tMH^ ''Jt^m^i^liji^ f T HEBREW GRAMMAR, VS THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, BY JOSEPH SAMUEL C. F. FREY, EDITOR OF VAN DEB HOOGUT* S LONDON : PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR, By Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, Paternoster Rozc. Printed and Sold by B. R. GOAKMAN, at the London Soeicty's OfiTce, 9, Church Street, SpitalfiId. PREFACE. THE knowledge of different Languages has ever been considered the only genuine key to the records of History and the learning of past ages. The Greek and Latin, amongst the more ancient Languages, have each their peculiar advantages, which have been estimated by the learned of all countries. Of late years, the Arabic, Persian, and other Eastern Tongues, have also been studied with considerable suc- cess, and great augmentation to the general stores of Literature. But to the Scholar, to the Christian, and snore especially to the Minister of the Gospel, the acquirement of the Hebrew Language, it being that in which the OldTestament was originally written, presents itself with peculiar force and propriety, as an object very greatly to be desired. At the present enlightened period of the world, and in the happy Country in which we live, where zealous endeavours are making to promote the conversion of the Jews, it might be urged that the Hebrezo Language^ if well understood, rightly pronounced,* and brought into use, for that purpose, might be most efficacious to prove, from Moses and the Prophets, that Jesus is the Christ. There are, however, comparatively, but very few persons, who have a knowledge of the Old Testament in the Original Tongue : one cause of which, may be the want of suitable Grammars ; those in use, being, in general, either so bulky as to exhaust the strength and patience of the student, or so intricate as to perplex and bewilder him ; and there are yet others, which in order to avoid these evils, arc so short that they fail entirely of conveying the desired instruction. There are, indeed, a few which are in some measure free from these defects ; but, being written in Latin, they are to the generality of readers, sealed up and useless. Thus many persons who, from love and veneration to the Bible, would gladly study Hebrew, are either afraid to begin, or are soon wearied with the task. A consideration of these several circumstances, has led the Author to revise and enlarge the present Work, originally composed for the instruction of the Students in the Missionary Seminary at Gosport and, for a number of years together, it has been his study to improve, from every source of which he could avail himself in the Hebrew, If Christian Preachers were sensible of the good or bad tHi^ci produced upon the minds of the Jews, according as they pronounce the Hcbr.'w Lanj^uas^e correctly, they would think no time too long and no pains too great, to acquire the correct and a( curate Pronunciation' This Note ib particularly worthy the con- sideration Of the Anti-Punctuists. IV Latin, English, and German Languages, and to render it as simple^ yet, at the same time, as comprehensive as possible. From the office of Hebrew Teacher, which the Author sustained amongst his own Nation, and from the numerous Pupils he has since had amongst Christians, he has had opportunities of trying and altering the Rules as long as the Pupils met with any difficulty, and he humbly hopes, he has, in some measure, succeeded in opening a way to obtain the knowledge of this most ancient and Sacred Language, in less time, and with far less difficulty and perplexity than any other Language, whether ancient or modern. This Grammar is divided into distinct chapters, and each chapter followed by exercises according to the preceding rules, that practice and theory might go hand in hand. And to make the Student perfect in the right pronunciation of the language, the Author has given the pronunciation of the Hebrew words in English throughout the work. The Author cannot let this opportunity pass without expressing his grateful thanks to the Subscribers of his Hebrew Bible, for the great encouragement afforded him, though a stranger and foreigner in the land, in the publication of that work ; and it will ever give him plea- sure, to render to the Christian every assistance in his power, to make the study of this language, certainly one of the most ancient, as plain and easy as possible. A regular series of Hebrew Exercises through all the parts of Speech, agreeable to the Rules of this Grammar, are nearly ready for the Press ; and a Lexicon containing all the Roots in the Hebrew Language, will appear in the last Part of the Bible, and soon after, if the Author's life be spared, the Public may expect a Hebrew Dictionary, on an entire new Plan, in Two Parts; the first containing, under one Alphabet, all the primitives, and every deriva- tive, with its prefixes, suffixes, and divers variations, with the Eng- lish pronunciation and signification ; and the second, the principle words in the English language, with a Hebrew Translation. Notwithstanding the greatest care and attention, a few Typogra- phical errors, chiefly in the points have been discovered, which the Reader will have the goodness to pardon and correct. London: Mount Street^ Whitechapel Road, il/j/-l8l3. THE AUTHOR* CONTENTS. Chap. I. ni^nii^ Letters or Alphabet Page 1 2 able I. The Alphabet 4 Exercise 1, Letters only 5 II. ninipj Points 6 Vowels ib. Maphpik 8 Dagesk ib. Makkaph 9 Accents 10 Table II. Accents 11 Exercise 2, Letters and points 13 3, Letters, points and ac* cents 14 iir. *"1p Reading lb Exer, 4, One si/llable 16 5, ^ mixed sellable of one or two consonants - 17 6, Words of two si/llables 18 7, Words of three syllables 19 8, W^or^/^ of four and pie syllables - 20 9, Reading lessons - 22 IV* n;;iT "n T/ze ^e^weVe ar/fc/e . 27 VI Chap, Pago V. n^Dl^} Nouns . . ib. Formation , 28 Genders ; ib. Numbers 29 Cfl^es . SO Government . 31 Exer, 10, Examples of regular nouns 32 ' irregular nouns 36 ,VI. "l^'inrinif} Adjectives . . 37 Positive . , ib. Comparative , 38 Superlative . 26. VII. D^135 Pronouns . . 39 Personal pronouns . 26. Personal pronouns declined 40 Relative^ demonstrative^ interrogative pronouns 41 Examples . . ^. Inseparable pronouns . 43 Examples of pronouns joint to nouns 44 VIII. ^j;iS Regular Verbs . . 45 ly Paradigm Kal . 50 2, iV?>/m/ . 52 3, Pzflf/ . 54 4, Pe/fl/ . 56 5, Jliphil . 58 6, ^o;7Afl/ . 60 7, Hithpaail 2 TU Chap. Exer, 11, Of regular verbs Page 64 IX. ti^f$^^^r\h2 Irregular Verbs 65 1, Quiescent i^^ ^3K ib. 2, ^a, 2ti;) ib. 3, Defective >:i, ^^.3 6Q 4, Quiescent ly. Dip ib. 5, Defective ^ Geminatum 22V ib. 6, Quiescent K^, ^VP 67 7 n^, n>| ib *9 fU S^ n:n 68 Taft/e III, The preterite of all verbs regular and irregular in one view ib. IV. T/^, futures, <^c. 72 V, The\ imperatives, Sfc, 76 VI. TAei nfinitives, S^c, ib. VII. r^c benoni, dfc. 78 VIII. ir^e participles paooly SfC 80 X Pronominal affixes ' ib. Table IX. Pronominal affixes ib. XI. nIv'P Particles . 85 ""XIL Adverbs^ prepositions^ conjugatidns^ interjections Servile letters 93 XIII. Rules for Jinding out the roots 96 XIV, Changes of letters and points 97 XV. Numerals , 100 XVI. Syntax . 101 ERRATA Page. Rule. 3 10 Gutterals Read Gutturals Deuntals -^ Dentals r 19 Gutterals .. Gutturals 8 21 ^1^5 M'?^ . ^i:i "'la -^ 23 pin prn 9 26 ^TSl "DTI 27 Gutterals Gutturals 11 Mu-nooch Moo-nacb 27 Chap. 5. rticle Article Widom Wisdom 29 41 m ivy nnp:7i napj"?! 32 ^nh "pan 34 nj nj 36 Regimen sing. ^3^^ aK Ditto. "^HK "HK -^^ "^n 38 nnr 3rir 39 d^i:d D-iiao 47 7 iD^nn laVnn T . , S n^D^m iTaSi 59 Imperative pi. < nnDt^n MJnaVrT 61 Infinitive TD^n npSn Csing 5. HD^nn noSnn 63 Imperative < j yid^nr] i"Tp'7nn 64 ipD ' nsD 66 77 n: ira 70 Hiphil DCi^jrin Dr^tf^n 71 Ditto. nj^^.yibn ns^von Ditto. ^b^T] n'7jn 81 Under the J^ pi. of tdS .9 84 Paool imiD^ "imiiDV 94 107 "U/IDD rij/iQS 96 115 1 Wav ^ JNooa THF. HEBREW GRAMMAR CHAPTER L t^vr\^^ O-THi'YOTJi. Letters or Alphabet. 1 . The Hebrew letters are twenty two* in num*i ber, see Col. 2, 2. But there are five letters (Col. 1.) called by the same name as those opposite (Col. 2.) with the addition of the word final^ because they are used only at the end of a word, whilst the others are used in the beginning and middle only. 3. In pronouncing the names in Col. 4. (and whenever the pronunciation of a Hebrew word is given in English letters) be very careful to sound the letter a like a in Father^ the letter e like e in Men^ and the letter i like / in //. The Student must be particularly cautious in pronouncing the letter , not to sound it like i in Time. * That the present number and order of letters, in the Hebrew- alphabet, are the same as those used during the reign of DaTid and Solomon, is evident from several of the Psalms, especially the cxir. from Prov. xxxi. 10, throughout, where the verses begin alphas bctically, and also from the Lamentations of Jeremiah. B 4. Reading will 'be- greatly facilitated ifthecorre- spondjng letters (:Cq1. 5.) are well remembered. Note. A-leph and A-yin have no corresponding letter. 5. The letters are used as numerals, and increase in units from ^^ to \ in tens from 3 to p, and in hundreds from ") to r^, see Col. 6. 6. the numerals 11, 12, 21, 22, &c. are formed by placing the tens to the right and the units to the left as .S^ 11, n^ 12, ^^D 21, 3^ 22, N^^ 31, &c. Exception. The numerals H"^ 15 and I*" 16 are placed thus 1^ 15 ^^ 16 because the preceding form is a part of the sacred name Hin^ Ye-ho-wah. 7. The numerals from 500 and upwards are ex- pressed in the following manner pH or 7 500. "121 or D 600. ^r\ or ] 700. nn or ^ 800. piin or )i 900. K 1000. 2 2000.* Hebrew words are never divided so as to have one * The Hebrews count their time from the creation of the world, and the present is with them the year 5572. (1812) This is called 7l*TJ 201S Pe-rat Ga-dol, i. e. the great or fall number. In general the Millenary number is omitted, as p^S ^ppT^ T)y\^^ e, in the year 572 according to the smaller reckoning. The date of Hebrew books is placed at the bottom of the title page, where the Student will observe a line in which certain letters are of a larger size, tliese must be counted and their number united will give the date of the year when the book was printed, as "^^''t^*/!^ ^^5 V^f^S "iDy y\yS r\i^2 the sum of these letters (^ 1, l!^ 40, t^ 300, * 10, n 8, and '^ 20j) shews that the book was printed in the year of the Jewish Mm 379. i. e. A. C. 1619. part of the word at tlie end of one line and the other part at the beginning of the next. To fill up the line the following letters are, in print, made large n CD '^ n ^< and in MS. these also are used ") p 3 D n *T 3. Sometimes a letter at the end of the line is inverted. 9. Carefully observe the difference between the letters in Col. 7. 10. The letters are divided into five classes ac- cording to the organs by which they are formed as, Gutterals or throat letters - i^Hitli^ A-ha-cha Labiales Lip - - ^^^^ Boo-maph Palati Palate - - P^^ Gi-chack Linguales Tongue - - ^5^^*!! Dat-la-nath Deutales Teeth - - t^^lVPI Zas-tze-rash 11. Letters formed by the same Organ fre- quently change one with the other* 12. The letters ^]^^ E-he-vi also change often one with the other,^^ and because their sound is but little heard in pronunciation, they are frequently omitted, in which case the word is called ")pn cha-sar i. e. deficient, and on the contrary they are sometimes unnecessarily inserted and the word called ^/^ Ma-lay i, e. full. * nn^ for ;;na, i/nis for ;;3ip^ nn for nj?), nna for nni^, njL^c? fo^ ni;ji, pn^ for pr\t^ p^y for p^/r^ nar for nno, 5I^ for vbj: or y^j;, -no for iii:^. f D^5:f^i^ for ::^yd;n^ wjp for ^inn^p, T)D''P^^^l for y\^V^,r\, ir;?.s;i:?for irp^r^^ ^^r^) for ^^pj^,, niu^ for i-)i^, nj.i for nin, HDl for K?)1. TABLE I, THE ALPHABET. 1 I. ''^- 3. 4. 5. 6. '' ' Final Letters. FUre or Form. Rabbinical Letters. Karnes- ^b^ Aleph Correspond- ing Ronun LptterJ'. Nume- rical Power. 1 SiliiilariT formed". 33 2 3 n^3 liayth Bor V 2 3D3 J 3 J '75;! Gimmel G 3 ii n 4 7 rhi Daleth D 4 Til n 5 r ^^^n Hay H 5 nnn 1 6 1 V Wav VVorV* 1 6 r 7 f ri ^a-y' Z 7 n 8 n j^n Chetli Ch 8 |^:) 9 ID r^L? Teth T 9 DtD ^ 10 , n^ Yood Y 10 IT 1 33 H 1 5 ?13 Caph K or Ch 20 ^12 b ipl? Lamed , L 30 Q 13 - D^ Mem i M 40 PD 1 i 14 1 ^ ]^:) Noon N 50 D 15 "^120 Samech S 60 ^ 16 r r^ A-yin - - - 70 n r^fi 17 q D *> Pay ' PorPh 8C r y 18 f ^ ^n^i Tzaday Tz 90 pi9 p ^^p Kooph K 100 -) 20 ") ^n. Eaish H 200 Pi 2, D 1^:^;^ Sheen ^ Y'h; Seen 5 Sh or S 300 Ci^t^J nm 22 P lil Tav T or Th 400 1 without a Towcl is V. EXERCISE I. JLETTERS ONLY. D^n^^^ nm n^nn ^:^'h:; i^rm inai inn nn^n - mK-^T^ niK ^T D\n^K -iDiS^i a^;::n ^^e^-^j; riDnnD niKn 1^2 D\n^K ^nn'^1 mcD"'':} i\^n'ni^ D^n'7K nti nW i^np it^'n'?! 'ov niK^ D^n^iS* NJip-ii ic:nn 1^21 d>;d ]U ^nnD ^'^^') d^dh -fina i/^pn \n^ D^n^K n^K^i j^ip'^T ^D-^n^^ y^pn^ ^;;d itrK d^dh 1^31 ;;^pn^ nnn;j 5 ^^c^ Qv -)pn-^n^^ n"lJ;-^nn d^d::^ rpi^ D^n^i^ nn^^ DipD-^iS D^o:^^ nnno D'^dh np^ D%n^K I/^d^^^i p.^ n::^n^^ iz:\n^i^ Nip^T 13-\i^i n::^3^n r\i^nr\^ ^;::^^^') mo"o cd'Ti^k j^i^i u^iy ^np d^^dh mpD'?! ^i^ yj; ;;-i) ;;nr;D ^ir;; i^::^T p^n ^u;in Q^n^K ^vim p-^n^^ \n^n bj; in-i;;nr -1:^1^ ir^^ ns^ nl:;^ lu;^ ns) ni:^;; Yi;^ inro^ ;r-)r ;;nr;D air;; ^i^^i yi^n -^T^ an;; ^nn aico""'^ a^n^i^ iSn^i inrrj^ u-i;;nr a ^1:/"^^; DT^ npn 5^1 b^nnn^ D^r^trn ;;^p-i2 nni^r) ni^ lID^n^K n^i^^i ^nn p^n-^;; n\sn^ a^D:^*n rpnn nm^D^ rni 6 CHAP. II. jlil'ip? J^E-KOO'DOTu Points. 13. The various Characters, besides the Letters, are explained in the following Sections. Section I. illi/l^i!^ Te-noo-olh Vowels. 14. The Vowels are Ten in number. 1. Five long. ni^iTp ni;ri:i^ Te-noo-oth Ge- do-loth-, or rii3^ A-voth. V.?p. Ka-maitz T as a in Father . n.''V Tzai-ray 1 - ay - Hay PTH Chi-rik n - I - It D^in Cho-lom i - - Lo pli:^ Shoo-raik or j L 1 T> A t^^tp Me-looph- poom^ 00 " Boot '2. Five short. ni2^p r\^j:):r\ Te. -noo i-oth Ke tan-noth illT^ln To-le-doth. '^\T^^ Pa-thach "I as a in Art ^i^D Se-gol 7. - e - Men pl^n Chi-rik n - i - In f13p Kiv-bootz 1 - 11 - Must ^^l:?^ Shewa n - e . Below 15. The long chirik is distinguished from the short by a "^ following it, as v li. * * The letter 1 is used merely lo shew the position of the vowel. Excep. Chirik without a "^ in the last syllable, having an accent, or in the middle of a word, not followed by (=) shewa or dagesh, is a long chirik, as *in Da-vid, D'^'pM Ne-phi-lim. 16. Cholom is sometimes without a % as ^^ Lo, When it precedes a '^ its place is supplied by the dot upon the 2^, as il^*0 Mo-she. When i^ has no vowel its own dot serves as a cholom, as ^^?.t^ So-nay. 17. The 1 which bears the cholom or shooraik is not sounded except it has a vowel, as IJi^p Te-cho- nain, JIHIL)]^ Temoo-thoon, HiH Ho-wah. 18. Shewa () is pronounced in the following instances, and is called shewah i^J Na, i. e, to move, 1, In the beginning of a word, as "'J? be-ni. 2, In the middle of a word after a () as H^?]! Tilmedu. 3, In the middle of a word after a long vowel, without the tonic accent, as ]1i^^1 U-le-shon. 4, Under a letter that is followed by the same letter, as ''^JH Hi-ne-ni, n^.^^/n Ha-le-loo-yah. In all other cases the (=) is not sounded, and therefore called shewa HJ Nach, i. e, to rest or to be quiescent, and the letter under which it stands is pronounced with the preceding vowel, as ril^t!^? Nish-math. 19. When the (=) Na ought to be under one of the gutterals, a vowel is added, namely (:) () or (j) and is called in general a compound shewa, but receives its particular name from that vowel with which it is compounded, and which is 8 united with the word ^QTJ cha-taph (to snatch) aS) 1-1 Chataph Pathach '- Segol " Kamaitz '' 20. Kamaitz (t) before a single or a compound () Shewa, without a metheg or accent between^ or at the end of a word followed by a consonant, except n or ^^, is pronounced like an o, and is called Kamaitz Chataph, as ^d]0 Hol-mad, ^^Vp^ Ko-so-mi, Dj5';1 Wy-ya-kom, ^^50 Choch-mah, Nna Ba-ra. 21, In the Hebrew language there is but one diphthong, viz. a (^) without a vowel preceded by {), (), (i), or (1), as ^J1^? A-do-ny, ^ril^Vi^ Atz- mo-thy, "'l'^ Goy, ^175 Ga-looy. Section II. p'5/5 Maph-pi/t. 22. Maphpik is a dot in a i^ at the end of a a word, the ?ign of the third person singular feminine of the possessive pronoun, and strengthens the sound of the H, From this rule is excepted the dot in ?i'7i^, and that of the third radical in the verbs H^n," HJ^, HDD, n22. Section III. t^^/J Da-gesh. 23. Dagesh is either single, and called /p. t^^'H Dagesh Kal, lene, or double, and called piH '^^^/[ Da-gesh Cha-zak, forte, or euphonic. 9 S4, The single dagesh is only to be found in the letters ngS *FJ^ Be-GaD Ca-PHaTH, and causes the letter in which it stands to be pronounced harder, as With a Dagesh, ] T P C D G R Without a Dagesh, | ^^^ p\ ^\ ^^ ^^^ ^ 25. This Dagesh is used only in the beginning of a word, as ''^5 be-ni ^^'^5 ba-ra, and after a Shewa Nach, as b|(^p Mish-pat. 26. The single Dagesh is omitted, 1. In the beginning of a word, when the preceding word ends with one of the Ehevi letters, without a pause or kingly accent. But if the preceding word be ni'T Ye-ho-wah, or if the dageshed letter be suc- ceeded by a similar letter, the dagesh remains, as ::^nt^2 np] Ye-ho-wah Bash-sha-ma-yim, \ri. '?.^ Be-nay Dai-dan. 2. In the affixes ^5 chem and 15 chen ; in the Regimen or Plural form, as ^^1^15, Bir-choth, '^5"!*I Dar-chay; before the paragogic n, as ni^^ Neg-dah; before the infinitive suffix, as 137^3 Be-mol-cho, or before the termination HI ooth, as mrs^O Mal-chooth. 27. The double Dagesh may be found in any letter, except the gutterals and 1 ; and the letter which has such a dagesh is considered as if written twice, the first of which has a Shewa Nach under- stood, as *T/?7 lim-maid, instead of 'IP^'?. Section IV. .^'p.O Mak-kapJu 28. Mak-kaph is a small stroke like a hyphen, c 10 between two words, joining them together, as *^i^'^}l al pe-nay* Note 1. A Mak-kaph generally follows words of one syllable, and changes the long vowel into its correspondent short one, except it be prevented by Metheg, or by H or ^^ ending the word, as p.^n-^5 Col Ha-a-retz, r]r^3'r\n Taith Co-chah, -nb Mah, 'Hh Lo, "Ni; Tzay. Note 2. In some instances words of more than one syllable also have their long vowel changed, through the influence of the Mak-kaph, as IV""'?*!^ Mid-bar Tzin, instead of I^IP, nt^lD'TJ Be-yad Mo-she, instead of T5. Section V. D'^^ifi^ Ta-a-mim. 29. Every word in the Bible, except when fol* lowed by Mak-kaph, has an accent, the principle use of which is to direct the pronunciation,* 30. The accent, when placed on the last syl- lable, is called J^l^P Mil-ra, but when placed in the beginning or middle of a word it is called ^^j;^;;: Mil-ail. 31. The accents are divided into Kings, Minis- ters, and Servants, and are distinguished by their names and forms, as will be seen by the adjoining Table. " The Jews," (saith David Levi) "" firmly believe that both the points and accents were from Moses ^ but affixed to the letters by Mzra^ who being a ready scribe in the law of God, was thoroughly acquainted with the true signification of every accent, and which we, through the length of our captivity, and the severe persecution we have undergone, together with the loss and destruction of the writings of our eminent men, are at present unable to comprehend. But, although we cannot boast of thorougli knowledge of eve?'!/ one of the accents, we, however, have yet some small knowledge remaining of the utility and signification of many of them." Heb. Gram. p. 338. 11 TABLE U.ACCEXTS. Form and positLoa. ^t r // i: < J >^ J 9 J J njn*^ Ath-nach Ge-resh Gair-sha-yim Sar-ka Sa-kaiph Ga-dol Sa-kaiph Ka-ton Tiph-cha Ye-thiv Sil-look Kr)^iJP Se-gol-ta ").?^ Pa-zair \ p''P9 Pe-sik J T^1-37 Le-gar-may HD:i*5 Pash-ta n-l|) '^?.1p. Kar-nay Pa-ra rnn Re-vi-a r\h^)m Shal-she-leth T3J^ Te-vir n^in^ ^W-hT) Te-li-sha Ge-do-lah MINISTERS. ^^J1'^ Dar-ga Ye-rech ben Yo-mo Mu-nooch Mah-pach Mair-cha Kad-ma Te-li-sha Ke-tan-na SERP'ANTS, n^12i5 J^DID Mair-cha Ke-phoo-lah ^T\n Me-theg 12 Note 1. To these accents modern Grammarians have added pID^'^^ID Soph pa-sook (:) which is. placed at the end of every verse in the Bible. Note 2. A circle (o) over a letter, shews that the word is read otherwise than it is written, i. e. ac-^ cording to the vowels in the text and the letters in the margin. The word in the text is called y^^^ Ke-thiv, and that in the margin ^^p. Ke-ri. Note 3. Te-li-sha Ge-do-lah is always in the beginning of the word, but Te-li-sha Ke-tan-na is placed at the end of the word, as ''"lt^^^ Te-li-sha Ge-do-lah, ^^'^^ Te-li-sha Ke-tan-na. Note 4. Le-gar-may is generally followed by Moo-nach and Re-vi-a, or Re-via alone, as i ")^^]^1 1D^n^^5 np\ or rvi^'^ \ rTn\^% by which it is distin^ guished from Pe-sik, which is always a pause^ and is generally between a King and a Minister^ as ^n^i^n I -ib^S I ni^^ih \ T^wi^'iiD'bi^. Note 5. There must always be a syllable or Shewa na, or dagesh between the accent and the metheg, as DIKH Ha-a-dam, v?.*? A-che-loo. 32. The following accents should be particularly remembered, as they supply the English stops, Re-vi-a i Tiph-cha Se-gol-ta I Sa-kaiph Ka-ton^ Ath-nach ) Colon Pe-sik ) or Period Sil-look Period K J^"'?"! i* ^^ODlO A i*r\'?iji? ii ]i3B m nm pi"?? Coi nma Semi Colon 13 EXERCISE 11. J.ETTERS AND POINTS. '-n^2: T'pin ^'j^n ini'^^^nT'n-n^j T^in "i;^':! ; T V T : T V -; TV' ; n;i?3pi n;^3p-n]?^ T^in injpmi nnjprn-rii^ hi<'^r\)W'^ b^'^r\)^'^'r^^ T^iniiTj?^ ^33 m^5 -nijt TSin D-^p^^^^i^i D^pj^jj-n*s; T^irniiTDNi -rii^T^in pnvi Pl"7^"^^ T^ln i^^i;\ nirj^ 14 EXERCISE III. LETTERS, POINTS, AND ACCENTS. tSih m.T^si m,T'7S-ni!* T'7in D"'5St a"'3 < v:v I* :; v r v^ t : /> t ^ V :^T T I s' K T JT 't V.T : - vt t I T /T TIT : - - J' t - jT ; : : JT : T - + - - - " : n^iD nnn ^^^^^^:! lin^^n^ di^ni noi^^ nji^nkq \.' ATT *.T : ; -; - ; v v : i : t t : i3^n?T nrip3 "^O^.^^ "^^^? ^^^V- ^^ ^W^ nij^nn 1'^^? njji: ni;n'^^ '?f^?^;5 nj:n n^'>5:-^i^ r\r\t(;^ Dnp iinjA^.p ^^T]1 ^5;;:^ iii-ig ?]Di^ nb?^^ m^'^i : i^in ti^ipn m-T:: na mn r^i^ r\i^ >2i jt;t: I V'J" " v :>r st jv -. />T : H- : " :^ ST V -; - - T . ij" iT : T V* '^ T "^ -T : I . V i-.'- ^<^ ! ^; / ^T'. o, V* 15 CHAP. Illi R E A D I JS^ G. 33. Hebrew is read from the right to the left hand, as ^^"!3 ba-ra. 34. Syllables are composed of Consonants and Vowels, and are either pure or mixed 1, A pure Syllable consists of a Consonant and Vowel, as 7 La. 2, A mixed Syllable has two or three Consonants and one vowel only, as 1? mad, ypp madt. 35. Every Syllable begins with a Consonant, as X>)^ me-iech, except ^ in the beginning of a word, as 13"}1 oo-re-voo, pathach at the end of a word under H or H which is called T]y\^ n]l Pa-thach Ge- noo-vah, or furtivum, as Hl^l Roo-ach, H /^^ E-lo-ah, 36. Every letter requires a vowel, except at the end of the word, where a Shewa Nach is under- stood, as TQ/ La-mad, instead of ^p(. Exception 1. The letters Ehevi are sometimes without a vowel, and are silent, and therefore called quiescents, as the ^ in ^^^ Ba-ra, Jp^V? Ma-tza- tha; the H in ^^^"J Ra-ah; and the 1 when bearing the cholom or shuraik, as I^Jf^ She-mo, ')^'^ Ha-yoo. Note. 1 Wav without a vowel is pronounced, as T5 Piv. Ex. 2. The following letters 1 n p D C: T : 2 at the end of a word, preceded by (=), have a Shew a Nach expressed, as T?.^ Me-lech, ^Din Tosph, m? Kosht, [:V: Yashk,' 3:^*^ Yishb. 37. A long Vowel may end the Syllable, as 7 La; but at the end of a word or sentence it takes also the succeeding Consonant, as "l^ Gair, or 3tJ^J Ya-shav, and ^/^i^ A-mad, in Ps. i. 1. in which case it becomes a short vowel. 