UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS :-'^'--' '^^' r A LIST OF EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS BKLONGIN(i TO THE LIBRARY imajS0acl)U0cttjs i^i^Jtoncal ^octctr. With an Introduction and Notes BY SAMUEL A. GREEN. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. ?anit)crsitj3 i3rfss. 1895. Tirij Hundred Copies reprutted from the J^roeeediiii/s of the Mtixi(arh)iiv-Angliao Colouiarmn Gubernatoribus, & Magistratibiis Diguissiinis; | Vua cum pientissimis, vigilautissiinis. No titlepage. 12mo. pp. 7. The Declaration is signed ".In : Winlhrop President, hi the name rt i>f New-haven, the Kev. Mr. Sanmel Wliitintr, at Lynne, the pious Widow of tlie Deceased, and utliers: and eonipih-d by his un- wiirthy Successor, Ji>lm^Nortou. Canibridgo : Printed by S. Green. 1657. 12ino. jip. 1\-^jI. Tith'page wanting; 3-51, " TheJ4*]'" '"'*! Deatli | of | Mr. John Cot- ton. I the hite lieverentl Teacl)er of the ChuMi| of Clirist, at linstim in Nevv- Enthmd." dated at " Boston, Xovenib. 6. | ICaS^rnnning lieadlines "The Life of M' John Cotton," has a hirge ornanieiitaN4iead|»iece; 3 pp. "A Catalogue of some liooks printed for | Lodo. Lhiyd, aint are to Vie sohl at I his Shop next to the Casth'-'I'avern in ! Cornhill"; hist hafsvj^mting. See Sabin's Dictinuary (XIII. 4"_'li), nuuiliLT 55,885, T«mn which this title is copied. ^\ ^vvov nov it>vOK»vtpl)tt«v*U>.i(>v<<,^., 1659. Tlie I Heart of N-Kntiiand | rent at the | lihispheniies j of th«' present | Gen- eration. I Or I a brief Tractate concerning the Doctrine of | the Quakers, Demonstrating tlie destructive nature | thereof, to Heliiiion, the Churches, and tlie .State, | witli coiisiiieration of tlie Remedy against it | Occasional Sati.sfiU'tion to Objecrtions, and Confir- | niation of contrary Truetl). I — I Hy John Norton, Teacher of tlie | Church of Clirist at Boston. | Who was apj)oinled thereunto by the Order of the | (ieneral Court. | — | [Four lines from Rev. ii. *J.] | — || Printed by Samuel Green, at Cani- bridg I in New-Kngland. KJ-OK. r.'mo. pp. (_'), i>l. Titlepage, surrounded by a border line anny in Ncw-Enirhind. Assenibh^l at Boston, accordiiitj to the Ap- iMiiihiiunt of the Honoured | General Court, in the Year, lUiJ'i. | — | At alM-nferal Court lield at Boston in New-Enghmd, tlie Eitrhth | of October, 10G2. I ^he Court having Head over this Kesult of the Synod, judge meet to C«>m- | mend the same unto tlic Consideration of all the Churches and People of | this Jurisdiction ; and for that end do Order the Printingv thereof. | By the Court, Edward liawson. Secret. | — | Wiiereuuto isSauext the Answer of the Dissenting | Bretliren and Mes- sengers <)f theV'hurches of | New-England, &c. | — || Printed in the Year, IGG'J. I'.'iVj.i. pp. (14), 18. [Four copies.] Titlej»age, verso brunk ; 12 pp. "The | Preface | to the | Christian Reader : | and esi)eciall}\o the Churches of Massachu.sets-Colony | in New- England"; 1-18, '* The I Xuswer | of the | Elders and other Messengere | of the Churches, Assembled\it Boston in the Y^^ar, 1(>62. | To the Ques- tions Propounded to them by C^der | of the Honoured General Court"; run- ning headlines in both parts ; fi>\liiwe* escaped in the Preiw,*' with p«-rhapH one or two lines cut nlf in thi' binding, ii^pasted on at the end. 'I'his follows " Propositions," etc Al the t<»i» of the title i.s writlcii, " P>y I'rc'sidi'iit ('li;niii(Y" .Mr. l'rin<:(r, in hi.s CntnloKUc, «nyH that the lirst of tliesc twu imiil- EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 13 phlets was printed at Cambridge. In regard to the second he writes, "M'' Allin^iiiv® Title Page of his Animadversions, says twas Prin*^ in Old England-"-; but I have inserted it as a New England title inasmuch as the catchw-ocdon the last page of " Propositions " agrees with the first word in~tl«6«_title. More- over Dr. Haven, in his list, says that it was printed by S. Green at Cambridge. l^n^^ e^fjUfi^. 1663. The I Cause of God | and his People in New-England, | as it was | stated and discussed | in | a Sermon Preached before the Honourable General I Covrt of the Massachvsets Colony, | on the 27 day of May 1663. Being the Day | of Election at Boston. | — | By John Higginson Pastor of the Church | of Christ at Salem. | — | [Two lines from Matt. xxii. 21; two lines from 1 Peter ii. 17; three lines from 1 Chron. xii. 32.] I — II Cambridg, | Printed by Samuel Green 1063. 12mo. pp. (4), 24. [Three copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by a border line and a line of border pieces, versa blank; 2 pp. "Christian Reader," signed "John Wilson. Senior," and " Samuel Whiting," headpiece of two lines of fine border pieces, the lower one inverted ; 1-24, " The | Cause of God | and his People in New-England, I Stated and Discussed." In the margin at the bottom of the title, in an old style of writing there appears "The first Election-Sermon that was printed." On the verso of the same leaf in another hand is the following : — NB. I have been iuform'd (by D"- C. M. who had it by Tradition) that good Mr Hig. — when appointed to preach the Elec. Ser. sought to Mr. Mit- chel for Advice as to a Subject &c. & had the main Plan of the following Ser. from him. And this will receive Confirmation, if we consult Dr. 1. Mather's Elijah, or Testimony to the Cause «fec. where is an Extract from a M.S. of M'. Mitchel's that carries a great Affinity with this Sermon. On the titlepage of another copy, near the bottom, appear the words, " Jn° Payn^' ex dono Authoris Eev : : " The I Church^Membership | of Children, | and their right to | Baptisme, According to that holy and everlasting Covenant of God, | established between Himsel, and the FaithfuU and their Seed after | them, in their Generations : | Cleared up in a Letter, sent unto a worthy Friend of the I Avthor, and many Yeares agoe written touching that subject ; | — | By Thomas She})ard, sometimes Pastor of the Church | of Christ at Cambridg in New-England. | — | Published at the earnest request of 14 E.MtT.Y AMKlMtAN IMI'KINTS. many : f«>r tlio (."i>usi>latU'n | ami Kuonuiaiii'im-ut. both of Parents and Chiltlrou in tlie Lonl. | — | [Fduv lim-s .fruni Gon. xvli. 7; one line from Mark xvi. 16; tliroe liui-s from Acts ii. 39 ; one line from 1 Cor. vii. 14.] I — II Caml>ridtj | Printed l>y Samuel Oreen. 1663. TJmo. Itp. (-2-2), 26. [Two copies.] Titlepage, snrrnunded l>y a line of acorn-shaped liorder jiieces, verso has a quotution from Chemnitius; 18 pp. "A Preface to the Header," sii;ned "Thomas Shepard," has runninir headlines; 2 pp. poetry hy .Jieces, acorn pattern, verso blank ; 3-24, " A Discourse | about | Civil Government in a New | Plan- tation :"...; two linrs of " Errata " at the eml of page 24. Mather, in his Ma^Mialia (]>0()k III. p. 50), says : "There is published, A Discourse about Civil (iovt-nniifnt, in a New Plantation, whose Design is Religion: in the Title-Page whereof, the Name of Mr. Cotton, is, by a Mistake, jml for that of Mr. Davenjiort." On the back of the title is written in the h;indwritino of Mr. Sjiarks : "This Tract was written by I);iv<'n)iort. See l'rofess(»r Kino.sU'v'.s Hist. Discourse, ]». M:5, wht;re he quotes Cotton Mather." I'nderneath is the following in the hand of Mr. Felt: "Still this work is answer to another on tlie same subject. The latter appears to iiave been written by .lohn Cotton." Mamv-"-!- w iiiiiieetupanalaiiiwf | iij)-liildum (Jod | iiaiMr>\>c | Nukkono TeHtament | kuli wonk | Wusku Testament. | — | Ne day, 11 uion. | 1G(J3," has a running headline, lieadpicce of line of border pieces, a rule, and a line of similar pieces inverted, a brace at the end ; 1 p. blank; 1-82, "Animad- versions I upon the I Antisynodalia Americana," headi)iece of a line of acorn- shaped border pieces, and a line of similar pieces inverted. A presentation copy "F(tr y' Rmd ni' Shojiliard." On the inner margin of the titlepage is written, " Tho : Shepard's booke. ye gift of ye Reverend Authonr. March. 'M. 16G4." A I Defence | of the | Answer and Arguments | of tlic | Synod | met at ( The Svbject of Baptism, Boston in tin- Year 16G2. | Concerning •< and (Consociation of Clivrches. I Against th<' Reply made thereto, by tlie Reverend | Mr. doim Daven- port, Pastor of the | Cliurch at Xew-IIaven, in his Entituled, | Another Es.say for Investigation of the Trutli, &c. j Together with j An. Answer | to the | Ajxdogetical Preface | set before that Essay. | — j liy si>me of the Elders wlio wen? Members of th«' | Synoti above-men- tioned. I — I [One line from 1 Tliess. v. 21 ; three lines from 1 Cliron. xxviii. H.] I — II Cambridge: | I'rinted by S. Green ami .M. .loimson for Hezekiah Vsher I of Bo.ston. lG(i-J. 12mo jip. (1), •<•;, KH'. [Two Copies.] Tith-page, Kurrouinled by two border liiiis, rerso blaidi; 1-1r>, l.'ifi). On the titlfpago of oiif fopy ajipcars the iiaiiic y Samiirl Green, 1G(!.'). 16mo. pp. (2), 22. Titlepage, surroundccl by a (li>iililc line of line bonier i)ieces, verso " Dii Bartas," seven lines; 1-22, "An | Astronomical Description | of the late | Comet, I as it apjieared in New-England," headpiece, a line of acorn-shaped bt>rder pieces, a rnle, and a line «>f similar iiivrrtcd pieces. This title in Dr. Haven's list was taken from the Catalogue of the British Museum. The I Conditions for New-Planters | in the Territories of His Hoyal Ilighnes I the I Duke of York | liroatlside [printed by Samntd (ireen, Clam- bridge]. Hv of March IGtJS. by the Govenioiir and | Council, and by thein Ordered to be Printed, and sent ac- | conlitigly. Edward Kawson Secret'." Thi.s is an appeal or a " Declaration . . . earnestly desirinles of Christian Religion ; and that not onely in publick. but privately from house to house . . . and wlictlur the Youth are taught to Kcade tlie English Tongue." 1669. IJalui in Gilead | to heal | Sions Wounds : | Or, | a Treatise wherein there is a clear Discovery of the | most Prevailing Sicknesses of New-England, both in the | Civill and Ecclcsiasticall State ; As also sutable | Remedies for the Cure of them : | Collected out of that Spirituall Directory, | The Word of God. I Delivered in a Sermon Preached before the | Generall Court of the Colony of New-Plimovth | on the first day of June 1669. beiTig tlie I Day of Electilico of WiggleHWorth's " Meni ..ui nf the i'.aler" going to the proHM. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 21 For a critical account of the differences between the two editions, the first printed in 1669, see page 274. At the end of this sermon (page 20), is the following advertisement, which does not appear in the first edition : — ^ I ^Here is now going to the Press sundry excellent and divine Poems, | en- -*- tituled, Meat out of the Eater ; or, Meditations concerning tlie-\ Necessity, End, and Vsefulness of Afflictions unto Gods Children; All \ tending to pre- pare them for, and comfort them under the Cross. By Michael \ Wigglesworth. Daily | Meditations: | Or, | Quotidian Preparations for | and | Considerations of I Death | and | Eternity. | Begun July 19. 1666. | — | By Philip Pain : Who lately suffering | Shipwrack, was drowned. | — | [Two lines from Job xxx. 23 ; two lines from Eccles. xii. 1.] | — || Cambridge: | Printed by S. G. and M. J. 1670. 16mo. pp. (3), 16, (2). Titlepage, surrounded by a line of fine border pieces, verso blank ; 1 p. '' The Porch," signed "P. P.," surrounded by a line of fine border pieces within border lines placed in a form somewhat resembling a porch ; 1 p. blank; 1-16, Meditations in verse beginning July 19 and ending August 3, with headlines corresponding to each day of that period ; 2 pp. " A Post- script to the I Reader," signed " M. J." [Marmaduke JohnsoQ?] with a line of ten urn-shaped border pieces over the heading; last leaf of the signature missing. Near the top of the titlepage is written " Bar^ Sutton." On the fly-leaf of the volume containing this pamphlet is found "AVilliam Sutton His Book 1741." This title is given in the Addenda to Dr. Haven's list, under 1668. The I Life and Death ] of | that Reverend Man of God, | INIr. Richard ISIather, I teacher of the Church | in | Dorchester | in | New-England. | — | [Two lines from Psalms cxii. 6 ; two lines from Heb. xiii. 7 ; two lines from Rev. xiv. 13.] | — | [One line of Latin.] | — || Cambridge: | printed by S. G. and M. J. 1670. 12mo. pp. (4), 38. Titl('{)age, surrountknl by two border lines, verso blank ; 2 pp. " To the | Cliurch 1 and | Inhabitants | of | Dorchester in N. E. | Grace unto you from God by Jesus Christ," signed " Increase Mather," and dated at " Boston Septemb 6. | N. E. 1670," headpiece a line of thirteen urn-shaped border pieces and a brace at the end; 1-38, "The | Life & Death | of | Mr. Richard Mather," running headlines. This is the first of Increase IVIather's publications printed in New England. 3 •2'2 EAIM.Y AMERICAN IMl'KINTS. New-Euglands | True Interest; | uot to lie: | Or, | a Treatise declaring from the Worlil (if Truth the | Terms on whieh we staml, and the T«'nure hy which I we hold our hitheilo-continuetl | Precious and IMeasaut Thiuirs. I Shewing | what tiie hhssed (Jod exjKcteth from his People, and wluit I tiiey may rationally look for from him. | Delivered in a .Sernmn Preached in Boston | in New-Enizland, April '2'.K KJIIS. heing the | Day of Election | there. | — | By Mr. W. Stoughton, Preacher of the Ciospel in Dorchester. | — | [Five lines from Isaiah li. ", s; three lines from Haggai, ii. 4; tw<» lines from Psalms. Ix.xxi. "l.S, &c."] | — || Cam- bridge: I Printed hy S. G. and .M. J. ICTo. rinio. pp. (t), 3U. Titlepage, surrounded hy a line of hinder pieces, verso Idank ; 2 jip. " An Adverti.>iement to the Header," signed "J. S." [Josliua Scottow?], headpiece thirteen urn-shaped hdnier pieces; 1-38, " New-Englands True Interest; I not to Lie," has running headlines, pages 37 and 3S wantimr: 1 1>. Texts of Sci-ipture, wanting. Aiiutht'i' L'dititiu a}i[teared as follows : — New-Englands | True Interest ; | [title same as tlie precciling one]. 12mo. pp. 40. [Two copies.] Titlepage, surrounth-il hy a line of horder pieces, versn hlank ; (3), " An Advertisement to the Hea1) for .lanuary, ISTl; Sildey's Harvard Cradnale.s (I. liOd, L'07) ; and also the liulletin of the Boston Pul.lic I.ihrary (IV. .'{04) for January, ISSl. On the ily-leaf at the lic^innin'.^' of (.nc'^ co]ty is written " l»t'nianiin Dyer hi.s iJook." and " r>eni;i. \\ adsworth's, given Ity M'" I)yer, 1720." This sernuin (p. Hi; secoinl edition, ]>. !!>) contains the noted line, "(}(>d .sifted a whole Nation that he nuoht send choice drain over into this W'ildenirss." A I Tertiinoiiy | from tlio | Scripture | against | Idolatry A; Superstition, | in Two SermoiiH; | Upon the Examph' X. Aiigliae > Connecticut. > Primatibus. ' Thomae Prhicaeo ) Coloniarum ) Plimouthen. ) Una cum omnibus in Regimine Politico in singulis Cohmiis probe con- stitutis. I Nee minus Reverendis Reipublicae nostrae Ecclesiasticae Rec- toribus, Sacrorum Mystagogis, quibuscunq ; etiam exiguis nostrae | Academiae coeptis benigne annuentibus, Artibus Scientiisq : liberalibus TToXvfiddea-is & (f)ikofi(id((Tis \ Vobis, ut Literarum Patronis, Theses hasce submissi quas (aspirante Deo) sub tutela Caroli Chauncaei SS. Theol. Bac. I Collegii Ilarvardini Praesidis, propugnandas suscepimus Juvenes in Artibus Tyrones. | , ^^° Nathaniel Higginson. , 'f*^ Thomas Clark. ) rhnrripri '^°"'«'- Ammi-RuhamahCorlett. ^':''^''' Georgius liurrough. j l^^*- ^'Q] ''eTe _pieees.J Lpieces.J <= o ^_ jjici,c._| Imprint at foot of page] Cantabriiiiae Nov-Angliae die nono Sextilis Anno M.DC.LXX. Broadside. Foli... In two columns; first ctdumn, " Theses Techntdogicae " in seven sub- jects, " Logicae " in seventeen, and " Grammaticae " in eight; second column, "Theses Rhetoricae " in six subjects, " Matiiematicae " in eight, " Phy- sicae " in seven, and " Ethicae " in eleven. A row of border pieces separates the columns, and the broadside is surrounded by a line of border pieces of a larsrer size. 24 EARLY AMERICAN IMIMMNTS. 167I. A brief | Rccuguitioii | of | New-Englands | Erraml | into tlif | Wilderness ; I Made in the Audience of the General Assemhly of the | Massaehu- sets Colony, at Ht«ston in N. E. on the | U'** of the tliird Mouetli, 10.70. being the | Day of Election | there. | — | Hy Samuel Daiiforth, Pastor of the Church «>f | Christ in Roxbnry in N. E. | — | [Eii,'ht lines from Jer. ii. 2, 3, 4] | — || Cambridge: Printed by S. (i. and M. J. 1G71. 12mo. pp. (4), 23. Titlei)age watiting ; 4 |)p. "Christian Reader," signed "Thomas Shep- ard " [of Charlestown], head))iece a line of border pieces, a rule, and a line of similar pieces inverted; 1-23, "A Brief | Recognition \ of | New-Englands Errand into the | Wilderness"; line of erratii at end of page 2.3; running headlines. This title is taken from a copy in the Piinco Library. Nehemiah j on the | Wall | in | Troublesom Times; | Or, | a Serious and Seasonable Improvi-meut of that great | Examjdc of Magistratical Piety and Prudence, S(df-denial | and Tenderness, Fearlesness and Fidelity, unto In- I struction and Encouragement of present and | succeeding Rulers in our Israel. | As it was delivered in a Sermon Preached at | Boston in N. E. May l.'». 16G7. being the | Day of Election | there. | — | By that faithful Servant of Clirist, ] Mr. Jonathan Mitchel, late Pastor of I the Church of Christ at Cambridge. | — | I'l'lircc lines from Psalms Ixxviii. 70-72; two lines from Joshua vii. 10; three lines from Isaiah xxxii. 1, 2] I — II Cambridge: | Printed by S. G. and M. J. UmI. 12mo. pp. (1), .'{4. [Four copies.] Titlepaire, surrounded by two border lines, vcrsn iilaidi ; '_' pp. " Christian Reader," sifjneil "J. S." [.loim Slicrman], headpiece a line of border pieces, a rule, and a line of similar inverted pieces; 1-34, "At the Election at Boston, I May 15. 1007," headpiece a line of border pieces; running headlines. ( )n the tithipaoe of one copy is written " Nat P.arnes ; " on that p. 5-47, (8). Titlepage, surrounded by two border lines, verso blank; (3-4), "To our Beloved Brethren and Neighbours, the Inhabitants of | the Jurisdiction of | New=Plimouth ; | the Governour, Assistants, and Deputies Assembled at the General Court | of that Jurisdiction, held at the Town of Plimovth, the I first day of June, Anno Dom. 1671. | Wisheth Grace and Peace in our Lord Jesus Christ," signed "Nathaniel Morton Seer."; 5-47, text, pages 1-4 wanting; list of " Errata" at the end, four lines ; 1 p. blank; 8 pp. "The I Table": nmniuij; lioadlines. 26 EAKLV AMKKICAN IMl'iaNTS. The Gi'iuTiil I Liiws | ami | Libortios | of the | Massachusots | Colony: | Kevisi'tl &. Ke-priiitop. "An Alphabetical Table, Shewing the (Jeneral Titles and | Ileadn of tluH Book of Luvvn" ; last pai^e blank ; running headlines. Eyt'-Salve, I or a | Watch Word | From our Lord lesus Chrisi unto his ChiirelieM: | K»«|>ecially ihosr- within the Colony of the Massachusets | in New-KliKlniwl, | to take heed of ApoMlacy ; | Or. j A Treatise (»f EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 27 Remembrance of what Gher them. There is apparently a date, viz., " 29. 5. 67 : " also " 1692" or " 1672." These with a few words in short-hand characters are surrounded by a dark line. Against this is written " N. Clap : " followed by a few characters. I have tried all the systems of short-hand writing with which I am ac- quainted, but can make no sense of it. I think this is the first time I have ever totally failed to find some clew to a short-hand manuscript. If there was more of it, I n)ight have a better chance. Very truly yours, William P. Upha.m. 28 KAllLV AMKKICAN IMl'lUNTS. New-Kiiglaiul | PloatU'd with, | and jin^ssoil ti» consider the things which | oi>nct'rn her | Peace | at least in this her Day : | Or, | a Seasonable and Scri'Mis Word of faithful Advice to the Chnrches | and People of God (|iriinarily those) in the Massacluisets Tohmy ; | niusintrly to Ponder, and bethink themselves, what is the Tendency, | and will certainly bo the sad Issne, of snndry nnchristian and crooked | wayes, «hich too too [.sic] many have been turning aside unto, if j)ersisted | and gone on in. I Delivered in a Sermon Preached at Boston in New-England, | May. 7. 1G73. being the Day of Election there. | — | By Vrian Oakes Pastor of the Church of Christ in Cambriilge. | — | [Four lines from Micah vi. ."}, 4: five lines from Deut. xxviii. .58, 5!t ; two lines from Ezek. xviii. 30.] I — I Cambridge, Printe\>. "Christian Reader," signed "John SIht- inan" and "Thomas Shepard," headpiece of two lines of border pieces, the lower line of fine pieces, running headlines ; 1-G4, text; list of " Errata" at the bottom of page C4, four lines. In the margin at the iMiltimi of the titlepage of one copy is written " Nat Barnes." Several Laws and r)rdn. 1673. | And Hold by Kdiiiiind Hanger JbioKhjiidcr in Ho^tnii. I -.'mo. pp. ( t), .'M. Titlepaye surrounded by a wiile bordi-r line, virsn blank; 2 pj). "To the Header," Higned " Increase Mather," and dated at " Boston, Octob. 30. | 1673," cjitchword "Wo" lietween two linc^a of line ln'idi r pieces; 1-31, " Wo t<» Druiikanl."," pji. 3.'<-3H wanting. Tlii.s IH the lirsL tiljc in ;i voliinie wliicli mi ;i lly-lfiit' al the beginning, "Hannah Arnold llai ImmiU iKiiiiiuliriar '20 in the year 1707." EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 29 1674. 1C74. I — I All I Almanack. | Of | Coelestial Motions viz. of the Sun and | Planets, with some of their Principal | Aspects, for the Year of the | Christian ^ra | 1674 | Being (in our account) third after Leap | Year, and from the Creation 5623. | The Vulgar Notes whereof are | Cycle of the Moon 03 W Cycle of y<-- Sun 03 Roman Indiction 12^ -> Epact. 03 Dominic. Letter I)) vNumh. Direction 2!) Calculated for the Longitude of 315. gr. j and 42. gr. 30. m. North Lati- tude I — I [Four lines from Gen. i. 14; one line of Latin.] | — | Com- piled hy J. S. I — II Cambridge: | Printed by Samuel Green. 1674. 16mo. pp. (16). Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, the sides of the acorn pattern, verso, about eclipses, followed by " Earths and Suns imgress into the four Cardinal points," and " Scheme Coeleste ad Solis ingressum in Arietem." ; 12 pj). ]Marc]i to February ; 2 pp. " A Postscript to the preceding Kalendar." The author of this ahnauac was the Eeverend John Sherman, of Watertown, a Fellow of Harvard College. David serving his Generation, | or | a Discovrse | Wherein is shewed that the great Care and j Endeavour of every Christian ought | to be, that he may be Serviceable | unto God and to the present | Generation, | De- livered in a I Sermon | Preached to the General Court of the Co- | lony of New-Plimouth in NcM'-England on the 3d. | Day of June 16 74. Being the Day of Election | there, j — | By Samvel Arnold Teacher of the Church | of Christ at Marshfield in New England. | — | [Two lines from John xvii. 4; two lines from 1 Cor. xii. 7; two lines from Pliil. i. „, ^^ f i> ■• 1(1 1 I IT • * S ''"'"i Oxenbridtje. 21: one ime from i\ev. n. II'. — Iniijnmatur < . ,, , "" ^ ' ' ' ^ Increase Mather. I — II Cambridge, Printed by Samuel Green. 1674. Timo. pp. (4), 18. Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, the side ones of the acorn pattern, verso blank; 2 pp. "To the Reader," signed "Thomas Walley" and "Thomas Thaclier " ; 1-18, text. On tlie titlepage in an early handwriting appear the signatures, "Johannes Cotton" and "Kowland Cotton." An I Exhortation | unto | Reformation, | Amplified, | by a Discourse con- cerning the Parts and Progress of that | Work, according to the Word of God. I Delivered in a Sermon Preached in the Audience of | the Gen- eral Assembly of the Ma.ssachusets C(dony, I at Boston in New-England, May 27 16 74. | Being tlie | Day of Election j there. | — | By Samvel 4 oO EARLY AMEHICAN IMPRINTS. Torrey, I'ast-.r ui ihi- Churcli of j Christ in Wayniouth. | — | [Two lines from Isiiiali xxx. 15 ; three lines from verse 18; two lines from Jer. iii. 22; one line from Kev. ii. 7.j | — || Cambritlye: Printed by Marma- duke Johnson. 1(^74. 12mo. pp. (8), 44. [Two copies.] Leaf at beginning wanting, which contains on the va'so " At tlie General Court held at Hoston, May 27, 1074," an Order thanking the author and re- questint,' publication ; titlepage, surrounded by two border lines, verso blank ; 6 pp. "To the Keailer," signeil "Increase Mather." and dated at '• Boston, N. E. 1 20. 5, 1674," headi)iece a line of tine border |>ieces, a rule, and a line of similar inverted pieces; 1-44. "An | Exhortation unto Kcforiuatiou." On tlu' titlepage of one coi'V is Nvritlcii, "Jo. liaily's Book, N. E. March. 10. 8^. 6'^" ; and on tliat of the otlier, near the top, " Jabez Fux. His liook," hoth autugrajth .signatnres. An Iliily Connexion, | or h true | Agreement | between .Idiovalis being a Wall of I Fire to his People, and the Glory | in the midst tiiereof: | Or a Wonl in Season to stir up to a solemn Acknowledgement of | the gracious Protection of God over his People; anf border pieces, line at the top and bot- tom and acorn-shaped on the sides, verso, " At a Court of Election held at Hartford | .May 14lh. 1674," an Order of the Court thanking Mr. Fitch, and asking for a copy of the Sermon to be printed, signed " .lolm ,\llyn Seer.," border lim- above ami one below inverted ; 2 pp. "Christian Header," signed ".John Whiting" atid " .lo.seph Haines," a portion of this leaf torn olf; 1-2", text; last two leaves of signature missing f Tliis i.s the lirst electinn .'^(tmioh in (he ( '(uiiifcticiit ('ninny thill Wiis )>rint«'(l. In Dr. Havcn'.s list the lirst line (tf I hi' title- page i.s given inaccurately a.s " Holy Coininunion." Sovcral | I.,uwn and Orders | nnule at th<' | ( Jemral Court. | iloM.n at Hosfon ihfl twenty Mcveiith of May | 1674. | Ami Printeil by tlnir Onlrr, | Edwunl KawHon Secret. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 1 l[i;il I.'). Piiljm 1 1 [13]-15, t«xl ; liJU' variouH headlines ; last page blank; follows "Soveral Laws," 167.1, consecutive pitging. EARLY AMKRICAN IMPRINTS. 31 Several Laws ami Orders made at the | Second Sessions of the | General C'lHirt, I held at Boston in New England the | Seventh of October 1674 I And j)rinted by tlieir Order | Edward Rawson Seer. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 17-18. First l)age blank; 17, 18, text; various headlines; last page blank; fol- lows the last title. The Vncon]). "Christian Reader," dated at the end " Boston. N. E. | 1. of 2 M. | 1675," has head- piece of three parts, line of fine border pieces, rule, and line of border pieces inverted, headline " To the Reader" over both pages; 1-76, text, marginal notes, headpiece of four lines, line of acorn-shaped pieces, two lines of tine pieces, and a line of larger pieces inverted; list of " Errata" at the foot of page 76, nine lines ; has running headlines; badly trimmed by the binder. The I First Principles | of | New-England, | Concerning | the Subject of Baptisme | & | Communion of Churches. | Collected partly out of the Priuted Books, but chiefly 1 out of the Original Manuscripts of the First 62 EARLY AMKIJK'AN IMPRINTS. anil fliicif I FalliiTs in the Ne\v-Ens;lis1i Chiirohos; With tlio Judy;- | ineut of Siiuilry LoiiriU'd Divines <»f the ('nal | Way in Knij- huiil, Coneerninir the said Questions. | J'uMislu-d fur the Benefit of those wlioare of the Kisini,' Gene- | ration in Ne\v-Kni:land. | — | Hy Increase Matlier, Teaeln-r of the Church | in Huston in New-Eniihind | — | [Two lines from Deut. xxxii. 7; one line from Psalms cii. !><.] | — \ [Two lines of Latin.] | — || C'anihridge | I'rinttii l»y Samuel (Jncn, ll!7;"j. 12u»o. pp. (8), 40, 7. Titlejmge, surroundeicci's, the top and l>nt- tom acorn-shaped, verso hlank; <• pp. To tiie Header, signed "Increase Mathi-r," and dated "From my Study in | Boston N. E. 1. of | od Monetli. 1<;71 ," headpiece, two lines of tine honler |)ie<'es. lower one inverted, riilf hetWfi-n. lieatUine over all pai,a's "To the Reader;"' list of "Errata" at bottom of last page <»f preface, six lines ; 1-40, " The | First Principles | of | New England, | Concerning the Suhjoct of Baptism | ami | Communion | of I Chvrches," headpiece of two lines of acorn-shaped horder pieces, lower one inverted, has various headlines, and line of Greek at the end; 1-7, " Post- script." 1 ]). letter from John Allin, of Dedham, C \)\k letter from Jonathan Mitchef, dated at the end " Camhridg. Deceiiiher. j "-'G. 1(167"; last page hlank ; hadly trimmed hy the hinder. The Times of men are in the hand | of God. | — | Gr | a Sermon | occasioned by that awfull Providence which iiapned in | Boston in New-England, the 4"' day of the 3'' | Moneth 1<)7.'). (when part of a Vessel was blown up in I the Harbour, and nine men hurt, and three mortally | wounded) wherein is .shewed how we should | Siinetifie the dreaiifull Name of (iod I Jinder such awfull | l)is))ensations. | — | By Increase Mallier. | Teacher of a Church of Christ. | — | [Two lines from .I<>1. xxiii. 14; f«iur lines from Mark xiii. 3.'», ;{(!, :57 ; three lines from EuUe xiii. 4, T).] 1 — II Boston, I Printed by .l(din Foster l(i7;'». r.'mo. pp. ((i), '21. Titlepaye, surroumieil by two border lines, rrrso blank ; 1 pp. " To the Reader," t*itrned "Increase Mallier," and dated at " Boston '.'lli. | of 4th. .Moneth I l<>7.'i." 1-21, text, headpiece a line of border pieces, a rub-, and a line of similar inverted pieces; running lu-adlines ; "Tibi Domine" at the end between two rules; last jtaye blank; leaf missini; at begiiming and end. On tin- titlnpa^L* i.s wiillcn, " .lo. l'>;iily'.s IbMiko. I'.dstiui X. K. March. 10'." 8J." 1676. A I Brief IliMory | of the | VVarr j with the In.lians in j Nevv-Eiiyland, j (From Juno '21, U;7.'», wlu-u the first Eiit'lish-man was mur- | dered by the IndiauM, to AilgUHt 12 I(i7l>. wlu-u Pliilip, alias | Metacomet, the prineipal Author and Ibuiuner | of the Warr, was slain.) | Wlien-in the GroiMidH, Beginning, and ProgrewM of tin- Warr, | is smuunirily expressed. I Tiigether with 11 wrioii» j Exhorlalion j to the InhaliilJiuts of ijial EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 33 Land, I — I liy Increase Matlier, Tcadior of a Church of | Christ, in Boston in New-England. | — | [Two lines from Levit. xxvi. 25; two lines from Psalms cvii. 43; one line from Jer. xxii. 15.] | — | [Three lines of Latin.] | — || Boston, Printed and Sold by John Foster over I against the Sign of the Dove. 1«76. 