GIFT OF A. P. Morrison S^^^^ -■'' ■r-y^ t /♦ M^r^l't f m w KETlLK^if i^BMEXc TMIE ymmt^^ (D)IF TMIE BRITISH POETS, IFM®M n THE WORKS OF THE BRITISH POETS SELECTED AND CHEONOLOGIGALLY AEKAKGED FROM FALCOMR TO SIR WALTER SCOTT. WITH BIOGEAPHICAL AND CEITICAL NOTICES. VOLUME III. A KEW REVISED EDITION, Illttstrat^Jy toiti] iin S>tnl ^ngraljiitgs. NEW-TOEK : D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 443 & 445 BROADWAY. 1866. % GIFI Off . , « • • m Hi rrf tip C^ngfRbinsj VOLUME m. M94372 »AftX FEONTISPIECE— NETLY ABBEY, GAME OF CHESS, ......... 54 THE MOTHEE, .... IO4 THE VISION, - - .... . . - . 199 GINEVKA, --255 THE SICK CHAMBEE, --.--.,--- 284 BASIL, ', -- -805 BUMMEE, - - -- . - - . - . ..405 A MOTHEE'S LOVE, 5S3 THE CASTLE, -•...••... 525 • • CONTENTS. The Shipwreck Canto I. II. . III. FALCONER. BAKBAULD. Corsica. Written in the year 1769. , . ' . The Mouse's Petition .... Characters ...... An I n ventory of the Furniture in Dr. Priestley's Study On a Lady's Writing ..... On the Deserted Village Hymn to Content The Origin of Song-writing Ode to .Spring An Address to the Deity A Summer Evening's Meditation To-morrow A School Eclogue ..... What do the "Futures speak of? la Answer to a Question in the Greek Grammar . The Rights of Woman Washing-day .... To Mr. S. T. Coleridge. 1797., . The Unknown God Ode to Remorse On the Death of the Princess Charlotte The Wake of the King of Spain . Hymns :— IL III. For Easter Sunday IV. . . ' V. . VI. Pious Friendship vn. . . r VIII. IX. . X. A Pastoral Hymn SIR WILLIAM JONES. or, the Game of Chess Solima. An Arabian Eclogue An Ode in imitation of Alcaeus An Ode in imitation of Callistratus The First Nemean Ode of Pindar A Chinese Ode, paraphrased A Turkish Ode of Mesihi Hymn to Camdeo . , , Two Hymns to Pracriti. To Durga . . , To Bhavani Hymn to Indra . CRABBE. Sir Eustace Grey The Hall of Justice. Part I. II. . Woman Page 37 Tales: n. III. IV. V. VI. vn. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVTI. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. The Dumb Orators ; or, the Benefit of So- ciety .... The Parting Hour The Gentleman Farmer Procrastination . The Patron .... The Frank Courtship . The Widow's Tale . The Mother Arabella .... The Lover's Journey Edward Shore 'Squire Thomas ; or, the Precipitate Choice Jessy and Colin .... The Struggles of Conscience Advice; or, the 'Squire and the Priest The Confidant Resentment The Wager .... The Convert The Brothers The Learned Boy Bristow Tragedie; Bawdin . Mynstrelles Songe CHATTERTON. or, the Dethe of Syr Charles GIFFORD. 76 80 84 88 91 97 101 104 107 110 113 117 1-20 1^ 123 131 136 140 43 46 150 158 161 The Baviad: a paraphrastic Imitation of the first Satire of Persius . . . . .163 TheMaeviad 173 BURNS. The twa Dogs, a Tale 190 Death and Dr. Hornbook. A true Story . . 192 The Brigs of Ayr, a Poem. Inscribed to J. B******, Esq., Ayr 193 The Death and Dying Words of Poor Mailie, the Au- thor's only Pet Yowe. An unco mournfu' Tale 195 Poor Mailie's Elegy 196 ToJ. S****. 196 A Dream . . . . . . .198 The Vision. Duan First 199 Duan Second . . . . . .201 Address to the unco Guid, or the Rigidly Righteous 202 Tam Samson's Elegy . . . . .203 Halloween ...... 204 The auld Farmer's New- year Morning Salutation to his auld Mare Maggie, on giving her accustomed Ripp of Corn to hansel in the New-year . 20? To a Mouse. On turning her up in her Nest with the Ploush, November, 1785. . . .208 A Winter's Night 208 Despondency, ^n Ode .... 209 Winter. A Dirge 210 The Cotter's Saturday Night. Inscribed to R. A****, Esq. . - 210 Man was made to mourn. A Dirge . . 212 A Prayer in the Prospect of Death . . .213 Stanzas on the same Occasion . . . 213 5 CONTENTS. Verses left at a Friend's House The First Psalm ..... A Prayer under the Pressure of violent Anguish The first six "Verses of the ninetieth Psalm To a Mountain Daisy, on turning one down with the Plough in April, 1786. .... To Ruin ...... To Miss L— , with Beattle's Poems as a New-year's Gift, January 1, 1787. .... Episile to a Young Friend. May, 1786. . On a Scotch Bard gone to the West Indies . To a Haggis ...... A Dedication to Gavin Hamilton, Esq. To a Louse. On seeing one on a Lady's Bonnet at Church ...... Address to Edinburgh ..... Epistle to J. Lapraik, an old Scottish Bard. April 1st, 1785. To the same. April 21st, 1785. To W. S*****N, Ochiltree .... Epistle to J. R******, enclosing some Poems Tam O'Shanter. A Tale .... Songs :— The Lea-rig ...... To Mary My Wife's a winsome wee thing Bonnie Leslie . . . . Highland Mary Auld Bob Morris Duncan Gray ...... Song Galla Water . . . . . Lord Gregory ..... Mary Morison .... Wandering Willie .... Jessie ..'.... When wild War's deadly Blast vraa blawn Song ....... Bonnie Jean ..... Auld Lang Syne ..... Bannockburn. Robert Bruce's Address to his Army For a' that, and a' that .... Scottish Ballad . . • . Song ....... TheBirksofAberfeldy .... I love my Jean . . . . . John Anderson my Jo . ThePosie ...... The Banks o' Doon .... Song ....... Sic a Wife as Willie had ... Wilt thou be my Dearie ? . . . . For the sake of somebody A red, red Rose ..... Song . . .♦ . The bonnie Lad that's far awa Whistle o'er the lave o't . . . . ROGERS. The Pleasures of Memory. Part I II Italy.— Part I. I. The Lake of Geneva II. The Great St. Bernard . III. The Descent . IV. Jorasse . . . V. Marguerite de Tours . VI. The Alps . VII. Como . VIIL Bergamo . . . IX. Italy . X. Coll'alto . XL Venice . . . XII. Luigi XIII. St. Mark's Place XIV. The Gondola XV. The Brides of Venice XVI. Foscari XVII. Arqua . XVIII. Ginevra . XIX. Bologna XX. Florence . ., XXI. Don Garzia . XXII. The Campagna of Florence taly.— Part II. I. The Pilgrim . II. An Interview III. Rome . IV. A Funeral . V, National Prejudices . VI. The Campagna of Rome VII. The Roman Pontiffs . VIII. Gains Cestius Page •213 213 214 214 214 214 215 215 216 216 217 218 218 219 220 221 223 223 225 225 226 226 226 226 226 227 227 227 227 228 228 228 2-28 229 229 229 2:30 230 230 231 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 233 233 233 234 238 241 212 243 244 244 a45 245 246 247 247 248 249 25C 251 252 253 255 255 256 257 258 258 261 262 262 264 265 265 266 267 IX. The Nun X. The Firefly .... XI. Foreign Travel . . . . XII. The Fountain .... XIII. Banditti XIV. An Adventure .... XV. Naples XVI. The Bag of Gold .... XVII. A Character XVllI, Sorrento XIX. Paestum . , . . . XX. Monte Cassino . . . . XXI. The Harper XXII. TheFeluca .... XXllI. Genoa Ode to Superstition ..... Verses written to be spoken by Mrs. Siddons On asleep ..... To From Euripides . . . . Captivity ....... The Sailor To an old Oak To two Sisters ..... On a Tear To a Voice that had been lost From a Greek Epigram .... To the Fragment of a Statue of Hercules, commonly called the Torso ..... To Written in a Sick Chamber .... The Boy of Egremond .... To a Friend on his Marriage . . . . The Alps at Daybreak Imitation of an Italian Sonnet A Character .... To the Youngest Daughter of Lady **»* An Epitaph on a Robin-redbreast . To the Gnat .... A Wish Written at Midnight, 1786. . . . . An Italian Song ..... An Inscription ...... Written in the Highlands of Scotland, September 2, 1S12. . . , . : • . A Farewell ...... Inscription for a Temple. Dedicated to the Graces To the Butterfly ..... Written in Westminster Abbey, October 10, 1806. . GRAHAME. The Sabbath Sabbath Walks :— A Spring Sabbath Wall' . A Summer Sabbath Walk An Autumn Sabbath Walk A Winter Sabbath Walk Biblical Pictures :— The First Sabbath The Finding of Moses Jacob and Pharaoh Jephthah's Vow Saul and David Elijah fed by Ravens The Birth of Jesus announced . Behold my Mother and my Brethren Bariimeus restored to Sight Little Children brought to Jesus Jesus calms the Tempest . Jesus walks on tjie Sea, and calms the Storm The Dumb cured .... The Death of Jesus . . . The Resurrection . Jesus appears to the Disciples Paul accused before the Tribunal of the Areopagus Paul accused before the Roman Governor of Judea Paraphrase.— Psalm ciii. 3, 4. On Visiting Melrose, after an Absence of sixteen Years ...... The Wild Duck and her Brood To a Redbreast that flew in at my Window Epitaph on a Blackbird killed by a Hawk . The Poor Man's Funeral .... The Thanksgiving off Cape Trafalgar . , To my Son ...... JOANNA BAILLIE, Basil. Act I. n. HI. IV. V. 267 267 26S 26S 269 270 271 273 274 275 276 277 277 277 278 279 281 282 282 282 282 283 283 283 283 C84 284 284 2&4 284 285 285 285 285 285 285 286 286 287 287 289 297 297 298 299 299 299 300 300 300 300 300 301 801 501 301 301 301 301 302 302 302 302 302 303 303 303 303 303 309 314 320 CONTENTS. Page De MonforU Act I . 332 II 337 III. .... . 341 IV. . . . &45 V. . . 349 The Martyr. Act I. . 356 II . 360 III. 365 IJhristopher Columbia . . 370 .ady Griseld BaiUie 379 Lord John of the East . . . 387 Malcom's Heir 3® Tho Elden Tree . 390 The Ghost of Fadon 392 A November Night's Traveller . 3&i Sir Maurice. A'Ballad 396 Address to a Steam-veael . 398 To Mrs. Siddons 399 A Volunteer Song . 400 To a Child . ' 400 BLOOMFIELD. \ \e Farmer's Boy. Spring . Summer Autumn Winter WORDSWORTH. The Excurtion, being a Portion of the Kecluse. Book I The Wanderer . . . , II. The Solitary .... III, Despondency IV, Despondency corrected . V. The Pastor . . . . , VI. The Churchyard among the Mountains VII. The Churchyard among the Mountains continued .... VIII. The Parsonage .... LX. Discourse of the Wanderer, and an Even- ing Visit to the Lake The Armenian Lady's Love . The Somnambulist BOWLES. The Missionary. Canto L ..... . n Ill IV. V VI VII VIII Song cf the Cid ... Sonnets. Written chiefly during various Journeys. Pan I. Sonnet. Written at Tynemouth, Northumber- land, after a tempestuous Voyage Sonnet. At Bamboroush Castle To the River "\Vensbeck To the River Tweed Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet Sonnet Sonnet. Sonnet. Part II. Sonnet Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet. Sonnet Sonnet. Sonnet Sonnet. Sonnet, well On leaving a Village in Scotland To the River Itchin, near Winton At Dover Cliffs, July 20, 1787 . At Ostend, landing, July 21, 1787 . At Ostend, July 22, 1787 On the River Rhine At a Convent On a distant View of England To the River Cherwell, Oxford October, 1792 November, 1792 April, 1793 May, 1793 . Netley Abbey May, 1793 On revisiting Oxford On the Death of the Rev. William Ben- 402 405 408 411 417 425 432 440 451 459 468 476 . 4S1 492 495 497 501 503 505 506 509 512 514 514 514 515 515 515 515 515 516 616 516 516 516 516 517 517 517 517 517 517 518 513 518 518 518 518 518 519 Pagt Sonnet. Written at Malvern, July 11, 1793 51S Sonnet. On reviewing the foregoing, Septem- ber 21, 1797 . . . . 619 COLERIDGE. Sibylline Leaves. I. Poems occasioned by Political Events, or Feel- ings connected with them:— Ode "to the departing Year .... France. An Ode .... Fears in Solitude. Written in April, 1798, dur- ing the Alarm of an Invasion . Fire, Famine, and Slaughter. A War Eclosue Recantation, illustraied'in the Story of the Mad Ox II. Love Poems :— Introduction to the Tale of the Dark Ladie Lewti, or the Circassian Love-chant . The Picture, or the Lovers Resolution . The Night-scene. A Dramatic Fragment To an unfortunate Woman, whom the Author had known in the Days of her Innocence To an unfortunate Woman at the Theatre . Lines composed in a Concert-room The Keepsake ..... To a Lady. With Falconer's " Shipwreck" Home-sick. Written in Germany Answer lo a Child's Question To a Young Lady. On her Recovery from a Fever ...... The Visionary Hope .... Something childish, but very natural. Written in Germany ..... Recollections of Love .... The Happy Husband. A Fragment On revisiting the Seashore, after long Absence, under strong medical recommendaiioms not to bathe ...... The Composhion of a Kiss III. Meditative Poems. In blank verse : Hymn before Sunrise, in the Vale of Chamouny Lines writtea in the Album at Elbingerode, in the Hartz Forest ..... On observing a Blossom on the first of February, 1796 . The Eolian Harp. Comjwsed at Clevedon, So- mersetshire ..... Reflections on having left a Place of Retirement To the Rev. George Coleridge of Ottery Su Mary, Devon, with some Poems A tombless Epitaph .... Inscription for a Fountain on a Heath . This Lime-tree Bower my Prison To a Gentleman. Composed on the Night after his Recitation of a Poem on the Growah of an individual Mind ..... To a Friend, who had declared his Intention of writing no more Poetry The Nightingale: a Conversation Poem. Writ- ten in April, 1793 ..... Frost at Midnight .... To a Friend, together with an unfinished Poem The Hour when we shall meet again. Composed during Illness and in Absence" . Lines to Joseph Cottle .... IV. Odes and Miscellaneous Poems:— The Three Graves. A Fragment of a Sexton's Tale Dejection. An Ode .... Ode to Georgiana, Dutchess of Devonshire, on the twenty-fourth Stanza in her "Passage over Mount Golhard" .... Ode to Tranquillity .... To a Young Friend, on his proposing to domesti- cate with the Author. Composed in 1796 Lines to W. L. Esq., while he sang a Song to Purcell's Music ..... Addressed to a Young Man of Fortune, who abandoned himself to an indolent and Cuuse- less Melancholy ..... Sonnet to the River Otter Sonnet. Composed on a Journey homeward; the Author having received Intelligence of the Birth of a Son, September 20, 1796 Sonnet. To a Friend, who asked how I felt when the Nurse first presented my Infant to me . The Virgin's Cradle Hymn. Copied from the Print of the Virgin in a Catholic Village in Germany ...... On the Christening of a Friend's Child Epitaph on an Infant Melancholy. A Fragn.ent A Christmas Carol . 521 5-26 526 528 529 53C 531 632 S3fZ 533 533 533 5ai 534 534 b34 535 535 535 535 536 536 537 537 537 538 639 539 540 540 541 542 543 643 &44 644 544 545 543 550 551 551 552 552 552 663 553 553 553 8 CONTENTS. Page Pag- Tell's Birthplace. Imitated from Stolber^ . 554 The Falling Leaf 691 Human Life. On the Denial of Immortal ty . Blank 554 The Adventure of a Star. Addressed to a Young Lady 591 Eleey, imitated from one of Akenside's Make way for Liberty . . . . . 592 Verse Inscriptions , 554 For the first Leaf of a Lady's Album 593 The Visit of the Gods. Imitated from Schiller 554 ThefirstLeafof an Album . . . . 693 Kubla Khan ; or, a Vision in a Dream 555 Time employed, Time enjoyed. Addressed to a The Pains of Sleep 556 Young Lady from whom the Author had re- ceived an elegantly wrought Watch-pocket A Voyage round the World . . . . The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. 594 PartL . S56 594 II. . . . » 557 III 558 IV V. . . , • 559 559 SIR WALTER SCOTT. VI 560 661 VII. .... The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Christabel. Canto I. 598 Part I 563 II. 602 II. . . . 566 Ill 606 Youth and Ase .... The Devil's Thoughts 569 IV 610 569 V 615 Epigrams ..... The Gardenof Boccaccio . 570 VI 620 670 Marmion. A Tale of Flodden Field. Canto I. The Castle . . . . 625 II. The Convent .... 633 MONTGOMERY. m. The Hostel, or Inn IV. The Camp .... 640 647 The Wanderer of Switzerland. V, The Court . . , . . 655 Part I , , 573 VL The Battle .... 665 II. . , , 574 The Lady of the Lake. Ill , , 575 Canto I. The Chaje 677 IV , 577 II. The Island . . . . 