38. A short Vowel requires a Consonant besides its own, as ")p Sar, except w hen accented, or followed by Metheg, as "^^l^S Pe-ka-da-ni i::\^l Wa-a-sher. 16 EXERCISE IV, Pure or One Syllable. Long Vowels, Rule 34, 1. N a ay ^*< i 1i^ o :j li ? vi in vo ^2 voo 1 ga a gay ^a gi i5 go ^5 goo *n da "7. ^ay ^1 di i^ do n doo n ha n hay ^":^ hi in ho in hoo \ wa 1 way "'1 wi n wo ^T woo 1 za f zay n zi ir zo It zoo n cha n chay "n chi in cho ^r\ choo ^ ta I? tay ^Jfl ti ico to I^O too : ya ?. yay ^^ yi V yo 11 yoo 3 ka 5 kay ^2 ki 13 ko 13 koo ?r 5 cha 3 chay ^5 chi i3 cho ID choo '^la b lay ^Vli i'? lo i-} loo O ma D may *P mi iD nio ID nioo .1 \ "a 5 nay >? ni 1J no ia noo sa D say 'P si iD so ID SOD J^ a j; ay J/ i i;; o Ij; oo a pa 3 pay ^? pi ii!) po 12) poo Q pha 2 phay ^9 phi 12) pho 12) phoo V tza \f tzay ^V tzi ii; tzo 1i' tzoo R ka p. l^ay ^'P ki ip ko Ip koo 1 ra -1 ray n ri in ro 11 roo tjj sha t2; shay ^:^ shi i^* sho i:^ shoo ii^ sa p say ^'V si ij^ so 1t^ soo i\ ta ri tay ^ri ti in to in too ^ tha r\ thay ^r^ thi in tho in thoo ir EXERCISE V, A mixed Syllable of two or more Consonants. Rule 34, 2. n9bad T3vad "7^ gal DT dam "in har y\ wav ")l zar ^n chag *?tal T yad 'I? kaph "IJ char Tsh lach no mar t^3 nash 'ID saph ^;?ai n^ pach % phal nV tza^ jj? kan ^1 rav ^:i^ shal nfc^sar Orj tarn on tham ph II ben 13 ven ^'^. gesh '^idel ^0 hem ^\ wer 3T zem on chem 1^ ten J^.'. yesh n|ker ^3 chem n^led 19 men ")^. ner TD sed njb. er 15 pen 7? phel ^V tzel 2j^. kev D"! rem i:^ sher :ii^ sey l^ten on them DHtim Pbin njgid nidiv in hin n win ^? ziph con chit D^ tim D^. yim ^^ kish ")3 chir l^lin JP min n?nid ID sir Wiz ^9pil ")D phir IV tzin npkiv r\, rig n:^ shir Di^ sim nil tir ^r^ thiph 3)^ 1? ^t of nn IP R pa "ID OR n UV bun vum gur dun hul wush zum chuph tum yud kuv chun lud muth nug such utz pus phur tzun kum rutz shuv sum tud thu m3 P?n 'm WD '^?.^ nT badt bart gasht dalt dakt halt zazt zart chant chart talt yaivch yaird yaisht lacht mart naird sart art phakt tzart kosht rart ph. 18 EXERCISE VI. Words of Two Syllables. -ina ~T 1, The first Syllable pure, the other mixed. "10^ A-mar Ba-char Ga-dal Da-rash Ha-dar 3ni Wa-hav ^7i Za-vath P^n Cha-lak rrm Ta-rach mi Ya-dad Ka-vad La-mad T\V2 Ma-wath ^i) Na-gash 1^9 Sa-gar A-vod Pa-thar Tza-mach Ka-dash Ra-chatz Vh\l} Sha-lach ^i^ Sa-lam ^i;? Ta-wech DID? t: T T 2. Both mixed. Ek-kov Bil-mod Goph-rith Dal-thoth Hav-woth Oo-the-sha Zich-ram Chad-ray Tum-ah Yiph-sha Kan-photh Lam-mah Mak-shiv Nish-math Sar-tem Ez-rath Poth-hen Tzid-kath Kiv-both Rish-ath Shit-tim Tith-ra 19 EXERCISE VII. Words of Three Syllables. "^rinpij A-mar-ti nn^i^ Lo-me-deth Dn-)?K Av-ra-ham DniD^ Le-moo-dim D;')ar^3 Bith-voo-nam ^T\ir\i2 Mo-lad-ti Dn'^7^3 Big-dai-hem "^tt^ Me-lam-maid ni^riii Go-za-loth ^m Ne-e-dar '^W- Ga-a-wah ^19^5 Nil-me-deth rjih^l Dal-tho-thav ^i"^)??? Se-ma-mith n-iini De-vo-rah n'^iiyp Si-no-nith 138nn Hith-av-baich niTriif A-thi-doth iSni^nn Hith-av-bail ^^7W. Ach-ka-visli i^i^^i Wy-yo-mer D'^jini^-jS Par-o-shim ^IRn Wy-yik-ra '^VPSi Pis-yo-nay t^^'^nsr Ziv-chai-chem ^?V5V Tziph-o-ni ^^nit Zo-cha-lay Dnsv Tziph-pa-rim D^^SJ^n Chash-ma-lim ^^^7i^ Ko-da-shim ^9;a Cha-na-mal D^:^ini:5 Ke-do-shim ri;;3co Tav-ba-ath D^3^51 Re-vi-vim uh^3,^ Te-voo-lim D^p^Pi Re-si-sim ^^^^\ Yis-ra-ail D^^^^^t^ Shin-an-nim tn\^ry\ Yith-ad-dam D^ant?^ Se-ra-phim ^3^3 Ka-a-vel ^^jOiT\ Til-me-di D>nin3 Ke-roo-vim r^x^^'di^ Til-mode-nah 20 EXERCISE VIII. Words of Four and Five Syllables, r\^r\m Ey-yo-ne-ha l^jnniip^ Em-te-cho-thai-noo ip?.^n:;i Be-hai-ov-ko DDnj^/iD:? Be-mo-a-dai-chein Dri^l^J Gul-ge-lo-tham ^^I'^i^'? Ge-di-yo-tha-yich '^^XS^TTl De-chi-tha-ni Dri^ilill Do-ro-thai-chem HDlk^fl Ha-a-da-mah n^b>^n^?Ll Hy-yis-re-ai-lis TJP33K1 We-av-nai-te-cha ^D3i^];^^l Wy-yith-av-be-choo D^^n^r Ziy-chai-chem ')jr!n3? Ze-nach-ta-noo ililSISn Cha-phar-phai-roth ?j]1D5n Choch-ma-the-cha Dni;;5KJ Tav-be-o-tham Dri'^nii;30 Tav-be-o-thai-hem ^ly^l,^;! Ya-a-di-moo "^tphy Yo-lad-te-cha nDi;;'7"]75 Ke-dor-la-o-mer lri^53 Ke-chal-lo-tho 21 n*7nin^ Le-ho-va-dah IJ^'HillJ^? La-a-vo-thai-noo D^PU^D Ma-a-voo-sim npn^^D Ma-a-voo-se-ha ^VM Ne-e-da-ri nV^^I'TS'^^? Ne-voo-chad-re-tzar "^3125? Se-va-voo-ni n'>]li3'^?P Se-vi-vo-the-ha Dyrjhi: O-lo-thai-Ghem Dni^p^j?^^ A-kal-kal-lo-tham ^'^nn? Pe-di-thi-cha Cn^^^^5 Pe-li-tai-hem 'irnpiV Tzid-ko-thai-noo Dn^KV^i^V Tze-e-tza-ai-hem "^^^np^ Kor-ba-ne-cha DH'^JJl'liJ Kor-ba-nai-hem D^iliT Riv-bo-tha-yim ^'l^Tl Re-da-phoo-cha r;;it^i;a^ Sha-a-shoo-av ?|jnn^ttf^ She-ai-ri-the-cha r^i:i3iri Tar-ne-go-leth 05*'ni3^11 Te-lu-no-thai-chem. EXERCISE IX. Reading Lessons. ha-a-retz we-aith hash-sha-ma-yim aith E-lo-him ba-ra Be-rai-shith \ VIT T J' I V- T - J" A' V; JT T V " I pe-nay al we-cho-shech wa-vo-hoo tho-hoo ha-ye-tha -we-ha-a-retz ham-ma-yim pe-nay al me-ra-che-pheth E-lo-him we-roo-ach the-hom E-lo-him wy-yar or wa-ye-hi or ye-hi E-lo-him wy-yo-mer ^^rh^ i^TT nii^ -\-i^i -)1^^ ^n^ D\i^i^ -idk"! J- v: :s-- I :i- a j* : >. v: v j - oo-yain ha-or bain E-lo-him wy-yav-dail tov ki ha-or eth I V *. T I i" v; J" : - - rt V T ka-ra we-la-cho-shech yom la-or E-lo-him wy-yik-ra ha-cho-shech wy-yo-mer e-chad yom vo-ker wa-ye-hi e-rev wa-ye-hi ly-lah '\m''^ : n^^^ ai^ npbi ' '-^n^i ' ' nn;; -'^nn rh-h bain mav-dil wi-hi ham-ma-yim be-thoch ra-ki-a ye-hi E-lo-him wy-yav-dail ha-ra-ki-a eth E-lo-him wy-ya-as la-ma-yim ma-yim ham-ma-yim 00-vain la-ra-ki-a mith-ta-chath a-sher ham-ma-yim bain E-lo-him wy-yik-ra chain wa-ye-hi la-ra-ki-a mai-al a-sher yom vo-ker wa-ye-hi e-rev wa-ye-hi sha-ma-yim la-ra-ki-a ov -li?;? -\Tj nn^ ->nM opt^ }}y:^h 23 mith-ta-chath hara-ma-yim yik-ka-woo E-lo-him wy-yo-mer shai-ni - <;- . - - )j. v: V J - hy-yav-ba-shah we-thai-ra-eh e-chad raa-kom el hash-sha-ma-yim AT T - - IV Tl- : TV Ij T V - T " -retz ly-yav-ba-shah E-lo-him wy-yik-ra chain wa-ye-hi ki E-lo-him wy-yar yam-mim ka-ra ham-ma-yim oo-le-mik-waih -^2 D\i^K ^^n^i D^^-^ j^np D^s^n mp;::^^ V.' v: :;~ at - jt't -s. r'l: : ai-ser de-she ha-a-retz tad-shay E-lo-him wy-yo-mer toy new i^ii/'^ yn'kn i^t^iry D\i^K id^^i :niD :< V V I vT T V : r v: v j- vo zar-o a-sher le-mi-no pe-ri o-se pe-ri aitz ze-ra maz-ri-a ip "i;;ir -n;^^^5 ir^l? ns nW^ n.? y^. ;;it j;n.tD ai-sey de-she ha-a-retz wath-to-tzay chain wa-ye-hi ha-a-retz al zar-o a-sher pe-ri o-seh we-aitz le-mi-nai-hoo ze-ra maz-ri-a e-rev wa-ye-hi toy ki E-lo-him wy-yar le-mi-nai-hoo to y^v "NTT :nicD -""S D\i^x ^-i^i 'ini^;:^^ in vv.* .1- I c v; :j a- s , ye-hi E-lo-him wy-yo-mer she-li-shi yom To-ker wa-ye-hi NT DNi^s 'i^^';. :'i^''^^ oi^ "ipn "N*!^.! oo-vain hy-yom bain le-hav-dil hash-sha-ma-yim bir-ki-a me-o-roth yy\ Dvn 1^3 ^''Inn^ a:?ti^n j;*'p.-)n ]Hh^^5 we-sha-nim oo-le-ya-mim oo-le-mo-a-dim le-o-thoth we-ha-yoo hal-ly-lah al le-ha-ir hash-sha-ma-yim bir-ki-a lim-o-roth we-ha-yoo -hi} TKH^ ti^h^n ;;;pn5 nhii^;?^ r^r\\ chain wa-ye-hi ha-a-retz 24 LESSON II. T : J- T I- ' I - vT : ' T- ri:) *'3 : ^^i^^n noon j^^i Dinn^o^ Dsn < J- ! T I V vv : i : Av : - : .t D:i^^1:l^rr:!j^^^'^n^ZDj;m^ Dn^^ZD ni.T '^nK id^ AT J T VT TT r*^ -IT ;;-; v: jt -: - t ^^3 nin^*"Di^3 h^-'^h'ti^ nr\p^ : ^pii/i: ddj^s -nt^Ni "Ss TDm n^*.T--D^^3 ^'7^9^n^ i'?::^;^ D^n ^isj;; npS T J- T : T : % : : -v ^ip iKi:^:3 Tii5^ ^ip : Thh^ iiD \v)ih n^k rnnti/^ K :^T :;- 'y '-IT v: 'j- t 1 v. : i- vTt i < : I I" vt : J : : '^ : l-v- J* a- -: jt : - V- T '- T : <- r 'AT T i: v. : v t : * ; " D^i:in-^5 >r;;^ i:i^"rp;;i-)r-ni^ ni.Tnii^n tD^iT 6* - T V '^^ : :l-r^ j: : t : k- t mtt i: it^^ ');;5]1-^^^ i^C)2o t^i^D i^^v itd itd J : '^at - V t T J ; < ^iSvn iir2)n3 i^S -^3 : ni.T ^hj^ -^t^m niiin nijiriD . I T : < J- T : ^" : V : I r t DiT ^^qn;; ^^si:'^ nsn : ^^n^: '^n'^i? ST A> : ^ V ; - J- I" T : v j- vbj; D^in D^in nv i^ :Dn.^ ''33D in^^m in^^ig c^^kd 25 LESSON II. (Continued.) vT : '^ ^: A-- T I-. : I V v.-iv j* it : T : it i inD;^:D') ^^n;;iTi niaxDD u/^i^ r^^ib^i^ ^im nn:. t^'h Kin ir^n i^.^^ nnn::^n k^i nrn:) i-ife;:: a"^:32) T T J -T t: !> T I ..',- -; J : <; : : ' r '^:)^j;n ii^^3 ^^3 : i:S-j^s-ii in-innm i% hb'ihii; ^ T t J - T s IT T : I. Tr-. -; i- i^r : .. T : T -jv - V - - : J : v^:- j : T : v^ f V- : ^ : tat :iv t vv: "; . .> I .'JV " : V - A"* : J- V V : /t . 1.^^31 rsin ni.Ti : vm n;!3-)0 ^^'7^ nib/ ODn'^b hv : - !< T T I- ! : <.T : . ^ : t ? jt t i '^< CD^D^ T-^^5^;;nr hkt ic^)^ Dt^i^ D^J:^n-DK Hnr\ A" T 'J* ".'I \V }'.'' ; ~ T T < T .;iv vi^^ T^^T W^:^ h>o;;D : n^^;^ iTn nin** ram T : JV : : - < -;r* it ; ^ t; vt ; | v v' : : ^iiprNin Dn:ij;i d^^iJ? "^^^i; p^^y p^.V? i^;f13 rinn ^^;i^ p^n** 'D^Qiv;/-ni^i D^ann iVp^n^ p*? ' ' ' J" ' : ~: V : -it j ' v ~ ""; I t '>' *." : I V : : ~ v t - t na'^nin :ni,T "ipij nf?');;? 'ijgp nDQi^-^33 opi 26 LESSON II. (Continued.) SiKDri Yg)-^2 : >pm ^^-l^n'^ inrr-a bnsn -h^ : '\2''pv ni;p^; on;;) j^t: dii^ "^j/nn ^xh?n ^^ n^,?nn K^^^ ^;::^:sn"^^^1 '^t^iiin ^5:>-^:D ^sn^in J " . J (. : IT - : J : r >' ST : r i"T' I v^T T T ; v: t : ' T >. T ; if : V s" : AT : jt t: - . - j*-;!" h: '>;d'^3 : nin^ "^S.^^ -idx Tr\?2nn T T I V < I IT 't : -v- T I ; ' : ::;-: < : T I j" ! : - : t /.v . . t ; - . jT-"^: IT : k" -:r : -j- f t j : -'? p.^j;p^pnn ^ijpisn npiv3 :i;^^? ^'^z'?^ ^^^1 '13'*^: ^aisi^ inii'j/p'? ''7.? >57iDi ana ^f?? bb: a^nn 27 CHAP. IV nj^nyn H^y Yedooah. The definile Article. 39. The Hebrews have but one article, express- ed by n Hay^ with a (.) Palhach prefixed to the Noun and a Dagesh in the succeding letter, as, D^pcj^n Hashshamayiin, the Heavens. Excep. 1. When the letter does not admit of a Dagesh the article has a (^) Kanietz, as t^^'SH Haish, the Man, But if the letter be a H cheth the article retains its pathach, as, njhn Ha- chozeh, the Seer, Excep. 2. When the article is succeeded by a (^) Kametz, its pathach is changed into ( ,) Segol, as D''1''7D Heharim, the Mountains. Note. To distinguish the article from the H Hay interrogative observe that the latter is generally pointed by (.,) chataph-pathach, as, H^iC^^ Hatovah, whether it be good* CHAP. V. r\iDt^ Shaimoth^ Nouns. A Substantive or Noun is the name of any thing we can hear, see or discourse of, as *^^^ ish, Man ; ]V.\^ Kenaan, and is generally distinguished by its admitting of an rticle or pronoun, as r\*^2H Havba- ith, that house; yVIJ Haaitz, the tree; ^^.^0 Siphri, my book; or by its making sense of itself, as nDDH chochmah, widom ; Hiyj Anawah, humility. 28 In Nouns is chiefly to be noticed their For- mation, Genders, Numbers, Cases and Go- vernment or Regimen. 40. Nouns are generally formed from the third person Singular of the Preterite Tense, first Con- j'ugation Active: 1, By changing its vowel or vowels, as l^*''! Da- var, a word from "l?*^ Davar, he spake, or "^l^^ Melech, a King from "^to he did reign ; or, 2, By dropping a radical letter, as JH chain, grace from 15n chanan, he was gracious ; or, 3, By adding one or more of the I'^i^pSi^H He- emantiv letters, as HD^D Michsaih, a covering from nD2 Casah, he did cover, or H^P Millah, a word from t'-?/? Millail, he spake ; or H^np Mathtanah, a gift from ]T^2 Nathan, he gave. 41. Nouns are either Masculine, Feminine or Common. 1, ipi ]1ti^7 Leshon Sachar, Masculine, are ge- nerally those words that consist of the radical let- ters only, as l^'^ Davar, a word ; and the names of Men, as DH'I^*^ Avraham ; of offices occu- pied by Men, as "^/p Melech, a King; of Idles, as liJ'l Dagon; of Angels, as ^K?^P Michaail ; of nations, as D'^.'iyp Mitzrayim ; of Rivers, as IW"^^ Pishon; of Mountains, as ^915 Carmel; and of Months, as ip**^ Nisan. 2, n3p5 ]')^^ Leshon Nekaivah, Feminine, are those that end in H Hay or ^ Tav, as ^^IJS, Ada- 29 tnah, Earth, l^^lDeleth, a Door. i\iso the names of women as vnn Rachail ; of cities, as \V)i Tziyon; and of countries, as W5? Kenaan. 3. n^pp!?! "ipj? nrz* Shave lezachar ulenekaivah, common to both genders, are the names of beasts, as IjJ? Bakar, cattle ; ]i<^^ Tzon, sheep ; 31*^ Dov, a bear ; 2^i Zeaiv, a wolf. Also the nu- merals 20 Dni^^j;' Esrim; 30 ^^^hli; Sheloshim ; &c. 100 niStp Maiah ; 1000 i?;^ Eleph, &c, 42. The feminine noun is formed by adding H Hay and a preceding (^) to the Masculine, as TM^vO Malcah, a Queen from '^79 Melech, a King. But if the last letter be H Hay, the points only are changed, as H?^ Yapheh, masc. H^" Yaphah, fern, and when the masc. ends in "^ Yod, a ri Tav is generally added, as "'IVP Mitzri, an Egyptian man, n^'lVP Mitzrith, an Egyptian woman. 43. Nouns have three numbers: 1, *^n^ ]1ci^7 Leshon Echad, singular, speaking of one thing only. 2, D^5^ liCi^7 Leshon Shenayim, dual, speaking of two things, and is used particularly in refe- rence to those things which are two by nature, or by art, as hands, ears, eyes, &c. a pair of scales; millstones, &c. 3, D''3*l 112^7 lieshon Ravbim, plural, respects two or more things. 44. The' masc. forms its dual by adding to the sing, the termination D^ Yim, and a (.) Pathach under 30 the preceding letter, as T Yad, a hand, dual has DH^ Yadayim, two hands ; and its plural by ad- ding Q Mem and "^ Yod and a ( ) Chirik under the preceding letter, as "1^^ Davar, a word, plural has D'^")^! Dcvarim, words. 45. The fern, forms its dual in the same manner as the masc. but changes likewise the H Hay into ^ tav, as n^^fc^ Saphah, a lip, dual B^Hpi^ Sephatha- yim, lips ; and its plural is formed thus : If the sing, ends in H that letter is changed into ni, as n"l^3 Naarah, a damsel, plural ^n;;^. Na- aroth. If in H*" tav and yod with a ( ) chirik preceding the "^ yod receives a -j cholem, as r\^"lVP Mitzrith, plural riin.VP Mitzriyoth. If the ter- mination be ri^ the '^ shurek is changed into a i cho- lem with a daegshed " yod preceding it, and a (,) kivbutz under the preceding letter, as H'lID/S Malchus, plu. nio'pD Malchuyoth, 46. The cases in Hebrew Nouns are not distin- guished by terminations as in other languages, but by particles prefixed to the noun and which are the same in the different numbers and gen- ders, as, Nom. V.^^ Melech, a king Gen. '^'7?p^ *Shel.Melech, of a king Dat. "1.??/ Lemelech, to a king Ace. VD-'m Eth-Melech, a king Voc. v?*-^ Hammelech, o king n;?py Min-Melech,. from a king Abl. p^??^ Mimmelech, ] ^ ( "^7?? Bemelech, in a king This Prefix is used only a few times in Scripture, but frequently in Rabbinical writings. 31 Note. Though this example is given to point out the cases commonly signified by the prefixes, yet it is necessary to observe that the '^.^^^^ O, and 1 are sometimes used to point out all the cases exept the voc. and H is used to point out the gen. and ace. The connection will best de- termine the cases of nouns. 47. When two nouns are related to each other so as to require the preposition of between them, the former is governed and undergoes a change, and is said to be in regimen^ or contracted, 1, The masc, sing, shortens the vowels, as "TIV]? Ben-David, instead of 13 ; or D\i^K nn^l Devar E- lohim, the word of God, instead of 1?^ Davar ; and the plural drops its Mem and changes the preceding (.) chirik into a (..) tzairay, as D^'ii'?^ ''")31 Divray Elohim, the words of God, instead of D"^")I1*1 Devarim. 2, The fem. sing, changes the H Hay into T\ Tav and the preceding Q Kametz into (.) Pa- thach, as D^i^i^^ min Torath Elohim, the law of God, instead of Hlin Torah, a law ; and the plur. shortens its first vowel, as T-?? ^1^*13 Bir- choth Avicha, the blessings of thy father; in- stead of ^i^"Jfl Berachoth, blessings. 3, The dual of both genders is contracted by dropping its final Q Mem together with the pre- ceding (.) and changing the preceding (.) Pathach into (.) Tzairay, as D^^5^? V^T Raglay anashim, the feet of men, instead of Sl?^"!. Raglayim. 32 EXAMPLES Of Nduns and Adjectives,* according to their variations in number and regimen. EXERCISE X. MASCULINE. Words undergoing the same variations as those ia the opposite columns. iSay 1^-^ bu/D DID nm h2^ bnn i an: h^h:^ ^''v; u;'hib D^^h fi$' \r^p Tiai 7115 j;ng b^h2 .^n^ nb2 nii^ Plural. Singular. Regimen. | Absolute. Regimen. | Absolute. T3-n 131 Dpn D3n ti'nn t^lO lp.f Diib n2^ nlD npi en on 11^ Signification. A word. I A wise man. | A Smith. An old man. I Desirous. A Shield. A Hireling. Terrible. A Fortili- cation. High. Born. Diligent. Beautiful. Death. Warm. An Enfcmy. A Rib. Though the Ruless of Adjectives have not yet been given, yet it is most proper to mix them in the examples of Nouns as will appear by the next chapter. 33 EXAMPLES EXERCISE X. MASCULINE. Words underg-oing^ the same variations as those in Plural. Singular. 1 the opposite coluums. Regimen. | Absolute. Regimen | Absolute Signi6ca- tion. ^i: ''^bfi B'''?a ^bfi Full. ^l]Jp not used ^il'^ ^ijii' A hair. ''ti^lD ^ib ti'in Deaf. - mi3pp5 . not used apo Round a- bout nv? '^)?y^w n5P ' m^P -|2D nsD A book. 2hr\ bin 2\^^ '5n mir\ r?n r^n Desire '^1 '^? ''^ii. . mj}. ri' f^ A tree. t^K yn ^w mi! w fi( A goat. i^;s '^SPi^ Bu;i2 n3l3 33T3 A star^ HDl^pJI^nil^ npit^ mriw -iai!i' laiE' A keeper. '^ii.n^ D^?n3 jna in3 A priest. 1p> ^^TTn D'^^-rn ti'in tt'ih A month. ^P^^ ^'?':^s D'^^nS S5n Snx A tent. ni'n li'i Di3 '^DiD B'^?ii:o nl3 nio Good, pn n^ *^W D'^u; ri? ri? Strength. ni^ nio ni^; Dniv my mv A rock. bio n?^ D^^ni^ 331 335 A thief N"^:?:^ pn.V n^s*? Dn^5^ fs'? TS^" A torch. ^12:^ ]i3n ^?l'7S D^'^l^iS: fl'l'v'K sil'7S A prince. ^n^ "i;;^^ ni?.?. m^: -liii ij;?3 A lad. r.'^''? S^ "J^M D^ri\r nn nn An olive tree. '^nj D'^Sni -^n^ ^ni A coal* ^?i ^'^1. ''^02 5^59^ 1P3 ^p: A drink. vi m ^i'? ^"^liD 1^9 f?o offering. A king. f 34 EXAMPLES. EXERCISE X. MASCULINE. Words under- jroin^ the same va- riations as those in the opposite co- lumns. Plural. Regimen. | Absolute. '^.:^il enaj/. ''in I B"*;;"!! n^t^ Dn3 "^0^ C^'pi' "^n^Bh omziV ^^2 B^'72 ( B'-UV) ^a''^3ifS- (nmiif) ':^n Singular. Reg-imen. ] Absolute. 1?i^ 1?;? i^ll riT. n3 -|3S ^ti! ^'l'^ na'? na'7 ''?? '^5 '3V ""^V T: Signification. A servant. Seed. A husband- man. Perverse. Learned, A vessel. A roe. A decease. DUAL. en;; B'>:Dn3 T Til /! A lip. A wing. A thigh. A hand. A tooth. An ear. A shoe. An eye. A nose. A foot. A door. A knee. 35 FEMININE. Words undergoing the same variations Plural. Singular, as those in the op. Significa- posite columns. Regimen, | Absolute. Regimen. | Absolute. tion nng,>nD3n33 ni)'! niii; n?^. -r T Beautiful nans ni,c?n niMH n,!23n ~ : T T T Wisdom nij? riT:;;;. fiii^i^ ^W '^V^ Counsel. ni^a'D nl^:ti^" nv;^; not used. ^'^!^ The se. cond n1::^p^5 nr^p2 ^n'5 nf^*>5 A request T , ' ni::^^;? m:2bpD riD^DD n:^bc^ ni^5 n3'?D n^pht: mi:^p A king-dom nihi^ nio'pV ns6^i^ np% hd'?^ A g-armeut nib>;; nid^i;. ri6bj: nBij; A virgin . nii^p. ninj;;!' ^lil}. ^y^- A damsel ni2)-5n ri310 n^in Reproach nn^no niS^^?;?D ni^i^vpp ^^^?^P nW;DD Dominion ^nii^^. nin?:^ nin,6i^ nn;;i^ J 03', ni^6r\ ningii-^p niHi^^b nri^i^f^ nn^::*o A family. DiDH? nibn^ njni '^?73 A blessing r)i::-in Hi:)-!? ^3")3 n^13 A pool. niDHB ^^''^n^ npng '"^P'"!3 Cattle. mj^ib T . njK>p n^kfe A work. ^'^^in nwriL^ nim'i^ n^n'2; T T ; A pit. 48. Some nouns are irregular, having the mascu- ine termination in the singular, and the feminine, or both, m the plural, as Ce* Shaim, a name, HlW hhaimoth, names ; 3;? Av, a cloud, D^d;? Avim and 36 T^'^^il Avoth, clouds. Others have the feminine ter- mination in the singular, and the masculine in the plu- ral, as n;i^J^ Ishsha, a woman, C^^O Nashim, women; and some have both the dual and plural terminations joined together, as npin Choma,a wall, D.'^ili^in Cho- mothayim, walls. EXAMPLES OF IRREGULAR NOUNS. ' Words undergoing the same variations as those in the oppo- site columns. Plural, Regimen. | Absolute. Singular, Regimen. [ Absolute. Significa- tion. niDK nS2^ ''2^ ^^ A father. DH ^n^? B'TI^ '*n^^ T A brother. 7 "^22 D^4 15 13 A son. *^i?? D'^i^i r\'2 n^3 A house. ^ ^i^ir\ D^^^iS-n . ti/^n t:^.^-) Ahead. ''5'! m^-^ Di'' Dl^ A day. ^i^:^ ^"^mi i:;m t^^iJi:? A man. D'^nJ ^i} n'i Akid. r'v ^v ^v A ship. nin niti^ *^I?.^2^ ^^?1^ 'pw pi:^ A street. nv?i D^? ^2) Hil) A mouth. n^mi:^ niih3 in:i 10^ A thumb. "^evp V D\p Water. mm ni^.^ Dl?? A mother. niOT wnif? nim^^ ninK nintj A sister. nl35 nfiji ^3 ^3 A daughter A maid- servant. A portion. %"2^p m*^ ^'0 T A woman. '?i? l^V n^;^ A city 37 CHAP. VI. ^KiUll D;^ Sh^im Hathtoar. Adjective. An Adjective is a word added to the Substantive, to describe its quality, as 3lCD 2^*"^ Ish Tov, a good Man, '7i"T21 n^3 Bayith Gadol, a /ar^e House. 49. An adjective must agree with its Substan- tive, in Gender and Number, as 3lD ")jt/^ Naar iov^ a good Lad ; nnltO '^"?i!?- Naarah tovah, a good Damsel ; D'';ilD D''"]J^^ Nearim tovim, good Lads ; niniLD ililj/^ Nearoth tovoth, good Damsels. 50. An adjective (also verb or participle) be- longing to two or more Substantives must be in the plural Number ; and if one of the Nouns be Mas, the adjective (verb or participle) must be of the Mas. Gend. as D^^lj?? n-J^l DHn^.^j Avraham we- sarah zekainim, Abraham and Sarah were old. D'^jinp 'T'nl:31 T.;?Banecha UvenothechaNethoonim, thy sons and thy daughters shall be given. 51. The degrees of comparison are three : First, the Positive, as '2r^ tov, good. Second,the Comparative, which is formed by pre* fixing to the Substantive to which the preference is given, or the adjective belonging to that noun, a 9 Mem with a(.)chirik, and a dagesh in the succeeding letter, as rilnpi D'^JBD 3l0 D^ '^T)r\y\,^ Wenathathti shaim tov mivbanim uniivbanoth, And I will give 38 thee a name better than sons and daughters ; J^nsni nan '^ip Dn;/^n\n Wehannachash hayah aroom michcol chayatb, and the serpent was more subtle than any beast ; and if the letter does not admit of a dagesh, the (.) chirik is changed into (..) zairay, as ^Qp-} :inpi%Sp Tjv^-n-jin ^"^-DiD Tovli thorath picha maialphay zahav wachaseph, the law of thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver ; or by prefixing "IP Min and a makaph, as D^'DlCO frikStn'^p D^2^n Tovim hashshenayim min haechad, two are better than one. Third, the superlative degree, which is made by joining the word l^^p Meod with the adjective, as "IKP HiCO Tov meod, very good. Prefixing a ^ Baith to the noun,asD^^33 niCDH Hattov bannashim, the best amongst women. Repeating the adjective, as HI ^ 111 CD Tov tov, exceedingly good. Using two synonymous words, V^^^) ^^^l Ani weevyon, poor and needy, i. e. exceedingly poor. Doubling the noun, as SD^P^D *^D^ Shemay hashshamayim, the heaven of heavens, or the highest heaven. Note. For examples and exercises respecting the variations of adjectives, in number and regimen, the student is referred to the examples in the preceding chapter. 39 CHAP. VII. i3'*125 KijyooriM. Pronouns. A pronoun is a word used instead of the noun, to avoid the too frequent repetition of the same word, as Man is the creature of God, for he (i. e. Man) was made by him ; namely, by God. In the Hebrew the pronouns are either separa- ble, consisting of distinct words; or inseparable, i. e. letters added or affixed to the noun. 52. Separable pronouns are either personal, re- lative, demonstrative, or interrogative. I. PERSONAL PRONOUNS : \ In which are to be noticed. Genders, Numbers, and Cases. Sing. Plu. C^-^ll^ A X.) ( '^^nj^ Anachnoo) yjjN Anochif , ^ > ^^-. xt i f ^^r ! \ ^ni A r ! Com. < i:)n^ Nachnoo > We ) C On Anoo ) \r\r\^ A. 1,^1) Mas. Dn^ Athtem) ~i?2> Athtahf rfi. , ,^v 4.1. f xr nsj A+kf >Thou ^ i i?i^? Athten > Ye ) ^^5^5?Athtena> 3. ^'"'^ Hi , CI, 1? 5 i'^ Hain ( They m Hi \ ^^^ ^^'"^ i nan Hainnah PLURAL. 40 SINGULAR. .'^ 9 S Vi " r ^ O = 03 P cd^2 ft CTi = 2. * a- -^ = ^2, 3 2 = i a a Id Cf 5^ "-J 2 3- 3 a u W-,g ft =5 -^f^ Q =-s^^^'sr C T> ST c 2 _ Li U :U 03 Cd ^2 O r" 22 E =r=3 03-3-Por^>-ti =-3 ,= 3 -^ :5 ^^ .:-f lU rs. :-f -"-J^-r; ^ b c:^ ^ s ^ ^ ^ ci CN. a s w 2 r g; > 5 3 ^ ^ = 3i. " U D 5^ --r :^ 3f r w 2 r ^ ^ s Is- -" S gp li ^ ^3 to Co W g r X > Sr 3Pf-'S^ S^oc c ^ n n n =r f6 S- ST' f9 n ^ : -3. ^ :^^ J5] b3 2 r K 5 tg S3 3 U D % -r ^ U J w r ^ tr a 3. 31 ^sr.^ "^ k b ffi >. s: ?5 a 1 03 41 II. Relative Pronoun. y^^ Asher, that, which, who^ Sing, and Plur. Mas. and Fem III. Demonstrative Pronouns. nt Zeh, this, that, mas. sing, p^ Ail ) these m^ Ailleh^ pi. nt Zoh^ it Zo > this, that, fern, sing, n^\ Zoth) ^" Zoo ) ,, . ,, ^ ^hn Hallaz^ *''' ^^^^' '^^''' IV. Interrogative Pronouns. "^9 Mi, who, what person ? np Mah, no Mah, or HD Meh, which or what thing ? EXAMPLES* i^D:^^:^ ^^^7 y0 t^^^ri n;ni And it shall come to pass, that the man that will not hearken. DnvP3n;^S ^n.^-^K\nnit:^.^l And I will return unto my brethren that are in Egypt. -igiJI -ll^\^ T-D'l.i'"^! And I will teach thee, what thou shalt say. y:;^ ^1^1 ^^pn?") ^r^j?^) "i^?;/ ^^in'i ^ini niij^ ?|*>ni;:^3 Thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. 