"t "* THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION: A SERMON, IN THE ORATORY CHURCH, BIRMINGHAM, ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1866. BY JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, D.D. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYER. 1866. \The right of Translation is reserved.'] ADVERTISEMENT. THIS Sermon is given to the world in consequence of its having been made the subject in the public prints of various reports and comments, which, though both friendly and fair to the author, as far as he has seen them, nevertheless, from the necessity of the case, have proceeded from in- formation inexact in points of detail. It is now published from the copy written be- forehand, and does not differ from that copy, as delivered, except in such corrections of a critical nature as are imperative when a composition, written currente calamo, has to be prepared for the press. There is one passage, however, which it has been found necessary to enlarge 9 with a view of expressing more exactly the sentiment which it contained; viz. the comparison made at pp. 43, 44, between Italian and English Catholics. The author submits the whole, as he does all his publications, to the judgment of Holy Church. October 13, 1866. A 2 The Church shone brightly in her youthful days, Ere the world on her smiled ; So now, an outcast, she would pour her rays Keen, free, and undefiled ; Yet would I not that arm of force were mine, To thrust her from her awful ancient shrine. 'Twas duty bound each convert-king to rear His Mother from the dust ; And pious was it to enrich, nor fear Christ for the rest to trust : And who shall dare make common or unclean, What once has on the Holy Altar been ? Dear Brothers ! hence, while ye for ill prepare, Triumph is still your own ; Blest is a pilgrim Church ! yet shrink to share The curse of throwing down. So will we toil in our old place to stand, Watching, not dreading, the despoiler's hand. Vid. LYRA APOSTOLICA. SERMON. THIS day, the feast of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has been specially devoted by our ecclesiastical superiors to be a day of prayer for the Sovereign Pontiff, our Holy Father, Pope Pius the Ninth. His Lordship, our Bishop, has addressed a Pastoral Letter to his clergy upon the subject, and at the end of it he says, " Than that Festival none can be more appropriate, as it is especially devoted to celebrating the triumphs of the Holy See obtained by prayer. We therefore propose and direct that on the Festival of the Rosary, the chief Mass in each church and chapel of our diocese be celebrated with as much solemnity as circumstances will allow of. And that after the Mass the Psalm Miserere and the Litany of the Saints be sung or recited. That the faithful be invited to offer one communion for the Pope's intention. And that, where it can be done, one 6 THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. part at least of the Rosary be publicly said at some convenient time in the church, for the same intention." Then he adds : " In the Sermon at the Mass of the Festival, it is our wish that the preacher should instruct the faithful on their obligations to the Holy See, and on the duty especially incum- bent on us at this time of praying for the Pope." I. " Our obligations to the Holy See." What Catholic can doubt of our obligations to the Holy See ? especially what Catholic under the shadow and teaching of St. Philip Neri can doubt those obligations, in both senses of the word " obliga- tion," the tie of duty and the tie of gratitude ? 1. For first as to duty. Our duty to the Holy See, to the Chair of St. Peter, is to be measured by what the Church teaches us concerning that Holy See and of him who sits in it. Now St. Peter, who first occupied it, was the Vicar of Christ. You know well, my Brethren,, our Lord p.nd Saviour Jesus Christ, who suffered on the Cross for us, thereby bought for us the kingdom of heaven. "When Thou hadst overcome the sting of death," says the hymn, " Thou didst open the kingdom of heaven to those who believe." He opens, and He shuts; He gives grace, He withdraws it; He judges, He pardons, He con- demns. Accordingly, He speaks -of Himself in the Apocalypse as "Him who is the Holy and the True, Him that hath the key of David, (the THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 7 key, that is, of the chosen king of the chosen people,) Him that openeth and no man shutteth, that shutteth and no man openeth." And what our Lord, the Supreme Judge, is in heaven, that was St. Peter on earth ; he had the keys of the king- dom, according to the text, " Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and what- soever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed also in heaven." Next, let it be considered, the kingdom which our Lord set up with St. Peter at its head was decreed in the counsels of God to last to the end of all things, according to the words I have just quoted, " The gates of hell shall not prevail against it." And again, " Behold, I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." And in the words of the prophet Isaias, speaking of that divinely established Church, then in the future, " This is My covenant with them, My Spirit that is in thee, and My words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever." And the prophet Daniel says, " The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed . . . 8 THE POPE AND THE BEVOLUTION. and it shall break in pieces and shall consume all those kingdoms (of the earth, which went before it), and itself shall stand for ever." That kingdom our Lord set up when He came on earth, and especially after His resurrection; for we are told by St. Luke that this was His gracious employment, when He visited the Apos- tles from time to time, during the forty days which intervened between Easter Day and the day of His Ascension. " He showed Himself alive to the Apostles," says the Evangelist, "after His passion by many proofs, for forty days appearing to them and speaking of the kingdom of God." And accordingly, when at length He had ascended on high, and had sent down " the promise of His Father," the Holy Ghost, upon His Apostles, they forthwith entered upon their high duties, and brought that kingdom or Church into shape, and supplied it with members, and enlarged it, and carried it into all lands. As to St. Peter, he acted as the head of the Church, according to the previous words of Christ ; and, still accord- ing to his Lord's supreme will, he at length placed himself in the see of Rome, where he was mar- tyred. And what was then done, in its substance cannot be undone. " God is not as a man that He should lie, nor as the son of man, that He should change. Hath He said then,, and shall He not do ? hath He spoken, and will He not fulfil ?" And, as St. Paul says, " The gifts and the calling THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 9 of God are without repentance." His Church then, in all necessary matters, is as unchangeable as He. Its framework, its polity, its ranks, its offices, its creed, its privileges, the promises made to it, its fortunes in the world, are ever what they have been. Therefore, as it was in the world, but not of the world, in the Apostles' times, so it is now : as it was " in honour and dishonour, in evil report and good report, as chastised but not killed, as having nothing and possessing all things," in the Apostles' times, so it is now : as then it taught the truth, so it does now; as then it had the sacraments of grace, so has it now ; as then it had a hierarchy or holy government of Bishops, priests, and deacons, so has it now ; and as it had a Head then, so must it have a head now. Who is that visible Head? who is the Vicar of Christ? who has now the keys of the kingdom of heaven, as St. Peter had then ? Who is it who binds and looses on earth, that our Lord may bind and loose in heaven? Who, I say, is the successor to St. Peter, since a successor there must be, in his sovereign authority over the Church? It is he who sits in St. Peter's Chair; it is the Bishop of Rome. We all know this ; it is part of our faith ; I am not proving it to you, my Brethren. The visible headship of the Church, which was with St. Peter while he lived, has been lodged ever since in his Chair ; the successors in his headship are the sue- 10 THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. cessors in his Chair, the continuous line of Bishops of Eome, or Popes, as they are called, one after another, as years have rolled on, one dying and another coming, down to this day, when we see Pius the Ninth sustaining the weight of the glo- rious Apostolate, and that for twenty years past, a tremendous weight, a ministry involving mo- mentous duties, innumerable anxieties, and im- mense responsibilities, as it ever has done. And now, though I might say much more about the prerogatives of the Holy Father, the visible head of the Church, I have said more than enough for the purpose which has led to my speaking about him at all. I have said that, like St. Peter, he is the Vicar of his Lord. He can judge, and he can acquit ; he can pardon, and he can condemn ; he can command, and he can permit ; he can forbid, and he can punish. He has a supreme jurisdiction over the people of God. He can stop the ordinary course of sacramental mercies; he can excom- municate from the ordinary grace of redemption ; and he can remove again the ban which he has inflicted. It is the rule of Christ's providence, that what His Vicar does in severity or in mercy upon earth, He Himself confirms in heaven. And in saying all this I have said enough for my pur- pose, because that purpose is to define our obli- gations to him. That is the point on which our Bishop has fixed our attention ; " our obligations to the Holy See ;" and what need I say more to THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 11 measure our own duty to it and to him who sits in it, than to say that, in his administration of Christ's kingdom, in his religious acts, we must never oppose his will, or dispute his word, or