Di: >ED t oiuj sr«i J-a DI! DEE FOLK-DANCES OF DENMARK *««*» DISCARDED FOLK-DANCES OF DENMARK CONTAINING SEVENTY-THREE DANCES TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY ELIZABETH BURCHENAL, A. B. ORGANIZER AND FIRST CHAIRMAN OF THE FOLK-DANCE COMMITTEE OF THE PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. INSPECTOR OF GIRLS' ATHLETICS FOR THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF GIRLS' BRANCH OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ATHLETIC LEAGUE OF NEW YORK CITY Author of "Folk-Dances of Finland," "Folk-Dances and Singing-Games" and "Dances of the People" Paper, Price $1 .50 net Cloth, Price $2.50 net Translation Authorized by the Danish Society for the Promotion of Folk-Dancing NEW YORK : G. SCHIRMER LONDON : G. SCHIRMER, LTD. ■ BOSTON : THE BOSTON MUSIC CO. Copyright 1915, by G Schirmer 25614 :iXJr 4G\J 1447 TO MY FRIENDS OF THE DANISH FOLK-DANCE SOCIETY WHO HAVE SO GREATLY HONORED ME BY AUTHORIZING THIS TRANSLATION OF THEIR WORK THIS BOOK IS GRATEFULLY DEDICATED 25614 SEr I ■ i'o PREFACE The Danish Folk-Dances have the freshness, simplicity and appealing charm that is common to all real folk-dances and folk-songs. The dances contained in this volume are real folk-dances of Denmark which were collected, described and published by the Danish Society for the Promotion of Folk-Dancing, who have done me the honor of authorizing my translation of their work. The idea of forming a Folk-Dance Society in Denmark grew out of a demon- stration of Swedish folk-dances given in Copenhagen in 1899 by the Swedish Society "Philochoros," and it was Swedish folk-dancing that was first taken up there. Later, however, in 1901, the Danish Society for the Promotion of Folk-Dancing was organized and the work of collecting the folk-dances, music and costumes of Denmark was begun. This was carried on with some financial aid from the gov- ernment and resulted in the accumulation of a store of valuable material. The descriptions of the dances were written out and the music arranged by committees and later were published by the Society. A collection of costumes was made which is particularly valuable, as in many localities the beautiful and quaint old folk-costumes have now entirely disappeared. It was to this Society that Rudolf Petersen, the Danish artist, came for assist- ance in painting his now famous frieze of National Costume in ( '.runtvigs House, which I have used as the cover decoration of this volume. New York, 1915. ELIZABETH BURCHENAL. ALPHABETICAL INDEX Ace of Diamonds (Skanderborg) Ace of Diamonds (Himmerland) Berlin Contra Big Hamburger Blue Flag, The Catch Dance City Daxce Contra-Dance (from Slagelse) Contra-Dance (from Vendsyssel) CoNTRA-ElGHT Contra-March Counter-Swing Court Dance Crested Hen Cross Four Dance Eight-Dance Eight Men's Dance Eight Men's Reel Fannike Dance Feder Mikkel Figure-Eight Dance Five-Dance Forward Four-and-a-Half Dance (Jutland) Four-and-a-Half Dance (Falster) Four Corners, The Four-Dance (from \ arde) Four-Dance (from Han District) Four-Dance (from Kailehave) French Reel Girls' Pleasure Hatter, The Heidilit Turn Around! Herman Bosses Hopgesvejs .Hornpipe Hukgestok 38 Jew Dance 64 85 Jydsk Paa Naesen (Polonaise) 70 50 Kikmn is Girls' Polka 2 69 K.NURRIFAS 27 29 Kristen Gad's Four-Dance 28 13 Kydholm Dance 19 91 Linen Dance 47 72 Little Hamburger 8 82 Little Ji tlander 95 79 Little Max in a Fix 45 92 Mallebrok 78 22 Norwegian Mountain March 44 20 Old Berlin 52 49 Oxcow (from Fynen) 60 46 Oxcow (from Sams^) 26 30 Parisian 1 Polka 10 80 Pear Waltz 67 24 Peat Dance 9 5 Polonaise (Jydsk Paa Naesen) 7° 74 Quadrille 76 7i Red Cap, The 34 16 Sailor's Waltz *4 55 Seven Jumps 39 56 Shoemakers' Dance 37 58 Six-Dance 54 75 Sonderho Dance 6 40 Stick Dance 12 15 Three-Dance (from Ribe) 48 32 Three-Dance (from Han District) 14 62 Three Men's Reel 68 36 Three Steps Hopsa •7 4 1 Tinkers' Dance 86 94 Trenderup iS 66 Triangle 88 3 Two-Dance (from Od District) 90 42 Two-Dance (from Han District) 21 4 Two Jumps 1 25014 Vll CLASSIFIED INDEX SIMPLE DANCES Ace of Diamonds (I) //; couples 38 Ace of Diamonds (II) In couples 85 Catch Dance In rows 13 Crested Hen In threes 49 Forward In couples 55 Girls' Pleasure (Waltz) In couples 36 Heidilit Turn Around! In couples 94 Hopgesvejs In couples 3 Hukgestok (Waltz) hi couples 4 Kikkenaes Girls' Polka In couples 2 Little Jutlander In couples 95 Norwegian Mountain March In threes 44 Seven Jumps Couples, or Circle 39 Shoemakers' Dance In couples 37 Three Steps Hopsa In couples 17 Two Jumps One line I MEDIUM DIFFICULTY City Dance In rows 91 Contra-Eight (Waltz) Four couples 79 Contra-March Four couples 92 Cross Four Dance Four couples 46 Four-and-a-Half Dance (I) In couples 56 Four-and-a-Half Dance (II: Waltz) In rows, rg Four Corners In rows 75 Four-Dance (III: Waltz) In couples 32 Hatter, The Four couples 41 Herman Bosses Four couples 66 Jew Dance Four couples 64 Knurrifas In couples 2j Kydholm Dance (Two-step) Several couples 19 Little Hamburger In couples 8 Little Man in a Fix (Waltz) Two couples 45 Mallebrok In couples 78 Oxcow (II: Two-step) Four couples 26 Parisian Polka In couples 10 Peat Dance In threes 9 Red Cap, The In rows 34 Sailors' Waltz Four couples 84 Six-Dance Four couples 54 Stick Dance In couples Three-Dance (I) Four couples Three-Dance (II) Two couples Three Men's Reel Three dancers Tinkers' Dance Three threes Two-Dance (I) Four couples Two-Dance (II) Two couples DIFFICULT Berlin Contra Four couples Big Hamburger, The In couples Blue Flag, The Four couples Contra-Dance (from Slagelse) Four couples Contra-Dance (from Vendsyssel) Four couples Counter-Swing Four couples Court Dance Four couples Eight-Dance (Waltz) /;/ rows Eight Men's Dance Four couples Eight Men's Reel Four couples Fannike Dance In couples Feder Mikkel In couples Figure-Eight Dance Three couples Five-Dance Four couples Four-Dance (I) Two couples Four-Dance (II) Several couples French Reel In rows Hornpipe In couples Jydsk Paa Naesen (Polonaise) In couples Kristen Gad's Four-Dance Four or five couples Linen Dance Four couples Old Berlin Four couples Oxcow (I) Eight couples Pear Waltz Three couples, triangle Quadrille Four couples Sonderho Dance In couples Trenderup Four couples Triangle Three couples BOYS AND MEN Peat Dance Seven Jumps Stick Dance 12 4 s 14 68 86 90 21 5° 69 29 72 82 22 20 3° 80 24 5 74 7i 16 40 15 62 42 70 28 47 52 60 67 76 6 18 88 9 39 12 * 5 6i4 IX FOLK-DANCES OF DENMARK INTRODUCTION Music The repetitions of the music are indicated at the beginning of the description of each of the dances. — The numbers in parentheses that appear in the de- scription of the dances refer to those measures of the music which correspond with that part of the description which immediately follows the paren- theses. [This is slightly different from the method of describing the dances in the original Danish publication, in which the description precedes the numbers in parentheses indicating the corresponding measures of music.]-— In the music for each dance the measures are numbered to correspond with the description. Formations The Front means the end of the room where the music is. Starting Position is the position one occupies at the beginning of the dance. Row Formation. Ladies and men stand opposite each other in two rows, ladies to the lett, men to the right, as seen from the front, the first couple standing at the end nearest the front. Reversed Row Formation is the same as row for- mation, except that the ladies are on the right and the men on the left, as seen from the front. Quadrille is a set of four couples, the first couple standing with back toward the music, the second couple facing them, and the third and fourth couples to the right and left respectively as seen from the first couple's position. Double Quadrille consists of eight couples, two couples on each side of the square. We speak here of first, second, third and fourth sides instead of 25614 xi couples. The positions of the sides correspond to those of the couples in the quadrille. Hand Positions and Ways of Holding Partner When nothing else is specified the position of the hand is free. In Row Formation both hands are free. In Quadrille and Double Quadrille the man holds the lady's left hand with his right and the lady's right hand is free. Ordinary Position. The man puts his right arm around the lady's waist and holds her right hand in his left, the lady placing her left hand on the man's right shoulder. One Hand Grasp. Each of the two dancers grasps with the right hand the other's right, or with the left hand the other's left. Two Hand Grasp. The two dancers face each other and, with arms held straight, join both hands, the right hand with partner's left and the left hand with partner's right. Arm Hook. Facing in opposite directions, the two dancers hook right arms with the elbows very much bent (Right Arm Hook) or hook left arms (Left Arm Hook). Back Grasp (or Three Hand Grasp). Each of the two dancers turns the right side toward the other, and each puts the left arm behind the back. The lady takes hold of the man's left hand with her right, and the man puts his right arm under the hub's right and takes hold of her left hand. Cross Grasp. Standing either face to face or side by side ("Front Cross Grasp" or "Side Cross Grasp"), partners join both hands, right with right and left with left. INTRODUCTION Back Cross Grasp. Partners stand side by side the left is raised. Make a little hop forward on the and, with their hands behind them, each with the right toot, at the same time bringing the lett around right hand grasps the other's right hand and with in a little circle behind the right. Put down the the left grasps the other's left. lett foot close behind the right and at the same time raise the right toot. Make a little hop forward on the left toot, and so on. The step is danced on the same spot and as high on the toes as possible. — Quick time : r> r» h \ \ fS IS etc. French Reel Step is like the Reel Step, except that the free foot describes a large circle forward, outward and backward and is placed beside the other : etc. Side Run. One foot is moved one step to the side, the other toot is brought up to it ; the first Waist Grasp. In couples (or in a circle). The foot is moved again one step in the same direction men hold the ladies around the waist and the ladies as before, and the other is brought up to it ; and so put their hands on the men's shoulders. on. Shoulder Grasp. The dancers place their hands on each others' shoulders. Steps Walking, Running, Polka, Hopsa, Waltz and Mazurka steps scarcely need to be described. Buzz Step. This step is sometimes used when a couple swings around in place, and sometimes in "Mills" and "Circles." When danced by a couple, the dancers put their right feet together, so that the outside edge of one touches the outside edge of the other (in "Mills" and "Circles" the right toot is Hop Step is danced with a hop, first on one foot p]aced tQward the centre)> and then mn around with and then on the other, as in stepping. In some dances this may be a long or a short hop forward. Sometimes, especially in dancing around in place, the step is taken backward ("Other Night's Steps"). In some dances there will be added a lifting of the heel, as for instance in the "Jew Dance"; but always in the hop step the feet constantly move past each other as in ordinary walking. Two Step. This is done by turning quickly around on the left foot, a half-turn, at the same time swinging the right leg around in a circle (the feet some distance apart like the legs of an open compass), then putting down the right foot and turning around on it, at the same time swinging the left foot around in a circle, and so on : the left foot, the right foot moving only a little for each step taken by the left foot. 2 4 . * i . r • 1 IS 1 r > r i r 1 r 1 etc. etc. etc. Reel Step. The right foot is put down on the Balance. The right foot is moved a little to the right side, the left foot is placed a little in tront of the right, the right foot is moved a little forward close behind the left. The left foot is moved to the left side, the right in front, the left brought up close behind the right ; and so on. Chasse. The left (or right) toot is moved one step, the right (or left) foot is brought up to it, the left (or right) foot is moved again one step in the same direction as before. Spring Away Step is usually danced to the left floor directly behind the left, and at the same time ("with the sun") with, for instance, two hand grasp. 25614 xii INTRODUCTION Tn dancing around on one spot put down the left foot, then place the right foot straight in front of the left ; move the left foot again a little step to the left and then place the right foot straight behind the left. The step is continued in this manner with the right foot placed alternately in front ot and be- hind the left foot : •^ #^ 0^ * ft .ft .ft if r 1 r etc. In dancing around the room the steps are a little different. After the right foot has been placed in front of the left, the left foot is moved a longer or shorter step to the side with a jump, after which the right is placed behind it ; and so on. Tyrolian Step. The step used in the beginning of the common Tyrolian Waltz. [Editor's Note. The Tyrolian Waltz referred to is as follows : Partners stand side by side with inside hands joined. (A) Beginning with the outside foot they make tour balances, during two measures of music, swinging the joined hands forward and back twice. (This is the "Tyrolian Step.") (B) Then in ordinary position they waltz together during two more measures ; and so on.] [Tyrolian Hopsa. The same as Tyrolian Waltz, except that in dancing around atter the tour balances Hopsa is danced instead of ordinary waltz. Ed.] Tinker's Step. Put down the right foot in front of the left, step backward on the left foot and draw the right foot after it, then swing the left foot slowly around in a circle and put it down in front of the right. Step backward on the right foot and draw the left foot after it, then swing the right toot around in a circle and put it down in front ot the left ; and so on. 1 r .>.* ; .*.v .>.* etc. Miscellaneous Terms With the Sun means in the same direction as the hands of a clock. (For instance, in the case of a circle formation the dancers would move from right to left around the circle. In the case of an indi- vidual dancer the movement would be a right about turn.) Against the Sun means the reverse of the above. Dancing Around may be done either "with the sun" or "against the sun," in place, around the room, or around in the set. If not otherwise specified, it is done moving around the room "against the sun" and turning about "with the sun." Reverse. Turning against the sun in round dancing is called "around wrong," or Reverse. Pretty Side Out means when the dancers are in circle formation facing outward with backs turned toward the centre of the circle. Strange Lady is the ladv at the left of a man as they stand in circle or quadrille formation. Strange Man is the man at the right of a lady as they stand in circle or quadrille formation. Figures Circle. Unless otherwise specified, this is formed by dancers joining hands in a ring. Big Circle is a circle in which all the dancers take part. Trip Step. The man, with an appel, places his left foot a little to the left and then without replac- ing it makes a second long step with it still further to the left. After this he brings the right foot up to the left foot and rises a little on the toe. Now, One Hand Mill is made bv the dancers in a set with an appel on the right foot, the same step is joining right hands with each other across the centre, repeated to the right. The lady dances it in the keeping arms straight and dancing around with the same manner, except that she begins with the right sun (or joining left hands and dancing around foot. against the sun). 