683 V. , , 578 in. The Gathering . . . . 690 VI , , 580 IV. The Prophecy . . . . 697 The Grave .... , , 5SJ V. The Combat . . . . 704 Ode to the Volunteers of Britain, on the Prospect of VI. The Guard-room 711 Invasion .... , , 583 The Fire King « . 719 Hannah ..... 684 The Wild Huntsmen .... 720 The Ocean. Written at Scarborough, in the Sum- The Battle of Sempach . . . . 723 merofl805 ^ ^ 584 The Maid of Toro 725 The Common Lot . 586 War Song of the Royal Edinburgh Light Dragoons . 725 The Harp of Sorrow . Pope's Willow .... . . 586 MacGregor's Gathering. Written for Albyn's An- 586 thology ... ... 726 The Swiss Cowherd's Song in a loreign Land. Irail Mackrimmon's Lament . , 726 tated from the French . 587 Pibroch of Donald Dhu. Writtei for Albyn's An- The Dial - 587 thology ...... 727 A Mother's Love , * 588 The Dance of Death .... 727 The Glowworm .... 588 Farewell to the Muse ..... 729 The Oak. Imitated from the Italian of Metastasio 589 Hellvellyn 729 The Widow and the Fatherless . ^ * 589 Wandering Willie . • . 730 Human Life.— Job xiv. . ^ 589 Hunting Sung ..... 730 The Bible .... , , 589 The Bard's Incantation. Written under the Threat The Daisy in India 589 of Invasion, in the Autumn of 1804 730 The Stranger and his Friend , , 590 Romance of Dunois. From the French . 731 Via Crucis, Via Lucis . , , 690 The Troubadour 731 The Ages of Man . , , 591 Carle, now the King's come. Being new Words tc Aspirations of Youth . . . . . 591 an auld Spring ..... 733 WILLIAM FALCONER. William Falconer was a natiT^e of Edinburgh, and went to sea at an early age in a merchant vessel of Leith. He was afterwards mate of a ship that was wrecked in the Levant, and was one of only three out of her crew that were saved, a catastrophe which formed the subject of his future poem. He was for some time in the capacity of a servant to Campbell, the author of Lexiphanes, when purser of a ship. Campbell is said to have discovered in Falconer talents worthy of cultiva- tion, and when the latter distinguished himself as a poet, used to boast that he had been his scholar. What he learned from Campbell it is not very easy to ascertain. His education, as he often assured Governor Hunter, had been confined to reading, writing, and a little arithmetic, though in the course of his life he picked up some acquaintance with the J'rench, Spanish, and Italian languages. In these his countryman was not likely to have much assisted him ; but he might have lent him books, and possibly instructed him in the use of figures. Falconer published his Shipwreck, in 1762, and by the favour of the Duke of York, to whom it was de- dicated, obtained the appointment of a midshipman in the Royal George, and afterwards that of purser in the Glory frigate. He soon afterwards married a Miss Hicks, an accomplished and beautiful wo- man, the daughter of the surgeon of Sheerness yard. At the peace of 1763, he was on the point of being reduced to distressed circumstances by his ship being laid up in ordinary at Chatham, when, by the friendship of Commissioner Hanway, who ordered the cabin of the Glory to be fitted up for his residence, he enjoyed for some time a retreat for study without expense or embarrassment. Here he employed himself in compiling his Marine Dic- tionary, which appeared in 1769, and has been always highly spoken of by those who are capable of estimating its merits. He embarked also in the politics of the day, as a poetical antagonist to Churchill, but with little advantage to his memory. Before the publication of his Marine Dictionary he had left his retreat at Chatham for a less comfort- able abode in the metropolis, and appears to have struggled with considerable difficulties, in the midst of which he received proposals from the late Mr. Murray, the bookseller, to join him in the business which he had newly established. The cause of his refusing this offer was, in all probability, the appointment which he received to the pursership of the Aurora, East Indiaman. In that ship he embarked for India, in Seotember, 1769, but the Aurora was never heard of after she passed the Cape, and was thought to have foundered in the Channel of Mozambique ; so that the poet of the Shipwreck may be supposed to have perished by the same species of calamity which he had rehearsed. The subject of the Shipwreck, and the fate of its author, bespeak an uncommon partiality in its favour. If we pay respect to the ingenious scholar who can produce agreeable verses amidst the shades of retirement, or the shelves of his library, how much more interest must we take in the " ship- boy on the high and giddy mast" cherishing refined visions of fancy at the hour which he may casually snatch from fatigue and danger. Nor did Falconer neglect the proper acquirements of searnanship in cultivating poetry, but evinced considerable know ledge of his profession, both in his Marine Diction- ary and in the nautical precepts of the Shipwreck. In that poem he may be said to have added a con* genial and peculiarly British subject to the lan- guage ; at least, we had no previous poem of any length of which the characters and catastrophe were purely naval. The scene of the catastrophe (though he followed only the fact of his own history) was poetically laid amidst seas and shores where the mind easily gathers romantic associations, and where it sup- poses the most picturesque vicissitudes of scenery and climate. The spectacle of a majestic British ship on the shores of Greece brings as strong a a reminiscence to the mind, as can well be imagined, of the changes which time has wrought in transplanting the empire of arts and civilization. Falconer's characters are few ; but the calm saga- cious commander, and the rough obstinate RocJ- mond, are well contrasted. Some part of ttie love-story of Palemon is rather swainish and pro- tracted, yet the effect of his being involved in the calamity leaves a deeper sympathy in the mind for the daughter of Albert, when we conceive he at once deprived both of a father and a lover. The rncidents of the Shipwreck, like those of a well-wrought tragedy, gradually deepen, while they yet leave a suspense of hope and fear to the imagination. In the final scene there is sometning that deeply touches our compassion in the picture of the unfortunate man who is struck blind by a flash of lightning at the helm. I remember, by- the-way, to have met with an affecting account of the identical calamity befalling the steersman of a forlorn vessel in a similar moment, given in a prose and veracious history of the loss of a vessel on the 10 FALCONER. toast of America. Falconer skilfully heightens this trait by showing its effect on the commisera- tion of l^odmond, the roughest of his characters, who guides the victim of misfortune to lay hold of the shrouds. " A flash, quick glancing on the nerves of light, Struck the pale helmsman with eternal night : Rodmond, who heard a pitious groan behind, '''ouch'd with compassion, gaz'd upon the blind ; And, while around his sad companions crowd, He guides the unhap})y victim to the shroud. Hie thee aloft, my gallant friend ! he cries ; Thy only succour on the mast relies !" The effect of his sea phrases is to give a definite and authentic character to his descriptions , and hi poem has the sensible charm of appearing a tran script of reality, and leaves an impression of trutk and nature on the mind. THE SHIPWRECK. Canto I. , AiRGUMENT. Proposal of the subject. Invocation. Apology. Alle- gorical description of memory. Appeal to her assist- ance. The story begun. Retrospect of the former part of the voyage. The ship arrives at Candia. Ancient state of that island. Present state of the adjacent isles of Greece. The season of the year. Character of the master and his officers. Story of Palemon and Anna. Evening de.scribed. Midnight. Tht ship weighs anchor, and departs from the haven. State of the weather. Morning. Situation of the neighbouring shores. Operation of taking the sun's azimuth. Description of the v«ssel asi seen from the land. The scene is near the city of Candia ; and the time abotU four days and a half. While jarring interests wake the world to arms, And fright the peaceful vale with dire alarms ; While Ocean hears vindictive thunders roll, Along his trembling wave, from pole to pole ; Sick of the scene, where war, with ruthless hand, Spreads desolation o'er the bleeding land ; Sick of the tumult, where the trumpet's breath Bids ruin smile, and drowns the groan of death ! Tis mine, retired beneath this cavern hoar. That stands all lonely on the sea-beat shore, far other themes of deep distress to sing Thdn ever trembled from the vocal string. No pomp of battle swells th' exalted strain, Nor gleaming arms ring dreadful on the plain : But, o'er the scene while pale Remembrance weeps, Fate with fell triumph rides upon the deeps, Here hostile elements tumultuous rise, And lawless floods rebel against the skies ; Till hope expires, and peril and -dismay Wave their black ensigns on the watery way. Immortal train, who guide the maze of song. To whom all science, arts, and arms belong; Who bid the trumpet of eternal fame Exalt the warrior's and the poet's name ! If e'er with trembling hope I fondly stray'd In life's fair morn beneath your hallow'd shade, To hear the sweetly-mournful lute complain, And melt the heart with ecstasy of pain ; Or listen, while th' enchanting voice of love. While all Elysium warbled through the grove ; O ! by the hollow blast that moans around, That sweeps the wild harp with a plaintive sound ; • By the long surge that foams through yonder cave. Whose vaults remurmur to the roaring wave ,• With living colours give my verse to glow, The sad memorial of a tale of wo ? A scene from dumb oblivion to restore. To fame unknown, and new to epic lore ! Alas ; neglected by the sacred Nine, Their suppliant feels no genial ray divine ! Ah ! will they leave Pieria's happy shore, To plough the tide where wintry tempests roar ? Or shall a youth approach their hallow'd fane. Stranger to Phoebus, and the tuneful train ? — Far from the Muses' academic grove, 'Twas his the vast and trackless deep to rovo Alternate change of climates has he known, And felt the fierce extremes of either zone ; Where polar skies congeal th' eternal snow. Or equinoctial suns for ever glow. Smote by the freezing or the scorching blast, " A ship-boy on the high and giddy mast,"* From regiOTis where Peruvian billows roar, To the bleak coast of savage Labrador. From where Damascus, pride of Asian plains ! Stoops her proud neck beneath tyrannic chains. To where the isthraus.t laved by adverse tides. Atlantic and Pacific seas divides. But, while he measured o'er the painful race. In Fortune's wild illimitable chase, Adversity, companion of his way ! Still o'er the victim hung with iron sway ; Bade new distresses every instant grow. Marking each change of place with change of wo In regions where th' Almighty's chastening b^nd With livid pestilence afflicts the land ; Or where pale famine blasts the hopeful year. Parent of want and misery severe ; Orvvhere, all dreadful in th' embattled line, The hostile ships in flaming combat join : Where the torn vessel, wind and wave assail. Till o'er her crew distress and death prevail — Where'er he wander'd thus vindictive Fate Pursued his weary steps with lasting hate .' Roused by her mandate, storms of black arraxy Winter'd the morn of life's advancing day; Relax'd the sinews of the living lyre. And quench'd the kindling spark of vital fire.— Thus while forgotten or unknown he woos, What hope to win the coy, reluctant Muse ? Then let not Censure, with malignant joy. The harvest of his humble hope destroy I His verse no laurel wreath attempts to claim. Nor seulptur'd brass to tell the poet's namo. If terms uncouth, and jarring phrases, wound The softer sense with inharmonious sound. ' Shakspeare. t Dari'jn. Canto 1. THE SHIPWRECK. li Yet here let listening Sympathy prevaih While conscious Truth unfolds her piteous tale ! And lo ! the power that wakes th' eventful song Hastes hither from Lethean banks along: She sweeps the gloom, and rushing on the sight, Spreads o'er the kindling scene propitious light; In her right hand an ample roll appears, Fraught with long annals of preceding years ; With every wise and noble art of man. Since first the circling hours their course began. Her left a silver wand on high display'd, Whose magic touch dispels Oblivion's shade. Pensive her look ,• on radiant wings, that glow Like Juno's birds, or Iris' flaming bow, She sails ; and swifter than the course of light. Directs her rapid intellectual flight. The fugitive ideas she restores, [shores. And calls the wandering thought from Lethe's To things Im.g past a second date she gives. And hoary Time from her fresh youth receives. Congenial sister of immortal Fame, She shares her power, and Memory is her name. O first-born daughter of primeval Time! By whom transmitted down in every clime, The deeds of ages long elapsed are known, And blazon'd glories spread from zone to zone ; Whose breath dissolves the gloom of mental night, And o'er th' obscured idea pours the light ! Whose wing unerring glides through time and place. And trackless scours th' immensity of space ! Say ! on what seas, for thou alone canst tell. What dire mishap a fated ship befell, Assail'd by tempests ! girt with hostile shores! Arise ! approach ! unlock thy treasured stores ! A ship from Egypt, o'er the deep impell'd By guiding winds, her course for Venice held ; Of famed Britannia were the gallant crew, And from that isle her name the vessel drew. The wayward steps of Fortune that delude Full oft to ruin, eager they pursued ; And, dazzled by her visionary glare. Advanced incautious of each fatal snare; Though warn'd full oft the slippery track to shun. Yet Hope, with flattering voice, betray'd them on. Beguiled to danger thus, they left behind The scene of peace, and social joy resign'd. Long absent they, from friends and native home, The cheerless ocern were inured to roam : Yet Heaven, in pity to severe distress. Had crown'd each painful voyage with success ; Still to atone for toils and hazards past. Restored them to maternal plains at last. Thrice had the sun, to rule the varying year Across th' equator roll'd his flaming sphere, Since last the vessel spread her ample sail From Albion's coast, obsequious to the gale. She, o'er the spacious flood, from shore to shore, Unwearying, wafted her commercial store. The richest ports of Afric she had vievv'd. Thence to fair Italy her course pursued ; Had left behind Trinacria's burning isle. And visited the margin of the Nile. And now, that winter deepens round the pole, The circling voyage hastens to its goal, They, blind to Fate's inevitable law. No dark event to blast thsir hope foresaw ; But from gay Venice soon expect to steer For Britain's coast, and dread no perils near. A thousand tender thoughts their souls employ, That fondly dance to scenes of future joy. Thus time elapsed, while o'er the pathless tide. Their ship through Grecian seas the pilots guide. Occasion call'd to touch at Candia's shcvo. Which, bless'd with