criti- cize his policy, or shrink from his side ? There are kings of the earth who have despotic autho- rity, which their subjects obey indeed and disown in their hearts; but we must never murmur at that absolute rule which the Sovereign Pontiff has over us, because it is given to him by Christ, and, in obeying him, we are obeying his Lord. We must never suffer ourselves to doubt, that, in his govern- ment of the Church, he is guided by an intelligence more than human. His yoke is the yoke of Christ, he has the responsibility of his own acts, not we ; and to his Lord must he render account, not to us. Even in secular matters it is ever safe to be on his side, dangerous to be on the side of his enemies. Our duty is, not indeed to mix up Christ's Vicar with this or that party of men, because he in his high station is above all parties, but to look at his acts, and to follow him, whither he goeth, and never to desert him, however we may be tried, but to defend him at all hazards, and against all comers, as a son would a father, and as a wife a husband, knowing that his cause is the cause of God. And so, as regards his successors, if we live to see them ; it is our duty to give them in like manner our dutiful allegiance and our un- feigned service, and to follow them also whither- 12 THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. soever they go, having that same confidence that each in his turn and in his own day will do God's work and will, which we felt in their predecessors, now taken away to their eternal reward. . 2. And now let us consider our obligations to the Sovereign Pontiff in the second sense, which is contained under the word " obligation." " In the Sermon in the Mass," says the Bishop, " it is our wish that the preacher should instruct the faith- ful on their obligations to the Holy See;" and certainly those obligations, that is, the claims of the Holy See upon our gratitude, are very great. We in this country owe our highest blessings to the See of St. Peter, to the succession of Bishops who have filled his Apostolic chair. For first it was a Pope who sent missionaries to this island in the beginning of the Church, when the island was yet in pagan darkness. Then again, when our barbarous ancestors, the Saxons, crossed over from the Continent and overran the country, who but a Pope, St. Gregory the First, sent over St. Augustine and his companions to convert them to Christianity ? and by God's grace they and their successors did this great work in the course of a hundred years. From that time, twelve hundred years ago, our nation has ever been Christian. And then in the lawless times which followed, and the break up of the old world all over Europe, and the formation of the new, it was the Popes, humanly speaking, who saved the religion of Christ THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 13 from being utterly lost and coming to an end, and not in England only, but on the Continent ; that is, our Lord made use of that succession of His Vicars, to fulfil His gracious promise, that His religion should never fail. The Pope and the Bishops of the Church, acting together in that miserable time, rescued from destruction all that makes up our present happiness, spiritual and temporal. Without them the world would have relapsed into barbarism but God willed other- wise ; and especially the Roman Pontiffs, the suc- cessors of St. Peter, the centre of Catholic Unity, the Vicars of Christ, wrought manfully in the cause of faith and charity, fulfilling in their own persons the divine prophecy anew, which primarily related to the Almighty Redeemer Himself: "I have laid help upon One that is mighty, and I have exalted One chosen out of the people. I have found David My servant, with My holy oil have I anointed him. For My hand shall help him, and My arm shall strengthen him. The enemy shall have no advantage over him, nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt him. I will put to flight his enemies before his face, and them that hate him I will put to flight. And My truth and My mercy shall be with him, and in My Name shall his horn be exalted. He shall cry out to Me, Thou art my Father, my God, and the support of my salvation. And I will make him My first-born, high above the kings of the earth. I will keep 14 THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. My mercy for him for ever, and My covenant shall be faithful to him." And the Almighty did this in pity towards His people, and for the sake of His religion, and by virtue of His promise, and for the merits of the most precious blood of His own dearly-beloved Son, whom the Popes represented. As Moses and Aaron, as Josue, as Samuel, as David, were the leaders of the Lord's host in the old time, and carried on the chosen people of Israel from age to age, in spite of their enemies round about, so have the Popes from the beginning of the Gospel, and especially in those middle ages when anarchy pre- vailed, been faithful servants of their Lord, watch- ing and fighting against sin and injustice and unbelief