42 'iii^nr ni ^b'Ai nj irjif'-nt^ i^y;). And he called his name Noach, saying, (his shall comfbrt us. '1^ n? This is my God. ^^inb n^13 h^ These were born unto the giants. ^ii^HD^.i^n Those nations. are the three sons oF Noach, and of ihem was the whole earth overspread ni r\'l?in n7i^ These are the generations of Noach. T;/nnrS^^l^n^nnr.S^^ This is not the way, nor is this the City. DnVP p>^3 DJ^> it This shall be their de- rision in the land of Egypt. "i'm n^^r Do this, npsn np.n nsv ta/^ is the ordinance of the Passover. , V "liin'lP From //i/5 generation. ni^^ 1? D^ J%/5 people whom thou hast re- deemed. ^^nijh\^n'% Upon this Rock. nr^n c:^\N^n-^p What man is this ? TS^ ^P"r\3 Whose daughter art thou ? n-nsj \p ^/io art thou ? 'tl ^^.^ V Tf^ho are those with thee ? 43 t^i:)^f r\D What is man ? H^ .SIH np fVhat he was unto her. i:rc^^ npi i.!::i^ no /FA^/ is his name and what is his son's name ? il nlfc^j^/ynp ^/7m/ can be done for thee ? i^ T^^^'TM;) IVhat is become of him ? 54. Inseparable Pronouns are particles affixed to Nouns, Verbs, Participles and Adverbs. Those affixed to Nouns are contained in the following Table. TO A NOUN SINGULAR. A 'plural Pronoun. A singular Pronoun, S.fem. ; S-mas. j g.fera. | 2.mas. | | S.fern. | 3. mas. | ?.ffm. j 2.nias. i P thei 1 T 15, r your our her 1 in. n i his ^?..l >* my TO A NOl IN PLURAL. n.. 13\. ^?^. 1:!^ 0\ T T T... T - *Tlie Vowel preceding the Affix belongs to the last letter of the Noun. 44 EXAMPLE I. J XOUJV^ Masculine. J pL A mm Dn?'1 ^ sing. Noun '^y^ Fjefjrim , Words. Dav^b^ a Word. pl. pron. 1 sing. pron. \ pl. pron. sing, pron, ^J n^nn*^ Deva- na'IDevary, 1^^ni Devarai- T : na'HD^vari, Com.l. rainoo, our words. mv words. noo, oiir words. my worrf. gpn^riDivrai- rjnarjDeva. D9"IIl*^Devor- , ^-in'I^Devor. M.I (hem, jour words. ralcha, thy words. rhom, your word. rha, thy word. >2. tjn?'^ Divrai- Tj*>n3rj Devara- pID'lDevor. 1] -iri*n Deva- F.S chen. your words, i vich, thy words. chen, your word. rai fh thy word. Dnnn'iDnrai- 1^"iniDe,arov, ^T : D'13'lDevaram, ^"nIl*nDevaro, M-} }3. hem, their words. I his words. their word. his word. ^nnai, Divraii yi^y^DevB.xc, jlZl'^De varan, H")D*nDevarah, hen, their words. 1 ha, her words. their word. her word. F.) EXA MPLE II. J KOV JV, Feminine. ni-i1fl ToRo- FH, Laws. 1 nnin Tor.4h, a Law. %Tr\t\^p\ 'CiiniJi .^ ^^nyin T Com.l. Torothainoo, our Torothy, ray Torathainoo, Torathi, my 1.1 ws. our law. law. Byniiin ^'^jii-iin bD/nnin ^j^-iifi M.) TorothaJchem, Torothecha, Torathchem, T orothcha, >2. yvwT laws. thv laws. \onr law. ihv l;;vv. ^yni-iin i]^ni-iin tpip'iin iimiw F.} Torothaichen, Torothavich, Torathchen, T orathaych. >o\\r laws. thv laws. vour law. thv la\>. . DD^^ninin rnSi^D Dnniii innin M.^ Torothaihem, Toiothav, his To rath am. Toratho, >3. th*irlaws. laws. their law. his 'aw. tn'^ninin n*>ni-)ii^ tnnin nnnin F.) Torothaihcn, Torotheha, Torathan, Torafhah, thpi.r law?. her laws. their law. her law. 45 CHAP, VIII. ^7^1^ Po'AiL, Verb. A Verb is a part of speech, which signifies to be, to do, or to suffer, and is either ^5^? Malay, perfect or regular or "ipH Chasair, imperfect or irregular. A Verb generally consists of three radical let- ters, the first with a Q Kametz, and the second with a (-) Pathach, as ^i^^ Pa-al, but some times with a (.) Tzairay, as fSH Chaphaitz, or with a (i) Cholam, as liOj^ Katon, and always with (,) Kametz, when the third radical is K Aleph, or H Hay, as ^^^9 Matza, Th^ Galah. In a regular Verb is to be noticed, its. Con^ jugations, Voices, Moods, Tenses, Numbers, Persons, and Genders. 55, In the Hebrew language, correctly speaking, is but one^ conjugation, called 1^^5 Binyan, but * The Author takes leave to state briefly the reason why he differs from all the eminent Grammarians that have gone before him, who numerate seven distinct conjugations. In the Latin language, all Grammarians are agreed that there are four conjugations, and that every regular Verb is declined or conjugat- ed after the example of one of these conjugations, but in Hebrew all perfect Verbs are conjugated after the owe example of Pa-al. And though the Verb varies in its signification seven times, yet it would be very improper to call these variations distinct conjugations. No one ever supposed that Amo and Amor are two different conjugations, 46 has seven significations, which are distinguished from each other by different names .and charac- teristic marks, as L *?I?^ Pa-al, he wrought, and is called /p Kal, i. e. light, because it is simple in its signification and not burthened with any characteristic marks. 2. 7]J^2 Niph-al, he was wrought upon; cha- racterised by a prefix ^ Noon, or by a Dagesh in the first radical. 3. />?.? Pi-ail, he wrought diligently ; charac- terised by a Dagesh in the second radical, as l/?*? Limmaid. 4. ^ii^ Pu-al, he was diligently wrought upon; characterised by a ( ) Kivbutz, under the first ra- dical and a dagesh in the second, as "^^^ Lum- mad. 5. vU-'^n Hiph-il, he caused another to work; characterised for the most part by a H Hay pre- why then should the active and the passive in Hebrew be stiled so? Is it to be wondered at therefore, that many a Hebrew student has been discouraged by being told he had to learn seven conjugati- ons, especially after he had experienced the great difficulty of making himself master of the four Latin Conjugations. Would it not naturally suggest to him the idea, that he has to learn in each conjugation, an active and passive voice, which would make fourteen paradigms, and the Indicative and Subjunctive of each voice would double the number, and make it twenty-eight, whilst in reality there are but sevfn sim- ple paradigms, and differing so little from each other, that if the first be once learned, the others will soon be known. 47 fix and a * Yood inserted between the second and third radicals, 6. ^i^-^iC? Hoph-al, he was caused to work; characterised by a Q Sheva, under the first ra- dical and a ( ) Kivbutz or (^) Chateph-Kametz under the prefix, 7. /J^^^TIm Hith-pa-ail, he wrought upon himself; characterised by thesyHable r^H Hith prefixed and a Dagesh in the second radical, as IfjlT^rj Hith-lam- maid ; except when the first radical is D Samech, ^ Sheen, or '^ Seen, the characteristic T) Tav, changes place with the first radical, as 721i!icri Histavbail for b^om Hithsavbail ; "i;?i??^'n Hish- tammair, and not 1?ti'riri Hithshammair ; "l^^ifH Aithtachcair for ")2fc*inn Hithsachcair. When the first radical is V Tzaday, the r\ Tav is changed into ^ Teth, aud the CO Teth changes place with the first radical, as p*\I.QV^l Hitztad- daik for p'V^H Hithtzaddaik. And when the first radical is "7 Daleth, CO Teth or n Tav, the characteristic ri Tav is omitted and a Da- gesh placed in the first radical, as H/^*!^ Ed- dammeh for H^'ir^k^ Ethdammeh, "iH^n Hitta- hair for '^D'^^r^ Hithtahair, mr^r^.H Hithtammehoo for inr^rw Hithtammehoo. 56. A Verb has two Voices ; the Active, speak- ing of the person that performs the action, called v;?.12 Po-ail, and the Passive, speaking of the person or thing upon whom the action is performed, and is called IV^ Pa-ool : except in 48 those verbs in which the nature of the action cannot admit of a passive, called intransitive verbs, as I sleep, I walk, &c. 57. In the preceding paradigms Pa-al or Kal, Pi-ail and Hiphail are active; Niph-al, Pu-al, and Hoph-al, are passive ; and Hith-pa-ail is both active and passive. 58. The Moods are three. The Indicative, describing the action as done, doing, or to be* done, with certainty. The Imperative, ^1V^' Ziv-woy, commanding a thing to be done. The Infinitive ")ipp Makor; simply speaking of the action without any regard to time. 59. The Tenses are three only . "I5i^ Avar, past or preterite, expressing the ac- tion already done, and includes the preterper- fect, the preterimperfect, and the preterpluper- fect. THJi/ Athid, Future, declaring the action yet to be done. "^)^T2 Bainoni^ Intermediate, io e. between the past and future, of which there are two, ^i?iS Po-ail, or present participle, and ^Wp Pa-ool, or past, passive participle. 60. Numbers are two; the Singular and the Plural. 61. There are three persons niDi:i Ht^'?:^ She- loshah Goo-photh, in most parts of the Verb, 49 1. The first person, ^f^"^^ Atzmo, or llj/^inO Medavbair baado, the person speaking of himself. 2. The second person, KVPJ Nimtza or njiJ v'^^ Shellenochach, the person spoken to. 3. The third person, N^^P? "^nb^ Bilti Nimtza, nsi:^ .^'7^ Shello Lenochach, D^5??^^t^^ Shello Ve- phanim, or "J^P? Nistar, the person spoken of. 62. Genders are two, Mas. and Fern, except the first person Sing, and Plural in the preterite and future, and the third person plural preterite which are Common. 63. The different numbers, persons, and genders are formed by prefixes and affixes, joined to the Rootof the Verbin the following order, in which, observe, the dots represent the radicals. Participle Imperative Future f Pi-eter Affixes Prefixed and] SINGULAR. Passive | Present affixed Affixed Sing. Sing. ** ,, ** he " Mas. y** ***n n*** she n*** j^:..\ Fem, ***Pi T thou mas. ' T \***i1 T thou fem. *\^ \y** I com. PLURAL. Y***\ y- they com. they mas. Plur. Plur. y^nr'n they fem. Dv- D^"' Mas. r** v**r)pp.*** ye mas. ni*** ni- Fem. 1 ^r ^\^n;-r\ ir", ye fem. t ' T '2 1 we com. 64. A perfect verb oHO^ lamad. is conjugated after the example H 50 Note, The word used by the ancient Gramma- rians for an example of a verb was /i?^ paal, from whence the different paradigms have derived their names (see R. 55.) Hence the first letter of a verb is called ii Pay,thesecond lemadtem, ye did learn. I ]tT\pl lemadten, ye did learn. '^VyOl lamadnoojwe did learn. FUTURE TENSE. SINGULAR. niC^^ elmod, I shall or will learn. piD'pFI tilmod, thou shalt or wilt learn. Mas. cnp'?]^ tilmedi, thou shalt or wilt learn. Fern. c lib^? yilmod, he shall or will learn. Mas. nto^^ tilmod, she shall or will learn. Fem. * The third person is used first beeause it is the t2/"lii^ Shoreih, Koot of tke whole Verb. 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 Gender. Mas. Fem. Mase Fem. Com. Com. Mas. Fem. Com. com. 51 Person. plural. Gender. 1 ^^dl^ nilmod, we shall or will learn. Com. ^ c ^iP/fl tilmedoo, ye shall or will learn. Mas. '^ m^*Ti,t2'7f) tilmodenah, they shall learn. Fern, ^ c n?^*', yilraedoo, they shall learn. Mas. cnJliD^p tilmodenah, ye shall learn. Fern. IMPERATIVE MOOD. SINGULAR. r nitD^Iemod, learn thou. Mas. I n PLURAL. ( D*>l?i^ lomedim^ they are learning. Mas, ^ rtil^l^ lomedoth, they are learning. Fem, 66. The first and second person is formed by pre- fixing their respective pronouns, as ipi"? ''Ili? Aani lomaid, I am learning ^/Pl*? HiliJ Athta lomaid, thou art learning. PARTICIPLE PASSIVE. SINGULAR. ni/O'? lamood, he is learned. Mas. ni^D? lemoodah, she is learned. Fem. PLURAL. c S'^l^^^ lemoodim, they are learned. Mas. ^niT^^'? lemoodoth, theyare learned. Fem. {r 52 66. 2. Paradigm, Wpi Niphal. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. SINGULAR. Person. Gender. n e 1073 Nilmad, he was taught, Mas. ^ \ ri"ro'?3 Nilmedah, Fem. a 5 ^lii'.^ Nilnoadta, thou wast taught, Mas. ^ i aiP^J Nilmadt, Fem. 1 ^P'lW^ Nilmadti, I was taught, Com. PLURAL. 3 ^tTP/^ Nilmedoo, they were taught, Com. r BniP/l Nilmadtem, ye were taught, Mas. -* \ tP7^'?3 Nilmadten, Fem. 1 ^^ID^J Nilmadnoo, we were taught. Com. FUTURE TENSE. SINGULAR. 1 nak Ellamaid, I shall or will be taught. Com. 1^?^ Tillamaid, thou shalt or wilt be taught, Mas. nm^ Tillamedi, Fem. TO^? Yillaimaid, he shall or will be taught, Mas. ^?|?i?^ Tillamaid, Fem. 53 PLURAL. 1^7^ Nillamaid, we shall or will be taught Com. ^T^vn Tillamedoo, ye shall or will be taught, Mas. i^l7P?^ Tillamaidenah, Fem! ^"T?!,v'? Yillamedoo, they shall or will be taught, Mas. nn^P Tillamaidenah, Fern. IMPERATIVE MOOD. SINGULAR. 2 I *T5|n Hillamaid, be thou taught, Mas, c ''I^J) Hillamedi, Fem PLURAL. 2 i ^'^?r^ Hillamedoo, be ye taught, Mas. ^miQ^rs Hillamaidenah, Fem. INFINITIVE MOOD. "K??."? Hillamaid, being taught. PRESENT PARTICIPLE. SINGULAR. 'i?'?^ Nilmad, being taught, Mas. n-TD^J Nilmadah, , rn^^a Nilmedeth, J Fem. PLURAL. 3 5 Q''Tp'?J Nilmadim, being taught, Mas. I nno^l Nilmadoth, Fem. 54 67. 3. Paradigm ^i*9 Pi ail. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRETER TENSE. Person. SINGULAR. Gender. *757 Limmaid, he did teach dili- gently, Mas. n*T?7 Limmedah. Fem. { V\yi^, Limmadta, thou didst teach 2 < diligently. Mas. ^ Tp{t^ Limmadt. Fem. 1 ^^1? Limmadti,I did teach diligently. Com, PLURAL. 3 ^"^Sv Limmedoo, they did teach diligently. Com. C DplS^ Limmadtem, ye did teach 2 ^ diligently. Mas. ( tOI^ Limmadten. Fem. 1 ^T\^, Limmadnoo, we did teach diligently. Com. FUTURE TENSE. SINGULAR. 1 1^^^ Alammaid, I shall or will, teach diligently. Com. *1^^P Telammaid, thou shalt or wilt . teach diligently. Mas. n?)bin Telammedi. Fem. T/?*?^. Yelammaid, he shall or will teach diligently. Mas. ^^ys Telammaid. Fem. 55 PLURAL. 1 "7,^*71 Nelammaid, we shall or will teach diligently. Com, n^?^) Telammedoo, ye shall or will teach diligently. Mas, nJ*!???]^ Telammaidnah. Fem. { ^lJp^!J\ Telammedoo, they shall or will \ teach diligently. Mas. (nj*T,57J^ Telammaidenah. Fem. I iVl P E R A T I V E. SINGULAR. ^ ^^1 Lammaid, teach thou diligently. Mas. < H/^'? Lammedi. Fem. PLURAL. 5 ^^2h, Lammedoo, teach ye diligently.Mas. n^lD"? Lammaidnah. Fem, INFINITIVE. *I^7 Lammaid, to teach diligently. PARTICIPLE PRESENT. SINGULAR. p li$h'^ Melammaid, he is teaching. I diligently. Mas. < ni;;)^D Telammedah. > p [ m^p^D Melammedeth, i ^^* PLURAL. ' DH/^'/D Melammedim, they are teach- I ing diligently. Mas. I niip^D Mlammedoth, they are teach- L ing diligently, Fem. 56 68. 4. Paradigm hu^ Pual. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRETER TENSE. Person, singular. Gender. *7?7. luniniad, he was taught dili- gently, Mas. T\y^l lummedah, Fern. C ^I'iiX lummadta, thou wast taught 2 < diligently, Mas. ( ^^^\ lummadt. Fern, 1 *^^15!? lummadti, I was taught dili- gently. Com. PLURAL. 3 ^*^?7. lummedoo, they were taught diligently. Com. ^ Bi!i!7'57. lummadtem, ye were taught 2 < diligently, Mas. ( tP7^^. lummadten, Fem. 1 ^^l^i lummadnoo, we were taught diligently. Com. FUTURE TENSE. SINGULAR. 1 "^Ip^:^ Alummad, I shall or will be taught diligently. Com. *7S^P telummad, then shalt or wilt be taught diligently, Mas. n?.:^ telummedi^ Fem. *Tfe'7^ Yelummad, he shall or will be taught diligently, Mas. "^"Q^^ telummad, Fem. 57 PLURAL. 1 ^S?^ Nelummad, we shall or will be taught diligently. Com, ^ i n^^fl Telummedoo, ye. Mas. ( r]yi^^j^ Telummadnah. Fein. o ^ ^"^^.^1 Yelummedoo, they. Mas. ( r^?lBi^ Telummadnah. Fern. IMPERATIVE. NOT USED. INFINITIVE. *li^< Lummod, to be taught diligently. PARTICIPLE PRESENT. SINGULAR. *19< Lummad, he is taught diligently. Mas. n7^7 Lummadah. Fem, PLURAL. DH^^ Lummadim, they. Mas. Jlil^7 Lummadoth, Fern. PARTICIPLE PASSIVE. SINGULAR. Ii^hj^ Melummad, he being taught diligently. Mas. n'lrphp Melummadah. > Yqiu, niflhb Melummedeth. 3 PLURAL. Dn,pSj9 Melummadim, they being taught diligently. Mas. millh'Q Melummadoth. Fern. 3| 58 62. 3. Paradigm h^V^T] Hiphil. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRETEH TENSE. Person. singular Gender. A c 1^P*?n Hilmid, he caused to teach. Mas. ^ < HTD^n Hilmidah. Fem. r ^7^/ *? Hilmadta, thou causedst to 2 % teach. Mas. ^ j^-T^i^n Hihnadt. Fem. 1 ^tyiJiiTS Hihiiadti, I caused to teach. Com. PLURAL. 3 ^TO^n Hilmidoo, they. Com. i BiniS^n Hihnadtem, ye. Mas. ^ ( t^75^n Hilmadten. Fem. 1 5)j"7D7n Hilmadnoo, We. Com. FUTURE TENSE. SINGULAR. 1 n^P7^ Almid, I shall or will cause to teach. Com, S TD^n Talmid, thou. Mas. "^ i n^P^a Talmidi. Fem. 3 \ . T'O'?? Yalmid, he. Mas, di.r\ Talmid. Feiu. 2 \ ' 59 PLURAL. TP7^ Nalmid, we shall or will cause to teach. Com. ^Tp'?^ Talmidoo, ve. Mas. mip^n Talmaidenah. Fern. nTD*?? Yalmidoo, ye. Mas. \ npdlP\ Talmaidenah. Fern. INFINITIVE MOOD. T/::^n Halmid, . -\m Halmaid, \ to cause to teach. IMPERATIVE MOOD. SINGULAR. *T/P7l1 Halmaid, cause thou to teach. Mas. n'^P^a Halmidi. ^ Fem. PLURAL. n'^p^p Talmidoo, cause ye to 2 ) teach. Mas. ( nr\d-}^ Talmaidenah. Fem. PRESENT PARTICIPLE. SINGULAR. , Tp^9 Malmid, He caused to teach. Mas. 2 5 ^T9'?Q Malmidah. i ^ i nidjr^ Malmedeth, J PLURAL. ^B'^TP^D Malmidim, they caused to 2 ) teach. Mas. CniTp^JS Malmidoth. Fem. 60 70, 6. Paradigm. ^i?5C! Hopiial. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRETER TENSE. Person. singular. Gender, r ^Q]^ Holmad, he caused to be 3 \ taught. Mas. i nnp^n Holmedah. Fern. ^ ^7^70 Hohnadta, thou causedst to 2 ) be taught. Mas. i tpX^)n Holmadt, Fem. 1 *^15^C| Holmadti, I caused to be taught. Com. PLURAL. 3 ^'T^^'H Hohnedoo, they caused to be taught. Com. c BiJ"TS7n Holmadtem, ye caused to be 2 < taught. Mas. i tOl^^n Holmadten. Fem. 1 ^^IP/''^ Holmadnoo, we caused to be taught. Com^ FUTURE TENSE. 1 TD^I^ Olmad, I shall or will cause to be taught. Com, ^ *TS^^ Tolmad, thou shalt or wilt 2 \ cause to be taught. Mas. C n^^ Tolmedi. Fem. ^ "^dlX Yolmad, he shall or will cause 3 ) be taught. Mas. I 10^^ Tolmad. Fem. 61 PLURAL. ,1 *^5a^ Nolmad, We shall or will cause to be taught. Com, J ^"^P?^ Tolmedoo, ye shall or will 2 < cause to betaught. Mas. ( np;^)p\ Tolmadnah. Fern, r npT! Yolmedoo, they will or shall 3 < cause to be taught. Mas, i m-JD^n Tolmadnah. Fern. INFINITIVE MOOD. 1^7^ Holmaid, to cause to be taught. IMPERATIVE. NOT USED* PARTICIPLE PRESENT. SINGULAR. 3 *7D7^ Molmad, ye caused to be taught, Mas. ni^te Molmadah. > mD% Molmedeth. 5 *^^^ PLURAL. B'1^'?D Molmadim. they caused to be taught. Mas, mdl^ Molmadoth. Fern, 62 71. 7. Paradigm^ ^V.%'^'^ Htthp^ail. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Person. SINGULAR. Gender. r '^Bh!^T\ Hithlammaid, He did teach 3 < himself. Mas. ^ n7;!p^J=in Hithlammedah. Fem. ^ r^l^^nn Hithlammadta, thou didst teach 2 ) ' thyself. Mas. I r}lJ5hr}n Hiithlammadt. Fem. 1 mijshrp Hithlammadti, I did teach myself. Com. PLURAL. 3 ^1f?hfTi Hithlammedoo, they did teach themselves. Com. r a/n'T^^llin Hithlammadtem, ye did teach 2 s yourselves. Mas. M^l^^^^ Hithlammadten, Fem. 1 ^^IS^^^n Hithlammadnoo, we did teach ourselves. Com. FUTURE TENSE. SINGULAR. 1 . idim Ethlammaid, I shall or will teach myself. Com. . IJS^W Tithlammaid, thou shalt or 2 \ wilt teach thyself. Mas. i n;9^m Tilthammedi. Fem. T/5^r^^ Yithlammaid, he shall or will teach himself. Mas. IBbm Tithlammaid. Fem. 1 63 Person. Gender. PLURAL. 1 'T^7r^5 Nithlammaid, we shall or will teach ourselves. Corn. / n^7TO Tithlammedoo, ye shall or 2 s will teach yourselves. Mas, ^'nr\mnp\ Tithlammaidenah. Fern, r ^'li:flT)\ Yithlammedoo, they shall or 3 < will teach themselves. Masi fm-j;?^ Tithlammaidenah. Fem. INFINITIVE MOOD. 17fin Hithlammaid, to teach one's- self. IMPERATIVE MOOD. SINGULAR. f 'na^flD Hithlammaid, teach thou thy- 2 } self. Mas. f na'?riri Hithlammedl. Fem. PLURAL. , ^jnavfiri Hithlammaidoo, teach ye 2 ^ yourselves. Mas. 'n|*7S7nn Hithlammaidenah. Fem. PARTICIPLE PRETER TENSE. SINGULAR. nSyJia Mislammaid, he is teachino- himself. Mas. n^^J^bm Mithlamraedah. mB'jm Mithlommedeth. ^^^* PLURAL. c Dn;?'?nD Mithlammedim, they are teach- 3 ^ ing themselves. Mas. ^nn-^lpjn^ Mithlammedoth. Fem. 64 XI. EXERCISE. The following Verbs are conjugated in the same manner as lammad.* ^^2 Batal, he did hinder. 751 Gamal, he recompensed. p3T Da vak, he cleaved. J^J Zachar, he remembered,. /"in Chadal, he ceased. ion Chasar, he diminished. ^y^ Taraph, he tore, spoiled. 315 Cazav, he failed, deceived. tOp7 Lakad, he collected, gathered. ^47 Lavash, he clothed. *^7p Malach, he reigned. nt^p Mashach, he annointed. 1^0 Sagar, he shut. TSp Saphad, he mourned. *)|5^ Saphar, he counted. ny/ Azav, he forsook, ^PX Akash, he perverted. ItQ^ Patar, he dismissed. ^1^ Parash, he scattered. PIV Tzadak, he justified. ^"1^ Tzaraph, he purged. 1W\l Kashar, he bound together. t^T)? Kadash, he separated, sanctified. hy} Ragal, he walked about, investigated. ^1"J Radaph, he pursued, persecuted. *)3t^ Shavar, he broke. CO^t^ Shalat, he ruled. ^Qil Tamach, he sustained, * Few Verbs, however, are conjugated in all the parts of the Verb, In many of the Verbs changes take place in some of the points which will be noticed in the proper place. 65 CHAP. IX. t:"^dl,f ^T})2 Bilti-Shelaimim, irregular Verbs. 72. Irregular Verbs are generally arranged under seven classes, of which the third and fifth are called defectives and the other qniescents^ as, 1, When ii Pay (i. e. the first radical, see the note in Rule 64.) is an ^ Aleph, as 75^? Achal, he did eat. 2, When ^ Pay is a "^ Yood, as ^tL'^ Yashav, he did sit. 3, When ^ Pay is a ^ Noon, as *^il Nagash, he drew near. 4, When i^ Ayin (i. e. the second radical) is a 1 Way, as Cip Koom, he did arise, 5, When i^ Ayin is Geminatum, (i. e. the same as the third radical) as ^"20 Savav, he surrounded. 6, When / Lamed (i. e. the third radical) is an N Aleph, as ^^VP Matza, he found. 7, When 7 is a n Hay, as Hvil Gal ah, he re- vealed. To these however may be added the Verb H^H Hay ah, to be. The following rules will greatly assist in learn- ing the irregular Verbs. 1. Quiescent .St) Pay-Aleph, h::^ Achal. 73, The first radical ^^ Aleph, is generally omitted to prevent two alephs coming together, as ^2'^ for hD'm. Exception. ^Hi^, Trit^^ and ^5^^ are sometimes formed like "75?. 2. Quiescent ^'S Pay-Yood, 2'2}) Yashav. 74."^ Yood, the first radical is omitted after every one of the letters ""jliSDKn Heemanti, and its place is generally supplied by a long vowel, as 73^^^. The ^ Yood is also omitted in the imperative of Kal, as n^'; and in the infinitive of Kal, but has a Tav added, as r!3^% K 66 Excep. 1. ;/i:,nT,n5: and IP:, change > Yood into 1 Wav consonant in Hithpaail, as I^*^!li?n Excep. 2. These four :^^l^'2l ?i\ and ]?: retain the ^ Yood, as 2^C'n. Excep. 3. The loll owing Verbs in * ^ are more or less conjugated after the manner of ^^^2, as nV\ JV\ r\:\ ;:^\ n:^^ and ^p\ constantly; p^'\ "IV'' and'lD^generallv; I^r,Dn\ j^p'' andi::^^ only once, 3. Defective ^^ Pay-Noon, C^:? Nagash. 73. The ^ JNoon radical is dropped in the in- finitive and imperative of Kal ; also after any of the *'i^?'P^/*7 letters, the ^ Noon is omitted and compensated by a Dagesh in the second radical, except in the future of Niphal, in the whole of Piail, Pnal, and Hithpaail. 76. When the second radical is a Guttural, the Noon is not omitted ; and those whose second ra- dical is a T Wav, are conjugated after the ex- ample of D'lp. 77. The Verb IH^ hath in the second per. Pret. nnnj and nnr)^ in the infinitive ]Ty2 ]r\? r\2r) nn and 'Tl^, with the suffix ^j^^^ the imperative in -]n n;r\ ^:il, future ]r]^ ]m ^2m^ plural ]M riJ, inf. Niphal ih^n, future Hophal 1^)?.. 4. Quiescent Ti^ Ayin-Wav,* DIP Koom. 78. The Wav is omitted or quiescent in most parts of the verb, as will be seen by the Tables. 79. The grave Paradigms i. e. those characte- rized by a Dagesh, double the second radical, as n.pip, and in some Verbs both radicals, are doubled, as v3 75 from ^1^. 80. Those Verbs whose second radical is 1 Wav,or ^ Yood consonant, are regularly conjugated like"I?i^. 5. Defective;; Ayin-Geininatum, 220 Savav. 81 The second radical is frequently omitted, *To this Class, belong those Verbs whose second radical is ^ Yood. 67 and the omission compensated, either by a long vowel under the formatives ^mCiSiH^ or by a Dagesh iii the first or second radical when an addition is made to the root, see the Tallies. 82. The characteristic dagesh is usuall}^ omitted, and instead of it, the first radical takes i Cholem, as nniD for 220. 6. Quiescent ^^'^ Lamed- Aleph, ^^J^p Matza. 83. After the Example of .SVp, all Verbs whose third radical is Aleph, are conjugated with the following exceptions. Excep. 1. Sometimes Aleph is omitted, as "^r^Vr* Excep. 2. The infinitives often end in ^^^ as,f^^^^p. Excep. 3, The third per. sing. fern, often termi- nates in n instead of H, as i^^'^p^ for nKHfJ, Excep. 4. The Verb i^'^l sometimes in the par- ticiple passive changes ^^ into * as "^IJi-^ for ^^^j^5 7. Quiescent H'? Lamed-Hay, H?^ Galah. 84. The n Hay is frequently changed into ^ Yood or ri Tav, as will be seen by the Tables, Excep. the Verbs HH^, HJD^ H^JH, are regular. 