GUIDE TO GAELIC CONVERSATION AND PRONUNCIATION, VOCABULARIES, DIALOGUES, PHRASES, AND LETTER FORMS. BY L. MACBEAN, Author of " Elementary Lessons in Gaelic," " Songs and Hymns of the Gael," &c. SECOND EDITION. STIRLING : ENEAS MACKAY, MURRAY PLACE. 1905. PREFACE. This book is published chiefly to supply a need felt by visitors to the Highlands, the want of an English-Gaelic handbook of phrasei and dialogues, in which English sentences are followed by their Gaelic equivalents. In preparing the dialogues the author was guided to some extent by the numerous phrasebooks of other European languages, but the peculiar circumstances of the Highlands and the Highland tongue necessitated the introduction of new subjects and the adoption of new forms. It was also necessary on account of the large number of idioms used conversationally in both Gaelic and English, to add a pretty long list of idiomatic phrases. The vocabularies, which occupy the first fifty pages of the book (with the exception of some proper names), consist entirely of words in everyday use. As it is difficult to represent the finer shades of Gaelic vowel-sounds by any system of phonetics, it is recommended that the learner should get the pronunciation viva voce wherever practicable. When that is not possible, the Gaelic should be read from the centre column, the third column being referred to only when the pronunciation is doubtful. In this way the student will soon acquire the habit of reading correctly from the ordinary Gaelic spelling. It is hoped that this little volume will be found useful as a handbook for strangers in the Highlands, as a book of reference for Highlanders themselves, and as the best introduction to Gaelic for those who wish to become acquainted with that language. GUIDE TO GAELIC CONVERSATION. TABLE OF SOUNDS. In the orthoepy given in the vocabularies, the vowels used re- present the following sounds : l.-a 2. a 3.-e 4. 6 5. & 6. a 7. i 8. 6 10. -o 11. -6 12. 6 13. o 14. u 15. u 16. u 17. -oo short as in fat - fat long like a in far - far short as in wet - wet long as in where - whSre short and acute as in fat fate longer than a in fame fame short as in wit - wit short as in we - w6 long as in wee - wee short as in cot - cot long as in cord - c6rd short and acute as in ph to ph6to long as in fold - fold short as in shun - shun long as in jeune - zhun short like ou in would wud long like ooe in wooed wooed The English i as in fire is represented by ae. The consonants are pronounced as in English, with the following exceptions : Ch ia not hard like k, nor soft as in chase, but always guttural, as in loch, trachle. Dd, tt, 11, and nn represent a very soft sound of these consonants, in forming which the tongue, near the tip, touches the upper gum. Ly and ny represent a peculiar modification of the sounds of 1 and n' effected by placing the centre of the tongue against the roof of the mouth when pronouncing these consonants. The 1 is rather softer than in million, and the n softer than the first n in pinion. VOCABULARIES. I. Adjectives. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Large Mor Mor A large house Taigh m6r Tta6 m6r The large house An taigh m6r Un ddae m6r A larger house Taigh ni's m6 Tta6 nyis m6 The largest house Large houses An taigh a's m& Taighean m6ra Un ddafi is m6 Ttaeun moru A nice house A nicer house The nicest house Taigh laghach Taigh ni's laghaich An taigh a's laghaich Ttae llughach Tta6 nyis llughich An ddae is llughich Able Comasach C6masach Any Sam bith Sum bg Beautiful, ugly Briagh, grannda Breea, gcrattu Big, little Mor, beag M6r, bpak Bigger, less M6, lugha M6, llughu Blind Dall Dtaull Bold, timid Bright, dark Dana, gealtach Soilleir, dorcha Dttanu, gyalltach Solyar, ddorochu Cold, hot Fuar, teth Fuur tja Hotter Teotha Tjohu Cheap, dear Saor, daor Sur, ddur Clean, filthy Glan, salach Gcllan, sallach Dead, alive Marbh, beo Marav, by6 Deaf Bodhar Bohur Deep, shallow Domhain, tana Ddoving, ttanu Dumb Balbh Ballav Easy, difficult "Easier Furasda, duilich Usadh Ffirusttu dtulich usu More difficult Dorra Dorru Early, late Moch, anmoch Moch, anamoch Every Gaeh Gcach Fast, slow Luath, mall Lxia, maull Fat, lean Reamhar, caol Rauar, cull Free, bound Saor, ceangailte Sur, kengiltju Frequent.infrequent Friendly, hostile Trie, anmic Cairdeil, eascairdeach Treechk, animek Cartjal, escartjach Full, empty Glad, sad Lan, falamh Aoibhneach, truagh Llan, falluv Uivnach, trua Good, bad Math, olc Ma, olchk Better, worse Fearr, miosa Fyarr, m6su Guilty, innocent Ciontach, neo-chiontach Kinttach, nyoichintach Happy, miserable Sona, mi-shona Sonu, meehonu fat. far. wet. were. fite. feme. wit. we. wee. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Heavy, light Trom, eutrom Ttrom, Strom High, low Ard, iosal arrtt, eeusull Higher, lower Airde, isle artju, eeslyu Hungry Intelligent, ignorant Just, unjust Ocrach Tuigseach, aineolach Cothromach, mi - choth- Ochcrach Ttuikshach, anyollach Coromach, meechoromach romach Kind, cruel Caoimhneil, ainiochdmhor C6inil, anyichk-vor Long, short Fada, goirid Fattu, gcuritj Longer, shorter Loud, quiet Faide, giorra Labhar, samhach Fatju, gkirru Llavur, savuch Married, single P6sda, singilte P6sttu. shingiltju New Ur, nuadh Oor, nua Old, young Sean, 6g Shen, 6k Older, younger Perfect, imperfect Sine, 6ige lomlan, mi-iomlan Shenu, oiku Eemulan, mee-imulan Pleasant, disagree- Taitneach, mi-thaitneach Ttatnyach meehatnyach able Pleased, sorry Toilichte, duilich Ttolichj, ddulich Polite, ill-mannered Modhail, mi-mhodhail Moghal, mee-voghal Pretty, homely Proud, humble B6idheach, neoighrinn Ardanach, iriosail Boyach, nyoghring Arttanach, irisul Public, private Eich, poor Eight, wrong Follaiseach, uaigneach Beartach, bochd Ceart, docharach Folliabach, uiknyach Bears tjach, bpochk Kyarstt, ddocharach Eough, smooth Garbh, mln Gcarav, meen Sacred, profane Naomh, mi-naomh Nuv, meenuv Scarce, plentiful Gann, pailt Gcaunn, paltj Sharp, blunt Gear, maol Gkaar, mull Sick, well Tinn, slan Tjeen, sllan Silent, noisy Tosdach, fuaimneach Ttosttach, fQimnach Soft, hard Bog, cruaidh Bp6c, cruae Straight, crooked Direach, carach Djeerach, carach Strong, weak Laidir, lag Llatjir, llak Stronger, weaker Treasa, laige Tresu, llaeku Sweet, bitter Milis, searbh Melish, sherav Thick, thin Tiugh, tana Tju, ttanu Thirsty Tartmhor Ttarstvor True, false Useful, useless Fior, breugach Feumail, mi-fheumail Feeur, bprakach Famal, mee amal Warm, cool Blath, fionar Bplla, fyinnar Weary Sgith Skee ' Wet, dry Fliuch, tioram Fluch, tjirum Wide, narrow Leathan, cumhann Llehan, cuann Wider Leatha Llyohu Wild, tame Fiadhaich, callda Feeughich, callttu cot, cord. phc5to. fold. shun. jeQne. jQte. wooed. II. Adverbs English, Gaelic. Orthoepy. Large, largely M6r, gu m6r M6r, gu m6r Eight, rightly Afterwards Ceart, gu ceart An deigh sin Kyarst, gu kyarst Un jeishin Again Eithis, a rithisd Eehish, urShisj Already Mu thrath, cheana Mura, chena Always An comhnuidh Ung6n6 Around M'an cuairt Manguurshj As Mar Mar At all Idir etjir Away Air falbh Er fallav Back Air ais Brash Before Eoimh Eoi Behind Air deireadh Er jerugh Early Gu moch Gu moch Ever (future), for- Gu bratli, am feasd Gu bpra, am fi&stt Ever (past) [ever Eiamh Reeuv Extremely Forward Gu h-anabarrach Air aghaidh Gu hanaparrach Er ughe Gratis A nasgaidh Unasskf- Here An so Un sho How Cia mar Kemar Indeed Gu dearbh Gutjarav Inside A staigh Usttae Just so Direach sin Djeerach shin Now Nis Neesh Often Gu trie Gu treechk Outside A muigh Umui Over (see idioms) Thairis Harish Perhaps Seldom Theagamh Gu h-ainmic Hekuv Cu hanimik So Mar so, mar sin Mar sho, mar shin Soon Still (yet) Gu h-aithghearr Fhathast Gu ha-yarr Ha-ustt Then ) There \ An sin Un-shin To-day An diugh Unju To-morrow A maireach Umarach The day after to- An earar Un yerur Too [morrow Ro Eo Very Gle Geld Whence Cia as Keass When ? when C'uin ? nuair Cun ? Nuur Where? where C'aite ? Far Catiu?Far Why? C'arson ? | Carson ? fat. fir. wet. were. Mte. fftme. wit. we. wee. Conjunction*. English. Gaelic Orthoepy After Also An deigh Cuideachd Unjei Cutjachk And Agus, is Ag'aus, is As Mar Mar As as Cho ri Cho r6 As long as As if Fhad 'sa Mar gu Attsu Margu As if not Mar nach Mar nach At any rate Before Co dhiu Roimh Coyu Roi As well as Cho math ri Cho ma r8 Because A chionn Uchyunn Both and An da chuid agus Undda chutj aghi But Acb Ach Either or Aon chuid no Un chutj no Else, or else Airneo Ernyo For Oir Or Further Tuille Ttulyg However Gidheadh Ga-yugh If Ma Ma If (hypothetical) Na'n, na'm Nan, nam If not Mur Mur If so Ma tha Ma ha In order that A chum gu Uchoum gu Likewise Mar an ceudna Mar ungyatnu Lest Ma's Mas Nevertheless Gidheadh Ga-yugh Or No No Since O'n On So, in that way Mar sin Mar shin So as Cho ri Cho rg So that Chum 'sgu Choum sku And so 'S mar sin Smar shin Till Gus Gus Than Na Na That, that not Gu, nach Gu nach Then, if so Ma ta Ma tta Therefore Uime sin Uimu shin Though, although Ged Gett Unless Mar Mar When, while 'Nuair Nuur Whether Co dhiu Co yu Whether or not Co dhiu no nach Co yfi no^nach Yet Flmtbast Hft-npt cot. cord, photo, fold. shun, jedne. jute, wooed. 10 IV.