25614 xiii INTRODUCTION Two Hand Mill is made l>v tour dancers facing joining hands thus across the centre the arms are inward toward the centre of the square and each interlaced. In mills and circles which are danced, first to the left and then to the right, the change of direction is made with an appel. Arch is formed by two dancers joining both hands and raising them so that the arms form an arch under which the other dancers pass. Chain is done by couples in a circle. It not otherwise specified, each man takes first his own lady's right hand with his right, then the next lady's lett hand with his lett, and so on. The men dance around the circle against the sun and the ladies with the sun. Other kinds of chain are described in the dances in which they occur. Turns during a dance in a circle or quadrille are made facing inward. It the dancers do not wish to go through all the figures of a dance, they agree beforehand on the ... , . , , / - 1. vi i c ji«. vi figures thev will dance, joining both hands (right with left and left with & right) across the centre with their opposite. In 25614 xi v FOLK-DANCES OF DENMARK. (J=I20) TWO JUMPS #■ ■#■ -j* ».♦ / 1 £f-f^ 5 # f -# •— F * •*- -•■-*■ -^"I^ ^E^; -» — •- * # p t=t= =1 ' »• » *--£ |ee£ * ^=F= F-#-F ^-# =F= • -F — #- a -a _ » * ~ ^E EE *v : 10 H 12 13 •F -t ^ -1 h t=t TWO JUMPS (Country around Tarm, Jutland) Music : 1-13 : : 14-24 : | (3) Put the right foot down and swing the left This was danced the day after a wedding. Old foot forward in the air toward the right side, with and young formed in a long row hand in hand, an heel lifting on the right toot. elderly man leading with the bride at his right, next At the same time during (1-3) the arms swing in the bridegroom, and then the others, the youngest time forward and back three times. coming last. Begin again with the left foot to the lett, etc. (1) All place the left foot one step to the left, In this way they went from farm to farm and then place the right foot behind the left. were entertained. (2) Again the left foot to the left and swing the The dance may also be danced toward the oppo- right foot forward in the air toward the left side, site side. with heel lifting on the left toot. 25614 I THE KIKKENjES GIRLS' POLKA W{/" i*s ? *— •- ^ ' ?=^P£ m m- f=itt=i=f: :*=p:=*: S3^E£ ' » » S^ -p-#- 2t -0—\ —0- *ES « » r * -*H4 • - • — »- N-=-fl- ^Et=^=^ i=F -•-» — •- =^ -v ^ : • #- £=#± -» — #- t: -*■ ♦ 15 E » — 0- -i — 5Ep 16 -#- -#- # » - / -•— f— i — p— •■ =t=== 17 ^ *=£=£ -V ^— 18 5 S=|: §B P- P m- 19 i • • * 20 £z£ j * • 21 * 22 5=S^ 23 S J ^ f : -y- t=t #± 24 » — — m- -m — 0- t= 25614 THE KIKKEN.ES GIRLS' POLKA (Hindsholm, Island of Fyn) Music : 1-8 : : 9-16 : : 17-24 :| (2) During the second polka step thev do the Danced in couples, ordinary position. same with the other arm. (1) Polka around. During the first polka step (3-4) Then two more polka steps are danced in the man throws out his left arm, and snaps his ordinary position. fingers, while the lady does the same with her Continue as above, two polka steps with and two right. without finger-snapping. (J=I20 HOPGESVEJS mf -jr± ■*■ -* 9ifcf=S= =•= =•=£ ■#- -»- -0- ■*■ «.«.#-.#. ^3= =£ HOPGESVEJS (Hindsholm, Island of Fyn) Music the same as for "Crested Hen," or the above, and the right in front of the lett, etc. i : 1-8 : I : 9-16 : I The lady does the same, except that she starts Danced in couples, ordinary position. with the right toot. (1) With a little jump the man places his left The jump thus comes at the same time, and the foot forward, then puts the right foot down behind couple dance around, turning right. the left, and then brings down the left foot in front The above is danced during measures (1-8). of the right. After this during measures (9-16) polka is danced. (2) After that, the right foot is placed forward The dance is done with small hopping steps, with a little jump, the left foot behind the right, 25614 3 HUKGESTOK (J=I20) M mp 1 %A F-W- f ' -»-«— P- — • ^==E =4= t=x=x=X f P=^ ■£ f- ■# F^^ 5: * Hi ' * 19 • ■, £ 20 -B-r 21 ' =t= 22 r i 23 =t= 24 £= HUKGESTOK (Hindsholm, Island of Fyn) Music 1-16 : 17-24 : foot, while the lady does the same on the left foot ! ■ i i- ■*■ f^ Thev dance one waltz step, turning around Danced in couples, ordinary position. (3) iney aanie i, & (i) The man makes two jumps forward on the to the right. left foot, while the lady does the same on the right (4) Then they both make a jump (turning around f to the right), the man on the right foot, the lady on (2) The man makes two jumps forward on the right the left. 25614 4 THE FANNIKE DANCE (J=II2) mf ?—jr-+— •- T V- -i t_ -• — •- f-f =i=t • * ^ 1 £ P * *=? ' THE FANNIKE DANCE (Island of Fan0) Music ] i-8 : 9-16: I Danced in couples, ordinary position. A. (1-7) The couple dance around the room with the sun in the following manner : The man turns in place with backward walking steps, while the lady runs forward around him with long springs. (8) The man lets go of the lady with his right hand and she takes her left hand from his shoulder, mo- so that they swing out from each other for a ment, after which B. ( ! : 9-16 : ) The man places his right hand on the lady's back, and she puts her left hand on the man's right shoulder-blade, while her right hand, which the man still holds in his left, is placed on the man's left hip. In this position they now dance around to the right with Sonderho steps. 25614 THE SONDERHO DANCE (I) (J=ioo) 2 \ ^ £ ■h" 'si g^E^— ^^ EP -0 0- • -0 •- i=f=t ^ P^igg^: 4i/: v EF -• — »- ^S i^K ■• •- ^=F £ * £^=^ -• — t- ? -•— p- S z£=2=-p: 8 j/* -0- i * # fc -•— # * p*=F r ■p- i* -» • -f- +- -F- -•■ ? * =•: 10 i: ^-3_j-q. -0 •- * 11 T= -P — • — P- =#F i=a==^= 12 £=£ fe^ I r ; -•— P- 13 ife r^rp- # — 0- t=£ 14 g=t^* -•— P- £ 15 ±£ 16 £^ -P -»- -»- _*_ =a — ^. ? THE SONDERHO DANCE (II) y ?«/ 9-1 i — •— # • §^ t=- j&- ■&- t V- S=^3= P ^ 25614 / V " — P— f • •? Ff^i^F^i j • J— 4 — i — ■4 11 ■0- 1 ■*■ it* - 7 12 A. 13 -•— - -• — 14 * -m— ■0- IS • 0- 16 # ^ -1 p 4 ' V r HI SONDERHO DANCE (Island Music | i-8 | 9-16 |. Danced in couples. A. (1-8) Man and lady go slowly arm in arm or hand in hand around the room. [In olden times the lady used to step in front of the man over to his left side, and then behind him back to her place during the last two measures (7-8).] B. The man takes the lady's right hand in his left, which he holds on his hip ; he places his right hand high on the lady's back while she places her left hand on his right shoulder-blade. With this grasp they dance, turning around right with the fol- lowing "Sonderho Step" : The man puts the left foot one step straight forward, swings the free right foot in a circle and puts it down a little way behind. At the same time he turns around on both feet, lifting the heels and then putting them down. After this he places the right foot a bit to the side. Meanwhile the lady has moved the right foot a little forward, moved the left foot up to it, and again moved the right foot forward. Atter this little chasse step a long step or jump is taken on the left foot. Sometimes after the jump the tip of the right toe acts as a light support, which is then placed lightly on the floor beside the left foot. To of Fan0) the first four measures of the music the steps are as follows : 4 Man Lady !S < IS IS 00 4 4- 1 r ( turn) r 1 r(jump) IS r\ 4 4 4 is is rs is 4 4 \ IS IS r\ 4 4 etc. Though the music is in % time, three quarter-notes will be used to execute the step. In the eight meas- ures (9-16) five Sonderho steps will be danced. During these steps the couple progress only a short distance (some few feet) around the room against the sun, but at the same time on each Son- derho step they make a complete about turn, with the sun. The movement should be continuous and smooth and without any sudden change in speed. The lady's jumps are smaller or larger ac- cording to the way the music is played. During the turn the man should swing the lady around vigorously but smoothly and, if necessary, lift her in the jump. [The lady's step is practically the same as in the Polonaise ("Jydsk Paa Naesen"), while the man's is very much like the step of the Swedish "Hambo Polska," except that the time is different.] 25614 LITTLE HAMBURGER LITTLE HAMBURGER (Himmerland, Jutland) Music : 1-8: : 9-16: | foot, and then Danced in couples, ordinary position. (4) They dance around one halt-turn to the (i) The couple make three quick steps, the right (no turn is made during the first three meas- man with the right, left, right, the lady with the ures) left, right, left, and then each makes a slower hop on the right foot and left foot respectively. (2) Repeat the same, the man right, left, right, right, the lady left, right, left, left. (3) Then both make two slow hops, the man still on the right foot and the lady on the left = 5614 (1-3) Repeat as before, starting on the opposite foot. (4) Dance one polka step, making a half-turn to the right as before, and so on. The dance is tripping and quick. 8 PEAT DANCE $£*=+ 'f% \ mf SfzS m ■#— -i — • — h =r= 4 If ±= 4-=P= & fct?===* S* '-e; 18 fr- 19 ! ' h 20 ±— 1 1 21 f— i — — F 22 •— ^ -I h q=t 23 24 f= ' Music : i-8 : ; 9-4 : tempo. Danced by three men. PEAT DANCE (Vicinity of Roskilde, Seeland) Played with increasing around the end block, and he now becomes the first man, while the one who was in the middle before is now the last, and thus must make a complete turn Three blocks of peat are placed in a row on the around the centre block the first time he reaches it, floor about four feet apart ; the three men dance and so on. The movement is shown in the follow- after each other in between the blocks of peat, ing diagram : The first man dances in a curved track in and out between the blocks, turns around the end block and dances back again in and out between the blocks in a curved track in the other direction. The middle man follows close behind. The last man must always make a complete turn around the centre block. As soon as he has done this he will be overtaken by the other 25014 r >0O" start followed by 2 and 3) The one who made a mistake or touched one of men, who have turned the blocks had to provide brandy. 9 THE PARISIAN POLKA (J='38)^- k ^ 3 E ;;//' &fe *=£££ iP—^ ^_ = 3SS^£=Si&=§ : £ * ^ . ^ 4 • — # •- -» — m m- * 32=f m -# — — ■»- -p — f- i -» — »- •— p- # • — p- _S x ^^ 8 % % ~v~2 ■fc=>z^ ; s~*f- tatt ^ 13 s 14 B^S?^ 15 ^ §! ^ 16 » — v — • — *?- fl^ • # £= 16 ^=t=;=*F ' EM* t=! / 17 i ^ » 18 * ■*— * f = f =L f~^ L 19 f f ^ 20 25614 10 i 8 3E-E± m 21 m^ 22 _^^_ 23 i-f-f- 1 I 24 ±= - : « 3= 24 ' ^= PARISIAN POLKA (East Jutland) Music : i-8 : : 9-16 : | Danced in couples. Steps. Chasse, Polka Step. A. (1-7) The man holds the lady's left hand in his right, and thrusts his left thumb into his armhole, while the lady's right hand is on her hip. In this position they chasse forward, starting with the out- side foot. (8) With a hop they make an appel on both feet at the same time, with the inside foot placed in front, and immediately with another hop make an appel on both feet at the same time, with the outside foot placed in front. (1-8) Repeat the same. (The couple may, also, dance with cross grasp.) B. (9) The man leads the lady in front of him, they release each other's hands, and each dances one chasse to the right, the lady toward the centre and the man away from the centre of the room. (10) After the chasse step, the left foot is placed a little forward and the right heel is lifted slightly. (11) Now each dances one chasse to the left, the man toward the centre and the lady away from the centre of the room. (12) The right foot is placed forward and the left heel is raised. (13-16) Repeat the same. C. (9-16) The lady dances backward with chasse steps in front of the man, who follows her, also, with chasse steps. During the first chasse step they hold each other by the right hand at shoulder height, and by the left hand during the second chasse step, and continue shifting in this manner ("Playing with Golden Apples"). D. (17) In ordinary position dance one polka step, turning about to the right. (18) The man places the right heel and the lady the left heel on the floor, and then with a slight hop on the other foot the man reverses his right foot and touches the toe ot it to the floor, the lady doing the same with the left. (19) Again one polka step (in ordinary position), turning about to the right. (20) The man places the left heel and the lady the right heel on the floor, and then with a slight hop each touches the toe of the same foot to the floor. (21-24) Repeat the same ("first with heel and then with toe"). E. (17-24) Appel and, in ordinary position, dance the polka, turning about to the right, but moving around the room against the sun. 25614 11 STICK DANCE 2— —• in/ >)*. — »- 3=t *- !=|= -a • *-•- f-f-^ ~J *= ^^ i 3^ 9* a^^ • ^ . =• — F- E^S -# — m- 10 AAA -» — » — s- -» • m- -m m — »- ♦ # ♦ £=E 11 ^, ^ A — •- tet^=*33 12 P =1 13 —m- cresc. 14 -*- ', -0 0- i*? * £= 20 # .J—*- -i — h •- » 21 £=*?= 22 s =g=^ -^ / 23 24 -» #- 25614 12 STICK DANCE It seems that this dance was generally used as a kind of competition between farmhands to show who was able to stand it longest. To the tune " The Ever-Happy Coppersmith " they used to dance a dance in Br^nderslev which was called by the name of the tune. During the first part of the music the farmhands joined hands in couples and danced with polka steps around the room with great speed. Then they re- leased each other and danced opposite each other with hop steps, clapping their hands (i) under the right leg, (2) above the head, (3) under the lett leg, (4) above the head, (5) again under the right leg, and so on. The legs were swung high when the hands were clapped under them. This was contin- ued to the end of the music and then the dance was begun anew. In Sailing a stick dance was known which was danced to the tune ot " The Time I Went Away." It seems that here each man danced by himself. Each held a stick in either hand and danced backward with hop steps, at the same time beating his sticks together thus : — (1) in front ot him, (2) under the left leg, (3) in front of him, (4) under the right leg, (5) in front of him, (6) behind his back with the ends pointing toward the floor, (7) in front of him and (8) at last he struck both sticks against the ceiling. The "Stick Dance" published here is from Him- merland, Jutland, but it is not know what the dance was like there. At Lonstrup it was danced in the following man- ner to a little melody in % time : Music : 1-8 : : 9-16 : (1-8) The two men first took each other by the hands (or around the waist) and danced hopsa or two-step. (9-16) After which they clapped their hands as described above. (1-8) Then they danced around again together, (9-16) and then with a stick in each hand they danced in the same way as in the Stick Dance from Sailing. It is evident that the dance was a test ot endurance, for we are told that when one man had to stop the other kept it up for a while longer and continued swinging the sticks alone. (J=i38) CATCH DANCE -«• ♦ m -.,3: CATCH DANCE (Vicinity of Skanderborg, Jutland) Music ! : 1-4 : : 5-8 :| (the music being repeated over and over until the Starting Position. Reversed row formation. lady is caught). The first couple then place them- Steps. Side Run, Chasse. selves at the end of the row. A. (1-4) With two hand grasp, first couple After this the second couple start from the be- dance down between the rows with side running ginning and dance in the same manner. step (or four chasses). When the whole row has been through it, and (1-4) They release hands, and with same steps the first couple again stand first, the whole dance is dance back, behind own row, to place. repeated, but this time the ladies have to catch the B. (5-8) The lady slips away from the man, men. who has to catch her, both dancing chasse steps 256,4 13 THREE-DANCE 10 11 12 13 -• 1- 14 15 16 #=£ 16 m - CVS IT 17 4^- 18 f H* • +=fz 19 J 20 =£= . 