85. In some Verbs the first and second radicals are doubled in the grave Paradigms, as P'^^Jll^. 86. The infinitives end generally in rn', as ^11*75, some with ii, as ri?^, and others in 1, as i"?-?. 87. In the Imperative of Piail and Hithpaail both the radical H and the characteristic Dagesh are often omitted. Also in the future the Hand Dagesh are omitted when prefixed by 1 Wav conversivum or the particle 4^?, SS. V/hen a Verb has ** Yood, or 2 Noon, for the first radical and H Hay, for the last, it has a twofold irregularity ; and is conjugated in the beginning like" 2'^'\ or ^^5? and at the end like r))-}. 68 89 III. Tabic. Tlie Preterite of all Verba PLURAL. 1. Com. 2. Fern. 2. Mas. 3. Com. li'^ig^* li:)i^ Dn'i?^^ 1 njp) in^sd Di?^3^ 1 ; IT i:i5^p m?^ C^^P- <^n '\2iio in^^P Dni^p ISP ^:^yD jri^^^b r:r}^m I^KD ^yh^ in^bl or^^bi ^V| ^:3^?n in\'>p D0'?6 ^^17 ^3nD^3 P^n^^? DiiiD^: I^^^P ^:im^ P^Vsi^j ^^rj^^^j ')'73^5 i:i^i:i i;nsi^i3 t)j?3^i:i 'in^^^l;} ^iiMj jnt^i: Di^^^.5 it:^^: i^iD^pj inimpj DniD^p;) ^Dip: imp2 ib^'iDJ Dniapi) ^sp; '):mm \r^mm Dii'^^D: ^^^^d: ir^j: '\^'i.^i ^r)'b'^) 'i^j? ing>^ IPT^ ::^^fi r-]fpb i^j^Dip li:?^^ip Drji^Dip iDrip msiD ]ra3lD Dri^jiD isilD i:^KD ]n"^^J3 br&?3 i^Kjg ir^^ ]n^^^ Dn^^^ ^^5 * The Root is p-it j:i open typo to distinguish it from the Personal prefixes, and aflix-^^, from the characteristic letters of the J'aradigms and from those which are irregular. 69 Regular and Irreffular in one View. SINGULAR. LCom. 2 . Fern. 1 2 . Mas. 3 . Keui. 3 . Mas, ^r^^D^ ^1^^ mpi "iS^ 1 .^ T 1 + + bm^ ^l!^ 72 ae^'j :i'^| > ^W?. r^^P. ^m nsR BR O ^ntip ni^p ni2D T - n|P ap -^ ^ii^Kp rm^p jn^yD n^yp Ma 'ii^yi n>hi 'O'^^l nn"-/! n^5 W w^n n'\n ^^?0 nn^n (i^n > ^?n^^^ i^lf^h) ni8^3 nns'?: ^D'?? ^r)bm ^i^m ^ta^.5 nfei?3 ^W- 1 H "^m-^l: m^ii m^ii nipi: n^H: k r^ ^ri^lj T^^'^A 'r}t:^5? r.'0? t^^i:? s ^r\iD^p3 n'mp: j^iD^p: nsipj gip: ^n^m: ni^pi ni^D: nao: 3p; mm \^^?^h j^1/5^ ril&^ n-m^ ^f^h bm HH st^*? > 4 m^ k ^r\f;j^)p rsn'^^p r)5ip nnQip DDip h^ ^m^w j^33lc^ Jh33iD naaiD MiD 5 ^nwfQ hmm n.^KD n^Ms t^;^'D 'a^*^.^^ ri'lj >^'^^ nr^j n^j + Paragogic letters are such as are added to the end of a word to make it fmphatlcal. t Those parts Avhich are omitted are logularly conjugated like ^P*? Lamad. ^^*^ is only used in Kal, and in a few instances in Niphal. 90 70 PLURAL. PRETF.RITR 1. Com. 2. Pem. j 2 Mas. 1 3. Com, ^rrJ?^ li?1?5^ ori^^^ '):f2J^^p IJnr^ip cj?r?sip ^^)Dlp m^ib jriSsiD crnniD ^sniD ^:mp !'r^:^9 tr ^;D 1^D ^2^^^ iO^'?^ to^V^ ^^.^ mrJ^n tmtjbn n^D^n ]?)%m ^rp'^m i^^?^.n i^s^in \miLnn Dr^^^in in^^in 'i:ti*^n irt^'^n c0nn ^t^^^n ir;j53^^n ]niD'^i?n DnlD'^pn iD^pn lilipn ]Ty'^p6 cniapn ispn ']:mf2n \rmfin Dr'^^^DH m^^Drr i:^^|n l^'.bf^ cn'^f"^ ^^^n mfAn i^;::&^c? cp^D^n ^tiD^.n lipj^n ir-^s^.n Dri^s^n ^^3^n m^in ir^^^^n t^mmn ^^m^n i:^|rT li?*^^^n Drit^|;-T ^mn ^ ir^Dpn D];?:D^j5in rdp"in i::i^pin ]ri?.pin Dnispin 'ispin v,m'^^ ]hm?^n Df?^^irDn I^^KDH irSjn ]n^h^n Dn^^^n "ih'^h i:ipbr^n mpbr^r\ Ci^''^.9^r^n n^f^r^n ']:j:JTpr\n ]r:w^'pr\n DJ?/::Dipnn irbipnn ^^Mirpn jre^ir-pn DTOSirip.n ,33inpn '\:mmn \mmr\n Dn^Ki^nn ^^'HDnn "i^'i^nn ]r\^D^nn Dn\9^ nn ^'f^nn 71 TENSE. SINGULAR. 1. Com. I mp*?n m^'^n r\"jD^n HT'D^n ^^D^n ''i^^3^n in/^^n r^3^n n^^s^n b^^:^r? < ^iyiit^'in rn^ln r>n:^ln ni^^in 2^2^in ^ w^ '^r\ii*^n "iit^^n 'ri^^in , n'^'^n ti^^^n "^riiapn iiib'^pn 0'i^^''Rn nh'pn S^RH -J hi- \nl^Dn nisDn Jni^pn nipn SP'J ^Jl^.^DH rii^^Dn fi^mn n^^y^n ^"^'iDH ^-3 ^ri\y^n n^'?jn T ; nn)jn n^'^n s "ri^^^n mD^n mpbn n'^pin "ip^n ^ 'i^fe^n ri^b^n phbin 1 . : T ^3^n < ^r^s^in m^'in r-p^in nn^^n st^in ill ^ric^in rie^^i-i 'r\mn Hc^^^n - "ri^ r)'opyi ri/3;jn HDpin Dpn o ^ni^pin ril:ipin nkpin nsDin np-^iH "^rm^^n n^mi mTi^n n^^isn mf^r\ ^n'i^h ri*^';/;! ' -n^'/^n nnV^n n)'2n \^^Wrin ^1?^rr3n n^p^i^n nn^^^rin 1 ( 'jnoDip nn n^jDiprin riDgipnn npDiprin DDipnn CI ^mninpn msinpn raninpn nsninon sati/non r<^ ^mmnn h'^t^pHH n^^L^fPnn n^^'Dnn i^^^pnn ^n^y^nri n-^'^^nn n^^^nn nnTlJin r\p^i?,n 91 72 IV, Table. TheFuTURE of all Verbs PLURAL. 3- Fei ii. I 3. Mas. [ 2. Fem. | '2. Mas. | 1. Com. nniD'?n hyb:r\ T ; T nr^:n nDT nn''D7;i nD7n n ^iD73 173 .^'' n:'/D^iin i^ii^n "^g^;] ini^^ n:nc^'n inc^n n^j i^-i^ nji^in "imn ^^^.? imp; n:D^pn ir^^pn D^p3 i^]p^ nrsDn i^iDn SPJ i^:^?3^ n^^^S'Dn mDn ^D^^ i^^l nr'^i^n i^^n m^2 I'^n^. T V I'^nn V^ nj.?;i: ns^^ nnD^n ^ I'lD^n ^D^;3 1^3^.1 nm^Pi i^3fn ^3^"3 isi^n'' nnmr) int^in S.^'12 wj|: n:u;ym r^^^m - t^oi: Dip: n:?9lpri iDipn Dip: 11^^ nnsri issri n^: mi*^^ T]:mm mmr) ^i>:^: 1^1? nr^^in ^b^n n^^: n:imh^ nD^: nji^s^n n?^?:^ i^h; n;?^ipr ir-^ip^ n:^^1pp v::J^ip:;i )h^^ nr^W i^jr^ :^'P3 n^^: 73 both Regular and Irregular in one View. SINGULAR 3. Fein. I 3. Mas. I 2. Fern. I 2. Ma. | 1. Com mm mp) mpn npi^ '=1D^'' nD^r^ pD^ri ^^i^ ^;5^n '^3?^ ^^3)$r\ ^3.4n 73^ \^ S'^'in 2^^':;? -st^in ^mn n^'lK ?^'j|n uf:^^ ^{e^^jin 5^^^|n ^^2K Bipn sip^ pip-n Sipn Qp^ ^m n^^. ^3Jl n^ri 3PK mm i$j^^ \^^i^n ^^K^n ^^J^^^ W^n nV^^ '^4^ n'^in ^t^^n iipb^ "^mbr) "i^^il^ m2^ HDipn tmip] ^K.f^^PD cpipn CDTpN The same as the preceding. ^3^DK Reofular. ^KDK n^]^) ni;\ 'vr\ n.^jifi n^jK ;+ PLURL. FUTURE n}'^isbr\ iis^"' ninsSn ^'i^)r\ laS: n:r;Dipri l^Dip^ n:p8ipfi ' The te^P? same as Regular, ex cept the (-) i changedj, into (.) but n^^^ri "iJ}] nr^j;i "^V^ rr^^? nn.^^n ^I'D^: n^'^b^n I^^D^n ^^it!^ mbs^i^ i^^sr. n:)3^ri "li'^m h'^m: npw^in i3^j^'"r np;^-in in^t^in T'^n: n:Mn w'?: np^i-^^n ^:t*^5n u;^p_ npj^pn ID^P^ n:ppn ^^^pn B?3 n:^api;^ ^W^ nT^DT) i^pn np? Regular except the second and third pers. fem. pi. nr.^^n W- nr^^n I'^^iii ri^^3 ^^3^n 73^.; nVs^^'in '\yd;v np^'^h 'int^in n^ii r]':m_r\ n::f|n ij^in ^'53 The same as Pay Yod in nrspi^ '\WV n^^om ispin npij n:^'K:"wn w^t:)' n:^mr\ wmn I^D; nr^'^? : T ^^fi?h 62r\ nb^^l m'lD^.nii n^^riT ; inr^'ir^r^ n^^jpr^ ^^ir\2 nj^pipnri ' i;::;pipn\n5;::Dipnn imipnii DSipri: npginpri m1r^D:n;3niri6ii isi^inpri 35"^^*^?? .-n:em7r^ r):mmn T V - : i^r^n^ nrjiori mr^n n^ir: 75 TENSE. SINGULAR. "^^^hipi "ifph] n^^i^ ^^hrr ^-4 < D^ipp D^ip*! ^PDipi^ D^ip];i wi^ 11 the preccdin g- nslD.^ i the second an d third pers. fern, pi have a () ^>:?3^ r\^m njr >y:!r^ ^V.^ n?.^^' ^^^in 'I'^f^h: ^yphn "^vb^ pvi^ "^^^m b^m: '^T'Dm b'^m Tm.^ 1 Tmn n^:^r ^p^t^in n^^in 3^t^i^^ < U/^^y) :^^ii: "^ii/^^r) ^^-3n t^^^^iS ^y.^ ^Tr VW D>pn ^T? -5]: ^^n ^Q\ '3Pi? son npK ;;;i. have -.and the succeding letter has no vowel- ^''i*^^i n^An n?^: ^br. "7'?^ ^W 1 1 .^^'"^^ "ij^hi ng^n "^^f^bn ^^h^ b.^n bi^\ ^^D^n "^m^r ' t:t 1 ^mr\ sien' ^jr-hn n;?^in ^tl^H mr\ t^*l."> ^^^2ir\ (^^^n W^^ this Paradigm. Dpi A npir^ nDl> '^3pi]l ^r^^.T) npiN* 5- itjTDn ^>pj ^^vDn mm ^pi^ r\bfr\ ^7?: ^y?^ ^7^^ ; T ^^br\r\ ^W7^\ ^'IwhnT) "i^^ipri ^^bi^^ ^ ^'^sbk'x D^ipnri DDipn-^.'^Dpipnri DDipnri Cpipi^^^; E n.jinpn n5inp^.^53iiipn sjlr^pn n3irlp^^^^ 1 mm^ S: rh^r^n rh^T}^, Mk^^ n^inri nViim ' 76 92 V. Tabic. The imperatives of all the Verbs 2* feni pJ.| 2. | 2. fern. s. 1 2. mas. s. n;^?^bn n^D^n ''T^^^ "iD^nl na^q^n ^h'mn ^h'^^n hmn n;5?i;in "iTmn "^Tmn yp'in < r\20^ri "luMn ^p^Dn r^n X 5' n^DRH ^f^W 'Q'pn ^t^ n;^3pn "i^on ^wn npn ^ r\:trd?^n I^^KD^I Wdf^n m'on nr^^n i^^n >i^n n^^n nj^jgSiin n?^^nn n^^jpn in npppipnn 'i;::pipr^n \^Dipr\.7 CDipnn The same as the preceding, except transposition. S3^nD^ 'TIS 03 r\:mf$r\n m^'onn '^r^Dnn i^KDnn P. r^^^^Tyn m^n ^nr^n njinn 93 VI. Table. The InfioitiTes* c fall the Verbs in one view. VIIHithpaail.|VIH ophal.lVHiphil. 1 IVPuail. | IllPiail. f llNiphal. 1 1 Kal. us^^Tsr^ Dpin B^pn DDip DDip eipn D^p ^Jinbn ^P^n Spn as the preceding ^gH ^"jp *The formation of the Gerund from the Infinitive, will be noticed in chap. 12. 77 Rejrtilar and Irresjular in one View. 2. F. Plnr. 2. M. Plnr. 1 2. F. Sing. 2.M. Sing:. 1 njT'Js"? nD^ ^^D^ n ^ nis^ rcbm ^^31^ ^D^ ^3i np^ ^n^ ^5^^ 2%' r\:m W| ^^1 ti*i n:m? ^531p ^mp D^p ^ nj^sp ^,SlD ^3lD 3ic > n;m6 ir^D %tD 5?^a nr'73 ^^ ^^5 n% nr^ri I'^n ^^D n^a nnD^n nD^n nD^^.l ^a|n nj^j^i ^^3^n ^^3^n 'JSKH ^ n:52^in ^^lL;h "^n^^^n ^ njDipn m^pn ^Dipn Dipn *-o ny^^n i^^n '^5i 35.-1 > n^mpn ^mJ^n m^rt r\y':?^n ^|n nh'an T nn^b nfs^ ^isb p>, y?M ^&i ^ ^ii ^^ n;;D?3ip IDf^^p csip Dsip The same as the preceding. aaiD nj^^D ^mf^ 'MKS mp ^ nr^.3 ^^ ^^1 nVi * The imperatives of Pual, and Hophal are not used. 78 94 VII. Table. The Benoni, or Present PLURAL, SINGULAR. Fern. Mas. Pem. Mas. ni'i^D^i? D^p;D^'!? r^'l^ho ^']i:pho ^'^b^ r^^hm^ D^TS^P r^imf^_ n^'^Q hmo nin^t^'b D'^S^^MD rn^^iD nn^c^iD rt?^io < DW^^D D-'t^''^^^ n^l9 n^^iiD ti'"^^;^ ? nijs'^pp D^D'j?.? HD^jpD D^^p;? 3- Mspp D^3pp n^p6 3pD ^>KDP ni^;D D^^^^n n>^;3 nVp nipD^^D D^pD^O ;^^D^9 nn?D^D pD^p r^l^i^b D^^Df^O V V : T > ' r : T C . T r\'\2'^^6 D^5^"i;i r^Tp'^D ramD ^mr2 < rii^*|n D^t^'in r\u;?n nmn ti'^n X MDp/iD D^DjflD HDpID Dp'i^ -5 ni^miiD D'^api;^ n^piD spi;:: 3" ni^KDp i::'mm nmm mr^D ni^^9 ti'biD nh'^6 m^6 ni^j^^n? Dn?5^np n^wr^D n^f^hrD pj?^np hmr^^ < n^^np p t^l^.^^l X ni;::Dipnp t:^;:^ipiip np??ipnpcpipnp ^| nsia*ipp ^Dr;:: p_ r^^hr\D D'^^li^D n|^^r?p niinD 19 Participles of all the Verbs in one view, PLURAL. SINGUL AR. Fern. Mas ! i [^em. Mas; ni^i^i^ D^^l^ niD^,^ or n^iJDi^ \ "iJ^i^ Regular except the i is ^ ivithout 1 ^3^ 1 S^)'' t:^^'^*j 1 * i^iD^ ^'^?r n^p SR p^ nisp D^5D n^p sp r- ni^iD L^^^^^ n^KiD ^K^D ni^i^ D^T^ n7i5 n'?-ii niin D^in n'in n;n ri^D^: D^D^P ri^D^j npD^j pD^: nibi^j D^^D^t: n^s^i ^3^J nise^^i: D^n^'1: rn^'i: nni^li n^'i: .^ n'luf^: c^tr^j r^ri^ rit^*'^? ^^_: 2 niDip: D^p^p: HDipp' Dip: rr rii^P? C^2PJ nsp':? noi SL nl^VDJ nw^hi: n^i*DJ mm niV^: L)'^:: HV^: nj^? n'i^f^ho D^n^^? ri^D^.p n^^^o 2ir!6 t--i t^'^.a? .^ rii,!:Dipp D^;:?3ipD n^?sip9 CDipp 5 The same as the precedin g line. nsiso I p^ ^D6 n'^ip D^^lO T - : niio ni^i^^p D^n^^p ^1.^^? n^^^p hmh ^w'lo l-H ni^"|:o D^^"5:p n^'53p n?^"^.:o ^^io *T/ niDpipo D^^is'^'p.q H/^ilpO tDipb Ty'2^^DJ? D^SnlD.p nnniDD n^lDp r^^mf^q ::'mp'? nmpb t-^pp nh'^b D^VO h^2D n^^b 80 95 VIII. The Participle Paool, of all the Verbs. 3. per. feni. | S. per m. pi. 1 3. per, fern. |3. per. m.siir ^ nimp D^p CHAP. X. Pronominal Affixes to the Verbs. 96 Affixes to Verbs are the parts of Pronouns joind to Verbs active only, to point out the patient, i. e. the person or thing acted upon, as *^TV^\ Lemadanf, he learned or taught me; but in the Infinitive it may signify the Agent or Patient, as l^^lp? Bekoro, when he cries ; i")/QiJ^7 Leshomero to keep Mm. The following are the Affixes used to verbs, and the next exmample will show the manner in which they are affixed. 97 IX. TABLE, pronominal Affixes to Verbs. s 1 1 a a i 1 ^3 ^^ ^3.. ^?..l ^:..( \ |iiie| 1 C. 1 S. ^1 I:, 1 ^\ 1 ^\ us 1 we| C. 1 V. 1 1 HD ;=!... \ ^Jtheethou M. s. 1 \ O. 1 1.. thee thou F. 1 s. s. 1 1 Dp, you| ye III i3, you ye | F. lim 1 he | M. p.. s. 1 1 pn. n in |n|...j 1 ,i r 1 1 |n3... a.| ^. her 1 she | F. IS. V3 1 1 0-1 0. 0..|them|thev| JVl. p. 1 1. I U| 1.. " .hem 1 they F. p. 81 -3v iV iDh nio^ niD^ rnD*? -g: hd^ loniDy ss 5 2 Oh 1^ I 1~" ^^ j^- -r- J3-13- j:i U rr- r- r c c. m i^M fl o .fl- o ffr 1 U^... j^.. n- 11' r- r 5 c;^ 1)1 ^ c; c ^: n j::^^ ::. I- J- r be s M Q Q^ #r- tr- ie o r r in- ijr- 82 1^10^ CO ^ be . 0^ a eft Q CI- I- r Q'Q' r r C *" '"^ r r- ?i CD irr- 13 u a F in : 3C: 3C: 13- 13^ 1-^ jr.. bD J bi) c ^ c r Q i3 S^ 13-: Q -< u (A J^J^. Q Q r r bo in o a u:- T3 OJ O V u P^ r T 0%' (r% go O eft a S Cft S 83 iuaSy S3XWV no'?! hd^I'q' c^ Ph cri Ph r HI rr Til in: o IP o ill ^ o<^- ffZ* O 'r. J*-J^, "23 2?' ^ fl- UI TDi^ c/i Ph mDi'? cri Pi o r J- j^- o Q J- o r- jP5 p:S Pi 5 2^ 2 2 a Q. S 5. o : P: 1 5 2 BB r=C i-r- S^jl- *=S B^iil- j%j^ -r-j^ ^>~ *-' # Q.a QO- i~:r f- T- o- in- ^F^ - a?- M D^nn^, ninci'? a: ^ r r r r V^ V K r sfT n> iO J^ J^ # l^, r r . r . jpr 'n- cri 1^ r 'r~ r r- r x; a r r E & c c < o a, 0- >^^ o < n-n;::'/ C/} Pm D^-n;::^ xsi ^ Fr FR FF ^^ ^n. c,C, jS-fc. o o r r IT" tH: O FF FT- n r F CI Q 9^ ^".y F F p r r C o F.F C:i; F-F*^ nlTD^ c/: CU r- r FF c r #- J^-iJ^.. P u *r- rr- r r r 1:;^= r o -T. r-.. F F F- n. . j^ j^ . o u F r r t^ r:? 85 CHAP. XL n'hD MILLOTH PARTICLES. 99. Under the word participles is comprehended : L Adverbs, words joined to verbs or adjectives, explanatory of some circumstance or quality* 2. Prepositions, expressing the relations of nouns to verbs, with respect eitlier to situation, time, or cause of motion or re^^t. 3. Conjunctions, joining words or sentences together. 4. Interjections, expressing a sudden emotion of the mind, whether of joy, grief, or passion. Note. That the student may with greater facility refer to any of the particles, they are here mixed and arranged Alphabetically. 738 Aval, nevertheless, but, yet. Conj. nns Ahah! woe! oh! ah! alas! Int. i^ O, either. Adv. "^i^^ Oy ! woe! to ! fye! Int. iTii^ Oyah! woe! oh! ah! alas! Int. ^^^^ Ooly, perad venture. Adv. D^li^ Oolam, verily, truly. Adv; u7^^ Oolam, nevertheless, notwithstand- ing. Conj. ^>i A^' J then, at that time. Adv. HK Och, woe! oh! ah! alas! Int* ^inx Achor, back, behind. Adv. 86 JT^STinS Achorannith, backward. Adv. ;2!! ^'^^7' I O that ! I wish ! Int. ^!?r!8 Achalay, $ nm Achar, ^ ^f ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^j^^ "^10^ Acharay, S ]5"nqK Acharay chain, after that, after that time. Adv. nnS ISay, ^ ^^^^'' ^^''^''^- ^'^P- nrii^ Achath, one. Adv. tOK At, slowly. Adv. m Ayyay,S where? at what place ? Adv. 'K Ay! woe to ! fye ! Int. T^ Aich, how. Adv. nj^'K Aichah, how, in what manner, also, as. Adv. ^y^ Aichoh, how. Adv. n5p\Nt Aichachah, how, in what manner, alas, as. Adv. r^ Ain ^ ^ .. V AyinS "^' ^^^- ^^^ niD^X Aiphoh, where ? Adv. ^7^ Ach, only, at least, but. Adv. 5I^^ Ach, but, except. Adv. ^J? Ach, but, but yet. Conj. ISiSt Achain, truly, verily. Adv. h Al,not. Adv. *7 El, to, for, against, in behalf. Prep. 13J/"^? El aiver, beyond, over, against, on the other side. Pi^ep. "ht^ Illoo, perhaps. P^'^P^ ^hk Elay, towards, against, unto. Prep. 87 v?^ AUely, woe is me. Int. DK Im, if, whether. Adv. ^^^ Im, if. Conj. N7 DJ^ Im lo, if not, unless. Adv. Conj, 19^ Amain, so be it. Int. DJP^ Gmnam, verily, truly. Adv. T)f2^ Emeth, truly, indeed, verily. Adv. ]^ On, where* Adv. ^^^ Ana, I pray, beseech, entreat. Int. n^^ Anah, where. Adv. ^S Aph. also. Conj. ^?"^^ Aph ki, much more, much less. Adv. /^^? Aitzel, near, beside. Prep. ")J^8 Asher, that because, since. Prep. ^iWX Ethmol, yesterday. Adv. 77^3 Biglal, because of, for the sake of. Prep. ^3 Beday, in,near by, by reason of. Prep. ''^ Bi, Ipray, beseech, intreat. Int' 1''3 Bain, between. Prep. n^3 Bayith, inside, within. Adv. ^^^3 Baith, inside, within. Adv. n03 Becho as, in like manner. Adv. ]33 Bechain, after such manner. Adv- 133 Bechain,then, not, befre,hereupon. Adv. 73 Bal, no, not. Adv. K^3 Belo, without. Prep. ^^3 Beli, not, without. Adv. ^hs Beli, without. Prep. ^iy.^3 Bilatai, excepting, beside,saving. Adv, *'lS/3 Bilatai excepting, besides, saving. Prep, '^^73 Bilti, not, besides, unless, excepting. Adv. ''^^B Bilti, without. Prep. 'T'Sy.^ Bavoor, because of; for the sake of. Prep. 88 *lim/3 Baavoor, because, for that Conj. Dil Gai^i, aiso. Conj, '^$ Dil Gam ki, although, even, Conj. Nr? Hay, here ! behold ! Int. n^K) Heach, ha ! ha! oh ! Int. ^^ij Haim, whether, truly. Adv. niin Havah, come on! go to! well! prepare! Int. ^2n HavoQ, come on ! go tot well! prepare! Int. rin Hah, woe! ah! as! Int. ^'in Hoy, woe to! fve! Int. ''in 'in Hoy hoy, ho ! hark ye \ Int. Di^n Hyyom^, to day, this day, at this time. Adv. TH Haich, how. Adv. n)|^7n Holah,beyond,on the further side. Adv. Di'?'! Halom, hither. Adv. 10 Hain, lo, behold, observe. Int. njin Hainah, hither, here, Adv. ^l^ Hinnaih, O ! behold ! observe! Int. n.37in Harbaih, much, many. Adv. K*?! Welu, although. Conj. nn^ Yachad, together, i. e. united together. Adv . vyn) Yachdav, together. Adv. ^^^2 Caasher, as soon as. Adv. n?? Kevar, long ago, formerly. Adv; riS Coh, so, even so, as. Adv. "^^ Ki, although, because for that Conj. m '? Ki im, but if. Adv. DJjt-^? Ki im, hut. Conj. n55 Cacha, so, even so, as. Adv. i^? Kemo as, in like manner. Adv; p"iD5 Kemo chain, as in like manner. Adv. IS Cain, so, thus. Adv. J^7 Lo, no, not. Adv. (3*^7 Ld chain, not so. ^^^'j. ^37 Levad, only, excepting. Adv. *)/ Loo, perhaps. Adv. ^/ Loo, perhaps, if. Conj, V Loo, pray! beseech! intreatt Int. 'l^ Loo, O that! I wish! Int. ^"^^ Loo, O that ! I wish ! Int. ^iV Loolay, not, unless, but, that. Conj\ ]37 Lachaym, therefore. Conj, n^7 Lammah, why, wherefore, / dv. IJ^Q'? Lemaan, because of, for the sake of. Prep. ]}?0{ Lemaan, because, for that. Conj ^2?n Livnay, before. Prep, D*^;^? Levanim, before, formerly. Adv. *7iiSp Meod, very much, greatly, earnestly. Adv. V:^D Maiayin, from whence. Adv. J^IZP Mivbayith, from inside. Adv. n^'SP Mivbaith, from inside. Adv. '^'^^P Mivbeli, without me. Prep. J^l^nP Maddooa, why ? wherefore ? Adv "^1.0 Midday, thenceforth, thereupon. Prep. ")np Mahair, hastily, quickly, swiftly. Adv. mnp Mehaira, hastily, quickly, swiftly. Adv, vID Mool, against, over against. Prep. Y^r\D Michootz, from without. Adv. "inp Machar, to-morrow. Adv. mnp Mochorath^to-morrow. Adv. jn-'^P Miyithtain, O that! I wish! Adv. ncpp Mattah, bottom, below, Adv *T3'?P Millevad, excepting, beside? saving. Prep- n^P^P Milmattah, from below. Adv. Dbpjj]^ Milmaalah, from above- Adv. r\PJ/7P Milummath, nigh by? near to? towards, over against. Prep, N 90 D'5p7P Mil phanim, heretofore, formerly. Adv. *l^f^D Mimmool, against^ over against. Prep. n;nn^P Mimmochorath? on the morrow. Adv. 15 Min> from, out of. Prep. ^^^ Minni, by, from, of. Prep. *1.31^D Maiaiver, on the side, over against. Prep. bj/p Meat, less, a little. Adv.' tD;:'5ii:j;p Meat meat? by little and little, by degrees. Adv. hp,?2 Maal, above. Adv. T\hs:p Maalahj above. Adv. li^D Miphpoh, from hence. Adv 1^5 Miphpojfrom here. Adv- *^i9p Miphpenay?because of,forthe sake of. Prep. t3*T[)^.P Mikkedem^ in time past? a good while ago, anciently. Adr. l^l^D Mishsham, from thence. Adv. "II/? Mathy, when. Adv. i^3 Na, I pray! beseech! intreatl Int. *r^5 Neged, before, opposite. Prep. njj Nochach^ against, opposite. Prep. nVJ Netzach, eternal, for ever. Adv. D^lp Saviv, round about. Prep. "i;ij/ Aiver, over, past, beside. Prep. n^l?^ Ivrith, a Hebrew woman. Adv. Ij} Ad, unto? up t05 even to. Prep* t^-rj. Ad im, until. Adv. W^}? Ad on, till? when. Adv. i^yi"^^ Ad haina? thus far, to this time. Adv. V'^i Ad ki, until that. Adv. ]2'lj? Ad kain, thus far, to this time. Prep, np'li; Ad mah, how long. Adv. ^r?^'"^i^ Ad mathi, howlong. Adv. *^*Ti5 Aday, unto? up to, even to. Prep. *iy/ Od; as yet? hitherto. Adv. SMi^ 01am, always, for a continuance, perpetually. Adr, vj;/ A], over head, above, upon, near. Prep, l^JJ'lJl Al aiver,on the side, over against. Prep, *'!7if Alay, over head, above, upon, near. P.ep. I5"7j/ Al kain, therefore. Conj. Dj/ Iniv with, together, in conjunction wiht. Prep. n^pj; Immadi, with, together. Prep. r^PJ^ Ummath^ nighby^ near to^towards^ over against. Prep, Hi^i^ Athtah, at present. Adv. ^BK Aikev, because, for that. Conj. ns^ Poh, here. Adv^ is Po,here. Adv, . ]p Pen, least. Adv, D''32i Panim^ before, heretofore, formerly. Adv. Di^i]^? Pithom^ suddenly, unlocked for, on a sudden. Adv. Dlj^. Kedem^ in time past, a good while ago. Adv. 1") Rav, much^ many. Adv. V^l. Rega, momentary^ in an instant, sud- denly. Adv. Cj^'^l Raikam, emptily, foolishly. Adv. ^T^ Shov^ vainly, in vain. Ady. n^p-^^/^^ Schelishith, third. Ady. D1::'7^ Shilshom, the day before yesterday. Adv. b:^ Shorn, there, thither. Adv. n^^ Shammah, there. Adv. P^^^.^* Shainith, second. Adv. rinn Tachath, under, underneath, in- stead of. Adv. h^if^T) Temol, yesterday. Adv. TPJ^ Tamid, always, continually. Ady, 9S 100, Fi'cm the preceding PartVles, the following have Pronominal affixes. 1 ]\^?iot, PERS. SING. PLURAL. 1 Com. '^^^^^^ not L ^23\S "ot us. CMas. Tj3\St not thou. iF'm. '^i^^^ not thou. D^r^? not ye. ]5r^ not ye. CMas. 12^1^ not he. CT^ not them, ^ iFem. nji\S not she. ]J*'^? not them, 2 iD5 like us.^ 1 Com, *:1^3 like me. 'lilDS like us. T T CMas. TjiiO^ like ^ for ]n^% 8, It is also add- 94 ed to nouns, with or without a maphpik, (R. 22.) 9, It is prefixed to verbs as a performant in the in- finitive of Niphal, and as a characteristic in Hiphil, Hophal, and Hithpaall, 10. Lastly, it is suffixed to the preterite in the third pers. sing. fein. 105.1 Wav, is used U as an Heemantiv to form nouns; 2, It is prefixed to nouns and verbs as aeon- junction copulative, disjunctive adversative, casual or conversivC:, (the latter see explained in the syntax.) 3? It is suffixed as an inseparable pronoun to nouns (R. 53.) and to verbs. (Table 3. 106. *^ Yood, is used, 1, as one of the Heeman- tivs, 2, it is affixed to nouns as the first person common of the possessive pronoun sing, and pi. (see page 44) 3, it is used to form the ordinal numerals from the cardinals, as t^/^ three, from ^^wV the third : 4, to form a national noun, as "^"IVP an Egyptian : 5, to denote the sing, and pi. regimen, (R.47.) 6. it is used in the verb as a prefix to de- note the third person mas. in the future, and suf- fixed to denote the second person, fem. future and imperative : 7, it is also used as a pronominal afliix, as '^ilRS he visited me. 107. ^ Caph, is prefixed, 1, to nouns and pronouns to form a comparison, as V"j95 T -? Thou art like Pharaoh : 2, to form the Gerund, as HlD?? when learning,3. it is suflGxed to nouns and verbs to denote the second person sing, and pi. mas. and fem, (sec page 44. and R. 97.) 108. 7 Lamed, is prefixed, 1, to nouns to point out the cases (Rv 46.) 2, to the infinitive to form the Gerund. 95 109. ^ Mem, is one of the heemantiv letters to fonn nouns. It is prefixed to nouns, 1, to denote the ablative case, (R. 46. 53.) 2, to make the com- parative, (R. 5 1 .) To verbs it is prefixed to denote the participle Piail, Pual, Hiphil, Hophal and Hith- paail, and to the infinitive to form the Gerund. It is suffixed to nouns to form the pi. mas. and the dual com. (R. 44. 45.) and also to form adverbs, as from ]^^ is formed ^^^^ truly, and as the second and third pers. pron. pi, mas. (page 44.) to pronouns to denote the second and third pers. pi. mas. (R. 52. 53.) and to verbs to denote the second pers. pi. mas. preterite. 110. 3 Noon, is likewise used as an heemantiv letter. It is prefixed to verbs to denote the first pers. future pi. and also as the characteristic of Niphal. It is affixed to nouns to denote the second and third pers. pron. pi. fem (page 44.) to nouns and verbs before the pronominal 'l affix to the first pers. pi. (page 44. and R. 65) It is suffixed to verbs to denote the second pers. pi. fem. pre- terite, the second pers. fem. imperative, the second and third pers. pi. fem. future, also as a pronomi- nal affix to the verb, as ^'H?'? teach me. It is used to form the second and third pers. pronoun fem. (R. 52.) 111. ii^ Sheen, is prefixed instead of the pronoun y^^, and signifies who, or which, 112. n Tav, is used as an heemantiv letter. When suffixed to nouns it denotes,!, the fem. gend, 2, it makes the reg^ fem^ 3, it forms the fem, pi. 96 (R, 45, 47, 2.) To Verbs it is prefixed in the fu- ture to denote the second pers. mas- and fem, sin. and pL and the third pers. sing- and pi. fem. and as the characteristic of Hithpaail- And it is suf- fixed in the preterite to denote the second pers. sing, and pi. mas. and fern- CHAP. XIII. RULES for finding out the root of everyword. 113. If after the rejection of the serviles (R.lOl.) if there be any, there should remain four letters, which will rarely be the case, these are the radicals, as nn^^7il1 and desolate. 114. If three letters remain they are the radicals, as ^315^,^ I will remember thee, ^^ is the sign of the first pers. sing, future, I will ; the second 2 is the pronominal aflfix second pers, sing. fem. thee; and the "^ is a paragogic letter ; the remaining letters "1^^ are the radicals. 