favouring winds, they soon explore, The haven enter, borne before the gale, Despatch their commerce, and prepare to sail Eternal Powers ! what ruins from afar Mark the fell track of desolating War! Here Art and Commerce, with auspicious reign, Once breathed sweet influence on the happy plain While o'er the lawn, with dance and festive song Young Pleasure led the jocund hours along. In gay luxuriance Ceres too was seen To crown the valleys with eternal green. For wealth, for valour, courted and revered. What Albion is, fair Candia then appear'd. Ah ! who the flight of ages can revoke ? The free-born spirit of her sons is broke ; They bow to Ottoman's imperious yoke ! No longer Fame the drooping heart inspires, For rude Oppression quench'd its genial fires. But still, her fields with golden harvests crown d Supply the barren shores of Greece around. What pale distress aflflicts those wretched isles ; There^hope ne'er dawns, and pleasure never smilei The vassal wretch obsequious drags his chain, And hears his famish'd babes lament in vain. These eyes Have seen the dull reluctant soil A seventh year scorn the weary labourer's toil No blooming Venus, on the desert shore. Now views with triumph captive gods adore: No lovely Helens now, with fatal charms. Call forth th' avenging chiefs of Greece to arms: No fair Penelopes enchant the eye, For whom contending kings are proud to die. Here sullen Beauty sheds a twilight ray, While Sorrow bids her vernal bloom decay. Those charms so long renown'd in classic strains Had dimly shone on Albion's happier plains. Now, in the southern hemisphere, the sun Through the bright Virgin and the Scales had run And on th' ecliptic wheel'd his winding way Till the fierce Scorpion felt his flaming ray. The ship was moor'd beside the wave-worn stranc Four days her anchors bite the golden sand : For sick'ning vapours lull the air to sleep, And not a breeze awakes the silent deep. This, when th' autumnal equinox is o'er. And Phoebus in the north declines no more. The watchful mariner, whom Heaven informs Oft deems the prelude of approaching storms. True to his trust, when sacred duty calls. No brooding storm the master's soul appals , Th' advancing season warns him to the main :— A captive, fetter'd to the oar of gain ! His anxious heart impatient of delay. Expects the winds to sail from Candia's bay, Determined, from whatever point they rise. To trust his fortune to the seas and skies. Thou living Ray of intellectual fire. Whose voluntary gleams my verse inspire ' Ere yet the deep'ning incidents prevail. Till roused attention feel our plaintive tale, Record whom, chief among the gallant crei* Th' unblest pursuit of fortune hither drew IS FALCONER. Canto 1 Can sons of Neptune, generous, brave, and bold, In pain and hazard toil for sordid gold ? They can ! for gold, too oft, with magic art. Subdues each nobler impulse of the heart : This crowns the prosperous villain with applause, To whom, in vain, sad Merit pleads her cause : This strews with roses life's perplexing road. And leads the way to pleasure's blest abode ; With slaughter'd victims fills the weeping plain. And smooths the furrows of the treacherous main. O'er tlie gay vessel, and her daring band, Experienced Albert held the chief command ; Though train'd in boisterous elements, his mind Was yet by soft humanity refined, Each joy of wedded love at home he knew ; Abroad confest the father of his crew ! Brave, liberal, just — the calm domestic scene Had o'er his temper breathed a gay serene : Him Science taught by mystic lore to trace The planets wheeling in eternal race ; To mark the ship in floating balance held. By earth attracted and by seas repell'd ; [known, Or point her devious track through climes un- That leads to every shore and every zone. He saw the moon through heaven's blue concave glide. And into motion charm th' expanding tide ; While earth impetuous round her axle rolls. Exalts her watery zone, and sinks the poles. Light and attraction, from their genial source^ He saw still wandering with diminish'd force : While on the margin of declining day, Niglit's shadowy cone reluctant melts away. — Inured to peril, with unconquer'd soul. The chief beheld tempestuous oceans roll j His genius ever for th' event prepared, Rose with the storm, and all its dangers shared. The second powers and office Rodmond bore : A hardy son of England's furthest shore ! Where bleak Northumbria pours her savage train In sable squadrons o'er the northern main : That with her pitchy entrails stored, resort, A sooty tribe! to fair Augusta's port. Where'er in ambush lurk'd the fatal sands. They claim the danger ; proud of skilful bands ; For while, with darkling course, their vessels sweep The winding shore, or plough the faithless deep. O'er bar* and shelf the watery path they sound With dextrous arm ; sagacious of the ground ! Fearless they combat every hostile wind. Wheeling in mazy tracks with course inclined. Expert to moor, where terrors line the road. Or win the anchor from its dark abode : But drooping and relax'd in climes afar Tumultuous and undisciplined in war. Such Rodmond was ; by learning unrefined, That oft enlightens to corrupt the mind. Boisterous of manners ; train'd in early youth To scenes that shame the conscious cheek of truth. To scenes that Nature's struggling voice control. And freeze compassion rising in the soul ! Where the grim hell-hounds prowling round the shore. With foul intent the stranded bark explore — ' A bar is known, in hydrography, to be a mass of earth or land collected by the surge of the sea, at the entrance of a river or haven, so as to render the navigation diffi- cult, an'I often dangerous. Deaf to the voice of wo, her decks they board. While tardy Justice slumbers o'er her sword — Th' indignant Muse, severely taught to feel, Shrinks from a theme she blushes to reveal ! Too oft example, arm'd with poisons fell. Pollutes the shrine where Mercy loves to dwell Thus Rodmond, train'd by this unhallow'd crew The sacred social passions never knew : Unskill'd to argue, in dispute yet loud ; Bold without caution ; without honours proud : In art unschool'd ; each veteran rule he prized, And all improvement haughtily despised. Vet, though full oft to future perils blind, With skill superior, glow'd his daring mind. Through snares of death the reeling bark to guide When midnight shades involve the raging tide. To Rodmond next, in order of command. Succeeds the youngest of our naval band. But what avails it to record a name That courts no rank among the sons of Fame ? While yet a stripling, oft with fond alarms His bosom danced to Nature's boundless charms. On him fair Science dawn'd in happier hour, Awakening into bloom young Fancy's flower ; But frowning Fortune, with untimely blast. The blossom wither'd and the dawn o'ercast. Forlorn of heart, and by severe decree, Condemn'd reluctant to the faithless sea. With long fiirewell he left the laurel grove, Where science and the tuneful sisters rove. Hither he wander'd, anxious to explore, Antiquities of nations now no more ; To penetrate each distant realm unknown, And range excursive o'er th' untravell'd zone In vain — for rude Adversity's command, Still on the margin of each famous land. With unrelenting ire his steps opposed, And every gate of Hope against him closed. Permit my verse, ye blest Pierian train, To call Arion this ill-fated syvain ! For, like that bard unhappy, on his head. Malignant stars their hostile influence shed. Both in lamenting numbers o'er the deep. With conscious anguish taught the harp to weep And both the raging surge in safety bore Amid destruction panting to the shore. This last, our tragic story from the wave Of dark Oblivion haply yet may save : With genuine sympathy may yet complain, While sad Remembrance bleeds at every rein. Such were the pilots — tutor'd to divins Th' untravell'd course by geometric line ; Train'd to command and range the varioua sail. Whose various force conforms to every gale. Charged with the commerce, hither also came A gallant youth : Palemon was his name ; A father's stern resentment doom'd to prove, He came the victim of unhappy love ! His heart for Albert's beauteous daughter bled ; For her a secret flame his bosom fed. Nor let the wretched slaves of Folly scorn This genuine passion, Nature's eldest born I 'Twas his with lasting anguish to complain. While blooming Anna mourn'd the cause in v^ Graceful of form, by Nature taught to please Of power to melt the female breast with ease To her Palemon told his tender tale. Soft as the voice of Summer's evening gale Canto L THE SHIPWRECK. in O'erjoy'd, he saw her lovely eyes relent : The blushing maiden smiled with sweet consent. Oft in the mazes of a neighbouring grove, Unheard, they breathed alternate vows of love: By fond society their passion grew. Like the young blossom fed with vernal dew. In evil hour th' officious tongue of Fame Betray'd the secret of their mutual flame. With grief and anger struggling in his breast, Palemon's father heard the tale confest. Long had he listen'd with Suspicion's ear, And learnt, sagacious, this event to fear. Too well, fair youth ! thy liberal heart he knew ; A heart to Nature's warm impressions true! Full oft his wisdom strove, with fruitless toil, With avarice to pollute that generous soil: That soil impregnated with nobler seed, Refused the culture of so rank a weed. Elate with wealth, in active commerce won. And basking in the smile of Fortune's sun, With scorn the parent eyed the lowly shade That veil'd the beauties of this charming maid : Indignant he rebuked th' enamoured boy. The flattering promise of his future joy! He soothed and menaced, anxious to reclaim This hopeless passion, or divert its aim: Oft led the youth where circling joys delight The ravish'd sense, or beauty charms the sight. With all her powers, enchanting Music fail'd. And Pleasure's syren voice no more prevail'd. The merchant, kindling then with proud disdain. In look and voite assumed a harsher strain ; In absence now his only hope remain'd; And such the stern decree his will ordain'd. Deep anguish, while Palemon heard his doom, Drew o'er his lovely face a saddening gloom- In vain with bitter sorrow he repined, No tender pity touch'd that sordid mind : To thee, brave Albert, was the charge consign'd. The stately ship, forsaking England's shore. To regions far remote Palemon bore. Incapable of change, th' unhappy youth Still loved fair Anna with eternal truth: From clime to clime an exile doom'd to roam, His heart still panted for its secret home. The moon had circled twice her wayward zone To him since young Arion first was known ; Who, wandering here through many a scene re- in Alexandria's port the vessel found ; [nown'd. Where, anxious to review his native shore, He on the roaring wave embark'd once more. Oft, by pale Cynthia's melancholy light. With him Palemon kept the watch of night! In whose sad bosom many a sigh isuppress'd. Some painful secret of the soul conress'd. Perhaps Arion soon the cause divined, Though shunning still to probe a wounded mind : He felt the chastity of silent wo, Though glad the balm of comfort to bestow ; He, with Palemon, oft recounted o'er The tales of hapless love, in ancient lore, Recall'd to memory by th' adjacent shore. The scene thus present, and its story known. The lover sigh'd for sorrows not his own. Thus, though a recent date their friendship bore. Soon the ripe metal own'd the quickening ore ; For in one tide their passions seem'd to roll, By kindred age and sympathy of soul. These o'er th' inferior naval train preside. The course determine, or the commerce guide: O'er all the rest, an undistinguish'd crew. Her wing of deepest shade Oblivion drew. A sullen languor still the skies opprest. And held th' unwilling ship in strong arrest High in his chariot glow 'd the lamp of day, O'er Ida, flaming with meridian ray: Relax'd from toil, the sailors range the shore. Where famine, war, and storm are felt no more t The hour to social pleasure they resign, And black remembrance drown in generous wine. On deck, beneath the shading canvass spread, Redmond a rueful tale of wonders read. Of dragons roaring on th' enchanted coast. The hideous goblin, and the yelling ghost — But with Arion from the sultry heat Of noon, Palemon sought a cool retreat. And lo ! the shore with mournful prospects crown'd i* The rampart torn with many a fatal wound ; The ruin'd bulwark tottering o'er the strand ; Bewail the stroke of War's tremendous hand. What scenes of wo this hapless isle o'erspread ! Where late thrice fifty thousand warriors bled. Full twice twelve summers were yon tow'rs assail'd Till barbarous Ottoman at last prevail'd ; While thundering mines the lovely plains o'erturn'd. While heroes fell, and domes and temples burn'd But now before them happier scenes arise . Elysian vales salute their ravish'd eyes : Olive and cedar form'd a grateful shade. Where light with gay romantic error stray'd. The myrtles here with fond caresses twine ; There, rich with nectar, melts the pregnant vine. And lo ! the stream renown'd in classic song, Sad Lethe, glides the silent vale along. On mossy banks, beneath the citron grove. The youthful wand'rers found a wild alcove : Soft o'er the fairy region Languor stole. And with sweet Melancholy charm'd the soul. Here first Palemon, while his pensive mind For consolation on his friend reclined. In Pity's bleeding bosom pour'd the stream Of love's soft anguish, and of grief supreme — Too true thy words ! by sweet remembrance taught My heart in secret bleeds with tender thought : In vain it courts the solitary shade. By every action, every look betray'd ! — The pride of generous wo disdains appeal To hearts that unrelenting frosts congeal. Yet sure, if right Palemon can divine, The sense of gentle pity dwells in thine. Yes ! all his cares thy sym^pathy shall know, And prove the kind companion of his wo. Albert thou know'st with skill and science graced In humble station though by Fortune placed. Yet never seaman more serenely brave Led Britain's conquering squadrons o'er the wave. Where full in view Augusta's spires are seen. With flowery lawns and waving woods between, A peaceful dwelling stands in modest pride, Where Thames, slow-winding, rolls his ample tide. * The intelligent reader will readily discover, that these remarks allude to the ever memorable siege of Candia, which was taken from the Venetians by the Turks, in 1CG9 ; being then considered as impregnable, and esteem ed the most formidable fortress in the universe. 14 FALCONER. Canto 1 There live the hope and pleasure of his life, 4 pious daughter, with a faithful wife. For his return, with fond officious care, Still every grateful object these prepare; Whatever can allure the smell or sight. Or wake the drooping spirits to delight. This blooming maid in virtue's path to guide. Her anxious parents all their cares applied : Her spotless soul, where soft Compassion reign'd, No vice untuned, no sick'ning folly stained. Not fairer grows the lily of the vale, Whose bosom opens to the vernal gale : Her eyes, unconscious of their fatal charms, Thrill'd every heart with exquisite alarms ; Her face, in Beauty's sweet attraction dress'd. The smile of maiden-innocence express'd ,• While Health, that rises with the new-born day. Breathed o'er her cheek the softest blush of May. Still in her look complacence smiled serene ; She moved the charmer of the rural scene. 