12mo. pp. (G), .51, 8. [Two copies.] Titk'iiage, surrounded hy two border lines, verso blank ; 4 pp. " To tluf Reader," signed ''Increase Mather," headpiece of three lines, one line of fine border pieces, a rule, and line of similar pieces; 1-51, "A Brief | Hh- tory I of the | VVarre | with the Indians in | New-England," line of Greek at the end between two rules, large ornamental headpiece ; 1 p. blank ; 1-8, "Postscript," same headpiece as at the beginning of the Preface; list of " Errata," five lines, at the foot of page 8; running headlines: followed by " An Earnest Exhortation.'' An Earnest | Exhortation | to the Inhabitants of | New-England, | to heark. text, has large onianiental border piece; last pairc blank. Oil the tipper inarj^iu of ilio liilepage of one eopy, probably in the author's hand, is written, " For M' Simon Bradstreet of New- London." [Tlianksgiviiii; I'ruclaniation, l(!7t>, prol)ably printed by Samuel Green, Cambridge.] Broadside. Folio. Cut of the Cy the Enemy, and uiving us especially of late with our Confederates many signal Advan- tages against them"; signed " By the Council, Edward Kaw.sou Seer." A copy of the proclamation in fac-simile, reduced in size, aji- ]>ears in "A Choral Service for Thanksgiving" (Boston, 1S91), ])iiljlished by the Congregational Sunday School and Bublishing ! tliiiik that tliese two persons were the Regicides then at Hadley. Mi-. Hr»llingsworth has in his library two copies of the London edition of the Narrative, which vary in souk' slight details. For an account of tlic "Wine Hills" maj) which ajipeared in the lioston edition, see Proceedings (2d series, I \'. 1 '.•'.» ), ami for one of the " White Hills " maj. (VI. 41 ). It is i.rol.alde that the majt ill tin; London edition was plaetMl at the beginning of the book. A K( I. ill-ill I y Iiicr«';isc Mather | 'rcai-luT of a ("Imrcli in Bnstun in Xc\v-Knirlaii. Titlepaiic, snrronnded hy two border lines, verso blank; 4 ])p. "To the Reader," siynetl " Increase Mather," and dated at '' Boston N. E. | Sept. 14. U)77," lieadpiece a line of border |)ieces, a rule, and a line of similar ])ieces inverted; list of " Ernita '' at end of Preface, three lines between two rules; 1-7(1, -'A | Relation j of the first troubles in | New-England | by reason of th<; Indians there," has large ornamental headpiece ; foUowed by "An Historical Discourse," with new signature letters. An I Historical Discourse j concerning the | Prevalency | of | Prayer | wherein is shewed that New-Englands late Deliverance from the | Rage of the Heathen, is an eminent Answer of Prayer. | — | By Increase Mather | Teacher of a Clinrch in Boston in New-England | — | [One line from Psalms cii. IS; five lines from James v. 17, 18.] | — | [Two lines of Latin.] | — | — || Boston, | Printed and sold by John Foster. 1(17 7. l-_>mo. pp. (4). IN. Title])age, surrounded by two border lines, verso blank; 2 pp. "To the Reader," signed " Increase Mather," and dated at " Boston, X-E. | August, 16, 1677," has large ornamental headpiece; 1-18, "An | Historical Dis- covrse I concerning the Prevalency of | Prayer," headpiece a line of border pieces, a rule, and a line of similar pierces inverted; IS*'i<3ti wanting; pamphlet forms a p;irt of " A Relation of the Troubles." A Seasonable | Watch- Word | unto Christians | against the | Dreams & Dreamers | of this Generation : | Delivered in a Sermon November 16th. I 1605 : I And being the last Lecture, which was Preached | by that Reverend, Faithful and | P'minent Man of God | Mr. John Wilson. | Sometime Past()r of the Church of Christ in Bosttni | in New Eng- land I — I [Three lines from Acts xx. 26, 27.] | — || Cambridge : | Printed by S. Green & S. Green. 1677. 12m(j. pp. (4), 10. Titlepage, surrounded liy a line of small border pieces, the top and bottom of the acorn pattern, verso lilank ; 2 pp. " Christian Reader," signed " Thomas Thacher," and dated [torn] " 23. 5. 1677 " ; 1-10, text, headpiece a line of acorn-sliaped Iiorder pieces and a line of similar pieces inverted. Several | Laws & Orders | made at the first Sessions of the | General Court I'for Elections | hel.l at Bost..u in New-England | May 23d. 1677. | Printed and Published by their Order, | Edwaril Hawson Secr't. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 51-55. Pages 4i), 50, including the headim;-. wanting; 51-5."), text, various head- lines : last iiage blank. 3^3417 38 KARLY ami:ri<\ax imprints. Sevoral | Laws and OiiUts | inaih- at tlio scc-otul Sessions of the | General Court I heUl at Boston Oetober. 10'''- KmT. | Ami jinlilislied by Order thereof, | Edward Kaws4in Seer'. No titU'iiaire. Ito. jip. ")7-5ii. A cut of the Colonial arms at the top of jiaife57; 57-5!), text, various headlines : last page blank. Sundry Laws | made by the General Court Wherein the Du- | ty of Tythinij Men is exjtressed, viz. Xo titlepajL:e. 4to. jtp. 3. A eut of the Cojouial arms at tlie top of jiai^e 1 ; \-'.i, text, various head- lines ; last paye blank. These three sii|tjtlenR'iil.s to tlie (ieneral Law.s of 1672 ii]i)K'nr ill the fac-simile reprint (lloston, 1SS7), pa^es 251-259, i^oit-.'Ul. 1678. Abraham in Arms; | — | Or | the first Keliirions | General | with Ids | Army I eniiaginj: in | a War | for whieh he had wisely prepared, and by | whieh, nut only an eminent | Vietory | was (d»tained, but | a Blessing I gained also. | Delivered in an Artillery-Electiou-Sermou, .June, 3. 1078. I — I By S. N. [Samuel Xowell] | — || Boston ; | Printed by John Foster, 1078. li'mo. jip. (.!), ID. [Two eopies. Titlepage, surrounded by a line of Itorder pieees, tine at the sides, and lartrer at the top and ImiIIoui, verso blank; 1 jt. "To the Header," signed " Samuel Xowell," liead|>ieee a line of border pi<( tlic Gospels, | in the Holy | History | of the | Humiliation and Sufferings | of | Jesus Christ, | from his | Incarnation | to his | Death and Hurial. | — | Published by John Eliot, Teacher | of the Church in Roxbury. | — | [Two lines from Acts ill. 18.] | — | — || Boston ; I Printed by John Foster, in the Year 1678. 12mo. pp. (4), 131. Titlepaye, surrounded by a line of border pieces, fine at the sides and larger at the t<^ip and bottom, verso, statement concerning the work, ending "and therefore do affix our Iniprimatvr Thomas Thachek. Vrian Oakes. James Allex. Increase Mathek." 2 pp. "The Contents," five lines of " Errata " at the end between two rules ; 1-1 ;n, " Tlie Harmony of the | Gospels | in the holy History of the Humiliation | and Sufferings of | Jesus Christ, | from his Incarnation to his Death and Burial," large ornamental headpiece, several headlines; last page blank. There is written upon the titlepage, " Jo. Baily's Booke. Be- stowed vpon me by the Revered Author Feb. S'.*" 8|. N. E." ; and also the autograph signature "Oxenbridge Thacher." lllustrissimis Viris | tam Pietate, quam Prudentia atque Auctoritate spec^ tatissimis ; | ( D. .Toliaiini Leverutto. ( Foerteratum ( ^lassachuset ( _, , , ., ...),,,. ,,r. , ) XT 4 1- » Di- ..u ) Gubernatonbus OrnatissuTiisK D. Josiae \V inslowaeo. < Nov-Angliae< Fhmoutn < ,, ,• • ■ I ,,„.,. , , ... I /^ 1 ■ In »• . I Honoratissnnis V D. Gviuehiio Leitto. v Coloniarum I, Connecticut : ^ I Coeterisque in Magistratus Onere et Honore Conjugatis, ad Reipublicae davum juyiter excubantibus, incolumitatis publicae api)rime | stuiliosis; Nee non Heverendissimis cum-Academiae, tum Ecclesiarum Curatoribus, The(dogis Doctissimiset Gravissimis ; | Onmibus denuo et singulis bona- runi Literarum candidatis, benevolis Academiae Evfpr/frais \ Theses hasce. quas (eavirep eniTpfni] 6 Geos) Sub Rev : Uriano Oakes, Ecclesiae Cantabriijiensis Pastore, Collegii | Harvardini Praeside pro tempore, KaracrictvaaTiKai (cat iXvaaKevaariiccbs discutiendas, ])roponunt juvenes tXii\i]dfii Kdi r i>:iu«'] ("aut:il>rii;iai' Nc>v-Aii<,'l"'niin Idibiis Scxtil- ihiis: MDC'LXXVIII. Hioa.lsi.lf [printttl l>y Saiiuu-l (Jivcn. C'aiii- briilge]. Foli". I'riiitiMl in twn c-i>liimiis ; tin' tirst •• TlicsfS Tci-liiiol.-i^icar : " in sixUcti suliji'fts, ami '' Lonicao" in twfiity-six ; the semiul (•nluiiin " (iiaininatica*' " in fiiilit snbjri'ts. *' Klictttricaf" in nine, '• Matlicniaticai' " in twelve, ami " I'hysieae " in fifteen : suriouiKlecl l»y a line of ln.nler |iicfes, the l»«.tt<>iu of aet>rn-shait«'il pieces, the sides of larger fiiecis, anil tiie tiip of various moon-shaped pieces. [Order of the General Court, 1678.] Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the ]»ai;e; " At tlie second Sessions of the I General Court | held at | Hoston in Xew-England '" ; an order retpiir- iuir the Oath of Allegiance to he taken hy all of "sixteen years 7« " ; speaks uf " how the Lord hath heen plea.sed of late Years, hy nniny waves and means, to humhle and hring low his poor people in this Wilderness . . . the contagious spreading I) of the Snnill I'ox, anil other Distt-mpers," and alludes to the " rehuking the Malice of the Blood-thirsty Heathen about us . . . the settlement, and future Flotnishing of the Colledge," and other nuitters ; signed "Edward Rawson Seer." Several | Pisi-(Hirso I Cuiicoriiiiit^ till' D.iiiiior i»f | Ajmstasy, | «-sju'(ially as to those lliat art* the CliiKlreii | ami Posti'iity ot sucli as have heon | ouiiuent fur (J4i(l in their | Ueiieratiitij. | Delivered in a Seriimii, preached in the Aiiili- I eiiee of the fjeueral Asseinhly of the Massaehu- | sets Colony, at Huston in New-England, | May 23. Ifi77. heing the day of Election I there | — | liy Increase Mather, | Teaciier of a Chnrc.h in Boston in New-England. | — | [Two lines from Jer. xxiii. 28; four linos from 1 'I'im. V. 21 : two lines from Titns ii. 15.] | — || Hostmi. I'riiited in tlie Year, Uw!). HJm<». pp. (1), 3:)-4S. Titlepage, suiToimdeil hy a line of horder |)ieces, verso hlank ; 3.>, .'l(j, •■ 'I'll the Header," sitriicd " Increase Mather." and dated at " linston, 22. day iif the 2. I Moneth. 1G7S." ;J7-48, text, headpiece of a line .if li..v.ler i>ieces. anile, and a line uf siinilar pieces invcrtfil. luuuiii',' liiMilliucs ; rfinaiuiiiix patje.s wanting. (Ml tilt; titlepage, just Kclnw the iiuiniiit, is the line " liy Jolm Foster" in the haiiilwriting tif Thoiuus riiiice. This title and the following one enni]iiisu jiarts ii. and iii. of "A Call from Heaven" (lloston, 1679), l»y Mather; but two have been separated. i'ray for the Kising | (jleneratioii. | — | Or a | Sermon | Wherein CJodly Parents are encouraged | to Pray and Believe for their | Children. | I'reached the third day of the fifth Moneth, 1678, | which day was set apart hy the second Church | in Boston in N<'W-Kni:land, linmhly to seek unto | (Jod hy Fasting and I'rayer, for tiie Spirit of Con- | verting (irace to he |ionre(l out upon the Chil- | dren, and Rising (feneration in New-England. | — | Tlie secoinl impression. | — | My Increase .Mather, T<'a<'her | of that (!hurch. | — | [Two lines from Dent. .\'.\x. G; two lines from 2 Sani. vii. 27; two lines from Isaiah xxxii. !.'>.] | — | [Two line.** of Latin.] | — || Boston, Printetl by ilohn Foster, lt pa^e Idank. The I NewHsity | of | the pouring out nf tlie Spirit | fmm un Hit:h | upmi .1 I Sinning ApoHtati/.ini; I'eoplr, set under | •ludgun-nt, in older tu tlieir iiiercifiil I Deliverance and .Salvatioti. | As it was Delivered in pari, upon 21. U.'1678. Iieing a general | Fast throughout the united Colonies of N. K. I — I Hy William Adams, | Pastor of the Church of Christ in DiiUiain. I — I [Four lines from Luke xix. 41, 42; tliice lines t'lum EARLY AMERICAN lill'RINTS. 43 Luke xiii. '.]'>; tliree lines f'noii Psalms xiv. 7.] | — | — || Boston; I Printed by .J(»lin Foster, for William Avery, near the sign of the | Mew Anchor. Hi7;t. Timo. pp. («), 48. Titlepage, snrrounded by two border lines, verso lihtnk ; r> pp. "To the Reader," siiiiied l)y " Samuel Torrey " and " Josiah Flint," headpiece line of border j)ieces, a rule, and a line of similar invei'ted ])ieces, run- ning heaiUines; 1 ]). fourteen lines of errata between two lines of border pieces; 1-48, text, similar headpiece to preface. On the titlepage is written "Jo. Bailys Booke Dec. 22. 84. N. E." New-Eiii;lands | clioicest Ulessing | and the Mercy most to be desired by | all that wisli well to this People. | Cleared in a | Sermon j preached before the | (,'ovrt of Election | at Boston on May 28. | liiTd. \ — | By James Allen, | Teacher to tin; first gathered Church therein. | — | [Centre piece, four lines (tf fine border pieces the whole tapering down- vA-ard.] I — II Boston, | Printed by John Foster, 1679. 12mo. i)p. (4), 14. [Two copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, I'erso blank; 2 pp. " To the Readei"," signed " James Allen," h('adpiece line of border pieces, a rule, and a line of finer pieces inverted ; 1-14, text, headpiece like that of preface, only lower pieces as large as the upper; "Soli Deo Gloria " at the end of page 14, below which are two lines of " Errata." On the back of the titlepage of one copy is the entry " Ben- ianiin Dyer his Book 1700/1." Serious Advice to delivered Ones from | Sickness, or any other Dangers threat- | ning Death, how they ought to can-y it, that | their Mercyes may be continued, and | after Misery prevented. | Or the healed ones | Proj)hvlacticon | or HealthfuU Diet. | Delivered in several | Sermons | on John ."). 14. I — | By James Allin, | Teacher to the most antient Churcli of Christ in Boston. | — | [Centre piece, four lines of fine border pieces the whole ta))ering downward.] | — || Boston. | Printed by Jcdni Foster, in the Year | 1()79. r2mo. ])p. (3), 30. [Two copies.] Titlepage, snrrounded by a line of border pieces, wer.vo blank : 1 ]i. " To the Reader," signed "James Allin," and dated at " Boston, May IG. | 1G79," headpiece a line of border pieces, a rule, and a line of finer pieces inverted ; 1 p. blank ; 1-30, text, headpiece, like that of preface, only lower pieces same size as tlie upper; one line of errata at the foot of page 30 ; last page blank. On the titlepage of one copy appears " Jo. Bailys's Booke, 6** 84." The imprint of the copy in the John A. Lewis .collection at the Boston Public Library is " lioston, | Printed by John Fos- ter, and sold by Edmund Ranger. | 1679." 44 EAKLV AMi:i;iCAN I.MI'UINIS. A I Sertnon | proarlu'il n\u>n Kzi-k. '2'2. ;Mi, SI. \ Ocj-asioiu'd l>y tli<> Death of tlip I iniicli hoiiKiiri'il I .IkIui Lfvort't Escj; | ({(ivcniuur <>t' tlic t'oliiiiy of the I Matta<-hiis.'ts. X-E. | — | By S. W. [Samn.-l Willanl] T.-.x-hrr of tlH' South I'hiirclj I ill Huston. | — | [Cciitrt' piiTo, four lines of tine honler pieoes tile wlioh' taperintr ilownwanl.] | — || Hoston ; I'lintcd hy John Foster, in the Year Hu!*. 12nio. pp. (1), 1.'5. Titlepatfe. surroumh-il hy a line of honler pieces, verso lilank ; l-i;{, text, litMiljiiect' line of honler pieces, a rule. any a line of honler pieces, versu, "To the Header," ahoiit the eclipses, etc.; 12 pp. March to F«d»ruary; 1 p. ."The Natures and Operations of the seven Planets, | with the Names and Characters f,'iven them hy I Astronomens " ; 1 ]>. " Sprint; Tides,'' and correctioji of a mistake. The I Divine Kii;ht j of ; liilant-15;iplisme | Asserted and I'mved fmm | Scripture | ami | Antiijvity. | — | liy Increase Matlier, | Teacher of a Church of Christ in Hoston in New-England. | — | [One line from Mic. ii. ft; five lines fn.m .Mark x. i;t, II, IC] | — | [Five lines of Latin. I — I — II Ho.Kton, I Printeil hy Jolni Foster, iu the Year lJJ!:" large ornamental hea«<-rmon | preadied to the second (liurch iu Hottton in | Xew-Enijland, .Mjirch 17. PiJJJ; after | that Chundi had ex- plicitly and inoHt | Holemidy renewed the In^a^emcMit | of tliem.Mdves to (iiwl, ami I one lo another. | — | Hy Samvel N'Villard, Teacher of a Church in | Hoston in New-England. | — | [Three lines iVom Dent, xxix. I; three liuen fmm 2 Chron. .\v. !'».; | — | (Centre piece, two lines of honler pieceH, eight in the first, ami six in the second.] ] - || Hoston, Printed l»y J. dm FoHter, I««". l2mo. pp. (I), l.i. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 45 Titlopaije, snrroiintlod by a bonier line, verso blank; 1-13, "The Duty of a P«'o))lo that have j Rfnievved their Covenant," headpiece, two lines of border jjieces, the lower one inverteil, ruiniin<( headlines; last j»a<£e blank. Returiiini,^ unto God the great eoneerninent | of a Covenant People. | — ] Or I a Sennon | preached to the second Cliurcli in Boston in | New-Eng- land, March 17. 10^^; when | that Church did solemnly and explicitly | Renew their Covenant with | God, and one with another. | — | By In- crease Mather Teacher of that Church. | — | [Two lines from 2 Sam. vii. 24 ; two lines from 2 Chron. xxix. 10 ; two lines frotn Ezra x. 12 ; four lines from Jer. xviii. 7, 8.] | — | [Centre piece, two lines of border pieces, eight in the first and six in the second.] | — || Boston, Printed by John Foster. 1G80. r2mo. pp. (G), 19, (2). Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, verso blank; 4 pp. "To the second Church of Christ iu | Boston in New-England," signed " Increase Mather," and dated " April 19, 1G80." headpiece of line of border pieces and one of similar pieces inverted, running headlines ; 1-19, " Returning unto God the great Con- | cernment of a Covenant People," large ornamental headpiece, running headlines; " Tibi Domine" at the foot of page 19; 2 pp. " The Covenant which was unanimously eon- | sented unto, is as followeth ; " last page blank. The two sermons mentioned above were preached on the same day, and before the same church ; and the two pamphlets are printed in a uniform style. Reasons for the Inditement of the D. of York, presented to the Grand Jury of Middle- I sex, Saturday, June 2G. 80, By the Persons hereunder Named. Broadside. Folio. The imprint probably cut off; perhaps printed iu Boston. The Sting of Death | and | Death Vnstvng | delivered in two | Sermons | in which is shewed | the Misery of the Death of those that dye in their Sins, & out I of Christ, and the Blessedness of theirs that Dye in the Lord. I Preached on the occasion of the Death of the truely noble and virtuous I The Lady Mildmay. | — | By Leonard Hoar, M. D. | Some- time Preacher of Gods Word in Waiistead. | — | [Three lines from Psalms xlix. 14; two lines from Eccles. viii. 13, 14; four lines from verse 14; tvvo lines from Tsa. iii. 10, 11; two lines from verse 11 ; two lines from Psalms xlviii. 14; four lines from Rev. ii. 10.] | — || Boston, Printed by John Foster. IGSO. 12mo. pp. (8), 24. Titlepage, surrounded by a wide bt>rder line, verso blank ; G pp. " To Mris Bridget Usher my ] ever honoured Aunt,'' signed " Josiah Flint," and dated at " Dorchester, from my Study, | 7th. of .'ith. 1G80,"' headpiece a line " 6 40 KAKl.V AMKKICAN l.Ml'lUNTS. uf bonliT pieces auJ a liuouf similar jiiires iuverted, niuiiini; liraiUiiu's; 1-24, "Death disjinned, | being a | Funeral Sermon | Upnu 1 Cor. 15. 55," head- piece similar to that at the beginning of the preface. In the upper margin, at the beginning of the preface, is written " Samuel Cheekley His Booke." In the upper right-hand corner is also written " N. Clap. 26. 12. [ ] Boug[ht] at M[r.] Brun- n[ing]." The name "X. Clap," referred to by Mr. I'phani in his note on page 27 is written in the same haml. Joseph lirunning was a bookseller who came to Boston from Amster- dam in the year 1683, and died in the spring of 1691. liis name is often written Browning. \'\'vskv I Wiittcstamentnm | Xiil-lorduniun | lesus Christ | NiippiKpioh- wussiiatiifiiinun. | — | — || Cambridge, | Printed for the Kight Hnnonr- able I Corporation in London, for the | propagation of the Gospil among the In- I dians in New-England 1(!80. 12mo. jip. (2r)0). Titlepage, surrounded by a bonh'r line and a line of bordir }>itccs, the top and bottom acorn-shapi'd ])ieces, and the sides larger; 2.J7 pp. te.xt ; last page blank ; f(dlo\vcd liy tlie P.silms in Inf Cah-nd. by P. fJreir. 10"i Laying the foumlation of Ilarv. Col 40 ^Leap year (in our jvccount) 0:5 I The Vulgar Notes are | Cycle (»f Sun & Moon 11 Epact 1 | Dominical Letter A Number of Direct. 26 | — | Calculated for y'' Meridian of Ho.ston in N-England | where the North Pole is Elevated 42 degr. | 30 min. Longitude 31.5 Degr. | — | liy W. l^rattle Philomath. | — j [Four lines from Gen. i. 14.] | — || Cambridge | Printed liy Sanuud Green 1682. IGmo. pp. (14), f». Titlepage, surrounded by a line of two varittics of Ixmlcr jtieces, rerso " Eclipses in the Year 1682"; 12 j)]). March to February ; 1-!), " An | E.x- jdanation of the Preceding Ephemeris, | fitted to the Mcriay of May, HJ78. | First, The Charge against tliein was openly read, contain- ing | these Particnhirs : As | 1. That a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true Christ, | but the False Christ, the Devil. | 2. That the main end of the Quakers Meetings in these Islands, is to make | the Lords Christ, His Holy Spirit, His Angels, and Apostles, all Lyars | and False Witnesses of God. | '.i. That the Prim- Principles of a Quaker, are the same Held and Pro- | fessed by the Beasts, which Paul fought with at Ephesus. | Secondly, The whretended Saviour within him, is not the true | Christ, but the false Christ, the Devil " : 1 y. blank ; 7 7-100, " Header" ; running lieadlines. On tlie titlepai^e is tlic auto«fraph sifjnature " T. Mather." At the end of the Preface, just Itelow the signature, appears in l>riiit tin* folhtwiiig, line for line: — This insuing Discourse had been Printed sooner, had not Mr. .lolin Foster (the Printer; been disenabled by a teilious sickness, of which he Died. A >, H; two lines from .ler. li. oO.] | — | [Four lines of Latin.) | - || Boston in Ni-w-Knt'Iaud : | Printed f..r S.uiil*! Sruall, in the ^lar, lilH'J. r.'mo. pp. (.;;, -'I. Titlepage, surrounded l»y two bcrdir lims, vnso blank ; 4 pp. " 'i'o the KcadiT," tiigned "Increase Mather," anrl liated at "Boston; N. Kngl. | 1. M. W. D. 1<;H2," running heatllineH ; 1-24, text, list of " Errata " on page 24, three line»», rnnning headlines; below is an " Advertisement," live lines, concM.Tniiig the author's "Duly of Prayer," between tfto lines ..f Itorder jiiews. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 51 The Sovcraigu Eiiicucy of Divine | Providence; | Over ruling and Omni- potently Disposing and Ordering all | Humane Counsels and Affairs, Assorted, Demonstrated | and Improved, in a Discovrse Evincing, | that (not any Arm of Flesh, hut) the right Hand of the | Most High is it, that Swayeth the Vniversal Scei)ter of | this Lower World's Goveru- inent. | Oft Wheeling about the Prudentest Management of the | Pro- foundest Plotts, of the Greatest on Eartli ; unto | such, Issues and Events, as are Aiiuizingly contrary | to all Humane Probabilities, and cross to the | Confident Expectation of Lookers on. | As Delivered in a | Sermon | Preached in Cambridge, on Sept. 10. 1G77. Being the Day of I Artillery Election there. | — | By Mr. Vrian Oakes, the late (and still to be I Lamented) Reverend Pastor of the Church of Christ in | Cam- bridge : And Learned President of Harvard Colledge. | — | [Two lines from Psalms xxix. 10 ; two lines from Isaiah xli. 14, 1.5 ; two lines from Rom. xi. 36.] I — || Boston in Ne^w-England : | Printed for Samuel Sewall. 1682. 16mo. pp. (5), 40. [Two copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso blank ; 3 pp. " To the I Reader," signed "'John Sherman," running headlines; 1 p. blank; 1-40, text ; on first page of the blank leaf at the end is an " Advertisement " of Samuel Willard's Covenant Keeping, "now in the Press." On the last page of one copy after the word " Finis " appears, in two printed lines, the following : " Anne Shepard; | October, 9. 1682," which I am unable to explain. On the titlepage of the same is written, " Jo Baily's Booke. Dec. 8. 84 N. E." A copy of the same sermon, in the Prince Library, has a similar entry ; and in both instances a slip of paper had been pasted over these lines. 1683. M.DC.LXXXIII. I — I The Boston Ephemeris. | An | Almanack | for ] the (Dionysian) Year of the Christian | ^ra. M.DC.LXXX III. | And of the Worlds Creation 5632. | Anno Oppidi inchoati 53. | — | Of which the Vulgar Notes are. | Cycle of the Sun 12. | Dominic. Let. G. F. ] Golden Numb. 12. | Epact 12. | Num. of Direct. 18. | — | Serving the Meridian Kf Boston in New-Engl. | Latitude, 42. gr. 30. min. | Longitude 315. gr. I — I [One line from Eph. v. 16 ; two lines in Latin.] | — || Boston in New England, | Printed by S. G. for S. S. 1683. 16mo. ])p. (2:{). [Tlu'ce copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso about eclipses and "An Intiuuition of the Time when Spring-Tides | will ]>robably happen this Year" ; 12 pp. March to February ; 8 pp. " Reader " ; (8, 'J) "A Description of the Last Years | Comet " ; last page blank. 52 kai:lv amkhican i.mpuints. On the titlepa^'L' uf one copy is the autograph signature of "Cotton Mather A[uthor] 1683"; on that of the second, which contains notes by Judge Sewall, is written in his hand in the lower margin, " l>v Mr. Cotton Mather." The third eoj^y eon- tains manuscript notes by Wait Still Winthrop. All I E.xplauatidn | of tlie Solojnn | Advice, | Reeoininendod by the Covncil I in Cuuiiecticut Colony, to tlie Inhabitants in that 'Jurisdiction, Kesiu'- I cling the Keforniation of those | Evils, which have been the Pro- | curing Cause of the late Judgments | upon Xew-Eugland. | — | liy Mr. James Fitcii, Pastor of tlie | ("hnrcli in Norwich. ] — | [Seven lines from 1 Sam. vii. 3; one line from "2 Chron. xix. 4.] | — || Boston in Xew-Englaml. | Printed by S. Green for I. Vsiier of Boston. 1C83. IGmo. pp. (clober 1, H5M3. I — I By Samnel Willard Teacher to a Church | in Boston. | — I ['I'wo lineH from Nnmb. xxiii. 10 ; two lines of Latin.] | — || Boston in Nevv-Kni;lanil Printed by Samuel (Jreeii | for Samuel Sewall : I6H3. l'2liio. |.|.. (I ). 2<». [Two lopies I EARLY AMKRICAN IMPRINTS. 53 Titlo])ac:f', surrounded by a wide T)ordor lino, vemn blank ; 1-18, text, wide nili' tor Iica(l|)iece ; 19-20, "In Obituin luctuosissirnum Viri vere | gencrofii, pii, pluriinisq ; aliis Nonii- | nilxis honorandi | — | Johannis Hvll arinigcri, I cniri Diirnitate pari dci^cntis, in Suinino Dynastarinii | Nov-Anglo- rvni online, duni vixit, I'iiis," signed " Elijali Corlet," headpiece a wide rule. KOMHTOrFAIA. | — | Or a | Discourse Concerning ] (Comets; | wherein the Nature of Blazing Stars | is Enquired into: | With an Historical Account of all the Comets | which have appeared from the Beginning of the I World unto this present Year, M.DC.LXXXIII. ] Expressing I the Place in tlie Heavens, where they were seen, | their Motion, Forms, Duration ; and the Re- | markable Events which have followed I in the World, so far as they have been | by Learned Men Observed. I As also two Sermons | Occasioned by the late Blazing Stars. | — | By Increase Mather, Teacher of a Church | at Boston in New-England. I — I [Two lines from Psalms cxi. 2; one line from Amos ix. 6.] | — {| Boston in New-England. | Printed by S. G. for S. S. And sold by J. Browning | at the corner of the Prison Lane next the Town- | House 1683. lOmo. pp. (12), 143. [Two copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso blank ; 4 pp. " To the Peader," signed "John Sherman," and dated " Decemb. 20. 1682," headpiece of eleven urn-shaped border pieces; 3 pp. "To the Reader," signed " Increase Mather," and dated at " Boston N. E. Dec. 31. \ 1682"; 1 p. blank; 2 pp. "The Contents"; 1-143, "A | Discourse Concerning | Comets"; list of " Errata " at the end of page 143, eight lines; last page bhmk ; running headlines. The " two Sermons Occasioned by the late Blazing Stars," men- tioned on the titlepage, are " Heaven's Alarm to the World," and " The Latter Sign," given under the year 1682. See Sibley's Harvard Graduates (I. 445). A Plea I for the Life of | Dying Religi(m | fnnn the Word of the Lord : | in a I Sermon | preached to the General Assembly of the | Colony of the Massachvsets at Boston in | New-England, May 16. 1683. | Being the Day of Election there. | — | By Mr. Samuel Torrey Pastor of the Church of Christ | at Waymouth. | [Three lines from Rev. iii. 1 ; five lines from Deut. x.xx. 19; three lines from Hosea vi. 1.] | — || Boston in New-England | Printed by Samuel Green for Samuel Sewall. 1683. 12mo. pp. (8), 46. [Two copies.] '^ritlepage, surrounded by a lino of border pieces, verxo blank ; 6 pp. " To the Reader," signed " Increase; Mather," and dated at " Boston in N. Eng- land. I August 31. 1683," running headlines; 1-46, "A Plea for | the | Life I of I Dying Religion"; on the verso of the leaf foUowing is an "Adver- tisement" of Increase Mather's "Essay for tiie Recording of Illustrious Providences." o4 KAIM.V AMKRKWN IMPinXTS. [PriK-laination relating to Claims and Titles in tlie Narniiransi'tt Cnuntiv.] IJroailsitle. Folio. [Two eopies.] Heailini;, " Hy His Majesties | Conmiissioners, | for Exaiuininii and Kn- «|uiriug into the Claims and Titles to the | Kings Province | or | Nanaganset Countrey"; proclamation that " by a Commission from His Majesty, bear- ing Date the 7"^ of Ajtril ltj83 . . . Commissioners to Examine &: Knqnirc into the Respective Claims and Titles" in the " Kings Province or Naria- gauset Countrey '' had been appointed; meeting set for Wednesday, August 22, " at Mr. Richard Smith his Mouse in the Xarraganset Countrey" to hear and receive such Claims covering land "whether upon the Main, between the Rivers of Providence and Pauguatuch, the Island of Canonnicut, Prudenc«>, Patience, or any other Islands'' belonging to the country ; and order that this summons be i)rinted, and sundry copies attested by William Wharton, and sent to ditterent parties ; signed " By Order of His Majesties Commissioners," [autograph signature of " William Wharton Reg' "]. Advertisement. 32mo. 1 p. 1684. Notice of a run-away servant, Matthew Jones, the jiroperty of Hannah Bosworth, of Hull ; reward of forty shillings oHered for his return to " George EUistone Shop keeper in Boston " ; dated " Manli i;. Kl.s;!.'' ICR-i. I — I The B.iston Ephemeris. | An | Almanack | for | the Year .MDC.- LXXXIV. I Anil of tiie Worlds Creation 66;3;{. | Oppidi Inehoati, 'i^>. I Being the first after Leap-year. | — | Of which tlie N'ulgar Ntites are. I Cycle of the Sun 13. | Dominic. Let. E. | Epact 2:;. Prime 13. ] — | Calculated for the Meritlian of Boston in New-Engl. | where the Norlli pole is ( levated 12 gr. 3(» m. | Longitude 31.'i gr. | — | By Benjamin fJillam PhiionanticUH. | — || Bosttui in New England, | Printed by Sainu(d (Jreen for Samuel | Philips, and are to be S(dd at his Sliop at I tho West lank ; 177-21X, "Ireuicon," headpi<'ce, eight urn-shaped bonier )»ieces ; running headlines ; f.lhiws "The benefit of a Wcil-i »nienMl {'..nv< isatini:." by William Hubbard. The I Doctrine | of Divine | I'mvidence | oj)ened and aj)plyed : | .Mso Sundry Sermons on Several | other Subjects, | — | Hy Increase .Mather. | Teacher of a C'hurch at Hoston in New-England | — | [Three lines from Psalms cvii. 4.'t; three lines from Rom. xi. 33.] | — || IJo.ston in New-England | Printed by Richard Pierce for ,Ioseph Hrunning, | and are to be sold at his Shop at the Corner | of Prison- Lane next the Exchange 1684. I'Imo. jip. (7), MH. [Two copies.] Titlepage, reran blank; 5 pp. "To the Reader," signed " Increa.'se Mather," and dated at " Boston N. E. | ()ct(d». 25: I CM "; 1 p. blank ; 1-3(1, "The (iod of Heaven has an over-ruling hand of | Provideiu-e in whatever Cometh to Pas.H in | this world " ; 37 5!l, " The works of Divine Providence | are great and woiiiierfMll " ; (!i)-Ml , " ( iml does wouilerfully suit his .ludguu-nts ac- I cording to what the sins of luen have been"; H"J los, "Sins of Omis- nion exjuiw men to the JudgmentK | of (iod "; 10!I-MS, " 'I'he Lord's servants whilst livini; in this world, | have nuiny Opportunities and Advantages to | glorifie (iod which the saints in Heaven have | not. | — | Preached Auuust 24, KJM4"; " Erratum," two lines at the end of pau'i' MM; running head- lines; blank leaf; followed liy " A Si-rmon " by Nalluiniel .Mather, printed f>n the oniiio fnniiM, but witli new Higtuiture letter'*. On pnj^t; 108 in writU-n ".Tosciih fJeirisli MIht ejus IT^l " EAULV AMEKICAN IMPRINTS. 