LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CAUFORNIA INSECTS, INJURIOUS AND BENEFICIAL, THEIR ftfatural Jiistory Qassifieatiop. AN ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK Ji*i * .if AS .*" FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY MATTHEW COOKE, M 3ceoutive Horticultural Officer Author of "Injurious Insects of the Orchard, Vineyard, tc laua Ctlief Et3ceoxAtive Flortiou lt\j ral Officer ot THIRD REVISED EDITION. o!/ 6^ Mechanical Engineer. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SAN FRANCISCO THE BANCROFT COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1889 PRESERVATION COPY ADDED ORIGINAL TO BE RETAINED szxminov USH< Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, BY MATTHEW COOKE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Add to GIFT PREFACE This book is intended as an elementary text-book of Ento- mology. Up to the present time but little attention has been given to the study of the Natural History of Insects, even by those who cultivate the soil ; and the chief aim of this book is to introduce the subject in plain language and concise form, acquainting the student with the four states or stages of insect life, the transformations of insects, and the division or classL ficatioii of insects into Orders and Families. The plan of fully illustrating the work is adopted in order to make object-teaching available to some extent ; also, to aid the student in classifying the more common insects into Orders and families. As a rule which has but few exceptions, insects that belong to the same .^amily have similar habits ; so that, by knowing to what Family any insect belongs, we may tell whether to regard it as an injurious or a beneficial insect, because agreeing in its habits with other insects belonging to the same Family. The description given of their transformations applies equally to injurious, beneficial, and innoxious insects ; but the illustrations mostly represent those which are either injurious or beneficial, so as to give the student a correct idea of the appearance of members of these two classes of insects which more directly interest the cultivators of the soil. Impressed 926 4 PREFACE with the importance of such knowledge to the future husband- men, and anticipating that the study of Economic Entomology, will, from necessity j be taught in the near future in the Public Schools, this book has been written with special reference to its use as a text-book and as a preparatory course for the study of more advanced works To enable our teachers to teach this branch of natural his- tory, even without previous training for it, a Key to this book has been prepared and published in a separate volume. The scientific, or technical, names of the various insects referred to in this work are not always given in the text, but will be found in the Index, attached to the common names of the insects In the arrangement of the Orders I have followed that given by Dr. A. S. Packard, in his "Guide to the Study of Insects." The Families of the Orders Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, and Neuroptera are given in full, as far as the insects are found in the United States ; of the other Orders, only the most promi- nent Families are mentioned Of the illustrations many are taken from my work, ''Injuri- ous Insects of the Orchard, Vineyard," etc. ; to which others have been added, obtained chiefly from Professor C. V. Riley. Twelve were copied from Packard's ''Guide to the Study of Insects;" several from the Smithsonian Institution publica- tions, and also from Dr. Emmons' "New York Reports;" Nos. 89 and 103 were copied from the "Illinois Reports." The "Pacific Rural Press" kindly furnished the illustrations of scale-insects and their parasites. While engaged in this work, I have freely consulted the books of Professors C. V. Riley, Cyrus Thomas, G. H. French r PREFACE. 5 / and J. H. Comstock; also those of Doctors W t . Le Baron, A. S. Packard, J. L. Leconte and H. A. Hagen; and I take great pleasure in acknowledging my indebtedness for the informa- tion gleaned from their writings. In the preparation of this book I have also been ably assisted by D. W. Coquillett, Esq., late Assistant State Ento- mologist, of Illinois, which has placed me under great obligations to him. M. C. SACRAMENTO, CAL., November 1, 1883. CONTENTS Introduction 9 The Egg State 13 The Larva State 18 The Pupa State 24 The Transformations (Metamorphoses) of Insects 26 -The Imago State 32 The Internal Organs of Insects 43 Classification of Insects into Orders 45 Description of the Orders of Insects 46 How to Identify the Orders of Larvae 58 How to Identify the orders of Insects 60 Classification of Insects into Families ! 65 ' ORDER HYMENOPTERA, (Bees, Wasps, etc.) 65 ORDER LEPIDOPTERA, (Butterflies and Moths). . . 70 ORDER DIPTERA, (Two-winged Flies) 87 ORDER COLEOPTERA, (Beetles) 9i ORDER HEMIPTERA, (True Bugs) 112 SUB-ORDER I. HOMOPTERA, (Similar-winged Bugs). 112 SUB-ORDER H.HETEROPTERA, (Dissimilar-wingedBugs) 117 ORDER ORTHOPTERA, (Grasshoppers, Crickets, etc.) 121 ORDER KE'U'ROPTE'RAJ Dragon F.ie8,May Flies,etc.) 124 Scale-Insects '. 127 Beneficial Insects 138 How to Collect and Preserve Insects 143 Glossary 151 Index.! , 163 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Entomology is that part of Natural History which treats of insects. The term insect is derived from the Latin word in~ *ectum, which signifies cut into, or notched, and it was applied to these animals on account of their notched or indented ap- pearance (Fig. 1, Hornet); they belong to the second division of the Animal Kingdom, called Articulata. The vast Realm of Nature is divided into three Kingdoms, the Animal, the Vegetable, and the Mineral; to the first belong all animated beings, such as Beasts, Birds, Insects, etc.; to the second belongs the various kinds of Plants, Mosses, Fungi, etc.; while the different Minerals, Rocks, the Air, Water, etc., belong to the third. Fig i. Fig. 2. Fig. 3 The Animal Kingdom is divided into four Sub-Kingdoms, which are as follows: I. BACKBONE ANIMALS (Vertebrata), such as Beasts, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes; these all have an internal skeleton, covered with flesh. II. JOINTED ANIMALS (Articulata), such as Insects, Spiders, Crabs, etc.; in these the skeleton is external, and is divided into several rings, or segments, by transverse depressed circles 10 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. These animals are readily distinguished by their jointed appearance, which is easily seen in the Caterpillar (Fig. 2) as it moves along. III. SOFT-BODIED ANIMALS (Molusca), such as Snails, Clams, Slugs (Fig. 3), etc.; these do not have the body divided into joints, nor are they furnished with either an internal or external skeleton, although they are sometimes inclosed in a hard cov- ering or shell. Fig. 4 Fig. 5 IV. RAYED ANIMALS (Radiata), such as Star-Fishes, etc.; these have the parts of the body radiating from the center, resembling somewhat an asterisk (*); they are found only in the water. Insects belonging to the second division of the Animal King- dom, called Articulata. This division or Sub-Kingdom, com- prises five Classes, which differ from each other chiefly in the number of legs which they possess in the adult or perfect state. These five Classes are as follows: Fig. 7. I. TRUE INSECTS (Insecta), such as Beetles, Butterflies, etc.; which are furnished with six legs, as the Goldsmith Beetle (Fig. 4). II. SPIDERS (Arachnida), such as Spiders, Cheese-mites, CHAP. J. INTRODUCTION. 11 Flour-mites, Ticks, etc., which are provided with eight legs, as the Red Spider (Fig. 5), III. CRUSTACEANS (Crustacea), such as Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimps, etc., which have from ten to fourteen legs. IV. MYRIAPODS (Myriapoda), such as Centipedes, Milli- pedes, etc., have more than fourteen legs, as the Julus (Fig. 6). V. WORMS (Annelida), such as Earth-worms (Fig. 7), Leeches, etc., which are entirely destitute of legs. The greater number of TRUE INSECTS (Insecta), have the body divided into three distinct regions (Fig. 8, Daddy- Long - legs ) ,which have received the same names as the corresponding parts in the higher animals; thus, the first region, or part, is called the head (A); the second part, the tho- rax or chest (B); and the hindermost division is .termed the abdomen or hind bodv Fig. 8. It is among the true Fig. 10. insects alone that winged individuals occur, although all in- sects are not provided with these organs. 12 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. The SPIDERS (Arachnida) usually have the body divided into two distinct regions (Fig. 9), the head and thorax being merged into one part; the thorax and abdomen are frequently con- nected by a slender stem or petiole. They do not past through any changes or metamorphoses before reaching the adult state. So far as at present known, all spiders are predaceous, feeding upon insects, etc.; and one South-American species, of very large size, is said to catch small birds by creeping up, and springing upon them, like a cat. The Mites and Ticks differ from the Spiders in having the three parts of the body closely united, as the Yellow Mite (Fig. 10), there being no distinct line of separation between the thorax and the abdomen. The young Mites are generally provided with six legs (Fig. 11). Some kinds feed upon the leaves, etc., of various plants; others feed upon the eggs of insects or upon young plant-lice, such as the Phylloxera Mite (Fig. 12); and still others live parasitically upon different kinds of animals, such as the sheep Scab-Mite (Fig. 13), Fig. 12 Fig. 13 The Scorpions belong to the same class as the Spiders, being provided with eight legs; their maxillary palpi (or feeler at- tached to the lower jaw), are frequently as long as their legs, and terminate in forceps-like claws. They are mostly preda- ceous in their habits. The Centipedes, Millipedes, etc., (Myriapoda) , are sometimes called "Thousand-legged Worms," from the great number of legs with which their bodies are provided (Fig. 6). They are readily divisible into two groups, according to the number of CHAP. II. THE EGG STATE. 13 legs attached to each segment of their bodies. Some kinds have only a single pair of legs attached to each segment, while others have two pairs. By this characteristic we are enabled to separate, at a glance, the injurious from the beneficial; for those which have only one pair of legs to each segment are predaceous, feeding upon snails and other soft bodied-animals, whereas those having two pairs of legs to each segment feed upon vegetable matter. It is thus seen that true insects belong to the first Class, which is known by the name of INSECTA. Having learned the position which these animals respectively occupy in the Ani- mal Kingdom, a short account will be given, in Chapters II., III., IV., and VI., of the four states or stages through which .insects pass, namely: First, the egg; second, the larva or 'caterpillar; third, the pupa, chrysalis, or nymph; fourth, the perfect insect, or imago state. Chapter V. treats o^their transformations (metamorphoses). CHAPTER II. THE EGG STATE. The greater number of insects, such as Saw-flies (Fig. 14 ) 4 Butterflies (Fig. 15), Moths (Fig. 16), Hessian-flies (Fig. 17),' Fig. 15. Beetles (Fig. 18), Trite Bugs (Fig. 19), Tree-crickets (Fig. 20J, and Lace-winged Flies (Fig. 21), reproduce their kind by de- 14 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. positing eggs, and are therefore termed " oviparous " (from the Latin ovum, an egg, and parere, to produce). n g . 17. Fig. 16. A few kinds of insects bring forth their young alive, such as the Flesh-fly (Fig. 22) and Plant-lice (Fig. 23), and are Fig. 23. therefore called " viviparous " (from the Latin vivus alive and par ere, to produce). CHAP. II. THE EGG STATE Fig. 24. Fig. 25. Fig. 26. 15 Fig. 28. The eggs of insects are usually . of a globular form, such as the eggs (Figs. 24 and 25) of some species of Butterflies; but some are ft flattened, such as those (Fig. 26) If of the Katydids, while others are |j|| elongated, as those (Fig. 27) of thellj Tree-crickets; still others, as those w (Fig. 28) of the Tortoise-beetles are furnished with spines. The surface of some insects' eggs are perfectly smooth (Fig. 26); others are ribbed (Fig. 24), and still others are covered with a net- work of raised lines (Fig. 25). Insects deposit their eggs in a great variety of situations, but always where the caterpillar or larva, as soon as hatched, may find an abundance of food within easy reach. Fig. 29. Most frequently the eggs are fastened by a viscid liquid to the foliage of trees, to plants, grasses, etc., as those (Fig. 29} 16 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. of the Imported Currant Saw-fly, and (Fig. 30, d) of the Three- lined Potato Beetle; while others are laid in rings around the branches or twigs of trees, such as those (Fig. 31) of DeLong's Moth and (Fig. 32) of the Orchard Tent-caterpillar; other Fig. i. insects deposit their eggs in punctures in branches, as those (Fig. 29) of the Gray Tree-cricket, (Fig. 33) of the Snowy Tree- cricket, and (Fig. 34) of the Buffalo Tree-hopper; some kinds Fig. 33. Fig. 35. Fig. 36. of True Bugs deposit their eggs (Fig. 35) on the branches of trees. The eggs (Fig. 21) of the Lace-winged Flies are placed at the tip of a short pedicel or stem, and attached to the leaves or branches. Some kinds of Weevils de- Fig. 37. posit their eggs in fruits, such as seen, in Fig. 36, of the Plum Curculio, and, in Fig. 37, a, of the Grape Curculio. The i Grasshoppers deposit their eggs (Fig. 38) in masses, in the earth. Many kinds of Ichneumon-flies deposit their eggs in the bodies of caterpillars and pupae, by piercing them with their ovipositors; and sometimes in grubs or borers which live under the bark of trees. A female insect of this Family is represented (Fig. 39) in the act of laying or depositing her eggs. The long tail or. CHAP. II. THE EGG STATE. 17 ovipositor, composed of three hair-like pieces, is bent and carried under the body, and directed to the spot where, be- neath the bark of a tree, a grub or larva is supposed to lie. The same female is shown (Fig. 40), when at rest. The greater number of the Gall-flies and Saw-flies make an incision in the leaves or twigs of trees, etc., in which they de- posit their eggs. Fig. 37. Fig. 38. Fig. 40. Various kinds of Beetles deposit their eggs in the ground ; .the Hessian-flies, on the stalks of wheat, the Joint-worm flies, in the stalks of wheat, barley, etc. ; the Army-worm Moth, on the lower parts of grasses ; the Butterflies, on the leaves of plants, etc., on which their larvae are to feed ; the Codlin-moth, on fruits; and the Borers on the bark of trees and plants. The egg of an insect consists essentially of three parts, namely: the central germ cell, surrounded by the yolk within the outer shell. 18 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS The idea entertained by some persons that many insects are produced spontaneously is erroneous ; all insects are brought forth by a parent, either as eggs or as living young. CHAPTER III. THE LARVA STATE. Some insects, such as Grasshoppers, Earwigs (Fig. 41 ; a ? larva}} Thrips (Fig. 42, larva), and Soldier-bugs (Fig. 43; 6, larva) , when they first issue from the egg, very closely resem- Fig. 41. \ ble the adult or parent insect, with the exception of being as yet destitute of wings. By far the greater number of insects, when first hatched from the egg, are worm-like, having the body elongated, and Fig. 42. Fig. 44. more or less cylindrical, and furnished with a distinct head (Fig. 48, A) armed with strong jaws; such as the Native Currant- CHAP. III. THE LARVA STATE. 19 worm (Fig. 44), the Army- worm (Fig. 45), the Wire-worm (Fig. 46), and the larva of the Lace-winged Fly (Fig. 47). Fig. 45. Fig. 46. The bodies of those larvae which are worm-like are divided by transverse, depressed circles, generally into twelve parts^ called "rings" or "segments." The first three segments near- est the head (Fig. 48, B), represent the thorax of the perfect insect, and are therefore termed "thoracic" segments; the re- maining nine segments (Fig. 48, C), represent the abdomen of the perfect insect, and are therefore designated the "abdominal" segments. On the top of the segment next to the head (or the first segment) is sometimes a horny plate (Fig. 48, G); this plate is named the "cervical shield;" a plate of similar text- ure on the last or anal segment (Fig. 48, F), when present, is termed the "anal plate." Sometimes there is a horn or spine on the top of the eleventh segment (Fig. 48, E); this is known as the "anal horn." Fig. 47 Fig. 48. Most of the larvae have nine spiracles, or breathing pores (Fig. 48, H), on each side of the body, one on each side of the first segment, and one on each side of the segments from four to eleven inclusive. When there is a line of any color extending along the spi- racles, it is termed the stigmata line. The back of a larva is termed the dorsum, and when there is a line in the middle, extending lengthwise with the body, it is termed the dorsal line. 20 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. A line midway between the dorsal and stigmata lines is termed the sub-dorsal line. The under part of the body is called the renter. Some larvae are perfectly smooth-skinned, as the caterpillar (Fig. 49) of the Turnus Butterfly; others are more or less covered with tubercles, Fi g- 49 - such as the caterpillar (Fig. 50) of the Cecro- pia Moth ; some are covered with warts. Fig. 50. Fig. 51. Fig. 59. from which grow clusters of hair, as the caterpillar (Fig. 51) of the Tussock Moth; still others are covered with small CHAP. III. THE LAEVA STATE. 21 polished spots, termed piliferous spots, such as the Glassy Cut- worm (Fig. 52; see the enlarged segment), from each of which usually proceeds a fine hair. Many kinds of Iarva3 are entirely destitute of legs; these are called grubs, maggots, etc.; for instance, the grub (Fig. 53) of the Plum Curculio; (Fig. 54) of the Flat-headed Apple- Fig. 53 Fig. 54. Fig. 55. Fig. 56, Tree Borer; the grub (Fig. 55) of the Round-headed Apple- Tree Borer; and the larva (Fig. 66) of the Hessian-fly * Others are provided with six legs, as the grubs or Iarva3 (Fig. 57) of the Ground-beetles. Fig. 57. Fig, 59. Larvae having from ten to sixteen legs are called true cater- pillars, such as the Span-worms (Fig. 58), which have ten legs; the Glassy Cut-worm (Fig. 52), which is provided with sixteen legs. Caterpillars have a pair of horny legs beneath each of the first three segments; these are the true legs; the additional legs are fleshy, and are usually encircled at the tips with a circle of minute hooks (Fig. 59); these fleshy legs are commonly called prolegs, prop-legs, or false legs, The greater number of larva} which have more than the six thoracic legs are furnished with ten prolegs (Fig. 52); these are arranged in pairs beneath the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, 22 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. and twelfth segments; those under the twelfth segment are sometimes called the anal prolegs. Larvae having more than sixteen legs are Fi S- 16 - called/aZs0 Caterpillars, such as the larvae (Fig. 60) of the Imported Currant Saw-fly, which is provided with twenty legs. The prolegs of these false caterpillars are not furnished with hooks at the tips. The false caterpillars (Fig. 60), and also the true caterpillars, which are provided with six- teen legs (Fig. 2), in crawling about, move with a gently undulating motion, while those which are provided with from ten to fourteen legs, arch the body more or less upward. This is most noticeable in the ten-legged caterpillars (Fig. 58), which are commonly called "Span-worms," "Measuring-worms," or "Geometers." In crawling about they arch the body upwards (Fig. 61), by bringing their hind legs close to the front legs, then fastening themselves by the intermediate and hind legs, they stretch out Fig. 61. Fig. 63. the body to its full length (Figs, 62 and 213); the same move- ments are repeated in making the following steps. The caterpillars that are provided with twelve or fourteen legs, in moving arch the body upward in the same manner as those having ten legs, but to a less extent. CHAP. III. THE PUPA STATE. 