'Twas at that season when the fields resume Their loveliest hues, array'd in vernal bloom ; yon ship, rich freighted from th' Italian shore. To Thames' fair banks her costly tribute bore : While thus my father saw his ample hoard. From this return, with recent treasures stored. Me, with affairs of commerce charged, he sent To Albert's humble mansion ; soon I went — Too soon, alas ! unconscious of th' event — There, struck with sweet surprise and silent awe, The gentle mistress of my hopes I saw : There wounded first by Love's resistless arms, My glowing bosom throbb'd with strange alarms. My ever charming Anna ! who alone Can all the frowns of cruel fate atone ; O! while all-conscious Memory holds her power. Can 1 forget that sweetly-painful hour. When from those eyes, with lovely lightning fraught. My fluttering spirits first th' infection caught: When as I gazed, my fault'ring tongue betray'd The heart's quick tumults, or refused its aid ; While the dim light my ravish'd eyes forsook. And every limb, unstrung with terror, shook ! With all her powers dissenting Reason strove To tame at first the kindling flame of Love ; She strove in vain ! subdued by charms divine, My soul a victim fell at Beauty's shrine. — Oft from the din of bustling life I stray'd. In happier scenes to see my lovely maid. Full oft, where Thames his wand'ring current leads, We roved at evening hour through flowery meads. There, while my heart's soft anguish I reveal'd, To her with tender sighs my hope appeal'd. While the sweet nymph my faithful tale believed. Her snowy breast with secret tumult heaved ; For, train'd in rural scenes from earliest youth Nature was hers, and innocence, and truth. She never knew the city damsel's art. Whose frothy ' pertness charms the vacant heart! My suit prevail'd ; for Love inform'd my tongue. And on his votary's lips persuasion hung. Her eyes with conscious sympathy withdrew, And o'er her cheek the rosy current flew. — Thrice happy hours ! where, with no dark allay. Life's fairest sunshine gilds the vernal day ! For here, the sigh that soft Aflfection heaves. From stings of sharper wo the soul relieves. Elysian scenes, too happy lonf to last ! Too soon a storm the smiling dawn o'ercast ! Too soon some demon to my father bore The tidings that his heart with anguish tore.— My pride to kindle, with dissuasive voice. Awhile he labour'd to degrade my choice ; Then, in the whirling wave of Pleasure, sought From its loved object to divert my'thought. With equal hope he might attempt to bind, In chains of adamant, the lawless wind : For Love had aim'd the fatal shaft too sure ; Hope fed the wound, and absence knew no cute. With alienated look, each art he saw Still baffled by superior Nature's law. His anxious mind on various schemes revolved ; At last on cruel exile he resolved. The rigorous doom was fixed ! alas ! how vain To him of tender anguish to complain ! His soul, that never Love's sweet influence felt By social sympathy could never melt ; With stern command to Albert's charge he gave, To waft Palemon o'er the distant wave. The ship was laden and prepared to sail. And only waited now the leading gale. 'Twas ours, in that sad period first to prove The heartfelt torments of despairing love : Th' impatient wish that never feels repose. Desire that with perpetual current flows ; The fluctuating pangs of hope and fear ; Joy distant still, and sorrow ever near ! Thus, while the pangs of thought severer grew. The western breezes inauspicious blew, Hastening the moment of our last adieu. The vessel parted on the falling tide ; Yet Time one sacred hour to Love supplied. The night was silent, and, advancing fast. The moon o'er Thames her silver mantle cast ; Impatient hope the midnight path explored. And led me to the nymph my soul adored. Soon her quick footsteps struck my listening ear; She came confest ! the lovely maid drew near ! But ah ! what force of language can impart Th' impetuous joy that glow'd in either heart ! — O ! ye, whose melting hearts are form'd to prove The trembling ecstasies of genuine love ! When, with delicious agony, the thought Is to the verge of high delirium wrought ; Your secret sympathy alone can tell What raptures then the throbbing bosom swell , O'er all the nerves what tender tumults roll, While love with sweet enchantment melts th« soul! In transport lost, by trembling hope imprest, The blushing virgin sunk upon my breast ; While hers congenial beat with fond alarms; Dissolving softness ! paradise of charms ! Flash'd from our eyes, in warm transfusion flew Our blending spirits, that each other drew! O bliss supreme ! where Virtue's self can melt With joys that guilty Pleasure never felt . Form'd to refine the thought with chaste desire. And kindle sweet Affection's purest fire ! Ah ! wherefore should rny hopeless love, she crie« While sorrow burst with interrupting sighs. For ever destined to lament in vain. Such flattering fond ideas entertain ? My heart through scenes of fair illusion stray'd To joys decreed for some superior maid Canto 1. THE SHIPWRECK. U Tis mine to feel the sharpest stings of Grief, Where never gentle hopes afford relief Go then, dear youth ! thy father's rage atone ! And let this tortured bosom beat alone ! The hovering anger yet thou may'st appease ; Go then, dear youth ! nor tempt the faithless seas ! Find out some happier daughter of the town, With Fortune's fairer joys thy love to crown ; Where smiling o'er thee with indulgent ray, Prosperity shall hail each new-born day. Too well thou know'st good Albert's niggard fate, 111 fitted to sustain thy father's hate ! Go then, I charge thcB, by thy gen'rous love, That fatal to my father thus may prove : On me alone let dark Affliction fall, Whose heart for thee will gladly suffer all. Then, haste thee hence, Palemon, ere too late, Nor rashly hope to brave opposing Fate ! She ceased ; while anguish in her angel face O'er all her beauties shower'd celestial grace : Not Helen, in her bridal charms array'd, Was half so lovely as this gentle maid. O soul of all my wishes I I replied. Can that soft fabric stem Affliction's tide ! Canst thou, fair emblem of exalted Truth I To Sorrow doom the summer of thy youth ; And I, perfidious ! all that sweetness see Consign'd to lasting misery for me ? Sooner this moment may th' eternal doom Palemon in the silent earth entomb ! Attest, thou Moon, fair regent of the night ! Whose lustre sickens at this mournful sight ; By all the pangs divided lovers feel, • That sweet possession only knows to heal I By all the horrors brooding o'er the deep ! Where Fate and Ruin sad dominion keep ; Though tyrant duty o!er me threat'ning stands And claims obedience to her stern commands; Should Fortune cruel or auspicious prove, Her smile or frown shall never change my love ! My heart, that now must every joy resign, Incapable of change, is only thine I — O cease to weep ! this storm will yet decay, And these sad clouds of Sorrow melt away. While through the rugged path of life we go. All mortals taste the bitter draught of wo : The famed and great, decreed to equal pain. Full oft in splendid wretchedness complain. For this Prosperity, with brighter ray. In smiling contrast gilds our vital day. Thou too, sweet maid I ere twice ten months are o'er Shalt hail Palemon to his native shore, Where never Interest shall divide us more. Her struggling soul, o'erwhelm'd with tender grief Now found an interval of short relief; So melt? the surface of the frozen stream, Beneath ".he wintry sun's departing beam. With warning has'.e the shades of night withdrew, And gave the signal of a sad adieu I As on my neck th' aflilctej maiden hung, A thousand racking doubts her spirit wrung* She wept the terrors of the fearful wave. Too oft, alas ! the wandering lover's grave ! Witli soft persuasion I dispell'd her fear. And from her cheek beguiled the falling tear, While dying fondness languish'd in her eyes, She pour'd her soul to heaven in syppliant sighs — Look down with pity, O ye Powers above! Who hear the sad complaints of bleeding Love! Ye, who the secret laws of Fate explore. Alone can tell if he returns no more: Or if the hour of future joy remain, Long-wish'd atonement of long-suffer'd pain I Bid every guardian minister attend, And from all ill the much-loved youth defend . — With grief o'erwhelm'd, we parted twice ii vain, And, urged by strong attraction, met again. At last, by cruel Fortune torn apart. While tender passion stream'd in either heart , Our eyes transfix'd with agonizing look. One sad farewell, one last embrace we took. Forlorn of hope the lovely maid I left. Pensive and pale, of every joy bereft: She to her silent couch retired to weep. While her sad swain embark'd upon the deep. His tale thus closed, from sympathy of grief, Palemon's bosom felt a sweet relief The hapless bird, thus ravished from the skies, Where all forlorn his loved companion flies, In secret long bewails his cruel fate, With fond remembrance of his winged mate: Till grown familiar with a foreign train. Composed at length, his sadly warbling strain, In sweet oblivion charms the sense of pain. Ye tender maids, in whose pathetic souls Compassion's sacred stream impetuous rolls; Whose warm affections exquisitely feel Thb secret wound you tremble to reveal ! Ah ! may no wand'rer of the faithless main Pour through your breast the soft delicious bane May never fatal tenderness approve The fond effusions of their ardent love. O! warn'd by friendship's coimsel, learn to shiin The fatal path where thousands are undone ! Now as the youths, returning o'er the plam, Approach'd the lonely margin of the main. First, with attention roused, Arion eyed The graceful lover, form'd in Nature's pride. His frame the happiest symmetry display'd ; And locks of waving gold his neck array'd ; In every look the Paphian graces shine. Soft-breathing o'er his cheek their bloom divine. With lighten'd heart he smiled serenely gay, Like young Adonis or the son of May; Not Cytherea from a fairer swain Received her apple on the Trojan plain ! The sun's bright orb, decliniug all serene, Now glanced obliquely o'er the woodland scentt Creation smiles around ; on every spray The warbling birds exalt their evening lay. Blithe skipping o'er yon hill, the fleecy train Join the deep chorus of the lowing plain : The golden lime and orange there were seen. On fragrant branches of perpetual green. The crystal streams, that velvet meadows lave To the green ocean roll with chiding wave. The glassy ocean, hush'd, forgets to roar, But trembling murmurs on the sandy shore : And lol his surface, lovely to behold. Glows in the west, a sea of living gold ! While all above, a thousand liveries gay. The skies with pomp ineflEable array, Arabian sweets perfume the happy plains : Above, beneath, around, enchantment reignt i6 FALCONER. Canto 1, While yet the shades, on Time's eternal scale. With long vibration deepen o'er the vale ; While yet the songsters of the vocal grove. With dying numbers tune the soul to love ; With joyful eyes th' attentive master sees Th' auspicious omens of an eastern breeze — Now radiant Vesper leads the starry train, And Night slow draws her veil o'er land and main. Round the charged bowl the sailors form a ring, By turns recount the wondrous tale, or sing ; As love or battle, hardships of the main. Or genial wine, awake the homely strain : Then some the watch of night alternate keep, The rest lie buried in oblivious sleep. Deep midnight now involves the livid skies, While infant breezes from the shore arise. The waning moon, behind a watery shroud, Pale glimmer'd o'er the long-protracted cloud; A mighty ring around her silver throne. With parting meteors cross'd portentous shone. This in the troubled sky full oft prevails ; Oft deem'd a signal of tempestuous gales. — While young Arion sleeps, before his sight Tumultuous swim the visions of the night. Now blooming Anna, with her happy swain, Approach'd the sacred Hymeneal fane, Anon, tremendous lightnings flash between, And funeral pomp and weeping loves are seen . Now with Palemon up a rocky steep Whose summit trembles o'er the roaring deep, With painful step he clirab'd ; while far above Sweet Anna charm'd them with the voice of love, Then sudden from the slippery height they fell. While dreadful yawn'd beneath the jaws of hell. — Amid this fearful trance, a thundering sound He hears — and thrice the hollow decks rebound. Upstarting from his couch on deck he sprung ; Thrice with shrill note the boatswain's whistle rung. All hands unmoor! proclaims a boisterous cry; All hands unmoor ! the cavern'd rocks reply ! Roused from repose aloft the sailors swarm. And with their levers soon the windlass arm.* The order given, iipspringing with a bound. They lodge the bars, and wheel their engine round ; At every turn the clanging pauls resound, Uptorn reluctant from its oozy cave. The ponderous anchor rises o'er the wave : Along their slippery masts the yards ascend. And high in air the canvass wings extend : Redoubling cords the lofty canvass guide, And through inextricable mazes glide. The lunar rays with long reflection gleam. To light the vessel o'er the silver stream : Along the glassy plain serene she glides. While azure radiance trembles on her sides From east to north the transient breezes play. And in th' Egyptian quarter soon decay. A calm ensues ; they dread th' adjacent shore ; The boats with rowers arm'd are sent before : With cordage fasten'd to the lofty prow. Aloof to sea the stately ship they tow.t The nervous crew their sweeping oars extend. And pealing shouts the shore of Candia rend. Success attends their skill ; the danger's o'er : The port is doubled and beheld no more. Now Morn, her lamp pale glimmering on the sight Scatter'd before her van reluctant Night. She comes not in refulgent pomp array'd, But sternly frowning, wrapt in sullen shade. Above incumbent vapours, Ida's height, Tremendous rock ! emerges on the sight. North-east the guardian isle of Standia lies. And westward Freschin's woody capes arise. With winning postures, now the wanton sails Spread all their snares to charm th' inconstant gales The swelling stud-sails* now their wings extend, Then stay-sails sidelong to the breeze ascend : While all to court the wandering breeze are placed With yards now thwarting, now obliquely braced The dim horizon lowering vapours shroud. And blot the sun, yet struggling in the cloud : Through the wide atmosphere, condensed with ♦ haze. His glaring orb emits a sanguine blaze. The pilots now their rules of art apply. The mystic needle's devious aim to try. The compass, placed to catch the rising ray,t The quadrant's shadows studious they survey ! Along the arch the gradual index slides. While Phoebus down the vertic circle glides. Now, seen on Ocean's utmost yerge to swim. He sweeps it vibrant with his nether limb. Their sage experience thus explores the height And polar distance of the source of light : Then through the chiliads triple maze they trac« Th' analogy that proves the magnet's place The wayward steel, to truth thus reconciled, No more th' attentive pilot's eye beguiled. The natives, while the ship departs the land, Ashore with admiration gazing stand. Majestically slow, before the breeze. In silent pomp she marches on the seas ; Her milk-white bottom cast a softer gleam, While trembling through the green translucen stream. The wales,t that close above in contrast shone, Clasp the long fabric with a jetty zone. Britannia, riding awful on the prow. Gazed o'er the vassal wave that roll'd below : Where'er she moved the vassal waves were seen To yield obsequious and confess their queen. Th' imperial trident graced her dexter hand. Of power to rule the surge, like Moses' wand, * The windlass is a sort of large roller, used to wind In the cable, or heave up the anchor. It is turned about vertically by a number of long bars or levers; in which operation, it is prevented from recoiling, by the T»auls. t Towing is the operation of drawing a ship forward, by means of ropes, extending from her fore part to one ft more of the boats rowing before her. • Studding-sails are long, narrow sails, which are only used in line weather and fair winds, on the outside of the larger square sails. Stay-sails are three-cornered sails, which are hoisted up on the stays, when the wind crosses the ship's course either directly or obliquely. t The operation of taking the sun's azimuth, in order to discover the eastern or western variation of the mag- netic needle. ;The wales, hexe alluded to, are an assemblage of strong planks which envelope the lower part of the ship's side, wherein they are broader and thicker than the rest, and appear somewhat like a range of hoops, which sep* rates the bottom from the upper works. Canto 11. THE SHIPWRECK. 