57 A I Sennon | wherein is sIievv(Ml | tliat it is the Dvty and should be the Care I of Believers on Christ, to Live | in the Constant Exercise of | Grace. I — I By Mr. Nathanael Mather | Pastor of a Church at Dublin in Ire- land. I — I [Two lines from Jolin viii. 29; two lines from Rom. viii. 14 ; two lines from Ephes. iv. ^0.] | — || Printed at Boston in New-England I By R. P. f(tr Joseph Browning Stationer. | Anno 1G84. IGnio. pp. (1), 2«, (1). [Two coj.ies.] Titlepage, verso blank; 1-28, ''Believers on Christ ought to live in a Constant | Exercise of Grace," headpiece, line of border pieces and a similar one inverted ; the end of tlie print on page 28 tapers fiff into three short lines of border pieces of four, three, and two pieces respectively, and " Tild Domine et a te " between two rules underneath; 1 p. "The | Contents"; 1 p. blank; 1 p. "Advertisement," of Joshua Moodey's "A Practical Dis- course," Boston, 1685; last page blank. The title forms the last leaf of sig- nature " L " of Increase Mather's " Doctrine of Divine Providences " ; page 1 is on the first leaf of siirnature " A." An Essay | for the | Recording | of Illvstriovs | Providences : | Wherein an Account is given of many Re- | markable and very Memorable Events, | which have ha))ned this last Age ; | Especially in | New-England. | — | By Increase Mather, | Teacher of a Church at Boston in New-England. I — I [Three lines from Psalms cvii. 5 ; two lines from Psalms cxlv. 4.] I — II Boston in New-England. | Printed by Samuel Green for Joseph Browning, | and are to be Sold at his Shop at the corner of | the Prison-Lane next the Town-House, 1684. 16mo. pp. (21), 372, (8). Titlepage, verso blank; 19 pp. " The | Preface," signed "Increase Mather," and dated at " Boston in New-England, | January 1, 168|," head- piece often urn-sha])ed border pieces, running headlines; 1 p. blank; 1-372, " Remarkable Providences," headpiece similar to that of the preface, run- ning headlines ; two lines of Hebrew charactei's at the end, on page 372, underneath which are a rule and a list of "Errata," twelve lines; 8 pp. "The I Contents" ; 1 p. "Advertisement of Mather's " Remarkable Provi- dences," wanting. [Indian Primer. By John Eliot. Printed by Samuel Green ? Cambridge.] 32mo. pp. (13), 3, 20-61, (5). Titlepage wanting; 1 p. " Prov. 22. 6," five lines between two rules, surrounded by a line of border ])ieces, verso blank; 1 p. three alphabets, five vowels and nine diphthongs; 2 pp. spelling lessons; 1 p. short reading les- son; 1 p. "The Lords Prayer," in English above and in Indian below; 4 pp. " The Lords Prayer," expounded in questions and answers ; 4 pp. "The Ancient Creed," expounded, beginning at the foot of the last page of the pre- ceding division and ending on page 1 ; 1-59, " Catechizaonk," running head- line, "The large Catechism," pages 4 to 19 wanting; 60, 61,(1), " Pea- mesik Katechizaonk," running lieadline, " A short Catechism " ; 4 pp. " Tiie 58 EARLY AMERICAN I.MI'IIINTS. Niiuicral Letters aiul Figures wliicli serve for | the ready tiiuliiio; of any Chapter, Psiihns auil | Verse in tlie liiliU-, or else where'' in English, run- ning heaillines ; lattt page blank. In I'rince's catalogue, luuli-i- ilic licadiuj^f " IG8I-I6H0," is the t'litiy "All Iiuliaii Primer; cuiitaining ye Larger Catechism. I'ages tit)," with the n Porti<.M " ( l'.( " To llie Ki-adiT," Migned *' Iiicream- Mather," and date<| at " I{oHt s ^^ ^ rx . • 1 r ^\/ ii^pact 4 Dominical Letter D J ^ I — I Fitted to the Meridian of Boston in New-England, | where the Artick Pole is elevated 42 gr. 21 m. | — | — || Boston in New-England I Printed by and for Samuel Green. 1685. 16mo. pp. (16). Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso, "The Spring Tides this Year may be thus Guessed at "; 12 pp. Marcli to February ; 1 p. about discoveries in the Heavens since the invention of the Telescope ; 1 p. "Concerning Eclipses this Year"; "Finis" between two lines of border pieces, the lower one inverted. On the titlepage, in the blank space where the author's name should be printed, appear the words, " By Nath. Mather Philom," written by Judge Sewall. MDCLXXXV. I — I Cambridge Ephemeris | An | Almanack | of | the Coelestial Motions, For the Year | of the Christian ^ra, | 1685. | ' Creation of the World 5634 FloudofNoah 3978 Being from | the /Suffering of Christ 1652 'Laying found, of Harv. Co. 43 ,Leap Year (in our account) 2 I Whose Vulgar Notes are | (ii>l ,.' , „. . .„ Do.ninical Letter D^ ^ Nmnb. Direction 29 I Calculated for 315 degr. Longitude. And I Latitude 42 degr. 30 min. 6<> KAKLY AMKHICAN IMriUNTS. North. I — I By W. Williams Pliil;itr. | — | [Fnnr linos from Isaiah xl. 20.] II Cambridiri', | Printiul hy Samuel Gneu for tiic year | 1685. 16ino. pp. (16). Tillej)aije, surroinidttl l>y a lint' of honlcr jiieccs of two varit'tios, rerso, " 16.S5. I Of the Ec-li|iscs"; TJ pp. Marcli to February; 1 p. "MDC- LXXXV. I Concern i III,' a liainlpow" : 1 p. " IGSf): | Concerning the nature ot Coiiiets, &<•." This contains inaiiuscriiit iioles by Judge Sewall. In the upper margin of the titlepage is written, " Ian' 1. 1^)8 j[ r>y y" (iift (.f Mr. Jn" Cotton Felh.w." The liook of the (ieneral j Laws j of the Inhahitants of tlie | Jurisiliction of I New-I'liiiiouth, | Collected out of the Keconls of the | General Court, I antl lately Hevisoil : | And with some Emendations and Adiiilions Kstahlished and Disposed into such j Order as they may readily Conduce to General Use and Benefit. | And hy the ()rder tind Authority of the General Court of New-Pliniouth Held | at Plimouth, .Tune 2d. Anno Doin. 1685. Reprinted and Published ; | Nathaniel Clerk Secrt'. | [Cut of the Colonial Arms] | [One line from 1 Pet. ii. 13.] | — || Bo.ston in New-England : | Printed by Samuel Green. IGs"). .Jto. pp. (C), 75, (9). [Two copies.] Titlepjige, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso blank; 4 pp. " A Preface, j Declaring the Warrantable Grounds and Proceedings that of the last title; follows "A Discourse concerning the Danger of Apostacy''; followed by " Pray for the Rising Generation," printed on the same forms, with con- tinuous signature letters and diflerent headlines. Pray for | the Rising Generation. | Or a I Sermon | Wherein Godly Parents are encouraged to Pray | and Believe for their Children. | Preached the third day of the fifth Moneth 1678. | Which day was set apart by the Second Ciiurch | in Boston in New-England, humbly to seek | unto God by Fasting and Prayer, for a Spirit | of Converting Grace to be poured upon the I Children and Rising Generaticni in N. England. | — | The Third Imi)ression. | — | By Increase Mather. | Teacher (tf that Church. I — I [Two lines from Dent. xxx. 6 ; two lines from 2. Sam. vii. 27; one line from Isa. xxxii. 15.] | — | [Two lines of Latin.] | — || Printed by R. P. Anno Domini. 1685. 16mo. pp. (4), 165-198. 8 r»2 KAHI.V AMEKKWN IMPRINTS. Titlopage, t'erso blank; 2 pp. "To tlio Roaih'r," signod ''Increase Mather," ami ilateil at " IJn^ton, Auirust 'ii. 1G78"; ICo-lllS, " Pray for the KLsing | Generation," headpiece similar to that of " Heniemher now thy Creator"; blank leaf at end ; running headlines like first two lines of title; fidlowed by " A Sermon," perhaps printed on the same forms, but with new signature lettere. A I Sennon | (Preached at the Lecture in Boston in New- | England the IHth of the 1. Moneth 1674. | When two men were Executed, who | had Murthered their Master) | Wherein is shewed | that Excess in wicked- ness doth bring | untimely death. | — | The Second Impression. | — | Uy Increase Mather, | Teacher of a C'linrch of Christ. | — | [Two lines from Prov. x. 27; four lines from Eplies. vi. "_', .■{ ; one line of Latin.] I — II Printed l.y \l. I'. f'T .). r.rMiuiiiiu in Hnstun KIS.'). IGmo. pp. (1), -AK Titlepage, verso blank ; l-.'ls. text, licaiipiice, single line of bordrr pieces, running headlines; bouml up at the end of the voltinic " .\ Ciill from Heavt-n." etc. God's Eye | on the | Contrite | or a | Discourse ] shewing | that True Pov- erty and Contntioii of spirit and Trembling at (Jod's | Word is the In- fallible and only way for the (.>btainini: and Uetaining | of I)ivin(» Acceptation, j As it was made in the Audience of the (Jeneral Assembly of the I Ma.ssachn.setts Colony at Boston in New-England ; | May •-'7. 1685. being the Day of Election there. | — | By .Mr. William Adams. I — I [Three liiu-s from Matt. iii. !) ; two lines from Prov. xxix. '2:\ ; two lines from Zeph. iii. 12.] | — || Boston in New-England, | Printed liy Richard Pierce for Samuel Sewall His.".. 12mo. pp. (1), 11. [Two copies.] Titlepage, rrrso blank; 1-11. text, headpiece line of border pieces, and line of similar pieces inverted ; last page blank. I'h. London (Ja/ette : | — | Puldi.slieil by .Vulliorily. | — | From Tlnirsdiy. I'ebrimry Ji'*". to Monday February !»"'. KJKJ. Numb. 2itOG. [ Imprint at bottom of the jiaye | Printed by Thomas Newcomb in tlu- Savoy, I. " Boidvs ])rinted for, and Sold by Joseph Brunniug | at his Shop at the Corner of the Prison-Lane | next the Exchange," and underneath appears " Advertisement" of Increase Mather's " Mystery of Christ " ; las^ page blank. On tlie titlejiage in the up])er right-hand corner is written, " A. Buttolph," 04 KAKI.V A.MKi:i» AN IMI'IMNIS. 1686. AdviTtiscmont. liroatisUle [jiriiitnl at IJostnii ?]. 8vo, A Notice of the Proprietors of Lauds in the Narrairansett Country, calling a uicftinii at the liouse of ('apt. John Foues iu said County t>n June '23, 24, and 2'i, " to treat with and make I'roposals to such persons as may desire Aceonniiodatious of Laud, for Towu-ship, Farmes, or Ilouse-Lotts '" ; others may "receive all n-asouahh' Satisfaction from Richard Wharton. Elisha Hutchinson, J(din SaHiu, at Boston''; "Dated in Huston, June 'Jth. IGHti " : two lines of border pieces ahove, and three lines helow. 1686. I — I The Roston Ephenieris. | An | Almanack | of Coelestial Mo- tions of the Sun & | Planets, with some of the principal Aspects | for the Year of the Christian .Era | MDCLXXXVI. | Being in our Account the third after | Lea|>-year, and from tiie Creation | i^)(>'3o. \ — | The Vulgar Notes of whicii are | Cych- of 3) l."> I ^ Cycle of© \:> Dominical I..etter (J S ( Epact 1.') I — I C.-ilcuhited for and fitted to the of Boston in | New- England, where the North Pole is elevated 4-J. | gr. 21 m. | — | By Nathanael Mather. | — || New-England, | Boston, Printed and Sold by Samuel Green, l<)Hf). Ktuio. pp. (KJ). [Two copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border i>ieces, verso " Conci'rning Eclipses this Year," and below this " Cttncerning .some late discoveries re- specting the fi.xed Stars"; 12 jip. -March to Febriniry ; 2 pp. "Concerning late marvellous Astronomical | Discoveries iu the Planets."' One f tlii.s almanac contains notes by .huljj^c Scwall. On till' lower iimioiii of the titlepagi! is written, " llvriX Xr. 25. 168.-.. Tlie New -Kii-laiiil | Almanack | for | the year of oiu- Lord. 1".>^<>. | And nt the Worhl. ftC'.ifi. \ Since the plantini,' of Massachu.sets | Colony iu New- Enyland. /iH. | Since the f.iund. of Ilarv. C«dl. •!». | Whereof the (Joldeii Nmnber, Epact iiiirl Cycle of the .Sun | are l.'i, And the Domiuicall Letters C\\. Being in | our ai-counl the third from Leap Year. ] — | [Foiuteeii lines conccniiuK the contents.] | — | By S. D. [Samiud Danforth] I'lii- lomalh. I -- I [Twfi lines from J(d». xxxviii. ;i;i ; two lines fi 1 l'.salmH xc. 12.) I — II Cambridyo. | Printed by Samuel (Jreeti. st'U. Printer to Iliirvard | ('..Hedge in New-Englan.l. .\. D. K-x'!. I'-nio. pp. (Hi). Titlcpago, Hurroiniiled by 11 line of fine bonier pieces iu two varieties, rrmo, " A«l LibruMi," which cmtinues tw.i pages; 12 |tp. Man-li to Fehrn- .iry ; I p, " M.DC.LXXXYI," cmccrning eclipst-s &c. EARLY AMERICAN l.Ml'KINTS. 65 On the u])]ier inar<:,nii of the titlepage is written " For v" wor' Samuel Sewall Es(|''." The almanac contams notes by Judge Sewall, and on the lower margin of the titlepage is written " De- liver'd me Y y* Gov'' Jan^ 21. 168| sent it seems by y* Author." In his Diary (I. 104), under date of November 12, 1685, he says, " New Almanack comes out this Day intituled New England's Almanack, by Mr. Dan forth." The Ne\v-EnLjliUi(l | AhuauiKrk | for tlie year of our Lonl. ItiSC. | [title con- tinue.s same as the preceding one.] KJino. pp. (16). Culhition ill the main same as that of the other edition ; certain changes, especially iu the foot notes, indicate that this is a corrected edition. An I Elegiack Tribute to the Sacred Dust of the Reverend and Wortliy I Mr. Seaborn Cotton | Pastour of the Church of Christ at Hampton iu New-England : who was discharged | from his Work and Office, to be admitted into Heaven, April 20th 1686. Broadside. Folio. Two columns of poetry, signed at the end of the second '* Edward Toinp- son," with three lines of Latin below. The whole is surrounded by a wide border line. Near the top of the sheet in the handwriting of John Bailey appears the following: "Jo. B [alley] N E. May 14. 86." God's I Promise | to his | Plantations; | 2 Sain. 7. 10. | Moreover I will ap-. point a place for my People Israel, and I will j Plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their | Own, and move no more. | As it was Delivered in a | Sermon | By John Cotton, B. D. and Preacher of God's Word I in Boston. | — | [Seven lines from Psalms xxii. 27, 30, 31.] | — II London, Printed by William Jones for John Bellamy, and are | to be S(dd at the three G. HiHii • 1-20, "There is a Covt-nant of Hedemption,'' headpiece a line of border jtieces and a similar line inverted; 21-oH, "Jesus Christ is the Son of God '" ; 1 p. blank ; .'i.j-74, " Jesus Christ is over all, God blessed forever," headi)iece like the last with the addition of a rule between; 1 1. blank; 75-92, "Jesus Christ the Son of God, is M;iu :is well as | God," headpiece like the last, only two lines of stars iu.stead of the rule; y3-114, "There is a personal Unnion [.s/c] between the tw«j | Natures of Christ," headi»iece like the last; 115-15."}, "Jesus Christ is the Mediator," headpiece like tlie last; 157-1 7H, "God the Father has received full Satisfaction | in the Obedience of His Son Jesus Christ," headpiece like the last; (179, 180), blank; 181-212, "The Human Natine of, is, of all ere- | ated Ob- jects the most e.xcellent & glorious," heatlpiece similar to the last; running headlines; 1 p. the Contents, and 1 p. of Advertisements, wanting with the e.xception of a stub. A 1 Proclamation | By the President and Covncil of His Majestiy's Territory & Dominion of New-Entrhmd in America. [Imprint at foot of l>nge] Bo.-ton, in N. E. Printed by liichard Pierce, Printer to the Honourable His .Majesties President anil Council of this (jlovernment. Bniadside. Folio. Cut of the arms of New England at the top; the proclamation slates that King James the Second " by Connnission or Letters Patents," on October 8, KJ85, "hath been gra<-iously pleaseil to erect and constitute a President and Council to tak(.' Care of all that His Territory and Dominion of New- England culle«| the .Ma.ssachusets Bay, the Provinces -.' in |{,,ii" M:iy 'JS, I68C, Hiid nlgned " Edward Kandolph Sicr':" EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 67 A I Proclamation | l)y the | Presideut and Council | for the Orderly Solem- nization of Marriage. [Imprint at the foot of the paye] Boston Printed by Kichard Pierce, Printer to the Honouralde Tlis Majesty's | President & Council of this His Majesties Teritory & Douiinion of N-Eugland. Broadside. Folio. Cut of the Arms of New England at the top; signed " Edward Randolph Seer'," and dated at " Boston the 29th day May." [By the President an]d Council | [of His Majesjties Territory | [and Domin- ion of New-Ejnglaud in America. [Imprint at the foot of the page] Boston I Printed by Pichard Pierce, Printer to the Honourable His Ma- I jesty's President & Council in this His Territory and Do- | minion of New-England. 16mo. 1 p. Tliis is a notice of "the Meeting and Opening of a Court "' at the house of Major Richard Smith in the Narragansett Country on June 23, 1686; "Given at the Council-House at Boston this 8th Day of June" 168o, and signed " Edward Randolph Seer':" Eepriuted in the Collections (5th series, IX. 152). 1687. Tulley 1(587. | — | An | Almanack | for the Year of Our Lord, | MDCLXXXVII. I Being the third after Leap-year, | and from the Creation | 5636. | — | The Vulgar Notes of which are | Prime 16 i ) Cicle of the © 16 Epact 26 \ S Domin: Letter. B I — I V.nto winch is annexed a Weather-Glass, whereby the | Change of the Weather may be foreseen. | — | Calculated for and fitted to the Meridian of Boston in | New-England, where the North Pole is elevated 42. I gr. 30 m. I — I By John Tulley. | — || Boston, Printed by S. Green for Benjamin | Harris; and are to be Sold at his | Shop, l)y the Town Pump near the Change | 1687. 16mo. pp. (16). Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces in two varieties, verso, "A Table of Kings"; 12 pp. January to December; 2 pj). " Prognostiea Georgica : Or the Country-mans | Weather-Glass," headpiece a line of bor- der pieces, a rule, and a similar line of pieces inverted; at the end of the List page ten lines relating to the arrival of the commission to the President and Council and their meeting on May 25, 1686 when " the exemplification of the Judgment against the Charter of the Late Goveraonr, and Company " was read and received " with general Acceptance " ; underneath this appears the fcdlowine, line for line: — »j« KAKLY AMKKICAN IMPIMNTS;. Advortisouii'iit. Tllere is Appvintal hij Authority n Mmhef to he kept in Huston, inid a Ctnninittce is ordered to meet and state the plaee, atid doys, and other circumstances rehitiny tu the good selling thereof: Of which a more particular Account may he speeddy expected. On the lower margin of the titlejuige, in the handwritinj^ of Juclye Sewall, ajipears the line, " Iiecd 1 )('(!■: (i. UiSn."; and tlie almanac contains notes by him. MDCLXXXVII. I — I Cambridiro Ephnnoris. An | Aluianack | c.f | Vov- Icstiall .Motions and (.'ontii,'iirations | tor tlic Year of the Christian Epoeha, | 1<5*S7. | Being (in our account) Leap Year; | Antl from | Creation of the Wurhl .OD-'jC. Constitution of the Julian Year 1731. „,. j Suffering of Christ ) Correction of the Calcnd liv 1'. (oil: : n;.")j. 10.".. Beginning of the Ueigu ot our Sovereign Lord James II. <>;{. I — I Notes are | GoMen Nundier I'i. C ) Cycl<' of tlie Sun. K! Roman Indiction. I", j ^ Kpact. 'J, KiSC, and nt Boston on the .Monday fiiiiiatur Ey Saimu-1 Green. | 1(J88. ItJnio. pp. (2), 22. Titlopage, surroumled by a line of hordor i>iecos, verso, " Of the Eclipses 1688," and remarks about the Ainianaek ; 12 pp. January to December; 2 pp. " Tully 1(J88. A (.'ompeudiotis Clirtnior | lijiy of .Memorable tilings since the | Creation to this Year 1(J88''; (l.'))-22, ''A | Prognostication | for the Year 1688. Calculated for the | Meridian of Boston; and may | without any sensible Error serve for any | other |ilact' in NfW-KiiL'lanil," partly in verse. On the lower inaro;iii of the titlepage Judge Sewall lias writ- ten, "Bought of Benj. Harris Jan>' 4')' 168|," and at the foot of the last page ajipear in his hand the words, " No Cainhridge- Alinanack this year." The 1 Lord Del[ ]r's ] Speech. Broadside. Svo. This relates to popery and slavery in England. This broadside has been preserved with several others known to have been i)rinted in Boston ; and for that reason it is assumed that this copy also was ])ublished here. The Plain Case Stated ] of Old- - but especially of New-England in an Ad- dress to His Ilighnejss | the Prince of Orange. [Imprint at foot of the third column] Boston, Printed for and Sold by | Benjamin Harris at the London Coffee-house. Broadside. Eoliu. Three columns of portry. [Procliimation concerning a possiide invasion of New Kngiand. Imprint at foot of the page] I'rinted at Boston in New-England by H. P. Broail- nidc. Folio. A cut of the arms of Great I'ritain ; " By His Excellency | A | Proclama- tion "; niakoH known a possible invasion of " an armetl Force of Forreigners and StranirerB" upon England, that " His loving Subjects" in New-England may be pre|iared to resist any attempts that may be made here ; urging every one to lie " Viyilant and Careful . . . upon the Approach of any Fleet or Forreign Force . . . and use their Endeavour to hinder any Latidiug. or Invasion"; "Given at Fort-Charles at Penunpiid. the Tenth Day of January . . . UiKK," imd sigm-d *' E. Andros." "By. His E.\<-ellency'» Coininand | John Wr-st. d'. Seer'." Wehkoniiiongiinoo | as(|vau) | Peanlogig | Kali asipiam ^ Cicle of the © 18 Epact 18 ^ I Domiu : Letters F I — I Calculated for and fitted to the Meridian of Boston in | New- England, where the North P(de is elevated 42 \ gr. 30 m. | — | By John Tulley. | — | Im])rimatur Edw. Randolph. Seer: \ — || Boston, I Printed by Samuel Green, | and are to be Sold at his house over- | against the South-Meetiug-House. | 1689. 16mo. pp. (16). Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, veiso, " Of the Eclipses, 1689," and "A Table shewing the time of Full sea, or High Water | at Boston and Say-brocdc " ; 12 pp. January to December ; 2 pp. '' The Nature of the Twelve Signs " ; at the bottom of the last page, "There are Four Terms Appointed j Hi be in Boston," six lines. A I Brief Discourse Concerning the | unlawfulness of the | Connnon Prayer I Worsliip. I And | of Laying the Hand on, and | Kissing the Booke in I Swearing. | — | By a Reverend and Learned Divine [Increase Matlier]. | — | [Six lines from 2 Kings xviii. 4.] || Printed in the Year. &c. 16mo. pp. (4), 21. Titlepage, verso blank; 2 pp. "To the Reader," signed " T. P."; 1-21, text, heailpiece two lines of acorn-shaped border pieces, the lower one in- verted; last page blank. According to the titlepage of " A Brief Discourse " (London, 1693), this pamphlet was " Lately Printed in New-England"; and there is some slight indication that it was printed at Cam- bridge, rather tlian l)i)ston. As to the authorship, Prince in his i- KAliLV A.MKIMCAN IMPinNTS. catalogue, under " 1»»S()-1G90," says "ye author Mr I Mather. & D: C Mather says Printeil in 1689." See also's Dic- tionary (XI. 457) No. 46,639, ami (XI. 478) No. 46,747. A Copy I «'f till' I Kiiii^s Majesties | C'liarter, | fur Incoipdratiiig the Coin- paiiy oftlie | Massai-iiiisi't.s liay in Ni'w-Eiiirlaiid in Anu-rica. | Granted ill tlif fniirtli Vi'ar of his Hi^liiK'SS lit-igii of Kiiirlaiui, Scotlaiul, | FraiU'e and Ii-flaiid, Anno IJoiii. l(J2.s. | — | [Cut of tlio Ccdonial Anns.] | — II Boston in New-England, | Printed l>y S. Green, for Henj. Harris at tlio London Coffee House | near the Towii-Hoiise in Hostoii. 1(!8U. riiiio. ]>\>. (I), I'lJ. Tith'page, cersu blank; l-2(], "The Charter | of the Massaeliiisets Colony," signed " Woolseley," large ornamental headpieee, running head- lines. Declaration | of the Nohility, Gentry, and Coiiiiiumality at the Keiidezvoiis at Xottinghain, | Xoveiiiher 2*2. 1()S8. [The iinpriiit given at the foot of ihe second page j liepriutod and Sold by Samuel (Jreeii of Boston, 1689. Folio, pp. (2). First page blank, rerso heading given above; the declaration states "that the very Fundamentals of our Heligioii, Liberties and Properties are about to be rooted out by our late Jesuitical Privy Council, as hath been of late too apparent," and that "we will to the utmost of our power, oppose tlu' same, by joining with the Prince of Orange." On the next j)age of this sheet is the following: "The Declaration of the Lords | Spiritual and Temporal, | in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, Assembled at | (Juildhall, 1 lih. Decemb. 1(J88." Near the foot of the page is the Order of the Peers "to Print and Publish the Declaration," Decemb«'r 12, 1(188, "To Edward Jones Printer at the Savoy"; last ])ai:e blank. ili~ Highness the | Prince rif Or.iiiL'e, | His Lelicr to tlie Lords Spiritual and Temporal | Assembled at ] Westminster, | in this present Convention. [Imprint at foot of the liist page] iioston, Printed by S. (J. for S. Phil- lips at the Towii-Hoiisc IG89. F), 7"), 21, UK (1), 11. Titlepage, vei:io blank: ■_' pp. "To tlie Ibmourable Wait Wiiithrop Esq," signed " C. Matlier " ; 4 ]»]> "To the Reader," signed " Ciiarles .Mor- ion. I James .\llen. | J<»sliua Moodey. | Sauund Willard," running lieadlines ; 2 pp. ''The Introduction"; 1-41, "Witchcrafts and Possessions"; 42-44, " Post.script," dated and "Finished, June "th, 16.S9"; 45, "Mantissa"; 46-53, Narrative continued, signed " Jcdm Goodwin," and dated " Decemb. 12. 1688"; 54-75, Examples; 1-21, "A Discourse on the Power and Malice of the | Devils," running headlines; 1-iO, "A Discourse on Witch- craft," running headlines ; 1 p. " Notandvm " ; 1 p. blank; 1-14. "Appen- dix," headpiece, a line of border piec<'s, and a similar line inverted. Al ilie bottom of page 7r» Mr. Mather says of the two Dis- courses at tlie end of the book : "tlie Latter of whith was de- livered unto my own Conon;oati(jn ; on the Occasion of what befel (rootlunns Children : but the Former of them was delivir d unto the same C(jngreoati»)n on the Occasiiui id' ;i hnrriblc Self- murder coinmilt«*d by a pussessed woman in llic Xciohbourhood." A I Narrative | of the MiMories t)f ] New-England, | by Reason of an | .\rld- trary (Jovernmenl ] Erected there. [By Mather.] No lille- jMige. 12mo. pp. 8. Thi.s ]»am)ihl('t bears no imprint, but I think that it was published at Piust<»n. It dillcrs sliojitly fmni tho <(»i'y n-prinled in "The Publieations of the Trince Society "( ,\ndins i'lacls, II. '.'>), and may have hern an i-arlicr edition, in tht- <"alahioue of the (barter- i '.row n Library, tln^ title is cntrn-d iimlcr tin- year 1G89, though no hint is given as to ihe plnrr of publication. EARLY AMERICAN IMHKINTS. 75 The I Prc'sbytorian and Independent | Visibh; Churches ] in | New-England ] and else-wliere, | hrouglit to the Test, and examined accor- | ding to the Doctrine of the holy Scriptures, | in their Doctrine, Ministry, Worship, Consti- I tution, Government, Sacraments and Sahbath | Day, and found to be No True Church of | Christ. | More particularly directed to these in New-Eng- | land, and more generally to those in Old- | England, Scotland, IreUmd, &c. | With | a Call and Warning from the Lord to the People | of Boston and New-England, to Repent, &c. And two | Letters to the Preachers in Boston ; and an Answer to the | gross Abuses, Lyes and Slanders of Increase Mather and | Samuel Norton, &c. I — I By George Keith. | — || Philadelphia, Printed and Sold by Will Bradf(.rd, ["Aimo 1689. 16mo. pp. (11), 232. First page blank, verso, extracts from Eev. ii. iii. xviii. ; titlepage, sur- rounded by a border line, verso blank; 7 pp. "A Friendly | Epistle | to these Pcoplf! cfilled | Presbyterians & Independants," running headlines ; 1 p. list atj;t', ami ivlati'S t(» tln^ trovcriniKMit of tlio Colouy and tl)e seizuro of Sir Eilinoud Audros ; siijued, ''A. li." A I Scnnoii I Preadu'd bt-forc tlu' | Housp of Coimnons, | On tlic ."Hst of January IGSS. | Being the | ThanUsgiving-day | [For tlie Deliveranfe of] tliis Kingdom from | [Popery and Arhitrjary Power, | [By His Highjness the | Prince [of 0]ranges Means. | — | By (Jilhcrt Bvrnet, I). D. I and Chaphiin of Ilis Iligluiess. | — | [Three Imnii r pieces.] I — II Boston in Xew-Enghmd, Printed hy S. Green, and 8ols wantiui,' at tin- beginning. In the u)»}ier ri^fht-liand corner of the titlejiage i.s written " Johannis Cuttoiii." Souldiers Counselled and Comforted | — | A | Discourse | l)ilivtn(l tiiito some part of | the Forces | Kngaged in the Just War of | New-Eng- land I Against the Northern &■ Eastern | Indians. | Sept. 1. IGHd, \ — | By Cotton Mather Minister of the | Gospel in lioston, | — | [One line of Latin.] | — || Boston | Printed by Sanniel Green. 1(J8I). KJnio. pp. (!»), .-JX. [Two copies.] Titlepage, rerso blank; 7 pp. "To my Much Honoured | Friends | the Pious ami Valient | Commanders | of the Forces now engaged a- | gainst our Indian Enemies"; si{:ncd " C. Mather," headpiece <'iglit urn-sliapcd bonier pieces, running headlines ; 1 p. Idaiik ; 1-3H, " Souhliers Counselled and com- forteil. I It is written in | P.sal. CXIX. !<•!•. | My Soul is continually in my Hand; yet I do | not forget thy Law," tlatcd, " At the North Meeting I in Boston 1 d. 7 m. | Afternoon. IGHit," headpiece a line of border jiieces, II rule, and a line of sinular pieces, running headlines; one copy badly cut by the binder. To His HigluifSH I William Ilenrick, | Prince of Oianue, | llie .Most llnmlde petition of (ieorgi- Lord Chancellor Jefleries. | Imprint at bottom of the page] Boston, Printetl by S. G. for Samiud Phillips at the West end of tli-year; And | from the Creation, | 5639. ] — | The Vulgar Notes of whidi are, | Golden Numb. 19? ^ Cide of the Sun 19 Epact •2!i S ( Domin. Letter E. I — I Calculated for, and Fitted to the Meriiliau of | Boston in New- Englund, where the North | Pole is Elevated 42 gr. 80 min. | — | By Jtihn Tulley. | — || Bostou Printed and Sold hy Samuel | Green, near the South Church. | 1690. Him... j.].. (Iti). Titlepage, surrounded l)y a line of border pieces, verso, "Of the Eclipses, 1690," and " A Table .shewing the time of full sea or High Water at | Bos- ton and Say-brook " ; 12 pp. January to December; 1 p. " Of the Kain-bow : Whence it is, and | what it signifieth " ; 1 \k "Or TliiiiuUr and Lightening," lower half of the leaf torn off. This |i;iiii]ilili't cnntaiiis iinmusciiiit imtt's l)y Jiul,o;t' Sewall. Noll cessant anni, quamvis cessant homines. | — | Harvard's Ephemeris. | Or I Almanack. | Containing an Account of the Coelestijil | Motions, As})ects 6cv. For the Year | of tlie Christian Empire. 