-Noun and Article. English Gaelic Orthoepy. A kiss P6g P6k Kisses Pogan Pokun The kiss A phog Af6k The kiss's, of the kiss With a kiss Na poige Le poig Nu p6ikyu Lepoick The kisses Na pogan Nu pokun Of the kisses Nam pog Numb6k The oar An ramh Unrav The oars Na raimh Nurae The bell An clag Un gllak The bells Na cluig Nu cluik The boat Am bata Urn battu The boats Na bataichean Nu battichum A rod, rods Slat, slatan Sllatt, sllattun The rod An t-slat Un dlatt The rod's, the rods Na slait, na slatan Nu sliatj, nu sllattun The land, the lands An tir, na tirean Un djeer, nu tjeeram Common Irregular Nouns. The man An duine Un ddunu Of the man An duine Un ddunu O man A dhuine Aghunu The men Na daoine Nu ttunu O men A dhaona Aghunn The woman A bhean A ven Of the woman Na mna Num-na At the woman Aig a mhnaoi Eik uv-nui O woman A bhean A ven The women Na mnathan Num-na-un O women A mhnathan Avna-un The father A.n t-athair Un ddahur Of the father An athar Un ahur The fathers Na h-aithrichean Nu harichun The mother A mhathair Ovibur Of the mother Na rnathar Nu mahur The mothers Na mathraichean Na marichun The brother Am brathair Um brah ur Of the brother A blirathar Uvrahur The brothers Na braithrean Nu pbra-run The sister Of the sister A phiuthair Na peathar Ufyu-ur Nu pehur The sisters Na peathraichean Nu perichun God, of God, gods Son, son's, sons Dia, De, diathan .vl ac, mic, macan or mic Djeea, Dja, djeea-a* Machk, meechk, machkHR fat, fftr. wet. were. fite. fame. wit. we. wee. 11 V. Pronoun. Aifliafc. Gaelic. Orthoepy. I, me Mi M6 Thou, thee, you Tu, thu Ttu, a He, him, it B, se 6, sh6 She, her, it I, si Ee, shee We, us Sinn Sheeng Ye, you Sibh Sheev Them, they lad, siad Eeatt, sheeatt I, me (emphatic) Mise Meshu Thou, thee, you Tusa, thuB Ttusu, usu He, him, it Esan, e-se Esun, eshu She, her, it Ise Eeshu We, us Sinne Shing-u Te, you Sibhse Shfivsu They, them ladsan Eeattsun Myeelf Mi fein M6fan Thyself, yourself Thu fein Ufan Himself, etc. E fein, etc. Efan My head Thy, your head His, its head Mo cheann Do cheann A cheann Mochyaunn Ddochyaunn Achyaunn Her, its head A ceann A kyaunn Our head Ar ceann Ar kyaunn Tour head Bhur ceann Vur kyaunn Their head An ceann Un gyaunn My (emphatic) head Mo cheann-sa Mochyaunn-su Thy or your head, etc. My own head Tour own head Do cheann-sa, etc. Mo cheann fein Do cheann fein Ddochyaunn-su Mochyaunn-fan Ddochyaunn-fan Who, that A Ah, u The man who An duin' a Un ddtin u That which Na Nu Who not, that not Ivach Nach He who was Esan a bha Esun uvA He who was not Esan nach robh Esun nach ro This So Sho This man An duine so Un ddunu sho That Sin Shin That man An duine sin Un ddunu shin Ton Sud Shutt Ton man An duin' ud Un ddun utt Who? C6? Co? What? Ciod? Cutt ? This, this here E so, i so Esho, t-sho Whoever Ge b'e Gepb* cot. cord, plrito. told. rim. ;0if. jtte. wood. 12 VI. Prepositions. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. About, about the Mu, mu'n Mu, mun Above Os cionn Os kyunn According to Areir Urar Across Tarsuinn Ttarshing After An deign Undjai Against Au aghaidh Un ughe Among Am measg Um mesk At, staying at Looking at Aig, fuireach aig Coimhead ri Eik, furach eik Co-itt re Anger at Fearg ri Feruk re Working at Ag obair air Uk opur ar Before Roimh Roe Below, below the Fo, fo'n Fo, fon Between Eadar Ettur By, or past Seachad air Shachuttar Done by Deanta le Djeanttu le By name Air ainm Er anum Swear by Mionaich air Myunnich ar During Re Ra For, for the sake of Airson, air sgath Erson, ersk Work for Robert Work for wages Hoping for Oibrich do Rob Oibrich airson duais An dochas ri Oiprich ddo Rop Oiprich erson ddliush Un ddochus r6 Give for Thoir air Horar From, from the O or bho, o'n O or vo, on In, in the Ann, anna a Aunn. aunnsu Into Steach ann Stjach aunn Near Faisg air Faeshk ar Of, off De Djo Speaking of Bruidhinn mu Bruiiig raft On Air ^Er or er Out of, out of the A, as an A, as un Over Thar Har Through Troimh Ttroi . To, to the Do , do'n ; gu, gu's an ; Ddo, ddon ; gu, guaun ri, ris an T&, rishun Give to Thoir do Hor ddo Goto Rach gu or a dh 'ioansuidh Rach gu or ughyunn-s* Put to Cuir gu Cur gu Like to Coltach ri Colttach re Speaking to Together with Bruidhinn ri Comhla ri Bpruing re Colla rl With, with the Le, leis an Le, leish un Without Gun Gun fat. far. wet. were. fite. me. wit. w6. wee. 13 VII. Pronoun and Preposition Combined. English, Gaelic. Orthoepy. About me, thee, him, Umam, umad, uime, Umum, umutt, uimu, her uimpe uimpu About us, you, them Umainn, umaibh, umpa Uming, umiv, umpu At me, thee, him, her Agam, agad, aige, aice Akum, akutt, iikyu, aechkyu At us, you, them Againn, agaibh, aca Aking, akiv, achcu Among us, etc. Ann ar measg, etc. Aunn ar mesk, etc. Before me, etc. Romham,romhad,roimhe Ro-um, ro-utt, roi, roimpe roimpu Before us, etc. Romhaian, romhaibh, Ro-ing, ro-iv, rompu Below me, etc. rompa Fodham, fodhad, fodha, Fo-um, f6-utt, f6-u,f6ipu fuidhpe Below us, etc. Fodhainn, fodhaibh, r^o-ing, f6iv, f6pu fodhpa Between us, etc. Eadaruinn, eadaruibh, Etturing, etturuiv eatorra etturu For me, etc. Air mo shon, air do shon Er mo hon, erddo hon, etc From me. etc. Uam, uat, uaithe, uaipe Uu-m, u-utt, uae, uaepu Uainn, uaibh, uapa Ua6ug, fi-iv, uapu In me, thee, etc. Annam, annad, ann, innte Annum annutt aunn gntju Aimainu, annaibh, annta Anning, anniv, aunnttu In my, in thy, etc. (Ann) am, (ann) ad, 'na (Ann) um, (ann) utt, na Ann ar, ann bhur, 'nan Aunn ar, aunn vur, nan Of or off me, etc. Diom, diot, deth, dith Djeeum, djeeutt, dje, dje Dinn, dibh, diubh Djeeng, djeev, djoo On me, thee, etc. Orm, ort, air, oirre Orom, orstt, ar, orru Oirnn, oirbh, orra Oring, oriv, orru Out of me, etc. Asam, asad, as, aisde Asum, asutt, ass, asju Asainn, asaibh, asda Asing, asiv, asttu Through me, etc. Tromham, tromhad, Ttro-um, ttro-utt, ttroi troimh, troimpe ttroimpu Tromhainn, tromhaibh Ttroing, ttroiv, ttrompu To or for me, etc. trompa Domh, duit, da, di Ddov, ddutt, dda, dje Duinn, duibh, daibh Dduing, dduiv, dda6v To or unto me, etc. H-ugam, h-ugad, h-uige, Hukum, hukutt, huikyu h-uice huichkyu H-ugainn,h-ugaibh,h-uca Hfiking, hukiv, huchku To, at, or towards me Rium. riut, ris, rithe Rum, rutt, rish, ree Rinn, ribh, riutha Ring, reev, rua With me, etc. Leam, leat, leis, leatha Lem, lett, leish, lehu, Leinn, leibh, leo Leeng, leev, lo cot, c6rd. phdto. fold. shun. Jftn. jut*. wod. VIII. Vwbs. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. I am Tha mi Ha me Thou art, you are Tha thu, tha sibh Ha u, ha shiv He is Tha e HaS We are, they are Tha sinu, tha iad Ha sheng, eeatt Ami? Am beil mi ? Am bal me ? Is he? Am beil e ? Umbale? Are they ? Am beil iad ? Um bal eeatt ? I am not Cha'n'eil mi Chanal me Am I not ? Nach 'eil mi Nach al me? I was Bha mi Va me I was not Cha robh mi Cha r6 me Wasl? An robh mi ? Un ro me ? Was I not ? Nach robh mi ? Nach r6 me I shall or will he Bithidh mi Bpehe me I shall not be Cha bhi mi Cha ve me Shall I not be ? Nach bi mi ? Nach be me? Shall I be ? Am bi mi ? Um be me ? If I shall not be Mur bi mi Mur p6 me If I shall be Ma bhitheas mi Muve-us me I (we) would be You, etc., would be Bhithinn (bhitheamaid) Bhitheadh tu, etc. Ve-ing, ve-umij Ve-ugh ttu You would not be Cha bhitheadh tu Cha ve-ugh ttft Would you not be ? Nach bitheadh tu Nach pe-ugh ttu ? Be, be ye Bi, bithibh Bpe, pbe-iv Let him, etc., be Bitheadh e, etc. Bpe-ugh e Be not Na bi, na bithibh Na bpe, etc. To be A bhi Uve About to be Gubhi Gu ve Being Bith Bpe Regular Form of Verbs. 1 did cut Ghearr mi I Yarr mfc If I did cut Ma ghearr mi Ma yarr me I did not cut If I did not cut Cha do ghearr mi Mur do ghearr mi Cha ddoyarr m6 Mur ddo yarr me If I had cut Did I cut ? Na'n do ghearr mi An do ghearr mi ? Nan ddo yarr m* Un ddo yarr me Did I not cut ? Nach do ghearr mi Nach ddo yarr m I will cut Gearraidh mi Gyarre mS If I will cut Ma ghearras mi Ma varrus me I will not cut Cha ghearr mi Cha" yarr me If I will not Cut Shall I cut? , Mur gearr mi An gearr mi Mur gyarr me Un gyarr mS ? fat. far. wet. wre. fit*. fAme. wit. we. wee. 15 English. Gaelic Orthoepy. Shall I not cut ? Nach gearr mi ? Nach gyarr mg ? I or we would cut You, etc., would cut Ghearrainn ghearramaid Ghearradh tu, etc. Yarring, yarrumitj Yarru ttu, etc. You would not cut Cha ghearradh tu Cha yarru ttu Would you cut ? An gearradh tu ? Uu gyarru ttu Would you not cut ? Nach gearradh tu ? Nach gyarru ttu ? Cut, cut ye To cut Gearr, gearraibh Gearradh, a ghearradh Gyarr, gyarriv Gyarr ugh, uyarrugh Cutting Was, were cut A gearradh Ghearradh Ucgyarru Yarraugh If was cut Ma ghearradh Ma yarrugh Was not cut Was cut ? Cha do ghearradh An do ghearradh Cha ddo yarrugh Un ddo yarrugh Will be cut Gearrar Gyarrur Will not be cut Cha ghearrar Cha yarrur Would be cut Ghearrtadh? Ghyarrsttugh Would be cut ? Would not be cut ? To be cut An gearrtadh ? Cha ghearrtadh Bhi gearrta Un gyarrsttugh Cha yarrsttugh V6 gyarrsttu Cut Gearrta Gyarrsttu I am cutting Tha mi a gearradh Ha m6 ucgyarru Verbs commencing with Vowels, or with F followed by a Vowel. 1 drank Dh' 61 mi Gh611 me" We did not drink Cha d' 61 sinn Cha ttoll shing You will drink Olaidh tu 0116 ttu He will not drink Cha'n 61 e Chan 611 e They would drink Drink, drink ye Dh' oladh iad 01, 61aibh Ghollugh eeatt Oil, ollfv Drinking Ac 61 Uk 611 Was drunk Dh' oladh Ghollugh Was drunk ? An d'oladh ? Un ddollugh ? Will be drunk Olar, etc. Ollur I stayed Dh' f ban mi Ghan me Will stay Fanaidh Fane I would 'stay Dh' fhanainn Ghaning She would stay Dh' fhanaidh i Ghanugh Staying Fantuinn Fanntting List of Verbs. Answer Freagair Fracur Answered Fhreagair KAcur Will answer Freagraidh Fracre cot. curd, phdto. foI3. shun, jedae. jut*, wooed. 