23 Some larvae have the head soft and of no definite shape, such as the larva (Fig. 63) of the Syrphus-fly; it is provided with a pair of hook-like jaws, which are usually curved down- ward. These organs seem to be unfit for masticating food, and are chiefly used to retain the larva in its place, or in hold- ing its prey, and also to assist in moving around. The soft, shapeless head occurs only in the larvae of some kinds of Two-winged Flies, such as those of the House-fly (Fig. 64; A repre- sents the young larva, while at B the larva is shown at a more advanced age). These larvae are always destitute of legs ? and are commonly called " maggots." It is generally in the larva state only that the insect increases in size; the Butterfly or Bee, or any other winged insect, does not increase in size after its wings and other parts have acquired their proper shape and degree of firmness. No larva, caterpillar, grub or maggot, is capable of produc- ing eggs or bringing forth young;* these offices are perfomed by the adult insect alone. *Some writers claim that there are exceptions to this rule; but these exceptions are of very rare occurrence. NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. CHAPTER IV. y THE PUPA STATE. Those insects which, when they first issue from the egg, closely Fig. 65. resemble the parent insect, such as the larva, (Fig. 65, .c) of the Chinch-bug and (Fig. 66, a) of the Harelequin Cabbage- bug, do not differ very materially in form in the pupa state (Fig. 65, #, and 66, 6), except that they are provided with wing-pads, that is, cushion-like swellings, in which the undevel- Fig. 60 Fig. 67. oped wings are enclosed; they move about and take food in the same way as in the larva state. The pupa? of those insects, however, which were worm-like Fig. 68 when they issue from the egg, are incapable of moving about and taking food, their legs and other appendages being folded up and encased in a sheath; such as the pupa (Fig- 67) of the Canker-worm. Fig. 70. Fig. 69. In some pupa3 such as those of the Beetles, Bees, Wasps, and many Two-winged Flies the antenna?, wings, and legs are CHAP. IV TUP: PUPA STATE. 25 enclosed in separate sheaths and folded on the breast, as in the pupa (Fig. 68) of the Prionus Beetle, that (Fig. 69) of the Flat-headed Apple-tree Borer, and that (Fig. 70) of the Plum Curculio. Fig. 72. Fig. 73. The pupa3 of Butterflies and Moths have the antennae, wings, and legs closely folded against the breast, and the whole is enclosed in a common covering or sheath, as seen in the pupa (Fig. 71) of the Tomato-worm and (Fig. 72) of various But- terflies. Fig. 75. Fig. 7(5. WV Pupsa vary in form; some h::,vc a smooth surface and are conical in form (Fig. 73); others are sometimes angulated, as ''-/ 3 26 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. the pupse of many Butterflies, such as those represented in Figs. 74 and 75. The pupse of many kinds of Two- winged Flies are enclosed in the old larva-skin, which becomes con- tracted and hardened (Fig. 76). Pupae of this kind are said to be coarctate or compact, while the others mentioned above are said to be obtected or covered. No insect can produce eggs or bring forth living young while in the pupa state; it is only in the perfect or adult state that insects can reproduce their kind. (See Note, p. 23.) CHAPTER V. THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS. Insects, with but few exceptions, pass through the four stages corresponding to the egg, the larva, the pupa, and the imago state. These different stages are easily observed in the development of the Archippus Butterfly. From the egg (Fig. 77, c, natural size; a magnified), is hatched a small worm-like creature, the larva (Latin larva, a mask); so named, because "masking," as it were, the perfect insect. This at once begins to feed upon the Fig. 77. leaves of the plant upon which the egg had been deposited by the parent butterfly; after increasing somewhat in size it casts off its old skin, and appears in a new and more commodious one. This process is termed "moulting." When this time for moulting arrives, the caterpillar first CHAP. V.- 'HE TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS. 27 spins a layer of silk upon some object, and then crawls upon it and fastens the hooks at the tips of its legs into the silk ; it now remains quiet for a short time, when the skin on its back soon splits open, and the included caterpillar then crawls out. This operation is repeated at intervals three or four times, until the caterpillar reaches its full size (Fig. 78). It next Tig. 78. spins a bunch of silk to the under side of some object, and in this it entangles the hooks at the tips of its hind legs ; then letting go its hold it hangs suspended, with the head and fore part of the body drawn slightly upward, giving to the body somewhat the form of the letter J (Fig. 79, ). In a short Fig. 79 time the skin on its back splits open, and the included object, by elongating its body, pushes' the fore part of the latter through the rent in the skin; the body is then contracted, or shortened, thus drawing the old skin backward ; and this operation is repeated until the skin is worked back to, and covering only, the last two or three segments (Fig. 79, b). The pupa is attached, near the hind end of its body, to the old 28 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. Fig.* 80. skin by a strong ligament. It soon withdraws the hind part of its body out of the old skin, and remains suspended by this ligament (Fig. 79, c)\ it then elongates its body and fastens the hooks at the hind end of the latter into the bunch of silk above the point where the old skin is attached, and by whirling around it breaks the ligament and dislodges the old skin; after which it remains perfectly quiet and gradually becomes contracted to its proper size and form (Fig. 80). v In the course of a week or so its colors darken, and the spots on the wings of the inclosed butterfly can be quite plainly seen through the thin and nearly transparent pupa- skin; soon the latter is burst near the anterior or lower end, and the enfolded butterfly comes forth. At first its wings are short and limp, but they gradually expand and harden, and soon attain their proper form and size (Fig. 81 ). All insects which are worm-like when issuing from the egg, pass through the same stages as the Butterfly, although not always in the same manner. Some spin a shroud of cocoon Fig. 81. (Fig 82) around their bodies before entering the pupa state ; others enter the earth and prepare smooth cells (Fig. 83.) ; while still others assume this state while in the plants or others CHAP. r. THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS. 29 substances in which they dwell (Fig. 84, 6). Some suspend themselves by the hind feet alone (Fig. 79); others pass a loop of silken threads around the fore part of the body (Fig. 87, b). A few of the former merely work the old skin back upon the hind part of the body, where they allow it to remain; Fig. 82. Fig. 84. while in a very few the old skin is merely rent on the back, and almost incloses the pupa. In the larvae of a great many kinds of Two-winged Flies the larval skin merely contracts and hardens (Fig. 76), completely inclosing the pupa. Fig. 85. Fig. 86. Those insects which pass through the various stages detailed above are said to have a complete transformation (metamor- phosis). But there are many insects (such as Grasshoppers, Plant- bugs, etc.), which, when hatched from the egg, very closely 30 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. resemble the adult or parent insect, with this exception, that they are always destitute of wings (Fig. 65, c). After increas- ing somewhat in size they cast their skins and appear in the same form as before, except that a pair of small wing-pads is usually to be seen there where the wings are to be in the per- fect insect. At each succeeding moult, or casting of the skin, the form still remains as before, except that the wing-pads are growing larger (Fig. 65, g) till the insect moults for the last time, when it appears with fully developed wings (as the Chinch-bug, Fig. 85). All this time it has been able to move about and to take food. When about its final moulting the larval insect firmly fastens the hooks at the ends of its feet into some object; in a short time the skin on its back splits open and the included insect makes its escape. Insects which pass through their different stages in this manner are said to have an incomplete transformation (meta- morphosis). Some insects which are worm-like when they issue from the egg are active to a certain degree while in the pupa state; thus the pupa of the Lace-winged Fly, a short time before its final change, issues from its cocoon and fastens itself by the feet to some neighboring object; in a short time the skin on its back is rent, and the perfect insect makes its escape. Some insects after issuing from the pupa are still enveloped in a thin film-like skin; this stage is usually called the sub- imago, and occurs among May-flies, and allied insects. They usually fly to the nearest plant, or other object, and soon cast off the film-like skin. A few insects, like the Blister-beetles (Fig. 86), appear to pass through more than four stages. On the approach of winter their larva casts its skin and appears in a different form, commonly called the semi-pupa; it resembles the true pupa in being unable to move about and to take food, but differs from it in not having wing-cases, leg-cases, etc. In the following spring it casts off its old skin, and appears once CHAP. V. THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS. 31 more as a larva; the latter passes through the same changes as any other larva before reaching the perfect state. The changes which insect life passes through before reach- ing maturity have excited alike the interest and astonishment of mankind since the earliest ages. " To see the same animal appearing first as a worm-like creature (Fig. 87, a), Fig. 87. slowly crawling along and devouring everything in its way, and then, after an intermediate period of death-like repose (Fig. 87, &), emerging from its quiescent state, furnished with wings adorned with bril- liant colors (Fig. 88), and confined in its choice of food to the most delicate fluids of the vegetable king- dom, is a spectacle that, indeed, must ever be re- garded with the greatest interest ; especially when we remember that these dissimilar creatures are all composed of the same elements, and that the organs of the adult were in a manner shadowed out in all its previous stages." Let those who look with slight upon the pursuit of Ento- mology learn that there are but few, if any, studies better adapted to improve the mind and to mould the character of the young. Inculcating as it does, the habit of observation, 32 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. of acute perception, and patient perseverance, it has, more- over, no small tendency to lift up their thoughts to the great CREATIVE BEING to Him who has designed the minutest part even of the minutest object with reference to some partic- ular use intimately connected with the economy of the whole. CHAPTER VI. THE IMAGO STATE. By far the greater number of insects, in the imago or perfect state, are provided with wings. Some, however, are destitute of these organs, and, as insects, often very closely resemble their larvae, or pupa?. This is especially true of some insects which are active during the pupa state, such as the Plant-lice, and some kinds of wingless Grasshoppers. The pupa3 of the later usually differ from the adults by having the wings twisted, so that the thin upper edge is nearest the under side of the body. The body of the perfect insect (Fig. 86) is composed of three parts, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. THE HEAD AND ITS APENDAGES. The head is usually of a flattened, globula r form. On each side of it is a large compound eye (Fig. 90), consisting of a great many simple eyes placed close together. Besides the compound eyes, many insects have two or three simple eyes (ocelli), which are usually situated on the top of the head.* The antenna? f or horns are two in number, and are gener- ally placed below the eyes, but sometimes above them. The functions which these organs perform are not distinctly under- stood, but they are supposed to be connected with the sense of hearing; this suposition is strengthened by the fact that, in some Lobsters and Crabs, a distinct organ of hearing has been found located at the base of the antenna?. * See Fig. 89. f See Fig. 103. CHAP. VI. THE IMAGO STATE. 33 The antennae of insects are composed of a certain number of joints, which are counted from the head outward; thus, the joint next the head is the first or basal joint, the last joint being the one at the tip or apex. Fig. 89. Fis. 90. Fig. 91. Fig. 92. Fig. 93 Fig. 94. Fig. 95.. Fig. %. Fig. 97. Fig. 98. Fig. 99. 34 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. Some of the various forms of the antennae are illustrated in e accompanying figures: the following are the principal nrle Fig. 103. CHAP. VI. THE IMAGO STATE. 35 Filiform or thread-like ; of nearly equal width throughout its entire length(Figs. 91 and 94, a). Clavate or club-shaped ; gradually enlarged toward the tip (Figs. 92 and 98). Fusiform or spindle-shaped ; largest in the middle, or taper- ing like the root of a carrot (Fig. 93). Seteceous, Setiform, or bristle-like ; slender and tapering toward the tip (Fig. 94, 6), Moniliform or bead-like ; when the joints are more or less globular, the antenna resembling a string of beads. Capitate or knobbed ; terminating in a head or knob at the tip (Figs, 95 and 93). Serrate or saw-toothed ; when each joint is prolonged in the form of a small tooth, on the inner side, at the apex or tip of each joint (Figs. 97 and 99). Lamellate; when the terminal joints are prolonged inward in the form of flattened plates (Figs. 100 and 101). Fig. 102. Fig. 100. Fig. 101. Fig. 104. Fig 105. Pectinate or comb-tooth ; when the inner angle of each joint is considerably prolonged at the apex (Fig. 102). Bipectinate Pectinate on both sides (Fig 115, a ; some- times called pectinate). [For other forms of antennae, see Glossary.] The mouth of such insects as masticate their food consists essentially of four parts or sets of organs, namely : the upper 36 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. lip (labrum, Figs. 104 and 105) *f ; the lower lip (labium, Fig. 106)*f ; ' the upper jaws (mandibles)* \ ; and the lower jaws (maxilldi)* \ . These different organs are arranged as follows ; The upper and lower dots represent the upper and lower lip, respectively ; the two dots below the upper one represent the upper jaws, while the two dots below these represent the lower jaws. The upper lip is attached to the lower edge of the face, and aids the insect in retaining the food in the mouth during the process of mastication. Fig. 106. Fig. 108. Fig. 109. Next to the upper lip are the upper jaws, which consist of two hard and more or less curved pieces (Figs. 107, 108, 109 and 110)*f; which open arid shut sidewise, instead of up and down, as the jaws of animals do ; these are the true biting and masticating organs. Fig. 112. Fig. 123 Next to these are the lower jaws, which are much softer than the upper ones; like them they open and shut sidewise, See Fig. 89 t See Fig. 108 CHAP. VI. THE IMAGO STATE. 37 and their chief office seems to be to assist in retaining and masticating the food. Near the base of each lower jaw, on the outer side, is a jointed appendage, called the maxillary palpus (Figs. Ill, 112 and 113)*f- Below the lower jaw is placed the lower lip; this is used in retaining the food in the mouth; near the base are two jointed appendages, called the labial palpi (Fig. 106)*f. When the lower lip is very narrow, the terminal portion is frequently called the tongue (lingula). It is attached to the upper and inner edge of the chin (mentum)\ . There is sometimes a second pair of appendages, attached to the lower lip, nearer its tip than the labial palpi; these are termed the paraglossa. In those insects which obtain their nourishment by suction, such as Bugs, Butterflies, Moths, and the Two-winged Flies, gome or all of the mouth parts are drawn out or elongated, and several of them are sometimes united to form a single organ, or beak; in many in- sects such as True Bugs ( Fig. 114, b ), Horse-flies, etc. the beak (Fig. 114, ) is hard, and fitted for piercing, while in others such as the House-fly it is quite soft, and fitted for lapping. In the Butterflies and the Moths it is usually quite long, frequently as long or longer than the entire body of the insect, and when not in use is Fig. 114. Fig. 115. Fig. 116 coiled up like the hair-spring of a watch (Fig. 115, 2); but if the outer or the posterior margin of the wing forms one of its sides, it is then said to be open (Fig. 125, 4, *) Naturalists determine the different genera and species of Plant-lice chiefly by the difference in the veining of the wings, these being the most reliable characteristics which these insects possess. Fig. 126* represents the venation of the wings of the Rose Aphis and Grain- Aphis; Figure 127, that of the Apple-tree Aphis, and Figure 128, that of the -Woolly Aphis. THE ABDOMEN AND ITS APPENDAGES. The posterior division of the body of a.i insect is termed the abdomen, and contains the organs of nutrition and' of Fig. 126. reproduction. The abdomen is sometimes united to the thorax by its entire width, but in some insects such as Wasps, etc, these^ two parts are connected by a slender stem or petiole. * EXPLANATION OP FIG. 1261. basal cell; 2, first discoidal cell; 3, second discoidal cell; 4, mfra-marginal cell; 5, first cubital cell; between 4 and 5, second cubital cell; 7, stigma; toward base of wing from stigma, costal cell; between 4 and 7, marginal cell (The latter and No 4 are sometimes called "apical cells.") 42 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. Along each side of the abdomen are ranged the spiracles (Fig. 89), through which the inset breathes. Fig. 127. Fig. 128. The tip of the abdomen is sometimes furnished with a sting as in the Bees and Wasps with which the insect defends Fig. 131. CHAP. VII. THE INTERNAL ORGANS OF INSECTS. 43 itself. In other insects such as the Saw-flies (Fig. 130) it is provided with a piercer or ovipositor (Fig. 129), which is used for the purpose of making punctures in the leaves or twigs of plants, in which to deposit the eggs. The famales of several species of Ichneumon-flies are furnished with an ovipositor, that is frequently as long as the entire body of the insect (Figs. 39, 40, and 131), and composed of several thread-like pieces. The males of all insects, having reached the imago state, provide for the continuance of their species, and, being no longer needed in the economy of insect life, soon after die. CHAPTER VII. THE INTERNAL ORGANS OF INSECTS. The nervous system of insects consists essentially of two cords, extending the entire length of the body, and placed nearest to the lower side; these cords are situated one above the other, and the lower cord is enlarged at intervals into knots, called ganglia; from each of these knots a number of cords or filaments extend to the various organs. The fibers which compose these cords, separate at the anterior extremity of the body, so as to pass around the gullet (sesophagus), above which they again unite to form the brain, which is somewhat larger thany of the other ganglia. The organs of nutrition consist of an alimentary canal extending the entire length of the insect; it is enlarged in several places, and somewhat resembles the same organ in birds. The gullet (oesophagus) is terminated by a cavity resem- bling the crop in birds; next to this is a smaller muscular organ, analogous to the gizzard; this is followed by a larger and longer cavity, which is the true digestive stomach; this is contracted at the posterior end into the intestinal canal, which is enlarged at the posterior end into what is known as the colon. The liver and the kidneys are not each in compact 44 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. body, as in the higher animals, but consists of ma,sses of twisted, ribbon-like tubes. The blood of insects is a colorless fluid, which does not cir- culate in closed vessels or veins, but permeates all parts of the body. The heart is represented by an elongated, pulsating , vessel, situated in the upper part of the body, along the back; it is furnished with small valves, which allow the blood to pass only in one direction, which is toward the head. The blood enters the heart through openings at the sides, and is forced upward and expelled out of an opening in the anterior end; from this it passes backward, through all parts of the body,- and again enters the heart, as before. In many naked caterpillars the pulsation of the heart is readily seen beneath the skin on the back. Insects do not breathe through the mouth or nostrils, as the higher animals do, but through small openings, called spiracles, placed on each side of the body (Fig. 89); these open into minute, pearly tubes (trachea), which carry the air to all parts of the body, where it comes in contact with the blood. In the perfect or winged insect these tubes are dilated so as to form a great many air-sacs, facilitating the act of flying. Fig. 132. j n man y aquatic larva? such as those (Fig. 132) of the Mosquito these tubes project from the body in the form of small tufts, analogus to the gills of fishes. Those insects which, in the perfect state, spend much of their time in the water, are not furnished with these gills, and hence are compelled to rise occasionally to the surface to get air Insects, unlike the higher animals, have the skeleton external, or upon the outside, and the muscles are attached to the inner surface of the various parts. The muscles are composed of numerous fibers, but which are not united in the rounded, compact form such as they have in the higher animals. CHAP. VIII. CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS INTO ORDERS. 