1690. | Y'^ears /'Of the World r)(;39. Since the Floud 3983. Building of Lctndon 2797 j Death of Alexander Mag. l^From the beginning of the Julian ye; fSufferint; of Christ From the Correction letely armed ; orders five conditions for the '* Enconrajiement to persons willingly to offer tliemselves to said Service''; names the '"Muster-Masters for the several Regiments;" signed " IJy Order of the Court, ] Isaac Addiiigton Seer'.'' ; note in manuscript at bottom of the sheet: "this was Pleney [plene, obs. — full] upon the Last fridey Being the 20 day of this Instent June and they are jtreparing to goe against Canetlay with 5 shipes of men of wore some with 40 gunes and some with 30 and the last of them with 2U od." The Present State of New-England. | — | Considered in a | Discourse | on the Necessities and Advantages of a | Public Spirit | in every Man ; | Especially. At such a time as this. | Made at the Lecture in lioston | 20. d. 1. M. IfJ'JO: I Ujjon th<^ News of an Invasion by bloody | Indians and French-men, begun | uj)on lis. | — | By Cotton Mather. | — | [Two lines of Latin.] | — || Boston | Printed liy Samuel (ireeu. l(I!i<>. Umiio. pp. (2), .02. [Two cojiies. ) Titlepage, verso, " Tu the Ilniioiiriilde | Simon Bradstreet Ksip-. (Jover- novr I of the Massacliuset Ctdouy ; | Taml others] ... I Hellect ions . . are | Most Hinnbly Dedicated, by Their | Sincere Servant, C. M.'' : \—U'>, "A Publick Spirit liecommen2, " By the | Gt»ver- nour and | General Court | of the Ccdony of the | Ma.s.sachusetts Bay; | In New-England," signed " Isaac Addington Seer.," and dated " March 13. lC8g-;' Near tho top of page 1 an.' wiittdi the wonls, " Siimucl ('lit'ck- ley : his liook." The Principles | <>( the | Protestant | Heligion | Maiufaiiu-d, | and ('liurches of New-England, in the | Profession antl Ex«'rcise thereof | Defended, I ngaiuHt all the Calumnies of one(ieorge Keith, | a (Quaker, in a Moidt lately PubliMhed at | Pensilvania, to underndne them both. | — | Hy the MiniHterH of the (fOHpel in Boston, | — | [Three lines from Prov. xviii. I 7 : two lincK from Phil. ii. 3 ; four Vvu-h from 2 ThesH. ii. 10, 11.1 | — II BoNtou, in New-England, | Printed by Hichard Pierce, and stdd by the I BookwIlerH. .MDCXC. Him.i. pp. (lo), i:,(;. [Thret; copies.] EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 81 Titlo]>aao, verso blank ; 4 pp. "The Praotacc," signed "James Allen. | Josluiali Muodey. | Saniuel Willard. | Cotton Matlier"; 1-156, text, head- piece a line of border pieces and a line of similar inverted pieces; various headlines. On the recto of the fly-leaf at the liegmning of one of the books is written: "John Boults Book E^ Dono: Edwar- Broni- fields Book 1693." [Proclamation relating to the enforcement of laws against Vice.] F. 271,272). Propositions | Made by the Saciiems of the three Maquas Castles, to the | .Mayor, Aldermen, and Commanalty of the City of | Albany, and Military Ufhcers of the said City, and | County in the City-Hall, February 2r)th, 168|o. I Peiter Schuyler Mayor, with ten more Gentlemen, then present I Interpreted by Arnout & Hille. | The Names of the Sachims, Siu- nonguiness Speaker, Rode, | Sagoddif)ckquifax, Oguedagoa, Tosoquatho, Odagurasse, Anharenda, I Jagogthera. Notitlepage. 12mo. pp. 12. Pages 1-12, text; chon, "Boston Printed by S. Green. Sold by Bcnjaniiu Harris at the | London Cotfee-House. ICOO." At the top of the first page is the autograph signature, " John Bailv." KAKLV AMKltlCAN IMIMIINTS. The Sorvifoable Muu. | — | A | Discoiirso ( Maf the I Massac'husets Cohiuy, New^Eiighiml, | at tlu' Anniversary I Election I 28d. 3ni. 1690. | — | By Cotton Mather Minister of | tlie Gospel. I — I [Two lines of Latin.] | — || Boston, Printed by Saininl Green, for Josepli | Brownini; at the corner of the Prison | Lane next the Exchange. 1G90. Kmiio. y\>. (4), G4. [Two copies.] Titlepatre, rerso, Vote of the House of Kejtresentativcs, "May 29, HJ'JO," signed " Ebeuezer Pmut Clerk " ; 2 pp. " To my Conntrey," signed " Cotton Mather"; 1-G4, "The Serviceable Man. | — | To the | General Court | at the I Election ; | 28 d. 3. ui. 1G90," headpiece a line of ten urn-shaped border pieces, running headlines. Near the top of the titlepage of one of the cojiies in the hand of Mr. Clieckley is written: "The Gift of tlu' Author to Sam" Checkley : 1 [ ] " The Wonderful Works of God | Counneuioratcd. | — | Praises | Besjxdie for t lie God (»f Heaven, | in a Tiianksgiving | Sermon; | Delivered on Decemb. 19. 1G89. | Containing | Just Reflections upon tiie Excel= | lent Things done by tlie Great God, | more Generally in Creation and Re- I demption, and of Heaven, | in a ThankKgiving | Sermon," headpiece a brace, eight urn-shaped border piec«'M. and one of another variety, running headlines; .'»G, "A I'liH^age in Mr. Flavels Thanksgiving | ScrmoJi, Preached Febr. 14. '""Jl"; .'>9-«2[64], " A postscript. | Endeavouring the Satisfaction of them | that are intpiixitive after the late Slu- | pendoiis Extasies and Prophesies in | Fraiice " ; followed by " I'lic Way I'> Prosperity" with new p.ige numlMis and hiunalure letters. On th^ the | Quakers. | [Four lines from 1 Tim. i. i>, 7. ] I — II liostoii, Printed by Benjamin Harris, & .John | All' u, .tt the IfJIM. Hiino. pp. (2). 110. [Two copies.] Titlepage, vcrsi}, "To the Reader"; 1 lU', '• Qvakerism disphiy'd, | and I George Keith | detected; | in a | letter, | addre8.sed unto those parts of New-Englainl, | which are most in danger of being there- j by Si-du I," Higned, on page 110, " (!otton .Mather," ami dated "Sept. 1. KilM "; under- neath are two lincN of l^atin ; running headline.s. The MovrnorH | (!ordial | AgainHt ExcoHHivfl | Sr»rrow | Di.scovering what GroniidH of Hope I (Jods I'eople have concerning their | Dead | Friends I — I ItySHmuid Wilhird, Ti-ardier of a | Church in Boston. | — | [Fivr> EARLY AMElilC'AN IMPRINTS. 85 linos from 2 Cor. v. 1.] | — || Bo.stou, Printed by Benjamin Harris, and I John Allen. IGOl. | Very Suitable to be given at Funerals. 16mo. pp. 4, 13 7. Titlepage, surrounded Iiy four wide rules, verso blank ; 3, 4, " Headers,"' signed "Samu(d Willard," headpiece a wide rule; 1-137, text, headpiece a wide rule, underneath extract from 1 Thess. iv. 13, and another wide rule, running headlines; last page, "Advertisements," of Cotton Mather's "Qua- kerism Disjdayed," of James Janeway's "Token for Children," of a Boston Almanack for 1G92, and of an " Excellent Antidote " for medical purposes. A I Narrative | of | the Proceedings | of | Sir Eduiond Androsse | and his Complices, | Who Acted by an Illegal and Arbitrary Com- | mission from the Late K. James, during | his Government in | New England. I — I By several Gentlemen who were of his Council. | — || Printed in the Year 1691. 12mo. pp. 48. Titlepage, verso blank; 1 p. "To the | Reader," dated at " B. N. E. Feb. 4. IGOa."; 4-47, text, i)ages 9-12 wanting; 48, "Reader." [Proclamation relating to various matters.] Folio, pp. 2. A cut of the Colonial arms; "At a | General Court | for Their Majesties Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in | New England, Sitting at Boston, upon Adjournment, | December. 22th. 1691"; sets forth the importance of " the Guarding and Defending of the Seas and Coasts" against " divers Piratical Sea Rovers and other Enemies" who disturb the intercourse of trade; and gives an Enactment of the General Court laying certain duties "on all Goods and Commodities coming in and going out of This their Majesties Colony, and on all Ships and other Deck Vessels" to be collected between January 15, 1691-2, to May 10, 1692, — also making certain conditions concerning the same. Tliis contains also, at the foot of the second page, a statement con- cerning the French Protestants and " many others of a contrary Religion " in tliis country, and an Order (^f the General Court, because it is a " time of War between the two Crowns o{ England and France^'" making it illegal for any "of the; Frencli Nation ... to take up their Residence" in any sea- port, or frontier town, but such as shall be lic(nised by the Governor and Council; and leaving other discretion in the hands of Selectmen. "Printed and Published by Order of the Court. | Isaac Addington, Seer." Promise-Keeping | A Great | Duty. | As it was Delivered in a | Sermon | — I By Sanuud Willard, Teacher of a Church | in Boston. | — | [Three lines from Prov. xxv. 14.] | — || Boston, Printed by Benjamin Harris, and I John Allen, at the London-Coflee-IIouse. | 1691. 16mo. pp. (1), 28. Titlejiage, verso blank; 1-28, "Promise-Keeping | a Great | Duty," headpiece two lines of border pieces ; last leaf blank. Near the top of the verso of the blank leaf at the end is written, "Samuel Checklev his Booke KiDl" 11 60 KAKI.V A.MKKICAN IMPUINTS. A Si-iiptiiral C'atpcliiciiii. | — | Tlin Heads of tlie Christian | Ki'ligion | I'laiiily, liiii'Hj', and fully ilolivi'ieil in a | Catochism, | Wliirh i-mloa- vours a sutticit-nt Answer to every | Questi(tn, barely with a lu'rtinent St'uttnice of I Sacred Scripture, and Enables tlie Learner at | once with ease to eonfinn us well as assert the | great Articles of the Faith once delivered unto | the Saints. | — | By Cotton Mather. | — | [One line from J«>hn xxi. 15.] | — || Boston, Printed by K. Pierce, for Nicholas Uuttolph, I at the corner Shop, next to Cuttridg's Coffee- | House. 1G91. 16ni.i. pp. (2), IS. Titlepage, " X Coniinanduients," ten lines in verse witliin two border lines; 1-18 "Lambs | led unto Green Pastures and Still Waters, | by a Scrij>tural | Catechism,'' headpiece a line of border pieces, a rule, and a line of similar inverted j)ieces, running headlines; pages 1!' to '21 missing; "Addresses to Old Men " (Boston, 1C90). The I ."Sinfulness of Worshipping | God | with Men's | Institutions | as it was delivered in a | Sermon | — | By Samuel Willard, Teacher of a Church in | Boston. | — | [Two lines from 1 Cor. xi. 2.'5; two lines from Matt, xxviii. 2<».] | — || Printed by Benjamin Harris, and John Allen, at I the London-C(>tlee-hou.>piug | God | with Men's | Institutions," headpiece of two lines of bonier pieces; last page blank. Near the top of the titlepage is written, " Samuel Checkley's Book IGOl." The Triumphs of tlie IJcfurmed iieiigion, i iu .Kinerica. | — | 'I'he I/ife of the Keuowiied | John Eliot | a I'erson .justly Famous iu tiie | Churcii of G<»d, I not only as an Eminent Christian, | and an Excellent Minister, among the | Engli.^^h, | Imt also, | as a .Memorable Evangelist among the I Indians, of New-Englati«l; | With some .\ccounl concerning the lattf and I strange Success of the (iospel, in those parts | of the World, which for many Ages have ] lain Buried in Pagan Ignorance. | — | Written by | Cotton .Mather. | — | [Two lines from Luke xii. 43.] I — 11 Boston. Print«-d by Benjamin Harris, and John | Allen, for JoMfpli Brunnintr at the cornir of | the l'ris.iii-L;tne. HUM. Kinio. pp. (8), 162. Titlepaye, verno blank; .» pp. •• lo the lui^iil 1 lonuiiialfle | I'liilip l.<>rd Wharton, | A no less Noble than Aued Patnni | _'. six line.s: running heaiUinifti. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 87 1692. Acts I and Laws, | Passed by the Great and General Court | or Assembly of Their Majesties Pro- | vince of the Massachusets-Bay, iu | New-Eng- hiiid. I IJegiin at Boston, tlie Eighth Day of June, 1G92. And Con- | tinned by Adjourninent, unto Wednesday the Twelfth | Day of October folhiwing: Being the Second Sessions. | Anuo Regni Guilielmi, et Mariae, Regis et Keginae Augliae, Scotiae, | Franciac, et Hiberniae, Quarto. | [IG border pieces arranged in the form of a diamond.] I — 1| Boston I Printed by Benjamin Harris, Printer to His Excellency, | the Governour and Council. 1692. 4to. pp. (1), 90. Titlejjage, verso blank ; 1-90, text, various headlines, portions of pages 65 and 66, and of the last leaf wanting. Boston I Almanack | for the | Year our Lord God 1692. | Being Bissextile Years rOf the World, 5641 T 111 Since the Flovd, 3985 or Leap-year. And i „ „. . „ ,., . ^ ^ ' I Suflermg of Christ, 1659 ^ Planting Massach. Colony 64 I Whose Vulgar Notes be, | Golden Numb. 2 ) C Cicle of the Sun 21 Epact 22 \ I Dominic. Letter C.B. I Calculated for the Meridian of Boston in | New-England, where the North Pole | is Elevated 42 gr. 30 min. | — | By H. B. [Benjamin Har- ris f ] I — II Boston, Printed by Benjamin Harris, and | John Allen : Aud are to be Sold at the | London-Coffee-House. 1692. 16mo. pp. (20). Titlejjage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso, about eclipses &c. four lines of poetry at the bottom, signed H. B. ; 12 pp. January to Decem- ber ; 1 p. " To Their Most Sacred Majesties | King William, and Queen Mary," twenty lines of poetry ; 5 pp. Mils, bonds, and indentures, &c. ; last page, beginning in the upper part of the page, "Advertisements" of an "Excellent Antidote" for medical purposes, of Cotton Mather's " Little Flocks Guarded," and of James Janeway's " Token for Children." Rubricated. A Brief and True | Narrative | of some Remarkable Passages Relating to sundry Persons | Afflicted by j Witchcraft, | at j Salem Village: j Which happened from the Nineteenth of March, to the j Fifth of April, 1692. I — I Collected by Deodat Lawson. | — | [Eight border pieces arranged in the form of a square.] | — || Boston, Printed for Benjamin Harris and are to be Sold at his | Shop, over-against the Old-Meetiug- House. 1692. 12mo. pp. 9, (1). Tith page, verso, " The Bt)okseller to the Reader," signed " Benjamin Harris " ; 3-10, text. 88 EARLY AMERICAN INII'KINTS. A I Lottor I from the most Inj^^oiuous | Mr. Lodowu-k | lilioilc-Islanil, Febr. 1.1691,2. No titlepage. 16mo. pp.8. [Two copies.] Pages 1-8, text, signed " Cliristianus Lodowiok " ; a reply to " Quakerism Displayeil," — which is the ruiiuiiii; lieatlliiie of Cotton Mather's "Little Flocks Guanletl against Grievous \V«ilves," given in tliis list under the year 1091. Monthly Observati(ms | and | Predictions, | for this Present Year, 1G92. | With I Astrological Judgments | on the whole Year. | All Taken from Mr. Patridge's | Almanack: | To which is Added, an Account of a | Plot I which was lately Discovered in England: And | which was Fore- told by the said Jolm | Patridgc, in his this Years Almanack. | Pub- lished for (lencral Satisfaction. | — || Printcil at Boston : And are to be S(dd by | lienj. Harris, at the London-Coffee-House. | 1G!»2. r2mo. pp. IG. Titlepage; 'i-ll, " Monthly Observations," beginning on tlie verso of the title; 11-13, " Astrological Judtrments " ; " Finis" near the top of page 13; underneath, and as far as jiagc IG, news relating to events between A]iril 21 anil May 5, brought fmm Hull in Eiiirlaud by a vessid arriving in liostcm, Capt. Walley Coiiimaiiih-r, on August 5; twenty-foiu' lilies of poetry at the enil, on page IG. Optanda. | — | Good men Described, | and | Gooil Things proimunded. | .V | Serious Consideration | of | Two very Important Cases: | I. What should be our Spirits, | and | IL What should be t)ur Studies, | that so I all Things nuiy Go well among us. | — | IJy Cotton Mather. | — | In Two .Sermons; Whereof Gne, was | Preached unto the Governoiir, | and (general Court, of the Pro- j vince of the Massachusetts-Hay, in New- I Kngland; at their Session: June !•. | 1G!»2. | — | Published l»y Authority | — || IJoston, Printed and Sold by Henjamin | Harris, at the London-Coffee- House. lG!f.'. IG |.|.. (G). '.ill. Titlej)age, cerso blank; f pp. ''To His Kxcellency, | Sir William Phipjis, Kt. I (jovernoiir of the .Massachusetts Province, | and (Jeneral of New-Kng- land," signed " (!otton .Mather"; l-!*!), "(J I Men | Described. ] In a Ser- mon, Directeil unto the | (Jovernour, of New- | England"; list of " Errata" at the fiM.I i.f piiye UU, live Hues. [Proclamation appointing Thank.'age •• Ad- vertisenient " of Wonders of the Invisible World "Sold by Benjamin Har- ris"; a leaf i)asted on at the end heai\i<>. pp. (2(;). Collation saim; as before to foot of Kitli page; a copy of the leaf similar to the one at the end of the other edition is here inserted, facing *'()f the Kdipses," rccin liluiik ; collation same to foot of the last page where the luHt line is "Sold by Samuel Phillips." Christ'H Kidelily | thr- only | Shield | against | Sataiis ,Mali:,'nity. | Asserted ill n I Sermon | Delivered at Salem -VUhitre, the 21th of | March, l(i92. lleiiii; Lecture-day tlu-re, and | a time of Piiblick E.xaiiiiiiatioii, of some SiiH- I pected for Witchcraft. | — | By Deodal Lawsoii, formerly Pre.icher of the I (toHpej there | — | [Four lines fidiii l{ev. xii. 12; two lines from Hoiii. xvi, 20,] I — II lioHton Priiile.l, by B. Harris, A; Sold by Nicholas I Huttolph, next toGuttridg'HCoiree-Hoiise. li;:i:i. Kimo. pp. (7), 79. Titlepiige, vrmo, " I/icenHed ac- | conliiig to | Order"; 2 pp. " 'I'o the Wor- Hhipfiil I niid I Worlliily Honoiirr'd j Bartliri(lii«>, and Teacher of a | Chnrcli at Boston, in Xe\v-Eni,'hind. | — | [One line of Latin." || Boston. | Printed and Sidd, by Benjamin Harris, Over-airaiiist the | Old-Me(tini,'-House. 1093. 12mu. pp. 23. Tith'pagc, verso hlank; (3)-8, '"To tlie | Inliahitants | of tlie Province i>f tlic Massachnsets-Bay, | in | New- England " ; 9-23, "Primitive | ("onnsel- lors, I a Great | Ble.^Jsinir" ; hist jiaije, " Advertisements," of Cotton Matlier's "The Day and Work of the Day." of "The Eni,'lishnians Bight," and of " An account of the hite terrihle Eartli«|nake in Sicily." The I Judgment | of Several Eminent | Divines | of the | Congregational Way. I Concerning A | Pastors Power. | Occasionally to Exert Minis- terial Acts I in another Church, besides | that which is His Own Par- ticular I Flock I — II lioston Printed by Benjamin Harris, and are | to be Sold by Richard WilUins. l<;!»;i. liimo. pp. (-2), 13. Titlepage, verso, letter to the public from "James Allen. | Samuel Wil- lard. I Michael Wigglesworth. j Cotton .Mather. | Nehemiah Walter," head- jdece a line of border pieces ; 1-13, te.\t ; headpiece similar to the last; last page blank. Warnings from tlie Dead. | — | Or | Sidemu Ailmnuitions j unto | All People; | l>ut Especially unto | Young Persons | to Beware | of such Evils as Would bring j them to the Dead, j — | By Cotton Matlu'r. | — I In Two Discourses, | ()<-<-asioned by a Sentence of Death, | Executed on some Unhappy .Ma- | lefactors. Together with the j I..ast Confession, made by a | Young Woman, wlm Dyed on .lime | X, Hdt.!. One of these Malefactors. | — || Boston in New-Eutrlaud ; | I'riiited by Bar- thohjinew Green, for | Samuel Phillips, at the West End of | the Ex- change. 1093. ICmo. pi>. (1), !»4. I — I An I Almanack | of tlie I'oelestiall Motions. Aspects | and Eclipses, &c. For the Year <.f | our Lord God, MDCXCIV. | And of the World, | 5643. | Being the Sccimd after IVissextile or Leap | Year, and of the Reign of Their Ma- | jesties William and Mary King | and Queen of Great Brittain, France, | and Ireland &c. (which began | Feb. i;}. 1GS8, ;).) the Sixth Year. | Calculated for tlie Meridian of Boston in I N. E. tin. deg. 20. min. to the Westward | of Lomlon, & 42. deg. 30. inin. North | Latitude, but may indifferently .serve the | most part of New-England. | — | By Fhilo-Matliemat. |" — |1 Boston, Printed by B. Green, for Samuid I Phillips, near the Sonth-East end of the Ex- I change, l>y the Rose A: Crown Tavern. IH'M. Itlnin. pp. (I'l)- Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border jtieces, verso, '" ll!!)4," vulgar notes, zodiac, etc.; 12 ])|). January to December; 1 ]). "Of the Eclipses which will h:ipj)en this Yi-ar | 1094'' ; 1 ]•. "A Postscript Concerning the Tides, Weather, &c.'' .\n I Answer | to | George Keitli's | Libel. | Against A | C.itichism | Pub- lished by Francis Makemie. | — | To which is Added, by way of Post- I script. A Brief Narrative of a Late | l)iHeren<'«' among the Quakers, be- I gun at Philadeljdiia. | — 1| Boston, | I'riuted, by Benjamin Harris, at the | Siirii of the Bible, over-against | tlie IJlew-.Vnchor. | .MhCXCIili. lilinn. pp. (12). 1(13. Tithpaue, surrouuiled by a Imnler line, verse, " lm]nimatur, | Increiuse Mather | .March 31st. | 1C94."; 3 pp. •'Christian Reader," signed " .Mather. I .James Allen | Samuel Wilhird | Baily | Cotton Mather"; I p. blank; C pp. "An Epistle to the Reader," signed " .\t Relioboth in Pocamok .Maryland. | This 2<> .Inly, 12. | Francis Makemie," eight lines below headeil " Reatiin in .New-, by ncnjamin H.irriM." Oil u liy-l<;.'if at lIk; lii'^iiiniiij,' i^ uriii'ii. ■ S Willaul' I'.odk U;i)4. Kx (If)iio I'ntri.s." EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 95 A IJrief | Narnitivc | of | tlie Success wliicli the Gospel | hath had, ainoug the I Indians, | of | Martha's-Vineyard (and the Places Adjacent) in New-England. | With | Some Remarkable Curiosities, concerning the | Numbers, the Customes, and tlie Present Cir-cumstances of the Indians on that Island. ] Further Explaining and Confirming the Ac= ] count given of those matters, by Mr. Cotton | Mather in the Life of the Re- nowned I Mr. John Eliot. | — | By Matthew Mayhew. | — | Whereto is added. An Account concerning the Present State of | Christianity among the Indians, in | other Parts of New=England : Expressed | in the Letters of several Worthy Persons, | best Acquainted therewithall. | I — II Boston in N. E. Printed by Bartholomew Green, | Sold by Michael Perry, under the Exchange, lfi!)4. IGmo. pp 55. Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, verso blank ; 2 pp. " To His Ex- cellency I Sir. William Phipps Knight:", etc., signed "Matthew Mayhew," and dated at "Martha's Vineyard, | June 18. 1694," headline two lines of border pieces ; 5-15, "Of the Indians Inhabiting | in New-England, and | Adjacent Provinces," headline two lines of border pieces; 16-31, "Of the Conversion of the | Indians, inhabiting certain | Islands near adjoyning | to the Continent of New- | England; and^the Propa- | gatiim of the Gospel by | some sent, to tlie Maine- | land from thence"; 32-40, " Of the Indian Gov- ern- | ment when Christian"; 41-45, "Postscript"; 46-55, "A Further Account, con- | cerning the present | State of Christianity a- | mong the In- dians I in other parts of | New-England," headpiece a line of border pieces and a line of similar inverted pieces ; last page blank. The I Character | of a Good | Ruler. | As it was Recommended in a | Sermon I Preached before his Excellency the | Governour, and the Honoura- | ble Counsellors, and Assem- | bly of the Representatives | of the Prov- ince of Massachusetts-Bay | in New-England. | On May 30. 1694. | Which was the Day for Election of | Counsellors for that Province. I — I By Samuel Willard, Teacher of a 1 Church in Boston, j — || Boston Printed by Benjamin Harris, for | Michael Perry, under the West I End of the Town=IIouse. 1694. 16mo. pp. (5), 31. Titlepage, suiTounded by two border lines, verso, " Published by Order I of Authority," within two border lines; 3 pp. "To the | Reader," signed "Samuel WiUard " ; 1 p. blank; 1-31, "The | Character | of a j Good | Ruler"; 1 ]>. blank; running headlines; last leaf blank. Early Religion, | Urged in a | Sermon, | upon | the Duties Wherein, | and the Reasons Wherefore, | Young People, | should Become | Reli- gious. I Wliereto are Added, | the Extracts of several Papers, Written I by several Persons, who here Dying in their | Youtli, left behind tliem those Admonitions for | the Young Survivers ; with Brief Memoirs rela- I ting to the Exemplary Lives of some such, | that have gone from hence to their | Everlasting Rest. | — | By Cotton ]\Iather. | — | [Two 9»j KAULV AMHHICAN I.MI'KINTS. lini'S from I'salm.s cxix. '.».] | — || HcK-^toii, rriiiti'il. l>y R. II. fnr Midiael Perry. | under the West-Euil of the Towu-Hoiise 1G!J4. Kiiiio. pp. (1). 11 A I Narrative | of The Planting of the Massacliusets | Colony | Anno 1628. With the Lords Signal | Presence the First Thirty | Years. | Also a Caution from New Englands A])ostle, | tlie Great | Cotton, | How to Esfaj>e the Calamity, whieh might | Ik'fall them or their Posterity. | And Confirmed by the Evangelist | Norton | With Prognosticks from the Famous | Dr. Owen. | C | Third (lath- ered (!hurch in BoHton, | on Aut,'ust. '-'.'{d. 1<»!M. | — | By Samuel Willanl, Teacher of the naiil Church. | — | [F<»ur lines from Zech. i. 3.] I — II HiMtiin in NewEnyland, | Printed and Sold by Barlliojomew Green, j IBO-I. I'imo. pp. 76. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 97 Titlepa£:c, snrniiindt'd by t\vy Ailjournnient until Wednesday the | Fourteenth of August fidlowint^. I [same as before]. | — || Boston. | Printed by Hartludoniew Green and John Allen, Printers | to the Governour and Council. IGDo. 4to. pp. (1), 137-138. Pages 137-13S, text ; collation same as before. Acts I and | Laws, | [title continues same as before]. | and continued by sev- eral Adjournments until Wednesday | the Twentieth of November fol- lowing I [same as before]. 4to. p]). (1). 141-1 JO. Pages 141-1.50, text; collation same as befiirc. Tulley, 1695 | — | An | Almanack | for the Year of our Lord. .M1)("XC\' | Heini;: Third of the Leap-Year | And from the Creation 5U44. | Wherein is Contained Astronomical Obser- | vati. .lamiary to December; 9 pp. "Of the Ei-Iipses this Year. H!!t.'>," of the four ipiarters of the year, ami *' An Acconnt of the Cruelty of the Papists, acted upon the I Bodies of some the GoiUy Martyrs," rutmini; headlines over the part; 1 p. " Ales ; September, 21. 1694. [Imprint at the bottom of Jiage] Boston, N. E. Reprinted ]ty H. Green. February 21. 1694, 5. Uroadside. 8s'o. Help for Distressed Parents. Or, Counsels and Comforts for Godly Parents Afllicted with Ungodly Children : And Warnings unto Children, to be- ware of all those Evil Courses, which would be Afflictive unto their Parents. By Mr. Cotton Mather. Sold by Vavasour Harris, at the Sign of the Bible, over-against the Blew Anchor, in Boston. 1695. 16 mo. pp. 62, (6). Titlepage wanting; 1-62, " Help for Distressed | Parents. | — | Offered, at the Lecture in Boston, | 14. d. 12. m. 1694."; 6 pp. wanting, with the ex- ception of some stubs which show that the letterpress extended to the last page; 2 pp. "A Catalogue of some other Books," thirty-three titles "All by this Author"; underneath on the second page is the following: — Advertisement. UPon the Desire of some Well disposed | Persons, There is now in the Press, I A Select Part of the CHURCH HISTO- | ^Y oi Neio England; Containing the Lives \ of Four Eminent and Renowned Persons, | who all Successively Dy'd in the Immediate | Service of One Cliurch in Boston ; to wit, I Mr. JOHN COTTOX, Mr. JOHN \ NORTON, Mr. JOHN WIL- SON, and I Mr. JOHN DAVENPORT. With an Ap- I imidix. Contain- ing the Life of the Famous | Mr. THOMAS HOOKER, Pastor of the i Churcli at Hartford in Connecticut. The title of this pamphlet is taken from the advertisement found at the end of " Durable Eiches," by the same author, and already noted in the collation of that work. The advertisement given above refers to the next title. Johannes in Eremo. | — | Memoirs, Relating to tlie | Lives, | of the | Ever- Memorable, I Mr. John Cotton, | who Dyed, 23. d. 10. m. 1652. | Mr. John Norton, I who Dyed, 5. d. 2. m. 1663. | Mr. John Wilson, | who Dyed 7. d. 6 m. 1667. | Mr. John Davenport, | who Dyed, 15. d. 1. m. 1670. I Reverend and Renowned Ministers t)f the | Gospel, All, in the more Immediate Service | of One Church, in Boston; | and | Mr. Thomas Hooker, | who Dyed, 7. d. 5. m. 1647. | Pastor of the Church at Hart- ford ; New=England. | — | Written, by Cotton blather. | — | [Three lines of Latin.] | — || Printed for and Sold by Michael Perry, at his Sho)), I under the West End of the 1695. 16mo. pp. 32, SO, ,39, 46, 30, 4.". 100 EARLY AMERIfAN nfPRlNTS. Titlopage, surroiinded by n Ixmler line, verso, " Faithfully Collected,'' and list of cniita, eleven lines; 3-rj, " To tlie Reader," signed "Increase Mather," and dated at " Boston, New-England, | May. 16. 1695," headpiece a line of border ])ieces, two lines of stars, and a line of similar pieces in- verted; 13--_'7, '• The I Intnxluction," signed "Cotton Matlier " ; 28-32, "Advertisement," and " A Schaeme, | of the Whole Work " ; 1-80, " Cot- tnnus Kedivivns. | — | Or, | the Life | of | Mr. John Cott(m " ; 1-31), "Nortonns Honoratus | — | The Lif«' | of | Mr. John Norton," headpiece a line of border pieces and twi» lines of stars; 1 )>. blank; 1-46, " Mcmoria Wilsonia. | — | The Life | of | Mr. Joim Wilson.'" headpiece a line of border ])ieees, a line of daggers, and a line of similar border pieces inverted; 2 pp. blank ; 1-30, " Chrysostoinns Nov-Anglorum. I — | The Life | of I Mr. John Davenport "; 2 pp. blank ; 1-45, separate title, see " Piscator Evangelicus," below; _' pp. " A Catalogue of some other Books," thirty- four titles, " All by this Author"; running headline^;; last l)age blank. Piscator Evangelicus. | — | Or. | the Life of | Mr. Thomas Hooker, | the Kenowned. | Pa.stor of Hartfonl-Cliurch, | and | Pillar of Connecticut- Colony, I in I New-England. | — | Essay'd by Cotton Mather. | — | [Two lines of Latin.] | — || Printed in the Year IGOo. IGmo. pp. 4.'). Titlepage, surrounded by a bonier line, verso, "To the Churches in the Colony of I Connecticut," signed "Cottmi Mather" ; 3-45, "Piscator Evan- gelicus. I — I The Life I of I Mr. Tliomas Hooker"; running headlines. This work forms a i)art of "Johannes in Eremo." Mi-moria Wilsoniana. | — | Or, | Some Dues | unto | the Memory of the | Truly I Reverend & Renowned | Mr. John Wilson, | ihe First | Pastor of Boston : Who Ex|)ired | August. 7. 16G7. Aged, 79. | — | Paid by Cotton Mather. | — | [Two lines of Latin.] | — || Printed for and Sold by Mii-liael I'erry, | at his Shop under the West- End of the | Town- Housr- in lioston, in N. E. I(i!t5. IGuio. pj>. (2), 4(). Titli'page, surrounded by two border lines, lerso, "To | Edward Brom- field E."*!.," signed " C. Mather"; 1-40, " Memoria Wil.soiiiana, | — | The Life | of | Mr. John Wilson"; last leaf blank; printed on the .satne foriiiH as the similar part in "Johannes in Eremo"; signature "B" be- gins with pag»embly of Repre | senfatives of the Province of the | Massachn.setts Bay in New England. | On May 29. 1695. | Whi servable Turns | of | Providence," headpiece a wide rule; 32-49, "Dues Paid unto the Me- | mcjry of Q. Mary," headpiece like the last one ; 50-52, " The I Address of Coudcdence | to | His Majesty, | by the | Dissenting .Min- isters," similar headpiece to tlie last ; list of " Errata " at foot of page 52, three lines below a wide ruh; ; 53-56, " Postscript. | For the Entertainment of the Reader, the Book- | seller has been willing here to add, the manner ] of the Queens Funeral. | Whitehal, March 5th. 1694," headpiece like the last; running headlines. On the titlepage of one copy is the autograph signature " Eliph : Adams," and on another that of " Samuel Checkley 16[95]." The I Psalms | Hymns | and | Spiritual Songs, | of the | Old and New-Tes- tament, faithfully Translated into | English Metre. | for the use, edifi- cation and Comfort of | the Saints in publick and private ; especially in New-England. | — | [One line "2 Tim. iii. 16, 17 " ; five lines from Col. iii. 16; one line froni Eph. v. 18, 19; one line "James v. 13."] | — | The Eighth Edition. | — || Boston, Printed by John Allen, and | Vava- sour Harris, for Samuel Phillips, at the Brick-Shop, near the | Town- House. 1695, 16mo. pp. 376, (7). Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, verso, "To the Goclly Reader"; 3-376, text; 7 pp. " A Table for the whide Book of Psalms"; last page blank. On the redo of a tly-leaf at the beginning is written : " Su- sanna White Her Book Anno Domini 1700." The Bay Psalm Book (Cambridge, 1G40), the first volume printed in the Colonies, was the original version of this collec- tion of Psalms and Hymns. It passed through very many edi- tions from time to time, more or less changed and amended in 1.3 102 KAKLY A.MKIUCAN IMPRINTS. phraseolo<^y ; aiul f<»r a loii^ ju'viod was used Ity the chuvchos in New England, and even in olil Kiii,dand and Srotlaud. The Society owns a copy of the reprint (C'anil)rid<4e, ISiiJ) in fac- simile of the original edition, where in the introduction a bibliographical account of the book is given. The editor of the reprint was our late associate Dr. Nathaniel Ix Shurtleff, a former Librarian of this Society, who was fortunate enough to possess one of the few copies of the original edition. See Proceedings (XV. 11) for ()ctol)er, ISTO. 1696. [An Act tor preventing Frainls, ;iii(l regulating abuses in the Plantatiim Trade.] No titlepage. Folio. |)p. ><. A eut of the anus of Great liritain ; Anno Ufi^ni | (Juiliehiii III. Regis. I Angliae, Scotiae, Fraiiciae & Hil»ernia«>, Septinio & Octavo. | At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Two and twentieth Day of | No- vember, Anno Dom. Kif).";. In the Seventh Year of the Reign of our | Sov- ereign Lord William tlie Third, by the Grace of God, of England, | Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. | — | London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the E.veciitrix of Tiiomas Newcomb, | deceas'd; Printers to the Kings most E.vcellent Majesty. Reprinti-d at | Roston in New-Eng- land by Rarth«jlomew Green & John Allen, | Printers to the Governonr & Council. icyc. I — I An Act for Preventing Frauds, and Regulating | Abuses in the Plantation Trade. Paui's 1-S, ti-\t ; i-iiiniinL' h<-:icHiin-s. Acts I and I Laws, | Passed i)y the (ireal and General CotU't | or Assembly of His Majesties Province | of tlie Massadiusetts-Hay, in | New-Eng- land. I Regnn dc Held at Roston the Twenty-ninth Day of May, KI'.i.'j. I andcontimied by several Adjoununenis utitil Wednesday | the Twenty- sixth of February following. | Anno Regni (iuilielmi Tertii. Angliae, Scotiae, | Franciae, et Iliberniae, Regis, ()ci;ivo. | [Cut of the arms of Great Rritjiin.] | — || Hoston. | Printed \>y llaiilic.l.Mnew (Jreen, and Jolin Allen, Printers I to the Governour ;iii. | [same as last title]. Ito. pp. (1), ):.!! 17.'.. Titlepa>;e, surrounded by a line of border pieces, msit blank ; l.'ilt-l T."*, text, ViirioUN lieudliiieH; hiNt page blank. Vitffvn 159-1 ".'», text ; ccdlatioii Miiine i\» before. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 103 [Acts and Laws, ScpteinlxT, KJIU;.] No titlopagc 4tr). pp. 177-180. A cut of the arms of Great Britain; 177-180, "Acts & Laws, | Passed by the Great & General Court or | Assembly of His Majesties Province of | the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-Englaud. | Begun at Bost(m the Twenty seventh Day of May, 1G9G. | and continued by Adjournment until Wednes- day the I Sixteenth of September following. | Anno Regni Guilielmi Teriii, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et | Hiberuiae, Regis, Octavo. | — || Boston. | Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers to | the Gover- nour and Council. IGSiG"; various headlines. Acts I and | Laws | [title continues same as last but two]. | Begun at Boston the Twenty-seventh of May, 1G!)G. | and continued by several Adjourn- ments until Wednesday | tlie Eighteenth of November following. | [same as last title but two]. 4to. pp. (1), Pages 181-197, text; collation same as last but two. Tulley, 1G9G. | — | An | Almanack, | for the Year of our Lord, | M DC- XC VL I Being Bissextile or Leap-Year, | and from the Creation, | 5645. I Wherein is Contained Astronomical Observa- | tions from the Svns Ingress into Aries, and | the other Cardinal Points, with an ac- count I of the Eclipses, Conjunctions, and other | Configurations of the Caelestial Bodies. | Calculated f()r and fitted to the Meridian of Boston, I in New=England, where the North Pole is | Elevated 42 gr. 30 min. But nu\y iuditt'erently | serve any jiart of New=Englaud. | — | By John Tulley. I — I Licensed by Autliority. | — || Boston, N. E. Printed by Bartholomew Green, | and Jolui Allen, for John Usher, and ] are to be Sold at his Shop below the | Town-House, 1G9G. KJmo. pp. (16.) [Two copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso, " M DC XC VL," vulgar notes, characters, etc.; 12 pp. January to December; 1 p. " Of the Four Quarters of the year 169G," and " Of the Eclipses this year 169G" ; 1 p. " Concerning Astrology & INIeteorology." A Good Master well Served. | — | A Brief | Discourse | on the Necessary I Properties & Practices | of a Good | Servant | in every-kiud of Servi- tude : And of the | Methods that should be taken by the | Heads of a Family, to Obtain such | a Servant. | — | By Cotton Mather. | — | [Three lines from Joel ii. 29.] | — || Boston in New-England. | Printed by B- Green, and J. Allen. | 1G9G. IGmo. pp. 55. Titlepage surrounded by two border lines, verso, Address to the Reader; 3-55, " A Good Master well Served," running headlines; last page " Ad- vertisement," of Nehemiah Walter's '' LTnfruitful Hearers," " Sold by Michael Perry, at his Shop under the West end of the Town-House, in Boston " ; badly cut by binder. 104 KARLY A.MKi;iCAN IMI'IIINTS. Massiicluisotts | or | tlio first IMaiiters i»f Now-Eiiglaiul, | the Eiui ami Man- uer of their eomiinr thi- | ther, and Abode there : lu several | Epistles I — I [Three lines from Psalms Ixxxiv. 3; three lines from John iv. 'Jl ; two lines from Kev. xiv. 4 ; nine lines of Latin.] | — || Boston in New- England, Printed hy B. Green, and | J. Allen. Sold by Kichard Wilkins, at his Shop | near tlie Old-Meeting-House. Id'.Hi. 16mo. pp. (1), 5(5. Titlepage, lerso bhmk ; 1-a, ''The | Humble | Request | of His Majesties Loyal Subjects, | the Governour and the Company | late gone for New-Eng- land : I To the rest of their Brethren, in and of | the Chureh of England. | For the obtaining of their Prayers, and the | removal of suspii-ions and miscon- structions I of their Intentions," signed ''Jo.Wiiitlirop.Gov. | diaries Fines. I George I'liillips. | &c. | Kich. Salttmstall. | Isaac Jolmsou. | Tho. Dudley. I William C'oildington. | &:c.,",dated "From Yarmouth | Aboard the Ar- bella. I April 7. l(i.^O."; 1 p. blank; (7-S), "T(. the | Kiglit Honourable, | My very good Lady, | the Lady | Bridget | Countess of | Lincoln," signed "T. D." [Thomas Dudley], and dated at "Boston in New- | I'Zngland, March I 12th. 1630" ; y-->7, text; •2«-40, "The Preface of the Reverend Mr. John I AUin, of Dedham, and of Mr. Thomas She- | pard of Cambridge in New- England, before I their Defence of the Answer made unto the Nine | Ques- ti(»ns," signed "Jolin Allin " and " Tlu). Shepard," and dated "From New-England, | November 2><. \ I(J45."; 41-50, "In Domini Nortoiii Li- bruin, ad Lectorem | Praefatio Ajudogetica," signed " .Inliaiuies Cotton | in Ecdcsia IJostcjiiiensi | Prcsbyti-r doceus." JJr. Vuiiii;^, ill his Cliruiiiclcs of Miissachusi'tts (;'>40 /<.), says : " It is not unlikely that it [Dudley's letter, \)\). 7-27] was printed at the su<:gestion of Joshua Scottow, who seems to have been the earliest ])erson in the Colony who had an antiquiirian turn of mind." This was the first appearance in ])rint of the letter, which has licen republishcil in the ('olli'ctions \ III ;',(1_.47). .Ma>>.n-liu>i-tt.s I or I The first Plaiilrrs r.i \i w -i;iii:l.iiMl, | tin- End «.V Manner of tlieir coming thither, | and Abode ihcrr : In several | Epistles | — | [title continues same aH before, with .some of thi' lines a lillle sliorter]. lOnio. pp. (1), r,f,. Collation Kanie as before. Mm tilt; niln of the lly-le;if at llic lic;^iiiii iiil;, III .IuiIl;!' Scwall's hand, is writteti : " Ipsviei, Maij, 'JI. 17, Ill yAiZ.) EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 105 1697. Acts I and I Laws, | [title continues same as the second one under 1696]. | Twenty-sixth of May, 1697. | [same] Nono. | [same] 1697. 4to. pp. (1), 199-228. Titlepage, surrounded by a lino of border pieces, verso blank; 199-228, text, various headlines. Acts I and Laws, | [title continues same as the last one]. | Begun and Held at Boston the Twenty-sixth of May, 1697. | and continued by several Prorogations until Wednesday the | Thirteenth of October following : being the Third Session. | [same]. 4to. pp. (1), 229-247. Pages 229-247, text ; collation same as before ; last page blank. TuUey, 1697. | — | An ] Almanack | for the Year of our Lord, | M DC XC- VII. I Being First after Leap- Year, and from the | Creation, 5646. | Wherein is Contained Astronomical Observations | from the Suns In- gress into Aries, & the other | Cardinal Points, with an Account of the I Eclipses, Conjunctions, and other Coufigura- | tions of the Caelestial Bodies : Unto whicii is | added a brief account of the late Comet | or ^Ethereal blaze. | Calculated for and fitted to the Meridian of Bostcm | in New-England, where the North Pole is | Elevated 42. gr. 30. miu. But may indifferently | serve any part of New-England. | — | By John Tulley. I — I Licensed by Authority. | — || Boston, N. E. Printed by Bartholomew G[reen] | and Jolni Allen, for John Usher, and | are to be Sold at his Shop below the | Town-House. 1697. 16mo. pp. (16). Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso, " M DC XC VII," vulgar notes, etc. ; 12 pp. January to December; 2 pp. quarters, eclipses, comets, etc.; at the foot of the last page "Advertisement" of Cotton Matlier's " Great Examples of Judgment and Mercy," which " will be speedily Published," "Printed for & Sold by Joseph Wheeler, at his Shop at the head of the Dock in Boston, Price stitch't 8d." Underneath is the following paragraph : — There are Two Fairs to be Held in the Town of Boston Annu- \ ally, one on the last Tuesday in May, tlie other on the last Tuesday | in Octob. each Fair to continue four days : Also Tivo Fairs to he \ Held at Providence Yearly, the second Wednesday o/June, ((\first \ Wednesday 0/ Octob. each to continue three days." Mr. Sibley gives the year of publication of Mather's " Great Examples" as 169G, though it is advertised in this Almanac for 1697 to " be speedily Published." The explanation, doubtless, lies in the fact that the almanac was put to press in 1G9G. 1""' EAKI.V AMKKICAN LMPIUNTS. Erdesiasios. | — | Tlu- Lite | m lliem. Nc'W England PerwnulorH .Mauld Willi their own Weapons; Giving Soino Account of the bloody Laws made at jbiston against the Kings Subjects that diHwnted from their way of Worship. Together with a brief Account of the Imprisonment and 'I'ryal of 'i'hoinas .Maule of Salem, for piibliHhing a Hook entitled, Truth lieM firlh and maintained, &c. Hy Thi'o. IMiilntlies. . . . 12mo. pp. (.'I), i,->. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 107 Titlepage wanting; 3 p]). " Tlif Prcfaco," signed " Tho. IMiilatlies," running licatllincs; 1 p. Ulank ; 1-G2, " Persecutors Manl'il witli their | own Weapons." This work was printed prcjLably by William Bradford, in New York. See Sabin's Dictionary (XL 504) number 46,'J34, from which the title is copied. A Kenienibrance | of | Former Times | tor this | Generation ; | and ] Our Degeneracj' Lamented. | — | The First Part. | — | [Three lines from Jer. viii. 5; six lines from Jer. iii. 12.] | — | By W. J. Esq. ] — || Boston, N. E. Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for | Dmiean Camp- bel, at his Shop over-against the Old- | Meeting-House. 1697. 16rao. pp. 32. Titlepage, verso blank; 3-18, "A | Remembrance | of Former Times for this I Generation | — | The First Part"; 19-32, "The Second Part I — I For a further Awakening I shall add the Mourn- | ers Lamentations for the Sins and Degeneracy | of the Times: And Gods Awful Judgments | long continued and further threatned. | As also to stir up Christians to deep Humiliation, | fervent Prayer, and thorow Keformation. | From the Forty fourth Psalm."' Was the author of this tract Prof. William Jameson of the University of Glasgow ? • A. I Sermon | Preached before the | General Assembly | of the Colony | of I Connecticut | At Hartford in New-England. | May 13. 1697. | Being I the Day for Electing the Governour, | Deputy Governour and | As- sistants, for that Cohiny. [By Gurdou Saltoustall.] | — j Published by Authority. | — || Boston in New P]ngland. | Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for | Duncan Campbel, over-against the | Old Meeting-House. 1697. 16mo. pp. 80. Titlepage, surrounded by a borderline, veiso blank; 3-80, "A Sermon I Preach'd before the | General Assembly of the Colony | of | Connecticut." Two Questions, | Viz. | T. Wliether an account of the Work of Grace | is to be HMpiired of those that are Ad- | mitted to full Communion in the Church ? I n. Whether the whole Church is to be ] Judge thereof? | Judiciously Answered. | — | By Mr. Thomas Shei)ard, sometimes a famous I Pastor of the Church of Cambridge, | in New-England. | — | [Three lines from Heb. xiii.7.] | — || Boston in X. E. | Printed and Sold by Bartludomew Green, | and John Allen, | 1697. 16mo. pp. 15. Titlepage, versio blank; 3-15, text; 1 p. blank. 108 KAKLV AMKKK'AN IMl'inNTS. Tlie Way to Exci-1. | — | Mtaitatiuiis;. | Awakfiu-a by the Death of | the Reveieiul | Mr. Joshua Moodey; | with some Short C'liaracter | of tliat | Emineut Person: | Who Slept iu Jesus, 4il. a.m. 1097. | In the Sixty fifth year of Ills Age. | — | By Cotton Matlicr. | — | [Seven lines from Josh. x.\iv. -22, -23, 29.] | — || Boston, in X. E. | Printed l.y B. Green, and J. Allen, j 1G97. 16mo. pp. 32. Titlepage, surrounded by a wide border line, cerxo blank; 3-4, " Reailer," lieaunded by a line of bonier jiieees, rer.s'o blank ; 251-.'{(M), text, various headlines. Arts I and I Laws, | [same as last title]. | Begun and Hild at Boston the Twenty-fifth Day of May, 1G98. | and continued by Prorogation until Tuesday the Fifteenth | of November followiiii; : being the Second Sesi*ion. | [same as before]. 4to. jip. (1), 301-321. Pages 301-321, text ; colhition siniilar to hist litlt-; last page blank. Tiilley, 1098. | — | An | Almanack ] f<.r the Year <.f our Lord, | M DC XC- VIIL I Ik'ing Second after Leap- Year, | and from tlie Creation, | 5G47. I Wherein is Contained tlie Lunations, Courts, | Spring-tides, Planets, Aspects and Weather, | the Rising ami Setting of tlie Sun, to- | gether with the Sun and Mouus place, and | time of Full Sea, or Hiirli- Water, with an | account of the Eclipses, Conjuiictions, and | other Confiicura- tions of the Caeh-stial Bodies. | Calculated for and fittccl to the .Meridian of Boston I in Xew-Eiigland, where the North Pole is | Elevated »2. gr. 30. min. But nuiy iuditfereully | serve any part of New=England. | — I By John Tiilley. | — | Licensed by Authority. | — || Boston, N. E. Printed by HarlholoMU'W (ireen, | and John Allen. Sold at the Printing- lIoUH(; at the Sftuth end of the 'I'own. IGltK. Kimo. pj.. (IC). Titlepage, HUrrournled by a li f border pieces, ivr.w, " M IM' XC \ III," vul^Hf notes, etc. ; 12 pp. .January to December; 2 pjt. " ( M' llie ilciipses thiM year, 169M," eiglit<'en lincH of poetry, ami " A Descrijition of the High WuyH, &. l{«iad»"; at the foot of the last page is the following : — :ltJbfrli0finfnt. \r ilie ( ■l(ynMi;e..n.4 Shop, joyn- | ini; to the Post- House, in /'.onion, I Ih Bought all Sorts of Womeus Hair, and | Perriwiggs Made and Sold Iteaxonably. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 109 Contemplations | on | Mortality. Wherein | the Terrors of Death | are laid open, for a Warning to Sinners : | And the Joyes of Communion with | Christ for Comfort to Believers. | — | By Samuel Lee. M. A. Sometime Fellow I of Wadham CoUedge. Oxon. | — | [Four lines from Pliil. iii. 20, 21.] I — I Bernard, To the Knights of the Temple. | The death of Christ is the death of my death ; | because he died that I should live : for how is it | possible that he should not live, for wliom | life hath dyed. I — II Boston in N. E. | Keprinted by B. Green, and J. Allen, for | Samuel Phillips, at the Brick SIiop. 1G98. 16mo. pp. (9), 149. Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, verso blank; 7 )ij). "To His Highly I Honoured Father, | Mr. Samuel Lee," signed " S. L.," and dated "July 30. 1G69."; 1 p. blank; 1-149, "Contemplations | on | Mortality"; running headlines ; last pag(^ blank. New=Englands | Duty and Interest, | to be an | Habitation of Justice, | and I Mountain of Holiness. | Containing | Doctrine, Caution & Comfort | with I Something relating to the Restaurations, | lleforniations and Benedictions, | Promised to the Church and World in | the latter dayes ; With grounds of Hope, | that America in General, & New=: England | in Particular, may have a Part therein. | Preached to the General Assembly of the Province | of the Massachusetts=Bay, at the | Anniversary Election. | May 25. 1698. | — | By Nicholas Noyes, Teacher | of the Church at Salem. | — | Published by Order of Au- thority. I — II Boston in New-England, j Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen. | Printers to the Governour & Council. 1698. 16mo. pp. (12), 98. [Two copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, verso, scriptural and Latin quota- tions; 10 pp. "The Epistle Dedicatory. | To his Excellency | Richard Earl of I Bellomont, | and | Lord Coote Colooney, | in the kingdom of Ireland. | Governour | of New-England, New-York, New Hampshire; | and Vice- Admiral of those Seas," signed "John Higginson. | Pastor of the Church of Salem. | Ji:tatis. 82," and dated at "Salem, June 20. [ 1698," running headlines; 1-88, " New-Englands j Duty and Interest, | to be an | Habita- tation of Justice, | and | Mountain of Holiness"; 89-99, "Typographu§ Lectori, | The Reverend Mr. Grindal Rawson Pastor of the | Church in Mendon, and the Reverend Mr. Samuel | Danforth Pastor of the Church in Taunton, spent | from May, 30. to June 24. 1698. in visiting the | several Plantations of the Indians, within this Pro- | vince. And the Remainder of this Sheet nniy be | well employed in giving an Account of it," "Signed ^Grindal Rawson > Preachers to the Indians by ) Samuel Danforth ^ in their own Tongue." and dated at "Boston; July, 12tli. | 1698"; p. 99, a fac-simile copy in manuscript. The I Psalms | Hymns, | and | Spiritual Songs, | of the | Old & New-Tes- tament : I Faitlifuily | Translated into English Meetre. | For the use, Edification and Com- | fort of the Saints iu publick and | private, espe- 14 110 EAIILY AMERirAN IMPRINTS. cially in Xow-Eu^Mainl. | — | [One lino "2 Tim. 3. Itl, 17"; five linos from Col. iii. IG ; one liur from Eph. v. 18, IS) ; one line " James 5. 13."] I — I [The Ninth E.litii.n.] | — || Boston, Printed by B. Green, aiidJ. Alleu, I for Mieliael Perry, nmler the West- | End of tlie Tnwu Imnse. 1698. IGmo. pp. 420, (lu), lo. Titlepago, surrounded l)y a Imrder line, rersn, -'To the Godly Kcadrr"; (3)-410, text; 111-418, " A Tahle for the whole Book | ..f Psalms " ; 419, 420, •'The Tunes of the Psalms. | With the Bass set under eacli Tune. | Some few directions for orderinif the Voice in | Setting tliese followiui,' Tunes of the Psalms"; 10 ))p. tuues ; 1-10. cniitinMation of text. The Shorter | Catechism, | Compn.sed by the | Reverend Assemhly of | Di- vines I With the Proofs thereof out of the | Scriptvres, in Words at length. I Which are either some of tlie formerly quoted | Places, or othei-s gathered from their otiier | Writings ; All fitted, both for Brevity &, I Ch'arness, to this their Form of Sound Words. | For the benefit of Christians in General, and | of Youth, and Children in Vnderstandiug, in I Particular; that they may with more Ease | acquaint themselves with the Truth acc(U"ding | to the Scriptures, and witli the Scriptures I themselves. | — || Boston, in New-England. | Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen. | 1G!)8. KJmo. j.p. (1), 4G. Titlepage. blank ; 1-4G, " The .Sjmrter | Catechism | oftlic | Rever- end Assembly of | Divines," running headlines. Votes I of the | House of Representatives for his Majesties Province | of New- York in America. | Die Martis A. M. 21 .Mart. 1G98. No title- page. 8vy B. Green, and J. Allen, | for Michael Perry, and are to be Sold at his | Shop ov«'r atrainst tlie Town-IIouse. \6d'J. IGmo. pp. 30. Titlei>a4re, surroimdcd Ity a border line, blank ; 3-3o, "The Man | of I War," runnini; headlines; I'p. "Advertisement'" of Willard's "Spiritual Desertions," " Printed for and SdM by Benjamin Eliot, | at liis Simp under the West End of the I T..\\ii House. ICiiit."' nrsn blank. Order of their Exc(dleuci<'s tlie Lords | Justices in Council, coutiiining sev- eral I Acts and Laws of the Province of the | Massachusetts- Bay, made in the years, | 1G94, 1C95, 16!)(), 1G97. | At the | Council Clianiber | at Whitehall, the 24. of November, 1G98. | Present. | Their ExceUencies the Lords Justices. No titlepage. Eidio. pj>. 1. Pages 1-3, heading given above, text, and at the end between two rules, "Piibli-shed at Boston, April 27tli. 1(199 "; 3-4, " Order of their Excel- lencies the Lords | Justices in Council, Repealing several | Acts of the Province of the Massachusetts- | Bay, made in the years, lG9o, 1(I9G & 1G97. I At the I Council Chamber | at Whitehall the 24. day November. lii!is. | Present, | Their Excellencies the L(jrds Justices,'' and at the end Intweeu two rules, " Published at Boston, April 27th. 1G99." TInd»'riieath is the cfdophon, " Boston in New-England, Printed by Bartholomew Oreeu, and I John Allen, Printers to the fJuveniuur and Council | H;99." Ibith jiarts uro signed "John Povey." [Prodaiuation concerning the (d)servance of the Lonls Day. Im))rint at foot of the page] Boston, Printed by Bartliohimew ( Jreeii, and Jnlm Allen, Printers to Ilis Excellency | the (Jiivernmir and CuiinciL Ii.'.Mi. Iliciad- side. Folio. "Province of the | Massarliusetts- | Bay in Ni'W- | England"; a cut <>{ tlif arms of (J real Britain ; " By Ilis Exci llency, | iiiciiard Earl of Ibllumonl, I Ca|>tain (ietieral and (Jovernour in Chief nf Ilis Majesties | Province of |Ih« MaH.Hay fr<^- qui-nting of TaveniH ami Ale-houses for Tipling and Drinkini;, walking abroad in the streetH and fields fur diversion and recreation, and otherwise inispend the said Holy 'I'ime " ; and reipiires all ollicers to see " that th(> LnwH uiadf! for the Observation of the said Day " are " vigopiirsly put in Execution." "(liven at the Cduncil Chambir in Bostiui, the Twenty-first dny of June . . . 1G!»9. | Bellomont." "By Order ril, 1699, ... I William Stoughton." To His Excellency, | Ricliard, | Earl of Bellomont, Baron of Coloony, in I the Kingdom of Ireland, Governour | and Commander in Chief of the Provinces [ of the Massachusetts-Bay, New York and | New-Hampsliire. The Address of the Ministers met at Boston in | New England, May 31st. 1699. [Imprint at foot of second page] Boston, Printed by Bar- tholomew Green, and John Allen, Printers | to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1G99. 4to. pp. 2. A letter of congratulation upmi his arrival saying, besides other things, that "we believe. That Your Excellency will on all occasions express the good-will of a Connnon Father unto the Churches of Non -conformists . . . in New-England," calling his attention to the importance of obtaiuiug " from Ilis Majesty, a Settlement of that our University"; signed, "Increase Mather, | In the Name, and at the Desire of the Ministers, in the | Province of the Massacluisetts-Bay, who Met | at Boston, May 31. 1699." Thirty | Important Cases, | Rescdved | With Evidence of | Scripture | and I Reason. | [Mostly,] | By Several Pastors of Adjacent Churches, | meeting in Cambridge, | New-England | [With some other memorable matters] | Now published for | General Benefit. [By Cotton Mather.] II Boston in New England. | Printed by Bartholomew Green, &, John Allen I Sold at the Book-sellers Slioi)s. 1699. 16mo. ])p. 3-78. Titlepage wanting; 3-6, "Advertisement," signed "Cotton Mather"; 7-77, text- 77, 78, " At a | General Meeting of | Ministers | from | Diverse parts of the Province of the | Massachusetts Bay ; Assembled at j Boston, May 27. 1697. | [The Following Instrument, was generally Signed ; j Which is in here Inserted and Published, j In Perpetuam Rci Memoriam.] " ; 1 p. containing three lines of " Errata" wantiuir. 114 KARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. A I Watch 1 lor a I Wi>f MauV Observation. | In Two Parts. | First, A Divine Poem, | on the | Three Persons in the Holy-Trinity, the Four Evangelists, the Ten Comniandments, and the Twelve Apostles. | III. A Preparation, by a Holy Life, for the Hour of Death, that we may all be fitted for our Latter End when we shall iro hence, | and be no more seen. | [Imjtrint at tin- bottom] Boston, Priuteil by li. Green, and J. Allen, for Midiael Perry, ami are to be Sold at liis Shop over against the Town House. 1G9U. Broadside. Ftdio. This broadside is printed in three columns and contains two ])oems, the first one tilling the first column and the tojis of the second and third; near tlie top of the second and third columns is " The | Second Part, Containing, A Preparation for Death," over whicli is a line of border ])icces. At tlie beginning of tlie first c(dumn of the slieet is the representation of the face of a clock, with a single hand pointing to twelve o'clock. Wunnamptamoe ] Sampooaonk | Wussampoowoiitanum | Nashpe moen- wehkti- I munganash ut | New-England. | Qushkenunum en Indiane | Unnontowaoiii,ranit. | — | Xashpe | Grindal Kawson, ifcc. | — | [One line of Indian from Eph. iv. 5; two lines of Indian fn)m Col. ii. 5.] | — II Musiiauw(tmuk. | Printeunn nashpe Bartholomew Green, kali | John Allen. IG'J'J. Kiino. pp. (12), 3-lGl, (4). First page blank; title, '".V Confession of Faith.. lOfSO,"' wanting; titlepage in Indian, ccrso blank: lo pp. " Tiie Epistle Dedicatory. | — | To the Honoral>le j William Stoughton Esq. | Lieutenant Governour of His | Maje.sties Province of the Massachusetts | Bay in New England. | Anp. l.VJ and IGU and lower part of 1(!1 wanting; 4 jip. " A Table of th«f Chapters in the Con- fessi- I on of Faith," beginning on the versu of p. Id ; Englisli on the verso arid Indian on the recto of the leaves, e.xcepling "The Epistle Dedicatory"; running lieadlincH; last page blank. I 700. Acts and Laws, | I'ass<-d by the (ireat and (ieiieral ( Ouii 01 Assembly of tin- I I'rovince of the .Nlassachusells-Bay in New- England : Begun and I Held at Boston, the Thirty-lirst of May, l^ ; r..||..\»- " \eis an, I l,a\\>," 1GU9, with coiitinuoiiH paging. Aet« and LawH, | Pawned by the (Weat \- General Court or Assemlily of IIIh Majei»lie» | Province of the Massachusetts- May, in New-JOnt'land : Begun and | Hejil ut lioMlon, on Wednesday the Twenty-iiiiith of May, 1700. No litlepat.'.'. It... |.|. 1 . . 1!»2. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 115 A cut of the arms of Great Britain above the heading; 177-192, text, various headlines ; followed ])y " Acts and Laws" from 1701 to 1703, which complete the volume. Tulley, 1 700. | — | An | Almanack | for the Year of our Lord, 1 700. | Being Bissextile or Leap- Year, and from | the Creation, .504 9. And from the | Discovery of America by Chr. Columbus, 208. | Wherein is Contained the Lunations, CV»urts, | Si)ring Tides, Planets, Aspects and Weather, the Bising and Setting <>i' the Sun, to- | gctlier witli the Sun and Moons place, and | time of Full Sea, or High-Water, with an | account of the Eclipses, Conjunctions, and | other Configurations of the Caelestial Bodies. | Calculated for and fitted to the Meridian of Boston I in New-England, where tlic Nortli Pole is Ele- | vated 42 gr. 30 min. But nuiy indifferently | servo any part of New-England. | Unto which is added. Natural Prognostics for | the judgment of the Weather. | — | By John Tulley. | — | Licensed by Authority. | — || Boston, Printed by liarthcdomevv Green, | & John Allen. Sold at the Printing-IIouse I at the South end of the Town. 1700. IGmo. pp. (16). Titlepage, surrounded by a line of border pieces, verso, " Of the Eclipses this Year, 1700 " ; 12 pp. January to December; 2 pp. "Natural Prognos- ticks for the judgment of the Weather " ; below " Finis " is an " Advertise- ment " of Cotton Mather's " Everlasting Gospel," which " Speedily may be Published," to be "Sold by Nicholas ButtolpJi at his Shop at the corner of Gutteridges Coffee-House." A I Brief Narration of the sufferings of the People | called Quakers; who were put to death at | Boston in New-England. | Also | An account from their own hands, of their | Coming to Boston, and of their staying j in tJieir Jurisdiction after Banishment. | W^ith | a Precious Epistle of William Kobinson, to us his fellow- | Prisoners, and other Epistles hereunto. Annexed. No titlepaye. 12mo. pp.38. Pages 1-l.j, text ; (IG) lilaiik : 1 7-2o. " William Robinsons Paper to the Court before | he was sentenced to Death, Concerning the cause | of their coming into those parts, for which | they were put to Death ; whicli the Gover- I nour in a great rage and furie said, | should not be Read, and that ihe 1 Court would not hear it"; 21-23, " Marmaduke Stevensons Paper, of his call to the | work and service of the Lord, giveu forth by him | a little before he was put to Death: And | after he had reached his sentence"; 24-28, "Here followeth an Epistle of William Robinsons | written l)y him a Little before he was put | to Death " ; 29-3S, " A Spot unto New-England's Glory," relating to Mary Dyer. At the end of the text in the first part fpage 15), on two slips of paper, tliere appear the printed words, " lihode-lshand 1700," and "Daniel Gould," which are pasted on the page ; uiiderneath these slips is, in manuscript, " Uy Daniel Gould Rhode Island 116 EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 1700," presumably the autograph signature of the author. At the end of the pamphlet are similar printed slips, and under " Finis," in the same handwriting, the words, " lihode Island 1700 Daniel Gould." Prince, in his Catalogue, says: "I sup- pose twas Printed in 1690, w° y" Book was to w'= it answers"; but as this was only a supposition on his part, I place the title under 1700, in accordance with the printed slips and the writing. The I Fountain Oponoil : | Or, | the Gifal Go.'^pel Privilfdije <>f liaving | Christ e.\hil»ite«l tt» SiufiiU Men. | Whcri'in | also is provi'd that tliero shall be | a National Calling of the | Jews | from Zoch. XIII. 1. | — | By Samuel Willard, | Teacher of a Church in Boston. | — | [Two lines from 1 Cor. ii. 2.] | — | [One line of Latin.] | — || Boston in New= Enghmd, | Printoil hy B. Green, and ,1. Allen, | for Samuel Sewall Junior. 1700. Hlmu. j.|>. (4), 20S, (2). [Three copies.] Titlepayt', siirniimilcd l>y a limilrr liiic, verso hlank ; 2 pp. "To the Header," signrd "Samuel Willard"; l-lG(j, " Tiu- | Fountain ()|)cnt'd, &c.''; b«'low '' Finis" on i)aire l(j ; a hut al the beginning and ...,.| l.b.Mk EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 117 Near the top of tlio titlepage is written, " pertinet ad Authorem. An. 1702 " ; and at tlie foot of paj^e 28 appear the words: "This Sermon was preaclied and })rinted, at y" desire of y*' Honourable Artillery company, twas y'' first of mine, y* ever appeared in print." Gospel OrcU'r | Revived, | Beiui? an Answer to a Book lately set | forth by the Keverend Mr. Increase Mather, President | of Harvard Colledge, &c. Entituled | The Order of tlie Gospel, &c | Dedicated to the Churches of Christ in New-England. | — | By sundry Ministers of the Gospel iu New-England. | — | [Two lines from Prov. xviii. 