11 Th' eternal empire of the main to keep, And guide her squadrons o'er the trembling deep. Her left, propitious, bore a mystic shield, Around whose margin rolls the watery field : There her bold Genius, in his floating car. O'er the wild billow hurls the storm of war— And lo ! the beast that oft with jealous rage In bloody combat met from age to age, Tamed into Union, yoked in Friendship's chain. Draw his proud chariot round the vanquish'd main. From the broad margin to the centre grew Shelves, rocks, and whirlpools, hideous to the view I — Th' immortal shield from Neptune she received. When first her head above the waters heaved. Loose floated o'er her limbs an azure vest ; A figured scutcheon glitter'd on her breast ; There, from one parent soil, for ever young. The bloommg rose and hardy thistle sprung : Around her head an oaken wreath was seen. Inwove with laurels of unfading green. Such was the sculptured prow — from van to rear Th' artillery frown'd, a black tremendous tier! Embalm'd with orient gum, above the wave. The swelling sides a yellow radiance gave. On the broad stern a pencil warm and bold, That never servile rules of art controU'd, An allegoric tale on high portray'd, Tnere a young hero, here a royal maid. Fair England's genius in the youth exprest. Her ancient foe, but now her friend confest. The warlike nymph with fond regard survey'd : No more his hostile frown her heart dismay'd. His look, that once shot terror from afar, Like young Alcides, or the god of war. Serene as summer's evening skies she saw ; Serene, yet firm ; though mild, impressing awe. Her nervous arm, inured to toils severe. Brand ish'd th' unconquer'd Caledonian spear. The dreadful falchion of the hills she wore, Sung to the harp in many a tale of yore. That oft her rivers dyed with hostile gore. Blue W'as her rocky shield ; her piercing eye Flash'd like the meteors of her native sky; Hercrest, high- plumed, was rough with many a scar, And o'er her helmet gleam'd the northern star. The warrior j'^outh appear'd of noble frame, The hardy oflTspring of some Runic dame : Loose o'er his shoulders hung the slacken'd bow, Renown'd in song — the terror of the foe I The sword, that oft the barbarous north defied, The scourge of tyrants ! glitter'd by his side. Clad in refulgent arms, in battle won, The George emblazon'd on his corslet shone. Fast by his side was seen a golden lyre, Pregnant with numbers of eternal fire : Whose strings unlock the witches' midnight spell. Or waft rapt Fancy through the gulfs of hell — Struck with contagion, kindling Fancy hears The songs of heaven, the music of the spheres ! Borne on Newtonian wing, through air she flies, Where other suns to other systems rise ! — These front the scene conspicuous — over head Albion's proud oak his filial branches spread ; While on the sea-beat shore obsequious stood, Beneath their feet, the father of the flood ; Here, the bold native of her cliflS above, Perch'd by the martial maid the bird of Jove ; YoL. in.— 2 There, on the watch, sagacious of his prey. With eyes of fire, an English mastiflT lay. Yonder fair Commerce stretch'd her winged sail; Here frown'd the god that wakes the living gale- High o'er the poop, the fluttering wings unfurl'd Th' imperial flag that rules the watery world. Deep blushing armours all the tops invest. And warlike trophies either quarter drest; fhigh", Then tower'd the masts ; the canvass swell'd on And waving streamers floated in the sky. Thus the rich vessel moves in trim array, Like some fair virgin on her bridal day. Thus, like a swan she cleaves the watery plain; The pride and wonder of the .^gean main. Caxto II. ARGUMENT. Reflection on leaving the land. The gale continues. A water-spout. Beauty of a dying dolphin. The ship's progress along the shore. Wind strengthens. The sails reduced. A shoal of porpoises. Last appear- ance of Cape Spado. Sea rises. A squall. The salla further diminished. Mainsail split. Ship bears away before the wind. Again hauls upon the wind. An- other mainsail fitted to the yard. The gale still in- creases. Topsails furled. Topgallant yards sent down. Sea enlarges. Sunset. Courses reefed. Four seaman lost off the lee main yard-arm. Anxiety of the pilots from their dangerous situation. Resolute behaviour of the sailors. The ship labours in great distress. The artillery thrown overboard. Dismal appearance of the weather. Very high and dangerous sea. Severe fatigue of the crew. Consultation and resolution of the officers. Speech and advice of Albert to the crew. Necessary disposition to veer before the wind. Disappointment in the proposed effect. New dispositions equally unsuccessful. The mizen maat cut away. The scene lies in the sea, bttwun Cape Freschin,in Candia, and Iki Island of Falconera, which it nearly twelve leagua northward «f Cape Spado.— The time is from nine «n the morning till one o'clttii of the following morning. Adieu, ye pleasures of the rural scene, Where peace and calm contentment dwell serene! To me, in vain, on earth's prolific soil. With summer crown'd th' Elysian valleys smile I To me those happier scenes no joy impart, But tantalize with hope my aching heart. For these, alas ! reluctant I forego, To visit storms and elements of wo ! Ye tempests ! o'er my head congenial roll, To suit the mournful music of my soul ! In black progression, lo! they hover near — Hail, social Horrors ! like my fate severe ! Old Ocean, hail ! beneath whose azure zone The secret deep lies unexplored, unknown. Approach, ye brave companions of the sea. And fearless view this awful scene with me ! Ye native guardians of your country's laws Ye bold assertors of her sacred cause ! The muse invites you, judge if she depart. Unequal, from the precepts of your art In practice train'd, and conscious of her power. Her steps intrepid meet the trying hour. O'er the smooth bosom of the faithless tides, Propell'd by gentle gales, the vessel glides. Rodmond, exulting, felt th' auspicious wind. And by a mystic charm its aim confined. — The thoughts of home, that o'er his fancy roll. With trembling joy dilate Palemon's soul : IS FALCONER. Canto II, Hope lifts his heart, before whose vivid ray Distress recedes, and danger melts away. Already Britain's parent cliffs arise, And in idea greet his longing eyes ! Each amorrus sailor too, with heart elate. Dwells on the beauties of his gentle mate. E'en they th' impressive dart of Love can feel. Whose stubborn souls are sheathed in triple steel Nor less o'erjoy'd, perhaps with equal truth, Each faithful maid expects th' approaching youth. In distant bosoms equal ardours glow ; And mutual passions mutual joy bestow. — Tall Ida's summit now more distant grew, And Jove's high hill was rising on the view; When, from the left approaching, they descry • A liquid column, towering, shoot on high : The foaming base an angry whirlwind sweeps. Where curling billows rouse the fearful deeps : Still round and round the fluid vortex flies, Scattering dun night and horror through the skies. The swift volution and th' enormous train Let sages versed in Nature's lore explain ! The horrid apparition still draws nigh, ' And white with foam the whirling surges fly , The guns were primed — the vessel northward veers. Till her black battery on the column bears. The nitre fired ; and while the dreadful sound. Convulsive, shook the slumbering air around. The watery volume, trembling to the sky, Burst down the dreadful deluge from on high ; Th' affrighted surge, recoiling as it fell. Rolling in hills disclosed th' abyss of hell. But soon this transient undulation o'er. The sea subsides, the whirlwinds rage no more. While southward now th' increasing breezes veer. Dark clouds incumbent on their wings appear. In front they view the consecrated grove Of Cypress, sacred once to Cretan Jove. The thirsty canvass, all around supplied. Still drinks unquench'd the full aerial tide ; And now, approaching near the lofty stern, A shoal of sportive dolphins they discern. From burnish'd scales they beam'd refulgent rays, Till all the glowing ocean seems to blaze. Soon to the sport of death the crew repair. Dart the long lance, or spread the baited snare. One in redoubling mazes wheels along. And glides, unhappy ! near the triple prong. Rodmond, unerring, o'er his head suspends The barbed steel, and every turn attends. Unerring aim'd the missile weapon flew. And, plunging, struck the fated victim through. Th' upturning points his ponderous bulk sustain ; On deck he struggles with convulsive pain. But while his heart the fatal javelin thrills And flitting life escapes in sanguine rills. What radiant changes strike th' astonished sight ! What glowing hues of mingled shade and light! NX cjual beauties gild the lucid west. With parting beams all o'er profusely drest; Not lovelier colours paint the vernal dawn, When orient dews impearl th' enamell'd lawn. Than from his sides in bright sufflasion flow. That now with gold empyreal seem'd to glow ; Now in pellucid sapphires meet the view, 4.nd emulate the soft celestial hue ; Now beam a flaming crimson on the eye ; And now assume the purple's deeper dye. But hpre description clouds each shining ray — What terms ol Art can Nature's powers display ? Now, while on high the freshening gale sne feel« The ship beneath her lofty pressure reels. Th' auxiliar sails that court a gentle breeze. From their high stations sink by slow degrees. The watchful ruler of the helm no more With fix'd attention eyes th adjacent shore ; But by the oracle of truth below. The wondrous magnet, guides the wayward prow— The wind, that still th' impressive canvjiss sweli'd Swift and more swift the yielding bark impell'd. Impatient thus she glides along the coast. Till, far behind, the hill of Jove is lost: And while aloof from Retimo she steers, Malacha's foreland full in front appears. Wide o'er yon isthmus stands the cypress grove That once enclosed the hallow'd fane of Jove. Here too, memorial of his name! is found A tomb, in marble ruins on the ground. This gloomy tyrant, whose triumphant yoke The trembling states around to slavery broke ; Through Greece, for murder, rape, and incest known. The muses raised to high Olympus throne.— For oft, alas ! their venal strains adorn The prince whom blushing Virtue holds in scorn. Still Rome and Greece record his endless fame. And hence yon mountain yet retains his name. But see ! in confluence borne before the blast, Clouds roli'd on clouds the dusky noon o'ercast ; The blackening ocean curls ; the winds arise ; And the tlark scud* in swift succession flies. While the swoln canvass bends the masts on higt Low in the wave the leeward cannon lie,t The sailors now, to give the ship relief. Reduce the topsails by a single reef | Each lofty yard with slacken'd cordage reels, Rattle the creaking blocks and ringing wheels. Down the tall masts the topsails sink amain ; And, soon reduced, assume their post again. More distant grew receding Candia's shore; And southward of the west Cape Spado bore. Four hours the sun his high meridian throne Had left, and o'er Atlantic regions shone : Still blacker clouds, that all the skies invade, Draw o'er his sullied orb a dismal ehade. A squall deep lowering blots the southern sky, Before whose boisterous breath the waters fly. Its weight the topsails cag no more sustain : • Reef topsails, reef!' the boatswain calls again ! * Scud is a name given by seamen to the lowest clouda, which are driven with great rapidity along the atmo- sphere, in squally or tempestuous weather. t When the wind crosses a ship's course, either directly or obliquely, that side of the ship upon which it acts, is called the weather side : and the opposite one, which is then pressed downwards, is called the lee side. Hence all the rigging and furniture of the ship are, at thia time, distinguished by the side, on which they are situ- ated; as the lee cannon, the lee braces, the weather braces, &c. X Tlie topsails are large square sails, of the second degree in height and magnitude. Reefs arc certain divisions or spaces by which the principal sails are re- duced when the wind increases; and again enlarged proportionably, when its ibrce abates. /ANTO II. THE SHIPWRECK. VJ The haliards* and top-bow-linest soon are gone, To clue-linesl and reef-tackles next they run : The shivering sails descend ; and now they square The yards, while ready sailors mount in air. The w.eather-earings^ and the lee they past ; The reefs enroll'd, and every point made fast. Their task above thus finish'd, they descend, And vigilant th' approaching squall attend. It comes resistless ; and with foaming sweep, Upturns the whitening surface of the deep. In such a tempest, borne to deeds of death, The w ay ward sisters scour the blasted heath. With ruin pregnant now the clouds impend. And storm and cataract tumultuous blend. Deep on her side the reeling vessel lies — "Brail up the mizen,!l quick!" the master cries, " Mar. the clue-garnets IIT let the main sheet fly !"