45 No insect is possessed of a voice or breath sound, and those which appear to sing such as the Katydids anfl Crickets produce their notes by the rubbing together of certain parts of the body. The Cicada, or Harvest- fly, is furnished with a thin, transparent instrument, which is alternately indented and relaxed, producing a sound somewhat similar to that made by indenting a tin pan. Some insects produce a shrilling noise by elevating the wing- cases, and rubbing their edges together; others rasp the inside of their hind legs against the outer edges of their wing-cases; some,, while on the wing, make a somewhat similar noise by rubbing the front edge of the hind wings against the under side of the wing-cases, Some kinds of Beetles sometimes make a squeaking noise by rubbing the base of the thorax against the adjacent part of the wing-cases. CHAPTER VIII. CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS INTO ORDERS. Naturalists separate insects into two Sections, characterized by the difference in the mouth-parts; and into seven Orders, according to the number and the structure of the wings. These Sections are as follows : SECTION 1. GNAWING INSECTS (Mandibulata). These insects are furnished with a pair of jaws. This Section includes the Orders as follows : 1. HYMENOPTERA (from two Greek words meaning menbrane-winged). Such as Bees, Wasps, Saw-flies, etc. 2. COLEOPTERA (from two Greek words, signifying sheath-winged). Such as Beetles and Weevils. 3. ORTHOPTERA (from two Greek words, meaning straight-winged). Such as Grasshoppers, Crickets, etc. 4. NEUROPTERA (from two Greek words, meaning nerve-winged). Such as Dragon-flies, Lace-winged Flies, etc. 46 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. SECTION II. SUCKING INSECTS ( ffaustellata ) . These insects have the mouth-parts formed into a beak or proboscis. This Section includes the Orders as follows : 5. LEPIDOPTERA (from two Greek words meaning scaly-winged). Such as Butterflies and Moths. 6. HEMIPTERA ( from two Greek words, meaning half -winged). Such as Plant-bugs, etc. This order is divided into two Sub-orders, which are as follows: Homoptera (from two Greek words, meaning simi- lar-winged). Such as Plant-lice, Vine-hoppers, etc. Heteroptera (from two Greek words, meaning differ- ent-winged). Such as Plant-bugs, Soldier-bugs, etc. 7. DIPTERA (from two Greek words, signifying two- winged). Such as Two-winged Fies, Mosquitoes, etc. CHAPTER IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER OF INSECTS. SECTION 1. GNAWING INSECTS (Mandibulata). HYMENOPTERA (Bees, Wasps, etc.) These insects usually have four membraneous wings, with few veins, such as the Imported Currant Saw-flies (Fig. 133). The posterior pair are the smaller ; in a few spe- cies the wings are wanting. The upper jaws are fitted for biting, while the lower jaws form a sheath around the lower lip. The three last named organs are greatly elon- gated, and fitted for sucking or lapping. The body is gen- erally hard and firm, and in many species the abdomen is f furnished with a sting, where- Fig. 133 CHAP. IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER OF INSECTS. 47 with the insects defend themselves. Some females have an exserted ovipositor (Fig. 129), with which they puncture the leaves or twigs of plants in which they deposit thprf x eggs ; Fig. 1U. Fig. 135. Fig. 136. others, such as the Ichneumon-flies (Figs. 39, 40, 131, and 134), puncture the bodies or eggs of other insects, and deposit their eggs therein. The larva? are usually destitute of legs, (see larva of the Grape-seed Maggot, Fig. 135), and many of them feed upon food provided by the parents; others are pro- Fig. 137. vided with twenty or twenty-two legs (such as the larva of the Rose Saw-fly, Fig, 136), and feed upon the leaves of plants, or live in the stems of plants, or in galls on plants. 48 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. Their transformations are complete, and the legs, etc., of the pupa are enclosed in separate sheaths (such as the pupa of the Strawberry Saw-fly, Fig. 137, i and 2 ). The larva) gene- rally change to pupae in their nests, or in whatever substance Fig. 189. Fig. 138. they happen to live; others spin cocoons around their bodies, usually first concealing themselves beneath fallen lea.ves, or entering the earth. COLEOPTERA ( Beetles). These insects are usually provided with four wings, but in a few species the hind wings are want- ing. The fore wings (elytra) are of a hard, horny texture, and meet in a straight line (suture) along the back, except in the genus Meloe, where the overlap each other; in a few species the wings, are united at the suture (as in several kinds of Darkling Beetles, Fig. 119). The posterior wings, when present, are membraneous, and when not in use are usually folded both lengthwise and crosswise, and concealed beneath the elytra. (The Beetles which belong to the same family as the Flat-headed Apple-tree Borer, Fig. 138, have the hind wings folded lengthwise only.) The mouth-parts are fitted for biting. Transformations complete. The larvae are commonly called grubs-, and are sometimes furnished with six legs, which are placed beneath the fore part CHAP. IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER OF INSECTS. 49 of the body (such as the larva of the June Beetle, Fig. 139, 2 ); besides these there are some kinds having a fleshy proleg beneath the last segment (as the larva of the Striped Cucum- ber-beetle, Fig. 140). Others are entirely destitute of legs. In all of them the head is distinct. Some undergo their trans- mations in the substance in which they live; others enter the earth and spin a slight cocoon (Fig. 139, i). The pupse have the legs, etc., enclosed in separate sheaths (Fig. 131, i). 141. Fig. 140. ^RTHOPTERA, ( 'Grasshopper , Crickets, etc.) The insects which belongs to this Order usually have four wings; the wings of the anterior pair are thickened or parchment-like, and over- lap each other on the back (as those of the Katydid, Fig. 141), except in the Earwigs (Fig. 41). The posterior wings are thinner, and when at rest are folded up lengthwise, like a fan, 50 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. and are more or less concealed beneath the anterior pair. In a few species one or more pair of wings are wanting. The mouth-parts are fitted for biting. The transformations Fig. 142. are incomplete, the pupa being active. With the exception of those belonging to the same family as the Mantis (Fig. 142), all the insects of this Order are more or less injurious. Fig. 143. In the Earwig family (Fig. 41) the anterior wings meet in a Straight line on the back, as in the Rove-beetles (Fig. 249), CHAP. IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER OF INSECTS. 51 from which they are at once distinguished by the prominent anal forceps. NEUROPTERA (Dragon-flies, May-flies, etc*) These insects are mostly provided with four membraneous wings (such as the Dragon-fly, Fig. 143), but in a few species the posterior wings are wanting, while several others are entirely wingless. The wings, when present, are usually supplied with numerous cross- veins, so as to form a network, but in several species (such as in the Genus Psocus, Fig. 144), the cross- veins are not more numerous than they are in the wings of Butterflies and Moths. The body and its appendages are commonly soft Fig. 145. . ^L Fig. 144. and weak, and the tip of the abdomen is sometimes furnished with two or three long bristles (setae.) The mouth-parts are fitted for biting. The larvae are mostly aquatic and are pro- vided with six legs; in some the transformations are incom- plete, the pupa being active (as the pupa of the Dragon-fly, Fig. 145); in others they are complete, and the pupa has the legs, etc., enclosed in separate sheaths; several pupae of the latter kind are active, to a certain extent, just before the perfect insect emerges. With the exception of the White Ants, the insects belonging to this Order cannot be regarded as injurious, while several species are eminently beneficial (such as the laced-winged Flies, Fig. 21). Some authors have separated those insects belonging to this Order which pass through an incomplete transformation, into a distinct Sub- order, which they call Pseudo-neuroptem; but this course has not been generally followed. 52 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. SECTION II. SUCKING INSECTS (Haustellata). LEPIDOPTERA (Butterflies and Moths). These insects are provided with four thin wings, which are usually covered with minute, flattened scales (such as the Semicolon Butterfly, Fig. Fig. 146. 146, and the Orchard Tent-catarpillar Moth, Fig. 147)*; the females of a few species are either wingless (as the female of the Yellow Canker-worm Moth, Fig. 148), or the wings are Fig. 147. Fig. 148. small and rudimentary. The body and its appendages are also covered with scales or short hairs. The mouth parts are fitted for sucking, the upper lip and jaws being very small or rudi- mentary, while the lower jaws are formed into a long tube or proboscis, which, when not in use, is coiled up like the hair spring of a watch (Fig. 115, g) and concealed beneath the head; in a few species which take no food while in the perfect state, the lower jaws are also i rudimentary. The transfor- * The anteunte of Butterflies always terminate in a knob (see Figs. 95 and 146): but the antennae of Moths never terminate in a knob (see Figs. '97, 115, a, and 147) - CHAP. IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER OF INSECTS. 53 Fig. 149. mations are. complete, and the various members of the pupa are enclosed in a common sheath or cover- ing (as the pupa of the Achemon Sphinx, Fig. 149). A few of the larvae of the smaller species of Moths are destitute of legs; others are pro- vided with ten legs (as the Spring Canker-worm, Fig, 151, /); Fig. 150. Fig. 151. some with twelve legs (as the Fall Canker-worm. Fig. 151, /); the greater number have sixteen legs (as the larva of the Achemon Sphinx, Fig. 152); while a few of small size, which mine : e leaves of plants, have more than sixteen legs; in all of the n the head is distinct. They are all more or less injurious, with the single exception of one species (the Dak- ruma coccidivorella of Comstock), which feeds upon young Scale- insects. ^HEMIPTERA (True Bugs), These insects are generally pro- vided with four wings, but a few kinds have only two, while others are entirely destitute of wings. The mouth is fitted for suction, and is commonly called the "beak," or "proboscis." (See the Dotted-legged Plant-bug, Fig. 19, r; the Spined Soldier- 54 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. bug, Fig. 114, a; the Ring-banded Soldier-bug, Fig. 153, c, and the Many-banded Robber, (Fig. 154, b). It usually con- sists of four bristle-like organs (the upper and the lower jaws), Fig. 154. Fig. 155. which are inclosed in the sheath-like lower lip; the upper lip is short and pointed. The transformations are incomplete. This Order is divided into two Sub-orders, as follows: Homoptera, (Plant-lice, Vine-hoppers, etc). These insects have the wings of the same- texture throughout, either wholly leathery (as those of the Buffalo Tree-hopper, Fig. 155), or Fig. 156. Fig. 157. wholly membraneous (as those of the Grain Aphis, Fig. 156), and when at rest they are held slanting over the back like a steep roof (as in the Hop Aphis, Fig. 157a); the beak arises from the posterior part of the under side of the head, and sometimes apparently from the breast. They are all terrestrial, and are injurious to vegetation. CHAP. IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER OF INSECTS. 55 Many of them are wingless (as in Fig. 157, 4, and the Apple- tree Aphis, Fig. 158). In one family the Scale-insects the Fig. 157. females (such as those of the Red Scale, Fig. 159, Ib) are wingless, and the males (see Fig. 159, 1 a) are provided with only two wings. Fig. 159. V Heteroptera (Plant-bugs, Soldier-bugs, etc.). These insects have the anterior wings thickened at the base, while the outer 56 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. part is thin and more membraneous (such as those of the Harlequin Cabbage-bug, Fig. 160). When at rest the wings Fig. 162 Fig. 160. Fig. 161. lie flatly upon the back, and overlap each other at the tips. The beak issues from the fore part of the under side of the head, while in the Homoptera it issues from the posterior part 164. Fig. 165 of the under side of the head. In a few small species, such as the Thrips (Fig. 161) and the wingless Lice, the mouth is CHAP. IX DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER OF INSECTS. a< furnished with jaws. Some of the insects which belong to this sub-order are terrestrial, others are aquatic (as the Large Belostoma, Fig. 162). A very few species are predaceous, others are parasitic, while still others feed upon the juices of various plants (such as the Squash-bug, Fig. 163). \DIPTERA (Two-winged Flies). -These insects are providad with only two wings, the posterior pair being represented by a pair of thread-like organs, knobbed at the outer end (such as seen in the Wheat-midge, Fig. 164, and the Onion-fly, Fig- 165). These are called balancers or halteres, and are never Wanting, even in those species which are wingless. The mouth- parts are fitted for piercing or lapping. Transformations com- plete. The larvae are destitute of legs (such as the Apple- maggot, Fig. 166, and the larvaa of the Helophilus-fly, Fig. Fig. 166. Fig. 168. 167), and are commonly called " maggots;" some are fur- nished with a distinct head (as the larva of the Crane-fly, Fig. 168, i) while in others this part is soft, and of no definite shape. The legs, etc., of the pupa (Fig. 168, 2 ) are confined in separate sheaths, but the entire pupa is sometimes enclosed in the hardened skin of the larva (as the pupa of the Apple- maggot, Fig. 76). 2 i 58 NATURAL HISTORY OP INSECTS. CHAPTER X. HOW TO IDENTIFY THE ORDERS OF Those insects which, when they first issue from the egg, closely resemble the parents, are always provided with six legs. Those which are furnished with a beak belong to the Order Hemiptera, such as the larvae of the Cabbage-bug (Fig. 66, a), and the larva of the Soldier-bug (Fig. 43, b). Those which are provided with jaws belong either to the Orthoptera or the Neuroptera; if aquatic, they belong to the latter Order; but if terrestrial, they belong to Orthoptera, such as the larva of the Earwig (Fig. 41, a). Those which are worm-like when they issue from the egg, and are destitute of legs such as those which are commonly called " maggots " or " grubs " belong either to the Order Fig. 169. Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, or Diptera. If the body is flattened, like the larva of the Broad-necked Prionus (Fig. 169), the larva belongs to the Coleoptera, and is probably the larva of a Long-horned Borer, or of a Saw-horned Borer; if they live in nests stored with dead insects or with pollen, they belong to the Order Hymenoptera; if they have a soft retractile head, of no definite shap^e, they belong to the Order Diptera, as the larva of the Ox Bot-fly (Fig. 170). In the Lepidopterous families Lycsenidse and Bombycidse, a few larvae have the legs, so small as to be scarcely distinguishable; these larvae or caterpillars live exposed upon the leaves of plants and trees. Those larvae which are worm-like and provided with six legs, and commonly also called " grubs," as the larva of the CHAP. X. HOW TO IDENTIFY THE ORDERS OF LARVJB. 59 Asparagus-beetle (Fig. 171) and the larva of the Rove-beetle (Fig. 172) belong either to the Order Coleoptera or Neu- roptera. If terrestrial, they probably belong to the Order Coleoptera the only Neuropterous Iarva3 which are terrestrial being those of the Lace-winged Flies (Fig. 47) and of the Ant-lions. These larvae differ from the Coleopterous larvae by their long and prominent jaws, which project horizontally in front of the head. Fig. 170. Fig. 174. Those larvae which are provided with from ten to sixteen legs; such as are commonly "called "Caterpillars" (as the Parsley - worm. Fig. 173), "Span-worms" or ''Measuring- worms." etc., belong to the Order Lepidoptera. Those larva? which are provided with more than sixteen legs are called "False Caterpillars," such as the Pear-slug (Fig. 174); they belong to the Order Hymenoptera, and to the family of Saw-flies. 60 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. CHAPTER XI. HOW TO IDENTIFY THE ORDERS OF INSECTS. Insects are divided into, orders, orders into families, families into genera, genera into species. Or to reverse this enumeration and illustrate : The Southern Cabbage-butterfly (Fig. 175) is a species, and the Imported Cabbage-butterfly (Fig. 176) is another species. These, with other species of a similar form, though not of the same color, from & genus. The common Yellow Butterflies form another genus. These two, with several other genera, agreeing in certain respects, form a family. This and several other families of Butterflies, Sphinx Moths, Night-flying Moths, etc., all according in certain characteristics (for instance, in having scaly wings and bodies) form the Order Lepidoptera. As a general rule, all the species of a family have sufficient resemblance to each other to enable even unscientific persons, with a little study and observa- tion, to associate and class- ify them with reasonable correctness; and since among insects the members of like family usually have somewhat similar habits, by knowing the habits of a given family, when, finding a certain species belong- ing to it, we may form a tolerably correct idea of its habits. To illustrate the method of ascertaining the Order to which any perfect insect belongs, let us suppose an insect is pre- sented with the inquiry: To what Order does it belong? If on examination it is found to have biting jaws, it belongs to the gnawing insects (Mandibulata), and therefore must be con- nected with either of the Orders Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera, or Neuroptera, as to them belong the only insects having biting jaws. If the fore or upper wings are of a hard CHAP. XI. HOW TO IDENTIFY THE ORDERS OF INSECTS. 