and ignorance, and spreading abroad far and wide the knowledge of Christian truth. Such they have been in every age, and such are the obligations which mankind owes to them; and, if I am to pass on to speak of the present Pontiff, and of our own obligations to him, then I would have you recollect, my Brethren, that it is he who has taken the Catholics of England out of their unformed state and made them a Church. He it is who has redressed a misfortune of nearly three hundred years' standing. Twenty years ago we were a mere collection of individuals ; but Pope Pius has brought us together, has given us Bishops, and created out of us a body politic, which (please God), as time goes on, will play an important part THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 15 in Christendom, with a character, an intellect, and a power of its own, with schools of its own, with a definite influence in the counsels of the Holy Church Catholic, as England had of old time. This has been his great act towards our country ; and then specially, as to his great act towards us here, towards me. One of his first acts after he was Pope was, in his great condescension, to call me to Rome ; then, when I got there, he bade me send for my friends to be with me ; and he formed us into an Oratory. And thus it came to pass that, on my return to England, I was able to associate myself with others who had not gone to Rome, till we were so many in number, that not only did we establish our own Oratory here, whither the Pope had specially sent us, but we found we could throw off from us, a colony of zealous and able priests into the metropolis, and establish there, with the powers with which the Pope had furnished me, and the sanction of the late Cardinal, that Oratory which has done and still does so much good among the Catholics of London, Such is the Pope now happily reigning in the chair of St. Peter; such are our personal obli- gations to him ; such has he been towards Eng- land, such towards us, towards you, my Brethren. Such he is in his benefits, and, great as are the claims of those benefits upon us, great equally are 16 THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. the claims on us of his personal character and of his many virtues. He is one whom to see is to love; one who overcomes even strangers, even enemies, by his very look and voice; whose pre- sence subdues, whose memory haunts, even the sturdy resolute mind of the English Protestant. Such is the Holy Father of Christendom, the worthy successor of a long and glorious line. Such is he ; and, great as he is in office, and in his beneficent acts and virtuous life, as great is he in the severity of his trials, in the complication of his duties, and in the gravity of his perils, perils, which are at this moment closing Vn'm in on every side ; and therefore it is, on account of the crisis of the long-protracted troubles of his Pontificate which seems near at hand, that our Bishop has set apart this day for special solemnities, the Feast of the Holy Rosary, and has directed us to "instruct the faithful on their obligations to the Holy See," and not only so, but also " on the duty especially incumbent on us at this time of praying for the Pope." II. This then is the second point to which I have to direct your attention, my Brethren the duty of praying for the Holy Father ; but, before doing so, I must tell you what the Pope's long-protracted troubles are about, and what the crisis is, which seems approaching : I will do it in as few words as I can. More than a thousand years ago, nay near upon THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 17 fifteen hundred, began that great struggle, which I spoke of just now, between the old and the new inhabitants of this part of the world. Whole populations of barbarians overran the whole face of the country, that is, of England, France, Ger- many, Spain, Italy, and the rest of Europe. They were heathens, and they got the better of the Christians ; and religion seemed likely to fail to- gether with that old Christian stock. But, as I have said, the Pope and the Bishops of the Church took heart, and set about converting the new comers, as in a former age they had converted those who now had come to misfortune; and, through God's mercy, they succeeded. The Saxon English, Anglo-Saxons, as they are called,' are among those whom the Pope converted, as I said just now. The new convert people, as you may suppose, were very grateful to the Pope and Bishops, and they showed their gratitude by giving them large possessions, which were of great use, in the bad times that followed, in main- taining the influence of Christianity in the world, Thus the Catholic Church became rich and power- ful. The Bishops became princes, and the Pope became a Sovereign Ruler, with a large extent of country all his own. This state of things lasted for many hundred years; and the Pope and Bishops became richer and richer, more and more powerful, until at length the Protestant revolt took place, three hundred years ago, and ever B 