115. Should there be only two letters remaining, 1, If the first hathadagesh prefix either a 3 noon, as ^i from the root J^J} or a '^ Yood, as 1^ from the root ^t'?; and in one instance prefix a *? Lamed, as Hj^ from Hj??. 2. If the second hath a dagesh double the dageshed letter, as ^3& from ^30, in some in- stances insert a T Wav between the two radicals, as 'r]^V^ from co;n. 3. If neither of tho letters has a dagesh insert 97 a % as ipPj? from Dip or add a H, as v^P from T T 116. If one radical letter only remains, prefix a ^ Noon or "^ Yood and add a H Hay, as &i from HDJ; m^m from HT. Note Some exceptions might be added to the above Rules, but these, and all other difficulties respecting the roots, the student will be master of before he has examined many chapters in the Bible. CHAP. XIV, Changes of Letters and Points. 117. The letters Ehevi, those of the same or- gan &c. frequently change with each other (R. 11, 12, 45.) 118. To prevent the increase of syllables, when the word increases in letters, the long vowels are generally changed into short one's. The occasion on which words increase in letters are H^P? Ne- kaivah, or Gendsr ; ^^135 Kinnooy, or Affixes; "^^^1 Rivbooy, or Numbers ; mj^'DP Semichooth or Regi- men. 119. n^p? Nekaivah or Gender. When the fem. Gender is formed from the mas. the (^) is generally changed into (), as H^iTil Ge- dolah from vii^, except nouns of one syllable, as n^*l from J'n. 2, When the last vowel is ( ) and not preceded by (t) it is dianged into (), as Hnil/ from l?i/; but 155 makes ni55, and when the word in- creases with n the () is changed into ( ), as T\nm from im. o 98 3^ When the vowels are two Scgols, the first changes to (-) or ( ) and the second to (), as nfe'?^ or nii^:?? from i^:?^.. 120.'^i::i") Rivbooy, or Number. In forming the plural, !, the first vowel () (..) or () is changed into ( ), as C'^"13*^from ")?'^, D^rP from "15P5 ^^3^9 ^^^"^ ^v^? but to compensate for an omitted dagesh the (-) remains asD^^nn from T T* 2, If the first vowel be (i) and followed by ( ) it is changed to ( ), as D'^V^p from f Pp ; D''^;;^ from vi?^ ; but if the first letter be a guttural, it has a (-), as ^'^^n from t^nh. 3, if the first vowel be () and followed by () the (-) is changed to () and the () into (t) or both are contracted into one ( ), as D^lI/^Pi from t^!^ ; 2T1 from nn. 4, If the latter be ( ) and not preceded by (t) it is changed into (0, as S^Dpi::^ from W^^. 5, If the latter vowel be ( ) and succeeded by a quiescent n, the H is dropt and the ( ) chang- ed into ( ), as Q'^i from H^^. Note Feminine nouns do not often change their points, but when they do, it is generally ac- cording to the forgoing rules, 121. IIID^pp Semichoth, or Regimen* 1^ The first (t) both in mas. and fem, sing, and pi. is changed to () and the other (t), if not followed by a quiescent ^, is changed into (-), as -)3*? for in-l. 2, In the pi. mas. and fem. ( ) is changed to and the preceding () to (), as ^^Jp? for D'^pt ; i^i")!-^ for ni")7^. 99 3, If the last be (.) and followed by n quies- cent, it is changed into (), as HJPP for njpD and in pi, if there be two (.) the first is changed to (-) or ( ) and the second to (), as O'^P for "^^D, and if the word hath (.) and ( ) the ( .) is chang- ed into ( .), as ''159 for "1?P, except gutturals which change the ( ) into ( ) and the (.) into (.), as ^^c^j;; for 21^;}:. 4, Those words which have (.) and (-) contract both into (), as ri''3 for ri;3. 5, Words of one syllable with (^) seldom change^ but when they do, it is to (-), as 2^ for 2^. If the w^ord be followed by inakkaph, (i) is chang- ed to Kametz chataph and ( ) to ( ), as '7p for i2 ; -]? for 13. 122. *^133 Kinnoy, or affixes to nouns. 1, Two (t) change like 131, see page 44. 2, () and (^ change (r) into (.), as V3pr for Ipt. 3, ( ) and (-) generally change {) into (i), as ^riio from nyp. 4, Those pointed with (i) or (.) and (j) change the (t) into (), as HU? from 103; rm from 5, (-) and (. ) change the latter into (:), as "^^y? from 337. 6, Two (v) or ( ) and () change the first ( ) or (..) in the sing, into ( ) and the second into (=), as 13P5 from. ip.J, but in the pi. they are changed like two (^), see "l?"! page 44. 7, ( ^j and (i; change (^J into (), as Vp:]'^ from p3i\ 8, () and (i) change (i) to Kametz chataph, and the (; to (;), as ^^IH from ^ip. 9, (.) and (-) contract both to one f ), as^i^^3 from n:3. 100 CHAP. XV. NUMERALS. 123. Numbers are expressed by distinct words as well as by letters,(R. 5 ) and are either Cardinals or Ordinals. Cardinals. Ordinals. Fern. Mas, Fern Mas, n^i^^i^l }iL N1 First. rin.s ir^ Ohe. ''^^W I^J^ Second. Dif^::^ t^ili; Two. r^^w^^^} ^VJ^bW 'Third. T n^f'^'ji^ Three. nV'3i 1^^3-| Fourtb. VTi^ n/|ln^^ F"'"-* n^tt^^nd ^u}^i2r\ Fif^h. wiin n^^n F'^'^- tvu^*^ *iJi;^ Sixth. U;i} nti*:^ Six. T rs'v:^^ ^V^l^ Seventh, y:^^ njL?3ti^ Seven. r^r^?^ ^r^ci^ Eighth. njbt:^ njb:^^ Eight. r^^i^:wT\ ^i^.^V^ Ninth. hb njJci'n Nine. TT'TWll, n>i^i; Tenth. nnm 124. From Ten upwards, there is no difference between the Ordinals and Cardinals, mptf}'\ c^ib::^ Eighty-eight. i/C^hl D^^C^ri Nnty-nine- ,-]j^;^ One hundred. D"^riKD Two hundred. JliS5 ti^'?^ Three hundred. 5^7^ One thousand. D^^'/NTwothoHS. V^^b^ rj^"?:^ Three thous. Eleven. Twelve. Tepthous, i^lSl 13-1, D^ J"' 13*1 Twenty thous. r^X J5^Ji^'7ti; Thirty thous. n"l^^ {^Vji^ Thirteen. O^i^:^'"^ D"^*1vi^*i' Twenty-two. W^li*) D'*I^''?t^Thirty.threc. V^ni] D^i/'niNForty.four. t^pm L'^j^;::!! Fifty.five. t^lf}) QlJi^i^ Sixty-six. y2l^\ b'i/^^^Seventy.scvcn. 101 CHAP. XVI. SYNTAX, OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WQRI)?'.T?^: S'ENTENCES, 125. The article n prefixed tea noun is also prefixed to the adjective or pronoun belonging to the same noun, as P'^ni!?;^^ njn H\5n, 126. This article is omitted, 1, in those nouns which are prefixed by 3, ^, or ^7, and the prefix takes its point, and the succeeding letter receives a dagesh forte, as IJl^? instead of ")57;5n3. 2, In the noun regimen, and prefixed to the second noun, as "1N^^ ri9c^\ 127. When two nouns are used in apposition i. e. to signify the same thing, they generally agree in gender, number, and case, except nouns of dignity, as ^'^^ll "TH T2 by the hand of my servant David ; iw) DH^yi^'?, 128. If the first noun be prefixed by a prepo- sition or prefix, the second noun has the same, as 129. When two things are compared with each other the 2 comparison is prefixed to the second as well as to the first noun, as ^^Ji/S ^'^i^?. 130. Adjectives, pronouns, and participles are placed immediately after the noun, and generally agree with it in gender, number and case, (R. 49, 50.) But nouns of the common gender have adjectives of both genders, as p|ni H'lM^ nil and 1C2 a collective noun singular may have a plural ad- jective, as DO/inri C|/ a people walking. 131. -4 ^iS*:^^j active joined to a sTibstantive .plural, often sign^Lfies distributively, as ^"'02);^*? TJ;}^ thy judgments (Heb. is) are right, i, e. every one of them. 132. Numeral nouns, from 1. to 10. inclusive, are pU though the adjective be siiig, all the other numeral adjectives are pi. and the substantive sing, as C^^ ^!?^ five years; H:^ S^i^pn fifty years. 133. In numbers from 3. to 10. inclusive, a mas. noun takes a fem. numeral, and afem. noun lakes a mas. numeral, as D^^^ *^*^W three sons ; r\ii;i t:>i V three daughters. 134. An adj. belonging to a noun in regimen generally agrees with the second noun, and is not put in "ipn ^^^ 19?^n nnVV Dn^^ Hi.T ^Tp?. 135. The place of an Adjective is sometimes supplied by a noun, prefixed by the preposition ^, h or./^, as h:2t:^y}:v a wise counsellor; "ll/^tO n'Tin'7, a Psalm of praise ; ")i^!P ^^1^^ a lion from the forest, i. e. a wild lion. 136. The inseparable pronoun is suflTixed to the adjective instead of the noun, as ^^^"[ij "TlK thy holy City, instead of ^TI^. 137. A verb agrees with the nominativie case in gender, number, and person. But sometimes a mas. verb is joined with a noun fem. to express ex- cellence and dignity, as Hni^jn (Till; and vice versa, to denote something base and mean, as n2;/ii*1 \T}^Wil^. 103 158. A pi. verb to a sing, nominative case of vice versa, signifies distributively, as "irjn^^^ li^??^ sweet are thy word^ i. e. every one of thy words; iD";ri! ^^V their eye swelleth^ i. e, every eye. 139. An Infinitive before a verb signifies the certainty of the verb, as 7?K]1 vbtj thou mayest freely eat ; but after a verb it signifies continuance^ as COiSi^ ^^^Ti and be will always be a judge. Note Many rules might have been added to this chapter, but having, for the present, studiously avoided all matters, not absolutely necessary in an Elementary book, and more likely to perplex than to assist the student in his pursuit of the knowledge of the rudiments, I shall refer him to Granville Sharp's ^' Tracts on the syntax and pronunciation of the Hebrew tongue"* from which 1 have borrowed the following Rules: 140. ^ Wav, prefixed to future tenses changes them to perfect tenses ; and when prefixed to verbs in the perfect tense it regularly changes them to the future tense. 141. When") is prefixed to a verb, which imme- diately follows another verb, of the same tense, without a prefixed '', and in the same sentence, the V in that case is merely conjunctive, &c. * Although I must differ from the pious and very learned Author with regard to the points, y^t I cannot but cheerfully embrace this " opportunity, of gratefully acknowledging the pleasure and informatioB I have received, from the perusal of the aboTe mentioned tracts^ s* well as from his publications in general. 104 142. A prefixed '^ does not affect or change any verb or verbs in the future tense which follow an imperative mood in the same sentence. But to perfect tenses the prefixed 1 is conversive without hindrance from a preceding imperative. 143. After an interrogation, either of the em- phatical H or of the interrogatory relatives ^^ or HD, the prefixed 1 does not influence any verb or verbs of the future or present tense ; but in perfect tenses the 1 is regularly conversive, and is not influenced by a preceding interrogation. 144. If a future tense put for a preter perfect tense (which must be by having a prefixed 1) pre- cedes a preter tense (having also a prefixed 1) the latter is merely copulative. FINIS. Ouakjnau, Printer, Lundou. no 44 PSALMI 148. 149. 150. Jp J^Dp f-ff^p vjv T T V -I" : T : - I VAT T I . 't :v ; . CO . f iT T J ' : V V AT * : T : ;t - 1- i*- t-; t : : ar^iK'a ; D^;:::^! n-'?j; iiin i-nn^ id::^ 3*5irr^2 nin^'Dti^ "IT T : I vjv "- A- ; J : jT : I- T : jT : jv r I : " : : > ; : at;* tD-^jDn ^r^jp? : n^i:^^? ^W-. "^^^^T^ ^'?^-? n "*r* J ^. - T JT ;, J "^a- ITT : J ! vi^v ; at ; a^i^ts QiTS'^P lbs**./' ; cy!2i<)2 ninain s omnes ad t 1 * t } t ^ 1 iSVs''';/;::2^"T^7V3 im77n :35;;t d'^?p5 im'77n ^^nni n"3 excitantur. . . . . . . f *^ n'"^ '-?7nn ni^s^^n id : n;;nn '7^7y3 ')m7'7n o ^-^ T J" ; T T : -\ J 'it ; i" ; : ^ ; . - . t + Sumraa nm * ^T^"!1S^'-t '"^ Jiorum est " 130D1 HySm Dntt^yl nV*3::^;::i vpn 3pr^ nan t-ss: : D^i^-^Vr iriin at^^ '"^P ^'"^-"^ r -t . ' ;t \ 'i -:|- : jT T ; J- ~ -it ; J ~ T : ^ y T ; T : I t > r i r* t . : "*^v,D -JO nin^'niS* i^^ni.T ^'p'pn nop : n'>-i^Sn psalmls Y-^-^^.-j ' T .V . J : - T : ;- ,t : i- CXLMll. rPD '2 ra^^SD-'73 imVSn : czj^Dinsa im^^n D^6?j^n -cTuras, n3n3 "' -^ - ' ^ : - ' . - - -a- Y - sum.nus, >p T : - ~A--T: vjv '\. IT T ; T : - mines, ad ' f J . < ; ; preedican- '^" < ~: " * ; 'At T - J-' : : ~v 1 . v iauclcs, ._ . . ; ; exhorttttur. n ; ^^^na:31 mv i^'n "^2 niiT Dc^^'ni^ i^7.t : D^cti*n T : . jT > S /.T J X* V -A - : 'IT T i& 43 PSALMI 144. 145. 146. "If^jp H^p l^p ^P"''' "'= " nop : r.ri'jji wrvp tipn nt^'s i^ n?|i^ jam.sese ' t s : : a : jt . : jt . -^t i. ^ Ei'S-nri^i. : nn%s ^^nk'^D: n.3-n^ ^iln nu? tlH n_<;^^., n..-!-: rs'j^p-V?-'?;; rami '?3'2 ni,T-3ii? : T?n ''"I'l^V -' " ni3? : npiDnn^ TtPOht'iF^^ "t'T.1''l^'"' " D-T^'n :3?b li'lin'? : n^T^nnpji i^p) ^irii^"??; '^ -'7:3niD'7P^ni3^D :in'i3'?P n^q ^i^pi rnni35 ' T6nfr3n"n-'7:?3nini,pnv : p>n^n-'73>p?ii'Pi " 3riD-)s-p3 Dun33inB3n-'7X P7i;/3 ^I'^s'? nnprn ^ ',;% -7]/ in^ii' iT?;/3 3)5^:. Vxti; n^i^i?: i^^^^fl' ".^.^Jyi:;/ mn^ pro bo- urn persa lionom fHas;itaa lis. 143. 144. n^p 2np uhnn ;l ; IT .. v;iv AT -: 1- V T ; :i- t : "^ - : t - I jt t injprobo- riu^/wj -I- - I jvr v.-''^:r : 1i:-'^3 "^S.^ ^? nn^ ^'^jJnin ^iinon '?T3i*^3V'3i : At jl -; I ;t V: ^t - i* Iv : j '-:- " '-^ \'-^/' II I Tjnj7;jV5 ^r^D^T^ n^'^? !I?^1^'3^ '^i^'^P H?-? '^''"*^^''^ T : - -;i' ;\, -IT : ; " ' : : - : r : - jt t v- r ? > . CO CXLIV, flpD . . ' verat: ejus- ^* Ti- - T TV. t t : it : - J - <. IT A- T J acpiovi- ,.(?/ c dontite, & 4 : -i;ji;; '7X| ^^!?; no? '73n'7 onx : in3Jj>n:;ii i*i3:i3 ;X'^i;r um, coia- 6 n p"i3 pin? : '):^;;;;i^ 2Dnn3;;5 inni ^^p^'a.r? npi """'"' J- ; y t I vt ;- ; i- \ : I v * >" ; a-^ ^ ; 8 ^^iii^-i3^ DH'r? ^^0: np5 ;;;!b td d\?-i Dpp ^-?^^^ni ^:3 ^'^a 12 1 ^ri2 -i:i^^ : ip^ r^'J Qj /::n is'*ic^""):i'^ d.tsi i::^k t lj- - I VlT J. "^ : T /- t : * 'av : J ' "V 'a' f ; v ~ : rum statu. . . . r ; t IT T : J- '^ T : r>' : jt . t t :v jt J- v: I V N I ; J- : T -: ^ : ; I vat t ^uIIm:'';;: pi'Ts: nin^"^x ^'?ip : n^^n n-);;;!Dn ini%n3 inS Insptvutn 'Vr;-.' jt : v K .t : jt*^ ; - . :. a- t : :n::cf 1. iri-ii' "^n^i:^ vhd^ '^s::'^^ ; junriK ni.T-^.^ ^ip 3 j^ifns Sau- T T A- jt T ; j : v Iir - : v jt : -. I ^ : I T V - I' J- V. : IT U" - -: J - ; j- t ; : '^c:^):S ;:'*-)i'i i\^ >3;:2d Di:D 13^^ n^iiQ '^-rxi ; - : J- I V -AV JT J- T > - v'- I : ,4n Fl?:^? 'P^O 'pw ni^>^ >mD^^ np] ri^i^ ^r\pj;x 6 B'03 nna 139. 140. ^p ^^p Q^'^nn T-i'p r, nn^tjo "isao n;?"n n "x'ra : nDss "> V n^m "limv '"'';',* -.v >"i *" * "J" Tj': Tiv - j-'t V (.T - * AT : - c);;Uala, H-J^l U.T. T T : Iav I Ij-.- VT TV. IT ;- , T* J* Tv. T AT jT - TV ' J~ V * iniJT? n'7^'?j 'isia'^^ ^a^n-f i< -lak^ n3">z3^ ^:rn>ini 'fi IST I ip'?| ; p.K; mi'flnni ""J?!??!?!. ^nD3 ''r\^ti;jj -^yi ' i n : n,n"'!i',-) lav^ np '7s :[>p. 'iij^^-ru^ ""^i ; Dna :3 ^np'l n':<5 : 15P nio a''P7 "'ii'jxi j/b^-i i rTi'7j* y^t jf . ' J. . - : I -: ' iv T :jT - v t at ; I ri"' N"i3 s4 : ah^a "^173 ^:n3i "',3-3V> 77.:^-ax n^-)^ f^iiip svy => 2 xni.T"'35?^n nn^niprpnijp^ Dp 3 nin UK'n nu/s : ^Jnvjii tjioan ti'\sD ;/-i dtnd ;S'',-er. < ' (X, ' , J- 1 -. V "at jtt,- petuali, ,ibl tf nr-iD3 x=i^^m iJJti? rnlDn'jp mj^ ai^-'ja aVa " '-'ii'S "^ .^ ' f ' ' '^ ^ i^- ; contra CDU- n ini.T "^j-iDti? : n'jD iD'Tipi:^ rin;^ ywi}:^]: n;jn i'-"-"^ 6 -T^ ntj^i 'iji^is D>^3ni \V na i D^kij-i:;::o : ^r:iV^ " . . '^ .jT " T -.1 . : IT IT . ; g-j^;^ia>> t^r ^;is ninj, : p^ijnjri '-7ip rfin': nri{,"7 nmop xa 41 PSAL. 136. 137. 138. 139. ^^D Vhp hp )bp iiD yinvi, : i'^.cn D^i;;'? '3. cyi^^ co^z? :hrl,:^ is 19 nicprorem J- ^j! "^ ^n',:;'r -nx n'jj;*^ .s'7-d^ ^snsm s^-oi? ^sn) 1 ^iic''? n= t? Di"i^ 'i5'?iniiTibl priJi^iJ'a^J^"! bi'cDjzVil-i.p^^^ nin^^ Dn-3 :nin\nii3 "^i-ii ^1 njn: >3-il? ii^i^':) .^' I ^i^ij nri:;3 ^nipl ^?i?:f> Pi'lV]?^ J'>?5 '3?^"?I?d * 1153 "!;y 135. 136. )hp rhp ff'?nn ' "^ ' '^ f. celebran- ins^ii n2.i^ : rna;?:'73?i f\ii-\^:^ cn^n ^ipin? :,?' IS nHn^ dSi;;^ ^ni:; nin^ : ic^jf S^ij:*?^ n^ni nhm ha-^^j^^ T : AT "^ : jl : t :v - j" t : . t . ''^ ' ^.. V TV. JV TlT J"*: * ":* Af T : IV i- V J " s"?! on'? d^:tk : ixt' s'?^ on^ a^rj;; nan^ s"?! J : V TV 'J-; T I :' J : v t > a . j. AT : V V :iT tT \ J" v t -j v -; v - 2^ nin^ "^nl : ni.T-ni^ ^yi2 ni.T >>?ti nini'nn .v'33 T ; ' * : at : -; ''>' J t ; s" '^ : I : - jt '^ : v a- -: it ejusque c- T 1 V "^ L- : I ; - jt "^ : v at : 9 3^3^131 HTn-ni^ : i -ipn o^ii/S \3 0^3 AT T ; 'v J - ; - jT '^ : V* av \ : jT "^ ; o "T ; '^ j: 'tt -;v. ji : i ; - jf '^ : j-^.-.t" : I . - JT '^ ; v.* at ; It. - j-- : i i - ID ^)V] nijns "'Jf'-^T * ''IP^ ^^r^^) '? ''^a''^? S"^!^'^. ^7 : i'lDH D^vS ^3 D^y-T2i D^D^;? M3i:d^ : i*iDn D^ii'^ a 40 psAL. 133. 133. 134. 135. rhp ib^ :hp2bp ira?,;i !T?i?3 : 1^7^ >-r.!f^3 nm-^6 nnipNt? rl^}ml^ riirt s ^ peririaiisu- . . i, ' ;;?" '"^jn^^ npip : vj?^-! a"jn7 niqri:?^; vni:?:^^^^ s -DNK'j3 iTj^inny^T'Dx : '^S-^5:D5^ n-^ii/^ jijl:? n^o ^'^ I ;t : T I A : J T : J- T ~ I it - i;::^^ i^^^hi^ n^:n:DT : on^ j/'j^t^K n^:v2^ "^nn^^ lo ' -Av J' : - T V -: I :v vit ^- j' -. - r v : v Ia- t -; : iin y^T v'^;?! nt^3 i^"3'7iS vn^l^^ : ^n-^u/nh 12 ^ K I VT TT . ^ V A J- . t: V ; 21J CXXXIM, "^ > - J- ; t: '^.i- - j- i f> fidelinin, '^ - '* "it - j- - -.'O' ^- r nfalecon. it t ^. *s .. ... | a-;,- h,-; i;^tt ^ - ^ iSien": pn^v I Dd^ ""S li^i n-in--"-?;; it:^^ liDin H>tD2 3 '= dum ver- jt t v i j y-- : - v i : v j- : t-^-vH niw K '3 yT:n ^v1)?iut in ):': ; i - t : r- ; ; : T t at : "^ " "^ tClr>|)lo, Ut ..'. . . . t . IkSV l(;brent; I \ ^ \ I 1 nin iniilis aiix. minis aiix- . r . . . i'X f j v .AT. J. .I.V. IT.;. . AT. //p..,^ oue conso- . < , / .7 >''' lltiMus "100 ii?f '^'T 3iK)-^5 avi^?n i^?^5^ "'3 3 ; j.(.tentiam . . ..or. ,. ny3"M am erga . , , < ,, hracien.: .L-,^^ D'-^TS ^^^21 CD'^pjf^S njf^i/ HIH^^ r?5n-)^S; nj7 a''pn3 pKH n^fpp 'D\Nt&?^? n^;;p : ry\^r\T\ t^""^'^ niD3 rn^n^ vninyisp mn i^vl? nj^-V ^'9^^- ^'^~''' 12S.-132. 2bpi6p bp toDp n::p D^*?nn A- .. J.. . : . I V TV h'.' v" : :- : t -i I -.v- : I : : pratdioat, i^ "ii5^> ni;;?/P '^jnnv nan ni'7j;^J2n -i^ti/ tODp cxx?k? ; ; J .f . ; . / Infelices fjj-,y}2 7 * :'' " AT '^ : J t: - "v i" t ; r stium Dei . o . r . . depingu'i- '^p 4 ni.T : am:;;;:^*^ i3n^^n 'ti^nn win ^3:i*/^;.-'.^ jt : IT ^.\- ; : v a* ; i j : it -v Israel la ,_ ; /^ . . <" Deo suo J' : I AT J : % T T ; J 5; I .. |. J A' - jubetur S'? : nin^ d::^3 oiriK 1:313 ayhi^ nlT 2 .s ^iN : n^n^ Tn^^-)P d^pqj;^d n'hpf^n tc:* T -; iT : I J- t': k -'=-: i- ' a'^;,- - > PS.O XX : 'iiinn ^ip^ ]ii3:^p tt^^tk nr^'7r1 ^^ip3 r)i:f2t^l!>^tu:: ' ;l :< r j- -. Vr : v^.' que ipsi ":3pjL71T3J^^'? nii3^,!5 m'T'? aip;o >^yz:.^ ri/regiaij. us CXXXII. biiur uin iD^ 39 PSALMI 124,-128. rOp Dp 13p HDp "t3p in prwsen- ^ , . > 'J* " " :- IT j- - V "".I- 'f^r : j" - - -;v 'T t 'hiJ i2ij '^i^? : m')r'-?j; ipjj Hir); ^:v?d^ n HDp : p.Ni^ D^.p^ nti^i^ nin^ Dci^3 r^;::^^' "^^1:' li^y-ins nin^^ D^nco^n nl^??n i^ii; ^ tern atqiie . , < cc , . . /- a -s itunrcoiL- niiTin'? 3^20 cunn D^w^n-i^ ::}?/: d'^I;;'? coi/i)''^ "^ T :v J- I T " : 1-^-; < - ~ : it ; cxxvVf ")V ^^p : ^.^i^iJ^^^:^;^. ci^j{^ ].i^jn >hpb i^ Ltitiam6. po5t asser- ' ' < , (V) H taiu A captiv rcstitutani Zioiiem I sT , !: - ^ '^t t . i Qj'y ft^diam'ab -T3 a^^Ti^ :v:o3n *^n2i niii' d^^3 nirr^ iibn: '^jH 3 4 iiius Utfi -^ y : I . n - j' : " ^ /> t jt . j -.i- n- : Ti;fj^3 2'5:"^^ V^ir? i^^?'"'**'? ^=1")?= ''^f'?'^ Krataa I ^ ' ' - at : j- : t . i. i PS. cxx. (iueruntur ficleles se non utii calamiut exercwri. nap : ^rin?;:* i^i) T-P'Ji'P '? 1?.?J!? mn IT : ' J T (vAv - : - : -(. t j- - t : r-^: 6 ypj n>-njDt^' nan : nnp. ^'7ni:?-oi; ^riWt^' d;, ^'a ni.T cd;;d nr;; :nr;r ^^13"^ l^j^i^ cnnn-^i-^ ^n^ ZL^c' AT . y -r.'K .:. .t1.- A-T,. V - "^nunquam ! T; Iat J : Ti. I J- * I IV : I 4 3 r^t;,;; j^j^;^ ; ^Tin^ H vJ-nnsn::^ Ti/3 n^-}:2r\ D'7L^n^^ Hiem^oiy. <^ TV |T : - VT T : . V : at : - -y- i i ; inain aso^u / . . ir ; f H ilebnnt, :ni.T Dt^7 ni-nn7 7.^'i::^'^7nn;; n^-'iiDa::^ D^oa-r i""\"^,*i^ IT : J" : : A" T : : j tv ; t ; graiuiBnte| iy 'it j t : - -: A- v: jT : .- - - :^ I it j t ^y^ ^"^ *"''';) Dn'':i"T8 T-^.^ Dnnj; " ' " -i- . - yT i ; ir ''3 ^ 1:^ n>n::^ nin^ ^717 in^ m7;/*;!Dn -i"':^* irp psalmus -.-^ /-T T jT V ' T :v J- i- 1 ; r I- - T ) CXXIV. ' ")DK^ 6r.attrnm n^ 38 PSALMI 119. t^^p ' ' - - T A . : - - "^-v J :' :tT >l :it ; 'ta- - -:it nriis^ ai^jp : ippn jir^7;i^P npr ^sln in-jp^ : "^^^n :p 151 ' J T v* - J I : IT : : 'A- T : . jt : it r j ^ 1.) I I n 4 ^. _ I ^.. -., - IT T ^1 v -. r AT : J" T :i" ^^^yn ^^ Tt^''W v.^) yn ^'^1 ^ '^'^ TPPP^^ ^p: ''' f 1: 'I"- ^' : : - T - : ^" :at t jv i r :*. t r ! J- T :iT : ^-r ' j t ; n hi: Tr\hbn C2V2 j/ag^ : '^r^3n^^ Ttmiri n3;;nNi i64 - I A- : - ' -1. '^ -a.' : iT T jl : IT t^* - -:it >..^ 17.3 ID^ ]\j!^i TIpnin \5n><^ nn oi^^ : ?ipiy p${^p nop " T I j:' i ' at : jI iT I' ;^- I ; 7 w* T * < i: I r. ; V j^ T : r v I av V' ; ^ '-n^* ' ' Av T : J* T : J T ! ~: (.1 ; n : at : Ij-.t : -^ I oi^^n ''3 r]hnr\ ^^n^ii; n:ii2r\ : ^j'^^^^n rrn-iDi^i mi w : : v.* AT ; J- T ; tT^- - .,. . _ I : IT : . : J- T :-T T I JV ' I.' 'A- if : j\ :\t ; 112 113 11 16 119. t2^p n'bnn ^09 i^pn ^^d;i ^f^pj : ^ji?)^ ?|';^2)if^pi nln:* i^^^j-nviT^s^^? " ' : nan ^a"? licpa'-^a dMj;!? ?i'-ni-rj; ^i^iin: : in-'j/n ^h * l'Pl> '"1^,^ ';jpi ^.J7P : 'ri5nx jI^PDiJ^f '^8;.tJ'"1l "" Dp ^^,i?2i*ppi nii-? ^^^nap npo : 'T'riTi;. ''flnnt^ 3. bp '^y.Zi^p : Qv^B rap n^i^: in.?i-n;i3' ': ,^^3 ,,. '^^ "^^i 1i:!"?P'^|i 13n ^pj;3 ; ?[p^ p,^};^^ o|:faion.S".6!, PIV^^?)^ :T|?*P"if:ini,T,-m8P^V is9inj,a>->3 \nfP tPi'^'P':"'*^?? '^r'.T^ ^^j' '^ I's it n ';j/':^ii7i ^r^'^^ * 'PO''^^ a?''5 I'^Ti;? ^W>< '^* "^^mii ';.1?^*7 cDu^^i lip ^) : 'P^f^;;!! ^';;(?p2i ^3 n^r . ji :tT ; vT T : ) h" J- T T : A t : 'rr ; v T h-: y I : J- T n i : 7tovcD v^^^jrno : ^:min nn*V''3 ^r^iD-x'? TCStr^^DD 102 los ' J : : ~ iT T - r ;^T i >v t ; vfyiD K"i p-^;; |3i3ni5 ^'l^p?9 * ^pi ^,iy? ^01?^ ""^n?. ^04 "'{0?ia''P "i&t2''7 "iS'I?^,^ 'W?^? t "'^??^^ niNi"06 H"3 119. top D^'^nn 42 41 n.;i;KT : ^nn;?^^5 ^n^/i^^i;! ni.-ri ^fipr; ^^p'^i - . J' - - ; I iV T ; ; ~ T AT T J- , 1 ! ; I : IT vT ; ; V ; : it Ijv t : ; , a : - j. v. ., no Tjnp^ ^3 n:nn-)2 njv^ : tj;i D^i;^'? TDn ^^Snn^? r.-f\' V at t .MT jT : - : v -. Tvt jt '^ : t > 4S47kti^Nn r^n^njj i^\>??I^i:^'i:i*p3;;^::'i;]^ :{^nnss^7^^'^'-^ '^- -J-.. v; -x : IT Ij: IT : v.* a- ;'t : - t t \v 52 1 d?ivn T'i:)i^'^D 1 ^mif : Wl03 nS '?in-)lii6 TiS\^ jt ) I V.V T : :<;-T r T j ' : it a : :'^ V t :! : - r .\. jr 'r : - it v : vit t ; n:5 ^4 ^innSr : n^^;:: n^n3 Tpn 'V vn niTDt : Trnnin ' ' Cn T IT ; J- : > Iv . r it :v. iv t i A- T ; IT ^ liv T 1 T : ; V t at : jf : t :j- - : - T ;t : K> : V :it r jv'-. v I IV t ; : "t A" t : ' jvT ' j- I ; vt : j : J : : -V. IV T" V - ; - t j- t it at t : : >- A*-.; L" T ; J" ; V I IV ; -. ; at : - : 'at j ; J TV t:- -; I- :iT t j I : it ; I : I A : jv -; t -, t^ j- t II,v :>*:: 4 : ':ijph ?|,"^j^n p.iSn n^^p nin^jipn : tTP^ J. -: V v.v^ vjv J .IT v:iv jv : ; v.- . a- ; - ^ j-t J** ; - " jT ^ I : n T ;l : IT : T *= ; a* V T : -; A'-- ivjv j-'t ;n J > r. . ;; : "^rij;::^;;::^ ^n-)iin^!l^i a2b 2bn2 t^'DO : ^nipD ^ n -.';; IT ': at v j-- ~ j" t ' iv > 72 71 -n-iin ^)-aio : TJ^j^^ np^st ]i^p^ '^ii^?^"'? ^^"iiio 73 ^?ii^*^ t.7t ^?PJ ^j?} 'SS^P ^^^ vissy mas- que yn - iiiissioiioi hauriif; & ad vie- *)? t tv : t iiiuiiui, ai- . r J ' conteuderct t ,f , w^K"ip^^j^ i^^ i'^^ifpr^iS T|\ppn3 :t^:)'^"^>^ ni?^ii^?V^'^Di^ "55 r^n-iiriiD nis^Sd ^:o^3^^^ ^tv'^^^ 19 y VAT T J* IT J" llV T I 1 : T A- - : >- ~ AT -; - : j> : - JT :iT iv : v ' f : - ' mJ : IT T ' jv T* *. AT jT : V -^ "v J- ' V : -CD5 : "i^pn^ n^i:''' ^i2V inyi: ^2 Dni:^ n:!>^ D-i?^ 24 ' 'iv-., ; - > T I ; : ^ at ; . j- it. j ; it n- "Ti^.^ ^^^^ 'jirni ''rin^D \Dyi : ^n?l? ^^i'.n ^^5^. ^^q JT : iT I IV : ; : t t : -a- -; j-: i ' viv ., "^ I' I jvT : :at T JT V; I vjv *i" T ji : it ' "l^LL^O 'Y . ' vjv T :v. J- r J' ; - V,* I A 1 ''-^V^":1 t;. . . V : j . T I .t; ... : .- -;. I,..- t;v t; v : J .!" ~ < r' ;i* ~ it ... J- . I V ij*-* V -^ V -: I AV t ; . . "^ .1. Ij.'T "i"- h:- t ;^^ :at I ^' . 'iT . ' A, . ; J* T \ 117.118. 119. ]:i''pn^p rpD^Vnn ,^ f . 1 . . i " aliaquebc-- .f ; ' plicem li- V . .1 AT J \ jT : IT jT ; V - ^.^^ iit-in, a tr- , , rt'clionein * iT -. J* T ; V ; -at; ^' *^ ' ^ " IT -: j' T ; / ; A T ; J" is^^iTni nni : a^^D^2ni.T uz*2 D^!^ip ::^k3 ' J T IT ; J- T : .; : ^' I J- : 17 'Tn?:^"^2 ri'iitDiS'x^ :h'n nt'i; ni.T ir^^ ntDDl-) nin^ " > I / T I . IT T J T : I / : AT I T ;v 23^2-rijstp ^^^? ^'^^l^nh;^nD\:i3n')DKpin^^ :njLfi::^^^ ^"^ : y2or!i< >r>hk x^iN) nrix ^)n : naren niJii?''^'"'^""* 2 toy : inpn c^i;?'? \3 niD->3 ni.Tb nin ., . ^ " JT I J ps.rxrx, ; ''>., ,nuij, cele- l^pj|,^ * '*^' " que tide Ic n^ 35 PSALMI 1 15. 1 16. 117. pp ^p IDp I -T IT .t:*^-.- st I - ,- : r : 'v iv t "j** ni.T ^K-T^ : ^^r^ 'c^i:u\ Dir;; r\'\r]'^:i. in^3 n^^^ n^i::! ^ ^* T : I .,T IT Kt-r-.' AT I- J : I -:-(. j < CV) T A ';-'T : yTT: t : i jr it yr .: at i- . .. ni.T "^XT -^-la^ ;pnK n^3Ti^ in^ '?i^ni:^> rv2rr\^ ^^ AT : J" : ' "T :(, i~:i- < v I "t : a" t : : pb^T CD"^;::^ nt:^;; hi.t^ d^^^ D^Dnn : d::^:^ "^^ I /."IT T ^- t ^ ht \- V -V. J* ; IV J IT T : ly- T f V T T : AT |- T's J" T " '<"T : . J- -:r ii ; :i t : at : i- : -. rinyc "i ^.