** The boisterous squall still presses from on high, And swift, and fatal, as the lightning's course. Through the torn mainsail bursts with thundering force, While the rent canvass flutter'd in the wind. Still on her flank the stooping bark inclined. — ' Bear up the helmtt a-weather !" Rodmond cries ; Swift, at the word, the helm a-weather flies. The prow, w^ith secret instinct veers apace : And now the foresail right athwart they brace ; With equal sheets restrain'd, the bellying sail Spreads a broad concave to the sweeping gale. While o'er the foam the ship impetuous flies, Th' attentive timoneertf the helm applies. As in pursuit along the aerial way. With ardent eye the falcon marks his prey. • Haliards are either single ropes or tackles, by which the sails are hoisted up and lowered, when the sail is to be extended or reduced. t Bow-lines are ropes extended to keep the windward edge of the sail steady, and to prevent it from shaking in an unfavourable wind. I Clue-lines are ropes used to truss up the clues, or lower corners of the principal sails to their respective yards, particularly when the sail is to be close reefed or furled. — Reef-tackles are ropes employed to facilitate the operation of reefing, by confining the extremities of the reef close up to the yard, so that the interval becomes slack, and is therefore easily rolled up and fastened to the yard by the points employed for this purpose. § Barings are small cords, by which the upper corners of the principal sails, and also the extremities of the reefs, are fastened to the yard-arms. E The mizen is a large sail of an oblong figure, extended npon the mizen masi. II Clue garnets are employed for the same purposes on the mainsail and foresail, as the clue-lines are upon all other square sails. See note +, above. •• It is necessary in this place to remark that the sheets, which are universally mistaken by the English poets and Uieir readers for the sails themselves, are no other than the ropes used to extend the clues or lower corners of th3 sails to which they are attached. To the mainsail and foresail there is a sheet and a lack on each side ; the latter of which is a thick rope, serving to confine the weather clue of the sail down to the ship's side, whilst the former draws out of the lee-clue or lower corner on the opposite side. Tacks are only used in a side wind. tt The helm is said to be c.-weather, when the bar by which it is managed is turned to the side of the ship next the wind, +J Timoneer, (from timonnier, Fr.) the helmsman or st«*<*rsinan. Each motion watches of the doubtful chase. Obliquely wheeling through the liquid space ; So, govern'd by the steersman's glowmg hands, The regent helm her motion still commands. But now the transient squall to leeward past, Again she rallies to the sullen blast. The helm to starboard* turns — with wings inclined The sidelong canvass clasps the faithless wind. The mizen draws ; she springs aloof once more. While the Ibre-staysailt balances before. The fore-sail braced obliquely to the wind. They near the prow th' extended tack confined ; Then on the leeward sheet the seamen bend, And haul the bow-line to the bowsprit end. To topsails next they haste — the bunt-lines gone. The clue-linesthrough their wheel'd machinery null On either side below the sheets are mann'd : Again the fluttering sails their skirts expand. Once more the topsails, though with humbler plume Mounting aloft their ancient post resume. Again the bow-lines and the yards are braced,t And all th' entangled cords in order placed. The sail, by whirlwinds thus so lately rent. In tatter'd ruins fluttering, is unbent. With brails'J refix another soon prepared. Ascending, spreads along beneath the yard. To each yard-arm the head ropell they extend. And soon their earings and the roebinsTi bend. That task perform'd, they first the braces** slack, Then to its station drag th' unwilling tack ; And, while the lee clue-garnet's lower'd away. Taught aft the sheet they tally and Now to the north, from Afric's burning shore, A troop of porpoises their course explore ; In curling wreaths they gambol on the tide. Now bound aloft, now down the billow glide. Their tracks awhile the hoary waves retain. That burn in sparkling trails along the main. These fleetest coursers of the finny race. When threat'ning clouds th' etherial vault deface, Their rout to leeward still sagacious form, To shun the fury of th' approaching storm. * The helm being turned to starboard, or to the right side of the ship, directs the prow to the left, or to port, and vice versa. Hence the helm being put a starboard, when the ship is running northward, directs her prow towards the west. t This sail, which is with more propriety called the fore-topmast-staysail, is a triangular sail, that runs upon the fore-topmast-stay, over the bowsprit. It is used to command the fore part of the ship, and counterbalance the sails extended towards the stern. See also the last note of this Canto. t A yard is said to be braced when it is turned about the mast horizontally, either to the right or left ; the ropes employed in this servj',e are accordingly called bracss. § The ropes used •• truss up a sail to the yard or mast whereto it is attached are,in a general sense, called brails. I! The head-rope is a cord to which the upper part oi the sail is sewed. II Rope-bands, pronounced roebins, are small cords used to fasten the upper edge of any sail to its respective yard. ** Because the lee-brace' confines the yard so that the tack will not come down to its place till the braces are cast loose. tt Taught implies stifl^ tense, or extended straight ; and' taHy is a phrase particularly applied to the operation of hauling afl the sheets, or drawing them towards the ship's stern. To belay is to fasten. FALCONEK. Canto 11 Fair Candia now no more beneath her lee Protects the vessel from th' insulting sea : Round her broad arms, impatient of control, Roused from their secret deeps, the billows roll. Sunk were the bulwarks of the friendly ohcre, And all the scene an hostile aspect were.. The flattering wind, that late, with prom'se-l sid, From Candia's bay th' unwilling ship betray'd, No long»3r fawns beneath the fair disguise, Buit K'.ie a ruflian on his quarry flies. — Tost on the tide she feels the tempest blow, And dreads the vengeance of so fell a foe. As the proud horse, with costly trappings gay, Exulting, prances to the bloody fray. Spurning the ground, he glories in his might, But reels tumultuous in the shock of fight : Even so caparison'd in gaudy pride. The bouncling vessel dances on the tide — Fierce, and more fierce the southern demon blew. And more incensed the roaring waters grew : The ship no longer can her topsails spread. And every hope of fairer skies is fled. Bow-lines and haliafds are relax'd again, Clue-lines haul'd down, and sheets let fly amain ; Clued up each top-sail, and by braces squared. The seamen climb aloft on either yard ; They furl'd the sail, and pointed to the wind The yard, by rolling tackles* then confined. While o'er the ship the gallant boatswain flies : Like a hoarse mastiff through the storm he cries : Prompt to direct th' unskilful still appears ; Th' expert he praises, and the fearful cheers. Now some to strike top-gallant yards attend ;t Some travellers^ up the weather-backstays$ seai. At each mast-head the top-ropesH others bend. The youngest sailors from the yards above Their parrels.lF lifts,** and braces soon remove : Then topt an-end, and to travellers tied, [slide Charged with their sails, they dovm the backstays The yards secure along the boomstt reclined, While some the flying cords aloft confined. — *The rolling tackle is an assemblage of pulleys, used to confine the yard to the weather-sido of the mast, and prevent the former from rubbing against the latter by the fluctuating motion of the .ship in a turbulent sea. tit is usual to send down the topgallant yards on the approach of a storni. They are the highest yards that are rigged in a ship. i Travellers are slender iron rings, encircling the backstays, and used to facilitate the hoisting or lowering of the top-gallant yards, by confining them to the back- stays, in their ascent or descent, so as to prevent them from swinging about by the agitation of the vessel. § Backstays are long r6pes extending from the right and left side of the ship to the top-mast heads, which they are intended to secure, by counteracting the effort of the wind upon the sails. I Top ropes are the cords by which the top-gallant yards are hoisted up from the deck, or lowered again in gtoniiy weather. UThe parrel, which is usually a movable band of rope, iir employed to confine the yard to ifs respective mast. '•Lifts are ropes extending from the head of any mast to the extremities of its particular yard, to support the weight of the latter ; to retain it in balance ; or to raise one yard-arm higher than the other, which is accord- ingly called topping. tt The booms, in this place, imply any masts or yards lying on deck in reserve, to supply the place of others vhich may be carried away by distress of weather, &c. Their sails reduced, and all the rigging clear, A while the crew relax from toils severe. A while their spirits, with fatigue opprest, In vain expect th' alternate hour of rest ; But with redoubling force the tempests blow And watery hills in fell succession flow ; A dismal shade o'ercasts the frowning skies. New troubles grow ; new difficulties rise. No season this from duty to descend ! — All hands on deck th' eventful hour attend. His race perform'd, the sacred lamp of day Now dipt in western clouds his parting ray His sick'ning fires, half-lost in ambient haze, Refract along the dusk a crimson blaze ; Till deep immerged tlie languid orbdeclines, And now to cheerless night the sky resigns ! Sad evening's hour, how different from the pasl No flaming pomp, no blushing glories cast; No ray of friendly light is seen around : The moon and stars in hopeless shade ar« drown'd. The ship no longer can her coursfes* bear : To reef the courses is the master's care : The sailors, summon'd aft, a daring band ! Attend th' enfolding brails at his command. But here the doubtful oflicers dispute, 'Till skill and judgment prejudice confute. Rodmond, whose genius never soar'd beyond The narrow rules of art his youth had conn'd, Still to the hostile fury of the wind Released the sheet, and kept the lack confined \ To long-tried practice obstinately warm. He doubts conviction, and relies on form. But the sage master this advice declines ; With whom Arion in opinion joins. — The watchful seaman, whose sagacious eye On sure experience may with truth rely, Who from the reigning cause foretells th' eflte.5' This barbarous practice ever will reject. For, fluttering loose in air, the rigid sail Soon flits to ruins in the furious gale ! And he who strives the tempest to disarm, Will never first embrail the lee-yard arm. The master said ; — obedient to command. To raise the tack, the ready sailors standt— Gradual it loosens, while th' involving clue Swell'd by the wind, aloft unruflling flew The sheet and weather-brace they now stttBd by;t The lee clue-garnet and the bunt-lines ply. Thus all prepared. Let go the sheet! he cries ; Impetuous round the ringing wheels it flies: Shivering at first, till by the blast impell'd. High o'er the lee-yard arm the canvass swell'd ; »The courses are generally understood to be the main sail, foresail, and mizen, which are the largest an^ lowest sails of their several masts ; the term is, however, sometimes taken in a larger sense. tit has been remarked before in note **, p. 19, coi. \, that the tack is always fastened to windward; accordingly, as soon as it is cast loose, and the cliie-garnet hauled up, the weather clue of the sail immediately mounts to th© yard : and this operation must be carefully performed in a storm, to prevent the sail from splitting or being torn to pieces by shivering. X It is necessary to pull in the weather-brace when, ever the sheet is cast otT) to preserve the sail from shak ing violently. Canto IL THE SHIPWRECK. 21 By spilliag-lines* embraced, with brails confined It lies at length unshaken by the wind. The foresail then secured with equal care, Again to reef the mainsail they repair. — While some, high-mounted, overhaul the tye, Below the down-haul tacklet others ply. Jears,|: lifts, and brails, a seaman each attends, Along the mast the willing yard descends. When lower'd sufficient, they securely brace, And fix'd the rolling-tackle in its place ; The reef-lines$ and their earings now prepared, Mounting on pliant shrouds, il they man the yard. Far on th' extremes two able hands appear, Arion there, the hardy boatswain here ; That in the van to front the tempest hung ; This round the lee yard-arm, ill-omen'd ! clung. Each earing to its station first they bend ; The reef-band^ then along the yard extend : The circling earings, round th' extremes entwined. By outer and by inner turns** they bind. From hand to hand the reef-lines next received. Through eye-let holes and roebin legs were reeved. The reef in double folds involved they lay ; Strain the firm cord, and either end belay. Hadst thou, Arion ! held the leeward post. While on the yard by mountain billows tost. Perhaps oblivion o'er our tragic tale Had then for ever drawn her dusky veil. — But ruling heaven prolong'd thy vital date. Severer ills to suffer and relate I For, while their orders those aloft attend, To furl the mainsail, or on deck descend, A seatt up surging with tremendous roll, To instant ruin seems to doom the whole. " O friends I secure your hold !" Arion cries ; It comes all dreadful, stooping from the skies ; * The spilling-lincs, which are only used on particular occasions in tempestuous weather, are employed to draw together and confine the belly of the sail, when it is inflated by the wind over the yard. t The violence of the wind forces the yard so much outward from the mast on these ociasions, that it cannot easily be lowered so as to reef the sail, without the ap- f iication of a tackle to haul it down on the mast. This is afterwards converted into roUing tackle. See note *, ■.tet col. p. 20. X Jears arc the same to the mainsail, foresail, and mizen, as the haliards (note *, Isr col. p. 19) are to all iiferior sails. The tye is the upper part of the jears. § Reef-lines are only used to reef the mainsail and "oresail. They are past in spiral turns through the eye- .et holes of the reef, and over the head of the sails between the rope-band legs, till they reach the extremi- ties of the reef, to which they are firmly extended,, so as to lace the reef close up to the yard. i Shrouds are thick ropes, stretching from the mast- heads downwards to the outside of the ship, serving to Bupport the masts. They are also used as a range of tope-ladders, by which the seamen ascend or descend, to perform v.-hatever is necessary about the sails and Tigging. U The reef-band is a long piece of canvass sewed across the sail, to strengthen the canvass in the place where the eye let holes of the reef are formed. •• The outer turns of the earing serve to extend the sail along the yard ; and the inner turns are employed to confine its head-rope close to its surface. See note 0, >d col. p. 19. tt A sea is the general name given by sailors to a single wave or billow : hence, when a wave bursts over the ilcck, the vessel is saic^ to have skipped a sea. Uplifted on its horrid edge she feels The shock, and on her side half-buried reels : The sail half bury'd in the whelming wave, A fearful warning to the seamen g.-rve : While from its margin, terrible to tell ! Three sailors, with their gallant boats>MBin, fell. Torn with resistless fury from their hold. In vain their struggling arras the yard infold . In vain to grapple flying cords they try. The cords, alas! a solid gripe deny ! Prone on the midnight surge, with panting breath They cry for aid, and long contend with Death. High o'er their heads the rolling billows sweep, And down they sink in everlasting sleep. Bereft of power to help, their comrades see The wretched victims die beneath the lee ! With fruitless sorrow their lost state bemoan; Perhaps a fatal prelude to their own ! In dark suspense on deck the pilots stand. Nor van determine on the next command Thougii still they knew^ the vessel's armed side Impenetrable to the clasping tide ; Though still the waters by no secret wound A passage to her deep recesses found ; Surrounding evils yet they ponder o'er — A storm, a dangerous sea, and leeward shore ' Should they, though reef 'd, again their sails extend Again in fluttering fragments they may rend ; Or should they stand, beneath the dreadful strain, The down-press'd ship may never rise again ; Too late to weather* now Morea's land, Yet verging fast to Alhen's rocky strand. — Thus they lament the consequence severe, Where perils unallay'd by hope appear. Long in their minds revolving each event. At last to furl the courses they consent ; That done, to reef the mizen next agree, And try,t beneath it, sidelong in the sea. Now down the mast the sloping yard declined, Till by the jears and topping liftt confined ; The head, with doubling canvass fenced around. In balance near the lofty peak, they bound. The reef enwrapt, th' inserted knittles tied, To hoist the shorten'd sail again they hied. The order given, the yard aloft they sway'd ; The brails relax'd, th' extended sheet belay'd : The helm its post forsook, and lash'd a-lee,$ Inclined the wayward prow to front the sea. When sacred Orpheus, on the Stygian coast, With notes divine implored his consort lost ; • To weather a shore is to pass to the windward of it, which at this time is prevented by the violence of the storm. t To try, is to lay the ship, with her near side in the direction of the wind and sea, with the head somewhat inclined to the windward ; the helm being laid a-lee to retain her in this position. See a farther illustration of this in the last note of this Canto. t The topping lift, which tops the upper part of the mizen-yard, (see note **, p. 20.) This line and the six following describe the operation of reefing and balanc- ing the mizen. The reef of this sail is towards the lower end, the knittles being small short lines used in the room of points for this purpose, (see note i, 1st col. p. 19, and note**, p. 20;) they are accordingly knotted under the foot-rope or lower edge of the sail. § Lash'd a-lee is fastened to the lee-side. See note t p. 18. 29 FALCONER. Canto fl Though round him perils grew in fell array, And fates and furies stood to bar his way ; Not more adventurous was the attempt, to move The powers of hell with strains of heavenly love. Than mine, to bid the unwilling Muse explore The wilderness of rude mechanic lore. Such toil ih' unwearied Daedalus endured, When in the Cretan labyrinth immured ; Till Art her salutary help bestow'd, To guide him through that intricate abode. Thus long entangled in a thorny way, That never heard the sweet Pierian lay. The Muse that tuned to barbarous sounds her string. Now spreads, like Daedalus, a bolder wing; The verse begins in softer strains to flow, Replete with sad variety of wo. As yet, amid this elemental war, That scatters desolation from afar. Nor toil, nor hazard, nor distress appear To sink the seamen with unmanly feai. Though their firm hearts no pageant honour boast. They scorn the wretch that trembles in his post ; Who from the face of danger strives to turn. Indignant from the social hour they spurn. Though now full oft they felt the raging tide In proud rebellion climb the vessel's side, No future ills unknown their souls appal ; They know no danger, or they scorn it all! But e'en the generous spirits of the brave. Subdued by toil, a friendly respite crave : A short repose alone their thoughts implore. Their harass'd powers by slumber to restore. Far other cares the master's mind employ ; A pproaching perils all his hopes destroy. In vain he spreads the graduated chart. And bounds the distance by the rules of art ; In vain athwart the mimic seas expands The compasses to circumjacent lands. Ungrateful task ! for no asylum traced A passage open'd from the watery waste : Fate seem'd to guard, with adamantine mound, The path to every friendly port around. While Albert thus, with secret doubts dismay'd. The geometric distances survey'd, On deck the watchful Rodmond cries aloud, " Secure your lives I grasp every man a shroud !" — Roused from his trance, he mounts with ev«3 aghast ; Wuen o er the ship, in undulation vhsl, A giant surge down rushws trora on nigh. And fore and aft dissever'd ruins lie. — As when, Britannia's empire to maintain, Great Hawke descends in thunder on the main. Around the brazen voice of battle roars, And fatal lightnings blast the hostile shores ; Beneath the storm their shatter'd navies groan. The trembling deep recoils from zone to zone : Thus the torn vessel felt th' enormous stroke : The boats beneath the thundering deluge broke. Forth started from their planks the bursting rings, Th' extended cordage all asunder springs ; The pilot's fair machinery strews the deck. And cards and needles swim in floating wreck. The balanced mizen, rending to the head, • n streaming ruins fr jm the margin fled, The sides convulsive shook on groaning beams, And, rent v;ith labour, yawn'd the pitcliy seams ; They sound the well,* and, terrible to hear ! Five feet immersed along the line appear. At either pump they ply the clanking brako,T And turn by turn th' ungrateful oflice take. Rodmond, Arion, and Palemon here, At this sad task, all diligent appear. As some fair castle, shook by rude alarms. Opposes long th' approach of hostile arms ; Grim war around her plants his black array. And death and sorrow mark his horrid way ; Till, in some destined hour, against her wall In tenfold rage the fatal thunders full : The ramparts crack, the solid bulwarks rend, And hostile troops the shatter'd breach ascend. Her valiant inmates still the foe retard. Resolved till death their sacred charge to guard So the brave mariners their pumps attend, And help, incessant, by rotation lend ; But all in vain, — for now the sounding cord, Updrawn, an undiminish'd depth explored. Nor this severe distress is found alone ; The ribs, oppress'd by ponderous cannon, groan Deep rolling from the watery volume's height, The tortured sides seem bursting with their weigJ So reels Pelorns with convulsive throes, When in his veins the burning earthquake glows Hoarse througli his entrails roars th' infernal flanrt^ And central thunders rend his groaning frame. — Accumulated mischiefs thus arise. And Fate, vindictive, all their skill defies. One only remedy the season gave ; To plunge the nerves of battle in the wave : From their high platforms, thus, th' artillery throwa, Eased of their load, the timbers less shall groan: But arduous is the task their lot requires ; A task that hovering fate alone inspires : For while intent the yawning decks to ease. That ever and anon are drench'd with seas, Some fatal billow with recoiling sweep, May hurl the helpless wretches in the deep. No season this for counsel or delay ! Too soon th' eventful moments haste away ! Here perseverance, with each heip o. aru Must join the boldest efforts of the neart ; These only now their ml--2f7 c.n -"elieve ; These only now a dawn o: safe.y give! While o'er the quivering deck, from van to rear Inroad jurges roll a terrible career, k.jfiniood, Arion a chosen crew. This office in tne face of death pursue ; The wheel'd artillery o'er the deck to guide, Rodmond descending claim'd the v;eatlier side: Fearless of heart the chief his orders gave, Fronting the rude assaults of every wave, [deep, Like some strong watch-tower, nodding o'er th« Whose rocky base the foaming waters sweep. Untamed he stood ; the stern aiirial war Had marked his honest face with many a scar — Meanwhile Arion, traversing the waist.t * The well is an apartment in the ship's hold, serving to enclose the pumps. It is sounded by dropping a mes' sured iron rod down into it by a long line. Hence the in' crease or diminution of the leaks are easily discovered. t The brake is the lever or handle of the pump, by which it is wrought. X The waist of a ship of this kind is a hollow space, about five feet in depth, between the elevations cf lh« Canto II. THE SHIPWRECK. S3 Tho cordage of the leeward-guns unbraced, . And pointed crows beneath the metal placed. Watching the roll, their forelocks they withdrew, And from their beds the reeling cannon threw : Then from the windward battlements unboimd, Rodmond's associates wheel'd th' artillery round ; Pointed with iron fangs, their bars beguile The }x>nderous arms across the steep defile ; Theii; hurl'd from sounding hinges o'er the side, Thundering they plunge into the flashing tide. The ship, thus eased, some little respite finds In this rude conflict of the seas and winds. Such ease Alcides felt, when, clogg'd with gore, Th' envenomed mantle from his side he tore ; When, stung with burning pain, he strove too late To scop the swift career of cruel fate. Yet then his heart one ray of hope procured, Sad harbinger of sevenfold pangs endured! Such, and so short the pause of wo she found! Cimmerian darkness shades the deep around. Save when the lightnings, gleaming on the sight, Flash through the gloom, a pale disastrous light. Above, all ether, fraught with scenes of wo. With grim destruction threatens all below. Beneath, the storm-lash'd surges furious rise, And wave uproU'd on wave, assails the skies ; With ever-floating bulwarks they surround The ship, half-swallow'd in the black profound I With ceaseless hazard and fatigue opprest. Dismay and anguish every heart possest ! For, while with boundless inundation o'er The sea-beat ship th' involving waters roar, Displaced beneath by her capacious womb. They rage their ancient station to resume ; By secret ambushes their force to prove, Through many a winding channel first they rove; Till, gathering fury, like the fever'd blood. Through her dark veins they roll a rapid flood. While unrelenting thus the leaks they found. The pump with ever-clanking strokes resound. Around each leaping valve, by toil subdued, The tough bull hide must ever be renew'd. Their sinking hearts unusual horrors chill: And down their weary limbs tliick dews distil. No ray of light their dying hope redeems ! Pregnant with some new wo each moment teems. Again the chief th' instructive draught extends. And o'er the figured plain attentive bends : To him the motion of each orb was known, That wheels around the sun's refulgent throne : But here alas ! his science naught avails I Art droops unequal, and experience fails. The difl!erent traverses, since twilight made. He on the hydrographic circle laid ; Then the broad angle of lee-way* explored. As swept across the graduated chord. Her place discovered by the rules of art. Unusual terrors shook the master's heart ; When Falconera's rugged isle he found, Within her drift, with shelves and breakers bound For, if on those destructive shallows tost, The helpless bark with all her crew are lost: quarter-deck and fore-castle, and having the upper dock for its oase, or platform. ♦ The lee-way, or drift, which in this place are synony. mous terms, is the movement by which a ship is driven sideways at the mercy of the wind and sea, when she is deprived of the government of the sails and helm. As fatal still appears, that danger o'er. The steep St. George, and rocky Gardalor. With him tlie pilots, of their hopeless state In mournful consultation now debate. Not more perplexing doubts her chiefs appal, When some proud city verges to her fall ; While Ruin glares around, and pale AflTright Convenes her councils in the dead of night — No blazon'd trophies o'er their concave spread. Nor storied pillars raised aloft their head : But here the Queen of shade around them threw Her dragon wing, disastrous to the view ! Direwasthe scene, with whirlwind,hail,andshoweH Black Melancholy ruled the fearful hour ! Beneath tremendous roH'd the flashing tide. Where Fate on every billow seem'd to ride — Enclosed with ills, by peril unsubdued. Great in distress the master-seaman stood : Skill'd to command ; deliberate to advise , Expert in action ; and in council wise ; Thus to his partners, by the crew unheard. The dictates of his soul the chief referr'd. " Ye faithful mates, who all my troubles share Approved companions of your master's care ! To you, alas I 'twere fruitless now to tell Our sad distress, already known too well ! This morn with favouring gales the port we left. Though now of every flattering hope bereft : No skill Ror long experience could forecast Th' unseen approach of this destructive blast, These seas, where storms at various seasons blow No reigning winds nor certain omens know. The hour, the occasion all your skill demands; A leaky ship, embay'd by dangerous lands. Our bark no transient jeopardy surrounds; Groaning she lies beneath unnumber'd wounds: 'Tis ours the doubtful remedy to find. To shun the fury of the seas and wind ; For in this hollow swell, w ith labour sore. Her flank can bear the bursting floods no more . Yet this or other ills she must endure ; A dire disease, and desperate is the cure ! Thus two expedients oflfer'd to your choice, Alone require your counsel and your voice. These only in our power are left to try ; To perish here or from the storm to fly, The doubtful balance ni my judgment cast, For various reasons I prefer the last. 'Tis true the vessel and her costly freight, To m.e consign'd, my orders only wait ; Yet, since the charge of every life is mine, To equal votes our counsels I resign. Forbid it. Heaven, that, in this dreadful nour I claim the dangerous reins of purblind power! But should we now resolve to bear away, Our hopeless stale can suffer no delay. Nor can we, thus bereft of every sail. Attempt to stfeer obliquely on the gale : For then, if broaching sideward on the sea, Our dropsied ship may founder on the lee : No more obedient to the pilot's power, [vour.** Th' o'erwhelming wave may soon her frame d» He said ; the listening mates with fix'd regard And silent reverence his opinion heard. Important was the question in debate. And o'er their councils hung impending Fate Rodmond, in many a scene of peril tried, Had oft the master's happier skill descried. 04 FALCONER. Canto II. Yet now, the hour, the scene, th' occasion known, Perhaps with equal right preferr'd his own Of long experience in the naval art, Blunt was his speech, and nalied was his heart : Alike to him each climate and each blast; The first in danger, in retreat the last : Sagacious balancing th' opposed events, "rom Albert his opinion thus dissents. " Too true the perils of the present hour, Where toils succeeding toils our strength o'er- power ! Yet whither can we turn, what road pursue. With death before still opening on the view ? Our bark, 'tis true, no shelter here can find, Sore shatter'd by the ruffian seas and wind ; Yet with what hope of refuge can we flee. Chased by this tempest and outrageous sea ? For while its violence the tempest keeps, Bereft of every sail we roam the deeps ; At random driven, to present death'we haste, And one short hour perhaps may be our last. In vain the Gulf of Corinth on our lee Now opens to her ports a passage free ; Since, if before the blast the vessel flies, Full in her track unnumber'd dangers rise. Here Falconera spreads her lurking snares ; There distant Greece her rugged shelves prepares, Should once her bottom strike that rocky shore, The splitting bark tliat instant were no more ; Nor she alone, but with her all the crew, Beyond relief, were doom'd to perish too. Thus if to scud too rashly we consent, Too late in fatal hour we may repent. " Then of our purpose this appears the scope, To weigh the danger with a doubtful hope. Though sorely buffeted by every sea. Our hull unbroken long may try a-lee , The crew, though harass'd long with toils severe. Still at their pumps perceive no hazards near. Shall we, incautious then, the dangers tell. At once their courage and their hopes to quell ! Prudence forbids ! — This southern tempest soon May change its quarter with the changing moon : Its rage though terrible may soon subside, Nor into mountains lash th' unruly tide. These leaks shall then decrease : the sails once more Direct our course to some relieving shore." Thus while he spoke around from man to man, At either pump, a hollow murmur ran. For while the vessel through unnumber'd chinks, Above, below th' invading water drinks, Sounding her ^^tpth, they eyed the wetted scale, And, lo! the leak o'er all their powers prevail, Yet in their post, by terrors unsubdued. They with redoubled force their task pursued. And now the senior pilots seem'd to wait Arion's voice to close the dark debate. Though many a bitter storm, with peril fraught. In Neptune s school the wandering stripling taught, Not twice nine summers yet matured his thought. So oft he bled by Fortune's cruel dart, It fell at last innoxious on his heart. His mind still shunning care with secret hate, In patient indolence resign'd to Fate. But now the horrors that around him roll. Thus rous'd to action his rekindling soul. " With fix'd attention, pondering in my mind The dark distresses on each side combined ; While here we linger in the pass of Fate, I see no moment left for sad debate. For, some decision if we wish to form, Ere yet our vessel sink beneath the storm. Her shattered state, and yon desponding crew, At once suggest what measures to pursue. The labouring hull already seems half-fill'd With waters, through a hundred leaks distill'd, As in a dropsy, wallowing with her freight, Half-drown'd she lies, a dead inactive weight Thus drenched by every wave, her riven deck Stript and defenceless, floats a naked wreck; Her wounded flanks no longer caii sustain These fell invasions of the bursting main: At every pitch th' o'erwhelming billows bend, Beneath their load, the quivering bowsprit end A fearful warning ! since the masts on high On that support with trembling hope rely. At either pump our seamen pant for breath, In dark djsmay anticipating death. Still all our powers th' increasing leaks defy: We sink at sea, no shore, no haven nigh. One dawn of hope yet breaks athwart the gloom To light and save us from the watery tomb ; That bids us shun the death impending here ; Fly from the following blast, and" shoreward steei '■ 'Tis urged indeed, the fury of the gale Precludes the help of every guiding sail ; And, driven before it on the watery waste, To rocky shores and scenes of death we haste But haply Falconera we may shun : And far to Grecian coasts is yet the run : Less harass'd then, our scudding ship may bear Th' assaulting surge repell'd upon her rear. E'en then the wearied storm as soon shall die, Or less torment the groaning pines on high. Should we at last be driven by dire decree Too near the fatal margin of the sea. The hull dismasted there awhile may ride, With lengthen'd cables on the raging tide. Perhaps kind Heaven, with interposing power, May curb the tempest ere that dreadful hour. But here ingulf 'd and foundering while we stay, Fate hovers o'er, and marks us for her prey." He said ; Palemon saw, with grief of heart: The storm prevailing o'er the pilot's art; In silent terror and distress involved, He heard their last alternative resolved. High beat his bosom: with such fear subdued, Beneath the gloom of some enchanted wood. Oft in old time the wandering swain explored The midnigh'.; wizards breathing rites abhorr'd'; Trembling approach'd their incantations fell, And, chill'd with horror, heard the songs of hell Arion saw, with secret anguish moved. The deep affliction of the friend he loved; And, all awake lo Friendship's genial heat. His bosom felt consenting tumults beat. Alas! no season this for lender love ; Far hence the music of the myrtle grove. — With Comfort's soothing voice, from Hope derived Palemon's drooping spirit he revived. For Consolation oft, with healing art, Retunes the jarring numbers of the heart.-— Now had the pilots all th' events revolved. And on their final refuge thus resolved; Canto TI. THE SHIPWRECK. When, like the faithful shepherd, who beholds Some prowling wolf approach his fleecy folds; To the brave crew, whom racking doubts perplex, The dreadful purpose Albert thus directs. " Unhappy partners in a wayward fate ! Whose gallant spirits now are known too late ; ye ! who unmoved behold this angry storm With terrors all the rolling deep deibrm ; Who, patient in adversity, still bear The firmest front when greatest ills are near! The truth, though grievous, I must now reveal. That long, in vain, I purposed to conceal. Ingulf 'd, all help of arts we vainly try, To weather leeward shores, alas ! too nigh. Our crazy bark no longer can abide The seas that thimder o'er her batter'd side ; And, while the leaks a fatal warning give. That in this raging sea she cannot live, One only refuge from despair we find ; At once to wear and scud before the wind.* Perhaps e'en then to ruin we may steer; For broken shores beneath our lee appear ; But that's remote, and instant deatli is here; Yet there, by Heaven's assistance, we may gain Some creek or inlet of the Grecian main ; Or sheltered by some rock, at anchor ride. Till with abating rage the blast subside. " But, if determined by the w'ill of Heaven, Our helpless bark at last ashore is driven, These counsels foUow'd, from the w-atery grave Our floating sailors on the surf may ■save. ' And first, let all our axes be secured, To cut the masts and rigging from aboard. Then to the quarters bind each plank and oar, To float between the vessel and the shore. The longest cordage, too, must be convey'd On deck, and to the weather rails belay'd ; So they, who haply reach alive the land, Th' extended lines may fasten on the strand. Whene'er, loud thundering on the leeward shore, While yet aloof we hear the breakers roar. Thus for the terrible event prepared, Brace fore and aft to starboard every yard ; So shall our masts swim lighter on the wave, And from the broken rocks our seamen save. Then westward turn the stem, that every mast May shoreward fall, when from the vessel cast. — When o'er her side once more the billows bound, Ascend the rigging till she strikes the ground : And w^heii you hear aloft th' alarming shock That strikes her bottom on some pointed rock, The boldest of our sailors must descend, The dangerous business of the deck to tend ; Then each, secured by some convenient cord. Should cut the shrouds and rigging from the board ; Let the brood axes next assail each mast ; And booms, and oars, and rafts, to leeward cast. Thus, while the cordage stretch'd ashore may guide Our brave companions through the swelling tide, This floating lumber shall sustain them, o'er The rocky shelves, in safety to the shore. But as your firmest succour, till the last, O cling securely on each faithful mast I Though great the danger, and the task severe, ' Yet bow not to the tyranny of fear I • For an explanation of these manoeuvres, the reader s referred to the last note of this Canto, If once that slavish yoke your spirits quell. Adieu to hope I to life itself farewell ! "I know, among you some full oft have view'd With murdering weapons arm'd, a lawless brood. On England's vile inhuman shore who stand, The foul reproach and scandal of our land ! To rob the wanderers wreck'd upon the strand. These, w^hile their savage office they pursue. Oft wound to death the helpless plunder'd crew, Who 'scaped from every horror of the main. Implored their mercy, but implored in vain. But dread not this I — a crime to Greece unknown Such blood-hounds all her circling shores disown. Her sons, by barbarous tyranny opprest, Can share affliction with the wretch distrest: Their hearts, by cruel fate inured to grief. Oft to the friendless stranger yield relief" With conscious horror struck, the naval band Detested for a while their native land ; They cursed the sleeping vengeance of the laws, That thus forgot her guardian sailors' cause. Meanwhile the master's voice again they heard. Whom, as with filial duty, all revered. " No more remains — but now a trusty band Must ever at the pump industrious stand : And while with us the rest attend to wear, Two skiliul seamen to the helm repair ! — O Source of Life! our refuge and our stay ' Whose voice the warring elements obey, On thy supreme assistance we rely ; Thy mercy supplicate, if doom'd to die ! Perhaps this storm is sent, with healing breath, From neighbouring shores to scourge disease and deaihl 'Tis ours on thine unerring laws to trust: With thee, great Lord ! ' Whatever is, is just.' ' He said ; and with consenting reverence fraught The sailors join'd his prayer in silent thought. His intellectual eyes, serenely bright ! Saw distant objects with prophetic light. Thus in a land, that lasting wars oppress. That groans beneath misfortune and distress ; Whose W"ealth to conquering armies falls a prey. Her bulwarks sinking, as her troops decay ; Some bold sagacious statesman, from the helm. Sees desolation gathering o'er his realm : He darts around his penetrating eyes. Where dangers grow, and hostile unions rise ) With deep attention marks th' invading Ibe, Eludes their wiles, and frustrates every blow : Tries his last art the tottering state to save, Or in its ruins finds a glorious grave. Still in the yawning trough the vessel reels, ^ Ingulfd beneath two fluctuating hills : On either side they rise ; tremendous scene ! A long dark melancholy valo between.* * That the reader, who is unacquainted with the ma* noeuvres of navigation, may conceive a clearer idea of a ship's state wlien trying, and of the change of her situ- ation to that of scudding, I have quoted a part of the e* planation of those articles as they appear in the " Dic- tionary of the Marine." Trying is the situation in which a ship lies nearly in the trough or hollow of the sea in a tempest, particularly when it blows contrary to her course. In trying as well as in scudding, the sails are alwayi reduced in proportion to the increase of tho storm ; and in either state, if the storm is excessive, she may hav« 2G FALCONER. Canto III The balanced ship, now forward, now behind, Still felt th' impression of the waves and wind, And to the right and left by turns ^inclined ; But Albert from behind the balance drew. And on the prow its double efforts threw. — The order now was given to bear away; The order given the timoneers obey. High o'er the bowsprit stretch'd the tortured sail, As on the rack, distends beneath the gale. But scarce the yielding prow its impulse knew, When in a thousand flitting shreds it flew I — Yet Albert new resources still prepares, And, grief, redoubles all his cares. ** Away there ! lower the mizen yard on deck!" He calls, " and brace the foremost yards aback !" His great example every bosom fires, New life rekindles, and new hope inspires, While to the helm unfaithful still she lies. One desperate remedy at last he tries, — " Haste, with your weapons cut the shrouds and stay; And hew at once the mizen-mast away !" He said ; th* attentive sailors on each side At his command the trembling cords divide. Fast by the fated pine bold Rodmond stands; Th' impatient axe hung gleaming in his hands ; all her sails furled : or be, according to the sea-phrase, under bare poles. The intent of spreading a sail at this time, is to keep the ship more steady, and to prevent her from rolling violently by pressing her side down in the water ; and also to turn her head towards the source of the wind, so that the shock of the seas may fall more obliquely on her flank, than when she lies along the trough of the sea, or in the interval between two waves. While she lies in this situation, the helm is fastened close to the lee side, to prevent her, as much as possible, from falling to leeward. But as the ship is not then kept in equilibrio by the ope- ration of her sails, which at other times counterbalance each other at tlie head and stern, she is moved by a slow but continual vibration, which turns her head alternately to windward and to leeward, forming an angle of 30 or 40 degrees in the interval. That part where she stops in approaching the direction of the wind is called her coming-to : and the contrary excess of the angle to leeward is called her falling-ofF. Veering, or wearing, (see line 55, 2d col. p. 23, and line 20, 1st col. y. 25 ;) as used in the present sense, may be defined, the movement by which a ship changes her state from trying to that of scudding, or of running be- fore the direction of the wind and sea. It is an axiom in natural philosophy, that "every body will persevere in a stale of rest, or of moving uniformly in a right line, unless it be compelled to change its state by forces impressed : and that the change of motion is proportional to the moving force impressed, and made according to the right line in which that force acts." Hence it is easy to conceive how a ship is compelled to turn into any direction by the force of the wind, act- ing upon any part of her length in lines parallel to the plane of the horizon. Thus, in the act of veering, which is a necessary consequence of this invariable principle, the object of the seamen is to reduce the action of the wind on the ship's hinder part, and to re- ceive its utmost exertion on her fore part, so that the lat- ter may be pushed to leeward. This effect is either pro- duced by the operation of the sails, or by the impression of the wind on the masts and yards. In the former case, the sails on the hind part of the ship are either furled or arranged nearly parallel to the direction of the wind, which then glides ineffectually along their surfaces; at \J>