 38: 2878 Pierson, Helen Wall. GRACIK S mission: a tale of Norway. Phil. 1870. 1G 38: 4470 Pig-faced queen, The. KNATCHBULL- HIHIGKSSKX. In Queer folk 38: 1064 Pigott, H. Bouverie. CRAVENS of Cravenscroft, The. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 38:4478-80 Pigott-Carleton, Hon. Mrs. FAIR passions; or, the setting of pearls. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8. 38:4490-92 Pike, A/r.v. Frances West Atherton. (b. 1819). EVERY day. Bost. 1871. 12 38: 4501 HERE and hereafter. Bost. 1858. 12 38: 4502 KATE Morris. Bost. 1864. 12 38: 4503 STEP by step. Bost. 1852. 12 38: 4504 Pike, Maryll. Green. (Mary Langdon; Kidney A. Story, jr.) (b. 1827). AGNES. Bost. 1858. 12.. 38: 4512 CASTE : a story of republican equality. By Sidney A. Story, jr. N. Y. 1867. 8 38: 4513 IDA May : a story of things actual and possible, by Mary Langdon. Bost. 1854. 12 38: 4514 Pilate and Herod: a tale. H. STAN- LEY. 2 v 39:2160-61 Pilgrim and the shrine, The. E. MAITLAND. (Herbert Aiuslee) 38: 2411 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. Av * 4 /,. f> f - r* ^ 1 if L 7 PlLGRIMAOE. 169 Pilgrimage <>f s rftce : a tle f tne diiys of Henry VIII. M. EMKKY. 37: 1715 Pilgrims of fashion. K. CORNWAU.IS. 35: 48C8 Pilgrims of the Rhine. Wiih Kvn. E. G. E. L. BULWKR-LYTTON ...... 33: 2663 The same. With Leila .................... 35: 31 29 Pilgrims of the Khino ; and Falkland. K. G. E. L. BrLWER-LvTTox ....... 35: Pilgrims of Wnlsinghnm ; or, tales of the middle aijes. A. STRICKLAND. In W. S. C. L., v. 6 ..................... 34: The same ...................................... S1 15: Pilgrim s progress, illuminated. .1. HUN-VAX .................................. A: The same ...................................... *5: The same. Bost. ed ........................ 35: The same. Lend, ed ..................... 35: The same. N. Y. ed ...................... 35: The same ...................................... 35: The snme. Phil, ed ....................... 35: The same. Tauchnit/. ed ............... 35: Pilkington, -1/r.?. Mary. HISTORY of the Hockinghums. Lond. 1810. 1(1 ................................. 38: Pillar of tire; or, Israel in bondage. J. H. IXGRAHAM .................... T... 38: Pillars of the house. C. At. YOXUE. 2 v ........................................... 4O: Pilot, The. .1. F. COOPKR ................. 35: The same ...................................... 35: Pilot and his wife, The: a Norse love Ftory. J. LIK. Tr. by Mrs. Ole Bull Chic. 1876. 12, ............. 38: Pilpai. FAHLES. Lond. 1775. 10 ......... "33: Pinchon. "\V. J. SNELI.INO. In Tales of the northwest ........................ 39: Pindar, Susan. FIRKSIDK fairies. N. Y. 18G5. 10. 38: LKOENDS of the flowers. X. Y. 1865. 16 ................................. 38: MIDSUMMER fays. N. Y. 1805. 10 .......................................... 38: Pine, Ciiyler. KCCE femina; or, the womnn Zoc. N. Y. 1875. 8 ........................ 38: Pink and white tyranny: a society novel. Mrs. H. (E.) B. STOWK.. . 39: Pinkerton, Allan. CLAUDE Melnotte as a detective, and other stories. Chicago. 1875. 12. 38: 4540 Contents : Claude Melnotte as n detective. Frenchman, The, find the hills of exchange. Two sisters ; or, the avenger. DKTECTIVE and the somnambulist. Chic. 1875. 12 ........................ 38: 4547 Pinks and blues, The ; or, the orphan asylum. Mr*. K. (Y.) A. I ARKKR. (Ao.xa Ahbolt) .............................. 38: Pioneer, The. J. HALL. In Tales of the border ................................. 37: Pioneer church, The; or, story of a new parish in the west, M. SclIUYLER ................................ 39: 1250 Pioneers, The: a tale of the western wilderness. R. M. BAI.LANTYNE. In Tales of adventure, v. 3 ........... 35: 1485 Pioneers, The. J. F. COOPER .......... 35: 4758 The same. ...................................... 35: 4759 Pioneer s daughter; The, and the un known countess. E. HKXNETT ..... 35: 1983 Pique: a novel. Host. n. d. 12.... 4O: 2490 4170 4916 2508 3325 332(1 3327 3328 33211 3330 4524 44 1202-3 4750 4757 1738 492 1989 4530 4531 4532 4540 2333 4173 3871 Pirate. A tr AV. SCOTT. Parker ed. I v *39: I323-* The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1350 The some. Abbotsford ed 39: 13(14 The same 39: 1382 The same. Household ed. 2 v 39:14111-20 The same. Pocketed 39: 1457 The same. Tauehnitx. ed... 39: 148G Pirate, The, and the three cutters. ( apt. F. MARRYAT 38: 2559 The same. 7n \V. S. C. L., v. 7 34: 4177 The same *15: 4ii]7 Pirate citv, The: an Algerine tale. K. M. BAI.LANTYXK 35: I47:t Pirates of the prairies, The. G. AIMARD 35: 394 Pisani, Counter. ONLY an earl. Lond. 1869. . ) v. sm. 8 38: 4557-9 Place for everything. A. li. HAVEX. (( auxin Alice) 37: 4141 Plague in London. 1GC5. I). I)nFoK. In Novels and misc. works, v. 5 34: 1021 Plain John Orpington. Lond. 1800. . { v. sm. 8 4O: 241K1 Planche, Mit* M. A. See MACKARNESS, -M. A. Plane and plank; or, the mishaps of a mechanic. VV. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 205 Plant hunters. M. KK.III 39: 253 Planter s birthday, The. T. (E.) HOOK. In. Precepts and practice, v. 3 37: 4047 Planter s daughter, The. A. E. Dr- ITY 37: 1072 Planter s northern bride. Mrs. C. L. HENTX. 37: 4322 Planting the wilderness. A. J. Mc- CAIIE 38: 2125 Play and study series. Mrs. H. N.(AV.) BAKER (Aunt IlaUie). Con en s ; 1. Piny and study. I 3. Howard ami his teacher. 35:1397 | X<: 13SII 2. Motherless cliihlren. 4. Jack the chimney sweep- 35:i:(!i5 1 er. S5:i:il Played out. Mrs. P. CCDLIP. (/;- merly Mix* Thumax) . 35: 5100 Playhours and half-holidnys. J. C. ATKINSON . . 35: 800 Playing for high stakes. Mrs. P. Ct Dl.ii . (formerly Miss Thnnw.i). 35: 5107 Playing the mischief. J. AV. DuFoK- RKST 37: 2U Pleasant cove series. E. KELLCXMI. G v. Contents : 1. Arthur Brown. 38:7 20 2. Vounj^ deliverers. 38:744 3. Cruise of the Cii.sco. 311:730 Pleasures of taste, The stories. J. TAYLOR.... 4. Child of the jslnnrl glen. 38:729 fi. John GodsoeV legaey. 38:733 fi. Fisher lK>ys. 38:731 and other 39: 2791 Cbn tentx : . Huny idleness. Clever fool. Conversion inn library. Correspondence he<ween A mother and diiuyhter. rouHJn s letters. Cousin s visit. Curious instrument. Day s pleasure. Discontented pendulum. Evening thoughts. Every man his own for tune teller. Fiihle in verse. Francis s dream. LiK-y and her mother. Lucy s wishes. Man and imimflls. Mirth and c-heerl ulness. Now and then. One pound nnd ten thou sand. Philosopher 1 * stone. Piltxrimngc of learning. Pleasures of taste: a dia logue. KrM<>< turns on a day s pleasure, Sketch of Miss Taylor hy Mrs. Hale. PROSE FICTION : ENGLISH. PLEASURES. POOLE. Pleasures of taste, (continued.) How it strikes a str.uiger. 1 can do without it. Liberal taste Lift 1 of a looking glass. Litlle biographers. Lover of ease. Spring flowers. Sore tongue. Theory aad practice. Winter evenings. Wise man. Wonderful bird. Plot in private life, A; and other stories. (W.)W. COLLINS. (Same as Mad Monkton, and other stories). Contents : 35: 4577 Biter bit. The. Mad Monkton. Black Cottage. Plot in private life. Family secret. The same 35; 4556 Pluck ; and other stories. Dr. C. D. GARDKTTK 37: 2794 Contents : Ball and Saneho : a story of two friends. Ciafly fox anil good little hen : a poem. Daddy Dimple. Ugly Mug and her magical glass: a poem. Poacher, The. Capt. F. MARRYAT... 38: 2560 The same 38: 2561 Poacher s progress, The. W. and M. HOWITT. In Stories of English and foreign life 37; 4778 Poe, Edgar Allan. (1809-1849). FALL of the house of Usher, The. In L. C., v. 2 4O: The same. In Works, v. 1 34: GOLD-BUG, The. In L. C., v. 12 4O: The same. In Works, v. 1 34: MURDKRS in the Rue Morgue, The. In L. C., v. 3 4O: The same. //, WORKS. N. Y. Works, v. 1 . 1864. 4 v. 12 34: 34: 1612 1831 1620 1831 1613 1831 1831-4 Contents : A. tiordon Pym, narra tive of, v. 4. Adventure of one Hans Pfall, The, v. I. Angel of the odd, The, v. 4. Assignation, The, v. I. Halloon hoax, The, v 1. Bereniee, v. 1. Black cat, The, v. 1. Bon lion, v. 2. Business man. The, v. 4. Cask of amoniillado, The, v. 1. Descent into the mael strom, v. 1. Devil in the belfry, The, v. . Diddling considered as one of the exact sciences, v. 4. Domain of Arnheim, The, v. 1. Due de 1 omelette, The, v 2 Eleanora, v. 1. Facts in the case of M. Valdemar, The, v. 1. Fall of the house of Usher, The, v. 1. Four beasts in one; the Homoeameleopard, v. 2. Gold-bug. The, v. 1. Hop-frogs, v. 2. Imp of the perverse, The, v. 1. Island of the fay, The, v. 1. King pest, v. 2. Landor s cottage, v. 1. Ligeria, v. 1. Lionizing, v. 2. Litera.v life of Thingum Bob, E-o,., v. 4. Loss ol breath, v. 4. Man of the crowd, The, v. 2. Man that was used up, The, v. 4. M. S. found in a bottle, v. 1. Masque of the red death, The, v. 1. Mellonta Tauta, v. 4. Mesmeric revelation, v. 1. Metxengerstein, v. 1. Morella, v. 1. Murders of the Rue Morgue, v. 1. Mystery ot Marie Roget, The, v. 1. Mystification, v. 4. Never bet the devil your head, v. 2. Oblong box, The, V. 2. Oval portrait, The, v. 1. Pit and the pendulum, The, v. I. Predicament, A, v. 4. Premature burial, The, v. 1. Purloined letter, The, v. 1. Shadow, v. 2. Silence, v. 2. Some words with a mummy, v. 2 Spectacles, The, v. 2. Sphinx, The, v. 2. System of 1 >r. Tarr and Professor Feather, v. 2. Tale of Jerusalem, A, v. 2. Tale of the rtlgg* d moun tains, A, v. 2. Toil-tale heart, The. v. 1. Thou art the man, v. 2. I housand-and-socond tale of Scheheraxade, v. 1. Three Sundays in a week, V. 2. Von Kempelen and his dis covery, v. 1. Why the little Frenchman wears his hand in a sling, v. 2. William Wilson, v. 1. X-ing a paragrab, v. 4. 2376 Poet hero, A. ( mtniexK von HOTHMKR. 35: Poet of Sierra flat, The. (V.) 15. HARTE. With Mrs. Skagg s hus bands 33: 1907 Poetry, Stories from old English. A. S. RICHARDSON 39; 317 Point of honor, A. Mm. A. ED WARDS 37 : 1550 Poison of asps, The. Mrs. R. CHURCH. (formerly Mi.in Marryat) 35; 4279 Poisoned meal, The. (W.) W. COL LINS. With Queen s revenge 35: 4581 Poisoned meal, The. In N. and T. v. 10 4O; 1650 Policeman, Recollections of a. T. WALLKKS 40; 260 Polish spy, The. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 1004 Polish tales. Mrs. C. G. F. GORE. 3 v 37:3198-3200 Political economy, Illustrations of. H. MARTINEAU. 9 v 38:2639-47 Contents : Berkeley the oanker, v. 5. Briery creek, v. . Brooke and Brooke farm, v. I. Charmed sea, v. 5. Cinnamon and pearls, v. 7. Cousin Marshall, v. 3. Demerara, v. 2. Ella of Garveloch, v. 2. For each and for all, v. 4. French wines and politics, v. 4. Hill and valley, v. 1. Homes abroad, v. 4. Ireland, v. 3. Life in the wilds, v. 1. Loom and lugger, v. 6. Manchester strike, v. 3. Mrs. Vanderput and Snoek, v. 6. Moral of many fables, v. 0. Farrers of Budge row, Sowers and reapers, v. 7. Tale of the Tyne, v. 7. Three ages, v. 8. Weal and woe in Garveloce, v. 2. Pollard, Eliza F. Hoi K deferred. X. Y. 1872. 8... 38: 4570 LADY Superior, The. N. Y. 1875. 8 38: 4571 Polly Strader, the temale trapper. E. EitOLESTON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37; 150,5 Polworth on the green. J. M. WIL SON. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: 1711 Pomar, Count de Medina. HONEYMOON, The: remembrance of a bridal tour through Scotland. Phil. 1874. 2 v. 8 38:4578-9 Pomegrante seeds, The. N. HAW THORNE. In Wonder-book 37; 4196 Pomeroy, John. liKKOKK he was posted. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8 38: 4583-4 LADY May s intentions. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 38: 4585 SCANDINAVIAN ring, The. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 38: 4586 Pompeii, Last days of. E. G. E. L. liULVt KR-LYTTON 35; The same 35; 35: 35: 38: 4592 38: 38: The same. Tauehnitx ed Pompey the little. F. COVENTRY Ponsonby, L/tdy Emily. DISCIPLINE of life, The. X. Y. 1874. 8 LOKD Latimer. With Oliver Ueau- mont, v. 3 MARY Lyndsay. N. Y. n. d. 8... OLIVER Ueaumont, and Lord Latimer. Lond. 3 v. sm. 8 Content* : Lord Latimer, v. 3. 1 Oliver Beaumont, v. 1-3. PRIDE and irresolution : a new scries of the Discipline of life. N. Y. 1863. 8 Pontmartin, Alexander de. CLOTILDE : or, the secret of three generations. Phil. 1871. 12 Poole, John. LITTLE Pedlington and the Pedling- tonians. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. 12. 3124 3125 3126 4898 4596 4593 38: 4594-6 38: 4597 38: 4607 38:4612-13 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. POOLE. in Other folks children. Without a character. 35: 37: 39: 4O: 38: 35: 39: Parish, The. Town, The. Poole, .Vr*. L. E. JOHNNIE, the railroad boy. N. Y. 1872. 16 Poole, Margaret E. PICTTRKS of cottage life in the west of England. Lond. 1870. 12... 38: Contents: Betty Slater s skeleton. For better, lor worse. My sister Rosa. Poor and proud; or, the fortunes of Kate Kedburn : u story for young folks. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic] Poor Bob, the chimney sweeper. M. EDUEWORTH. With Rosamond Poor bov and merchant prince. W. M. T IIAYKR Poor Christine. G. M. CRAIK. With Winifred s wooing 35: Poor Clurv, The. In X. and T., v. 3.. Poor cousin, The. E. PICKK.KINO Poor gentleman, The. II. CONSCIENCE. Poor humanity. K. W. Konixsox Poor -lack. ( apt. F. MARRY AT 38: The same 38: Poor laws and papers illustrated. 11. MARTIN EAU Cunt en s : Hamlets, The. Lund s end, The. Poor match, A. H. PARR. (Holme Lee). Poor Matt; or, the clouded intellect. J. I.N(iEL<)W. In Sister s bye-hours. Poor Miss Finch. (W.) W. COLLINS. The same. Tauchnitx. ed 35: Poor pretty Bobby. R. BROUOHTOX. /// Tales for ehristmas eve 35: Poor priest, The ; or, the memorare : and other narratives. N. Y. n. d. 18 Contents : Christian name. Council of Ephesus. Huguenots. Jubilee of our lady ot Hans- wyck. Lion of Brussels. Our lady of deliverance. Our lady of Paris. Our lady s knight. Our lady s tourney. Poor priest. Sparrow, The. Poor rich man and rich poor man. C. M. SEDOWICK Poor scholar, The. W. CARLKTON. In Traits and stories, v. 2 Poor scholar, The. Mrs. R. C. EM- Hi RY. In Pictures of early life.... Poor scholar, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 4 Poor scholar, and other tales of Irish life. W. CARLETON Poor sick little Eva. Mrt. F. BAR ROW. (Aunt Fanny). In Big night caps Pop-gun story-books. F. BARROW. (Aunt Fanny). 6 v. 1. Pop-guns. 36-.166A 2. One big pop-gun. fcKltfM 38: 4618 4624 38: 2649 38: 4207 38: 35: 39: 35: 37: 4O: 35: 3. All sorts ot pop-guns 3?,: 1058 4. Funny pop-guns. . tftlO 6. Grasshopper pop-guns. ;io 0. Post-office pop-guns. Popanilla. B. DISK.EI.I. With Ixion. The same Poplar-house academy. A. MAN NING. 2 v Popular tales. M. EDOKWORTH. 2 v. Content* : Contrast, v. 2. Grateful negro, v. 2. Lame Jervas, v. I. Limerick gloves, Thc.v.l. Lottery, The, v. I. Manufacturers, The, v. U. 37: 37: 38: 37: 668 669 2483-4 1506-7 Murad, the unlu ky, v. 2. Out of debt, out of danger, v. 1. Rosannn, v. 1. To-morrow, v. 2. Will, The, v. 1. 266 1508 2937 4975 1643 4443 4008 500 2562 2563 32 4578 4579 2977 4O: 2494 1536 3840 1700 1714 3836 35: 1659 Popular tales. Mine. GUIZOT. Tr. bv Mrs. L. Burke 37: 3632 The same. In her N. and T., v. 2, 3. 37: 1497 8 Mother and daughter. New-year s night. Poor .lose. Scaramouche. Three chapters in the life of Nadir. 37: 3631 39: 3020 38: 2172 Contents : Caroline ; or, the effects of misfortune. Cecilia and Nanette. Cure of Chaviguat. I inVult duty. I>oublc vow. The same. Lond. ed ..................... Popular tales and traditions of the north : the Yule-tide stories. Ed. bv B. Thorpe .............................. Portent, The: a story of the inner vision of the Highland*. G. MAC- DONALD .................................... Porter, Mrs. A. E. MARRIED for both worlds. Bost. 1871. 12 ................................. MY hero; or, contrasted lives. Bost. 1872. 12 ................................. THIS one thing I do. Bost. 1871. 16 .......................................... Porter, Anna M. BARONY, The. Lond. 1830. 3 v. 12 .......................................... DON Sebastian. Lond. 1809. 4 v. 12 .......................................... HUNGARIAN brothers, The. Lond. 1850. 16 ................................. KNIGHT of St. John. Lond. 1818. 3 v. in 1. 12 ............................. Porter, .Vis* Jane. (1776-1850). Miss Mackay. In T. F. H., v. 2 ...... PASTOR S fireside. Lond. 1817. 4 v. 12 .......................................... SCOTTISH chiefs, The. Phil. 1870. 12 .......................................... THADDEUS of Warsaw. Phil. 1873. 12 .......................................... Porter s hole, The. T. GILI.ESI-IK. In W. T. B., v. 9 ........................ 4O: Portia ; and other stories of Shakes peare s heroines. M. C. CLARKE.. 35: Portrait, The. A. G. RIDDI.K .......... 39: Portrait of an author, painted by his publishers. (W.) W. COLLINS. In Queen s revenge ..................... 35: Post-office pop-guns. F. BARROW. Aii"! Fanny} ............................. 35: Potiphar papers. G. W. CURTIS ...... 33: 4630 4631 38: 38: 38: 38: 4641-3 38: 4644-7 38: 38: 40: 38: 4656-9 38: 38: 4648 4649 2658 4660 4661 1719 4336 402 4581 1666 1241 1. * >ur best society. 2. Our new livery and other things. 3. 4. Meditation by Paul Potiphar. From the summer diary of Minerva Tattle. 5. Potiphar in Paris. 6. Kutz Pacha to the king of Sennaar. 7. Kev. Henry iJove to Mrs. Potiphar. Potter s common. .Wrt. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 13 39: 1648 Pottleton legacy: a story. A. SMITH. 39: 1811 Potwin, Mrs. H. K. Rr BY duke. Bost. 1872. 12 38: 4670 Poveretta. J. MAOC. In Home fairytales 38: 2226 Powell, M. W. (M. E. M.) PHILIP Brantlov s life work and how he found it. N.Y. 1869. 16.... 38: 4676 Powell Vardray s life. F. C. KISHER. (Christian Reid). With Nina s atonement 37: 2201 Power, Tyrone. GIPSY of the Abruzzo, The. In Club-book 4O: 1520 Poynter, G. Francis. ERSILIA. N.Y. 1876. 16 4O: 2138 MY little lady. N. Y. 1872. 16... 4O: 2409 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. PRACTICAL. 172 PRINCE. Practical jokes. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 3 37: 4647 Prairie, The. J. F. COOPER 35: 4700 The same 35: 4761 Prairie bird. C. A. MURRAY. 3 v... 38: 3285-7 Prairie Crusoe. Bost. 18U6. 16 Prairie Ilower. G. AIMARD 35: 395 Praise ami principle. M. J. MC!N- TOSII 38: 2252 Pratt, Prances Lee. AGNES and her neighbors. Bost. 1872. 16 ^ 38: 4681 Pray employ Major Narnby! (W.) W. COLLINS. In Queen s revenge. 35: 4581 Preacher parrot, The. D. ( W.) JER- ROLU. In Coll. works, v. 4 34: 1468 The same. In Works, v. 2 34: 1462 Precaution. J. F. COOPEU 35: 4762 The same 35: 4763 Precepts and practice. T. (E.) HOOK. 3 v 37: 4645-7 Contents : Atonement, v. 2. Captain (iray, v. 1. Civil war, v. !. liitton, v. 3. Faimy Vane, v. 1. Fashionable fictions, v. 3. Fragment of modern his tory, v. 2. Ijile alter death, v. 1. Little in:m, v. 1. Magpie castle, v. 3. Man and his master, v. 1. Prejudice ; or, the black Polyanthus. J. LVGEI.OW. In Sister s bye-hours. Premature declaration of love. Mrs. ( . L. HEXT/. With Lost daughter. Premier and his wife. In \V. T. 13., v. 6 My last tour, v. 3. Odd people, v. :i. Hunter s birthday, v. 3. Practical jokes, v. 3. Kussian police and English prisoners, v. 3. Stir in the household, v. . Trip over London, v. 3. Widdlezig, v. 2. Widow s dog, v. 1. Wine and water, v. 1. 38: 37: 4O: 32 4318 1716 Premium, The. Mrs. C. K. TONNA. ( Charlotte Elizabeth). With Philip and his garden 39; 3068 Premiums paid to experience : inci dents in my business life. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett) 38: 2813 Contents : Crackling of thorns. I Sin of omission Gain ot loss. | Well without water. Good situation. j Wheat and tares. Israelite indeed. Wisdom of fools. Prentiss, Mrs. E. (Aunt SUXHH). AUNT Jane s hero. N. Y. 1871. 12 38: 4686 FLOWER of the family. N.Y. 1869. 16 38: 4687 FRED, Maria, and me. N. Y. 1871. 16 38: 4688 LITTLE Lou s sayings and doings. N.Y . 1868. B.... 38: 4689 NIDWORTH and his three magic wands. Bost. 1870. 16 38: 4690 PERCY S, The. N. Y. n. d. 16 38: 4691 STEPPING heavenward. N.Y. 1869. 12 38: 4092 URBANE and his friends. N.Y. n. d. 12 38: 4693 Prescott, H. E. See SPOKKORD, Mrs. H. E. (P.) Prescott, Mary N. Malt s follies, and other stories. Bost. 1873. 8 38: 4703 Alter dark. Odd and even. iJilly-di ll v. Pair of shoes. Matt s follies. Tinv Day. Tad s mince-pie Prescription, The ; or, the 29th of September, A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. 15., v. 1 4O: 1711 Present problem, The. S. K. BOL- TON 35; 2330 Presentiment, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOVTIIWOKTH. With Haunted homestead 39: 2019 President s daughter. .F. BKKMER. In Works, v. 2 35; 2751 Pressense, Mme. E. de. MADELINE S trial, and other stories. Tr. bv Annie Harvvood. Lond. n. d. 16 38: 4710 Contents : Anna s hirthday ; or, " It is more blessed to give than to receive." Boys and hoys. Easter Monday picnic, An. Little marquis ; or, pride and its punishment. Mary s first lesson in the law of love. Tale of song and sorrow. Trusted and tried. Preston, Harriet W. ASPKXDALE. Bost. 1871. 12 38: 4716 LOVE in the nineteenth century. Bost. 1873. 16 ".. 38: 4717 Preston, Laura. I \ bonds. N.Y. 1867. 12 38: 4727 Pretension. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Pictures of private life, v. 2 37: 1088 Pretty butcheress, The. R. BLACK. In Blackbird of Baden 35: 2168 Pretty Miss Bellew. T. GIFT 37: 2975 Pretty widow. C. H. Ross 39: 654 Prey of the gods. Mrs. R. CHURCH. (formerly Minn Marryitt) 35: 4280 Price, Joseph. QUEEN S diamonds, The. In W. S. C. L., v. 12 34: 4182 The same *15; 4922 Price of a dream, The. P. L. BEN EDICT. Ill, Rougcgorge 4O: 1670 Price of silence, The. E. STREDUER. 3 v 39: 2366-8 Price of a sou! ; or, romance called into the service of truth. Cin. 1859. sq. 16 4Q: 2496 Prichard, Sarah J. AUNT Sadie s cow. N. Y. 1873. 16 38: 4736 Pride and irresolution. E. PONSONBY. 38: 4597 Pride and prejudice. J. AUSTEX. Tauchnitz ed 35: 910 The same, and Northanger abbey. J. AUSTEN " ".. 35: 909 Pride and principle; or, which makes the lady. T. S. ARUHUR. In Tales from real life 35: 804 The same. With Mary Ellis 35: 788 Pride of Lexington, The. W. SMITH. 39: 1560 Pride of life, The. Lady J. SCOTT 39: 1290 Pride of Moses Grant. Mrs. L. C. MOULTON. In My third book 38: 3182 Priest and the Huguenot, The. L. F. BuxdEXEU. 2 v 35; 3302-3 Priest and nun. .1. McN. WRIGHT... 4O: 889 Priest s death, The. C. M. BRAME. In Tales from the diary of a sister of mercy 35: 2673 Priest s ghost, The. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories of Ireland 38: 1886 Prime, William C. OLD house by the river. N. Y. 1853. 12. .". 38: 4741 Prime minister. A. TROLLOPS 39: 3220 Prince, The ; or, George St. George Julian. H. COCKTON 35: 4475 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. PRINCE. 173 PUBLICAN S. Prince and peddler. E. PICKKRINO. 38: Prince Charles. .1. P. SMITH ............ 39: JVore. For sequel see Alice Arrtin. Prince Charlie, the young chevalier. M. JOHXKS ................................ 38: Prince Kugene and his times. Mrs. C. M. HumtT. (Louisa Mii/tlbac/i). 38: Prince of darkness, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH ..................... 39: Prince of the house of David. J. H. IXUKAIIAM ................................. 38: Prince of Kashna. K. B. KIMHAI.L... 38: Prince of Scotland, The. A. CAMP- BKLL. Iii W. T. B., v. 7 .............. 4O: Prince Serebrenni. A. TOLSTOY. 2 v. 39; Prince s surprise, The. In Rouge- gorge ........................................ Princess and the goblin. J. MAC- 4444 19o7 411 . ( 252 2033 4O: 38: 39: Princess of Babylon. M. de VOL- TAIKK. In Pliilos. tales and satires. Princess Hob and her friends. (V.) K. HAKTK. With, Mrs. Skagg s husbands ................................... 33; Princess Clarice, The. M. COLLINS. 2 v ........................................... 35: Princess of Silvcrland, and other tales. E. STRIVKLYNE .......................... 39: Contents : Elsie s rides. Christmas party. Uncle Willie s fairy tides. Princess of Thule, The: \V. BLACK. 35: Princess royal, A. In X. and T., v. !i. 4O: Printer !>oy: Ken. Franklin. W. -M. THAYKR ..................................... 39: Prison liars, The, and tin- way to es cape. A. A. HOPKINS ................. 37: Prisoner of war, The. J. HOWKLL. In \V. T. 15., v. It ....................... 4O: Prisoners of St.-Lazare. By Madame * *, ed. l>y Mine. Pauline do Grandpre. Tr. by Mrs. E. M. MC CARTHY. N. Y. 1872. 12 ........ 4O: Privite inquiry. C. H. Ross. 3 v.... 39: Private purse, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials. 37: The same ...................................... 37: Privateer s-man, The: one hundred years ago. ( apt. Y. MARRYAT ...... 38: The same. Tauchnity. cd ................ 38: Prize piano, The. \V. T. COOOSHAI.L. In home hits and hints ................. 35; Problematic characters. F. SPIKL- n.viiKx ...................................... 39: Procrastination. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and stiadows of Irish life, v, 2 ............................. 37; Procrastination. M. M. SHKR- wooi>. In Works, v. 7 ................ 39; Professor, The. Mrs. C. B. NICH- OLLH. (Currer Bell) .................... 38: The same. Tauehnitx ed ................ 38: Professor Keller-matin s funeral. F. MriiANDKVKdii. / Automaton ear .......................................... 38: Professor s lady. B. AUERIIACII ..... 35: Professor s tales, The. T. GILLKS- PIK. In W. T. B., v. 1-7 ............. 40:1 Content*: ConviviolistR, The, v. 1. Mountain storm, v. I Dura I)en ; or, second Natural history of thoughts are best, v. 5. v. 7 Early recollections of a Peat-casting time, V. son of the hills, v. 1. Pheebe Fortune, v. 2. Enthusiast, The, v. 7. Philips Grev, v. 1. 2938 4680 171 J 2495 655-7 3888 3880 2564 2565 4508 2108 3883 1642 3612 3613 2333 883 11-17 . idiots, Professor s tales, (continued.) 1717 3055-6 1670 2173 3770 1907 4526-7 2405 F:inu!y incidents, v. 4. Home and the gypsy maid, v. 4. Kirkyards, v. 7. Ij> at of the pedlars, v. 3. Mcdul, The, v. 5. Mistake rectified, v. 5. Professor s wife, The. i.llF.l.o]; Profligate T< i x . In Return, Tile, v. 4. Social man, The, v Suicide s grave, v. Three brethren, v. Trees nnd burns, v Wedding, The, v. A. L. MAC- 6. . 7. 38: 37: 37: 35: 38: 39: >rinee, The. E. EOGLKS- School m aster s stories Progress and prejudice. Mrs. C. G. K. GORK . Progressionists, The, and Angela C. Von BoLANDKN Prole, (i. SUCCESS. Loud. 18ii8. 3 v. sm. 8. Proll : a mystery. H. SPICKR. /;/ Broui>nt to book, v. 2 Promising and performing. Mrs. C. K. TOXXA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In The fortune-teller 39: Proper use of grandfathers. K. H. LuDLOW, In Stories and sketches. 4O: Prophetic fits and misfits. H. SPICKR. In Brought to book, v. 1 39: Propria qua- maribus. C. KKADK. With PegWofflngton 39: Propria quie maribus; and the Box tunnel. C. KKADK 39: Pros and cons. C. (i. ROSSKTTI. H ith Commonplace 39: Prosper. V. CHERBULIKZ 35: Prosser, Mrs. DAYS of the cattle plague. Lond. n. d. 12 38: Protestant, The. A. E. BRAY 35: Proud and la/.y: a story for little folks. \V. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic) 35: Proud wife, A. F. VV. ROBINSON. In (iirl s romance 39: Provence rose, A. L. de la RAMK. With A dog of Flanders 39: Proverb series. M. E. BRADLEY and K. .1. NKKI.Y. (i v. v. 1. Birds of a feather. . 15:2615 2. Fine feathers do not make fine birds. 3::!53 .l 3. Handsome is that handsome does. 3o:2(51N 4. Wrong confessed is half redressed. 3r>: i(i20 . r t. One good turn deserves another. 38:3540 <>. Actions speak louder than words. 38:3o3H Provocations of Madame Palissy. A. MANNING 38: Provost, The; and other tales. .1. GALT 37; Content* : Illustrations, nnecdotes, and critical remarks. Omen, The. Provost, The. Steam-boat, The. Prudence Palfrey. T. B. ALURICH... 35: Prudent prince, The. F. GOTT- SCHAI.CK. In R. (J. N., v. 2 4O: Prudy keeping house. R. S. CLARKK. (Sophie May) 35: Prue and I. G. W. CURTIS 35: Prussian vase, The. M. EDOEWOBTH. In Moral tales, v. 1 The same. In her N. and T., v. 1 37: Psyche of to-day. C. JB.NKIN 38: The same. In Two French marriages. 38: Psyche s art. L. M. AI.COTT. With Kitty s elass-duy 35: Publicans and sinners. M. E. BRAD- DON 35: JW<*. Same, at Lucius [>avoren. Publican s dream, The. J. BAXIM. In Bit o writin 35: 2235 15! 5 3201 2321 4751-3 20H7 3063 1681 2097 1(10 161 667 4170 4760 2708 267 485 45 2485 2781 494 1561 4365 5176 1496 287 289 472 2550 1 53 1 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. PUCK. 174 QUITS. Puck : his vicissitudes. L. de la RAM K. 39: - r >4 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 55 Puffer Hopkins, Career of. C. MATII- K\VS 38: 2G81 Pullen, II. W. TOM Pippin s wedding. Phil. 1871. 12 38: 4760 Pulszky, T. TALKS and traditions of Hungary. N. Y. 1852. 12 . 38: 477! Punished and pardoned ; or, how does it end? Mrs. A. S. OKK. 3v. 38:3915-17 Puppets dallying. A. LILLIK. 3 v. 38: 1750-2 Purple and fine linen. K. FAWCETT. 37: 2030 Purple satin dress, The. Mrs. C. L. HK.NTZ. With The lost daughter. 37: 4318 Put to the test. C. CUAMBKRLAI.V, jr. 35: 3987 Put yourself in his place. C. RKAUK. 39: 162 The same 39: 103 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 164 Putnam, Mrs. Mary Lowell, (b. 1810). KKCORD of an obscure man. Bost. 1861. 12 33: 3454 Pygmies, The. IS. HAWTHORNE. In Wonder-book 37: 4196 Pyle, M. C. GAVROCHK, the gamin of Paris. Phil. 1872. 16 38: 4776 Note. Adapted from V. Hugo s Los miserable. MINNA in wonderland; and Roland and his friend. Phil. 1871. 16. 38: 4777 Quadratus. Emma LESLIE 38: 1552 Quadroon, The ; or. adventures in Louisiana. M. Ruin 39: 254 Quaker city, The. G. LIPPARD 38: 1777 Quaker partisan, The. E. H. WILL IAMSON- 4O: 540 Quaker soldier, The. J. R. JONKS.... 38: 505 Queechy. IS. WARNKR 4O: 182 Queen Hortense. Mrs. C. M. M UNDT. (Louisa Mi Mbac/!} 38: 3253 Queen Krinaleen s plagues. JONQUIL. {pseud.) 38: 515 Queen Mab. J. KAVANAOH 38: 677 The samp 38: 678 Queen of the county. J. C. STRBTTON. 39: 2384 The same ." 39: 2381-3 Queen of Denmark. Mrs. C. G. F. GORE 37: 3202 Queen of hearts. (W.) W. COLLINS. 35: 4580 Queen of herself. A. KING 3 v 38: 882-4 Queen of the regiment. K. KING 38: 914 Queen Rhoda ; or, follow me. A. BEACH 35: 1760 Queen Tita s wager. Wm. BLACK. \Viih Maid ot Killeena 35: 2179 Queens. E. P. KMKRT 37: 1708 Queen s diamonds, The. J. PRICK. In W. S. C. L., V. 12 34: 4182 The fame *15: 4922 Queen s favorite; or, the price of a crown. C. B. I), de la V. BER NARD 35: 2031 Queen s Maries. G. J. WIIYTE- MKI.VILLK 4O: 442 Queen s necklace, The. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: 1005 Queen s revenge. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Alicia VVar ock 35: 4581 The same. With Dead secret 35: 4552 The same. In N. and T., v. 5 4O: 1645 Queen s revenge, and other stories. (W.) W. COLLINS 35; 4581 Contents : Bold words bv a bachelor. Cnsec worth looking at : 1. Adopted heir. 2. Poisoned 3. Caldron of oil. Cuiiositifs of literature: I . Unknown public. 2. Portrait of an author. Dramatic grub street. Fragment of personal experiences : 1. Laid up in lodgings. 2. My black mirror. Je-rold, Douglas. Nooks and corners of history : 1. Queen s revenge. 2. Great [forgotten] in- invasion. 3. Remark ible revolu tion. Queen s sailors, The. Edw. GRKEY. 3 v Queer bonnets. Mrs. L. C. TUTHILL. Queer folk: seven stories. E. H. K NATCH BUI. L-Hl G ESSEN... Sketches of character : 1. Talk-stoppers. t. shockingly rude ar ticle. 3. Mrs. Bartgery. 4. Bachelor bed-room. 5. Pray employ Major Namby ! 6. My spinsters. Social grievances: 1. Journey in search of nothing. 2. Petition to the novel writers. 3. Give us room. 4. Save me from my friends. 5. Mrs. Bullwinkie. To think, or, to be thought for. 37: 39: 3466-8 3390 38: 1064 Contents: Barn elves, The. Little grub. Old bachelor married, The. Queer little people. STOWK ................... Contents : Aunt Esther s rules. Aunt Esther s stories. Dogs and cats. Hen that hatched ducks. Pig-faced queen. The. Strange city, The. Warlock of Coombe. Witch of Ballaquoich, The. Mrs. H. (E.) B. 39: 2334 History of tip-top. Hum, the son of Buz. Miss Katy-did and Miss Cricket^ Mother magpie s mis chief. Nutcrackers of Nutcracker lodge, The. Our country neighbors. Our country neighbors, again. Our dogs. Sir Walter Scott and his dogs. Squirrels that live in a house. Queer stories. In EOGLESTON S Schoolmaster s stories 35: 1595 Quentin Durward. Sir Walter SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v iS 39:1329-30 The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1357 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1366 The same 39: 1385 Household ed 39: 1425-6 1460 1487 1706 The same. The same. Pocketed 39: The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: Quest. J. C. BATKS 35: Question of honor. F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid) 37: 2203 Quevedo, Francisco Gomez de. (1580-1645). CURIOUS history of the night adven turer. In Works, v. 2 34: 1837 LIFE of Paul, the Spanish sharper. In Works, v. 2-3 34: 1837-8 Quiet heart. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT. 38: 38(i2 Quiet husband. E. PICKERING 38: 4445 Quiet Miss Godolphin. Mrs. T. F. MAYO. ( Edward Garrtft) 38: 2814 The same. In Seen and heard, v. 2. 38: 2816 Quiet nook in the Jura. G. RUFFINI. 39: 717 Quinton, M. A. NOBLK of 89, The: an episode of the French revolution. Tr. from the French by Ernest Legards. Bait. 1874. 12 38: 5000 Quite alone. G. A. SALA 39: 1084 Quite so. T. B. ALDRICH. Ittth Marjorie Daw 35: 492 Quits. I. von TAUTPHOEUS 39: 2762 The same Tauohnitz ed 39: 2763 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. QCIXSTAR. 175 EAMSEY. Quixstar : a novel. Afit* TAYLOR... 39: 2775 Quodlibet: containing some annuls thereof. .1. I . KENNEDY. (Holomon Second //tuiiyhtx) 38: 821 1614 3000 Xnvttm art. " Oh, I m wat, wat !" Our dogs. Presence of mind : happy guessing. Queen Mary s child-garden. Kab and his friends. " With brains, sir!" Rab and his friends. Dr. J. BROWN. In L. C., v. 4 4O: Rab and his friends, and other papers. Dr.,]. BROWN 35: Contents : * Arthur H. Hallam. Black dwarfs bones, The. Dr. Chalmers. Dr. George Wilson. Education through the senses. Her last half crown. Letter to John Cairns, D. D. The same 33: Race for wealth. ^Frs. J. H. RIDDKLI.. (F. (1. Trafford] 39: Race for a wife, A. H. SMART 39: Rachel Gray. J. KAVANAOH 38: The same 38: Rachel Kay: a novel. A. TROLLOPK. 39: The same Tauchnitz ed 39: Rachel s secret: a novel. By the author of " The master of Marlon." N. Y. 1867. 8... 387 1779 679 680 3201 3202 4O: 2507 Radcliffe, -Vfrs. Ann. (1764-1823). MYSTERIES of Udolpho, The. Lond. 1820. 3 v. 12 The same. N. Y. 1857. 12 ROMANCE of the forest. Lond. 1820. 2 v. 12 The same. Phil. 1864. 12 Radcliffe, Noel. TIIKRKSA. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 WHEEL within wheel. Lond. 1861. 3 v. sm. 8 Raft that no man made, A. R. T. S. LOWELL. /// L. ( ., v. 8 Ragged Dick ; or, street life in New York with the boot-blacks. H. Ai.dEK, jr Ragged Dick series. H. ALOEK, jr. Content* : 1. Kagged Dick. 35:542 2. Fame and fortune. :i5:534 3. Mark, the match boy. 36:038 39: 39: 39: 39: 11-13 14 15-16 17 25-27 39: 39: 4O: 1618 35: 542 4. Hough and Heady. 35:544 5. Ben, the luggage boy. Rainbow and Lucky stories. HOTT. RllfilK and Rose. 35:545 J. An- Cbntent.i : v. 1. Handle. 3"::15 i!. Rair.oow s journey. 86:93 v. 3. Three pines. 35:05 4. Selling Lucky. 35:112 5. Up the river. 35:06 Rainbow creed, The : a story of the times. [Adam Hamilton LEP- PERE.] Bost. 1875. 12 38: l">3:i Ralph and Bruno. M. BRAMSTON 35: 2684 Ralph and Dick ; or, the two ship mates. W. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 998 Ralph the bailiff and other tales. M. K. BRADIXIN 35: 2551 Ralph the heir. A. TROLLOPK 39: 3203 The same. Tauchnitx. ed 39: 3204 Ralph Wilton s weird: a novel. Afrt. ALEXANDER 35: 515 Rambles among the Alps. J. An- BOTT. In H. S. B., v. 7 35: 42 Rambling story, A. M. C. CLARKE. 35: 4337 Rame, Louisa de la. (Ouida.) BKATKTC-E Boville, and other stories. N. Y. 1867. 12 39: 40 Contents : Beatrice Boville. Holly wreaths and chains. Lndy Marabout s troubles. Silver chimes and golden fetters. Slander :ind sillerv. BcneE. or, two little wooden shoes: a story. Phil. 1874. 12 39: BRANCH of lilac. With A dog of Flanders 7 39: CECIL. Castlemaine s gage. Lady Mar about s troubles, and other stories. Phil. 1867. 12 39: Content* : Beauty of Vicq. d Azyr. Cecil Castlemaine s gage. " I>earllv da*h." General s mutch- making. The. Lady Marabout s troub les. CHANDOS. Phil. 18(59. 12 39: The same. Leip. 1871. sq. 1(5.. 39: DOG of Flanders, A. In L. C., v. 10. 4O: DOG of Flanders, A, and other stories. Lond. 1872. 8..., 41 45 42 Little Grand and the mar chioness. Story of a crayon head. Study a la Louis Qnntorze. Study a la Louis Quinze. Contents : Branch of lilac. Dog of Flanders. 39: Leaf in the storm. FOI.I.E-FARINE. Phil. 1871. 12. 39: The same. Leip. 1872. sq. HI .. 39: GKANVII.I.K dc Vigne; or, held in bondage. Phil. 1872. 12 39: HKI.D in bondage; or, Granville de Vigne. Phil." 18(J4. 2 v. 12... 39: IDAI. IA: a novel. Phil. 18G9. 12. 39: The same. Leip. 1S67. sq. 10.. 39; Tx a winter city. Phil. 187r>. 12. 39: LEAK in the storm, A. With Dog of Flanders .. 39: The same. / L. C., v. 11 4O: LKAK in the storm, A, and other stories. Phil. 1872. 8 39: Content* : Branch of lilac, A. I Leaf in the storm, A. Dog of Flanders, A. Provence rose, A. PASCAREI.. Phil. 1873. 12 39: PROVENCE rose. With Dog of Flan ders T. 39: PrcK : his vicissitudes, adventures, conclusions, friendships, and phil osophies. Related bv himself and edited by Ouida. Phil. 1870. 12... 39: The same. Leip. 1870. sq. 16.. 39: RANDOLPH Gordon, and other stories. Second series. Phil. 1867. 12. 39: Contents : Bells and blackcock. Bine and yellow. Donkeyshire militia, The How I was tracked by trappers. SIQNA: a story. Phil. 1875. 12. KTKATHMORE. Phil. 1872. 12.... The same. Leip. 1871. pq. 16... TRICOTRIN. Phil. 1870. 12 The same. Leip. 1870. sq. 16... UNDER two flags. Phil. 1867. 12. The same. Leip. 1871. sq. 16.. Ramsay, Andrew Michael (Chevalier). (1686-1743). TRAVKLS of Cyrus, The: to which is annexed a discourse upon the theol ogy and mythology of the ancients. Lond. 1727. 2 v". 8 33: The same. Albany. 1814. 8.... 33: 43 44 1620 45 4G 47 48 64- f. 40 50 66 45 1621 51 53 45 54 55 56 How one fire lit another. Marquis s tactics, The. Randolph Gordon. Trente-et-un. 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 3464-5 3406 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. KAMSAY. 176 EEAL. 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: How one fire lit another. Marquis s tactics, The. Randolph Gordon. Trente-et-un. Ramsay, Elizabeth P. HEARTS and diamonds; or, was it an error . Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8. Ramsay, Grace. IZA S story. Lond. 18G9. 3 v.. sm. 8 ....................................... 39: Ran away to sea. MayneRmD ......... 39: Ranald Bannerman s boyhood. G. MACDONAT.D ............. ".... ............ 38: Randolph, Mrs. GKXTIANKLLA: a novel. Phil. n. d. 12 ...................................... WILD hyacinth. Phil. 187G. 12. Randolph, !. Thornton. HKIRKSS of Sweet water. Phil. 1873. 12 .......................................... Randolph Gordon, and other stories. Second series. L. delaKAMK ...... Can enta - Holies and blackcock. Hlue iind yellow. J>onkcy shire militia, The How l" was tyacked by trappers. Rangers, The; or, the lory s daugh ter. I). P. THOMPSON .................. 39: Rangers and regulators of the Tan- alia. A. AV. ARRINGTON ............. 35: Ranthorpe. G. H. LKWIS .............. 38: Rape of the Gamp: a novel. C. Welsh MASON ........................... 38: Raphael. A. DK LAMARTINK .......... 38: Rapids of Niagara. S. WARNKR ..... 4O: Rapparee. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches ................................ Raspe, U. K. TRAVELS of Baron Miinchausen. N. Y. 18(i9. 12 .......................... Rasselas, History of. S.JOHNSON... The siiine ...................................... Rattlin, the reefer, f upt. F. MARKYAT. Rattling, roaring Willie. A. CAMP- HKI.L. /nW.T. B., v. 3 .............. Ravensdale : a novel. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 .............................. Ravenscliffe. A. MARSH-OAI.D- WKLI ........................................ Ravenshoe. H. KINGSLEY ............ The same. 2 v. in 1 ..................... 38: Ravenswood. (pseud.) See BKKHK, C. W. Ray. H. (E.) P. SPOFFORD. /;< L. C., v. 11 ......................................... 4O: Raymond, Rossiter Worthington. (Robertson Gray.) BKAVK hearts: a novel. N. Y. 1873. 12 ........................................... MAN in the moon, and other people, The. N.Y. 1875. 8 ............... 97-9 255 217-1 106 107 114 56 2976 754 1692 2<J60 12H6 183 37: 3887 39: 38: 38: 38: 120 440 441 2566 4O: 1713 4O: 2508 38: 38: 39: 39: 2602 962 963 1621 125 126 Contents : Palace of the days: a dream story. Poverty Peter: a story of the streets. Santa Clans in spite of him self. Two incidents in Dick s life. S I). Kayrnond. Under land and sea. Upstairs, downstairs, and in my lady s chamber. What the horse said to Hex- ekiwh. Wrong stocking, The : a story for fathers "X": aohriBtmaa story. Raymond s heroine: a novel. N.Y. 1867. 8 4O: 2509 Rayne, Jfrs. M. L. AGAINST fate. Chic. How-wow: a doe s story. Christmas angel: a story of blessing. End of Tiptoe s tale, by Sarah D. Raymond. Olorioso: a love story. Hoyiy-toyty. Idea that flew out of the fire. Karl, the fiddler. Man in the moon. My baby and my bird. 8. I). Raymond. North sea and the south sea. 1876. 12 39: 130 Read, E. T. AVTOUN: a romance. Phil. 1872. 8. 4O: 2041 Reade, Charles, (b. 1814.) Box tunnel, The. In L. C., v. 9 4O: 1619 CHRISTIE Johnstone. Phil. 1869. 12. 39: 137 CLOISTKK and the hearth, The; or, maid, wife and widow. N. Y. 1868. 8 39: The same. Bost. 1871. 12 39: The same. Lcip. 18G4. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 CLOUDS and sunshine, and Art: a dramatic tale.. Bost. 1855. 16 39: 39: 39: 39: Jack of all trades. Cor us K of true Vive never did run smooth, The. Phil. 1869. 12... GOOD tight, A: and other stories. N. Y. 1869. 16 Contents: Autobiography of a thief. Good tight, A. GRIFFITH Gaunt; or, jealousy. Bost. 1867. 8 39; HARD cash: a matter-of-fact romance. N.Y. 1870. 8 39: The same. Bost. 1871. 16 39: The same. Leip. 1864. 3 v. sq. 16. 39: The same. 3 v. in 2 39: IT is never too late to mend. Bost. 1871. 12 39: The same. Leip. 1856. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39: The same. 2v 39: Love me little, love me long. Bost. 1871. 16 39: The same. Leip. 1859. sq. 16.. 39: PKG Wofflngton; Christie. Johnstone; ahd other stories. Bost. 1871. 16 .., 138 139 140 141 142 145 146 147 148 149-51 152-3 154 157 155-6 158 159 Contents : Art: a dramatic story. Box tunnel, The. Christie Johnstone. Clouds and sunshine. 39: Jack of all trades. Peg Worlington. Propria qua) maribus. PROPRIA quas maribus, and the Box tunnel. Bost. 1857. 16 39: 161 PUT yourself in his place. N. Y. 1870. 8 39: 162 The same. Bost. 1870. 16 39: 163 The same. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39: 164 SIMPI.KTOX, A : a story of to-day. N.Y. 1873. 8 .. 39: 165 The same. Bost. 1873. 16 39: 166 TERRIBLE temptation, A. N.Y. 1871. 12 39: 167 WANDERING heir, The. Bost. 1873. 16 39: 168 WHITE lies. Bost. 1871. 16 39: 169 Reade, Chas. and BOUOICAULT, Dion. FOUL play. Bost. 1872. 16 39: 144 Reade, Mrs. Compton. Itosn and rue. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 191-3 Reading party in the long vacation, A. In T. f. B., v. 2 4O: 1693 Readings for the young. W. SCOTT. Phil. 1848. 2"v. 16 39: 1503-4 Scottish Contents : v. 1. Tales of chivalry : Narratives. . t. Narratives : scenes and characters. Ready-made family ; or, life and adventures of Julian Leep s cherub. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2511 Ready money Mortiboy. Bost. 1873. 8 . 4O: 2510 Real folks. Mrs. A. D. T. WHITNEY. 4O: 396 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. REAL. 177 REID. Real lady, A. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward GarreftL With Dead sin. 38: Realities of Irish life. W. S. TRENCH. 39: Realmah. A. HKI.PS 37: Rebecca and Kowena: a romance upon romance. W. M. THACK- KRAY. In Misc., v. 1 33: The same. In Misc., v. 2 33: The same. In Misc., v. 3 33: Rebundus in the cathedral at Lubeck. GRIMM. In R. G. X., v. 2 4O: Recaptured negro. Mm. M. M. SHKKWOOD. In Works, v. 3 39: Recluse, The. A. CAMPBELL. In \\. T. B., v. 9 4O: Recluse of the Hebrides. W. LOGAN. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: Recollections of Eton. By an Kton- ian. X.Y. 1870. 8 37: Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. II. KIXGSLKY " . .... 38: The same 2 v. in 1 38: Recollections of my childhood S. .1. LlPPlNCOTT. (trrace Greenwood).. 38: Recollections of a policeman. T. WATERS 4O: Recollections of Kobert Burns. 11. MILI.EK. In W. T. B., v. 1 4O: Recollections of a southern matron and a New England bride. C. (In. MAN 37: Recollections of a village patriarch. .). M. WILSON-. In W. T. B., v. 8. 4O: Recommended to mercy. Lei p. 1864. sq. 16 4O: Record of an obscure man. M. L. PUTNAM 33: Record of a troubled life. L. 0. MOUI.TOX. In My third book 38: Rector and the doctor s family. M. ((). W.) OLIPIIANT 38: Rector of Roxburgh. W. HIOKI.IXU. 37: Rector of St. Bardolph s. F. W. Sn ELTON 39: Rector of St. Marks. Afr*. M. J. HOLMES. With West Lawn 37: Rector s daughter, The. Anne BOW MAN 35: Rector s wife, The. J. STRETTOX 39; Red as a rose is she : a novel. Rhoda BROUGHTON 35: The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: Red berries, The. Charlotte E. TONNA. ( Charlotte Elizabeth). In Tales and illus 39: Red book. Mrs. M. M. SHKKWOOD. In Works, v. 13 39: Red court farm. E. P. [Mrs. II.] WOOD 4O: The same 4O: Red cross, The: or, young America in England and Wales. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: Red Kric ; or, the whaler s last cruise. K. M. BALLANTYNE 35: Red hall; or, Berwick in 1296. In W. T. B., v. 6 4O: Red hand of Ulster, The. Mrs. M. A. M. SADLIER 39: Red nose, The. H. BLACK. In Lady Caroline: with pendants 35: Red rover, The. .). F. COOPER 35: The same 35: Red shanty boys. P. LUDLOW 38: Red track. (J. AIMARD 35: 2808 3145 4291 4011 4003 4009 1561 1638 1719 1715 1758 964 965 1788 200 1711 3021 1718 2515 3454 3182 3863 4402 1611 4578 2450 2385 2975 2976 3070 1648 710 717 268 1474 1716 1024 2169 4704 4765 1935 397 Red velvet bodice, The. Mrs. C. L. HEXTZ. With Lost daughter 37; 4318 Redburn : his tirst voyage. H. MEL VILLE. 2 v . 38:2879-80 Redeemed estate, The. Mrs. MERK- DITII. In The lacemakers 38: 2925 Redgauntlet. .S t> W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2v 3Q: 1333-34 The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1357 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1367 The same 3Q : 1387 The same. Household ed. 2v 39:1429-30 The same. Pocketed 39: 1462 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39; 1488 Red-letter days in Applethorpe. M. A. DODGE..". 37: 720 Redmond, Count O Hanlon, the Irish rapparee. Wm. CARLETON 35: 3847 Redskins, The. J. F- COOPER 35: 4706 The same 35 4707 Reed, P. F. BEYOND the snow. Chicago. 1873. 12 39; 203 Reef, The. E. H. BICKERSTETII 35: 2095 Reel in a bottle, A. H. T. CHEEVEK.. 35: 4143 Reeve, Clara. OLD English baron. Lond. 1820. 18 39; 210 Reeve, Wybert. SUXDKRED lives: a novel. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 39; 217-19 Regent s daughter. A. (D.) DUMAS. 37: 1007 Regester, Seeley. (pseud.) See VICTOR, M. V/F. Reginald Archer. A. M. C. SEE- MULLER. (formerly Misx Crane). 39: 1553 Reginald Bramble: a cynic of the nineteenth century. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 4O: 2510 Reginald Hastings. E. WARBURTON. 4O: 1 1 1 Reginald Hetherge. Henry KiNos- LKY. 3 v 38: 960-8 Reid, Christian, (pseud.) See FISIIEK, F. C. Reid, Captain Mayne. AFLOAT in the forest. Bost. 1868. 12 39; 230 BOY hunters, The. Bost. 1872. 16. 39; 231 BOY slaves, The. Bost. 1874. 12. 39: 232 BOY tar, The. Bost. 1872. 16 39: 233 BRUIX : the grand bear hunt. Bost. 1872. 16 39; 334 BUSH boys. Bost. 1866. 16 39; 235 CASTAWAYS, The : a story of Borneo. Lond. 1871. 16 39; 236 CHILD wife, The: a tale of the two worlds. N. Y. 1809. 12 39: 237 CLIFF climbers, The ; or, the lone home in the Himalayas. Sequel to Plant hunters. Bost. 1871. 16. 39: 238 DEATH shot. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 239-41 DESERT home, The; or, the adven tures of a lost family in the wil derness. Bost. 1872. 10 39: 243 FINGER of fate, The. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 8 39; 244 FLAG of distress, The. N. Y. 1876. 12 39; 268 FOREST exiles, The; or, the perils ot a Peruvian family amid the wilds of the Amazon. Bost. 1868. 16. 38: 245 GIRAFFE hunters, The. Bost. 1869. 12 39: 240 HKADLESS horseman, The. N. Y. 1872. 12 39: 247 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. REID. 178 REYNOLDS. Reid, (continued.) HUNTKR S feast; or, conversations around the camp-fire. N. Y. n. d. 12 39: 248 LONE ranch, The: a tale of the staked plain. Lond. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 39: 249 MAROON, The; or, a planter s life in Jamaica. N. V. n. d. 12 39: 250 OCEAN waifs. N. Y. 1872. 12 39: 251 ODD people: being a popular descrip tion of singular races of men. "With illustrations. Bost. 1872. lfi.... 1O: 1524 OSCEOLA, the Seminole; or, the red faun of the flower land. N. Y. 1873. 12 39: 252 PLANT hunters, The ; or, adventures among the Himalaya mountains. Illustrated. Host. 1871. 10 39: 253 QUADROON, The; or, adventures in Louisiana. N. Y. n. d. 12 39: 254 RAN away to sea. Host. 1872. 16. 39: 255 RIFLE rangers, The; or, adventures in southern Africa. N. Y. 1874. 12 39: 256 SCALP hunters, The ; or, adventures among the trappers. N. Y. n. d. 12.... 39: 257 TIGER hunter, The; or, a hero in spite of himself. N. Y. 1870. 12 39: 258 WAR trail, The; or, the hunt of the wild horse. N. Y. 1872. 12 39: 260 WHITE chief, The: a legend of north Mexico. N. Y. I860. 12 39: 261 WHITE gauntlet, The. N. Y*. 1870. 12 39: 262 WILD huntress, The; or, love in the wilderness. N. Y. 18!I4. 12 39: 263 WILD life; or, adventures on the frontier. N. Y". 1874. 12 39: 264 WOOD rangers, The; or, the trappers of Sonora. N. ~Y. 1872. 12 39: 265 YOUNG voyagenrs, The; or, the boy hunters in the north. Bost. 1874. ]6 39: 266 YOUNG yagers, The. Bost. 186G. 16 39: 267 Reigning belle, The. Mrs. A. S. STEPHENS 39: 2222 Reineke Fuehs, Numerous editions of. In R. G. N., v. 1 4O: 1560 Reinhart, the German. F. McLAND- BURGII. /, Automaton ear 38: 2333 Rejected wife, The. Mrs. A. S. STE PHENS 39: 2223 Remarkable revolution, A. See COLLINS Queen s revenge 35: 4581 Reminisences of a canoness. Anec dotes and sketches of court life in France during the reign of Louis XIV and Louis XV. Selected by the Vicomte.ise de Kerdadec. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. S 38:839-40 Remy St. lierny ; or, the boy in blue. Mrs. C. H. GILDKRSLEEVE 37: 3010 Rena ; or, the snow bird. Mrs. (J. L. HENTZ 37: 4323 Rene. F. HOFFMANN. Tr. from the German by .1. F. Smith 37: 4492 Renowned adventures of Basil Lee.. J. HOGG. (Ettrick Shepherd). Jn Winter evening tales, v. 1 37: 4521 Rent in a cloud. C. LEVER 38: 1635 479 481 477 Our school. Our vestry. Out of the season. Out of town. Plated artiolP. Poor man s talc of a patent. Poor relation s story. Prince Bull. Schoolboy .-* story. Three detective anecdotes. I. Pair of gloves. II. Aitl ul touch. II I. Sofa, The. Walk in a workhouse. 37: 546 Rent in a cloud; and St. Patrick s eve. C.LEVER 38: 1635 The same. Tauehnitx. ed 38: 16"6 Renunciation, The: a romance. Mine. F. B. d ARBLAY 35:3410-11 Reprinted pieces. C. (.1.11.) DICK ENS. With Old curiosity shop 37: 515 Contents: Begging-letter writer. Our English watering- Bill sticking, place. Births. Mrs. Meek of a son. Our French watering- Child s dream of a star. place. Long voyage. The same. With Hunted down 37: Tin same. Wiih Lamplighter s story 37: Reprinted pieces. C . (J. H.) DICK ENS. Wilh Hard times 37: Contents : Child s story. Detective police. Down with the tide. Flight. Ghost of art. Lying awake. Monument of French folly. NoVtlc savage. Nobody s story. On dutv with" inspector Field. Our bore. Our honorable friend. The same. With Tale of two cities... Rescue at Enterkin. The. T. GILLES- IME. In W. T. B., v. 8 Rescued from Egypt. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.} Resignation. Connie. d ARBOU- vii. I.E. In Three tales 35: Resolution ; or, the soul of power. A. S. HOK Respectability: a tale. In W. S. C. L., v. 10 The same Restored son, The. Oliver KICHARD- SON. In W. T. B.. v. 7 Retribution. Alex. CAMPBELL. In \V. T. B., v. 7 Retribution. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39: Return, The; or, who is it? T. S. ARTHUR. In Finger-posts 35: Return, The. Mrs. K. BARROW. (Aunt Fanny). In Little night-caps. Return, The. T. GILLESPIB. In W. T. li, v. 4 4O: Reuben Medlicott. M. W. SAVACIB. 39: Reuben Purves; or, the speculator. J. M. WILSON, fn W. T. B., v. 6. 4O: 1616 Reuter, Fritz. (1810-1875). SUED time and harvest; or, during mv apprenticeship. {Tr. from Ut mine Ntromtid). I hil. 1871. 8.. 39: Revealed at last. A. EUBULE-EVANS. 2 v 37: 1760-1 Reverend Alfred Holbush s state ment. In N. and T., v. 9 4O: 1649 Reveries of a bachelor. D. G. MITCHELL. (Ik Marvel) 33: Revolt of the Protestants of Cevennes, The. A. E. BRAY... 4O: 39: 39: 34: S 15: 40: 4O: 1718 3354 690 603 4180 4920 1717 1717 2034 813 35: 1663 1714 1207 287 Reynolds, Beatrice. MATCHMAKER, The. Phil. n. d. 12. Reynolds, G. W. M. MYSTERIES of the court of Naples. Phil. n. d. 8 Reynolds, Louise Clarisse. BARHARA. Lond. n. d. 16 35: 39: -39: 39: 2711 292 295 : PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. RHEIL. 179 RIGHT. Rheil, Marie. FARM of Muiceron, The. Tr. from the French by Annie Blount Storrs. N. Y. 1874. 8 39: 296 Ribblesdale ; or, Lancashire sixty years ago. .S tV.J. KAY-SHTJTTLK- WOBTH. :( v 38: 700-2 Ribbon stories. Ludy M. A. BAKKKR. 35: 1586 Rice corner. Mm. M. .). HOLMKS. \\ tth Homestead on the hillside 37: 4570 Rich and humble. VV. T. ADAMS. i Oliver Optic] 35: 269 Rich husband. Mrt. J. II RIPDKI.L. I F. O. Trafford) 39: 388 Rich man s secret, A: a romance. C. A. CUTHBKRT. X v 35: 5191-2 Rich Midway. C. E. GARDNKR 37: 2821 Richard Arnott s craze. F. W Roit- IXSON. In Girl s romance 39: 485 Richard Cosur-de-lion. In Tales of heroes 4O: 2670 Richard the fearless; or, the little duke. C. M. YONQE 4O: 1294 Richard Hurdis. W. G. SIMMS 39: 1688 Richard Vandermarck. Mr*. S. S. HARRIS. ( formerly Minx Cole) 37: 4013 Richards, Alfred Bate. So very human, Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 301-3 Richards, W. C. HAKKY S vacation. X. Y. 1864. Richardson, Abby Sage. S l oiuKs from old English poetry. N. Y. 1871. 16 Cunfents : Adventures of the fair Florimel. C ampHspe, and the pain ter. Friar Bacon s hrass head. Geoffrey Chaucer. Knighl/a dilemma, The. Macbeth, king of Scot. land. M:tr^:iret, the fair maid of Fresingfield. Pious (, onstance. Sketch of Wrn. Shske- penre. Richardson, Oliver. AXOLKR S tale, The. In W. T. v. 8 DISSOLVED pledge. In W. T. B., v. 10 MKKTINO at St. Boswell s. In W. T. B., v. 5 PHYSIOGNOMIST S tale, The. In \V. T. B., v. 4 RKSTORKD son, The. 39: 39: 312 317 Spender. Story of Oandaee. Story of Perdila. Story of Rosalind. Story of king Lear, and his three daughters. The tempest. Three unknown poets. Two noble kinsmen. The witty Portia, or the three caskets. Wonderful adventures of Pericles, prince of Tyre. B., In W. T. B., v. 40: 40: 40: 40: 4O: 40: 4O: 4O: 1718 1720 1715 1714 1717 BOTHMAT fisherman, The. In T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 SCHOOLFELLOWS, The. In W. T. B., v. 6 4O: 1716 SKA storm, The. In W. T. B., v. 6. 4O: 1716 STORY of Tom Bertram. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 TOM Duncan s yarn. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 Two sailors, The. In W. T. B., v. 7. 4O: 1717 Richardson, Samuel. (1689-1761). CLARISSA Marlowe. Lond. 1820. a v. 18 39: 321-8 The same. Leip. 1862. 8 v. in 4. sq. 1G 39: 329-32 The same, condensed by C. II. Jones. N. Y. 1874. fc 39: 333 Richardson, S.. (continued.) SIR Charles Grandison. Lond. 1820. 7 v. 18 39; 334-40 The same. Lond. 1776. 4 v. 12. 39; 341-4 Riches have wings. T. S. ARTHUR... 35: 795 Richelieu. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 211 Richmond, L. DAIRYMAN S daughter. Phil. n. d. 24 39; 351 Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. (Jean 1 aul). (1703-1825). FLOWER, fruit and thorn pieces. Bost. 1863. 2 v. 12 39; 356-7 TITAN: a romance. (Tr. of Titan). Bost. 18(18. 2 v. 12 39; 358-9 Ricketicketack; and Wooden Clara. II. COXSCIKXCK 35; 4669 Riddell, Mm. J. H. (F. G. Trafford). ABOVE suspicion. Bost. n. d. 8. 39; 366 KARL S promise. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 39; 367-9 FA IKY water: a Christmas storv. Lond. n. d. 8 .".. 39; 370 FAR above rubies. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39; 371 FRANK Sinclair s wife, nnd other stories. Lor.d. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 372-4 Contents: 1. Frank Sinclair s wife. I 3. My first love, (font.) 2. Prank Sinclair s wife. | Forewarned, tbjearmed. My first love. i Hertford O DonDell 9 warning. GKOUOE Geith of Fen court. Bost. 1865. 8 39; 375 The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 39: 376 HOME, sweet home : a novel. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 39; 377-9 LIKK S assize, A: a novel. N. Y. 1871. 8 39; 380 MAXWELL Drewitt. N. Y. 1866. 8. 39: 381 The same. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in I. sq. 16 39; 382 MORTOMLEY S estate: a novel. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 383-5 PIIKMIE Keller: a novel. N. Y. 1867. 8 39; 386 RAPE for wealth, The. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39; 387 RICH husband, A. Phil. n. d. 12. 39: 388 Too much alone. Bost. n. d. 12. 39: 389 Riddle, A. G. ALICK Brand : a romance of the cap ital. N. Y. 1875. 12 39: 400 BART Ridgeley : a story of northern Ohio. Bost. 12 39; 401 PORTRAIT, The: a romance of the Cuyalioga valley. Bost. 1874. 12" 39; 402 Riddles of love; or, the knave of hearts. Sidney L.BLANCIIARD. 3 v. 35; 2255-7 Ridley, James. TALKS of the Genii. Lond. 1861. sm. 8 39; 410 Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. K G. E. L. BUI.WKU-LYTTOX 35; 3151 Riethmliller, Christopher Jnmes. ALDERSLKKIH : a tale. Lond. 1868. 2v.ini. sm. 8 39: 416 Rifle rangers, The. ( apt. M. Hum.... 39: 256 Right and left. Mrs. .}. C. NEWHY... 38: 3558 Right at last, and other tales. Mm. (M.)E. C. GASKKLL : 37: 2873 Qmtf.ntK : Crooked branch, The. Loin the wilch. Manchester marriage. Rij, ht at last. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. RIGHT. 180 EGBERT. 39: 35: 421 Right eye of the commander. (F.) K. HARTE. With Luck of Roaring camp . . 37: 4056 Right one, The. M.S.SCHWARTZ.... 39: 12G1 Righted at last. M. FULLER 37: 2540 Righted wrong, A. E. YATES. 3 v. 40:1218-20 RinaClift e: a village character. E. M. L. Lond. n. d. 12 4(3: 2525 Ring, Max. (b. 1817). JOHN Milton and his times. (Tr. ot John Milton und seine Zeit). N. Y. 1868. 8 Ring of Amasis. E. K. BULWER-LYT- TON Ringwoods of Ringwood: a novel. M. MKKRITOX. 3v 38:2945-7 Riquet a la Houppe. Miss A. I. THACKERAY. With Bluebeard s keys 39: 2860 Rise of Iskander. B. DISRAELI. In L. 0., v. 6 4O: 1616 Risen from the ranks ; or Harry Wal ton s success. H. ALQER, jr 35: 543 Rising tide, The. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Family secrets, v. 1 37: 1677 Rita : an autobiography. H. Ame... 35: 366 Ritchie, Miv. Anna Cora Mowatt. (Mrx. Helen. Berkeley). (1819-1871). CLERGYMAN S wife, and other sketches. N. Y. 1867. 12... 39: 427 Contents : Angel children. Anticipation* and reali ties of a children s party. Bachelorhood in love. Bashfutness. Beauty of age. Black days. Books. Capacity for enjoyment. Charades. Clergyman s wife. Congeniality. Count your blessings. Coquette. Croakers. Fault-seekers. First gray hair. Forgiving not forgetting. Game of scandal. Golden links of kindred. Grumblers. He could not say " no." It might be worse. Kindness, Long engagements. Looking back. Love of the beautiful. Love of excitement. Who are the great ? Wifely help. Woman s friendship. EVELYN: or, a heart unmasked: a tale of domestic life. Lond. 185". Maidenhood in love. Make the best of it. Manner mutations. Married flirt. Mrs. Grundy s mission. Nervous people. Old maid. Original people. Our lots in life. Passing words. Perils of prosperity. Plethora of happiness. Preaching and practicing. Pradentia. Responsibility. Rest. Sculptor s triumph. Sensitive people. Serena. Spare moments. Step-mother. Sunny side. Tactless people. Too good a house wife. Trustful. Unadmiring. FAIRY fingers. N. Y. 1865. 12... FORTUNE hunter, The: a novel of New York society. Phil. n. d. 39: 39: 39: 1O: 428 429 430 2773 431 MIMIC life: or, before and behind the curtain. Host. 18C6. 12 MUTE singer, The: a novel. N. Y. 1866. 12 39: Ritchie, Leitch. CHKATEKIK packman, The. In Club- book 4O: 1520 Ritter Bodo. F. GOTTSOHALCK. In \\. G. N., v. 2 4O: Rival belles, The. J. B. JONES 38: Rival dreamers, The. John BANIM. In Bit o writin 35: The same. In L. C., v. 12 4O: Rival night-caps. A. CAMPBELL. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1561 496 1531 1622 1712 Rival sisters. The ; or, Ingleborough hall. H. W. HERBERT. In Cava liers of England 37: 4351 Rivals, The : a tale of the time of Aaron Burr, and Alexander Ham ilton. Ron J. CLEMENS 35: 4389 Rivals, The. G. GRIFKIN. In Works, v. 4 37: 3554 Riverdale story books. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic). Contents : 1. Little merchant. 35:257 4. Proud and lasty. 3:i:OT 2. Young voyagers. :!5:2K .> 5. Careless Kate. :i. r >:2:!7 8. Dolly and I. 35:243 e. Robinson Crusoe, jr. 36:270 Rivermouth romance, A. T. B. ALDRICH. With Marjorie Daw.... 35: 492 Rivers of ice. K. M. BALLANTYNK. 35: 1482 Riversdale. C. E. Bow EN. With Alice Neville 35: 2410 Rob Nixon, the old white trapper. W. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 999 Rob of the bowl. J.P.KENNEDY 38: 822 Rob Hoy. Sir Walter SCOTT. Parker ed. 2v *39: 1307-8 The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1355 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1361 Thesarne 39: J375 The same. Household ed. 2 v 39: 1401-2 The same. Pocketed 39: 1448 The same. Tauehnitzed 39: 1489 Robber, The. G. P. K. JAMES. 2 v. in 1 . 38: 212 Robber chief. W. GU.HKKT. In "Wiz ard of the mountain, v. 1 37: 2995 Robbins, Alice. CiiAUNTRY sboy. Bost. 1872. 16. 39: 445 Robbins, S. S. BINDING the sheaves. N. Y. 1868. 16 39: 450 COMFORT Strong. N. Y. 1876. 16. 39: 463 EDGED tools. N. Y. 1869. lb 39: 451 FAITHFUL and true. N. Y. 1870. 16 39: 452 GIRDING on the armor. N. Y. 1869. 16 39: 453 MY new home. N. Y. 1872. 16.. 39: 454 NED S motto. N. Y. 1869. 16 39: 455 KOBERT Linton. N.Y. 1868. 16. 39: 456 TAKE but earn; or, Sunny meadow. Phil. 1870. 16 . 39: 457 TO.VY Starr s legacy. N. Y. 1869. 16 39: 458 TURMNO a new leaf. N. Y. 1870. 16 39: 459 WKICIIKD in the balance. N. Y. 1868. 16 39: 460 WHO won. N. Y. 1873. 16 39: 461 AViN and wear. N.Y. 1871. 16... 39: 462 Robert Ainsleigh. M. E. BRADDON. 35: 2552-3 Note. The same as Bound to John Company. Robert Blake of Ringwood. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2526 Robert Chetwynd s confession. E. A. MURRAY. 3v 38:3296-8 Robert the dcuyll : a romance. In THOMS Early English prose ro mances, v. 1 33: 4020 Robert Falconer. G. MACDON A LD. 3 v. 38: 2175-7 The same. Bost. ed 38: 2178 Robert Fulton: an historical novel. J. C. HAUCH. Tr. bf Paul C. Binding 37: 4118 Robert Graham. Sequel to Linda. .1/r.s-. C. L. KENT/ 37: 4324 Robert Linton. S. S. ROBBINS 39: 456 Robert Lynne : a novel. Mary BlCIDCiMAN. 2 V 35: 2993-4 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ROBERT. 181 Robert Ord s atonement: a novel. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2527 Robert Severne, his friends and his enemies: a novel. W. A. HAM MOND 37: 3965 Robertson, Joseph Clinton, (tiholio Percy L Joint author with BYERI.Y, Thomas. See PERCY anecdotes. Robertson, Margaret M. INULISKS, The; or, how the way opened. N.Y. n. d. 12 39: 472 JANET S love and service. N. Y. 1869. 12 39: 473 Robin Gray: a novel. Chas. GIHUON. 37: 2952 Robin Hood. In TIIOMS Early Eng lish prose romances, v. 2 33: 4021 Robin the runner. With HOFFMANN S HarU boys 37; 4491 Robin Tremayne: a tale of the Mar ian persecution. E. S. HOLT 37: 4612 Robinson, Frederick W. ACHII.LF, : a confession of folly. With Girl s romance 39: 485 AI.ICK Dale s offers. With Girl s ro mance 39: 48.1 ANNE Judge, spinster. N. Y. n. d. 8 ! 39: 480 As long as she lived. N. Y. 1876. 8 39: 479 HRIIMIE of glass, A. N. Y. 1872. 8 39: 481 BTRLES: a bad boy. With Girl s romance 39: 485 CARRY S confession: a novel. N.Y. 1873. 8 39: 482 CHRISTIE S faith. Lond. 1868. sm. 8 39: 483 FOR her sake. N.Y. 1870. 8 39: 484 FRIEND Karl. With Girl s romance. 39: 485 GIRL S romance, A, and other talcs. N.Y. 1872. 8 39: 485 Content* : Achilla. Alice Dale s offers. Buries : a had boy. Friend Karl. Jenny Merton. Nantle ferry. Odd fix, An. GRANDMOTHER S money. n.d. 8 39: 486 HER face was her fortune. N. Y. 1874. 8 39; 487 HOUSE of Elmore. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 488 JENNY- Merton. With Girl s ro mance 39: 485 LITTLE Kate Kirby. N. Y. 1873. 8 39: 489 MATTIE: a stray. Lond. 1804. 3 v. sm. 8 ." 39:490-92 The same. N. Y. 1865. 8 39: 493 MILLY S hero. Lond. 1869. sm. 8 39: 494 NANTLE ferry. With Girl s romance. 39: 485 No church. "Leip. 1861. sq. 16... 39: 496 No man s friend. N.Y. 1871. 8. 39: 497 ODD fix, An. W\lh Girl s romance. 39; 485 ONE and twenty. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 498 POOR humanity: a novel. N. Y. 1873. 8 39; r>00 PROUD wife, A. With Girl s romance. 39: 485 KICII ARD Arnott s craze. With Girl s romance 39: 485 SECOND-COUSIN Sarah. N. Y. 1871. 8 39; 501 Proud wife, A. Richard Arnott a craze. Sensation at ScasonviUe. Tito s troubles. William Smudge s amend ment. Widow Silvani, The. N. Y. Robinson, F. W.. (continued.) SENSATION at Seasonville. With. Girl s romance 39: 485 OWEN, a waif. L<-ip. 1862. sq. 16. 39; 499 SLAVES of the ring. Lond. 1862. 3 v. sm. 8 39; 502-4 STERN necessity. N. Y. 1870. 8. 39: 505 TITO S troubles. With Girl s romance. 39: 485 TRUE to herself. N.Y. 1870. 8... 39: 506 TRUK to him ever. N.Y. 1874. 12. 39: 507 UNDER the spell. Lond. 1867. sm. 8. 39: 508 WIDOW Silvani, The. With Girl s romance 39: 485 WILLIAM Smudge s amendment. With Girl s romance 39: 485 WOMAN S ransom. Bost. n. d. 8. 39: 510 WOODLEIGH. Lond. 1867 sm. 8.. 39: 511 WRAYKOKD S ward. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 39; 512 Robinson, Jane. GOLD worshippers, The; or, the days we live in. N.Y. n. d. 8 "... 39: 540 MAID of Orleans, The: a romantic chronicle. N.Y. 1867. 8 39: 541 Robinson, ,Vrs. M. Harrison. HELEN Erskine. Phil. 1870. 12.. 39: 550 Robinson, Thereso Albertine Louise (v.Jacob.) (Tulvi.) EXILES, The. N. Y. 1853. 12 39: 560 FIFTEEN years: a picture from the last century. N.Y. 1871. 12.... 39: 561 LIFE S discipline. N.Y. 1851. 12. 39: 563 Robinson, Thomas Auriol. TIMOTHY Cripple; or, life s a feast. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8.. 39: 570-71 Robinson Crusoe. Life and adven tures of. Daniel DEFOE 37: 201 The same 37: 202 The same 37: 203 The same. Tauchnity. ed 37: 204 Robinson Crusoe, Jr. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 270 Robinson Crusoe s monev. D. A. WF.I.LS " 54: 586 Robinsons, The. M. L. BISSELL 35: 2134 Roche, Kcgina Maria. CHILDREN of the Abbey. Phil. 1873. 12 39: 580 Rochester ; or, the merry days of England. J. F. SMITH 39: 1909 Rock ahead. Edm. YATES 4O: 1223 Rockbourne : a tale. M. E. WEIK.. 4O: 300 Rocky Mountain series. C. A. Fos- Dic K. (Harry C astlemon). Contents : 1. Frank amon<* the rancheros. 37:2380 2. Frank at Don Carlos rancho. 37:2381 3. Frank in the mountains. :J7:M3 Roddy s romance. Helen Kendrick JOHNSON 38: 425 Roderic Gray. J. M. WILSON. (Same as Perseverance). In W. T. B., v. 8. 4O: 1718 Roderick. By the author of John Arnold. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8. 4O: 2528 Roderick Hudson. H. JAMES 38: 236 Roderick Random. T. SMOLLETT. In Works 39; 1970 Thesame 39; 1977 Rodney, Mrs. Marion R. L. (Fa- dette) formerly Mix* REEVES. SEA-DRIFT. Phil. 1870. 16 39; 588 WEARITHORNE; or, in the light of to-day. Phil. 1872. 12 39: 589 Rodolphus : a Franconia story. J. ABBOTT 35; 62 PliOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ROE. 182 EoMANCE. Roe, Azel Stevens, (b. 1798.) CLOUD on the heart. N.Y. I860. 12. 39: 597 How could he help it; or, the heart triumphant. N.Y. 1871. 12.... 39: 598 I VE been thinking; or, James Montjoy. N.Y. 1869. 12 39: 599 JAMKS Alontjoy. Same as I ve been thinking. LIKE and unlike. N.Y. 1869. 12. 39: COO LONO look ahead, A; or, the first stroke and the last. N.Y. 1870. 12 39: 601 LOOKING around. N.Y. 1869. 12. 39: 602 MINISTER S story. With To love and to be loved 39: 606 RESOLUTION; or, the soul of power. N.Y. 1871. 12 39: 603 STAR and the cloud, The. N. Y. 1869. 12 39: 604 TIME and tide. N.Y. 1869. 12... 39: 605 To love and to be loved, and, The minister s story. N.Y. 1873. 12. 39: 606 TEUE to the last. N.Y. 1866. 12. 39: 607 WOMAN, our angel: a novel. N. Y. 1867. 12 39: 608 Roe, Rev. Edward P. BAKIUEKS burned away. N. Y. 1873. 12 39: 618 PKOM jest to earnest. N. Y. 1875. 12 39: 619 WHAT can she do? Edinb. 1874. sm. 8 39: 620 The same. N. Y. 1873. 12 39: 621 Roger (Joldie s narrative. J. M. WIL SON. In W. T. 13., v. 9 4O: 1719 Rogue s life, A. In N. and T., v. 1... 4O: 1641 Roland : by author of Ruth and her friends. In Days of old 4O: 2110 Roland Cashel. C. LKVEK 38: 1637 The same. N. Y. ed 38: 1638 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3v 38:1639-41 The same. 3 v. in 2 38: 1642-3 Roland Yorke. E. P. [A/r.s. II.] WOOD. Sequel to The Channings.. 4O: 718 The same 4O: 719 Rolling in riches: a novel. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2529 Rolling stone, A. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Sand.) Sequel to Handsome Lawrence 37: 920 Rolling stone series. C. A. FOSMCK. (Harry Casilemon.) Contents : 1. Tom Newcomb. 37:2394 I. Go ahead. 37:238 .! 3. No moss. 37:2:i JO Rollo series. J. ABBOTT. N. Y. 1869. 14 V. 18 Contents: v.l. Rollo learning to talk. 85:78 2. Rollo learning to read. 35:74 3. Rollo at work. 35:65 4. Rollo at play. 35:l 5. Rollo at school. 35:64 0. Rollo s vacation. 35:86 7. Rollo s experiments. 35:79 8. Rollo s museum. 35:80 Rollo s tour in Europe. N. Y. 1869. 10 v. Contents : v. 1. Rollo on the Atlantic. 35:76 2. Rollo in Paris. 35:70 3. Rollo in Switzerland. 35:73 4. Rollo in London. 35:<js v. 9. Rollo s travels. 35:85 10. Rollo s correspondence. 35:78 11. Rollo s philosophy. Water. " 35:84 12. Rollo s philosophy. Air. 35:81 13. Rollo s philosophy. Fire. 35:82 14. Rollo s philosophy. Bky. 35:83 J. ABBOTT. 16. t. 5. Rollo on the Rhine. 35:77 Rollo in Scotland. 35:72 7. Rollo in Geneva. 35:(i(j 8. Rollo in Holland. 35:67 9. Kollo in Naples. 35:60 10. Rollo in Home. 35:71 Romain Kalbris: his adventures by sea and shore. H. MALOT 38: 2438 Roman baths. Mrs. M. M. SIIEK- WOOD. In Works, v. 14 39: 1649 Roman merchant. John BAMM. In Bit o writin 35: 1531 Romance and humour of the rail. Stephe SMITH, ed 33: 3806 The same 39: 1961 Romance of Beauseincourt. C. A. WAKFIKLD. Same a.s Miriam s memoirs 4O: 146 Romance of certain old clothes. II. JAMES, Jr. With Passionate Pil grim 38: 235 Romance of the forest. A. KAD- CLIFFK . 39: 15-16 The same 39: 17 Romance of the forum. P. BUKKK. 35: 3390 Romance of the harem. J. PARDOK. In W. S. C. L., v. 13 34: 4183 Thesame *15: 4923 Romance of history : England. II. NEELE. 3 v....*. 38:3531-3 Contents : v. 1. Norman line, The. Conquest of Normandy. Historical summary, 1101-1135. Red king s dream, The. Historical summary, 1087-1100. Lord of Greece. Portrait, The. Historical summary, 11:15-1154. Wulstan of Worcester. Historical summary, 10GU-1087. Saxon line restored, The. Chapletof Pearls. Historical summary, 1327-1377. Earl Ilanulph and his page. Historical summary, 121CJ-I272. Knight of the silver shield. Historical summary, 1109-1210. Little battle of Chalon. Historical summary, Ryd Pcncarn. Historical summary, 1155-1189. Spectre s voyage, The. Historical summary, 1307-1327. Starry tower, The. Three palmers, The. Historical summary, 1180-1199. v. 2. Saxon line restored, The. Pennon of St. George. ypHtliard s ransom. Historical summary, 1377-14UO. Line of Lancaster, The. Abbot s plot, The. Historical summary, 1399-1413 Legend of Agincourt, A. Historical summary, 14i:i- 22. Prophecy, The. Witch of Eye, The. Historical summarv,. 1422-1401. Line of York. The. Richmond s three perils. Historical summary, 1483-1486. Wooing at (irafton, The. Historical summary, 1401-1483. .3. Families united, The. Caihenne i^ray. Historical summary, 1558-1 60.1. Rings, The: a tale of the Held of the cloth of gold. Historical summary, 1509-1547. Nuptials at Sark. Historical summary, 1553-1558. Oak of Reformation, The. Historical summary, 1547-1553. White rose of England, The. Historical summary, 1485-1509. Union of the two crowns. Captives, The. iiistoriea! summarv, 1603-1025. Goodrich castle. Historical summary, I 625-IG49. Legend of Pontefract, A. Romance of an honest woman. V. C HKKiu LiKz 35: 4171 Romance of a key-hole, Tho. D. (W.) JEKKOLIJ. In Coll. works, v. 4 34: 1468 The same. In Works, v. 2 34: 1462 Romance of Mndrofta hollow. (F.) B. HAUTE. With Mrs. Skaggs s husbands 33: 1907 Romance of the May. M. F. CON- OLLY. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 Romance of old court life in France. F.ELLIOT 37: 1660 Romance of real life, A. W. D. HOWELLS. / L. C., v. 4 4O: 1614 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ItoMANCE. 183 ROSCOE. Romance of the republic. L. M. CHILI. 35: 4245 Romance of the seige of Perth. A. LKKIIITO.N. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 Romance of student life abroad. R. B. KIMKALL 38: 868 Romance of a summer day, The. L. M. ALCOTT. In Silver pitchers. 35: 471 Romance of Tweezuin hull academy. Henry SPICER. In Brought to book, Romance of war; or, the highlaodere in Spain. .). GRANT 37: Romance of a western trip. J. L. LORI.. In Stories and sketches 4O: Romantic Belinda. L. C. TUTHILL. 39: Romantic breach of promise. In X. and T., v. 6 Romantic tales. Mrs. D. M. CKAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock) 35: Content* : Antonio Melidori. Aviliiou; or, the Happy Isle*. Cleomenes the Greek. Cross on the Snow Moun tains, The. Daughter of Heremon, The. Romany Kyc. Sequel to Lavengro. G. BORROW 35: Romaunt, C. ISI.ANI. home; or, the young casta- aways. Bost. 1867. 16 39: Romneys of Ridgemont. J. A. EASTMAN- 37: Romola. Mrs. M. J. LEWES. (George ELM 38: The same 38: Tin- same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: Ronald Dunbeatb; or, the treasure in the cave. B. F. M. G. W., author of "Hilda and Hildebrand. N. Y. 1874. 16 4O: Rookstone. K. S. MACO,UOII> 38: Ropes of sand, and other stories. Mrs. C. V. HAMILTON, (formerly Mis* Dakin) 37: Contents: 39: 2097 3324 1681 3391 4O: 1646 4040 Erotion. King Tolv. Lile episode, A. Rosicrucian. Sculptor of Bruges, The. Self-seer, The. Story of Hyas, The. Stow of Elieabetta Sirani. 2364 636 1420 1710 1711 1712 2535 2354 domestic tragedy. Drinkers of ashes. Every string broken. Mr. John. Rory O More. S. LOVKR 38: Rosa ; or, American genius and edu cation. N. Y. 1810. 16 4O: Rosa Abbott stories. R. ( Y.) A. I AR- KKR. Bost. lt>71. 6. v. 16 Contents: v. I. Jack of all trades. Mrs. Gordon s confession. Ropes ol sand. Woman s story, A. 1887 2540 38:417 i 2. Alexis, the rurwwHY. v. 3. Tommy Hickup. 38:4174 4. Upside down. 38:4175 ft. Young detective. 38:4171! t). Pinks and blues. 38:4173 Rosa Noel. Lor.d. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 Rosa VVoodville, or, the jailor s daughter. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: Rosalie s pet. J. H. MATHEWS 38: Rosamond, and other tales. M. KIMIEWORTH 37: Contents: Cherry orchard, The. Garry Owen. Little dog Trusty ; or, the liar and the boy of truth. Rosamond. Mrt. M. J. Wit h Cousin Maude 37: Rosamond Kane. M. and C. LEE... 38: Rosamond Gray. Chas. LAMM. In W. S. C. L., V. 6 34: The same *15: Rosanna. M. KDGEWORTH. In her N. and T., v. 2 ........................... 37: 1497 The same. 7n Popular tales, v. 1 ..... 37: 1506 Rosary, The. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 14 .......................... 39; 1049 Rosaura : a tale of Madrid. In T. f. B., v. 5 ................................... 4O: 1695 Roscoe, Thomas, (b. 1791). FALL of Granada, The. In W. S. C. L., v. 5 ................................. 34: 4175 The same ................................... S 15: 4915 GERMAN novelists : tales selected from ancient and modern authors in that language, from the earliest period down to the close of the XVIII. century. Tr. from tho originals; with critical and biographical no 1826. 4 v. 12 ..... 4O: 1560-3 4O: 2541 10 JO 2700 1508 Orange man ; or, the honest hoy and the thief. Poor Bob, the chimney sweeper. HOLM KS. 4564 1428 4176 4916 tices. Lond. Contents : Bunching, J. G. G., T. 2. Eberhar.it, v. 2. Engcl, Mor. Erd., v. 4. Gottschalck, C. F., v. 2. Grimm brothers, The, v. 2. Howleglass, the merry jester, v. 1. La Jlotle Fouquo, F. H. O. de., v. 2. Langbein, A. F. E., v. 4. Local popular traditions from the Golden green, v. 2. ITALIAN novelists: selected from the most approved authors in that language, from the earliest period down to the close of the XVIII. century, arrayed in an historical and chronological series. Tr. from the original Italian; accompanied with notes, critical and biographi cal. Lond. 1836. 4 v. 12 Contents: Altanesi, Gianfrancesco, v. 4. Anonymous authors, Local popular traditions from the north side of the Hartz, v. 2. Local popular traditions from the south side of the Hartz, v. .. Musaeus, J. K. A., v. 3. Popular trarlitions: col lected and narrated by Utmar, v. 2. Reynard, the fox, v. 1. Schiller, J.C. F. v., v. 4. Tieck, L., v. 4. 4O: 1580-3 . . Arienti, Sabidino degli, v. >. Bargagli, Scipione, v. 4. Bisaocioui, Maiolino, v.4. Boccaccio, v. 1. Hottari, Giovanni, v. 4. Bramieri, Luigi, v. 4. Brevio, Giovanni, v. 2. Capacelli, AlbergHti, v.4. Ceno, Ascanio Mori da, v. :<. Cinthio, Giovambattista Gir;ildi, v. 2. Colombi, Michele, v. 4. Doni, Anton-Krancesco, v. 3. Erizzo, Sebastiano, v. 3. Fiorentiuo, Ser Giovanni, v. I. Firenzuola, Agnolo, v. 3. Forttni, Fietro, v. :j. Gironi, Hobustiano, v. 4. Gozzi, Count Cailo, v. 4. Grazzini, Anton-Francesco, v. 2. Illicmi, Bernardo, v. 2. Lando, Ortensio, v. 2. Lodi, Marco Cademosto da, v. 2. Lodoli, Carlo, y. 4. Machiavelli, Niccolo, v. 2. Magalotti, Count Lorenzo, v. 4. Malcspini, Celio, v. 3. Manni, Domenico Maria, v. 1. Novelle antiche, v. I. Padovani, Giriilamo, v. 4. Parabosco, Girolamo, v. 2. Porto, Luigi da, v. 2. Saeehetti, V. 1. Salernitano, Massuccio, v. 1. Halvucci, Salvuccio, v. 3. Sansovino, Francestio, v. 3. Sanvhale, Luigi, v. 4. Hermini, Gentile, v. 3. Soave, Francesco, v. 4. Sozzini, Alessandro, v. 2. Straparola, Giovun-Fran- CCbCO, V. 2. Granucci, Niceolo, v. 3. SPANISH novelists: a series sf talcs, from the earliest period to the clos<i of the XVI. century. Tr. from the originals; with critical and biographical notices. Lond 1823. 3 v. 12 40:1678-80 Contents : Montalvan, Junn P. de, v. 2. Quevedo y Villegas, Fran cisco Gomez de, v. 2. Reyes, Matias de los, (or Los Reyes,) v 3. Untiles, Isidore de, v. 2. Salorzano, Alonzo del Cas tillo, v. 3. Zayas I Soto Mayor, Donna Maria de, v. 2. Aleman, Mateo, v. 1. Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de, v. 1. Eslava, Antonia de, v. 2. Guavara, Luis Velez de, Lozano, I>on Christoval, v. 3. Manuel, Don Juan, v. 1. Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de, v. 1. PROSE FICTION : ENGLISH. HOSE. 184 Rose, George. (Arthur Sketchley.) MRS. Brown at the play. In Treas ure-trove series, v. 1 4O: 1701 MRS. Brown on the grand tour. Lond. n. d. 16 39: 040 Rose and Rosella. H. SCUDDER. In Stories from my attic 33: 3GO!t Rose and Millie. Bost. 1872. 1C . Rose and rue. Mrs. Compton KBADK. 3v 39: 101-3 Rose-bud, The. Mrs. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In Tales and illustrations 39: 3070 Rose crown, The. Mrs. F. BARROW. (Aunt Fanny). In Big night-caps. 35: 1650 Rose d Albret. G. P. R. JAMES 38: 213 Rose garden. F. M. PEARD 38: 4209 Rose in June, A. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT 38: 38C4 Rose Mather: a tale. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES 37: 4576 Rose of Ashurst. A. MARSH-CALD- WELL. 2v.ini 38: 2G03 Rose of Disentis. Heinrich ZSCHOK- KE. Tr. by J. J. D. Trenor 4O: 1452 Rose, thistle, and shamrock, The. (Comic drama). M EDGEWOHTH. In her N. and T., v 8 37: 1503 Rose Turquand. E. HOPKINS 37: 4684 Roseallan s daughter. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: 1717 Rosedale : a story of self-denial. H.C.GARDNER 37: 2830 Roseteague ; or, the heir of Treville Crewse. Mr*. BRAY. 2 v 35:2714-15 Rosicrucian, The. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). In Romantic tales 35: The same. In L. C., v. 7 4O: Roskowska, Marie. HALLIGEN, Die; or, in the midst of the North sea. (Tr. of In mitten der Nordtee). Phil. 1870. 16... 39: Ross, Charles H. LONDON romance. Leip. 1860. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39: PRETTY widow. Leip. 1868. sq. 16 39: PRIVATE inquiry, A. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 39: Rossetti, Christina Georgina. (b. 1830). COMMON-PLACE : a tale of to-day, and stories. Bost. 1870. 12 39: Content* : Commonplace. Hero. Lost Titian, The. Nick. Pros and cons. SPEAKING likenesses. Bost. 1875. 16 39: Rothenfels. E. von. (pseud.) See INGERSLEBEN, Frau von. Rothesay fisherman, The. 0. RICH ARDSON. In W. T. B., v. 3 4O: Roue, The; or the hazards of women. E. G. E. L. BULWER-LYTTON 35; Rouge et noir : a tale of Baden-Baden. E. (F. V.) ABOUT 35; Rough and ready ; or life among the JSew York newsbovs. H. ALGER, jr " 35: Rough but true. V. ST. CLAIR 39: 4940 1617 645 653 654 655-7 667 Safe investment, A. Vanna s twins. Waves of this troublesome world. 668 1713 3168 171 544 1033 1670 Peter Crisp s spectacles. S. SOHEKSIDES. Price of a dream. F. L. BENEDICT. Prince s surprise, [anon.] Rougegorge. H. (E.) P. BFOFFORD. Sam s sermon. S. W. TUT- T[,E. Shadow of fate. R. FITZ- OEHALD. Snow upon the waters. L. H. HOOPEK. That man. [anon.] Rougegorge, and other stories. H. (E.) P. SPOFFORD, and others 4O: Contents : Critic, The. [a poem.] E. FAWCETT. Dick Libhy. G. JONES. Dick Lyle s tee. L. C. DAVIS. Harneyhow s hummock. J. O. AUSTIN. My grandmother that might have been. A. CAEY. Myra s mirror. J. F. KITTS. Only no love. Tr. by Mrs. A. L. WISTEB. Rough diamond, A. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrell). In Seen and heard, v. 1 38: 2815 The same. In White as snow 38: 2818 Round the block ; an American novel. J. B. BOUTON 35; 2395 Round the world. W. H. G. KING STON 38: 1000 Roundabout papers. W. M. THACK ERAY \ 39; 2007 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 2908 Roundhearts, and other stories. Aim. S. S. HARRIS, (formerly Miss Cole) 37: 4014 Contents : Boy regiment, The. I Roundhearts. Christmas sister, The. | Willy Collins. Rover, Winnie. THE Neptune outward bound. N.Y. 1874. 12 39: G76 Roving adventures. G. BORROW 35: 2366 Rowcroft, Charles. AUSTRALIAN Crusoes, The. Phil. 1853. 12 39; 681 BUSH ranger of Van Dieman s land. N.Y. 1867. 8 39: 682 Rowland-Skemp, Thomas. D EYNCOURTS of Fairleigh : a novel. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 691-3 Roxana. Daniel DEFOE. In Novels and misc. works, v. 4 *34: 1020 Roy, George. GENERALSHIP; or, how I managed my husband. Cin. 1875. 16 39: 700 Royal bridal. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 Royal raid, The. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 Royal road to fortune. E.H. MILLER. 38: 2983 Royalist s daughter and the rebels. Rev. D. MURDOCH 38: 3275 Ruby duke. H. K. POTWIN 38: 4670 Ruby Gray s strategy. A.S.STEPHENS. 39: 2224 Ruby s husband. M. V. (H.) TKR- HUNE. (Marion Harland) 39: 2844 Rudie s goat. J. H. MATHKWS 38: 2701 Ruffini, Giacomo. (b. about 1800.) CAHLINO. Phil. 1870. 8 39: 710 DOCTOR Antonio: a tale of Italy. N.Y. 1867. 12 .".. 39: 711 The same. Leip. 1861. sq. 16... 39: 712 LAVINIA. Leip. 1861. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39; 713 LOREN/.O Benoni. N.Y. 1860. 12. 39: 714 The same. Leip. 1861. sq. 1G... 39: 715 PARAOHEENS on a visit to Paris. Leip. 1860. sq. 16 39: 716 QUIET nook in the Jura. Leip. 1867. sq. 16 39: 717 VINCEN/O; or, sunken rocks. N. Y. 1864. 8 39; 718 The same. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39: 719 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. Runts. 185 SAILOR S. Rufus and Rose ; or, the fortunes of Rough-and-ready. H. ALOER, jr... 35: 54. r > Ruhkopf, Julie, and MORITZ, August. NANNIE S jewel-case; or, true stones and false. Tr. from the German. N. Y. [1867.] 16 39: 727 O>ntent: Hymn-book, The. Aug. MORITZ. Kiise.ni, the miser. Aug. MORITZ. Willinm, the little chimney-sweeper. Aug. MORITZ. Young countess, Tile. Julie KuiiKoi F. Ruined gamester, The. T. S. AR THUR. With The martyr wife 35: 787 Ruined temple, The. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4C71 Ruins. Mrt. A. M. F. HALI... //; Lights and shadows, v. 2 37: 3883 Contents : Florence O Donnell. | Old Engle. Story of Clooney Blimey. Rule f the monk. G. GARIBALDI 37: 2836 Ruling the roast : a novel. Lady WOOD. 3v 4O: 770-2 Rumor. E. S. SHEPPARD 39: 1619 Run to earth. M. K. BRADDON 35: 2554 Runaway match. Name as Mary Ellis. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 788 Runaway match ami Dean of Den- ham. E. P. [Mr*. II.] WOOD 4O: 720 Runenberg, The. Ludwlg TIKCK. In C. G. K., v. 2 35: 3874 Runkel, Col. Win. M. WONTUS; or, the corps of observa tion. Phil. 1874. 12 39: 733 Running the blockade. W. H. THUMBS 39: 2960 Running the gauntlet. E. YATES 4O: 1224 Running to waste : story of a tomboy. G. M. BAKER .". .".. 35: 1375 Rupert Godwin. M. E. BKADDON 35: 2555 Ruppius, Otto. Two hemispheres. Phil. 1870. 12. 39: 740 Rural tales. H. MORE 38: 3107 Ruskin, .lohn. KING of the golden river. In L. C., v. 10 4O: 1620 Russell. G. P. R.JAMES 38: 214 Russell, Charles. TRUE Robinson Crusoes. Bost. 1871. 12 39: 747 Russell, Dora. VICAR S governess, The : a novel. Loud. 1874. 3 v. sm 8 39: 753-5 Russell, William Howard, (b. 1821). ADVENTURES of Dr. Brady. Lond. 1869. sm. 8 . 39: Russian police and English prisons. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 3 37: Rustic heroine, A. ("Betty Burton"). In T. F. H., v. 2 4O: Rustic and his eels, The. E. HAMEK- TON. In Mirror of truth 37: Ruth. Mrs. (M.) E. C. GASKKLL 37: The same. Tauchnitx ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: Ruth Hall: a domestic tale. Mrs. S. P. PARTON. (Funny Fern) 38: Ruth Lee and her companions. Lond. n. d. 18 4O: 2550 Ruth Lovcll. Mrs. C. L. MAY 38: 2772 Ruth Maxwell. Lady BI.AKK 35: 2235 Rutledge. Mrt. S. S. HARRIS. (formerly Mixs Cole) 37: 4015 Rydberg, V. LAST Athenian, The. Phil. 1869. 12 39: 770 763 4647 2658 3900 2874 2875 4241 ISOI.INA; or, the actor s daughter. Phil. 1873. 12 4O: S , M. F. CATHERINE Hamilton : a tale for lit tle girls. N. Y. 1874. 18 39 S , V. 1)K. Gothe s courtship : a tale of do mestic life [founded on the Ger man of Otto Miiller]. Lond- 18<!6. 12 38: 222!) 1000 3217 1713 1650 773-5 Sabbath wrecks, The. J. M. WILSON. hi W. T. B., v. 3 4O: Sabbaths on the continent. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 15. 39: Sabina. Lady WOOD. 3v 4O: Sable cloud, The : a southern tale. N. ADAMS 35; 220 Sack of gold, The. Miss JOHNSON... 38: 448 Sacrifice, The; or, the country, the town, and the continent. Jn W. S.C.L.,v. 11 34: 4181 Thesame 15: 4-.I21 Sacristan s household. Mrs. T. A. TROLI.OPE 39: 3283 Sadlier, Mrs. Mary Ann Madden. AI.K-E Riordnn, the blind man s daughter. Bost. 1854. 18 39: 100 J AUNT Honor s keepsake: a chapter of life. N. Y. n. d. 10 39: 1010 BESSY Con way; or, the Irish girl in America. N. Y. 1861. 10 39; 1011 BI.AK KS and Flanagans, The : a tale illustrative of Irish life in the U.S. N. Y. 1874. 12 39: 1012 CON O Regan; or, emigrant life in the new world. N. Y. n. d. 1(5. 39: 1014 CONFESSIONS of an apostate. N. Y. 1868. 12 39; 1013 ELINOR Preston; or scenes at home and abroad. N. Y. 1861. 16... 39: 1015 HEIRESS of Kilorgan, The ; or, eve nings with the old Geraldincs. N. Y. 1867. lli 39; 1016 HERMIT of the rock, The: a tale of Cnshel. N. Y. 1803. 16 39: 1017 MAC CARTHY More; or, the fortunes of an Irish chief in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. N. Y. 1868. 16" 39; lOHi MAUREEN Dhu, the admiral s daugh ter: a tale of the Claddagh of Galway. N. Y. 1873. 16 39: 1020 NEW lights; or, life in Galwav: a tale. N. Y. 1858. 16 ". 39: 1021 OLD and new; or, taste versus fash ion. N. Y. 1862. 16 39: 1022 RED hand of Ulster, The; or, the for tunes of Hugh O Neil. Bost. n. d. 18 39: 1024 Safe investment, A. C. G. ROSSETTI. With Commonplace 39: 607 Safely married. Miss E. JOLLY 38: 477 Safia. E. R. do BULLY (called Roger de Beawoir) 35: 1823 Sailor boy, The ; or, Jack Somers in the navy. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic) 35: 271 Sailor s family, The. Mrs. E. C. KMHTRY. In Pictures of early life 37: 1700 PBOSK FICTION: ENGLISH. SAINT. 186 SAM S. 2734-6 1033-5 2553 1033 574 2179 1405 1401 328 1649 433 1049 Saint Alice, who however, was no saint. E. C. TAINSII. 3 v 39: St. Bede s. Mrs. C. .1. EILOART. 3 v. 37: Saint Cecilia : a modern tale from real life. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: St. Glair, Vernon. ROUGH but true. Lond. 1872. sm. 8 39: St. Elmo. 3/r*. A. J. (E.) WILSON. (formerly A/lss Enam) 4O: St. George and St. Michael. G. MAC- DONALD 38: Saint-Germaine, -I. F. de. See TARIHEI", Jules St. Giles and St. James. D. (\V.) JER- KOI.I). In Coll. works, v. 1 34: The same. In Works. Phil ed. v. 1 34: The same. Tauehnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: Saint Hospice. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. / Works, v. 14 39: Saint .lames ; or, the court of tjueen Anne. W. H. AINSWORTH 35: St. -John, Mrs. Eugenia. BKM.A; or, the cradle of liberty JJost. 1874. 12 39: St. John, I . 13. ARCTIC Crusoe, The. Host. 1860. 10 39: St. Lawrence. By the author of Tre- inunio. In \V". S. C. L. v. 10 34: The same 15: Saint Leger ; or threads of life. R. li. KIMHAI.I 38: St. Leon: a tale of the 10th century. W. GODWIN 37: St. Leonardo, Eden. OHERON S spell. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 Saint-Mars, Cisterne de Courtrias de. (Comtesse Dash). MADEMOISELLE fifty millions; or, the adventures of Hortense Man- cini. Tr. by Adelaide de V. Chau- dron. > . Y. 186U. 8 St. Martin s eve. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD The same. Tauchnitz ed St. Michael s priory. M. MUDIE. 2 v St. Olave s. E. TAUOK St. Patrick s eve : Paul Gosslett s con fessions. C. LEVER St. Philip s. Mrs. S. S. HARRIS, (for merly .1/t x.s- Cote) Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Ber- nardin de. (1737-1814). INDIAN cottage, The. In Works, v. 1 PAUL and Virginia. In Works, v. 1. The same. Phil. 1808. 12 U St. Konan s well. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v The same. Edinburgh ed The same. Abbotsford ed The same The fame. Household ed. 2 v The same. Pocket ed The same. Taucimilz ed St. Simon s niece. F. L. BENEDICT... St. Twel mo. C. H. WEBB. In Treas ure-trove series, v. 2 4O: 1702 4180 4 1 J20 86!) 3103 39: 1061-3 39: 4O: 4O: 38: 39: 38: 37: 34: 34: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 35: 721 722 i 2 09- 10 2722 1044 4016 1891 1891 1070 1331-2 1357 1366 1386 142728 1461 1-190 1947 39: 39: 39: 35: 40: St. Valentine s day: same as Fair maid of Perth. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v *39: 1341-2 The same. Edinburgh ed 39; 1358 The same. Abbotsford ed 39; 1369 The same 39; 1391 The same. Household ed. 2 v 39; 1437-8 The same. Pocket ed 39; 1460 The same. Tauehnitz ed 39; 1477 St. Winifred s; or, the world of school. F. W. FARRAR 37; 2001 Saintine, Joseph Xavier Boniface, called. (1798-1865.) DAMK Nature and her three daugh ters. {Tr. of Lid mere (Hyogne et ses train filler.) N. Y. 1872. 16... 39: 1040 The same 35; 2341 PlCCIOLAj or, the prisoner of Fenes- trella. (Tr. of Picciola.) Phil. 1857. 12 39; 1041 The same 35; 2342 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 11... 34: 4181 The same *15; 4921 Sala, George Augustus. BADDINGTON peerage, The. Lond. 1861. 3v. 12 39; 1081-3 SEVEN sons of Mammon, The. Lond. 1862. 3 v. 12 The same. Bost. 1862. 8 The same. Leip. 1809. 2v.ini. sq. 6 Salathiel : a story of the past, the present, and the future. G. CROLY. Sale, Lady. In T. F. H., v. 2 Salem : a tale of the seventeenth cen tury. D. R. CASTLETON 35; Salem chapel. Mrs. M. (0. W.) Oi.ii iiANT 38: Sally Williams, the mountain girl. Mrs. E. D. CHENEY " Salmon fisher of Udell, The. H. MILLER. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 Salome and I. In N. and T., v. 2 4O: 1642 Sal-O-quah; or, boy-life among the Cherokees. Rev. F. R. GOULDINO. 37: 3239 Salt of the earth, The. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett). With Dead sin.. 38: 2808 The same. In Seen and heard, v. 3. 38: 2817 Saltwater. AV. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 1006 Salt water Dick. H. P. H. NOWELL. (May Mannering) Salvator Rosa. E. T. W. HOFFMAN. In Strange stories 37: Sam Lawson s Oldtown fireside stories. Mr>. H. (E.) B. STOWE 39; Contents : Hull-tight, The. Captain Kidd s money. Colonel Eph s shoe- buckles. Ghost in the mill, The. Ghost in the Cnp n Brown house. Widow s bandbox", The. Sam Slick, the clockmaker. T. C. HALIBURTON 37: The same 37; Sam Slick s wise saws. T. C. KALI- BURTON 37; The same 37: Sampson, Alice Charlotte. SCARBOROUGH belle, The. Lond. 1872. 3v. 12 39:1097-9 Sam s chance, and how he improved it. 11. ALGER, jr 35: Sam s sermon. S. W. TUTTLE. With Rougegorge 4O: 1085-7 1088 1089 5048 2658 3935 3805 35: 4161 38: 3691 4480 2330 How to fight the devil. Laughin in meeting. Minister s housekeeper, The. "Mis Elderkin s pitcher." Sullivan looking-glass, The. 3861 3862 3863 3864 554 1670 PROSK FICTION: ENGLISH. SAMUELS. 187 Samuels, Adelaide F. DICK Travers abroad. Host. 1873. 4 v. 18 38:1109-11! Cuntenta : 1. I Klin land; or, Hick Travers in the i li !.:- islands. 38:1112 a. Losi lar. The; or, hick Travel s in Africa. :i:lll" a. On the wve ; or, Dick Travers aboard the " Happy Jack." 38:1111 4. Liltle Cricket; or, Dick Travers in London. ;i8:1101 Sanctuary, The: a story of the civil war. G. W. NICHOLS 38: 3630 Sand, George, (pseud. ) See DUHE- VANT, Mine. A. L. A. D. Sand hills of Jutland, The. H. C. ANDERSKN 35: 650 Sandford and Merton. T. DAY 37: 180 The same 37: 181 Sandford and Merton, New history of. F. C. BURNAND .. 35: 3401 Sandman, The. (Sameax Coppolius). E. T. \\". HOKKMA.N. In T. f. G... 4O: 1099 The same. In Strange stories 37: 44bO Sandy Wood s sepulchre. H. MII.LKK. JnL. C., v. 5 4O: 1615 Sane madman. (\V. ) W. COLLINS. U itfi Alicia Warlock 35: 453!i Sans Mcrci. G. A. LAWRENCK 38: 1369 The same. Taiichnit/. ed. 2 v. in 1... 38: 1370 Sapelo ; or, child-life in the tide-water. liev. F. R. GOULDINU 37: 3240 Sapphire cross, The. G. M. FENN. .; v 37: 2073-5 Saracen, The; or, Matilda and .Mnlek Adhel: a crusade romance. Mnie. COTTKN. hi VV. S. C. L., v. 9 34: 4179 The same 5 15: 4919 Sarah -Morris. A. CARY. In Pictures of country life 35: 3918 Saratoga: a tale. Rev. G. K,. GLKIU. In \V. 8. C. L., v. 1 34: 4171 The same 15: 4911 Saratoga in 1901. M. D. LANDON. (Eli 1 erklnx) 33: 2530 Sarchedon : a legend of the great queen. G. .(.. WllYTK-Mjci.viu.E. 4O: 444 Sargent, Epes. (b. 1812.) PECULIAR: tale of the great transi tion. M. Y. 1864. 12 39: 1120 (editor}. KMKKALD, The: a collection of graph ic and entertaining tales, brilliant poems and essays. Bost. 1866. 12 33: 544 Contents : ABOUT, Edmond. Without dowry. AUDKY, H. L, "She is HO dear to me." AIKKN, Berkeley. Uncrowned kings. ALI IM.H \\i. Win. Invocation. r. \ 1:1. \ i i.i . Mrs. Anne L. Aiken. Life n second morning. BLOUD, Henry A A flayer. BauwNKLL, H. 11. Buriul of the Dane. CHALMI .KH, Alex. Lessons in biography. CHAMHKHS, Kobt. Indoor games. COINCIDENCES : a tale of fads. Fruser s Magazine. CRAIK, I imih M. The double house. DftBlMAtt), Chas. The consultation. KI.WI;IKXT, The. anon. EVENING brings us home. McMillan s Magazine. FACT ami fiction. Hlackwood s Mag.izine. FKW words on social philosophy. HAHDMAN, Fred. My friend, the Dutchman. How I m:i le my fortune. From the French. HUNT, Leigh. Jenny kissed me. KIXHALL, H. M. The guest. Ml uroHu, Win. The iron shroud. r*KAi,, John. (ioody Gracious and the forget-me-not. WKWTON, Cradoek. Wonderland. Sargent, E., (edi1or\, (continued.) I KAI.D, W. M Lyrical charades. KKvr.i.kY in India. anon. SCHIBIC, Eugene. ludith ; or, the opera-box. SMITH, Horace The picnic paity. TKNNYKON, Alfred. The loolish virgins. TOWNSHF.NH, C. H. Stanzas. TOWMIHKMI, C. H. Wait. YOUTH and the sage. From Household words. Sargent, George E. LfcY the light-bearer. N. Y. n. d. 16 39: OLD sailor s story, An. Lond. n. d. sin. 8 39; Sartaroe: a tale of Norway. J. A. MAITLAXD " 38: Sartoris. Mn. Adelaide (Kemble). MKDI SA, and other tales. Bost. n. d. 8 39: Qjnteitts: Medusa. Ma lati e de Montlerrato. Kecollections of the life of Joseph Heywood. iin \\orils best left unsaid. WKKK in a French country-house, A. Lond. 1S67. 8 . 39: Satanella : a story of 1 unchestown. (J. J. WHYTK-MEI.VILLK. 2 v.... 4O: The same 4O: Satanstoe. J. F. COOPER 35; The same 35: Saunders, -I. ABKI. Drake s wife. N. Y. 1862. 8. 39: liui xi) tu the wheel. N. Y. 1866. 39: 39: HniEi.L. X. Y. 1870. 8 ............ ISKAKI. Mort, overman: a story of the mine. Phil. 1872. 16 ........ 39; The same. N. Y . 187(i. 8 ........ 39: MARTIN Pole. N. Y. 1863. 8 ..... 39: SHADOW in the house, The. Lond. 1860. sm. 8 .............................. 39: Saunders, Katherine GIDKO.N S rock. Phil. 1871. 1(3... 39; HAUNTED crust, The, and other sto ries .......................................... 39; The same. In L. C., v. r> ............ 4O: HKIH mills. Phil. 1872. 8 ......... 39: MAKCIARET and Elizabeth. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 .............................. 39: Sauzade, John 8. (James I ayn). AT her mercy. N. Y. 1874. 8 ..... 39: UKIXIAR on horseback, A; or, a coun try family. N. Y. 1869. 8 ...... 39: BUST of husbands, The. N. Y\ 1874. 8 ................................... 39: BRKD in the bone; or, like father, like son. N. Y. I87 2. 8 ......... 39: The same ................................... 39: CARLYON K year. N. \. 1807. 8. 39: CECIL S tryst. Leip. 1872. sq. 16. 39: Ci.YKKARDsof the Clyffe. Phil. 1871. 12 .......................................... 39: FOUND dead. Leip. 1869. sq. 16. 39: GWENDOLINE S harvest. Leip. 1870. sq. 16 ....................................... 39: HALVES. N. Y. 1876. 8 ............ 39: LIKE father, like son. Same ,i Bred in the bone. Leip. 1871. si). 16. 39: The same ................................... 39: LOST Sir Massingberd. Phil. n. d. 12 ... 39 MARK Gildersleve. N. Y. 1873. 12 .......................................... 39: MAKKIKD beneiith him. Phil. n. d. 39: 39: 39: MIRK abbey. Lond. 1869. 12 ..... MURPHY S master. N. Y. 1873. 8. 1125 1126 2421 1132 1131 446-7 448 4768 4769 1138 1139 I 140 1140+ 1141 1142 I 1 50 1151 1615 1152 1 153 1160 11G1 1162 116. ! 1169 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1178 1169 1163 1 170 1171 1179 1172 1173 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SAUZADE. 188 SCHOOLMASTER S. Sauzade, (continued.) NOT wooed, but won. Leip. 1871. sq. 16 39: 1174 ONE of the family. N. Y. 1868. 8. 39: 1175 WALTER S word. N. Y. 1875. 8. 39: 1176 WOMAN S vengeance, A. N. Y. 1872. 8 39: 1177 Savage, Marmion W. HACIIKLOK of the Albanv. Lond. 1854. 12 .".. 39: 1200 Thesame. N.Y. 1864. 12 39: 1201 FALCON family. Lond. 1845. 12. 39; 1202 MY uncle the curate. N. Y. n. d. 8 39; 1203 The same. Lond. 1849. 3 v. 12 39; 1204-6 K El HEN Medlicott. Lond. 1864. 12 39: 1207 WOMAN of business, The; or, the lady and the lawyer. N.Y. 1870. 8..". 39: 1208 Save me from my friends. (W.) W. COLLINS. In Queen s revenge 35:. 4581 Saved by the lifeboat: a tale of wreck and rescue on the coast. K. M. BALLANYYNE. In Tales of adven ture, v. 4 35: 1486 Saved by a woman. By the author of No appeal. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sin. 8 4O: 2554 Saved from the wreck. L. PARR. H i/A John Thompson, blockhead. 38: 4233 Saving little, wasting much. In N. and T., v. 11 4O: 1651 Sawyer of the Vosges, The. E. Sou- VESTKK. Tr. by Emily Bowles. In Maggie s rosary 4O: 1630 Say and seal. S. and A. WARNER. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 12 4O: 204-5 Sayings and doings. T. (E.) HOOK. 3 v 37:4648-50 Contents : Cousin William, v. 3. Man of many friends, v. 2. Danvers, v. 1. Martha, the gypsy, v. 1. I oubts und fears, v. 2. Merton, v. I. Friend of the family, v. 1. Passion and principle, v. 2. Gervase Skinner, v. :i. | Sutherlands, v. 2. Sayings and doings of Peter Pater- son. J.M.WILSON. / W. T. B. v. 10 4O: 1720 Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker. F. S. COX./.ENS 33: 1227 Thesame 33; 1228 Scalp hunters; or, the trappers. M. KEID 39: 257 Scandinavian ring. J. POMEROY. :t v 38: 4586 Scanland, A. L. HEIGHTS and depths. Chicago. 1871. 12 39; 1215 Scapegoat, The. By LEO. (pseud.) 38: 1532 Scarborough belle, The. A. C. SAMPSON. 3 v 39: 1007-0 Scarlet letter, The. N. HAWTHORNE. 37: 4185 Scarlet letter, The; and Blithedalc ro mance. N. HAWTHORNE 37: 4186 Scarlet stockings. L. M. ALCOTT. In Silver pitchers 35: 471 Scarron, Paul. (16IO?-1660). AVARICE chastised ; or, the miser punished. In Works *34: 1015 COMICAL romance of a company of stage players. In Whole .comical works :i! 34: 1015 GENEROUS lover, The; or, the man of deeds and not of words. In Whole comical works *34: 1915 Scarron, (continued.) HYPOCITES, The. In Whole comical works *34: 1015 INNOCENT adultery, The. In Whole comical works *34: 1915 USELESS precaution, The. In Whole comical works *34: 1915 Scenes of clerical life. Mrs. M. J. LEWES. (George Eliot) 38: 1713 Thesame 38: 1714 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1715 Sceptres and crowns. Mrs. S. WAR NER. (E. Wethereli) 4Q: 184 Schiller, (Johann Christopher) Fred erick von. (1750-1805). GHOST-SEER, The ; or, apparitionist. (Tr. of Der Geinterxeher). In Works, v. 4 34; 1030 Schimmel, H. J. MARY Hollis : a romance of the days of Charles II. and William prince of Orange. Lond. n. d. 3 v. am. 8 39: 1221-3 Schmid, Christopher von. (1768- 1854). GENEVIEVE : a tale of antiquity (Tr. of Genove/a). N. Y. n. d. 18... 39: 1230 Schmid, Hermann. HAHERMKISTER, The. (Tr. of Der Habermeisier ; Volksbild am den bairiHchen Bergen). N. Y. 1875. 16 39; 1235 Schonberg- Gotta family, Chronicles of. Mrx. K. K. CHARLES 35: 4068 The same. Tauchnitx. ed 35: 4060 School days of Beulah Komney. J. A.EASTMAN 1 37; 1421 School for dreamers, The. T. GWYNNE 37; 3646 School for fathers, The. T. GWYNNE. 37: 3647 School for husbands, The. Lady BULWER-LYTTON .. 35; 3281 School friendship. Mrs. E. C. EM BURY. In Pictures of early life. 37: 1700 School of life. A. M. HOWITT 37: 4737 Schoolboy days; or, Ernest Brace- bridge. W. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 089 Schoolcraft, Mrs. Henry Rowe . BLACK gauntlet, The: a tale of plan tation life in South Carolina. Phil. 1861. 12 39; 1245 Schoolfellows, The. hi W. T. B., v. fi 4Q: 1716 Schoolmaster of Abbach, The, and other stories. P. F. W. OERTEL. (Van Horn) 38: 3806 Contents : Asylum. May-queen. Schoolmaster of Abbaoh. Scissors-grinder. Schoolmaster s stories, The. E. EdoLESTON 37; 1595 Contents : Bob-o-linkand the owl. Mocking-bird s singing Hound hoy. Chairs in council. Crooked Jack. Famine and a feast. Flat (ail, the heaver. Funny little old woman. Great Panjandrum him self. Indian friend. Kilty s forty. Lazy Larkin Joblilios. Mr. Blake s stick. and the walking Mocking-bird s school. Pickaninny. The. Polly Strader, the female trapper. Profligate prince, The. Shoemaker s secret, The. Simon and the garuly. Simple Simon. Story of a Mutter-wheel. Swim in darkness, A. What the tea-kettle said. Widow Wiggins wonderful cat. Wood-chopper s children. Young soap-boiler. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SCHOONER. 189 SCOTT. 87 1247 I2. r .o 1256 1257 1258 1259 1200 1201 12(12 1263 Schooner Mary Ann, The. J. A- HOTT . 35: Schiicking, Levin, (b. 1814.) FIRK and flame. Tr. by Eva M. Johnson. N.Y. 1876. 8 39: Schuyler, M. PIONKKR church; or, story of a new parish in the west. N. Y. 1868. 12 39: Schwartz, Marie Sophie, (b. 1819). BIRTH and education. Bost. 1871.8. 39: GKHD.V; or, the children of work. Tr. by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. Phil. 1874. 12 39: GOLD and name. Tr. by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. Phil. 1874. 8 39: GUILT and innocence. Tr. by S. Borg and M. A. Brown. Bost. 1873. 8 39: MAN of birth and the woman of the people. Lond. 1808. 3 v. sm. 8. 39: RIGHT one, The. Bost. 1871. 8.... 39: SON of the organ-grinder. Tr. by S. Borg and M. A. Brown. P hil. 1873. 12 39: Two family mothers. Bost. 1872. 8. 39: \ViFK of a vain man, The. Bost. 1871. 8 39: 1204 Science for the young. J. AUBOTT. 4 v. Contents : v. 1. Host. 35:811 I v. 3. Water and land. :tt:91 2. Light. 35:90 | 4. Force. 35:88 Scientific evening, A. W. GILIIKKT. In Doctor Austin s guests, v. 2 37: 2987 Scintillations. H. HKINK. Tr. by S. A. Stern .. 33: 1900 Scissors-grinder, The, P. F. W. OKKTKL. \von Hum). H ilh The schoolmaster 38: 3800 Scots Fusilier guards, The. J. GRANT. With Constable of France 37: 3305 Scott, George Gordon. CLUMIIKK chase; or, love s riddle solved by a royal sphinx : a tale of the restoration; Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 1281-3 Scott, Lmly .lane. I KIHK of life, The. Phil. n. d. 12 39: 1290 Scott, Michael. TOM Cringle s log. Paris. 1834. 8. 39: 1295 Scott, Sir Walter. (1771-1832). ABBOT, The. (Sequel to Monastery). Bost. 1832. 2 v. 12 *39:1319-20 Thesame. Edin. 1808. 8 39: Thesame. Phil. 1809. 8 39: Thesame. Phil. n. d. 8 39: The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 39:1415- The same. N.Y. 1873. 16 39: Thesame. Leip. 1800. sq. 10... 39: ANNK of Geierstein; or, the maiden of the mist. Bost. 1833. 2 v. 12 *39 : 1343-4 Thesame. Edin. 1808. 8 39: Thesame. Phil. 1809. 8 39: Thesame. Phil. n. d. 8 39: Thesame. Host. 1871. 2 v. 12. 39:1439-40 The same. N. Y. 1873. 16 39: Thesame. Lei)). 1871. sq. 10... 39: Scott, .S ir W., (continued.) ANTIQUARY, The. Bost. 1832. 2 v. 12 s: 39- isor-6 The same Edin. 1868 8 39- 1355 Thesame. Phil. 1869. 8 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 39: 39- 1360 1373 Thesame. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12. The same. N Y 1873 16 39:13 39- 99-1400 1447 The same. Leip. 1845. sq. 10... BKTROTHKD, The. Bost. 1832. 12. Thesame Edin 1808 8 39: *39: 39- 1472 1335 1357 The same Phil 1869 8 39- 1307 Thesame Phil n d 8 39- 1388 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 39- 1431-2 The same N Y 1873 10 39- 1463 The same Leip sq 16 39- 1473 BLACK dwarf, The. Bost. 1832. 12. Thesame Fdin 1808 8 *39: 39- 1309 1355 The same Phil 1609 8 39- 1360 The same Phil n d 8 39- 1378 Thesame. Bost. 1871. 12 Thesame. N.Y. 1873. 10 Thesame. Leip. 1858. sq. 10... BKIDK of Lammermoor, The. Bost. 1832 v 12 39: 39: 39: *39- 1405 1450 1.474 1313-14 The same Edin 1808 8 39- 1355 Thesame. Phil. 1809. 8 The same Phil n d 8 39: 39- 1 302 1377 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 Thesame. N.Y. 1873. 10 39: 1452 Thesame. Leip. sq. 16 39: 1475 CASTLE Dangerous. Bost. 1834. 12. *39: 1347 The same. Edin. 1808. 8 39: 1358 Thesame. Phil. 1809. 8 39: 1370 Thesame. Phil. n. d. 8 39: 1394 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 39: 1443-4 Thesame. N.Y. 1874. 10 39: 1409 CHRONICLES of the Canongate. First series. Bost. 1833. 2 v. 12 39 : 1339-40 Contents : Biographical sketch of the chronicler "Mr. Chrystal Croftimgry," v. 1. Death of the Laird s Jock, v. 2. Highland widow, v. 1. Introduction to chronicles of the Canongate, v. 1. My mint Margaret s mirror, v. 2. Surgeon s daughter, v. 2. Tapestried chamber, v. 2. 11-3 Two drover-, v. . The same. Edin. 1808. > v. 8. 39: 1357 The same. Phil. 1809. 2 v. 8. 39: 1 3 OK 290 The same. Phil. n. d. 2 v. 8. 39: 1390 Note. See also under the titles of the 295 stories given in the eontonts. CHRONICI.KS of the Canongate. Sec ond series. Same a* Fair maid of 1-20 Perth ; or, Saint Valentine s day. 350 COUNT Kobert of Paris. Bost. 1833. 2 v. 12 5 39: 1345-6 363 380 The same. Edinb. 1868. 8 39: 1358 The same. Phil. 1869. 8 39: 1370 1 1\ The same Phil n d H 39: 1393 >- 1 u 401 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. i 7d 12 . 39 1441-2 -t i U Thesame. N.Y. 1874. 16 39: 1408 Tho same Leip sq 16 39: 1470 r 3-4 DKATH of the Laird s Jock. Bost. 35H 1833 12 *39: 1340 369 Thesame. Edinb. 1868. 8 39: 1358 392 The uame Phil 1809 8 39- 1370 1-40 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 30: 13!I4 467 The same. Bost. 1871. 12 39: 1434 471 Thesame. N. Y. 1873. 10 39: 1464 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SCOTT. 190 SCOTT. Scott, Sir W., (continued.) FAIR maid of Perth. Same ax St. Valentine s day. Bost. 1833. 2 v. 12 . The same. Edinb. 1868. 8 The same. Phil. I860. R The same. Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 1 2 The same. N.Y. 1874. 16 The same. Leip. 1871. sq. 1G.. FORTUNES of Nigel, The. Bost. 1831. 2 v. 12 The same. Edin. 1868. 8 The same. Phil. 1869. 8 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 ... The same. N. Y. 187:!. 16 The same. Leip. sq. 16 GLOSSARY to the Waverley novels. Parker ed. v. 47 The same. Edinburgh ed. v. 4... The same. Household ed. v. 50. The same. Pocketed, v. 25 GUY Mannering; or, the astrologer. Bost. 1831. 2 v. 12 The same. Edin. 18G8. 8 The same. Phil. 1869. 8 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Jiost. 1871. 2 v. 12 The same. N. Y. 1873. 16 The same. Leip. 1846. sq. 16.. HKART of Mid Lothian, The. Bost. 12.... Edin. 1868. 8 Phil. 186!). 8 Phil. n. d. 8 Bost. 1871. 2 v. 16 1832. 2 v. The same. The same. The same. The same. 12 The same. N.Y. 1873. The same. Leip. sq. 16 Note. See aim WALTER, Helen. HIGHLAND widow. The. Bost. 1833. 12 The same. Edin. 1868. 8 The same. Phil. 1869. 8 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Bosi. 1871. 12 The same. N. Y. 1873. 16 The same. Leip. sq. 16 IVANHOE: a romance. Bost. 1832. 2 v. 12 The same. Edin. 1868. 8 The same. Phil. 1869. 8 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 The same. N.Y. 1873. 16 The same. Leip. 1845. sq. 16.. KKNILWOKTII. Bost. 1831. 2 v. 12 The same. Edin. 1868. 8 The same. Phil. 1869. 8 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 1 2 The same. N. Y. 1873. 16 The same. Leip. sq. 16 LKGEND of Montrose. Bost. 1832. 12 The same. Edin. 1868. 8 The same. Phil. 1869. 8.... 39: 1341-2 39: 1358 39: 1369 39: 1391 39: 1437-8 39: 1466 39: 1477 39: 1325-6 39: 1357 39: 1365 39: 1383 39: 1421-2 39: 1458 39: 1478 39: 1347 39: 1358 39: 1444 39: 1469 *39: 1303-4 39: 1355 39: 1359 39: 1372 39: 1397-8 39: 1446 39: 1479 *39:1311-12 39: 1356 39: 1361 39: 1376 39: 1407-8 39: 1451 39: 1480 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 1339 1357 1368 13110 1432 1463 1 17:: B 39:1315-16 39: 1356 39: 1362 39: 1378 39:1411-12 39: 1453 39: 1481 39: 1321-2 39: 1356 39: 1364 39: 1381 39:1417-18 39: 1456 39: 1482 "39: 1314 39: 1355 39: 1362 Scott, Sir W., (continued.) The same. Phil. n. d. 8 ......... The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 ....................................... The same. N.Y. 1873. 16 ...... The same. Leip. 1858. sq. 16.. MONASTERY, The : a romance. Bost. 1832. 2 v. 12 .......................... The same. Edin. 1868. 8 ........ Tin- same. Phil. 1869. 8 ......... The same. Phil. n. d. 8 ......... The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 ........................................ The same. N.Y. 1873. 16. ..... The same. Leip. sq. 16 ............ Note. For sequel see The Abbot." MY- aunt Margaret s mirror. Bost. 1833. 12 ................................. The same. Edin. 1868. 8 ........ The same. Phil. 1869. 8 ......... The same. Phil. n. d. 8 ......... The same. Bost. 1871. 12 ....... The same. N.Y. 1874. 16 ...... OLD Mortality. Bost. 1832. 2 v. 12 ............ ." .............................. The same. Edin. 1868. 8 ........ The same. Phil. 1869. 8 ......... The same. Phil. n. d. 8 ......... The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 ........................................ The same. N.Y. 1873. 16 ...... PKVKRIL of the peak. Bost. 1832. 2 v. 12 .................................. The same. Edin. 1868. 8 ........ The same. Phil. 1869. 8 ......... The same. Phil. n. d. 8 ......... The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 ........................................ The same. N.Y. 1874. 16 ...... The same. Leip. 1800. 2v.ini. sq. 16 .................................... PIUATK, The. Bost. 1831. 2 v. 12. The same. Edin. 1868. 8 ........ Phil. 1869. 8 ......... Phil. n. d. 8 ......... Bost. 1871. 2 v. 39: 1377 39; 39: 39: 39: 39 : 39; 39: 39: 39: 39: 1405-6 1450 1474 1317-18 1356 1363 1379 1413-14 1454 1483 39; 39: 39; 39: 39: 39: 1340 1358 l:-,70 1394 1434 1464 The same. The same. The same. 12 The same. The same. N.Y. 1873. 16 ...... Leip. sq. 16 ............ Durward: a romc.nee. Bost. 1832. 2 v. 12 ............... The same. Edin. 1868. 8 ........ The same. Phil. 1869. 8 ......... The same. Phil. n. d. 8 ......... The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 ........................................ The same. N.Y. 1874. 16 ...... The same. Leip. sq. 16 ......... READINGS for the young, from his works. Phil. 18*48. 2 v. 16... *39; 39 : 39; 39; 39; 39; 39 : 39; 39.- 39; 39; 39; 39; *39: 39; 39; 39; 39: 39: 39; 39: 39: 39; 39; 39: 39: 39; 1309-10 1355 1360 1474 1403-4 1449 1327-8 1357 1365 1384 1423-4 1459 1485 1323-4 1356 1364 1382 1419-20 1457 I486 1329-30 1357 1366 1385 1425-6 1460 1487 39: 1503-4 Contents : I. Tales of chivalry. Narratives. II. Narratives. Scottish scones and characters. RKIJUAUNTI.ET: a tale of the eigh teenth century. Bost. 1832. 2 v. 12 The same. Edin. 1868, 8 Phil. 1869. 8 Phil. n. d. 8 Bost. 1871. 2 v. The same. The same. The same. 1 2 The same. The same. N.Y. Leip. 1873. sq. 16 16 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 1333-4 1357 1367 1387 1429-30 1462 1488 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SCOTT. 191 SCUDDER. Scott, .Sir W., (coniimied.) KOB Roy Bost. 1831. 2 v. 12.. *39: 1307-8 The 8 me. Kdin. 1868. 8 39- 1355 Scott, .Sir W., (continued.) WAVKRI.KY anecdotes, illustrative of the incidents, characters, and scen ery, described in the novels and romances of Sir W. Scott. Bos.. 1833. 2 v. 12 33- 7 M-T The same. Phil. 1869. 8 39- 1361 The same. Phil n d 8 39- 1375 The same. Host. 1871. 2 v. 12 39- 1401- fin e. For the series of novels in tl e fol lowing edit ions of Wnvprley, see alphabet ical arrangement nbove. WAVKRI.KY novels. Parker ed. Bost. 1831-3. 54 v. 12 *39-1301-54 The same. N. Y. 1873. 10 39: 14 8 The same Leip sq 16... . 39- 1484 ST. Ronan s well. Host. 1832. 2 v. The same. Edin. 1808. 8 39- 1357 The same. Edin. 1808. 4 v. 8. 39; 1355-8 The same. Abbotsford cd. Phil. 180 ! 1 * v 8 39*1350 70 The same. Phil. 1809. 8 39- 1366 The same. Phil, n d 8 39- 1386 The same. Phil. n. d. 12 v. in 24. 8 39-l !71-94 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 39- 1427-8 The same. Household ed. Bost. 1871. 50 v. 12 39-1395-1444 The same. N. Y. 1874. 16 39- 1401 The same. Loip. sq. .0 39- 1400 SAINT Valentine s day. Same as Fair maid of Perth. SURGEON S daughter, The. Bost. 1833. 12 *39- 1340 The same. Pocket ed. N. Y. 1873-4. 25 v. 10 39:1445-69 The same. Taucbnitz ed. Leip. 1845-71. sq. 10 39:1470-94 WOODSTOCK ; or. the cavalier. Bost. 1833. 2 v. 12 *39 1337-8 The same Edin 1808 8 39- 135S The same. Phil. 180!) 8 ... 39- 1353 The same. Edin. 1868. 8 39- 1358 The same. Phil n d 8 39 1390 The same. Phil. 1869 8 39- 1308 The same. Bost 1871 12 39 1443 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 39- 1389 The same. N. Y. 1874. 10 3g : 1459 TALKS of the crusades. See Betrothed and Talisman. TALKS of a grandfather : being stories taken from Scottish and French history. Bost. 1834. 4 series in 7 v. 12. Contents : 1st to :id series. Icotland. <*9:13(g-A2 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 39- 1435-6 The same. N. Y. 1873. 16 39; 1405 The same. Leip. 1871. sq. 10... 39; 1493 Scott, .S/r Walter, and his dogs. Mrs. II. ! E.) B. STOIVK. In Queer little people . 39- 2334 Scottish cavalier, .The: an historical romance. .1. GRANT 37 3325 Scottish chiefs. ,1 PORTER. 38 4060 TALKS of my landlord. Bost. 1833. 4 series, in 9 v. 8. Contents : Klack dwarf. Count Hnbert of Paris. Bride of L* mmermoor. Heart of .Midlothian. Castle Dangerous. ],c j-end of Montrose. Note. For shelf numbers see the above titles. TALISMAN, The. Bost. 1832. 12.. *39 : 1330 Scottish hunters of Hudson s bay, The. Hugh MII.I.KR. In W. T B" v 6 4O" 1716 Scottish orphans, The: founded on a historical fact. jtf;x BLACK KOKIJ.. 35: 2192 Scottish veteran, The. J. HOWKI.L. In W. T. 1!., v. 40 1716 Scouring of the white horse, The; or, the long vacation of a London clerk. T. HUUIIKS 37- 4814 The same. Phil. 1809. 8.... 39- 1367 Scout, The ; or. the black riders of C ongaree. \V. G. SIMMS 39- !089 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. Scout, The, of silver pond. N. M. Cl RTis 35- 5187 The same. N. Y. 1874. 16 39- 1464 Scrope ; or, the lost library. F. B. PERKINS 38 4340 The same. Leip. sq. Ki 39- \4<n TArKsTKiKD chamber, The; or, the lady of the sacque. Bost. 1833. Scudder, Horace K. DWKLLKRS in Five-sisters court, The. X V 1870 10 39- 15 The same. Edin. 1808 8 39- 13 r >8 SEVEN little people and their friends. N. Y. 1803. 10 39- 15-M The same. Phil. n. d. 8 39- 1344 Content*: Christmas stocking with Now Year s d:iv in the a hole in it garden. The same. Bost. 1871. 12... 39- 1434 The same. N. Y. 1874 10 39- 1404 Two drovers, The. Bost. 1833. 12. *39; 1339 The same. Edin. 1808. 8 39; I3r>8 Little castaways. Three ishes, The. STORIES from my attic. N. Y. 1809. lt> 33- 3609 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 39- n io Contents : At the sinily table: Tom and John. Biitde ot the golden Vision of John, the watch- spurs, man. Bnoer, Fianni*. In the window seat: Scott, Sir Walter. At chrislmas time. Singing of the sirens. August night. Attic, The. Hens. Before the fire : Looking at a picture. " As good as a play." Storv tint 1 mean to write. Enchantment of old Romnncp: tXniel. Rose and Rosella: Gor.d and luiii apples. When music is heard : NfighV.ors, The. M"7,-.rt, Wollg.mg Ama- Btory that never was deus. told. Music party, The. Three wise little boys. The same. Bost. 1871. 12 39- 1434 The same. N. Y. 1874. 10 39- 1404 WA VKRI.KY ; or, tis sixty years since. Bost. 1831. 2 v. 12 39- noi- The same. Edin. 1808. 8 39 : 1355 The same. Phil. 1809. 8 39- 1354 The same. I hil. n. d. 8 39- 1371 The same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12 39- J3056 The same. N. Y. 1873. 10 39; 1445 The same. Lcip. sq. 16 39- 1402 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SCULPTOR. 192 SELIM. Sculptor of Bruges, The. Mr*. I). M. CRAIK. ( formerly Miss Mulock). JJVtf Avillion : 35: 4908 The same. In Romantic tales 35: 4940 Sea and night. V. (M.) HUGO 37: 4841 The same. In Man who laughs 37: 483C Sea and shore; or, the tramps of a traveler. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic) 35: 272 Sea and shore. Mrs. C. A. WAR- FIELD 4O: 147 Sea light, The. In W. T. B., v. 10 4O: 1720 Sea lions; or, the lost sealers. J. F. UOOPKR 35: 4770 Thesame 35: 4771 Sea skirmishes, The. In W. T. B., v. 10 4O: 1720 Seaboard parish, The. G. MAC- DON-AI.D. 3 v 38:2180-2 The sumo 38: 2183 Seabury castle. C. Horn 37: 4668 Sea-drift. M. R. L. RODNEY 39: 588 Seadrift. Lady WOOD. 3 v 4O: 776-8 Sealed packet, The. T. A. TROLLOPE. 39: 3262 Searle, January, (pxeud.) See PHIL LIPS, George Searle. Sea-storm, The. In W. T. B., v. 6. 4O: 1716 Seaward, Sir Edward, Narrative of his shipwreck. In Trav. Lib. Fict., v. 1 4O: 1691 Seclusaval ; or the arts of Roman ism. Mr*. A. C. GRAVES 37: 3381 Second Mrs. Tillotson. P. FITZGER ALD 37: 2231 Second report of Doctor John Faus- tus. In Thorns Early English prose romances, v. 3 33: 4022 Second to none: a military romance. J. GRANT 37: 3326 Second wife, The : a romance. E. JOHX. (E. Mat-Kit). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wi-ter 38: 386 Second-cousin Sarah. F. W. ROH- INSON 39; 501 Secondthoughts, Solomon, (pseud.) See KKNNKDY, J. P. Secret, The. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Chapters on wives 37: 1675 Secret foe, The. E. PICKERING 38: 4446 Secret of the island. J. VKRNE. Pt. 3 of Mysterious island 39: 3697 Thesame 39: 3696 Secret of two houses. F. FISHER. 2 v 37; 2185-6 Secret passion, The. R.F.WILLIAMS. 4O: 531 Secret witness, The. B. S. INGKMANN. In Danes sketched by themselves, v.l 4O: 1530 Secrets of the convent and confes sional, The. J. McN. WKHIHT 4O: 890 Sedgeborough world, The. A. FABEBBOTHBR. 2 v 37: 1968-9 Sedgemoor ; <>r, home lessons. Mrs. E. MANNERS 38: 2447 Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. (1789- 1867). Bossu, Le. In Tales of Glauber-Spa. 4O: 1 700 BOY of Mount Khigi. Phil. 1867. 16 39: 1527 HOPE Leslie. N. Y. 1872. 2 v. 12 39: 1528-9 LINWOODS, The. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. 12 39:1530-31 LIVE and let live. IS. Y. 1861. 18 39: 1532 Sedgwick, (continued.) MARRIED or single. N. Y. 1858. 2 v. 12 39: 1533-4 MEANS and ends. N. Y. 1839. 16. 39: 1535 POOR rich man, and rich poor man. N. Y. 18(i8. 16 39: 1536 STORIES for young persons. N. Y. 1860. 18 39: 1537 Contents : Deformed boy. DOM. Eighteen hundred thirty- eight s farewell. Ella. Fanny and her dog, Nep tune. Jacot : an adventure on board the St. George. Marietza. Saturday night. Skepticism. Small losses. Spring. Vision, A. Sedley, Henry. DANG ERKI ELD S rest; or, before the storm : American life and man ners. N. Y. 1864. 12 39: 1546 Seed-time and harvest. T. S. AR THUR 35: 796 Seed-time and harvest. F. REUTER. 39: 287 Seek and find ; or, the adventures of a smart boy. W r . T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 273 Seemuller, A. M. C. (formerly Miss Crane). EMILY Chester. Bost. 1870. 12. 39: 1551 OPPORTUNITY. Bost. 1867. 12... 39: 1552 REGINALD Archer. Bost. 1871. 12. 39: 1553 Seen and heard. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett). 3v 38:2815-17 Ointents : (lid mirror, v. 3 Quiet Miss Godolphin, v. 2. Hough diamond, v. ]. Salt of the earth, v. 3. " Someday," v. 2. Walter Sedley, v. 3. 35: 525 Bad speculation, v. 1. Church child, v. 1. Dead sin, v. 2. Happy woman, v. 2. Milly Hayden, v. 1. Miss Felicia, v. 3. Seen and the unseen, The. AI.GATCHIE. Seen and the unseen, The. T. S. AR THUR 35: 797 Seer s cave, The. W.HETIIERINOTON. 7W.T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 Seeta. M.TAYLOR. 3v 39:2801-3 Selections from the prose and poetry of Alfred do Musset ".. 33: 3101 Contents : Advice to a gay lady. [poem.] Fantasio. [eowifi/ff/.] "For both were faiths and both were gone." [ poem.] Last. word, [poem.] Mimi Pinson. No trifling with love. [drama.] On the death ot Malibran. [poem.] On three steps of rose- colored marble. [ poem.] Pole star of even, [poem.] Portrait, [poem.] Recollection, [poem.] Story of a white ulacknird. Vergiss mein nieht. [poem. Self. Mrs. C. G. F. GORE 37: 3204 Self-control. M. BRUNTON 35: 3047 Self-devotion; or, the history of Katherine Randolph. H. CAMP BELL 35: 3725 Self-devotion. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Chapters on wives 37: 1675 Self-made woman, A ; or, Mary Idyl s trials and triumphs. E. M. BUCKINGHAM 35: 3067 Self-sacrifice. Mrs. M. ((). W.) OLIPHANT 38: 3866 Self-seer. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (for merly 3/i.s.v Mulock). In Romantic tales 35: 4940 Thesame. With Avillion 35: 4908 Selim. J. K. PAULDINO. In Tales of Glauber-spa, v. 2 4O: 1700 Selim : an oriental tale. Mrt. C. L. HUNT/. With Banished son 37: 4311 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SELIM. 193 SHADOW. Selim the pasha of Salonica. Tr. from the French by P. S. In Glory and sorrow .". 4O: 2186 Selling 1 Lucky. J. AHHOTT 35: 92 Selvaggio : a tale of Italian life. Mrs. A. .MANNING 38: 2480 Semi-attached couple. Hon. E. EDKN. 2v 37:1469-70 Semi-detached house. Hon. E. EDKN- 37: 1471 Sensation at Seasonville. F. W. KOHIXSON. lit Girl s romance 39: 485 Sense and sensibility. J. AUSTEN 35: 911 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 912 Sentenced by fate. S. EYRK. 3 v... 37: 1800-2 Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. L. STKRNE 22: 1051 The same 22: 1052 The same. Tauchnitz cd 22: 1058 The same. In Works 34: 2017 Seppeli, the Swiss boy. Tr. from the German, by A. H. Lochman. Phil. 187(1. 16 . 4O: 2559 Septimius Felton ; or, the elixir of life. N. HAWTHORNE 37: 4187 Sepulchre and the shrine, The. Mrs. E. K. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Sequel to old Jollitfe. M. A. MACK- ARNKSS. (formerly Mis.i Plane/it). In Sunbeam stories 38: 2270 Sequel to the story of Hadgee Ibra- hum and his son. G. P. K. JAMES. In String of pearls 38: 219 Sergeant Atkins. J. D. DONALDSON. 37: 759 Sergeant Barnacle; or, the raftsman of the Edisto. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin 39: 1692 Sergeant Dale, his daughter, and the orphan Mary. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 3 39: 1638 Sergeant s tales, The. J. HOWKI.L. In \V. T. B., v. 3-r. 40:1713-15 Packman s journey to Lon don, v. 5. Palatines, The, v. 3. Cnn tnts : Beggar s camp, v. 4. Imprudent marriage, v. 5. John Square s voyage to India, v. 4. Sergeant Wilson. T. GILLKSPIE. In W. T. B., v. 9 4O; 1719 Servant-girl of the period, The. C. CHAMBERLAIN, jr 35: 3988 Servants. ."!/;. A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 2 37: 3883 Service of danger.A. A. B. EDWARDS. With Monsieur Maurice, v. 2 37: 1528 Seton, William. I KIDE of Lexington. The: a tale of the American revolution. N. Y. 1874. 12 39; 1560 Settlers in Canada. Capt. F. MAR- RYAT. 2 v 38: 2568-9 The same 38: 2570 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 2571 Seven champions. K. JOHNSON 38: 433 Seven daughters. A. M. DOUGLAS. ... 37: 818 Seven grenadiers. J. GRANT. In Le gends of the Black Watch 37; 3316 Seven hills, The. J. DE.MILLK 37; 281 Seven little people and their friends. II. E. SCUDDEK 39: Content* . Christmas stocking with I a hole in it. Faery surprise party. Little castaways. New Year s garden. Old worn coat. Three wishes, The. 1521 lay in the 1563 497 1088 1085-7 1089 3013 681 Gaiety and gloom. Little* dancing-master. Mysterious lodger, The. Soiree in a porter s lodge. Troubles or a quiet man. Young France. 38: Seven marriages and never a husband. A. F. LANQHEIN. In K. G. N., v. 4 4Q: Seven poor travellers. C. (J. II.) DICKENS. With Master Hum phrey s clock 37: The same. With Uncommercial traveller 37: Seven sons of Mammon, The. G. A. SALA 39: The same. Lond. ed. 3 v 39; The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: Seven stories, with basement and attic. 1). G. MITCHELL. (Ik Marvel) 38: Seven years, and other tales. J. KAVANAGH 38: Contents : Adrien. Cheap excursion. Comedy in a court-yard. Conscript, The. Excellent opportunity. Experiences of Byrne lA Imare. The same. Tauchnitz cd. 2 v. in 1. Seven years dearth, The. J. HOW- ELL. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: Sevenoaks: a story of to-day. J. G. HOLLAND. (Timothy Titcomb) 37: Seventh son, The. J. HALL. In Legends of the west 37: Sewell, Elizabeth Missing. AFTER life: sequel to Home life. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 AMY Herbert. N. Y. 1871. 12... The same. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. sq. 1<> CLEVE hall. N. Y. 1868. 12 EARL S daughter. N. Y. 1869. 12. EXPERIENCE of life. N. Y. 1866. 12 GERTRUDE. N. Y. 1866. 12 GLIMPSE of the world, A. N. Y. 1866. 12 The same. Leip. 1803. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 IVORS. N. Y. 1857. 2 v. 12 JOURNAL of a home life. N. Y. 1867. 12 The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 KATHARINE Ashton. N. Y. 1866. 2 v. 12 N. Y. 1863. 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 682 1717 4548 3870 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 LANETON parsonage. 3 v. 12 Percival. N. 39:1579-80 39: 1581 39: 1582 39: 1583-4 1585-7 39: 39: 1588-9 39: 1590-1 39: 37: 1592 MARGARET Percival. N. Y. 1868. 2 v. 12 URSULA: a tale of country life. N. Y. 1865. 2v. 12 The same. Leip. 1858. 2v.ini. sq. 1G Sex of the soul, The. MTU. C. L. HENTZ. With Banished son 37: 4311 Shabby genteel story, A ; and the ad ventures of Philip. W. M. THACK ERAY 39; 2904 Shabby genteel story, A. W. M. THACKERAY. In Misc., v. 7 33: 4006 The same. In Misc., v. 7 33: 4001 The same. In, Misc., v. 4 33: 4010 Shadow in the house, The. J. SAUN- DERS 39: H42 Shadow of Ashlydyat. E. P. [MTU. H.] WOOD "... 4O: 723 The same. 3v 4O: 724-6 The same. 3 v. in 2 4O: 727-8 PBOSB FICTION: ENGLISH. SHADOW. 194 SHIFTLESS. Shadow of fate, The. R. FITZGERALD. In Rougegorge Shadow of Moloch mountain. J. G. AUSTIN Shadowless men. In N. and T., v. 8. Shadows and sunbeams. T. S. AR THUR. With True riches Shadows from a clouded brow. T. S. ARTHUR. In Finger-posts Shaker lovers, The. D. P. THOMPSON. With May Martin Shakespeare and his friends. R. F. WILLIAMS Shakespeare s heroines, Girlhood of. M. C. CLARKK. 3 v Shakespeare s heroines : Portia, and other stories of. M. C. CLAKKK.... Shakespeare, Tales from. C. and M. LAM is Shakespeare and others, Tales of the drama founded on the trage dies of. E. W. MACAULKY Shamrock and thistle; or, young America in Ireland and Scotland. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) Shane Fadh s wedding. W. CARLE- TON. In Traits and stories, v. 1 ... The same Shanly, Charles Dawson. NKIHT in the sewers, A. In Stories and sketches Shaw, Henry W. (Josh Billing^). JOSH Billings, his savings and doings. N. Y. 1870. 12 6 .... JOSH Billings on ice, and other things. N. Y. 1870. 12 She and I : a love story, a life history. J. C. HUTCIII.NSON. 2 v She loved him madly. G. BORYS Contents : I. Little lady nt the " Brambles." II. Le dub des 1 emhis. She was young and he was old. By the author of Lover or husband. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sin. 8 Sheebeen house, The. S. LOVKR. In Legends and stories Shell cove : a story of the sea-shore and of the sea. Bost. 1871. 16. Shelley, Mrs. Mary Wollstonccraft. (1798-1851). FALKNKR. Lond. 1837. 3 v. sm. 8 FRANKENSTEIN ; or, the modern Prometheus. Bost. 1809. 12... LODOKE. Lond. 1835. 3 v. sm. 8 Sheltern. C. CONINGSHY Shelton, Frederick William. CRYSTALLINE; or, the heiress of the Fall-down castle. N. Y. 1854. 12 RECTOR of St. Bardolph s. N. Y. 1853. 12 Shepherd of Bethlehem, The. C. TUCKKR. (A. L. 0. E.) Shepherd s calendar, The. J. HOGG. (Ettrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 2 Shepherd s fountain. A/r.s. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 13 4O: 1670 35: 940 4O: 1048 35: 8ic 35: 813 39: 2975 4O: 532 31: 2884-6 35: 4336 38: 12 J3 38: 2121 35: 274 35: 3841 35: 3840 4O: 1081 33: 3649 33: 3650 37: 4868-9 35: 2373 4O: 2501 38: 1880 4O: 2562 39: 1602 39: 1603 39: 1004 35: 4653 39: 1610 39: 1611 39: 3355 37: 4521 39: 1648 Shepherd of Salisbury plain, The, and other tales. H. MORE 38: 3108 Cbnfentn : Allegories : Ornnci n^izps. Parley theporter. Pilgrims, The. Servant man turned soldier. Straight gate and the hroad way. Vadey of tears. Stories for persons of middle rank: Cure for the melan choly. History of Mr. Fantom and his man William. Tis all for the best. TVo \vofilthv fnrmerf* ; or, Mr. Bragwell. Talcs for the common people : Black Giles, the poacher. History of Betty Brown. History of Hester Wilmot. History ot Tom White. Shepherd of Sal.sbury plain. Sunday school. Tawny Rachel ; or, the fortune teller. Two shoemakers. The same. In Works, v. 1 34: The same. In "Works, v. 1 34: Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara. (E. Bcr- yer ; Klnkel}. (1830-1862). ALMOST a heroine. J3ost. 18(JO. 1!>. OHAKLKS Auchester. N. Y. n. d. 8 COUNTKRI AHTS. Bost. 1869. 8... RUMOR. Bost. 18G4. 8 Sheppard, F. II. LOVK afloat: a story of the American navy. N. Y. 1875. 12 Sheppard Lee. R. M. BIRD 35: Sherbrooke. Mrs. II. B. GOODWIN. 37: Sherwood, J. D. COMIC history of the United States. Bost. 1870. 12 Sherwood, Mrs. Mary Martha. (1 775- 1851). WORKS. N.Y. 1866. Contents : 1700 39: 161G 39: 39: 39: 39: 1617 1G18 IGl .i 3151 29: 1815 16 v. 12... 39:16;J6-51 Abdullah, v. 3. Alune, v. 7. Aizoonmnd, v. 8. Aunt Kate, v. 7. Babes in the woods, v. 4. Basket-maker, v. 7. Birthday present, v. 8. Bitter-sweet, v 8. Blessed family, v. 13. Broken hyacinth, v. 4. Butterfly, v. 7. Caroline Mordannt, v. 13. China manufactory, v. 13. Clara Stephens, v* 4. Common errors, v. 8. Convent of St. Clair, v. 14. Dudley castle, v. 13. Economy, v. 13. E-hvard Mansfield, v. 8. Emancipation, v. 5. Emily and her brothers, v. 13. Emmeline, v. 7. English Mary, v. G. Ermina, v. A. Errand boy, v. 8. Fairrhild family, v. 2. Father s eye, v. 13. Fevre, Le, v. 13. Flowers of the forest, v. 5. Gipsy babies v. 7. Golden clew, v. 4. Governess, v. 0. Happy grandmother, v. 13. Hedge of thorns, v. 3. Henry Milnor, v. 1, 15. " Hoc age," v. 13. Hours of infancy, v. 13 Idler, v. 15. Indian pilgi im, v. 4. Infant s grave, v. 0, 13. Infant s progress, v. 5. Infirmary, v. 8. Intimate friends, v. 7. Iron eage, v. 4. Joan, or trustworthy, v. 8. John Martin, v. 16 Julian Percival, v. 8. Julian Oakley, v. 5. Katherine Seward, v. 5. Lady of the manor, v. t>-12. Latter days, v. 2. Little beggars, v. 4. Little Lucy and her dhaye, v, 3. Little Momiere, v. G. Little woodman, v. 4. Lucy Clare, v. 3. Maileoach, v. 13. Mary Anne, v 4. Mrs! Catherine Cniwley,v. 8. Monk of Cimies, v. 1-1. Momning uueen, v. 7. My godmotner, v. 13. My three uncles, v 13. My uncle Timothy, v. 6. Nun, The, v 7. Obedience, v. 7. Obstinacy punished, v. 13. Old lady s complaint, v. 13. Old things and new things, v 13. Orphan boy, v. 8. Orphans of Normandy, v. 2. Penny tnu t, v. 13. Pere la chaise, v. (i. Potter s common, v. 13. Procrastination, v. 7. Recaptured negro, v. 3. lied brook, v. 13. Roman baths, v. 14. Rosaiy, v. 14. Sabbaths on the continent, v. 15. Saint Hospice, v. 14 Sergeant Dale, his daughter, and the orphan Mary, v. 3. Shepherd s fountain, T. 13. Stranger at home, v. 6. Susan Gray, v. 3. Susannah ; or, the three generations, v. 37* Swiss cottage, v. 13. Theophilus and Sophia, v. 3. Two sisters, v. 8. Useful little girl, v. 13. Victoria, v. 8. Violet leaf, v. 14. Yonng forester, The, v. 8. Shiftless folks : an undiluted love story. J. P. SMITH. ( Christabel Goldsmith] 39: 1 OHO PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SlIII.I.AHEK. 105 SIMMS. Shillaber, Benjamin P. (Mm. Par- iiiigtun). (I). 1814). LIFK. of Mrs. Partington. N. Y. 18.->4. 12 . PARTINOTOXIAN patchwork. IVst. 187X 12 Shiloh ; or, without and within. J. S. M. WOODRUFF Shingleborough society. Loud. 1X74. 3 v. sm. 8 . Ship nhoy ! a yarn in thirty-six cubic lengths. Illus. by Wallis Mackay and Fred. Wnddy. (i. M. FENN... Shipley, Mary K. JESSIE S work. N. Y. 1873. 12... Shipwrecked mariner s treasure, The. C. ETI.AR. In Danes sketched by themselves, V. 2 Shipwrecks and disasters at son. W. II. G. KINCISTON Shirley. Mrs. C. 15. NICIIOLLS. (Vur- rer Bell) The same. Tnurhnity. ed Shockingly mdn article, A. (W.) \V. COI.I.INS. In Queen s revenge. Shoemaker s seeret,The. E. EOOI.ES- TON. In Schoolmaster s stories Shoes of fortune. H. C. ANDERSEN. In Story book Shoes reversed. The. T. GII.LKSPIE. /// W. T. B., T. 10 Shoshonee valley : a romance. T. FLINT. 2 v....". Shoulder-knot ; or, sketches of the three-fold life of man. B. V. TKKKT Shoulder straps. H. MORFORD Shuttleworth, Sir J. K. See KAY- SlIl TTI.KWOHTII, Sir J. Sibyl Huntington. Mr*. J. C. R. DORR Sick giant and the doctor dwarf, The. 1). ( W. ) JKKROI.D. In Coll. works, v. I The same. In Works, v. . i Sidney, Si,- Philip. (15-.4-1586). COUNTESS of Pembroke s Arcadia. Loud. 1808. 10 Sidonia, the sorceress. W. MEIN- IIOI.l) Siege of Vienna, The. .I/me. U. PICH- I.EK. In W. S. C. L., v. r> The same Sights a-foot. ( W.) W. COLLINS Sights and insights. Mrs. A. D. T. WHITNEY. 1 v Sigismund Patello. In T. f. B.. v. 4. Signa. L. do la KAMK. (Oiada.) Signal lights. N.Y. 1871. 12 Signal-man, The. C. (J. H.) DiOK- ENS. Ill L. C., V. 8 Sikes, A/rs. Olive Logan. (Chroi/i- queuxe). GET thee behind me, Satan. N. Y. 1872. 12 Sikes, William Wirt. OXK poor girl: the story of thou sands. Phil. 1869. 12 UNDER a cloud. In Stories and sketches Silas Biirnstarkc, a story of the seven teenth century. T. GWYNNK Silas Marner. Mri. M. J. LEW EH. ( George Eliot) The same. Tauclmitz ed... 33: 3668 33: 3669 4O: 801 4O: 2564 37: 2076 39: 1656 4O: 1531 38: 11101 38: 38: 3014 3615 35: 4581 37: 1595 35: 654 40: 17211 37: 2296-7 39: 38: 28)2 3129 37: 783 34: 34: 1464 1467 39: 1660 38: 2853 34: 15: 35: 41 75 4915 4582 4O: 4O: 39: 4O: 397-8 1694 57 2570 40: 1618 33: 3687 39: 1663 4O: 1681 37: 3648 38: 38: 1716 1717 4384 1225 39: 3350 40 2927-9 2930-1 Silent partner. Mrs. E. S. PHEI.PS. (Onyx) ....................................... 38: Silent struggles. Mrt. A. S. STEPHENS. 39: Silent witness. E. YATES ................ 4O: Silver casket, The. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) .................................... Silver chimes and golden fetters. L. delaRAMK. With Beatrice lioville. Silver cord, The. (C.) S. BROOKS. 3 v ........................................... The same. 3 v. in 2 ....................... 35: Silver islet. F. McLANDiiuROH. In Automaton ear ........................... 38: Silver lake; or, lost in the snow. It. M. li.VLI.ANTYNE ........................ Silver mine. The. J. HALL. In Tales of the border .............................. Silver pitchers; and Independence, a centennial love story. L. M. Ai.- COTT ......................................... Ccmttntt; Silver pitchers. Anna s whim. Transcendental wild oats. Romance of a summer day, The. My rococo watch. Silver sands; or. Pennic s romance. (i. E. C. CRAMI-TON ..................... 39: 35: 35: 1476 37: 3871 35: 471 By (ho river. Lefty s tramp. Scarlet stockings. Independence, a centennial love story. Silverpen. (pseud.) See MBTEYAUD, Eliza. Silvervale, Luminn. ( p*md.) ORPHAN of the old Dominion, The. Phil. 1873. 12 ........................ Silvia. .1. KAVANAGH ..................... The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. Silvia s burden. C. L. MAY ............ Simms, -I. K. AMERICAN spy. The. Albany. 1857. 8 ............ 1 ................... ". ........... Simms, William Gilmore. (Fi-ank Cooper). (1806-1870). UKAUCIIAMFK; or, the Kentucky tragedy. Sequel to Charlemont. N.Y. 1864. 12 ....................... BORDER beagles: a talc of the Missis sippi. N. Y. 1804. 12 ............ CHARLEMONT; or, the pride of the village: a tale of Kentucky. N.Y. 1866. 12 ..................... " ........... CONFESSION; or, the blind heart: a domestic story. N.Y. 1864. 12. DAMSEL of Darien. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 12 ................................... Et TAW, a sequel to the Forayers: a tale of the revolution. N.Y. 1864. 12 .......................................... FORAYF.RS, The; or, the raid of the dog-days. N.Y. 1804. 12 ....... GUY Rivers: a tale of Georgia. N. Y. 1859. 12 ........................... KATHARINE Walton; or, the fair rebel of Dorchester. N. Y. 1864. 12 .......................................... M KI.LICHAMPE: a legend of the Santee. N. Y. 1864. 12 .......... PARTISAN, The: a romance of the revolution. N. Y. 1864. 12 ..... RICHARD Hurdis: a tale of Alabama. N.Y. 1804. 12 ....................... SCOUT, The; or, the black riders of Congaree. N.Y. 1868. 12 ...... SOUTHWARD ho! a spell of sunshine. N.Y. 1805. 12 ....................... VASCONSKI.OS: a romance of the new world. N. Y. 1859. 12 ........... 35: 39: 38: 38: 38: 5000 1666 683 684 2773 39: 1670 39: 1G75 39: 1676 39: 39: 39: 1079 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1688 1689 1690 1091 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SIMMS. 196 SlSTEK. Simms, W. G. (continued.) WIGWAM and the cabin, The. N. T. n. d. 12 39: 1C92 Contents : Arm chair of Tustenuggee, The : a tradi tion of the Catawba. Caloya ; or, the loves of the driver. Giant s coffin, The; or, the feud of Holt and Houston. Grayling; or, "murder will out." Jocassee : a Cherokee legend. Last wager; or, the gamester of the Mississippi. Laay crow, The : ft story of the corn-field. Lucas de Ayllon. Oakatibbe ; or, the Choctaw Sampson. Sergeant Barnacle; or, the raftsman of the Edisto. Snake of the cabin, The. Those old lunes 1 or, which is the mad man. Two camps, The: a legend of the old North state. The same. N. Y. 1845. 12 39: 1G92D Contents : Arm-chair of Tustenllggee, The : a tradi tion of the Catawba. Grayling; or, "murder will out." Jocasse : a Cherokee legend. Last wager, The ; or, the gamester of the Mississippi. Oakatibbe: or, the Choctaw Sampson. Snake of the cabin, The. Two camps, The: a legend of the old North state. WOODCRAFT; or, the hawks about the dove-cote. N. Y. 1864. 12. 39: 1693 YKMASEE, The: a romance of Caro lina. N. Y. 1866. 12 39: 1694 Simon. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDKVANT. (George Hand.) 37: 921 Simon and the Garuly. E. EGGLES- TOX. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Simonds, W. ( Waller Aimwell). AIMWELL stories, The. Bost. 1865-70. 7 v. 16. Contents : 1. Oscar. 39:170!) 5. Marcus. 39:1708 2 Clinton. 311:1704 6. Jessie. 39:1707 3. Ella. 39:1705 7. Jerry. 39:1100 4. Whistler. 39:1710 Simple as a dove. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sin. 8 4O: 2571 Simple flower, The, and other tales. Mrs. C. E. TOXXA. ( Charlotte Eliz abeth) 39: 3069 Contents : Nestings, The. Two carpenters, The. Way to do good. Simple man is the beggar s brother. J. M. WILSON. /n W. T. K., v. 9. Simple Simon. E. EGGLESTOX. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: Simple story, A. Mrs. Inchbald 38: Simple tales. Mrs. A. OPIK. In Works, v.l 38: Simpleton, A. C. READK 39: The same. Host, cd 39: Simplicity and fascination. A. BEAI.E 35: Simpson, M. C. M, LONG summer s day, A. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 39: Sin of a father, The. In N. and T., v. K) 4O: Sinclair, Catherine. BKATRICE. Lond. 1861. 12 COUNTRY hospitalities; or, Lord and Ladv Harcourt. Lond. 1860. 12.." 39: 1726 FT.IKTATIOXS in fashionable life. Phil. n. d. 12 39: 1727 HOLIDAY house. Lond. 1860. 12. 39: 1728 4O: 1719 1595 25 3901 165 166 1778 1716-17 1650 39: 1725 39: 1729 1730 4186 4924 39: 37: 1731 3972 5163 37: 4521 1G94 2986 540 1308 1307 38: 937-9 38: 940-41 38: Sinclair, (continued.) JANE Bouverie: or, prosperity and adversity. Lond. 1855. 12 MODERN accomplishments; or, the march of intellect. Edin. 1836. 12 39: The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 14... 34: The same *15: MODERN society ; or, the march of intellect; the conclusion of Modern accomplishments. Edin. 1837. 12. Singleton Fontenoy. J. HANNAY.... Singular creatures and how they were found. Mrs. Geo. CUPPLES 35: Singular dream, A. J. HOGG. (Eltrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 Singular letter from southern Africa. J. HOGG. (Ettrick Shepherd). In T. f. B., v. 4 4O: Singular love story, A. W. Gn.- HERT. In Doctor Austin s guests, v. 1 37: Sink or swim; or Harry Raymond s resolve. H. ALGER, jr 35: Sintram and his companions. F. H. K. de LA MoTTE-FouQUE. With Undine 38: The same 38: Sir Amyas Leigh. C. KINGSI.EY. Same as Westward ho! 3 v The same. 2 v The same. Tauehnitx. ed. 2 v. in 1. Sir Andrew Wood of Largo, captain of the "Yellow frigate" and admi ral of James lit. J. GRANT. With Constable of France 37: Sir Bernard Gaston. J. F. SMITH 39: Sir lirook Foshrooke. C. LEVER 38: The same. TauchniU ed. 2v.ini. 38: Sir Charles Grandison. S. RICIIARD- SON. 7v 39:334-40 The same. 4v 39: 341-4 Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite. A. THOLLOPE 39: Sir Hughes de Coucy: a chivalric le gend of the low countries. H. W. HERBERT. In Chevaliers of France. 37: Sir Jasper Carew. C. LEVER 38: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: Sir Jasper s tenant. M. E. BRADDON. 35: Sir Launcelot Greaves. T. SMOLLETT. In Works Sir Patrick Hume: a tale of the house of Marchmont. J. M. WILSON. / W. T. B., v. 5 4O: Sir Peter and his pigeon. W. and M. HOWITT. In Stories of English and foreign life 37: Sir linger de Coverley. J. ADDISOX. In Trav. lib. iict, v. 2 4O: Sir Kohan s ghost. H. E. (P.) SPOF- roRi) 39: Sir Theodore Broughton. G. P. K. JAMKS 38: Sir Victor s choice. Mrs. P. CUDLIP. (formerly Mixs T/io;nax] 35: Siren, A. T. A. TROLLOPE 39: Sister Beatrice, and other legends. N. Y. 1867. 18 4O: 942 3305 1910 1645 1646 3206 4352 1647 1648 2556 39: 1970 4778 1692 2128 215 5110 3264 2573 Cbntanft : Legend of sister Beatrice. Mary of Flanders. Our lady the deliverer. Our lady of Verviers. Pilgrim of our lady of Hal. Prisoner s mother, Tne. Scholar s vi-ion, The. Three knights of St. John. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SlvSTER. 197 SLEEPER. Sister Johanna s story. A. B. Er>- WAKDS. In Monsieur Maurice, v. 3 37: 1529 Sister Mav. Loml. 1871. 3 v. sm. H * 4O: 2574 Sisters of Orleans. N. Y. 1871. 12. 4O: 2575 Six l">ys. Host. 1871. 16 4O: 2580 Six leltura from Charleston. F. HAR ROW. (Aunt Fanny). In Little night-caps 35; 1G63 "Six months hence." C. V. HAMIL TON, (formerly Minn Dakitt] 37: 3924 Six nights with the Washing to man 8. T/S. ARTHUR 35: 798 Contents: After to-day ; or, treating resolution. Broken merchant, Drunkard s brioe. Drunkard s wife. Experience meeting. Man with the poker. Moderate drinker, The. Reclaimed, The. Signing the pledge. Tavern keeper. Widow s son. 2336 1795 1010 1717 Six of one by half a do/en of the other : an e\ery day novel. By Mrs. H. (E.) B. STOWK, A. D. T. WHIT NEY, L. P. HALK, F. W. LOKING, F. B. PKRKINS, E. E. HALE 39: Six to sixteen: a storv for girls. J. H. EWING 37: Six years later. A. (D.) DUMAS 37: Skean Dhu, The. A. CAMPBELL. In \V. T. B., v. 7 4O: Skeleton at the banquet. M. F. V. V I CT< > H. ( Set ley Regexter } . In Stories and sketches 4O: Skeleton in the closet, The. E. E. HALE. In If, yes, and perhaps.... 33: 1828 The same. In L. C., v. 5 4O: 1G15 Skeleton s cave, The. In Tales of Glauber-Spa, v. 1 4O: 1700 Sketch-book, The, of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. "W. IRVING 33:2259-60 Content* London antiquities. Mutability of literature, The. Philip of Poktmoket. Pride of the village, The. Rip Van Winkle. Rotcoe. Royal poet, A. Runil tunerala. Rural life in England. Spectre bridegroom, The. Stage coach. The. Sketches by " Boz," (continued.} Angler, The. Artof iK>ok-rrmkin, The. Author s account of him self, The. BOUT H head tavern, East- cheap, The. Broken heart, The. Christmas, Christmas day. Christmas dinn?r, The. Christmas eve. English wiiters on Amer ica. Inn kitchen, Tne. John Bull. Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The. I/envoi. Little Britain. Stratford on Avon. Sunday in London, A. Traits of Indian character. Voyage, The. Westminster abbey. Widow and her son, The. Wife, !h.-. The same. Tauchnitz ed 33: 2261 Sketcher from nature, (pseud.) See STANI.KY, Mary. Sketches by " Boz." Complete. C. (.J. H.) DICKUNS 37: 530 Contents : Characters: ChristrnaH dinner. I>aii -ing academy. Hospital patient. Making a night of it. Mispluued attachment of Mr. J. Dounce. Miss Evans and the eagle. Mi HI nken milliner : a tale of ambition. New Year. Parlor orator. Pi tamers van. Shabby genteel people. Thoughts aboutpeople. Scenes : Astley s. River, The. Scotland-yard. Seven dials. shops and their tenants. Streets, The. Vanxhall-gnrdens by day. Visit to Newgate. Seven nket<;he~s from our parish : It.Mdl.-, The. Broker s *nan. Cuivte, The. Election for beadle. Four sisters, The. HnH -pay captain, The. Ladies societies. Old lady. Our next-door neighbor. Parish engine. Schoolmaster. Tales: Black vail. The. Bloomsbury christening. Boarding-house. iJrunkard s death. Great Winglebury duel. Horatio Sparking. Mr. Minns and his cousin. Mrs. Joseph Porter. Pantomime of life. Passage in the life of Mr. Wntkins Tottle. Public life of Mr. Tulrum- ble. Sentiment. Steam excursion, The. Tuggs at Ramsgate. 540 541 542 515 517 Criminal courts, brokers and marine- store shops. Doctor s commons. Early coaches. First of May. Gin-shops. Greenwich fair. Hackney-coach stands. Last cab driver, and the first omnibus cad. London recreations. Meditations in Mon- mouth stifeet. Omnibuses. Parliamentary sketch. Pawnbroker s shop. Private theatres. Public dinners. The same 37: The same 37: The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: The same. Pt. I. With Old curiosity shop 37: The same 37: The same. Pi. II. With Barnaby Rudge Sketches new and old. S. L. CLEM ENS. (Mark Twain] Sketches of character. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Queen s revenge. Contents: Bachelor s bed-room. Mrs. Hadgery. My spinsters. Sketches of every day life : a diary. K BltKMKK .".. 35; Sketches of Irish character. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL 37: Contents : Annie Leslie. Bannow postman. Black Dennis. Captain Andy. Fairv of Forth. Father Mike. Geraldine. Good and bad spirits. Hospitality. 37: 435 33: 1177 35: 4581 Pray eniploy Major Badgery. Shockingly rude article. Talk-stoppers. 2749 3887 Independence. Jack, the shrimp. Kate Connor. Lilly O Brien. Luke O Hrinn. Mabel O Neil s curse. Maegobarty s petition. Mary Ryan s daughter. Master Ben. Old Frank. Peter, the prophet. Ranparee. Take it easy. We ll see about it. Wise thought. (Same as No rah Clary s wise thought.) Wooing and wedding. In W. 8. C. L., v. 4 34: 4174 Larry Moore. Norah Clary s wise thought. We ll see about it. 4914 39: 38: 35: Kelly, the piper. Larry Moore. Last of the line. The same. Contents : Annie Leslie. Jack, the shrimp. Kate Connor. The same *15: Sketchley, Arthur. (pseud.) See ROSE, George. Sketchley, J. A. MKI.INDA. N. Y. 1876. 12 Skirmishing. C. JENKIN Sky, The. J. AHBOTT. In Kollo books. Slander and sillery. L. de la RAME. With Beatrice Boville 39: Slave, The. J. HOWKLL. In W. T. B., v. > Slave, serf and freeman. Mn. C. OVKKKND Slaver s adventures on land and sea. \V . II. TIIOMES Slavery. Dub. 1793. 12 Slaves of the ring; or, before and after. F. W. ROBINSON. 3 v Sleeper, John Sherburne. .Martini/ale), (b. 1794). MARK Rowland: a talo of the sea. Bust. 18G7. 12 1755 288 83 40 4O: 1712 ... 38: 3946 J39: 4O: 2961 2589 39: 502-4 (Hawser 39: 1738 1 ROSK FICTION: ENGLISH. SLEEPER. Sleeper, Mrs. M. G. FONTIIILL recreations. Bost. 1867. 3 v. 16. Contents : v.l. Mediterranean islands. 30:1743 2. Two Sicilies. 311:1745 3. Sweden and Norway. 30:1807 Sleeping beauty in the wood. Mis* A. 1. THACKERAY. With Story of Elizabeth Sleepless woman, The. W. JERDAN. In Club-book Slick, Samuel, (pseud.) See HALI- HURTON. T. 0. Slip in the fens. N.Y. 1873. 12... Slow and sure; or, from the street to the shop. H. ALGER, jr Small house at Allington, The. A. TROLI.OPK The same. Tauohnitz ed. 3 v The same. 3 v. in 2 Smallchange family, The. In N. andT., v. 11 Smart, Charles (ed.) DRIVEN from the path. N. Y. 1873. 12 Smart, Hawley. BITTER is the rind. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 BREEZIE Langton. N.Y. n d. 8. BROKEN bonds. Loud. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 CKCILK ; or, modern idolaters. Lond. 1871. 3 v. Km. 8 FALSE cards. Lond. 187:!. 3 v. sm. 8 RACE for a wife, A. N. Y. 1870. 8 Smedley, Frank E. COLVILLE family, The. Phil. n. d. 8 FORTUNES and misfortunes of Harry Racket, scapegrace. Phil. n. d. 8 FRANK Fairleigh. Lond. 1803. 8. The same. Leip. 1864. 2v.ini. sq. 16 HARRY Coverdale s courtship and marriage. Phil. n. d. 12 LEWIS Arundel. Lond. 1855. 8. LORRIMEK Littlegood. Phil. n. d. 12 TOM Racquet and his three maiden aunts. Phil. n. d. 8 Smith, Albert. (1816-1860). ADVENTURES of Mr. Ledbury. Lond. n. d. 10 " CHRISTOPHER Tadpole. Lond. n. d. 16 FORTUNES of the Scattergood family. Lond. n. d. 16 POTTLKTON legacy, The: a story. Lond. n. d. 16 Smith, Alexander. (1830-1867). ALFRED Hagart s household. Lond. 1866. 2 v. sm. 8 DKEAMTIIORPE. In L. C., v .4 DRKAMTIIORPK: a book of essays written in the country. Lond. 1863. 12 Miss Oona Mo Quarrie. Bost. 1866. 12 Smith, C. H. (Sill Ai-p). BILL Arp s peace papers. N. Y. 1873. 12 198 39: 2863 4O: 1520 4O: 2590 35: 547 39: 3207 39:3208-10 39;:!-211-12 4O: 1651 39: 1701 39: 1767-9 39: 1700 39: 1770-2 39: 1773-5 39: 1776-8 39: 1779 39: nno 39: ni 39: 1792 39: 1 71):) 39: l"9i 39: 1795 39: 1796 39: 1797 -39: 1808 39: 1809 39: isio 39: 1811 39:1816-17 4O: 1014 33: 3785 39: 1818 33: 3789 SMITH. 39: 1821-2 39: 1826 Smith, Mrs. Charlotte. (1749-1806.) OLD manor house. Lond. 1820. 2 v. 18 Smith, Mrs. F. B. TOM, the sailor-boy. Bost. 1871. 10 Smith, George. ALDEN of Aldenholme. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 1831-:! Smith, Hannah. ( lleaba Sire tton } . ALLYTransome. N.Y. 1873. 16. 39: 1840 ALONE in London. Lond. 1869. 8 39: 1841 BEDE S charity. N.Y. 1872. 12. 39: 1842 BROUGHT home. N.Y. 1875. 18. 39: 1843 CLIVES of Burcot, The. Lond. 1868. 16 39: 1844 CREW of the Dolphin, The. N. Y. n. d. 10 39: 1848 DOCTOR S dilemma, The. N. Y. 1872. 8 39: 1845 HESTER Morley s promise. N. Y. 1873. 12 39: 1810 LOST Gip. N.Y. 1873. 16 39: l47 Smith, Horace. (1780-1849). ADAM Brown, the merchant. Lond. 1843. 3v.ini. 12 39: 1858 ARTHUR Arundel. Lond. 1847. 12 39: 1859 BRAMHLETYE house. Lond. 1826. 3 v. 12 39: 1860-2 JANE Lomax. Lond. 1838. 3 v. 12 39: 1863-5 LOVE and Mesmerism. Lond. 1845. 3 v. 8 39: 1860-8 Contents : Love : A tale of Venice, v. 1-3. Mesmerism : a mystery, v. 3. MONEYED man, The; or, the lesson of a life. Lond. 1841. 3 v. 8. 39:1869-71 PICNIC party, The. In L. C., v. 9.... 4O: 1619 TOR hill, The. Lond. 1826. 3 v. in 1. 12 39: 172 WALTER Colyton. Lond. 1830. 3v.ini. 12 39: 1873 ZILLAII: a tale of the Holy city. Lond. 1828. 4 v. in 2. 12 ".. 39: 1874-5 Smith, .). Kmerson. OAKRIIKIE: an old storv. Bost. 1875. 12 . 39: 1880 Smith, John Francis. STORY of May Darling. In W. T. I?., v. 5 . 4O: 1715 Smith, -I. Frederick. ADELAIDE Waldegrave ; or, the trials of a governess. Phil. n. d. s... 39: 1885 ALICE Arran. (Sequel to Prince. Charles). N.Y. n. d. 8 39: 1880 AMY Lawrence. N.Y. n. d. 8... 39: 1887 BANKER S secret, The. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 188s BELLA Treliiwney. Sequel to Harold Tracy. N.Y. n. d. 8 39: 1889 CHARLES Vavasseur; or, the outcast heir. N.Y. n. d. 8 39: 1890 DICK Markham. N.Y. n. d. 8.... 39: 1891 Note. For continuation see Lillian. DICK Tarleton. N.Y. n. d. 8.... 39: 1892 Note. For continuation see Marian Barnard. ELLEN DC Vere. (Sequel to Harry Ashton). N.Y. n. d. 8 . . 39: ISO. ! FRED Arden. N.Y. n. d. 8 39: 1894 FRED Graham. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1895 FRED Vernon. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1896 Gus Howard. Sequel to Minnie Grev. N.Y. n. d. 8 39: 1897 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SMITH. 100 SNOOPED, Smith, J. Frederick, (continued.) HARRY Ashton. N. Y. n. d. 8... 39: 1898 Note. For sequel see Ellen De Vere. HENRI de la Tour; or, the comrades in arms. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1899 HAROLD Tracy. N. Y. n. d. 8.... 39: 1900 Note. For sequel see Bella Trelawney. LADY Ashleigh. N. Y. n. d. 8... 39: 1901 LILLIAN. Sequel to Dick Markham. N.Y. n.d. 8 39: 1902 MARION Barnard. Ssiptfl to Dick Tarleton. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1903 MINNIE Grey. N.Y. n.d. 8 39: 1905 Note. For sequel see Gus Howard. Mr U.IK Moyne. Seyuel to Philip Blandford. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1904 PHILIP Blandford. N.Y. n.d. 8. 39: 1906 Note. For sequel see Millie Moyne. PRINCE Charles. N.Y. n.d. 8... 39: 1907 Note. For sequel see Alice Arran. REDMOND O Ncil. N. Y. n. d. 8. 39: 1908 ROCHESTER. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1909 KIR Bernard Gaston. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1910 RTANFiKLDhall. N.Y. n.d. 8... 39: 1911 TEMPTATION. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1912 USTRKR S victim, The; or, Thomas Balscombe. Phil. n.d. 8 39: 1913 VIRGIN queen, The. N. Y. n. d. 8 39: 1914 WOMAN and her master. N. Y. n.d. 8 39: 1915 WOMAN S love. Bort. n. d. 8 39: 1916 Smith, Ren. James. COMING man, The. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 39:1926-7 Smith, Mrs. Julie P. (Chrixlabel Goldsmith). BRAZEN gates. N.Y. 1872. 12... 39: 1935 CHRIS and Otho. Seyuel to Widow Goldsmith s daughter. N.Y. 1870. 12 39: 1936 COURTING and farming. N.Y. 1876. 12 39: 1937 .M ARRI ED belle, The. Sequel to The widower. N.Y. 1872. 12 39: 1938 SHIFTLESS folks: an undiluted love story. N. Y. 1875. 12 39: 1939 TEN old maids. N.Y. 1874. 12.. 39: 1940 WIDOW Goldsmith s daughter. N. Y. 1873. 12.: 39: 1941 WIDOWER, The. Sequel to Chris and Otho. N. Y. 1871. 12 39: 1942 SEE.IES. 1. Widow Goldsmith s daughter. 2. Chris anil Otho. 3. Widower, The. Smith, M.H M. M. KICK him down hill; or, ups and downs in business. N. Y . 1875. 8 39: 1952 Smith, Mary P. Wells. (P. Thome). JOLLY good times. Bost. 1875. 16 39: 1H56 Smith, Sebn. (Major Jack Downing). LIFE of Major Jack Downing. Bost. 1834. 16 33; 3802 MY thirty years out of the senate. N.Y. 1859. 12 33: 3803 WAY down east; or, Yankee life. Phil. 1866. 12 33: 3804 Smith, Mrs. Spencer. In T. F. II., v. 2 4O: 2658 Smith, Stephe. (Editor). ROMANCE and humor of the rail. N.Y*. I87:s. 12 33: 3806 Smith, W. L. G. LIFE at the south; or uncle Tom s cabin as it is. Bufl alo. 1852. 12. 39: 19G6 Smoke : a Russian novel. I. S. TUR- GeiNEFF 39: 3375 Smoked glass. R. 11. NEWELL 33: 3125 Smollett, Tobias. (1721-1771). ADVENTCRES of Peregrine Pickle, in which are included memoirs of a lady of quality. Lond. n.d. 8. *39: 1971 The same. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. *39: 1972 *39: 1970 The same. In Works ADVENTURES of Roderick Random. Leip. 1845. sq! 16 The same. In Works EXPEDITION of Humphrey Clinker. N. Y. 1867. 16 The same. Lond. 1820. 2 v. 18. The same. Leip. 1846. sq. 16.. The same. In Works WORKS. N.Y. n.d. 8 Contents : Adventures of Ferdinand, Count Fathom. Adventures ot Peregrine Pickle. Adventures of Roderick Random. Adventures of Sir Liiuncelot Greaves. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. History and adventures of an atom. Memoir of the life and writings of Smol- let hiy Sir W. Scott. Poems : Rurlc!-quo ode. Ode to bine-eyed Ann. Ode to Independence. Ode to mirth. Ode to sleep. Song: Tears of Scotland. Smuggler, The. J. BANIM Smuggler, The. G. P. R. JAMKS The same. Tauchnitz ed Smuggler, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. 15., v. 6 Smuggler s leap, The. In T. f . B , v. 1() Smythies, Mrs. Gordon. ACQUITTED. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 BREACH of promise, The. N. Y. 18611. 8 JILT, The. N. Y. n. d. 8 Snake of the cabin, The. W. G. SIMMS. / Wigwam and cabin.... Snapt gold ring, The. F. WEDMOHE. 2 v Snarleyyow ; or, the dog fiend. Cnpi. F. MARKYAT The Mime. Lond. ed Snelling, Mrs. Anna L. K Aims A ; or, the warriors of the west. N.Y. 1842. 12 Snelling, W. J. TALKS of the northwest; or, sketches of Indian life and character. Bost. 1830. 12 *39: 1977 *39: 1970 *39: 1975 *39: 1973-4 *39: 1976 39: 1970 *39: 1970 Content* : liois Brule, The. Butte des morts, La. Captive, The. Charles Hesu. Devoted, The. Rohays, The. Lover s l.mp, Puyton Skull. 35: 1542 38: 216 38: 217 4O: 1716 4O: 1697 39: 1981-3 39: 1984 39: 1985 39: 1692 4O: 281-2 38: 2572 38: 2573 39: 1988 39: 1989 The. Pioohon. Weer.okhenchah Wandee- tcckah. Sneyd, Henry. CYLLK.NK; or, the fall of paganism. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 39; 1991-2 Snooded Jessaline; or, the honor of a house. Mrs. T. HKKVEV 37: 4384 PKOSIC FICTION: ENGLISH. SNOW- IMAGE. 200 SOUTHWORTH. Snow man, The. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand) 37: Snow upon the waters. L. H. HOOPER. //( Kougrgorge 49: Snow-image, The, and other twice- told tales. N. HAWTHOKXE 37: 922 1670 4188 Contents : Bell s biography, A. Canterbury pilgrims. Devil in manuscript. Ethan Brand. Great stone lace. John Inglefield s thanks- given. Little Darfydowndilly. Mam street. Major Molineux. Mnn of adamant. Old news : Old French war. Old Tory. Old Ticonderoga. Snow image, The. Sylph Etherege. Wives of the dead. Snow-storm, The. J. WILSON. In L. C., v. 7 40: Snow-storm of 1825, The. A. CAMPBELL In W. T. B., v. 3 4O: Snowe, Joseph. MILLER S maid, The. In T. F. H., v. 2 4O: Snowflakes and sunbeams. K. M. BALLAXTYXE 35: Snowing-up of Strath Lugas. In T. f. B., v. 12 4O: So fair yet false. E. VACIIETTE. (Eugene Chavette) 35: So runs the world away. A. C. STEELE. 39: So very human. A. B. KICIIAKDS. 3 v 39: Social grievances. (W.) W. COLLINS. With (Queen s revenge 35: 1617 1713 2658 1477 1698 4137 2180 301-3 4581 novel Content*: Give us room. Petition to the Journey in search of writers. nothing. Save me from my friends. Mrs. Bullwinkle. Social man, The. T. GILLESPIE. In W. T. B., v. 6 4O: Soiree in a porter s lodge. J. KAV- ANAOH. With Seven years 38: The same 38: Sola. Mi-is A. I. THACKERAY. With To Esther 39: Soldier and the sorceress, The ; or, the adventures of Jane Seton. Phil. 1805. 12 4O: Soldier boy, The ; or, Tom Somers in the army. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: Soldier Fritz and the enemies he fought: a story of the reformation. Bost. 1872. 16 4O: Soldier s billet, The. J. BAXIM. In Uito writin 35: Soldier s bride, The. Jt/ra. C. L. HKNTX. II ith Lost daughter 37: Soldier s orphans, The. Mrs. A. S. STEPHENS 39: Solid reasons. H. SPICEH. In Bound to please, v. 1 39: Solitary, The. F. BREMER 35: The same. In Works, v. 1 35: Solitary of the cave, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: Sombreuil, Mile. de. In T. F. H., v. 2 4O: Some love-passages in the life of every-day people. W. and M. HOWITT. In Stories of English and foreign life 37: Some women s hearts. Mrs. L. C. MOULTON 38: Contents : Brains. Fleeing from fate. Household gods. Judge s wife. Letter and what came of it. Little Gibraltar. Out of Nazareth. Twelve years of my life. 681 082 2865 2596 275 2595 1531 4318 2226 2096 2752 2746 1712 2658 4778 3183 Somebody s luggage. C. (J. H.) DICKENS 37: 543 The same. Tauehnitz ed 37: 544 The same. With Master Humphrev s clock "... 37; 497 The same. With Uncommercial trav eler 37: 552 Someday. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Ed ward Oarrett). In Seen and heard, v. 2 38: 2816 The same. In White as snow 38: 2818 Somerville hall. ( Same as Kate Somerville). Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Family secrets, v. 1 37: 1C77 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 16 34: 4186 The same *15: 41)26 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 17 *15: 4927 Something great. Mine. DEWirr. In Dames of high estate 37: 401 Sommers, Jane R. (pseud.) See JONKS, Cornelia. Somnambulist, The. A. LEIOHTON. In W. T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 Son of the organ-grinder. M. S. SCHWARTZ 39: 1262 Son oi the soil. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT 38: 38G7 Song without words, The. Mrs. C. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Sons of the conqueror: a story of the times of William I. A. STRICK LAND. In Tales from English his tory 39: 2393 Sons of Dives. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 8 4O: 2599 Sooner or later. (C.)S. BROOKS. 3 v. 35: 2932-4 The same. 3 v. in 2 35: 2935-6 Sophie May. (pseud.) See CLARKE, K. S. Sophie s letter-book. H. N. W. B. Bost. 1871. 16 4O: 2600 Sophomores of Kadcliffe. E. KEL- LOG(; 38: 736 Soprano, The : a musical story. C. BARXAKD, jr. (Jane Kingsford.)... 35: 1629 Sorrows of gentility. G. E. JEWS- BURY 38: 369 Sorrows of Werther. J. W. von GOETHE 37: 3114 The same. In his N. and T., v. 4 34: 1259 Soul and money, The. A. BITZITJS. (Jercmia-i Gotlhelf.) 35: 2144 Souter s wedding. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: 1717 South American editor, The. E. E. HALE. In If, yes, and perhaps 37: 3836 South breaker, The. H. ( E.) P. SPOFFORD. In L. C., v. 7 4O: 1617 The same. With Amber gods 39: 2126 South meadows. E. T. DISOSWAY 37: 647 Southennan. J. GALT. 3 v 37: 2782-4 Southey, Robert. (1774-1843). Lov K-STORY, A : from The doctor. In Trav. lib. fict., v. 2 4O: 1692 South-sea bubble. W. H. Aixs- WORTH 35: 434 Southward ho! W. G. SIMMS 39: 1690 Southworth, Mrs. Emma D. E. Ne- vitte. (b. 1818). ACROSS the street: a new year s story. With Wife s victory 39: 2042 ALLWORTH abbey. Phil. 1870. 12. 39: 2001 ANNIE Grey; or, neighbours pre scriptions." With Wife s victory... 39: 2042 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SOUTHWOKTH. 201 SOWING. Southwprth, Mm. E. D. E. N. (continued.) ARTIST S love, The. H ith Stories bv Mr*. F. H. Baden. Phil. 1872. 12 39: 2002 BEAUTIFUL fiend, A; or, through the fire. Phil. 1873. 12 39: 2003 Note. For sequel see Victor s triumph. BRIDAL eve, The. Phil. 1870. 12. 39; 2004 BKIDE of Llewellyn, The. Phil. 1870. 12 ". 39; 2005 BKIDK S fate, The. Sequel to The changed brides. Phil. 1870. 12. 39: 2006 BROKEN engagement, The. With Prince of darkness 39; 2033 CHANOED brides, The. Phil. 1870. 12 39: 2007 Note. For sequel see Hride s fate. CHRISTMAS guest, The. Wiih Stories by Mrs. F. H. Baden. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2008 CRUEL as the grave. Phil. 1871. 12 39: 2009 Note. For sequel see Tried for her life. CURSE of Clifton, The. (Same an Fallen pride). Phil. 1852. 12. 39: 2010 DESERTED wife, The. Phil. 1870. 12 39: 2011 DISCARDED daughter, The. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2012 EVELINE Murray; or, the fine figure. With wife s victory 39: 2042 FAIR play. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2013 Note. For sequel see How lie won her. FALLEN pride. Same us Curse of Clifton. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2014 FAMILY doom, The. Phil. n. d. 12. 39; 2015 Note. For sequel sec Maiden widow. FATAL marriage, The. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 201G FORTUNE seeker, The; or, the bridal day. Phil. 187(1. 12 39; 2017 GIPSY S prophecy, The ; or, the bride of an evening. Phil. 1870. 12. 39; 2018 HAUNTED homestead, The, and other nouvjellettos: with an autobiograph ical sketch of the auther. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2019 HICKORY hall ; or, the outcasts. Phil, n. d. 8 39: 2020 How he won her. Sequel to Fair play. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2021 INDIA : the pearl of Pearl river. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2022 IRISH refugee, The. With Wife s victory 39; 2042 ISIIMAEL; or, in the depths. Phil. 1876. 12 39; 2023 Note. For sequel see Self-raised. LADY of the isle: a romance of real life. Phil. 1870. 12 39: 3024 LOST heir of Linlithgow. Phil. 1872. 12 39; 2025 Note. For sequel see Noble lord. LOST heiress, The. Phil. 1870. 12. 39; 2026 LOVE S labor won. Phil. 1870. 12. 39; 2027 MAIDEN widow, The. Sequel to Fam ily doom. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2028 MARRIED shrew, The. Sequel to Wife s victory. With Wife .- victory. 39: 2042 MIRIAM, thc j avenger. Same us Mis sing bride 39; 2029 MISNINO bride, The. Phil. 1870. 12 39; 2029 MOTHER-IN-LAW, The : a tale of do mestic life. Phil. 1860. 8 39; 2030 passion. 39: 39: 35: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: Southworth, Mm. E. D. E. N. (conlinued.)- MYSTEKV of Dark hollow, The. Phil, n. d. 12 39: NOBLE lord, A. Sequel to Lost heir of Linlithgow. Phil. 1872. 12. 39: PRESENTMENT, The. With Haunted homestead 39; PRINCE of darkness, The. Phil. 1870. 12 RETRIBUTION : a tale of Phil. 1870. 12 SELF-RAISED ; or, out of the depths. Sequel to Ishmael. Phil. 1876. 12 SPECTRE lover, The. With Other stories by Afrit. V. H. Baden. Phil. 1875. 12 SPECTRE revels, The. With Haunted homestead SYBIL Brotherton ; or, the tempta tion. With Wife s victory THREE beauties, The. Phil. 1870 12 THREE sisters, The; or, New year in the little rough-cast-house. With Wife s victory THUNDERBOLT to the hearth. With Prince of darkness 39; TRIED for her life. Sequel to Cruel as the grave. Phil. 1871. 12 Two sisters, The, Phil. 1870. 12. VICTOR S triumph. Sequel to Beauti ful fiend. Phil. 1874. 12 VIVIA ; or the secret of power. Phil. 1870. 12 WIDOW S son, The. Phil. 1870. 12. WIDOW S son, The. With Haunted homestead WIFE S victory, The: and other nouvellettes. Phil. 1870. 12... WINNY. Wiih Prince of darkness... Southworth, Mm. S. A. HESTER Strong s life-work; or, the mystery solved. Bost. 1870. 12. Souvestre, Kmile. (1806-1854). ATTIC philosopher in Paris; or, a peep at the world from a garret : being the journal of a happy man. In Trav. lib. fict., v. 1 4Q: BRITTANY and la Vendee. N. Y. 1857. 16 39: Contents : Bargeman of the Loire. I Kourignn, The. Biographical notice of| Laznreito-keeper. E. Souvestre. Treasure-seeker. Chouans. . Virgin s god-child. Gronch and the Kakous. While boat. CONFESSIONS of a workingman, The. In Trav. lib. fict., v. 1 4Q: GOD-SON, The. Tr. by Emily Bow les. With Maggie s rosary 4O: LEAVES from H family journal. N. Y. 1855. 12 39 : MEETING on the Alps, A. Tr. by Emily Bowles. With Maggie s rosary 4Q : SAWYER of the Vosges, The. Tr. by Emily Bowles. With Maggie s rosary 4Q: 39: 39: 39: 39: Sowed by the wind; or, the poor boy s fortune. E. KELLOQO 38: Sowers not reapers. H. MARTINEAU. In Illus. of pol. econ., v. 7 38: Sowing and reaping. A. M. DONE- LAN. 2 v 37; Sowing 1 and reaping. M. HOWITT.... 37: 2031 2032 2019 2033 2034 39: 2043 2035 2019 2042 203G 2042 2033 2037 2038 39: 2039 2040 2041 39: 2019 2042 2033 39: 2062 1691 2060 1691 1630 2067 1630 1630 737 2645 769-70 4757 PliOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SOWING. 202 SPITFIRE. Sowing the wind find reaping the whirlwind. Store girl, The. Unforgotten words. 35: 38: 2465 2489 Sowing the wind. Mrs. E. L. LIN- TON 38: 1763 Sowing the wind, and other stories. T.S.ARTHUR 35: 799 Contents : Broken merchant. Growing beautiful. Long atterwards. Somebody. Spaewife, The ; or, the queen s secret: H story of the reign of Elizabeth. J. BOYCE. ( I aul Peppergrusx) Spanish barber, The. A. MANNING. Spanish boar and the Irish bull. The. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories. 38: 1886 Spanish brothers, The: a tale of the sixteenth century. By the author of The dark year of Dundee. Lond. 1871. 12 4O: 2605 Spanish cavalier, The. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3357 Spanish cavaliers, The: a tale of the Moorish war? in Spain. Tr. from the French, by Mrs. M. A. M. Sad- lier. N. Y. 1870. 16 4O: 2606 Spanish lady, The. By the author of Family portraits. In W. S. C. L., v. 4 The same Spanish match, The. W. H. AINS- WORTH Spanish novelists, The: a series of tales, from the earliest period to the close of the xvi century. Tr. from the originals, with critical and biographical notices. T. Ros- >K 40:1678-80 Content* : Alemau, Mateo, v. 1. Cervantes Saavedra, Mig uel de, v. 1. Eslava, Antonio de, v. -i. Gtuvara, Luis Velez de, 34: 35: 4174 4914 435 . . Lozrtno, Don Christoval, v. :l. Manuel, Don Juan, v. 1. Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de, v. 1. Mental van, Junn P. de, v. 2. Quevedo y Villegas, Fran cisco Gomez de, v. 2. Reyes, Malias de los, (or Los Ueyes,) v. :i. Robles, Isidore de, v. 2. Salorzano, Alonzo del Cas tillo, v. :t. Zayas 1 Soto Mayor, Donna Maria de, v. 2. Spanish papers, and other miscella nies hitherto unpublished or uncol- lected. W. IRVING. 2 v 33: 2263-4 Contents: Abderahman: founder of the dynasty of Ommiades in Spain, v. 1. Biographical sketches, v. 2. (Chronicle of Fenian Gonzalez, Count of Castile, v. 1. Chronicle of Fernando, the saint, v. 1. Legend ol Count -Julian and his family, v. 1. Legend ol Don Roderick, v. 1. Legend of IVlago, v. 1. Legend of the -subjugation ol Spain, v. 1. Letters of Jonathan Uldstyle, gent, v. 2. Reviews and miscellanies, v. 2. The same T. S. ARTHUR K. KEI.I.OGG... 33: 35: 38: 2262 800 738 1229 668 Sparing to spend. Sparks of genius. Sparrowgrass papers. F. S. Coz- XKNS 33: Speaking likenesses. C. G. KOSSETTI. 39: Spectacles for young eyes. S. W. LAXDER 38: 1320 Spectre lover, The. Mrs. E. I). E. N. SOUTHWORTH. And other stories by Mrs. F. H. BADKN 39: 2035 Spectre revels, The. Mn. E. I). E. N. sol THWOKTH. With Haunted homestead 39; 2019 Speechless bones. H. SPIOKR. In Brought to book, v. 1 39; 2097 Speight, Thomas W. BROUGHT to light. N.Y. 1867. 8. 39: 2071 UNDER lock and key. Phil. 1873. 12 39; 2072 Spellbound. A. KINO. 3 v 38: 885-7 Spence, Catherine Ellen. AUTHOR S daughter, The. Lond. 1868. 3 v. sm. 8 39:2077-9 Spender, Mrs. 3. K. JOCKLYN S mistake. Bost. 1875. 8. 39: 2086 PARTED lives. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 2087-9 Spendthrift, The: a tale. W. H. AINSWORTH 35: 43G Sphinx, The; or, Julia de Trecoeur. (). FEUILLET. With Led astray... 37: 2121 Sphinx, The; or, striving with destiny. C. K. BAYKR. (Robert llyr.) 35: 1740 Spicer, Henry. BOUND to please. Lond. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 39: 2096 Contents : Aboard the " Eveleen Brown." Awful experience in the life of Filus Kroast. Black flags in the chan nel. Busily engaged. Campaign! ngin the Tyrol. Drowning a badger. Italy in the leash. Last of the war. Lodger s story. Love and glory. Lufkin on Davingpodge. Mere scratch, A. Mutiny aboard the " Minnie .limps." On the rock with Garibaldi. Paradise revisited. Solid reasons. Truck of war, The. Unpatented ghost. Waiting for Capua. Gigantic attraction. Going to the front. He: mil Bob. Hero misunderstood, A. HorrV)r in the house. Interesting young per son. BROUGHT to book. Lond. 1870. 2v.ini. sm. 8 39: 2097 Contents : Ardison and Co. Brown studies. Calling names. Complete gentleman, A. Eavesdropping. Freddy s aunt. Haunter! Hilderton. His little ways. 1 it possible? Little secret, A. Little trout. Melusina. Mr. Lufkin at a bull fight. Spicy. Mrs. M. J. LAMB, Spielhagen, Friedrieh. (b. 1829). HAMMER and anvil. (Tr. of Hammer und Ambox). N.Y. 1870. 12... HOHENSTBINS, The. (Tr. of Die von ffohfimtein). N. Y. 1870. 12... PROBLEMATIC characters. (Tr. of Problematische Nuturen). N. Y. 1871. 12 Note. For sequel see Through night to light. THROUGH night to light. (Tr. of Durch Nacht zum Licht). N. Y. 1870. 12 Note. Sequel to Problematic, characters. WHAT the swallow sang. (Tr. of Was die Schwalbe sang). N. Y. 1873. 12 Spindler, Carl. (1796-1855). JEW, The. (Tr. of Dei- Jude). N.Y. 1867. 8 39: 2120 Spinsters of Blatehington. M. TRAVERS. 2v 39; Spiritual (Quixote. K. GRAVES. 2 v. 37: Spiritual vampirism. C. W. WEB BER 4O: Spiritual wives. W. H. DIXON 37: Proll : a mystery. Prophetic fits and misfits. Romance of Tweexum hall academy. Speechless hones. Squire s temper-trap. Story of the stone eyes. Tabernacle lodge. To and Ironi Tunis. Tryst in Twin-tree lane. Very likely story. Very old news. What was it? With an old family. 38: 1303 39: 2106 39: 2107 39: 2108 39: 39: 2110 Spitfire, The. F. CHAMIER 35: 3131-2 3386-7 273 710 4013 PliOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SPOFPOHP. 203 STEELE. Spoffbrd, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth. (formerly Miss I rexeott). AMIIKR gods, and other stories. Host. 1865 16 39 2126 2127 1640 1612 1021 1670 2 1 28 1017 2126 2129 1562 2750 1720 1587 3376 2137 4772 4773 3871 1301 2142 4447 3868 1718 28-30 729 833-5 4235 2097 2334 Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Ger- maine Necker. (1766-1817). CORINNK; or, Italy. N. Y. n. d. 12 " 39: 35: 39: 4O: 37- 2147 2298 2151-3 2010 3405 Contents : Ambor gods. Knitting sale-socks. Circumstance. Midsummerand May Desert sands. South breaker, 1 he. In & cellar. A/ARIAN: an episode. Host. 1864. 12 39: Stael, Madame de: an historical novel. A. C. E. M BOKLTK Stallybrass, . II KI.KN Cameron : from grub to but terfly. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8. Standard fairy tales. Phil. 1873. 12 ... ..... LOUIK. With Not prolty but precious. 4O: OUTKK Mort L In L C v 2 4O Contents: Aladdin ; or, the wonderful lump. All Uaoa ; or, the forty thieves. Heauty :md the beast. Blanche nud Rosalinda. Hlue Beard. Hooby, The. Cinderella ; 01, the little glass slipper. Diamonds and toads. iMscreet princess. Iirenrn of little Tuk. Eleven wild swans. Fair one with the "M<-n locks. Fisherman and the genie, lea, The. Fortunatus. Fnrttinio. lira- ciosa and percinet. Hop-o -mv-thumb. Invisible prin.:. .lack and the bean stalk. Jack, the giant killer. Little Ked- riding-hood. Nourjahad: an eastern tide. Peronella. Prince Fatal and Prince For tune. Puss in boots. Riquet with the tnft. Royal ram. Seven champions of Christendom. Seven doves. She-bear, The. Stone in the cock s head. Tom Thumb. Two cakes, The. Valentine and Orson. Viirdipllo. White cat, The. Yello.v dwarf, The. Standish, the puritan. E. GRAY- KAY. /n L. C., v. 11 4O: RouiiKuoRiiK, and other short stories [by other authors]. Phil. 1870. 8 4O SIR Rohan s ghost. Bost. I860. 12 39 SOUTH breaker, The. fn L. C., v. 7. 4O: The s ime With Amber gods 39 TIIIKK in the night, The. Host. 1872 12 39 Sport of destiny, The. (.1. C.) F. v. SCHII i KR / R. G. N v 3 4O Sports and adventures in the High lands and islands of Scotland. Sequel to Wild sports of the west. W H MAXWKLI 38 Sportsman of Outlieldlmugh. A. LKKIHTO.N. In W. T. H., v. 10 4O: Sportsman s club series. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Cattleman). Ojntents: 1. Sportsman s club in the saddle. :t7:2:t!t:t 2. Sportsman s club afloat. 37::M Jl :i. Sportsman s club among the trappers. :t7:2:i!*2 Spriggins, Widow. See WIIITCIIKR, Mr*. F. M. Spring comedies. Lady KARKKR 35: Spring floods. 1. S. TUKUCNIBKF. Tr. by Mr*. Sophie M. Butts ; and A Lear of the Steppe. Tr. by Win. Hand Browne 39: Stanfield ball. J. F. SMITH Stanhope. H. LKK. In Canterbury tales, v. 1 39: 38: 37: 38: 39: 39: 35: 39: 39: 35: 35: 38: 39: 38: 35: 35: 35: 35: 39: 39: 39: 39: l!ll 1422 414 808 2100-1 2166 4478 .3060 004 4286 437 2270 217! 2339-40 270 4320 3841 3840 2983 2176 2177-9 2180 Stanhope Burleigh : the Jesuit in our homes. H. DIIU. (pseud.}.... Stanifords of Stamford s Folly. Mrs. E. I). KENDALL Stanley, Harvey. PILATK and Herod : n talc. Phil. 1863 2 v 12 Stanley, Mary. (Sketcher from, nature). TRUE to life: a simple story. Lond. 1873 sm 8 Springer, Rebecca R. BKKCIIWOOD Phil 1873j 12 39 Star The Mr* C E TOVVA (Chiir- Spy, The : a tale of the neutral ground. J V COOPFR . . . .... 35 lotle Elizabeth). With Alice Benden. Star and the cloud, The. A. S. ROK... Star and a heart, A. Mrs. R. CHURCH. The same ... 35 Spy, The. .). HALL. In Talcs of the border 37 Star chamber, The. W. H. AINS- WOKTII Squitoofo papers, The. (1. II. DKKHY. Star in the desert, The. M. A. MACK- ARNKSS. (formerly Miss Planch? ). (John 1 htEnix) 33* Squier, Kphraim George. (Samuel A. Hard), (b. 1821). WAIKXA; or, adventures on the Mosquito shore. N. Y. 1855. 12. 39: Squire The E PICKKKIVO.. . 38" Starkey, Digl.y P. JOHN Twiller : a romance of the heart. Lond. 186SI. sm. 8 Starling, The : a Scotch story. N. M ACL KOI). 2 V Starry flag, The; or, the young fish erman of Cape Ann. W. T. Squire Arden. Mrs. M. (O. W.) Oi.i- 1 iiAvr 38 Squire Ben. .1. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: Squire Silchester s whim. M. CoL- LIXS. 3 v 35:4. Squire Trevlyn s heir; or, Trevlvn hold. E. P. [A/;-*. H.] WOOD 4O: Squire s grandson, The : a tale of a strong man s weakness. R. St. .). CORHKT. 2v 35: Starting out : a story of the Ohio hills. Alex. CLAKK Station, The. W. CARI.KTON. In The same Stealing a conductor. M. THOMPSON. Squire s legacy, The. M. C. HAY.... 37: Squire s temper-trap, The. H. SIMCKU. In Brought to book v 2 39 Steele, Mr*. Anna C. BROKKN toys. Bost. 1H72. 8 GARDKNHURST. Lond. 1867. 3 v. urn. 8 Squirrels that live in a house. Mm. H. (E.) B. STOWK. In Queer lit tle people 39 So runs the world away. N. Y. 1874 8.. PROSE FICTION : ENGLISH. STEIN. 204 STIR. Stein, W. von. lx exile. Phil. 1871. 12 39: 2187 Stella, (pseud.) See IRON, Mrs. N. C. Stellafont abbey; or, nothing new. E. MARSHALL 38: 2620 Step by step: Anna Athern. F. W. A. PIKE 38: 4504 Stephen, G. ADVENTURES of an attorney. N.Y. 1874. 12 39: 2191 Stephen Dane. A. M. DOUGLAS 37: 819 Stephens, Mrs. Ann Sophia (Win- terbotham). (b. 1813). AHMO S plot. 18(53. 16 39: 2201 BEI.LEHOOD and bondage. Phil. 1873. 12 39: 2202. BKRTHA S engagement. Phil. 1875. 12 39: 2203 CURSE of gold, The. Phil. 1870. 12 39: 2204 DOUBLY false. Phil. n. d. 12 39: 2205 FASHION and famine. Phil. 1870. 12 39: 2206 GOLD brick. Phil. 1870. 12 39: 2207 HEIRESS, The: an autobiography. Phil. 1870. 12 39: 2208 HEIRESS of Greenhurst, The. N. Y. 1857. 12 39: 2209 The Note. First published under the title : Th gypsey s legacy ; afterwards RH Zana ; or, the heiress of Clare Hall. LORD Hope s choice. 12 ., Phil. 1873. Note. For sequel see Old countess. MABEL S mistake. Phil. 1870. 12. MAHASKA, the Indian princess. N. Y. 1864. 16 MALAESKA. N. Y. 1860. 12 MARRIED in haste. Phil. 1870. 12. MARY Derwent. Phil. 1870. 12. NOBLE woman, A. Phil. 1871. 12. OLD countess, The. (Sequel to Lord Hope s choice). Phil. 1873. 12. OLD homestead, The. Phil. 1870. 12 PALACES and prisons. Phil. 1871. 12 PIIEMIE Frost s experience. N. Y. 1874. 12 EEIGNINQ belle, The. Phil. 1870. 12 REJECTED wife, The. Phil. 1870. 12 RUBY Gray s strategy. Phil. 1870. 12 SILENT struggles. Phil. 1870. 12. SOLDIER S orphans, The. Phil. n.d. 12 SYBIL Chase. 1862. 16 WIFE S secret, The. Phil. 1870. 12 WIVES and widows. Phil. 1870. 12 Stephens, C. A. CAMPING out, as recorded by Kit. Bost. 1872. 16 Fox hunting. Bost. 1873. 16 LEFT on Labrador ; or, the cruise of the schooner-yacht Curlew, as re corded by Wash. Bost. 1872. 16 LYNX-HUNTING. From notes by the author of Camping out. Host. 1873. 16 39: 2211 39; 2212 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226. 2227 2228 2229 2251 2252 39: 2253 39: 2254 39: 39: 33: 38: 38: *4O: 37: 39: 39: OFF to the Geysers ; or, the young yachters in Iceland, as recorded by Wade. Bost. 1872. 16 ON the Amazons; or, the cruise of the Rambler, as recorded by Wash. Bost. 1874. 16 YOUNG moose hunters, The. Bost. 1874. 16 Stephens, H. L. COMIC natural history of the human race. Phil. n.d. 8 Step-mother, The. G. P. R. JAMES. Stepping heavenward. E. PUENTISS. Step-sister, The : a novelette. By a Southern gentleman. Richmond. 1863. 16 Steps upward. Mrs. F. D. GAGE Sterling, John. (1806-1844). ONYX ring, The. Bost. 1856. 12. Stern necessity. F. W. ROBINSON Sterne, Laurence. (1713-1768). HISTORY of a good warm watch-coat. In Works 34: The same. With Sentimental journey 22: SENTIMENTAL journey through France and Italy ; and the history of a good warm watch-coat : with a memoir and letters by the author. Lond. n.d. 18 " SENTIMENTAL journey through France and Italy, to which are added the letters and a life of the author. Leip. 1861. sq. 16 SENTIMENTAL journey through France and Italy; letters and ser mons. N. Y. 1857. 12 SENTIMENTAL journey through France and Italy. In Works TRISTRAM Shandy. Phil. 1867. 12. The same. Leip. 1849. sq. 16.. *39: The same. In W T orks *34: WORKS. Phil. 1864. 8 *34: Contents : 39: 2255 2256 2257 3891 218 4692 2612 2765 2266 505 2017 1051 22: 1051 22: 1053 22: 1052 *34: *39: 2017 2271 2272 2017 2017 Letters. Sentimental journey. Tri strain Shandy. Fragment. History of a watch-coat. Impromptu. Stephen Lawrence, yeoman. Mrs. A. B. EDWARDS 37: 1551 The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: 1552 Steward, the : a romance of real life. H. COCKTON 35: 4483 Stewart, Mrs. . VALLEY of tho Maude; or, On dits. Lond. 1862. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 2281-3 Stewart, Agnes M. DISAPPOINTED ambition ; or, married and single. N. Y. n.d. 16 39: 2276 FLORENCE O Neil, the rose of St. Germains; or, the siege of Limer ick. Bait. 1872. 12 39: 2277 STORIES of the seven virtues. N. Y. n.d. 18 39: 2278 Contents: Brotherly love ; or, Edith and Florence Mortimer. Chastity; or, the sister of charity. Diligence; or, Ethel Villiers and her slothful friend. Humility ; or, Blanche Neville and the fancy fair. Liberality ; or, the benevolent merchant. Meekness ; or, Emily Herbert and the victim ot passion. Temperance; or, Edward Ashton and Henry Seaton. Still waters. Leip. 1857. sq. 16 4O: 2615 Stillwinches of Comb Mavis, The. T. A. TROI.LOPE. 3v 39:3265-7 Stir in the household, A. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 2 37: 4646 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 14 *15: 4924 The same 34: 4184 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. STIRLING. 205 STORIES. Stirling, diaries E. TWICE refused. Lond. 1869. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8 39: 2288 Stockton, Frank K. WHAT might have been expected. N. Y. 1874. 16 39: 229.1 Stoddard, Elizabeth. Two men. N. Y. 1865. 12 39: 2298 Stoddard, Lady. (formerly Mrt. filackford), ARTHUR Monteith. With Scottish orphans, and sequel to the snme 35: 2192 SCOTTISH orphans, The; founded on a historical fact. Phil. 1874. 56. 35: 2192 You NO West Indian, The. WUh Scottish orphans 35: 2192 Stoddard, Richard Henry, (b. 1825.) TOWN and country. N. Y. 1868. 16 39: 2303 (editor.) TRKASURK-TROVK series. Compiled by W. S. Walsh. Bost. 1875. v. 1-3. sq. 16 40:1701-3 Contents: I. Burlesque: Day in the academy, A. F. C. BI RNAND. Encounter with an interviewer. S. L. CLEMENS. (Mark Twain. Golileu age of New York, The. Washington IRVINO. Insanity of Cain, The. Marv Mapes LIOIMJE. Lady Rohesia, The. R. H. BAKHAM. Mrs. Battle s opinion on cards. Charles LAMR. Mrs. Brown at the play. G. Rose. (Arthur Sketthley.) Noble savage, The. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. Our new livery and other things. G. W. CURTIS. Painter s bargain, The. W. M. THACKEKAY. Parish revolution, The. T. HOOD. Will of a virtuoso, The. J. Aimisox. II. Travesty: George de Barnwell. W. M. THACKERAY. Ho Fi of the yellow girdle. T. T. T. Lessons in biography. Rev. J. BKKKSFORD. Mr. John Jenkins. (F.) B. HAUTE. Prophetic account of a luturo epic. T. B. MACATLAY. St. Twel mo. C. 8. WEBB. (John fhu(.) Treble temptation, A. F. C. BTUNANU. Walter Kedivivus. Thomas HOOD. III. Story: Dr. Marigold. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. Fight fora wife, A. W. BLACK. Friend of a Gioberti s. C. LEVER. Loan of a Ivre, The. Fitz Hugh LVDLOW. O Conors, The. A. TUOLLOPK. ~ Storv without a talc. Wrn. MAC.INN. Truthfal resolve, The. P. R. LOCKE. (1 etrolcvm V. 4O: 35: 35: Widow by brevet, The. N. P. WILLIS. Stokesley secret, The; or, how the pig paid the rent. C. M. YONUK. Stolen mask, The. (W.) W. COLLINS. The same ...................................... Stolen sheep, The. J. UAMM. In Bit o writin ............................. Stolen treasure, The. J. INQELOW. In Studies for stories .................. 38: Stolen waters. Mm. MACKKNZIE- DANIKI ..................................... 37: Stone edge: a tale. N. Y. 1H67. H. 4O: Stone mason of Saint Point. A. (M. L. P.) do LAMARTINK .................. 38: Stone-breaker, The. A. CAMI-HKLL. In W. T. B., v. 9 ....................... 4O: Stories. -Vr*. F. H. BADKN. With Mrs. SOUTIIWOKTH S Artist s love. 1295 4584 4585 35: 1531 34 90 2616 1287 1719 Contents : At his funeral. Aunt Ada s ruse. Awful warning. Baby s spirit. Belle s blunder. Carol s forgiveness. Cost of a shirt. Courtship. Don t borrow. Doomed. Edna s worth. Fairy s secret. 39: 2002 Lost Lee. Lost love. Lover s ghost. Lucy s jewels. Magic cruse. New mother. New Year s surprise. Night of terror. Noble service. Post-mistress of Peakville. Power of a smile. Priest s story. Stories, (continued.) Frank Hawley s love. Gold bride. Hero s love. Hiram Helper s faith. How they paid him. Joyous thanksgiving. Judging too soon. Kriss Kringle. Little ones are safe, The. Stories. Mrs. F. H. BADKN. With Mrs. SOUTHWORTH S Christmas guest 39: Contents : Aunt Henrietta s mis take. Aunt Prudence said so. Bride s secret. Days of trial. Earnest and true. EstelleN revenge. False and true love. Great parish scandal. Husband s mistake. In the hospital. Love unto death. " Mercy." Stories. Mrs. F. H. BADKN. With Mrs. SOUTIIWOKTH S Spectre lover. 39: Contents: Actress s best act. Ansel s gifts. Allies of roses. Aunt Rachel s ruse. Balm for (he heart. Between two loves Bosom serpent. Hud and blossom. Christmas child. Daisy s master. Dangerous slip. Disguised. Dress coat. Fido s ward. Floiry s New Year s re ception. For want of one word. Forbidding the bans. Fortunate slip. Fun with postal cards. Had he but known. Hftttie n faults. Her face was her fortune. Removing the mask. Kieher than he thought. Saved. Saved by a song. Say so then. That old maid. Warned by a dream. What the future brought. Willard Grayson s revenge. 21)08 Only a comma. Only a flirtation. Our capricious pet. Retaliation. Saved by love. Stealing the wrong child. Three hells. Treacherous wind. Two memorable thanks giving days. Warning. Was it a ghost? Why he was merciful. 2035 Herbert Ashley s little waif. His little love. Horrid discovery. Left by the way. Little hero. Merry thought. Miss De Crespigney. Modern Blue-beard. My aunt s warning. New Year s surprise. Old coals. Old fashioned thing. Old tramp. Perfect cure. Poor Gertie. Poor little scapegoat. Spirit bride. ! ouehstone. Very rah vow. What came of a laugh. Why he never married. Wife s test. Wild night s ride. Stories. Saxe HOLM 37: 4501 How one woman kept her husband* One-legged dancers, The. Whose wife was she ? Contents : Draxy Miller s dowry. Elder s wife. Esther Wynn s love- letters. Stories and legends of travel and his tory, for children. J/r.t. S. J. LIP- PINCOTT. (Grace Greenwood) 37: 178i Contents : Antrim. The giants causeway. The poor schoolmaster. Donn\ brook. The little fiddler. Dublin, Howth. Grace O 1 Mai ley. From Duhlin to Cork and Blarney castle. Little Norah and the blarney stone. Greenwich hospital. The park, etc. Little Robert and his noble friend. Hampton court. The Lady Mary s fisherman. Journey from England to Ireland. The fisherman s return. Limerick. Little Andy and his grandfather. London parks and gardens. Mabel Howard and her pet. St. Paul s cat hedraF. Story of Sir Philip Sidney. Visit to the lakes of Killarhey. Kathleen of Killarney. \Vicklow. Tim O i aly ami the clericaune. Windsor castle. King James of Scotland and the Lady Jane Beaufort. Stories and poems. C. GILMAN and C. H. JERVKY 37: 3020 Stories and sights of France and Italy. 3/rs. S. J. LIPPINCOTT. (Grace Greenwood] 38: 1790 Stories and sketches by our best au thors. Bo?t. 1867. 12 4O: 1681 Contents : BKODK, G. At eve. . \ i i i v , Mrs The two ghosts of New London. GRIHWOLH, H. T. Down by the sea. LOUD, J. L. The romance ot a western trip. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. STORIES. 206 STORIES. Stories and sketches, (continued.) Lum.ow, F. H. The proper iifo of grandfathers. MAN whose life was saved, anon. MOL-LTON, Mrs. L. C. Pr. Huger s intentions. Ri:rjKSTF.R, S. The skeleton :it the banquet. HIIANLY, C. !&gt;. A night in the sewers. BIKES, W. W. Under a cloud. TI.-TTLB, 8. W. Let those laugh who win. WHY Mrs. Radnor fainted, anon. WOLCOTT, R. Broken idols. Woi.roTT, K. Coining from the front. Stories and talcs. H. C. ANDKHSHX. 35: Stories for durlings. .By the SUN. (pxeud.} Lund. 1870. 16 ......... Contents : Bahv Zach. Fairies hall, The. Guarding angel : parting words. King of HartK mountains. Midnight adventure. 39: 2425 Sister of mercy; or, little Marie. Three sitters, The. Tottie : the autumn prim rose. Stories for the Freemason s fireside. Mrs. C. W. TOWLK ..................... 39: 3095 Contents: Autumnal thought. Belle s visit to the coun try. Blue hyacinth; or, the masonic medal. Broken shrines. Cardinal virtues. Claude Fisher ; or, the secret marriage. Cousin Sallie s visit. Cousins, The. I&gt;oes Freemasonry pay ? Echo from the heart. Freemasonry in Italy, Forest home, The. Genius of masonry; or, a lesson by the wayside. Greyton robbery; or, the mason s son. Henry W barton. How came they to marry; or, the Smiths and Aliens. Kitty Seymour and the Freemasons. Miser s gift, The. Mollie Cross, the blind girl. Moonlight on the mound. Onec more, mother. Orphan s miniature. Shadow in the cottage. Sparkling wife, The. Soothsayer s malediction. Tlie.se secret societies. Very much in love; or, a slight mistake. Young bachelor s first love. Stories for my children. E. H. KKATCHBULL-IIUGESSKX 38: Contents : Fox story. Kate s adventures. 10G8 Angel s whisper lirown fairy. The ; Eva s ramble. Cow that lost lu-r tail. Dnif.v and the lamb. I&gt;iH(tontented cow, " Krnest." Fairy pool. Flower ball. Fly s revenge. Forest fairy. Four pigs. Pins ;ind pin-cushions. Proud croquet mullet. PusH-eiit mew. Uobin and the sparrow. Hook-king, The, Two li:tll servants. Umbrella and parasol ; or, pride shall have a full. Wax doll, The. Stories for parents. T. 8. ARTHUR... 35: 801 Omtents : Happy New Year. llavn t time. Iron will. Obedience in children. Origin and destiny. Playing mother. Stories for young housekeepers. T. S. ARTHUR" 35: 802 Contents : Power of kindness. Prodigal s return. Seeing about it. Temptation. What s in a name. Bad habit cured. I oing as other people. Hiring a servant. It .s only a dollar. Mr. and Mrs. fiunder- laud s experiences: Agreeable neighbors. House cleaning. Saving at the spigot. My wife s party. Opening an account. Spoiling a goo I dinner. What will people say. Whore the money goes. Stories for young persons. C. M. SEDGWIOK 39; 1537 Contents: Jacot: an adventure on Ixmrd the St. George. Marietta. Saturday night. Skepticism. Small losses. Spring in the city. Vision, A. Deformed boy. Dogs. Eighteen hundred thirty- eight s farewell. EUa. Fanny and her dog Nep tune. Stories from famous ballads: for chil dren: Mrs. S. J. Lii PixroTT. (Grace Greenwood] ....................... 38: 1791 Contents : Aiild Robin Gray. Heggar s daughter of Hednall -Green. Chevy din so. English merchant ana the Saracen lady. Frido- olin; (;], the message to the forge. Heir of Linne. King mvl the miller of Mans field. King of France s daughter. Pa tient Griselda. Sir Patrick Spens. Stories from history. A. STRICK LAND ................. . ...................... 39; 23U^ Contents: Alfred the great: a tale of the Anglo-Saxons an Danes. Bela the blind : a tale of Hungary. Funeral ul the Conqueror : a tale of Normandy. Lord of Brjimher ; :t tnle of the times of King John. Prince Bladud : H tale of the ancient Britons. Prince E (win and his page: a tale of the Anglo-Sax Queen Margaret: a tale of the wars of York and caster. Slave of Auvergne : a tale of the ancient Christians Franks, and the Visi-Goths. Widcw of Bruges : a tale of Flanders. William Tell : a tale of Switzerland. Wolftribute: a tale from old English chronicles. Young interpreter : a tale of Riuhurd Ccour de Lion, the crusades. Stories from history and biography. N. HAWTHORNK ......................... 37: Contents : I. Grandfather s chair. II. Biographical stories: Benjamin West. Oliver Cromwell. Sir Isaac Newton. Benjamin Franklin. Samuel Johnson. Queen Christina. Stories from the moorland; or, tales of the covenanters. E. BATES ...... 35: 1700 Stories from my attic. H. E. SCUD- DER .......................................... 33: 3609 Contents : d the ons. Lan , the At the study table : Battle of the golden spurs. H liber, Francis. Scott, Sir Walter. Singing of the sirens. Attic, The. Before the fire : " AH good as a pl.iy." Enchantment of old Daniel. Good and bad apples. Neighbors. Story that never was told. Thre&wise little boys. Tom and John. Vision of John, the watch man. In the window seat: At christmas time. August night. Hens. Looking at a picture. Story that 1 mean to write. Romance : Hose and Rosella. When music is heard : Mozart, Wolfgang Ama- deus. Music party, The. Stories from old English poetry. Mrs. A. S. RICHARDSON 39: 317 Contents: Adventures of the fair Florimel. Campaspe and the painter. Friar liacon s brass head. Geoffrey Chaucer. Knight s dilemma. Macheih, King of Scotland. Margaret, the fair maid of Fresingficld. Pious Constance. Sketch of Wm. Shakespeare. Spenser. Story of Candace. Story of King Lear and his three daughters. Story of Perdita. Story of Rosalind. Tempest. The. Three unknown poets. Two noble kinsmen. Wilty Portia; or, the three caskets. Wonderful adventures of Pericles, prince of Tyre. Stories of an old maid. E. de GIR- ARDIN. Tr. by A. Elwes 37: 3049 Contents : Danse, La, n est pas c &lt;|iie j aime. Fairy Grignotte. Flying dog. Isle of cooks. Metamorphosis. Mr. Martin de Montmartre. Monsieur de Philomela. Noemi ; or, the credulous child. Palace of vanity. PKOfcE FICTION: ENGLISH. STORIES. 207 STORY. Stories of English and foreign life. W. and M. HOWITT 37: 4778 Contents : Poacher s progress. Sir Peter mid his pigeon. Some love passages in the life of every dity people. Two squires. Woixliiook well ; or, neigh bors quarrels. 2910 Hunnybuoy at the sea side. Hunt, The. Leaves from the diary of a poor schoolmistress. Margaret von Ehrenberg, the prtist wife. Meldrnm family. Stories of England and her forty counties. Mrs. T. GKLDART 37: Stories of French school life. K. H. .MO.NTRTEFK. (A. R. Hope) 38: Contents : I. New master. II. New hoy. III. New hook. Stories &lt;&gt;f the Irish peasantry. Mr*, A. M. F. HALL. / W. S. C. L., v. 14 *15: Contents : " It s only a drop." The same 34: Stories of the Peninsular war. W. H. MAXWKLL 38: 41)24 4184 Contents : Action in front of Bayonne. Advance from Vittoria. Arroyo &lt;io Molino. Battle of Snhunanca. Battle of Vittoria. Battles ot the Pyrenees. British campaign &lt;&gt; 181(0, under Sir A. Wellesley. British cavalry of the Peninsula. Capture of Cuidad Rotl- rigo. Dolores: an Incident in the Peninsular war. English in spurn. Events subsequent to the battle and advance from Salamanca. Journey to head-quarter* near Burgos. Leaves from the journal of a veteran. March to Madrid, and re treat from Burgos. Night in the Peninsular war. Outpost anecdotes. Keeollections in quarters : atl air of El Bodon. Recollections ot the late war in Spain and Portugal. Recollections of the Penin sula. Reminiscences of Bayonne. Seven weeks captivity in St. Sebastian, in 1813. Storming of Btidajoz. Take the hill before dark " Twenty-ninth at Alhuera. Stories &lt;&gt;! the Peninsular war. W. II. MAXWELL. See al*o Uivouuc. 38: 2743 Stories of the priiirie, and other ad ventures of the border. J. F. COOP Kit 35: 4774 Note. Contain** select ions from Cooper s Oak-openings, Wept of the Wish-Ton- Wish, and heather-stocking tales. Stories of the sea: being narratives of adventure selected from the "sea tales," by J. F. COOI-KK 35: 4775 Gm1ent : Adventures in the Pacific. (Jrt,m " Afloat and ashore.") Crater, The; or, the Crnsoes of the Pacific. Long Tom Coffin and the Aliei. (Jrom " The pilot.") Ked rover, The. Water-witch, The. Wreck of the Ifewn. (frotn " Miles Wallingford." Stories of the seven virtues. A. M. ATHWART 39: 2 J78 Con tents: Brotherly love; or, Editli und Florence Mortimer. Chastity ; or, the sister of chanty. Diligence; or, Ethel Villcis and her slothful friend. Humiliiy ; or, Blanche Neville and the fancy fair. Liberality ; or, the hcnevolfnt merchant. Meekness ; or, Emily Herbert and the victim of passion. Temperance ; &lt;r, Edward Ashlon and Henry Seuton. Stories of Waterloo. W. H. MAX- WKM , Contents: Adventure of the captain of grenadier*. Ball, The. Belgium. Brussels. Captain Plinlimmon. Cavalry picket. 38: ma Little major s love, adven ture. March, The. Miiiirict- MacCarthy. My own adventure. Napoleon and his army. Napoleon s return. Stories of Waterloo, (continued.) Outlaw s story. Park, The. Quatre-hras. Route, The. SureflclJ Seventeenth of Juno. Stephen Purcell. Story of Colonel Ililson. Tall major s story. Waterloo. 38: Champ de Mai. Den l flrflgoon. Dol:ii liincnt. Field cif battle. Fnu.k Kennedy. Gazette, The. Interview, The. Letters, and a lost mis tress. Ligny. Stories of the woods; or, adventures of Leather-stocking 35: Note: Contains selections from Cooper s * Leather-stocking" tales : 1. Deerslaver. 2. Last of the Mohicans, s. Pathfinder. 4. Pioneers. 5. Prflirie. Stories told to a child. J. I.NOIU.OW. Contents : Can and could. Deborah s book. Golden opportunity. Grandmother s shoe. I have a right. Life of Mr. John Smith. Little Hie and the rose buds. Storm. K. HKKB Sinclair. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3 4O: Storm, 1703. D. DK.FOK. In Novels and miscell. works, v. 5 34: Stormcliff : a tale of the highlands. M. T. \\~ALWORTH 4O: Stormy life, A. Larft/ G. FULLERTOX. 37: The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: Story, James P. Cuoisy. Host. 1S72. 8 39: Story, Sidney A., jr. (pseud.) See PIKK, M. H. (G.) Story book, The. H. C. ANDERSEN. 35: 477U 33 Lonely rock. Minnows with silver tails. Moorish gold. One-eyed servant. Suspicions jarkdjiw. Two ways of telling a story. Wild-duck shooter. 1(121 Hit 2555 2556 2310 654 Vmtmti: h ir tree Leap-frog. Memoir of Andersen by M. Howitt. Miscellaneous stories. My lK&gt;ots. Picture book without pic tures. llcnl princess. | Shoes of fortune. I Snow queen. I Swineherd. Story book for the children. Mrs. A. M.DIAX 37: 423 Contents: Adventures of little Mar tin Klover. Cat s diary, The. Dream of a little girl who would not pick up a pin. K:,ivdid. Little I)illy;or, the use of tears. Pond of the dolly s. Story of Aimec; or, life s discipline. Uy the author of The wish and the way. N. Y. n. d. 16 4O: Story of American history. ,1. An- IIOTT. In II. S. H., v. 5 35; Story of ancient history. J. ABBOTT. In II. S. B.. v. 5 35; Story of a bad hoy. T. B. AI.DKICH. 35: Story of Bethlehem. J. R. MACDUFK. 38: Story of Clara Douglass. \V. LOGAN. In. W. T. I?., v. 2 4O: Story of Cloony Blaney. Mrs. A. M. F. HAM.. In L:ghts and shadows, v. 2 37: Story of Dick Duff, The. J. GRANT. 37: Story of Eli/.abi-th, The. Mit* A. I. THACKERAY 39: The same. Tiuichnitz ed 39: Story of Elizabeth Sirani. Afrn. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mu- lock}. In Romantic tales 35: The same. With Avillion 35. Something about onr Imby. Stury of a dolly. Story of the golden christ- nms-tree. Urcle .loe s "little Samnr- itau." Uncle Joe s story. White-mouthed Kluhn. 2620 40 40 495 2221 1712 3883 3316 2863 2864 4!)40 4908 Story f English history. J. AKHOTT. In H. S. B., v. 5 35: 40 PKO.SE FICTION: ENGLISH. STORY. 208 STRANGE. Story of Farquhar Shaw, The. J. GRANT 37: 3316 Story of a leather, The. D. (W.) JERKOLD. In Coll. works, v. 2 34: 1462 The same. In Works, v. A 34: 1467 Story of a fellow-soldier, The. F. AWDKY 35: 960 Story of a flutter-wheel, The. E. EQQLBSTOK. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Story of a genius. M. HOWITT 37: 4758 Story of the grey mousquetaire. J. GRANT . 37: 3316 Story of Hayes, The. Mrs. I). M. CRAIK. ( foynerly Mix* Mulock). In Romantic tales 35: 4940 The same. With Avillion 35: 4908 Story of Herbert Lovell. F. W. B. BOUVERIK 35: 2402 Story of Kennett, The. (J.) B. TAY LOR 39: 2784 Story of la Koche, The. H. MAC KENZIE. In L. U., v. 3 4O: 1613 Story of a man of business, The. Mrs. L. C. MOULTON. In My third book 38: 3182 Story of May Darling. J. F. SMITH. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 Story of a millionaire. Mm. 0. M. MUNDT. (Louixii MiihlbacA) 38: 3254 Story of my love, The. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2622 Story of the plebiscite. E. ERUK- MAN y and A. CHATRIAN. Same aa Miller s story 37: 1738 Story of private Thomas Keith, who became aga of the mumelukes and governor of Medina. J. GRANT. With Constable of France 37: 3305 Story of the rock, the; or, building on the Eddystone. K. M. BALLAN- TYNE. In Tales of adventure, v. 4. 35: I486 Story of a royal favorite. Mrs. C. G. F. GORE..." 37: 3203 Story of a shower, The. A. H. DRURY. 2v.ini 37: 876 Story of Sibylle. O. FEUILLKT 37: 2122 Story of Salome. A. B. EDWARDS. With Monsieur Maurice, v. 2 37: 1528 Story of a scar, The. F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid). With Ebb-tide... 37: 2197 Story of the stone eyes, The. H. SPICER. In Brought to book, v. 1. 39: 2097 Story of three sisters, A. C. MAX WELL 39: 2737 Story of Tom Bertram, The. O. KICHARDSON. In W. T. B., v. 8... 4O: 1718 Story of a trooper. The. F. C. ADAMS 35: 195 Story of two highbinders. J. HOGG. (Ellrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 1 37: 4521 Story of Valentine and his brother. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT 38: 3869 Story of \Valdermar Krone s youth. H. F. EWALD " 37: 1790 Story of wandering Willie. By the author of Effie s friends. N. Y. 1873. 8 4O: 2625 Story of a white blackbird, The. A. de MUSSET. In Selections 33: 3101 Story of William the silent, The, and the Netherland war 1555-84. M. BARRETT 35; 1650 39: 39: 39: 1668 1693 1703 739 2320 2321 2324 2329 2325 2326 2327 Story told to Minnie, The. F. BAR ROW. (Aunt Fanny). In Baby night caps 35: Story without a tail, A. W. MAOINN. In T. f. B., v. 2 4O: The same. In Treasure-trove series. v. 3 40: Stout heart, A. E. KELLOOO 38: Stowe, .Mrs. Harriet (Esther) Beecher (Christopher Crcm field), (b. 1812). AUNES of Sorrento. Bost. 1867. 12 39: BETTY S bright idea. N. Y. 1876. 12 39: DRED : a tale of the great dismal swamp. Same as Nina Gordon. Bost. 1856. 2 v. 12 39: 2222-3 The same 39: The same. Bost. 1867. 12 39: MAY flower, The, and Miscellaneous works. Bost. 1869. 12 MINISTER S wooing. Lond. 1859. 8. The same. Bost. 1867. 12 MY wile and I ; or. Harry Hender son s history. N. Y. 1871. 12. Note. For sequel see We and our neighbors. NINA Gordon. Same an Dred. Bost. 1867. 12 39: The same. Bost. 1856. 2 v. 12. 39: The same 39; OLDTOWN fireside stories. Bost. 1872. 12 39: Qmtents : Hull-tight, The. Captain Kidd s money. Colonel Eph s shoe- buckles. Ghost in the mill, The. Ghost in the Cap n Brown house. OLDTOWN folks. Bost. PEARL of Orr s island, The : a story of the coast of Maine. Bost. 1869. 12 PINK and white tyranny. Bost. 1871. 16 ! QUEER little people. Bost. 18b8. 12 ... 39: 2328 2329 2222-3 2324 2330 How to fight the devil. Langhin in meeting. Minister s housekeeper, The. "Mis Elderkin s pitcher." Sullivan looking-glass, The. Widow s bandbox, The. 1872. 12. 39; 2331 39: 39: 2332 39: 2334 Contents : Aunt Esther s rules. Aunt Esther s stories. Country neighbors again. Logs and cats. Hen that hatched ducks. History of Tip-top-hum, the son of liuz. Miss Kitty-did and Miss Cricket. SAM Lawson s Oldtown fireside sto ries. (Same as Oldtown fireside stories). Bost. 1872. 12 UNCLE Tom s cabin ; or, life among the lowly. Bost. 1874. 12 WE and our neighbors ; or, the records of an unfashionable street. (Sequel to My wife and I). N. Y. 1875. 12... and others. Six of one by half a dozen of the other: an every-day novel. Bost. 1872. 12 Strait K ntc &gt; The. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 1 35: 36 Stranded, but not lost. I). B ROM- YARD. 3v 35:2868-70 Stranded ship, The. L. C. DAVIS 37: 139 Strange, Calthorpe. Two worlds of fashion. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 2355-7 Mother Magpie s mischief. Nutcrackers of Nutcracker lodge. Our country neighbors. Our dogs. Bir Walter Scott and his clogs. Squirrels that live in a house. 39: 2330 39: 2335 39: 2337 39: 2336 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. STRANGE. Strange adventures of a phaeton The. W. BLACK | Strange city, The. E. H. KNATCII- uiLL-Hro ESSEN. In queer-folk... Strange family, A. C. HOWARD :; v Strange friend, The. ( J.) B. TAYI.OI;. With Beautv and the beast 39- Strange story, A. E. G. E. L. Bi i.- WKR-LYTTON Strange story, A; and the Haunted and the haunters. E. G. E. L. BUI.WER-LYTTO.V ...J 35. Strange stories. E. T. W. HOFFMAN" 37 : 209 STUDIES. 35: 218 38. 38: 106 345- 278 35: 315 315 448 Agnie heart, The. Antonio s song. Berthold, the madman. Caidi llae, the jeweller. Cooper of Nnremfrierg Coppelllis, the sandman, r MBciualion. Life of Hoft man. Lost reflection. Mystery of the deserted house. Phnro bank. Salvator Kusa. Walled-up door. Strange work. T. ARCHER. 3 v 35- Strange world, A. M. E. BRADDOX. 35- Stranger, The. AV. GILBERT. In V\ i/.ard of the mountain, v. 2 37- Stranger at home. Mrs. M. M. SHIRWOOD. In Works, v. .. ...".. . 39- Strangers and pilgrims. M. E. BRADDON 3&lt;r. Strathern. M. ( P.) GARDINER. I ( ou/ttexs of Blmtmgton) 37- Strathmore : a romance. L. de la KA.MK. (Ouida.) 39. The same. Tauchnitz ed .. .... 39" Strauss, David Friedrich. GLORY of the house of Israel, The Phil. 185!). 12 Stredder, Eleanor. PRICE of silence, The. 3 v. sm. 8 Street, Alfred B. WOODS and waters. 12 ... 714-16 2557 2996 1641 2810 58 59 Lond. 1873. N. Y. 1860. 39: 39: 2366-8 bridesmaids. Host. 3 v. 39: 38: 38: Stretton, Hesba. (pseud.) See SMITH, Hannah. Stretton, J. C. MABOARKT and her Bost. 1864. 12 yuEEN of the county, The. 1867. 12 The same. Lond. 1865. sm. 8 RECTOR S wife, The; or. "the valley "of a hundred lires. Phil. n. d. 12 Stretton. H. KI.NUSI.EY . The same Strickland, Agnes, (b. 1806). OLD friends and new acquaintances Lond. 1861. 8 Contents: Family ghost. Heiress of the hall. Uopelot Corny, the child of the doubtful parish Man who carntd his own trundle. Marianne Moore. Marqnia and the mole-catcher. rtehemiah bowton, our parish clerk Old Hannah I earson. Old Michaelmas day in the eastern counties PII.IIRIMS of Walsingham. In W. S. The same STORIES from history. N. Y. 39: 2375 Strickland, Agnes, (continued.) Prince Edwin and his page : a talc of .,, ,, , ;-; ..... t "fie: atalcof the Anslo-Saxons. "aster B : * f the Wars of York an(l "i- 8 Vrankl A a U nd h """eut Ul.rirtiana. the \\ ijlr.w of Bruges : a tide of Flanders. William I ell: a tale of Switzerland w Wol tribute : a |,,le from ld English chronicles. f RiC "" r " C&lt;h Ur dc Lion TALES from English history, for chil dren. X. Y Om tents : Guih , , i f ^ the great J "e!gh! 1868.- 16 ............ 39- of K ^S Hdward, the martyr. e : " 9tor &gt; of the timos of AI "-e&lt;J R "l,i rd ] r " therS The : S "thc Con l" eror: S M re in the time of Henry the " Stor y of Willi " hird and Story nf tno times of Richard the stor y &lt;&gt;f the times of William Wolsey bridge : a story of the times of Henry the eighth. -iRUK stories from ancient history, chronologically arranged, n. c. 4004 to A. D. 814. N. Y. 1868 ............ TRI-K stories from modern history, chronologically arranged, A D 8^8 to 1815. N. Y. 1868. 16... Strickland, William P. (b. 1809)." ASTROLOUER of Chaldea. Cin. 1855. 39: 2394 39: 2395 Strife and peace ; or, some scenes in Norway. F. BRKMKR. Tr. by M Howitt. In \Vorks, v. 3 The same. 39: 2400 39: 39: 39: 2381-3 2380 2384 2385 969 970 39: 2391 34: *15- 4176 4916 39: 2392 :ons and the A l!i 1 nes 1 " * r nt: " " l " &gt; f the A 8l&lt;"S Belli the blind: a tale of Hungary Kjoeral of the Conqueror : a ul of Normandy. Lord of Bramber: a tale of the times ol Kinir .Iohn Prince Bludud: atale of the ancient Briton" With New sketches of every-day life 35. Omun??- pearls&gt; The G - P - 1{ - JAMES. 38: Buil, ling of Bagdad, The. Charitable man and his dog. Driver of Oman. The. Hadgee Ibrahara and his son. Palace of the talisman, The. Sequel to Hadgee Ibraham and his son. Travels of the Prinbe Aebar. trive and succeed ; or, the progress of Walter Conrad. H. AI.OKR ir 35- trive and thrive. M. HOWITT. Strivelyne, Elsie. PRINCESS of Silvcrland, and other tales. Lond. 1874. 16 Contents : Christmas party. Elsie s rides. Uncle Willie Strong and steady; or, paddle your own canoe. H. ALOER, jr " Strong hands and steadfast hearts. Countess von BOTHMEH. 3 v Struggle for existence, The: a ro mance after the German of C K Bayer (Robert Byr), by Auber FORESTIKR 35. Struggle for life, A. T. B. AijJMCH. It tth Marjoric Daw 35. Struggles of Brown, Jones and Rob inson. A. TROI.LOPE 39- Stuart of Dunleath. Mrs. C. E."s. NORTON Stubbs s luck. R BLACK! iviih Lady Caroline 35. Student, The: conversations of an ambition! student in ill health. E. G. E. L. BULWER-LYTTON- The same. / Miscellanies, v. I....!! Student of Blenheim forest. Mrs. A. H. DORSET Studies for stories. Contents : l ) r "| t , &gt;ere r 9 The I "i.v great aunt s pictu rt^Kassr"- I s """"&lt; Ai..-. 35: 2739 274 ,, 219 !)48 4759 39: 2405 fairy tale. 35: 549 35: 2377-9 1741 492 3213 38: 3672 33: 33: J. INOKI.OW... M.v great aunt s 37: 38: 2169 2664 2661 798 34 PB06E FICTION : ENGLISH. STUDIO. 210 SUSANNAH. Studio, The. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 4 35: Stuyvesant : a Franeonia story. J. ABBOTT 35: Substitute, The. J. BANIM. In Bit o writin 35: 38: 39 94 1531 4751-3 Success. G. PROLE. 3v Sue, Marie Joseph (called Eugfne). (1804-1850). ARTHUR. (Arthur, journal d un in- connu). Tr. by P. V. Christin. N. Y. 1871. 8 39: 2410 COMMANDER of Malta, The. (Le commandcur de Multe). Tr. by Adel- bert Uoisy. N. Y. 1868. 8 39: 2411 DE Rohan ; or, the court conspirator: an historical romance. N. Y. 1870. 8 39: 2412 LIFE and adventures of Raoul de Surville. (Tr. of Le colonel de Sur- ville, hixloire du temp* de t empire, 1810). Phil. n. d. 8 39: 2413 MAN-OF-WAR S-MAN, The. Phil. n. d. 8 39: 2414 MARTIN the foundling. (Tr. of Mar tin I etifaut trouvf, ou Its mfmoires a"u&gt;! valet de chambre). Phil. n. d. 8 39: 2415 MYSTERIES of Paris, The. (Tr. of Les my.-itfres de Paris). Lond. 1845. 3 v. 1. 8 *A The same. Lond. n. d. 12 39: 241(5 The same. Phil. n. d. 8 39: 2417 WANDERING Jew, The. (Tr. of Lejuif errant}. Phil. n. d. 8 39: 2418 WOMAN S love. Phil. n. d. 8 39: 2419 Suicide, The. A. LKIGHTON. In \V. T. B., v. 6 4O: 1716 Suicide s grave, The. T. GILLESPIK. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 Suil Phuv, the coiner. G. GRIFFIN. In The card-drawer 37: 3553 Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite s life. Alrt. A. D. T. WHITNEY 4O: 39!) Summerfield, Charles, (pseud.) See AHKINGTON, A. W. Summerfield; or, life on a farm. I). K.LKK 38: 1411 Summer s romance. M. HEAI.Y 37: 42(iti Sun, The. {p*f.ud.) STORIES for darlings. Lond. 1870. 10 39: 2425 Sister of merey ; or, little Maurice. Tin ee sisters. Toltie : the autumn primrose Baby Zach. Fairies ball, The. Guarding angel : parting words. King of Harta mountains Sun and shade. By the author of Ursula s love story. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2629 Sunbeam stories. M. A. MACKAR- NKSS. (formerly Mixa Planclie) 38: 2270 Content* : Cloud with the lining. Merry Christmas. Old Jolliffe. lilver "Only." Sequel to old Jolliffe. Star in the desert. Trap to catch a sunbeam. 39: 217-19 Sundered lives. W. REEVK. 3v Sunk at sea; or, the adventures of Wandering W 7 ill in the Pacific. R. M. BALLANTYNE. In Tales of ad venture, v. 2 35; 1484 Sunken rocks. A. PANTULF. 3 v... 38: 4134-6 Sunlight throunh the mist; or, les sons from the lives of groat and good men. N. Y. n. d. 16 4O: 2630 Sunny days ; or, a month at the great stowe. By the author of Our white violet. N. Y. 1872. 16.. 4O: 2035 Sunny shores; or, young America in Italy and Austria. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 277 Sunny skies. B. H. CHANNING 35: 4045 Sunny south, The; or, the southerner at home, embracing live years ex perience of a northorn governess in the land of the sugar and the cotton. Edited by Professor J. H. Ingraham, of Mississippi. Phil. 1860. 12 38: 46 The same 4O: 2640 Sunny-bank. Sirs. M. V. (H.) TKKIH-NE. (Marion Norland) 39: 2845 Sunnyside series. Mrs. E. S. PHEI.PS. (Onyx). 3 v. Contents: 1. Sunnyside. 38:4381 2. Peep at number five. 38:4383 3. Tell tale. :M:43K5 Sunshine and clouds in the morning of life. A. BOWMAN 35: 2451 Sunshine and shadow. Mrs. C. J. NKWHY 38: 3559 Sunshine at Grcystone. E. J. MAY.. 38: 2V83 Sunshine at home, and other stories. T.S.ARTHUR 35: 803 Contents: Clerk s marripge. Company we keep. . J arkness before day. ing up seed. Golden days. Great man. Honey vs. vinegar. Little more sunshine. My whistling neighbor. Not happy and why ? Poor cousin Eunice. Shadows we east. Sunshine at home. Talk about marringo. Thoughts for the ihorrow. Words fitly spoken. Sunshine, daylight, and the rock. Aim. E. R. CHARLES. With Cot tage, by the cathedral 35: 4071 Surgeon s daughter, The. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. *39: 1S40 The same. Edinburgh cd 39: 1358 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1368 The same 39: 1300 The same. Household ed 39: 1443 The same. Pocketed 39: 1469 Surgeon s secret, The. S. MOSTYN. 38: 3164 Surgeon s tales, The. A. LEIGIITON. /// VV. T. B., v. 1-4, 6, 8, 9. 40:1711-14, 1C, 18, 19 Contents : i^lnss-hnok, v. 0. Henwite, The, v. 4. Monomaniac, The, v. 9. Somnambulist of Red- el* iiyh, v. :i. Snk-ide, I he, v. fi. Three letters, The, v. fl. Artist, v. 4. Bereaved, The, v. 0. Cse of evidence, v. 8. Cherry stone, v. 4. Condemned, v. 9. Conscience stricken, v. 3. Cured ingtate, v. 1. Diver and the bell, v. 2. Surr, T. S. GKOKGE Barn well: a novel. Bost. 1826. 12 39: 2426 Surry &lt;&gt;f Eaglc s-ncst. J. E. COOKK.. 35: 4710 Surprising adventures of Paul Blake. A. EI.WES 37: 1697 Surtout, The. A. CAMPBELL. In W. T. B., v. 6 4O: 1716 Surveyor s tale, The. W. E. AY- TOUN. In T. f. B., v. 4 4O: 1694 Survivors of the Chancellor. J. VKKNB. Tr. by Ellen Frewer. Same as Wreck of the Chancellor. 39: 3698 Susan Gray. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 3 39: 1638 Susannah ; or, the three guardians. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 3 39: 1638 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. SUSPICIONS. 211 TAI.BOT. Suspicions jnckdnw. The. .1. IXOE- i.o w. In Stories told to a child 38: Sutherlands, The. Mrs. S. S. II AK- 33 4017 4649 823 3070 1611 744 1483 2077 2433 2431 2430 2432 2083 2106 2109 2077 2117 2077 2105 2433 1595 2488 1G48 926 278 1371 1372 1832 673 675 658 674 206 2445 2042 2227 3511 Sybil s book. Lady BARKKR 35- 1588 Sybil s second love. J. KAVANAOH... 38: 685 The same. Tnuchnit/. ed. 2v.ini. 38: 686 Sydney Fielding. E. KKENE. 2 v... 38: 720 Sydnie Adriance; or, trying the world. A. &gt;I DOUGLAS.... .. 37- 820 Sutherlands, The. T. (E.) HOOK. In Savings and doings, v. 2 37 Swallow barn. J. P. KKNNKDY 38: Swan, The. Mrs. C. E. TOXXA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In Tales and illus 39: Sylvan Holt s daughter. H. PARR. (Holme Lee) 38 4208 Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist. Swans of Lir. G. GRIFFIN. In L. ( .. v. 1 4O- Sylvesters, The; or, the outcasts. Sweden and Norway. M. G. SLEEPER. 39: Sweet clover stories. C. L. May. 4 v. Contents: 1. Nellv Milton s* housekeeping. ;i8:2771 I. Brownie Snndford. :I8:277U 3. Sylvia s burden. :i8:277.i 4. Ruth Lovell. 38:2772 Sweet not tasting. A. JJ. LEFURT.... 38: Swift, Jonathan. (Lemuel Oulliver). (101)7-1745). BATTLK of the books, The. In Works, v. A 34- The same. Tauchnit/ ed 35 2064 Sylvia s burden. Mrs. C. L. MAY... Sylvia s choice. G. M. CRAIK 35 4974 Sylvia s lovers. Airs. (M.) E. C. GASKKI.L 37 2876 The same. TauchniU ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: 2877 T. The same. With Tnk&gt; of a tub 39: GULLIVER S travels. N. Y. n. d. 16 39- GRAPES and thorns. N. Y. 1874. 8 39- 2700 HOUSE of Yorke, The. N.Y. 1872. 8 39- 2701 Tlv same. Lond. 1807. 24 39: The same. Leip. 1844. sq. 10. 39 : The same. In Works, v. i* 34 WINDED word, A; and other stories and sketches. N. Y. 1873. 8... 39: 2702 Contents - Diiy-hrenk. Out of (lie depths have I I oiigherty. pried unto thee, O Lord. H:mil in hand. Pfnrl nshore, A. House that .Inek built. Whnt Iir. Murks died of. In the greenwood. \Villian girls, Die. John. Winged word, A. Little love. TT T The same In Works v 2 34- HISTORY of John Bull. In Works, v. 5 34- HISTORY of Martin. In Works, v. 3. 34: The same In Works v 13 34 TALK of a tub In Works v 3 34- The same. JH "Works, v 1 34 TALK of a tub, written for the im provement of mankind, to which is added an account of a battle be tween the ancient and modern books in St. James s library, with the author s apology, and explana tory notes, l&gt;y Wooton, and others. Lond. 18157. 18 39- Ho Fi of the yellow girdle. In Tabernacle lodge. Henry SPICKR. In Brought to book v 1 39- 2097 Tabor, Eliza. AsTox-KoYAL. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm 8. . .. 39-2710-12 Swim in the darkness, A. E. EOGLE- STON. In Schoolmaster s stories.... 37: Swiss, Pictures from the history of the. Bost. 1860. 1(3 40: Swiss cottage. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 13 39- BI.VK ribbon: a novel. N.Y. 1874. 8 39- 2713 EGLANTINE. N. Y 1875 8 . . 39- 2714 HAOAR. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8. 39:2715-17 HOPK Meredith : a novel. N. Y. 1875 8 39- 2718 Swiss family Kobinson. J. R. von WYSS.....". 4O JEANIK S quiet life. N.Y. 1868. 8. 39: 2719 MFTA S faith N Y 1870 8 39 27 Switch iff; or, the war of the students. W.T.ADAMS. [Oliver Optic) 35: Sword and gown. G. A. LAWRENCE. 38: Tin; Mime. Tauchnit/. ed 38 NINK years old. N.Y . 1872. lfi. 39: 2721 ST. Olave s: a novel. N. Y. 1874. 8 39- 2722 WIIKX I was a little girl. Lond. 1872. 16 39- 2723 Sybaris and other homes. E. E. 11 u K . 33. Tailor boy. The. Bost. 18G5. 18... 4O: 2644 Tainsh, Ed \vard Campbell. ONE maiden only. Lond. 1870. 3 v sm 8 39* 2731 3 Sybil ; or the two nations. B. Dis- K YKLI 37 The same. Tauehnit/. ed 37 The same. With Alroy 37- SAINT Alice, who, however, was no saint. Lond. 1863. 3 v. sm. 8. 39: 2734-G Take but earn; or, sunny meadow. iS.S. KOUMISS 39- 457 Sybil ; or, the two nations; and Alroy. B. DlSRAKI.I 37 Sybil and Clarissa. S. and A. 1!. WARNER 4O~ Take it easy. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches 37 3887 Sybil Ashton. Mrs. A. FRASER. With Only a face 37* Taken at the flood. M. E. BRADDON. 35: 2559 Taking the bnstile; or, six years later. A. ( D.) DUMAS. 2v in 1 37- 1026 Sybil lir.ithcrton. Airs. E. D- E. N. SOUTHWORTII. With Wife s vic tory 39 Talbot, Frederick. TiiRoron fire and water: a tale of city life. N.Y. 1874. 8 39- 2744 Sybil Chase. Mrs. A. S. STEPHENS. 39: Sybil Lemmrd: a record of a woman s lifo. Airs. E. C. GREY 37- Talbot Harland. W. H. AINSWORTH. 35: 438 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TALE. 212 TALES. 4975 4O: 1530 37: 4O: 4311 2645 4O: 1648 34: 4176 4916 4175 4915 Tale of Florence, A. G. M. CRAIK. With Winifred s wooing 35: Tale of Jutland. S. S. BI.ICHKR. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1. Tale of the land of flowers. Mrs. C. L. HUNT/. With Banished son Tale of a nest. N.Y. 1872. 16 Tale of an old man s youth, A. In N. and T., v. 8 Tale of Rosamond Gray and old blind Margaret. C. LAMIS. In W. S. C. L., v. 6 The same *15: Tale of trials, told to my children. In W. S. C. L., v. 5 34: The same *15: Tale of a tub: written for the univer sal improvement of mankind ; to which is added, an account of a battle between the ancient and modern books in St. James library. With the author s apology, and ex planatory notes by Wotton, B. D., and others. J. SWIFT 39: Tale of a tub. J. SWIFT. In W T orks, v. 1 34: The same. In W orks, v. 3 34: Tale of two cities. C. (J. H.) DIUKENS. 37: The same 37: The same 37: The same 37: Tale of the Tyne. H. MAKTINEAU. In Illus. of ]x&gt;l. econ., v. 7 38: Tales and illustrations for young per sons. C. E. Toxx- A. ( Charlotte Elizabeth.) 39: Contents: Anne Bell; or, the faults. Bee, The. Bible the best book, The. Boat, The. Bow in the cloud, The. Faithful steward, The. Hated task, The. Tales and novels. M. EDGKWORTH. 20 v. in 10 37:1496-1505 Contents : Love and law: a comic drama, v. 8. Madame de Floury, v. "&gt;. Mademoiselle Panache, v. 2. Mameuvering, v. 4, Manufacturers, The, v. 3. Modern (Jriselda, v. 5. Moral talcs, v. 1, 2. Murad the unlucky, v. 3. Ormond, v. 9. Out of debt, out of danger, v. 2. Patronage, v. 7, 8. Popular tales, v. 2, 3. Prussian vase, The, v. 1. Rosanna, v. 2. Rose, thistle and shamrock: ft drama, v. 8. Sel -justificnt on, v. 1. Tales of fashionable life, V. 3-5. Thoughts on bores, v. 9. To-morrow, v. 3. Vivian, v. 4. 2433 2105 2077 545 546 547 548 2C45 3070 Hen and her chickens, The. Red berries, The. Rose-bud, The. Swan, The. Two servants, The. Willow tree, The. Absentee, v. - 1 ). Almeria, v. 4. Angelina, v. 2. Belinda, v. 6. Castle Rackrent, v. 1. Contrast, v. 3. Dramas, v. 2, 8 Dun, The, v. 3. Emilie de Coulanges.v. 5. Ennui, v. 3. Forester, v. 1. Good aunt, The, v. 1. Good French governess, v. 2- Grateful negro, The, v. 3. Harrington, v. 9. Helen, v. 10. Irish buils, v. 1. Knapsack : a drama, v. 2. Lame Jervas, v. 2. Leonora, v. 7. Letters at Julia and Car oline, v. 7. Limerick gloves, v. 2. Lottery, v. 2. Note. Moral tales contained in v. 1 and 2. Popular tales contained in v. 2 and 3. Tales of fashionable life contained in Will, The, v. 2. Tales and traditions of Hungary. T. PULZSKY 38: 4771 Tales at tea-time; Fairytales. KNATCIIDULL-HUOKSSKN E. H. 38: 1065 Tales, essays, and sketches. K. MAC- XISH. 2 v Contents: v.l. Life of Dr. Maenish, by D M. Moir. v. 2. Barber ot Gotiingen. Colonel O Shatlghnessy. Colonel O Shaughnessy in India. Confessions of an unex ecuted feminicide. Covenanters: a Scottish traditionary tale. Death and the fisherman. Execution at Paris. Loves of the learned. Man-mountain. Man with the mouth. Tales for Christmas eve. Rhoda BROUGHTON Contents : Behold, it was a dream. Man with the nose. Poor pretty Bobby. 33: 2755-6 Man with the nose. Metempsychosis. Th&lt;\ Night near Monte Video. ^&gt;tes of a jouyney from Paris to Ostend. Punch and Judy. Red man, The. Singular passage in my own life. Terence (V Flaherty. Vision of Robert, the Bruce. Who can it be ? Who murdered Begbie? a stage-coach romance. Wig, The. 35: 2977 Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, The. Under the cloak. Tales from American history. By the author of American popular les sons. N. Y. 1830-52. 3 v. 16. 4O: 264G-8 Contents: v. 1. Principal facts in the life of Chris topher Columhus. v. 2. Conquest of Mexico and Peru ; to which are added some facts illustrative of the present state of those countries. Tales from Blackwood. Edinburgh. n. d. 12 v. in 6. 16 4O: 1G93-8 Conten s : Adventure in the north-west territory, v. 0, 10. Adventures in Texas. C. SKAI.SFIELU. v. 5, G. Antonio di t. arara. v. 9, 10. Beauty draught, The. v. 0, 10. Ben-na-gioich. v. 7, 8. Boh Btirke sdiiel with Ensign Brady. W. MAUINN. v. 3, 4. Boxes, The. v. 7, 8. Captain Paton s lament, (poem.) .!.(;. [.OCKHAKT. v. ft, li. Christine. Countess d AKBUUVILLB. v. 5, ti. College theatricals, v. 1, 2. Colonna the painter, v. 1,2. Devereiix hall. Mrs. C. A. B. SOI THEV. v. 1, 2. Di Vasari : a tale of Florence. Chas. EUWAHDS. v. 7, 8. Duellists, The. v. V, Id. Duke s dilemma. The. v. 3, 4. Emerald studs, The. W. E. AYTOITN. v. 6, 15. Enchanter Faustus and Queen Elizaheth, The. v. 1, 2. Fatal repast, The. v. !l, K). Father Tom and the pope. v. . i, 4. First and last. W. MUDFOKD. v. 3, 4. First and last kiss. The. v. 11, 10. Floating beacon. The. v. 1, 2. Florida pirate, The. v. 9, 10. Forrest-race romance, v. 7, 8. Harry Bolton s curacy, v. 9, 10. Haunted and the haunters, v. It, 10. Headsman, The. v. 3, 4. How I became a yeoman. W". E. AYTOI:\. v. 1, 2. How I stood for the Dreepdaily burghs. VV. E. AVTOOK. V. 3, 4. How we got possession of the Tuileries. W. E. AYTOUN. v. 5, 6. How we got up the Glenmutehkin rftil- way. W. E. AvTot N. v. 1, 2. Iron shroud, The. W. MVDFURD. v. 1,2. Lnzaro s legacy. E. B. HAMLEY. v. 1, 2. Legend of Gibraltar. E. K. HAMLKY. v. 1, 2. Magic lay of the one-horse chay. (poem.) J. HudiiKs. v. :{. 4. Man in the bell, The. v. 5, 0. Metempsychosis, The. R. MACNISH. v. 1, 2. My college friends. C. RI&gt;SF.I I,, v. 3, 4. My college friends. H. LKIOKSTER. v. 5, 6. My college friends. W. W. HURST, v. 6, 6. My English acquaintance. F. HAKPMAN. v. 7, 8. My friend, the Dutchman. F. HAKIIMAN. v. 5, C. Murderer s last night. T. DOUBLKDAY. v. 7, 8. Napoleon, (poem?) J. G. LOCKHABT. v. 1, 2. Narrative of certain uncommon things. H. WILLIS, v. 7, 8. Old gentleman s teetotum. The. v. 3, 4. Pandourand his princess, The. v. 9, 10. Petite Madelaine, La. Mrs. C. A. B. SOUTHET. v. 3, 4. Reading party in the long vacation, A. v. :i, 4. Rosanra: tale of Madrid, v. 9, 10. Sigismund Fatello. v. 7, 8. Singular letter from Southern Africa. VV. MITCHELL, v. 5, 6. Smuggler s leap. F. HARDMAN. Story without a tail, A. W. MAOINN. v. 1, 2. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TALES. 213 TALES. Tales from Blaokwood. {continued.} Surveyor s tale. Prof. AvrouN. v. 7, 8. Vanderdecken s message home. v. 1, 2. Villnge doctor. The. Counters d ARBOUVILLB. v. 5, 6. Vision oi GagliOBlTO. W. C. KENT. v. J, 10. Ways, The. v. 7, 8. Weary ful woman, The. J. ft ALT. v. 3, 4. Wet wooing, The. v. 7, H. Woe to us when we lose the watery wait, (poem.) v. 3, 4. Tales from Church history. See VKSTAL. By .Vfme. La Grunge. Tales from tin: diary of a sister of mercy. C. M. BKAMK 35: 2673 Contents : Fatal accident, The. Gambler s wife, The. Novice, The. Priest s death, The. Apostate, The. Besetting HID, The. Cross and the crown The. Double marriage, The. Tales from English history. A. STKICKLAND , 39: Contents : Chase of Wareham : story of King Ed ward, the martyr. Guthred, the widow s slave : a story of the times of Alfred the great. Judgment of Sir Thomas Slore, in the time of Henry the eighth. Lady Lucy s petition : a story of William the third and Queen Mary. Royal brothers, Tne : a story of the times of Richard ihe third. Sons of the Conqueror, The; story of the times of William the first. Woolsey bridge: story of the times of Henry the, eighth. Historical summary to each story. Tales from the fjeld: a second series of popular talcs from the Norse of Peter Christian ASBJURNSKX. G. W. DASKNT 35: 840 Otn fen s : Boots and the boasts. Hoots and his erew. Box with something pretty in it, The. Charcoal burner, The. Companion, The. Deal I) of Chanticleer, andthe greedyeat, The. Father of the family.The. Friends in life and death. Golden b.rd, The. Golden palace that hung in the air. Goody Gainst-the- stream. Green knight. The. Haunted mill and the honest penny, The. How they got Hairlock ho ne. How to win a prince. Kami s three stories: Death and the doctor. The day of the world. The pancake. King Valemon, the white bear. Little Freddy and his fiddle. Master Tahaeco. Mother Roundabout s daughter. Osborn Boots and Mr. Glibtongue. Osborn s pipe. Tales from the German, comprising specimens of the most celebrated authors. Tr. by John Oxen ford and C. A. Felling. N. Y. 1867. 8 Oonten a : Axel : a tale of the thirty years war. C. F. van der VELDK. Criminal from lost honour. F. von SCHILLER. Cold heart, The. Wilhelm HAUFF. T.ibuifii. J. II. MirsAKi s. Michael Kohlhaas. H. von KLEIST. NOS.C, the dwarf. W. HArrr, Sandman, The. E. T. W. HOFFMAN. Wonders in the Hpessart. Karl IMMKK- MANM. Our parish clerk. Peter s best stories : Pork and honey. The hare and the heiress. Slip root catch Reynard s foot. Bruin Goodfellow. Bruin and Reynard s partners. Reynard wants to taste horseflesh. Peter the forester, and Grumble-gizzird. Peter s three tales : Father Bruin in the corner. Reynard and Chanticleer. Goodman Axehatt. Priest and the clerk, The. Sheep and the pig who set up house, The. Shop-boy and his cheese and Peik. Silly Mat. Silly men and cunning wives. Skipper and old Nick, The. Sweetheart inthe wood, The. Taper Tom. This is the lad who sold the - Three lemons. The. Three years without wages. Town-mouse and the fell- monse, Th**. Troll * in Hedale wood. 40: 1009 Tales from Molicre s plays. D. 15. LKNNARD 38: Contents : Avare, L . Bourgeois gentilhomme, , Le. Boole des femmes, L*. Eoole des maris, L . Etourdi, L . Femmes savantes, Les. Fourberries de scapin, Les. 1518 George Dandin. Maladc imaginaire, Le. Medecin malgre lui. Misanthrope. Pourceaugnac, M. de. Precieuses redicules, Les. Princes.se d Elide. Sg*marelle. Tartutfe. Tales from the operas. G. F. PAR- DOX Contents : Burbiere di Siviglia, 11. (Rootini.) T)on Giovanni. (Sfoznrf.) Don Pascjuale. (Doni zetti.) Eliser d Ainore, L\ (Doniztt.) Ernani. (Ve- di.) Figlia del Reggimcnto, La. (Donuetn.) Tales from real life. T. 3 ARTHUR. 35: Contents : Alice Mellville. Bell Martin. Family pride. Tales from Shakespeare. C. and M. LAMB 38: 38: 4158 Lncrezia Borgia. (Donizetti.) Mi rtha. (Flotow.) Norma. (Bellini.) Puritani, 1. (Brllini.) Uigoletto. ( Ve di.) Roberto il Diavolo. (Meyer beer.) Somnambula, La. (Bellini.) Traviata, La. (Verdi.) Mary Ellis. Pride and principle. 804 1293 All s well that ends well. As you like it. Comedy of errors. Cvmbeline. Hamlet, prince of Pen- mark. King Lear. Macbeth. Measure for measure. Merchant of Venice. Midsummer night s dream. Much ado about nothing. Othello. Pericles, prince of Tyre. Romeo and Juliet. Taming of (he shrew. Tempest, The. Timoii of Athens. Twelfth night ; or, What you will. Two gentlemen of Verona. Winter s tale. Tales illustrating the passions. In W. S. C. L., v. 14 #15: The same Tales in political economy. FAWCKTT Contents M. G. 34; 37; 4924 4184 Islander s experience of foreign trade. Isle pleasant. Tales of adventure. R. M. BALLAN- TYNK. 4 v 35; 1483-G Contents : 1. On the sea: Haltle an&lt;| the breeze. Cannibal islands. Fast in the ice. Fighting the whales. 2. By field, Hood and moun tain : Digging for gold. Lost in the forest. Over the Rucky Moun- tains. Sunk at sea. Rhipwrecked sailors. Srimats, The. 3. Wild work in strange places : Away in the wilderness. Hunting the lions. Pioneers. Up in the clouds. 4. on the coast : Chasing the sun. Saved by the life-boat. Story ot the rock. Wrecked, but not ruined. Tales of the Argonauts, and other sketches. (F.) B. II ART K 37: 4058 Content*: B:iby Sylvester. Epi.-ode of Fiddletown. Fool of Five Forks. How old man Plunkett went home. Tales of the border. Contents : Capuchin, The. | Pioneer. Silver mine. Spy. Jersey centenarian. PMMge in the life of Mr. John Outburst. Rose of Tuolumne, The. Wan Lee, the pagan. J. HALL 37: I &gt; irk maid of Illinois. French village. New moon. Tales of the borders and of Scotland: historical, traditionary mid imagin ative. Ed. by J. M. WILSON. 20 v. in 10 Contents : Abduction, The. A. LKIGHTON. v. 6. Adopted son. J. M. WILSON, v. 1. 40: PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TALES. 214 TALES. Tales of the borders, &e., (continued.} Amateur lawyers. A. LEIGHTUS. v. 4. Angler s tale. O. RICHARDSON, v. 8. Archy Armstrong. J. M. WILSON, v. 3. Autobiography of Wilhe Smith. A. CAMPBELL, v. 2. Avenger, The; or, legend of M:iry Lee. A. LEIGHTON. Battle of Drytte sands, The. [anon.] v. 8. [v. 10. Bewildered student. J. BETHCNK. v.5. Bill Stanley; or, a sailor s story, J. M. WILSON, v. ;J. Bill Whyte. Hugh MILLEK. v. ;i. Bon Gunltier s tales. Theo. MARTIN. Country quarters, v. -1, Mrs. Humphrey Greenwood s tea-party, v. 5. Bride, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 4. Bride of Bramblehaugh. A. LEIGHTON. v. s&gt;. Broken heart, The: a tale of the rebellion. J. M. WIL SON, v. 4. Caleb Crabbin. A. LEIGHTON. v. fl. Cateran of Loehloy, The. ,). MAIDMENT. v. 4. Charles Lawson. J. M. WILSON, v. 5. Chatelard. A. CAMPBELL, v. ft. Christie of the cleek. A. LKIGIITON. v. 5. Clerical murderer, The. A. LEK;HTON. v. 8. Contrast of wives The. A. LKIGHTON. v. &lt;i. Cottar s daughter, The. [anon.] v. 8. Countess of Cassilis. A. CAMPBELL, v. 8. Countess of Wistonburv. A. CAMPBELL, v. 1. Cripple, The ; or, Ebenezer the disowned. J. M. MACKAY. Curate of Govan. A. CAMPBELL, v. 8. [v. o. Curse of Scotland. A. CAMPBELL, v. id. Disasters ol Johnny Armstrong. A. CAMPBELL, v. 1. Dissolved pledge. O. RICHARDSON, v. 10. Divinity student. D. M. Mont. v. A. Domestic gr.cfs ol Gustavus M lver. A. LEIGHTON. v. 10. Dominie ot St. Fillan s, The. A. LEIGHTON. v. in. Donald Gorm. A. CAMPBELL, v. 1. Double-bedded room. W. LOGAN, v. 3. Dream, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. 7. Droich, The. A. LEIOHTON. v. 4. Duncan M Arthur. A. CAMPBELL, v. 4. Duncan Schulebred s vision of judgment. A. LEIGHTON. Ellen Arundel. W. LOGAN, v. 5. [v. :i. Experimenter, The. J. HOWELL. v. . Fun s revenge, The: a taie of the border gypsies. J. M. WILSON, v. 1. Fair, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 2. Festivals, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 7. First and second marriages. J. M. WILSON, v. 10. First-foot, Thf. J. M. WILSON, v. 5. Floshend inn, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. 7. Forger, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. t&gt;. Fortunes ot William Wighton. J. HOWELL. v. 1. Fugitive, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 9. Geordie Willison, and the heiress of Castle Gower. A. LEIGHTON. v. 3. Ghost of Gairyburn. A. BETHUNE. v. 6. Ghost of Howdycraigs. A. BETHUNE. v. fi. Gleanings of the covenant. T. GILLESI-IE. Bonny Mary Gibson, v. 8. Cairny cave of Gavin Miiir. v. it. Covenanter s march, v. 8. Curlers, The. v. !L Douglas tragedy, Tne. v. 8. EskiUlemuir story, The. v. 8. Fatal mistake, v. 8. Grandmother s narrative, v. 8. Helen Palmer, v. !). James Remvick. v. 9. John Govan s narrative, v. 10. Kinaldy. v. It). "Old Bluiitie." v. 10. Old Isbel Kirk. v. !. Peden s farewell sermon, v. 8. Persecution of the M Michaels. v. 8. Porter s ho.e, The. v. :. Rescue at Enterkin, The. v. 8. Sergeant Wilson, v. 1 J. Shoes reversed, The. v. 10. Thomas Harkness of Lockerben. v. 10. Trials of the Rev. Samuel Austin, v. 10. Violated coffin, The. v. \), Good man of Dryfield, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. 4. Grace Cameron. A. CAMPBELL, v. 8. Griael Cochnuie. J. M. WILSON, v. 8. Guidwite of Coldingham. J. M. WILSON, v. a. Guilty or not guilty. [;iuon.] v. . i. Happy conclusion, The. [anon.] v. 8. Harden s revenge. A. LEIGHTON. v. 4. Hawiek spate, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. 10. Heir ot Inshannock. J. MAIDMENT. v. (i. Henpecked man. The. J. M. WILSON, v. 4. Highland boy, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. :J. Highland tradition. A. CAMPBELL, v. y. [v. 9. Hogmanay; or, the lady of Ballochgray. A. CAMPBELL. Hume and the governor of Berwick. A. LEIOHTON. v. i. I canna IK lashed , or, Willie Grant s cuufvs.siuns. J. M. WILSON, v. 5. Irish reaper, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 8. Judith, the Egyptian. J. M. WILSON, v. 4. Kate Kennedy. A. LEIGHTON. v. 1. Kathcran, The. A. CAMPBELL. v. 2. Tales of the borders, &c., (continued.) Laidley Worm of Spindleatnn Hniigh. J. M. WILSON, v. 3. Laird oflhmiick tower, The. J. H. v. 4. Laird of Lue.ky s How. A. CAMPBELL, v. 5. [v. :t. Leaves from the diary of an aged sp.nster. J. M. WILSON. Leaves from tue life of Alex. Hamilton. J. M. WILSON. Lee 11 Jamie Murdieston. A. CAMPISELL. v. 4. [v. 10. Legend of Calder Moor, The. J. HOWELL. v. !), Legend of fair Helen of Knvonnei. A. LEIGHTON. v. 6. Leveller, The. J. M. WIL-OX. v. 8. Lmton lairds, The. A. LEIGHTON. v. 2. Lord Dnrie and Christie s will. A. LEKIHTON. v. 1. Lord of Hermitage. A.CAMPBELL, v. lu. Lost heir of the house of Elphinston. Rev. G. THOMSON. Lottery hull. J. M. WTL-ON. v. 7. [v. in. Lykewake, The. Hugh MILLER, v. 7. Maiden feast of Cairnkihbie. A. LEIOHTON. v. 2. Major Weir s coach. J. HOWELL. v. :(. Man-of-war s man, The. J. HOWELL. v. 8. Meeting at St. Boswell s. O. RICHARDSON, v. 5. Midaide Muggy. J. M. WILSON, v. 1. Mike Maxwell nd the Givtua Green lovers. A. LEIGH- TON, v. li. Miser of NewabVy. A. LETGHTON. v. lo. Mr. Surnuel Ramsay Thriven. A. LETGHTON. v. 8. Monk of S 1 . Anthony. A. CAMPBELL, v. 2. Monk? of Drvburgh, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. 2. Morttake: a legend of Morton. .). MAIDMENT. v. 4. Mosstrooper, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. (i. My black coat; or, the breaking of the bride s china. J. M. WILSON, v. 1. Myst-rious di 8 Appearance, The. [*non.] v. 8. Old chronicler s tales, The. A. LEIGHTON. Death of J urnes I. v. 8. Death of James III. v. 8. Prince of Scotland, The. v. 7. Order of the garter, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 7. Parsonage, The : my father s fireside. A. PKTERKIN. v. ; ,. Penr.y wedding, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. 4. Perseverance; or, the autobiography of Roderic Gray. J. M. WILSON, v. 8. Physiognomist s tale, The. O. RICHARDSON, v. 4. Pol wart h on the green. J. M. WILSON, v. 7. Pool scholar, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 4. Porter s hole, 1 he. T. GILLESPIE. v. If. Prescription, The; or, the 2!tth of September. A. LEIGH- TON, v. 1. Professor s tides, The. T. GILLESPIE. Convivialists, The. v. 1. Dura Den ; or, second thoughts are best. v. f&gt;. Early recollections of a son of the hills, v. 2. En thus met, The. v. 7. Family incidents, v. 4. Home and the gypsy maid. v. 4. Kirkyards. v. 7. Last of the pedlars, v. 3. Medal, The. v. 5. Mistake reel fied. v. 5. Mountain storm, The. v. 1. Naiuial history of idiots, v. 7. Pe.it-castmg time. v. 5. Pheebe Foitune. v. J. Philips Grey. v. 1. Return, Th* . v. 4. Social man. The. v. G. Su cide s grave, v. 2. Three brethren, The. v. 5. Trees and burns, v. 7. Wedding, The. v. ti. Rattling, roaring Willie. A. CAMPBELL, v. , . Recluse, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. !). Recluse ol the Hebrides. W. LIKJAN. v. f&gt;. Recollections of Robert Burns. Hugh MILLKK. v. 1. Recollections of a village patnaich. J. M. WILSON, v. 8. Red hall, The; or, Berwick in 1*96. J. M. WILSON, v. (i. Restored son, The. O. MCHAKDSON, v. 7. Retribution. A. TAMPIIELL. v. 7. Reuben Perves ; or, the speculator. J. M. WILSON, v. ti. Rival uightcaj s, The. A. CAMPUELL. v. 2. Roger Goldie s narrative. J. M. WILSON, v. l), Romance of the Siege of Perth. A. LEIGHTON. v. 5. Rose;ill:in s daughter. A. LEIGHTON. v. 7. Rothesay fisherman, The. O. KH:HAUI&gt;SON. v. . i. Royal bridal. The. J. M. WILSON, v. 2. Rovii! raid, The. A. LEICHTON. v. 2. Sabbath wrecks, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 3. Salmon-fisher of Udoll. H. MILLER, v. 2. Sit \ings and doings of Peter Puterson. J. M. MACKAY. Schoolfellows, The. O. RICHARDSON, v. i&gt;. [v. 10. Scottish hunters ol Hudson s bay. Hugh MILLKU. v. . Sea fight, The. [anon.] v. 10. Sea skirmish, Th". [anon.] v. Hi. Sea-storm, The. &gt;. HxoHAKDflON, v. G. Seer s cave, The. W. HETHKUINUT .N. v. 3. Serjeant s tales, The. J. HOWELL. Beggiu s I iiin, . v. 4. Impru lent nuirringe, The. y. 5. John Stimulus voyage to India, v. 4. Packman s journey to London, v. o. Palatines, The. v. :i. Seven years dearth, The. J. HOWELL. v. 7. PKOSE FICTION : KNGLISH. TALES. 215 TALES. Tales "f tlu; borders, &c., (continued.) - Simple man is the beggar s brother. J. M. WILSON, v. 9 Sir Patrick Hume. J. M. WILSON, v. 5. Skean Dhu, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. 7. Slave, The. J. HOWELI.. v. . Smuggler, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 6. Snow-storm of I8i*&gt;, The. A. CAMPBELL, v. 3. Solitary of the cave, The. J. .M. WILSON, v. "J. Sportsman of Onttieldhangri. A. LEIUHTON. v. 10. Story of Chi ra Douglas. W. LOOAN. v. 2. Story of May Dar.ing. J. F. SMITH, v. r&gt;. Story of T jin Bertram. O. RICHARDSON, v. 8. Surgeon s tales, The. A. LEIUUTON. Artist, The. T. 4. Bereaved, The. v. 9. Case of evidence, The. v. 8. Cherry-stone, The. v. 4. Condemned, The. v. !&gt;. Conscience-stricken, The. v. 3. Cured ingrate, The. v. 1. Diver and the Ml. v. -I. Glass back. The. v. ti. Henwife, The. v. 4. Monomaniac, The. v. 9. Somnambulist of Redcleugh. v. . 1. Suicide, The. v. 6. Three letters, The. v. 0. Tales of the East Neuk of Fife. M. F. CONOLLY. Castle of Trail, The. v. 5. Legend of the church of Abercrombie. v. fi. Robbery at Pittenweem and the porteous mob. v. 0. Romance of the May. v. .5. [v. 9. Story of Charles Gordon and Christina Cunningham. Thomas of Chartres. Hu&lt;*h MIU.KK. v. 9. Tom Duncan s yarn. U. Itic IIAUIWON. v. 5. Trials and triumph*. J. M. WILSON, v. Hi. Trials of Menie Dempster, The. A. LEIGH-TON, v. 7. Tivo comrades. The. T. GILLESPIE. v. (J. Two sailors. The. O. KICIIAKIWON. v. 7. Unhidden finest.. The. J. M. WILSON, v. 9. Unknown, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 7. Vacant chair, The. J. M. WILSON, v. 1. W irning, The. A. HKTIII NE. v. X. We ll have another. J.M. WIISHN. v. 6. White woman ot T trras. I*. MAXWELL, v. &lt;i. Whitsome tragedy, The. J. M. WILSON, v. I. Widow ot Dunskaith. Hug" MILLER, v. L. Wif&gt;of the wnddy. A. J.M.WILSON, v. 1. Young laird, T ;e. A. BETIII-SE. v. 2. Tales &lt;&gt;f the Cleikum inn. In W. S. C. L., v. 9 34: 417!) Thesame *15: 4919 Tales of the drama. Minn E. W. MACAULKY 38: 2121 Contents : Belle s stratagem, The. Brothers, The. Conscious lovers, The. Coriolanus. Duke of Milan. Kdwarrt, the black prince. Gamester, The. Georsje Itarnwell. Good-natured man, The. Hypocrite. Tli.-. Inconstant. Introduction speare s plays. Jnlins ( a sar. to Shake- King Johl King Kichard II. Lady Jane (Jrey. Merchant of Venice. Quaker, The. Way to keen him. Winter s tale. Tales of th.- East Neuk of Fife. / W. T. H., v. 5, 9 40:1715-19 Contents : Castle of Trail, v. 5. Legend of the church of Abercrombie, v. 5. Hobberv at Pittenweem, and the porteous mob, v.9. Tales of fashionable life. M. EDGE- WORTH. In her N. and T.,v. 3-5.37:1498-1502 Contents : Komance of the May, v. 5. Story of Charles Gordon and Christina Cunningham, Dun, The. Knnul. v. 4. Almiria. Manu iivring. Vivian. Tales of female heroism, d. 2 v. in 1. 16 V. 5. Absentee, The. Kmilie de Coulanifes. Madame de l- lrnrv. Modern (Jriselda, 1 he. Loud. n. 4O: 2658 1. Au^ iisiliia, maid of Sar- a^ossa. Flora M;i - I .niilil. Ht-art of Montrosc, The. La-ly Banks, Lady Kanshawe. Li-lv GrHi-II !!ii!llle. Lady Harriet Acland. Laity Morton. Mrs Jane Lane. Wiuuifred, Countess of Nithsdale. 2. Kli/.abeth Ca-/.otte. lientlle Montaltl. i. -n mile von iler Wart. Helen Walker. Joan of Arc. Lady Sale. Madame de Mlramlon. Madame la Kochcjaquclin. Mademoiselle A mhos. Mademoiselle &gt;l&gt;- sombrenli. Miller s maid. The. Miss Mackay. Mrs. Spencer Smith. Uustic heroine, A. Tales of the five senses. Same ax Christian physiologist. Gerald GRIFFIN- 37; 3557 Tales of the genii. J. RIDLKY 39: 410 Tales of Glauber-Spa. N. Y. 1833. 2 v. in 1. 12 4O: 1700 Content! : :. Block-house, The. Win. LiKaoJCTT, Boyuca. Hobt. C. SANIJH. Mister Green. Kobt. C. SANDS. Selim, the benefactor of mankind. J. K. PAUI.DINO. Jas. K. 33: 3332 1. Childe KoelilT-s pll K rim- ae. J. K. PAn.hiNH. Le iiossu. C. M. SKnu- WICK. MedHeld. W. C. BUY A XT. Skeleton s cave. W. C. BKVANT. Tales of the good woman. PAULDING. Contents : Azure hose. The. Cobus Yerks. Duiuh Kirl.Tlie. Dvspepsy. Memoir of the unknown Politician, The. Progress of the age. Revenge of Saint Nicholas. Hide of Saint Nicholas. author. Tales of a grandfather. 1st series. Scotland. ,S i&gt; Walter SCOTT. Par ker ed. v. 48 *39; 1348 The same. 2nd series. Scotland. v. 49-50 *39:1349-50 The same. 3rd series. Scotland. v. 51-52 *39:1351-52 The same. 4th series. France, v. 53-54 *39: 1353-54 The same. Bost. 1861-5. 6 v. 16.39: 1497-1502 Tales of the great St. Bernard. Geo. CROLY, D. D. In W. S. C. L., v. 7. 34: 4177 Thcsame *15: 4917 Tales of heroes: taken from English history. Lond. 1869. sm. 8 4O: 2670 Conten s : Alfred the great. Henry V, ihe hero of Atfincourt. Henry VI; or, the Maid of Orleans. Prince Kdward, son of Kini; Henry 111. Kichard Cu ur-de.-Lion. Tales of the GKIKKIN... jury-room. Gerald 37: 3555 Contents : Antrim Jack. Drink, my brother. Jury room, The. Knight without re proach. Lame tailor of Macel. McKnerv, the covetous. Mistake, The. Mr. libbot O Leary, the curious. Prophecy, The. Raven s nest, The. Slglsmund. sir Dowllng O HartiKan. .story-teller at fault, The. Swans of I.ir, The. Tales of kings and &lt;|tieens of England: stories of camps and battlefields, wars and victories. S. PKKCY Tales of the Minister festivals. G. GKIKKIN. 3 v Contents : 1. Aylmers of Bally-Ayl- mer. Barber of Bautry. Brown man, 1 lie. Hand and word, The. Knight of the sheep. The. Owney and Ow ney-na- peAK, Kock of the Candle, The. Tales of Nethercourt. ADAMS 35; 209 Content* : I. Chief of the school, The. | II. Lost wife. The. Tales of the northwest; or, sketches of Indian life and character. W. J. SNKLLINO Contents : The captive. The Hohays. The devoted. Payton Skah. Charles "Her/.. The Bois Brule. U ecnokhcnchah Waiikeeteekah. La Bulte des liiorts. Pincholl. The lover s leap. Tales old and new. C. CARLOS- Cl.AKKK 35; 4332 38: 4336 37: 3552-4 Yllltifre ruin. The. 2. Card drawer, The. Half sir, The. Sketches illustrative of life and manners In south of Ireland. suil Dhuv, the coiner. I Rivals The. Tracy s ambition. Rev. H. C. Contents . Blind Thyrza. Handsome Hu^h. Lost and found. Only child, An. strife and peace In Hornum. /alxhel, the Kil sy. PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TALES. 21C TAYLOR. Appearance is against her. Austin and his wife. Tales of real lif&lt;\ Mr*. A. OPIK. In Works, v. 2 38: 3902 Contents : Lady Anne and Lady Jane. Mysterious stranger, The. Valentine s eve. Tales of the revolution : being rare and remarkable passages in the history of the war of 1775. N. Y. 1836. 16 4O: 2673 Tales of a traveller. W. IKVIXO 38: 00 Contents : 1. Strange stories by a ner vous gentleman : Adventure of the Ger man student. Adventure of my aunt. Adventure of my un cle. Adventure of the mys terious picture. Adventure of the mys terious stranger. Bold dragoon, The. Great unknown, The. Hunting dinner, The. Ktory of the young Italian. 2. Buckthorne and his friends. Booby squire, The. Buckthorne ; or, the young man of great ex pectations. Club of quear fellows, The. Grave reflections of a disappointed man. Literary dinner, A. The same Literary life. Notoriety. Poor devil author, The. Practical philosopher, A. Strolling manager, The. S.Italian banditti. The. Adventure of the English man. Adventure of the little antiquary. Adventure of the Popkins family. Belated travellers The. Inn at Terracina, The. Painter s adventure, The. Storv of the bandit chief tain. Story of the young robber. 4. Money diggers, The. Adventure of the black fisherman. Devil and Tom Walker. Hell-gate. Kiild the pirate. Wolfert Webber; or, gol den dreams. 38: 61 Tales of truth and trust. Lady G. FULLKRTON .. 37: 2557 Contents : Ad majore.m Dei glorlam. Beggar of the steps of St. Roch. Blacksmith of Antwerp. Tales of woman s trials. F. HALL. Ill us , Mosspits. Mother. Old maid. Private purse. I ses of adversitv. Wife of two husbands. Wisdom of forethought. Karth without heaven: a reminiscence. Reparation : a story of the reign of Louis XIV. Trouvaille; or, the soldier s adopted child. Mrs. A. M. 37: 3888 Contents : Hear anil forbear. Curse of property. Daily governess. Forced hlooms. Governess, The. (irace Huntly. Lost beauty. Merchant s (laughter, The. The same 37: 3889 Tails qualis. G. GRIFFIN. Same as Tales of the jury-room 37: 3555 Talisman, The. Sir W. SCOTT. 1 ar- kered :! 39: 1336 The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1358 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1367 The same 39: 1388 The same. Household ed. 2v 39: 1433-4 The same. Poeket ed 39: 1404 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1491 Talk-stoppers. Nee COLLIN S Queen s revenge 35: 4581 Talvi (pseud.) Nee ROBINSON, Mr-s. T. A. L. v. J. Tamburini, Antonio. Mrs. ELLET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians... 37; 1050 Tancred ; or, the new crusade. H. DISRAELI 37: 670 The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: 077 Tanglewood tales: being a second book of wonder. N. HAWTHORNE. 37: 4189 Contents Circe s palace. Dragon s teeth The. Gulden tleece, The. Minotour, The. Pomegranate seeds, The. Pygmies, The. Tannhauser, The; or, the lord of the woods. Part II. Ludwig TIECK. In, R. G. N., v. 4 4O: 1503 Tapestried chamber, The. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed *39: 1340 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1370 The same. With Castle dangerous... 39: 1394 The same. Household ed..... 39: 1434 The same. Pocketed 39: 1404 Tappy s chicks: links between nature and human nature. Mrs. G. CUP- PLES 35: 5104 Tara : a Mahratta talc. M. TAYLOR. 39: 2804-6 Tardieu, Jules. (J. T. Saint- Germaine). ONLY a pin : an instructive moral story. Tr. from the French by P. S. N. Y. 1873. 16 39: 2750 Tartini, Giuseppe. Mm. ELLET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians 37: 1650 Tasmanian lily, The. J. BONWICK. 35: 2354 Tasso and Leonora. A. MANNING... 38: 2487 Tatem, M. H. (pseud.) See HAZ- I.ETT, Helen. Tattered Tom series. H. ALGER, jr. Contents : FIRST: 1. Tattered Tom. SECONIK - L Julius, the street hoy out west. 35: 5311. 2. Youii^ outlaw. 3.~&gt;:~,r,2 3. Sam s chance. 35:5.&gt;1 2750 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2702 .. 35:550 2. Paul, the peddler. 35:539 3. I hil, the tiddler. 3",:541 4. Slow and sure. 35:547 Tautphoeus, I. Baronet von. AT odds. Phil. 1803. 12 39: The same. Leip. 1803. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 39; CYRILLA; or, the mysterious engage ment. Phil. 1871. 8 ."...*.... 39: The same. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 39: INITIALS, The. Phil. n. d. 12 39: The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 39: QUITS: a novel. Phil. 1806. 12. 39: The same. Leip. 1858. 2v.ini. sq. 10 39: 2703 Tayler, Charles B. LEGENDS and records, chiefly histori cal. N. Y. 1855. 12 39: 2770 Contents : Anecdote of (Jeorge III. A n ue of Clevea. liihlc in Spain. Karl of Stratford. FulKeutius and Meta. (iuyon of Marseilles. Lady Anne C arr. Taylor, Miss. Ql ICKSTAR. N. Y. Taylor, Benjamin F. GRAMMAR of life, The. fn L. C., v. 4. 4O: THREE November days. In L. C., v. n .". 4O: Taylor, (James) Bayard, (b. 1825). BEAUTY and the beast, and tales of home. N. Y. 1872. 12 Contents: Beauty and the beast. Can a life hide itself. Experiences ofthe A. C. Friend Eli s daughter. Jacob Flint s journey. HANNAH Thurston. N. Y. 1806. 12 39: 2781 JOHN Godfrey s fortune. N. Y. 1865. 12 39: 2782 JOSEPH and his friends: a story of Pennsylvania. N. Y. and Lond. 1870. "l2 39: 2783 STORY of Ketmett. N. Y. and Lond. 1870. 12 39: 2784 Taylor, .1. W. VICTIM of intrigue: a tale of Burr s conspiracy. Cin. 1847. 8. In Western miscellanies, v. 1 33: 5890 I.ady Lisle. Lady Russell. Lowlv ladv. Son and heir. Story of Fiesco. Vision of conscience. 1873. 12 39: 2775 1014 39: 2780 Miss llartram s trouble. Mrs. Strongitharm s report. Stnuige friend, The. Twin love. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TAYLOR. 217 THACKERAY. Taylor, .lane. (1783-1824). PLKASURKS of tast, The; and other stories: with a sketch of her life by Mrt. S. J. Rule, N. Y. 1847. 18 39: 2 7 in Contents : Busy idleness. Clever fool. The. Conversation in a library. Correspondence between u motlierand daughter. Cousin s letter. Cousin s visit. Curious instrument, A. Day s pleasure, A. Discon ten ted pend it 1 u m , The. Evening thoughts. Every man his own for tune-teller. Fable in verse, A. Francis s dream. How it strikcsa stranger. I can do without it. liberal taste, A. Life of a tooKlmr-glaas. Life of Miss Taylor, by Mn. HAI.K. Little biographers. Lover of ease, The. Lucy iiinl her mother. Lucy s wishes. Man and animals. Mirth and cheerfulness. Now and then. One pound and ten thousand. Philosopher s stone. I ilKrimaKe of learning. Tlie. IMeasnres of taste: a dia logue. Hellectirtns oil a day s pleasure. Spring (lowers. Sore tongue, The. Theory atid practice. Winter evenings. Wise man. The. Wonderful bird, The. Taylor, Meadows. SKKTA. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8. TARA: a Mahratta tale. Lcip. 18G4. 3 v. sq. 16 Tefft, Benjamin Franklin. SHOULDER knot, The ; or, .sketches of the three-fold life of man. N. Y. 1857. 12 Tekel ; or, Cora Glencoe. H. A. BRAGG. (Braganza) Telemachus, Adventures of. F. de la M. Fe.veLON Telfer, Miss. BY no fault of their own : a novel. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 Tell me a story. E. GRAHAM Contents : Charlie s disappoint ment. Con and the little people, (lood ni^ht Winny. Tell-tale. E. S. PHKI.I-S. 39: 39: 39: *35: 37: 2801-3 2804-G 2812 2GG3 20G3 39:2 37: 817-19 3255 Keel fairies, The. Murv Ann Jolly, Too bad. (Onyx).... Temme, -I. I). H. (b. 1798). ANNA Hammar; a tale of cotem- porary German life. Tr. from the German bv Alferd H. Guernsey. 1860. 8.." Temper. Mrs. A. OI-IK. ///. Wojks, 38: 4385 39: 38: 2820 3903 1690 787 4577 3041 Temper and temperament. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS 37: Contents : Imprisoned mind, The. | Managing wife. Temperance tract. The. T. S. AR- TiirK. In Martyr wife 35: Tempest and sunshine. Mrs. M. J. HOLMKS 37: Tempest-tossed : a romance. T. TILTON 39: Templeton, Timothy, (pseud.) See ADAMS, Charles. Temptation. J. P. SMITH 39; Temptation ; or, the merchant s story. By the author of Marion Howard. In Peter s journey 4O: Ten nights in a bar-room. T. S. AR THUR 35: Ten old maids: and five of them were wise, and five of them were foolish: a novel. Julie P. SMITH, (f /iris- tabel doldtmith) 39; 1940 Ten thousand a year: a novel. 8. WARRKX 4O: 232 The same. Tatichnitz ed 4O: 233-5 Thesame 4O: 23G-7 1GGO 805 Ten times one is ten. E. E. HAI.K. (Col. Fred. Ingram) ..................... 37; Ten years: a novel. G. YOUNG ......... 4O: Tenant of the old brown house. L. C. MOUI.TON. In My third hook. 38: Tenant of Wildfell hall" A. BRONTU. (Acton Bell] ............................... 35: Tenants of Malory. ,1. S. LF.FANU... 38: Tender tyrants. Jus. VKRKY ........... 39; Tennessee s partner. (F.) B. HARTK. In Luck of Roaring camp ............ 37: Tenth haycock, The. 11. MARTINKAU. In Illus. of taxation, v. 2 ............. 38: Terhune, .Mary Virginia (Hawes). (Marion Harland). ALONK. N. Y. 1873. 12 ............ 39: AT last: a novel. N. Y. 1870. 12. 39: BATTLE summer. With Helen Gard ner s weddin day ...................... CHAKHYDIS. With Phemie s tempta tion .......................................... COLONEL Floyd s wards. Same ax Helen Gardner s wedding day ...... EMPTY heart ; or, husks, and For but ter, for worse. N. Y. 1871. 12. FOR better, for worse. HUh Empty heart ........................................ FROM my youth up. N. Y. 1874. 39; 39: 39: 39; 39: 39: 39: 39: 3840 1321-2 3182 2880 1462 3668-70 4056 2648 2831 2832 2835 2843 2835 2833 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 HKI.KN Gardner s wedding day. N. Y. 1870. 12 HIDDEN path, The N. Y. 1873. 12 HUSHANDS and homes. N. Y. 18GG. 12 39: Contents : Hasty speech, and what came of it. Homespun and velvet. How they do H. HUSKS; or, the empty heart, and Colonel Floyd s wards. N. Y. 186G. 12 JESSAMINE: a novel. N. Y. 1872. 12 39: MIRIAM. N. Y. 1866. 12 39: MOSS-SIDE. N. Y. 1870. 12 39: NKMKSIS. N. Y. 1872. 12 39: PIIKMIK S temptation: and Charby- dis. n. t. p. 12 39; 2843 KfHY s husband: a novel. N. Y. 1873. 12 39; SUNNY bank. N. Y. 1872. 12 39: TRUK as steel. N. Y. 1872. 12... 39: Terrible secret: a novel. May Agnes FLKMMING " 37: Terrible temptation. C. KKADK 39: Terribly strange bed. ( \V.) W. COL LINS. With Frozen deep 35: Tested. C. E. GARDNER 37: Teverino. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 37: Thackeray, Miis Anne Isabella. BI.UKHEARD S keys, and other stories. N. Y. 1875. 8 39: Contents: Jack and the bean-stulk. I White cat. The. Kiqnet .1 la Houppe. MKRRY-MAKIXG. With To Esther, and other sketches 39: Miss Angel. N. Y. 1875. 8 39: MORRKTTI Campanula. With To Esther, and other sketches 39: OLD Kensington: a novel. N. Y. 1873. 8 39: Leah Moore s trial. Nobody to blame. Two ways of keeping a wife. 39: 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2844 2845 284G 2257 1G7 4553 2822 923 2860 2865 2861 2865 2862 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. THACKERAY. 218 THACKERAY. Thackeray, J/ws Anne I., (continued.) Ot T of the world. With To Esther, . and other sketches 39: 2865 SOLA. With To Esther, and other sketches 39: 2865 STORY of Elizabeth, with other tales and sketches Phil. n. d. 12 39: 2863 Five old friends: Beauty and the beast. Cinderella. Jack, the giant-killer. Little red riding-hood. Sleeping beauty wood. Out of the world, Esther. Story of Elizabeth. 39: in the and To The same. Leip. 1863. sq. 16. To Esther, and other sketches. Lond. 1869. sm. 8 39: Contents : Merry-making. Moretti Campanula. Out of the world. Sola. VILLAOK on the elitf, with other stories and sketches. Host. I860. 12 39: 28G4 2865 2866 Con ents : From an island. Little scholars. Miscellanies: Making merry. Chirping crickets. Out ot the silence. City of refuge. Sad hour. End of a long day s Tollers and spinsters. work. Village on the clitr, The. Heroines and their grandmothers. The same. Leip. 1871. 16 39: 2867 Thackeray, William Makepeace. (Michael Angela Titmarsh). (1811- 1863). BEDFORD Row conspiracy. In Misc., v. 3. Phil, ed " 33: 4009 The snme. In Misc., v. 3. Host. ed 33: 4013 The same. In Misc., v. 7. Leip. ed 33: 4006 The same 33: 4001 BI.UEBAKD S ghost. / L. C., v. 9... 40: 1619 BOOK, of snobs. In Misc., v. 1. Phil. ed 33: 4007 The same. In Misc., v. 3. Host. ed 33: 4013 The same. In Misc., v. 1. Leip. ed 33: 3995 Thesame 33: 4003 CATHAKINE: a story. In Misc., v. 5. Host, ed 33: 4015 Thesame. Leip. 1870. sq. 16. 39: 2880 CHRISTMAS books. In Misc., v. 5. Hosted 33: 4015 Cunff./l s: Doctor liirch. Kicklelmrys on the Khine. COP S diary. In Misc., ed The same. In Misc., ed Thesame. In Misc., ed Mrs. Perkins s hall. Our street. Rose and the ring. v. 1. Phil. 33: v. 1. Bost. 33: v. 4. Leip. 33: Thesame 33: DKNNIS Duvnl. In Misc., v. 3. Bost. 33: The same. Leip. 1807. 16 39: DIARY of C. Jeames de la Pltiche, Esq. In Misc., v. 2. Phil ed 33: The same. In Misc., v. 1. Bost. ed 33: The same. In Misc., v. 4. Leip. ed 33: Thesame 33: FATAL boots, The. In Misc., v. 1. Phil, od 33: The same. In Misc., v. 3. Bost. ed 33: The same. In Misc., v. 3. Leip. ed 33: 4007 4011 3998 4004 4013 2881 4008 4011 3998 4004 4007 4013 3997 Thackeray, Wm. M., (continued.) Thesame 33: 4004 FITZ-HOODLK papers: In Misc., v. 4. Phil, ed 33: 4010 Fit/.-hoodle s confessions. | Fitz-boodle s professions. The same. In Misc., v. 4. Host. ed 33: 4014 The same. In Misc., v. 7. Leip. ed 33: 4001 Thesame 33: 4006 FOUR Georges, The. In Misc., v. 4. Bo-t. ed 33: 4014 FOUR Georges, The: and Lovel the widower. Leip. 1861. sq. 16... 39: 2882 GKORUK de Barnwell. In Treasure- trove series, v. 2 4O: 1702 The same. In Misc., v. 2. Phil. ed... 33: 4008 The same. In Misc., v. 1. Bost. ed 33: 4011 The same. In Misc., v. 5. Leip. ed 33: 3999 Thesame 33: 4005 HISTORY of Henry Esmond. Phil. 1871. 8 39: 2883 The same. Leip. 1852. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39: 2886 HISTORY of Henry Esmond: and Barry Lyndon, n. t. p. 8 39: 2885 HISTORY of Henry Esmond: and Lovel the widower. Host. 1871. 12 39: 2884 HISTORY of Samuel Titmarsh, and the great Hoggarty diamond. In Misc., v. 4. Phil, ed 33: 4010 The same. In Misc., v. 1. Bost. ed 33: 4011 The same. In Misc., v. 1. Leip. ed 33: 3995 Thesame 33: 4003 HISTORY of Pendennis. Loud 1868. 12 39: 2887 The same. Bost. 1870. 8 39: 2888 The same. Bost. 1869. 12 39: 2889 Thesame. Leip. 1849. 3 v. sq. 16 39:2890-92 Thesame. 3 v. in 2 39:2893-4 KICKI.KBURYS abroad. In Misc.; v. 2. Leip. ed 33: 3996 Thesame 33: 4003 LEGEND of the Rhine. In Misc., v. 3. Phil, ed 33: 4009 The same, hi Misc., v. 1. Bost. ed 33: 4011 The same. In Misc., v. 2. Leip. ed 33: 3996 Thesame 33: 4003 LITTI.K dinner at Timmins s. In Misc., v. 3. Phil, ed 33: 4009 The same. In Misc., v. 3. Bost. ed 33: 4013 The same. In Misc., v. 7. Leip. ed 33: 4001 Thesame 33: 4006 LOVKI. the widower. With The four Georges 39: 2882 The same. With Henry Esmond. 39: 2884 LUCK of Barrv Lyndon. With Henry Esmond 39: 2885 MKMOIRS of Barry Lvndon, Esq. In Misc., v. 3. Phil ed 33: 4009 The same. In Misc., v. 1. Bost. ed 33: 4011 The same. In Misc., v. 6. Leip. ed 33: 4000 Thesame 33: 4005 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. THACKERAY. LMO TlIAYEtt. Thackeray, Wm. M., (continued.} M KMOIKS of M. ( has. tl. Yellowplush. /// Misc., v. a. Phil. I d 33: 4008 The same. In Misc., v. 2. Bost. ed 33: 4012 The same. In Misc., v. 4. Leip. ed 33: 39!&gt;H The same 33: 4004 MEN S wives. N. Y. 1853. 12 39: 2895 The same. //* Misc., v. 4. Leip. ed 33: 4010 The same 33: 400&lt;i The same. In Misc., v. :t. Bost. ed 33: 4013 KAVKX S \ving, The. In Misc., v. 4. Phil, ed 33: 4010 The same. In Misc., v. 3. Host. ed 33: 4013 The same. In Misc., v. 8. Leip. ed... 33: 4002 4006 The same 33: MISCKLLAMES. Phil. 1 8GG. 4 v. 12 33:4007-10 Contents : v. 1. Ballads. Hook of snobs. Cox 1 . * dairy* Fatal boots. Tremendous adventures of Major Gahftgftn. v. -2.. &lt;Jh;u\u ter ^ketches. Dinry ot C. Jennies de la IMllche, Esq. Novels by eminent hands. Sketches in London. Yellowplush papers, v. :i. Barry Lyndon. Bedford Kow conspiracy, Legend ol the Rhine. Little dinner at Timmins s. Relicrcn and Uowenn. v. 4. I- itz-hoodle (ether*. H;story of SutniiH Titmursh and Hie great Hoggarty dirt mood. Men s wives. Shabby genteel story. The same. Host. 18*59-70. 5 v. 1*2 33:4011-15 Omimtt; Fatid boots. Little dinner at Tim- mins s. Men s wives. v. 1. B.irry Lyndon. Cox s diary. Diary of ( r . Jcanies dr la Pluche, Esq. History of Samuel Tit- mars h an d the g reat Hoggarty diamond. Legend of the Khine. Next Frentih revolution. Novels by eminent hands. RebecOfl and Rowena. Tremendous adventures of Mtjor (jaha^an. v. 2. Irish .sketch-lwok. Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Paris sketeh-book. Yellowplush papers. T.3. Bedford Row con- Sketches and travels in London. v. 4. (Dharity and humour. Critical reviews. English lniiN.il-!-:-. Fitz-boodle papers. Four Georges. Lirtle travels and roadside sketches. Roundabout papers. Second funeral of Napoleon. Wolves and the lambs. v.5. Ballads. Catherine. Christmas Ijooks. Fra-er Miscel imies. Selections from Punch. Titmar.sh among pictures and books. piracy. Book ot t*nobs. Character sketches. Denis Diival. The same, Leip. 1849-57. 8 v. sq. 10 33:3995-4002 Content v. 4. Cox s duiry. D:ary of (, . .Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. Yellowplush papers. .;"). Character sketches. Novels by eminent hand?. Sketches and travels in London. v. 6. Memoirs of Barry Lyn don. V. 7. Bedford Kow conspiracy. Fitz-boodle papers. Little dinner at Timmins s. Shahby genteel story. . 1. Book of snob-*. History of Samuel Tit- marsh and the great Hoggarty diamond. . 2. Chronicle of the drum. Kiekli-bury s abroad, The. Legend of the Rhine. Uebecea and Rowena. Second funeral of Na poleon. . 3. Ballads. Fatal Boots. Tremendous adventures of Major Gah^igan. v. 8. Men s wives. The same. 8 v. in 4 33: 4003-6 NKWCOMKS, The. N.Y. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 8 39; 2896 The same. Bost. 1869. 12 39: 2897 The same. Leip. 1854. 4 v. sq. 10 39:2898-2901 The same. 4 v. in 2 39; 2902-3 Thackeray, Wm. M., (continued.) NOVKLS bv eminent hands. In Misc., v. 2. Phil ed 33: 4008 Barhiizure. ft. P. K. JAMES. Esq., etc. Collinuaby. IJ. MiKKwsm-iiv, Ksq. Critv line. .Je MM-.- Pi, sn, E-q. George de Hmmvell. ,SV K. L. B. L., Bart. Lord nnil liveries. By the niithores- ot "Dukes and dejeum-r*," " Hi nrt* and diamonds," " Marchioness aii i milliners," etc., etc. Phil. Kognny: H tale of the fighting onety-oneth. Hnrrv ROLLICK R. Slira and stripes. B&gt; the author of the "Last of the Mulligans," "Pilot," ete. Tin same. 7n Miso.,v. 1. Bost. ed. 33: 4011 The same. In Mis&lt;-.,v. 5. Leip. ed. 33: :i .i j!i The same ................................... 33; 4005 PAIXTKK S bargain, The. In Treas ure-trove series, v. 1.. .................. 4O: 1701 PHILII- on his way through the world. Leip. 18(12. 2 v. in 1. sq. 1C .... 39; 2906 PIIII.II&gt; on his way through the world; and Shabby gentc el storv. Phil. 1871. 8..." ................... " ............ 39: 2fi04 The same. Bo^t. 1871. 12 ....... 39: 2905 RKHKCCA and Rowena: a romance upon romance. In Misc., v. 3. Phil.ed ..................................... 33; 4009 The same. In Misc.,v. 1. Bost. od. 33: 4011 The same. In Misc.,v. 2. Leip. ed. 33: 3990 The same .......................... ......... 33; 4003 ROUNDABOUT papers. N. Y. 1804. 12 .......................................... 39: 2907 The same. Leip. 1869. 2v.ini. 39: 33: 2908 4014 33: 33: 33: The same. In Misc.,v. 4. Bost. ed. SHABHY genteel story. In Misc.,v. 4. Phil.ed ..................................... The same. In Misc.,v. 7. Leip. ed. The same ................................... The same. With I hilip ............... 39: The same ................................... 39; TKEMKNDOUS adventures of Major Guhagn. In Misc., v. 1. Phil.ed. 33: The same, /n Misc.,v. 1. Bost. cd. 33: The same. In Misc.,v. 3. Leip. ed. 33: The same ................................... 33: VANITY fair. Phil. 1871. 8 ........ 39: The same. Bost. 1870. 12 ....... 39; The same. Leip. 1848. 3 v. sq. 10 ....................................... 39:2911-13 The same. 3 v. in 2 .................... 39:2914.1") VIRGINIANS, The. N.Y. 1859. 8. 39: 2916 The same. Bost. 1871. 12 ...... The same. Leip. 1858-9. 4 v. sq. 16 .................................... The same. 4 v. in 2 .................... YKM.OWPLUSH papers. In Misc.,v. 2. Phil.ed ..................................... 33; The same. In Misc.,v. 2. Bost. cd. 33: The same. In Misc.,v. 4. Leip. ed. 33: The same ................................... Thaddeus of Warsaw. Jane POKTKR. Thanksgiving p&gt;irty and its conse quences. Mrs. M. !l. HOI.MKS. With Homestead on the hillside ............ 37; That boy of Norcott s. C. LKVER ..... 38: The same. Tanchuitx. ed ............... 38: That little Frenchman: a tale. G. M. FKXN. 3v ................................ 37:2078-80 That mini. With Kougegorge ........... 4O: 1670 That queer irirl. V. K. *"UWXSEND.... 39: 3109 Thayer, William M. 4010 4001 4000 2904 2905 4007 4011 3997 4004 2910 2909 39: 2917 39:2918-21 39: 2922-3 4008 4012 3998 4004 4C61 33: 38: 4570 1649 1650 Bciunix boy, The; or, how Nat got his learning. (Life of N. P. Banks). Bost. 1863. 16 39; 2935 PKUSE FICTION: ENGLISH. THAYER. 220 THORNICROFT S. 4O: 33: 38: 39; 1. Gold hunters adventures. 2. Bushrangers. 3. Gold hunters in Europe. 2936 2937 2938 1267 2945 4726 4727 1305 2276 5108 1638 822 25-7 2129 4071 3509 220 Thayer, (continued.) GOOD girl and true woman. (Life of Mury Lyon). Bost. 1866. 16... 39: POOR boy and merchant prince. (Life of Amos Lawrence). Bost. 1866. 16 ................................. 39; PRINTKK boy, Ben. Franklin. Host. 1863. 16 ................................ 39; Theckla; or, the malediction. A. K. de la GKANGK ................................. 38: Theed, Marion Fosbrooke. WHAT she did with her life. Lond. 1871. 16 ................................. 39: Their wedding journey. W. 1). HOWKLLS .................................. 37: The same ..................................... 37: Theodolph, the Icelander. F. de la MoTTK-FouQUe .......................... 38: Theodora. Pliebe F. MCKEKN... ..... 38: Theodore Leigh : a novel. Mrs. P. CUDLIP. (formerly Miss Thomas). 35: Theophilus and Sophia. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 3 ......... 39: There is no place like home. A. M. DOUGLAS ................................... 37: Theresa. Noel RADCLIFFE. 3 v ..... 39: Thief in the night. H. (K) P. SPOF- FORD ......................................... 39: Thing s using us. Mrs. E. B. CHARLES. With Oottnge by the cathedral ...... 35: Thinks-I-to-myself. K. NARES.... 38: Thirty years since. G. P. R. JAMES... 38: This one thing I do. Mrs. A. E. POKTER ..................................... 38: 4632 Thomas, Annie. See CUDLIP, Mrs. Pender. Thomas, Martha M. LIFE S lesson. N. Y. 1854. 12.... 39; 2950 Thomas Harkness of Lockerben. (Gleanings of the covenant). Thos. GILI.ESPIE. In W. T. 15., v. 10 ..... Thomas of Chartres. H. MILLER. In W. T. B., v. 9 ........................ 4O: Thomas of Reading; or, the sixe worthie yeomen of the west. Now the sixth time corrected and en larged by T. D. [Thomas Deloney]. In Thoms s Early English prose romances, v. 1 ............................ Thomas Wingfold, curate. G. MAC- DONALD .................................... Thomes, William H. BUSHRANGERS, The: a Yankee s ad ventures during his second visit to Australia. Bost. 1870. 12 ....... GOLD-HUNTERS adventures, The; or, life in Australia. Illustrated by Charnpney. Bost. 1870. 12 ...... GOLD hunters in Europe, The; or, the dead alive. Bost.. 1872. 12. *39; LIFE in the East Indies. Bost. 1873. 12 ........................................... |39: RUNNING the blockade. Bost. 1875. 8 ............................................ 39: SLAVER S adventures on land and sea, A. Bost. 1873. 12 ................. *39: WHALEMAN S adventures in the Sandwich islands and-California, The. Bost. 1872. 12 .............. $39: 1720 -1719 4020 2186 39; 2956 2957 2958 2959 i960 2961 29G2 Thompson, Daniel Pierce. CENT KOLA, and other tales. 1864. 12.... N. Y. Contents : Centeola. Counterfeiter. Rustic financiers. 39: 2970 I Starving settlers. Unfathomable mystery. DOOMED chief, The; or, two hundred years ago. Phil. 1860. 12 ....... GAUT Gurley; or, the trappers of Umbagog. Phil. 1860. 12 ...... GRKEN mountain boys. Bost. 1870. 12 ........................................... LOCKE Amsden, the schoolmaster. Bost. 1869. 12 ........................ MAY Martin, and other stories of the Green mountains. Bost. 1869. 39; 39; 39: 39; 2971 2972 2973 2974 Contents : Ei ban Allen and the lost children. Guardian and the ghost. Indian s revenge, An. 39: 2975 a bad 2976 18. 39: 2983 fidelity 8 In W. T. New way to collect debt. Old soldier s story. Shaker lovers. Young sea captain. RANGERS, The; or, the tory s daughter. Bost. 1869. 12 39; Thompson, Maurice. HOOOIEK mosaics. N. Y. Contents : Big medicine. Stealing a conductor. Hoiden. Trout s luck. Id) 1 of the rod, An. Venus of Kalhinch. Legend of Potato Creek. Was she a boy ? Pedagogue, The. Thompson, W. T. (Major Jones). .MAJOR Jones s courtship and travels. Phil. n. d. 12 Thompson, Mrs. A. T. (Grace Whartoii) (ed.) LADY of Milan, The; or, unto death. N. Y. n. d. Thompson, Rev. G. LOST heir of Elphinstone. B., v. 10 Thompson, Mortimer. (Q. K. Phi lander Doexticks, P. B.) DOESTICK B letters, and what he says. Containing the whole of his cele brated and original letters. Phil. n. d. 12 HISTORY and records of the Elephant club, The. Compiled from authen tic documents in possession of the Zoological society. Phil. n. d 12 WITCHES of New York, The. Phil, n. d. 12 Thpms, William J. (ed.) EARLY English prose romances, with bibliographical and historical in troductions. Second edition en larged. Lond. 1858 Contents : v. 1. Friar Bacon. Friar Rush. Robert the deuyll. Thomas a Read ing. v. 2. George a Green. 39: 2988 39: 2995 4O: 1720 33: 4024 33: 33: 4025 4026 3 v. sm 8. 33: 4020-2 Robin Hood. Tom a Lincoln. Virsillus. v. 3. Doctor Faustus. Helvas. Thomson-Gregg, W. DESPERATE character, A. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8. [anon.] 39: 3001-3 DOCTOR Middleton s daughter. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8. [anon.] 37:3479-81 Thornbury, Walter. VICAR S courtship, The. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 39:3011-13 Thornicroft s model. A. BEAUMONT. 3 v 35:1811-13 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. THORNS. 221 TIBET. Thorns and spines. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by tho cathedral 35: 4071 Thornton hall. P. F. MO-KEEN 38: 2277 Thorntons of Thurnbury, The: a novel. Mrs. H. C CHKRMSIDE 35:4180-2 Thorpe, Benjamin. (1808-1870) (ed.) YULE tide stories. Lond. 1853. sm. 8 39; 3020 Thorpe Jvamba. (pxeud.) See BEL LAMY, E. W. Thorpe, Thomas Bangs, (b. 1815). MYSTERIES of the backwoods. Phil. 1846. 12 39: 3025 Thorpe, a quiet English town and life therein. W. MOUNTFORD 38: 3190 Thorpe Regis: a novel. F. M. PEARD. 38: 4300 Those old lunes ! or, which is the madman. W. G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin 39: 1692 Thou and I. Mm. E. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Thoughts on bores. M. EDGEWORTH. Wiih Harrington, &c 37: 1492 Thoughts on men, women, and things, Angelina Gushington s. N. Y. 1872. 12 33: 523 Three ages. II. MARTINEAU. In lllus. pol. econ., v. 8 38: 2646 Three beauties, The. Mri. E. I). E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39: 203G Three Bernices, The. Mrs. M. A. BRIGHT. (Lyndon) 35: 2827 Three brethren, The. (Professor s tales). Thos. GILLESI-IE. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 Three brothers, The. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT 38: 3870 Three clerks, The : a novel. A. TROL- Loi-E 39: 3214 Three cousins, The. J. A. MAITLAXD. 38: 2422 Three cutters. Capt. F. MARRYAT. With The pirate, v. 2 38: 2559 Three dreams, The. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. With Cottnge by the cathedral 35: 4071 Three eras in a woman s life. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 806 Three feathers : a novel. W. BLACK. 35: 2183 Three generations. S. A. EMKRY 37: 1722 Three gold dollars, The. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 7 35: 42 Three golden apples. N. HAWTHORNE. In Tanglewood tales 37: 4189 Three guardsmen, The. A. (D.) DU MAS 37: 1013 Three Kearnys, The. A. PICK EN. In Club-book 4O: ir&gt;20 Three kings, The. G. NIERITX. 38: 3636 Three leaves from the diary of a trav eller. Mr*. ELLET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians 37: 1650 Three letters, The. A. LEKIHTON. In W T . T. B., v. 6 4O: 1716 Three lieutenants, The; or, naval life in the 19th century. Wm. H. G. KINGSTON 38: 1002 Three midshipmen. W. H. G. KINGS TON 38: 1003 Three musketeers. A. (D.) DUMAS... 37: 1027 Three November days. B. F.TAYLOR. In L. C., v. 11 4O: 1621 Three Oxonians, The. F. USHER. 3 v. 39: 302G-8 Three pines. J. ABBOTT 35: 95 Three proverb stories. L. M. ALCOTT. 35: 464 Con citt, ; Aunt Kipp: "Children I Psyche s ar\ : " Handsome and fools speak ho | is tint hand^omo d &gt;." truth." Kitty s class-day : "A wtitch | in time saves nine-. 1 Three scenes in the life 01 a worldling. T.S.ARTHUR. In Finger-posts. ... 35: 813 Three scouts. J. T. TROWBRIDGE. (Paul Creyton) 39: 3326 Three sisters, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH. With. Wife s vic tory 39: 2042 Three sisters and three fortunes. G. H. LKWES 38: 1693 Three successful girls. J. CROUCH.... 35: 5074 Three tales. Sophie de BANZANCOURT, comtesxe d Arbouville 35: 690 Contents : Christine van Amberg. I Village doctor, The. Resignation. Three tasks, The. W. CARLETON. In Traits and stories, v. 1 35: 3841 Tho same 35: 3840 Three times dead ; or, the secret of health. A/iss M. E. BRADDON 35: 2560 Three to one. Geo. W. DASEXT. Same ns Lady Sweetapple. 3 v 37: 105-7 Three Westminster boys. Mrs. JOHN- STONE. In W. S. C. L., v. 4 34: 4174 The same *15: 49H Three wise little boys. H. E. Scui&gt;- DER. In Stories from my attic 33: 3009 Three years in a man-trap. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 807 Three-fold destiny. N. HAWTHOKXK. In Twice-told tales, v. 2 37: 4192 The same 37: 4194 The same. In L. C., v. 12 4O: 1622 Throne of David, The. Rev. J. II. INORAHAM 38: 47 Throstlethwaite. S. MORLEY 38: 3151 Through by daylight. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 279 Through fire and water. F. TALBOT. 39: 2744 Through the looking-glass, and what Alice found there. C. L. DODUSON. 37: 739 Through the mist. J. HERINO. 3 v. 37: 4370-3 Through night to light. F. SI-IKL- HAGEX 39: 2109 Through thick and thin; or, "Za i/uerre Ju Nizam." ,]. MeRY. Tr. by&lt;). VIBKUR 38: 2954 Thrown together: a story. F. MONT GOMERY 38: 3075 Thunderbolt to the hearth. E. I). E. N. SOUTHWORTH. With Prince of darkness 39: 2033 Thurston, L. M. CHILDREN* of Amity court. Bost. 1873. 16 39: 3031 CHARLIE and Eva Roberts home in the west. Bost. 1873. Ki 39: 3032 How Charlie Roberts became a man. Bost. 1873. 16 .. 39: 3033 How Eva Roberts gained her educa tion. Bost. 1873. 16 39: 3034 Thwarted ; or, ducks eggs in a hen s nest. F. MONTGOMERY 38: 3076 Thyra (iascoignc. A/ra. E. JENINOS. 38: 274-6 Tibby Johnston s wraith. J. Hooo. (Kttrick Shepherd]. See Country dreams and apparitions in Winter evening tales, v. 2 37: 4521 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TlCONDEROGA. 222 TOM. Ticonderoga. G. P. R. JAMKS 38: 221 Tickler among th ieves. In T. f. B., v. 6 40: 1698 Tiger hunter. M. REID 39: 258 Tiger lilies : a novel. S. LANIEB. 38: H3J Tiger slayer, The : n talc of the Indian desert. G. AIMARD 35: 403 Tilton, Theodore. T KM TEST-TOSS ED: a romance. N.Y. 1874. 12 39: 3041 Timboo and Fanny. J. AHBOTT. In H. S. 15., v. 3 35: 38 Timboo and Joliba. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 3 35: 38 Timbs, John. (b. 1801). ANCESTRAL stories and traditions of great families, illustrating English Lond. 1869. sm. 8 history. Contents: Assassination of the Hartgilla by Lord Stoui ten. Brradgate and Lady Jane Grey. Brave Earl of Leven, The. Christinas mummers in the olden time. Cliffords ot Cn.ven, The. Country gentleman of tin- XVI i century. Donington castle and Chaucer. D.agon legends. Duke of ~ Monmouth s last days. Fatalities in families. Fortunes of three Earls of Kildare. Fotheringhay iind its memories. Fyndern and the Fyn- dernes. George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, assassin ated by John Fellon. Goldsmitbs of Leeds: a tragic tale. Horse-shoes at Oakham castle. 33: 4070 House of Howard. House of Talbot. Hungorford family. Lacock abbey, and Ela, Countess of Salisbury. Lady Alice Lisle, The. Legends of the red hand. Love passage from the diary of Lady dwper. Lnmlcy portrait*, The. Manor of Wnkefleld and Sandal castle. Middleham castle and Richard III. Osoorn and Leeds families, The. Pomcfract castle and its echoes. Radclirts of Derwentwater. Red and white roses, The. Scrivelsby and tbe queen s championship. Siege of Lathoni house, The. Sir Anthony Browne and his det-cendants. Three Earls of Stanhope. Tragedy of Sir John Eland. Tradiiions of Wallington and tbe Calverleys. V*le ot White Horse. West Horsley place and the Wesions. House of Ferrers. CENTURY of anecdote, from 1700 to 1860. Lond. n. d. 12 33; 4069 Content*: 1. Clerical life. I 4. Law and lawyers. 2. Court and fashionable | 5. M n of letters. life. (j. Players and painters. X Eccentric persons. 7. Political life. DOCTORS and patients; or, anecdotes of the medicitl world. Lond. 1873. 2v. 12 33:4071-2 Time and tide. A. S. Ron 39: 605 Time the avenger. A. MARSH 38: 2604 Timothy Cripple; or, life s a feast. T. A. ROBINSON 39: 570-71 Timothy Templeton. (pseud.) See ADAMS, C. A. Tin trumpet; or, heads and tails for the wise and waggish. P. CHAT- FIELD 35: 4114 Tip top; or, a noble aim. Mrs. L. C. TUTIIII.I , 39: 3392 Tis useless trying. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (forme/ly Aliss Mulock). In Do mestic stories 35: 4914 Titan : a romance. J. P. F. RICHTER. (Jean Paul) 39: 358-9 Tithe-proctor, The: a novel. W. CARLETON 35; 3839 Title and estate. F.LANCASTER 38:1310-12 Titmarsh, Michael Angelo. (pseud.) See THACKERAY, W. M. Tito s troubles. F. W. ROBINSON. Wiih Girl s romance 39: 485 To and from Tunis. Henry SPICER. /n Brought to book, v. 1 39: 2097 To the bitter end. M. E. BRADDON.... 35: 2561 To Bnddlecombe and back. F. C. Bru.xAM) 35; 3402 To Esther, and other sketches. Miss A. 1. THACKERAY 39; 2865 Content* : Merry making. j Out of the world. Moretti Campanula. ! Sola. To love and to be loved ; and The min ister s story. A. 3. ROE 39: 600 To think, or to be thought for. (W.) W. COLLINS. With Queen s re venge 35; 4581 Tobias Wilson. lion. J. CLEMENS... 35: 4390 Tobyn, .M. A. WOMAN at the wheel, A. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 39; 3047-9 Toby ft itt. M. E. ENOEL. In R. G. N., v. 4 4Q: 1563 To-day. R. B. KIMHALL 38: 870 To-morrow. M. EDQEWORTII. In her N. and T., v. 3 ... 37; 1498 The same. In Popular tales, v. 2 37: 1507 Toilers of the sea. V. (M.) HUGO... 37; 4842 Toinette : a novel. Albion W. TOUR.IKE. (Henry Churton) 35: 4300 Tolla. E. (F. V.) ABOUT 35: 172 Tolstoy, A. PRINT K Serebrenni. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. H 39; 3055-6 Tom a Lincoln, the red rose knight. R. JOHNSON. In THOMS Early English prose romances, v. 2 33: 4021 Tom and the crocodiles. A. BOW MAN 35; 2452 Tom Bentley; story of a prodigal. Bost. 1870. 16 .".... 4O: 2675 Tom Brown at Oxford. T. HUGHES. 2 v 37:4815-16 Tom Brown s school days at Rugby. T. HUUHKS . 37; 4817 The same. Bost. ed 37; 4818 The same. Tauchnitz ed 37: 4819 Tom Bullekelyof Lissington : a novel. R. M. JEPHSON . 38: 313-15 Tom Burke, of Ours. C. LBVKR 38: 1651-2 The same. Phil ed 38: 1653 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3v 38: 1654-6 The same. 3 v. in 2 38: 1657-8 Tom Chips. I. S. DIEKKNOA (Don) and T. M. ASHWORTH (Ouiio) 37: 626 Tom Cringle s log. M. SCOTT 39: 1295 Tom Duncan s yarn. Oliver RICH ARDSON. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 Tom Jones, History of. H. FIELD ING. 3v *37:2138-40 Thesame. N.Y. ed. 2v *37: 2141-2 The same *37: 2143-4 Thesame. In Works, v. 1 *37; 2145 Thesame *37: 2147 Tom Neweombe; or, the boy of bad habits. C. A. FOSDICK. (Harry Cattleman) .. 37: 2394 Tom Pippin s wedding. H. W. PUL- LEN 38: 4766 Tom Racquet and his three maiden aunts. F. E. SMEDLEY 39: 1797 Tom, the sailor boy. Mrs. F. B. SMITH 39: 1826 Tom Thornton. R. H. DANA. / Poems and prose writings, v. 1 34: 994 Tom Tiddler s ground. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. In Christmas stories... 37: 453 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TOMMY. 223 TRADITIONARY. I8G1). 16 Little oaths. Visit, The. Tommy Hickup. R. (Y.) A. PARKER. (llosa Abbott) 38: 4174 Tommy Try. O. O. S. NAPIER 38: 3504 Tone ina.-ters, The. C. BARNARD, jr. (Jane King*ford). Contents : v.l. Monrt and MendelMohn. 3."i:lfi28 2. H;indel and Haydn. :to:l&lt;j Jti 3. Bach mid Beethoven. 31:10:25 Tonna, Mrs. Churlutti! Elizabeth. (Charlotte Elizabeth). AI.ICE Benden; or, the bowed shil ling: and The star. N. Y. 1869. 16 39: 3060 CONFORMITY; or, falsehood and truth. X. Y. 1866. 2 v. in 1. 16. 39: 3061 FI.OWKR of innocence; or, Rachel, and other tales. N. Y. 1869. 16. 39: 3062 Content*: Good and bad I link. James Orwell, the moun tain-cottager. FORTIES-TELLER, and other tales. N. Y. 1869. 16 Contents : Back-biting. | Promising and performing. Where are you going? GLIMPSES of the past; or, the mu seum. N. Y. 1869. 16 HUMILITY before honor, and other tales and illustrations : with a brief moir of the author. By Win. 1$. Sprague 39: Contents : Faithful doss, Th. | Widow of Zarepath. JUD.VA Capta. N. Y. 186!). 16... 39: JUDAH S lion. X. Y. n. d. 10 39 : PHI Mi and his garden, and other tales. N. Y. i860. 16 39: Content* : Bird s nest, Th&lt;&gt;. ftlo\v-worm, The. Dying sheep, The. Moth. Th&gt;. Fatal errors. Premium, The. SIMPLE flower, The, and other tales. N. Y. 1869. 16 39: Content* ; Nestlings, The. | Two carpenters, The. Way to ilo good. TALES and illustrations. N.Y. 1869. 16 39: Content*: Bee, The. Bible the beat hook, The Boat, The. Bow in l he cloud. Faithful steward. Hated task. The. \VKOXGS of woman. 16 Tony Butler: a novel. C. LEVER The same. Tauchnit/. ed. 2 v. in 1. Tony Starr s legacy. S. S. Konnixs. Too late. Mrs. NEWMAN. 2 v 38: Too lightly broken: a novel. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 4O: 2676 Too much alone. Mrs. J. II. RIDDEI.L. (F. ft. Trafford) 39: 389 Too much and too little money. [W. C.] 35: 3701 Too old. C. ETLAR. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 2 4O: K&gt;31 Too soon. K. S. MACIJUOID 38: 2355 Too strange not to be true. Lady G. FULI.KRTON ! 37: 2558 The same. Tuiiehnitz ed 37; 2559 Toodleburgs, von, The. F. C. ADAMS 35: 190 Topankalon. F. II. UNDERWOOD. In Cloud pictures 39; 3621 39: 2063 39: 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 Hen and her chickens. Mod b.-rries. The. Rose buil, The. Swan, The. Two servants. The. Willow tree, The. N. Y. n. d. 3071 1659 1660 458 360^-3 39: 38: 38: 39: Topelius, /.. GTSTAVE Adolph and the thirty ye-rs war. N.Y. 1872. 12...!. 39: 307r, Tor hill, The. H. SMITH 39: Idi ii Total depravity of inanimate things. Mrs. A. E. WALKER. In L. C.,v. 5. 4O: 1615 Tottenham, G. L. HAKCOTRT. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 3081-3 HARRY Egerton ; or, the younger son of the day. Lond. "l8G9! 3 v. sm. 8 ." 39: 3084-6 Tour of the world in 80 days. J. VEKXK ! 39: 3699 Tourje&, Albion W. (Henry Churton). TOINETTK: a novel. N. Y. 1874. 12 35: 4300 Toutou and Pussy. ,J. H. MATHKWS. 38: 2702 Tower Hallowdeane: a novel. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 D 4O: 2683 Tower hill. W. H. AINSWORTH 35: 439 Tower of London. W. H. AINS- WOHTII 35: 44(1 The same. Pictorial with index 35: 441 Towle, Mr*. C. W. STORIES for the American freemason s fireside. Cin. 1868. 12 39: 3095 Contents : Autumnal thought. Belle s visit to the coun try Blue hyacinth; or, the masonic medal. Broken shrines. Cardinal virtues. Claude Fisher: or, the secret marriage. Cousin Sallie s visit. Cousins, The. Poes Froem-isonry piy? Echo from th Iv irt. " Freemasonry in Itnly. Forest home. The. (ieuius of masonry; or, a lesson by the wayside. Greyton robbery; or, the m ason s son. Henry Wharton. How came they to mirry; or, the Smiths and Aliens. Kitty Seymour and the Freemasons. Miser s gift, The. Mollie Cross, the blind gid. Moonlight on the mound. Once more, mother. Orphan s miniature. Sh-ulow in the C lttage. Sparkling wife, Th". Soothsayer s malediction. These secret societies. Very much in love; or, a sligh mistake. Young bachelor s first love. In Town, The. H. MAHTINEAU. Him. of poor laws, &c., v. 3 Town and country. H. II. STODDARD. Town and forest. A. MAXNINO Townsend, Virginia Frances. DAKRYLI, gap; or, whether it paid. Bost. 1866. 12 DEKRINOS of Medbury, The. Bost. 1871. 16 " HOLLANDS, The. Bost. 1871. 12. MAROERV Keith. Bost. [1875.] 16. MAX Meredith s millennium. Bost. [1870.] 16 MILLS of Tuxlmry. Bost. 1871. 16 ONE woman s two lovers; or. Jacque line Thayne s choice. Phil. 1875. 12 ONLY girls. Bost. 1872. 16 Six in all. Bost. 1873. 8 THAT queer girl. N.Y. 1875. 16. Track of war, The. H. SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 1 Tracy s ambition. G. GRIKKIS. In Works, v. 4 Trading: finishing " House in town." S. WARNBR. (Elizabeth Wetherell). Traditionary stories and legendary illustrations. A. PII KEN. In W. S. C. L., v. 2 The same 38: 39: 38: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 37: 4O: 34: S 15: 2619 2 01 24110 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 2096 3554 185 4172 4912 PKOSK FICTION: KNUUS11. TRADITIONS. 224 TRIAL. Traditions of the American war of independence. In W. 8. 0. L.,v. 5. 34: The same ...................................... *15: Trafford, F. G. (pseud.) See RID- IJKLL, Mrs. J. H. Trafton, Adeline. KATIIKRINK Karle. N. Y. 1874. 417f&gt; 4915 39; 3118 Tragedy in the Palazzo Bardello. A. b. EDWARDS. With Monsieur Maurice, v. 3 .............................. 37; 1520 Tragical passion of Marmaduke Paull. In W. S. C. L, v. 9 ........... 34: 4170 The same ...................................... *15: 919 Trail of the serpent. M. E. BRADDON. 35: 2562 Traill, Catherine P. CANADIAN crusoes, The. Bost. n. d. 16 ........................................... 39: 3125 STORIES of the Canadian forest. Bost. n. d. 10 ........................ 39: 3126 Traitor and his victim; or, the story of the unfortunate Major Andre. James GRANT. With Constable of France ...................................... 37: 3305 Traits and stories of the Irish peas antry. W. CARLETON. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8 ........................... 35; 3841-2 Contents; v. l. Buttle of the factions, The. Donagh, The; or, The horse-stealers. Hedge school, The. harry M Fai hind s wake. Lough Derg pilgrim. Midnight mass, The. Ned M Keown. 1 iirty right and funeral, The. I hil Purccl, the pig- driver. Shane Fadh s wedding. Station, The. Three tasks, The. . t. Geography of an Irish oath. Going to Maynooth. Lia"nh:tn shee, The. Neal Malnne. Phelim O Toole s courtship. Poor scholar, The. Tubber Dcrg ; or, the red well Wildgoose lodge. The same 35; 3840 Transcendental wild oats. L. M. ALCOTT. Jn Silver pichers 35: 35: 38: 35: Transmigration. M. COLLINS. 3 v. Trap to catch a sunbeam. M. A. MACKARNESS. (formerly Alixs Planche,). In Sunbeam stories Trapper s daughter, The: a story of the Rocky mountains. G. AIMARD. Traveler s library, v. 1 and 2, liction. Lond. 1864. sm. 8 4O: Contents : v.l. Attic .philosopher in Paris. E. SOUVKSTKE. Confessions, of &gt; work ing man. E. SOUVKBTBE. Narrative of his shii- wreck. SirE. SEAWARD. Travels of Cyrus, The. SAY. (Chevalier). 2v 471 4541-3 2270 404 1691-2 v. 2, Love story from " The doctor." R. SOTTHEY. Memoir of a rnaitre d 1 arnies. A. (L 1 .) DUMAS. feir Roger de Coverley. J. ADDISON. A. M. RAM- 33: 3464-5 3466 Thesame 33; Travels of an American owl. V. W. JOHNSON. (Cousin Virginia) 38: 449 Travels of Prince Ac-bar. G. P. K. JAMES. In String of pearls 38: 219 Travers, M. SPINSTERS of Batohington. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 8 39:3131-2 Treachery its own betrayer. EISER- HAKDT. In R. G. N., v. 2 4O: 1561 Treason at home: a novel. Mrs. GRKKNHOUGH 37: 3436 Treasure hunters, The ; or, the search for the mountain mine: a novel. G. M. FENN 37: 2077 Treasure of the Tnca. Franz HOFF MANN. Tr. by J. F. Smith 37: 4493 Treasure of the seas. J. DEMILT.K. 37: 282 Treasure-seeker, The. E. SOUVES- TUK. Jit Brittany and La Vendee. 39: 2066 Treasure-trove. Same ax He would be a gentleman. S. LOVER 38: 1888 Treasure-trove series, The. Edited bv K. H. Stoddard. Compiled by W. S. Walsh. Bost. 1875. v. 1-3. 16 4O: 1701-3 Contents: I. Burlesque: Day in the academy, A. F. C. BVRNA.ND. Eneouiiter with an interviewer. S. L. CLEMENS. (Mark Twain. Golden age of New York, The. Washington IRVING. Insanity of Cain, The. Mary Mapes DODGE. Lady Kohesia, The. R. H. BAHHAM. Mrs. Battle s opinion on cards. Charles LAMB. Mrs. Brown at the play. (r. ROSE. (Arthur Sketfhlcy.) Noble savage, The. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. Our new livery and other things. G. W. CURTIS. Painter s bargain, The. W. ^f. THACKEKAY. Parish revolution, The. T. HOOD. Will of a virtuoso, The. J. ADDISON. II. Travesty : George de Barnwell. W. M. THACKERAY. Ho Ki of the yellow girdle. T. T. T. Lessons in biography. Rev. J. BEKESFORD. Mi . John Jenkins. (F.) B. HARTE. Prophetic account of a luture epic. T. B. MACAVLAY. St. Twel mo. C. S. WEBB. (Joint Fuvl.) Treble temptation, A. F. C. HUKNAND. Walter Redivivus. Thomas HOOD. III. Story: Dr. Marigold. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. Fight fora wife, A. W. BLACK. Friend of a Gioberti s. (J. LEVER. Loan of a lyre, The. Fitz Hugh Ll iiiow. O Uonors, The. A. TKOLLUPK. Story without a tale. Wm. MAGINN. Truthful resolve, The. D. R. LOCJKE. (Petroleum V. If ashy.) Widow by brevet, The. N. P. WILLIS. Treble temptation, The. F. C. BUR- NAN D. In Treasure-trove series, v. 2 40: Trees and burns. T. GILLESVIE. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: Tregarthen hall. J. GARLAND. 3 v. 37: Trelawny of Trelawne: a legend of Cornwall. A. E. K. BRAY 35: Trelawney, E. J. ADVENTURES of a younger son. Lond. n. d. 16 39: Tremendous adventures of Major Gahagan. W. M. THACKERAY. hi Misc., v. 1. Phil, ed 33: The same. In Misc., v. 1. Bost. ed. 33: The same. Jn Misc., v. 3. Leip. ed. 33: The same 33: Trench, William Stewart. REALITIES of Irish life. Bost. 1869. 10 39: Trente-et-un. L. delaRAME. With Randolph Gordon 39: Tressilian and his friends. R. S. MACKENZIE 38: Trethill farm. L. PARR. With John Thompson 38: Trevlyn hold. Same as Squire Trev- lyn s heir. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD. 4O: Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 4O: Trial, The: more links of the Daisy chain. C. M. YONUK 4O: Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 4O: Trial and triumph. T. S. ARTHUR.... 35: 1717 2841-3 2716 3139 4007 4011 3997 4004 3145 56 2309 4233 730 731 1296 1297 809 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TRIALS. 225 TKOLT.OPE. Trials and confessions of a house keeper. T. S. AKTHUK Trials and triumphs. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 10 Trials of the henrt. A. E. K. BRAY. Trials of Menie Dempster. A. LEHIII- TON. In \V. T. B., v. 7 Trials of Kcv. Samuel Austin. T. (iii.i.Ksi-iK. In W. T. B., v. 10 Tricotrin. L. de la KAMU (Ouida). The same. Tauchnitz ed Tried for her life. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOVTHWOKTH. Sequel to Cruel as the grave Tried friendship. In X. and T. v. 10.. Trip over London, A. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 3 Trip to the hay. Mrs. C. L. HEXTZ. H ith Banished son Tristram Shandy. L. STERNE The same The same. / Works Triumph over Midian. C. TUCKER. [A. L. 0. E.) Triumphs of steam, The; or, stories from the lives of Watt, Arkwright, and Stephenson. By the author of Might and right. N. Y. n. d 12. Triumphs &lt;&gt;f time. A. MARSH Trodden down. .Vrs. J. C. XEWHY. Trois etoiles. (pseud.) Hee MURRAY, Grenville. Trollope, Anthony, (b. 1815). BARC HKSTKR towers. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 BKI.TON estate. N. Y. 1866. 8... The same. Leip. 1806. 2 v. in 1. sc). 16 BERTRAMS, The. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. sq. lti CAN you forgive her? N. Y. n. d. 35: 4O: 35: 808 1720 271!l 4O: 1717 40: 39: 39: 39: 4O: 37: 37: !5 39: 9 39: *34: 39: 40: 38: 38: 1720 60 61 2037 1650 4647 4311 2271 2017 3358 20 1 I 2605 3560 Leip. 1865. 3 v. sq. The same. 16 ........ The same. 3 v. in 2 .................... CASTLE Richmond. N. Y. 1860. 12 ........................................... The same. Leip. 1860. 2 v. in. 1. sq. 16 .................................... CLAVERINOS, The. N. Y. 1866. H. The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 ....................................... DOCTOR Thome N. Y. 1867. 12. The same. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 ..................................... EUSTACE Diamonds. N. Y. 1872. 8 ............................................. FRAMLEY parsonage. Leip. 1861. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 ........................ GOLDEN lion of Grandpere. N Y. 1872. 8 ................................... HARRY Heathcote of Gangoil: a tale of Australian bush life. N. Y . 1874. 8 ................................... HE knew he was right. N. Y. 1869. 8 .................... . ........................ The same. Leip. 1869. 3 v. sq. 16 .................................... The same. :t v. in 2 ................... LAKY Anna: a novel. N. Y . 1875. 8 ............................................. LAST chronicle of Barset, The. N. Y. 1867. 8 ................................... The same. Leip. 1867. 3 v. sq. Ki .................................... The same. 3 v. in 2 .................... 39: 3151 39: 3152 39: 3153 39: 3155 39: 3156 39: 3157-9 39: 3160-1 39: 3162 39: 3163 39: 3!64 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 3165 3166 3167 3168 3170 3171 39; 3172 39: 3173 39; 3174-6 39:3177-8 39: 3179 39: 3180 39: 3181-3 39:3184-5 Trollope, A., (continued.) MACDERMOTS of Ballycloran, The: a novel. Phil. n. d. 16 39: 3186 Miss Mackenzie. X. Y. n. d. 8. 39: 3187 ORLEY farm. N. Y. n. d. 8 39; 3188 The same. Leip. 18G2. 3 v. sq. 16 39:3189-91 The same. 3 v. in 2 39: 3192-3 1 iHNKAs Finn, the Irish member. N. Y. 1866. 8 39: 3194 The same. Leip. 1869. 3 v. sq. 16 39: 3195-7 The same. 3 v. in 2 39; 3198-9 PHIXKAS Redux: a novel. N. Y. 1874. 8 39: 3200 PRIME minister, The. Phil. n. d. 12 39: 3220 RACHEL Ray: a novel. N. Y . n. d. 8 . . 39; 3201 The same. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 39; 3202 RALPH the heir. X. Y. 1871. 12. 39: 3203 The same. Leip. 1871. 2v.ini. sq. 16 39; 3204 SIR Harry Hotspur, of Humble- thwaite. Leip. 1871. sq. 16 39: 3206 SMALL house at Allington. X. Y . 1864. 8 ! 39: 3207 The same. Leip. 18fi4. 3 v. sq. 16 39:3208-10 The same. 3 v. in 2 39:3211-12 STRUGGLES of Brown, Jones, and Robinson, The. By one of the firm. X. Y. 1870. 8.". 39; 3213 THREE clerks, The: a novel. X. Y. 1868. 12 39: 3214 VICAR of Bullhampton, The. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. sq. 16 39: 3216 WARDEN, The. Leip. 1859. sq. 16. 39: 3218 WAY we live now, The. X. Y. 1875. H 39; 3-219 Trollope, AT. Frances. (1790-1863). ATTRACTIVE man, The. Lond. n. d. 16 39; 3230 LIFE and adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw, The; or, scenes of the Mississippi. With fifteen engravings. Lond. 1836. 3 v. sm. 8 *A. LOVE and jealousy. Lond. n. d. 16 39: 3231 MRS. Matthews. Lond. 1864. 12. 39: 3232 PETTICOAT government: a novel. X. Y. n. d. 8... 39; 3233 WIDOW Barnaby, The. Lond. n. d. 16 ". 39; 2234 WIDOW married, The. Sequel to The widow Barnaby. Lond. n. d. 16. 39: 3235 Trollope, Frank. GLADSTONES, The. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 39; 3241-3 WILLIAM Mellish. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 39:3244-6 Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. (b. 1810). BEi i o, the conscript. Phil. 1870. 12 39: 3251 DIAMOND cut diamond: a story of Tuscan life. X. Y. 1874. 12... 39: 3252 DREAM numbers: a domestic novel. Phil. n. d. 12 39: 3253 DURNTON abbey. X. Y. 1874. 8. 39: 3254 GARSTANUS of Garstang Grange, The. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. sq. 16 39: 3256 GEMMA: a novel. Phil. n. d. 12. 39: 3257 PKOSE FICTION: EXGLISU. TROLLOPE. 226 TRY. Trollope, T. A., (continued.) LEONORA Casaloni; or, the marriage secret. Phil. n. d. 12 LINDISFARNE Chase. N. Y. 18G5. 39: 3258 39: 39: 3259 3260 MARIETTA. Phil. 1870. 12 O CoNORS, The. In Treasure-trove series, v. 3 4O: PAUL the pope, and Paul the friar. Lond. 1861. 8 39: SEALED packet, The : a novel. Phil. n. d. 12 39: SIRKN, A. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. sq. 16 39: STii.,i/wiNCHE8 of Comb Mavis. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 39: 3265-7 Trollope, Mrs. Thomas Adolphus. ANNE Furness. N. Y. 1871. 8... MABEL S progress : a novel. N. Y. 1870. 8 SACRISTAN S household : a story of Lippe-LMmold. N. Y. 1869. 8. VERONICA: a novel. N. Y. 1870. 39: 39: 39: 39: 1703 3261 3262 3264 3281 3282 3283 3284 Trotty s wedding tour and story book. E. S. PHELPS. (Onyx) 38: 4386 Troubles of a quiet man. J. KAVA- NAQH. With Seven years 38: 681 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 682 Trowbridge, Catherine M. CHARLES Norwood; or, erring and repenting. Phil. 1860. 16 39: 3300 GEORGE Morton and his sister. Phil. 1863. 16 39: 3301 How to conquer; or, Allen Ware. Phil. 1870. 16 39: 3302 MAPLEVILLE boys, The. Phil. 1870. 16 39: 3303 Trowbridge, John Townsend. (Paul Creyton). (b. 1827). BURRCLIFFE, N. Y. 1869. 16 39: 3310 CHANCE for himself, A; or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. Bost. 1872. 16 39: 3311 COUPON bonds, and other stories. Bost. 1873. 12 39: 3312 Con ten s : Archibald Blos-som, bach elor. Coupon bonds. Fessendens. In the ice. Madam Walborough s carriage. CUD.JO S cave. Bost. 1869. 12 DESERTED family. Phil. n. d. 16. DOING his best. Bost. 1873. 16... FAST friends. Bost. 1875. 16 FATHER Brighthopes. N. Y. 1869. 16 ... HEARTS and faces. N.Y. 1869. 16. IRONTHORPE, the pioneer preacher. N.Y. I860. 16 JACK Hazard and his fortunes. Bost. 1871. 12 LucYArlyn. Bost. 1806. 12 MARTIN Mcrrivale; his X mark. Bost. 1865. 12 NEIGHBOR Jackwood. Bost. 1871. 12 NEIGHBORS wives. Bost. 1867. 12 OLD battle ground. N. Y. 1869. 16 THREE scouts. Bost. 1865. 12.... YOUNG surveyor; or, Jack on the prairies. Bost. 1875. 16 Man who stole a meeting house. Mr. Bliizay a experience. Nancy Blynn s lovers. Preaching for Selwyn. Romance of a glove. 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 39: 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3320 3321 3322 3324 3325 3326 39: 3327 39; 37; Truce of God. G. H. MILES ............ 38: True as steel. M. V. (H.) TERHUNE. (Marion Harland] ........................ True generosity. Jfrs. E. C. EMBURY. In Pictures of early life ............... True history of Joshua Davidson, communist. [Eliza Lynn LINTON.] Phil. 1873. 12 ........................ True history of a little ragamuffin. J. GREENWOOD ........................... 37: True legend of a billiard club. "Win. BLACK. With Maid of Killeena... True love. Lady Di BEAUCLKKK ....... True manliness. Mrt. L. C. TUTHILL. True reformer, A. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 ....................................... True riches, and other tales. T. S. ARTHUR ................................... 35; Content* : Broken heart, The Colporteur, The. Coquette, The. Lesson from the bees. Little maid of all work The. Look at the bright side. Lone old man, The. 2978 2846 1700 38: 1760 35: 35: 39: 4O: 3456 2179 18(iO 3393 2678 810 Man and the demon. Mr. Winkleman at home. ^ew experience in lite. One ol the solvent class. Shadows and sunbeams. What happened to Joe Barker. Worse enemies than lions and tigers. True Robinson Crusoes. F. DENIS.... 37: 320 True Kobinson Crusoes. C. RUSSELL. 39: 747 True stories from ancient history. A. STRICKLAND ..................... .... ..... 39; 2394 True stories from history and biogra phy. N. HAWTHORNE ................ 37: 4190 Content* : Biographical sketches : Oliver Cromwell. Benjamin Franklin. Q.ueen I hpstina. Bonjnmin West. Samuel Johnson. Grand father s chair. Sir Isaac Newton. True stories from modern history. A. STRICKLAND .............................. 39; 2395 True tales of the olden time. &lt;S t&gt; J. FROISSART ................................ 37; 2505 True to her trust; or, womanly past question. Same ax Jack s sister ..... 4O: 223li 506 507 2131 607 True to herself. F. W. KOBINSON 39: True to him ever. F. W. ROBINSON. 39: True to his flag. Wifh Drayton hall... 4O: True to the last. A. S. ROE 39: True to life : a simple story. M. STANLEY. (Skeicher ft om~ nature). 39: 2166 True to the life. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 2679 True to nature. Lond. 1857. 2 v. sin. 8" 4O: 2681 Trumps: a novel. G. W. CURTIS. ... 35: 5177 Trusedale, 1 . van. MAJOR Roger Sherman Potter. N.Y. 1858. 12 39: 3337 Trust and trial. M. HOWITT 37: 4760 Trusta, H. (pseud.). See PHELPS, Mrs. E. S. Trusty Eckart, The. L. TIECK. In C. G. R., v. 2 35: 3874 Truth and trust, Talcs of. Lady G. FUI.LERTON 37: 2557 Truth in irons. In N. and T., v. 9 4O: 1649 Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The. R. BROUOHTON. In Tales for christmas eve 35: 2977 Truthful resolver. The. D. R. LOCKE. ll etroteumV. Naxby). In Treasure- trove series, v. 3 4O: 1703 Try again ; or, the trials and triumphs of Harry West. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 280 Try and trust; or, the story of a bound boy. H. ALGER, jr 35: 551 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TRYING. 227 TWICE-TOLD. Trying to bo useful. H. N. (W.) KAKKK. (Aunt Hattie] 35: 1308 Tryst in Twin-tree lane, The. Henry SPH-KK. In Brought to hook, v. 2. 39: 2097 Tubber !&gt;&lt; j rg; or, the red well. \\". CARLKTO.V. In Traits and stories, v. 2 35: 3842 The same 35: 3840 Tucker, Mr*. Charlotte. (A.L O. E.) CITY of Nocross, and its famous phy sician. Lond. 1873. 16 39: 3341 CLAUDIA. N. Y. 1870. 16 39: 3342 CROWN of success. Lond. 1870. 10 39: 3343 EDKN in England, An: a tale. N.Y. 1875. 16 39: 3344 EXILES in Babylon; or, children of light. Lond. 18G9. 12 39: 3345 FAIRY Frisket; or, peeps at insect life. N.Y. 1875. 16 39: 3346 FAIRY Know-a-bit; or, n nutshell of knowledge. Lond. 18G8. 12.... 39: 3347 HAUNTED rooms. N.Y. 1876. 16. 39: 3348 HKUKKW heroes: a tale of Jewish history. Lond. 1800. 12 39; 3349 HOLIDAY chaplet of stories. N. Y. 1869. 10 39: 3350 LITTLK maid, The; and Living jewels. N.Y. 1875. 16 39: 3351 MINK, The; or, darkness and light. Lond. 1870. 16 39: 3352 MIKACLKS of heavenly love in daily life. Lond. 1870. 16 .. 39: 3353 RESCUED from Egypt. Lond. 1868. 16 39: 3354 SHEPHERD of Bethlehem, The. Lond. 1869. 12 39; 3355 SILVKR casket, The. Lond. 1870. 16 39: 3356 SPANISH cavalier, The: a story of Seville. N. Y. 1875. 18 39: 3357 TRH MPH over Midiun, The. Lond. 1869. 12 39: 3358 YOUNG pilgrim, The. Lond. 1869. 12 . 39: 3359 Tucker, St. George. DK VOTED bride, The. Phil. n. d. 12 39: 3367 Turgenieff, Ivan (Sergheievitch). (b. 1818). DIMITIU Roudine: a novel. N.Y. 1873. 16 39; FATIIBKS and sons: a novel. N.Y. 1872. 16 39: LI/A: a Russian novel. N.Y. 1872. 10 39: LKAR of the Steppe, A. Tr. from tho French by \V. H. Browne. With Spring floods 39: O.\ the eve: a tale. N.Y. 1873. 16 39: SMOKK: a Russian novel. N. Y. 1872. 16 39: SPRING floods. Tr. from the Russian by Mrs. Sophie M. Butts. And Lear of the Steppe. Tr. from the French by W. 11. Browne. N. Y. 1874. HJ 39: 3376 Turner, Elizabeth A. (Beanie.) WOMAN in the case, A. N. Y. 1875. 12 39: 3380 Turning a new leaf. S. S. ROHHINS... 39; 459 Turning of the tide. E. KKLI.OGO.... 38: 740 Turning wheel, The. P. COBDKN. (pseud.) 35: 4466 3371 3372 3373 3376 3374 3375 Tuthill, ^frs. Louisa Caroline (Hug- gins). BEAUTIFUL Bertha. N.Y. 1870. 16 39: 3384 BRAGGADOCIO. N. Y. 1871. 16... 39: 3385 EDITH. N.Y. 1870. 16 39: 3386 GET money. N. Y. 1871. 16 39: 3387 I WILL be "a sailor. Bost. 1864. 16. 39: 3388 I WILL be a soldier. Phil. 1867. 16 39: 3389 QUEER bonnets. N. Y. 1870. 16. 39: 3390 ROMANTIC Belinda. Phil. 1867. 16 39: 3391 TIP-TOP; or, a noble aim. N. Y. 1871. 16 39: 3392 TRUE manliness. Phil. 1867. 16. 39: 3393 Tutor s ward, The : a novel. By the author of Wayfaring sketches. N. Y. 1863. 8 4O: 2682 Tuttle, Edmund B. BOYS book about Indians: being what I saw and heard for three years on the plains. Phil. 1873. 16 39: 3400 Tuttle, Samuel Walking. LKT those laugh who win. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 SAM S sermon. With Rougegorge, and other stories 4O: 1670 Twain, Mark, (pseud.) See CLEMENS, Samuel L. Twells, Mr*. J. H. MII.LS of the gods, The: a novel. Phil. 1875. 12 39: 3406 Twelve dancing princesses, The. GIUMM. In R. G. N., v. 2 4O: 1561 Twelve months of matrimony. E. F. CARLCN. Same as Lavinia; and One year. Phil. n.d. 8 35: 3799 Twelve nights in the hunters camp. W. BAKROWS 35: 1677 Twenty thousand leagues under tho sea. .1. VERNE 39: 3700 Twenty years after. A. (D.) DUMAS. 37: 1014 The same. With The three mus keteers 37: 1027 Twice lost, but saved. J. BANIM. With Bit o writin 35; 1531 Twice married : a story of Connecticut life. C. W. PIIILLEO 38: 4406 Twicerefused.C.E.STiRLiN0.2v.ini. 39: 2288 Twice sacrificed. C. ETLAR. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3. 4O: 1532 Twice-told tales. N. HAWTHORNE... 37: 4191-2 QjnfenfR : Ambitious guest, The, v. I. Chipping* with a chisel, v 2. Pstvid Swan, v. 1. Dr. Heidegger s experi ment, v. 1 . Edward Fane s rosebud, V. 2. Endiuntt and the red cross, v. 2. Fancy s show box, v. 1. Footsteps on the sea shore, v. 2. Gentle boy, The. Grey champion, The, T.I. Great carbuncle, v. 1. Haunted mind. The, v. 2. Hollow of the three hills, v 1. Legends of the^Province house, v. 2. Mnv-pole of Merry Mount, v. 1. Minister s black veil. The, v. 1. Mr. Higginhotham s catas trophe, v. 1. Night sketches, v. 2. Peter Goldthwaito s treas ure, v. 2. Prophet ic pictures, The.v. 1. Kill from the town pump, A, v. I. Seven vagabonds. The, v. 2. Shaker s hridiil. The, v. 2. Sights from a steeple, v. 1. Sister s years , The, v. 2. Snowflnlies, The, v. 2. Sunday at home, v. 1. Three-fold destiny, The, v. 2. Toll-gatherer s day, v. 1. Village uncle, The, v 2. Vision of the fountain, The, v. 1. Wnkefleld, v. 1. Wedding knell. The, v. 1. White old mid, The, v. 2. Thesame 37: 4193-4 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. TWIN. 228 TYPEE. Twin lieutenants. A. (D.) DUMAS.... 37: 1015 Twin love. (J.) B. TAYLOK. With, Beauty and the beast 39: 2780 Twin roses. A. C. M. RITCIIIK. ( formerly Mm. Mowatt) 39: 432 Twins, The. F. BREMKK. In Works, v. 1 35: 2746 Twins, The. Mrs. E. C. EMBURY. Jn Pictures of early life 37: 1700 Twisted link, A. Mrs. L. CROW. 3 v. 35: 5004-6 Twixt &lt; up and lip. M. LOVETT-CAM- ERON. 3v 38:1806-8 Two admirals, The. J. F. COOPER 35: 4777 The same 35: 4778 Two apprentices. M. HOWITT 37: 4761 Two aristocracies. C. G. F. GOHE 37: 3205 Two Barbaras, The. G. MORTIMKK... 38: 3192 Two baronesses, The. H. C. ANDER SEN 35: 058 Two campaigns. A. H. ExoELBAm. 37: 1720 Two camps, The : a legend of the old north state. W. G. SIMMS. With Wigwam and cabin 39: 1692 Two carpenters, The. C. E. TOXXA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). With The simple flower 39; 3009 Two college friends. In N. and T. v.l...... 4O: 1041 Two college friends. V. W. LORIXG. 38: 1853 Two comrades, The. T. GILLESPIK. 7W. T. B., v. 6 4O: 17)6 Two convicts, The. F. GERSTAEKKR. 37: 2934 Two Cosmos : a tale of fifty years ago. Leip. 1861. sq. 16 4O: 2080 Two cousins, The; or, modes of edu cation. ./!/;*. E. C. EMBURY. In Pictures of early life 37; 1700 Two Dianas, The. A. (D.) DUMAS.... 37; 1016 The same. With Nanon 37; 1024 Two drovers. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed *39: 1339 The same. Edinburgh ed 39; 1358 The same. Abbotsford cd 39: WJ68 Thesame 39: 1390 The same. Household ed 39: 1434 The same. Pocketed 39; 1464 Two Emilys, The. S. LKE. In. Can terbury tales 38: 1440 Two eras in Maude Rossiter s life. With Bruna s revenge, v. 3 38: 468 Two fair daughters. P. FITZGERALD. 3 v 37: 2233-5 Two families and two aims in life. By the author of The white chrys anthemum. N. Y. 1872. 16 .... 4O: 2085 Two families, The: an episode in the history of Chapleton. By the au thor of Rose Douglas. N.Y. 1852. 12 4O: 2686 Two family mothers. M. S. Sni WART/.. 39: 1203 Two French marriages. C. JKXKIN.. 38: 289 Contents : Madame de Befuipr6 | Psyche of to-day, A. Two friends. The. S. S. ELLIS. In Family secrets, v. 3 37: 1079 Two friends, The. J. MACB. In Home fairy tales 38: 2226 Two ghost stories. C. (J. H.) DICK- EXS. With Uncommercial trav.... 37: 552 Two ghosts of New London turnpike. Mrs. GALPIN. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 Two girls. F. WEDMORE. 2v 4O: 283-4 Two guardians. C. M. YONOE 4O: 1298 The same. Tauchnitz ed 4O: 1299 Two hemispheres. O. RUPPIUS 39; 740 Two homes, The. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). In Do mestic stories 35: 4914 Two in a legion. In N. and T., v. 7. 4O: 1647 Two invalids. T. S. ARTHUR. In Finger-posts 35; 813 Two life paths. C. M. MUNDT. (Lou isa Mil h/bach) 38: 3255 Two lives ; or, to seem and to be. M. J. MAC!XTOSH 38: 2253 Two lovers, The. "W. GILBERT. In "Wizard of the mountain, v. 2 37; 2996 Two marriages. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Minn Mulock) 35; 4941 Thesame 35 : 4942 Two men: a novel. E. STODDARD 39; 2892 Two pictures. M. J. MACINTOSH 38: 2254 Two plunges for a pearl. M. COLLINS. 35: 4534 Two rubies. By the author of Recom mended to mercy. Lond. 1808. 3 v. sm. 8 . 4O: 2087 Two sailors, the. O. RICHARDSON. /~W. T. B., v. 7 4Q: 1717 Two schools, The. Mrs. HUGHES 37; 4826 Two Scotch "Williams, The. Mrs. JOHXSTOXE. In W. S. C. L., v. 4. 34; 4174 Thesame :5 15: 4914 Two servants, The. C. E. TONXA. ( Charlotte Elizabeth). In Tales and illustrations 39; 3070 Two Sicilies. M. G. SLEEPER 39; 1745 Two sisters. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 8 39; 1043 Two sisters, The. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTII 39: 2038 Two sisters; or, the avenger. A. PIXKKRTOX. With Claude Mel- notte as a detective 38: 4546 Two sons. Mr*. A. OPIE. In Works, v. 3 38: 3903 Two specimens of the old school, .1/i.vs K EDDIE. (Sarah Tytler). Oliver Shand s partner: Second Mrs. Auchterlonie, The. In Days of yore, v. 2 ". 38: 711 Two squires, The. M. and W. HOW ITT. In Stories of English and foreign life 37; 4778 Two storks, The. E. HAMERTOX. In Mirror of truth 37; 3900 Two turnings to the right. R. BLACK. With Blackbird of Baden 35: 2108 Two vocations. Mrs. E. R. CHARLKS. 35: 4082 Two ways of telling a story. J. Ix- GELOW. In Stories told to a child. 38: 33 Two widows, The. 3/r.s. P. CUDLIP. (formerly Miss Thomas) 35: 5109 Two worlds of fashion. C. STKANGE. 39: 2355-7 Two years ago. C. KIXGSLEY 38: 934 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 935 Two-fold life, A. W. von HILLERN. Tr. by M. S 37: 4432 Tylney hall. T. HOOD 37: 4618 Typee; or, a narrative of a four months residence among the na tives of a valley of the Marquesas islands. H. MELVILLE 38: 2881 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. 229 UNI&gt;ATE\TED. Tytler, Ann Fruser. LEILA at home: continuation of Leila in England. Host. 1870. l 39: 3412 LKII.A in England: continuation of Leila; or, the island. Bost. 1870. 16 39: 3413 LEILA; or, the island. Bost. [1858]. u; 39: 3414 MARY and Florence; or, grave and gay. Bost. 1870. 16 39: 3415 MARY and Florence at sixteen. Bost. 1870. 10 39: 3410 Tytler, Sarah, (pseud.) See KEDDIK, Mint. u. Ugly Mug and her magical glass. C. 1). GARDKTTE. 7n Pluck.. 37: 27!&gt;4 Una Savin, (pxeud.) See HKPWOKTII, Mrs. G. H. Unawares. F. M. PKARD 38: 4301 Unbidden guest, The. J. M. WILSON. // \V. f. B., v. 9 4O: 1719 Unclaimed : a story of English life. Bost. 1872. 12 6 4O: 2690 Uncle John, (pseud.) See AIKEN, .1. Uncle John: a novel. G. J.WIIYTE- MELVILLE 4O: 450 Uncle John s story. A. CAKY. In Pictures of country life 35: 3918 Uncle Paul, (pseud.) NKSHITS, The; or, a mother s last request ; and other tales. N. T. 1873. 16 39: 3615 Content* : Nesbits, The. Orphan, The. Little sister of the poor, The. Uncle Roger s story and mine. L. C. MOVLTON. In My third book 38: 3182 Uncle Silas. J. S. LKFAXU 38: 1463 Uncle Tom s cabin ; or, lift; among the lowly. H. (E.) B. STOWK 39: 2335 Uncle Willie s fairy tale. E. STRIVK- LYNE. With Princess of Silvcrland. 39: 2405 Uncommercial traveller. C. (J. II.) DICKKNS 37: 551 The same. With Hunted down 37: 480 The same, ll ith Edwin Drood 37: 54!) The same. With Christmas stories... 37: 552 Unconverted ; or, old Thorneley s heirs. With, All-hallow eve 4O: 2017 Under the ban. (// mnudit). a tale of the nineteenth century. Abbe DKLCON. (Abbf * * *) 37: 242 Under the cedars; or, what the years brought. A. J. HATCH 37: 4082 Under the cloak. K. BROVUIITON. In Talcs for christmas eve 35: 2977 Under a cloud. W. W. SIKKS. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 Under the earth. F. HOFFMAN 37: 4494 Under false colors. L. II. HOOPER. In Not pretty but precious 4O: 1640 Underfoot. A. CLYDE 35: 4448 Under the greenwood tree. T. HARDY. 37: 3!t92 Under the limes. E. M. ARCHER. (pneud?) 35; 697 Under the lime-trees; or, grandmama s stories at Hurst farm. By the au thor of Aunt Annie s stories 4O: 2696 Contents : First prize, The. Katie Kidd and teacher. Lottie and Grace; or, the he two paths. 38: 39: 38: 35: 39: 39: 38: 2072 3327 3013 508 656 4658 62 63 871 Love and pride ; which is the stronger? Nobody wants me; or, Char ley and his grandmother. On the sea-snore ; or, the child teacher. Under lock and key : a story. T. "\V. SPKICIHT 39: Under the red dragon : a novel. J. GRANT 37: Under the roof. D. G. MITCHELL. (Ik Mdi vel). In Seven stories Under the spell. F. W. ROHINSON.... Under the stork s nest. A. E. KATSCII. Under the surface. E. M. CONNELLY. Under two flags. L. de la RAME. ( Outdo.) The same. Tauchnitx ed. - v. in 1. Undercurrents. R. B. KIMISALL... Underwood, Francis H. CLOUD pictures. Bost. 1872. 12... Contents : Exile of von Adelstein s soul, The. Great organ-prelude, A. LORD of himself. Bost. 1874. 12. Undine ; or, the water sprites. F. de la MoTTE-ForijUe 38: The same, and other tales 38: Unexpected blessing, An. R. BLACK. / Blackbird of Baden 35; Unforgiven : a novel. BEKKIKDALK. (pseud.) 35; Ungava : a talc of the Esquimaux land. R. M. BALLANTYNE 35; Unguarded hour, The. J. GALT. In Club-book 4O: United States, Comic history of the. L. HOPKINS 37: United States, Comic history of the. J. I). SHEKWOOD 29: Unkind word, and other stories. Mm. 1). M. CKAIK. (formerly Minx Mulock) 35: 39: :f(i2i Herr Regenbogen s concert. Topankalon. 39; 3622 1308 1307 2168 2050 1478 1520 4690 1845 4943 Contents : Age of gold. Blind. Bodies and souls. Chilli s life. Children of Israel. Clothes. Death on the seas. Dreadful ghost. Eli/.abeth and Victoria. Few words about sorrow. Garden party. Give us air. Hedge-side poet. His young lordship. History of a hospital. The same. Tauchnit/, cd. House of Commons. In her teens. In the ring. Last grt at exhibition. Living in perspective. Meadowside house. M isery-mongers. OM Scotch love-story. Sermons. Tale of two walks. To novelists and a novelist. To parents. Unkind word. Woman s book. 2 v. in 1. WILSON. 35: 4944 Unknown, The. J. M. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: 1717 Unknown architect of the minster, The. Mrs. E. R. CHARLKS. With Cottage by the cathedral 35: 4071 Unknown public, The. In COLLINS Queen s revenge 35: 4581 Unknown tree, The. E. HAMKRTON. In .Mirror of truth 37: 3900 Unloved one, The. Mrs. B. HOFLAND. 37: 4516 Unlucky miser of Questenberg, The. F. GOTTSCHAI.K. In R. G. N., v. 2. 4O: 1561 Unpatented ghost, An. H. SI-ICER. In Bound to please, v. 2 39: 2096 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. tip. Up the Baltic; or, young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark: a story of travel and adventure. W.T.ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 281 Up Broadway and its sequel: a life story. E.AMES. (Eleanor Kirk).. 35: 620 Uphill. Lady WOOD. 3v 4O: 779-81 Up in the clouds ; or, balloon voyages. R. M. BALLANTYNE. In Tales of adventure, v. 3 35: 1485 Up the Rhine. T. HOOD. In Works, v. 2 34: 1374 Up the river. J. ABBOTT 35: 96 Ups and downs: an every day novel. E. E. HALE 37: 3841 Ups and downs of life. J. INGELOW. In Sisters bye-hours 38: 32 Ups and downs of an old maid s life. J. COMPTON 35: 4642 Upside down. R. (Y.) A. PARKER. (Roxa Abbott) 38: 4175 Upward and onward series. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver Optic). 6 v. 35:^47 35:26f&gt; Cringle and cross-tree. 35:239 Bivouac and bittle. Sea and shore. Field and forest. Plane and nlank. Desk and debit. Urbane and his friends. Mrs. E. PRENTICE ................................. 38: Ursula : a tale of country life. E. M. SEWELL. 2v ....................... 39: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 39: Ursula s love story. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 8 ................................. 4O: Useful little girl. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 13 .............. 39: Useless precaution, The. P. SCARRON. In Whole comical works ....... ....... *34: Uses of adversity, The. Mrs. E. 0. EMBURY. In Pictures of early life ........................................... 37: Uses of adversity, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials. 37: The same ...................................... 37: Usher, Frank. THREE Oxonians, the. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 ............................... 39: Usurer s victim, The. J. F. SMITH. 39: Utopia ; or, the happy republic. Sir T. MOKE .................................... 54: Utterly wrecked. H. M .................. 38: Uttermost farthing. C. GRIFFITH. 3v ........................................... 37: V. M:2:a 4693 1590-1 1592 2697 1648 1915 1700 3888 3889 3626-8 1913 1390 3130 3574-6 Vacant chair, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 1 ........................ 4O: 1711 Vachette, E. (Eugene Chavette). So fair yet false; or, Pourquoi ? Tr. by O. Vibeur. N. Y. 1874. 12. 35: 4137 Vagabond heroine, A. Mrs. A. ED WARDS ...................................... 37: 1554 Vale of cedars, The; or, the martyr. G. AGUILAR ........................... "... 35: 348 Valentine. H. KINQSLEY. 2 v. iu 1. 38: 971 Valentine, Mm. R. LAND battles. Lond. 1869. 16... 39: 3650 Valentine, the countess ; or, between father and son. K. BAUER. (Karl Detlef) ..................................... 35: 1722 Valentine Duval. A. MANNING ...... 38: 2491 Valentine Ford. C. GRIFFITH. 3 v. 37: 3577-9 230 VERNE. Valentine M Clutchy, the Irish agent. AV. CARLETON. 3v 35: 3843-5 Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist, with his life and adventures. H. COCKTON 35: 4480 Valerie : an autobiography. Capt. F. MARRYAT ". 38: 2574 Valerie Aylmer. F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid) 37: 2202 Valerio, Katherine. (pseud.) See WASIIHUKN, Katherine G. Valerius : a roman story. J. G. LOCKHART 38: 1842 Valley farm, The. C. J. PETERSON. .. 38: 4361 Valley of Fosterstown, The: a tale of Irish life. A. M. DON ELAN. 2 v 37: 771-2 Valley of the Maude, The. Mrs. STEWART. 3 v 39: 2281-3 Valley of poppies, The. J. HATTON. 2 v 37: 4107-8 Vance, Sarah S. Lois Carrol ; or, her two selves. Phil. 1874. 12 39: 3655 Vanderdecken s message home. In T. f. B., v. 1 4O: 1693 Vanity fair. W. M. THACKERAY 39: 2909 The same. Phil, ed 39: 2910 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3v 39:2911-13 The same. 3 v. in 2 39:^914-15 Vanna s twins. C. G. ROSSETTI. With Commonplace 39: Vasconselos : a romance. W. G. SIMMS 39: Vashti. A. J. (E.) WILSON. (for merly Mis* Evans) .. 4O: Vassal Morton : a novel. F. PARK- MAN 38: 4183 Vathek : an Arabian tale. W. BECK- FORD 35: Venetia : a novel. B.DISRAELI 37: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: Venetia and Contarini Fleming. B. DISRAELI 37: Venturesome Jamie. J. M. WIL SON. In W. T. B., v. 6 4O: 1710 Venus of Balhinch. M. THOMPSON. In Hoosier mosaics 39: Vera. C. DEMI-STKR 37: Verdant Green, Adventures of Mr. E.BRADLEY. (Cuthbert Bede\ 35: The same. Pt. 1. Lond. ed 35: Verdict against J. J., The. R. BLACK. In Blackbird of Baden 35: Verey, Joseph. LOST footsteps : a novel. Lond. 1869. 3 V. sm. 8 39:3665-7 TENDER tyrants. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 39:3668-70 Verne, Jules, (b. 1828). ABANDONED, The. (Pt. 2 of L ile mysteritust.) Tr. by W. H. G. Kingston. N. Y. 1876. 8 39: 3680 Note.. Pt. 2 of the Mysterious island. The same. In Mysterious island... 39: 369G ADVENTURES in the land of the behe moth. Bost. 1874 12 39: 3681 Note. The same as Meridinna. ALL around the moon. (Autour de la lune). Freely translated by Ed ward Roth. With a map of the moon constructed and engraved for this edition, and also with un ap pendix containing the famous moon hoax bv R. Adams Locke. N. Y. 1876. "10 39: 3679 667 1691 575 1851 678 680 679 2983 311 2600 2601 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. VERNE. VERNE. Verne, (continued.) The same. In From the earth to the moon 39: 3690 AMERICAN gun-club, The. N. Y. 1874. 12 39; 3682 Note. Part of From the earth to ihe moon. AKOI NU the world in eighty days. (Le tour du monde en 80 jours). Tr. by Geo. M. Towle. Phil. n. d. 12 39: 3683 Note. Same as Tour of the world. DKSKKT of iee, The. (Tr. of Le de.iert de glace). Same as The Held of ice. Pt. 2 of the Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatteras 39: 3701 DOCTOR Ox s experiment, and other stories. (Le docteur Ox). Tr. by George M. Towle. Bost. 1874. 16 39: 3684 Contents: L)r. Ox s experiment. Master Zacharins. 1 rama in the air, A. Winter in the ice, A. Fortieth French ascen sion of Mont lilane. The ?ame. With numerous illus trations. Bost. 1870. 12 39: 3685 Diiori KU from the clouds. (Pt. 1 of L ile myxterieuse). Tr. by W. H. G. Kingston. N. Y. 1875. 8 39: 3686 No e. Pt. I of The mysterious island. S(\me as Wrecked in the air. The same. In Mysterious island. 39: 3696 KNUI.ISH at the north pole, The. (Tr. of Lex Anglais au pole nord). Xante as Journey to the north pole. Pt. 1 of the Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatteras 39: 3701 FIELD of ice, The. (Tr. of Pt. 2 of Lex aventures du capitaine Hatteras). With 126 illustration! by Kiou. Loud. 1875. srn. 8 ". 39: 3687 Note. The same as the Desert of ice. Pt. 2 of the Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatteras. FIVK weeks in a balloon; or, jour neys and discoveries in Africa by three Englishmen. Compiled from the original notes of Dr. Ferguson, and dune into English by William Lackland. ( Cinq semainei en bal lon, voyage de dr coueertex en A/rique par troix Anglais). Host. 1875. 12. 39: 3688 FLOATING city, A. ( Unevilleflotiante); and the Blockade runners. N. Y. 1875. 12 39; 3689 FKOM the earth to the moon direct in ninety-seven hours and twenty min utes. (De la ierre a la lune, trajet direct en 97 hfuret et 20 minutes); and a Trip around it. (Autour de la lune). Tr. by Louis Mercier and Eleanor E. King. With 80 full page illustrations. N. Y. 1874. 12 39: 3690 FUR country, The; or, seventy de grees north lattitude. (Le payi des fotirrures). Tr. by N. D Anvers. With 10(1 illustrations. Bost. 1874. 8 39; 3691 IN search of the castaways: n ro mantic narative of the loss of Cap tain Grant of the brig Brittania. and of the adventures of his chil dren and friends in his discovery and rescue. (Tr. of Lrs enfant* du capitaine Grant). Illustrated with 170 engravings. Phil. 1873. 8. 39: 3692 Verne, (continued.) JOURNEY to the centre of the earth, A : containing a complete account of the wonderful and thrilling ad ventures of the intrepid subterra nean explorers, Prof, von Hard- wigg, his nephew Harry, and their Icelandic guide, Hans Jijelke. (Tr. of Voyage au centre de la terre). N. Y. n. d. 12 The same. In Stories of adven ture JOURNKY to the north pole, A. (Tr. of Pt. 1, of Les avenlurex du capi- taine Hatterax). With 129 illustra tions by Kiou. Lond. 1875. sm. 39. 39: 2693 3704 39: 3694 Note. Same as pt. 1, of the Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatteras. MARTIN Pax. In Survivors of the Chancellor 39; 3698 The same. In Wreck of the Chan cellor 39; 3702 MKRIDIANA : the adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in south Africa. (Tr. of Aventurex de trois Ruxxet et de troix Anglais). With numerous illustrations. N. Y. 1874. 12 39; 3695 Note. The same as Adventures in tho land of the behemoth. MYSTKRIOUS island, The: the modern Robinson Crusoe. (L ile myxterieuxe). Tr. by W. H. G. Kingston. With 145 illustrations. N.Y. 1876. 8. 39: 3696 Content* : 1. Dropped from the clouds. 2. The abandoned. :j. The secret of the island. SECRET of tho island, The. (Pt. 3, of L ile myslerieuse). Tr. by W. H. G. Kingston. N. Y. 1876. 8 39: 3697 Note. Pt. 3, of the Mysterious island. STORIKS of adventure. With 68 full- page illustrations. N. Y. 1874. 12" 39: 3704 Content*: 1. Meridiana: the adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in south Africa. 2. A journey, to the centre of the earth. SURVIVORS of the Chancellor, The. (Le Chancellor). Tr. by Ellen Frewer. Bost. 1876. 8 39; 3698 TOUR of the world in eighty days, The. (Tr. of Le tour du monde en 80 jours). Bost. 1873. 16 39: 3699 Note Same as Around the world in eighty days. TWENTY thousand leagues under the seas; or, the marvellous and ex citing adventures of Pierre Arro- nax, Conseil his servant, and Ned Land, a Canadian harpooner. (Tr. of Vingt mille lieuex soux lex mers). 110 illustrations. Bost. 1875. 8. 39; 3700 VOYAOKS and adventures of Captain Hatteras. (Tr. of Lex aventures du capitaine Hatterax). With 250 illus trations by Kiou. Bost. 1875. 8. 39: 3701 Content* : 1. The English at the North pole. (Les AnfiUtiit au ptile nord.) 2. Tu0 desert oriofli (Lti&tert degloce.) WKECK of the Chancellor, The. (Le Chancellor). Tr. by George M. Towle. Bost. 1875. 16 39: 3702 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. VERNE. 232 VIOLA. Verne, (continued.) WRECKED in the air. (Tr. of pt. 1, of L ile mysterieune). With 48 illus trations. N. Y. 1875. 8 39: 3703 Note. The same as Dropped (rom the clouds, pt. 1, of the Mysterious island. Verner s pride: a tale of domestic life. E. P. [Mm. H.] WOOD 4O: 732 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v 4O: 733-5 The same. 3 v. in 2 4O: 736-7 Verney, Lady. LLANALY reefs. Lond. 1873. sin. 8 39: 3715 Vernon. J. ABHOTT. In H. S. B., v. 9 35: 44 Vernon in the vale; or. the price of blood. H. W. HERBERT. In Cav aliers of England 37: 4351 Veronica. Mrs. T. A. TROLLOPE 39: 3284 Veronique. Mrs. It. CHURCH, (for merly Mitt Mar ryat). 2v.ini 35: 4281 Very likely story, A. H. SPICKR. In Brought to book, v. 1 39: 2097 Very successful. Lady BULWER- LYTTON 35: 3282 Very voung Americans. L. W. LED- YARD 38: 1395 Very young couple, A. By the author of Mrs. Jerninghain s journal. N. Y. 1874. 16 4O: 2705 Vestal, The : an historical tale of the first century of the church. Mme. A. K. de la GRANGE 38: 1268 Vicar of Bullhampton. A. TROLLOPE. 2v.ini 39: 3216 Vicar of Wakctield. 0. GOLDSMITH. 37: 3128 The same. N. Y. ed 37: 3127 The same. In Select works 34: 1271 The same. With COVENTRY S Pom- pey the little 35: 4898 The same. In Misc. works, v. 3 34: 1269 The same. IS. Y. ed . 37: 3129 Vicar s courtship, The. W. THORN- in-RY. 3 v 39:3011-13 Vicar s daughter. G. MACDO.VALD... 38: 2184 Vicar s governess, The: a novel. I). KUSSELL. 3 v 39: 753-5 Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax. H. PARR. (Holme Lee) 38: 4209 Vicomte dc Bragelonne; or, ten years later. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 v 37: 1028-9 Victim of chancery. N. Y. 1841. 12 4O: 2709 Victims of dreams, The. M. HOSM KR. In Not pretty but precious 4O: 1640 Victor, Mr*. Metta V. F. (Seeley Regenter). PASSING the portal ; or, a girl s struggle: an autobiography. N.Y. 1876. 12 39: 3720 SKKLKTON at the banquet, The. In Stories and sketches 4O: 1681 Victor and vanquished. M. C. HAY. 3 v 37: 4231-3 Thosame 37: 4234 Victor Normnn, rector. Mrs. M. A. DENISON 37: 337 Victor la Tourette. E. A.WARRINER. (Broad Churchman) 35: 2835 Victoria : a tale. Mrs. M. Al. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 8 39: 1643 Victor s triumph. Sequel to A beau tiful fiend. Mrs. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39: 2039 Victory Deane : a novel. C. GRIF FITH 37: 3580 Victory of the vanquished. Mrs. E. R.CHARLES 35: 4083 Viele, Mrs. FOLLOWING the drum. N.Y. 1858. 12 39: 3725 Viener, M. BEAUMANOIR. Buffalo, n. d. 8... 39: 3727 Vieux -Moustache. ( paeud.) See GOR DON, C. Viga Glum s Saga. Sir E. HEAD 37: 4260 Vignettes. M. HOWITT 37: 4762 Vigny, Alfred Victor, comte de. (1799-1863). CINQ-MARS; or, a conspiracy under Louis xin : an historical romance. (( ing-Mars, ou une conjuration sous Louis XIII.) Tr. by William Haz- litt. N.Y. 1868. 8 39: 3730 Vikram and the vampire. R. F. BURTON 35: 3420 Villa Eden: the country-house on the Rhine. B. AUKKBACH. 2 v 35: 885-6 Thesame 35: 884 Village belles. A. MANNING 38: 2492 Village doctor, The. Sophie de BA/.ANCOURT, comtexxe d Arbou- ville. In Three tales 35: 690 Village idol, The. Mrs. M. A. MACK- ARXKSS. (formerly Minx Plane/if). 38: 2271 Village innkeeper, The. H. CON- SCIKNCK 35: 4670 Village on the cliff; The. With other stories and sketches. Miss A. 1. THACKERAY 39: 2866 Contents : Chirping crickets. City of refuge. F,nd of a long day s work. From an island. Heroines and their grandmothers. Little scholars. Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 39: 2867 Villefranche, J. M. CINIOAS. Phil. 1871. 12 39: 3735 Villeta Linden ; or, the artist s bride. E. BENNETT 35: 1984 Villette. Mrs. C. B. NICHOLLS. ((. un-er Bell) 38: 3616 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 38: 3617 Vincent, .VV Francis. CAKYLLS, The: a novel. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 39:3741-3 Vincent Desborough : a tale. In \V. S. C. L., v. O....T 34: 4179 Thesame *15: 4919 Vincenzo ; or, sunken rocks. G. RUKFINI 39: 718 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 39: 719 Vine and olive; or, young America in Spain and Portugal. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic)...:. 35: 282 Vingut, Gertrude F. de. HATHAWAY Strange. With Irene 39: 3750 IRKNK: a tale of southern life; and Hathuway Strange. Phil. 1871. go... ; 39: 3750 Viola, (pseud.) See DOWNING, Mrs. I- . M. Making merry. Miscellanies. (Jut of the silence. Bad hour. Toilers and spinsters. Village on the cliff, The. PRO^E FICTION: ENGLISH. VIOLA. 233 WALDIE S. Viola. J. AHHOIT. In II. S. B., v. 12. 35: 47 Viola; or, adventures in the far south west. E. BENNETT 35: 1985 Violated coffin, The. Gleanings of the covenant. T. GILLESI IE. In W. T. B., v. 9 4O: 1719 Violet. J. I AUI 38: 4248 Violet, Monsieur, ( apt. F. MAKRYAT. 38: 2545 Violet leaf. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 14 39: 1049 Virgilia. G. GREY 37: 3530 Virgilius. In Thorns Early English romances, v. 2 33: 4021 Virgin iju -en, The. J. F. SMITH 39: 1914 Virginia. -I. AHIIOTT. In H. S. B., v. 3 35: 38 Virginia Madison. (p*eud.) See BROCK, Sallie A. Virginians, The. W. M. THACK ERAY 39: 2916 Thesame 39: 2917 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed. 4v 39:2918-21 Thesame. 4 v. in 2 39: 2922-3 Virgin s god-child, The. K. SOUVES- TKE. In Brittany and La Vendee. 39: 2066 Vision of Caliogstro. The. In T. f. li. v. 5 4O: 1695 Vision of sudlen death, The. T. DEC^ri.vcEY. In L. C., v. 3 4O: 1613 Visit, The. C. E. TOX.VA. ( Charlotte Elisabeth). In Flower of innocence. 39: 3002 Visit to the asylum for decayed puns ters. O. W. HOLMES. ~In L. C., v. 5 4O: 1015 Visit to the celestial city. N. HAW THORNE " 37: 41115 Visit to Ireland. D. C. EDDY 37: 1444 Visit to the isle of Wight. J. ABBOTT. 35: 97 Visit to my discontented cousin. .1. MONI-RIEKK 38: 3035 Vivia ; or, the secret of power. Mm. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH 39: 2040 Vivia. F. WILKORD 4O: 502 Vivia Perpetua; or, the martyrs of Carthage. H. de MARICOURT. In Tales from church history 38: 2:"&gt;15 Vivian. M. EDOEWOKTII. In her N.andT., v. 4 37: 1499 Vivian Grey. B. DISHAKLI 37: OKI Thesame. With Ixion 37: 609 Thesame. Taiichnit/. ed. 2 v. in I. 37: 082 Vivian romance, The. M. COLLINS. 35; 4535 Vizetelly, H. STORY of the diamond necklace. Lond. 1807. 2 v. 12 Volckhausen, Ad. von. WHY did he not die? I hil. 18G7. Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de. ( 1094-1778). PHILOSOPHICAL tales, romances, and satires, The. Lond. 1871. sm. 8. 39: 3750-7 39: 39: 3770 CkntentK HtllNitK-C. Candid. Huron, The. Ignorant philosopher, The. .loluiny ; or, the sage tin t (he atheist. Lord Chesterfield s ours : :i true story. Man of forty crowns, The. Mieromegas: a comic ro- nmnce. Princess of Babylon, The. Whin- hull, The. /. i !. : or late : an Oriental Htory. Voyage round the KINOSTON world. W. 11. ( -. 38: 1004 Voyage round the world. -In search of the castaways : a romantic nar rative of the loss of Captain Grant of the brig Britannia, and of the adventures of his children and friends in his discovery and rescue. J. VKKNK 39: 3092 Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatturas. J. VKRNE 39: 3701 Contents : Desert of ice, The. I English at the North pole, The. w. w- BARONBT S sunbeam, The. Lond. 1870. :! v. sm. 8 4O" l-. i W , C. S. SISTERS of Soleure, The. I hil. 1857. 10 40: 4 Wachenhusen, Hans. FOR a woman s sake; or, the mys teries of the castle. (De llerzens Golyaiha). Tr. by M. S. Bost. 1875. 8 4O: 10 W^acousta ; or, the prophecy : a talc of Detroit and Michillimackinac. By the author of Ecarte. In W. 8. C. L., v. 1 34: 4171 The same *15: 4911 Wadswprth, Olive A. BILL Kiirgs, jr. The story of a city boy. "Bost. 1809. 10 ". 4Q: 20 Wager of battle: a tale of Saxon slavery. H. W. HKRBKRT. (Frank Forrester) 37; 4357 Wages: a story. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8 4Q: 2713 Wages of sin. E. YATES 4O: 1220 Wags, The. In T. f. B., v. 4 4O: 1094 Waikna ; or adventures on the Mos quito shore. E. G. .SyuiKR. (S. A. Bard) 39; 2142 Wait for the end. M. LEMON. 2 v. in 1 38: 1509 Waiting for Capua. II. SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 1 39: 2096 Waiting for tidings. Lond. 1874. :i v. sm. 8 4O: 2714 Waiting for the verdict. K. II. DAVIS 37 : 149 Waiting race, A. E. YATES 4O: 1227 Wakefield. N. HAWTHORNE. In L. C., v. 2 4O: 1012 Thesame. In Twice told tales, v. 1. 37: 4191 Thesame 37; 4193 W&ktUff dream, A. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 4O: 1530 "Waldie s select circulating library. I hil. 1833-42. 17 v. 4 .".. *15:49ll-27 Cvntfnfs : Ancient regime, The: n tnle. G. P. R. JAMF.K. v. 16. Anlnnln, the student of Purtua. v. 5. [v. 9. Aristocrat s wife, The- n tale of the French revolution. Arthur tit. John. v. 2. AiiKsliurg goldsmith, The: a tale of the 15th century. Avenger, The. v. 1-2 [v. II. Huron of Courtstown. A. PICKF.N. v. 7. Black wntch. The : nn historical novel, v. 3. Bohemian, The. By the author of Gilbert Karle. v. H. Charmcil se;i, The: a tale. H. MAKTINCAU. v. 4. Clan-Albin : a national tale. Mr*. JOH\BTONE. v. 8. Cl,ffords of Craven, The : a tradition, v. 6. Confessions of a inaninc. 3/rx. H. S. ELLIS, v. 16. Contrast, The. Karl MVI.IIKAVE. v. 14. Cruise of the Midge, The. v. 4-6. 1 KOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WALDIE S. 234 WALSINGHAM. Waldie s, (continued.) Curate s tale, The ; or, practical joking. Mm. JOHN- STONE, v. :J. Dangers of dining out. Mrs. S. S. El.l is. v. 16. LVal and dumb page, I he. By the author oi Family portraits, v. A. Dream of a bruken heart, The. v. o. Earthquake of Caraccas: a tale ot Venezuela. By the author ot Campaigns and cruises in Venezuela, v. 3. Ethel Churchill ; ot, the two brides. Miss L. E. LANDO.\. Kail of Granada, The. T. Ksc..r.. v. 5. [v. 11 Family interference. MTK. ABDY. v. U. Family secrets; or, hint* to those who would make home happy. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS, v. It), 17. Fashionable wife ami unfashionable husband, The. Mrs 1 . A. Oi iE. v. 5. Favorite child, The. S. S. ELLIS, v. IT. FicUing; or, society. By the author of Tremaine. v. II. Gamester, The : a tale. v. II. Gentle recruit, The: a tale. G. It. GLF.IO. v. 1. Gilbert Gurney : a novel. T. (E.) HOOK. v. ti-7. Good Sir Walter: a tale. By the author of Family portraits. Pt. 1, v. :i. Gossip s story, A ; and A legendary tale. v. 8. Great unknown, The. v. ". Gurney papers, The: continuation of the life of Gilbert Gurney. T. (E.) HOOK. v. 9-KJ. Helen. M. EHGEWOHTH. v. :i. Henri Quatre : or, the days of the league : an historical novel, v. 4. Hester. M. H. MITFORD. v. (&gt;. High life. Mrs. JOIIXSTONE. v. 4. Home, Tne ; or, the iron rule : a domestic story. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS, v. 13. Household wreck, The: u tale. v. 11. J.ick the shrimp. 3// S. A. M. K. HALL. v. 4. Jacqueiie, The. G P. U. JAMES, v. 17. John Hull s castle: a sketch. By the author of O Hanlon and his wife. v. 14. Jordans of Grange, The, and The old maids of Balmogy. A. I ICKKN. v. (i. [v. ifj Joseph Riishbrook ; or, the poacher. Capt. F. MARKYAT. Kate Connor. M:$. A. M. F. HALL. v. 4. Kate Somerville. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS, v. 1C. Kruitzuer. H. LEE. v. 3. Kuzzilbash, The : a tale of Khorasan. v 12. Lace cap, The : a commercial story, v. 7. Lace merchant of Namur. v. 1 ^. Larry Moore. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. v. 4. Leyden professor, The, and the living mummy, v. 0. Li &gt;ertino Genuchi : an Italian siory. v. .I. Little ferry-man, The. Mrs. JOHNSTONK. v. 4. Lochead s daughter : a skeieh. v. (i. [v. 4. Ma^azimana ; or, selections from an editor s portlolio. Last will and testament, J. P. F. Richter. Mines of Hois Monziel, The. Mrs. Joseph Porter. Over the way. Rural pleasures. Skeleton in every house. Spontaneous eomhustion of the human body. Start, The. Story of Mrs. Macfarlane. 13. Alemoor : a tale. Animal magnetism. Biography of Euien- sten. Broken m i n iaturo, The Day at Funthill abbey. Fallacies of the young. Ignorance vs. knowl edge. Italian sleep-walker, by O. Goldsmith. Maidschenstein : a tradition of the Saxon Swiss. Mary de Crusa. By an old physician, v. \ 2. Mexican banditti : Mrs. Dickson s narrative, v. 5. Mrs. Leicester s school ; or, the history of several young ladies, related by themselves. Mint M. LAMB. v. 12. Modern accomplishments; or, the march of intellect. C. SINCLAIR, v. 14. Modern society. C. SINCLAIR, v. 14. [v. 5. My cousin Nicholas. It. H. BARHAM. (Thoman Inr/olsby.) My husband s winnings. I). (\V ) JERROLU. v. 12. My last tour. T. (E.)HooK. v. i:i. My sister Kate. v. 2. IS aval annual. The. Cnpf. F. MAKHYAT. v. 7. New Year s night. From the German, v. 11. Night and morning: a novel. E. G. E. L. BULWER- LYTTON. v. 15. Norah Clarey s wise thought. Mr&lt;. A. M. F. HALL. v. 4. Odd tempered man, The. Mrs A. OPIE. v. 5. Passages from the diary of H late physician. S. WARREN. vl 8-ln. Pieciola, the prisoner of Fenestrella. J. X. BONIKACE (called Saintine.) v. II. Pictures of private life. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS, v. 10. Pretension. Pilgrims of Wal&gt;ingham ; or, tales of the middle ages. A. STRICKLAND, v. f&gt;. [v. 7. Pirate, The, and the three cutters. Capt. F. MARRYAT. Poacher, The. Capt. F. MARKYAT. v. 16. Queen s diamonds, The. J. [ RICE. v. 12. Respectability: a tale. v. .o. Romance of the harem. J. PARIMIE. v. 13. Rosamond Gray. C. LAMH. v. 0. Sacrifice, The ; or, the country, the town and the con tinent, v. 11. Waldie s, (continued.) Saracen, The; or, Matilda and Malek Adhal : a crusade romance. Mme. COTTIN. v. 9. Saratoga: a talc. Rev. G. R. GLEIO. v. 1. Siege of Vienna, The. Mme. C. PICHLER. v. 5. Sketches of Irish character. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. v. 4. Annie Leslie. I Larry Moore. Jack, the shrimp. | Non.h s Clarey s wise Kate Conuor. thought. We ll see about it. Somerville hall. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS, v. 16, 17. [v. 4. Spanish lady, The. By the author of Family portraits. Stir in the household. T. (E.) HOOK. v. 14. Stories of Irish peasantry. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. v. 14. Tale of Hosarnond Gray and old Blind Margaret. C. LAMH. v. 0. Tale of trials, told to my children, v. 5. Tiles illustrating the, passions. G. P. R. JAMES, v. 14. Tales of the Cleikum [nn, St. Ronan s. v. 9. Tales of the gieat St. Bernard. G. CROLY. v. 7. Three cutters. Capt. F. MAKRYAT. v. 7. Three Westminster boys. Mrs. JOIINSTONE. v. 4. Traditionary stories and legendary illustrations. A. PlCKEN. V. 2. Traditions of the American war of independence, v. 5. T ag cal passion of Marmaduke Paull. v. 9. Two Scotch W illiams. The. Mrs. JUHNSTONE. v. 4. Vincent Uesborough. v. 9. Wacousta ; or, the prophecy : a tale of Detroit and Mich- illimackinae. By the author of Ecarte. v. 1. Waltham : a novel, v. 1. We ll see about it. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL, v 4 White lies. Mrs. A. UPIE. v. 17. Widow s dog, The. v. 7. [v. 12. Yes and no : a isle of the day. By the author of Matilda. The same. v. 1-16 34:4171-86 Waldfried: a novel. B. AUERBACH. 35; 887 Walford, L. 15. MR. Smith, a part of his life. N. Y. 1875. Hi .... 4O: 40: 27 "Walk among the linden trees. (J. 0.) F. v. SOHILLKR. Jn R. (j,. N., v. 3. 4O: 1562 Walker, Mrs. E. A. TOTAL depravity ofinanimate things. In L. C., v. 5 "... 4O: 1615 Walker, George Ralph. COMIXO home; or, sithors to grind. Lond. 1873. sm. 8 4O: 33 Walker, Helen. Mrs. T. GOLDIE. In T. F. H., v. 2 4O: Nute. The Jeanie Deans of the Heart of Mid-Lothian. Walker, Mary Spring. BOTH sides of the street. Bost. 1870. 16 4O: 38 DOWN in a saloon. Bost. 1871. 16. 4O: 39 Walking doll. R. H. NEWELL 38: 3582 ^Afalks, talks, etc., of two schoolboys. J.G.ATKINSON 35; 861 Wallace, Lew. FAIK. god, The; or, the last of the Tzing. Bost. 1873. 12 4O- 45 Wallace, M. A. W ELL ! well I a tale founded on fact. N. Y. 1855. 12 4O- 50 Wallace, Robert F. LIFE S destiny, A. Loud. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 4O: 55-6 "Wallace : a Franconia story. J. ABBOTT 35; 98 Walled-up door, The. E. T. W. HOFFMANN. In Strange stories.... 37. 4480 Walmsley, Hugh MulU-neux. BRANKSOME Dene: a sea tale. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 65-7 Walpole, Horace. (1717-1797). GASTLK of Otranto. Lond. 1820. 18 4Q: 75 Walree, E. C. W. von. (Christine Mueller). BURGOMASTER S family. N. Y. 1873. 8- . 4O: 80 Walsingham, C. ANNETTE. Phil. 1875. 12 4O: 86 O ER moor and fen. Phil. 1876. 12. 4O: 87 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WALTER. 235 WARNER. Walter mid Frank; or, Lathrop farm. H. N. (W.) BAKER. ( Aunt HaHie) 35: 1400 Walter Colyton. H. .SMITH. 3 v. in 1 . 39: 1873 Walter Goring. Mrs. P. Croi.ii . (formerly Annie Thomas) 35: 5111 Walter in Athens. D. C. EIIDV 37: I44. r &gt; Walter in Constantinople. D. C. EDDY 37: 1440 Walter in Damascus 1). C. EDDY... 37: 1447 Walter in Egypt. D. C. EIIDY 37: 1448 Walter in Jerusalem. D. C. EDDY... 37: 144!) Walter in Samaria. 1). C. EDDY 37: 1450 Walter Ogilby. Mri..l. H. KINZIE. 38: 1030 Walter Sedlcy. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward (farrctt). In Soon and heard, v. 3 38: 2817 The same, fit White as snow 38: 2818 Walter Sherwood. 1). WISK, (Fran cis Forexter) 4O: 635 "Walter s tour in the east. D. C. EDDY. 6 v. Contents : 1. Wlter in Egypt. 37:1448 2. Walter in Jerusalem. 37:1-149 i. Walter in Samaria. :17:I4."&gt;0 4. Walter in I anittsi us. :s7:H47 6. Walter in Constantinople. :I7:I440 Waller in Athens. 37:1445 Walter s word : a novel. J. S. SAU- XADK. (James I ayn) 39: 1170 Waltham : a novel. / W. S. C. L., v. 1 34: 4171 The same S 15: 4911 Walton Redivivus. T. HOOD. Jit Treasure-trove .series, v. 2 4O: 1702 Walworth, Mansfield Tracy. HKVERLY; or, the white track. N.Y. 1872. 12 4O: 95 DKLAPLAINE; or, the sacrifice of Irene. N. Y. 1871. 12 4O: 90 HOTSPUR : tale of the old Dutch manor. X. Y. 1872. 12 4O: 97 LULU. N. Y. 1872. 12 4O: 98 STORMCLIFF: a tale of the highlands. N.Y. 1872. 12 4O: 99 WARWICK; or, the lost nationalities of America. N. Y. 1809. 12... 4O: 100 Wanderer, The. J. A. MAITLAND... 38: 2423 Wanderers and pilgrims. Mrs. K. K. CHAKI.KS. With Cottage by the cathedral ". 35: 4071 Wandering heir, The. C. KKADK... 39: 1C8 Wandering Jew: chronicles from the originals of Ciirtaphilus. D. HOFFMAN. 2 v 33: 2022-3 Wandering Jew, The. M. J. (called Eugene] SUE 39: 241K Wanted a pedigree. M.F. FINLEY. (Martha Farquharxon) 37: 2173 War life. M. HKIU 39: 259 War of women. A. ( D.) DUMAS 37: 1017 Warpath: adventures in tile wilder ness. Phil. 185G. 12 38: 497 War tiger, The. W. DALTON 37: 49 "War trail; or, the hunt of the wild horse. M. RKID 39; 200 Warburton, Eliot (George Barthol omew), (b. 1810). DAIUKN; or, the merchant prince. Lcip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. sq. 1C .... 4O: 110 REGINALD Hastings; or, a tale of the troubles in 104-. N.Y. 18C8. 8. 40: 111 Ward, Artemus. (pseud.) See BROWN, C. F. Ward, Robert Plumer. (1705-1846). CHATSWORTII; or, the romance of a week. N.Y. 1804. 8 4O: 117 I)E\ KRK; or, the man of independ ence. N. Y. 1855. 12 4O: 118 Warden. A. TROLI.OPK 39: 3218 Ware, William. (1797-1852). AUKKI.IAN; or, Rome in the third century. N.Y. 1800. 2 v. 12. 4O: 120-7 The same 4O: 128 JULIAN ; or, scenes in Judea. N. Y. 1805. 2 v. 12 J 4O: 129-30 ZENOHIA ; or, the fall of Palmyra. N. Y. 1809. 2 v. 12 . 4O: 131-2 The same 4O: l. !3 Warfleld, Mrs. Catherine Ann. (b. 1817). DOUBLE wedding, The. Phil. 1807. 12 4O: 140 HESTER Howard s temptation. Phil. 1870. 12 4Q: 141 HOUSEHOLD of Bouverie, The; or, the elixir of gold. N. Y. 1860. 2 v. 12 4Q: 142-3 MIRIAM S memoirs. Sequel to Mon- fort hall. Phil. 1870. 12 4O: 144 Note. Same MR Romance of Beauseincourt. MIRIAM Montfort. N.Y. 1873. 12. 4O: 145 .ROMANCE of Beauseincourt. N. Y. 1874. 12 4O: 140 Note. Sflme as Miriam s memoirs. SEA and shore. Sequel to Miriam s memoirs. Phil. 1870. 12 4Q: 147 Warlock of Coombe. E. H. KNATCII- HULL-lluGKssKN. In Queer folk... 38: 1J04 Warm hearts in cold regions. C. EDE. 37; 1460 Warm nests; or, Nellie Grange. Loud. n. d. 18 4O: 2725 Warner, Mis* Anna B. ( Amy Lotlirop). DOLLARS and cents. Phil. 1871. 12. 4O: 105 MY brother s keeper. N. Y. 1800. 12 4Q: 100 Warner, Charles Dudley. BACKLOG studies. Bolt. 1873. 10. 33: 4250 Note. See also under CI.KMBNS, S. L. Warner, Mi. Susan. ( Elizabeth Welherell). (b. 1818). BREAD and oranges. N. Y. 1875. 10 .". 4Q: no DAISY. Phil. 1869. 2 v. 12 4O: 171-2 FLAG of truce, The. N. Y. 1875. 10 4O: 173 HILLS of the Shatemuc, The. Phil. 1872. 12 4O: 174 HOUSE in town, The. Sequel to Opportunities. N.Y. 1872. 10. 4O: 175 LITTLE camp on Eagle Hill, The. N.Y. 1874. 16 4O: 170 MELBOURNE House. N.Y. 1872. 12 4O: 177 OLD helmet, The. N.Y . It04. 2 v. 12 4Q: 178-9 The same. N.Y. 1809. J2 4O: 180 OPPORTUNITIES. Sequel to What she could. N.Y. 1871. 10 4O: 181 QUEECHY. Phil. 1871. 12 4O: 182 RAPIDS of Niagara, The. N. Y. 1870. 16" 4O: 183 SCEPTRES and crowns. N.Y. 1875. 16 4O: 184 PUOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WARNER. 23(5 WE. Warner, Mas S., (continued.) TRADING. Sequel to House in town. N. Y. 1873. 16 4O: 185 WHAT she could. N.Y. 1871. 1G. 4O: 186 Note. For continuations see Opportuni ties, House in town, and Trading. WIDE, wide world, The. Phil. 1872. 12 4O: 187 WILLOW brook. N. Y. 1874. 16. 4O: 188 SEH-IIES. 1. What she coul. 1. I :i. House in town. 2. Opportunities. [ 4. Trading. Warner, Susan, and Anna. B. CASPER and his friends. N. Y. 1868. 16 4O: 200 HARD maple. N. Y. 1868. 10 4O: 201 KARL Krinken. N. Y. 1868. 16. 4O: 202 MR. Rutherford s children. N. Y. 1868. 16 4O: 203 SAY and seal. Phil. 1869. 2 v. 12 4O: 204-5 SYBIL and Clarissa. N. Y. 1868. 16 4O: 206 WYCH Hazel. N. Y. 1876. 12.... 4O: 207 Warning, The. A. BKTIIUNE. In W. T. 15., v. 8 4O: 1718 W^arp and woof. H. PARR. (Holme Lee). 2v 38:4210-11 Warren, Caroline Matilda. UAMKSTKKS, The; or, the ruins of innocence. Bost. 1805. 12 4O: 216 "Warren, Elizabeth. BLOOMFIEI.D: a tale. Loud. 1870. sm. 8 4O: 220 The same. Bost. 1870. 10 4O: 221 Warren, Samuel. Now and then. Through a glass darkly. N. Y. 1858. 12 4O: 231 PASSAGES from the diary of a late physician. N.Y. 1868. 3 v. 16. 4O: 227-9 The same. Leip. 1844. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: 230 TEN thousand a year. Phil. n. d. 8 4O: 232 The same. Leip. 1845. 3 v. sq. 16 4O: 233-5 The same. . ! v. in 2 4O: 236-7 Warriner, Edward A. (A broad churchman}. VICTOR La Tourette. Bost. 1875. 12 35: 2835 AVart, Gertrude von der. In T. F. II., v. 2 4O: 2658 Warwick: a novel. M. T. WAL- WORTH 4O: 100 Warwick woodlands. H. W. HKR- IIERT. (Frank Forrexter) 37: Was he successful? R. B. KIMBALL. 38: Was she a boy? M. THOMPSON. In lloosier mosaics 39: 2983 "Was she engaged? JONO.UIL. (pseud.) 38: 516 Wash Bolter, M. I).; or, the lite of an orator. H. HOOPER 37: 4658 "Washburn, Katherine Scdgwick. ( Katheriiie V(tltrio). INA. Bost. 1871. 8 4O: 245 ITALIAN girl. Bost. 1874. 12 4O: 246 PERFECT love casteth out fear. Bost. 1875. 12 4O: 247 Washburn, William T. FAIR Harvard : a storv of college life. N. Y. 186!). 12.! 4Q: 255 Washed ashore; or, the tower of Stormount bay. W. II. G. KINGS TON 38: 1005 Washington and his generals. G. Washington s first battle; or, Brad- dock s defeat. W. S. MAYO. In Flood and field ........................... Watch and wait; or, the young fugi tives. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic). Watchmaker, The. A. (D.) DUMAS. Watchman, The. J. A. MAITLAND. Water. Kollo s philosophy. J. AB BOTT ......................................... Water and land. Science for the young. J.ABBOTT ..................... "Water babies : a fairy tale. C. KINOSLEY ................................. Water cure, The. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miin Mulock). With Lord Erlistoun ........................... Waterdale neighbors, The. Leip. 1868. 2v.ini. sq. 16 ............... Waterloo. Keyuel to The conscript of 1813. E. ERCKMANN and A. CHATRIAN ................................. Waterloo, Stories of. W. H. MAX WELL ....................................... Waters, Thomas. RECOLLECTIONS of a policeman. X. Y. 1853. 12 ........................... Water-witch, The; or, the skimmer of the seas. J. F. COOPER ............ Thesame ...................................... Watson, Henry C. (b. 1831). CAMP-FIRES of the revolution; or, the war of independence. N. Y. 1870. 8 ................................... AA^averley; or, tis sixty years since. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v... Thesame. Edinburgh ed ............... Thesame. Abbotsford ed .............. Thesame ...................................... The same. Household ed. 2 v ....... Thesame. Pocketed .................... Thesame. Tauchnitz ed ............... Waverley anecdotes, The: illustra tive of the incidents, character, and scenery described in the novels and romances of ,S iV Walter Scott. 2 v .......................................... Weaves of the troublesome world, The. C. G. ROSSETTI. With Com monplace ................................. Way of the world. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) ............................. Way to do good, The. C. E. TONNA. ( Chiuioite Elizabeth). In The sim ple flower .................................. Way to prosper, and other tales. T. S. ARTHUR ................................ Content* : Don t be discouraged. I Where there Way to prosper. | a way. Way we live now. A. THOLLOI-K ...... Ways of the hour. J. F. COOPER ..... Thesame ..................................... Ways of providence. With Woman s trials. T. S. ARTHUR ................. Wayside, The. N. HAWTHORNE. /)/ Wonder-book ........................ Wayside cross, The ; or, the raid of Gomez: a tale of the earliest war. E. H. MILMAN ........................... "We and our neighbors; or, the records of an unfashionable street. Sequel to My wife and 1. Mrs. H. (E.) B. STOWE ...................................... 38: 38: 35: 37: 38: 35: 35: 38: 35: 38: 37; 38: 4O: 35: 35; 1778 2831 283 1018 2424 84 91 936 4928 2135 1741 2752 260 4779 4780 29: 2271 *39: 39: 39: 39; 39: 39: 39: 1301-2 1355 1359 1371 1395-6 1445 1492 33: T24-5 39: 35: 39; 35: s a will 39: 35: 35: 35; 37: 667 284 3069 813 there s 3219 4781 4782 816 4196 38: 3006 39: 2337 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WK. 237 WHAT. We girls: a home story. A. 1). T. WHITNEY 4O: 400 We ll have another. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. G 4O: 1716 Weal and woe in Gravelock. H. MAR- TINEAU. In lllus. pol. econ.. v. 2. 38: 2648 Wealth and welfare. A. BIT/.IUS. iJeremiax Ootthelf.) 2 v 35:2145-6 The same . 35: 2147 Wealth not worth ; or, which makes the. man? N. Y. 1853. 18 4O: 27:il Wearithorne; or, in the light of to-diiy. Mrs. M. K. L. RODNKY. (formerly Mi*s Reeves) 39: 589 Weariful woman, The. .1. GAI.T. / T. f. B., v. 2 4O: 1093 W^ebb, Charles Henry. (John Paul). JOHN Paul s book. Hart. 1874. 8. 33: 4286 ST. Twel mo. In Treasure-trove series, v. 2 4O: 1702 Webb, -I//-*. J. B. JULIO: a tale of Vaudois : designed for voung persons. Lond. n. d. 16. " 4O: 265 Webber, Charles Wilkins. (b. 181!)). GOLD mines of the Gila; a sequel to Old Hicks the guide. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. in. 1. 12. 4O: 271 OLD Hieks the guide; or, adventures in the Camanche country in search of a gold-mine. N. Y. 1868. 12. 4O: 272 SPIRITUAL vampirism; or, the his tory of Ethereal Softdown and his friends, of the new lights. Phil. 1853. 12 . 4O: 273 Webfoot. (pseud.) See PHEI.TS, W. 1). Wedding, The. T. GII.LESPIE. In The professor s tales. In W. T. B. v. i; 4O: 1710 Wedmore, Frederick. SNAPT gold ring, A. Lond. 1871. 2 v. sm. 8 4O: 281-2 Two girls. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8. 4O: 283-4 Week in a French country-house. Mrs. A.. (K.) SARTORIS 39: 1131 Weenokhenchah Wandeeteckah. W. J. S.vKLLixci. In Tales of the northwest 39: 1989 Weeks, Helen C. AINSLKK stories. N. Y. 1869. 16. 4O: 2!U FOUR, and what they did. N. Y. 1871. 16 4O: 292 GRANDPA S house. N. Y. 1869. 1&lt;;. 4O: 293 WIIITK and red: life among the In dians. N. Y. 1869. 16 4O: 294 Weighed in the balance. S. S. Ron- HIXS 39: 400 W^eir, Marion Eliza. ROCKBOURNE: a tale. N. Y. 1874. 12 4O: 300 Well authenticated rappings. In X. and T., v. 8 4O: 1648 We ll have another. In W. T. H., v. 6. 4O: 1716 We ll see about it. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches and stories 37: 3887 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 4 34: 4174 The same *15: 4914 Well-spent hour, The. E. L. FOL- LEN 37: 2305 Well! well! for. M. A. WALLACE. 4O: 50 Welldean hull. J. Hcxio. (Ellrick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 2 37: 4521 Wells, David A. ROHINSON Crusoe s money; or, the remarkable financial fortunes and misfortunes of a remote island com munity. With illustrations bv Thomas Nast. N. Y. 1870. 8". Wentworth, May. (pseud.) .Vee N EWMAN, Mrs. ~M. W. W^ept of wish-ton-wish, The. J. F. COOPER .................................... The same ...................................... Werner, E. AT the altar. Phil. 1872. 12 ..... BOUND by his vows, or, at the nltar: a romance. (Am Altar). Tr. bv J. S. L. Phil. n. d. 12 ......... .. BROKEN chains. Tr. by Frances A. Shaw. Host. 1875. "8 .............. GOOD luck." ( filueck aiif). Tr. by Frances A. Shaw. Bost. 1874. 8 ............................................. HKRO of the pen, A. (Tr. of Ein IleldderFeder). Bost. 1875. 8. West, Mrt. GOSSIP S story, A ; and a legendary tale. In W. S. C. L., v. 8 .......... . . The same .................................. West lawn and the Rector of St. .Mark s. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES ....... W^estbrook parsonage. H. B. Mc- IYEEVER .............. . ..................... Westcott, Margaret. BESSIE Wilmington; or, money and what came of it. N. Y. 1874. 12 .......................................... Westmoreland, Maria J. CLIFFORD Troup: a Georgia story. N.Y. 1873. 12 ......... . .......... ... HEART-HUNGRY: a novel. N. Y. 1872. 12 ................................. W^estOn, H. H., and others. FAIRY egg. and what it held. Bost. 1870. 12 ................................. Westward ho! or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Annas Leigh, Knight. Charles KINGSI.EY. ........ The same. X. Y. ed. 2v .............. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. Wet day at an Irish inn. D. G. MITCHELL. I Ik .Marvel). In Seven stories ....................................... Wet wooing, The: a narrative of 98. In T. f. B., v. 4 ........................... Wetherel affair, The. J. W. DE- FORREST ................................... Wetherell, Elizabeth, (pseud.) See WARNER, S. Whale, The. H. MELVILLE. 3 v... Whaleman s adventures in the Sandwich islands and in California. W. H.TIIOMKS .......................... Whaling and tUhing. C. NORDHOFF. W^harton, Grace. (pseud.) Xee THOMPSON, Mrs. \. T. What answer? A. E. DICKINSON ..... What a bov! What shall we do with him? What will he do with him self? Who is to blame for the consequences? J. A. WILLIS ...... What can she do? Her. E. P. ROE... The same ..................................... can a woman do? T. S. AR- 54: 35: 35: 4O: 4O: 4O: 4O: 4O: 34: 15: 37: 38: 4O: 4O: 4O: 4O: 38: 38: 38: 38: 4O: 37: 586 4783 4784 310 311 312 313 314 4178 4918 4578 2290 320 327 328 937-9 940-1 942 3013 1094 218 38: 2882-4 39: 38: 37: 33: 39: 39: 35: 2962 3657 016 4352 620 621 814 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WHAT. 238 WHITE. What Dr. Marks died of. &gt;I. A. T. With A winged word "What I did with my fifty millions. G. VV. BAGBY. {A/onei Adnm*} "What is this mystery ! M. -K. iiKAD- DO N What Katy did at school: a story. .\flS.l S. C. WOOLSEY. (Sllxan Cool- 39: 2702 35: 1350 35: 2503 The same What makes things musical? Mrs. C. R. CHARLES. With Cottage by the cathedral AVhat might have been expected. F. STOCKTON What Mr. Burleigh could not see. In N. and T., v. 9 What shall I do? T. S. ARTHI-R. In The martyr wife What she * could. S. WARNER. (Elizabeth Wetherell) What she did with her life. M. F. TlIEED What the swallow sang: a novel. F. Sri ELI! AG EN What the tea-kettle said. E. EGGLES- TON. In Schoolmaster s stories What was it? H. SPICER. In Brought tu book, v. 2 What will he do with it? E. G. E. L. Bi LWER LYTTON. 4 v. in 2.... The same. Tauchnitz ed. 4 v The same. 4 v. in 2 What will the world say? a novel. Ojos MORENOS Whateley, Miss E. J. MAUDE; or, the anglican sister of mercy. Lond. 18(&gt;9. 12 What s to be done? or, the will and the way. By the author of Wealth and worth. " N.Y. 1812. 18 Wheat and tares. N.Y. 1800. 12 Wheel of fortune. W. J. BRADLEY. ( (/lance flaylord) Wheel within wheel. N. RADCLIFFE. 3 v When I was a little girl. Mix.1 E. TAHOR .". Where are you going? C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In The for tune-teller Where there s a will there s a way. T. S. ARTIITR. In Way to pros per ; Where there s a will there s a way. A. B. HAVEN. (Cousin Alice Which is the heroine? a novel. Nina COLE. N. Y. 1870. 8 Which is the wiser? M. HOWITT Which shall it be? Mrs. ALEXANDER. Whim and its consequences, AGP K. JAMES . Whimsical woman, The. E. P. CARI.UN Whipple, Content. NEWKLL bovs, The. Bost. 1872 10 ; Whipple, Frances H. MECHANIC, The. Prov. Whispering pine series. LOOG. V. Content* : Spark of genius. 38:7:!8 Sophomores of Radclitfe. 40: 40: 828 829 35: 39: 4O: 35: 40: 39: 39: 37: 39: 4071 2293 1649 787 186 2945 2110 1595 2C97 85: 3156-7 35:3158-61 35: 3162-3 38: 3118 4O: 40: 40: 346 2732 2733 35: 2639 39: 28-30 39: 2723 39: 3063 1842. 16. E. KEL- 35: 37: 4O: 37: 35: 38: 35: 813 4142 2734 4763 516 222 3805 4O: 351 4O: 357 Whispering pine. 88:741 Turning ot tl Winning his Slant heart. elide. 38:740 spurs. 38:742 38:7:i9 Whispers from fairyland. E. H. KNATCHliVLL-HuoESSEN 38: 1066 Whistler ; or, the manly boy. \V. SlMONDS . . 39; 1710 W^hitcher, Mrs. Frances M. ( Widow Jiedoltt. WIDOW Bedott papers. N.Y. 1867. 12 33; 4320 WIDOW Spriggins, Mary Elmer, etc. N. Y. 1867. 12 33: 4327 Contents : Biographical introduction. Recollections of Widow Spriggins. Mary Elmer; or, trials and changes. Miscellaneous : Letter from Timherville. Aunt; Magwire s account of the mission to Mufrletegawny. Going to see the president. White, Babington. CIRCK; or, three acts in the life of an artist: a novel. N.Y. 1867. 8. 4O: 370 White, Leslie. MAUD S life work: a novel. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sin. 8 4O: 377-8 White and red: life among the In dians. H. C. WEEKS 4O: 294 White angel, The. By the author of Marion Howard. In Maggie s Rosary 4O: 1630 White as snow. Mr*. I. F. MAYO. ( Edward Oarrett) 38: 2818 Contents: Happy woman. Rough diamond. Milly Hayden. Someday. Miss Felicia. Walter Sedley. White bout. Th". E. SOUVESTRE. In Britanny and la Vendee 39: 2066 White Bristol, The. J. BANIM. In Bit o writin 35: 1531 White Brunswiekers. The; or, remin iscences of school-boy life. H. C. ADAMS 35; 210 White bull, The. M. de VOLTATRE. In Philos. tales and satires 39: 3770 White cat, The. Mit* A. I. THACK ERAY. In Bluebeard s keys, and other stories ." 39: 2860 White chief: a legend of north Mex ico. M. REID 39; 261 "White chrysanthemum. Bost. 1871. 10 4O: 2736 White cockade, The; or, faith and fortitude. J. GRANT 37: 3328 White elephant. The. W. DALTON... 37: 50 White gauntlet. The. M. REID 39: 262 White hoods, The. A. E. BRAY. 3 v. 35: 2722 White horse of the Peppers. The. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories.... 38: 1886 "White jacket; or, the world in a man- of-war. H. MELVILLE. 2 v 38: 2885-6 White ladies. Mrs. M. (O. W.) OLI- PHANT 38: 3871 White lies. Mrs. A. OPIE. In W. S. C. L., v. 17 *15: 4927 White lies. C. RKADE 39: 109 "White phantom; or, the nameless chilil. Minn M. E. BRADDON 35: 2564 White rabbit, The. J. II. MATHEWS... 38: 2703 "White rocks, The; or, the robbers den. A. F. HILL 37: 4418 White rose, The. M. J. REDOES 37: 4273 White rose. G. J.WHYTE-MELVILLE. 2v.ini 4O: 452 "White scalper, The: a story of the Texan war. G. AIMARD 35: 405 White slave, The. R. HILDRETH 37: 4414 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WHITE. 239 WIDOW. "White trout, The. S. LOVKR. In Legends and storie* ..................... 38: "White w man of Tnrrns, The. P. MAXWKI.I,. In W. T. B.. v. fi ...... 4O: Whiteboy, The. Mr*. A. M. K HAI.I ........................................ 37: "Whitehead, Mrs. Trafford. GKAHAMKS, The: a novel. N. Y. 1800. 12 ................................. 4O: "Whitney, Mri. Adeline D. Train. (b. 1824). FAITH Gartney s girlhood. Host. 18C3. 12 GAYWORTHYS, The. Bust. 18G 1886 1716 3890 40: 4O: HITHERTO: a story of yesterdays. Bost. 1869. 12 ." .... 4O: OTHER girls, The. Bost. 1873. 12. 4O: PATIENCE Strong s outings. Bost. 1870. 12 4O: REAL folks. Bost. 1872. 12 4O: SIGHTS and insights. Bost. 1870. 2 v. 12 . 4O: SVMMER in Leslie Goldthwaite s life. Bost. 1871. 12 4O: WE girls: a home story. Bost. 1870. 12 4O: ZKRI H Throop s experiment. Bost. 1871. 12 4O: Whitsome tragedy, The. J. M. WILSON, /n W. T. B., v. 2 4O: Whittier, John Greenleaf. (b. 1807). CHILD life in prose. Bost. 1874. 12 4O: MARGARET Smith s journal. In Prose works, v. 1 34: Who breaks pays. C. JEXKIN 38: Who shall be greatest. M. HOWITT... 37: Who shall be heir? Mis* E. PICKER ING 38: "Who shall he victor? Minn E. A. Dri i-Y 37: Who will win? P. COBDEX. (pseud.) 35: Who won. S. S. BOBBINS 39: Who would have thought it ? Mrs. BVRTON 35: Whom to mary and how. H. and A. MAYHEW 38: "Whose wife was she? In Saxe HOLM S stories 37: AAThy did he murry he, 1 ? Minx E. A. DriTY 37: W^hy did he not die? A. von VOI.K- ii.M SEX 39: "Why I did not become a sailor. R. M. BALLA.XTYXE. With Freaks on the fells ; 35: "Why Mrs. Radnor fainted. [anon.] In Stories and sketches 4O: "Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife.. C. CI.IVE . 35: "Whyte-Melville, G. J. (b. 1820). BROOKES of Bridlemcre, The. N. Y. 1872. 12 4O: The same. Leip. 1804. 2v.ini. sq. 16 4O : CERISE: a tale of the last century. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in I. sq. 16.".. 4O: CONTRABAND; or, a losing hazard. Leip. 1871. sq. 16 4O: DKIBV Grand. Leip. 1862. pq. 16. 4O: GLADIATORS, The: a tale of Rome and Judea. N. Y. 1872. 8 4Q: The same. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: 391 392 393 394 395 390 397-8 399 400 401 1712 415 2247 290 4764 4448 1073 4467 401 3415 2795 4561 1074 3703 1464 168! 4438 421 422 424 420 428 429 430 Whyte-Melville, (continued.) GOOD for nothing. Leip. 1802. 2 v. !n I sq. 16 INTERPRETER, The. Lcip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. sq. lo KATE Coventry. Leip. 18UO. sq. 16 KATERFELTO: a talc of Exmoor. Phil. n. d. 12 M. or N. Similia similibus curan- tur." Lcip. 1809. sq. 10 MAUD and Nina. Bost. 1870. 8. Qr KEN S Maries: a romance of Holy rood. Lcip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. 8(1. 10 SARCHEDON: a legend of the great queen. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 10 SATAN ELL A: a etory of Punches- town. Lond. 187~2. 2 v. sm. 8. The same. Berlin. 1872. 10... UNCLE John : a novel. N. Y. 1874. 12 WHITE rose, The. Leip. 1808. 2 v. in 1. sq. Ui Wichert, Ernest. GREEN gate. The: a romance. Phil. 1875. 12 : "Wicked, woods of Tobereevil. Mi. a Mri.HOI.LAND 38 "Widdemer, Irene. (Ireland Ward). DAISY Brentwcll. N. Y. 1870. 12. Widdlezig. T. (E.)IIooK. In Pre cepts and practice, v. 2 Wide of the murk. By the author of Recommended to mercy. [nnon.~\ Lond. 1H7I. 3 v. sin . S Wide, wide world. S. WARNER. (FMzabfih. ll ftherell.) ^Tidow and her i-on. Mrs. E. C. EMHUKY. In Pictures of early life. "Widow and the marquis, The. T. (E.) HOOK Widow Barnaby. K. TROI.LOPE "Widow Barnaby, Sequel to. .See TROI.I.OI E S Widow married. Mndow Bedott. ( pxeud. ) SeeWHiTcn- ER. Mr*. F. M. Widow by brevet. The. N. P. \Vn.- i.is. In Treasure-trove scries, v. 3. Widow Cliff and her son. W. T. C XiOKSii.M.i.. in Home hits imd hints "Widow Goldsmith s daughter. J. P. SMITH. (Chrintubel Golrfxmith) Widow Lcrouge. K. GAHORIAT "Widowr Mac Lean ; or, lending to the Lord. J. TXOKI.OW. In Sister s bye-hours "Widow married. The. A sequel to The widow Barnaby. Mrs. F. TRIII.I.OPE Widow of Dunskaith. H. MILLER. In W. T. 15.. v. 2 4O: "Widow of /nrcpliath. C. E. TONXA. {Charlotte Klizabrth}. In Humility before honor Widow Silvanie. The. F. W. Ron I.NSOX. In Girl s romance Widow Simpson s spoons. F. BROWNE. In The exile s trust 4O: 40: 4O: 40: 4O: 4O: 40: 4O: 4O: 40: 40: 4O: 40: 40: 37: 4O: 4O: 37: 37: 39: 4O: 35: 4508 39: 37: 38: 39: 432 434 436 437 439 440 442 444 440-7 448 450 452 471 3223 477 4646 2741 187 1700 4051 3234 39: 39: 35: 1941 2753 3235 1712 3065 485 3025 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WIDOW. 24(1 WILLIAM. "Widow Spriggins, Mary Elmer, etc. Mrs. F. 31. WHITCHER 33: Contents : Biographical introduction. Reoolleotiona of Widow Spriggins. Mary Elmer ; or, trials and changes. Miscellaneous : Letter from Timberville. Aunt Magwire s account of the mission to Muffletegawny. Going to see the president. Widow Wiggin s wonderftil oat. E. EoOLESTON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: Widower. J. 1*. SMITIIIK 39: Widow s dog, The T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 1 37: The same. In W. S. 0. L. v. 7 34; The same *15: Widow s son. Mm. E. D. E. N. SOUTH WOKTII 39: The same. With Haunted home stead 39: Wieland ; or, the transformation. 0. 15. BROWN 35- Wife, The. In Three eras. T. S. AKTHUR 35: Wife for a missionary. Chi. 1835. 18 ." Wife of Lochinaben, The. J. Houo. (Eiirick Shepherd). In Winter evening tales, v. 2 Wife of the Rod Corny n. J. GRANT. In Legends of the black watch Wife of two husbands, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials 37: The same 37: Wife of a vain man. M. S. SCHWARTZ. 37: Wife or slave. J. A. St. John BLYTHE. 3v 35: Wife of the wuddy, A. .1. M. WIL SON. In W. T." B., v. 1 4O: Wife to order, A. F. GKRST.-ECKKR. Tr. by Edmund Routle-dgo. 37: Wife s evidence, The. W. G. WILLS. 4O: Wife s secret, The. A. S. STEPHKNS. 39: Wife s sister. Mrs. HUHHACK 37: Wife s trials, The. J. PARDOK 38: Wife s victory. Mrs. E. I). E. N. SOUTH WOKRH 39: Wigwam and the cabin, The. W. G. SIMMS 39: Contents : Arm-chair of Tustenug- gee ; n tradition of the Catawba. Caloya; or, the loves of the driver. Giant s coffin, The; or, the feud of Holt and Houston. Grayling; or, "murder will out." Jocassee : a Cherokee legend. Wilberforce, Edward. DUKE S honour, The. 3 v. sm. 8.... 4327 37: 37: Loud. 1870. 4O: 485-7 Wildenhahn, Karl August. J{LIND girl of Wittenberg, The. Tr. by John G. Morris. N. Y. 1876. 12 Wilford, Florence. NIGKL Bartram s ideal : a novel. N. Y. 1871. 8 VIVIA: a modern storv. N. Y. 1871. 8 . Wild-duck shooter, The. J. INQE- LOW. hi, Stories told to a child... 4O: 40: 40: 38: 491 501 502 33 1505 1942 4645 4177 4917 2041 2019 2992 806 4O: 2745 4521 3316 3888 3889 1264 2271-3 1711 2935 562 2228 4789 4150 2042 1692 Last wager; or, the game ster of the Mississippi. Lazy crow, The ; a story of the corn-field. Lucas de Ayllon. Oakutilihe ; or, the raftsman of I he Edisto. Snake of the cabin, The. Those old limes: or, which is the madman "i Two camps, The: a legend of the old north Htale. Wild flower. F. W. ROBINSON ......... Wild hunter in chase of the moss- hoppers, The. GRIMM. In R. G. N., v. 2 ...................................... Wild hunter of HacUelnberg, The. NACHTIGALL. (Otmar)- JnR.G. 39; 509 4Q: 1561 Wild huntress, The; or, love in the wilderness. M.REID .................. 39: 263 Wild hyacinth. Mrs. RANDOLPH ...... 39: lo7 Wild Jack; or, the stolen child. Mrs. C. L. HKNTX. With Banished son. 37: 4311 Wild life: adventures on the frontier. M.KEID .................................... 39; 264 Wild man of the west, The: a tale of the Rocky Mountains. R. M. BAI.LANTYNE ............................. 35; 1479 Wild northern scenes. S. 11. HAM MOND ........................................ 37: 3960 Wild oats. L. W T RAXALL ................. 4O: 857 Wild scenes in the forest. C. F. HOFFMAN. 2 v. in 1 ................... 37: 4476 Wild sports in the far west. F. GKRSTAECKER ............................ 37: 2936 Wild sports of the west. W. H. MAXWELL ................................. 38: 2753 Wild times: the days of Queen Eliza beth. C. M. CADDELI .................. 35: 3716 Wild weather: a novul. Lady Wild western scenes. J. B. JONES ..... The same ..................................... Wild WOod. II. DlC KENS. 3 V ......... Wilderness ; or, Braddock s times : a tale of the west. Pittsburgh. 1848. 2 v. in 1. 12 .................. Wildgoose lodge. W T . CARLETON. lit Traits and stories, v. 2 ............. The same ...................................... Wildmoor. K. BURCKETT .............. Wilfrid Cumbermede. G. MAI-DON ALD .......................................... Wilfulness and its consequences. Lttrty H KRBERT. In Peter s journey. Wllhelm Meister s apprenticeship. J. W. von GOETHE. 2v .............. The same. Lond ed ....................... The same. Tr. by R. Dillon Boylan. Wilhelm Meister s travels; or," the renunciants. J. W. von GOETHE. In C. G. R., v. 4 .......................... Wilkins Wylder. S. MILLER .......... Wilkinson, Janet W. HANDS not hearts. X. Y. n. d. 8. Will, The. M. EDGE-WORTH. In. her N. and T., V. 2 ........................... The same. In Popular tales, v. 1 ...... Will Adams, the h rst Englishman in Japan. W. DALTON ................... Will it pay? T.S.ARTHUR. //(Fin gerposts .................................... Will Rood s friendship. W. J. BRAD LEY. ( Ola/ice Gaylord. ) ............... Will of her own, A. L. PARR. W i th John Thompson .................. Will of a virtuoso. The. J. ADDISON. In. Treasure-trove series, v. 1 ......... Willard, Clara A. FIFTY years ago: a story of New England life. N. Y. i872. 12. Wille, Elizabeth de. JOHANNES Olaf. Bost. 1873. 12. William Allair; or, running away to sea. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD ......... 4O: 782-3 38: 498 38: 499 37: 604-6 4O: 2750 35: 35; 3842 3840 35; 3350 38: 2185 4O: 1060 37:3115-16 37: 3117 34: 1258 35: 3876 38: 2994 4O: 510 37; 1497 37: 1506 37: 51 35; 813 35; 2040 38: 4233 4O: 1701 4O: 4O: 4O: 517 523 738 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WILLIAM. 241 WILSON. William the conqueror: a historical romance. Sir C. NAPIEK 38: 3500 William Henry and his friends. Mrs, \. M. l)i AX". 37: 421 William Henry s letters. Mrs. A. M. DIAX .". 37: 422 William the little chimney-sweeper. A. MOIUTX. In Nannie s jewel- case 39: 727 William Mellish: a novel. F. TKOL- I.OPK. 3 v 39:3244-6 William the silent and the Nether- land war, 1555-84, Story of. M. BAKKKTT " 35: 1C50 William Smudge s amendment. F. \V. ROBINSON. In Girl s romance. 39: 485 William Wighton, Fortunes of. .1. HOWKI.L. In W. T. 15., v. 1 4O: 1711 Williams, Robert Folkestone. Li TTKEi.Ls. The; or. the two mar riages. N. Y. n. (1. 8 4O: 530 SECRET passion, The. Phil. n. d. 8 4O: 531 SHAKESPEARE and his friends. Phil. n.d. 8 4O: 532 Williamson, K. H. U,I AKKR partisans. The: a story of the revolution. Phil. 1859. 12. 4O: 540 Williamson, Mn. Florence. ONLY to be married : a novel. Lond. 1867. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: 547-9 Willian girls, The. M. A. T. With A winged word 39: 2702 Willie nd the mortgage. J. AHHOTT. H. S. 15.. v. 1 . 35: 3G Willie \Vnstle s account of his wife. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. B., v. 9. 4O: 1719 Willing to die. J. S. LEFANU. 3 v. 38: 146.V7 Willis, -Julia A. WHAT a boy? What shall we do with him? What will he do with himself? AVho is to blame for the consequences? Phil. 1875. 16. 33; 4352 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. (1807- 1807). BKAUTY and the beast. In L. 0., v. 4 4O: 1614 PAUL Fane. N. Y. 1857: 12 4O: 555 WIDOW by brevet. In Treasure-trove series, v. 3 4O: 1703 Willis the pilot. Stque.l to Swiss fam ily Robinson. Host. n.d. 10. .. 4O: 2752 Will-O-the-wisp, The. (Die Irrlich- ter). A fable. Tr. by Kitty &lt;&gt;n- stein. N. Y. 1868. 1G 4O: 2751 Willow brook. The. S. "WARNER. (Elizabeth Welherell) 4O: 188 Willow tree, The. C. E. TON.NA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In Tales and illustrations 39: 3070 Wills, \V. G. NOTICE to quit. N. Y. 1870. 8... 4O: 501 WIFE S evidence, The. A novel. N. Y. n.d. 8 40: 562 Willy Collins. Mrs. S. S. HARRIS. (formerly Miss Cole). With Round- hearts 37: 4014 Willy Reilly, and bis dear Colleen Buwn. W. CARI.KTON 35; 3846 Wilmingtons, The. A. MARSH- CALDWKLL 38: 2606 Wilson, Augusta J. (E.) (formerly Miss Evan*). BEULAH. N. Y. 1872. 12 4O: 570 INEZ: a tale of the Alamo. N. Y. n.d. 12 4O: 571 Wilson, A. J. (E.), (continued.) INFELICE. N. Y. 1876. 12 4O: 572 MACARIA: a novel. N. Y. 1873. 12 4O: 573 ST. Elmo: a novel. N. Y. 1874. 12 4O: 574 VASHTI . or, until death us do part. A novel. N. Y. 1874. 12 4O: 575 Wilson, James. DOMINIE and the souter. In W. T. 1!., v. 7 4O: 1717 Contents : Dominie s courtship. The. Pouter s wedding, The. Wilson, John. SNOW storm, The. In L C., v. 7 4O: 1617 Wilson, John Mackay. (d. 1825). ADOPTED son, The. In W. T. B., v. 1. 4O: 1711 ARCHY Armstrong. 7nW. T. B., v. 3. 4O: 1713 BILL Stanley ; or, a sailor s story. 7 "W. T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 BRIDE, The. In W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 BROKEN heart, The: a tale of the rebellion. In W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 CHARLES Lawson. In W. T. B., v. 5. 4O: 1715 COVENANTING family, The. In W. T. B., v. 7 . 4O: 1717 CRIPPLKS, The; or, Ebenezer, the disowned. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 DOMINIE S class. In W. T. B., v. 0.... 4O: 1716 DOOM of Soulis. In W. T. B., v. 4... 4O: 1714 FAA S revenge, The. In W. T. B., v. 1 4O: 1711 FAIR, The. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 FESTIVAL, The. In W. T. B., v. 7... 4O: 1717 FIRST and second marriage. In W. T. B., v. 10 . . 4O: 1720 FIRST-FOOT, The. In W. T. B., v. 5. 4O: 1715 FUGITIVE, The. In W. T. B., v. 0... 4O: 1719 GRIXKI, Coehrane: a tale of Tweed- mouth muir. In "W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 GUIDWIFE of Coldingham, The. In W. T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 HENPECKED man, The. In W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 I CANJJAbe fashed; or.Willie Grant s confession. In W. T. B., v. 5 4O: 1715 IRISH reaper, The. In W. T. B.,v. 8. 4O: 1718 JUDITH the Egyptian; or, the fate of the heir of Riccou. In \V. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 LAIDLKY worm of Spindleston Hough. In W. T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 LEAVKS from the diary of an aged spinster. / W. T. B., v. 3 4O: 1713 LKAVKS from the life of Alex. Ham ilton. In . W. T. B., v. 10 4O: 1720 LEVKLLER, The. In W. T. B., v. 8. 4O: 1718 LOTTKRY hall. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: 1717 MIDSIDK Maggy; or, the bannock o Tollishill. / W. T. B., v. 1 4O: 1711 MY black coat; or, the breaking of the bride s china. In W. T. B.,v. 1. 4O: 1711 ORDER of the garter: a story of Warck castle. In W. T. B.. v. 7... 4O: 1717 PKRSKVKRANCE; or, the autobiogra phy of Roderic Gray. In W. T. B., v. 8 ." 4O: 1718 POLWARTH on the green. In W. T. B., v. 7 4O: 1717 POOR scholar, The. In W. T. B., v. 4 4O: 1714 RECOLLECTIONS of a village patri arch. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: 1718 RED hall. The; or, Berwick in 1296. In W. T. B., v. 6 4O: 1716 PROSK FICTION: ENGLISH. WILSON. 242 WISE. 1716 1719 1712 1713 1720 1719 40: 40: 40: 40: 1712 1718 1719 1717 4O: 1711 4O: 1716 4O: 1712 1711 1719 Wilson, J. M., (continued.) REUBEN Purves; or, the speculator. In W. T. B., v. 6 4O: KOGER Goldie s narrative. In W. T. B., v. 9 4O: ROYAL bridal. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: SABBATH wrecks. In W. T. B., v. 3. 4O: SAYINGS and doings of Peter Pater- son. In W. T. B., v. 10 4O: SIMPLK man is the beggar s brother. In W. T. B., v. 9 4O: SIB Patrick Hume: a tnle of the house of Marehmont. In W. T. B., v. 5 SMUGGLER, The. In W. T. B., v. 6. SOLITARY of the cavu, The. In W. T. B., v. 2 4O: SQUIRE Ben. In W. T. B., v. 8 4O: UNBIDDEN guest, The. In W. T. B., v. 9 UNKNOWN, The. In W. T. B., v. 7. VACANT chair, The. In. W. T. B., v. 1 WE LL have another. In W. T. B., v. 6 WHITSOME tragedy, The. In W. T. B., v. 2 WIFE of the wuddy, A. In W. T. B., v. 1 4O: WILLIE Wastle s account of his wife. In W. T. B., v. 9 4O: editor. TALES of the borders and of iScotland: historical, traditionary and imag inative. Edin. 1857. 20 v. in 10. 16 40:1711-20 Win and wear. S. S. ROBHINS 39: 462 "Win and wear library. G v. v.l. Win and wear. 39:402 1 v. 4. Faithful and true. Xl-.Vrt 2. Tony Starr s legacy. I 5. My new home. 3i):454 311:438 6. fuming a new leat. 3. Ned s motto. 311:455 | ::459 Windle, Mi. Mary Jane. (b. 1825). LEGEND of the Waldenses, and other tales. Phil. 1852. 12 4O: 610 Contents: Florence de Rohan. Gipsies. Lady of the rock. Windsor castle : a romance. W. H. AINSWORTH 35: Wine and water. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts and practice, v. 1 37: Wing-and-wing ; or, le feu-follet. J. F. COOPER 35: The same 35: Winged chariot. V. M. MORELI 38: Winged word, and other stories and sketches by M. A. T 39: Contents : Daybreak. Dougherty. Hand in hand. House that Jack built In the greenwood. John. Little love. "Winifred ; &lt;&gt;r, after many days. L. E. GUKRNSKY 37: Winifred Bertram, and the world she lived in. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES 35: Thesame. Tauchnitz ed 35: Winifred, countess of Nithsdale. Lady DACRK 37: Winifred s jewels. Mary Atherstone. BIRD 35: "Winifred s wooing; poor Christine; a tale of Florence. O. M. CRAIK.. 35: Legend of the Wuldenses. Sell-delusion. 442 4645 4785 4786 3113 2702 Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord ! Pearl ashore, A. What Dr. Marks died of. Willian girls, The. Winged word, A. 3615 4084 4085 16 2106 4975 Winning his spurs ; or, Henry Mor ton s first trial. E. KELLOGG 38: 742 Winning his way. C. C. COFFIN. (Carleto/t) 35: 4493 Winny. Mri. E. T). E. N. SOUTH- WOKTH. Witk Prince of darkness. 39: 2033 Winter amid the ice, A. J. VKRNE. With Dr. Ox s experiment 39: "Winter evening tales. James HOGG. (Ettrick Shepherd) 37: Contents : v. 1. Adam Bell. Country dreams and ap paritions. Dreadful story of Mae- pherson. Duncan Campbell. Hulbert of Lyne. Highland adventures. John Gray o Middle- holm. Long pack, The. Love adventures of Mr. George Cochrane. Wlnther, Christian. CONFESSIONAL, The. In Danes sketched by themselves, v. 1 4O: Winthrop, Sophie. FAITH and patience. N. Y. 1875. 16 4O: 617 Miss Roberts fortune: a story. N. Y. 1871. 12 4O: 618 Winthrop, Theodore. (1828-1861). CECIL Dreeme. Bost. 1871. 16.... 4O: 623 EDWIN Brothertoft. Bost. 1865. 12 4O: 624 JOHN- Brent. Bost. 1866. 16 4O: 625 4521 Maria s tale, written by her- Old soldier s tale. [self. Peasant s funeral. Renowned adventures of Hnsil Lee. v.2. Bridal of Polmood. Connel of Dee. Cousin Mattie. King Gregory. Shepherd s calendar. Tibby Johnston s wraith. Wellclean hall. Wife of Lochinaben. LIFK in the open air, and other pa pers. N. Y. 1876. 16 Contents . Hrightly s orphan A fragment. Fortress Monroe. " Heart of the Andes, The." 40: 626 LOVE and skates Winthrops, The. N. Y. 186 3888 3889 631 632 633 634 635 Life in the open air. Ka- tahdin and the Penobscot. Love and skates. New York seventh regiment. - Our march to Washington. Washington as a earnp. In L. C., v. G 4O: Mrs. J. R. BKCK- 1864. 12 35: Wisdom of forethought, The. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Tales of woman s trials 37: Thesame 37: "Wise, Daniel. (Francis Forester). DICK Duncan. N. Y. 1869. 16... 4O: GCY Carlton. N. Y. 1869. 16.... 4O: JESSIE Carlton. N. Y. 1869. 16. 4O: KATE Carlton. N. Y. 1869. 16... 4O: WALTER Sherwood. N. Y. 1869. 16. 4O: "Wise, Henry Augustus. (Harry Grii/ffo). (1819-1869). CAPTAIN Brand of the " Centipede " : a pirate of eminence in the West Indies: his loves and exploits, to gether with some account of the singular manner by which he de parted this life. N. Y. 1864. 8. 4O: "Wise as a serpent. J. A. St. John BLYTHE 35: "Wise saws; or, Sam Slick in search of a wife. T. C. HALIBURTON. (8am Slick) 37: Thesame 37: Wise thoughts. Same an Nora Clarey. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches of Irish character 37: The same. //* W. S. C. L., v. 4 34: Thesame *15: 641 2274 3863 3864 3887 4174 4914 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WISEMAN. 243 "WONTUS. "Wiseman, Nicholas, Cardinal. (1802- 1865). FABIOLA; or, the church of the catacombs. Lond. 1855. 12 4O: 647 "Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote. N. Y . 1867. 12 33: 1121 "Wit and wisdom of George Eliot. Mrs. M. J. LEWES. (George Eliot). 33: 2"&gt;!tO Witch dance on the Brocken. F. GoTTsciiALfK. In R. G. N., v. 2.. 4O: 1561 Witch of Ballagroich, The. E. II. KNATCHBULL- HUGESSEN. In Queer folk 38: U 64 Witches of New Y ork. M. THOM SON. (Doexlicks) 33: 4026 With fate against him. A. M. DOUG LAS 37: 821 With harp and crown. Bost. 1876. 8 4O: 2758 With an old family. H. SPICER. In Brought to book, v. 2 39: 2097 Withered heart, The. T. S. ARTHUR. 35: 815 Within an ace. C. JKNKIN 38: 292 The same. Tauchnitz ed 38: 291 "Within an inch of his life. E. GABORIAU 37: 2754 Within the maze. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD 4O: 73!) Without a character. Mrs. M. E. POOLK. In Pictures of cottage life. 38: 4624 Without kith or kin. G. M. CRAIK. 35: 4676-8 Wives and daughters. Mn. (M.) E. C. GASKELI 37: 2878 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3v 37:2879-81 The same. 3 v. in 2 37: 2882-3 "Wives and widows. Mrs. A. S. STEPHENS 39: 2229 Wizard of the mountain. W. GIL BERT 37: 2995-6 Ctj itfnts : Doctor Onofrio, v. 1. Don Bucefalo and the curate, v. 2. Fru (ierolamo, v. 1. Innominato s confes sion, v. 1. Last words of Gardonal, Magic flower, v. 1. Physician s daughter, v. 2. Robber chief, v. 1. Stranger, The, v. 2. Tomaso and Pepinn, v. 1. Two lovers, The, v. 2. 1G81 1681 2098 743 1561 Woe to us when we lose the watery wall. / T. f. B, v. 2 4O: Wolcott, Richmond. BROKKX idols. In Stories and sketches 4O: COMINO from the front. In Stories and sketches 4O: World of iinecdote. The. E. P. HOOD. 33: Wolf run ; or, the boys of the wilder ness. E. KELLOGG 38: "Wolf stone.The. NAnrnoAi.L( Otmar). In R. (J. N., v. 2 4O: Wolf-boy in China. W. DALTON.... 37: 52 W^olfert s roost and other papers. W. IRVING 33: 2265 Contents : Alhjimbra, Recollections of the. Bermuda*, The. Birds of spring. The. Bnek ; or, the Dutch paradise. Contented man, The. Count Van Horn. Creole village, The. I&gt;on Juan : a spectral research. Karly experience of Halph Ringwood, The. Guest from Gibbet Island. Knight of Malta, The. Legend ot the engulfed convent. Mountjoy. Phantom island, The. Hemmoles, The. Sketches in Paris in 1825. Time of unexampled prosperity, A. Widow s ordeal, The. Wolfert s roost. Wplliez, Mat/ame. EDMA and Marguerite. Tr. from the French. N. Y . n. d. 16 4O: 665 "Wolves, The. In Livonian tales 4O: 2307 W^oman against woman. Mr*. R. CIU-RCH. ( formerly Miss Marri/at). 35: 4282 Woman an enigma. M. J. MclNTosH. 38: 2255 Woman and her master. J.F. SMITH. 39: 1915 Woman at the wheel, A. M. A. TOHYN- 39; 3047-9 Woman in armor, A. M. HARTWELL. 37: 4075 Woman in spite of herself, A. J. C. JEAFFKKSON 38: 258 Woman in white, The. (W.) W. COLLINS 35; 4586 The same. Tnuehnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 35: 4587 "Woman of business. M.W. SAVAGE. 39: 1208 Woman our angel : a novel. A. S. ROE 39; 608 W^oman to the rescue : a story of the new crusade. T. S. ARTHUR 35: 817 Womanly past question. See Jack s sister. Woman s friendship. G. AGUILAR. 35: 349 "Woman s kingdom : a love story. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock) 35: 4945 The same. N. Y. cd 35: 4946 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2v.ini. 35: 4947 Woman s life. E. F. CARLCN 35: 3802 Woman s love. J. F. SMITH 39: 1916 Woman s love. M. J. (called Eugene) SUE 39; 2419 Woman s love and wife s duty. Mrs. A. DIME. In Works, v. 3 38: 3903 Woman s ransom. F.W. ROBINSON-. 39: 510 Woman s story. Mrs. C. V. HAMIL TON, (formerly A/ixs Dakin). With Ropes of sand 37: 3923 Woman s trials. T.S.ARTHUR 35: 816 Woman s vengeance, A. John S. SAUZADE. ( James Payn) 39: 1177 Woman s wrongs. Mrs. C. J. EILOART ." 37: 1636 Women ; or, chronicles of the late war. M. T. MAOILI 38: 2377 Women of fire. A. BELOT 35: 1932 Won at last. Georgiana, Lady CHAT- TKRTON. 3 v 35; 4125-7 Wonin acanter. OLDCALAi!AR.(p.s-eu&lt;f.) 38: 3827 Wonder-book : for girls and boys. X. HAWTHORNE 37: Contents : Bajd summit. Cbimrera, The. Golden apples, The. Golden touch, The. Gorgon s head, The. Hillside, The. Wonder stories told for children. H. C. ANDKRSKN 35: Wonderful purse, The. E. HAMEK- TON. In Mirror of truth 37: Wonderful stories from northern lands. J. GODDARD Wonderful tales from Denmark. H. C. ANDERSKN Wonderfnl woman, A: a novel. M. A. FLEMING Wonders in the Spessart, The. Karl IMMERMANN. In T. f. G 4O: Wondrous strange : a novel. Mrs. C. J. NKWBY 38: Wontus ; or, the corps of observation. Col. Win. M. RUNKEL 39: Miraculous kitchen, Paradise of children Shadow brook. Tanglewood fireside Tanglewood play. Timglewood porch. 37: 35: 37: 4196 The. 660 3900 3071 661 2258 1699 3561 733 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WOOD. 244 WOODS. "Wood, Mrs. Ellen Price. (Mrs. Uen.i y ll r ood). ANNE Hereford. Leip. 1869. sq. 16. 4O: BESSY Rane: a novel. Phil. 1870. 8 40: The same. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: CASTLE Wafer ; or, the plain gold ring. N. Y. n.d. 8 4O: CASTLE S heir, The : a novel in real life. Phil. n.d. 8 4O: Note. Same as Lady Adelaide s oath. CHANNIXGS, The: a domestic novel. Phil. n.d. 8 4O: The same. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: DANESHURY house. N. Y. 1860. 12 40: DENE hollow: a novel. Phil. 1871. 8 40: The same. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: EAST Lynne; or, the earl s daughter. N. Y." n.d. 8 4O: The same. Leip. 1861. 3 v. in 2. sq. 16 4O: ELSTKK S folly. Phil. n.d. 8 4O: The same. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 FOGGY night at Offord. Phil. n. d. 4O: 4O: 40: 4O: GEORGE Canterbury s will. Phil. 1870. 8 The same. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 GKRVASE Castonel; or, the six gray powders. N. Y. n. d. 8 4O: HAUNTED tower, The. Phil. n. d. 40: 40: HKIR to Ashley. N. Y. n. d. 8... LADY Adelaide s oath. Same as Cas tle s heir. Leip. 1867. 2v.ini. sq. 16 ....................................... 4O: LIFE S secret, A. Phil. n. d. 8. 4O: The same. Leip. 1867. sq. 16. 4O: LIGHT and a dark Christmas, A. Phil. n. d. 8 .................................... 4O: LOUD Oakburn s daughters. Phil. n. d. 8 .................................... 4O: The same. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .................................... 4O: LOST bank note, The. Phil. n. d. 4O: 4O: LOST will, The ; and The diamond bracelet. Phil. n. d. 8 ............ MASTER of Greylands, The. Phil. 1873. 8 ................................... 4O: MILDRED Arkell. Phil. n. d. 12. 4O: The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .................................... 4O: MKS. llaliburton s troubles: a novel. N. Y. n. d. 8 ........................ 4O: The same. Leip. 1863. 2v.ini. sq. 16 .................................... 4O: OUT of the deep. Bost. 1876. 8. 4O: Note. Same as Castle s heir, and Lady Adelaide s oath. OKVILLE college. Phil. n. d. 8... 4O: The same. Leip. 1867. sq. 16. 4O: OSWALD Cray. Phil. n. d. 8 ...... 4O: The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .................................... 4O: RED court farm. Phil. n. d. 12... 4O: The same. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 .................................... 4O: 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 983 684 685 686 687-8 6811 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 4O: 4O: 40: 4O: 4O: 40: 4O: "Wood, -l/rs. E. P., (continued.} ROLAND Yorke : sequel io The Chan- nings. Phil. n.d. 8 The same. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 RUNAWAY match, A ; and The dean of Dunham. Phil. n. d. 8 ST. Martin s eve. Phil. n. d. 8... The same. Leip. 1866. 2v.ini. sq. 16 SHADOW of Ashlydyat, The. Phil. n. d. 8 . . The same. Leip. 1863. 3 v. sq. 16 The same. 3 v. in 2 4O: SQUIKK Trevlyn s heir; or, Trevlyn hold. Phil. 1863. 8 TKEVLYN hold. Same as Squire Trevlyn s heir. Phil. n. d. 8. The same. Leip. 1864. 2v.ini. sq. 16 VEKNKR .S pride. Phil. n. 8 The same. Leip. 1863. 3 v. sq. 16 The same. 3 v. in 2 4O: WILLIAM Allair; or, running away to sea. Phil. n.d. 8 WITHIN the maze. Phil. 1872. 8 "Wood, JV/-S-. Henry. Ellen Price. See WOOD, Mrs. "Wood, George. GATES wide open, The. Bost. 12.... 1870. 718 719 720 721 722 723 724-6 727-8 40: 40: 4O: 40: 4O: 7 729 730 731 732 40: 40: 4O: "Wood, Ludy. CLOTH of Frieze. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: ON credit. Lond. 1870. 2 v. sm. 8. 4O: RULING the roast: a novel. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: SAHINA. Lond. 1868. 3 v. sm. 8. 4O: SEADKIFT: a novel. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8 4O: UP hill. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 8. 4O: WILD weather: a novel. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 4O: "Wood Lcighton ; or, a year in the country, il. HOWITT 37: Woodburn. R. V. JEFFREY 38: "Woodburn grange. W. HOWITT.... 37: "Wood-chopper s children, The. E. EGCILESTON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: "Woodcraft. W. G. SIMMS 39: "Wooden Clara. H. CONSCIENCE. With Ricketicketack 35: Woodleigh. F. W. ROBINSON 39: "Woodman, The. G. P. R. JAMES... 38: Woodnook well, The; or, neighbors quarrels. W. and il. HOWITT. In Stories of English and foreign life. 37: "Wood-rangers ; or, the trappers of Sonora. M. REID 39: Woodruff, J. L. M. ( W. M. L. Jay). HOI.DEN with the cords. N. Y. 1874. 12 4O: SHII.OH; or, without and within. N. Y. 1870. 12 40: "Woods, C. H. (Belle Otis). DIAKY of a milliner. N. Y. 1867. 16 4O: Woods and waters. A. B. STREET... 39: 733-5 736-7 738 739 760 765-7 768-9 770-2 773-5 776-8 779-81 782-3 4765 268 4777 1595 1693 4669 611 223 4778 265 800 801 810 2375 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WOODSTOCK. 245 "WYCH. Woodstock. Kir W. SCOTT. Par ker ed. 2v *39: 1337-8 The same. Edinburgh ed 39: 1358 The same. Abbotsford ed 39: 1368 The same 39: 1389 The same. Household ed. 2 v 39: 1435-6 The same. Pocketed 39: 1465 The same. Tauchnitz ed 39: 1493 Woodville, Jennie. EDITH S mistake; or, left to herself. Phil. [1874.] 12 4O: LEFT to herself. Same as Edith s mistake. Phil. 1872. 12 4O: Woodville stories. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Of tic). v. 4. Work and win. 5. Hope and have. 6. Haste and waste. 81G 817 v. 1. Rich and humble. 35-2611 2. In school and out. ::-252 3. Watch and wait. 3777 104G 3887 517 710 40: 825 "Wooed and married. Kosa N. CAREY. 35: W^ooing and warring in the wilder ness. C. D. KIRK 38: W^ooing and wedding. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches 37: Wooing o t, The : a novel. Mrs. ALF.XAXDER 35: Wooings and weddings of the last century. .I//.-* KE.DDIE. (Surah Tyller). In Days of yore, v. 1 38: Contents: Adam Home s repen- I Great road and the market tance. place, The. Cast in the wagon, A. On the stage and ort the | stage. Woolsey, Miss Sarah C. (Susan Cuulidye). MISCHIEF S thanksgiving, and other stories. Bost. 1874. 16 Contents : Christie. Girls of the far north. How the umbrella ran away with Ellie. Little Roger s night in the church. NEW-YEAR S bargain, The. 1872. 12 NINE little goslings. Bost. sq. 16 WHAT Katydid. Bost. 1873. 16. WHAT Katy did at school. Bost. 1873. 16 Woolson, Constance Fcnimore. CAST I. K Nowhere; and Lake sketches. Bost. 1875. 12 Worboise, Emma Jane. LILLIXOSTONES of Lillingstonc, The. N. Y. 1872. 12 Words for the wise. T. S. ARTHUR. Contents Mischiefs thanksgiving. Nanny s substitute. On the top ot the ark. Kicket s valentine. World wilhin the wall Bost. 1875. 4O: 40: 40: 4O: 40: 40: 35: The. 826 827 828 829 837 845 818 Fine generous fellow, A. 1 knew how it would be. Jacob Jones. Just going to do it. Let her pout it out. Love and law. Making haste to be rich. Poor debtor, The. Starting a newspaper. Sunday Christian. Taking it for granted. Work : a story of experience. L. M. ALCOTT 35: 465 Work and wages. M. HOWITT 37: 4766 Work and win ; or, Noddy Newman on a cruise. W. T. ADAMS. (Olivet- Optic) 35: 285 W^ork, play, and profit; or, gardening for young folks. A. M. HYDE 37: 4875 of ice, The; or, adventures in the Polar regions. K. M. BALLAX- TY*E 35: 1480 Worst boy in the village. 3/r.. E. C. EMHURY. In Pictures of early life ........................................... 37 Worth, Frank. LKTTEK of recommendation : a ro mance ol the Levant. Lond. 1S70. 2v.ini. sm. 8 ............... 4O M^orth while; or, ships that never come in. M. J. CAPRON. (Archie Fell) .................. . ...................... "Woven of many threads. Jl/ s. C.V. HAMILTON, (formerly Miss Dakin). Wraxall, Sir F. C. L. BACKWOODSMAN; or, life on the Indian frontier. Bost. 1866. 12. WILD outs. Leip. 1862. sq. 16... Wrayford s ward. F.W. ROHINSOX. Wreck of the Chancellor, The. Jules VERXE ...................................... Wreck of the Golden Mary. In N. and T.. v. 3 .................. " ............. Wrecked but not ruined. K. M. BALLAXTYXE. In Tales of adven ture, v. 4 .................................... 35; i486 Wrecked in the air. Same a* Dropped from the clouds. Jules VKRNE. Pt. 1, of Mysterious island ........... 39; Wrecked in port. E. YATES ........... 4O: Wright, Caleb K. MARCUS Blair: a story of provincial times, written for the young. Phil. 1873. 12 ..................... . ........... 4O- Wright, D. Thew. Mits. Armington s ward. Bost. 1874. 12 .......................................... 4O: Wright, Frances. FEW days in Athens. N.Y. 1825. 35: 37: 4O: 4O: 39: 39: 4O: 12 .......................................... 40: Wright, J. H. OCKAN work. N. Y. 1853. 16 ..... 4O: Wright, /1/rs. Julia MeNair. (b. 1840). ALMOST a nun. Phil. 1868. 16... 4O: ALMOST a priest. Phil. 1870. 12. 4O: How could he escape? a temperance story. N. Y. 1870. 16 ............ 4Q: MILLION too much, A. Phil. 1872. 12 .......................................... 4O: PALMETTO boys. Phil. 1871. 16. 4O: PRIEST and nun. Phil. 18CH. 12. 4O: SECRKTS of the convent and confes sional. Cin. 1872. 12 ............. 4O: Wright, Thomas. (Journeyman En gineer ). BANK of a life. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8 ....................................... 4O: GRAIXUER S thorn. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. H .............................. 4O: JOIIXXY Robinson. Lond. 1868. 2 v. sm. 8 .............................. 4O: Wrong confessed is half redressed, A. M. E. HRADLEY .......................... 35; Wrongs of woman. C. E. TOXXA. (Charlotte Elizabeth) .................... 39; Wulfgar and the earl ; or, power. By the author of Ruth and her friends. In Days of old .............. 4O: Wuthering heights. E. BROXTC. (Elli* Hell) ................................ 35: Wuthering heights, and Agnes Grey. E. HROXTC. (EllU Bell) .............. 35: Wyandotte ; or, the hutted knoll. J. F. COOPER ............................. 35: Thesame ...................................... 35; Wych hazel. Susan and Anna B. WARXEK ................................... 4O: 1700 850 3772 3925 856 857 512 3702 1C43 3703 1229 863 8C8 875 880 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 901-3 904-6 907-8 2620 3071 2110 3885 2886 4787 4788 207 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. WYCLIFFE. 246 YONGE. Wycliffe Lane, (pseud.) See JEN- INS, A/rx. E. Wylde, Flora F. LIFE and wonderful adventures of Totty Testudo : an autobiography. Edin. 1873. sm. 8 !" 4O: 920 "Wylder s hand: a novel. J. S. LE- FAXC 38: 1468 Wylkins Wylder. S. F. MILLER Wyncote. Afr. T. ERSKINB 37: 1753 Wyss, -lohann Rudolph voit. Swiss family Robinson. N. Y. 1868. 16 . 4O: 926 Y. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver T. ADAMS. Coming wave Dorcas club. Ocean-born. Yacht club. Optic) Yacht club scries. W ( Oliver Optic). 6 v. Contents : Little Bobtail. 35:255 Yacht club. 35:286 Money makers. 35:259 Yankee middy, The ; or, the adven tures of a naval officer. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) Yarns of an old mariner. M. 0. CLARKE Yates, Edmund (Hodgson), (b. 1831). BLACK sheep. Leip. 1807. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 BROKEN to harness: a stor}- of Eng lish domestic life. Bost. 1866. 12 The same. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 DANGEROUS game, A. Best. 1874. 8 DR. Wainwright s patient. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 FORLORN hope, The. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 IMPENDING sword, The. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8 KISSING the rod : a novel. Phil. 1874. 8 LAND at last. Leip. 18G6. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 NOKODY S fortune. Bost. 1871. 8. The same. Leip. 1872. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 RIGHTED wrong, A. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8... ROCK ahead, The. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. lfi RUNNING the gauntlet. Bost. 1866. 12 SILENT witness, The. Bost. 1875. 8 WAGES of sin. Bost. 1875. 8 WAITING race, A. N. Y. 1872. 8. WRECKED in port. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 YELLOW flag, The. Bost. 1873. 8. Yeager, George. GARDEN of Eden, The. Phil. 1873. 16 Year after marriage, A. T. S. AR THUR Year after year. C. OLIVE Year nine, The: a tale of the Tyrol. Mr*. A. MANNING Years and years ago. In N. and T. v. 8 35: . 35:238 35:244 35:29(1 286 35: 287 35: 4338 4O: 1201 4O: 40: 40: 4O: 4O: 1202 1203 1204 1206 1208 40:1209-11 4O: 1213 40: 40: 1215 1216 4O: 1217 40:1218-20 4O: 1223 4O: 1224 4O: 1225 4O: 1226 4O: 1227 4O: 1229 4O: 1230 4O: 1245 35: 4439 38: 2493 4O: 1648 Yeast: a problem. C. KINGSLEY 38: 943 The same. Tauehnitz ed 38: 944 Yellott, George. FUNNY philosopher: a novel. Phil. 1827. 12 4Q: 1250 Yellow flag, The. E. (H.) YATES.... 4O: 1230 Yellow frigate, The ; or, the three sisters. J. GRANT 37: 3329 Yellow mask, The. (W.) W. COL LINS 35; 4588 Yellow tiger, The. (W.) W. COL LINS. In Dead secret 35: 4552 Yellow tiger. In N. and T., v. 5 4O: 1645 Yellowplush memoirs. W. M. THACKERAY The same. .Tauehnitz ed Yelverton, Therese. ZAXITA: a tale of the Yosemite. N. Y. 1872. 12 4O: 1255 Yemassee, The. W. G. SIMMS 39: 1694 Yes and no : a tale of the day. By the author of Matilda. In W. S. C. L., v. 12 34; 4182 Thesame *15: 4922 Yonge, Miss Charlotte Mary. (b. 1823). BEECHCKOFT. N. Y. 1871. 12... 4O: 1260 CAGED lion, The. N. Y. 1872. 12. 4O: 1261 Thesame. Leip. 1870. 2v.ini. sq. 16 4Q: 1262 CASTLE builders, The. N. Y. 1868. 8 4O: 1263 CHAPLET of pearls, The; or, the white and black ribaumont. N. Y. 1869. 12 4O: 1264 Thesame. Leip. 1869. 2v.ini. sq. 16 4O: 1265 CLEVER woman of the family, The. N. Y. 1868. 8 4Q: 1266 Thesame. Leip. 1805. 2v.ini. sq. 16 4O: 1267 COUNTESS Kate. N. Y. 1806. 10. 4O: 1268 DAISY chain; or, aspirations. N. Y. 1871. 2 v. 12 40:1269-70 The same. Leip. 1856. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: 1271 DANVERS papers. Prince and page. Leip. 1867. sq. 16 4O: 1372 DOVE in the eagle s nest. N. Y. 1867. 12 4O: 1273 Thesame. Leip. 1806. 2v.ini. sq. 16 4O: 1274 DYNEVOR terrace ; or, the clue of life. N. Y. I860. 2 v. 12 4O: 1275-6 Thesame. N. Y. 1873. 12 4O: 1277 The same. Leip. 1857. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: 1278 FRIARSWOOD post-office. N. Y. 1865. 16, 40: 1279 GAIN of a loss, The. Leip. 1866. 2v.ini. sq. 16 4O: 1280 HEARTSEASE; or, the brother s wife. N. Y. 1866. 2 v. 12 4O: 1281-2 The same. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: 1283 HEIR of Redelyffe, The. N. Y. 1871. 2 v. 12 4O: 1284-5 The same. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 4O: 1286 HOPES and fears; or, scenes from the life of a spinster. Leip. 1861. 2v.ini sq. 16 4O: 1287 KENNETH; or, the rear guard of the grand army. N. Y. 1866. 12. 4O: 1288 LADY Hester; or, Ursula s narrative. Lond. 1874. sm. 8 4O: 1289 PKOSE FICTION: ENGLISH. YONOE. 247 YULE. Yonge, (continued.) LAXCES of Linwood, The. N. Y. 1856. 16 4O: 1290 LAST of the cavaliers, The, Leip. 1862. 2v.ini. sq. 1U 4O: 1291 MY young Aloidcs: it faded photo graph. " N. Y. 1876. 12 4O: 1303 PILLARS of the house; or under wode, under rode. Loud. 1873. 2 v. 12 4O: 1292-3 RICHARD the fearless; or. the little duke. X. Y. 18:&gt;6. 1U 4O: 1294 STOKE.SLBY secret, The; or, how the pig [mid the rent. N. Y. 18G5. 16 4O: 1295 TKIAL, The; or, more links of the Daisy chain. N. Y. I860. 2 v. in 1." 12 4O: 12 JO The same. Leip. 1804. 2 v. in 1. sq. Hi 4O: Two guardians. N. Y. 1866. 12. 4O: The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 16. 4O: Yorjfo step-mother, The; or. a chronicle of mistakes. N. Y. 1866. 2 v. 12 The same. Leip. 1861. 2v.ini. sq. 16 Young, Gertrude. TEX years: a novel. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8 Young America abroad. \V. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic). 6 v. First series : 1. Outward bound. 35:263 2. Shamrock ami thistle. 35:274 3. Red cross. 35:268 The same. 6 v. Second ttries : 1. I p the Bnltin. 3.1:281 2. Northern lands. 35:200 2. Cross and crescent. 35:240 Young Americans abroad. .). (). Ciion.Ks 35: 425") Young Brown, G. MURRAY. (Trvi*- Ktoiles) 38: 3310 Young cadet. Mrs. B. HOKI.AND 37: 4515 Young countess, The. .1. KUHKOI&gt;F. In Nannie s jewel-case 39: 727 Young Crusoe, The. A. .1. HAKI.EY. 37: 4002 Young deliverers of Pleasant cove. K. KKLLOGG 38: 744 Young desperado, A. T. B. ALDRICH. With Marjoi-ie Daw 35; 492 Young detective. R. ( Y.) A. PARK KH. ( Rosa Abbott) 38: 4176 Young doctor, The. H. CONSCIENCE. 35; 4670J Young dodge club. J. DKMII.I.K. 2 v. 1. Among the brigands. | 2. The seven hills. Young duke, The. B. DISK.KLI 37: 683 Young duke, and Contarini Flem ing. B. DISR.KLI 37: 684 The same 37: 685 Young exiles; or, the wild tribes of the north. A. BOWMAN 35; 2453 Young forester. Mrs. M. M. SHER WOOD. In Works, v. 8 39; 1643 Young France. .1. KAVANAGH. With Seven years 38: 681 The same 38: 682 Young fur traders. K. M. BAI.LAN- TYXE 35: 1481 Young guest, The. N.Y. 1868. 18. 4O: 2762 Young husband, The. Afr*. E. C. GKEY 37: 3512 Young lady at home. T. S. ARTIITR. 35: 819 1297 1298 1299 4O: 1300-1 4O: 1302 4O: 1321-2 4. Dikes and ditches. 35:242 5. Palace and cottage. .Vr.-2.cA V. Down the Hliine. 35:245 4. Sunny shores. 35:277 5. Vine and olive. 35:-J82 0. Isles of Hie sea. 35:i5 Young laird, The. A. BETHUNE. In \V. T. B., v. 2 4O: 1712 Young lieutenant, The; or, the adven tures of an army officer: a *tory of the great rebellion. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 288 Young marooners on the Florida coast. F. R. GorLDiNG 37: 3241 Young Mr. Nightingale. D. COOK. 3 v 35: 4687-9 Young moose-hunters. The: a back woods-boy s story. C. A. STEPHENS. 39: 2257 Young naturalist s journal. ). \\ . L&lt; it-Do N- 38: 1880 Young Nile voyagers, The. A. BOW MAN 35: 2455 Young outlaw, The. H. ALOER, jr 35: 552 Young pilgrim. C. TUCKER. (A. L. O.E.).. 39: 3359 Young pioneers of the north-west. C. H. PEARSON 38: 4312 Young primu donna, The. Mrs. E. C. GREY 37: 3513 Young Prince Marigold, and other fairy stories. J. P. MAQUIRE, 38: 2386 Contents : Yonng Prince Marigold and his little ponies Daisy and Autobiography of a oat. Jack Tnhbs ; or, the hap py isle. Young sailor, The: a narrative found ed on fact. Mrs. M. S. B. DANA... 37: G3 Young sculptor, The. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Family secrets, v. 3 37: 1C79 Young sea captain. 1). P. THOMPSON. With May Martin 39: 2975 Young ship-builders of Elm island. E. KKLLOGG 38: 745 Young Singleton. T. GWYXXK. 2 v. 37:3049-50 Young soap-boiler, Tlie. E. EGOI.ES- TON. In Schoolmaster s stories 37: 1595 Young step-mother, The. C. M. YONGK. 2v 4O: 1300-1 The same. Tauchnitx. ed. 2v.ini. 4O: 1302 Young surveyor; or, Jack on the prai ries. ,T. T. TROWBRIDGE. (Paul Creylon) 39: 3327 Young Tom s grey hairs. L. PARR. U ifli. John Thompson 38: 4233 Young tragedian: Lablache. Mm. ELLET. In Nouvellettes of the musicians 37: 1650 Young voyagers. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic) 35: 289 Young voyageurs. The; or, the boy hunters in the north. M. REID..... 39: 266 Young West Indian, The. Mrx. BI.ACKKORD. In Scottish orphans. 35: 2192 Young wrecker of the Florida reef. R. M. BACHE 35: 1321 Young yachtsmen, The; or, the wreck of the Gypsy. A. BOWMAN 35: 2454 Young Yagers. M.REID 39: 267 Younger son, Adventures of a. E. J. TRKLAWXKY 39: 3139 Your humble servant, (pseud). LIKE and death. N.Y. 1871. 12... 4O: 1330 Youth and manhood of Cyril Thorn ton, The. T. HAMILTON. 2v.ini. 37: 3950 Youth of Jefferson, The; or, a chron icle of college scrapes. J. E. COOKE. 24: 1866 Youth of the old dominion. S. HOP KINS 37; 4693 Youth of Shakspeare. R. F. WIL LIAMS 39; r&gt;32 Yule tide stories. B. THORPE, (ed.)... 39; 3020 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ZAIDEE. 248 ZSCHOKKE. z. Zaidee. Mrs. M. (O.W.) OLII-HANT. 38: 3872 Zauita : a tale of the Yoscmite. T. YKLVERTON 4O: 1255 Zanoni. E. G. E. L. BUI.WEK- LYTTON 35: 3164 The same. Tauchnitz ed 35: 3165 Zelda s fortune. R. E. FRANCILLON. 37: 2437 Zeluco. J.MOORE. 2v 38:3096-7 Zenobia ; or, the fall of Palmyra. W. WARE. 2 v 4O: 131-2 The same 4O: 133 Zerub Throop s experiment. Mrs. A. D. T. WHITNEY 4O: 401 Zicci : a tale. E. G. E. L. BULWER- LYTTON. In Misc., v. 1 Zillah : a tale. H. SMITH. 4 v. in 2. Zoe. Miss G. E. JEWSBURY Zoe ; or, the quadroon s triumph. Mrs. E. D. LIVERMORE. 2 v Zoe s brand. By the author of Rec- omended to mercy. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16 Zschokke, (Johann) Heinrich (Daniel). (1771-1848). DEAD guest, The: a mysterious storv. Tr. of Der todte Gout). N. Y. 1869. 8 GOLDMAKER S village. (Tr. of Gold- macherdorf). Lond. 1845. 16. ROSK of Disentis : a novel. (Die Rose von Disentis). Tr. by James J. D. Trenor. N. N. 1873. 12. 33: 2661 39: 1874-5 38: 370 38:1820-21 4O: 2765 4O: 1450 4O: 1451 4O: 1452 CORRIGENDA. Page 7. Under All-hallow eve, read Unconvicted. " 23. Read Bohl de (Faber) Arrom, Caecilia. " 25. Read Bramleighs of Bishop s Folly. " 27. Under Brierwood, read Mabel Clifton. " 31. Under Campbell, read Eros and Anteros. " 38. Under Church, read Mai-ryat. " 40. Under Cockton, FATAL marriage, read 4481. " 40. Under Cockton, LOVE match, read 4482. " 40. Under Cockton, STEWARD, read 4483. " 43. Under Cook, Dutton, read LEO. " 52. Read DeQuincey. " 58. Read DOINGS in Maryland; or, Matilda Douglas. " 59. Instead of Douglas, Matilda &c. road DOINGS in MarylanU; or, Matilda Douglas. " 67. Under Erckmann-Chatrian, BRIGADIER Frederick, read (Tr. of Le brigadier Frederic.) " 81. Under Gilbert, WIZARD read, Last words of Gardonal. " 110. Read JOHN Gray o Middleholm. " 229. Instead of Unconverted read Unconmcted. CATALOGUE DKS CoNTES, NoUVELLES ET RoMANS FRANCAIS, CONTENUS DANS LA BIBLIOTHEQUE PUBLIQUE DE CINCINNATI : EDIT PAR LE CONSEIL D ADMINISTRATION I&gt;K I_\ BlIlUOTlleiJUK. Impriin6 par .1. K. MII.I.H FT CIE. 1S76. Oolites et Romans Fraiicais. EXPLICATIONS. Pour ti-ouver an eontc ou un livre dans ce catalogue, voyez le nom de 1 autcur ou le premier mot du titre, a moins quo ce no soient pas les mots un, une, le, la, les, en quel cas on trouvera 1 ceuvre sous le second mot de son titre. Les livres sont inscrits sous le nom reel de I iiutcur, quand il est connu, autrement sous le pseudonyme (nom suppose), ou sous le titre, quand I ceuvre est anonyme (sans nom de I auteur). Les noms mis entre parenthese sont ceux, dont 1 autcur ordinairement ne fait pas usage ; mais, quand ils suivent les noms reels des auteurs et sont imprimes en italiques, ce sont des pseudonymes. Par exemple: About, Edmond (Francois-Valentin). Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D. (George Sand). Quand les mots dans ou avec se lient a un titre, ils indiquent quo c est un petit conte public ou relie avec autres, sauf les cas ou dans designe le rapport aux ceuvres recueillies ou completes d un auteur. ABRKVIAT10NS. Mine. Madame. Pseud. Pseudonyme. S. d. Sans date. T. Tome, tomes. Voy. Voyez. PEOSE FICTION: FBENCH. A. Abbaye de Saint-Andre, L . O. FeRe. 57: 301G Gbnttnttnt aimsi: La eloserio des rosier?. Abbe Aubain, L . P. MCRIMCK. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2075 Abdallah, ou le trefle ii quatre feuilli s: eonte arabe ; mivi de Aziz et A /. i/.u : conte des hiille et tine nuits. E. (R. L.) LAHOULAYK 57: 1990 About, Kdmorid-( Francois- Valentin) (ne en 1828). BAL des artistes, Le. Avec Lo tureo. 57: 12 CAS de M. Gucrin, Le. Avec Le nez d un notaire 57: 8 CHAMHKK d ami, La. Avec Le turco. 57: 12 CHASSE allenmnde. Avec Le turco... 57: 12 CINIJ perles, Los. Avec Le turco 57; 12 GERMAINK. Paris. 1870. in-12.... 57; 1 HOMMK ii 1 oreille cassee, L . Paris. 1871. in-12 57; 2 INSPECTION" gcnerale, L . Avec Le turco 57: 12 MAITHE Pierre. Paris. 1870. in-12. 57; 4 MAKI imprevu, Le. Paris. 1870. in-12. (2nie partie: La vieillo roche) 57: 5 M.\KiA(iKsde Paris, Les. Paris. 1870. in-12 57; G M AKi AGES de Province, Les. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: 7 Contenant : La fille du ehanoine. Miiinfroi. L al- hum du regiment. Etienne. NE/. d un notaire, Le. Paris. 1871. in-12 57; 8 Cuntetiant auxsi: Lecon dc M. (im Tin. OUVERTURE au chateau, L . Avec Le turco 57: 12 PARENTS de Bernard, Les. Avec Trentect quarante 57: n POIVRK, Le. Avec Le turco 57; 12 KOI des montagnes, Le. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 9 SANS dot. Avec Trente et quarante. 57: 11 TOM.A. Paris. 1858. in-12 57; 10 TOUT Paris. Avec Le turco 57; 12 TKKN-TK et quarante. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 11 Cunlennnt auiixi: Runs dot. Les parents de Hornard. About, (suite ) TURCO, Le. Paris. 1870. in-12... 57: 12 Contenant auasi : Le bal des artistes. Le poivre. L ouvertnre au ohfiteftu. Tout Paris. La chambre d ami. Chasse allcrnando. L inspection gon^rale. Les cinq perles. VIKILLE roche, La. Paris. 1870. in-12. (Ire partie: Le mari im- prevu .,. 57: 5 Academie drs paradoxes, L . E. Sou- VKSTRK. Dans Histoires d autrefois. 57: 2700 Achard, Louis-Amedee-Eugene (n( en 1814.) C LOS-POM M I KR, Le. Jiost. 1869. in-12 57: 20 Act6. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 750 Adele. Ch. (E.)NoDiER. -Dan.sKomans. 57: 2275 Adieu. Ho. de BALZAC. Dam Oeuvres completes. 1. 16 56: 3130 Adrian!. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUUE- VANT. (George Sand) 57: 375 Adrien Malaret. Mme. N. CONSTANT. (Claude Vignon.) Dans Recits de la vie reelle 57: 2956 Adrienne. P. DELTUF 57: 335 Agathe et Cecile. (.1.) A. KARR 57: 1870 Ailes d Icare, Les. On. B. DUORAIL DE LA VII.KTTE. ( C A. de Bernard.) 57: 74 Albert de Kerbriant. J. MCKY. Avec Une histoirc de famille 57: 2135 Albert Savarus. Ho. de BALZAC. DanK Oeuvres completes, t. 2 56: 3122 Album du regiment, L . E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Dans Les mariages de Province 57: 7 Alcibiade. .1. F. MAKMONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 1 57: 2045 Aldo lc rimeur. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand), Avec Isidora 57: Amateur, I T n. E. SOUVESTRK. Dans Recits et Souvenirs 57: Amaury. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: Ame a naitre, Une. A. (D.) DUMAS. Avec Gabriel Lambert 57: Ami du chateau, L . H.-B. MONNIEK et E.-B. J5ERTHET 57: Amitie ii 1 epreuve, L . J. F. MAR- MONTEL. Duns Contes moraux. t. 4. 57: Amoreux, Felix d . (Saint-Felix, Jules de). (n( en 1806). Soui KRs du directoire, Les. J5ru- xelles. 1850. 2 t. in-10 57: 2445-6 Amour dans 1 avenir, Un. J. MCKV. 57: 2100 Cttntt tiant nnsKi: Mariii. Le gladiateiir. La punition. 545 2770 755 1075 2220 2048 PRUSK FICTION: FRENCH. Krratvm. " EXPLICATIONS," ligne 13, au lien de : avee mitra il faut lire : mtt AMOUR. BALEINIERS. Amour et le grimoire, L . Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2270 Amoureux de Catherine, Les. ERCK- MANN-CHATHIAN. Avec Confiden ces d un joueur de clarlnettc 57: 1520 Amoureux de Sainte-Perine, Les. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champfleury.) 57: 165 (Nontenant aitssi: Histoire de Richard Ijoyjiute. Amours de 1 age d or, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand) 57: 380 Amours d un notaire, Les. P.-J. HKTZEL. (P.-J. Stahl). Duns Bonnes fortunes parisiennes 57: 1756 Amours d un Pierrot, Les. P.-J. HKTZEL. (P.-J. Siahl). Dans Bonnes fortunes parisiennes 57: 1755 Amours desbords du Rhin. J. MeRY. 57: 2105 Andre. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE VANT. (George Sand) 57: 385 Andre Chenier. J. MeRY 57: 2110 Le meme. 2t 57:2111-12 Ane mort, L . J.-(G.) JANIN 57: 1820 Ange Pitou. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1. (Smepartie des Memoires d un rnedecin) 57: 760 Anges du foyer, Les. E. SOUVESTRE. 57: 2620 Anglais amoureux, Un. A. PAUL... 57: 2350 Anna Bontemps. Mme. N. CONSTANT. (Claude Vignon.) Dam Recits de la vie reelle 57: 2956 Annette et Lubin. J. F. MARMON- TEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 3.... 57: 2047 Annouchka. I.-S. TouRoueNEFF. Dans Nouvelles Moscovites 57: 2930 Antonia. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE VANT. (George Sand) 57: 390 Apostrophe, L . Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Apparitions. I.-S. TOURQU^NEFF. Dans Nouvelles Moscovites 57: 2930 Appartement de ganjon a. louer. P.-J. HETZEL. (P.-J. Stahl.) Dans Bonnes fortunes Parisiennes. 57: 1755 Appel au roi, L . O. LACROIX. Avec Padre Antonio 57: 2010 Araignee crabe, L . ERCKMANN- CIIATRIAN. Dans Contes fantasti- ques 57: 1510 Archeveque, L . Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56: 3140 Architecte inconnu, L . E. SOUVES TRE. Dans Histoires d autrcfois.... 57: 2700 Arlincourt, (Charles-Victor- Prevot,) I icomte&e. (n6 en 1798, marten 1856.) SOLITAIRE, Le. Bruxelles. 1829. 3 t. en 1. in-18 57: 21 Arria Marcella. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Romans et contes 57: 1685 Arsene Guillot. P. .MeRiMfiE. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2075 Art d etre malheureux, L . J.-R. TARDIEU. (J. T. de Saint-Germain). 57: 2450 Ascanio. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1. 57: 765 Assollant, Jean-Baptiste-Alfred. (n4 en 1827). VILLE de Garnison, Une. Paris. s. d. in-16 57: 22 Atala. F.-A. de CHATEAUBRIAND. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 3 56: 3203 Le me me 57: 245 Contenant awsst : Rene. Les derniers Abencorages. Voy age en Amerir|ile. Atar-Gull. M.-J. SUE. (dit Eugene). 57: 3037 Au bord du lac. E. SOUVHSTRE 57: 2625 Au coin du feu. E. SOUVESTRE 57; 2630 Auberge des Trois Pins, L . E. R. de BULLY (Roger de Beauvoir) et A. ROYER 57; 69 Auberge rouge, L . Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 16 56: 3136 Autour d une source. G. DROZ 57: 345 Autre etude de femme. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvrcs completes, t. 4. 56: 3124 Avarice, L . M.-J. SUE. (dit Eugfne). Da/in Les sept peches capitaux 57: 2880 Avatar. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Ro mans et contes 57: 1685 Aventure d amour, Une. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 770 Contenant aussi : H ermine. Aventure de Bibliophile, Un. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob). Avec Un Valet d autrefois 57: 3032 Aventure de la memoire. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Aventure de Ladislas Bolski, L . V. CHERKULIEZ 57: 270 Aventure de Racine, Une. P. LA CROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob) 57: 3023 Aventure indienne. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dann Romans 57: .2985 Aventures administratives d une idee heureuse. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56: 3140 Aventures de John Davys. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t 57: 775-6 Aventures de Lyderic Comte de Flandre. A. (D.) DUMAS. Avec La bouillie de la comtesse Berthe. 57: 820 Aventures de Mademoiselle Marietta, Les. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champ- fleury) 57: 170 Aventures de Telemnque. F. de S. L. M. FCNKLON 57: 1600 Le meme 57: 1601 Le memo. 2t 57: 1602-3 Le meme 57: 1601 Aventures d un chien de chasse, Les. G. de CHERVILLF, 57: 315 Aventures du grand Sidoine ot du petit Mederic. E. ZOLA. Dans Contes ii Ninon 57: 2990 Aventures sentimentales d une ftVu- riste et d un clerc de notaire. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU et A. HOUSSAYE. Dans Les Hevenants, t. 2 57: 2596 Aveugles juges des couleurs, Les. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Aziz et Aziza. E. (R. L.) LABOULAYK. ^ecAbdallah 57: 1990 B. Bababec et les fakirs. F. M. A. do VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Bachelier dc Salamanque, L . A.-R. LESA.GE. Dans Oeuvres 56: 3440 Bal de sceaux, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 1 56: 3121 Bal des artistes, Le. E. (F.V.) ABOUT. Avec Le turco 57: 12 Baleiniers, Les: Voyage aux terres antipodes, journal du docteur Maynard. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1... 57: 785 PKOSE FICTION: FRENCH. BALZAC. BAZANCOURT. Balzac, Ilonore do. (nt en 1799, mart en 1850.) (KrVREs completes. Paris. 1869-70. 20 t. in-8 ................................ 56:3121-40 To/We ; La eomodie humaine, t. 1-17. Premiere partie : Etudes des moeurs, t. 1-14. Livre premier: Scenes de la vie privee, t. 1-4. Livre ueuxieme; Scenes de la vie de province, t. 5-7. Livre troisieme: Scenes de la vie pansienne, t. 8-tl. Livre quatriome : Scenes de la vie im litairo, t. 12. Livre CHnqtriftDM : Scenes de la vie pohtique, t. 12-13. Livre sixieme : Scenes de la vie de earnnaene, c. 13-14. Deuxit inc partie : Etudes phflo&ophfqaes, t. 15-17. Troisieme partie: Etudes analytimies. t. 17. Theatre, 1. 18. Les contes drolatiques, t. 19. (Euvres di verses, t. 20. Premiere partie : Contes et nouvelles. Deuxieme partie: ESPUIS nnalvtiques. t. 1. Avant-propos. La inaison du chat qui pelote. Le hal de se^mix. M&gt;- moires de deux jeunes marine.-. La bourse. Modeste Mignon ............... 56:3121 t. 2. Un debut dans la vie. Albert Savarus. La vendetta. Une double famille. La paix du manage. Madame Firmiani. Etude de fern me. La fausse maitresse. Une fille d Eve ................... 5G:31li2 t. 3. Le message. La grenadiere. La fern me abandonee. Honorine. Beatrix. Gobseck. La femme de trente ans ............................................. 56:3123 t. 4. Le pore Goriot. Le colonel Chabert. La messe de P athee. L interdiction. Le contrat de manage.. Autre etude de femme ............................................. 50:3124 t. 5. I rsnle Mirotn -t. Eugenie Grandet. Le lys dans la vallce. Les cfilibataires: (I,) Pierrette ...................... ~ ................. 50:3125 t. f&gt;. Les celibataires : (2,) Le cur&lt;3 de Tours. ~ (:V) La rabouilleuse. Les P-arisieus en province: (!,") L illustre Gaudissart. (2,) La muse dn dcjwrte- ment. Les rivalit^s: Ln rieille fillo ..... 50:3126 t. 7. Les ProTTheTaux a Paris : Le cabinet dej* antiques. Illusions perdue." ......... 5(t:3127 t. 8. Histoire des treize. Histoire de la grandeur et de la decadence de Cesar Birotteau. La maison Nueingen .......... 5C:3128 t. It. Splendours et miseres des court-is- anf-s. Les secrets de la princesse de Cadignan. Facino Cane. Sarrasine. Pierre Grassou ..................................... 50:3129 t. 1". Le.s jcin iits pauvn-.s : Premiere epj--o-.e, CaTcbUBine rk tte. Deux 16 me e|&gt;isode, Le cousin Pons ....................... 60:3130 t. II. Un hoinme d affaires. Un prince dt- 1* Bohoine. Gaudissart II. Les employes. Les coim -diens sans le savoir. Les petits bourgeois ............... 50:3131 t. 12. Les chouans. Une passion dans le desert. (Scenes de la vie politiqiie:) Un Episode sous la terreur. Une tenebreuse affaire. Z. Marcas. L en- vers de I histoire contemporaine ......... 56:3l:i2 t.13. Le depute d Arcis. (Scenes de la vie de eampagne:) Le rncdecin de camnagne ............................................. .0:31:13 t. 14. Le curfi de village. Les paysans... 56:3134 t. 15. La peau de chagrin. Jesus Christ en Klandre. Melmoth r* concilie. Le chet-d ceuvre inconnu. Gambara. Mas- similla L&gt;oni. La recherche do 1 absolu ................................................ 56:3l;i5 t. 16. L enlant maudit. Les marana. Adieu. Le rtquisitionnaire. El ver- dugo. Un drame an bord de la mer. L aubergo rouge. L elixir &lt;le longue vie. Maitre CorntMiua. Sur Catherine de Mt deuis. Les proscrits ....... .. ......... t. 17. Louis Lambert. Seraphita. (Etudes anfllyti(|ues :) Physiologic du niariage. Petitt-s mit-Ores de la vie conjugate ...... t. 18. Vautriu. LesrcssourcesdeQuinola. Pamela Giraud. La Maratre. Le faiseur .................................................. 66:3138 t. 19. Les contes drolatiques: (Premier dixain :) Prologue. La belle Imperia. Le pi i ch6 v^niel. La mye du roy. L hf -ntier du diahle. Les joyeulsetez du roy Loys le un7.tesme. La connes- table. La pucelle de Thilhouse. Le t rere d armes. Le cure d Azay-le- rideau. L apostrophe. Epilogue. ([teuxiesnie dixain :) Prologue. Los troia clercs de Sainct-Nit-holas. Les Urns prouposdes religieuses dc Poissy. 50:3137 Balzac, (suite.} Comment feut Basty le chasteau d Azay. La faulse court izane. Le dangier d estre trop cocquebin. La chiere nuictee *Pamour. Le joyeulx cure 1 de Meudon. Le^succube. DC ses- p^rance d amour. Epilogue. (Troi- siesme dixain :) Prologue. PersOve- rance d amour. D ung justiciard qui ne se remembroyt !es chouses. Sur le moyne Amador, qui feut nng glorieux abbe do Turpenay. Berthe la rcpentie. Comment la belle fille de Portillon quinaulda son juge. Cy est d^monstre one la fortune est tousiours fernelle. D ungpaouvreqiii avoyt nom LeVieulx- par-chemins. Dires ineongrus de trois pelerins. ^ T aifvet&lt;&gt;. La belle Imperia mai i&lt; i e. Epilogue ............................... 50:3139 t. 20. Conf es et nouvelles : Souvenirs d un p ma. La comC die du diahle. L archev&lt;"-que. Ressouvenirs. Une 1 title. La mort de ma tante. Vengeance d artiste. Une incon sequence. Les deux dragons. Le marchand &lt;Ie bustos. Une passion an college. Un lendemain. Histoire de Giberne. Le eornac de Carlsruhe. L embuscade. Tableau d un intrrieur de tamille. Le patriotisme de Clarice. Le dOme des invalides. Deux des- tinees d homrnes. Echantillon de causerie francaisp. Le refus. Aven- tures administratives d une id^ e heur- euse. Les martyrs ignores. La filan- diere. Tony Sans-soins. Une rue de Paris et son habitant. Essais nnalytiques : Etude de moeurs par les gants. Com- nlaintes satiriques sur les moeurs du temps present. Nouvelle theorie du dejeuner. Physiologic de la toilette. Phvsiologie gnstronomique. Traite de la vie elegante. Dece qui n est pas a, la mode. L amour. De la mnemo- technie. Des signes particulierw ap- pliques a des figures gen^rales. Phy- siologie des positions. Physiologic du eigare. Lettre a Charles Nodier. Theorie de la demarche. Trait6 des excitants modernes .............................. 56:3140 SceNKS de la vie de province. Paris. 1868. in-16 .............................. 57: Covenant : Eugenie Grandet. SCCXKS de la vie parisienne. Paris. 1868. in-16 .............................. 57: (Nontenant : Le pdre Goriot. SceNKH de la vie privee. Paris. 18G8. in-16 .................. .. .................... Cbntenant : Lft femme de trente ans. Ln femme nlmndnnnee. La grenadiere. Le mes sage Gobseck. Bandit, Le. U. MAHET. Avec Com- pagnons dc la Marjolaino ............. Bannis, Les. E. SOUVKSTRE. Dana I ondant lamoisson ..................... Banquet-outlet-, Le. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob). Avec Comto de Chataj- ................................ Banquier de eire, Le. P. (H. C.) KCVAL ....................................... 53 Contenant nussi: T.c lion d or Les jnmoaux de foix. Banquistes, Les. A. RICAKD. Avec Ij s I trennes de mon oncle ............ Barnave. J.-(G.) JANIN ............... Batard de Maul&lt;;on, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 3 t .......... ................... Bayeux, Marc. StiEi: ain&lt;Sp, La. Paris, s. d. in-16. Bazancourt, Cesar Baron de. (n( en 1810, mart en 18G5). MADKMOI.SKI.LE de Sonneville. 15ru- xellos. 1842. in-16 ................... NOIILKSSK oblige. Bruxollcs. 1843. in-16 ........................................ 57: 52 57 . 2040 57: 2750 57: 3025 57: 3017 57: 3036 57: 1825 57: 790-2 57: 60 57; 57: 61 62 1 lio.SK FICTION: FKKNCH. BOATRIX. BRCHAT. Beatrix. Ho. do BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes t. 3 56: 3123 Beau Laurence, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand} 57: 395 Beau-frere, ITn. H.-H. MALOT 57; 2035 Beau-pere, Un. CH. B. DUQRAIL DE LA VILETTE. ( Ch. de Bernard.) 3 t. en 2 57: 75-6 Beauvoir, Roger de. (pseud.) Voy. BULLY, Edouard Roger de. Beaux messieurs de Bois-Dore, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand). 2 t 57: 400-1 Bellah. O. FEUILLET 57: 1625 Belle drapiere, La. E.-B. BERTHET... 57: 80 Belle Impe ria, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Belle Imperia mariee, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Belle jeunesse, La. A. DCQUET. Avec Clarisse 57: 340 Belles-de-nuit, Les. P. FCVAL. 7 t. en 2 57; 1650-1 Bergere des Alpes, La. J. F. MAR- MONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 2 57; 2046 Bernard, A. de. (pseud.) Voy. CALONNE, Alphonse-Bernard de. Bernard, Charles de. (pseud.) Voy. DUGRAIL DE LA ViLETTE, Charles Bernard. Berthe et Rodolphe. (J.) A. KARR. Dans Contes et nouvelles 57: 1890 Berthe la repentie. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Berthet, Elie-Bertrand. (nf en 1815.) AMI du chateau, L . Bruxelles. 1841. in-16. (Avec H.-B. Monnier) 57; 2220 BELLE drapiere, La. Bruxelles. 1844. in-16 57; 80 COLPORTEUR, Le. Paris. 1853. in-4. 57: 3010 Contenant ausst : Le premier hareng. CONVULSIONNAIRE, La. Bruxelles. 1840. in-16 57: 81 Contenant aussi Le fils de 1 usurier. CROIX de 1 afTiit, La. Paris. 1852. in-4 57: 3011 Contenant aussi : Le tils de Pusurier. DEK.VIEK Irlandais, Le. Bruxelles. ,1851. 3t. en 2. in-16 57; 82-3 ETANG de Prficigny, L . Bruxelles. 1849. 2 t. in-16 57; 84-5 FERME de 1 oseraie, La. Bruxelles. 1844. 2 t. en 1. in-16 57: 86 FILS de 1 usurier, Le. Avec La con- vulsionnaire 57: 81 Le memo. Avec La croix de 1 affiit. 57: 3011 MAISON de Paris, Une. Bruxelles. 1844. 2 t. en 1. in-lii 57: 87 MARCJUISE de Norville, La. Brux elles. 1853. 2 t. en 1. in-16 57; 88 MINE d or, La. Bruxelles. 1843. 2 t. en 1. in-16 57; 89 MURIER blanc, Le. Bruxelles. 1841. in-16 57; 90 PAUL Duvert. Bruxelles. 1843. in-16 57; 91 PKEMIKR hareng, Le. Avec Le col porteur 57; 3010 ReKRACTAiRE, Le. Bruxelles. 1852. in-16 57: 92 (ne en Berthoud, Samuel-Henri. 1804). HONNBTE homme, L . Bruxelles. 1838. in-16 .............................. 57; 95 Bibliophile .Jacob. (pseud.) Voy. LACKOIX, Paul. Bibliotheque de mon oncle, La. R. TOPFFKR. Dans Nouvelles Gene- voises ........................................ 57: 2020 Black. A. (D.) DUMAS ................... 57; 800 Blanc et le noir, Le. EKCKMANN- CHATRIAN. Dans Contes des bords du Rhin .................................... 57; 1505 Blanc et le noir, Le. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans ........... 57; 2985 Blanc et les bleus, Les. A. (D.) DU MAS. 3 t... .............................. 57 : 805-7 Blocus, Le: Episode dc la fin de 1 empire. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. 57; 1500 Contenant aussi: Le Capitaine Rochart. Bocage, Paul, (ne en 1824.) PvRiTAiNsde Paris, Les. Paris, s. d. 6 t. en .-!. in-16 ........................ 57; 100-2 Bohemiens, Les. P. MeRiMeK. Dans Nouvelles ........................... 57; 2075 Bohemiens d Alsace, Les. ERCK MANN-CHATRIAN. Dans Contes populaires ................................. 57; 1515 Boistel d Exauvillez. Voy. EXAUVIL- LEZ. Bolino, le negrier. R. de. PONT-.TEST. 57: 2375 Bon mari, Le. J. F. MARMONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 4 ............. 57; 2048 Bon vieux temps, Le. EUCKMAKN- CHATRIAN. Arec Histoire d un sous-maitre ............................... 57; 1545 Bonaparte et le Doge. Bat-on de LAMOTHE-LANOON. 2 t. en 1 ...... 57; 2020 Boniface, Joseph-Xavier. (dit Sain- tine.) (nf en 1798, marten 1865.) PICCIOLA. Paris. 1869. in-12 ...... 57; 2500 SEUL! Paris. 1860. in-12 ........... 57- 2505 Bonne femme, La. E. (R. L.) LABOU- LAYE. Dans Contes bleus ............ 57; 1995 Bonnes fortunes Parisiennes, Les. P.-.I. HETZEL. (P.-J. Staid). 2 t. 57: 1755-6 Contenant: t. 1. Lea amours rt un Pierrot. De Dresde a la Bastei. Histoire d uneop- ticienne et d un lieutenant de dragons. Appartement de gaivon A loner. t. 2. Le reveil snr la Rastei. Max Rigiitllt. Recit de Maurice. Les amours d un notaire. Ideesd un vieux gan;on sur 1 amour. Le tour de Nickel. Bons proupos des religieuses de Poissy, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 ............... 56: 3139 Bouillie de la oomtesse Berthe, La. A. (D.) DUMAS .......................... 57; 820 Contcnant aussi : Aventures de Lyderic comte de Flandre. Boule de neige, La. A. (D.) DUMAS. 57: 815 BouretetGausBin. (J.) A. KARR. Dunn Contes et nouvelles ..................... 57; 1890 Bourgeois de Molinchart, Les. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champjteury) ... 57: 175 Bourgmestre en bouteille, Le. ERCK- MAN.v-CnATRiAN. Dans Contes populaires ................................. 57: 1515 Bourse. La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 1 ................ 56: 3121 Brehat, Alfred de. (pteud.) Voy. BKKZKNEC, Alfred. 1 ROSE FICTION: FRENCH. BREZENEC. CllAMf. Brezenec, Alfred. (Alfred de Brchat). (mart en 1866). CHAUFFEURS indions, Les. Paris. s. d. in-16 57: 105 DRAME a Calcutta, Un. Paris. 1861. in-16 57: 106 Sttivi tie Les Orphelins de Trt -guorec. HISTOIRES d amour. Paris. s. d. in-16 57: 107 C ontenant : Les passagera de la Santa-Barbara, on Carmen et Juanito. Le Rancho del Gigante. Le Salteador dp San-Francisco. Le capitaine Filzmoor, ou line re 1 volte de cipayes. Le half-cast, episode de I insurrt Ction indienne. Brick Norwegian, Le. E. SOUVESTKK. Duns Histoires d autrofois 57: 2700 Brigadier, Le. I.-S. TOURGUBNEFF. J)ann Nouvelles Muscovites 57: 2930 Brisset, (Joseph-Ale.xandre.) (ne en 1793, mort en 1856). MARBCHALE de Saint-Andre, La. Bruxelles. 1839. 2 t. in-16 57: 110-11 Brot, (Charles)-Alphonse. (nfen 1809). PRI EX pour clle. Paris. 1852. in-4. 57: 3012 ( ontennnt attssi : 1 eux fn -res. Bug-Jargal. V. (M.) HUGO 57: 1760 Cuntenant aussi : Le dernier jour d un condamne. Claude Gueux. Bully, Kdouard Roger de. ( Roger de Beauvoir.) (nf en 1809, mort en 1866.) ECOLIEB de Cluny, L ; ou, lesophisme 1315. Bruxelles. 1837. 2 t. en 1. in-16 57: 64 INFANTE,]/. Bruxelles. 1841. in-10. 57: 65 PUKRTA del sol, La. Bruxelles. 1844. in-16 57: 66 SAVIA. Bruxelles. 1843. 2 t. en 1. in-16 57: 67 et KfxiKR, Alphonse. AriiKROE des Trois Pins, L . Brux elles. 1836. in-16 57: 69 Bungener, Louis-Felix, (ne en 1814.) J f 1. 1 EN, ou la fin d un siecle. Paris. 1854. 4t. in-12 57: 125-8 c. Cabaliste Hans Weinland, Le. KKCKMANN-CHATKIAN. 7)ans Con tes doa bords du Rhin 57: 1505 Cabinet des antiques, Le. Ho. de BAI./AC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 7 56: 3127 Cadet de famille, Un. A. (D.) DU MAS. 3t 57: 835-7 Cadio. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. ( ( ieorge Sand) 57: 410 Calonne, Alphonsc-Bernard do. (A. tie Bernard.) (nf en 1818.) FRAIS du la guerre, Les. Paris. 1861. in-12 57: 70 PALIVRK Mathieu. Paris. 1801. in-12 57: 71 Suiri de. La ligne et la coulour. Candide. F. M. A. do VOI.TAIRK. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Canne &lt;lo M. de Balzac, La. Mme. K. de GIRAKDIN 57: 1710 107 845 850 855 1500 370 690 135-6 2075 2990 3013 2530 800 Capitaine Fitzmoor, ou une revolte de cipayes, Le. A. BRKZENEC. (Alfred de lirehat.) Dan.i Histoires d amour 57: Capitaine Pamphile, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: Capitaine Paul, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 57: Capitaine Richard, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: Capitaine Roohart, Le. EHCKMANN- CHATRIAN. Avec Le blocus 57: Caravanes du chevalier de Momba- lere, Les. E. DUCOM. Dans Nouvolles Gasconnes 57: Carl. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. ( George Sand. ) A vec Les sept cordes de la lyre 57: Carlen, Emilie Flygarc. (nee en 1810.) CONTREBANDIERS Huedois. Brux- elles. 1856. 4 t. en 2. in-12 57: Carmen. P. MeKiMeE. Duns Nou- velles 57: Garnet de danse, Le. E. ZOLA. Dans Contes a Ninon 57: Gas de M. Guurin, Le. E. ABOUT. Avec Le nez d un notaire 57: Castille, (Charles-)Hippolyte. (ne en 1820.) CONTREHANDIER, Le. Paris, s. d. in-4 57: Catherine. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU 57: Catherine Blum. A. (D.) DUMAS... 57: Catherine do Medicis. Ho. dc BAL ZAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 16. 56: 3136 Ce que dit le ruissuau. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Avec Laura 57: 575 Ceci n est pas un conte. D. DIDEROT. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 56: 3250 Cecile. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 870 Celibataires, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 5-6 56: 3125-6 Cuntennnt : Pierette. -Le cur de Toura. La rab)uilleuse. Celle qui m aitne. E. ZOLA. Dans Contes a Ninon 57: 2990 Cercle hippique do Mezieres-en- JJrenne. Mme. A. L, A. D. DUDE VANT. ( George Sand. ) Avec Isidora. 57: Cervantes Saavedra, Miquel de. (nf en 1547, mort en 1616.) DON (juichottc de la Manche. TracUiit de 1 espagnol par Florian. Paris. 1854. in-12 57: Cesarine Dietrich. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand) Chains d or, ou 1 araant partagc. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Nouvelles Chalet d Auteuil: L(5gende. J.-K. TARDIKU. (J. T.deSaint-dermain). Avec Dolores 57: Chambre d ami, La. E. (F. V.) AHOUT. Avec Le turco 57: Chambre du revenant, La. P. LA- CKOIX. (Jiibliophile Jacob.) Avec Conite d(! Cliatay Champfleury. (pneud.) Voy. KLEURY, Jules (F. F.) Chanson du beurre dans la marmite, La. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champ- flrury.) Avec L usurier Blaizot.... 57: Chant de la tonne, Le. ERCKMANN- CHATRIAN. /&gt;a&gt;uContespopulaires. 57: 57: 57: 545 145 415 1675 2455 12 57: 3025 230 1515 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. CHARLEMAGNE. CLUB. Charlemagne, Armand. TlMON ALCESTX, ou le misanthrope moderne. Publie par J. Janin. Bruxelles. 1834. 2 t. in-12 57: 235-6 Charles le Temerairo. A. (D.) DU MAS. 2 t 57: 875-6 Charmettes, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Avec Laura 57: 575 Chasse allemande. E.-^F.-V.j ABOUT. Avec Le turco 57: 12 Chasse an roman, La. (L.-S.)-J. BANDEAU. Avec Madame de Som- merville 57: 2555 Chasse au tigre. Une. J. MCRY. Avec Une histoire de famille 57: 2135 Chasse sous Charles IX., Tine. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.) Avec La Servante de Rabelais 57: 3031 Chasseur do chamois, Le. E. Sou- VESTRK. Dans Scenes et recits des Alpes 57: 2800 Chasseur de Sauvagine, Le. A. (IX) DUMAS 57: 885 Chateau d Eppstein, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1 57: 890 Chateau de la vie, Le. E. (K. L.) LABOULAYE. Dans Souvenirs d un voyageur 57: 2005 Chateau des desertes, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. ( George Sand.) 57: 420 Contenant aussi : Les Mississipiens : Drame. Chateau des trois-tours, Le. J. MCKY 57: 2115 Chateau vert, Le. J. M6RY 57: 2120 Chateaubriand, Fran&lt;;ois-Auguste, vicomte de. (ne en 1769, mart en 1848.) ATALA. Paris. 1854. in-12 57: 245 Contenant aussi : Rene. Le dernier Abencerage. Voyage en Amerique. DERNIEK Abencerage, Lc. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 1 56: 3203 Le meme. Avec Rene 57: 3014 Le meme. Avec Atala 57: 245 MARTYRS, Les. Paris. 1855. in-12. 57: 250 Le memo. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 4 56: 3204 NATCHEZ, Les. Paris. 1853. in-12. 57: 251 RENe. Paris. 1854. in-4 57: 3014 Contenant aussi : Le dernier Abencerage. Le meme. Avec Atala 57: 245 Chaudronnier, Le. J. (F. if.) FLKU- RY. ( Champfleury. ) Avec L usurier Blaizot 57: 230 Chauffeurs indiens, Les. A. BRKZ- ENEC. (A. de Srehat) 57: 105 Chauve-souris, La. L. ULBACH. Suite du Parrain de cendrillon 57: 2939 Chef-d oeuvre inconnu, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 15 56: 3135 Chemin de traverse, Le. J. (G.) JANIN 57: 1830 Chemin le plus court, Le. (J.) A. KARR 57: 1875 Le me mc 57: 3019 Cherbuliez, Victor, (nfvers 1832). AVKNTURE de Lodislas Bolski, L . Paris. 1869. in-16 57; 270 CIIEVAI. de Phidias, Un : causeries atheniennes. Paris. 1864. in-16. 57: 275 Cherbuliez, (unite.) COMTE Kostiu, Le. Paris. 1870. in-16 57; 280 GRAND oeuvre, Le. Paris. 1867. in-16 57; 285 PAULE MeRe. Paris. 1864. in-16. 57: 290 PRINCE vitale, Le: Essai et recit !\ propos de In follie du tasse. Paris. 1864. in-16 57; 295 PROSPER Randoce. Paris. 1868. in-16 57; 300 ROMAN d une honne te femme, Le. Paris. 1868. in-16 57: 305 Cherville, G. de. AVENTURES d un chien de chasse, Les. Paris. 1862. in-12 57: 315 Cheval de Phidias, Un : causeries. V. CHERBULIEZ 57: 275 Chevalier de Chaville, Le. P. LA CROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob) 57: 3024 Chevalier d Harmental, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t 57; 895-6 Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1 57: 905 Chevalier de Malte, Un. O. LACROIX. Avec Padre Antonio 57; 2010 Chevalier de Piunpelonne, Le. H.- A.-A. de GONDRECOURT. 4 t. en 2. 57: 1745-6 Chevalier double, Le. Th. GAUTIKR. Dans Romans ct contes 57: 1C85 Chien, Le. I.-S. TOURGUBNEFK. Dans Nouvelles Moscovites 57: 2930 Chien-Caillou. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champf/.eury) 57; 180 Confeiiant aussi : Grandeur et decadence d une serinetle. Confessions de Sylvius. Van Schaendel. M. Prudhomme all salon. Lampiste. Fuenz6s. Les noirau. Chien volant, Le. Mme. E. de GIRAR- DIN. Dans Contes d une vieille tille, &c 57: 1715 Chiere nuictee d amour, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Chirurgien de marine, Le. E. Sou- VESTRE. Dana Contes et nouvelles. 57: 2640 Ghouans. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oi-uvres completes, t. 12 56: 3132 Cicoulane, La. E. DUCOM. Dans Nouvelles Gasconnes 57: 370 Cinq perles, Les. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Avec Le turco 57: 12 Cinq-Mars, ou une conjuration sous Louis XIII. A. (V.) de VIGNY... 57: 2960 Clairieres, Les. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2635 Clarisse. A. DEQUET 57: 340 Contenant aussi : Theodore. La belle jeunesse. Claude Gueux. V. (M.) HUGO. Avec Bug-Jargal 57: 1760 Clef du pare, La. A. HOUSSAYK. Dana Les revenants, t. 2, de (L. S.) J. Sandeau et A. Houssaye 57: 2596 Clos-pommier, Le. (L.) A. (E.) ACHAKD 57: 20 Closerie des rosiers, La. (). FCRC. Avec Abbaye de Saint- Andre 57: 3016 Clotilde. (J.) A. KARR 57: 1880 Le memo 57: 3020 Contenant aus\i: Histoirode Rose etde Jean Duchemin. Vn nomine et une femme. Clovis Gosselin. (J.-)A. KARR 57: 1885 Club de Hachichins, Le. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Romans ot contes 57: 1685 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. COCARDE. CONTES. Cocarde blanche (1814). L. ULBACII. 57: 2940 Cochon, Le. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champfleury.) Avec L usurier Blaizot 57: 230 Col d anterne, Le. R. TOPKFER. Dans Nouvelles Genevoises 57: 2920 Collaboratrice, La. E. SOUVESTRK. Dans Kecitset souvenirs 57: 2770 Collier de la reine, Le. A. (D.) DU MAS. 3t 57:910-12 Colombo, La. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 920 Contennnt aus&i : Maftre Adam le Calabrais. Colonel Chabert, Le. Ho. de BAI.ZAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 4 56: 3124 Colporteur, Le. E.-B. BERTHET 57: 3010 Contennnt aussi : Le premier hareng. Combat do coqs, Le. ERCKMANN- CHATBIAN. Dans Contes fantus- tiqucs 57: 1510 Comedie du diable, La. Ho. do BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56: 3140 Comediens sans le savoir, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres com pletes, t. 1 1 56: 3131 Comete, La. ERCKMANN-CIIATRIAN. Dans Contes populaires 57: 1515 Comment feut Hasty lu chnsteau d A/.ay. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Comment la belle fllle de Portillon quinuuldn son juge. Ho. de BAL- ZAO. Dam Oeuvros completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Compagnon du tour de France, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (Otorge Sand.) 2 t 57: 425-0 Compagnons de Jehu, Les. A. (D.) DTMAS. 3t 57; 925-7 Compagnons de la Marjolaine, Les. H. MAKKT 57: 2040 Contennnt aussi : Un exeentrique. Le bandit. Nous n irons plus au bois. La verite aur 1ft fin de Sir Jobn Pyke. La aorciere de Cheltenham. Comte do Chatav, Lo. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.) 57: 3025 Contennnt ausui: La cbainbre du revenant. I,e banqueroutier. Comte de Monte-Christo, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 6 t. en 3 57: Comte Kostia, Lo. V. CIIERHULIEZ. 57: Comtesse de Charny, Lu. A. (D.) DUMAS. 6 t. en 3 57: 945-7 Comtesse d Egmont, La. J. (G.) JAXIX. Dans Contos non estam- pilles 57: 1846 Comtesse de Monrion, La. F. Soui.le. 3 t. en 2 57:2610-11 Comtesse de Kudolstadt. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 2 t. en 1 57: 435 Comtesse de Salisbury, La. A. (D.) DUMAS 57; 955 Comtesse dc Silva. P. DKI.TUK 57: 336 (Nontenant atutsi: Suzanne. Concert pour les pauvres. (L. S.) J. SANUJCAU. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2585 Confession, La. J. (G.) JANIN 57: 1840 Confession d un enfant du siecle, Lii. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET 57: 2230 Confession d une jeune fille, La. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 2t 57; 440-1 Confessions de la marquise, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS. Suite et fin des M&lt;;moires d un avcugle 57: Confessions do Sylvius. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champjteury.) Avec Chien-Caillou 57: Confessions d un ouvrier. E. SOUVESTRE 57: Lo memo 57: Confidences d un joueur de clari- nette. ERCKMANX-CHATRIAN 57: Contennnt nvssi: La taverne du Jambon de Mayence. Lea amoureux de Catherine. Connestable, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: Connoisseur, Le. .1. F. MARMONTEL. Dans Contes nioraux, t. 3 57: Conquete d une itme, La. E. LATAYE 57: Conscience 1 innocent. A. (D. ) DUMAS. 2t 57: Conspiration au Louvre, Une. J. MI KY 57: Constance Verrier. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: Constant, Mme. Noemie. (Claude Kecits de la vie reelle. in-12 Paris. 18G1. 57: 960 180 2645 2646 1520 3139 2047 2022 965-6 2125 450 2956 2957 Contenant : Adrien Mnlaret, Anna Bon torn ps. La surface d un dramo.-Pe Paris ;\ Monnecy. -Lucrezia.-Une revanche HU Ijansquenet. VICTOIRK Normand. Paris. 1862. in-12 57: f onfennnt aussi : Marquis de Crcmant. Consuelo. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE VANT. (George Hand.} 3t 57: 455-7 Contes. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET 57: 2235 Gontenant ; La mouohe. Pierre et Camille. Made moiselle Mimi Pinson. Le secret de Javotte. Lo merle blanc. Lettres sur la literature. Contes a Ninon. E. ZOLA 57: 2990 Contenant : A Ninon. Simplice. Le carnet de danse. Celle qui m aimo. La feo amoureuse. Le sang. Les voh-ura et 1 ilne. Soeur-des-pauvres. A ventures du grand Sidoine et du petit Mt -denc. Contes bk us. K. (R. L.) LABOULAYE. 57: 1095 Contenant : La bonne femme. Poucinet. Contes boh^mcH. Lea trois citrons. Pif Paf. Contes du la veiltee. Ch. (E.)NoDiEit. 57: 2265 Contenant : Jenn-Fnin^oiii-les-Bas-Bleus. Histoiro d JIelO-ne Gillett. M. Cazotte. I&gt;gende de soeur IV-atrix. Les aveugles do Chamouny. Histoire du chien de Brisqnet. Les quatro talismanH. Le pays de rtWes. La combe de Thornine mort. Paul, ou la ressemblanec. Lidi- vinc. Le bibliomane. Policlun lle. M. de la Mettrie. Baptiste Montauban. La filleule du seigneur. L homme et la fourmi. Contes d une vieillo tillo a ses neveux. A/me. K. do GIRARDIN 67: 1715 Contenant : Noi -mi, ou 1 enfant cr^dule. L fle des Mnnnitons. Zo&lt;^, ou la nuHamorphose. M. Martin de Montmarto. M. de PhilornMe. La (Y-e Oriffnotto. Le danae n est pas ce q^ue j aime. Lo chien volant. Le palaiw de la vaniUi. PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. CONTES. COUSIN. Contes des bords du Khin. ERCK- MANN-CHATRIAN 57: 1505 Contenant : Myrtille. M ~&gt;n illustre ami Selsam. La peche miraculeuse. Le tresor du vieux seigneur. La reine des abeilles. Le tahun. Le blanc et le noir. La yoleuse d enfants. Leeabaliste Hans Weinland. Contes drolatiques. Ho. de BALZAC. /) Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Contenant : ler dixain : Prologue. La bMlc Imperia. Le peche vemd. La mye du roy. L hentier du diable. Les joyeulsetez du roy Loye le unziesme. Laconnes- table. La pucelle de Thilnouze. Le frere d armes. Le cur&lt;5 d Azuy-le- Rideau. L apostrophe. epilogue. 2me dixain : Prologue. Les trois elercs de Sitinct-Nicholas. Le jeusne de Francois premier. Les bon proupos des religieuses de Poiesy. Comment feut Busty le chasteau d Arzay. La faulse courtizane. Le dangler d estre trop cocquebin. La chicre nuictee d amour. Le joyeulx cure de Meudon. Le succube. Disespe ranee d amour. Epilogue. 3me dixain : Prologue. Perseverance d amour. D ung justiciard qui ne se remembroyt les chouses. Sur le rnoyne Amador, qui pent ung glorieux abbe de Turpenay. Berthe la repentie. Comment la belle fllle de Portillon quinaulda son juge. Cy est demonstre que la fortune est tons jours femelle. D ung paouvre qui avoyt nom leVieulx- par-cnemins. Dices incon^rus de trois pMerins. Naifvcte. La belle Imperia mariee. Epilogue. Contes et nouvelles. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56: 3140 Contenant : Souvenirs d un paria. La comodie du diable. L aroheveque. Ressouvenirs. Une lutte. La mort de ma tante. Vengeance d artiste. Une inconse quence. Les deux dragons. Le mar- cliaud de bustes. Une passion au col lege. Un lendemain. Histoire de Giberne. Le cornac de Carlsruhe. L embuscado. Tableau d un interieur de famille. Le patriotismo de Clarice. Le dome des invulides. Deux destinees d hommes. Echantillon de causerie fran&lt;;aise. Le refub. Aventures admin- istratives d une idc -e heureuse. Les martyrs ignores. La fllandldre. Tony sanw-soins. Une rue de Paris et son habitant. Contes et nouvelles. (J.) A. KARR. 57: 1890 Contenant : Pour ne pas etre treize. Romain d Etretat. Les Willis. Un diamant. Berthe et Rodolphe. Bouret et Galissin. Jobisme. Contes et nouvelles. E. SOUVESTRE.. 57: 2640 Contenant : Le chirurgien de marine. Le mari de Madame de Solange. Gonzales Coqnes. Les caux d Abano. Le jeune homme pale. Contes fantastiques. CHATRIAN ERCKMANX- 57: Contenant : L esquisse mysterieuse. Gretchen. Entre deux vins. La lunette de Hans Schnaps. Crespinus. Le reve de mon eousin Elof. L orcille de la chouette. Les nances de Grinderwald. Le combat de coqs. La montre du doyen. Les trois Ames. La sacrifice d Ahraham. H tns Stoikus. L araignc -e crabe. Contes fantastiques. Ch. (E.) NODIEK. Contenant : Le songe d or. La f^e aux miettes. Tresor des frves et fleur des pois. Le gi nie bonhomme. Smarra. 57: 2260 57: 1846 57: 1515 Contes fantastiquea et contes lit- teraires. J. (G.) JANIN 57: 1845 Contenant : Kreyssler. Honestus. La mort de Doyen. Jenny la bollquetii-re. Maitre et valet. La vallee de Bievre. Le haut- de-chausses. L echelle de soie. Le voyage de la lionne. La fin d automne. Hoti mann et Paganini. Les duellistes. Vcndue en detail. Rosette. Iphi- g6nie. Stratford sur 1 Avon. Reverie. La venteil 1 encan. Rambouillet. La so.rce poetique. La.rue des tournelles. La ville de Saint-Etienne. Contes moraux. J. F. MARMONTEL. 6 t 57:2015-50 Covenant : t, 1: Alcibiade. Soliman II. Le scru- pule, oil 1 amour nu -conteiH de Ini- meme. Les quatre flaeons. on les aventures d Aleidonis de Mi gare. Laustis et Lydie. Le mari Sylpne. t. 2: Heureusement. Les deux infor- tunees. Tout ou rien. Le philosophe soi-disaut. La bergi Te des Alpes. La mauvaise mere. La bonne mere.. t. a: LVoole des p(&gt;re.s. Annette et Lubin. Les manages samnites. Laurette. Le connoisseur. L heureux divorce, t. 4 : Le bon mari. La femme eomme il yenapeu. L amitie il 1 epreuve. Le misanthrope eorrige. t. 5: La veillee. Le franc Breton, t. 6 : Les dejeunes du village. L erreur d un b)n pere. Palemon. Les soli taires de Muruie. Contes non estampilles. J. (G.) JAXIJJ Contenant : Lucinde. Les harnais bleus. La com- tesse d Egmont. Contes populaires. ERCKMANN- CHATRIAN Contenant : Le reve d Aloius. L oiel invisible, La comete. Le bourgmestre en bouteille. Le requiem du corbeau. Le juif polo- nais. Les bohemiensd Al.suce. Messire Tempus. Le chant de la tonne. Le coqudlage de 1 oncle Bernard. La tresse noire. Contrat de manage, Le. Ho. do BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres com pletes, t. 4 Contrebandier, Le. Ch. H. CAS- TtLLK Contrebandiers sut-dois, Les. K. J-\-(jARLeN. 4 t. en,2 Contre-maitre, Le. E. SOUVKSTRE. Dan* Kecits et souvenirs Convulsionnaire, La. E. B. BER- TIIET Covenant aussi : Le fils de 1 usurier. Coquillage de 1 oncle Bernard, Le. ERCKMANN- CHATRIAN. Dans Contes populaires Corinne, ou 1 Italic. Mine. A. L. G. de S 1 Ae L-HOLSTEIN Cornac de Carlsruhe, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes. t. 20 Cosi-Sancta. F. M. A. de VOL TAIRE. DIUIK Romans Cottin, Mme. Sophie Kistaud. MALVINA. Bruxelles. 1828. 4 t. en 2. in-18 Coup de feu, Un. A. (D.) DUMAS. Arec Jane Couriard, Mile. Adele. MeMontES d une aiguille. Paris. 1867. in-12 Cousin 1 ons, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 10 56: 3124 57: 3013 57: 135-6 57: 2770 57: 81 57: 1515 57: 2865 56: 3140 57: 2985 57: 320-1 57: 1155 57: 325 56: 3130 PKOSE FICTION: FRENCH. COUSINE. Cousine Bette, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dan* Oeuvres completes, t. 10 56: 3130 Crime inconnu, Un: Roman inedit.^ .1. MeRY 57: 2155 Crispinus. EKCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Dun* Contes fantasti&lt;mcs 57: 1510 Croisilles. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSKT. Dans Nouvellcs 57: 2240 Croix do Berny, La. Mme. K. de GIRAKDIN 57: 1720 Croix dc I a ffi it, La. E. B. BKRTIIET. 57: 3011 Cure d Azay-le-rideau, Le. Ho. dc BAL/AC. Dan* Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3130 Cure dc Tours, Lc. Ho. dc BAI.XAC. J)nns Oeuvres completes, t. 56: 312C Cure dc village, Lc. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 14 56: 3134 Cy est demonstre, que la fortune est toujours femelle. Ho. dc BAL/AC. J)nns Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Cyprien. Dans Les Revenants, t. 1. cle ( L. S.) .1. SANDKAU et A. HOUSSAYE 57: 2596 Dame au collier rouge, La. (P.-A. de) Ponson du TKKKAII 57: 2368 Dame de Monsoreau, La. A. (I).) DUMAS. 3 t 57; 975-7 Dame da Pique, La. 1 . MeimieK. Dans Nouvellcs 57; 2075 Dame de volupte, La: Memoires de Mile, de Luynes. A. (D.) DUMAS, 2t 57: 985-6 Voy. Les deux reinea. Dame fortune. P. PEKRKT 57; 2355 Dames vertes, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Santl.) 57: 405 Damnes de 1 Inde, Les. J. MeRY 57: 2130 Dangler d estre trop cocqucbin, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Danx Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Daniella, La. Mme. A. L. A. I). DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 2 t... 57: 470-1 Dans la prairie. E. SOUVE.STRE 57: 2655 Danse n est pas ce que j aime, Lu. Mme. E. dc GIRAKDIN. Dans Contes d une vioillo tille, &c 57; 1715 Dash, Comfesse. (pscuil.) Voy. SAINT-MARS, C. de Courtiras. David le trappcur. E. SOUVESTRE. J)II&gt;LI Pendant la moisson 57: 2750 De Dresde ii la Bastei. P. J. HET/.EL. (/ . J. Stahl.) Danx Bonnes for tunes parisiennes 57; 1755 De loin et de pres. (J.) A. KARK 57; 1895 De Paris a Mcnnecy. Mme. N. CON STANT. (Claude Vignon.) Dans Reeits de la vie reelle 57; 2956 D un paouvrc qui avoyt nom le Vieulx-par-chemins. Ho. de BAL/.AC. Dan* Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 D ung justiciard qui ne so remembroyt les chouses. Ho. de BA L/.AC. Duns Oeuvres completes, t. 19 5Q; 3130 Debut dans la magistrature, Un. ( L. S.) J. SANDEAU 57; 2535 Debut dans la vie, Un. Ho. de BAL/.AC. Dans Oeuvres completes. t. 2 56; 3122 Deleon, Al&gt;be. KEI.IOIEUSE, La. Paris. 1864. 2 t. in-8 Delphine. Mme. A.-L.-G. de STAC-L- HOI.STKIN Le memo Deltuf, Paul, (ne en 1825.) ADRIENNK. Paris. 1861. in-12.... COMTKSSK de Silva. Paris, s. d. in-12. Suifi dt Suzanne FKMMKS sensibles, Lcs. Paris, s. d. in-12 ( ontenant : Les liens nui sont tons. Les Cpreuves de Julie. Prise au mot. D nniniea f eux lettres confidentielles. Sensations d lln inridele. MADEMOISELLE Fruchet. Paris. s. d. in-12 Dejeunes du village, Les. J. F. MAR- MONTKL. Dans Contcs Moraux, t. 6. Demoiselles TVmraiigeau, Les. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Clutmjrfteury)... Contenan f aussi : L:i jn-incense au rire de mouette. Dents du dragon, Les. (J.) A. KARR. Depute d Arcis, Lc. Ho. de BAL/.AC. Danx Oeuvres completes, t. 13 Dequet, Alphonse. CLARISKE. Paris. 1861. in-lC Cvntcnanl tittssi : Theodore. La Ix lle jeunesse. Dernier Abencerage, Le. F.-A. de CHATKAUHRIAND. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 3 Le meme. Acec Rene Le memo. Avec Atala Dernier amour, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DruBVANT. (George Sand.).... Dernier amour, Un. E. SOITVKSTRE. Duns Histoircs d autrcfois Dernier Irlandais, Le. E.-B. BER- TIIET. 3 t. en 2 Dernier jour d un condamne. V. (M.) Huuo. Acer Bug-Jargal Derniere Aldini. La. Mme. A. L. A. 1). DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Cftnfenant atilsi : Myrz:t. Les visions de la nuit. George de (iuei-in. Derniere etape, La. E. SOUVESTRE. Dans Souvenirs d un vicillard Derniere favorite, La. C. de Cour tiras de SAINT-MARS. (Comtense Ditxh.) 2 t. en 1 Derniere fee, La. (L. S.) J. SAN- DEAU. Dans Nouvelles Derniers paysans, Les. E. SOUVES- TRK Desesperance d amour. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes t. 19 Deux amis de Bourbonne, Les. DIDEROT. D/in.i Oeuvres choisics t. 1 Deux cabarets d Autcuil, Les. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Ctiampfleury). Avec L usurier Blaizot ! Deux consoles, Les. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dan. -. Romans Deux destinees d hommes. Ho. de BALZAC. Danx Oeuvres completes, t. 20 Deux Diane, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS Deux drag. ins, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Danx Oeuvres completes, t. 20 Pr.rx. 57: sooo-i 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 56: 57: 56: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: .. 56: 56: 57: 57: 56: 57: 2870 2871 335 336 337 338 2050 185 1900 3133 340 3203 3014 245 485 2700 82-3 17C,0 480 2840 330 2585 2060 3139 3250 230 2985 31 10 995-7 56: 3140 PKOSE FICTION: FKENCH. DEUX. 10 DODEVANT. Deux freres. Ch. A. BROT. Avec Priez pour elle Deux iiifortunecs, Les. J. F. MARMON- TKL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 2.... Deux lettres confidentielles. P. DEL- TUF. Dans Femmes sensibles Deux maitresses, Les. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET. Dans Nouvelles Deux meres, Les. P. LACROIX. (Bib liophile Jacob.) Avec Les Haines a mort Deux miseres. E. SOUVESTRE Deux reines, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1. Suite et fin des Memoires de Mademoiselle de Luynes. Voy. Dame de volupte Diable aux champs, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Diable boiteux, Le. A.-R. LESAGE. Dans Oeuvres Diamant, Un. (J.) A. KARR. Dans Contes et nouvelles Diane de Lancy. (P. A. de) Ponson du TERRAIL Contenant aussi : Les pretendus de la meuniere. Diderot, Denis, (ne en 1713.) CECI n est pas un conte. Dans Ocuv- res choisies, t. 1 DEUX amis de Bourbonne, Les. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 HISTOIRE de Desroches et de madame de la Carliere. Dam Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 IIisTOiRK.de 1 emplatrede Dcsglands. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 HISTOIRE de madame de la Pomme- raye et du marquis des Arcis. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 HISTOIRE du pure Hudson. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 REI.IGIEUSE. La. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 Dieu dispose. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t... Dieu inconnu, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Avec .Les sept cordes de la lyre Dires incongrus de trois pelerins. Ho. de BALZAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 19 Docteur Herbeau, Le. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU Dolores : Legende. J. R. TARDIEU. (J. T. de Saint-Germain.) Contenant aussi : Chalet d ameuil. Dome des invalides, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 Dominica. P. DELTUF. Dans Fem mes sensibles Don Bernardo de Zuniga. A. (D.) DUMAS. Avec Jane Don Ottavio. C. LABOULAYE. Dans Souvenirs d un voyageur Don Quit-hotte de la Manche. M. de CERVANTES SAAVEDRA. Traduit de 1 espagnol par Florian Donjon de Vincennes, Le. C. LEY- NADIER Double famille, Une. Ho. do BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 2 Drame a Calcutta, Un.A. BREZENEC. (A. de Brehat.) .