61 and horny texture, and the under wings are thin and mem- braneous, and folded both lengthwise and crosswise, the insect is a Beetle ( as the Prickly-bark Beetle, Fig. 177), and there- fore belongs to the Order Coleoptera, as this is the only order of insects having biting jaws, and wings of the kind just men- tioned. If the fore or upper' wings are parchment-like, or leathery, and the under wings membraneous and folded lengthwise like a fan (as those of the Katydid, Fig. 141), the insect belongs to the Order Orthoptera, as this is the only order of insects having biting jaws and wings of the kind described. Fig. 177 If the insect is provided with four wings, all of which are thin and membraneous; and if furnished with biting jaws, it belongs either to the Hymenoptera or Xeuroptera. If the ab- domen is provided with a sting or piercer (as that of the Wasp or Hornet, Fig. 1), it belongs to the Order Hymenoptera, as this is the only order of insects having biting jaws and four membraneous wings, that has the abdomen armed with a sting or piercer. But if the four wings ai*e'' of equal size, and crossed by numerous veins, forming a net-like structure, and the abdomen is soft and not armed with a sting ( such as. the Dragon-fly, Fig. 143), the insect belongs to the Order Neurop- tera, as this IP, the only order of insects having biting jaws and four wings of e^ual size, and' the abdomen not armed with a sting. Supposing the insect presented has a mouth formed for sucking (as the Tomato-worm Moth, Fig. 178), then it belongs to either of the Orders Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, or Diptera- 62 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. that is the Haustellate Orders. If it is provided with four wings covered with scales, and the mouth parts are formed for sucking (as in Fig. 178), it belongs to the Order Lepidoptera, Fig. 178. as this is the only order of insects having four wings covered with scales and a mouth formed for sucking. CHAP. XI. HOW TO IDENTIFY THE ORDERS OF INSECTS. C3 If the mouth-parts are formed for sucking, and in the form of a beak (as in the Dotted-legged Plant-bug, Fig. 20), and the insect is provided with four wings, it belongs to the Order Hemiptera, which is divided into two Sub-orders Homoptera and Heteroptera. If the beak issues from the anterior part of the under side of the head, and the fore or upper wings are thicker at the base than at the tip or apex, and lie flatly on the back, over- lapping each other (as those of the Spined Soldier-bug, Fig. 114), the insect belongs to the Sub-order Heteroptera. But if the beak issues from the posterior part of the under side of the head, and the anterior wings are of the same texture throughout, and when at rest are held over the back, present- ing the appearance of a steep roof (as those of the Hop Aphis, Fig. 157, 2 ), the insect belongs to the Sub-order Homoptera. If the insect is provided with only two wings, and the m ou th parts are formed for sucking (as the Horse Bot-fly; Fig. 179), it belongs to the Order Diptera, as this is the single Order of insects having only two wings, and the mouth-parts formed for sucking or lapping. The Fleas were formerly regarded as comprising a distinct Order, called Apha- niptera, but most modern authors class them with the Diptera. Bed-bugs are placed in the Order Hemiptera, as their mouth- parts are beak-like. The Head-lice and Body-lice are also placed in the Order Hemiptera, since their mouth-parts form a bead-like sucker. Chicken-lice, and generally those infesting fowls and animals, although they have biting jaws, are placed in the order Order Hemiptera, and seem to connect this Order with the Orthoptera, Besides, there are wingless insects belonging to nearly every Order of insects, but these, in most cases, can be easily classi- fied according to the structure of their mouth-parts. Ths names of the different Orders end in ptera (meaning 64 NATURAL HISTORY OP INSECTS. ivings}, as Coleoptera, Ttiptera, etc.; while the names of the Families terminate in idte (meaning like or similar) as Carab- idse, Bupresticke, etc. In writing the scientific or technical name of an insect, the generic name, or name of the genus, is written first, followed by its specific name, or name of the species; attached to this is usually the name of the person who first named and described the species; and if any person named and described the same species afterward, the second name is called a synonym of the name given it by its first describer. In some cases it happened that the first describer of a species did place it in the wrong genus; but when the species is afterward assigned to its proper genus, the name of its first describer (and not the name of the person who first referred it to its proper genus), must still be attached to the specific name. In cases of this kind most writers of the present day enclose the name of the first describer in a parenthesis.- The following example will serve to illustrate this practice. (Generic name.) (Specific name.) (First describer.) PHILAMPELIS ACHEMON (Drury) c, (Sphinx achemon. Drury. oynonvms and the breast is prolonged beneath the head. They feed upon dead animal matter (including insects), but several kinds are now and then very destructive to carpets. The larvae are generally hairy and provided with six legs. The Rawhide-beetle (Fig. 247) belongs to this Family. (It is sometimes called the Bacon-beetle, from its habit of feeding on bacon, ham, etc.) * FIG. 246. a, the larva: /, Its u^per jaw; g, its lower Up; h, its lower jaw; j, its teuua; k, anterior foot of the beetle. CHAP. XV. FAMILIES OF COLEOPTERA. 1) < Sub-tribe II, In this division the body is more or less elongated ; the antenna? are filiform or loosely clavate, having sometimes less than three pieces in the club. The insects belonging to this Sub-tribe are mostly preda- ceous. The principal Families are as follows : TROGOSITA-BEETLES (Trogositidse) . These insects have all the feet five-jointed, but the. first joint is sometimes very small, so that it cannot be seen from above ; the colors are black or dull red ; the club of the antenna consists of three joints, which are not conspicuously differing in size ; the last joint of each foot is very long. These insects are usually found under the bark of trees, or in granaries, where they prey upon other insects. The larvae ar0 six-legged. CUCUJUS-BEETLES (Cucujidss). These insects have the feet apparently four-jointed ; the body is much flattened ; the Fig. 248. antennae' are usually moniliform ? and the jaws generally project in a conspicuous man- ner in front of the head ; the color is brown or red. They are frequently found under the bark of trees, but some kinds inhabit the granary, where they feed upon the grain, bran, etc. The larvse are provided with six legs. The Bran-beetle (Fig. 248) belongs to this Family. SUB-CLASS III. (Monilicornes.) These insects mostly belong to the Rove-beetle Family (Staphylinidsi) ; the wing-cases never cover more than one half of the abdomen (Fig. 249), which latter is Fig. 249. long and slightly flattened, and composed of eight segments ; the jaws usually cross each other when at rest. These Beetles commonly turn up their long, flexible abdomens when running, and they make use of this doubling to fold up iheir wings be- neatt the wing-cases. 98 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. The greater number feed upon decaying animal and vege- table matter, but some are predaceous ; others live in the nests of ants ; while one species has been bred from the pupa of a Cabbage-maggot. The larvae (Fig. 172) are provided with six legs. SUB-CLASS IV. (Pecticornes.) This Sub-class includes the single Family of Stag-beetles (iMcanidse)) in which the antenna3 are usually elbowed (genie- ulate) ; the joints of the club are immovable, and the jaws of the males are greatly developed. These insects are generally of a large size, seldom measuring less than half an inch in length ; they feed upon the sap exuding from trees. The larva? live in decaying wood ; their bodies are com- monly curved when at rest, and are provided with from four lo six legs. SUB-CLASS V. (Lamellicornes.)* In these insects the joints in the club of the antennae are immovable. This Sub-class includes two Tribes of widely differing habits ; they are as follows : ^ TRIBE L These insects usually have the abdomen entirely covered by the wing-cases ; the hind legs are attached behind the middle of the abdomen. These Beetles live in excremental, or in decomposing ani- mal matter. They are commonly called ''Tumble-bugs," and comprise the families Gopridss, Aphodidze, Geotrupidse, and Trogidse. TRIBE II. In this Tribe the tip of the abdomen is never covered by the wing-cases, and the hind pair of legs are placed at or before the middle of the abdomen. These Beetles feed upon fruits or the leaves of plants, and their larvse live in the ground and usually feed upon the roots of plants. The three principal Families are as follows : * The iusects belougiug to this Sub-class are sometimes included in one Familj the Scardbieidte. CHAP. XV. FAMILIES OF COLEOPTERA. 99 JUNE-BEETLES (Melolonthidse). In these insects the thorax is unarmed : the upper lip is usually visible in front of the clypeus; the latter is separated from the front by a transverse suture; the two claws at the end of each foot are forked; the color is usually brown, sometimes striped with white. Fig. 251. Fig. 252. This Family includes the destructive White-grub (Lachnos- terna quercina, Fig. 139, ) and many other insects which, in the larva state, feed upon the roots of plants, while the adults feed upon the leaves. Fig. 253. The larva? have the body curved, and furnished with six legs. The Rose-chafer (Fig. 250), the Ten-lined Leaf-eater (Fig. 251, female; Fig. 252, male), belong to this Family. 100 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. GRAPE-VINE BEETLES (Rutelidae). These insects closely resemble those of the preceding Family, but the claws at the end of each foot are of an unequal length; all of the claws are not forked, and the colors are brown or blackish. These insects are occasionally very destructive to the leaves of various trees, and especially to those of the grape-vine. The larvae are similar to those of the preceding Family, and usually, live in decayed wood. The Spotted Pelidnota (Fig. 253) belongs to this Family. CETONIANS (Cetonidas). These insects usually have the wing- cases flattened above, and slightly narrower at the; tip than at the base; the two claws at the end of each foot are of equal length, and are not forked; the clypeus is not separated from the front by a transverse suture. Fig. 225. Many of these insects are diurnal in their habits, and do not raise the wing-cases when flying; they feed upon the fruit or leaves of plants, and a few species live, when in the larval stage (Fig. 255, a), in decayed wood. The Indian Cetonia (Fig. 254), and the Green Fruit-beetle (Fig. 225) belong to this Family. SUB-CLASS VI. (Serricornes.) .The insects which belong to this Sub-class are divided into three Tribes, as follows: TRIBE /. Saw-horned Borers. In these Beetles the head is inserted into the thorax, up to the eyes; the wing cases are of a hard, firm texture; the antenna? are sometime filiform and the breast is prolonged behind into a point, which is received in a cavity in the next segment. These insects com- prise two Families, as follows: JOHJH 5. Civil 6- Mechanical Engineer. BUPRESTIS-BEETLES (Buprestidx). In these insects the point at the hind part of the breast is immovable; the antennae are finely serrate, and the colors are usually metallic. The larvae generally have the fore part of the body greatly dilated and flattened (Fig. 54), and the body is nearly or wholly destitute of legs; they live in the stems, roots, or trunks of plants, shrubs or trees, and are sometimes very destructive. Fig. 256. Fig. 257. One of their number, the Flat-headed Apple-tree Borer (Fig. 138), is very destructive to various kinds of fruit-trees. The Cherry-tree Borer (Fig. 256) and the Raspberry Borer (Fig. 257), belong to this Family. SPRING-BEETLES (Elateridx). -In these insets the point at the hind end of the breast is movable; the antenna3 are some- times filiform, and the colors are usually brown or black. Fig. 258. They are at once distinguished from all other insects by the power they possess of suddenly springing into the air when placed upon their backs upon any hard, smooth surface. 102 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. The larvae live in decayed wood or in the ground, and are provided with six or seven legs, and are commonly known as "Wire-worms " (Fig. 258, -, , and 9 ); some kinds feed upon the roots of various plants, but a few species are partially pre- daceous. The Skip-jack Beetles (Fig. 258, >, 3 > and e) and the Black Melanactus Fig. 259),* belong to this Family. Fig. 259 +TRIBE II. Aberrant AVood-Beetles. These insects usually have the head bent down and partially or wholly concealed beneath the thorax, which is frequently prolonged in front; in some the body is elongated, the head is free and exposed, and the first segment is very long. These insects live in wood, both in decayed wood and in that which is solid, and a few species feed upon dead animals, and are injurious to cabinets of Natural History. The follow- ing is the principal Family. * The larvae figured at a and 6 are supposed to belong to this species, and shovr after night-fall, as Glow-worms, a beautiful green light. CHAP. XV. FAMILIES OF COLEOPTERA 103 BRANCH-BORERS (Ptinidae). These insects have the fore- part of the thorax produced like a hood, partially or wholly concealing the head when viewed from above ; the first segment of the abdomen is very long ; there are sometimes only four joints in the feet, and the color is usually black or brown. Fig. 260. Fig. 262. The larvae have the body curved, and furnished with six legs. The Branch and Twig Burrower (Fig. 260), the Branch- borer (Fig. 261), and the Red-shouldered Grape-vine Borer (Fig. 262), belong to this Family. ' TRIBE ILL Soft-winged Beetles These insects usually have soft bodies and thin flexible wing-cases; the antenna? are generally serrate; the terminal joint of the palpi is widened and somewhat triangular; the thorax is usually surrounded by a thin margin ; and the fourth joint of each foot is bilobed. Fig. 263. These insects are predaceous, both in the larvae and in the perfect state; the larvae usually have the body nearly straight and provided with six legs. The foTlowing is the principal Family. LIGHTNING-BEETLES (Lampyridse, also called "Fire-flies"). In these Beetles^ the body is rather soft, and the thorax has a 104 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. thin margin which sometimes projects over the head; the abdomen has seven or eight segments ; the color is commonly black or brown, and some kinds have the thorax margined with red or yellow. Many of these Beetles are luminous, both as larvae and as perfect insects. The Common Fire-fly (Fig. 263) belongs to this Family. CLASS II. HETEROMERA. The insects belonging to this Section have uniformly only four joints in the posterior feet; upon the whole they are not very injurious. They may be divided into three Tribes, as follows: TRIBE I Parasitic Beetles. In these insects the head is as wide as the thorax, and attached to it by a visible neck ; the body is rather soft, the wing-cases flexible and the anterior coxae are contiguous. The two principal Families are as fol- lows: BLISTER-BEETLES (Meloidae). These insects have the thorax rounded at the sides; the abdomen is not distinctly pointed behind; and the claws at the end of each foot are forked. The larvae are usually provided with six legs, and live in the nests of Bees, or in the egg-masses of such Grasshoppers or Locusts as deposit their eggs in the ground ; the perfect insects feed upon the leaves or flowers of plants. The insects belonging to the genus Meloe are destitute of hind wings. Several species belonging to the genera Lytta, Cantharis, Epicauta, etc., posess a blistering (vesicating) property, and to this group belongs the common Spanish-fly. The Striped Blister-beetle (Fig. 19) and the Ash-colored Blister- beetle (Fig. 86), belong to this Family. Fig. 264 . NOTOXUS-BEETLES (Anthicidse). These are small insects, a little over two lines long, with filiform antenna?; the claws are not forked; the thorax is sometimes prolonged in the form of a horn (Fig. 264), which projects over the head; the neck is usually slender, " CHAP. XV. FAMILIES OF COLEOPTEKA. 105 and the head can be moved to either side from under the extension of the thorax. These beetles have been known to feed on flowers, and have been found eating into peaches, apricots, etc. TRIBE II. Bark-Beetles. In these insects the fore coxae nearly or fully touch each other; the head is narrower than the thorax, and the antennaB are usually quite long and slender. The larvae live in decayed wood. The two principal Families are the Cistelidss and the Melandryidte. TRIBE III. Darkling-Beetles. In these insects the ante- rior coxa3 do not touch each other; there are five joints in the abdomen; the antennae are usually moniliform; the color is generally black or brown. Fig. 265. Fig. 266. The larva? are more or less cylindrical, and provided with six legs; they closely resemble the larvae of the Spring-beetles, commonly called "Wire- Worms." The greater number live in decayed wood, but some kinds, such as the Meal-worm (Fig. 265, a) are found in granaries, flour mills, etc. They all are included in the Family of Darkling-beetles (Tenebrionidse). The Large Darkling Grape-beetle (Fig. 119), the Meal- Worm-beetle (Fig. 265, c), and the small Darkling Grape-beetle (Fig. 266), belong to this Family. CLASS III. TETRAMERA. In this Class the joints of the feet are usually dilated and brush-like, and the joint next to the last is generally bilobed; 8 106 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. there is occasionally, in some small species, a rudimentary joint between the third and fourth joints. This Class contains a greater number of injurious insects than all the other Classes combined. It is divided into four Tribes, as follows: TRIBE I. -These insects have the head more or less pro- longed into a snout; the antennae are usually capitate, some- times clavate or serrate, and frequently elbowed. The two principal Families are as follows: Fig. 267. BRUCHUS-WEEVILS (Bruchidse). In these insects the snout is short and thick, the antennae are serrate and not elbowed, and the eyes are notched. These insects are of small size; the wing-cases do not cover the tip of the abdomen. The larvae are footless and usu- ally live in seeds. To this Family belong the well-known Pea- weevil (Fig. 267), and the Bean- weevil (Fig. 268). SNOUT-BEETLES (Curculionidss). These Beetles are desti- tute of an upper lip and of palpi; the antennae are clavate and usually elbowed; the snout generally projects downward and is sometimes very long and slender. The larvae are footless and are provided with a distinct head; they live in fruits, nuts, seeds, etc.; in fact there is CHAP. XV. FAMILIES OF COLEOPTERA. 107 scarcely a single part of the plant that is not sometimes infested by them. Fig. 270. Fig. 269. . In depositing her egg, the female first gnaws a hole with her jaws, which are placed at the tip of her snout, then deposits Fig. 271. Fig. 272. ._ her egg at the entrance of this hole, after which she turns around and, with her snout, pushes the egg to the bottom of the hole. The Plum-Curculio (Fig. 268), the Apple- Curculio Fig. 273. (Fig*. 270 and 271), the Quince-Curculio (Fig. 272), the Plum-Gouger (Fig. 273), the Potato-stalk Weevil (Fig. 108 NATURAL, HISTORY OF INSECTS. 274), and the Strawberry Crown-bore^- (Fig. 275), belong to this Family. TRIBE II. Short-horned Borers. In these the head is not prolonged into a snout; the body is usually short and cylindrical; the antennae are clavate or capitate, and but little longer than the head; the joints of the feet are not dilated. These insects are of small size, and usually of a black or brown color. The larvae bore winding galleries in the solid wood and are frequently very destructive, especially to forest- trees. The insects belong to the Family of Short-horned Fig. 276. Fig. 277. Borers (Scolytidx). The Pear-tree Scolytus (Fig. 276) and the Chestnut-bud Beetle) Fig. 277), belong to this Family. TRIBE III. Long-horned Borers. In these insects the body is elongated and the antennae are long and tapering, usually longer than the thorax, and frequently as long as the entire body; the males commonly have longer antennae than the females. The sides of the thorax are generally furnished with spines or teeth. Fig. 278. A few of these Beetles have very short wing-cases, like the Rove-beetles, but the wings are not folded up and concealed beneath the wing-cases, as they are in the latter insects. CHAP. XV. FAMILIES OF COLEOPTERA. 109 The larvae (Fig. 278, a) are footless, or nearly so, and live in the stems or branches of various plants, shrubs, or trees, while a few live in decayed wood. Fig. 1 The insects belong to the Family of Long-horned Borers (Cemmbyciddi), and are among the most destructive of insects. Hidden as they are from the eyes of man, they carry on their Filent work of destruction unnoticed, until the withering of the plant apprises us x)f the presence of these depredators. Fig. 282. The Round-headed Apple-tree Borer (Fig- 278, c),the Hickory- borer (Fig. 281), the American Currant-borer (Fig. 280), and the Locust-tree Borer (Fig. 279), are examples of this Family. 110 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. TRIBE IV. Plant-Beetles. These are mostly small Beetles, seldom exceeding half an inch in length; the antennae are either filiform or slightly clavate. Fig. 283 Fig. 284. They are usually diurnal in their habits. The Iarva3 live upon or within the leaves or roots of plants; they are provided with six legs, and the body is generally short and convex. Fig. 287. Fig. 288. These insects are all destructive to vegetation; they belong to the Family of Plant-Beetles (Chrysomelidde'). The Colorado Potato-beetle (Fig. 282), the Steel-blue Flea-beetle (Fig. 283), the Imported Grape Flea-beetle (Fig. 284), the Cucumber and Potato Flea-beetles (Fig. 285), the Striped Cucumber-beetle CHAP. XV. FAMILIES OF COLEOPTEBA. Ill (Fig. 286), the Twelve-spotted Diabrotica (Fig. 238), and the Tortoise-beetles (Figs. 287 and 288), belong to this Family. CLASS IV. TRIMERA. These insects are usually of a small size and more or less hemispherical in form; the last joint of the palpi is broadly hatchet-shaped; the joints of the feet are dilated and cushion- like beneath, and the second joint is deeply bilobed. The insects belong to the Lady- Fig. 289 bird Family (Coccinellidse), and their colors are usually red or black 9 never, or very seldom, marked with stripes. They all prey upon Plant- lice, scale-insects, small caterpil- -ars, etc., although in a very few instances they have been known to attack fruit (as the California Lady-bird, Fig. 289); but this habit is very exceptional. Fig. 290. The larvae are furnished with six legs; and when about to turn to pupae they attach themselves to some object by the hind part of tjie body. The Fifteen-spotted Lady-bird (Fig. 290) is a good representative of this Family. 