^ , n^-i^'^n DSi;;-*i;;T nr^;^;:: n"^ quo fideles, tiplicjbug ' ^ ' ST. IT . . ; T . J . T JT tiaslibe- '^ ' = IT ; V 1 jT: vt t -at: ^ : j- t : nin'^a^l^na n;!Djy : anno 1:^1^^!:^ pT:;io "^ at : J- T : J- ,- - : j- , a- : D\S*nD T : I* -CAT : : -V. .. *= r : j* ; o j**^- V v,T ; - T : J- J- .'it't j- t -;i. I . ' i'*^ -; A* - -: J' : - : vv. r - r AT I* ^' T T > T JT T T A- : T ; ij^ T nin^ D:^m Ni^.^ ry\]:w^'T:iS^ : ^^;; ^ni'7^;oJn-^^ '^ jT : V : at V 'j : it "^ ; ; - t -n-^ii-^v : l;:^;;-^^^ i^rnij:i Dk%s nin^t^ nn: : ^^^pn' '-^ 1*^ T : T t:V a- - -; JT I- ~ T ;v iT/: v ! T : jT>T ir -:i- T :t - at : j- : Ittv "^ t y'snin^S ni3 : ^^-lpK ni.T tzj^^ni min r\7\ n^iK is ;' jT r - t:v. it : V JT ; (. ; at jv - : vi L T : s < : - : i - t : t t ; v a- - -; s.,Tvu, : D^z2>0"'?3 inin^ti* q-ir'js ni.T-nx i'?'?.? x ' r , IT T . " " T T .^ J . PS O 113. 113. 114. 115. itop Tp ji^p yp uhiin <3m~ '.i]jb moi; iripi^i inna "i2';;r iin n-i2"'pin.mex. <-T T-T vjv '^ - 'T : : rt : v 'j t i i I it :pouit 6 cois):-^^!? ^D^'^i^^"'? * ^?^P? vnn'i '?j!)^5^^ ^.^P 7 lib: i^T^K^ n;;-) ni/iDt^D : p^k n\T d'?^:/ n:D?S > J r AT " J T TV. jT ; ' j' vv : i t -..> : ' A" T Vj .' T . *v. : V it I .- T <- IT T ; Dpji pnn: vjt?' Dif;)i i n^TJ^^^n *"ti?^3 Di-jj^t^v^^t^'^-i K iJ^i i^Vn :i''p : i2^r] d^;;::^i nis^ri Hrtau"'- 2 nin^ d:^/ \t : nin^ D:^-n^^ I'j^n niiT n::;; i'?'?^'.!"^"^ J- T - r- at : > t *- TV, ,T : J- T .. , 7 riDc^'KD ^'H -)D>^D ^DVD : ps^ni D7::)ji>:i niN^i^ ; - at jt'ti' j" ' : I vit t -.i" t - a ;' J- -AT ; T ; !. J- ; I Hycliyinuo t . r t / . celebrat s S"ii^> i(i'7i^^ niin^ nn>n : w> D|;p 3pj/^^.'y;'& . ; , r *"'" : shni- 6 D7\^D npin D^inn :-)in.s7n&niii^n o^n ^^i'sw 7 m7K >:i:)7D \n^ ^7in in^ '^3d?-p : iN*^-"^:)n3 r\w:i^. ;s;;;"i"e' " J v; " ; I AT ' J ' TV, J" ; i ; t I . * . , ^ JTjajori 8 : D^p-i^^i^?)^ ::^^p^n cvp- djk^ -n^s^!T ^p5hn : np^^i iXfS kuW I * .V VT I T .. J VT ^ F V a illit.! li.'ln ^ "^ . . ; . ' ; . faJs-irum A* - J.I 1 TV I I V -: '^ I . : - '^ AT L-- itiniu, . ' \-ni2T7;; D7i;;7in.^-nrii^ onr i^7i imn^ };::im 4 i)< iuicra . 'i'^- ; J- T : V : at i T ' :*. j" r . j- * . jT '^ : V. ; AT I- ij" T t V vi "T : J - : ^W^ : c'^i^ n^m DH^ nn'? is;;^ T-:n vt^;;^ nii ^ ^ T j" , . It * T T V. . AT . J. V. JrX. n^N'3D my iis;^'? n^:I?i nns : nt^^^T riz:^2 D'^ic^i? 0*71;;^ 9 J jT^ '^ ; <- T < : ,T t: >v v.r.- ^: at ^ : riKi:* I nppn n^p^i, *M2U^ j^nui ::?i-Tp inn^ d'^I;;'? rncvH':, : ny.^ nnp;; in^nip Dn'^ti^j;-^p^ nip ^p|^ np) 108. 109. bpnpa'''7nn , ' n^O''?? %l] Qvb^, ^:p^-bj! nci-i i^pm a^B"?^' S;?,';l, ' '^z' o , & victoria, fe ni2p pp^i Dj.jf^ Hj^wj^ ^Pi:^? i^ipn -i3*n i D\i7s^.rra';'; J^.*"* i' IT t y- : :t : AT jt:'-/ t*. t it *^' n)i^di OP : iriy Din"* i^irri h>'^n*nfc^;;3 \^^*^^ - '^ - ; -V I r-T .; T ; 'at v ^.\- ^ T' - '^i^i i'i^"' 'Si-^s rty-inri-^^^ ^nSnn \'i7s^ -iiz:r;tDnn7 j,r:;:;r,!,. 'ill '^ T T y s' IT v;iv ~ T : J" v; a ; j* T : ""-}'<'''-'" 3 Hi^rc^ "'-'n-n : ipz* \rd;b -^n^ 1^21 in^=s vy r\m:2 r:rp.o. jT ; J- ; : 'viT I J : y : aT t j-^ t : \ ' ' '''P'^\' f . bos licnni- -J- T : : AT - J- 't T< jr^ < T- IT : ' '. "^^. jT X : I- it t -: I- yv : r t ; '^at t j" ; jt ; jt lii 11 -^n>-^t^ : 1;;^^::^ onr ^n^T iS-i::^i^"'7p'7 nj^^i: :^p3^ "^^^ ^^'3 : - I ; J T c T; A V -; T : / . Ij-'; )~ viv J ; I" it - >- - .' AT : V i<5 -K^ I ii^^K \T : ai5r P^*^ mnj^i t;::^ nin' ; A-' " TT';< J*. .IV ! ; _.f .. .( ly '^nrl : vni22:^;;n 19^31 inip? a^^j xan^np^ ^ n-^;;2i 1 niir : n-i3n: '^"'Pi? hiq^t ncoi*^ nj33 1^ mn'' ^b 33 PSALMI 107. 108. Hp Ip turuinex ' "^ . . i ; . v-t ; - : v j v V* i post, inul- '!);_ ip'^i cp^; 3^OT ^5^^'^? : W^^ ^'7??^''>/P^' is D.Tnipr^pb dh^ n^^ nin ;;^i^ ^gi^r.l : ni.p-n;;^^ 19 ^i:^;; r\v:^2 a^n ^"nr : ns-iia vt^pf2 ii^d^-) n^in 23 vhiK^D^S ni.T^i^';;^ ^sn nsn :D^3n d^;:::^ nix'?^ 2-1 J j*^.r IT- : - att ; " j " .r-i. v - tr ; D7in J T IT ; OT T ; 1 . - A ; j :i-* " Ti, T :v. V K-^.: '' it -; tt;t t; a'-'^t^ T T .; : * T ; ; ; a ; - jt r j it ; v i^li;'' : ini'?^;n^ D^:3pr 2u;'if22'] d;^ Snp3 ')m;::DiTi 32 33 T I vyv : 'rt- --:i- T : -v ^- r it : j _ t ' ' < T *j' . I ;- A- '^^ : ^T V J- "IT VT : DDin^i :nKun "^"is 'li^i'^^VD^DiD u'co"') niii:^ ')V^v^ 37 ss J- :iT ;- IT : J" ; '^-:i // t : *j . - iv 'j :; - nvi^S inj^'';i ic^i;^:'] : o^i:,q\ ^h Diiiso?^ nkp ^3ti ^'^ I V IT J . " ^' * '. ~ J ''" IT ; jT T Dn;f; ii5T : nin^iu^p j.SKi) c^;;] ^:i^p ivn.^ 2}W'} 4 n^i^-iDw^^^i MH'^D :n^i:) n^Dp nHwb^^ inpb^^T43 V A'- T . : yi T r T ! t ; Ijt t ; i ; aT ; .- ij OsttMuluilt , f . .; ; . I ^::!Zm -V-"^^^'^^ "'"J^^^i^ '"^^'f^T^ ^A^7^? "^J? ]i?,? : nn? 2 ^i inuinsuum, at : j- '^ it j : i -it t V t ; .,; r t ^j /'n ' Tmj ad Ueuju - , , i > ( j' <} lv> 106. 107. ?p ip QN'?nn 31 -i;? ir\ -nb nprah i"? aa'nm : na^jsn ni:i;wi : : - /> - J ;iT : - iv r jt ; <' i jv ": />'= it nv ^^ lipi cqn^c^jE/p? li^otpn : Q^p'n? p.^n p)?nni I T -:i- V T :- a'^^ : jt : Jj- - i ,. :^i- ; .> T : - r. ' ; I v t ^ : : - a- - : v : - 44 ijJr^t^^i DH^ -)^;3 iSn^i : t^:w2 isb^i Dnv;;n nD> : t : <^v T J- - : . it -; i- t- at t'^-;!- j : - ' ""' I J* - iTT : J ; - X A : jv t j : - t t . 'K ' '^'' T T T V- T : T ^ IT '=^ : T '^ i33i i"npn np-^b niv : 312'iD -i^jt/-'7s nn!?^ i;,",;;,^ftf i. ... suuinbeue- '3^ ' queia jjio- y ; ' I IV : - .4- t: V. " vat ; - ; ' v j ; i i 1- ^rj:/2 L2h hDVi'^j^y-) : '\)Si^2 ]vh^ n^Ti ^^^-n;::^^ : IT >'T J I T < J ; "~ IT T ' J ; V ^~ "Ii" 'I' 1 an\Tprj^;:D,6 nn^ i^a ni.T-'?^^ ip;;n : nri; p^^i I . ^. T ^ ~ T ;V V Ij "IJ '" t I 4"* ; nS 32 PSALMI 106. )p 'Sv;:ct""753 njPi^* niL*j; o^i^d ^im n.^^J : inbnl^'72i^ ferv elites . ' S^pi* : ^ru;i:f^>3 ^np? ^^ li^ig nin^^ ^jnDt : n>;4 Dou'in fsK -j^^^^^p^^3 nbif^h* ^n'H? nniS? 1 ni*^-)^ n IT J V - JX V AV -IT -J - : - J ; iT -; (. IT*: T AT T : ^ y -; 1-- J T V- - :- rtT T v: IV V T(. Ij" - I I" - :- c:n7p pqs^S n:qm n^'^^ in?!?^] : 0^1^:316 : 0"^;/:^^ con^n ninS Dn^r;;::! L^^.s"n;;3m : dthxh T- T : > - ; T T AT T*^. ,- y T. . - n -; j^,j T >T I vjv . T ;. -IT : ; J ; . . -^ ^ " 1Di^?2'^ : n^n::%nD ih^n a-"::'.-!^ r:^'? pss n^ri^s^ -: . -^ r . - 1 1 -; J- T : at t ; | ._. - - '^ Av T IT : / : IT'- it:- v;iv i at ; v | vjv . "^ ohij^ h'i^ni D.n^ It xcr^i :niiT ^ipn ijJr)i^* ikY^^> T ^- - : AV T J T J I - IT ; I J : "^ ; I r ; I t -:.T T it: a* - *T :-\. j- ~ : n : - ii J A-- ;- t; % J -;i-- it - t J T ; . AV .- -; ' 105. np ff'?nn -i CiT'?;; hdI^t Dp::*i;^ dij^ n^i:n-K^ : in^ c;;-^x i 1:0 .s-jp'ji :u'-ir^"^N '^H^2J^^ 'rv\j^?22 u'iiri-^.^ : d^dS;:: jT :- "^ I T ~ ~ ; : AT ; '^.^ : - it; jV -r- J- T T iT V .V - r } VAT T *!= 't T^, l^ n.^3 Shii v'?::-) ^n^n i^;; : nc'i''i2io:i i3x^^ ::^\s np f j- T jT V : - A : - vjv - -'^ Ir* J- ; v^.- ; a* | jT : ir T : jT : .- ; at : , *^., ^- , ; - A : I J T J T !:-: . ^- ^.. a- -- ' v v^ 2^^ : D?n^ vj,?.n' 1-2^1^:3 vnli^ ibi^h : irjp"'?::^ '^ti'Di I' : T'"; A : - ; JT T j : V IT ; T ; 2i ss-riiV^-iDn :Dn-pN*3 "1:1 3p;;'^VDnvD b^^l:;'^ N3^i vjv |t- ) V IV; wT '=^;i-; AT ; _ t : j t- 2G nnii-):^.^^ yin^ 1*1?;; n^^o n^;jj : i^7?;;_3 ^i^nnj? ,v'j --T IT } VJV : : I AT . J- ; T(. t i Tv)]^ Jf J JV ! V ^- T IT : V t j ; ' -:i ' v v ' / ; - ; A* ; . - ; .t : - f j- n it t ; v v r - at; 32 31 1^3 : D^ur'?;?? D^ii ni^ ^^3^^ ^m : nn^p^D T ; * 'j It : - : j t iv i." at t _v : ' vv: Av : - J T- - TV IT I Ir* " " : ~ at ti- ; ' ' s . ~ " AT . ; V j" T - j IT . I J" ; J- : J- T . jT t ;(.; AT T : tvjv ; .. . I -^^ 39 :^^>?T \Dp^ 1^;; i^ns : Dn^^>:^ djih? ^7^3-^3 '^i^^^'^:^ !2 : ::j^^3?^: d^^:^ iDnh\ ^ht J^n^i ^.s::^ ;n^^'7 i^i^nb * " * * T '* J'm* AT , j"*T ~T^ TIlT J* T I 42 41 -n.s "i3r ^:d nn: ni^vs li'^n d\!: ^mn -nv nnb '"''' '^^'^ -TV.J ITt ;- ;iT oT JT- v "JT_^^/ I A T : J - J- . : - >T t; - v /. ; It j- : -,nN ^ J3 ".!' A" J : ~ V TV j" *~ IT * ; v t ; N^ 31 PSALMI 104. 105. HD fp /> I-: J- t: T. V ": '^ it r jv -.1 t ; ; ; - at : y. w^vhv D^'^i/^S D\na5n onn : r]r^^3, u-^^^ii ni^on 13 T ; A'^ ;- : -t. j- t it r ; t -; . . ^ j-r V V /.-: I : - "tv jt 't i- - ; - >v : - ; - T : T :<^T J" ' V V v ir i IT : T J- K* : .'>T - J. I *'."(. '^ir jT T J- I I T : T '^i : V : I /> IT v v -*. j-; WN^': D^n I nr : T>3p p^^n ni^ho n^'^v nD::^'n2 Dv'D no } jr- : ^tu^b s-^ n^ J V ; -V J- : IT T T s T : I V T T I T - piimis,re- j :' t -, j ' it : i- t . S^nt^m i^-nisr i'?-')-)^::^ : vni^"^^;; r^^mbi wiin Id::'? 2 beneficio- a : - i r it ,'^ '^- t ^ > a : D "irudes nbit'^' ic^np cdl^s i^Sinn : rn;^'7Dr^Dn ^n^i^ iil'J, >xcitat, A - : A :It j- ; :-:>. it ; : t : .nitn Geutisab :TDnr^sii::'p3 WimiTii^^-rn :m.T^rpn;oin^;^ ipsa origi- ! T jt T v *x^ a% : jt : j : |T :';- : < ",0 ^ 3 pe, inrfeus- . . ,' . . / . ' ?!aa'ir"0. :vp-^P?:f^pT rri5bntf^4;-n:^^i?^wx7Ei:n5rn (i repetil. .x . nVk ini inn3 D^v^-ior :vcos:^d pkh ^m^ # T' JT T A . : JT '^ : j-T it t ; . | v t t t : '^ I IT : ; J T I J AT T : v ~ tv jv -; i l-.jv : 103. 104. ip jp n^'?nn j- - ' vvv AT : I J - : J - IT v'^i t : f : J ! jT '^ : V : A-T -^v T I V|T -: - J ; V 4-^ .;- T '^-:i- ^ : at t jT t -; -v i- t-^i^yj T : 'v ' J : IT : *- ; - j- r ) vat t ^- - r >. T A" { '^j-T V IT : '^ T : 7- A- T L** V T - I ; : AT T J- T IV v.v. : IT -; .^t't 'j (.V - I : v : J t :'iT - J s* I t 18 ripii n:3?^i inna n;::i^^ : CD^iin ^^a^ iripny^ t>-.. ^' : I ; A : r* : i : i* t r- : * /t : ; 19 b'32 ihiD^pi iiSp? ]on Dy;;^5 rivi] : Dnii^^j^) ^ AT : j"*'^ - \ J JT T : - T : v :it tit t 21 rrl-)ti^6r^^n^^-';^ ni.T i:)-i3 : inai ^ip3;;fe::''-7 T ;iT ; AT T : T T :v J :iT it: 'j ; - ; 22 niDp-S?5 )'^ii^i;p"'73inin; p-13 : i^V:^-! ^^fc^y IP : nin^-riK '^ti^d-'D-i^ in^:^DD ,, , , , ' IT : V : - V :iT A : - : v PS. C T V. j^ "iim nin "ik;^ phn^ ^i'7x ni.T' ^1,T-n^^ "ti^sij ^Din p^^^^ ' jT T : V A ; T ; j-T - v;*. jt : jt : v ; ' r :it braiuli por- Vr : ~ - T jv AT : - - v. v'j t : it t ic elenraii- n": 3 -JT^nDn im::-} a'^a;^ o^n rni% D:^a nivf^n "^^^t^^i- "Dt'n '-;- n : ~^ jt - >t '^ - - w't : i- ciintiuh- T ' . / . . iiem ceruin 4 ti^K vn-!cf^9 mnn vp^)D n^i; : m-j-'^^js-?;; ;;,';.t"- n : l^T oJ?w oisjh-^3 n;;5i:)p-^ Fl/^'^Pl^ ^D^ illi'EJE f ' J ti ihratrum 7 6 "IP : op-n;::;;;. ann-'7j; in^p? c^ha?^ nini^ ^^"^'^ **;?, ^, ''IT. '^^"'C? "^^H?- P1??TC. '1?'^'^- '^'^P'iP \V^^^ ^^y:i n 113::^^ nti^ in^n-^3 ip^i^*" MiDv'iTDnn ra D^^nn V : : AT T J : - t i : ~k I i - : ' r \ j- a' t ; - h 30 PSALMI 102. 10:1 Jp 3p c^:;-ct,uT : ^n.^n^ '6)iii npD^ -^nn^N^ Si)?!? : ^cr\b hb^pe riirh a': 'i^ipi^ : nimn DiD3 ^ri'^S'i im^ h^ph ^n^jz*^^ ^ AT : t J : I 1. ^ IT - ; ;'-'': '' t i\ . : ^t t vjv - V i" IT : _ ~ T : T ; J- lAv ; : jt ; *^i- ; : IT T j' : jT - ; |T / ; T -; - f^ 1 y ; - ti. -I- ' : - ~ ' T\, jt ) t ; : I : ; : / jt ^ : t :v qn3i;i^^y^3 n;;iD Kn-^3 n::n9 r;;"^3 li^y cmr^ico ^ j" : V J ; r : i" : Jt t*^-; v ; t av t -: -t : JT t r I IV : v ) vt t > : - t: at : t t ; ; 'Vt ;'^ it j- : v T TV i ; t : I a Kn3j ni}:^ \r\n^ "iih n^r 2T\2T\ : QnyS^m-iiK '9 T : J- : ' A -:i- j ; i. v jt it t ; v- t T : A : ' t j . I > ; (. i- it v - : ^:2 nriDV TDx mp2^s^ ;?fc::^^ :D^2n pi^-'S^^^* T T T : at : 4* J ;v. ~ - ; it mnx3 ,nib Yi)^n u':i^h :Tiii::i^ Dni"i -111:11 ^d^ "^vnn^^ , T : -T I v.T T f A IV : ^' V ; AT T J -:- I t^^^.^f J ^-;i' yT " I T s" 'IT T I jVr V." -; I" t.T - : I -;i- : j-- -; i- . : - a ; v^v - t -..a r^i'^rT "'ii*S3, "':?"!5 : iti*7P, C!?'"ns uip"7?i,^ ^o'.l'iluT D>&ri : rJ^iDr-S? '^r\2;^r\'"''n^i rr\n';'r)><^ ] - . IT "; I" T . - T "A-- -. T , iiii>iuin m "' ^ Ij T ; J- ' : r ^ "'' " - : a--: ^ - ,i.y Av . : jT T : ^^ J* '1 ' T . T . T . 99. 100. 101. 102. 3p s*p p m wb7\n AT I- T ;^- T -(. J"' T yT ; ' V " J : I (lemniisnrs n ni.-T^i6^i-i : n^i^;; nrlj^ i np>^^3 npTO co5::*r:) *'' ^ ni.T ; ic^ in: phi V j- >T -; yT - v." jT : IT I - IT I J : <;t : ; ( iT r"^: ^- i : av t t j* t nr.i'^.^ nin^ :^i1p-^3 i:^ip -in'? nnn:^^n'i I- v. ;t : T r A ;* r j- : ~; i- ; ;i J* : n,^7"^l ^'M ^i'^lC' niin'? niD?p p r,!c','J-;;;. '^ KSn N 5 * I r r : T T ; j AT ; - ; _-r : V J : ^ ''? j,r.Hja> . . / . , o V .00 rum .iclitw "p\^^ ]i^)i) i/i^j; i:n:}^ 1 j^7i i:i:'jL; ^3nnD^i^^i; .sin niT eT!.?,^.t ^;n:_x : Hin n^n^a vnT:^q nlin^ 1 i^^Ju'^' is^3 : in^J/lO ''"'"' n nn"n;;i i-non nSi;;^ nini 31:5-^2 : iDu; 1212 i^' K ron "iv^ro ninb ^^p : inJ1C^^ n'T ^^^t, n. 2 D'^;inin"T3inS^3b\s;n-i/!DriSnin^?T^n-)^::\s::i:5:i^D') sCcr;Sa ^ -.^i'? : \n^3 mp3 ^in^'-Dn^ "^^nns^ ^'7.^ s^i2n ^nD pi-""'"'" I" v'jv. t : T ; !; ~ : v at ^ t ~ T^ n 4 "^kn^p : j/n^ .n^I? vi 'it^^ "iipl ::^pi/ 33^ : "^3 psn^ ins 33S 3^-11 D^rj;;n35 n\pvs inix in;:! nn;?:: c ^-113 "n^h n,':^]} n3i:>'? p.s-j:t:iS:3 1 ^:^i: : ^3is k^ 7 ,Tpi n.c^;;'^n^3 3-).p.? 1 3wyr^*!7 : ^l^i;^? N'ln D\pn "^^n\py8 Dnp5^ : ';),U!n::^ jiiji-x'? u^y,'^* i3n s riin:'^?^! ^bjzro ^^^ n^r^n 3p ^j^ ^:- 2 : ^^^3n '^'b^ ^:^i:ym ^ip^^r^ n^^;::^* nin;: in^:: ^s^'^ ^^ivJc";;:: : 3 T|jr^ 7X-npn 7-1^ ai^;? ^ii^p 1 tj^^.d ir\pr\^'^i^ 's:^:^;^ f < f iiK'nlaiitis ; : - T ^ A- J V ^' > 4T ,t l^- ; ^3J^D psalino ill cotlcin ar- * 1 gMiriciilo p*rg-it, clC' que ;in;5>li tmliiie .V iiatnr, <1 tine idol ruin fiholi lioue 1:2 29 PSALMl 96. 97. 98. 99. tiif HK "OS )] J T : - T -V. J : : i* t : '^ I ^- t a rs-xcvii. D^\s5 ^rif2ii;^ yn^n b:r\ "^Sid nl.T tv n' Eliamhiic J* ' ; : | v^t t j- t ' t tv, jt : ^ i" rpn3 i"i\ii^n : inv npo ton^ipi "^i^n r>5^ t:^^it3 i Ei^^E :5?^P '^mvm^ Dnrr : n^jn ^]?i nmn^ b^n n 11- !> T. A : -J- T - J- 1 viT T T I J ';: at : I nst^^T ni;/!:::^ : D^'i^^^"^3 i^'-nnnc^n a''S"^^>^3 s : - "t : IT r v: t -; i- : i* a* v: it ! |T : JV T ; 1^- \- : at : j : t r t -v i ^=nu^ :rTDn nwt::: if2ii;i:n is^icr rii.T ^nnx : D\i'?i^"^3 '^ < y AT ' ": j : ~ ' \ ^ JT ; ! t : -; > v: r : Wip 1:3?^ nim nin^3 d^p^*^^ ^nrt:!^ : nn;::fc^i2 I :T vj-: : at ,- .-v j ; ' it ; - Eiustem ' -r TV J. t .- : " <- T I 't : JT - ^*^' ; a 'r r : t :. gnuin ^- : "I vat . - t ; t j- t : ^- : t i v.i. n jiuli- 1--: j: -: v : | vat t t t -v j- t i '3f K 3 prodc^'ite. ni-)V':i^n3 : nno? ^ipi niijii 113^3 nin;!? in^jr n e I* ~ ; / t ~ " Iat ": ; J T . it j piV3 ^a]i"C05)ti^' v'^'iiCr] m\vi s^n^^D rii(T"^>:)Sj ^cp nS^D -,13-11 ni^;^ nin"* Di; : onit^^ps D'^;?;;! n- SlKr.kD-n ^ii:s ]i^^?3 nin'^ : v-\\^t\ oi:n a^nn? n^::^^ a\?)i^ 2 Kin ' ' " n hie; cuhor- tatio ;ul omuiiTO- iia ti ;iin Re cae & ad ram j ue 2K i<3 94. 95. 96. ))i m IK D^'pnn n n^^r\ njpj2:.M ci;p5 -^h nm}}/ npi'^h'h : ]^^ , v; ^T ; .... - ^.. . . - 3 2 : i:>::'i niv'? n;;ni nin'*^ n3:-):i 'ij'? f'-iut T. I- ; J : T -T AT I- jt; -: \ raelem, u 4 ^115 Vs* '^3 : 1'pj.^n: nii;^D min^ r:D n^'ipi ^i^^- ji J- N- I - j'T : AT ; jT T JT :>-; ciaf.atqm T A .V : If :: r ^ t v y.- at :qniins(>ii- J ; T (. J V -: I J- T v,*^: I : ) v at >: : v sosabijii- ':3^ :D "tat. ; -;,- ; V. n T ^tt v v": at 't deleiret. jV -; IT ; - T - ^ ; at ; V ; " :v. j ; " i" T I . V I : A- - ; ' *: r . ^ V -; IT T : T " ." AT T ^* T -K, u* /'. . n CD'h^i^ rD'^Bpn ^i^^it-h>^ 1 ^3 : D^i^i<-h>^-^;; A- ; J- - IT J-- . ; T s' ! v; t ^- 6 mj^Sini ri; r:ii'7-nm-iin : nt*); D^^t^ nin''T .;*; / AT t ; JT t ; t it f > t t - 7 niH'^S ipn r^^f^u n)rip^:v nin\^ 13.1 ; i^"npp3 1X31 nri:,6"iNi:' idl:^ 1133 nin^^ i3n : rj/i ^133 "^f ^^'^^ ^ T;- ; a; .<: T-VJT it /T ' > bzn li^ri-pji^ ^^9 nin'' 1 d:i;3 nos" : pijn-^3 v^p ^^s 73 ' nD 28 JPSALMI 92. 93. 94. -TJf JJf 21i bS^vS"3 D^-y^ Diip nriNi nj/rTJ^, c:i.::f n) )ik "^buT'h:^^^ : n^i:;^ \):2h2 n^s m?:'' n^riD p-^^}^ : '^:r^^l3 iV ; J T ; - vvv ; -'t : . i t - J -(. it ; T ni;; : 'innsi^ irn^K ninvns nin-' n-^Dn cz)^^in::^4 io ov7KK"3an^^^^ D^3n D:p 1 ni7pp :D;^5'!jr-i1-in3^iSji^';4 Lj,^.. T:^ : c^^' ^-^^^'? nin'i ::^1p-mK: ^rn'^a^ 7 K 3 I* T ' V J : T : v's T-;r jl ; t* : qui regno ^ < .; , f i'^ : ;' : iT -:r : j - i jt : j' ;^- 'vit ^; j tit V : J : I *. I- -: j* i* a ";r j- : jt t ; ~ D^^^Ppi' D|;3 DnjL;3 'ira : apji;; \i'?*s5 ]^5^' .s"?! nj^s '^^ IT JT T K"- i + A- J -; V J- -: J -: DWK"j3 nniinn::^^^ : *73n nsn-^3 Diij nint:^no;;Tni.Tii 12 "nr.s;^'^^^>Q "^i? co'^pr^n? :i.iS57in TTn-nnDi n^ iinD'^n-iti^^iS 13 J' *. '- ; ' ; IV ; " : ^ : IT at jv. ~ ; v "; r. ^ -T : J I s* - it JT T T K-: 1 ' ^ "^ j-x r\nni K'J3 90.91.93. ^^{J^^^^;D^'?^n >T I'.--'-' JT ' ; TA TT . . . 14 TjrjDD np33 i^^^ti' * ^'pi^"^i* cnsni 'r^^'^y. ''?'' ^''^^^ ID '':i,OW riip^? '^3n;5J2; : irp;-'?^? nn;5.i:o\ njjnji "^f "^^^ ^ '^ s* : pi^n"^ ^"iti^ ^V3 ii% irc3 d:^' ^^^ ps^xci K". 4 w I in">3;;3 : niin -i3^o tr^ip'' n^o ^^^^\ >^^n Sfem if" fl J I - jT I : It Av : V jT T : - . t 6 '7^^^3 ns'i.^ : LDDv ^^i!) yno niv nnsp t^yr\ ;t T ; I V V I : <> "IT T:iT J r v 'v /<-:- i : TDHTh^D^ ^-ipt^^' "n^-mii;^ lOi^^o "^3 : ^iSn^s Mv T : T ; It:' 'at v- : t t : -^ j* 'iv t: it : 13 12 ^r\p'h}: : ^,^j"i ^3^^3 ^i^in"]! ^Ji^^J^^ a^3"'?;^ 16 ^n^>3cf^^ n2^i2i t)^ : 1.1733^1 ^nf^ni nny? e : pj^^; ^19;^^ ipi^T nj.T!? nininb 3ib : n3:5^n 4 3 nic:;;;-^^ : ni'?^v'3 ^n:i;D.s>. vwn -ip33 Tiin^ Se'ta" *? ^: :T .. l^v ; - >vj - j- - ' qus in con- n ?i^;^*s3 nin^ ^i]?n;3ti^ \3 : ni-ijs \r^r] ^hv ^3r^^;;"i coS'.^" 1/vt;it . jr : J- . < ^ : jt' i-*^; :t^t '^;i- rum alqao cnl.T ?iv^^ i'7iii n : pnis: tt V;;;::3D;Tcoli.. " /.T : ' jv 'i r J :n "^ .* - -; I jvt v,- ^ i- : ft : PS. XCTT. Earn lamia- tiisimain religioupin f3 27 PSALMI 89. 90. ^ tSS :--: T : - t : -t*. jt - : t iv i^t v: iv I - - - : inn p.ij^ r\^}?r\ t];^?^ nn^ nn'-i^.^ : Tjn^t^p'Dj;; z*:^ -V2 3 "^3 inDt^ : nnn;:: mvn^ nit:!:' vnhir^5 iii^ns 41 42 IT T .-, IT ; JT T : T : >.- iSt I" ; t t : j- x ATT I J- : T .-:,. ,T : . t : v 7tt vat ; 'j inbpri j^^i 13-in iiis' n'^t:^r1-?^^^ :rn^i^^^'7^rinbi^n ': J : f< : - j r\ I- it:i tt:;- n"wnns nr^-,5o p^5'7 its^DDi l-inDi:: rist^^n : n.'^n^/::^^ n*: T :i- I v;t t : : a t t: t ;- : it t : - jT '^ T IV JT it't t ^.nv At "^i j- : t : - : , J- : T : J,v t -,- J- ; T" : "'^v t j-- t t :i VJV .- tT T I" . T T .;TT :T _ ^_ ..^^ ||vt I v;iv T : T*: y- : AT -: j- r t i <.: i -. < - I ^ _,. _ T ( " ; ; : I Av T^-: J- : V t -:*. j ; ^^.?,., : ^n^tt^o ninpj; ibnn ^t:^^5 nin^ 1 Th^is^ it^-in ic^i^ -'^^^ in 2* X 'iv ; } I: ' : ;v -; at : jv : t i. -.v < ai]3 T|^rj;3 a^:;:^ mine atHic- ' .' -'J ^ . J- rriarir* ^s^^H ir'^D"' >:d : cTTi S'?!;::^ n-)i6 ^i^m rr t , r 'Av - : r T f i--t; ./ : " t Iat t : I j t i( ,, d).y:ni tur,o- S' i T ranti,. ^^^^^L, ^^j^L,^ ^^^2^ irniV ri::^ n:Sna: ^nDnni ., ^^^. > ; .^: Iav:v: j* i*-: jt - ; it ; y : it i r'' ' 'i iw n;:::D ^r;::' irv^s ^n-)3;;n i:s ^^^'''73 'S : T^?i 9 ; '^T V IaV T ;'\- : J 1 TV T J- I IV T ^ < : TT ^- ; r.-T " ; : vi.- 3 3 **wV^ 13 I rm 89. ::s D^Vnn ,, ,f ^nj');Di^.-siNr nin^. ^i.^^^s d^^iidll^ ni^f : nSp ?T^$D:sp"P.'i ^^ 7 ^k J ' '^^ ' ''^ j' -;: - Ti < : t.v jl-;: c.slamita- ^ n j,T? HOT nin^S ^in^ pn^i \':d "^3 : r^-^t::}!? inp2 T.:.y.i-> ^ oT I J- -: I . T T : < v: T - T - ,w : T ! a't : j^ : I 't TV j-: - i-.t ^ : - . 3 ]irn3-r^i31 1? : ^^^)^ h^y/) ^nP:*?] '^^JAP '^t^^^rnw.v'j -iinp ^nipnn nipr^^ lU('-n^;i.^ ")Q^^ril ?ITpn!7ni3Tx'3 2^2 2l-|^^^ :r]in::^D '':i^ip rov:;'! ^^'^v n^'^nt^^D : d;;d"^^^^ ^'^ JV -: > : - : j* '.'t > vi.v ; a- : - j- t t t. ^t - :'" 1 * ;* A j.":j'T v;iv I i v JT T; 'V J 1 : J t : AT JT - J- ; - : j^pi-,^^ ' .V A- : V J : Tk. I - I* T I : j : t at J-t \ ' I I J - T : ; A- T t T Ti 33 cDi:^^ 1^2^:1 ^nip^"] : n^t::*'^ ^b ^rii^^Qi 'j'?^n^ AT : vj* ; / ;-iT i i j - : *" - t 26 PSALMI 86. 87. 88. 89. J^S HS tS 13 r^nOTii ''iinnii? rii.T nnjs-^5 it^^n^i ^s:3i:^i>^Ti IT ; - ! : -y" t-*^: t : /t - r A : j~ : i J : : rALMUS ^ cSat"' "^lin? irl^f^D^ Tti^ nipt;? nij^-"??? td ^^ Kierosol' imai one...,.-- . _j^ . J : : .s j*"-:i- t :<- j- ">i mj cujussocie- *''* tatem eti- am peie- griniB fen- y;;,faf : npj;^;ni4i^9 ^^5 li'V ^"li?.;^ ni.T nrj'^ : a^lp 2 K"i ~ie- ... . . j-|i^ \' anil Tsri^ : nbpD\i^xn T'l/.^aiBTp ^i'^^^^s 4 pa t Lx: Usurpat Proj." verba ] Lomiiiis,in t t f quel '""^ ; . * . . . .. ne,a bus & i^ue relis ejus res atque ca" expr eraplp n;;a^-^3 : ^riji^ ?j;m nt?a ''riv'^r;^ T.5?i! ^i?^3 4^' Jofo"> nnr-Di 'nation: ; w'-^n iM^^^^b ^ln^ ^^^: ni;;in n .^tque " = J : - ^<> ' v : : a- ; j t . r jpdmuriD'^^^rj, iD5 ^L^90 '^^''?3 ^.ICi'?? "^^j?^ '^'^7 "''i?^ it; j' :iT T : ^ jt : : i J -: T T T 1*^:1- J- : t ; - post res- * I . . ' . f L L titutio- /" liv - I .> -: \" T v; I Av T ;^v T T . y- T T IV versionem ~rP^ I . ' . .? , ex diutur- ,5' 8 ,T ah^m : i:a;; ^id;:? nani w^w'. V^^ i^?^t? o",^ri';^^i: .1 . . . f . . preces, nt lil 7 yi:i;r\ nn^^ kSi nm -n*? ?!5^i^ ^c:^;Dn ij^-n^^^ri ?r p::i^ K ,n J T " -V J -: IT J : . - ' J : at j- v;iv jani institu* ^ . (' o-atfacere, U- IT ; : ; T - i: (ST -; v : ^ "^ v t n njj^rnpp :'':3.y>^3 "fi?? 1?^^ W^- ^^^t) ^''"]i? 12 nDVjn pj^o n;::?^ : ip::^: CDi'?:^! P"tv ^t^^s^a AT : ^ Vjv V :':\, it t j t : I vvv at : I/" : " : A - I J" T ;v - i it; ;- ^ I vv : 14 ID : VDP^ v^h Djr^^i f?'i'^ r2^h pny rn^ia*^ IT "t : ' vjv: i." t : 'a* - : jt t ; vvv it : //- *^ v^ A-'^:j:: t jt : . - > t : * ; Oratio Da- *" < CO , vidis A -2 7^ : - T -; I /v J- IaV; '^ vjv - -v i- t probonim, . f ' / . . uibusGum n -^-737 Tpn-nii n7Di 3io ^ni? nnNi-^5 : >^::^n in'-mun ( ; T: -: AT - : j t -;v jt - it v (in senper , ';. C iluctaa- 11 inin-* '^^lin :7i^n^ u'^rib^ nrjjjnl^^^Di ni^;;') ^]1^^ T : V iv- : J* v: a " at- ^v ^ : t -^ : n^nn ^iiStcf^p "^i^t:;: r)'?vni ^S;; H>i7| Ti-^pn i4i^'?n:^')ji:i^p3D^5^nj;mi;i''^i; vjp dhTi D\l7i^ mas. facia spu-atiune ad belliiia 8t'S(* ace in gebaut. n^ '25 PSALMl 83.84. TS) Jg ^P"? nP) 3W ^bi^-'^ U'T.i .n?N^i nsri^.i' -r^ ,0 LXXXIV. . . . . ..T T T- . , .-r. ;s','>-' riin> TW33^J? r-iiTT-na : nic-a mp->33'7 2 cuiulum sit . < , ; CV3 ^ , , ' ' ' " Gi 5 n ^'J^^= ^nvn'?^i'2:inri'?^-Dji ,-12033 ;niN3:f,s-" mini cou- H -^ *' .1.. '''''l,L^ jrX'al-.TOin3ia-nx -TrnDsr nnain^'x n? ipninni ,-,', - "-- li;; ?in>3 u^p, ^-)!i> ; >r1'7Xi ^l^a niN3v nin> n r'' TS>,T'j:o??'?3ni^pp'!i3i'7-n;?Dix ^im tnhg tii^^.t" ^=^ npi?:;ii3-;3-Dj nwa'> i^^z? xosn pai;3in.aj;'7 '""^^ : 11:^3 a\n'7S-'7S nsT '?:n-'7N "^^na liS '; niia 'd'??: ^rw 'a^9^ r^pa^ ;iiN3^ D^-t'?^ n^fv y :" "' : r'^n^n'7S Hin; tjpi I !ffm^2 :i'B^v>'7.n^3 ni'r,p ^-iVx. u ; 0^9173 n^3'?n'? 3iD-;?3,p: x^ nin^ m^ 71331 in nn .4 2 80. 81. 82. 83. j2 32 ^^2 s uhnn :5Tii^-)i<';^F^^'^'/''^ I V T ; T A- -; J T ; j* v. ^t . n r ^"^ T : -v : . -;>- > t a j pulnm Is- 4 naia? ji'ina vpn : Vnrnn;; a^i?: ^ijs ir\-i:rn sSci;,"; /^T V J - J ': viT J T ^ euinrjiie in- r- i- 1 : A J- -I ; : I J J- cordis ac- conv;:: p.s-'?;; in^^yn 'ibii; ^D'^n^z \ n^rjj :Dpr/"^"'' sTjp^s^ ^v^n.^T rp^snp^ nn>-3 : njnnj/n inp -^^l^^^^ 9V^i;;;p^ :n^p nano \p-'7y 'i?n3.^?D;;nnnp5vrr^^ iLj-'p^ir.??'^' i7'3>>'^J^^P? n^^'T: 'P175 ^??"lif*^: I . ; . . ' -i.jv'sque -,-[ jv'j 'I \' . - jTT ^,^ A t; ^~ . Tiv . T : ay: itercas- gnas'ci' D-'n'?^ ncip : iVsri c^.^n nnx:;i ii''?i2fi * 7J^ - : V . . I . ^ contra ' .nxa'; T^'r^*'?^ T'PS- T??^ '"'i'^'""'^ ^'^ ^^E^^^i"'"" tt*") tione lute ratione Do mini. 1:d 24 PSALMI 79. 80. 2 t2^ ^^;, -i;::? "iJti^r^ nv^^ p|3^^n ni.T np-rjt; : irnin-^^pS n ii^sni i^r^J^ "^,?3T ''J.^'^V'TT"] ^S!^"-ii2? i2T^j; wt(;yf}b>^ K^an K'i'^is -imn wnr Hnj:^ td*^ rnp:J^ ?I^:D^5-^inriii Dnsnn Dp^n-7N^ D-^nj/iitr i:^:3d::^7 2i:;n] : nnii^n 12 -ini' v^y D : ^n^n]^ i^pi -li-Ti nii^ ajpu^b ^^7 .00 PS.LXXX, Kieg-anli ve/borum d^iTtur CD^i^n 2^-^ ^Dv liSp jrt: nru^n '-7k-)^: tuinprr- J .. * ." ''00'' adversus ufrobujue v i . .^ . ; .. it t jt . i <. . . . S-,ue'' iDp::^]iT n;;o*n nun'? an^^^n : tt/^di; nh^T^26 t;iii.l jt . n 'ti/" * ' " 78. 79. to;; nj; u'^pn -i^n-in I D3-n-?it>" : c^^ti'-i'? Dn-'^poi' cznTa ii^h J- - : 1^ T V -: : ~ - ~ : nT t : ^j-t jt : v -13'^^ cn^ni nti;^: n^^r^D t^n ^h ^m^ y^n: 51 -^Sn^^B c^Mk n^:^iS-i D"^^vm lir^-^^ T^ :T^Dn t:it : J- T ; : j ; t ij- - I- ; J- : IT : - V T ;." ":r : - /. - j - '^ j it Vst:- I : ^T : liT v - a :'t . ; Dh^Sii^ii \^w^^ rhrs:^ ^ans d^^s'^i dM-i i D.T^s^rj 56|i^^;; D^ri^.vjt ni< r\i2^l ^^T^^ '.h^^-^w^ ^\^yd' ^T -: I- : : '-\ j - it t j t ^. ; ^'^ arii;!:ap imo^i^^.M : rvjTs r\^}]>;?i lignj nn^a^ \y^ '7n;sS 1^2^ i:s:i'D ^l2^^ : ^i^-ij^^n 1^6 D^^,!D''1 ..., ^., J- ; -- IT - : V : - . ; A*^-. J- : - ij- - it tit ""T3 >r, li? A- T : IT .(T - if^ : t -.-I-: a *s vjv- T : : - : at t vjv - t -; \. it j t : p"\W 67 6a^n;^n D^^^''1 :iD^ im D^i;;^n5imin^^in^>^trT'''-'' V J : -;-(. IT I -jT t '^ ^'^ :v at jtt ' (. AT : vj* V -:-!. |t T J - ; V V : v. Ia- r n.^^Di^DD innp-^S iin;; ms in:2''i : D'^i;;'? 'n^D'^ ^ > X : ' \' ir - A ; '= J' t : *:-. it : >ti : 72 :Dn:! V25ni:i2nai InnS oris D;;n''i :inSn:ifiyn*iK"j I" : - jT - ,. : at: j : ^- : , i t -.r '">' . ^ * "i ^^ribnmD^iJ i^n D\i^^ n6k^ i&r;:: c:;; M^\j^ ' V t -.1- ; \T V; lyT T ; : ^ ^jn^'pri lu^'i cpt^Ti 5]ij^7 7:jiS:D i^7:3ju* rl?2rr'*^!;:";;rMTo T T i : s i; . - - IT . IT- J ' .t ; - : ' "^'"l"'- t r } t dfrjAier.oe- . >.T -j > A' ; T .