-rT^T. Tv^ Otntenant aussi: Les orphelins de Tregueree. 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 3012 2046 337 2240 3029 2665 57: 1005 57: 490 56: 3440 57: 1890 57: 2369 56: 3250 56: 3250 56: 3250 56: 3250 56: 3250 56: 3250 56: 3250 57:1010-11 57: 690 56: 3139 57: 2540 57: 2455 56: 3140 57: 337 57: 1155 57: 2005 57: 145 57: 3033 56: 3122 57: 106 Drame au bord de la mer. Un. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres com pletes, t. 16 56: Drame de quatre-vingt-treize, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 3 t 57: Drames de la mer, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS 57; Drames galants, Les: La Marquise d Escoman. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. 57: Drames Parisiens, Les. E. Sou- VESTRE 57; Driette, La. E. MULLKR 57- Droz, Gustave. AUTOUR d une source. Paris, s. d. in-12 57 : ENTRE nous. Paris, s. d. in-12... 57; MONSIEUR, madame et bebe. Paris. 1871. in-12 57; Duchesse de Cerni, La. Princesse A. GHIKA 57; Ducom, Eugene. NOUVKLLES Gasconnes. Paris, s. d. in-12 57: Contenant : Menine, la vie des Landes dans 1 Ar- magnac noir. La Cicoulane, scenes de la vie des Landes. Les caravanes du chevalier de Mornbalere, scenes et Souv enirs de rArmaennc. La reine du sabbat, scenes deTa vie des Landes. Dudevant, Mme. Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin. (George Sand.) (nee en 1804, morte en 1876). ADRIANI. Paris. 1867. in-12 ALDO le rimeur. Avec Isidora AMOURS do 1 age d or, Les. Paris. 1871. in-12 ANDRC. Paris. 1868. in-12 ANTONIA. Paris. 1871. in-12 BEAU Laurence, Le. Paris. 1870. in-12 BEAUX Messieurs de Bois-Dore. Paris. 1868. 2 t. in-12 ... Paris. 1870. in-12 Avec Les sept cordes de la 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 3136 1020-2 1030 1035-6 2670 2227 345 350 355 1705 370 CADIO. CARL. lyre CE que dit le ruisseau. Avec Laura.. CERCLE hippique de Me/,ieres-en- Brenne. Avec Isidore CesARiNE Dietrich. Paris. 1872. in-12 CHARMETTES, Les. Avec Laura CHATEAU des dfeertes, Le. Paris. 1866. in-12 Contenant aussi: Les Mlssissipiens. COMPAGNON du tour de France, Le. Paris. 1861. 2 t. in-12 57: COMTESSE de Rudolstadt, La. Paris. 1867. 2 t. en 1. in-12 57: CONFESSION d une jeune fille, La. Paris. 1865. 2 t. in-12 57; CONSTANCE Verrier. Paris. 1869. in-12 57; CONSUELO. Paris. 1869. 3 t. in-12. 57: DAMES vertes, Les. Paris. 1870. in-12 57; DANIEI.LA, La. Paris. 1869. 2 t. in-12 57; DERNIER amour, Le. Paris. 1867. in-12 57; DERNIIJRE Aldini, La. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: Nontenant aussi : Myrza. Les visions de la nuit. George de Guerin DIABLE au champs, Lo. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: 375 545 380 385 390 395 400-1 410 690 575 545 415 575 420 425-6 435 440-1 450 455-7 465 470-1 485 480 490 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. DUDEVANT. 11 DUMAS. Dudevant, (suite.) DIEU inconnu, Le. Avec Les sept cordes de la lyro 57: ELi.Eetlui. Paris. 1869. in-12... 57: FAMILLE do Germandre, La. Paris. 1862. in-12 57: FAUVKTTE du doeteur, La. Avec L Usco(|iie 57: FILLE d Albano, La. Avec Lcs sept cordes de la lyre 57: FILLEULK, La. "Paris. 1869. in-12. 57: FLAVIK. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: Contetianl auAgi : Les Maioliques Florentines. FRANCOIS le Champi. Paris. I860. in-12 57: GABRIEL. Avec Jean Zyska 57: GEORUK de Guerin. Avec La derniere Aldini 57: HIVKR u Majorque, Un. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: Gmtcnnnt nussi: Spiridion. HOM.ME do neige, L . Paris. 18G7. 3 t. in-12 57: HOKACK. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: INDIANA. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: ISIDORA. Paris. 1865. in-12 57: Contenant atimi : Aldo le rimeur. Los meres de famiHe. Le cercle hippique de Mozit-res-en- Brenne. JACQUES. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: JEAN de la Roche. Paris. 1805. in-12 57: JEAN ZYSKA. Puris. 1867. in-12. 57: Oontcnant aussi: (jabriel. JEANNE. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: LAURA: Voyage dans le cristal. Paris. 1865. in-12 57: Contenant aussi : Les charmettes. Lettre d un voyageur. Ce que dit le ruisseau. LAVINIA. Avec Lucrotzia Floriani... 57; Le memo. Danx Nouvelles 57: LC-I.IA. Paris. 1865. 2 t. in-12... 57: LEONE Looni. Avec Toverino 57: LKTTRE d un voyageur. Avec Laura. 57: LKTTKES a Marcie. Avec Les sept cordes de la lyro 57: LUCKKZIA Floriani. Paris. 1869. in-12 57; Contenant ausgi : Lavinia. MADEMOISELLE la Quintinio. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: MADEMOISELLE Merqucm. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: MAIOLIQUES Florentines, Les. Avec Flavio 57: MAITRES Mosaistes, Les. Paris. 1864. in-12 57; MAITRKS sonneurs, Les. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: MAUIRBTOUT. Paris. 1870. in-12. 57: MARK au diable, La. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: MARQUIS do Villemer, Lo. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: MARQUISE, La. Dan* Nouvelles 57: Le memo. A ver Simon 57: MATTOA. Dans Nouvellos 57: Lo memo. Avec Promenades autour d un village 57: MAUI-RAT. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: Moi. CHOIR. Dans Nouvelles 57: M ; KES de families, Lcs. Avec Isidora. 57: 690 495 500 710 690 505 510 515 560 480 520 525-7 535 540 545 555 560 570 575 590 655 580-1 705 575 690 590 600 595 510 605 610 615 620 625 655 695 655 685 63U 655 545 Dudevant, (suite.) METELLA. Dam Nouvelles 57: MEUNIER d Angibault, Le. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: MONSIEUR Kousset. Avec Simon 57: MONSIEUR Sylvestre. Paris. 1866. in-12 . 57: MoNT-REveciiK. Paris. 1864. in-12 57: MouNY-RoiiiN. Avec Simon 57: MYR/A. Avec La derniere Aldine... 57: NARCISSE. Paris. 1866. in-12. Suivi de Pauline 57: NOUVELLES. Paris. 1861. in-12. 57: Contenant : La marquise. Lavinia. Pauline. Mat- tea. Metella.Melchior. ORCO, L . Avec Le pechc de M. Antoine 57: PAULINE. Avec Narcisse 57: Le meme. Danx Nouvelles 57: PC-cue do Monsieur Antoine, Lc. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: Contenant fin -^i ; Pauline. L orco. PETITE Fadette, La. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: PICCININO, Le. Paris. 1869. 2 t. in-12 57: PIKRRE qui roule. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: PROMENADES autour d un village. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: Contena nt au&ai : Mntt^a. Socri -taire intirno, Le. La val- lee noire. SAUVAOES de Paris, Les. Avec Simon. 57: SECRI-TAIRE intime, Le. Avec Prome nades, &c 57: SEPT cordos de la Ivro. Paris. 1869. in-12 ." 57: Contenant auwi : Letters :\ Marcie. Carl. Lo Dieu incon- MU. La fille d Albano. SIMON. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: Contenant au.fsi : La marquise. Monsieur Rousset. Mou- ny-Rohin. Les Salivates do Paris. SriRiDiON. Avec Un hiver i\ Ma- jorque 57: TAMARIS. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: TEVERINO. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: Oontcnant aussi : Leone Leoni. USCOQUE, L . Paris. 1869. in-12. 57: Contenant auasi : La fauvette du dootour. Surla dernii -re |iiiblioation de M. F. Lamonnais. (Juel- ques reflections Hilr Jean-Jaccjuos Kous- seau. VALENTINE. Paris. 1869. in-12. VALLCE noire, La. Avec Promenades, &c VALVCDRE. Paris. 1863. in-12... VILLE noire, La. Paris. 1862. in-12. Duel sans temoins, Un. P. LACROIX. ( Bibliophile Jacob.. ) Duellistes, Lcs. J. (G.) JANIN. Dana Contcs fantostiques Dugrail I&gt;K LAVILLKTTK, Charles Her- nard (dit Charles de Bernard.) (nf en 1805, mort en 1850.) AILES d Icare, Les. Bruxelles. 1839. in-16 1?EAC-P(!RE, Un. Uruxellos. 1844. 3t. en 2. in-16 Dumas, Alexandra Y9$^Cr (nt en- 1803, mort en 187ft) AfTe. Paris. 1854. in-12 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 655 635 695 640 645 695 480 650 655 660 650 655 660 665 670-1 681) 685 6!)5 685 690 695 520 7(10 705 710 715 685 720 725 3026 1845 74 75-0 750 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. DUMAS. 12 1)UMAS. Dumas, (suite.) AMAUKY. Paris. 1871. in-12 AME a naitre, Unc. Avec Gabriel Lambert ANOE Pitou. Paris. 1869. 2 t. en 1. in-12. Sine parlie den Memoires d un medecin ASCANIO. Paris. 2 t. en 1. in-12. AVENTURE d nmour, Une. Paris. 1871. in-12 Contentint aussi : Hermine. AVENTURES de John Davys. Paris. 18C1. 2 t. in-12 AVENTURES do Lyderic Comte de Flandre. Avec La Bouillie de la Comtesse Berthe BALKINIERS, Les. Paris. 1861. 2 t. en 1. in-12 Covenant mmi : Voyage aux Terres Antipodiques. BIITARD de Mauleon. Paris. 1871. 3 t. in-12 BLACK. Paris. 1865. in-12 H LANGS et les bleus, Les. Paris. 1870. 3 t. in-12 JiouiLi.iK de la comtesse Berthe, La. Paris. 1867. in-12 Contenftnt aussi : A ventures de Lyderic, Comte de Flandre. BOULE de neige, La. Paris. 1866. in-12 CADET de famille, Un. Paris. 1860. 3 t. in-12 CAPITAINE Pamphile, Le. Paris. 1867. in-12 CAPITAINK Paul, Le. Paris. 1869. in-12 CAPITAINE Richard, Le. Paris. 1866. in-12 CATHERINE Blum. Paris. 1867. in-12 CeCH.E. Paris. 1871. in-12 CHARLES le Temeraire. Paris. 1871. 2 t. in-12 CHASSEUR de Sauvagine, Le. Paris. 1861. in-12 CHATEAU d Eppstein, Lc. Paris. 1860. 2 t. en 1. in-12 CHEVALIER d Harmental, Le. Paris. 1867. 2 t. in-12 CHEVALIER de la Maison- Rouge, Le. Paris. 1869. 2 t. en 1. in-12. ( Voy. plus loin les series.) COLLIER de la reine, Le. Paris. 1870. 3 t. in-12. 2me partie des Me- moires d un medecin COLOMBE, La. Paris. 1871. in-12. 57: 755 57: 1075 57: 760 57: 765 57: 770 57: 775-6 57: 820 57: 785 57: 790-2 57: 800 57: 805-7 57: 820 57: 815 57: 835-7 57: 845 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 850 860 870 57: 875-6 57: 885 57: 890 57: 895-6 905 Contc/iant fimsi: Maitre Adam le Calabrias. Paris. Paris. COMPAONONS de Jehu, Les. 1868. 3 t. in-12 COMTE de Monte-Christo. 1871. 6 t. en 3. in-12 COMTESSE de Charny, La. Paris. 6 t. en 3. in-12. 4me piirtie den Memoires d un medecin COMTESSE de Salisbury, La. Paris. 1861. in-12 CONFESSIONS de la marquise, Les. Paris. 1869. in-12. Suite et fin des Memoires d uno aveugle CONSCIENCE 1 Innocent. Paris. 1861. 2 t. in-12 COUP de feu, Un. Avec Jane 57: 910-12 57: 920 57: 925-7 57: 935-7 57: 945-7 57: 955 57: 900 57: 905-6 57: H55 Dumas, (suite.) DAME de Monsoreau, La. Paris. 1868. 3 t. in-12. Voy. Les Quarante-cinq 57: 975-7 DAME de Volupte, La: memoires de Mademoiselle de Luynes. Paris. 1865. 2 t. in-12 57: 985-6 Voy. plus loin: Deux reines, Les. DKUX Diane, Les. Paris. 1867. 3 t. in-12 57; 995-7 DEUX reines, Les. Paris. 1870. 2 t. en 1. in-12. Suite et fin des Me moires de Mile, de Luynes 57: 1005 DIEU dispose. Paris. 1866. 2 t. in-12. Suite de.- Trou de 1 enfer.. 57:1010-11 DON Bernardo de Zuniga. Avec Jane. 57: 1155 DKAME de quatre-vingt-trei/.e. Paris. 1866. 3 t. in-12 57: 1020-2 DRAM Kg de la mer, Les. Paris. 1864. in-12 57: 1030 DKAMKS galants, Les: la marquise d Escoman. Paris. 1867. 2 t. in-12. 57: 1035-6 EOOISTE, L . Avec Histoire d un casse-noisette 57: 1110 FAISEUR de cercueils, Le. Avec Jane. 57: 1155 FEMME an collier de velours, La. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: 1045 FERNANDE. Paris. 1869. in-12... 57: 1050 FILLS du recent,. Une. Paris. 1869. in-12 . 57: 1055 FII.S du forcat, Les: M. Coumbes. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: 1060 Fous du docteur Miraglia, Les. Avec Jacques Ortis 57: 1150 FRORKS Corses, Les. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: 1065 GAHRIKL Lambert. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 1075 Contenant aussi : La poche aux filets Invraisemblance. Une nine :\ naitre. GARIHALDIENS, Les; revolution de Sidle et de Naples. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 1070 GEORGES. Paris. 1809. in-12 57: 1080 GIL-BLAS en Californie, Un. Paris. 1861. in-12 57: 1440 GUERRE des femmes, La. Paris. 1868. 2 t. in-12 57: 1085-6 HERMINIE. Avec Une aventure d amour 57: 770 HISTOIRE d un casso-noisette. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 1110 Contfnnnt aUKsi : LVgoiste. Nicolas le philosophe. HISTOIRE de mes betes. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 1105 HOROSCOPE, L . Paris. 1860. in-12. 57: 1115 ILE de feu, L . 2 t. en 1. in-12 57: 1120 INQBNUE. Paris. 1860. 2 t. in-12. 57: 1125-6 INVRAISEMBLANCE. Avec Gabriel Lambert 57: 1075 ISABEL de Bavicre. Paris. 1862. in-12 57: H35 Contenant aussi : Praxede. Pierre-le-cruel. JACQUES Ortis. Paris. 1867. in-12. 57: 1150 Oonttnont aitKxi : Le.s t ous du docteur Miraglifi. JANE. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: 1155 Contenant aussi : Un coup de feu. Le faiseur de cercueils. Don Bernardo do Zuniga. JKHANNE la Pucelle. Paris. 18GG. in-12 57: 1160 Contenant aussi Praxrde. Pierre-Ie-cruel. PROSE FICTION; FRENCH. Dl MAS. 13 ,LE. Dumas, (suHe.)~ JOSEPH IJalsamo. Vay. Memoires d un mcdeoin. LOUVKS de Machecoul, Les. Paris. 1870. 3 t. in-12 MADAME do Chamblay. Paris. 1800. 2 t. en 1. in-12 MADAME du Dctf und. Voy. Me- moires d une avcugle. MAISON de glace, La. Paris. 1807. 2 t. in-12 M/UTRK Adam le Calabrais. Avec La colombe MAITRK d armes, Le. Paris. I860. in-12 , MAKIAOES du Pere Olifus, Les. Paris. 1809. in-12 MARQUISE d Escoman, La. Voy. Les Prames galants. MBMOIRES de Mademoiselle de Luynes: La Dnme de volupte. Paris. 1805. 2 t. in-12. Suite: Les deux reines MeMoiRES d un medecin: Joseph Balsamo. Paris. 1807. 5 t. en 3. in-12. ( Voyez plus loin les series). MeMOiREs d une aveugle: Madame du Dettnnd. Paris. 1807. in-12. MKNEUR de loups, Le. Paris. 1808. in-12 MILLE et un fantomes, Les. Paris. 1809. in-12 MOHICANS de Paris, Les. Paris. 1871. 4 t. en 2. in-12 Suite: Salvator. M. COUMHES. Voy. Les fils du format. MURAT. Avec Pauline NICOLAS le philosophe. Avec Histoirc d un casse-noisette OLYMPE de Cleves. Paris. 1800. 3 t. in-12 PAGE du due de Savoie, Le. Paris. 1806. 2 t. en 1. in-12 PARISIENS et Provinciaux. Paris. 1868. 2 t. en 1. in-12 PASCAL Bruno. Avec Pauline PASTEUR d Ashbourn. Paris. 1860. 2 t. in-12 PAULINE. Paris. 1807. in-12 Contennnt aussi : Mil rut. I BScal-Bruno. PAYS inconnu, Un. Paris. 1865. in-12 PeciiE aux filets, La. Avec Gabriel Lambert PeRK Gigogne, Le: contes pour les enfants. Paris. 1800. 2 1. in-12. PeRE la Pvuine, Le. Paris. 1864. in-12 PIERRE-LK-CRUEL. Avec Isabel do Baviere Le meme. Avec Jebanne la Pu- celle PRAXI-DK. Avec Isabel de Baviere... Le meme. Avec Jehanne la Pu- celle PRINCESKE de Monaco, La; vie et aventures. Paris. 1865. 2 t. en 1. in-12 PRINOESKK Flora, La. Paris. 1871. in-12 QUARANTE-CINQ, Lc. Paris. 1869. 3 t. in-12. Complement dc la Keine M argot et de la Dame de Mon- soreau 57: 1105-7 57: 1175 57: 1180-1 57: . 20 57: 1190 57: ii jr&gt; 57: 985-6 57:1210-12 57: 1205 57: 1220 57: 1225 57: 1230-1 57: 1285 57: 1110 57: 1255-7 57: 1265 57: 1270 57: 1285 57: 1275-6 57: 1285 57: 12110 57: 1075 57: 1295-6 57: 1305 57: 1135 57: lion 57: 1135 57: 1100 57: 1310 57: 1315 57: 1320-2 Dumas, (suite.) KKINE Margot, La. Paris. 1868. 2 t. en 1. in-12. Voy. Les Qua- ranto-cinq 57: 1335 ROUTE de Varennes, La. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: 1340 SALTEADOR, Le. Paris. 1868. in-12. 57: 1345 SALVATOR. Paris. 1868. 5 t. en 3. in-12. Suite et fin den Mohicans de Paris 57: 1350-2 SAN-FKLICE, La. Paris. 1864. 9 t. in-12 57: 1300-8 SOUVENIRS d Antony. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 1375 SOUVENIRS d une favorite . Paris. 1865. 4 t. in-12 57:1380-3 STUARTS, Les. Paris. 1863. in-12. 57: 1390 SULTANETTA. Paris. 1864. in-12. 57: 1395 SYLVANDIRE. Paris. 1871. in-12. 57: 1400 TERREUK prussienne, La. Paris. 1868. 2 t. en 1. in-12.. 57: 1405 TESTAMENT de M. Chauvclin. Paris. 1861. in-12 57: 1410 TROIS mousquetaires, Les. Paris. 1808. 2 t. in-12. ( Voyez plus loin les series) 57: 1420-1 TROU de 1 enfer, Le. Paris. 1868. in-12. Suite: Dieu dispose 57: 1430 TUI.IPE noire, La. Paris. 1809. in-12 57: 1435 UNK unit ii Florence sous Alexandra de Medicis. Paris. 1808. in-12. 57: 1250 VICOMTE de Bragelonne, ou dix ans plus tard. Paris. 1872. 6 t. en 3. in-12. Complement des Trois mousquetaires et de Vingt ans apres 57: 1445-7 VIE d artiste, Une. Paris. I860. in-12 57: 1455 VINGT ans aprcs. 1 aris. 1870. 3 t. in-12. Suite des Trois mous quetaires 57: 1400-2 SIEIIIIES. I. 1. M^moirea d un mcdccin : Joseph Balsamo. 2. Le collier de la reine. 3. Ange Pitou. 4. La comtesse de Charny. 5. Le chevalier de Maison-rougc. 1. Les trois Mousquotairee. 2. Vin^t iinw upn s. 3. Le vicointu de Bragelonne. III. 1. La diunc de Monsorcau. 2. La reine Margot. 3. Let* Quaninte-cinq. 1. Les Mohicans de Paris. 2. Sal valor. V. 1. MOmoires d une flvcuyle: Madame du F cffand. 2. Les confessions de la rnariiuist 1 . VI. 1. Le trou de 1 enfer. 2. Dieu dispose. VII. 1. Mf lnoires de mademoiselle dc LuyneH. 2. Lcs deux reines. Eauxd Abano, Lcs. K. SOUVESTRE. Dmix Contes et nouvclles 57: 2040 Echantillon de causcrio franeaise. Ho. de BALZAC. Dana Oeuvres complete*, t. 20 56: 3140 Echelle de femmes, L . E. SOUVES TRE 57: 2075 PltOSK FICTION; FKKM ll. ECOLIER. 14 EXCENTRIQUE. Echelle de soic, L . J. (G.) JANIN. Danx Contes fantastiqucs, &c 57: Ecole des peres, L . J. if. MARMON- TEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 3 57: Ecolier dc Cluny, L . E. K. de BULLY (Kogcr de Beauvoir.) 2 t. en 1 57: Ecran, L . Vicomtexse C. de Courtiras de SAINT-MARS. ( Comtesse Dash.) 57: Egoiste, IV. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: Elixir di&gt; longue vie, L . Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 16. 56: Elle et lui. Mine. A. L. A. D. DUDK- VANT. (George Hand.) 57: Eloge de la raisun. F.-M.-A. de. VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57: Embuscade, IV. Ho. de BALXAC. Dans Oeuvre-i completes, t. 20 56: Emile. E. de GIRARDI.N* 57: Emmeline. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET. Dans Nouvelles 57: Employes, Lcs. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 11 56: En famille. E. SOUVESTKE 57: En fumant. (J.) A. KARR 57: En quarantaine: scenes et moeurs des greves. E. SOUVESTRE 57: Enfant aux souliers de pain, L . Th. GAUTIER. Dana Romans et conies. 57: Enfant maudit, IV. Ho. de BALXAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 16 56: Entre deux vins. ERCKMANN-CHAT- RIAN. Dann Contes fantastiqucs... 57: Entre nous. G. DROZ 57: Envers de 1 histoire contemporaine, IV. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes,!. 12 56: Episode sous la terreur, Un. Ho. de BALXAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 12 56: Epreuves de Julie, Les. P. DKLTUK. Dans rVmmes sensible* 57: Erckmann, Emilo (ne en 1822) ct CHATRIAN, Alexandre, (ne en 1826.) AMOUKKUX de Catherine, Les. Avec Confidences d un joueur de cluri- nette 57: 1520 BLOCUS, Le: episode do la fin de Fempire. Paris, s. d. in-12 57: 1500 Contenant aussi : Le Capitaine Rochart. CONFIDENCES d un joueur de clari- nette. Paris, s. d. in-12 57: 1520 Contenant aussi: Lft taverne du jambon de Mayence. Les anioureux de Catherine. CONTES des bords clu Rhin. Paris. s. d. in-12 57: 1505 Con enant : Myrtille. Mon illustre ami Selsam. La pi ehe miraculeuse. Le tremor du vieux seigneur. La reine des abeilles. Le talion. Le blanc et le noir. La voleuse d enfants. Le eabaliste Hans Weinl:md. CONTES fantastiques. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 1510 Contenant : L esquisse mysterieuse. Gretchen. Entre deux vms. La lunette de Hans S&lt; hnaps. Crispinils. Le rove de mon cousin Elof. L orcille de la chouetle. Les fiances de Grinderwald. Le eoinhat de coqs. La rnontre du doyen. Les trois anies. Le sacrifice d Abraham. Hans Storkus. L araignee erabe. 1845 2047 64 3015 1110 3136 495 2985 3140 3018 2240 3131 2680 1905 2685 1685 3136 1510 350 3132 Erckmann-Chatrian, (suite.) CONTKS populaires. Paris, s. d. in-12 57: 1515 Omtenant : Le ieve u Aloeus. L oeil invisible. La cotnete. Le boargmestro eti bouteille. Le requiem uu corbean.--Le juif jtolonais. Lea Bohemiens d Aisaee. Messire Tempus. ^Le chant de la tonne. Le eoquillage de 1 oncle Bernard. La tresse noire. HISTOIRE d un consent de 1813. Paris, s. d. in-12. Suite: Waterloo. 57: 1525 HISTOIRE d un homme du peuple. Paris, s. d. in-12 57; 1530 HISTOIRE d un paysan. Paris. 1871. 4 parties, en 4 t. in-12 57: 1535-8 Ire par-tie :-1789-les (Hats generaux. 57:1535 Simepartie: La patrie en danger. 1792. . r &gt;7:15:tfl ^ine partie: L an I. de la rppublique. 179:1. 57:15:17 4me|&gt;artie: Le citoyeu Bonaparte. 17!U a 1815. 67:l"i:i8 HISTOIRE d un sous-maitre. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 1545 Contenant aitssi: Les papiers de Madame Jeannette. Les orateurs de mon village. Le bon vieux temp.s. La sentinelle perdue. ILLUSTRE docteur Matheus, IV. Paris, s. d. in-12 57; 1550 INVASION, L ; ou le fou Yegof. Paris, s. d. in-12 57: 1555 MADAME Thcrese. Paris, s. d. in-12. 57; 1575 MAITRE Daniel Rock. Paris, s. d. in-12 57: 1565 ORATEURS de mon village, Les. Avec Histoire d un sous-inaitre 57: 1545 PAPIERS de Madame Jeannetto, Les. Avec Histoire d un sous-maitre 57: 1545 TAVERNK du Jambon de Mayence, La. Avec Confidences d un joueur de clarinette 57: 1520 WATERLOO. Paris, s. d. in-12. Suite du Conscrit de 1813 57: 1580 Ermance de Beaufremont. Mme. A. GOTTIS. 2 t. en 1 57: 1749 Erreur d un lion pare, L . J. F. MAR- MONTEL. Dan Contes moraux, t. 6. 57: 2050 Esquisse mysterieuse, L . ERCK MANN-CHATRIAN. Dans Contes fantastiqucs 57: 1510 Etang de Precigny, L . E.-B. BEK- TIIKT. 2t... . 57: 84-5 Etienne. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Dans Les manages de province 57: 7 Etrennes de mon oncle, Les. A. RICARD 57: 3036 Contenant aussi: Les banquistes. Le pharmacien. Etude de femme. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 2 56: 3122 Etudiants do Paris. A. WATRIPON. 57: 3042 Eugene de Rothelin. Mme. de SOU/A. 2 t. en 1 57: 2855 Eugenie Grandet. Ho. de BALZAC... 57: 51 Le me me. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 5 56: 3125 Exauvillez, Philippe-Irenee Boistel d . (ne tn 1786.) NOUVELLES morales. Paris. 1834. in-12 57: 1585 Contenant : Simon Bhinchet. Sophie Blamont. La providence justifiee. Excentrique, Un. H. MARET. Avec Compagnons de la Marjolaine 57: 2040 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. EXCENTRIQUES. 15 FLAVIE. Excentriques, Los. J. (F. F.) FLEU- RY. (Champjleury.) 57: 190 Contennnt aunsi : Les grands homines du ruisseau. Excommunie, L . H. de SAIXT- Auiiix. 2 t. en 1 57: 2440 Extremes, Les: Lcgende. J.-K. TAKDIKU. (J. T. de Saint- Germain.) 57: 2460 Contenant avs*i : Lettres i\ la dame de coeur snr I expositioii univcrselle. F. Facino Cane. Ho. do BALZAC. Dana Oeuvrcs completes, t. 9 56: 3129 Facteur do Canton, Le. E. Sou- VESTRE. Dans Pendant la moisson. 57: 2750 Faiseur de cercueils, Le. A. (IX) 1H MAS. Avec June 57: 1155 Famille Alain, La. (J.) A. KAKK.... 57: 1910 Famille de Germandre, La. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUUEVAXT. (George Sand.) 57: 500 Fantasies du deriseur sense 1 . Ch. (E.) NOIHEK. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2270 Faulse eourtizane, La. Ho. de BAL ZAC. /Jaws Oeuvres completes, t. 19. 56: 3139 Fausse maitresse, La. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 2. 56: 312J Fauvette du docteur, La. .1/me. A. L. A. D. Di-DEVANT. (George Sand.) Avec L Uscoquo 57: 710 Fee amoureuse, La. E. ZOLA. Data Contes a Ninon 57: 2990 Fee aux miottes, La. Ch. (E.) NODIKR. Danx Comes fanta-tiques 57: 2200 Fee Grignotte, La. ,1fmt. E. de GIRARUIN. Dans Contes d une vieille fille, &c 57: 1715 Femme abandonnee, La. Ho. do BALZAC. Dans Oouvres complete-, t. 3 56: 3120 Le memo 57: 52 Femme au collier do velours, La. A. (D.) I)I:MAK 57: 1045 Femme comme il y en a pcu, La. .). F. MARMOXTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 4 57: 2048 Femme do trente ans, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 3 56: 3123 Le memo 57: 52 Femme immortelle, La. P.-A. de Ponson du TERRAIL. 2t 57: 2370-1 Femme malhoureuse, Une. P. LA- CROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.) 57: 3027 Femmes poi tiques, Les. E. SOUVES- TRE. Dam Histoires d autrefois. ... 57: 2700 Femmes proscrites, Los. A. KRC-MY. 2 t 57: 1G55-G Femmes sensibles, Les. P. DELTUF. 57: 337 Contenant : Les riens qui aont tout. Lef rpreuves de Julie. Prise u mot. Dominion. J&gt;eux lettres confidentielles. Sensations d un infidcle. Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe (n( en 1561, moit en 1715.) AVENTURES de T(!]emaque. Paris. 1854. in-12 57; 1000 Le memo. Suivies des Aventures d Aristonoiis. Paris. 1870. in-12 57; 1601 Fenelon, (suite.) Le meme. New York. 1854. 2 t. in-16 57; 1002-3 Le meme. Paris. 1853. in-8 57: 1004 Fere, Octave. AIIHAYE de Saint Andr^, L . Paris. 1853. in-4 57; 3016 Conlr.nant aiissi : La closerie &lt;le;* rosiers. Ferme de 1 oscraie, La. E. B. HKR- THET. 2 t. en 1 57; 80 Fernand. (L. S.) J. SANUEAU 57: 2545 Contrnant aiutsi : Vaillance. Richard. Fernando. A. (I).) DUMAS 57; 10.10 Feu Bressicr. (.1.) A. KAKK 57: 1915 Feuille de coudrier et la fontaine do Medicis, La : Ltfgende. J. It. TARDIEU. (J. T.de Saint-Germain.) 57: 24G5 Feuillet, Oetavo. (ne en 1812.) BKLI.AII. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: 1625 HISTOIRK de Sibylle. Paris. 1870. in-12 ". 57; 1630 MONSIEUR de Camors. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 1635 PKTITE comtesse, La. Paris. 1871. in-12 57; 1640 C tntcnant au&lt;si : Ijf pare. Onosta. ROM AN d un jeune hommepnuvre, Le. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: 1645 Feval, Paul-Henri-Corentin. (ni en 1817.) UAXO.UIER de cire. Le. Paris. 1852. in-4 57: :(017 Contenant aitssi : Le lion i or. Les jumeaux de foix. BKI.LES-DE-XLTT, Les; ou, les anges de la famille. Bruxelles. 1850. 7 t. en 2. in-18 57: 1650-1 Fiamma. E. SOUVESTRE. Danx His toires d autrefois 57: 2700 Fiances de Grinderwald, Les. ERCK- MAXX-ClIATKIAN, Da/lt CoiltOS fantastiquos 57; 1510 Filandiere, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56: 3140 Fille d Albano, La. Mme. A. L. A. D. UUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Avec Les sept cordes de la lyre 57: 690 Fille d Eve, Une. Ho. de BALZAC. Dam Oeuvres completes, t. 2 56: 3122 Fille du clmnoine, La. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Dans Les manages de province 57: 7 Fille du regent, Une. A. (D.) DU MAS 57: 1055 Filleule, La. .I/me. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George fia/id.) 57: 505 Fillole des Allcmngnes, La. E. Sou- VESTRE. Dans Seine* et recits des Alpes 57: 2800 Fils le I usurier, L&lt;-. E. B. BKKTHET. Avec La convulsioimaire 57: 81 Le memo. Avec Croix de I affut 57: 3011 Fils du forcat, Los: M. Coumbes. A. (D.) DUMAS _ 57: 1000 File du Titien. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSKT. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2240 Fin d automne, La. J. (G.) JAXIN. Dans Contes fantastiques 57: 1845 Flavie. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUI&gt;E- VANT. (deorge Sand.) 57: 510 Contentint aunsi : Les Muioliqiies florentines. PKOSE FICTION: FRENCH. FLEURY. Fleury, Jules-Francois-Felix. (dit Champfteury.) (nf en 1821.) AMOUREUX cle Sainte-Perine, Les. Paris. 1862. in-12 Con f enant aussi : Histoire de Kichard Loyaute. AVENTURES de mademoiselle Marietta. Paris. 1863. in-12.... BOURGEOIS de Molinehart, Les. Paris. 1856. in-12 CHANSON du beurre dans la marmite, La. Avcc L usurier Blaizot CHAUDRONNIKR, Le. Aver, L usurier Blaizot CHIEN-CAILLOU. Paris. 1860. in-12. Contenant aussi : (jrandeur et decadence d une serinette, Confessions de Sylvias. Van Schaendel. M. Prudhomme au salon. Simple his- loire d un rentier et d un lampiste. Fuenzt^s. Les noirau. COCIION, Le. Arec L usurier Blaizot... CONFESSIONS de Sylvius. ^h-tt-Chien- " Caillou DEMOISELLES Tourangeau, Les. Paris. 1864. in-12 Contenant aitasi : La princesse au rire de monette. DEUX cabarets d Auteuil, Les. Arec L usurier Blaizot BxcKNTRiquKS, Les. Paris, s. d. in-12 Cuntenfrnf auxsi: Les grands hommes du ruisseau. FuENZes. Arec Cbien-Cuillou GRANDEUR et decadence d une seri nette. Arec Chien-Caillou GRANDS homines du ruisseau, Les. Arec Les exeentriques HISTOIRE de Richard Loyaute. Arec Les amoureux de Sainte-Perine.... HIVER, L . Arec L usurier Blaizot... iNTeRlEUR. Arec L usurier Blaizot.. LCGKNDE de Saint Crepin, La. Arec L usurier Blaizot MASCARADE de la vie parisienne, La. Paris. 1861. in-12 MONSIEUR de Boisdhyver. Paris. 1864. in-12 NOIRAU, Les. Arec Chien-Caillou... PRKMIKKS beaux jours, Les. Paris. 1858. in-12 PRINOESSE au rirc de mouctte, La. Arec. Les demoiselles Tourangeau.. QUATUOR. Arec L usurier Blaizot... Qi iNiji KT. Arec L usurier Blaizot... ReALiSME, Le. Paris. 1857. in-12. SENSATIONS de Josquin, Les. Paris. 185!). in-12 SIMPLE histoire d un rentier et d un lampiste. Arec Chien-Caillou SOUVENIRS des Funambules. Paris. 1859. in-12 SUCCESSION le Carnus, La. Paris. 1854. in-12 Te te de mort, La. Arec L usurier Blaizot UMURIER Blaizot, L . Paris. 1858. in-12 Cuntenfint aussi : La legende de Saint Crepin. Quatuor. L hiver. LPS deux eatarets d Auteuil. Interieiir. La chanson du beiirre dans la marmite. Le cochon. Quinquet. Lo chaudronnier. La tele de rnort. VAN Schaendel. Arec Chien-Caillou. Floride, La. J. MCRY Folle d Orlenns, La. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.) 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 165 170 175 230 230 180 185 230 190 180 180 190 1 65 230 230 230 195 200 180 185 230 230 210 215 180 220 230 230 180 3034 3028 16 GAUTIER. Fortunio. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Nouvelles 57: 1675 Fous du docteur Miraglia, Les. A. (I).) DUMAS. Avec Jacques Ortis... 57: 1150 Foyer breton, Le: Contes et recits populaires. E. SOUVEKTRE 57: 2U90 Frais do la guerre, Les. A.-B. de CALONNE. (A. de Bernard) 57; 70 Franc Breton, Le. J. F. MARMONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 5 57: 2049 Franciscus Columna. Ch. (E.) NODIKR. Dana Nouvelles 57: 2270 Franc-Magonnerie des femmes, La. Ch. MONSELET. 4 t. en 2 57; 2225-6 Francois le champi. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: 515 Frederic et Bernerette. (L. Ch.) A. de M.USSKT. Dana Nouvelles 57: 2240 Fremy, Arnould. (nf en 1809.) FEMMES proscrites, Les. Bruxelles. 1840. 2 t. in-16 57; 1655-6 Josel HiN le bossu. Paris, s. d. in-12 57: 1657 Frere d armes, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dan* Oeuvres completes, t. 1 9 56: 3139 Freres Corses, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS. 57: 1065 Fuenzes. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champ- Jieury.) Avec Chien-Caillou 57: 180 Gr. Gabriel. Mine. A. L. A. D. DUDE VANT. (Ocorgc Sand.) Arec Jean Zyska 57: 5(10 Gabriel Lambert. A. (D.) DUMAS... 57: 1075 C ontenftnt aussi : La pcV.he aux filets. Invraisemblance. Une Time a naftre. Gaietesromaines, Les. (J.) A. KARR. 57: 1820 Gambara. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 15 50; 3136 Garibaldiens, Lcs : Revolution do .Sicilo et de Naples. A. (D.) DU MAS 57: 1070 Gaudissart IT. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 11 56: 3131 Gautier, Theophile. (ne en 1811.) ARRIA Marcella. Daiifs Romans et contes 57: 1685 AVATAR. Danx Romans et contes. ... 57: 1685 CHAINE d or, ou Vamant partage. Dans Nouvelles 57: 1675 CHEVALIER double, Le. Dans Romans et contes 57: 1685 CLUB de Hachichins, Le. Danx Romans et contes 57: 1685 ENKANT aux souliers de pain, L . Dans Romans et contes 57: 1685 FORTUNIO. Dans Nouvelles 57: 1675 GROTESQUES, Les. Paris. 1871. in-12. 57; 1665 tlKTTATURA. Dans Romans et contes. 57: 1685 MADEMOISELLE de Maupin. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 1670 MILLE et deuxieme nuit, La. Dans Romans et contes 57: 1685 ,MORTE amoureuse, La. Dans Nou velles 57: 1675 NID de rossignols, Le. Dans Nouvelles 57: 1675 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. CtAl TIER. 17 HCI.ONE. Q-autier, (mite.) NOUVKLLES. Paris. 1871. in-12... 57: Contennnt : Foitunio. La toipon d or. Omphale. Le petit chien de la marquise. Le nid de rossignols. La morte jimoureuse. La ctinfne d or, on I amnnt pHrtnge. Une nuit de Cloopiitre. Le roi Candnule. OMI-IIAI.K. Dans Nouvelles 57: PAVILLOX sur 1 eau, Le. Dam Ko- mans et contes 57: PETIT chien de la marquise, Le. Dans Nouvelles 57: PIED de momie, Le. Dans Romans et contes 57: PIPE d opium, La. Dana Romans et contes 57: KOI Candaule, Le. Dans Nouvellee. 57: ROMAN de la momie, Le. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: ROMANS et contes. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: Contenant : Aymar. Jettatura. Arria Mareella. La mille et deuxiome nuit. Le pavilion wilr 1 enii. L enfimt iiux pouliers de p.iiii. Le chevalier double. Le pied de momie. La pipe d opium. Le club de haehi- ohins. SPIRITE: nouvelle fantastique. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: TOISON d or, La. Dans Nouvelles.... 57; I XE nuit de Clcopatre. Dans Nou- velles 57: 1C75 1675 1685 1675 1685 1685 1675 1680 1G85 1090 1675 1G75 2700 1925 Gay, Delphine. ,( pxeud.) Voy. GIRAKUIN, A/me. K. de. General (iuillaumo, Le. K. Sou- VKSTRE. Da/is Histoires d autre- fois 57: Genevieve. (J.) A. KARR 57: Genie Vnlionune, Le. Ch. (K.) NO- DUCK. Duns Contes fnntastiques... 57: 2260 George de Guerin. Mmr. A. L. A. [). DUDBVANT. (George Sand.) Ai-ec La derniere Aldini 57: 4 ^0 Georges. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: iou Germaine. E. (F. V.) ABOUT 57: 1 Ghika, I rinresse Aurelie. DUCHESSE de Cerni, La. Paris, a. d. in-10 57; 1705 Gil-Bias de Santillane, Histoire de. A. R. LESAOE 57: 2025 Le memo. Dans Oeuvres 56: 3440 Gil-Bias en California, Un. A. (D.) DUMAS 57; 1440 Girardin, Mme. Emile de. (Delphine day.) (tiff en 1804, morte en 1855.) CAXNE de M. de Balzac, La. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: 1710 CONTKS d une vieille fille i ses neveux. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 17l. r &gt; Contmant : Noenii, ou Penfant crt -dule. L ile des murmitonH. Zoe, ou la metamorphose. M. Martin de Montmnrtre. M. de Philo- tnMe. La fee (irignotte. La daiiwe n ent pnc ce fine j aime. Ix! chien volant. Le palaus de la vanit*. CROIX de Berny, La. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 1720 1 1. ne faut pas jouer avec la douleur. Paris. 1871. in-12 57; 1740 LORONON , Le. Paris. 1871. in-12. 57: 1725 H ARODKBITB, ou deux amours. Paris. 1871. in-12 57; 1730 MONSIEUR !&lt; marquis de Pontanges. PurU. IHCt;. in-12 57: 173, r i Girardin, Kmilo de. (ne en 1802.) EMILK. Illustrc par Mettais et Bo- court. Paris. l*. r &gt;l. in-4 57: 3018 Gladiateur, Le. J. MCRY. Avec Amour dans 1 uvenir 57: 2100 Gobseck. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 3 56: 3123 Le me me. Dans Scenes de la vie privcc 57: 52 Gondrecourt, ( Henri-Ange-)Alfred de. (ne en 1816.) CIIKVALIER de Pampelonne, Le. Bruxelles. 1852. 4 t. en 2. in-12. 57: 1745-6 TOUR de Dago, La. Bruxelles. 1852. 4 t. en 2. in-12 57; 1747-8 Gonzales Coques. E. SOUVESTRK. Dnns Contes et nouvelles 57: 2640 Gottis, Ifme. Augustine. EKMANCE de Beaufremont, comtesse de Gatinois. Bruxelles. 1828. 2 t. en 1. in-18 57: 1749 Goutte d eau, La. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2695 Gozlan, Leon, (ne en 1803, mort en 1866.) VAMPIRE du Val-de-grace, Le. Paris. 1861. in-12 57: 1750 Grand oeuvre, Le. V. CHERHUI.IEZ. 57: 285 Grand oeuvre, Le. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.) Arec Les haines amort 57; 3029 Grand Saint-Bernard, Le. R. TOPF- FER. Dans Nouvelles genevoises. 57: 2920 Gra,ndeur et decadence d une scri- nette. J. (F. P.) FI.EURY. (Champ- jieury.) Dans Chien-Caillou 57: 180 Grands honimes du ruisseau, Les. J. ( V. V.) FI.EURY. (Champjleury.) Dans Les exeontriques 57: 190 Grenadiere, La. Ho. de. BALZAC. Dan* Oeuvres completes, t. 3 56: 3123 Le me me. Dans Scenes de la vie privee 57: 52 Gretchen. EROKMANN-CHATRIAN. I&gt;au Contes fantastiques 57: 1510 Grotesques, Les. Th. GAUTIBR 57: 1665 Guerre des femmes, La. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t 57; 1085-6 Guet-Apens, Le. P. LACROIX. ( liibliophile Jacob.) Arec Un valet d autrefois 57: 3032 Guzman d Alfaraohc, Histoire de. A. R. LESAUE. Dans Oeuvres 56: 3440 Haines ii mort, Les. P. LACROIX. (liibliophile Jacob.) 57; 3029 Contenant austti: Les deux meres Les sorts. Le grand oeuvre. Half-cast, Lo: Episode de 1 insurrec- tion indienne. A. BREZENEC. (^4. de Jirfhat.) Dam Histoires d amour 57: 107 Han d Islande. V. (M.) Huao. 2 t. 57: 1765-6 Hans Storkus. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Dans Contes fantastiques 57: 1510 Harnais bleus, Les. J. (G.) JANIN. I)ann C on,tes non cstampilles 57: 1846 Haut-de-chausses, Lo. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiqucs. 57: 1845 Helene Vaillant. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU. Hunt Noiivolles 57: 2585 [2] 1 UOSE FICTION: FRKNCH. HeRITAGE. 18 HOROSCOPE. Heritage, Un. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU. 57: 2550 Heritage, L . E. TOPFFER. Dans Nouvelles genevoises 57: 2920 H6ritier du diable, L . Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19. 56: 3139 Herminie. A. (IX) DUMAS. Arec Uno aventure d amour 57. 770 Hetzel, Pierre-Jules. (P. J. Stahl.) (tie en 1814.) BONN us fortunes parisiennes. Paris. 8. d. 2 t. in-12 57; 1755-6 Contenant: t. 1. Les amours d un pierrot. De Dresde a la Bastei. Histoire d une op- ticienne et d un lieutenant de dragons. Appartement de garron a loner, t. 2. Le reveil sur la Bastei. Max Rigault. Rocit de Maurice. Les amours d un notaire. Idees d un vieux gallon sur 1 amour. Le tour de Nickel. Heureusement. J. F. MARMONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 2 57: 2046 Histoire de Desroehes et de Madame de la Carliere. D. DIDEROT. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 56: 3250 Histoire de famille, Une. J. MeRY... 57: 2135 Contenant aussi : Une chasse an tigre. Paris futur. Suite d une bonne action. Albert de Kerbriant. Histoire de Giberne. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56: 3140 Histoire de Guzman d Alfarache. A. K. LESAGE. Dans Oeuvres 56: 3440 Histoire de Jenni, ou 1 athee et lesage. P. M. A. de Voltaire. Dans Ro mans 57; 2985 Histoire do la grandeur et de la deca dence de Cfear Birotteau. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 8 56: 3128 Histoire de 1 emplatre de Desglands. D. DIDEROT. Dans Oeuvres choi- sies, t. 1 56: 3250 Histoire do Madame de la Pommerayo et du Marquis des Arcis. D. DIDE ROT. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1 ... 56: 3250 Histoire de mes betes. A. (D.) DUMAS. 57; 1105 Histoire de Richard Loyaute. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champfleury.) Arec Les amoureux de Sainte-Perine 57: 1G5 Histoire de Rose et de Jean Duehe- min. (J.) A. KARR. Arec Clotilde. 57: 3020 Histoire de Sibylle. O. PEUILLET.... 57; 1630 Histoire d un bon bramin. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Histoire d un casse-noisette. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: mo Contenant aussi : LY-goiste. rsicolas le philosophe. Histoire d un conscrit de 1813. ERCK- MANN-CHATRIAN. Suite: Waterloo. 57; 1525 Histoire d un homme du peuple. EKCKMANN-CHATRIAN 57: 1530 Histoire d un paysan 1789 les etats generaux. ERCKMANN-UHATRIAN. 57: 1535 Histoire d un paysan : La patrie en danger 1792. ERCKMANN-CHAT- RIAN 57: i53 Histoire d un paysan: L an 1. de la r^publique 1793. EKCKMANN- CHATRIAN 57; 1537 Histoire d un paysan: Le citoyen Bonaparte 1794 i, 1795. ERCK- MANN-CHATRIAN 57; 1538 Histoire d un sous-maitre. ERCK- MANN-ClIATRIAN 57; 1 f&gt;45 Contenant aussi: Les papiers de Madame Jeanette. Les orateurs de mon vllapo. Le bon vieux temps. La sentinelle perdue. Histoire d un voisin. (J.) A. KAKR. Aeec Midi ii quatorze heures 57: 1945 Histoire d une opticienne et d un lieutenant de dragons. P. J. HETZEL. (P.- J, Stahl.) Dans Bonnes fortunes parisiennes 57: 1755 Histoire des treize. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 8 56: 3128 Histoire des voyages de Scarmentado. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Histoire du lieutenant Yergounof. I. S. TouROUeXEFF. Dans Nou- velles Moscovitcs 57: 2930 Histoire du Pere Hudson. D. DIDE ROT. Dans Oeuvres choisies, t. 1... 56: 3250 Histoire d amour. A. BREZENEC. ( A. de Brehat) 57; 107 Contenant : Les passagers de la Santa-Barbara, ou Carmen et Juanito. Le Rancho del GiRante. Le Salteador de San- Francisco. Le eapitaine Fitzmoor, ou une r6volte de cipayes. Le half-cast, episode de 1 insurrection indienne. Histoires d autrefois. E. SOUVESTRE. 57: 2700 Contenant: L inventaire du planteur. Le general Guillaume. : Fiamma. TJn dernier amour. Le brick norwfe gien. L archi- tecte inconnu. Les femrnes po6tiques. L academie des paradoxes. Hiver, L . J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champ- fteury.) Avec L usurier Blaizot 57: 230 Hiver : i Majorque, Un. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: 520 Confenant avssi : Spirldion. Hoffmann et Paganini. J.(G.) JANIN. Daii Contes rantaatiquea 57: 1H45 Homme a 1 oreille cassi-e, L . E. (F. V.) ABOUT 57: 2 Homme au chien muet, L . L. P. VIALON 57: 2955 Homme aux quarante ecus, L . F. M. A. do VOLTAIRE. Datix Ro mans 57: 2985 Homme d affaires, Un. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 11. 56: 3131 Homme de neige, L . Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 3t 57: 525-7 Homme et 1 argent, L . E. SOUVES TRE 57; 2705 Homme et une femme, Un. J. A. KARR. Acee. Midi ; i quatorze beures. 57: 1945 Le nieme. Aeec Clotilde 57; 3020 Homme heurcux, Un: Saint-Pierre de Kome. J. MeRY 57: 2140 Honestus. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques 57: 1845 Honnete liomme, L . S. H. BER- THOUD 57; 95 Honorine. Ho. de BALZAC. Duns Oeuvres completes, t. 3 56: 3123 Horace. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE VANT. (George Sand.) 57: 535 Horace. Dans Les revenants, t. 2, de (L. S.) J. SANDEAU et A. Hous- SAYK 57: 2596 Horoscope, L . A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 1115 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. IIORTENSE. 19 JOSUS-CHRIST. Hortense. (.I.) A. KARR 57: 1935 Cuntennnt flUASi: Sans se voir. Vendredi. Hospice dc Selisberg, L . E. Sou- VESTRK. Dans Scenes et recits des Alpcs 57: 2800 Houssaye, Arsino. Voy. SANDKAU et HOUSSAYE Hugo, romte VicUir(-Maric). (ne en 1802.) BUO-JAROAL. Paris. 1868. in-12. 57: 1760 Cbnfenfiitt aussi : Le dernier jour d un condamne. Claude Gueux. HAN d Islande. Paris. 1808. 2 t. in-12 57: 1765-6 Misi RAHLES, Les. Paris. 1863. lot. 57:1775-84 NOTRK-DAME dc Paris. Paris. 1867. 2 t. in-12 57: 1790-1 Qi ATRKviNOT-TRKiZK. New York. in-8 57: 1795 Hussard, Le. P. MCRIMCE. Dunn Nouvelles 57: 2075 I. Idees dun vieux garcon sur 1 amour. P. J. HKTZEL. (P. J. fitahl.) Dana Boniu-s fortunes parisiennes 57: 1756 H ne fa ut pas jouer avec la douleur. Mme. E. dc GIRARDIN 57: 1740 Ilede Feu. L . A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1. 57: 1120 lie dos marmitons, L . Mme. E. do GIRARIMX. Dans Contes d une vieille fille, &c 57: 1715 Illusions pcrdues. Ho. de BAI.XAC. Dan~i Oeuvres completes, t. 7 56: 3127 Illustre doctcur Mathuus, L . EHCK- MANN-CilATKIAN 57: 1550 Illustre Gaudissart, L . Ho. d(^ BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvrns completes, t. 6. 56: 3120 Inconsequence, Une. Ho.de BAI.- ZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20. 56: 3140 Indiana. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDK- VANT. (George Sand.) 57: 540 Inez de Las Sierras. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dnn Nouvelles 57: 2270 Infante, L . E. R. do BULLY. (Roger de Beauvoir.) 57: 65 Ingenu, L . F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Ingenue. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2t 57:1125-6 Inspection gem-rale, L . E. (F. V.) AUOIT. Avec Le turco 57: 12 Interdiction, L . Ho. do B A 1.7 AC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 4 56: 3124 Interieur. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champ- fleury.) Avec L usurier Blaizot 57: 230 Interne, L . J. (G.) JANIN 57: 1850 Invasion, ou le fou Yegof, L . ERCK- MANN-CHATRIAN 57: 1555 Inventaire du plunti-ur, L . E. Sou- VESTRK. Dans Ilistoires d autre- fois 57: 2700 Invraisemblance. A. (D.) DUMAS. Avec Gabriel Lambert 57: 1075 Iphigenie. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques 57: 1845 Isabel &lt;le Haviere. A. (D.) DUMAS... 57: 1135 Omtfnnnt mtssi : Praju .-de. Pierre-te-crueL Isaure et Montigny. Mme. TKRCY... 57: Isidora. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDK- VANT. (George Sand.) 57: Oontfuanf nst : Alilo le rirneur. Lea meres de famille. Le eei-cle hippiquo do Mczic res-en- Brenne. J. 2895 545 Jacques. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDK- VANT. (George Sand.) Jacques Ortis. A. (D.) DUMAS Contenant aussi: Les fous du docteur Miraglia. Jane. A. (D.) DUMAS Cbnfeiinnt &lt; Un coup de feu. Le faiseur de eercueils. Don Bernardo de Zuniga. Janin, Jules(-Gabriel.) (nf rn 1804.) ANE mort, L . Paris. 1865. in-12. BARNAVE. Paris. 1860. in-12 CHEMIN de traverse, Le. Paris. 1870. in-12 CONFESSION, La. Paris. 1861. in-12. CONTES fantastiques ot contes litte- raires. Paris. 1863. in-12 Contenant : Kreyssler. Honestus. La mort de doyen. Jenny, la houqlleti^re. Mattra et valet, La valle.e de Bievre. Lo haut- de-chnusses. L echelle de sole. Le vovage de la lionne. La fin d automne. Hoffmann et PaKanini. Les duellistes. Vendue en detail. Rosette. Iphi- genie. Straffora sur TAvon. Reverie. La vente ;\ I enoan. -Ramhouillet. La soirCe po^tiqne. La rue defl Tournelles. La vil e de Saint-Ktionne. CONTES non estampilles. Paris, n. d. in-12 f^onffnnnt : Lue nde. Lea harnain bleus. La com- 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 67: NI , L 1 . Paris. 1869. in-12. 57: UN coeur pour deux amours. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: Janseniste ou Moliniste. O. LA- CROIX. Avec Padre Antonio 57: Jasmin de Figline, Le. E. (R. L.) L ABOUT, A YE. Dans Souvenirs d un voyagour 57: Jean do la Roche. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57; Jean Sbogar. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Romans 57: Jean Zyska. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE VANT. (George Sand.) 57: Contenant n.sst: Gabriel. Jeanne. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE VANT. (George Sand.) 57; Jeannot et Colin. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57: Jehanne la pucelle. A. (D.) DUMAS. 57: Contenant aunsi : Praxede. Pierre-le-eruel. Jenny la bouquetiere. J. (G.) JANIN. Dam Contes fantastiques 57: Jerome Paturot iV la recherche de la meillcure des republiques. (M. R.) L. REYBAUD 57: Jerome Paturot i la recherche d uno position sociale. (M. R.) L. REY- HAUI) JesusChrist en Flandre. Ho. de BA l./.Ar. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 15... 57: 550 1150 1155 1820 1825 1830 1840 1845 56: 1846 1850 1835 2010 2005 555 2275 560 570 2985 1160 1845 2400 2405 3135 PRUSK FICTION: FRENCH. JETTATURA. 20 LABOULAYE. Jettatura. Th. GAUTIKR. Dans Romans et contes 57: 1685 Jeune homme pale, Le. E. SOUVES- TRE. Dans Contes et nouvclles 57: 2640 Jeusne de Francoys premier, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Jobisme. (J.) A. KARR. Dans Contes et nouvelles 57: 1890 Jodocus. E. (R. L.) LAHOULAYE. Dans Souvenirs d un voyageur 57: 2005 Joseph Balsamo: Memoire* d un medecin. A. (D.) DUMAS. 5 t. en 3. 57:1210-12 Josephin le bossu. A. FRCMY 57: 1657 Joueur de violon, Le. Dans Les reve- nants, t. 1. de (L. S.) J. SANDEAU et A. HOUSSAYE 57: 2596 Jour sans lendomain, Le. (L. S.) J. SAN DEAU. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2585 Lo meme. Dans Les revenants, t. 1. de (L. S.) J. SANDEAU et A. Hous- SAYE 57: 2596 Journees de Titus, Les. J. MeiiY.... 57: 2145 Joyeulsetez du roi Loys le unziesme, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Joyeulx cure dc Meudon, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dana Oeuvres com pletes, t. 19 56: 3139 Juif, Le. I. S. TOURGU&NEFK. Dans Nouvelles moscovites 57: 2930 Juif errant, Le. M. J. SUE. (dit Eugene.) 18 t. en 6 57: 2881-6 Juif polonais, Le. EROKMAXN- CHATRIAN. Dans Contes popu- laires 57: 1515 Julien. E. SOUVESTRE. Dans Recits et souvenirs. 57: 2770 Julien, ou la fin d un siecle. (L.) F. BUNUENER. 4t 57: 125-8 Jumeaux de foix, Les. P. (H. C.) FeVAL. Avec Banquior de circ 57: 3017 Justiciard &lt;[iii ne so remembroyt les chouses, D ung. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 K. Karl Henry. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU. Dan* Nouvelles 57: 2585 Karr, (Jean-)Alphonse. (ne en 1808.) AGATHE et Cecile. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: 1870 BEKTHF, et Kodolphe. Dans Contes et nouvelles 57: 1890 BOURKT et Gaussin. Dans Contes et nouvelles 57; 1890 CHEMIN le plus court, Le. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 1875 Lo meme. Illustre par (}. Staal. Paris. 1852. in-4 57: 3019 CLOTILDE. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: 1880 Lome me. Paris, s. d. in-4 57: 3020 Coiittmant autsi : Histoire de Rose etde Jean Duchcmin. Un houune et une fomme. CLOVIS Gosselin. Paris. 1868. in- 12 57: 1885 CONTES et nouvelles. Paris, s. d. in-12 57; 1890 Contcnant : Pour no pas etre treize. Romain d Ktretat. Los WiJIis. Un diumant. Berthe et Rodolphe. Bouret etGaussm. Johisme. Karr, (suite.) DE loin et de pres. Paris. 1862. in-12 57: DENTS du dragon, Les. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: DIAMANT, Un. Dans Contes et nou velles 57: EN fumant. Paris. 1865. in-12... 57; FAMII.LE Alain, La. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: FEU Bressier. Paris. 1861. in-12. 57: GAIETCS romaines, Les. Paris. 1870. in-12 57; GENEVICVE. Paris. 1869. in-12... 57: HISTOIRE de Hose et de Jean Duche- min. Aree Clotilde 57: HISTOIRE d un voisin. Arec Midi a quatorze heures 57: HOMME et une femme, Un. Avec Midi a quatorze heures 57: Le meme. Arec Clotilde 57: HORTKNSE. Paris. 1867. in-12.... 57: Oantenant auxsi : Snns se voir. Vendredi. 57: JOHISME. Dans Contes et Nouvelles. MAISON close, La. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: MIDI a quatorze heures. Paris. 1865. in-12 57: Contcnant aussi : Histoire d un voisin. Voynge dans Paris. Une visite i\ I uraenal. Un homme et une femme. PeNeLOVE normande, La. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: PoiGNeE de verites, Une: melanges philosophiques. Paris. 1866. in-12. 57: POUR ne pas e tre treize. Dans Con tes et nouvelles 57: RAOUL. Paris. 1804. in-12 57: ROMAIN d Etretat. Dans Contes et nouvelles 57: SANS se voir. Avec Hortense 57: Simla plage. Paris. 186S. in-12.. 57: UNE heure trop tard. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: VENDREDI. Arec Hortense 57: VeRiTe par seiuaine, Une. Paris. s. d. in-4 57: VISITE a 1 arsenal, Une. Avec Midi a quatorze heures 57: VOYAGK dans Paris. Avec Midi a quatorze heures 57: WILLIS, Les. Dans Contes et nou velles 57: Kreyssler. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiqucs. &c 57: Kriidener, Mme. Juliana de. (nee en 1766, morie en 1824.) VALERIE. Bruxelles. 1837. 2 t. en 1. in-i.6 57: Le meme. Illustre par Staal. Pari.s. 1852. in-4 57: Laboulaye, Iidouard(-Rene Lefeb- vre.) (ne en 1811.) AHDALI.AH, ou le trefle lY quatro feuilles : Conte arabe. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: Aziz et Azizti. 1895 1900 1890 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 3020 1945 1 945 3020 1935 1890 1940 1945 1950 1955 1890 19GO 1 8!K) ]9;tr&gt; 1965 1930 1935 3021 1945 1945 1890 1845 1980 3022 PROSE FICTION: FUENCH. LABOULAYE. 21 LOUVER. Laboulaye, (suite.) CONTKS bleus: Paris. 1869. in-12. 57: ( Nontenant : Yvon ft Finette. La bonne feinme. Poucinet. Oontes boliemes. Les trois citrons. Pif Puf. PRINCE-CANICIIE, Le. Paris. 1871. in-12 ....................................... 57: SOUVENIRS d un voyngeur. Paris. 1869. in-12 .............................. 57: (, ontenant : Marina. Le Jasmin dc Figline. Le chateau de la vie.-Jodocus. Don Ottavio. Lac dc Gcrs, Le. R. TUVKHER. Duns Nouvellos gpnevoises ................... 57: Lacroix, Octave, (ne en 1827.) I ADKK Antonio. Paris, s. d. in-16. 57: Cuntenant ausst: Muthiirinc. L appe] au roi. Un che valier do Malto. Suzanne do Clairvaux. Janseniste ou Molmiste. Visite aux oatacombes de Paris. Lacroix, Paul. (Bibliophile Jacob.) (nf en 1806.) AvKNTUKK.de Bibliophile, Tine. Arec Un valet d nutrcfois .................... 57: AvENTfRE de Kacinc, line. Illustre par G. Dore. Paris. 1853. in-4. 57: liAxijuEKouTiKR, Le. A rec Comte de Chatay ................................. 57: CHAMIIKK du revenant, La. Arec Comte Chatay ............................ 57: CHASSE sous Charles IX, Une. Arec Servants de Rabelais .................. 57: CHEVALIER de Chavillc, Le: histoire du temps de la terreur. Illustre par Charles Mottais. Paris. 1852. in-4 ......................................... 57: COMTK de Chatay, Le: histoire du temps de Louis XV. Illustre par E. Kocourt. Paris. 1852. in-4... 57: 1995 2000 2005 2920 2010 3032 3023 3025 3025 3031 3024 3025 3029 3026 3027 3028 3029 3032 Lachambre du revenant. Le banqueroutier. DKUX meres, Les. Avec Les haines amort ...................................... 57: DUEL sans temoins, Un. Illustre par G. Dore. Paris. 1852. in-4 ...... 57: FKMMK rnalheunujse, Une. Illustre par Hadamard. Paris. 1853. in-4.. 57: POI.I.K d Orleans, La: histoire du temps dc Louis XIV. Illustre par G. Dore. Paris. 1853. in-4. 57: GKAND-OEUVRE, Le. Avec Les haines a mort ............................. 57: GUKT-APKNS, Le. Avec Un valet d autrefois ................................. 57: HAINES i mort, 1772 a, 1781, Les. Illustre par H. Hadamard. Paris. 1853. in-4 ................................ 57: 3029 (Nontenant aitssi : Les deux meres. Les sorts. Le grand- oeuvre. NUIT dans les bois, Une. Illustre par G. Dore. Paris. 1853. in-4. 57: 3*30 PESTE, La. Avec La servante de Kabelais .................................... 57: 3031 SERVANTE de Rabelais, La. Illustre par K. Frero. Paris. 1852. in-12. 57: 3031 Cimtrnnnt aussi : Une chasse sous Charles IX. La posto. SORTS, Les. Arec Les haines a mort. 57: 3029 VAI.KT d autrefois, Un. Illustrt; parSchann. Paris. 1852. in-4... 57: 3032 Contcnant augsi : Une avonture do Hihliophilo. Le Gtlot- Apens. 57: 56: Lady Clare: Legende. .1. (R.) TAR- DIEU. (J. T. de Saint-&lt;lermain.) Arec Mignon 57: Lafosse. Voy. TOUOHARD-LAFOSSE. Lamothe-Langon, Etienne Leon baron de. (ne en n#6,marten 1864.) BONAPARTE et le doge. Bruxelles. 1837. 2 t. en 1. in-16 57: Lataye, Eugene. (mort vers 1862.) Co.vyreTK d une dme, La. Paris. s. d. in-lo 57: Laura ; voyage dans le cristal. Mme. A. L. A. I). DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: Oonferutnt auisi: Les charmettea. Lettro d un voyageur. Ce que dit le ruisseau. Laurette. -I. F. MARMONTEL. Dans Oontos moraux, t. 3 57: Lausus &lt; t Lydie. J. F. MARMONTEL. J)ans Contus moraux, t. 1 57: Lavinia. Mme. A. L. A. D. DI-DE- VANT. (George Sand.) Arec Lu- crezin Floriani 57: Le memo. Danx Nouvelles 57: Legends de Saint Cripin, La. J. ( F. F.) FLEIIKY. (Champfleury.) Arec L usurier Blaizot 57: Lelia. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. ((leorge Sand.) 2t Lendemain, Un. Ho. de BALZAC. l&gt;iins (Jeuvrcs completes, t. 20 Leone Leoni. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Area Teverino 57: Lesage, Alain-Kene. (nf en 16U8, mort en 1747.) BACHELiEKde Salamanque, Lc. Dans Oeuvres 56: DIAHLE boiteux, Le. Dans Oeuvres. 56: HISTOIRE de Gil-Bias de Santillane. Paris. 1855. in-12 57: Le tne me. Dans Oeuvres 56: HISTOIRE de Guzman d Alfarache. Dans Oeuvres 56: Lettre d un voyageur. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUUEVANT. (George Sand.) Arec Laura 57: Lettres a la dame de ooeursur 1 expo- sition universelle. J. (R.) TARIJIEU. (J. T. de Sa{nt- Germain.) Avec Les extremes 57: Lettres ii Marcie. Mme. A. L. A. D. DTDEVANT. ( George Sand. ) Arec Les sept cordes de la lyre 57: Lettres d Amabed. Les. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans Lettres sur la litterature. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET. Dans Contes Leynadier, Camille. (mort en 1862.) DON.ION de Vincennes, Le. IlHutrc par E. Coppin et E. Forest. Paris. 1853. in-4 57: Ligne et la couleur, La. A. B. de CAI.ONNE. (A. de Bernard.) Arec Pauvre Mathieu 57: Lion d or, Le. P. FevAL. Arec Ban- quier de cire 57: Lorgnon, Le. Mme. E. do Girardin... 57: Louis Lambert Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 17 Louise Tardy. L. ULDACII Louves de Machecoul, Les. A. ( D.) DUMAS. 3 t 57: 57: 2470 2020 2022 56: 57: 2047 2045 590 655 230 580-1 3140 705 3440 3440 2025 3440 3440 575 2460 690 2985 2235 3033 71 3017 1725 3137 2941 57: 1165-7 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. LlTCINDE. 22 MARIANNA. Lucinde. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes non estampilles Lucrezia. .Vmf. N. CONSTANT. (Claude Vignon.} Dans Recits de la vie re elle Lucrezia Floriani. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Conttnant ausai : Lavinia. Lune de miel, La. E. SOUVESTRE Lunette do Hans Schnaps, La. ERCK- MANN-CHATHIAN. Dans Oolites fantastiques Lutte, Une. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 Lydie, ou la resurrection. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Nouvelles Lys clans la vallec, Le. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 5. HE. Madame Claude. E. MULLER Madame do Chamblay. A. (I).) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1 Madame de Sommerville. (L. S.) J. SANDBAU Madame du Deffand : memoires d une 57; 1846 57: 2956 57: 590 57: 2710 57: 1510 56: 3140 57: 2270 56: 3125 aveugle. A. (I).) DUMAS. Madame Firmiani. Ho. do BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 2 Madame Thurese. EHCKMANN- CIIATRIAN Madeleine. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU. .. ; . Mademoiselle Antigone Hive). E. SOUVESTRK. Dans Recits et sou venirs Mademoiselle de Kerouare. (L. S.) J. SANDKAU Le meme. Dana Nouvelles Mademoiselle de la Seigliere. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU Mademoiselle de Lavergny. Dans Les revenants, t, 1. de (L. S.) J. SANDEAU et A. HOUSSAYE Mademoiselle de Marsan. Ch. (E.) NODIEH. Avec Souvenirs de jeunessc Mademoiselle de Maupin. Th. GAUTIER Mademoiselle de Senneville. C. de BAZANCOURT Mademoiselle Fruchet. P. DELTUK. Mademoiselle la Quintinie. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Mademoiselle Merquem. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Mademoiselle Minn Pinson. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET. Dans Contes. Mainfroi. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Dans Les mariages de province Maioliques florentines, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Avec Flavie Maison close, La. (J.) A. KARH Maison de glace, La. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t Maison de Paris, Une. E. (B.) BER- TIIKT. 2 t. en 1 57: 57: 57: 57: 56: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 2228 1175 2555 1205 3122 1575 2560 57: 2770 57: 2565 57: 2585 57: 2570 57: 2596 57: 2280 57: 1670 61 338 600 57: 595 57: 2235 57: 7 57: 510 57: 1940 57: 1180-1 57: 87 Maison de Penarvan, La. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU 57: 2575 Maison du chat qui pelote, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres com pletes, t. 1 56: 3121 Maison Nucingen, La. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 8. 56: 3128 Maison rouge, La. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2715 Maistre, Xavier de. PRisONNiERsdu Caucase,Les. Boston. 1869. in-12 57; 20 Maitre Adam le Calabrais. A. (D.) DUMAS. Ai-ec, La Colombo 57: 920 Maitre Cornelius. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 16 56: 3136 Maitre Daniel Hock. ERCKMANN- CHATRIAN 57: 1565 Maitre d armes, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 57: 1190 Maitre et valet. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques, &c 57: 1845 Maitre Pierre. E. (F. V.) ABOUT... 57: 4 Maitres mosaistes, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: 605 Maitres sonneurs, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: 610 Malgretout. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: 615 Malot, Hector-Henri. (ne en 1830.) BEAU-FKCKE, Un. Paris, s. d. in-16. 57: 2035 Malvina. Mme. S. R. COTTIN. 4 t. en 2 57: 320-1 Marana, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 16 56: 3136 Marchandde bustes, Le. Ho.de BAL ZAC. Z&gt;s Oeuvres completes, t. 20. 56: 3140 Mare au diable, La. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDK.VANT. (George Sand.) 57: 620 Marechale de Saint-Andre, La. J. BRISSET. 2 t 57: 110-11 Maret, Henry. (n( m 1838.) COMPAGNONS de la Alarjolaine, Les. Paris, s. d. in-12 57: 2040 Conteiiant aussi: Un excemrique.-Le bandit.-Nous n irons plus au bois. La verite sur !a fin de Sir John Pyke. Lft soreiere de Cheltenham. Margot. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2240 Marguerite, ou deux amours. Mme. E. de GIRARDIN 57: 1730 Mari d Antoinette, Le. L. ULHACH... 57: 2942 Mari de la fermiere, Le. E. SOUVES- THE 57: 2720 Mari de Madame de Solange, Le. E. SOUVESTRE. Dans Contes et nou- velles 57: 2640 Mari imprevu, Le. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. 57: 5 Suite : La vieille roche. Mari Sylphe, Lc. J. F. MARMONTKL. Danx Contes moraux, t. 1 57: 2045 Maria. J. MeRY. Avec Amour dans 1 avenir 57: 2100 Mariages de Paris. Les. E. (F. V.) ABOUT 57: 6 Mariages do province, Les. E. (F. V.) ABOUT 57: 7 Corltenant : Lfl fille du chanoine. Mainfroi. L al- bnm du regiment. Etienne. Mariages du pure Olifus, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 1195 Mariages sarnnites, Les. J. F. MAR- MONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 3. 57: 2047 Marianna. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU 57: 2580 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. MARINA. 23 MoRY. Marina. E. (R. L.) LABOTLAYE. Dans Souvenirs d un voyageur 57: 2005 Marmontel, .lean- Francois, (nc en 1723, mart en 1799.) CONTES moraux. Londres. 1793. 6 t. in-18 57:2045-50 (Nontenant ; t. 1 : Alcibiade. Soliman II. Lo scru- pule, oil 1 amour meeontent de lui- m*me. LPS quatre tlacons, on IPS a ven tures d Alcidonis le Megare. Lauaus et Lvdie. Le man Sylphe. t. 2: Heureusement. Los &lt;1&lt; UX infortu- nps. Tout oil ripn. Le philosophe soi disant. La bergerp dee Alpps. La mauvaise mere. La bonne mere, t. :J : L ecole des peres.-Annetteet Lubin. Lps manages samnites. Laureltp. Le connoisseur. L heureux divorce, t. 4 : Le bon mari. La femme eoinme H y en a, peu. L amitie a 1 upreuve. Le misanthrope corrige. t. 5: La veillee.Le franc Breton. t. 6: Les dejeunes du village. L erreur d un bon pere. Palemon. Les soli taires de Murcie. Marquis de Cremant, Lc. Mme. N. CONSTANT. (Claude yignon.) Avec Viotoire Normand 57: 2957 Marquis de Le toriere, Le. M. J. SUE. (dit Eugene.) 57: 3038 Marquis de Villemer, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDKVANT. ( George Sand.) 57: 625 Marquise, La. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Dant Nouvelles 57: G55 Li&gt; memo. Arec Simon 57: 695 Marquise d Escoman, La. A. (D.) PI-MAS. 2t 57:1035-6 Marquise de Norville, La. E. (B.) BERTHET. 2 t. en 1 57: 88 Martyrs, Les. F. A., vicomie dc CHATEAUBRIAND 57: 250 Lo memo. Danx Oeuvres completes, t. 4 56: 3204 Martyrs ignores, Les. Ho. de BAL ZAC? Dam Oeuvres completes, t. 20. 56: 3140 Mascarade de la vie parUienne, La. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champfleury.) 57: 195 Massimilla Demi. Ho. de BALZAC. I&gt;,INI Oeuvres completes, t 15 56: 3135 Masson, Charles-Franc- Philibert. NorvELLK Astree, La; ou, les aven- tures romantiques du temps passe. Bruxelles. 1827. 2 t. en 1. in- 18 57: 2000 Mat dc cocagno, Le. E. SOUVESTRE. 57: 2723 Mathilde. Dan* Les revonants, t. 1, de (L. S.) J. SANDKAU et A. Hous- SAYE 57: 2596 Mathurine. &lt;). LACROIX. Avec I adre Antonio 57: 2010 Mattea. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Sand.) Dant Nouvelles 57: 655 Le memo. Avec Promenades autour d un village 57: 685 Mauprat. Mine. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Hand.) 57: 630 Mauvaise mere, La. J. F .MARMON- TEI.. Dans Conte.8 moraux, t. 2.... 57: 6204 Max Kigault. P. J. HETZKL. (P. J. Stahl.) Dant Bonnes fortunes parisiennes 57: l". r &gt;6 Medecin d campagne, Lo. Ho. de BALZAC. Data Oeuvres completes, t. 13 56: 3133 Meditations du cloitre. Ch. (E.) NODIKR. Dans Romans Melchior. Mme. A. L. A. D. DCDK- VANT. (George Sand.) Dans Nouvelles Melmoth reconcili^. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oi-uvros completes, t. 15 Memnon, on la ^agesse humaine. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dana Ro mans Memoires de deux jounos marices. Ho. de BALZAC. Dam Oeuvres completes, t. 1 Memoires d un mudecin: Joseph Balsumo. A. (D.) DUMAS. 5 t. en 3 Memoires d un notaire. Comle A. (A. J. M. F.) de PONTMARTIN. 3 t. en 2 Memoires d une aiguille. Mile. A. COURIARP Memoires d une aveugle : Madame du Defl and. A. (U.) DUMAS Memorial de famille, Le. E. Sou- VKSTRE Mendiant de Saint-Roch, Le. E. SOfVESTRE. Meneur do loups, Le. A. (D.) DU MAS Menine. E. DUCOM. Danx Nou- vellosgasconnes Meres dc famille, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Avec Isidora Merim6e, Prosper. (n( en 1803, mart en 1870.) NOUVELLES. Paris. 1866. in-12... Contenant : Carmen. Arsene Guillot. L abbe Au- bam. La dame de pique. Les Bohe- inipns. Le hiissard. Nieobis Gogol. Merle blanc, Le. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET. Dans Contes 57: 2275 57: 655 56: 3135 (ne en 1798, mart en Avec Une Paris. Mery, Joseph. I860.) ALBERT de Kerbriant. histoire de famille AMOUR dans 1 avenir, Un. 18G6. in-12 Contenant au-ilsi : Maria. Le gladiatenr. La punition. AMOURS des bordes du Rhin, Les. Paris. 1864. in-12 ANDKC Chenier. Paris. 1868. in-12. Le me me. Bruxelles. 1850. 2 t. in-16 CHASSE au tigre, Une. Avec Une histoire de famille CHIVTEAU des Trois-Tours, Le. Paris. 1860. in-12 CHIITKAU vert, Le. Paris. 1867. in-12 CONSPIRATION au Louvre, Une. Paris. 1868. in-12 CRIME inconnu, Un. Paris. 18G1. in-12 DAMNCK del Inde, Les. Paris. 1868. in-12 FLORIDE, La. Paris. 1853. in-4... GLADIATEUR. Avec Un Amour duns 1 avenir HISTOIKK de famille, Une. Paris. 1865. in-12 Confenant atuisi: Une chasse an tigre. Paris futur. Suite d une bonce action. Albert de Kerbriant. 57: 2985 56: 3121 57:1210-12 57: 2377-8 57: 325 57: 1205 57: 2725 57: 2730 57: 1220 57: 370 57: 545 57: 2075 57: 2235 57: 2135 57: 2100 57: 2105 57: 2110 57:2111-12 57: 2135 2115 2120 57: 57: 57: 2125 57: 2155 57: 57: 2130 3034 57: 2100 57: 2135 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. MGRY. 24 MORT. Mery, (suite.) HOMMK heureux, Un : Saint-Pierre de Rome. Paris. 1866. in-12 57; 2140 JOURNCES de Titus, Les. Paris. 1866. in-12 57; 2145 MARIA. Avec Un amour dans 1 avenir 57: 2100 MONSIEUR Auguste. Paris. 1867. in-12 57; 2150 MYSTCRES d un chateau, Les. Paris. ^1864. in-12 57; 21GO NUITS anglaises, Les: Contcs noc turnes. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: 2165 Contenanf : Le chateau d Udolphe. Boudlm-Var. Uistoire d une colline. Bonheur d un millionnaire. Les nulls d etfi a Londres. Physionomie de Manchester. Anglais et Chinois. Un acte de desespoir. NUITS d Orient, Les: Oontcs noc turnes. Paris. 1854. in-12 57; 2180 C ontenant : A. M. Georges Bell. Avant 1 histoire. Histoire de ce qui n est pas arrive. La Taniise. Le diamant aux rnille facettes. Autre nuit d urient. NUITS espagnoles, Les. Paris. 1859. in-12 57; 2170 Contenant : Vivre aux gtoiles. La ville Amorosa. La belle ^toile. Le chateau des Trois- Tours. La dame noire. Don Josfi de Kibera. La planete et ses satellites. Lively Kopson. Les etoiles nebuleuses. Un probleme astronomique. Rosaire et reliquaire. Giovanni et Margellina. La bonne etoile. Dona Jacintha. Hianca. Gaston de Vannier. Le baron de Mormis. Maria. La ceinture des graces. Valerie Sedan. Le mfidaillon. NUITS italiennes, Les: Contes noc turnes. Paris. 18C8. in-12 57; 2175 Contenanf : Italie. L atelier de Bartolini. Pise. Florence. Sampietro. Chapitre des al bums. iJe Florence:! Rome. Une visite a la mere de 1 empereur. Les tombeaux des Scipions. Le Vatican. Les Italiens de Rome. AntiquitCs modernes. An tonio Gasperoni. Comme on s instruit en voyageant. La Norma au Carlo- Felice. Souvenirs. L ltalie des Gaules. PARIS futur. Avec Une histoire de famille 57 : 2135 PUNITION, La. Avec Amour dans 1 avenir 57 : 2100 SAiNT-Pierre de Rome. ( Voy. Un homme heureux) 57: 2140 SALONS et souterrains de Paris. Paris. s. d. in-12 57: 2185 SUITK d une bonne action. Avec Une histoire de famille 57; 2135 TRAFALGAR. Paris. 1865. in-12... 57: 2190 TRANSPORT^ Le. Paris, s. d. in-12. 57; 2195 URSULE. Paris. 1864. in-12 57; 2200 VeNus d Arles, La. Paris. 1866. in-12 57; 2205 VIE fantastique, La. Paris. 1864. in-12 57; 2210 Message, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Daim Scenes de la vie privee 57; 52 Le meme. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 3 56; 3123 Messe de 1 athee, La. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dan* Oeuvres completes, t. 4. 56: 3124 Messire Tempus. ERCKMANN-CHAT- RIAN. Danx Contes populaires 57: 1515 Metella. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. ((leorge Hand.) Dans Nouvelles 57; 655 635 Meunier d Angibault, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (treorge Sand.) 57: Micromegas. F. M. A. de VOL TAIRE. Dam Romans 57; 2985 Midi tiquatorzehcures. (.T.) A. KARR. 57: 1945 Oontenant aus*i : Histoire d un voisin. Voyage dans Paris. Une visite a [ arsenal. Un hom me et une fetnme. Mignon: Legende. J. (R.) TARDIEU. (J. T. Saint-Oermain.) 57: 2470 Mille et deuxieme nuit, La. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Romans et oontcs. 57: 1685 Mille et un fan tomes, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS 57; 1225 Mine d or, La. E. (B.) BERTIIET. 2 t. en 1 57; 89 Misanthrope corrige, Le. J. F. MAKMONTEL. Dans Contes mo- raux, t. 4 57; 2048 Miserables, Les. V. (M.) IIuoo. lot. 57:1775-84 Modeste Mignon. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 1 56: 3121 Mohicans de Paris, Les. A. (1).) DUMAS. 4 t. en 2 57; 1230-1 Mon illustre ami Selsam. EHCKMASN- CHATRIAN. Dans Contes des bords du Rhin 57; 1515 Monde comme il va, Le. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dunn Romans 57: 2985 Monde tel qu il sera, Le. E. SOUVES- TRE 57; 2735 Monnier, Henri(-Bonaventure.) (nf en 1799) et BERTIIET, Elie(-Ber- trand.) AMI du chdteau, L . Bruxelles. 1841. in-16 57; 2220 Monselet, Charles, (tie en 1825.) FRANC-MACONN ERIE des femmes, La. Bruxelles. 1856. 4 t. en 2. in-16. 57: 2225-0 Monsieur Auguste. J. MORY 57: 2150 M. Coumbes. A. (D.) DUMAS. Voy. , Les tils du format 57: loiio Monsieur de JJoisdhyver. J. (F. F. ) FLEURY. (Champ fltury.) 57: -00 Monsieur de Camors. (). FEUII.LET. 57: 1635 M. de Philomcle. Mme. E. de GIRAR- DIN. Dunn Contes d une vieille fille, &c 57: 1715 Monsieur et Madame Fernel. L. ULBACH 57: 2!&gt;4. t Monsieur, le marquis de Pontanges. Mme. E. de GIRARDIN 57: 1735 Monsieur, Madame et Bebe. G. DKOZ 57: 355 M. Martin de Montmartre. Mme. E. de GIRARDIN. Dans Contes d une vieille fille, &c 57: 1715 Monsieur Rousset. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUIIEVANT. (George Sand.) Ai-er Simon 57: (95 Monsieur Sylvestre. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: 640 Montre du doyen, La. ERCKMANN- CHATRIAN. Dans Contes f antas- titjues 57; 1510 Mont-Reveche. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. ((ieorye Sand.) 57: 645 Mort de doyen, La. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques. &e 57: 1845 Mort de ma tante, La. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20. 56: 3140 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. MORTE. 25 .NOUVELLES. Morte iimourcusc, La. Tn. GAUTIKK. Dan* Nouvelles .......................... 57: 1075 Mouche, La. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSKT. /&gt;an.s Contes .............................. 57: 2235 Mouny-Robin. . ifmc. A. L. A. ]). Di liKVAXT. (George Sand.) Arec Simon .................. . .................... 57: 695 Muller, Eugene. (nf en 1826.) DRI KTTE, La. Paris, s. d. in-12... 57: 2227 MADAME Claude. Park. 1861. in-1 2. 57: 2228 Murat. A. (1).) DUMAS. Arec Pauline. 57: 1285 Murier blnnc, Le. E. (B.) BKKTHKT. 57: 90 Muse du cUpactement, La. Ho. dr HAL/AC. Dans Oeuvrcs completes, t. G .......................................... 56: 3120 Musset, (Louis-Charles-) Alfred dc. (nf en 181(1, mart en 1857.) CONFKSSION d un enfant du siecle, La. Paris. 187. in-12 ............ 57: 2230 CONTES. Paris. 1867. in-12 ......... 57: 2235 Gtntennnt : La mom-he. Pierre pi Camille.- Made moiselle Mimi Pinaon. Le secret do Javolte. Le merle bbine.- Lettres sur la litterature. NorvKi.i.Ks. Paris. 18G7. in-12... 57: 224(1 Les deux maitresses. Emmeline. Le fils- du Titien. Kr^d^ric et Bernerette. Croisilles. Mrgot. Mye du roy, La. Ho. de BAI.ZAC. Danx Oeiivres completes, t. 19 ........ 56: Myrtille. ERCKMANN-CHATKIA.V. Dan.i : Contes des bords du Rliin ...... 57: Myrza. Mmc. A. L. A. D. DI-DK- v.vvr. (fleori/e Sand.) Arec La drrniere Aldini ............. ............. 57: Mysteres de Bruxelles, Les. K. Sunn de VAKKNXKK. 5 t. en 2 ............. 57: Mysteres d un chateau, Les. J. JleKY. 57: 3139 1505 480 21*50-1 2160 NaifVete. Ho. de BAT.ZAC. Daiix Oeuvres completes, t. 10 56: Narcisse. Mme. A. L. A. 1). DUDK- VANT. (deorge Sand.) 57: f untcitnnt rtUWi : Pauline. Natchez, Los. F. A., ricomte de Cll ATKAVBKIAND 57: L-0 meme. Dutix Oeuvres completes, t. 3 56: Neuvaine de la chandeleur, La. Ch. (E.) NODIKR. Arec Souvenirs de jeunesse 57: Nez d un notaire. K. (F. V.) ABOUT. 57: Contenant awtui : Le cas de M. GuC rin. Nicolas le ]ihilosophe. A. (D.) DUMAS. Arec Histoire d un casse- noiBette 57: Nicolas (iogol. P. MeRiMeE. Dan* Nouvelles 57: Nid de rossignols, Le. Th. GAUTIKR. I&gt;a&gt;in Nouvelles 57: Noblesse oblige. Jiaron C. dc HA7.A.VCOURT 57; Nodier, Cliarlesf-Etnmanuel.) (nf en 1783, mart en 1844.) CONTKN do la veillee. Paris. 18G8. in-12 ... 57: 3139 G50 251 3203 2280 8 1110 2075 1675 02 2265 Contennnt : Jfiin-Kntn&lt;;oifl-|pH-Rafl- 111 ens. Histoire d H6lenu Uillcl. M. Cazotte. Lf gende Nodier, (suite.) de soetir Bt -ntrix. Les aveugles de Cbarnouny. Histoire du ehien de Brisquet. Les quatre talismans. Le pays des reves. La eombe de rhomtne rnort. Paul, ou la ressemhlanee. Livi- dine. Le bibliomane. Poliehinelle. M. de la Metirie. Hupliste MontAuban. La filleule du seigneur. L homme et la font mi. CONTES fantastiques. in-12 .. Paris. 1869. 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 22GC 2280 2280 2270 2275 Contenttnt : Le songe d or. La fee anx rniettes. Tresor des f eves et fleur des pois. Le genie bonnomme. Smarra. MADKMOISEI.I.E de Marsan. Arec Souvenirs de jeunesse NEUVAINE de la chandeleur, La. Arec Souvenirs de jeunesse Noi VELLKs.; xuiviex des Fantaisieedu deriseur sense. Paris. 1871. in-12. Oon entmt : Les proserity. L amouretle grimoire. Trilby, ou le lutin d Argail. l T ne heure, oil ja vision. Inr-7, de L-is Sierras. Lydie, ou la re surreetion. Franeiscus Colurnna. Fantaisies du deriseur sense. KOMAXS. Paris. 1862. in-12 Omtmnnt : Jertn Sho^ar. Le peintre de Saltzbourg. Les meditations du cloifn^ Adr-le. Therrse Allbert. SorvENius do jeunesse. Paris. 18G2. in-12 57: 2280 M (demoiselle de Marsan. La neuvaine de \&gt; ehandeleur. Noemi, ou 1 enfant credule. Mme. E. dc (iiRARl)lx. Dans Contes d une vieille tille, &c 57: 1715 Noirau, Les. J. (F. F.) FI.EURY. (( hampfleury.) Arec Chien-Caillou. 57: 180 Notre I aine de Paris. V. (M.) Huoo. 2 t 57; 1790-1 Nous n irons plus au bois. H. MARKT. Are: Compngnons dc la Marjolaine. 57: 2040 Nouvelle Astree, La. Ch. F. P. MASSO.V. 2 t. en 1 57: 20CO Nouvelles. Mme.. A. L. A. D. DUDKVANT. (George Sand.} 57: &lt;&gt;55 (Jimteiinnl : La marquise. Ijavinia. Pauline. Nouvelles. Th. GAUTIEK 57: lG7. r &gt; Conlfnnnt : Fortuuio. La toison d or. Omphnle. Le jetit ehien de la marquise Le nid de rossignols. La morte amoureuse. La ehafne d or, ou I amant partnu^. [Ine nuit de Ch -opHtre. Le roi Candaule. Nouvelles. I . MCKIML-E 57: 2075 f ontfitan 1 : Carmen. Arsirie Guillot. L abhf- Au- bain. La dame de pique. Les llohe- miens. Le hinsard. Nicolas Gogol. Nouvelles. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET. 57: 2240 Ctmtennnt : Les deux maitresaes. Emmeline -Le fils du Titieu. FrtVlerie, et Bernerette Croisilles. Mnrgot. Nouvelles; suivie* den Fantnisieg du deriseur sense. Ch. (E.) NODIKK. 57: 2270 f ontennnt : I^es proserits. L amour et le grimoire. Trilby, ou le lulin d .\rgail. Unfl heure, ou |a vision. Inex de Laa Sierras. Lydie, ou la resurreetion. Franeiseus Columiia. Fantnisies du ilOriseur sense. Nouvelles. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU 57: 258.1 f ontr.nant : MadetiKMSfllo do K^-rnuare. Karl Henry. Concert pour le pauvres. I^e jour sans londemain. Vin^t-rjiialre heureH u Rome. Lft deruiere ff-e. Hrleiu&gt; Vaillant. PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. 26 PATRIOTISME. Nouvelles gasconnes. E. DUCOM 57: Conteitant : Menine, la vie des Landes dans 1 Ar- magnac noir. La Cicoulane, scenes de la vie des Landes. Les caravanes du chevalier de Mombalere, scenes et sou venirs de 1 Armagnoo. La reine du s:\bbat, scenes de la vie des Landes. Nouvelles genevoises. K. TOPFFKR. 57: Contfnnnt : La bibliothoque de mon oncle. L he&gt;i- toffe. Lecol d Anterne. Le lac de Gers. Laval k e de Trient. La traversee. Le grand Saint-Bernard. La peur. Nouvelles morales. P. I. d ExAU- VIT.LK7. 370 2920 57: 1585 57: 57: 57: Confenant : Simon Blanchet. Sophie Blamont. La providence justified. Nouvelles moscovites. I. S. TOUR- OL CNKFF C ontenant : Le juif. P&lt;Houchkof. Le chien. Appa ritions ; traduction par P. Me rimt e. Annouchka. Le brigadier. Histoire du lieutenant Yergounof ; traduction par 1 auteur. Nuit dans Ics bois, Une. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.} Nuits an^laises, Les: contcs nocturnes. J. MeRY f. (Nontenant : Le chateau d UdoIphe. Boudha-Var. Histoire d une colline. Bonheur d un millionnaire. Les units d iH a Londros. Physionomie de Mancbester. Anglais et Chinois. Un acte de dOsespoir. Nuits d Orient, Les: contes nocturnes. J. MeRY.... Confenant: A. M. Georges Bell. Avant Thistoire. Histoire de ce qui n est pas arriv. La Tamise. Le diamunt aux inille faeettes. Autre nuit d Orienl. Nuits espagnoles, Les: contes noc turnes. J. MCRY C ontenant : Vivie aux (Hoiles. La villa Amorosa. La belle 6toile. Le chfiteau des Trois- Tours. La dame noire. Don Jose" de Rib&lt;* rn. La planete et ses satellites. Lively Kopson. Les 6toiles nObnleuses. Un probleme astronpinique. Rosatre et reliquaire. Giovanni et Margellina. La bonne Ctoile. Dona Jacintha. Biancti. Gaston de Vannier. Lo baron de Mornas. Maria. La ceinture des graces. ValoYio Sedom. Le mC-daillon. Nuits italiennos, Les: contes noc turnes. J. MeRY C ontenant : Italie. I/atelier de Bnrtolini. Pise. Florence, Sfunpietro. Ohapitre des al bums. De Florence ii Rome. Une visite a la m^re de 1 empereur. Les tombeaux des Scipions. Le Vatican. Les Haliens de Rome. Antiquity s modernes. An tonio Gasperoni. Comme on s instruit en voyagcant. La Norma au Carlo- Felice. Souvenirs. L ltalie des Gaules. o. Oeil invisible, L . ERCKMANN-UIIAT- KIAX. Dunn Contcs populairus Olympe du Cloves. A. (D.) DUMAS. 3 t Omphale. Th. GAUTIKR. Dans Nouvelles . 57; Onesta. O. FEUILLBT. Avec La petite comtesse 57: Orateurs do mon village, Les. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Arec His toire d un sous-maitre 57: 2930 3030 21C5 57: 2180 57: 2170 57: 2175 57: 1515 57: 1255-7 1675 1640 1545 Oreo, L . Mine. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Sand.) Avec Le peehe de M. Antoine 57; 660 Oreille di&gt; la chouette, L . ERCKMANN- CHATRIAN. Dans Contes fantas- tiques 57: 1510 Oreilles du comte de Chesterfield, Les. P. M. A. de VOLTAIKE. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Orphelins de Treguerec, Les. A. BKE/KNEC. (A. de Brehat.) Avec Drame a Calcutta 57; 100 Ouverture au chateau, L . E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Avec Le turco 57: 12 Padre Antonio. O. LACROIX 57: 2010 C ontenant aussi: Mathurine. L appel au roi. Un cheva lier de Malte. Suzanne de Clairvanx. JansCniste ou Moliniste. Visite auxcata- cornhes de Paris. Page du due de Savoie, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1 57; Page Fleur-de-Mai, Le. PONSON DU TERKAII 57; Paix du menage, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 2... ; 56: Palais de la vanite, Le. Mme. E. de GIKAKUIX. Duns Contes d une vieille fllle, &c 57: Palemon. J. F. MARMONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 6 57: Papiers de Madame Jeanette, Les. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Avec His toire d un sous-maitre 57: Pare, Le. O. FEUILLET. Avec La petite comtesse 57: Parents eoupables, Les. L. ULBACH. 57: Parents de Bernard, Les. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Avec Trente et quarante.. 57: Paris futur. J. MeRY. Avec Histoire de famille 57: Parisian en mer, Le. M. J. SUE. (dit Eugene.) Avec Paula Monti... 57: Parisiens on province, Les. Ho. de BALZAO. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 6 56: Conteitant : L illustre Gaudissart. La mnse du de parlement Parisiens et Provinciaux. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1 57: Parrain de ccndrillon, Le. L. UL BACH. (Suite: La chauve-souris.) 57: Pascal Bruno. A. (D.) DUMAS. Avec Pauline 57: Passagers de la Santa- Barbara, ou Carmen et -Itianito. A. BREZENEC. (A. de Brehat.) Dans Histoires d amour 57: Passion au college, Une. Ho. de BALZAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 20 Passion dans le desert, Une. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 12 Pasteur d Ashbourn, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t Pasteur d hommes. K. SOUVESTRE... Patriotisme de Clarice, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 ... 1265 2372 3122 1715 2050 1545 1640 2944 11 2135 3039 312G 1270 2945 1285 107 56: 3140 56: 3132 57: 57: 1275-6 2740 56: 3140 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. PAUL. 27 PONTMARTIN. Paul, Adrien. ANOLAIS amoureux, I T n. Paris. 1861. in-12 57: Paul Duvert. K. ( B.) BKKTIIKT 57: Paula Monti, on 1 hdtel Ijiimbcrt. M. J. SUK. (Jit Eugene.) 57: Contentinf aussi : Le I arisien en mer. Paule Mere. V. CIIKRBULIKZ 57: Pauline. Mine. A. L. A. I). DUDK- VANT. ( George Sand.) Arec Nar- cisse 57: Lc meme. Data Nouvolles 57: Le meme. Avec Le peche do M. An- toine 57: Pauline. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: f untenant aussi : Mnrat. Pascal Bruno. Pauline Foucauk. L. ULBACH 57: Pauvre Mathieu. A. B. de CALONNK. (A. de Bernard.) 57: Cohtenant aussi: La ligne et la couleur. Pavilion sur 1 eau, Le. Th. GAUTIKK. Dans Romans et contes 57: Pays inconnu. Un. A. (D.) DUMAS... 57: Paysans, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Duns Oeuvres completes, t. 14 56: Peau de chagrin, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dam Oeuvres completes, t. 15 56: Peche aux filets, La. A. (D.) DU MAS. Aree Gabriel Lambert 57: Peche miraouleuse, La. ERCKMANN- CHATKIAN. Duns Contes des bords du Khin 57: Peche de Monsieur Antoine, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: Cuntcnant autsi: Paulino. L Orco. Peche vcniel, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: Peches do jeunesse, Los. E. Sou- VESTKE 57: Peintre de Saltzbourg, Le. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dana Romans 57: Pendant la moisson. E. SOUVKKTHK.. 57: C ontenant : Les bannia. David le trappeur. Le fac- teur de Canton. La troque. Tollar Penelope normandc, La. (J.) A. KARR 57: Pere Gigogne, Le; contes pour les en- fants. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2t 57: Pere Goriot, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dana Scenes dc la vie parisicnne... 57: Le meme. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 4 56: Pere la Kuine, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS... 57: Ferret, Paul, (nf en 1830.) DAMK Fortune. Paris. 1862. in-16. 57; Perseverance d nmour. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: Peste, La. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.) Arec. Servante de Kabclais. 57: Petit chien de la marquise, Le. Th. GAUTIER. Duns Nouvelles 57: Petite comtesse, La. O. KKUILLET.... 57: Conteiiant twxsi: L&lt;- pare. Onesta. Petite Fadette, La. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDKVANT. (George Sand.).... 57: 2350 91 3039 290 650 655 660 1285 2946 71 1685 1290 3134 3135 1075 1505 660 3139 2745 2275 2750 1950 1295-6 53 3124 1305 2355 3139 3031 1675 1640 665 Petites miseres de la vie conjugale. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 17 56: 3137 Petits bourgeois, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. D,mn Ocuvros completes, t. 1 1 56: 3131 Petouchkof. I. S. TOUROI ^NKKF. Dans Nouvelles moscovites 57: 2930 Peur, La. li. Toi FKER. Dan* Nou velles genevoises 57: 2920 Pharmacien, Le. A. RICARD. Arer Les etrennes de mon oncle 57: 3036 Philosophe soi disant, Le. .1. V. MARMONTEL. Dans Contes mo- raux, t. 2 57: 204C Philosophe sous les toits, Un; jour nal d un homme hcureux. E. Sou- VESTRE 57: 2755 Physiologie du mariage. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 17 56: 3137 Piccinino, Le. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUIIEVANT. (George Sand.) 2 t.. 57: 670-1 Picciola. J. X. BONIFACE. (Mainline). 57: 2500 Pied de momie, Lo. Th. GAUTIKK. Danx Romans et Contes 57: 1685 Pierette. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 5 56: 3125 Pierre et Camille. (L. Ch.) A. de MUSSET. Dans Contes 57: 2235 Pierre et Jean. E. SOUVKSTRK 57: 2760 Pierre Grassou. Ho. de BALZAC. Dun* Oeuvres completes, t. 9 56: 31 29 Pierre le cruel. A. (D. ) DUMAS. Avec Jchanne la Pucelle 57: 1160 Le meme. Arec Isabel de Baviere... 57: 1135 Pierre qui roule. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: 680 Pif Paf. E. (R. L.) LABOULAYK. Dans Contes bleus 57; 1995 Pipe d opium, La. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Romans et contes 57: 1685 Plik et Plok. M. J. SUE. (dit Eugfne.) 57: 3040 Poignee de verites, Une : melanges philosophiques. (J.) A. KARK 57: 1955 Poivre, Le. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Aree Le turco 57: 12 Ponroy, (Pierre -Gabriel-) Arthur. (ne en 1816.) PuesENT de noces. Paris. s. d. in-16 57: 2365 Ponson du Terrail, 1 ierre-Alexis, vicomtede. (ne en 1829.) DAMK au collier rouge, La. Paris. 1868. in-16 57; 2368 DIANE de Lancy. Paris. 1868. in-16 57: 23G9 f ontr.nant aussi : Lt- ;* prf-tendus de la tneuniore. FEMME immortelle, La. Paris. 1869. 2 t. in-16 57:2370-1 PAIIE Fleur-de-Mai, Le. Paris. 1868. in-16 57: 2372 Pont-Jest, ( Leon-) Rene (Delnms) dc. (nf en 1830.) BOLINO le negrier; souvenirs de 1 ocunn indien. Paris. s. d. in-16 57: 2375 Pontmartin, Armandf-Augustin- Joseph-Alarie-Kerrard, ) conite de. (ne en 1811.) MCMOIRES d un notaire. Bruxclles. 1849. 3 t. en 2. in 16 57: 1377-8 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. POUCINET. 28 EEQUIEM. Poucinet. E. (K. L.) LABOULAYK. Dans Contes bleus 57: 1995 Pour ne pas etre trcix.e. ( J.) A. KAKH. Dans Contes et nouvcllcs 57: 1890 Pour parvenir ; Legende. J. (K.) TAK- DIKU. (J. T. de Saint-Germain.) Arec L art d etre malhcureux 57: 2450 Pour une cpingle; Legende. J. (K.) TAKDIKU. (J. T. de Saint-Germain.) 57: 2475 Praxede. A. (D.) DUMAS. Arec. Ji banne la Pucclle 57: 1160 Le memo. Arec Isabel de Baviere... 57: 1135 Premier hareng, Le. E. B. BERTH ET. Arec. Ln colporteur 57: 3010 Premiers beaux jours, Les. J. (F. F.) FLKTRY. (Champjicury) 57: 205 Present do noces. (P. G.) A. PONROT. 57: 2305 Pretendus de la meuniere, Les. P. A. PONSON nu TERRAIL. Avec Diane de Lancy 57: 23GO Priez pour elle. Ch. A. BROT 57: 3012 Confeiianf aitssi : Deux treres. Prima dona, La. Dana Les reve- nants. t. 1, de (L. S.) J. Sandeau et A. Houssnye 57: 2590 Prince d&lt;&gt; la Bohcmc, T n. Ho. de BALZAC. Dam Oeuvres completes, t. 11 56: 3131 Prince vitale, Le. V. CHKRHULIK/.. 57: 295 Prince-Caniche/ Lo. K. (R. L.) LABOULAYK 57: 2000 Princesse au rire de mouettc. .1. (F. F.) FLKURY. (Champjfleury.) Arec Los demoiselles Tourangeau. 57: 185 Princesse de Babylone; La. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dana Romans. 57: 2985 Princesse de Monaco, vie et aven- tures. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1. 57: 1310 Princesse Flora, La. A. (D.) DUMAS. 57: 1315 Prise au mot. P. DELTUF. Dans Femmes sensibles 57: 337 Prisonniers du Caucase, Les. X. de MAISTRE 57: 20 Promenades autour d un village. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Hand.) 57: CR5 Promenades matinales, Les. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2765 Proscrits, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Datix Oeuvres completes, t. 16 56: 3136 Proscrits, Les. Cb. (E.) NODIKR. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2270 Prosper Randoce. V. CHKRBULIEZ.. 57: 300 Providence justi fiee, La. 1 . I. d Ex- AUVII.LKZ. Dan* Nouvelles mo rales 57: 1585 Pucelle de Thilhouze, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dana Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Puerta del sol, La. E. R. de BULLY. (Roger de Beauvoir.) 57: 66 Punition, La. .1. Meuv. Arec Amour duns 1 avcnir 57: 2100 Puritains de Puris, Les. P. BOCAOE. 6 t. en 3 57: 100-2 Q. Quarante-cinq, Los. A. (D.) DU MAS. 3 t. (Compliment de La reine Margot et de La dame de Monsomiu.) 57: 1320-2 Quatre flacons, Les. J. F. MAR- MONTEL. Da. Contes moraux, t. 1. 57: 2045 Quatrevingt-treize. V. (M.) HUGO 57: 1795 Quatuor. .1. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champfleury.) Arec- L usurier Blaixot 57: 230 Quinquet. J. (F. F.) FLKURY. (Champfleury.) Arec L usurier Blaizot. 57: 230 Rabouilleuse, La. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Danx Oeuvres completes, t. C. 56: 3126 Banibouillet. J. (G.) JANIN. Duns Contes fnntastiq\ics, &o 57: 1845 Rancho del Gigante, Lo. A. BREZENEC. (A. de Brehat.) Dans Histoires d amour 57: 107 Raoul. (J.) A. KAKH 57: I960 Realisme, Le. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champfleury. ) 57: 210 Recit de Maurice. P. J. HKTZKL. (] . J. Stahl.) Dans Bonnes for tunes parisiennes 57: 175G Recits de la vie rcllc. Mme. N. CONSTANT. (Claude Vignon.). ....... 57: 2956 Conienant : Adrion Malarot. Anna liontemps. La . surface d un drame. De Paris a Men- necy. Lucrezia. Une revanche au lans quenet. Recits et souvenirs; romans des fa milies. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2770 Conienant : Julien. La collaboralrice. Une rencon tre. Mademoiselle Antigone Hirel. Les tableaux parlants. Tin amateur. Le contro-mattre. Le vieillard aux deux flutes. Refractaire, Le. E. B. BERTHET.... 57: 92 Refus, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56: 3140 Regnard, Jean-Francois. (c e1655, mart en 1709.) VOYAGES. Illustre par Janet-Lange. Paris, s. d. in-4 57: 3035 Reine des abeilles, La. ERC.KMANN- CHATRIAN. Dunn Contes des bords du Rhin 57: 1505 Reine du sabbat, La. E. DUCOM. Danx Nouvelles gasconnes 57: 370 Reine ilargot, La. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t, en 1 57: 1335 Religieuse, La. Abbf DELBON. 2 t. 57: 3000-1 Religieuse, La. D. DIDEROT. Dans Oeuvrea ehoisies, t. 1 56: 3250 Rencontre, Une. E. SOUVESTRE. Dana Kecits et souvenirs 57: 2770 Rene F. A., vicomte de CHATEAU BRIAND 57: 3014 Contenant aitftsi : Le dernier Abencerage. Le meme. Avec Atala 57: 245 Le memo. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 3 56: 3203 Reprouves et les clus, Les. E. SOU VESTRE. 2t 57:2775-6 Requiem du corbeau, Le. ERCKM ANN- CHATRIAN. Danx Contes popu- laires 57: 1515 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. K( QriSITIONNAIHE. 29 BANDEAU. Requisitionnaire, Le. Ho. &lt;le HAL- y.A&lt;\ Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 16 Revanche au lansquenet, Uno. Mme. N. CONSTANT. ( Claude Vigiion.) Danx Kecits de la vie reelle Reve d Alocus, Le. ERCKMANN- CHATRIAN. Dans Contes popu- laires Reve do mon cousin Elof, Le. ERCK- MANN-CHATBIAN. Danx Contes fantastiques Reveil sur la Bastei, Lc. P. J. HKT/.KL. (P. J. Siahl.) Dans Bonnes for tunes parisiennes Revenants, Les. (L. S.) J. SAN- DKAI: et A. HOUSSAYB. 2 t. en 1. Contenant : t. 1: La prinia dona. Mathilde. Le jour sans lendemnin. Cyprien. Mademoi selle de Lavergny.-Le joueurde violon. t. 2: La clef (lu pure. Horace. Vingt- quatre heures a Rome. Les aventures sentimentales d une fleuriste et d un clerc de notaire. Reverie. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiqucs, &c Reybaud, (Marie-Roch-)Louis. (ne en 1779.) JCKOMK Paturot a la recherche dc la meilleure des re publiques. Paris. 1870. in-12 JCROMK Paturot a la recherche d une position sociale. Paris. 1870. in- 12 Blosrd, Auguate. (nf verx 1800.) ETKKNXKS de mon oncle, Les. Puris. s. d. in-4_ Conff.nnnt nitssi : Lcs banqnistea. Le pharmacien. Richard. (L. S.) J. SAXDKAU. Area Furnand Riche ct pauvre. E. SOUVKSTRK Riens 4111 sont tout, Les. P. DKI.- TUF. Dans Femmes sensible* Roi Candaule, Le. Th. GAUTIKU. Dana Nouvelles Roi des montagnes, Le. E. ( F. V.) ABOUT Roi tin monde, Le ; histoire de Varment et de son influence. E. SOUVKSTRK, 2 t Romain d Ktretat. (J.) A. KAKK. Duns Contes et nouvelles Roman do la tnuinio, Le. Th. UAU- TIKK Roman d un jeune homiue pauvre. &lt; ). KKTILLKT Roman d une honneto femine, Lo. V. CHEKBUI.IK?! Romans. Ch. (E.) NODIP:K Contenant : Jean Sfmgar. Le peinlre de Saltzhourg. Les meditations du cloitre. Adele. Thi -rese Aut&gt;ert. Romans. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRK Vontr.nant : ZadiK, on !a destinee. Le monde, cormne il vu. Memnon. Les deux consoles. Ilistoires des voyages de Soarmentiido. Micromi (?as. Il i.xtoire d un bon l&gt;ramin. Candlde. L ingonu. L homine mix qiiarante ecus. La nrincesse de Haliy- lone. Le hlanc et le noir. Jennnot et Colin. Les Icttrcs d Alnalwd. Histoire de .Jenni, ou I lith^-e et le sage. Les oreillesdii eomte de Chesterfield et le ohftpejain Ooudman. Le taureau Wane. Cosi-Sancta. Songe de I laum. B- babeo et les fakirs. Aventure de la me- moire. Les aveittilrs |ii^&lt;-s des couleiirs. Aventure indienqe. Klojjede la rnison. 56: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 3136 2956 1515 1510 1756 2594 57: 1845 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 2400 2405 57: 2985 2545 2785 337 1675 9 2790-1 1 890 1680 1645 305 2275 Romans et contes. Th. GAUTIKR 57: 1685 Conteiinnt : Avatar. Jettaturn. Arria Mareella. La mille et deuxieinc nuit. Le pavilion stir Peau.L enfaDtflux soulicrs de pain. Le chevalier douhle. Le pied de momie. La pipe d opium. Le club de ilachi- chins. Rosa ot Gertrude. K. TOPFFER 57: 2925 Rosette. J. (G.) JANIN. Dan* Con tes fantastiques, &&lt; 57: 1845 Roues sans lesavoir, Les. L. ULHACH. 57: 2947 Route de Varennes, La. A. (D.) DU MAS 57; 1340 Royer, Alphonse. (ne en 1803.) Voy. BUI.I.Y et KOYKR. Rue de Paris et son habitant, Une. Ho. dc KAI//.M:. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56: 3140 Rue (les Tournelles, La. J. (G.) .I.\- NIN. Dans Contes fantastiques, &c. 57: 1845 Sacrifice d Abraham, Le. ERCK- MANN-CHATRIA.V. Dana CollteS fantastiquea Sacs et parchetnins. (L. S. ) J. SAN- DKAU Safla. K. K. dc BUI.I.Y. (Itoyer de Beauvoir.) 2 t. en 1 Saint- Aubin, Horace de. ExcoMMUXie, L ; ronmn posthume. Bruxelli S. 1837. 2 t. in-16 Saint-Felix. I pseud.) Voy. AMO- REl X, Felix d . Saint-Germain, .1. T. de. (pseud.) Voy. TARIJIKC. .1. H. Saintino. (pseutl.) \ oy. BONIFACK, J . A . Saint-Mars, Cistern e do Court! ras, vicomtense de. (Comtexse Daxh.) (nr e en 1805.) DKRXICRE favorite, La. Bruxelles. ^ 1856. 2 t. en 1. in-16 ECKAN. L . Paris, s. d. in-4 Saint-Pierre de I ome. J. MCKY Salons et souterrains de Paris. .1. MCRY Salteador, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS Salteador de San-Francisco, Le. A. BRK/.KNKO. (A. de lirfhut.) Dans Histoires d amour Salvator : suile et fin de Mohicans dc Paris. A. (J).) DUMAS. 5 t. en 3 San-Felice, La. A. (D.) DUMAS. 9 t. Sand, George, (pseud.) Voy. DUDE- VANT, Mme. A. L. A. D. Sandeau, ( Lfonard-Sytatin-) Jules. (lie. en 1811.) CATIIKRINK. Paris. 1869. in-12... CIIASSK an roman, La. Avtc Ma dame de Sommerville CONCJKRT pour les pauvres. Dunn NollV(!llfS DI IIUT dans la ma^istniture, Un. Paris. 1863. in-12 DKK.vieRK fee, La. Dans Nouvelles. DOCTKUR Herbeau, I^e. Paris. 1868. in-12 FKUNAND. Paris. 1868. in-12 CoH rnnnf fiuxyi : Vaillanee. Hieluird. 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 1510 2590 67 2440 330 3015 2140 2185 1345 107 1350-2 1360-8 2535 2555 2585 2535 2585 2540 2545 I ltOSE FICTION: FKKNCH. SANDEAU. 30 SOUVENIRS. Sandeau, (suite.} HeLeNE Vaillant. Dans Nouvelles. 57: 2585 HERITAGE, Un. Piiris. 1869. in-12. 57: 2550 JOUR sans lendemain, Le. Dans Nouvelles 57; 2585 Le meme. Dans Los revenants 57: 2596 KAKL Henry. Dans Notivelles 57: 2585 MADAME de Sommervillo. Paris. 1868. in-12 57; 2555 Nontenant aussi : Li ehasse au roman. MADELEINE. Paris. 1869. in-12. 57: 2560 MADEMOISELLE de Kerouare. Paris. 1870. in-12 57; 2565 Le meme. Dans Nouvelles 57: 2585 MADEMOISELLE de la Seigliere. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: 2570 MAISON de Penarvan, La. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: 2575 MARIANNA. Paris. 1871. in-12... 57: 2580 NOUVELLES. Paris. 1870. in-12... 57; 2585 Contenant : Mademoiselle de KGronare. Karl Hen ry. Le concert pour les pauvres. Le jour sans lendomain. Vingt-quatre heures a Rome. La derni6re lee. He- lene Vaillant. KEVBNANTS, Les. Bruxelles. 1840. 2 t. en 1. in-16. (Edit avec Ar- sene Houssaye) 57; 2596 Contenant ; t. I : Laprima dona. Mathilde. Lejour sans lendemain. Cvprien. Mademoi selle de Lavergny. Lejoueurde viplon. t. 2 : La clef dti pare. Horace. Vin&lt;j;t- quatre henres a Rome. Les aventures sentimentalfs d une fleuriste et d un clerc de notaire. RICHARD. Avec Fcrnand 57; 2545 SACS et parchemins. Paris. 1867. in-12 57; 2590 VAILI.ANCK. Avec Fernand 57: 2545 VALCUEUSE. Paris. 1859. in-12. 57: 2595 VINGT-QUATRE heures ii Rome. Dam Nouvelles 57; 2585 Le meme. Dans Lus revenants 57: 2596 Sang, Le. E. ZOLA. Dam Contes ix Ninon 57: 2990 Sans dot. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Avec Trente et quarante 57: 11 Sans se voir. (J.) A. KARR. Avec Hortense 57; 1935 Sarrasine. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvrea completes, t. 9 56: 3129 Sauvages de Paris, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. DTJDEVANT. (George Sand.) Dims Simon 57: 695 Scenes de la chouannerie. E. Sou- VESTRE 57; 2805 Scenes de moeurs et de caracteres. Mme. A. THIERRY 57; 2900 Scenes et recits des Alpes. E. Sou- VEKTRE 57; 2800 C onfenant : Le chasseur de chamois. La fillole des Allemagnes. L hospice de Selisberg. Scrupule, Le. J. F. MAKMONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 1 57: 2045 Secret de Javotte, Le. (L. Oh.) A. de MUSSET. Dans Contes 57; 2235 Secrets (!&lt; la prineesse de Cadignan, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 9 56: 3129 Secretaire intime, Le. Mme. A. L. A. 1). DtfDEVANT. (George Sand.) Avec Promenades autour d un vil lage 57: 685 Sensations de Josquin, Les. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champfleury.) 57; 215 Sensations d un infideie. P. PKL- TUF. Dans Femmes sensibles 57: 337 Sentinelle perdue, La. ERCKMANN- CIIATRIAN. Arec Histoire d un sous-maitre 57: 1545 Sept cordes de la lyre, Les. Mme. A. L. A. D. I)UDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57; 690 Confenant aussi : Lettres a Marcie. Carl. Le dieu in- connn. La fille d Albano. Sept peches oapitaux, Les: L avaricu. M.J.SUE, (dit Eugene.) 57: 2880 Seraphita. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 17 56: 3137 Servante de Rabelais, La. P. LA- CROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.) 57: 3031 Continent au.&lt;si : Une chasse sous Charles IX. La peste. Seul ! J. X. BONIFACE. (Saintine.) 57: 2505 Simon. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57; 695 Contenant aussi: La rnarqnise. Monsieur Rousset. Mou- ny-Robin. Les sauvages de Paris. Simon Blanchet. P. I.d ExAUviLLEZ. Dans Nouvelles morales 57: 1585 Simple histoire d un rentier et d un lampiste. J. (F. F.) FLEURY. (Champfleury.) Avec Chien-Caillou. 57: 180 Simplice. E. ZOLA. Dans Contes a Ninon 57: 2990 Smarra. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Contes fantastiques 57: 2260 Soeur ainee, La. A. M. BAYEUX 57: 60 Soeur-des-pauvres. E. ZOLA. Dans Contes a. Ninon 57; 2990 Soiree potftique, La. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques, &c 57: 1845 Soirees de Meudon. E. SOUVESTRE. 57: 2810 Soliman II. J. F. MARMONTEL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 1 57; 2045 Solitaire, Le. Ch.V. P., vicomteA &K- LINCOURT. 3 t. en 1 57; 21 Solitaires de Murcie, Les. J. F. MARMONTEL. Dans Contes mo raux, t. 6 57: 2050 Songe d or, Le. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Contes fantastiques 57: 2260 Songe de Platon. F. M. A. de VOL TAIRE. Dans Romans 57: 2985 Sophie Blamont. P. I. d ExAuviLLEZ. Duns Nouvelles morales 57: 1585 Sorciere de Cheltenham, La. H. MARET. Avec Compagnons de la Marjolaine 57: 2040 Soulie, Melehior-Frederic. (ne en 1800, mart en 1847.) COMTKSSE de Monrion, La. Bru xelles. 1846. 3 t. en 2. in-16 57:2610-11 Soupers du directoire, Les. F. D AMOREUX. (Jules de Saint- Felix.) 2t 57: 2445-6 Sous la tonnelle. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2885 Sous les filets; scenes et moeurs des rives. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2815 Sous les ombrages. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2820 Souvenirs d Antony. A. (D.) DU MAS 57: 1375 Souvenirs de jeunesse. Ch. (E.) NODIER 57; 2280 Contenant anssi : Mademoiselle de Mar.san. La neuvaine de la chandeleur. PROSE FICTION: FKENCH. SOUVENIRS. 31 SPLENDEURS. Souvenirs d un Bas-Breton. E. Sou- VESTRE. 2t 57: 2830-1 Souvenirs d un pnr:a. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Dans (Jeuvres completes, t. 20. 56: 3140 Souvenirs d un vicillard : LadiTniere etape. E. SOUVESTRE 57: 2840 Souvenirs d un voyageur. E. (K. L.) LAHOULAYE ". 57: 2005 Contenant : Marina. Le jasmin de Figline. Le chateau ile la vie. Jodocus. Don Ottavio. Souvenirs d une favorite. A. (D.) DUMAS. 4t 57; 1380-3 Souvenirs des funambules. J. (F. F.) FLEUKY. (Champfleury.) 57; 220 Souvestre, Emile. (ne en 1806, wort en 1864.) ANGES du fovor, Les. Paris. 1868. in-12 .". 57: 2620 Au bord du lac. Paris. 1870. in- 12 57; 2625 Au coin du feu. Paris. 1871. in- 12 57: 2630 CLAiRieRES, Les. Paris. 1870. in-12 57; 2635 CONFESSIONS d un ouvrier. Paris. 1870. in-12 57; 2645 Le niome. Bruxellcs. 1822. in- 12 57: 2646 CONTES ct nouvelles. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: 2640 Contenant : Le ehirurgien de marine. Le mari do Madame de Solftnge. (ionzalos Coques. Lew eaux d Abaiio. Le jeune hoinme pale. DAXS la prairie. Paris. 1859. in- 12 57; 2655 DKKMCKE etapo, La. Dans Souvenirs d un vieillanl 57; 2840 DEKNIEKS paysans, Les. Paris. 1871. in-12 57; 2660 DEUX miseres. Paris. 1871. in-12. 57: 2665 DRAM ES parisiens, Les. Paris. 1870. , in-12 57: 2670 ECIIELLE de femmes, L . Paris. 1870. in-12 57; 2675 EN farnille. Paris. 1859. in-12.... 57; 2680 EN quarantaine ; scenes et moeurs des groves. Paris. 1853. in-12. 57: 2685 FOYER breton, Le; contes et recits populaires. Paris. 1864. 2 t. en 1. in-12 57; 2690 GOUTTE d eau, La. Paris. 1864. in-12 57; 2605 HisToiREsd autrefois. Paris. 1859. in-12 57; 2700 Contenant : L inventaire dn planteur. Le general Guitlaume. Fianuna.-l n dernier amour. Le brink norwogien. L nrehitecte in- connn. Les femnies poetiques. L aca- demie dew paradoxes. HOMME et 1 argent, L . Paris. 1870. in-12 57; 2705 LuNEdemiel. Paris. 1868. in-12. 57: 2710 MAISON rouge, La. Paris. 1865. in-12 57: 2715 MARI de la fermiere, Le. Paris. 1869. in-12 57; 2720 Mar de cocagne, Le. Paris. 1859. . in-12 57: 2723 MEMORIAL de famillo, Le. Paris. 1871. In-12 57; 2725 Souvestre, (suite.) MEXDI ANT de Saint- Roch, Le. Paris. 187(1. in-12 57: 2730 MONDE tel qu il sera, Le. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 273.") PASTKUR d hommes, Le. Paris. 1861. in-12 57: 2740 PeCHcs de ji unesse, Les. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: 2745 PENDANT la moisson. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: 2750 Contenant : Les bannis. David le trappeur. Le fae- te.ur de Canton. La troqlie Tollar 1 Jn- dien. PHILOSOI HE sous les toils, Un : jour nal d un homme hcureux. Paris. 1867. in-12 57: 2755 PIERRE et Jean. Paris. 1869. in- 12 57: 2700 PROMENADES matinalcs, Les. Paris. 1866. in-12 57: 2765 ROCITS et souvenirs : roinans des families, Paris. 1860. in-12 57: 2770 Cbntenant : Julien. La collaborntrice. Une rencon tre. Mademoiselle Antigone Hirel. Les tableaux parlants. Un amateur. Le contre-maitre. Le vieillard aux deux flutes. Rei Rouves et les elus, Les. Paris. 1859. 2 t. in-12 57:2775-6 KICIIK et pauvre. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: 2785 Roi du monde, Le : liistoire de 1 ar- gent et de son influenoe. Paris. 1863. 2 t. in-12 57: 2790-1 SCONES de la ehouannerie. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: 2805 SCONES et rocits des Alpes. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: 2800 Contnnant : Le chasseur de chamois. La fillole des Allemagoes. L hoRpice de Selisberj, . SOIROKS de Meudon, Les. Paris. 1869. in-12 57: 2810 Sous latonnelle. Paris. 1869. in- 12 57: 2825 Sous les fllets; seones ct moeurs des rives. Paris. 1871. in-12 57: 2815 Sous les ombrages. Paris. 1870. in-12 57: 2820 SOUVENIRS d un Bas-Breton. Paris. 1860. 2t. in-12 57:2830-1 SOUVENIRS d un vieillard: La der- niere etape. Procodoe d uno notice sur la vie d Emile Souvestre par E. Lesbax.cilles. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 2840 VALISE noire, La. Paris. 1865. in-12 57: 2845 Souza-Botelho, Adelalde-Marie- Emilie-Filleul, comtesxedo Flahault, pul* marquise de. (nfe en 1761, morte en 1836.) EuueNE de Rothelin. JJruxelles. 1828. 2 t. en 1. in-18 57: 2855 Spiridion. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDK- VANT. (George Sand.) Dans I n liiver it Mujorquu 57: r 20 Spirite; nouvelle fantastique. Th. OATTIEK 57: 1690 Splendeurs &lt; - t miseresdes eourtisanes. Ho. de BAI./AO. Dant Oeuvres completes, t. 9 56: 3129 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. STACL-HOLSTEIN. 32 TONY. Stael-Holstein, Anna-Louise-Ger- maine, baronne de. (me en 1776, moi-le en 1817.) CORINNK, ou 1 Italie. Paris. 1868. in-12 57; 2865 DKI.PIIINE. Paris. 1869. in-12 57; 2870 Le meme. Paris. 1856. in-12... 57; 2871 Stahl, P. J. (pseud.) Voy. HETZKL, -L. J . Stello. A. V. comte de VIGNY 57; 2965 Strafford sur 1 Avon. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques, &c 57: 1845 Stuarts, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 1290 Suau de Varennes. Voy. VARENNES, E. kSuau de. Succession lo Camus, La. J. (F. F.) FI.EURY. (Champfleury.) 57: 225 Succube, Le. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 19 56: 3139 Sue, Marie-Joseph. (dil Eugene.) (ne en 1804, mart en 1859.) ATAR-GULL. Illustre par J. A. Beauce. Paris. 1853. in-4 57: 3037 AVARICE, L . Dans Les sept peches capitaux 57; 2880 JUIF errant, Le. Bruxelles. 1844-5. 18 t. en 6. in-18 57; 2881-6 MARQUIS de Letoriere, Le. Illustre par J. A. Beauce. Paris. 1851. in-4 57; 3038 PAULA Monti, ou 1 hotel Lambert. Illustre par J. A. Beaucd. Paris. 1853. in-4 56: 3039 Contennnt aliKsi: Lo Paris-Jen eii mer. PLIK et Plok. Illustre par J. A. Beauce. Paris. 1853. in-4 57: 3040 SEPT peches capitaux, Les: L avarice. Bruxelles. 1851. in-16 57: 2880 Suite d une bonne action. J. MCRT. Avec Uistoire de fatnille 57: 2135 Sultanetta. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 1395 Sur la plage. (J.) A. KARR 57; 1065 Sur le moyne Amador, qui feut ung glorieux abbe de Turpenay. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres com pletes, t. 19 56: 3139 Surface d un drame, La. Mme. N. CONSTANT. (Claude Vignon.) Dans Recits de la vie reelle 57; 2956 Suzanne. P. DELTUF. Avec La comtesse de Silva 57: 336 Suzanne de Clairvaux. &lt;). LACROIX. Avec Padre Antonio 57: 2010 Sylvandire. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 1400 T. Tableau blanc, Le; traduit du Syria- que. P. M. A. do VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans 57; 2985 Tableau d un interieur de famille. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 20 56; 3140 Tableaux parlants, Les. E. SOUVES- TRE. Dans Kecits et souvenirs 57: 2770 Talion, Le. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Dans Contes des bords du Rhin 57: 1505 Tamaris. Mme. A. L. A. D. Dunu- VANT. (Qeurae Sand.) 57; 700 Tardieu, Jules(-Romain.) (J. T. de Saint-Germain.) (ne en 1805.) ART d etre malheuretix, L . Paris. 1871. in-12 CHALET d Auteuil ; legende. Paris. 1868. in-12 Doi.OKes; legende. Paris. 1868. in-12 EXTREMES, Les; legende. Paris. 1866. in-12 FECILLE du coudrier et la fontaine deMedicis; legende. Paris. 1868. in-12 LADY Clare; legende. Paris. 1869. in-12 LETTRES a la dame de coeur sur 1 exposition universelle. Paris. 1867. in-12 MIGNON; legende. Paris. 1871. in-12 POUR parvenir; legende. Paris. 1869. in-12 ^ POUR une epingle ; legende. Paris. 1870. in-12 . . VEILLEUSE, La; legende. Paris. 1868. in-12 Taverne du Jambon de Mayence, La. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Avec Con fidences d un joueur de clarinette. Telemaque, Aventures de. F. de S. de L. M. FeNeLON Le meme. Suivi des Aventures d Aristonoiis Le meme. 2 t Le meme Tenebreuse affaire, Une. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 12 Tercy, Madame. ISAURE et Montigny. Bruxelles. 1828. in-18... Terrail, Ponson du. Voy. PONSON DU TERRAIL. Terreur prussienne, La. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. en 1 Testament de M. Chauvelin, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS Tete de mort, La. J. (P. P.) PLEURY. (Champfleury.) Avec L usurier Blaixot Teverino. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Sand.) Confenant aussi : Leone Leoni. Theodore. A. DEQUET. Avec Cla- risse Theresa Aubert. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Komans Thierry, Mme. Augustine. SceNKS de moeurs et de caracteres. Bruxelles. 1836. in-12 Timon-Alceste, ou le misanthrope moderne; roman philosophique. A. ClIARLEMAONE. 2t Toispn d or, La. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Nouvelles Tolla. E. (F.V.) ABOUT Tollar 1 Indien. E. SOUVESTRE. Dans Pendant la moisson Tony Sans-Soin. Ho. de BALZAC. Dan-i Oeuvres completes, t. 20 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 56: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 57: 2450 2455 2455 2460 2465 2570 2460 2470 2450 2475 2465 1520 1600 1601 1602-3 1604 3132 2895 1405 1410 230 705 340 2275 2900 57: 235-6 57: 57: 57: 56: 1675 10 2750 3140 PROSE FICTION; FRENCH. ToPFFER. 33 VALLCE. Topffer, Kodolphe. (at en 1799, moit en 1846.) NOUVELLES genevoises. Paris. 1870. in-16 57; 2920 Contenant : La hibliotheque de nion onele. L heri- tage. Le col d Anterne. Le lac de Gers. I.a valk e de Trient.-La traversee. Le grand Saint-Bernard. La peur. ROSA et Gertrude. Precede de notices sur la vie et les ouvrnges de 1 au- teur par MM. Sainte-Beuve et De la Rive. Paris. 1863. in- 1 6 57; 2925 Touchard-Lafosse, G. (nf en 1780, inort en 1 H47. ) TROIS aristocraties, Les : roman de moeurs. Bruxelles. Ib-iX 2 t. en 1. in-16 57; 2015 Tour de Dago, La. (H. A.) A. de GONDRKCOURT. 4 t. en 2 57: 1747-8 Tour de Montlhery, La. J. P. G. VIEXNKT " 57; 3041 Tour de Nickel, Le. P. J. HETZKL. (P. J. Slahl.) Dans Bonnes for tunes parisiennes 57: 1756 Tourgueneff, Ivan-Sergiewitz. (&lt;? en 1818.) NOUVELLES moscovites. Paris, s. d. in-16 57; 2930 Contenant : Le juif. Petouchkof. Le ehien. Appa ritions ; traduction par P. Mi riinre. Annouchka. Le brigadier. Histoire du lieutenant Yergounof; traduction par rttuteur. Tout ou rien. J. F. MARMOXTKL. Dans Contes moraux, t. 2 Tout Paris. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Anec Le turco Trafalgar. J. MBRY Transporte, Le. J. MBRY Traversee, Lu. R. TOI-FFER. Dans Nouvelles genevoises Trente et quarante. E. (F. V.) ABOUT Tresor des fevos et fleur des pois. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Contes fantastiques Tresor du vieux seigneur, Le. ERCK- MANN-CHATRIAN. Dant Contes des bords du Rhin Tresse noire, La. ERCKMANN-CHAT- RIAX. Dann Contes populaires Trilby, ou le lutin d Argail. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Nouvelles Trois ames, Les. ERCKMANN-CHAT- KIAN. Dans Contes fantastiques... Trois aristocraties, Les. G. Tou- CHARD-LAKOSSK. 2 t. en 1 Trois citrons, Les. E. (R. L.) LA- BOULAYE. Dan Contes bleus Trois clercs de Sainct-Nicholas, Les. Ho. de BALZAC. Dant Oeuvres completes, t. 19 Trois mousquetaires, Les. A. (D.) DUMAS. 2 t. 57:1420-1 Troque, La. E. SOUVESTRE. Dant Pendant la moisson 57; 2750 Trou cle 1 enfer, Le. A. (D.) DUMAS. 57; 1430 Tulipe noire, La. A. (D.) DUMAS 57: 1435 Turco, Lo. E. (F. V.) ABOUT 57; 12 57: 57: 57: 57: 2046 12 2190 2195 57: 2920 57: 11 57: 2260 57: 1505 57: 1515 57: 2270 57: 1510 57: 2015 57: 1995 56: 3139 TJ. Ulbach, Louis, (nf, en 1822.) CHAUVE-SOURIS, La. Paris. 1867. in-12 ....................................... 57; Contenant aussi: Parrain de cendrillon, Le. COCAF.DE r. anche, La; 1814 Paris. 1868. in-12 .............................. 57; Louis Tardy. Paris, s. d. in-12. 57: MARI d Antoinette, Le. Paris, s. d. in-12 ....................................... 57; MONSIEUR et Madame Fernel. Paris. s. d. in-r_&gt; ............................... 57; PARENTS coupables, Les. Paris. s. d. in-12 ................................ 57; PARRAIN de cendrillon, Le. Paris. s. d. in-12 ................................ 57; PAULINE Foucault. Paris, s. d. in-12 ....................................... 57 : Roues sans le savoir, Les. Paris. s. d. in-12 ................................ 57; Un coeur pour deux amours. J. (G.) JANIX ....................................... 57: Une heure, ou la vision. Ch. (E.) NODIER. Dans Nouvelles ............ 57; Une heure trop tard. (J.) A. KARR. 57: Une nuit a Florence sous Alexandre de Medicis. A. (D.) DUMAS ........ 57: 1250 Une nuit de Cleopatrc. Th. GAUTIER. Dans Nouvelles ........................... 57; Ursule ; roman inedit. J. MCRY ...... 57; Ursule Mirouet. Ho. de BAL/.AC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 5 ......... 5Q; Uscoque, L . Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) .......... 57; Oontenant aussi : La I Huvctte du dooteur. Snr la derniere publication de M. F. Lamennsis. Quel- ques reflexions sur Jean-Jacques Rous seau. Usurier Blaizot, L . J. (F. F.) FLEU- KY. (Champfeury) ..................... 57 : Contenant aussi : La legendc rte Saint Crispin. Quatuor. L hiver. Les deux cabarets d Auteuil. Intt Tieur. La chanson du beurre dans la marmite. Le cocbon. Quinquet. Le chaudronnier. La tete de mort. V. Vaillance. (L. S.) J. SANL.EAU. Arec Kernand ............................. 57; Valcreuse. (L. S.) J. SANDEAU ...... 57; Valentine. Mme. A. L. A. D. DU DEVANT. (George Sand.) ............ 57; Val6rie. Mme. de KKUDEKER. 2 t. en 1 .......................................... 57 : Le meme ...................................... 57; Valet d autrefois. Un. P. LACROIX. (Bibliophile Jacob.) ...................... 57; Contenant aussi: Uneaventure de Bibliophile. Le Guet- Apens. Valise noire, La. E. SOUVESTRE ...... 57; Vallee de Bievre, La. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques, &c ...... 57; Vallee do Trient, La. R. TOPFFER. Dans Nouvelles genevoises ........... 57; Vallee noire, La. Mme. A. L. A. D. DI-DKVANT. (George Sand.) Arec Promenades autour d un village ..... 57; 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2846 2847 1835 2270 1930 1675 2200 3125 710 230 2545 2595 715 3022 3032 2845 1845 2920 685 PROSE FICTION: FRENCH. VALVODRE. 34 ZOLA. Valvedre. Mme. A. L. A. D. DUDE- VANT. (George Sand.) 57: 720 Vampire du Val-de-grace. L. Goz- LAN 57: 1750 Van Schaendcl. J. (F. F.) FLEUKY. (ChampfleuTy.) Avec Chien-Cail- lou 57: 180 Varennes, Kdouard Suau de. AIvsTeRES de Bruxelles, Les. Bru xelles. 1844-5. 5 t. en 2. in-10. 57: 2050-1 Veillee, La. J. F. MARMONTBL. Dan Contes moraux, t. 5 57: 2041) Veilleuse, La; legende. (J. K.) TAK- i&gt;i KU. (J. T.deSamt-Oermain.).... 57: 2405 Vendetta, La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 2 56: 3122 Vendredi. (J.) A. KARR. Arec Hortense 57: 1335 Vendue en detail. J. (G.) JANIN. Dana Contes fantastiques, &c 57: 1845 Vengeance d artiste. Ho. de BAL ZAC. Danx Oeuvres completes, t.20 56: 3140 Vente ii 1 cncan, La. J. (G.) JANIN. Danx Contes fantastiques, &c 57: 1845 Venus d" Aries, La. J. MCRY 57: 2205 Verite par scmaine, Une. (J.) A. KARR 57: 3021 Verite sur la fin de Sir John Fyke, La. II. MARET. Avec Com pa g- nons do la Marjolaine 57: 2040 Vialon, Prosper, (nt en 1817.) HOMMK au chien muet, L . Paris. 1H01. in-12 57: 2955 Vicomte de Bragelonne, Le; ou, dix ans plus tard. A. (D.) DUMAS. G t. en 3 57: 1445-7 Complement des Trois mousquetaires et de Vingt ans apres. Victoire Normand. Mme. N. CON- STANT. (Claude Vignon.) Avec Marquis de Cremant 57: 2:)57 Vie d artiste, Une. A. (D.) DUMAS... 57: 1455 Vie fantastique, La. J. Alery... 57: Vieillard aux deux flutes, Le. E. Sou- VESTRE. Dans Recits et souvenirs. 57: 2770 Vieille fill" , La. Ho. de BALZAC. Dans Oeuvres completes, t. 6 56: 312G Vieille roche, La. E. (F. V.) ABOUT. Irepartie: Le mari imprevu 57: 5 Viennet, Jean-Pons-Guillaume. (ne en 1770, mart en 1868.) TOUR de Jlontlhery, La. Paris. 1854. in-4 57: 3041 Vignon, Claude, (pseud.) Voy. CON STANT, Hfme. Noemio. Vigny, Alfred-Victor, comie de. (ne. fit 17!)!), mart en 18(i3.) CINO.-MAKS, ou unc conjuration sous Louis XII. Paris. 1871. in-12. 57: 2960 STKLLO. Paris. 1868. in-12 57: 2965 Ville de garnison, Une. (J. B.) A. ASSOLANT 57: Ville de Saint-Etienno, La. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques, &c 57: 1845 Ville noire, La. Mme. A. L. A. 1). DCDEVANT. (George Sand.) 57: 725 Vingt ans apres. Suite des Trois mousquetaires. A. (D.) DUMAS. 3t... 57: 1460-2 Contes et Nouvelles 57: Y. Yvon et Finette. E. (R. L.) LABOU- LAYE. Dans Contes bleus 57: z. Z. Marcas. Ho. de BALZAC. Danx Oeuvres completes, t. 12 56: Zadig, ou la destinee. F. M. A. de VOLTAIRE. Dans Romans ; . 57: Zoe, ou la metamorphose. Mme. E. de GIKARDIN. Dans Contes d une vicille fille, &c 57: Zola, Emile. (ni? en 1840.) CONTES a Ninon. Paris, s. d. in-12. 57: (Nontenant : A Ninon. Simplice. Lc carnet de danse. Celle qui m aime. La fee amoureuse. Le sang. Les volenrs et j ^ne. Soeur-de3-pjmvres. Aventnres du #rand Sidoine et du petit Mi s d&lt; ?nc. 2596 1945 2010 2990 1505 Vingt-quatre heures i Rome. (L. S.) J. SANPEAU. Dans JSTouvelles. 57: 2585 Le meme. Dans Les revenants, t. 2., de (L. S.) J. Sandeau et A. Houssaye 57: Visite ^ 1 arsenal, Une. (J.) A. KARR. Avec Midi a quatorze heures 57: Visite aux catacombes de Paris. O. LACROIX. Avec Padre Antonio 57: Voleurs et 1 ane, Les. E. ZOLA. Dans Contes a Ninon 57: Voleuse d enfants, La. ERCKMANN- CHATRIAN. Dans Contes des bords du llhin 57: Voltaire, Fran?ois-Marie-Arouet de. (ne en 1694, mart en 1778.) ROMANS. Paris. 1851. in-12 57: Confenant : Z;idig, ou la destinee. Le monde comme il va. Memnon. Les deux consoles- Histoire des voyages de Scarraentado. Micromogas. Histoire d un hon hrannn. Candide. L ingonu. L hoinme aux iua- rante ecus. La princesse de Babylcme. Le blanc et le nuir. Jeannot et Colin. Le? leltres d Amab?d.-Hitoire de Jenni, ou 1 athee et le sage. Les oreilles du comte de Cliesterfield et le chapelain Goudman. Le taureau hlanc. Cosi- Sancta. Songe de Platon. Babahec et les fakirs. Aventure de la memoir* 1 . Les aveugles juges des coulr-urs. Aven ture indienne. Eloge de la raison. Voyage dans Paris. (J.) A. KARR. Aeec Midi a quatorze heures 57: Voyage de la lionne, Le. J. (G.) JANIN. Dans Contes fantastiques, &c 57: Voyages. J. F. RKQNARD 57: w. Waterloo. ERCKMANN-CII. \TKIAN. Suite du Consent de 181:; 57: Watripon, Antonio. (ne en 1822, mart en 1864.) ETUDIANTS de Paris: Les etudiants d autrefois. Paris. 185;!. in-4... 57: Willis, Les. (J.) A. KARR. Dana 1945 1845 3035 1 580 3042 1890 1995 3132 2985 1715 2990 PI .OSK FICTION: FRENCH. E It 11 A T A . Page 1, sou* Ailes d Icare, ilfautlire: VILLKTTE. u 2, " A.rlincOurt, ilfautlire: ricomfc d . " 2, " A venture d amour, ilfautlire: Herminic. " 2, apres A venture de Bibliophile, ilfautlire: Unc. " 2, " A ventures de Telemaque, ilfautlire: FexeLON. " 2, " Bachelier, ilfaut lire: Le. " 2, " Bal dr sceaux, ilfautlire: Le. " 3, touK Balzac, t. 2, ilfautlire: mnitresse. " 3, " Balzac, t. 16, ilfautlire: Maitre. " 3, " Balzac, t. 16, ilfautlire: Medieis. " 3, " Balzac, t. 19. ilfautlire: Thilhou/.e. " 3, " Balzac, t. 19, aprf.t " Les trois clercs de Sainct-Nicholas," ilfaut lire: " Le jeusne de Frarieoys premier." " 3, " Bayeux, ilfaut lire: ainfie. " 4, " Beau-pere, ilfautlire: YII.LKTTB. " 4, " Bernard, ilfaut lirs : Villette. " 4, " Berthet, ilfautlire: chateau. " 5, " Bully, ilfautlire: et KOYER. " 5, nulicude: Chaine, ilfautlire.- Chaine. " C, KOIIX Chien-Caillou, ilfautlire: Les Noirau. " 7, upres Col, ilfaut lire : d Anternc. " 7, sows Confessions de la marquise, ilfaut lire: une aveu^le. 11 8, " Contes ilrolatiqucs, Sine dixain, au lieu de : tous jours, il fnut lire : touaioura " 8, " Contes et nouvellcs, BAL/A(^, ilfautlire: Tony Sans-Soin. " 8, " Contes et nouvelles, SOUVKSTRK, ilfautlire: (ionzules. " 8, " Contes fan tastiques, ilfautlire: Le sacriflce. " 8, " Contes moraux, ilfaut lire: Alcidonis. " 8, " Contes populaires, ilfautlire: L oeil. " 9, " Deltuf, FKMMKS sensibles, ilfautlire: Les riens qui sont tout. " 9, au lieu df : Derniere t tapc, ilfautlire: Derniere ( tape. " 10, .SOM.V Dolores, il fnut lire : d Autcul. " 10, aprft Don Ottavio, ilfaut lire: E. (R. L.) LABOULAYE. " 10, nous Dudevant, AMOURS, ilfautlire: age. " 10, " Dudevant, ilfautlire: CuaTEAU. " 11, " Dudevant, ilfautlire: MKT.niioR. " 11, " Dudevant, MYR/.A, ilfautlire: Aldini. " 11, " Dudevant, PROMENADES, ilfautlire: vallee. i; 12, " Dumas, AvKNTi RE d amour, ilfautlire: Herininio. " 12, " Dumas, COI.OMIIK, ilfautlire: Calabrais. " 1 5, au lieu de : Penelon, H*ez, Fenelon. " 15, .tout Fen61on, Le memo, ilfaut lire : Suivi. " 16, " Gautier, ilfautlire: CHAINE d or. afog und Snfiaffs^Bcr^eicfmip bcr in bcr Depntficfjea 33i in Cincinnati cntluilmicn n roel^c in ba ebiet bcr iftfjcn Sidjtung f incinnati : bet ^iHt 1876. (cbmtft in bev Cfftcc beg ,,6incinnnti ie SMdjer einc jeben cfjriftfteflerS, fomeit bic Sibliotfjef fie beflfct, finb itnter feinem tt&gt; a f) = r c n 5Jamen nufflejafiU. SBenn ber Skrfaffer fid) cinc falfdjen ober fingirten 9Jamen (^}fcubont)m8) bebient Ijat, fo finbct man benfelben in ;] e f jj c r r t e r djrift in s ^arcntt)ejc beigcf iigt. Site fonft ein ijeffammerten DJamen finb mei[ten bie raeniger befannten Saufnamen be Sctreffenben. 3- 59. : SSifciuS, Albert (3eremin (ottb,elf). Hoffmann, (9Uejanber ^riebrid)) Sfranj. Set Ueberfetjungcn au fremben (Spradjen tft faft iiberaU ber Oriflinaltitel in lateinifdjen 33ud) ftnben mit nngegebcn. 3- 33- : , 91. (35.) Ott unb Setlfel (Conscience 1 innocent.) 2lbtb,. 2lbt^ei(ung. Suftfj). Suftfrtel. 2lmet. 2lmerilamfdj. 9JJannb.. 2)(anntyeim. 2lu8g. 2(ugabe. aaiit. Diilitarifety. 2lu3g. 2lu3geto. 2lugetab,It. 31. ?!eu. 8b. S3anb. tyott. ^Joetifd). SJbe. SBanbe. 5j3reu^. ^reufjifdj. 33erl. Berlin. ^Jro. 5frofaifd. 8ttL Sibliot^el. ^Kfeub. S(?Jeubontjm. S3raunfdjh&gt;. S5raunfctyieig. 3ityetn. Mbeinifdj. QtelL SBreStau. 9iom. Sioman (audj) iHomantifdi. GrS. Grjab.t. Srja^lung (audj) rjafytenb. . b. Sine date. (D^ne Saturn.) granlf. a. 3)1. ^vanffurt am 3)Jain. ammtt. ammtltdj. g-ranj. gtanjoftfdj ctyr. d^riften. svro. grei^etr. d^warjin. d^tBatjWalber. (5)Cv eboren. eltf. ettfam. 0ef. efommelt. tuttg. tuttgart. &lt;5&gt;efcf|. (Sefctyi^te. Sub. Jiibmgen. Gleto. &lt;3Jeh&gt;i&gt;6,nltdj. U. f. it). Unb fo welter. ann. igannob. .^annotier. Ueberf. Ueberfe&t. ioeiml. eimti(^. Unfyeiml. Unt)etmlidj. IgerauSg. eraugeber (nudj) ev&lt;wSgegeben. a?. 3Jon. W- iftorifcty. aSerm. 3?ermifd)t. (gumor. umoriftif^. as. 2Cer!e. 3. SUuftrttt. SBanber. JBanberung. 3a^r^. Sfllft^unbert. 3Betbt. JBeiblidj. SI. Stein. t eftocben. eben3&. i fti). SebenSbilber, K. Unb fo toeiter. PEOSE FICTION: GEEMAN. A la Fontange. G. 35otfo. 3n 3t. SRobellen, b. 6 59: SlbbaHnfc. 4i. Sietf. 3n Sdjrtftcn, Sb. 8.. 56 : SIbcitb im Swnbaufe, Gin. 31. ffieijjner. 3n 9ZoeUen, SBb. 1 T&gt;8: Saffelbe. 3n gcltf. efdndjten 58: 9(bcnb or ber o*}eit, 2cr. $. 3fd;ctfc. 3n cf. gdjr., iBb. 10 56: 9lbtnbncfi)riid)C. i . lied. 3" Sdjriften, b.25 56: 8(bcnbftunbcn. $?. Gonfcience. 2 SBbe. in 1 58 : Sb. 1. Duintin SWetnS. Die eaii. rua ormosssma, ober ba3 dr;l!enfiet&gt;er. ie Srojjmutttr. Vlbcitbftiinbrn. 5- Hoffmann ............... 59: 3 MaM : Ie erm -JBeje fmb rounbtrbar. 91ic^t3 ift fo fcin gcfponnen, ber fieri Bringt s an bie Sonnen. Siirrtte Wott, ttiue recdt, (c^eue Siiemanb. Tsie JiaciibavSs f tuber u r b ber ^rinj. Mbcntcncr, Gin. $.^fe. 3n ef . SBerfen, =Bb. 8 ........................................... 56: fttarttBH aller Slrten uub Cttcn. g. Hoffmann ...................................... 59: Slbcntrucr am Sec t&gt;on Serg, So. . 3|d)offe. 3n cf. Sd&gt;., 2Jb. 13 ......... 56: Slbcntc iirr bci ben lartiiren, Gin. 5- ^- benftcbt. 3n JU. efdj. ou ferncnt Sanbe ............................................ 58: Slbfiitriicr ber 9?eujat)rcsnad)t, Sag. . Sftoflt. 3n cf. ed)r., iB6. 9 ............ 56 : 3(bcntcucr bev S^locfternad^t, 33ie. G. ST. I. Soffmann. 3n ShiSfl. Gr,&lt;., i8b. 2 58 : Slbfntciicr bee tlio Don Jiofaloa, 3)ie. G. W. ffiielanb. ^n gammtt. W., 33. 1-2 ............................................. 56: 3(bcnttncr bc Snfpeltor iBrafig. g. 9ieu= ter. 3n gdiurr--;Biurr ..................... 56: Slbciitcurr be* vieutenant Putjlmann, 3Jie. 3J. BoniBtntcrfcIb ............................. 59: VHbrnlrurr in i&lt;olfit(j. St. Don SiSinterfcIb. 3" S?umoreofen, S3b. fi ....................... 59 : SlbralmnU incoln. 31. 28. rube. 3n^u= genb unb i!olfbibl ............................. 59 : 9lbt nb I ebenslcute in ber Sleidjenau. Garl Svinbler. ,)n Kaittftttfci, SJb. I.. 59 : Slbu Jclfan; ober, bie fiieimfe^ruom i)(onb= getirge. SB. Siaabe. 3 bc. in 1 ......... 59 : 82 1607 2310 2329 1956 1624 422 2295 677 2296 1958 195 1956 1731 1900 1103 1753 1735 2406 929 180 Slrtit in ber 27 . Merife. 59 : 2577 ,,1813". &lt;y. gtolle. 3 SBbe. in 1 59 : 1110 ,,1812". H. SRcllftab. 3n ef. @djr., S3b. 1 bi 4 59: 350-53 3((bt;t(| Stiifcn fyedj. 31. Don Shier. 4 iBbe. 58 : 3710 Slftininrfcllfrtiaft, Gttte. Ji. edjiicting. 3 b e 59 : 644-6 Slbbriri) im 2)(oo. . 3fdjoffe. 3n ef. edir. b. 4 56: 1952 9lbd^ 3- 2!. 6. Semme. 2 S3be in 1 59: 1290 3lbclf. %. Seioalb 58: 2112 IHbcldctb Don Ifyalfyeim. G. Don @d)mib 59 : 539 Stblcr unb i otDe. Q. be la DJJcttc g-mtque. 5n Stu^g. 2B., SJb., 11 56: 283 StbntirnlitaMootff, Gin. $. mibt. 3n SJinnen ber rotben lonne, SJb. 3 59 : 820 atbmirol be Jiutter, &lt;r. SB. Dertet, 3n ipotn 8 Grj., b. 9 58: 2838 S(f ()l)litifd)f Sb nigotodjter, Gine. 0. GberS. 3 SBbe. in 2 58 : 650-51 Stdtliffif &crr, Xer. g. erftarfer. 3n ^liiben unb 2ruben, SBb. 1 58: 940 SlcfojTsi unb anberer tDeifer 9J!eifter Rabet^ fdia^. fi. m. 3n 3ugenb unb ifolfebibl. 59 : 2418 Vlfiificrcr lanj unb innerer SBertf). 5. iooffmann. 3 Grj., SJb. 26 59 : 2285 Slcupcrfte Sputte, S5ie. fi. etober. 3n Grj., SJb. 10 59 : 1094 Slftain. ^. Witgge 58: 2438 G. 3)1 SlUelanb. 3n B:, SBb.18 56: 1908 Jr^ronn Don Sl;rafuS. ip. "iifdioffe. 3n ef. Sdjr., b. 7 56 : 1955 ITnrnt au3 Gl;tna, 2er. G. SiUUfomm. gn 3m *ann unb gauber u.f.to., S)b. 3.. 59 : 1673 SUlfrlb, (^ob.ann) ^rtebrid; (gcb. 1810). MuS}ugSat, Xer. ioaUe 1868, 16 ... 58 : 10 SBerenb Stein, ber Sncdjtetaftor. 1869, 16 58: 10 $ned)t=3ubilaum, a. ipalle, 1870, 16 58: 10 Uieler3 ang unb Gnbe, 2eS. 1867, 16 58: 10 SBeradjtcte .Hinb, Xa*. Swlle, 1869, 16.. 58 : 10 ScrlDatter unb fetn Jtinb, 2&gt;er. 1869, 16 58 : 10 3l()iicn, 2ie. .5ret;tag. a be 58: 730-31 3 n t&gt;a It : 1. abtb. : ?(nflO unb ^ngraban. 2. 2tbtb.. Tfl^ 9ieft ber ,^oun(6ntge. ^(bncnlJrobf , Xie. ^. Xied*. 3n Sdjrif= ten, b. 22 56: 1621 iMIinimo, Xi- S- erftarfer. 3n 2(ug jwei -i&gt;odttljeilcn, b. 1 58: 905 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. Ulfynung iinb egeinpavf. Sim ijcrbfeucr. Slftnuni} unb WegentBart. 3- fn Gid)en= borff. Sn ftmmt. SB., SBb. 2 56: 241 Sllrolmt, Set. G. gtb. on iBibta. 3n Gt= tebtesi unb eteftumteS. SBb. 3 58 : 163 Sllamoiitobe. . Sfdjotfe. 3n ef. @d)t., SBb. 1 56: 1950 Sllcranbcr Wnr,ifoff. . Stietifc. 3n 3"= ftenb8i6., 33b. 18 59: 2568 Sllcranber ^etion. 2b. ffltiigge 58: 2435 Sllcrnnbcr cou Siifterberg. SI. con 2Binter= fclb. 3n ftum. oEbaten*9towUen, SBb. 2 59 : 1737 Sllcraitber on sjumbolbt. fc. 3(au. 7 S&be.. 59 : 281-7 Sllcranbcr Bon Smmbolbt. 3. djmibt.... 59: 2722 Slleranber 2)cfiianti. G. aft. athmbt. (iiouxfe Stub. I bad).) 3n ekjd)td)tsi= bilbet, SBb.2 3 58 : 2502-3 SlleretunbSlpbata. aR.9ictoSfa. 3n92ie ril} 3iigenb=SBib[., SBb. 38 59 : 2588 Sllitf, obet bie Webcimnifie. G. &. G. Si. !Bulwer=VMton. 5ortfel&gt;ung Bon : Grnft 3HalttaetS. 4Sbe.ini 58: 2225 Sllicc G. ^olfo. 3 28olfen=3tf)atten, St. Stittcllen, SBb. 14 59: 87 Sllitc Siublort). sB. 9Jlollb.au Jen. 3u9lotbunb Sub, b. 1 58: 2390 Sllitta, b Gngel Bon aJiefebutg. g. en= ning. oi 3lunbid)au 58: 1460 Slllbcittfriilaitb. ii.Dtto. 3n2&gt;eutf$eSBun ben, b. 4 58: 2002 SUIcin in bet 28elt. $. Bon 9temmetbotf. 3 be. in 1 58 : 2800 SUler Slnfang ift fcttiuer. %. Hoffmann. 3n Haleuter^Scidn^ten . 58: 1735 SlUcrbaiib. SI. on SiJintcrfelb 59: 1710 311 Salt: Sieifcbilbcr. Siebe o^ne Sttiimpfc. SttftS f iit tneinen So^n. 31. f on SCintcrfelb, 3n nmofen, SBb. 1 59 : 1730 2(tle3 " it SJaafien. g. ^offmann. 3n ga-- Unbev=efd;idjten 58: H35 2(fliflntpr=^il()b, ^ie. 3- Oerftacfer. 3n 2linci-ifanifdje alb= unb Sttombilbet, SBb.l 58: 989 Slfttdqlirfje Wefd)ict)te, Ginc. %. etftarfet. 3n Untet Dolmen unb sBudjen, iBb. 1 58 : 982 Sdmanfor. $. penning. 3n 3iu&gt;ib]"d)au... 58 : 1460 Sllnmnfur. S!. lietf. 3n cb,viften, Sib. 8. 56 : 1607 Sllnienrnufrlf nb GbeliPfiB. &gt;. Sdimib. 59 : 508 Slimcrita. G. Sbinbier. 3n iBintcrbud), i!3b.2 59: 950 tUb "lib WeU SranfeeWf. raf et. @ro= bonieti. 233be.ini 58: 1062 Sllte Jlpfelfrau, !Tte. G. ofet. 3n Slubber meiteirlMt, b. 1 58 : 1662 Saffclbe. 3n Grjabl. Sdjriftcn, b. 1 58 : 1650 Stile ^arbatoffa, Set. S&gt;. ^idjtet. 3n Gt= jal;lungcn, 3Jb. 4 59: 2643 Slltc 33e!annte. 21. tein 59: 2850 SJItf ^Briefe. G. SiUEomm. 3" 3 m 3)n unb sjauber u. f. m., S3b. 1 59 : 1672 S(lte Slud;, Xas ; unb bic Sieife in d Sloue binein. X . lied. 3n d;r., Sb. 24 ... 56 : 1623 Sllte Ganbibote, S^et. 2f. 2Bilbenbaftn. 3n (9ef. Grj., 9}b. 1 59: 1604 Sllte Gommobote, Set. g. SKarttai 58: 2283 Stitc XerffUngct, 3)et. (9eo. Siltl 58: 1554 Sllte Xejjauet, Set. gt. Gation, 4 S3be. gcrtfe^tng; Gin taitwn giirft 58: 345-8 S((te Xincte, Set. SB. Cettel. 3n orn (Stj., SBb. 6 58: 2835 Sllte Gtlaudjt, S3ie. G. igoefer. 3"Gt}. d;r., S8b. 2 58 : 1650 Sllte ^irnia, Gine. g. Veialb. 3n 43unte Sbilbet, Sib. 1 58 : 2136 Sllte gtaulein, Sa. G. oefet 58 : 1656 Sllte gtifc, Set. SB.Cetter. 3n fectn g Gtj., b. 13 :. 58: 2842 Slltc S-ttfc, Set, unb bie ncue Qeit, 6. TO. SHunbt. (Siouife ajMi^lbadj.) 2 SBbe. 3n Seutj"d;lanb in Sturm unb Stang. Slbtb. 1 58: 2475-6 Sllte GSefdiidite ju nener Gttauung, Gine. 31. SJi^tuS. 1 3. (9 o tt b. e I f.) 3 (9ef- @*r. 58 : 1038 Sllte efd)id)ten aus ban peffatt. it. . GaSBari. 3n 3ugenb= unb iBotebibl.... 59 : 2400 3 it I) a 1 1: Xer syauernfomft. Xei Sd)ioe- benfc^immirl. las Eljvtfttinblcin. (Sine gptnnftube. Jii tt euc^ nicfit, Sott ISBt fict) nid)t fvotteti. Sllte ott lebt nodi, Set ! 3. offmann. 3n Gtj., SBb. 5 59 : 2264 Sllte auBtmann, Set. 3. S. $. Seinme. 3 Sbe. in 1 59 : 1292 Sllte au3, SaS. g. etftacfct 58: 900 Sllte Sungfet, Sie. 3W. SRat^ufiuS. 3n edjt.Sflb. 7 58: 2771 Slltc Junggejelle, Set. 31. aiHlbenl;ab,n. 3n e|. Grj., SBb. 5 59 : 1606 Slltc iltieget, Set ; unbfeinSobn. iffi.9Jiul= let. 3n Siieti^ 3ugenb=SBibl., fflb. 37 ... 59 : 2587 Slltc 2iebe, Sie. . Smtbt. 3n Sbinnen bee totben lonne, SBb. 1 59: 818 Slltc -iebe toftet nid)t. O. SKilbftmut^. Jn ^iir 33ammerftunbe 59 : 1637 Slltc 3)iut;le, Sie. G. oefet. 3n Mleinc X eben, Sb. 3 58: 1685 Slltc Drbelaffe, Set ; unb fein tnBfeteS SBeib. G. Binbfet. 3n ell uitb Simtel, SBb. 1 59 : 907 Slltc Dtaubfdjlojj, Sa. Gt)t. Bon Sdnnib. 59 : 532 Slltc Sdjabrafe, Sie. 21. Bon SLUntetfelb. 3n Sum. Solbatcn=9ioBIIen, SBb. 1 59: 1736 Sllte unb neue SUSelt. Zl). OTiigge 58: 2433 Slltc nub neue3i - G. SBinblet. 32Bin= tetbudi, *b. 1 59 : 950 Slltc Boiit SBevge, Ser. S. Sierf. 3n @d)rif ten, SBb. 24 56 : 1623 Sllte 3 ei * ; .bet, bie Bier Ib d)teibe;)iittmei= ftcrS 2d)immelmonn. 21. Bon at&gt;intet= felb. 3 bc 59: 1711-13 Sllten aufer Bon it\, Sie. D. SBilbet mutb. 3 -Bilber u. 0e{d;. au SdjtBoben. SBb. l 59: 1630 Slltcn 2dM)Hebjacob ^Giefdnd)tcn, Se. SB. Devtel. \28. D. B. Born.) 3 be 58 : 2861-3 Slltcn con Mubjied;, Sie. G. S&gt;b fet 58 : 1690 Slltcr Jabm-id), Gin. taf St. WraboiBSli. 3n neue inilit. SjumoreSfen, *b. 2 58: 1116 Slltcr SHann, Gin. G. $6fer. 5n Gtj. Sdjr. 6. 5 58: 1652 Saffelbe. 3n 2tu3 altet unb neuet 3cit 58 : 1660 Slltcr Samen unb frtfdjeS SieiS. 3. S. . lemme. Jn Gtiminat=3(oB., SBb. 2 59 : 1298 Slltcrmnnn 3ii?fe. G. iooefer. 4 be in 2- 58 : 1657-8 Silted tafengefd)led)t, Gin. 3. S. . Jemme. 3n Gtj., SBb. 6 - 59: 1305 Silted Solbatenb,et3, Gin. taf St. ra= botBSfi. 3" SBilbet aug bem olbaten= leben 58: 1117 Sim Slltat. G. SCetnet. 2 SBbe. in 1 59 : 1535 Sim SltfanfasS. A. etftadet. 3n 2lu3 mei= nem lagebud;, 2ib. 2 58: 90S Sim sBrunnen. G. oefet. 3 2luSg.etod^lte GefeUjdmft ". 58: 1664 Sim Godiati. 5v- etftader. 3n Untet Spat= men uiib ud)en, sb. 2 58 : 983 Sim Gidjftein. gt. SBtoui. 3n SUte unb neue(S&gt;efd; 59: 2420 81m Sujje bet Sldjalm. 8. ^idjlet. 3n Gtj., *b. 5 59 : 2644 Sim Jbctbfeuet. S. 28. JpadUinbct. 3n St. efdjidjten 58: 1329 I KOSE FICTION: GERMAN. &gt;ofe bcr norbifdjen cmiramis. 3 Slngefufjrt. Sim wfo bcr norbifdjen Scmirami*. D. SMbliuS. 2 *be. in 1 ..................... 58: Sim iHainin. . Sdjintb ...................... 59: 3m a It: Ter JSflcrintrtfi ton TOutidjen. Za* Zobtcitgefic&.t. Sim .Soil G. aBilUcmm. 3n 2tu alter unb neucr 3ett. Stt&gt;. 2 ........................... 59: Sim W"3- . flomtwrt 2be. in 1 ...... 58: Sim Sdialter. J. JRfflBtftrt .................... 58: 91 in Somttag^Jfadimittag. G. &gt;ccfcr. 3 n vaub unb (Bet, $b. 2 ........... . ............. 58: Sim Stein. 31. TOctfiner ...................... 58: Sim Stranbe. raf St. rabolr&gt;3fi. 3n ef. 9io*ellcn unb Grj., b. 1 ............ 58: 91 in Jhprc. G. Reefer. 3 eutfcbe fcierjen 58 : Sim Itbmtfer. i&lt;. fiieiife. Jn RotwOtn- 58 : affclbe. 3n ef . S&erfen, Sb. 4 .......... 56: Sim tobtcn See. % foe^fc. 3 Clef. Stolen, b. 8 ............................................ 56 : Sim IvSadjtfcuer. raf St. rabow3ti. 3n Slu J bem Solbatenk bcit ............... 58: Sim iL acty tfeucr. g. ofjmann. 3n Cn., 5b. 35 ........................................... 59 : Slmaionr, Sie. S- 2ingclftebt. 2 $be in 1. 58 : 9lmcrifa=3Hube, er. g. Kiirnberger ....... 58 : Slmtrifaitifdjc Sleifebilber. 2b. Xtclttj ...... 59 : Slntfrifaitilriic SJatb&lt; unb Strombilbcr. g. erftacfcr. 2 SBbe. in 1 .................. 58: 3 a 6 a It: SBb. 1: Ter Seitftenrauber. 9iorbamfritanifcl)f S^fl 1 - OuniS8taut fabrt. cdtulen in ben WadmoobS. i MUi(tntor=Jaflb. SBb. 2. Ciii SJerfud) *ur Sltifiebiung, Cincinnati. Xcr IUUTI; bfrborc Xraiim. (Sine ^Bant^eiiiiflb. Siianbmibe JlrSmer. ler amctifaiiiWe Uriualo. Xie Sitenjagb am aaijou Blctct in aitanfaS. X liiifrifniiifrtiri? Sprtdjluort. Jy. Serftdrfet. ^n -Jlu j meinem Jngcbud), Sib. 2 ......... 58 : Slmnii. ii&gt;. Certet. CiiS. D. uon .s:&gt;crn.) 3" ont &lt;3 (Srj., *b. 9 ............................ 58 : Xaffelbe. 3n Siljein. Sorfgefrf)irf)ten. Sib. 4 ......................................... 58: Slmncftirtfr, Gin. 3. 2). . Xemme. 3n (Sriminal=-JioweUen, S3b. 1 .................. 59: Wmorofo, Xev. 21. G. Skadjboget. 3n 3luvS bret vtab,rf;uiiberten, :8b. 1 ......... 58: SlmtmSiinin, Xie. G. etiibet. 3n Grj., 4b. 5 ............................................ 59 : Sin Siorb. g. Serftocfer. 3n 3lu meinem Jagebudj, b. 2 ............................. 58: Sin Gap .writ. g. (Serftacfer. 3n S3Iou bailor .......................................... 58: 9(11 ben Ufern bcS 9if)ein. S!. pdjter. Sfnbtrfrn, &gt;an Gfyriftian. - SJardjen, efammelte. 3n ef. SJcrfen, 33b.5 56: b. 59: Sin ber SWernfteinfiifte. f. !KoSfolgfa. 3 Siieri^ Juflwb SKbl., b. . $8 ............... 59 : i lli ber~Ber(ina. G. Sptnbler. 3"Sommer= maltten, Bb. 1 ................................ 59: 91 n ber Oirenje. $raf St. raraboiuSti. 3n (SeJ. 3toeUcn u. Gq., Sb. 1 ............... 58: 9ln ber Wren^e. G. bfer. 3n Grj. Sdjr., 33b. 1 ........................................... r,8: Dojjdfc. o,n SluS bem &lt;Bolf ............... 58: Shi ber ^nbianergrenje. Slrmanb. ( pfeub.) 4 be. in 2 .................................... 58 : Sin bcr IKcmel. 3. 2). . lemme. 2 S8be. inl ............................................... 59: Sin ber polmidKn Wrenje. grau 3- ^fannem fdjmitt. ( juUe Surow.) ............... 59: Slnbcricn, S)an8 Gb;riftian, (geb. 1805, f 1875.) ^tlberbud) cfjne Silbet. 3n Wef. iBerten, Ob. 6 .......................... 56: GMurfepeter, Ser. 3n ef. ffierfcn, b. 12 56 : Xer. 3n (M. SWerfen, 56: 1662 liKW 2(301) 1687 2311 1060 1K71 1521 673 677 1065 2294 520 2002 2090 989 64 . . flaifers nftie Jlleiber. Aliebermitttfrc^cn. (Srlenfiuflel. lie fedjnettonigin. talgei S&gt;an[e. Slbtl). : Cle&gt;l ue=Die. ^Sumelincbcn. J)cr Heine .fllaus unb bergvope ,ftlau3. Set ftattbbafte ,SinnfoIbat. ler Jiuc$ roeisen. Tie fleine eetjuttjfrau. Zc nnartige ffnabe. Ter (Garten be4 ipara* bieieS. lao (gan[vbliiindien. Sa9 t&gt;Sji lidje tungc Cntlein. 3Me Stbrdu 1 . Mbtl). 3: Ser en&lt;ie(. Zie eaiofdicn be4 OUurf 3. 2)ie iiiftin unbber d)o tiWinfe ger. lie Urinjeffin auf ber Grbte. Ta3 &gt;\eiierieufl. ie rotfaen Sdiiitje. Xer SReifcfamerab. 2)ie Springer. ie 9!acf)tigoU. Ser 3lofcn=eif. Ter flie. flenbe Jtoffer. I)ie alte 8traf&gt;enlaterne. Slbtli.4: Xas tleine Wabdien mil bem 2d&gt;roe- fc[t)61td)en. Tie luiloen Sctyimine. Tie blumcu ber fletnen ^ba- Tic ?Iacftbars gamilitn. Tie Slocte. TieStopfnabel. ter Heine -Iu(. Tcr Sdjotten. 3)!ar*en, 9!eue. 3n ef. SBcrten. 33b. 10 56 : 903 2853 2860 1297 222 1092 903 913 2644 2588 941 1060 KJ50 1661 26-7 1291 29 55 61 51 3 n d a 1 1 : a alte ^ati*. Ter Slad)5. Ter SBafjertropfen. Tic gliitfltctje J^a milie. Tie 8efd)i$te con etneriUlnttcr. Ter Jpalofraflen. Siordien meincd i eben?, Sa3. 5 n ef.iHerfen, b. 1 ........................... 56: 2Mtircb,en, eamnitlid;e. Veipj. 1873. 12. 59: 3nljalt: Sielje 2JIdrtb,en, (yefammelte, unb 91eue. 69 50 2000 Niirdjen unb eid;td)ten, Sleue. 58re&gt; men: 1873. 12 ........................... 59: 2001 3 nl) a It: SaS Glliitf (ann in einem iiolj. ftoddjen liegen. Ter Gomct. Tie ^o= dKiitiifle. SomicnfdKtn. cfdiidjten. Jlelterpoter. Scr roar bie WHicflltOfte. - Tie S!io&gt;ter. TaS HnglaubUcbfte. 2Ba3 bie jian^e ^amilic fagte. ,,Xanje, tntijte, ^iipiicben nicir. I" ..^rage 2lmagcr= Biutter". Tie grofee Seefdjlange. Tet Odttncr unb bie ijerrftyaft. !Ba9 bie alte ^oljanna erjdlilte. SDcr 5anofd)[ufieU Ter ftriippel. Zante ga^nfrfimerj. 9Iur ein eiger. 3n 0ef. SBerfen, S3b. 4 56 : 63 O. 3- 3n ef. SBerfen, b. 3 .............. 56 : 52 Sein cber nidjt fein. 3n (M. SBerfen, b.!4 ....................................... 56: 63 3tnei Batoneffttt, SDie. 3n ef. SBerfen, i8b.ll ....................................... 56: 60 Slnbrca. 8. Stober. 3n Grj., Sb. 7... 59 : 1093 Slnbrco bel Gaftafltio. D. SMutter. 3n Grj. unb Gbaratterbilber, b. 1 ........... 58 : 2644 Slnbrtn SJelfin. ^.^ft. 3n ef. SBerfen, b. 5 .......................................... 56: 674 Slnbrcac, ffiil^elm. tunnBbgel, Sie. Gutturs unb fitten= gefd;idjtlidier Sloman au^bemSlnfange be 16. SaMtmfetttfc 3ena : 1865. 2S3be.ini. 16 ........................... 58: 20 Slnbrco^ SJurnS unb feine gamitie. $. alen. 4Sbe.in2 .......................... 58: 807-8 2lnbrea$ 6alm. . Otto. 3 Sbe .......... 58: 2896-8 Slnbrra* Sofcr. G. 3)1 3JIunbt. (^ouife SJii^lbad).) 3" Grjb^erjog 3ob^onn unb feine Sett, 2Ibtb.. 1 ........................ 58: 2488 2lnbrcc, 3iid)arb. 3Kirtlidjc unb twabjfyaftige 9)obtnfon05 ben, gotten unb Sieifeerlebniffe ou alien 3enen. Vetwia, 1868. 8 ....... 59: 2010 Slncf botc au bem Ic^ten Vreufeifdjcn firiege. $. Bon Hleift. Jn ef. JSerfen, *b. 2... 56 : 704 Saffclbe. 3n ef. Sefyr. b. 3 ........ 56: 702 Slntonq unb Gnbe. $. fcebfe. 3n ef. HScrfen, b. 4 ................................. 56: 673 SJaffelbt. 3n l ier neue SiowUen ...58: 1522 Slnflc ^ttcu. 21. (X.) 2uma&lt;S. 3 43be. 3n Senfnnirbigfeiten etnes 3lr;te, 3. ilbtb,. 58 : 540-2 Slnocfiibrt. 3- 3&gt;- Xemme. 3n Grj., 93b. 6 59 : 1305 PKOSE y: OEKMAX. Slngeltfo. 4 ieff)eftn eon Sttdjenfrerg, Stnqdifa. Gfyr. Bon djinib. ................. 59: 534 2591 2437 405-6 2411 1293-4 180 1031 23 1650 1661 677 1674 1661 1301 536 2274 453 2641 903 1245 1069 324 315 2467 1739 97 3 n t) a U : Niente da fare. 9lu alten 3eiteti. rjm 5yilberfaa[. SBarum ^-rteb= rtcb JRei^ari t leine Uitograpijie hicl 3 geftfjvieieti. Zic $nog{n tion 9tl)c$. Zeiitfctie Sieber. (Sin 2Beifm&lt;ttf)tSges |(^en[. syom ,,@Iia3"Don s i)ienoe[fol)n. (Sin SDJaitag. 5lu3 alien SBudjeni. Gin inbevaftj[. SJouclufe unb Slvquo. gin ec(;tev Slitttv. 2tu einem herbarium, Unfer 9iij;d;en. 3 um ^unbcvtiiitjrigeit ebuvtstag. 5B!iiti|tev. Gviiuietung. 3)vanmor. Gin uevge|fcne j?lofter. 9(rai&gt;c unb ^antfyca. G. . 3M. SCietanb. 3n Sammtl. 353ien, S3b. 27 .............. 56 : W13 2(r6cit abelt, 3)ie. 3R. @. Sd)toarfc. 3 Sbe. inl .............................................. 59: 720 Saffelbe: ....................... . ............ 59: 701 Strieit unb olb. g. offwann. 3n Gtj., fflb. 26 .......................................... 59 : 2285 Strbent Sroug^ton. g. SDlart^at ............ 58: 2285 SirtStiW). G. S JJ?. aWetanb. 3n ammtlv aUerten, S3b. 2224 ...... . ................... 56: 1910-11 9lrtftofrntin nb ber gabrifant, Sie. 3M. toon imtbrad)t. (l f . G r n e fti ). 4 33be. in 2 ..... : ......................................... 58: 677-8 Slrm nb reidj. g. offmonn. 3n Stj., b. 2 ............................................ 59 : 2261 3ugenbaibl., S5b. 41 ........................ 59: Slttna. Sty. 2Ku00e ..... ................ ........ 58: X l H it it 33olet;n. rafin 2. Bon 3iobiano, 2 be ............... . ............................ 59 : Slnnabuaourg. E&gt;. djott. 3n ugenot= tengefd)td)ten : 3ugenb= unb SBoHsbibl. 59 : atntto 3ogje8. 3. SD. . 2emme. 4 Sbe. in 2....... ..... ... ..... .:. ..................... 59: 8lillta i amintt. 6. K&lt;6^Jfff. 3n 9Jo= toellen unb Grj., 33b. 1 ....................... 58 : 2(nnn 1 ouife fiarfd). 21. t&gt;on ternberg. 3n St. 3icmanennb Grj., 23b. 3 ........ 59 : Sdutcfc, Scattnlbe gwumSEa. eifterb,au inSieto Sjorf, Sal.- 3na: 1864. 16 .................................... 58: Slnncfcn Bon eeborf, a. G. &gt;i&gt;fer. 3 Grj_. Sd)r., ab. 1 ........................... 58: Xaffelbe. 3n 3lu8 bem SBoHe ........... 58: Slnntnn. *! 3n ef. SBerten, ab. 8.. 56 : SJnno bajumat. G. i&lt;f. 3 Sie gute altc 3t, ab. 1 .................... ............ 58: Slnno jtuei unb neunjig. G. ofer. 3 n Slit* bemSBoIfe ............................... 58: 9lnon&gt;)Ute SBrttfc. g. 28. Sacflanber. 3n rlebteS, SBb. 2 .............................. 58: Slnfdnto. Gb,r. Bon djmib .................. 59 : 2lnficbler am tronbe, Set. g. c*f= mann. 3n Grj., SBb. 15 .................... 59: 2(tificblcr an bett Cuetlm be @uque&gt; ^arota, Sic. 3. %. Gooper ............... 58: Slnficblcr int ScfjaiarjWalb, S)ie. ^. ^idjter. 3nGrj., fflb. 2 ................................ 59: Slltftflnb auf gifd^ottet, Gin. %. @ei-fiacer. 3n 3(u meincm Sagebnd), SJb. 2 ......... 58 : Slntife Sicmantif. ft. u^foio. 3n Site fdjbnerm tunben ........................... 58: Slitttyobcit, ie. rof t. taboicSK. 3n uS SSelt unb aug, Sb. 2 ........... 58 : SltrtoitellB, bet (Sonbolier. g. aub^. 3 $oet. unb $rof. SBerlen, SBb. 8 ............ 56: Saffelbe. 3 4mmtl. SBerfeu, b. 13 .................................... 56: Slntonto. G. 2)i. 3)!ubt. (Souife 58: wit bem rotten ffiragcn. 21. bmi SBinterfelb. 3n um. SolbatemJJoBeam, Sb. 4 .......................................... 59 : G. ^olfo..,. ............... 59: ^effenlanbe. 9J. recf;t.) 3n 2ltmc i icar, Ser. ef. Grj., ab. 2 Sttraennoti. Sftmanb. (?feub.?) 2tn ber Sn 1859. 4 !8be. in 2, 16 .................. 58 : 26-7 Sla^ 9tortoob. igannoer, 1860, 5 S3be., 16 ............... : ........................... 58: 28-32 9trmc Gbetmann, Xev. . Gonfcience ...... 58: 42a Slime grautdn, aS. raf et. ra= bolBSfi. 3n ef. d)r. u. Grj., b. 2... 58 : 1061 Slrme igilfSiefjrcr, Set. D. 6cter .......... 59 : 2310 8(tmc Sntf, Ser. g. TOarrijat ................ 58: 2281 2lrme Wdtbeli, Sa. St.ai^iuS. (3. @ott= ^elf.) 3nef. edjr. SBb. 8 ..... , ........ 58: 1038 2(rme SJann, Ser. Gtjdfilungen au bem Cefer. (D. laub^ h&gt;. (sdjtiften ............ 58: 1020 21. ffitfttnbobn. 3n 59: 1604 at. S3iiu (3. ott= e [ f.) SB @ef. @djr. b. 17 .............. 58 : 1047 2(tmcr Snab, Gin. g. offmann. 3 geicrftunben .................................... 59: 2304 2(rmcr Siinber, Gin. g. offmann. 3 Grj., Sb. 24 .................................... 59: 2283- 2(tnftdn. @. Bon gtruenfee. (uftau Bom See.) 3 Sbe ........................ 59: 1190-2 2(rttt6uf, Set- G. 2. 21. ^offmann. 3n 3lu0. Grj., b. 2 ...................... . ....... 58: 1731 Saffelbe. 3n Sie SeraJnonS -- Skiiber, S3b. 1 .......................................... 58 : 1732 2lttior @tJang. Jf). TOigge. 2 Sbe. in 1... 58 : 2428 2lnt ber (Beete, Gin. 3i&gt;. Bon ^itletn. 4 be. in 2 ..................................... 58 : 1550-1 in eiiur fleinen tabt, Gin. grau 3- nnenjdjmibt. (3 u U e 58 u r o to.) 2 be. in 1 .......................... ........... 59 : 31 Wsmits*. K. etoeber. 3n Grj., SBb. 1 ...... 59: 1090 MtlantW. J!;. Sielt^ ...... _ .................. 59: 2091 8t!/ eine 3genb. . ftb nig ................. 58: 1913 2liter, 2(belbeib on. Slditjig tufen 6odj. Stuttgart, 1873. 4 S3be. 11.8 ........ , ............................ 58: 37-4O @d&gt;rear3 auf 3Bei&. SBerl. [f. b.] 16.... 58 : 41 2lucrfcaef&gt;, SBert^oIb. (gcb. 1812.) 2luf ber fcb be. tuttgart, 1871. 2 Sbe. 16 ........................................... 58: 68-69 Xafielbe. tuttgart, 1870. 2 23bc. 16 ............................................ 58: 76-7 2luial;l Heinerer Grja^iungen. @tutt= gart, 1864. 2 Sbe. in 1. 16. 3n @ef. @d;r. ab. 1718 .................... 58 : 61 Stuttgart, 1864. 16.. 3n ef. @d)r., b. 9 .......................... 58: 53 Saffelbe. Stuttgart, 1871. 16 ...... 58: 78 Safietbe. 3 n dmmtt. Sdjtoarjiu. S)orfge|d)., b. 6 ......................... 58: 83 aefeb&gt;r(e. tuttgavt, 1864. 16. 3n ef. djr., 8b..l ..................... 58: 46. Eaffelbe. 3 n a mmtl. SdjtoarjiB. ffiorfgefd;., SBb. 1 ............ : ............. 58: 81 SSroft unb SJJoni. tuttgart, 1864. 16. 3n ef. djr., 33b. 6 ....................... 58 : 51 Saffelbe. 3n ammtl. Sdjlnarjlt . Sorfgefd)., 8}b. 7 ........................... 58 : 84 Seutfcbe 2(benbe. tuttgart, 1864. 16. 3n ef. djr., SBb. 19 .................... 58: 62" 3n()(ilt: Wubolpfi nub Glifabetiia.. SffioS ift GUurf? es Balbfdiu^n Soljii. ^ut itunft unb S^iteratur: J)rei Stationen be3 eAiUer = (Sot^e . ZientmalS. Stiibien unb 2lnmevlungen ju ^effing ^9Iattian berSeife. 2)td)tcr unb ffiauftnann. tuttgart, 1864. 2 abe. 16. 3n ef. rf^r., S8b. 12-13. 58 : 56-7 Saffelbe. Stuttgart, 1871. 16 ......... 58: 66 Siet^etm on SBudjenberg. Stuttgart, 1863. 16. 3n ef. Sdjr., 93b. 5 ...... 58: 50 Saffelbe. 3n ainmtt. djioarjitj. ffiorfgef^., 33b. 4 .......................... 58: 82 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. -5 91uf rotter Slufrbnd), Mertljolb. gor. GbellDeifc. Stuttgart, 1864. 10. 3" Wcf. Sdjr., Mb. 22 .......................... 58: afjelbe. 3" Sdmmtl. SdjisarjiB. Sorfgefdj., Mb. 8 .......................... 58: Gigcn au, Gin. Stuttgart, 1864. 16. 3n@ef. Sdjr., Mb. 8 ...................... 58: Seaffelbe. 3" Sdmmtl. 6$tMr}tt. 2orfgefdj., Mt&gt;. 6 ........................... 58: Grbmut ijc. Stuttgart, 1864. 16. ef. Sdjr., Mb. 8 ................................. 58: Kaffelbe. 5n Sdmmtl. djivarjw. Xorfgefdj., Mb. 2 ........................... 58: geinbltdjen Mriibcr, Xic. Stuttgart 1864. 16 3n ef. djr., Mb. 1 ............... 58 : Saffelbe. 3" Sdmnitl. @d)Warjt. 2orfgefdjidjten, Mb. 1 ..................... 58: glorian unfc GrcSccnj. Stuttg. 1863. 16. 3n@ef.Sdir., Mb. -2 ............... 58: Dttffette. 3n dmmtl. Sdjioarjiu. SDorfgcfdjidjten, Mb. 2. .................... 58: gran i&lt;rofeficrin, 2ie. Stuttg. 1803. 16 3nef. Sdjr. Mb. 3 ....................... 58 : affelbe. 3" Sdmmtl. SdjroarjiB. Zorfgefdjidjtcn, Mb. 3 ..................... 58 - jigerlcr., er. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3n ef. Sdjr., Mb. 8 ........................... 58: igotofen unb erfte. Stuttg. 1864. 16 3n ef. Sdjr., Mb. 8 ...................... 58 : iTaffelbe. 3" Sammtl. Sdjrcavjtw. SDorfgefdjidjten, Mb. 4 ..................... 58: 3Bo bcr Sajrle. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3n ef. Sdjr., Mb. k .......................... 58 : SDaffelbe. 3 Sammtl. Sc^WatjtB. 2orfgefdjid&gt;ten. Mb. 1 ..................... 58: Sofefcb tin Sdjnec. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3n ef. Sdjr., Mb. ai ..................... 58: afjelbe. 3" Sdmmtl. Sdjnjarjlu. Sorfgefdiiditm., Mb. 7 .................... 58: flricgepfeife, Jte. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3n Oef. Sdjr., Sb. 1 ...................... 58: 2affelbe. 3 Sammtl. SdjTOarjto. Xorfgeidjidjten, Mb. 1 .................... 58: SanbtjauS amSi^cin, Sa. Stuttg. 1871. 3Mbe. in 2. 16 .......................... 58: Xafielbc. Stuttg. 1869. 3 Mbe. in 2. 16 ........................................... 58: SJauterbadjcr, Ser. 3 Sdmmtl. Sdjmarj; Witter SJwrfgeW., Mb. 2 ................... 58: Sebn^Dlb, 2er. Stuttgart, 1864. 16. 3n cf. Sdjr., Mb. 7 ...................... 58: afjelbe. Jn Sammtl. Sd)iarjtu. Sorfgefd)., Mb. 5 ........................... 58: I ucifer. Stuttg. 18ii:i. 16. 3n Wef. Sdjr. Mb. 4 ......................................... 58: affdbc. 3n Sdmmtl. SdttDarjto. Xorfgefd;., Mb. 3 ........................... 58: Stoics iieben. Stuttg. 1864. !3 Mbe. 16. Jnef. Sdjr., Mb. 1416 .............. 58: Toffelbe. Stuttg. 1871. 2 Mbe. inl. 16 ........................................... 58: Sdjto&brtuer $2kfelc,2a. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3n Oief. Sdjr Mb. 1 ............... 58 : Saflelbc. 3n Sdmmtl. Sdjluarjlu. Sorfgefd)., Mb. 1 ........................... 58: SditnarjtDdlber 2orfgrfd)id)ten. Sdmmtl. Stuttgart 1871. 8 Mbe. in 4, 16 ..... 58 : 1. Sb.: Set loUpatW. Sie 64 84 52 83 52 81 46 81 47 81 48 82 52 52 82 46 81 63 84 46 81 70-1 85-6 81 52 83 49 82 58-60 67 46 81 81-4 . . Xoncle mil br oebiflf nf H ffiange . SBe- fc|)lci-lc8. lie fetnbli$en JUtubcr. 3o, - 2. !Bb.: Sicilian mib CreSjenj. 2&gt;er auttr badjcr. SttfifltniK. (Svbmiit^e. 3. *b.: J)it Jrau ^roftft orin. Siucifet. 4. *b.: 2ie BcUiAtc b4 Siftbelm 0011 !8u c^enberg. VPtt" unb Setfu. 5. 8b.: Her e(mf) b. Der SBieredig, ober bie amcrtfanifcfK flifte. 6. Wb.: Cin cigen ,tiau5. Barfufiele. 7. Sib.: Sofctb, im Si^nec. S3iofi unb 3J!om. 8. b.: Gbclroeife. Sl)ino;a, cin Senterleben. Stuttg. 1865. 2 Mbe., 16 3n ef. Sdir., Mt&gt;. 10-1 1. 58 : Xaffelbe. Stuttg. 1871. 16 ............ 58: Strdflinge. Stuttg. 18&lt;i3. 16 3" ef. Sdjr., Mb. 3 .......................... 58 : Soffelbe. 3n Sdmmtl. SdjU-arjW. Sorjgffdj., Mb. 2 ........................... 58: Sollpatfcfj, Scr. Stuttg. 1864. 16 3n ef. Sdjr- **&gt; 1 .......................... - r &gt;8 affclbe. 3n Sammtl. Sdjaiarjn). ffiorfgefdj., Mb 1 ........................... 58 : Soncle nut bcr gcbifiencn Sff-auge. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3n Wef. Sdjr., Mb. 1 ... 58 : Saffelbe. 3n Sdmmtl. SdjluarjW. Sorfgefdj., Mb. 1 ........................... 58: SHercdig, eber bie amerifanifdje .Rifle. Stuttg, 1864. 16. 3n ej. Sdjr., Mb. 6 .................................. ...... 58: Saffelbe. 3n Sdmmtt. Sdjlwarjiu. Sorfgcfdj., Mb. 5 ........................... 58: SSalbfrieb. Stuttgart 1874. 3 Mbe. 16 ............................................ 58: 2(ucr6aiii=nl?, Gin. 0. won Strueufee. (& u ft a Bom S e e.) 3n 21u3 bem origen 3afjrl;unbert .......................... 59 - 3(uf bem 9lSpcn. S. Dttc. 3 " i&gt;er alien 3ett, SBb. 1 .............................. 58: 3(uf bem aMiffifi t^i. $1&gt;. Dertcl, (S5. O. b o n o r n.) Csn loorn S Grj., Mb. 7... 58 : 91ui bem 2ranportfdjtfff. raf St. ra= boti sfi. Jn 3lus bem Solbatenlebcn ...... 58: 2(uf ben Mrettern ber grofsen SlScIt. raf St. rabotusJi ................................ 58: 9luf ben ^-elfen. Si. Sdjiitfiug. 3u itrieg unb g-rieben. Mb. 3 ....................... 59: S(uj ber Slim. y. S&gt;etjje. 3u ef. SBerten, Mb. 8 ........... . .............................. 56: 2fuf ber Xiine. g-r. Sbielljagen ............ 59: Saffelbe ........................................ 59: 2(iif bcr Gifenbalju. g. erftdder. 3n Un= ter ^almcn unb Mudjen, b. 3 ............ 58 : Sluf ber ^-elsbanf Bon Manama. . Bon friltl. 3n ift. s JioBeUen, Mb. 2 ............ 58 : S(uf ber ^ludjt. g. gioflmaun. 3n Grj., Mb. 33 ............... .. ......................... 59 : * luf ber ;obbe. M. 2luerbad). 4 Mbe. in 2... 58 : Saffelbe. 2 Mbe .............................. 58: 9luf bcr .rtaroo. %. Soffmann. 3" *}&gt; Mb. 32 ........................................... 59: 8(nf bcr Uniocrfitdt. G. iobfer. 3n Grj. Sdjr., Mb. 1 ............... - ................... 58: Xaffelbe. 3n 3lu alter unb neuer 3eit ..... 58 : (nf beutfdjcr Grbc. G. , oofer. 2 Mbe. in 1 58 : I liif bornigem ^fabe. 9t. . Stab .......... 59 : 9luf bunfclcm Wrunbe. G. ^olfo ............. 59 : Sliif eincn Sdjelmen anbcrtljalbcn. i. . Sdjiiding. 3 - lu * altcl ullb " cucr 3" Mb. 2 .! ... ................................... 59: Slnf cincr artcnbanl. 5. "US. ddldnbr. 3n Sorgcnlpfe Stunben, Mb. 2 ............ 58 : 9(nf greierefufjen. raf St. rabon)Mi. 3nSlubem Cffijierlebcn ................... 58: 2tuf frember Grbe. 91. Jiambang. 3 Mix. 58 : 3nl)0lt: SMb. I. XovfgoW)i(6te aufSee. 8b. 23. KuftMtttn. 9(uf bob^en SBogen. G. igieufinger. 3" cdndfal S ffialten, Mb. 2 .................. 58 : (itf ajfabetra. g-reiljerr G. on Mibra. 3n ;)(ci|cjtt-,iou unb JfoBellcn. Mb. 4 ........... 58 S(uf rotb.er Grbe. %. iiclBalb. 2Jiit Gle= mcntine .......... .. ........................... 58: 54-5 65 46 46 51 87-9 2899 2836 1065 1063 66i&gt; 677 857 866 984 155S 2292 68-9 76-7 2291 1650 1660 .1659 995 628 1335 1064 1850-2 1503 170 2107 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. 5Juf jerBorfiener Krbc. 6- 9lu bcr Sltyemoelt her 2liif jerborftener Grbe. te. SCPtllfomm ...... 59: 3 n & nit : Drei tflutljcn. IStue iUrautnadit aiij bet Sdifcrftniibcn. % ct&gt;fc. 3n ef. SBerlen, * b - 7 ............................................ 56: Slufojmntng. &lt;v. offmann. 3n ftatraber* Oefdiidjten ...................................... 58: Slitfrufjr, er. terjalil. etticS alien 2am= bcurs. IS. 6fer. 3n 9Cu bem Self ...... 58 : Sfufrudr in ben GeBennen, &gt;er. i .-Jtecf. 3n$r., Sb. 26 ............................. 