18 THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. since that time, in a temporal point of view, they have become of less and less importance, and less and less prosperous. Generation after generation the enemies of the Church, on the other hand, have become bolder and bolder, more powerful, and more successful in their measures against the Catholic faith. By this time the Church has well- nigh lost all its wealth and all its power; its Bishops have been degraded from their high places in the world, and in many countries have scarcely more, or not more, of weight or of privilege than the ministers of the sects which have split off from it. However, though the Bishops lost, as time went on, their temporal rank, the Pope did not lose his ; he has been an exception to the rule ; ac- cording to the Providence of God, he has retained Rome, and the territories round about Rome, far and wide, as his own possession without let or hindrance. But now at length, by the operation of the same causes which have destroyed the power of the Bishops, the Holy Father is in danger of losing his temporal possessions. For the last hundred years he has had from time to time serious reverses, but he recovered his ground. Six years ago he lost the greater part of his dominions, all but Rome and the country immediately about it, and now the worst of difficulties has occurred as regards the territory which remains to him. His enemies have succeeded, as it would seem, in persuading at least a large portion of his subjects THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 19 to side with them. This is a real and very trying difficulty, While his subjects are for him, no one can have a word to say against his temporal rule ; but who can force a Sovereign on a people which deliberately rejects him ? You may attempt it for a while, but at length the people, if they persist, will get their way. 'They give out then, that the Pope's government is behind the age, that once indeed it was as good as other governments, but that now other govern- ments have got better, and his has not, that he can neither keep order within his territory, nor defend it from attacks from without, that his police and his finances are in a bad state, that his people are discontented within, that he does not show them how to become rich, that he keeps them from improving their minds, that he treats them as children, that he opens no career for young and energetic minds, but condemns them to in- activity and sloth, that he is an old man, that he is an ecclesiastic, -that, considering his great spiritual duties, he has no time left him for tem- poral concerns, and that a bad religious govern- ment is a scandal to religion. I have stated their arguments as fairly as I can, but you must not for an instant suppose, my Brethren, that I admit either their principles or" their facts. It is a simple paradox to say that ecclesiastical and temporal power cannot lawfully, religiously, and usefully be joined together. Look B 2 20 THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. at what are called the middle ages, that is, the period which intervenes between the old Roman Empire and the modern world ; as I have said, the Pope and the Bishops saved religion and civil order from destruction in those tempestuous times, and they did so by means of the secular power which they possessed. And next, going on to the principles which the Pope's enemies lay down as so very certain, who will grant to them, who has any pre- tension to be a religious man, that progress in temporal prosperity is the greatest of goods, and that every thing else, however sacred, must give way before it ? On the contrary, health, long life, security, liberty, knowledge, are certainly great goods, but the possession of heaven is a far greater good than all of them together. With all the progress in worldly happiness which we possibly could make, we could not make ourselves im- mortal, death must come; that will be a time when riches and worldly knowledge will avail us nothing, and true faith, and divine love, and a past life of obedience will be all in all to us. If we were driven to choose between the two, it would be a hundred times better to be Lazarus in this world, than to be Dives in the next. However, the best answer to then 1 arguments is contained in- sacred history, which supplies trs with a very apposite and instructive lesson on the subject, and to it I am now going to refer. Now observe in the first place, no Catholic THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 21 maintains that that rule of the Pope as a king, in Rome and its provinces, which men are now hoping to take from him, is, strictly speaking, what is called a Theocracy, that is, a Divine Government. His government, indeed, in spiritual matters, in the Catholic Church throughout the world, might be called a Theocracy, because he is the Vicar of Christ, and has the assistance of the Holy Ghost ; but not such is his kingly rule in his own domi- nions. On the other hand, the rule exercised over