A98 EDUCATION LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Dr. and Mrs. A.B. Pier &** AN INDEX NUMBER FOR STATE SCHOOL SYSTEMS RANKS OF STATES AS SHOWN BY INDEX NUMBERS FOR FOUR PERIODS .1890 1900 1910 1918 48 N. M. Wash. 2 Cal. 3 D. C. Mass. Nev. N. J. Mont. 8 N. Y. 9 Utah 10 R. I. 11 III. 12 Conn. 13 Colo. 14 Ohio 15 Ore. 16 Perm. 17 Ind. 18 Ariz. 19 Mich. 20 Idaho 21 Minn. 22 Neb. 23 Wis. 24 Kans. 25 Wyo. 26 S. D. 27 N. D. 28 N. H. 29 Vt. 30 Iowa 31 Maine 32 Mo. 33 Md. 34 Del. 35 Okla. 36 W.Va. 37 Texas 38 N. M. 39 La. 40 Ky. 41 Va. 2 Fla. 43 Tenn. 44 Ga. 45 Ala. 46 Ark. 47 Miss. 48 N. C. 49 S. C. AN INDEX NUMBER FOR STATE SCHOOL SYSTEMS LEONARD P. AYRES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION 130 EAST TWENTY-SECOND STREET NEW YORK CITY E 141 COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY THE RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION Printed April, 1920: 2,000 copies WM F. FELL CO PRINTERS PHILADELPHIA Education Library A9*' V TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE List of Tables 7 i Changes in Ten Years 10 ** Index Numbers 12 An Index Number for State School Systems 14 What Items of 100 Each Would Imply 19 The Computation of the Index Number 21 Data for 48 Years 23 Groups of States 27 Standing of the States in 1890 30 Standing of the States in 1900 32 Standing of the States in 1910 34 Standing of the States in 1918 36 <> Hawaii, the Canal Zone, and Porto Rico 38 ^x> Education in Porto Rico 38 **" Standing of the States in Four Decades 42 ^S Standing of the States During Five Periods 46 R The 48 States in 1918 48 & Gains and Losses in 28 Years 50 _J Index Numbers Stated as Whole Numbers 52 ^4 Educational Results and Financial Expendi-