56: 2(uqcn bcr SRiitter, 3Me. & SomBert. 3n 0&gt;efd)id)ten etncr CSaffe, S3b. 1 .............. 58 : 9(it(jciiDlirf be &lt;v&gt;liicf, Ser. g. SB. arf. limber .......................................... 58 : Sliipft feermann jjrandfe. 21. SHSilbenBabit 3n ef. Grj., b. 2 ........................... 59: Sdtpftr. D. SlUlbermutb. Sn 2(u3 bent grauenleben, 3)b. 3 ........................... 59: Sliirora, (Srafin Bon fionigSmarf. 6. TO. SUfunbt. U . mtblbad).) $n SJcucS Stiberburfi, 33b. 2 ......... : ................... 58: 9(itg alien SBttren. G. feb fer. 3" Grjab.1. au ber Seimatl;, 35b.~l 2 ............... 58: 2(iti&lt; alter unb neuer 3ett. W. toon Sumbracfit. (. tern eft i.) 2 SBbe.. 58": 9lllSi alter unb neuer 3eit. G. bfer ........ 58: 3 n d a 1 1: SUte 8cf&lt;6u$ten: Sin alter DInnn. 35le SDo^tcnfBnigtn. Sluf ber Unioer= fitat. 3)tv ftillc .Hamerab. (Jrljarb 3Bal bon. JiriegSleben tm Jyrieben. alter unb neuer fttit. 8. djitcftng. 2be. in 1 .................................... 59: Sniialt: b. 1: 2&gt;a3 DlifiDerftanbnig. Die brci (Srojimadite. Siolo. 23b. 2: 2(uf einen Sd^elmen anbert^alben. 2Bie ber cfjnec fdjmolj. oilr/. alter unb neuer 3ett. G. SBitlfomm. 2 3be. in 1 ................................. .... 59: 3 n 1) a 1 1 : Mb. 1 : Doctor ^uftuS. er SiollmacSt. Sib. 2: Cin SiniUiene6etm= nife. am Rolf. 1661 676 1735 1661 1625 1971 1298 1604 1633 2548 1708-9 675-6 1660 peru unb SrafiKen. Bon iUibra. , t !Sbe.in2 ..................... 58: it bent 6atrifd;en Siialbe. 3. Stifter. 3rt rj., Sib. 1 ...................................... 59 : bent aauernleben. &. SHaimunb. 3n JtoBeUen, iyb. 4 ................................ 59 : 2tut&lt; bent Srieffade be^ Saqaetfi^iffeS ,,@ee&gt; IFAIange". g. (Serftarfer. Jn atu jteei SSJeltt^ttten, SJb. 2 ............................ 53 : bent S-rauenteben. D. SBtlbermutfy. 3 *fce- i" 2 ....................................... 59: 3 til) a It; Hb. l: 8i fennenlofeJ 6en, SRoracn, SDiittan unb Sltenb. Eic Ser miitilte. Unabdaugigfeit. SBb. a: ie Seftrjnljre ber jroci Scfiroeflern. SMoc^cnbriefe. Sin jjjerSfttag bei y&einis berg. Xobte Zrcue. Sb. 3: fiebensgliirf. J)ec erfte djcjwift. 2lugufte. 628 1662 156-7 1061 213 906 1632-3 bent 0eben!6urf?e be Sitter Mubolf Bon Gfjtngen. Jy. 0aub^. ^n ^oet. u. Srof. aBerfen, Sbb. 6 ........................ 5g: Kafjelbe. 3n gammtl. S&krfen, S3b. 17.. 5(j : 9(itS bent Wartcffetfriege. raf St. ra= boiusfi. 3n Siilber au bent Solbaten= le^n ............................................. 58: Sill? bent X eben. SB. ^acobij. ^n 3iterig 3u-- genb=i0ibl., Sib. 46 ........................... 59: 2ln$ bent iicbcn be Stacomo SRobuftt, ge- nannt il Tintoretto. G. ^oOo. 3n 3teue 9ZoeIIen, Sb. 3 .............................. 59: 2Jiia bem veben eine alten 2HUttor3. . ofer. 3n 2eutjd;e erjen K ............... 58 : 9(u bem i?eben etiteS (Slurflidjen. G. Sfinbler. 3n e la tiger, je lieber, S3b. ].. 59 : 91 116 bem Veben eineg fletnen giirften. 2t Werner. Sn ebaraftermasfen, b. 2... 58 : 323 317 1117 2596 81 1671 917 2316 g bem Seben eine Jaugentdit?. . 3. Bon Gid;enborff. 3n Samtntl. SBcrfen, S8b. 3. 56 : 2(liS bent iieben etnes Sogel^bergerS in firieg unb gritben. SBB. Derttl. (SB. O. Bon & o r n.) n SKjein. Sorfgefd;id)= ten,b.2 ....................................... 58: 2(iig bem Seben jtoetet cd^iUcr. 9J. iiaron. 3nt., sb. 5 ................................ 59: 2111$ bent Dfatrofenleben. g. erftacfer. 58 2(110 bent SOHttelatter. 3t. G. 33rad;boget. 2 S3be. in 1 .................................... 58: bem Cffijierleben. raf St. ra* 58: n $ all: &lt;Da Skjutant olme 5(jferb. ilocf= ftreitfie. portrait unb Brief. Suf Dcr bem 5poft- unb Sieifcljaitbbud; eine SdiuImeifterS. G. feb fer. 3n ffieutfdje cnen, u. f. to ................................. 53: 11^ bem Solbatenleben in &gt;eimatfy unb 5-rembe. Graf St. (Sraborosfi ............. 58: 3 nl) alt: Gin Xag aus bom I eben eineS Un&gt; teroffijievs. 2lm SBadjtfeuer. 3uf bem ZtanSpoitfdJiffe. Cin beutWe) s;agev in Slfien. 9(u3 bem 2abaf!o((egium. g. Otto ......... 59: 9te8 bem ..toKen" Sabr. 3. SKttBIfett.... 58 : SlttS bem S5oB. te. iifer ...................... 58: 3 n I) a 1 1 : Grsaljlumien eine5 alten Xam = bour^ : 2lnno imei unb neunjig ; 58om gro* fien &gt;art ; Mofof, bcr Mctrut; 35er Slufrujv. SaSDerlaffene J&gt;au3. Xa Slnbenten von Seeborf. Serdanbelte Zreue. Sin ber renje. bent Bortgen Sa^unbert. . Bon Struenfee. (GDuftaB Bom See.) 59: 3 11 fl a H: Gin auer&adtu Balj. Die !Bela = gerung BrcUau t im ^atire 1741. 9(11? bent SCalblcben Stnterifa g. %. er* ftacfer. 6 Sibe. in 2 ........................ 58: 3 nfi a It: SBb. 13: 33ie Megulatoren in Strfonfo ................... 58 : Stoffette .................................... 58: b. 4 e. 33ic giugpiraten be3 SDJiffiffiprji. 58 : affelbe ..................................... 58: 9(u bent ffiunberlidjften Sud;e". 6. ^JoKo. 3n 9i. 9(oBe(len, 9Jb. 9 ....................... 59 : 3 n b, a It: Sin -JBunber (jlnton Maff). (i)e = trennt. Zie Keilctjen ber Jtaiferin. (Sin Dia)terb,erj ^golin Jicats). 3)e3 (Srafen SBeifinaciit im iffialbe. bem 3iinbmibe[frtege unb au3 fri tf)e= rer 3eit. g. ^flug. 3n Unter ben ?fitti= gen be fcfytoarjen 3(blerS .................... 59 : 3n&,alt: .tiiftorifdjeS glijjenbud); 3Jb. 1: Zie Saiinen be4 9cegimcnt&lt; non XreSforo. Muf bem Gavellenbergi 1 xion Xrautenau. Gine Wequifition mil 6inbeniif(en. 6en = rii1&gt;, fimTla! Son .fianb ju 4&gt;anb^ 3m Siegesjubel Don Gljlum. JDer toUe platen. ben 2ltBen. 9i. SdilBCtdjel ............... 59: 3n I) a It: ScrRrSmer con 3Uiej. 2&gt;er ilBunberboctor. ben Sugenbtagen. G. 2K. SDiunbt. (Souife Wtiftlbad)). 2 Sbe. 3n ftatfer SBil^elm unb fcine Rcitqenoffcn, b. 1-2 ................ ! ...... _. J ..... H ... .58: ben SJiemoiren einer Sdiiwatbe. g. tolle. 3n griiblingSglorfen ............... 59: u5 ben Silberminen ber Govbillera be IoS 2lnbe in ubamertfa. SB, Dertel. (ffi. D .B o n o r n.) 3n $n ten., b. 14 58 : 2111* ben Sagen ber Gommunc. @raf t. Wraboicsfi ..................................... 53 : 2(ii ben Jagen ber gro^eit Saiferin. 4ieBin Sdjitding. 2 S3be. in 1 ....................... 59 : 3 nl) a It. b. 1: Die DbaliSten. S3b. 2: Die DbaliSten (@a)lu6). Die S!o = oijen. ber 2l[enwett ber Sdjiretj. 21. SB. rube. 3n 3ttgenb= unb SBoHsbtbl ....... 59: 242 2858 2024 901 221 1064 1671 1065 2622 2601 1661 1193 986-7 986 969 987 929 84 60 765 2528-9 1115 2843 1066 654 2407 PROSE FICTIOV: GEBMAX. ?lu bcr Qlten 3cit. 7 9lu5fdifl. ber alien 3eit. i . Otto. 2 be. in 1... 58 : 3 11 bait. J)b. 1: jwti ajriiber. Set tier* boriKite Sdjmucf. Gin uufricblidK S Atie = benofcft. Scmoronia. Huf 6cm 3tfpcn. 93b. 2: Det etfte $erenpro,ie& in @ad)[en. 3n brei ctabten. Dototbee, bie Xodjter btS Jtruitocalvintjtcn. Column 3Bitten betg unb feine loiter. Die flinber beS 9iatlj$b m n Wiener. ?ln ber Wrfentwelt. i . Otto ................ Sliia bet ;yamilicn=Gfyromf einc3 gciftlidjen fterrn. G. grcmiind. 3" 2899 Shis! bev grcmbc unb bcr eimatb,. liarlcn. ..................... ". 6. 58 : 59 : 58: 58 : 9luji bcr Warnifon unb iin gclbe. Okaf t. (5&gt;rabolr.3fi. 4 be. in 2 .................... 3nbalt. 33b. 1: flataUerie in bet &gt;}!eiifion. Det I5 ibri in;. 3to. 2: Die ecbeimniffc Don Pofcmufet. Rriboliu. SJb. 3: Drei2lbenbe au3 bem cbcn eine-jGins jiibriaen. Die beiben Dragoner. (Sine Jtrtcgofnbrt in ^ranfreic^. SSb. 4: Die falfdie Oiafiii. SSor &lt;pari$. 9(ua ber guten altcn .^cit. 5. Qeffmann. SnGrj., Sb. 34 .............................. 59: 9(u? ber &audironif mcineS SHaterS. G. Sorer. 3.n Xcutfdje fccrjcn 20 .............. 58: 2(u? bcr Syimatt) unb Jremfce. g. Mit^in. (i Sbc. in 1 .................................... 59: 3 n 1) a 1 1. S)b. 1 : 3ugenbU$ct SHutl). Ilie Mettuit!]. Sb. 2: Sin S^ian mil bem rtlieG""" ^ s!*b. 3: Gble Stadie. Sb. 4: iBeftraiter I titttfnin. S)b. 5: flinblidK Vicbe. S)b. G: Cntel Hoiibon. . 2(ui&lt; bcr le(jtcn polniictyen Mebctuticn. 5v rau 3. ^fanncntdimtbt, (Julie iB ur o to.) 59 : 3ln v t bcr KaWK ctueS ^ilgcrS burrf) bie aclt. G. epinbler. gn aRofail, b. 1 59 : 8(115 ber Scibcltafdje. ^-. SB. Sacflanber. 3n 2orflnlofc Stitnbcn, i&lt;b. 1 ............ 58 : 91 ua b Sd;miebc. SB. Certet, (SB. D. U o n ^orn.) Sn xiorn * GTJ., 4&lt;b. 1 ......... 58 : Soffelbc. 3n 3lt)ein. Xorfgefd). S)b. 1 58 : 9(iu&lt; bcr cc. . Wcrftacfcr .................. 58 : t: Sie pcrfunfene Stabt.- Set bautermann. Xcc &labauU vmann unb bie bcr tucitcn SBelt. G. frofer. 3nbalt. SJb. 1: Die alte~2l)&gt;tclfrau. Ser= lotene tfiebe. 3eeae|d)id)ten: tytttt oan 9turon; Garitiin .(letelbocf. 3 m rotbcn tauff. Jielene. Solbatenaefdnditen: 9Jiu9fetier unb I tiigfetierin; (S3 loarcn eins mat jtuei altc Solbateu. 8b. 2: (Sine iefuenfterncid)ic6tc. Der S&iis fer oon :Hobed. Dag -Kurnirciulein. Die votbcn Jiclfen. 3 n einer itiUen Strode. teutiriicn 2 be. in 1.. Ciauen. 5. ^Jobenftcbt. 58: 3 n b a 1 1: 9b. 1. Cine MBiu1)5(ie(ie. laS ^Jldbdten uon Vicbenftetn. te k^jten ^al= fenbiirfler I. S)b. 2. Tie Ic^ten SoUeiibuvijcr I. (Sifilug.) Xie lefcten Aalfenburger II. eig ncr Jtraft. 3J. toon ufef. 2 S^be. 1 G. &i&gt;fer. !Taijelbe. Jn StwegtcS I eben ............. 91 n? fcrncn ,^onen. G. .Hoftrow 9(Ui? Aludi anvb nimmer Scgen. , few. vin Sicr. Sd;r., b. 3 9(u&gt;&lt; frii^eren Sagcn. G. Jtolro. 3" 3m *cniberflel;cn : s j(cue 9iowllen, SBb. 13.... 9(u? l)ciften Ingen. i. . Sdjiicfing ............ ^I Mtt: Xte Xtamantcn ber Wrofemuttcr. Xie iUfttenfarte. 9tu od)fird) S 3iad)t. 91. toon 3Binter= fclb. 3" i&iim- Solbatcn^Jfoocllen, 58: 58: 58 : 59: 56 : 59 : 58 1 : 59: 2900 2403 380 10G7-8 9liia .rieg&gt;3= unb G. Sjpfer. 2293 1671 2470 41 932 1334 2845 2857 902 58 : 1662-3 194 1175 1650 1(&gt;7 2990 491 86 G29 1739 3 n ba It: 8b. 1. (Sin S. i&lt;it im Wriinen. ^jiir nolbencn JHofe. Clerimbimanjla tetiiMben. Jcr tolle_ SBaltbev. 3et = brodjen. ^b. 2. ^ie ."oeyrin con Semot. Serffamrrjon iteinfircben. Iirofc^fe 9(na Se&en utib Gtefdjidjte. g. 91. @d;inibt. 9liii&lt; mcinein Vebcn. 2Bab.rb.eit unb Sid;. tung. 3. 255. &6tt)&lt;t. 3n Sammti. aScrfen, ^ari8. 9tugabe, 3Jb. 3 ........... Xaffelbc. 3n Sammti. 4Cerfen. tutt= gart unb Jiibiiigcn. flb. 4 ............... Xaffclbe. 3n JiJcrfcn, etuttgart. flb. 11 ....................... . Eaflelbc. 3n 2Berfen. fiurj fdje 2lu?g., wb.9 .......................................... 9(110 meincm Jagebud;. g. crftdder. 2 S8be. inl 58 : 166.5-6 t. b. t: Tie Crbftbaft. Irei tage Gurneoal in X ima. Dleiu erfter Sofe. . (Sin ilniianb auf rtif^otter. 311 fflaftetn. (Jin fttfciiiiaiifl aiif fflemfen. Sb. 2: let QontgBaum. Ser gtembe. x lm Jlrtanfas. Icr inbionifcbe .^unb. Xet ftiUe Xanb. Tao t oftbureau in Mr, tanlat, Zcr aetaufte llaptifteiipiebiger. ie fcdroarje flub. fiilger S Xrutbuljiier. 1^5 C.uioe. Eer ^eirntboantrag. 2cr jpniiafned)! unb bie flub. (Sin 91 ad)* mittan in (Sinciiinati. ^n iMatiou Saralj. ilmeritanifdje hotels unb .HSirtbsbanfer. Zet d)nard)er. - . SlmerifanifdieS epriictjniort. .In J)orb. Jmsi t ager bet 6qmat|en. 9!uftralifdie I idjtblirfe. 9(u mciner Jugmbjeit. 3. ikaun ......... 9lna ifadjt jum Siidjt ! 3J. SJaron. 3n grj., unb eiib=2(merifa. % &n, ftddcr .................................. ........ 3 "li a It: 2aS SBrad 1 bcS i|3iraten. Die Menaaerie im ltrroal. 59: 56: 56: 56: 56: 58: 59: 59: 58: alien lagen. D. Kiln. 2be. in 1 8(u* etabt unb Xorf. 2(. SJecter 3 nba It: lobt unb lebenbia. jijeuners fiofiele. ,,taub unb StfdK". G. Itclfo. 3n 10 58: 58: Snbalt: (Sin Zag In ^ari cot 65 aabten. (Sine HaUerinc. Dna S*lojj an bet fflefer. (Sine aefriinte Sangerin. _ Jler= roanbte Weifler. ffliabdjenberjcn. ffie fcfjirfite einer Spi^enaarnitur. triiben SiJaffern. O. aBilbermutb^. 3n au^ bem Sanbe 9ltt3 uergilbten ^avieten. g. offmann. 3n Grj., SJb. 24 9(ui? -Walb unb Bergen, g. etrafele unb ibatiS. CDraf t. ra= 2 bc. in 1 3nbalt: *b. 1. &lt;mramu3 nnblbi-Jbe. Die fleine jioniciin. Der Sobn bcr sleeve. 3iDciter Glafie. Wb. 2. rubet unb ecbrocftcr. - Die Hutipoben. (Sine mili= tarifa)e Greecution. ffiicben I eter Don Sielborf. 9(ita 3 e un b Siaum. 91. VanSfty 9(ua,ieiai&gt;clttl;eile?:. g. Berftd tfer. 2*be. 3 n b a 1 1: ibb. 1. .v&gt;eiiinpeb unb ^lu 3roanbcr= ung. Die SBolf jalocfe. Die 3(bnung. SdjlDarj unb IBeie. Der 5? fifd)ii|. Die Scboonerfabrt. Merlin unb ba3 a)aufviclbtiu im 3kla;iciunii6,iuitanb. Bb. J. Die loditcr be 3(icarree6. $iert Srbuiye. Der Deuttd)e unb fein flinb. fibtcfjale einer !)(adn. (SiDilifation unb fd&gt;iffe ..Seejdilange" Der JIlSpMlbiftrift bes fad)fifd&gt;en (SrjgcbirgeS. Die Dtter" 59: 59: 59: 59: 58 : 58: 9(nacriD(if|ltt be* ^ropljeteu, 3)te. Zb.. Wiigge .......................................... 58 : 9(tiaflll)| i" ben Sdjloariir-alb, Gin. g. s iB. .iiarfldnbcr. 3" JU. Grj. u. f. n&gt;. 58 : 9(n&lt;&lt;flu&lt;| in *&gt; ffialbregion, Gin. 3. Jur= gcnje w. 3n Grj. =bb. 1 ................. 59: 2760 352 359 367 388 903 2045 2022 904 2643 113 84 1636 2283 2860 58 : 1069 2030 905-6 2433 1289 1360 FKOSE FICTIOX: GERMAN. in 5an. V Ud&gt;ev}rf)U&gt;eminung. in 3aa, Gin. g. erftacter. 3n Unter "Halmen unb SSuafen, Sb. 3 ......... 58 : lu*9cftoj?citc, Xie. . Merife. $n 3u= genb Sibl., Sb. 20 ............................ 59: iiisaewfiWt r$ablungen. . X. 21. o|fmann. 2 Sbe ............................ 58: 311 fjn It: Sb. 1. oge unb Sogarejje. 2&gt;oS j?rulein oon Scubcri. Uleiftet 3Rar&gt; tin bet tfiifet unb feinc BtfcBctl. Sie germate. Signer formica. Sue So* nigSbtaiit. Matf) jtreSpel. gragmente au3 bem eben bveier ^-reunbc. Spielt l r= a(ud. Bie SBctgrocrte ;u Jalun. Set &gt;iii(ammrn()a]icj bev Himgc. S8b. 2. Dcr Slttusfjoi. ic 9(utomate. S)ie SBvaulroai)!. 08 frembe tfinb. Set uni)eimlid&gt;e Soft. Witter Sliuf. - Son 3uan. Eer JRagnettfcur. JDer golbene Topf. 3Me abemeuet bet eq(= i&gt;ejtmiad)t. 9tad)tid)t con chiem gebilbe* ten jungen 2Hann. 4&gt;a5 !l)lajorut. Weis fter ^oijannes ifiadjt. efettfdjaft. G. Swfer ........ 58: 58 : 984 2570 1730-1 ^ a It: J[ra Grter. erooiinen unb loien. Sum gtuncn a)aum. EiebcSa roege. Solle Streidje. Sdjlog groolf. 5tm anunien. ^m fio^cn $auje. Sdtftraltcit. 91. Wambang. 3 ^"f f bertxrbe, SJb. 23 Slnftralifriic 8*tblitfe. %. erftacfer. $n auS meinem Sagebud), 4ib. 2 ............... 58 SJuJmaftl au8 bc3 leufete ^a^ieren. 3. ^8. g. :Htd)ter. 3n eammtl. 28., Sett. 2lug., JBb. 4 ................................... 56 Saffetbe. 3n Sammtl. SEB., *paris, 2lug.,$5b. 1 .............................. 56 SluSJualilfleiiievcr CSTjatilungen. 45. 2tucr= baclj. 2 *be. in 1. 3n 0e(. @djr., S5b. 1718 .......................................... 58 2li!ttmnbcrcr,2ie. g. &offmann. SnStj. &lt;8b. 26 ........................................... 59 fettxutbcrcr, 3)ie. . SJieri^. 3n 3u= genb= v -8U&gt;L, sBb. 25 ............................ 59 2lii*ttmnbcrrr, te. . . won Srfjubert. 3 istj. Sdjr., b. 2 ......................... 56 Slu-3B)aubcrcr=fl)ttf- a^. g. Serftocfet. jjn SSIauaBafl .............................. 58 9luiin$Batcr, 35er. S, won 2lblfelb ...... 58 Slntomott, Sie- 5C. 21. .^cffmann. $n g. terj., b. 2 ............................. 58 SBb.2 ....................................... 58: Stittor on cilf Saljren, Gin. G. S^tnbler. 3n iDfaif, b. 1 ............................. 59: 9ll-cl Serfen. Wraf t. raboluSft. 3n ef. SioBellcnu. rj., $5b. 2 ....................... 58: Slrel u"t&gt; 2(nno. g. Sltemer. 3n fit. Grj. 58 : Slrlftftffiingct, Ser. 31. @d)etdjel. 3n 3n ben yreujj. tntetiv&gt;a[bcni ............... 59 : SBooS Sanfenbcnd. . Gonfcicncc 58 iBobel. 21. 9Jietfwer. 4 SBbe. in 2 58 Sflflrfxiradjcr Dieerfdjtff won 2(nno 1870, . Dertcl. (iU. D. toon otn.) 3n feorn g Grj., b. 9 58 UrttjeilsjBrud) SBafbingtori 8, Gin. &e\f-- jig, 1864. 2 Sbe. in 1. 16 58 : Saditanyu^angenfetbotb, Ber. 2B. Dertel. (ffiJJu. von . gorn.) 3" Corn s Grj., Sb. 11 - 58: IBabciirjte, 2te. 21. 9)ietpner. 3nGt;ara&gt; termasfen, Sb. 1 58: 8-abejiigcr, Ser. g. erftacfer. SnSoeiml. unb u nfyeimt. @e(dj., Sb., 2 58: 16G4 1851-2 903 1151 1168 61 2285 2575 2795 913 10 1731 1733 932 1061 303 766 423 2312-13 2853 95 2&55 2315 936 SBiirenjogb am Waijou Weter in 2WanfaS. 3)te. g. erftactet. 3n 2lmet. 2Bolb= unb trombilfcer, Sb. 2 58: 989 Safin beg SaftcrS, Sie, g. offmann. $n terj., S3o. 20 59 : 2279 iBn6nwarf)trrI)(iiii?(f)cit, Sa3. g. Sdjmibt. 59 : 2730 !Bni on Gcrral, Sie. greiljert. G. ton ibra. 3n Sieiieffisjen unb SioBeUen. b. 4 58: 170 SBnigncur on Cftenbe, Ser. 28. Dertet. (JlS. D. o n o r n.) 3n otn 8 Grj., 33b. 12 58: 2856 SJnirifdje feiefel, Ser. . rfjmib 59: 566 S8a(l, Set. 8. totu8. "(3. ottbetf.) 3n Glef. @djr. *Jb. 10 58 : 1040 , Stobett Widjael. id), 3)er. (Vleberf. Bon Reel Eric.) SreSben [f. b.] ft. 8 59: 2015 djiffbriidn gen auf bet GoroUeninfef, S)te. (Ueberf. BonThe Coral Islands.) Sregben [f. b.] ft. 8 59 : 2016 Sttdcrinc, (Sine. G. ^olfo. 3n 2lu etaub unb 2i|d)e. 9(eue JfofeUen. 33b. 10 59 : 84 SBalfter i ieicr bet ben g-tanjofen. 2)Z. SJa^ t|ufiu8. 3n ill. Gtj 58: 2768 Santo. C. SiitUfomm. 2Sb.ini 59: 1663 SBnnbmiiKcr BOH Sanjig. G. Binbler. 3n olfSgefdiid)ten, b. 2 59 : 948 SBanqc Sage. . Sioffmann. 3n Grj., S3b*. 22 59 : 2281 SBanf be? SJerberbenS, Sie. . iltt. 4 be. in 2 58 : 1555-6 Sanfcrott, Ser. 2)i. s JJatf)ufmg. 3n St. Grj 58: 2768 SanfiiJlcn, ic. S- Soffmann: 3n Grj., b. 11 59: 2270 SSonfrott. 3- - . Xemme. 2iSbe.ini 59: 1296 SBaruaroffa. %. e^fe. 3n ef. SEerten, *b. 5... 56: 674 S8arlictiie,2)a3. g. erftacter. SnaBilbe SWelt, Sb. 3 58 : 993 SarcBcfictb, Sag. W. 9iat&.ufm3. 3n St. Grj 58: 2768 SJarfiipcIc. SB. 9luer6ac 58: 78 Safjetbe. 3n ef. Sdjr., S3b. 9 58 : 53 &gt;af}elbe. 3n ammtt. SdjwarjW. 3)orf= gefdj., S8b. 6 58: 83 S8(trmicriigfcit,2ie. 2t.tiftet. 3nGt|., S3b. 2.. 59: 1061 , SJidjatb. bem 1 eben jiBeier Sdtiiter. SteStau 1864,16. 3nGrj., b. 5 59: 2024 2ln 3?ad)t jum Vid)t ! SkeSlau, 1858, 16. 3nGr3.,b. 3 59: 2022 Gatifornien in ber Seimatti. Sregtau 1858, 16. 3n Grj., Sib. 3 59 : 2022 G^)riftfe[t in ber gamttie grcmmbotb, . aretau, 1854, 16. 3n Grj., . 2 59 : 2021 Snabe in 2(merifa, Set. 33reg= tau, 1866, 16. 3n Gf}., Sb. 1 59 : 2020 e[d;id)te eine^ jungen SKalerJ. SkeSt. 1826. 16. 3nGr}., $3b. 1 59: 2020 SuliuS unb 3J!aria. 23re[. 1864, 16. 3nGrj., m. 1 59: 2020 Sdjmurf ber Mutter, Ser. S3regl. 1860. 16. 3n@r.,83b.4 59: 2023 djulmetfter in lannenrobe, Ser. 33reI. 1864. 16. 3nGrj., S3b. 4 59: 2023 onntagsfinb, SaS. fflreSl. 1860. 16 b. 4. 59 : 2023 Seftament, Sag. Steel. 1855. 16. 3n Grj., Sb. 2 59 : 2021 Srubdjen, bag SiSaifenfinb. Sreel. 1865. 16. SnGrj., Sb.5 59: 2024 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. Uebnjrf)ii-e MirutnQ. S&gt;nron, SJicbarb, - S9el3nmg Don Golden;. 16. 3u Crrj., *b. 6 ...................... , Sec. 4kSU 1856. 16 3u trj., b. 3 ................................... ber SRenfdf fdet, ta$ urirt er audi crntcw. #rcl. 1865. 1 3 trj., Wb. 5 ........................................ yivct feinblicbe ttriiber. *rel. 1855. 16 3H,8k8 .............................. Sharon Hcan&gt;au unb feine Quitter, p. &a= len. 4 *De. in 2 ............................... $&gt;aron toOW**&gt;. t. M. fflunbt. (V u i fe -))i ii b I b a cb.) 3ntf($i$iitttr, flb. I Snronii irt. 3*- S5attflUtt ................. SNartbli, ber Jtorbcr. 3L iiiJjiuS. (3. & o 1 1 b e I f. i 3n cf. 2d)r., a. 10... Waftarb, Z&gt;. t. 6pinbler. 4 *bt. in 2. SSatuDia. i&gt;. timfdcnce ...................... Wonbiffin. mf SUxltert. (Caroline SliatbUbe. 3* t^riftian VII. unb fcin x&gt;of. 4*b. 12 .................. Gljriftian VII. unb fein Sjof. anno. 1863,6 33be. in 3. 16.^ ................. 3 it 6, a It: b. 12. Earolinc OTatfjitbe. SJb. 34. fUiIiaiu JUarie. Wb. 5 ti. ^iail 3 i(Jogii)ij^. 59: 59: 59: 59: 58: 58 : 59 : 5S : 59 : 58: 58: 58: 2022 2022 2021 2021 809-10 2501 1430 1040 895- 426 104 104-6 ert. 1866-7 VII. unb fein frof, Kb. 5 6.... 58 : 3u(ianc iHarie. 2ttbe.ini. vin (Sbriftian VII. unb fein .wf, $tb. , i 4 58: ^bilippiiic iiH Ifer ober uor breiljunbcrt 3ab,ren. ftannov. 18t&gt;4. 3 "Bbe. 16. 58 : r, Caroline, (tarl Xetlef.) jite e* fein? Stuttgart, 1873. ibe., n. 8 58: unb ber Jviirfi, Xer. ). JNartineau. 3n Jtierity JugenbsittU., i^b. 42 59 : Sourrnfiirft, Xer. . Shading. 2 be. 59 : iBaurrniai)b, tine. g. Qcrftdder. 3 il aibma nn * ,\xil ! 58: SBoncriifrirfi, Xer. S&gt;. (ioncience 58: SaiKnfobii, tin. y. Otto 58: :lf.) Jn (9cj. Sdjr., ^b. 1.. 58: 93aura be lobe*, Xer. g. Stolle. 3n ViooSroftn, 4&lt;b. 1 t. 59 : Saucr, tarl 3(obert. (Robert *t;r.) ttampf um * Xafein, Xer, Jena, 1869. 5 ibe. 16 58: Wit earner Stirn. Serl., 1868. 4 33ke. in 2. 16 58: 93ni)trifd)t Kellnerin, Xie. g. (iiaubtj. 3n t(oct. unb ^!rof. 23., b. 5 56: Xaffelbe. 3n Sdmmtl. 3i&lt;., $&lt;b. 9 56: 33cntriff . s l . &e?fe. 3n ef. ffierfen, y&gt;t&gt;. 8 56 : in 2 . 58: Xaffelbe. 4 2jtx. in 1 58: SBcrtiftfin, *. ubtif|. Sllte beutfcbe SHatc^en. 16 59 : 93frfct, 9luaiift (geb. 1828.) 3lu$ Stabt unbXorf. erl. (f. b.) 16... 58 : 3 nil a It: Zobtunb Icbcnbig. 3ig uner. ftoffrlt. ^annemadel urb feine Sc^loefter, Xer. 1}}eftb., 1856. 16 58: aiii Sioffclmann, ber loadere Sdjultljei^. ^eftl), 1856. 16 58: fcebwig. erl. 186S. 2 be. 10 58: .Haifuiifel, Xer. Stel. 1870. 16 58: SJijenfifdier, Xer. 33erl. 1872. 2 be. in 1 58: Xaifelbe 2 ~i(be 58 : ^eftjungfer, Xie. ^eftb, 1K56. 16 58: 106 ; 105 101-3 ! 501-2 2592 630-1 997 423 29. : 34 1031 1120 ; 330-4 3*5-6 323 313 ; 677 224-5 223 i 2030 113 112 112 114-15 116 117 118-19 112 S^crfcr, Sluguft. 5 Sabbi Kmua^tniS, 3 fcc. in 6. 16 ........................... SArclmritMc, $*. s ;ftb, 1856. 16 ertnihcn ?fti, Xe*. ^eft^, 1856. 16 l^itnnfdttjerlein, 2a8, i- eipjig, 1871. 4 itbe. in 2. 16 ........................... 2ffel6. 4 be ........................... Tsbt unb kbenbig. 3 3lu Stabt unb Sorf ......................................... SBcroebmt Serf. 1868. 4 be. 16... 3igcuncrftoffele. Jn 3tu6 Stabt wib iJccf ............................ ,, ScbiirfniS *&gt; upi. ft. Werftdder. SB ibeiml. u. unhciml. Sef^-. *. 1 ........... 33cctl)OBcn. &. Mau. 4 33b. m 2 ........ , 93fftfclcr ri&lt;, "* 3luev6adj. vin SdmmU, 3*reavjtt. Xitfgefc^. Sib. 1...... ........ .- ^rirrimifl SdfleSwig = ^oiftcinS toon ber ( "sTcmb^ erttcbaft, Xie. g. Scbmibt ..... , JUrqrlicnbdtfn nc Vonbfc^aft^malet^ in Jtalicn. y. g. Si . Ccrtcl. Jn Q0in &lt; (Srj. ; b.8 ............................................. ^cflffliiniq mit Xon Hhinc^ unb berMb ni-- rttn thvtftine uon Spanien, tine. t. fteufinger. Jn (fcidfal 1 * il^lteu, b. 2 9f6nrr;irt)fftt Wftt sum 3iel. g. ftwff= mann. jn CtJ. 8t. 10 ..... . .............. 3&lt;ct ben tarineltterinnen. 3t. JJieijjnet. JH t^uaftermasfen. 3Jb. 2 ................... 33fi fen jtoei fyob.en Xannen. tb. ioofec. 3" trj. 2c^r. b. 10 ........ , ...... ,.: ........... *lci (Sett ift fein Sing uinnogli*. 0). ^. P:I Schubert. Snjugtnb unb 55olf^ bibl ..................... , ........................ SSfibcn Slbrairale, Jie. J. g. Cooper. SBcibtn Xragoner, 2Me. 0&gt;taf St. ra boi*fi. 3 n 31"^ * ct ornifon unb im gelbt. b. 3 .................. , ............... SStibtn gtanf, 2)ie. i. . gilding ........... 93cibrn is-reunbe, ie; ober Jeter s* JHeife nat^ Japan. 0. Sd)upp. 3n trj. b. 1 SUibcn Wefelltn, tic. 31. itUlbeuba^n. o ef. trj. b. 5 .............................. 33ctbtn .wuptleute, 3&gt;ie. Sela Siottegou= que. Jn SliiSii. Scb,r. b. 9 ............. *tibtn wwb^ute, Tie. 3. SiatbufiuS. 3n 2&gt;orf= unb Stabtgefc^ ................... 9ribtn 3tabe, 2ie, unb bet- Solsbieb. 31. 6tuS (3. (9ottb.elf). Jn 0cf. 3(^r. b. 8 ............................................ 93cibtn Scfiwertev, Sie. S2. *ompert. 3n Wefcl)icbten einer Qaffe. b. 2 ............ S^ftbrn Sclimeftevn, 3^ie. ^!. ^ehfe. 3n OSef. SJerten. *b. 7 .......................... Sribcn Strdfiingc, 2)ie. g. crftdder. 3*be in 2 ..................................... $dbrn lannenbdume, Die. 2)f. 5Jatfiufiit*. ^nl. trj ..................................... 33rim tbriftbdumlein. ^. g. St5. Dertel (SB. C. o n feorn). Jn orn trj. *b. 12 Wrim Jiufiferm-n. y. g. ffl. Eertel (m. C. o n 6 o r n). ^n iporn 8 trj. 33b. 12.. Stint flath. ,. ^uc^ncr ...................... S^fin, 2o9. . 3f^otte. 3n (Sef. e^r. 41b. 9 ....... . ................................... 33ffcbrtc, 2)er. g. (Serftddcr. &gt; ^&lt;U unb Sunfcl. Sbb. 2 .......................... Stfrlirtc, Zer. g. .wfimann. ^n Grj. ^6.23 .......................................... \! f inflcntiifl i&lt;rclau im Jab,re 1741, Xie. (V. uon ctrurnfee (& u ft a u o o in 3 e e). Jn 3lu bent vorigen Ja^rtmnbett ......... 93flaQrrinia uon (Solberg. g. S^offmann. :MI tvj. b. 29 .............................. 58: 58 : 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58 : 59: 58: 59: 58: 58: 59: 58: 58: 59 : 58: 58: 59 : 59 : 59: 56: 58: 58: 58 : 56: 58: 58: 58 : 58 : 58: 56: 58: 59: 59 : 59: 120-5 112 126-7 W8-31 115 132-5 113 268- 81 2741 2852 1503 2269 2316 1654 2412 463 1068 626 2820 1606 283 2765 1038 1972 676 908-9 2767 2856 2855 310 1956 938 2282 1193 2288 1 KOSK FICTION: GERMAN. SBelogertmg BOH -10- Sitbev nu bcm 2e6cn. ?n Kogbeburg, Sie. . 9!ie= vi" Jn"ougcnb---Bib(. #b. 24 83elnfltrmt&lt;) toon ;lU)cinfc(g, Sic. &. on truenfec (& u ft a to o m S e e). 2 35be. in 1 SBelngcriing toon Sv!icn, Sic. 34. g. 2B. Certel ( -.US. C. to o n ft o r n). Jn ftorn S Grj. 4ib. 6 ~........ 5&lt;eI(|ifd)C CJraf, Scr. ft. X utibe .... Sklicbtc Grjobtungen, "g. ftofftnann 3nbalt: Wcfrfiroiftcrliebe. Zrr Wenfcb fccntt unb Wott lentt. c3 SJCITII Skge finb rounbevl av. SBelifar. . 9iieri|. Jn Jugenb=33ibl. 4&lt;b. 17 SPclln Siotf. ft. Gonicicnce JBclo&ntc tobtfdjlag, Ser. 65. ft. to. Sdjiu bert. Jn Seebilter ^ruebift. g. X cttortlb. 24ibe.ini SBtninnitn gronflin. %. g. SB. Eertel (3Jts. E. to on ft or n). Jn ftorn S Grj. =8b. 11 SSeiiifliiiin Ai nnflin. g. d)inibt iBeniiD, bcr Gomasfe. g. ioenning. Jn 2i&gt;anbening burdi b. ebiet b.We;dj SBeitoni. 21. G. Sradiwogel. 3 Bbe SBen^ciiWetlcr. 6- Stoinbler. JngiirStabt unb X anb 33crcnb Stem, bcr RnedftepaftOT. g. 21^1= felb S3cro ober 33urg. G. gritse. Jn Jiotoellcn. 33b. 1 S3er()6olb. X . Slellftab. Jn Sagen u. Gr_j. Scrgmcrfe s g-alim, Sie. G. J. 21. off= iiiaiin. Jn 3(u8g. Grj. Sib. 1 Sajfelbe. Jn Seratoioiissi riiber. 45b. 1 iBerliit. ft- X aube. Jn 9J. SleifcnotocIIcn.... SBcrlin unb ba djaufpict tin iiclaiic= ntngSjuftanb. g. GScrftoder. Jn au jtoei 3i&gt;clttl;eilen. Sbb. 1 SBtrlin unb anSfouct, ober griebricb bcr 0roge unb feine g-reunbe. G. Hi. 3. iunbt. (X 7 ou i f e 9Jf ii b I ba d.) 4 Jibe, in 1 ... SScrlin toor fiinfjig Jat)ren. G. 3)1. SBhinbt. (X o u i f c 3W lib, I ba d&gt;.) 3 23be. in 1 ... JBerliiur Minber. g. X ewalb. Jn SJuntc ^ilber. ^b. 2 Berliner SDJotrofc, Gin. i.mibt. 2 Jibe. in 1 . 9Jfofoif. SBb. 2 Scriifimter "JJame, Gin. g. Gkrftticfer. Jn ftciinl. unb un^eiml. Cicfdj., 4Sb. 1... SBcjrtieibeiie Glirltditcit: Grjiil;!. au bcm !bejenlanbe. 9lubolf Cefcr. (E. (S)lanb= redjt). Jn 3tg. Sdir S8cfcelte diatten, Scr. &. ftbcfcr. 2 Sjbe. in 1 SJefcnl)tllbciUoii3!ftdiiS lt)l,Scr. 21. Siiljiud. (J. & o 1 1 1; e I f.) Jn ef. cb, r., SJb. 9. Seftc Grbtfjeil, Sa. G. toon dnnib SBcitcdiiing, Sie. 2. djiidfing. Jn ilricg unb gri ebcn, 33b. 2 SScfteiqiintl beg i-efuo. Gine. J ^n &lt;Vi&lt;&gt; MiKtrMVn P-timhi ti 59 : 59: 58: 511 : 58: 56 : 58: 58: 58: 59: 58: 58 : 59 : Stunben Scftrnitrr i cidjtfinn. g. Aiibn. S" 2(u bcr &gt;eimatl) unb grembe SBefucl), . 2(. Sii|iu. (3. @ o 1 1 f? e I f.) 5n cf. dw., b. 8 S8ciud) auf bcm Vnnbe, Ser. 31. Siiluu-5. (3. o 1 1 b, e I f.) 3n cf. djr., SJb. 9. SBtfltrfj bci GorncliuS in 9(om, Gin. A. u^folt). 3 n Sie fdjoneren tunben SBcfurf) im 3)Iaricnbabc, Scr. io. ^fd^ffc. Jn @cf. rijt., 4ib. 14 SBefudi in Gobbet, Gin. ft. u|}toto. 3n 2ie fdiiiiicreii Stunben 58: 58 = 58: 58: 59: 59: 58: 58: 58: 58: 59: 59: 58: 59: 58: 58: 58: 56: 58: 2374 1185 2835 2045 2298 2507 428 2794 2137 2840 2711 1461 226-8 906 9.?rte unb nrbeitc. g. ftoffntann. Jn Ka- Icnbcr 0cfd; SBettclDcttcir, Scr. @. SZierifc. Jn Jugenb= 4iibl., *b. 21 9Jcttclli)cil) toon X ocarno, Sa. .ft. toon Mleift. Jn ej. m, *b. 2 Safjelbe. JnWei. dir., iib. 3 Settler, Sie. g. Srentb,alm. Jn 9iic= rig Jugenb^Sitt., iib. 30 33ettlcrilt Won Font des Arts, Sie. 31*. ^lauff. Jn Sftmmtl. 3B., 3Jb. 1 33ettltr=Cl)Ct, Sie. G. ^oUo. 3 33be S^tttl) unb loing. &. 9tieti$. Jn Jugcnt= *tibl., 3}b. 4 . 3Uunur, ^tjiliVV ^socob. Gcntifolien. -UVfel (i. b.) 16 Wleine Sirtff, Ser. SBJefel (f. b.) 16... Sicuteltfjjndiu , g-i-icbrtdj. (Srja^lutigen eincg altc.ii JagerS. Stultg. 18IS9. Jn Jugeiibs unb SJolfebibl L eben. G. ftofer ^nlialt: GrsttWunnou ein 3 atten S blcrS: ilo n iui t .b ( n i&gt;jn&gt;5; iffiaS man uov bcm cile = ben (ounte. Sot Cntel Stfyi)an. Stu* einev ^ctmtlie. 2&gt;ie tjcilen Jyenfter. 5?ef roitbe Aieioe. 58: 59 : 56: 56 : 56 : 59 : 59: 53: 59: Stttdntf toon JBif =28ifb;, Ser. 3. g. Geoper .......................................... 58: ln SAibrlblntt, Gin. g. ftoffuiann. JnGrj, SB6. 20 59 : 7 - n aMbcrfiinner, Sic. % g.3i*. EetteL iSB. E. i,. toonftern.) Jn ftwn g Gvj., Sib. 4.... 58 : 93ibrn, tei6ert Gruft toon (gcb. 1806). 2tu Gbiti, S 15erii unb waftlien. X cito. 1861. 3 libc. in 2. HP 58: Grinnerungcn auc- ub=3lmertfo. X eito. 1861. 3 ilibe. tul. 16= 58 : GrlebtcS unb etraumteS. Jena, 1867. 3$ibe. in 2. 16 1730 1732 2062 905 2477 2478 2136 815 932 936 1020 1610 535 664 1245 2470 1038 1039 1245 1959 1245 b. 1: .ffunft^inb affan (SoUaroef. . SSb. 2: !u&lt;m. Sine b(p(onratif&lt;$( Sen* bung. Cine Srtimciler. Sib. 3: Sev Sltvobiit. Gin SJldmibigcr. Stveif^iiiiL nut lUUpai aifo. rafGIlcrn. Vcito. 3 SBbe. 16= ............ 58: Soffnungen in 5peru. Jena, 1864. 333be. till. 16 ................................... 58: Jinoel, Gin. 2ubanierifaiH|Micr :)(ontan. X eito. 186D. 3be. in 2. 16 .......... 58: 9!cun Stationcn bcS .^crrit toon 2d)eercn- berg. Jena, 1873. 2 be., 16 ......... 58 : Steifeflijjen unb 9ioel(cn. Jcnn 1864. 4 S3be. in 2. 16 ........................... 58: 3 n bait: SB. 1: Jm SE-albe. iCon Gav Io5 TO. 2ic Coljc lioi tillera. Icr 3ioteo in Cfiile. $b. 2: Jtallcn^eiin. &lt;Sl)i(jntc. ecle= ben. SBb. , i: 2)ic brci Sicbe^iiefdttifjtt n be3 alten better ^&gt;etev. i ima. G ine .*oacienbo bei fcima. Qinige Zage in ;)tio ^onciro Sib. 4: ie iubameritan fcije :)tctie bts Xoc = tor 6. G. JSeffen 3luf j)!abeira. lie SSai ion Gorval. Stalvaraifo. diahgraber, 2ie. Jena, 1S67. 3 bc. in 2. 16 .................................... 58: jarogtj. Jena, 1865. 3 33be. in 1, 16. 58 : SBieitcnjiigcr, ~er ; obev, bic Sidjen gen. J. g. Gorier ........................... 58: i lb ber aJhitter, iaS. "$. ftictofe. Jn @cj. SiSerfen, 33b. 4 ................................. 56 : Saffelbe. Jn 95ier ucue Sioucllcn ......... 58: 23J15 be ftaifev^, Sag. 31 . fcauff. 3 ammtl. 3i!. *b. 2 ......................... 56: Siib bciS eobncS, Sa*. i!. ^iidincr. Jn 31 u bcm Vcbcn .............................. 58 - SBilbtV au bcm bdiic-lidien X cbcn. 6. e. Jne[. Sd;r. 33b. 14 ......... 56: 1735 2571 704 702 2580 550 89-91 25.54 2035 203ti 2410 1667 459 2279 2833 155-7 161 162-3 158-60 164 165-6 167-8 169-70 171-2 173 480 673 1522 551 318 1959 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. Silber mt bom 2cl&gt;en. II SMlbcr au3 bent V cbcn. firau J. fetymibt (Julie B 59: \nbatt: Gin ^fanbauJ iu .Matljaitticn. Gin Wrab ev bci .(lircbtjof-Jmaucr. Ber -ii-i s! ui ben .\Miumcl. arts beiit Solbatenlcbcn. raf 31. 58: 30 1117 3 n bait: Gin Gramen;?lbenteuer. aS Wanbver bei Moicnbujd). Gin altes oi = *atcnl&gt;ei,i. Xai Bacjltgefpenft. 3iinfi= fcbe &attc. IMnMidie Cmutieu. 2lu&lt; icm Jlavtcffclfiiea/e. GiMe nmbre ?lnel = botc aus bem ireben ^-riebrid; ^iUjclm 111., Sbn:g ooll t KUBeit. SHilbct auS bem Solbalenkben im Mvteae. TV. il\ , oacJlanber. 2 i(be. in 1 aus cinem Minberleben. G. Bon and ciiwr biirgnrtidint Snmilie. C. il ; ilfeviuutl;. ^u itilber aus 3.^b 1 ISilbcr auis Cuito. 5 Mveu; unb Cuey. Sit. , iBilbtr unb Wcfdjidjlcn aiio Sdjlfaben. D. iiiUbtntmt^. ii 45be. in 2 ^ 3nb.alt: 5Bt. 1: enrebifber au5 einer flei= ncn 3tabt. *ilbcr aue etner burgeiUcl&gt;cn gamiiie. lie alttn iici ufer oon . igeic iBb. 2: Wcftalten auS berailtagSuxlt. ^err ^e^ler un& feinc tjrau. 3^iDd bijd)e Sb. 3: SebebSrocge, -frumme TtKb gerabe. SMlbcr unb Sagen bcr Sd&gt;4eij. 9(. SJi^iu^. (J. ottb,elf.) 2 4ibe. 3n 6ief. edjr. SBb. 1516 3n^alt: Sb. lf&gt;: Xic fdjntar^e 3rinne. ^n -r&gt; geli&gt;e Siogeiein unb cao arme lUdvgrttli. X^ci Le&te ^ tiorbciger. Gin &iU) uu 5 bem llebeigang 17U8. 8b. IB: er mibe : . lie (Sriinbitng 5&lt;urg bovfs, ober bie beiben iBriiter 3iutiam ur.o SBertvam. Her fliube lell. JPilbcrbu.1) otwie Ktlber. ,v&gt;. 6. Wilbcrnnrr, 5cr. 5. .Hoffmann. 58: 59: 59: 58- 59: 1303 2581 , 1630 958 ; 1630-1 8fn$$friffnr, Charlotte (gcboren 1800, t 186M). Qefanimelte 3ioe([en unb Grja ^ungen. i. eipj. 186.-1 3i\be. 16 58: 180-2 3nbalt: Jlnna Sancinit. sno. 1. Creole, Der. *b. 3. t^anb IK 3 ^cirn. J^ic. 3ib. 8. .froUanbifrtie fiamin, ^er. ^ib. 2. ftafttcrfl 9ta$e. 5yb.2. Seitrmann unb (tin ^flegeliub, Icr. SBb. 1. Xltbfd ber 9!atnu. -8b. 3. SJiibin, Tr. b-2. SfiVie auo bem I eben Jiat^aiiircnS If. SBb. 2 Sanjerin, lie. 4!b. 1. iBirffioi, Jer. fl. etober, 5 3ugcnb= unb 58 1045-6 21. !HCc. in 1 crfte I icbe, Xc. (S. ^ 2cliidial&gt;3 ffialton, 44b. 1 ............... ie. (5, 3H. J)(unU (I ouife :W a b, I b a dj). 3 ift. -BUbetb., *b. 1 Xaffclbc ........... ." ......................... Winncn & retl;t Xonne. . o.Smibt. 4 &gt; -8be. 3 "bait: 3)b. 1: lie roUc Tonne. lie. alte iicbe. 4)om flcmtn iitin. 3)b. 2: 5a j flinb beo Sentvfc^iffeS. c^if&lt; ferslcute unb ^aueroleute. 8b :t: Sin .Hbmiralititolootfe. Sou diiben nad; biubcn. Zie eid)(ttiau. 8b. 4: Slcjiroerf uni Aujdbaaf. Zo roar oor&cm. 3m 9){oor. Dti in ober 2Jcin. . Garlen ....... &. 6. cn " 56: 58: 58: 1735 2314 1502 2511 2510 818-21 iccbs 2C-od;ei. i unb &lt;ajubett. a Sbc 3nl|o[t: b. t: Sranj|iDrQfe. 3iig&lt; au bem Vcben bea Janus llleifle. ,\oljann ?artift Zaoermer, Rrei^en uoti ?lubonne. ; ioijaun 1 Reirpler. Jtleine Crjanlungcii. 8b. 2: ?!rinj Gugen oon Saootjen. Miige au bem Vebcn e9 Jludter Eloo. e$rtfto pbotufl Goliimbua. flleine Grjtt6Iungen, Kb. 3: tHcifgidc von merfrauriifltn Crrettun gen au au^eren rtcjaljien. 58: 59: 384 2806-8 JHiduer (Jean ^ a u 1). 3rt (Somnttl. 3M. 8*rt. SUi8j., 8. 10 .................... 56: Jflfjelbe. J Sammtl. 38. ^artf. , b.2 ..... __ ........................ 56: 1154 1169 59: 58: in ben Job. E. )y. Garlen , SUbett &lt;3 er em 1 08 Qo tt^ (geb. 1797, f 1854). (Sffammelte Sdjriften. Vettin 1861. 24be. . 8 .............. ................... 58: 3nb,olt: Sb. 1: Der Baiiernfpiegel, ober Scbcniacfcbic&te beo ^ercmias dotUiclf ____ 58: JVb. 2: UU ber JtnciDt . 5H: SBb. 3: Uli bcr ;;iiid)ter ...................... 5s : SBb. 4: fiiitlit, bie Wrojimutter, ober bcr n&gt;a!)re SScg burcb, jebe 3!ot^ .................. . . 58: SBb. 5-6: i^eiben uni ^reuben cities c^ul= metftcr j. ................................ 58: b. 7: (Srso^iuiotn nnbSBilier au3 bem3SU3* Icbcn ber Scfjiuei;: DiiAclS SrautjAait. Zier Oberidntmann usb bsr . imHncfjKr. 3^ie brci iyriiber. Scroop unb$antra}. 2Bie goggeUc4iH l?raufucf)t. Gift, bit felt* fame &gt;J)la(ib. 3;cr 3iotar in ber Salle. Zie SditadiUelber. las Cifetet^li ...... 58: Sb.S: GrjdliJiiiigdi unbiiilber aujiem So!(3* leben ber cf)ioeij: flurt OH or-pia.eit. Ktc Gb.riften eine grau geroinnt. 3)ie &ei= ben 3(a6en unb bcrjioljbieb. S!ie3laben eltei-n. Eer Movbio = .Vuf)imann. Her $icfuct&gt;. Gine alte Uiefdjidjte JH neuer Gr* twining. 3&gt;.iS arme Jtaibeli. Die ^efui= ten uii6 i&re JJliffio ira Ganton ^ujern. . . . 58: SJb. !): er Hefud) auf bemfianbe. Segen unbltniegen. Xcr beutfelie S!it&lt;f/tling. ffiurit roioev Burft. fiiat/taitflft. n unb 5)iotften be^ .frcmt iiii^neler, Sage uom Bfeijer aui bcr Ulutte. las Gvbbeeri Ka= reili. Etc fflege fflsttcS unb bcr Dtenfdien cbanfcn. ev SBefeivbinber oon :Hotl)t. roi)l ..................................... 5S4 Sib. HI: Griaijlungen unb Slilber ajiS bem SolfUcbeii ber odiioeic Der aa. 3d) ftiafc bie .iiooljeit ber Itater an ben flinbern bio ins briite unb i)ietree[a)lccf&gt;t. 3!iiiji Jju. Hanljh ber florbcr. S&gt;anS *ernet unb 5tnc cbline. Jicr Sonntag beS Oirofi* oatcro. 5?ie ^rau Jifarwriu .............. 58: Rib. II: jatobS, beo .tiaiiMuerfSgefellen, SBJaiu beruiifis ii burd) bie Sdjiuci,^ ............ 5S: SUb. 12: Iui&lt;i ber!8ranittn)einfd ufer. SBie fiinf Sla bdien im Brann tract n jiimmtrlid; nm.ommen. i&gt;an4 ^oggeli, ber Grboettcr, unb Parser $aiid, and) mrGrto etter ...... 58: SBb. 13: Welb Knb Weift, ober bie SJcrfoljniing. 58: SBb. 14: ^citgcift unb aernergeift ............ 58: Sbb. 1r&gt;: iiilber unb 5agcn ber 3itjn)ct^: 35ie fdjroar^c Sriniie. Xa3 gclbe lUigeletn nub bas arme TOargritli. Xer le^te Iborber&gt; ger. Gin -Biib an5 b(m Uebergang ...... 58: SBb. Hi: Silbcr unb 3agen bcr Sttjiocic Xer Zruibe. lie (Srunhimfl SurgborH, ober bie beiben SBriiber ttittram unb Bertram. Ser .Rnabe IcU ........................... 58: SBb. 17: Die 2lrtncnnotr). ^an3 ,"\alob unb fieiri, ober bie beiben Scibcnroeber ........ S8: IBb. 18: $er Bellftag, ebcriie SBirt^fd)aft na&lt;&. ber neuen IDlobe ......................... 58: SBb. l!t: Grlebniife cine4 Sd)u[bettbauer4 ..... 58: S9b. 20: lie JIS[erei in ber Sftfreube ........ 58: SBb. 21-22: ffiie Slnne SBabi Jjoroager &au4fial.- tet imb roie eo ib.m mit bem loftern fleljt. . 58: S3b. 23: Gin EoJreflcrsIraum. Die 28a)fer not^ im Gmmentbal Xr. lorbad) bet SBiibler ur.b bie Bflrg[ni(erren in ber &ci[U jen fl)eit)iia(l)! Mtad)t SMnivo 1817. Gitie* SdnoeijeriJ SBovt an ben fcb,rcijcrijd)cit Sdiii^cnocrein ........................... 58. S6b. 24: ?H6ert iiu4 (J ere mi a 8 Otott= E) e I f), fein te&en nub feine Sdiriften. Xar* acftellt oonlr. G. Uilanuel. GrtlSruug btr fiijiuteriiien btaleftifdjen ^lu^briirfe iu vtere* mia-3 Wotttjelf o gefammelten 3d)tiftcn, gu fommengeftcUt oen 3)r, 21U. oon 5luttc, 4)farr ............. ...................... 58: 2413 384 1031-54 1031 1032 1033 1031 1035- 4037 1031 1039 10*3 10U 1042 10J3 10t4 1045 1046 1047 104 10)0 1050 1051-2 1053 lOil PKOSE FIC nOJf : GERMAX. SBfntf. -12 SBlflrf. S. (-) 2uma3. 2 SBbe...-.-.-.- ...... 58 - Blatter a3 ton gtauenteben. 3U(. . &lt;b,vr&gt;arfc. 3 :8b, in 1 : .................... 59 : EofftHw, 4Sbc. in 1 ..................... 5: Slntttr a3 i&lt; Xafltbudje be nrmen 3J$arr=93iIar n SBiltjfytte. &gt;. 3fdjof!e. Sn @cj. $., V. 2 ...... , ..... .............. 6 : Slftttf * " SBwrte. . sn Stiuenfce (@ u= ftaouomSe&gt;. 4 SBt. .................. 59: SSIflfc&OH) JtHb {cine i&gt;b,ne. . ufcleto. 3n Wi SB., SBi, 78 ....................... 56 : 3.rtftaW ........ - ......... 58: it t) a it: Xer S$tffi&lt;iBmmaann. ITcr* Susroanbeififlifj. 3a&lt;f "* Sill- 2lm Giijufrnn. lie IJfctmtite. ie Oiolb* 8atrcn, tr Sia&lt;*t auf hem SBallfifity. , 2ft. $. 3. SastlanJur. 3n SBom aibeb,au ............. .;.., ............. 58: Slnu&nrt, 2er. G, 3fm. (G. 2R*litt.) 3a StbMnatt GrjdJjunijen .......... . ...... 58 : ftlnac GatJUlift, Sue. 21. G. Sta^BO^el 3 sBbe. in 1 ...... . ............................. . 58 : $tlae Staffer, C?aS ; sber ba Snsnnttoetm teinfen unb feine g*%rn. &. tSber. 3n G*}., SBb. 5 ..................................... 59: Slant SSimbw, a$. ^. 3^iotte. 3n Ctef. c^T,,b. 8 .......... ./:.. ............... 56: Sloiicn ursb @Wbn, 2ie. g. Oerftader. 3 b&lt; .............. - ............. ..... ........ 58 : l, ST. tt tti net ed;k)teu. @ttt&lt;j. 1873. 16. 3 3flfb itni a?o!Idbtbt~ ..... 59 : ^n^att: ^rr itranfniroii ter. Xiect)tt&gt;a = 6en an ber TOanie. 2tm Gichftetn. .^.SB. Dettel. (SB. D. B en 1 o rn.) Jn 6etn 8 Grj., S8&gt;. 5 58 : Bliwilnii SBunber^olb. 6. S^inbtet ..... .59 - ? liitftf Scui bliifyenben ffllter gewibmet. G. Bon @*nri*.~ .............................. 59 : Sliitjcn unb Silber fSr jua^ajJab^tn. G. Gi?kt (2)J a r ty C ft e n.) ................ -59: SliitJfBiaJie. 3- fetrfdjmann ............... 59 : j liitbrn au nieiner 9iet)e= unb @ammel= . 5 ............ _ ............................ 56 : Kf tabftn. @raf t Ja^ SB 6k&gt;. 9Joettfn u. Grj., S8&gt;. 1. 58 : Sllimcn cn Sinai. G. 2(. @taubemehtt. 59 : 9!iimcnfdtb(lim, S8. C. Bon Sdjmib ... 59 : Slut um Iut. $. djmib. 3n Site unk m 65dj. a* Sahern, 33b. 6 ............ 59 : Sou froiteftR. . ^inWer. 2 93be. in 1. 59 : Sotf^ftrrtiftc, raf t. raiote*(i. SB 2l bem CffijievSeben ........................ 58 : Sobeitftebt, S**^ (Martin), (geb. 1819). 2(ua bnttfd?en auen. Sena, 1871. 2S8ube in 1. 16 ........................ 58: 3 115 a It: 8b. 1: (Sine &lt;D!6(*9(iebe. Ia liMfcrfiett oon ^te&cnftein. Xi&lt; It^ti a " f ^al lenbuvijer I. St&gt; 2: ffie Ujta-n gaMfitiurger I (St^tKj.) 33ie le^ttn alfcnbuvger II. 543-4 721 707 195& 1194-7 481-2 1342 Sf. n6. 3ngenb--33a&gt;t. .... ............. . 59 : SBlinbe fcwk. 3)e. @. Jikri?. 3n 3u= flmb=33tbl., Si. 2 ....... - ........ . ........... ..59: ^8. 6e^c. 3n &gt;. SB., xx ..... 56 : Xaffelbe. 3n9JdBUen. ....... ........... 58: Vegicn, S5ie. g. 9Jiinbter. SB m ajlfebt.- .............. . ........ 59: t, Giiir G. &gt;8fn. SB 3Ju . 1 .............. ." .................. ... 58: fe. G. ^clf. Sn 38. 3!*an, &gt;. 2 ................................ 53: lon&el g iiieb. G. Si. 3K*M. (ieiiife ffli ii ^ I b n ct&gt;.) 3n 3JDeUebn(^,.. ........ 58 : 9Jamur, Xet. . ^ 1092 T955 &10-12 2420 2407 2552 674 1521 2409 Bcftcnftrtt, 6rnft SldMteu. Siiindiea, 1863. 16. Sn Grj., SB. 2 ........................ ,...,.. $(Tm|aiii rm Gfdjenttmlbe, !?ag. Sena, 1872. 3 *&gt;. 16 ....................... Slcine efdiiriitcjt au fernem iran&gt;. 3n, ({. b.) 160., ....................... Snbalt: Cia 3(&gt;.iittua bet belt a:avta= itt. ai 58 : 58: . Stede: Cijii^luuf ouS bent flou)a|i. 2l|annlt ti n Wuna. 1871. 2 33te. ia 1, 16 3 t&gt; alt: n. I; Sabt) ^ewelepf. groei frtifame Giieit, cbrr Sllaci itnb Bate alo 9i fteubu^Ier. ^&gt; Sb. 2: ."life lilifabe;^ Ilivojutintwi. - ctr Sffiattet 6 (Snbe. 58 58 ; 3 nb n it; Situ Stvtovene. Jer STtrfjiIjcr. Srtnberl __ SMltc, Slninlie GljatlJtts life 3Rmim, &lt;t. nut 2(mtH\ &lt;g,eb. 1814). glifabet^, eb eiue bnitjttje S flK * ^ SCien/1873. 23ttie.ini. 16....., gvamisfa OTI SisSrcwiKiBi. ioannoer, 1803. 2^be.inl. 16 ................. gjan cn Stacl. SBitn, 1861, 3 SJij. wl. 16 ............. - ..................... JdiT !xS O6tfti, 2i. SBien, 1872. iiSMM. inl. 16 .................. _ ...... Sl elfenbraut, 2w. Sw, 1867. 16 ...... SBotfr, lie, usb iw Sxbf. X^. 2JJuni&gt;t. 3n ^arijer Moijr=tij^n, . 1 G. xrtien, i. 2.-.-.;. @atf, Xcr. G. Vefereien, Si. 2... ........................ ..... Sfife eift, 2er. g. effmann. STI Grj., b. 3 ........... , ...................... . ......... g. erftacter. S 80 2469 1956 2834 897 538 | 2610 2250 1202 1060 2840 532 562 89& 1064 194 i rafin, Sie. X^. TOiigae J&anb, 2ie. . Gonjciente. S J. 2.- ijft Sfadjbar, 3)r. S, gilding Sofftt e^weftern, Ste. 2t, G. S 3i, 9iBeUm, b. 2 ....................... Siifctf cioi^eB. g. .oefjmann. Sn Grj. 5Bb. 28 ............. . ............................. $om6flii&gt;cmrnt @djmtb. S" 2" "I 1 * 1 "cue efd). an^ SBain, b. 2 .................................. 8Mnia. 6-Sinbln. 3 Frutti di Marc, 58i&gt;. 12 .............................. er g 3uenfcjj{4i&lt;^(. G. . SBfelank. Sn dmmtl. SB. SJ&gt;. 27. . G. Wl SDZunit. (uij a ^l bad).) SB JU. JHomanen ...... unb Duer, b. 1 ................... SoDtriifomilic Bon Ulaarfontfin, Sie. $. g. SB. EtI. (SB. O. B e rn.) 3n i&crn S GIJ., S3b. 3 .................. ~ ....... ytotii bcr Starfe. g. feenninj. 3 SBanbei. burd) b. ebiet b t\$ ................... ~ Sonicct, 2rrt. ga b,rtenfud;er, 3;. Ststtg. (f. b.) 8. otcnftau, Xi. M. Sothip9, Sn^L Grj .......................... ................... ojrl, 3ll Gmil (jeb. 1824). u bem SRrttelaltex : feifurijefye Grin= innsrunjcn. Seiip. 1862. 2 Sb. in 1. 16. ... ................. - ............... ..... 58 : 58: 58: 58: 58: 58 : 59 : 59 : 59: 58 : 58: 58: 59: 58 : 59: 56 : 59 : 59 : 56 ; 58: 58 : 58 : 58 : 59 : 58 : 58: 137 188-90 195 196 1970 201 205 202 203 204 2695 938 8J7 2262 915 2434 422 627 220 2287 1956 560 955 1913 2467 9&7 2832 14&1 2040 2768 221 PROSE FICTION: GERM AST, -13- fftubct Sfuhio. .J rnrtiDnflrl, Gilbert Gmil. 21u3 brei ^abjljnnberh n : ioiftor. len. editemn, 1870. 2 4 be. in 1. 16. 58 : ^ nil nit: *b. 1: Tcr Stmptcfo. Xic Be* nctaliu uon Xrfyfoiu. Sib. 2: ^aiion jJeaubfTnier. Clconoie .. SBe aumardjais. ^cna, 1865. 4 SSbe in 2. 16 .............. .............................. Xafielbe. 4ibbe.ini .................... SPtnoni. X civ. 1864. 3 *l&gt;e. 16 ...... lau Goralier, Xer. Sreel. 1868. 3 *b in 1. 16 ........................... ~ 2cutjd&gt;e li(i*acl, Xer. Scrl. 1868. 4 Mb*. te. 16 ............................ gel* Ben Gr*. Xcr. SJevl. 1872. 4 SBbe. in 2. 16 U ................................... gliegenbe ftplldnber, XCT. SJtrl. 1871. 4 *be. 16 .................................. Xftfjelbe. 4be. in 2 .................... griebemann "Ho*. itel. ((. b.) 16 ..... lancavtto. annB. 1871. 4 *be. in 2. 16 ............................................ Xafietbe. 4 *be ........................... rafen -Harfufe, Tie. Vei. 18W. 4 **&lt; in 2. 16 ................................... Samlet. SBwsl. 1867. 3 *be. 16.... ifteri{$t 9iouellen. i eiB. 1863-4. 4 :Bbe. in 3. 16 .......................... ^nbalt: 3}. 1: San X^t 3 SKettung. lit % forte ber 3" " 11 ! . Salomon (iau, ber 4-bqtifer. 2: Salomon &gt;r Uu, tt i tujiifcr. 58 ; 58: 58 : 58 : 58: 58: 58: 58: 58 : 58 : 58: 58: 58 - 58 : . 93b. 3: ftarolb 3 lefte Jabrt- mab, bcr Unfldtc. 8b. 4: Icr (ommanant n Cbeilo^t. ^ean ^\ort be DJarconnat). 3?aoib Siijjio. ubn&gt;ig bet iiierje^nte, cber ie Semcbi tcs VebrnS. *vl. 1870, 4 *be. in 2. 16 ............................................ 9ieue Siwllen. sbrcssl. 1867. 2 be. in 1. lti .................................... - On^alt: b.l: Cobotne, bm JiiebeiUSrs ling. Siaiittta Wcngini. JJt Winj feoe. 3JiaUtm Sinclair. Mb. 2: let i&gt;ltn(a)cnfrcunb. Stau JWtlje Don Stlin&gt;atjtuig. lie toftn S&lt;^fttrn. 3ieuet rfalftaif, (Sin. X tip. 1863. 3 Stt. 16 ............................................ SRathfel ton foilbbutg^aujeu, Xa. ioan= nowt 1872. 4 bc. in 2. 16....... Sitttev Vupctb yon Jisbd leuer. erl. 1874. 3 *ke. 16 Sdjubctt unb jeinc ^eitgenc((cn. 4 SJbe. in 2. 16 .......................... Ivbblet, Xer. i. ei. 1862. 2 *be. in 1 . 1 6 ffi-iUiam ^cgnttb,. "XnL 18H6. 3 &gt;. in 2 16 .................................... SBrnbbon, WavtiCi lijabetb, (geb. 1837). GkbrodKnc &lt;^tt ut, Xev. (Lady Lisle). Sien 1868. 2 *be. in 1. 16.. ........... iHrdntiqam au fiia^ti. G. epinbler. 3n iUioostojen, Sb. 3 ............................. IBtanb en ajicelau, Xet. ^!. g. SB. Cettel (11!. C. Ben frrn). J ipsvn * tev^, b. 1 ............................. . .............. Xer. S- feoffmann. 3n 17 .................................... 58 : 58 - 58 : 58 : 58: 58: 58 : 222 224-5 223 226-8 229 230-1 235-6 239-42 237-8 243 244-5 246-9 230-1 252-4 255-7 58: 269-70 58: 284 59 : 931 58: 2K50 59 : 2276 b. 16 ........................ -56: 1961 258-9 220 232-4 2*&gt;4-5 260-2 266-7 268 meiner ^ugenbjcit. Stuttg. 1872. 160 ........................................... 5g . 2045 Xprfgejd idjtfn fiiv Heine Unaben uub JR&t^cn. etnttg. (|. b.) tL 4 ...... 59: 2W6 geftbiiiblein. Sluttg. (f. b.) 16 ...... 59: 2W7 (^voia attv -j friiiblun^n, Xf*. Stuttg. (f. b.) 11.4 ................................ 59: 2048 fiieinrid) ^inbelfinb. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16 59 : 2049 5&lt;rnun, J ^m gvttntn iDatb : sHiibcr au ber9!a&lt; tilt. Stutta. 1856. tl. 4 ............... ftinbtvlcbm: Gin Viebcrbudj. lwtta&gt; f. b.) fl. 4 ................................. iii be rcb, Xn. tuttg. (f. b.) fl. 4 SJiutterliebe unb Diuttertrcue. Stuttg. 59: 59: 59 : 2d;er} unb Stnft : Gt.v fiir bie otutlg. 16 ................................ Ub,r, Xie: Gin ^ilbnbud) mil 6e)d)id)ten unb ifetfen. Stitttg. 1872. II. 4 ....... auf bem Cmbetg, Xie. G. # Garlen. Xaffclbc ......................................... i^raut uoit i!ltictio, Xie. J. aitb^. Jn $ott. u. l^rof. -Hlerfcn. *b. 8 .............. Xaficlbe. , v sn fd mmtt. "W. *b. 15 ...... ^tnutnnrtit uf br &gt;?allig, teine. G. Witt-- tentm. x Vi x lui jttbovjtein v Gvbe ......... Smutting, Xer. G. . Sdnnib- .............. ^tflllliftjnu, Xie. . Sdjmib. Jn 3llle unb netielSeid;. au^ tlotjeni, i&lt;b. 5 ............ Skautttabli Xie. G. X, 3t. "poffmann. Jn I lusg. ttvj., *b. 2 ....................... . ..... . ^ni rapum:$riibeT, ^bb. 3. cute. gran; Soffmann. ^n Grj. *b. 14 ................. .. ....................... Xer. Gtne Bcnetianifdje efcl)id;te. A. GooBev .................................... il, Xer. Ji tobr. on Grj., b. 1... iStcnut, grieberite (geb. 1802, f 1866). gamilie ., Xie. i. ei. 1863. 1C . STI ee?. d)v., b. 8 ........................... , Xa, obcr Jamilicnfcrgen unb Ja ; tttilienfreuben, i eiv. 1864. 2 *be. 16. 3 Oef. djv. b. 2-3 .................. Sleineti Cniblungm. Vei^p. 1863. 16, on 6c. e^., b. 9 ..................... 3 " b o 1 1: 9(rel unb 5tntia. .^offnnnflen. Xie ^iriuinge. Xie (Sinjame. 3)te Zioftertn. (Sin SJiief iikel 3upetS. 9idjbatn, Xie. i?eij&gt;. 18:59. 2 itti. 16. &gt; We*. djr., 4ib. 4-5 .................. Siina. VeiB. 1K57, 2 SBbe. 16. o" ! d;r., ^b. 6-7 ...... - ...................... Stteit unb A-riebe, cber etnigs ccene in Xattegm. VfiB. 1857. 16. o" i- ed;r., b. 10 .............................. 2ert)kt beS ^raiibtnten. X etB. 1857. 3 59 : 58 : 58 - 56 - 56: 59: 59 : 59 : 58: 58 59: 58: 59 : u. Bwl 4k!., Xai\elbe. iibet S Grj Ben ber Xniue. on xjumcreelen. " Xie. OT. k. b. 8 ........................... Sammtl. "iti., *b. 14... r^, Gin. Srofomtn i unb S^. Xietifc .H. Steber. 58: 58 : 58 : 58: 58: 58: 5g : 5(J: 56 : 58: 59: 56: 59 : SJk. 5 ...... 59 : Si. Ben iliiiiitwiell. . b. 6 Xij*lbe. ^n Sdjwarjiti. Xcrfaefdj., *b. 7 ........................................ iBtubcr etubicl . H!Uinev. 2 be ........ jn^alt: *b. 1: StubeiitenVeben. ilor fiinf^unfcert ^abren. ^tei ift ker^urfdi.- SliikenteiuniUtncben. 3tnbiofii3 .volo- ferneg. ,^eitriimmert. Napoleon I. unb bie ben fcben 3tubenten^ Gin (cboncr Iraum. Subet lemagoaetijeit. l!ru- cler Stuli4&gt; lor oTCr L iroi et morl, vive lc ro&gt; Tornroolcin. S)b,2; 3f r&lt; 9&rft .. nabrn ouf Unircrfltd&lt; ten. e*iift u t ennal. ler rele aim 3(6lafro(f. rerleirtrlin Jena. I riiij XiuiiciHil auf Unirrriitdten. Sff jtaiipnenbonner. lit MI nwvb nitfs! fionio iumi). lie Stubnitcn-JUarc. 58: 58: 59 : 2050 2051 2052! 2053 2054 2055 386- 397 324 316 1661 53i&gt; 563 1731 1734 2273 465 1090 303 296-7 303 298-9 300-1 304 295 324 315 303 1732 1202! 2092 10921 ft] 84 1513-U PROSE FICTION : GERMAN. SSrubcr unb djitrtfter. -14- 93ljr, Robert. unb Scliincfter. rcif St. rn= bmrsfi. 3n SlaS SBett unb au6, lib. 2.58: 5B-rubcr wt Sdjtoefter. IS." SK. iWuitbt. &lt; V P u i [ c 3)i ii t&gt; I b a dj). ^n loiftor. ibil= bevbudi, V i3b. 3 ........ ,, ......... . ............. 53 ; ............... . ....... ............... 58; . G\ SBitttomm. 3n $vn 3io= 59: r. . Siicvig. 311 3ua.mb=5Btbl., *b. 9 ............................................ 59: 33riibcr, 3Me. . $x&gt;ffmann. $n Grjabl., *b. 25 .............................. ........ .. v . 59; Sflriibcr, i!. lied. Jn ed;v., Sib. 8 ..... 50 : SSriibcr wn Mlgnnb, Tie. Si. IKMI (Siufef. 3n Oiranbola, 436. 4 ..... ...... . ............ 53; SButito fon Jiklbbcrg. . penning. 3 Jlumbfcbau ...................................... 58: $&gt;3iiflj bev idib njten tfiiibt= imb 4tolf3mat= d&gt;en, 3M*. G. Viiuidj ................. . ........ 59: 3urtj merfwilrbiger Jtinber, 2&lt;4. g. Ctto. 2 43be. in 1 .................... ...... .......... 59: SSuri) I Pin iilten Jvrits, SnS. ^. Ctto ........ 5!) : ^urlidilidm, V. Ctto. 3 43b. ............. .,-58: 5Biirfnicr, .Uavl. 3(piH lU n son :)!cubtw(}. 18(59. 16 ..... 58; M l)n [i: Vina. VinilMis unitis. Scim , Gin. &gt;. 3fd)pffe. 3n @cf. edit. *t&gt;. 13 .......................................... 56: SBiirfinrr, Sllcjftnbet. X Pib i^ivcn S lc(5te Siete. Scip. 1862. 2 fflbe. 16,... ....................... ....... 58; SBunbertnattt uou a3riftol, Xer. Seip. 1861. 16 3 .................... , ............ ..58: JBiirfuitr, i oiiife. 2lus bem Solicit : Grjiiblungcn a Sxi= matt) unb Jrembe. Vcip. 1861. 16.., 58; ^s ii 1) a It: i^cr letenie ^rautiiTiim. Xte flftiif iiaiitv Uiitfr tt laniit. Has ililb ti 3 SofincS. aicin Cufrt obcr tie tufcnlcitev bcr Seibenfcfiaftcit, Sdjlofj ju auimmi*, Sa8. X cip. 1864 16 ............................................ 58: Xic. S3. 3J!clU)aMfcK. ^n 3ie= b. 2... ......... ...................... 58; r, Wottfrteb Slugiift (gcb. 1747. t 17H4). 3Jliindj6aufi 8 umnbcrbave 3U ifcii j Staffer unb ;u Vnnbc. Vcip. {f. b.) 16 59 : % -8iir(|tr, 2ie. 10. Saubc... .................... 58: SHiirflcr, fin teutfd)e Sidrterlcbm. D. main. 2 i^bo, .............. . ................. 58; SBiil ficr von ^arlingen, Xic. !p. (Son= fcu-nce ......... .,....,.,, ......... ..... .; ........ 58; Siirflcrlifl) v Wut. . Btaimunb. Sn 3io= iH-ilt it, ^b. 3 ..................................... 59: SHiirfltrmdftcr, (iin. Srau v&gt;. ^fannen* fdnnibt. ( oi u I i e 43 u r o 10. ) 3 43bc. in 1 . 59 : ffi ciicc ................... ........... .,.., ........ 58; Vkbcejaubcr. G. S(.niibler. lag unb i iadit. lib. 2- ...... ............ 59; H, Gbuarb Wrovg Gatle Styt-- ton, Verb i ^itton (grt. 1805. f 1873). SUice, ob.r Me (Sefyeimniffe. (Alice.) igtiittflart 1858, 5 43be. in 1. 16 CJ o r t f e u n g pon Grnft fflaltraBer3.) 58 : CajtBiie, Zie. (The C axtons.) Stuttg. 1862. 6 *be. iw 1. 16 ................. 58: I ettereuj. (Devereiix.) Stuttg. 1860. 743be.ini. 16 ...................... ...... SS Grnft malfcoftert. (Ernest IMultru- vers.) Stutta. 1858. 4 ifcc. in 1. 16 58 ; trugen Slrast, (Eugene Arum.) Stutt= gart 1858. 4 Sfte. in 1. 16 ...... ...... 58; .galtlanb. (Falkland.) etuttg. 1861. 16 ..................... .................. ...... 58: 3069 2513 2olO 1660 2559 2284 1607 ai87 1400 2484 2619 2020 2935-7 310 1958 313-16 317 318 319 2393 2540 2*346 2633-4 429 212 32 430 942 2225 2221 2237 2224 2230 2231 (Godolphin,) etuttg. 1863. 333be. in 1. 16 .Wrolb, bevletjte Sadiii-nfb wg. (Harold.) etuttg. 1863. 5 4ibe. in 1. 16 i cila, obcr bi 43clagening Wranaba 3. (Leila.) etuttg. 18(;0. 3 43bc. in 1. i c(jte bet 43arone, 2r. (The last of the barons.) etuttg. 1863. 8 4^bc. in 2. 16 Setitcn lage S }&gt;om}x ji3, Sic. (The last days of Pompeii.) etattg. 1859. 4: 8be. in 1. 16 SJieiite 9ioMlIe, cber ffiedijelfalle int eng^ lifdjcn i t ben, Hem Spifi9trotu8 Gajtcn. (My novel.) etuttg. 1863. 13 43be. in 4. 16 9Ja&lt;bt unb 3)Zprgon. (.Night and inor- niiifr.) etuttg. 1860. 543bo. in 1. 16 ^aulGlifforb. (PaulClittonl.) Stuttg. 1860. 5 4^bc. in 1. 16, ^eU;nm, pbcv Mentcucr cine* (&gt;&gt;cntleman. (Pelhain.) etuttg. 1858, 5 43be. in 1, beS ;)(i;cin, Tk. (The pilgrims of the Rhine.) etuttg. 1861. 2 43b. in 1. 16 .................................. Jiicuji, bet Ic^jte Jribun. (Hicn/i.) etuttg. 1841. 5S3be.ini, 16 ...... Seltfcuiie Sefdjidjte, Gine. (A strange story.) etuttg. 1862. 543fce. in 1. 16 SSei-ftcfecne, Xer. (The disowned.) etuttg. 1863. 5 43be. in 1, 16 ...... SffiaS iwrb n bamit maetjen ? (What will he do with it?) Won ^ififti atu 3 Garten, etuttg. 1865. 43be. in 2. 16". ............ ........ ., ......... .............. . 3anoni. (Zanoni.) etuttg. 1863. 7 43be. in 1. 16. .................... ., .............. 43ilber. g. Seivalb. 2 43be. in 1.... 3 u dolt: 8b. 1: 2er Steatertrcter. Wtcij m TOar a. H&gt;CT Jtunjttcufel Xer aicbcl taut 9icfterd)eii. 2antc senate. Gif e atte Jtvma, b. 2: iUeiliner .Rinbcr. SaS Icbcnbe WilS. Jev I-omliciT. 58: 58: 58: 58: 58; 58: 58: 58: 58: 58 = 58: 58: 58: Snittc @efd)iditcn. in 1 r 3^oml)cvr. G. @t&gt;infcbt. 2 3nf)ott: $)b. 1: Da-3 Diaraantcn=Glijif. Xer 3lod) bos Gonaro. 9Jb. 2. 2}a6 ^iaHiantei^GIi^r, (Sdtlu^). ^icunit Cninilius. eteine. SI. etifter..., 5 n M It: Sranit. .flalfftcii. lurma tin. iBcrjjttii taU. JlafenfiHicr. aerj initd). 59: 2223 2235 2228 2239-40 2229 2241-4 2227 2226 2222 2231 2232 2220 2236 58; 223.3-4 2288 2136 899 1060 59: ibi. g. fWd;. 333bc... 58: 914-16 : Mb. 1: Jjm Slonbenfdjein. Der grftbenrid)ter. Zaa Hldbcficn con Gimco. Sie ^ticat = Jiotteric f&gt;n bet SUiiifrtljaiU. GJ.IK Xanfe unter ben gu= S8b. 2: Jicbraota. Gin cevaniintcr 216enb. Gin roilb nen&gt;oi bcnev .tianbiui rf sburfd). S)i- r S&itnbftojj. ^ev junge ilteiuer. a3 iofe Wuroiffen. 311 rot tt)fd)aftlid). Gine ^fauen* unb d)n&gt;eine = 3agb auf ;^aoa Sb. 3: m alien Sloftrr uvct&gt; iie !(Jam" pas. Sir. Ulir. J)er Sli^fiod Gin edjmetteiHngc.jiua.. -- SctntnwtQStL 1652 1663 1655 a. e. ipbfet. 3n rj. 43b. 6 ...................... ..... ........ 58: Ztofjelbt. 3n Slu* bcv luciten clt, 43b. 2. 58 : Enroll), ^ulie. eie^c ^fannenfdjniibt, 53ufrf)[)Df, 3\ v. G. &8fer. Sn Gr,. Sr^r. 43b. 12 ............... :. .......... ................ 58: S3&gt;)r, Siobert. (pseud.) eicl;c S3ai?fr, Gart 31-obcrt. PROSE FICTION: GERM AX. G. Saaucbra. (s. .Kricgcr. S. Sdjiitfina. &gt; b. 1 ."&gt;!: Sabinrt33ntttfntt, Sine. (9.. \jilti. 2 s -bbe. in 1 - 58: C^nfnr be* iieuir,ebnten J,abrf&gt;unbcrt&lt;5, Xer. J-. Ctto. - 59 : (Jvnfllioftro in ^etereburg. 2b. SRunbt 58: Pajiitcitlinrfi, Xa*. K. ^cftcl (G. S ca U= fielb). 2-bbe 59: (snliforiiidi in ber.vKimatb,. Jt. 33aron. 3 Gv.v, *b. : * 59: Pfllifoniifttic StijiCn. 5. crftcicter 58 - ^nttalt: Gine Jtfldjt am Wor-quitoguld)- lie million loloies bei San ijrantiocu. Gin Siiergefecrit auf ber INiJiion 0lore3. (Seiid)t6Kineiii Siorfton. tie Sntbttfung fces ^atuftaiild). Tie fraitjofifdje 9(epolu* tion. (Sine Oiodjt in ber (ialifor ifdjen Spieltjijlle. AUer &gt;iae auf ber&ai Don San Jrnm Uco. Zer SJfericaiier in ben Galifo nifdjen Milieu. cr Eftiubier. (Snlifornil rtcr lliietb&gt;Jyr&gt;ang. 3. Werftacfer. in Sxll unb Xunfel, i&lt;b. 1 58 : Pnlui/Xie. # Waubtj. 3" -J!oct. u. s }ko{. SB., S&. 8 56: Xaffelbe. Jit Sammtl. 311, -b. 15... 56: (jamclicn. S- Stojle. 2 ^be. in 1 59 : 311 1) a It: SJb.l: SJalcrif. lie aefar/ilidjen Tie brei Gouiinen. S9b. 2: d)Lif ober Job. 3f Ii(], bie ba reincn iier.ieno finb lao neue Teftamcut. nolle ifie. ^arifer Jlbet.teiier. iie roanbeliiben 91atciffcn. O aillVC, Soodiini Sietnridi (1746 1818). Gittbectung t oit 3lnicrifa, Xie. 41raiiit&gt; jd)ir&gt;eig l868. 3 *be. in 1. 16 59: (fflnalboot, Xa. i&lt;. 9JUil!l&gt;aufen. Jn C almblatter u. Sdmeeflorfen, Mb. 1 58: Gnnnletta. S- W^ubt;. ^n -^oet. u. iprof. ih!., i*b. 8 56 : Xaffelbe. Jn Sammtl. -K. Sb. 13 56 : fr nitoc, Xas. fi. Wcrftiicter. on 3luS met: item Jagebud), Jib. 2 58: (&gt;anoffnlirt, Xie. A- Werftiirfer. Jn . oeintl. u. unbciml. Wefdi., SBb. 2 58: G&lt;H)it(iii Spite, cber bie(yplb=oufeln. 3(ad) 3. J. Gooer on 5- .wffmann 58 : Pavtnl. A. ^pffmann. 3 11 ^ l S- SJb. 4 59 : barton, A-ran;. Silte Xcffaucr, Xer. iieip. 1867. 4 33be. 16 58: Xeutfcfaer Aiirft, Gin. I eip. 1868. 5 Wbc. in 2. 16 i A o r t f e (j u it g U. Xer alte Xejjauer.) 58 : A-vibcrici s ilriegc-falirlen anno 1813 u. 1814. S 15. J. 3i&gt;. Ceriel (3i\ D. Don iporit). 3" iocrn si Grj., -Kb. 7 58 : (snrl JJlaria you li-eber. SS. 3iau. 3 SJbc. in 2 59: (Jarlfii, Gmtlte (^Dftjatt), (geb. 1807). 3luo ber Arembe unb ber Setmatl;. Stuttg. 1868. 3 Six. in 1. 16 58: Sinnen fecbS v ji ; odien. Sttittg. 1868. 16 58 : 9M&lt;5 in ben lob. Stuttg. 1H68. 16 58: SBraut auf bem Cmberg, Xie. Stuttg. 1868. 16 58 : Xafielbe. Stuttg. (f.b.) 16 58: Gtufieblcr auf ber ^ofyannieflivi. c, 2?er. Stuttg. 1870. (&gt;Sibc. in 2. 1H 58: Xaffeibe. Stuttg. (f. b.) 4 be. in 2. 1 58: Grfeiftitbd.K-n, Xa*S. Stuttg. 1868. 2be. in 1. 16 58: 649 1558 2621 26iK) 2022 917 937 324 316 1111 ^"nrlnt, tfmilte. 3 Aiumlic im Ibale, Xie. Stuttg. 1868. 16 . 58: Jibeicommijj, Xaj. Stuttg. 1870. 4 - -8be. in 2 .". 58: Weriidit, Gin. Stuttg. 1868. 7 -Bbe. in 3. 16 1 58: 0liicHi*e iiartbtc, Cine. Stuttg. 1868. 16 . 58: Buftau i. inborm. Stultg. 18(58. 3 "Mbc. in 1. 16 58: ftianbcl jh, au in belt Sdiecren, Gin. Stutt= gart 1868. 10 --bbo. in 3. 16 58: Jabr, Gin. Stuttg. 18(59. 2 *be. in 1. 16 58: ^iingfertlntrm, Xer. Stutta.. 18(i8. 7be. tn 2. 16^ 58: Jtammcrcr I lijjniann. Stuttg. 1868. 3-Wbe. in 1. 16 58: Airdn imtU ifyung Don &gt;ammarbty, Xie. etuttg. 1868. 3 -toe. in 1. 16 58 : iiaunen^iafteS -iL ! eib, Gin. Stuttg. 1868. 5 iW. iit 2. 1(P 58: SJIild briiber, Xie. tstuttg. 1870. 3 ~8bc. iit l. 16 58: Xafjelbe. Stuttg. (f. b.) 2 S3be. in 1 . 16 58: 9Jad;t ant SiuUarfee, Giiie. Stuttg. 18(58. 8-i&lt;be. in 4 58: Xnffelbe. Stuttg. (f. b.) (5 --Bbe. in 2. L6 58: 3l ! crning, 3lbeittctierciiie&lt;5 Scheorcii; jiingcn. Stuttg. 186S. 2 -i&lt;t&gt;e. in 1. 1(5 - 58: uui&gt; fciite Scb,imliiif\e, Xer. Stuttg. 186S. 2 -Hbe. in 1. 16 58: 9lomanlielbin, Xie. Stuttg. 186-&gt;. 2 4*be. in 1. 16 58: Siofe lion ^iftelrit, Xie. Stuttg. 1870. 3 33be. in 1. 16 . 58 : Xaffelbe. Stuttg. (f. b.) 2 33be. in 1. 1 58: Srfiattenfpiel : ,^eit= nub Sittengentalbe. Stuttg. 1868. 6 flbc. in2. 16 58: Xer. Stuttg. 1868. 2 i^bc. in I. 16- 1 58: Stelluertreter, Xer. Stuttg. 1868. 3be. in 1. 16 58: Sormunb, Xer. Stuttg. 1868. 6 be. in &gt;. 16 58: Mlein. Stuttg. 1870. 16 58: JJi atb,ilbe. Wfaf 31. ^aubiffin. i. in 1. out : Gljriftifin VII. unb fein .viof 58: (&gt;a?van, w. . 0. 3Ute ("jojdjidjtcn aue bent Speffart. Stutt gart 1869. 16. ^n : 3ugenb= unb iiolt-sbibl 59: bciiid)iiinnel. Za3 tiljiiitfinbltiii. ISine (Bpiiinftubc. ^ntcucl nidjt, ojott liifjt fii^ nidtt fpotten. ,,3u Straftburg auf ber Sdian;." Stutt; gart 1870. 16. Jn 3ugeitb= u. 3!olf9= bibl 59: GnftnnitrUfii, Xie. SJ. Wija^oufen. 201.0 2391 324 315 903 936 481 2263 345-8 319-50 2836 270-1 880 384! SHeliquien. 8b 1 58: 384 ! (sQUnlitr unb Jiibin. S). t onSdionait 59: (Snrtouc, Xie. G. &. G. X . 8ulW8?tton, 386 (&gt;-i&lt;bt. in 1 58: 397 C est lini! G. ft&gt;ofer. fl. 4 58: Kfiitifolicn. i*. o- ^eumer 59: 387-8 (scrumitrs Saaoebra, Wigucl be (1547- 1616). 398-9 \ Xon Cuirote toon Va Wandia. Heberf. wn I tibiuig licit. "iJerl. 18. il. 4 i&lt;be. ! tn2.lt 8 29: 384 390-1 363-5 384 383 371-3 358, 376-T 370 374 356-T 392 396 359-62 393-4 3fiG 381 369 389 395 378-9 375 385 367-8 386&gt; 104 2400 2400 2392 589 2221 1711 2035 1350-1 J KOSK FICTION: GERMAN. ftljcivaftcrbilbcr nu bcr -16- 28miberjaf)r. tfljarnftcrbilbcr auS bcr J^terluett. SB. ffiann 59 : (SbornfJcrmniifcn. 3t.Sfic^ti:r. -j &tt 58: 3 n t) a 1 1: S)n. 1: ?as PeffiJuiiit; x-5 . JcfcS rimftetbam DieiijeltuHijcu (.on 5d,,.:ten = f ebt. ^a^ 5felett mit tern fpaniftfeen iXobr. ue ^a&eiirjte. I:ie llnidmtb ber Eolitiibe. ev.4(ubi ber StiUoei-aiiiiaien. S3b 2: 2lu3 bent i eben etne^ tleien iviitften. lite Stiben beo iunflen Unben&trttl. Unter m JUrdienbann -Qei ben fiarmeli* teriniun. JladtLeie ju ben Grinnerungen an Joeinrid) ^cine. it. ^irotop in Srettau. SBb. :i: lie Gtit^uftaften. ^m Jiotel. G)3r* geu in i ; rafl. ^uibjingotaae im baiiifd^en Joodjgcbirge. ixiMttage im 2Ugciu. 6I)nr!oc SWcrmann. D. WiiUer. 2S5be... 58: (&gt;bnr(0ttc torbaB. it. Srcnjcl . 58: r, Xer. X. SJiiigge. 3 Slbe. in 1... 58 : : Xenfiuuvbigtcitcn eii SlrjteS, 4. Slbtb,- 58: (slirunlicr Boit Scuece, Xer. 31. "JJJeiner. 58: ffiiifit unb3ioBcllcu 58: (VIliruTi! uub ScbiefiTbcdcr. 5". tollc. 3" CSamcltcn, Sib. 1 59: (^blobwig ub tlotiibc. . Eonfcience 58: b ftriftbnum, Xer. g. dimibt 59 : (Sbriflftft, tin. 3. X. j. lentmc. 3n Grj., b. 4 ; 59: (jbriflftft in bcr Jamilie 5rominbolb, XaS. 3/. itaroit. 3 Grj., Sib. 2 59: fe briftfrrnbc, Xic. % %. Si5. Ccrtcl (SB. O. BOH fciBrn). 3 1 * &otn 8 Grj., Sib. 8 58 : l?l)riftinn VII. uub jciit of. (Sraf SJ. S^aubilfiit. 6 SJbc. ill 3 58: 3 n I) a It: SBb. 1-2: Caroline ffli.utnlbc. *b. 34: vjnliane JJJarie. *lc. 5 G: $auS i br S&gt;cgelftcaer. 2)1 ii M. Grj . -.. 58: iftion rviird)tegott cllcrt. $ ? s ^- Dcrtel (SB. C. B o u S&gt; o r n). 3 n Corn s Grj., Sib. 6 ." - 58 : ii briitimi unb yen. 2. Jiombert. 3n Wefdj. ciucr @aife. Sib. 2 58: Gftriftmorgcn, Xer. 0. Jcicrig. 3n 3ugenb= SMI., Sl. 25 59: I, Sib. 19 - 59: ijjerjog ju St uvttcinberg. ^5. l 3n 3ugcub= unb SolfSbibl 59: in i.:.:....^.!.! . 1 . ....!.. .... 01 !.. 6 . !. 59 : ( liriiiiif ber BerlingSgaffe, Xie. SB. Sloabc 59: Gbronif fciucr Saterftnbt glorenj, Xie. &. gen, Sib. 12 58: (Cincinnati- g. Serftddcr. 3n Slmerif. Stfalbs unb Strombilber, Sib. 2 58: (MVilifation unb SBiibnip. g. Werftdcter. 3n 3lus jloei SBelttbeilen, SSb. 2 58 : tllaro Sicre. g. 2picll;agen 59 : Xoffelbe 59 : (ilarintttc al^ ZaliSman, Xic. G. (SaftrolB 2S&lt;be. in 1 59: gcni&gt;=S!iM., Sib. \a ^--- 59: (&gt; Iniibin. Si. Bon teruberg. 3 SI- s -"o= mane unb Grj., Sib. 1 59: (Slcmcitt- raf t. QraboiBsti. 2 Slbe. iul 58: (Jicmcnlinc. g. i?eitmlb 53- 2107 2368 2315-17 Glltb fitr unlicgreiijte grcibeit, Xer. g. SB. icacflanber. jjn (SaebteS Sib 2 58 1301 (&gt; ( Mftcn inaKaiiu, Xic. &gt;. .Uoniq. 3 Slbe. 58: Col d Anteme, Xer. Si. Qfdjoffc. 3n 6icf. d&gt;r , Sib 13 .... 5g 1906-8 1958 GoIltnS, (SUUliam) Bilfte. (gcb. 1824.) grauteitt ober grau? (Miss or Mrs.?) Ueberf. B. Xr. Gmil Vebtnan. VetB. 1872. 16... .. 58- 410 Golonif, Xie. g. Qerftarfcr 3 Slbe 58 918-20 (*ominnniani BOH Cibcslofye, Xcr. St. 6. SlradiBogei. Ju .yjtft. }JoBelleu, Sib. 4... 58: KononrijCt, bcr Jnbiancrb, auBtliug. J. off= maun 59- 257 2 Q 97 2631-2 720 2420 (f Ollfcirntc, iocinrid), (neb. 1812). SibeubftunK n, (Avonstnnde). SRi m- |te, 1871 2 Slbo iu 1 16 58 422 545 2310 169 3n f/a It. SBb. 1: duintin 3)!etn. tie neue JJtobe. a* tfinb be.Sjenfet. Zt Pieift. Sb. 2: 3iitfe=tirfe.ta( Ecr S^ulmdfter jut CJdt tion Slintia Tb/rffia. *i bole jfoiib. Striata tormosissima, obct ba3 al)= lieiifiebev. Die Qliocmuttci . Slcme Gbeunauii, Xer. (De anne Edol- inan.) ati i tuftcr, 1863 l(i 58" 423 1111 424 S3aa anfeuboutf. (B.-ies Gansen- douek.) IMiiiiftcr 1861 16 58 423 2704 33ataBia. (Batavia.) SMuuftcr, 1866. 16 58 426 1304 2021 Skuerufrieg, Xer. (De Boerenkryg.) "Munftcr, 1866. 16 58: SkllaStorf. (Bella Stock.) Siunfter, 1869. 16 58 423 428 2852 SJiirgcr Bon Xarliugcu, Xie. Dhiufter, 1869. 16 58" 429 104-6 Siirgcnneifter BCII X iittidj, Xer. 3)iim= ftcr, 1867 16 58 430 2767 2835 Gtilobnng uub Slctilbe. (Illodwig en Clotildis.) Siuufter, 1861. 16 58: Xrci Grjalilungeit. s JJ(unfter, 1863. 16 58 : Jl it 6 alt: SiSfa tion Mooi mael, (Siskavan Kawnmel ) ffia einr MuUet leiben tann, (Wat eeue Moeder Ivden kan.) St ie man Sialer roirb, (Hoe men Schildur wordt ) 424 422 2581 2575 2569 2410 181 187 1391-2 989 906 I 857 865 1802 2565 i 1031 1070 SSiinfier Ginbilbitngfranfbcit, . 1867. 16= .................................. 5 g. 43! Gifernc (3rab, XaS. (Het yzeren Graf.) SHttnfte r 1869. 16 r - ........................ 58: 428 eijbal*, Xer. 9Mnfter 1868. 16 ...... 58: 423 elbteufcl, Xfr. Wiimfter 1862. 16 ...... 58: 426 Sefdiicbtc bc^ (9rafen iougo Bon 6ra n= IJOBC unb fcine^gveunbeSxHbufaragu^. (Gescliicdciiis van Gracfllujio van Craenhove.) 3J!iinftcr 1870. 16... 58: 420 (SSolblonb, Sag. 3)Junftcr 1870. 16 ...... 58: 429 Sacob Bon SlrtcBclbc. (Jacob van Ar- tevdde.) Wiiufter 1861. 16 ......... 58: 425 Sunge Xoctor, Xcr. (Do (onge Doctor.) SBJunfter 1866. 16 ........................ 58: 427 Sambtrt ^enSmannS. (L-nnbrecht Hensmans.) Wunfter 1863. 16 ...... 58: 422 SJebenstuft. 9)iitnfter 1871. 16 ............ 58: 431 X oii e Bon giauberu, Eer. (De Leeuw van Vlandoivn.) 3)iiinfter 1871. 16. 58: 421 aflutter Job. 2)iiinfter 1861. 16 ......... 58 : 426 Stefrut, Xcr. (De Loteling.) Sii mfter, 1861. 16 .................................. 58: 422 tmon Turdji, ober bieStalicucr ju Sluts ioerBen. (Simon Turohi.) Miinfter 1866. 16 .................................. 58: 427 Valentin: @efd)id)te auci unferer ^eit. 3Himfter 1867. 16 ........................ 58: 430 SBunberjaljr, SaS. (In het Wonder- jaer.) Miinftcr 1870. 16 .............. 58: 420 PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. Gontumnjfjnu?. -17- 2)Qpontc iinb , 5i". C- Spiubter. Megenbofieiiftrablcn, 4&lt;b. 1 59: iitnfiebler ait bcit CucHcn bed baimab, Xie. (The pioneers). gtuttg. (f. b.) 16 ........................ 58: Skibeit Sbanxate, Xie. (The two ad mirals.) etuttg. 1859. l(i ......... 58: 33eu einte won Jiiiflj - Ton = JiMit), Xer. (The wept of Wish-ton-wish). etuttg. 1859. 16 ....................... 58: SMenenjager. Xer, ober bie (i id&gt;enlid&gt;tun= gen. (Oak openings). Stuttg. 1803. 16 ................................. 58: 3teaDO, X*r: (S ine enetiauifd)e && fdiidjte. (The bravo). etuttg. 1862. 16 .......................................... -58: Gapitan pife, ober bie Wolf = ^nfcln. iiearbeitet on Jranj&cffmann. (.hick Tier.) luttg. (f. b.) ft. 8. (Siel)C Stnpitan Spite) .... ......................... 58 : Xonna iWercebefi Uon ISaftilien. (Mer cedes of Castile.) Stuttg. 1859. 16 58 : Ga (ifjiughain, ober bie Swmfcfyr. (Home as found.) Stirttg. 18(50. 10 ............................................ 58: eibenmauer, Xie. (The llciden- nianer.) Stuttg. ISIili ................. 58: S,ximfelir, ober tnc Serfolgitng. (Homeward honnd.) Stuttg. 1800. 10 58: ovraufd), Xcr; ober ber Maper, (Wing and \Vinjj.) gtuttg. 1801. HP 58: $apitain Spite, ober bie 05olf=jnfcln. (.lack Tier), tuttfl. 1803. 10 eiclie (Sapitaii Spite 58: JKttcntrttgct, Ser; oDer bie ^amilie i ittlcpage. (Tlie Chainbearer). Stutlg. I860. 10 58: i ebeiftriimpfjlivjaliluiujeii. (Leather- stocking tales.) Jiir bie Jugenb be-- arbeitet boil J-rauj .wfjmaun. Sttittg. 1804. so ;. 58: Tt nl) a it: SflkUUer. (The deer-flayer .) ?er (e(jtc ll!ol)it.iii!V. (The hist of the Mohicans). Ser ^fabflnber. (The patli- (Inder.) . lieoeiftrumpf. Btr JBtllflel" ler. e(jte 3Jlot)icaner, 3^er. (The last of the Mohicans), tuttg. (f. b.) 10 58: fiionetfiincotn; ober, bie^elageriingBoit Lofton. (Lionel Lincoln). Stuttg. (f. b.) 10 58: i cotfe, 2er. (The pilot), etuttg. (f.b.) 1 58: ihia; yiarbinge. (Alloat and ashore). Stuttg. 1801. 10 58: Mart s ;)(i{f, ober ber .Hrater. (The crater), etuttg. 1H07. 10 58: 3)!ile4 JliiiUiugforb. (Miles Walling- ford). Stuttg. 180-&gt;. 10 58: 9Ieb Wty"*: 2lu bem Vetieu emeoS5or= taftell -. s JJ!atrojcit. (Xed Myers). etuttg. 180k&gt;. 10 . 58: !(?fabjinber, ober bas Kinnenmcer. (The pathlinder). etuttg. 1809. 10... 58 : prairie, Xie. (The prairie). Stuttg. (f. b.) 16 58: SiaMnSneft, ober bie :)(otl;l)dute. (The redskins), etuttg. 1807. 10 58: Siotlie gtttbeuttt, Xcr. (Hed rover). tuttfl. (f.b.) 10 58: eatnu^loe, ober bie ^ai i lie Vittlepage. (Satiinstoc). Stuttg. 1800. 10 58: edjarfvid ter, i er ; ober bie SCinjerobUi. (The Headsman). Stuttg. 18(Hi. 10 58 : Pooler, 3rtme-3 Tvenimorc. gortfefcung. 937 eeeloroon, Xie. (The sea lions). tutifl. 1804. 16 58: epion, Xcr. 2(mvr. (Jrj. au bem Jatyrc 1780. (Tin- spy), etuttg. 1809. 10 58 : SUajfermre, Xie, ober bie Strid;er burdj 4o3 i bie UHeere. (The water-witch.) etuttg. 1859. 16 58: 463 SiUlbtb btfr, Xer. (The Deerslayer.) Stuttg. 1859. 10 58: SBtyanbOtte, ober bad tilocfb, au$. (Wyaii- 459 dottc.) Stuttg. 1802. 10 ." 58: Gorrobi, 2tuguft. X-ovfgi fd)id&gt;U ii fiir bie JUtgenb. etuttg. 480 (f.b.) 10 59: getoblumen. etuttg. (f.b.) 18 59: giir bie Mtnber. etuttg. (f. b.) 10 59 : 405 Wefcb, tdjteiibucfy fiir Hinber. Stuttg. (f. b.) . 4 59: cmmcrblumcn fiir bie SBinterjeit. Veipj. (f.b.) 10 59: 481! Soiiue uub Molten, i eipj. (f. b.) 16... 59 : (jBrUIHll 1 ?, ^Mob (pseud.) eiefye 3iaabe, 461 auilljclm i Cosa rara. (i. piubler. 3n Frntti di Marc, iib. 2 59: 472 Cosimo Vinci. TO). iiigg_e 58: Creole, Xer. 6. iMrd)%eiffer 58 : 470 (s rcolc, Xer. . gf^otte. 5 n Gkf- Sc^r., 4)b. 8 56: t rcoliii, Xie. 6. 21. Staubenmetycr. 3 Primiitnlflrftliiclitcn. S- St. v Cilb. 3n 3"= 464 genb-- unb M olfsbibl 59: 6rimtiifll=i);oucllcn. 3- 35- 6- Zemmc. 478 i 3 116 nit: Sb. 1: 3n einer iBtautnac^t. Ins 4&gt;trj tm 3in6t. Gin Slmncflivler. H3b. 2: Jiatcr (ianifiu^. ^111 iva^r^oufe. . _ j SUtev Samcn unb friii1)eo Skis. *&gt;O SDb. 3: lie \!icbe ira AlofKr. iBtr roar ttr SRBtbtt! (Hiftflllinn. 6". 3i&gt;iUfomiu. 3" 3)Jeteorc, 482 451 457 455 469 477 468 i. raf St. (Suvstniibcit, Xie. it. u^otu 58: Xaffelbe. 3" Ete fletne Jlorrtnttxtt, Cvitrtii* *rautfab,rt. g. Werftader. 3 X lnier. it&gt;alb= unb trombilbcr, SJb. 1 ... 58 : (&gt;l)nffl "i anna. (S. ^potfo. 3 n S J(. SioueUcn, i(b. o , 59; (5 jinffl. G. ^olfo. 3n : 32. 3(oeUen, SUb. 1 59 : Canton, - r - ~- uub 59: ^nmoitfll. "v Sdjerr ........................... 59: Xtimonifrti. (3. ou Struenfee (ufta vtomSec). on 91. SioBeUen ............... 59: 407 Jalifint. D. iiUlbermutfy. 3 * XteSieintat^ ber grau ....................................... 59: 452 , Bailie won Diouforeau, Xic. 21. (X.) Xu= ma. 3be .................................... 58: 434 Tnmcii^llmniinrt). .SR.3Runbt(8ouif lliii^lbad)) ................................... 58: 476 TnnH)flioot=(&gt;nvitnii, Xer. g. (Scvftad er. 3n Mrcuj unb C.ucr, b. 2 .................. 58: 458 Tamvifrtliii, tin. (i.Spinbler. 3nceiKn u. Oefdiidjten, W&gt;. 1 .......................... 59: 474 479 456 460 462 466 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 207o 955 2451 182 1955 2842 2417 1297-9 1680 1071 1220 1229 989 82 80 Tavlwibioii. fi. 5H. SD iv!., b. 19 .................................... 56: 473 | Tnvontc unb Mojart. 3. Wrofje. 3 *be... 58 : fi65 481 1222 1033 546-8 2479 958 939 1909 1100-2 1 KOSE FICTION: (JKKMAN. tnnr covbcm. 18- S5ctment. nj War Borbem. ft. Smibt. 3" 33iniicn ber totben lonnt, Sb. 4....- 59 : ^fiDtb JMuine. "ill. JJatbufuiS. 3n MI. (Srj. 58 i :)iiviio. 21. (S. iSradiuogcl. 3" &gt; [* clleii, b. 4 58: isJalbnct. 3R. 3. Sdjtoatfc 59: 2afielbe 59 : $C medelnborgidjen 3)lontecd)i un (SaBu* letti. 3- 3teuter. 3" ammtl. 3i&gt;., S8b. 13 .^ 56: Jctclilrtinit, 2ie. mibt. 3n SJinnen ber rotten Xonne, Kb. 3 59 : dif(itcijcu!iiiublcv, ler. D. TOUet. 3n (Srj. u. Ebaraftetbitbet, Kb. 3 58: 2cm 3lbgvunbe 511. O. ilUlbermutb,. 3 n 3ut Jammerflnnbe 59: Scmfipftc/ t. (S. .wjer. 3Kbe 58: 1668-70 Jjcmantfreify a. " (S. Binbler. 311 ^ ~ burger, i . lied 1 . Jn S d/r., Kb. 9 56 : 1608 Scnfroitvbinfcitnt eincS 3lr,te3. 3(. (S).) 2uma3. 53ibe 58: 549-53 921 2593 2294 313 1072 821 2767 257 711 1112 820 2645 1637 8-70 948 banb ber Jlonigin, 1. SaS J 2. Singe . 3. 7&gt;ie C^rafin uon Ctjarni). 4. ZcrCijeoalier noli ffiai[on=3ioug (Cpifobe 1793). Scnfiuiirbiflfcitcn eines aBa^nfmnigen. G. binblet. 3" Mettenglieber, 33b. 3 59 : Sciiortivtfii in 3luftralien, ie. 31. SCintet. 5n ~J(ieri(j Jugenb^Sibl., Kb. 43 59: 3&gt;cr i toi t ben "il-olfen. g. offinann. 3 n (St3., 33b. 35 , 59 : S tfciiflano. 3- Qaubi;. Jn Sammtl. 3\S., iBb. lo 56 : 25cfrrtcur crsi- * 3- ^- D rt * ( - S- Bon ftor n). 3n ftorn S (Srj., 43b. 2 58 : 2846 Sb. 1. .. ..... ..~ 58: 2857 25ftlcf, Sari (pseud.), ieb, e 33auet, Maro= line. 3!nit!"d)C 3(bcnbe. S3. Stuerbad). 3" @ c f- djr., S3b. 19 58: 62 JJiifyalt: Slubolpi) unb eiijabetrja. 33ta ift Mliict? Xes-Balbfd)u^eii Sotyn. 3 ur .dim ft unb fiitcvatur: Irei Stationen ceS &lt;Srf)iUer-oetb,c=Z&gt;eiifrnaI3. Stubien unb Sliimeitungen ju Siefjing S ,, Jiatl)an bee 5Beife." Ttutfdic 33iirgcrfamilie, (Sine. 3- bt)u iiUcfebe. 3 4&lt;be. in 2 59 : 1558-9 3)cuticl)t 3amilien. Jo. Sonig. 2 33be 58 - 1920-1 S ciitfrtic Aliidjtling, Ser. 31. 33i(jiu (3= remia^ ottbelf). 3n 6)ef. djr., &lt;8b. 9 58: 1039 cutfff|C Wejdiiditen fitr bieilinberftube. (S. 3&lt;ogel. 2 33be. in 1 59: 2880 yxrjen. Stisjen, Stnbicn unb e= (S. ftiifer 58 : 1671 3 n I) a It: 3lin Xtjore. 3lii 5 bem i oft= unb SHetfel;anMiiid) euie^ S.ljulmeifters. 2&gt;er iHeifetag eineo Vauuiid)e-it. Xer JRot^e. Sluo ber Sansd)""" mcineS Siiters. Slu-i bem S!ben eineS alien DiuitttiS. Criginale, (Sine Spiegelflei djiclite. Clltfrf)C im Often, (Sine. 3)1. GhmtiSberg. 3n 3ngenb&gt; unb SolfSinbl 59: 2416 2!cutfdc t! 3iorb:3(mevita. (S. tfafttow 59: 2992 Scutfrfic in XrafteBere, Set. g. (Saubo. 3 ^Soet. u. firof. 5., 33b. 5 56 : 323 Safjelbe in ammtl. iB., 33b. 9 56 : 313 Sciitfrftc ttambfc. &. Sdjiicfing. 2 33be. in 1 59: G32 ^ntjalt: Sierlafien unb ucrloren. Xer Sii)Ci be3 Jturtiirftcn. S)rutirf)C .Unabe in 3tmerifa, 3^er. 9i. 33a: ron. 3" ^ r J- SJb. 1 59: 2020 leg, Set. ft. i aube. 933be 58 : 2048-56 ^nyalt: ^b. 1 1: ^siinfer .v&gt;an5. b. S 7: Ulialbftcih. b. 8 U: iicnoij itcvn()arb. Sciltfff)C .Ktieg Bon 1870 unb 1871, Set. 3. djmibt. -2 33be 59: 2706-7 1 Scutfrfic JJiidjaet, 35et. 21. (S. 33rad;Bogel. 4 S.3be. in 2 58: 230-1 ^iduncfier. 3.Stolle. 3be. in 1 59 : 1112 Sioniete. 3- Sptelljagcn 59 : 862 Saacn. ^.^cffmann 59: 2299 Snttftlir Sd)itt!en, Juvnet unb vieberbrii= ber. 3eitgefcb.idjtlidjer ;)(oinan uom iier^ fafjet ber Sttomane: ,,-Sie Siitter ber ^&gt;n-- buftrie; ,,J;ie fterren Horn .Hleeblatt" :c. Sena 1867. 4 33be. in 2. lti c 59 : 1900-1 2&gt;clltfd)C Irene. X . ^&gt;id)ler. 3 11 (Si j., 33b. 1 59 : 2640 Scuticljc Iteue. ty. 3- 3A5. Dertcl (iii. D. uon &gt; o r n). 3" -Wrn 3 (Srj., i^b. 12... 58 : 2841 "unb (einJtinb, Ser. 3- Wetftarfet. n 3lus JUKI 3Helttbeilen, 33b. 2 58 : 908 IBunben. ii. Otto. 4 be. in 2... 58: 2901-2 3 nt) a It: Sb. 1: RleinftaotlidjeS. Sb. 2: SStrbrilberungJfefte. 4)b. li. ^eutfdjet iyrubcrtrieg. i!b. 4: 3Ulbeutfd)!aiib. im xHuslanbe, Bie. 3- Wei ftacfer. fteiml. u. unbeiml. ejdi., 33b. 1 58 : 936 TTiitfdicn ^ictnncfier auf Jieifcn, 2ie. 3- lolle. 2 Kbe. in 1. (3 e ite n ft ii ct gti: ,, JJentfd)e ^idroictier.") o9 : 1123 Triltirijcr 33tuberfrieg. X . Otto. 3" ~eut= ftbe liSunben, 33b. 3 58 : 2902 Srutfrffcr 3 ul lX ^ ut - 5- fiation. 5 S3be. in 2. ( , xortf e Ju ng ju: Ser alte Teffauer.) 58: 349-oO ^flltlrficr iocrsog, (Sin. Sb. SDlunbt 58: 2691 Jcutfrticv oufl^ubfreunb. 3- ftoffmann. Hi be 59: 2320-9 ^cutfrijer X anbjfnedjt ber neueften ^]eit, (Sin. 3. Don -JUidVbe. 3 3.3be. in 1 59: 1557 182 Tciitirfirr 3)tonb|rt)etn. 31*. Slaabe. cob (SoroinuS.) 59: 3 n I) a It: 2cutjtt)tr ajioiibjctjciu. Der .Utarjcli nod) .(jmije- Sea SleidicS .ftrone. StjeUa -j (5ibjd;aft, ober die Oiefd;idjte eiuc3 fJjioiUen Sages. Scutitljcr ^rinj, (Sin. S. ^idjler. 3n Gtj. ^b. 2 59 : 2641 3cutfd)CC! Sidjterleben, (Sin. .. (Su^foTO. 3n 2ie fleine Stortenluett, Kb. 3 58 : 1231 cutfrl)C(! Slottenbudj. ,xj. Smibt 59: 2791 Scnt|rt)ta.Honiglebeu, (Sin. X!. ^jidjlet. 3n trj., b. 3 59: 2642 3)cntirt)CiJ i- agct in Slficn. 0raf St. @ra= bowsfi. 3 * 3lu-3 bem Solbatenleben K. 58 : KXfc ^cntirtjCk! Jl eib, (Sin. &. iMaiimmb. 3" 31oetlen, SJb. 4 59: 213 ^flltitliloilb gegen granfreid). (i. W. ajiunbt. (ii o u t ) e 2M u b, 1 b a cb .t 4 $3be. in 2. 3" ?eutfd;lanb in turnt unb 2rang. 3lbtb. Ill 58: 2480-1 S ciitirtilmtb in Stunn unb Srang. (S. 3Ji. iliiinbt. (X* o u i f e W ii b, 1 b a dj.) Mtfgenfolgt. Slbtli.l: Xer atte SIIB unb bic ncuc 3 cit - 4be.in2 58: 2475-6 9lbt(). 2: i\iirftcn unb SMditer. 4Sbe. Ill2. Slbtli. A: 2eut|d)lanb gcgcn Srontteld). 58 : 249fl-2f)0n 4 b.in2 5S: 24SO-1 3(bt(j. 4: A-rantueidi qeaen 3)cut|d)!anb. 58ke.ilt3 58: 2197-S ^cittfdilnnb iS Gbre. 33. bon ufcef. 3 33be. in 2 58 : 1176-7 Saffelbe. 3 i&lt;be 58: 1181-3 (Sniiebrignng unb (Srljebung. . -Jiievi(5. 3n :Migenb=i(ibl. 3Jb. 22 59: 2572 g Jt afjanbra. &. 3(au 59 : 272 (S. &. (S. X . 3Julioer=X i;tton, 5be. in 1 - 58: 2237 nnb goffmann. 9(. Springer. .... 59: 981 PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. -19- Tciunfl, fan. rofecSame, Gine. Stuttg. 1872. 2S3be. fl. S= 58 : 510-11 Tinfoiiiiiin, Xie. .. Bufcfow 58: 1221 Tinmniitrii berlSrojjtnutttr, Xie. i, . SdjiU tfiug. on 31 us tioifjeit Tageti 59: 629 Tinmnittrn-(vlirir, Xa$. G. Sbiublcr. 3" SMmte Wod)irt&gt;ten, Sft. 12 59 : K)9 Tinmnittina. i&lt;. g. SB. Ccrtet. (311 C. b o n c r n.) 3n Scorn s* Gr,v, Sb. 8. ... 58 : 2837 Tiamniitrtiiij, Xr. G. wn Sdjmib 59: 530 Tirtitcr 11116 StyofteL G. SBillfomm. 2 S3be. 59 : 1664-5 Tirfitrr, Xer, unbberCctntoomft. G. J. 21. Hoffmann. 3 i Xie Scrapion&SBrilba, *b. 1 58: 1732 S irt/trr unb fee Weiellen. 3- "on Gidjen= bovff. on Sdmintl. Si . *b. 2 56: 241 Tiditrr uub .Hauimauu. 4i Stucrbad) 58. 66 Xaficlbe. o" Bef. Sdjr., lib. 1213... 58: 56-7 Tirtjtcrlirrj, Gin. &lt;3ofm Meats.) G. "}&gt;olfo. 3n 3(us beni nniiibertiebftcn iiud;e. 9J. .9!obe(len, Slb.9 59: 84 TirfltrrlfUCIl. V. liecf, o.n Sri&gt;r., 35b. 18. f,(j : 1617 Tiriitm Jiigiauf. G. Sipiublcr. 3" Scc= lien unb eid&gt;., 33b. 1 59: 939 Tic vcn &gt;ob,enftcw. g. Sielb,agen 59 : 858 Tidilt, Jijeobor. 2(mcvifam)d;e Sieifebilber. SSerl. (f. b.) . 8 59: 2090 atlantiS. alert, (f. b.) H. 8" 59: 20&lt;tl Writanma. Bert. (f. b.) M. 8" 59: 2092 Wermania. Skvl. (f. b.) ft. 8 59 : 201(3 &&gt;elbcn bcr 3Jiijeit, 2ie. crl. (f. b.) f 1.8 59 : 2094 Teliae; unb 3(cm. 4krl. (f. b.) ft. 8 59 : 2095 Sityania. ikvl. (f. b.) ft. 8 59: 20% jfoSmoramen. ert. (f. b.) ft. 8 59: 2097 i anb unb Secbilber. 4k-rl. (f. b.) It. 8. 59 : 2098 d&gt;enbi(bcr. ?}ed. (f. b.) H. 8 59: 2099 SJitttclnltcr, a. 3.H~ri. (f. b.) H. 8.... 59 : 2100 3(ate "Ktlt, Jie. Sert. (f. b.) fl. 8 59: 2101 Cft unb iUcft. *erl. (f. b.) !(. 8 59 : 2102 Kanoromen, 1\nl. (f. b.) ft. 8 59: 2103 Sieifcbilbcr. erL (f. b.) fl. 8 5}): 2104 eft,v,enbudi, Xa. SBerl. (f. b.) ft. 8... 59 : 2105 Zcutonia. *er(. (f. b.) fl. 8 59: 2106 iiiotfcrgeiiMlbe ; i. anb|"d&gt;aftoHlbcr. Serf. (f. b.) ft. 8 59: 2107 SBanberungen. Kert. (f. b.) ft. 8 59 : 2108 unt Xicnft. 5. fiioffmann. 3n Grj., 16 59: 2275 frtiirtitr, Ginc. 3W. 9intt;u= fiu. ,in Xorf= unB Stabtgcfdj 58: 2765 Siftftclm foil iUidjcnbcrg. 8. s Jlurbad;. on (Sof. Sdir., b. 5 58 : 50 SDaffette. 3n d^worjtt. Kcrfgefd;., *t. 4 58: 82 Sic), itatfjarina. Grja {)lungon unb Sdardwn. Stuttg. (f.b.) fl. HO 59 . 2117 Ritr bie ougcnb. etuttg. (f. b.) ft. 8... 59 : 2118 Xilcttniitcn, Sio. g. i;etwalb. on Gtj., b. &gt; 58 : 2120 liner do Province in ^rt, Gin. G. epinblfr. 5n Semen u. Wcjdj., Sib. 1... 59 : 939 Singrtftcfet, Avanj. amajone, ^io. Stuttg. 1869. 2 53be. ml. ft- 58: 520 Xioclcttnii in Satona. . 3icb,offe. 3n Wef. Sdjr., *b. 2 56: 1950 Tioi-fiircn, 2ie. . Ctto 58: 2903 Xjwlomat, Jet. fc. etotd; 59: 1140 Xivlomntilrtjc Scnbung, Gine. Avoiticrr 6. ucn iWbva. o Grlcbtea u. OSotriiumtc^.. 58 : 162 nnb iht i egt, Sie. . Smibt. s Jfiovi() "MigcnbWbt., iUb. 41 59 : 2591 Jr. Sorbcid; bcv ffiiihter unb bio iUirgten= fierven in ber l;ciligen SBribnadjWnac^t 2(nno 1847. 31. SBihlirt (oeremta g Qott^elf). o" ef. Sdn\, b. 23 58: 1053 St. guftuS. G. iUittfoinin. on StuS alter uno naicrSoit, b. 1 59: 1662 Tr. Mationborgofi Mflbereife. 3. ^. g-. 9iidj= tor (^can ^aut). on Saimiitt. SB., 8etl.aufl., *b.24 56: 1162 Tafjclbo. on eammtl. 3B,, ^arifcr 2lu&lt;-g., m. 3 56: 1170 ,/?Ottor" UnH cfoii in bft Union, Xa. A- Werftocter. o 1 eiinl. u. unlieiml. (Sejc^., b. 2 58: 936 Jiirrtilniirlitiun. A- Slenter. on Sainmtt. aB.,)Bb.l2.. 56: 1111 unb Jcgarcfio. G. X. 21. iocffmann. o n2lu*g. Grj., b. 1 58: 1730 Eaffelbe, o" ~i ra))tonS=SBriiber, b. 2 58: 1733 uub fa^ft. g. on DionimovJbctf. 2be. in 1 58: 2801 Tcneiia, 2ie. G. a. 9A unbt (5Jouife 3)( ii b I b a di). Jn (Seidjiditebitber, *b. 3. 58 : 2503 yolilniftiiiiflin, Sie. G. fcofer. 3" 2lu alter unb neuer 3eit 58 : 1660 Saffotfce. 3n Grj. Sdjr., Mb. 6 58 : 1652 Xom ber oiumtibcn, Xer, uub bie nao(eo= nii die ^clitif. 2t&gt;. iliunbt. on Rotifer ,Hai|er=tivjen, a&lt;b. 1 58: 2695 SomciitCD. J. i. cti alb. 3" 3&gt;illa Dtinnione, b. 2 58: 2132 Xombrrr, Xer. g. Veicalb. o" Sunte 9Jit= bor,^b.2 58: 2136 Jombrrr, 2er. 3. X. 6. 2emme. 4 Sbbe, inl 59: 1306 Tommciiicr on Slegeneburg, Xer. 6. edjmib. 3n 21 tie uub uoue Oefdj. aiiS Waix-rn, SRb. 2 59 : 560 TonuirDVft i! a)iitnbe{, Xe3. ^. g. 2i!. Cer= tet (ii*. D. S o n $ o r n). 3" ioorn s Grj., 5Bb. 5 58: 2849 Somrnbc, Xer. ^. g. SB. Certel (SB. D. o n o r n). 3n .wrn f Grj., 41b. 9 58 : 2838 Ton GarlwS i)(. $nifym G. Son SJibra. 3t 3(eiiejfi}-,cn uub -Jloiietleu 58: 169 Ton o u an. G. X. 21. .wifmann. 3" 3lu^g. Grj., m. 2 58: 1731 Ton Cuir.otc I pn i. a JJJandja. 9Ji. be Gep banted Saaeebra. Ueberj. Bon Vubiuig 2icef. 4ibe. in 2 59: 1350-1 Ton CuiixJtc Don Va 3)iaiKt, a, 9(ad? 9J(. be GeroantoS Saafobra, fiir bio 3 u 8 ell l&gt; t* 1 arbeitet tton 5- .Wifiuaun 59 : 2301 Toinin iUnna. . ;)lellftab. on flunft=3(o= betlen 59: 355 Donna &lt; inohilo. &. von Struenfee (W u= ftab b o in See). 3" ^ r 3- &lt;wt& alien foerrn, *b. 2 59: 1198 Toiuto 3.Kerccbe3 bon Gaftilicn. 3- % Goober 58: 461 Towrlnir, Sie. i. . Sdjucfing. 3 n ""&lt;8 unb grieben. ilb. 1 59 : 6(53 , Xer. 5. Werftacfer. 3" . u. uub,eiml. Ocfdi., Sib. 2... 58: 936 = uub Stabtgoi d)id)teii. 9J(. 9iatltufiu3. 58 : 2765 3116 a It: lit btibentfarrliauler. SDlnfUa, bie Sticftttuttfr. 5iater, Soijn unb Gnf&lt;l. Siorenj, ber Arcigctneinblev. JHingtt bavnttd), bafe il)v ftiUc feib. 3)te Pammer= juiigfrr. ^ic 3oi Hta03f(t&gt;uIe. Sine Zicnfimagbf(iejci)i^le. Jlet neue Sd)uU mtifter. JKarie. Toritoqucttc, Sie. g. Sbioltjagen 59: 862 Toriflfirr, Scr. $. . .ttombcrt. on SU^mi= fdje oben, 3lbtl;. 2 58: 1970 PROSE FICTION : GERMAN. $&gt;orf(jef($t($te nuf co. -20- riifin Bon (Tfjamt/. Torfgcfrtjirfitc ouf See. 21. .Viainbang. 3n 2lur franberGrbe, Sib. 1 58: Toriflrfrfiirtitnt, 3- Siraun 59: Torigcfrt)irt)trn. 21. Corrobi 59: Torffnolnn, er. &gt;. Sdtmtb. SH 2Hte u. iicnc Wejtfi. aus Slattern, Sib. 3 59 : $0ffr oet, &tt. 91. Seller. 3" Steben 2Sin= terabeube, Sib. 2 , TorfUntf, 2er. ,tt\ Stober. 3n Grj., Sib. 7 Tarit). V. Sdjuding. 3" 2lu3 alter unb neutt Seit, j*- 2 Torunit, Jyricbrid). (pseud.) Sielje Sentt, griebrtdi fitter Bon Sornrii^dicit. G.Job fer. 3" i- onb unb See, Sib. 1 ". 2orotf)r. 2S. Soring. (23 i I lib alb 2llert3). 2 aSbe. in 1..., : Jovotlicc, bie Todjtcr beS SriiBtocaloiniften. 52. Ctto. 3n 2(n ber alien ^ett, Sib. 2 Sounncn iiinb, Se. $. g. 2i&gt;. Certel (21*. C. B o n S o r n). 3n Sorn 8 Grj., Sib. !). r(iumlti!n,2cr. S.Siaabe (3cobGoi&gt;= inu/ Xrri 2lbcnbc au bemSeben etncS Ginjal)rt= gen. (Srof St. CirabotBSfi. 3n SluS ber (Sarntfon :c., Sib. 3 Xrci Silatter auS bcmJagebudje eim 3(eU fcnben. i. . Slellftab. 3" .Hnnft= s J(ox^ellen. Srci Siriibor, Ste. 21. Sii(5ui3 (3 e v e m i a8 ottb,elf). 3 n ef. Sdjr., Sib. 7 rrci Gouftnen, Sie. g. tolle. 3 Game= lien, Sib. 1 2r.ei gefte. C. SBilbermntI;. 3" X ebeiiS= rdtl;fel Xrci gluthen. G. 21 illfomm. 3n 2luf jer= borftener Grbe Stci greunbe. Ib.. 9Jiiigge Tret iyreunbe. % 3- Sutlden. 2Sibe Xrci rofimadjte, 2ie. Si. SdjMittg. 3 t 2(u alter unb neuer 3ett, Sib. 1 ct Sofgefdjidjten. 3- Scfyerr 3 n^o It: Jtatliarina II., Gjaritt ron Mttfts lanb. Blatljilbe, flBniflin oon f fiarolfne^ Itftnlain uoit G-nglanb. et 3iiBalt6en, Sie. . 9atrty. genb=Siibl., Sib. Zt Tret 3&lt;b,re bo-n Xreifjigen. 52. Siellftab. 5 S Tret MonigSabcnb, Ser. S- StoUe. 3n 3e lanaer, je liebcr, 35b. 2 ..................... Stutter, Sie. g. 2)iarrt^at. 3J(U 2er i. tebegefd)td)ten be alien better "&gt;(Je= ter, 35ie. greifierr G. won Sjibra. 3n Sietfeffijjen u. s Jiocellen ....................... Jrtt aJiitttcr ju einem ftinbe. &. 3iieri. 3n 3ugenb=33ib(., S8b. 15 .................. 2-ret SJiusfetiere, Sie. 2(. (JE.) uma3. Z Sbe ......... . .................................. nastier. er Oirof DOU iBvngetonilc, obcv jdjtt frnter. ^Jarabcln JiartaamS. G. toon d;mib. Xtci dimiebe ib,re Sdndfal?, Xie. 21. lifter. 3n Gn., 33b. 1 .................... Xrct Sdiroeftern, C. 2lUlbermutl;. 3n ^5er= len au^ bemSanbc ........................... ^frct Scnnlage. G. S^inbler. 3" 2Btn- terf^enbeu, 3Jb. 1 ............................. 2rct teruritter, 35te. g. penning. 3 Siunbfdian ........................ ............ Jrri Jage Garnebal in 5;iina. 3- ! ftacfer. 3" 2luS meincm Xagebudte, SBb. 1 .......................................... _ !Trci Sage in 9Jiittenu&gt;albe im baberifdjcn 2Upengebirge. ffi, g. ai&gt;. Certel (2iS. D. B o n ,6 o r n). Jn Corn s Grj., iBb. 12.. 59: 58: 58 : 58: 58: 59 : 58 : 59: 58: 59 : 59: 59: 58: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 58: 58: 59: 58: 59: 59: 59: 59: 58: 58: 58: 1850 2046 2070 561 1447 1093 628 168& 1366 2899 2853 183 1068 355 1037 1111 1635- 1661 2433 1580-1 628 486- 2571 356-60 1118 2275 170 2565 554-5 537 1061 1636 951 1460 903 2856 2rd Srepfren b,od). 21. SDeflmer ............. 59 : , Tret CcrtHingmfiluiHe 3 fl b.- * Cite-. . in 1 i iiorabmmgen. S. Stober. 58: 59: Sift 21 ; eibnad)t Jnln nbe. 3Ji. &lt;3. tfiirarfe. 3n HI Grj., SBb. 2 .......................... .. 59 : Trcic unb Gtiit. ty. g. 21 . Certel. (2U. C. o n fti o r n). 3,11 :oent _6 Grj., b. 11 58 : trifigifiltigt Mricg, Xer. G. 3J(. SOhmbt. (So i f -JJ( ii 1; ( b a clj). 6 ^be. in 3 58 : , Xer. g. (Serftarfer. 3u Sjeiml, unt)ciml. (Sefd)., *b. 1 .................. 58: Trniflialm, g. Pettier, Sie. 3 Siteri^ 3ugenb--33ibl., m. 30 ....................................... 59: olttjarb unb fcin Siofj. 3n SRierifc 3= genb=inbl., ^b. :!() ........................ 59: flcnb=2Jibl., SJb.ao ......... , .............. 59: 2b,eobor ilorner. 3 U 3iieri(; 3 u S cn ^ 5 *ibl., 33b. 44 .............................. 59: Srofrfjfc Siummcr I. G. ipfer. 3" 2lu Wrieg= unb grkbmSjeiten, 33b. a ......... 58 : amab, ber Unftate. 21. G. aratt)= 3n SMft. 3ipellen, 33b. 3 ......... 58: %\i. g. Gcrftadcr. 3 231au Sliafiet ........................................... 58: TuunbSie. G. 9Ji. 3Jiunbt. (Vouife M u t} I b a dt). 3n i[t. iHlberbucb,, S lifioc, Gbouarb (psou J .) tel;e 2isalbmui= ler, Robert. 5bb. 1 ............................................ 58 : 1515 2904 1090 733 2855 2482-4 936- 2580 2580 2S80 2594 1666- 257 913 2511 , ^almenblatttr jc., Sb. 2 ....... ........ 58: 2391 2114-15 Turd in Saltfornien, Gin. it. ilii)llb,aujen. . Siiitflt= nub iH rggejd)id;ten. g. V 2 2Jbe ............................................ 58 : 3.11 1) n It: b. 1. S)e3 -UlalcrS Wefangoii(cfiaft. 35er Sdjijfocnpitiin. lev Selximiatli. 3tom Anaben unb com JJMbcVen. 3)ie SefdiiciltteineSrtelbsiige j. 2ev ^roniig. Xao s j)liiljrd)cn 0011 bent juHfien ffieintufer. Sib. 2: ^Jroci Xaqc in einerUenien Stabt. Savat). 2ikiblid)e S-rgieljutifl. ^im 3n-enf&gt;aufc. Gine (Srifettc. Wd4 un&gt; Sieute. (Sin iHai)r^en ait ben flol)len. 2iiWc(ftiinncr, Sic. 21. can 2lMntcrfefe. 3n $nmor. @olbaten&gt;9toBeIUn, 2Jb. 3 ... 59: Tiivrcitftciit. K. Stober. Jn Grj., 33b. 10 59 : , Sllei-anbre (Xtt). (geb. 1802, f 1870.) Singe fitou. (An^e Pitou). Stuttg. (f. b.) 3 3Jbe., 16. 3n Scnftoiirbigfei= ten einc* SlrjteS, 2lbtb,. 3 ............... 58 : 53fact. (Black.) Stuttg. 1859. 2 33be., 18 ........................................... 58: Gb/Dalter Bon 9Jiaifon=3iouge, Set. (Le chevalier de la Jlaison-Eouge). etuttg. (t. b.) 16 ......................... 58 : ame won 3J(Oiijoreau, Sie. (La daine, de Monsoreau). Sftlttg. (f. b.) 3 33be., 16 ................................. 58 : 5Dnfn,n"trbigfciten citveS 2lrjte. (Me- inoires d un incdicin). Stuttg. (f. b.} 533be., 16 .................................. 58: 2rei 9JiuIeticre, Sie. (Le trois mous- quetaire.). Stuttg. (f. b.) 2 S3be., 16 ............................................ 58: grauenfrteg, Ser. (La guerre des femines). Stuttg. (f. b.) 2 SJbe. in 1 16 ............................................. 58: enofjen Seb,!!?, Ste. (Les coniiiagnons de Jehu). Stuttg. 1857. 3 *be., 18 58 : ott unb Jeufel. (Conscience 1 inno- cent). Stuttg. 1852. 2 23be.in 1. 18 58 : rcifinoon Gl;arnti, 2ie. (Laconitesse de Charny). Stuttg. (f. b.) 6 4ibe., 10 ......................... . . ................. 58: 1738 1094 540-Z 543-4 545 546-8 549-53 554-5 556 557-9 560 561-6 PROSE FICTION : GERMAN, vnf Don Snigcfomte. -21- Sin Sag fiubttig S be GUfte". i*, SUcranbre. Jyortfelumg. Wraf pen Siragelonne, Tev ; cbcr jcb,n 3ab,re nad ber. (LecomtedeBrage- lonne). etuttg. (f. b.) 7 S&lt;bc. in 4. 16 ............................................ 58 Graf I on IDlontt (Sfjrifto. (Le comte de Montechristo). etuttg. (f. b.) 6 Sibe. in3. 16 .......................... 58 a!*banb batfb nigin, Ta3. (Le collier de In roine). etuttg. (f. b.) 3 Sibe., 16 ............................................ 58 igafe ineiiieS Orpfwatcrd, Ter. (Le Lifcvre de nion Grand - Pere). Stuttg. 1856. 18 Jn Le Pferc Gi- pofriio ........................................ 58 $orocoj&gt;, SDaS. (L horoscope). 2 Sibe. tnl. 18 ................................... 58 Sngenue. (Ingenue), etuttg. 1859. 3Sibe. 18, ................................. f8 SJiciftcr aibam bcr Cotobrcfe. (Maitre Adam le Calabrais): etuttg. 1857. 18 ............................................ 58 SHeiuoiren be TiditerS CuintuS u&gt;ra= tine 3Iaccu&lt;S. etuttg. 18W). 2 Sibe. 18 ............................................ 58 SKcln cancr toon ^ari3. (Les Mohicans de Paris), etuttg. 1854. SSibc. 18 58: Clmupia Ben Gtcc3. (Olynipe de Cloves). etuttg. (f. b.) 3 Sibe. 18. 58 : ??age bcSJoerjcgS uon Safotien, Ter. (Le ]&gt;;i&lt;re (In due de Savoie). etutta. 1855. 33ibe. 18 .......................... 5 567-70 571-3 574-6 577 578 Styitffara SJalten, Sib. l 58: (I d ft-5. Wcorg. Slegiiptijdie iicnigstoditev, (Sine, etuttg. 3 Sibe. in 2. 8 , 58 : O br.fmnim unb Siauer. g. W. flityne. on SDm9loUen 58: (vbclftciiif, Tie. (5. Bon ednnib 59: " s ~ -tciji. Si. Sluevbad). %n Wq. edjt., *1 58: aifclbe. on ednrarjio. Toffgefdt., b - ...- ...58: Gblr 3 SluS bet 579-81 582 585-9 590-2 Barter fen Jlfb, bourn, Jer. (Lo pastenr d Ashbouru). etuttg. 1H5-I. 2 -bbe. 18 ............ . ............................... 58: laube, Zie. (Lii colonibe). etuttg. 151. 18 ................................ :. r, 8 : SQolfinnen yen 3)iad;ccout, Xic. Gyifobe and bcm Jiricg bfr 3&gt;cnbec iui ^otirc 58: 593-5 math unb grembc 59 : Vbmimb. i. . MHftab. on flimft=9!oi ellen 59 : (^fioii tnt Tie. &. ou etruenfee. (Wuftau coin eee) 59; tvjr, Tie. M. e. d;ii ar(} 59 : Taffelbe 59 -. (V br auf Siefcbl, tine. Wraf et. Srabowsfi. Csn S J(. milit. .\iuinorcefen, Sib. 2 58 : 583-4 (EleftanMttitfe metntf Betters an (cine wntb, Sib. 2" . . . 58: (firiic von SUncennfg, Tie. 5",. g. SB.Certel. (SB. O. w o n ^i o r n). 3,11 Corn s trj., * b - 8 58: (firiititboi if, So{c^ greitjcrr Son. (geb. 1788t 1857). Slbnung unb egentoart. 5,11 eammtl. IB., sib. 2 56 : 3tu&lt;S bcm ireben eineS JaugeuidjtS. ^n es Loaves deMachecoul). etuttg. 1858. 5 bc. 18 ............ 58: tcansig Solite nadi(;er. (Vingt ans apres). etuttg. ((. b.) 3 SJbe. 16. 58 : 596-7 598 599-603 604-6 I. 1. SenhofitMglcUin tines 3[rjtS. 2. Da 5fra,sbant&gt; ber itijiiiain. 3. Singe $itpu. 4. lie (Slriftu DOII C^avnn. 5. Zei-e^eoalier DOII 3)fai(on3!ouge. II. 1. lie brei S!u5fetitre. 2. 3"""Vi fl 3 a h nci*6r. 3. zei- Wraf oon Bragttonnc, obct ;^a^te nastier. Damme a ie. 2R. . Xid;tcr utib il;re efellcn. Jn eanuntt. 3B., b. 2 ........ . .......................... 56: Gntfiifirung, Tie. Ju 2ammtl. SB., *b. 3 5(J : Oliirferittcv, Tie. Jn cftnmitl. 4B., 3Jb. A 5G : X ibevtas unb iljre grtier : SJiavdjeu. Jn 4tnmtI.aB.,8b.8 ........................ 56: WarmotKlb, TaS. 3u eamuitl. SB., b. 3 ......................................... 56; SReerfafyrt, tine, jn eammtl. SB., SJb. 3 56 : SAtojj Tiii-anbc, Ta*. 3 eaniiutl. aiS.,33b., 3 ................................... 56: Sid tttannt uin 9Jidjt*. ^n eiinnntl. S.,*b.3 ............ . ....................... 56: O idtcnfcljf, $an won. fi, Ta. X ei^. 1863. 3 Hbe. 16 ................................. -58: ec. H. TOclltaufcn. Jn fteliquicn, Sib. 3 .............................. 53: tin wn Veift, Tcr. (J. SBiWomm. (V Tiiiliciigefdiidjte, trine. D. 3M= bcrmutlj. on X cbcnsratfjfel ................ Xitiiflf etunb, Sie. g. SB. ad[anbr. 5 i^bc. in 3 ..................................... Xun.flcr ^uuft, (Jin. e. JUiUfomm. ^ illciH Ilcn unb Grj .......................... Xurrf) bic pampas, g. erftarfer. 3n 8nnte8 Ircibcn, *b. 3 ..................... Jurri) bic iijiifte. 1. %. SB. Ccrtel. (IB. C. u p n 6 o r n.) 3n .v&gt;orn o Grj., iUb. 15. dit jum 5. idit. A-. Jurrtl Sdidit jinn Vid)t. 5 Vebcnc-tilbcr, ib. 1 JimMi, bfr ^raniitlwinfiiufcr. 3(. (3 1 1 m i a 8 & c 1 1 1&gt; e I f .) ed;r., 43b. 12 f. 58: 59: 58 ; 59: 58 : 58 : 59: 58: 58 2767 1635 1313-15 Sib. 9 : (vincn S?au, tin. Si. Sluetbadi. Jn Wet * ed&gt;r.; Sib. 8 ..................... * .......... .. 58 : Taffelbe in Sd)trorj. Tcrfgefd;., Sib. 5 ....................................... erb. &lt;o. edjniib. 3n Sllte unb 58 : m ue Wcfdi. aus Siai;cm, Sib. 1 59 : 1660 (vjitriifiiin unb S*ufie. rf. .^offmann. "" 916 b. 24 unb Vaune. i . 2ied. 3n 59: ^ (\ 2844 {Fj,, jjjann, ein SiSort. g. Hoffmann. ,\H (Stj., Jib. 16 59; ! C?in -tag au beiu Minberleben. S&gt;. d)an,? 59 : ! 0&gt;"iit Jag iirl ai-iOtiorhooabren. t. Sielfo. on iluS etaub unb Sljdje: Slcue 3Jo= I fllcn, Sib. id 59 ; (vilt Jag VufctiMg s beg tilften. (S. epinb= Icr. on Si-iiuerfptiiben, Sib. 1 59 : 1042 150Z C50-1 1999 1 536 64 84 2470 355 1181 723 714 1116- 1709 2852 241 242 241 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 660-1 2393 166T 52 83 560 2266 1625 2275 2690 84. 951 PKOSE FICTIOX: GERMAN. Sin&ilbungSfranfljeit. -22- erbftrdt. (vinl)i(bintflfniiifl)dt, Sic. fo. Gonfcicnee 58 : (yiniflc Sage in ;)(to Janeiro/ grcib,err G. toon SJibra. 3n Metfeflfjjen unb 9io vcllcn 58: (?iitiflitnn iii Jtetur imb duntlicit. ft. liljfou . Jn ie fl. Stomnivtlt, 41b. 3 58 : (vjnlflmc, Sic. g. SBretncr. 3 t .HI. J rj., 58 : (Sinfnmcii, Sic. 43. jocvfe. 3n ej. 48., S. o 56 : Safjelbe. 3" S&gt;ier neue 9toucUen 58 : ^inficblcr, Gin. G. jofcr. 3n Vanb unb .fee- b. 2 58: (SifrnOalmnbfiitcitcr, Gin. g. 48. ncf[dn= ber. JnJc. e(rfi 58: (Sifcitfoyf, : g. feoffmann. 3 Grj., 59 : CFifmic rab, Sa. . Gonfcicnee 58 : (Sillficblfr auf ber 3ol;anniS=.HliUVe, Scr. G. f$.=Carlen. &lt;; $m, c . { $ %$ : Saffelbe. 4 Sibe. in 2 58: (Stnficblcr toon ber&allig, Scr. . &gt;irfd}= f"*&gt; 58: Gtfirf g Sinlle. i. . iicmtoert. 3n b.etto= cfd;., Sib, 1 58: (f-ffioff unb 3fflanb. O. SUiiiUcv 58: (vffcfmrb. 3- Si. Sdjcffel 59: El Comisario. g. erftiid cr. 3n Unter 4&gt;dlmen unb Siud;cn, Sib. 2 58 : G-lbo unb Waterloo, g. Stolle. 34ibe. in 1. 59 : (.vlca^nr. &lt;y- von v Ji edHrt(j. 34ibc. in 2 59 : (lfmrntnr(|tt|trr, Sie. @. Siicrig. 3" 3ugcnb= unb SSoHSbibL, 4&lt;b. 5 59: (ylr oiirrc t&gt;rohasfa. 91. G. 53rad;vogel. 3 * 3lus( brci 3 l1 (Ji ^-, Sib. 2 58: (JlcVdnilt, S-cv. St. von 48intcrfelb. 4 S3bc. t i2 59: (flifo unb SBtbmet. . Sfdiotte. 3n ef. dir., S3b. 13 . 56: (Sltinbdft. 3K. JtatbufiuS, 2 23be. in 1. 3nd)r., Sib. 8-9 58: (flifnbfti). G. 45olfo. 3 n ^- SioveUen.... 59: (Slifabttl) Charlotte. 21. vou Sternberg. H 4ibe. in 2 59: (vlifnlictl), obcr cine beutfdje 3anc Gijre, 21. Sioltc 58: (yllcn, ober cin 3 a ^ r - 3H- d)ivar^.... 59 : Saffelbe . 5!) : (fftinor. G. ^olfo. 3n 9t. 9ioeUen, Sib. 4. 59 : (ydntljiili, SaS. it. tbbcr. 3n Grj., 4ib. y 59: Saffelbe, 3" o l 8enb= unb S olfSbibl. 59 : (Jlnlia. . 9!tcnfc. 3n 3 li gcnb=SiibI., SJb. 11 59: (fl?bdl), cine age Vom Jlfcnftem. 8.3!eU= ftab. Jn agcn unfe roin. Grj 59 : (?(fc von ber Jaime. 48. :)!aabe (Jacob Gorvinus). 3 n Scr Siegenbogcn, b. 1 59: Glfcr, Sie. 5$. g. 28. gertcl (48. D. v o n 5b o r n). 3n Si^ein. Sorfgefd;., Sib. 1... 58 : Glfi, bic fcltfamc9J(agb. 9l. 4ttfciii (Jerc= miaS ottbeif). 3" ef. Sdjr., Sib. 7 58: (SlSJC. 4?. g. 28. Dertcl (48. D. to OK $ o r n). 3 fporn g Grj., Uib. 1 2 58 : 2 4ie. in I ........... 59: (vmcri) (^lanbon. Is. alen. 4 33bc. in 2. 58 : (vminrniitcn, Sie. raf t. raboloc-fi, 58 : (Smtitc. g. Veiualb. 3" 91. Siomanen, Sib. 4 58: (?miiicntfr cift, Gin. 9(. Vim SBinterfelb. 3n Sjumor. Solbuten^Ji oVellen, Sib. 2... 59: (Smmnnud b 9lftnrga. G. Vinbler. 3n b, Sib. 1 59: 431 169 1231 303 675 1522 1687 1329 2288 428 387-8 398-9 1591 1973 2636 470 983 j 1113 1371-2 2555 222 1718-19 1958 2772 80 1029-30 201 724 714 81 1094 2413 2561 354 Grjalihtng. 3. iebfer. 3n fciaibcMwncn ................................... 59 : (?lltl|C(OV&lt;ibifc()rrGrbt&gt;icgcl, Gin. G.pinb= lev. 3" cciicn unb efd&gt;., 4,-ib. 1 ......... 59 : (s-nbc gut, Allies gut. 9JJ. 9Jicct. 3" Grj. auS bem Siiee, b. 1 ......................... 58: (Viibljiuioii. 91. toon ternberg. 3n fit. Miomanen u. Grj., ab. 3 ..................... 59: 179 2857 1037 2856 725 811-J2 1073 2111 1737 952 let (48. D. on 6 o rn). 3n Corn s Grj., 58b. 7 ............... . ............................. 58: 0?ii(|fl Gfie, 2ie. G. Stoinbler. 3" 28intcr jeitwrtreib. SJb. 2.... .......................... 59: (yiiqdlicrta. g. tollc. 3n 3e longer, je It eber, b. 1 .................................... 59 : Cvnqd=i!iri&lt;fl)rii. G. vinbler. 3n 8ciij= bliithen, 4ib. 1 ................................. 59: Gntbcdinifl von 3lmcrifa, 3)ie. 3. . Gainpc. :i 4&lt;ce. in 1 ........................ 59: Cr-ntbrrtuiiflvrdfcii it SBalb unb auf ber Sxibe. S&gt;. il agner ........................... 59: (yiltbctfuugsrdfcil in bcr ^ciinati;. i.4Bag= ner. 2 Bbe. in 1 ............................. 59 : (SntberfungSrctftn in bie 48ol;nftube. . Uinigner. . ........................................ 59 : Cfittbcffiiiint rcifcit in glb unb Slur. So. SBaflner ....................................... 59: 0? ittbctfiiiiji jrdkit i" au unb of. &. aUagncr". ....................................... 59 : tfiilfiifiruitn, Sic. 3- &lt;&gt;n Gidjenborff. 5n ammti: 48., S5b. 3 .......................... 56: rfd)iditc, Gine. raf t. Sti. 3" Svei junior. Grj., :c ...... 58 : (yntlmfiflftcit, Sic. 31. fflieifjncr. 3n G^a= raftennajfcn, i^b. 3 ........................... 58: (Sittftdmiifl be SloftcrS 9lrnftcin, Sie. C. cliuVp. 3n Grj., 33b. 1 ............... 59 : (viltuuirf ju einentSolbatenfalenber. g. 2B. Sjarflanbcr. 3 oil- SolbatemSefd) ..... 58: QEntjanHening, se. G. 3){. a8icianb. 3" ammtl. SB., b. 19 ........................ 56: ( "(jlicitrniifcit. S. djmibt ................... 59 : (vitiflDitrn, Sie. if. Jiniuermann. 2 33be. in 1 .............................................. 58: (fyifobc u bem i eben cine* SlrjteS, Gine. 9JJ. S. d)iuar(;. 3n Sil. Gr,j., S3b. 3 ...... 59 : (vrbc, Xcr. ?\: Wcvftacter. 3 i^be .......... 58: (frOc von ScttV S 3iub, Ser. ^}. @a= len. 4be.... ................................ 58 = Cfrbcn, Sie. 33i. Sling. 3n 9t. @tabtgc= fditditcn, b. 3 ................................. 59: (frOni be 3 ftcinerncn Wafte*. G. vinbler. 2 i&lt;be. in 1 . 3n Wuntere Vcbcnssbilbcr. 59 : (yrbcii von Undn-nhorft, Sie. g. .penning. 3n SSanbcr. biiirdj b. ebiet b. efdi. 58 - ff-rbcn von d;Iofs GtyrenfcIS, Sic. S. Otto. 3 Sbc .................................. 58 : (frlicit Von S8ollitn, Sic. G. rtti^c .......... 58: (s -rborafcu, Sic. 3. S. . lemme. 4 SBbe. tn 2 .............................................. 59: (vrbin, Sic. Jli. 9Jiiiggc ...................... 58: (f rbin von Sornftrlm, Tie. Z1). Wiigge... 58 : [ (f-fburiin, Scr. raf St. raboivSti. 3n i Uis bcr arnifon . f SJb. 1 ................ 58: (yrliirixift, Sic. ft. erfiacter. 3n 9lu incinein Jagebndi, 5Jb. 1 .................... 58: OfrMrtinft, Sic. . 3fd?oH. 3 i- djr., b. 13 .................................. 56: Of rdidioft i" Mabul, Sie. g. tollc. 2 be. iu 1 .............................................. 59: (vrbfrfilof). Sa^. ,&lt;g. toon (JidjenfelS. 3 S5be. in 2.... ........... : ............................... 58: (vrlifirdt, Scr. S. djitrfing ................. 59 : 2830 939 2361 1031 2836 952 1118 926 2060 2913 2912 2914 2910 2911 242 1074 2317 2820 1333 1909 2708 1760 733 925-7 841-4 384 933 1461 2922-4 751 1300-1 2430 2432 1067 903 1958 1114 660-1 627 THOSE FICTION: GEJRMAN. Grbiebcn in Gljili. -23- cinoS nften (vros?, let. . . Sfrfjoffe. 3n Qlef. edjr., 704 ! 702 . (vrffl)lnflflic I ieifter, Tcr. li. 3pinbler. " in flettenglieber, Kb. 2 59 : i (yrftc Kectboscnjeft in Konn, Ta. v. Ctto. 1039 in 3.li ujifer sreibtn unb /vrenben 58 : (vtftc Krcinbcnhirger, Ter. V. lUcf 52 "- m - - (rrbbrlicit in Gbili, TaS. . son flltift. in ttcf. 2.1*., Kb. 2 56 : Tajjclbe. in Wcf. 3dir., Kb. 3 56 : (ytbbfrri Hiareili, Ta. 21. KUnu-3. (ic&gt; r c m i a 3 (8 o 1 1 b e If.) in C*cj. web. r., Kb. 9 58: (vrb in nt lie. K. 2lucvbad). in 0cf. Sdjr. Kb. s 58: Tajjelbe. in Sdjisarjis. Torjacjd;. Kb. 2 ; .... ; .... 58: (vrlinrb Tnubity. 3- ^- 3i5ilb. in iu= genb= unfc i olfebibl 59: (vrlmrb 2i!albow. te. pfcr. in 21 u3 al= ter unb neucc 3" 58: Taijelbe. o" G n. 3dn-., Kb. :&gt; 58: 1652 (vrftc viebe. &lt;%af 3t. &lt;*)raboisfi. in 91. " .59: 2302 ! Kilbcr aitS bem Solbatenleben. 58: 81 2417 lf&gt;60 (Vtftt G-bejImjt, Ter. C. Jl ilbermutb,. in (vrftc &gt;crenro ,ef! in Sacfofen, Ter. i. . Ctto. in 2lu* ber altcn ;^cit, Kb. 2 58 : (ft lit iagtY,ug, Ter. (S. xjofer. in .HleineS vebcn, Kb. 3. (vrfifitcruiiflcit. 3- fcofjmann Manbal. 3J. Dhigfle. 4 Kbe. in 2^. 58 : 2423-4 (f rftc viebc. . $oHo. in .w, (vriltltmtllfl an .Uvciijuad), G ine. 111. 3. Sdiniartt. in .HI. ffitj., Kb. 3 59 (ytinitf tungtn u3 3iib=3l-nerifa. 3retl?err Cr. son Kibra. 3 Kbe. in 1 58: (frtmtmtllflni einec Wrofinuitter. 3rau i. ^faiincujdiinibt (iulie Kurols). 2 Kbe. in 1... 59: (vrfcmtr ^ fclbft. s $. S&gt;csfe. in 0ef. 2i&gt;crfen, Kb. 4 :.. . 56: Tajjelbe. in )l. Ji oscKen 58: nnb uncrlanbte Sdjcrje. G. 2sJiltfonun. in Grj., Kb. 2 59 : (vrlf Ditijjc cincs Sdnitbenbancrd. 21. Ki^iuS ( o e r e m i a 3 O o 1 1 1; e I f). 3n (3ef. 3dn-., Kb. 19 58: j. 3- ~ l - ioartlanber. 2 Kbe. in 1- 58 : Jnlialt: *b.l: Gin Scfieimnif,. !lleife = abenteuer. (Sin Sd)ictja[. Wefdbilia)e iiUumenftviiufte. AamiUeii Concert. etfu JlSatlie. Ccnebia Orile 3!eifamm = luiii^ bnitfd)cr bilbcnber .Uiinftler. Xer 5luib fiir unbegrdnjte ^leibv it. ?lnont)me Uticie. ^citungSariitel in auffteigatber fit anbWftranmteS. 3 l l i^ crr G- b n Kibva. 3 Kbe. in 2 58: SHirja iaffait (SoUarotd. 3ti,i;cn au SBb: 2: lupa. Cine biplomatifa)e Senoung. GfiUi. (rinc Sc^rocfter. SPb. :i: Cin Ulieincibijer. Strcifjiige urn (vribfc 58: 59: nijje. ")l. SJoBeUen, Kb. H 733 (f-tjtf "Kaub an Teutfdjlanb, Tcr. K. son Witfef. 4 23be. in 2 53 : 161 i (ytftc iiber bie Sdjlei, Tcr. 21. son 2iUnter= felb. in junior. 3olbatcn: Jiosellcn, Kb. 3 59: (vtftc nnb altefte Slobinjon, Ter. G,. 3. Sanlbacb 59; (vtftt Serfammlung bcutjd cr bilbcnbcr 58: 34 073 1520 382 16G7 1049 1301 162-3 Riinftler. 3. 2jj. Satfianba. in lebtei, Kb. 2 tvtftc Itfadje, Tie. 3. 3iS. ^atflanber. (srtebteS, Kb. 2 53: (vrftc aiU^ltbat, Tie. (J. g. 215. Certel. (IB. C. son $ o r n). in fiorn 3 G;rj., Kb. 10 * 58: (frftc 3ollern, Tcr. i!. -Jjidjler. in Gr3., Kb. 4 59 : O tiiililnibf i)( utter, Tie. 3. Hoffmann... 59 : (vriiililcubr Kater, Ter. .(i. Sjabn 59: (VniilllHllflflt aii bem fiicffritlanbe. ;)(. Defer. (C. G) I a u b r e rii t.) in 2ln&gt;5aeis. 3d;r 58: 3 nl) a It: lie Siiinfdfjjule. 3)a rotlje ajiiil). !&lt; rtjeibcne Obrlia&gt;(eit. Xer tab leilicfte iiierbe - (iorporal. er arme SUIann. iHSer faun betcnV OJe cfiidjicn iinb itilbcr au&lt;s ber .^opfjeit: Sic 4teifBl) itiiiu; !Eie Areube unter ZbrSncn; Cimug ben wcifien 81135 febrn; laS Kogclbaib^ diett; SDcrMbjunct; Sie flriinung; Hie Si= fcberin; 2!unt) S Slug in 3 .tierj; Cine BJ.iuer um uM bauc; ler gunb in bie redjtevaub; cr llngeratbene ; $iann ^jo- bit. Jliippel -j -JJticljrtel. Dcr2Bctbentao= par. Xie OJelafji ntn. ( t inliliiHfint iu3 bent 3(ie. 3)1. DJeht 3 Kbe .. 58: ^ubalt: s ilb. 1: Subtoig unb Knnemaric. Cube nut, SUleo gut. ^jum Scrftanbnife beo lialctto. SBb^2: lect iclircr 3 Sraut. Dcr Sieg ber on bem Hebel. S. bl.,Kb. 17 : 59: 2567 (vrlDJcrtn, Tie. 3. Vemalb. 3 Kbe 58: 2116-18 (vfittft Cctas. G\ 3rit e. 3 Kbe. in 1 58 : 753 (vtiicfti, "uifc. (pseud.) 3ielje: \?um= bracfu, 3Ji aUiine son (vruft Kleibtreu. 3- Kobenftcbt. in Grj., Kb. 2 58: 187 tft lift ber Jromnw, Sjcrjpg Son (^)otl;a. ^3. 3- 21*. Certel (3S. 0. son , oorn). in ^iorn 3 GTJ., Kb. 15 58: 2844 (vtiiit -MaUraserd. G-. (3. G". S. . Kuliscc- X stton. 4Kbe.in 1 58: 2224 A o r t f e ^ u n n: . Uu c, ober bie Wcliciiniuiii 1 . (fritft -Uiorit 2lrnbt. 3- Sdjmibt 59 : 2705 (vroUrnutn JlifdinoiS, Tie. 3J1. Jto-Jfoiuefa. Jiieri^ iugcnb-Kibl., Kb. 39 59: 2589 Certel (Stt. 0. s o n Sj o r n). in &gt;orn 3 lir.v, Kb. 4 58: 2833 (vrobcrintn son Gonftantinovel bnrd; bie liirten i m iab,re 1453, Tie. s }}. 3- SB- Certel (2.S. . C. so n S&gt; orn). in :oorn 3 Gr,., Kb. 12 58: 2811 (vrplicniiKl son SMerico bard; .viernanbo Gorte-,, Tic. "V. 3. 48. Certel (2i*. D. (vf ^nliluuflnt eine-S altcn 3ibler*. G\ . 00= ttonworn). in Corn s GTJ., Kb. 12. 58 : 2841 fcr. in Grj. 3djr., b. 9 ...-58: (vrjiililiiitflcn bei Cbbe unb 3 ntl;. G. csinble r. in Mofetten, Kb. i 59 : (vt;iililin;i)tn bcim i id;t. G. Ssinblec. 2 Kbe. in 1 59: 921 2911 2644 1633 2899 1685 1115 83 1184-5 1738 2140 1301 1301 2854 2643 2303 2230 1020 2361-3 Stb. 3: SHegine. Blcia) unb QlleiiJ. (ttjiiblniifltn att-s ber .eiinatf;. (S. ofer. 2 Kbe ............................................ 58 : 3 i: lj a It: S(b. I: 3tu6 olteii Spurcn. !Ui&gt;. 2: au-s alien Spuren, (3d)luji). ^beitanbybriefe meines ^ctterQ an feine Slafc. Weieimnitje beo I ebenS. (fniibluiiflcn au SJorbbeutfdjlanb. (S. 9JJ. etttymann. 2 Kbe. in 1 ................... 59: 3n^o|t: b. 1: Sevjtroft: iffler bao Oililcl l)at, fiiljrt bie Sraut Ijeim. Sb. 2: Unteim Jtaflanienbaum. 2ie rotlje Bttte. 1708-9 1250 938 900 1654 PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. (Jrjdfjlutigen eine nlten &gt;evm. -24 - SMorgana. 1 einc alten igerrn. . Bon tstruenjc e. ( u ft a B "BO m @ e e). 2 be. in 1 59 : 1198 ;j-n!jalt: iib.l: Eev iliijnd). ctaCat iDia = ter. SDie uneben^fuiiDenc ^ugcnb. 3)a3 s JJIariciib:lb. Sib. 2: eivcnnt unb iiercint. a3 ^di-fter* Ijan3. Donna e mobile. Sa-i Signal. SDev Jjn"&lt;ili&lt; . (f rjSftlitnflcn cineS alten 3iiget. g. S8eu= telSBodjet. 3n 3 u 9 enbs unb SSoltSbibl. 59 : 2410 (frjSljliiitgcn ctneS alten Tambours. G. ioofcr. 3n Grj. d;r., b. 7 58: 1653 Gi jiililitiifltii einO S alten ffiadjtmetfteri. 5ii. BOH iyinterfolb. 3" junior. Solbaten= WoBellen, b. 4 59: 1739 O VjttliluitCint im Jfebel. S. yfdjodi. 3 e|. 6d)t., tib. 9 56: 1956 &lt;Srjh l)liiii()Cit unb -Bilber au^ bent 3iol= leben be r odjiBeij. 31. S5i(}iu3. (3 e r e - in i a ott b, elf). 4 tibe. 3 cf- 6d)r., SBb. 7 10 58: 1037-40 ^ntjalt: Sietje 9i^tud gefammelte (^rif ten. OvBa Gffingham, obet bie feetmleb,t. 3. Eoopet C?rj(il)(ii!i()cn unb S^atalterbitbet. D. yjliiller. 3 SBbe. in 2 ........................ 58: 3 n I) a 1 1: Sib. 1: Andrea del (Jastaguo. Sib. 2; 3&gt;;e i;icbe im Okaue. Sib. ,i: D--I- DiufeumSjuetttv. er SDeH- Eatcffcnbtinbler. nub Wdrdjen. S. Siej ...... 59: unb feme $t\t. (. S){. SJiunbt. (X outfe ffliiif) Ibndj). 4 S3be. 58 : n I; a U: *b. 1: Slucrea^ i&gt;oicr. SMb. 1: (Sijlji i soa ^oljaiui unb iltcttmticl). SBb. 3: (SrsDerjog ^oljonn unb bcv ^eijog con ^Heic^itabt. 93b. 4: Gi^tjeijog ^ot;ann al 9!eidj jt&gt;r= irefer. ) Sd)ictfate. %. offmann. 59: Grjftnfcn. 6. e.l)nub ........................ 59: ,\ n tj n [ t: iiiol)venn-an^cl. Xie @otbfu$fr. C?&lt; tft bet SLU^igeit Stone, Botfic^ttgitc^ ju Janbeln. -. jjbrffmann. 3 alenber= G)eicf;id)ten ..................................... 58: 6^ ift nid)t fo fi tit gejponnen, e !ommt enblidj an bie tinmen! D footer ......... 59: 6^ ift fctjr mbgltd). . Sfc^ofie. 3n Oef. @dit., 33b. 9 .................................... 56: (f-frfintlmd), Clga. Wetttuben 3 lSrjat;[nngcn. S3ctl. (f. b.) . 8 ......................................... 59: eeete ed)6nl;eit, Set. Hetl. (f. b.) fl. 8. 59 : l Don (iliatanooga, Xie. 31. Bon 2Bin= tetfelb. ^n ioimtor. Solbaten^Jioucllen, SHb. 3 .......... . ................................. 59: Sfelcin ift fort, a. .S. Bon djubert 3n Csi-j. Sd;t., b. 3...... ................... 56 : (gfeldimtne, 2ct. fi. Sod). Sn Siicti^ 3ugenb =ibl., b. 47 ........................ 59 : (fspfronja. it. 3J{itllct ........................ 59: (Sttua? au8 etner 3(odcnftube. fi. Stober. Jitter j., b. 5 ................................. 59: Guqcn 3lram. (S. . (S. & uUier^t;tton. 4 be. in 1 ..................................... 58: (viinnt Stillftieb. 5\ SB. igiadlanbcr. 2 be ............................................ 58: (yitneit con fironftein, 6. Btnblcr. 2 SSbe. lit 1 .............................................. 59 : G-itflenie. g. be la 9)Jotte S-ouque. 3n Sfttiaew. Sc^t., !8b. 1() ...................... 56 : (Juncnic. D. SBtlbennut^ 3n 3m Ja= geIid)t .......................................... 59: Guroviict if ^ ev SBilbnijj. g. crftacfet. 3n iLUlbe ffielt, b. 2 ........................ 58: (SuroVflifditB ItaBenleben. g. SC. &lt;pacf= lanbet. 5 ibe. in 3 .......................... 58: (fufindiiui*. 6. Bon djmtb .................. 59: (fun, bie Jod;tet beS Dnafets. raf St. rabowstt ...................................... 58: 58: 2644-5 . 2H. Dtauen ........................ 59: Silbtn, 2ie. a. u^foto. 3n Sie fd;oneren Stnnben... ....................... 5$ : Cvfnmcn, 3&gt;a. St. etoebet. 3n (Stj. ?3b. 6. 59 : (yrnmcil=x"(0ciltciict, (Sin. raf St. ra= 3 n tiilbet au bem Solbateits 58: i-ratl), Ser. i;. ^id)ler. 3n terj., *b. 1 ....................................... 59: (V!) Irr, (Smtlte. (:Ui l a t ^ D ft e n). SBItti^en unb liilbet fiit junge iUabdjen... 5!) : 3unge iabd)en .............................. 59: (gurinna, bie eje om Sleifenftcin. g. penning. 3n aiianter. burd) b. ebtet b. ejdj... .................................... 58: 473 240 1245 1092 1117 2640 2610 2611 1461 0-uuiiiuiii Carron unb feine Xodjtcr. 5)f. S. djloarj. 3it_ j(. Gt}., "Mb. 1 59 : 2260 566 1735 2313 1956 2130 2131 I gnbriflicrr, 2er. g. igoffmann. 3n iia= 2117 j [enber:efd)id)ten 58: giiljitrid) mil etnem getter, Gin. 2t. Bon siiiinterfelb. 3" junior. o!baten=3Zo= Bellen, SBb. 1 59 : Jal)rtcufitrf)cr, S&lt;f. 31. SBornetf 59 : g-al;rt nartj Comment, Gine. Sj. Vanbe. 3^ 5(. Jieifenoocllcn, iib. 1 5$ ; galfcurobc. . Bon trucnfee. (uftaB Bontoee.) 4 i&lt;be 59: G. 0. G. i . SUul)r&gt;er=i t)tton. 58 SBtaut, Se. G. Binbler. 3u 3e longer, je lieber, SBb. 2 59 gn(I Bon Goiiftnuj, Xer. D. SKuller. SSBbe. 58 (5-nlfclic Gtbe, Set. g. Bon SCicfebe. 2 53be. inl 59 ra fin, Ste. raf t. rabotBSfi. 3luS ber arnifon K., Mb. 4 58 Solbemar, Set. 2s&gt;. . oaring (315 i I i= baibStle^tS). 3SBbe.inl 58 SBiei. g. 2l&gt;. Sjadlanber 58 i lic Simmer, ie. G. SiUllfontm 59 ef. Gtj., SBt&gt;. 5 ... . 59 gnmiltc ., te. g. SBrcmcr 58 rt dmilic im Il;ale, ie. G. g.=Garlen 58 jyamilifn=Soncert. g. Jl*. ^acttfinber. 3" GrlebteS, SBb. 1 58 gnmilifitfrcubcit, 3- SMrfdjmantt. 59 1733 2796 2597 2530 1092 2230 1291-2 901 283 1631 992 1295-7 536 1077 3n SluS alter unb neuer 3eit, S5b. 2 ...... 59 : 3 : amiliciiflcfrf)irf)tf, (sine. g. jpofftnami. 3nGtj. , b. 24 .............................. 59: gamtliniiclduiirf, Gin. . iRatmunb. 3n 3(oBeUen, b. 2 ................................ 59: djr., *b. 11 .................................. 58 : gamilienjugf. % g. 21-. Certcl (ill O. B o n o r n). 3 Corn s Gtj., SBb. 12.. 58 : g-auntifcr bet ;Rub,e. 3t. toon iLUnterfelb. 4 3t&gt;be. in 2 .................................... 59 : Snnfnronnnbe bc Vafters, Sic. Xt). Kiunbt. 3n itanfer Haifet^Stijjen, SBb. 2 ......... 58 : JyarMncn, 2ie. K. ^oftcl. (G. Sea 13= ficib.) 3n i ebenSbilber zc ................. 59: gaiTflflO. 3- Sdjert ........................... 59: 8-afrt)iiigi!frcubc. G. SBinbler. 3n Sag unb Scadjt, 4Jb. 2 .............................. 59 : JJiorgana. G. Binbler, 3n Frutti di Mare, SBb. 1 .............. . ............... 59: 733 1735 1736 2040 206-2 1199-1202 : 2231 : 917 : 2646-8 : 1562 : 1068 : 1367 : 1345 : 1690 : 1606 : 302 : 384 : 1301 : 2252 1662 2283 211 2774 2856 1724-5 2695 791 482 942 955 PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN". Worgnmt in her JDiifie. - 25 - &lt;yntu _39iorgana tn bfr -ffiufte. 3?. 2N6H= taufen. An ^almMtUter . 3dn:a = fUxfen,8b. 2 .................... 3au!c .Hneci te, ie. a. Bon iiHmcrfclb" ,sn Swmoresfen, SBb. 4 ....................... Jvoni t. ,"&gt; lurgi njeiB. Uebcriotjt oon ftr sBobenfteM. An (Jrj., S5b. 1 ........... . Svaworitr, Sie. @raf St. &lt;3rabmu*fi in ^ S Cbrrjcirfjnuiigen af ber SJoifc nadi ber tftl iiH-u. (i. a. SKunbt (i oiiife A&gt;i u 6 [ b a eft). 4 -nfce. in 2 &lt;jrr6lriibr* OTiibel, (Sin 31. won iy. .wffmaiin ;&gt;nbalt: Ciii a-mtr fluabe. JiUito nt fo 111? "? "" * trr 6ri "8 J a " * Jyfiiibtrt, Xie. i. . Sdjiicfmg &lt;yrillblirf)cn i riibcr, Xie. 3j. Muerbacfi 3&lt;3ef. 3d)r., b. 1 SLSwrobi gflbrr, ftraiii Diicbael. eonberlinae. Veip. 1867. 2Sbe.ini, 59: 59: 58: 59 ; 59: 5!) : 58: Sclbmnririioll ^liirficr, Xcr, unb I farrer .KW"rfjmar. 7i. W. Oertel. (W C o n Morn), ^n Sorn a (rrj., 4&lt;b. 11 58 yc!bmnrfffia!( Wmf -Jicitbarbt von Oneife- ^itau. C. 3cbupp. ^it er,., -Hb. 2 .. r,n ,yrlbmriirr, ?tt. 3J. Mbilhaufcit. ^niiorb unb ii, i(b. 2 ........ -o " Serf. SJuSg., 8Jb. 26 -p. Xaffelbe. 3&gt;i Saiitmti! "fflj. ^arife r, | _ l ;&gt;6 ; I, -Lor. ,p. 3)d)offe. An Wef r., ""i^b. H -/ . wn ?elbi, ie. 4 be. in 2 r --time, Xte. 2K. Q Jytrbtiiniib. (S. Bon 3dmiib... .vrrtiMt trtrtrt si! &gt; J. ;-: 59: 56: Srrmrr, bcr Qcnialc. v. ^b. 16 An ,yr|t allot Seelen, XasS. (S. 3pinbicr""H n ibinterfpenben, b 1 m be* om fl *, Xa*. e. Spinbla.""^^ Kdtmalitba, iib. 3 r 59: Jr., m. 18..... ", R . iirtiiri.. 3. &gt;y raun ".".".";; r,(J ; \n (^iranbola. iycufrinflb our .viBdnen in 3lfrifa, xie. 3! (Vfiirro briiitft. Tic (&lt; im G;*,,, -,, *VCiirr.5Driiii|(, ite. (S. Bon Sdnnib Rft ^rtiiriflc MoMon. O. 3d;upp. v u t Gr ^b. 2 r( , Fiat jnsiiiiu. Jb. Wugge". .. . ""... . . 60! ^tiricoinnttjt, Xa. t. g. (Sarlen. 2 ibe "s &gt;)ribc?. ("y. Durban .. " - o .)8 : 1733 1078 2492-3 1735 S. 3*iicftng. 2 S5be 59; A Ml) a It: 5*b. 1: G. Ariigrr. Her . liiiiflciu- Iidjtei. lie aiooijcit. ^j Sft. 2: Sic li)inmf(6roal*e. Stuloei- iinb Ololt, 4 bem 2 58: 3 &lt;Sef. 640-50 Saffclbe. 3n Wcf. Scit., b. 3 . . % - " qa a * ieri *- 3 " ^ u i eilbi r, 9 . . -ommcrnialoen, iib. 1 ......... r.n . Fior di r.cvaiitc. e. e OPH 1871. un tmtor 2 dci &gt; - . Spinblcr 46 81 2071 700 28.-)5 2821 2390 1163 1170 ec - 8- Qerftdcfer. 59: 59 : on HTja h,l. ttdjr., ilb. 3.". . 5, Icrtniri iiiiflcr, Set. 8. Su^fotB. 3n 3Me floinol iaricnlBClt, "Mb. 1 50 . Icflflinfirc.^ 3- ?- S. Miditer (Aeaii ^~-i -Ovfl. ^Ulyg., -Ob. 20 21 re. Xnfielbf. An Sammtl. n., fktrtf. /luoij., &lt;&gt;o. 3 */ . ri|) unb Irdgboit. Jy. joffmatm. 3n **b. 33 59. 4 Slbt r.c -Caffelbe. 4 ^be. in 2 . "!. . . . %. rflifflfitac .wllanbet, Xet. ^. SRairtat .". 58 fflOttttt obor bic erfte Viobeyx-inridi S IV Us. Sfe^oKe. on Wef. @*t., i8b. 6... . r.c - ("s-lorinii (ilewct. ;H. xxUcr. 3 4be 58 708-9 n unb (SrccH-oty. a. SJuetba*. .. We). 3dir., 4ib. 2 :o . Xaffolbe. 3n @d;iBarji8. Xorfgcfd) SJb. 2 -o . rflurt) unferet 3dr. Sx 9Jau. 2*be... V) jylurtit ubcr bie (Sorbillcren, Xie. g. cr= ftarfor. An well unb Xunfel. Sb. 2 58 235-6 1202 534 2691 1730 3-liinWiiia,, Set. 4 be in 2 " Jliirlitliiifi, Xer. 31. itfilbenfjabn An cief " tr,v, *. 4 -....:...... .59- rfiiirtitliiifl im 3ura. &lt;o. ^|d;cffc. An (5f etpt., w. 6 K/ . . 3- S. ;. Jemnie. An 5liirf)tlini)r in X onbon, Xie. (S. Jjf. 1614 951 921 1617 59 : 59: 1186 991 532 2821 2435 (*. o u i | e in u y i u a aij. ;s vse. in flttocn. 3- S. i. Scinnu-. 5. 3 &gt;c* * if|iffippt, Xif. ^. (l. v . (tacfor. 3 }&lt;be. in i. An 3hw bcm JUalbleben 3ltnetifa , 3lbtb 2... \s _Xaffolbc... . ". 58: (yorftcrhdiii*, Xa*. Ci. BOH Strucnfce (W u ft a B u o m S e). 3" &lt;. eine niton sicvtn, ^b. 2 ?. r;g - iydfflfMbrnut im Cbonioalbc, Xie D \li ;; ri..- 58: Bon 3icunfird)cn, Xie D 58: 59: MiiUer orftfrjb Hiiillcc licit ciner tefearapbiMen Xepefdje. g. or|tdcter. 3n Unter }&gt;a(men unb iHidion, ii?, Ja*. ^. Wcrftirfer. " iimiine S.icil 58: 1672-3 2574 941 2401 940 928 2796 1229 1160 1170 2292 239-42 237-8 2279 1954 1440-2 47 81 274-5 2380 1G05 1954 1305 2470 1304 929 987 1198 2639 2649 2267 982 997 (JERMAX. on ber aljfurtt). 26 - fjvcmbe $inb. g-ort an ber ealjfnttb, Sa. 3. etftadet. 3n SBilbe SBf It, S3b. 3 ........................ 58: Syortuitnt: aiiardjcn. X . Xied. 3n Sdjt., *b. 3 ............................................ 56: gortmtatt 8Belt = unb 0u irfJfab.rt. (. epmblet. 3n SiHntctbucb, 33b". 2 ......... 59 : gout) lie, Siaton griebridj. $. 6. Siaron be la 9Rotte (gcb. 1777 f 1848). 2lblet unb X oiue. 3n2luSgeH&gt;. SB., Sb. 11. 56 : SBeiben Sauutteute, Sie. 3n 2(usgett&gt;. SB., b.9 .................................... 56: Gugente. 3n 2luSg. 28., lib. 10 ........ 56 : elieimtatfy, Set. 3n 2l3geh&gt;. 21*., ib. 10 ....................................... 56: 9Zad;t im SBalbe, Sie : Sage. 3" 2lu3= aeto. SB., b. 11 ........................... 56: Siojaura unb ib, te i&lt;erlanbten. 3" 2lu3s gem. SB., 23b. 11 ........................... 56 : 3tofe. 3n 2(ugeu&gt;. SB., S3b. 10 ............ 56 : Sdjioett be&gt;3 gitvften, Sa. 3 n 2(ugeto. 58., b. 10 ................................. 56: Sintram unb feme efdfyrten. 3" 2lit8= 28., *b. 7 .................................... 56: Unbefannte Stanfe, Set. 3" 2lugch&gt;. SB., Sjb.9 .................................... 56: Unbine. sUrauntdjU). 1860. Id ......... 58: Saffelbe. 3n 2lu8geio. 3B., SBb. 8 ..... 56 : Sauberring, Set : Siittettoman. 3 33be. in 1. 3n 2(u3gea&gt;. 18., Sb. 46 ...... 56 : g-riin$rfjnt Scbaftiant. 0. Ben Sttuenfee. (uftato com See.) ..................... 59: griiulcin Gtfe. G. bfer. 3n Gtj. 3d)t., b. 5 ............................................ 58: Saffclbe. 3" SSergangene Xage ........... 58 : ?yriiii!ctn ober yvau? (ii$.) $. tolling... 58: grtiulcin foit Scubert, Sa. (i. X. 21. offm_qnn. 3" 2(ugei. (Srj., SJb. 1 ..... 58 : Safjelbe. 3 11 ~ e oera^tons.- -Britber, 5Bb. 3 ......................................... 58: ^fragment ou bem X eben breter Jreunbe. (i. I. 21. ^offmann. 3 2lusgew. Cstj., SBb. 1 ............................................ 58: Saffelbe. 3 Sie Seto^ionS^tilber. 3Jb. 1 ......................................... 58: SV-ranmcntc au bem X eben jioeier armen Seufel. 5(J. g. 2B. Dertet (SB. D. son or n.) 3n Sorn 3 (Srj., *b. 5 .......... 58 : Sofjelbe. SnSi^ein. Sorfgefd}., 23b. 2. 58: 5-raitctirciir, Ste. g. derftacfer ........... 58 : g-rnnf SWilbmaty, bet g-lcttenoffijter. g. 3J( arrt)nt ........................................ 58 : grnnfrci* gegen Xcuifdjlanb. 6. 9JI. (unbt. (Si o it t f e 3J! it ^ I b acty.) 5 33be. in 2. 3" Xeutjdjlanb in istutin unb 2rang. 2lbt^. IV ........................... 58 : g-raiij 2l[je^er. 1(5. ioe^fe. 3 ef. 3B. S3b. 7 ............................................. 56 : ivrau; State, bet s Diann, bet unS bte . toffeln gebtadjt ^at. ^. ft. 2B. De (SB. D. Don orn.) 3norn 8Q., S8b. 11 ......................................... .- 58: %ra\\] gleutv. 31. 3BUbenf&gt;ab.n. 3n ef. (Stj. S3b. 5 .................................... 59: g-tanj toon tctiitgen, bet lefjle 9Jitter. D. jfielemann. 3 3u9 e " b:: &gt; i olfSbtbl.... 59: SJb. 1 ............................................ 58: Rroitjtsffa on of;cnt)eim. 21. 35olie. 2 Site, in 1 ...... f .............................. 58 : g-raii5dftf(6e efeflf$aft, 2ie, unb bte grauen. Zl). SUiunbt. 3 "^attfet fiai[et&gt; Sfijjen, 33b. 2 .................................. 58: $vrainoitfd)C SictooUttton, Sie. f?. (Set- ftacfcr. 3" Ga[tfotntfd;e Sftjjen .......... 58 : |, Gin. Xt&gt;. OTnnbt. 58 : 993 1602 950 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 282 283 716 282 281 1203 1652 1702 410 1730 1734 1730 1732 2849 2858 930 2274 2497-8 676 2840 1606 2419 1973 205 2695 917 2702 2frbciter3, Sie. X6. 2Runbt. 3n SSotifet .Sai)cr=@fijjen, 23b. 1 58: gran beS Stcbcllen, Sie. 3- S. . Semme. 2 Sibe. in 1 I . 59 ; gl iut cine* eiteln 3Jianne, Sie. 9JJ. S. d^iuart}. 2 ilbe. in 1 59: Saffelbe 5&lt;&gt;: gran itat;e con Sdjnwrjburg. 21. G. i8tad;= X cgct. 3" 9feue 9Ioellen, -Hb. 2 58- mtt bem Xobtenfopfe, Sie. G. toinb&gt; let. 3n SBoltegefdjidjten, SJb. 1 59 : t e in i a (3 o 1 1 1; e I f.) 3" i- Sdjr. S. 10 58: rtn, Sie. $5. SHuetbacb,. 3" Cf. d;t., S3b. 3 58: Saffelbe. 3&gt;&lt; ammtl. edjmatjio. Sotfgefdj., Jib. 3 58 : grait S&gt;enu*. g. aubt). 311 i!oet. n. ^tof. SB., b. 8 56: Saffelbe. :jn Sammtl. SB., b. 14. 56 : grnn SJemtS : 2lu ben 9JJemoiten eine^ jiagabunben. G. ofet. 3 n 9t- cfd;., S3b, 1 58: gran toon Sjoffafc, Sie. G. 5fet. 3 n Sic gute alte ^ett, SBb. 3 58 : gniit on Skabantane. g. &. iiii!;ne. 3" Stei s JioBellen 58: grau on amtoenftein. G. SBilltoimn. 3 iBbe 59 : grau toon etael. 21. sBbtte. 3 be. in 1. 58 : unb ;)(attjfel. ii. Sdiiiding. 2 ~iibe. 59 : ic, D. SiHtbermutt). 3 n 3 1 " Gine. G. ^olto. 3 5 " SJotub erge^en. 31. 9(oceUen, S3b. 13 59: gnuicnljmeii. G. TO. htnbt. (^ouife 3J( it b 1 b a d).) 2 4lbe 58: grniinifoflfc. G. ^poli o. 3" JreubuoU unb leibtioll. 3J. 9iouellen, i&lt;b, 12 59: grauciifricg, Set. 2t. S. Suma. 2 S3be. inl 58: grnutitlcScn, Gin. G. ^olfo. 2 S3be. in 1 59 : Set. X . etotd). 3 33be. in 1 59 : ixil;ii. 3. 9J(ii[;lfclb. 3 i-tbe. in 1... 58 : S.ioben. ft. grenjet. 3 Sjbe 58: (Vrctct bet 9JJai fgrafin, Sie. 0. i(tl 58 : grctfri moiiu, Set. i|}. g. SB. Cettel. (SB. D. on .sjotn). 3 n Si^ein. Sotfgejd;., 33b. 2 58: grdljcrr auf Ullofen, Set. 3. S. . Xemme, 2 i^be. in 1 59: grcilicrr toon Stein, Set. D. @dni. 3 n Gtj., SJb. 1 59: grciljof, Set. G. ofet. 3n Sie gute alte Aeit, SBb. 2 58 : grdjo) toon 2larau, Set. Xi. ^fdiotfe. Jn ef. djt.,33b.5 56: grciftof lion Sicbeitetdjen, Set. X . ^tiiilct. 3nGrj., S3b. 3 59: grctfugd,_Ste. g. erftader. 3n Si!aib= grdirtjiifc, Set. g. etftatfet. 3n 2Ut jioei SBcltt^cilen, S3b. 1 58: grdftiiitc, Sie, obet baS gtaulein toon 2lfjenftein. it. tobet. 3n Gtj., S3b. 4 59 : grcitng X lbfitbc. Gin bilbenbe* Untetbal- tungsbndj fiit junge 3A dbdien. 9J(. Siuill-- foinm 59 : grcutbf, Set. g. erftadet. 3n 2lu meinein Sagebud), SBb. 2 58 : grrmbr, Set. X . Xied. 3n Sdjr., b. 14 5 : (Vrcmbc ilinb, Sa. G. X. 21. offmann. 3n 2tugea&gt;. GVJ., 93b. 2 58: Saffelbe. 3" Sie etabions^riibet, S3b. 2 58: 2695 1307 726 710 220 948 1040 48 82 1688 1675 1999 1687-9 202 651-2 1631 86 2494-5 85 556 98 1142 2608 721-3 1563 2858 1308 2820 1674 1953 2642 997 905 1091 2965 903 1613 1731 1733 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. ftrcmbc 93Jniin. 27- gtirft SBolfflang. TOniin, Ter. 2(. 2Btlbcnftab.n. 3n ia, #b. 2 59: Gbarlottc GortaB. xjann. 1864. 16. -58: gveier "Hoben. &gt;ann. 1868. 3 "Bbe. 16 58 : tyrcubtioll unb leibBOIl. G. "i clfo. 3 U 91. 3 u b a It: Hnfer srtner 3unge. ileonore. Tie Todjter tu S :)itbern. ,^n ber ^eimutl). Jvrauenfbpfe. ^minting. grcilllb CmnibuS. G. SBinbler. 3" ^""^ Wffd)., "ito. 2 59: (Vrrilllb "I tlgram. G. SBinbler grin Stilling. % Oaten. 4 SJbe. in 2... 58 : 804-5 1604 grilse, Grnft. 720 721-3 85 899 897 grtnn&f, 2*e. x . Ctto. 3 -Hbe 58: 29:t- m AtTllllbr, Tie. V. 2iecf. 3 2rt&gt;r., Kb. H5(i: ATcmiblitfirr QSmkfang, Gin. A. Qerftatfer. on .oiibcn unb Tritben, i!b. 2 58: bpla, v H lui)f(f). 2b,at. SB. son Oufetf. ; Wiran= Bon Sd;mibt...7 .. . ",9 ; 1613 941 1909 Jyrcmibidinit uub Viebc ouf ber ijko&e. G. ili. "ilUelanb. 3n eSmmU. 28., SJb. 19 .",(i : gffl), "Kilbelm. Unredjt &ut acbciM nidit. i cip. (f. b.) 16. 3n Jii eviO gugenbsSHM., "Vb. 47 59 : 2597 grcntnij, Wuftav (geb. 1816). SUmeh, Tie. i eip. 1872. 2 Sbe. ft. 8 58: 730-1 "" b. 2: SatJieftMt 8&lt;mn[8ntjje. eoU unb &gt;abm. Seipj. 1871. 2 S3b. 16 58 : 732-3 SBerlorene :oanbfd)tift, Tie. X cipj. 1869. 2 SBbe.fl.H 58: 734-5 (Vribolin. Graf 2t. Wrabolvsfi. 3" - u ^ ber Wiirnifon :c. *b. 2 58: 1067 Strifb Gigcnreidj. G. son Mcffcl. i;eip. 1870. 2 *be. in 1. 16 58 : 1865 yvricbrDiirfl. A- M. "ILUlb. 3n 8eben8bil ber: Jugenb unb -liolfsbibl 59: 2418 ftricbrl. i - A- 28. Certel (28. D. Bon 6 o r n). 3n .wtn 3 Grs., i&lt;b. 1 58 : 2845 gricbcl uub Csiralb. 6. Sdimib. 3 33be. ^ in 1 59 : 567 AncbcuffrUflrl, Ter. "4?. Walcn. 3 -Wbc... 58 : 845-7 (VticbciK ririjtcr, Tcr. A. (Serfta cfer. 3" "dilutes Jrriben, Sb. 1 58: 914 Jyricbl unb "Jiaji. g. .^offmann. 3" ^5-. *b. i) 59 : 2268 ? Sanndicn. G. SBiubler. : 1 i ooorofen, "ilb. 3 59: 931 A-ricbriri) ber (*)rofte. A. ednnibt 59 : 2713 ^ricbrirfi ber (^h-ofte unb ber Sdjlafroef. G. TO. TOunbt ( i; o u i f e TO ii 6, 1 b a cbj. 3 n JioBdlcn u. IMlber, *b. 2 58 : 2472 5&gt;-ricblirt) ber Wrofje unb fein fciof. G. 2)i. TOunbt (V c u i f e TO ii b I b a dj). 3 iBbe. in 1 58: 2496 Jyricbritl), Aricbrirt) (jicb. 1828). Sottfimpffr ber Ateit)eit, Tie. SJcrl. 1867. 3"^be. in 2. 16 58: 745-6 Jyricbrirt) fflil^elm SJornemann, obor ,,3tu i&lt;riine befertirt feiner nidu." &. Sicfe= tiel. 3n 3U- 3olbaten4yejdj. Bon g. 28. Sarflanber 58: 1333 in 2 . 59 : 902-3 grifrt) gciwagt, ift balb gctvonncn. g. feoff= ntann. 3" Sjauelidj c Slbenie ". 59: 2:W9 grifrtic flatter. G. "JJolfo. 3n 31 3io= Bellen, b. 11 59: 85 3 n bait: ficlit ta5. 3iur rtreunbfitaft iierg obcr "Snrg. ioann. 1863. fl. 8. 3n "Jiouellen, i^b. 1 58 : 750 Grben Bon 28ollun, Tie. SLUen 1861. 16 58: 751 Grneft Octal . "^iag 1859. 3 4&lt;be. in 1. 16 58 : 753 GebcimnifepoUer lob, Gin. $&lt;erl. (f. b.) fl. 8 58: 752 CScrtrub. ISrag I860. 4 SUbe. in 1. 18. 58 : 754 ^erren Bon Gtterebciben , Tie. liUen. 1864. TOit Tie Grben von 28ollun... 58 : 751 3m Merfer geboren. "i&lt;erl. 1871. fl. 8. 58 : 755 TOasfe bcs J(eid)tl;uni, Tie. ioann. 1863. fl. 8. 3n "JJoiH-Ilen, *b. 2 58 : 750 Serfauft! erl. 1871. fl. 6 58: 756 Ken Stufc 311 ctufe. SJerl. 1873. fl. 8. 58 : 757 3ug urn ^ug. &gt;ann. 18(53. fl. 8. 3n SioocUen, b. 3 ~ 58: 750 grommc Sprudi, Ter. 31. Stifter. 3 Grj., b.2 59: 1061 (yromiiicl, Gmil. 2lud ber gamilien=Sf;n&gt;nif eineS gcift= lictjen S&gt;crrn. Stuttg. 1871. 16. 3n 3ugenb= unb iolfsbibl 59: 2403 ijbemcrk Bon X inbelbronn, Ter. Stuttg. 1871. 16. 3" 3 u 8 i;i &lt;b ! unb i&lt;olf9= bibl 59: 2402 3n jwei Sabrfeunberten. etuttg. 1871. 15. 3" ougenb; unb l!olfbibl 59: 2403 D etrafjburg, bit ii imberfdiinic Stabt I etuttg. 1872. 16. 3n 3ugenb= unb 2&gt;olf6bibl 59 : 2402 gtiibliii(i-?fllot{cit. g. Stolle. 2 "Hbe. in 1. 59 : 1115 3n_t)alt: Jtb. l: SIuS ben Wemoircn einer SBb. 2: ao viiftt not Ulitternadit. SBanber* bitber. Tuo le{te Hiiitcl. Zie Ultra s. Anil)limivtflf|C int batrifdien S."&gt;odjgebirge. ai.TOetyner. 3itGljarafternuK-.feii, Sb. 3. 58 : 2317 Truttiili -Marc. G. opinbler 2 25be. in 1. 59 : 955 3nbalt: SUb. 1: Honaccia. (Sine !Ball= fatjrt nad) ^erufalem. WefteitnniBuoUe Sliebe in Jteapcl. Fatu Morgana. 3)b. 2: aonaccia, (Sdjlujj). Cosu rara. nn, ^cr. 5. 8erfttrfr. 3" n u. SDriibcn, ib. 1 ......................... 58: Jyiinf Stprfii erfe. G. Sviubler. 3 n " : neit unb Wefd)., b. 1 ........................ 59: Atir Ji 3 aterlanb. 3. SWiiblfclb. 2be. in 1. 58 : 58: 1186 2714 trill weiter. b. 18 . Hoffmann. 3" 3 *bc. in 2.. 58 : 122:1-4 59 : 2277 940 939 2604 2"Hbe i.. 58: 2605-6 A-iir bi ougcnb. A . Tie} 59 : 2118 ,vi|r bie itinbcr. 21. Gorrobi 59: 2072 iyiir jiinijere Hnaben unb TOabdjen. g. tedjinibt . 59: 2750 ffttt junge $tt)tn. ^5. Sdmiij 59: 2692 giir tabt unb i;anb. G. Spinbler. 2 SJbe. in 1 59: 906 ibb. 2: Jben^cnroeiler. Gine Wofpenftcrgcs fdiiditc. I&gt;o4 roalijdje Anaicamanuerl. SIJttloro unb JHilabq ^er yiing bes 2l[a* rid). J)er Jlloftei birt. giit ftiUe 2lbcnbc. 8. otordi. 2 Sfte. in 1. 59: 1147 3rociSerjn&gt;eifelte. Sclbftuufopferung. Sb. 2. Gine (iieifter * (rfd&gt;cinung. 3teU = biibein. giirditc Wott, tb,ue rcdit, fdjene "JJiemanb. g. fiioffmann. 3" "Jlbcubftunben 59: 2295 Taffelbe. 3n $auSlid)e "Jlbcnbe 59: 2309 Gb,riftian ber Slnbcre. W. Sefefiel. H We : 58: 1480-2 giirft "Wolfgang. %. iooffinnnn. 3" . 20 2279 PEO8E FICTION: GERMAN. unb idjfer. -28- nttbrj, prftflt unb Sifter. 6. TO. TOunbt. (iieuife TO ii i) I b a dj). 4 Sibe. in 2. (Seutfcfylanb in Sturm unb Srang. 2lfrtb,. 2) . ..-58:2499-500 jyiirftcnblirf, 2er. . ^Wjeffe. 3" ^- Scfyr., iib.Ji 56: 1951 (Sk i Sd)r., Sib. 19.. ..._...... 56 : 1618 s Jiieri. 3" 3*W*b=Siibl., Srt. 26........ 59 : 2579 S litffitlo^ nb treu. g. ipcffmann. 3" Grj., S*b. 11 59: 2270 8-itrrf)tlo3 unb treu. 6. SBinbler. 3n "en, SiD. 1 59: 926 ortfitlnuficiifiliitficn. G. 35-ernr. 2 53b. 59 : 1536-7 3 11 f) a 1 1 : S)i. 1 : Sin 6elb bet gcber. b. 2: Cm ^elb bee geber, iEd;lufj.) iinfc ben Sufcoto, 3Me. 28. Saabe. (3 a c o b 6 D r B i n u ). Jn er 3ic- genbcgen, Sib. 2 ......... ,.: .................. alccrcnffla&c . Set. . 3(ieri$. 3n 311= aenb=3iib[., Sib. 28 ........................... aim, WtyP (ynge). SlnbreaS Siuras unb feine gantifte. Xerpj. 1858. 4 Sibc. in 2. 16 .................. Sarcn Siranbou unb feine Junfer. ^ I ip5- 1865. 4 Sibe. in 2. 16 .................. Gmerr/ Qlanben. X eip;. 1865. 4 Sibe. m 2. 16 ................................... , erbe Bon Siettt; 3 9ttilj, er. 1866. 4 Sibe. 16 ............. grieben&itftel, 2er. SBert. 1870. U.8 ............... ....... . ................... Srifc ttUing. &i|)j. 1858. 4 SJb. in 2. riine *|5elj, Xer. i ei^ 1865. 4 SBbe: i 2. 16 .................. , ................. Snfelttnig, Ser. Seipj. 1857. 5 SBbe. to 2. 16 ..................... . .............. Snfutaner, 2)ie. i eitj. 1868. 4 S3be. in 2. 16 ....................... , ......... ... 3e Bon St. Barnes, Sev. Seipj. 1857. 4 58be. in 2. 16 ............ ............... SrrUdjt bon 3trgcnttcrc, 3)o. SJert. 1868. 3 S5be. m 2. 16.-.. ..... ........ Sane, bte Subin. erl. 1707. 3 S3be, in 2. 16 ................................... Seuctjttfyunn ouf 6a(? 2Bratty, Xer. i eijjj. 1868. 3 Sbe. in 1. 16 ................. iibtoe cm ^ujern, Set. Sett. 1869. 5be. 16 ........................................... 3Jad? siuanjig gabrcn. iietyj. 1868. 3 be. in 2. 16 ..................................... oljn be 4tteetS, Set. i cipj. 1865. 4 SBb. in 2. 16, ......................... tranboogt Bon J,o6tuunb, Ser. iieipj. 1865. 4 Sibe. in 2. 16 ............... Softer bc Xi^Iematen, 2ie. ^eipj. 1867. 4Stt&gt;. 16 ................... .... .......... SBalram gcrft, br ffieinagcge. 33erL 1868. 4Slbe. 16 ........................ SSaltet iiunb. iidjjj. 1858. 3 S3be. in 1. 16, ................................... altlcn alilet. m. Slaum. 2 S3be ...... all, iicuife ncn. Oegen ben Strom. S3remen, 1851. 233be. 1 ........................................... nnfl burd) bie Watafombcn, tein. 31. Stif&gt; ter. 3Crj,, Sib. 1 ........................ nun in 3 fcinblidje Sager, Set. (. Sj)inb= ler. ^n aHoorc_fen, b. 2 .................. nvitinlbi. Jtalicng ipelb unb d;iucrt. &lt;Q, SKau. 3be .................................... 59: 59: 58 : 58 : 58 : 58: 58: 58: 58 58: 58: 58 : 58: 58: 58 : 58: 58 : 58 : 58: 58: 58: 58: 59: 58: 59: 59: 59: 179 2578 807-8 809-10 811-12 841-4 845-7 804-5 848-9 800-1 817-18 802-3 850-1 852-3 819 854-8 820-1 815-16 813-14 859-62 863-6 806 241-2 880-1 1061 931 276-8 longer, nftfwpbt, Xie. G. Spinbfer. dplei, SBb. 2 ....... . ..... nfimnbl X ut^ct S, (Sin. Si. 3n @ef. GVJ.^ iib. 3 nftVtcbtflt, 2te. g. Stollc. J jelieber. ajb. 2: ...... njltyicltciic, Xie. 21. on 2s5interfclb. S&gt;umoresfen, S3b. 2 ......... , ................ 59: aucfco, Ser. ^. %. m. Oertel. (SIS. O. uen srn). ^n ibsrn S Grj, 93b. 9... 58: 59: b,elm gtei$trr Ben. (geb. 1800 f 1840). Slntonelle, ber (Scnbolter. 3 H ^cft. unb SUrof. 28., Sib. 8... . 56: Xaffelbe. 3n Sammtl. 28., Sib. la 56 : 2lu3 bent Qebenfbudje bes Slitter Siubelf Bon Gl;ingen. 3 ^ect. unb 2^rof. 28., S}b. 6 56: Xaffelbr. 3" Sdmmtl. 28., Sib. 17... 5(j: Siar/ertfdje ilellnerin, Sie. 3 n ?ot. unb H&gt;rof. 28., Sib. 5 56 : Xaffelbe. 3)t Sammtl. 28., Sib. 9 56 : Siraut Bon 2lriccia, ie. 3n ^oct. ft. lirof. 28., Sib. 8 56; 2afjelt&gt;e. 3n Sammtl. 28., Sib. 15... 56 : Sitenta=SHume, 2ie. 3 "P&lt;t. u. 2kof. 2B., Sib. 8.^ 56: Saffelbe. 3 H! Sa mmS l. 28., Sib. 14... 56 : CalBt, 2ie. 3n ^oct- "* ^ of. 28. Sib. 8 56: Saffelbe. 3n Sdmmtl. 28., Sib. 15... 56: GanaU-tta. 3n 15eet. u. ^rt 28., Sib. 8. 56 : Saffelbe. 3n Sdmmtl. 28., Sib. 13... 56 : SefcngaiiB. 3n Sammtl. 28., Sib. 10 56 ; Xnitjcbe in IraSteBere, 2er. 3" S^cet. u. 9&4 28., Sib. 5 56: 3&gt;aijelbc. Sn Sammtl. 28., Sib. 9...- 56 : Sib. 8 ....! . ...... ! 56: Saffelbe. 3n Sammtt. 28., *b. 14.. 56 : efangenen, Xie. 3" 2&gt;oet. u. 2jrof. 2is. Sib. 8 56: Saffelbe. 3n Sammtl. 28., Sib. 14 56 : ianettine l 3ngle(e. 3 n ^oet. u. ^rof. 2B., Sib. 8 _ 56 : affelbe. 3n Sammtl. 28., Sib. 13.,. 56 : 3ab,reetag, er. 3" s Pft. u.- iiiof. 22., Sib. 6........ 56 : 2affelbe. Sn^Sdmmtl. 28., Sib. 23 ; .. 56 : 2ib. (j" . -...! . 56: Xaffelbc. 3n Sammtl. 211, Sb. 4 56 : fialabreftWje gs n^ Wf f 1 - 3 n $oet. u. *|}rof. 28.. Sib. 8. 56 : Xaffelbe. 3n Sammtl. 28., Sib. 15... 56: T* e.,...........:.~...... J! .......!....- 56 : Xaffclbe. 3_n Sammtl. 28., Sib. 23... 56 : Sebenc-uberbriifftgen, 3)ie. 3 ^oet. . OSrof. 28., 8b. 5 56 : Saffelbe. 3n Sdmmtl. 211, Sib. 15... 56 : Skbessauber, Ser. 3" Ijoct. u. 2jrof. 22., Sib. 8 56 - Xaffelbe. 3n Sammtl. 22., 2ib. 14... 56 : Subtotga. 3 n ^ act - u - "Pwf- 28- ^- 5 - 56 : Xaffelbe. 3n Sdnimti. 22., Sib. 12.... 56 : ffliaste, 2k. 3n ^Jcet. u. ^5rof. 22., 2ib. 8 56 : 2affelb. 3n Sammtl. 28., Sib. 14... 56 : Sib. 8 .... . 56: Xoffelbe. 3n Sammtl. 22., b. 13.... 56 : 929 1605 1118 1731 2838 324 315 323 317 323 313 324 316 324 315 324 316 324 315 313 323 313 324 315 324 315 323 320 323 310 324 316 323 320 323 316 324 315 323 314 324 S15 324 315 PEOSE FICTIOX: GERMAX. Gimibtj. -29 cmeinbe=2Baife. (tfaitbn, A-ranj. TOotH-vne 15ari8, Xer. 3" o IJoet. u. SJroi. SB., Sib. ti ............................ 56 : Xaffflbe. 3n eimyitl. SB., 8b, 8 ...... 56 : DeffentlidjeGrjdblet uoii bcr Kiva dcftli Schiavoni, Xer. 3 n ^oct. u. i&gt;vt&gt;5. SB., Sib. 8. .................................. 56: Xaffelbe. 3n Sammtl. SB., Sib. 13... 5(j : ^Jfarret en SBcin*berg, Xev. 3" S&gt;ect. u. SSrcf. SB., Sib. 5 ........................ 56 : Xajjclbc. 3n cdimntl. SB., Sib. 3 ...... 56 - d)a$a.rdber. Jit IJwt. unb ISrcf. SB., Sib. 8 ....................................... 56: Xafjetbe. on Sdmmtl. 41 ., Sib. 15... 56 : edHofi ^migbttone. 3n 4&gt;cct. u. Skof. ffi.,. 8. ................................... 56: . Xaffelbe. 3" cdmmtl. SB., Sib. 13... 56 : edniler^ icbc. 3n l&lt;oet. u. SBwf. SB., Sib. 5. ........................................ 56: Xafjelbe^ 311 Sammtl. SB., Sib. 18... 56 : ed;nier,er=Solt&gt;at in Sioloa.ua, Xct. on OCt u. -}&gt;roi. SB., Sib. 6 ................. 56 : Xajjclbc. o" cammtl. SB., Sib. 17... 56 : etumme, S:cr. 3 Sjoet. u. Ssroj. SB., Sib. 5 ......................................... 56: Xaffelbe. 3 Sdmmtl. SB., Sib. 4 ..... 56 : SSerlorcne gofyn, Xev. 3 n ^Joct. u. SJrof. SB., Sib. 5 .................................... 56 : Xaffelbe. 3n Sdinmtl. SB., Sib. 3 ..... 56 : Sicrratb,encn, Xie. 3n Sioet. u. ISrof. SB., Sib. 6 .................................... 56: CTaffclbc. Jn cammtl. SB., SJb. 17... 56 : SStlla Jprnaquinci. ^jn SJoct. u. S5tof. SB., Sib. 8 .................................... 56 : Xafjclbe. Jn ea mintl. SB., *b. 15... 56 : lrliirfl-3rdfc, 3;ie. 3)J. Jiot^uftu*. Jn Ml. (Srs .......................................... 58: cbrorticnf Sdiwtir, Xcr: (Lady Lisle.) TO. IS-. Sirabbtn. 2 S5be. in 1..." ........... 58 : Wflitiibcr Sipnncwillc. (J. SBilltomm. 3 3m *ann unb Dauber it., SJb.3 ......... 59 : Wcbtiibcr cpalbiug. W. :)laimunb. Jn JJoMBen, lib. 4 ................................ 59: Oictmrt unb iiilbuiia. 2)(. S. 5cb,n&gt;ar$. e. m2 323 12 324 315 323 310 324 316 324 iR ber altcn I JamfeU, XaS. G. (ffiu 9 n it K at Ut t). 2 Sibc. . . 58 : Oic&cimniJ! bcr Sdiatulle. Xa. 6. itlein= ftcubcr. 2Sibe.ini ........................ 58: 6&gt;d)C!iii!itj) bcr Stabt, Ja^. 3. SB. fiiacf- lonbcr. 3iibf.ini .................. . ..... 58: Wfdfiiiinip *w Aitvftcnb.ait)e, a3. W. wiltl. 2Sibc.ini .................. - ........ 58: (Mrjicintntfff be* OMiidcd. &. uonctruen= fee (W u ft a 11 y o m c c e). 4 Sibe. in 2 ... 59 : Cicbctmiiiffr bes i. cben^. (S. iobttr. Jn trv aus tor .wimatlj, Sib. Z.I. ............ 58 (fl)fimilt|"fc S&gt;o\emutfcl, Sic. raf St. Wrabcii sfi. Jn ^Ut S ber Warnijon JC., Sib. 2 ....................................... 58 : (Mrftfimntf.uollc, Ser. 5. . lietf. Jn Scb/r., Sib. 14 56: Xaffelbe. 3n Sdj., Sib. 17 56 : 3-2% (Kcbriuinif Boflc Hifte, Xie. g. Stolle. 3 317 ! Gamelien, Sib. 2 59: rljcitiiiitHBoHcViebciirJJeaVel. G. Spinb-- 323 ! Icr. o.n Krutti di Mare, t&gt;. 1 59 : 317 i Wfl)finiiii|;uo(lft Job, Gin. G. Jvvifce 58: Wcbfimrntl), Xer. A- be la JMette gouque, 323 ; 3n 2lufl. Sdir., Sib. lo 56 : 310 WcDrimrntt), Xer. A. Vetcalb. o" Xunen= u. S.ieva.a.ejcfn cljten, SBb. 1 58: 323 (Meier = !h?nltt). 3". .wffmanp. 3" Gtj., 310 Sib. 15 59: (Jicigrrlcr, Xtr. Si. Sluevbacb. o n Wef. 323 j Sd)r.,Sib.8 58: 317 j (Jirift, Xer. .xi. Gonfcience. 3 n 3lbenbftun= ben, Sib. 1 58: 324 316 2768 284 1073 213 0fi|tctl)cfriiindrrr, Xer. tolic. Idncjcr, je lieber. Sib. 2 .................. 59 : (HrtUcrcrffliciitHitfl, Gine, i. . Stordj. 3 n Siir ftille Slbenb* .............................. 59 : (Hciftcrhniii! in s Jicro Sjort, Xa. 3)1 fr xHniiefe .......................................... 58: Wciftcrfclicr, er. Si. fou Stiller. Jn edmmtt. SB., SJS.7 ........................... 56: , Xer. 6. Gonjcknce ............... 58: ober bae S!affiono^iel Bon SBtlbiSfcn^. 3. Sdjerr ................ 59.: Mfc-lbe. 4Sibe.ini .")!): ^)5 Jlinfterbam, XaS. fencr. on Gliaraftcrmaefcn, Sib. 1. 58 : 2.-J15 Wfbcliirfr. SB. :)(aabe (3acob Gori= nue). o JHcflenboiicn, Sib. 2 59 : 179 tbrnff mein! Grsdljl. u. SieocUen fiir TOdbdien inw 12 bi 15 oaljren. 31. Jfcd). 59 : 2440 OicfnllClirtif Silinncnftvdufte. A- SB. fyafc lanber. on Gr(ebtc, b. 1 "....-58: 1301 IWcfnbrlirfim Sitdutc, Xie. 3. StoUe. 3n Gamelien, Sib. 1 59: 1111 Wtffllircit bev Sl ilbnifj. 3- iccffmann 59: 2305 fjffl$tt&gt;00ej&lt;0e. n. .viUl. 4 Sibc. in 2. 58 : 1559-60 626 649 59 : 727-8 fttrfriilltr Sanaerin, Gitu. G. Siolfo. 3" r ii . ^iix i 01 , , - ^t,..u "...i. .u ; i, , . .! ... , .1 .,,,, i f ,.. . Sidjter, Ser. I , cdjiiding...... 59 : lajiolbe. Jn Jviligvan, iib. 1 ......... 59: Wciannrnni, Xie. 3. (Saubl;. $n i!oet. u. -l&gt;roi. SB., Sib. 8 ........................... 56: Saffelbe. Jn eAmmtl. SB., Sib. 14... 56 : Wrfniigrntn i&gt; Mautafue, Jic. .TOiiUfr. Jn ttkrifc 3ucienb=Siibl., Sib. 87 ........... 59 : Wf ioiiflcurr bet SlafttUe, Cfin. &. S&gt;iltL... 58 : Wfflcn ben Strom, i. . fon (yoll. 2 Sib*. 58 : Wfflcii bn Strom. J. Wrcfje. :i SJbe...- 58 : 1150-2 Wf flnifttUr. 3. Diii^liclb .................... 58: 2602 Wfbciiuc Slflcnt, Xer. fr SB. .s:arflanber... 58: 14 Oicftciiiif illflcnt, Xr. (S. epinblct. Jn itetUnfllieber, Sib. 3 ........................ 5&lt;J : 921 Wcljrimiiip, Gin. S. SB. Joacfldnber. Jn trrlbt, Sib. 1 ............ : ................... 58: 1301 8f Idnmtft, 3)a. (. S^inblcr. JnHftten= glicbcr, Sib. 3 .................................. 59 : 921 324 315 2587 1561 880-1 SluS Staub unb Sljdie: 9leue Sib. 10 .......................................... 59: urb Jvaucn. W. Swfcr. 3 Sibe. in 1. 58 : balt: 116.1: Die Mloittrmttnje. b.2: Sic .ftloftcnnuiijc (SdjluJ). Ghi 9e&gt; priifteo 2Bt it). b. 3: (Jin fltpriiflcS Wcib (SrfiluS). t:nb Olcift, cbtT Me S!criobnurtg. 2t. (3er*tniaottDelf). 3 Wei. Sdir., Si. 13 ........................... 58: unb vnite. A. Vetralb. o Xiinen= u. Sitraafjd;., Sib.2 ........................... 58: uub talent. TO. I on ."oumbradjt (i. uife Grnefti). 3Sibe.in2 ............ 58: Wrlbtciifcl, Xer. $&gt;. Gimfcience ..... .. ....... 58: Oiclrllttc, Xer. V. 2iccf. 3n Sdjr., Sib. 22. 56 : Wrlflirlr (McfeUtdiaft, Xie. V. lietJ. 3n e*r., Sib. 15 ................................. 56: Wflclirtc ,Uanind?en, Xa. 21. SBinter. 3n 9iieri&lt;j 3MBb4JtM., Sib. 29 ............... 59: deittt Spielfamcrab, Xer. &. Si aaner 59 : Wrlriti?tnnf, Xie. G. Spinbler. Jn ^9 &gt; &gt; -J( ad)t,Slb.2 .................................... 59: Wfllcrt. frcdimtbt ........................... 59: ttirltiMan, Xer, obcr bie SiUittjf^aft nad; br ne uen TOobe. SI. Siiliiu? (3 c r * midfl W t&gt; 1 1 fyt I f). on Wei od;r., Sib. 18... 58 : Wcmiilbr, Xie. V. liect. 3n3d^., Sib. 17. 56 : Wfllinltc onbiancr, Xet. A- Wcrftarfer. 3" .wml. n. unkind. We)*., Sib. 2 ........... 58 : (tout.finbr^iinii r, -^i - 9- Werftdcter. 3" S:uben unb Xriiben, Sib. 1 .................. 58: 1800-1 1S76 1339 1562 1 206-7 1~09 1007 1013 1616 1111 955 753 283 2114- 2274 52 422 1118 1147 23- 1273 423- 485 84 1011 1043 2115 680-1 42ft 1621 1614 2570 2U17 942 2715 1048 !!&lt;&gt; 936 940 PKOSE FICTION : GEKMAN. cmcudj. Itcv 3)t -80- olb. Cirmcitdjcltcr Tidtter, Gin. 21. I m Win-- terfelb. 4 itoe. in 2 .......................... 59: (Scmifdjte &)(, tine. St. won SBintevfclb. $n Smmor. Solbaten=3JoBeUen, 4lb. i.... 59 : emSjftgtr, $ie. 9J. ft. S3. Dertd. &lt;JB. C. o it Si orn.) gn&om a Gr.}., S5b. 4. 58 : unb yumor. 2. 3)Jeffercr .......... 5&lt;J : ftranco. ft. Wcrftiicfer. 3 5Bbe. in 2, .Jn ^luei Stepublilea, 2ibtb. 1 .......... 58 : titcrnl neifntflu. 21. SiS. rube. Sn ,iugenb= u. SJolfsbibl ......................... 59: ciicrnlin Bon Sresfoiu, ffiie. 31. G. Brocb.o0el. Jn - in* brci Jafjrl;., b. 1. 58 : encrar? ;)!a|))Hn-t, ?e. ft. 115. fraction ber. 3 30. olbaten=fc$ ..... . ......... 58: (Vjcitiq). . Matt ............... . . ............... 59: (tjfitoi fcit o&lt;tyuS, ic. 31. S. Sumag. 3 *be ............................................ 58: (WrilOUCta, Gb.. Don Scbmib ................... 59 : (*JcitrcDilbcr aus enter f(tinen@iabt D. ilUlbermutl). J,n sBilber u. (Siefd). aug Scfiwaben, *b. l...t .......................... 59: (Sroffron unb (3arinbe. -}J. ijStyfe. 3 (Sej. 4&, *b. 7 ................................. 56: @cor() fti rftcr e X eben in au3 unb Siielt. )p. Jtonifl. 2 Nbe ............................. 58: forg Sieumarf unb bic Oiambe. (3. 3iiet rifc. Jn &gt;flcnb^ib[., *b. 28 ............ 59: WtDffl Si-ailiiiuiton. J\. ed;mtbt ............. 59: (Mcor flf Spowatb S GSq. SBrnutfatjrt. K, ^ojtel. ((S. S e o I s f i e I b.) ^n Se= bcnobilber :c ............. . ...................... 59: forge 3tepf)en[on. ^5. g. 358. Certel. (iix D. o n o rn.) Sn loorn S terj., S3b. 8 ............................. : .............. 58: corflinc. (S. ^olfc. ^n loerscnSgcfyeim; niffe: 9Zeue 9loeIIen, SBb. 8 ............... 59: Oicvriiftctf ii cib, Gin. fe}. .sbb cter. 5" e ^ unb ^raucn, k ^b. 23 ....................... 58: Ckrcditcn unrb (3utc-3 bcrgcltcn, 3&gt;&lt;n. g. .wffmatni. on .v?auKd;e Slbcnbc ........... 59: crtdjtsffenc |l iStocflon. 5. erftactet. ^,n (Saltfotnifdjc Sfijien ..................... 58 : (Scrirl)ti-tafl 311 Sannftott, Xet. 1 . f idjltr. on Grj., iib. 1 ................................. 59 : ffimiifinin. J. Xieltfc ........................ 59: etmel^aufen. ft. nftftiJet. Jn cimt. u. unl;ciml. efdj., Sib. 2 .................... 58: fljcrftiirfcr, ftviebricb (gcb. 1816 f 1872) x Ute .vouo, -Tac-. Seip. 1857. 16 ........ 58: Slmerifanifdje SL alc-- unb totrombilbcr. ^cip, 18&lt;W. 2 be in 1. 16 ............ 58: 1720-! 1736 2833 2520 931-2 2405 222 1333 279 557-9 536 1630 676 1909-10 2578 2745 788 2837 83 1611 2309 917 2640 2093 936 900 989 antevifant!d)C ^n;ib. (Suvtis Srautfa^rt. d)iUen in bv ii ^rtufiooobs^ u l Alligator: ^"Bb. SUb. 2: Sin Sdorfud) jut Sdificbhuig. Sin &timati. Xer ton nbci bare Xiaiim __ Glut Vlantberjagb. SBanbetnbe .(ivuincr. J)er amerifanijtlic llnualb 2ie SHarcnjagb nm ilatjou Jictev in x lrlaufas. STuS bem TOatrcfenlebvn. Sei}&gt;. 1857. 16 ............................................ 58: SIuS bem SBatbleben 2(merifa 8. i ei^. 1862. 6 *be. in 2. 16 ................. 58: ffafjctbe. 2!btb. 1. 3iibe.ini ........ 58: Saffclbe. 2lbt(). 2. .V-Bbe.ini ........ 58: 3 n I) a 1 1: Slbt^. 1: 2ie 9legii(ato.ni in Wsc tanjaS. Slbtl).2: 2ie flluBDivatin bc J)!iffiffippi. 2Iu3berSee. (5rag, 1855. 18 ......... 58: 3nt)alt: Xie pei iuntcne (tabt. 2)er ^llabantermann. Xer tflabauteiniami uub bie Sdiiffevotodjtcr, SIu meinem Jagebud). i\ iv. 1863. 2Stoe.ini. 16 ......................... 58: 3 nl) a u: Hb. 1: j!ie Cvbiclinft. Drci Xas]e Garnci)Li[ in i;ima. s JJtein cvfter iiafc. Cin jlnftanb auj &gt;5-iid)otter. 3 ^aftein. Gin ^ iifdjgang auf (iiemfcn. 901 986-7 969 929 902 3Jb. 2: ev .^oninboum. Xer ^-vcntbc. 2Im 2hiiinfa-j. Xcr uibiaiiifcfK -^iiiib. $er ftilic Xanb. Xa? ^o ^uvcau in 2U 1 * faiifcs. Xei- sjctaitfte SBavtifienprcbfgcr. ffiie idjroarjc Stul). iilger 9 Xnitljiiliiici-, SEaS eanoc. er $eitat^8anttag. Der ipnuSfiicclit unb tit Hut). Gin Siacfjmittajj in (iinciniuiti. Qn ^ Uiou Saiat). ^ mcvifaiiifclje hotels unb ^ivtb-jliaufcr. Zee Scfinavdjev. - 9mertlanifi$e6 vtud)= mort. 2ln !yovb. Xfl5 yiicjei bcr SdjiDQi * jen. 3luftvnli|Mje Suljtblide. 3lu9!orb= unb Siibamevifa. 5prag, 1855. 18 ............................................. 58: 3 11 fl a It: Sa SBraf beS ^Siratcn. Xie 51)Jcnageiie ini llriualbe. S(u jwei ai&gt;elttf)eilcii. i ei^. 1854. 233be. 16 ................................. 58: 905-6 904 58 3 ii fin It: SUi&gt;. 1: .fieimroelj unb SIn3n&gt;iiti5 beruiig. 2ie ffiolf sglocfe. 2)ie SUjiiiing. iBdjnHirj uub il^ifi. er J\veiidiiit. Xic 3d)0oncifal)rt. 33er[m unb bao a)au= fytfUjaus tin iiit Iagerung ^uftanb. SBb.2: lie c&gt;d)ter bc3 SHiccarvceS. f&gt;crc Sdiulee. SDer J)eutfd)c nnb fetn .flinb. Sdjidiale ciriev 3(adjt. (iirtlifation unb Sffiilbnifj. JltiS bem ^tieffacfe bcS &gt;iianuct fdjiffeo ,,St p cfd)lange." Xei .ftlbinielbiftvift be j fadji ijdjcn Gtjgcfcirge&lt;l. Xie Cttevjagb. Sk tben etraflinge, Sie. Jena, 1864. 3 Hbe. in 2 16 Stau3Boffer. X etyj. 1858. 16 3 til) a t: Der SdjiffSjimmermann. XaS Gap .01-11. Xie ifdjunte. lie (5!olb= barren. Ziic Jlacftt auf bem aBalftfa). 33(auen unb elben, Sie. Sencjuctani: fd;e Gf;arafterbi(b auS ber ietilen Sieuclution sou 18ti8. 3cna, 1870. 3 4&lt;be. 16 fflunteS Sreiben. Seipj. 1870. 3 be, 16 3n6alt: S3b.l: 3m l !onbenfd)ein. 2et I-ie {.irtmit Vottei ie. iVt ber 51ujfel l;aut. Gine Xanfe unter ben ^uUijS. fflb. 2: 5!el)rafa. Gin uergniigter 5lbeiib. Gilt luilb gcrrorbcner .yanbiDert^burid). Xti iSinbftofi. Xer juuge yelivmeifter. TnS biijc ojeroifjen. 3u roiitl)fd)afthd). Gine ^fancn= unb i5d)n&gt;eine=3Q9b auf S3b. 3: 3m atten fllofter. Turdj bie !am = pas. Sir. !Uitr. 2er 3!e^bo(t. (Silt Sd^metteilingSjug. ceneinoed;fel. Galtfoniifdje Sftjjeit. Seipj. 1856. 16.. 58 908-9 913 58: 58: 910-12 914-G 917 3nb,alt: Ginc 3!adit a Xic 3Jiiifion Xotorc^ bet 3au A-i JiK isco. (tin Sticrgefedjt auf DrrWiffion ZoloicS. Wcvidjtoicenc in Stotfton. _ Tic Gut- bectung be5 3" "ii()uldi. Die fransofi die 9teuoltttton. Gine Jind)t in bcr Galifoinis fd&gt;en SpicllioUc. Siev Zage auf ber 8i Don San ^vancioce. Xer J)lerifaiier in ben Galifoutt|d)eit Winen. XetDftinbiev. Goloiuc, Xic. UrafitinnifdjcS bilb. Set))?. 1864. 3 SBbe.. 16 ......... 58: Grbc, Jer. ^cna, 1867. 3Sbe.,l ...... 58: glatbootmanit, Ser. 2lnu rtfanifdie Gr= Sailing. v ].&lt;rag, 1858. 16 ............... 58: ftlufepiraten bcS iiiifftfftppi, 2te. X eipj. 18(W. 33Jbe.ini. 16 ............... 58: ^affdbe. (^n 2(u3 bem ffialbleben 3(tfrifa , 2lbtlj. 2) ...................... 58: tJrancttreurS, 3&gt;te. Grj. au bem beutfd^ frair,. ilriege. Jena (f. b.) 18 ........ 58: cneral ftranco : iieben-ibilb aus Gcua= bor. Jena, 1865. 3 be. in 2. 16 (Jit $ci Mepublifcn, Slbtl;. 1) .......... 58 : @clb ! Gin GalifornifdieS Vebcnsbilft auS bem jabre 1849. iietpj. 1858. 3 iSbe. 16 ............................................ 58: 918-20 925-7 928 929 987 930 931-2 933-5 PllOSE FICTION : GE1OIAN. unb unfjetmltdje e[d)id)teit. -31- criidjt fficriifirfcr, ^debt-id;. J-ortfefcung. ijximlidie uttb uubeimSidje (Mefd&gt;id)tcn. Veipj. 1H62. 2 VOX. in 1. 16 J .. . ........ 58: 936 3 it 1) a It: Sit. I: letlreijeljnte. !r tobte CifMUiffee=GitincI)mer. &o u mtr, to id) Ztt. 3" Jiaturnefdiictne bt &gt;J)!.nf&lt;t&gt;en. JHobni nbcr bie Jikit. i\eburfnifj unb ur.u3. SReifenbe. Gin berittjmter yjamc. &ie XentidKii im 2lii 3lanbe. 8)b. 2: Oernclflbattftn. er geimilte 3nbia= net. er Jopvelganaer. Zcr .babe* jager. 3 n 3icb JJMncr. te (Sanoe* faint. !a ,,oftor=Unmefen in ber Union. 2a3ieitjim ^ufrf). &gt;ell uub Xunfel. iieipj. iai9. 235be. 16 58: 937-8 3 nl) all: s. 1: Her fflilbbieb. SBerntr. Gin Name. 2ie etiefmuttrr. Gali* fornifdjer 2Hietb,S3Tpansj ie ncuc (Seis ftennelt. !Nb. 2: etr ftobelmann. 3?ic Ihtppe. 2&gt;ie Sludjt iiber bit GoibiUcten. ct tobte $errn3Rob(bu&ct 8 Sleifeabenteuer. Seipj. 1873. fl. 8 ................................. Soiutcrgebaube , Xa. Grj. iJeipj. 1873. " 16 ............................................ itbcn unb Iviiben. Sieipj. 1868. 3 be. fl. 8 ......................................... 3 n I; nit: i*b. 1: lie c&lt;iemeinbc=fflaifc. er ^uJi Mwu. I:cr altlidK .v&gt;ctr. iltb. 2: Ttv tcilH itatlirte doctor. Wittne UBilbniftW. ^err HJuUer. Gin frunb lidjer Gmpfang. iUb. :!: lao 1 od) in ber .Oott. _ 3Iii|tec 33Iact. s j)loi tin. - ^afenjaiib bei Wotlja. JmSBufdj. SCuflralifcbc tTja^tung. ^cna, 1870. 3 *bc. in 1. 1H .................... Jin (i cffcufter : Sicilian. Jena, 1872. 4 -HDc. in 2 ................................. Xofjclbe. 4 S3K- ........................... Jn Simcvtfa : Slnterifaiti}d)i 3 iicbcuobilb au neucrer fyit. ^m ^(itfd)Utf( an ,, s Jiad; x lntcrifa !" Jeua, 1872. 3 ilbe. 16 ............................................ SSnftlttctt. i eift). 18W). 2 be. 16 ........ Sn^alt: ^3b. 1: i. ,\n bet Siibfce : Xer 2ikUfi(d)iamitt. Tie SootomannJAafl. X"trr Sdjooner. II. ^m Cftuibifd)en ^Ir* d)iel : Tcr -Balincfe. Zet JJii iijctji iitiger. let Sims. SBb. 2: I. ^m tif4)tieiben: ^ofin TOnlli.ian. Tie Slnd&gt;t Gicntleman ^l) n - i* Mnguru4&gt;3n(c[. II. Slilbet au ben Slutuatiiitcn tVolbmtnen : 3^ n Sleiuman. 3m Sluitralifdjen *(u(d). ii. *er[, (f. b.) H. 8 ............ in Caltfotnien, Xer. fyna, () . b.) fl. 8 ................................. filcinc SBattfifdjfanget, Xer. Seipj (f. b ) 16 ......... i ................................ ffteu} unb Otter. Sicips., 186!t. 3 x ilbc. 1(&gt; iVtlialt: 3lb. 1: Icn Icufel an bie fflanb maU n. ^Hoobijiounb. ^arftarias ,&afen = nu-iet -j yibenteuci . Xao i&gt;oipital af ber aJltiiion loloieS. Gine t olijeiftrcife in Cincinnati. !Hb. 2: raSffi.HIfifdjboot. Ia Snftbab. ler Zxnpftact Capitatn. SSilbi t auS Cuito. S)b. 3: .I;iy-liawkers. .RBiitfl ^ombiti. ler OTeritanet. . (Jin pri/.v-llght ober 3ioretfampf in Gincinnatt. 58: 58: 58: 58 : 58: 58: 58 : 59: 59: 58 : 961 939 940-2 943 945-6 947-50 951-3 954-5 956 2151 2152 957-9 Stnlbor eincS "JJadjjuglcr g au3 bent boutfd):fvanjofifd)cu itviege. 3ena, (f. b.) 18 ................................... 58: 2J!arrl;cn wn bent Srfiticiber, bcr ^and?= frtimcrjen tatte, Xae. i;eip.;. 1864. 16 59 : SDiifftonare, Xie : Sioman ati^ ber iib= |ee. Jena, IWiS. 3 *bc. 16 ......... 58: 2)!tfitffippt: J*ilber: ^idft- unb 2diatten= ftiien ttanatlanttid;en VebenS. X etpj. 185:i. 2 bc. 16 ....................... 58: Stutter, Ginc : Sicilian im jlnfcblu^ an ,,Xie (Solonic." Jena 1870. 3be. 16 ........................................... 58: 960 2153 962-4 965-6 921-3 (Hrrftarfrr, Aricbrirf;. gortfefcung. 3iad) i lntcrifa! ISin ^olKbiid;. Veip 1 ,. 1855. 6 iBbe. 16 ....................... 3iadj bcm Sdjiffbrud) : Siotbaufrtalifdie Slbcnteucr. Jena (f. b.) UP ......... ,,^&gt;a(3 uiiD tUiti," cbcr bie l jweicr i^aren: tin iUiavdjen. (f. b.) 16 ................................. ^Jatcerie-SPertrag, (Jin : &lt;njtMung ;ur ii&gt;ariuing unbSele^tung fiir xHii Moau betcr. ircipv 18!. l(P ................ 5pfar unb Sdiule : tine Xorfgefdjid.rte. Vetpj. 18W. ii^be. in 1. 16^ ......... ^Slaginr, litit. -tierl. 172. fl. 8 ...... SHegulatoren in j(tfanfa&, Xie. Veipj. 18o8. 3be. iu 1. 16 ............... Xafjclbe ...................................... Sennoc ^{guila. Jena 1865. 3 Vbc. iu 2. l(i (Jn 3 lt&gt;e Siepublifcn. 21: 58: 2117-22 993 59: 2154 58 : 58: Sonbetbare Xucll, XaS. iVrl. (f. b.) . 80 ......................................... etreif; unb JagbjUge burd} cie &gt; l\eretnig= ten Staaten 9(orb 3lmenfa g. X cipj. 1856. 2 ibbe. 16 ........................ 2olle, Xer: livsablung. Jen&gt;(). b.) 16. Unter ben Beudjuendjen : (iliilenijd^er 3ioman. Jena JH67. 3 Wee. !-&gt;... Uuter ^alnten unb ?3ud)en. i!eipj. 18(io-7. 3 -^be. Id .................... 3 n ha It: b. 1: Ginc alltiiaiiilie (Mcfdiidjtc. 3?ie filutfion AOlacu einer teh-aiapUU fdjen Xctiejd)e. ?ev ^olijeiaflent. Gine ^cimfebc au5 ber tueiten 2i-elt. iiicnn ipir einmnl ftetben. SUb.2: Das Slinia bet- Jrouen. El Comi- sario. . lm ISadjooi. Eet Siget. 31e = flerlebcn. Sb. 3: Gine SicSnfliance Jer Cietattcrs brief. (Sin ffluoflun in ^aon. J;er Jgei= 58: 58: 58: 58 : 58: 996 967-8 924 96!) 98:&gt; 970-1 972 973-4 975 979-81 982-4 SScrbangniffe. 1871. II. 8 58: 58: 58: SBobnfinnige, Xer : Grjcib. lung auS Sitb-- Slmerifa. Sdrtuerm 170. 16 21 aibmaniio &gt;eil! SJiiiudioi. (f. b.) fl. 4 3nb,alt: ic jroolf alienate. Tie Sreis tugel. las ,iorft(&gt;au5. Teriiunbrfliib. Gin Sag in ten JUpen. Gine i&lt;numi = jagb. 3" .lb. ,"V Dr unb SBnlb in Jiotbs Slmerifa. lie Saujagb. JJIoraUidjcS 3ager *=*.-(. SK-elt tin .Hleinen, Xie: 5 lr bie fleiuc "Kelt, veipj. 1866. fl. 8 59: 3Ki* betS^riftbaum entftanb. Jena (f. b.) 16 59: SttJilbe Si elt. Veipj. 1865. 3 Sbe. 16. 