112 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. CHAPTER XVI. r FAMILIES OF HEMIPTERA. (True Bugs.) SUB-ORDER I. HOMOPTERA. (Similar-winged Bugs.) PLANT-LICE (Aphidse). These insects are usually provided 'with four transparent wings, but many of them are wingless; the feet are two-jointed; the antennae are from three to seven- jointed, and are never terminated by two bristles; the abdo- Fig. 291. men is frequently provided with two tubercles, or long tubes, near the posterior end, and the beak appears to arise from the breast. These insects are usually of a small size; they Fig. 292. subsist on the juices of plants, and are found upon the roots, stems, and leaves; a few species form galls. They are gene- rally gregarious in their habits, and the early broods of many CHAP. XVI. FAMILIES OF HEMIPTERA. 113 species are viviparous, while the last broods of the season are oviparous. From their honey-tubes they occasionally eject a sweet fluid, of which the ants and flies are very fond. The Cabbage- Aphis (Fig. 23), the Grain-Aphis (Fig. 291), and the Woolly-Aphis (Fig. 292), belong to this Family. MEALY-WINGED BUGS (Aleurodidae). These insects have four opaque wings, which are covered with a mealy powder ; the feet are two-jointed, and the beak apparently arises from the 114 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS breast; the antennae are six-jointed. These insects are of email size, and feed upon the juices of plants. Fig. 294. CHAP. XVI. FAMILIES OF HEMIPTEKA. 115 SCALE-INSECTS (Coccidsi). In these insects, which are also called "Bark-lice," the females (Fig. 293, lc,> are wingless, while the males (Fig. 293, la,) are each provided with two more or less transparent wings ; the feet are one-jointed and terminate in a single claw. Some species are oviparous, while others are viviparous. The Lemon-peel Scale (Fig. 293), the Black-Scale (Fig. 294), and the Cottony Cushion-Scale (Fig. 295), belong to this Family. [For additional examples see Chapter XX, 011 Scale Insects.] JUMPING PLANT-LICE (Psyllidae'). The insects belonging to this Family are of small size, and have four transparent wings ; the feet are two-jointed; the antenna? are nine 'or ten-jointed? the last joint terminating in two short bristles ; the beak Fig. 296. Fig. 297. apparently arises from the breast. These insects possess the power of jumping ; they subsist on the juices of plants, and a few species live in galls. The Pear-tree Psylla (Fig. 296, adult; 297, pupse) belongs to this Family. LEAF-HOPPERS (Cercopidse). These insects are provided with four wings, the first pair of which are thick and leathery; the Fig. 298. feet are three-jointed ; the ocelli are two in number or are entirely wanting ; the antennae are two-jointed. In a few spe- cies the thorax arises in the form of a hump or a horn, or like a high crest ; in others it is produced on each side in the form of a small horn (as in the Buffalo Tree-hopper, Fig. 155). These insects 116 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. subsist on the juices of plants, and a few kinds envelop themselves in a mass of froth called "frog-spittle." The Cali- fornia Grape-vine Hopper (Fig. 298) belongs to this Family. LANTERN-FLIES (Fulgoridse] . These insects are Fig. 299. provided with four wings, the first pair of which are usually opaque ; the feet and antennae are three-jointed, and the head is sometimes furnished with a high, thin ridge ; the two ocelli are placed beneath the eyes. The Frosted Leaf-hopper (Fig. 299) belongs to this Family. HARVEST- FLIES ( Cicadidss ). These insects, improperly termed "Locusts,' 7 are provided with four large transparent wings ; the feet are three-jointed ; the antennaB small, and six or seven-jointed, and on the top of the head are three ocelli. These insects are of a large size ; they deposit their eggs in slits made in the twigs of trees (Fig. 300, d), and the young> Fig. 300. when hatched, drop to the grcund, which they enter, and where they are supposed to feed upon the roots of plants. One species, the Seventeen-year Locust (Fig. 300), requires seven- teen years to complete its growth. CHAP. XVir. FAMILIES OF HEMIPTERA. 117 CHAPTER XVII. ORDER V. HEMIPTERA, (True Bugs.) SUB-ORDER II. HETEROPTERA. (Dissimilar-winged Bugs.) WATER-BOATMEN (Notonectidae). These insects have con- vex bodies and are provided with four wings; the hind legs are very long and fringed; the antennae are minute and con- cealed in cavities; the feet are two or three-jointed; the ocelli are wanting, and the head is nearly as wide as the body. These insects live in the water and are predaceous in their habits; they seldom exceed six lines in length. WATER-SCORPIONS (Nepidss). These insects have very flat bodies and are furnished with four wings; the anterior legs -are fitted for grasping, and are placed well forward; the -antennae are minute and are concealed in cavities; the feet are one or two-jointed, and the ocelli are wanting, These insects are aquatic, and feed upon other insects; they are usually quite large. GALGULA-BUGS (Galgulidse). In this Family the body is broad and flat and provided with four wings; the antennae are minute and concealed in cavities; the eyes are placed at the outer end of a stem or pedicel; the ocelli are present; the feet are one or two-jointed, and the anterior thighs are enlarged. These insects live in damp situations and are supposed to feed upon other insects; they are ordinarily smaller (although of nearly the same form) than the representation in Fig. 304. WATER-MEASURERS (Hydrometridx) . These insects 'have a long slender body, and are usually provided with four wings, but in a few species these organs are wanting; the antennae are quite long and slender; the ocelli are sometimes wanting; the feet are two or three-jointed, and the four posterior legs are generally very long and slender. The insects are aquatic, and the adults may frequently be seen running over the surface of the water; they feed upon other insects and are usually less than six lines long. 118 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. PIRATE-BUGS (Reduvidae). In this Family the body is usually elongated and provided with four wings, but in a few species these are either rudimentary or entirely wanting; the antennae are of moderate size ; the ocelli are present ; the feet are three-jointed; and the beak when folded back is not received in a channel. A few species are aquatic, but the greater number are terres- trial and feed upon other insects. The Banded Robber (Fig. 154) belong to this Family. CHINCH-BUGS (Lygasidse). These insects are provided with four wings; the antennae are conspicuous and four-joined, the terminal joint being as thick as the preceding one; the ocelli are sometimes absent. These insects are terrestrial and usually subsist on the juices of plants, but a few species are said to be predaceous. The Chinch-bug (Fig. 85) is occasionally very destructive to wheat and corn; it is of a black color, with white wings which Fig. 301. are marked with a black spot on the outer edge of each. The False Chinch-bug (Fig. 301) also belongs to this Family. SQUASH-BUGS (Coreidds). These insects are furnished with four wings; the antennae are conspicuous and four-j6inted, the terminal joint being as thick or thicker than the preceding one; the ocelli are present. These insects are terrestrial and usually subsist on the juices of plants, but a few spe- cies are said to be partially predaceous. The Squash-bug (Fig. 163) is sometimes very de- structive to squash and pumpkin vines; it is Fig. 302. CHAP. XVII. FAMILIES OF HEMIPTERA. 119 Fig. 304. Fig. 304. blackish-brown above and dirty-yellowish beneath, and meas- ures about seven lines in length. The Three-striped Plant-bug (Fig. 302) also belongs to this Family. PLANT-BUGS (Capsidve). These insects are terrestrial and are provided with four wings; the ocelli are absent; the antenna? are four-jointed, with the terminal joint thinner than the preceding one. The insects mostly subsist on the juices of plants, but a few species are predaceous. The Border Plant-Bug (Fig. 303) belongs to this Family. SOLDIER-BUGS (Scutelleridse}. These insects usually have a broad and flattened body, and are furnished with four wings; the scutellum extends to or beyond the middle of the abdomen; the antennae are conspicuous and are from three to five- jointed. The greater number of these insects sub- sist on the juices of plants, but a few spe- cies feed upon other insects. The Spined Soldier-bug (Fig. 114) and the Negro-bug (Fig. 304) belong to this Family. THRIPS (Thripidx). These insects are of a small size, and are provided with four nar- row wings, which are fringed; the mouth is furnished with jaws; the ocelli are present; and the antenna are from five to nine- jointed. Some of these insects are vegetable feeders, while others are said to prey upon other in- sects. The Common Thrips (Fig. 161, adult; Fig. 305, pupa)j belongs to this Family. BED-BUG (Membranaceidse). In this Family the body is quite broad, and is sometimes provided with four wings, but these organs are frequently wanting; the beak is received in Fig. 305. 120 NATUKAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. a channel, when not in use; the ocelli are usually wanting, the antennae are generally four-jointed, with the terminal joint thicker than the preceding one; the feet are three-jointed. Some of these insects subsist on the juices of plants; others are predaceous; while a few, like the Bed-bug, are parasitic. The Tingis (Figs. 306 and 307, enlarged) belongs to this Family; it feeds upon the juices of plants. Fig. 306. J* Fig. 309. LICE (Pcdiculidse) . These insects are- of a small size and are destitute of wings; the antennae are filiform and five-jointed; the feet are two-jointed, with a large terminal hook; and the mouth parts are retractile. These insects, so far as at present determined, all live para- sitical upon man. BIRD-LICE (Mallophagidsi) , These insects are of small size and are destitute of wings; the mouth is furnished with jaws; the antennae are from three to five-jointed; the feet are two- jointed, and usually terminate in one or two claws. These insects live parasitical upon birds and other animals. CHAP. XVIII. FAMILIES OF OBTHOPTERA. 121 CHAPTER XVIII. I** A . , FAMILIES OF ORTHOPTERA. (Grasshoppers, Crickets, etc.) This Order is usually divided into four Classes, as follows : I. RUNNERS (Cursoria). In this Class the body is not greatly elongated, and the legs are fitted for running. II. GRASPERS (Raptoria). The insects which belong to this Class have the anterior legs very robust, and fitted for seizing and retaining their prey, which consists of other insects. III. WALKERS (Ambulatoria) . These insects have long cylindrical bodies, which are destitute of wings ;* the legs are very long and slender, and the insects are decidedly sluggish in their habits. IV. JUMPERS (Saltatoria). These insects have the poste- rior thighs very robust ; they usually move by short jumps or leaps ; the greater number are provided with four wings, but a few species are destitute of these organs. I. RUNNERS (Cursoria). This Class contains two Families, as follows : EARWIGS (Forficularidas). These insects have a more or less cylindrical body, which is furnished at the tip with a forceps-like appendage ; the wing-cases are very short and meet each other in a straight line on the back ; the hind wings, when not in use t are folded both lengthwise and crosswise, and are concealed beneath the wing-cases. These insects (Fig. 41) feed upon various kinds of fruits and flowers ; they deposit their eggs beneath stones, etc., and in a few species the- female broods over them like a hen, until they are hatched. COCKROACHES (Blattidai). The insects which belong to this Family have a flattened body, which is destitute of the anal forceps that characterize the insects belonging to the preceding * Winged species occur, however, in some tropical countries. 9 122 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. Family. In some species both sexes are wingless in the adult state ; in others the males are provided with wings, while the females have these organs greatly aborted ; in still others, both sexes are furnished with wings. These insects are nocturnal in their habits, and are occa- sionally very troublesome about the kitchen, etc. The female deposits her eggs in a large elongated brown capsule or pod, each capsule containing about thirty eggs, arranged in two rows. II. GRASPERS (Raptoria). This Class is composed of the Mantis-Family (Mantidae, Fig. 142) ; they are the only insects belonging to this Order which are beneficial. They deposit their eggs in masses of a hundred or more (Fig. 308); fastening them to the twigs of trees or to other objects. Fig. 308. III. WALKERS (Ambulatoria'). This Class includes the single Family of Walking-sticks (Phasmidas). The insects feed upon the leaves of plants, and sometimes occur in destructive numbers. The females scatter their eggs indiscriminately upon the ground beneath them. IV. JUMPERS (Saltatoria). This Class comprises three Families, as folllow : CRICKETS (Gryllidse). These insects have a more or less cylindrical body, and the anterior or upper wings are bent downward abruptly at the sides, although in a few species the wings are entirely wanting. The Mole-crickets have the anterior pair of legs very robust and flattened at the outer end ; they are provided with wings, CHAP. XVIII. FAMILIES OF ORTHOPTERA. 123 and live In burrows in moist ground. The eggs are laid in large holes excavated in their burrows. The Tree-crickets (Fig. 309) are of a pale greenish color; they are very slightly built, and Fig. 309. J f , J ' . J , . ' f are found upon various kinds of plants. The females deposit their eggs in slits made in some tender plant by means of their awl-like ovipositors. The males, produce a shrilling noise by elevating their anterior wings and rubbing the edges together. The Field-crickets are mostly of a brownish color, and many of them are entirely destitute of wings; they deposit their eggs in crevices in the earth. KATYDIDS OR GREEN GRASSHOPPERS (Locustidse). These insects (Fig. 141) are usually of a green color; their legs and antennae are very long and slender, and the females are fur- nished with a sword-shaped ovipositor. The eggs are depos- ited in one or more rows upon - ,' Fig. 310. the leaves or twigs of trees _ or plants (Fig. 310). The males make a shrilling noise by means of a glassy instrument, situated at the base of the anterior wings. LOCUSTS 01? BROWN GRASSHOPPERS (Acrididai). These insects have shorter and stouter legs and antennae than those belonging to the two preceding Families. They are mostly of a brownish color, and deposit their eggs in masses in holes excavated in the earth (Fig. 39), or in logs; these holes are dug by aid of the horny plates which are situated at the tip of the abdomen. The males of a few species make a creaking noise by rub- bing their hind legs against the edges of the wing-covers; others produce a rattling sound, when on the wing, by rubbing the upper surface of the wings against the wing-cases. These insects may be further divided into two Sub-families, as follows: 124 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. GROUSE-LOCUSTS (Tittiginse). This group contains insects of a small size, in which the upper part of the thorax is pro- longed backward nearly to the tip of the abdomen, and some- times beyond it. TRUE LOCUSTS (Acridinx). In this group the upper part of the thorax extends but little, or not at all, upon the base of the abdomen (Fig. 89 ) . This group contains the more promi- nently injurious species, such as those which migrate in swarms in immense numbers. CHAPTER XIX. FAMILIES OF NEUROPTERA. (Dragon-Flies, May-Flies, etc.) WHITE ANTS (Termitidse). These insects are provided with four wings of equal size; the antennae are conspicuous, and the feet are four-jointed; transformations incomplete. The common White Ant is of a yellowish-white color, and is occasionally injurious to growing trees by gnawing the bark near the roots, but is more often met with in decayed wood. FUNGUS-FLIES (Psocidse). These insects are usually provided with four wings (Fig. 144), of which the hind pair is the small- est; in some, however, all the wings are rudimentary, in others, entirely wanting; the feet are from two to three- jointed; the antennae are conspicuous; transformations in- complete. These insects usually feed upon dry vegetable substance, especiallv upon lichens, and a few kinds are injuri- ous to collections of Natural History. PERLA-FLIES (Perlidas). These insects have four wings of equal size, else the hind wings are the broadest; all the wings are sometimes rudimentary; the antennae are very long, and the feet are three-jointed; in many species there are two long bristles at the posterior end of the abdomen; transformations incomplete. The larv of the greater number of these insects are aquatic. MAY-FLIES (Ephemeridsi). The insects belonging to this CHAP. XIX. FAMILIES OF NEUBOPTERA. 125 Family usually have four wings, but the posterior pair are sometimes wanting ; the mouth-parts are obsolete ; the an- tennae are short and three-jointed, and the abdomen is gener- ally furnisfeed at the tip with two or three slender bristles ; the feet have from four to five joints ; transformations incom- plete. After issuing from the pupa the insect is usually enveloped in a thin film, when it is termed the sub-imago; it soon casts off this filmy covering and appears as the perfect insect or imago. The larvae are aquatic, and feed upon other insects, etc. ; they are supposed to remain from two to three years in the larva state, although the adults live but a few hours. These flies quite closely resemble the Ichneumon-flies (Fig. 131), but their antennae are much shorter, and their bodies weaker. DRAGON-FLIES (Libellulidse; also called Odonata). These insects are provided with four wings of nearly equal size (Fig. 143) ; the antennae are inconspicuous, and from four to seven- jointed ; the feet are three-jointed, and the abdomen is destitute of anal bristles ; transformations incomplete. The larvae are aquatic and feed upon other insects ; they have a peculiar syringe-like apparatus beneath the posterior part of the body by which they are enabled to draw in a small quantity of water and then, forcibly, to eject it backwards, thus driving themselves forward at a rapid rate. These insects are divided into two groups, viz. : Agrioninse, in which the head is very broad ; the eyes are wide apart, and the wings, when at rest, are raised over the back. Libellulinas, in which the head is nearly globular ; the eyes usually touch each other, and the wings are expanded when at rest (Fig. 143). SIALIS-FLTES (Sialidae). These insects are provided with four wings of nearly equal size ; the antennae are conspicuous, and the feet are four or five-jointed ; transformations complete. The larvae are predaceous ; some are aquatic, while others live upon trees, etc. In some species the pupa is capable of mov- ing about, although enveloped in a thin covering or skin. 126 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. LACE-WINGED FLIES (Hemerobida? ) . The 'insects belonging to this Family have four wings of nearly equal size ; the antennae are long, and the feet are five-jointed; transforma- tions complete. The larvae are usually terrestrial. This Family contains many beneficial insects ; prominent among which are the Lace- winged (Tig. 21) and the Golden-eyed Flies, the larvae of which (Fig. 47 J feed upon Plant-lice ; when fully grown each of these larvae spins a globular cocoon, inside of which it assumes the pupa form ; when the perfect insect is nearly ready to emerge, the pupa issues from the cocoon and fastens itself to a neighboring object by its feet ; in a short time the skin on its back is rent, and the perfect insect makes its escape. Another member of this Family is the Ant-lion, the larvae of which excavate funnel-shaped holes in the earth in which to entrap their prey, which consists principally of ants. SCORPION-FLIES (Panorpidae). These insects are usually provided with four wings of equal size, but in a few species the wings are rudimentary or wanting ; the antennae are con- spicuous, and the feet are five-jointed ; transformations com- plete ; the mouth-parts are produced somewhat in the form of a beak. The larvae are generally terrestrial, and are probably predaceous. CADDIS-FLIES (Phryganidae). These insects have four wings, in which the transverse veins are not numerous ; the antennae are quite long, and the feet are five*jointed ; the mouth-parts are not distinct ; transformations complete. The larvae are usually aquatic, living in silken tubes, to which they frequently attach small shells, pieces of wood, and other small objects. They feed upon vegetable matter, and sometimes devour small insects. CHAP. XX. SCALE-INSECTS. 