the chosen people, the Israelites, by Moses, .Josue, Gideon, Eli, and Samuel, was a Theocracy : God was the king of the Israelites, not Moses and the rest, they were but Vicars or Vicegerents of the Eternal Lord who brought the nation out of Egypt. Now, when men object that the Pope's government of his own States is not what it should be, and that therefore he ought to lose them, be- cause, forsooth, a religious rule should be perfect or not at all, I take them at their word, if they are Christians, and refer them to the state of things among the Israelites after the time of Moses, during the very centuries when they had God for their king. Was that a period of peace, prosperity, and contentment ? Is it an argument against the Divine Perfections, -that it was not such a period ? Why is it then to be the condemnation of the Popes, who are but men, that their rule is but parallel in its characteristics to that of the 22 THE POPE AKD THE REVOLUTION, King of Israel, who was God ? He indeed has His own all-wise purposes for what He does; He knows the end from the beginning; He could have made His government as perfect and as prosperous as might have been expected from the words of Moses concerning it, as perfect and prosperous as, from the words of the Prophets, our anticipations might have been about the earthly reign of the Messias. But this He did not do, because from the first He made that perfection and that prosperity dependent upon the free will, upon the co-operation of His people. Their loyal obedience to Him was the condition, expressly declared by Him, of His fulfilling His promises. He proposed to work out His purposes through them, and, when they refused their share in the work, every thing went wrong. Now they did refuse from the first ; so that from the very first, He says of them emphatically, they were a " stiff- necked people." This was at the beginning of their history; and close upon the end of it, St. Stephen, inspired by the Holy Ghost, repeats the divine account of them: "You stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Ghost ; as your fathers did, so do you also." In consequence of this obstinate disobe- dience, I say, God's promises were not fulfilled to them. That long lapse of five or six hundred years, during which God was their King, was in THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. 23 good part a time, not of well-being, but of calamity. Now, turning to the history of the Papal monarchy for the last thousand years, the Roman people have not certainly the guilt of the Israelites, because they were not opposing the direct rule of God ; and I would not attribute to them now a liability to the same dreadful crimes which stain the annals of their ancestors ; but still, after all, they have been a singularly stiffnecked people in time past, and in consequence, there has been extreme confusion, I may say anarchy, under the reign of the Popes; and the restless im- patience of his rule which exists in the Roman territory now, is only what has shown itself age after age in times past. The Roman people not seldom offered bodily violence to their Popes, killed some Popes, wounded others, drove others from the city. On one occasion they assaulted the Pope at the very altar in St. Peter's, and he was obliged to take to flight in his pontifical vest- ments. Another time they insulted the clergy of Rome ; at another, they attacked and robbed the pilgrims who brought offerings from a distance to the shrine of St. Peter. Sometimes they sided with the German Emperors against the Pope; sometimes with other enemies of his in Italy itself. As many as thirty-six Popes endured this dreadful contest with their own subjects, till at last, in anger and disgust with Rome and Italy, they took 24 THE POPE AND THE REVOLUTION. refuge, in France, where they remained for seventy years, during the reigns of eight of their number . That I may not be supposed to rest what I have said on insufficient authorities, I will quote the words of that great Saint, St. Bernard, about the Roman people, seven hundred years ago. Writing to Pope Eugenius during the troubles of the day, he says, "What shall I say of the people? why, that it is the Roman people. I could not more concisely or fully express what I think of your subjects. What has been so noto- rious for ages as the wantonness and haughtiness of the Romans? a race unaccustomed to peace, accustomed to tumult ; a race cruel and unmanage- able up to this day, which knows not to submit, unless when it is unable to make fight. ... I know the hardened heart of this people, but God is powerful even of these stones to raise up children to Abraham. . . . Whom will you find for me out of the whole of that populous city, who received you as Pope without bribe or hope of bribe? And then especially are they wishing to be masters, when they have professed to be servants. They promise to be trustworthy, that they may have the opportunity of injuring those who trust them. . . . They are wise for evil, but they are ignorant O l>n> A >''* .i! {! ;lM|