1C English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Arrive Ruig Rruik Arrived Rainig Ranik Arriving Ruigsinn Ruikshin Ask laiT Bear Asked Dh'iarr Yeeur Asking Ag iarraidh Aik eeurfi Assist Cobliar Cour Assisted Chobhar Chour Assisting A cobhar Ukour Avoid Seachainn Shacliaing Avoided Avoiding Sheachainn Seachnadh H-yaching Shechnugh Begin Toisich Ttoshich Began Tlioisich H6shich Beginning Believe-ing Toiseachadh Creid-sinn Ttoshachugh Criitj-shing Belong-ing Bend-ing Buin-tinn Lub-adh Bpfm-tting Llupugh Bind-ing Ceangal Kyangull Bowing Crom-adh Cromugh Bring, bringing Break-ing Thoir, toirt Bris-eadh Hor, ttoirtj Bpreeshugh Burn Loisg L16shk Bury Adhlaic Aulik Buy Call Ceannaich High Kyannich ^E, a Carry Giulan Gyoollan Cease Sguir Skur Climb Streap Sttrap Come along Tiugainn(ibh) Ttjuking(iv) Come here Trothad Tro-utt Command Aithne Aanu Condemn Dlt Djeetj Create Cruthaich Criiich Defend Dion Djeeun Depart Falbh Fallav Destroy Sgrios Skriss Die Basaich Bpasich Draw Dry Tarruing Tiormaich Ttarring Tjirumich Eat 1th Ee, e Extend Sin Sheen Fall Tuit Ttutj Feel Fairicli Farich Fill Lion Lyeeun Fight Sabaid Sap atj lat. far. wet. wfire. fite. fftme. wit. we. wee. IT Gaelic. Ortho Faigh p a g Criochnaich Creeuchnich Teich Tjeich Lean Lyen Toirmisg Tturimishk Di-chuimhnich Djeechuinich Math Ma Coisinn Coshing Tional Treoraich Tjgnell Trorich Croch Croch Folaich tollich Earb Erup Aitich Atjich Cum Cum Marbh Maruv Aithnich Anich lonnsuich Yunsich Fag Fak Eisd ./Esi Leig Lyeik Luidh Llae Caill Kafill Seall Shaull Gradhaich Graghich Faod Futt Feum Fam Tomhais Tto-ish Caraich Carich Ainmich Animich Coinnich Tairg Conyich Ttarik Fosgail Foskil Dealaich Djalhch Toilich Ttolich Paidh Pa6 Doirt Ddorsi Cleachd Clachk Mol Moll Geall Gyaull Dearbh Djarav Cuir Cur Tog Tt6k Leugh Diult Lya Djoollt Righich Ree-ich . cord, photo, fold. ibun. jeflne. jate. wooed fcfii*. 0MMC. Orthoepy. Remain Fuirich Fnrich Remember Cuimhnich Cuinich Rise Eirich Mrich Save (spare) Caoin CHin Sell Reic Reichk Send Cuir Cur Show Feuch, feach Fach, feach Shut Duin Ddoon Sit Suidh Sue Sleep Caidil Catjil Spoil Mill Meel Spread Sgaoil Skul Stop Strike Stad Buail Sttatt Bpu-il Strive Stvi Stree Suffer Fuiling Fulink Take Gabh Gcav Tell Innis Innish Tear Reub or riab Rap, reeap Think Sinuainich Smooinich Throw Tilg Tjilik Touch Beau Bpen Try Feuch, feach Fach, feach Turn Understand Tionndaidh Tuig Tjunnttae Ttuik Waken Duisg Dduishk Wait Fuirick Furich Work Oibrich Oiprich Write Sgriobh Skreev Wear Caith Kae Irregular Verbs. I went Chaidh mi ! Cha6 me Did go ? Will-go Will go? Would go An deach(aidh) ? Theid An teid ? Rachadh Unjache ? Hatj Un djatj ? Rach ugh Go Rach Rrach Going Adol Utdoll I said Tlmbhairt mi Huvirtj me Did say? Will say An dubhairt ? Their Un dduvirj ?, Hir Will-say? An abair ? Un apur fat. f&r. wet. were. fit*. fta. wit. wr. wee. IS ngltsfc. Would say Would say? Will be said Will be said ? Would be said Would be said? Gaelic. Theireadh An abaireadh ? Ag radh Theirear An abrairear? Theirteadh An abairteadh ? Orthoepy Harugh Un aburugh Ukra Harur Un apurur? Hart j ugh ? Un apurtjugh ? Gave Did -give? Will give Will give ? Would give Would give ? Giving Was given, etc. Thug An d'thug Bheir Toir, tabhair? Bheireadk An toireadh? A toirt Thugadh Hfik Unddiik Var Ttor, ttavur ? Varugh Un ddorugh ? Uttortj Hukagh C*me Did come ? Will come ? Will come ? Coming Thainig An d'thainig? Thig An tig? Tighinn Hanik Un ddanik Hek Undjek? Tjeeng Saw Did see ? Will see Will-see? Would see ? Seeing Was seen Was seen ? Will be seen, etc. Chunnaic Am f aca ? Chi Am faic ? Am faiceadh? Faicsinn Chunncadh Facadh ? Chithear Chunnek Urn f achca ? Chee Urn faechktf Um f aechkugh Faechkshing Chunnuchcugh Fachcugh Che-ur Got Did get ? Will get? Will -get? Would get Would get ? Getting Was got Fhuair An d'fhuair ? Gheibh Am f aigh ? Gheibheadh Am faigheadh ? Faotainn Fhuaradh, etc. Hoo-ur Unddooar? Yaiv Um f ae ? Yavugh Um faeyugh ? Futting Huarugh Made, or did Did make ? Will make Rinn, An d'rinn ? Ni Ring Undring Nee cot. cord. ph6to. fdld. ihun. jettne. jute, wooed. 20 IX. Agriculture. English. . Gaelic. Orthoepy. Straw-rope Siaman Sheeaman Weeds Raoineagan Ruinakun Barn Sabhal Savull, saull Butter and cheese Im is caise Eem is cashu Byie Bathaich Baich Cattle Crodh.feudail Cr6, fatel Chain Slabhruidh Sllaure Chaff Moll Moull Crop Barr Bparr Dairymaid Banarach Banarach Enclosure Fang Fftnk Farm, farming Tuathanas, tuathnachd Ttuanas, ttuanachk Flail Buailtean Bpualtjan Fodder Fodair Fottur Fold Cr6 Cro Furrow Clais Cllash Garden Lios Lyiss Grain Slol Sheeull Grass Feur, fiar Far, fear Ground Talamh Ttalluv Harvest Harrow Foghar Cliath Foghur Cleea Halter Taod Ttudd Herdsman Buachaile Bpuuchelyu Land Fearann Ferunn Lease Aonta, gabhail unta, gcaval Manure Mathachdh Mahachugh Meadow Faiche Faechu Milking Bleodhainn Bplouing Peasantry Tuath Ttua Plough Crann Craunn Ploughing Treabhadh Ttro-ugh Rake Racan Rachkan Reaping Buain Bpuan Rent Mai Mall Seaweed Feamuinn Feming Scythe Speal Spyall Sheaf Shock Sguab Adag Scooup Attak Sickle Corran Corran Sowing, planting Stack A cur Cruach Ucur Cruach Straw Fodar Fottur Stubble Fasbhuain Fassing fat. far. wet. were. fit*, time. wit. w. wet. English. Gaelic. , Orthoepy. A wild beast Fiadh-bheathach Feeuvehach A tame beast Beathach callda Behach callttu Ass Asail Assull Badger Broc Bprochk Bear Math an Mahun Boar, sow Tore, muc Tork, muchk Bull, cow Tarbh, bo or mart Ttara, bp6 or marrstt Bullock, heifer Damh, atharla Ddav, ahurllu Buck, doe Boc, eilid Slitj Calf Cat, kitten Laogh Cat, piseag Llugh Cahtt, peshac Colt, filly Searrach, loth Sharrach, llo Deer Fiadh Feeugh Dog, puppy Cu, culan Coo, culan Foal Searrach Sharrach Fox Mada-ruadh Mattu-rua Goat Gabhar Gour Hare Gearr, maigheach Gyarr, mayach Horse, mare Each, capull Yach, capull Lamb Uan Ooan Lion Leomhan Lyounn Mouse Luch Lluch Pig Muc Muchk Earn Reithe Reh Eat Rodan Rottau Roe Earba Erupu Sheep Caora Curu Stag Damh-earba Ddav-erupu Squirrel Feorag Fyorak Weasel Neas Nyiss Wolf Mada-alluidh Mattu-all6 Bird, Birds Eun or ian, eoin an, or eean, yon Blackbird j Londubh Llonttu Chicken 1 Eireag, isean Erak, ishan Cock, hen Coileach, cearc Culach, kyark Crow Rocas Rochkus Cuckoo Cuag Cuak Dove ! Caiman Callaman Duck j Tonnag Ttonnak Eagle 1 lolair Yullur Gander, goose i Ganradh, geadh Ganra, gea Gull Faoilean Fulan Hawk l Seobhag, speireag Shohak, sperak cot. c6rd. photo, fold. shun, jettne. jttte. wooed. JN0U*. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Lark Uiseag Uishak Moorhen Cearc-fhraoich Kyark-rtich Partridge Pigeon Peartag Caiman Peearettak Callaman Plover Feadag Fettak Sparrow Swallow Gealbhonn Gobhlan-gaoith Gyallavon Swan Eala Yallu Threh Wren Smeorach Dreadhan-dona Smyfirach Drehun-ddounm fish. lasg. Eeaek Cod Trosg Ttrosk Eel Easgann Eskunn Flounder Le6bag Lyopac Haddock Adag' Attac Herring Sgadan Scattan Pike Geadas Gkettae Salmon Bradan Bprattan Trout Breac Bprechk Shellfish. Maorach. Murach Cockle Coilleag Colyak Crab Partan Parsttan Lobster Giumach Gyoomach Limpet Periwinkle Bairneach Faochag Bparnyach F6chak Reptile. Biasd snagach. Bpeeustt-snAcack Frog Logann Lloskunn Leech Deal a Djallu Lizard Each-luathaireach Yach-lluaraeh Serpent Nathair Nahui- Snail Seilcheag Shelichac Worm Cnuimheag Knuyak Insect, Beisteag. Pashjak Bee Seillein Shelyan Butterfly Dearabdan d Djaraputtan dja Flea Deargann Djarakunn Fly Ctiileag Cdlak Grasshopper | Fionnan-feoir Fyinnan-fy&r Moth TjfM^uiunn Lvomunn Spider Damhan-alluidh Ddavan-alle Wasp 1 Coinspeach Coinspyoch fat. f&r. wet. wre. fate. feme. wit. wfe. wee. XI. The Army. Snglieh. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Accoutrements Uidheam-cogaidh Uyum-coke Arms, army Armachd, airm Arumachk, arum Armoury Taigh-airm Ttae-arim Band Coisir Coshir Barracks Taigh-feachd Ttae-fyachk Battle Cath Ca Belt Crios Criss Bullet Peilear Palar Captain Cannon Ceann-feadhna, caiptein Gunna mor Kyaunnfyounu, captji Gunnu mdr Cavalry Eachruidh Yachre Colours, banner Bratach Bprattach Commander Ceannard Kyannartt Company Defeat Cuideachd Ruaig Cutjachk Ruaik Drum Druma Ddrumu Drummer Drumair Ddramar Firing Losgadh Lloskugh Fort Garrison Guard Daingneach Feaehd-dhaingnick Freiceadan Ddaenach Fyachk-ghaenick Freichkuttan Gun Gunna Gunnu Helmet Clogaid Cllokitj Horee(men) Marc-shluagh Markllua Infantry Coisridh Coshre Lance Navy Sleagh Cabblach Slyugh Cavallach Peace Sith Shee Piper Piobair Peepur Pistol Dag Ddak Prisoner Priosanacb Preesunach Rampart Balla, baideal Ballu, bpatjall Rank Sreath Sra Regiment Reisimeid Rashimetj Sentinel Fear-faire Fer-faru Siege Shot 1 omadhruideadh Urchair Imughrutjugh Uruchur Soldier Saighdear Saetjar Strategy Sword Cuilbheart Claidh Culivyarstt Cllae Valor Treuntas Ttra-unttue Victory Buaidh Bpuae War Cogadh Cokugh Wound Leon | Lyon cot. cdrd. phiMo. fold. *hum. jetne. jute, wooed. 24 XII. -The Body. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Body Colunn Collunn Arm, arms Gairdean, gairdeanan Gartjan, gcartjaunn Armpit Achlais Achlash Back Druim Ddruem Beard Feasag Fee-asak Belly Bru, broinn Bru, broing Blood Fuil Ful Bone Cnamh Knav Bosom Uchd Uchk Bowels Innidh 6nye Brain Eanachuinn Enaching Breast Broilleach Brolyach Breath Anail Anal Calf Calpa Calapu Cheek, cheeks, Chest Gruaidh, gruaidhean Cliabh Gruae, gruayin Clee-uv Chin Smig Smeek Corpse Corp Corp Countenance Aghaidh Ughe Curl Cuailean Ciiailyan Ear, ears Cluais, cluasan Cluish, cliiasun Elbow Uileann Uilyunn Eye, eyes Suil, suilean Sool, soolun Eyelids, eyebrows Eyelashes Fabhran, maildhean Ruisg FRvrun, malyun Ruishk Face Aodann utting Feeling Faracha', mothacha' Farachu, mo-achu Finger, fingers Little linger Meur, meoran Ludag Mar, myorun Lluttak Fist D6rn Dttorn Flesh Feoil Fyol Foot, feet Cas, casan Cas, casun Forehead Bathais Bpahish Gait Gluasad, giulan Clluasutt, gyullan Gums Caranan Caranun Hair Fait Fallt Hand, handa Lamh, lamhan Llav, llavan Head Ceann Kyaunn Hearing Claisteachd Kllastjachk Heart Grid he Crghu Heel, heels Sail, sailean Sal, saiun Hip Cruachann Cniuchunn Hunger Jaw Ocras, acras Peirceal Ochcrus, achcru* Perkyull fat. fir. wet. wre. fite. f*me. wit. wS. wee. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Joint Allt Allt Kidneys Airnean Arnyun Knee, knees j Gluin, gluinean Gloon, gloonan Knuckles ' Ei\dain Rooddun Lap Ultach illltach Laugh Gaire Gearu Leg, legs Lurgann, lurganan Lluragann, llurgannun Lip, lips /Lip, lipean 1. Bil, bilean Ly6p, lyepun Bp6l, bpglun Liver Grudhan Graan Lung Sgamhan Scavan Member, members Ball, buill Bpaull, bpuill Mouth ! Beul, bial Bpa'l, pbeall Muscle ! Feith Fa Nail ' longainn Yunging Neck ! Amhaich Avich Nose I Sron Sron Nostrils j Cuinneinean Cuinyunun Palate ' Slugan Slilkan Palm Bas, bois Bpass, bp6ish Kibs Aisnean Ashnun Shoulder, shoulder? Gualainn, gualainnean Gilalling, guallingun Side Taobh Ttuv Sigh Osann Osunn Sight Fradharc Fru-urc Skin Craicionn CraSclikyunn Skull Sleep Claigeann Cadal Claekyunn Cattull Smelling Faileadh Falu Smile Sole of the foot Foghaire Bonn na coise Fogharu Bpounn nu coshu Stomach Goile Golu, gulu Sweat Fall us Fallus Taste Bias Bllass Tears De6ir Dj6r Thirst Tart, pathadh Ttarstt, pahu Throat Sg6rnan Scornan Thumb ) Toe \ Ordag 6rttak Tongue Tooth, teeth Teanga Fiacail, fiaclan Tjenge Feuchkeell, feeuchclun Vein Quisle CushJu Waist Cnens, meadbon Cn^ss, mSan Weeping Gul Gull Whiskers Ciabhagan Keeavakan Wrinkles Criopagan Creepakun cot. cord, photo, fold. shun, jedne. jute, wooed. XHI.-The Church. English. Gaelic, Orthoepy. Abbot Abba Abu Altar Altair Alttur Anglican Church Archbishop Eaglais Shassunach Ard-easbuig Ekllash Hasunnach Artt-espik Assembly Ard-sheanadh Artt-henugh Baptism Beadle Baisteadh Maor-eaglais Bpashiugh Mur-eklfash Bell Bishop Clag Easbuig Cllak Espik Catechism Leabharcheisd Lyowir-cheisj Catholic Coitcbionn Cotjyunn Choir Coisir Coshir Church Eaglais Ekllash Churchyard Cladh Cllugh Communicant Comanaiche CTiidadh Skruttu Bank Banca, tigh-iomlaid Bancu, tta-imulaj Bankrupt (adj) Briste Brishju Bankruptcy Bargain Briseadh creideis Cordadh Brishu cratjish Corttugh Bill (promissory) Bond Bann gealltanach Hann-cordaidh Baunn-gyaulttanach Baunn-cortte Buy Ceannaich. Kyannich Change Company lomlaid Cuideachd Imullaj Cutjachk Composition Keiteachadh Ratjachugh Counter Bord-buithe Bportt buyu Credit Creideas Critjas Creditors (creditors) Customers Fear (luchd) creideis Luchd ceannaich Fer (luchk) cretjish Luchkyannich Debt, debts Fiach, fiachan Feeuch, feeuchan Debtors Luchd feich Luchk faich Dividend Koinn R6ing Exchange lomlaid Imulaj SSST Meall-sgriobhadh Batliar Meall-skreevugh Bpahar Goodwill Deadh-thoil Djugh-hol Interest Riadh Reeugh Invoice Maon-chlar MAnchlar Loan Coingheall Conyall Loss Call Caull Merchandise Marsantachd Marsunttachk Order Ordugh Orttugh Pay, payment Paidh, paidheadh Pa6, pa^yugh Partnership Co-shealbh Co-heliv Premium Saor-dhuais Sur ghuesh Profit Buannachd Buannachk Receipt Retail Bann-cuidhteacha Meanbh-reic Baunn-cuitjachu Meniv-reichk Sell Reic Reichk Share, shares Coir, coirichean Cor, cdrichun Shop Buth Bpu Surplus Barrachd Barrachk Trade Ceannachd Kyannachk Value, worth Luach Llfiach Warehouse Taigh-taseaidh Ta6-ttaske Wholesale | Slan-reic " Sllan-reichk fal. fur. wet. were. fite. feme. wit. we. wee. 01 XVII. The Country. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Duthaich Dduhich Bruaich Bruaich Allt Aullt Amar, eileach Amar, elach Caisteal, dim Uaimh ' Cashial ddAn Uav Astar Asttnr Oighreachd Oirachk Dig Djeek Baon Bun Frith, coille 'Free, colyu Tuil / Ttfil Lios, garadh Feur, fiar Lyiss, gcarugh Far, feear Callaid Callitj Bathad mor Rahutt mor Cnoc Cnochk Taigh Tta6 Bothan Bpohan Tigli-osda Ttae-osttu Loch Lloch Boglach Bpokllach Foiche i'oichu Muilionn Mulyunn Blar, monadk Bpliar, monugh Beinn Bpding Achaidh Ach6 Ceum Kyam Machair Machur L6n L16n Bathad-iaruinn Amhainn Bahutt-6aring Aving Bathad Rahutt Creig Fuaran / Craik Fuaran Clach Cllach Sruth Srii Craobhan Cruvun Gleann Gciaucin Sealladb Baile-beag Shallugh Balupak Eas Ess Tobair Ttopur Coille Cc'.lyu . cord. phfco. foia. ebun. jeOne. jute, wooed. XVIII.-Disease. English. Gaelic Orthoepy. Accident Tuiteamas Ttutjimus Ague A cbrith Ochrt Asthma Gearr-analach Gyarranallach Bleeding Call fola Ckull-follu Boil Neasgaid Nyeskatj Bruise Bruthadh Bord-ugh Burning Chilblain Losgadh Fuachd-at Loscugh Fuachk-aht Cold Cnatan Knattan ' Consumption Infection Tinneas-caitheimh Gabhaltachd Tjfinyis-cahe Gaviltachk Convalescence Feothas Fyo-us Corn Calunn Calunn Cough Casad Casutt Cramp Disease lodh Galar Yugh Gallar Dizziness Boile Bpolu Dropsy Falling sickness Feyer Meud-bhronn Tinneas tuiteam Fiabhrus, teasach Mattvronn Tjenyis ttutjum Feeurus, tjdsach Fit Teum Tjam Headache Heart disease Ceann goirt Galar-cridhe Kyann-gcorslij Gallar-cree Hoarseness Tuchan Ttoochan Illness Euslaiut Esllantj Indigestion Cion-meirbhidh Kin-mirive Itching Tachus Ttachus Jaundice Buidheach Bpuyach Madness Caothach Cuac'h Measles A ghriuthrach Ughrurach Medicine Cungaidh Cunge Pain Plan, cradh Peeun, cragh Paralysis Pairilis Paril6sh Plaster Plasda Pllasttu Rheumatism Siataig, 16inidh Sheeattic, llonyg Shivering Crith Cr6 Sickness Tinneas Tjfinyis Smallpox Bhreac Vrechk, vrachk Sprain Sniomh, siachadh Synetiv, shfeachu Swelling At Att Swoon Mai Nyeeall Toothache Deudadh Djattugk Whooping cough Truch Ti-uch Wound Leon Lyon fat. fir. wet. were. fate. fame. wit. w6. wee. XFX. The Earth. Croettc. Mle urtnoe Alu Adhar Abur Umha Ua Allt Aulltt Ceann, maol Kyaunn, mAll Cria Creea Tir-mor Tjer mor Copar Cob pur Sruth Sru Fasach Fasach Dus Ddus Talamh Ttalluv Aird-an-ear Arjunyer Spor Spor Cruinne Cruinyu Or 6r larrunn Eearunn Eilean Elan Tairbeart Lochan Ttarapyart Llochun Luaidh Lliiae Miotailt Mfittaltj Beanntan Poll Bpyaunttun Poull Tuath Ttua Cuan Cuan Machraichean Machrichun Eudha Ru-u Sgeir Skar Aimhnichean A-6nichun Creagan Crakun Gaineamh Ganev Muir Mur Traigh Ttrae Deas Djas Cruaidh, stailinn Cruae, sttaling Clacban Cllachan Talmhaidh Ttallavfi Fiodh Gleann Fyugh Glaunn Uisg Uishkyu Aird-an-iarr Ariunyeear Coille Colyu Saoghal Su-ull cot. cdrd. phdto. fold. ihun. jedne. jute, wooed XX. Food and Drink English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Beet- Mftirtaoil Marshjol Beer Leunn Lyaunn Boiled meat Feoil bhruich Fyol vruich Bread Avan Aran Breakfast Biuilh-maidne Bpeea-mattnyu Broth Brot Bprott Butter Im Eem Cheese Caise Cashu Coffee Cofi Cof Cream Ceath Kyea Dinner Dineir Djeenyar Drink Deoch Djoch Eating Itheadh 6hu Egg Ubh iiv, u Fish lasg Eeusk Flesh Feoil Fyol Flour Min-chrionnachd M6n chrinachk Food Biadh Bpee-u Fruits Measan Mesun Haggis Taigeas Taekas Honey Mil Mel Jam Milsean, measan Meelshan, messun Lamb Uaineil Uanal Loaf Builionn Bulyunn Meal Min M6n Milk Bainne Bpanyu Mutton Muilteoil Multjal Oatmeal Min-choirce M6nchoirku Pork Muiceoil Muichkal Porridge Lite Lyetju Potatoes Buntata Bfmttattu Pudding Roast meat Marag Feoil-roiste Marak Fyol roshju Salt Salainn Sailing Sauce Leannra, sabhsa Lyaunnru, saussu Seasoning Supper Amhlainn Suipeir Aulling Suipar Tea TV Tta Veal Laoigheil Lluiel Venison Sithionn Sheunn Vinegar Whey Whisky Fion-geur Meog Uisge-beatha Feeungyar Myok Uishkyupehu Wine Fion Feun fat. far. wet. were. fit*, fame, wit, w,\ wee. XXK Games and Recreations. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy Ball Ball Baull Bat Slacan Sllachkan Blind man's buff Dallanda DdallanU Cards Cairtean Carsjun Concert Co-sheirm Coherim Conundrums Toimhseachan Ttoshichan Chess Taileasg Ttalyesk Dancing Dannsa Ddaunsu Dice Disnean Djeesnun Draughts Fiivoirne F6r yornu Draughtboard Bord-dubh Bpofttu Football Ball-coise Baull-coshu Games Suorsan Sp6rsun Hide-and-seek ! Folach-fead Follach fatt Leaping Leura Lyam Playing ! Cluicli Cllaich Reel Ruidhle Rfiilu Quoits Peilistearan Palish]aran Recreation \ Culaidh-shugraidh Cxille-iiookr Running | Ruith Ru6 Shinty i Camanachd Camanachk Sports Oluiohean Clluichun XXII. The Heavens. Astronomy Aurora borealis Reul-eolas Fir-chlis Rrall yollus Fir chlesh Clouds Neoil Nydi Constellation Eclipse RHiil-ghrioglan Duabhar Ral-ghr6klan Dduavar Full moon Gealach laa Gyallach llin Heavens Speuran Sparun Meteor Caoir Cuir Moon Gealach Gvallach New moon Gealach ur Gyallach ur Planets Reul shiubhlach Rral hyoollach Pleiades Grioglachan GrGklachan Plough Sky An crann An t-adhar Un graunn Undda-ur Star Reul Rrall Sun Sunrise A ghrian Eiridh greine Ughreun arfi-cranu Sunset Luidh greine Lla6-cranu Universe Cruinne ce" Crunyuka cot. cord, phdto. fold. ahum, jetne. jute, wooed. XXIII. House and Furniture. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Bell Clag \ Cllak Bellows Balg-seid Bpallag shatj Bed Blanket Leabaidh Plaide Pllatju Candle Coit.neal Conyal Carpet Chair Brat-urlair, straille Cathair, sui'chan Bpratoorllar, stralyu Cahir, suichan Chest Ciste Keshtju Chimney Luidhear Lyuyar Coal Gual Gual Comb Cir Keer Cup Cup Coop Curtain Cuirtein, sgaile Cursttin, skalyu Door Dorus Ddorus Dish Soitheach S6yach Fire Teine Tjanu Floor Urlar Oorllar Fork Gramaiche Gramichu Furniture Airneis Arnyish Glass Glaine Gllanyu Grate Cliabh-teine Cleeuv-tjanu Hearth House Teintein Taigh Tjeintjan Ttae Kettle Coire Coru Key luchair Yuchar Knife Sgian Skeeun Lock Glas Gllas Lobby Eadar-sheomar Ettur-hyomur Mirror Sgathan Skahan Peat F6id Fotj Picture Dealbh Djallav Pillow Cluasag Cluasak Plate Truinnseir Ttruinshir Pot Poit Potj Room Seomar Sh6mur Seat Suidheachan Suyachan Sofa Langasaid Llankusatj Spoon Table Span B6rd Span Bportt Tongs Clobha Cllou Towel Seireadar Sherrittar Tub Balann Bpallan Wall Balla Bpallu Window Uineag iinyak fat. far. wet. were. fate. feme. wit. we. wee. XXIV. Implements. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Tal Ttall Achdar Achkur Tor Ttorr Minidli M6ne Tuath Ttua Sguab, bruis Gilib Scuap, bprush Gilip Lamhag Liavak Gobhal-roinn Gcoull-roing Inneal togail Geimhleag Eenyall-ttokal Geilak Eighe, liomhan Ei, lyeeuvan Gramaiche Gramichu Ord ortt Cliath Cleea Fal-fuinn, sgrioban Fallfuing, skreepan Dubhan Dduan Sgian Skeeun Ceap Kep Beairt Byarshj Inneal, beairt Eenyall, byarshj Fairche Farichu Snath ad Snahutt Peaun Pyaunn Piocaid P'vuchcatj Turcai.- Ttfircash Locair Llochcur Crann Craunn Corran-sgathaidh Corran-scahe Rachd Kachk Ealtuinn Yaltting Sabh Sau Siosair Shesar Speal Sluasaid Spvall Slluasati Spal Spall ' Corran Corran Caibe Kaepu Clodh Clio M iaran Meearan Inneal Spain-aoil, trubhan Eenyall Spandil, ttruan (Jramaiche Gramichu Geinn Geing oot . oftrd. ph6to. fold. skua. Jeflne. jQte. woed. 38 XXV.-Kindred English. Gaelic Orthoepy Ancestors Sinnere Sheennsru 1 Piuthar mathar Pyuar mahar Aunt 1 Pmthar athar Pyuar ahur Bride Bean bainnse Bpen bafenshu Bridegroom Fear bainnse Fer baenshu Brother Brathair Pprahur Brother-in-law Brathair ceile Pprahur-kyalu Child Leanabh Lyenuv Consanguinity Daimh Ddaev Cousin Comh-ogha Co-6hu Daughter Nighean Ny6iin Daughter-in-law Descendants Bana-chliamlminn Sliochd Bpanachleeuving Slyichk Family Teaghlach Tjughllach Bather Athair i Alnir Father-in-law Athair-ceile ' Ahur-kyalu Foster-child Dalta Ddalltu Foster-father Oide Oitju Foster-mother Muime Miiimu Grandchild Ogha 0-hu Grandfather Sean'air Shenar Grandmother Seanmh'air Shenavar Great grandfather Siunseauair Sheen.shenar Great grandmother Sinnseanmh'air .^heen shenavar Husband Fear Fer Heir Oighre Oiru Kindred Luchd-daimh Llluchkddaey Kinship Cleamhnus Claumis Mother Mathair -\!aliur Mother-in-law Mathair-ceile Maliurkyalu Nephew f Mac brathar 1 Mac peathar Machk brahur Maclikpehar Niece Relatives i Nighean brathar Xitrhean peathar Cairdean N\rMinbrahur XvtHinpehur Olrtjun Sister Piuthar Pyuur Sister-in-law Piuthar-ceile Pyuurkalu Son Mac Machk Son-in-law Cliamliuinn Cleeuving Stepson Mac-ceile Machkyalu Uncle f Brathair mathar 1 Bprahur-mahur 1 Brathair athar Bprahur-ahur Widow Banntrnch Bpaunttrach Wife i Bean Bpen fat. f&r. wet. were. fit. fame. wit. wf. wee. XXVI. -Law. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Fear-tagair Fer ttakur Cuis-thogail Coosh-h6kal Casaid Casaitj Cuirt, m6d Coorshj.motj Bale Bpallk Dion, leithsgeul Djeeun, lyeishkel Ubhladh, peanae Breithe&mh Oollugh, penas Bprehiv Breith Bpreh Luchd-deuchann Lluchk-djaching Lagh Llugh Fear-lagh Fear-riaghlaidh Fer Hugh Fer reeullg Maor-sithe Mur shee Peanas Penas Binn Siorra Bpeeng Shirra Reach d Rachk Gairm Gcurum Fianuis Feeanish XXVII. Literature. Ughdar Leabhar Oottur Lyowir Foclair Fochcllar Faoinsgeul Eachdraidh FuiiskyaU Clar-innse Cllar-eenshu Cainnt Caentj Duilleag Litir Ddulyak Lvetiir Leabhar lann Lyowir-launn Paipear naigheachd Uirsgeul Paipear Bardachd Pa6par-nayachk Oorskyal Paepar Bparttachk Roi'-radh Roira Clodhadh Cllo-ugh Leughadh Aoir Lya-ugh Oran oran Pasgan I'askan Obair opur Sgriobhadh Skreevugh cot. cord. ph6to. fold. hun. jeflne. jute, we XXVIII. -Mankind. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Age Aois u-ish Baby Bachelor Boy Chief Naoidh'chan Seann-ghille Brogach Ceaun-cinnidh Nuichan Shaunn-yelyu Bprocach Kyaunn-kingg Children Clann, cloinn Cllaunn, dl6ing Clan Cinneadh, clann Kinyugh, cllaunn Female Boirionnach Bp6runnach Girl Caileag Calak Infant Leanabh Lyenuv Lad Gille Gyelyu Lass Maid Nighean Maighdean Nye-un Mafi-tjun Male Firionnach Ferinnach Man, men Duine, daoine Ddunu, dpunu Nation Cinneach Kenyach Old man Bodach Bpottach Old hag Cailleach Kalyach Orphan People Person Dilleachdan Sluagh Neach Djeelyachkan Sllfia Nyach Race Cinneadh King-yugh Spinster 'Seann-mhaighdean Shaunn-v6itjnn Virgin Oigh 6e Woman Bean Kpen Young man Oganach ocanach Youth Oige oikyu XXIX. The Mind. Desire larrtas Eersttus Fancy Mac-meamna Machk-memunu Fea/ Eagal Ekull Feeling Faireachadh Farachugh Grief Brim Bpr6n Hope Dochas Dd6chus Judgment Breithneachadh BrSnachugh Knowledge Eolas YSllus Memory Cuimhne Cuinu Mind Inntinn Eentiing Reason Ciall Kyeeull Sense Toinisg Ttton6shk Shame Niiire Naru Thought Smuain Smviin Understanding Taigse Ttuikshu Will Toil Ttol fat. far. wet. were. fate. fame. wit. w8. wee. 41 XXX.-Money. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Farthing Feoirling Fy6rl-ying Halrpenny 1 (Sixpence Seots) / Bonn-a-sia Bpounn usheea Penny \ (Shilling Scots) J Peighinn Sgilinn Pa-ing Skeling Groat Grot Gcrott Sixpence Shilling Florin Sia sgilinn / Tasdan \ Sgilinn shasunnach Da thasdan Sheea-skeling Ttasttan Skeling hasunnach Dda hasttanj Crown Crun Croon Half-a-crown Leth-chmn Lyechrun Sovereign Punnd sasunnach Poontt easunnach Guinea Gini G6n6 A coin Bonn Bpounn Money Change Airgiod lomlaid Arikitt Imullatj Paper Money Airgiod paipear Arikitt paepar Copper Silver Copar Airgiod Copur Arikitt Gold Or or XXXI. Music. Air Fonn, teis Founn, tjash Bagpipe Chorus Piob-mhor Co-sheirm Peep vor Coherim Dance music Ceol- dannsa Kjol ddaunnsu Execution Fileantachd Ffilunttachk , Harmony Harp Co-fhuaimneach Clarsach Co-uamnyach Cllarsach Jew's harp Key, clef Tromb Uchdach Ttromp Uchcach Melody Binneas Bp6nyis Music* Ceol Kyol Musician Fear-ciuil Fer kyool Note Pone P6nk Pipe Piob Peep Playing Cluich Clluich Singing Seinn Sheing Song Oran oran String Teud Tjatt Tune Fonti Founn Voice Guth Gil Violin Fiodhal Whistle Feadan Fatan cot. cord. ph6to. fold. shun, jeune. jute, wooed. XXXII. Names of Persons. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Adam Alexander, Alick Adhamh Alastair, Alai Aghu Allusttur, Ale Allan Ailean Alan Andrew Anndra Aunnttra Angus Aonghas . unus Ann Anna Annu Archibald Gilleasbuig Gilespik Arthur Art Arstt Beatrice Beatarais Batturish Charles Tearlach Tjarllach Christina Caristiona Caristjeeunu Colin Cailean Calan David Da'idh Dda-e Donald Domhnul Dd6null Dugald Dughall Ddu-ull Duncan Donncha Ddunnuchu Elizabeth, Betsy Ealasaid, Beatai Yallusatj, Bpatte Euphemia Aoirig urric Evan, Ewen Eoghainn Y6-ing Finlay Fionnla Fyoonnla Flora Fionnaghal Fyunnaghall George Seorus, Deorsa Shorus, Didrsu Grace, Grissei Giorsail Gursal, Girsal Hector Eachann Yachunn Helen Eilidh Ele, ale Henry Eanruig Eearek Hugh Isabella Uisdein losbail Oosjan Eespal James Seumas, Siamas Shamus, Sheamus Jane, Janet Seana, Seonaid Shanu, Sh6natj John Iain ean Katherine, Kate Caitriona, Ceat Cftttreeunu, Kyatt Kenneth Coinneach C6nyach Louia Ludhais Liu-ash Malcolm Callum Callum Margaret, Maggie Marjory Mairearad, Peig Marsailidh Maruratt, Peik Marsule Martin Martuinn Marstting Martha Moireach M6rach Mary | Mairi Mar6 Michael 1 Micheil Meechyal Murdoch Murcha Muruchu Neil Nial Nyeeull Norman Tormaid Ttoromatj fat. far. wet. wfire. fite. ftHne. wit. we. wee. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Peter, Patrick | Padruig Pattrik Rachael Raoilt Ruiltj Rebecca Beathag Bpehak Robert Rob, Raibeart Rop, Raeparst Sarah Mor Mor Samuel Somhairle Sohirlyu Simon Sim Sheem Sophia Thomas Beathag T6mas Bpehak Ttomas William Uilleam Oolyam Surnames. Bain Bain Bpan Cameron Camshron Camuron Campbell Caimbeul Kafempall Chisnolm Siosal Sheeail Dougall Dughal Ddu-ull Douglas Forbes Duglas Fuirbeis Dducllas Furipash Fraser Friseal Fr6sh al Gillespie Gilleasbuig Gilchrist Gillecriosd Gfilyecreeust Grant Grannd Gcraunnt Macadam Mac Adhamh Machk ashu Macbean, Macvean Bheathain velian Macallum Calluim callum Macdonald Dhomhnuill, Do- ghonell nullach llach Macewen Macfarlane Eoghainn Pharlainn yoing i'arllaing Macgregor Ghriogair, Grioga- ghrfekar, lach lach Mackay Aoidh ue Mackintosh an-Toisich unddoshich Macintyre an-t-saoir unddur Mackenzie coinnich c6nyich Maclean llleathain ilyehan Macleod Leoid loitj Macmillan 'Ille-mhaoil ilyeVnJ Macnab an-aba unapu Macphail Phail faill Macqueen Cuinn uing Macrae Rath ra Ross Ros Ros Stuart Stiubhart Stjuvartt Dd6n- Grfega- cot. c6rd. ph6to. fold. ibiu. jefle. jftte. wooed. XXXIII.-Naam of Places. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. Aberdeen Britain Abaireadhan Araghaidheil Breatuinn Apureun, opureua Arughi-ill Bpratting Caithness Cataobh Cattuv Clyde Cluaidh Clluee Crieff Craoibh Crue Denmark Lochluinn Llochlling Dublin Bail-o-cliar Balocleeur Edinburgh Dun-eideann Ddunatjunn England ___ An Eiphid Sftsi^nn _ . Un afitj -Sasunn Europe Falkirk An roinn Eorp An Eaglais Bhreac Un roing y6rp Un Ekllish vrachk Forres Farrais Farrash Forth river Amhainn Shrui Aving hrui France An Fhraing Un raenk Germany Glasgow A Ghearmailt Glaschu_ Sfisr* 1 Greece XGTTreig Ughraik Highlands of Scotland A Ghdi'ltachd Ughaillttachk Holland An Olaind Un ollantj India, Indies Na h-Innseachan Nu heenshachan Inverness Inbhirnis Invirnesh Ireland Eirionn arun Italy An Eadailt Un Ettaltj Isle of Man Isle of Skye An t-eilean Manainneach An t-eilean Sgia'nach Un djalan maning-ach Un djalan Skeanach Lewis Leodhas Lyo-is London Lunainn Llunning lowlands of Scotland .Nairn A Ghalldachd Inbhear Nairn Ughaullttachk Invir narrun; Newcastle A Chaisteal-nodha Uchastjal noa Oban An t-Oban Un ddopan Perth Peairt Pyarsj Rome An Roimh Unroi Scotland Alba, Albainn Allapu, Allaping Spain An Spain Un Sp^-ing Sweden An t-Suaine Un ttxiain Stirling Struila Sttrfiila Tav Tilth a Ttahu Tain Baile-Dlmbhaich Balughuich Turkey Au Tuirc Un dduirk Wales An Odhailt Un oaltj tat. fAr. wet. wfire. fite. ie. wit. wf. wee. 45 XXXIV. -Number. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. One, one man A h-aon, aon duine Uhun, un ddunu Two, two men A dha, da dhuine Ugha, ddaghunu Three, three men A tri, tri daoine Uttree, ttree ddunu Four (men) Ceithir (daoine) Kahir (ddunu) Five Cuig Coik Six Sea Shea Seven Seachd Shachk Eight Ochd Ochk Nine Naoi Nvti Ten Deich Dieich Eleven, eleven men A h-aon-deug, aon duine Uhundjak, unddunu deug djeuk Twelve, twelve men Twenty, twenty men Dha-deug, da dhuine deug Fichead, fichead duine Ghadjfiuk, ddaghunu Fichutt, fechutt ddunu Twenty-one men Aon duine thar fhichead unddunu ar6chyutt Twenty-two Dha thar fhichead Gh argchyutt Thirty Deich thar fhichead Djeich arechyutt Thirty-one Forty men Aon deug thar fhichead Da fhichead duine Undjek arechyutt Dda echyutt ddunu Fifty Sixty Leth-cheud Tri fichead Lyechyutt Ttree fechyutt A hundred men Ceud daone Keeutt ddunu A hundred and one Ceud 's a h-aon Keeutt su nun A thousand Mile Meelu A million Muillion Muiyun The first man A cheud duine Uchyeeutt ddunu The second man An dara duine Un ddaru ddunu The third An tritbeamh Un dreuv The fourth An ceathramh Un keruv The fifth An cuigeamh Un goikiv The tenth An deicheamh Un djeichiv The eleventh man An t-aon duine deug Un ddun ddunu djeeuk The twelfth man An dara duine deug Un ddaru ddunu djeeuk The thirteenth An tritheamh deug Un dreuv djeuk The twentieth Am ficheadamh Um fechyuttiv The twenty-first The thirtieth An t-aon thar fhichead An deicheamh thar fhi- Un ddun harfichyutt Un djeichiv harfichyutt chead The fortieth An da-fhicheadamh Un dda echyuttuv The hundredth An ceudamh Un gfiuttuv The thousandth Am mileamh Um meeluv Once, twice, etc. Aon uair, da uair, etc. un uur, dda uur Firstly, etc. S' a cheud aite, etc. Such-yeeutt atju cot. cdrd. phdto. .Jettne.jote. wooed. XXXV. Religion. English. Gaelic. Orthoepy. The Almighty An t-Ullechumhachdach Unddulu-chuachkaeh An angel Aingeal Aeghill The Bible Am Biobull Um beepull Christian Criosduidh CreeusttS Conscience Coguig Cokish Conversion lompachadh Impachugh, yumpachugh Creator Cruithfhear Cruyer Cross Crann-ceusaidh Craunn-kas6 Crucifixion Ceusadh Kasugh Day of Judgment La bhreitheanais Lla vrdhanish Devil Diobhal Djeeuvull Eternity Siorruidheachd Sheeurreyachk Faith Creideamh Cretjiv Forgiveness Maitheanas Mahunus God Dia Djeeu Gospel Soisgeul Soishkyall Heaven Hell Neamh Nyev Ifrionn j If ring Holy Ghost Spiorad Naomh SpSrutt nuv Holiness Naomhachd Nuvachk Hymn Laoidh Llue Jesus Christ losa Criosd Beusu Creeustt Judgment Breitheanas Brehanus Justice Ceartas Kyarstus Law Our Lord Mercy Lagh Ar Tighearna Trocair Liugh Ur Tj^urnu Ttrochur Perfection Foirfeachd Furifachk Praise Moladh Molugh Prayer Uirnigh Urnyg Providence Freasdal Frdsttull Psalm Sailm Sallam Eedeemer Fear-saoraidh Fer s it Gaelic. 'De choinneamh tha'n so a nochd? Tha ce61 is ceilidh 'Se sin is ciall do'n fhuaim's do'n aighear Nach tig thu steach ? Bi' mi gle thoilichte Gheibh thu suidheachan an sud C'ainm a th'air an aite so 'Se so an Tigh-Ciuil C'uin a thoisicheas an co-sheirm ? Ann an tacan beag ""! 'Ne 6rain no ceol a inneal a gheibh sinn? Bi' an da ckuid ann 'Niad so no h-innealan fa'r comhar ? 'Siad An do thaitinn an ceol ruit ? Thaitinn gle mhor Shaol leamsa gur e tighcluiche bha so Bithidh cluichean ann air uairbh 'Ne dan-chluichean ? 'Se agus ch'iichean-ciuil Tha iad a reiteachadh an urlair Tha airson balla-dannsa Bheil thu na do dhannsair ? Bi' mi ris air uairbh Faigh companach mata An danns' thu comhla riumsa ? 'De 'n danns' bin's againn ? Gabhai' sinn Ruidhle Thullachain Suas an ceol mata Bheil thu sgith ? Tha mi 'am f hallus Ni sinn suidhe mata Nach gabh thu ceum m'an cuairt ? Gabhaidh nuair gheibh mi m'anail Co sheinneas 6ran duinn ? Seinnidh mo nabuidh an so Ch'n urrainn domhsa seinn Feumaidh tu coiteachadh is briag- adh Cha'n fheum idir An aithris thu dan mata ? Feuchaidh mi ris 103 English. You did very well We are all obliged to you This is the time for some games Mention what games you would like Any that the company chooses What shall we try ? You do not play cards ? We have not a pack of them in the house Have you got dice ? Yes, who'll play them ? I will, for one There are the draughts too You may try chess also Hand over the draught-board then What shall the rest of us do now ? We'll find some amusement for our- I'll propc Let us he pose some conundrums Let us hear them then Whoever fails to solve the question must put the next one I'll get some little game for the children Well play at hide-and-seek See that you don't hurt yourselves You are all very jolly Who'll sing us a song ? You sing well I like that song very much It's very sweet It would please you if it were well 8un l ight play us something I have no music book Play us anything you remember Open the pianoforte Do you like violin music ? Yes, I am very fond of it It is very fine I like to hear the bagpipe among the hills It's very appropriate there Or in a very large hall Gaelic. Einn thu gle mhath Tha sinn uile 'nad chomain [eigin So an t-am airson cleasan air choir- Ainmich 'de chluich bu mhath leat M sambitha thoilicheas an comhlan Co ris a dh' fhiachas sinn ? Cha bhi sibh cluich chairtean ? Cha'n'eil paisg againn 'san taigh diubh Bheil dlsnean agaibh ? Tha, co a chluicheas leo ? Mise, airson aon Sin agaibh na ftr-f heoirne cuideachd Faodaidh sibh tailleasg fhiachainn cuideachd Cuir a nail am bord-dubh mata 'De ni each againn a nis ? Gheibh sinne fearas - chuideachd duinn fhein Cuiridh mise toimhsichean oirbh Mach leo mata Am fear nach. fuasgail a cheisd feumaidh e an ath the 'chur Gheibh mise cluicheag do'n chloinn Cluichidh sinn dallanda Feachaibh nach ciurr sibh sibh fhein Tha sibh uile gle chridheil Co sheinneas 6ran duinn 'S math sheinneas tu 'S gle thoigh learn an t-6ran sin Tha e gle bhinn Thaitneadh e riut nan rachadh a sheinn gu math Dh' fhaodadh tu ni eigin a chluidh duinn Chan'eil leabhar-ciuil agam Cluidh duinn rud sam bith air am beil cuimhn' agad Fosgail a chruit-chiuil An tpigh leat ceol fiodhal ? 'S toigh, tha mi gle dheidheil air Tha e gle ghrinn 'S toigh learn a phlob mh6r a chlu- inntinn a measg nan cnoc Tha i gle fhrengaiTach an sin No ann an talla m6r 104 XXIV. Buying. English. I'm going to buy Buying and selling A merchant's shop Good commerce The merchant Have you got ? We have Do you keep? I want- Will you show me Yes, with pleasure We don't keep it Do you sell ? I am sorry, but we do not Can you give me ? We can We cannot What is the price ? How much is this? Is it dear ? No, it is very cheap Gaelic. Tha mi 'dol a cheannach 'Ceannach 's a reic Buth ceannaich Malart mhath An ceannaica Am bheil agaibh ? Tha Bheil sibh cumail ? Tha mi airson Am feach sibh domh - ? Feach aidh gu toilichte Cha'n'eil sinn 'ga chumail Bheil sibh a reic ? Tha mi duilich ach elm n'eil 'N urrainn duibh thoir domh ? 'S urrainn Cha'n urrainn Ciod e phris '! Cia miad a tha so ? Bheil e daor ? Chan'eil, tha e gle shaor Clothing. Clothing Dresses A clothier's shop I want a pair of gloves Is it woollen ones ? Yes We have only kid gloves I'll take a pair What is the size ? I am not sure Let me see some stockings or socks Is it cotton or woollen ? Have you got tartan hose ? Yes, of all colours Let me see Macdonald tartan This will do Let us s^e your tartan plaids I want a good coat Is it of tweed? Aodach Culaidhean Buth ceannaich aodaich Tha mi 'giarraidh oaidhir mhiotagan 'Ne feadhann olladh ? S iad Chan'eil againn ach lamhainnean Gabhaidh mi paidhir Ciod e mhiadachd ? Chan'eil mi cinnteach Feach aibh domh stocainnean no gearr-osain 'Ne cotain no ollaidh ? Bheil osauan breacain agaibh ? Tha, de gach dath Feach cadath nan Domhnullach Ni so an gnothuch Feach duinn blnir breacanan Tha mi airson c6ta math N ann de tweed ? 105 English. Yes, a shooting coat What colour ? A nice brown Will this do ? I would like it darker ' It is too bright Show me several colours This one will do What's the price ? That is 5s a yard It is now cheaper How much will I require ? You will get it made I also want a kilt Of tartan ? Yes, a dark colour Here is a useful one What tartan is that ? That is Fraser hunting tartan It is all wool I'll take that They must be done this week We'll try it Shall I try on the coat ? Yes, if you call to-morrow Show this lady some silk What colonr ? Black silk Can you recommend this ? This is better Show me some flowers Have you ribbon to match this ? A brighter shade Will you send me these things ? To-night What is your address? Here it is Gaelic. 'S ann, cota seilg 'De'n dath ? Donn laghach 'Dean so an gnothuch ? Bu toigh learn ni's dorcha e Tha e ro shoilleir Feach do' caochla dath Ni'm fear so'n gnothuch 'De phris ? Tha sin cuig tasdan an t-slat Tha e nis ni's saoire 'De uiread a dh' fheumas mi ? M sibh fhein e Tha feile uam cuideachd De cadath ? 'Se, dath dorcha So dath feumail 'De'n tartan tha sin ? Sin tartan-seilg nam Frisealach 'Se olladh th'ann Gabhaidh mi sin Feumaidh iad bhi deas air an t- seachduin so Feachaidh sinn ris Am feach mi orm an c6ta ? Feachaidh, ma thig thu maireach Feach sioda do'n bhaintighearn so De'n dath ? Sioda dubh Am moladh tu so domh ? 'S e so is fhearr Feach dpmh fluraichean Bheil ribean agaibh a fhreagras so? Dath ni's soilleire An cur sibh ugam na rudan sin ? A nochd C'ainm an t-aite ? So agad e Books, cfcc. A book shop Have you any Gaelic books ? Yes, what kind? I would like a book of songs Buth leabhraichean Bheil leabhraichean Gailig agaibh ? Tha ; 'de seorsa ? Bu mhath learn leabhar oran 1*. English. We have all the works of Highland poets I want only a small book This book is in two volumes The printing is good Have you a dictionary ? A Gaelic dictionary ? Yes, or a Gaelic lesson book We have the "Easy lessons in Gaelic " Let me see it That will do Give me some pens Also some paper and ink Notepaper ? Yes, a good kind Will you show me some good music books? I want pipe music Do you sell bagpipes ? Yes, we have a few Is there a library in the town ? Have you a history of Scotland ? Yes, here it is Gaelic. Tha obair gach bard Gaidhealach againn Chan'eil uams' ach leabhar bheag Tha an leabhar so 'na da phasgan Tha an clodhadh math Bheil foclair agaibh ? Foclair Gailig ? 'Se, no leabhar ionnsachaidh Gailig Tha "Leasanan furasd 'an Gailig" againn Feach domh i Ni i sin an gnothuch Thpir do' peannaehan Paipear agus dubh (inc) cuideachd Paipear litriche ? 'Se, sfiorsa math Am feach thu domh leabhraiche ciuil math ? Tha mi 'g iarraidh ceol piobair- eachd Bheil sibh reic pioban ? Tha beagan againn diubh Am bheil leabhar-lann 's a bhaile? 'Bheil Eachdraidh na h-Alba agaibh ? Tha, 'se so i Jewellery &c. Beautiful jewels I want to buy a ring Show me a nice gold one There are pretty ones in the window This one is too small It does not fit me What is the name of that stone ? That is an agate I would like a diamond Show me some brooches These are our own manufacture Give me a watch key It's to fit this watch Will you put a glass on this watch ? I want native jewellery Seudan briagh Tha mi airson fainne cheannach F^ach do' te ghrinn oir Tha teadhainn lughach 's an uinu- eag Tha 'n te so ro bheag Cha fhreagar i mi C'ainm a chlach tha sin ? 'Se sin agat Bu toigh learn daoimean Feach do' braiatean 'S iad sin ar deanamh f hem Thoir do' iuchair uaireadair-p6ca 'S ann airson an uaireadair so An cuir sibh glaine air an uaireadair so? Tha mi airson seudan duchasach lo7 foots and Shoes. English. I need footgear I want Highland brogues Good strong leather That shape will do I prefer them laced I don't know my size You might send me a pair or two to try on Gaelic. Tha feum agam air caiseart Tha mi airson br6gan Gaidhealach Leathar math laidir Ni an cumadh sin an gnothuch 'S ann iallaichte is docha learn iad Cha'n aithne do' mo mhiadachd Dh' fhaodadh sibh paidhir no dh chur ugam gu'm feachainn Tobacco, *c. Get me some tobacco Give me a good cigar Are these the best you have ? Give me a dozen And a box of matches I want a snuff box A silver one Fill the box with snuff Faigh dhomh tombaca Thpir dpmh cigar math 'N iad sin 'n fheadhainn is fhearr a' th' agaibh ? Thoir domh dusan Agus bocsa lucifer Tha mi airson bocsa-snaoisem Fear airgid Lion am bocsa le snaoisean 108 Idiomatic Phrases. English. They accused him of that He wag acquitted He acquitted himself of his task I will adhere to what I said I will adhere to your view We will be admitted He admitted it They advanced He advanced them The price advanced We agreed I agree to that It did not agree with me What ails you ? 1 almost fell I am alone It amounted to that sum He is angry I apologised That is my apology This won't answer He asked a question He asked me why He asked me to come At home At sea Scolding at them They assailed me ) They attacked me | At any rate Attend to this Attend to me Attend the meeting Are you aware of that ? I can't bear that He bears the blame He bears himself wisely 1 beg of you He begyed for alms They were beaten Beat him It's becoming white Gaelic. Thilg iad sin air Fhuair e deth Chuir e crioch air 'obair Cumaidh mi ris an ni a thuirt mi Aontaichidh mi ri'd bheachd-ga Gheibh sinn a staigh Dh'aidich se e Thainig (or chaidh) iad air aghaidh Thug e iad air aghaidh Dh'eirich a phris Ch6rd sinn Tha mi'g aontachadh ri sin / Cha do ch6rd e rium \ Cha tainig e rium 'De tha tiglrn riut ? Theap mi tuiteam Tha mi learn f hein Thainig e gus an t-suim sin Tha f earg air Dh' iarr mi maitheanas 'S e sin mo leisgeul Cha fhreagair so Chuir e ceisd Dh' fhoighnich e rium c'arson Dh' iarr e orm tighinn Aig an taigh Air a mhuir A trod riutha ( Thoisich iad orm -j Bha iad rium { Dh' eirich iad orm Co dhm Thoir aire do so Fritheil orm-sa Bi aig a' choinne An aithne duit sin ? Cha'n fhuiling mi sin 'S ann air-sa tha choire Tha e 'g a ghiulan fein gu glic Tha mi 'guidhe ort (oirbh) Bhe e 'g iarraidh dlielrc Chaidh gabhail orifc Gabh air Tha e fas geal 109 Idiomatic Phrases. Continued. English. It becomes you well That belongs to me . That is mine Be off I beg your pardon I believe it is Beware of the dog He boards there Bringing up children Call him Call on him Call for wine What is he called? Take care ! I don't care What do I care ? Take care of her I have no care He lacks care Catch this If you chance She carried it on They were charged with this He was cheated Will the day clear up ? Did it come ? That is to come off Compel them "I Cause them j" It contains much It won't contain that I dare say That was demanded of him It will depend on circumstances Deliver a speech I am determined Have you discovered This will do Put it into effect Excuse me I expect her | Gaelic. Tha e 'g ad fhreagair gu math /Is leamsa sin \ Buinidh sin domhsa Bi falbh Tha mi 'g iarraidh maitheanais Tha mi'm barail gu bheil Thoir toigh o'n chti Tha e air bhord an sin Ag aireach chloinne Thoir e"igh air Gabh a choimhead air Orduich flon C' ainm a th'air Thoir toigh ( Tha mi coma 1 Cha'neil pthail agam 'De 'n othail a th' agam ? Thoir toigh oirre Cha'n'eil curam orm Cha'n'eil curam ann Beir air so Ma thuiteas ort Chum ise air aghaidh e Chaidh'so chur as an leth Chaidh an car thoirt as An tog an la ? An tainig e ? Tha sin gu tachairt Thoir orra Tha moran ann Cha chum e sin Faodaidh mi radh Chaidh sin iarraidh air Bithidh e a reir mar thuiteas Thoir 6raid Tha mi cur romham An d 1 fhuair thu mach ? Ni so an gnothuch Ctiir an gniomh e Ciahh too leisgeul Tha mi 'g am hare air a son 110 Idiomatic Phrases. Continued. English. I have failed I won't fall in with that We won't quarrel about it I fear I find no fault with him Do not frighten them Free and easy I gathered from what he said Get up Get down They got the better of me He's getting better Give it up Give in Go on It so happened I hate it What will you have Have done I have to do it I have it I must have it He's at home I'll help him She's hungry I have no idea It is impending They increase in number He was very indifferent Do you know her ? Do you know this ? He is very knowing Lay hold of it Leave off Let it alone I like them Who lives there ? Look out ! Look out a better one Gaelic. Dh' fhairtlich orm Cha'n aontaich mi ri sin Cha chuir sinn mach airacheileuime Tha eagal orm Cha'n'eil mi 'cur coire air Na cuir eagal orra Saor is suaimhneach Thuig mi o na thuirt e Eirich Gabh sios Einn iad an gnothuch orm Tha e fits ni's fhearr Thoir thairis e Geill f Gabh romhad \ Rach air aghaidh Thuit e mach Tha f uath agam da 'De ghabhas tu ? I Bi deas 1 Tog deth 'S fheudar dhomh a dheanamh Tha e agam Feumaidh mi fhaotainn Tha e aig an taigh Bheir mi cobhar dha Tha'n t-ocras oirre Cha'n'eil brath agam Tha e aig laimh Tha iad dol an lionmhorachd Bha e coma co-dhiu An aithne duit i ? 'Bheil fios agad air so ? Tha e gle she61ta Dean greim air Tog deth Leig leis Is toigh learn iad Co tha f uireach an sin ? H-ugad (h-ugaibh) ! Sir a mach fear ni's fhearr Ill Idiomatic Phrases. Continued. English. They have made it up again I'll make him do it We made for the place We can't manage it What's the matter ? Never mind I need not No person came I'll object to that ) I'll oppose that \ Come over Go over It's over there It's over here You owe me a shilling I ought I won't part with them Pay attention If you please He pretends Don't put it off They were quarrelling Recall that I can't recall it to mind Do you remember ? Will he run away ? He ran into debt He was set free They set to They set out Will he stand it I won't stand it Stop talking He stopped Make him stop Stop him He's striking me It's very striking Gaelic. Tha iad air cordadh a rithis Bheir mi air a dheanamh Binn sinn air an aite Cha'n urrainn sinn deth 'De tha dochair ? Coma leat (leibh) Cha ruig mi leas Cha d'thainig neach sam bith Cuiridh mi 'n aghaidh sin Thig a nail Gabh a null Tha e thall an sin Tha e bhos an so Tha tasdan agam ort Bu choir domh Cha dealaich mi riutha Thoire aire Ma's e do thpil Tha e gabhail air Na cuir dail ann ( Bha iad thar a cheile \ Thuit iad a mach Thoir sin air ais Cha'n urrainn domh thoir gu'm chuimhne 'Bheil cuimlme agad ? An ruith e air falbh ? Chaidh e anns na fiacha' Chuireadh fa sgaoil e Thoisich iad Dh' fhalbh iad An seas e ris ? Cha'n fhuiling mi e Sguiribh de bruidhinn Stad e Thoir air stad Cuir stad air Tha e 'ga'm bhuaileadh Tha e gle iongantah 112 Idiomatic Phrases. Continued. English. It struck me very much It struck me that Take that Take it away He took to it Take hold of it They were taken in war Give that to me Come to me Speak to me It will tell very soon I think so Don't trouble me Will you undertake this ? Use and wont We used to I'm waiting for you She waits on him" I want it They want you I'm watching you Do you wish this I wish it were Gaelic Dhruigh e orm gle mh6r Thainig e am aire gu Gabh sin Thoir air falbh e Ghabh e ris Dean greim air Ghlacadh an cogadh iad Thoir sin domhsa Thig h-ugamsa Labhair riumsa Feachaidh e gle luath 'Se sin mo bharail Na cuir dragh orm An gabh thu so f os laimh ? Gnath is abhaist B'abhaist duinn Tha mi feitheamh riut Tha i f rithealadh da Tha e uam Tha iad 'gad iarraidh Tha mi cumail suil ort Bheil thu airson so ? B'f hearr learn gu'n robh us .CORRESPONDENCE, BILLS, &c. i. Forms of Letter Addresses. The Kev. J. Macleod, Free Church Minister, Glenoon, Ross-shire. Miss Elizabeth Gillespie, care of Capt. Gillespie, Teanacoill, Strathmore, Near Perth. Mr Alexander MacDonnell, Farmer, Balandobar, Beauly, Inverness. Mrs John Maclean, Merchant, Oban. An t-Urramach I. MacLe6id, Ministeir an h-Eaglais Shaoir, Gleann Uaine, Siorrachd Rois. Miss Ealasaid Gilleasbuig, air curam Capt. Gilleasbuig, Tigh-na-coille, Srath-m6r, Faisg air Peairt. Mr Alasdair Donullach, Tuathanach, Baile'n-Tobair, a Mhanachainn, Inbhirnis. Bean Iain 'Ic Illeathain, Marsanta, an t-Oban. II. Superscription to Persons of Rank. To the King's Most Excellent Majesty. To His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, or Duke of Edinburgh. To His Grace the Duke of Sutherland. To the most Honourable the Marquis of Lome. To the Right Honourable the Earl of Aberdeen. To the Right Hon. Lord Lovat. To Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, Bart. To Sir James Campbell, M P. To his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Gu Moralachd ro-Oirdheire an Righ. Gu a Mhorachd Rioghail Prionnsa na h-Odhailt, no Diuc Dhun-eideann. Gu a Ghras Diuc Shutharlain. Gus an ro-Urramach Marcus Lathairne. Gus an Ceart Urramach larla Abaireadhain. Gus an Ceart Urramach Morair Mac Shimi. Gu Sir Coinneach Mac Coinnich, Ridire Gus an Ridir Seumas Caimbeul, B. P. Gu a Ghras, am Morair Ard-Easbuig Chanterburi. 114 II. Superscription to Persons of Rank Continued. To the Eight Reverend the Lord Bishop of London. To the very Reverend the Moder- ator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. To the very Reverend Principal To the Venerable the General Assembly. To the Rev. Alexander Clarke, D.D. Gus an Fhior Urramach am Mor- air Easbuig Lunnainn Gus an Ro-Urramacli, Ceann- Suidhe ard-Sheanadh Eaglais na h-Albainn. Gus an Ro-Urramach an t-ard Ollamh - Gus an ard-Urramach an Ard- Sheanadh. Gus an Urramach Alasdair Clare, D.D. III. Addressing Persons of Rank. Most Gracious Sovereign, May it please your Majesty. I am, with Profoundest Venera- tion, you Majesty's faithful Sub- ject and most dutiful Servant. Sir, I am, with the greatest re- spect, your Royal Highness' most dutiful and most obedient Servant. My Lord Duke, I have the honour to be, my Lord Duke, your Grace's most obedient and most humble Servant. My Lord Marquis, I have the honour to be, my Lord Marquis, you Lordship's most obdt., &c. My Lord, I have the houour to be, My Lord, &c. Madam, My Lady. Sir. My Lord Archbishop. Reverend Sir. A Riaghladair ro-Ghrasmhor, gu'n toilicheadh e bhur Moralachd. Is mise, le mor urram, lochdar- an dileas agus Seirbbiseach dleas- annach bhur Moralachd. A Thigh earna, Is mise le mor spe"is duibh, Seirbhiseach ro dhleasannach agus dhileas bhur Morachd Rioghail. Mo Thighearna a Dhiuc, Tha'n onoir agam gur mi, mo thighearna Diuc, Seirbhiseach ro umhailtagus ro-iriosail bhur Graise Mo Thigearna Mharcuis, Tha'n onoir agam gur mi, mo Thighearna Marcuis, Seirbhiseach, &c., bhur Tighearnais. Mo Thighearna, Tha'n onoir agam gur mi, mo Thighearna, &c. A Bhean Uasail, mo Bhain-tighearn A Shir. Mo Thighearna Ard-Easbuig. Urramaich. 115 IV. Letter of Introduction. Strathglass, Thursday. My Dear Margaret, You will receive this by the hands of my old friend, Miss Jane Macandrew, who is to spend a few days in your neighbourhood. Be kind to her, and you will much oblige Your faithful friend, R. Chisholm. Srathghlais, Dir-daoin. A Mhairearad a ghraidh, Gheibh thu so p lamhan mo shean charaid, Miss Seana Nic Anndra, a tha gu beagan laithean a chaitheamh ann ad coimhears- nachd. Bi caoimhneil rithe is cuiridh tu moran comain air Do charaid dileas, R. Siosal. V. Invitations, &c. Mr and Mrs Macrae request the honour of Mr Bain's company at dinner, on Tuesday, 22d, at six o'clock. Craig House, Tuesday, April 8. Mr Bain will have the honour of waiting on Mr and Mrs Macrae, on Tuesday, 22nd. Newton, Wednesday, April 9. Dear Friend, Come to see me to- morrow evening. Any hour will do. Your old comrade, Donald C. Mrs Turner presents her compli- ments to Mrs and Misses More, and requests the pleasure of their com- pany on Thursday evening, 20th inst., at 8 o'clock. Dancing. 19 King Street, May 7. Mr and the ivUsses More accept with pleasure Mrs Turner's polite invitation for Thursday, 20th, Patrick Street, May 8. Tha Mr agus Miss MacRath, a guidhe onoir cuideachd Mhr Ban aig dlneir air Di-mairt, 22mh, aig sea uairean. Tigh Chreig, Di-mairt, Giblean 8. Bithidh an t-onoir aig Mr Ban feitheamh air Mr is Miss MacRath, air Di-Mairt, an 22mh. Baile-Nodha, Di-ciadainn, Giblean 9. A charaid chaoimh r Thig a choimhead orm feasgair a mair- each. Ni uair sam bith an gnoth- uch. Do shean chompanach. Domhnull C. Tha Mrs Tuairnear cur iom- charag gu Mr is na Missean M6r. 's guidh ailghios an cuideachd air feasgar Dirdaoin am 20mh inst., aig 8 uairean. Dannsa. 19 Sraid an Righ, Cheitean 7. Gabhaidh Mr agus na Missean M6r gu toileach cuireadh cuirteal Mhrs Tuairnear airson Dirdaoin, an 20mh. Sraid Phadrnic, Cheitein 8. INDEX. PAGE FAGH PAGE Addresses - 114 Fruits - - 52 Pronoun - - 11 Adjectives - 6 Furniture - 36 Pronunciation - 57 Adverbs 8 Games - 100,35 Railway - - 80 Agriculture - - 20 Grain - - 53 Rank - - - 113 Amusements - 102 Health - - 70 Recreations - - 35 Animals - 21 Heavens - 35 Religion - - 46 Army - Article - - 23 - 10 Holidays Home - 49 Reptiles - - 22 36, 83 Sea - - 47, 96 Asking - 67 Hotel - - 90 Seasons - - 49 Athletic Games - 100 House - - 36 Ships - - 47, 96 Birds - - 21 Hunting - 98 Shooting - - 98 Body - - 24 Idioms - - 108 Shop - - 104, 30 Books - 39, 105 Implements - - 37 Sickness - - 70 Boots and Shoes - 107 Insects - - 22 State - 47 Breakfast - - 85 Introduction - 115 Steamboat - - 82 Buildings 50,92 Invitation - - 115 Street - - 50, 92 Church - - 104 - 26 Jewellery Kindred - 106 38, 105 Superscriptions - 113 Supper- - - 88 Clothing 27,104 Law - - 39 Surnames - - 43 Colours - 29 Letters - - 113 Table of Sounds - 5, 57 Commerce - - 30 Literature - - 39 Tea - - - 88 Conjunctions Conversations 9 - 59 Lodging Mankind - 89 - 40 Time - - 78, 48 Tobacco - - 107 Countries - 44 Measures - 56 Tools ... 37 Country 31,95 Metals - - 33 Town - - 50, 92 Courtesies - - 61 Mind - - 40 Towns --- 44 Day - 49,78 Money - 41 Trades - 51 Dinner - - 86 Months - 49 Train - 80 Disease Dress - - 32 27, 104 Moods and Feelings 64 Music - - 41 Travelling - - 80 Trees ... 53 Drink - - 34 Names - - 42 Vegetables Kingdom 52 Earth '- - 33 News - - 76 Verbs - 14 Eating - 34,85 Noun and Article- 10 Virtues and Vices 54 Farming - 20 Numbers - 45 Visiting - 61 Feasts - - 49 Offering - 67 Vocabularies - 6 Feelings - 64 Orthoepy 5 Voyage- - 82, 96 Fish . - - 22 Phrases 59,60 War - - - 23 Fishing - 99 Places - - 44 Weather - 55, 73 Flowers - 52 Plants - - 52 Week days - - 49 Food - - 34 Preposition - - 12 Weights - 56 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which itwas borrowed. i i|LQCT!81! ^B^ 1 __ A OCT J 7 1994 REC'DC.L APR1720G6 UCLA COl. 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