-VV. J- T ! I I J- : **" irma^2D7 5!) 23 PSALMI 78. HJ/ ^"j IT : - : v J T : at t : > - : - it - < IT:-.. I ;'^;r a- - j -: : nv r i : -: - '^ J- r '< T I ^ : J" : I T a- - j v Vv - -; I ^ I ; T ; : A* I" v; vi. J < I" T ; : w.*-, N"3 Dn^S;; 1 ntbo'^i : nnsi D^iDt^ ^n'?m ^7;;^;:: D^pn::^ ^^^"'^ 23 24 jv '^: J- : -- ,T T 'J- T V : - : '^ at Ij t ; j- :- A" - jT "v. vjv IT I -jT - T 1- : A v:iv l-T iV3 jnri D'';!:d:^3 nnpi/p"^ :;;nLi^^ dh^ nW htv -^^' J . : K" - :- -ATT - ''-riTj ^ - I T jV T I- T T " ?li;f CD''^: '^inDi '^^^ti^ nf^^f:;) d.'j^'?;; -id;::''"! :p^r} ^^ J ; I - IT : : : t a--;- vtv ; --v. Iitt AT T -; i" ^T I I vT ; T T T "": I- : A : '^j : ; - ""^^3 :;;nDn Si^ii:^^ mnnt Dn^n^t^^Ds ^hn^^v^^ T : "= i> : J" T : . v.- i- av *^ ; : -:i--*. at; ^t t -; it t |V - t ; av : I :^- J-: AT J* v; r ::-<. i- -: c : t : i!D&n*vn: iHnp;' Dil::^^?^ an>=:5 imri?);i * : of^s^f^^' A - J- T : T : .\ > : - i ; ' V ; - : ^'^in nn n;::n ni^n-^^ -)3Pi ;inon-^:DTi;^-.s'7Ti'> I - ; T A" JT T r : "V IT-; t t i ; I I I ^ I - at ; ^ J : - t -*. I T J : t:\-r I 1 : j-- t ; v': a- j -;- t-i. BVN";2nV;03 DL^' )t:^5< : ")^-''i2D D12i \^)^ i2V IT 13 - : ;v. jT V -: it jt t v -; ta AV I : t;(. 'j -: I- - 1*^ I : t , I ^T I A'- : I - ti. jv t - - : "it:* - v ; : T AT : - T|V \y - ,-...-_ *E^ ..; - . -i^D^i :SD3nnDhiCT:!0 dmdh nnj^ jh.T :n3-iNbn -^3 J- : -- , IT T -; I- T : ; ist ; - jfr - 4 ".i- iv ; - ir 1137 77. 78. n;; ?;r D^'pnn "N" J - - TV. T,v jT -: I- I - : I y- T i^Qnj^p rTi2|is^-^;D K^b)i^P "^?t-^ It/'-^ WV^? 7^-^ T ; T I jV i'*^; I- l.v'rCiT T ; * j' T : F IV : > Vl: 14 nni*^ : a^i'?^*3 ^ili '71^-^0 ^^-rn c^^nps D\i^K' vA^i J ; T :j- T IV . j'^lT T T 1.- V AV "^ TV > : ' ^ < IT . .1 A T, nioneiilur- ' r- T . ; <.r T . .1-. .. v\T' ,r t queiitern 6 ni?T i;;;::'^ iDi'^^n^ DjJ'^i1nVirr^i3J^-n>^n^yit/^i^n"^^^^^^^^^ r t: iv : ; : - i- --.t a-t. j' -. I -. -, j ^uis ij.siim : rr^y> ^^T^r^^^ b^'^^hv'2 ^r^2'd;^ ^^1 ^boi D^i^^^^^^^^ 1 : vT : A- : - ,- . ; -v j : vt ; , sicutpaUeK r: - 13^ lon-s^ lii nir:i hid lii Dhi3.^3 1 ^\i^ ^^^t ''""""" ^ 'J -\?Dii vt^l: Dni:^5-^J3 : inn -^s^'nj^ ni!:jv^r.s^i a^i^^^ nn^ n;::::^ x^ : nip CDi^:i li-in n::*? A- v: J* : : ir>. j it; j : ; it v 'at T : ; : *"iii* I611V1 ;;^DD Q^^ri: b^vi'^i : nni nirjhns pL^^'^i V V ^ AT J- : I J - iT - / : f ; . n]v>i; niip!? l)"^^onS li;; ^^^:^v\ : D^p niin^s 23 22 PSALMI 75. 76. 77. J^ Tj; H^ tlf ad u- > T " T .-IT : ^ T . I ">. :j T t,/ perbo'j iin- . ; , iuos,ein :pni;-)v^nin::iinD:D:"ip Dii/p^ ^Dni'^"':?^ : ppr, terra lio- M it t jt" ; \. ; - : -^v : : I- jt - j- t - I vI,t nSn'^ '^"3:21:5]^; ]nhi^h n'^f^i^.^ q^i;^^ T^iS \:,s;i^ ; p.g'^i;:^^'' i>sAT.Mus : '^'^^^ ^P^:^^ ^"iplP ^5'^?3 ri.3^-^'?.^ "^^ K ^'^''- : n")to-'>-i^nr-D T^ nriK -n\s: :n^p nnnhoi ninVn'' ''"" I V IT " : - I" - >T - -TV T|V j> T ; -.VV ; > br;tMr, nc extoili n IS' n : - T I. : n I : ^t t 2 j t "^ j- - : >i : v wC^ : DIPT 3::-)i D'hii ap;;'^ ^i'7^^ ^rnni'^o : dh^t ^^n 7 I'S.ul.ilS V jT I I : l/i -r : I : ^ -j-'u - ^yj i actio ol' ]i- j: . it I j- -; , . ,: v ; I >i^t . v ; j- v; mnxi.Ms \i : i"" at j : t . ^ t :j- . t : ^t t ^t ": Ti-r ^ugu.,n. j-^j^,^,^^, n^DHNi D\i'7K n-i2i.^ p::'ii: nmn4 T T TAT v: 1. . J- V; JT : ; V |- . " y y ' I i . T T J' T ; ^' T.'/T - T "T ni:K :3 b^ rt^n n^^^-1 : "I'n ii^ h^x -irj:i non nv:i^'' '' J j-T. ,T j: \r ->ta:~ ^jv t ;; ya 74. 75. n^ Tt^ a^*7nn sT^a^ni^ -)br :Tjn^^-ip ^?is: ]ti>;/^. nv3^ ]^n:rs:"l , . ' J -i^li/io 3-1P3 Tini^ Ui^ci^ : ::^1p3 n'iH; nr^Bj.'iiH:. " 7 ]y^D "bin p.K7 ^i^^.PP 2i^>^?, '^n^V l^^^'^n' J- '^: I T \. AT -1ST jT T :v J ; IT I jv ; 'i:ni^--K'7i k^^n: "ii;;-]\s^ iri^v.^^ irhinl^ : p^^:^ T I ; A" T J ' " J' 1 I * I F VIT 7 v" )< t: AT ' vj'- : VA J- T ^ IT *= *'- ; n^bin n-)p;o ^rD^i ?tt n^ti^n n;:^'? : nv:S ?!;::t^'*'^PT* ji*: I" vKv '^v ! I :,Ti. .' T Ti>2n "^t^^iSn ]n-)3:^ d^ to:: r^iiiD nns* : yi^n ' ' - J- T T :/- AT jl :^ ; T : J- ;- I vat j : t T ; - (. jr - V 1 r T ^ i 1^^ "DPI ni.T I ^in n^ii^ n^^r-):)l : Dnn^'' nr\^ ^ihi ^ : AT ; Ij-v (. T ; IT :- : jT - I v t " ^ ; IT ! A ; - J" - '^(V T J- l ' " ' V ^; fyr : I J- J T - IT T J I V --;!- '-2 ?inn nan D^i'7^^^ npip : ?ip^ ')^'?n^^ ]f'^3^l 'pJ^* : Tpn n|7i;r Tj'^pp ]i?^^?in-|:tf b^p^ iS iip?D rint^]i--^s: i ny^p) n;; ' j't: (. v: J; <.' 7 Ijt t : f^,]^.,^ PSALM us X V. brant tiTiiumDei ^D 21 PSALMI 72. 73. 74. T^ Jj; ^j; n;v "ja nc:^ ^i^-ii*"' \i^i^ D\i^>^ nin^ i "^n^ : in-t^\s^^ is nl3:D iS^'^ZD^i D'?iif'? liins Dt^M'^nm : nn'? ni^S^: ' IT ' V T A : V T I I" T ; I y" T I VT 1 J :::^^'Z.::rhw D^^^^in? ^ns?p^ ^3 : n:^^? n??t^* ]\^3 ^^^jn 3 lies a })ro- ,'' * ' ^ "* ../..-. . . peo'hS- nn;; ior;; nSnD s^v'^ :iD^ D;!:n n''ji^-?iL);;\"T!{s^: - k:i > T ' V A JT '. J : - ! > ^" T IT J ; - I V.T T 'j--. I- T ; AV . -J- T - j - ,- -; Z--;^^^., nD; K'5 -,5,^.^ ^^;^^s^^ .^^^L, ^^^^, ^L^^U ,;^^ jjL,^-j ^;^^ ^,^, , pL, ^'' "^ jT : IT : IT ;t T ^ A -: ^ - j t I<,- t "D^5 : a^Tli^'?'? "'i^njini r3rn''73 j;i:;)^ -^in^} ; ^S5 j^ 1:3 T ; - -; 'V .ITT >JV T 1- K" A . ;T ; - -; ; - t (, :'; V TV n : J 1.T T A '^j-r /^T J* T T -; -1. 'j" IT -: 1- : T T A yi "^ -AT : jT - : JT I < I - : -i . ^ . I" : ^- -. T ; T 'AT J' ' ii-V ' 11 ' J' X : D^^ci^a ^y-^D : ^2wn t;33 nn^si ^jmr\ ^ny^^^ ?i n3 AT 1 - J' |-T J T - * : 'A- ; - Jl : If'-;!- ' ' - nn^^ TP.Pl "'.?n"''? : t:^1;/|? a\i%st ^p^nf pn^s? : Tni3^;Vo-'73 -i2iD^ ^dhd nin^ ^:ik3 i "^j^::^ I IV ' : ; - T - ; a -; i- j %'; jt - C " LXXIV. v j-i T I7r T : . . - *- e.:u* ;^ni 71. 72. 3^ ii^^ D^^nn 17 T-!S n3.T-TjL?i ni^^sp ^^n^^^i D%i^.jj5 : '^p'? ^r^f.lV '*3'^^3 15 '^nji^in-^.^ D^1^^t nn*^!^"! nij^riir i d;t : TP'^^*?55 ^f^ '^= ly tjnpivi n!:;)T?^ ^'^^r'^?^ "Jil'? ?iyn? T5N*"Tj;'"'''^'^ I T J' V: A . T J* "t % -: J T '^ v: :3 fr'^nn m^i^i^ ni;;-)i miin ninv i iln\s-)n nii;^ '^7^^^ 21 3Dm -^n^T^ i3-in : i:?;;^ m^i^n p^n mDinriDi np :^;;n 8:Daii'pp ?i^>3;;i.P7y? ^aj;?!^ ' il9'9) !I^i?TVl .?|H' f , ; CV3 I . nein.justi- . * * ' * . " Reg-ni Mes* n^:0) t2;Dj^'sp ri^^-vi :p03: s3T?. p:? :;?? rt^^i: l;;.rol: successus i 13'^ti^'^ nn3D D^\^i t^"'L^-]n^Dte : i^n'?^ npiJ vi^ki 14 : rr;;^ nni lp^^^ Dt^D2 ^j^r dohot '^idd ly^^v IT - ; JT T K""; AT ; - j~ ; T T I ^ ' J " r T A T j^:r J- - : : ;t ; v~ ' : 16 ti:;yi\ Dnn t^.^nn pi3 1 12" no^ ^T : in^Dnni J y y y ; I V T T - - V t ;iv ;ir : in"i::w D 20 PSALMI 69. 70. 71. ^JJ;^ tOD v" : |T : ,?^i -linj^ ijp^. ^^?)3 4 optm Dei " ^^ i* tit co f '^^r\^-! Tpri i7pf^^,1 ^'Fi?3?""^? ^5 I inqjf"!! David orat, , . misericor- ' <" ' ,' * . 1 .^ 1 L''.r.S->j;'7p-^3 ';}}'P^\^b 0^^.v I'Pr^ ^;^ ]VD -i^p, i?'???': TJ;-^pnpnmiD^3-!'7 w;,ririDiu!| : Ton is ,s,-.',4iVi?j5;.D^'nVx -ibi n^n: ivi/i: ^ti^^i^mv' l^bw -vi^bDini Vn^^Tpn^^si :^:n|;T ^li'iPDZ? '"'S'??^ '* 69. '^D Tyyr\n IT T ; V : - h--'^:\- : . ;t T'Tr;ir I j" : ejusquedo- 1^ > ^ - |T ) - : at'^- ;t r : ^- Jt : ' .jTraf, tandem r^rKS '"^v J : I - ; -i> j ;'|T jt v ' ' r^":! suyerata I T : V. I AV ; - : ^' .-jT - J t : ' v: j^pL*v J' T TV IT T jT -; vT : ' -ST : V jr t v'ti. i* " \%m ''ti^^i:.:) Di5^n nsnj^i : "^^i; iSr^i ^^iniri r^isi-im (.* : - .^* : - J - _v : V IT it't j : tr ' v : v : v : IT T : jV T (. V.lT I /,T J,' : JT ; ViT I* J T-.{- ' T ; s' -.1- iT y ; '^-AT : J 'v j* t :j\?;i^amt^inmn;i nris p:375 ''n'^k i;;^^ n^Kj TV,^'T.. T; T ,~: ATT- ssna^ an^ja'? D;n!:'E>-%n> ; fan ^^npV;; ^^cpi e>s-i ,;,,,,, ^.-j f J- : V t; it ; AT : ;t t i* i- ; * ,.T *T _ a> 19 PSALMI 68. no <^T : IT ;I :iT - it :- n jt - t :^ ; >i : it -:i- a- v: r^^H^i^ 2^1 : nv3^ \^^' r\^n^'f]t^ ^nnti/h u^rf?^. ^^ r*3c "; an.T'D ^^) Di.s^,? rii:^q jnni^^ ^^3^ r)\3^i DiSa^ "i^ ^'^ npip vn^x t^^Ki rn;::^ D^'^^^^^8 : ni^^v^^ ^1.^^ ^"^ j : It 7T : I v ~ = * .;' t i v t T A* T ijT T ' T :v j~ "* IT T : I- ' at ^u^? ]Wi 073 Ti^;-) fnsn I ]p.pi : d;^ ni^^:5)924 nib^if '^in3D^;ji nm Dntj/ icip : ^1)^3 ''^S^so ^il:/ Dnpj-i n'fi.T nii^ D'ln li^y: 1 !6^:3::i Dt:^ : hi^nb^^ 8 ; T at T ; t :v. j" t ~ y I t ; <.T v f : A* v: jT tj-T^-, I V V; ;! v r : - r- r ' \ : "mi iT J- T ; ~ < 1: 'ATT 1: '5 Iv T '^. ir T :5^ T 3^ '^.^ DSinp a\^jt; ^'zj^/si Q'^T3^? riii;. n:p^ n?n -)i;i 31 p.^tn niD^DQ : D^i'7^^) vi; fir) :^i:? d^i^d ^3p 33 Dnp-^;p:i^ \!3t^3 33'")'? : nho "^^i^. liar D\i^iS^ ^t-^ 34 vA%- "^ : J- T T. Tiv jT : K , - A- ! J- 66. 67, 68. no ?D ID D^'jnn < .^ - V . ATT : , T V -: ,TT: , j^./^^ 19 is]5.v^ : ^p;-7,^^ i;p:^^ ^^ \3^3 '-^''^^TCi^ 1!!.^$, : ''^'i^i TD : ^i^^o iipni ^n^sn i-'pn-^^^ -it^^S v'Si r":- 2 ^ ^:!in> O'^fibi^ : "i^j^ iIdiO rir^^n ni^i^^? n^i ^^^s 'Mi^ r;"3 s'lS")^ n^^3 nyiS ; nbQ '\:m v:jh -)K^^^o-)n^"iomD''enm: ^ " - " I/.V :- I ..-^T T '^ J T T.T jt 1.T T r'<;T rt.. :,T ut cateiis ji J .1 ft V. J' I *. I !. T , : . 1 : tern <^ cog* ' ni'^i/'D U'BiJ ^ht^n-^:^ D'^isk'? li^Ti "inoi^^ : d-^sS'^-- n^*!V t<"i '' ' '*' " J = * / \ : f . ; : ' IT ... tiatur, id- ,.' ./ * . L ^ L que ilium ^ I A- v; j''^ i J T|..- J-. : I VvT T .. : esse ifntOi- ^r''^ ND%'j'?i^ liiin^ '^^^^3^ mrii n.^^ :Dv'3 d^^;; ^ni^"' /'-j^ J* .: ^ ;iT : at : jt : it | ::< it .. ^-^ I ' 8:pi^"^D5^"'?3iniKik^T''T D^i^K 'i^piT nr"i^i^ I viT " T - T J : i". A* %: P : IT : r* ',; si^iin? : r?sp rxj::'7p toi::i ip>iK i^fis; D^1'7i?^L?J,.':'; 7 1 D-'Tri? n^ii^ [D^^V^? ; ia*ip iij;s3 D^^'7 nijp^js IS'B"* /'J 8iiD"^::*^i ^"^i/W l?i^ \i0 ^r^^?f^ '3\^7iS:^ :nn^ny J J. T T.v V ^v r* T > v; v; j-: * a- DM7*S n> 18 PSALMI 64. 65. 66. )'0 HD ID N.,3 p'^'UVne^^ : i^^|t^^-i ini^'i^p D\n^sr^ ^i'2) n^-iiiu orbepro- J" = * i t .t t t I -.-rr at-*: '^y- ',- -/v^ . ,^^^ cemque '^ ^' i . - . jr t ; ^v :^r ~.<^' l^eS.f. : :I^p^n t:^1p?in^3n']t:3n;;3j:o?invn i3t^^ 3-ipM timnsuani, 'i. t i . iav j . t : : v i jv -; 1^ : - "'t ; JSu'driSa^^ nr ^lp-"^^ nD::D ij;^:^^^^ \i'7.^ ^::iid pnv3 1 niAii: ."^'^j? ""'" I n\3/a : nni^ja -i w; inb5 Dnn I'^pp : D^j;.rn. djt 7 nii'p.p^'^ it^Tn : C'ss) ]iapi &t^| jIki^ O'S^jixii' wijertfj i^^li^ci ^nnicD 112^ riij^ : iin3j;i 1 nno>* njjjijpri '2 s;s"i:ai, i.sni ip"? : nhp -^at^ iia?"' ^'j-nspi ti"? iinjiK'^n jtt'a ; 13 nn,:?j?'3 db* '7J7,? in:?^^! -in33 n;p3:'7T * > K"5 5 3 6a. 6s. 64. lb jb 3b D^^nn ' . . f mo ti;n- Tin ^^ '^ '.'<'," OO / . atqtie in ^., -ii:i ^1lo:3 Tp3 a::'?^ imnn t:^^i^-7i^ ^nninn:.;-?,tu. ^n.'nn < ^ ; . - . sidentis. lilSP'^p ^^'li? '^S^i'l D\i7 J^^^'?I : n^D'l^ v'R^ Di-]R5T s : r I r - J- -, i a- ; j . v;t I- : v: V ^ o - . r T - AT . -s- *-,..,;2j, T - r rtv T ;t -: I ; i- r- j- .T at t / "J23 N 3 ./ A- T : J : I -: r : j' ; v- - ; L X 1 I t. f . ; . . sui detla- spcm suaiu 6 ni:n ^n^i^i ^:i>D:;^3:^]:^ ]^li:i^n ids ; ^b:d .s^i^K Si^^.w T ; J " . I *s' ; -'' ; ' >- vj** \ ; it vt v ^^<4si*-" *i* / , , sum coiiso* J- : - >jT. IT If --; ' jv T : V : a* t jt.'^' t j. t r ^ ^m: r^p2^ n^',i:;i n;sni : ?ti'^p> nD;on -^i ?rn^^^ A' *" J ' J " ; T .^ T *' M ; > T ; IT * I A V "; (- 12-73 ^77.1;;^^^ \i7^3 r]pi?/\ '^ir^n] : r.T izd^^^jI^ -^^^ni s'^ 2 ^iii^f2 -^n-^'^z '^ip D^i^^?";;,5^^ : nn^ niDr;:D ni-^D^ psalmus -;- A' . J' I J' .. . I* T ; J : - - ; I- j;^ X I V 4 : np -ini D^^n o-ii Dr,:r? ains. i^:^ i^>? ; j^^ Sii;^'' ' r 17 PSALMI 59. CO. 61. 62.XNDDtDJ vh^x^.p :r^vX^'2W'^^ : n)p p.^.j^^n p?^?'? :3i^i{,^.:;i ^^;:^d D\nV5^^ io ^p r>"-* ^^'^-DN ^b.s'? wh^ r^riiri : n^;; lanlD^'i n^b:) ');::n^if) s-: liH' D-!xrii?hnijfn3 :is'?'?m'?!:nrcn'n;;iti")2^-'/;' ''^'-^ cin.ens, ou j . >v - ; i- -; j- t ; vt ; n^- fj- "^ ps3P v-- Tictonain < * CO 11'^ " '"* poimlo suo , ( " ' *" " "^ ' ' * HN^ i ^ t'sSS'in. J??i; iJ|iV"!?i i:iin;; o^1'7X : fi'?.i$ nst*;; a\5^ n'jps ' T jv T ; vT : ^r ; ' ; I vjv T ;^ : IT y J ;>^N"i W^l? : n^p :^pp^ ^i5p Dpi:rin^ p: ^^i^-i'^J? nm: ^ Tp 1 3iji;D : "^px^p ni^iT^t^iSn nj;^ onSi^i nt^jp '^ JT> . jT TIT : ; v: j- ' i : at : - ; Ps.Lxi. ^^ '^'' ^*. '; '^^ ^- = - : - Sum : ^)1) ^r J?"?;; I n^;p) j^d : irnj^ di?^^ j^ Dei, iutein- ' ' . ' .^ , ir/uiip'"' y^^n n)?pD : 'n-^?;;i nn^Rn ^n?-) D\i7J:|: nirp;i> 2 3 ' ' . 'jv VT I : A- 1 j"-: ^- tI:vv 'jv- ' . T it .V T J T r* y ; ~; a- jV ; - t j* t ' ' D^"*^?<, nj^,s-*^3 : n^D t-d^s nnoa nDn*^ D''D'?i>^ ..V jT - ! T,v I jvt: vv.' : v v: iv a* t *! ^^p-^p^-^i^ d^d;" : -^72'^ ''K-)^ nd>-i^ nn:3 m:*? r\i:n'c^ 7 ' -' J" T > IV ; ./: r .. : T .;- T AT T : t 'l j - t nn K ':3 D^"i^.^^ ^:.0 dHj; at^^^;; : nini lyvjs vrii::^ ^i^pir^ s ' A T J . JT ; - -; Iv is; ; I j" . vMV V / V v^.iiinus in 7 i* n Dei, iu tem 1 J rut: aiciue poiisis ac lroiniasi aesecouso- Utur. 57. 58. 59. loj m n uhnn j- T '^ J T r r \: - ' : v- -: at -: j- - it ji : i * i< nn^ nrit^^n-^i^ n^fiD^ n: : ^lias r")^$n-^3 hj: psalmus J. T : : - - -i- - : - mv : I vjt t t <. L V I 1 I. 2 "^22 iLD2)t:^n n^^^"^^ mTin pi)i nhi^ uin^n : cir\:iD iJeJ* X J- : : : ; t r- i : I ' V V r; T v .st - j* t : j i i - . piosomnes . r . . . ( coiisolatur : i^rj^ Dcoi^^ ij^nn inD-iD25 t:;m'n?2r] m^i3 id? Deuudicia. 1: T J" -a- I v;v : att - ': > : t 6 : DSHD Dnnn -inin u'^*nbf2 b^ph iJD^^'^h nu;^ J : T I . : at : - ; -^ : j -: it it : ^T ^ - V" vr- (a-:.- vjv :-. j: it = * Ss: K^:3 I T ; .- : AT T .V -. I . sr v.v: v.. ^^^^^^ 11 Di3rnTrD;;2) dp: ntn-^^s p^i)i n^i^^ n3-);;i:'' ^" ;- : I - : ^t^t ; Iatt jt t r i ' ~\. j- : ' iVr ; v: V V- ' A'- - J-: ' - t TV j- : it tit ^ . < summum : in^DH? n^iin-n>^ n^t^^'^i '-71Kj:^ fi7^2 ar\::t2 f^TuoTe. , , . -:i- -- V j: : - at - . : ;t . ^^^^^.^^ """^a '^3^'^vn : '22?u;r\ ^qoipn^p ^n^i^. 1 ^3^kp ^jTvn stemXt w^i kJ *" , ' ' ^ * ' ' /^ /' * ' ,^ Sauliscir- ' ' cumsidere- Ki :rr ,- ' v , , T .:-. J vat -:.- liberation. gra- :rT ^' - < -T' I * T .:- I" 'vat ^: j - j^jj^ j^vj IT : J' T - 1: V : I A-^ J-^ jT ; -: D'i:!n-'72 1p)^ ^^;^pn ^Kni^^ \n'7K nisn^ t5^1'7K o^n'?^^^*'^ A* " T Ij : T I 'T T : < v: t ; j- v; ^, T ion"' 31;;^ in^ti^'' : n^D m "^ijii-S^ l^]1-S^^ 'v '^^^'^^ .; v.iv v'-,' TV J t tiv I vjt : v tit V : " I- - IT : 1 :';; - ' v: a- :-; j- . - j- v; ,- nh^p^ a:m2 ns^ni^'p^Vna^iD^rriN^D"^'^'^^^^'^ - 16 PSAJ.MI 55. 56. 57. tJ 1J HJ < "^mi^ r\r\^ -i.^n? D-r-iin i D\n7i^ i nnt^i : p^-n^? coio ^^ fniti^rj-'i^'is m^ oi:^?P in'? o^i?ni d^n njl^-'pji/ 1 nvjp,'? n SStn" t3T'n-73 t:^i3K ^:dj<::^-^3 D^n7^^ ^:3n : nj3D''nj:^>::L!f'i iw^- ] "^ A v: 'J- T : I- viv -J- T I- : j- ; ; "Jj^ ii^B^ D^pn^ D''M"2 Di^n"^2 niiJ^ ')i:i^?t:^ : '?)fr\i: J^n^^^ ^. y"- -: r- IT ; V I J-.' -: AT j i t j* I- jt t vv -.1- - at J : - TV J" ! / T : "jv;^ >3Mj^ ^2iti;^ I fi^ : Tin-'.tiD::! ^^n ?J^^^3n "^nj/^n nD>?i^ -^ olB'* K J J" : < T T 'IV t; : -: 'a-.. : x t ; i j" J " : - TV J ! |T T J" - -: T - at T J . Dv^t^x Tinij D^^i^^^ -^bj; : ^*7 D'7^^ nfc^;;rnD j^tk 13 .. - -; f A-.. T : J- ..: -'rv jt t v./ -: at nnnS ' L V I I. ''' : > : t : at : j- t: : -y. - j - . i Acit hie ? * CV) . >.; psiimusdc-'7vm *::*): iTdh 12 ^d ^33n 1 D\n7i^ ':3n : n"i;;s32 causaDavi- '' " - : - t^t t ; y t .: n- t it t : - Ruteni lile ' -^ : v x i- t": w i - j^:\- ^ a-.- .; iv i Jv t . ^^^Q^ misencor- tav j- -; i |j i; - t <- . it t / t diaemaxi- "^ ; , . . '-l ' i 10 evae- -r : ' j : j- ; - i -:i- v . - .-.;. i^f^ rat. . ./. . .;< . ZT T : A . : J" -: : \. t t : > : yT . . . pKn-^3 hp, D^i^^!f D^p:i^n-^i; npn : nin nnn 6 ^" T T A- I J T .^ J* ' \ T Tl.- jT . V . IT : nn^ ni;;;ij -iibi *753n nn')j; nia? n-j'ij^ : ^-)^I^f j ''^ r^ : D^'^nn nisii D\i'7^^ ^3^^^ "^^nnn^^ ^'jj I- - I- : A- /: J- : : :v L.LIV. asurum scelus iu- uiiflique ab eri: 4 f liberatio- aem ;i!) illis petit, im- primis ab hoste dr>. estico. 53. 54. 55. nj i: JJ uhTT\ '' nitt'a hiort;^ ry^sm-^ Ti-'ifD in"' 'D : ddko D^i'7 -^ i^ nDX'^1 D'^i^nn Ki33 : in^ ^''Jutr^D nirjn nv^D^ zi't A' J" v:v J" T iv jt; V ; v.* v; t < a* ; j T _ JT : V I ; - . V "V, J* V I- - IT IT- -:- A* J T - -TV JT : JT :-'* T /> : ' J* : ~ >. t i : v : t ^i t at i 1 m^'^^'i 'D12V : -T^;;^ nm ddh ^n^^^)-'^^ 'OTi-^b ^b^ T : - T 1.T ^ T J* : .T T T ! /,T : J" " 12 n3-)p3 niin : nn-ip^ ^d;^i nsn n^nbiri-'7;;naniD'' ^'^^ AT :l. : 7- IT :l. : jt'^ : I-at : t av i '^ t r-. i x : -^^^^-pjj JT - : IV y t V ; A' : j-^ : - x i n : : ^ r> : /^ I j ; - T : -V jv -: f t \ : - .% ; . : j v; r A. - J ; J :i" "^ V T s* - V iT ; 1y - : v: T - at' : V J* v: .-;, it : ; jt ; T t J8 : ^^ip;;^::^''! nDn^i nn^m Dnnvi npin n-i;^ : ^:i;'u}v p '^.;- : - AV v: IV : t j t '-tik .\ vjt vTv -T' j^^l ip^ rii^^Sq i\^ n^?? 1 nVp Dip 2}f;'^^ Dy;;i 1 '7N ^Vd n'j3 22 21 1 "iphn : inn? '^-jn rp^t^3 vTjnhti; ; D^1'7i? 'ikt ICO 15 PSALMI 51. 52. 53. JJ 3J J;iS:iKp ^jrip^.i ?inn^. nv:S ** I '" ^' " ^ T < V . " < * IT ; JT T ; T : J- - J ... ^ : "Tj/T 0*71;; D\n'7k-?Dnn^nnL:3 D^i^^5 n'^ns p;;-i PSAL.Li,i.: in'? ^''?J^P ri^np-'?^; ny:p^ :: : ^n>pn k Rursusuni-* ' ; ' .r ' ' . r *./ , , ' ' CO ^iloTro''^i^^-|^ ni^'':2'^i;^y,u;n D^ptj^pD\i'7i? : aip-nt?^;; ^ spectantis ,/<''' co ', "^ ' ., ^ . .f ", ' ' H'J tTonefr"'in7t^3i'nn^ JD m : D\i7i^-ni^^ ti^-ii t^^^ii^;!: u/^^n^ > - - -: T sT it/t J v; v/iv ; jt -^ r , T . v: tyH J i*^ -'v ' v; r 'if t^t D'^n^K simtim u ac sacrificio tur, xponit. 50. 51. i^jj D"'7nn ft. I < ; sacrificio I : jT^". : ' T * : a- ;tt : ;-v;r.' - : exponit. i' : I "^ I J- T I V T T V : 'at -j" t - v jtI: -^is ipTV D'^iiDL^ ^T^''! : nnr-^^;; ^nnn "^nib "^i^on 7 ^i^nj:^\n-)in^i T"'^;; nvf^ti; : n'^D Kin codc^ i a\n^i^ ' - T , -v T - -;i- -^ '- ; - -(. IT : . .. ^. I AT - J "^ : v^ ( - : AT J- > J- : IV : v j- ^ ^-: a- - J- : V.T - >AT\ J' - : ' A - v: ;- t ^ t t ; i. i ; at t ; t : j- r " i^m:di i<: : D^i^^^ 1/(^*^2 id^^i^? v:^. Qi^T ^^nzD^ "?=' **'^ ^ ' '* r I ' J . Daviilis, 3 : ^ti*2 nnD ^'bnn 3h3 ?i^.pn3 D\i%s ijan :;;3a* r.',;?u"r T -in:TtD2t:>3n3m?ii3n3pT!VJ!i]i'p'7''r!^ii'j; ^^ii^;73 Xi"";. 1 iv : T . J . . . * v t I V ; thane no- 8 nvan nns-in : ^ds ^:npn;'.spn3rjn'7!7iniiT;;3S'^.l'a.'' t:j- t V v:v " ' * .; ..i. . . i^r ' /^ ; & corre 9 nnoi^iaiTt^n'^:i^onn:wninnp5nDnpa')ninDn AT : V : J - ; J : ^t . t . t ; a .. - tus fui T 14 PSALMI 48. 49. 50. J \^r:^ H.^ nir ,>^^^9^ ^^P =?!?^"Ty v!??^?^ Q^C*^ ^^T*'^^ "^^3 ^ rui^D^ j2 cd'h'^.? !IP^5 : ^.^^^n anpi ^;ipn D^i'7Sl^^ nvnb KOPJE'S) n'^^n^ I L)h:ib ^n'^u; : n^'?^jD n^b niD^pm u J' v: V < I I -; I- J ; ; - : I - ^- : T av ; ; niiseroses- -" a- : - ttv j-: - vit : v t -: i- nis servi- : j* ^ t : a : t j- - : -v i i : v : < t ^^y L^itTne; j^-)\>^ TMih : ^riTH -lii^i njnt^jj^ ^:^ bwdi ntOK .-,'' e que III vita, t \ tjT r t f : j- . : h- \ r jt t : jv - I I else.'"" \T\^'^ ^^"^ rrnD^ tr\^')ki ns : i'7'7nn^ ic^'ir s K" I /> JV : J T I T . IT - : T : 'ir IT '^ : ;- T : t ; - j : >-:. i. t j* i- T < T -: V : V - IT - JV : v. -j A J V 1 J : V : i^iari : "^'7 a'^to'Ti-''^ ^nvi "^nn^ v^hb ic^^s^^-'^s : 111:13 19 ^ TV, 'it V' " r ' s : I/.-t : jt- ; : -v r i ; *** W ^ .^ .^^71 -ip"*!! DiK : -)iK-iNT i^'? n^rij; rni3iS -lii-i;; 21 K"j3 j . 't *. jT T I : J - .. ^. rtx -: j "^ PSAL. L. i < / . . . L . PSAL. L. drscendit cum Israe le, & quo PSALMUS X L V I. Magnifies. 46. 47. 48. r\n ?^ )^ wbiin f fiducia, & , gravissimig 7 niD^DD iDO DMJ iDH : -ipi ni^D^ D\i^ik nirr 8 M^ Diit^D i::^;; r\^)^'y^ w.t : p^^ :nDn "hSvi. in: T >T : AT ^ J T : JT : f v it y t : >;-t \.T V : AT : j^: : -\ j i: tiv * r-:\- ) v: j: 12 ni,T : p?^3 Z3ni< CD^id Dn^^ D\i^i^ ^^i^^-'^^ jt : I VIT T ^T " ^ T A v: J' IT TD : rhrii npy'' \i^^ i:*? 3iit:^D mw m\^nv TIV Fj^.T V v: T ;t : . at*^ j t: ^ I^T -^1: .-^T. t . : -r .. : . .,- psALMUS 3 ^^;d ^^-ili li^^;; niiT-^3 : n^n ^ip3 d\'i^.^^ i;;nn po^tTJ '* 1 ':): AT I J i*^- T ;i I- it j : - ^ r ^ multus & '1'3D 73 '^'^a- > : ^v a- t -:i- v n - : i- : - - j- iuducuiitur 'j : t : ^T : r\ jn"^ tiv j- t v -; ob victori- " I vk.v < I-' - J" : - ; V : - a-- j- v. j ; - it verum Dei , OO . . . ., r . XLVIII "m "';''* " * <' brat, deque . conserva- 7 6 nm : i^sin: i'?nn3 inon p iki ns)n : r\r\^ nai; ' ' V^ :v IT : V V -: : at t Ij- tv rj- it ; - ^ t it j*T; **^ A'^T*" i IT** I AT 'jI T T "^J ^' 13 PSAJ.MI 44. 45. H/D lf2 'ir^^i? Djni a^^r\ CDipm i^n^si ^:d : ?I^-l^^ ^hd o T J- : - J : - A" v: j- : - t(. vit : - : ;T I yV T tit -JVT J-: - T ! T AT ": \j- T VT ^i;;^^^ iwh nnu; ^3 : ^:^^^^^ i:^:;; n3t:^n n^riDn ^^ <. : jT Tiv TjT ^ i.. -:i- : j--;*!- (.- : a- . - ];;dS i^is:)') i:^ nmr;.* hd")? : iij^tcs pK^ npn^ 27 -* ^ ' - J' : ' : AT T jt:*:.- t '. i- ; I vjt t Kt: it laudesce- vav : j- '^i i- tv j Iebrat,ip- , j H j . .r "r';,^^." irj PVin DIN 'jgp r)"^?^Dj : -)^np n??lD 1 cojt; ''^it:^'? 3 dicat ac /* / ' / ^ponsurn. jj^-jH nl^D tD^i;/; D^i'7^ ^jp-in ]3-7;; ^^'^5^?^? * "i"";;^-^^ "S^ 35-1 nS^^ *l.non^>'^' "^^^^ "^.T^i^-'^ > J'-: : 'v IV - ;; I : a : I jv : - '^-k. r : ^!1^K lit ] f ' ' -- r\2n^ : nniD^D ont^^ ni^^^D ton::^ i;;*! D^^i;; D^i'7K T : J- T I IV : - vj- vj" AvT jt ^ :<- mrni "i i^t!; ?i''ri'7i^^ D\i^K '^jn^^^pi I3"'7j; ;;?>n ^^JVril pnv ntt'iji ''j5n ^jw K"33 sjrs "iDm ""STi na-^ajj' ; i-'aix on^a ^^''D'''? '^ia:' ' J 'A : T J- - : : V J- ^ ; i- vjv ; I : r vt I;!J!! ^''''^"'^^ T^' i^^^ ^^^^^ *T^^ ^^^"^ '^^^ '^^^v^ r\*D^KI3 ^ At-: T ' VJ . - jT : : ' r t j- ''^ ^' ; : J-- - : ' v-t t : ;v i- I -: r I : - -: I y. : ; ' ' t a* ; ' vjv " jt : t t j* ~. j )^ ' J ; ' VJ V - - ' T : it : jt t ri^Ks^onnDi:^^ n:j^a^n : '^i'? ni>^ai6 riTii;;-) nnn^^ lo ,1 J T : T : - <. 'IT J T . T Av '^ I- T V -: -V *^ ** '%Dty ^-)'^^r^^ : ni<.T^33 nD^iin;^'^ )Dn^^^r\ t:2 li !:,. T j: - I viT T T ; T ; ^- : Iav t h22 D T 42. 43. 44. i;:2 JO 3D D'^nn r j~ jT : T ; AT : 1 j : f ~ : - i: >: ^ : ^n'7K') ^i)=:)' ni;^::^^ ^^liiS t1;;-^3 D\i^iS^ '^^'^nin ^^kck'j IT ! - T 7 ; AV n "V J* ^. .. t^ l:'\sd tdh-.^^ 'i -id ">in nnni D^n^iS ^^codl:^ jd ^"? - ' =^ .ry-/ 2 ,-in^ Tf;;,^ -.H^.s; , n]^^-^3 : ^:t^^^r\ nim n^iD L^>yil' IT ^TT '^. IT J- v: .T - . i- : - . jt:-: ^t : ^- jnus siaiiiis ;t jI : - : ] -J- : - ; v ^-J t,t .t : - : ptiiorc. ,'?;''! -^Nn ?t^-Tp-in"-'7?^ ^j^^^h^ ^^^inr n,":^n TynrjiSn 4 r\n?2u; ^'hi^ "o^hh^ nzir ^-^.^ i HiSin^i :Tr\i::i'2^;^ 7^-=*' ^- : - V v: - : v t v r : I iv : : ^ ^ ^^'d: nnnih::^]^-nD : \i'7i^ D\i^i^ i\:22 r\ili^^ ^^^i ^nmnt^n ti i3 : - -. I ; ! - IT v: ; v: : j i : i : j' ""'' ivi^ mlK^ iW''^ :2^r\hi^b ^^-^nin ^^j; ^Dnn-nd") ^^ml.l:^ Dn^;::'^d nS;;^^ ^;7b ^^^1-1=^0 irnia^ yim^^ ')^:r^^:n SSfiv ., T :'r^ T ^ . AT : . y- -; '': - t j-: t ; ^^am per- 3 r\X'^^S';;-in Dj/LDm in::^nin D^i^r^TT i nriK :Dip ^iyi "^S^ST I T : ) V T : it 1 : - ; ^ s- i* : - : - " IT : j I V T J : I -: i: . j : : jt ^ v J" 1 I :v M ":>" ) I " ~ '^' v; J" . ~ j t ~ .^ " '^gini ntjn.s^ ^;^!^p.n ^^ ^| : irpp^ Dq: ^;p::^^ nij;.^ T I v: V." : " ; a -t t ; - v j i* j I "^ y -n^^ :nbb nil: d^i;;'? I ^;::::^i dIm"^:) ij^ -^n D^i'7i^3 nSo mi; I - T IV V J vT '^ : ; : a - t ;j- >. jv Ti. J-* : ! : : i : a- ; r ; -t*. - AT -: |- I J . : -v. IT jT ; - ; at 13 : onn^no^ n^nn-^i'?^ jin-x'^n 'mv"\^^T\ n^nnr ^v,,^..^ HMj^nin^aDSoSpi :i;;S ^r^::::^'? ns^-in i^D^jrii ! ; V ' vt - j- A" ; T ; Vv J"' ; -^ T .;" I ; A- - T TV J" : .^^^^ . T . . ... . T . . .. . T .^ :i^ 12 PSALMI 40. 41. 42. ^D KD D ^l_ ^'^ " ' ' 'v.i" " Tl I* ; IT " '; I'l ; IT ' I Ts J I nSn N J T I . : ; : v t it v ;t v > : i t U.v^Lv.'. "^ "" >-: J' t;'v r T -:r ^t -: I ; v : j-^t < -;- ,1 Ps'.xLT. ini^ ;;n ncj^^ "^a^is^ }- >nqucri- '''^ ' : ' : >- t ; t j- t a* "^ j- j : 1 " : b 7 - : ! jT T V ; ; - -'r at ; i t -;i- :'v J"t - 'it I J- I - r ;v -:r r> j t '^- - :\. 'r-T j-'t V* ; A- : - j- , : j- t v -. : ' -T(. J . jv t jr : - -A- A" -;i- -J" T T : <^T - : T : J- T s :v -;i- it T j- : i ^ vt i v a- t ; j- t i- * T ; <, v: T : ' -; - PS. XL! TiidJcalur sumniuin conjunctio- nis cum versus fris- '" - '- v t : t .-t ;t y- ; y- ; " \n N J ?n?;^?iL -'^JD 'Vs -ib.s:a n'?'^'7i lDDv dh^ ^nir;Di ''^'=?-nn\-i ^i .s .v-j : - -'t ;:,: t ; ; v v^- ' IV v; / - " ',m*? y* v; (V ~ ; - -: I ; 1' " i > j r t : v: ITT '^ : Av. ^ ' - --K. -J- j-'t l^.T- n^^ ^1r!^ 1^"^^- nnintf^n y^: "7^ ''^^'^ h')?b ^^-)ip Dinr^-^N-Dinn : nrxo nno D^iiDnni s 'n N'; 39.40. d? whiin T IV jT T T T .;. T '.;- ' AV ; V ' -- : J" ; V 1 - T '^' : ^j/t:^ii^n-'7N ^-723 nt^nn '^:^^i*n v^^^^j-^sd : ^sm J-*? I" J- T T "t JT - (. ,^ - ; V J : - -.;.(. TIV jT T T -.*.. < \~ A -; Vf T VJV - ''j- T IT -; T ; T 'at T _. ,T J" <> >-v:iv '," n '12^^ "^::ii3n nb\^ :niiTmnLD3'^i \^nn d-^ih-i ikt'''^"'^" t, '" II V "I V V " ; : ~ IT " : ; * ; at ; j- ~ j ; ir T 7" T : T : V JT f I : at:- t ;<. jt j ,>^j<,^ i jm :>:^DDibvi; nninnsi ht^^ ?t^7.s "^n;; i tk ^r'^.s "'"^ '^"'' T T -: I" JT ^ f\' T J- T - : T(. T : - T > T . <. I 1 1 -^ny^D^ ^2h "^in? wpp'.^7 ^PiHV * ^i!Tr ^i^^ J"-"'" -^'^ 12 vT]i,t:i^i "TiDn ^2/^:7:: toh-i iS'^^n-K^ ni.T nr^K ran I ; ""; I- V I i " /*." ' ' -iV ~; 1 JT" 1 IT. NT IT 13 -)^pp |^^^"TJ;; nl;;-) i ^iii'^iti^^ \? : '^:3nV'^'^'?^ JT '^ ; T : 'A" ~ : t ;v j-- . it t -. y : < . . CO ^ . OO jx ; : - y ': - ; " " : J <> r t > 11 PSALMI 87. 38. 39. 10^7 n^ j'? n^!rj2 a-'pi'nif o;;ia>m : nmsa a-'Uti;! nnn ^'l^^'' 39 nsvinri Q^^^, QioVb^i nin^ D-ir;;''i : m^ n;;^ 6^w^ d psAi,iv^T's-)to;D n'? : in ^Dn-^3 D;;''t:'i"'i D^;;ci^i/':D ^ XXXV in. "- : . ;t A- I : t :-v j^^-,, j|/j ve^T TTnonm ^:3n^:)in ^i^vpa-'?^ ni.T : n^^rn'? in'? !; J ,, qlKirohViraDh;^-]^'^ : 'ht^'?;; nn;:m ^n'lnnj Ti;n->3 : ^^^d^d h 4 ^ ^ it:^\snn p^i^Don^Dnii n^j^;::3 ^t^%^n nn:i; "^nii;; " f> : ^ ' J - j"-;i- ! : - : at i - I - t i. Dhb TiSi n^pijiiSto^'^DiD-^s piiD^n nip Df''n-'73 s ; ' r* : Av ': J ; IT - t : >, i* ; it ;) - t J- -:i^ : - t a : '^^ j-- : : j ; c t : : nnnor.^^ '?i;:D;D^hn:]i^T "^m^n-^D -^122 <2i^ : ^n'? ^ T iT ; I ^ ' : T : - : A" t -; I" t v I : ; v t -: i- I : * . J J - : '^AT ; V J A J' -.1- : V j ' t vii v^^ i;Dii;'^b iiL*i^ :^\^3 ^n^?i : rsi'nr^i!)^ lo : f J" : '^-A- 1 jv -: .v v; it i> - ; : "^hh^ ^21^ ny/r\ nr)^ ^^rbn^n nin^ t[^-^:d : ninDin 1 IT v; jr -: v'-: i- ^t - : at jt : jI : i t i f !; J- *T : - ^ : a* ; : I v : - tv. r 'vit J- : > (. - : AT J' - - : 1 :v i- t - i* - : v I I : jr - J- ; : at - j- 't t*. j*- : i- : T J iv ' I J- I ' - - v: AT : ,; -.^ r PSAL^IUS ' * "'' " = '" ^ 1 : T -; A- t:^/ ; rursiis, at- -i* ' * v -:" " t : jt : ; v . : - t i- t; j : - 37 m inisorias t- . ;j- v.iv i- ; v : jr t ^ : a : - j- ; jt ; ; v It'Sod^j^jnn ^iinpn i "n'^-on ; i^;;: ^2^2^ y\^r2 ^n^^nn 4 vitiP Imjus .(":- : ' ; - it ;.; : a . j- v;i. rr\ry\ ^ip i nin^ i ^:i;nin : -"jw^n ^mii"i ::^iS^-);;3n n ^^'^ J- T : < I I : ; - a- '^ ; ^^^^ ^^^ T N- T T ; <, 'IT V T V ^ : (N* " -" T !JU3 laineuta tur. (V) - 37. ?^ :^^br\n /^ ttiui,ob 12 p-irn P^^^^''7 j/t^h QDt : cit^:^ nn-^;/ miJDn^ 13 : irjivsn"-^^'^^ 1^-pnj:^'^ "^yi*^ : vr^ vb}; ^^^n I ^ T r T T |- A I - ; . ^T -: ;T JT'^T J' 14 n^3Ki ^jy '7''i:)n'7 Dr^t^p i:Dn"n a'^j^^^i inns i D'^n . IlO anint^pi dii'?^ i:^iiin Dnnn : ^ni-n:^'^ niii^'"? ^^^ ' iG : D^ai D^y^'i liDri/? p^T^'S tri/p dib :n?-in?^^in -^^^ ^'^ V. J IV : i- )T ^ : T T -:r : <% : j-* : t :\r- j" t D nj.^^ I D^i/c^n ^2 : ij/ii'i^^ ilaj;i 'pui njrj np ' '; - IT : J- T i*^ -(-. : <^T : jt ^ : t -:v - <^T ; T jv : V > -K. T IV 't ^- t ,.;;: I v^T : , SI ij:;::n ^^ i^^n rnb^ nnin : os::^;^ -i:n-rn 'iiii^h^ j~ . ' V. A : jT v. J" IT ; J" " : ; ) T : v <'- I : ir " : v :- / : at : jv :^|- j" T : *. T : I vrtT V JV t I ; j (. : - ; '|r . |- ^T, V , V T * J At jt T * TV IV ; * ^ 37 36 nnnDt:^ : ^:^d:) .^^t ^^:^^pn.^^ i^r^ n:im niy^i TV. T : IT : J : ': - .it av j" : ^i''\ "' 10 PSALMI 35. 36. 37. "h i? H? \v.D CDH''?! ^^i; ^la^ni::! :ii3i:^n; niDi'i nn^. n^"'-?^^'^ '* T :V T J ' I .;T ; IT AT V jT V . ni niiT ^pni^D 'jcati' r2^-\i ^j'ist '.i'js ^cosii'D*? ^j- ^i^an ^r\f2i^ rin^ 1 n^n^i ^:y^ nni:;/^'?^ n;::^^^-'7^; 20 . ; : J T IT "t j- : - - at ; v y : : ai^::^ vhr\h nin^ ^^j-* T;::n n/'::*^^! "^pr^ ^^^i^n : ^nbnn Dvn-'?3 "^pi:; nijnn >:it:^i ; i-n^^^ ss |,v T : ' T I'Av; jv ; V ' ; v i ;^ CO.; 11, It 10- T iT^^ vjv ; v: -.- ' a- vlj.-; '^ t tt^ piolx-rnm: I .jt v.- ; " J ": . ; />t ; jt j- v.iv J- T ~ ; T :v |T ; J T A 'VJV - -;, jiioix^rnm: I .jt tiam Dei reichiat, t'jus((ue coiitinun- tioiiem <% .,,n. u^j^-^-j.^^.-i^ J ^-T'j^nv c^^^pnt^"!^ ^^.?^^-?^. ^r?PD taui petit. IT : - J* 1 * ; ;t T nT - J ; V T ; 8 I-.,: ; 'v \i vav ' V T : > ; at t ./ ; .^' v; ( : ; - ^tt Z}'^r] nip;:: ^^^^ ^^ : Dp^ri rr^rn; hn:) ^rn-'^ it^ m,o "^ A. - j ; I ; >. - '; 'j/ T ": "v."; ' av iv jv . > I : /T I : I VAT -; j : tv jt i- ; vh'T ^'^^ P")^:)'! "1^;^^ ^'^k)^ "I'^vn? ^:2 ; nh^j; ^ii^i;^ '^ iv-u IT v: J' : I V V 'T ; A -;i- T -\. J-' ; V ::,::;r -li.^D j^^Vim : niy;;^ i^im v^if nirim p-i'i ni.T f> *':> IJ or 4a till- })ios, ne i.vra\ ins ii ')u st'ctiiHlis r 81 34. 35. rh lb D^'?nn i'i;;-iQ 'rt:wh nv: : nico m'^^-)^ D'^b^ nnK D^^^n r?nn '^ AT J* : 1 : J : .; : t y a- f j- t i . t: T : lA* - V t :. j- ^' : t . j t IT ; ? ) vjv V : - : at j : t :>. j- ; it t . 19 isniiTaiip : ^h^):n DniTdr"^3;::i i:m ni.Ti ip;;^ T :v Jt it T -IT' '-/S- T jr I- ' -. TV. 13 p'^r:^ r\i;;-) niBi :;;^::^i^ nn-^K^'i -n^^'i n^ n^t^*::^ -hk^, n^ a A- - ^ T -*. '^ I- - ^ : - V : A-' ;:: ,. T .;- - AT : - T J- IT : ;v t . it ; V J J- - V : I : AT T '^jT T ^- : th : j I J- |- T ; : V 7 ; ATT '^: vj-.- t :v. jv -n:Dl ^- /'\'^" -=-= ^ - V ^-^- -^ Versus ho. : ^rijt;-) u::^n n^^n^i nin.^ ij&^ ^^d/t:^: ^ti}p2D ^d73^v'"^^""" I' t *! ; A ; : - : j t j ' r ; - >^" ' : - : : it : T : - m; IV JT : k- : - - a ; ) ^ ; : i- ; IT -T ! IT : I T : '.-;- Ia-/; - -a- ' v ; ' ' y T J-' : r ; -: j ; it t at ; ~ j" 'v ^ti^i^:"! :nn-S:i^ nk%^i n:s^n lDO")c^^^$ in^^^T ;;t : - \ I r T t . A : : I J- t v -; j : ' : ^ j - >^^ ^ ^:-l;:3^s^n priDv;; 73 nni/^t^^-^n ^^vjt\ hits '^^jn ^2 s^:^ r,r:y;r t :- - z*^ ^t iT i t at f ' JA t I : I I ; V : ; T ; av jt t i- "tv j- - I ^ t ./ t : 12 \\^y\r:j^vj'' :^yh^\i}^ ^ini/T-iS'? it^K v^n^^v V\iy\P^ ' J ; - : I T : : - T i ^v -; at r j '^- I J ,. is^::^^'? Dni'7n3 1 '^^sn vu;^:ih b^::}^ nnio r.nn n;;-) ' ^-''"=^ : T -:r s- -; i- r ; - ; j : at - .- -^ tv i^>n3 : mL^n ^p^n"^;; ^hv'iiini ^tr^t:): Di^^o ^n^'i)];* pti^ -J ; I T Ij- T ; A; - j - ' j- ' x ; - : -I - ^-i V -: I- ,^r . . . . jt : j - '|T . ATT . V J- T J . /iv ^T v;iv; V ; IT f 17 10 n;^5 ~5i,>^ : iD''^::^ ^'7;; phn Ju;o "'j;.^ ^^:n2 : izdi '''^'" "^ '^ yT - T *. r* J~ T ' V T A T J" -;l- ; - ;^ ,f ; V I' T r : . AV I ; "v T J' T ./v ; J ' J Tl. : I- -: J T V" i (^T JT 'T^ >2V J L5 9 PSALMI 33. 34. hS jV "'"^^^ mini'? m'n : nhnn ms3 d^'Sb'"''? nin-'3 D"'p''i5f & miseri- . . . . . . . '' 7 . o D^ueie ''^^'^^i t^^inn^tr'i^-n^t:^ n^-nisr -n:^;; 73:1:1 -n^DS L,. ^., ijk I i,.,ii,- ; ' AT T J' V I' I ; - f ;). ; A ; j^j^ K i braiis. . f f . . f ' II- v. IV '^-i I- T ; AT : - : ;t t i- ',t ; . i-. -^ l^^^ ^..^ J- : I viT T .(T : IT T : : /: at : 'jt t : . J I c n ^b T^^D d:3 : D^^a^;-"?::) i^jii mini it^w D'^^t^ nin"^ 7 J- i t. J" IT T : T - .; ; A ^1- -J- T T U p.^n'^3 ni.TD i.s-)^^ :ni,'::innni-)^^iiS*n ini D^n ) VAT T T T ; -A J : ! 1 : J T ) : I (.- AT - ^5;in \i'^i nrjK^ ^sin >:d ; ^nn ^a::^^-^^ nij*^' iitDi:: . -AV- J- T J < I- y" : I T T j:- JT -:i- : v" T '^T T AT v: jt : v -: -^ j- : - it n T IT J" : T V T T AT : J" - X ^ I H '^"^ -2-)3 ;;t:^i: '^^;:Dn \^k : Dn^j:^];;!^-'?^-^^^^ l^iz^n D3^ lo T : '^ JT 'V V -V ' J-- IV '^.l- T V I - AT AT : -\. l-.-jv - I T : ) T I -AT ij^'irv^di r^-T'b^ m'nM^;<^ hdh :d^iy^ K^iV^in nhni '^ ; -;i-: I- at ; v t -ax's- < r- - : j j: ^ : -(. Tt TIT t - : at ; - vjt j- - : i : - : A*' J- : , r I J-- IT v:^' at |- jt ; V -;i- A-'*!- jt : J : : - r : : it t j Jt v ; < J.. . . 'i -\. V J - : T ; liT : J- '^ jjj.jlJiiu ^,, T . JT : V JT :iT -: 'i .-it:- 'vav -: '->j.^'r\r^ nin^3 : ^p iri^nri T^pri 3 " fim Si cii- cjMfHdi,: = ^-^ '^^ .: vT : 1: ^A- . JT r J :- .t . : -A- T JT I- TiTV. J*^ i^ nin'^ 3iD"^3 iiSii ^DV^ :Di^^n^T '^ , V v;iv vv J" : - AT ; j : *. j^^.i r- : -:- : TNii^'? nlDHD ]^j^-^3 rtip nin^-n.^ ')^^T : ia ' 1 T I : ~ f ) I A ( ' : J r ; v j : i a^OK^'j : nio-'?^ ncn^-.s'? ni.T ^:^-)t i3;;-n i::^-i Dn'^M n , ' T V ; ; - I T : ; : I : tT- t ; j t "!( 137 G J PSALMUS X \ X IV. 31. 32. 33. J7 d'? nb Q'bnn : ^saa m: vna 'St vtoS inai nxa i ^22ti;i^ ==='^^ "'^ nr^/^jr ^::^^2: nnpS ^^7;; in^ D-iD^n:^ Tnbo niJp S'^gn ITT J* ; ~ ~ K-T AT^ ~ J- jT . 1 T ; / ' r y t jl :it: t it \;- v; ; - t at : : j- r ijv t > ^^ I ,A' T: ^' T -^ - T ; I v . - ; j" I ''' IvyT : T ; ^ T I" i : y ; ' t : j ) : 1 -,- T 't I > - "^ t. : I ITT J- : VV 'AT J- I- T .'^ H> I j:- T .y- T V '. K J -3 ^^B W'^^ P? ^'P'-^ "t:|P ^n^;3 ^i5^? '-^np^ \^^.l I li* ) J- -.-r ; * ; -v. IT -;i- r' v v ~ i" ~ : at . j ^ " J T T ; - IT ( -; ^ : - : : r- : r m ro pcc- " ,_. ^ . J . . .?..'. calon.s jus- -'t V- ; ' T :- T jT \' I - T T -:i- ; at t ". AT I- ^- T A j-*^: sv ; - T ... , N- -:i- rt- - J- T J" ; y- Vy sT - '^ I- - J T J a ny;;^K ^57n \n"i;73 ?j-)iiSi i ^^"^3^^^^ : rhD ^^nnipii '^ -jnp3 ]^3n i^N "1-1.35 DID? 1 vni;^-'-?^ : ^rj; ^^^^;;i;.^ ^* -^ ''D^iiN'pD D^31 : ^^^^J;^ 3lnp '-?3 Di'?^^ In;; lDJ.:i^P' i 1 nin^n ^n;3c:.' : i::33iD^ nDn nin^3 nbl3m ;;c:''-^iV n^^lni JT I- ; IV ; 1 : -.. V AT I- - )' - : '^ JT T.T ^ PSALM i;s D^pni; n 8 PSAf.MI 29. 30. 3). ^^^^ ^^ "jip :c'7P nyin nin'i V-ri"' -lana '7"'n'' nin" Sip :ti'x ni:^nn-ipk i^ii^;D\nni niir^ ^J^n^^ i^i^'^^ ^^in^ini.T ' "*'" '% ATI**. /t ^ I ^ V M */ ~ T J ' ; X ; T . IT .1 vjv t ; V ;- <>t x j t a it David a!) ' t - j - v U- t : t : Ia- j ^ : '^t. sibinubus ' : J" ^t .: ..t : .- : . t : ..- - ; at j J die, atque it t a- ; - j ; I t j-'^.-.r.- t : i- t : - ''"_' '' < I :'T vj-: : at -: jt i- j ; - i i | ) ' ; I : T : it "^ : j -. _ ^. ; - ; , . j_ .^ ' Ijv" IT ; J- T I V T T : ;- ; 'i J' .- f. T ;^-^:iv ^ : : ' y : ^ -J : - iit - -. v r : v : atJ; . jt : A- t : ./t : - : liv -: .; -: att^ > : i -; - y- T V J I : V ~ : I "<- ; IT ; '.;;-:- J A- - T : ^- : ^niK D^i;;^ \n^.^ m'.TDT s^^t tI IV .>T '^ : - v: >t : /> j ; Fs.xxxT. : l^^b iiz^td nk>:D^ 8^ k III persona ' S.r"rp:tDv^iiTinp*i^^3 d'?!;;^ nt^UiS-^*^ won ni(T""?i3 2 . limnstn- .- : - ;l : I.t : : at -^ : t ^ . - ^ t, jt : I; ^,^ ^,,^ priinil. ' ' >' = tat j- t . : j^ : - . .- i : ; * T : . T (.-T J- '^: - I :it: i-^. it t - JT : V -;r :at ; - ;: i - t r. v; j-* A";^ V t TV jv -; ' Jv ; - ; t . . v ; t . t :n t 'h nJ X : ni;::i'n n^i^^ T3 ^^nn^on x^i rt^^D: r\^l)i2 i^i^i^d r - t ; v-^.-; IV A" J- ; - : - ; . J : r ; - ; t : t ; -x "i' '- }- : 1.T : IT J- " s- T : y t it ; - jt : v " '\~ : ^ ^^ ,- T ;t T -; IT y- : 1-1 T ; . 1 . I ; y ; - t : V , V T " : I T I* T ^ T -;- t\' -; - ^lidi^ 27. 28. 29. to3 HD a D''?nn r- : i: : ^ r: it vj- ; : -v. ;t t y : . : T: IT :v jT ; ; V : ~ i: " : 1 s~ < " ^ J' I T :v - : tT |- T ; - -. r t ; t at : j* : * ^ T^s-DiS ^::i:i Vd;p2 ^2b iDi^ \ '^h : ^2:^^ ':m^ i^np^ -^-sn ; Kv T V AT T J : - .1, J- T <.i : i-'^:i- ; t : t>: v <. . '^ sn5^:i CD'hk %BD I T^iD -linon-^*^ : ::*pn^ nin"^ ..^!^'l ^i'7^^ ^inri;ii-'-7iSi ^:3:^CDri-S^ D^^n ^nnij; ^^nni J.. ... . ,. . _ j_ _ . .J., . . _ T (N- r r T : V I JV . - T :-<; f ; - r JT i- a -r~: j' : j* t r "i* : "^ ...... '-^^ijnn-'^.^ : n-iii^ i;;b^ -ii:^^Q mx3 ''::n3T^3ni IT t -/ )v V y It > ^T T vjv ; I 14 -b. nip. : D-'jn ^-1x5 nin^-aioa ni-i? 'ri?P^n s->s x-j - ,^1^ ^Japsihnn-'jsnivf i3^-7K n^ ^i^m2 "^vt^ ^i;v^2 ^^'i^nn ]ll-,trn.n .(V : '^ ,- '^ y: t^t:!! : jv r I v it t : t t: av ^' i- n 1:^21^"? I ^3 : on) ^h']D:^ 2tj;;n \2n)-\r\ un^ynpjJD2 ^' -^^3 : d:3^ ^^'7^ ab-).T tt ni^^i/o-'?*^! nin^ h-?;/!)-^*^ ' > T ; J : ; V IV ATT j- -: i- v : t :>. j*^.. : * 'ih r\'iD2^2%}f2') ^^i; I ni.T : ^:i:nn ^ip;;b:2^ ^:d ni.T J- 1 < T ;.. . J T rT : Dei, cum 'i '! - : - : T - v-;i- : r /, ; j : t -^ coiicele- 'cv:r k: : D'^3'1 dv::)-^;; .il.T d^^hh -Ti33n-'7K d^^H"'?;; ni.T^"'^-" .,,. r - ^- - T : K : ' j r - j- - *= t : suadot, u n 'i D^riK -)3i^ nin'' ^1p : iin3 nin-f ^ip n33 nin^-^ip -5c' '>' T -: J" T :v 'J it T IV T : i; - /. - jt : li ^'^j;;"i^3 DTpn^T :ii:)3'7n "^ns-rii^ ni.T 'l2'^^^ 7 ni3n^ 3in niT-'7lp : D^;::i^i"i3 iM linc^i 11:3^ 2-^n^vn ^ . I vT : I I y : I V J ; I : * : ; t : ut ant* r 7 PSALMI 25. 26. 27. 7313 HD li^p"? : i'?'"T-i?l i^'l? '^^'t? ^I^^. "^^D ^i''^V'^"^[^1? ' ' ^t;. inn r^^ 3ic?:iir?3 uni^^, ^-ii? i3itnj,nM3 't^'D: nn;::::? : -^2^^^:'^* vnn r\^:li/) ^3v^3 ^3'^? 3 : % JT ; T I : JIT k . . : wi-ii' Via'jt^nif^-ps D^iS^<^ nig : TO'^.p'-^* IT IT A- T : V .A - . "x-y-vVf pDTiv '2D31 nin^ ^3;n3 : liiDV: a) ^r\r\Q2 mn^ni 2 '^-^-n* ejusqui> I T J T .1 > . . -Dri 'p^; D\st^n-Dj; '^b^^.i?"^^? : ^7'^? W^ Dipp-i'9 -r ; J T T > AT v." r V . lT w T V . rt ; jT . Tt ; 'V M-" T ; j" ; 'a-* v . . . ^ ' luitujue sit ""< I; IT . V ^- - - '^i 1 JT : AT J- : A J- coKtimiO J : IT TV." A- J- : I : J" i ; t : v y vnv ; - t ^t^ ^'^ I ^ikv^ ^3 : i^3^n3 -ipn'?^ nin^'-cz)i*J3 nirnS.n ^-^ =^"=" nioa 22. 23. 24. 25. n3 13 J3 2D Q^'PHn J- -: T(. I - jT I- V- -. : ^v ; ^ I- '^ -;v Tcc'3 vs^ : .Til ^D13 "^(i^sh irjci^^nr^^-i ^-n^; 1:2 pbu; 1 ^3^^^ --i'-^^^- T : I- . ; ; - : jT - J- : r : : 'v. . jV t s U" ; .^psM ni.T^ -)i/::d "liiV t:d : d\::^ ^ink^ psalmu* ' -J^ T T -. , : . t: /'^ '^ ^ XXI V. D""p NJ ' ''" -' - ^ '-^ ; j: ' ;^ brat. fM.i- ' sQip^t::;! D'ipv::ini.T--in2 n^;;^-\':: : n^^i::^ niini ?;;:v;n^^^^^^^^ h : t T r AT : - . JV ..- T.v: . : t : ^^^^^^^ "p *rS^ A- ; - :.r - J. T . sv -: yt - i f,- : , : It Jt T : AT : u- T T .V ^. r ; ; "^j ; (, ; fi : n^D ap;;^ t^d ^^72^ w^i ni'i nr : i;;::^^ ^rii^r^ "''-'''^ Tiv vjv T : '-! -'7.^ niin3S-'?i "ifiriDa ^3 'nia : Na's 12*33 nin'-' r,;H;c;f" - T c - . - T> rf' : V : 11 V > . " T , fta j; I'ltia '- - -'7^ \n^lP "^niiS ^i:'ii;\ '^n'rjj. nin.v^3 "^^"J./??! ' '^^^^? ue.iaab.u.. ; T < jT I V ' Av i -:\~ T :', I jV -; |- r : i - smsrrfi 1 6 PSALMI 21. 22. 33 ^{^ nan : Dn^'js-'?;; plan innv::i D::ti* icni!:*n "'2 "^ '* ^4\''TY' 33 ; ?in-)ia5 nir^^T nn^^o ^-u^^n nin-' li I 1 I IV T 1 ; T . - ; 1 J' T I rf:-.. . JT : ""' 2mv (z/iip nhi^i : '? n'';:jn-.s^i n^^7i ni;;n K7 4^' " a' T yT - : r ^T I I : t ; - : av^ r j : : iDLDS^)nl^^L:i ^m3^^ in^n^n : ^iSij^*^ ni v'nn n '^j- J" n ; I : J : IT I; /\s-^bi ^- ^* : " " V T Tr J : T T ^- ; V a* i ; - <^-' : - : jT : v j i '^ ^- t t t ; j- -.- r J- ; *^ : - I vat j* jt - r > ) .(t J J- ; - t \t _ I vyv V AT ; _" : T I v'tv D^3i D^tD ^T\22D : iri;; i\s-^3 nainp n-i^^*-^3 ^2/!^d j3 A. - J' T T A I J- AT ; JTT I- V "v : JKt^i ?inb nhiS Dn^Si ^^x; 1^.'s : ^jnri3 tt^'n n^^i^ u I- : !; ; - av j- t j t i . I^t t ^.. . - '"'-^. ^^>'Ja^'^2 ^37 ^^n ^mD^^i'-'?^ n-)i^nm ^'nriiicio dv^^^o j: r; : /,T - -v jt t ^t ;'^ t ; t : : : - ; ,~ ~ '>nlp'7D P3T;:: ^uic^'^i ^ni- 1 j:nn3 u;y^ :^j;d ^in3 D.b: 1 at I : - ji : . : I v v - s-*t Tt J ^ ; r T ; AT : "^ t r- - -: it ; - : }- x .it /> : n::in ^mr;;'? ''hi'?'^i< pn-iii-^iS nin^ nn^i : ^-lij 2 T I ;t; V : t v: ' AT : - t :v, jt - : it ^p ^^i^^j^nn pnTn;^ 37i"T9 \i;^?)? annpn^^i^nsi >'2 ^inn "^n.H^ ?id::^ nit^D.^ : ^it\^2V d^di ^^ip^dt nnN^ -3 t ^ ; AT V : J' : JT ; - -; n -; s ' k" : >- ' A-- ; - >S-:\- ^ -jv T : - T : < : t'iv : - -; ^t >t c^r; K'D .s^i np-s^'7 \3 : hfr\n:\ ;;nrt3 ^3/3>i m;ii inn^? n:: >^p\ TiSi'' "7^: D^(^\s m: 31 Snp3 ^n^nin ^jikd :;;Dt^* so at ; J JV : - : v : at ; i t :v j : - : t : : 't -; ; i ^inn:^'^i p"'>Dii.^-'73 nin'>-7N^ ^2Z'^^ 1 n^p ; "11/7 va J -: r : r : I v(*t ; - t t :. _. t : * : ; * 'V- V ,, . AT ; - T "^ 4* I * ; . T ' V T ; 19.20.31. j^3 D tD^ D"''7nn A-- : - : T :>. jT ; <, I ' iv - > : t t v;iv vt 5 ^ n-iiniio I ni.T r^i^ : D^r;^ nT^;^ nin m.T n\VD -. ' 11 Dni^nun : ^ir\^ ipn^ n;::^^ ni.T"^tOti::^p i;;^ mr)U' n^ k'j^ T v: IV - IT : - ' : r ^.- .; jt : : ; i > t VyV t I : : ^v r i- v j ; - : '; : at jt t t ^ ' j^-^.p j^^j J r : \ /\' r i* ; : it Ivj" t.t: a.t jt.* at jt J- : : - ' V .- I -: < i j 4 ^r^hVi!] T0n?p-'73 -i3p : :ii^p: ivvpi ti'lKO !I1?.^ i'^'^'- i:t!'-. 6 -'73 rii,T x^o^VsTi irn'7X. Da>3i ^n;;vi*^3in:3-i3 'i^^ "' J. T T :>-: A : j- v. <. . 1 . t 1 st . . //^.^^ ^^^ wn3 nan : -i-'sn I3^ri'7 nin^-Dti'3i i^nji?! D'lpiDS '" '^ :iT T (. r :~ J" "^ ^ iV; ^ipp \N?a> ' ni3n3inn^a*ri-^? : "i'!?:^' nwin ninf nin "^n^r^^^ '> -^y^D^ ?;^3^.s-'?3'? ^T svpn : coia^-bs if'-^ir Tpn3i 11 a4"!nT3s;;^nP"''^''1^- ^^ !?-5^^">:0^^5";l23 '2 : i'73v-'73 nsTD i3:^n n|n T.^i^r'? = ^l^J 'MP 3 n 5 PSALMI IS. 19. tJ"' n'' -'3 : h>^2ii'n niai d-'^vi i^'E'^m ""jj/'d;; rmx-'^sas io I J-'. T l.v J- ! . T - / - - v; >T : A'" J* T T -V -r 7": AT-ir -;-s. jv- ; i- : - j- T K" " ;at T ; V I,:' Jr -: I- : Ar t : - -tk j-- - ; i '=-;i- /7^'^^'-3 7ir|i:^'] '5,7;;'Dn jira^i ^;;j(^'^ p/D^'^^-]rini P^i/i"!t^ T ; vv. IT - '^ T I : A" - .- - : V. J ; v -V. J-; - ; - IT ; - - j- . 'a :j\ : I v'a J' T J- T - ; I : IT ; - J- /t *= V ; - AT T ; - J (.- ; ~ A ; '^ /t't ; )"T ; vi; it -r -*J3 N*'J3 nii ^22 ^h rjJ2w^ itK ;;;::l:^^ : ^yn^i:^ '^i^;;n^-K'7 no V ; ; A- ^ :jt ' v . ^ -j* : i ; *- r *; ,~t i ' ' '^ Ij" ^ T V : J-' v; t: A- ' jr t :i - *L^V^t2 .\'j -JO ns^ ^2''k!2 ^bvJiib : "^nnn dv^>* lia-i'^i ^^ jiiop: ^u . . _ ,. J I J- ^T : ; - : it ; - j-'- v : -- a- j 't. "'nunX-i^^^^^ '?ist-ii3i D^iipo o:mn : T7'7 niorp '-^ ^^^.^ V - ; T : - : t i;- ; v a '^- y - :v, j *= I r t a .; ^ "'7;)5 : D'jip ;;p:f^? ^^73 Dna^pN^ini^i^^^^^ :i^;/74n rNnN*':Snx"Diy i:^otr7 cn-^^D hnn n:>p2'\ Dip ^^v'^lpx^ ..^^ V > T V V - AV "v J- ' ; t- ST t P VvT t ' .. ~ > * ^ * > T "^T .. 1- J- I T T ;v ; IV T porpclua:ii conserva- ioiieiii in- ter inedioii hostcs. 17. 18. n^ p D>^nn liv T I : I ' T : jr : : : ^v t jv v; iv ' v v a K 1 121 -ltr^^ n^lh ni.T in>^'7 n^rj^ n^ ^;^,^^"^s V lnniori )i- : ;t : (.1 . T : V - - it ;- . : t I-i- ' seutentia- j ; < . . riimque r 2 f insJmiis, ^n^s-iai nl"' ^:k^ ^v''^^ : '35^^ '^^: n.!?]?;',"?;;. I 1 I I erection I' m 1 6 1 >^-n^i*n ; mo ^c:^piD ^:^otp ^ii'iinriD '^liS::^ >^2n\ < - - .IT : J :' is T ; J : j*- : v ^ < J T i- ^ ..- : '^y - -; ^- /: ; T : jtI : . It "^ .t T I t;t <^mt : - at : j* t j-^ , , .- T^ ,- I-.- . ,^:,T t A-. J- : - : -Tiv )i i^T-i nV'^') 311:2-^;; n^i'^i : r^j"i r\T\v\ '^b-^i'i nn^i .- IT T- -.K ^ J- : - rr : - - j- v -x-y a--- A T . /T : : I V .A' : : at : 'J-' : : i- J ;t ; - ; at : . - 22^r\);u;y^)'\ nin^ \2ii ^n"]?:^-^;? : *<) 2^ip] ^v ^ ^^ IV > T I t I -. : A- ; V : jT T : i ^- rr v. < I la^ 1^. . . . J. JT . -/IT- ! '^:i" - ; V T A '^' J' T v:iT 26 "ipraj; "ipnrn npn-Dj; : T'p/j; iJ^ii.'? ^t nii^ 27 : hr\t^nr\ l:;p^\2i:^ nn^nn -inro;; : ::Br\r\ Dv:n .T : : 1.^ ^' : AT T : ^t t ^ it - : t 'D T 4 PSALMI 15. 16. 17. p V ID ^^'^i;,^^-n^^ np5, kS ^pyhii ir\m ^u;:^ ]r}r'Hh\^p^n XV I. <^ T : ,r ; it ^ : j i VA- jaIcto' nri.^ '':ij< nin^S ]ii;dk : "^rn ^n^Dn-"'^ ^x^3-i;::t:^2 s;. a illo Dei T.NT jT -; T -(. ; :j- t I it ; t i- ^- : t jplonosa .. . - ; XV | vjt t v -: : >. ' w'r - r I J* - - JT T y" - T ; '^ J : IT : V r ni(T priEit:^-'?;; Dhiod^'n^^ i ; J- : ^ tv j x ; r t '^jr - - at ; exinimit. - I av :^ - ; -. -:v I j t ) i-t j -. t : - t r"; czD^Din r^^i^ T^DH n^s^n : 'nn;::^< ;;d::^ ^ A' *= J- V T -:(. J" : - I- T ; ^ J- : b)i2 i:jrng ]i:f^>:4) ^nq^ : ?i:'^p'^3 D^bpipr^;?P8 I;- VV ; J- ; I a - j ^ i rv.j- ; !;- v t : r jT^ . -V I : >: a;it jt : v it't ' : - :v : f v it t / : -r j:- \-- at; : ^3"in j;:^-!;:: I ^ J- r ^ - ' : J- r at : j- I tv jt'^ j- : v T yi^h ^-^h^i ^^1)^ 81D3 niihco niiD.^ nin*' r\'\n?2X I VAT T j'^: I- I TV I vjv J : y t -: t : j : f V - V : A" : : .'T : it - it't ; ' t\ ; ^ n J J. T . \. . . . .J cunqucc, "^ AT J- T : jT ; - : '^- < T T T "^ !. eormnque AT v: JT : .'^:v t j- - it t j- : '"^ , "^ "^ que open y- T j'. T I iV^ I : A' v: J-* :v. jt t <- t ^' t; - - ; i- XIV. CM) . , , ? f ' IJnivei'sum I 'y-: . . T T : I I I J" t ^; *> : stuUitia^ac Mvj ^S ..f r , . , .' pollicetur. J CO . . , J J I ij" ; I- : - JT : V A- T T*. - -: ^. ^ ^. ^ , , , , ' '' / Civitatem '; "j^bT a>pfl i2^T\ ; ^ig^ip^ nn^ p^rp Ti.'^nsa niJ:4>;:5'i:. 3 J!;-^^7 i::;:?-?;^ i ^;n-.^;? : un^g ri/pjji^ -lani pnv sr que.'" 4 vrj^? I nn: : uip-?;; i^i^;^S7 n^ini nj;n in;;.")? I :i 3 PSAf.MT 10. 11. 12. 3^ ^J*^ * PSAL. X. if2VP\ nin-' n:^^ "^ : nho nr^n t:^^:^ ^^ E\l>rimit J -:i- t :(. jt t t i v t j- >. v: "' affect us ^' l__ , . t 1- f . mil e Uoini- j : i- - r r\ y \- it t j v : ; t a't . y Miitu imprc- . . . CO . r : iii^i HDr iji:^*'? nnn *?ihT jnioiriT .^^)t:8 < ' viT T ^T^T : - J- I rt ' J : TV. >t;"i; jt : i; t '. . .. -; ._.,_. t '^:\~ j-t : - A T ;v : i : : j : r . 'tt I y : - npD^s3Snn*^i"^3riiii)TnDn ^i^ n^cr 12^3 no^^ : D\^i'7nH ' ^t t - T t r : ' vTv hvT: ^"t - '^ - r st^t d^'i^c^q nin^ ici^ip ^:D^13 1 n^in'^ ^ Av:iv ;t '^' J i \- T - T : ;'t v- i: ^ ; DDi3 n:D nib;;'?! nnv /> t j t; t :>.I j-- ! ir jt : r : - / ; turdfcwjn- 11?2)D 8. 9. tD n U'hnn nc^>f: no^iri HT T?i/?V^^ ni?^j;.p ^'ip^; nb^iiSt n : mpi^n >s di^-i3i i^n^rn-^JD c:n:i^-nD : nr^i^is iv': . J- T T I V Av: : r j v: t t .it J-. IT ; - - I- Tj- I ^vT J '^; I- : : -V 9 D^-I "^jn u'^Dz* -)li^^ r^ni:^ nl;::n3 D-i-f d^::? D^i:i^i-^i ^T - J- : --TV J ITT J "i- ~ : ^T .. j- t -; r IvA "Pr^"^ '^? * 1 ''i^ 3W ^^r^^^ 15 ^V/^S) '^C'^^?^ 'SdS; n ^^ni ^::s:^D n^iw^"'^3 : t:^o na.s^i i^::^^'* iin>^ n^i^i^ 'v* : J* T : T "^i. r t IV T ; : . : IT at 6 d;::-::^;?::^-! iiT^i^ D^iJ ^-ly:! : pi^ ^dIl^ n^dd^' r^n:^*'' JT : ^ f^y T T :j- v, t : j't viv j" : t : j- r r r : -j-.- r tt: j- it T.'t jt '^ : t t v.- /> jT ; t -v. t I- JT : v- t t ; />- r > : T : Iat- JT : jt : < r t r- ; IT i-^-: "^ t j- - f f\ j- f -I. ; - it i fT^ '.--;i- - T } ATT jT Tt. X- r Vl) nSi^ li'^^^-nn n;;a^n Ti^n^nri-^^ nisjD^^ ij;;::^ '^'^n^ ^'^'^ T T A - >"^-:i- I >v T : T T ; - -; 1*^-^- : T T ; V IV ; A ^ -J- : *. 'j ; IT iv^ i 17 r2)3 S;;m nt:^;; OiiiZ^D ni.Ti;;ii:: : nb:i ni'iih: n^: n'3 T -V ^ J : ;t ^ yT ; T : ^ - < IT : - jr . ; - j^ -i T T A : J" T : J T T ,V ' J r AT T I J" 19 nipn ]i;;5^? n??^^ nyj'?^ ^b "^5 : D^i^^? ^^n^^ cMi '^1 D^ij ij/T on? ^\l^D 1 m.T nn'^i:^ : "v^i^n}; d'i> ^e^^^-^ n 'v a- ^VT T T ; < t : ;t - : . v t : -r- t !:-: jl : it -:- ...Htrium-niiT rii^i "TKD nSna: ^1^^:1:1 PD^;;i7n3r3nin^ 4 rfc:i phuni exis- T : yT - : a : jt -: : ; - ^ n r "^i j . : v at : "p nrtil ^ J- : A- : - jT : - t ;v jt it t * r v- "t ; ; a* t y : -K t ; jv : ' t : " i: J it : t T : t : 't A' '^' ^j - . ^t : Tr iv ; - ^^|U,fv|-^ J- T I- : I J T : ^ J- T I- ivAT ^. 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J. -T^ ^^^ ^ T -v "CJ!? 12 mm , ^ , < , . -^3 : a^p^T:; nii;n D'^Kconi ^^m^'2. d*^;;::^-) vjp^ g : in^n D^;;::^-) "^nm D^:5^qv '?TTn nin^ ;;ii^ nbv:n: :p'1"^^n'! D^?)b^^'i c^ij it^^jn n^V n j^ 2 laauftura- * " ' , * . r"'* ' ' J . it t tv \ ' : - : T \ ~ - AT ; I r ; I : I V V : " ''" i^^t5 10^^*7155 -i3T tNt : '\'drwr. '4"^^ pnJi^? Dp?^3 n ' "^^-^'^^y^ TMrk^ri ^'^i^ n;::^?^i.T ^vrhi nnsok pt^^ip V;^^ , ^ ^ , -: T A- J- : V- - T T : i i v t : - -: r : 't ' ^l.V -n.Nt n^j;; : pK ^ippt^ nDiH i^^D^n D^p^p nri^i^ ^ , i viflis cum ^^^ t f r:n,";:-.e. ^'im a^^i : >^;; d^or d^^t n,v isthd nin^^ ;;;, l^ ^?.C'-'iA'?i?^'1x^'T"^^' viR *''t^\s-) Dn;?') ni33 ''11^3 n" "inD . A i^ ^ipr\ ]wb lebreto $ubltcattons, BY JOSEPH SAMUEL C. F. FREY. A regular series of HEBREW EXERCISES through all the parts of Speech agreeable to the Rules of this Grammar, are nearly ready for the Press ; and a LEXICON, containing all the Roots in the Hebrew Language, will appear in the last Part of the Author's HEBREW BIBLE, (Seven Parts of which have already been published, and the remaining five he hopes to finish, if possible, in tlie course of this year,) and soon after, if his life be spared, the public may expect a HEBREW DICTIONARY, on an entire new Plan, in Two Parts : the first containing, under one Alphabet, all the priraatives, and every derivative, with its prefixes, suffixes, and divers variations, including likewise all proper names of persons and places, with the English pronuncia- tion and signification; and the second, the principal words in the English language, with a Hebrew Translation. ~ freil 's narrative. The Author has just publislied. Price, with the Portrait, 3^. without it, 2s. 6d. a third Edition of his Narrative. Containing an account of Iiis birth and education his religious offices sus- tained amongst the Jews the time and place of his embracing the Christian religion some remarkable Circumstances which led him to a further acquaintance with divine Truth his en- trance into the Missionary Seminary at Berlin his design in coming to England and his labours and success amongst his brethren the Jews. To this edition the author has added : An Address to Christians, in which he has laid open the deplorable state of the Jews enumerated the chief difficulties in the way of their conversion enforced the obligations of Christians to pro- mote the object and directed to the means by which it may be assisted. " IVe are glad to see this interesting Narrative reprinted. The concluding chapter^ added in this Edition^ is especially worthy the at^ tention of Christians of all Denominations. The deplorable Moral State of the Jezcs is little known here zee have it detailed by one of their ozon nation ; and, the contempLdion of it cannot but excite in every Christian bosom, a vtry earnest desire that the veil may be rent from their eyes that they may behold the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in.^^ Bapt. Mag. Jan. 1813. )S i