58 : 3nlialt: 9b. 1: 3" ben pampas. lie ^euerjagb anf i^pdnen in ?lfrita. Xer ticrlomte Ring. Gine Kl(fl(flppifa^rt. !Cer fflalbmcni d). JtafuarjagD in Urn* gnai). SBb. 2: Xas JBrar!. Uer S!S)lf=aenjamin. GuropSer in ber ffiilMufi. 2ie Wobetato ten. Xrutbabjt &xten. SBb. 3: las Sort an ber Satjfurtb,. Ter 3d)iifoeapitain. i onifiana 3tijjen. 3 n ben -Manglaten. I 4!ed). Die to ilbe jla^e. SBvad^bes fSiraW, Sa3. Jena (f. b.) 16 58: 3ui Siepublifen. Jena 1865. 6 S)be. in 4. 16. 3 n I) a It: Sibil). 1: PJcnetal ^franco. 3 5Jbe. in 2 HH: 9312 Slb.l).2: Scnnor Slijuila. 3Sfe. in 2 5H: 9701 Wcrtrniib. Stober. Jn GVJ., Sb. 4.... 59 : Wmrub. G. ^nfte. 4lBbc.ini 58: Wrrtrub "fliara. ai. Don Steruberg. Jn Miinftlerbilbcr, Vb. 1 59: (Ktrttitbrif Gr^iMiingen fiir bie tuetHidje Jugenb. O. Gfdienbad; 59: (iicriirlit, Gin. G. g. Garlen. 3 3ibe 58 : 985 988 997 2155 2150 991-3 991 1091 754 1032 2130 1 KUSE FICTION: GKKMAN. 0&gt;kfd)tJ)tcii on bcr Gouroge. -32 CHIocfler. 1735 1906 1925 l;01-2 420 1904 84 2114 2020 1738 2852 2859 2450-1 2414 1971-2 Oiflrtrirtjtrit Bon ber Courage, g. fiioffmann. in Kalcnber=(9efd) 58 : cfdiirtitt ber 3lbbmten. G. UK. SBirianb. in Sdmmtl. 3ii., 3Jb. 1314 56: Saffeibe. in SluSgero. 31 ., 33b. 3 56 : (Srfd)tdjtc be* Slgatlwn. G. 3)t. SBielanb. in Sdmmtl. SB., 8k. 4 6 56: Gicfdiiditc be (Srafen fintgo Bon Graenbooe unb feincS greu:tbe&gt;3 3lbufaragu3. 6. Gonfcieitcc 58: cfdjirtjtc be* weifen Sanifdjmenb. G. 3H. 3iStelanb. in Sdmmtl. 3i\ 23b. 9 56: Gh ldlirfltc einer Sptfcengarnitur. G. s }Jolfo. in 3lu* Staub unb 3lfdje. ")l. 32oBellen, 23b. 10 59: &lt;Vicic!|ifl)te einc gelbjuges, Jie. ft. Veroalb. Ocfditriitc ernes jungeit Winters. 9t. 33aron. in Grj., flb. 1 59: fliefrtjirtite Bom Jell, Sic. g. fcoffmann. in Grj.,3ib. 3 59: Cicfdiiditc Bon ben Manoncn, ie. 31. on SiUnterfelb. in.vmmor. Solbaten=9iooel= len, 33b. 3 .". 59: C)cfri)td|tc BOH ben jtoet SHilUerSfinbern, Xie. $. g. 3i&gt;. Certel. (fiS. D. B on or n.) in .wrn S Grj., 9Jb. 8 58: Saffelbe. 5 n :)(lK imfd)e Jorfgefd). 33b. 3 58: 0&gt;cfd)iditcit auS ber Qcfdjicbte. g. ftb rner. 2 i&lt;be 59: cfrfliditcit be ^farm s Sicbentifd). S. Stober. in iugenb= unb SBcltSbtbl 59 : Giefdjiditcn ctuer Waffe. i. . itomert. 2 be. 58 : 3nl&gt;alt: ?. 1: Die Jju&rjeit. tie eeleiifciiirtcriit. Die Oi.-tttu Jtiineljmes tin. Zie Jliicicii bcr iliiitter. 3)b. 2: (Slinitinii unb Sea. Die bcibeit ScOroerter. Dt flotfuntel. OJfffftidjtcn tne Sjunbertjdljrigen. G. Spinbler. in Vefereten, i*b. 1..... 59: 927 C)C)d)td)tcii im .^icfjact. g. 315. fracJldnber. g. 3i&gt;. fiatflSuber, 4 SBbe. in 2. 58: 1316-17 Taffelbe. 4 33be 58: 1318-21 Cicfdjidjtni unb ililber au3 bcr 3cBfjeit. St. Defer. (0. & laubr ed) t.) in Grj. au&gt;3 bem .veffonlanbe : Slusgew. djr... 58 : 1020 fficfdlidltcit Bon Gbriftfricb unb iuldjen, lie. 3H. 9{atbufiu. in Sdjr., Siib. 2. 58 : 2766 C)Cld)id)tcn in ber 2Utmub,l. K. Stober. in iugenb u. ;l!olfbibl 59: 2414 rfrf)tfl)tnil)ud! fitrbie Jtinbcrftubc. g.off= maim 59: 2306 &lt;Hcid)iri)tcnltiirl) fiir Hinber. 31. Gorrobi... 59 : 2073 (Srfd)tdjtbilbcr. G. n. Wunbt. (^iouife ajiiiblbod;.) 3S*be 58: 2501-3 3 n bait: 3)b. 1: Sbaron flolbieUl? Gine Mesalliance. SBb.2: Biiic TOcSalliaiKe, (^Iu6). aiejaiu ber v J)viUflnt. Sib. 3: 2llerauber ?lt&gt;filnti, (Sdjlug). Der Kurfiitft unb (Sel biittft. Die Doflcjja. Cicfd)icbrne, Sic. 2. Ming. 3n 9ieue Stabtgefdj., 33b. 2 59: 384 cld|tcbcunt,Jie, . Sdjmib. inalteunb neue Wefdj., b. 4 .. 59: 561 (Bcfdjntiftcr, 2ie. &. SUeriy. in iugcnb= ibl.,3Jb. 15 59: 2565 ffdiBJorfttcit unb ibr 3(id)ter, Sie. 8. Sdjucfing. 33Jbe.ini 59: 653 Oiffcllrn ber [djluarjen Xunft, 2ie. G. Spinbler. in ^(andjerlei, 3Jb. 1 59 : 929 cfcttcn be Satan. G. SiUUfomm. 6 SBbe. in.4 59: 1668-71 3n fi alt: abtii. 1: Die Saat beS !8[cn. Slbtl). 2: Die Sajnittet. fficfcllfdinit auf bem t anbe, Sie. i f . lied. inSdjr., b. 24 56: 1623 0)fj"irf)t im SBonbc, Sag. g. Ji5. ipactlanber. J jerfe, b. 13 ............... 58: won iHobenftcin, 2a^. (S. S^tnb- &gt; laitfler, je lieber. ilih. 3 ...... 59 : ier. (fl&gt;cnftcrncirf)irt)ff, Cine. IS. ftttfer. 3n (.S(^r., Sb.9 ............................. 3Iu-3 ber ivcitcn Kelt. 58: 35affelbe. Jib. 2. 58: c|vcii|"icrflrfrf)ifl)tf, Gine. G. SBtnbler. in [^uristabt unb 1 anb 59: Wffycuftific .V&gt;of, ^er. G. SBinbU r. in SommermalBen, Sb. 2 59 : CSrfVcnftt!|C Stollen, 2)er. s p. g. 3B. Certel. (iiJ. D. BOH .wrn). Jn crn S Gr^. Hb. 2 58 : Jaffdbe. in ffi:;ein. Xorfg., b. 4... 58 : 3luction, i?ie. G. 3i5illfomm. "JJoBcilen unb Grj 59: fcer 3llltag&gt;Belt. D. 3jUilbet inittlj. in iUiber unb Wefd). auS Sd)lt)a= ben, ~^3b. 2 59 : 2262 ctnuftc iiaptiftenprebiger, Xer. g. &n- ftdtfer. in 2luS meinem Jagebud), 33b. 2 58 : Oictrcnitt. G". ^(olfo. in 3lu3 bem ,,3itun= berlid;ften ihtdje" : 31. 9(oeUen, 33b. 9... 59 : GiJti fttnt unb Bercint. &. Bon Strueiifee. (& u ft a B B o m 3 e e). in Grj. eineS alten xxrrn, Sib. 2 59: cBatttrbrtcf, er. g. erftdcter. in lln= ter ^almen unb -Hudjen. *W&gt;. 3 58: (Wrronlt unb i ift ^vanfretd) gegen Jeutjd)= lanb fett bretbunbert Jabren. g. Scftmibt. 59 : Wcrooitncit unb Berlorcn. G. Sjofer. in 3lu&gt;sg. Wefellfdjaft ." 58: n. v. iiom&crt. 2 -Bbe. in 1. 58 : Jaffelbe. in s Jteue Oefdjiditen auo bem Ghetto 58: Snftalt: J)b. 1: Gifit 3 Srille. SHojiljaar. Etc ia&gt;ioeiacrin. Ier v JJ!tn. Jvanjes . SUb. 2: 3Me &lt;f rinjcffiii. i Slrnftcincr S GMterti, Lorenzo. Gbrcmf feiner 3!aterftabt gtorenj. 2 33be. in Mimftlergeld). Bon 21. Sjagen. 4*b. 1-2. 58 : Gianettino, riuglese. g. (Saubt;. in ^&gt;oet. unb ^irof. 3iv 33b. 8 56: Xaffelbe. in Sdmmtl. 3ii., Hb. 13... 5(j : (Sift unb ^urfer. G. Di. fliunbt. (i ouife ili it b, I b a d;). Jn 3ioBeilenbilbcr. 3ieue* iWberbudj, b. 2 58: Wiftmorb, Gin. 31. Bon SiUnterfelb. in .sjumuresten, iib. 3 59: Girandola. 33. BOH Oufect. 4 33be. in 2.... 58 : 3 nil a It: lib. 1: Der Dbalbaucr. 4J. 2: SeUtoniain. rtrifcbi: 21)at. b. 3: Die Bttlu^nng. (Sin ftarlcS Jerj. Sbb. 4: Die sOriiter 0011 HUaunb. Oiifcfc, 6- 8. SJobcrt. Mdtbdjen. S3tel. 1864. 4 Sjbe in 2. 16. 58 : iJleine 3i*elt unb grofje 3Uelt. SJcitij. 1853. 3be. in 2. 16 58: 3)(oberne litanen. iieiBj. 1853. 3 33be. in 2. 16 58: Dtto SublBtg 33roof. eipj. 1862. 2 33be. 16...... 58: 16". .....-....,...... . ..... . 58: Glancartv. 21. G. ikadpogel. 4 S3be. in 2. 58 : Wlaubrcdit, O.(vfeub). Stebe Defer, Sinbolf. Wlcid) iinb Oileid). 3W. ilietjer. in Grj. aug bem 31te. 3Jb. 3 58: Wlorfc Bon 3lragon, ?ie. i&gt;. Siect. in Sdjr., b. 25 56: Wliirfd)Cit "b Sdjellen. sj. Smibt 59 : Wlotflcr, i. % 3obanne8 .ncpler. Stuttg. 1870. 16. in jitgenb: unb l&gt;olfebibl 59: 1293 917 1654 1663 906 941 2846 2860 1660 1630 903 at 1198 984 2712 1664 1973 1974 1391-2 324 315 2548 1732 1186-7 1000-1 1002-3 1004-5 1006-7 1003 244-5 2363 1624 2790 2404 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. OKoifer. -33- Wliirflrr, A. 31 gprtfefeuno. patriot &gt;bann Jacob JUJofcr. 1872. l(i. A.n Augcnb= u. J bibl fiiliirf, Tas. ix I aitbc (viliiif cine* 38cit&gt;f, Ta3. AHIU A. i( erne* ei, ag. 3rau A. Wcm* ncmrtniiibt (3uite But etc) Mil ^ aute 38clt _ [Meg gicrj .............. - () . liirf gicbt iH-rftaub. v. licet. &gt; 2*r *. 19 ................................... ,-i;. e(irf ilbtc HUe. (. Spinblcr. An Vcm= UiitbeH, ito. 1 ...................... .. ....... , -9. Oiliirf unb (9(a$. (. SptiiMer. . . jiff*., 4% 1 ....................... ... ......... r.g. Miitflirfjc .wrb, Tcr. CS. Spinblcr "in Ueferaen, ^b. a ............................ ]_. 59. (Mliirfltifct onfi I. 3- Srfjmibt. An s j(icvil&gt; SugenteSiW^ S3b. 40 ....................... ; 59. &lt;lurfijrt)r An[e( ber Antcrnatioimlen, Tic 3. Sdjraibt ......................... -n &lt;!iirflirt)C 3!anl)ie, (Sine. IS. 3..-( a rien"! 58 : (vtliirflirt/c SdJmuggler, Tci-. (S. 38iUfomm flnSBrteort, }ii&gt;. 2 ............. -n. "jn . ., . ..................... Wlutforittcr, Tie. v \ son eidicnborff. A Samnttl. SB., i. 8 ......... .... """ . JugenbsSibL, sb. 41 ............ .. ......... . -9. Cliirfsftrrn, ?er. Jvrau v \ ^fonnenfimttt (,MIUC iiuroiD) ........................... rjg . &lt;&gt; lii(fvMUfrt)fcl. 3. .wffinanii. Jn (Srj!] " ; -~ ....................................... ; ,^9- Wliitfi?mrrtiifi. 3. vurfner. ^n -Jiierth Au= amb.-Htbl., D. 43 .......... . ...... r,n. Wlliilfllbf pfennig, Ser. (3. Jiicril; \n 3ugenb=aib[., 2tt&gt;. 29 ............... ... -9. (V OOolvftin. d. . e. i . 8utier2tton! :{ ift&gt;e. in 1 ............................ r o . xx ?Saaijow. "sSBbe."!! iM Don. Subet auc&gt; ciiiciu MinbecCeben. t eipj. (f. 59: G^ytfttan 38oblgemutb. I eipj. 1858. i ebrer unb Sangev. i. eip;. (f. b.) it&gt;. An -JJieri^ Augenb.-3Hbl., &gt;. 44 . 59 : JUSmje, SHe. Veipj. (f. b.) 16. A;n m? "; ( . bC - ^" 3(i " & 0genb--3JibV. , W. :i4 f-a. &lt;(ir&lt;|cl) in lirag. 3(. Uieijsner. A.II (5ba= rattermaSfen, 3)b. 3 ... gg. tbr, SobannSJkXfgang won (gcb. mit^ 1 H32 ). !tu mctncm 1 cbcn : 2)id)tung unb &cit. A.n 38. Stuttg. u. lub. * &lt;b - -1 y; ib 9 Ibe 3n ffls " Murj * e 3tug " i 38 ., -iia ri| : . V(ui g .i 38., Stuttg. ^b. 11 12 utcn 38eibcr, Tie. A.n 38., S Jiibing. - (u-Sg., i)b.3 . . "" - ( ; 56 : ;,i; : Stuttg. u. Jiib. i tnsg., 3)b 3 .. r.c . Taffelbe. An 38., Murs fdjc u8g., &lt; f b. H ,. oil 38., Stuttg. 3(ug., 56: 10. 56 : 59: 58: Wortlic, ^o^iann fljclfgana. Aortfc(jung, nntcc[;a[tiiiuKit bcutidief SfuSgchJ ., atuttg. u. 2iib. 2057 40 1618 926 948 927 2590 2716 1080 242 2591 ttn. 31b. 3. W. abl 6tuttg. u. lut. SluSa., .n 38,, Mui-j i die Slusg., n ffl!," " " 56: " / -/; . k ; n 3 28., i arif. 3(u6g., *b. o. "j6 : SBJetfta: * Se|rjbr. ^n 38 . u. liib. SdiSfl., b. 3_ r )( j. 7. lidJ 8 !). .. tuttg. 56: ....... :,(i; :l-K eifter 3 Janberjab. re. ^n 38 Stuttg. u. Jub. iKusg., 3&lt;b. 3 . r,(; : Taffelbe. An ii! . &gt;&gt; "- or..= . fflb. 8... U). .. .. at!., JU,rj ff&e ug", 38., gtuttg. 3n at*., ^arif. x lnsg., b. 3. 56 : = unb x "&gt;unaUna5^cit i? .. -q . J. Sdimtbt..! "!-, " * SdimiM 2280 hotter imb S&gt;elbcn. Wolb! g. etftader. 2593 Wolb unb .Hot)le. ffi. SS. Kunbt, (8 o u i f e i&gt;Ji ii b I b a dj). Jn Siowcllenbilber .j .-,;., weu&lt;3 3&lt;ilberbud), 316. 2 r, (0lb uiib Jiame. . ctm-t Singer. 35. 3. 38. Ccrtcl (38. " o n io o r n). An Corn s (Srj., b. 13. 58 : 358 387 372 358 385 365 851 358 386 3.58 387 ,3&lt;i6 352 2717 2718 933-3 2548 2223 1-3 2581 2594 2581 2584 2317 359 388 352 367 358 387 366 358 in 1 -n . 729 713 913 1802 1309 1031 1903 1924 1731 1204 2573 429 1961 355 2640 2270 2291 s/m (olbbnm, Tie. 3. (Serftacfer. An 3Mau SBaffet -o. Wolbrlff. (S. &gt;f;it. (CS. DC a r I i 1 1 ). V.u . Wolbriic .i-erj, Tag. 3. T. 6 . a; c mme . 2 3&lt;Bc. in 1 . -9 . frolbfiir Ma.Jfe, Tie. 3t. turn Sternbera o Ml. Ttomanen u. (Sn , 3&lt;b 2 r.n - Wolbciir Spiegel, Ter. g. lie. 38iclaiib x sit icaniintl. 38., 3lb 7 8 r (-- Wfllbtnc Jopf, Ter. 6. X. . feoffntann. * on inuegttv. ISrj. 3)6 -o . Wolbfifrt)ldn i&lt; :Homan: (DJardwt) TO 0) Sap(;ir. An StuJgeb. 3JL, iib. lo . rjg : Wolblnnb, Tag. (Sonfcience Wolbmnrticrborf, TasS. fo. ^fcboffc. An Wff. SdH ., 3)e. Iti rij Wolbfrtjmicb uon ilugaburg, Ter. { . 9icui [tab. o ilmtftnoiiellen rjq . Wolbifftmirb Don Stuttgart, Ter. V liidi- ler. An CiT,)., *b. 1 r,n . Wolbfurt/cr, Ter. 3. iooffmann. J n erj., 4)b. 11 fn . Wolbfutftcr, Tie. . edjmib. An ffinl ftujcn r n (Viott lenft. 3- Jboffmann. An ISn 3)6 -J2 VI Wott unb leufel. 31. (T.) Z&gt;umo. 2 3)be " in 1. ueberj. sn ..Conscience rinno- "!""" ..so. 2842 1 KO.SK FICTIOX: GKRMAX. SptfeSljfiuSdjett. 34 riifin tin C ayla. 3ttc3f)fiiicfdicit, as, unb fcine iter. }&gt;. ft. 315. Certcl (1U. O. B o n from), on front s (Jrj., ;yb. 1 58 : 6Jattfric&, bcr junge (Sinftebler. (. BPH djmi& :. 59: $ottlinrb unb fcin Siofj. ft. Srenffyafm. on Merit) ^ngenb^ibl., iBb. 30...... ..... 59: Albert flttliilf, ber freimatfilpfe. ft. frenning. Jn SBanberungen burcb. b. cbiet b. Oefdj . . . 58: Wottucrtrnitcit, tin. 3. 3\ fr. lemme... 59 : (Jioiiocntnittc, Tie. ft. frpffntann. on (Jr?., 4(b.2ii 59 : Wrnt) an bcr .UirdUjpfSinancr, (Jin. ftran ;J. ^fanncnfdimibt (gillie Slur OIB). ^n 4Ulber aus bent Veben 59: fi, (Sraf Stanislaus, unb 31eu=ftrantreid): 3!oman aus ben Mamvfon bcr ftran ,pfen in 3iprb= 3(frifa. Sicrl. (f. b.) 2 bc. in 1. 1(&gt;. 58 : 2(uf ben iBrcttern ber grpfecn 2Belt. Spctcnl;cim bei ftranff. a. 3){. 1863. 16 58: SluS bem Cffijierlcbcn. i&lt;erl. 18(i3. 16. 58 : 3 n ba It: Ser2lbjutant obnc ^Sieib. 5Botf= ftveierofiigeu. Str mops. Slus bem Soblatcnlebeit in freimatl; unb grembe. *erl. (f. b.) 16 58: 3 nl) a It: Gin Xaij au bcm i cben eincS bem Xraii jpovtfcbiffe. Gin ScutiiijeSiagcr in .Ufien. 3lus ben Jagcn bcr Commune : SioBelle. Sierl. 1873. 16 58: SluS bcr Oarnifon unb tin ftelbe: SMili* tart?d&gt;e frumprcsfcn. i. etu. (f. b.) 4 Sibe. in 2. 16 58 : 3ubalt: i9b. 1: JSauaUerie in bci ^ Cnfion. Set Gvbpvinj. SBb. 2: Sic Wcljeimniffe pon ^&gt;ofemiicfe[. SBb. 3: Sici2lbcnfac aus bcm t fbcn ctneS Gin* ja biiflen. 3)ie bciben Xragoner. (Sine SBb. 4: Sic falfibc Ciriifin. Sot ^3c&gt;ri8. 2(us SEBclt unbfrauS. VeiBj. 18(i9. 233be. tnl. 16...". 58: 311 bait: *b. 1: IJijrnmuS unb Iljiobe. Zie f [cine .Honiflin. Ser coljn bcr Steppe. 3un itcr .ftiaffe. SBb. 2: ^ini&cr mib djipefter. Sic 2(ntipo = ben. Ginc militarise execution. SSHe 6cn s 4Jetcr oon -Jllclborf. S3ilfeer aus bem otbatenteben. frann. 1861. 16 . 58: 3n bait: Gin Gramcn=2lbenteuer. SaS OTaiiocuure bei SiofcnbuMi. Gin al= . . Sfuft iicfie ffliifte. I Subliciie Diiavtiere. 2Iu3 bem .ftartoffelfviefje. Gine U nbre Sdicftiotc auf. bem Sicbcn 3cbricft 2Bill)elm III., ilb nig pon ^rcufjen. Clement : Joiftorifdjer Sloman. Serf. (f. b.) 2 Sbe. in 1. 16 ................. 58: Gructfij, ZaZ: 3(oman. SJerl. (f. b.) 241be.ini. 16 .......................... 58: Sieferteur, Xer: Siouclle. cr[. 1863. 16 ............................................ 58: Srei bumortfttfd^e (rrjiil)Iunnen auS bem gjitlitarleben. i eip. 1865. 16 ....... 58: 3 n It alt: Gin gqlucfternbcnb im Cfnjiers (Safino. Gine Gntfubrung5gejd)itb.te. trumclpetci:. migranten, te: .^iftorifdjc SioBede. $rafl, 1859. 1(5 ......................... 58: Ga, bie Jodjter be DuofetS : S&gt;iftori= fdjer 3lotnan au bent gegcnivarttgeit itriege in "Jiorb^Slmertfrt. Sicrl. (f. 6.) 24 ............................................ 58: 2845 531 2580 1461 1302 2285 30 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067-8 1069 1117 1070 1071 1072 1074 1073 1077 i, Wraf Stanislaus. ft ftauorite, !?ie. SJerl. (f. b.) 2 -Mbe. in 1. 1H ...................................... 58: efamtnt(te SJoBeUtn unb rjS^Iungen. i- eitt. 1865, 2 ilbe., tl. 8 ..... ..... ..... 58 : 3 n tj a It: slib I: 21m otranbe. Sic uer= tjangnipuolle :UoH . ibliiincn our Wia= bent. SaJ *Hiabd)L v n you ^clgolanc. 2ln ber Oiriin^c. SBb. 2: Zie Soft uon ffubeiba. Slrel fm fen. Mcutcrci au Sorb. Sa3 aime fVrautcin. Sa5 ^ufnrenpfevb ( !)inn Wrnucbcn). i mftlinge, Z\t. Siftcrifdjcr Slwitnn. "Herl. (f. b.) 2 bel in 1. ](&gt; ............ 58 : ipauy !oo.licnji&gt;llern : ftefivbeUtn .v^pbctt; friebbcrg SSntggrafe eban ; ."piftw. :)iwnan. 4-lerl. (f. b.) 5 iite. fl.8 .......................................... 58: crr ^nbiens, Scr. iBert. (f. b.) 2 bc. tnl. 16 ................................... 58: on Km(b unb Sdiloji: 31ol&gt;elle. X eiBj. 1858. 2 Hoe. in 1. 16 .................. 58 : 1078 1QGO-1 man. .vxinn. I8(i0. 2 ^K\ in l. fl. 8. 58 Sungfrau Don CricanS, Sic. SJtvl. (f. b.) 4 -i^be. in 2. 8 ............................. 58 ilatlidjen Bon .vxtibrwui, XasS. Sicrl. (f.b.) 3be. -f(. 8 .............................. 58 ilonig^, SeS, unb ber jionigin Sotbat. X etpj. 1870. 3 iibe. 16 .................. 58 fitoncuub .Herf er. 4lerl. (f. b.) 16 ...... 58 X cibeitt diaftlidje .j . oerj, (Jin. SJettoj. 2 Sibe. in 1. 16 ...... : ............................ 58: SHanncla, bicJoditer b&gt; ictator : (Jin iWb and ber Slpfa fdien 2djrccten= toertobe. SJerl. (f.b.) 24 .................. 58 3)icalliancen. *ctl. (f. b.) 3 SBbe. t(. 8- 58 ffliobcrne ,t&gt;cilige, (Sine: Grtmina[=e= fd)id)te. Serf, 1867. 16 ................. 58: Jiadj bVm Mriege : ftortfe^ung von ,,Un= ter ^Smijjcn S fta^nen." S5er(. 1867. 4be. in 2. tl. 8 ........................ 58: 3Jeue SBtlber au bent olbatenleben. Serl. (f. b.) 24 .......................... 58: 3 u Ij a It: Grfte iicbe. Aafetnenbcanb. Unvuljinc ^Jcttcn. Siene milttavifdje Sumoreslen. Ikvl. (f. b.) 2 SJbe. in 1. 16 .......................... 58: 3nb.a It: SBO. 1: Sa Sicbljabcvtlicatcr. Sic fcbiine Stuinc. syb. 2: Gin mobcrncr Otfiello. Gin alter ga^nridi. (Sine Glje aitf 4)cfel)I. 3JeguIatpren Bpn San ftranctScp, Sie. iBerl. (f. b.) 16 SnSonaRontebeBo bt&gt;5 Solfettno .............................. 58 : Sipfe BPII "JSuebla, 3)ie. 9&lt;er(. 1865. 16. 58: @anta=3lnna : loiftor. Sioman auS bcm SJitrgcrfrieiic in Wejtco. ikrl. (f. b.) 24 58 : diati bc-3 3Ud)lnniften. 3(ad) bem (Vran= jpfifdjcn. Bert. 1867. 6 Sibe. in 3. 16 ............................................ 58: dueling bc KaifcrS, Xev. SJcd. 1870. 3 ^be. 16 ................................. 58: llnter s ^reuBcn fta&nen. SBerl. 1867. 4 iBbe. in 2. 8. (gortfe^ung : Stedj bem Mriege) ................................. 58: UB cinig ungebeelt. SBcrl. (f. b.) 4 SBbe. in 2. It. 8 ................................. 58: Senbetta, Sic. iBerl. (f. b.) 16. 3n Mrpne unb iterter ........................... 58 : Son SJientebcUp MS olfcrino. SBert. (f.b.) 16 ............................. , ..... 58: Ciriibcr in ber teBBe, Sic. . !oll= baufcn. 3n ^palmblatter unb Sdjitcc: ftocteu. b. 2 .................................. 58: Wriifin ilu Cayhi, te. (. S J){. 9Jlnnbt. (S o u i f e 3R ii 1} I b a di). o" &ft- ^^a= rafterbtlber. Sib. 3 .......................... 58: 1079 1081-5 1080 1086 1087 1088-9 1090-2 1093-5 1096 1075 1097 1098-100 1076 1101-2 1115 1116 H14 1103 1118 1104-6 1109-11 1112 1107-8 1096 1114 2391 2515 PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. (Mrciftn StiTiictta. -35- (Kriiftit i mtrctta. g. jf. JsMlb. 3 Scbcn3 bilbcr: 3ugcnb= unb tBcltSbibt 59: 2418 (Kraft n Waria. g. vcivatb. on finite 4MI= bcr. SBb. 1 58: 2136 (KrSrut unb llJarjuifc. 0. wn Stntenfee, (fta6 pom See.) 4 SSbe, (gort&lt; fegung: Cft unb l&ft) .--59: 1208-11 (Krhfin wn Gbcirmt, Xie. 3t. (X.) Xma3. &lt;)4&lt;t&gt;e. 3" Xentioiirbiqfeitcn eincsStrjtei, iHbtii.4 .... 58: 5C1-6 {Krh nit wn 4&gt;, ; artcnbcrg, Xie. G. 9)f. Dhmbt, U o u i i c i J it fa, 1 4 a d&gt;). o" tHftrr. SWberbud). 3jt&gt;. 2 58: 2512 (Krai Auget &lt;!&lt; Montyon. ^. .gom. C= tel. (SB. D. con 4?orn). S n Swrn S Gr,. SBb. 15 58: 2844 iKrni Gllcrn. grciftcrrG. Wen 4)ibra. 3 4Vbe. 58 : 158-60 on 3iierifc ottgenb SiW., 4**. 30 59: 2580 (Krai Swbity StoSwcribe. G. Si. itiunbt. ( i. -p u i f t aii ii b, I b a d).) 3" Sbifror. 41il= berbud), 4&lt;b. 1 58: 2511 (Krni &gt;avbint. g. veimttb. 3" 9(. 9fr&gt;= mam-, 41b. 3 58: 2110 (Krni Ditrabcau. Ii}. Diwibt. 4 *bc. in 1. 58 : 2692 raf S-arjebo. G. l&gt;i. iihmbt. u ouife aji ii b, J b a d).^ 3 n sift. HHberbtteb. , 4ib.2. 58 : 2512 (Krni unb 4larenjiib,rcr. g. .wffmamt. 3 i Gr;. SJb. 24 59: 2283 Oirni BCU Senjowetn. G. a)i. aiiunbt. (i. o u i f e 35i ii 1; 1 b a d)). 4 "Bbc. in &lt;!- 58 : 2504-5 (Krni wn ikegctonnc, oberjeTin oal;rc nadj= b,er. 31. (X.) XumaS. 7 4&lt;be. in 4. Xie brei Siuc-fctierc, i lbtfi. 3 - 58: 567-70 (Krni t on : JuMitcGbriftc, Xcr. 3t.(X-) Xu= urns. 6 -Wte. in 3 58: 571-3 (Krai wn Jamienfce, Xer. G. SCittlontm. OH 3" 4V?nn unb Dauber :c., 4ib. 1 59 : 1672 Wrnirii -Bavfufj, Xie. 3(. G. KrachucgeL 4*be. in 2 58: 250-1 (Krnicn ^eimiadn inrKalbc, XeS. G. ; 45clt. on 3lu-j beni ,/ll iti!tcriiri)itCM iUid)e" : 3i. . U lH-Ken, 4&lt;b. 9 . 59: 84 Wrairnfroiir, Ganc. Jj.Ctto. 33c. m 1.. 58: 2941 (Krniiitroloiinc wn SRarengc, XW. g, etoUe. 4*bc. in 2 59: 111C-7 (Kr/i-.inita. 3- Wroffc. 3n Cffcnc aCimben, *b. 1 58: 1156 Wrriij, Xcr. ft&gt;. Sdimib. on 3Utc nub ncitc (&gt;5efd;. &lt;ntS Jtatierii, *b. 1 59: 500 (Krc iijicuc, Xie. 31. G. $racbt&gt;ogel. 3" 91- s Jioi dlen, *b. 1 58: 220 (Krnmoflrtitcr, Xcr. ^. g. Sl&lt;. Dertcl. ("ffi. C. D n o r n). 3" fiorn 3 Gtj. 4*b. 12 58: 2856 Wrilltlll, xxrntaim, (^eb. 1828). Unilberiuinbttdje 2Mcidite. SBerL 1870, 2 ^bc., H. 8..... 58: 1130-1 (Krinini,o iicp b i. ubtoig (gcb. 1785, { 1863) mb H!iU;cim J?arl (aeb. 1786, f 1859). j?inbcr= unb . oauomardjcn. Deri. 1873, ft. 8 59: 2160 XiKlbc. 16 59: 2161 (rimniiitn=ofiflfrinRC. G. Spinblcr. 3" Vefercicii, i&lt;b. 2 59: 927 (Hriicttr, G&lt;KC. g. i cipalb. 3" Xiinetu unb -IVriigcfd)., 41b. 2 58: 2115 (Kriicttr unb vcrctte unb bic ncuc Wonera ticu. Jh. lihinbt. 3" "JSarifft Jtaifer-- Sfien, W. 1 58: 2695 (Krdnln nbitrfic ?r^efe. 3- % S- Sliditer, ^ ^ c an Jtaul). o" Sa mmt l. J5L, ikrl. SluSg., ~Hb. 9 56: 1154 Xaiiclbf. 3 Sammtl. SB., ^ariicr g., ^b. 1 56: 1168 58: in 2 (Kroiff, oli&gt;&lt;3, (flfb- 1828). Xapontc unb SRojart. ocua, 1874. 3 be. 16 58 : (3cgen bv-n Strom. Sraunfdjtt. 1871. 3 Mbe., ft. so 58 : SDiaria SJJancini. etuttg. 1871. 2 be., ft. 8 58: 9Jcue Stbalarb, Xcr. Jrei^. 1871. 16... 58: Difene SJunben. iieip. 1873, 3 23bc. 16 58: ^ufjatt. 5Ito. 1: Wra^wna. ^b. 2: Xie neue .t*Q^ar. iBt. 3: Sibrbecv unb SRpttC. etabtengct, Xer: Gin biirgcrlidu-r man. Stuttg. 1874. 8 (Krofif 3lntla* 311 ANundicn, Xer. G. let. o :Ho}etten, 4%. 2 . 59 (Krof;c Xamc, Gine. 4nw XcwalL 2 4&lt;bc. 58 WroficMouifl unb fein 3(cfrut, Xer. g. Ctto. 2 4&lt;be. in 1 59 (Kropr Murii trft unb feine ^eit, Xer. G. ! !. Hhinbt. (V o u i f e 3JJ it b, I b a dj.) ^ n !) n 1 1: 9lbtlj. ^ : Xer i untie .ftuifiirft 58: abtli. 2: Wrojc fiurfilift, Xcr, imb fcin 3!o!f. 4be. in 2 58: Slbtb,. 3: Wiofif JKiitfiirft, Jev, unb fcinc Jiin = ber. 43}be. in 2 58: (Krotlc "008, Xa3. g. offmann. 4^*. 16 (Krofif Hnbcfannte, X&lt;r. G. &lt; X V langcr, je liebcr, 4&lt;b. 3..... 5!) : (Kropaartiicr, Xcr, 31. auilbenbabn. 3n Wej. S*r., b. 13 - 59: (Kroiimiitttr, Xie. . Gonf&lt;:icn. 3n x UH-nbftiuiben, 4&lt;b. 2 58: (Kroiiinitttrr im fircifc il;rer Gnfet, Xtc. g. .Hoffmann 59 : (Krofioiifcl, Xer. 3- Snrfdnnami 59 : (KtDfiUatfl t! GrjdlHungen, XeS. 3- ^rauit. 59 : Gui &lt;le Saint-Flo 59: Lincoln, etuttg. 1868. 16. ougenb; tuib SBolKbtM 59: r JUpeniiielt ber Sdiivcij. etuttg. isiiii. 16. 3" jugenb= unb SJolte= bibt. . 59 : SSicfc in^ Scclenleben ber Jijicrc. Stuttg. 18(&gt;6. 10. 3^ 3^gcub= u. 4^olf^ MM 59: Sencral Giu-ifenau. etuttg. 1867. 16. on ougcnb: unb 4UHfebibI 59 : Sdiarnfyoift ij i;eben unb 4iUrfen. tuttg. 1867. 16. 3n 3ugcnb-- u. olf&lt;3= Mbl - 59: JBclfdje ^Jadjbar, Xer. Stuttg. 1871. 16. 3" 3ugenb= u. I otebi bt. 59 : Wriiitbiniti von s JJJart;[anb, Xie. ft). ,3fdjoffe. 3n Wcf. Sdir., 4ib. 6 56: (Kriinc 4ianb, Xa. i. . Jiecf. 3n Sdjr., b. 8 :&gt;6: (Kriinc ^elj, Xet. $. Waten. 4 4ibe. in 2. 58 : (Kriinc Sdtnurtbatt, Xcr- 31. Wn 31Hv.ter= fclb. 3" wumor. Solbatcn -- JioDellcH, 4Jb. 3 -59: (Kriiitc turban, Xer. G. ilUllfomm. 3 3m Daitn unb 3aubcr JC., 4&lt;b. 2 59 : fKiitfittfiilir, Xie. &. 3iieri(5. 3" 39&lt; &gt;- 4Ubl., sb. 2 59: (Kjbrun. g. edjmibt 59: (Kiiiifiliitor, Xie. (Staf St. (iSraboifi. 2 i^be. hi 1 58: (Kiiiitbcr fen Sd)iuar;,burg. i . Sdjiicfing. 24&lt;bc. in 1 59: Gui ill- Sjiint-Flcmr. ty. g. iC. Ccrtet. OB. D. on orn.) 3u Corn s Grj., 4ft. 10 58: 1722-3 1160-2 1150-2 1153-4 1155 H5G-8 1159 938 510-11 2623 2517 2508-9 2506-7 2275 917 1605 422 2307 2253 2048 2406 2407 2407 2405 2405 2406 1954 1607 848-9 1738 1672 2552 2719 1079 655 2854 ;~ 1 KUSE FICTION: GEKMAX. r DtdfetT. JjnrfWnber. u(liDrt ei fficifen in ttnbefannte nnber, Bon 3. Sivift. gr bie 3ugtb bearbcttei Don y. iooffmamt ............................ .. 59 : 2308 ffiitmjici t, Jfyefla Ben, St. (eraug.) SDerjblattdten S RettBertwift. (Slogan, ([. b.) 17 *be. ft. 4 ................... ..... 59: 2170-86 2Sd)tr=2abum. GHogau. (f. b.) 19 S3be. 8 ......................... ....... ................ 59:2195-213 initu\l)crg, Warts. Xeutfdje tm Cften, Gme. fefafte. 1872. 16. 3n Sugenb; iinb SletfSbibt. ...... 59: 2416 Omfctf, Scrub son. 2(u3 eigner Kraft, ^rag 1858. 2 SBic. tnl. 16 .............. . .................... 58: 1175 3&gt;eutf&lt;Ianb Gb.rc. SdSj. 1864. 3 S3be. hi 2. 16 .................................... 58: 1176-7 Xaffelbe. 3 Sbe ................ ...... ....... 58: 1181-3 Grfte Siattb aftXeutfdjlaitb, Xer. SeiBs.. 1862. 4 me. in 2. 16 ................ 58: 1184-5 Siranbola. i eiBj. 1860. 4 8be. in 2. 16 ............ , ............ .... ............ 5 ; 1186-7 3" 6 alt:. Sb. 1: Bet Dbalbattfv. b. 2; SefffBmgin. ftrid&gt;e Srfiat. SJb. 3: 3Tie Scritidjung. Sin fiarfeS fieri, SBb. 4: Sie SBriibev oon SlKgunk. tanb beS ftremben, ie. i ei&j. 1857. 283be. 16 ................................. 58: 3m fcerjen on eutttlanb. erl. (f. b.) 2SHbe, inl. 16 ........................... 58: 3m etrou: ber 3t. $rag I860. 4 &lt;8be. in 2. 16 .................................... 58: 3)tobame be Skanbebsntrg. SSien 1863. 2iBbe.ini. 16 ............. ......... ....... 58: Hitter bem tamtmftabe. ijjarm. 1865. 3i8be. 16 ................... . ................ 58: ttftott Sinbons. G. S- Garten. 58 : Wnitttlt SBafa. Orciftn ^. Bon 9itiMsne. 2 Si&e. in 1 ............................... . ...... 59: . ut unit Siofe. g-. Soffimtnn, 3n Grj., 3}b.5. 59 : ttl SSott finbet gute Stair. %, ficffwonn. 3n Grj., b. 25 .............................. 59: lite a-ttc 3eit, Sie. G..ib fer. 3S8be. m 2.. 58 : gnfjatt: SBb. 1: Slnno bajumal. 931s. 2: SBJeiti altcS Senftet. St Jyreiijof. SBb. 3: 2?ie Jrau con SBoffo|. 1188-9 1190 1192-3 1191 1178-80 383 407 2264 2284 1&74-5 griboitrt ttnb ber bflfe ietri^), Ser, G. Ben Sdjinib ............. .................... te Se, &gt;e*. 3. 3).&gt;. Jemme ............ ntt Jediter, Xie. @. 3iterih. 3n 3anenb= ibl.b. 7 .................. .................... ffiittc SCaare, bie ntd)t in S Wetoidjt fattl, Gine. 05. -. Bon Scljubert. 3tt Grj. S 59: 59: Kitten ffietber, 2te. 3. SB. Son oett)e. 3n SB,, tuttg. unb 2ii6. SuSa., SBi. 3. 2&gt;ajfeI6e. 3n 2B. Suvj fi b. 8 ............................ Saffetbe. 3n 3B. tuttg. b. 10 ......... ................................. utfl Siftt^ ift 6ktbc niertfi. ?f. son 3Ra= reeg. 3n 3!iertt( 3ti3enb=iBtbt. S3b. 33 Oitttcr 6|n, Gin. g. ^offmann. 3n Grj., at&gt;. 33 .............. ..... ....................... @ttlc 61-3, Gtw. g. ^offmann. 3n Grj., Sb. 28 ......................... , ................ ittmtitljtBCt 3JJetofiift8, Gin. 21. Bon 3Bm* terfelb. 2 33be. in 1 ........................ iit?foB&gt;, Sad (fleb. 1811). 2lu giud; irirb nimmcr Segen. 3 Sctnt. Scfir., 33b. 3 ..... , .................... SJfofebott) ttTtb ferae @bt)ne. 3n cf. SB., S5b. 78 ......... .................. ..... ......... gourStaubcn, "Z vt. i eifcj. 1864. 24 ...... Haffelbe. 3" 2lie tieine 3!arreniBcIt. b. 1 .................................... ....... Siafoniffin, S3te. grantnirt a. 9JL 1855. 16 ......................... ................... 56: 56 : 56: 56: 59: 59: 59: 59: 56 - 56: 58 : 58: 58 : 535 1310 2557 2796 358 387 366 2583 2292 2287 1717 492 481-2 1220 1229 1221 gortfeuung. vtl; GUrobt. Sena, 1872, 3 33be. in 2. *l. 8. 58: 1223-4 ICofycHJdittiangau : fltoman tmb ekfnrf te, 15361567. X eiBj. 1867. 5 SBbe. in 4. ft. 8 58: 1225-8- gioUanbgang, Xer. Sena (f. b.) 16 58: 1222 Kleitt9Farrentt&gt;lt, Xte. gvanffurt a. 3)i., 1856. 3be. 16,. 58: 1229-31 % nfy a It:. SBb. 1; Die Goitrstanben. Da &gt;etmd)eu ittt Dftre ^er ^U rfsnreintger. 9!adnniiie. Der .Htiopf tm JUtngelbenteL let aBeifcnaditsabfiib. Dei- ^fcffer- SDiatlieS. lie 9!emefi0. isonig Jraii} SSb.2 ; Die Sitln liftcn. ^aviftt Sftsgen: Die- Slnfunft; Xte fiauulienbaute; Gin Sitenb in b?v 6rsi;en Eper ; 5;ie gjtmenioelt, Sb. 3: ffiie torn es, baf; Seufleau feine jiiitber auSje^te. Gin beutfdieS JTicfiterleben. SBJaS fid) ber Slud)Iobnt frjolilt. 2Birrc bev ^ett, 2Btt rcn bc^ Wefrf)tnacE3. Gini= gung in Dlatttr unb Sd)5n[)ett. Itonigin ber 3Jad)t, Xte. 3s "b. 11 56: 483 i ebcnSHlber. ttittg. 1870. 3 t&gt;e. ft. 8 58 : 1232 -4 ^nljalt: Sib.l: Surd) !)(ad)t sum vi*t. SBb, 2: 9louetlen unb tt^,;en: Xa5 Dvfer," 1235 485 1236-44 485 492 1245 SBb. 3: $riife roer fid) eu ig &inbet. Siabdien aits bent Jiolfe. Gin. Scipg,1855, 16 _58: 5prtttj Bon 2)(abagafar, Xer. 3n ef. SB., Sib. 11. 56: Sfttter Bom (Mfte, Xvs. iictSj. 1865. 9 Sibe. 16. , 58; abbucaer Bpn2(mfterbam,Xer. 3nC!t f- "*. 11 56: BL8... .....; 3 11 M ft: S}!efd)iera. Gin sBefud) 6ei iteiius in Worn. Gine SBefteiaung {110. 9(ntife Sttmaxtif. Die enitfle \\u~ bin. Gin lanbltdKS Jeft. -- edjiuerfeft^ forttd). Atornerfeftfyind). ^. effittg unb Gntilia Pialotti. ^ofrat^ ei$mann. ^teinrid) Dieibintjer. Gin ;Befud) in Gop= pet. 3 lli n (Sefanirene. Selbfttaufe, Xte. 3n sf, 98., S3&. 11- 56 : 3n ef. ffi., iHb. 3 56 - 1837. 11.8 58: XK. S3ert. 1870. 3be., ft. 8: 58: W 3-.. . . ? . . . 56: 3BariB8lf, Xer. Sift or. Gvj. SlUen, 1871. 16........ 58: SBeUenbraur, Xte. 3n ef. SB., b. 11... 56 : Qattberer Ban Sitmt, Xer. Sets. 1869. 9Sbe. in 5. 16 -.-58: Qiljnc unb Ganbnute*. 2t. 9J!etjjner. 3n aloseUen, SJb. 2, _... - 58: 485 477 1246 1247-9 492 1250 485 1251-6 2310 SttBeimefftrt. W. S. d;mib 59: 568 .&lt;S(tfflnili)Ct, ^rtebrid) ai.UIt)Clm (geb. 1816). 2tHgenblttf bee liidg, Xer. tuttg. 1860.16. 3nSB., b. 21 58: 1298 SBilber au bm ttotbarenteben im Jirtege, etitttg, 1860. 2 SJbe. in 1. 16. 3n SB., iBbe. 2829. 58: 1303 Xitnffe Stnnbe, Xie. Stuttg. 1866, 5 S&e. in 3. 16. 3tt 2C., Sibe. 44 48 58: 1313-5 PROSE FICTION: GERMAX, -37- Ijjausridjc flbcnbf. r, Jvrkbrirti SOilli. J\ GrleMec&lt;. etuttg! 1860. 2 *bc. in 1. 16. 3n SB., be. 2526 58 : \nliali. *b. : Cin etii imnif, ; :Heife&gt; Sbenteuer; Cin 3cbia"fal; Weffibrlidfe iBlu inenftrdufie; itamilien = Concert. Stb. 2ti: ^reei 9i8d)te; ^m aipomif; lie erfte SBiicbe; ttenebig; Crfte *.UeriamniIunq beut; fdjer bilbenur flfinftler; fcer Club fiir un; beiiuinjte Jvrcibeit. ; Slnoncme Sbriek; 3ei- tnngoartitel in anffteiflentei ^ ! otenj. Ciigen etillfricb. etuttg. 1863. 3 Sbe. in 2. 16. on SB., *be. 1012 58: GiirppiiifdjeS SflaWnteben. etuttg. 1863. 5 S3be. in 2. on SB., *5be. 1620 58 : SvalfdjeS epiel. 11.4 58: Ocbcime Slgent, Xer : Vuftfpiel. etuttg. 1863. 16. Jn SB., Hb. 15 58: OSebeinmij; ber etabt, Xa*. etuttg. 1868. 3 *be. in 1. fl. 8 58 : ejdtiditen im ^irfjad. etuttg. 1871. 4 SJbc. in 2. fl. 8 58 : Xnffolbe. 4S3be 58: fcanbel unb SHanbcl. etuttg. 1863. 16. 3n 315., b. 7 58 : fcmitcr blauen SriUtn. i eiji. (f. b.) 10. 58 : taffelbe. on ecrgenloje etimben ic. ** * 58: yHufrrtrte Sclbaten = WeidMd&gt;ten : Gin oabrbiidi fiir ba&gt;3 Kllitiit unb fcine greunbe. 1853. etuttg. (f. b.) fl. 8.. 58 : 3 n bait: Jr3 Wcncralo Staurort. Cnt wurf iu einfm Solbatens Jtalenler: palmar, llilaub=-."ionat. gctruat, llntcrridit = 1 not. Siiiij, 3ieliunfl-Sionat. aril, Sic. tmten&gt;9)onat. e? iiau-jmcifiev ei S!ap tort lie erfte -ffindje. licnebin I. 9le&gt; S. K. .Oatflanbcr. Srifbritli x illielra Ofmcmann, ober: ,,?ln5*iiinc tefeitirtflet* ner nictit ." ^reufjifdie olbatrii(jc| cl)id)tt rn Wi O .tefetit l. 3olbntcn:i. ie&gt;et tton ^cobor X o me. vanu iuciter^ieb. ^ti&gt; er--l ieb. Bntirbaltu-jeB in ber 51a*t. lUttoctlifilt son C. .ficfer. SBeni-big II, l*on fj. &gt;&. iiactliiiibcr. itleinere Grjatjlungcn unb ^nmcriftifrfie etij^cn. etuttg. 1863. 16. on Si; ., . 58: 3 n bait: SJier Siinijic. .{lerbftoeraniigen. s ji_ur nntiirlicij! Saternenuitgtfitf. Sn Scene fefen. Betgnftgen auf bet i Uob. Stetfenbe Cnjilanber i m Client. Cin - Uioilnii in ben 3i1m&gt;(inrtitt[b. Gine Seife n&lt;ui) iiaris. Cine Migifobrt. flrteg unb ,"\n eben. etnttg. 1866. 2 i*be. in 1. 16. o" SB., SJi be. ;58 39...- 58 : 3nbalt: 5tb. 9s: lie Xame con Mittroi?. Seuermerfer iiortmann. Cin Spetrfifc- jlbonnemeiit ,^u jtcbt. ^ei . iff &lt;S)ra&gt; .{li^e. Cine Mcflrtritubit. Cine 3tbiietftubic. Gin Cifenbatinbilb. 3)b. :*: Cin rrftet unb ein Ie?ter Sail. ffie fcliiditeii einer SSctterflie. er ab(ie riffenc Mnopf unt bus erfteCuartier. 3Bir bus i. id&gt;t au5(ieliifcbt totib. X enbon 1tot. - tic BanbninbMaftliibe 5(nfieUunfl in 9Bien. ^ie j^efte in Mujjlnnb im ^abre itiinnlerromnn. etnttg. 1866. 5 33Se. in 4. fl. 8 58 : ffet SJcmbarbier, Xer. etuttg. 1870. 4-Hbe. in 2. fl. 8 58: Sirirriien. etuttg. 1863. 16. 3n SB., V 13-v - 58: ,s n 1) ii 1 1 : d1)[o|i ^sd)n)eiflern ; Xno ^roer- fleinifft; Slim ber ^rimeffin Btrganc; Has Weficbt im OTonS; 35er Baubtrtruf; at*eibnn0t3marc^cn ; Xer i eijfcbtieiber &gt;ei Siflgnftifdie Surcn: (i uftf).nel.) etuttg. 1863. 16. on SB., 3b. 15 58: Monsieur ilc HI6; (edjerj.) etnttg. . on SB., *b. 27 58: i unb Jemrt. etuttg. 1870. fl. 8. 58 i n Iin It: fie Spuren eineo fllomanS. UH= ter ben pAvfilicbcn ^juaoen. 1301 1291-2 1295-7 1345 1294 1336 1316-17 1318-21 1289 1337 1335 1333 V&gt;nrf lanbf r, Jiamonlofc Ciicfdiictitcn. etuttg. 18ti3. 3 *fe. in 2. li&gt;. on9B., Stt&gt;. 13,.. 58 : 1285-6 9Icuc Ten Cuirrtc, ?cr. etuttg. 18&lt;iO. 5 4&lt;bc. in 3. Hi , o" 3B-, s -y*e.3O-34, 58 : 1304-0 9iciic W&lt;|dji*tc. etuttg. lb 9. II. 8-. 58 : 1329 ^ n Ij a 1 1: er toreabor. Cin Cifenbahn = Slbenteuer. sun tim-fcucr. Seifelnft. Stnllcn : Dioman mit Stanbbetjierungcn. 6tuttg. 1874. 3 SSfce. fl. 8 ............ 58: 1330-3 fSUgttjug iiacli SJctfa, 2~ci - . etuttg. 18(13. 16. on 31 s ., *b. 14 .............. 58 : Sicifc in ben Cvicnt. etuttg. 1863. 2*be. in 1. 16. o" 9B-, t- 89 ........... "18 : SicijrfctiU inbfl. 3)cit ^-alfdicS epicl ...... 58 : SdnilMg: (cdiers.) Stuttg. 18&lt;i3. 16. 58 : Solbatcnlcbcn im Jyvicbcn. etuttg. 1863, 16. on 315., b. 4 ....................... 58: Scrgcnlpjc Stunbfn in I dtcrcn Wcfd idi= ten. Stuttg. 1871. 2 33be. II. 8.... 58 : 3 it bait: b. 1: rie SRomccdii unb Capu letti 1290 1W5 1294 1287 1334-5 SSb.a: ."inter blaucn 3?tiDen. 3(uf einer Wnrtenbanf. iNeifefdjtpinbel. Cine 2Bcttci i tubie. eturmnogcl, 2er. etutfa. 1872. 4 iibc. H. 8 ......................................... Sag unb s JJadit: (Tine Gkfdndite in 24 etunbon. etuttg. 18 /o. id ijbe. in 1. 16. - sn gj} -( 5j 6e- 3536 ............... 58 : logcbudjblatttr. etuttg. 1866. 16 ..-58: ^n t|a It: Uflier ben St. (Sottliai-6; SPciubi^; t ario im Winter 1851; Ungarn im Aabrc 1H.S7. ZannSfiufrr, Jer. etuttg. 1806. 16. ?n 4B., b. 37 ............................. 58 : Unteu im Sjaufe: (4. u{tf()ie[.) etuttg, IsiiO. ]H. on SB., JBk. 27 .............. 58: Una-b,cirntcte 6(;eleute. etuttg. 1806. 10. on Si!., S3b. 43 ....................... 58 : a!n-lprcm-eplin,Jcr. (uftfj)iel.) etuttg. 1866. 16. o 335., b. 43 ............ 58 : 3.!sm S&gt;aibcban8. etuttg. 1805. fl. 8. 58 : 3n b a It: lao Soot ber JiSittroe. ler !H au biii t. .rtnoopcnftubie. 1 on boner 2lusftel= 8: 1338-41 1307 1310 1308 1302 1312! 1312 1342: 1309 1322-5 1326-7 1293 1291 1302 1328 SBfldnftubennbcnteucr. etuttg. 1863, 2 be., 16. o SL5., SJbe. 45 58 : 5Bdjfcl beg i. eben, Xer, etuttg, 1366, 2 be in 1, 16. o" SS-, be.41 2. 58 : SBinter in epanten, Gin. etuttg, 1860. 3 S3be in 2, 16. on 3B., iBbe.22 24. 58 : 1 3r iHuije fe^en. (iruftfviel.) etuttg, 1860, 16. on SB., SJb. 27 58 : ,3r SBeltausftellnnq DenirtS cilt I fl. 4. 58 : 3blf ^ettel. etuttg. 1868. 2 Sbc., a. 8 ^8 1287-8 1311 299-300 1302 1346 1343-4 146O 179 136 1367 1364 1361 1362-5 1365 230t $nro, ber eb;n be* OSeaditeten. g. cn= niug. on ;Hnnbfrtiau ~. 58 Snrmclftticit ftinbcr, Xie. SB. Siaabe, (onob orinu^.) onXer3(cgen: bogen, Sib 1 59 - Siitiim, Sviilfeclm, (Siiilibalb Sllejis.) (geb . 1798, f 1871.) Xoretfie. *erl. 1866. 3 33be. in 1, 16, 58 : galfdie Solbemnr, Xer. S3evl. 1863. 3 *be. in 1, 16 58 ioefcn bS .^ervn tuni S3rebel, Xie. SBcrl. 1868. 2 S3be in 1 16.. 58 Stclanb bon Berlin, Xer. SJerl. 1861. 3 *be. in 1, 16 ,., 58 5&gt;!ub,c ift bit erfte Surger^flidjt. 33erf. 1861. 5 Jibe in 2 l(i 58 Sliaduolf, Xer. SJcil. 1863. 2 i^be. in in, , r &gt;8 pflutflirtif v .Hbfnbe ^v s^oifinann, . 59 ,\ n t) a It: ^ihcbte ttMt, tbue recbt unb fdieue aiiemanb. Ten Wereebten roirb Wutei oer jolten. Jiifd) gemagt, ift bulb acrconncn. 1 KOSE FICTION: GKKMAN. -38- fn, Grnft Shtguft (get. 1797). unltlergefditdjten, mitgctl;dlt on 91. agen. eitoj. 1861 unb 1840. 45Bbe. 16 ............................................ gn&nlt: 33b. 12: tie e^ronil feiner S8a= tetftobt jvloteirjooii voreiij CSMberti. 2&gt;iibe. SSb. 3: Die SBunbei bcr f). tfatijcmiia con ieno ................................... lit. 4: Eeonbarb da Vinci in SKattanb ...... (iflcriii&lt;lew, SJOBcIIen unb Gvj. fitr tie = )Bcd)iene iBeibl. Jugenb. 3!. Hod; ......... fmflcftalj, Set. *p. g. ail Cectel. (38. D. o n & o r n). 3n Corn s Gt;.., SBb. 6... iftajeftBlje. D. ffiilbermutfc. 3n SBtlbcr u. Wefd). aug SdjiBabeii, Sib. a ....... . ....... , Saul. 58 . 1391-4 58: 1391-2 5$ : 1393 58: J394 59: 2441 58 2850 59: 1631 SSater, Set. Stuttg.1807. 16. 59 : 2230 $aibd&gt;litmEtt. 3- 2 iebte ..................... 59: 2830 31160 It: MiUaSien S Scf&gt;rjnl&gt;rc. Die xBeibenmiiljIe. Sie Jioljaiiiii.snadit. :ra3 t(K Jbaus. Das SDSalb&auS. ra- meiinenS Gvjfifjtiuij). -5aibcvriii5tfi)tn, Sag. G. Selm. (G. SWarlttt). 2 be ............................... 5,S : 1803-4 SaiberflSdjen uitb bic ^afdjcr. G. 3afttoi. 5B : 2991 txitbridjulc, Sie. . 3iiew&lt;}. 3n Sugenb; *iW., SBb. 3 ................. : .................. 59; 2553 ;pnlliini)iO!ia-, SetvSS. 3Jio!H&gt;aufcn. 4 SBt*. in 2 .............................................. 58: 2382-3 ri, See. 9(. eilberftciii ................. 59: 800 bet .ftimigin, Sag. 2(. (2.) Su.-- mag. 3Sbe. 3" Senfwitrbtgfeiten ciueS 3lrjte, 2lbtb. 2 ................ .... ............. -SaltaiiJ, Grnft. ~ inntge a^[ungen. etultg.1867. 16, Samlet. - (. (S. Srac^soget. 3 !b ........ ... unb Slmbug. g. epiclt;ngeu. bc gremben, Sie. 93. Bon Quferf. 2 be ............................................ 58: 574-6 59: 2235 58: 252-4 59: 863-4 58 : 1188-9 beicrm, X te. Gi;. iMrd)=^fciffei-... 5 : 182 SttttbeJ unb SBanbri. S. 28. Sincflaiiber ..... 58 : 1289 0nitbrK-&an&gt;5 in ben Sweeten, Gin, G. 5, (Sarlen. 3 iBbc ............. ................... ,. 58: 371-3 Jwiiblucrf f;at einen gclbenen 93oben. X. Stcber. 3n Grj., 93b. (i ......... ............ 59: 1092 $ ft n Bit) erf (;at golbeun ^obcn. g. off= tnann. 3 JlaIenber=Wefc^ ........... ....... 58: 1735 fwintcnincfcl unb feme d))iiefter, et. 31. SBcctev. 3n 3!ofen ........ . ............ 58: 112 SSflit* Skrner unb feine eoi;ne. 31. 93i^m. (geremiaS v 1 1 f;clf). 3n Sets edjr., S8b. 10 ................................. 58: 1040 nit-3 Gontab Gfrfjer uon bet i lntf). s ]5. g. SU. Cerlel. (20. D. onorn). 3n iborn 3 Gr&gt;., $3b. 9 ........... ............... , 58: 2838 i* ampf in alien Gkiffen. S. Sfdjoffe. n ef. @d)i-., 93b. 10 ...... .. ............. 56 : W56 Ggebe bet r6n(anbfaJ(jrer. . 3(k= tit 3n 3ugenbS9iH., S3i. 19 ......... ..... 59: 2569 Snitei eifing8 &gt;yelfen. S(&gt;. jiorner. Jn " 2ammtl. Jt ., 93b. 4 ....................... ... 56: 732 pan;; 3fob unb 5&gt;eiti, cbet bie beiben Set beniueber. 2L SBt|iMS. (3ermt&lt;t o 1 1 fy e If). 3n cf. edjr., 93b. 17 ...... 58 : 1047 0113 3 ll 39 E i/ few Grbtieitet, nnb Sbarjec JpanS, ait* cin Grbuctter. 21. S3i&lt;)iu^. &lt;3eremia @ott Ijeif). 3 ef. d;t., 33b. 12 ................................ 58: 1042 $nn* ^osanfcf). &lt;5)taf 2(. SBaubiffin. 2 fflbe. in 1. 3n Gb^rifttan VII. unb fein ioof, 3Ibtb,. 3 .................................... ....-58: 106 -t OHv 1 JUiffelmann, bet tt tfcv Sdniitbei^. 31. Skcfcr. gnSRewttew ............... ...... 58: 112 Eanf unb (33tet. g. @^%iaen ............. 59 : 862 -finnfd toon Sietfutt. . .^i. son Scfjubert. 3n Grj. Scbt., S3b. 2 ......................... 56 : 2795 .^arfc, Sie. Sty. Sb tnet. 3n eiimmtl. 20., SBb. 4 56: ^armoniiKf. &gt;. , 3f&lt;$offe. 3n ef. 2du-., b. i 56: 0ntBlb, bet letite eodjfenHnig. G. . G, X . SBultoer=i B,ttou. 5 95be.inl 58: onrolb tf le^tc Jafytt. 9X. G. 33radjBogel. 3n siftot. 3ioBel(cn, Sflb. 3 58 : art geftrctft. G. ofet. 3n i^anb unb 2ee, sUb. 2 58 : cmmmni, 3Jiori(s (geb. 1821). X e(jtcn Inge eineg itijnigd, Sie. Stuttg, 1867. ft. 8 58 : w$l)ilber unb xiatjfagen. 2. 3iellflab, 3 n 2agen u. torn. Grj ~ 59: .J&gt;nnrcifc, Sie. . attiicfe. 3n 3Ueri &lt;&gt;.n^,s.^w;(&gt;r ?us ar; r.o 93b. 36 .nfc metneS (SrojjtoatcrS, Set. 2(. 58 : Mclinc. Vi-. e*mibt 59: Jiflfcitiflflb bet tfSot!;a. Jy. etftdtter. 3 n ,v&gt;wben unb Stitbcn, SBb. 3 58: ,fnt bid) bet Icufel ctft an einem SSaat, bat er bid) balb gam. fy. Soffmaun. 3n ) 58: (gb. 1802). SBcttlerin Bom Font des Arts, Sie. 3 n eammtl. 28., 93b. 1 56: S3ilb beg iiaifctg, Sag. 3" eammtl. ^ 20., SBb.2 56: ifaraiBane, Sie : 3Ji avdien. 3 n edmmtl. 20., SBb. 4 56: Saffelbe. 3n ^tef. u. 5(5oet. 20., SBb. 2, 56 : Scliten Siittcr wit 3)taricnbtirg, Sie. 3" ganutttl. 20., SBb. 1 56: ^iditenftein : jiomantifdje gage. 3 e-a inintl. S IO., 3.&lt;b, 5 56: Saffelbe. 3 Ikof. u. ^oet. 28., SBb. 46 56: 2)Iatd)en alg 2Umanacij. 3 n Sflmmtt, n\5., 33b. 4 56 : Saffelbe. 3n Sfrof. u. ^3oet. 20., SBb. 2. 56 : SKann tin SJionbe, Set. 3n fcammtl. 28., SBb. 3 56: SKemotrcn beg gatanS. 3n eammtl. 28., SBb. 2 56: Saffelbe. Jn ^tpf. u. $oet. 28., SBb. 7. 56 : Ctfccllo. 3n eammtl. ffi., b. 3 56: eangedn, Sie. 3 t eammtl. 20., 93b. 1. 56 : edjci! Bon 2Ucffaubtta unb fctiK 1 Scla= Ben, Ser : S)iardjcn. 3n eammtl. 28., SBb. 4 56: Saffelbe. ^n $rof. u. ^Soct. 20., Sl^b. 2, 56 : im 2to&lt;ffatt, Sa8: Wdt-- eammtl. 20., SBb. 4 56: . S ^tof. u. 4Joet. 38., SBb. 3. 56 : . 3\ eukt. 3n 2dmtt--3j;utr : eammtl. 20., SBb. 6 56: ag; obet, 5yamiKenfotgen unb Jyamilicnftcuben. %. ^temct. 2 4&lt;be.... 58: bet grotnnttn, Sag. G. etinbter. 3n ietbftBiolen, SBb. 2 59: etille Gefd)., syb. 12 . .. . = . , 58: ftiebbetg iionigg gtd(5 eeban." taf et. taboii&gt;gfi. 5 SBbe 58: mil ben ariincn v "\alonfieen, Sag. G. to. 3n 3iettc 3?oBel(en, SBb. 5 59 : Ban bet Stood, Sag. G. igiifet. 3 Grj.edu-., b. 4 .". 58: nai 20etfmann, Sag. g. ,H\ 20ilb. 3n I ebengbilbet. 3ngenb= u. 2 olgbibl 59 : 732 1950 2235 257 1687 1409 354 2586 577 2730 942 gausflcitoffcit, Sie. %. i elBalb 58: 551 550 553 555 550 554 556 553 555 551 557 552 550 553 555 553 555 1105 296-7 908 1692-3 1081-5 82 1651 2418 2113 RROSE FICTION; GERMAN. -39- K lining. ^BalgeBOfftn, Sie. s&gt;. ettcff. 3" 9fie= ftnti Miirrtit unb b ic Mub, Scr. ft. erftacfer. 3" - "- iiicincm Ingcbudi, -Jib. 2 tflu&gt;Mrt)&lt;iU fur bie c-eutjcbe ^ugcitb. . J4?ag= ner. 6 -.bbc $quifrtilii|Kl, Scr. 3t. toon ffiintcrfelb. 3n .vnimoi. 2&gt;olt&gt;aten=3Jotoelten, "-lib. 4 &gt;cbtuig. 31. Herfer. 2^be tbttig, bie JBalbtitffrin, fi&gt;. .Honig. 225be. in I cgcr, JJc PriO. giigenbbtbliotljel Srcsbcn (f. b.) It. 8.. edUid t unb Stetbt. Sre*ben(f.b.) fl. 8. .ftcibrnmnitcr, Sie. 3- A- Cooper ^fibcirticufc, Sie. V. torch. 3 i&lt;be. in 1 jSciliflf -I prn, Scr. 24*. :Haabe. (3acob Sortoinud). 2 ilbe. in 1 ficilitic Ciicilie, Sie; ober bie ett&gt;att ber iiiujtf : Vegenbe. io. toon Mleift. 3 &lt; ff. Sajfelbe. 3n 0ef. 2djr., 4*b. 3 oiigenbbibl., i^b. 1 t Sciligrn unb bie fitter, Sie. ii. Sdjiiding. 4 we J&gt;cili)iicllfii juSBitbbob, Sic. (S. 21. tau= bciiincin r. on ^rtlmbliitter .&lt;&gt;cimntl), Sie. 3- S. .l\ Jemtne. 3 i&lt;be. .^Ctmntl) bcr 5rau, Sie. D. Isiilbcrmutlj. ^n h,a It: .^ci 111 ^^- 2?erfe^Ue SijatjI. 59: 58: 59: 59: 58: 2592 903 2900-5 1739 i 114-5 59 : 59 : 58: 59: 59: 5fi: 56 : 59: 59: 59: 59: 5 J : .fcimntliloi&lt;. &. bon Struenfcc. pom S ce). 44&lt;be ........................... Jinmntfiirticiii, Xcr. -. Ocrftactcr. 3n Untcr ^Hilmcii uttb ^udjcii, i b. 3 ......... C. :Huptoiu4. Jn Wef. 2)5erfo... int Cljrc, 2a&gt;3. Jt. Sutfoin. ^n ie flcinc Slarrenroclt", Sib. 1 ........... -Sicimtirtic uiib Jrcmbc. V. Ctto. 3 Mbe... firimfrbr, Sie; obcr, bie SBttfoIgung. 3. ^V. (Soopcr ...................................... -ftcimfrljr. D. SBilbatnutb;. ,3n Xie ei&gt; " mntt) bcr AVCIU ........................ . ....... -Jirimfclir ber ivcitcn il&gt;clt, (Sine. g. erftarfer. vtii Untcr JJalmcn unb 35u= djcn, b. 1 ...................................... &gt;rimlirtif etfe^ (S. toinbler. Sib. l ............................................ ftfimlirtlf unb unlicimlidjc Gkfdudjten. g. Werftadcr. 2 bc. in 1 ....................... 3ntjn t ; 53fe-^ : ^ cr Sreijctjnte. Xcr tobtc KljauficcsCiniicljmer. 2o bu mir, fo icft bir. ,"}ur 3{at racfc^tf^U beft 9tc fc^cn. UIIobi M liber bie iiBelt. sHebiiifiiiB unb iiurito. ;Hcifeitbe. tfin beriiljnr er 9tamc. Xie JJcutfdjon im ^iiolnnbe. i8b. 2: (yermelobaufcn. Uer flemalte ^n&lt; biancr, ^er SJoppelfldnflcr Xcr S abcjdger. ^m SHcb Stiuer. Xie (ianocs fab,rt. Ja4 Botb&gt;r&gt;UnD(fcn in bet Union. las flreuj ira :Buf$. 58: 59: 58: 59: ft. G-. ofct. 3n 9?. Sefdj., 93b. 2. 58 : nub nuiivanbauna. 5- cr; ftiidcr. on 3(u ?mei Welttbeilen, *b. 1. 58 : fiftitrtlc toon Vinbelbvonn, Xcr. (i. 8rom= mcl. "n , x Miflcnb unb iolfbibl ........... 59 : Ati bclfinb. 3. Siraun ............... 59: etlauenl&gt;;inblcr,er. Brest. 1867.2a3be. in I. Ki ....................................... 58: ftfinrirt) % ibiniier. H. Oii^fotto. 3" Sie " fdioncrcn Stunben ............................ 58: .&lt;iriHrirtrMtaUi",i. S. Sdjmibt ............ 59: .Jiriiirifli toon 6idjenff. C. toon Sdimib.. 59 : .^tirntbiiniitrnfl Xcr. A. (Sierftacter. 3n Sins mcincin ^agtbud), ^b. 2 .............. 58 : 58: 1905, 2240 ! 22 U 470 i 1141 184 704 i 702 I 2551 634^7 2842 i 1311-3 lt&gt;33 59 : 1212-5 984 414 1229 2905-7 471 1633 j 082 937 936 1689 905 2402 2049 1420 1245 2736 530 903 . g. lie neue Wei(tcr J!. 7y. V B. Certel (n. C. don worn), ^n Siorn dGrj., 41b. 5. Saffclbc. X MI Siticin. Sorf^cfdJ., i&lt;b. 3. &lt;Srirntl)i!flffrtiiff)tc it. D. S5Ji(beviuutb. 3" i&lt;ilber u. (^cfcb. au-j Sdjttwbcn, iib. 1... .Jritcrc 3 t&gt;ril ntagc. IS. gaujdj ............... ,ficlb bcr ACbcr. IS. ilVrncr. ^n (Savtcn= laiibcnbliitlicn, Wb. 1 2 .................... &gt;!T&gt;cl6 bcr ^ufuiift, Ser. 2. 2d;ucfmg ...... .sirlbfH ber jtrujeit, Sic. X. Sieti^ ......... iiclbcnmiit!) bed geentann*, S)er. (9. 6. toon gdjubert. v,n Sccbtlbcr ............... .^rlcnr. (pseud.) 3iebe,v&gt;iilfcn, Jyrautoon. .vSrlciic. $. Sjb fcr. 3n 3ln bcr iix-iten 245elt, Hb. 1 .................................... -ftrlcnf. :H. ^m(5. 3be. in 1 ............... .ftrlrnc Sfovton. ty. cfc. 3" cf. "li\, " Jib. 7 ..................... . ...................... Saffelbc. Jicnc Jiotodlcn ................. . ,^&gt;cll unb Sunfcl. 3. Wcrftartcr. 2 "Wbc... jnl)alt: St. 1: Tcr iBilbbieli. SBtvuer. tin 9tamc. 3)ie ^tiefmutter. (ialifor ni| cf)er &gt;j;iiett| roelt. Sib. 2: .fverr fiobctmann. . ivliid^t iibcr bie Goibilleren. Dcr tobte ximmfrmann. Xcr -Uefdtrte Aobn metis. fittL unb Sunfct. (S. epinbler. 2 33b. in 1 ............................................. 3nMIt: -Bb. 1: ^er alte Dibdaffe uub feintnpire-j cib. SttectfUurflCt J Mieife naA Sonbon. Gin @aUnct3Mttt$en. Spliinr, ber Satlifcloolle. Sb. 2: 35cr UeberuU. ad;t Ittge auf C^rcn luort. ^tfllnsf unb :)iom. T. Siclift .................. &gt;cllrn A-enftcr, Sic. (J. fiiofer. 3" ^= Itocgtec Vcbcn ................................... feeder, :Hobert (gcb. 1812). ^lorian Weijer. Vcitoj. 181S. Sl^be. 16. 6o[)e J-reunbe : 9JouetIc auis bcr 3ugenb= jeit bcS fla)fi[d)en Siktmar. "citoj. 1862. (.8 ................................. atoetS JInlbe : ;Koman aus bam-- Siergangenb^eit. Sieipj. 18U3. 11. 8 ......................................... ^rim.ibonna : Siontnn au3 bcr furfiidj]i= (djen Setganaen^eit. Hcrl. 1871. 2 4ibe. in 1. fl. 8 ........................ ^riir, toon Dranicn : .^jiftor. 9toman. Vettoj. 1H43. 3^be. 16 ............... Sicidvipoftrctter in 2ubiuifl86urg, Ser. ^i-onff. a. ffli. 1857. H.8 ............... Siebcn "iL-intcrabenbe. Sieipj. 1847. 2 ^ inl. ft. 8 ....... . 3 n t) a U: Sb. 1: 3!oS ^aiib^auS am I5er nntiivlid)e 3oljn. 2&gt;ie 2Bunberblu= men. 33b. 2: liesascifiaauii!). Itrnerfcntte Seic^ nam. let Bettftteit. D.-r Dortuoct. rmb ift nii!;er alsi ber :)iocf, Sa3. mnnn. 3" Ralenbcr-(j)cfd) 5!) : 59: 59: 59 : 59: 58: 59: 56: 58 : 58: 2849 2859 103O 2485 1536-7 66 2094 2794 166-2 125 67(5 1520 937-8 . $off 59: 59: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: pantheon : Sifterifdie Jiouellen fiir bie rcif ere 3ugcnb. SJerl. (f. b.) tt. 8... 59: ^y n ba U: .oordrcit. Xie brci v iliartt)rer. \2anfli, ber ^tflcuner. WcbJjarb oon %t[s fenect. .fccim JBerni. juice Mabcliffe. Siunbfdjan : .sMftoriidie Jiotoellen fitr bie rcifere 3ugenb. 4U-rl. (f. b.) ft. 8 58 : 3 n I) alt: Brnno oon Salbbc fl. S&gt;aco, ber Sni)ii be;5 fflearfitcten. . llitta, ber (Sngel t&gt;on ilteiiburji- itlilabomir. JUinaiifor. Xie biei Slernritter. SQanberungen bitrd) bS Webict bcr Me-- fdttdjte: ipiftot. Grj. Stuttg. 1801. ft. 8 58: 3 n[) alt : lie (Srben con Siucbenliorft. ttl)i!f, ber Qcimathlofe. Uorici, bet etarfe. iiciuio, ber (Somaote. (inuiina, bie jpere com iNiefenftcin. "0 on licrrier eS. 907 2095 1667 1440-2 1443 1444 1445 1448-50 1446 1447 1735 2215 1460 1401 i KOSE FICTION: CJEKMAX. SjentI, 40 , &lt;yricbrid) Siitter toon (5 r i e b r i $ 3) orna u). 3nt albbunfel: Grjiibjungen. Kre-31. 1867. 2Kbe.ini. fl. 8 ............... 58: 3 n I) a It: Sb. 1: 1 vini Sdiaftafio. - 3&gt;er XaliSman. $ai innere Oiciictyt. 2}b. 2: Ser fdjrciScnbe 2ift&gt;. Sis inncrr Stimmc. Gin X&njtlcoJfbcaL lie rettence (Seine. %r&eri)C ice iUsgeftojjencn in 3Jangun, 2ie. G. SpinbhT. 3n Mpfatf, Kb. 2 ..... 59: jpcrbfttag bet 355etn3berg, Gin. D. SiUlber= e imttb. 3n 3iu$ bem grauenleben, Kb. 2. 59 : prrbfltdflC tin SlUgiin. 31. Sicifiner. 3 n Gbarahmna-ifen, Kb. 3 ..................... 58: f&gt;trtftstrfluilgf. 5- id. a&lt;MSnber. 3n Klein. (srj. imb l;unt. Sftjji n .............. 58: JcrliftUiolni. G. Spinbler.. 2 Kbe. in 1... 59 : SMalt: b. 1: flapu5inevfab.it. (Sine Sat&t ber Siinon. 96.2: Ia 3 obeli unb baS Sloe SKario. iDiaru-ija. a3 ijauo ber tfvommen. rrnt 35?cgc ftnb nninberbar, 2 ntiinn. 3n 9lbcnbftiinben... r. S- Sd&gt;mibt ........................... 59: blrr ober betmann. S. 3M. iDhtnM. ( V o it i f e 2)i ii b, I b a d;). 3" Sift. SeBenSfc., Kb. 1 ........................ 58: Acrmaiut. G. Werner. 3 artenlauben&lt; blutben, Kb. 2 .......... . ...................... 59 : $trmattn unb Ilmenclba. V. }!idjler. 3" Grj., Kb.f&gt; ...................................... 59: nub Ifyusiieltia. 3d;mibt ...... 59 iib. 7 ............................................ 56: f&gt;fros bee liSiflciifd;aft, (i tit. li. V B(. Dtunbt. (f o n t f e 3Ji ii ^ I b a cb, ). 3" 9toell*n unb ailter, Kb. 2 ............................. 58 : ftcrr (Siemens 3fotl;mann. (J. sgofer. 3 n etille Giefd)., ^b. 3 ........................ ... 58; A"Sm College, 2er. IS. ^Jolfo. 3n 3f. 3(o= wllcn, *t&gt;. 2 ................................... 59 : crr siobeliiiaitu. g. erftactet. 3 ipcll unb Sunfel, b. 2 ........................... 58: Jcrr tin S&anfe, Ser. (. Sptubler. 3t Somincriiialucn, i!3b. 1 ..................... 59: Scrr JnbicuS, Xer. 0raf St. CSraboU Sfi. 2 i(be. in 1 .................................... 58 : TOiUlcr. g. Wcrftatfer. 3" S&gt;iibcn unb riiben, S3b. 2 ................................. 58: crr Scb.ultje. g. erftader. 3 n ^ u 3i"i i ii*e(ttl;ctlen, b. 2 ........................... 58: ci t unb .UamniiTbiener. 9J(. 3tat^u{Ui8. 3n Sdjr., sb. 11 .............................. 58: Jyilj. 91. Bon SBinterf elb ............ 59: on Stroming. 21. ucn AL tntetfelb, 3n ftiumcv. Solbaten=91ot)elleit, i^b. 1 ... 59 : ^crt SSejIer unb feine Jyrou. D. SJtlbetJ nuit^. 3" iiilber unb Wcfdj. aits d;ma= ben, S3b. 2 ...................................... 59: ^ctr Jl obft tin SJabc. g. Stolle. 3n 5rub= lingeglocfen .................................... 59 : Jpcrrab won SanbSjwtg. IS. ^inbler. $11 settenglteber, Kb. 2 ........................... 59: .^crrcn won (SttetS^eiben, J ie. G. gri^e. Wit Jte IS rbcii von J&gt;Muit ................. 58: ftrrrcnbaiiiJ tin 6}&lt;$enhmlb, Xo. g. So= " bcnftebt. 3 -be ................................. 58: ^crrin WDH Xcrnot, Sie. (S. ^ib fer. 3 t 3(u Mrtegt unb jfrtebettSjetten, S)b. 2. 58 : Jicrirn Sibier 3 i. anbl;au. V. Sdjiicfing. 343be. in2 ...................................... 59: 2affelbf. 31ibe ........................... 59: ter, Seei. is. ikHfo. 3n SB.KowHeti, SHb. 3. 59 : $rrnt 3Ma|t^uba 8 Setjeabenteuer. g. aftarfct ................. , ........ , ............ 58: Jirrrn Cuints ^a-lobung. . BfrtjoHe. 3 (Sef. Sdjr., Sib. K) ........... , ............... 56: 932 1632 2317 1289 908 2720 2516 1537 2644 2721 1955 2472 1694 80 938 941 1080 941 906 2774 1729 1736 1630 1115 921 751 188-90 1666 656-7 658-60 81 961 1956 56 iin Meit, a. 3. 35. 6. Jemine. 3n n. 4ib. 1 ................. 59 ,&lt;Sr r? nnb y<. W. wa Struenfee (O n ft a BO m See). 3 Kbc. in 1 .................... 59 f&gt;ci 301nttri)CH t? ^eitwertvcib. . oerauSg. Don 2befla BonWumuert. 17S8be ................ 59: t ei Oolgatba, 3)e. &. iliadjcitbufen. e. in 1 ..................................... 59 : . (S.^clfo ................ 59 n I; a It: Bin X iebcsopffr. Cin qjarifec Jttub. Gvftc ^icbc. Weovtitnc. nnb erjengut. g.^offmann. 3" (Srj., b. 32 .................. : ................. 59: |)Cl^og 4icnii;arb. fii. Voube. 2 S3be. 3n Set- bcitt|"d)c .Hvieg, iBb. 8-9 ............... 58: $cr$0() cn UMelilj, Jer. (i. 3K. Mitnbt. ( o u if e JTOttb 16 a dj.) 3n iftor. ^e= benb., Sb. J ................................... 58: &lt;&gt;crj0g SffiaBenftein in Sfecflenburg. 3. Bon feitfebe. 4 ibbe. in 2 ........ .................. 59: Cifrjoniit Bon(icefi, S)ie. S.Spinbler. 3n 9tegenbogenftrablen, Kb. 1 .................. 59: aiiet ba (filitd bat, fiibrt bie m. G. ll&gt;. Stublinann. 3tt &;. aus Jun-bbentfdjlanb, Kb. 1 ........... 59 : cfcficl, Gleorgc (geb. 1818). griebrid) iiUHjcUn Korneinann , ober : ..SluS Kriine befertirt feiner nid;t!" 3n SUuftr. 2295 1950 1297 1182 2170-86 1390 83 2291 2055-6 2516 1568-9 937 1250 loarflanber 58 : gitrft Gb.rifttan, ber Slnbete. Kerl. 1873. 3 Kbe. 16 58 : SHefugtvtunbeimgrtrt. Kerl. 1869. 3 Kbe. in 2. 16 58: 3n&gt;cu{inttginncn unb ein 3-iinclin. Kerl. (f.b.) Jt&gt; 58: $t$t&gt;tntd. 3- "]&gt; g. ;)iiditer ( 3 e a n ^ a u I). 3n edmmtl. 31*., Kerl. Slusg., Kb. 5-8. 56 : Saffclbe. Jn Sammtf. 3i ., ^ar. x luSg., Kb. 1 56: $atfittgtt, Gbuarb. - = ant, GincS : SSifi r 3ioman ber 3ett bos tejjten fpaiiifdjen 1A6-- and bem Siawfe Kourbon. X eipj. 1869. 3 Kbe. 16 ......................... 58: d)trffats JiHtltcn : "JioBellen nnb St iyen. Kraunfd;iu. 1873. 2 Kbe. fl. 8 ........ 58 : 3 nil a It: sBb. 1: aJiargoretfj. (Sine ai fcrin. _ Sic (Sbcnbiu tijjeii. IeS - i&gt;ilb= tjauev j erftc x. iclu . 5Bb. 2: 2)er :)ltug bc3 ^ririsen. Gine 3kgcg= nung mit XxmJRunojunbber ABnigtn &lt;it)i-is ftine BOH iiiaitii n J!e5 .liiJiug S ailb. 9luf Ijol^cu ^o^cn. (Jin uijcfycr ^arou. $frnmcron von Mofenfyatn. G. 3)i. 3Bie-- lanb. 3n Sftnwrti. 41!., Kb. 19 ............ 56 : 3 u fl a 1 1: SiarcijjuS 11116 9tarci(fa. . - Iiapl)= nioton. "Die iSiit,?aul)cning. &gt;ie ijlo= oellc oljiif Zitct. Sreunbfiljaft 11116 Jiebe aufbnSroic. 2ic i lebc oiiie ^ci6cn = fiftait. *cjrcii=Sabbntl), Ser. S. Zierf. 3n djr., S3b. 20 ............................ _ ............ 56: .^cl)iiioitc&lt;fiiibfr: iUfardjen. S. liect. 3 Sdjr., Kb. 13 .................................. 56: &fl)ft, W)ann Vubiuig ^aul (geb. 1830). Slbcntcuer, Gin. 3tt ef. 2l!., Kb. 8 ...... 56 : 3lm Jiberufer. Jn ffief.ffl., Kb. 4 ......... 56 : Saffelbc. 3n JioBellen .................. 58: 2(m tobten eee. 3n 6(ef. 3B., Kb. 8 ...... 56 : Slnbrca Xelfin. 3n ef. 355., Kb. 5 ...... 56 : Sdtfang unb Gnbe. 3n (3cf. 355., Kb. 4... 56 : ainntna. 3n cf. 313., Kb. 8 ............... 56 : 9(tif ber 9(lm. 3n 0ef. 3U., Kb. 8 ......... 56: 3luferftanben. 3n (3ef. 315., Kb. 7 ......... 56: 1333 1480-2 1483-4 1485 1152-3 1168 1499-501 1502-3 1909 lf&gt;19 1612 677 673 1521 677 674 673 677 677 676 THOSE FICTJOK: GERMAN. -41- &lt;ict)lr, oof . Subtil $auL -fjfottfefung. Barbavofia. " Wef. SB, Sib. 5 r&gt;6 : SVatrice. on Wcf. SB, Sib. 8 56: Sleiben djiveftem, Hie. 3" l- SB, Sib 7 .. 56 674 677 676 M1, v Wefaln in 2 efatu Slilb ber IVuttcr, Had. 3u ef. SB., S*b 4 . 56 673 ebeni Haffelbc 3n &ier ueue Ottfucllcn 58* . b ^Uinben ^ic 3n ef SB ilb 5 56 674 Haffclbe "\n liiHH Ilen 58: (iinfainen, Hie. on Wef. SB, Sib. 6 56 : Haffcl&f. on Stier neuc dipuellen 58 : (rrfennc bid) (elbft. o" cf- SB, iib. 4... 56 : Haffclbe on ^ JioueUeu 58* 675 673 3 " 6 aioi 33b. 2: ifamin 3ran; Si{;cer. " Wef. SB, Sib. 7 56 : eoffrob unb arcinbe. 3n Wef. SB, SJB 7 56- 676 f&gt;76 (f. b fdjlof Sxlenc TOeitcn. Jn ef. SB, Sib. 7 56 : Hafftlbe ~\n jj s )im&gt;cllcn . 58 676 15 Urn II in 1 3m rafenfdilofi. 3" Wcf. SB, Sib. 4... 56 : Jiinber ber SSSrtt. SBerl. 1873. 3 Slbe. JL 8 58 673 1523-5 Unter 2 il ^iiubcci Hafjelbe. 1874 58 1526-8 2dn~ , itinber Sunbe, ber Skater 3 "*- Her. 3" Wcf SB Slo.6 56 675 " W 3ti iUcine Scania, Hie. 3 Wef. SB, Sib. 6. 56 : Uleppatra Vi Wcf "H5 ilb 6. 56 675 675 Winter b Haf Jtreisridner, Her. 3 n ef. SB., Sib. 6. 56 : Hafjelbe ^n ^)i iWpr&gt;eUen 56* 675 15/H) Sib. .viiutcr i L Arrabliiata. o n Wef. SB, S16. 4 56 : Haffelbc. Jn Slotjetlen 58: (S73 . .^" * i. c(jtc iSentaur, Her. 3n cf. SB, ilb. 7. 56 : X pren; unb Vprc. o n cf. SB, Sib. 7.... 56 : i pttfa. o" ef. SB, Sib. 7 56 : !Diabd)en von Jre^n, Had. 3" ef. SB, Sib 5 -56 676 676 676 674 Ginfie 187 StoueK Jtri Hafjetbc. on -)l. 3iouellen 58 1520 3 i) Haffelbc "\n SUer ncuc OtpiH llcn 58 674 15 2 3)iarion. on (^ef. SB, Sib. 4. 56 673 Haffelbe ^sii JJowllen 56 15 1 ^irfrtim Gutter uno liiiib. o" Wef. SB, S3b. 8.... 56 : 92nie 9totxUen Stuttg 1858 16 58 677 1520 SlHtttn tt&gt;ci ,"i!il)aU: ?a5 ^dcd^fit von Xreppi Etr Jtrc;ncliter. Crtennc bict) felbfl. itelene 1 ioiton. 9Jpellen Slcrl 1860 16 58 1521 Slnnte roei 3ajntl ^ tj a U: X eiUtnben. 1 larion. *a 3tab= biata. jliu Jibctufcr. ^fabfinbcrin. Hie. o of- *?, b. fi... 56 : Sleife nadj bem (^Uicfe, Hie. on ff. SB, Sib 5 56 675 674 ben gen rofso reift ctip ne ,Uatl;d)en, Had. 3n cf. SB, ^b. 7 56 676 ^eben&lt; Sticferin pn Srei ifp, Hie. 3n ef. SB, S&lt;b 8 r,g. 677 irfdirc ItnK-ilbar. "snWef SB Sib 4 56 673 S&lt;erlprene Spf^n, Her. on Wef. SB, Sib. 8. 56 : S ettcr Wabriel. O n Wef. SB., Sib. 8 5(; : SUer neue Sfpi ellen Slcrl 1859 16 58 677 677 1522 .{lirt nnl ."irtciifi n|j. o 3 n 60 It: tie Cinfamen. . Innnifl unb (inbe. jJioria ^ranctsca. 33os ^ilb ber Hattct. SBeintmter, Her. 3n Wcf. SB, Sib, 5 56 : SBittweBon^Jifa, Hie. on (^lef. SB, Sib. 6. 56 : 674 675 S*ifpfliii (&gt;&gt;cfd)i Jtiftoric (SB. Sib. 6 jpilflcr t 11 -irutljiilnier. 3- Werftacfer. 3" xHu-s ineincm Taiiel iid) Sib 2 58 903 Stftorifi (% P U iiillcrn, SBtllielmine I pn. (g e b. SI i r di). Slr,t ber Scele, Gin. Sletl. 1872. 4 Slbe. in 2. 16 58 1550-1 Sib". 2 SBb 3 J&gt;iltl, Wcorg. Sllte Herfflmger, Her. Veipj. 1871. ft. 8. 58: Slant bea S!cvberbcnd, Hie. Slcrl. (f. b.) 4 Slbe. in 2. fl. 8 58 1554 uon SBb. 4 .tiftorifr (^ on (Eabinet43ntrigue, Ginc. Slerl. (f. b.) 2 Slbe in 1 fl 8 58 1558 Sreier ber Diarfiirafin, Hie. Slerl. (f. b.) l(jO -ft. 1563 rfahmrllc SBcgc. *Bcri. (f. b.) 4 bc. in 2. tl. 8 ................................. 58: efaiiflenet bctSiaftiUc, tin. Skd. 186a 58: ifeSi, Xn\S. 33L (f. b.) 2 bc. in 1. fl. 8 .................. 58: 6tftorifd;c Jiouellen. iU tl. 1873. 2 SJbc, fl. b ......................................... 58 : 3 ii 6 a It: Sb. 1: ler ZeufcISbottor ton iSolffcnbiiltd. !&lt; li dilcr Don t oiffi). . 2: ,\acob fc nUot. fluf br Sclibant con uon ^unterstjill, jtamnicrbicncr be&lt;&gt; Siaifet, Xer. Sett. ................................... 58: , Sie. crl. 1H6S. 1(5 ...... 58 : Slihiirt. J*erl. 1870. 16 .................... 58: Urn lin-pii unb Vebcn. Sktl. 1872. 2 S3bc. 58: Untct b- totbeu ISmincnj. Stal. (f. b.) 2 be. in l . fl. 8 ..... : .................. 58: iMiubccrrn. Hie. (i. tton Sdjmib. 3" Wef. 59: crKablinui;lc, Her. . tiJber. Jn Gtj, S^b. 4 .................. 5&lt;) : 5y- ^- ibnrflanbcr. 58 : Haffclbe. 3 Sorgcnlofe Stunben 20, b. 2 ......................................... 58: {tintcr bcm Secbcidic. (S. SBiUIomm. 3" 3m SJann unb ^aubet it. ; 3&lt;b. 2 ......... 59: tiubc, a3. 5. erftadet ......... 58: , .wvmnnn. li injieblet un bet fralli^, Stt. Skrl. . ..... . ....... . .......... 58: bem beutfdj=fran ji)ftfd)en Mriege 18701871. i eipj. 1871. 16.. 58: it b, a 1 1: 2$ou Hiffiiiflen bi-3 Wcijknburg. her Wefniuien|d)i}ft. ine cul^nc oit anG. ^eitgcoul;tt . S (Stfennen. SBtemcn, 1868. 16... 58 : 59 : 59 : 59: 59: 59 : 59 : 59: 59 : 59: re: Stowtten fiir bie reifere iveiblidie Jgeb. Slcrl. (f. b.) fl. 8... men : JiobcIIcn *itr bie reifere U eiblidje 3flenb. Slerl. (f. b.)fl:8... Jajntlieiifreuben : Grjiifyliingm u. 2diil- berungen fiir bie reifere luciblidje 3 U = gcnb. Slerl. (f. b.) ft. 8 ( v H ofiPiifel : Grjaljl. unb Jiouellcn fiir bie reifere Ivciblidjc oiigcnb. Slerl. (f. b.) 8 Sinai : jipuellen fiir bie reifere li cib-- c "Mujenb. Slcrl. (f. b.) ft. 8 tcr, Her. St. BPII SBintcrfclb. 3n :efen, Sib. 1 Aliiditling. 3- iooffmann iDc unb feiu ftunb, Her. W. 9(ie= on gugenb.Slibl, Sib. 5 Gna l;Iungen aits ber fpauifdien -. 21;. Hielit) vui toric ol nc litet, Ginc. t&lt;. 3. SB. Certel " 1 &gt; O. v o n io o r n). 3 &lt; Sorn d Grj, vStftoriirtjc Gbarafterbilbcr. (. Wl Siunbt U puife SKi tb. Ibacb). 4 Slbe. in 2 alt: 4*b. 1: Zer iiiiiu con Bales. : Die rti aiijofni in Wotba. : Xit Nrdfin du Cuyla. Xer IJrinj i^t. 4: (rui -Itovmittag bci ^ricbricfi JI. "n Ctfini. :cbendbilber. G. W. "UJunbt (V o u i f t 9)1 u I; I b a dj). 2 Slbe. in 1 alt: Mb. I: Dev .^erjog con i*ieli{. :uilv! iiiMei obcf Gbelinann. : ^Utiuifl ^Ijerefia unb ilir Cfen^cijcr. 4Ur|d)n)pnum buvdj ein iUlb. ^ie iber ty}ii t^eutc. 1559-60 1561 1562 1552-3 1564 155 1565 156G 1567 539 1091 1337 1335 3672 939 1591 1590 1592 2250. 2251 2252 2253 2254 1730 2314 2555 2096 2850 2514-15 2516 PROSE I- KTIOX: (iKKMAX. Sptjbnfcfjc 42- 0iftorifrf)C 9tot&gt;ecn. 0. fciltl. 2 33be 58: 1552-3 3 n ball: *b. 1: Der XcnfclSboctor von 3BolffenbutttI. Der XifeOUr uon ^oiflii. SBb 2: Vicob (SaUot, Slut ber Relsbaut uon SBabama, Die 3iblud&gt;l von SBunler.st&gt;ill. iHlberbud). G. 2K. 3Kunbl Wuijtbact)). 3 *be 58:2511-13 ^afictbe. 343be.ini 58: 2510 3 r. b a It: Wb. 1: 2m nb Sic, ober SBoltaire unb JibnUis. raf iiobij 3te&lt;5albc. SBb. 2: Slotbe Jjjifuforitn. fflraf Sarjcbo. Die OJrafin SlBartenberg. ^ongdjamiis. SBb. 3: Brilber unb Sdjroeflern. SJoltaire unb [tin Sjofjuroelier. Die SS!ellgefa)icbtt unb bic 1 Iobe. 0tl) tut Siovben. g. iooffnwiiit. 3Grj., ot6jcitfc|~t, aS. & 3(eltftab. 3n agen u. rom. (irj - 59: " oeiu it, 23b. 6 59: f&gt;ort)5eiti?rdfc, ^ie. 81. t&gt;on liiinterfelb. 3" Snimoresfen, "-Bb. 6 59: SMcr, 0ufta. 23efeclte Sdjattcn, Scr. ^rag. 1859. 2 SBbe. ml. 16 58: elb unb grauen : Grjaljlungeit. gena 1867. 3 te. in 1. fl. 8 58: 59: t: b. 1: 2ie Ktoftermihije. }b 2- 2ie filofteimunje. (Sd)Uijj.) (Sill gc = Britftcsi SBeib. SBb. 3: (Sin i)cpfiiftc Sfficib. (S^tuJ.) fiiitfcr, CScat. 2lrmc SMlfSlcfim-, 2cr. etuttg. (f. b.) 16 ....... ................................... 59: G ift nid)t jo fein ge|&gt;onnen, cs foinint bod] an bie Sonnen \ Stuttg. (}. b.) 1H ................................... ......... 59 : r, Gbinuitb (g.eb. 1819). te S-uinlcm, 0*. ikrl. I860. 16... 58: ailten on Siuijnccf, 35ie. Stuttg. 1862. 16 ............................................ 58: ailtermmm 3d;fe. Setl. 1865. 4 be. in 2. 16 .................................... 58 : 2luf beutjd)r Grbe. Stuttg. 1860. 2S3be. in 1. 16 ...... ............................. 58: 3 nfl alt: Inline. 22.77 354 82 1735 1&10 1611 2310 2313 1656 1690 1657-8 1659 Die alte Grlaudjt. Wa SBb. 2: Da3 fiaii 3 can ber SRooS. SBei ben jrociboljen xaiincn. 3(us alter unb nencr Reit. tnttg. 1854. 16 58: 1660 3nljal : 3l(te OSefd)id)tcn: Sin alter SDIann; Die Dol)Untb ni()in. Sluf ber UniBerfiial. _ Der fttUe .slamerab. Brliarb USalboro. Sriegolebcn tm gtitbtn. 3lu8 bcm SSolf. tuttg. 1852. ft. 8 58 : 1661 3 lib alt: Grjablungcit tints alien Xam. bourS: Slnno^iuciuiibneunjinji om grogtn SBart; Slolof, ber Sfetrul; Dcr 2lufrul;r. DasS uetlaffene au. DaS Slnnefen con gtttorf. Jicrljanbelte Xreue. Sin btr 2(u3 ber ltH-iten SBett. tuttg. 1861. 223be, 16 58: 1662-3 Uibalt. SBb.l: Die alte Slpfclfrau. 9!er= lorcne Eicbe. Secaefd)id)ten: ^ eter tian Simon; flapilain fletejJlKf. 3* rolljen ^rtufe. .sjvlcue. Splbatennefd)td)len: Wustttitr unb ffliusletietin; (S J raaren ein = tnal jroci alte Solbaten. SBb 2: (Sine (*Jc(veufteigeM)i&lt;l)le. Der Sdiiifer oon Jlobed. Da Hargfraulein. Die rotbtn Slcltcn. 3n einer ftillen Slu 1869. ; nub 223be.fl. 8 58: 1665-6 "tnbalf SBb. 1: Gin Siicf)t im Siiincn. Hut flolbtntn SRofc. {Heriinbjnmiisig, Stunoen. Set tolle (Saltier. 3erbto*tn. SBb 2 S&gt;1( fcettln on Snnot. Det $ft ter uon oteinliriben. Xvofdjtc Jlummet 1. , Gbmiinb. 2lu-3gewfil;lte efellfctyaft. 16 tuttg. 1863. 58: 1664 [) a 1 1: Cs n Giter. Wentoiinen unb i luege. Xolle ^treid^e, 3d)lag jiub tf. Sim 33runnen. ;^m boljen .v&gt;aufe. 23etegte8 i!ebeit. tuttg. 1*36. 16..- 58: 1667 3 n b. a 1 1: ISrjaHungcn eme5 alien ^iblcrs: SBom uiilben &gt;;&gt;ano; Sas iitan yoibem cries ben lonntt. Der Dnfel Stcp^an. Slu& tiller ^amilic, Die IjeUtii. Jenflcr. Der roilbe iieibc.. C est fini! ft. 4 58: 1711 Semagoge. 3ena 1872. 3 be. ft. 8. 58 : 1668-70 Xeutfdje xjcrscit : Sftjj.en, tubicn unb (S)efd)id)ten. $tafl 1860. U. 8 58: 1671 3 n b a 1 1: 5lm 2l)ore. 9lu bem spoft* unb iKeifcbanbbud) tints Sdjulmeiftcis. Der kciietafl tints ijaunifcben. Der SUibe.- Slua ber .vait jd&gt;ronit meiuc i 5 ^atcro. SluS bem Stben tine* alien &gt;J)iilitais. Oiigi= nale. (Sine pier|eigcid&gt;id&gt;tc. Gv^tenbe Sdiriften. tnttg. 1865, 12 Jjbe. in 6/16 58: 1650-5 Sub a It: i*t&gt;. 1- Slue einer Jamilie. DaS Dttiafftnt ,auo. Slu{ ber Uniucrfi* tcit. BaS Slnntttn oon Scuborj. Sin bir Wrciije. Die alte Slpfelfrau. SBb. 2: Der roilbe eibt. Die altt Gr= laud^l. SBb. 3: OTabonna iuna. - 311 tintr ftillcii Strafje. Cnttl itcpban. SBb. 4: SJtrlomit ^iebe. DaS .^au can ber Moos. $tlent. SBb. 5: (Sill alter Dianii. flraulein Elfe. SBb. B: SUerlianbeltc Xreuc. Da SBurofrSu^ lein. Die DoileutBuigin. SBb. 1: Crjaiilunotn cines nltcn Xambouti: Xnna jncinnbncunjig ; Sent arf&gt;en aart; JHoloi, ber :Hctrut; Der Slnfrutjr; Slus bem greibeiiotrieflc; Deralle jlapilaiu. Eii= ginale. SBb. 8: lllelnftnc. @eegefd)id)ltn: speler tianSIuipn; jta^ilan ttelelboef. Die beu [en ^-eufler. SBb. 9: 8rjSb.lungn cine3 alien ,viblert: SBom ratlben ,oan i 5; 2i&gt;a^ man uorbem erle = ben fonntc. eolbatengefdiicbtcn: 1)iu = fetierunb 9Ru*(e titrin ; (Ss loaitn einmal iroci alte Solbaten. 2ine Wejvcnftergc= fdjidite. SBb. 10: SBci ben jroci boben Xannen. 3m rotben .fiaufe. Der Sa)afer on Slobed 1 . SBb. 11: D~as ^ijler Sdjlofjdjen. Die vottjeu Jielten. (Sin Sdirei. Dag fdiioarjt Sd;iff. SBb. 12: DcrftiHe flamcrab. Der 3jufJ)bof. Gnablunaen aug ber eimatb,. 3ena, 1874. "2be. 16 -58: 1708-9 3n6alt: 8b. 1: Slu3 alien Sinircn. SBb 2 Slu 3 alien Srurtn, (Sd)luji). 56e^ ftanbSbriefe meineS Sellers an feint SB a j e . _ Webeimnijfe btS i!cben3. ginbting. Gin. djir-erin 1868. 4 53bc. in 2. 16 nte atte 3cit, Sie. 23ve81. 1867. 3S5be. in 2. ft. 8 ^ n 6 a It: SBb. 1: Slnno bajumal. SBb. 2: ffliein alttS Tteniter. Der Srctfoof. SBb. 3: Die ^vou Bon SBoffaJ. ioonoraticrentoditev, 3^ie. tuttg. 1861. " 16 Sn ber 3m. 23crl. 1867. 4 be. in 2. ft. 8 3n ber JL elt wrloren. i. ei^j. 1869. 4 be. in 2. ft. 8 In Dolorilms: lagebndjbtatter ctne-5 ?Serfd)oUenen. 3\&gt;ien (f. b.) 16 3n iinben. SEClen 1863. aS3be.ini. 16 KteineS SJeben. 3ena 1873. 3 23be. 16.. ^n ball: SBb.l: SBerlorene gielt. SBb. 2: Sttlortnt 3iele. (Scbluji.) Sern&gt;ai]t. ^olnijdje asirilifdiaft. SBb. 3 Gin unjlilctllcper JJienfdj. 3" Sa|fer unb nidn in langt. Die alte jHiible. - Der erfle Sagbjiig. Cine 3!ad)t ju OSaflc. 58: 58: 58 58 58 1672-3 1674-5 1676 1677-8 1679-80 1681 1682 1683-5 KROSE FICTION: GERMAN. -43- Ttcnjt urn Sienft. !T&gt;Offr, tebimmb. Jvortfetumg. 4. anb nub eee. *ircI. 1871. 2 Hbe. IU 8 .......................................... 58: r)nlialt: *b. 1: XwnirSiAen. 4M&gt;. 2: .(Soil? iibei . bat berticte I liiHer gefagt. v ^u Jtltenbagen. GtM (jiniiebUr. 6temannlefren. Sim Soniuag-^Hadjiuit: tag. Jpan geftreift. State GSefdjiditen. S)rSl. 1867. 2 me. H. 8- ........................................ 58: 3 nil a It: sn. 1: Sn&gt; JJeniiS. 9(u&lt;j ben Diemfliien eine* ^ngabunben: er 2lnfang *es i. el&gt;r8; alfciiic crfte iiie&e; (Sine 3put ^U fcbicfyte; v Alao mir e ine ^-rait cr^iif&gt;ite. (Sine bloivte oie. Unoergeffe.ii. 35b. 2: 3 fl annc Xreiseljn ! jH i ^imfer von &gt;ob.e4tH&gt;c. Simt oier (cin ptif 9 Slier. baa (JHiirf fa,at, fiib,rt bie ibiaut Ijeim. .cinif roelj. Dforten : tetinnmingn finer altai grau, etuttg. 1858. 2 sUfce. in 1. 16 ........ 58: Sctomanlpief : efiijcnbud) auS :Horb- beutfc&lanb. Stutta. 1856. fl. 8 ...... 58: Stille Ckidndneii. Jena 1872. 3 b*. H. ................. ................ ........ 58: Jntialt: b.l: Zas Sjauo set Ulajorin. S^b. ^: .^err lilomcu-j yiytbniaiin. Srcuc ftcgt : CMiw CMd idjtc urn b(r 2er. Shittfl. 1874. 16 ..... ................. 58: Untcv bet Jvrf mbtierrfdfaft : (S ine Q5e-- jdjiditc uon 181^ Stuttg. 1863. 3i\kt. H. H ....... - ............................... - 58: Unter fHeaenten Ja^nen. 4?resl. 1872. 2Sbe. ml. 16 .......................... -58: offclbe. 2 b ......................... .58: Sage. ^Srafi 1859. 16 ...... 58: 3 n I) a it: rtiauuin (Sl)e. ^m ffia(ojd)loj!. (Sin d)tci. Serlrrenc &lt;So$n, 2&lt;r. etuttg. 1869. fl. H ......... . ................................ 58: 3u Clim S 3eiten. 3ena.(f.b.) 16 ...... 58: ^ur liiifcn . oaub. i. cipj. 1872. 16 ----- 58: yu ei Jamilien. SJresI. 1869. 2 SJbe. iul. tl. 8= -------- .......................... 58: Jiiilbcrlin. . :!(au. 28be.ini .......... .59.- ilmij, Ja^. (L Don Sdjmib ... 59 : er. G. Spinbler. 3n . 2.. .................... 59; otircr .w^eit, Sic. ijj. 3i!arf)cn= fcn. 4 *bc ................................ 59: Sudjcn unb rfiiiben. fflcrl. 1863, 16..- 58 : off in a it it, truft, J^cobor aiUlf)eIm (ge= niimt xHmatcuj), (geb. 1776, -j- 1822). SUiSgetwfl^lte rjittylungen. ilbbuvgf)au= (cu, 2 iObc., 1870. fl. 8 .................. 58: ^iilialt: -#t&gt;. 1: 2)oge unb logarefic. Ia&gt;5 rtriiulein oon Satbni. ilieiflet lHartin Jxr Jtiifcr nub fcinc (Siejellen. Xie Retmate. eignor ST " "- Zit Monig luaiit. lliat!) .urconel. S (!i""" ""^ bcm k. cK-n breitr ijffuube. Si ielergliid. - Tie ikvgaxrtc ju Jnlun. Xet ^11= fammcn^ann bet mge. SVb. 2: Itr HituS^of. Die automate. Dtthcmfec Hinb. 3&gt;er iinJjcimlia^c Waft. lie :Biautn&gt;al)I. fflittcr Wlucf. ^ou Suan. Icr Dlagnetiitur. Xcr golbene Zopf. Xie SlbcntcMer bcr SqloeBcrna^t. s J(ac^ri(iit on eiuem gebilbcU it jungcn Sinnn. fat Wnjorat. SWeiftev Jo^an. IKJ -W.lillt. (SerapiouMlniba:, Xic. (?ef. Grja^I. u. D(ord)en. 4}frl. 3 be. fl. 8 ........... 58: 3 n ^ a 1 1: iib. 1: Die ^eimate. Zer Iiid) ter uub bev (Snmpoiiift. (Sin fragment ou4 bcra fclicn btcier ^reuiibc. Xet 3lt tiioljof. TicSevgroeife ju ^aliin. SfuJ: inoati unb lliaufetiinig. S^b. 2: Ter .Hampf bet Sangcr. Zie 2(uto male. Tone unb Xogareffa. Sieiftet Martin bev .Uiifet unb feine WejeUcn. Ta fiembe .H*nb. SJb. . ): lie *rautroa6[. ler unb.eimli$t (^aft- 3)ao Atiiuleiu oon 3cuberi. 3pie* ler Wliirt. 1686-7 1688-9 1691 1695 1692-4 1710 1696-8 1699 1700-1 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 280 531 951 1391-4 1736 1730-1 1732-4 .f&gt;offiti(iitit, (-Jficranbor ATtebncf) " (gcb. 1814). SlfcoibftiiMbcn : (JvwMungen ffn nieine jungen ^rtitnbc. 5tuttg. (f. b.) H. 8.. 59 : 2295 3 n b a 1 1: l~co , oefvn Ui?ege fine njiinbetbar. $Iirf)t3 ift fo fein gefponnen, ber i^err bringt o an itie SonneR. ^iirdite CJott, tbite redjt, fajene s jiiemanb. Xie 9Iaa)= bav-j(ii^et unb bcr Drills. SlbentCHer allcr Jlrtcn uifb Drtcn. Stuttg. 1873. 16 59: 2296 3 it (i a 1 1: e -Siii te. lie fioljle Cidje. Uebcv "Dorb. Sluf bem Zlnume. 3m Siorben. -- ^nt Sunuife. 3&gt;er ifflalbbvanb. ^er alte Wcmfenjdgev. 3lcfiCtrt: Slanj unb tniierct Sffiertl)! Stnttg. 1865. 16. "MI Grj., 33b. 26.- 59 : 2285 Site ott Icbt nod), 3)cr ! tuttg. 185a 16. 3n(Sr3.,Stt&gt;.5 59: 2264 2lm -IS. ad)tfc&gt;tcr. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16. 3n (Srj., . H5 . 59: 2294 Slnficbler am Stranbc, Dcr. etuttg. 1861. 16. SmSts., b. 15 59: 2274 Strbcit unb : 0ol-b. etuttg. 1865, 16. on erj., b. 26 59: 2285 8U-m nub tcicfj. etuttg. 1866. 16. STI (h^., b. 2 59: 2261 armor etinber, (Sin. etuttg. 1863. 16. on (Sn., b. 2-k 59: 2283 2luf ber A tudjt. etuttg. (f. b.) 16. $n (irj.. b.3i3 59: 2292 2Iuf ber .Harroo. etuttg. 1870. 16. Stf Grj., Sib. 32 59: 2291 3Iu ber gutcn alien ,^eit. etuttg. (f. b.) 16. 3n(Srj., ^8b. 34 59: 2293 Slue uergilbten ^a^ieren. etuttg. 1865. 16, 3n Grj., b. 24 59: 2283 2hiitianbem-, 2ie. etuttg. 1864. 16. 3n (i rj., Sb. 26 59: 2285 ^alin bes i aftcrS, Sic. etuttg. 1861. 16. Jn ten., b. 20 59: 2279 3)ange Jage. etuttg. 1862. 16. Jn terj., b. 22 59 : 2281 Sanfnotcn, Xie. etuttg. 1858. 16. Jn terj., b. 11 59: 2270 33el&gt;arrlid&gt;feU fii^irt jum 3it- etuttg. 1864. 16. gnlgn., SK 10 -59: 2269 Scfebrte, 2cr. etuttg. 1864. 16. 3n ten., SBb. 23 59: 2282 Sklagerung uon (Solberg. etuttg. 1867. 16. Snter?., Sib. 29 59: 2288 S3cliebte terjd^ungen. etuttg. 1872. 16. 59 : 2298 3nf&gt;alt: Sctoroifterliebe. Her Menfd) benlt unb (Sott lenft. XeS $errn JBege finb lounberbar. Sibclblatt, tern, etuttg. 1865. 16. SR ten., b. 20 59 : 2279 33rfe Weift, Ser. otuttg. 1S66. 10. ^n ten., *b. 3..., 59 : 2262 SBcfes WeloiRcn. etuttg. 1866. 16, 3n ten., b. 28 59: 2287 SkatuvMutler, Xer. etuttg. 1859. 16. ^n terj., 33b. 17 ,... 59: 2276 33rae Vcute. etuttg. 1862. 16. 3 terj., SHb. 14 59: 2273 Sriiber, Xte. etuttg. 1865. 16. ^n terj., b. 25 59: 2284 Gaptal. etuttg. 1865. 16. 3n ten., !Bb. 4 59: 2263 Gonandjet, ber 3id&gt;ian&lt;rBttutottit(g. ?iad; 6em tetigliffbcn be 3- 5- (Soever bcar^ beitet. etuttg. (f. b.) fl. 8 59: 2297 2cr liter ben J^olfen. eiuttg. (f. b.) 16. 3n terj., Vb. 35 , .. 59 : 2294 2XuH4eaien. etuttg. 1868. 16... 59: 2299 2eutid)e Bofe SRStim. etuttg. 1874. 59 : 2:300 Zienft urn Xienft. etuttg. 1857. 16. 3n terj., SHb. 16 59 : 2275 IMiO.SE FICTION-: GEKMAX. /poffmonn, grotty. -44- SHdrl S [Riff. offntnnit, ^ranj. Son C.utr.ote Don i a Wandta, nad; Wli; djaet Gercmtc be Saaijetra. gnr bir Sugcub bi-cirbeitct. Stuttg. (f. b.) ff. 8 .............................................. 59 1 : Surd; 3(ad;J jum Sidit. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16. SnGrj., SBtr. 33 ..................... . 59: Gigenftnn imb 33ufje, Stuttg. 1866. 16. 3" Grj., b. 7.. ................. -. ........... 59: fin SWann, cm SKort. Stttttg. 1857. 16. 3n Grj., S3b. 16 ............ . ...... 59: eifenfopf, er. tuttg. 1868. 16". 3n Grj., 33b29 ................................. Grfyeiterungett. htttg. 186ft 16-... 3 ii 1) a It: S8cn Bott lici tat, ben jiicdtictt cr. ift meiu, id) 7inll Dcrgetten __ &offmnmi, ; ut 41&gt;ovt ftnbet gute Statt. tuttg. 2284 unb Iragf;eit. Stuttg. 1870. 16. 3n rj., Sb. 33 ............................. - golgeii be i. eid;tfinn. Stutig. 1865. 16. 3ttGrj., SBb. 8 ...................... greiberrn Don. Dcitndjlmufcn Sieifen unb Slbcnteuer, Se ; nad; . 21. iiutget fiir bie Sugcnb bcavbeitct Stuttg. (f. b.) 80 ..................................... griebl unb Jiaji. Stuttg, 1862. 16. 3n Grj., 33b. 9 ........................ . ....... %n Setter. Stuttg. 1861. 16. Jn -Grj., SBb. 18 .................... , ............ . gtirft JBolfgang. Stuttg. 1866. 16. Grjnfitenbc SMnttcr, te : iUeine (die tyifelungen fiit fitnber sou fiinf MS ad^t ya^rm. Stuttg. 1869. 16. 59: Grjiefjung bitrd) Sd)ic}ole. Stuttg. 1865. 16. 3n Grj. , b. 1 ............. 59: ^amHiengefdndjte, (Sine. tuttg. 18(53. 16. 3nGrj., b. 24 .................... 59: geierftuuben. tuttg. 1867. 16 ........ 59: 3 n 6 a It: itt ormer Jlnabe. 9!id)t3 ift fo fein gcfoonnen, ber ,*oerv bringt G an bie Son n en. jlhibcGliebe. 59: 59 59 : 59: 59: 59, : 59: 59: 59: 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59: 59: 59-: 59 : treu. tuttg. 18(54. 16. 3n Grj., b. 11 ........... : ................. cfaf;n bcr 3i&gt;iU&gt;niJ5. 9(ad) bent (ng= ItjdH n bes Zt. "tiivb faearbettet. Stuttg,. (f.b.), H. 8 ................................. eter^SEBalt^. tuttg. (f. b.) 16. 3n Grj.,SBb. 15 ......... . ......................... )tcbte om JeU. tuttg. 1865. 16. j., SBb. 3 ............. ................. Com Sietnefe bein tuttg. 1867. ft. 8 eydjtdjtenbttd; fiir bie tuttg. 1872. 16, ................... ...... tiicfled)il. tuttg. 1866. 16. 3n Gr., b. 27 ............... .......... .... ..... (Solbfudjer, er. tuttg. 1864. 16. Sn Gr 3 .,b. 11 ................ ..................... @ott tenft. tuttg. 1870. 16. 3n er 5 ., b. 32 ................................ ... oucernante, 2ie. tuttg. (f. b.) 16. SnCrj., !b. 26 ..................... .. ...... @raf unb SBarenfuf^rer. etuttg. 1863. 16. 3nGrj., SBb. 24. ....... ................. tojie 2oo&, Sa. etuttg. 1857. 16. 3n Grj., 33b. 16... .................. . ........ rojimutter im Sreife ifyrer Gnfet, Sie. SDJovalifc^e erjaijlungen. Stuttg. (f.b.) 16 ............................................ uttiBer S Sieifen in unbefanntf i iinber Bon 3ot&gt;ann toift. gitr bie 3fleitb ttnb beren v Jvreunbe frei irad; bent &n$= tifd;en bearbeitct. Stattg. (f. b.&gt; 8... ut unb bijfe. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3n Grj., S3b. 5 ................................... 59: 59 : 59: 2301 liter eo6.n, Gin. tuttg. i870. 16. 3n Grj., iBb. 33 ,.. ffl- 2 9 92 2292 trte fterj, Gin. Shtttg. 1866. 16. SnGrj., SBb. 28 59 2 9 87 2266 &uSIid)e Stbeube: Beliebte Gndhlun= gsn. Stuttg. 1873 1(5 59 2309 2275 2288 2302 ^ntjalt: ^uvrfjte Giott, tfjue 3fed)t unb tdicue yiictranb. cn (*ieifd)tcM tuirb Gilt* tt$ tieriioltf n. Jiifct/ geiuagt, ift ijaft ge* iDonnen. fttrjfsS tilth 6.crjfnSgtrt. Stuttg. 1869, 16. Sit Grj., $ib. 32...... ,.... 58 22*91 ftirt unb gtiidjtttng. Cine Gvjafylmrg nad; 3. ^ordiat. Stutta, (i. b | 16 59 314 ftocb; int s Jiorben. Stuttg. 1861. 16. 3n Grj., SHb. 18 . , 59- 227T 2303 icntubertunbfiinfjig moratifdie Grjn^iun^ gen fiir fteine flin&tr. tuttg. 1867. 2 Sbe. 16 . 5j)f- 2343 4 2260 Stn cfinee begraben. etuttg. 1862. 16. Sn Grj., SBb 13 59- 2272 2283 2304 Sacob Gl;r(id). etuttg. 1864. 16, Su 2260 Sober in feiner SBeife. Stuttg. 1857. l(i. Sn Grj., 83b. 17 - 59 2 76&gt; 2292 ^ 1862. 16. 3n @rj. b. 14..! ^59: 3fitfeit be Peered. Stuttg. 1861. 16. 3n Grj., ^b. 22 59- 2273 2281 2267 2345 2268 2277 2279 2270 2305- 2274 9 9 co Sunq getuotint, altgetfyan. Stuttg. 1868. 16. 3n Grj., 33b. 17 59 : Salenber=efd)id;ten. 45rel. 1858. ft. 8.. 58 : 3 it 1) a 1 1: (54 ift bei JBtsigtn .Srone, uorfid) = tiolid) (jnnbcln. Ser ailbenmrt. ($t= fd)id)teu con ber Gouvaje. SlUer Slnfanjj ift (dime r. Stfte tuib atbeite. atltS mit SJiaaBell. EeriDlann, ber .&gt;llle anfilnqt- Zer gabritficH-. S ! o5 $emb ift na ties aI3 bev Stotf. Um-ccbt Witt nebeidct nidjt, Bern cin tiijenbfomes SBtib liefdjeerci i\t r bie ift oieleblcr, benn bie fofHidiitf Jkrle. Sot bid) bev leufet erft on etnnn ,$aar, net evbid) ball&gt; janj. gin Dincv bcS Scideo. Die JUiinbevuno,. Biebe ift (sniicf. -- 5Bioiijeiiftun6e Sot (*)olsim Hhmbe. ^ianl-- merf Iiot golbenen Sobeti. ^cfi fa, u nidjt auofomnien. 9Iufoufefuntj. Set akifidjcrte. Sortier unb nodjljcr. fiteine Siuifetir. Stuttg, 1,862. 16. Sn Grj., b. 21 59: JUeinc Urfad)t. Stuttg. 1868. 16.. 3tt Grj., 5Bb. 20 .. 59- 2276- 1735 228G&gt; 22795 OQJ7 Jttetne Serfduntuiffe. Stuttg. 1866. 16. SnGrj, Sib 27- ~ ~ tft 2286- 2306- 2286 fiteineS Sngenbud). etuttg. 1865. 16.. 59: Snabc auf^etgctanb, Ser. Sttit-tg..]K65. 16. SnGrj., 33b. 25 59: j?8ni$fol;n, dm. tuttg. 1861. 16. Sn Grj., Sb. 15 59 - 2349- 2284 2274 2270 9901 Sanb= unb eebilbcr. Stuttg. (f. b.) H.8. 59 : iitbeiisfam^fe. etuttg. 1870. 16. Sn Grj., 9Jb. 32 - 59- 234* 2291 "85 Stebct cure ^-etnbe. Stuttg. 1859. 16. 3aGrj.,*b. 5..- 59: 2264 9900 .9anqi&gt;. tuttg. (i. b.) 16.. Sn Grj., 331) 2 r,g 2261 99 7K Subtotg Seetb,oto3n. Stvttfg. (f. b.) 1. Sn Grj, Sib 35 59- 2294 fiubtcig wn Seetfyowen. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16. , 59 231 1 2307. SJiodjt be @elt)tffen,.2ie. Stuttg. 1864. 16 Sft Gn ibb 9.. 59- 2268 ; OQAC SWarcfjen unb nbel n. tuttg. 1867. 16. 59 : SJian imtfj fid) bud)fd)tag en. tuttt 1862 16 SnGrj ilb 21 . ^- 59 2341 2280 2264 33!arf g Siiff. 3lad) Gaoper fur bie reifere Sugenb beorbeitet. Stuttg. (f. b.) ft. 8. 59 : 2342 PROSE FICTION : GERMAX-. Qpffmonn, -45- Hoffmann, &lt;vraiij. SHillioiiar, (Sin. Stuttg. 1867. 16. Jit Grj., b. 29 ................................. 59: Sfiofdiele. Stuttg. 1869. 16. 3n Gn., **&gt; 12 .................................... 59: KojaitS Jugenbjaljre. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16. 3n Gr}., **. 34 ..................... 59: Wtind banfeii. Sfeb.c : 5yreib.err turn. Diutta-ltcbe. Stuttg. 1804. 16. 3n Grj., *b. 8 ...................................... ... 59; Sfliitlorb Gat. Stuttg. 1855. 16. 3n Grj., b. 1 .................................. 59: 9!ftnefi3. Stuttg. 1805. 16. 3n Gn , * 23 .................................... . ..59; 9!cue Mpbinfon, Ter, cber Sdtiffbrudj be3 ^Hicific. v Jc ad; bent Gngliidjen beS ,a= toitain -JJJarn&gt;at bearbeitet. Stuttg (f. b.) fl. 8 ................................. 59; 3ieucr beutfdjfr 3ugciibfrcunb. Stuttg. 1864-73. 10be, 8 ........ ............ 59; I) am .vwdiften, bicftiitlfc am Ma Tie. Stuttg. (). b.) 16. 3n Gn,, b. 2 ....................................... ... 59; 9iur immc r bran, Stutt.i. 1869. 16. 3n Grj., -Kb. 16 ........... .. ................ .... 59-. 9(ur .Hlcinigfcitcn. Stuttg. 1858. 16. 3" Gr$., b. 11 ........................... 59; $atojunge, Tcr. etuttg. 1866. 16. 3n Gr?., *b. 27 ........................... 59. ^ctct Simple. Stuttg. ({. b.) 16. 3n Grj., Kb. 2 ................... ; ............. 59: ^riifungrn. Stuitq. 18;5. ](i. 3n Gr v , SBb. 8 ...................................... ... 59: 3ldjt nuifi bed) 9!cdit bloibcn. gtutta 1859. ]o. ^ n gq^ sy^ ]8 ............ gg . 9it ditfd)affi iiev.Hiiabc, Gin. Stuttg 1862 16. ^snGrj., b. 7 ................... ..59: Sietnere gfudjS. Sicbc : e|d?ic6tcn BOU. 9lcn6. Stuftg. 1864. 16. o"Grj., 4ib. 9. 59 : Slcue ucrfobnt. Stuttfl. 1864. 16. ^n Grj.,^b. 7 ............................... ...59: iicii mib crnbtcn. Stuttg. 1867. 16 Sttfej,, b. 28 ........................... 59: Sanbgrubc, Xie. Stattg. 1864. 16. 3nGrj., b. 10 ........................... 59: edjafcbtsgnla, 2cr. Stuttg. 1868. 16 3n Grj., *b. 18 ........................... 59: Sdjiller a ^ugentjatire. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16 ........................................... 59 ; Sd)muldic=vcben. etuttg. 1862. 16. 3.nGr,v, 4*6. 14 ........................... 59.- Sdionflcn Scardicti bet laufenb unb Giucn -Jiadit, Tie. Stuttg. (f. b.) 8. 59 : Sdnile bet irlbcn, Tie. Stuttq. 18:56. 16. 3tt Grj., *b. 4 .......... ^ .......... 59: Segenbes.wm, Ter. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3n Grj., *b. 7 .............. ^ ............... 59 ; Selig finb bie l arm()er;igen, bvnn fie it et= ben i*arm^erjigfeit etiangot. Stutter. 1866 16. 3n Grj., Hb. U ............ 59: etlbcrgrcfdien, ter. Stuttg. 1864. 16. 3 Grv, 4&lt;b. 2.-i ........................... 59; Scnne bvingt e3 an ben Tag, Tit Stuttg. 1861. lo. j n Grj &gt;y b ]5 r )9 . cipf;icn -j iietben : (&lt;inc moralise Giv jabjungen. Stuttg. 1864. 16 ......... 59 ; epton, Gin. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16 ......... 59 ; Stan-finit unb fefler-Wille. Stuttg. ((. b.) 16. &gt; Grj., *b. J35 ...................... 59 : Sctimme be ibevrn, Tie. Stuttg. (f. b.) 3n Grj., b. 34 ................. .......... 59; Stranbfifdjer, Ter. Stuttg. 1856. 16. SnGrj., --bb. i:i ........................... 59; Saufettb unb Gine JJadjt. Sie!;e: Tie Sdjcnften i)Jardjen ber jc. 2288 2271 2293 2267 2260 2282 2346 2320-9 2261 22^5 2270 2286 2261 2267 2277 2266 2268 2266 2287 2269 2277 2315 2273 Avanj. J Jrcuc *!ut, Tag. Stuttg. 1862. 16. ?nGrj., b. 21 ..... . .................... 59: Jrcue Tiener. Stuttg. 1867. 16. 3n rj., b.29 ................................ 59: Ztciif getvinnt. Stuttg. 1869. 16. 3n Gn., *b. 8 ........... . ..... . .............. 59: Xiiditig unb untiiditig. Stuttg. 1862. 16 J . 3n Grj., 8b. 22 ..................... 59 : ttnter ber Grbe. Stuttg. 1865. 16. 3n Grj.,b. 23 ................................. 59: Untmte fdjiagt ben eigenen loerrn, Stuttg. 18.-)!). 16. S-n Grj., b, 12.-. 59 : Sergeltung. Stuttg. 1865. 16. 3n Grj., ilb. 27. ................................ 59: 8erlorene@obn, Set. Stuttg, 1865. 16, 3" Grj., SBb. 3 .............................. 59: Spgelb.anbla, Tcr. Stuttg. 1869. 16, ,VtGrj., b. 3 .......... . .................. 59: SSalire Wliicf, Ta-3. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16, "sn Gr,., b. 4 ................ ............... 59: fflaifen, Tie. Stuttg. 1869. 16. 3n Grj., m. 9 .......................... ....,.,.. 59: Sffiei^itad^ten. Stuttg. 1865. 16. 3n Grj., b. 14 ................................. 55: SCcim Wott ^tlft, gebt Allies. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16. ^n Grj. , b. 34.- ........... 59: SLn iin man ntiv rcdit 6)cbulb bat ! Stuttg. W59. 16 3n Grj., 25b. 13 ........... 59: SLVr Siinbc tbut, ^er ift ber Si u^e AinedTt. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16. 3n Grj., b. 5. 59 : SBie bie Saat, fo bic Grnbte. Stnttg. 1864. 16. 3n Grj., Sb. 10- ............. 59: 2L-UIIJ. Stnttg. (f. b.) 16. Jn Grj., b. 12 ....................................... 59: 2Kot)Uf)un tragt $m\en. Stuttg. 1859. 16. 3n Grj., b. 17 ..................... 59 : lugenbcn a&lt;ergeltung, Tcr. Stuttg. 1864. 16. Snerj., 95b. 1- ........... 59: 3it ift etb. Stuttg, 1865. 16. 3* Grj., S56. 25 ............................ ..... 59; gigeimtt = ^yriebl. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16. 3n Grj., Sb. 28 ...... , ....................... ,.. 59: Cito. grcibeuter, T. 3!ad) 3. $, (5oo)jer fiir bie reifere Jugeub bearbei= tct. Stuttg. (f. b.) 8 ............... , ..... 59 : .*9lfmnnii, S5&gt;. Gb,arafterbiiber auS bcr Xbicrtreit Mr* jdjiebener iilcltt^eile. Stuttg. (f. b.) fl. -to :.........; 59: 2. i51 offitiiitflrii. A. -Kremer. 3* & Grj.... 58 : Soffnillijltn in l&gt;fra. Jrdfym Griift ttett 22S3 Kibra. 3 Kbe. in 1 58: &lt;&gt;otnrlrtitrtitcii. G. 3W. 2Jhmbt. (Vouife Ibad;.) , 58: leidmiaiin. S. 0u(jfon&gt;. 3 2i fflu iicren Sttinben .-., -.....,.. 58: .&lt;SoIjc Kraut, Tie. . fiiniig. 3 4tbe 58 : ^ofir Gorbillera, Tie. Jyreitjcrr Gmft Don Ktbra. 3n Sitifeffiyen u. -JJoDcllcn, 58 : -"-- ~ v e. 9i. Seller 58 : 226*5 2271 : -: 2274 2350 2312 2294 2293 2272 .VMilinilifimcr, Gin, Jt. Stobr. JH Grj,, -Kb. 6. iqlifiti(liiuaiifl(iu. .U. in4 ^nllrinbiftljr Kainin, Tcr. G. u-r IB, Gin. .U. 5 S8be. 59: . 58 : ; -58: 58: 3ugcnbjab.re : Grja^tungen, bungen unb Gljaratterfdjitberungen fur .Hnaben ten 10 bi^ 13 Sabren. SrL (f. b.) fl. 8 ..................................... 59 : 2280 2288 2267 2281 2282! 2271 228 2262 2262 2263 2268 2273 2293 2272 2264 2263 2271 227 226O 2284 2287 234S 2368: 303 164 256 1245&gt; 1916-8 16ff 144* 1092 1225-S 181 1222: 2380 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. - 46 - f, Tn. ft. edjmib. Jn 2(Ite imb neiie Wcfd). one Wahent, &b. 7 ............ 59 : $omfrofri), Set. S3, 2J!dlIb.aufen. Jn 3Je= [iquieii, b. 1 ................................. 58: iomooimt()ifrtici&lt; ^raJerBatiu gegen bie Oefafyren bet Sdjmctdjclei. . &gt;. toon ednibcrt. 3n Grs. edjr., Sb. 3 ........... 5(J : &gt;onigbaiint, Tex. 8 - Setftader. 3 2 u $ metnetn Jagebudj, v ,Bb. a .................... 58: fioiiiflblumcit. g. SLUcbcnwnn ............... 59: -oitprotiorcutod)tcr, 2ie. C. ioo fer ........ 58 : pOjfftn imb Werfte. il atuerbadj. SIT @cf. 3d)r., Sb. 8 ........... ......................... 58: Xaffclbc. Jn gdjltjarjn). Xorfgcfdv, SBb. 4 ......................................... 58: 0})fritblutl)rn, Tit. C. en Sdjmtb ...... 5!); JiOllS iibcr ! bat bet bide SJiilier gefagt. G. fcSfer. Jn i anb imb &lt;Stt, b. 2 ........... 58: &gt;J0-rn, 21 . X Bon. (pseud.) 2ieb,e Certel, ~ v J&gt;lnliB griebrid) -Kifbelm. 31. (.) 2uma. 2 in 1 ............................................. . 58: $offlt ber JBaronatifdjen xnijareii, 3Me. 21. on 2i&gt;iiitfelb. 511 ftwnor. 2olbaten 9iooeUen, Sfe. 3 ........ . ..................... 59: Soffit bc3 fiierrn ucu flrebolo, Sie. SB. SSring. (3&ilibalb2lleji) ........... .58: Jtofpitql auf bcr JJiiffion X olorcS, Xa-J, g. etflaier. Ju Mreuj unb Duet, Sto. 1.58: -Jiotcl Solitube, Xa. 21. SJicifener. 3 6|aralterma8lm, *b. l ..................... 58: a, bie ^emancvin. ^. g. 3.B. Devtel \$. D. Don feorn). 5" -t&gt;fi S G rj- b. 10 .......................................... 58: $. 3. SEB. Deriel (SB. D. Bon M D r n). ^n Corn s Grs., SBb. 7 ............ 58 : JiiilicrlifiiirriH, Sie. ip. djmib. 3n Ian= nengriin .................... . .................... 59-. |&gt;iibcit ub bruben. g, Gerftacter. 3 a3be,~ 58: 3 n Ii a 1 1; Si. 1: SDie Weineinlx niaife. Det ^ud;-3fcau. Set Bltliclic ftert. S3b. ?: 3;cr oerfteirot^Pte hotter. SRmric SB&gt;ilb?nfcl5. SerriDJuUcr Cin frcun-ix Ud^r timpfaug, b. :i: Siod) in ber Soft. ffiirtjtcr aiatf. martin. iaienjagb 6ci Sotl^a, -Jiiilfflt, grau uon. (Setene.) 3JoeUen wnJ) ttjjeii. Serf. 1869. 1(5. 58: 3 n I) a 1 1: Ein SSieberfe^n. Jina. Sn ber clficn Sambo. iiergcblid). 28ie otte Sutibcn i)ei{en. 2 ................................. ........... 59: am (yiflitonfirnt;a, 2ie. 3(. 2djo^e. 59 : &gt;Jiiinctiofii!)cfrt)tri)trn. X. Sdjott ....... ... 59: ,\nl)a It: Slniia MI :l&lt;ourg. ,S ulc i 4 ( il&gt;i In. fitno fcti ft. ty. g. 2J.V Certel (^. D. o n 6 o r n). Sn front s Grj., SJb. 6... 58 : -VSliqn won ^5&lt;mere. &lt;v. .wnuiivg. 3 11 SSanbetc. burdj b. (Mnet b. Okfd) ........... 58 : , Sncjanbet bon. io.3fau. 7 iVbe. 59: t, SUecanier Don. g. 3. Sdjmibt. 59: iialuiite uoit. (Suif Gr nefti.) SJriftofratin uni ber ^-abrtfant, Tit. Sena 1H(&gt;5. 4 SSbe. in 2. 16 ......... 58: 21 it? alter unb euer 3 C * : 3JoeIlen imb eti ,jen. Sena 1865. 2 Site. 16 ...... 58: GSelb unb laknt. X etyj. 1864. 3 3H&gt;e. in2. 16 .............. ........ , .............. 58: Unaufloslirfie Sanbe. iieipj. 1869. 2be. in 1. 16 ................................... 58: 3u&gt;ei giirfttnnen. Sena 1867. 2 Sbe. inl. 16 .................................... 58: 562 2392 2796 903 2951 1676 52 82 532 1687 578 1738 1364 957 2315 2839 2851 563 940-2 3430 2641 28(X) 2411 2850 1461 281-7 2722 677-8 675-6 680-1 82 683 fiir 2epf)a unb @ifenba$R&gt; 21. BOH 2i&gt;iiiterfelo. 6 :Bbe 59 : &gt;nl;alt: 4Jb. 1: SlUed filr meitten @oljn. er Megenmann. 3)tr3unter uon -WarfC" roilcl;. Zer /oirfcbreiter. 33b. 2: Citlet .Sieinvid). 7!ic 8aftfr&gt;ielreife. Ker etabttroirqieter con (iiipemf, Ginc 1730-5 SBb. 3: cr Skiff on ber Xante. Gin P)ift morb. Xer Stcintanj. Gin jeltjamer SBb. 4: Ginc S&gt;&gt;cfiiIation=&lt;ScfelIid)aft. Ii fiutlen Aim djte, Xie eben5retter. SBb. h: I&gt;ic Statue in fSipen^ageru 3&gt;tc un bcimlidjc JBol)nun,fl. SBtuli: ie i^ocbjeitoreiie. H&enteucr in "JSolduii!. Gin fetHcnbe 32)fBl&gt;el. SQSie ber Xeufel bas ."ointen bcEaiti. &gt;ninori|tifd)C 2olbaten=3!oel[en tiit 2o&lt; $fya unb 2i ad;tftube. 21. Bon 2jJinterfelb. 4 be 59: {n$a[t: Bb. 1: Gin giibnrid) mil einem A^eblcr. Gine 3iiutgefd&gt;id;te. Xie attc Sdjatrate. ,err ooit Stvomiiig. Cine H ituteiiaiu son ajJetbufalem. (Sine 3ind;t patrflntUe. Xie 1 iebe aiiper ^icnftcu. Sib. 2: Gine lliarfctcnbcriu Se-5 groten R6- nig^. JWiR -Utttp mit bcm Stummtl. ^ofcp^ im ;)iejien. JJiein ^itrfdje, ber MtntraU Zer Stelluertrcter. aiejail" ber BOH Tuitcrberg. 2ic jiigcnmumc Xrompete. Xer Berfdjiyunbtne illleijtifrf;, Gin cmincntcv ftft. SBb. 3: ?cr Slitter non Xoggenburg. Hie 4ofen ber ^jronaa idfcn ^ufarett. Xfyeo* rie unb 53lji?, Die Ojel uon Gliatancoe fja. Xte 6ieidiid)te BOH ben Atanonen. Scr Grfte iibcr bie 3dilci. Gin gufartn* ritt. 3)er griine Sdjnurrbart. Xie 8b. 4: IDhirienbaber .flreu ( ?. SJiemciircn eineS Dffijievobuifdjeii. Sffiie iie 3llti fungen. 2lu&lt;j ,^odjfird) 5 9Iad)t. 2li o[lo mitoem rotlieii flragcn. 35 &lt;t SaiisfdjUij. feL Grjdljlungen eineS altcn ^ndjtntei- fterS. ^DlibrfliiD, Ser. g. GerftacTcr. 31 2Baib= inann s ibeil 58: fiunbrrt, obcr Maifer, 2)farfel)aH unb iind): l;anb(er. &. i)Jicri|j. Sit 3,naenb=iUM., 3Jb. 11 59: ^uitbcrt Wefdjid)tcn fiir eine Shttter unb il)re Minber. g. 2l5iebemann 59: .jpuubcrt moratifd^e GrjiiMungen. 6. 21. Staubenniewi 59: $tmbertmtbfiiltfjig moralifdje erjaijlungen fiir Heine .Hinber. g, feofjmann, 2 i^be... 59 : .J&gt;mi(icrvnftor, J ore t nu.) j. Siaabe. (Jacob 59: Jwfnrfitoffhicr Sriebridi s be^ rojjen, . Gin. J. Bon Sirfebe. 3 bc. in 2 59: J&gt;ufarrnj)fcrb, Sa. (Sfein Q)raud;en). unbGq., *b. 2 , 58: Juinrcnritt, Gin. 21. BOU 21Unterfclb. 3n .vmmor. 2olbaten--2ioBeIlen, ^Bb. 3 59: Jilifortn, Tie. X. 2d;iiding ~ 59: Snffitet toor Sloumburg, ~it. &. 3iieri(}. 3n Jucjfiib=-Vibl., 4ib. 20 59 : ) fami nidjt auslommcn. g. Sjoffnumn. 1736-9 997 2561 2950 2841 2343-4 185 1560-1 1061 3738 626 2570 tj ftrafe bie ^osb^ it ber iiatet an ben Jtinbevn bi in % britte unb Bievte c= fd)ledjt. 21. it)iu. (3 e r e m i a 8 o 1 1 = 6. etf), 3ne|. 2&lt;ljr., b. 10 58: I 3iflanb. utnt t&lt;mbcrg. Jit iiiinftler= bilber, 23b. 3..... 59 : II Tempesta. G. lUUfo, Jn 3(eue 3ioBllen, *b. 4. 59: .djroter 59: 1735 1040 1034 81 845 PKOSE FICTIOM: GERMAN, hfc golbcnc fii 47- tctir. 3((iiftrirtr tiolbtne flinberburf&gt;, ad. G. X auftt) ........................................... 3!litftnrtc Solbatemttefdnditen. g. 2B. ftarfldnber ..................................... 3 nil a It: Tf 5 Wcncral S iHm rort. Gut* nnirf in eiurn .Hdlaibtv : ^aiwar, Urlaub = SNonat ; AClmiai,Umcvrid&gt;i! Moitat; JHa rj, gi(tung&gt;xtonat: xHpiil, Sle(ruteii=Mo at. Xi 9 frauenitifterd Sfapport. Die erfte 2SiulK. Iti iitbtfl, con S. & $&gt;aef Snber. JviebruVffitUiclm Dornemann, obei: ,,S($ ^riine teteitiit feiner itidH", con Gieorge JiefefieL Uitttrfealtungcn in bet 9!act)t, con Gbmunb .lob fer. 3flnftrirtM SDieltnid) fiir Anabcn. ft. 59: 58 : 2480 3lht|Ynvtci&lt; Syielbud) fiir "Bidbdjen. 2)(. vcsfc .............................................. 3m rtltcn .U loner. g. (Scrftiicter. 3n "-81111= tc$ Ireiben. N -Bb. 3 ......................... 3m Sknn bcr Sdjulb. 3. % iiblfelb. a be. in 1 ............................ . ................ 3m 3iann uub Dauber Don Seibcnfdjaf t nnb 2Sab,n. G. iCillfomm. 3 S3be. in2 ......... 3 ii I) a It: 33b. 1: (iiraf Don Xanttcnfee. SUK rieie 9Jb. 2: Ter &lt;rcf)id&gt;tmeifter. {miter bem Seebticfje. Set flriniv Xuiban". Sib. 3: Gin unlH imiirtHT Kami. &lt;J6rttbet SBomieoiUe. Zer Slflent aits (E^ina. 3m 33ioat. g. SB. , oactlanbcr. ^n (Jr= lebtcg, b. 2 .......... . ........................ 3m iUifd). A. Wcrftddcr. 3 Ubc. in 1 ...... 3m ~Su)d). 3R. 59 : 59: 58: 58: 59: 3m Iaincn=Srupe. 3. 2i&gt;. Smcflonber. Sorgcntofe Stiinbeii :c., S3b. 1 ............. 3m trffcnftcr. 5. Werftdrfcr. 4 SObe. in a.. Safjelbc. 4 Jibe ........................... 3m (Srfer. (S. &gt;ofcr. ^n 3(ussca&gt;. Wcf ...... 3m ^-dljrljauie. 3. 3). . Xemme. 3u Gri= tuinal:3ioellen, lib. ^ ....................... 3m Aranjk fanortl.nirm. 3- 3X &gt; Zcmiiic. 3m Wliitf i crtilbcrt. (r. SffiiDfonim. 3 Sbe. 3m Wrafcnfdiloji. % ;fc. ^n (3e{. Six, *b. 4 ............................................ 3m (briincn, cbcr bie flcincn ^flanjcns freunbe. io. 4l ! agncr .......................... 3m grflnen 3Baft. 3-^raun .................. 3m ftialbbunfcl. fitter g. won loentl. (Jriebridj Sornau). 2 33be. in 1... 3n Bait: Sb. 1: ^Srinj SlnaftaTio. let Talisman. Xa3 inncre Oiefictjt. SBb. 2: let ja)reibcnbf 2iftS. lit tnntre 3timme. (Sin Jtiinitlers^beal. . Xie tettenbe Qieige. 59 : 58: 58 : 58: 58 : 59: 59 : 59 : 56: 59: 59: 58 : 2918 2495 2603 1672-3 1301 943 2588 1334 945-6 947-50 1664 1298 1674-6 673 2915 2050 3m aufc bcr g-rau ."oofrfttliin. 6. 3n iicrfunfcne Sterne: Sieuc 3(oellen, b. 7 ............................................ 3m aerjcn uou $eutf$(anb. SU. Don (Su= feet. ai&lt;be. in 1 .............................. 3m hol;en ioaufe. G. Sfcr. 3" Stusjetu. (SefeUfd)aft ...................................... 3t sootcl. 31. Sieifiiier. 3" b.arafterma3= ten, Hb. 3 ...................................... 3 m 3rrenb,au$. g. iieioalb. 3" 2unen= u. 3m M erf cr geboren. G. grifie 3m Hconbenfdjein. g. Werftdcfer. 3 tcSlreibcn, s -Bb. 1 ............................. 3m Moor. ft. iinibt. 3 sBimtcn bet rotben Xonne, ^b. 4 .......................... 3m Morcienrot^. ft. Sdimib. 2 5tbe. in 1... 3m ;Heb :)(iucr. %. Werftdcfer. 3n fteiml. u. mib,cim(. (Sefd;., 53b. 2 ............. . ...... 3m rotl;en ftaf. G. ftiifer. 3 ^ ker tm-iten SiSclt, itt&gt;. 1 ........................... Xaffelbe. 3n Gr;. Sdir., b. 10 ...... 3m SanitAtc-uereiu. D. iBUbcrmut^. 3n ^ur Jdinnu rfUinbe ........................... 59 : 58: 58: 58: 58: 58 : 58: 59: 59 : 58 : 58: 58 : 59: 1190 1664 2317 2115 914 821 569 936 3m dinee begrabcn. g. ftoffmnnn. 3" Gr;,., *b. 13 59: 3 in Siegestraiuic. 4l . Maabe. (3aeob EotDtnuS.) 3 11 JKegcnbogen, ib. 2... 59: 3m Strom ber ,j}eit. 45. Don leafed 4 4ito. in 2 58 : 3m Jageslidjt. 0. S&iUbftmuty 59: 3 it t) a 1 1: rtVaucnaaUeric. ffiieberfeljen. 3m lemDel bcr g-rennbfdjaft. G. ^o(fix 3n 4i!olfen=Sd;atten: Ji. -Jiouellen, Sb. 14 59: 3m Jeutobnrger Siialbe. i. . ^. idjler. 3" Grv, Sb. 4. . 59 : " Dellen, lib . 13........ 59: 3 n tj a 1 1: G ti 3yicl. Gtne ^rauentianb. 2lu3 fiiit)creu laacn. 3.1)ciben uub JJleU ben. 3m 1i. ; albe. greitierr G. Don iiibra. 3 n 3m SBatbe. i&lt;. g. 4s.\ Certel rh&gt;. D. Don ftorn). 3 ftcrn s Grj., -iib. 10 58: 3nt SiHilbfdilofi. G. ftofet. 3 1 S&gt;ergangene Jagc 58 : 3m. ii ellenriiufdH n. g-rau 3- i faiinen-- jdimtbt. ( J u 1 i e li u r o ID). 2 33be. in 1 . 59 : 3nimcniiaitn, Marl (Vebredjt), (geb. 1796, f 1H40). GDigonen, 2ie. 58erl. 1865. 2 bc. in 1 . IIP 58: SRttncfyljaufen. 33erl. 18(&gt;4. 4 SJbe. in 1 . 3mVniUiintDr, er. ft. G. Slnberfen. 3n 0cf. ii!., -lib. 2 5G: 3lt 3lmerifo. g. Wcrftatfer. .3 4ibe. (3m 3ll iiayon Sara!;, g. Qaitd cfer. 3" 3tu9 tneinem Sagebudi, 4ib. 2 58 : 3n be brie jonge jtaliaanberS. G. SDinbler. 3nbenl 1 ianglaren. g. (Serftdtfer. 3"SiHlt e ii&lt;elt, b. 3 58: 3n ben BantDaS. g. (SJerftdrfer. 3 &lt; "IsSilbe 3n ti n Drcufufdjen &gt;interivdlbern. :H. 2272 170 1192-3 Ki31 87 2643 86 169 2*54 1702 42 1760 51 Sdimcidjel . ^nbatt: Xcr ?lrtfif)icinrter. 3n ber Callus. 3. 3). ft. Jemme 59 : 3n ber liiiffelf;aut. g. Werftdtfer. 3n^ tn= teS Ireiben, b. 2 58 : 3n ber ^dnunerftunbe. "^!. Sdjaiv; 59 : 3n ber elften Stunbe. g-rau Don ftiilfen. (ftelene.) 3" SJoucllcn unb Sfijjeii 58 : Q!&gt; 3n ber (^cfangenfrfjaft. ft. ftirjdjfclb. 3 SioDellcn and b. beutidvfram. Mriege 1870-1 58: 3n ber fteiinatl). G. ^olfo. 3" AreubDoll u. leibDoU: 3!ene ^JioDellen, iib. 12 59 : 3it ber Jrre. G. ftiifcr. 4 -Jibe, in 2 58 : 3n ber SBei^naitSjeit. S. iierena. 3" -Jiieri ^ngenb=iiibl., 3Jb. 33 59: 3n ber ilklt Derloren. G. ftofev. 4 SJbe. in 2. 58; 3n ber ^iDb lftw Stunbe. g. SDielbagen. 59 . 3 M bie Jfatur. ft. i^agner 59 : In Diilorilms. G. fto fer 58: s-;i 3n bvct Stdbtcn. V. Ctto. 3n Slug ber al= "^i9 ten 3eit, Sib. 2 58: 3n einer iirautnadit. 3- ^- lemme. 36 1 3" GriminaliJJoiH llen, "iib. 1 59: 3n einer ftillen Strafje. G. ftijfer. 3" "* 1662 ber iDeitcn ifelt, s lib. 2 58 : 1654 Xaffelbe. 3n Grj. Sdjr., v tfb. 3 58 : 3n Waftein. g. Werfldtfer. Jn ilu-S mcinent 1637 j Zagebud). 4Jb. 1 58: 903 948 993 991 766, 1315 914 2693 1430 1590 85 1677-8 2583 1679-80 857, 1681 2899 1297 1603 1651 903 1 KOSE FICTION: UKKMAN. 3n Dflittcn ber Diorbjee. 48- Sefutt. 3ttS0Httenber5Rorbfee. 3B. 3lo8loto8l. 3n SRierifc 3ugenb=$ttDl., S3b. 39 ............... 59: 3n Scene fetjen. g. SB. Sjocflanber. 3 n ill. (Srj. u. ljumor. Stijjen" ....................... 58: 3n Stinben. (S. Sb fer. 2 33be. in 1 ......... 58 : 3 Si fllb tint) erijlofc. 0raf et. @ra= bomstft. 2 33be. in 1 ..................... &gt;- 58: 3n jiwei 3ab,vunberten. IS. grommel. 3n ougenti* unb 3Jolt$btbl .................. 59 : 3nflf Jrau won .vmlfen. (.sjelene.) 3 tl JtoBcllen unb Stijjen ........................ 58: 3nbimiiia)cunb, Seiv g. (Serftarfer. 3tt Slue wcmem lagcbudj, 2jb. 2 .............. 58 : Snflcmic. St. (3.) Sumas. 3be ........... 58: 3llt|0 unb ^ngvaban. . grewtag. 3 n Sie 3ll;nen, Slbt b. 1 ................................ 58: Smtcre Oefictjt, Sa3. Stitter g. Don icentl. ig-riebrid) So matt.) ^n Jm Stalls bunfel, -b. 1 ............................ : ...... 58: 3nncve Stimme, Sie. fitter g. won ioentl. (griebrid) Sornau.) 3noiitS&gt;alb ! buntel, 33b. 2 ............................ . ...... 58: SnfclfiJnifl, Set. -V- $alen. 5 be. in 2.. 58 : 3ttfeltt&gt;eit. 5. (3ecftacet. 2 Sbe. ........... 58: 3it!&gt;eftor ^ren^et, Set. 31. SBiften^a^n. 3n Wef. (i vj., b. 4 ........................... 5!) : ^nfufaiicr, ?ie. v }5. 0alen. 4 SBbe: in 2... 58 : i.Vntci C|"jaittc Same, (Sine. 2t. con Stern* berjj. :3n Ml. 3(om. unb (Srj., *b. 3 ...... 59: 3ntri(iuc, 2ie. X!. Steed). 2be. in 1 ...... 59 : c, Set. (. Spinbler. 5 *be ......... 59 : affelbe. 5 bc in 2 ..................... 59 : c, Ser. &. Don Struenfee. ( u &lt; ft a B u o m e e.) 3n (Sfj. eiues alien fiierrn, b. 2 ................................... 59: etnc Seemann?, Sa. 0. &gt;. 2589 fon S djttbcrt. 3n Seebtlber 5fi : 3&lt;ll)r,Gtn. (S. g. (Sarlen 58: 1289 Sa()i fi?tafl, Set-, g. G5auD&. 3 11 foet. uttb 1682 Sptof. Ks., Sb. 6 56: Saffelbe. 3 Sdmtntl. 28., 3Jb. 23 56: 1086 : Safinnarft, Ser. v. Steel. 3n Sdjr., 3Jb. 20 56: 2403 Saliqcit, . S. . itomwcrt. 311 Wefd)id)ten enter (Saffe, 9Jb. 1 ..... 58: 1430 rsafnti (iallot. . iltl. 5n S?i[tor. JJowellen, ,. 2 58 : 903 SafoD (Sl;rltdj. g. ajiarreat 58: 579-81 ilafofi won SIrtewelbe. . (ionfcience 58 : nfobi?, be-3 Sanbluert-Sgefelien, 3Banbe= rungen burdj bie Sdilueij. 31. 33i^ius. Sdjr., S5s. 11 . . 08: SBatten, S3b. 2 .................... 58: 3m won St. Sam^, Set. 4 ^. alen. 4be. in 2 ...................................... 58: StrfaJribfSWtyelenen, ie - 5- SWoH*- ^n (Sef. Sd;r., b. 6 ........................ 5C : 3mafjrten. 5y. etftttdet ..................... 58: 3rrttd)t won SrgentiereS, Sag, *|J. aten. a*be. tit 2 .................................... 58: r\rru)ifdi, Set , ober bcr Mawer. 3. g. (00= er ............................................... 58: . Sdu-., ti. 9 ............................. 56: . ber Sairte. iB. Sliterbadj. Jn ef. ed)t-.,b.l .................................... 58: Sajfelbe. 3 Siimmtl. Sdjloarjiu. Sorfgefd;., S3b. 1 ........................... 58: J\n, anno brei;ebn! . Bfer. 3n 31. Wffd)., 33b. 2 ............... ........... .......... 58: 3ntf unbuilt, g. etftarfer. 5it Silau SttJaf = fer ei;vlid;. g. Hoffmann. 3n Crrj., 1 ................. - ......................... 59: wan ber3ieeg. fo. f aaljotw, iT-Bbc... 59 : 3ocflcr, Hermann. Meidjenau, ober ebanten tiber Sanbe= uerfdjonening : (Sine return; ........ 58: SfiflCl luil tl) won lliiindjen, Ser. S. Sd^tnib. 3 3(m iiamin ................................ 59: "^nab, oacier unb SiSalb in 3!orb=2tmerifa. g. erftacter. Jn JCaibmanuS eil ...... 58 : 3ngbflcf(i)irt)tr, (Sine. 31. Bon Sinterfelb. ^n jjuinoresfen, v -8b. 2 ....................... 59 : Soflbrtnncn, Sa. S. Sd;iirfing ...... . ..... 59: 730 525 80!)- 1 954-5 1S05 817-8 1031 1143 910-4 915-6 464 1956 46 81 563 997 1731 626 3(ti bem Seben. iieiB. (|. b.) 16. 3n 9Uert(5 3nflenb^ib[., b. 46 59 : fileine irifdie 3litWanberer, Ser. VetB. (f. b.) 16. 3n 3(ieri(5 ;sugeiib=3Jtb[., iBb. 46 59: 3lacb,e, Sie. VeiB. (f. b.) 16. 3n JHeritj 3ugenb=SMM., 4ib. 46 59: SRotbleblc^en, 3)o8. i eiw. (f. b.) 16. Sit ugenb=*ibt., 33b. 46 59: (Soof. ^. g. SB. Dettef. (33J. D. won So o r n). Jtt orn Gr,., ^b. 12.. 58 : 3nmci 3\&gt;att, ber terfinber. ^. g. SB. D e r = t e I. (SB. D. w o n o r n). 3 n orn (Srj., 33b. 8 .....: 58: 3 an Silaufittf. 6. Smibt. 2 33be. in 1 59 : C, bie Jitbiiu *p. Malen. 3 33be. in 2... 58 : , ber 3)!alcr. g. Sdnnibt 59: t, ber einen SJater fitd;t. g. 9.Varrtjat. 58 : 3oromir. -. Jiellftab. 3" agen unb rom. (S&gt;j 59: 3afrf. g. I ewalb. 3&gt;t (Sr;., 33b. 3 58: 1198 1503 802-3 1954 956 ~ gutia. Stuttg. 1870. 16. 3n 3ugenb= unb SJollsbtbl 59: 850-1 ; Jay-hawkers, g. erftader. 3 n Strettj unb Dtter, J8b. 3 58 : iOjjo. g. Sdjmibt. 59: ic langer je licbcr. (S. Swinbler. 3 3ibe. in 1 59: 1689 913 2260 4-6 3en Saul. . Sou, 43Jbe 59: 1780 j Sc i &gt; cr m t einet *- lei i e - S- Hoffmann. 3n (Srj., 3.&lt;b. 17 59: Scbcf tft feineS OSli tcfeo Sdjmteb. g. off= 59 : maun. 3n (Srj. SJb. 14 ciitil), g. i eiwalb cttfnteibes3j;eere. g. S 3Jb. 22 ................... . Scfitit, Ser. G. Swinbter. 3 &be. in 1 ...... 59 Sciitil), g. i eiwalb .............................. 58: Scttfnteibes3j;eere. g. Soffmanit. 3n(Srj., . 22 ................... . ...................... 59: 2794 358 323 320 1619 1971 1553 2273 425 1041 2596 2596 2596 2596 2841 2837 816 852-3 2733 2272 354 2121 2409 959 2724 917 3 6 alt: 33b. 1: DaSftiHe^ttuS. 9lu bem ^oOon ctncs 0lucflid)eit. Xer iiaiuppi 1 nub fdno 4)raut. SBb. 2: 3)c-S fialftm- S Slraut. Bonnem bUitlje. S6nl6cnc() 3 SSl)ne. 23b. 3: Xa&gt;3 C^ofpenft oon :)looenftein. &n* tcl unb Jloffe. 35io ^r 01 ^ 1 0111 11 - 3)cr grojc Unbcdtnnte. : longer je lieber. g. Stolle. 2 Sbe. in 1. 59 : 1118 gnfialt: b. 1: 35er Zljutmev. 35et &o* pill nbutatert. Dtt XoMennaljtt. S3b. 2 : 35ov 3)iciijd) bcuft, Wott lenft. Die 35or Etet fiomgeabeiib. g-ort be 35!arconnaB. St. (S. 33rad)s wogel. Jn .s^iftor. s )ioweUen, 33b. 4 58 : 257 x "\acque-3 Sioufjeati. V. Sdiuding 59: 672 ^"ul (Bfeub.) Siel;e: 3itcb.ter, ^&lt;&gt;"" 305-8 2276 2273 2107 2281 918 PKOSK FICTIOX: GKKMAN. Sejuitcn. -49- Sungc $niiid)c in 9Imcutn, ,}cluttfll nub ib.re 1 iiffitm im .Hauton i?u= jcni. 31. iUbiud. (jeremiad (9ott = 1) e I f.) 3n &lt;M. Sdjr., SJb. K ............... 58 : ,Vfiiitcn unb t ietiften. v. Ctto. 3 Sbe.. 58 : Jafjclbe. .VBfce. in 1 ................... 58: o onrti im foil itatncm. 3.V. J(at!,nifiu8. 3" e*r., *b. 5 ................................... 58: Oobavn itonj. 31. 3iHlbenb,alin. 3 Wef. tir,., b. 3* .................................... 59: 30bniiu (*Ptflifb Atdjte. 3. Scbmibt ........ 59 : ^Obann &gt;Uob 3lftcr. ^. A. 3U Certd. (4i&gt;. C. Pon ft&gt;orn). 3 writ s Crrj., *fe. 7. 58: oDlinnii 5ebafttaii itadi. 21. i&l bentya^n. 3n8ef.@n.,. 1 ........................... 59: ^Oliflltlt Wittenberg unb jeine locMcr. if. Ctto. 3n 3l ber aiteu ,-Jett, 8b. 2 ...... 58 : .uiliiimtn. S&gt;. Stieff. 3n Merit) ^ugenbs Wbl., b. 44 ................................... 59: ^Obnmire 3lrnbt. 31. Witt&gt;enl&gt;alw. 2 be. in 1 .............................................. 59: 3ofwmir? Mi-pier. J. U Glodler. 3n 3u= siciib: unb ijolfsbibl .......................... 59: 3odnnnrt5 .Kepler, o,. ^fannenfc^mibt. (3 u ti&lt; *$uro if.) .-{ at&gt;e. in 2 ......... 5!) : ,"\otiniiiiii?fiiirril)rn, 2a. E. on 3djmib59: ^oliaiuictfiinrtjt, Xie. -3. Sicblec. 3" joaibeblumeii ................................... 59 : Jcr. 0. s J(ierij. 3n 3u= l., b. 26 ........................... 59: ilofin, (iiijcnic. ((J. 1 iarlitt) (el;t imiti6 bcr alien fflainfeU, To?. Vety. 1H72. 2 *bc. 10 .......................... 58: otoetfe. veip. 1873. 1 ...... . ........... 58: fiaibepcimeftcben. ifetp. 1872. 2 i^be. lti. 58 : 3(eid).j S )tafiu (SiiVla. Veip. 1872. 2 SJoe. lh ............ :. .............................. 58 : 2I)uringcr(rr}db.lim;jcii. i dp. 1870. l(i. 58: 3 ii I) alt: Ito jwiilf ayofttl. bart. 3olin i^ul r\oiies. 6taf St. 2 bc. in 1 ..................................... 58: Wells. 3- Werftiirfer. 3n ijell iinb 2 ....................... . ......... 58: *- $ 3fd)otte. 3n Oef. , b. 2 .................................... 56: 3 or bo n, %. 5ibe*. anu. 1870. 16 .................. 58: ^Ol njllwt. ti. I oit edjmib ................. - 59: . .uiruli im rKcijoit. St. uou iiUittevfelb. 3n SMinicr. 2olbaten=3ioveUeu, ^Ub. 2 ......... 59 : ouii lili im Sdinee. ^. iluecbac^. 3 Wef. 3*r., "b. 21 ............................ 58: Jaffelbe. 3tt Sammtl. d;lfarj. 2orfflcfd)., SUb. 7 ........................... 58: 3offUb fliiflibroof, bet Wilbbieb. 5y- ^ ar = r^at ............................................. 58: 3ktlftttiK. 3- IS. 3- SJidtter. (Scan ^Saul.) ,Vi Sammtl. 3i&gt;., b. 2 ......... 56: 3 ub 2ii)!. S B. fttauff. 3n Sammtl. SB., flf. 1 .......................... : .................. 5G: ^Uiin. 31. 3aufj. ^n "siigenb; u. CotteMW. ."&gt;!): 3ttl&gt;e, er. (5. Spinbler. ; ^be. in 1.... 59: Jubf mib (Shrift. 31. Wilbenhahn. 3n (S)ef. (Srj., sBb. 4 ............................... 59: 1038 2908-10 2942 Ifi05 2710 283&lt;&gt; 1004 2899 2592 1001 2404 37-8 &H) 28:30 257G 1800-1 1802 1803-4 1805-0 1S07 1087 938 1950 1820 537 oJtflfllb= u. iiolf-jbibliotftef. Jortfe^ung. 3.ioiw ti euen .Uunrat 59; Jrommel, &lt;1 3lus ber 5-aiuilien--l5J)rpiiif einee getfttufeen .wru 59: 3lu&gt;S uergangenm Jagen 59; fiieinerle foil ^ inbelbroiiii, 3&gt;er 59: 3n .jU ei ^al ibiiubcrten 59- Strafcburg, bu wunberfdione 3tabt; 59 : (Sliitfler, 3. ^&gt;. 3oV an&gt; u Jtepler, ber 3(ftronom 59 : patriot 3ol?aiitt oafob SKofer, Xer 59: Wrube, s ^ W. 3lbrat,ai)t ifiiicoln 59 : 9Tus ber Jllpeuioelt ber Sc^loeij 59 : S.Uiae iu Scelenlebeit frr Ub, re ."&gt;!( : 1737 (a 84 2276 s eutel*pacl)er, 5- (Srjii^lungcn eineS al= ten odget* ................................... 59: Caspari, M. S?. 3Ute Wcfdiid^ten ous bem iveijavt ...................................... 59 : ,Hii Strafcburg auf bcr Se^aiij .......... 59: Xcittidje vieber ;uv beutfdien Wefdiictjte... 59 : (EWlfteine beutiMjei- ffdjidjt( ur.b Vieber. 59 : glaniintxrg, (^i. atogelfteller foni o i\l&gt; l, 2cr ................................ 59: 550 2409 919 2410 2400 2400 2J08 )44oH (Suitti- W. W. I lcfop 1 * nub anberer ifeifer fter tvabel|d)ag ............................. 59; 3i&gt;iirbter, 3. *li(jenbe Vegion, ie ...... 59 ^reifel, ty. (Shriftopb, ^trjog 311 3i!urt= ItmteM ...................................... 59: Wolanb Veidjt .................................. r,&lt;j : diott. If), .vuijcitcttcncicidiidtten ....... 59; Sauonarnla ................................. r,jj ediubert, Cj. \i. . 3ldjt (STja^migen... 59: 4iei Wott ift fein Xing uiuniiglid) ....... 59: 9iobert berolbat .................. ........ 5;) : Seebilber ........................................ ; j() : Stober, Jt. (rlnitbdli, a^ ; nebft mei= teren tr}db,lungiu .......................... 59; C5eid)id)tcn bee ^farrcrs Siebentiid;... 59: Wejdiidneii non bcr x lUitiuljl ............. 59 : 9)io b,ren ; nebft aiibcren (rrjablungcii... 59 : 3Ji iit;larjt, Xer ; nebft anberen (Sejdiid); ten ............................................ r,j) : S-iejjner, S&gt;. SiJilb geiadjfen.. ............. 59 aiUIb, it 1 . Sriminalgefdjidjten aus alteier unb neuerer ^eit ........................... 59; ifebcnsbilber auS Ufrfd^iebenen ^eiteit ber diriftlidion .Uirdje ....................... 59 : Seibemyebcr, Xer. (S rfjarb Xaubig.... 59.- ^UflCiibliiDliotljff. 3)f. weger ................ 59; ^U(|ciibrrimtciuiigru. il(. S. Sdjioarfc. 2 5!5be. in 1 ...................................... 59 beutfdjer. g. cff.- ^uiKitbfrrmib, inann. Id i^be ,-,&lt;) 3ll(Kltbinbrc. (9. ioolting 59: 3uflfitblirticr Mut^. 3- AUilMt. 3" Cluster .vxiiiuitl) nub 3rembe 59; iKifttbA irbr. 3- Waubty. 3n i^oet. unb Taffelbe. 3n Sainintl. W., 3Jb. 4 56: rntniiitbcii. 3- W. itiilme. 3 2&gt;roi SJpoellen r$- 3uliaitf JJiarie. Wraf 31. Saubiffin. 3n ISfiriftian VII. unb fein ibpf . 31btb,. 34. 58 : ^uliiiiJ. if. Mellftab. 3" Hunft=5ioBelleii... 59 : Jlllill ? 3lrnfteinev 6 SBefdiau. V. Mompert. 3n Wlfelto^Weid)., Wto. 2 5g : ..,.- ^uliuf, obet bie -Wbliotbef bee Cheiins. fc. rfid;pffe. 3n Oof. odir., 2Jb. 13 56 : ;, ober bie lUanfarbe. \&gt;. ^fdwffc -^11 Wof. 3rin-., #b. 13 ft- obi-r bie jHH i wfangtnen. ^. . v "sn Wef. ttdjr., ^b. 13 56 : unb Maria. K. i&lt;aron. 3n (Sr;., 1 59: jeifphnt, alt getban. 3. ^offmann. x \n trv, s -Ub. 17 59: i~eiitfcb,e in 3linerifa, Ter. (S. SU. . 3 U ^Hieri5 3flenb4Ubl., -Mb. 47. 59: 2401 2403 2-IIW 2402 2403 2402 2404 2404 2401 2407 2-407 2405 2405 240&lt;i 24 Hi 2409 2418 2409 2410 2415 2411 2411 2412 2412 2412 2415 2413 2414 2414 2413 2413 241(i 2417 2418 2417 2240 731 702 2320-9 2380 2470 323 310 1999 1973 1958 1958 1958 2020 2276 2597 PKOSK FICTION: GERMAN. 3imge Softer. 50- Jfortdauferflofter. 38e Sottor, 5Der. ft. (Eonfcience ......... 58: x &gt;ui!flc GuroBa, Sa. 6. i. nube, 2 Sbe. in l ........................ ..................... 58: 3u.tac itefiirft, Ter. G. 3)1 3imbt. (ii o u i f c 3Ji ii 1; I b a $.) 3 33be. in 2. ... 3n er gvofse Surfurft unb feine 3eii, Slbtb. 1 ......................................... 58: ^niiae X eb,nneifteT, Xer. g. erftadcr. 5n Suites Jreiben, SBb. 2 ....................... 58 : ^uunc aKabdjen. G. GMer. (3)1 a r B &gt; ft e n.) 59 : lunac eelbat, Sev. . 3iicrife. 3" 3= gmb=ibl.. Sb. 16 ........................... 59: inline lijdilcrmeifter, Ser. i . Sierf. 3n ean-., *b. 28 ................................. 56: Inline Xrmmnelfdjldger, Set. . 3iieri. 3n ;&gt;ugcnb=3}ibl., b. 29 .................... 59: Siiiiflcii SoerS nil IMnnenlanbe bcS iiaB ber guten ibcffmmg, Tie. ,H. IHiiller ...... 59: Siiitnnt Wtffeljager, Xie. R. SHitUer ........ 59 : iqcii Gauoero s beS 2dnajonen@trom8, ie.. J{. SJiiUler ............................. 59: iottdjeii. 3)1. aiatljufiuS. 3n Ml. 58: 3iiittt.fcrtlmrm, er. IS. g.Garlen. 2*be. 58: Sttitnfran von DcteanS, 3)ie. GSraf @t. tabo8R. 4 58be. in 2 ..................... 58: liiiiqfte Qeriritt, Xa. i. . lied. S edjr./Bb. 9 .................................... 56: ^unfcr an. &gt;. i aube. 4 SBbe. S" beutfdje Jivieg, SBb. 14 ..................... 58: 3intfcr wt ^arfeipifd). 21. vcm fflintet&gt; fclb. JH Jjumoreofen, 4ib. 1 ................ 59: Smite* von .wfycnfee, Set-. (S. cfer. 3n i)ieue efdj.", b, 2 ............................ 58: Sttttel/Sin- greil;etr (S. Bon SMbra. 3 in 2 Grj. 427 2058 2517-8 915 2611 2506 1627 j 2579 I 2531 2533 2532 2767 376-7 1088-9 1608 2048-51 1730 1689 165-6 er. ^. %. SB. Dertel (fe. D. oon worn). Sn Corn s (Srj., 93b. 15 .......................................... 58: Saifcr 2ejonber unb fetn Sof. 6. 3)1. 3Jcnnbt ( V c u i j e 9Ji ii b. t b a dj ) . 4 SJbe. in 2 .............................................. 58: gaifcr bcr granjofen, Set, unb feme ncue i;uaftie. 2^. SDJunbt. S" Confer Raifer=@fijjen, fflb. 1 ........................ 58: fiailcr, 2er, bteOeifter unbbie^ieffe. So. SBiimbt. 3" ^ OT f- UoiftS!toen ( ^b. 2. 58 : Sailer ^erbinanb I. unb jeine Reit. (S. 3)1. SJiunbt (ii o u i f e 3)1 ii^l b a di). 5 S)be. in 2 .............................................. 58: Sailer Sojepfy ber $a&gt;nte nnb jcin of. G. 3)1 2Kunbt (.ii o u i f e 3)U ^ I b a d)). 3be ............................................ 58: gnfcalt: fflb.l: flaifcr 3fep^ unb ajlana Xbcrefia. Sb 2- ilaifer Jlofert llfe Movin Stiilciiiette. b 3: ai!t gofenu oW Selbft^etrWet. Saifcr S^M unb bie 3Ra^rinnen. G. 3)(. 9)lunbt (Souije SKtt^lbad)) ............ 58: ftaiicr Mart s Urenfet. V. ^idjler. 3n Grj. 59 : Sailer X copotb II. mb feine ,3 e *- - 2"- 9Jhuibt (ii o it i f e 3)1 u f) I b o d)) 3 Sibe. _ in 1 .............................................. 58 - Saifcr, 3Jcr, unb bie Slrbeiter. X[).9Jhmbt. Jn s l arifer ilaifer=fi35en, b. 1 .......... 58: Sailer b gabrmann. ii. ^tdjler. ^n 6r}., 93b. 1 ..................................... 59: Saifcr unb 9(arr. ). fliau. 3 S)be ........... 59 : Sailer ffii^edn unb feine ^eitgcnoffen. G. 3JJ. 9)hmbt (iiouife 3)1 iiljibadj). 4 ^be ............................................ 58 - Saifertura unbGngeIbuvg. G.3Ji.9Jfuubt (ii o u i f e 9JZ it ^ I b a d?). 2 be. in 1... 58 : 2844 2580-1 2695 2695 2519-20 2523-5 2522 2645 2526 2695 2640 288 -90 2528-31 2527 Saifcrin, Ginc. G. fteuftnger. 3" 2dnrf= jalS -ilMilten, ~8b. 1 58 : 1502 Sniicriu Glaubia. G. 3)1. 9Jhmbt (iicuife ili iib Ibadi). 3iBbe.ini 58: 2521 Saifcrin vi"Kpljinc. --3)1. i htutt (^ o u i f e aiiiiblbad)). 3b 58: 2582-4 Satftrin aJiaria Jl;erefia, 3&gt;ie. i. g. 2J3. Dertel OB. D. B o n o r n). 3" *rn B Gv3.,b. 13 58: 2842 Saiierfrimmia, ie. S. tb ber. 3 (Srj., *Sb. 4 : 59 : 1091 SnlnDrcfifrtic geinbfdjoft. g. (Saitbij. 3n ^Soet. u. i&lt;rof. Sii., b. 8 56 : 324 Saffeloe. 3" Sammtl. 3B., ibb. 15... 5(i : 316 Saleitbcr=ftkfrf)irt)tcit. g. Sjoffmann 58: 1735 3 n 1) a U: ISs ift bev IBujigeu .Mrone, rjov(id) tiglid) tjanbeln DC: iiilbemarr. We = jdjidlKn DOM ber Courage. SUIet SUif.ntfl ift fdiroer. Siete ttiib arbeite. iliits mit Sloagcn. J)et SKatin, ber 3Ule anfitngt. Sec rtcibnttievv. ias Jiemb ift iiiitjer fll j ber 5)ioct. Unredjt (^ut (le^eiI)et nictjt. 2Bem ein tufjenbfames ii e b befdjeerci ift, bie ift uu l ebicr, benn bie tofttittjfte t&lt;t vie. &gt;at bid) ber Jeufcl erft nn einem ,foaar, not n bid) talb flanj. (Sin Diifer bes Stifles. Xie (iliiiibcruug. ticbe ill (Dlflct. SRoraenttunbe Ijat Wolb tin s lUunbc. .s;tatib = luert I)at n 01 benen ^oben. ^d) tann nidjt austo miiieit. Slufovfcmtig. Siot= tier itnb nad)I)er. Sa((citf)cim. Srcifjerr G. Bon Sibra. 3n Sieifejfijjen unb JioBeHen 58 : Sambanq, 3(ti. 3(uf fre mbev Grbe. 3 Sbe 58 : Sammerbicitcr be MaiferS, Ser. . iitl 58: Sammcrcr iiafjmann. G. g. Garlen 58 : Sqinmcrjuiiflfcr, ^ie- g. x ewalb. 2 sbe. in 1 58: Sammcriunqfer, 2ie. 3)1. SRat^ufiuS. 3" 2orf= u. tobtgefd?tdjten 58: Snnmnitertfjal. 3- $ % Sitdjter. ( 3 e a n s ^ait (.) 3it Sammtl. 31 ., Her I. 2tu8g. SBb. 13 56: Saffelbe. 3n Sammtl. 2C., 5}5arif. SluSg., b. 2 56: SttlllVf fc Sanger, Ser. G. 2. 31. off= inann. 3 n ^ c SeraBiomJ=lU uber, ilb. 2. 58 : Samuf um S Safein, 2er. 8. 9i. Matter. (:)( ob ert ii t;r.) 5 "Sbe 58: SanarieitBoqcl, Ser. G. Bon edjmib. 3n ef. Sdjr.; b. 2 59: Saiijlcr BOU Sirol, Set. 6. d)inib. 4 #be. in 2 59 : Saiiedc bei at olf-sbiifjl, ie. G. BOH edimib. 3n ef. Sdjr., 93b. 2 59 : Saucrfrijiifcr uor ioiinbcrt 3a ;ti - S- 5- 3)Jovrijot - 58: Snvita n JUtelf;oef. G. iobfer, 3" 2 u^ ber lueiten SEUelt, -Bb. 1 58: Snjritq it Bite, ober bie olf=3nfeln. 3. __ g. GocBer 58 : Saiiii^iitcrfalirt. G. Binbler. 3 n ioerbft. stolen, ^b. 1 59: Sarauanc, Xte. IB. fcauff. 3n ^rof. n. lioet. SIS , SBb. 2 56 : Saffelbe. 3n gantmtl. S., b. 4 56 : fiarfiiufel, Ser. 21. Reefer 58 : Sariiinfcl, Ser. i. . .HomBert. 3u e= jdjidjten einer Oaffe, 2Jb. 2 58 : Sarlcirijitlcr, Gin. i!. S 4!tdjler. 3" Grj., 5bb. 3 59 : Sarolinc, .Ub nigin Bon Gnglanb. 3- djerr. 3n Xrei Sjofgefdiidjten 59 : Snrtfmufc, St. Si. -|Ud;lcr. 3nGrj.,b. 2. 59: Sar.piticrfloftcr, 3&gt;aS. G. Bon edjmib. "-]. djr., Sib. 10 59: 169 a50-2 1564 370 2124 2765 1156 1169 1733 330-4 530 570-1 530 2289 1662 478 908 555 553 116 1972 2642 486 2641 534 PROSE FICTION: GKKMAN. Jfiijcrci. - 51 .ftlcinc Urfarfjen. ftaftrci in bcr Hebrrenbe, Die. 91. Hi|uu3 (jeremiad (Sott^elf). 3" &e\. Sd&gt;r., ito. 20 ................................ .58: Mnfmiriibrrtitb. &lt;3raf Si. CJrabowsfi. 3" W. flilber :c ................................... 58: ftnfictte, Tie. SR. 9ktbufiu. 3" Ml. Grj. 58 : KnftfllCll, ? i S. ober ber ncuc Mombab. 91. BOH Stcmberg. 3 1 ill. :)lcmanc u. Grj., 93b. 1 ......... . ................................. 59: ftaftnUllk inttrugttab. Jv- &lt;9ftadcr. 3n iHtiM- &ett, Hb. l ........................... 58: Satbariltfl U., Gjarin von Sinjjlanb. 3. Sdu-rr. on Drei fgofgefdnditen ........... 59: Kfitlirticii, Da*. $. . St. SifeJk. 4 tx, in 4 .............................................. 58: Hiitfirtifii aiis ber Mirdnjaffe, Da. 91. von ^intcrfclb ...................................... 59: Kiitbrfim von .wJbronn, Da. Graf St. . Wrobonxsft. 3 -#bc ........................... 58: Mtitlii, bio Wvofcmuttcr. 91. SMfciud (3ere= tniaS Wottbelf). 3u e|. Scbr., b. 4 ........................................... 58: ftatbinfn. . Ctto. 2 Sbe ..................... 58: i. iv- $aub. 3n "Jtoet. unb Daffelbe. on Sdmmtl. 9i&gt;., -#b. 23 ...... 56 : Snufmaiiii wn I oon, Der. i*. g. SB. Cer- tel. (S5. 0. von orn.) 3" S&gt;orn 8 Grj., !8b. 7 .................................... 58: Siautmoiiii yen ^cncbtg, Xet. ^. Scbmibt. 59 : Mnuallcric in bcr ^cniicn. (3taf St. $ra= boiufi. ^n 91ue bcr Warniion :c .......... 58: Sciu l(ertvau&lt;n. (9. ftaimunb. Ju Wowllen, ^b. 3 .................. ... ....................... 59: Si tine Siiictfof/r. ^. .boffnmim. jn (i tj., &gt;. 21 .......................................... 59: Stcinr s(^oibuiii|. d. TO. TOnnbt. (\ o u i f e IK it h I b a eft,. ) 3n ill. :)lcm., J). 18 _____ 58 : ftdtiirfic .Uncditii. 2\5. Siaabe. (^accb (S o r o i n u 6. ) ^it 2cr Sltgciibcgcn, Hb. 1 ............................................ 59: Strrfcrillfiflfr von JJprlpith, 2&lt;r, W. 3!ie&lt; tit;. ,"\it oiuKiib-Kibl., b. 10 .............. 59: Sirijrl, ISavl ocm. Rrieb. CSigcnveid). 2cip. 1870. 2 *bc. in 1. i .............................................. 58; Kcttriinlitbtr. CS. eumbler. 3 be. in 1... 59 : gnta(t: Sb. 1: t rfciosufitii. flretftt lunlclfAott. Cie Seife auf bem Btdinu 0cn. ^ovta s )iisu fl- iB6 a: Dcr crfi^Iagenc Mcifler. Za ^ffl bc-3 fli&gt;m(]3. Jie Sd)i&lt;ti8lS=t&lt;afKt. - Ctn cjui pro 14110. .$errab non anb3 = peril. 8b. 3: Jcr Waire ooii C:uillce31eint. XaS (Sebcimnif;. 2cr flcftcimt y$t if. XenN unnruifcui n cincs ffia^nflnni0cn. Sirttrntrniicr, Xcr, obcr bie g-amilic Sitt(e= paflf. ,v A. liooper .......................... 58: Hinb i&lt;ajajjo S, Xa. (y. 91. ilcmg. 45ibe. in 2 .............................................. 58: Minb t&gt;c gfuftblff8, Xa. fo. Smibt. 3n Btnmn bcr roti;cn Xonne, Vb. 2 ........... 59 : ftinb be-S wnfeto, ?a. . (Sonfcicnct. 3" abenbftunbnt, 4&lt;b. 1 .......................... 58: Hinb be -Jiniclim tO, !Ca8. G. 91. ilonig... 58: Minbrr bcv 9lvbcit, 3Me. 3H. S. Scb,TOar. 3be. in 1 .................................... 5!): Xaffdbc ...................................... 59: ftiitbtr bet -flJelt. $. $e^fe. 3 9Jbe ........... 58: Eaffclbc ...................................... 58: ftinbrr bcr WHttoe, Si. &lt;s. 9iierife. 3 3iienb. WM., 5Jb. 14 ........................ 59: ftinbcr bee A&lt;itciiUing, Die. 3. 35. . Jcmmc. Jn &lt;tj., f. 4 ..................... 59: SJiiibcr bi- fiiaufcs, Xie. ^-rau 3. ^!fan= ncnicb,mibt. (Julie 33urot.) ......... 59: 1050 1115 2768 1031 991 486 1000-1 1740 1090-2 1034 294:i-4 323 320 2851 2729 Hiiibcr bcs SJaths^errn SMcner, Die. 2. Otto. 3" ^ l| 3 cer altcn .^eit, 4&gt;b. 2 58 : SJiiibcr 3!o-n, Die. 91. HMeijwer. 4 ilbe 58 : Hinbcr Siinbe, bcr filter JvUidi, Dcr. ty. ipevte. 3^ c f- "%& s ^b. ti 56: Siiibtr von b.ente, Die. G. M. Dfunbt. (I o u i I" e 3K ii b, I b a cb. .) 3 U Jpiftor. *&gt;e&lt; benSbilber, S3b. 2 58: Hiubtrlrbfii. .Vtfraun 59: Hinbrrfriinx fiir Sd)nle unb JoauS. M\ :)(uufuntt 59 : HiitbciMifbt. %. wffmann. 3n 3erftun= ben 59: Hinbliffjf *. icbe. 5. &ub,n. 3 2lu bcr ei= watb u. ivrembe 59: Hirrtiftiuudliitiifl von .wmmarbt;, Die. G. A. Gorleit . 58: ftirfrficit, Die. G. Von 3d)inib. 3 n 1- Sdjr., ^b. 8 59: Mlnbniitmimmi unb bic S*iffer Mod;ter, Der. &lt;y- (5&gt;erftarfer. 3 2luiS bcr See 58: Jilntn, occr bic (Scfalncn ber Unidnilb. G. von S-djimb. o &lt; ^- @d?r., S*b. 12 59 : ftlanfenintg, Die. ^. liccf. 3 Sd;r., 9Jb. 25 56: HIrrblnti, Da. &. Jiieri^. 3 3g*i ) = filrib madjt ben Mann, Da. @. . von Sdinbcrt. o Grj. Sdjr., Mb. 3 56: Slfiltf ^eriiiitnnn, Dcr. &. 3iieri)5. 3" "[&gt;. 25 59: 1067 i Slcilic Gurrenbejunge, Dec. M. 9(atl;uftu*. 212 2280 2471 179 2500 tags 921 3"&gt;Ml. Gr; ...58: Mlriuc cr,acbirflt)die Wilder. 91. ilUIbciu liatyn. on Wcf. Grj., -Sb. 4 59 : Mlcinr Getimo unb bic Sromvete, Der. &. JJtcri^. o" oiuicnb: Hibl., i(b. 19 59: Hlfilic Gtienne. . Sollo. 3n N Jt. Jiovellen, b. 5 59 : Mlciiic Adrbcrin, Die. M. S. Sdjloar^. 3n Ml. (,*rj., 41b. 1 59: Wlrinc (jriebcnsbote, Der. M. Stb ber. 3 n Grj., b. 1 59: MIcincGi iaer, Dcr. G. Jiicri^. 3" og c nbs *ibl., 86. 44, 59: Hlfiuc etbflrS6tt in Salif omitn, Der. 5. Wcrftiictcr 59: SUciiic irtfdje SluStoanbtrtc, Der. iJV Ja= fob^. 3" 3iicri(j Juatn^ IBiH., Sib. 4&lt;i. 59 : ttlciiic Mbnigin, Die. Wraf St. Orabolvsti, on 9lu -Welt unb ausS, ^b. 1 58: Hlfilic Vautenivieler m, Die. G. von Sd;mib. 3ncf. Sdtr., 9Jb. 17 59: Slcint -JJifliua, Die. % S?eijfe. 3n Oef. ^s.,-W.6 56: t,35ie. fl.Sufefoto. 3SBbc. 58: 2899 2318-21 675 2516 2051 2670 2304 2470 374 533 902 535 1624 2575 2796 2575 2767 1605 2569 82 733 1090 2594 2151 2596 1069 538 675 1229-31 475 | 1896-7 ! 819 ; 422 1895 732 716 1526-8 1523-5 2564 1304 39 311(1 a It: S8b,t: Z\e Soui-Stnubeti. 3M3 $ctnK|cn tm Dbre. Xer rtlf&lt;Jft&gt;reini8er. Xic ^HeidjUjiimer ber ^tjiiitafie. _ itoU fccutel. Xer aBciIiiinct)toi&gt;6eiib. Ter J!feifer= J)latI&gt;e&lt;J. lie 3iemfi6. fliiuij 4:1111; in AOutaineblea.i. !8b 2: ibie 3iil)iltfteii. i orifer Sfijjcn: lie Slntimft; Xie .(tamelicnbamc; &n aibcub in ber flfoficn Cper; Xte Araufiiifclt. 8b. 3: !Bie eo fam, baft Slioufjcau feint .ttirtber au9fe5tt. 5Ba5 fid) bet iUic^laben enal)lt. Ciu beutjd)e9Xi4terte6en. fflTreii ber 55eit. ffljirren beo WefrfjmorfS. Gill OuliS in jiiiuir lino ^t)onlifii. ftltint Jiaturgefc^idtte. S- Straftle 59: Hlfilic flaff, Der. ^5. 3. 4ieumcr 59: Hlfilic MU iiiinentcitromijeter, D. 3M. 91a= tbfiu. 3n .HI. Grj 58: Hlciuf Samariter, Der. V. Mreu(jer. 3 n Jiierife oUflcnb;iUbl., 35b. 33 59: Hlfilic Urfadjen. Ti- Hoffmann. 3n Grj., b. 20 59: 2861 2o:t6 2767 2583 2279 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. 52- filriiit SBorfSummfie. g. Jooffmamt. " filcinc 2iJ(illfifdifangcr, Xer. %, Otrftarfer, 59 : Klciiir 2k&gt;slt mtb gjojje *!elt 31. (Sifcte. 3 4tte. in 2 .................... ................. 58 : Klciurii Valorem eon Sieafcel, Xie. 21. Slimier. 3,11 Merit* ougcnb;}Ubl., SBb: 43. 59 : Rlciitcn Ibierfreunbc, ie. (5. ^tlj ........ 59: (NftatS Sewn. &lt;*,Sof.er. 3 sbfce ........... 58 . %nt)alt: 86.lt Seilorene %ieU. !Bb. 2: Serkrtn tfiele (SAlufj). &lt; ronift. t olitif^e Mlitvtfifd^oft i. 3: (Si uiuitiicflid&gt;f v fflcmd). jiu Ka^ fer 11 nb nMit ;u !an&lt;ie. Sic altc JSiilHe. Xcrerftc ^agtjug. 6ine&gt;)iacf&gt;t jutSaftr. ftlciitf? Sageubtrd;. ft. Sbcffmann ......... 59; RltinftiratltdjeS. v. Ctt. j Seutjdj* JiHmben, b. 1 ................. . .............. 58: (Selteimnit; ber SdjatuKe, Xa*. 3 8n "- 1868. 2 SBbe. in 1. 18 .................... 58 : JJetbifdjeir 3iidiHeu, (Sin. Sena 1867. 2 SBbe. in]. 16 ........................... 58: Sdjiad) bem .Hmiicc. ^vem 1867. 2 SBbe. in 1. 16 ........................ .............. 58: SffiabreS unb falfdic^ fitoMtbun. i p. (f tr.) 16.. 3n &gt;J(ieri gu0enb*ibl., SBb. 45 .................... ................... 59: filcift, Xxinrid) n (gcb. 177H f 181 1). itaeft ote ati bem Ic^ten pmifciidjero .Hricflc. 5n Wei 2U., b. 2 ..... . ..... 56: affclbe. Jn GScj. 5drc., 6b. 3 ........ 56 : S3tteftwtt )n Vocarno, fcad. Jn ei aB,,*b.2 .................................. . ,56: Safielbe. 3n ef. d;r., i. 3 ......... 56 : Cibbefien to Sbili, SB*. S ei 28., SBb. 2 ................................. ........ 5fi: @{. Sdrr., )Bk. 3 ......... 56 : 3nf.SB., b,2 ...... 56: cbr,, m, 3 ......... 56 : (5ofi!ie, Sic, ober 8t GSuwaft bcr SJiufit: &lt;ijenbe. v&gt;n eki 2B., b. 2... 56 : Taijclbe. "MI &n\. d;r., SBK 3 ........ 56 : Karquij* won 0. ..... Jn (f. StL, *b. 2. 56 : S&gt;aJilbe. J Off, Sdir., 5b. 3 ........ 56: Diidmel Jt0^^aw. Jn Wef. m, **. 2. 56 : S!affclbe. ^n ef. @dir., V S4. 3 ...... _ 56 : SSetloouiiginSt Somingo, Xie. Jn G)ef. SB., b. 2 .................................. 56: i 3d&gt;t., Si. 3 ...... 56 : n ef. 3B., b, 2... 56 : 2afjelb. ^nfflef. cb,r., 33b. 3...,,... 56: Slrnff, 3&. . ocrmaim. SroommerbaBi obev t&gt;i Cffen&anint; ber 9(otur. Veip. 1804. 3 31f. in 2, 16^. 58 : filCDiintto. y. eijje. o* ?- SB-, &gt;. 6. 56 : Rlctff, - eaciinrbenfinber, Ste. i. ei)&gt;. (i. k.) 16; ^sn Jitevie &gt;gen4&gt;=^ibl., *b. 32 ........ 59 : ftlimn ici Sviipn, &lt;i3. ^. {^erftarfes. V,n Utcv ^atmen unb 84n, *b. 2-... 58 : ftlopiiclbii lrift b^ fdcbfifdien ttrjgebtrg*?, Xv. g. etfttictei. ^,n 3(8 jci 31 elt- ttieilen, . 2 ................................. 58: filoftctfriiiilciit. C. aiUibermutt). Ju i e= bensratljfel .................................. _ 59: ftloftcrliitt, Xr. 6. Spinbler. 3n giit etabt unb X anfc .............. , ................ 59 : filoftcrbof, Xer. D. ffliiiUer. 3 SBbe. in 2. 58 : Ioftctmiiii5f, Tie. W. &6iter. 3 I&gt; n.iyrauen, m. 1-2 ......... - ................. 58: filubb ber Stillwtgttiiglen, r. 31. 39ieij!= net. ^n ebaraeimoefen, Sk. 1 .......... 58: Stitnbc auf syetgslanb, Xtt. 3- offnwn. 3ei%, fc.26 ............... . ............... 59: finrt&t unfel|d)tt. 6. epinbler. 3n Hettenglu-ber, itb. 1, .......................... 59: 2286 2152 SilOlif ini .Hliniictbeuti l, Xet. ,H. &lt;3u(jfoW. 10 129 1002 3 SuoftCllflubic. ft. *o. fcadlanber. 3n i\em 1342 2593 Jtod) bes Grrmircv ;?or. G. Spinbler. 3* 899 2655 1683-5 Sort), 9ifaiie. Gjd&gt; - junge, er. i ip. (f. b.) 16. 5* 3Jierife Jugnb=SBibl., syb. 47 59 Wfbenfe tnein 4*erl (f b ) fl 8 V) 2597 2440 ^geletn -Perl () b ) ft 8 5 ( ) 2441 .toilet nb bie^riinm, lie. %. Sdjmsbt.. 59 "- 2737 625 2349 2901 nillft, 2*r. "s. i&lt;. g. Slidjtcr (Jean "V a u I). Jn Saromtl. 28., SBesI. 3lu*g., SBi 2829 56: 11641 Daffelbe. 3" &lt;2ammtl. 28., Sharif. 2Ui -g, v Sb 4 - - r &gt;6 1171 1876 1875 1877 iiOWoMniiini, 21. Sdjraber. 3 ilbe. in 1. 59 : iiomucrt. X ecpiHi&gt;. 2Im ^flua, %rl. 1855. 2 S8e. in 1. 16. 58 : SBiib. mtfdje Juben : Dietxllen. &gt;ambui0 1866 16 58: 835 1969 19W 2595 3lbtli. 2: ier JoifoeSier. Irtnbevl. 0eid;id)ten einet GiafiV: 3!eueti ert, SBfri, 1865 2 i^be 16 58: 1971-2 704 704 3 n bait: b. 1: Tie ^iftrieit. 2ie 3ee = Jenfdngeiiii. (Mottjs iMujit time in. Xie Slnqcn bct J)l utter. b. 2: Cbriftian unb Se-a. Sie eiber oAmerier. Ter 5latfmifel. bvttD=0(TKl;ic!)ten : *)lsvt lien. .Hamburg 18(56 2 4&lt;bf in 1 fl 8.. -58: 1975 702 704 702 704 702 ^nhalt: ^n. i: ^ifict cj Grille. MoRraar. Uie 3ct)it Liieiin. Xfr Hiin. ACHIUCS fuii. SBb. 2: Tie ^}rinjefriu. 3uliu Simfttiiier S SZrtie @efdnd ten &lt;m* beiu Wb^fta ^ra-g 1860 2 vbe in 1 fl 8 58: 1974 . 704 704 JtinbSajaso*, Sa. Jena, 1873. 4SBbr in 2 16 -58-" 1896-7 702 704 Sinb bes iiiudje rer, XaS. 5 etia - &lt;? b.) 16 58 : 1895 702 Sfftniff ATCUIJ in ^e-utniiTcblcnn. S. (Shifs&gt;u&gt;. 1229 704 702 704 702 Sd nifl, Sxinrid) Joiep^ (qeb.1790, -J- 1809). 2ludi eine ottgenb. gftt. 1861. 16 58 : etubiften in 2Rainj, 2io. i eip. 1857. 3 Hbe 16 58"- 191S 1906-8 1890-1 *&gt;75 2582 Sratfdje ^-amiEien : Siouellen au bem Sekit. SBUSbaben, 18(i2. 2 *be. ft. 8. 58 : 3 n I) alt: Sb. 1 : iBiter ISntiarteii. Jiur obcr Zaiit e? Sine erftf Siiebe. eigene IBegc. ecrg ^ytnrfter S 5?eben in .^an wnb 21&lt;lt X ety 1858 9 v i^be 16 58 1920-1 1909-10 983 |)btria bie iOnlBenferin. SeiS. 1856. 9 5&lt;b{ hi 1 16 . 58 1905 906 So^e SBraut, Xk. X eip. 1867. 3 SBbe. 10 r,g 1916-8 16."&gt;5 Kvn\n oevonte e Gatueual. Veip. 1855. 3 SJ&gt;e l(i 58 : 1902-4 106 3)2atianne, obr um Vwbe [jiben. Sffiie^= babon 1862 2 4&lt;be 16 58: 1924-5 2650-1 ^sijrmsnter Jiacfioir, Gine, i tit. 1869. KJO r,8 1919 1611 "flei^ina i c()&gt; 1854 16 58: 1&27 2315 eeltfame Gefdjiditen. liJieSbaben, 1862. 16 .- 58 1928 2284 fl2l 3 n I) a 1 1: am .i&gt;ofe bee. vaiibqraten. Sljor a!S 3lmr. Sia Mabdjfnlsoo. Xie le()te Stiuibe eine itoir tininniies. 3^ *! (t[fiiburser. Sif)alf, ber SeneMrtiiur. PROSE FICTIOX: GERMAN. ffonig, ft -53- ffiifjn, Wdnig, .winrirti &gt;ier;b,. Spiel mib deb*. Veip. 1H49. 16 ......... 58: etillleben, (Tin. Veip. 1861. 2*kc. 10. 58: Jaufdwiuv ti. ivHesbaben, 1862. 16 ..... 58: 2$ron ifa. i. eip. 1K44. 16. 2 *bf. $n XeiitirfH-eVcben in betitfdien StoveUen. 9lbtb. II ...................................... 58 : Son Saalu-lb bie Jl^pern. Si-kobabon, 1864. 3 K. 16 ........................ 58: SBiUtam Shafcfocare. X eip. 1859. 2 Vbe. 16 ............................................ 58: iidllifl ioeinridi VIII. 11116 fein locf. (5. 9JJ. 3Nunbt. (vouife 3Hiif)lbact).) Si^fce. in 1 ..... . ....................................... 58 : ttoniq oerome s Jtarnepal. .&lt;o.Jtpmg. 3^bc. 58 : Kouifl Veat. A. Sdjmibt ....................... 5J&gt; : Kdiiifl ""* bfrJMiillcr, Xer. .9lieri$. 3n jugotb.sBiH., b. 11 ........................ 59: Sdnigi on aifim. ip. Sidjoffe. Jn Clef. Sd;r., *fc. 12 ................................. 56: Hditig X ou Taub.araH i, Xer. ^. Stolle. a-Xtt. in I .......................... ........... 59: Xonid P 8 n ft - 6. Spinbler. 3S5*e. in i ............................................... 59 : ftditig ^ntnbiri. A- Merftcirfer. Jn Hretij u. Duet, -Kb. 3 ................................ 58 Hdiiig -* ~W(b, Xf. (r. cdncfiats Walton, iBk. 2 ..................... 58 Tanf, (SinS. G. .wiftngcr. . ( v J&lt;i&gt;e. 58: Hinb, 3&gt;J. 0. -JiicriB. Jn Ju= tfibl., *b. 9 .............................. 59 59: bcr Mcnigin Solkat, Xe. Wriif St. Wra^Dli sfi. ,-i 4&lt;kc ................ 58 : Moniqin ker 5Jart)t, Xie. it. Wuefciu. Jn ttef. lis., *b. 11 ............................... 5fi: ftijitintn kfr Jiadit, lie. i;. Sc^iirfing ..... 5!): Kiiniqill CCttenK. 6. W/JDiunH. (V cmje 3Jiiib, Ib-adi.) 2 be. in 1 ................ 58: ttoninsbrnnt, ? G. I. a. eff&gt;nann. Jn aiusgnu. (icj., 4&lt;b. 1 .................... 58 : iiicn. A. Siammt .................. 58 liii, tin. S- Hoffmann. &gt; trj., k! 15 ........................................... 59: W. SUetib. "&gt;n 3ffl&lt; ibl., m 29 .................................. 59 : ftdtncr. Atkbticb. Wcjdiidittn as bcr Bejdii*te. Xte^ben (f.b.) 2 ke., 8 .............................. 59: ftdriitr, (tSarl) Ibepbpr (gtb.lTiil, f 1H13). ^ans fteilinflS ^tlfcn. ^n Sdinmtl. ilS., :Hb. 4 ........................................ 5(J: loavfe, Xk. 7s Sdiumtl. W., ^b. 4 ...... 5G : %. ije nad) Sdiantou, Xic. Jn Sdmnitl. ffl.,8b.4. ................................. 56: Mcfen, tie. "MI Sommtl. W., b. 4... 56: lauben. Tie. , v \n Srimmtl. *&gt;., W&gt;. 4... 56 : Si olbentav. o 3antmtl. SB., ^k. 4 ...... 56 nStitftfcitlvntrfi. . u5tpi. ^n Sit fduinexen ctunbm ........................... 58: ftorinrcnjftflb, tin*, y. A. JiS.Certel (3L&gt;. C. o n ft c t n). ,"\n ft&gt;crn GVJ., *b. 3. 58 : ttofincramrn. I- Xieii^ ..................... 59: Worfor nub .Hitequf&el. t. Si. ffitclanb. &gt; eammtl. ., *b. 21 .................... 56 : Mrnnift oon^Ukj, let. 31. Sdjtceidjel. Jn Slue ben ^llpen ................................. 59: tnnfciHD(irtrt, Xcr. 3. iilaul. 3n Slltt iinb netie (*ie)dMrt)t(n .......................... 59: Krnit} am JBttrwrt, Xer. S&gt;. Sdmiib. Jn 311 te u. iiftie WcM). ouS J&lt;otifrn, 4&lt;b. 3... 59 : i!rntr? nb Siippatdiia. 6. 2)J. ffiielank. 3n Stimmtl. fi.s., *b.21 ..................... 56: ftrrbic, Xk. G. cn edjinib. 3n Wef. cdjr., b. 2 .................................... 59 : 1(129 1914-5 1930 1931-2 1933-5 1911-12 2585 1902-4 2725 2561 1957 1119 925 969 1503 ! 1499-501 : 25.V.1 2572 1093-5 485 661 2570 1730 2277 2274 2579 2450-1 732 732 732 732 732 732 1245 2832 2097 1910 765 2420 561 1810 530 Hrcivfirtitcr, Xer. % &lt;f&gt;ct)fc. Jn 91. 9Jo= wellcn ........................................... Xajfelbe. -Jn Wei. il&gt;., **. 6 ............ jiitctiriininr, Jiujiuft. Xetylilge, tine. i. eipj. 1868. 3i&lt;ke. inl. 16 ............................................ fitcnfitr, X . Mleine Santaviter, Xer. i eiVj. (f. b.) 16. __ 58 - 56 : - oKiimiible, Xie. Vciyj. (f. b.) 16. 3n 3iieri(} 5gmb=SiH., *b. 33 ............ int *ujrt), Xos. A. Wtvfiorfcr. ^n 59 : , . cr. ^n Ibciml. n. iinlH iinl. Wejd)., ^b. ^ ......... 58 : rfltj unb Cuer. A- (Strftactcr. 3i&lt;be ...... 58: ^j 11 bait: 6. 1: Xtn ii uftl an tic ilUonb malm. I ooby-islaml. ^iidjaiia* aftnnifrc! jllxiitcitet. Do* Jfoljiitdl avf ret SRiiflon olntcl. (Sine ; )iol jci ftreifc tit (iilKivniali. *l&gt;. 2; Ino ftaiifii^itoot. las gufttak. Itr lantptboet tt avitain. *i.ct ana Cuito. S ti. . ): .Juy-hawkers. SSniij 3"" * 1 - ~ ler Wejitaner. (Sin prize-flgiit otet ^^orerfan r* in tincinnaii. firnijfnlirct, Xie. ^. pj. 4iJ. Certel. &lt;-BJ. C. v o n :o c r n. ) ^sn &*m 8 tvi, 4ib. 7. 58 MtfiMlliurm ju Xrteken", Xer. W. -j;iri^. ,"sii Jugmb-4H6L, ^b. 18 .................... 59 - Mrirflimb Jvkbe. W. yenStruenjee. (&u-- ft a cm ee.) 4 We. in -I.. ........... 59: Sricfl unb Albeit, g. 3i*. ioarflanber. 2 -We. in 1 ............... . ...................... 58: fl "lib Avieben. V. Sdiucting. 3 4^. 59 : ,V I) a It: *&. 1: Zas Iljuimiimiiifi. fktt). 3)t. 2: Wiflcr 9lujuftu4 Stecfileili (*luS). tie t-tfttdjiiiiB. lie baimljeijige 3d;iuefter. 5&lt;6. 3: tor tamoii. - Sin Ijifto. 2luf ben rtflten- S{ riffle 5H iidin Xeiitidilnnk unb A ral t= vci dj feit iiOO 3ab,ten, %. Sdjmibt.. -. Kficqcr, Xt. aiibeliingen, Xi. *I. 1864. 16 ...... Sricqcr, Xk. &gt;. Saube. 2 ** (triegrtifdlC 3l6ektter oin A-v Si. ^idipffe. ^n (^e). Sdjr., *b. 9 ......... MrtcfltflnliBct ciiu-5 "adiiiirtl an* bem beiit jdi- {raiijiJti fdjcn Hrkgc. A- ftricfljfnfcrt in Avantveidi, tine. St. WvaboWvfi. ^n 2lue bcv jc., 8b. 8 ....................................... S{ticflt?fiif tilt s 3lbfittcnv, GincS. V. ediu= ting, 2 45be. in 1 .................. - ......... HucgC Icltfii im rt*n- G. feiijet. Ju 3ltis alter iii* nciiw ^uit .................... ffifc, Xk. ii xHuevbadi. &gt; Wei 1520 675 1990 2583 2583 93S 957-&lt;&gt; 2851 2568 1216-7 1309 663-5 59 : 59: 58 &lt; 2727 24GO 2059-60 Xaiielbe. o t Siimmtl. S 1 Xcrfflcfc!;., *b. 1 unb Sotetlanb S vie be. . Sctnnitt - ft tout unb MerEer. Wraf St. Wvalunv*fi... Hurticii, Xer. IS. Won Sd;mib. !Jn Wet Sdir., 4)b. 2 , Aranj. ilu-J kcr fcetwatb, unb ^rcnke : trjfib, IRS gen jiir bie vit fl ttb. Stuttg. ((. b.) 6 *be. in 1. 16 U 3 n I) alt: Sb. 1: Jusenblidjei lllutl). lie ?&lt;b.2: (Si n Si^laj mit bent rtligei"ebel. Hb.3: Ctk ad).. *b.4: ^tftvafter veidjtfiHti, ^f b. *&gt;: Cntcl bonbon. i.iciii lUbl., 4)6. 34 tbuntnigt ^tnjen. Vi|j. (f. i.) 16. "ibl., s i)b. 31 58: 59 : 58: 58 - 58 : 59: 58: 59. 59: 960 1063 662 1660 4ft 81 272 530 24*0 59 : 59 : 2584 2584 PROSE FICTION* : GERMAN*. tyie, fr iif -54- ScuinenfjnftcS SQSeib. c, g. iiftatt (gcb. 1806). ei id ouelleu. i cip. lh 68. 10 Siilnir i N U i 3 n b a It: Jvrau mm Umbaiitane. Jjuaenb- (iinben. (Sbetmann nnb -Hnncr. Siiinftfttiiibclgfffinftcii. greibcrr G. lion Siibra. on Grlt btcs nnb etrcuirttteS.... Sitiifllcrbilbrr. 31. uon gtmiberg. 3 Sibe. 311 bait: S3b 1: Bertrnb Slota. SBb. 2: Siiifeliiiann. SUb. 3. :)(apljael illengS. 3fflanb, iffiatteau SiiitftlcrrifirtHrtitc. 28., Sic. 37 58: 58: 59 : Siiitftlcrflcfdiirtitcu. SWitgetbeUt son 21. agen. 4 Sibe ................................. 3 H I) a It: b. 1 2: Sie -Ir.omf (finer &lt;Ba= tentabt Jiorenj, con Starcn; Clljtbcrti. 33b. 3: $ie Sunber ber rjciliflen jlatljariita Don Siena. S8b 1: i- eonljarbo ba SSinci in Ulaila^b. Kilnftltt=3be0l, Gin. Siittcv g. sen Sent(. (3 r i c b r i dj 3) o r n a u.) 3" 3m olb= bimfi-l, Sib. 2 ................................... Stiinftlrrin, 3Me. C. 9JJ. SKunbt. (Vouife 2)1 u b I b a cb.) 3n Jit. 9icm., Sib. 11 ..... MimftirrA cibnifrftnft, tine. V. Scbitcting. ijUmftlcrlirOc, ftrau 3. ^fannen|~rf)mibt. (5 u I i e Si u r o to.) Siit (Sin Sidbcb, en an3 tent iiolfe Bon Wu^fow ................ fiiillftlcri omnil. y. 3B. jgactlanber. 5 i!3be. in 4 ............. ................................. KttttftlerS ; (ac(ie. Gb. 4Jird)= cf. Jtosclleit nub Grj., SJb. oBfncit. V. 3(cllftab .................. j 11 I) o it: XiK obor. Julius. Gbmtnib. Sunna yiiuia. $iei ^liitter aus beiu SC qc(nid)c tints llleifcnbeii. Set (Solin fd)mico noil SlugSCuva. 58: 53: 58: 58 : 59 : 58 : 58: 58: 59: 59: SBunte sbilber, *b. 1 .................................. 58: &mij won itaiiffungen. ii. tordj. 2 SJbe.. 59 : Sfupfcrmiiiijcit uub oftfttttfe. Gt). t&gt;on Sdjmib. ; S n (5&gt;cf. Sdjr., Sib. 5 .............. 59 : Surfiirft imb bn- dbfiirft, Xer. G. 2K. i! o u t f e 3JJ ii 6 I b a dj.) 3n e* Sb. 3 .......................... 58: SSmerua*!Wube, Xer. granff. a. 3J1., 1857. It. 8 58: Surt uon,UoUingen. 21. Sii^iuS. (3ere m i a 8 o 1 1 i; e I f.) 3n @ef. djr., Sib. 8 58: Sfltrj, Hermann (gcb. 1813). d;ilier&lt;o S&gt;etmatbjabve. tuttg. 1857. 2 Sibe. in 1. II. 8 58: onneniuiriB, Ser. Siert. 1862. 3 Sibc. in ). 16 58: 2Bei&naebtfunb, er. Sinl 1862. 16.- 58 : S8anbei (d)ajt, Ste. S. (Btb ber. 3n j., b. 6 59: won en(je, Xer. 2(. Sttfter. 3n Gi-j., Sib. 2 59: n SJtotte Jouque, be. Sielje griebftd) be lo SJJotte. ^em-lope, ft. Siobenftebt. 3n SBom ofe Glijobetb S u. Jatob S, Sb. 1 58: Sinner b cr djtoarjen, S8. 3\ (Serftarfer. 3n 3(n ineincin Jagebud), ^b. 2 58 : i/flmlJCrt iocninnnn3. Jp. Gonfcience 58; i!Siumrt)cn, 3)a. GI;. won d;mib. 3n cf. edjr., b,3 59: i!nniK bed SlnajagoraS uub bte rufftfdje giirftin, 2ie. . ftifyoftt. 3" f- edjr., Sbb. 12 56: 1999 162 1032-4 1308 1391-4 525 2469 647 1235 1322-5 181 355 2587 2136 1144-5 532 2503 2002 1038 2004 2005 2006 1092 1061 196 903 422 531 1957 unbi eutc. %. etriiftle .................. 59: i!(iub unb See. C. ofer. 2 33be ......... 58: Jnti alt: ^b. 1: Ibornr&ddpen. *b. 2: 01)5 fiber! Ijat bei bide Hiiiller oo fagt. ,^u SllteiUiagcn. Gin Gtuficbler. SeemainioleDeii. Sim 2oiuitag3(ad)mit= tag. Sinn (icftreift. 2nttb= unb eebilbor. S. Sietife .............. 59 : i!(inb= nb icee= iitlber. S- &gt;offmann ...... 59 : 1 ttllbcr nnb i. eute : Sdjiibernte Sleifebe^ rid;te, SMIbec nnb Scenen auS ber Grb&lt; uttb 4UiIta-funbe. Xresben (f. b.) 2 Sibe. in 1. It. 8 .......... ........................... 59: am ;)t. feller. 3 Siebeit SSinterabcnbe, 55b. 1 S? mi b I) a Hi! nm :)it&gt;ein. Si. Slucrbadj. 3 S3 in 2 58: . 58: 3)affelbe ..................................... 58: 2iiiibliri)C Ciuartiere. raf St. tabottSIi. 3n Siilber au bcm olbatenteben ......... 58 : 2iiitbIirfK&gt;? Seft, Gin. S. ufelom. 3" Sie idjoneren S-tnnben ....................... 58 : iiiibl., b. 16 ................................... 59: i!aitflc 3faarf, 2er. 3. on s iLUctebc. 3 Sibe. 59 : ijauflciiftfiiiunb^oblingen. 3Ji. Siat^uftuS. 3h Sdjr., 43b. 6 .............................. 58 : iimininrb, G. S. Grfte unb altefte 3iobinfon, 3)er. Sei(3}. 1869. ft. 8 ................................. 59 : 58: 3lus 3it nnb Slanm. 3)re8ben (f. b.) 16 ............................................ 3 n I) a It: Dev altc tf 1 ? ^ as SotteSfeuer. tefjvtft unb Xiiife. X e ^vaucii in ben ^al bent bes ffieftens. Gin bfutf^erflilnftl t ISine bieitnciiEie prairie in s jiorbamcnftu I^ie liantoiielftabt. ftmei be utfdie 3Jau niei fe: 2Ballta !a; vr Soiu s itiiln am 9il)t in- Sluf ben Sdjmeiscralveu. 2luf bem 3)le re. Sllajimiliaii I Jn ber 5h&gt;uiie. ilUiucvtnije an ber bentfdjcn yiorb* ftetitite *- Hie jiuei gvojitcn "Jiiitiinoui.bev ber nenen iDSelt: Ser 9liajtofott; 3&gt;ie 9)lamntittl)liol)le. (Sin Sail auf ben Soo) = ebenen con V 4k ru. 5&gt;a j Steinfal^ergrocrf aiiicl jjfa. - 2a5 Stben im Erfjelnebivge.- 1 anblcben in (Snnlanb Jutnt ^nfl. - !t)iei (ibelfteine aus A^ eiberg^ ^iirnevtr Me. . 6et;(e. 3n ef. 2862 1686-7 2098 2340 2510 1447 70-1 &5-6 1117 1245 2566 1563-5 2770 2140 2030 ajb. 4 i offfl, Ser. . Sleliquien, i;ntcinif(i)C Gjarin unb Hjr Sdjidfal, Gine. 5. X ubojalih;. 2 S^be Sntcrnciiuiiflliitf. % 28. ad(anber. 3n Kl. GVJ. : SB}., Sib. 6 Smtbc, Sjftnrid) (geb. 1806). Sielgifdje raf, Set. ffllannft. 1845. 16. aBtttaw, Xie. 3Jlannb. 1837. 16 Tcn tfdje Jivieg, Xer. cij. 1867. 9 Sibe. 16 3n 6 dlt: Hb. 1-1: 3unfcf iianS. sUt. 5-7; ffialbftein. SHb 8-9: Jetjon SernSarb. Uid 1 , Xa. 3JJannl;. 1837. 16 Junge Guroa, Xa. iietyj. 1833. 2 Sibe. in 1. II. 8 firieger, 2ie. SJlannb. 1837. 2 Sibe. 16. iiiebesbriefe. 9)iannb. 1836. 16 9feue9leifenoDaen. Dlannb. 1837. 2 Sibe. 16 3nlialt: sBb. 1: Cine (V&it i"*) Comment. Berlin. 5^b.2: Xhiiringen. @iibbnt|d)lanb. 9}eifenoellen. Slanitl;. 1847. 9 Sibe. in 4. 16 @cfmufyielcrin, Xie. aJlannlj. 1836. 16. i niiiiciilinftcS 28eib, Gin. G. g. Garlen. 5 ilbe in 2 56: 58: 58: 58: 58: 673 1521 2393 2176-7 1289 2045 2046 58: 2048-56 58 : 58: 58 : 58: 2057 2058 2059-60 2061 58: 2062-3 2064-7 2068 356-7 58: PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. iicontino. "flllfrfl, Grnft. -Bud) bcr fcbcnflfii Jttnbtt" itnb i o mfir*en, 3&gt;a. srcipj. 1872. fl. 8 ...... 53 : frcitcre iverinitage. Vetpj. 1870. fl. 8... 59: JUufttirte golbeneflinberbudj, Sae. X eip.v 18K8. fl.H ................................ f)9: ednile rev 2lrtigfcit, 2ic. Veipj. (f. b.) fl. 8 ................ .- ........................ 59: i nutc "Kelt fuller Sjerj. Srau 3. nenidjmibt ( o u I i e u r o )u). 3Mit Wliicf eiiu-9 il cibc* ........................... 59 : ^ niitrrbartifr, 3&gt;r. . 2luci-badi. Jn ciimmtl. Sdjmxxrjro. Xorfgefcb,., 4(b. 2... 58: i!cbni ber Jlurfiivftiu Xorottjea ucit iiram benburg, 2aS. $. A. s il&gt;. Certcl. (1U. C. v o n i o r n.) on .Bern s (i rj., i^b. 4. 58 SJefcfii bos bcriibmten Mnifcrs Joiielli. V. lied. "MI 3cbr., iib. 9 .................... 56 : i!cl)cit be* gelbmarfdjaU 8 er jflinger, a. *|). A. ii. Ecrtel. (ii5. C. won &gt; o t n.) on .writ s Grj., *b. 1 ....................... 58 : Scftm Aibete. 3. "V- 3- Sliditer. (Jean }&gt; a u I.) 3" Sammtl. ii&gt;., i^erl. x lueg., b. 26 .......................................... 5fi: Taffelbe. Jn Sfimmtl. ffi. ^artf. 9lu-?g., iBb. 4 ................................ 5(J : ^c ben nt&gt; bk Sliatcn wans ooadjiii on Sicten*, Xa. ^5. J. SB. Cettel. (4iS. C. ti o n 1 o t n.) Jn .wrn 8 IS vj., b. 5. 58 : i cbcubc Wlb, Jae. ^- vovalb. 5" Hunte filter, Hb. 2 ................................... 58: i!cl)n;&gt;5 Hcba-fUip, Xcs. 5. . lied. Jn cdjr., b. 26 .......................... . ................ 56: irbciu bi(brr. J. Xicli ..................... 59: ^cbcn^bilbcr. R. ufetow. 3 4ibe ......... 58: ,"int)alt: Wfc. 1: iird) Jiartit jum I icfct. !l^. ^: Tn^ C0fi - ^^5 .Hiiftaiiicntuaibs (^en J-i Berlin. JlnS Smcfangi,immetn. lie SUittroe con 4&lt;oIO|ina. S3b. 3: ^ v "Tc, luer fid) ciuig binbet. i cbciiiMiilbrr. &gt;y. M. Wilb ..................... 59: ^n fl l t: ArtfBcbutfl. Uiidfin iiaurctta. 59 : 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 58: 58: 58: 59 : 59 : 58: 59: 59: 59 : 59 : 59: it. ^opel. (l b,. e e a U f i e I b). 5 Nbe.. ^ n Salt: 8s. 1: Weonje .iioroatb S Csq Wroulfadrt ............................ b. 2: Wnlpli Toii(ilih) s Soil. Kraiitfaljtt. . SUB. 3: yflanjer.tOni .................. ibr. 4: iflai jdleben (3&lt;f&gt;(uji). Zic Sf s biiicn. ..... 9b. 5: 9!atban, ber Squatter. Mrnulator. ilcbciuM rnflc, Xic. g. Stollc. 3n !iooS= rpfcn, *b. 1 .................................... 2eftra8fnge, Sine. A. vm oib ............... ilcbciuMrnflf , &. Ib. aHiiiifle ............. i!cbciii?(inii(( Wcorgc 3D{^ington , Tcr. ^J. A- ^ Cettel. (ii*. C. tionftiorn.) 3n .wrn (Sr.v, Vb. 14 ............. ......... i tbciicnliirf. O. Mlbermutl;. 3n 2lu5 bcm Avoucnlcben, -Ub. 3 ..................... i tbciii!fdmvfr. 3- Sofjmann. 5" ttj-. b. 32 ........................................... i cbniiMiift. 6. tonfefence .................... 1 cbcniMnnt : Sotwltei fr bic rcifctc mcib= lidjc ^iiflfiib. J. wirjdimann .............. i cbciu rdtijffi, fldbftc unb ungclbfte. D. JUUbcrmulb, .................................... 3n ba It: uioftfffvSiilein. Biebeejoubet -- MitHte eg fcin f (iine biintlt 1 $amiltcngc fdiic^te. Dnfel Wottlicb 3 Ouijenbliebc. Tret JV ftc: iBei^nadjtcn ; iJ^arfri itag; Srbfnv rcttfr, ?&lt; 3t- on intcrfelb. on fimmorccfen, b. 4 ........................... VcfJtnfftraum, tin. Srau 3. ^fanncn; jrttniibt. (3 I i C U t o tvv ) 3 4(bc. in 1 . ifflifiii trniim fints anncn SJlufifets. te. Holto. v \n VcrfiHifcue Sterne : 3J. 31o= i, 43b. 7 .................................. 2484 2485 2486 24S7 40 81 2833 1608 2830 1103 . S.,b. 6 5(|: Tafjdbc. Jiii -Samintl. SB., iUb. 16... 56 : 4!ctcii?Bcrfidimn:fl, ~ic. A- Stplle. Jn Gamelten, iib. 2 59: i cbfiKinrflr, friimine unb n,erabe. C. 31Ul= bcrmntb, . o" 4Mlber unb (Sefrfj. au-j Sdjluaben, iib. i! 59 ; ycbrrnc Kriiiitigam, Tor. i;. ^iidiner. o n 9ls bcm i cbcn 58: I cbcrrotf, ?er. 4i 9Jcpllb,nu)en. on 3(di= qutcn, 4 ; b. 3 58: rbrtf.nimvi=(vrinliluiiflfii ucn (Soppcr. A itr bic Jugcnb bearbcitet bon g. tgefr niann 58 : 3 n M 1 1: a-iIHPbter. ter lette 3)lol|itii = uei. let i iabfiiiler. Eebcrfttumpf. Zcr fflilbfleUer. I rflitimc unb bic Slcpublifancr, Xcr. K. ^oftcl. (C5. ecalefielb.) 3 bc 59: I thnflOlb, ?ev. 4*. 2lucrbadj. ^n cf. t.,b.7 58: Xaffelbe. 5J n Samnttl. Sditrarjiw. Xprfgcfd)., Sbb. 5 58 : 1171 Jcfirtr nub Sangcr. G. uon-Gcb^ren. on 9cicn(j Jucienb=HibI., Hb. 44 59: 2834 2136 1625 2&lt;&gt;9it 1232-4 bent :)ltc, 4&lt;b. 2 58 : clirinlirc bcr jtin-i Sdiii oftcvn, Tic. D. z&ilbeitnuty. on 2lu5 bem A a "en= [cben, *b. &gt; 59 ; ctbcinrnc, Ter. (S. 5D(. Siunbt. (V o u i f e Hi u It I barivi Jn .Hi. :)(om., *b. 10 58 : !. A. 3l\ Ccrtel. (iiS. D. 2418 788-92 788 I p n S) PV n.) on Sjorn s Grj., Sib. 11.. 58 : I cibfrtwdbcr bcr .^wcrge, Xcr. A- 9t*. acf= Idnbev. on SRardjen: ii5., 4Jb. 13 58: I cidiniumlcr, Tcr. 9J(. 6). apl)ir. 3n Scitl)fi!rniibcr, Scr. g. (Serftarfer. 3 2lntcvifanifd;e il&lt;alb= unb Stvpinlnlbcr, b. 1 : 58: Sctbcn be* jungen i inbcnliain. 2ic. 91. ilicifiitcr. on (ibaraftermac-fcn, Hb. 2... 58: MI ilcibcii unt&gt; yreuben eincs SdjulmeifterS. 91. *itiitie. (jcrcmias ptt b, e If.) 5n (3ef. 2djr., *bc. 5-6 58: 1120 2108 i dbrnirtinttrn, Tie. 3H. Z. 2 2 *be. in 1 59 : Xoffelbe 59 : c,\ r i!dbnt!tlinftlirtinvwri,li-in. OrafSt.ra-- lunusfi. 2 bc. in 1 58: SJcirr unb (^icige. &. Jiicrig. on viugcnb= 2843 S - ^l., 4&lt;b. 8............. ....59: 1633 2291 431 2254 1635 i Seltrmann nub fei ^flegefinb, Tcr. Gb. Birdj=l!feif[er. Grj., *. 1 j. 9(oDUen unb 1733 33 83 i ciln, obcr bie Belagmtng Ovanaba S. G. W. V. G. aUilter=\ ^ttpii. 3 iibc. in 1 .. 58 : Scmbcrflcr nub Sob.n. 31. 9Jfeijjncr ......... 58: I ciiibliitbcii. G. epinblcr. 2 *be. in 1 ...... 59: 3 lib, a It: !Bb. 1: ftuiditloS unb ticu. (Sliid iibrt ftUca. ng(|fi((Aen. Sib. 2: Xie 5(blaiifle iin :Hejij]io. Jieuupbar. Xic *Dlot)iin DOU lolebo. ^, bcr Wropmime. G. on i ejercten, Hb. 1 ........................... 59: Vcoiilinrbo ba 1 inct in Diatlanb. J(ad) bcm ;\talienifdjcn. Jn itiinftlcrge d). Von 21. , *b. 4 .................... . .............. 58 : G. -^plfp. on ^rcubvoll unb lcibuo((: -)[. 9loiH-llcii, 4*b. 12 .............. 59: i!roiitinc. G. Spi ibler. 3n iiolfsgcfd)., 4&lt;b. 2 ............................................ 59: 323 316 1111 1631 318 2393 482 780-2 52 83 2594 2362 1632 2468 2840 129? 1200 989 2316 1035-6 735 715 1075 2558 180 2228 2336 926 927 1394 85 948 1 KOSE FICTION: GERMAN. fiojercien. 56 Scfcrcicn- 6. Bintter. 233be.ini 59: ^ n 1) a It: Uc&gt;. 1: i. eo Uiaiinu?, bt i Wvo[untme. (rtii 3olbatenmdrd) n. fctmiben tun m tigen. ae Biimcriibtteste. sUb. 2; (Brimming &gt;3agerfaa,e. - (Sine &lt;a)n&gt;rie SlucUt. Slitter unb itiirgcr. Set bBje Aetnb impact. Dcr giiitflitye .fieib. jet- sdjuiigeift. .. C, Marie. glluftrirteS pielbud) fttt ^iabdien. i cito. 1871. tl. 8= 59: SJcffiiifl ib (Smtlia Walotti. .U. Willow. 3n iHe fdjoiteren Stiuibat 58: X ftitc SJombarbter, Ter. 7;-. B. ftart tanber. 4 33be. in 2 58 i!c!&lt;tc (Sentaur, Ter. ^J. fter/fe. 3 n f- 3i5., 43b.7 56: SftlUc ber 33arone, Ter. IS. . (S. V. 33ul-- u&gt;er=yB,tton. 8 33be. in 2 58 : SJctitc ijajniab., Tie, ty. &lt;y. 415. Oertet. (i!5. D. B o n ft o rn.) 3n wont s (Srj., b. 13 58 ScMc Wittel, Ta. 3. 3tolte. 3" &lt;?rub,= UitgSglocten 59 i ctttc Woliifan, Ter. 3. ft. (Soever 58 SJrKtC %&gt;b,ifana-, Ter. 3- $. (Sootoer. 5n 2eberftrumvf=CSrjdb,lungen, bearbeitet Bon A. Sjoffntann 58 cl(tc feines StanimeS, Ter. g. 1 eiBatb. 3n 3c. Montane, 33b. 5 58 i rlitc Sntitf, Ter. (S. ioiUfomm 59 : i!clitcii /viil^ itbiirger, Tie. $. Sobenftebt. Jit ilus bcutfdien (^aiien, 33 b. 1-2 58 i clttfit fitter on SJiarieuburj, Tie. 3l&gt;. ftauff. Jn Sammtl. 3B., i3ij. 1 56 iJcl tcn Stunben eine v^ er ^/ ~ e - - 3 oitlfomm. 3" tr;,., 33b. 2 59 SicUtni lage elites MbntgS, Tie. 3Jl..^art= ntiinn 58 i;clftcn Sane 5Bomtii 6, Tie. (S. W. 6. . 2495 1245 1326-7 676 2239-40 2842 1115 451 927 i!rti)ib=2tfl&v/ Artinin. gortfe^ung, VebenSfrage, (Sine. 33ert. 1872. fl. 8... 58 : Siefete feinee ctammeS, Ter. Jn 3t. 3io= mane, 33b. 5 58: SiebeSbriefe : 2lus bcm ^cben eintS @e= . fangenen. Srau tfdjm. 1850. 16 3 58: 2Babdjei Bon fteta, Ta3. 33cr(. 1860. 2 33be. in 1. 16 58 : 3Jiiibd&gt;eu Bon CBa*, Tas. 33ert. 1866. 16 58: ^ullBer=l Btton. 4 -i ycufhttfturm nnf tap 31 rntf;, Ter. 3j. Waten. 3 33be. in 1 58: SnBalb=Stnlir, Saiut^ (aeb. 1811). uf rotber (Srbe. Mit (iiementine 58: SBenebtft. S3erl. 1874. 2 33be. in 1. fl.8 58: SSunte-SJUbtfT. 33crl. 1862. 2 33be. in 1. 16 58: gnbnlt: b. 1: er gtclltiertreter. Wrafin Winria. Xer Aunftteufel. - Zcr 9iebcl baut 9iiicrd)en. lame Situate. Ginc altc ,virma. S8t&gt;. 2: jetliner Jtinber. laS lebenbe 3)ilb. etementine. 33ert. 1872. ft. 8 58: 2)eut]d)e Vtbensbitbcr. 2ieb,c &lt;oange= noflen, Tie. Tilettanten, Tie. itot. 1867. 16 58: Tiinen: unb 33erggefd)id)ten. 33raun[d;h&gt;. 3 n 1) a It: Vb. 1: 3eS SialevS (9efannfiif4a!t. iBom flnnbrn unb torn llldbrtien. lie Beidiicfcie eineS Relt(llge, Jcr ^jrootifl. - 1 - ^ao liiaidjen uo bent junflen iB?cinEiifci . SDb. 2: 3 &gt; Ifl e " eiltcl tinen 3tabt. vendcuife. (Sine Wvifeite. Welb unb iieute. C5in Mtilndjen cus ben itoljlen. (Smitie. 3n 3i. Siomane, SBb. 4 58: (Srtoferin, Tie. 33ert. 1873. 3 33be. fl. 8. 58 : @raf 3oad)im. 3n 91. Montane, 3^b. 3... 58 : ."pauSgenofien, Tie. 33crt. 1865. ft. 8. 3n Teiit|"d)e Vebensbilber, 33b. 1 58: 3afd). SBerl. 1868. 16 58: Senn^. 33rl. 1872. ft. 8 58: it antmerjimgfer, Tie. SJcrl. 1H64. 233be. ml. 16 58: 482 2111 1677 194 550 1667 1409 2229 2111 2116-8 2110 2113 2121 2107 2124 Moinane, 3&lt;b. 5 58: SJii ine Vebensgeidjtdjte. Hert. 1871. 333be. ft. 8 58: 3 nt) a It: *b. 1: 3"i 8otcriiau(. Kib. 2: ^t ibenoiaijre. Sb. 3: Sefveinng unb aBanberlclien. Sielta. 33erl. 1870. ft. 8 58: 3Jeue Moniane. S3ert. 1864. 5 *be. in 3. 3 nba It: Hb. 1: f er 5eel&gt;of. !Ub. 3: Wiai ^oacbim. *b. 4: Gmiiie. !8b. ft: J5tr le^te feincs 3tamme. 5D!amfclI 2108 2111 2125 2126 2119 2111 2100-2 2127 2109-11 2128 2129-30 2109 2109 2131-2 2103-6 2119 2133-5 242 948 1665 1115 556 554 1200 1736 2052 1957 2645 1299 1735 1909 2061 2125 , 58 : 2548 unb Viebeeteib. &. Mainninb... 59 : 211 gefyeimmije : iieue JiowHtn, 33b. 8... 59 : 83 95rinj i outS Jerbinanb. 33ert. 1859. 333be. in 1. HP 58: 3iciiegefd(;rten, Tie. 33ert. 1865. 2 33be. 16" 58: d;lojj lanncnburg. 3" 9J. Slomane, i&lt;b. 2.... 58: eeetjof, Ter. 3n 3J Moinane, 33b. 1 58 : iUlla Miitntone : (ST,;ai;lungen eine* Jaitjs ineiftcr. Siert. 1869. 2~-be. 16 58: 3 n ii a It: s -bb. 1: s }?vin;effin Sliuora. Gine tvaurifle tyefdjidite. 5Bb. 2: tin 8M)iff au5 Guba. ^oinenico. 3&gt;on efditedit ju efd&gt;led?t. 33ert. 1871. 4 33be. ft. 8 58: Sornebtne SJeli S3etf. 1866. 16 58: SSonbMinBnt 33er(. 1864. 4 i3be. in 3. 16 58: 819 i iibcrtOi! nnb il)re ^-reier. 3- Bon Gidjen= borff . 3n Samnttl. 315., 3&lt;b. 3 56 : 2112 girciltintctt loufnagel ^Ebeatertauf, Te. 2107 (i. V ul ^ er - 3 n 3?olf*gcfd)., ibb. 2 59 : i tttlt tin Wriinen, (Sin. (i. ftiifer. 3 2 u 2137 i jirteg*: unb JriebenSjeiien, "Bb. 1 58: i itlit inn 3.i(itternad)t, Ta. S- S 2136 2107 2120 2114-5 SJidit inn 3J(itternnd)t, Ta3. %. totle. 3n jvruljlingcglocfen 59: : rliomanttjdie cage. 3B. auff. if. u. ijoct. 3l ., "-Hb. 4-6 56: Tafjelbe. 3&gt; Sainintt. 3l5., 33b. 5 56: Sicbr ant ftodigaidit, Tie. 3J(. (S. 2apt)tr. i tcbc auper Tienften, Tie. 21. Bon 3i5in tevfelb. 3" S limor. SoIt)aten=3ioBetten, . 5!) : 59: ;er fluSgeWan&frlen, Tie. S"&lt;. 3fdioffe. 3"nef. edit-., b. 11 56: ijicbf tin rabo. Tie. D. SJliiller. 3n. (Srj. u. (Sbarafterbilber, ibb. 2 58: lllofter, Tie. 3- S- $&gt; lennne. 3" (iriminal^JioBellen, 33b. 3 59 : i iclic ift Wliict. ?f. Hoffmann. 3 n *alen= beivWefdiidjten 58 : iJicbr ot;ne i eibeiifdiaft, Tie. (S. 3Ji. 3lUes laitb. 3n Sammtt. il&gt;., 33b. 19 56 : i iclitijbncfc. ft- Vattbc 58: i!icbci5liricfc. 3- Vewatb 58: iiiclictfbifiift, (Sin. (S.3JJ. DJunbt. (I ouife PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. i]icbctranf. iDlabcmoijeffe i!icbfi!trnnf, Tor. Garl 5winbler. o" Jag unb :&gt;iad)t, ^6. 1 .............................. 59: G. .wfer. 3" 3luSgen.iab.lte 942 59: . eiw. (f. b.) 16. 3n 9itC "Jb. 43 59: Weiellicbaft . ~. .... 58,: 1664 iilCl) \\irbtiuu 1 . 3- A. Goower 58: irbf?n&gt;rrbcn._y. 2iccf. ,\n 3dir., i&lt;b. 26. ;,i; : ]ii25 Vubmilln, G. -Wiilfomm. on jluet SJowellen. 59: I libiutn iu etliewen. A- Hoffmann. 3nGrj., 324 3Jb. 35 : 59: 315 : 1 iiiuuifl ber Heine 2tu8toanberer. Gf;. won 1638 vjitbct euro Aeinbe. g. Hoffmann. o&gt; ajb. 5 ilirblinbcrtbrntrr, Xa8. Braf &lt;2t. boioofi. jn 9J. milit.umore8ten, 33b. 1. 