17; two lines from Isa. viii. 20. | — || Printed in tlie Year 1700. I'imo. pp. (11), 40. [Two copies.] First page blank, verso^ " Advertisement " [given below] ; titlepage, verso blank; 8 pp. "The Epistle Dedicatory, | to the Chnrches of Christ in N. England," running headlines; 1-40, "Gospel Order Revived, &c." Under the " Advertisement " is pasted a list of " Errata," fourteen lines, all below the heading in two columns. Advertisement. rrille Reader is desired to take Notice, that the Press | in Boston is so much -^ under the aw of the Reverend | Author, whom we answer, and his Friends, that we | could not obtain of the Printer there to print the fol- | lowing Sheets, which is the only true Reason why we | have sent the Copy so far for its Impression. For an account of this work, which was printed in New York, by William Bradford, see Thomas's " History of Printing " (I. 290, 291); and also the collation of "The Printers Advertisement," given on page 120 of this List. Gospel Order | Revived, ] [title continues same as before]. 12mo. pp. (11), 40. Collation same as before ; following words added to the Advertisement : " and where | it printed with some Difficulty " ; has no list of errata. His Excellency, | the Earl of Bellomont's | Speech | to the | Honorable the Council and House of Representatives, Convcn'd | in General Assembly, at Boston, in His Majesties Province of the | Massachusetts Bay in New- England, on Wednesday the 29. of May. 1700. 4to. p]>. 2. [Slightly imperfect.] He gives advice in regard to the " Settlement of the College "; concern- ing the fortification of Boston Harbor ; about helping " Ministers in the remote parts of the Province"; specially recommends to their care "the 15 1 1 ^ EA U LV A M 111: K" A N I M I'l; 1 N TS. Fifiicli Minister of this Tnwii. wlm is ilt-stitiite of a Maiiiti naiico. licoanse tliiTe an- so very few Freiu-li Families here"; refers to the French Protes- tants being cncourairtMl anioiij; them, saying tliai they "\vrevent tlie Clipping and Debasing the Current Coin, and also the Exportation thereof"; and urges them to bring "the Eastern In- dians . . . under the Obedience of His Majesty," etc ; signed " Hy Vertue of an Order of the House of Representatives, I do | Appoint IJartholumew Green, and John Allen, to Print His | Excellency's Sjieedi. | John Leverett Speaker." Love's I Pedigree. | Or ] a Discourse shewing tlie Grace of | Love in a Believer to be of | a Divine Original | Delivered in a | Sernum | preached at the Lecture in B(..ston,'| Febr. 29. i4g§- | — | By S. Wil- lard, Teacher of a Church there. | — | [Three lines from James i. 1 7.] I — II Boston, in X. E. Printed by B. Green, and | J. Allen, .^uld by Benjamin Eliot, at his Shop | under the West End of the Town-House. 170U. IGmo. ]»p. '2H. Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, verso; ."t-i's, "Loves Pedigree " ; running headlines. Near the top t)f the titlupage is written, "Sam" Checkley 1700." Morality | not to be | Belied mi for Life. | Or, | a I'rief Disconrs<', discover- ing tlie I One Thing Wanting, | which leaves | the legalist Short of Life Eternal. | Delivered in a Sermon on the Lecture | in Boston, May, 2.'{d. 1700. I — I By Siimiiel Willard. Teaclu'r of | a Church in Ho.ston. | — | [Four lineH from Titus iii. '>.] \ — || I'.ostoii, in N. E. Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen, | for Benjamin Eliot, at his Shop iimler the | W«'st End of the Town HoUHe. 1700. KJmo. pp- -'m. Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, vtrso blanU ; '.''-2s, •• Moialily I not to be Belied on for Life " ; running headlines. 'I'lie Order of the | (JoHjiel, | ProfeH(ed by the j (lunches of Chrinl in | Ni-w-Eiiyland, JiiHlitied, by the | S !,•• I'iif _ I'liiitris 1 Advertisoinont," signed •' Rartholoinow Groon," and datod at "Boston, Doconiber | 21st. 1700"; 1 p. further statement by the printer, '" Dated in IJostou, December 24th, 1700 " ; 3-5, "The | Deposi- tions 1 of I Thomas Brattle, Gent. | and | Zeehariah Tnthill, Merchant," "The I Depositions | of | John Mieo, & Zeeliariah Tiithill, Mereliant.s" fsijBHied by them respectively and each dated at " Boston, December 27, 1700"; 5, 6, statement of Tliomas Brattle, signed by him and dated at "Boston, December 27, 1700''; 7,8, "The Deposition of | Bartholomew Green, Printer," signed by him and dated at " Boston, January 4th. jlg^;" ; 8, 9, "The Deposition of John Allen and Timothy Green, Printers," signed by them and dated at "Boston Jannary, 4th. | }|gj:"; 9, 10, "To the Candid Reader," signed " B. Green," and dated at "Boston, Jan. 10. 1700, 1 "; colophon at the end of page 10, " Boston, Printed by Bartholomew Green, 17ul." This relates to "Gospel Order Revived," mentioned above, and is a reply to the Advertisement there printed. The Selling | of | Joseph | A Memorial. [C'olo].hon] Boston of tlie Massa- cbiisets; | Printed by Bartholomew Green, and Joiin Alien. June, '24th. 1700. No titlepage. F«dio. pp.3. This tract was written l>y Judge Sewall. See Proceedings (YIl. 161-16")) for October, 1S63, and Collections (.")th series, VI. 16-liO), for a reprint of tlie .'^anie. The 'I'ruly | Bles.sed Man: | Or. ] the way to l.c lla]>py here, | and | For Kvcr: I Being the Substance of Divers | Sermons | |ireached on. Psalm XXXII. I — I By Samuel Willard, | Teacher of a Church in Boston. N. E. I — I [Six lines from Isa. .\ii. 1, 2.] | — || Boston in N. K. Printed by B. (ireeii, | and J. All.n. f.,r Mi.hail Ptrry. I 1 Too. Itluio. pp. 652, (:{). [Two copirs.] Titlepaye, surrounded by a border line, itisi> IdanU ; .'1 i!. "To the | Header," .niuned "SjiumkI Willard"; 7-(;.")2, " The Truly | Blessed Man: | Or, the Way to be | Happy here, and for ever" ; list of " Krrafa " at the end of page C,y>, ten lines; ."{ pp. " 'i'he | Contents | of the principal nuitters, Contaiiiod in the | foregoing Treatise " ; last page blank. One copy hns at the lieginning, opposite to thr titltjiagc, Judge S«jwair.s leaflet nu'iitinneil holnw: — Upon Mr. Samuel Willard, hi» firnt | coming into the Asse nldy. and Pray- ing. I after a loni; and danyeronw Fit of | SicUncMH ; November 21. 1 7(»i). at I .'J. in the Aften ji, being a Day of | Publick ThanUsgiving. | Mr. PemlM-rton'M Text, P.Mai. 11 H. *27. lOw. I p. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 121 These verses in three stanzas were written by Judge Sewall, who mentions them in his Diary under the same date, where he gives the first two. In tlie upper margin are written two lines, "Donuni Sam^ Sewal Esq." in one hand, and "To Ann Win- throp " in another. The leaflet is pasted into a copy of Willard's " The Truly Blessed ]\Ian," between tlie fly-leaf and the titlepage. Prince says that this was "Print*^ at Boston. 1700." A I Vindication | of the Divine | Authority | of | Ruling Elders | in the | Churches of Christ: | Asserted by the Mini.sters & Elders, met | together in a Provincial Assembly, | Novemb. 2d. 1649. And Printed in Lon- | don, 1G50. Beginning at Page 34. to 48. | Transcribed out of the same Book. I Whercunto is added, | An Answer to the Question, Whether are not | the Brethren, and not the Elders of the Church | only, to Judge concerning the Qualifications. | and Fitness, of those who are Admitted into I their Communion °? By the Reverend Mr. | Increase Mather, in his Book Entituled, | The Order of the Gospel : Printed in the | year, 1700. Beginning at Page 23. to 29. | — | Reprinted for Publiek Good. 16mo. pp. (1), 28. [Three copies.] Titlepage, surrounded by two border lines, verso blank; 1-19, "A | Vin- dication I of the I Divine Authority of Ruling Elders, &c. | In Answer to an Objection"; 20, 21, "An Article, Agreed upon by the Elders | and Mes- sengers of the Churches, | Assembled in the Synod, at Boston | in New- England, Sept. 10th. 1679"; 22-28, " Questi(m " ; last leaf of signature "C" wanting. A Warning to the | Flocks | against | Wolves in Sheeps Cloatliing. | Or, | A Faithful Advice, from several | Ministers of the Gospel, in and | near Boston, unto the Churches | of New England, relating to the | Dangers that may arise fi'om | Impostors, | Pretending to be Ministers. | With I a Brief History of some Impostors, | Remarkably and Seasonably detected; | Written, by One of the Ministers in Boston, | ti> assert that Advice and prevent future Mischiefs. || Boston, Printed for the Book- sellers. 1700. 16ino. pp. 3-79. Titlepage, wanting ; 3-10, " A Faithful Advice, | from | Several Ministers of the Gospel, | in and near Boston, unto the Churches | of New-England ; relating to the | Dangers that may arise from Impostors, | pretending to be Ministers," signed " Increase Mather | James Allen | Samuel Willard | Moses Fiske I Benjamin Woodbridge | Neheniiah Ilobart | John Danforth | Cotton Mather | Nehemiah Walter | Jonathan Pierpont | Joseph Belcher | Ben- jau)in Wadsworth | Benjamin Ctdenian," and dated at " Boston, Decemb- 28. 1G99"; 11-28, "An History, of Some | Imposters, | Remarkably and Seasonably detected, in | the Churches of Xew-England ; Written | to main- tain the Advice Published by | some of the Pastors in those Cliurches | relat- iug to Impostures, and prevent all | future Mischiefs from them " ; 29-52, 122 KAULV AMKinCAN IMl'lUNTS. ■• lii«>t'-ii. r.i tl. 1 l'» in. 1690. I A Letter, ] containing a Keniarlvablo History, I of au I l!niX)St«'r," signed "Cotton Mather " ; 53, '•Postscript"; 54-79, " Souietliini; to be known, | by all the Churches. | — | Or, | Short Remarks upon the Keniarkahle | Dispensations of the Lord Jesiis | Christ, unto His Churches, dis- | covering Secret Oflendors and Ini- | postors, among them. | — I At Boston Lecture, 14. d. 10. m. H!9!)," running headlines; last page '• Advertisement," of Increase Mather's " ( )riUr of the Gospel," between \\\o lines of border pieces. This title is taken from the tract in the Boston Alhrnauni ; and the imperfect copy in tliis Library has been the cause of some confusion among bilili(»ora[)hers. Sabin ascribes the author- .ship both to Increase Mather (XI. 46.")) in connection with others, and to his son Cotton (XI. 447); and ]\Ir. Sibley (1. A'A, III. 69, 74) falls into a similar mistake. Dr. Dexter also, in his "Congregationalism" (pp. 114, 115), confounds the titles. The first part of the pamphlet, as far as page 5.''>, is rei'riuleil in the Magnalia (Book VII. Chap. Y. j.p. :'.0-n ). Wednesday | January 1. ITol. | A little before r.reak-a-d;iy at Boston of the I Massachusets. I'Jmo. 1 p. These verses, in three stanzas, were written by Judge Sewall, who entered in his Diary (II. 27), under date of January 1, 1700-1, that the " IVll-man said these verses a liltle before ]>reak-a-day, which I i>rinted and gave tliem." The verses wert^ ]trinted on page 28 of the same volume; ami the reprint (»f another ijroadside with tiiree additicmal verses is givm with some introductory remarks in the Proceedings (2d series, I. l.">, 14 f..r .I:...u;irv, 1,SS4. The I Young Man.H claim | unto the | Siicramiiit of the | Lord.><-S upper. | Or, I the Kxamiuation of a I'erson | approiiching to the 'I'aide | of the Lord. I (!omp«)H'd I by the Kevereiid Mr. .John Quick, | .Minister of the Gos- |M-1, in London. | And now, in a Second Impression, ( MferM | luito the ChiircheH of New Knuland ; | liy .*>undry .Ministers of th>\< near | the Old Meeting lIouHO. 1700. ICmo. pp.91'. TItU'piigp wanting; l-.'>9, "A Defetwe of Kvangelical | ChnrcheH, | in | a .Soft AuMWer to what uniy Offend | the Churehes of New-Kngl.ind | in an EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 123 Hard Attnniit against tliciii, | midor the Title of, The Doctrine | of Insti- tuted Churclios. I And, | a Short Account of tlie Discourse | about, A Claim to the Lords Table, [ here Published and Coinuiended, | as a Treatise worthy of Great | Acceptance in the Churches," signed "Increase Mather" and "Cotton Mather"; 1 p. blank; 61,62, "Advertisement"; 63, 64, "An Attestation," signed "John Higginson | William Hubbard | Zechariah Symines Sen. | Samuel Cheever | Nicholas Noyes | Jeremiah Shepard | Joseph Gerrisli [ Edward Paison "; 65-70, " The Preface ] to the | Baptized Youth I come unto Years of Discretion ; | and | capable of Examining them- selves. I The best Blessings!" by Joliu Quick, running headlines; 71-92, " Tlie I Young Man's Claim | unto tiie | Sacrament | of the | Lord's Supper." The titlepage of this work is copied from Sabiii (XVI. 198), number 67,164. At a meeting of the Historical Society, on ]May 12, 1892 (Proceedings, 2d series, VII. 414, 415), I stated the reasons for supposing that William Brattle was the author of the Almanac for 1664, but by an oversight in the description of the pamphlet in the foregoing list his name was omitted. Without much doubt the Almanac for 1680, mentioned imder that year, was made by John Foster, the pioneer printer of Boston, though his name does not appear on the titlepage. He prepared one for 1681, with a similar title, mutatis mutandis, which was printed wath the same ornamentation and issued evidently from the same press. The Almanac for 1687 may have been written by William Williams, a graduate of Harvard College in the Class of 1683, who also made one for 1685, on which his name appears as the author. The two Almanacs were printed at the same office, and the general make-up of eacli is identical with that of the other. Judge Sewall, in his Diary (II. 263), under date of September 17, 1709, says, "Mr. Green finishes printing Mr. Whiting's Oration," which, perhaps, is the pamphlet mentioned under 1649. The font of type and its general appearance would seem to show that it might have been published in 1709, though Prince, in his Catalogue compiled some years later, refers the date of printing to 1649. Possibly the tract was reprinted in 1709. Sr PPLKMKNTAllY TTPLES. TnK fitllowiiig su}»]ileinoiitavv titles are ['Hiiid in my own library ; and as they are accessible, 1 appeiul them here to the list of those belonging to the Historical Society. 1657- A C'npy <»f VtTsi'S I made by that Rcvfrciid Man nf (; siultlcii Dcatli (if | M"' Jitseph Hrisco, | who wa.s tran.^ilatt'il from Eartli to Ili-avi'ii elan. 1. 1()57. liroad.sidc. Folio. Surrounded by a wide border lim-; lictwccii tin- litadini,' and tlic versc.x, the following lines, relating to liis dralh by drowniiii:, and an anagram apiH-ar : — Not hi/ n Fieri/ Chariot as Elisha was, lint hij the Water, which was the outward ctnoir: And now at Itest with Christ his ,Savioiir dmr, ThniKjIi he hath hfl his dear Jielations here Jiisrjih liriseoe i , , . , / .AnaLTraiii. .Jul) CI'H'S nc>lll'."*. ^ Perhaps this sheet wa.s printiil lat vshsrefou fay ■my FeopkjVpe are Lord/^wervlll come nj more unto thee. Hag^ai. 1.5,7. Thus [aitb ths Lord, Confider yo^r rvayes. CAM'B'KIDqS: Trinted hy Samuel Green, To his'Bdoved Friends thelnhabitantsof q'B^r 3^ \ Hat it war not a dejire to appear in public k^ but to ait- fwtr your requeJlSy^ave U^bt to the enfahig Sermons^ ' yt Are my rvitnejfesy ttnd that in the fublijhmg uf themy I have not endeavoured to vamijh and paint them-over mthflaurijbct of mmpleajing. words ; the ihingitfelfmayfpeal^i in the reading JIM (hall fncU ttothinp hut xfhat vpas delivtred m Prcuching, "Touchm;^ the occafion of thsm fneed not advertife you^ you majf well enough call to minde the loud roicc of fpr/i^iw^ providences, which forbad ms iu fuch a d:iy to he fiient : ^kcfad handey God whic'j was upon tiispnor.pojfcjpd Cre^iture, which f reduced that onl(^'i.l6.9. hath faundedthrough this Wilderncff^butyou xvere eyt ycitmjfei of it ; the Lord affeUyour hearts^dn.i give you to karn right eoujhifs. The othertwo were alfo upOftfoiewn OccafimSithe^ hand cf Cod upon this L^nd^andus in particular ^ bids MintjUrs to cry a- loud\ the Lord^Cod bath fpolien^ who can h:it Frophcjie? fklWv mmu Eorruption is not willing to bcclof-ly dealt withA!^ but I hope r/i.iny of yo» havt not (b learned Chrifl. My hearts dcfire and prayer for jou is, that you may be prepared for Hiaking times, and the nearer they approach tiicmorcnccdhavcwetobcha(tencdand rou'cd from our loyccring. Ifthcfep'.or labours ofmine^may help in that great bufmefs^ I' have my ends fully anfwercd ; and my dcfire for you iSy that thofc atFc(ftions may be blown up .".gain in the reading which were kindled in the preaching; I'rnowlhavebut awhile tobc among you^if God pleafe lo maht m: by lySfff , or any other wcalicudcavourt^ to be under him iiiji/ wncntal of your eternal good^ I[}).illdyc wiih ioy ; and lb meet yo»i all at the right hand ef our ju J^c in that great day, i^ the highcll ambition of Tour unworthy (jMinijlcr A X 5. \Y. EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 127 I (Initdii," sinned " 8. W.,'' houilpiocc a lino of ucoru-shiipt'd hordor pieces; 1-1!*, "Jer. 7. 12. | ]?ut go ye now unto my Place wliicli is in Shiloh, &c," and te.Kt; 1 p. blank; 21-43, ''Isaiali. 26. 'J. \ When thy Jiulgements are in the Earth, the | Inhahitants of the World will loam | Righteousness," and text, headpiece, a lino of acorn-sliapod border pieces, and u similar lino in- verted; 44-80, ** Isaiali 21. 11, 12," in live lines, and text. Mr. L()V(3 in his "Fast and Tlianksgiving Days" (p. 510) says that the first of these sermons was delivered on June 16, 1670, and the third, June 13, 1672. The second was preached prob- ably during the winter of 1671-2, and was occasioned by a case of witchcraft at Groton. See Collections (4th series, VIII. 555- 570) for a letter written by Mr. Willard to Cotton Mather, de- scribing the case in detail. See also Green's " Groton in the Witchcraft Times" (pp. 7-21). Mr. Brinley had a copy of Wil- lard's book, which I have been told was bought by the Library of Congress ; and there is an imperfect one in the library of Har- vard College. Across the titlepage of my copy is written the following in Hunting's hand : " Nath'^ Huntting E dono amici Jos. Green | 14 April. 1695." At the date of this writing Green was a senior at Harvard College; and Hunting, who had gradu- ated two years previously, was afterward married to Green's sister Mary. Joseph Green was a son of John and Kuth (Mitch- elson) Green, and born at Cambridge, on November 24, 1675. He died on November 26, 1715, at Salem Village (now Dan- vers), where he had been the settled minister for seventeen years. He was my great-great-great-grandfather. A fac-simile of the titlepage and preface is here given. 1698. The I Tryal | of | Assnrance, | sot fortii in a | Sermon ; ] Preached at Boston upon a Lecture day. | .July 7th. IGDS. | — | By Solomon Stoddard, Pas- tor of the Church | in Northampton. | — | [Two lines from 2 Pet. i. 10.] I — II Boston in New-England, | Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen. Sold by I xMichael Perry, under the Excliange. [1G98.] 16nu). pil!Ji20. Titlepage, closely cut at the bottom by the l)inder, verxo blank ; 1-20, '■The Tryal of | Assurance"; last loaf blank. Near the top of the titlepage are the words, " Samuel Checkley 1G9[8]." 128 KAIM.V AMi:i:i('AN IMI'IMNTS. 1699. A .Meet Hi-lp. | — | Or, | a Woililiug | .St-rinoii, | Pri-aclieil at New-Castli' in New-Eiitjlaml, | Juno lOtli. 1G94. | At tliu Marriage Mr ('h<'clhemeris, by Cotton ]\Iather 1683 The Boston Ephemeris, by Nathaniel JNIather . . . lGS."i, 1086 Harvard's Ephemeris, by Henry Newman 1090 By Henry Newman 1091 Cambridge Ephemeris, by Noadiah Russell 1084 By John Sherman 1074 By John Tulley 1087-90. 109;]. 109.3-1700 Cambridge Ephemeris, by William \\'iirKinis . . . 108.5, 1(J87 Andros, Edmund. Letter requesting his surrender, .\pril 18 . . 1089 A Narrative of the Proceedings of 1(591 Proclamation, January 10 1088 Answer to George Keith's Libel 1094 Arnold, Sanuiel. David serving his Generation 1074 B., A. Seasonable Motives. To our Duty and Allegiance . . . 1689 B., H. An Almanac 1092 Bailey, John. Man's chief End to Glorifie God 1689 To my Loving . . . Friends, in and about Limerick . . . 1689 Baxter, Richard. Call of the Unconverted, in Indian 1688 IS- EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. Helclier, Joseph. Tlie Worst Kiieiiiy Comiuereil 160S Hfllomont. His Excellency, the E;ul of Relloinout's Speech ITdU Bible. New Testament in Iiulian, by John Kliot .... 1001,1080 Old Testament in Indian, by John Eliot lOOo, ItiSu liond, Samson. A Publick Tryal of the Qnakeis 108'J Hoston. Letter requesting the .surrender nf Aiidms 1GS9 Hradstreet, Mrs. Anne. Several Poems 1G78 Hrattle. William. Almanacs 10S2, 1094 Brez, Guy de. The Rise . . . of the Anabaptists 1008 Burnet, Gilbert. A Sermon . . . before the House of Commons . 1089 Cambridge Platform. A Platform of Church-Discipline .... 1071 Catechism. The Doctrine of Godliness, by John Xorton .... 1000 The Shorter Catechism 1098 Chauncy, Charles. Anti-Synodalia Scripta Americana .... 1002 Confes.sion of Faith, in Indian and English. By (jrindal Kaw.son . 17tiO Connecticut. The Book of the General Laws 107;J Their Majesties Colony . . . Vindicated 10!)4 Corbet, John. Self-Employment in Secret 1084 Cotton, John. .\ Discourse about Civil Goverunieiit 1063 God's Promise to his Plantations . . l(j8G A Meet Hel[). Or, a Wedding Sermon 1099 Danforth, John. An Almanac 1079 Kneeling to (Jod, at Parting with Friends I(i!i7 Danforth, Samuel. An Almanac 1080 An AstrcMiomical Description of the late Conitt 1005 A brief Kecognition of New-England's Errauil 1071 Declaration of the Nobility, etc. . . . at Noltingliiim 1089 Delamer. The Lord Dei[ ]r's Speech KISS Deni.Hon, Daniel. Irenicon, or a Salve for .New-England's Sore . . 10S4 Earthquake, Naples; Septendx-r Jj , \i','J\ 10!).') Election Sermons. Artillery . . 1071, 1(J78, lOvJ, 10^7, 109S-17oo Connecticut 1074, 1097 Mas.saciiu8etts . . 100;J, KiOl, 1(570, 1071, 107;t, 107 1, 1070, 1079, 10S;j_S.'j. 109O, l(i!)|, l(i!l."., 1098, 1700 Plymouth Itiii'.i. 1070, 1074 Eliot, John. Baxter's Call to the L'nconverted. in liiclian . lOsb The Harmony of the (lospels 1()7S Indian Primer ... I(is4 .New TcHtamcnt. in Indian lOOl, 1080 Old Ti-.stameiit, in Indian . . lOii.'S, 108.') KulcH for Holy Living, in ln, 10711, iO^J. 10^1, 1091 EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 133 Fisk, John. The Watering of the Olive Plant. (See page G.) . . 1657 Fitch, James. A Brief, etc 16S3 An Explanation of the Solemn Advice 1083 An Holy Connexion, or a true Agreement 1674 Foster, John. An Almanac 1680, 1681 Gillam, Benjamin. An Almanac 1684 Gospel Order Revived, being an Answer to a Book 1700 Green, Bartholomew. The Printers Advertisement 1700 Harvard College. Oration, July 31, 1G49, by Samuel Whiting . . 1649 Theses 1643, 1647, 1G70, 1678 Iligginson, John. The Cause of God ... in New-England . . . 1663 Hoar, Leonard. The Sting of Death and Death Unstung .... 1680 Hubbard, William. The Benefit of a Well-Ordered Conversation . 1684 The Happiness of a People 1676 A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians 1677 J., W. A Remembrance of Former Times 1697 Jefferies, George. To His Highness . . . Prince of Orange . . . 1689 Joy, George. Innocency's Complaint, etc 1677 Judgment of Several Eminent Divines 1693 Keith, George. The Presbyterian and Independent . . . Churches 1689 Lawson, Deodat. A Brief and True Narrative of . . . Witchcraft 1692 Christ's Fidelity the only Shield 1693 The Duty & Property of a Religious Householder .... 1693 Lee, Samuel. Contemplations on Mortality 1698 The Joy of Faith 1687 Lodowick, Christianus. A Letter from 1692 London Gazette. February 9, 1681, No. 2006 IGSo Marriage. Proclamation for the Orderly Solemnization of . . . 1686 i\Iassachusetts. Acts and Laws 1692-1700 The Book of the General Lawes and Libertyes 1660 The General Laws and Liberties 1672 Several Laws and Orders 1663, 1664, 1672-74, 1677 Sundry Laws . . . Duty of Tythingmen 1677 A Copy of the King's Majesties Charter, 1628 1689 Order requiring the Oath of Allegiance 1678 To the Elders and Ministers of every Town 1668 Massachusetts or the first Planters of New-England 1696 ISlather, Cotton. Addresses to Old Men, and Young Men, etc. . . 1690 An Almanac 1683 A Companion for Communicants 1690 Durable Riches. Two Brief Discourses 1695 Pearly Religion. Urged in a Sermon 1G91 Ecclesiastes. The ].,ife of . . . Jonathan Mitchcl .... 1697 17 134 EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. Mather, Cotton. An Epistle to the Christian Indians The Faith of tlie Fathers A Good Master well served Help for Distressed Parents Johannes in P^renio. Memoirs . . Little Flocks Guarded against Grievous Wolves Memorable Providences relating to \\'itclicrafts Memoria Wilsonia Military Duties recommended . Ohservanda. etc Optanda. Good Men Described A Pillar of Gratitude IMscator PZvangelieus . . . Life of Mr. Thomas Hooker . The Present State of New-England A .Scriptural Catechism The Serviceable Man. A Discourse .Souldiers Counselled and Comforted 'J'hirty Important, Ke.solved Tln' Triumphs of the Iteformed Religion .V Warning to the Flocks Wolves Warnings from the Dead The Way to E.Kcel. Meditations The \\'ay to Prosperity. A Sermon The Wonderful Works of (iod Connneinoratrd Tlie Wonders of the Invisible World Mather, Eleazer. A .Serious Exhortation Mather, Increase. An Arrow against Profane . . . Dancing A Brief Discourse . . . [on] Common Prayer, etc A Hrief Ili.story of the Warr wiih the Iiulians - — — A Call from Heaven ... A Concerning . . . Aposta.'^y KiT!'. A Concerning . . . Ha|itism' 'I'he Divine Right nf Infant-Haptismo The Doctrine i)f Divine Provideiur .... .An EariK'st E.\horlation, etc. . . An Essay for the Recording of Illuslrion.s I'rovidcme.s The First Principles of NewEnglantl .... The (ireat IMe.ssinp, «)f Primitive- Coun.selloms lleavn's .Marrn to the World .\n Historical Discourse concerning . . . Prayer .... KOMH KH'I'.X'M.X. . . Concerning Conifts . I 1m' LalliT .Sign Dis(!our,sfd of .... Ihe Life and Death of . . . .Mr. Mid. .ml .M.nli.i , . , . The MvMtery r,f Christ .\ Narrative of the Mi.series of New-England The Order of the (ioHpel, Profi'.Hsed I'ray for the Rining (feneration . lUT!), A Knlation of the TroublcH, cli- Remember now thy Creator EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS. 185 Mather, Increase. Returning unto God, etc 1680 A Sermon . . . When two men were Executed 1685 A Sermon ... on a Publick Fast 1682 The Surest Way to the Greatest Honour 1099 The Times of men are in the hand of God 1675 To His Excellency . . . Ik'llomont 1099 Wo to Drunkards. Two Sermons 1673 Mather, Nathaniel. Almanacs 1085, 1686 A Sermon . . . on . . . the Constant Exercise of Grace . . 1684 Mather, Richard. The Summe of Certain Sermons 1652 Mather, Samuel. A Testimony . . . against Idolatr3% etc. . . . 1070 Maule, Thomas. New England Persecutors Mauld 1697 Mayhew, Matthew. A Brief Narrative of the Success, etc. . . . 1694 Mitchel, Jonathan. Xehemiah on the Wall 1671 jNIohawk Indians, A Relation . . . concerning the 1689 Moody, Joshua. A Practical Discourse . . . [on] Communion . . 1685 Narragansett Country. Advertisement 1686 A Declaration, etc., by tlohn Winthrop 1645 Notice of Meeting, dated June 8 1686 Proclamations relating to the 1683, 1680 Newman, Henry. Almanacs 1090, 1691 New York. Votes of the House of Representatives 1698 Nicolls, R. The Conditions of New Planters 1665 Norton, John. A Copy of the Letter ... to ]\Ir. John Dury . . 1664 The Doctrine of Godliness 1660 The Heart of N-England rent 1659 The Life and Death of . . . Mr. John Cotton 1657 Three Choice and Profitable Sermons 1664 Nowell, Samuel. Abraham in Arms 1678 Noyes, Nicholas. New-England's Duty and Interest 1698 Oakes, Urian. An Elegie upon . . . Mr. Thomas Shepard . . . 1677 • New-England Pleaded with 1673 • The Sovereign Efficacy of Divine Providence 1682 The Unconquerable, all-conquering 1674 Orange, Prince of. Letter to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal . 1689 Order . . . confirming several Acts and Laws of the Province . . 1699 Oxenbridge, John. New-England Freemen Warned 1673 Pain, Philip. Daily Meditations 1070 Palmer, John. The Present State of New-England 1689 Patridge, John. Monthly Observations and Predictions .... 1092 Plain Stated . . . Address to the Prince of Orange .... 1688 Plantation Trade. An Act for preventing Frauds 1096 Plymouth Colony. An Address Presented to the King, August 7, 1689 1690 The Book of the General Laws 1672, 1685 18G EARLY AMEKICAN IMPRINTS. Principles of the Protestant Religion Maintained 1G90 Proclamation, Fast 107S, 1G90 Tiiaiiksgiving 1G76, 1U92 Narragansett C'ouiiu y 1683 Miscellaneous . .' 1086, 1G8S, 1G90-92, 1099 Propositions concerning the subject of Baptism 10G2 Psalms of David, in Indian, by John Eliot lOOIJ, 1080 Psalms Hymns and .Spiritual .Songs 1G95, 1098 Publick Occurrencos ""a newspaper]. Order to suppress .... 1G90 Quakers, A lirief Narration of the sufferings of the 1700 A Dialogue between a Young Professor and a (Quaker . . . 1090 Quick, John. The Young Mans claim unto the .Sacrament . . . 1700 Raw.son, Grindal. Confession of Faith, in Indian and En;:lish . . 1700 Reasons for the Inditcment of the Duke of York 1080 Relation of Ca]>tain Hull, concerning the Mohawks lOSQ Russell, Noadiah. An Almanac 1081 Salem Church. A Direction for a Publick Profession . Saltonstall, (iurdon. A Sermon Preached ... at Ilartfor May 13 Sea,souable Motives. To our Duty and Allegiance . Scottow, Joshua. A Narrative of the Planting, etc. The ... of the Anabaptists Servant, Advertisement of a run-away, Matthew .Ion<'s Sewall. .Samuid. The .Selling of Joseph. A Memorial L'lxju Mr, Samuel Willard Verses Shepard, Thoma.s. Tiie Church-Membership of Ciiildren Kye-.Salve, or a Watch-Word Two Questions, etc Sherman, Jolni. An Almanac Some Miscellany ()bservali(ms on . . . A\ ilclicratt . Stoildard, .Solomon. The Tryal of A.ssurance .... Stoughton, William. New-Knglancl'.s True Interest Sunday, Proclamation concerning the observance of . SyncKl, Boston, 1002. Animadveisions, by John .Vllin . AntiSynoiIalia. by Charles ("liauncy .... A Defence of the Answer Proposiliftn coiKierning the .Subject of r.;ipti-ni lG(i5 1097 1089 109-4 1008 lOSl 1700 1700 1700 1 003 1073 1097 1074 1092 1098 1070 1(599 H5G1 1002 1001 1002 Thachcr. Tliomaa. A Brief Rule ... in the Sm.Ul Pocks, or Mcasel.s 1077 A Fast «)f (lod'H chiming, plainlv o|i(ii.cI 1078 Thankngiving ProolamaliutiH l''>70, 1092 TliankNgiving Sermon 10!MJ 'i'oiiipHon, Kdward. An KIcgiack Tribute \<< . . . Mr. Cotton 1080 EARLY AMEllICAN IMPRINTS. 137 Torrey, Samuel. An Exhortation unto Reformation 1674 Man's Extremity, Gods Opportunity 1695 A Plea for the Life of Dyinjr Religion 1683 Tully, John. Almanacs 1687-90, 1693, 1695-1700 Vindication of the Divine Authority of Ruling Elders 1700 Wadsworth, Benjamin. Good Souldiers a Great Blessing . . . 1700 Walley, Thomas. Balm in Gilead to heal Sions Wounds . . 1669, 1670 Watch for a \Mse Man's Observation 1699 Whiting, Samuel. Oratio, etc., Cambridge, July 31 1649 Wigglesworth, Michael. The Day of Doom 1666 Willard, Sanuiel. The Barren Fig Trees Doom 1691 The Character of a Good Ruler 1694 The Doctrine of the Covenant of Redemption 1693 The Duty of a People, etc 1680 The Fountain Opened 1700 The Fiery Trial no strange thing 1682 The High Esteem . . . Death of . . . John Hull .... 1683 Love's Pedigree. Or a Discourse 1700 The ]\Ian of War. A Sermon . . . June 5 1699 ^lorality not to be Relied on for Life 1700 The Mourner's Cordial 1691 Ne Sutor ultra Crepidam 1681 Tlie oidy way to prevent threatned Calamity 1684 The Peril of the Times Displayed 1700 Promise- Keeping. A Great Duty 1691 Reformation tlie Great Duty 1694 A Sermon preached upon . . . John Leveret 1679 The Sinfulness of Worshipping God 1691 The Truly Blessed Man 1700 Useful Instructions for a professing People 1673 W^illiams, AVilliam. Almanacs 1685, 1687 Wilson, John. Verses on the Death of Joseph Brisco 1657 A Seasonable Watch-Word unto Christians 1677 Winthrop, John. A Declaration of Former Passages 1645 A SUPPLHMKNTAUY 1. 