21 22 ' 3=2 23 24 THREE-DANCE (Han District, Jutland) Music : i-8 : : 9-16 : : 17-24 : C. (17-24) "Standing Chain." All start as for Starting Position. Two couples opposite each ordinary chain, but stop instantly after passing own other. man or lady, and all stand holding each other's Steps. Trip Step, Walking Step, and Hop Step hands, the men with their faces turned away from where nothing else is specified. Appel at the be- the centre of the circle, and the ladies with their ginning and end of Part A. This is danced like faces turned toward the centre of the circle. the Two-Dance (on p. 21) with the difference that a (17-24) The circle is continued, the man letting Part C" is added and Parts A and B are twice as long, go of his own lady and all walking a couple of steps B. (9-16) Partners take two hand grasp and with farther around another lady, or man. Again the trip step move in toward centre and back again, twice, man gives his right hand to his own lady and all (9-16) Then each man takes two hand grasp with stand still holding each other's hands, the ladies opposite lady and with trip step moves to the side with the "Pretty Side Out." and back to the middle twice. 25614 14 FOUR-DANCE it ( ' : 96) S=£ ;«/ 9i*'7 & -# — #- ^ f=* •«* . . -» m- -m »- as ^ ^ f=^ • ; ; :. ; gi^ 4 • » 10 -#- 3=E= 11 1 £ 12 ■# • #=g 13 * 14 # • 15 16 . J 16 % =fe ^ ., .-, =t 17 18 19 F • f—^P-m — f- 20, -t_ 21 22 ,21 y zn » #_ 23 ■t i 24 24 3 s FOUR-DANCE (Han District, Jutland) Music : i-8 : : 9-16 : : 17-24 : : 25-32 : , This dance is the same as the Three Dance (on Starting Position. Two couples facing each other, p. 14), with the addition of a Part D. Steps. Trip Step, Walking Step, Waltz Step, D. (25-32) In ordinary position waltz in couples and Hop Step when nothing else is specified, around after each other in the circle. Appel at the beginning and middle of Part A. 25614 j^ FIVE-DANCE (J = 8 4 ) 4 / ■)-i > -*-± -p — p- += # -p- ♦ 3* -y- ♦ 4 £=££ ± 5 ± :|=t= ♦ 6 #-•- F$ m s r- •- t4 p » p . p#p- (y j* -• — •- » — »- 10 ii m- -i — 12 13 -P P- 14 s 15 16 1=£ P* ? -» h 3 ii (J. = 72) -p ♦ 1 v)H s 2 H-#- ?«/" -0—0 S£ 17 ft • P- ^ 18 £fi 19 m £e= 20 S2 • 21 P=p: £S •-P £££ 22 P^ £» 4—1 — r^« 23 ? 24 , P 8 (•;:; • P ^o/c J- 8 ?- 25 353=t ' 26 t= i — 27 S 28 4*: StzjEpES 29 25614 16 FIVE-DANCE (Han District, Jutland) Music : 1-8 :: 9-16: J: 17-24 : :25-32 : .-33-40:1 D. (25-32) Circle against the sun with hop step. Starting Position. Two couples opposite each (25-32) "Standing Chain" (see p. 14). other. E. (33-40) In ordinary position all waltz in cou- Steps. Hop Step, Trip Step, Waltz Step. Ap- pies after each other around the circle. pel at the beginning and middle of Part A. First Figure A & B. (1-16) Same as in Two-Dance (p. 21). C. (17-24) All form a circle, and the circle, waltzes, without turning, down the room. (17-24) Return. Second to Fifth Figures A. Same as second to fifth figures of the Two- Dance. Parts B, C, D and E are the same in all figures. The dance closes with (| : 1-8 : ]) "Big Wheel" with the sun and against the sun. THREE STEPS HOPSA 1 — ^ ~F F •- ,<*~ # — — r— — 1— I— — 0— -F- — — f -a- — 1 — F — 1 1 1- r 1 m — — ^t - -m 1 ~ • — # ^ 8 f % 5 6 —0— 7 — 0— • %• —F — F — f — 1 •f F - ^~0 ' ■ * 4^- V F ^ *- THREE STEPS HOPSA (Hindsholm, Island of Fyn) Music : 1-4 : : 5-8 : | The lady does the same, except that she starts Danced in couples, ordinary position. with the right foot. (1) The man places the left foot forward and The couple dance around, turning right, makes two small jumps on this foot. The dance is lively, with small jumps ; the free (2) Then places the right toot forward and makes foot is moved forward. two small jumps on it. The dance is played gradually faster and faster. Then the left foot forward again, etc. 25614 iy TRENDERUP is ,. i;;l ='! • vip PttEfe --5<- •*■ -#- =P His ?^=? -0 — 0- *=^ 12 S -*- •*- -#• • » 13 :==: 14 -0—^0- '-•-*: 15 ' f—^~ 16 17 s=s r * 4= 18 fe *- -*- 19 SE 20 M. 4= 21 ' =r 22 #-• -P- t-~ 23 24 TRENDERUP (Han District, Jutland) Music : i-8 : I : 9-16 : | : 17-24 : (i3"X«. 9"") The ladies then form °" e hand Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. mill with left hands, and waltz once around against Steps. Waltz Step ; appel at the beginning and the sun. middle of Part A. (l3"i4) Returning to position, each lady takes right one hand grasp with strange man who dances First Figure around ^ her andj passing i„ ( l5 -i6) front of her A. d-8) Big circle with the sun. returns to own place. (1-8) Same against the sun. q j n or di n ary position, couples waltz around B. (9-12) With a clap each man waltzes in front the dn j c after each other _ of his strange lady, turning to the left, and places himself at her left side. 25614 x 8 Second Figure Sixth Figure A. Big circle with the sun and against the sun. A. Two hand men's mill with the sun and against the sun. Third Figure & A. One hand ladies' mill with the sun and Seventh Figure against the sun. A. Ladies' circle with waist grasp with the sun and against the sun. Fourth Figure a/-. uj > ii-Li j Eighth Figure A. One hand men s mill with the sun and against the sun. A - Men's circle with waist grasp with the sun and against the sun. Fifth Figure Parts B and C are the same in all figures. A. Two hand ladies' mill with the sun and The dance closes with ( : 1-8 : ) a big circle against the sun. with the sun and against the sun. (J- 90) -• # KYDHOLM DANCE ^^=P-^ • m -m — •- f : 2 4 5 §t|2 fefc * fc? % m m 10 ?■ * ^5- ^=S ^-^ 11 PIESE -#-« — — 0- — I • -»-» r- — ■ 12 KYDHOLM DANCE (Island of Sams0) Music ' : 1-8 : : 9-16 : | B. (9-16) Couples turn to the right and, side Starting Position. All couples in a circle. by side with cross grasp, dance forward around the Steps. Hopsa and, when nothing else is speci- circle after each other, fied, Hop Step. Appel on the turns. Second to Tenth Figureg First Figure A. Same as second to tenth figures of Oxcow. A. (1-8) Big circle with the sun, and (1-8) The dance finishes with big circle with the sun. against the sun. 25614 19 COURT DANCE * ,26) > \ • • . mf \y'\ ^ =^ 0—g—fZ ^ ^ =t=t _. $3 =2= =1= -• — •- -* — #- * u^si • &E3Et i s p^ { is ^ • ^ -m— 19 ^ — • £3^ 20 ^ —i — » # / 21 !fj 22 -B-*- 23 ^ 24 =^ COURT DANCE (Thy, Jutland) M ' i 8 • • 24 • I (13-16) Repeat the same. Starting Position. " Four couples in quadrille. (17-0) Opposite man and lady dance the polka Steps. Hop Step, Chasse, Trip Step, Polka Step, in ordinary position, (21-24) and then with jaist Two Step. Appel at the beginning and middle of grasp dance « two step around after each othci in p . v a little circle. „ _. fo-2 4 ) The third and fourth couples now dance First Figure v y ** ™. „„ ,,.-ii a r„ q\ the same. A. (1-8) "Big Wheel with the sun and (1-8) Second Figure against the sun _ « Big Wheel " with the sun and against the B. (9-12) The first man and lady, hand in hand A - D1 S (or with two hand grasp), dance one trip step inward sun. _...,,. , , , Third Figure toward the opposite couple, and then one trip step b _ back to place. The opposite couple during this A. One hand ladies mill With the sun and time dance in the same manner. against the sun. 25614 2 ° Fourth Figure Seventh Figure A. One hand men's mill with the sun and A. Ladies' circle with waist grasp with the sun against the sun. and against the sun. Fifth Figure „. , , .,. & Eighth Figure A. Two hand ladies' mill with the sun and , „ , • , • , • . , , . A. Men s circle with waist grasp with the sun against the sun. . ° ' ° and against the sun. Sixth Figure p . lrt R ig the game in al] FigureS- A. Two hand men's mill with the sun and The dance closes with ( : 1-8 : ) " Big Wheel " against the sun. with the sun and against the sun. TWO-DANCE 9i # '0+ 0—? -0 —*-- I h ■ S£ 6 • • M. -0- -^£ -0- *=- m 0— * -*£- —0- & othe TWO-DANCE (Han District, Jutland) Music '' : 1-4 : : 5-8 : | Second Figure Starting Position. Two couples opposite each A _ ( . w . } Dance around jn pkce with own lady in ordinary position. Steps. Trip Step, and Hop Step when nothing else is specified. Third Fi g ure Appel at the beginning and in the middle of A. ( : 1-4 : ) One hand mill with the sun and Part A. against the sun. Fourth Figure First Figure A _ ( . Jn+ . |) Two hand mill with the sun and A. (1-4) " Big Wheel " (circle) with the sun. against the sun. (1-4) The same against the sun. rirtn figure B. (5-8) Each man takes two hand grasp with A. ( : 1-4:!) Circle with waist grasp with the his own lady, and they dance with trip step in sun and against the sun. toward the other couple and back to place. Part B is the same in all figures. .(5-8) After this, two hand grasp with the opposite The dance closes with a Big Wheel with the sun lady, and trip step to the side and back to place. and against the sun. 25614 21 THE COUNTER-SWING (j=I20) 12=2: tnf ^ ij* • m !ZL ^§ iBp? 7* — p- £ — V J-* <"\V A *- -* -» — # — #- «3 f «^ 10 -•— » — £~ -» — P P 11 £ gJE^^ 18 ££ 19 f" -• •- 20 H H 21 :tt=t=E ^^ 22 4= *=S 25614 D.C. al Fine con Repetiz. THE COUNTER-SWING (Blaavand, Jutland) Music : 1-8 : : 9-16 : : 17-24 : : 25-32 : : 1-8: | 19-16 : Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Tyrolian Waltz and, when nothing else is specified, a steady kind ot Hop Step, done with almost no hop, a good deal like a running step, but with knee bending. Appels. First Figure A. (1-8) Big circle with the sun. (1-8) Against the sun. B. (9-16) First and second couples circle with the sun. (9-16) With an appel the men of the first and sec- ond couples take their opposite ladies in ordinary position, and swing them to opposite places. The two ladies finish in the centre of the set back to back, while the men remain standing in opposite places. (17-24) Third and fourth couples now dance in the same manner. C (25-32) The men dance around the ladies with the sun, and take left arm hook with own la- dies. (25-32) Couples dance around the circle with the sun, the men going backwards, and finish in own places. D. (1-8) Still keeping left arm hook with own ladies, the men join right hands and make a one hand mill a half-turn around with the sun. The lady is thus swung backwards. (1-8) The ladies are now swung in place a halt- turn with the sun. This brings the ladies into the centre. They give each other the ri^ht hand and the mill continues a halt-turn further with the sun, the men going backwards. E. (9-16) With " back cross grasp," partners dance around in place with the sun, (9-16) and against the sun. Second Figure E. (| :9-i6: ) One hand ladies' mill with the sun and against the sun. Third Figure E. One hand men's mill with the sun and against the sun. Fourth Figure E. Two hand ladies' mill with the sun and against the sun. Fifth Figure E. Two hand men's mill with the sun and against the sun. Sixth Figure E. " Goose Walk ; " with hand clapping they fol- each other around the circle, first with the sun and then against the sun. Seventh Figure E. Tyrolian Waltz in couples around the room. This finishes the dance. Parts A, B, C and D are the same in all figures. 25614 23 is s _— mf :J: EIGHT MEN'S REEL (I) -«-p^ * -P # » -p -". -p- -*- -p- - -p- j»_ s /riMhi^ • p T p p— — 1 — 1 1 p p t p p •j IA U r [ +§0+:_t^t » ♦ r j}p__. m m £ — i 1 r — i — 5 1 — 6 « " 4 - 7 - •— — — 8 Fine. 9^= — 0— — — -0— —0— -0— t 5 P - — — — P— M — _* — — — — 1 L P— — •— t- — F J 1 9s SEs^a^ 10 Z^^r 11 12 * f * d d d 4 T T ? 13 - • pi : ^ — h p . 0—0—0 — 0- — i — i — i- -0—0—0- 14 i= : ^■■^ ±-tf S: 15 *— 0—^-0— P P-T 16 > T j9.C rt/ Fine. EIGHT MEN'S REEL (II) (p :"6) I 1 £ ;///> •- P 0^0 # P-p—0- r- -p — p p -. 25614 24 U, # #-j*- ■» ♦♦ -i 1 1 1 — • • • -rft tr- • ». ] , ±3^EJ / 5 6 7 === 8 /•/«,■ 9 ^ # w 10 :i £ 13 3=S ^-=-fzz# 14 =t -» — •- P-# • # 15 £= J^-^ h — ^ 0--*-j-* .16 * b-*7- r 25614 26 oxcow (Island of Sams^) Music | : 1-4 :|: 5-8 :|: 9-12 : : 13-16 : : 17-20: [ Third Figure Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. A With tWQ h;uld gragpj partners dance around Steps. I wo Step, Walking Step, and Hop Step ; n place> wkh fhe sun and against the syn when nothing else is specified. First Figure Fourth Figure A. ( : 1-4 : ) Big circle with the sun. A. With back grasp, partners dance around in B. (5-6) First and third couple change places, place, with the sun. the third couple making an arch and the first couple passing through. (7-8) Partners take each other by the other hand and return to place, the first couple making the arch this time. (5-8) Second and tourth couples dance in the same manner, the first time fourth couple making the arch and the second time the second couple making it. C. (9-12) Ladies place themselves in the centre, back to back. The men go around them with the sun clapping hands in time, and finish in front of own ladies. D. (13-16) Chain. E. (17-20) With waist grasp, couples dance two step, following each other around the circle. Second Figure A. With one hand grasp, partners dance around in place, with the sun and against the sun. Fifth Figure A. Men's one hand mill with the sun. Sixth Figure A. Ladies' one hand mill with the sun. Seventh Figure A. Men's two hand mill with the sun. Eighth Figure A. Ladies' two hand mill with the sun. Ninth Figure A. Men's circle with the sun. Tenth Figure A. Ladies' circle with the sun. Parts B, C, D and E are the same in all figures. The dance finishes with a big circle with the sun. KNURRIFAS (J=i26) KNURRIFAS (Han District, Jutland) Music : 1-8 : | (5 - 6) After this the couple in ordinary position Danced in couples. dance two polka steps, turning with the sun, the Steps. Chasse, Polka Step. man starting with left foot and the lady with right. (1-4) With the lady's left hand in his right, the (7) They make two hops, the man on the right man dances four chasse steps forward, starting with and left, the lady on the left and right. the left foot while the lady, starting with the right (8) After which they again dance one polka step foot, dances four polka steps, at the same time turn- forward, the man starting with left foot and the lady ing herself with the sun under the man's arm. with right. 25614 27 KRISTEN GAD'S FOUR-DANCE tept=g :$5=£=f=?= # -LL£-£ : J =£5 *-*-?-• ^ =R KRISTEN GAD'S FOUR-DANCE (Vicinity of Hadsund, Denmark) Music : 1-4 : | : 5-8 : | : 9-12 : | : 13-20 : in place with the sun and against the sun. Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. Fourth Figure (Five couples can also dance this together.) A Lad } es ' one hand m ji] w ith the sun and Steps. Reel Step, Waltz Step, Walking Step, . ^ ^ ^ and Running or Hop Step when nothing else is & ° r Fifth Figure First Figure A. Men's one hand mill with the sun and A. (1-4) Big circle with the sun and (1-4) against the sun. against the sun. Sixth Figure B. (5-8) Man and lady turn facing each other, A. Ladies' two hand mill with the sun and and dance reel with hands on hips. against the sun. (5-8) With an appel they turn away from each Seventh Figure other and dance reel facing strange lady (or man) g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gun and C ( : 0-12 : |) Chain. First, right arm hook , , , • r ,/. 1 , ,- 1 1 aeainst the sun. with strange lady, making a half-turn, then left hand & to own lady, right hand to next and so on. If five El g hth Fl § ure couples are dancing, the chain is continued during A. Ladies circle with the sun and against the the following repeat of the music until they reach sun. their own places. Ninth Fi S ure D. (13-20) Inordinary position couples waltz, A. Men circle with the sun and against the sun. following each other around the circle. Parts B, C and O are the same in all figures. Second and Third Figures The dance finishes with big circle with the sun A. In ordinary position partners dance around and against the sun. 25614 28 (J=I20) THE BLUE FLAG 9 m 3= S3: 11 *^ ES 12 s 13 14 -r- » 15 :=^n -i — — r U— V- 16 -#-. — / 17 :> > 18 f=* 19 * » fe^ESE 20 • • — ™ 21 ^•-4=- 22 _ 23 -r-.- 24 25. -•- -4 -3-k- 8 ?- / 26 THE BLUE FLAG (Island of Amager) Music ; i-8 : 9-16:' (9-26) Third and fourth couples now dance part Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. B in the same manner as the first and second couples Steps. Waltz Step, Polka Step, and, where have just done. nothing else is specified, Buzz Step or Side Run. First Figure A. (1-8) Big circle with the sun. B. (9-12) The first man and lady take cross grasp and, with polka step, dance t (with or against the sun) to the left past the second couple to the latters' place. (13-16) Continue the same back to own place. (The second couple has at the same time danced in the same way past the first couple's place back to own place.) (17-18) All four couples stamp three times. (I9-20^ All clap hands three times, every man standing facing his own lady. (21-26) Every man and his lady, with both hands on hips, waltz past each other in a small circle of their own, the man dancing behind the lady. 25614 Second, Third & Fourth Figures A. (1-8) In ordinary position, all dance around with the sun, in place, with own partners. Fifth, Seventh & Ninth Figures A. With waist grasp, the ladies circle with the sun. The men, at the same time, clap hands in time to this. Sixth Figure A. Men's one hand mill (with right hands joined). Eighth Figure A. Men's mill, with "Cross Grasp" with the sun. Tenth Figure A. With waist grasp, men circle with the sun. Part B is the same in all figures. (1-8) The dance finishes with a big circle with the sun. 29 EIGHT-DANCE (J. =63) ''\ *=F ^=fe&2 P m^m J J" d^5: dolce t=f= =5: =5= =3 — •- * se*e -«<- -(©- f- :- 3e£e£eeeeS (^ -» — »- * — ?- -» — »- — — «- # # -• — •- # m- -&- & £ uit -I- -0 0- -0 0- -0 0- * f=M= 10 •» —m fe=rf •— ^ £=^=j^= 11 iSfeEfc 12 1* 13 -0 0- -0 0- *-0 •—0 ^± 14 • 0—? u. 15 ^ ~Kt 16 iS>- fe » ^~ =t= ♦ -* i=J: 23 2 -<&- -\ — ^ 24 o -Si =,- 24 5> *?- ^ • " T=¥=r=p=f- A25 » P 26 25614 3° EIGHT-DANCE (Vicinity of Hadsund, Denmark) Music |: i-8:| :g-i6: :i7-24; : 25-32: ! lady has taken third man's left hand in her right, Starting Position. Row formation. and third lady's right hand in her left, and danced Steps. Waltz Step. (All begin waltz step with with them in the same manner away from the front, the left foot to the left side, even if the movement released hands and with appel faced about with the is to be to the right side. Tn dancing around in sun, joined hands again, and danced back. Part D, however, the ladies start with the right (17-20) First man takes second man's left hand foot.) in his right hand, and third man's right hand in his A. (1-8) First, second and third couples dance left, and they dance to the right side as seen from in a big circle with the sun and the front. (1-8) against the sun. (21-24) They release hands and with appel face Appel at the beginning and the turn (1). about with the sun, join hands again and dance B. (9-10) First lady dances over to second man. back. At the same time (17-24) the first lady has (11-16) With left arm hook, she swings once and danced in the same manner, between the second a half around with him. and third ladies, out to the left side, as seen from At the same time (9-16) the first man has danced the front, and back. (Each time during measures around behind his ladv over to the second lady, (23-24) four appels are made.) and swung her once and a half around with right D. (25-32) While third couple stand still, the arm hook. first and second couples in ordinary position dance (9-10) First lady dances over to the third lady. after each other around in a little circle. (11-12) With right arm hook, she swings around a half-turn with her. (25-32) The second couple place themselves in position ot first couple, while first couple continue At the same (9-12) time the first man has danced to dance around and at the end take position be- around behind own ladv over to third man, and tween the second and third couples, with left arm hook has swung around a half-turn When the dance is done the second time, the with him. first, third and fourth couples dance together and (13-14) The first man now with his right hand finish with the first couple standing between the takes his own lady's left and they dance up between third and fourth couples. the third and second couples, making a Tvrolian The third time, the first couple dance with the swing with the arms. fourth and fifth couple. (15-16) First man takes left arm hook with sec- The fourth time, the first couple dance with the ond man, and dances one turn around with him, fitth and sixth couples, but now at the same time while at the same time the first and second ladies the second, third and fourth couples dance together, dance one turn around together with right arm etc. hook. It is better, however, to have the couples counted C. (17-20) First man takes second man's right off in threes down the row, and each group of three hand in his left and second lady's left hand in his start the dance at the same time. The second right, and they dance forward toward the front. time, the first couple will then dance with the third (21-24) They release hands and, with an appel, and fitth couples, etc. each one for himself (or herself) faces about with The dance is considered finished when the first the sun. Thev immediately join hands again and couple has been last in a row, and has returned to dance back. At the same time (17-24) the first original place again. 25614 31 FOUR-DANCE ^ (J, = i6o) =4= i m s • si * t • • » f \ ^y^^^^^&E^ /Cs s^i -»-=- t— d — h iE^=3tlt=V 1=W -^rffe^^S i ^6 — #- 10 s* EE^M v 2 it=eS=?n«5 s^ it 12 . T-f- 3d j_ -5- #— • - — IV 12 ^- F= =*= ^'t -p- 13 P P- * Fr- 14 H^^P"^^^^ ^E?E=£ ■V==£ E 15 ss8 &j si; 16 =^=^# 17 5 t— p-~> W 18 i -P- • 19 : 20 21 S5614 P^ ^5Si^^^^^S5=^ 32 FOUR-DANCE ( II ) (J=i6o) m -? — • • — p- -0 — h tr- 4— fc i i— I. m& -m- •A -m- $i=£ ' 's * ±=t= £fe -t—m—f- 7* =& :j j_. fetS 3$ -» — »- *=F= 10 fe :|= 11 12 : fefep=£=££ #— • -•— ^ 13 9' *£ 14 J=* -F— F 15 16 ^=E= 17 3I« ; SE=£ 18 Se£sI 19 sis - wm 20 4L. -£ • P- 21 22 23 3=: 24 *=; *. -» • — 0- 25 -*■ ■*■ ■*■ -» 1— * 1 — r 26 •—• -r^^-i-*- •- .* -#- 4-H— h- * 27 28 £ 29 -- ?E 30 1=? ± 31 ± -»— — v 32 25614 a FOUR-DANCE (Kallehave, Seeland) Music (Four-Dance, No. i) ; 1-8 :g-i2: : 13-16: (19-20) The ladies make a half-turnabout with i : 17-24: the sun in place with two Tyrolian steps, and at the Danced in couples ; several couples together. same time the men dance Tyrolian steps around Steps. Tyrolian Step, Chasse, Walking Step, behind own ladies, back to own places. (21-24) All now form in big circle (the ladies with " Pretty Side Out "), and make four Tyrolian Buzz Step. No Appels. First Figure A. (1-4) Big circle with Tyrolian Steps with the sun. (5-8) The same against the sun. B. (9-10) In ordinary position couples dance in around in place with buzz steps toward the centre of the room with one chasse and two walking steps, (11-12) and back again with one chasse and two walking steps. (9-12) Each man now swings strange lady around (with the sun) in place, with buzz steps, in ordinary position. C. (13-16) Each man takes cross grasp with own lady, and the couples walk around the room against the sun. (13-16) Without releasing hands they face about with the sun, all dancing buzz steps, •and return with the sun. The lady thus always Parts B, C and D are the same in all figures, walks on the outside and the man on the inside of (1-8) The dance finishes with partners dancing the circle, and they are side by side. around in place in ordinary position with buzz D. (17-18) The man stops, facing outward, be- steps. tween his own lady and the next lady, in the direc- Couples do not belong in any position specified tion, for the couple, of against the sun. The ladies beforehand. If there are many couples, all the face in toward the centre of the room. The man ladies do not, for instance, dance together in one stands with his own lady's right hand in his right, circle, but instead form several small circles, and the other lady's left hand in his left. THE RED CAP steps in place. Second, Third & Fourth Figures A. (1-8) In ordinary position, partners dance Fifth, Seventh & Ninth Figures A. (1-8) With waist grasp, ladies circle with the sun with buzz steps. Sixth, Eighth & Tenth Figures A. (1-8) With waist grasp, men circle with the sun with buzz steps. Eleventh Figure A. (1-8) "The Whole Family." Big circle * dolce E01 m 1 1=$ f * ' f -m- 25614 34 & i 11 -#- E Eg: 12 ** 13 V i 14 ** 15 •)t; » 2 ^=^ 16 :. i-f- *z ~\ H 17 -#— — •- 18 £J J -J-^-f^ 19 S3^ -i •- 20 21 P* -*■' a£ £2 S 22 *- _*_*. 23 24 •^r :t- THE RED CAP (Vicinity of Hadsund, Denmark) Music : i-8 : : 9-16 : | : 17-24: | Starting Position. Row formation. Steps. Reel Step, Hopsa Step and, where noth- ing else is specified, Hop Step. A. (1-8) First and second men face each other, with two hand grasp or hands on hips, and dance reel. At the same time their ladies dance in the same manner. (1-8) They turn so as to face own partners and, with two hand grasp or hands on hips, dance reel. B. (9-16) First and second couples dance chain with each other. C. (17-24) First and second couples dance with hopsa step around in a small circle atter each other. The first couple move one place down and stand below the second couple. The dance is now repeated, the first couple this time dancing with the third couple, while the sec- ond couple are idle. The third time it is danced, the first couple dance with the fourth couple and the second couple with the third ; and so on. 25614 35 THE GIRLS' PLEASURE ( # N 132) s * m ' & -• — •- ; L -» — h- t=t *= £=£ -•— .. P— — •— ^ — • — m — =t=t= ~P= =i ^— *- 9 ? « # ?=? * »_ -P — P- *=£ t= ■#-»- •— P- ft -» — »- J ' ^^i^= J s £ £=£ J=£ p— • M ^ ?= =£ m =*=# -h-ffi — \ t??*- -f^trxtj . k * J J £=* ■H- Tff > ?£#-P *==£ ^^ J==tc M n '0-P- f= 1= =* EE i= M ^ : p— ±=t M f « L> «* ! p_ _ H ..«,_#. ' i J S : ? =* j f ffcf ^ *=* £=t= 5 : u^ r t= 25614 THE GIRLS' PLEASURE (Island of Sams^) This dance is done by two ladies. Starting Position. First lady in front of the other with arms crossed in front so that the right arm is uppermost. The second lady is behind, holding first lady's right hand with her left, and first lady's left hand with her right. Step. Waltz step. They dance ordinary waltz. During the first two waltz steps the first lady lets go with the right hand, swings it around in a curve over the second lady's head and with it takes hold of the second lady's left hand, which the second lady has in the meantime put across in front of her to the right side under the right hand. The position is now the same as at the start, except that the first lady is now behind and the second lady in front. During the next two steps the second lady lets go with her right hand, swings it around over first lady's head and grasps the first lady's left hand, which the first lady has at the same time crossed in front of her under the right hand. The dance is continued in the same manner. SHOEMAKERS' DANCE >):'2 £^==£^ * 4 =£==£ SHOEMAKERS' DANCE (Vicinity of Horsens, Jutland) Music | : 1-4 :| : 5-8 : (inward, downward and outward): " thread winding." Danced in couples. (3) With a strong jerk pull the elbows backward A. (1) Man and lady stand face to face, clench twice: "thread pulling." fists and revolve them quickly around each other (4) Three claps with the hands, (moving them inward, upward and outward). ( I_ 4) Repeat. (2) Then revolve them in the opposite direction B. \ : 5-8 :| Polka. 25614 37 ACE OF DIAMONDS (J=I20) *4 f #— w/ 1 1=* R= H 1- l=&^ 3 + r^ J 4. =3t ^_ _h_ -4" * JT 6 9^H r~ — k««j- -* J « ■' 0- -0 ^^— • • • 7 "I P =1 — ^= -id-' — *— 8 — * — -0 0— d-~ » -• — 9 ■ • FH i— — #— — • — » — if: i~ k -•- - — * — — — — F — ) * — 1 H 1^ hJ-J J i— -M — — m — •_ 11 -0- -0- ■0 +■ *■ ^H 1 ■^ r ' 1 f -I — 1 — -> ACE OF DIAMONDS (Vicinity of Skanderborg, Jutland) Music 1-8 9-16 : 17-24:] (5-8) With another clap they take left arm Danced in couples. hook and run around against the sun. A. (1-4) With a clap of the hands, man and B. (9-16) Ladv dances backward with hopsa lady take left arm hook and run around with the steps, the man following her, or turn about. sun. C. ( : 17-24 : ) Polka. 25614 38 SEVEN JUMPS :«)= 12 / m^. $ fc=ff ^ ^=r 1= s^=e £^E is # ^— •— g== , tf -- (S 1 - 3^ SEVEN JUMPS (Jutland) This Jutland folk-dance is usually done by two men, who swing each other around in place until the end of the music, on the last note of which they both stamp with the right foot. Now they swing around again, and then (the last two notes of the 4. Left knee on the floor. 5. Right elbow on the floor. 6. Left elbow on the floor. 7. Forehead on the floor. Now the dance is continued, 5 and at every repe- music being repeated) stamp first with the right feet tition the last notes and their accompanying move- as before, then with the left, and stand still on the ment are omitted in the reverse order ot that in last note ; then swing again. It is continued thus : which they were added, so that the thirteenth swing After each swing around, the last two notes are re- around ends with a stamp of the right toot, peated one time more than the last, and each time a Berggreen, from whom the above description is new movement is added, namely : taken (see A. P. Berggreen's " Danish Folk-Songs After the third swing around touch the right and Melodies," page 377), mentions that he has knee on the floor. seen a description of this from Kullen (Sweden), After the fourth, the left knee on the floor. and says that it is found not only in Denmark but After the fifth, the right elbow on the floor. in Sweden, Switzerland and France, as well. After the sixth, the left elbow on the floor. In some parts of Denmark it is danced by one After the seventh, swing around, when the last man and one girl (around Hobro), and in other two notes are repeated seven times; these places (around Horsens) by several couples together, repeated last notes are accompanied by I. A stamp on the right toot. 1. A stamp on the lett foot. 3. Right knee on the floor. who join hands in a circle. In the Od District it is occasionally varied by one man's turning a somer- sault over the back of the other fellow, instead of touching his forehead to the floor. 25614 39 FOUR-DANCE FOUR-DANCE (Vicinity of Varde, Jutland) Music | 1-8 1 9-16 |. The whole music is played twice through for each figure. Starting Position. Two couples opposite each other. Steps. Walking Step, Two Step, Chasse to the side, Keel, and (when nothing else is specified) Hop Step. .\ppel at the beginning and middle of part A. First Figure A. (1-4) Circle with the sun and (5-8) against the sun. B. (9-12) Chasse once to the side and dance six reel steps. 25614 In the chasse partners are facing each other, ana each lady moves in the same direction as her own man, keeping face to face with him. The first time, the ladies chasse to the right and the men to the left (the lady passing in front of the strange man as they exchange places). The reel is danced with partners hieing each other, and is begun by putting down the inside toot behind the other. . (13-16) Chasse and reel again to the other side. This time the ladies chasse to the left and the men to the right (the lady again passing in front of the strange man). 40 C. (1-8) "Arm Hook Chain." First, with right arm hook, each man makes a halt-turn around with strange lady, then with left arm hook a whole turn around with own lady, and then with right arm hook a half-turn around with strange lady. D. (9-16) With waist grasp, partners two step once around the circle. Second Figure A. One hand mill with the sun and against the sun. Third Figure A. Two hand mill with the sun and against the sun. Fourth Figure A. "Goose Walk." Walk around in a circle after each other, first with the sun and then against the sun. Fifth Figure A. "Yoke." Men take each other's hands and raise arms, ladies bend and go under inside the ring, and put their hands on the men's shoulders. They dance thus, first around with the sun, then against the sun. Parts B, C and D are the same in all figures. The dance finishes with big circle with the sun and against the sun. THE HATTER U= 88 ) -• — •- =S # • j*—± • • 10 Ml — I'- ll 12 13 14 15 -r* #- -(9- " V ' 16 £m 16 ? * ? t-f-rt 17 * 18 » 19 20 * _1 21 22 —m- S 23 % 24 *?: 25614 45 THE HATTER (North Seeland) Music : 1-8 : : 9-16 : : 17-24 :| Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Buzz Step in the swings ; otherwise Hop Step. No appels except where the description calls tor them. First Figure A. ( : 1-8: ) Big circle with the sun. B. (9-12) The dancers release hands, ladies and men face each other and make three appels (left, right, left), then clap three times. (13-16) Again three appels and three claps. (9-16) Each lady and man turns about and faces strange lady (or man) and gives first three appels, then three claps, and again three appels and three claps. C. (17-24) Chain, once around. Second Figure A. In ordinary position, partners dance around in place. Third, Fifth & Seventh Figures A. Ladies form a circle with waist grasp and dance around with the sun. Fourth, Sixth & Eighth Figures A. Men form a circle with waist grasp and dance around with the sun. Ninth Figure A. Big circle with the sun. Parts B and C are the same in all figures. The dance finishes with partners dancing around in place with ordinary grasp. HORNPIPE m^ . k=?£=hf=£H=*: 25614 / >)■■'-- : ' T ^^ * : ^£gt: m 42 HORNPIPE (Vicinity of Randers, Jutland) Music \ : 1-8 : : 9-16 : J Danced in couples. Man holds lady's left hand in his own right. They dance the following steps : (1) The left foot is placed a little forward to the left. (2) The right foot is placed behind the left, (3) which is again placed forward to the left. (4) The right foot is placed forward to the right. (5) The left foot is placed across behind the right foot to the right. (6) With a backward jump, the right foot is swung in a circle forward to the right ; thus crossing the legs, so that (7) the left foot is put down in front of the right foot (land at the same time on both feet). (3-8, 1-8) This is repeated seven times. (|: 9-16 :|) Polka. Starting Position 25614 43 NORWEGIAN MOUNTAIN MARCH £ ft . £?§ * J 6 1= i s i= ^5 = F=3 Y 2 53: -» — • 0-TS—0- —?- * 10 11 12 £* F— • 13 x -. —a — • •• 14 :«=± -• m d - 15 -• — — •- 16 17 £ ^z 18 • ^=3i=p: 19 20 1 f 21 f : * 22 • — • — I =4— =1 =1 23 1 24 — F— — •— 25 l^ 1 A — • — =1 F=- —J— • ~* £ " : 26 '* S * > » 27 •— — •- 28 29 1 »t £ 30 3=P ^ * 31 o 32 -P= r 25614 48 THREE-DANCE (Ribe, Jutland) Music I: 1-8 : 1 : 9-16 : 17-32 } the same manner, the third couple going between Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. the fburtn in coming over and the fourth going be- Steps. Hop Step when nothing else is specified ; tween the third in going backward to place. C. (17-18) First and second couples dance toward each other clapping hands three times. (19-21) Men take right arm hook with opposite ladies, and swing once around. (22-34) Then take left arm hook with own ladies Running. Tyrolian Hopsa. First Figure A. (1-8) Big circle with the sun and (1-8) against the sun. B. (9-16) First and second couples advance »nd swing to own places. toward and past each other with little running steps, (25-32) Third and fourth couples dance in the the second couple separating and the first couple same manner, passing between them. When the first couple have passed between the second couple, the first man and Second Figure second lady move a little to the left, and the first This figure is like the first, with the exception of lady and second man a little to the right (so that Part A, which is as follows : the second couple may pass between the first cou- (1-8) "Tyrolian Hopsa." All make the four pie), and all with backward running steps return to balances in place, and during the swing around place. move around and finish in opposite couple's place. (9-16) Third and fourth couples now dance in (1-8) The same again, and finish in own places. THE CRESTED HEN (^=104) -£3= ' ; tT-2 — • — *—+- \ 3 /i EHEEEEE -m—i T~rrr 2 JL -0 - -»■ 4 •- t-rt * -0—0- s — 0-f -0—\ *=i THE CRESTED HEN Music |: 1-8 : | : 9-16 : | by the left lady and the man. She is followed by Danced by one man and two ladies. the man who, still holding the ladies' hands, turns Step. Hop Step. Free hand on hip. about under his own uplifted arm. The left lady A. (1-8) Man and two ladies circle with the sun now dances through the arch formed by the man and (1-8) against the sun ; appel at the beginning and right lady, and is followed by the man. and turn. (9-16) Repeat. B. (9-16) Ladies release each other's hands, Tne dance may be repeated as long as one wishes, and the right lady dances through the arch formed 25614 49 BERLIN CONTRA • w -£ • — t — p- t=f=» £=£=£=£=^2^33 % £=f= fe|liP^iS^ d=S= • — ff»- gimp^ * 23 13 14 12 — ^ 25614 BERLIN CONTRA (Vicinity of Horsens, Jutland) Music : 1-4 : : 15-18 : | Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Hop Step. In dancing around in Parr B the " Other Night's Step " is used. Appel at the beginning of Part A and at middle when the di- rection is changed, and the same at the beginning and middle of Part B. First Figure A. (1-4) Big circle with the sun and (1-4) a- gainst the sun. B. (5-7) "Cross." Third and fourth men dance in a curved track to the left, forward to the right and back to starting position, and at the same time the ladies of the third and tourth couples dance in a curve to the right, forward to the left, and back- ward to starting position. Simultaneously with this (5-7) the first lady dances forward around her man, and goes between the fourth couple (in front of the fourth lady and behind the fourth man) over to second couple's place, where she meets her own man, who has danced between the third couple (in front of the third man and behind the third lady). (8-11) They dance around in place in ordinary position. During the same time as the above (5-11) the second man dances between the tourth couple (af- ter the first lady), the second lady dances between the third couple (before the first man), and they (the second couple) meet and dance around in first couple's place. II. (T2-14) Third and fourth couples separate for first and second couples, but this time the second lady dances between the fourth couple with the first man following after her, and the first lady between the third couple with the second man fol- lowing her. (15-18) The first and second couples dance a- round in place. III. (5-11) First and second couples now sepa- rate for the third and fourth couples, who dance over to the opposite place in the same way that the others have done, and there swing around in place. IV. (12-18) After this the first and second cou- ples separate, and the third and fourth couples dance back to own places and dance around in place. The men must always go behind own lady and opposite lady. Second Figure A. With one hand grasp, dance around in place with the sun and against the sun. Third Figure A. With two hand grasp, dance around in place with the sun and against the sun. Fourth Figure A. Ladies' mill with the sun. Fifth Figure A. Men's mill with the sun. Sixth Figure A. Two hand ladies' mill with the sun. Seventh Figure A. Two hand men's mill with the sun. Eighth Figure A. Ladies circle with the sun and against the sun. Ninth Figure A. Men circle with the sun and against the sun. Part B is the same in all figures. The dance finishes with a big circle with the sun and against the sun, after which the ordinary Hopsa is danced to any Hopsa music. l&t &5 25614 Si OLD BERLIN (J=i68) JeIII mf feE^EE^ S=£EE£i£ • -# • -*— 4 J&EgS Repeat 4 times P- — — P~ #— — »- 5— — p- :t^=t=E=Q3= 12 ^ P p- H h 13 14 • # • * 15 ^ $ =H C =r 16 17 ^ S — » — •- -» r- 18 19 20 -P •- 21 22 .>•-=* ^ -# -v 25614 52 OLD BERLIN (Island of Langeland) Music : 1-8 : : 9-22 : : 9-22 : | Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Hop Step. Appel at the beginning and middle of Part A. First Figure A. (1-8) Big circle with the sun and (1-8) against the sun. B. (9-18) "Cross." The men of the third and fourth couples dance in a little curve out to the left, forward, to the right and hack to starting position, while the third and tourth ladies dance in a curve to the right, forward, to the left and back to place. At the same time the first lady, passing in front of her man, dances between the tourth couple (in front of the lady and behind the man) across to second couple's place, and then forward to the centre of the quadrille; and the first man, crossing behind his lady, dances between the third couple (in front of the man and behind the lady) over to second couple's place, and from there forward to the middle of the quad- rille. While the first couple are dancing as described, the second couple dance in the same manner, the lady dancing between the third couple in front of the first man, and the man dancing between the fourth couple following the first lady ; the first and second couples finally meet in the centre of the quadrille. (19-22) With an appel, the first and second men change places with own ladies (the man crossing be- hind his lady), and both couples swing once around with the sun, at the same time moving back from the centre of the quadrille. The man must always dance back of his own and opposite lady. (9-22) Part B ("Cross") is danced a second time with the first couple dancing as the second couple did before, and the second couple like the first. (9-22) Part B is danced a third time, the first and second couples now dancing in a curved track, as the third and fourth couples did before, and "crossing" with them, the third man and the fourth lady going between the second couple, and the third lady and the tourth man going between the first couple. (9-22) Part B is danced a fourth time as it was the third time, except that now the third man and fourth lady go between the first couple, and the third lady and fourth man go between the second couple. Second Figure A. With one hand grasp partners dance around in place with the sun and against the sun. Third Figure A. With two hand grasp partners dance around in place with the sun and against the sun. Fourth Figure A. With cross grasp partners dance around in place with the sun and against the sun. Fifth Figure A. Ladies circle with and against the sun. Sixth Figure A. Men circle with and against the sun. Seventh Figure A. Ladies' one hand mill with and against the sun. Eighth Figure A. Men's one hand mill with and against the sun. Ninth Figure A. Partners now with two hand grasp dance around the circle, first with the sun (the men going backwards), then against the sun (the ladies going backwards). Part B is the same in all figures. The dance finishes with big circle with the sun and against the sun ("The Whole World"). It is quite usual for the dancers to turn about one or more times while executing the "Cross." 25614 53 SIX-DANCE (.. = i 2 °) i ^ ^ ^=^F=^ -• .•- V- : m* i i*==*FP= H b =E *=* f-^-P : £=^ -# — p- *=*=*= --J, — h — » — •— —N 10 §2E?3 ^ — * • =£ 11 3— g y- *— • ■+—*■ 12 SE3 ^zzt 13 -*-=£: ii 14 * P fe 15 ^=3=^ * • d - : 16 £ 17 ^3=£££ 18 1=1 -*?- £5=£f 19 3=t =r H^HH^ F=£ J-' 20 / -» »- g=]=^ =^ *==!*=E==£ w 21 J: J 22 ^ i 3^f ^=* 23 =F • — •- 24 25614 54 SIX-DANCE (Vicinity of Holbeck, Seeland) (13-16) Second and third couples dance in rne same manner. C. (17-24) Chain once around. Music J 1-8 J 9-16 I 17-24 I Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Buzz Step in the swings, Chasse Step and, where not otherwise specified, Hop Step ; no appels. First Figure A. (1-8) Big circle with the sun. B. (o- 12 ) First and second couples take two hand grasp, and, with tour chasse steps, dance around each other with the sun and back to place ing around in place without revolving during the movement. Figures Two to Twelve A. Same as part A of figures two to twelve of the Jew Dance. Parts B and C are the same in all figures. The dance finishes like the Jew Dance with danc- FORWARD Bright. ( J — 120 ) mf 1 »e£ fe£ ;e^eb -• — 0- 4 Jt JL = FFf = # -0- ■1 i 4 3 2 1 JfcfcfcfcH '>- ! 12 0-0-0-F -1 — 1 — 1— 13 ' f XJl -#_p-p-#- 14 tr 0—0—0—0—^ — •- ; 15 ■0* -0»- — 0— £££i 16 A- JL -P— W- v FORWARD (Island of Falster) Music i 1-8 : : 9-16 :| (6) Appel with one foot; appel with the other Danced in couples, ordinary position. foot (lady left, right, man right, left). A. (1-4) Polka. (7-8) Repeat. B. (5) One chasse step forward, the man begin- The dance is continued as long as one wishes, ning with the left foot and the lady with the right. 256.4 55 FOUR-AND-A-HALF DANCE. (I) (J I26 > tnf P • r^ ' »^^ . 6 -0- :|= ♦ •*■ ♦"- ♦ . ♦ pi 5 Ffe :t=+ 10 #-#-*- ♦ ■?■ -*■». ♦ - ■+ 11 12 > ££ 13 14 #-•-!■ 15 16 -0- '%*—•- mm 3 1 3 * 4= s? 17 *---^ feE^£ 18 =e==P P-4-F- 19 20 -0- -0 •- £=E 21 -• •- -» 0- *=?=?- 22 ^ * Et ?—M—* £ S 23 *= =fc 24 fe B33-?=« / EEt #— #- — I 1 — i — 5 25 « #- ' 26 J j/f— f~ I m T -I mh *—0 ^0*1 27 i f "f— E«EgESEj=* 28 — • •- h 1 — -m 9— • ^£ltEE E33G^ 29 -• #- -" f— —*- 25614 S'6 * i i ■) 30 ■#• -*- -#- -#- -# »- J S SJ • — •- n_nm > . • H—F-+ 32 ^ ^ % £ 33 J ^=*=* ^ ••> 34 T\ 5 FOUR-AND-A-HALF DANCE ( I ) (North Jutland) Music : i-8 : j : 9-16 : : 17-24: | 25-32 j 33"34 ! Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Walking Step, Chasse, Hopsa, and when nothing else is specified, Hop Step. Appels only where specified in the description. First Figure A. (1 : 1-8 : !) Big circle with the sun. B. (9-16) First and second couples advance toward each other with one chasse and two walking steps, and with one chasse and two walking steps back to place again. (9-16) Third and fourth couples forward and back in the same way. C. (17-24) Dance hopsa halfway round the cir- cle, beginning it with a " Tyrolian Swing" in which each man, holding his lady's left hand in his right, swings it in toward the centre of the circle, he at the same time stamping with his left foot and she with her right foot. The hands of all couples should meet in the centre. (17-24) Repeat. D. (25-28) Each man puts right arm around his lady's waist, and she puts her left hand on his right shoulder. In this position they dance once around the circle. (29-32) Each man swings his ladv a half-turn with the sun and goes against the sun back to start- ing position ("King's Garden"). E- (33-34) Partners turn toward each other and give compliment (bow and courtesy respectively), turn about (man to the left, lady to the right) and give compliment to strange ladv (or man). Second, Third & Fourth Figures A. Partners dance around in place in ordinary position. Fifth, Seventh & Ninth Figures A. Ladies form circle with waist grasp and dance around with the sun. Sixth, Eighth & Tenth Figures A. Men form circle with waist grasp and dance around with the sun. Eleventh Figure A. Big circle with the sun. Parts B, C, D and E are the same in all figures. The dance finishes with partners dancing around in place in ordinary position. 25614 57 FOUR-AND-A-HALF DANCE. (II) Andante. (J So) r F- P- Ez* mf — 9- \ — #- . _: p — * ■•— & ^. £ ^ #-«— -*— *- J it= P^giB 7 — £ ^5 P F- -« •-*—•- _- f —0- 10 Si£ 11 -m— — »- . 12 -0 — i- _ — 13 t f i e^ s tf,/ //•£. ^ ST\ afi =#=F P£^ 14 * 5 > ! 3 15 f— P 16 a=fc B :* -S=P j 17 J =£=4= -(2- ^18 «-*=»=* £2 £E 2 4 19 f =i=f ^ 20 Allegro. ( fil = 1 12 ) ^ ^ 7 21 -4 3= 22 g£j i * w * 23 -#- # 24 t? 25 26 ^ 27 ^ 28 fe £= ^ gf=£= 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 \%, \ ±=£ ,'3 -4 ft 25614 58 Waltz (J- =60) \B-Ht rf: P P 37 38 - t- 3t 39 ■0- -m- - m — — •- £ ^ 40 ? 41 Rtr-b — h- -f- -»- "=t=-f- -f!= 42 # — * • j 1 m 43 » » — -•— 44 5^=i L- — r 1 ' + | 1- — ■ 1- i • FOUR-AND-A-HALF DANCE (Island of Falster) Music | 1-16 | 17-20 j : 21-28 : | : 29-36 : : 37~44 ' | Starting Position. Row formation, the men on the left side as seen from the front, the ladies on the right. Steps. Walking Step, Chasse Step, Balance and Waltz. I. (1-8) First couple take one hand grasp with right hands, and turn once around slowly and se- dately (eight steps). (9-16) They turn and, taking left hands, go around the other way. II. (17-18) The first man and his lady make a deep compliment (bow and courtesy respectively) to each other, first to the left and then (19-20) to the right. III. (|:2i-28 :) The first man gives his lady his right hand, and they run, with chasse steps, down between the rows, turn around to the left without releasing hands, run back and stand before the second couple, who now occupy the first place. IV. (29-36) The first and second couples make four balances (ladies beginning to the right and men to the left). (29-36) First couple about face (lady to the right, man to the left) and make four balances as before, opposite each other. V. ( : 37-44 :) First couple waltz down between the rows and back again, stopping in front of the second couple as before. The second time the dance is done, the first couple dance as they did the first time, except that this time they make the balances (of IV) in front of the third couple, and finish after the waltz (of V) in front of the third couple. The third time the second couple dance, too, the first couple making the balances before the fourth couple and standing after the waltz in front of the fourth couple, while the second couple does the same with the third couple ; and so on. Every second time a new couple begins. When a couple has danced down between the rows and done the four balances before each couple, they take their place at the bottom of the row. If many are dancing, the fifth and ninth couples (etc.) may, if one wishes, begin at the same time as the first couple, and act as first couple in relation to the following three couples. 25614 59 oxcow (J = / ^%3E , -I ' I — I — # — — 0— « •— #- 4- C^" ^s^ j— #: #—•-•-« •— •- £^~ •— •— • _b=? • » « $ S^ 3=fc T#~*- ^ ^7= tti. J. • ' • -# ^d- — i — ^ — • — i— J — j—0 — — t -•— - =t =£ ^-•-^—•-TJ • *-•- fe 4r-r^ 6:= ' m H: -^ * •— * 10 ■f-t- =t= 11 -0- 4= # :t=t: ^ — v- 12 =t ^):^ •—•—a— —•—• ^EBdZ -i 13 f ^ * 3E^ ' —• 14 0—0 m —•—• t=C=£=± 15 -i^m r"2 .16 fc -4^4 /l/ s . * * ' * '^^T f tf^fTT*! f Lfl -f f * • ■-»- *3-r-^==z\ •>)•:: f 17 t 1 =f~~ ! & t= ' 18 19 t * • 20 ^- % 1 y* P — P L r — ^ — t—T^ l 25614 60 oxcow (Island of Funen) Music ; : 1-4 : : 5-8 : ' : 9-12 : j : 13-16 : : 17-20 : ] Starting Position. Eight couples in double quadrille. Steps. Walking Step; and when nothing else is specified, Hop [Step, danced with slight bending from side to side and springy knees (like an old person). Appel at the beginning and middle of Part A and of Part B, also in Part D when the rows go forward or back, but not in Parts C and E. First Figure A. (1-4) Big circle with the sun and (1-4) against the sun. B. (5-8) First and second sides (the four dan- cers in each joining hands in a row) advance toward each other with four slow steps. (5-8) They retire backward to position, and at the same time the third and fourth sides advance. C. (9-10) Third and fourth sides retire to posi- tion, and at the same time the first and second sides advance with four slow steps, clapping hands four times. (11) The first and second rows, standing opposite each other in the centre, stamp three times with right foot. (12) Then they clap three times. (9-12) The first and second rows now retire backward to position, making room for the third and fourth sides, who now dance in the same manner. D. (13-16) Each row forms a circle of its own with waist grasp, and dances around with the sun and (13-16) against the sun. E. ( 1 : 17-20 : 1 ) Each little circle dances chain. Second Figure A. Partners take two hand grasp and dance around in place with and against the sun. Third Figure A. The two ladies in each separate side take two hand grasp with each other and dance around in place with, and against, the sun. Fourth Figure A. The men in each side dance in the same manner. Fifth Figure A. Ladies of the first and third sides form a circle (the ladies of the second and fourth sides do the same) and dance around with, and against, the sun. Sixth Figure A. Men of the first and third sides (and men of the second and fourth sides) dance in the same manner. Seventh Figure A. All the ladies circle with and against the sun. Eighth Figure A. All the men circle with and against the sun. Parts B, C, D and E are the same in all figures except that in Part D (13-16, 13-16) and Part E (17-20, 17-20) of the fifth and sixth figures, the first side dances with the third, and the second with the fourth; in the seventh and eighth figures all four sides dance together in Part D (13-16, 13-16) and Part E (17-20, 17-20, 17-20, 17-20). The dance finishes with big circle with and against the sun, ladies with " Pretty Side Out." 25614 FRENCH REEL * (J=I20) P^ • ):S2 •) tnf 1 a * * £=£= =3= p— •- f ±^=:=* E 4 -*- j — ■>— H J: =£ I=f4 -4^ ±=£ *=* 6 ■ft '' • -* — •- £= s r s -# — p- -i — =i= =s=£ :=t= ^ EEEEf -#-H»- * »~ 10 p * S I §=*==;=£ 11 f «= £ L •— * 12 N==f — ft— p -»— — •— 13 £ =ft -I 1- ;eu£ ^— »t 14 : 5= . ' 15 £= =£ ' ^_» • P~ — f— r 16 • 17 . i f * 18 ■0- -0- -*■ — j 19 ft -*- 4 -1 1 1 20 =£= — : ^* s • -F- t=f=« :t: V *f- 21 22 23 *azm=£ X 24 4 25614 62 FRENCH REEL (Vicinity of Horsens, Jutland) Music : 1-8 : | : 9-16 : : 17-24: Starting Position. Men and ladies stand in two rows facing each other, men to the right as seen from the front ( row formation). Steps. French Reel Step, Walking Step, Hop Step. The dance is described for the first two couples, but all the other couples dance in the same manner at the same time. I. (1-2) First man turns to second man and shakes his right hand four times. (3-4) Then shakes his left hand four times. The first and second ladies meantime do the same. (5-8) Partners advance to each other and shake hands, first right, then left. II. (9-12) Partners clap own hands, then clap each other's right hands, their own, each other's left, their own, then both hands with each other, and three claps with own hands. (13-16) Men and ladies dance four French Reel Steps in place. III. (9-12) The two couples finish with a circle, dancing around with the sun and (13-16) against the sun (appel at the beginning and at the turn). IV. (17-20) "Half Chain." A. With an appel, ladies and men go toward each other, (B) men take own lady's right hands in their own, and (C) then odd and even men and odd and even ladies take each other's left hands and place themselves in the opposite row in exchanged positions as related to the front. (21-24) With an appel the rows change places in the same manner as before, except that the first and second couples (and all other odd and even couples) finish in exchanged places as related to the front. V. (17-20) The first and second men (and all other odd and even men) form an arch, and with an appel the two rows change places, the ladies passing through the arch hand in hand. The dancers, keeping the row formation, release hands, face about and join other hands. (21-24) With an appel the rows change places again in the same manner as before, except that the ladies now form the arch. When six couples are dancing, their order will now be as follows : 2nd, 1st, 4th, 3rd, 6th, 5th The dance is repeated, and this time the first and fourth couples and third and sixth couples dance together, while the second and fifth couples stand still. With an odd number of couples it comes out every time so that one couple is left out and stands idle at one and the other end of the row alter- nately. When the first couple turn away from the sec- ond couple (in order to continue the dance with the fourth couple) the men and ladies nod to each other. 25,614 63 JEW DANCE :i= 13 14 15 =4= 16 ^m^WMM n =E=F tzt 17 -» »- :t 18 •. '. h ^==i-=^; 3 19 | ' ^ . # — • 20 = : » -•- -f 1: Jd^i: 21 —#- 22 *=£ *^5 4— 4—b 23 -0— — • £ 24 fcz^ iP |: ; 25614 64 Music : 1-8 : : 9-16 : : 17-24 :: 25-32 :| Starting Position. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Hop Step ; Buzz Step in the swings ; no appels. First Figure A. ( : 1-8 : ) Big circle with the sun. B. (9-16) Men stand still while ladies form a circle and dance around with the sun. (9-16) Then the ladies go in to the centre, while the men form a circle and dance around with the sun. C. (17-24) The ladies form a circle and at the same time the men (each at the left ot his lady), without releasing hands, raise their arms over the A. ladies' heads and bring them down in front of them circle ("Double Ring"). In this position they dance around with the sun. A. D. ( 2 5~3 2 ) Chain once around. JEW DANCE (Vicinity of Holbek, Seeland) Sixth Figure Men's circle with the sun. A. Seventh Figure A. Ladies' one hand mill with the sun. Eighth Figure A. Men's one hand mill with the sun. Ninth Figure A. Ladies form circle with waist grasp and dance around with the sun. Tenth Figure A. Men's circle the same as the preceding ladies' Eleventh Figure Big circle with the sun : "The Whole Family.' Second, Third & Fourth Figures Twelfth Figure A. Big circle with waist grasp, with the sur. A. Partners dance around in place in ordinary "The Good Time." position. Fifth Figure A. Ladies' circle with the sun. Parts B, C and D are the same in all figures. The dance ends with partners dancing around in place in ordinary position. 25614 6.1 HERMAN BOSSES -0 0- m -0 — •- t £=PL 10 :§=*=fc=f=* -&- -• ^ m 11 &» *• 12 13 14 5 =f== tS>- 15 16 s HERMAN BOSSES (Island of Bornholm) Music : 1-8: | : 9-16: | B. (9-16) "Armhook Knot." With a clap the Starting Position. Men and ladies in two rows first and second men take right armhook with own opposite each other, the men to the left and the ladies, then left with each other, right with own la- ladies to the right as seen from the front. dies, then left with each other, and retire to the same Steps. Walking Step, Running Step. places as at the finish of part A ; this is done with A. (1-8,1-2) First lady and man advance toward walking step. The dancers wait in place tor the each other. When they meet they press right beginning of the next strain of music, palms together (hands shoulder-high), give a slight Second Time: The first couple dance as before, push and retire. Passing around behind second lady except that thev begin one place further down in the and man, they advance toward each other between the row, and tie the "Armhook Knot" with the third second and third ladies and men, push with left couple. hands (as they did with right hands before), then re- Third Time: After the first couple has "tied the tire and, passing around behind third man and lady, knot" with the third couple, the second couple joins they advance between third and fourth ladies and in and "ties the knot" with the third couple, while men. rhc first couple is doing the same with the fourth (3-8) The man takes the lady's right hand in his couple. left and they run back to place, where they again Every second time a new couple joins in. The separate, and passing around behind the second lady first couple, after they have danced the "Armhook and man take places between the second and third Knot" with each couple, take their place at the ladies and men. bottom of the row. 25614 66 PEAR WALTZ (J=I20) 'jP|-f p r-f-T * ' * i=^-U- P P~ m 0— —0— —0— — — ! f— — ?-»■ ;«/ 1 2 #— —0— 3 ♦ ■*- # w — ^ 4 — •— — 0— P*thr — m — m — 1 a 1 — -0— l — • -i — ^ — P -«-4- -» 1 1 — , 0— _k__ — 0— L-^^=- —^00- [ tJ~ ^ 9$. i -0—P 0—P *=K ■p—p—*- m m ^ -y- PEAR WALTZ (Seeland) Music : 1-4 : : 5-8 : | Starting Position. Three couples in a triangle. Steps. Walking Step, Side Run, and Buzz Step in the swings ; no appels. First Figure A. (j : 1-4 : ) Big circle with the sun (with either buzz step or side run). B. (5-8) "Arm Hook Chain." The men go around against the sun, and the ladies with the sun. First, right arm hook with own lady ; after that, left arm hook with the approaching lady, then right arm hook with strange lady, and finally left arm hook with own lady, making a half-turn with her in place. (5-8) Dance chain again. This time the men go around with the sun and the ladies against the sun, each man taking right arm hook with strange lady, left with the approaching lady, and right with own lady ; swing her a half-turn to position. The chain is danced with walking steps. Sometimes there is not time for the man to take right arm hook with his own lady before the music is finished, and in that case he leaves it out and begins at once with the next figure. Second, Third and Fourth Figures A. In ordinary position dance around in place with own lady. Fifth, Seventh and Ninth Figures A. Ladies form a circle, holding each other around the waist, and dance around with the sun. Sixth, Eighth and Tenth Figures A. Men form a circle, holding each other around the waist, and dance around with the sun. Eleventh Figure A. Big circle with the sun (with buzz steps or side run). Part B is the same in all figures. The dance finishes with partners dancing around in place in ordinary position. 25614 67 THREE MEN'S REEL = ^=£=g=F=fa^^^ ^ ^g^ a f^l Music : 1-4 M :5 _I2: 1 Danced by one man and two ladies. Steps. Buzz Step, Reel Step, Walking Step. First Figure A ( -I-4-. ) Circle to the left with buzz steps. The' dancers, as seen from the front, finish in a row with the right lady on the left turned toward the THREE MEN'S REEL (Od District, Seeland) facing each other. ( I2 ) The man finishes with three appels. (5-xx) The man turns about facing the left lady, dances the reel with her (12) and finishes with three appels. Second Figure A ( • 1-4: 1) Chain with quick walking steps, as with t he right lady on the left turned toward the A . I • hand tQ left lady and man , who stands in rhe middle facing the nght lady; foM«« M^ g^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ tQ th e left lady on the right facing m the same d.rec- chang I , ady passes don as the man. They stand with a Stance of "ght kdy an, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ three steps between them and gives left hand to left lady, she passes on and P (VI i) Man and right lady dance the reel ana gi 25614 gives right hand to right lady, who now takes her Third Figure place in the middle facing the man. The left lady, A. ( : 1-4: | Chain beginning with the right as seen from the front, now stands on the right, lady, who gives the man her right hand. while the man stands on the left. At the end the left lady should stand in the mid- B. (5-1 1 ) Right lady dances reel with man and die facing right lady. (12) finishes with three appels. B. ( : 5-1 2 : |) Reel. (5-11) Right lady dances same with the left (: 1-4: ') The dance finishes with a circle to the lady. left with buzz steps. THE BIG HAMBURGER ±n£ i=f r. g — *• 3 r ~r -• — •- mf o*g 2 | » — a: 5=5 ^ 1 1= j j-a v * ?=* -*-*• ~& *^=# ii r~ Music I : 1-8 : | : 9-16 : | Danced in couples in ordinary position. A.. (1) Couples with one Polka step make a reverse half-turn (that is around to the left), (2) and with a little hop the man swings his left THE BIG HAMBURGER (Himmerland, Jutland) around in the usual direction, (4) and then around once with two-step. (5-8) Repeat the same. ( : 1-8 : ] : 9-6 : ) Continue. When they dance the "two-step" they change foot forward (and the lady her right) exactly as in a position, the man putting his left hand up under Mazurka Step. the lady's right shoulder, while she takes hold of (3) They now dance one Polka step, turning his shoulders with both hands. 25614 69 JYDSK PAA N^SEN (POLONAISE) £3-T3 «t— * — *r t» J-*— - — H^— H 1- ;/// 1 S3 -»— — •- • — #- S3 Trf— ^ • * ^^^za^s -4r -«-— #- JEEEt :!i *^=i *■ i=t^: 4 ^ =|e* -&t— =3— *-—«—*: ^---*— * si=^ : t ^fe£ -4- 7 * t j= pt i ^ I fc^: "? / iL% -• — *- 13 • — n- 10 E=£ IE £33 ^— ^ tT -»— »- 14 J.. 1 s 11 It =4= 15 « I*. 4= :J: 12 * J 16 i^^ Music ! : 1-8 : , : 9-16 : | Danced in couples in ordinary position. The man begins by placing his left foot forward and, as in the waltz, turns himself once about to the right on the left foot, then places his right foot back of the left. After a very short step with the left foot, he places his right foot a little forward ; then begins again with the left foot. The lady at the same time places right foot a little forward, and after a quick step on the left puts JYDSK PAA N.ESEN (POLONAISE) (Vicinity of Horsens, Jutland) turns about while dancing this and then begins again with the right foot. Man Lady ■sV. J* j* j* r etc. etc. The dance is continued in this manner, the man little rorwaru, anu unci a ijuici^ oitp un m^ ^<.^ y^^ - ■■- ~ — . down the right foot again ; then places the left foot always beginning with his left foot and the lady with forward just as the man did in beginning. She her right. 25614 7° FIGURE-EIGHT DANCE 7 -&- -* r 9 10 ggEE^ 21 +•-'. :P= — t g 22 * 23 24 ^ -d * ^=j: -# •- 25 # V 26 F 25614 72 CONTRA-DANCE (Vicinity of Slagelse, Seeland) Music : 1-8 : : 9-16 : : 17-24 : : 25-32 : | Formation. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Hop Step ; Buzz Step in the swings. First Figure A. ( : 1-8 : |) Big circle to the left. B. (9-16) First and second men, with right arm hook, dance twice around with hop steps, each finish- ing in front of his own lady- The men remain in arm hook position with each other and each takes his lady's left hand in own lett and forms an arch with her. (9-16) The third and fourth couples run once around to the right through both arches (the lady running first and man following, holding her left hand in his own right) and return to places. When both couples have gone through the arches, the first and second men return to places. (j : 17-24 ; j) Third and fourth couples form the arch and first and second couples run through. C. ( : 25-32 : j) Chain around the circle with hop steps, the men beginning by giving right hand to partner. Second, Third & Fourth Figures Fifth Figure A. Ladies' one hand mill to the left, each dancer putting left hand on the right arm of the one in front. Sixth Figure A. Men's one hand mill to the left in the same manner. Seventh Figure A. Ladies' two hand mill to the left. A. Eighth Figure Men's two hand mill to the left. Ninth Figure A. Ladies' circle to the left with waist grasp. Tenth Figure A. Men's circle to the left with waist grasp. Eleventh Figure A. Big circle to the left, hand in hand. Twelfth Figure A. Big circle to the left with waist grasp. Parts B and C are the same in all figures. At the end, finish with dancing around in place A. Partners dance around in place with buzz with buzz steps in ordinary position, eacli man steps in ordinary position. with his own lady. 25014 73 FEDER MIKKEL -• mm FEDER MIKKEL (Himmerland, Jutland) „ . c , . I direction in which they are dancing. Music 1-8;: 9-16. | backward, and swing the Danced in couples in ordinary position. V 11 l *J w " c A (1-4) Couples dance one chasse forward, one other foot forward, chasse back and four side running steps forward. (13-16) After this they dance two I olka steps (5-8) One chasse backward, one forward, and and turn twice around with two-step, four side running steps backward. (9 _I 6) Repeat. B. (9-10) Then they dance forward with one When dancing two-step the couple change posi- chasse and, with a little hop, the man swings his tion as in "The Big Hamburger." right foot (and the lady her left) forward in the 25614 74 THE FOUR CORNERS Quick \ ^M \ f 1 P«P £ ^ -•— — •- F^ s »* -•«- *£5 i ~=. ~ P • r-»- =f= ' 2* i= * 3S =t= fflEE t=t §3^^: ' =±=t -m — m- d * M-. - ^ ^fe 10 S^S ' * -0 — 11 12 £2 P— P- 1e )=f k> ; : 13 =s -#H- ^ *^' 14 t t= =P= • ^ -1 15 ES ^ -« — «- » ■»- — 16 3 • \ « 17 £ -» »- 18 19 -P P- -» #- ;• i^- =t -&- ~5 (AS 13 • * m m — 0- 14 ' m 15 16 4 * m 17 I 18 t ^ m ^ 25614 76 m 19 ^ *=*: 20 u 21 22 23 ^ Wc 24 # • ^ e 26 * ^ 3t!it=t -• — m- 27 -i 1- t? qP=PE 28 H 1 29 30 -^ 31 tJ 32 D.C. a I Fine M. JL — — #— QUADRILLE (Vicinity of Slagelse, Seeland) Music : i-8 : ! : 9-16 : ' : 17-24 : \ : 25-32 : J Formation. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Walking Step, Hop Step, and Buzz Step in the swings. First Figure A. (| :i-8: ) Big circle to the left. B. (9-12) First and second couples go forward four steps toward each other and make a half-chain, but when they pass each other they stop, hand in hand (men holding strange ladies' right hands in own right, and own lady's left in own left). (13-14) They stand this way for two measures. (15-16) Then they stamp three times, (9-10) and the ladies are led on over to the op- posite places, each man still holding partner's lett hand in his left. (9-16) The third and fourth couple do the same, beginning as soon as the first and second couples have stamped the three times. C. (17-24) First and second couples advance toward each other with hop steps (the man and lady still holding each other by the left hand). The two couples form a mill, the men giving each other the right hand and the ladies doing the same with the left. They swing once and a half around to the left with hop step and finish in own places. (17-24) Third and fourth couples do the same. D. ( 125-32: ) Chain once around with hop step. Second to Twelfth Figures A. Same as part A of the second to twelfth fig- ures of the Contra-Dance, except that in the seventh and eighth figures one may instead dance ladies' and men's circle with hands joined. Parts B, C and D are the same in all figures. At the close, partners dance around in place with buzz steps in ordinary position. 25614 77 Moderate p -) 4* — *- : 4 ■• •- £ -I — I- t — **: jLJk MALLEBROK (MALBROUGH) i P 5 «?" 2 §4=! -t t= ^ / -J- £^5: 6 — *?- -» »" • =^=3 -^ ^ - *L l=t SE k ): *=« 12 izzM: £ 13 m abut r 14 f — "ftff fe 15 JT1 t=^= 5 MALLEBROK (Vendsyssel, Jutland) 16 Music : i-8 : : 9-16: | Danced in couples. Steps. Chasse, Reel Step. A. (It 1-8:1) Polka in ordinary position. B. (9-12) Partners face each other with hands on hips, and dance one chasse step to the left, 25614 stretch right foot forward, and clap the hands ; then one chasse to the right, stretch the left foot for- ward and clap the hands. (13-16) They dance the reel, facing each other. (9-16) Repeat. 73 CONTRA-EIGHT 8S >< :? — * — * — J- 11 12 fl-r r e-p- 13 (pt S 14 4- -0- -w- +. -p- 15 ¥ 16 /•>«<•• -t =» 17 -t -P- #♦•#■-•. -+- 18 P P=p: H h 19 -«- — m- #* P L^r 20 §fe # « £ EF 21 £ 22 -» — •- M= ^=^p— p: 23 :P P P- 24 ^ P= 25 •P- =t= # ♦ - L r r i*- -P- •#.-#••#- -#• -*■-•■-•■ / 26 ^ "$" :p=P=p: H 1 h 27 28 * £ L -» — » — #- 29 ? - ♦ # t £ t=p^ : £E^ 30 J 31 -» »- £ *=? 32 D.C.al Fine. -P- — #- i : 25614 79 CONTRA-EIGHT (Vicinity of Slagelse, Seeland) Music [ 1-16 : 17-32 :| For A- the music is p laved in running time, but for A 1 it is plaved in waltz time. Formation. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Tyrolian Step, Waltz Step, Running Step. First Figure A. (1-16) Big circle to left with small running steps. B. (17-24) First and second couples dance for- ward toward each other with four Tyrolian steps and make four Tyrolian steps in front of each other. (25-32) Then both couples dance back again to place with light waltz steps, the man and lady turn- ing around each other separately. (The man begins by passing in front of his lady.) (17-32) Third and fourth couples do the same Second Figure A 1 . (1-16) All tour couples waltz around the circle to the right in ordinary position. A 2 . (1-16) Couples dance around in place (or- dinary position) with small running steps, ladies going backward during the first half of the music, and men going backward during the second half. B- (| : 17-32 : ) The same as in the first figure. The dance finishes with all couples waltzing around the room. EIGHT MEN'S DANCE %& -^3- ^^ -t- 1 F ^ ^W— W= F— • — ft «=*=£=* — = . t\+ ? m 10 ^ 11 & '' ■^s ^ i w 12 df -f-i -0— 3 2561 1 80 — — D.C. al Fine EIGHT MEN'S DANCE (Vendsyssel, Jutland) Music : 1-4 : : 5-12 : : 13-20 : Formation. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. "The Other Night's Step," and Hop Step in the swings. First Figure A. (1-4) Big circle to the left and (1-4) to the right, with Hop Step. B. (5-8) With Hop Step cross with the couple on the left in the following manner : Third and fourth couples (stepping away a little from each other) each make an arch. The first and second couples cross through, the first man leading his lady over toward fourth lady ; the first lady passes in front of the fourth lady and behind the fourth man, while the first man goes around behind the fourth lady and in front of the fourth man and goes through the arch after the first ladv has gone through it. The second couple dance in the same manner between the third couple. (9-12) Then dance around in opposite place with "Other Night's Step" in ordinary position. (5-12) Cross back (the first couple going between the third, and the second couple between the fourth) and dance around in own places. (| : 13-20 : ) Third and fourth couples cross be- tween the couples to the left in the same manner. Second to Ninth Figures A. With hop steps swing to the left and to the right exactly as in Part A of the 5th-ath figures of "Contra-Dance." (Dancing around with own part- ners as in the 3rd, 4th and 5th figures of Contra- Dance, occurs in only a very few of the Jutland dances.) In dancing the mills, the dancers do not place their left hands on the right arm of the preceding dancer. Part B is the same in all figures. The dance finishes with a big circle to the left and to the right, with hop step. 25614 81 CONTRA-DANCE (J=i44) A i -J — J~* — * — J^ z H h H 1- mf 4 m 2 . JLJ £ ^=^ s t^ =t^ -» — — m — • — »- ia ^ -F— f 1^ 1=; fc ,-v ^ • 4r_tL — # — — m — m- i r £=^*^F -# — P- £ *-*-+. 10 n fcV *- g — s-f 4±± i — ; s -• — •- 12 -# * — • -F ! — =F ^=3^ ^ * S ~d 13 :t^t ^ ■P — P—F—P ^&S 14 =& +!?: • • P • i H- 21 22 23 '* S ?=E 24 •W— -• — f- f 25 ^ r » * 26 • — « fTT-F 25614 82 p^ r r pi — » — -?—*- r r r f= p . f^Vz ,— rH^^ •-*— ; ^^ — — 1 — fir 1 27 .^ i P P * 28 29 m • f ♦ 30 ♦ • 31 -P- 1 32 JL. ^7^ • * T T -£— K= — 1 » ~\ T ^-v r — •— — 9 » — ~p # — ! 1 — 1 U » F— p 1 H^ 1 1 CONTRA-DANCE (Vendsyssel, Jutland) Music | : i-8 : : 9-16 : | : 17-24 : : 25-32 : | Formation. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Hop Step when nothing else is specified, "Spring Away" Step and Walking Step. First Figure A. (1-8) Big circle to the left, and (1-8) to the right. B. (9-15) First and second men swing their own ladies around in place with "spring away" steps, in ordinary position. (16) Then lift their ladies high in the air and set them down, in the centre of the circle, back to back. (9-16) Third and fourth couples do the same. C. (17-24) While the ladies remain standing back to back, the men go around to the left (with tour steps and four claps) to their opposite ladies, and each man with waist grasp swings his opposite lady around in place with "spring away" steps. Fin- ish with the men back to back in the centre instead of the ladies. (17-24) The ladies immediately go around in the same way to the left (with tour steps and four claps) to own men and swing with them. The couples thus finish in opposite places. D. ( : 25-32 :') Chain all the way around with walking steps. Partners make a deep bow to each other when they meet, during the chain in the oppo- site place, and at the finish of the chain. Second Figure A. With one hand grasp, partners dance around in place to the left and right. Third Figure A. With two hand grasp, partners dance around in place to the left and right. Fourth Figure A. Partners take "Back Grasp" and swing in place forward and backward. Fifth Figure A. Ladies' one hand mill to the left and right. Sixth Figure A. Men's one hand mill to the left and right. Seventh Figure A. Ladies' two hand mill to the left and right. Eighth Figure A. Men's two hand mill to the left and right. Ninth Figure A. Ladies' circle to left and right with shoulder grasp. Tenth Figure A. Men's circle to left and right with shoulder grasp. Eleventh Figure A. Big circle to the left and right. Parts B, C and D are the same in all figures. (j : 1-8 : |) The dance finishes with all dancing quick Polka in couples around the room, the music being played in quick time. 25614 83 SAILORS' WALTZ — #— p — 0— — ?^z- " V ' 1 •- P— —0— rm • *-^ -0- - — — • — fSr\ — f ' — 6 — * — —0— — — 7 =1 T - -s>— 8 • # V 9 JL —I- JL Y 1/ 10 — 0— ! 11 — # •— 2^_J_ 1 =t=- • A 1 1 -f=f=F= ^- ^=r^ =^ :zt n ^ >> - 12 13 14 15 16 17 *= f « IN N —0 — 0^1 i — •— — — -J • — * • f • • J [^*j »| , ms" • — 0— . ft • a =1- F — »-*- — ^— # -*~j- -|— ■ v\) # * # # 9 J 24 18 tv2 S — •— I 20 — - — U ^ 1 # 22 23 -1 f-W-0-T 19 % 21 =i-t—. Sft-f= \ \ " iH —0 ^— =1 ~*~ —0— ^W 1 -jg— i 1 ♦ 1 J" ' *■ Music : i-8 : : 9-24 : Formation. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Waltz Step, Tyrolian Step. First Figure A. (1-8) Big circle to the left and, (1-8) to the right, with Tyrolian step. B. (9-16) All waltz individually to the right with hands on hips. SAILORS' WALTZ (Vendsyssel, Jutland) (17-24) "Forge" with own lady. Second to Eleventh Figures A. Same as Fart A of the second to eleventh figures of "Contra-Dance," except that the Tyrolian step is used. Fart B is the same in all figures. ( : 1-8 : ) The dance closes with all dancing (17-24) All stand still (the men facing their strange Hopsa around the room in ordinary position, while ladies) and "Forge" (that is, all clap own hands, music is played in quick time. then each other's right, own hands, each other's left, The Sailors' Waltz may also be danced by an in- own hands, both hands with each other, and four definite number of couples standing in a circle. In claps with own hands). this case, however, the seventh and eighth figures (9-16) Again waltz around individually and are omitted. 2 5 f "4 84 THE ACE OF DIAMONDS I 3jj i r> fe=£ s -J- — arf- — H ^ * • d * -m— ♦ •*■ .# # ^_ 4^ p %=f=?=ls =f= -*- ^it: *=E 9 -F- 4=- 4= ^ u* 10 11 ill* &* =3==S;i= > 12 THE ACE OF DIAMONDS (Himmerland, Jutland) Music : 1-4 : 5-12 ! B. (5-6) They face each other, join Doth hands Danced in couples. and swing them, with a short movement in time to A. (1-2) Couples dance four side running steps the music, to the right and then to the left. forward in ordinary position. 13-4) They stand still and without altering their position they raise and lower their bent arms with a short movement in time to the music. (The man moves the left arm, the lady the right.) (1-4) Repeat the same. (7-8) Then they dance twice around with two step. (9-12) Repeat. When they dance two step they take the same position as in "The Big Hamburger." * Another "Ace of Diamonds," from Skanderborg, Jutland, is also given. Editor. !5 6. 4 8<5 TINKERS' DANCE Ie£ i -i^ >"/ m^ • — • I 1 h * *- ^S & —0- -t 1 \- P P ' ^ 4 3= «^fc=tfe# a^gE - dr ~N-r v-f- » =p=l -m- £^=^ ■"^r m 10 3==F #— #^r-#- — - J= 11 gzi^ 4- 12 tt*=f=fr ^ ^=»-F^f H h 13 tf- E^3 -f 14 g I it£ -I h -P *- 15 ^^ > * • 16 »-*- i 7 17 f -: 18 ? \ m — *f- ^-» 19 £ TINKERS' DANCE (Vendsyssel, Jutland) Music : 1-8: :q-i6: | : 17-24: j Formation. Three men, each with two ladies. First man and his two ladies stand with hacks toward the front, the second three directly opposite, facing them, the third three back of the second, facing in the same direction as the second three, and so on with any number of threes. Steps. " Tinker's Step," " Other Night's Step," Hop Step, Walking Step. A. ( 1-4) First man and his right lady turn fac- ing each other, and with two hand grasp dance four Tinker's Steps in place. (5-8) Then they dance around in place with " The Other Night's Step," the man holding the lady with waist grasp and she putting her hands on his shoulders. (1-8) The first man now turns to his left lady and dances with her in the same manner. B. (9-10) hirst and second threes, with an ap- pel, advance toward each other three steps and give a little bow and (11-12) retire again to place. ('13-16) First man lifts both arms and his right Udy turns twice around to the left in place, under his arm with Hop Steps, at the same time still 5 Cfaing ;;;s nana (9-16) Repeat as before, only this time the left lady turns around to the right under the man's arm. C. (17-20) First and second threes form a circle, with arm grasp, and dance around with hop steps to the left. (21-24) The same to the right. (17-24) Each three now forms a circle of its own and dances around to the left and to the right. During this they move around to the left and change places. The second time, the first three dances with the third three. The third time, the first three dances with the fourth, and the second three with the third, etc. Every second time a new three begins. When a three has danced down through the column, they face about to the front and stand still during one time. The threes moving away from the front, dance as described for the first three, while those moving up toward the front dance as described for the second three. When many threes take part in the dance, the fifth, ninth (and so on) threes may stand with backs toward the front, and begin at the same time as the first three. They thus remain as first three in relation to the three following threes. 25614 87 Chain and Two Step T, * ifck: S *-« * — •-. — -F — r TRIANGLE I 1- pPp ^m s 4 Fine Chain = 'IS ')■ d • +■ i=r^ -J=M N— •— S n*=^=r • # >-* Z>.T. al Fine II Chain ~1V- Two Step / §^PE -Nn #^Tt • *• t= 3 J> -*■ — ^Z^-^-j -y- t=t • — 0—0—0- -■&-*- M <5- g=^££ '"•'■ #: a -#—•—•- • "$• • o t=t=t=E s± H h :g: 10 lb c * • • * 11 m i 25614 88 — -0 == J III Chain 1 — •-* — •-•- m -0— — *- £ h#— —m- H"^ • # -»— — #- 3==i £ Jydsk paa N.esen (Polonaise) P-— * f =*= =t -* » =^=^= 10 *= =(t 3= -#— — •- ^r j^t-r^-*--f-£=f *- f—r-0--r p ~y r # • ~rtrr • • =t=q m m ^i J— — * n \~ H — •— i — -^ — * » * m m — m 15 — i — i — • p • 16 12 13 14 n — • — » 1 1 ¥= -i =M==t ^~ r " t=±i Music I : 1-4 : : 5-8 : ' II : 1-4 : 5-12 j 13-20 | III 1-8 9-16 Formation. Three couples in a triangle. Steps. Walking Step, Two Step, Running Step First Figure TRIANGLE (Vicinity of Horsens, Jutland) (3-4) Four steps back again. (1-4) Walk around the circle to the right (against the sun). (Instead of walking toward the centre during (1-4), they may go around in a circle to the left.) B. (I: 5-8: |) Chain with walking steps without giving hands, each man beginning by passing to the left of his own lady. When partners meet again, A. (1-2) With four steps the couples walk in they go once around each other to the left, back to toward the centre, hand in hand, bringing their back, and go back in the opposite direction. Dur- raised hands together in the centre. ing this the hands are not placed on hips. -5614 89 Now the figure is repeated as before, except that in Part A the couples dance two step instead ot big circle, while Part B is unchanged. After this figure has been danced a couple of times, the dancers, without pausing after two step, continue as follows : Second Figure A. ( : 1-4 : ) Chain as in Figure I. B. (5-12) Two step, and then (13-20) Polka. After dancing this twice, they continue after the Polka, without pausing, as follows : Third Figure A. (1-8) Chain as in Figure I, but with running steps. B. (9-16) Dance " Jydsk Paa Nassen " steps described on page 70, except that the little step on the left foot is omitted entirely. (In this way it now becomes exactly the same step as the Hambo Polka, which, however, is begun on the opposite foot.) Figure 1 1 1 is danced twice. B. TWO-DANCE -if— • 3=* 10 l H 4 ♦ ;- ^ 12 — 1 13 X 14 3 1 »r 4- -.Mi fe 16 i Music : 1-8 : : 9-16 : Formation. Four couples in quadrille. Steps. Chasse Step, and Buzz Step in the swings First Figure A. ( : 1-8 : ) Big circle to the left. B. (9-16) First and second couples take two hand grasp (arms stretched out to the side) and dance to the left around each other with four chasse steps, without revolving during the movement. (9-16) Third and fourth couples do the same. Second, Third & Fourth Figures A. Partners dance around in place with buzz steps, in ordinary position. Fifth Figure A. Ladies' circle to the left. Sixth Figure A. Men's circle to the left. 25614 D. C. al Fine TWO-DANCE (Od District, Seeland) Seventh Figure A. Ladies' one hand mill to the left. Eighth Figure A. Men's one hand mill to the left, each putting his left hand on the right arm of the preceding man. Ninth Figure A. Ladies' circle to the left with waist grasp. Tenth Figure A. Men's circle to the left with waist grasp. Eleventh Figure A. Big circle to the left. Twelfth Figure A. Big circle to the left with waist grasp. Part B is the same in all figures. Finish with partners dancing around in place, with buzz step, in ordinary position. 90 CITY DANCE mf 1 9*3 £ 3^: £ » # ' i= ■i «- ■4 *~ -»— P- - ' £^ * -nr 9i| — I 1 — i-F— P— P— F- -I — I — I — I— 10 -P- -*- 11 -#— • 12 ££££ 13 -P-P- 14 •-P- 15 te- le M 17 18 ^ # __ 19 ! — J'H- 20 # P~ 21 £3f t==f= > ¥=* 22 J ^=^ PH. 23 » t : 24 CITY DANCE (Island of Bornholm) Music : 1-8 : : 9-16 : 1 : 17-24 : | to own lady, left to man, right to own lady and lett Row Formation: Men on the left and ladies on to man and couples return to places). the right as seen from the front. The second time, the first lady and man dance Steps. Chasse, Hop Step. again outside and between the rows, but this time A. (1-8) First man and lady, dancing separately, finish below the third couple, with whom they then go down along the rows on the outside with four " tie a knot." chasse steps. The third time, both the first and second couples (1-8) With four chasse steps they return to dance, the first couple finishing below the fourth place. couple and tieing a knot with them, and the second (| : 9-16 : |) The same again, but now they dance couple finishing below the third couple, with whom between the rows, and when they come back they they " tie the knot." dance quickly out around the second man and lady, Every other time a new couple joins in. and finish between them and the second couple. B. (17-24) First man and lady dance toward each other, take ordinary position, and swing around in place between the two rows. (17-24) Second couple come forward and the two couples " tie a knot " (that is, first right hand 25614 91 When a couple have danced through the row, they take their place at the foot. If many couples take part in the dance, the fifth and ninth couples (etc.) may begin at the same time as the first couple, and remain as first couple in re- lation to the three following couples. CONTRA-MARCH Andante p^ : r 5=2= : fes =g y s • — • — * — •- 5 5 F ^^ # # H 10 i *" ♦ -»--•- 11 4= -• — * — •- =*=*= g 12 — £ — » sr =S •— ^— #• # » =j= Effi =£ 000 13 5 =3 I 14 ; ■ ■0- ' -0- % 15 fi 16 £ H ' • P 17 t i • S 18 w*&= 19 ' • • 20 *=C • • I =1= 21 3E s • 5 22 >0 25614 92 m 9^ 3E 23 r 3? 24 s T ^v~ 25 5 2 26 cr£ve. 27 i :*=*=*: 28 f ^ #• : #» *» : #• 29 -N-^ £ «- 30 • — *— — « ^.-^- 31 f =t= "Y 2 ^iE? 32 ■ 3 f— ^ First Figure CONTRA-MARCH (West Jutland) Music : 1-8 : 1 9-16 I 17-24 I : 25-32 : I this time the third and fourth couples advance Formation. Four couples in quadrille. toward each other, and the first and second couples Steps. Walking Step, Hop Step. go out to the sides. B. (9-16) Chain once around with hop steps. C. (17-20) Ladies' mill as follows : As soon as A. (1-2) First and second couples advance the mill is halfway around, each lady gives her op- toward each other with four slow steps. posite man her left hand and with right arm around (3-4) The first man releases his lady, gives right her waist he swings her once around, hand to opposite lady and leads her out to the third (21-24) Then the mill forms again and goes on couple's place. (The second man, at the same around, finishing with each man swinging his own time, leads his opposite lady out to fourth couple's lady around in place in the same manner, place.) D. (25-32) First and second couples " tie a (5-6) Here each faces about separately (turning knot " with hop steps, that is, the couples advance inward), and joining hands again (the lady's right toward each other, each man gives right hand to in the man's left) return to the centre. strange lady, passes her and gives left hand to own (7-8) Each man goes from the centre back to lady, passes on and gives strange lady his right hand place with his own lady. and then left hand to own lady. Couples return During the same eight measures of music, while thus to place. the first and second couples are dancing as described above, the third and fourth couples dance as follows: (1-2) Third lady and fourth man, and fourth lady and third man, advance with slow steps and meet each other in the second and first couples' places respectively. (3-4) Here they bow deeply to each other. (5-6) Go back to own places. (7-8) There each dancer makes a deep bow to ward in place, own partner. Farts A, B and D are the same in all figures (1-8) Repeat in the same manner, except that 25614 93 (25-32) Third and fourth couples do the same. Second Figure C. (17-24) Men's mill, like the ladies' mill in Part C of first figure, except that now the ladies swing the men around. Third Figure C. (17-24) With back grasp swing around tor- HEIDILIT, TURN AROUND! k V" *> — m — » t •— p- #=h=a a« 6 P ' g=e P— F- =t -i i- / ■• — »- -• — #- t=± ♦ -^ 10 -f— feEEE^ a^ 11 £^E 12 -P=¥ =t= 13 # — * — 1- •-* 14 HEIDILIT, TURN AROUND! (Himmerland, Jutland) Music : i-8 : : 9-16 : | *g to the ri S ht a § ain ' but m ° vi ' lg *" " W ''° ng ^ " Danced in couples with ordinary position. One around the room. , j 1 jm. An„r, fo-16) The leader stamps, and now they dance man is selected to lead the dance. U> "V . ' , 1 • l n 11 .. K^fK reversincx and some around the room me (1-8) Couples dance around with Polka step. both reversing ana g b ri-8^1 The leader stamps, and they dance around "wrong way. . (i») ine leader j During the dance the couples must keep their the other way (reversing). " u & . (9-16) The leader stamps, and they dance turn- own places in line. 23614 94 THE LITTLE JUTLANDER Vivace 2 \ * mf 2=^ 4. * ' S b£=s= -• — # =f=,t=f= #— •- tfc= ?=s-^ 4 - — IIM \ — ^ 0- — — i — - * * i^=£3a^s^^ Music • 1-4 : | : 5-8 : | i^./nced in couples in ordinary position. Steps. Side Run, Hop Step. K m.-) Couple dance forward with four very quick side run steps, at the end of which the man swings out the left foot (while the lady does the same THE LITTLE JUTLANDER (Vicinity of Slagelse, Seeland) with the right foot), exactly as in a Mazurka step. (2) Then, with slow hop steps, thev dance once around. (3-4) Repeat. (i"4i : 5"8 '. |) Continue in the same manner. 15614 95 II II II II INI II III! II D 000 840 306