58: Aalftaff unb line co ibm bei ben amen erging. 31. won iffitntorfolb 59: i iriitntaitt won 3RetbufaIm, ?er. 31. won JiUnttrftlb. o t Junior. 2olbaten=3io= iH llen, &gt;W&gt;. 1 : 59: i imn. Aretljerr G. won "JMbra. o" 3fotfc= jftyenunb -JJowellcn, ^b 3 58: IMiin. .H. IntrtJiier. o Sowellen 58 : ion Cinggenfeib. W. s J(iertb_. 3" 3 ; iMbl., 8b. 21 59: 1 incoin, ober bie Belogerunfl won 457 r, Tor. g. aub^. 3 "^oot. u. 2aiielbe. 3n Sainmtt. 3S.,9Jb. 14 56 : IMrbciMoubcr. C. -Mlbcrmut^. 3 1 ebenS- ratb|ol, gelofte unb ungeliifto 59: 1635 I ubiuifl ber Sienebnte, ober bie .uomb bie be-} voben*. 31. G. ^radiuogel. 4 S3be. in 2. 58 : 2-. i!4 L llMuifl unb 3(nm*marie. iUf. 9JJel^r. 3" Gn. auo bem Mies, ~-8b. 1 . 58: S\ .vioffmann 59 : t. intb l&gt;rof. 1116 1741 1736 van -i A- S^affelbe. 3" Sa inmtl. 31*., 33b. 12 56: I iiftbab,3^a6. g. dierftacfer. ^nltreuj unb C.uor, 3&lt;b. 2 58: 170 3Ki 2571 n. 3- iy- Goober ........................ 58: VifcbctDIi, ^ S. "X. Hiuius. (3eremia Wottlielf.) :MIC|. od^r., *. 7 ...... 5S : Voniifla. S- ftrffmann. JnlSn., SJb. 2 ...... 59: tin iHcriiiel, a3. S . 1 ort) in ber ft&gt;pfi , IflS- A. Gerftatfer. ^n SMiben unb Xviibeit, "Wb. 3 .................. 58 : Vnrfc bcr ^bavlotte Korean, Jk. (. Jn iHTjuiifene Steruc: 9t. b. 7 ....................................... 59: 22(U 912 1342 2512 1342 455 1158 941 -jjto. X etB. 1864. 4 33be. i" &gt;- 58: i Bmucnfnmmlcr won ^JariS, Tor. % g. ii . Cortcl. (333. D. won orn.) 3n .vxn-n o Gi 5., *b. 14 58: in: 4&lt;abc, 3&gt;a. G. Sbinbler. 3" fjgoiri?., 3Jb. 2 59: (imSBagen, 3)a8. G. Swinbler. 3u icenen unb Wefcb., 3jb. 2 59 : Vutlirt in :)(om. 1 . Shutting. 3 33be. in 2. 59 : i lltlirr, Martin. 31. 3i&gt;ilbenb,abn. 5 33bo. in 2 ._. 59: I uni jnrbcitcr , 3d)netbof unb Vi jantntler im neuen .Haiforroid;. HJunbt. 3 n ? at iftt^aifer=Stijjen, i&lt;b. 1 58: 83 ! i i)0!iffl Siitrlington. . ^fdjoffo. 3" cf. " )r., m. 12 56: Kinber. on sBom fodtbebauS 5s : Mil I bad)), 3" &gt;iftot. SJilberbud), lib. 2 . 58: ber JBittttx, Ja-l g. 9B. ^acflanber. , iiom Sjaibobau8 58: 1 ootfc, Xer. 3. A.Goower 58: 1 Drbccr unb lli nrte. 3- Wroffc. 3 Dffene n, &gt;. 8 58: u, ^almen unb Otefieln. G. wtnb= lor. on Sommentialoen, i&lt;b. 1 59: V orb "iHiron o leyte Viebc. 31. Widiner. i i^be! 58: 315-6 i be .v&gt;abn. Gl;. Saggau. o" Mert(} b. 45..:.: .59: Vorrit) bor Jreigemeinbler. s li(. Ji on A"orf= u. ctabtgefcp ..................... 58: 1 orcitj unb i!oro. s i&gt;. wct;fe. 3 Wf- 3i s - ^b. 7 ............................................ 5(&gt;: Vottfa. V- 6c V e - ^ n rat i- &gt;il! - &gt;itb - 7 ...... ! "&gt;6 : ifoiiifc, Wijiugin ucn ^roufiou. D. Sdjupp. 3it ttn., b. 2 .......................... 1 ...... 59: i!aiiifianiia 3fir,en. 3. Olcvftacfer. 3n ffltlbe SSJelt, ^b. 3 ........................... 58: i on A lanbern, 2or. . lionictene.... 58 : 2505 ~~(&gt;5 fi~(i ti7(i 2H21 9H3 421 m A- b. iBatfentnabe, Seiy. (f. b.) 16. on Merit 3ugenb=9tW., ibb. 4(&gt;. ber Viebe, 5)io, Jb,. a) lUJnrtit be* eh)iffnt8, Tie. g. , ooffinnnn. 59 : 58: 59 : Wabnmc be Sranbeioutg. v i(. mm (^uferf. 2--bo. in I :... 5S: i on yujern, 2;er. ^. (Salen. 5 sbbc. 58 : 854-8 tow tibrti on ^ dbd) in I au-i torn ivolfe, Gin. il. won Gimeo, XaS. 5- Werftad er. 59: 58: &gt; Jroibon, 3.&lt;b. 1 58: 58: I won .vielgolanb, a&lt;5. C s )raf &gt;2t. (4raboio-&gt;ft. on We). Jiooellcn it. Grj., *b. 1 58: SJJfibtllCIt won Viebenftein, Tad. g. 33o= benftebt. 3 91 u bcutfdicn (^auon. 33b. 1. 58 : 8erfe&gt;Yte 3iele, -JWrl. l69. 4 Hbe. I6 r . 5S: 2160-3 aVabrtjcit won Cwad, Jos. g. Veioalb 58: I nbpjnUfl), ,\rani. yjJdbfllCll won Jrewwi, Jas. !&gt; .Vi i l e. v \u 56 : 58 : Gin ^iil)r am bom i cbcn 9luguft bos Star-fen, ffiien 1863. 2 Sbtc. in 1. 16 58: 2175 i. ateinifd)cGjartn unb ibr 2d;id|al, Gine. 333mi 1862. 2 4* be. 16 58: 2176-7 3!or l;unbert Jaljrcn. 1 eiwj. 1851. 3^be. 16 58:2178-8(1 iWnbcmqifcllc Glairon. G. 2K. i iunbt. Vurifrr. -* 3luerbacb. ^nWcf. Sdjr., SJb. 4. 58: 49 I a o ui je M it I; 1 b a dj.) 58: Xafjclbe. 3 Sdnimtl. isc^ivarjiv. Xorf= TOnbcntDiiclIr Jelign?. G. ^olfo. 3" flefdj., 3Jb. 3 58: 82 grifc^e wfttter : s J(eue 3iowel(en, 3Jb. 11.59: Wef. 2i&gt;., ^b. 5 Xafjelbe. 3" ^ - Jiowellen ijfibrbciibrtcir. D. iiUlbcrmut bent Araucnlobon, 4&lt;b. 2 59: linbtliciilirrjcn. G. |&lt;olfo. , x ,n 3ltto Staub unb 3l(d;o : S JJ. 3Jowclien, iib. lo 59 : 2593 468 1660 2294 531 258-9 2361 2311 323 314 958 2200-1 2S43 948 939 667-8 1602-3 2695 1957 2596 2435 2268 1191 81 1235 914 2126 1060 194 2119 674 1520 1632 84 2471 85 1 HOSE FICTION": GKR.MAN. SDlabemotfeU* 9J!arin 2Habtmoifcfle 2ttaugin. G.^olfo. 3nSer= f .mfcm 1 Sternf : 3i. Stooelten, 3Jb. 7 ...... 59: attabonna vnna. is. s.iofcv. 3" Grj. &lt;djr., ^b. :i. ................................... 58: 3Ragttettfltt Murcn. ft 28. Sattldnbtt ...... 58 : atta prtticiir, Ser. G. 2. 215. (21.) SWf&gt; mann. Cs" 2(ufien&gt;. Grj., 3*b. 2 ............ 58: attnilriKH, fr 8- ^- Ccrtcl. (28. D. o o u .v o r u.) 3u Scorn s Grv, Sb. 1 ..... 58 : 9)fqirc I bn Dmlleotieinc. G. Spiublcr. 3" Jlcttengliebcr, b.3 ........................... 59: flWaiabnr, Ser. W. -Jiicriy. 3n 3ua.enb=i(ibl., ^j. 13 .......................................... 59: 9Haiorat, Sa. G. X. 28. (3t.) offmann. 3n 3lu*flcn.i. Grv, i^b. 2 ..................... 58 : SBJaioiWlictr, Ser. SI?. amia.gc ............ 58: 9MaiorttIitrr, Ser. Q. Diiiller. 3be ..... 58 lytniorijomo, Ser. S. Sl&Ub/aufw. 4 45be. in 2 .............................................. 58 : unb Mildicn. . etolle. 3u ojen, "Mb. 1 ............................. 59: Sinclair. 21. G. iU adjuwjel. 3" -)t. JJoudlcu, W&gt;. 1 ........................... 58: jnlrrin mis bcni i. miw,Sie. i!. Sdiiicting. 4 iitc. in2 ..................................... 59: Nnlrr S Wofaiuienfdtaft, ScS. S- Jiialb. v "\n Si uu ii= unb JJcriWJdj., 2Jb. 1 ......... 58: ^UiW&gt;nw* W*hW- g. i eiualft. Slwnaiio, "i^b. 5 ........................ 58 : ift fid? pnrd&gt;id?tagen. S- offmann. ^u (Sr,v, *b. 21.. .............................. 59: !l)Joitri)crlci. ^. SpinbUr. 2 k Hbe. in l ...... 59: 311 ti a It. *b. 1: lie Wefcllen bet fdiivartcn .Huin t. .HM uiii) \;cl)civjlcutc in bet Steis d)i nau. iUb 2: I! a si leftameiit be32Bud&gt;ctt3. Xie @a(tfteunbe. 83 1651 1294 1731 2&45 921 2563 1731 2430 2652-4 2384-5 1120 220 669-70 2114 2111 2280 929 attfirriint. &lt; unb cwf bcni 3Ji ittcltl;ovt[;unn, Xer. ^5. 3% ffi. Ccrtel. (5U. D. Bon 6 or n). 3n Corn s ., S3b. 8 ............................ 58: attaint, tier SUIesS anfangt, Xer. 3. fooffj maun, gn ftalenber=@efdj .................. 58: Wniiit iiu SWonbe, Xer. ii\ yauff. 3" eonumtl. v il\, Sib. 3 .......................... 56: SOi flitu pi)ne s Jlamen. (S. vinblcr. 3 _ Somntcrmalocn, 45b. 2 ....................... 59: SJfniiu won Weburt uub ba lt&lt;eib auS bem iiolfe, 2er. ffli. 3. Srfjiuait. 3 93be. in 1 .............................................. 59 : Xaffelbe ...................................... 59 : iBJnnitrfcu ^--* t on SJrufiel, SoS. St. _ son j&interftlb ................................. 59 : s j)(tiuncr bcr li^at. IS. SBilHomm. 4 ^be. in 2 .............................................. 59: 9ttanitItrt)C Gutter, Sic. . Sied. ^nSdjr., *b. 14 ........................................... 56: !BJnnocnrr bet fliojenlnijd). Wraf &lt;3t. (Sirabomefi. Jn iHlbcr attS bem 3olba= teiilebcu ...... ..-, ................................ 58 : attnnon ^eaubcntier. 21. (J. Sivadjuogel. , X M x lu* bn-i jcifrl)., a^b. 2. ................. 58: 2){niiiicln, bic loiter be* dictators. CSraf 3t. raboh)8lt ................. , ............... 58 : JBirirrticit. Slnbcrjen, &. Gtf. ejammeltc SJIcirclicn. ijn Wef- -US-, **&gt; " ......................... . r )fi : 9teue Wavdjen. ^n cf. 2H., iib. 10.... 5(i : Sieite Warden unb cfdjidjten ........... 59 : ammtlidic 3)iard?cn ..................... 59: .7, u 1) alt: Siclje Slnbcrfcii. 2852 1735 552 | 941 ! 736 I 700 1747 1678-9 1613 1117 222 1097 54 59 59: Safjjlbe 59: Sjactlftitbev, g. 48. 2)tard?en. 3n 48., JB*. 13... ....._. ..-. 58: qeiuu it; !$on ber ^riiiii ffi 1 SRorfliWlfl. a3 Wejictyt tut UHoitb ; 3}cr ^nubcrtnig; Jnb !uui)t Mmiict)eii ; Ecr Vcibfctmeibev bet Jciauff, 28. .Karatjane, Sic. 3" 2!oet. u. "jkoj. 28., 4tt&gt;. 2 56: Sajjelbe. 3 Sdmmtl. 48., 43b. 4 56 : Wardicn al& SUmmtad?. 3" foot, u. Sajjclbc. 3 t Sdinmtl. 48., Sib. 4 56 - i 2(lcffanbrtn unb {cine Ila= ?cr. 3" i^et. u. s proj. 28., 4to. 2. 56 : Sdiiimtl. 48., 4&lt;b. 4 56 : its hit 3i&gt;cfjart, Sa. 3" eSmmtl. 28., 4Jb. 4 56 : SteUber. saSbe...... . ....... 58 : (;^ u I) a It: .Sichciioffmonit, U.2. JB. (31.) fiioffiiidnn, ft Scutja)e 4UiIfS=931drd)en... 59: SJiardjen unb Jvabeln 59: laufcnb uub cine "Jiadjt 59 : S. aufd?, G. 45ud? bev fd?onftcn itinoers u. S?olfu= tnarc^en 59: liidrd)en au ben Jtoblen, Gin. 3" Si mcii: unb 2k rgfd)., 4^b. Z 58: "JJidrd;en won bem juugen 4i5etnufer, ,)du, J. G. 21., SJolf iiiidrdjcn bcr Sfiitfdjcn. 3 S5bc. in 1 59 : Sajidbc 59 : tr, 4)f. &., olbfifdjlfin S 3!oman. 3n 2(u*gci. iSdjriften, 4&gt;b. 10 56 : ftiinbe...! 59 : Sdjmibt, ft SHardjcn fiir jiingere Sna= ben unb flidbdien 59: .Uleinc Grjd^lungcn unb SJidrdicn 59: StfUiitlcr, G., a)Jorlaftfd?cd s JJIdrd;en. 3 n 9tegenbogenftrab,Ien, *b. 2 59: SaItner=2Rardjen, Gin. Jn . octl unb Sunfd, SBb. 1 .". 59: olbatenmardjcn, Gin. 3 U i- ejereieu, 41b. 1 59: trdfjle, 5v. 2hi 3 48alb unb iiergen 59 : Unter ben 48cH)imd;tbamn 59 : Siccf, S. . Ain-tunat. Jn 2d;r., 2ib. 3 56: SOJchifine. 3n cbr., b. 13.1...".... 56 : 4&lt;pgeljd)cndje, Sic. 3" 2d;r., 43b. 27.. 56 : 48eil, ., Xaufcnb unb cine Kadit. 4 4&lt;bc. 59 : nictne 3 WbcnS. Sj. G^. Slttbcrfcn. ef. 48., 4^b. 1 56: toon. Witter 3(atl; ift clbc loertl;. i dp. (f. b.) 16. 3 n s Jiieri(; ^ugenbsSBiM., 43b. 33. 59 : itrflflCctll. G. Sicufingcr. 3" 3d}id= jar* 48altcn, 4&lt;b. 1..... 58: 2nriiarctl)n. G. ^ 2001 atinrnnrctlinblitiitflicit, Sic. Ckrftarfe:. ... ber ber Baudjf^tnerjat ^atte 59 : 2000 2030 242 2153 fen Sdnnti). 59: 59: I5c|. ^r., VP. o 2t)lefterabenb. D. berintitb,. 3" 25erlcn au bem Sanbe 59 : ftranci jca. s ^&gt;. !oeiije. 3 U e(. 48., 43b. 5 56 : Sajjelbe. 3n 4iter neue iRoWflm....- 58 : 9)2 aria Hiancini. 3- roffc. 2 4ibe 58 : 2 UK) 2161 1293 555 553 555 553 555 553 555 553 1732-4 2300 2341 2351 2484 2115 2114 2546 2545 1204 2693 2750 2709 937 907 927 2800 2(i3 1602 1612 1612 HS26 1490-3 2583 1502 81 532 1636 674 1522 1153-4 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. -59- K nficttmb ber 9antamtt&gt;Dfccifi Irencf. t\ :l)i. JUunbt. (Viouife 9J(iib 1 bad;.) 4 ^be. in 2 58: SWnria Jberejiii unb ibr Cfenbeyer. t. 9)1. DJun bt. ( V o u 1 1" c $i u I; I 6 n d;.) 3n ftiftor. fceK iwtUber, *b. 2 58"- MKnrinniifl, occr unt iriebe letben. ft. Mb nig. 2 We 58: IWarir Slntointttt unb ilir Sobn. t. UK. JJiunbt. a ouife TO itl;lbadi) 6 #bc. in 2 58: SMnric unb Diaria. O. SBUbermutfc. 3 JJerlen aus bent Sanbc 59: SRarirnbnbcr Jtreuj. 31. Don JMiitcrfclb. on ftumor. SolbatetuSJowDen, i^b. 4.... 59 : Wnricitbtlb, Xa*. t$J;. von Sdjmib. 3 Wtf. Sdir., *b. 2 59: 3)iartcitbilb, Xa3. &. Don Struenfee. ((4 u ft a o nt See.) 3" trj. ciitcS alien ftcrru, i&lt;b. 1 59: tVJaritttn Hiatiu m. 31. t. ^r&lt;t*uogel. iWnrinrbilbrr. ft. Smibt 59: ^ 11 ti a it: ,vf iievSbninft. (Sin Sdilafiaa*. flmfteii tifbcnlnimiet. Stntnuuftcrn unb Slbmuiiitcnt. liiev f$n&gt;immciit&gt;e Xatncn. fiifce Xer &nfeiiarst. Xer ciitjiuvoful. .HQufial)itci=.ftabtten. (Sin ooUcnfii^c rcr. .UeUor, .^aug nub (*k|&gt;Ui(^dft. Gin tyiiiijtcr. Xnffelbe. o" JicBcUen. 58: Warfctfiibcrin, Xie. s;. odiiitfing. 3&be. in 1 59: iDJnrfctcnbcriii bes grofeeit ,oitig, tine. 21. won -Winterfclb. 3" junior. 2olba&lt; ten=3JoeUen, b. 2 59: 2Nnrf i! :)liff, cbcr bcr iiratcr. 3- 5- Coo= per 58: 2Hflrf ? 3iiff : - art; topper fiir btc reifcre . ougi-nb bearbcitet oon A- ftoffmann 59: Wnrlitt, t. (pfeub.) Ste^e oobn, ttigenie. WnrlD, obcr bie D!ebiatt|~trten. C. SUJiiUer. 2 be.... - ; ;; - 58: Sdmmtl. i&gt;., 8k. 8 56: Mt O... ft. Mn Sletft. 3n ef. Xaffelbe. 3u 0ef. 2d;r., b. 3 56 : Wnrrynt, tapitau grcbcric (get. 1792, 2Utc (Sommobore, Xer. (The old com modore.) Stuttg. 1857. 16 58: 3lrbcnt irotigbton, cber 3lbentener ctneS .Haufmanms. Stuttg. 1857. 16 58: Slnne &gt;rf, Xer. (Poor Jack.) Stuttg. 1857. 16 58: Xrcitntttr, Xie. (The three cutters.) U)( i t Xer ^irat * 58 : 2532-3 2516 15)24-5 2534-,5 1636 1739 530 1198 220 817 673 1521 620 1737 477 2342 2G41-2 242 704 702 2283 r, Xer. (The phan- " to~m ship.) Stuttg. (.f. b.) 16 58: ^ranf Wtlbmay, ber Alotteitoifijkr. (Frank Mildmay.) (ctuttg. I860. 16 . 58: 3afob tfyrlidi. (Jacoh Faithful.) Stuttg. 1860. 16 58: 3apl?et, ber etitcn Voter fudtt. (.laphet ill search of a father.) Stuttg. 1860. 16 58: 3o|"epb : iuibbroof, ber iOilbbieb. (The poacher.) Stuttg. 1861. 16 58: Maperfdu ifer. Bor b,unbcrt 3o^ren, Xer. (The privateersman one hundred jearsago.) Stllttfl. 1867. 16 58 : Sbnig:tigen. (King s own.) Stnttg. 1861. 16 58: 2282 2275 2279 2274 2273 2272 2276 2289 2277 , Copt. 3 fcberic, AO SDiibjIjtyntan taft;. (Jlidshipinan Kasy.) Stuttg. (f. b.) 16 58: 9icnMon ^orfter, obcr bes Jtau*ntann8 Xienft. (N ewton Forster.) Stuttg. 1857. 16 58: ^afdia, Xer. (The ]&gt;acha of many tales,) Stuttg. 1857. 16. -58: ^crciWtl Weene. (Tercival Keene.) Stuttg. 1860. 16 58: 3ktcr Simpel. (Peter Simple). Stutt= gart. 1860. 16 58: ^trat.Xer. (The pirate). Stuttg. 1861. 16 58: Stottlin, ber Jieffcr. (Kat lin the reefer). Stuttg. 1857. 16 58: Scubuno, ober Sccnen in 3lfrtfa, Xie. (The mission; or, scenes in Afrika). Stuttg, 18-57. 16 58: Sir fteurli SNorgan ber SHtccamer. Stuttg. 1857. 16 58: Snarletniou), bcr ftb llent)unb. (Snarley- yow ; or, the dog fiend). Stuttg. 1867. 16 58: iOZnrirt) nadj ftaitfe, Xer. 3i . 9laabe. (3 a " fob (S o r in n u %.) Jn Xcutfdjer a)Jonb= fdjein 59: Wnrtlw, bie etiefmuttcr. 9Ji. 3Jat!niftu. on Xorf; unb Stabtgcfd; 58: *J)(nrtiit. A. Scrftnder. ^nftiibenunb Xru= ben. ite. 3 , 58: OTartin Vut^er. 31. ii-ilbcnbxibn. 5 *be. in &gt; 59: 2Hartinran, ftenriette. yiaun unb ber g-iirft, Xer. i eipj. (f. b.) 16. 3n JHcrie ougenb^iW., 3Jb. 42... 59: Diiirtyrcrtob be ftieroiuitnu^ on ^ ( rag, Xer. 31. ffiilbenlm^n. 3n@ef. trj.,^b. 2. 59 : SDJnru^n. t. Sptnblcr. 3 ftcrbftuiolen, 3jb. 2 59 : SWnnjnm in ber iiUifte. ft. ^f^" 111 - 3 n ef. Sdjr., 33b. 6 56: *J)ifli&lt;fc, Xie. 5. Gaubt). 3 V* et. unb^rof. %&., b. 8 56: Xnflelbe. 3" Samtntl. "B.*., *b. 14 56: Ttattt fce3 3ieid)ttniiH3 ; Xie. (S. Jri^e. 3n -Jknn-llen, b. 2 58: 2&gt;((itnborc,Xte. 2ij. Wunbt. 2 iBbf 58: iOJntiiilbf, .Hb nigin von Xaneinarf. 3- Sdicrr. 3" vd ftofgefdjid;tcn 59: Wntbilbr ober ein iietaU)ud;tige "ISetb. 2)J. _ Xaffelbe 59 : V. ifitliiltir unb JBil(;elmine, bie unglctd)en Sdjioeftern. G^r. X on Sdjmib. 3 n ef. Sdjr., b., 19 59: lib Slbclatbe. 3. iiil)lfelb 58: , Xer. 81. uon Iv tntcrfelb. 3" r. Solbatcn^Jfonelleu, SBb. 1 59 : Jiccrctfiirom, Xer, &. ft. Don Sdjubert. 3n trj. Sdjr.,*b.2 56: SRrtrfabrt, tine. 3- wn Gidjenbcrff. 3n Samtntl. $., 4&lt;b. 3 56: IWctrfltnicii, Xie. ^. 5. 2J5. Certel. (8B. C. on ft o r n.) 3" "ftorn e trj.. ^b. 2. 58 : 9Kccrfbnin, Xer. 41 Wbllfiaiifen. 6 be. in 2 58: SDfcrrmufrticl, Xie. y&gt;. Siollliatifcn. 3n^= luntten, Sb. 2 58 : 3)}ctit alteft Aenfter. G. ftb fcr. 3" Xie gute alte ,^eit, i*b. 2 ". 56 : 3Jifin iurfdic bcr Oieiteral. 3f. Don3\!inter= felb. 3" ftumor. Solbateit: JioelIen, Wb. 2 59: 2278 2280 2288 2271 2270 2275 . 2281 2287 2286 2284 182 2765 942 1602-3 2592 1 H04 908 1954 324 315 750 2693-4 486 737 .714 639 2609 1736 2795 242 2846 2386-7 2393 1074 1737 1 KOSK FICTION: GEKMAN. (?ben. Wcfnfliance. SDfcinGben : Cine SJiiindiencr Qkfdndjte au ben ^eiten &lt;*rl SfyeoborS. . Sdjniib. 2 k fibe. ml ..................................... 59: 572 SDirin crftcr Safe. $. Werftadcr. on 2l3 mcinem Jiiflebud), ^b. 1 .................... 58 : 903 9Mcin obcr Join. . Smibt. o iUinnenber rotten lonne, -fib. 4 ......................... 59: 821 SWttn Cnfct, ofccr bie Stitfcnlcitcr ber i ci= benfdjaften. X . SJiidmcr. Jn 2luS bcni Vcbeit ............................................ 58 : 318 Jflfiitc erfte SBraut. . 3. SB. Ccrtel. (SB. C. eon icorn.) !Jn 3ib,cimfrfte 3-prf; grfdjidjtcn, 33b. 1 ............................ .. 58: 2857 3Kcinc i ebengcfd)id)te. J-. Selvnlb. SSJbe. 58: 2100-2 Slnlialt: b. 1: Jm SJater^aufc. b. 2: Scibcnojnfirc. SBb. 3: SBefreiiiiig iinb 2Banberlc&cit. SSWftttt, 3fb. - (Sefdiiditen. }!rag 1859. 16... 58: 21m Stein : (Jin Sfijjenbudj fon fee. 84&gt;. 1853, 16 ...................... SSobet : Sioman cuts DefterretdjS neucfter (*;fd?idjte. akrl. 1807. 4 SSbe. in 2. H.8 .......................................... Silbb.auet fen !&tortn8, Sie. (S inc 6e= idiidite au-5 tcm worigen Jab^rliunbcrt. SJerl. 1874. 2bc.inl. 16. ....... d^araf tcrmaSfen. 2eip. 1862. 3 33be. 16. 58: 58: 58: 58 : 2311 2312-3 2314 2315-7 3 lit) a It: 3&gt;b.l: 00 ffieba ditnijj bc$ fc3 Hmftevbam. $&gt;ie SBeltiDeiftn Don Sdjattenftcbt. las Sfdett mil bem fpa* nifchen Molir. ic s .yabear,itc. SMe lln= fdjulb bcr Ophelia. 9jLonfieuv 2Ueri3. 2)a3 . ootel Solitube. er Glufc ber Stills oergmigten. &b. 2: 2lu3 bem eben eines flcinen ftiir* ften. 2)ie Vciben bC j jungcn I inbenfiain. Unter m .flivd)enl&gt;atin. 2ki ben (Savs mclitcrimien. 9Iad)U fc ju ben Grinne = rinigen an ^einrid) ^etnt. St. ^itocop in iyvelau. S3b. 3: Sic Gntftufiaften. ^m S&gt;otel. Worgep in 4- tvfl a,- ^riil)linivr&gt;tage im bfii- gSi/. C " Rintsn 3iom g, Sie. Serf. 1870. 4 33be. 16 58: Sembcrgcr unb P^n : (Sine 5}kager $U bcngefct)idite. S)erl. 1865. 16 58: gicucr 3(bcl : Moman. X eiV- 1872. 2 -fibe. 16 -58: SRoUcUen. Seip. 1866. 2 33be. in 1. 16. 58 : 3 n I) a It: i^b. 1: 2er Epivltifdi ipcttr be Qltojen. IMe Sdjifffaljtt beo gdineiber= meiner j Allans. Gin illbenb im ^rrenljauje. I)ti Wliiller uom .froft. SBb. 2: Tic Sage bco XenfelS. @nge nnb Ganbaules. 2)er G()eualicr uon &lt;Ecnecc. C-rioto. cr(. 1874. 16 58: mciiicS SroftuaterS. Ghimbhmcn, 1871, ft. 8 -58: gacro Gatino: SMftPrifdjc grjd^hmg. SBerl. 1868. 16. 58: 2anfara : Jioman. i eip. 1872. 4 Si bc. in 2. 16 58: gdiumrjgctb : Soman auS Ccfterrcidis jiingfter itergangenfyeit. Serf. 1866. H.8 58: 2335 2318-21 2336 2322-3 2310 2324 2325 2326 2327-8 . ednjffaljvt tes 2tptiflb(rmeifter* Alnuo. Xer Syieltifd) s 4- llll ei bcs Wiof;en. Gin 21bcnb im ^trcnljaitfe. Xer 2JiiiUev tsom 9Jfciitc Vrbensjdndfale. 3)1 e. gdiivarfc.... 59: 738 X affclbe . 59 : 710 9J!cine -Jaun lle, pbcr SBedjfelfafle im cngit= teen X eben, UPH XififtraiuS Gorton. G. &. G. X . 2htltoeY=filjttH, 4 -}^be 58 : 2241-4 JBfctiic 1 aterftitbt tctbenfyagen. . 3ientcr. on rlnirr=-l.)i iirr : eiimmtl. 58., SJb. 6.. 56 : 1105 SOJfiucibiq- G. 38iUt omm. on Hieteore, 54J&gt; y.. . 59: 1680 9Jfciucibi(iCE, Gin. (^-reitjcrr G. von -fiibrn. 5n (SilebteS . Wetraumtee, 33b. 3 .... 58 : (TOi-fiiiiM- 9l(fn h Cnch 1S221. 163 2329 2330 2.331 2332 2333-4 582 186 1093 930 1731 1961 2645 1730 1733 533 1653 1612 583-4 657 551 2471 1739 2536 904 1910 1925 1034 1118 220 1605 C65 1272 2515 984 1-2... :.:..: ..:... 58: 2501-2 ... . .58: : Steifebilber. i. ei)&gt;. 1807. 16. 58 : $ur Gbre (Siottee: Gine ocluitcngefdndite. X cip. 1867. 2 fibe. inl. 16., 58: Qlfifdjen Aiirft imb 1 olf: Xie Wcfdjidjtc be ^f an cr 3 vtn C5rfwrieb. X eiy. 1863. 3-fibc.in2. 16 58: SUiciftcr 3lbam bcr Gnlabreje. 21. (.) Xuma 58: SBJtifttr 3(ntcr, obcr bie Ocfdjidjtcn opm tterfunfencn (Snrtcn. 315. Siaabc. (oa= c o b Got uinu ^.) 59 : SDiciflcr in allerlei Scig, Scr. fi. Stobcr. OH Grj., -lib. 8 59: 2)Jci|lfr Xleiberlcib. G. ep " 41 1 - 2 - li&gt;e wx 1..., - 59: SWftftcr oo^inws SBodjt. 6. I. 38. (3t.) Sjpjjmmm. on Slusgclu. Grj., -fib. 2 58 9)ici|trt oovban, obcr i^anbtoerf Kit golbe&lt; nen -fiobcn. SJ. j^fdjetfc. o" Wei. djr., b. 16 56: 9JJci(tcr fionrab bcr Sdjo^c. V. SjSidjIer, o" Grj 59 : s .3!ciftcr -JJiartiu bcr itiifncr unb feinc 0e- fellen. G. 2. 38. (21.) .voffniann. 3n Sluegeir. Grj., 5^b. 1 58: Snffelbe. ongerapion S=^riibcr, 33b. 2. 58: , Sic. Gt;. CPU gdjmib. on cf. a*r., -fib. 8 59: . G. b fcr. 311 Grj. Sdjr., Sib, 8. 58 : : SKtinpen. x . lictf. ^n Sdjr., .13 56: yitmalttn beS XiditcrS CuintuS CoratiuS JlaccuiS. 31. (3).) Sumo, 2 SBbe. 58 : iOicmoircii bcS @atan3. 38. ftauff. 3n fjrof. u. poct. 38., S8b. 7 56 : Saffclbc. on Sanmttl. 38., -fib. 2 56 : il icmoirni eincs .UinbcS. G. SJ. Diunbt. (Vouif c Hi ii I; I b a di.) 58: 9JJciiioir.cn cincs Cffijicrburfcbcn. 2(. yon SBinterfetb. Jn junior. Plbatcn=3!oucl= ten, -fib. 4 59 : 9)[cmoirciicine38eltfinbc. G. 9Jt. TOimbt. (X P u i ]" e TO ii b, I b a d).) 2 S^bc. in 1 58 : 9JiCiinflcrictmUvn&gt;albe, 3^ie. 5. (9ftacfer. Jn 2(u5 9iorb= unb Sitbamerifa 58 : Wcnnnbcr unb Wliiccrirn. G. 3)1 38ielanb. on eannntl. 38., Wb. 21 56 : Xnffclbe. o" 2Iugel. 38., 35b. 3 56: 3(. won Stcrnberg. 3" .Hiiiiftlcrbilbcr, -fib. 3 59: iWcnl d) bcnft, ott lenft, Xeu. S. Stctlc. o" &lt;^ e Iii"8, i e lieber, ilb. 2 59 : SOfcitftfccufl-Cltnb, Xcr. 21. G. -Brad)l cgc(. 3n -Ji. JiPiH IIcn, lib. 2 58: iOicmrfiCltrntl) unb Pttcc-ijilfe. 2(.38iibcn Imim. ou cf. Grj., b. 3 ., 59: c^iifto. X . grtjitding. on itricg unb gricbcn, l fib. 3 59: 2&gt;icrftt&gt;iiibincs SBciftiet einer tueiblidien Siadie. A. oonSdjiUer. onenmmtt. SB., 8b. 7 56: SWrrr, G. Sdilofi unb S.iiittc: Gine (Srja^lung fiir bie reifcrc ougcnb. -firecH. 1856. ft. 8. 59 : SDJcfnllinncc, Gine. 3-. Scrftacter. 3n Hn= ter Dolmen unb Shidjen, -fib. 3 58: JJfcfnilinilCC, Gine. G, Hi. Hhinbt. (S o u i f e PROSE FIOTIOX: GKKMAN. -61- aJiffnUiniurn- Oraf St. Wtabcreofi. 3 v Sbe. 58: SMrfitrtr, *b. (Scmiitb unb burner : Grjfi (jlungn fiir bie oiigcnb. Stuttg. (f. b.) 16 59 : ^ n da It: 3amva ; Xtntnmibigteittn eineS alien rmnicii. 2er Sfja^mtt fixmsijerr. y. Wollbaufen. 1098-100 2520 ; a iciitrfrtiribr, Xio. Sieliquien, W. 2 JKcffrrt tlimitb DOII 3ofUig&lt;n, Xer. 91. S1UI= beni-ahn. o" 0ej. tirj., Sb. 1 .............. 5!) : iVirtcor ber *orfe, (Sin. D. Styltiis. 3iibe. 5S : ajfftcorr. li . ii illfomm. 2 Jibe, in 1 ........ 59: 3 i! 1) a [ t: Sb. 1: Hebei ben SSogen. Cine tranriflc ilegebcnlieit. b. 2: Sleineibiii. libriftallma. 2ie MBuen aUriliuDer. Sin t&gt;aur Originate. let flliicfliclie -stbmugfller. JMrntmi an Serb. Svaf St. Givabolue fi. oil We). Jiovcllcit unb (Srj , Sb. 2 ......... 58 : ll i nitcrci im fiillcn Hicm, tiinf. ^. 3 - 38- Ccrtcl. (ll . D. son worn.) 3" Sjevn S Grj., -lib. 14 ................................... 58: JHtrifantr, Xcr. g. Ckvftadcr. Jn Jircus unb CHIT, b.3 .............................. 58: 3)!rrifanrr in ben Ealifonufdjen 4)fiuen, 2cr. g. G5crftiictcr. o E(Utfomif(^ Sfijicn ................. ......................... 58 : iUirnr, Di clcbicr (neb. 1810). erjftblungen aii-s ban SiioS. Scij&gt;. 1868. :! iibe., fl. 8 .............................. 58 : ^n II it It: sBb. 1: Vtibtvig iinbSliiiicnuiiic. Bnbe out, atte jut. ^iim ikii tanbniB too Xioletis. 95b. 2: lie iicijmebvaut. 2ct Sieg be* 3d)n&gt;ad)en. S5b. 3: Siegine. _ (S)(eic() unb fflleic^. 3JoiiclIcn. Stuttg. lS(i;f. ft. sc ............ r,^ : 3nb,nlt: lie jrocite fcicbtiabeiin. i et= luft unb (9en)inn. BHrfiacl ,Hot)U)aa. . cn fllcift. 3n ef. SH., *b.2 ............ . .......................... 56: Jaficlfre. 3n Wcf. 2d)r., S5b. 3 .......... 5G : , gcbneibct unb Weigcr. Srij). (f. b.) 1(5. O n 31icvi6 ougcnb= ibl., Sb. 35 ......... 59 : Setter tlirifu^h. Vdvv If. b.) 16. 3n SRittt^ 3ufleni)=ibl., 8b. 35 ............ 59: SDHriid. 3. djerr.. 4Sbe.in2 ............... 5&lt;): !0ii(lirr0 Urautiofjan. St. iM(jiu. (o,crc= miae ottb.clf.) o l - ^^r., 5Bb. 7 ............................................ 58: WibfbiVmnn t-ail). fr 2J!arrljat ............ 58 : JKilrfibriibcr, Xic. e. g. (Sarlcn. 2 SJbe. in I .............................................. 58: Safjctbc ...................................... 5X: Witt* WrtUingfocb*. 3. ?f. (Socpcr ......... 58: *yJilittirift(|C trca.iticn, liitte. Wraf t. Wrabo*fi. on SSS H ""* *n*. *b- 2- 58 : Willionat, (Sin. g. S^pffmann. o Grj., i&lt;b. 2( ...................... . ................... 59: Ser. t\ SfdjoHe. S" ef- ., b. 3 .................................... 5fi: unb Siilabt;. (S. 2))inblcr. o" giir -2tabt unb fiir i anb .......................... 59: ten, 3&lt;b. 1 ....................................... 58: UNirnOcau, Wraf. Ib.. ?Jiunbt. 4*bc. in 1. 58 : iOJirnnbn: 3(ci cllen u. iSrjdblungcn fiir Wdbrfien. o. Sicblcr ........................ 59: ll iit ^o Sjafian (Sollnlref. 5vveiberr IS. won *tbta. on (SrlcbtcS u. WctrdumtesS ...... 58 : UUifi ti Ufabetb, Iljrognicripn. R. "Hoben= fkbt. 3n iiom &oje (Slifabct^ d u. 3a= fob s, b. 2 ........ . ........................... 58 : SKiji Mittn mit bcm Stummel. St. on aiUnterfelb. on xwmor. 3olbaten=3Jc! BeUen, SBb. 2 ................. .................. 59: 58 : 2.193 1604 i 2731-3 1680 1061 2843 969 917 2361-3 2300 704 702 2585 2585 484-5 1037 2278 396 392 468 1069 228S 1951 1973 2692 2831 162 * 196 1737 iWiffton XoloreS bei Ean granjiofo, Xie. g. crftaefcr. on Ealifornifdje Sfi^en. 58 : 91 1 iOiiliipiiiu r, Xie. g. Werftdcter. 3iH&gt; 58: 5)62-4 SDWfiffiW&gt;i=8iIber. g. Wcrftaeter. 2 i^bf. 58 : 965-6 !Jifil|iffiJHii=gaIirt, (Sine, g. Bevftiirfev. o SEBUteJBm, 4lb. l 58: 991 iUiiiJDlmiflbi. (3. 3iicri(j. Jn Sugenb SMbl., ib. 4.. 59: 2554 *0iif)l)cri~miibnif;, Xas. i. . Sdjiitfing. Jn Slue alti v unb neuer ^eit, ibb. 1 59 : 628 in 1 . . ...T...7.... 59: 1800 iWtftcr Sliiguftus Stprffletb. v. Sclnitfinfl. ^sii .Hricg unb g-riebcn, 4&lt;b. 1-2 59 : 6(i, i-4 *BJr. -Wir. g. Wcrftfttfcr. o Bunted 2rci= ben, *b. 3 58 : 916 *.VJit eljerner Stivn. ,H. 3(. Javier. (3i-0= bertilUir.) 4 ilbe. in 2 58: 335-6 iViittrlnltcr, Xa. rXiehy 59: 2K;0 .v:-. g. Wnubii. o ^"ct- u. t. SK., -iib. 8 5&lt;): 324 ie. on Saiiuntl. 4l&gt;., Hb. 13... 5(i : 315 3J(Obrll unb ba-5 Slue i iavia, Xas. (5. yinbUT. o" S:crbftiolcn, ^b. 2 59 : 90S fttcBbcllr. St. I d" -il-interfelb. 4 iibe. in 2. 59 : 1742-3 .Ufobcu itbcr Me ^i-elt. g. Wevftdtfer. Jn Sxiinl. u. unln-iml. (3cfd)., ^b. 1 58 : 936 iyfobcrntoiTii, Xie. g. Weiftdcfcr. o" iL-ilK-Si&gt;elt,.i&lt;b. 2 58: 992. WJobcmr X?cilige, (Sine. Wraf St. &i a&gt; boresfi 58: 1076 Jicbcmc Cbijffee. SI. on aiUntcrfetb. 3 *be 59: 1744-6 JHobmic ^ aris, Xer. g. Waubti. Jn "^pet. u. $roj. ii(., b. (i . 5(&gt;: 323 Xafjelbe. Jit Sdmmtl. SB., 4^b. 8 56 : 312 9JJobcnic Siinben. (S. iiUllfomm. 3 Sbe. in 1 59: 1681 iViofimtc Ittam-n. 31. Oifcfe. 3 3Jbc. in 2. 58 : 1004-5 iyjDbcnirr Ctbcllo, (Sin. raf St. Wro= bowefi. o 11 s -"- inilitar. SutnoteSfen, ib. 2 58: 1116 Sttoliflnintcb Slli, bet morgenld nbifdjc So= naparte. 6. 3J(. 9)!unbt. (iiouife SJiu^lbadj.) 8 "Bbe. in 4 58: 2537-10 5B(Dl)nilllHCb -Hti unb fctn ipauo. G. 3J(. s JJinnbt (V o u i f c 3Ji ii b I b a dj). 4 S3be. 58 : 2572-5 iyioliniiiuub Slli S 3iad)fDli|et. govt)"e(jung van .IKpliainmeb Slli unb fein S5au. (S. 2)i. SJhinbt, (5i o u i f c 3JHt 1 b a rfj) . 4be. in 2 58: 2541-2 fflioliicnucr ton ^&gt;avis, Xie. St. (X.) Xu= ma*. 5-i^be 58: 585-9 Wolircii. H. Stcber. o" 3uacnb= u. *i!olfs= bibl 59: 2413 .yfotirnifrnn^d. fe- Sdimib. o lGriftuten. 59 : 500 yjotl ili von lolcbo, Xie. G. Spinbler. on irensbliitben, Kb. 2 59 : 926 2&gt;Zofnifin, Xie. ii aJiolibaufcii. o" 3lf i ; auicn, ^b. 3 58: 2393 iyjplicrr. SI. won Sternberg 59 : 1035 JJibilbnitfcn, *albuin. giiidUling, Xer: (Srjd^tung ait 3 3ieu- iUicrifo unb bem nngren;,enbcn onbia= nevgcbiet ; im Slnjdjlufi an beu ,,.v&gt;alb= inbiaiu r". X eip. 18(i2. 4*be. in 2. 16. 58 : 2380-1 ^albinbianer, Xer: Grjdblung au bem iiH-ftddien Korb ^merua. iiei)). 1H61. 4-e. in2. 16 58: 2382-3 SJJaiicrbomo, Xer : (SrjdMung a us bem fitblidH ii Galifornien unb WetB = 9JJc= jifo; im Slnfdilufi an ben ,,:oalbinbia= inr" unb ,,giiid;tling". ileip. 1863. 4i\be. in 2. 10 58: 2384-5 SJJeerfenig, Xcr : teinc G rjiiblung. Jena, 1807. 6 *be. ill 2. 16 58 : 2386-7 PROBE FICTION : GERMAN. -62- DMfjlfdb. . 58: 58: = . 58 : G(;araf= 3Moiiiici!r 3l(cjt. 31. twmaSfen, Sob. 1 ............................. SWonficiir be iMc. . g. ill*. a&lt;Jlanbcr. ^n il&gt;., b. 27 ..................................... 2)Joiitcrrf)i unbGapulctti, Jic. fr . bact-. lanbct. on otgenlofe Stunbcn, i^b. 1. -W. Siosfoiosfa. 3n 3iictig 3 U: l., b. 39 ........................... wn ^cncbig, er. %. StoUc. 3 Je langcr, je liebev, SBb. 1 .................. 2)!ooifrofcn. G. epinbler. 3bc. in 1 ...... 3nl&gt;alt: Sib. 1: Sfijjen au5 bem llabejours nal eincS 6c(^}iafra. SBb J: Si)lvicftet91(id)t. "Pinfclrficii.- er Wanti iti 3 fcinbtitljc X ajicv. Sir iyiftnofin. 35b. . i: JiiebmiiUei y canndjcn. er ^vau = titjam au3 \iaijti. iWoDin-Dlcn. 3. StoHe. 3 33be. in 1 ......... Snljnlt: Slb.l: Sic Ue&ciigfrage. ffllais dicn unb liitldien. ^ev ilaum bog obc3. t et Xrnum ber Sicbe Sib. 2: lie Miofc t&gt;on Sffiooin. Sb. .i: i ici (il)t ftbiinmc, occr roic [oilman bcjdjceven. !5?Dv% 3&gt;cr. Braf St. (9nbon&gt;3It. Jn 3(u bent Cffijicrlebcn .............................. 2)?Dtnliltli(; ^ager 9(==G. g. Bcrftactcr. Sit -ffiaibmann S Sjeil ........................ 5Morbio=;yii!miiflitti, Jcr. 21. 3Mfcm (3e= r e m i a 03 o 1 1 b c I f). 3n (Scf. ed;i\, SBb. 8 ....................................... ... "Btittag nub 9lbcnb. D. SBBitbei^ ^i. Jn 3lu8 bem A-faucnlcbcn, *b. 1. SRorgcnftitnbr I at Wolb im iKunbe. g. ^offmann. ^n .HalcnberKScfdj ............. SWotlafftftfel HJdlivdH-n, S. epinMcr. 3n :)(egeul pgeuftral)lcn, 41b. 2 .................. iOJotmoitfiimnbrtjcii, 2nd. Ji JJJbll^aufen. Ubc. in 2 .................................... 59: 58 : 56: 58: 59: 59 : 59 : 58: 58: 58: 59: 58: 59: 58: 2388-9 2390 2391 lt, 5 albuin. gortfetumg. SHormonenmabrfjen, 3os: Gine Grjab,= lung aus bcv 3ctt bed llrteg$jii96 ber Vercinigteit Staaten gcgen bie ,,eili= gen ber letJtcn Sage" im 3al)te 1857- 1858. ocna 1864, (i Bbe. in;J. 16... 9Jovb uiib Sitb : Grjab, lungen unb d)il= bevungen &lt;iu*3 bcm weftli rfien 9torbame= rifa. 3ena 1807. 2 ilbe. tn 1. 16 ..... 3 n I) a It: sBb. 1: Sllic* uubloia. *b. i: &lt;r Ai lbmc[|cr. ^almblattcr unb Sdineeflocfen : Grja6,= hmgeii au bcm fcrnen JiSeftcix. X cip. 1863. 2 *bc. in 1. 16 JUilicilt: Sib. 1: ie ffltutocltiftnblcriit. $er 3tetun iibranb. Xer ^oftliiufcr. Ta3 (ianalboot. Sccnen ait5 bent $olfs= U ben. Tev 3ct)iu cftuvm. SBb. .&gt;: Die lodner bes $9u|&gt;tling6. $ie ^iita iiioriiaiia in ber ffiUftt. (Sin ucU in Ualiiornien. te Wiaberin bev Steppe. 3icliqiticn : Grjab, (ungcn unb 2d)ilbe&gt; rimgen aus bcm ireftlidjcn Jiprbamc rifa. erl. 1865. 3 &lt;be. in 2. 1(5. 58 : 2392-3 Ontialt: Sib. I: ie Mellquten. Whip- poor-Will. X:er Jjomfroi cfo.. -Xie Gaftai)= nmen. Sb. 2: lie Bttffetyaut. Zie Wccvmuf^ct. 2)ie llciieridjeibe. cr Xabacf obeuteL Eer I afio. Sb. 3: Xev i!ebevrorf. Xcr Girfjtinroei!!. Xie SRotafflnt. X a-5 Sctjieib^eug. 8)Jnilflrrf)tC, HcvuHif unb Maifcrt^um. Z. u KUUiitt : ft,i? l ii/ S3b. 1. Grjabhingcn fiir bie ^u- gcnb. g. 3S8iebemann ........................ IdJoitri), Set. 0). won Stritenfce. (Quftau ti p in 3 c c.) 5n GVJ. eine^ alien crrn, b. 1 .................................... . ...... 5Monrfii5licI&gt;c, G ine. fj. fflcbenftcbt. 3 SluS beutfdjen aucn, Sb. 1 ................ er. i . JiccE. 3 2095 2952 1198 194 1620 2315 1302 1334 2589 1118 931 1120 1064 997 1038 1(532 1735 937 2388-9 Worton, pbcr bic grcjic Jour. 8.. ^oftcl. (G. SeaUfielb.) 2^be .................. 59: 786-7 9Nofnif. G, epinbler. 2 bc. in 1 ......... 59 : 93:2 gr.^alt: lib. 1: Stiefelinifer } rtinbliiij). Musi bei Sinype cineSltil itt t buvcb bie Selt. (5tn 2lutov uoii eilf .^nljicn. Sb. 2: Scitiam s Sp&tcnKl. Sic .^erferge ber M 3(i&gt;d0fftofteiln" in ?Han(inn. IWofrfirlc. &lt;v. J?ioffiiiaiui. 3n GTJ., b. 12. 59 : 2271 iUJofcr, Soljanit ^acob. 3- 1&gt;- Qlocfler. 3" 3ugenb= unb i!oltbibl ...................... 59 : 2404 Woven aU3 Siacbci, Xic. G. iUSiUtomm. 3nS!ctciirc, iBb. 2 ............................ 59: 1R8() i\ iHau. 3 bc ....................... 59 : 296-8 g. Srfmtibt ........................... 59: 2730 :uigenbjabre. g. .^pffmanu. 3n Gvj., ^b. 34 .................................... 59 : 2293 Wiittc, G. S^arjrcifc, 3^ie. Seip. (j. b.) 16. 3n " Valentin Xiial. Vcip. (f. b.) 16. 3n 31ied(5 5ugenb=-Bibl., iBb. 36 ............ , 2beobor, (geb. 1806). ?l fi-aia. granff. a. (., 1857. ft. 8... 3Ueranber Action. SUrcSt. 1862. ft. 8.. SUte unb ncuc il elt. redl. 1862. H. 8. 2(nna. rest. 1862, fl. 8 ............... 2(ruor epang. rcl. 1864. H. 8 ..... SluSettudMte bes ISropbctcn, 2ie. Sreel. 1S62. . 8 ................................ SW&gt;fe Wriifin, Tie. rel. 1862. II. 8. Gbenalier, 3^cr. SJreSl. 1862. 8 Sbe. in 1. H.8 ................................. Gofimo *inci. SHrcSI. 1862. II. 8 ...... S)ret greunbe. Hrc[. 1862. 11.8 ...... Gtbtn, 35ic. 8I. 1866. II. 8 S3rel. 1862. 59 : 59 : 58 : 58 : 58 : 58: 58 : 58: 58 : 58: 58 : 58: 58: 2586 2586 24.W 2435 2433 2437 24* 2433 2434 2420 2431 2438 2430 Gvbin von ^ovnbolm, It. 8 ......................................... 58 : 2432 Grid; Sfanbal. SUreSt. 1862. 4 be. in 2. 11.8 .................................... 58: 2423-4 Fiat jnstitia. 33teSt. 1862. 11.8 ..... 58: 2435 Vcbcnc-fvagc, Gine. sBreSI. 1862. f(. 8 58 : 2437 SDJacftt bcr i iebe, Sic. *&lt;(. 1862. fl. 8 ......................................... 58: 2435 SDiajoratsftcrr, Ter. rcl. I860. fl. 8. 58 : 2430 SroBbet, 3^er. X eip. 18(i2. 3 33bc. in 2. fl. 8 .......................................... 58: 2439-40 ^Jropft Don UlciiScang. ajreSI. 1862. fl.8 .......................................... 58: 2432 Montana. rel. 1862. ft. 8 ............ 58: 2431 ilimnanlijdjc Slubien. i^resSl. 1862. fl. 8 58 : 2430 3iiibejal;l. rc[. 1862. 11.8 ........... 58: 2434 6igrib ba giidicrindbdien. SircSL 1862. fl. 80 ....... . ................................. 58: 2433 Janjevin unb Wriifin. iMreSl. 1863. 3Kbe.ini. It. 8 ..................... -58: 2426 louffaint. 4ircst. 1862. 5 Sbc. in 2. fl. 8 .......................................... 58 : 2421-2 Stater unb eol;n. re8(. 1862. ft. 8. 58 : 2432 SScnbcerin, Sic. Sredl. 1863. 2 SBbc. in 1. fl.8 ................................. 58: 2427 S5erloren nnb gefunben. g-ranff. a. 3R. 1859. 25Bbe. It. 8 ..................... 58: 2441-2 aSoigt won 3l;lt, Xer. SkeSl. 1866. 2 be. fl.8 .......................................... 58: 2430 3ecib,iiad)t-Sabenb. a3re*t. 1864. ft. 8. 58 : 2428 SBer tragt bie ecbulb. SJrail. 1862. It. 8 ................ .......................... 58: 2430 SDJiililnr^t, Xer. R. etb bcr. 3n 3ugenb= unb SioHSMbl .................................. 59: 2413 iBHifcllinfli/ i- ouife, (vieub.) iel;e Diunbt, iGlara IRiiBer. iDHililfclb, otiu. 2lm Sdjaltcr : GrjaMnngen an bem s |(oftlebcn. ann. 1S73. ft. 8 ......... 58: 2600 n I) a 1 1 : Po.-te rcstantc ; Uiifninfitt ; SDiit Grtiapoft; Tie Gilijia&luna; (Jinc tlcine airant; 1 er Kxpress; 3&gt;er Strlefmatbet. PROSE FICTION : GERMAN. -63- TOitnbt, (Hum. iViiifilfrU), - (iic- bem ,,tpl(cn" 3ahr: Afberjctdjmm* gen auS bcm 3&b.re 1848. SJrtmen, 1873. fl. 8^ ................................. 58: greic 4&lt;alin : Neman. i. eip. 1809. 3 fibe. in 1. . 8 ................................. 58: giir S 4 atedaiib: @kfcbicb,tlicfyr9fomatt. Join, 1S66. 2 Stein L 8.8 ...... 58: Xafjclbc. &gt; J&lt;be ............................ 58: Wfgenfafce : 9ipeUe. Slltp ia, 1872. fl. 8. 58 : !Jm 4tann ber Sdiulb : Woman. Wiimbiii= not, 1870, 3 4Jbe. in 1. II. 8 ........... 58: 9J!atb,iffpn unb Slbelaibe : (cfd)idjte jwcicr ioerjcn. 4&lt;erl. 1872. II. 8 ...... 58 : spfamr unb iiUlberer : Gr,ab,lumj. SJerl. 1872. fl. 8= ............. . .................. 58: I fnlnttc, Xer. it. g. 40. Cevtel. (4tf. 0. o n ft o rn.) Jn ftorn S (Srj., 4&lt;b. 7... 58 : Marl. obct bie jimgen 0and)ps in ben iMimpaS am gujje t&gt;ct 2lnbe&lt;3. Steal. 18(&gt;. 11.8 ........................ 59: 3tmgoi 4toor3 tm Wnncnlanbe bc-S Maps bet guter. ftpffmmg, Xie. Svcsl. 1H62, 11.8= ................................. 59: Jungen SQffeljSgtt auf beti ^raivicn beg forncu 4iVften8 vm -Jiorbainerifa, Jie. K*l. 18H8. . 8 ............. . r ........ 59: 3ungen(Sanoro8bt43lmjonen:@tcDm5, Xte. SifSL 1872, ft 8 ................. 59: TOiidcr, .ftnrl. Sdiiilcv bet 9(atut, obet ^oliaiincS &)t= havt S Minbcrjahvc. ftalle, 1851. 16^.58: OJHiUrr, Ctto (geb. 1818). iKue $etraica 8 alien Sagcn. Set!. 1862. 2 be. in 1. II. 8 ......................... SMinier, ein beutidn-o 3Md)terlcbcn. Stutta. 1873. 2 b. 16 .............. Gfyarlutte ilcteniionn : (Sin ftiimburg.fr Itjcatci-^llontan aus bem torigeu ZcfyC bunbcrt. 3tuttg. 1873. &gt; b e. 16 ... G fl of unb offlani : Koman aus bcr2[;ea= tertwlt. etuttg" 1873. 16 .............. (Srjab, Iima.cn unb (51&gt;uaftevbilber. SBetl. 18&lt;)5. 3be. in 2. H. 8 ............... 3 nb a It: *)b. 1: Aiulrcn del Uatuj, no Sb. 2: Tie I iebe int Wmbe. SJb. H: Set Olufcumincilcr. %(t Xclita&gt; teficnljaiitlcr. gall fon .Honflan*, : Sloman au bent fedvi}ct)iiteti 3ab.rtyunbert. Vtip. 1872. 2601 JWiidrr, HI$cIm. A , ,,. dcfongenenitn ti nuf&lt;ifu&lt;$, Xie.Veip. (f. b.) 16. ^n 9iicrit) ,"sugenb=4Mbl., 4}b. 37. 59: 2587 2587 58: 58: 58 : 58: 58: 2603 2(509 2607 2836 2530 2533 2532 2630 2643 2633-4 2631-2 2636 2644-5 2310 232 J 1360 1761 2345 2540 733 2477 gdrftertbraui on Reimfirc^en, Tie. (ri ja^lung. Stuttg. 1W9. fl. 8 ......... Jtlefterf;ot, Jet. (rin gamUtoiroman. *evl. 1862. 3 -i&lt;be. in ;&gt;. fl. 8 ......... ajlajoratoherr, Xcr. tin Jioman aue bcr Meaenwart. ireip. 1S73. 3 ^be. IIP. Vialo, obcr bit lUiebiatifirten : Sloman. Stuttg. 1873. 2 iibe. 16 ............... Sloberidi : (Tine .wf= unb Slauberacfdiidjte awsbont x Vibte 181^. ctuttg. 1881. 2 Hbe., fl. 80 ............................... Xafjelbe. 1873. 16 ....................... Stabttrtniltbeifi von Atanffuvt, Xet. CS tn Samilit&gt;SRontan ausS bent ootigen 3o^rbuntert. Stuttg. 1873. 1&lt;P ...... lannenjdjul}, ^cr. ctuttg. 1873. 16... SBUtyfamr, Xer. .^ifiorifdier iiolfro= man. *evl. 18(&gt;). 3 8*. in 2. fl. 8. 3n*ei Siinbct an einent ftfi-jfn : G vjd^: lung. Stuttg. 1873. 16 ................. 2)(ii(Irt, Wilbclm. Sllte iU iogcr unb fein 0^11, Ser. Vcip. (f. b.) HP. 3n Jiietif 58: 58: 58 : 58: 58: r )8: 58: 58: 58 : 58 : 58s iUm|Vl&lt;fdfcr, Xcr. i/cip. (f. b.) 16. 2608 JMitllcr vom &gt;jpft, Xcr. 31. SWfifjntr. ^n 9fo= oellen r *b. 1 58: 2604 Xaifclbc. 3nSclti ameWcid)idnen 58: 2605-i&gt; SWnmn. x "v lurjenjew. v,n Grj., 4&lt;b. 1. 2(i&lt;y i Ucberf. ton g. -fipbcnftebt . 59 ; SWii nrtili nil frit : (Sine Wefdjiditc in 3lrabe= fen. ,tt. ^mmermaim. 4 4*be. in 1 58: fen s :)(eifen unb abenteuet nad) W. 31. 4&lt;iirger fiit bie ^sugcnb bcarbeitct ijpn g. 2JJiiiiff/f)niifrn: Sunberbare Slcifcn ui 4i5affcr unb ju Vanbe, gclbjiige uiib luftige X lbcntcuer be-3 Tyreifyerrn t&gt;pn TOundj^aufcn. 3(u bem (rnal. iibcrf pn W. 31. tiiirgcr . 59; iWiinbiflcr wann , unb cine uuniimbige grau", (Sin. iUJ. . Scliluar^. Jn JU. (Stj., 4&lt;b. 1 59 ; 2531 i UNiinbt, Clara, lli iiUer (Vouife 9J(iibl=" bad;.) (gcb. 1S14 f lS7ri). 4)crlin unb Sanc-fpuct, obcr Jricbridj bcr Orpjje unb joinc greunbf. 4tel. (f. b.) 4 4*be. in 1. fl. 8 53 : Berlin OOT fi mfjclm ^aljren. 4V rI. I860. :-J41be.inl. 16 58: 2478 Xameii=x&gt;llmanad;. Vcip. 1870. 16 58: 2479 2eutfd)lanb in etunn unb Xraiui. 4 3lbtb. Slbtb. 1 : Xcr alte iyrifc unb bie ncue 3eit. Jena 1867. 4 4tee. in 2. fl. 8 Slbtb. 2 : Aiirftcn unb Xidjter. Jena 1867. 4 ^be. in 2. fl. 8^ 58: 2499-500 2tbtb. 3: XeiitfdUanb gcgcn grants reirt). &gt;-na 1868. 4 be. "in 2. fl. 8. 58 : i ._, 3(btb. 4: ^ranfreidi gcgcn Xcutftylanb. &gt; na 18ii8. 5 4&lt;be. in 2. fl. 8 58 : 2497 ZHfiffigjSbrige Mrieg, Xcr. V 15rag. 1873. 6 be. in 3. fl. 8^ 58: 2482-4 erjbnjog Jobann unb feine 3ett. X eip. (f.b.) 43lbtb. fl. 8. i lbtl;. 1: SlnbrtiW ftofer 58: 2lbtl;. 2 : (Sr,U;evjog ^oliann unb 9Jlet= teniid) 58 : Slbtli. 3 : Grjberjog oPl;ann unb ber fterjog wn :Heicbftabt 58 : 2(bth. 4: (Sr^fierjog oiOljann alorlieidt S: tHTiucfer 58: gcber,cidmuna,en auf bcr Dieife nadj ber diweis. 4&lt;crl. 18(i5. 4 S3be. in 2. II. 8..., ... KG- 2646-8 2649 2G50-1 2652-4 2641-2 2H55-6 2637-8 2635 2639 2657-8 2640 2475-8 99-500 2480-1 2497-8 82-1 2483 248 2490 2491 2492-3 5 59: 2587 grauenberjen : , oiflpvifdic 9aHiellcn. i eiu 1873, 2be. fl. 8= 58: 2494-5 nnbalt: sy&. 1: 3)rci^ai C iiiiicn. b. 2: (Sin (iilao HJafjcr, obcr cine !Hofrn* fnoopt. gricbrid; bcr Orpfie unb fein ftof. 45erl. 1867. 3 41bc. in 1. fl. 8.. 58: 2496 Scfd)id;tobilber : .vuftprifdic 9(oellen. viena, 1868. 3 4&lt;bf. fl. 8 58: 2501-3 ? n bait: 3)b. 1: sBaron Jtolbielot?. ISinc b. ii^eiiu -illcsauiance (S4)[ut). aicjnn Jib. :i: aictanbcr flvfilanti (S^IuS). Xtr Jtinfiirft unb bev (Icloiiiift. lie logejja. taf pon 4Vnjpli fi. ^enn, 1865. 44&lt;bt. 2. 16 58: 2504-r, Orpfse .fturfiirft unb feint 3eit, Xer. 3 xHbtb.. ^ena 1865. Slbtb. I : Xer jungt iturfiirft. 3 4(be. i 2 58: 2517-8 PBO8E FICTION: GEUMAN. "JJhutbt, (Tiara. -64- SKunbt, 3)hi!tbt, Clara, 9JJuUcr. Sibil;. 2 : cu gnifjc Murfiirft unb fcin "Boll. 4Sbe. iit 2 ....................... Slbtb. 3: Xcr grof;e.Kurfiirft nnb feine Minber. 4 s -Wbe. tit 2 .................... Sjiftprifrfje aralterbiO&gt;. Sierl. 1859. 4 iBbe. in &gt;. ft. 8 ........................ 3 nh nit: Sib. 1: Der &gt;4Jrim t&gt;on Sales. Sib. 2: Die gratijoffn in Woiija Sib. 3: Die dviifin tu ISnnla. Seripriiij von VnmbnHe. Sib. 4: (Sin SorntUtag bci tfriebrid) II. $ringefjiii Oifini. Jpiftorifdie X cbensbtlbcr. Skrl. 1864. 2 91to. in 1. fl. 8 ........................ 3 it (in It: Sib. 1: Der ,&lt;xv;on on Siielis. .tinrinciol)nitbler otcv "Ubclmnnn. 2Jb. V: lllntia Jljerejia unb iltv Cienfjeiscr. Die Sei WiDoning burd) ein iiilb Die itinber uon Ijeute. $iftorifdieg ^ilberbud}. 33erl. 1862. 3 iibc. 16 .................................. Xaffclbe. 3 Sbe. in 1 ..................... 3 Mi) nit: iib. 1: Du nnb Sie, ober Sloltnire unb IJlinUio. (9vaf Soils MoSraalie. Die Hillets. Xib. 2: Slotlie ;Vifii(orieii. &lt;5)vof 3m jebo. DieSinfin Binrtemberg. Lonjtcrumps. Sib. 3: Sirttber unb Sdjroeiter iloltaire unb fan gofjuneliei. Sic JBcltflejdjidjte unb bic lliobe. ofgefdjtd)ti n : SMftorifdjer Sicilian. Skrf. 1862. 16....:. ........ . ..................... Saifcrillcranbcrunb fein Sjof. ticrl. 18(&gt;8. 4 k Ube. tit U. {(. 8 ..... . .................. jtatfer Jyerbinanb I. uitb fcinc ^(it. ^rag. (f. b.) 5 ^be. in ;2. II. 8 ................ Kaifcr o"Kf^ bcr ^loeitc nnb fdn Joof. sBcrl. 18tis. 3 -itoc. II. 8 ........... .. 3 n 1) a 1 1: b. 1: iinijer Jofcpl) nub ffllana Xtjcrefin. SBb.. 2: jtaijcr S"! * 1 ) ulli) Woria Slntonictte. Mb. . (: jtaiffr ^ofoiili als Selbft^errfAfv. il atfcr o^H ph mtb bk JRa^ertunen. ilrc^I. 1S74. tl. 8 ................................. Jtaifer eopolb II. unb (cine 3 - Winn 18B1. 3be. in 1. l(i .................. iJaifcr iiUlijclm unb fcine gcitgenpffcn. SBcrl. (f. b ) 4 Itoe. ](P .................. 3 n t) n 1 1: Mb. 1-2: 3lu$ ben .Jugenbtagen. Wb. :M: Sot bent lltie.ie. Sotferburg unb Sngel^burg. ^cna 1871. ^ -Hbe. in 1. fl. 8 .......................... flaifetin laubta, ^i-injcffin licit lirol. e. in 1. 1 ............ : (Sin 9iapoleonif(^e8 18(il. 3 i5be. 16. 3 11 So It: S)o. 1: Sic aSicomtefie !Bcol)Oi- naU. i: Die Scneraliu iBoncporte. 58: 58: 58 : 58: 58: 58: 2508-9 2506-7 2514-5 2516 2511-13 2510 X _eij&gt;. 1870. 3 jlatfmn Jo)fpl;ii iiobonsbilb. 4i SBb. i . Sib. 3: Sie Miiiierin unb bie Oidt&u beiic. Sietnc iliomaiic. SUtona. 18BO-B. in 7. KP .................................... Sulinlt: lib. 1 f : 3 10C S. eDciin&gt;cflC .... 5iib. 4: i lnton io: (Sine itnlicniirfie oicfdjijjte. SUb. 57: .Uoiincio, ober Oejrfiiilitir eine -JJliUtonatd . . 3(b. 8 9: SielK lfa ............ ............. !Bb. 10: tier Veibciaene .................... Sib. 11: Die .Uiinftlmn .................... b. 12: illoveUfiibud): MeicJ bind) Sffiinb; Si iiebin in nltev ^cit; Blonbet j fiteb ..... b. 13 1ft: Die ^liia)tliiu]f in vonben ..... Sib. Hi: iiliibemoiielle timivon; ober, t)ter June nno beiu i. cben eincv Scbautpitletin. ab. 17: Urtinn ............................ Sib. 1H: .Itfine Sitjeibunn Sb. lit: Wemoiten cinea .U inbeS ........... SUb. 21): JiiincUen unb --BUber: SBie man ni ferin lotib; Det :inn; Sfii brid) ber Wiofie unb ber 5rt)lnfioJ; Gin Meros ber Wait. .. ................ ftonig einridj VIII. nnb fcin of ; ober, Hatljat-inc Spatt. ^erl. 1858. 3 in 1. l&lt;i Aonifliit .v&gt;ortenfe: (fin 9laboleon VcbcnSbilb. crl. 18(51. 2 be. in 1. fl. 80 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58: 58 : 58 : 58: 58 : 58: 5&gt;*: 5S: 5S: 5^: 5": 5H: 5S: 2. r )69 2580-1 2519-20 2523-5 2522 2526 2528-31 2527 2521 2582-4 2466-72 64BS 2467 24ti8 24KS 24B9 2)li9 2571 2471 ilttnnbt, Gtora, Wiillcr. (vortfe^ung. SRarta Jbcrcfia unb bcv ^anburenobttft trend. iH-iinn 1861. 4 be. in 2. fl. 8 58 : 2532-3 SKarie 9(ntoiiictie unb i!;r So^n. 3ena, 1867. 6 SBbc. in 2. 1(&gt; 58 : 2534-5 Wemoiten cines *SeItfinbe. X ct^. 1851. 2bc. in 1, fl. 8 58: 2536 Wuliainmeb Sill, bcr njoraenlSnbifc^e 58c&lt; unpavtc. t ; rag, (f. b.) 8 Sibe. in 4. II. 8 58: 2537-40 3)iol;ammcb 3(Ii unb fcin .viauS. Sena, 1871. 4be. 16 58: 2572-5 SJof;ammcb Silt s 3iod)folger : S?iftoris fdjcr Sloinan int 3(njd)lut5 an ,,a)lcil)ant= ineb 5Hi nnb [cut .au". Jena, 1872, 44&gt;be. in 2. fl. 8 58: 2541-2 Sajjflbe. 4 S3be,, 16 58: 2570-9 3 n b, a 1 1: itb. 1 : UK. liammeb 3Ui &lt;i lejte Zage. Sib. 2: rti ouenliebe, ivrauenrod^e. Sib. 3: Hlolinmineb Sli S Cube. Sib. 4: DaoeiferiH 1 unb bas golbene 3eito(ter. Wi^oleoit in Scutfdjlrtiib. Serl. 1866. 4be. 11.8 58: 2543-6 3 n ti a 1 1: Sib. 1: SKaftutt unb ^enn. S^b. ^: Vlayo eon unb A^b niain youife. Sib. :i: Jinuoleon unb Siliidjcr. Sib. 4: 5liicoleon unb ber isSiener Sonnveft. 9ieitS ilbcvbud). SJcrl. 1862. 2 SBbe. K. 8 58: 2547-8 3nb,nU: *b. 1: SBelt unb Jlntur. Sib. 2: Stooellciibilbei: Witt unb 8 u( * tr ; (Sin i CbeebicHft; Xcr Sob.il ber "jintuv; Slurorn, Wi dfin uon .Honig-jmaif ; Wolb unb Moiile. D^fcr be-3 rcHgtiifcii gonatiSntttS : S.iiftj)= rifd^cr Ionian au bcm breiliiiijdliri! gen JU-tcge. JJrag, 1871. B Ste. in 3. 11.8 .-58: 2549-51 Chigcn nnb fcine $&lt;it. SJerl. 1864. 8 sttbc. tit 4. fl. 8 58: 2555-8 9lbtf&gt;. 1: % iins (Sunen ber Heine Jlbbe.. 5H: 2555-d Jlbtb. 2: ^riiis (Junen ber cble Slitter 5S: 2S57-S 98roteftantif*e Sefuiten. Vcij?. 1874. 6be. 16 58: 2586-91 obn feiner 3eit, Xer. ilerl. 1860. 2 iBbc. iit 1. ft. 8 ,,. 58: 2559 S8cn ABniaatftfe bi-3 Gliifcllntvft. Stuttg. 1873-4. 6be. 16..,. , ,-58: 25GO-5 3n An (t: Sibc. 13: llm Deutfcfjlanb S einljcit. 5)be. 4 (J: SiU)e(moI&gt;8t)e nnb G(ii:ell)utft. SDJcIt bc lanjcs, (Sine : Sioinan ouS ber BcgcniiHU-t. ikrl. (f. b.) 3 iBbe. 16 58: 2485-7 3Bdt nnb tUH;nc. S. ei)j. 18B9. 2 tibc. in 1. fl. 8 , 58: 2566 DJiUitbt, Ibeobor (gel). 1808, f 1862). (Saalioftro in SBet8Burg. ^rag, 1858. 160.. t ,..58: 2690 Seutfdjer serjog, (Sin. Vety. 1855. fl. 8. 58 : 2691 Araiuofifdje* i anbfdjlofj, (Sin. ^rag, 18,^5 16 . ...- 58: 2702 raf Wirabeau. Serl. 1860. 4 ;Wbe. in 1.18 58: 2692 3Kataborc, Sic. Vcip. 1850. 2 SJbe. fl. 8 58: 2693-4 5!arifer fiaifer = fijjen. S3erl. 1857. 2be. inl. 11.8....,. ,- 58: 2695 SB: 58: 58: re 2471 2171 2472 2585 2~&gt;70 unb feine neue Dnnnftic. Dei Dom ber J^nmUiben unb bie nnpoleonifdje ^olitit. H!onnrd)ic, :)tcv".iblit unb .Unifeviljum: Die (JntfU liungberenaUfdHiaiijb iifdH n . lUioni. Die Sib ife unb bie !iebe. Suru4arbei&gt; ter, Sd)iieiber unbiininpenfnm inter iin nenen jt.iijerreid). Die ^rau beo SlrbeitenS. Der Unijer unb bie SUbeiter. Srifette unb Siorctte unb bie neue Stnrration. Sio. 2: Xtjenter unb Sitten im neuen ilaifets reirf). Die ganforonnmx be-3 i. niteiS. Die trniiHifiidje WcielliAnft unb bie rtvnuen. Det .Staifer, bic Weifter unb bic ^rcfic. PKOSE FICTION: GEKMAN. TOunbl, -65- DliitfmfmS. it, 2b.eobcr. gortfe^ung. 9tobet&gt;ire. SkrL 1859. 3 s Bbe. 16... 58: ZJiomaS 2Kun$er. SUtona I860, 3 33b. 16 58: SMnutere vcbenSbttbcv. G. Spinbler. 2S)be. in 1 59: 3nbalt: Sb. 1-2: Sit (Srben b3 ftetneriKn (3afte3. SfliinUrr, XbomaS. Xb. 2Runbt. 32Jbe 58 SDJiirbttr, g- Wt^enbe vcgion, Jie, Stutt*. 1867. 16. on Jugenb- unb $olfebibl 59 UMufflll ?, jobann Gatl Sluguft (geb. 1735, f 1787). SkilfsMiuurfien bet Xeutfd^n. iorauge= qeben won 3. S*. Mlec. SUtona (f. b.) II. 8= , 59: Xaffelbe. S:iefaugcgeben Don 3R. 9JiuUet. i cipj. 1863. 3 45be. in 1. 11. 8. 59 : 2Niiid)fIlifiiibIcrii!,Xic. SB.9.icollt)aufen. 3n ^(almMd ttet unb Sdineeflotfcn, 3Jb. 1... 58 2)?Bi"cumnicilrr, Xer. C. Siiiller. 3 Gtj. it. Gbarafterbilber, Bb. 3 58 : SWuiiffiliirtK "ciben unb grcuben. 2. Sicrf. 3n2cbr., b. 17 56: 2?ufifcr=drfc, Xie. 2. Otto. 3n9Jiufifer= Vctben unb greuben 58: Wufifcr X eiben unb greubtn. V. Otto 58 3n bait: lie 3)tufifer SBrfe. Crtftcfter uni Conlif|cnmdd)t. Xa5 erfte iUeetbo* Denfeft in iionn. 5D?nMcticr nub Shtsffticrin. G. &gt;6fcr. 3" 9lu8 bet reeiten Si&gt;clt, 3)b. 1 ..... ". ......... - 2Nuf;tr c3 fein ? K. Saner. &lt; a r I 2 e t= lef.) 2 4toe ................................. - D. Gutter, tine : ^m ?(nfdjlu6 an ,,2ie ISolonie". J. Werftatfer. 3 Sbc ......... 5DJuttrr &gt;b. 6. Gonfctencc .................... Gutter unb .Hiub. % fceijfe. 3n ef. 31?., b.8 ....................................... 9Kiittcrfldttr?lc. (S. Spinbler. 3n fe= rcten, b. 1 .................................... 2)futtcrlicbf. 5. Sicffmann. 3n Crj., b. 8 ............................................. OTuttcriicftf uitb Muttcrtreue. 3. S3taun. Wqliiij, Cttfneb. Sim ofc bet uotbtfc^en SemiramtS. frann. 1873. 2 S3be in 1. 16 ........... SMeteot bet 6tfe, in. )&gt;. 1872. 3 iBbe. 16 ................................... SBetlorener So^n, (Jin. 3 cna / 1874, 4 be. 16 .................................. 2Klorb tat. J. fcoffmann. 3n Grj., 4Jb. 1. 58 : 58: 59: 58: 58: 5G: 59: 59 : 59 : 58: 58: 58: 59 : 269S-8 2699-701 933 2699-701 2409 2545 2546 : 2391 2645 1616 2911 : 2911 1662 501-2 1635 921-3 426 677 927 2267 2053 2730 2731-3 2734-7 2260 Stmertlo. G. Sbinbtet. 3n gur etabt unb I anb ............................... 59 : 9!artl beni .Utiege : ^ovtfegung on ,,Untet ^veuficit o Sa^iwn". taf 2t. ta= botli. 4 4tt&gt;e. in 2 ......................... 58 : 9!nri) bciu Sdjiffbtucb.. 5y. etftacfer ........ 58 : yintli jiuanjiii ^aljrcn. ft, alcn. 3 SBbe. in 2 .............................................. 58: 9inrtibnrn, Sie. 5. SBtemcr. 2 iBbc ....... 58: yfarfibnrn, Xie. &. aiierift. 3n Sugenb. *ibl., b. 7 .................................... 59 : Oiqrtlbnrefinbtr unb bev ^rinj, Xie. g. Soffmann. ^n ilbenbftunben .............. 59: 9inrf&gt;fom.mri!i"ffjniteii. 81. Stifter. 3n Gta., 4Jb. 1 ...................................... 59 : .Vfirtiririit won einem gebilbeten jungen aKoim. G. X. s ffl. (81.) ^offmann. 3n 21ugew. Grj., b. 2 .......................... 58 : 9!acfifnmmcr, 2er. 21. Stifter. 3Sbe...-59: 9iarf)t am ^ullatfec, Gie. G. %. Garten. 4 be ............................................ 58: 2affelbe. 6 33 be. in 2 ........ ............ 58: Mnrfjt am Sliosquitoguldj, Gine. g. er= ftacter. Jn (Saliforniiclje 3f ijjcn .......... 58: Wntlit auf bem -fflallfife^, ie. . 0er= ftatfev. 3n StauSEBixBet .................. 58: 9fart|t bet -JJmon, Gine. G. Spinblet. 3" fflevbftuiolen, ito. 1 ........................... 59: Matlit tin 4Mei*[jdu&gt;Sd;eH, ie. $. . SB. Certel. (ffi. 0. u D n o r n.) 3n &gt;oi n S Gr;., b.l ............ : ............... : ....... 58: SJfirflt tin 9ttqtV(jmci8C, Sie. . 3f^of- 3n 6ef. edjr., b. 9 ......................... 56: 9Jntl|t im -li albe, Sie : Sage. g. 35e la 3Jiotte goitque. Jti -^u-Jgern. 3B., SBb. 12. 56 : 9Jflrtit in bet GaUfotnifdjen jjtelffolie, Gine. J. Qetftacfer. 3" Galifornifdje f&lt;J3CH .......................... , .............. . 58: 9Jari|t in bet .wHljaiiettwite, Gine. ty. g. SL&gt;. Certel. Oil*. D. B o n Sj o r n.) 3tt om Gtj-, b. 9 ........................... 58 : SJartit unb SJiotgen. G. . G. . Sutoer. Vt-tton .......................................... 58: SJndjt ju aftc, Gine. G. 6fer. 3n let= ne Veben, SUb. 3 .............................. 58: 9Jari)tt(jaU, 2ie. Gb. bon edimib. 3n ef. SdH ; - b. 8 ................................... 59; 92artiUmtroui((c, Gine. 2t. bon 2BintetfeIb. 3n umot. olbaten=3icBelIen, Sib. 1 ..... 59 : 9ial)ca unb gerneS. g. SB. ^adldnbet ..... 58: ;5 n bait: Xic Spurcn einc5 Romans. -- Untcr ben plpftll^tn S" 11 " 11 gjnnic, Gin. g. erftacter. 3n Sett unb Xunfel, S)b. 1 ........ , ........................ 58: i Jnmcitlofc (Scfdticfiten. g. SB. &lt;gactldn= ber. 3 be. in 2. 3n SI?., b. 1-3 ....... 58 : 9?nUoIcon in Jeutfdilanb. G. "))l. SJJunbt. (Vouife aJliibtbadj.) 4SJbe .......... 58: 3 n Salt: 51b. 1: Siaftatt uitb Jjena. 6. 2: 9Iacoleoit unb JtBitigin iiouife. SBb. li: Siiipoleou unb llliuijer. SBe.4: SiatJolcun uub bci "JBUtter Gongvej. g. Stolie. 3 Sbe. pinbler. 3n cb,il-- Munbt. 3n 906 1101-2 995 820-1 2U8-9 2557 2295 1061 in Ggtjbten. in 1 MnUolcon .Sebru. G. beteien, iHb. 1 9iayo!coiitid)C ^b, 2te. lb. ^artfer Maifev=3fiuen, b. 2 ............... I inrciffiiiJ unb Jfarctfja. G. Ill iWielanb. 3n Satntntl. li ., SJb. 19 .................... 9Znrr be? neutue^nten ?tobt^unbert, Gin. 6. 3fcb,offe. 3n ef. Sdjt., iBb. 3 ......... 92nrrcn bcr Webe. 31. von SBititerfelb. 3#be. in 2 ..................................... Wnrrciidnuei, 2a. fl. tober. 3n Grj., *b. 4 ........................ , .................... 9!ntbflit bet e^uatter. ft. ?oftel. (G. ea(?fielb.) 3n iiebensbtloer :c ...... 9int!iuilud, Waria iiouiie Glifabetb, Matl^a= rina (geb. 1817, f 1SS7). Oefammelte djriften. $aUe 1860-70. 14be. in 13. . 8 ....................... 3 nil a It: S)b. 1: Dorfs tittbatobtgefiiiic^tett: 2)ie beiben ^favrtjctufer; k DIartbt, bic Stiff* mutter; Sinter, oobn unb Sntel; fiorenj btr ^retgcmcinbter; 9iinget barttacb, baft iljr (title feiti; Zt Jlammerjungfer; iie Sonn lagsfdfute; tine 3)ienfttn(igbegefcbt(^te; I)er neue Stbulmciiter; JJIarte ................. S)b. 2: Zie G)ef$id)ten tioii Cbrtftfticb unb 59: 59: 58 : 56: 56 : 59: 59: 59: 1731 1062-4 359-62 393-4 917 913 2854 1956 283 917 2853 2227 1685 533 1736 1328 937 1285-6 2543-6 1121 940 2695 1909 1951 1748-9 1091 792 58: 2765-78 68: 5: 27G5 27(i6 THOSE FICTION: GERMAN. 66- Jiibelungeti. . ef. Sdjrtftm. gwrtfefcuttfj. Bb. . ): filcinc CrjSbluiigen: ante Sofie; XaS SHt ctorat; ^ungfer Vottdjen; SCaoibSBiume; 2ie bumnte Mime; !er Heine 9tegiment?&lt; trumpeter; SDer fleine Guvvenbejungc; 3!er aimrmroait ju sffieifilitigeii; SDie beiben 2-anmnbavtmc; Gl&gt;riftian ber SBbgdfteller; 2Bo ipad)ft bcv (yliidsbaum 58: Bb ! Jtleine Grjabjungen: S)aS 83artge Kcib; Sie (Sebirgsieife; Dcr .Banter, tt; SBalfterSilevjer bei ben gianjofen: Ser Sffiol* tenbrudr. S)ie Staffette: &gt;ie sBotenfrau 58: SBb. 5: Xagebiid) eineS avmen Svciulein S. 3ad)im con jtamern. SHicterinneiungeit and ciiicm ffllabdjenlcben 58: SBb. 0: Eangenflein unb SBoBltngen 58: SBb 7 Die alte JjunRfer. $er Sertnunb 58: !Bb. 8 9: Glifabetij: Gine (Sejd&gt;id&gt;te bie nidit mil bev jjeivatt) icb.liejjt 58: SBb. 10: Sagebud) einer Meife naqber$ro ocnee, Jttalien unb ber Sctnoeij . . . 58: SBb. 11: gamilientijjen. fierr unb *am mevbiener 58: SBb. 13: ScbenSbilb ber [jeimgegangenen 3J!a = vie Siatbniiii S, get), edjeele: &gt;J)labd)enjeit. . . 58: SBb. 14: S ort f e ?""G : B 1 " en i;l)e " in 2Utl)al= bemMebcn 58: SBb. 15: gortfejung: grauenlefcen in Jlein ftcbt aa: 9ioturfrniub, Xer. 2. Siecf. 3n Sdjr., Sftutiirlufce So(&gt;n, Xer. 31. igdler. 3" Steben SBinteiabenbe, 23b. l 58: j baut Sleftevdjcn, Xet. g. iicttmtb. i -Bunte Silbet, 53b. 1 58: g. erftiicJer. 3n ihmteS XreU "ben r^b- 2 58: 9Jcb 3J!i;etS: 9lus&gt; bem i eben eine^ SSot= laftdlmattofen. 3- g. Goo^et 58: Sicflctlclicii. ft- erftddet. 3 n Wntet ^al&gt; ihcn unb "Sudjen, iBb. 2 58 - gicgcrffloBcn unb bet Xeutjdjc, Xie. . n.i-u- ^^ 3ugenb-^3ibl., 33b. 17 r&gt;9: g. x t lualb 58: icmcii*, i- S- u|}foh&gt;. 3n Sie fleine SRartenWett, *b. 1 58: " g. Sioffmann. 3 U Gtj., SOb. 23... 59 : X Sdiett. 2 SBbe. in 1 59 : [cmmcMor,raii aillcin in btv iiielt. ett. 1868. 3 SJbe. ml. . 8 ................................. 58: Scae unb ^ajjft. S5re[. 1805. 2 SJbe. inl. H. 8 .................... ............ 58: 9JcniH)6or. 6.2V 1 ii^ . 3n fietqptilt^en, S3b. 2 ............................................ 59 : 9lcftber3aunf6nige, Slbalarb, Set. 3. Qroffc ............... Slmabia, Sev. 6. 3)J. iBiefanb. 3" Sammti. ill, b. 15 ........................ sjjfuc Ita^uen. i!. Dtto. 2 33be. m 1 ......... jicitt SMlter au bein Sclbateuieben. raf St. rabolrsti ................................ j nl) a It: Crfte Etebe. ftQfecnenbi-anb. ^ Unvuljigc ,Heiten. Went ISafar, 2ev : tin Seitenftiicf 311 ,,1818 unb ,,lIba unb SCaterloo". . Stolte. 2 39be. in 1 ..................................... cuc 2on Dutrote, Ser. g. 1 B. .^attUiiibet. 5 Sibe. in 3. 3n m., Sib. 30-4 ............ eifterwclt, 2ie. g. erftdctcr. 3n unb 2unfd, S3b. 1 ..................... Sagat, Sie. 3- wffe. 3n Dffene nbcn, "-Bb. 2 ................................. heimat^ iibcr m SJfeet, SDie. , @pmb= 3n ffiinterbud), Sb. 2 .................. mUitdi tidje fiiumoteJfen. raf @t. 2S3be.ini ..................... nti a It: Sb. 1: oS SiebljabevtfjeiUev. Tie fcl)Bne SRutne. SBb 2" Gi" moberner CtljeUo. Sin alter Safjnbri*. Cine Gfte auf SBefetjI. Sijeue Jiiobe, Xie. . Gonfcience. ftunben, iib. 1 Wc uc let. 56: 58 : 58: 59: 58 : 58: 58 : 59 : ^ 58: 58: 27B8 27(19 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2776 2777 2778 1614 1447 2136 915 467 983 2567 2127 1229 2282 487 2800 2801 926 731 1155 1907 2912 1115 1122 1304-6 937 1157 950 1116 422 &lt;JJciic 9Jotid(cn. G. ?olfo. 14 *8be. in 8 59 : 3 n Ija It: SBb. 1: Sior Ijunbev fniifjetjn 3ab,= ten, 1745. (SUjabeti). Gjinta 59: SBb. 2: Ek blonbe Wartba. Ter &gt;eir (Sol gc fietier. 59: SBb. 3: lilargaretlia. e .tjevrn flveisfteucv. etnnebme.il Sieducrtretev. Gine SBette. 2ltt j bem ^eben be-j (Siiacomo 9tobuftie, genannt 11 Tintoretto. 2&gt;er Soft niranj ber lame dc Slide. 1 fabame d lloudetot. 59: SBb. 4. SBictorine. II Tempesta. SEJie jdjbne ffliaib con Uialeclimijle. Gllitior 59: SBb. 5: *cra. tfvoei Eebutontinnen. SJa j ftauS mit ben gviinen ^aloufien. SMe Heine Gtienne 59: SBb. (i: Megina. Za Sodijeit-sbilb. - Cynka Punna A la Fontanjte. ^ a 3 ved)ie i. J id)t; obev, roie ber SReifterSBern* barb uon Dvlavj cin Staler ber tjeiligen 5livd)e gercOiben ift 59: SBb. 7: Berfunfene Sterne: Mademoiselle Manpiru; ,,Gine Soiree mnsicale;" i e- beiiotmum eine armen -J)!ufitev3; J!ie Socfe bcv Gljarloue Govbar). ^m oa(e bcv 5yvau 4iojvatb,in. Pvinjeffin Grains SBb. H: SeViienSgejetirtniffe: Gin 8iebeWfer; Gin Confer flinb. - Grfte Siebc. - Weor= SBb. 9: siuV bem ..2Bunber[id)ften SBudjc": Unica; Gin Kunber, (Slnton Waft); &lt;3c = trennt; ?ie Bcildjen bev Kaiftrin: Gin ificptevfievi, Qotm JtcatS); Zc3 (Svajcn SlBeiljnadjt im iBalbe SBb 10 ,, JlttS Staul) unb Slirfje": Gin Tag in lliavi 5 ov 65 ,^tif)ren; Gine SoUerine; 3&gt;a3 Sd)loft an ber fflefer; Gine gedonte gannerin; SBcrroanbte Seifter; a)ldbd)en= fierjen; cfdjid)te einer Spijengarnttut. . . SBb. II: SrijofK ilUiitter: Jieliciii^; 9 "r greunbfdtaft; 2aS :)lcliquienid)loj!; Made moiselle Deligny; Siadiel Siuvjfd) SBb. 12: ,,rt ieuboll iuib leibuoll": Unfev av= mev ^unge; eonove; 3}ie Xod)tev be3 ;)ti= beva; Jn ber Scimntb; ftrauenfopfe; 3:ven = nung iB-&gt;. 13: 3m Soviibergeticn: Gin Spiel; Gine ftrnuenljanb; Sl fvufjercn Jagen; d)ei= ben nub lilciben 59: SBb. 1-1: fflolten 3d)nttcn: Zen SBeg oerfeijlt; Hm lemsel ber greunbfcboft; Seberfeljen; Gin SWococo=aJicbatUon; Sllice 59: SJJcitc Siobinfon, Xer. g. iooffmonn 59 : _. Sdjulmeifter, Xet. 5Jc. 3(athufiu. on Xoi-f= u. etobtgefd) 58: 9Uuc Jeftament, Xac-. g. @tolle. 3n Ga= melien, b. 2 59: Jicuc SUelt, Xie: rjSblungen aug bet Wefdtidjte ilmetifo S. II;. Xieli? 59 : giriicr 2tbel. 2(. 3Jieifcner. 2 fflbe 58: Sinter beutfctjet 3ugeubfteunb. g. off mann. 10 te 59 : 91citcr galftoff, Gin. 91. G. Stadiiwgel. 3SBbe 58: Dictttrc fieutfdic cjdiid&gt;ten bon bet 3tefot= mation bi jum golbenen Settaltet bet beittfdjen Xid)t= unb lonfunft. g. Ctto. 59 : Wrtice ^ilbetbudj. G. Si. 3Kunbt. (V o u i f e 2be 58: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: ^nlialt: 3Jb. 1: JBelt unb Jiatnr. SBb. 2: JiooeUcnbilber: Wift nnb ^ucfcr; Gin IMebesbienft; lev o[)it bcv 9fatnr; Slurora, fflvafin uon flBnig8mart; Wolb unb j!ol)U. ebcn. 58. 2(uerbod;. 3 S3be. 3n ef. Sd;t., 33b. 14-16 58: Saflelbe 58: 9lritcfte bentfdje efcb,icf)ten au bem neun- jdjnten ia^vfjnnbett bi jur egenivatt. g. Dtto 59: Sicmt Stattonen be iom-n Bon Sdjerem betg, Xie. grei^ctr G. Don SBtbta. 2 SBbe. 58 : DJcnuicrf unb Stugdbaat. Sj. mibt. 3 ftiinnen bet rotten lonne. SBb. 4 59 : 9Jcu&gt;ton g-orftcr obet be Saufmann S Xienft. g. Mattljat 58: Wbclungcn, ^i- ^ r - ^ tie S 59 : 9Jit)cIiuiflcn, Sie- S- Sdjmibt 59 : 80-7 80 80 81 81 83 83 83 84 85 85 87 2346 2765 1111 2101 2322-3 2320-9 232-1 2625 2547-8 58-60 67 2624 167-8 821 2280 2460 2731 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. ift fo fein geiponncn. -67- 59: 59: 59: 59: 9Jirtitt&lt; ift fo fein gefponnen, ber Sxrr btinat i an bie Sonnen. g. igwffmann. 3n3lbeiibfmiit&gt;en 59: Saffelbe. Jit gacrftmtbeii 59 : fliiditt* ittefyv in ber iiklt nlS ein 2Mng(a3. A. 3tb ber. Jit (&gt;., SJb. 2 59 : 9Jito(nu? "ubiing, (*kaf Bon 3i"3enbcrf. 31. 41-tlbcn.b.abn. Jrt (3tf. fir}., Sib. I.... 59 : 9iitriH, (tfarl) CDuftaO (geb. 1795). 3ugenb= iHbliotb.ef. X eiB. 1846. 47 33bc. 16 59: 5 nb a It: Kb. 1: Xic rjeiligen brei fionigc. - SSScbcr unb Siafier 59: Bb. 2: Xie Wudguiubr. Xas Sfloaclncft nnb ber jammer. Xcr blinbe flnabe. . . . 59: Bb. 3: Xie .fiaibefdjule. 3Bab.rb.eit unb iiiige. Xvcu bis in ben Xob 59: Bb. 4: Iraugott unb ftanncben. Slettp unb Toms, obei Xoftor ;Unncr unb fcine Gut* bcdfniui. lUiijolungbi 59: Bb. 5: Xer xdmiicb pon :)tubla. Xcr itten = fnabc unb fein unb. Xie Glemetitar* geifter 59: Bb. ti: XaS Jtorbilb; ober, bcr TOaler untcr ben asil^en. Xer Duafer. Xie Sti " pfeibe ; ober, be$ Serratbc^ otjn Bb. 7: Xer :)tid)tcr; obcr, sitrnct unb fiinbiget nidit. Xie teiben ediitcftern. Xie gutc Totter. Xie 9)ad)bam Bb.8: Storfteffcn unb fein 3obn; ober, etolj unb Vtebe. ijeicr unb PJeigc. ^aul d lagebitd;; ober, grofie Mcibcn cincS fleiiicn Xiencte Bb. 9: Xer Sonbcrling. ^- Xc3 Siinig? fiinb. iUuberliebe Bb. in: Xer jterfcrmeifter ton 5Iorttidj; ober, baofif"cntc Piebot. t otemfin; ober, ficrr unb ireibeigcner. !prin$efjm unb tit nerin 59: Bb. It: .tuinbert; ober, flatfcr, 9Karfd&gt;all unb !8iid)l)anMer. Clob,a; ober, basl gdjaf ber armen. Xer jtonig unb ber OTiiEer... . 59: Bb. 12: Xie JSuloeroerfdjitorung ; ober, bie Briibei. Silbelm ZU. Xag Icftament. 59: Bb. 13: Xer lifajabnr. Serac&tc Jiicmanb, ^roci flbnige unb brei 58itten; ober, bie flute altc 3cit 59: Bb. 14: lie ilinbcr bcr SSittite. Xer C.ua = tantaincbraitb. Xer Sobn ber SBehatrlidi = feit .... 59: Bb. 15: GlavuS nub SDIaric; ober, be JlinbcS iffleli, beS RinbeJSuft. Xie &lt;Sefd;roii ter; ober, bie SBaifen unb ibte ^reunbe. Xrei 9)iuttcr r ^n cincm Ainbe 59: Bb. 16: Xcrjunge Solbat; ober, arttjur in ;jnbicn. Xer fianfeprcbtfler; ober, PJott lebt nod) 59: Bb. 17: Cvlofe unS ton bem llcbtC. Sie 91eaerftlaoen unb ber Xeutfdjc. Scliiar.. 59: Bb. IS: Xa^ vcrlorene flinb. Xie Xburm&gt; roeibc. Xer Sfrcujtburm gn XrcSben. Xer reidje 9)lann, unb ber arnic tajaruS. Xic S3Junbcrpfeife; obcr, tfinber ton i&gt;ac meln. aicranbcr fflenjitoff: oter, bic i fabrcn bc4 !R dd)t6uin Bb. 19: Xer fleine G^sfiino unb bie Xrompete. Cljriftopl) GolumbuS. 410118 Ggebe, ber Oirbnlanbsfartrer Bb. 20: XieSUisgeftojjenc. Xie .^luffiten tor 9taumburg. - Xic rotten Stiiimpfc Bb. 21: Xie brei ^noaliben; ober bit Spar* biicbfe. Xer Setteloetter; ober, bie brci BUttugeln. -- Ktngg ton liinggenfclb. (Sin beuttdjcr SUebermann Bb. 22: Xe3 flonia S eibttad)e. Xt&lt; gtiicT^tage ber Stabt teiben. Xe lanb Grniebrigin-g unb Gibebuna... fflb. 23: Xer (Solbfodi; obcr, bic Gifinbung be VoMelaBl. Xie rcttenbc ffllorfc Bb. 24: Xic Sdjitanenjungfrau. Xie Hela^ gerung oon Magbeburg. X&lt;r ,&gt;jim mann oon 3arbam. Xer ^inbling; obcr, bie Sd)ule be4 Scben5 Bb. 25: Xa3 fllccblatt. Xic SluStoanberer. Xer fleine Sergmann ; ober, clirtid)itat|rt am ISngften Bb. X: Stern, Stab unb ^feife. Gin fur&lt;ftt= bare!! ^immclfabrtsfeft. Xer 3o6annU topf Sb. 27: Ginelbrane; ober, Me eftRfCtMN 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: . Xage in ber ^tembe ; ober, bie flicgenbe flaceUc. J5er DucU bc BlutfcS ....... 59: Bb. 28: (9corg yjcuniarf unb bic Wambe ; ober, roernur ben licbcn Sott ISSt roalten. ler terlorcne Sobii. Der Salecrcnidaoe. 59: 2295 2304 1090 1604 j 2551-97 2551 i 2552 ! 2553 2.554 ! I 2555 i . 2556 ! I 2557 2558 2559 , j 2560 ; 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2o78 SUb. 29: er glulicnbc pfennig; ober, Pilui auf. ffias iibrig blcibt, ift bod; baS ficfte ; ober, ber ttlcfcne Hltiart: Irama oou 3- IS. .Hdjaler. Xiv3 gclcfjrte Saninrficn ton a. Siimer. ^er flonigftein; obcr, ber nene S&gt;iob. let junge irommelfdjlSger; obcr, bcr gute Solin ....................... Bb. 31): Giraf .v&gt;cinrid) Snaroe, vmn fj. Srentlinljn. (Sottbarb unb fein Soft, ton t?. IirHifpa^n. Zlt Settler, twn . 3)renl biilin .................................. Bb.:tl: lie Saifc; obcr. cine gutc 3:i)at fin = ictoft aut Brben fdon iftren Sob.ii, ton 6. ton Wotircn. Cliriftian SBoblgcmutb; ober, ber tnncre Seritf, oon G. ton Bbr/rcn. Silber aiiS einem Sinberlcben, oon C. oon Wijhren ............................. . Bb. 32: lie Sanonarbentinber, von &gt;. Alette. t bci Ceutljcn, ton D. 9iup = ..................................... SBb. 33: I;ie Wofcnmufilc, oen X. tfrc?er. $:er Heine Samariter, ton il. ftteilfcr. ^n bcr Scil)ti&lt;icbt5)cit, ton 3. Serena. Sutcr 9iatti ift SelbeJ roertli, on S. von U)larrec3.. ............................ 53b. 31: Xcr 3dj(i(i, xwnS. fliiljn. Siofiltliiin tragt 3 i fen, oon ^. fliiijn. Sic Sffiaife; ober, cine gute 2bat finbct oft auf (Srbcn fd;on ilircnVofm, ton G. oon 86ren ...... Bb. 35: iloglein Moth unb Slijalcin l&lt;ni. Setter Giiriftoi b, ton Jf- 9Ki*eI. Sd)iici= ber nnb (Seiger, oon ^. S)iid)e! ............. S3b.3li: I ie Sarjrcife; ober, ber 6crr fii^rt bie Scinen itunberbar, ton G. 2Kiidc. Salcntin, Ziital: obcr, bie Sunft burrf) ei= gene .rtraft gliidlidj 311 ttevben, ton G. Miicfe ................................ Bb. 37: 2er fiunft=?.feifcr, ton S8. TOiiUer. Ter aite flricger irnb fein Sotjn, ton 3B. Mitller. Xie vtfangenen im Itautafufir oon 28. SliUIer ........................... 53b. 38: ,^m Sufct) ; ober bcr butnmc 4ian, ten SB! 91os(oiota. an ber Bernfteinfiifle, von 9)1. SBoSloroofa. aierei unb9ltlm(a; ober, bie .Ramtfdiabalen, ton TO. Mo5toit j?a. S3b. 39: lie Grobcruiui 9!ifdjnoi5, ton Mt. 9(0(5toit6fa. Jin Mitten bcr9)orbfee, oon 2)t. 9tO j[oitfa. ilNoonibn: ober, junger $err unb Ddifenjimge, ton !Di. SloofoioSla !yf. 40: Zie glitcflidje ^nfcl: obcr, avmutl? unb 9teid)tbnm, ton ^. 3d)inibt. Xer fo;ioarie 3Jluftfant; ober djornftcinfegcr unb .ftapeUmctfter, ton . Strcid) .......... S8i.4l: Xer liiiofdnffcr, oon Jj. Smibt. Ditmaifdier unb itir Sioigt, ton . Smibt. . Sb. 42: Die SauSgcnoffni, ton Sj. Stieff. ^otjanna ; ober burd) 91adit sum ^iAt, ton . 3tiejf. Xer SJauer unb bcr Siiift, ton $. aJlartineau ............................. Bb. 43: lie fleinen Sajjaroni pon 9leatcl, ton 21. 2Btnter. Xie Xeporttrten in 91us ftralien, oon a. ffliinter. Sluct 5ived;fe(, von ft- tucfner ............................ St. 44: i cbrerunb Sonner; ober, bie 2Ba[)l be? -i criifs, ton e. ton PSohren. er fleine Wcigcr, oon OJ. 9!ieri(j. Zljcobor ftorncr, oon ^. XrenfftaE)n. Xcr reicfie armc OTann ........................... S9b. 45: SabrcS unb falfdieS Sffio&tt&un, ton $&gt;. JHeinftcnber. Xie Weife nad) afrita, ober, .(finbe-Sftreben unb flinbcaloftn, ton 31. Suber. ijorenj be 4 ial )"&gt; von Gb. Saagnu ................................. Bb. 46: 3lu bcm Scben ton ffl. Jiatobq. 2:ie Wadje, ton B. ftafobo. Xer (leinc iriidte augrtanbcrer, ton B. Oiafobn. XaS 9)ot6teld)cn; ober, ber &lt;HJetf)nad)toabenb, ton S. ^atotn. Xer 2i!aifentnabe unb fcine &gt;Jlad&gt;fommen, oon ft. o. 3)J ........... JBb. 47: Xer junge Xeutfdie in 91mcri(a, t&gt;on G. SB!. One. Unredit ut flebeib,t nidjt; ober, bcr 3egen ber Sirbeit, ton 3B. &gt;^rep. Xer G-felSjun flc; ober, frcuet eu(6, baf, cuer yiame tm ^immcl angcfdmcben ift, ton 31. ftorb - - o 1 1 b. e I f.) (JeremtaS cb.t., b. 10. ... 3n ef. K. fleine Slarrenroelt, Sb. 2 *JJina. ?f. SBremer. 2 33te .............. &gt; ..... JHrciifi!rt)fr, Ser. 21. Setter. 2 33be in 1. Eafjelbe. 2be ............................. 9iodi etwaS au eincc SieidjSftabt. K. tb= ber. 3n@t}., SJb. 6 ......................... 92onnc oon nabenjetl, Jie. IS. g 3be. inl 59: 59 : 59 : 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59; 58 : 58: 58: 58 : 58: 59: 5fl : 257S 2580 2581 2582 2583 2581 23 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2394 2585 2596 2597 1230 300-1 117 118-9 1092 934 PROSE FICTIOX: GERMAN. - 68 - Dertcl. , 3M. ? S- SB- Certel. (SB. D. banfiiorn.) in Corn s Gr;., SBb. 8. 58 : gjotb unb &lt;2ub. SB. 9J!b(Ib,ant.en. 2 SBbe. in 1 58: 3 n 6 a It: SBb. 1: Jllice Subloro. 5)b. 2: Sicrftelbmtffer. Korbamcrtftinifrfie iagb. g. erftader. in 2lmi tifanifdje 2Balb= unb Sttambils bet, SBb. 1 58 : SRotbtfdjci 3iirf&gt;elieu, Gin. &gt;. Kletnfteuber. 2 Sflbe. in 1 58 : 5JJoricn : Gtinnerungen einer aitcn gran, G. &gt;bfer. 2 SBbe. in 1. 58 : Wotnr in ber galle, er. 21. SBibtnl. (ie= remiag @ett tyelf.) in ej. Sdir., SBb. 7 58: 5Rot6 am Swd ften, bie Sjiilfe am 3?ad)[ten, 2)ie. g". feoffmann. in Grj., SBb. 2 59 : Stotfiliinc, Gine. 21. Sretsfdj-uar. 3 SBbe. inl... 58: SfqucIIe an glorenj. G. Seinbler. in gommerinaloen, SBb. 2 59 : SKoUellc ofjna Jitei, Si. G. W. SBielanb. inr Siimmtl. iB., S8b. 19.. 56: 9loucllc bon Sag ju lag. G. Ssjinbler. in at interbiid), SBb. 2 59: WoDi$fit, 2ie. 8. djiiding. in- gili= gtan, *b. 1 59: Saffclbe. in 2lu ben Jagen ber gro= ^en Saiferin, SBb. 2.. 59: OTuIIciu g. sffi. &lt;oactlanber. 3 SBbe 58: 9iumarfa- Dll n. (pseud.) lit t ^brb. iena, 1868. II. 8 58 : Mnr ein eiger. . Gb/. Slnberfen. in ef. at!., SBb. 4 56 : 9Jiir greunbfdjaft. G. ^olfo. in grifd)e flatter: 9ceue SioBellen, SBb. 11 59: Slut immer brat&gt;. g. &offmann. in Grj. r SBb. 16 59: Wlir ftleinigfeiten. g. offmann. in Gr;., SBb. 11 59: 9Iiir 9(atiitlid). g. S!B. ioadlanber. in Jilein. (Srj. u. I)uinr. fijsai -... 58: SMinilirrfl. 2. Ctto. 3 SBre. in 2 58 : Kiiriibcrflct Spv^ofte?, Xer. G. ptnblei;. in Scbilbercten, SBb. 2 59: 9ifibBrfcr, Sie. % g. 28. Certel. (SB. O. Bonnet n.) in- Gtj., SBb. 5 58: SJJu^fitntfcr unb JUaufcfbnig. 6. S. SB. (21.) feoffmann. in bie SetaBion^Srus bet, SBb. 1 58 : C, Strapurg, bu runberf*i&gt;ne Stabt. . grommel. 5n 5ugnb= unb 9&gt;olfbi6f... 59 : D. 3. $ Sty. 9tnberfen. 3 ef. 2B., SBb. 3 56: DBtTOttttmanil nnb ber SImtSridjtet, Set. 91. SBi^iu*, (Sremia otttyelf.) 3n@ef, dir.,, SBb. 7 58: Citron, fr @djmibt 59: Ebnldttucr, Ser. SB. son ufed. ^n i= tanbolo, SBb. 1 58: Cbolifftn, 35ie. . diiicEing. 3n 2Iu ben Jagen bet gtofeen flaifenn, SBb. 1-2. 59 : )tbe 3)nllingburg, Xie. G. @()inbler. 3n Sotnmermalx en, SBb. 2.... 59 : Cebjl&gt;it3 unb fein i fd)Iedit. g. Sdjmibt. 59 : Dbifrf)=niagneti)d)e GonUJtoitift, 2er. G. akiiUtomm. S 9coellen unb Gtj 59 : 2852 2390 989 1875 1691 1037 2261 1990 941 1909 950 649 654 1330-2 2815 53 85 2275 2270 1289 2914-5 940 2849 1732 2402 52 1037 2732 1186 654 941 2733 1660 .Offene JBunben. 3. toffe. 3 iflbe 58: 1156-8 Jjn^alt. 8b. 1: Srajioim. SUb. 2: X e n:ue $aitar. SWb. 3: iorteev xmb ffli^tte. Ccffflltlidjc Grjatiter Don ber Riva de^Ti Sehiavoni, Set. . aubty. SB ^5oet u. $roj. 2B., SBb. 8 56:- 324 Soflelbe. 3n gamnitl. SB., S3b. 13... 56 : 315 ibcrlarfien. ty. g. Sffi. Certel, (JB. D. 6n Sgotn.) Jn . gotn S Grj., SBb. 10 58 t 2839 bet neue SBtlifar. &. Sfdjolfe, cf. ed;r., SBb. 14 56 : 195& Uc GameUen. g. Sfieutev. 2ibtb,. 1 : ffioang if tau ne gtu famm. Ht be S-ranjofentib 56 : 1103 Slbtb.. 2: Ut mine geftungStib 56 - - 1103 Slbti;. 3-5: lit mine etrointib 56 : IW7-9 21btt;. 6 : Sovd)[aud)ting. - 56 : 1111 mectetnbbcgfdjen s J!)ioniecd;i un Gapufetti - 56 - 1112 (t)ml)io on Gfeseg. 2(. XumaS.. 3 53be. 58 : 590-2 Cllfcl ^onbau. g. fiiiijn. 3" 2 u ^ * et ciinatty unb grembe 59:. 2470 nfcl ottlicb g 3 ll fl enill i e1 "- - D 2J6Ubec= mutr/. 3n i. ebenstat^fel 59: 1635 Clifd .wnrid). 21. cn 2i5intetfelb. 3 SmsnoreSten, J8b. 2 59 : 1731 nft( Stcpban. G. iobfer. 3n Grj. edjr., SBb. 3 58: 1651 2affelbe. 3n SBelcegteg Seben ~.~58: 1667 nfcl eiinbenbcd. 21. Bon aBintevfelb. 3 Sflbe 59 : 1750-2 nfcl unb Sicffe. G. epinbler. 3n 3e (anger, je lieber, SBb. 3 59 : 917 Vfcr bet iHadje, Gin. Wl. &lt;S&gt;. d)tt&gt;asg. iiSlbe. in 1 59: 739 Saflelbe - 59: 712 beg religiofen ganatimii, k. G. 3)1. ajiuubt. (i! o u i f e 3Ji ii i) I b a dj.) 6 SBte. in 3 58 : 2549-51 ele, Gin. g. offnian;i. Kalenbev^efd^djtm 58 : 1735 (antrntutl) nb gt^rbclliir. g. diniibt. 5!&gt; : 2734 r-d|C|tcr= unb Gonlifjcnmadite. i!. Ctto. in ShififersSkibea unb greuben.. 58 : 2911 rifliim(, Xa. $. g. 41S. Cettel. (SB.. D. o n ft o v n.) in :)(I;einiid)e 2otf- gcfd)., SBb. 3 58 : 2859 rtflinlc. G. Scfer. in Gtj. Sctyr., iflt.. 7 58: 1653 in Seutfdje erjen 58: 1671 a.9J!e?6ner 58: 2324 rfau aiif Gnba, 3er. $. g. SB. Derte(. (iii. D. o n 5 o r n.) in orn Grj., SBb. 1 58: 2830 crtcl, W^f gwebrid) SBilbelm (SB. ID. Bonder n) (geb. 1798, f 1867), aibmiral be Siuitet, Xet. 5ieebaben, (?. b.) 16. in Sotn g Gvj., 43b. 9 58 : 2838 3lUe griS, bet $e(b nub Viebling beg bmtjdjen SeHeS. SBteSbabcn, (f. b.) 16. in i&crn S Gtj., SUb. 13 58 : 2842 3Ute SBiiicte, Set. ajJieSbaben, (f. b.) 16. in Corn s Gr}., SBb. 6 58: 2835 SHten ednniebjacobS efdiidjten, %($. gtantf. a. W., 1862, 3 SBbe., II. 8 58 : 2861-3 gnfialt: fflb.l: au ber Sc^miebe. Si 2lu9roanbevfr wad) 3tmevifa. So flf&t c3 nocf) immer in ber Kelt ju. Sin SBatev unb (ein Jlinb. 3Bie fie i"5 cinmal einem Gleijdal e nemoAt Ijabcn 2ol&gt;U[)un tragt 5infen. 3Dev eburtotag im ^orftljaufe. SBittiii(tton, aSittington, breimal sbiirgcr= meiftcr Don oiifcoti. PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. Oerfel. -69 Oertef. Ccrtcl, ?. jv. SB. 2: 2Ka tba, bit Musivanberin. Strict. lie V .)laa&gt;bar9tod&gt;tei . -JlUe ed in ben IBalb f*nUt, io fctiaUt S bciau". Uie Oleidiirtne am ben &lt;mei Sertelfted)ern. ie 3dia$flidber. 3o roar 3 rcdjt! So- tliat cine eblc bemictie rt-urftin. 21 ie e w* ma[ einer em Xampffcbiif b feben t)Qt. J&gt;er Sdmiiebjacob erjiiblt con feinen gab,r ten. iton etnem, bcm unit s ana) nidjt 6ei bet ffiiege gefungen bat. mai auS ibm geroovben tft. Dtr Sdjmi bjacob b.dlt linmai cinen Spiegel nor. (Sin iener* fpiegel. Sb. . !: 3&gt;ie &lt;5&lt;fa)icb,te be? armen Sgeercn* ftSleiferjuitflfn. S|3imj i. ield)en. 2?a* fceinselmdnndjen. Son einettt ber erft ein treuer Wiener roar, unb baun ein bra* oer Jperr rourbe. Unoerlictfit fommt oft. Bat ctiter fertig bringen (ami, menu et null. (Sine efa)id)te, rote fie leiSer oft affi t. Der Siefceme. er 38elt I nuf ^Jraei foarte 5teine mablen felteii vcine !U!ie ei rtfau ibten Diattii fmirt fiat. Irene Sanb fletit nrd&gt; 3 ganje i!anb. - !Ter fa m niit Uniter .{loffmtiig berumer. a3 Slobtlien oon Sasbar^. e ift -Jitcfit* fa fein flefronnen, e3 Eommt bod) an bad iMdjt ber Soiinen. Sluf t&gt;cm s Miffifft^t 5Bre^6aben, 1870. 16. ?n frorn 3 th-j., 33t&gt;. 7 ............ 08- 2836 3lu ien @ilerminn ^cr tSorbilleva be IcSilnbeo in Siibamerifa. SL ieeSiabeK, (f. b.) 16. ibb. 14 ........................ 58: 2843 Sklaflenmi? eon Is-kn, 2k. Kiesbaben, 1H(&gt;!. g rn 8 ewk, 8*. 6 .......... 58: 2835 SBenjamin ^ranflin. Ji!ic*boben, (f. b.) 1. 3 6prn t|., SBb. 11 ........... 58: 2840 Stbert iingcr, 2ie. ^tcsbabcii, (f. b.) SB ftorn &lt;5 t*rj.. b. 4 ........................ 58 : 2833 33Uid)cr ecl)ufeling. aiUeSbabtm, I860. 16. 3n Jborn s (Sr;., iBb, 5 ............ 58 : 2834 Socrtnfamilic won Alaarfonftrin, Sie. SCieebaben, 1869. 16. Jn ioorn S Gr ( v, &gt;. U ......................... . ....... 58: 2832 ffiranb Bon s j)tofau, Scr. SUJicsbabcn, 1870. 1H. Jn Jpctn * (Srj., SBb. 1 ... 58 : 2830 Carl JfTtberici S Kriegdfa^rten ^Inuo 1813 t. 1814. SBkebaben, 1870. 16. J fccjit SGn., b. 7 ........................ 58: 2836 @b,riftian Aiirditeciett (^cllcrt. llUeebaben, (f. b.) 16. o" feorn 1 * terj., b. 6... 58 : 2835 Xeutichc Irene. SBtesbflken, (f. b.) 16. on Sicrn S Crrj,, *b. 12 .................. 58 v 2841 Itamantina. SUieebabcn, (f. b.) 16, 3n &ovit Crj., ^b. 8 ................. ,58: 2837 omrabe, X. UL iesboben, (f. b.) 16. S&gt;prn ttrj., b. 9 .................. 58: 2838 MfSBttfte. iL icebaben, (f. b.) 16. 3n , oern (ftj., SJb. 15 .................. 58 : 2844 Engcl fcer (Vlcfanfltncn, Xer. 3i ! if6baben, 1869. 16. Jn feorn s Crj., *b. 7... 58 : 2836 Crnft tr Jromme, 6cr;og on (iiotba. ai&gt;u-6babeu, (f. b.) 16. Jn ^oru 3 Crj., *b. 15 ................................ 58: 2844 Grebcnmg wn illgier, Jic. 4l&gt;ieebaben, (f. b.) 16. Jn iorn f (TJ., *b. 4... 58 : 2833 Grobcrung tm lionflantinopcl butd) bit Jurtcn iin 3 a ^ 1-t^ 2^k. iiUe= b,ibn, 170. 16. Jn fciwn 3 Gr*., . 12 ....................................... 58: 2841 Grcbcrung won Wctico burcb, ftmumta Gortcj, Ti. ai ; ic6baben, 1870. 16. 3 6prn ^ Gtj, SJb. 12 .................. 58: 2841 j gtanj Xrate, bcv S)!ann, ber uii-S bie Hottcffeln gebvadtt b,at. ItUcebabsn, 1870. 16. o Corn s Grj., Kb. 11... 58: 2840 audio, Xer. liJiejbaben, ({. b.) 16. : Corn s Grj., b. 9 .................. 58: 2838 jafler, Tie. BSirtbaktn. (f. b.) 16. ^n crn Gr;., iBb. 4 .................. 58: 2833 eovge Steptjenfcn. aiiicebaben, (f. b.) 16". 3n nn d Grj., 3M&gt;. 8 ............ 58 : 2837 Ocrtcl, . 5- 355- Oejainmclte 1861-2. 12 #be. 16 58: 2845-56 Jnfialt: Bb. 1; Snebel. X&gt;a 2&gt;)at[$en. 2sa$ (MetteSljaiisdjeH nnb feine Hetuab.: tier. (Sine rbeimfcbv 5a)muggkigela)id&gt;te. 2(uo ber Sdjmitbe 58: 2845 S)b. 2: lie leferteuie. lie 9!aa}t&lt;m3Jin gen. J-ie Dieeigeufen. Xer gefpenftige tttollen. lie itwiitc. . . 58; 2840 Sib. .VI: Selilen. SBb. 5: Tas Stabat Water unb &lt;|&lt;erg[efe. Gin Stiirf cin con ber Rffel. JEeS lompro&fts Diiinbel. 3Me Jiufsboifer. Rraameme au8 bem *:eben jreeier armen lenfel, &gt;eiratlisgefd)idre 58: 2843 SBb. 0: imgo can Oifeft. 3o ging mir S, 1 occahontus ei ftageftd*. junkers bud)s. Gine &gt;&gt;iftarie orine Sitel 58: Sib. 7: ler .Uaufmann con yrjon. &gt;ie !Hct= tcr 9Jiebenrjcfcl, $ie ^reusfiiljrer. -* 3)er jiljiifiojinomifdie S^ad 1 . iuctarine ^ Sdiicffale. .tniastar. SBi&gt;bia 3 Uiatris jier... 58: SU.8: iCegeteiifjeiteneineS nbfd)aftmaler i in ^fallen. Xie Sdiulb. lie Gidie con syiiitenite^. lie (Jbriftfreubc. Xi &lt;$t* fd)id)te n ben jnm H!iiUei5finbern. 2)er UJJann auf be in 2JlitteUljortt)uim. Xie Sib. 9: Jlmmi. Cwintin.. 3Ur$drtefc&lt;e Siiege. - Der Seffel beo Cbm 3 ^o^epb.. e ^ouonen .Hinb. la-3 Sidcrja adjet 3)lefifd|ifj uon 3(nno 17. Cine 3iad&gt;t in ber otU)auerlmtte 58: S3b. 10: iini de Snint-FloBr. tie eifte iffioljltfiat. Jim Balbe. 2Ba3 mir t m- mal ber lobtengiaber crjiifilte. lie 91ad)t im iUeid)()auGa&gt;err 58: JOKiiolbftein. ^ 2)er ^elbniarfdjall iilitd^er, nnb ber ^farrer Wieyidjmar. Irei unb Cine. 2rr 4)a*taiij tu t angenfelbolb. -* Zer Setter im (!iififtoiiutrt 58: SBb. 12: ler aainneur ctn Cflenbe. 3 eim Wremroad)ter. Irei iag-c in Wktennalbf im taiiri djen iHlpcngcbirge. iicim littrifts baiunlein 68: ottc ginger. 5ffiie3babit, 1871. 16, 3n loom s Grj., !8b. 13 58: raf Sluget be "JJc ontyoit. SCieebabcn, (f. b.) 16. o" Sorti S Grj., S3B. 15... 58 : anS Gcnrac Gfd;n- Son bcr irintb. Gi%, S13b. 9,... .... . ...!,.. : 58: aalma, bie ^eruanevin. i^u Sbaben, (f. b.) 16. on 6orn 8 Grj,, b. 10.. 58 : oames Goof. 3l&gt;kibabc, 1870. 16. or* Ibwn S Grj., Sib. 12 58: oame iUatt, ^er Grfinber. JlUrsbabcn, (f. b.) 16. on orn 3 Gt,v, b. 8... 58 : 3ol;ann oflf" Sifter. "WJeobaben, (f. b.) 16. Jn Corn s Grj., b. 7 58: Jlaffernljdiiptling, Xer. IL iesbaben, (f.b.) 16. on . oorn ^ &lt;*n, b. 15 58 : : fiatiortn lOiavia Jb,ercjia, Xie. 215ieS&gt; baben, 1H70. 16. o" .fern s Grv, *b. 13 58: flojareujagb iut inbtfdjen onfelmeere, Gine. iL ! ieebaben, (j. b.) 16. 3n 6e*rn 3 Grj., SBb. 3 58: Sebi tt beriUirfiirftin tcrMliea on #tan&gt; bcnburg, Xa^. Ji-tesbabn, (f. b.) 16. on font s Grj., 3&lt;6. 4.. 58: bcS JelbmarjdiallS XcrffUnger^ JCWbaben , 1869. 16. ^n Corn s Grj., iib. 1 58: Jiben unb bie Jb,aten .s^an^ joadum Don 3tens, Xo. anicibaben, 1869. &gt;6. on loorn S Grj., b. 5 58 : i tbenegnng ecrge Sl a^tngton S, Xct. aiJUebabeii, (f. b.) 16. o" Corn s 6rj., SJb. 14 58: iieibliufar, Xer. ffiieSbnben, 1871. 16. on Igorn s Grj., ibb. 11 58: 2850" 2851 2852 2855 283* 2855" 285tr 2842 2844 283 283!* 2841 2837 2836. 2844 2842 2832 2835 2830 2834 284S 2840 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. Ocrtcl. -70- Otto, Souife. Cfrtd, 1?. g. 28. gorlfefcung. i cfcte GH;ajiv&gt;ab, Xte. 2BieSbaben, (f. b.) 16. 3n Sorn S Grj., SBb. 13 58: Sumbenfammler con s faris, Ser. aiJieS= baben, 1871. 16. 3n orn 3 Grj., S3b. 14 58: SJJcuterei im ftilien SJJeere, Gine. 2l ieS= baben, (f. b.) 16. 3n icorn S Grj., Sb. 14 58: TOulatte, Ser. SBie*baben, 1870, 16. 3n &lt;corn Grj., 586 7 58: Dlaf Sl;orfarffen. 28ie8bnben, (f. b.) 16. 3n Sorn S Grj., SBb. 10 58 : Drfan auf Cuba, er. 2s&gt;icSbaben, 1870. 16. 3n Sow S Grj., SBb. 1 58 : Overseer, Ser. SBirSbabcn, (f. b.) 16. 3n &.ow S Gr}., SBb. 15 58: Spatb,enge[d?enl, XaS. aBieSbabcn 1870. 16. 3n Sow S Grj., SBb.8 58: ^Peljjcirter ber gmbfonbaiconH&gt;agme, Xie. aiMeSbaben, (f. b.) 16. 3" Corn s Grj., SBb. 13 58: Slbeinifcbc Xorfoefdjid ten. g-ranff, a. 2R., 1854. 4 Sbe., 16 58 : 3 11 1) a It. SBb. 1: Slu ber Sd)miebc." Sie Ecferteuve. *- fflieine evfte Sraitt. Die (Slfct 58: .SBb. 2: fl&lt;j 5)laild)cn. ^rngmente au bcm icbcn jrocier armeit Zeiifel, - ShiS bcm Zts Sen eiiu G J!ogcl5bergcv in .(frieg nnb^rie= ben. Bie 3roeite. Ser grciciSmann.. . 58: SBb. 3: Zie Scfrfrdite oon ben groei a)iiiUev= linbern. DaS Driflinal. (Sin Stiidtctn DOM ber "IRofcl. .^ciratijc-ciefdjidjtcii 58: 8b. 4: 3unbcvbiidi5. ffer gefpcnftige Slots Stmmi. So fling mir a . 58: Sdiarnl;orft. SlUeSbaben, (f. b.) 16. 3n Corn s rj., Sb. 14 58: 6dnffSjunge unb fein i ebenSiiang, Ter. SDieSbaben, (f. b.) 16. Jn Corn s rj., 8b. 8.... 58: dtlof! Sfobbcle, Xag. SBieSbaben, 1870. 16. 3n Sow s Grj., SBtt. 10 58 : Uberblicre : $iige au bem i ebcn auS= gejetdinetcr 3Rnfd)en. ^ranff. a. 3)1., 1861. 2be. fl. 8 58: SHberffotte, Sic. 28ic6babcn, 1870. 16. 3n Sow S Grj., SBb. 10 58 : Simon. aSieSbaben, (f. b.) 16. 3" Sorn S Grj., SBb. 4 58: Gtranblaufev, Xer. SBicsbaben, (f. b.) 16. 3n Sorn S GVJ., SBb. 3 58: SSergeltung, Tie. 2BieSbaben, (f. b.) 16. 3 i Sow s Grj., SBb. 3 58: 33ier beutfd)e Selbinncn au ber Qcit ber SflefreiungAfriege. SBieSbaben, (f. b.) 16. 3n giow S Grj., Jib. 11 58: SBon bem frifdjen unb mutliigen Sctbli^. aSieSbaben, 1869. 16. SnSorn SGvj.. 23b. 6 58: S5on bem Sianne, ber unS ben 31V(j nadj Slmerifa geiinefen l;at. SSifObaben, (f. b.) 16. 3n Sorn S Grj., SBb. 3... 58 : S3oit bem 9(effen, ber feinen Dnfel fudit. ai ieSbabeu, 1870. 16. 3n Sorn S &lt;Srj., SBb. 3 58: SBon einem, ber baS dHiid geftidtt. 3BieS= baben, 1870. 16. 3n Sorn S Grj., SBb. 5 Rotmunb unb ajZiinbet. SBicebabeu, 1870. 58: 58: 16. 3u Sorn S Grj-, SBb. Sa^renb unb nad) ber gerftBrung bon Wagbebiirg. SMieSbabcn, 1870. 16. 3n Sow S Grj., b. 11 58 auS cinem armen Sirtenbiibiein rt&gt;erl&gt;cn fann. 3BieSbaben," 1869. 16. 3n Sorn S Grj., SBb. 12 58 2842 2843 2843 2836 2839 2830 2844 2837 2842 2857-60 2857 2858 2859 2860 2843 2837 2839 2864-5 2839 2833 2832 2832 2840 2835 2832 2832 2834 2834 2840 2841 Ccrtcl, ?. S. 28. SUctfeiopf, S)er. 3Bifbaben, (f. b.) 16. 3n from 1 * Grj., b. 9 .................... 58 : 22ie einer einSL-aUfifd)f anger irwrbe, unb ivaS er babci erfuf;r unb crtebte. ffiieSs baben, 1869. 16. 3n icorn S Gr}., SBb. 5 ......................... .. .............. 58: givet 3hibritd)e be SefuBS. SBie^babett, (f. b.) 16. 3n .orn S G.. S8b. 10... 58 : ber SBcberle^tltnp. i!(. G. SBrad)= nogel. Jn 31. SJoscUcn, 8b. 1 ............... 58 : Ccfcr, Siubotf. (E. Wlaubrcdit.) (geb. 1807, f 1859.) 2lugetua[;[te edjriften. grnnff. a. 9., 1866. f(. 8 ................................. 58: 3n I) a It: ffliittfieUungen iiber Cefer S &t= ten, ffiirten itub Xob, ton ;&gt;. ffl. Eiegel. Zie SoltsfiDrift unb bie i oltsftfiiiftfteuer. Slntio, bie JJuaegeUjSnblenn. Set 3igeu= ner. Crjafiltingcn au3 bem ,v&gt;effcnlanbe: Sie SBintcljiintle. Ia rotlie ud). Ste fdjeibene eijrliiifcit. Set tnifetlidje SBctio fiorvoral. 2)er avme iUiann. 2Bet fann bcten? Wefit)icl)ten unb Siiber nnS bet 3opi^eit: I)ie 3ieifo^nung; ie ^renbe untei XfivSnen; 1ST iiuifi ben rofifien S(ifl| fcftcn; 2)ii 3 ^oeiclbav&djen ; Xev iHtjuntt; SDie flionwg: j)ie 3 Merin; Zurcfj s 5(nj tn ciiierj; (Sine JJlauev urn 1111-3 baue; Dec E~unb in bie i-cd)te .*&gt;anb; !Ter llnneratftenej aim Jobif. fliippel s Slidiael, 35et SBeibenlaSpar. Sic (iiclaficnen. )ft unb 28eft : 5!eue Vanb= u. Seebilber fiir bie "sugenb. I!;. Xicli^i ................. 59: )ft unb SBeft : gortfc^ung on ,,rdfin unb SJiarquife". &. ben Stmenfce. (u= fta BomSee.) ............................ 59: Often. SWarti. (B eub.) iel;e Gtyler, Gmilie. Dl tcrcicr, Sic. Gt). uon edimtb. 3n ef. e*r., iBb.l .................................... 59: Cftinbicr, Ser. g. Oerftactcr. 5nSalifor= nifcbe Sftjjcu ................................. 58: Oi!U)iit( ober bie @d)ule be i eben?. g. Sdimibt ......................................... 59 : tl)cllo. 1C. Stauff. 3n eommtl. SB., S3b. 3 ........ : .................................. 56: erftacter. 3n Slu -&elttbcilcn, SBb. 2 ...................... 58 : Otto, (\ranj. 2luS bem Jabafsfollegium unb ber 3^^f= jeit. i eit., 1872. 8 ..................... 59: ei|3., 59 : SBucf) merfiinirbigcr Hinber, 1866. 2 SBbe. in 1. II. 8 ................. SBud; *om alien 5ri, SaS. i eip., 1871. 8 ............................................. 59 : Gafar bcS neutije^nten 3ab,rf)unbert, Ser. &i., 187(). 8 ..................... 59: (Srofie Jfp nigunb feinSiefrnt, 55er. Seifc., 1866. 2be,inl.8 ..................... 59: JJeuerc beutjd)cefd)id)tcniion ber3iefor&gt; mation bis jum golbenen ^citatter ber bcutfdjcn Xicfcts unb Xontunft. Sci., 186i). 8..... ............................... 59: 9?eue[te bcutfdie efdjidjten au bem ncim= jeljnten ^abi tiunbert bis jur @egen= irart. i eip., 1869. 8 .................... 59: Otto, Vouife. SlnbrcaS jalm. ^laucn. 1856. 3 93be. {1.8 ......................................... 58: 2Tu ber alien 3eit. &i., 1860. 2 SBbc. in 1. II. 8 .................................. 58 : Unbolt: -Bb.l: 3roci Wviiber Her oer= feorgene Sd)inu(t. Gin unfrie_blid)es "fine* beti jfeft. 3empronia. 2Uif betn Slopcn. SBb. 2: Set evftc .fiejcuvrojcft in Sadden. ^n bret Stflften. 2&gt;orotb,ee, bie Xod)tct beS flvrijitotaloiniften. viob,aiin 3Bitteii&gt; berg unb fcine Xodjter. SDie Jlinber be3 Sltatfisfcenn aiener. 2lu ber SBbrfcniBclt. SBerl., 1869. fl. 8. 58 : SBauernfo^n, Gin. Sei., 1849. 16 ......... 58 : 2838 2834 2839 220 1020 2102 1223 530 917 2735 552 006 2622 2619 2620 2621 2H23 2625 2624 2896-8 2899 2900 2934 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. Otto, I ouije. - 71 ttn, I ouife. gortfefcung. iitidH ubfim. Vcip., 1851. 3 iibe. 16... 58: Scittfcbe SUunben : Beitvoman 1864-71. Bremen, 1872. 4*bc. in 2. H. 8 58: SHoSturcn. XUona, 1868, 16 58: Ctrei in-vbauguiftoollc 3ai;re. SUtona, 1867. 2 iibc. in 1. fl. 8 58 : Grbeu worn Sdjlo&GbuufelS, 2ie. Veip., 186t. 3 iibe. fl.8 58: greunbe, 2ie. Veip., 1845. 3 iibe. 16. 58 : (Srafeufroue, Giuc. Veip., 1857. 3 iibe. inl. 16 58: Sjeimijdje unb gvcmbc : Ginema lbeau(5 ber igdjtueij. Veip., 1858. 3 iibe. 16. 58 : 3efuiten unb ^tetiften: ober, Gacilie 2elille. 2Utoua, 1871. 3 iibe. in 1. fl- 58: Daffelbe. 3 iibe 58: Jtatbinta. Veip., 1844. 2 iibe. 16 58: 3Rufifereiben uub greubcn. SBien, 1871. 1 58: S&gt;nf)&lt;tlt: Die 9)lufiteri*orfe. Crc^efter uno Ui ulifienm{id)ie. Dad erfti ^5ecttjo- oenfi ft in $01111. 9Mie iia()iien. il ien, 1864. 2 iibe. in 1. 16 58: SKurnbcrg: Gnlturbiftcrifdicr Etonian. Urag, 1859. 3 iibe. in 2. 16 58: Siitterjporn. Veip, 1S70. 2 iibe. in 1. - J 58: SKom in SeutjdiUinb. iircmen, 1873. 3 iibe. in 1, fl. 8 C 58 : Sibmifct) uub beutfcb. Veip., 1847. 4 iibe. 1 58: Sdilojj ur.b Jabril Veipj. , 1869. 3 iibe. 16 58 ; edjultb,eifieutb d;ter uon SJurnberg, Xie. sUSien, 1861. :t iibe. in 1. up 58: gtijtsba-rcn won Strapurg, Sie. Veipj. 1872. 2 iibe. in 1. fl. 8 58: SSictoria Jiegia. Veipj., 1869. 16 58: 3u&gt;ei (9enerationcn. veipj., 1856. 3 iibe "H. 1 58: 3tt&gt;i|rf;en ben iiergen. Bremen, 1874. 2 iibe. fl. 8 58: Ctto Vubioig iiroof. 91. (Sifefe. 2 iibe 58 : Overseer, Xer, ^. 5. -ffl. Dcrtel. (ii!. 0. Cl)C, G&gt;ffi. leutfdje tit 2luterifa, 2er. Veipj. f b) 16 *" Wiortfc ^.ii/ioiits . 4ihl b. 47... ^anljoiD, enriette Don (geb. 1788, Io47). obmie = Gaftle. iire^lau, 1855. 3 S8be. 16 59 : 3acob an ber 9iee3. iire^lait, 1855. 3 sBbe. 16 59 ; Ste. Jiodie. iireslau, 1855. 3 iibe. 16.. 59 : Xb,onia8Xbbrnau. iircslau, 1855. 3 iibe. 16 59: ( l&lt;nnr Criginale, Gin. G. MUfomm. Jn SKeteore. iib. 2 59: if, er. G. Soffmann. Jn Gvj. 10 59: be3 fcerjogs Pott SaBotjen, Jer. 21. ^olmbliittcr fiir biejugenb. G. 21. Stau= benmetier 59 : lien ju JBilobos. Die Grtolin. unb Sdjiteeflocfeu. ii. 3K&U-. banfen. 2iibe.ini 58: 2391 v ^ nt) a It: $b. 1: Die .UhiM)i I!nnbU rin. Der 3tevyenb anb. Der i&gt;oi"t[aufer. leben. Der S^nccfturm. SBb. 2: Die Io*ter bes ^iuptlingi. Die &gt;yata s JJJovga m in ber ifiiufte Gin Duel! in Jtaliforntcn. Die CSrabcr in ber Steppe. I nnoramcii, fur bie Jugeitb. If). 3Meli(j 59 : 2103 2938-40 i&gt;niitl)con : .oiftorifdic j|oucllen fiir bie rei= fere ^ugeub. g. sinning 59: 2245 2|n^alt: $0rtn&gt;tt. Die brci lflirti)icr. Sanai, ber ^irtfuner. Webftartt Don ^t[s (enerf. -- 4ieint iBJerni. 5Ui Sabcliffe. . itiitbcrinni), Gine. g. Oierftacfer. 3" X lmerifauijdie ii&gt;alb= uub Strombilber. 2942 * b - 2 58: 989 2908-10 SKtttfSfrtW|, Gin. %. Qerftacfer 58 : 996 " : - int ill-inter 1851. g. 28. ^arflunber. lagebu.libliitter 58: 1310 2lbenteuer. g. Stolle. 3 Game= lint. iib. 2 59: im Raifer-lien. Ib. TOunbt. 2 iibe. i" 1 58: 2695 ^nlmlt. 8b. 1: Der.llaifer ber ^ranjofen unb jeine iii iie Br)ii(iftie. Der Dom ber Jn oalioen unb bie it polconifctje ^olitif. SWonardjie, :t(epul)lif unoSaijertdum. Die iNorfe unb bie fitebe. - Curusatbeitcr, ^Jjncicei ii! b Sumvcntammlci im neiien Jtaifer unb bit 2lrbi tter. (ijrifetie unb i;o* rette unb i ie neiu 1 OHMiciatton. SBb. 2: Ztjeater unb Sitten im neuen .(tat- ferreid). Die ^anfaionnabe te^ i after^. Die (ran i6fifd)e (Sefelljd)aft unb bie Srauen. D&lt;r Jiaifet, bit (steifter unb bie . Die narioUonififoe ,^bee. Sinb, Gin. G. $olfo. 3 n &* ;eiigebeiinnijfe : 9!cue x )topeUcn, iib. 7... 59 : 83 Rotifer fisjen. .H. Gtafcfotv. 3n Ste tleine SZarrenwelt, iib. 2 58 : 1230 ^ntHnl 2iaoli, ber U tjte .Hor)e. G. d)tnibt= afiei|enfet8. 2 iibe. inl 59: 550 l;n[fl)0, Zcr. g. Di amjat 58: 2288 Wef. edir., iib/8 ^.. 5(j : 1955 i fllrtirr unb fcine -sobite, 3)er. &. 3Jierig. 3n onflfi b^iiibl., iib. 25 59: 2575 ^afrticmiiifle, 2er. g. ioffmann. 3" Grj., iib. 27 .". 59: 2286 ^nfiiflorn. :)(. ii&gt;albmitUer. (Gbuarb ~ uboc) 59: 1430 EamftuS. 3- 1.6. lemme. 3" Gri= minal=9ZoBeUen, iib 2 59: 1298 ntljninclriiriif, SaS. ^}. g. 28. Devtel. (i^. D. o o n 6 o r n.) 3" 6crn 8 Grj., b.8 58: 2837 ntriot, 3bann 3acob Siojer, 3)er. 3- ty. Idctler. 3" 3 ll fl e "^- " i*olfsbib(io= tbef . 59: 2404 iiH uub ^u^. g. erfta der 59: 2154 2lrnolb. Gl;. uon 3d;mib. 3" c f- r., -lib. 20 59 : 5?9 iironcfborft. V. SdjitcEtitg. 3 iJbe. iu 1 59: 621 Glijforb. G. (3. G. V. iitiltOTr^ iittoii. 58 : 2226 unb Virginia uub bie iubifd^e Mittte. A. .O. iientarbin be Saint ^ierre 59: 445 iUeruiug : ilbeutvuev ciues clieeren&gt; jiiugeu. G. ft. Garlett 58: 366 Itaai i! Jogebttd). W. Jc ierifc. 3" 33"b= iitM. iib. 8 59: 2558 ^niiiinr, bie 3tiftctin ciuer .Ulcinfiubev= (djule. Gl?. bon Scbiuib. 3n &(}, d;r. iib. 20 59: 539 I rrtl. g. (5teijtacfer. 3n 08ilbe S8elt. iib. 3. 58 : 993 i tblnr, Ser. 0. 91uppiuS 59: 414 ^fllinm, ober 2lbenteiiev eittess Weutleman. G. &. G. V. iiulluer=Vtton. 4 iibe. in 1. 58 : 2222 2901-2 2903 2904 2941 2905-7 2943-4 2911 2912 2914-5 2916 2921 2917-20 2925-7 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932-3 1006-7 2844 2597 1-3 4-G 7-9 10-12 1680 2269 593-5 2842 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. -72- IJJcljjaflcr ber ioubfonbauGompagnie, ie. s ^. g. n. Certel. (IIS. D. yon &gt;orn.) 3n porn S Grj., 33b. 13 ............ 1 ....... HJcrtiUnl Weene. . i)farrr/at ................. ^ercgriitutf ^roteu. G. ii(. SiMelanb. 3" Sammtl. 3U. iib. Ki-17 ..................... Deficit auS bem Sanbe. D. fflilbermutb,... 3 n a 1 1: 2lu3 tm&en 2Baffeui. &gt;ie Set) ale ber Xciiuttb. iltaric unb JJJann. Xaube Sbliittien. lilargavetlfeud Si)luefter=21bcnb. Die brei Sdjroeftcm. &lt;jScfcf)iera. & . Ghtfcfoiu. 3n Sic fdjbneren @tuuben ....................................... iJJcft 311 Huuieille, 3&gt;ie. G. Spinbler. 3n 9tegentogenfrrab.Iett. iBb. 2 ................. jBefiatJ)33i, fpeinruty. 5. Sdimibt l^cftiunflfcr, ie. 31. iMetfer. 3n $ctcr X ebred;t. & 2ied. 3tt Sdmften. 33b. 14-15 ...................................... lifter ^ aul 9(ubcn. SI. von Stentberg... HSctct ipommecerinfl. G. SBillfomm. 2 SJbe. in 1 ............................................. &lt;fiftcr Simple, g. offmann. 3n Grj., 33b. 2 ............................................ H?rtcr Simple. J. Dlarrr/at .................. ^rtcr B&lt;in 3luh&gt;n. G. Ipofer. 3 n 2(u3 ber iveiten jfielt. 33b. 1 .......................... ^fnbfiiibcr, obcr baS 23inncnmeer, Ser. 3. 5. Goopec ................................... afielbe. g-iir bie Sugt- i b bearbcitet toon g. cfjinann. Jn Veberftrumpf 58: 58: 56: 51): 2842 2271 1907-8 1636 58 : 1245 ipfnbfinbcriit, b. 6 of. 59: 59 : 58: 56: 59: 59: 59: 58: 58: 58: 58: 56: Surott.) (gcb. 1804, f 1868.) 2ln ber poln ifdien reiije. 3i&gt;ien, (f. b.) Sltjt in einer fleincn Stabt, Gin. iieipj. 1855. 2SBbe. in 1. 16 8tu3 ber lefjten polnifdjen SieBolution. 2Bien, 1864. 16 SMlber au3 bem 1 cbcn. i dtn. 1854. 16. 59: 59: 59: 59: 3 n bait: Gin v }5farv[)au$ in Jlatftangen. Gin Wrab an ber jltrdjttofomauer. Xer 2ikg in ben &gt;immel. urgermeifter, Gin. 2Bien, 1862. 3 33be. in 1. 16 59: Grinneriingeii einer rofjmutter. s }kag, 1856. 2 -be. in 1. 16 59: OMiid eineS ilkibes, Sal. SBromberg, 1860. 16 59: CHiirfuern, Ser. Sromberg, 1857. 16... 59: in i. lyo 5g . SofjamieS Jtepler. ^rag, 1857. 3 2ibe. in 2. 16 59: .fiinber be aufe3, 3&gt;ie. SSJien, 1863. 16 59: flunjllerlie&e. 5]Brag, 1859. 16. TOit Gin Wabdjen aus bem ftiolfe, Bon K. utytoiB 58 : Saute -Kelt ftilleS erj. Sdromberg, 1860. 16 59: SebcnStraum, Gin. i eipj. 1855. 3 33be. in 1. 16 59: ^Jinrrc unb d)ule. g. erftdcfer. 2 4tbe. 58 : Starrer ^ilebanus BOH Kitflen, 2er. D. Sdntpp. 3n Grj., *b. 2 59: ^, farrcr unb RriegSmann. i . Bidder. 3 n Grj., ^b.3 59: f fnrrcr unb ffiilberer. 3. S!ub.(felb 58 : Starrer Bon Slfljbourn, er. 21. (D.) u= mas. 2 43be 58 : Starrer BOH Steinird)en, ^er. G. fiiofcr. lib. 2." !.!! 9 .. ..."" . r . U ..!". ". e .". 58: 937 2736 112 1613-4 1036 1682 2261 2270 1662 452 482 675 29 31 41 30 32 34 40 35 42 37-8 39 1235 40 33 967-8 2821 2642 2607 596-7 1666 Starrer BOH SBeinSperg, 2er. %. aubii. 3n ^&gt;oet. u. 45rof. ffl., Sib. 5 5(J : Saffelbe. 3 Sammtl. SB., iOb. 3 56 : *Pmrrirnit BOH ,,;fti-icb,, 3)ie. D. Scb,upp. 3n Grj., 43b. 1 59 : ^inrr&au?, 3?a. . gifyotte. 3" )" Sd&gt;r., Sib. 13 56: IJJfarrOnuji in 9totb,angen, Gin. ^rau 3- ^faiinenfd;mibt. (Juli e S3u roto). 3n ibilber aua bem i eben 59: ^inrtlmil^ ju .waUungen, ZaS. i . Stcrdi. 59 : ||air iHii4eiJ. :H. Wifete. 2 Sbe. m 1. 58: Gine. g. erftarter. 3n unteS Si&gt; ben, 3Jb. 2 58: tteinc JJarronliH it, l iib. 1 58: Guba, 2)er. ^&gt;. 3! &lt; ^"ff6. 3 U &gt;. 7 56: S. ^ojtel. (G. Sea[ = fie lb). 2 S3be. 3n Vcbenbi[ber :c. 2(btl;. 3-4 59: flrgcfofjn, ^er. St. SiUlben[)a[;n. 3 ef. Grj., m 3 59: llnter ben ^-ittigen be IcrS. V eip., 1868. 16..... ." 59 : Quo friiderer 3it. $iltorifci)(S Sti.isenbucf), ZreSforo. Sluf bem (fapcUenberge con Xrautcnau. Gine JReqiiifition mit .winter* niffeii. .tieuricd, iieuric^: Son .Jianb i nnb. 3m iegeSjubel Don liljlum. Sei tolle *iu&lt;ucn- ber 3ufunft, Sie. 3(. G. SradjBo= gel. on iftor. s JIoelten, SBb. 1 58: . ii. Sieer. 3n Sdjr., 236. 4-5... 56 : 3acob pener. 31. Siiilbenbab^n. 2 abe. in 1 59 : 2M[er ober Bor breibunbert 3aliren. raf St. aubiffin, 3 *be 58 : ftljfiDflnomtfdic^urf/ r - "V- 5-S5- Cer= tel. (~il&gt;. D. B o n o r n). 3 n feorn ^ Gr}., b. 7 58: idilcr/ x ouife. 2Ute --Barbaroffe, Jet. Stuttg., (f.b.) 16. 3nGrv, b. 4 59: Sim gujje ber Slctiatm. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Grj., 33b. 5 59: Sin ben Ufern led Mbeins. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Grj., 4lb. 5 59: Slnficbler im te^mavjitialb, Xie. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Grj., Wb. 2 59 : Seutjdie Jreue. Stuttg., (f: b.) 16. 3n Grj., b. 1 59: Seutfdjer ^rinj, Gin. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. SnGrj., 2Jb. 2 59: 2)eutfd)es fitfmadleben, Gin. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. Jn Grj., b. 3 59 : Grfte SJranbenburger, 2er. Stuttg., (f.b.) 16. 3nGrj., 33b. 5 59: Grfte 3oUern, 2)er. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. SnGrj., SBb.4 59: GjpebitionSrat^, Ser. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Grj., iBb. 1 59 : fyreifyof Bon Siebeneidjen, 2er. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Gr}., iBb. 3 59 : erid)tstag 311 Gannftatt. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3uGrj., b. 1 59: olbfdimieb Bon Stuttgart, S)cr. Stuttg. (f. b .) 16. 3n Grj., 3Jb. 1 59 : Hermann unb Sbu^nelba. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3nGrj., b. 5 59: SiincnfdjUifj, 2a^. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. " 3nGrj., *b. 2 59: 3m leutoburger SBaloe. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Grj., SJb. 4 59 : 323 310 2820 1958 30 1146 1008 915 1229 1955 790-1 1605 60 255 1603-4 1600 101-3 2851 2643 2644 2644 2641 2640 2641 2642 2644 2643 2640 2642 2640 2640 2644 2641 2643 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. -73- filler, Souife. gortfe(jung. Jtaifcr Sari s Urenfol. Stuttg., (f. b.) ^nCrj, 59 - Jtaifer unb gdb,rmann. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16 3 . 311 Crj., Sib.. 1 59: JUrlof^iiler, Ciu. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3Crj., Sib. 3 59: JTartl;aufe, 2ie. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Cr$., Sib. 2 59: SDK ifter Monrab ber Sdjoppe. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Crj 59 : Ipfarrer unb ftliegftnuum. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Crj., Sib. 3...^ 59 : SJinq ber loerjogiit, Xer. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3"n Crj., Sib. 1 59 : 3(efe won Si^atij, 2ie, Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3nCrj., Sib. 3 59: Siotbmantel, 2er. tuttg., (f. D.) 16. 3n Crj 59: o, lie. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. j., Sib. 2 59: Sdimeftern, Xte. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Crj 59: Sotm ber SiUttiue, cr. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. &gt;Crj., Sib. 2 59: Steinme(5 l&gt;on Spcicr, 2cr. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3 Crj., Sib. 3 59: Ueber ben jHijein ! Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Crj., Sib. 5 59 : Unter Marl bcm royen. Stuttg., ()". b.) JnGrj., Sib. 4 59: Eater Jribibert S :oau3. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Crj., Sib. 4 59: iBater unD Sotjn. Stuttg., 16. (f. b.) 3n JStibnaditafeft, (Sin. Stuttg., (f. b.) 16. 3n Crj., tib 1 59: &lt;Bidi|~tcn, Xte. . Mau. 3 Sibe 59: jKctro von i lbano. **. Jierf. 3" Sdjr., S*b. 2} 56: ^ilftrr be$ ;)(i;dn$, ie. C. W. C. V. Siul= laiiber . 58: iucinen JEnerfreunbe, Sie. eip., 1869. 8 59: ISinlclrticit. C. Suinbler. Jn Hiocsrcfen, *b.^ 59: ^itnt,Xer. J.SRarrtot 58: S 4&gt;trict)fl(lll()auf(9emjeii, Cin. g. (iierftatfer. 3n JUKi meinein lagebudj, Sib. 1 58 ^laqinr.Cin. g. QktltMei 58: 4$lauocrricn. . ^&gt;oifo 59: i;ajielbe 59 : 3 u i) a 1 1: I)eutf:bc Araiienfebein. Jpehiiiiie OOH iibej5. Wi-tronte lioeie . aus bet iiiertftatt itnferer Sifter unb (5omi&gt;oniften. 2!a9 oerloiene ^aiabieo. ^in St teoen be9 itlofters. Oiefunbeit. tilaire won SBoiuaiilt, iiielttnib unb jjeiline bCj ITten ^abr^un&cttf. Oitberuno ftrtoncninaen ou &lt;t.rlin. (Jmiiieuiiiflcn an Mobert feller. Glifabetlj Jicn. tjine flemalte eine AT uienaibcit. Oiema tor ^vubliua. Me-duiii. s ilo Frjinre Xas ^eildten port Xrianou. 2&gt;ae e if erne flreu^. (i ne 0)efaiigcneiis3 e i tun 8 oelingerjeliebers ^laubcrcicu. (9Jeue golge.) C. -^olfo 59: ^n^alt: JruljoerUlupi. ftmon .-liuLun: ftem. fleuiaii iirduraerei. Gin tfallfeft. (Sine roeifje flamelia. Gasper (^cu = ten s Slalerroeiti ttitt. Gin (Sebenfbiatt. 2lu9 ber 4*ei (pcnitabt. Gin Si)uler Epob,t 8. SSeibiajjte *)ilbcr. Rarben UIID Idne. 3lu3 oerfdiitbenen 3Jtaleiioert= flatten. Grlebtea. $m .Ocimiljauie. tenfpiet. (Sine fiirfllidje SdjnftfteUerin. Jjroinb S fd;bne l^eluftnc. 2645 2640 2642 2641 2645 2642 2640 2642 2645 2341 2645 2641 2642 2644 2643 2643 2644 2640 293-5 1622 2231 1293 2655 931 2275 903 924 93 92 94 ie. g. fcoffmann. 3n ^a= lenbcr=We|c(,nd)teii ............................. 58: Poocahontas. y. g. 2B. Certet. SB. D. oit .corn.) ^sit Jiorii S (Srj., Sib. 6.... 58: ^oct!frf)=niu[ifalt|d)e Sfijje, Cine. C. SJclIftab. 3n itunfWiowllen ............... 59: c, er. 3. S. , Imrne ................. 59 : Saffelbe ..................................... 59 : olijcianrnt, er. 5-. Serftacter. 3n Un= ter Batmen unb Sut^en. Sib. l ............ 58: Oliififtrrifc in Cincinnati, Cine. g. (5)cr= frarfcr. 3n fireuj unb Duer. Sib. 1 ........ 58 : , Clife. (fleb. 1826). en. Siremeit, 1874, 16 ....... 59: 3 n I) a It: Xientc da fare. Slu3 alien ^eiten. 3m Jiilb-rfanl. SSarum Stieb. rid; IReidjarbt feine aioi)rapb,ie Bluet s ge= ^I liiiiiio ^ieber. Gin "Jiieitjnad^tSflefdtenf. SUont ,,G(iaS" oon !cnbe(5jot)n. Gin Hlai tag. . Iu3 alien I ititern. Gin Ainbet* afijl. Sanclufe unb^dqna. Gin etfeter SHitter. 2lu^ einetn ,s&gt;etbaiium. Uufcr Slirdjen. 3 um l)unbertjab,rigen Oieburts= tag. OTiiniter = Grinnerunu. Xi anmor. Gin oeigeffcneo Blotter. Stuf bunfelm Qrunbe : graueniicftattfit auS ber fraitjofifdjcii Siebolution, 1793. Sieip., 1869. fl. 8 59: gjeue 9JoeI(eii. Seip., 1860-73. 14 Sibe. in 8. tl. 8 59: 3 11 Salt: SBf. 1: 3)or butibtrfflnf}e$n 3n$&lt; ren, 1715. Glifabetfe. Gjiufa 59: SBb. 2: Hie bloube Dlaitlja. let Sieir Sol. fleifener. 59: SBb. 3: Slargaretlja. $eg ^terrn ^reisfteueri einne^me 5 SteUoeruetei. Gine iffiette. Sluo bem iieben be-i Oiiaeomo 91obuftie f genannt il Tintoretto. Sft 9ioj. nlranj ber SDame de Sade. ^tabame d Houdetot. 59: SBb. 4. S ctorine. 11 Tempesta. Xie fc^one JWaib uon ^aleiljmole. GUinor. . . . 59: SBb. 5: -Bera. 3 oei Xebiitantinnen. Xa3 .t*au-3 mil ben griincn 3 a loufien. Die Heine Gtienne 59: SBS. 6: Sieaiua. 2a3 .CioAjeitsbilb. (Jynka Paiuia A la Foiilun^e 2; a3 redjie vidjt; ober, rote ber a)teifter Perils b,aib pen Ct laa cm Staler ber Iiciluu n Hirc^e geroo.ben ift 59: SBb. 7: Berfunfene Sterne: Mademoiselle Maupin; ,,Gme Soiree musicale;" fc!e* beiistiuitm eines armen y)iufi(er9; Die iJocfe ber Gljarlo te (Soibap.. ^m Jpaufe ber Jtiau .yofratvin. ^rinjei fin Gljamj Vaguer... . 59: SBb. 8: ,?&gt;er;en3ael&gt;eimniffe: &lt;gm SicbeSopfet; Gin ^jaiifer iluib. Grfte fiteoc. t lcu: gine ........ 59: SBb. 9: 9lu3 bem ..Suiiberlicfirten Sucbe": It ica; Gin fiunbct, ( .Hiuon ;)iajf); We* irennt; liie tleilo)en brr Jtaifttin: Gin Zi*terberj, Qolin Jleats); !tc&gt;i Wrafen iU!eib,natbt tin iiialbe 59 : SBb. 10: ,,9lu3 Stanb unb Hfd)e": Gin tag in liari-j oor ti5 Jab.ren; Gine StaUerine; Dao 5cblofj an ber iBefer; Gine jiefionte Sanjienn; SBerroanbte OJeifter; iUKibdjens I)i i;C"; (^efd)ti)te einer S^i^engiinitur . . 59: J8b. II: RriKtie Vlatter: Relicita^; 9!ut AH iuiM diau ; as iHeliquienictilofj; Made- iniiisulle Deligny; Siatftel alutijd) 59: SBb. 12: ,,?jieubooll unb Ifibpoll-: Hnfer ar mi r3unge; kieonoie; Zie Zocbter be8 9li bera; 311 bit ^eimat^; grauentbpfe; Zien nung 59: S8&gt;. 13: 3"i Soriiberaefien: Cin Spiel; Gine ^rauenb,anb^ -Hiio friiberen Zagen; @d;ei ben unb Weiben 59: SBb. 14: SBoKen SJ)atten: len Eeg perfe&It; Jm lemuel bd iyreunbfcfiatt; 48 eberfeben; Gm 3lofoco s -J)!ebaillon; Slice 59: 1~35 2850 355 1326 1317 982 957 97 88 80-7 80 80 81 81 63 83 83 83 81 81 85 85 86 87 10 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. 74 , Glife. gortfefcung. |J[aubcreien. Bremen, 1872. 16 Safi elbe 3116. a It: Deutfcr/e ftrauenfebern. fieU mine ton Gljejti. Betiiinte gotten. SluU ber aiSerlftatt uuferer id)tev uno Somponi- ften. 2&gt;a3 oei lorene $arabt0. ^jiit Srieben beo .SloftevS. Oefunoeii. (ilnne BOH sboioauu-, Uijclttinb uno .wilige bcs 17. 3al)ii)iinbei-tss. XWber uno erinneritn nen ausj Slerlin. Grinncrungen anStobert feller. eiifabetb, 3!et). (sine gemalte eine ftrauenarbeit. Wetrialter ,vru^Uiu). Musclames de FruniMs. 35a&gt;5 J3eila)tin oon Zrianon. Dasi eiferne .ftrenj. (Sine Giefaiigenen=,&gt;V ttutig. 3elanger;eltet&gt;er* tnoSpen. 31 u 3 ben eiiijug-nugen. SMaubcreien. (5ieue golge.) Bremen, 1873. 16 3 n I; a 1 1: 5vriU)iKrblub,t. Simon :Kubin= ftein. 3!eujab,rS)traumcrci. (Sin Ballfe|i. Uine roeifie JUmcUia. SaOoar Sdieu = ten s 3Ralern&gt;ertftatt. isin Webentjblatt. Sus ber Seildjenftabt. (Sin Stiller ii ol)iS). ^evbUifjte ibilber. Barbell uub Xbne. Slu si verfd)ie6cnen 3JlaU rn&gt;ertitStten. Gr* ; eut e3. ,Jm .yerrenljauje. -^Gin 6&gt;eb,ttm- ixifj. Gin ungliicfieltgesj ^[ijtenfptel. Gine furftlidjc S^riftfleuerin. Stjoinb 8 fc[)5ne -J)leut)ine. Sudjen unb ginben. Sety., 1874. It. 8.. ^n^alt: Gene JJIelooie. (ibarlotte. Slu 3 ben ^apicrcn eines Ginfamen. aSolfen=3d)attcn. Sei^., 1873 H. 8 3 n b, a It: Xen fflrg ocrfe^lt. ,&gt;i 2em = pel berSrf ibjd)aft. SBiebitle&en. tiin Stococo.-JJfebaiUon. Sllice. n, 43b. 2 ra. G. Spinbler. 3 ftetten glieber, i3b. 1 portrait unb -.Brief, raf St. Wrabowsft. AnSluS bem^ r " --- 59: 59: 93 92 59: 59: 59: 58: 59: 58: 58: tjjqftljutcnn i" SlrfanfaS, 2aS. g. (3cr= ftader. -Jn 3lu8 mcineiu Sagebud). 43b. 2. 58 tajiiteiibucf), Sa, cbet : -Rationale CSb, a= ractcriftifcu. Stuttg., 1847. 2 &gt;Bbe. 16 ScbenSbilbet auS fccr WeftltAni iocmi= bl;are. etuttg., 1846. 5 be. l(i... 3 n t) a It. !Bb. 1: (Seovge .Joroavb S (Ssq. SBtautfa^tt. !8b. 2: SHalpI) JJouabb^ J GSij. Brautfafrt. SBb. 3: ^flaiijculcbeii 1. Jib. 4: istlaiijenlcbcn I[. Iiie Rarbigen. SBb. 5: Jlalijan, ber Squatter. -Jiffliuntor. Segtttme iinb tie SfepuMifmter, 2er. (3e fd^tdjte au3 bem listen niuerifanifd;= englifdjen Jiviege. Stuttg. 1845. tr-boe. 16 3KiH-ton, cber bte grcfje lour. Stuttg., 1840. 2SJbe. 16 ajtvety unb bie 2lrifto(vaten, Xer, cbcr: SJicjico im o a ^ te 18 12. Stuttg. 1845. 3S3be. 16 Boftl(infcr, 2cr. SB.SBibll^aufen. 3n^alm= blatter unb Sdineeflocteu. ilb. 1 *Botcmfin. & 3Heri(j. Jn ^ugenb = Slibl. b. 10 Sie. 3- 5- ^ 00 P r - G. Spinbler. 3n ber. b. 1 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 58: 59: 58: (Sljriftovl; , Setjog ju affiiirttembcrg. etuttg., 1868. 16. 3n 3ugenb= unD ajoltebibl 59 : ^rcufitfrtict Cfficier, Gin. 3. con SSictebe. 3 --I3be. in 2, 59: ^titftcr, Gin. 3. Sdjerr 59: Prima donna. St. iocller. 2 iBoe. in 1 58 : 94 95 90 1684 921 1064 1444 903 793-4 788-92 780-2 786-7 783-5 2391 2560 454 2410 1566-7 488 1445 *princcf[i!t Cfyampagner. (S. spolfo. 3" SJerjunfene Sterne. 9Jeue Jiooellen. 5Bb. 7 59: ^riiuclfiii Crfiiii. 6. "SI. SHunbt. (i! c u i f e 3JI ii 1) I b a di.) 3 ^iftor. 6l;araftcrbil= ber. Sib. 4.. . 58: *l&gt;ni!ccffin unb Xicnevin. &. iJUecig. 3" 3ugm6=ibl. 4to. 10 59: xHnaftafio. Slitter g. Bon sentl. (3 r i e b r i d; 2) o r n a u.) ^n 3 m $fllb= bitnfct. 5Bb. 1 58 : G ugen unb feine ^eit. (S. Hi. ajJunbt. (liouife SJiitblbad).) 8 Bee. in 4... 58: ^n t) alt. ^Jo. 1 4: ^mnj Giigen unb bet fUine abbe. So. 5 S: IJiitu Cuncn ber eble Sitter. &lt;Ptiiij X oui 5 g-erbinanb. g. i ewalb. 3 3Sbe. in 1 58: ott Sottcij (Snaben, (sin. i l. Stnljt. 59 : von Cambafle, 33er. (S. 5H. fflhinbt. ( o u i ] e 3)i it 6. I b a dj.) 3n ^iftor. C^a= rafterbitber, itb. 3 58 = von Diabagasfot, 2er. JJ. uyfoiu. 3n (Sef. "Ill, S3b. 11 50 : ^ tin 5 von Cranicn, 2ct. 3i Seller. 3 l^be. 53 ^tifij Uljlt 4!wna, Ser. ii. Storcfj. 3" 8" ur ftiue .Hbenbe 59 *^rinj von Scales, Xcr. (i. 2)J. SJiunM. (ouife SJiitl; Ibndj.) 3" $iftor. GfyaratterBiltier, 45b. 1 58: $riiueffm, 2ie. S. Kompert. 3n l;etto Wefdj., b. 2 58: lU iiucffiit aiurora. g. Sewalb. 3 U ^ illa MUnntoiie, 3Jb. 1 58: " JnQef. Sdjr., 4Jb. 7 5ii tir , Sie. g. erftdcter. Sn JBiinteo Ireiben, &b. 1 58 Prize-fight, Gin; ober, Sojerfamy in Gincinnati. g. crftdctcr. 3 n ilrcuj unb Cuer, Sb. 3 58 ^. codcit unb s )Jrufungcn. G. Spinblcr. 3n Scenen u. efd)., SSb. 2 59 to6Ifmattf(t)e ^aturcn. g. Spiell;agcn. 2 i-bc 59 2afjelbe. 3 33be. in 1 59 $rofr(fot unb feine Sdjii^linge, ffier. G. 8. (Sarlen , 58 iJ. 31. Stifter. 3n Grj.. S3b. 1 59 ;, er. X. aKiigge. 3 43be. in 2... 58 con glorenj, 2)er. 3- Sdjerr. 3 i*be 59 ^topllftill jsi 3iottenbrunn, (1705-6.) G. Spinbler-. Ju il ! al))iirgis=-Jidd)te. 336. 1. 55) ^tojift von Ulensoang. J. DJiigge 58 ^rotcftioiicu, Xie. G. e^pinbler. 3n 3e linger, je licber. lib. 3 59 9JtOteftantifd)f Jffuiten. G. 3Ji. iiJdinbt. (iiouife aii ii li I b a dj.) 2 3lbtl;. in 643b... - 58: 2586-91 "i riifc, icr fid) civig binbet. Jt. u^foiu. 3n Vcbcnebilbcr. *b, 3 , 58 : 1234 lU iifmiflCit. g- Soffmann. 3n("rj., x!3b. 8, 5 J : 2267 ntif, yiobert (geb. 1816.) Selene, ^rag 1856. 3 S3be. in 1. 16... 59 - 125 1614 650 2562 938 935-6 1069 1919 83 2515 2560 525 2555-8 2123 1005 2515 485 1418-50 1147 2514 1973 2131 1955 914 959 939 855-6 873 381 1061 2439-40 489-91 949 2432 917 unb Wolb. i. . Scarfing. 3 8ilt _ gran, ito.2 o9 : ^iill)Ctttlrt)U)i)ninn/ . "Jiieri^. Jn 3ugenb=43ibl., b. 12 o9 : ^UPUC, lie. &. erftdder. 3n Sell unb Xunfcl. S3b. 2 58: ^lltftl) & GouH). 1847-1848-1849. G. Spinblcr. 4 S3be. in 2 : 59 : &lt;). l)tomu5 unb Ibiebe. raf St. ra= boiusft. ^n 3(8 2Mt unb igauS. 93b. 1. 58 : Siadjfur, Gine. . Sb nig 58 : 1 ROSK FICTION: GERMAN. Oufilgrtf}. -75- Kefugtrt, , aTJityctm. (Jacob (flCfr. 1H13.) Slbu Iclfan obct bic&gt;dmfeF)t Bom TOonb= gebirge. Stuttg., 1870. 3iice.ini. fl. 80 59 . Gfiriftopb. ^ed)lin. i eipj. 1873. 2 SJbc. in 1. fl. 8 J 59 . Circuit bcr Sperltiigegaffe, Sic. Stutta 1870. fl. 8 59. 2eiitf*er TOonbjcb,ein. Stuttg., 1873. fl. 8 eg. 3 n ha It: toutfrfier fflloubfAcin. let SDiarfd) nad) .ttaufe. e flctcbeS ffroite Zbefla l Gibidinft ober bie QefdiiAte eincs fcbroiileti Sages. ra um(ing, cr. Berlin 1872. f(. 8.. 59 : igeilige Horn, ct. flatter auS bcm iMl= " bcrbud&gt;c be3 fed)csd)iiteu Jabrbuit; 1861. 2 ibe. in 1. ]&lt;&gt;. 59 : ?cr. -Jlctlin, 1867. 16.. 59 JKetfter Sutor, obct bie Wcfri)id)ten oom 1 erfunfeitcn (fatten. iieip; 1874 fi. 8 ; 59. Jfegenbogen, Jet. Stitttg., 1871. 2 be in 1. fl. 8= . 59. Snbalt. Sib. 1: Die ame[fcfien .(tinber eiKtion btrSannc. ftcttif^c flnoe&en. cdiifi Xbottifls, S3b. 2: 2jc (*ldnte pon Siifcoro. Setclocfe. 5, ilftfffl auf bcm aUciffenftcin, et. J. JD. O. tWWM 59: 1318 X-Uiirnutninrlirnnft, ?ct. . Siicrig. Jn 3iignb&gt;Sibt, b. 14 59- Curll bc-J GlitdEt g, SDet. 0. SHcrtft. Sn Jugcub=?Jibl. ibb. 27 59: Quid pro quo, Gin. G. Spinblct. 3n .Hcttonglicbct. S8b. 2 59- uiittin. V. S. SB. Dertel. (ffl. 0. Bon . corn.) Ju xiern S Gr?., S5b. 9 58: Citintin Dlt tns; . Conscience. Jn2tbcnb= frunben. i^b. 1 58: Cuiiitu^ (S-irlcin. J. 1!. g. 3Jid)tcr. (Jean f a u I). Jn Sammtl. J55., iktl. 2Iug., Xaffcibc. jn Samintt. S3J! ^arifer b - ! 56: 2577 921 2853 422 1151 il ermarfitnift. Tc3. 31. Secfer 3 sibtt). in 6ebn r iS- Ktfetetteni, Xie. 21. auttiust. (3&lt;r& intas (Sott^elf.) 3,1 Clef. C^r., Bb. 8 -o . !)inrtir, 3Me. H. Jacob!;. 3n9iierit Jugenb" ibl., N Wb. 4&lt;i r 85 SiortKl :i!m&gt;fdi. G. t!olfo. Jn ^vij tcr: v J(ciic -JJoBcllen, *b. 11 - ( i) Waboiuii. 6. von Strucnfee. (uftat) Horn See.) 4 be 59; Wotmunb, Wolo. 9JoeUen. ^annouer, 1860. 4 SBbe. ff. 8. 59 : 210-3 3jil|(i lt:-3b. 1: 3roei3)raute. -SJerXauf! S(b. 2: Cin Samilienf^raucf. SiebeSfrcub unb iMrbesletb. b. 3: *iir(iet[i4 Slut. St( in SBertauen 8*. 4: Gin Btutttcl ffleib. cttfibtc Spalbing. i luj bem floueinleben. Sdjlofi Glfratt). S&gt;annoucr, 18i;&lt;; ; in 1. fl. 8 , _ ,. wuutfa&rt. &lt;. fkx )tcl. ic. Scal Sftclb.) J n Vcbcnsbilbcr, :c. " b - 2 59 : 789 . Sioriuoob. 2ltmanb. 5be 58: 28-32 SHnittc. (3. won Btruenfee. (& u ft a o m 5ce.) 3flbe.ini 59; 1183 Wfl(ill"fl iOicngS, 21. con Stctnbcrg. 3" Wiinftletbilbcv, Hb. 3 59 5934 Wflftott unb Jena. G, Wl. 2)Junbt. (2 o u if e 3WU ^ Ib a di.) Ju Stapolun in SDeuH(6&gt; Irttib, s tib. 1 5^. 2543 Wfl ft id), fo roff id). . 3tau. 3 i^be . 59 299-301 Wntlj xnSaptl &. X. ac. (21.) feoffuwnn. ;sn miftgeto. Grj., Sb. 1 53 : Wotbfcl bet Siatut. G^. iMtd)=^Jfciffct. Jn (Sef. JJooeHen unb Grj., 41b. 3 5^ : Watlifrl I oit fi&gt;ilMnirgbaufen, 2^a. 21. G. 8racb,oogel. -f -^bc. iii 2 ^8 Wottliit, bet Sieffet. g. ajatttiat 58 : 1168 Won, .wribert. aileranber won igumbolbt. i eiu 1861 7be., fl. o . 59; SBeet^oBen. Veil)., 1869. 4 SBbe in 2 ti.8 ;,., ;59 : Catt Dtarta ou 3Bcbct. i eip., 1865. * 3 J^bc. in 2. fl. 8 59 StutfdHanb S Raffanbra. Stuttg., 1871. fl. 8 D 59 . Jvlurf) unferer 3eit, ^et. i ei., 1863. 2be., fl. 8 ...59. Ctoribalbt, Jtalicn-S xx-lb unb Stfimert iV-rl., (f. b.) 3JBbe.,"H. 8 . 59: Wcnial. gtanff. a". J)(., 1849. 16 &gt;!) .tiolbetlht. iieip., 1862. 2 Sbe. in 1. Sean $duf. t etp., isfil. 4 be. ,"fi. 8". 5*9 : 305-8 Jtat)ct unb -Jiatt. i eip., 1845. 3 SBbe., fl. 8 59 . 288-90 2H05ait. g-ranff. a. 3)?.. 1860. 3 33be. 16 59. 296-8 ^tetiften, Xie. Stuttg., 1841. 3 3Jbe. 16 59 . 293-5 Slaff id), fo roff id). Sjatmoucr, 1873. I- 80 --,-: 59: 299-301 3(aub etwfc&urg S tin Jabtc 1861, Set. 3-tanff. a. TO., 1862. 3 be. fl. 8 59 30&lt;&gt;-4 Jbcobot Xomtt. Seip., 1863. 2 Sbe. fl.s... jfj . 291-2 Silliam Sbafcfpcat. 41cr(. 1864. 4 be - -59: 310-3 Wnub Sttafebttrg * im Jabte 1861, 25er. S&gt;. ;Hau r.g 302^ Wourn, TOatl;ilbe (acb. 1817). Goersburg. .sjannoBer, 1&55. 3 Sbe fl. 8 &gt; )9 . 240 Saliteo (fialilci. iieip. I860. 2 SBbe. fl. 8. 59 : 241-2 WaBfii-Jitcft, obct btc 3iotl)baute. 3. g! Cooper , r,o Wcbcffo. G. TO. TOitnbt. (2 o u i f e TO ii b {-. bad).) 2 be 53 Wfrttt auf Grbcit, 25a. J. 25. . Jcnintc. 2 4lbe. in 1 59 . 180 181 187 182 183 184 185 186 179 120-5 1038 2596 3730 264-5 2281 281-7 268-9 270-1 272 274-5 276-8 279 280 Wcrtit nutfj bod) 3(cd)t blcibcn. g. ooff= 476 2468 1320 i99i t 1 mn ""- ^" ei J- * b - 18 K&gt;: Wrriitc, Xcr. 3)1. S.Sd)marfe. 4 bc. in 2. ,) Wcrtitc Vidit, 35a. G. liolfo. Jn 31. -J(r= Bdlen, ^b. 6 59: Wrtlitfrtioffciicr nabo, Gin. g. offmann. 9}frt)t?gflcl)rtcn, Xie. i. iitct. jii Sdjt.] ^b. 14 4 rii! Wrctorat, 35a. TO. 3(atl)ufiuS. jn ii i! Grj KO- Wffugirt unb cmigtitt. &. fccfeficl. 3 SSbe. 214 58: 2277 740-1 82 2266 1613 2767 1483-4 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. SRegen&ogen, -76- Slcufer. Mrgcnfioflcn. SB. ftaabe. (3 a c o 6 G o r= bin ue.) 2 SBbe. in l ...................... 59: 3 n 6 a It: SBb. 1: S)ie ijdmelfiien flinber. GUe oon bev Xanue. eltifd)e &nod)cii. atttt E)oma3. SBb. ^: lie Baltic uon SBiiforo. Sebetiirfe. $m Slgt*franje. 9Jc(jcitliogcu|tra6lcit. 6. SBitrbEer. 2 SBbe. iii 1 .................. ............................. 59: 3 n I; a It: S3b. 1: Serjogin con Giceri. UaS fceimlidje (Seticfit" ber (BatcennfClaven. Raubtntfternc. aiiu-Simong &vofie&lt;. Vibrjemar i! .Balls unb $o$3ttt$fcft. Gii Contumaj^ant. SBb. 2; lie JSeft ju TOarfeill?. 5HvInfft= ftfltS 3Jl(iT(f)Cii. Zee fa)bnen 31anni e benalauf. Sdrgcmttann, Xer. 21. ton 2EinterfeIh. 3* Swmoreofen, iBb. 1 ........................... Medina. . flonig .................... .......... Mcginn. G. ollo. 3n 3d. 3!cUen, SBb. 6. 9Jcfliiir. SH. Wetjr. 3n Grj. au bcm Sites. b. a .......................................... - fficfltilntor. .U. ^cftcl. (G. e a 1 3 f i e f b.) n iicbenSbilber jc. Slbtb. o ................. 5Jfgn!ntorcn in SlrfanfaS, Xie. g. er= ftarfer. ftft 3lu bem SBalbUben Slmert* fa S. Slbtb.. 1 ................................... Xafjelbe ...................................... SRranlqtorrn Bern San granciSco. raf St. OvabolBsfi ................................. Mcflborf, Xer. g. erftacfer. 3n SBunteS Jreiben, sb. 3 ................................. 9icirfi burcfj fflSinb. 6. 3. !. 3JZunbt. (iiouiiie ( ii i) I b a dj.) 3n ^JoweUnihtcfj : J. 3ic= mane, Sb. 12 .................................. iKcirfic arme 9JJann, Xer. . 3Iieri^. 3n 3ugenb=9i6L ( S3b. 44 ........................ SRrirtjc TOcmn, unb ber arme i ajaruS, 2)er. 0. 3Jieri. 3n SugenbS3i6l., Sb. 18 ..... Slcif&cnnn, cber Qebanfen iiber anbc3er* fcboncnmg. 6. Sager ....................... 9Jcirf)Ci Krone, Se. 4U. Siaabe. (Sa cob 6 o r i mi s*.) 3n Xeutfdjer SDionbfrfj tin. fficirfiSqrafin ifela. 6. Jobn. (IS. 9JIar= litt.) 23?be ................................. 9Jcirt)|)oftrritcr in 8ubirtfl86urg, Xer. 9i. teller.... ......................................... JRctrfitfiiiincr ber ^fjantafie, Sir. fl. u^ foiu. ;\n Xie fleine SRarrentwIt, SBb. 1. iHfincfcSutf;- ^ie 0efd;id;te son. 5.&off= mann ........................................... ificincfc ^ud;. g.edjmibt ................... iKcifc auf bent (Sidragen, Xie. G. pinb= ler. Sn iiettenalieber, b. 1 ............... iHcifc ber Sb bne a)feflaprajon. 3- 28. Bon otb,e. Sn ftnimtl. 31*. Stuttg. u. Jiib. 3Iug. SBb. 8 ................................... Xaffelbe. 3n ffurj fdje 3luSg. SBb. 8... Xaffelbe. 3n etuttg. 2(ug. SBb. 10- SRctfc in ben Orient, g. S8-$adlanber. 2 33be. tit 1 .................................... Sftctfc nad; 3lfvtca, Xie. S- 21- @uber. 3n u8enb!Bi6L *b. 45 ............... nadi bem iiicf, Tie. $. feetyfe. 3n f. SB. b. 5 .................... . ............ nadj ^ariS, Gine. y. SB. iparfldiiber. 3n AI. Grj. unb junior. Sftjjen ........... fljctfc nad) Sdjanban, Tie. 2. Corner. 3n eammtl. 48. SBb. 4 ..................... Sdctfe if iber SKtUen, Xie. . ^fdjoffe. 3n GSef. Sdji., SBb. 10 ........................... MeifcabcntciKr. %. 38. fpacflanber. ^n GrlebteS. b. 1 ............................... ificiicbilBcr. 2b. Sieli^ ....................... DJcifcflcffidrtcn, Die. %. iieioatb. 2 be... aUifciuft. S- SB. ^actlanber. 3n 31. t-- fd)td?ten ......................................... 58: 59 : 58: 58: 58 : 58 : 58 : 59 : 59 : 58: 59 : 58: 58: 58 : 59: 59: 59 : 56: 56 : 56 : 58 : 59: 56: 58 : 56: 56: 58: 59 : 58 : 58: 179 837 1730 1927 82 2363 792 969 986 1114 916 2469 2594 2568 1780 182 1805-6 1446 1229 2347 2751 921 358 387 366 1290 2595 674 1289 732 1956 1301 2104 2129-30 1329 9}dfcn ton Saiiibu8 & Gorap., Xie. 2L Bon SCinterfetb. 3 4&gt;be ...................... 59: 9Jctfcubc. %. Werftacfer. ^n etml. u. un= l;ciml. CScjd). SBb. 1 .......................... 58: 9Jci-fciibc Gnglanbrt im Crient. g. 3A&gt;. Jjocrfs innner. 3,n Ml. Grj. u. l;umor. Raen... 58 : iSciiciibcn, Xie. 2. 2iccf. ^n djr. . 17. 56 : flicifcnoDcllcn. . Vaube. 9 SBbe. in 4 ..... 58: Siciiefd/rniii&cl. &. SB. Sacftanbet. 3n&gt; genlofe Stunben jc. SBb. 2 ................. 58 : b 2)fit aldeS 2biel ........... : Xaffelbe. Wciftff ij?tn 2)fit galfdjeS nb Seterjeidjnungen. &. G. 58 : 1714-6 936 1289 1H16 2064-7 1335 1345 12 ber ^oiue tuni ilMjeiii. Xas geft in Cl)erom = meinau. Cm te(ud) bei ul&gt;ail e SitfeiiS. ;&gt;n Zdnemarf: ^stageii; 58aiii) iinb Oildr.o. Ses Jitnticn iitlbeibuclj. 25to= flravljiidjcs: ^oljai-n &lt;)!etet CraiLiu3 i&gt;avta Diann. ^Beinljavb Siuertn ^nQemunn. (Sin efu4 in ^ovtujal isWi. WetftflhWB unb 9icwllcn. g-rei^crr G. Don iMMra. 4 4lbc. in 2 ..................... 58 : g it ftalt. Hb. 1: ^mfflSolbe. Ion Gbar= Io5 ii|. ie l)0l;e Sotbillertt. 33ev 3io = beo in CSljitf. SBb. 2: Jlallen&etm. Cljifanti. Sttlibcn. SBb. 3: Xie biei Wiebeosefdjictjten bes olt^n Setter s|}etcr. S;ima. Cine Sac eiica bei S;im . eiiiiqe Zafie in 3:io Janeiro. SBb. 4: Sie iiibamtiilaiiifite :fi (e beo 2 tor $. (S. ffieijen. Slut Stiifceira. Sie SBai con Con al. Salparaijo. 9!cifctag cine* 2aunt{&lt;$n, Xer. G. Sgbfer. ^,11 Eeutfdje-^erjen .......................... - 58 : Hiffntt, Xer. io. Gcnscience .................. 58: Sidiqumt, il aJtollijaufen. 3 ^Bbe. in 2... 58 : 5 lift alt: S*b. 1: fete fllelinuien. Whi|&gt;- lioor-Wilk Der ^owfrojcl). 3)ie (ia| tag netten. SBb. 2: lie SBiiffelfjaut. J;ie &lt;Wcertnufd)eI. iie !l)ieijerid)eibe- Zer Ja&atsbeutet. Xev Vafio. SBb. 3: Zev vebcrroct. SEer Cid)cnjit)cig. Die iliofafiiiiS. DaS Sdiretbieufl. iRclifluicnlrtilop, Xn. G. i olfo. 3n g-njd^e flatter : Sleue 9ioBetlcn, S3b. 11. 59 : 9?cllfial), (. Jriebrid;) Vubung (geb. 1799, f 1860). ,,1812". I etfc. 1860. 4 SBbe. IT. 8 ...... 59 : Xrei viatjr won Xrcipigen. Scip. 1858. 5 be. t(. 8 ................................ 59 : fiunft^-Hoitellcn, iietp. 1860. H. 8 ......... 59: 3 it I) a 1 1: Ztjeobor. jfiiliuO. Cbmunb. Zonua Slnita. JJiei Witter au4 bem lagcbudie euieS iSeijenben. (Sine roetif^ tnii iitalifdje Sfijje. Der Soit&gt;fd;mkb con Slujobing. agen unb romantifdje Grja^lungeu. X ei. 1860. 11.8 .......................... 59: Snl) alt: S8albi)ulbe ober ber aiolfsbruiu nen. Clsbetl), eine Saije con gifertftrin. Saromir. Sernbolb. Zas iiottijeit^ feft. .tianbilber unb $arafageii. 9JCHCC. % Hoffmann. 5n Grj., SBb. 9 ..... 59 : SRcttcnbc Scifie, Xie. Slitter ft. Bon Bnrtl. (griebridj Xornau.) 311 3m alb= bunfel, SBb. 2 .................................. 58: SRrttcnbc Wlode, Xie. . Siierit. 3n 3= Jugenb.-SBtbl., SBb. 23 .................... ..... 59: SJcttcr 9JicbertBcfel8, Xie. ty. %. 3i&gt;. Cer= tel. (SB. D. Bon o r n.) 3n Corn s Grj., SBb. 7 ..................................... 58: 9}cttunn, Jie- S- Sfl^n. 3n HuS bev feetmatb, unb ^rembe ......................... 59 : gjciic Bei-fbtjnt. g. Soffmann. 3n Gsj., SBb. 7 ............................................. 59 : JRcntcr, 5Vrits (geb. 1810, f 1875). Xbrd)land)ting. Jn Scimmti. 28., Sb. 12. 56 : Sanite 9iiite un be [iitte *piibe[. 3n eammtl. 28., 3Jb. 7 ........................ 56: Sein ftiiifung. 3" Sammtl. 28., SBb. 11.. 56 : Dierfclnbbrg fdjen 9J(onttd)i un Eapulttii, Xe; oter, be 3ieis na(; .Hoti)tantiifo= Bel. 3n ammtl. 3B., *Bb. 13 .......... 56 : 169-70 1671 422 239-2-3 85 350-3 356-60 355 354 2268 525 2573 2851 2470 2266 1111 1106 1110 1112 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. Kcuter. 77- ftittmeifter. Mcntcr, 5rit&gt;. At&gt;rtfe(ning. Skis iui* Welliiigen, Xe. Cpoet. Grj.) 5n eamratt 4J., 6. 3 .................. 56 : Stynrr. iMurr. &gt; Sdmmtl. SB., 33b. 6.. 56 : 3nl)alt: ffiat ti nc flrnerrafgiiitg tute farneu fann. frniinefifeii. Slbeitmier be emfi cttov SBrififl. biirtiq au3 illeelle* borfl=5d)iuerin. con itjm felbft cr^aMt. ^loirt Vni up ben efel. iDleine Satcr flabt Staoenljacien. lit be 3ramefcntib. 3" Sdmmtl. 4B., Sb. 4 ......................................... 56: Ut mine A-cftimaotib. Jn Sdmmtl. 35.*., *ib. 5 ................................ . ........ 56: Ut mine Stwntib. J,n Sammtl. 4B., SBt&gt;. -!() ..................................... 56: ai oans if tail ne &lt;\m famm. 5 n Sdmmtl., 48., Sb. 4 ....................... 56: iR&cibcr -Burg, Xie. i!. Sdjiiding. 2 SJbe. in 1 ........................................... 59: Xaffelbe ...................................... 59: 9JI)diiifrfK Xorfgcjd;irtiten. t*. &lt;v- . Cer trt. (4l*. O. Don orn.) 4 fcbc ......... 58: 2857-60 3 11 b. a 1 1: lib. I: uo ber Stfimiebe. lie Xcfirtemc. &lt;Keine eifre ilUaut. lie Clf.- ............................... 58: 5)b. 2: IaS SRafldKti. Sragmente an? bem eben suieicr ormen Xeufct. 2tu3 bem I cben einec. Soaelsbcrger in flricj unb 1102 1105 1103 1104 1107-9 1103 022 671 2857 dmnitl. 48., m.iim *b. H: 2ie Oct*i*te ron ten jroei Mi Ainbein. Xas Diiiiinal ^ui ^tu con str -Diofei. 6i iiaiiiflcfcfridii(ii 93b. 4: 3 untfl ^ ut ^ s - ^ er dctpe to[len. Ginc iheinifcfcc 3rf)iiuigii[ ftdtctiu. Slmmi. So niiifl mit 9 58: crS ein 58: itie ge = 58: *miifig[evgcfd)i*te, Cine. % g. Si*. Certel. (ill C. o n o t n.) ^u Corn s CJr?., b. 1 ......... .. ............. 58: Xaffcibe. J,n Jitjeinifc^e Xcrfgefdjidj.- tni, S8b. 4 .................................. 58: Siljiflifnlirt, Cine, g- SB- ionrflanber. 3n 111. li rj., unb hnincr. fis?en ............... 58 : SRirtinrb v 1 A lln t nadj bem ^ciligcn i anbe. g. Sdimitt ..................................... 59: iHiriitct, Ser. 0. ^iicrift. fyi 3ugen&= Sibl., *b. 7 ..................................... 59: SRirtltcr IMdtt. A. Werftdctcr. Jn ytiiben unblriibcn, b. 3 ........................... 58: SHiditcr, 5 "" ul Jviefcvirf?. (3 eon ^aul.) (gcb. !/;! f 1H25). 2lu9tt)ai)[ au$ be^ Jenfet^ ^tapieren. 3" eaiinntl. SB., ilcrl. 2luog., 4&lt;b. 4 ...... 56 : Xaffelbe. 5n dmmt(. iB., ^arifet J ................................ 56: Mrtitrr. - ^ubelfcnior. ^\ii 3lu&lt;c-g., b. 2 56: SamBaiiertlHit, Xa&lt;J. J" Sdmmtl. 48., S3erl. 3lnsg., b. 13 56: ftctnet, Xer. Jn Sdmmmtl. 48., iflert. 2;ug., Sib. 28-29 56 : Xaffelbe. Jn Sammtl. 4B., a?arifr Slueg., m. 4 56 : Stben yibclS. ^,n Sdmmtl. ?8., Scrl. atusg., Sib. 20 56: Xafjelbe. 5,n Sdmmtl. 415., Banter Slueg., b. 4 56: Diiintue g E e " - 5 n Sdmmtl. 48., Sled. 3luc-g., 4ib. 3 56 : Xaffelbe. Ju Sdmmtl. 4B., 15arifcr Siusg., i^b. 1 56: Selino ; ober, itber bie Unftfrblicbteit ber Seele. ^n Sdmmtl. 48., SJert. i lneg., .a3 ._.. 56: Stebenfd^. Jn Sdmmtl. 48., Slcrl. 3lueg., a^b. 11-12 56: Xaffelbe. 3 Sdmmtl. 48., ^avifer Slusg., Sb. 2 56: Sitan. Jn Sdmmtl. 48., aierl. 3lug., b. 15-17 56: Xafjelbe. 3n Sammtl. 4B., ^arifer 9liisg. ( b. 2 56: Unficfytbare Voge, Xie. ^n Sammtl. 48., S3erl. atusg., 43b. 1 ,.. 56: Xaffelbe. ^n Sdmmtt. 48., *Uartfer Slusg., SBb. 1 ! 56^ 9iirf)tcr, j. ^J. g. Siel;e Sdjiitfing, i;. 5eaii4!aut. 4 Sjbe 59: 91 it n ji, ber Ie(jte Sribun. &lt;&. &. G\ S. ftYulet&gt;ljtton 58: iRiffr=ti(fc=tflf. &. (Sonfcicnse. v&gt;n Sibenb: ftunben, b. 2.1 58: iHing, Xer. G. TO. SJiimbt. (Vouife 3)i u i) I b a dj. ) 3n 3icwe(len u. SBitber : Kl. 3iomane, SJb. 20 58: Siiiiq ber .^erjogin, Xer. V. 4jtdjler. J n lSrj.,*b. 1 59: 007 iKitifl ber ftatfmn, Xer. te. BOH Xaura. 2 iibc. in 1 59: Jllavi*, Xer. G. Spintler. 3n Stabt nub i anb 59 : 2858 2809 2860 2845 2860 2738 942 2i&gt;., Setl. awSg., b. lo .................. 56: Xaffelbe. Jn eftwintl. 9B., ^arifer aiusji., i&lt;b. ^ ................................ 56: Xr. ilaftenbergcr s ^abcreife. onSdmmtl. SB., -i^rl. Sliieg., S3b. 24 .................. 56: Xaffelbe. ^n Sdmmtl. iffi., ^arifer sg., b. 3 ................................ 56: djincljle. !J,n dmmtl. au., erl. Slusg., fib. 20 ................. 56 : Xaffelbe. ^n v2dmmtl. 41 ., Rotifer b. 3 ................................ 56: Jn Sdmmtl. SB., SBcrl. g., 4)b. 20-21 .......................... 56: Xafjelbe. 3n edinmtl. 2K., Rotifer ?|usfl. b.3 ................................. 56: ri&gt;nlanbifd)e ^rpjeffe. 3n Sdmmtl. aJ., iBctl. ahisg., b. 9 ................... 56: Xaffelbe. ^n Sdmnitl. 3B., ISarifet Sfueg., ilb. 1 ................................ 56: fcceperns. Jn 60tr.mil %)., 5VvI. Slug., 1151 1168 1154 11(J9 1162 1170 9jinn bee i^rinjen, Xer. Q. .ocufinger. Jn e djirffal s ai altcn, 43b. 2 ................... 58: . 1817). 9?eue etabtgefdiirfjtcn. Slrag , 1858. 3aibe. in 1. 16 J ..-59: $ nb, a It. *lt&gt;. 1: 35i Wcfj^iebcnc. Sib. 2: Xer jyaifentiiabe. Sib. . !: Xie CiDen. ecb,n 9iaBoIn 6, Xer. Berlin, 1860. 245be. in 1. fl. 8 59: 35erlorene efdilcrfjt, Gin. Scrlin 1867. (i be. in 3. fl. 8 59: 1170 | Mtnflct barnndi, baf] ib^r ftille feib, TO. "3la&gt; tl/ufiu. Jn Xovf-s u. Stabtgefdi 58 : 1103 SHittcr Wind. te. J. 48. () $offnwnn. Jn 3lu?geuv Grj., 4tt. 2 58: 1170 SRtttrt SuBoIb Bon SBeUt S Sbtnteuer. 31. G. radiBogcl. 3 Slbe 58 : 1100 SJittrr unb Siiirger. G. SBinbler. 3 n ^ e = feveien. 4*b 2 59: Witter vom Wcifte, Xie. ,H. (yu(jfotB. 9 *be. 58 : SKittrr Bon Joiigenlnirg, Xer. 31. B. 3i-in: 1154 tevtelb. ."sit Junior. Solbaten = SicBellen, aib. 3 59: 1168 &lt;Ktttrrl)iirti&lt;irii, Xie. ii. Sdjiicfing. 3 Slbe. in 1 : 59: Xaffelbe. ^\n 3lug., b. 1 56 : 1152-3 SKittrriUorit. V. Ctto. 2 4&lt;be. in 1 58 : i\, a&gt;arifcr iKittnicifur, Xer. ($. Bon Struenfee. (($ u-- 56: 1108 ] ftaoBomSee.) Jn 9i. s J(oBellen 59: H69 1156 1164 1171 1163 1171 1151 1168 1107 1155 1169 1157-6 1109 1150 H68 305-8 2232 422 2472 2040 1275 90(5 1503 384 380 381-3 2765 1731 260-2 927 1230-44 1738 023 2916 1222 I KUSK FICTION: GEKMAN. Kobert ber (Solbflt. -78- acro Gulino. SJofccrt ber olbat. 0. ft. son Sdjubett. Xb," iJhmbt. 3 ibe 58 : C. X. 2i5artcnburg. 2 SJbe. in 1 59 : Dioliinno, GSrafin i outfe con. Stima oler;n. 3ena, 1867. 2 Sbe. II. 8 59: uftau ffiafa. 3ena, 1868. 2 $3be. in 1. fl. 8= 59: iHoMitfnn. g. edjmtM 59: SRoBinfon Gruioe. G. g. fianfljarb 59: 9i 1 otcoro= .Wcbni!imi, Gin. G. }&gt;olto. 3n STJoroco^ilbct. 91. SWejffner..... 58: Sfobco tnGf)ilc, Ser. greiberr G. u. IMbra. 3n Jieifeffi^cn u. Siovcllen 58 : NDbcriri). 55. aifiillei-. 2 be 58: Safielbe 58: 9io(nnb Veidit. Grjfiljlung uadj bent G ltgs lifdjen. tuttg., 1869. 16. 3" 3"S en b= u. Stollsbibl 59: Siolanb on Berlin, Ser. S 3i&lt;. fearing. (UHlibalb 3lleji8.) 3Sibe.ini 58: 9{om in Seutfdtlaub. X . Ctto. 3 SJbe. in 1. 58 : Woman in -Brief-en. V. Xiect. 3" Sdjr., . Hb. 15 56: Sliomniin. X. IKiigge 58 : Mamantel&in, Sie. G. g. Garlcn 58: 5)ioinniiti| rtK Stnbten. X. "Miigge 58: 9i &gt; b!inH!) unb beutfd). ^. Ctto. 4 $bc 58: SHofn unit Xannenburg. Gb,. uon Sdjntib. 3n ef. Sdjr., SBb. 7 59 : 9!DI(iiirii nub U;re iieriuanbten. g. be la llJotte gouque. 3 n 2luc-geir&gt;. it*., SJb. 11 56 : 9JiJ!?ft rii worn Sjofe. g. Spielb^agen 59: Saffelbe 59 : 9}ofc. g. be laSJiottegouque. 3nJlu-:-gen). dir., i^b. 10 56 : 9}OIC uon iUijanj, Sie. V. ^ptdiler. 3 n Grj., b. 3 . 59: 9Jofc Uon Self;i, Sie. G. gel. 4i^be. in 2. 58 : 9}01 c uon SifjentiS, Sic. Sj. 3f^offe. 3 n @ei. Sd)., iib. 11 56: f/iofc uon Kubeiba, Sie. @raf St. (S)ra= bomSti. 3n ef. 9(oueUen unb Grj., Sb.2 58: 9}ofr Uon ^uebla, Sic. raf St. (Sra&gt; boiusfi 58 : 9iofe uon Segovia, Sie. g. Stolle. 3" 9Jloo8rofen -^6. 2 59: fllofc uon Xiftelon, Sie. G. g. Garleit. 2*be. in 1 58: Saffelbe 58: 9}ofcn, Sic. X. .Hornec. 3 11 Sa mmtl. SB., 6. 4 56: 9{offlinnrtCll, Ser. g. SdjmiM 59: 9{flicuirait$ ber Same be Sabe, Ser. G. ^Jolfo. 3 n 9J. SJouellen, Kb. 3 59: Mojciimiiblt, Sie. v. Mrcujer. 3" Sitcri? 9Jflfcn| iotf, Ser. Gf;. uon Sdnnib. 3 e f- Sdjr., *b.8 59 : SJnfetttn. G. Spinbler. -i SBbe. in 1 59: 3u ll a It: 4&gt;b. 1: Grjii^Iunoen t&gt;ti Cdfc unb "* &tife s jlufle. Xer Stnti^altt r uon Jtovaffan. 9Joft 3rp6,- 3- rfjerr 59: 3)iarte. eiret unb 2fu^ata. eiu., (f. b.) l(i. _ 2ln ber -ikrnftcnifiifte. Veip., (f. b.) 16. Groberung JiifduioiS, Sie. Veip., (f. b.) 2412 2696-8 1468 405-6 407 2739 2140 87 2325 169 2637-8 2655-6 2415 1361 2921 1614 2431 369 2436 2917-20 533 283 857 870 283 2642 708-9 1957 1061 1103 1120 395 389 732 2744 81 2583 533 938 492 2588 2588 2589 i, Steie. gortfcfeung. 3m Sjuirt). Veip. (f. b.) 16. 3n 9iiert^ 2S Slitten ber 3lotbf&lt;e. toip. (f.b.) 16. 3n 3Jieri(5 Jngenb^-Bibl., $)b. 39. SJJooniba. ireip. (f. b.)16. 3" icierig 3" ! genb=-Wb[., b. 39 9}ofiimnr. SJ. Montpctt. 3 ^ettoe{dj., !Mb. 1 Siotbc, Ser. G. febfer. 3n Seutjdje erjcn iliotlic Gririj, Ser St. 2)t. Sattantijne iliotlic Sreibeuter, Ser. 3- g- Gonper 9{qt(ic greibeuter, Ser. s Jiad) 3- g- Gooper fiir bie vcifere 3 l| S e 1 ^ bearbeitet uon O. ftoffmann 9Jotbc Wrete, Sie. G. Ji&gt;. Stublmann. 3 Grj., auS Jiorbbentfdilanb, Sib. 2 9Jotl)c ipauS, Sag. 3- Siebler. 3" ^aibe&gt; blunten 9}otlic Snfuforien. G. 9Ji. SlKunbt. (ii o u i f e ffliitlj liadj.) 3 n Siftor. IMlberbudj, SBb. 2 9iOt()cSd;teife, Sie. 11. Uon Sternbcrg. 3" Ml. Stomane nub Grj., iib. 2 i)iollic Xonne, Sie. fo. Sntibt. 3" ^ 11- nen ber rotben Xonne, 3Jb. 1 9iotl)Cit 9ielfcn, Sie. G. 6fer. 3" Grj. djr., Sb. 11 Saffelbe. 3n 3luS ber luciten Sell, 3)b. 2 9}otl)fit triimpfe, Sic. 0. 3iieri. 3" 3ugenb=-i-ttbl., iBb. 20 9iOtbcit nub bie weifjen Siofen, Sie. Gfy. . Sdintib. 3nef. Sdjr., b. 8 9{otl)fcfilriiru, Sag. 4J. 3afob^. 3" 3tieri^ 9io X tl)fcl)lriicn, SaS. Gb^. uon Sdjmib. 3n cf. Sdjr., Sb. 5 9iOtI)mnntcl, Ser. S. pdjlcr. 3n Grj SxDUl fcntt, Jean, 3aeque8. i. . Sdjiiding... 9iitOcni&lt;, ~|5cter, ^aul. 91. uon tcntbcrg.. Siiibtjaftl. X. 9Jubin, Ser. C s Jiouellen u. Grj., Sbb. 2 iUiirffrtiincntugcH aug eiueut lebeu. i i. 3Jatljufin. 3" Sdjr., 4ib. 5.. 9Mitfn)trfiiii()Cii, ober: iuer regicrt bcnn? fy. SfdjoHe. 3n Wcf. Sdjr., b. 10 9Juf)C tft bie erfte iHirgerpfltdjt. 3i*. fearing. Ib 9((et.) oUbe. in 2... JlUlbenfelS. g. (Serftatfer. 3n feiiben u. Sriiben. -Bb. 2 iKiiitblriinii. g. feenning ^n ^alt: )6nino 0011 iBalbbei g. ivtco, bet So^n be4 ffieSditctcn. SSlttta, bet Gnflcl con ajli fibiirg. JBIabcmiv. 21U maiitor. Xie btt i 3tenuitter. 9iitVViu-3 Ctto, (gcb. 1819.) Wefammelte SSile. *erl., 1874. It. 8.. 3 n b a It: Der i^cbtar. Das SkimacSjtnijj bes l lieblQr 3. ."oeinicitcn. Sdjlndjt f-ei I eutben, Sie. i eip., ^f. b.) S?enndrijtnif; bes ^eblar g, Sn. 33erlin, 1859. 16 gjllfitfflK dfte. raf St. rabolusft. 3n iiilber au bent Solbatcnlebcn 59: 59 : 58 : 58 : 59 : 58 : 59: 59: 59: 58: 59: 59: 58 : 58: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59 : 59: 58: 58: 58: 56: 58: 59 : 59 : 59: 58 2588 2589 2589 1973 1671 2015 458 2348 1250 2830 2512 1031 818 1655 1663 2570 533 2596 532 2645 672 1036 2434 181 2769 1956 1362-3 941 1460 414 2582 425 H17 Snnt be Sofen, Sie. G. SBilllomm. 3 She. in 2. 3n efellen be Satan, 9tbtb.. 1... 59 : SoDinn, bie S3lcid;ertn. X. Stbber. 3 Grj., SBb. 11-12 59: acro Gatino. 21. liteiffncr 58: 1668-9 1095 2326 PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. Gabbuciier. enbbiicn rr ton Slmftfrbom, Tcr. Snrn nb mtbten. 3. S.-&gt;offiiiaiin."oit -79- ,.. unb Wcfrfitdite. 3. 21. acbmibt V) gngc oom aiuwr aiif berSKuttf. 31. WhiuS Ujeremiai ottbelf.) ftn (M cfu-., *Bb. 9 .................................. . 5g . rn unb romantifdie Crjablungeiu T. it 6 a It: SBa[b$ulbf, ober bet SJolfgbrun* lien. (ttb. jaromir. sBtrnooib - -CM SOiljjeitfeft. ^arjbilbev ttnk$&lt;Uj an, Cljrifticm. I.cin-iis dp lliihii. Stiff., (f. b.) 16. t Jiieritj Sug*Hb&gt;9Mb[., 58b. 45 59; ....... ^ icrrc. X V io. SJernarbin be. j&gt;anl unb jBirfltnie, unb bie inbifdieSMitte i forjlH-tin, 1810. fl. 8 _... 59. Saint 3imotii&lt; Slpoftel. G. Spinbler. 3n Slfgenbogenftrableii, i8b. 1 59: omnttl. is}., ^ib. 27 . .. .. 5fi Salomon be Gau-J, ber ^tafifer. SI "& Uracbtogel. 3n$ijlor. JcWeilen, iib. i-2. 58 : Hin Scepter unb .Hroncn. Stutta., 1874 4be. in 2. fl. 8 59: Snitct i .artlielmd. 1. Sdnnib. 3n SUte nub neiie (3efd&gt;. aus Sabern, Jtb. 4 59 St. ?rocop in sBvwlou. si. 2)(eijiiter. ^n GbaraftermaSfen, itb. 2 50 Sniiflflriibc, Sic. 3. .wffmamt. 3n Grj.^ * vp. lo rt\&lt; Siinnrriit, ie. S8.ouff.""3n eSmmti. *U-. *b. 1 59. Sniift ?l;oina-3. ill^Jiaiite. (oacob Gor= v i n ne.) on Xcr .Hcgeiibogcn, 4tb. 1 59 ; Sanfora, 2ie. 31. SJJeiftncr. 4 be. in 2. 58 : Snnta Slima. raf St. 0)roboiSfi 58 : aii6ir? 2)Joit(} Gottlieb (gcb. 1794f 1858). 93 w?" nu x m l im v * i&lt;[ i*j "lib 3ainmel= KuftgeiD. . x SBneftaufe, Jie. b. 5 genfter-SJinu, Sie. 485 2287 2701 1039 354 2595 445 937 1913 255-6 460-1 561 2316 2269 550 179 2327-8 1118 1202 1202 Scrnfit unb 0efd;ic6ten. G. Sibe. in 1 . Snboit: Ktb.l: Cin DampffAijf ei ii Jinn- be ^roomce in -^nns. lirfneiS laaloiif. rt^nf 5tocfroette. (Snctclo. pabifcptt Srbfplegel. mi*. -!!,;;!, o^ . _. ... . " -v OOtll Erf)crr. 939 rcnciiiDrri)i"f(. 3. Oerftarfer. In Jreiben, 4)b. 3. ml bcm jtoitig. &gt;. Sleinftabfr 2 ibe! 58: ! o 58: . 10 58: Srtidfci won ;Hobcct, Ter. G. Slits bev ireitcn JUelt. Sb. 2 SBaffelbt. v&gt;n Grj. Sdjr., 2(l)nn$, Pauline. Gin lag au-j bent Jiinberleben. Svcsben (I. b.) 80 r&gt; n. nerientoge. Xrcsben, (f. b.) fl. 4 59 (Vr junae . oevjcn. Xreeben, (f. b.) 8... 59 ^n ber Zammerftunbe. Svesben, (f. b.) ^ 59. (ftnrfrifl)trr, 3&gt;r; cber, bie liSinjerobtci 3. 3. Gooper -o. cfimruOorft, cr. *(&gt;. 3. MS.S. Certel (W 0. on S.-&gt; o r n.) 3n ix*rn d Gvj., 8b. 14. 58 : emarnlotfi d irebcu unb i jirfon. 31. ^ Wnibe. ^n 3ugenb&lt; u. 9.iolfobibl . ,9 @4attenfjnei. &lt;. 3- Garicn. 2 ^be 53 ! ^njflii, ^i.er. ^y. iiiihn. ^n Jtierilt "\nqeiib : ^ibl., v ^b. 34 rq * (^rabotosfi. 6 Xtt. in 3. .?...! ...... 5g- SrfWU bes o tfa, Jer. 3. , ooffmaiin. ^n Gr,., Sb. 18 ;... r&gt; (). Srtiatt^bes flurfttrften. 2er. i;. djiicting. 3n 3)eutfd^e .Uainpfe -9. Sfiinlt tin Jlinrme ber iiogte uon .\:unolbl Item, Jcr. ^. 3. n. Certel. (iij O &gt; o r n.) on .v&gt;oru Grj., *Ub 11. , KB s 2,1in!i tin JBeinberflf, Xcr. 3. Stolle. 3n v Sfl/nttflrnbcr. oveil;err G. ton iiibra 3be. in 2 r c . ,-/ ilein e Sicilian: (MdrdVeii ) ^\n Stuogop. ed;t., !bb. 10 ....... 1.... r )fi . i. cid enmalcr, Xcr. ^n SluSgcii). d)r., 4tb. 1 .................................. -n . Siifbe am vpdjgcn dit, 2ie. 3n"au8aeto! ear., SJb. i ........................ -/.. Unbrfannte, Sie. Jn siusgeto. d;r. , uiigliicflicbe Vtcbe""Hii ai&gt;obiiftnii Suet Batnal8)Rfi(^t, Xie. gciu. Sdjc., ilb. 1 3tebeutige . lic.jniidnvin, Icr. gelt), eajt., *b. 5 Slu. Jy. vcioolb. 3n it. era-- " Sntaiii-tor, ober bie3nmiiic SitttleDaae. "^ A- tooper 5S , ?if. 3- i^rftacfer. Sn fflflib, -: 58: nianne r iiuoi)nrbciifiiibcr, lie. s&gt;. .idetfe. ^n Stfiicn oiio bem 4!olf. leben. ~i\ " Kit. on iHilmblatter u. 1202 1204 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1202 2115 474 997 2411 2582 2391 . it. i&lt;vof. li!., itt. 8 ;..... r ( g. Jaffelbe. 3n ammtl. SB., SBb 15 "&gt;(; Sflmltfnmnitr, Xie. ,n. Stober. 311 GT?., TO. 8 rn . aube , u Surgbaufen, 2ie. G Spinster. 3" Stofetten ^^ fl;aii[ijirlrriii, Tie. \\ iiiinii uirin iii oomS: it. WiUjfoio. on ^erin. 3tijr., SMb". 3^." 3fl)f|frl, "sofepl; Sifter. Gtfebarb. Stuttg., 1874. 16 Sriirlicrnfabc. . . Struenfte. (Suftoo fl)fibcii init&gt; iDiciten. G. ^olfo. 3n 3m Jioriibttgeben. Jieue "Jiouellcn. 4*D. 13... Sfftcif i&gt;on -Jaieffanbria unb feine Sflaoen Xer. (Mdrdien.) ffi. $jauff. 311 ^rof. u. Saffelbe. 3n Sammtl. Jii., "B. "4"". . 5rticrr, 3o^(inne3, (geb. 1817.) Xamoncn. i. etp., 1871. fl. 8 Snbalt: Bin itrief ftatt einer ilorre^e Bin HebenbcS ffleio. ein turlifrt),-r *&lt;i, tans (Sin d)riftlid|n- ^rieftcr. (Sin beutfdjer ^tdftcr. Zrei .vofsieidiid;!en. 1 eip., 1862. fl. 8. oiita i: Jtatbaiinn bie ,^jiueite, (Statin oon MBflank. a/latftiibe, Jioninin oon Icine* mart. .(laroluic, Jtlniatn oon iugiaiib iVarragp. L etp., 1870. fl. 8 . Wefreitjigte, Jie; ober: ba* ^affion= fpiel uo iUilbWbud;. St. Wallen, 1868. KO : 5^; &gt;(! 59- 59 * 59 : 59 : 916 1877 1663 1654 2690 2&lt;&gt;91 2692 2693 473 2843 2405 378-9 2584 1104-6 2277 632 2855 1115 171-2 324 318 1093 938 2068 492 470 1222 555 553 481 486 482 483 FICTION: GERMAN. 80 cfjmib. Sdicrr, 3oEiamie. aiiidjel. (Sejdndjte tine* Seuti djen unferet 3eit. Vetp., 1871. 4 Sibe. in 2. fl. 8 D . 92emefi3. jjSraa, 1854. 2 Sibe. in 1. 16. 4 4&gt;tu ftet, Gin. igiftotie auS bet Gicgeiu wart. Stirttfl., 1843. 10 fpropl;et eon gloteitj. SBaWttt Sidj= tung. tuttg., 1845. 3 Sibe. 10-... 3?oft rfurpb- ^ ilie cfd)id&gt;te au3 ben 2llpen. ^rag, 1800. 16 djillet. Jtuliuraef&lt;$i&lt;$tli($C 9!oBelle. X cip., 1873. 2 Sibe. fl. 8 Sommertagebue (1872) be roeilanb Dr. gaftrofopl;. ^eremia oauetams pfet. 3ttric6, 1878. fl. 8 Sod)tcr bet i uft. s }kag, 1855. 2 Sibe. 10 SUiaijr Bon 3 Sibe. 16 Die. tuttg., 1847. unb Grnft. 3- Sitaun .1 a It: Zei Wimieiiitadjes. SeriDlaiin "mit bem vuiibe. Streit unb #iiebe. Das SUn iibl.utten. humous. Eer lKa = rienjroSlrev. Der etftc Mai. 3lm :Keil)er. Sd)id)tmci|tcr, St. G. Mllfomm. 3n 3m Siann unb Rauber, sc., S(b. 2 Sdjirtfal, Gin. g. Si!, ^acfldnbet. 3n GrlebteS, Sib. 1 flliftlttl. ". 2ied. 3" @d)v., Sib. 14... gd)itffnl &lt; tner Jiadit. g. (Serftader. 3n ytus jmei Sl ! elttl;etlen, Sib. 2 Mt ttenglieber, Sib. 2 d)ttfin!S Si alten. G. ioeufinger. 2 Sibe. 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: ditttcr. 3- djett. 2 33be ibtllcr. g. Scljmibt 484-5 ; rpiiifr S eimatl;jat)re. fi&gt;. Surj. 2 Sibe. in 1 59: 58: 59: 58 : 487 488 489-91 492 494-5 493 496-7 498-500 2054 1672 1301 1613 j 906 921 1502-3 i SrlitUcr ? 3 Hb. 1: Wargamty. (Sine , ferin. Sie Q&cnlmrtigeii. 3)C5 S)ilb= liaurrS ctitc Xielie. b. ;: Hei 31 nn bed $r!njit. SilW Otaeg nunci mit Xon iUlunos unb ber fioni in (Slltiitine ooii Spanieu. Xei Soni(ji Silb. Sluf tolicn SBogeu. (Sin irifdicv Siavon. liuba, (Sin. ^. Veinalb. 3n SSiuaStmntone, *3b. 2 ........................ 58: auf ber Soralleninfel, 2&gt;ie. (. JBottantljne ............................. 59 : nb 93auerdleute. . Smibt. iiinnen bee rotl;en lonne, i^b. 2 ...... 59 : grijifffnlirt be* d^neibetmeifterS WlauS, ie. m. Bicipiter. J\u Siouellen, *b. 1. 58 : Xoffelbe. 5n Seltjame Skfd^idjten... 58 : . evftdcter. 3n lt, a)b. 3 ............................. 58: vctualb. 3n unb iberggefdj., SJb. 1 ............... 58 : Set. |y. Sdimtbt. ............ 59 : . unb fein SebenSgong, Ser. i*. . iiS . Oci-tei. OK. D. o n c r n.) 3n fiiorn * (Srj., S5b. 8 ....................... 58 : rfliifaumrm, Sec. A. Stober. 3n (Srj. b. 4 ............................................ 59: it, 35er. 5- erftadet. iMaii iBafier .............................. 58 : Scitlbmtcit. U- Sptnbtet. 2 4!be. in 1. 59 : 3 n b a It : S5b. 1: Zer Sclanc Safat unb (tine J-amilie. ?! moleoiu ^bru. S8b. 2: rtlJinmen miter Sdjncc. Der 5!iirns bcrgcr SopljotUS. (Sin iiiicvtel naci) illitt* tertiac^t. gffttUcr, Jo^ann Cfjriftopf; gricbrirf) Bon, (geb. 1759, f 1805). eifterfct)er. Ser. 3 ammtl. SB., Surj fdje 3lug., 3)b. 7 .................... 56: SttertlDtlrbigeS -lieiiptel etner weiblidjen Sfadje. Jn aunntl. iffi., Hui-j f^e StuSg., Sb. 7 ................................ 56: piel be3 djictfalS. 3n ommtl. S JB., il urj td)e ug. b. 7 .................... 56: 25erbred)i v au-S oerlotenec Gb. e, Set. 3" 3 ammtl. il!., fturj fdje SluSg., Sib. 7. 56 : e. g. offmann ..... . @hi|lott. 3n Sie fdib neren Stunben Sd)lod)t bei ^eutljen, Sie. D. S 3n yUeri^ 3ugenb=ibl., 4%. 32 ......... djlarfjt bet sBnnterstiiU, Sie. 0. Sjiltt. 3n iftor. DJoBellen, JJb. 2 ................. Srtllorfitfclbcr, Sie. it. i(iiu. (3ete mia (Settle If.) 3n (Scf. djr., Sib. 7 ............................................ Srfllaf obet Job. g. to lie. 3n (Samelicn, Sib. 2 ............................................ dilafrorf unb SBadjmantel. v. Spinbler. 3n AUinterfpenben, Sib. 1 ................... Sdilng mit bem giiegentocbel, liin. %. Miil/ n. Ju ilnss ber xximatb, u. gcembc.. 2132 2016 819 2310 2329 993 2114 2730 2837 1091 913 940 1272 1272 1272- 1272 59: 59: 58: 59; 58: 59: 58: 58: 59 : 59: 59 : WefcU)d)aft .................................... 58: Sdjlanflc in Sfeflgio, Sie. (. pinblct. 3n v eitjbluti;en, Sib. 2 ................... .... 59: Sfljltdit unb 3ted)t. 3Ji. &lt;gec ............... 59: .Dltmmc telle, Sie. 31. BorwSlUntortclb. 59 : Sdilojj am JJieer, Gin. ^. Sdjitding. 2 Sibe. in 1 ........................................ ..... 59: rl)loj? an bet v il&gt;efet, SaS. G. ^olfo. 3n 2lu^ ,,taub unb llfdje". 9Jeue JJouellen, Sib. 10 .......................................... 59: Sotnegge. . d^ucfing. 4 Sibe... 59 : Siitanbe, Sa*. 3- - Gid;enbotff. 3n ammtl. SB., Sib. 3 ..................... 56: Glttatl). &. Slaimunb. 3 Sibe. in 1. 59 : iio^butg. 3. . S. Semme. 2 Sibe. in 1 ........................ ." ..................... 59 : dilo^ iiobbele, Sa. ^. %. ffi. Cettel. (SB. O. yonotn.) 3" ipotn S Grj., Sib. 10 .......................................... 58: 3fi)!o() ^ijsig^etone. g. aub. 3n iJSoet. tt.Srof.sDJ., Sib. 8 ........................... 56: Snffelbe. 3n ammtl. ii!., Sib. 13... 56 : Sdjlop od^i eigetn. J-. SB. attldnbct. 3n Di atdien ....................................... 58: Sriilop Janneubutg. g. Seioalb. 3 i S J - :K0mane, Sib. 2 ............................... 58: Sfftloff unb S-abtif. . Otto. 3 Sibe ......... 58 : rt)lop unb iitte. G. 3D(erj .................. 59: tilloi) ju ^eibelberg, Sas. G. 21. Stau= benmet;et. 3 s Valmblatter ................ 59: @(jjlf ju 9EBimmi8, 2a8. X . Siudmet ..... 58: SdilofilxiurrJ S.iefele, Sea. Si. Jluetbadj. 3n (Sef. d)r., Sib. 1 ........................ 58: Sajfelbe. 3 ammtl. djiuatjw. Sotfgeid?., Sib. 1 .......................... 58: SrtjlojibicOc, Sie. . iltl .................... 58: Sdjluncliungfrnu, Sie. . Stobet. 3n GTJ., Sit&gt;. 3 .................................... 59: diiitcttcrliiiq^itg, Gin. g. erftStfer. 3n Siuntes Ireiben, Sib. 3 ..................... 58: Sdjmtb, Gfitiftoplj Bon (geb. 1768 f 185-1). efammelte djtiften. Slugb. 1850-61. 20Sibe.inlO. fl. 8 ...................... 59: Qnljati. -8b. 1: $einri4 n Git^enfelS. &gt;er 2Beitinaclit5alitTib. Sie Dfitmer. SSI: 5)b. 2: JDer jtanjiiemjogel. S)aS ^ol)annis tofer^en. Da* 3Muba)n. Zas SugiBs metnnictit. Die SapeUe bei iiiolrsDu^l. Xie Jtrtbfe. Dei Hua)en. Der Dia* mantling. Das Dlaneii&ilb ............. 59: S8b. 3 : Subroig, ber Heine 21 Sroanbercr. Da3 ammct)en. DaS lioljenic Jireuj ----- 59: S3b. 4: ottfrieb, ber juiifle Ginfiebler. Da 3 -Sonelneftiien. Dae ftumme Sinb. ffie aiSalbtaijeUe. Die aiiafleijlutl) am &lt;Rl,eine... ............................... 59: 494-5 2740 2004 2315 1245 2582 1553 1037 1111 951 2470 1664 926 2241 1754 638 84 673-6 242 214 1321 2839 324 315 1293 2109 2925-7 2515 2842 319 46 81 1557 1091 916 530-9 530 530 531 531 PPOSE FICTION: GEKMAX. -81- Srtimib, C. fon. OJefamraette Sdjriften. g-ortfetsuna. Sb. 5: lie ofeii*lutl)en. Ta3 S tbfebl. Aen. Jliipfermumen unb Wolbfliide, Za altc ftaukMHoB lie Dlaiiiarctl)i) = blumdjen. 3Me jveur$&runft ........... 89b. 6: Jas tUuBcntdrb&lt;$en. lie jivet Sriiber .................................. S3b. 7: JRofa oon Iannc*6urg ............. Sbt. s: Tor Xoienfuxt. lie Sitfi^eii. lit iHetone Xie Jifl&ttiMll. Iks Rafter* tiug. Tio lottn tt una MI ivei&en Mojcn. SJb. 9: 3 i biuanfc. Stugelifa. ............. SUo. 10: itiinKHlKu.j u&gt;.s ^tgikmcn. Ia3 S3b. II: rcrjme flribolin uni ber 66fe tct ricb.. .. Sb. 12: flura obcr bu efbveii bcr UniAuIb. Zao Sefie (jaitljnl. Zie Uotli tnne . . b. 13: (Seuuoefa. anftlmj ............... Slb.U: Cuftad)iu .......................... *&lt;b. 15 : JrffaB^at. Irei ^.eiaieln SJar* Uiainci. iUii-.&gt; itiib kuie rtamtUe ........ 8b. 16: ,u:j CrjaliluMflcn ............ S)t&gt;. 17: -BliiUjcH, bem bliiljeiibenSlIttr (jtroib; nift. ie fletne Vautenfpielerin: ein Jjaufptei mit (Hcfanfl, ........... . ....... Sb. 18: Jllein* Si^aufpitK furSamilifntrtife: Zic otcbccrcii; Ter Heine Jtaminfegtr; I^er 3)lumenfianj: J;ec iSieibieb; (Smiua, obir bit ( n tl $e x iede .................. SJb- 19: MbelteU) oon I:i|ol^fim. iWatb,ilbe uiib Ji iiij Iminc, bie unglcidjen 3d&gt;roeftcrn. Zer ttraiitcing. .......... ........... Si*. 2il: iiau ine, bie 3titter ii einer Slei tinbcififtiile. Jiaul Slniolb- 2ie iiim = beeien ................................. f gtftmib, Hermann. iUnicnvauic^ uitb (St*lio6 : (Srjcitilung au bcm bairi|djeii lowlijjelrirge. Veip. 1870. fl. K ................................ 2Ute unb ticue CJcfdjtc^teu auS i^akrn. i eip. 18&lt;&gt;8, 7 i&lt;be. in 3. lti ........... gnlialt: b. 1: ler Uiti. Cigencr &lt;ierb. Sin trener 51ioini b. 2: Tft Dommeifler von Kegenoburj. $a3 ilomoarbement von i^iaiping. SJb. 3 : Iiv .ilrauj am IKanerl. J)et Sb. 4 : eanct Saa^elmS. lie eftf)iebe. nen. b. .=&gt;: lie *routWau. lie Uiifterbli&en, Wb. ti: ta -Jiiiittel. Wut urn lut. - Uer 3iantDi&gt;r. 9b. 7: rer^elijtof. lie Senebiger. 2tm .Ramin. Veip. 18H7. fL 8 ........ , ,\ n l) ill t : *b 1: Ter ^(((jermirt^ con J)iun djt ll. Xn*5 Jobtcnflefi^t. 59: 59 : 5V; 59: 5V: 59: 59: 59: 5V: 59: 59: 5V: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59 : 59 : OUt BaitC*. i eip. 181)8. fl. 8 Goncorbia: Gine beutfdje.Kaiferiiefdjidjte au ^aiern. Vip. 1874, 5 *be. in 2. fl. 8 Crjftufen. Veip. 1867. fl. 8 ,\ M li n 1 1 : .Uioti cniranjd. lit Wolbfudjer. griebel unb Cemalfl. Veip. 1870. 3 *be. in 1. f(. 8= .Vabermeifter, Xer : ittolfsbilb au^ ben bairifdjcn Bergen. Veip. 18(&gt;9. fl. 8 fdjidiw au ber ^ett "JJiar. onifcpl; be* Written. Veip. 1870. 2 -te. tn 1. fl. 8 ManUcr von Itrol, Der : efdjid)tlid)er 9(oman. Xeip. 1869, 4 S3be. in 2 fl. 8 9Jicin tben : Cyine s JJliind)encr (^efdndite aug ben ^fiten .Karl Il?ccbor g. i. eip. 181)8, 2 *be. in 1. fl. 8 Sdjivalbcrl, Xa: Gin "Bauernroman aus bem obeibaietijdien Webirg. Veip. 1868. fl. 8 . Siiben unb Jlorben: GinebaierifdjeSorf! gefdjidjte Bon 1866. Veip. 1869, fl.8. 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59: 532 532 533 533 534 534 i 536 536 537 538 538 539 539 568 560-2 563 566 564-5 566 567 568 569 570-1 572 i 573 568 b, .wraamt. ^-ortfefcung. jaimimgrun. iieip. 1867. 2 s -Bbe. in 1. fU 8 ......................................... 59; 3nf)alt: $tb. 1: tiie .frubcrbduerin. Un verlpofft- lev Scbii? von ber ^iettifan. 93b. ?: vcr 3tgtfttirt! uon Hiiinc^en, 108 16 Bon smmbolbt. " (f. b.) oin S on ber SJeti. (f. b.) Jicrl. (f. b.) 16 ........................................... Skfreiung 3djl 3-rerab ^errfdia*!, Isie. 16 ............. : Benjamin Jranflin. erl. (f. b.) 16... li^riftbaum, Jcr. Sterl. (f. b.) 16 ...... (Snift -BJori^ 3lrnbt. erl. (f. b.) 16.- Stutjdje ilricg Dun 1870 uni 1871, Xr. Bert (f. b.) 2 *fce. 16 ................. Gpfjcuranfen : Grjal;Iungen unb 9J(dr= cbeiu *eri. ((. b.) 16- .................. ber Orofie. erl. (f. b.) 16..- fc 2ie. *crl. (f. b.) 16 ... giir ji maere Mnaben unb Mabdjen : (Jt jd^luugcn unb ^(dvdien. JJerl. (f. b.) 16 ........................................... Cfcllcrt. Skrl. (f. b.) 16 .................. ecrg 1l*afffington. Skrl. (f. b.) 16.... Gkivalt unb Vift Jranfreidj* g*gcn Seutfdjlanb feit brci^unbert Ja^ren. l. (f. b.) 16 ......... - .................. Jnfel, Sie. Veip. (f. b.) 16. 3n Jfieri^ 3ugeiibibl., *b. 4O. ...... (Sliidlidje onfel ber 3nternationalen, XU. erl. (f. b.) 16 ............................. 0&gt;otb,e 6 Jugenb= unb Jiinglinggjeit. cvl. (f. b.) 16 ............................ (Siitter unb feelbcn. *er(. (f. b.) 16 ..... Oubruii. ier(., (|. b.) 16 ................. &lt;Cafeline. Skrl., (f. b.) 16 ................. einrid) ^fftalo^i. iberlin, (f. b.) 16.... .Berber, ikrl., (f. b.) 16 .................. Hermann unb Itmenelba. 33erl., (f.b.)16. janfo, betaJJtiler. erl., (f. b.) 16 ..... Sajja. Snl, (f. b.) 16 .................... yfyut* ottlieb rtidtte. Serl., (f. b.) 16. Saufmann won iienebtg, Xcr. iierl., (f.b.) 16 ........................................... $leine (Srsdblungen unb Warden. iVrl., (f. b.) 16 ................................... Bottler unb bie ^riiijtn, Xie. SBerl., (f.b.) 16 ........................................... flomg iiear. ikrl., (f. b.) 16 ............ .Mrkgc jioifdjen leutfdilanb unb Jranf= reid; feit 300 3a^ren. Ecrl., (f. b.) 16 ............................................ Jtritg8ni$m unb Jtaterlanbeliebe. SJerl., (f.b.) 1H ................................... ffliojart. SUerl., (f. b.) 16 .................. Siibflnngen, Xie. ikrl., (f. b.) 16 ...... Cberon. erl., (f.b.) 16 .................. Debipu* unb fein Wefdjledjt. 4&gt;erl., (f. b. 16 ........................................... Cranienburg unb g t ^ r eU n - (f.b.) 16 Dsiujn pber bie djnle be* VebenS. (f.b.) 16 ................................... Sleinefe 3u*. erl., (f. b.) fl. 8 ...... Siidjarb s Ttafyti nad; bem tjeiligen i anbe. erl., (.f.b.) 16 ........................... Sfobinfon. krl., (f.b.) 16 ................ :)(ofenaarten, 2er. 45erl., (f. b.) 16.... edwfajunge, 2er. erl.. (f. b.) 16 ..... Sdjiiler. sBerl., (f. b.) 16 d;bnfte Jikil^ (f.b.) 16 59: 59: 59= 59 : 59 : 59 : 59: 59 : 59 : 59: 59: 59 : 59 : 59 : 59: 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59 : 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59: 59 : 59= 59: 56a 2722 2730 2741 2711 2704 2705 59 : 270R-7 2708 2713 2714 2750 2715 2745 2712 2590 2716 2717 2718 2719 2730 2736 2720 2721 2723 2724 2710 2729 2709 2737 2725 59: 2727 2728 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2751 2738 2739 2744 2730 2740 273T 11 1 KOSE FICTION: GERMAN. -82 e.Dmit)t, gctbinanb. Sovquato Xaffo S 9Jefreite ^erufalem. Vety.,- (f. b.) . 8P ........................ 59: Siirfen uor Sim, SDie. "-Bert., (f. b.) 10. 59 : SSou SibetnSberg bi ttoniggrafe. evl., (f. b.) 16 ................................... 59: SBaitber iinb Ubegunbe. SBerl., (f. b.) 16" ........................................... 59: SSilbelm Xelt. SBetl., (f. b. 16. .......... 59 : Sd)itttbt, 5. 31. sin* *ebn unb GSefc&tdjte. Stuttg., 1864. 16 ............................................ . r &gt;9: age unb efdjid&gt;te. tuttg., 1862. 16. 59 : G. . i!ei. 1867. . JHwtft. 3n 59: 59: 45aScal SJaoli, ber 2be. inl. ft. 8 erfimicb uon Shtbla, 2cr. 5ugenb=ibl., 8b. 5 dmtittf tec Sutler, Ser. St. aron. Jn ISrj., b.4 ..................................... 59: 64wl*e2rte. 3- Soffmann. 3" Grj., b. U .......................................... 59: edjnarrfier, 2&gt;r. 5. Gkrftatfer. ^n inetnem lagebtid), SBb. 2 SflnetOlflrfdJen. IS. 31. tanbenmeijer Srtjncciturm, Scr. . ")JUnib.aufeii. SJalmbla tter unb Sdjneeftocten, U. !. Srfmeibcr unb Qeiger. ?-. Wtdjel. 3n 9i= vtg vHtgenb-Sibt., W&gt;. 35 ......... __ Sdinctbcr on aftein, er. ft. totbber. __ 5&lt;S : 59: 08 = _ 59 - . 59: SrfMtticr, 3ie. @. SBiUtoimn. 38be, in 2. 3n (S5e|l(m be Satan, 2lbt(;. 2 ........... 59: Sdionnu, &gt;? won. liaoalier unb ^iibin. etl., 1868. H. 8. 59 : Sdioiic ftotlidjen, Sa. 5}5. 6et&gt;fe. ^n ef. S., b. 7 ....................................... 56 : Srfione s J)iaib son SBoIe^mljIe, 2k. (S. $olfo. 3n eue Jiotot-Uen, *#t&gt;. 4 ......... 59: @rt)iinc 3iuin, 3)ie. raf St. tabol. 3n Sleue militanfd;e umov9fen, b. 1. 58 ertiiJnni Slmevi!anerinncn, 3)ie. g. Siel= tiagen ........................................... 59 - ritoncit SJanni SebenMauf, 2er. 6. 2inb= let. Sit 9tegenbogen[tra^lcn, Sb. 2 ........ 59 Sd)0itcrtn tunben, 2ie. K. (Sufttott ...... 58 -^ H i&gt; a U: $tjd)ier&lt;i. Gin 8cfu$ bci Cor- "" neiiiiS in SHom. Sine 8e|Uigimg bel-Sfr- futj. SliititeMomaittif. Sie eioige i\ii bin. Gin lonlid)eS Scft. 3*iUctfcft fcrudfi. Riirnetfcftfvruci). fcefpnj uiib Gmilia Oalotti. .toft it!) Zeidjirann. einrii^ iileibiiiger. ein Mefiic^ 111 (Jop. pet. 3roei OSefangciie. Sd)6nftc5Ceibnad)tbaum, Set. g.Sdjmibt. 59 iSdioontrfnirt, 2ie. 5- orftdcfct. ^n s Jlu jtwei SButttyeiltn, b. 1 ................ 08 2(1ioiivr, Stmalie. iittc ant (Sigitonfjonfn, 35ie. 3Bcfet, (f. b.) 16 .................................... 59 r . !bngenottengefcb,iditen. tuttg. 1868. 16. 3n 3ugenb= u. SSolfebibt ........ , 59: 3niial t: amiu b" Soiirg. 3roci --Btbcln. atoonarota. tuttg. 1871. 16. 3n 3ugenb= u. S&gt;otf3bib[iotb.ef ............... 59: Sdirobcr, aiuguft. Komobianten, 3)ie. SciB. 1862. 3 be. inl. . 8 ................................. 59: djrci, Gin. G. iobfer. 3n GVJ. djr. Sbb. 11 .......................................... 58: Saflelbe. 3n Sevgangene lage ......... 58 : @*rci6tnbc Xi)*, $ ; Hi to B&gt;n entl - (Tvrtebrid) Sornau.) 3n Jm alb= bunfet, b. 2 ................................... 58 : Srtircibjtug, Ss. * SM8H^auf. 3" Sidiquten, 3Jb. 3 ..... ...... ................... 58: 58: 2752 2743 2726 2744 2742 2760 2761 550 2555 2023 2273 903 2843 2.391 2585 1090 1670-1 589 676 81 1116 862 937 1245 2737 905 2800 2411 2411 835 1655 1702 525 2393 21. Secfer. tocllcn Srfirdtcr, Gatl. JIfa. crt. (f. b.) 16 ....................... 59 : Sdiitftflrt unb fcine ^eitgenoflen. 21. G. Sjradjuogol. 4 45be. in 2 .................... 58 SAudcrt, Sctt^ilf einrid) toon (geb. 1780 t 186UJ. Stdjt GrjaEftungen fiit meine jungen gteunb*. tuttg. 1871, 16. 3n Cs= gcnb: unb 4&gt;oltsbibl ...................... 59: S n ll 11 It : Dcr W&lt;faii(iene. .vjcliopoli 3 unb JNatimef). lie flteljenbe 4ivinjeffhi. SabbaHjiu^e in ^eiubeUanb. Win tlbu filjeS liavabie 3, unb beiiuod) ein Sximroel). tranter carin. er 23auer oon .ftobi jfo. ler uncruiortete Wait. Xer flein; Oiuffuf. Set feiott iff fein Sing unmoglid;. S tuttg. 1870, 1H. Sn Jugenb- unb SolKbibl. 59 : iixjraubii n unb Grjatitungen. Gvlan= gen, J847,3be., H. 8 .................. 59: Snljalt: b. 1: j\iainW Crate. ^iige au bem Veben beS Raines flleitle. ^iotann S&lt;atift laoemier, -greitiert oon Slubonnt. ^oijaiin .Hevvlei- etne li-rsaftlungeii.. . 