1ST OF EARLY AMERICAN IMPRINTS HELONGING TO THE LIBRARY OP THE jmais^acljujsett^ f i^torical ^octct^ WITH THE DATES OF TWO EARLY COMMENCEMENTS AT CAMBRIDGE. BY SAMUEL A. GREEN. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. Siniijcrsttg ^rrss. 1898. EAKLY AMEIllCAN IMPRINTS. At a meetiiio; of the Massachusetts Historical Society, held in Boston on Thursday, June 0, 1898, Dr. Samuel A. Green made the followinii; remarks : More than three years ago I presented a hst of Early American Imprints belonging to the Historical Society, which appears in the Proceedings (second series, IX. 410-540) for Febrinuy, 1895. Since that time the l^ibrary has acquired, either by gift or purchase, some additional titles of similar works ; and since then, moreover, I have been able to examine certain books there described from imperfect copies. In order to supplement that paper and make the list of Early Imprints more complete, I herewith submit a collation of such books ; and at the same time I take the opportunity to give a few other facts kindred to the subject. The title under this year in tlie former list should be can- celled, as the imperfect copy in the Historical Library is now known to be of the London edition. i66o. A Brief | C'atechisme | Containing | tlie Doctrine | oi' Godliues, | or | of Living vnto God. | — ( By John Norton, | Teacher of the Church at | Boston in New-England. | — |[ Canibridg | Printed by S. G. and M. J. | New-Enghmd. | 1660. 16nio. pp. 3-22. 'ritle[)age wanting ; 3-22, " The Doctrine of Godliness." headline a line of ten border pieces, and an ornamented initial letter *' W " at the beginninjT. I am iiidt'ltti'il to Mi. Wilberforce Eames for the complete litk'. wliicli is taken troiii a cojty in the Lenox I.ilnary. 1 662 . Propositions | concerniiii; the | Siiltject of I^aptisni j mikI | Coiisoeiatioii of Clivrches, | Collec'ttd and C"i)iifirrned out of the Word of Ciod, | IJy a I Synod of Elders | and | Messenfjers of the Churches | in Massachusets-Colony in New-Knijhind. | Assembled at Boston, according to Appointment of the | Honoured General C'ovrt, | In the Year 1 602. | — | At a General Covrt held at Boston in New- I England the 8"'- of October, 1GG2. | The Court having Read over this Result of the Synod, judge meet to | Comnu-nd the same unto the Consideration of all the Churches and | People of this Jurisdiction; And for that end doe ( )rder the Printing | thereof. | By the Court. Edward Havvson Secret'. | — |{ Cambridge: Printed by S. G. for Hezekiah Vsher at Boston in | New-England, l(j()2. Pimo. pp. (14), 21. Titlepage wanting; 1 1 pp. '"The Preface to the Christian luader, and especially to the Churches of Massachusets-Colony in New- Eng- land," runiung headlines ; 1-24, "The Answer of the Elders and otlicr Messengers of the Churches, Assembled at Boston in the Year l(".t;2. To the (^uestious Pro|)ounded to them by order of the Honoured General Court," headpiece foui' lines of bonier pieces with a vertical line of similar pieces at each end : pages 2")-.')2 wanting. This title, copied from one in the Priiuu' Library, takes the I)lace of the whith; entry nnder tin; ye;ir liitlJ in the former list. Cotton Mather, in his MaL,Mialia (Book IV. p. 77), says that th(! pamphlet "• was (dii(d]y of his [.lonaliian Mitcdiel's] composure"; and allusions to it are found in Sihley's llar- vjird (iraduates (\. I').")), the P.rinley (!ataloi:ue (I. nO^and Sahin's Dieliouiiry ( .\ II . Jl.")), No. lii.f.C.J. and ( W. ').V4, AAr)), No. (■»<;, 0.',!». I r.So. A I Platform | of | Chinch Diseiplim- | (lathered out of | the Word of (itx\ ; I An tlif Rt-inliT," eiidinjj; wiili a nnlt' cut (3x3 1 inches), covering more tlian a lialf ol the pajje, representinji a winged figure moving to the right in tlie clonils with her face turned toward the front and lier right hand pointing upward, proltahly a con- steMation, and showing three unknown characters at tiie lelt, headpiece two Hues of border pieces, the hiwer one inverted, b»)th parted in the middle by a vertical line of three stars, lieadline on .second page same as beginning ; 1-10, " A Monvmental Memorial of ^Marine Mercy *fcc.," in verse, ending with a rude cut (about 2i inches square), representing a ship under full sail driven before a gale, headpiece two lines of bonier pieces, the lower one inverted, with a (|uery mark in the middle of each line, the upper one inverted: 11. 12. '• A Poem occasionally written on Some Reinarkables hap'ning at liie Hirth of the Son of Thomas and Sarah Wallis upon the Atlantiek or Western Ocean, July the 26 1(>84," signed •' Hii'liard Steere.'' 1 686. A llricf I Discourse | of | .lustilication. | Wherein | This Doctrine is plainly laid down ac- | conling to tiie Scriptures : | As it was De- livered in several Ser- | mons on this Sul)ject. | — | l>y Samuel Willard, Teacher of a Church | in Boston. | — | [Five lines from I'hil. iii. 9 ; and six lines of Latin.] | — || Boston, Trinted by S: G. for SanuH'l Phillips | at the Wcst-tiid dl tiic Town house. IC.MC.. 1 i'tUUi. pp. (.")), 1 (iH. Titlepage, verso blank ; ."> p|i. •• To ihr luadtr." signed '• S. Willard," headpiece a line of seventeen border pieces, with a ipiery mark after the twelCth, a line in parts underneath, and another line of seventeen border pie<'es inverted, with a (|Uery mark alter the ninth, headlines .saiin; W(trils as at beginning, caleli-words on the third page " I'liil. 3, \)." ; I p. blank; I-HJM, text, be^iiniing uilii " rinllippi:iii'- III. IX." iiead- piece similar to the first, allhongh willi slight variations, running hea. The first tract is entitled : " Early Piety, Excni[)lificd in the Life and Death of Mr. Nathanael Mather," etc.; and the other: "Several Sermons Concerning: Walkinj/ with (lod," etc. The wording of the titlepage at the beginning of the book shows that the two tracts were intended to go together in the same volume. The People's j Rijiht to Klectiuii | Or Alteration of Ciovenimoiit hi Connecticott, | Argued | In a Letter; | liy Gershoni linlkeley Es(| ; one of their Majesties Justices of the peace | In the County of Hartford. | Together witli a Letter to the said Uulkeley, | from a Friend of his in the Hay. | To wliicli is ailded, Tiie Writing delivered to James Russell of Cbarlestown | Ks(i; warning him and others concerned, not to meet to Hold a Cmu't | at Cambridge, within the county of Middlesex. | liy Thomas Greaves Ks(| ; JutL^e of tiieir .Ahijeslics Inferior Court of PU-as | and one of their Majesties Justices of the jjcace within the .said County | And ahso his Answer to Mr. Hroadstreete and the (Gentlemen niett at the | Town-house in Hoston concerning the .same. | Published for llic Information A: .Satisfaction of their Majesties lowdl | (but altuscil) Sul)ject8 in NfW-l'ji;.dand. | — || Pluladel|>liia, Printed by As- hignes of Wiiham llraiifoni. Anno ir.fSH. No tillfpai:''. H'miio. pp. IH. Half title. lillihL,' most of page 1 ; l-l.'J, "To tlif iioiiour.iblc Robert Tnal Iv>M| ; and to the Worsliiiifull .himes I'.isliop, William Jomvs & Jaini-H l''itili, and other the Worshipful Justices of the several I Counties: and any oilier whom it may cKiicerii, asseiiililint^f at llartl'oril: To adyist! coneeriiing Huldiiig of a Court of I'Jeetioii ity N'iiliie of and a<'cording to tin- late Patent," signed "(tershom ibilkeley," on May M, IfiH'.J; 13-17, "A Letter to (Jerslioni Hulkejey Kh(| ; (oiu! of lh<-ir MujuHlieH JuHtices of tlie Peace in the County of Hartford) from a friend in tho Hay"; 17, "The Writeing DeliviM-ed lo .lain- s !iii><>ell of Charh'Mtowne V^(\; by Thomas (Jraves lvs.| ; Jud-ze ot their M:ijesli»'8 Inferiour Court of pleas, and one of their Majesties Justices of the Peace, within the C. Ilcadpii-oj a line of" fourteen inn-shaper a l'"asl ilay kiKMvii Id 1)(; extant, aiid it is su|>|)()sc(l to 111- iiiiii|iic. I''iir an ttCcoiiiil <»f tills copy, sec tlit; Ki!V. William hiLuss Lovti's " Fjiht ami 'riiaiik>giviiig Days (if New l'!iiL;Iaii»l '" ( |i. I^!-*). HoHton, Mandi 22. Di7-{. IlroinlKide. Lini" of border piiM-cH at the top ; an order of the " I )epul\ -( io\crn(>iir and .Magi^tratcH " l»y " Fdward HawHoii Sr-ciet'.." concerning "the late Awfiill I land of God. conHuming our Cjistle by Fire the One and tweiiiieih of thiH iuHlant," etc. ; recommenrling " t) as given in " 'Die I'liMicatioiis of tlie Prince Societv " (Boston, 18(58), and in Ncafs "History of New-Encrhmd" (II. (]2-70). I'loiii a ( ieiitli;maii of | Boston | To a l''ricnd in the CoiiMlrev. Broadside. rhi> letter is >ii.MHMl " N. N.," and \v;is writ ten pr(ibal)ly in the year I OH'.I. (CCXLII. ;;.;;;.) This ljroa) of llic Historical Sociely lor .liiiic, L'^71. Thi- I'rcsent State of the | New-lMiglish AfVaiis. | — | This is Published to prevent I''als iiiliimns, <.^dves extracts from lliit'c letters written l>y Increase .Mai her, then in ICnghind, concern- ing (|M(!stions of jmhiict interest and imjtorlance lo (he ('(dony of MassachiisettH Hay; and evidently it took the |)laee \ me and prinl<' 'J:>), and also in .bisiah IL Teiiijde's " llisloiy of Nortli P.ri.dklield " <'pp. HO-S'.t). pmliablv finiii an iniperfeel copy. 11 i682. A Poem ] Dedicated to the Memory | of | The Reverend and Excel- lent 1 Mr. Vrian Oakes, | the late Pastor to Christ's Flock, | and Prajsideut of Ilarvard-Colledge, | in Cambridge, | Who was gath- ered to his People on 25 d 5 mo 1G81. | In the fifty'th Year of his Age. I — I [Three lines from 1 Samuel xxv. 1.] | — ] [Four lines Latin] || Boston in ^evv-England, j Printed for John Rat- cliff. 1682. 12mo. pp. (4), 16. Titlepage, surrounded by a heavy black border line, verso VjJank ; 2 pp. "To the I Reader"; 1-16, " Memoirs | of the Life and Worth: I Lamentations | for the Death, and Loss | of | the every way admir- able I Mr. Vrian Oakes," in verse, signed " N. R." ; 16. quotations in Latin, eleven lines, and Advertisement given below, headpiece a heavy rule : — Advertisement. There is to be sold by Jolm Browning, at | the Corner of the Prison- Lane next the | Town-House, a Sermon of the late Reverend | Mr. VRIAN OAKES, preached from Eccl. 9. | 11. Shewing that Fortune and Chance are iufalli- | bly determined by God : By which alone, it | might ap{)ear that the Elogyes of him are not a vain | Hyperbole ; but as it were, the Eccho of those Words | which his Works speak con- cerning Hini. This volume is in the Fiske-Harris collection belonging to the library of Brown University, and is the copy mentioned as No. 1195 in the Brinley Catalogue (Part I. 1G2). The Poem is given by Mr. Sibley, in his Harvard Graduates (III. 42), as Cotton Mather's first published work. The letters " N. R.," subscribed to the Poem, are the last letters of his name. "N. ]\Iather" is written near the bottom of page 16. The sermon referred to in the Advertisement is " A Seasonable Discourse . . , Delivered on a Publick Fast, at Cambridge." 1685. An I Elegy | On The Much-to-be-deplored Death | Of That Never-to- be-forgotten •Person, | The Reverend | Mr. Nathanael Collins; | Who After he had been many years a faithful | Pastor to the Church at ^Middletown of | Connecticut in New-England, | about the Forty third year of his Age Expired; | On 28th. 10. nioneth 1684. I — I [Three lines of Latin.] | — | [One line of Latin.] I — II Boston in New-England j Printed by Richard Pierce for Obadiah Gill. | Anno Christi 1685. 16rao.Vp- (4), 20 [19]. Titlepa^e, MinomnUMl Iiy a heavy honler line, rersn blank; 2 pp, '• Rea«ler;" sii^'iii-d •' C. !M.,'' lieadpiece a liravy black line, headline on the second page; 1-Hi, 18-20, " Knneral-Tears | At the Grave of The much Desired | And Lamented | Mr. Nathaneel Collins? | Who changed Death for Life, | December 28. 1G84," in verse, the number 17 omitted in the paging, vejso of the last leaf blank. This volume is in tlie Fiske-IIairis cullecliou belonginu^ to the library of lUown University, and is the copy mentioned us X... nor. ill tlu- I'.riiiley Catalogue (Part L l;")!). Goolied | in | Pennsilvaiiia ct Ni'W-.lcrseN | in | Amer- ica, I Being a true Account of the Country; | With its Produce and Commodities there made. | And the great Im])rovements that may be made by | means of Publick Store-houses for Hemp, Flax and I Linnen-Cloth; also, the Advantages of a Publick- | School, the Profits of a Publick-Hank, and the Proba- ] bility of its aris- ing, if those directions here laid down are | followed. AVitli the advantages of publick Granaries. | Likewise, several other things needful to be understood by | those that are or do intentl to be concerned in jdanting in | the said Countries. | All which is laid down very plain, in this small Treatise ; it | being easie to be understood by any ordinary Capacity. To | which the Header is referred for his further .satisfaction. | — | Hy Thomas liudd. | — || Printed in the Year IGHii. 12nio. pp. .'i'.l, (1). Titlepage, verso, dedicatory note, signed "Thomas Pudd"; 3-29, text; o(», ;n, "The Dying-Words of Ockanichon " . . .; .'}2-;3r., text; 30, an apology for having *' published in Print a Paper, dated the 13"' of July, 1G8.'>, entituled A /me and perfctl Accuunt of the (lis- | posal of the one hundred Shares or Proprieties of the Province of West New- Jerseji, by Edward H\liing"; .'{T-.'Jil, a letter from Pudd "sent to \\\a FriendH in I'ennsilv.inia and New-,Iersey," and dated at '* London, the 2'.Hh of thi; Mth .Alontli, ICsl"; 1 p. ".Some material 'i'liings omitted in the fore- | going part," at llie lioltnm. toni- lines ol' Mirata. J'iint(Ml hy William Iliad lord in Phila(h'l|iliia. Si.xty cojjies were reprinted liv William (iowans as "•( Jnwtiiis' I'-ililiiilheca Americans. 4 " (New ^'ork, 1805), uiiji an Inl indiicl ion and NotcH liy JCdward .Armstrong. Manitowompae | I'omantamoonk | S.'impw^li.anau | ( 'hristianoli | Cltoli woliiin I I'oinantog | WnHHikkitlealionat | God. | — | | Three lines from 1 'I'im iv. 8.] | — || Camiiridge. | Printed for the right 13 Ilonerable Corperatioii in London | for the Gospeliziiig the In- dins, in New-England. | IG80. IGmo. pp. 333[340], (2). Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, verso blank ; 3-288, 273- 333, text, in Indian, headpiece two lines of ornamental border pieces, smaller pieces and (juestion marks used to fill out the line, headlines " Manitowompiie," verso, and '• Pomantamoonk," recto, set oft" by a line above and below ; 2 pp. Table of Contents, headpiece a line of small border pieces ; verso of last leaf blank. The name " Jno. Davis' " is written on the titlepage. A de- scription of the work, with a facsimile of the titlepage is given by Wilberforce Eames in his " ISibliographic Notes on Eliot's Indian Bible " (pp. 45, 46). John Eliot, in a letter to Robert lioyle, dated at " Roxburv, Augnst 29 1686, in the third niontli of our overthrow," and printed in the Collections (III. 187), says : " Our Indian work yet liveth, praised be God ; the bible is come forth, many hundreds bound up, and dispersed to the Indians, whose thankfulness I intimate and testify to your honour. The Practice of Piety is also finished, and beginneth to be bound up. And my humble request to your honour is, that we may again reimpose the primer and cate- chism ; for though the last impression be not quite spent, yet quickly they will ; and I am old, ready to be gone, and desire to leave as many books as I can." This is the second edition of Lewis Bayly's " Practice of Piety." 1690. Speedy Repentance urged. | — ! A | Sermon | Preached at Boston, Decemb. 29. 1 689. | In the Hearing, and at the Request of | One Hugh Stone, ( A Miserable Man | Under a just Sentence of Death, for a | Tragical and Horrible INIvrder. | Together with some Account concern- | ing the Character, Carriage, and | Exe- cution of that Unhappy Ma- | lefactor. | To which are Added, certain Memorable | Providences Relating to some other Mur- | ders ; & some great Instances of Repen- | tance which have been seen among us. | — | By Cotton Mather Pastor of a | Church in Boston. I — II Boston, Printed by Samuel Green, and | Sold by Joseph Browning at the corner of the Prison Lane, and Benj. Harris | at the Loudon Coffee House. 1690. 16mo. pp. (6), 87, (8), 15, (1), 75, 21,40, (1), 14. Titlepage, verso, six lines from " Anselm. in INIed : '' ; 4 pp. " The | Introduction," headpiece two lines of border pieces, the lower one in- 14 verted, separated by a broken rule; 1-G6. " The Sermon,"" headpiece, like the last, headlines; 67-«0, "The | Character and Carriage | and Execution of | Hugh Stone,'' headpiece a line of border pieces, head- lines on the recto in Roman type and on the verso in black letter; 81-87, '• The Last Speech of Hugh Stone," headlines on the recto in black letter and on the verso in italic type; 1 p. blank; 2 pp. "To the Honourable Wait Wintrhrop Esq;" signed '* C. Mather"; 4 pp. " To the Reader," signed " Charles ^Morton, James Allen, Joshua Moodey, Samuel Willard '' ; 2 pp. "The Introduction"; 1-15, "To Contribute a little further into the | Design of this Hook, I shall here | Annex Two Articles of Obser- | vations, extracted from an Hitherto- Reserv- | ed Collection of jMemorable Provi- | deuces. I have recorded them in such | Words (and the Rest in such Wayes) as | these," head- piece, two lines of border pieces; 1 p. Erratum, two lines, between two lines of similar border pieces, the lower one inverted; l-ll, "Witch- crafts and Possessions''; 42-44, Postscript, ending with "Finished, June 7"', 1G89"; 4.3. "Mantissa/' headpiece, two lines of border pieces; 46-5.'], text, signed, ''John Goodwin, Decemb. 12. 1G88"; 54-'>9, "Exemple. II."; o9-Gl, " Exeniple. III."'; 01-03, " Ex- emple. IV."; 0.3-04, " Exemple. V."' ; 04-71, "A Confession of a Hoy at Tocutt; in the | time of the Intermission of his Fits : and | other Pa.ssages, which many | were Eye-witnesses of." ; 72-7/), " Exempee. ^'I. and VII."; 1-21, "A Discourse on the Power and Malice of the I Devils ''; 1-40, " A Diseourse on Witchcraft," headpiece, two lines of border pieces, the low«'r one inverted, 8ej)arated by a ride, headlines; 1 p. " Notandum " ; 1 p. blank; 1-14, "Appendix," lu-adpiece two litres of border pieces. The ejfjlit pat^e.^. whiili jurccdc "Two .Vilicles of Observa- ti(j|i," apjiaiciitly .slioiild Inllow it. The I Cliristi.-in l'"ailli < )t ihr rrr. pie of Cod. called in Scorn, | (Quakers | In Klmdi-lslaiid (wlm are in I nity uilli all faithfull Hrelhren | of the same Profession in all parts of tlic World) | \'in- dicated I l"'rom tlie C.iliinmieH of Christian I.odouick. lliai lorint-rly I was of that Profession, Itiit is lately f.allen lher<-fioiii. | As also from the base Forgeries, and wicked Slamiers of | Cotton .Mather, ndle«l a MiniHter, at Hosion, who li.iili gnaily | lomnirinled tli«' Haid ChriHti.'in Lodowick, and approved his false | ( li.irges against UH, and h:illi added tlnreinilo many gn»ss, | impuriil'| Discouise | on | The Returns of Gratitude iV; Obedience | Wliereto | Men ar«' ( )bliged, by tlie Merci(;8 | of God. | Made | On a Solemn Thanksgiving, kept I in a Privati; Meeting of Christians, | on the Occasion of some Deliverances. | — | By Cotton Mather. | — | [Six lines from Herbert, pa|,'e 9H.] | — || Boston, in N. Iv Printed by B. Green, | «Si •!. Alien, for Michael Perry, at his | Shop at the Town-House. 1 OlMi. I 'imo. pp. 32. Titlepage, Hurrouiuled by tw(» border lines, rrrso, " A Piip.n.itory Thaiiksgiviiig-Song, fetch'd | from tlie Beginning and CoMcbisioti of the I Iluiidn'*! sind 'I'hinl P>alm."; 3-32, ''The | Chrisiiaii Thank- OITering," liea«lpiible in New-York, 1698. 12mo. pp. 24. Titlepage, vei'so blank; 3-16, Letter, dated, "New York, December 31. 1697"; 17-18, "The King's Letter," Whitehall, 30 July 1689; 13 [19]-21, "The Resolves of the House of Repre- | sentatives, &c.," of New York, 1691 ; 22-24, "An Address to his Excellency Collonel I Slaughter,'' and an Order in Council, regarding Jacob Leysler. This tract is reprinted by Edmund Goldsmid, of Edinburgh, in his " Collectanea Adamantsea," No. 30. 1700. The Resolved | Christian; | Pursuing the Designs of | Holiness and Happiness, | In Ordering, | First his own Heart and Life, and then I his Family. | With further Directions upon the | Great Points, I Of Spending our Time, & of Minding our End, | and | Of Behaving our selves well under all | our Tryals. | — | A Trea- tise that may be of use, to persons | of all Conditions, and Espe- cially to be I Read in Families. | — | [One line of Latin.] | — || To be Sold by Nicholas Boone, at his Shop, | over against the Old Meeting-house | in Boston. 1700. 16mo. pp. (1), 128. Titlepage, surrounded by a border line, verso blank ; 1-64, " The | Good Mans Resolution," headpiece, two lines of border pieces, running headlines; 65-84, " Time discerned " ; 85-105, "The tryed Christian. I A Discourse delivered, upon Recovery from | Sickness"; 106-128, " Life desired. | Vpon the Death of a Relation," running headlines with variations in spelling and capitalization. This is the copy mentioned as No. 1213 in the Brinley Cata- logue (Part I. 163). Mr. Sibley, in his Harvard Graduates (in. 78), refers to this work by Cotton Mather as follows: "Trumbull says 'This is identical — the title-page, and the omission of the errata and dedication excepted — with Small Offers,' etc. See No. 11." In addition to these collations made by ^Nlr. Winship, he has furnished me with a short account of some of the more impor- 8 18 tant works in Mr. P.rown's library, which were printed at a very early period in Mexico, where a press w;is set up fully a century before one was in New Eny;hind. .Mr. Winship's account of iti> establishment in that country is highly inter- esting, and contains many facts not generally known. His letter is as follows: — I'kovidkxce, December 24, 1898. My i)r,.\K Du., — The accompanying de^i-riptions of eigliteeu books, printed in British America in the .'ieveutecnth century, which are not mentioned in your Lists nor in that of Mr. Paine, are taken from copies in the John Carter Brown Library or in the Harris Collection of American Poetry in the Brown University Library. The earliest American imprint, — using the word in its more general sense, — in Mr. Brown's library is the JJulrifia Jiieiic of 1543-44, a religious manual prepared by Bishop Ziinuirraga, the first ofticial head of the church in Mexico, ''in plain language fur the common people." The imprint of this volume reads: Impssa la misma ciudad d* Mexico por 8u madado y a su costa. Ano d' M. d.xliij ; '' j)rinti'41 : Acabo se de imprimir a . xiiij. dias del mes de Junio: del aiio de. IM. d. ijuare ta y qtro anos. The volume consists of eighty-four small (piarto leaves, printed in gothic type. S' Garcia Icazbalceta, in his admirable Jh'bltof/rafin Mexicaiut i/rl Sifjlo rri, pritited in Mexico in isHd, nu iitions three t-arlier American iniprint.H, of which there is reason to Kn|(pose that copies are still in exi8t«nce. The earliest of these was printed in Mc.xico in 1. ').'{'.), according to a very circumstantial description of the book in the well- known volume of Cartas de Indins, issueil by the Spanish flovernnient, from the office of the Ministerio dc Komento, in 1H77, |>age 787. Un- fortunately, the wlien;aboiits of an original copy from which this de- scription could have been taken, has been as yet successfully concealed or forgotten. Of l\\v. next earliest surviving product of the Mexican jiresB, two leaves are :ill that are known. These clearly formed the end, the l.-mt three pages, of a Mnininl ilr Adultim printed in l.')4(>. They have b«;en reproduced in facsimile IVoni I lie originals in the library of the l.iie I). Pascual c(| since its |Mii)licalion. is th(! Miss(de liiiiiiiiiiiiiii I hdiiiiiriinii, jpiiiited in the ciiy of Mexico in 15f, I. It is a magiiilicent folio volume of o.lO leaves, printed in red and black, with liisloriated initials and occasional woodcut borders, and the necessary musical notations. The establiHhnient of a printing press in America was deteiiiiine(l upon, in all probability, at one; of the fre(pn'nt conferences held in Spain ihiring the winter of 1."».'{.'!-.'I I, between tim viceroy-elect .and the bishop-elect of N(!W Spain. I'on Anlonio de .MciKJo/a and i-'ray fl»5 Ziimarraga. Negociations were entered into with a leading Sevillian printer, .luan ( 'rondierger, who agreed to organize a Itranch of his eBtabliuhmenl in the city o( Mexico. Tvpe and press were selected and 21 shipped to Vera Cruz, most probably on the spring voyage of lo36. It is supposed that Juan Pablos, a native of Brescia in Lombardy, accompanied the outfit as Crond)erger's representative, and that he took charge of the American branch of the business. He may have had with him as an assistant, Esteban Martin, whose name appears on the town records of Mexico as an applicant for citizenship in 1539, with the de- scriptive appelkition " iinprimidor." This is several years earlier than the first recorded mention of Pablos. As soon as the press was ia running order in the New World, it was found that the supply of paper brought from Spain was barely sufficient for the official circulars, announcements, and similar work of transient but instant iniport;uice. This is presumably the reason why one or possibly two religious manuals in the native language were the only productions, of sufficient size to be called books, which were printed prior to the surviving publications already mentioned. A similar difficulty, due to the distance from the source of supply, appar- ently arose during the printing of the Missale of 15GI. An examination of different parts of that volume shows that the stock of red ink gave out while the volume was on the press, and rather than submit to the long delay before a fresh importation from Europe could arrive, the printer prol)ably attempted to manufacture something which would supply the deficiency. This, at least, is the most plausible explanation of the noticeable deterioration and the varying quality of the red with which the later pages of the work were printed. Juan Cromberger died in 1540, but his American establishment con- tinued for four years to issue its works " from the house of Cromberger." In 1542, his heirs secured a renewal or an enrollment of their privileges, by which they were entitled to charge a quarter of a real for each printed sheet, and to receive an allowance of one hundred per cent upon all books imported from Europe, in consideration for the main- tenance of their press in the New World. But the Mexican office, de- prived of the oversight and direction of the Sevilliau master })rinter, appears to have deteriorated to some extent in the years following his death. The prompt supply of paper from P^urope was neglected, resulting in the temporary stoppage of the press in Mexico, and other signs show that the business suffered from the absence of active inter- ested management. As a result of these circumstances, the heirs of Cromberger were induced to exchange their printing plant for other forms of American investment, and the type and press became the property of Juan Pablos. The negociations must have lasted over tliree years, from the end of 1544, when Cromberger's name appeared for the last time in an American imprint, until 1548, when that of Pablos was used for the first time. In the interim, such books as the latter printed were published without the name of the printer. ')0 For ten years Pablos. whose Italian name may have been Paoli, con- ducted the business without a rival. During this period he published twenty-five volumes which have survived to the present day. These included, besides the linguistic works used by the missionaries and their pupils, a number of treatises, among wliich were tour very learned works from the pen of Fr. Alonso de la Vera Cruz, for use in the uewl}- organized University of Mexico. One of these volumes, the Latin "Dialiigues" written by Cervantes Salazar in 1554, which have been reprinted with a Spanish translation by SI Icazbalceta, contains an ex- tremely interesting description of the new University, as well as of other portions of the city of Mexico. In tlie colophon to another of his volumes, the Constitnciunes del Argobi'spado, Pablos stated that this was '* printed by Juan Pablos of Lombardy, the first printer in this large, magnificent and very loyal city of Mexico, 10 February 155G." This statement is the principal authority for supposing that Pablos came from Spain in 15.3(> in chari,'e of Cromberger's establishment. Tiie |)ublishing l)usiness seems to have been a profitable one, for in 1558 Antonio de Espinosa, a citizen of ^Mexico, presented himself before the Spanish court with a petition in which he begged that the exclusive privileges granted to Pablos by the Viceroys might be annulled, on the ground that this monopoly stifled competition and so prevented the Mexicans from securing as good work as might and should be done in the New World, and that the prices for printing wvw. maintained at an excessive figure. Espinosa appears to have had friends at court, for an order was promptly issued in which the viceroy was directed to al>olish the nionopolv, declaring that the tra of iheso " fir«t m«'nlioiied ; signi-d " By the ( miticil I'.dw.nd IJawsoii Secrl.'' 25 1676. [Order of the Council, April 4, 1G76.] Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the paue ; "At a | Council | Held at Boston April the 4th. 1676" ; order that " the Select Men in each Town shall immediately . . . apply themselves with all diligence to take a particular account of all Persons and Families so coming unto them," those who " are retired from out Towns into the nearer Towns, and there make their present abode " ; requiring the selectmen to " be fully informed of their state and way of living, and how they dispose of themselves " ; and " to take effectual care that the Incomers afore- said settle themselves, or be by them settled in some orderly and diligent way of Imployment and Government, especially single and younger persons, who are all of them hereby required to yield Obedi- ence"; signed " By the Council | Edward Rawson Seer," [Order of the General Court, May 3, 1676.] Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the page ; " At a | General Covrt I Held at Boston May the 3d, 1676 " ; " For the preventing of Injustice, and Inequality in the discharge, and payment of Disburse- ments made by any particular persons, or Towns for the Carrying on this present Warr," it is ordered ; " that a Committee shall be Chosen in each County, to Examine the Rates put upon all manner of things used or Expended for the Publick, and to View the particular Bils allowed by the Militia of each Town for Expences, until the first of this Instant " ; and " the Committees abovesaid are hereb}' Ordered to Choose one man from among themselves, in every of the Countyes, who shall meet at Boston the first fourth day in July next, and bring with them the Accounts allowed and passed in the several Countyes," " whose Act . . . shall be a sufiicieut warrant for their allowance in payment of the County Rate. The names of the Committees are. For Suffolke, Capt. Fisher, Deacon Parkes, Mr. Stoddard. For Essex, Major Appleton, Mr. Bartholomew, Ens. Fuller. For Middlesex, Capt. Hammond, Leiut. Johnson, Mr. Joseph Cook. For Norfolke, Mr. Dalton, Ens. Buswil, Lieut. Brown. For Hampshire, Capt. Holliock, Leiut. Clarke, Deacon Tilton." Usual ending cut off. [Order of the General Court, May 3, 1676.] Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the page ; '' At a | General Court I Held at Boston the 3'' of May | 1676"; the "Court taking into Consideration the great Disappointment the Countrey hath suft'red by reason of non-appearance of Souldiers Lnpressed for several expe- ditions : Do judge meet " that such persons shall pay fines, — "every 4 26 siii-h Foot Souldier . . . four Pounds, and every Trooper . . . six Pounds," and if their neglect or refusal " be accompanied with Refrac- toriness, Reriectiou or Contempt upon Authority, such persons shall be punished with Death, or some other grievous punishment " ; and re- tjuire the •' Conimiitee of Militia in the several Towns'" to take charge of the matter ; the Council being given discretion to decide cases upon {>etitiou ; signed '' By the Court Edward Kawson Seer." 1677. [Order of the Council, March 29, 1677.] Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the page ; " At a Cour[t] | Held at Boston in | N.-w-Kngl[aiid] the 29"'- of March, [1077]": "The Council being informed that se[veral] strange Indians, who have been iu Hostility against us or have liveil amongst such, are bmught into this Jurisdiction, and bought by several persons, wliiih causeili much trouble and fear to the Inhabitants where they reside, and may be of dangerous conse(iuence, not only to the Towns where they live, but to the whole .Jurisdiction, if not timely prevented '" ; do order "that what person soever . . . shall hereafter buy or keep above ten dayes after the publication hereof, any such Indian, Man or Woman already bought, aljove the age of twelve years, without allowance from Author- ity, shall besides the forfeit of such Indian or Indians, pay the line of five pounds to the Treasurer of the Country ' ; signed " \'>y the Council, Edward Hawson Seer'.'' [Order of the Council, April 9, 1G77.] Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the page ; " At a Covncil | Held at Boston the !>th. of April, 1077 " ; " The Covncil being informed, that among other Evils that are prevailing among us, in this day of our Calamity, there is practised by some that vanity of Horse racing, for mony, or monycs worth, thereby occasioning much misspence of preti(MiH time, and the drawing of many persons from the duty of their particidar Callings, with the hazard of their Limbs and Lives"; do order the "practice in that kind "' u> be stoppecl "williin four miles «)f any Tow II, or i[n] any Ilighwav ir(i<*tiiig twenty Shillings [a-]piece, nor shall any (iame or run in that kind for .inv inunv, or nionyes woijlh| upon |ienalty of forlieting Treble the vhIiii- iliiriof, one li;iif to lin- parly i( n )rorming, and iho other half to the Tre.isiiry '' ; "Dateil the ninth of April, 1(077] | By the Coimcil | Edward Baw.son Se[cr.J ; " closely Irimnud on the righl-iiund edge. 27 1678. [Order of the Council, March 28, 1678.] Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the page : " At a | Council | Held at Boston, March 28. 1678."; an order declaring that all persona who shall " henceforth presume to shoot off any Gun or Guns, charged with Bullet or Bullets, Swan, Goose, or other shot towards any Mark or place that the Militia in such Town or Towns have not appointed ; or so near or into any House, Barn, Garden, Orchards or High-wayes in any town or towns of this Jurisdiction, whereby any person or per- sons shall or may be killed, wounded or otherwise damaged . . . shall be liable to answer it" as murderers or otherwise ; further that "where either they be Servants or Youths . . . Parents or masters shall be liable to make full and due satisfaction " ; signed " By the Council, Edward Rawson Seer'." Several | Laws and Orders | Made at the second Sessions of the ] General Court | Held at Boston, October 2^^- 1678. | And pub- lished by their Order. | Edward Rawson Seer. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 61-64. A cut of the Colonial arms at the top of page 61 ; 61-64, text, relating to the oath of allegiance, treason, military companies, clerk of the writs, and law of exportation ; various headlines ; " Finis " between two rules. 1679. Several | Laws and Orders | Made at the first Sessions of the | Gen- eral Court I Held at Boston, May 28. 1679, and published by their Order. | Edward Rawson Secretary. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 65-[6S]. • A cut of the Colonial arms at the top of page 65 ; 60 and three unnumbered pages, text, relating to training days, size of bricks, fish- ing trade, book-debts, letters of attorney, listing troopers, building meeting houses, deserted towns and new jjlantations, and imposts. Several | Laws and Orders | Made at the second Sessions of the | General Court | Holden at Boston Octob. 15. 1679. and Printed by their Order, | Edward Rawson Seer. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 69-72. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the first page ; 69-72, text, page 70 misnumbered " 69," relating to Sabbath breaking, new build- ings in Boston, tythingmen, ordinary-keepers, military service, alarms, drummers, impost, verdict of jury, and weights and measures ; various headlines. 28 i68o. Several | Laws and Orders | Made at a | General Court | Held at lioston, February tlie 4tli. H'd\vard Rawson, Seer'. No titlepage. 4 to. pp. 2. First page blank ; a cut of the Colonial arms at top of the second page ; 2 pp. text, relating to commissions, buildings, and standard for measures ; headlines ; fourth page blank. Several | Laws and Orders | Made at the second Sessions of | The General Court | Held at Boston, Octob. 13. 1680. And Pub- lished by their Order. | Edward Rawson Seer'. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 77-79. A cut of the Colonial arms at tlie top of piige 77 ; 77-79, text, re- lating to musters of vessels, troopers, elections, rating of eattle, gagers, and clerks of the writs; various headlines; verso of 79 blank. l68l. [r)rder of the General ("y Repealed respecting Buihlings to be I*> I'liiild in I'lnst.m with I'liirk and Stone .accord- 31 iug to a Law made the last Session ; As an Addition to the said Law " saying " that whosoever shall so Build, shall have liberty to set half his Partition- Wall in his Neighbours Ground, leaving Jagges in the Corners of such Walls, for the Neighbours to Adjoyn their Building to " ; that the neighbor shall pay half when he builds ; and that the Selectmen shall have power " to make Valuation, or lay out the Line between such Neighbours " ; signed " By the Court, Edward Rawson Secr't." Several | Laws and Orders | Made by the | General Court, | Held at Boston the 7th of May, 1684. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 100-101. First page blank ; a cut of the Colonial arms at the top of page 100 ; 100-101, text, relating to imposts, nuisances, executions. Major Robert Pike and his troopers, public notary seal, Benjamin Gerrish for officer of the port of Salem, and Nathaniel Clark for Newbury and Salisbury ; headlines ; verso of page 101 blank. At a I General Court | Called by the Honourable Governour on His Receipt of His | Majesties Letter, to sit in Boston, July the 9th. 1684. When | they State there was Made and Passed the Law and Order fol- | lowing; And by their Order Printed: | By the Court Edward Rawson Seer'. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 103-105. A cut of the Colonial arms at the top of page 103 ; 103-105, text, relating to piracy and privateering, and houses of " publick Enter- tainment" ; various headlines; verso of page 105 blank. Several | Laws | made at the | General Court | Called to Sit, and Held at Boston, Sept. 10^\ 1684. | And Published by their Order, I Edward Rawson. Seer. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 107-109. A cut of the Colonial arms at the top of page 107 ; 107-109, text, relating to the law of attaints, and sizing of bricks ; various headlines ; verso of page 109 blank. Several | Orders and Laws | Made at the Second Sessions of the | General Court | Held at Boston, Octob : 15"". 1684. And Printed by their | Order: | Edward Rawson Seer'. No titlepage. 4to. pp. 110-111. First page blank ; a cut of the Colonial arms at the top of page 110 ; 110-111, text, relating to Commissioners' power, executions, country debts, and wolves; various headlines; veiso of page 111 blank. 1685. [Order of the General Court, January 28, 1684.] Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the page; "At a | General Court I Held at Boston. January 28. 1684"; an order that any per- son or persons may '* Erect any small Ruildinj;; Provided, it do not exceed eight Foot square, and seven Foot Stiuld, of Wood or Timber; any Law to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided they have the Approhation of the Select-men of said Town ; signed •• By the Court, I Edward Hawson, Seer'." Hy the I Governour and Council | Assembled at Boston the 2''. of April, IGfSo. I To all His Majesties Subjects within the Govern- ment of the I Massachvsets Colony. Broadside. 4to. A cut of the Colonial arms at top of the |tage ; a proclamation giv- ing the information " that there is a Ship of about three Hundred Tonus that hath for some time been crusing on the Coast, between Martyns Vineyard and Cape Cod, without the Limits of this Colony, whereof Christopher Goffe is Captain, and one John Salter is Master," the same " deemed and vehemently suspected to have been AVickedly and Piratically taken from some of His Majesties Allies in the West Intlies " ; " Now that no Person or Persons may plead ignorance of His Majesties Proclamation, or of the Law Made and Published by the Governour and Company of this His ^lajesties Colony agreeable there- unto, bearing Date, .luly I'"'. 1(»84"; it is re ; "an l*',xpI:inution of ami Addition to tin; Law lilh' Wills . . . And the Law Intituled An Addition to the Law title WilU, Madi! Octob. II"' I GM;'). is hereby Ii«|M-uled " ; sigtntd "By the Courl, Edward Iv.awson Streretary " ; bcuiee»! a line of a variety of bordftr pieces; !"> I II, " Spiritual | Desertions | Diseovcicd and Reme- died," running headlim^H ; " Finis" between two rides. 37 The next three broadsides here described belong to our associate, JMr. Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., and arc supposed to be unique specimens. Without any doubt they all were struck off from the Cambridge or Boston press, but it may be a question whether the first sheet was printed at the time of Governor Winthrop's death. Probably the last two sheets were printed by John Foster, the pioneer printer of Boston. See the Proceedings (XV. 395) of this Society for reference to these broadsides. 1649. A I Funeral Elegie | (Written many years since) | On the Death of the Memorable and truly Honourable [ John Winthrope Esq : ] Goveruour of the Massachusets Colony in N-England. | For the space of 19 years, who died in the 63d. Year of his Age. March 26. 1649 Broadside. 4to. Two columns in verse, separated by line of small border pieces, the whole surrounded by a heavy black border in four parts, the one at the top arched, a rule below the title ; begins " You English Mattachu- sians all | Forbear sometime from sleeping," and ends " Friendly correct what is amiss, | Accept his love that did write this " ; signed " Perciful Lowle." Mr. Winthrop, in his " Life and Letters of Jolm Winthrop " (IL 398, 399, 465), gives this Elegy in full, with some remarks wherein he says that the expression " written many years since," " seems to imply that it was not printed at the time of its composition." Percival Lowell, of Newbury, the writer of the lines, died on January 8, 1665. 1676. A I Funeral Elegy | Vpon the Death of that Excellent and most worthy Gentleman | John Winthrop P2sq. | Late Governoiu' of his Majestyes Colony of Conecticot : | Who deceased April, 1676. I AnorrT. John Winthriip, I jUnagr. oh Print Wd nih: Two columns in verse, surrounded by a heavy black border in four parts, the one at the top rounded but of slightly different shape from that in the first broadside ; begins as follows : — LEt woe be printed nigh unto our Land, Since that Jehovahs formidable hand Hath been bereaving us this fatal year, Of such a Star within our Hemisphere. 38 And ends in the second column ; followed by " Accrosticon," in twelve lines, of which the two last are : — Oh may this dismal loss ne'r be forgot, Per riimouth, Boston, and Conecticot followed by the word "Epitajih," and four lines given below : — Ere lyes a None-such for all virtuous things. Fittest to be discoursed of by Kings. Mors oninil)us communis Finis. H The sheet bears tlie following indorsement: "For Major Fitz J"" Winthrop, his much Ilonord friend from yo'' humble serv' Steph : Chester Wetherslield, July prim 1G80." Perhaps Mr. Chester was the author of the Elegy. See Collections (sixth series, V. 7, 8) of this Society, for two letters from him, dated respectively at Weathersfield, April 7 and 17, 1077, which have possiljle allusions to these lines. A I Funeial Triljute | To the llonuurabh* Dust of that Mi>st Chari- table Christian, Vnbiassed Politician, | And uniinitahlf Pyrotech- nist I John Winthrope escj : | A Member of liic Koyal Society, & Governour of Conecticut Colony in | New-Kngland. | Who ex- pired in his Countreys Service, April. Gth. l()7(i. Two columns in verse, separated by a double rnir, the whole surrounded by a heavy black border in lour parts, the oii«' at the top h<-;ivi«'r and ar<'ln(l on thu lower sidf, :i rule IhIow the title ; signed '• 1>. Thompson. ' According to " A New and Further Narrative ol" tiie Slate of New-ICngland . . . from Mareh till August, lOTC)," in the .lohti Carter Ihown Liluaiy, being a letter written fidni Bos- ton by N. S., this sheet was jirinled here before .Inly 22. Without (hjubt it was issued from tin; j)ress of John Foster, as at tliat period he was the only printer in Hoslon. See I'lo- ceedings (second series, X. 'J7<>, i!71 ) of liiis Society. Tlie fnipRt private collection of early Anirrican iiii|irints in New I'".M^danfl, after tlu; John Carter I'.rown Liliraiy, bidongs to Mr. Siimni'i- llolliie^sworlli. of iloston. Among his rarities is a voltinw <>r lirtem ]ianipldr|s by inerfuse .Matlier, relating 39 to various subjects, and handsomely bound in goatskin. They are of old-fashioned quarto size, being 7 inches in height by 5| in width. All were printed either at Cambridge or Boston before the year 1681, and the binding is contemporary with that period. The book is sewed on hide thongs laced into the covers, and finished with blank tooling of dotted lines, a panel within a panel caught to the corners with simi- lar lines, and ornamented at the ends of the centre panel with blank corner pieces. Pasted on the back of the first titlepage in the volume is a manuscript list of the various pamphlets, in Cotton Mather's handwriting, giving very short titles of each one. Presumably this list once had been written on a fl^'leaf at the beginning of the book, and after a time the leaf had been torn out, and, in order to save the memorandum, it then was cut down and pasted on the verso of the titlepage. I am inclined to think that Cotton Mather, at the time two years out of college, made this collection of some of his father's writings, and had them bound together. With very few exceptions the volume contains all his father's publications issued here between the years 1673 and 1680 inclusive, and probably the missing ones could not readily be found. In the arrangement of these pamphlets a negative fact crops out, which is worth noting. While it has not been known for a certainty what was the first Boston imprint, it is known that John Foster, the pioneer printer of Boston, who began busi- ness here in 1675, issued from his press in that year two sermons by Increasa^Mather, which were preached with an interval of only fise^S^a* weeks in the time of their delivery. It has been supposed that the earlier one delivered was the earlier one printed ; but on this point there is no direct evi- dence. These two sermons were " The Wicked mans Por- tion," preached "the 18th day of the 1 Moneth" (March 18, 1675), and '^/Jthe, Times of men are in the hand of God," preaclfe^' tl^^day of the Q^ Moneth 1675 " (May 4, 1675). Both these sermons are bound up in the volume ; and if the collection were made by Cotton Mather, as is supposed, he would have been very apt to place them in chronological order, as most of the others are so placed. In the arrange- ment the sermon entitled " The Wicked mans Portion " comes before the other, which at first sight seems to show 40 that tliis pamphlet was tlie earlier publication ; and if so, it is the lirst work primed in Huston. I have a strong feeling that the book was bound by Edmund Ranger, " Bookbinder in Boston," the only man of his calling whose luime has come down to us from that par- ticular period. Of course there were bookbinders here then, but they are not recorded as such. As early as August 7, 1G37, the town records of Boston mention the sale of a shop to one Saunders, "a bookebynrata [to " Principles of the Protestant Reliirion Maintained "] 1690 blather, Increase. The Folly of Sinning, Opened «&; Applyed 1G99 Mather, Samuel. A Dead Faith Anatomized 1 697 Willard, Samuel. Spiritual Desertions Discovered .... 1699 Robert C. Winthrop, Jr. Chester, Stephen (?). A Funeral Elegy . . . [on John Win- throp, Governor of Connecticut] 1676 Lowell, Percival. A Funeral Elegie . . . [ou John Winthrop, Governor of Massachusetts] 1 649 Thompson, Benjamin. A Funeral Tribute . . . [on John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut] 1G76 Sumner I lolling sic or tli. Mather, Increase. The Day of Trouble is near 1671 Renewal of Covenant the great Duty 1677 APPENDIX. The two following papers are taken from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society (second series, XI. 240-253, and X. 540-547) for February 11, 1897, and April 9, 1896, respectively. They bear so closely upon the subject of Early American Imprints, that it has been thought best to republish them in connection with this Supplementary List. EARLY PRINTING IN NEW ENGLAND. Dr. Samuel A. Green presented the following paper : — I wish to submit copies of some papers found among the Massachusetts Archives at the State House, which will explain themselves. They consist of documents relating to the early history of printing at Cambridge, and give some new facts connected with the development of that art in New England. Among these manuscripts are two petitions of Marmaduke Johnson, dated at different times, which supplement the remarks made by our late venerable associate, the Reverend Dr. Lucius R. Paige, and published in the Proceedings (XX. 265-268) of this Society for June, 1883. The signer of these two papers, jNlarmaduke Johnson, was one of the early printers of the Colony, who came to New England in the year 1660, under the auspices of the Company for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Indians. He had been bred a printer and was skilled in the art, and had been sent over by that Corporation in order to help set up Eliot's version of the Bible and to hasten the completion of that great undertaking. His career while at Cambridge did not comport with the strict ideas of his Puritan neighbors, and there was much friction between him and them. He had left a wife in London, and his conduct here did not commend itself to their notions of propriety ; though in justice to John- son I will say that during his troubles the apostle Eliot remained on friendly terms with him. Johnson's term of engagement as a printer ended in August, 1664; and soon afterward he returned to England, as in both his petitions to the General Court he speaks of coming back to this country in 1665, with his press and type, or "letters,*' 50 as he calls them. It is an interesting fact to know that at that time he brought over another press to Cambridge, whieh made the third one then in the Colony. Mr. Thomas, in his *' History of Printing in America" (I. 273, 274), gives the titles of ten books and pamphlets printed by Johnson alone, which were issued during the period extending from 1665 to 1674. By the light of these petitions it is easy to see why his im- prints began with the year 1GG5, and, as he died in Boston, on December 25, 1674, it is equally clear why they stop at tliat date. During this decade, however, from time to time he printed several titles in connection with Samuel Green, though probably there was no regular partnership between them. Presumably their presses were set up in the same building, and perhaps in the same room, which might account for their close business relations. At that time Green's press was worked in the Indian College, so called, built at the expense of the Company for the Propagation of the Gospel, etc. According to Daniel Gookin's account of the Indians, printed in the Collections (I. 176) of this Society, the building had "hitherto [1074] been principally improved for to accom- modate English scholars, and for placing and using a printing press belonging to the college." In the second edition of Thomas's " History of Printing in America" (I. 59) the editor. Dr. Haven, says in a foot-note that he has " not found any book printed in Boston, or in any other town in Massacliusetts, excepting Cambridge, until the year 1674," — which would imply that he had seen a Boston imprint of that date, though no such title is given in his list of " Ante-Kevolutionary Publications." It is known that John- son Wiis printing at Cambridge as late as the beginning of August, 1674 ; and, as his second petition was granted by the General Court, it is within tlie range of jiossibilities that later in the ycjir he establish(!d his pi'css in Boston, and that some titlepago \)()T(i his imprint. As lie diud here, it. is very likidy that his home was here .'it tinK,'; and I sh;ill not despair some ym('nt tln-rein for om- tliir the Comonwealth, wiio by his ;\rttt ICndeavo" might have many vscfull iV: prolilalile Trai-ts printfd anl.u^' Speker (LVlll. .".) The foUowinf^ papers set forth RufTicieutly well tlieir own story. The answers, made by (Jret.'n and Johnson, on St jitcin- l)er 3, 1008, to tlie Ciovernor and Council, are of special in- terest as they ^ive the titles of some early Amciican imprints, which liitherlo liavo escape llu; art, lie hegan to print about tlu; year lOl'.*, and continued in the business until about 10*J2, the date of his latest publication, lie was llui father of a race of printers, ami two of his sons, Samuel, Jr., and liartlujlomew, W(M(! brought up to the same ealling, as were many of bis descendants. The failur died in ('and)ridg(', on Janiuiry 1, ITOii, aged 87 years; and Samuel, .Ir,, died in I'oston, during the latter part of .Inly, IdlK), aged .J2 years. Allusion to the son's dealb is found in one of the following bills, which wore made out by tin; brother who administered on the estate. IJartholomew died in Boston, on December 28, 59 1732, aged 65 years, having lived a life distinguished for piety and benevolence. Several of the titles charged in the first bill, notably " An Act for a fast printing twice over" (February 17, 1690), " one Sheet of Laws for Reformation " (March 17), and " a half Sheet about Sr: William [Phips] to go General" (March 24), are to be found in the Historical Librar}^, and are men- tioned in the list of Early American Imprints given in the Proceedings (second series, IX. 484, 486) for February, 1895. To the Hon'"*'^ Generall Court assembled at Boston, the Information & request of Samuel Green, Printer at Cambridge Humbly sheweth Whereas yo poare Servant hath (althovgh with many wants & difficultyes) spent some yeares in attending ye service of ye Country in that worke of Printing, The Presse & the appurtenances thereof, w*hout a speedy svpply, & y' especially of letters, & those princi- pally for y'' printing of English, is now almost wholy vncapeable of farther improvem', either for the answering of y** Countryes expec- tation, or for the benefitt of such as are employed therein, & y* Colledge (to whome y*^ presse doth pperly belong) have not ability in theyr hands to helpe, so that vnlesse some p'"seut care bee taken by the wisdome & furtherance of this Hon"^ Court, y^ improvem* thereof must of necessity cease, & yo"" poore servant must bee forced to change either his habitation or employm' or both. The consideration & supply whereof is the humble request of yo poore servant, or if not, yo determination therein, y' so hee may more clearely see his way for ye serving of the pvidence of god in some other calling. In answer to this pet. the deputyes Conceiue the Consideration hereof should be Commended to the Comissione" of the Vnited Colonyes at their next meetinge that so they may write to the Cor- poration in England if they se meet for the pcureing of 201' worth of letters for the vse of the Indian College the deputyes haue past this & desire o"" hon'^.'' magists Consent hereto. William Toruey Cleric Consented to by y'^ Magists. Edw Rawson Secrety 5 June 1G58. [Indorsed] Sarjant Greens PeticOn Entred w"> y<= magists & nothing due p Curiam Ent 1658. (LVIII. 37.) GO To the Honoured Councill sitting att Boston the Humble request of Sanuiel Green printer to the Colledge att Cambridge : Hunibly intreateth that whereas there was an Order made by the Hon- oured Geuerall Court concerning printing : that there sliould be no printing but att Cambridge ; and that what was printed there shoukl be approved by those four Gentlemen ap[)ointed by the Court then, or any two of them, yo'' Worships would please to explaine whether it is retjuired those Gentlemen that allow of the printing of what is presented, should sett to their hands as Imprimators to it ; as also when tliey express there shall be no printing but att Cambridge, whether the;\' intend that any one may sett up printing, provided it be in that town, or any part of it; or whether tliey intend that the printing be only under the inspection of the Colledge there ; if there be libertie for any to sett up printing in the limitts of tiiat Town that they would please to make such orders concern- ing it, that one may not wrong another by printing anothers copie when he hath been att charge about it, as it is in other places where several! printing houses are : for some of us do find a need of such things already, although there is but worke little inough for one printing house, to tiio great discouragement of yo'' poor Serv' : in the place whereto he hath been called and hitherto to bin poor abillitie hath endeavoured to be faithfull in it, according to what hath been retpiired And yo' Serv' : shall ever pray : Cambu: Octob: 14: (08) (LVIII. r,o.) The new Council D'- since tlie General Court : 1089: for Printing: April ts 8 d 20 : To an ord.r to the ( onstables. 00 - 05 - 00 May: 2 To an Act to send 2 men of every Town to the Council : (HI - 0.") - 00 3 To an Act for a fast 00-10-00 80 To an A(!t of the Coinnil for tin- Repre- sentatives 00 - 0."» - 00 Juno 1 I To 2 Acts of the Coumi! iiliont llir Mi- litia, &c: (II -(1(1-00 July 3 To :', AcUs of ih.- CouiKiJ. F, h V A.t : dO- IT) -00 To an Act of half a Shc.-t about tli." militia (10- 10-00 11 To an Act of till! Council alxml a lluiiiiUa- tion day, 00- 10-00 Se])t C To an Act of the Cnunril h.ili a -h( < i, about n loan for money, " |il _ OO fi To |>riiiting a brf)a9attfciJai^y, Cotnen- -tancs on ike mie 5 Bocffcs ci Divfr^fty/ The Vorlcs a5^well of tfie j^nciini, as cf tKa Modern Divmcs; Tteatrfcs ^TT'\y\t&i fay Z>iajc4Ht:kftiM Book-feller Rtthe 7>ockAaxd oSQf. g^lhtt •fetter .vn S^/^*^ AN EARLY BOOK-CATALOGUE PRINTED IN BOSTON. Dr. Samuel A. Green presented the following paper : Among the books of the Prince Collection, formerly in the keeping of this Society for more than half a century, but now in the possession of the Boston Public Library, is a pamphlet bound up with a Catalogue of Harvard College Library (1723).^ It contains a list of books previously belonging to a New England minister, and offered for sale by a bookseller in Boston more than two hundred years ago. Considerable in- terest attaches to the pamphlet from the fact that probabl}- it is the earliest instance in New England of a printed catalogue of books advertised for sale. About 1,000 titles, mostly in Latin, are given ; and of these perhaps 200 are in English, which include not more than six or eight American ones. The books are arranged in the pamphlet both by sul)jects and sizes (folios, quartos, etc.), but without date or place of publica- tion ; and the general character of the works is furnished by the titlepage, of which a fac -simile is given opposite. Presumably the following bore American imprints: — " A Psalm Book " ; " A New England Confession of Faith " ; " Mather's Mystery of Christ " ; " Higginson's Legacy of Peace " ; " The Shorter Catechism with Exposition upon the same " ; " Hubbard's benefit of a well Ordered Conversation " ; and perhaps a few others. * In Part I. of the Brinley catalogue of books which were sold in New York, on March 10-15, 1879, title No. 1G69 is a catalogue of the Rev. Ebenezer Pemberton's library adver- tised to be sold by auction in Boston, on July 2, 1717 ; and between quotation marks it is said in a note to be " perhaps the first instance in New England of a printed catalogue of Books at auction," though no authority is given for the quoted paragraph. In tiie case of the Pemberton librar}^ it will be noticed that the sale was by auction, while in the other case the books were sold over the counter. Keeping in mind this difference in the manner of selling the two libraries, the inferential statement may be correct. 1 According to this Catalogue there was in the College Library at that time an edition of " Shakespear's Plays " (London, 1709), in six volumes. CG Titlepage, verso blank ; 1,2, '' Latin Folio's Divinity " ; 2, 3, " Quarto's Latin "; 3, 4, '• Octavo's Latin " ; 4, 5, " English Quarto's Divinity " ; 5, 6, *' Divinity English Octavo's " ; G, " Physical Books Folio," " Phisical Books in Quarto " ; G, 7, " Phisical Hooks in Octavo Latin''; 7, 8, "Philosophy Folio's*'; 8, "Philosophy Quarto's Latin," "Philosophy in Octavo"; 8, 9, "Mathematical, Astrologi- cal and Astronomical Folio's Latin"; 9, "Quartos," "P^nglish," •'Astronomy English Quarto's"; 9, 10, "History Folio Latin:"; 10, " Histories in Folio English"; 11. "Histories in Octavo Eng- lish," "Histories in Quarto Latin "" ; 11, 12, "Histories in Octavo Latin :" ; 1 2, " School Authors in Folio," " School Authors in Quarto," " School Authors in Octavo" ; 12, 13, "Juris Prutk-ntia Libr." ; 13, "Misellanie Beoks"; 13, 14, " Box 21 Lat : Oct."; 14-lG, " Box 22 Latin Octavo's." HeaP DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD^^ University Research L ilprary )NAL LIBRARY FACILITY 1\J 31 567 _J±