127 CHAPTER XX. SCALE-INSECTS. The Scale-insects, Scale-bugs, Bark-lice, Mealy-bugs, etc., comprise a group of insects belonging to the Sub-order Ho- moptera, and to the Family Coccidse. In many respects this is a very anomalous group of insects, differing greatly even from closely allied forms, in appearance, habits, and metamorphosis. Not only do the members of this Family appear very different from other insects belonging to the same Sub-order, but there is a wonderful variety of forms within the Family; and even the two sexes of the same species? in the adult state, differ as much in appearance as insects belonging to different Orders. The more striking characteristics in which these insects agree, and by which they may be distinguished from other insects belonging to the same Sub-order, are the following: The females never possess wings; the males are winged in the adult state, but possess only one pair of wings, the second pair being represented by a pair of small club-like organs called " halteres," each of which is usually furnished with a bristle. The scale of the female is usually broader than that of the male in the scale-bearing species. This Family is divided into three Sub-families, as follows: SUB-FAMILY I. (Diaspinse). These insects are enclosed or covered by a scale composed in part of the moulted skins (exuvise) and partly of an excretion of the insect; this scale does not adhere to any part of the insect's body, but merely forms a covering or protection for the latter. SUB-FAMILY II. (Lecaninae). These insects are usually not enclosed in a scale, but the skin hardens as the insect ap- proaches maturity. In the earlier part of their lives these insects are capable of crawling about, but when near maturity they generally become immovably fixed to the bark, etc.? upon which they rest. 128 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. SUB-FAMILY III. (Coccinss). These insects generally retain the power of locomotion from the time they are hatched until they die; some species, however, are destitute of legs, and are enclosed in a felt-like sac. SUB-FAMILY I. (Diaspinas.) The following table will serve as a guide in ascertaining the genus to which any species of this Sub-family belongs: A. Scale of female circular, with the exuviae either central or near the margin. B. Scale of male but little elongated, with the exuviae more or less central; scale usually resembling that of the female in color and texture, - - ASPIDIOTUS. BB. Scale of male elongated, with the exuviae at one ex- tremity. C. Scale of male, white and carinated, - DIASPIS. CC. Scale of male not white, and* with no central carina, PARLATORIA. AA. Scale of female elongated, with the exuviae at one extremity. D. Exuviae small. E. Scale of male, white and carinated, - CHIONASPIS. EE. Scale of male similar in form to that of the female, MYTILASPIS. DD. Exuviae large. F. Scale of female with two moulted skins visible. PARLATORIA. FF. Scale of female with second moulted skin covered by a secretion UHLERIA. f- Genus ASPIDIOTUS (Bouche). This genus includes species in which the scale of the female is circular, or nearly so, with the exuviae at or near the center; the scale of the male is somewhat elongated, with the larval skin either at one side of the center, or near one extremity; in color and texture it resembles the scale of the female. The" CHAP. XX. SCALE-INSECTS 129 last segment of the female insect usually presents four groups of spinnerets; in a few species there are five or six groups, and in some they are wanting. Examples The Red-scale (Fig. 159), the Lemon-peel scale (Fig. 293) and the Red-scale of Florida (Fig. 311). Genus DIASPSIS (Costa). This genus includes species in which the scale of the female is more or less rounded, with the exuvia? at the center or upon the sides ; the scale of the male is long, white, carinated, and 130 NATURAL ^HISTORY OF INSECTS. has the exuviae at one extremity. The last segment of the female shows five groups of spinnerets. This genus closely resembles Aspidiotus regarding the form of the scale of the female, but is easily distinguished from that genus by the scale of the male, which is white and carinated. Example The Rose-scale (Fig. 312). Fig. 312. v Genus CHIONASPIS (Signoret). This genus includes species in which the scale of the female is long, sometimes much widened, and in which the exuviae are small and at one extremity; the scale of the male is long, generally white, more or less carinated, (except in C, ortholobis); the sides are parallel and the larval skin is at the anterior end. The last segment of the female has five groups of spinnerets. This genus resembles Diaspis in the form of the scale of the CHAP. XX. SCALE-INSECTS. 131 male, and Mytilaspis in the form of the scale of the female; in most species, however, the scale of the female is wider than in Mytilaspis. Example The Scurfy or Harris'-scale (Fig. 313). Fig. 313. Genus MYTILASPIS (Targioni Tozzetti). This genus includes species in which the scale of the female is long, narrow, more or less curved, and where the exuviae are at the anterior extremity. The scale of the male resembles that of the female in form, but it can be readily distinguished from it by its small size, and by its bearing but one larval skin. In all the species of Mytilaspis which I have studied, the posterior part (about one-fourth) of the scale of the male is jointed to the remainder by a thinner portion, which serves 132 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. as a hinge, allowing the posterior part to be lifted when the male emerges. Example The Citrus- scale (Fig. 314). Fig. 314. Genus PARLATORIA (Targiom Tozzetti). The scale of the female is either circular or elongated, with the exuvia? large and at the anterior end. The scale of the Fig. 315. male is enlongated, its sides nearly parallel, and the exuviae at the anterior end; there is no cariiia on the middle of the back this part being seldom higher than the sides. The margin of the last segment of the female is crenulated and fringed witn toothed scale-like plates; there are only four groups of spinnerets. Example Per- gande's Orange-scale (Fig. 315). Genus UHLEEIA (Comstock). This genus included species in which, upon the scale of the female, only one larval skin is visible at the anterior extremity; CHAP. XX. SCALE-INSECTS. 133 Fig. 316 the second skin is present, but it is entirely cov- ered by secretion. This skin is large, covering the insect completely. The scale is narrow at its anterior end; it then widens, and its sides are parallel thoughout the greater part of its length. The three anterior groups of spinnerets are united, forming a continu- ous line. The scale of the male is similar to that of the female, but smaller. The genus is small and unimpor- tant, and was formerly known as Fiorinia. Example The Camellia-scale (Fig. 316). Fig. 317. Fig. 318. 134 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. i. ' ' SUB-FAMILY II. (Lecaninae). Genus CEROPLASTES. The several species belonging to this genus are furnished with a thick covering of waxy material, which does not, how- ever, adhere closely to the insect. This covering is formed of layers secreted by the spinnerets. Some of the species have tuberosities upon the back, which are larger or smaller according to the age of the insect, and which entirely disappear at full growth, when it becomes smooth and globular. The antenna? are six-jointed, the third joint being the longest. In the larva state the fourth and fifth appear as one. The legs, are long; the claw is furnished with four digitules, of which the two shortest are very large and horned-shaped. The male of this genus is not known. Examples The Florida-scale (Fig. 317) and the Barnacle-scale (Fig. 31S). Genus PULVINARIA (Targioni). This genus is not well defined. It was established for those species of Lecaninae, in which the females, after fecundation, secrete below and at the posterior end of the body, a mass of cottony material which forms a nidus for the eggs. Example The Cottony Maple-scale (Fig. 319). Fig. 319. Genus LECANIUM. This genus includes those species which are naked and, at first, boat-shaped, taking on, however, after impregnation, very diverse forms, ranging from nearly flat to globular. Examples The Black-scale (Fig. 294), the Filbert-scale (Fig. 320), and the Soft Orange-scale (Fig. 321). CHAP. XX. SCALE INSECTS. 135 SUB-FAMILY III. (Coccinse.} Genus KERMES (Targioni Tozzetti). These insects have the body perfectly globular, else with a slight incision for insertion on the twig or branch. On an external examination no trace of antenna?, legs, or even of Fig. 320. Fig. 321. mouth-parts are to be observed, the insect presenting precisely the appearance of a gall. Chiefly found on oak-trees (Fig. 322). )(Genus RHIZOCOCCUS (Comstock). Antennae of larva and of the adult female, seven-jointed; ano-genital ring with eight hairs ; tarsi of both male and female, each with four digitules; margin of body, of young and of female in all stages, fringed with tubular spinnerets, 136 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. which are covered with a waxy excretion. Adult male with a single ocellus behind each eye, and a pair of bristles on each side of the penultimate abdominal segment, each pair sup- porting a long white filament, excreted by numerous pores at the base. The fully developed female makes a dense sac of Fig. 322. waxy matter, within which the eggs are laid, and the shriveled body of the insect remains. The full-grown male larva makes a similar sac, within which it undergoes its metamorphosis Example the Norfolk Island Pine-scale. Y Genus DACTYLOPIUS. The antennse of the female are six-jointed in the larva and CHAP. XX. SCALE-INSECTS. 137 eight-jointed in the adult ; the male larva has seven-jointed antennae ; the tarsi are furnished with four digitules, and the anal ring with six hairs. Examples The Mealy-bug with long threads (Fig. 323), and the Destructive Meal-bug (Fig. 324). Fig. 323. Ik Fig. 324 Genus PSEUDOCOCCUS (Westwood). This genus closely resembles Dactylopius, nearly all char- acteristics being identical. In the adult female, however, the antenna? are nine-jointed, those of the female larva six-jointed, and the antennae of the male larva have seven joints. The tarsi are not provided with the long digitules, except in Pseudococcus hederae. Genus Coccus. The species of this genus may be distinguished from Dacty- lopius and Pseudococcus by the following characters : The antennae are seven-jointed in the adult female, six- jointed in the female larva, and five-jointed in the male larva. The legs are very slender ; the anal ring are destitute of hairs ; the eyes are smooth, and there are two ocelli. Example The Cochineal Insect. 10 138 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. Genus ICERYA (Signoret). Antennae eleven-jointed ; body covered with a cottony mat- ter of several shades of color, and with a secretion of still longer filaments ; skin with rounded spinnerets and Fig. 32i>. w j^ n long, scatterqd hairs; antennae of nearly same width throughout their whole length, and with a long pubescence ; the digitules of the claws are elongated and buttoned, those of the tarsi appear as simple, hairs ; genital apparatus terminating in a tube internally, with a reticulated ring, and with- out hairs at its extremity. Antennae of the larva six-jointed, with a very long pubescence, and with four hairs upon the last joint much longer than the others ; lateral lobes of the extremity of the abdomen with a series of three very long, frequently interlaced bristles. Example The Cottony Cushion-scale (Figs. 295 and 325). CHAPTER XXI. BENEFICIAL INSECTS. The greater number of insects feed upon the various parts of plants and are therefore termed ''injurious ;" others feed upon decaying animal or vegetable matter and are called "scavengers;" still others feed upon insects, especially upon those which are injurious to plants, and, because of thus aiding us in getting rid of these pests, are termed "beneficial insects." Some of this latter kind seize their prey with their jaws, some- what in the manner of a cat's catching a mouse, and are hence called u predaceous." To this class belong the Tiger-beetles, which may frequently be seen running over the ground during the hottest part of the day. The one most often met with is the Common Tiger-beetle (Fig. 240), which is of a dull purplish color above, and a bright brassy-green color underneath ; on each wing-case are three irregular whitish spots. Another species which quite closely resembles the foregoing is the Gen-" CHAP. XXI. BENEFICIAL INSECTS. 139 erous Tiger-beetle (Fig. 241), which is of a dull purplish color, marked with white, as in the figure. The Virginian Tiger- beetle (Fig. 242) is of a dull brownish color. All of the Tiger- beetles have filiform antennae, and ''their feet are five-jointed. The larvae of the Tiger-beetles are provided with six legs, and live in holes in the earth. They feed upon Cut-worms and similar insects. The Ground-beetles also prey upon Cut- worms and other insects, and, like the Tiger-beetles; have filiform antennae and five-jointed feet; but unlike them, they have horizontal instead of vertical heads. The Gold-spotted Ground-beetle (Fig. 243) is of a brownish color, and has on each wing-case three rows of sunken gold-colored spots. Another group of predaceous insects are the Lady-birds, which have only three joints in their feet. These insects feed upon plant-lice, scale-insects, small caterpillars, etc.; the larvae (Figs. 328, a, and 332, a) are provided with six legs, and when fully grown suspend themselves by the hind part of the body; the skin on the back next splits open, and the pupa (Fig. 328, b) by alternately elongating and shortening its body, works the old skin backward until it covers only the posterior part of the pupa, where it is permitted to remain; in due time the skin on the back of the pupa is rent and the perfect beetle (Fig. 328, c) is coming forth. Fig. 329. Fig. 326. Fig. 327 Fig. 328. One of their largest kind is the fifteen-spotted Lady-bird (Fig. 290); it varies in color from a dirty brown to cream; its wing-cases are usually marked with fifteen black dots, but both color and markings are changeable, as seen in the figure (Fig. 290, dj ,/, and g). The wing-cases of the Thirteen-spot- ted Lady-bird (Fig. 326) are of a reddish-brown color, and are 140 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. marked with thirteen black dots. The wing-cases of the Ten- spotted Lady-bird (Fig. 327) are of a pinkish color, and are marked with ten black dots. The Convergent Lady-bird (Fig. 328, c) has the wing-cases yellowish-brown and marked with twelve black dots. The Nine-spotted Lady-bird (Fig. 329) has the wing-cases of a yellowish-brown color, marked with nine black dots. The Icy Lady-bird (Fig. 330) has the wing- cases of an orange-yellow color, marked with from four to six black dots. The Trim Lady-bird (Fig. 239) has the wing- cases of an orange-yellow or orange-red color; they are un- marked. The California Lady-bird (Fig. 289) differs from the Trim Lady-bird by having a white spot on each of the front corners of the thorax the Trim Lady-bird having the thorax margined, in front and at the sides, with yellow. The Twice- stabbed Lady-bird (Fig. 331) is entirely black, with the exep- tion of a deep red spot on each wing-case. The Painted Lady- bird (Fig. 332, c) is of a pale yellow color, with a black stripe on each wing-case, the two stripes being connected by two black bands. Fig. 382. Fig. 331. Fig. 330. ' The Mantis (Fig. 142) also feeds upon other insects; the female deposits her eggs in large masses (Fig. 308), and the young closely resemble the parents, with the exception of their being destitute of wings; they are not quiescent in the pupa state, but continue active throughout their life. The Soldier-bugs (Figs. 114 and 154) feed upon caterpillars and other insects by impaling them upon their beaks and then leisurely extracting their juices. These bugs do not pass through a quiet pupa state, but continue active from the time they issue from the eggs until they die. They do not confine their attacks to insects, but occasionally feed also upon the juices of plants. CHAP. XXI. BENEFICIAL INSECTS. 141 The larvae of the Lace-winged Flies (Fig. 47) feed upon plant- lice and similar insects. After reaching their full growth each one spins, in some sheltered place, a globular cocoon, and is soon after changing to a pupa; in due time the pupa comes out of the cocoon and fastens itself to some neighboring object, when the skin on its back next splits open and the per- fect fly (Fig. 21) makes its escape. The female fly deposits her eggs upon the tips of slender, thread-like stems (Fig. 21).. The larva of the Syrphus-fly (Fig. 231, a) also feeds upon Plant-lice and similar insects. It is entirely destitute of legs, and after reaching, its full growth attaches itself to the stem of a plant, or some other object, and soon contracts to a pupa (Fig. 231, 6), from which the perfect fly (Fig. 231, c), in due time, makes its escape. When changing to a pupa the narrow tapering end of the larva becomes the thickened end of the pupa. Many kinds of Wasps, such as the Russet-red Wasp (Fig. 183, a), provision their nests with caterpillars, flies, or other insects 5 to serve as food for their young. Some kinds build nests of mud (Fig. 181); others of a papery substance (Fig. 183, 6); still others build their nests in holes in the ground, in decayed wood, or in the stems of plants. The larvae or young of these Wasps are entirely destitute of legs. There is a group of insects which, in the larva state, live within the eggs, or within the larvae or pupae of other insects? ultimately destroying the latter; such are commonly called "parasitic" insects. The Ichneumon-flies (Figs. 39, 40, 131, and 134) belong to this class. The female deposits her eggs in the larvae or pupae of other insects in which her progeny are to live; from these eggs are hatched small footless grubs, which feed upon the internal parts of the larva or pupa in which the eggs, from which they were produced, had been deposited by the provident mother. After reaching their full growth some kinds assume the pupa form within the larva or pupa in which they live, and the flies, when issuing from the pupa, gnaw holes through the skin of the larva or pupa, and thus make their escape. The larvae of several kinds, however, 142 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. first gnaw their way out of the larva or pupa in which they live, and then each one spins a cocoon around its body; some- times they spin a mass of flossy silk, and then crawl into this and there spin their cocoons. Occasionally only one parasitic larva lives in a larva or pupa, but sometimes several dozen Fig. 333. inhabit one and the same pupa or larva. When the egg was deposited in the body of a larva, the larva sometimes passes to the pupa stage before the parasitic Ichneumon-fly issues. Fig. 334. The Chalcis-flies form another group of insects which live parasitical in the egg, the Iarva3, or the pupae of other insects; they are very small, and their wings are provided with but few veins (Figs. 333 and 334). They live principally in the eggs of other insects, and many kinds infest various kinds of Scale- insects and Plant-lice. Another class of parasitic insects are the Tachina-flies (Fig. 230). These flies attach their white eggs to the bodies of cater- pillars, etc., and the larvae which hatch from these eggs gnaw CHAP. XXII. HOW TO COLLECT AND PRESERVE INSECTS. 143 their way into the body of their victim ; here they remain until reaching their full growth, when they gnaw their way out and drop to the ground, which they enter and form smooth cells; they do not cast their skins before changing to pupae, but their skins contract and harden, thus supplying the place of a cocoon. At the proper time the perfect fly (Fig. 236) issues, and makes its way to the urface of the earth. This fly very closely resembles the common House-fly, but may at once be distinguished by this, that the slender bristle on the last joint of the antenna is naked, whereas in the House-fly this bristle is pectinate, like a feather. CHAPTER XXII. HOW TO COLLECT AND PRESERVE INSECTS. A cabinet of some kind is almost indispensable to the student of Entomology; in it he should place as many different species of insects as he is able gradually to obtain, both by collecting and by exchanging duplicate specimens with friends. One of the chief requisites for successful collecting is a net. The accompanying figure (Fig. 335) illustrates the frame work of a very convenient net, such as used by Professor Riley, and its construction is thus described by him: "Take two pieces of stout brass wire, each about twenty inches long; bend them half circularly and join at one end by a folding hinge having a check ( b ) on one side. The other ends are bent and beaten into two square sockets (/) which fit to a nut sunk and soldered into one end of a brass tube ( d ). When so fitted they are secured by a large-headed screw (e) threaded to fit into the nut-socket, and with a groove wide enough to receive the back of a common knife blade. The wire hoop is easily detached and folded, as at c, for convenient carriage ; and the handle may be made of any desired length by cutting a stick and fitting it into the hollow tube (a), which should be about six inches long." 144 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. A bag of fine gauze or mosquito netting (the finer and stronger the better) should be sewed to a piece of cloth fastened around the wire frame. Fig. 335. Fig. 336. Another similar but less convenient frame (Fig. 336) is thus described by Professor Sanborn: " Make a loop of strong iron or brass wire, of about three sixteenths of an inch in thickness, so that the diameter of the loop or circle will not exceed twelve inches, leaving an inch or an inch and a half of wire at each end bent at nearly right angles. Bind the two ex- tremities to-gether with smaller wire (a), and tin them by applying a drop of muriate of zinc, then hold this part in the fire or over a gas flame until nearly red hot, when a few grains of block tin or soft solder placed upon these extremities will flow evenly over their whole surface and join them firmly together. Take a Maynard rifle cartridge tube, or any other brass tube of similar dimensions (I ); if the former, file yff the closed end, or perforate it for the admission of the wire, and, having tinned it in the same manner on the inside, push a CHAP. XXII. HOW TO COLLECT AND PRESERVE INSECTS 145 tight fitting cork half way through (c) and pour into it incited tin or soft solder and insert the wires; if carefully done you will have a firmly constructed and very (Jurable foundation for a collecting net. The cork (/O being extracted, will leave a convenient socket for inserting a stick or walking cane to serve as a handle." By attaching a gauze bag to this frame a very handy net will be obtained. For the capture of the night-flying moths, Fi g many collectors pactice what is commonly known as "sugaring." This consists of ap- plying to the trunks of trees, or to strips of cleoh attached to the tree, some sweet, attract- ive but stupefying preparation, such as diluted molasses, or brown sugar, with rum. This is spread upon the tree, etc., in the evening, and by examining these places with a lantern at intervals throughout the night, many moths which could not otherwise be obtained, may be collected. Having captured an insect intended for the cabinet, the next step is to kill it in such a manner as not to injure its form or clothing. For the killing of most insects the cyanide bottle (Fig. 337) will be all that is needed. This is prepared by putting into a large-mouth- ed bottle some cyanide of potassium (pulver- ized) in quantity equal, perhaps, to a small marble, which will depend, however, upon the size of the bottle; pour into the bottle just enough water to dissolve the cyanide, and when this is dissolved drop plaster of Paris into the solution until all of the latter is absorbed; now place the bottle in the hot sun, or subject it to artificial heat, until thoroughly dry inside, after which wipe out the inside with a dry rag or piece of paper; now cork the bottle tightly, and in a day or two it will be ready for use. When an insect is thrown into a bottle 146 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. Pig. 338. prepared in this way, and the bottle corked up tightly, the fumes of the cyanide will destroy the insect's life in a very short time, (ireat care should be exercised in using the cya- nide, as it is a deadly poison when taken internally, although no serious effect has ever been known to follow the inhaling from the cyanide bottle prepared as directed above, notwith- standing its fatal effects upon insect life. Those insects which are too large to be placed into the cyanide bottle may be killed by the use of chloroform. For this purpose a small and stout bottle, with a brush inserted in the cork (Fig. 338), will be found very serviceable. By moistening the abdomen of the insect with this liquid its life will soon be destroyed. Regarding the killing of very small and delicate insects, these should be caught in wooden boxes, where, when applying the chloroform to the outside of the box, they will speedily become stupefied. Butterflies, moths, and similar insects should not be carried in the cyanide bottle after they are dead, since, by rolling around in the bottle, they become more or less de- ll =nuded of their scales, or otherwise disfigured; soon as dead they should be taken out of the hottle and pinned into a cork-lined box made for this purpose. In pinning beetles, the' pin should be thrust through the Tight wing-case (Fig. 339, a) so as to come out between the insertion of the middle and the hind pair of leg; bugs should be pinned through the scutellum (Fig. 339, 5) jail other insects should be pinned through the thorax. In pinning insects for the cabi- net, entomological pins, made ex- Fig. 339. CHAP. XXII. HOW TO COLLECT AND PRESERVE INSECTS. 147 pressly for this purpose, should be used; these are made of different sizes ranging from 1 to 10, the lowest numbers being the finest. The No. 2 pins will ordinarily answer most pur- poses. About one third of the length of the pin should be allowed to project above the insect's back. Small insects, one-fourth of an inch in length and under, should be gummed to pieces of card-board or to thin plates of mica, through which the pin is afterwards thrust. These pieces are sometimes cut square, but the better way is to cut one edge into small, wedge-shape teeth, as in Fig. 340. Fig. 341. Fig. 340. For gumming insects upon card-board, etc., Spaulding's liquid glue may be used; or in its stead the following prepara- tion is even to be preferred: Pulverized gum tragacanth, three drams; pulverized gum arabic, one dram; corrosive sublimate, one grain; mix and add & little water. In order to spread out the wings of butterflies, etc., a setting- board, of some sort should be used; one that is simple in its construction and answers every purpose is shown in Fig. 314. It is made of two pieces of soft pine boards (the softer the better) about half an inch thick, one and a half inches wide, and of any convenient length; these should be fastened to upright blocks about one and one half inches high at each nd, and tapering to one and one sixth inches high at the middle. In fastening the two upper pieces to these, leave a space between the upper pieces wide enough to admit the 148 NATURAL HISTORY OF INSECTS. insect's body; a strip of cork or pith is then glued over this space on the under side, and the setting-board is completed. For the stretching-out of the wings, and for many other purposes, a needle stuck into a wooden handle (Fig. 342) will be found useful. It is made by splitting off a piece of pine wood three or four inches long, and forcing into one end of it the eye-end of a common sewing needle; next, whittling down the handle to a convenient size and shape (Fig. 342), the instrument is completed. Fig. 342. In order to retain the wings of the insects on the setting- board in their proper position strips of card-board should be pinned over them (Fig. 341), using common, short, sharp- pointed pins foi this purpose. The setting-board may then be suspended upon the wall, or it may be placed in a box covered with fine wire gauze or strainer cloth, which will admit plenty of air, while at the same time preventing small insects from gaining access to the specimens. The latter should remain upon the setting-board for at least a month, when they are ready for the cabinet. Cases in which to exhibit insects may be made in the form of a shallow box having -a tightly fitting lid, in the back of which is fastened a pane of clear glass; they may be of any convenient size, and about two and half inches deep, inside measurement. The bottom should be lined with thin strips of cork or dry pith, into which to thrust the pins; if pith is used it should first be boiled, to extract the saccharine matter. If the collection is to be a very extensive one, the cases to contain it may be constructed in the form of two shallow boxes facing each other, and fastened together, on one side with hinges, and on the other with hooks and staples; they will then open and shut like a book, and when not in use may be packed away in any convenient place. The boxes should be made of thoroughly seasoned white wood, walnut, or cherry, Care should be taken to have the cases or boxes perfectly CHAP. XXII. HOW TO COLLECT AND PRESERVE INSECTS. 149 I tight, so as to prevent small insects, mites, etc., from gaining access to and spoiling the collection. The cork or pith in the bottom of the boxes should be covered with white paper, which, if lightly cross-ruled, will greatly facilitate the regular pinning of the specimens. For relaxing dried insects, place them for twelve or twenty- four hours in a tin box containing a quantity of moistened sand over which first a single layer of paper is spread ; their wings, etc., can then be easily spread out. Caterpillars, grubs, pupae, and similar objects may be pre- served in alcohol. They should first be thrown into alcohol diluted with water, and afterwards be removed to vessels con- taining alcohol of full strength. Nothing is more annoying to the experienced, or more dis- couraging to the young collector, than to have his specimens destroyed by mites, or by the Iarva3 of certain beetles; against the ravages of these pests there is no security. Paste and paper fail to exclude them; camphor is only a partial pro- tector; and the only safeguard is constant vigilance, and the instant destruction of the offenders when observed. For this purpose many methods have been suggested, such as saturation with turpentine, immersion in alcohol or ben- zine, exposure in an oven to a heat of 210, etc., but most of these means are liable to injure or even destroy the specimens. A very good method, however, is to place a galipot or small saucer, containing about twenty-five grains of cyanide of potassium, roughly bruised, with a very little water, in the bottom of the cabinet; drop about six drops of sulphuric acid upon the potassium and close up the cabinet. The gas thus generated will destroy the life of any larva, or other insect or animn.1, that may be in the cabinet at the time, as no animate being can inhale this gas and live. Great care should, therefore, be taken to prevent the inhalation of this gas by the person employing it. 150 ANGULAR-WINGED KATYDID. GLOSSARY Abbreviated. Shortened. Abortive. Imperfectly developed. Abdo'men. The posterior devision of the body. Abnormal. Unnatural; exceptional. Aculeate. Prickly. 'AciVminate. Ending in a prolonged point. Adeph'agous. Ravenous; predaceous. Adult 7 . Full-grown. Agamic. Bringing forth living young, or depositing fertile eggs without the intervention of the male. Alime'nt'ary canal. The duct by which food is conveyed through the body. Alula. A small appendage to the hind edge of the base of the wing in the Two-winged Flies. A'nal. Pertaining to the opening at the lower end of the ali- mentary canal. An'gulated. Formed with corners. AnaFogous. Closely similar. An'nulated. Funiishedwith colored wings. Anom'alous. Irregular. Anten'nse. The two horn-like appendages to the head (Figs* 89 and 103). Ante'rior. In front. A'pex. ^The terminal point; the tip. Ap'ical. At, or belong to, a tip. Ap'odous. Destitute of feet. Append'age. Something added to without being essentially necessary. Approximate. Near, or near together. Ap'terous. Destitute of wings. 152 GLOSSARY. Aquatic. Inhabiting water. Ans'ta. A style, or bristle. Aris'tate. Furnished with a bristle. Artic'ulate. Divided into joints. Asex'ual. Same as Agmatic. Attenuated. Tapering. Aure'lia. Ancient name for pupa. Bal'ancers. Rudimentary filaments representing the (lacking) posterior pair of wings in the Diptera. Base. The part opposite the apex. Bi. Two or twice (used only in compound words.) Bffid. Cleft. Bifur'cate .Two-forked . Bilo bate. or Bl'lobed. Divided into two lobes. Bipec'tinate. Having two edges toothed like a comb. Bristled anten'na. Fig. 343. Fig, 343. Capitate. Ending in a head or knob (Figs. 95 and 96). Cari'na. A ridge. Cau'da. A tail. Cell. A term applied to the inclosures made by tho veins and cross- veins in the wings (Fig. 125). As these cells differ in number and form in the different insects, they have received different names. In many kinds of Two-winged Flies (such as the Syrphus-fly, Fig. 231, c), the cell next the fore edge of the wing is the costal cell: the three back of this, nearest the body, are the first, second, and third basal cells, and the cell next to the hind edge of the wing is the anal cell; toward the outer edge of the wing, from the first basal cell, is the first posterior cell, while the three cells back of this, along the margin of the wing, are the second, "third, and fourth posterior cells; the closed cell between the second basal and the third posterior cell is the discal cell (this may be easily be known by it GLOSSARY. 153 position, always being at the lower end of the small cross- vein between the first basal and the first posterior cells); the two cells between the costal and first posterior cells are the marginal and sub-marginal cells. Ghrys'alids. Plural' of chrysalid (another term for Chrysalis). Chrys'alis. The third stage of insect life (Fig. 344); same as pupa. Cillate. Fringed. (Ciliate antennae. Fig. 354.) Fig. 344. Fig. 345. Cine'reous . A sh-colored . Cla'vate. Enlarged toward the tip like a club (Fig. 92). Clyp'eus. The division of the face immediately above the upper lip. Coarc'tate Enclosed in the old larva skin; compact. Coco"bn x . A silken case spun by the caterpillar (Fig. 346). Complete Transformation. When the pupa is incapable of crawling about and of taking food. Compound Eyes. Placed on each side of the head, and com- posed of numerous facets or simple eyes set close together. Compressed'. Flattened on the sides. Colon. The farther part of the alimentary canal. Concororous. Of the same color as another part. Con'fluent, Running into each other. Con'nate. United. Conspicuous. Obvious to the eye. Contiguous. Touching each other. Cor'date. Heart-shaped. Coria'ceous. Hard but flexible. Cor'neous. Like horn. N Cor'rugated. Wrinkled. 11 154 GLOSSARY. . Front edge'of.the wing (Fig. Fig. 346. 121, a). Cox'a. A small piece between the thigh and body (Figs. 89 and 103.) Cre'nate. Scolloped, the teeth rounded. Crenelated Having the edge notched. Cu'preous. Coppery. Cylindrical. Round and long, and of the same thickness throughout. Decum'beiit. Bending down. Deflect'ed. Bent down. Den'tate. Toothed. Den'tiform. Having the form of teeth. Depressed'. Flattened from above. Diffuse'. Spread widely. Dig'itate. Divided like the fingers. Digit'uli. The stout hairs, sometimes knobbed at the tip, which occur upon the feet of many kinds of Plant-lice and Scale-insects. Dilat'ed. Widened. Disc'al. Relating to the disk. Dlsc'al cell. A cell situated at the base of the wing in the Butter- flies and Moths, but which in the Two-winged Flies is nearest to the outer margin. (See Cell.') Disk. The upper central part of any given surface. Discoid'al. Relating to the disk. Diur'rial. Applied to insects that are active during the day. Divar'icate. Spreading apart. Dor 'sal. Relating to the back. Ellip'tical. Elongate-oval. Elyt'ra. The hard wing-cases or fore-wings of Beetles. Emar'ginate. Notched. Entomol'ogy. The natural history and habits of insects. I.OSSARY. Epipleu'ra. The outer upturned edge of the wing-cases of Beetles. Epls'toma. The clypeus. Ex'crement. Eatter -discharged from an animal body after digestion. Exserf'ed. Protruded. Exu'via?. The cast-off skin. Fal'cate. Sickle-shaped. Fas'cia. A stripe broader than a line. Fau'ria. The animals of any given locality. Fecundation. The act of making fruitful or prolific. Fe'mur. The thigh (Figs. 89 and 103). Ferrugln'eous . Rust-colored . Filiform. Thread-like (Figs. 91 and 94. a). Filament. A thread-like appendage. First joint. The joint farthest from the tip; the basal joint. FlabeTlate antennae. One that has the form of a fan (Fig. 347). Fig. 347. Fig. 348, Flaves'cent. Yellowish. Flex'uous. Waving; zigzag. Fo'vea. A pit or rounded depression. Fre'nulum. A bristle on the front edge of the hind wing, which fits into a hook beneath the front wing, uniting the wings, during flight. (See Fig. 122, jr.). Fulig'inous. Smoky. FuFvous. Tawny, reddish, yellow Ftir'cate. Forked. Fus'cous. Dark brown. 156 GLOSSARY. Fu'siform. Spindle-shape; tapering toward both ends (Fig. 93). Gan'glion. A swelling in the nervous cord. Geminate. In pairs. Genic'ulate. Elbowed (Fig. 348). Ge'nus. A class or group, each member of which possesses certain characters not found in those iiidividuals, which belong to a different class or group. Gla'brous.- Smooth. Glau'cous. Bluish-green. Glob'ular. Having the form of a ball or sphere. Gran'ulated. Covered with small rounded elevations. Grega/rious. Living in flocks or communities. Halt'eres. Small thread-like organs which terminate in a knob, taking the place of the hind- pair of wings in the Two-winged Flies; balancers. Haus'tellate. Furnished with a beak, probosis, or sucker. Hemelyt'ra. The front wings of the True Bugs. Hermaphrodite. An individual in which both the male and the female organs occur. Heterom'erous. Applied to the Coleopterous insects which have five joints in the front and middle feet, and only four joints in the hind ones. Fig. 349. Hex'apod. Six-footed. Hirsute. Clothed witli stiff hairs. Hu'merus. Anterior outer angle of the wing-cases of Beetles. Hy'aline. Transparent, like glass. Hypersto'ma. The clypeus in the Two-winged Flies. GLOSSARY. 157 Hypos'tema. Same as Hyperstoma. Ima'go. The adult or perfect state (Fig. 34,9). Imbricated. Overlapping, like the shingles on a roof. ' . - Immac'ulate. Spotless. Immar'ginate. Without an elevated margin. Incomplete 7 transformation. When the pupa is capable of crawling about and of taking food. Incras'sated. Thickened. Incum'bent. Lying upon. Infus'cated. Darkened; with a blackish tinge. Joint. A node or part between two joints; in this sense, that part of the arm which is between the joints of the elbow and wrist would be called a joint. La'bial pal'pi. Small jointed appendages of the lower lip (Fig. 103). La/bium. The lower lip. La'brum. The upper lip. LameTliform. Leaf-like. Lamellate. With flattened plates (Fig. 100). Lamina. A plate or sheet-like piece. Lar'va. The second stage of insect life, or that immediately following the egg (Fig. 350; such as grubs, caterpillars, maggots, etc. Fig. 350. Fig. 351. 1 1 1 1 1 L.I I I I I hid Lateral. On one side. Lig'ament. A fibrous band or tie. Line. one twelfth of an inch (Fig. 351); a very narrow stripe. Lin'ear. Long and narrow and of equal width. Lln'gula. Little tongue. Lu'minous. Emitting light; shining. Lu'nate. Half-moon shaped. LiVnule. A mark or spot in the form of a new moon. LiVteous. Deep yellow. 158 GLOSSARY. Mac'ulated. Spotted. Man'dibles. The ripper jaws, placed between the upper lip and the lower jaws (Fig. 103). Mandib'ulate. Provided with jaws. Marginal. Placed upon the edge of anything. Maxillae. The lower jaws, placed between the upper jaws and the lower lip (Fig. 103). Me'dian. Relating to the middle of anything. Membraneous. Thin; parchment-like. Men'tum. The chin (Fig. 103). Mesotho'rax. That division of the thorax to which the middle pair of legs are attached (Fig. 89). Metamorphoses. Same as Transformations. Metathor'ax. That division of the thorax to which the hind pair of legs are attached (Fig. 89). Moniriform. Like a string of beads. Mu'cronate. Ending in a sharp point. Nerv'ures. The horny tubes which expand the wings of the insects. Ni'dus. A nest. Noctur'nal. Applied to insects that are active by night. Node. A joint, or part between two joints. Nor'mal. Natural; usual. Nymph. Ancient name for pupa. Ob'solete. Indistinct; rudimentcl. Obtect'ed Not enclosed in the old larva skin; covered. Oc'ciput. Hind part of the head. OceTli. Simple eyes, usually placed on top of the head. Ocellus. A simple eye (Fig. 89). O'chreous. A more or less deep ochre-yellow color. Oesophagus. The gullet. Oliva'ceous. Olive-colored. Opaque'. Not transparent. Orbic'ular. Nearly circular (Fig. 121, mo). O'val. Egg-shaped. O'vate. More or less egg-shaped. Ovip'arous. Producing eggs. GLOSSARY 159 Oviposi'tion. Act of depositing eggs. Ovipositor. The instrument by which the female lays her eggs. O'vum. An egg (Fig. 352, e and/). Fig. 352. HaTmate. Hand-shaped. Pal 7 pi. Feelers attached to the lower lip and the lower jaws (Figs. 89 and 103). Par'aglossa. Belonging to the Lingula. Parasitic. Living in or upon another animal. Parthenogenesis. Bringing forth living young or depositing fertile eggs without the previous intervention of the male. Pata'gia. The shoulder tufts (Fig. 123, w). PeVtinate. Comb-toothed (Fig. 115, a). Pedicel. A short stein. Pedun'cle. A stem. Pentani'erous. Having five joints in each foot. Penultimate. The last but one. Perfoliate. Flattened joints or plates surrounding the stem, the latter apparently passing through their centers (as the the terminal part of Fig. 98). Petlolate. Supported on a stem. Petiole. A stem. Pic'eous. Pitchy black. Pier'cer. An instrument that penetrates; the ovipositor. Pile. Hair; usually hair arranged in rows. Pilif erous. Bearing bristles or hairs. Pilose 7 . Clothed with long flexible hairs. Plumose 7 . Like a feather. Poi'sers. Same as Halteres. Porrect 7 . Straight out. Posterior. Behind in position. 160 'GLOSSARY. Prismatic. Three-sided; like a prism. ProboVcis. The beak or sucker. Process. A projecting part of any surface. Prolegs. The fleshy legs of caterpillars. Protho'rax. The first division of the thorax to which the first pair of legs is attached (Fig. 89). (In the Beetles, Bugs, Grasshoppers and similar insects, this part is commonly termed the thorax), Pru'inose. Frosted; covered with a whitish powder. Pterostig'rna. Same as Stigma. Pubes'cent. Clothed with very fine hairs or down. Pulviirii. Small cushions beneath the feet of the Two-winged . Flies. Punctured. Marked with minute impressed dots, as if pricked with the point of a pin. Fig. 354. Pu'pa. Same as Chrysalis; The term Chrysalis is usually applied to such pupa3 as are incapable of moving about (Fig. 353); while those which are active (Fig. 354) are commonly called Pupse. Quad'rate. Square, or nearly so. QuieYcent. Being in a state without motion. Rapto'rial.; Adapted for seizing prey. Ren'iform. Kidney-shaped (Fig. 121, mr). Retic'ulated. Like net-work. Retractile. Capable of being drawn back. Ros'trum. Beak. Rudimentary. In an imperfectly developed condition. RufeVcent. Somewhat reddish. Ru'fous. Reddish. Rugose'. Wrinkled. GLOSSARY. 161 Saltatory.- Leaping. Sanguin'eous. Blood-red. Sca'brous. Roughened v/ith projecting points. Scrobe. A groove at the base of the antenna. Scu'tel. A triangular piece between the base of the wing- covers and ohe thorax. Secre'tions. Substances separated from the blood, different from the blood itself. Seg'ments. The parts into which an insect's body is divided by the transverse depressed lines or circles (Fig. 352, 6). Seri'ceous. Like silk. SeYrate. Saw-toothed (Fig. 97). Ses'sile. Attached by the whole width. Se'ta. A bristle. Seta'ceous. Bristle-like. Se'tiform . Bristle-shaped. Smo~bth. Not roughened or spined. Spiii'nerets. Small openings out of which silk and other secretions are excreted. (In caterpillars they are situated in the lower lip, but in the scale insects they are situat- ed on various parts of the abdomen.) Spl'nous. Furnished with spines. Splr'acles. The breathing pores or external openings of the windpipe or trachae. (Fig. 89). Spontaneous. Applied to generation, as producing forms of life without visible means. Spurs. Thick spines. Stem'mata. Same as Ocelli. SteYnum. The underside of the thorax. Stigma. A thickened spot on the under side of the fore wings (Pig. 126, 7). Stig'mata. A term applied to the orbicular and reniform spots on the front wings of Moths (See Fig. 121 mo and mr\ Strfae. Impressed lines or grooves. Strl'ate. Marked with impressed lines; grooved. SuTcate. Grooved. Sut'ure. The place where the two parts meet. 1C)2 GLOSSARY. Tar'si. Feet. Taw'ny. A pale dirty yellow. Teg'mina. The front wings of grasshoppers. Ter'gum. The upper side of the abdomen. Terrestrial . Making the home on the ground, in distinction from those inhabiting the water. Tessellated. Checkered. Testaceous. Pale dull red. Tetram'erous. Having four joints in each foot. Tho'rax. That division of the body to which the legs and wings are attached. Tlb'ia. The shank or shin; that part of the leg between the thigh and foot (Fig. 103). To'mentose. Covered with fine matted hairs. Tra'chea. The windpipe. Transformations. Changes; such as changes from the larva to the pupa, or from a pupa to a perfect insect. Transverse 7 . Crosswise. Tri'merous. Having three joints in each foot. Trochan'ter. An appendage at the base of the thigh (Fig. 89). Tro'phl. The mouth parts. Trunc'ate. Cut off squarely. Tu'bercle. A small swelling or prominence. Tuber'culate. Furnished with tuber- Fig. 355. TuberdYities. Knob-like prominences. Tufted antennae. Fig. 355. Un'cinate. Hooked at the tip. Venation. The manner in which the veins of wings are arranged. Ven'ter. The underside of the body. Vertic'illate. In whorles. Vil'ous. Clothed in long soft hairs. VIs'cid.- Sticky. Vit'ta. A colored stripe running lengthwise. Vivip'arous. Bringing forth living young. INDEX. PAGE Aberrant "Wood-beetle 102 Achemon Sphinx, Philampelis achemon 53, 64, 76 Acrididse 123 ^Ejeridse 76 Agrionidse 125 Aleurodidse 113 Arabulatoria 121, 122 American Currant-borer, Pse- nocerus supernotatus 109 American Procris, Procris Americana 78 Annelida '. 11 Anthicidse 104 Anthomyia calopteni 91 Ant-lion, Myrmeleon 59, 126 Ants 67 Aphaniptera , 63 Aphidse 112 Aphodidse , 98 Apidse 65 Apple-Curculio, Anihonomus quadrigibbus 107 Apple-Maggot, Trypeta pomo- nella 57 Apple-tree Aphis, Aphes maliAI, 55 Arachnida 10, 12 Archippus-butterfly, Dariais Archippus 25, 73, 74 Army- worm, Leucania uni- puncta 19 Army-worm Moth 17 Articulata 9, 10 Ash - colored Blister - beetle, Macrobasis unicolor 104 Asparagus-beetle, Crioceris as- paragi 59 Aspidiotus 128, 130 PAGE Back-boned Animals 9 Bacon-beetle, Dermestes larda- rius 96 Banded Robber, Milyas cinctus..H8 Bark-beetles 105 Bark-lice 115, 127 Barnacle-scale, Ceroplastes cir- ripediformis 134 Bean-weevil, Bruchus obsoletus..W6 Beautiful Wood-nymph, Eu- dryas grata , 78 Bed-bugs, Cimex lectularius 63, 119, 120 Bees 24, 40, 42, 45, 46, 65 Beetles.13, 17, 24, 39, 45, 48, 61, 91 Belostoma 57 Bembecidse 67 Bird-lice 120 Black Burying-beetle, Silpha incequalis 96 Black Horse-fly, Tabanus atra- tus 88 Black-Melanactes, Melanactes piceus 102 Black-scale, Mecanium ofece.115,134 Blattidse 121 Blister-beetles 30, 104 Blow-flies 91 Body-lice, Pediculus corporis 63 Bombycidse 58, 78 Bordered Plant-bug, Largus succinctus 119 Borers 17 Bot-flies 89 Brachycera 87, 88 Bracon-fly ~ 68 Bran-beetle, Silvanus quadri- collis 97 164 INDEX. Branch and Twig Burrower, Polycaon conjertus 103 Branch-borer, Bostrichus bi- caudntus 103 Brasslets 68 Bristly Cut- worm , Mamestra renigera 81 Broad-necked Prionus, Pri- onus laticollis 58, 92 Brown Grasshoppers 123 Bruchidge 106 Bruchus-weevils 106 Bud-worm, Penthina oculana... 85 Buffalo Tree-hopper, Ceresa bubalus 16, 54, 115 Bugs 37, 39 Bumble-bees, Bombus 65 Buprestidae 101 Buprestis-beetles 101 Burying-beetles 96 Butterflies.13, 15, 17, 25, 26, 28, 37 39, 40, 51, 70, 71 Cabbage-Aphis, Aphis brassictz..\\Z Cabbage-bug, Strachia histri- onica 58 Cabbage - maggot, Anthomyia brassiccz 98 Cabbage-Plusia, Plusia brassi- coe 81 Caddis-flies 126 California Grape-vine Hopper, Erythroneura comes 116 California Lady-bird, Cocci- nella $-notata var. Calif ar- nica Ill, 140 Camellia Scale, Uhleria camel- lice 133 Canker-worm 24 Cantharis 104 Capsidse 119 Carabidse 93 Cecidomyidse 87 Cecropia Moth, Samia cecro- pia 20, 80 Centipedes 11, 12 PAGE Cerambycidse CercopMae .............................. 115 Ceroplastes ............................. 134 Cetonians ............................... 10D Cetonidae ................................ ICO Chalcididss ............................. 68 Chalcis-flies ....................... 68, 142 Cheese-mite ........................... 10 Cherry-leaf Roller, Caccecia cerasivorana ........................ 85 Cherry-tree Borer, Dicerca divaricata .......................... 101 Chestnut-bud Beetle, Pityoph- thorus pubipennis ................. 108 Chicken-lice, Goniocotes bur- nitti .................................... 63 Chigoe, Sarcopsylla penetrans... 88 Cinch-bug, Micropus Icucopterus 24, 30, 118 Chionaspis ....................... 128, 130 Chionaspis ortholobis.... ............ 130 Chionea .................................. 88 Chrysididse ............................. 67 Chrysomelidse ......................... 110 Cicada ................................... 45 CicaJidse ................................ 116 Cicindelidse ............................. 93 Cistelidaa ................................ 105 Citrus-scale, Mytilaspis citri- cola .................................... 132 Clams ................................... 10 Clavicornes ........................ 92, 95 Clear- winged Moths ................. 76 Clothes-moth, Tinea flavifron- tella .................................... 85 Clover-hay Worm, Asopia cos- tallis ................................... 84 Coccidae ........................... 115, 127 Coccinse ........................... 128, 135 Coccinellidse ........................... Ill Coccus .................................... 137 Cochineal Insect, Coccus cacti... VSl Cockroaches ............................ 121 Codlin-moth, Carpocapsa pomo- nella ............................... 17, 85 Coleoptera..45, 48, 58, 59, 60, 61, 91 INDEX. 165 PACK Colorado Potato-beetle, Dory- phota IQ-lineata 110 Common Fire-fly, Photinus pyralis 104 Common Thrips 119 Common Tiger-beetle, Cicin- dela vulgaris 93, 138 Convergent Lady-bird, Hip- podamia convergens 140 Copper-butterflies 74 Copridae 98 Coreidae 118 Corn-worm, Hcliothis armigera 81 Cottony Cushion-scale, Icerya purchasi 115, 138 Cottony Maple-scale, Pulvi- naria innumerabilis ..134 Crabronidae 67 Crabs 11, 32 Crane-flies 57, 88 Crickets 39, 45, 49, 121, 122 Crustacea 11 Cuckoo-bees 65 Cucujidse 97 Cucujus-beetles 97 Cucumber Flea-beetle, Epi- trixcucumeris 110 Culicidse... 87 Curculionidae 106 Currant Span-worm, Eufitchia ribearia 83 Cursoria 121 Cut- worms 139 Cynipidse 69 Dactylopius 136, 136 Dakruma coccidivora 53 Daddy Long-legs 11 Darkling-beetles 48, 105 Darkling Grape-beetle 105 Delicate Long-sting.. , 67 De Long's Moth, Clisioampa constncta ,...,.. ..16, 68 Dermestidae 96 Destructive Mealy-bug, Dac- tylopius destructor. 137 FAGS Diaspinae 127, 128 Diaspis 128, 129, 130 Digger-wasps -.... 67 Diptera 46, 57, 58, 61, 63, 87 Dissimilar-winged Bugs 117 Divers 94 Dotted-legged Plant-bug Eu- schistus variolarius 53, 63 Dragon-flies..40, 45, 51, 61, 124, 125 Dytiscidae 94 Earth-worms n Earwig, Forficula auricularia.. 18, 49, 50, 58, 121 Egg-parasites 68 Eight-spotted Forester, Alypia octomaculata 78 Elateridse , ioi Ephemeridse 124 Epicauta 104 Fall Canker- worm, Anisop- teryx autumnata 53, 84 False Cinch-bug, Nysius de- structor ng Field-crickets 123 Fifteen-spotted Lady Bird, My- sia \Q-punctata ...Ill, 139 Figure 8 Minor-moth, Mames- tra renigera 81 Filbert-scale, Lecanium hem- isphcsiicum 134 9 Filicornes 92 Fiorinia 133 Fire-flies ....103 Flat-headed Apple-tree Borer Chrysobothisfemorata 20, 25, 48, 101 Fleas 63, 88 Flesh-flies 14, 91 Florida-scale, Ceroplastes flori- densis ,134 Flour-mites n ^orficularidse 121 micidse.....,, 67 Four-footed Butterflies 72 166 INDEX. PAGE Frosted Leaf-hopper, Pcedl- optera prainosa 116 Fulgorldse 116 Fungus-flies 124 Galgula-bugs 117 Glagulidse 117 Gall-flies 17, 69 Gall-gnats 86 Generous Tiger-beetle, Cicin- dela generosa 93, 138 Geometers 22 Geometrid Moths 82 Geotrupidae 98 Glassy Cut- worm, Hadena de- vastatrix 21 Gnawing Insects 45, 46 Golden-eyed Flies, ffemerobius.. 126 Golden-wasps 67 Goldsmith-beetle, Cotalpa lani- gera '.... 10 Gold-spotted Ground-beetle Calosoma calidum 94, 139 Gooseberry-fruit Moth, Pem- peliagrossulatice 84 Grain - aphis, Siphonophora avence 41, 54, 113 Grain-moth, Gelechia cerealella 85 Grape-curculio 16 Grape-leaf Folder, Desmia mac- ulalis 84 . Grape-phylloxera, Phylloxera vastatrix 87 Grape Plume-moth, Pterophor- us periscelidactylus 86 Grape-seed Maggot, Isosoma vitis ,.47, 66 Grape-vine Beetles 100 Graspers 121, 122 Grasshoppers 16, 18, 29, 32, 39 45, 49, 121 Gray Tree-cricket, (Ecanthus latipennis 16 Green Fruit-beetle, Allorhina nitida 100 Green Grasshoppers 123 PAGE Ground-beetles 21, 93, 138 Grouse-locusts 124 GryllidEe 122 Gyrinidse , 94 Harlequin Cabbage-bug Stra- chia histrionica 24, 56 Harris' Scale, Chionaspis fur- furus 131 Harvest-flies ..45, 116 Haustellata 46, 52, 62 Hawk-moths 74 Head-lice , Pediculus capitis 63 Helophilus 57 Hemerobidse 126 Hemiptera 46, 53, 58, 61, 62,63, 112 Hesperidaj 74 Hessian-fly, Cecidomyia de- structor 13, 17, 21, 88 Heterocera 70, 74 Heteromera 92, 104 Heteroptera 46, 55, 62, 117 Hickory-borer, Chion cinctus 109 Homoptera 46, 54, 56, 62, 53, 112, 127 Honey-bees, Apis melliftca 65 Hop-aphis Porodon humuli..b^^ 63 Hornet, Vespa macu*. ata 61 Horn-tails.' 69 Horse Bot-fly (Estrus egui...63, 90 Horse-flies 37, 83 House-fly, Musca domestica.. 23, 37, 90, 91, 143 Hydrometridse 117 Hydrophilidse 95 Hymenoptera 45, 46, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65 Icerya 138 Ichneumon-flies 16, 47, 67, 125, 141, 142 Ichneumonidse 67 Icy Lady-bird, Hippodamia glacialis 140 Imported Cabbage-butterfly, Pieris rapes 60, 72 INDEX. 167 PAGE Imported Currant Saw-flies, Nematus ventricosus...~[., 22, 46 Imported Grape Flee-beetle Adoxus vitis 110 Indian Cetonia, Eurymonia in- da 100 Insecta 10, 11, 13 Isabella-moth, Pyrrharctia Isa- bella 80 Jigger, Sarcopsylla penetrans... 88 Jointed Animals 9 Joint- worms, Isosoma hordei.... 17 Julus 11 Jumpers '. 121, 122 Jumping Plant-lice 115 June-beetle, Phyllophagafusca, 49, 99 Katydid, Platyphyllum concav- um 15, 45, 40, 61, 123, 150 Kermes 135 Lace-winged Flies 13, 16, 19, 30, 45, 51, 59, 126, 141 Laehnosterma quercina 99 Lady-birds Ill, 138 Lamellicornes 92, 98 Lampyridae 103 Land Scavenger-beetles 96 Lantern-flies 116 Large Belostoma 57 Large Darkling Grape-beetle. E 'lodes quadricollis 105 Leaf-cutting Bees, Megachile.... 65 Leaf-hoppers 115 Leaf-miners 85 Leaf-rollers 84 Lecaninse 127, 134 Lecaniuin 134 Leeches 11 Lemon-peel Scale, Aspidiotus nerii 115,129 Lepidoptera, 46, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 70 Liballulidge .". 125 Lice 56, 120 Lightning-beetles 103 PAGE Lobsters 11, 32 Locustidse 123 Locusts 116, 123 Locust-tree Borer, Clytus ro- binicz 109 Long-horned Borers 58, 103,109 Long-horned Flies 87 Long- toed Water-beetles 95 Lucanidse 58, 74 Lygeeidse 118 Lycaenidse 58, 74 Lytta 104 Mallophagidse 120 Mandibulata 45, 46, 60 Mantidee 122 Mantis, Mantis Carolina M, 12%, 14Q Many- banded Kobber, Milyas cinctus 54 Margined Water-beetle, Dytis- cus marginalis 94 May-flies 30, 51, 124 Meal-worm, Tenebrio obscurus..\Q5 Meal-worm Beetle 105 Mealy-bugs 127 Mealy-bug with long threads Dactylopius longifi. is 137 Mealy-winged Bugs 113 Measuring- worms 22, 59, 82 Melandryidaa 105 Melee 48, 104 Meloidse 104 Melolonthidse 99 Membranaceidae 119 Millipedes 11, 12 Mites 12 Mole-crickets 122 Mollusca 10 Monilicornes 92,97 Mosquito 44, 46, 87 Moths..l3, 25, 37, 39, 46, 51, 53, 70, 71,74 Muscidaa 90 Museum-beetles 96 Myriapoda 11, 12 Mytilaspis 128,131 168 INDEX. PAGE Narcissus-fly, Merodon narcissi 89 Native Currant Saw-fly, Pristo- phora grossularicz 69 Native Currant- worm 19 Negro-bug, Corimeloena puli- carla 119 Neniocera 87 Nipidse 117 Neuroptera 45, 51, 58, 59, 60, 61, 124 Night-flying Moths 60 Nine-spotted Lady-bird, Coc- cinnella q-notata 140 Noctuidse. 81 Norfolk Island Pine - scale, Rhizococcus araucarice 136 Notonectidse 117 Notoxus-beetles 104 Nymphalidse 72 Nyssonidse 67 Odonata 125 (Estridse 89 Onion-fly, Anthomyia ceparum 57 Orchard Tent-caterpillar Moth Clisiocampa americana 16, 52 Orthoptera 43, 49, 58, 60, 61, 63, 121 Owlet-moths 86 Ox Bot-fly, &strus bows 58, 90 Painted Lady-bird, Harmonia picta 140 Panorpidaa 126 Papilionidae 71 Parapitic Beetles 104 Parlatoria 128, 132 Parnidae 95 Parsley-worm, Papilio asterias. 59 Peach-tree Borer, sEgeria exi- tiosa 77 Pear -slug, Selandria cerasi 59 Pear-tree Psylla, Psylla pyrl...H5 Pear-tree Scolytus, Xyleborus pyri 108 Pea-weevil, Bruchus pisi 106 Pecticornes 92, 98 Pediculidss... 120 Pentamera 92 Pergande's Orange-scale, Par- latoria pergandii 132 Perla-flies 124 Perlidse 124 Phalcenidffi 82 Phasmidao = ...122 Philamyelis achemon 64 Phryganidse 126 Phylloxera-mite, Tyroglyphus Phylloxera? 12 Pieridae 72 Pirate-bugs 118 Plant-beetles 110 Plai.t-bugs 29, 46, 55,, 119 Plant-lice 44, 32, 40, 41, 46, 54, 111, 112 Plum-Curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar 16, 21, 25, 107 Plume-moths 71, 86 Plum - gouger, Anthonomus prunicidce 107 Pompilidse 67 Potato Flea-beetle, Epitrixsub- crineta 110 Potato-moth, Gelechia sp? 85 Potato-stalk Weevil, Pseudo- baris trinotatus 107 Predaceous Ground-beetles 93 Predaceous Water -beetles 94 Prickly Bark-beetles, Leptostylus aculiferus 61 Prionus-beetle, Prionus laticol- lis 25 Proctotrupidaa . 68 Pseudococcus 137 Pseudococcus hederse 137 Pseudo-neuroptera 51 Psocidse 124 Psocus 51 Psyllidse 115 Pt,prnphnri%> 86 Ptinida? 103 Pulicidae.... .. 88 INDEX. 169 Pulvinaria 134 Pyralidse .. 84 Quince-Curculio, Conotrachclus cratoegi 107 Radiata 10 Raptoria 121, 122 Raspberry-borer, Agrilus rufi- collis 101 Raspberry-root Borer, ^Egeria marginata 77 Raw-hide Beetle, Dermestes lardarius 196 Rayed Animals...* 10 Red-scale, Aspidiotus autantii. 55, 129 Red-scale cf Florida, Aspidio- tus ficus 129 Red - shouldered Grape - vine Borer, Sinoxylon basilare 103 Red-spider, Tetranchus telarius 11 Reduvidse 118 Red-winged Wasp, Priocnemis sp? 67 Rhizococcns 135 Rhopalocera 70, 71 Ring-banded Soldier-bug, Pe- rillus circumcinctus. , 54 Ring-legged Fimpla 67 Rose- Aphis, Siphonophora rosoe 41 Rose-chafer, Macrodactylus sub- spinosus 99 Rose Saw-fly, Selandria roses... 47 Rose-scala, Dia&pis roses 130 Round-headed Apple-tree Bor- er, Saperda Candida 20, 109 Rove-beetles 50, 59, 97, 108 Runners..., 121 Rust-red Wasp, Polistes rubi- ginosus 66, 141 Rutelidse 100 Saltatoria 121, 122 Satellitia Sphinx, Philampelis pandorus 76 12 PAGE band-wasps 67 Saw-flies 13, 17, 43, 45, 59, 69 Saw-horned Borers 58, 100 Scale-bugs 127 Scale-insects... 53, 55, 111, 115, 127 Scarabaeidse 98 Scolytidse 108 Scorpions 12 Scorpion-flies 126 Scurfy-scale, Chionaspis furtu- rus 131 Scutelleridse 119 Semicolon - butterfly, Grapta interrogationis 52 Serricornes 92, 100 Seventeen-year Locust, Cica- da septemdecim 116 Sheep Bot-fly, CEestrus ovis 90 Sheep Scab-mite, Psoroptes equi 12 Short-horned Borers 108 Short-horned Flies 87, 88 Short-toed Water-beetles 95 Shrimps , 11 Sialidse 125 Sialis-flies 125 Silk-w^rm, Sericaria mori. 80 Silphidaa 96 Similar-winged Bugs 112 Skip-jack Beetles .102 Skippers 70, 74 Slugs 10 Small Darkling Grape-beetle, Blapstinus lecontei 105 Snails 10 Snout-beetles 106 Snout-moths 84 Snowy Tree-cricket, CEcanthus niveus 16 Soft-bodied Animals 1$ Soft Orange-scale, Lecanium hesperidum 134 Soft-winged Beetles 103 Soldier-bugs..l8, 46, 55,58, 119, 140 Southern Cabbage - butterfly, Pieris Protodice 60 170 INDEX. PAGE Spanish-fly, Cantharis vesica- toria 104 Span-worms 21, 22, 59, 82 Sphingidse 74 Spiders 9, 10, 12 Spined Soldier-bug, Podisus spinosus 53, 63, 119 Spinners 78 Spotted Pelidnota, Pelidnota punctata 100 Spring-beetles 101, 100 Spring Canker-worm, Anisop- teryx vernata 53, 83 Squash-bug, Coreus tristis..JS7 9 118 Stable-flies, Stomoxys calcitrans 91 Stag-beetles 93 Stalk-borer, Gortyna nifela 81 Staphylinid93 '97 Star-fishes 10 Steel-blue Flea-beetle, Crapto- dera chalybea 110 Strawberry-crown Borer, Anal- cis frag arice 103 Strawberry Leaf-roller, Phox- opteris fr agarics 85 Strawberry Saw-fly, Emphytus maculatus 48 Striped Blister-beetle, Epicauta vitiata 104 Striped Cucumber-beetle, Dia- brotica vittata 49, 110 Sucking Insects 46, 52 Swallow-tails 71 Syrphidse 88 Syrphus-flies 23, 88, 141 Tabanidae 88 Tachina-flies 90, 142 Tarantula Hawks, Pompilus formosus 67 Tawny Emperor-butterfly, Ap- atuta clyton 73 Tenebrionidee 105 Ten-lined Leaf-eater, Polyphyl- la lo-lineata 99 Tenthredinidse 59 Ten-spotted Lady-bird, Hippo- damia maculata 140 Termitidaj 124 Tetramera 92, 105 Tettiginse 124 Thecla-butterflies 74 Thirteen - spotted Lady - bird, Hippodamia i^-punctata 139 Thousand-legged Worms 12 Three-lined Potato-beetle, Le- ma trilineata 16 Three-striped Plant-bug, Lcp- tocoris trivittatus 119 Thripidse 119 Thrips 18, 56, 119 Ticks 11, 12 Tiger-beetles 93, 1C8 Tineidse 85 Tingis, Coiythuca,arcuata 120 Tipulidse 88 Tomato-worm, Macrosila s-mac- ulata 25 Tomato-worm Moth, Macrosila 5-maculata 61 Tortoise-beetles 15, 111 Tortricidaa 84 Tree-crickets 13, 15, 123 Triangular Water-beetle, Hy- drophilus triangularis 65 Trimera 92, 111 Trim Lady-bird, Cycloneda san- guinea 92, 140 Trogidse 98 Trogosita-beetles 97 Trogositidse 97 True-bugs 13, 16, 37, 39,- 53, 112, 117 Tumble-bugs 98 Turnus-butterfly, Papilio tur- nus 20, 72 Tussock-moth, Orygia leucostig- ma 20 Twelve-spotted Diabrotica, Di- abrotica i2-punctate 92, 111 Twice-stabbed Lady-bird, Chi- locorus bivulnerus 140 INDEX. 171 PAGK Two- winged Flies. 23, 24, 26, 29, 37, 38, 40, 46, 57, 87 TJhleria 118, 132 Uroceridse 69 Yertebrata 9 Vespidse 66 Vine-hoppers 46, 54 Virginian Tiger-beetle, Tetra- cha mrginica ....93, 139 Walkers 121, 122 Walking-sticks ...- 122 Wasps 24, 40, 41, 42, 45, 43, 61, 65, 66 Water-boatmen 117 Water measurers 117 Water Scavenger-beetles 95 Water-scorpion 117 Weevils 16, 45 Whirligig-beetles 94 PAGE Wheat-midge, Diplosis triiici.. 57, 87, 88 White-ants 51, 124 White-butterflies 72 White-grub, Phyllophagafusca 99 White-lined Sphinx, /^z7