59: S9b. 2 : ^rinj Ciiflen noil Saooticn. 3 u fle au3 bem ^cben be^ ! }lud)er (S log. Gtjuito* v!)oru5 Golumbiia. .flleine iir}S^luncjen. 59: iBb. 3: 3Jeijiele Don mtrliv&rbigctl Eneituiu gen auo aujsercn Weinhren: X&gt;ie Siettung be itertranb be Dlolcoille ie 3(ettung be-3 Stuait idien ^rinjen Botlttbltarb burrt&gt; bit Zveue ber fchot ifcbcn i-(&gt;iSlanbcr. 3(ettimnsgei(tiiil)teberajlr3. Spencer Smit^. Die beiben Jilanbei. U.ipitain ^raiit. tin s SRotiiftoiib auf [einer Eanbrttft in ber nbrblidien -^olarjone. !Bie Siettung bc 35 u &gt;4!IefjiS 3)!oiiHU) unb feiner nad)m.;ligen dema^lin ou3 ben Xob Sgefa&ien berta&lt; rifcr !Bartl)olomau3narf)t. :)tfttungge&lt; fd)i(f)ten aus bem SeDeit be3 Jioljn Smiit&gt;, eineo ber eriten egviinber ber tnflltfd). amei ifaniid)en Stantenjniteme. 3tettn&lt; nen au5 uerjcljieseneit CSefaljren unb er= [eiienljettcn ............................... 5Q: Gt-(ai;[nibe Sdjriften filr diriftl tcb aebtl= bete liefer jeben StaubeS unb fitters. Grlangen, 18657. 7 be., 8 ...... 56: 3 nl) alt: -Bb. 1: 3eebilbev: er SeUftpei. inner anS Kijiuevftanb. 2"S fcliroim. menbe Rranlfn&au*. &lt;r QtlHBniut; beS SecmannS. Jler lob in ben lopfen. Uas Jagbungliict eine-i Seemamics. Zer beloljtue Iobt)ci)Iag ............... S6: SBb. i: ie Sluoroonbeier. -. 5&gt;er -WtercS t trom. e SaterS gegen tauet ben fiinbern fiauier. ^anfel uon Dictfurt. fittgtau* bem 2tben cer Siorgenlanber. &lt;bie liirten von ilirer Sid)t unb Sdjatteiu feite. .......................... , 5G SBb. i: Slbtf). I: Xie oerbecfte S^URel. Set Solbot auf bei SSadje. (Sine flute Baare, bie nidjt iu a W)eroid)t falit. 3Ja8 li(d)- gebet ber s. crdK, beo ^Broen unb bes Sin. beo. lev 3egen eineS Stcibeubcn. Die (dtjame $pcgraiuttct. 35er unbt lanntc RamiifteBOfle. f}teUMl UM^ laaia, unb aubeie tlcinc (Jrjaljliuiflen, Sllit^. II: Ser feltjame 1*05 in Her i*r..ft eine icbenbio arabenen. ier 3m&lt;* ift jernfien unb roir finb Io3. lie jroci Ktliler be* branen 9iof(t3. a eieleiu jj, fort . _ Xa-5 flleib miu^t ben Wann. Die n)unt&gt;eibarUd)C Begeoenljeit mil ben brei Sriiljcn.- ein t)0inoopatljifd)c 1 rafer. satin oenen bic Wetuljrcn ber ed&gt;meid)tlei, unb anbere fleine Grjiiijlungen ..... 56: Sjb. 4, Sibil;. 1: jwgen unb *iitoitn UMI bas Siefieits unb bas J)enjeit3. DerSJor. liof ber Sieiben uiib piratic Sempel. Kbtb II- sl!ovl)il6ci uubSilber au9 bem S;e = btn: ttiipitdii iieblei) aiicav*; Sir enn finuetoct ber rieabeib; Woiiigftone unb Ruitbtfan. 8gnS Vopej. Striftwii Rriebrid) Sdjroar^. SkjrittUn Wottl fttafft unb Xaoib ecleip. So^annei :)(u= bolfSiotf) ............................... 5 : Bb. 5: Spiegri ber Slatur ......... j .. i &gt; : SBb.ti: 3!eij&lt; nad) bem fublieben ,5rantreid) unb burd) bie (iiblidjen fliiftengegenocn oon 4!ieinont nad) ^talien ............... 56: Sb 7 2fianberbud&gt;lein eine* reifenbcn e = Ichrten nad) Saljburg, lirol unb ber i-om. barbei. lllit ber Weife iiber baS Btomfu ^od) nad) Sencbig ........................ &lt;&gt;n. 112 845 266-7 2412 2412 2806-8 2806 3107 280* 2794-800 779* 279S 2796 5797 27H8 3799 2800 I ROSTC FICTION v (iKR.MAX. -83- Sdjujjlofeiu 2*iirfiiin, seBin (geb. 1814). BctiengefeBUaft, (Sine, .\ianncver, 1863. 3Sbe. f 16 ................................. 59: SluS alter unb nencr 3it. Seip. 1865. 2Sbe.ini, 16 ........................... 59: On Salt: *tb. 1: 2a3 3Kjfivcrft&lt;iiibni|. ie brei WroBiitiiifjte, 35io[n. iyb. 1: 31uf ciiien -rdjdmeu onbcrttjalbcu. SSie bcr 3d)nee fitonolj. Slits ben Jagen bcr grofjen .fiaiferin. " fl, 1858. 2 Sbe. in 1, 18 ......... 59 : Siibatt: SJb. 1: lie Cbaliaten. S*b.2: Jit Cbalisten (Sdjhifi). tie ?!o. Slug lieifien Xagen. Stuttg. 1874. ft. 8 3 59 : 3 n bait: 2ie J amanteii ber Hrofjmutter. lie Jlintentnrte. Stoufntfurft, er. Seip. 1851. 2 Sbe. fl. 8^ ......................................... 59: eut|~die .ttampfe. Seip. 1870. 2 Sbe. in 1. fL8 ................................. 59: 3 ii ha It: SKcrlaffcn unb oerloren. tec Scbae beS fturfiirftcn. Oiligrait. ipanroBer, 1870. 2 Sbe., fl. 8 ........ . ................................ 59: 3nba(t: 8b. 1: C. rfla, $eraJatt" gene Jirfjter. lie Slooijen. k f4&gt;arj&gt; roeifee i erle. Bb. i: Sie Zl)iirmrtroalbe. TCuIoer unb (Holb. {Jrcwm unb Siatliiel. Seip. 1865, 2 Sfce, H. 8 .......................................... 59 : efammeite (Snifyhtngen unb 9(pBellen. fltmoBer, 1869-66, 6 4&lt;be. in , ). fl. 8. 59 : 3 it M It. sbb. 1: Sertaul^te eiijictfole. 3iif*en jroct Kcuern. Sb. 2: Stonb&lt;9.Gl)te. .Blnif,iSa((ef. $ft. 3: lie rteinbtn. Zif teitien Sn&gt;" . Wb. 4: Tcr nefaitjjenc Sidjter. iie $u farin. Ia5 ^agbrennen. W*. 5: 3-er G bftieit. Ser bofe Wa&lt;fi6nr. Sib. (i: I;e (4&gt;n&gt;ar3=roet&e i^erle. Xie fflilb. biobin. efcbmcnien unb ibr 3Ji*ter, 2)ie. .Tjon= nouer, 1861. 3 be. in 1. 16 ......... 59: fintbet Uon ttdiiDarjburg. 5prag, 1857. 2-abe.inl. 16 ........................... 59: ^iciliflen unb bie Jiitter, Xie. .^annci er, 1873. 4 Hbc. 16 .......................... 59: ber ^iifnnft, Ser. ^rag, 1859. fl. 8 59 : 1872. 3be. in 2. 16 ..... . ............ 59: ?can fjacqurt Siouffeau. Seip., 1869. 16 5&lt;) : Acnigin br JJacbt, ^ic. icip., 1852. H. ......................................... 59: Jlrtcg unb Jriebtn. Seip., 1872. 3 SHbe 1 ........................................... 59: 3 n bait. ilb. 1: Ia lburmiiramt. lie lopvelcur. iWifier JUiguflus Slocf. fletli- Mb. 2: Wider auguftn-J ctodflttti, (3*[n6). J)ie iBefte^ung. - :e barmljcrjige &lt;^inc&gt; b. :i: Xer litttion. SBlepliifto. Sluf ben Belfen. Sriegfned)t* Jlbenteucr, (JineS. aiUtn, IHiil. 2 Vbc. in 1. 16 ....... . .......... 59: JiiinHler = i cibcnft^aft, Gine. 6at:nocr, 1W7. 1H ...................... ; ........... 59: VatlH-r in 3lom. Sannouer, 1870. 3 ^be. m *n2. H. 8 ................................ 59: Staurtfl au-5 bem souure, Jie. Joanna^ I er, 1869. 4 *be. in 2. fl. 8.. ........ 59 : SJarfetoiSerin, 2ie. Seip., 18f&gt;4. ;t be. &lt;"! H .................................... 59: S 4&gt;aur3roncfl;orft, pbcr bic neucn serreii. Seip., 1K4. 3SBbe. in 1. 16.. ........ 59: fllfjeiber *utf(, 2ie. Seip., 1864. 2 4*be. ...................... ............ 59: , 3&gt;ffflbc ..................................... 59: 3titterburtiflen, Xte. Seip., 1864. 3 SJbe. 1- "5 .................................... 59: am JJieer, (Sin. Seip., 1843. e. in 1. 16 ........................... 59: 644-6 628 654 629 I, SeBin. Jcrnegge, obcr bcr JCeg jum (Mid. Seip., 1868. 4$be. 16 59: 673-6 Sobu beg 35olfc, Gin. Seip., 1849. 2 Sbe. H- 8. -59: 639-40 Sobn eme3 bedibmteu 2)ianne, JBer s }!rag, 1856. 16 59: Spliinr, Tie. Seip., 1864. 16 59-. Jaffelbe. Seip., 1856. fl. 8 59; Staat-Jgebeimnifj, Gin. Seip., 1&54. 3&gt;erfd)lungcnc SSJege. $anncDer, 1867. 3Sbc. H.SC 59: 679 _ 8 i Silberidi. ^n ber SoiBen = 2lpotbcfe. Serl., 1873. fl. 8 59; 630-1 Sdiiilrr ber Jiatur, 2er. .tt. SUi iUer 58: 632 " VL k, Six 5. . ...?? . 50 : Xaffelbe. o" SammtL ., Sb. 18... 56 : iili BOH ber fSertifan, 3X r. J&gt;. od;mib. o Janncngriin , 59: *crt)iililuifl be&lt;3 JtaifrS. (Sraf St. (3ra-- liowefi: ;$be 58: 1109-11 3dinlb, ?ie. f. S. ffi&gt;. Certel. (38. D. B. $orn.) ?n .Corn s Grj., Sb. 8 58: Sriiulb unb Unfdnilb. a)(. S. Sd&gt;liw(&gt;. :i Sbc. in 1 59 : dmlbig. ft. "W. yaduinber 58: 625-7 Stljnlf ber i lrtigfeit, Tie. G. Smifd) 59 : Srtiulc ber Jemutb, X. O. iiilbermutlt. on ^Jerlcn and bent isanbe 59: dinlc ber seiben, ie. g. yoffmann. on Gr^., Sb. 4 ^ 59; Srtnilcn in ben SacfmoobS, 2ie. g. (S3er= ftader. 3" Slmcr. 38alb linn trombil= J&gt;r- *b- 1 58: Srtnilmciftrr in annentobe, Ser. 9i. Sa= ron. on Grj., Sb. 4 59: 651-2 ~ 653 655 , Sflinlmciftcr \uv $nt von TOaria Z^ttefla, ^- iv\ GonScience. Jlbenbftiinbcn, 656-7 G72 661 663-5 662 647 667-8 669-70 620 621 622 671 638 58 : 634-7 Srtjiilmfiftcrfnuiilif, Gine. D. 2Uilber= 666 nuitb. on 3ur Sammerftiinbe, 59: Sddiltbfifiriitdrtitcr Bon Jiiintberg, 2ie. S. Ctto. 34lbf. in 1 58: Sdiulic won Gelle itnb Gficilie. Jo. 3fcb,offe. on Wef. Sdir., b. 11 , 56 : Srtmljcn Ai i^, Set. 9f. SJetfer. o ^-- Bellen 53 : SfftJiUp, Ottofar. Seiben ivreunbe, 3)ie, ober Jeter s 9ieife nac^ oapan. iLUcbaben, 1869. 16... 59 : Gntftefiung beS WlofterS Slrnftein, Sie. iiUeababcn, (f. b.) 16 59: g-clbinarfdjall Wrnf 9Jciil;arbt Bon Wnci: fenau. JLUesbaben, 1817. 16 59; grunge .Hoblen. Iliiesbaben, 1870. 16. 59 : greiberr Bom Stein, er. JiUebaben, (f ; b.) 16 59: Siniife, Jiijnigin Bon ^Jreupeit. 1Uie3= baben, 1869. I6 59; Starrer ^lebanus Bon 2Web,len, Set. ffiiei babcn, 1870: 16 59; ^3farrfrau BPII i^efti-id), 3)ie. ffiiee^aben, 1869. 16 . 59: Sffntrr Murr. Jy. Stenter. o Siimmtl. SB., SBb. 6 56: 3 n bait. SJat bi ire SemerrafcSiinn rnte famcn fann. .oaunefifcn. 9lbcntciirc be* Cntbeftrt Bctflg. 93on t "JJiri uj ben Cfe[. SDteine iBatcrftabt Etauen haiien. Srfjnttflcift, 35er. G. Spinbler. Jn Se= fereii-n, Sb. 2 59: rf)UUflCtft, ler. S. lied, on Sdjr., Sb. 25. 5(i : "*" " , Si*. 3K. S. Sdjmorfe 59-. 59: 673 624 677 641-3 682 2630 3 j3 317 503 2852 742 1294 2487 1636 223 989 2023 422 1637 2928 1957 112 2820 2820 2821 2821 2820 2821 2821 2820 1105 927 1624 743 715 PROSE FICTION: GEBMAX. -84- djwerfte Scfyulb. Srfiluiilriirtir ^fftrvtyaufcr. &gt;. SSilbermutb,. 3n filter it. Glefa. atiS edjfcaben, Sb. 2. 59 : edinmrmei, 2er. 6. epinbler .............. 59: edlttalticiln, XaS. S. edjmtb ............... 59: ertituanrniunnfinu, 3Me. &. 9iieri|. 3n 3ugenb=:Bibl., b. 24 ........... .... ........ 59: G. 6fr.. .................. "-58 ; b, -Warse Sophie (get. 1819), 2lrbeit abrlt, 2&gt;te. i rip., 1866. 3 Sbf. in 1. 16 .................................. -5&lt;J: 2affelb. etuttg. (f. b.) ................. 59: S3latt au bem ^tauenlebcn. 1 eip., 1872. 3$be. til 1. 16, ......... , ....... 59: Xafiftbe. etuttg., (f. b.) ..... . ..... 59: 2aib attelbnfr. etuttg., (f. b.) 2 3tte. ml. 16 ............... ,.. ...... , ........... 59: Saffrlbe ..................................... 5!): 6be, Sic. X ftJ)., 1865. 16.. ........... -..5!): affel6r etuttg., (I b.) ................ 59: eUen, c*vr ein^r. etuilg., (f. *.) 16 59 : Saffelbc ...................................... 59: Cmancipationettnty, Si*. i ety., 1866. 2be. bl. 16 ................. ,. ........ 59: grau rim-* crteSit OTawnw, Si. ety., 1865. 2 3&lt;be. in 1. 16 ...... ..,....,. M: Saffelbe. etuttg., (f. b.) ............. ... 59: eburt tinb Silbung. etuttg., (f. b.) 4 SBbe. in 2. 16 .......................... 59 : 2afielbf. 4be. in 1 ..................... 59: 8elb unb 9?tK. ip., 1866. 3be. in 1.16 ....................................... 59: 2affetbe. etattg ...................... ------ 59 i Jngcnbcrinnerimgen. Stuttg. , (f. b.^ 2 be. in 1. 16 ............................ 59 : Safjelbe ...................................... 59: tftnber ber Hrbeit, 3)t. i eip., 1865. 3 bc. in 1. 16 ........................... 59 : 3?affftbe. etuttg., (f. b.).~--~ ......... 5ff: flteinetf t rja^lungen. ietp., 1865. 3 SSe. in 1. 16 .................................... 59: 3 nf| a It. S)b. 1: aiiollni ift flSiinm. Uin miiubifltt Sionii unb cine nninunbiire ^rau. Xtr nhrmndjfrin. Xre ((fine ftirrbcrin. Set gsintant Gurvon uiiD feine Xoc^ter. Sb. 2: lie Scftroeftmi. iBiurtfii[ un i 5Qernu&gt;ift. Xrci ^Beiftiiacfttonftenbe. Sb. 3: Cine Gpifote au-5 bcm !^?e^en cine? SltjteS. Sine lEi-iiiiin Uiiig au 1630 SOI 573 25-74 JJeibcnfdtaften, Sic. Seto., 1866. 2 33be. in 1. 16 ...... . .............................. 59: Saffclbc. Stuttg., (f. b.) ............... 59: 9)!ann won Qk&inrt unb ba SSeib u bem ii!cr(fe, Jet. Sety., 1865. 3 SJbe. tit 1. 16-. ...... .......................... 59: Saffeltrc. etuttg., (i. b.) ................ ~ 59 : SKatljilbe, ctxr cin gsfallfiitfytigeS SSeib. i etp., 1866. 16....- ...................... 59: Xafielbe. Sttittg., (f. b.).. ............... 59: Jlieine Vebensfcbitffalc. etuttg., (f. b.) 2 *. in 1. 16 ........................... 59 : affi U&gt;e ............................ _ ........ 59: Cpfer brr 3Jat^, (Sin. i. rip., 1866. 2 33e. in 1. 16 ................................... -59: 2afjdbc. etuttg;, (f. b.) ................ 59: Kec6,te, 2cr. X eip., 1866. 4 Sbbe. in 2. 16 ........................................... 59: ecfrnlb itubUnfdiulb. Veip., 1865. 3be. in 1. 16 .................................... 59: ecfyufclpjcn,, Xie. iieip., 1865. 16 ...... 59: Suficlb*. etitttg., (f. b.).. .............. 59: eofme bcS XrefyorgclmannS, w. etuttg., (f. b.) 2 *be. in 1. 16 _______ 59: Xaffel be ...................................... 59: Seditcr bt (Sbelmann^, 2if. etuttg., (f. b.) 3 $be. in 1. 16 ................... 59 : Xaffelbe ...................................... 59: 720 701 721 707 722 711 723 714 724 714 725 726 710 727-8 705 729 713 731 702 732 716 733 735 715 736 700 737 7M 738 710 739 712 740-1 742 743 715 744 704 745 703 . i. eip., 1865.333be. in 1. 16 ........... ....................... -59: Safjelbc ..... ..,...-.,.,&gt;, .................... 59 : SCitttoc unb il;re .ttinbrr, 2Me. Seip., 1865. 2be. ml. lo .................. r l9: SJoffelbe. ettittg ...... ,. ............. . ..... 59&gt;: 3i gamilienmSHet. i cip., 1865. 3 bt. in 1. 16.. .............. ........ ... 59: ,Wdfad)e* VefanSjiel, Gin. etuttg. (f. b.) 16 ....................................... 59-r S*fferbe ...................................... 59: d|!uai5 ouf r6. St. b. Jitter.. .......... 58: 2dittiai:i unb SL cife. 9- Werftarfer. 3 Sius jroei SJeUt^Mfn, b. 1. .............. 58 : erg*tt in !&gt;jn&gt;(, X. i. a^l. SJfr. 1.59r . trftdtfet. 3 21 uS iiietnem Jagc&udj, Hb. 2 ............ - 58 gdiani^c Stann, Sev. 21. 2imbnf)a^n. "sn GJcf. (S ts., ^b.4 ..... . ..................... 59 : idiWfltjc "Sle\-t, 2t. 3. 2). . 2emtne. 3 S3be. in 1 ....................... . . ............ 59 ; hiftfant, SKT. i . treirf;. 3n Jngenb^^ibJ. 33*. 40 ............... 59 : 3fad;t, (Sine. (. epinblet. 3n i e^ereien, *b. 2 ................................ 59: Stfinxmc cdjitf, 2a. G..&6jkr. SnGrj, edit., *b. 11 ................................. 58 . 2rt)W(Uiflclb, 21. IMei&net ................... 58 : Sdiwntjiitiililc, Xie. S.$kW. 3n (Stj. b. 2 .................. ........................... 59: 5diloatiO. 3- % & Jwme. 3 be... 59 : Sdiadisnialbct Xotfgcfdudjtcn. S. I IMCSJ bad). 8 ^be. in 4 ........... ~ .............. 58 : 3 nil a It: sbb. I: et lollfatf*. Di Srieflepfi-ife ^Sc3 Sd)Ifibacr 6 33eic[e. 2iu-[Tnit kcv uMflcntcBaigt. We* fcljli vlcs. lie feinbliil)n sbriiber. 3o, icr .vxifrlc ............................... 5^" !Bb.*2: Sloviiin nab GreScetts. Xer Sater= bnctjer. Strtttlinge. Gvbmui^e ........ ^8: 8b. 3: Tic Aioui tofefjoiin. Xucifer ..... 58: S)b. 4: Xie Wcidiiifcte C5 lietiiclm on 4tu = i^eiibcrfl. .{lopjen iinb Wevfte ........... 58: 3)b. 5: Ser S. ct)iiiilb, Z\-r Sicrtctig, *ci- bie ometilani clw Sifte. ................. 58: S b. B: Gin ctfli-B. oauS. BarfUtU ....... 58: W&gt;. 7: ^o(c;ifi tm 3$nee. 4)rfi iin3R&lt;int. 58: b. 8: ebelrociB ........................ 58: SdiiDorimcifit ^fe, Xi. *. e^firfm^ 59 : Xafjelbe. 3n giligran, 3}b. 1 ......... 59: Sr(iwat?iuci|e etsrd), Xit. 3. 2. . Im. Gtj., b. 4 .................... 59 : SdiroficSrf, 3!bett. 2tii ben aipe*. Serf. 1870. 16 ...... 5ff: Jn^alt; Icr flvdmer oon JUiej. Zv 2Bunbci boctor. 3n ben preuftiWjen &lt;pintttiibnt ...... ~ 59: ^ n t) a I t : t-r ^IrtfdjiDiuger. 8. flsmpert. 3 3Jb. 1 ............ ...... 58: Saffelbe ....... ........... ................... .... 58 : r. 3n Grj., *b. 8 .............................. - ....... ..... 59: rtjn&gt;mcr=3nncn. K. etiibet. 3n Gtj., b. a ........ . ................................. - 59: 746 709 747 712 748 734 715 41 905 949 903 1605 1322 2590 927 1655. 2335 2641 1323-5 ed)r. b. 14 ................................. 56: ditoci5Ct=2olbt in S3clpgna, 2er. g. aubt?. 3n -;(et. n. ^roi. 2i!., b. 6... 56 : Xafrelbe. 3a eoutmtl. an., *. 17... 56 : SritlBCibt i-fS prften, Sa*. S- ^&lt; 1 Diotte ^cqne. 3" 8H**- ^^-r b. 10 .......................................... 56: SrtilDCtcJ Ungtiitf, Gin. 3. X. . Jemnte. SnGrj., *b. 6 ................................. 59: SdilDttftc ed^ulb, 2ie. 3. 2. . lemme. SnGrj., S3b.o ................................. 59: 81 81 87 8J 8? 84 84 627 649 1304 765 766 1973 1974 1093 1091 1959 323 317 283 1305 1305 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. -85- isimott. SrtllDfftct, Cine. Ateib/ett (S. Bon *ibra. o 11 tvlebtes unb (9ettauintc3... eriitticfirr, lie. g. *obnftebt. Jn l. Okfd) gdirorftctn, ie. 2K. . Sditvatfc. Jn JU. tfi-}., *b. 2 ................................. idnur tSajat unb jeine gamUtr, let. (S. epinblet. 3 Sdiilbeteien, *b. 1 ......... eclnuriibanbltt, Xft. V. .winvid;. 2 SBbe. inl .......................... . ................... ecnl0firlb,l$barlc*. (Bjeub.) eieb JJeftcl, Stttl erfbilbrt. Stuttg. 1866. 16. 3n 3= &lt;vmb= u. 3?oltebibl ............................. Srcbilbcr. W. x&gt;. sen -zdmbett. 3 n Gtj. edjr., b. 1...: ................................ IJn^alt: ler Selbftreiuifiev auS TOifeoets ftanb. ii9 fjjioimmenbe fltan(enl)au3. Zet Jpeltennuitl) bcs SetmamiS. let lok in ten 2bpfen. a3 ^agbuuflliiil .ne3 See manned. Tet beloljute 58: 58: !&gt;9: 59: 59: 58: 59 : 56: ecrflcfditrfitcn. C. ^i fer. 3n 13. grfjr., b. H ............................................ 58: Strbof, Set. #. vewalb. $n *&gt; 9&lt;oman, *. 1 ............................................ 58 : ftle SdJontreit, Xtr. C. Gfdifnbarf) ...... 59 : Scrlrbtn. gveiin tt G. nun 3ttbva. ^n :Heiijfij}n u. "JioueUen ....................... 58 : chi, Xic. f. Som^ert. 3n eim-r Wnfie, b. 1 .................. _ 58 : SrelciiiDCtlmug. SI. aiSiLbciibalju. 3n cf. erj., *b. 8. .................................... StfliiiDfn, Z \e. 3. g. lioo^er .............. munnn?lrbfii. 6. $Bfft. Suvanbuub See, *&gt;. :J ...................................... 58 : ecatn t&gt;e Sjertn, Jer. g. Joffnuum. 3n trrj., *b. 7 ...................................... 59 ; Scflfit &lt;iitS Stctbenbcn, Set. , . on Sc^ubttt. "sn trj. 3d;r., *b. 3 ............ 56 : Srfltn unb Unfegen, iH. i^i^iu*. (Jere* into* Oottb,elf.) Sn (9ej. c^r., ^*. 9 ........................................... 58: gribcnmtlicr, 2er. g. . aiiUb. Jn Ju= flcnb= u. l&gt;olfebib( ............................ 59: Stin t&gt;ber nic^t fin. IS. eon Slnberfen. 5 n 0&lt;f. ill*., b. 14 ............................... 56 : clbftaufa(ifrTitiig. i. . Stcrc^. 3" 5f ftiUt beube .................................... 59: Sclbftflciiiiflcr a* a)iijievitonb, Jet. &. X&gt;. Ben Sdjubctt. Jn St ebilbcr ......... ~ 56 : Sclbfitnuft, Xie. . 0u$fen&gt;. ^&gt;n G)e\. 21*., 93b. 11 .................................... 56: Sclifi, bi ba rcinen ,v&gt;ervH6 fiub. $ Stolle. ^n CSonielieii, Mb. 2 ............ -59: rlifl finb bit "Honntjevjiflcn, beiitt fie ier- btn i^annb,crjiftfi it Cfiangen. A. .Wff mann. ^nCi i}., i&lt;b. 1^ ..................... 59: Sflinn. 3- *|5. ^. 1i a u I.) ^n 5omntl. $&lt;b. 33 .......................................... 56: Sfltinmc (Sii fd)id&gt;tc, einc. e. 0. C. X . ^uUDCt=X t)ttcn. 5 *be. iw 1 .............. 58: Scltfnmc McidnditCR. fr. Albnig ............ 58: gcltiamt 6eid;id)ten. ai.SKcifener .......... 58: 3 n b a It: Xi Inflt bc If life 14. Die 5d)iff*iiUrt bed 3cbii(it&gt;(imeiftcr-r&lt; &gt;tuuio. 2ft 3piUi(d) ^ftfr bes Wrtfitn. (Sin 2lbcnb im ^ncn^aufc. Xr JJiiiUe; DO *oft- Sfltfamt ^flcflomntter, Tie. 0). $. toon Sdiubert. 0&gt;n tetj. d)t., JAb. 3 .......... 56: Sfltfauir Sd&gt;as in bet Wtuft eincsi leben= big ikgtabenei!, It. W. &gt;. on Sdju= bett. ,Vt et}. edit., *b. 3 ................ 56 : Scltiamrt Itaum, Uin. 21. BOH 4 ( Jinte*= felb. ^n sumptcsfen, *b. 3 .............. 59: 162 195 2645 733 940 14-20 2415 2794 1653 2109 2131 169 1971 1605 479 1687 2266 2796 1039 2417 63 1147 2794 485 1111 2271 1167 2220 1928 2;i29 27% 2796 1732 Scnmronia. S. Ctto. ^n 3(u5 bet alien 3t, b. 1 ...................................... -Jntbuitfl. Xie; cbct, Sccnen in Slftifa. g. Watthot .............................. . ..... 2niint Siifeenbod), let. 31. 3Bilbenb,ab.n. v,n We?. Crtt, iB&gt;. 2 .......................... ccnnor Jlftuilo. A. (Mevftarfet. 3 ^be i 2. on ,Sei :HfVblifen, *Utot). 2... ....... Scrnwfiinr. 5t. Wuefow.. .......... ...,. ..... e. ^n Wef. m. f Hb. 3. .......... ibfr, Xi. te. I. au. (3J.) fiiefjmann. 3 *be ........... - ............... "3 n ti a 1 1 : !8b. 1 : Die At tmate. 2f r Ticf&gt; tcr Hub Kr Aomponift. Gin ^vagntout on^ bfin tcbcu brcier A r "ntf ~ ^C E Svtiwliof. lie -Ikrftiocrfe jii ^atun. s &gt;int - ,f adet auk SftHfeUMig. &gt;. 3: let ftomof Ht 3diijter. Tie 2Iuto mate. ZofK &gt; "b Jogaicffa. Weijiet SJUrtin bet Aiifuet iinb feine (3cfelien. laS fumbe Jtinb !8b. 3: fit SJtautroaf)! let untrinUifte Waft. Xaa rau ^i n Don cubeti. 58 : 59: 58 : 58: 56 : 2287 1604 970-1 1246 477 58; 1732-* @ttb(If.) 3n Wei. Q|e&gt; b. 7 Certel (as?. C- B o n ot ), 3n Jw&gt;tn GVJ., *b. 9 ............ . ................ ; ....... Sbnfcfjicnrc, ai-illiani. J&gt;. .Hems. 2 i&lt;b. cjjnfclpcarr, ii iliwm, &. 3iau. 4be. . Stinbler. 3 irbtn ii eibct beg iBlaubavt, Tie, 5i. licet "sn 3d&gt;t. f *b. !) .......... ........ , icbcn ffiintetabenbe. i. S?Uet. 2 J5be. inl ..... ......................................... 3nf&gt;alt: ilb.l: EaS l anb^au 3 am i a(&gt; feqfr. let natiitlic^e Sofi". lie Siun- beiblumen. S3b. 2: Tie Stlffafung. Tet oett eiirie t eicliiiam. let ikltftteit. let Zotf- rod. Sifbrnfitf, ?v ?. g- Sliditer (Sean ^ a u I ). 3" eii-timtl. a., SJerl. S 33b. 1112 aficlbe. ^n Sdrnmtf. 38., Slusg. Hb. 2 .............. - .58: 58: 58 : 59: 59: 56 : 58: 103T 2853 1911-13 310-13- 94 1608 1447 , ^oibeblumn : s JtotieIIeH unb Grjftb, Inn* gen fiit bit UH iblidj&lt; ^ujirnb. ^ ct - (ib.) .8 ................. : ............... Jin^a It : 3fatalien3 Sir^rjalire. lie 2Bei= benmiible. Jie ^bntnuonacbt. - Xa4 tDtbc ."oau3. Tac HBalbhauS. Gmnie linens Gt^aljJuiMi, TOironba. 9(cBcl(*n anitTjablitngenfur 4)iabd;en von 12 big 15 JQOfrcn. 4(cl., (^ b.) H. 8 ................................ (eiffl bet Sdjtvnd ni, Xa. 9J. 3Jitit. 3 n Gt?. au btm 3(ic, !b. 2 ................. - leiffltniinbi! nvftfU iivbigfte Jage. i;. Jiett. o n Sdit., !8b. 15 ............................ iifliinl. Jflg. W. fen Sttuenfce. (Wuft v em See.) ^n (S tj. eine* olten wcrtn, *b. 2 ............................................ 2iqnot AOtmiea. (*. I. 3i&lt;. (il.) Hoffmann. on uea. eu, *&lt;b. 1 ........................ Siiirib, fa* gwcrm&bdni, 21;. 3!)fiiflge... iil)ctbli(fc. V- %. 38. Cettel. (38. C. . 10 rn.) 2 *be .............................. eilbcnlottc, Sie. ^. g. 38. Ccrtel. (38. C. . frotn.) &gt; $wn1(&n., *b. Id.. eilbcrqtofrtmt, Set. 5. frcft mann. 3" et}., *b. 23 ................... . ............... Silbtiflcin, Sluguft. ^allcbti, Set. teine Xwfiiffdnrtite nu* Ceftertetd;. iletl., MM. 16 ........... Simon, ty . ai&gt;. Cettel. (ii!. D, Bn S?otn.) SB feorn 3 (irj,, $3b. 4 .......... 56: 56 : 59: 59: 58: 56: 115$ 1169 1 2830 2831 23f&gt;3 16U 59: H9S 58 : 58 : 58: 58: 59 : 59 : 58: 2435 2864-5- 2839 2282 800 2835 PROSE FICTION : GERMAN. imott -86- grfcnnen. Simon Jurrfn, cber bie Jtaliener jtt 2Int= .wei-pen. . Conscience ................... ... 58: SiltiflC (Srjafylungen fiiritinber on 7 M3 lOga^rcn. (J. altmi ..................... 59: Sintrnm unb feine G)efcib.rtcn. g. be la Wotte gouque. 3n 2lu3g. 28., S3b. 7 ..... 56: it &gt;etm; Morgan, ber 33uccanier. g. JRatrtjat ........................................ 58 : gir 28alter Gnbc. g. SBcbenftebt. SH s -iioin ofe Glifabetb. 3 it. Jacob s, S5b. 2. 58 : Sircitf, ie. 31. 9Jiei ffner... .................. 58: gi-iffl Dan Moofemael. ft. Conscience ...... 58: Sfclctt mit bent fpamfdien 3tof;r, a3. 2t&gt; SKeifjner. Ju Gfyaract ermaefen, S3b. 1... 58 : Sfi$;c au3 bcm iicben ffatbarinen 8 II. (il). 23irdi^feiffer. 3n Glef. SioueUen u. Grj., Sib. 2 .................................... 58: iSfijjfn au (Sbili. gieibecr. onSMbra. 3n GrlebtcS unb etraumteS. *b. 1 ..... 58 : fi^fit u3 bem Babejournal eine &lt;2ed)* jigerS. (S. Spinbler. 3 t 3Hoorofen, b. 1 ........................................... 59: SfH$eittturl), SS. State anb unb See- bilbcr fiir bie Jugenb bearbeitet. Jb,. 3)teli(j .......................... . ................ SfmtJiminc, Ser. (S. 5- EarUm ............ Smibt, .wnrid). ainfet = Sdjenfe, 3)ie. Sieip., (f. b.) 16. 3n 9Hett(5 3gib=:yibl., *ib. 41 ....... 5ft: SBerliner Wattoje, (Sin. Seeroman. :Bert., 18(56. 2 SObe. in 1. II. 8 ............... 59 : SBinnen ber rotten Jonne. Jietl., 1865. 4be. 16 .................................. 59: 3 nl) a It. b. 1: :c lotljc Soitne. ie altc Mtolie. SSom fldncit Sjtin .......... 59: b. 2 : Xiis .ftitib &c-3 Jeuerfcfyifieo. Scfjifs fcvSIcutc unb SBaueiolcute ............... 59: Sb. 3: Gill 91 miralitStSlootf?. Son liiitcn nad) ftriiben -^ 3Me Xeicl^fdiau ........... 59: SBb. 4: 9ieuiucr( unti .Uugetbiraf. ^a j roar i. Sm3)lor. Wciii obcr Jjein. 59: 427 2235 ! 282 2286 196 2330 I 422 2315 | 181 162 931 2105 375 , 1863. f(. 8 .............. ... ........................ 59: SDitmarftficr unb if)c Jsotgt, Sie. Sei^., (f. b.) 16. 3n iHieri? ^ngenb =35ib[., 4ib. 41 ........................ .............. 59: lorfrfien unb Sc^ellen. Settete Grja^ lungen. Vnl, 1860. 16 ............... 59: &lt;3Hucf*fc6.iffer, S)er. eip., (f. b.) 16. 3n JJierij 3uaenbSi6I., 3Jb. 41 ............ 59 : San Slauflnf, obet, See unb Beater. ert. 1864, 2 be. in 1. fl. 8 J .......... 59 : 3JJarinebilber. ert. 1859. t(. 8 .......... 59: 3 ii tj a It: ^eucrsbrum t. Gin Scijlafbaas. fiarften Xiebeitlmnecr. Slnmunfteni unb ^Ibuninftcrn. s l?icr fdjaumiufnoe Xa* men. Ta3 Scbiffcr 2trnicnf)anG. 3roei Su lifii^f. 2cr iiafenarjt. &lt;er Siiljne- pofat. ftauffaitei*ftabttten. iS in ^solc lenfiiljver. fteUer, .Snins unb (SefcUfdjaft. Gin Seeinaimojiljiuiuif. 2)er !iieurf)t = thurmiDdtliier. 2591 815 818-21 818 819 820 821 2791 2591 2790 2591 816 817 Snni lci)i)OU), ber (SbHenbunb. ^. TOatriiat. 58 : go bit mtr, fo id) bir. g. crft&cfcr. 3" ftieintl. it. nn[)ciini. Oefd)., Hb. 1 ........... 58: Qo flinfl mir g. ^. g. 215. Cartel. (3S5. D. Don &gt;otn.) Jn Socn S CSt-,., 33b. 6 ..... 58 : Saifelbe. 3n 9il;eintidje Sorfgefd)., 33b. 4 ......................................... 58: ber ikliarrltdjfeit, Set. . 9iieri^. enb^i3ibl., $lb. 14 ................... 59: - 3(atur, 2et. 3 SieueS 3Mlbev= bud), b. 2. ..................................... 58: Sofin ber te)Ji&gt;e, Xer. Sraf t. ra- botuofi. 3n 2lutf JiSelt u. foauS, i*b. 1... 58: ber ilitttiue, 2er. i . ^5id)ler. 3n ., b. 2 ...................................... 59: bc (Partners, 3)ec. ^5. Solon 4Hbc. in2 ............................................... 58: be. 59: 2284 936 2850 2860 2564 2548 1069 2641 815-6 639-40 Soin eine bernfymtcn 9Jicmne, Ser. 45. Sdiucfmg 59 : So&n 9laBo(eon 3. 9Ji. Siing. 2 "Sbe. in 1... 59 : Sobn jeincr Qeit, er. 6. 9)i. SOJunbt. (ouifc9J;it()lba.d).) 2 be. in 1 58: Solute be 2re(;orgelinann , ie. 9JJ. 8. Sdjtrarl}. 2S8be.ini 59: Saffeibe 59 : Sb lmc Speftatojji *, ie. K. (iiiifetoh). 3 S8be. 58 : Soiree_ muslcale, (Sine. (S. ^olfo. 3n Kerfunfene Sterne : 9i. 9!oBcllcn, Sib, 7- 59 : Solbat auf bcr 4l ac()e, 3)er. (S. &gt;. Bon Sdjubert. 3n Grj. d)r., S8b. 3 56 : Solbatcitgcfdiiclitcii, (S. ofer. 3n Grj. d)r., b. 9 58 : Solbntciilcbcuinigrieben. g. 1C. fiiacflam ber 58: Solbntfiimalirrijcn, Gin. (i. wBinbler. 3n Sleferelen, b. l 59: Sod unb .oaben. . gret;tag. 2 Sbe 58 : Sommctblumcit fi tr bie ilUnterjett. 21. (iorribi 59 : SommcrmnlBcn. G. inbler. 2 S3be. in 1 59: 3 nb, alt: !8b. 1: S or bi Keoante. Der .^terr im \iaufe. ln ber &gt;8ert"ina. or* beereii, $aimen nnb "Jleflelit, au bem Xe* benofra&gt; je be^ illimcn. 33b. 2: Eer (jcjpenftinc .(iof. Siooelle au3 ^[orcrrj. Die ijt 2)riUing3bnrg. Dev yjtann obnc yZamen. Sommerrcifc, Gtne. 45. Siect. 3n d)r., SBb. 23 56: 678 380 2559 744 704 1247-9 83 2796 1654 1287 927 732-3 2074 941 . Sommcrtflqcbitrl) (1872) be iveilanb Dr. gaftrofopl)- Jeremia @aueramv&gt;fer. 3- @d)err .......................................... Soitbcrbfltc SueK, Sa?. %. Ckrftacter.... onbcroorlirf)C Srautfalirt, (Sine. 21. ii5i(= ben|a|- 3nef. (i rj., b. 3, ............ 0iibcrliit(), Ser. (3. 3Heri. 3n 3ugenb= ., eoiibcrltiiflc. S-. 9JJ. gelber. 2 SJbe. in 1.. Soniic brihgt eS an ben Sag, ie. g. offntann. 3n Grj., SJb. 15 ................ Sonite unb 28olfen. 2(. (Sorrobi ............. SonucnbliitbCi 6. pinbler. Jn Je (anger, je lieber, v Hb. 2 59: 59: 58 : 59: 59 : Sonncnlpfcd i ebeit, (sin. D. SBUbennutty, Jn 2luS bem grauenleben, S8b. 1 ......... 5 Soitncilffltrtll, 2cr. . Km?,, ; iBbe. in 1. " Sountan beS (Srojjater, er. 31. IBi^tu*. (^er emiaS Oott^elf. ) 3n (8ef. d)r., b. 10 ................................. Soiuttnfl=i)inrl)mittanc babeim. D. 2\&gt;ilbcr= mutf) ................ ........................... 3 nf) a It: ttt Jlame. S)cr MiicffcUcf. SMe d)lafer. Sa Bcheimiufi. Das boppelte 3eu()ni6- oS Cine, roa 9iotl) tljut. "fecr iHUtt. lev Rrembllna. ie Grinnemnq. 2;ie ^otf- . X ii ^ob = ten. 3)ic a^o te. ZaS .fiauS teS Sierra. Die oieicfie Saage. Sic Berfl&runa. Die onntnf|Sf&lt;iev. PJnte unb bbfe Ciificl. ^oS Silb. - Ser ccrborjene Sdja^. SaS Senfrorn. 59 Soniitaqefinb, 5&gt; b. 4 i. Siaron. 3n Grj. 59: Sorf&lt; unb tabtge(d) ........................ 58: SoD&icnbiicntcn. 5- toUe. 3n 3e lang, je (ieber, Sb. 1 ................................ 59 : Soulticns* Seiben. g. .^offmann ............. 59: SorncillOIC Stunben in tjeiteren efd)id;= teit. g. iffi. Sacfldnber. 2 bc ............. 58: 3 nl) alt. 9Jb. 1: Sic Montcccfii unb Gapus letti. Slu4 ber Sabeltafcfie. 3m 2)amcn Soupe. S8b. 2: Sinter btaucn BctOctu Kuf timi Olartcnbanf. Jieifcf^roinbel. Gint iliietterftubie. Grtennen. ,. .^irfdjfelb .............. 58: 1622 493 972 1605 2559 700 2274 2075 917 1632 2005 1040 1634 2023 2765 1118 2350 1334-5 1592 PROSE FICTION : GERMAN- -87 - Gpinblfr. f filiation** = Wcfcillrfinft. Cine. 91. son ilUntcrfelb. ,"\u .vwmoveafen, 3ib. 4 59: epbiltr, Sic. Ji. Sdnirfing 59! Xafjelbe 59 : SVhinr, bcr :Natb|eli plIc. (. Spinblcr. on iell unb Xunfel, -^b. 1 59: Vtcl be* SrtnrffaliS. jy. Won Sdjillcr. 3n Sammtl. Si!., JlurVfdie Slusg., *b. 7... 56: Stiifflf liKKliitlitt , Gine. (i. pfer. Jn euti*r ftcrjen 58: Spiel, Gin. ~ G. v | ! Plfp. Jn Jm $oruber= Slitcl unb 5, icbe. . iicnig 58 : Sflirlcrfllticf. (S. I. SB. (91.) Sioffmann. 3n 2 .ii*g:er.,., S5b. 1 : 58: -lanetbe. gn XteSerainpniS = ^riiber, iyb. 3 ^Q Gliders! Wang unb Gnbe, Xe3. $y. 91b,l= felb 58 i), Xcr. 91. Siiilbenftafjn. o Off. *b. 5 59: iflrn, [Jriebrtcb,, (geb. 1829.) 91uf bcr Xitne. Serl., 1866. fl. 8 59 : Xaffelbe 59: SlarasPm. erl., 1867. fl. 8 59: Xaffclbe 59 : Xeutjd;e ^iionieve. erl., (f. b.) fl. 8... 59 : Xie ium .wbeiiftein. iOerl., (f. b.) fl. 8. 59 : Xprfcpguette, Jie. i^erl., (f. b.) fl. 8. 59 : fl. H ........ .59; ft-anS unb rcte. iMerl., (f. b.) fl. 8... 59: on ber jUHHftcn Stunbc. crl., (f. b.) fl. 8 59 : 3n iNcifi unb Wlicb. crl. (f. b ), 2 iBbe. II. 8= 59: Jafjelbe 59: ^rpblcmatifdie SJaturcn. SBerl. (f b) 2 *be., fl. 8 59. Taffclbc. 2 ilbe. in 1 59 3lp c-d)cn oom ofc. Scrl. 1867. fl. 8. 59 : Jaffelbo 59 ; Sd pncn Slincrifanerinnen, Sie. iierl. (f. b.), fl. 8 59 : 3.!crgiiiigutig*comiHiffar, 2er Sierl (f b.), fl. 8 ..... 59: Sermifd) tc Sd^riftcn. Herl. (f. b.), fl. 8. 59 : SAkiS bic Sdmmlbe fang. V ei. 1873 2 ^be., IL 59: Sfttcltilrt) }&lt;eter bc-J Orpftcn, Xer. 21. I ieifiiu r. 3n9loBeIIen, i&lt;b. l 58: Jaffelbe. ^n Scltiantc Wcfdiiditen... 58 : Sjiiublfr, Carl, (geb. 1796, f ia55.) iBaftorb, Xcr: (Sine bcutfcbc Stttengc= fd)id)te au bem , J ,citaltcr Jtaifer ;Hu= bolpb beS ^meitcn. Stuttg. 1H54, 4 #be. in 2, 16 , 59 ; Sliimlein i*Jtinbcrf;olB ; ober, Slbciiteuer bet bem groficn ^rciidjiefecn ju Sttaft= burg, im o^hrc 1576. Stuttg. 1854, 16 59 : SBpa Conftrictpr. Stuttg. 1847. 2 ftbe. in 1, 16 59: S3mite Wcjdjiditen. Stuttg. 1855. 2 Hbc inl, 16 59: 3 | 1 1 : b. I : Za&lt;J liamaiiten-Ulirir. Icr Aoa&gt; bco Coinaro. ^reunb Cmn:bu9. Grjablungen beim I idjt. Stuttg. 1855, 2 i)be. in 1, 16 59 ; Gugen pn Hvpnftein, Pber bc^ i fbcnS unb bcr I icbe IKaefen. Stuttg. 1854. 2 $)be. in 1. 16 59 : Jreunb ^ilgram : SfpiitanttidieiS &e- malbe atio bem fierjebnten 3abrbun&lt; bert. Stuttg. 1854. 16 59- 1733 624 677 907 1272 1671 86 | 1929 1730 1734 10 1606 857 866 857 865 862 868 862 863-4 862 857 859-60 868-9 855-6 873 857 870 862 862 861 871-2 2310 2329 895-6 897 898 899 900 901 897 Sflinblrr, Garl. Jyortfetjung. S l ibolin^ Sdjwertbct-iicr : unb Jyamiltctidn-onif au eincr |"iib= beutfdicn Stnb t. Stntta. 1844, 4 a^bc. in 2, 16 Eaffclce grutti bi Ware, etuttg. 1855. 2 4ibe 59: 59: 59: in 1. 16. 3nl)alt: SJb.l: -Hoiiiiccia: Wcitir tc Jiditite auf bcm mitieUiinbtidicii iUleeic. (ruie 5l!oUf,ilirt naa) ^crufalem. (ile^imnig. Dolie Vit be in Jieaiii 1. ,vato lilorgana *b. ^: ^onaccia (Sdilufi). (Sofa rara. Siir Stabt unb Vanb. Stuttg. 1855, 2 *be. in 1. 16 59; 3 n ^ alt : Sb. I: Mad; Hmerifa. b. i: acitjcinociler. eine Piefpcnfter. gc|d&gt;icte. Has rojli die Jtnarcnmanneil. llhloib unb DitUibij ci 3(1.19 *&lt;* Sllaiid). cr JUoftciljnt. janS SCalbmann: SuftovifdjcS Sd&gt;au= fpicl. Stuttg. 1837. 16- 59- ell unb bunfel. Stuttg. 1855, 2 b ! 1 log: 3 n I) a It: b. 1: Icr ai e Crb luff-- unb [tin tatncreo iEcib.- 8frecteH)iiraer Sicije naa can ban. Sin Saltnct-VtAraSeic. Si binr, bev ;Katbtcli)ollc. Sb. V: I er Ufbcrall. Slcfot Jagc auf U6ren. loort. $crbftuiplen. Stuttg. 1854. 2 iBbe in 1. 16 .. 3 n ha It: Bb. 1: Jtaihuinerfdfirt. Gine Jiadjt bci 91.non. Mb. ?: S,io -JJlobcU unb ba Slot Maria. JJiamsja. las 011$ bcr ^rominen. 59: oiibalibe, Xer: .tjiiftorifcfj - rpinautijdie *tlber ncucrcr ^cit. Stuttg. 1831. 5*bc., 16 59. Xafjclbe. 1854. 5 Sbe. in 2 59 : 3e liinger, jc licbcr. Stuttg. 1854, 3 =Bcc in 1, 16 . 59. 3 n 6,1 It. s. 1: a&lt;SftiUc4&gt;au. u bem iicbcn cines Oiluitlidicn. 2cr 8 a input unb (cine *raut. b.2: Ieo,&gt;al(ner srant. SonnenbliiHe. SUb. :t: Za Wcfneiift con Slobcnftein. Dnfel unb Slctfe. lie liiotcttioneii; obcr, roie maditmanfei i Oiliict? rote uerj^cijt man 8V er groRe Unbctannte. oefuit, Xer: Gbaraftcrgcma lfe au bcm crftcn Htcrtel fceo ad)tjel;ntcn ^abr= bunbtyti. Stuttg. 18.VJ. 3 i(be in 1, 16 . .... 59. oU.be, Xcr : XcutfdicS Sittcugcmalbc aug bcr crftcn pa lfte bcs fiinfjcbnten "\abr= btmbtrtt. Stuttg. 1854. 2 *be. in 1 lti 59: ilcttcnglicbcr. Stuttg. 1854. 3 SUbe inl lyo 59: 3 n fa a 1 1. spb. 1: i reciosdjen. flnecbt;Tun tcljctiott. iic 31ei|e ant bcm (iiluijaen. 1 ortn Nigra. S. . 2: let cr|o)tagenc Mcificr. la&gt;J Reft bes JIBiufla. ie S(t|iilfal3=-4Jqftete. .Jjer^ S)b. 3: 2ei; Mai e uon Cuille 3(cinc. Jiclt WelieimniB. 35cr gelje me ilgent. Jent umrbigtcittn eine-3 aa^nftnnigcn. flp ntg ypn ^ipn, Xcr : Siomantifdje* e= inalbe aue bcm fcd^ejebnten oabrt)iin= bert. Stuttg. 1847. 3 b?. in 1, 16. 59 : Xaffelbe. 3 be 59 : i enjblutben. Stuttg. 18.54. 2 iBbe. in 1, 16 rq u j 3nfaalt. 55b. 1 : Jyurdjtlo-3 unb treu.- GUiid iibct iiues. engcl&gt;Vir&lt;a&gt;cn. 3)b. a: lie Sdjlanje in :Kcggio.. Dlcnuphar. Tie J)lob,iin oon Zolebo. 902-3 904-5 955 906 909 907 908 910-14 915-16 917 918 919 921 925 V22-4 92S t KOSK FICTION: OKUMAX. pinbler. r, Carl. Vcfevcien. Jm SBabe, auf sHeifen, auf tern i. anbe. Stuttg., 1856. a SBbc. inl. 16 ................................... 59: 311 6n It. Sb. 1: i&gt;eo SDiagnnS, ber Pkofi= mime. Gin oolbatcnma tjrcfyen. Stun* ben ocr m ^iinfel. cfa)irfjtett eineS Jjjitn&lt; beitiab,rigeu. Da3 dlluttergottesle. So. 2 : Slimming * .Vgerfage. Cine fcltnurje Martjt. Slitter unb Siiraer. lev bBfe M iitb im Scut. Xcv gliicflicljt erb. Dev 3.i|ii?fKi|l- iuftige Oieidnct) ten fiir crnftc 3eit : SBelt* anftcliten, Sjiftorien unb nmnbevlid)e SBefannt|d)aften Bom lourifteit Jb.eo= pfyil Vang enltricf, gcnannt "(Jrand- Fusil". Stuttg., 1856. 2 $be. in 1. 16..-. ........................................ 59 : SDJandjevlei. (Stuttg., 1855. 2be. in 1. _ 3tib,alt. 85,1: Die fflefeUen bev f$n&gt;ar jfii flitnfl. 3lbt unb SietienOleutt in bet 9tci4&lt;itau. b. 2: Da* leftaraent be3 2Buc6,erer5. lie (BaftfreunK. SKeifter Jtldbcvleib. OSefdjidjte cineS 2lbert= teuvers uiab,renb ciner Sommerjeit in SBaben^aben. etuttg., 1855. 23Jbe. in 1. 16 ................................... 59: WooSrofen. Stuttg., 1854. 3be. in 1. lo ............................ ............... 59: 3 n Salt. b. 1: Sfijjen auS bem !Babe journal fines 5ecb. ,igeie. &gt;0^. 2: Snluciter s -Jia^t. $infeI4en, SevWa 9 in 5 jeinilirfje S!aget. ie ;Bir tuofin. SUb. . i : RriebmiiUt 3 Sannc^ett. Xtt fflraicfflam auS ,fn?ti. JJiofatf. etuttg., 1856. 2 be. in 1. 16 ........... . ............................... 59: 2 n bait. b. 1: 3&gt;e StiefeluuljevS 5\inb ling. _ aus ber lUinmc eine5 V!ilgei3 burc^ kie Siiel.: (sttinejijclje eump.uljieen; $er emige iiciicfit rftatter; Siljabernact; Scr ftebenfnrbige 5d) &lt; Stei ; 2a3 1 .Walmg&lt;fpenft; Ungatn oi oietji8^ab,ten; Sin amor oon eil 3al)icn. Bb. 2: c tram s Spiit * &lt;5nfl. 2(n? bee 3)!&lt;Hn&gt;e cities ^. ilgevs buvc& bie Belt. -=- 2te ^eiberge ber .,augefto6enen in Slangun. OTuntcre i ebensbilber, (Stuttg. 1855, 2 sbe. in 1, 16 ........................... 59 : 3n [in (t ; Wb. 12: Die Srben be fteiner= Konne Bon nobenjell, Ste. Stttenge^ miilbc be^ fiinfjc^utcn 3a^rbunbtnS. etuttg. 1854. 3 be. in 1. 16 ........ 59 : Sutjd) Js Qomf. 184718481849. etuitg. 185H, 4 SBbe in 2. 16 ......... 59 : ^egenbogtnftrablen. tuttg. 1854. 2 SBbeinl. 16 D ................. , ............ 59: Jjnhnlt: S*b. 1: ie .(Setjogin oon Giccri. Eas licimlicfie Serial bev Waleerenftlo oen. 3 au ^ er Qterne. - ^aint * Siiitona apoftel. Slbbemiir s aU= unb ^oc^jeit3= feft. Gin Gontumasbau^. &lt;8b. 2: Die ^Jeft ju !Dlar| eille. MorlatfifAeS XUbicfctn. - 2)er f^ijiien Statini S!elien!3 [auf. Sloietten. Stuttg. 1854. 2Sbe inl. 16. 59 : 3nb,alt: Sb. 1: erjiifilungeti 6ei 6bbe unb Slutti. Die Sctiajrammcrn ju uvg. Muftn. 8)b. 2: Iier grofie Simla? ju fflliimien. J&gt;a4 ia-S bote 3luge. Dev Statt^alter oon $t) va if a n. gcenen unb Scfdjiditen. Stuttg. 1855. 2be. inl. 16 ............................ 59: gnfcalt: S&gt;b. 1: Gin Hampf(a&gt;iff. Cin Zinev be ^touince in gloria. Sicf)ter Zaglouf. Aiinj 3toiroerfc. Onc^clo^ pabifcfier (Srbfpifgel. Sib. 2: lao Vuftfpiel im SBJancn. fprobcn inb Driifungen. DaS OaftliauS jur ool- beimi Slofe. 927 3l)inb(cr, Cart. gortfefcung. Sdjiibereicn. Stuttg. 1855. inl. 16. 2 S3be. 928 930 931 33 833 934 935-6 937 38 939 59: 3nbalt: Sib. 1: Der Sclaoe liaiar unb feine ^amilie. 91apo eonc ^Jebru. S3. 2: rtlammi n untev 3$nee. Der 9!iirn = berit-r Sopljotles. Gin iticrtel nacb yiit* ternatbt. SdjiBdrmer, Der. 2eben3= unb Gb,a= ratterbilber au Bergangener Qeit. Stuttg. 1854. 16 59: SommermalBen. tstuttg. 1854. 2 SBbe. in 1. 16 59: 3n bait: ML 1: Sior bt ileoante. Der Jperr im Saufe. Sn ber ticriina. Sor* beeren, $almen unb Jieijeln, au bem Jie bensfranje be3 Ulimeu. S)b. 2: Der gejpenftige .&gt;of. % OB tile mil ^loienj. Die o be DnUing^burg; ober, ber golbene BAwerttrtepf aus bera Wei|ter fdiaue* ober, ^i^urfenlotin, (yefpenfterrddje unb s Wenid)enoert)angniB. ^ cr ^iann ohiie 9tamen. Stiibte un6 Ulienfdjen : rinntrunen in bunter Sleibe. Stuttg. 1856. 16 3 59: lag unb 3iad)t. Stuttg. 1854. 2 iflbe. inl. 16 59: 311 1) a It: b. 1: Dev njiebeattant. Der XaliOaan. Sib. 2: DerBeberan ber Smb. Hubleri 9i&lt;fb,ing3&gt;rtreute. Die UtelttUtage. leufei im S3nbe, Ser: SUtfjeidinungen eined Hurgafte^ in ibomburg. Stuttg. 1856. 16 J 59: SBogelfytinbter Bon Snift, Ser: (Itrol Bor t)unbert ^ab,ren.) Stuttg. 1841. 4 me. 16 59: Saifelbe. 1855.^ 4 be in 2 59 : 58olfgejd;idjten. Stuttg. 1855. 2 4)be. in 1. 16 59 : 3 n ha It: 3Jb. 1: (Slurf unb (S)la5. Der Ibalermann. Die ,\rau mil bem Xobten fopf. S vajbuiger 3!enjal)r. 3n ae driejonjfe ItaUMmton. Bb. 2: Dei SHcentiaten &gt;&gt;ufnage[ Zljeater. lauf. - Jieontine. oibiiiia)C3 S^ueeftiict. Der (Mnbtnuller ton Dan.ug. Gin SBoltomann. Dasi Demanttieuj. DaS i;u|ttpii l im Siabe. aSalBurgi=3(od)te. Stuttg. 1855, 2 SBbe. in 1. 16 59: 3 11$ a It: b. 1: Die ^ropljetin ju SRoiten = brnnn (1705-1706). Der fa&gt;inari fcerr* gott in Xpvol. Snjiiiterbud)! Stuttg. 1856, 2 Sbe. in 1. 16 59: 311 ba It: b. 1: Site unb neue geU; 8tl bev au3 Sonft unb ,"ie(it; Der (sioiioatet; DeS (^rofeoater 3 ooljti; % JJaa&gt; seljii ^abrcu. fflb. 2: aumerica. -Jfooelle uon lag ju lag. Die neue jJeimatD iibet m SHeei. - Sov tunati 4Beit= unb iaasfa|)rt. (iine iujer. berge| d)ul)te. 5Kintevftoeubeit. Stuttg., 1854. 2 SBbe. inl. 16 59: 3 nil a It: SJb. 1: Dvei oonntage. Gin Xaa Viibmig beo Giltten. Scfclafrocf unb 2iiacfamantel. Dfl 3 Jxeft aller Setlen. b. 2: Der Jiof ju GajteUaun. lltiincbener SKinterjeitBertreib. Stuttg. 1855. 2 SBbe. inl. 16 59: 3 n ha It: 33b. I: Gmanucl b Uftorja. SBb 2: Conftantinopcl s sail: Sd)au| pie[. Die Cngel G$e. ,. J.2luerbad? 58: ^^,..be. 3n 0ef. Sd;r., SBb. 10-11 58 : S)iioii,Ser. ^3. g.GooBer 58: SVrurt) unb Sd)lBant_ bed Sd;teijerboten. siiifober tcin SBiit? G. febfer. 3n 3(. - ). 2 * 58: (Suufflcitiittftc, Gine. 31. Bon iiUnterfelb. An siumor. Solboten=3ioBeUen, SBb. 1- o9 : 940 901 941 943 942 943 944-7 953-4 948 949 950 951 952 65 54-5 456 2312 1962 1689 1736 PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. &gt; uveit eints 9lomaire. -89- Stober. 59: tint* Romanes, Tie. J-SB-frarf 1 ItinDcr. 3n Wo^eS uut) JcrncS ...... ...... 58: Stnnr wn iVrdjing, Ter. it. Stebcr. ^n Grv, *b. 7 ................. , ................... 59: tnnti!flfbcimmiJ, Gin. i. . Sctyiicting. 3*toe ............................................ 59: Stab, St. v. X luf bornijjem -^fabt. Skri., 1869. fl. 8, 59 : Stabat ninti-r. W. Bon StrucKfee. (80= ftB BOIU See.) Ju Grj. tine alien iceiTn, b. 1 ................................... 59: Stabat ni:itfr uub ^crgolefe. Ta$. ty. &gt;y, Dertel. (SB. D. B. S&gt;orn.j 3" Corn s Grj., Sb. a ........... : ................ . ....... 58: 6&gt;tUte nb SRenfgm. G. BtnMcr ....... 59: etabtctteiel, T . ,1 Wvufie .................. 58: etnbtirtiult!)ciii BPH Jyranffurt, Ter. D. MiiUer .......................................... 58: etabttroiiiDeJcr BOII GeBenif, Tcr. 31. B. il&gt;interfelt&gt;. ,\n jpumorcsfea, iHb. 2 ...... 59: tnel, 5rau BOH. 21. :MiHte. 3 itoe. in 1... 58: eta&l, i trtbur. ^Srtiij Bon WuUeS Wnaben, Gin. i. ei. y 1863. l(i j ................... ................ 59: SBtiblidw 3(r}t, Gin. Jena, 1867. fl. 8. 59 : etniibCiMvlire. *. etprfing ................ 5!): 2tarfr fccr;, (Sin. . Bon On fed. 3n i= ranbola, b. 3 .............................. 58: Stnrriinn unb fcficraiUUc. g. $offnwnn. Jntrrj., 4\b. 35 .............................. StnHljallcr son Ityoraffan, Ser. G. S let. 3n Mofetten, Sb. 2 ..................... 59: Statue in ^ipcnhnflcn, Tie. 31. B. Siimter* fdb. Jn Sjumoresfen, v -Ub. 5 ............... 59: tnubcitmci)tr, Gorl Sluguft. SJhimcn Bom Sinai: Tic jcfyn Oicbote Giotte^ in ISqaJlunaen fwt bie rvifcve Jugenb. Stuttg., (f. b.) H. 8 ......... 59: ^unbert moralifd&gt;eG r;ab.lungcii fiiritin= bet Wn 6-10 gotten. Stuttg., (f. b.) 1 .......................................... 59: ^kilniblalJor fiiv bie Jugenb. Stuttg., (f. b.) fl. 8 ................... , ............ , 59: 3n 1) a it: ao 3d)loB su vcisclberg. Zi ^eilqit. Ucii ,;u ffltltiliac. 2ie (ireolin. rfniccjjlocti^en. Grjatjluiiijeit fiir bic^U 5 gent. StuUg., (f. b.) fi. 8 ............. 59: 2tr. !){od)C. S&gt;. ^aaljoiB. 3 be ........... 59 : Stcrffiijjfcrftr, Ji. CJ. Jiicvig. Jn3tigenb= bl., *b. .................................. 59: StcffcnJ, RIftfb. Stuf bcr ^)lofitraBBe. i eiu., 1807. 2 Jibe. inl. 1- .................................... 59: gtcin, 2lbam. Sllte Sefannte. Gin Siacfitrag ju ben Iage= nub Veben-bbiidjcrn. Serl., (f. b.) 16 ..................................... ...... 59: Strut, rfteiljerr won. O. djubu ............ 59: r Iriiimct! Bon Beier. ii. pd;kr. Jn Grj., b. 3 ............................................ 59: 2ttintan;. T. 31. Bon iiiintcvfelb. 3 ftiumore^fcn, iib. :i ........................... 59: etfintbor, Ta. .ft. Stober. 3n Grj., Sb. 3. hit : etdibirtjtiii, Ta. K.Giutfoio. 3"*nn. d)T.. 6. 3 .................................... 5(J: etcllbirficin. X . etord;. 3n Siir ftiUe Slbenbe .......................................... 59 : Stcllurrtrctcr, Jer. G. g. Garlen ......... 58 : 5tfllfrttftcr, Ter. gr.ftmafb. JirlUmte ilb, *b. 1 .................................. 58: StrllBtrtrctcr, Xcr. 3C. aBilbenbabn. 3n Wef. l*cj., D. 3 ............................ ... 59 : gtcllBtttrctcr, Xer. 31. BOH SBtnterfelb. 3n Sniiiior. 6olbatn9Joaen. . 2.... 59 : Stcubnifoii, Wcorge. ^. g. iL*. Certel, (SB. D. Bon iiorn.) ........................ 58: Steujen bra-lib, Ter. 33. $almb(atter it. Sdjiwtfloden, ^b. 1...7.. 58: Stern, 2tai&gt; unb ^feife. &. Stierrb. 3n Sitgtnb BtfcL, 53b. 26 59; 641-3 Sternberfl, 31. Bon. (geb. 1806), Glifabetl; Gltarlotte, Jpajegin Bon Cr= 99 - lean*. VeiB. 1861. 3 Wbe. U 2, 16, 59 : JLleine iRomane unb Gvjfif^imgen. VeiB. 1862. 3 #bc. i 1, fl. 8 59: 1198 3 n * a 1 1. SBb. 1: I-a *aftc&en, obcr bet-tune flombab. (Jlautia. SBb^ 2: lie goibeRe Waflt, te rctht 2849 W43 1159 2635 1731 202 . b. :i: Sinn a Souife arf4, I&lt;r tob con Vubi if. enb^mioii. (Sine tmereffar.te Dame. Siinftlerbilber. i eiB. 1861, 3 Sfce., 16. 59 : ?[n^alt. -t. I: Bettvub 2)!am. b. 3: trail. S. Jfflnnb, 1005 KM Hi 625 1187 SRoliert. etuttg. 1834. 16 59: ^&gt;eter l&gt;nul MubtnS. t eiu. 1862. 16. 59 : fi(ferin won Irewifo, Tie. ty. S&gt;el;fe. 3n Wef. 3H., ;b. 8 :...: 56: Stieffluulier ^ (Jinbfing, Te^. G. 2Binb= ler. ^n KofaU, 33b, 1 59 : Sticff, Swiriettc. iagenoffen, Tic. i eiw. (f. b.), 16, 2294 Sc^anna. 4!ei. (f. b.), 16. 3n 3!i e= riu 3ugenbiW., SBb. 42 59: 038 j Stieffinb beg WlitrfS, Gin. G, SLUUtpmm. iB. 1867. 3 33be. in 1., fl. 8 59 : etieimittter, Tie. g. erftacfer. 3n ell uub Tunfel. 33b. 1 58: Stiergeferiit auf ber Siiffion Toloreg, Gin. 5. 0)i- rft&lt;icfer. Jn Galifornifdje ;ti$- 3 - 58: Stiftcr, Slbalbert. (geb. 1806 f 1868.) ^unte Stein*. *eft, 1870. f{. 8 59 : 3 n b a 1 1 : Olranit. Jlalfftein. Zurma = lin. aergfriitaU. Jtajenfilber. S)eig mila). Grjatjlungen. ^eft, 1869. 2 Sbe. in 1. II. 8 59; 3 n Ija It: b. 1: ^rofouuj. lie brei Scbmiebe tbreS crfjirffaU*. cr SBdlb- brunnen. !)iaa)foitimenfci)nften (Sin (5iang burd) bie Hatatomben. Slug bent bairtfcfa.cn 4l*alb. iBb. 2: Xcr ffljalbaiinger. Zer fvomme rud&gt;. Xcr HUB i"i Scn?c. 3110 fid)t. 3"&gt;ct -iiSittnxn. ^ie --ila l&lt;tt. ^jioei i arabeln. (Scbic^i 3lad)fommer, Ter. ^5eft, 1865. 3 3Jb. fl. 8 r,9. Sitifo. ^5e|t, 1865. 3 be., fl. 8 59: 2840 2841 2842 2843 7-9 2556 1017 2391 2576 1029-30 1031 1032-4 1035 io.i6 &lt;377 v)32 2592 2592 1G66 937 917 1060 1061 StiftsDrrrcn BOH Stvaftburg, Tie. S. Ctto. 2 be. in 1 . 58 : 2r)0 2820 i gttde Wcid)id;ten. G._.v&gt;pfer. 3 be 58: 2642 3 n 1) a 1 1 : Ob. 1-2: Ia &gt;&gt;au3 ber ffliajortii. !t)b. 3: iierr Glemen !Hotl)maiin. Taffelbe. 3 Grj. ed&gt;r., 33b. 12 ...... 58 : Stifle "Binfel, Ter. 31. Bon iJBinterfelb. Stifle 6au8, Ta. G. Binbler. 3n 3e 1732 (anger, je lieber. S8b. 1 59: 1091 . Stille .ttamerab, Ter. G. feb fer. 3n 3lu8 alter unb neuer ,^eit 58: 492 ] .^ l^be 59: Stifle 2anb, Ter. ft. Berftader. 3n .,, 3lu* meincm lagebudi, Hb. 2 58 : Stilllebeii, Gin. . Jtonig. 2 be 58 ; Stimnte be^ verrn, Tie. g. Sioffmann. onGrj., SBb. 34 : 59: 1737 Sto bcr, Marl. (geb. 1796.) Glmtljali, Ta. etuttg. 1871. 16. unb SScltsbibl 59 ; 1062-4 1065-7 2929 1692-4 917 1660 1655 1755-8 903 1914-15 2293 2413 12 1 KOSK KKTIOV: &EBMAN. Slober. 90 StreM&urgerS 3Jeifc. Sort. g-or Grjaljlungen. I etto. (f. b.). 12 33be. in 6. 16 .................................... 59: gnfjalt: Sb.l: Der d)neiber on Cla = item. 2lsmu4. Da&lt;s 3tiible. Der fflrebtl. Der (Uinr ^ritbensbote ........ 59: Bb.2: "Beffcn Victo bremU laugti. Der Icifl auf Bern SttJegc. Die Zifdireben- Jttatt mebr in ber fficlt als ein UtJemglaS. Drei BorabnungCM ..................... 59 . b. 3: Die d)lufjelfungirau. Sd)iDeijer= (asen. Der tffiivtb t)n ioh,enroart. Der lag im SBalbe. S&ie man ficb, auf eU ner $nfel eimia)ten unb pvr^abcn folle. DaS teteintljor ............................ 59: Sib. 1: Die Sreiftatle, ber bciS ftrftulcin t""" Sljfenftein. Der ,*biinmclfal)rtiil&gt;tnb j n rer jloblmulile. CHrrtraub. Da3 -Jfars tcnljauS. Die .(laijerlronuug. Der Zrobler, Der Srfwisrouvm .............. 59: Kb.. 5: DaS blaue SBafler; obcr bag \9rctmiU roeintrinlcii uni feine Soljen. Der 2ag in ber Sdjenfe- Die Slmtmanntn. &lt;Sts roaS mis e ner Mocfenftubt. Br|amen.. . 59: Bb.fi: Zer touubevSave ipliifa). 3!ocf) etroaS aus einer JHeidj^ftabt. fiftiibivfr! t)Ctt ti* nen nolbentn !Hoben. Gin iljcn$nmer. _ DaS (Eramen. 3Me furje JBanbctf^aft- 59: Bb. 7: SInbrea. 2et Btnar en Wetting. Set Isortiinif. Xie trodcnc 6ab ..... 59: Kb 8: 33cr Stricter. Die Sdjontamnicr, Zfrfflieiftcr in aUerlei Seiii. Scv Sd)roei = set. Ztt Iljorroart. Xcr fflolf ...... 59: S(b.9: Set 5Can im iab. Sa (SlmtljiUt. . 59: !Bb. 10: 3Jie auBtrfte jiiitte. Zurrrnftcm. Savum ............ 7 ..................... 59: SJb. 11-12: Sabina, bie SBlrtcfyerin ......... 59: cfd)td)ten bS $famr Si etuttg., 1865. 16. 3n 3ugenb = . &lt;5Sefd;id)ten toon ber SUtmiil;!. etuttg., 1866. 16. 3n Sugenb- u. Solfebibl. 59 : SDiofyren; mbft anbern Grja ^lungen. etuttg., 1870. 16. 3n 3"gnb - u. SBoltsbib! 59 : SDlobren. - - SSon ben brei tnifcben. SDiie bie fieifenrofe eine Centii folie rctrb. Iljauperlen. J)er Kart jrafenrati^tr. Sie giode. Son kern Walatod. 3Hub,larjt, Ser. tnttg., 1869. 16. 3n 3ugenb= u. SBctfebibl ..................... 59: Son ber i&utte ii.Unbf^ief unb bem 33aume Soltmicf). tnitg., 1869. 16. 3n 3ugnb = u. SSolfssbtbl ..................... 59 : tollf, Srbinanb. (gcb 1806.) 1813". iftorifd)ev9iontcm. i. eij)., 1859. " 3 Sbe. "in 1. 16. (rtjfcung : GIba unb 2Baterloc.) ............................. 59 : Gamelien. Sety., 1857. 2 be. in 1. 16. 59: ^nliatt. SBb. 1: Valerie. 2ie gffa^r= lichen iBraute. G&inirfl unb gi|iefev becler. Die brei Goufineii. Bb 2- eciilaf ober ^ob. Seli(|, bie bo teineS .ferjenS finb. Da3 neue 2cfta. ment. Die Sebi nt)erfid)erun(i. Die oebeimnifiDOllt flifte. i(-aiifet Slienteuer. Die roanbelnben Marciffen. 55eutfc^e ^ietiiMcfier. eij)., 1859. 3 SBbe. inl. 16 .................................... 59: Zeutfcfyen ^icfnriefier auf SHctfen, ^te. J!ufti0e8 eettcnpcf ju ,,3)euticb,e ^ict= iDicttet". ety., 1865. 2 SJbt. in 1. 16 ................................... -- 59 : Glba unb SCatetloc. "Adtlfe^ung on 1813". Si^., I860. 3 be. in 1. 16. 59 : Gr b fc^aft in Kabul, 3)ie. SJetp., 1858. 2 Sbe. in 1. 16 ............................ 59 : KruMingSglocfen. ^laucn, 1865. 2S3be. inl. 16 ................................... -59: til bait. b. 1: M"3 ben Wemoiren eintr Scb.roalbe. ierr iffiobft im Sabe. Dec e*a? im SSeinberge. ab 2- SDa Slit urn 9Httnia*t.Biifct bilber. Da3 le?te !l)!ittel. Die Ultras. tonttcolonne on Warengo, Xie. ^3louen, 1865. 4 SBbe. in 2. 16 ....... 59 : 1090-5 1890 1090 1091 1091 1092 1092 1893 1093 1094 1094 1095 2414 2414 2413 2413 2413 1110 1111 Stoflr, gerbinonb. 3e longer, jc Ueber. i ety., 1859. in 1. 16 1112 1123 1113 1114 1115 1116-17 3n 6att. lib. 1: Der Xtiiuiner. Der 0= vbjeiibucatcn. 2er lobtenroalsei. Gntielbevta. Der s JJfi)r pow Kenebifl. 8b. 2: Dcrillenjct) bentt, Ciott Irntt. Die GUifUtr bigt. ^ic Weifterbefrf)ir6rer. Der SDrettiiniflSabcnb. fflenreiilbrr. KiJnig Vm Imifwrann, Scr. ^laucn, 1865. a Sbe. in 1. 16 ............. ..... 59: 3)ioor0$m. &ip., 1858. 3 6e. in 1. 1. 8 ......................................... 59: Jnljalt. *b. 1: Die i ebenofrane. 9Jla[. d)en unb &gt;.!)!&lt; ld)t ii. Der Saum be^Zobc*. Der Irauin bcr 1 iebe. Sib. 2: Die Jfofr con Sfiiooia. SBb. 3: Sier (Jl(ri)tbdume, ober n&gt;ie foU man beirfjeeren. SRapolcmi in Ggi^ten. ioiftorifc{j=roiait= tito&emalw. X eip., 1858. 3 ^be. inl. 16 .................................... 59: 9Zeue (5a)"ar, Scr : eeitcnftitrf ju ,,1813" M. ,,Glbn unb SLCaterloo". i?ety., 1858. 2 Sbbe. in 1. 16 ........................... 59 : SSon ffljfen noc^SUagoS: Sjtftorifdjcr 3io= man. i. eip. 1866, 3 S5k. in 1. 16 ..... 59 : SKcifee 3ioje, Xie: CK fjcimmfte auS bent erail. ^laucn, 1865. 3 Sbe. in 1. 16 ............................................ 59: Sfieitbiirgcr, er : Siftorifc^ier 9foman toon beit Ja^ren 1830-2. Sii., 1857. 3 be. in 1, 16 ........................... 59 : Stotrf, , Subtoig (geb. 1803.) 3MBlomat, 3&gt;r. granff. a. 9., 1834. 16 ........................... ................ 59: greibeuter, Set. SeiB., 1861. 3 SBbe. inl, 16 .................................... 59: giir ftiUe Slbenbe. S!ei., 1856. 2 Sbc. in 1, 16 .................................... 59: 3 n 6 a It: 8b. 1: Der ^-riiii uon Kiana. Sjroei SSerjnieifeltt. Selbftauftpferung. b. 2: Cine eifttrerfcb.einung. tcUbicf)&gt; eibe fd?en?e, 3&gt;ie. into., ia55. 3 :Mbf. inl, 16 ..................................... 59: Sntrigue, Sie. granlf. o. SB!., 1833. 2 SJbe. in 1, 16 ........................... 59 : toon Sauffungen. 2ei., 1855. 2 bt., 16 ................................ 59 : ^pjarr^ou^ 311 Jjallungen, So^ ; ober, bie GU incnte beg G^riftenttiumS. SJerl. 1851, 16 .................................... 59: Stiirftcfffn unb fein @ob,n. &. Siieri^. 3n 3ugenb=aibl., *b. 8 ..................... 59 : Striiflinflc. . Sluerbacty. 3n@ef.edjr., SBb. 3 ............................................ 58: Soffelbe. 3" atnmtt. djitmrjiu. Xcrfge)d)., SBb. 2 ........................... 58 : Stranbfifdjrr, Set. %. offmonn. 3" lirj., SBb. 13 .................................... 59 : Strnnbloufcr, 2er. ?. g. 2S. Certel. (W. D. o n & o r n.) 3n orn 3 Grj., SBb. 3. 58 : Stranbuoat toon gaSmunb, Ser. ty. a- len. 4^be. in 2 .............................. 58: @tto66urqct Sleujafyr. G. inb[er. 3" *oifgefd)., SBb. 1 ............................. 59: Strfijjle, Sranj. Su iffialb unb SBergen : 2Ror^en fur bieSugenb. etuttg., (f. b.) 10 ..... .- 59: Sleine ^aturgefdndjte. etuttg. (f.b.) 16. 59 : 2anb unb iieute ; ober, SBilber ou alien ai!clttf)eilcn fiir bie retfere 3ge" 1 - Sets., (f. b.) 16 ............................ 59: llnter ben SBetfynadjtSbaum : Grnfte unb brollige @efd;td)ten, Siardjen unb Jicitb, = fel. etuttg. (f. b.) 16 ..................... 59 : StrcrftlbitrnrtJ :Hetfe nad) X onbon. G. Stoiubler. 3n ipeU unb Sunfel, SBb. 1.... 59 : 59 : 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1125 1124 1126 1140 1142 1147 1141 1143 1144-5 1146 2558 48 81 2272 2832 813-14 948 2860 2861 2862 2863 907 PKOSE FICTION : GERMAN. Strcrffiijj. -91- nnb Staler, (Sin: Cviwtina^Mowae. (f. .) Strcirt), i eopolb. c&toarse Stofitant, r. i eip. (f. b.) 16. Jn Merit) &gt;"sugenb=ibl., m 40. 59 : trrif= unb ^agbgiige turd) bie Skteinigs ten Stuflteii Jiertawertte S. $y. er&lt; ftarfct. Z tt .................... , ............ -58: 8trrif)iij)c urn Safyaraife. &lt;yvb;r G, on :&bra, ^n GrtcbteS s. ettraumM. b- 3 ................................ - ......... 58: Strtit unb Adobe ; obr, cinige Scenen in flornxjen, 5-TOmet .................. 58; Striata t onnosissima, obct t&gt;a8 &lt;rt)= Iknfiebfr. fc. CSonScieiice, 3 Slrenb* ftupben, iflb. 2 ................................. 58: Strirf ift jcrriffm unb tvir finb (o3, Set. . ft. t&gt;. Scb. ubert. Jn Gtj. @cb,r., Sto. 3. 56 : ttirftr, 2w, S. tofcer. 3 Grj., b. 8. 59 : trufitfcf, OHiftau twit. (6) u ft at) BOW Set) (geb. 1803.) Slrnftein. *re[., 1868. 3 33be, fL 8, 59 : IMu* bent Bcviflcn vralir^uubert. 3te8l, 1854. 16.. ................... 59: 3 ltd alt: Cine u&lt;r6a6n=?(olj. OMc S(* b(tnin| *u 91au9 im oa^tc 1741. tiklageruitg t)n Sl^rinfclS, ie. SreSL, 18i8. a Vbe. in 1. 16 ................... 59: tBJaWcr im 2i&gt;inbc, ann, 1873. 4 Sfce. 16- ................. - ......................... 59: %oiftp, Iw. SkeM, 1867. 4 be. in 1. 16 ........................ : ........... 59: Crja^lungcn fines alten .wrn. Sre^l., 1860. 2 ittc. in 1. . 8 ................ 5J: 3 n Ml . 6. 1; Her IKBn^. Stabat mater. lit n)i!xrgcfuiibeu riuxjc4ii, DaJ KarlcnWlk, fBb. 2: OKtmint uim tiercint. 1;crS Ttfr* ftcrtiauT.. Ixtniiii c mobiie. a3 ig not Scr ^nualttic. Ralfenrobe. loanii., 1871, 4 be. 16.. 59 :1199-202 gta ijehen SeiHiftiani. Siebft einem i!ln&lt; l?ang&lt;: Uefcer bw &lt;t Slernbarb. ibann., 1872. 16. ...................... .. 59; 1203 ebcimnifie Jx* G)liicfe. SkrL, 1867. 4 *be. w 2, . 80 ........................ 59 ; 1206-7 Orafin unto DJarquife. Steit, 1865. 4be. 16. (^rtlepnng: Cft unb SJeft.) ..... 59: 1208-11 S&lt;eimat^lc*. Sreei. 1867. 4 ^be. H. 8... 59 : 1212-15 4&gt;erj unb 3liU. Siteel., 1868. 3 iBbe. in 1, 1. .......................................... 59 Jltieg unb Jriebe. SJctt, 1872. 4 S&e. in^. H. 8 ..... -------- ................. 59 SDaHelfc. 43i6e ............................ 59 3!e4ie 9to*tttm. 4\iitn., 1869. 16 ......... 59 3 n b a It: Si^eterofabe. Zr Mittmtifwr, 59: 1100 2590 97S-4 163 304 422 27,96 1093 1190-2 1193 1185 1194-7 1198 1182 1216-17 1218-21 1222 Cfl unit Si eft. SBresr., 1865, 4 b. in 1, 16. (Jvprtfefcung ton : (Skafin unb HHarquiie.) ....... , ............................ 59: Stiiiflrtn iH?n ber 3Hofel, Gin. Ctrttl. (SB. D. con rn.) ^ ea, sab. 5 : : 58: Tafielb. Jn Sifcein. orfgf?d)., S8b. 3. 58 : Stnbciit, cr. 3. & 6. 2emme. 3n Grj., b. l 59: StKbciUcnmorb in ^iiricfj, Set. 3. 2X . lemme 59 : Xoffcfte 59: Stnbicii in einem yogirtyaufe. G. SttUt fomtn. Jit Grj., Sto. 1 _ 59: 2lBlilmniiii, G. $5. Grjafylungen au3 %orbbeutfdj[anb. 3te= ftod, 1867. 2 SBfce. in 1, H. 8 59; 3ndalt: b. 1; Seijtroft; SKet baS CJiatf t)at, fiibrt bie itU aut b&lt;tm. 896.2: llHtcf niSaftanrenbOTm. JKe rotfc Q)rcte. 5tnmmc, Xer. S. aabt), S&gt; iBoet. u. i^rof. aii,, 3. 5, 5fi: 5)ffcliie. 3w SwnrH. 3B, 33b. 4.... 56; StRmutc Mmb, JwS. (S^. BOH djmto. 3n 0)ef. djr., 91b. 4 59 : etnnbrn or m ^infcl. G. )5inbler. 3n Sieferdtn, SJb. 1 59; itiirniuo.qcl, I ie: Gultur= unb ftttenge= fdjid)tUd)er Stomanau^ tan Shifange be3 16tn S^rtmnbe^t^. 2S. 3lnbra. !4 SlK. in 1 58: SturmBngcl, Xet. $. 2B. ^adlanber. 4 ate 58: 3u(lirn uni 55!ben. Sr. ftioffinann 58: Sudjrn vii* ^inben, G. *15olo 59: f uiinnimfnniiflir %i(e be^ Sector 6. G. i, Xie, 3 r e i ^ e r r G. Ben Vibra. ifefti^cn unb 9Joellen, SJfc. 4 58: 2 iibbnitfdilniib. !0- iiaube. 3 3t. Sieife- noueUcn, b. 2 ., 58: 2iibcn unb "Jtorben. ipL djaib 59; Subrr, %. 31 SHife n*&lt;3) Sifrka, Sie. i. et^. (f. i.), 16, 5n SlieriJ 3 u 8*nb:S3ibL, 33b. 45. 59: cumnimcrbniii ; ober, bie Cffenbaruiig bee 9iatur. . MIenle. 3 3}be. in 2 58: 2j)lucftcr $ 3iad)t. G. ^&gt;ini([er. 3n ilitooirKi en, 8Jb. 2 , 59; SglDeftwabcnb nu Cffisir=G&lt;ifmo, Gin. (3raf t. (Srabotugfi. ;&gt;n 3&gt;rei ^unwt. eq 58: ct)lcftrr=Jranm, Gin. 3(. S3t^iuS (^e= remiaS tt^etf). ^n Qief. djr., S*. 23, 58; 29lio. . il 58; Jnbnrbcntfl, Xer. . TOolfbnufen. :Hdii}iiifn, *b. 2 2849 2859 1303 1326 1327 1667 1250 323 318 631 20 1338-41 1736 95 170 2063 568 2595 1890-1 931 1074 10.53 1565 16. (r v ortfe&ung t&gt;cn : (Skafin unb Tliquien ib " 58" &lt;SSft ) nZii^rri*c:: ^3- 122^7 ^^^^ \*scra5 SKSlSS ffi.y^JfA^a ,J? X^au^em^-dn^ iiiiterc^eV*: ^ . . rie. reoL, 1861L 4 bc. in i H. 8. 59 Sor fflnfaM &gt;^wt. 2k&lt;eU 1867. 3 bc, j" 1- 1 ........ - ........................ 59 : Xaffcttt. iwl., 1859. 3 Eke, in 2. ........................................ 59: 5Ccgen be3 i!eben8. S8te[., 186a 3 be. 1 ..................................... . ..... 59: 3ttxi ^tabtge Jrauew. 8re*l., 1868. 3S8be.ini, 16...,. ...... ................. r,g . Staffelbc. I860. IL8 .................... 59; trnuiflticttt. Svaf St. vobch)(i. y/a 2rei ^umor. Grj .............................. 58: 1228-9 1180 1230-1 1232-4 1074 *em i^ben tine$ Untercffijierg, tin. 0raf et (SirabowMi. 3n 3Ui* *em ScIbatwUeben ........................... 58; Jog im Wrab, Set. it. tb bet. 3n Grj^ *b. ..- ............................ - ........ 59: Joo im Stalbe, ec. . etofcer. SnGrj., W. 3 ........................... ,,, .............. 59; lag in ben illpen. Gin. g. etftacfer. 3n iuaibmonn 4 &gt;U! ........................... 58; in bee cb,eIe, 3&gt;cr. it. tober. JR Grj., *. 5 ........ ..................... , ........ 59; ttfl unb *advt. g. 9B. , oacflanber. 2 Sbe. in 1...... ........................................ 58 : 2393 1090 1065 1094 1091 997 1092 1307 TKOSE FICTIOX; GERM AX, unb 2f)flfcrmcrniT. unb 3Iac6.t. G. Stoinblet. 2 33be. in 1. 59 : n Salt: SBb. 1: ier iiiefiesttaiil. Zer XaliSmart, Bb.*: iCetffletnan er 3Banb. 5&gt;iit!ri fetter ^iebe^aitber. ^iiieuiier^brjUe. afl)infl&lt;5=^u ube. Xie efeitstage. SeufelS, Sre. 3(. Sieiffncr. 3 b. 2 ................................ 58: Saffelbe. Sn eltfame efdjidjten.,. ..... 58 ), Gin. S. Siecf. 3" djr., SBb. 15. 56 : einet 3!eife nacf) bet ^rotoente, 3talten unb bcr Sdjioeij. 3N. Sistljufiu*. 3n edjr., SBb. 10 ............................ 58- "Jaflclmrti eineS armcn ^-rauleinS. 3K. 91a= tinifiuS. 3ned)t., S8b. 5. ....... ..... ..... 58- Xancliitdiiilattct. g. 3B. Satflanbev....... 58 : ; 3 it!) a It: Ueier ben St. etlb,atb; SBene = big; (Paris im SiSinter 1851; Sngatn iM Sabre U57. laliSmon, Set. Jiittet g. toon Socntl.. fgtiebr fd) So tncni.) 3" 3" ialbbtmfel. SBb. 1 ........................... 58: XoUSman, Set. G. toinblet. 3n2og tinb 9iacbt, SBb. 1 ............... ~. .............. -59: Iniiitcnflriin. & Sdimib,..- ........ - ....... 59 : 3 n I) a 1 1 : lie ftuberbSueritl. fluueitjofft. Ser Sd;ii ton ber V J5 ertiian, lanncnfdiiit!, Sr. O. Siullet ......... ~ ..... 58 : Innnlwuicr, Set. g. 355. &a&lt;Hftnbit ....... 58 : S). 3fd;offf. 3n ef. @djr., SBb. 10 ...... 56 - Snntc Senate. S- i ewalb. 3 Snnte S3il= Jcu, SBb. 1 ......................................... 58- Siiiijcrin, 2ie. G^ Sbd? = Differ. 3" (Scf.3isBeUeHU.Gtj., SBb, 1 .............. 58: liiiucrilt unb rafin. Xb. Siiigge. 3bc. inl ............................ v. .............. ,58 - Sfinlidjtit, ^a8. Gb. toon @d)mib. 3n cf. ed)i\, 8b. 2 ....................... ........ 59: Saufic, ffiie. 21. (S.) 2uma ................. 58 : Xnubc ^Kithen. D. awibernuit^. 3n ^5et= Icn ou bem Sanbe .......................... 59 - Xaitbcn, Sic. Xb. fiornct. 3" fimmtl. W., S3b. 4 ..................................... 56: Xonfc un&lt;et ben gufa^S,, Gine. %. = ftdtfer. 3n ffluntfg Jvdben, S3S. 1 ------- 58 : Xnufl rfictn, Set. . 3iainiunb. 3n 9(o= tocUen, SBb. 1 ............................. .. 59-: S onro, Gtftieb cn. SKing bet Jtatfertn, Set. Scilp., (f. b.) 2 SBbe. in 1. 16 .......................... 59": 2Bitfott&gt;e$e , Sie. ioiftotifdjet Sicmon. 3Bten, 1863. 3Sbe.ini. 16 ......... 59 1 : 3ai toon Siofenberg. Siftotifdier No-- man. $rag, 1860. 3 ibbe. tit 1. 16. 59 : TanftduNflcn. - Sonig ........................ 58:- Xanfcnb unb eine 3iad)t. g. Scffmann ..... 59 : loufcnb unb eine 9iad)t. . SBeil. 4 Sbe. 59 : lell, ft6ic6te om. %. jgoffmann. 3n Gtj., SBb. 3 .................................... 59: Xemmr, 3- S. &gt;., (geb. 1798). Slbel. logau, 1860. 2 SBSe. in 1. H. 8.. 59 : 3llte Siouiitmann ,. Set. 4?eito., 1859. 3S9be. iu 1. II. 8 .......................... 59: 2ln bet Sinnel. SBerl., 1872. 2 be. in 1. f(. 8 ....... ...................... ........ ----- 59&gt; - 3lnna 3ogji8. i eito., 1856. 4 SBbe. in 2. H. 8.-.. .......... :. .................. - ..... 59" SBontrott. SBetl., (f. b.) 2 SBbe. in 1. H.8 .......................................... 59: timinal = 9iotoeUen. SBetl ,,1873. 3SBW. H.8 .......................................... 59: 3 n b, a It. 2ib. 1: ijn finer SBi-autnac^t.. iaS $icrj im SReti)t. Gin BmnefHrttr. SBt. 2: 1 atev Canifiad. ;^m ^bt^""! Miter Samcti unb fviftbeS 3iei5.. 8b 3: 2)ie Siebe im Alofter. 2Ber roar bet iffibiber? Scmljett, Set. ipiflotifdjer Siommt. SciB., 1867. 4 SBb?. inl. 16. ........ 59: 942 2310 2829 | 1614 2773 2769 1310 525 W2 563 2639 1308 1956 2136 180 2426 5^0 5& 1636 ; 732 914 210 1275 1276 1277 Semitic, 3- S. . g Gtbgtnfcn, Sie. i ett., 1869. 4 SBbe. in 2. 59: 1300-1 2351 1490-3 2262 1290 1292 1291 1293-4 1296 1297-9 1306 Gijablungen. Veito. 1868. 6 SBbe. in 3. ft. 8....... ..... ...... - ........................... 59: 1303-5 ^nbalt: Wb. 1: Scr Stubent ............ 5: 1303 S)b. 2; Gin SSeifol.jtev. ZiiS StftameiH b3 Serriidten ............................... 59; 13K? Sb. : glit*&gt;liii(;leben. ................ d; 1304 SJb.4:. (Sin Cdriftfcft.- fflev tieht, ber (rte 311, bafs er nidit iciUe. 33er fdimaijU t ifce Stovd). JJie flinber beo JjlUcf)tIiii(( ..... a9: 1304 J b. 5: Zio frf)roerft&lt; e*nlb. Sit Isctjter bes Spielevs. . RUitfillimK ......... ..... 59: 1305 SOb. B: Giiv altc CSiofeiifleiiiiledit Snges fii^vt! (Sin fcfjrocies Hiigtiict ............ 59; IMS g-tau e Siebellen, Sic. Seip. 1870. 2 SBbe. in 1. II. 8 C .......................... 59: 1307 5b. out Hlloien: Sioman toon Se* tu ififdjen tenji. ^tag- (f . i&gt;.) r 2 SBie. in 1. lfi..... ..... , ...... ~ .......... - ....... 59-: 1308; Oolbcne .w-j, Sa: Gtiminalgeid)id)ie. i- eito. 187-i, 2 &e. in 1. fl. 8.- ....... 59 : 1309 Wotttoettramn, Gin. SBcrt. (f. b.), f(. 8, 59 : 1302 ute fiiett, Set: Gtiminalgefd)id)t. Bert 1872. ft 8~ ...................... .59: 131O ^eimat^i, Sie: SditBeijettoinon. Sei)!, 1868, 3 Sbe. 11.8. ................ .... ....... 59: 1311-1S 3m 5 rnn 3 *f aner * ? urm : Gtjai^lunj... VeiB. 174. 1(5 ............. ................ 5?: 1316- 3&gt;t bet SbaUu* : Gtiminalgci^idjte. i. i, 1874. 16 ............ . ........... - .......... 59-: 1315- $clf, Set: 6timiiiaigcSdHdjtc. i ci)s. 1872, 16 ......................... .......... 59: 132& Saficlbc ..................................... -59: 1317 DualgcifS au^ bem SUeifeenftein, Sev. Sbci-I. 1872. 16., ........ ...... ..,,.. ...... 5^: J31S SHcrfjt auf Gvben, Sal i ei^. 1871, II. 8 ........................................... 59: 1320 edjtufe Siobburg. SBetl. 1873. 2 SBte, inl. ft. 8 ........................... ...... 59: 1321 edjrwtje TOate, Sie: SBilbet u X it= tbauen. i. eib. 1854. 3*be. inl. Ji. 8. 59 : 1322: edjteatjctt: Crtjinal. Stewan. S3I.., 1863. 3 SBbe. ,8- ................... 59:- 13*3-5 Stubentenmrvb iti ^ittid) : Gwminalge= fdjidjte. Seito. 1872. II. 8 .............. 59: 1326- Snfjelbe ........................ - .......... 59: 1327 UniBetfitdtsfteunbe, Sie. Xt ty. 1873. 4 sbbe. in 2. . 8. .......... ^ ............ .... 59 : 1328-9 SBwbre^er, Sie.- &ei}&gt;. 1855, 5 SBbe. in 2. H. 8., ........ .............. ---- ..... 59 : 1330-1 SBettcotfeuet, Gin. SBetl.. ^f. b,X 2 SBbe. inl. 11.8 ................................. 59: 1314 ffi&gt;ebbingct, Sie. SBetl. (f. b.), 16 ...... 59 : 1332 3ur linlen 6anb. SBevl. (\. b.), 16 ...... 59: 1333- Tcftnmrnt, SaS. St SBaton. 3" Grj., SBb. 2 ........................ ...................... 59: 2021 Jritnmcnt, Sa. . 3(ti&. 3" 39 n*= iBibl. Sflb. 12 ................................. 59: 2562 Xrilnmcnt bc SScttiirftcit, Sa. 3. . . lemme. 3n (Srj. b. 2 .................... 59: 1303 Jcflamnit be IBudjeretS. G. SBinblet.. 3n SMan^erlet, SBb. 2 ....................... -- 59 : 92!&gt; Stufc! ixu bic 31 fliib mnlcn, Sen. 5- CI= ftacfcr. 3n Jtmtj unb Euet, SBb. 1 ---- 58 : 957 Scufcl im SBabe, Set. G. e&inbler ........ 59 ^ 943 Xcitiflt boctnv Bon 3i ! olffenbuttti, Set. . &lt;Qiltl. 3n Siift. SfcBelleu. SBb. 1 ......... 58: 1552 tcutonrn. 21;. Sieli^., ................. -,-59: 2106- ^Imbbciii* flosciuSjfo. 3Jf. i^ugomiteta.. 4 SBbe. in 2....- ........ ------ . ....... - ....... 58: 2200-1 Boit Xtient, SaS. . 3fd;otf: 3"" Wcf. Sdit., SBb. 13 ........................... 5fi : I95 Xftoltr, Gm. 21. etverffiif? ................... 59 llxiltrmann, Set. G. Bmbler. 3n35olf^ gejd)., b. I ........ - ............................. 59". 94B PROSE FICTIOX : GERMAN. -93- Ifmmnr fen CJuria. ft. Sipbenftcbt. 3n Ml. Wefdi ........................................ 58 X&cntrr unb eitten im nciien Maifcrrcidi. Jb,. 2)iunbt. 3" Rotifer .Uaikv ti;?en, *b. 2 ....................................... ::.... 58 &ffla &lt;&lt; tSrbfdiaft. 31*. Siaabe. (^acpb Cortttnuft.) on Xcutfdjcr Hitmb= f*cin .................................... ...... ..-59 lidcmaiin, Ctto. J-raiij ton cirfingen, ber (e(jte Jiitfcr, etutty. 1873, 16. o Swgenbs U. SoOiMBI ...... , ................. , ........... 59 tbfOfior. V. 3kllftab. o" .ftmift=9JpBcIkn.. 59 I bcobor Bonier. g. Xrcnfliatm. Jn STiic- rifc 3ugenbSBiM., Sifc. 44 ............ , ....... 59 Jbcobor Corner. &lt;o. Stan. ci., 1863, 2 Sibe. fl. & ................................... 55 IflCOpbtl X anaenftrirf, gcnannt ,,&tanb-- Aii|il". C. fcbinbler. o* iruftige GK fdi. 59 lliroric mb ^raris. SI. urn CHnterfelb. on Sninipr. SiUtaten^Jioiu IlCH, Sib. a.... 59 Xfjimotljciie 1 unb piiicmon. Cl;. con edtmib. on ). eeiir., Sib. 10... ........ 59 Sfismai Wtafcer. 2b,. ffl(intt. 3 Sibe. ..58: Tliomnci Sbiirnan. fi. ^JafllicW. a S .Kc... 59-. Jliorronrt, Xcr. K. Stobcr. o ($., *b. 8 ............................................. tfcrfinr, Cine. (5). 9iieri(j, Jn 3uacnb= l., Sib. 27 ............. ...........:. ..... 59 : . . i aufce. ^&gt;n 3f. 3ici|cnouct&gt; 2 .................................... ,. Srjfiblunaet:. C. Aobn. (G. Sar litt.) ......................... - ..... L 3 it ^ a 1 1; Uie jroolf Slpoftel. Set 5Blau= ^art. 195 2695 182 Iliiirmr r, Tet. $. StPUe. 3 3c tangct, fe licber, i&lt;b. 1 ................................. 59; liurmfnlljftlcin, Xo. 21. ctf. 4 3Jb in -i .............................................. 58: DaRtlbf. 4 -Sic ........................... 5 : IbiirmfiljtunlDf, 2k. V. Scfjiicting. Jn Jyiligran, -Bb. 2 ............ ................ -59: Slmrmroart ju SUri^Ifngen, er. (. 9Ja= t^vfhii. on ill. CSrj ........................... 58; Jliiirmioribr, Sic. (S&gt;. SiieriS. ^njuaen^ iMbl., 4ib. 18 ................. ; ................. 59: Itiitnijimmrt, a3. if. Sdmcfing. j Xrieft unb gvicbn, iBb. 1, .................. 59.; litrf, Vvibttig, (gcb. 1773, f 1853). djt., Sib. 8 ................ 56 : e, Xk. ^H djr.., iBb. 22 2Uman)"ur. isn 2djr,, i&lt;b. 8 SUte Ciidi unb bic :)(eifc in 4iUue ein, 2)o. &gt; 3d)v., b. 24 9IItc Horn *erge, Xei. Jn 3d&gt;r., iib. 24. 5(j , 2lufru!)v in ben ISct ennen, Xer. Jn rfvt., *b. 26 ............................. . ...... .... 5fi Brftbtt, Xie. ^n vcdir., Jib. 8 ............ ft Xenfiriirbige Gk jd)td)tedn-pnif bet 3d)ilb= burger, on a*r., -i*b. &lt;i ............ ..... ^ Tiditerleben. ,\n 2dn-., *b. 18 ........... ;,(; Xcn Cuirete ben la 3)lcmd?a, eon 3)(,*t lerante oeira. Uebetf. DOH V. 2ied. Herl. 1831. 4 3Jbe. in 2, fl. 8 ... ............ , ......................... 59 : Ciflenfinn imb Voune. "MI dir., iHb. 24. hii : Stmtft, bcr (^eniale. Jn d)r., 4&lt;b. 15. .Mi : Seft ju .Henellpcrib, Xa*. Jn 2riir., SBb. 18 .......................... , ....... ,... 5g: jjortunat: (SJardjem. ^n edir., b. :t Si; - e, Xer. Jn dvr., *b. 14... littf, Vubhng. ft KkbcimnifcuoIIe, Xcr. on 2dir.,Sib. 14. 56 Xaffelbe. Ait 2*r., Sib. 17, 56 : fle^rte WcfeUjdiaft, Xie. j$n *r , Sif. 15 56: Wcmdlbe, Xk. An edir., Sib. 17 56 : cfcllfdinft atif bcm i anbe, Xie. A&gt; 2d?r., Sib. 24 ..,....,... 56: Ipcte Bon 2lragon, Xie. An 2d;r., 1618 1616 1621 1614" 1616- ., . .... ..... Arennbe, Xk. Jn Sdjr., Sjb. 14 ......... 56 iinfebnt* 3iot&gt;embcr, Xcr. r\n edr 9 : 2419 9: 355 9 : 2594 (Wirf gicbt S!erftanb. on 2dir., Sib. 1. 56 : rime Sianb, Xa3. An 2riir ., .fib. 8 ... 56 : fter.en-2abbatb, Xcr. on edir., Sib. 20. 56 : QtbnumUinber: (3)Jdrdien). on 2cb,v., Sib. 13 . , ., r,g i" : i 1607 1619 1 1 1\1 V J : Z91-2 JGOQ Aabrmarft, Xer. An erfur., Sib, 20...... 56 : Snnac 2ijd)lermeiuer, Xer. An dir.. Sib 28.... .. ,.,. r,6 - 1619" } : 1738 | 5(54 Aungftf Wcridvt, Xa. ?n 2d;r., Sib. 9. 56 : .KlanfcnbHrg, Xk. ^n 2djr., Sib. 25.... 56 : i eben bc^S bcriibmtcn $at;r3 2lbraban Jonelli. on edir., Sib- 9... . 56 1624 i (^nc; ! :2699-701 1 : 10-12 )Tflt)3 i ebcn=Uebcrfhife, Xe. 3-11 edir., Sib. 26. 56 : i kbeSiwben. on ed^r., Sib. 26.,. 56: Diannlidie JJiutter, Xk. 3n edir., 1685 1625- Ifil S 1: 2577 [ 90fi3 OTeluftne. (fli drd^cn.) :Jn 2cb,r., Sib. 13. 56 : 5l(onbiiditige, Xev. o" 2d^-., Sib. 21.. 56: SJiufifalifdie ifeiren nsb S ff ben. Jn 2dir., Sib 17.., , , , ~ t Q 1(31^^ 102O ifiifi ; 1807 ; 1118 : 12fi-7 : 128-31 650 9iaturfrcnnb, Xer. 3" 2d;r., Sib. 15..,, 56 : v ;&lt;ctcr X cbred;t. Jn 2cbr., *b. 14-15.... 56 : B^ontafuS. v "\n 2dir./Sib. 4-5....,.,..,,, 56 : S!ictrp con Sbanp. o" d;r., Sib. 23... 56 : Vfnditilpg, Xer. Jn 3c6r., Sib. 15 ..56: 3(cditsgck brtcn, Xie. on e*r., Sib, 14. 56 : Sfeifcnbcn, Xk. o 2d;r., Sib. 17 56; Woman in Siricfen. on 2tbr., Sib. 15... % : 2d;irffal. o" 2djr., Sib. 14 56 : edju^floift, Xer. Jn erfjr., Sib. 25 56 : eicbcn SL etber bc Silaubdri, Xie, An 2dir., Sib. 9 .. 55- 1614 1613-U 1603-4- 1622 1614 1616- 1614- 161, J. 1624 ; 2767 ekgnnmb d mermntrbigfte Jag. An 2dir., 5&lt;b. 15- r,g 1" T4 ; 2568- : 663- epntmerrcife, (Sine. x "\n djr., Sib. 23.-. JV6 : lugebndj, tin. Jn 2dir., Sib. 15,.,..,,. 56; Ipb bes Xic^terci. An 2dir., Si&gt;. 19 56; tU&ettilung. ( o" 2dir Sib 21 ..,, , "&gt;6 1622 1614 161& 111 ! : 1607 Ulridi, ber limBfiiibjame. 3-n dir., Sib. 15 ,. ,. .. 56 iiu^ : 1624 : 1621 ; 1607 : 1623 ; 1623 1625 ; 1607 : 1608 : 1617 3&gt;evlpbung, Xk. o" dir., Sib. 17,.. ,.,56: Sn-rfol;niiHg, Xk. on 2dK., Sib, 14.... 56: Sfpgeljd)cnd;e, Xk. An 2djr., Sib. 27... 56 ; aisalbeinfamfcit. An 6d;r., Sib. 26...,..,, 56 : SL afjennenfdi, Xer. on d;r., Sib. 21.. 56: ai eibnadit=3lbenb. on 2dis., Sib. 21 56: SSiebcrfcbrcnbe grtedjtidie iiarfc, Xer. 3n 2d)r., Sib. 22 56: at-illiam ii oudl. on Sdjr., Sib. 6-7 56 : SL ; unbcrlidifeitcn. on 2dir., Sib. 25,..,., 56 : 3i ! uiibcrjtidHigcn, Xie. An 2dir., Sib. 23. 56 : ^auberfdjlcjj, Xao. An 2d;r.; Sib. 21... 56: Jiflrr, Xcr. ft- (yerftdrfer. Jn Unter Siol^ men unb Sittdien Sib 2-..,. .,- , 58 1616- 1613- 1620 162O 162f irji:, r- 1624 1622 1620 : 1350-1 1623 1614 ; JiifllBCbct bcr i erdie, tti Vpwen nnb be* iiinbes, Xa^. &. . Don 2djubert. An tr.v 2djv., Sib. 3..,,, ,..... 56 lilrillcr t Oit t oiffr;, Xcr. &. ultl. 3n $i= ftpr DJ rtK llen S D 1, , )^. 2796- 1 r;xtr ; 1W7 i : 1602 IS 13 1613 lifrtircbcit, Xk. X. etbber. An (Jrj., Sib. 2. 59 : itnn. A. ^. ft. SHdjter, (ocan i*aul.&gt; An Sdmmtl. SBJ. , Sicrt. 2ln^j., Sib. 1517,, ,...,, , ^6 109&lt;&gt; 1 1 vr^K, 1618 Xafjelbe. $n edntmll. SB., ^arifer 2lm(g., Sib 2 56 1 1 1; &gt; 1 PROSE FICTION: GERMAK. -H- Ulrid). unb feine gamilie. Gl. son 2d)tmb. 3n ef. dnr., Sib. 15 ....................... 59: 537 Jortitcr ber Suft, Xie. 3. edjcrr. 2 Sibe. 59 : 496-7 Jortitrr be* Xislomaten, Xie. ^5. alen, 4 Sibe ............................................ 58; 659-62 Joditcr be* Gbelmann*, Xic. 3K. &lt;3&gt; edrtar$. 3 Sibe. in 1 .......... ...... ....... 59: 59: 745 703 Xaffelbt .................. . Jofttrr be* jpdustling*, Xie. Si. baufen. 3" i almbldttcr u. Sdjneeflorfen, Bb. 2 ............................................ 58= 2391 Jb ifitct t&gt;e*Cbcrften, Xie. 21. Siblte. 2 Sibe. in 1 ............................................. 58: 203 Jorfitct br* ^Jriftbentcn, Xie_. g. Sterner* 58 : 205 Jortitrr be* Siibera, Xie. G. $olfo. 3" greubsoll unb leit-soli. 3i. s jfosel= len, Sib. 12 ..................................... 59 : 85 Joditcr be* ;)iiccarree*, Xie. g. er- ftarfer. 3n 2lu* jirei SBkltt^etten, Sib. 2. 58 : 906 Jotfitcr be* esieler*, Xie. 3. X. , Semnw. 3n Grj., SJb. 5 .................... 59: 1305 Jbrfitcr be* Stetkan, Xie. G. 2BiOfomm. 3 Sibe. inl .................................... 59: 1683 Jb rtitcr^llbitm. iperauSg. t&gt;on Sfe. 0um= ^ett. 19 bc ........................ ,,,...,,&gt; 59:2195-213 Job be* Stater*. 2. Siecf. 3n edjc., SJb. 19 ............................... ........... 56: 1618 Job in ben lopfcn. 2er. s . toon Sd)u= bcrt. 3n Seebilber .......................... 56; 2794 son Vitbect !Ic. St. son tetnberg. 3n SI, Siotttane u. 6rj., Sb. 3 ............. 59 : 1031 Jobt unb lebenbig. 21. Setter. 3n 2lu* Stabt unb Xorf .............................. 58: 113 Jobtc (t)auffee=ennf^mer, ;?er. g. et ftdcter. 3 n eiml. u. unb^eiml. efc^., 33b. 1 ............................................ 58 : 936 Jobtc aft, 2er. . Sfdjoffe. 3n ef. edjr.,S&gt;.3 .................................... 56: 1951 Jobtc Iteiw. D. ajUbermnt^, 3n 2Iu* bem Stanenleben, SJ*&gt;. 2-.......-. .*... ....*. 59: 1632 Sobte yinimeriiiann, 2er/ 5"- erftader. 3n S&gt;eU unb Xunfel, Sb. 2 ................. 58: f&gt;38 Tobtcnnrfrt nm Stagwfiotn, 2&lt;r. G, SiHUfomm. 3n Gr., 9. 1 ............... 59: 1667 Jobtrnncfirftt, . &gt;. Sd;mib. 3n 2lm ftatntn ....... , ..... -v ........................ -59: 563 Toblennnl?cr, 2ec. ft. toUe, 3 3 langet, je licber, SJb. 1 ..................... 59: 1118 Xollc, Ser. g. erftatfer ..................... 58: 975 Jo (It e&lt;rd?, G. cfer. 3 Slu*gew. efellfcfjaft ......... . .......................... 58: 164 JoIIc aijalt^er, Xer. S. ioiifer, 3n&gt;kgS= u. grieben*jetten, Sb. 1... .................. 58: 1665 Jollflntitfi, er. . 2tubadj. 3u ef. edjv., *b. 1 ................................... 58: 46 ittatkl&e. 3 Sdmmtl. dituarjivi. 3&gt;orfgefd)., b. 1 ........................... 58: 81 Jontlt "it bet gebifjenen Siktng*. S3* 2tuertad). 3n ef. ed^r., J. 1 ......... 58 : 46 Saffeibe. 3" @nwttl. cfitw. 3&gt;orf= gcfcb,., m 1 .................. . ............. 58: 81 Jorcnbor, 3^c. g. SB. Sbadldnber. 3 3lcue(Sfdj .................. . ................... 58: 1329 Jorqnato Jaffo * befreite* jerufalem. g. Sdjimbt .................. v. ..................... 59; 2752 Jonffoint. 21). SJugge. 5 be. in 2 ...... 58 : 2421-2 Jtoqilrtic e*e, Gine, y. SBobenftebt. 3u HI. @cfdj..- ............................ ........... 58 : 195 Jtaaqott unb Saundjen. . 9iiei% 3" 3ugenb=W., S3b. 4 .......................... 59 : 2&lt;w4 Jtnnm bee Siiebe, 2r, g. StoUe. 3 ;oc*roJen, Sib. 1 ............................. 59: 1120 Jtantigc iBegeben{?eU, Gine. G. SffiiUfomni. 3n TOeteore, Sft. 1 ........................... 59: 1680 Jrnurinc efiiidjte, Gine. g. ^e)alb. 3n Silte Dttmtione, SBb. 1 .................. 58: 2131 Jrrnbcrl. 8. ,oir.toert. 3 3uben, 2tbtf). 2 ................................ 58: Jrcnnnnq. G. s ?o(fo. 3n graibttoU u. leibuoU : 9t. s J!oellen, Sib. 12 .............. 59 : Jrcu bi* in ben Sob. . SKieri^. 3n 3u= genb=b(., Sib. 3 ............................. 59 : JrtHC Silut, Sa*. g. offmann. Snfirj., Sib. 21 .......................................... 59: Jtcue Xiener. g. ^offmami. 3n Grj., Sib. 29 .......................................... 59: Jrcne Wiener, Xer. . SHerifc. 3n 3u= genb=Siibl., Sib. 25 ............................ 59 : Jrcnt gcunnnt. g. offmann. 3n Grj., 4ib. 8 ............................................ 59: Jrcncfiegt. G. &gt;6fer ......................... 58: Jtcncr Wann, Gin. lp. Scfymib. 3n s iHte unb ncue efd). au* SioWrn, Sib. 1 ...... 59 Jtotfcne ^anb, Xie. ft. tober. 3" Grj. Sib. 7 ............................................ 59: Jriiblcr, er. 2t. G. Sitadjocget. 2$ibe. in 1 ............................................. 58: Jto blrr, Xer. K. Stober. 3n Grj. r Sib. 4. ........................................... 59 : Jroftrrin, Xie. g. Sterner. 3n t. Grj. 58 : Jrubcbrn, ba* SUaifentinb. 3i. Siaron. 3" Grj., Sib. 5 .................................... 59: Jrutfiafcn = Gotten, g. ecftdcfer. 3n SASilbe SBett Sib. 2 .......................... 58: Jiitdtta unb untud)tig. g. pffmann. 3 Grj., Sib.22 .................................... 59: jMflcnbcn Sergcltung, Xer. g&gt; ftoftraann. 3n Grj., Sib.l ................................. 59: ufln. gret^err G. tern Siibra. 3 Gt= lebte* unb etrdumte*, 33b. 2.. ............ 58: Grjdb,langen. Ueberf. Bon g. Siobenftebt. SMundjcn, 1864. 16 ...................... 59: 3 H t) a It : 5*6. 1: Saiif- Si" Musflufl in ,. . Jiitfcn ifyrer i. id)t= unb C5d;attenfette, Xie. . 6. son djubert. 3 Grj. edjr., b. 2 ................................... 56: Jiirfcu bor SlSien, Xie. g. Sdjmibt ....... 59 : J iflroflii. grei^err G. Son SJibra. 3 Sibe. in 1 ............ . ................................ 58: It. Urbrt bm 3i^ein! . ^idjler. 3n Gtj., Sib. 5 ............................................ 59: llrbcr ben et. otttjarb. g. SB. &gt;adldn= bev. 3n JagebudjWatter ................... 58: litter ben SUogen. G. SJiUfomm. 3" fflieteore, b. 1 ................................. 59: UcDfralT, Xer. G. Ssinbler. 3n t\l u. u. Xunfel. S%. 2 ............................ 59 : Ufbcrcilunfl. S. . lie*. 3n e*r., Sib. 21. 56 : HcDctftlimchimnnq, Xie. 3i. SBaron. 3n Grj., Sib. 3 ...... . .. ............................. 59: Urditrib, Sriebrid) son (geb. 18(X)). Gleajar : Gine Grsa^hing au* ber $tit b* grofteii jiibifdjen Wriege* im erften 3al;4uberte nadj G^rifto. 3a, . 1867. 3 Sibe. in 2. II. 8 ............. ~ 59 : U6r, Xie. 3. Siraun ......................... 59: U&rmnrfimn, Xie. JR. @. diiuar^. 3 Ml. Grj., Sib. 1 ................................ 59 : Hli, b Mnedjt, 21. Sityiu* (3eremia Wott^clf). 3n ef. d;r., Sib. 2 ...... 58: ttli, ber i&lt;dd)tec. 21. Siifciu* (Jeremia* ctt^elf). 3 ef. Sctjr., Sib. 3 ...... 58: nitidl, b Gin^finbiame. 1 . lied. $n djc., Sib. 15 .................................. 56 : 1970 85 2553 2280 2288 2575 2267 1710 560 1093 268 1091 303 2024 992 2281 2260 162 1360 2795 2743 173 2644 1310 1680 907 1620 2022 1371-2 2055 733 1032 1033 1614 PROSE FICTION: GERMAN. Ultra . -95- SPalcrie. ltltra , ie. g. t"Ue. 3n g glorfen .......................................... 59: Urn ZfcutfAlanb S Gnb.cit. G. SH. SHunbt. (tf o u i f e 3)J ii b, I b a dj.) 3 *be. 3n 3Jon XdnigSgr&t bi*6b.Wb,urfl, 2lbtb.. 1 ...... 58 : Urn Scepter unb Kronen. (. Samarow. 4 SJbe. tit 2 ..................................... 59 : Mm fdmobeS (Mb. . 2s$ad)cnb,ufcn. 4 *be ............................................ 59 : Mm *b.ron unb X eben. W. igiltl. 2 Sjbe. in 1 ............................................. 58: Himbbniifliflfcit. 0. SBilbmnutb.. 3n Slu bem ,vraucnieben, l&lt;b, 1 ............... 59 : llnaufliiglidic Manbe. 2)1. on mmbrad;t (Vouife Grnefti). 2 be. in 1 ....... 58: Mnbcfanntc, ie. S)t. &. Sapbjr. 3n Slusfl. 3a)r., ib. 1 ........................... 56 : Mnbcfanntc Jtranfe, er. g. be [a SDtotte gouque. 3 2lu$g. Sdjr., 3Jb. 9 ......... 56 : Mnbcfanntc flampfgenojft, er. . igi. o:i Sdmbert. 3n Grj. Sd;r., 33b. 3.... 56 : Mnbinc. -Baron g. be (a SDiotte gouque... 58 : Saffelbe. 3n 2lu3g. Sdjr., b. 8 ........ 56 : Mnfricblirtjc griebenSftfti Gin. S. Ctto. ^n 21u* ber altai ^eit, S3b. 1 .............. 58 : Hnflnrn im Sa^re 157. g. 3l&lt;. Sactlan= ber. ^n lagcbudjblattcr .................. 58: lliifllii(flirt)cr * enjd), Gin. G. 8ftr. Sn JUcinee i eben, b. 3 ........................ 58 : Itnnlurf.MniK ber Stabt I cijbcn. &. 3(ieri(!. ; N sn 3u8*nV8ibL, sBb. 2^ .................... 59 : Ultbrilbar. ty. etyfe. Jn ef. SB., SJb. 4. 56 : MnbrjmfiiDe Waft, Ser. G. X. 3B. (2T.) ^offmann. 3n u^a. Grj., SJb. 2 ........ 58 : 1115 2796 716 282 2899 1310 1685 b. 3 ......................................... 58 Mnbrimltifte auS, 2aS. G. a^tafomm. Csn JiowUen u. Grj ........................... 59 lliilirimlirtir Sl!cl?nung, Xie. 31. Bon 2Bin= tcrfelb. 3 frumoresfen, SBb. 5 ........... 59 Uiiljcinilirtirr i lann, Gin. G. 2iHUfomm. 3n Jm ann unb Dauber jc., SBb. 3 ...... 59 Hnirn. G. ^iolfo. v,n 2tuS bem n)unber= lidtften 41ud;e : . Siottellen, b. 9 ........ 59 HniDcriitiittfircunbc, 2ie. 3. 2;. SD. lemme. 4be. in^ ..................................... 59 Mlircdit Wut flebeibt nidjt. iU. 3re^. 3n Diievt^ oU3enb=*ibl., b. 47 ............... 59 lliirrrtit Wut flcbeib,t nid)t. g. Hoffmann. 3n Malenber=Gefdi ........................... 58 Unrubiflc $tittn. Wraf St. Oraboicsti. 3n Jieue ^ilber :c .............. . .............. 58 Mttfrtittlb ber Cpbelia, 2ie. SI. aWtipnet. 3n G^araftermasfen, S3b. 1 ................. 58 Mnfrrarmer Junge- G. ^olfo. Jngmtb* oll unb leibi oU : 9(. s J(ocllen, 4&lt;b. 12... 59 Mnfidjtbnrr i. cge, Xie. ^s. ^. 5. Slitter. (3 e a n ^ a u I.) 3n Sammtl. 315., S3er(. aug., *b. 1 ................................... 56 lafielbe. 3n Saiumtl. 2S5., ^arifer Slusg., *b. 1 ................................ 56 lluftcrblidjrn, Xie. b. Sdjmib. 3n SUtc u. neue Wefd). auS iBfl^ern, 33b. 5 ......... 59 Untf r bent Jlequator. *. Werftader. 3 "ttt&gt;&lt;. 58 lliitcr bem Mrummftabe. SJ. on Wuferf. 3be ............................................ 58 Itiitrr bem loei^tn Jlbler. $. il&gt;ad)enb,ufen. 3 *be. in 2 ..................................... 59: 1399-400 Mntcr ben gittlgen be Sdjtuarjen SlblerS. 59 : 60 1731 1734 1660 1734 1673 84 1328-9 2597 1735 1115 2315 85 1150 1168 562 976-8 1178-80 nl) a It: 8u4 bfm 3" n b" a &gt;""ricge unb au3 friil)rev .-{(tt: !8b. t: Xi( S&lt;" "" b * SRfflinuntS t&gt;onXr(3&lt; foni; .luf bem GapeUenderge oon Xvaute* nau; (tne Xctfaifbion nut ^piiibfniifjen; &eurid), .^eurtt^! ?lon .^anb AU .^iinb: , x \ni teieflfsjubel on (S^hint; Zer tolle JHatfn. Mntcr ben papftlidieii ^uaen. g. 3S. $arf= Innber. 3 n 5(ab,e u. gerne$ ............... 58: llntrr ben poK^uati^en. g. CSerftacter. a *be .......................................... _ 58 : 2560-2 Mntcr ben il-eib,nad)tsbaum : 3Jiard;en. 460-1 1395-8 1566 1632 682 59 : Mntcr ber Grbe. g. fciDJfmann. Jn Grj., b. 23 ......................................... 59: Mntcr ber 8rembb.errfcb,aft. G. $ofer. 3be ............................................ 58: Muter ber rctb, en Gminenj. &. Siltl. 2 Sbe. in 1 .............................................. 58 : Hntcr ber Jaime. V. -Burner. 3n 2luS bem Veben ..................................... 58: Mntcr fliegenben gabnen, G. ftofer. 2 *be. 58 : 21 8 1328 979-81 2863 2282 169IJ-8 1567 318 17(X&gt;-1 1200 | Untcr Marl bem Oropcn. V.. ^i*ler. 3n 283 Mntcr Sialmen unb iudjen. g. Serftdrfer. 3*be 58: iynljalt: ^3b. 1: Cine aUtiitjltdje Wcjdjtrfjte. ie 4Ufion. .yolgen etner tt legrni tji s fttjen Depeft^c. x&gt;n $oH|ciagent. (Sine ^eimfeljr auo ber lueiten aiitlt. lUsenn luir einmal fterben. SBb. ^: XnS -Ulimtt ber Xropen. Gt Gomi- jario. 91 m Gacljavi. Jter Xifler. We* gerU&cn. 93b. ;i: Cine nHcOUnce. Der eoatter- bri f, Gin fluffing in ^laoa. I ec ^ei mattjofcftein. iUuf bev Gifenba^n. Untcr ^veu^en S ^al^nen. (5raf St. GJra= 2572 I botvftfi. 4 ^- w 2. (Bortfejung : 673 .. SJ?ac ? bem rtegf)-- - 58 2643 982-4 lliitcrlinltuitgnt beutfdjer ilusgetpanber= ten. 3. S W. von Woetfye. Jn Sammtl. 315., etuttg. u. Jiib. Sluo., b. 3 ........ 56 : afjclbe. 3n 28., tnttg. 56: 56: Mntcnn Kaftanienbaum. G. SB. Stub,[= ntann. 3n Grj. au^ 9tcrbbeutfd;laiib, *b. 2 ............................................ 59: Mntcrm Jtirdjenbann. 21. 2)ieipner. 3n GfyaraftennaMen, i&lt;b. 2 ..................... 58: MntcrrocflC*. 21. Meipner ..................... 58: Hntrcuc fdildgt ben eigenen soerrn. g. .Wffmann. 3n Gn., b. 12 ............... 59 : Mniibcratublirijc Sfadtte. &. Wrimm. 2 *be ............................................ 58 : Uitucrgcffcn. G. 6fer. 3n 9(eue Wefd)., b. 1 ............................................ 58: MnBcrbciratnctc G^eleute. g. SB. ad= lanber. 3n 4B., *b. 43 ..................... 58 : HnUcrbofft. &gt;. d;mib. 3n lannengriin. 59 : Mfl eiuig ungebcelt ! (Sraf St. Wrabmpctt. 4be. in 2 .................................... 58: Urban. G. SN. aiiunbt. (v oui f e 8 b, [= bad).) 3" iU. Stomane, Kb. 17 ......... 58: Mrtbciltffiirurfi ffiafb^nflton *, Gin. 3. -bad;er. 2 *be. in 1 ........................ 58: lit bf granjofentib. g. Neuter. 3n eammtl. 3B., 33b. 4 ..................... _... 5fi : lit mine geftungStib. g. Neuter. 3n Sammtt.SU., S3b. 5 .......................... 56: lit mine etromtib. g. Neuter. 3n Sammtl. SB., S3b. 810 .................... 56- Mt t26rp: i;uftege &lt;BerftcUungen. SJan n cU n Siumdrfer ................................ 58 : SB. Sjolcntin : Wefdjidjte a unferer 3eit. $. , Gonfcience 58 : Valeric, g. Stolle. 3n Gamelien, S3b. 1. 59 : 1112-13 358 372 387 2316 2331 2271 1130-1 1688 1312 563 1107-8 2471 95 1103 1104 1107-9 2815 430 1111 PKOSK FICTION: GERMAN. SMevtt. -96- Jl olcrif. 0. Bon Struenfee (0 u ft a B Bom See). 4 Sbe in 2 59: ni|0. gretb.ctr G. Bon SMbta. 3" lijjen unb 9tooe;ien, 2)b. 4 58: r, Set. 6. Scbmib. 3n Sllte u. neue Sefdj. au* ^at;crn, ilb. 6 59: il nmflljr unb feine teaut. G. ambler. 3n 3e langer, je Uebet, 2ft. 1 59 : S tlll Sllfi! Settling. 31. G. $tad;Boge[. 3n Swot. 9im&gt;eUen, 2ft. 1 58 : 2 fltfr (Vviebtbert s Siau*. V. ipicb. let. 3" Gtj., 2ft. 4 59: S fltcr, ob.it unb Gnfel. 9J(. 9tetl;ufiu. 3n Sotf: unb Stabtgefdj 58: $!fltrr unb Sobn. 2b. 9Jiugge 58: Jitter unb Sol;n. s;. -^td;lcr. 3 Gtj., 1228-9 170 562 917 2ft. 5 ...59: H ntcr 3 Segcn bauet ben Atnbern Suiufer, Se3. &. SQ. Bon djubert. 3n Gtj. cbr., 2ft. 2 56 : aiciltficn bet .Hnifetin, Ste. G. 25olfo. 3n Slu* bem immberlicbfteii *yitcb.c : 9i. 9Jo= ocllen, 2ft. 9 59 : spcnbftrtn, Sic. 2b. 9Jiitgge. Z 2fte. in 1. 58 : IHcnbctta, Sie. taf St. raboicgfi. 9Jiit Jtroite unb K erfcr 58: ~y. 28. .s?acflanbcr. 3n Gtleb= 58: e. 3" 3Uuftt. Solbalett=0cjd). 58 : Saffelbe. 3" Jngebucb,blatter 58: in alter $ett. G. 9Jf. SDiunbt. (si o ti i f e 9J( it I; I b a dj.) 3n 9iouellen= bud): ill. Montane, 2ft. 12 58: 2&gt;citrbigcr, Sic. . Sdjmib. 3" 2lltc unb iteue Gefdjidjten aus -Sai;ern, Sb. 7. 59.: D. uon iortn). 5n iootn 3 Gtj., 5*b. 7 58: S crn. G. i^olfo. 3n 9!. 9!oBeIlen, SBb. 5. 59 : 2.irrnrf)tc 9!iemaitb. 0. 91ic tit5. 3n 3 U = a*crnri)tttc iVinb, Sas. g. 21 ifVfV I b . . . . . . . . . 58 : i frborgcnr Sdjmuct, Set. X.. Ctto. 3" 3lu* bet alien 3eit, Ift. 1 58: J crbrrdjcr, Sie. 3- S. . Semme. 533be. in 2 59: ilkrbvcflifr nu Bctlotcnet G^e, Set. g. Bon dn llet. 3n Sammtl. 28., Jiutj fdje SluSg., b. 7 56 : a rrbriibcrminsffcftc. Si. Otto. 3n Seut= fdie aOJunbtn, b. 2 58: a cr bcrftc Scbiiffel, Sie. 0. $&gt;. Bon &lt;z&gt;$\\-- bett. 3n Gtj. cbr., 23b. 3 56 : 5l&gt;rrnia, oub.ie. 3n bee 28etbnac^tictl. SieiB. (f. b.), 16. 3n 9!ietife 3gcnb;iVtbl., 25b. 33 59 : SBcrfcliltc 28ab(. O. 2\5tlbernmtl). 3n &gt;e_imatl; bet grau 59: 1 rrfcbfte 3 cte. G. i. btenl;etj. 4 25be... 58 : Scrfolgtcr, Gin. 3- S- &gt; Xemnte. 3" Gtj., b. 2 59 : SBcrgnngcnc Sag e. G. Sofer 58 : 3 11 tin 1 1: ftrftulein Glje. 3m SBalbjdfitoc. Gin S^tci. SBcrgc<ffi. S tau Bon ipi tlfcn. (ioelene.) 3n 9(oBellen u. fijjen 58: Skrgcltunn. g. ^offntann. 3n Gts., *b. 27..: 59: Scrgeltiing, Sic. *p. g. 28. Oettel. (28. D. B o n o r n.) 3n otii s (Itj., Sb. 3. 58 : UScrgcficncr, Gin. G. iiolfo. 3" 9i. 9(oBe[: len, sob. 2 59 : 83rr&lt;)ifmiciiiHirt)t, SaS. Gb. Bon Scbmib. 3ll Cf. K*r 9V lanbet 3n Kl. Gtj?, K 58: 2643 2765 2432 2644 2795 84 2427 1096 1301 1333 1310 2469 562 2851 82 2563 10 2899 1330-1 1272 2901 2796 2583 1633 2160-3 1303 1702 1430 2286 2832 80 530 1289 il cvnniintrr 9lbenb, Gin. g. (Serftacter. e* Iteiben, b. 2 ^ 58: 915 &gt; *.....!........ ...... ......... 59 : 862 3&gt;crl)&lt;inbcltc 2teuc. G. b fer. 3n 2lu* bem4iolf - 58: 1661 Saffclbe. 3n Grj. *r., 3Jb. 6 58 : 1652 5&lt;cr!)(iiigiiilTc. g. etftactet 58: 985 Sl trlitiuguifiUoIlc Slcfe, Sic. taf @t. vacowsJi. 3 0ci. 9(oBellen u. Gtj., b. 1 58: 1060 Sicrbdrntlictc Softer, Set. g. erftdcfer. 3n fiii tbeit u. Svitben, S8b. 2 58: 941 XScrirrte eelcn. G. 28iUfomm. 3 2Jbe 59 : 1684-6 Sjrrffliift ! G. gri^c 58: 756 ~d)r., 2ib. 2. 56: 1950 Syrrlnffcn unb Betloten. V. dnicfing. 3 Seutfdje .HantBfe ; 59: 632 Sl crlnficiic ibau5, So. G. lobfet. 3" 2lu&lt;s bcm 2*olf 58: 1661 Saffelbe. 3n Gtj. d&gt;t., Sab. 1 58 : 1650 S rclobitiin, Sie. ii. Siecf. 3n @d;r., b. 17. . 56: 1616 iicrlobunn in t. Somingo, Sie. . Bou .Hlcift. 3n ef. 28., b. 2 56 : 704 Saffelbe. 3 n ef. @d;r., 33b. 3.. 56 : 702 "cilorcn unb gefunben. Sfy. 9Jiitgge. 2be 58: 2441-2 i!crlor:nc . brtiibfditift, Sie. 0. gretytag. 2 sabe ." ... : 58: 734-5 I crlorciic Kinb, Sa^. 0. 9tieti(). 3n 3ttgenb=Wbl., 2Jb. 18 59: 2568 9Jcr!orcnc i- tebe. G. ioofet. 3n 3ln ber lueitcn 2lelt, Sab. 1... 58 : 1662 Safjclbe. 3n Gtj. cfer., b. 4 58 : 1651 Jifrlcrcnc Sling, Set. g. 0ctft&lt;icfer. 3n 28ilbe ffielt, 2ib. 1 58: 991 iUrlorcnc cclcn. i . 28olfram. 3 SBbe. in 2 59 : 1778-9 SJcrlflrcttc oljn, Set. g. aubh,. 3n l*oet. u. $rof. 35}., Sib. 5 56 : 323 Saffelbe. 3n Sammtl. 28., *b. 3 56 : 310 3!crlorcnc obit, Set. (Vuft|&gt;icl.) g. 28. ftacflanbct 58: 1312 Sici lorcnc obn, Set. 5p. $e^fe. 3n ef. 28.,*b.8 56: 677 atrlorcnc obn, Set. G. Spofer 58: 1703 il crlorcitc obn, Set. g.^offmann. 3n Gtj., sab. 3 59 : 2262 8jrrlorcnc Sol;n, Set. 0. 9(ievi^. 3 3ugenb---Mibl., 2&lt;b. 28_ 59 : 2578 9Jcrlcrrnc Side. G. &gt;ofet. 3 n sleine* Vebeit, S3b. 1-2 58: 1683-4 *&gt;!cr(orciur Sobn, Gin. D. SDtyliuS. 4 JBbe 58: 2734-7 Jicrlorntci* efdjledjt, Gin. 9Jf. Jiing. O^be. in 3 59: 381-3 i trmiiiljtiui! be* ^eblnt *. D. 3iuuiit... 59 : Safjelbe 59: 425 3 cronifa. . Jtonig. 2 Sbe 58: 1931-2 SJcnntljcitcit, Sie. g. attb^. 3n ISoet. u iU-of. 28., Sb. 6 56: 323 Saffelbe. 3n Sammtl. 28., SJb. 17... 56 : 317 8,!crfd)icbcnc 28ege. ^. g. 28. Dettel. (28. D. B o n o r n. ) 3n Corn s Gtj., b. 9. 58 : 2853 !&gt;!rrfrt)liingcnc 28ege. ."d)iic!ing. 3 be. 59 : 679-81 Sjct lrtimiilite, Sie. O. 28ilbetmutl&gt;. 3iv ^ i lus bem grauentebcit, 2&lt;b. 1 59 : 1632 iicrfrtiiDdruiin bnvd) ein lUlb, Sie. G. 9JJ. 9JiunM. (Vouife 9JJ it 1; I b a cb..) 3 6iftor. SebenSbtlber, _b. 2 58 : 2516 5l!frfrfitt)Uiibcitc WeBtifd), Set. 21. Bon Sffiinterfelb. 3n xjuinor. Solbaten = 9(o= Belien, b. 2 59: 1737 PKOSE KKT10X: GERMAN. SBericnftc Scidjimm. -97- Sl crfcntte i. etd)imm, 2*r. 9i. JgeUec. 3n Sieben 28intcrabnbe, Sb. 2.1 ............. 58: S*crfid)crtr, . g. offmann. 3n Jta= lenber=(S)eid)id&gt;tcn .............................. 58; SjcriblmiiHS, Sic. i!. 2u-tf. 3n Sd;r., *b. 1-* ........................................... 56: ijicrftoitciic, er. G. &. G. ii. SJuhocv* vritton. 5 be. in 1 ........................... 58: il critOHcnr, er. 21. 28ilbenl;a(;n. 3n We). Gr 5 ., 23b. 4. .............................. 59: 5Sf riurfi ?iu- Stnfteblung, Gin. g. Qcvftacfev. CMI -.Miner. 28alP= u. -trombilber, -.Ob. 2. 58 : i trfiirtmiifl, 2Me. *}. toon Oufecf. 3u Wivanbola, Si. 3 ............................. 58: SafmtftM Stabt. J. erftarfcr. 3n 2Ui* ber 3ee .................................... 58: itcrfuitfciK Sterne. G. yolto. 3n 3i. 9io= toeUen, t. 7 .................................... 59: SB to It: iPlabemoifeUe illnupin. (Sine Soiree miicicale. SJedenstraum eineS ormen aKufifera. ie Siorfe ber Qottottc (Jurban. 3 in auje ter ftrau iiofrSiljiii. t timeifiii ISinimpagner. SJcrtnnfditr 3d&gt;irffale. v. Sdjiicfing ....... 59: ^crutbmt. . *r. 4 aibe .............. 58: 8tnwiAt. G. frofev. 3n JtleineS X eben, i&gt;. ^ ............................................ 58: Sftttalttt unb fein Rtnb, . &lt;y. 2(^(-- f" ............................................... 58: sprrnmnbtc (Sdjier. G. BoBo. 3n ,,2lu Staub unb Slfdtie": 3i. Stooellen, 41b. 10. 59 : nrr, ^i- 3- 3)- Semnte. inl .................................... r,9: . Xcr. :)(. Savon. Jn Grj., 33b. 3. 59 : tbriftol. . SHieel. n 9ftcri nb Sibl., Sb. :-(r&gt; ........................ 59: Wabriel. ^. &lt;gefe. 3n Ocf. SB., 8 ..................... . ...................... 5G: Bttttt im Conpftovium, 2er. ^}. g. 415. Certel (4i5. O. o u o rn). 3n fcovn 3 Gtj., b. 11 .................................... 58: Victoria 3ic.jia. . Ctto ..................... 58: syittorint. G. -;&lt;olfo. 3n 3i. DZooeUen, -1 ............................................ 59: SMttortn S Sductfale. &lt;p. g. 2L&lt;. Certel (4U. D. B o n o rn). 3n ovn 8 Grj., s -0i&gt;. 7 ............................................ 58: 2Mrl Satmtn urn 9H$t& 3. toon Gicfjen= borff. 3n eammtl. 3i5., iBb. 3 ............ 5ft : i irr ISfyriftbaume. J. StoIIe. 3 2Npo3= rofen, Sb. 3 ......................... .. ......... 59: J!if r beutfcbe .wlbinncn au8 bcr .jjeit btr Bflunfl8hrwfle. % g. SB. Dertel (2SJ. D. won worn). 3" Sotn d Gri.. S3b. 11 ...... - .................. " ............ .. 58: !l!irr JWnige. 5- 415- wactlduber. 3n ii (. Grj. unb i;umor. 3ficn : 28., S5b. (i... . 58 : 1 itr lagc auf bcr Ski toon San ^-rait cisJco. g. Qerftactcr. 3n Galiforuiid;c Sfiwi .......................................... 58: iLUmtfig, 2er; ober, bie aiucritanifdje Mine. 41 Sluerba*. 3n Oef. Sdiv , b. 6 ........................ - ............... ...-58: Xaffelbe. 3n *h)avjtto. Sorfflcfd;., b. 5 .......................................... 58: i itruiibjtunit^o Btunien, G. vofcr. 3n .uvicivs m\\&gt; griebenSjeiten, ^b. l ......... r,S: 93ifla ninniont. ^-. vcioaib. 2 Sbc ....... 58: ^nljalt: *o. I: Uniiirfiin Aurora. Cine trauriot (Veiifiiiiitf. 3*6. 2: (Sin 5. Dili uus (iuli.i. Domciiico. !i&lt;illn ioriui.iuiiuii. g. aubto. 3n -Boet. u. ^Svof. 215., b. 8 ........................... 5(j : Saffelbe. 3n Santintl. 3iJ., Sb. 15... 5(j : !t&lt;inci, Vcoutjarb, 2a. ief;e: i&agen, G. 81., iiiinftlerflcidi., b. 4. i iola. V. Saucttng. 3n 3(u alter unb ncucv 3eit, 2Jb. 1 .............................. 59: 1447 1735 1613 2236 1605 989 1187 902 Hirrtl unb bie 2lriftofrateit, ev. R. lio= ftd (G fy a v I e 3 &lt;S&gt; e a I s * i e ( b). 3 S8b. Viritus unitis. M. -.Budiner. 3 !&gt;io; $irtitofin, Sic. G. Stoinbler. 3n fflioo9= vofen, 21B. 2 JMfion, Xie. g. Ocrftacfer. 3n Untcr a?al= mn unb SSucben, 4)b. l $tfitrnfartr, ie. ii. Sdjiicfina. 3n 3lu3 peijjcn Jagen ,G. 3&gt;ut[cbc (Sefdndttci: fiir bie fiinberftubc. *. . 1867. 2 -Mfe. in 1. If. 8 Soffmamt. 3" 1684 10 84 Ter. b. 3" 3mft, er. G. eptnb= lev. 4 -ilbe Safjelbe. 4 \8be. in 2. Vogclnrft unb ber .yammer, a3. &. 9Jic= iiOflflitcftdicn, 2as. &lt;b. toon Sdnnib. 3n Wcf. Sdjr., b. 4 i ogclfrticudK, Ete. i;. Jiett. 3n Sdtr., it). 27 i oflclftcllcr om Gidilivptlial, Xer. (3. giammberg. 3" 3 ll sl c| b= u. Soltsbibl... 5 pi(lt son Stolt, 2er. $[). aiiiigge. 2 21be. i b lfcrfltmiilbc. If&gt;. Eieli() ^OlfJflfldiirlitrii. G. Spitiblcr. 2 -Ube in 1. 3 n Da It: !Bb. 1: wiiicf unb Wlad. ter 2ftalennnini.. Xie Ai au mil beui Xobien* toti. Stratbuvflcr Jieujalir. ^11 be btie jonge ^taliaaiibcrfi. Sib. 2: Xe9 i icentiatcii iiufiiageJ XOtater* lauf. Xicontiiic. SibirifctKS d;iieeftu(t. Xcr SBaiibmiiUcr con Zanjifl. (Sin BoIHmann. Za5 Xemantfreus. a3 ^!uftfpte[ im ^abe. .) 3n 59: 58: 59: 58: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 5(5 : 59: 58: 59 : 59: 2022 2585 677 2855 2930 81 ; 2851 242 1120 2840 1289 917 51 83 1665 2131-2 u ,\n \iovn 3 Grj., -^b. 3 58: 2, qti bcr &gt;iitte 28inbfd;ief uitb bem 2Jaume fiialtmid;. it Stober. 3" 3na enbs ui&gt; 324 j *olfbibl 59: . Mil JiDii bcr ^viiijejfin 3JJorgana. g. 28. fyast- lanber. v \n JJiardien : 28., 25b. 13.. ..... 58 : 2.iDit Gtncm, ber bas WUict gefudjt. % g. 28. Certel (28. C. toon feorn). 3n 628 ! Scorn s Gr}., b. 5 58: i, Gin. G. Stotnblcv. 3u 2JoIfg= fleid;., iBb. 2 .................................... 59: 9.&lt;0lf 0fa.qr &lt;iu3 bem ?!al;etl;alc, (Sine. i| &. 28. Dertet. (28. D. u o n o r n.) 3 ibovn s Gr;., 23b. 11 ........... ." 23ollntad)t,er. G. fflJiUfomm. 3n 3luS alter u. neuer 3eit, Jib. 1 .................... 59 ; aioltnirc unb fein .sjofiuroclier. 6. 9JJ. SBJunbt. (8ouife2ftft^lba dj.) 3n ioiftpr. iMlberbudi, S3b. 3 .................... 53: Sjoltnire tf Jiad)tmii()c. Jt. u^fow. 3n 2ie fl. "Jiavvenitoclt, Sb. 1 .................. 58: S om Serf. D. SiUlbcrmutb. 3n Silber u. (yefdj. au^ Sdiwaben, i(b. 3 ............ 59 : J om x&gt;aibel;au3. g. 38. jQatfiiiitber ........ 58 : 3nba(t: ZaS itoos ber iiliittroe. Der v -lUdubart. Jlitofpcn^ubien. Vonboner Butftelluiiglfa^rt. yarn fleinen feein. i. Smibt. 3n S3in= nen bcr rotten Jciine, i(b. 1 ............... 59: 2&gt;ont .Hnaben unb worn "JJIabdjen. g. Ve= lualb. 3n Siincit: unb -Berggefd;., 4!b. I. 58 : Sjoii bem fnfdu ii unb mut^tgen Seybli^. B. g. 28. Certel (18. O. toon orn). 3n fflcvn ^ Grj., 4(b. 6 ....................... 58: 2!oit bem Dfannc, ber unS ben 215efl nadj 2lmcrifa geiutefen ^at. ^. g. 2\S. Certel (2B. D. toon ftorn). 3n , govn d Gn., $Jb. 3 ............ . ................ . .............. 58: 3 ou bem Reffen, bcr (einen Cnfel furi;t. 8. g. 28. Dertel (28. C. toon $orn). n orn S G. Wb. 3 ....................... 783-5 310 931 982 629 2880 2262 944-7 953-4 2352 531 1626 2401 2430 2107 948 948 2855 1662 2513 1229 1631 1342 818 2114 2835 2832 2832 2413 1293 283-1 13 I KOSK KMTIOX: CKKMAN. Son cjd)lecf)t. - 98 Won eidtledit 311 eidjtedjt. g. i etoatb. 4be 58: 2103-6 j *&gt;!pn biibeit nadi briiben. ft. Smibt. S" iUnncn bcr rotben Tonne, Hb. :&gt; 59 : 820 2 on ,Hi)jingcn bis it eifsenburg. ft. ftividj= fetb. 3n "JJouelten aus b. beutjcb/fvanjj. Mriege 1870-1 58: 1590 2&gt;0it itbniggrdtj bis Gr/ifetl;urft. G. 3)1. ajiunbt ( oui { e 2K ii t; I b a A)). 6 be. 58 : 2560-5 3 11 f&gt; a It : SOb. 13: Urn cutfd&gt;lanb 5 (Sin= S3C. 4-Ui: SBilljelmSfiBIie unb GMfeUjiirft. SJfontebetlo bis Sotferino. raf t. Wraboiixsti 58 : 1114 3if;ei3tierg bis Mbniggto^. g. Sdjmibt 59: 2726 JBBnaa(fetbbiS3lfpetn. ft. Mo nig. 3 She. 58: 1933-5 2 on Stufc 511 Stuie. G. gri^c 58: 757 2&gt;on SBicn nad; SSilagoS. g. StoIIe. 3 33be. in 1 ,59: 1125 SBon t ^itb up ben (Sid. g. 3(eutct. S Sdjurr = TOutt 56: 1105 fimfjig S fl b,ren. 0. Bcir Sttuenfee (uftou Bom See). 3 Sbe. in 1.... 59: 1180 Taffdbe. 3 4&lt;be. in 2 59 : 1230-1 2&gt;or fiunbett Jnljten. g. l uboja(3ft&gt;. 3bc . - 58: 2178-80 2!nr ^unbettfttnfje^n Sflbje t- . ^potfo. Sit 3f. 3(OBetlen. SBb. 1 59: 80 SBnr 4!ari-3: taf St. taboWSfi. S n 2(u ber arnifon ic., b. 4. 58: 1068 b.6. . . 59: 2536 Sl orbcr unb nadil;et. g. ftoffmonn. S" ,Uatenber=eid) 58: 1735 j 2. orfiiiui)icr bet gtdfyeit, Tie. g. grwb= rid). 343be.in2 58: 745-6 5oniiittnn gtiebrid) II., Gin. G. 3K. 3J(unbt ( S. o u i f e 3)1 ii I) t b a d) ). S ftiftor. G(;araftevbitber, k iib. 4 , 58 : 2515 iiormunb, Ter. G.S.Garten. 2 SJw... 58: 367-8 T..:............ 58: 2771 unb aWmbcl. "$. g. 31*. Cettet (ii&gt;. D. Bon otn). S ftotn S Gtj., !Bb. 5 58: 2834 Jioruclimc S tau, Gine. M. Si artcnbutg... 59: 1467 Jliornclimc 28elt. g. Seiualb. Sn (Srj., 33b. 1 58: 2119 I oruvtftcil unb liernunft. 3Ji. S. 2d)tBar(j. Sn Ml. Grj., SJb. 2 . 59 : 733 etjen (Mgatfya, 2e 2 SJbe. in 1. 11.8 Stuttg. 1874. ie. S8ci-[. 1874. 4 33bc. ft. 8...." .................... , ........ 3ipm unb Sahara, iiert. 18(i5. 4 atbc. in 2. ft. 8 ........................... , ...... Urn jdjiibbeS @tte. S3erl. 1872. 4 93be. H. 8 .......................... , .............. Unter bem iveiftcn Slbter. 3 S)be. in 2. 16 ......... , .................................. 28ari|t(lctVCitit, ^a- Wraf St. raboivSft. Sit fiilba- au bem Solbatenleben ........ JCnriitftubcnnliriitciicr. S. 41*. acflanber. 3we.i2. Sn 4U., Bb. 4-5 ............... 2nnncr, Hermann. (SiitbecfungSreifcn im 3BIb unb auf bet ibeibe. X eip, 18(&gt;6. ft. 8 ................. GntbetfungSteifen in bet ibeimatt). Veip., 1865-6. 2 Sbe. in 1. ft. 8 .............. 59: 1390 59 : 1391-4 59: 1401-2 59: 1395-8 59: 1399-400 58 : 1117 58: 1287-8 , . octmann. gottf e^ung. (i litbectung-Sreiien inbiefficfynftube. Seip. 18(i6. ft. 8 ................................. Gntbecfung Sreifen in getb unb gtur. Vetp. 18ii(i. ft. 8 ........................... (Sntbeduniismjen in SbauS unb Sjof. i eip., isiiii. t l. 8 ......... .. .......... ... ........... (Sdctjrte epieltameiab, Set. &&lt;if., 1871. ft. 8 ...... . ................................... auid)al} fiU 1 bie beutt die Jugenb. Sto= ~ jxau, (). b.) (&gt; S3be, 8 ..................... StuifttirteS Spietbud) fiir Mimbcit. X eip., 1870. ft. 8.. ............................... SHI (Sti meit, obet bie fleineit ^flanjens freuitbe. i eip., 18(i9. ft. 8 .......... .... SnbieSiatut. iMelefelb, 1862. 16 ....... bcS ibetufcS, 2ie. 3t. iUitbentjoiju. i-i. (Svj., SBb. 1 .......................... unb 3(ott;eii be Sertn a5b f)= nelet. 21. lii(jui ( v x sefemia 0utt= &etf). S t 1- d)t., b. 9 ............ aenhtBcvronubtltftaftri^ Tie. 3- 35$. toon b tfje. S 1 Sammtt. 4l\, Stuttg. uub Siib. 3(ug., S3b. 3.... ....................... Saffetbe. S" Si$-/ Muvj fdje 2(ug., b. 6 ......................................... Xnfietbe. Jn fimmtl. 3i$., ipnrijer 3tu%, Hb. 2 ................................ Taffelbe. S" 3-. Stuttfl. 2tu5g., b. 7 ......................................... 2Bnbi!iinn burdj ungtiidtidje i. iebe. 3)1. &. Sapbir. ^n Slueg. eel)! ., 43b. 1 ......... 21 5 fll)lt|1itiiinf, er. g. Wetftficfer ........... tiicf, Sa. g. yoffmann. S . 4 ................. . .................. unb nad) bet Qetftorung toon urg. ty. g. 3B. Oettet (SuJ. 0. bon , oorn). 5" &gt;ovn 3 Grj., Sib. 11. SBaJteS tmb fat)d]e il&gt;ot;ttf;uu. . Mtein? fteubet. S 3cieti(j 3ngenb=iMM., b.45. 2BaIirl)fit unb viige. W. SHevilj. S" 3= genb=4iibl., aib. 3 ............................. SBBnibmontt S eil! g. etftadet ........... 3 n I) a [ t : Sic jroolf Dlonatc. lie 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 58: 56: 56: 56 : 56: (Sin Sag in ^cn 2U)&gt;&lt;n. (Sine S)aiiern = jaflb. -- ^agb, Siirter unbfflftlb in s JJpvb= !Xnierit.t. SCie feaujagb. SSniic, Tie. G. on (So^ren. S" Sugenb=io(., W&gt;. 31 ........................ Xafleltie. S" Sb. 34 ........................ SBflifc i on SBicit, Tie. 3. cfyerr. 3 S3be. Sffinifctt, Tie. g. offmonn. S" Grj., 33b. ............................................ 26nt!ciifiin()c, Tet. g. . 3Ji. S 9ifc ^ugenbsSJibt., v yb. 46 ........................ 26niicnfitflDf, Tcr. 3)1. ;King. S" . etabtgefd)., SHb. 2 ............................ er. 31. tifiet. S 2kct. 59 : 59 : 2913 2912 ed;r., SBBaloefnfttrafeit. *b. 2B .......................................... Hlein. G. g. Garten ............ S o(;ne. G. Spinbtet. Sn S liingcr, je tiebcr, &gt;8b. 2 ....................... SJBolbfritb. 4&lt;. SSuer&a*. 3 SJbe .......... , Ter. 2(. ettfter. 5n Grj., o. 5- Siebtcr. Sn . blitmen .......................................... aSnlblntlbc, obet bet i^otf-sbi-unnen. V. Sletlftab. S 11 &lt;tgen unb rom. Grj ....... 2BnlbfnpcIlr, Tie. Gt). Bon Sdmiib. S" 0ef. Sdir., Sb. 4 ............................. 2onlbnirnt"rt), Tet. g. erftader. S SOitbc ffielt, SBb. 1 ............................ 59: 58: 59: 59: 58: 59 : 59 : 59 : 59: 59: 59: 59: 56: 58: 58: 58: 59: 59: 59: 59: 58: 2914 2910 2911 2917 2900-6 2918 2915 2916 1604 1039 358 385 351 365 1200 988 2263 2.840 2595 2553 i)97 2581 2584 498-500 2268 2596 384 1061 1625 386 917 87-9 1061 2830 354 531 991 PROSE FICTION: GKKMAN. SBoftmftflcr. -99- SSeffmer. SUalbmiiflcr, Dicbcrt (Gbouarb 3)11 = b o c . Staronifirt. &lt;($. 1868. 16 .............. tHiffiflora. Seip. 1868. 16 ............... 2iialbrtrin. &gt;. i aube. 3 $be. 3n Set beutfdjc .Htieg, St. 5-7 .................... SOalifdK RrajtrtmaniKtl, Sa3. 6. @pmb* Icr. 3u 3r etabt unb Vanb ........... 2&alliafirt burd) Veben ocni Stafctet jvrieicii In* \\\i WcgcnH aft. *ou cincm Secbunbicdj^igcr. i. ciB. 1862. 9 :8be. in 5. 16. ..................................... 2l&gt;nllinlirt nad) ^cnifalcm. G. epinbler. on 3mtti bi Hi are, 4&lt;b. 1 .................. 21?flllfiiri)bDOt, Sa. g. erftacfet. 3n .Ureii; unb diet, &gt;Hb. 2 ...................... 2i*nlDiirnitfiintl!t, Sie. 6. 3fcb,of!e. 3" ef. .ccbr., -UK 9 .............................. 2i&lt;fllliuri!i&gt;M&gt;inrt)tc. G. e^inblct. 2 SJbt. in 1. .................... ...................... 3n 6n It: Sib. 1: lie &lt;f.vovrietin 311 !Rottcn&gt; fmuiti (170r&gt;-6.) iter fdjroarje Qerrgoit in Xgrol. 3&lt;b. 2: Zer Sfiecfwl&alg. 2i*alram 3orft, ber Scmagoge. 5p. 0)a= Icn. 4 4be .................................. .. 2altcr ^ itiib. % &lt;9alcn. 3 Sbe. in 1 ...... aOdtlicr unb gtlbtgimbe. ft. Scbmibt ...... 2anbflnbrn 3Javciffen, Sie. 3- etolle. 3n (Samclien, b. 2 ........................... aOnubcrbilbcr. 3- toe. 3n g glocfcn 2l&gt;niibrrnftc Mriinicr, 3)er. ft. Scrftdder. on x lmer. SSaIb= u. etvombilber, SJb. 2.. aOanbrrutincii- 3iic bie oiuicub benrbci= tct. Itt. Jieliti ............................... 2l*anJimiiiiKii burdi baS Ocbict bet e= fd;id)te. ^. penning ......................... ;tn(alt: tie (Sr6cn BOH Sudjen^orft. Wottliilf, bet .Cicimatfctoff. JtotiS, ber ber Starfe. SJenno ber ttommaote. Ct)s tinna. bie -tiere com JHiefcnftetn. $UQO oon ^3etiere. . inl. 59: 59: 58: 59: 59: 59 : 58 : 56: 59 : 58: 58 : 59 : 59: 59 : 58 : 59: aOnffcrfrun, Set. Gb. Don edjmib. 3n Wef. edit., Sib. 8 59: 1430 2l"nffrrmnt1rti. V. lied, on Sdjt., s -Wb. 21. 5(&gt; : 1430 2t"affrnttrf, Sic ; obcr, bet etteidiet butdj bie Mccre. 3- 3- Goofcct 58 : 2052-4 2l"nMcrnotb i-n Gmmentbal, Sie. 91. 33it= jiiiS. ( o e v e m i a S e 1 1 1 ( (f.) 3" 906 Wef. edjt., b. 23 58: 20 at bi ne 2lenn ttaid)uiirt rutc famcn fann, 3- Sieuter. 3" Sd)urr=Mu 56: 2Ba, ovules, bet Gtfinbet. % 3- S55- Cet= 1445-9 tel. (iB. D. o n ft o t n.) 3 n ftotn 3 Gtj., lib. 8 58: 955 2l"attcnu. 21. yen etetnberg. on Kimft= (erbilbcr, S3b. 3 59: 958 2tkbcr, Garl Maria Don. ft. 3(au. 3 Sibe. iu2 59: 2icbcr an bet 3i&gt;anb, Set. G. pinbtct. on Jag u. iNacfyt, Hb. 2 59 : 2trbcr unb li affet. (3. 3iievi(i. 3 3&gt;i= gent&gt;=b(., Sib. 1 59: 2SrriifcI be* vcfccnS, Set. 3- S -!B- ac f ; Idnber, 2 4&lt;bc. in 1 58: 21krfn"dbalq, Set. G, epinbtcr. 3n ilHiH.nir ! iiiS=3idd&gt;te, 93b. 2 59 : 2ffl)fcll)crr wn St. Solicit, Set. 21. 2S&gt;tt= -,,. bcnbabn. o" 8cf. Gtj., Sb. 1 59 : 2*cbftiunfr, Sie. 3. S. ft. Jemme 59 : 2i3ffl in ben ftimmcl, Set. 3 rau 3- ^Pfon- uenfd)inibt ( o u J i e S3 u t o TO ). 3n Siilber au bcm i eben 59: 2"0ffl in S 2lmt, Set. 21. SSHlbenba^n. 3n W ef. Gt}., SJb. 4 59 : 20ca verfel;lt. Sen. G. ^Jolfo. 3n 23JoI= fo ii=ed)atti ii: 3f. JiorjeUen, S3b. 14 59: SotteS unb bet MenfdKii Webanfen, 1956 949 803-6 806 1111 1115 989 2108 1461 3. Sewalb. 4 Sibe. in 3. 58 : 2133-5 20artcnbiirn, (. 16 . ..."... . . ....". 59: 1 168 SJomebme 3tau, Gine. Wcta, 1868. 16. 59 : 1467 3\vtd bciligt ba Mittel, Set. etuttg. 1874. 16 59: 1469 JUaritm. S. etobct. 3n Gtj., Sib. 10.... 59 : H4 2l nrn)0lf Set. ii&gt;. ftdting. (SBUiba Ib 21 let is.) 2 S3bc. in 1 58: 20as nus eiiiem atmen ftittcnbublciit n&gt;et&lt; ben fann. % 3. "IB. Cettol (4B. 0. B o n fto tn). on ftotn 8 Gtj., ilb. 12 58 : 2 Jttif bft Menfdj fact, bae witb ct and) crnbten. Si. Siaroit. on Gtj., 3&lt;b. 5 . 59 : 2Uas bie edjiimlbc fang. 3- SViel^agen. 2*be ..... 59: 2t&gt;a-5 eine Muttet leiben fann. ft. GonS-- cience : 58 : JOas mit einmal ber Tobtengtaber ctjal;lte. *. 3- SB. Cettel. (ls.s. D. u o n ft o t n.) on ftotn S Gt?., 33b. 10 58: 21" as fid) bet S3ud;laben et^dljlt. it. u%-- fonv 3 Sie fl. Siattcittuclt, 23b. 3 ;. 58 : 21" as nntb et bainit madjenV (v. v ^ifi = ft t a t u S G a i; t o n.) G. 0). G. X. SiuU ii er^ ijtton. 9 Sibe. in 2 58 : 2i"nfbiitflti)n, Weorae. ^. 3. 4H. Cettel. (IB. D. o n ft o t n.) 3" SJorn d Gts., b. 14 .". 58; 2t?nfl)iitflton, Weorge. 3. ednnibt ;,&lt;| : 20nffrrf(iitb am Stbciue, Sie. G(;. von edjmib. 3n Wef. edit., S3b. 4 59 : 1365 2841 2024 871-2 422 2854 1231 2233-4 ie. Sllbcrt iBitiiuS (3etmiaS @ottf;elf). 3nef. Sd)t., S3b. 9... 58: JOfililirtic CS r ,ie!;ung. 3. ietualb. 3n Siinen= unb iVtggefd)., i(b. 2 .............. 58 : 2Bcil)lifftcit 2tufenjal)te, Sie. ,v&gt;. 3fd)offe. on (Sef. Sdir., b. 3 ........................ 5fi : 2BcibIirf)cr 3ltst, Gin. 3(. etabt ............ 59 : aC Ctbcnmiililr, Sie. 3. iebler. 3naibe. bhimen .......................................... 59: 2cilmnrt)tcn. 3- S&gt;cffmann. 3n Gn., iSb. 14 ............... ........................... 59: 2l&gt;filinnrtiti&gt;nticiib, Set. S. Wufcfow. 3n Sie fieiite 3Jarteuh&gt;elt, J^b. 1 ............... 58 : 2"i&gt;cil)iinri|Uinbciib. Jb. Miigge ............. 58: 2t&gt;ril)iinrti(i&lt;nbriib, Set. GI;. von Sdimib. on Wef. 2d)t., b. 1 ................. . ....... 59 : SBri5na4t*l6tn6. Z. Sieef. 3n cb,r., iAb. 21 .................... v ..................... 5(j: 20cilniart|ti!fcft, Gin. V. ^tdjler. on Grj.. i^. 1 ............................................ 59: 2tfrilmart!tsfiuib, Set. . fiurj ............ 58: 2l 5 cibimrt)tcmrirrtifii. 3. W. fradlanber. 3u aMardjen : W., !b. 13 ..... . ............ 58 : ril, ufta. Jaufenb nub cine 9tad, t. etuttg. 1866. 4-Hbe. 8 ...................................... 59: 2cin6iitfr, Set. ^aut Sjchfe. 3n Ocf. 3.H., ib. 5 ................... 1 ................... 56: 2t*riffnqnnq, Sie. :)!.: pellet, on eicben itSiiit eralH-iibe, b. 2.". ...................... 58: 3(blet, Set. G. ^aftrow ............. 59: 2l rif;r Mofe, Sie. 3. etoUc. 3 be. in 1. 59 : 2i?riHfovf, ^- 3- 355. Oettcl cii&lt;. O. k) D n 6 o t n). gn ibcrn 8 Gtj., b. 9. 58 : 2i*rlffiibrnnt, Sie. 9(.Holtc ................. 58: 2r!intbrnut, Sic. it. Sutfoto. on ef. *S., *b. 11 ..................................... 56: is|:! . , 15 2v"tllmtr, 3lrnolb. SH-ubet 5 i&lt;: - 533 1620 460 1053 1105 2837 1034 270-1 942 2551 1311 949 1604 1332 30 1605 87 1039 2115 1951 1006 2830 2273 1229 2428 530 1620 2640 2006 1293 1490-3 674 1447 2993 1 124 2R38 204 485 531 Sktl. 1871, 2 SUbc. f[.8 .......................................... 59: 1513-14 IK I lOX: GERMAN. SBettmeT. - 100 - 3ugenb. SJkHmcr, 2trnolb. gortfefcung. rei itcupcn b,od&gt;. SMIbetbud? eincS alien SunggefeHen. 9taf. 1865. 16. 59: 2BcIirf)C 9Jadibar, Set. 21. SB. (Srube. 3n 3ugenb= u! 9*oH3bibt 59: SJBelt bet 3ugenb. Seib. 1865 71. tiiBbe. 8 59: 59 : Jjn^olt : S5b. 1: Ktfeflimben ...... SBb. 2: Setfrabfnbe Sb. 3; i olm be&lt;S ^IctfjeS SBb. 4: Silbcv ous bev Wojeitroavt SBb. 5: &gt;f imatfo unb Jiiembe SBb. b: liovroSrts! na$ Often unb XBeftcn 6. 3)t. 2)hmbt. 3SBbc ............ 58 59 : 59: 59 : 59: 20dt tin .Hfetnen, Sic. g. OcrftScfcr ......... 59 : 2Bclt be GMflir,c, Cine. unb 9.UiI;nc. G, 3. 9Jtunbt. (Si o a i f e aKiib. tbadj.) 29fte. in 1 .................. 58 2clt unb 9totur. G. 9H.9.)iimbt. (gout f c Df ii l;l b a cb, .) 311 3ieueS 9Wbcrburfj, SBb. 1 ............................................ 58 SScltbitrflcr, Set. g. Stolte. 3 SBbe. in 1. 59 SBdtgefdMdjrte ""b bic SDZobc. G. Wl. aihtnbt. (SJouife SRii I; I bad;.) 3n ioiftor. 93tlberbud), 9ft. 3 ..................... 58 SDeltlucifcit uon edjattenftebt, Tic. 21. SDJeijjncr. 3n Gliataftctmasfen, 4ft. 1... 58 2f]n etn tugenbfoineS 5i5cib bcfdjeeret tft, bie tft uiel eblet benn bie toftlidjfte ftacle, g. offnmnn. 3 t Ralenberej^ .......... 29cititott Ijilft, gebtailleS. ^. Hoffmann. SnGrg., b. 34 .................. . ........... 59 JJilcnit "tan nur redit cbulb I;at ! *y. off= mann. v&gt;n Grj., SJb. 13 ...................... 59 SPcitn i"it ctnmal ftcrbcn. g. erftadet, 3n Untcr ^almen unb S3urf)en, SBb. 1.... 58 baS liitt bat, fiib.rt bie ilraut beim. b. 2 .............. 58 58 : 2Scr fteijt, bet fcfje ju, bafj ct nid.it falle. 3. S. . Semmt. 3n (Srj., b. 4..: ...... 59: i titbe tbut, bet ift tec Sttubeiinedjt. . Soffmann. Jn Grj., b. 5 ............. 59 : ttogt bie Sdjulb. Ib.. Wiigge ........... 58 : 2i5rt itiai- tct a)!i&gt;tbcr? 3. 3&gt;. . Semme. 3n Grimmal=3ioe[Ien, b. 3 ............... 59 : iiecrbcrflfffliirtitc, Gme. G. SptnMer. 3n ai-mtevlnid), S3b. 2 ............................. 59: SScrncr. g. crftactcr. JttigeU tt. Snnfel, b. 1 ............................................. 58: Setrnet, G. 2lnt Slltar. Seip. 1873. 2 93be. in 1. H. 8 ......................................... 59 : (SattenlaubenbliUfyen. Xtif. 1872. 2be. . 8 ......................................... 59 : 3 nil at t : SBb. 1: Gin ftelb bcr Sebcv. S)b. 2: ein elb bcr Jebec (cdjlue). iiermann. SBrffcn ~tdjt brenni [aiiget. 8. Stiibet. SnG Vj., b. 2 ............................... 59: SBette, ine. G. ^olfo. 3n St. Stobellen, S36. 3 ............................................ 59 : SBrttttPabie, Gine. g. 3B. flarflanber. 3n Sorgcnlofe Stunbcn in b,eitctn @efdi., S8b. 2 ............................................ 58: 2Ucttftrcit, er. 3t. pellet. 3n ieben SBinterabenbe, 33b. 2 .......................... 58: Whip-poor-Will. 33. aiioUbaufen. 3n Sieuquien, iib. 1 .............................. 58 : SH?ir6tcl, Xa. S. Sdjmib. Jn 2tlt unb neue efd). au8 SJa^etn, 33b. (i ........ -.-.. 59 : 26itfcbc, St. Don. galfdje Grbe, Set. 93erl. 1868, 2 a^be. in 1. II. 8 ................................. 59: SSMrfcbe, Seutfd)e Surgetfantitie, Gine. Sena, 1867. 3 be. in 2. II. 8 ............... 59 : 1515 2406 2930-5 2930 2931 2932 29: 2934 2935 2485-7 2155 2566 2547 1126 2513 2315 1735 2293 2272 982 1689 1304 2264 2436 1299 950 93-7 1535 1536-7 1090 81 1335 1447 2392 5G2 1562 1558-9 2tMtfcbe, SuliuB uon. gortfetnmg. Setttfdjct vonbstnedjt bet neueftcn fyit, Gin. 3e"&lt;*/ 1864. 3 9ft . in 1. 16. 59: gnhatt: 41b. 1: Sie Relbjiigc uon 1818 bis 18aO in @^U0n&gt;i43*^oifletn. SBb. 2: SBrafiiten; ISaLifovnien; ie spvairien; Xte 23elageruMs uon Setaftapol. SBb. 3: ibtricu; ;\ta[ien; SDienfi in bcr ton* foberirten Stance bcr Subitaateii uon s Jiorbs Slmetiia. etjog li altenftein in 5erflenbtirg ; fti; ftor. 9ioman. 3 f na, 1865, 4 iBbe in 2. II. 8 ufatcnoffiriet gtiebrid&gt; 3 be tof,en : 9!ad) ben etgenenSUtfjeidntungeniganS S. eberedjt uon ^rebotv S. Sena, 1866, 3 9fte. in 2. ft. 8 59 Sange %,\aad, Set : igtftorifdjer fllnnan au bet 3tt be bentfdjen i^efvciuttgSs ItiegeS. i cip. 1863, 3 9fte. II. 8 59 fficiet, Gin : 91adj ben 2luf= einei tm Jelbe eblicte= iien. ann. 1872. 3 2fte. in 2. II. 8. 59 2Cic alte SJunben t;eilen. grau uon u!= fen ( e I e n e ). 3" 9iouellen unb ftjjen: 58 2LUt Stnn_e 9iabi Jotuaaet tjauSbattet, unb wie e if)t mit ben Softoten gel;t. Stlb. 5Bi(jiu (3etemia (Settle If). 2 Jibe. 3n ef. d)t., Sb. 212 58 2Bic G^tiften cine grau geimnnt. St. StfeiuS ( o e t e in i a &lt;8 o 1 1 1) c I f). 3n (8ef. d?tiften. SJb. 8 58 21Mc bet Gtiriftbaunt eutftanb. g. (Set; ftddfer- 59 bet Sdjnee jd)iitolj. V. Sdjittfing. 3n 3tns altet nub neuer vjeit, -Bb. 2 59 2llic bet Jeufct baS JiutEcn befara. 21. uon aiSinterfetb. 3n SjunweSIen, ;Hb. B 59 bie Stlten futtgen. 21. Uon ffiintetfelb. 3n iputnor. olbaten=9touellen, 9ft. 4... 59 28ic bie Saat, fo bie Grnbte. g. 6off= tnann. S" ^3-. *?. 10 : 59 28ic Ginet etn il5allitfd)fdnget lyusbe unb tua et babei etfuljt unb evtebte. ^J. g. Sij. Dettct (21$. D. Uon orn). 3n Corn s Grj., iBb. 5 58 28 ic fiinf Wabdjen tm 95ranntta)ein jm= ntetlid) umfamen. 2t. SBi(jitt^ (3 t&gt;re5 mia ott^ctf). 3n ef. Stfyr., 5ft. 12 58 cine grau fttcht. 21. SBfyiuS aS otttjelf). 3n ef. e dir., 9)b. 7 58 2lMc man Matferin intrb. G. DJ. Wunbt. (X o u i f e Di ii b, I b a dj.) 3n 9toucllcn u. SWbcr: .HI. rNomane, Sb. 20 58 man lieben tnufi. &gt;. ijftdjoltt. 3" cf. Sd)t., 9ft. 15 1 56 20ic man Waler iuirb. 6. Gonfcience 58 2iMc man fid; auf etncrSnfel etnriditen unb n-batten follc. S. Stober. 3n Grj., 9ft. 3 59 28icbcn e er Bon 2)JeIborf. taf St. rabotosft. 3n 2Iu 2iielt unb au, 1ft. 2 58 igomgblwm n : (ycmiitttUdje StjaI&gt;Inngcn unb ebidjte fitt bie lieben .Hiubet. SreSbcn, (f. b.) 8. ........................ 59 : ^unbert (ycfd)td)ten fiit cine Diuttet unb ib^te Minber. Stesben, (\. b.) II. 8... 59 : 9J!onattofen : Gtjii[;lungcn fiit bie 3u- genb con 8 big 12 3abten. Stc6bcn, (f. b.) 8 .................................... 59: 2Hicbcr&lt;tcfuiibcne 3genb, 25ie. . uon Sttuenfee. (@uftao worn &lt;See.) 3n Grja^l. eineS alien ettn, 9ft. 1 ...... 59 : 1557 53: 1568-9 1560-1 1563-5 1566-7 1430 1051-2 1038 2150 628 1735 1739 2269 2834 1042 1037 2472 I960 422 1091 1069 2951 2950 2952 1198 PKOSK FICTION: GERMAN. 2Bichcrfc()vcnbe. - 101 - aSicbcrffbrcnbe grtattftfc Saifet, Set. S. . licet. 3 e$r., b. 22 ................ 56: aSicbtrfcbfii. U. Itolfo. &gt; 28olEcn=Scbat&gt; ten : &lt;Ji. StMBtn, *b. 14 ................... 59 : ifiMcbrrfrficn. D. 28ilbennutb,. 3" 3 m Jageslidit ...................................... 59 : EBkittfctta, &n. 5 rau B( &gt; n &gt;uifen. (Selene.) 5" ^otoeUcn unb etfjjen... 58 : 2lMc(nnb, (il;nitop[; fflterttn, (geb. 1733, f 1813.) Slbcnteuet be Sen Stilino son ftofatoa, te. 3n Sfcrantl. SB., b. 1-2 ...... 5G : Jlgattiobdmon. 3" Sdntmtl. 28., SBb. 18. 5(&gt; : Xratyei unb ^anttjeo. 3 n Sdmmtl. SB., SBb. 27 ................................. 56: MrifttW. 3n Sammtl. 28., SBb. 22-24... 5(j : SBomfaj Sdjleidjet S Jugenbgefditdite. Jn Sdmmtl. 28., 2to. 27 ...................... 56: Sapbmbtpn. 3n Sdmmtf. 28., 2&lt;b. HI... 56 : I*nt ,aubcvum3, Ste. 3 n Santmtl. 38., SBb. 19 ........................................ 5(i: grambfdiaft unb Viebe auf bet 2&gt;tob. 3n Sdmmtl. 28., SBb. 19 ................ 56 : Qefdjirfite bet Stbbetiten. 3 Santmtl. 28., SBb. 18-14 .............................. 5(i : Saffelbe. 3n 2(tigen&gt;. 28., Sflb. 3 ....... 56 : ejd)irf)te be 2(gatb,cn. 3 Santmtl. 28., 2b. 4-ti ...................................... 5(i: cidn dite be3 iueikn Sanifdnnenb. 3 n Santmtl. 28., Nb. 9 ....................... 56 : olbcne Svncgcl, 2et, ^n Santmtl. 21!., 23b. 78 ..................................... 56 : Jaffelbe. "sit 2lii.fldi\ 28., b. 2 ..... 56 : feerametcn Mn :)ipftnliain. 3," Santmtl. " 28., b. 19 ................................... 56 : fiejfot unb .Utfenue^cl. ^\n Sammtl. 2B., SBb. 21 ........ .. ............................... 56: fifateS unb fripparcfyia. 3" toammtJ. 28., b. 21." ................................. 56: iiiebc obne i. eibenfdiaft, te. 3n Santmtl. 28., b. 19 .................................. 56 : SDienanbct unb WUicetion. Jn Sa mmtl. 28., 25b. 21 .................................. 56 : Xaffclbe. $n 3lu_geh). 21*., SBb. 3 ....... 56 : SfatctffuS unb Siatctfja. v&gt;n Santnttl. 28., b. 19 ........................................ 56: 9!cue 2(mabi, Set. 3n Sammtl. 3B., *b. 15 ....................................... 56: 91ryeUe obne Jttel, 2ie. Jn Sammtl. 28., SBb. 19 .................................. 56: 2?ctcgtinuj 2&lt;toteud. Ju Sammtl. 28., 8b. 1617 ................................. 56: Salamanbrin, Sie. 3n Sammtl. 28., *b. 27 ....................................... 56: 28ilb gemadijcn. Stuttg. 1872. 16. 3" ?ugenb= unb iiolfsbibl ...................... 59: tei A teunbe. ann. 1861, 2 25bc. 11. 8. 59 : (itiminalgeidiiditen. Stuttg. 1866. 16. Jn o8b= unb i clfebtbl ............... 59 : Gt^atb Jaubtt. Stuttg. 1866. 16. 3nougenb= unb^olfebibl ............... 59: i ebenebilbet. Stnttg. 1H67. 16. 3n Viugub= unb SHolfsbtbl ................... 59 : ^ n li a It : SucDibuvfl. Wrafin iourctla. Za5 .t&gt;au j :!inMfmami. eetbeuiuebet. Stuttg. 1866. Sn 3u-- gcnb= unb 2!olf6bibl ....................... 59: genb= unb 4iollbtbl ...................... 59: SB ill) flcioctbencr fcanbttxrtSburfcb, (Sin. 5. Wetftddet. ^n SBunted Jteibcn. b. 2 ............................................ 58 : 1621 87 1631 1-130 1000 1908 1913 1910-11 1913 1909 1909 1909 1906 1925 1901-2 1904 1903 1924 1909 1910 1910 1909 1910 1925 1909 1907 1909 1907-8 1913 2416 1580-1 | 2417 j 2117 2418 2417 j 2416 j 915 Set. g. etftddct. 3n feeH unb Xunfcl, *b. 1 ........................... 58: StMlbbirfciit, Se. V. Sdjucting ............. 59 : aiMlbc .wibe, Set. (S. $ofet. ^n tetj. Sir., 8b.8 .............. . ................... 58: Saffelbc. 3 SBttDegteS Heben ......... 58: 2lMlbr .Hafce, Ste. g. (Setftdtfet. ^n 28ilbc 28clt, SBb. 3 .................................... 58: SBilbf 28elt. 5-, (Setftactet. 3 SBbe ....... 58: 3nf)&lt;i(t: J)o. 1: ^n ben Pampas. Die j^ciifrjaflb rtuf ,tMjanen in 9lfii(a.- Xcr oev= ioirne JHing. ffiinc Mifjiffii fUrtibrt. Ecr aialcmenfct). a(uatjago tn Uvu= 0"? ..................................... 58: SBb. 2: Ia iffiract. Der BoIfJ.Bmtaniln. Guroiiiicr in bcr fflilbniS. Tie iBIoberato- ren. SruttaiiuKoctcn ............... 5S: SBb. H: Za3 Sort an ber Saljfnrtf). ^er S^lfflcapttan. Souinatta 3fi,v;en. ^\n ben Blaniilnrt n. i(-e(t). lie luilbe Rti^e. iiarbecne ........................ 58: l , - fugiift. efammelte ttf,dl)lungen. i. etp. 1862-3. 5SBbc. in 3. f(. 8 ....................... 59: Snfcatt: b. 1: Siicolaus Subroig, raf pon ^Jinjenborf. 2),-r HieffevfAmicb uon jiofuiiteii. Xie SBaljl brs -fle riifes- fet iil-eciiicUicrr cm 3t. Wallen. ^o^aun etbaftian Sad). cr alte (SanbibiU ...... 5: 2ib. 2: 3litfluft i^crmann ^rancte. -^ er DUltpnrttb bes Joiiroiiflmus con $"&gt; I)er anne iUcar. er Senior cii^enoad). DerficmbeDlnnn .................... 59: Sb. 3: 2ie ffiablt^at bcS Oeijinen. Cine fonbevbarlidie Urautfabrt. ffl lcnfcfieiuatl) unb Wottcsttulfe. ^crtiann iirenj. Sees lenroerbuni). (Sin isaflmnljl Siut^cr iS. 2er ^flegefotjn. Xev Stdioenreter ...... 59: SSb. 4: lei gnfptltor ^Jrtn|el. J&gt;ot 0)roft= giinncr. 3)er ^inrfitliiifl. Xev frf)toarje Hiann. ^!ube unb ISIniit. J er Siefl in 3 9lmt. ^cr Serftojieiic. JUcine erjge = birgifa)C SJilber ......................... 59: b. h: 3)ie beibeii Wefellen. 2er epiel = giira. 2ci alte gungiicfellc. Hie ^"= milie arcron. S S rtleur^. SBilficlm .Uinb .................................... 59: 3ot;onne 2ttnbt. i. eito. 1858. 2 SBbe. lit 1. M. 8 ...................................... 59: SDJattin iiutbct. S!ctp. 1859. 5 SSbe. in 2. fl. 80 .......................................... 59 : 3?b.iltW Socob Spenet. i-eip., 1858. 2*be. in 1. fl. 8 ......................... 59: aCilbcrid). X . Sdjiicting ...................... 59: 2lM(bcrmut&. Cttiltc, (geb. 1817.) 3tu bent grauenleben. Stuttg., 1862. 3 iBbe. in 2. 16 ........................... 59 : 3nljalt: b. 1: Gin fonnenlofeS i cben. OTorgcn, Wittnfl unb Slbenb. Xie Set f4mat)te. Unablianciigteit. b. 2: Die i. eijria^ie ber itoei Sc^iceftern. !l)iabif&gt;enbnefe. Gin ^cvbfttaa. bei Alein5= berg. obte ^tvene. SBb. . ): i ebensgliicf. Xet erfte Gfiejroift. Slugufte. 21tlber unb (Sefdjidjten au Sd)iuftbtt ( Stuttg., 1862. 8 SBbe. in 2, 16 ........ 59: 3n6.alt: *b. 1: Wenvebilbec a einer fleincM 3tabt. Vilbcr aus cinev biivgcrlis cfcen ,^aniiue, Die atten Jgiiufcr oon A. XM iratb^gejiliictitf n. SBb. 2: Oteftatten au5 ber BUttJjBPrtt. Art iffle.Uer unb fetue ^ran. a)njiibtffy i fartljauier. 33b S: Vcbenomeae, fvunuue unb gerabe. .oageftol^e. 3$"m Dorf. ^etinatb, bet Jytau, Ste. Stnttg., 1862. 16 ............................................ 59 : gnlialt: $eim!el)i-. erfeb,Ue -ffiab.1. Dtitjeint. 3m lageSltdjt : SWHber au bet 28itf= lidjfett. Stuttg., 1862. 16 .............. 59: 3 ti t&gt; alt: grautngaUeric. Si ieberfeljen. GiiiKiiie. i;eben*tatb,fet, gelcfte unb uitgeliifte. Stuttg., 1863. 10 ........................ 59: ^ n t&gt; a 1 1: .(Uoftcrfrdnlein. t iebevjauber. Dlujitc e frin ? Gine bnnKe gamllicngo fdiide. Cnfel Wottlieb 3 ^ugenbliebe. Drei Sefte: SBeil)tiacb.tcn; C^atfteitag; Cftern. 937 627 1650 16G7 995 991-3 90{ iWZ tKKJ 1604-6 1C01 NXH 1605 IOCS 1606 1601 1602-3 1600 682 1632-3 1630-1 1633 1631 1635 I KOSE FICTION: (iKKMAN. SSHIberimitf). - 102 - SSinter. SBilbcrmtitfi, Dttilie. 9krlen au bem Snnbe, etuttq., 1867. 16 ............................................ 59 : 1636 3 n 6 (i It: 2lu&lt;S tritbcn Staffer". Die Sdntle ber Drmuid. Slarie unb SDIorio. Xaube iBliitfyen. Kargaretlien 8 Sqloc* fterobciib. Die bvei Sduveftem, obcv, ber &err befyiitet bie Ginfaltigtn. ConntagsSJacfcmtttage Xaljeim: 3ktrad) tungcn tiif IjauSlidie roaming. 3iad) bcm (Snglifc6.cn. etuttg., 1860. 16... 59 : 1634 3nda[t: Ser Jiame. er Md&licf. 2Me Sdilifcr. Xas (iiclidmmji. 08 bomielte ri^ SI ^- a3 cine, luao 9iot[) t6.ut. Xer -iUirf. Der trembling Die ^TinneriMig. 3}ie 3Bo[ft. Xie lobtcn. Die Zfcore. Das fcnuS bc Semi. Die illcidK Sartcic. Die 4kriil)rung. Die Sonntagofcicr. ute unb bofe Gugel. Dao Sitlb. Dev oerl&gt;ovgcne 50)05. - Da3 Senfforn. gur Xammerftunbe. etuttg., 1871. 16. 59 : 1637 3n6alt: Sllte Siebe roftet nidjt; brei Sils btr auG bcm^ eben: C in gcireiierSete^ret; 3X l nnrd); ^m (Garten yor bem Xftor. (Jine 8d)u[mciftertamilic. Stoel 5Jamen fdtiiH ftcni: ^vrdnsd)cn fbnfttana; ^ran* jisfa con Sonenfcelm. J;cm Slbguinbc ju. ^&gt;m Sanitatfloeretn. ^ifbvfnrrcr, Tev. D. SDiiincr. 3 33be. in 2. 58 : 2657-8 SlMlbftcttcr, 35cr. 3- 3- Cooper. 3n i cbcr= ftrumtifslJrjSMungen, fiir bie ^ugenb be= arbcitet von g. iooffinann ............... ... 58 : 482 aBilbtobtcr, er. 3. g. (Sooner ............ 58 : 462 2)affetbc. 3 ^eberftruntpf = Grsiil;lun= gen, fiir bie Jugenb bcarbeitet yon Hoffmann ....... ......................... SSMlbclm .fttnb. 31. 3i&gt;ilben^al;n. SH ef. SBHJjelm ^iciftct S Ve^rjabre. 3/858. Don Wbtbe. 3n @dmmtl. 3i., Stuttg. unb Xiib. SluSg., b. 3 ........................... 2afjelbe. 3n 38. Murj fdje 2lug., S3b. 7 ......................................... Saffelbe. 3n ommtl. 28., ^avifer 3(ug., SBb. 3 ................................ 2affelbe. 3n 2B., etuttg. SluSg., SJb. 89 .................................... SSMl&clm TOeiftcr S Si anberjabre. 3. SB. on Qb tftc. 3n eammtl. 28., etuttg. u. liib. a8fl., SBb. 3 ........................ Taffelbe. 3 3B-&gt; ^urj fdje 2(ug., Sb. 8 ......................................... Saffelbe. 3n Siimnitl. 28., 25arifer 2(ug., 2*b. 3 ................................ ffaffelbe. 3n 58., etuttg. 2(u8g., Sib. 10 ......................... . ............. SflMlftclm etjernfrona. 3)1. . ec^iuarg. 3^be. in 1 ................................... . Saffelbe ................................... ... Jell. . Siierifc. 3n 3ugcnb= 5b. 12 ................................... . 58: . 59: 56 : 56: 56 : 56: 56 : 56: 56: 56: 59: 59: 59: 2tfiil)Clmi!lio()c unb CSbifelburft. (S. 2)J. TOimbt (y P u i |" e 3)i ii b I b o d)). 3 *be. 3n Son itb niggrag bis S-bifelbnrfi, 2lbtb.2 ........... . .............................. 58: SiMllinm Siogartl;. 31. (J. Sradjuogel. 3be. in 2 ................................... 58: SBtUtam i oiH-il. i!. Sieef. 3n ecbr., 3J6. 67 ...................................... 56: SUMUinm ei;a(c)&gt;eave. &&gt;. .Ub nig. 2 SHbe. 58 : aiMIIiam cbafefpeare. . Mau. 4 be... 59 : SBiflfomm, Grnft (Slbolf) (geb. 1810.) 2tuf jerborftener (Jrbe : ^riefi)"d&gt;e cfd)tdj= ten. iWoctenfieim a. Wl, 1863. 1(&gt;... 59 : 3 nil a it : l)rl gtut^en. Ottie Brautnai^t auf ber ^allig. 482 1606 358 386 352 365-6 358 387 352 366 746 709 2562 2742 2563-5 269-70 1605-6 1911-12 310-13 1661 i, Graft. S-or 2(u alter unb newer 3eit. i eip. 1864. 2 be. in 1. II. 8 gnfcrtU; ab. 1: doctor guftu*. Det iBollmacpt. S3b. 2: &lt;Sin ifamilietigeSetmtllS. 5(m flolt. SSanco: 3loman au6 bem .vinmbuvger Se= ben. (Sotba, 1H57. 225be. in 1. fl. 8. 2id;ter unb 2lpoftcl. g-ranff. a. "))l., 1859. 2be., fl. 8 Grsafjlungcn. otl;a. 2 iibc. in 1. 16. gnljalt: !8b. 1: S!er Xobtcnacfer am 2fa= gcvhont. Stubicn in einetit Sogiraufe. 8b. 2: Der Giettb nig con Siift. ISnaubte unb uiKvIaubtc ^d)crje. Xie leyten Stunbcii cined Si ottcrd. gamilie Simmer, Ste: Seutfdjer &lt;\t-- tenroman. Sranff. a. 9Jf., 1855. 8.. grou t on ampenftcin. X eip. 1865. 3ibe. 16 efellen br eatan. Jena, 1869. 6 33be. in 4. 16 311 6 alt: Slbtl). 1: lie Saat bes Siifcii. Slbtl). 2: 3Me cdpniMcr. 3m 4Vann unb Dauber son I eibenfdjaft unb 38alm, cn Grnft unB edjerj. Sieip. 1862, 3 ibbe. in 2. fl. 8 3 nty a It: 8b. 1: Set (Sraf oon Xaniienfce. *Jllte Sviefc. 58b. 2: Xcr ^d)irt)tmeiftcr. .gutter bem iSeebetdje. Xev (ii i uie Durban. S8b. 3: Gin unfydmlidH v i lann. cbriibcr SUonncinlle. Scr Slgeiit au8 Cliiiia. 3m (SUicf uerlrilbert. 23erl. 1873. 35ibe. 11.8 Sefcte Irunf, Jcr. 23erl., 1865. 16 3)tannev ber Jijat: Sioman au ber 3eit unb fern Veben 2lrnbt . i eip., 1861. 4be. in 2. fl. 8 Slleterire : 9!ouelleii=Gt)cluS. Diocbb,aujcn, 1858. 2 $be. in 1, fl. 8 3 n da It: SMb. 1: Uebev ben SBogcn. (Sine ti auvigc iyciiebenljeit. Sb. 2: IPieineibig. ISriftallina. 2ie 3JIo oen al5 Wddiev. Gin paar Originate. ev gtiicflidK S^muflflU V. SWoberne Siinbcn. 9(rrb(;aufen, 1661. 3be. in 1, fl. 8 3JoelIen unb Grjdfdungen. ann. (f. b.) fl. 8 3 u d 1 1t: Xer obifd)=magnctiid)e Gomptoiiiit. Gin bunflev SJBunh. 55te aeipenftifdje 2luetion. Dii^ unbeimtidje .trails. Spetcr ^ommerering : SMftortfd)cr Sioman. ^!vag, 1856. 2 *be/in 1. 16 etieffinb be* (MicfS, Gin : ipumorifttfdjer 9ioman auS bem i eben. J?eip., 1867, 3be. in 1. ft. 8 Zodjter be Vatican, ffiie. Sieip., I860. 3be. in 1. fl. 8 Serirrte Seelen. iieip., I860. 3 be. fl. 8 3x&gt;i s j;pvellen. S;ann., (f. b.) fl. 8 3 n d a It: SlubmiUa. sBvubcrlicrj. 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59: 1662 1663 1664-5 1667 1690 1687-9 1668-71 59 : 1672-3 .VI : .VI : 5D: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59: 59 : 1674-B 1677 1678-9 KS80 1681 1660 1682 1666 1683 1684-6 1660 greitag=2lbenbe: Gin bilbenbeS Untcr* baltungSbud) fiir junge SJidbdien. TreSbcn, (f. b.) fl. 8 59 : 2965 SBillt), 5- Jooffmann. 3" Grj., S3b. 12.. 59 : 2271 aSiitrfdmnnn. 31. Don Sternbcrg. 3" ll itnftlerbilber, v b. 2 59 : 1033 2Dinbfto9, 2er. %. Oerftactcr. Jn SUuntcS Sreiben, b. 2 58: 915 2Btitfdfrtircibcr, 2cr. 31. Don 28tntcrfelb. SiBbe. in 2 59: 1759-60 2Bintcr, Slmalie. Xeportirten in 2(itftrnlien, ie. Seip. (f. b.) 16. 3" Meri\! 3ugenb?H&I., b. 43 59: 2593 eleb,rte . ilanindjen, Sa6. i eip. (f. b.) 16. 3n Meu(j 3ugenb&gt;33ibl., Sib. 29. 59 : 2579 PKOSE FICTION: GERMAN. SBintcr. - 103 - 2BoIf93ciijnmiii. r, 2(malie. J- .UK incn Va^areni uon &gt;(\MUC[, Xie. i?eij&gt;. (f. b.) 16. 3n Merits V \na.enb4&lt;ibl., SBb. 43 59: 2593 SBiiitcr in Suanien, (Jin. g. Si ! . ,v&gt;acf[an= bcr. 3 be. in 2. "MI ., -i&lt;b. &gt;&gt;-&gt; 1 .. 5X : 1299-300 fflMiitcrbndi. (. cvnnbler. 2 flbc. in 1.. 59 : 950 3 n bait. l*b. 1: Mite unb ncue $t(t. 93b. 2: .Hlmmca. 9iooene uon Tag ju Tag. Tic Mem 1 .\ximatli i;bcr m I leer. ]*t ots tiinati .&rU = unb iyiii&lt;l&gt;jfal$rt. Gine :H3er* inMiitcrfclb, 21. uon. 2lbentnier beS lieutenant ^pulilmann. s Hcrl. 18ii5, 16 59 : 1753 SUlerbanb. Stat 1873, 16 59: 1710 3 nil a It: Mdfcbilber _ticbeob.ne :rumpfe. 3tijjcn, Weoidjte unb Ucbcrjc^ungcii. 2Ute 3cit; ober, bie uier Jbdjtcr be3 :Htttmetfter 5rinminelmann. .Jena, 1873, iJSibe., 16 59: 1711-13 eieutjant, Xer. i. eiu., 1870. 4 ilbe. in 2, 16 59: 1718-19 ganatifer bcr 3(iib,e. i eiu., 1869. 4 Jibe. in 2. 16 59: 1724-5 cmeudjcltcr Xictjtcr, (Sin. Jena, 1867. 4i&lt;be. in 2, fl. 8 59: 1720-1 rofi=*ufcfotu. Jena, 1874. 4 :Bbe. in 2, 16 59: 1722-3 uttnutbjget 3Kq&gt;btftO, (Sin. i. ciu., 1868. 2Hbe.ini, 1&lt;&gt; 59: 1717 crr uon gil}. Vcty., 1H&lt;&gt;8, 16 59 : 1729 ^luinori c-fen fur 5ofcl;a unb (Sifenbafpn: (Souue. ikrl., 1868-73. 6-be., 16... 59 3 nl) a It: i D. 1: SlUco fiir tneincn Soljn. ^cr Megenmann. Ter 3" n ffr o^n &flrjc = loifj). ti r .virfdjicitcr 59 Sib. 2: Cntel iieinricfi. Sic Ptaftfpielrcife. Xer Stabttrompeter oon Copcnif. Gine atMntf rfrlb, 21. uon. gortfetung. 3Jioberne Cbnffee. Sena, 1871, 3 "J!be., 9!arrcn ber Vicbe. ocnn, 1S72, 3 Hbe. in 2. 16 , Cnfel Siinbcuboct. Jena, 1873. 59: 1744-6 1748-9 1750-2. Sieifcnuoir-Bambusn. Comp. iiciu. 1865, SSJbe. 16. 59; 1714-16 d)limmc Stelle, Xie. SVrl. 1874. 16. 59 : I7r&gt;4 ctillc Uitiiifel, Xer. Sierl. 1865. 4 Sibe. 1755-8 1759-60 1761 951 59: Sib. . (: Tcr iktef uon bcr lante. -Gin Mift* morb. - Xi r ^teintotij. Gin feltfamer Xraitm 59: faulcn Jlncdjte. Xit ijebensretter. 59: Sib. .i: lie statue in ^ipen^ageu. Xie Sib.ii: Xie Jboi1j;c t5ieifc. 3l&ciueuer in s 4. : olfiDi?. Gin fctjlenbefl i)lobtl. aiiie ber ienfcl bus .ointen befam 59: &lt;gumori|tifd)e Solbatcn=9touellen fiir2o= Uba unb "ii ! aditftube. SJcrl. 1862-7. 4*be., 16 59: 3n l)n It: ^ib. 1: Gin Atiljttrict; mil cincm ^cljU r. Gine ^pufgefmiifitc. Xie alte Sdiabvafe. iicrr uon 3troining. Gine getnifdjtc Gt)e. X- r iUlayabar. Xer X ieutenaiH Don ^Jletiniialetn. Gine Jtflttyts patroinllc. ~- Xie iMebe anper Xicnften. . . 59: lib. 2: Gine SHarfrtenberlri bed gioftcn MB. ni(13. HJIift .Uitli) niit bcm 3tinnmel. ^ofcpl) im Slegen. Jllein Viirfc^e, bcr e&gt; ncral. Xci Stclluertretcr, yilercinber DOII Xiifterbcrg. Xie siigeiuauertc rom = pete. Xer oeifitiuunbt iie Ulicfuifd), Gin cniincntcr Weift 59: Sib. 3: Xer Slitter Xofliienbnrg. Xie . pofen bcr s iiavoiiiuiHi)en \miaien. Xijeorie im& 4. : tario. Xie GjeL uon Glmttanoofla. -* Xie Wi iMndtie mm ben Atanonen. Xer Giftc iibci- ^t^ l Zdilci. - Gin ftlifarenriit. X r giiiiu 1 ^,1)nniibflrt. Xie Xiiupclftiir= mcr 59: Sib. 4: Hloricnbabcr .ilicuj. Dicmoiren ei = nc CffisicibinfiDen. - SiSie bit Vlltcit fun bem rotlicn .Uraflcn. Tcv .vauMdiliit M. Giiiitiliuun n tint j (Uu n ^.ultttiH iuoi j ... 59: 1730-5 t730 1731 aijintelfdjrcibor, Xer. Jena, 1869. 3*be. in^. Ki , 59 : 5Bol&gt;intng 5)udn r, Xie. SJerl. 1864, 8 Jibe, in l. 16 59: aiMntrrfriibf!t. 6. Suinblcr. 2 SJbe. in 1. 16 59: 3 nl) a it: ilib. 1: Xrti Senntage. Sin Xag Subivla tf bC 3 Gilftcn. Sjjiafrocf unb Saclimantel. Xao Seft nller Scelcn. 35b. 2: Xer &gt;of ju Saflellaun. Diiindjcncr ACHfalcnbtr. ai iiitcrjcitucrtrriS. (S. (Juinbler. 2 S)be. in 1 , 59: 3 n Ij a 1 1 : *b. 1: Gniinaiinel b i liiorga. Sib. 2: GoriftantlnopelS S"U (Sitiaujpiei). Xie Giiflel Gl)e. SlMrflirtic unb toaftrbaftige Siobinfonabcn, gab,rten unb Sieifeetlebnifft aug alien iJoncn. Xr. 3i. Slnbree 59 : 2i*irrcn bi t 3 l tt. Jt. (9u(;foiu. 3n Xie fl! Jiarrentix U, s Hb. 3 53 ; SJOirtcii be6 (yefdjmact S. it. 0u(jfoiu. Jn Xie fl. Jiarrenlvelt, 35b. 3 55 ; SiMrtft uon S&gt;olicntuart, Xer. it. tober. StMrtbifband an ber jpcerftrafie, Xa^. ^. Surflcnjeiu. ?sn (Srj., iib. 1. lleberf. uon g. Sobenftebl 1732 1733 1734 ii . .vaiiff. ^n SSvof. n. ^oet. Sit., 4Vb. 3. 5(J : affclbe. "MI Sainnitl. SI ., 4&lt;b. 4.... 5(J : 311 (Sranfac. .^. 3fd)offc. 3n 2J?itifO. 2l. etifter. 3 4ibe ,. ....59*: atMtforoclic, Xie. (S. Don Iqura. 3 be. "35 ! i,, 1 59: 2SJHttt&gt;C unb ifyre itinbcr, Xie. fl)(. &lt;3. i ar(j. 2 *be in 1 59: 1736-9 1736 17.T7 1738 173ft auS bcr Kivd\iafic. SSevI., lieutenant ^-cillftrtff unb line c$ iliin bei ben Xamen crgiug, Jcr. i&lt;erl lNii:i. 16 ............................................ 3JJannefcn ^ . . S. wn ^riifiol, Sne. * er(. 59 : 2iMttiuc on SSifa, Xie. 15. ebfe. ^n ef. Si!., 4Jb. 6 5(J : aiMabcmir. A. Senning. Cm rHunbfcbau. 58: JS.%0 luiidift bcr Wliicfsbanm. ili. JiatbufiuS. ^n Jtl. (Srj 58; 2l 0ancf if tan ne gru famm. g. JJeuter. ^jn Sainmtl. Si ., SJb. 4 5(; ; SUoflrn beS SicbcnS. &. uon etrucnfee. (CO uft at) bom See.) 3 iBbe 59 : aSobltlint bcci5tgcii, Sie. 21. Si ilben= 2i&gt;Obitt)Uii ti-agt ^tnfen. g. .sioffntann. :Jn (Srv, sttb. 17 59: SS8Slt6nn ttfiat Rinfen, g. .uittjn. :Jniliie= ri^ 3ugenbinW,, 4tb. 34 59 : SBobnUHOSfniftft, Xie. 31. uon SiUnterfelb. 2 Slbc. in 1 59- 2i&gt;nlbcmor. 2b,. ilbrncr. Jn Sanimtl. Si}., *b. 4 5(,- : Wolf, Xer. it. otober. ^n (Srj., 4&lt;b. 8.... 59 : 1740 at olfiiuirn fon SJiadiccoiil, Xie. H(. (X.) TltML-It-i ~\ Hh.l 95? 2010 1231 1231 1091 1360 555 553 1956 1065-7 1276 747 712 675 1460 2767 1103 1232-4 1605 2276 2.584 1761 732. M!i:l SBoIfrtw, J- w. 1741 Stcrlorcne aeelcn. Skrl., 1867. 3 *bc. in -i, fl. 8 59- 186&lt;!. 16 59: 1747 i 2Uo&gt;23citinmin, Xer. g. Werftacfer. ^n SWobelle. X ciu., 1868. 4 ^be. in .. In . 59: 1742-3 iliJilbc SvJelt, Hb. 2 r,g - : 699-608 1778-9 992 I KHSK KHTIOX : (JKK.MAN. SBolfsglocfe. -104- ie. g. erftadfer. 3 2lu jiBei SBelttpeilen, tib. 1 ....................... 2Bolfcnbnuf), Ser. 3Ji. 9iatb.u)iu3. 3n -ttl. &lt;Srj. .......................................... 2Bolfcit=3rtinC!t. G. ^oifo. 3" 3(. 3(o= uellcn, itt&gt;. 14 .................................. 3u $ a It: SJen SBccj on-fe<. 3m Zempei ber ^rcunbfdjaft. iSieberfeljen. (Sin 9Ioccoco*WtbaiUon. Sllice. Swollen ift Mb imen. 3K. S. djiBatfc. 3n Ml. (Srj., SBb. 1 ................................. 35?rrf,SaS. g. erftadcr. SnSBUbeSBelt, #b. id .................. . ......................... JSJratf be* ^iraten, Sag. g. erftacfer ...... Saffelbe. 3" 21 uS 9forb-- u. Subamerifa. Stfnnbcr, Gin (nton Staff). G.^olfo. 3n 2lu bem ,,n,ntnbcrltdjften "Budie" : Sieuc 9ioBelien, s -8b. y .............................. &*Hnbcr ber b,. Matb,_arina Bon Siena, Sie. 3 n iU mftlergefdjidjteii von 21. !oa= gen, 33b. ;i .................................. .... SSmibrrbare ^liifdj, Ser. S. tbber. 3n GTJ., *b. 6 ...................................... ai&gt;uubrrbarc Sfeifen ju JUaffer unb ju i onbe. W. 2(. Hiirger ....................... 3i&lt;uiibcrl)nrc Jraum, 2er. 5- frftiicter. v,n Slmctifaiufdie S*ialb= unb 2trcmbil= b, SBb.2 ....................................... 2i?itubcrli(irlid)C Segebcn^eit ntit bcu brci Mrafyen. &. S&gt;. t&gt;on Sdjubett. 3" *;&gt; Sdjr., S3b.3 ... ................................ aHuitbn-bltimcit, 2ie. 3t. SeUev. 3 eie= ben SBinterobenbe ............................ SSMmbcrboctflr, Sec. Si. edjioeidjel. 3u 2lu ben 211(31-11 ................................ 2J}iibcrjnlir, SaS. &gt;. (Sonfcience ......... aCunbcrfitolic ou Sriftol, Set-. 21. tier 2tfitnbcrlitl;fcitcit. i!. Siecf. Sdjr., b. 18 ........................... SSMinbrrfurtitincn, Sit. S.Jietf. 3n@djr., ibb. 23 .......................................... SBurft totber SEL&gt;urft. 21. 3Mfeiu3 (3ere = ntiaS ott^elf). 3n ef. djr., SBb. 9.... ........................................ 2Bgnnbotte, ober ba SBIotf^ouS. 3. g. Goober ........... ,... ........................... 3&Q(rr d;lijpd)cn, Sa. Gb. sjofcr. 3 d-rj. Sdjr., *5b. 11 ..... , ..................... 58- 58: 59: 59: 58 : 58: 58: 59: 58: 59: 59: 58: 56: 58: 59: 58: 58: 56: 59: 56: 58: 58: 58: ioa[enmcier S 2(benteuer. g. erftifefer. 3n Mreuj unb Duer, SBb. 1. ^niiniii. Ci. CS. 6. . S3ulmer = i ^tton. 4 be. in 1 ^aftroB), Carl. 2(us fenten $mm. 9JiuU;eim (f. b.), Ifi. (Slauuette al3 Xali-Sman, 3ie. 3d" 1 / 1874. 2 be. in 1. 16 Scutfdjc in Slorb -. Slmcrifa. X c ip. (f. b.), 16 ^aibcrBSdjen unb 3)ie ^Jafdjec. 9JUill;eim (f. b.), 16 ffllifsuerftanbntffe. 3ena, 1873, 2 Slbe. in 1. 16 SUeific 2lbler, 2er. 9JJuH;cim (f, b.), 16. 3oneelen. Kalcb.in, 1968. 11.8 ^nitbcrcr won 9iom, Sr. M\ u^fow. 9 ilbe. in 5 Soubrrfritn. Ser. g. SBJ. Jpadlanber. 3n Mardjen: aB.,SBb. 13 " 58: 58 : 59: 59: 59 : 59: 59: 59 : 59: 58: 58: 905 2768 87 733 992 994 904 84 1393 1092 2540 989 2796 1447 765 420 317 1624 2568 1622 1039 466 1655 957 2238 2990 1802 2992 2991 1800 2993 1801 1251-5 1293 .jjnubrrlntmtc. G. ^Binbler. 3" 9te= genbogenftraljlen, S3b. 1 59: ^oubcrring, Ser. g. be la Slotte gounuc. 3it SluSg. 3U., Sib. 4-6 56: m 21 ..7 . 56: 3&lt;iU)itf Bon Slofenberg. &lt;&. Bou Sauva. 3 be. in 1 59 : &gt;}cit ift elb. g. offmann. 3" &lt;Srj., JHb. 25 59: .Scitfldft unb tkniergetft. 21. aJifjiug (3 e= 8k. 14. . I ....... 58: unb grtcbenSjetten, 43b. 1 .-, 58: Bctbrortinic Mrug, Ser. ib. 3fdjoffe. 3n ef. Sdjr., b. 10 56 : jjietciiv*, Spans 3oadjim Bon. s $. g. SB. Eertel (i&. D. u o n & o r n). 3" i?orn g Grj., b. 5 : 1 58: ^ificmtrr, Ser. 31. Defer. (D. Iaub= i-edjt.) 3n 2luSg. @_djr 58: 3igenn ?fritb!. g. Sioffmann. 3n(St3., i(b. 28 x 59: unb9ia$t. SJb! 2 59: digntnecftoffele. 31. edr. 311 2lu etabt iinb Serf.... 58: 3frf)0ffc, (3obann) einrtdj (Saniel) (geb. 1771 t 1848.) 2Ibenb Bor ber odjjeit, Ser. 3" f. Sdjr., Sb. 10^ 56: Slbenteuer am See Bon 0er, Sa. 3" ef. djr., b. 13 56: 2lbenteuer ber 9tenjab / rnadjt, Sa. 3 n ef. Sdjr., 33b.i&gt; 56: Slbbrtdj tin Woos. 3n ef. Sdjr., SUb. 4. 56 : SIgatijofleS, Iljrann Bon @t)ra!ug. 3 n ef. djr., 5Bb.7 56: 2Uamontabe. 5n ef. djr., b. 1 56 : akin, Sag. 3it ef. djr., b. 9 56 : a}.efndj iin 9J(arienbabe, Ser. 3 11 e f- Sdjr., SJb. 14 56: Stlber au bem tiauSlidjen i eben. 3" ef. Sdjr., Sib. 14 56: flatter aiig bem Sagebudie bc armen ~i&lt;favr&gt;a5ifar Bon afiiltjijire. 3" ef- Sdjr., b. 2 56: ffllaue Siiunber, Sag. 3" e f- djr., b. 8 56 : SSlonbin Bon 9iamur, Ser. 3" &lt;f- djr., SJb. 9 56 : ymfyat, Si;. 3n ef. Sdjr., SUb. 9 56 : a)ranntlBeinBeft, Sie. 3" *! djr., b. 16 56: SBudliger, Gin. 3n ef. djr., b. 13... 56: Col il Anterne, Ser. 3" e f- djr., 8b. 13 56: Gveole, Ser. 3n ef. Sdjr., iBb. 8 56 : Siocletian in Salona. 3 c f- djr., b. 2 56: eiifa unb aCibmer. 3n ef. Sdjr., aib. 13 56: Gvbfdjaft, Sie. 3n ef. Sdjr., SSb. 13.. 56 : Grog, Ser. 3" ! Sdjr., ^b. 1 ........ 56 : Grjaljlungeit tm 91ebcl. 3n ef. djr., 5Ub. 9 56: 63 ift feljr mb glidj. 3n ef. Sdjr., b. 9 56: gelblBeibet, Ser. 3n ef. djr., 33b. 8. 56 : g-lorette, ober bie erfte iitebc ^cinridj IV. 3n ef. djr., b. 6 56: giudjtling tm 3ura. 3n ef. djr., v Hb. 6 56: grcib. of Bon 2iarau, Ser. 3nef. djr., ;M6. 5 56: 937 281 1620 1277 2284 1044 1665 1956 2834 1020 2287 942 113 1956 1958 1956 1952 1955 1950 1956 1959 1959 1950 1955 1956 l J5tj 1961 1958 1958 1955 1950 1958 1958 1950 1956 1950 1955 1954 1954 1953 PROSE FKTIOX: GERMAN. -105- 3frt)Dffr. garftcnblid, Xer. 3n ef. d)r., Sib. 3. 56 : Oolbmadierborf, XaS. Jit e[. 2d?r., SBb. 1(5 ....................................... 56: riinbung ton SUlartilanb, Xie. 3n ef. Sdir., Sib. ........................... 56: ijjanS Samtof in aUcn affeit. 3n. ef. 2d)r., Sib. 10 ............................... 56 : SiarmoniuS. 3n ef. Scfyr., Sib. 1 ....... 56 : Sxrmingarbe. 3n Wcf. 2d?r., Sib. 7 ..... 56 : &gt;crrn Duint3 Sierlobung. 3" ef. ocfir., Sib. 10 ................................ . ...... 56: $trrnbuttt&gt;gami[te, Xic. 3n ef. Srfjr., Sib. 1 ......................................... 56: 3rrfab.rt beS }5b. i[b.cUenen, Sic. 3n ef. edir.,Sib.6 ................................. 56: 33liinbifd?cn Siriefe, Xie. Jn ef. Scbr., Sib. 9 ......................................... 56: Jonathan Jrorf. 3n ef. djt., 33b. a. 56 : 3uliu, ober bic Siiblictfyef be DfyeimS. ;MI ("ief. Sdir., S&lt;b. 13 ..................... 56 : 3uliu3, ober bie 3)(anfarbe. 3n ef. edjr.,b.!3 ........ . ....................... 56: 3uliu$, ober bie jteet Sefangenen. 3 t ef. 2djr., Sib. 13 ........................ 56 : Jttorifl toon Slfim. 3n Wef. 6d;r., Sib. 12. 56 : Jiriegcrifdie 2Jbentcuer eineS ftricbfertU gen. 3n ef. ecfjr., SJb. 9 .............. 56 : Siainve bc^ 2lna^oiiora unb bic tuffifc^c Riirftin, Tie. gn ef. 3*r., 33b. 12. 56 : Siebe ber 3tugeianbctteii, Xie. Jn G)ef. Sdjr., b. 11 ............................... 56: Sod) im Slcvmel, a3. Jn cf. edjr., SJb. 3 ......................................... 56: S^onet i&arlington. S cf.@dtr., SBb. 11. 56: 2)!artmm in ber SCufte. in ef. edjt., *b. 6 ......................................... 56: 3Weifter ^otban, obet . oanbtuctf tjat gcl= bcncn Scben. Sn ef. e$r., b. 16. 56 : 3)UUionar, Ser. 3n ef. 2d)r., Sib. 3... 56 : 9Jacf&gt;t im IBrecjiwjmciW, Sie. 3n ef. d;r., Sib.9 ................................. 56: JJarr bcsneunje^nten^a^rbunberts, Cin. 3n ef. Sdjr., Sib. 3 ..................... 56 : ClambeS, ber neue Sielifor. S" f- Sd)r., Sib. 14 ............................... 56: ^afdja oon uba, Xtr. 3n ef. Sdir., Sib. 8 ........................................ 56: ^farrl;au, SoS. Jn ef. 3d;r., Sib. 13. 56 : $flanj in (iuba, Set. 3n cf. 3djr., *b. 7 ......................................... 56 : ^rinjcffin ton SBoIfmbfltW, Ste. ^n Of f. Sdjr., b. 7 .......................... 56: Keife luibcr SBilkii, 2ie. 3n ef. edjr., Sib. 10 ....................................... 56: 9!ofe cn SifentiS, Xie. 3n cf. edit., , **&gt;. 11 ....................................... 56: muRvirfunaen, ober irer regiert bcim ? OH ef. Sdjr., S&lt;b. 10 .................... 5(j : 2dnil;e wen CScllc unb (5acilie. 3n cf. ed)t., Sib. 11 ............................... 56: ediivcijer - efijscn. 3" ef. edjr., Sib. 14 ....................................... 56: (jrud? unb 2 diloanf be* 6ditt eijerboten. SnQJef. edit., Sib. 17 .................... 56: Xant$tn Siosmarin, ober Allies erfcl;rt. 3n Wcf. Sdir., Sib. 10 .................... 56: . Stml toon Jricnt, 2a8. 3n ef. Sd;r., * 13 ....................................... 56: Tobte Soft, Jer. Jn ef. dir., Sb. 3. 56 : BcrflArungtii, Sic. ^n ef. 3d;r , *&gt; ^ ......................................... 56 : !, Sit. Jn Wcf. djr., .................................. f&gt;6: Stufenjabn, Xie. J t Wei. edjr.,b.3 ................................. 56: 1951 1961 1954 1956 1950 1955 1956 1950 1954 1956 1950 1958 1958 1957 1958 1956 1957 1957 1951 1957 1954 1961 1951 1956 1951 1959 1955 1958 1955 1955 1956 1957 1956 1957 1959 1962 1956 1958 1951 1950 56: man lieben mup. 3n cf. 2d)t., b. 15 a*5irtb[;au ju (Sranfac, Sag. 3 f- Sdjt., Sib. 10 ............................... 56: 3erbrod;ene Sritg, Xcr. SH ef. edjr., SBb. 10 ....................................... 56: u 2Utenfyagen. &lt;S. .ticfer. 3 Sanb unb gee, Sib. 2 ..................................... 58: u Clim 3 3eiten. (S. x&gt;ofer .................. 58: 11 Strafeburg auf ber &lt;$an;. R. . (os)&gt;_att. 3n ^ugcnb-- unb SoiwibL... 59 : 11 Sl affer unb ntdjt ?u langc. tt. feb fer. Jn JUcineS ^eben, Sib. 3 ............. . ...... 58 : u witt^fdjaftlidj. g. erftacter. 3n SinnteS Jreiben, Sib. 2 ....................... 58 : urn 3ug. G. gri(je. ^ SiobeUen. .3 ............................................ 58: aue bem Vebcn ber SJprgenlanber. . . yon Sdiubert. 3" t3- djr., Sib. 2. 56 : rtt Irompetc, Xie. 21. bon &interfclb. 3 ftumot. oibaten=9Jo= WeUen. Sib. 2 ................................. 59 : 3riinft|flt, Sic. . g. SB. Dertel (Si!. D. o n .^ o r n). yn .^orn (Srj., Sib. 6. 58 : 3um griincn Siaum. G. $bfer. 3" 2lu$= gem. WcfeUjdjaft .............................. 58: 3uiibcr6ud). $. 5- SB- Certcl (SB. D. won o r n). 3" &gt;orn * (Srj., Sib. (i... 58 : Xaffelbe. Jn SJljein. Xorfgefdi., Sib. 4. 58 : 3ltt Xdmmerftunbe. D. SMbermutfy ....... 59 : 3 n 4 a It : illte Sicbe roftet nidjt. Batten oor BemXijor. (Sine rfnUmeiftcr=^amUie. 1951 311. ,^m onitdt^ueretn. 3nr t^re otte^. 21. aKeijjnet. 2 Sibe. in 1. 58 : 3ur golbenen Siofe. IS. .iiofer. 3" ftrieg= uiib SriebenSjeiten, Sib. 1. .................. 58: 3ur Itnfen ,wnb. &lt;S. ibofer .................. 58: 3nr linfen ^&gt;anb. 3. X. . Jemme ........ 59 : 3lir SJaturaefdjidjte be )enfd)en. g. er ftoder. 3" ibeiml. u. untyeimf. efd;., Sib. 1 ......... .. ................................. 58: 3ur ;&gt;(uhe fcjfcn. (uftf.) g. 2B. acf= lanbet. 3 2B-, b. 27 ..................... 58 : 3nr SBeltauSfteHung ucrurtbeilt! g. 3SB. ijiactlanber ...................................... 58 : 3ufnmmcl)an9 ber Xinge, Xer. (S. S. 2i*. (21.) .vwffmann. 3" 2lug. (Srj., Sib. 1 ............................................ 58: 3Ucr|iri)t. 21. etifter. 3" &lt;St}., Sib- 2... 59 : 3wniifl Set. g. Vclvatb. 3&gt; Xiineit! u. Cerggefdi., Sib. 1 ........................... 58: Sttifltniit v&gt;nt&gt;re nadjljcr. 21. (D.) Xuma. " 3n te brei Wufetiere, 21btb,. 2 ........... 58 : 3n&gt;ctf Ijciligt bs Wittel, Xer. X. SBartcn-- burg ............................................. 59 : i 2lui5briid)c bc -KefuO S. % g. 2B. Certel CK-. D. to o n o r n.) 3n orn 3 Stj., i8b. 10 ................................... 58: i Siaronefjcn, Xie. .^i. IS. 2lnberfen. 3nWef. SB., Sib. 11 ..... ". .................... 56: 3n&gt;d Siibeln. Ib.. Sdjott. 3 S&gt;ugenotten= (jefdjtdjtcn ....................................... 59 : Sraute. . Sloinuinb. 3" WotUn, Sib. 1 ............................................ 59: Siviiber. i. . Ctto. 3n 2lu ber alien 3cit. Sib. 1 .................................. 58: i Siviiber, Xie. C5I;. toon Srfimii. 3 Wef. 2d;r., Sib. 6 .............................. 59: Stnci liarneoale^Jinditc, Xie. "XL &. a= Wit. 3 2lusg. 2d&gt;r., S&lt;b. 1 .............. 56 : cbutantinnen. (i. ijtolfo. 3n S J(. 3iotoellen, Sib. 5 ................................ 59: i AOiiiilicn. (S. vofer. 2 Slbc in 1 ...... 58: i Aiinuliciiiniittcr. 2)1. . 2d)U ar(;. ;i Sibe. in 1 ..................................... 59: 1960 1956 1956 1687 1704 2400 1685 915 750 2795 1737 2850 1664 2850 2860 1637 2332 1665 1705 1333 93 1302 1346 1730 1061 2114 604-6 1469 2839 CO 2411 210 2899 532 1200 82 17(Mi 748 14 I ROSE FICTION: GERMAN. - 106 - 3tt&gt;6lf 3M)d gcblcr be braBen 31offe3. . 6. ben cbukvt, 3" Grj.. Si. 3 ............. ....... 56 : 3ttri ftinbtidje SJrnbet. 3{. Sartm. 3n Grj., b. 2 ............................ ,, ........ 59: 3tt&gt;fi giirftinncn. TO. son umbrad?t. (SouifelSrntfti.) 2 Sibc in 1 ........ 58: 3n&gt;ci efangene. ft. OiufcfoiB. ^n Sic fdji&gt;= neren timber. ............................ ..... 58 : 3ttd encrationen. 2. Ctto. 3 Stee. in 1. 58 : 3ri gnabige grauen. &. Bon truenfee. (uftaB Bom 6ee.) 3 iBbe. in 1...... 59: Xaflelbe ................................. ... 59: 3ft ilonige unb brei bitten. &. Diierif. 3u 3ugcnb=iM., SBb. 13 .................... 59 : ct iicbenstccje. (S. 9)!.9^unbt. (Siouife u^lia^.) 3bc. inl ................. 58: 3(eid)tigalU-n. e. ^olfo. Sn 3i. 3Jc= Ucn,S5b. 2 ....... ,,. -------- , ................. 59: mci Sfadite. 5. SB. ^loctlanbcr. Sn erleb tc8: m., SJb. 2ti. ........ . .............. ...... 58: ri SJaniCHsic^lueftcrn. D. SMbermutfc:. 5n ^ur Xainmetftunbe ...................... 59 : 3n&gt;ci Sbniginncn unb ciu Simclin. . $fefiel ........................................... 58: 3mci 3(eBublifen. g. (Serftarfcr. Sn^ialt: aitt^.l: Snieral gramo. 3 Sibt. in 2 ...................................... 58: abtfj. 2: Sennor Slnuila. 3 SBbe. in 2 ....... 58: Attct cclcn. C. gaftrow., ................... 59 : 3mfi feltfnme (Sljen; rber, Saccn unb Gofc olS 3Jcbcnbu^kr. g. SBobenftebt. 3n Smn $cfe (Slifabetb 8 u. Jacob s, S3b. 1. 58 : 27f6 2021 683 1245 2931 1184 1235 2563 2466 80 1301 1637 1485 931-2 970-1 181)1 196 i Siinbet an cinem erjen. D. 3)iiiU. 58 : 3tt)Ct Jage in einct Ileinen Stabt. g. iie= toalb. Jn Siinen= n&gt; crgfte^., SJb. 2, 58 : 3ft)ci aierjiueifelte. S. torc^. Jn ftillc Slbenbe .................................... 59: 3tt&gt;ct 2iMtttt&gt;cn. 21. tiftcr. Jn Grj., 33b. 2 ............................................ 59: Stflenfittm, Set. TO. .@a= Slusg. Sdir., b. 5 .............. 56 r CebtnSjiel, Gin. TO. . dih&gt;ar$ ........................................ 59: Xaffclbe ...................................... 59: &lt;)bir. 2640 2115 1147 1061 1202 734 715 704 702 2846 2858 1060 3tt)rrflrnncft, TOatdjen: "M., b. 13 ..................... -58: 1293 3ttiUiiiflC, 3)ie. g. SJretner. 3n SI. rj. 58 : 303 3M)tftl)cn ben etgn. . Dtto. 2 SBbe... 58: 2932-3 3m if dim fturft unb Self. St. TOei^ner. 3 SBbe. in 2, ................................ .. 58 : 2333-4 i 3-euern. i . dn irfing- ...... 59 : 625 I, Sie. 6, 3bn (G. TO a * = litt). 311 Sburingcr Grj .................. 58: 1807 3tti)If 8tttl. 8. 215. $actlanber. 2 S3be. 58 : 1343-4 . 2 ....... , .............. , ................ 56 : Xaffelbe. 3n ef. e^r., SJb. 3 ....... 56 : 5. SW. Certel (JB. D. won orn). 3n Sont g Gn.. SJb. 2... 58 : SB*. 2 .................. , ...................... 58: 3citcr raf t. aCelt unb &gt;au8, 9Jb. 1 ............ ..... 58 ; Seite 1. Slbenteuet be3 Snfpeftot Sriifig : Iie8 56:1105. 2. 2lleanber toon Swmbofb : 1. g. Sdjmibt. 3. 2lm SBadjtfeucr: I. iocffmann. 3. 2(mcrifanifcb, e SBaIb= u. f. to. 3nb,lt : I. 3Set&gt; 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 9. 10. 10. ,,11. 11. 11. 12. 14. 14. 14. 14. 16. 16. 17. 19. 20. 2lnna 3og 3 e9 : I. 3098518. 2(uf bet 3lucb,t : I. &gt;pffmami, 2tuf einet (Sartenbanf : t. ftacftanber. 2hi alter unb tinier 3eit. Jnfyalt: 1. SfBalboto. 2lu bem Berigen ^a^unbert. $nb,alt : I. Gine 2(uerf?afyn="8alj. 2lti3 bem 3 un bnabelfriege. ;jnfyalt : I. eti= rid}, ipeuricb, ! 2tu ber weiten SCelt. 3$alt : t. fletel^ocl. 2lu meinem 2agbuc^. ^n^alt, Sib. 2: (. Soptiftcnprebigcr. 2lu3geia^Ite (itad^utiflcn, Jn^alt, ab. 1 : I. Singe. Sefefjrte, 2er : I. $offmann. SJetlin unb bag e^au|&gt;icl : I. Jn 3lu. Sefc^eibcne Gljtlic^feit : I. $ef|"cnlanbe, ailbtr tmb ef^ten. 3n$alt, Sb. 3 : I. f SBt^iuS, 33b. 10: I. bierte. SBi^iu*, 33b. 18 : I. elt3tag. 33Iumcn ben inai ; I. Staubenme^et. S3uc^ner, Sort : I. SIcbeaen. S)eublut((. 3nt)alt: I. viribus. SBunte Silber. ^n^olt, 33b. 1 : I. Stenatt. SunteS Iteiben. Jntialt, 33b. 1 : I. guta^J. G^riftian VII. : 1. an3 ^ogmifc^. Clarinette: 1. 3aftro. 3!ad; SMenenjagcr ftreic^c ben tyuntt unb fefci ein Jlomnia. Xoge unb f asft : I. 3Jemmer6bctf. Statt XrenJljalm 1. 2rcnfl;ai)n. eeite 20. 21. M 22. rt 22. H 24. ii 24. H 24. f 25. n 29. rr 30. u 32. it 32. H 37. II 38. It 42. It 55. 75. II 75. tl 75. It 76. It 76. II 77. II 77. It 77. II 78. II 80. II 84. II 95. _ 96. n 96. II 97. Die 3ei(e : ,,53b. 1 ......... 58:2511" untet Tm* boc ift nac^ ,,35u unb ie" ju lefen, 37ac^ Gierionig (. Sift. Glcajat : I. Gnbe gut : I. Grjatilungen im Siebcl: I, i. ie Grdmen=2(benteiier. Gt^rinna : I. Sitcfeiiftetn. germote : I. ^offmann. OaubB, Weberne ^SariS, Xtr : Strri^f ba* eine ,,3n." etftacf. S3lauen unb elben : I. tc^ten. Sn^olt, 33b. 2 : I. ?&gt;fi &lt;m*i unb 0leic^ : I. Wetyr. attlanber, GrlcbteS, S3b. 26 : [. ^iinftlet. Ggebe. 2lu bem 56ole. ^n oalt : I. 35 o m gro^en 33art. Sebensbilbct au bet 2iJeft[, $em, 3n^alt, Cb, 2 : I. pugb.bli S. Wc Duatantatnebtanb. SieS SHatyb. Jougbb^ S. Vie^ 3iaenneft. etottStenee 1. 3Jene. Sicutet : I. SiRccfclnbb rg f^en TOontect^i. 3teutet : I. SHeif nadj aettigcn. Sieutcr : I. &lt;5$urr=Wurr. 3ette Spalte, erfte 3eile : I. SRicb, tet. Vte3 Slomana. c6, tiler : I. a?erbrecb^ev au8 berlorner G ^ t e, Untet Dolmen ic. 3n^alt, b. 1 : I. SJifton. Ste Sctbrcdjcr au8 tietlotnet G b, t e, Sie Setfcb. Ite iiiebe. SieS SeUmod/t, Xer. Cine innnti public librae y C57C3 Cataloguj UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY