H /06 STANDARD CATALOG SERIES UC-NRLF B ^ S7D ^'MD W STANDARD CATALOG SOCIOLOGY SECTION COMPILED BY CORINNE BACON THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY NEW YORK STANDARD CATALOG SERIES STANDARD CATALOG SOCIOLOGY SECTION ONE THOUSAND TITLES OF THE MOST REPRESENTATIVE AND USEFUL BOOKS ON SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND EDUCATIONAL QUESTIONS COMPILED BY CORINNE BACON THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY NEW YORK 1918 u<^- PREFACE This section of the Standard Catalog contains about one thousand titles of the most representative and useful books on social, economic and educational questions, arranged under the class numbers of the Dewey decimal classifica- tion, with descripti\e and evaluative notes. Author and subject indexes are appended. This Catalog', covering the Sociology (300) division of the Dewey classification, will later form part of a dictionary catalog of 5,000 of the best books for adults on all subjects that should be represented in a public library of that size. As now printed, it includes more volumes than will be listed in the final Catalog. This section is issued in advance of the full Catalog in response to recpiests from public libraries and library commissions, because of the need of an up-to-date list of books on sociology and economics, because it seemed wise to print a test section in the hope of getting \-alual)le criticism before issuing the full Catalog, and because the publishers wish to find out whether there is a demand for a classed catalog, printed in sections, in addition to the full dictionary catalog. The Standard Catalog is the third in the Standard Catalog Series, already including the Children's Catalog, issued in three sizes, with its 1918 Supple- ment, and the Fiction Catalog. It is the intention of the jmblishers to issue com- plete Standard Catalogs in dictionary form in sizes varying from 1,000 to 10.000 titles, including adult fiction, and to revise them every year or two. Method of compilation. Questionnaires were sent out to a number of libra- rians, before beginning the work, dealing with its scope, form, and the data to be included. With these suggestions to guide her. in addition to her own experience in j)ublic libraries, large and small, and in one state library, the compiler formed her plan of work. No attempt was made to go over in de- tail the ground so carefull}- covered by the American Library Association up to 1912, altho some books published prior to 1912 and not included in the A. L. A. Catalog and Supplement have been listed at the suggestion of collaborators. The chief sources used for the older books were the A. L. A. Catalog of 1904 and its Supplement ( 1904-1911) and the Classified Catalog of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Beginning with 191 2, the compiler checked such titles as might be included in a library of 10,000 volumes, in the l)ulletins of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, the Cleveland Public Library, the Pratt Institute Library, the St. Louis Public Library, and the New York llranch Library News. These were clipped and mounted on cards, together with material from a number of other sources, including lists in bulletins of library commis- sions, notably that of Wisconsin, the New York Best Books, the Booklist, the Russell Sage Foundation Bulletin, etc. The file of book reviews accumulated by the Book Review Digest was constantly used. In this way a tentative list of some 1.300 titles was made and the galley proofs were sent to a few libra- rians and to a few specialists along economic, educational and sociological lines, for criticism and suggestion. Ackno-u'ledi^mcnts. .\mong the many librarians who gave heli)ful advice special thanks are due to Mr. John Boynton Kaiser and Miss Mary E. Lytic of the Tacoma (Wash.) Public Library, Miss Louise Hinsdale of the East Orange (N. J.) Public Library, Miss Mary L. Jones of the Los .Angeles Countv Free Librarv-, Miss Lucy E. Fay of the Library of the I'nivcrsity of Tennessee, and Mr. John Cotton Dana of the Newark (N. J.) Free Public Library. The compiler also acknowledges her indebtedness to Miss Phelps of the Education section of the New ^'ork State Tj'brary, who checked uji the hooks on Education from the standpoint of their practical use, and to the library of the Russell Sage I'ounda- tion. which offered suggestions of much value. Generous help was also given by the following men and women, in order to perfect the selection along the lines of 384863 their special subjects: in Education, Professor Paul ?^Ionroe, of Columbia Uni- versity ; in Insurance, Mr. Herbert B. Do\v of the New England Mutual Life In- surance Company; in Socialism, Mr. Harry W. Laidler of the Intercollegiate So- cialist Society, and Mr. Leon M. Solis-Cohen; on the Negro, Miss Mary White- Ovington, of the National Association for the Improvement of Colored People ; in various branches of economic, political and social science, Professor H. P. Fairchild, recently of Yale University, Professor J. A. Fairlie, of the University of Illinois, Dr. C. C. Williamson, of the Committee on Study of Methods of Ameri- canization, and Dr. Charles A. Beard, Director of the Bureau of Alunicipal Re- search, New York City. The final decision as to the inclusion or exclusion of any title has necessarily been made by the editor in accordance with the weight of evidence. Inasmuch as the selection has been made in this manner, the cooperators should not be held individually responsible for the result. Data given. The attempt has been made to enter authors under the more familiar forms of their names. For instance, Norman Angell is listed as Angell, the surname used on the title pages of his books, instead of under Lane. Pretty full titles have been given, followed by number of volumes when more than one, edition, illustrations (when important), maps, date (latest copyright date being- given when easily ascertainable), publisher and price. The prices have been taken in the main from the Publisher's Trade List Annual of 1917, tho a few prices are of more recent date. Series notes have been given when important. Only two or three out-of-print books have knowingly been listed and these are plainly marked. Almost every title is annotated. A large number of these notes have been taken from library bulletins, the Booklist, the Book Review Digest, and other of the sources used in selection. Mr. G. B. Utley has kindly permitted the use of a number of notes from the A. L. A. Catalog and Supplement. Class numbers have been given after each entry, because the same linotype slugs will be used later in the dictionary catalog. A few books not classifying in the 300s have been included because of their close connection with the subjects covered. Inter- national relations, 341.6, is followed by 172.4, the ethical side of war and peace. Education includes 650, Commercial education, and 174, Vocational guidance. Selection. The selection has been made more especially for the smaller libraries, but with both the small and large library in mind, some titles being listed here that will probably be dropped from the 5,000 volume dictionary catalog. Scholarly and expensive books have sometimes been included in a note at the head of a section. Biographies which are of interest in connection with a given section have been occasionally so noted as v/ell. Some valuable books have been omitted because they are not ordinarily called for in a library of from 5,000 to 10,000 volumes. Many books of value two 3^ears ago have been omitted because the great changes due to the world war have either greatly lessened or destroyed their value. A few critical librarians will perhaps note the omission of some "books that no gentleman's library should be without." Others will note the inclusion of titles in their opinion too ex- pensive or too "highbrow" for the smaller libraries. The compiler has tried to list not the ideally best books without regard to expense, availability or limitation of interest to a few scholars, but the best books that the average intelligent frequenter of our public libraries will actually read or study. In so doing she has assumed that the general level of intelligence is rising, and that a greater number of people than before the war, including our new women voters, are interested in serious subjects. Few pamphlets, bibliographies, gov- ernment documents or expensive reference books have been included in these advance sheets. Practically no juveniles except a few books of fairy tales and folklore, equally interesting to adults, have been included. Uses. It is hoped that this Standard Catalog will be of use to libra- rians as a buying list, in reference work, and as a recommended list of the best reading for users of our public libraries ; also that it will meet the demand of the reader for a printed catalog that he may take home. CoRiNNE Bacon 300 Sociology 310] [Statistics 320 Political Science 330 Economics 340 Law. Constitutional history 350 Administration 360 Associations and institutions 370 Education 380 Commerce. Communication 390 Customs. Costumes. Folklore 300 Sociology 30 1 Philosophy. Theories Bagehot, Walter Physics and politics; or. Thoughts on the application of the principles of natural selection and inheritance to political society. (International science scr.) '02 Appleton $1.60 301 Blackmar, Frank Wilson, and Gillin, John Lewis Outlines of sociology. (Social science textbooks) il mai)s '15 Macmillan $2.25 301 "A thorough revision of 'Klemcnts of so- ciology,' publi.-^hed in IQ05 (Macmillan, $1.25), a book comprehensive in scope and written in a simple, direct manner. 'The chief merit of the book from the theoretical side is that it gives an intelligent statement of the viewpoints of all the leading sociological writers. The chief merit from the practical side is that it touches upon a variety of vital and interesting problems in such a way as to tempt the student to go forward and specialize.' " Am. j. soc, I I :42-'. New material has been added through out specially on the family and its disorganiza- tion, social control, and poverty." A. L. A bkl. Chapin, Francis Stuart Introduction to the study of social evo- lution, il maps 13 Century $2 301 "Readable, elementary summary of the most generally accepted evidence and theory of so- cial evolution. Lists of supplementary read- ings are given at the end of each chapter." Cleveland "No other single elementary work covers the same field. The material has been carefully collected." A. L. A. bkl. Conway, Sir William Martin The crowd in peace and war. '15 Long- mans $1.75 301 "From a more or less individualistic stand- point, the author discusses the nature of crowds, crowd leaders, the conflict between individual freedom and political or crowd liberty, the re- lation of the crowd to education, morals and religion and the value of crowd organization in social progress. The chapters on 'War, its cause and cure,; 'The contest of ideals'; The crowd at war' and "The just mean,' are of especial timeliness. .\ valuable work written in crisp, epigrammatic style and full of vivid illustra- tions." Cleveland Cooley, Charles Horton Social organization; a .studv of the larger mind. '09 Scribncr $1.50 301 "Systematic exposition of the development and influence of the intercourse of man and its effect on his conduct and activtics. moral and material. A work of admirable ideals and tem- per." A. L. .\. sui>. Davis, George Reginald Social environment. (Xational social sci- ence ser.) il maps '17 McClurg 60c 301 "Author takes the . . . view that char- acter, in its social aspects at least, is mainly the result of environmental influences." Dial "Pointing out that the biological point of view, with its concept of struggle and natural selection, has led to extreme individualism, con- flict and war, he champions the new sociology which will give dominance to the spiritual forces that make for cooperation and world peace." Ann. Am. acad. 73:.m5 Ellwood, Charles Abram Introduction to social psychologv. '17 Appleton $2 " 301 Select references at the end of each chapter. "In general, it is a simplification and sys- tematization of the theories presented in . . . 'Sociology in its psychological aspects,' but state- ments have been brought down to date, a new phrasing has been adopted and new points of view have been developed. The general point of view . . . however, remains the same . . . namely, that the explanation of social pheno- mena is to be sought in the underlying traits and dispositions of the individual, in the in- fluences of the environment which act on his plastic nature, and in the resultant aims and standards which he develops." (Preface) Pitts- burgh "Well fitted for the needs of the student in the social sciences who wishes a broad outlook upon this field." W: B. Bailey in Am. pol. sci. r N '17 p 11 The social problem; a constructive anal- ysis. (Citizen's lib. of economics, politics and sociology — new ser.) 'is Macmillan $1.25 301 "Clear, stimulating discussion for thinking readers, of what the author defines as 'the problem of human living together.' Considers its historical, physical, biological, economic, and ideal elements, offering suggestions for solution by educational rather than revolutionary meth- ods." N. Y. state lib. Sociology and modern social problems, rev ed "13 Am. bk. $1 301 First issued in iqio. Author has incor- porated the IQIO census figures and has added two chapters, the bearing of modern psychology on social problems and theoretical summary. The last is a brief sketch of the origin and nature of society, theories of progress, etc. The original volume has been widely used as a text book for study classes and the revision will make it more valuable for that purpose." .-Xnn. .\m. acad. 5,1:310 Fairchild, Henry Pratt Outline of applied sociology. '16 Mac- millan $1.75 301 Contents: Introduction; Economic life; Growth of population; Esthetic life; Intellectual and spiritual life; Conclusion. References, P333-7; Supplementary readings, P339-43 "A fresh and independent treatment devel- oped in a scholarly yet popular way. and sug- gestive to students in connection with other books on the subject, though the theoretical background, to some critics, seems quite in- adc(|uate." .\. L. .-X. bkl. Giddings, Franklin Henry I'.lcments of sociology: a te.xtbook for colleges and schools. '98 Macmillan $1.25 301 "Good introduction to his more comprehen- sive works." (Wisconsin) A. L. A. Principles of sociology; an analysis of the phenomena of association and of social organization. 3d ed '96 Macmil- lan $3 301 Contents: Elements of social theory; Ele- ments and structure of society; Historical evolution of society; Social process, law and cause Bibliography, P423-42 STANDARD CATALOG Hayes, Edward Cary Introduction to the study of sociology. '15 Appleton $2.50 301 "A comprehensive, elementary treatment planned for the use of general readers who do not intend to make a thorough study of the field and as an outline of the entire subject for those who do. . . . Treats the subject a little more theoretically than Blackmar." A. L. A. bkl. Keller, Albert Galloway Societal evolution; a study of the evolu- tionary basis of the science of society. '15 Macmillan $1.50 301 "Professor Keller's thesis is that societal evo- lution is a continuation of organic evolution and may be accounted for by the same four biological causes: variation, selection, transmis- sion and adaptation. His theories arc an out- growth of those of William Graham Sumner as expounded in his Folk-ways." Cleveland Kidd, Benjamin Science of power. 'IS Putnam $1.50 301 " 'His altruism is really a higher Prussianism. While he deplores in modern militarism the conscription of the body, he himself is pro- posing the conscription of the soul. He has ignored personality, as social reformers so often do' " (The Times [London]) Bk. rev. digest "The world has been ruled by the fighting male, following the principles of force; this is wrong. It will and must in future be ruled by the emotion of the ideal, which is right. Since women possess this emotion in a higher degree than men, and are predominantly moved by the long-range emotions, it is to women that Power will belong in the new age just opening out. The whole trend of civilization can be changed in a single generation, by a dominant ideal; hence education of the young is all-im- portant. This is perhaps not an unfair sum- mary of a rather striking book." Athenaeum, May 191S Social evolution. New rev ed '15 j\Iac- millan $1.50 301 "Believes laws determining progress primarily religious rather than intellectual. Discusses probable development during 20th century." (N. Y. state lib.) A. L. A. "First appeared in 1894, and has played an important part in the thought of the past 20 years. It is still a book to be reckoned with, though time has altered considerably its value as a work of political science, and has caused its author to adopt a modified view with re- spect to the ethical development of the race, which he has incorporated in a later work, 'Principles of Western civilization.' " Springfield republican, 1915 Kirkpatrick, Edwin Asbury Fundamentals of sociology. '16 Houghton $1.35 301 Bibliography, P277-88 "A very simple survey of the field of so- ciology for the use of teachers and normal students. Discusses the fundamental and pres- ent day needs and activities of the social group, economic, protective, recreative, cultural and specially educational." Cleveland Kropotkin, Petr Aleksieevich Mutual aid a factor of evolution '17 Knopf $1.25 301 Articles first published in Nineteenth cen- tury. "Maintains that mutual aid rather than con- test is the important factor in progressive evolu- tion of man and animals. Sociologic rather than biologic." N. Y. state lib. Le Bon, Gustave The crowd; a study of the popular mind. 7th ed '03 Macmillan $1.75 301 "Translation of 'Psychologic des foules,' 1895. An analysis of psychologic phenomena displayed by men acting in the mass." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Maciver, R, L. Community; a sociological study. '17 Macmillan $3.75 301 "The greater portion of the work is con- cerned with what seem to the author to be the fundamental laws of social development." Preface "Written with a thorough knowledge of the best work in modern psychology and philos- ophy." Athenaeum My '17 P235 "One of the most important [books] in the field of sociology published during the present decade." Am. econ. rev. Sept. '17 P598 Nasmyth, George William Social progress and the Darwinian- theory; a study of force as a factor in human relations, with an introduction by Norman Angell. '16 Putnam $1.50 301 "A work in three parts, discussing. The phi- losophy of force. Mutual aid as a factor in so- cial progress; Justice as a prime social need. The prime object of the book was to interpret Novikov's theories on the application of Dar- winism to social problems, but since the out- break of the war, its character has altered so that its present special purpose is to disprove that force, in eliminating the socially unfit, is an aid to human progress, and that a philosophy of force is an implication of the Darwinian theory." Cleveland Nearing, Scott Social sanitv, a preface to the book of social progress. '13 Moffat $1.25 301 "Social sanity is conceived as involving equality of opportunity, social justice, the con- servation of life and health. The treatment is forceful and suggestive rather than original or profound, is unsensational, popular, even col- loquial at times." A. L. A. bkl. Ross, Edward Alsworth Foundations of sociology. (Citizen's lib. of economics, politics and sociology) 'OS Macmillan $1.25 301 "Clear and comprehensive. 'One of the most effective path-breakers in sociological in- quiry.' " (Amer. jour, soc.) A. L. A. sup. Social control; a survey of the founda- tions of order. (Citizen's lib. of eco- nomics, politics and sociology) '01 Macmillan $1.25 301 "Partial list of authorities, p 443-8." "Pt. I, Grounds of control: sympathy, so- ciability, justice; pt. 2, Means of control: pub- lic opinion, law, belief, social suggestion (in- cluding education and custom), social religion, personal ideals, ceremony, art, etc. pt. 3, Sys- tem of control." Social psychology; an outline and source book. 'OS Macmillan $1.50 301 " 'An able marshaling of the knowledge thus far brought to light on the subject of social psychology, and a clear, untechqical, while at the same time often eloquent, discussion of the laws, principles and leading truths of that rather subtle and recondite branch of sociology.' " (Science '08.) Pittsburgh Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate The neighbor; the natural history of hu- man contacts. '04 Houghton $1.40 301 "Points out the causes of race antipathy, spe- cially in cases of the Jew and Negro, and suggests ways of overcoming it." A. L. A. sup. Spencer, Herbert Principles of sociology. 3v 1877-97 Ap- pleton $6.75 301 Contents: v i, Data of sociology. Inductions of sociology; Domestic relations; v 2, Ceremo- nial institutions. Political institutions; v 3. Ec- clesiastical institutions. Professional institutions, Industrial institutions. SOCIOLOGY— General Spencer, Herbert — Continued Studv of sociology. 6th ed '08 Applcton $1.75 ..301 "Explains scope of the science, its utility and method, and gives >-ome of its more important general principles." A. L. A. Sumner, William Graham Folkways; a study of the sociological importance of usages, manners, cus- toms, mores and morals. '07 Ginn $3.60 school ed $3 301 "List of books cited," p6s5-7o. "Folkways the author defines as 'ways of doing things' which are gradually recognized as expedient and develop into established cus- toms. Their origins arc lost in mystery, but they are always anil everywhere a controlling social force, regulating in every detail the life of uncivilized races and hardly less potent in the life of civilized peoples. With great labor Professor Sumner has assembled a mass of materials, gathered from almost all accessible sources, and with rare insight and scientific cau- tion has sought to elicit their meaning. The result is an important contribution to the sci- entific study of society. (Condensed from Na- tion, 1908.) Pittsburgh Tarde, Gabriel Social laws; an outline of sociology; tr by H. C. Warren. '99 Macmillan $1.25 301 "Author's own r^sum6 and unification of his three principal works on general sociology: 'Les lois de I'imitation,' 'L'opposition universelle,' and 'La logique sociale.' Excellent translation." N. Y. state lib. A translation of his "Laws of imitation" by Elsie Clews Parsons is published by Holt at $3-50 Todd, Arthur James Theories of social progress; a critical study of the attempts to formulate the conditions of human advance. '18 Macmillan $2.25 301 Bibliography and supplemental readings, P54q-74 "An interesting discussion of economic, mil- itarist, eugenic, institutional, and idealogical theories of social progress, with conclusions of the author who is professor of sociology, Uni- ' versity of Minnesota." Cleveland Trotter, W. Instincts of the herd in peace and war. '16 Macmillan $1.25 301 " 'Mr. Trotter argues that gregariousness is an instinct as powerful and primitive as the sexual, the nutritive and the self-preserving, and that there are times in the life of a people, especially if war exists, when gregariousness masters or at least distorts every other impulse. In iqo8 and loog Mr. Trotter published his articles in the Sociological review. There are now reprinted and immensely enriched bv con- tract with those later developments of abnormal psychology which arc due to Professor Freud. What Freud calls the censor. Trotter calls gre- gariousness or herd instinct.' (Adapted from the New republic") Cleveland Veblen, Thorstein Theory of the leisure class; an economic studv in the evolution of institutions. '99 Slacmillan $2 301 ".■\n academic, subtle and acute phrasing of what the working men are saying in every shop and Sunday trades council." (Dial 28:438) A. L. A. Wallace, Alfred Russell Social environment and moral progress. '13 Casscll $1.25 301 "The main contention of the first half of the book is that there has been no perceptible ad- vance in morality through the a?es and that the present social structure is radically wrong. The second part deals almost wholly with the workings of the evolutionary law in particular reference to social progress, and maintains that progress may be achieved ia the future through natural selection." Pittsburgh. Wallas, Graham The great society; a psvchological analy- 1^ sis. '14 Macmillan $2 301 "A, brief review of the subject matter and terminology of social psychology, together with chapters on the applications of this compara- tively new science to the problems of present day civilization." Cleveland Ward, Lester Frank ApplicMl sociology: a treatise on the con- scious improvement of society by so- ciety, maps '06 Ginn $3 school ed $2.50 301 "A ^cholarly, scientific theory of progress. Companion volume to the author's 'Pure so- ciology,' Macmillan $4." A. L. A. sup. Pure sociology; a treatise on the origin and spontaneous development of so- ciety. '03 Macmillan $4 301 " 'It will be a long time before a more im- portant contribution to social self-knowledge ap- pears between the covers of a single book.' " (Am. jour- soc, 1913) Pittsburgh 303 Cyclopedias Bliss, William Dwight Porter, and Binder, R. M. New encyclopedia of social reform, new ed '08 Funk $7.50 303 "A useful popular work, intended for the general reader, not for the special student. Principal articles are by specialists and are signed, short articles are unsigned. Bibliogra- phies are brief and refer principally to works in English. Contains many biographical sket:hes, including some of living men." Mudge 304 Essays. Addresses Addams, Jane Democracy and social ethics. ^Citizens lib. of economics, politics and sociol- ogy) '02 Macmillan $1.25 304 Contents: Charitable effort; Filial relations; Household adjustment; Industrial amelioration; Educational methods; Political reform Newer ideals of peace. (Citizens lib. of economics, politics and sociology) '07 Macmillan $1.25 304 Contents: Introduction; Survivals of mili- tarism in city government; Failure to utilize immigrants in city government; Militarism and industrial legislation; Group morality in the la- bor movement; Protection of children for in- dustrial cfticiency; Utilization of women in city government; Passing of the war virtues "Contends that the spirit of aggressiveness today should be utilized in social amelioration, not in war. Practical and stimulating." A. L. A. sup. Carver, Thomas Nixon Essavs in social justice. '15 Harvard univ. press $2 304 "Original both in its manner of treatment and in the emphasis which it places on eco- nomic factors. The writer believes that the 'sentimental morality' motive has been over- worked, and dwells on the need of a strong state in adjusting the various conflicting social interests." A. L. A. bkl. STANDARD CATALOG Clark, John Bates Social justice without socialism. (Barbara Weinstock lectures on the morals of trade) '14 Houghton 50c 304 "A suggestive essay discussing social and eco- nomic reform that can be brought about by nonsocialistic methods." Book rev. digest Devine, Edward Thomas The normal life. '15 Survey associates $1 304 Contains the substance of a course of lec- tures delivered in Baltimore in February and March, 19 15, under the auspices of the Social service corporation. "A study of social problems which 'takes as a background the normal individual life, and. following it through from beginning to end tries to determine what are the social con- ditions and social provision which are essential at each stage to securing it.' " Pratt quar- terly "Its value to social workers is beyond ques- tion." Dial 58:469 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes A modern symposium. '05 Doubledav $1.25 304 "Members of a fictitious group present their individual philosophies, representing the liberal, socialist, anarchist, business man, Quaker, etc. A book of unusual interest to a few." N. Y. state lib. Ellis, Havelock Task of social hygiene. '12 Houghton $2.50 304 Contents: The changing status of women; The new aspect of the woman's movement; The emancipation of woman in relation to romantic love; The significance of a falling birthrate; Eu- genics and love; Religion and the child; The problem of sexual hygiene; Immorality and the law; The war against war; The problem of ar international language; Individualism and so- cialism "The introduction traces the course of so- cial reform during the last century and sum- marizes the factors that enter into the problem of social hygiene." A. L. A. bkl. Fite, Warner Individualism, 'li Longmans $1.80 304 "A lucid and powerful analysis of the social compact. The moral issues raised are freely illustrated from modern industry and politics. Will attract even those who differ most widely from his conclusions." (Nation) A. L. A. sup Henderson, Charles Richmond Social duties from the Christian point of view. (Constructive Bible studies) '09 Univ. of Chicago $1.25 304 "Discusses concisely and from a broad hu- man aspect, problems of the family, neglected children, workingmen, public health, corpora- tions, charities, business, etc. . . . Topics for discussion and brief bibliography conclude each chapter. Primarily intended for use in adult Sunday school and Y. M. C. A. classes." (Am. jour. soc. 15:119) N. Y. state lib Howerth, Ira Woods Work and life. '13 Sturgis $1.50 304 "Social legislation backed by enlightened public opinion must so control our economic institu- tions that the benefits may be more justly shared by all the members of society." Am. econ rev. Kelsey, Carl Physical basis of society. '16 Appleton $2 "^"^ 304 "Sketches briefly 'the physical background of life, the relation of the organism to its en- vironment, the question of heredity, and the general idea of evolution as applied to human beings and the development of social theory.' The book is the outgrowth of the author's work with his sociology classes at the University of Pennsylvania and is a useful survey of recent thought on the subject, based on first-hand au- thorities, who are freely quoted." A. L. A. bkl. Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia Younger generation; tr. from the Swedish by A. G. Chater. '14 Putnam $1.50 304 Contents: What the age offers and expects of youth; Associated activity and self-culture; The peace problem; Y'outh, woman and anti- militarism; 'Class-badges'; The children's char- ter; Recreative culture; The few and the many "The author's ideas on sex matters are not obtruded in any of [these essays], and are often wholly absent. The last and longest es- say on 'The few and the many' elaborates her faith in a social democracy." St. Louis Lee, Gerald Stanley Crowds; a moving-picture of democracv. '13 Doubleday $1.50 304 "Crisp, epigrammatic, often abrupt. but earnest and idealistic chapters on what people are thinking about politics, society, industry, re- ligion, other people and life in general." (Dial 55:116) N. Y. state lib. "Crowds, jr." arranged for "men in a hurry" is published" by Doubleday at soc. Lippmann, Walter Preface to politics. '13 Holt $1.50 304 Contents; Routineer and inventor; The ta- boo; The changing focus; The golden rule and after; Well meaning but unmeaning; The Chi- cago vice report; Some necessary iconoclasm; The making of creeds; The red herring; Revo- lution and culture "A young socialist-politician's penetrating analysis of current political ideas. Especially notable for its fresh, original viewpoint, graphic characterizations of public men and concise, vigorous style." (Nation) N. Y. state lib. Peabody, Francis Greenwood Approach to the social question. '09 Macmillan $1.25 304 "The significance of the book lies in its definite leading from social service to social religion." (Survey) A. L. A. sup. Roosevelt, Theodore American ideals, and other essays, social and political. '97 Putnam stand lib ed $2.50 pop ed $1.50 304 Other essays: True Americanism; The manly virtues and practical politics; The college grad- uate and public life; Phases of state legislation; Machine politics in New York City; Six years of civil service reform; Administering the New York police force; The vice-presidency and the campaign of 1896; How not to help our poorer brother; The Monroe doctrine; Washington's forgotten maxim; National life and character; Social evolution; The law of civilization and decay The strenuous life; essays and addresses. '02 Century $1.50 304 Other essays: Expansion and peace; Lati- tude and longitude among reformers; Fellow- feeling as a political factor; Civic helpfulness; Character and success; The eighth and ninth commandments in politics; The best and the good; Promise and performance; The American boy; Military preparedness and unpreparedness; Admiral Dewey; Grant; Manhood and state- hood; Brotherhood and the heroic virtues; Na- tional duties; The labor question; Christian citizenship Royce, Josiah Race questions, provincialism and other American problems. '08 Macmillan $1.50 304 Contents: Race questions and prejudices; Provincialism; On certain limitations of the thoughtful public in America; The Pacific coast, a psychological study of the relations of climate and civilization; Some relations of physical training to the present problems of moral edu- cation in America SOCIOLOGY— Gexkkal Russell, Bertrand Why men tiglit; a method of abolish- ing the international duel. 17 Cen- tury $1.50 304 Contents: The principle of growth; The state; War as an institution; Property; Kduca- ticn; Marriage anti the population (|uestion; Religion and the churches; What we can do. "Published in England under the title 'Prin- ciples of social reconstruction. "Opposed to the impulses which make for war are the forces of love, the instinct of con- structiveness, and the joy of life. As the au- thor sees it, all three are checked and enfeebled at present by institutions which rest upon in- justice and authority. Under better social con- ditions 'the impulse life of men would become wholly different, and the human race might travel towards a new happiness and a new vi.i;(>r." Pittsburgh Strong, Josiah Our world. '13 Doublcday $1 pa 50c 304 "Discusses with acutencss and vision the de- velopment of the new world-life and analyzes the problems which have grown out of it — the problem of industry, of wealth, of the individual and society, of lawlessness and legislation, the new race problem and the problem of the city. Broader in scope than 'Our country.' " A. L. A. Sumner, William Graham \\'ar and other essays; ed. with introd. by Albert Galloway Keller. "11 Yale univ. press $2.50 304 "Seventeen essays originally printed in pe- riodicals, t88i-iqoq, intrinsically interesting, and valuable as showing the progress of social and political thought while the author was professor of political and social science in Yale college (i87J-igoQ). . . . The editor writes an appre- ciative sketch of Professor Sumner (26 p.) and a bibliography of his published works (64 titles) is appended." A. L. A. bkl. "The title essay is a clear, incisive, level- headed examination into the role which war has played in the development of civilization and the advancement of the human race." (Na- tion) Book rev. digest Other volumes of Sumner's papers edited by Keller are: "Challenge of facts and other es- says," "Earth-hunger and other essays." Taft, William Howard Present day problems. '08 Dodd $1.50 304 Contents: Inaugural address as civil gov- ernor of the Philippines: Inauguration of the Philippine assembly: China and her relations with the United States: Japan and her rela- tions with the United States: An appreciation of (lencral Grant; Army of the United States; Panama canal; A Republican congress and ad- ministration, and their work from 1004 to ioo5"; Legislative policies of the present administra- tion: Panic of 1007: Southern democracy and republican principles; Labor and capital; Achievements of the Republican pirty; Recent criticism of the federal juritish empire and the United States; with an introduction by the Rt. Hon. Viscount Bryce. '14 Scribner $2 327.73 "An impartial and authoritative account of international episodes and disputes between 1814 and 1914. Pronounced by the Independent to be much more satisfactory from the standpoint of fullness than 'One hundred years of peace," Senator Lodge's 'masterly outline of the sub- ject.' " Cleveland Fish, Carl Russell American diplomacy. (.American his- torical ser.) maps '15 Holt $2.50 327.73 " 'The first survey of the whole field of American diplomacy, from 1789 to April, IQ15. For either the student or the general reader it is a valuable companion to the regular his- tories. .. . The majority of the sixteen maps are original and based on extensive research.' " (Wis. bul.) A. L. A. bkl. Another account "for the average lay reader" is W. F. Johnson's "America's foreign rela- tions," 19 16, jv, Century, $6 Lanux, Pierre de Voung I'rance and new America. '17 Macmillan $1.25 327.73 "Full of spirit, this serves as a guide to i8 STANDARD CATALOG Lanux, Pierre de — Continued the domain of young French thought, life and aspiration, in which the author also shows what the reaction of young France to American literature will be and how the present genera- tion of each nation is to supplement the other. He writes of a younger generation of French poets than those in Miss Lowell's 'Six French poets.' " A. L. A. bkl. MacDonald, James Alexander Democracy and the nations. '15 Doran $1.50 327.73 "Addresses in which the editor of the Toronto Globe traces the history of the Anglo-Saxon ideal, outlines Canada's relations with the mother country and with ours during the hun- dred years of peace that have just passed, and pleads for a closer union between the United States and Canada, showing the important role which the two countries, living at peace yet un- protected, must play in the cause of interna- tionalism." A. L. A. bkl. Mahan, Alfred Thayer Interest of America in sea power, present and future. '98 Little $2 327.73 " 'Eight essays reprinted from magazines. Strong plea for naval defenses in the interests of peace.' " (N. Y. state lib.) A. L. A. MiIlard,Thomas Franklin Fairfax Our Eastern question; America's contact with the Orient and the trend of rela- tions with China and Japan, il maps '16 Century $3 327.73 "An exhaustive survey of the tremendous and complex movement of present-day political, eco- nomic and sociological forces in the Orient, and their bearing on the future of America. The author was for years editor of the China Press. The book is especially valuable for the ap- pendices which contain texts of all the treaties, notes, agreements and proclamations issued in connection with the events narrated." Cleve- land Moore, John Bassett Principles of American diplomacy; its spirit and achievements. (Harper's cit- izen's ser.) '18 Harper $2 327.73 "An extension of a previous volume by the same author, entitled 'American diplomacy: its spirit and achievement' . . . The author, who is at present professor of international law and diplomacy at Columbia, served formerly as counselor for the Department of state and as- sistant secretary of state." Book rev. digest "It follows the .story of our diplomacy from the revolution to the present in untechnical language. . . . The result is extremely in- teresting and valuable." L. E. Robinson in Bookman 46:269 Page, Ralph W. Dramatic moments in American diplo- macy. '18 Doubleday $1.25 327.73 "A popular presentation of some of the in- cidents of diplomatic history from the revolu- tion down to modern times. The book opens with an account of negotiations with France in the early days of the revolution. Other chap- ters relate incidents connected with the French revolution, the Louisiana purchase, the estab- lishment of the Monroe doctrine, the 'Trent' affair, 'the open door' policy in China, the war with Spain, and the Panama canal. The final chapter is a survey of our relations with Ger- many before the war." Book rev. digest Powers, Harry Huntington America among ihe nations. '17 Mac- millan $1.50 327.73 "A modest attempt at a historic interpreta- tion of our national character and our relation to the other nations." Introduction, p. 8 Robinson, Edgar E., and West, Victor J. Foreign policy of VVoodrow Wilson, 1913-1917. '17 Macmillan $1.75 327.73 "The collaborating authors are professors in Leland Stanford junior university." St. Louis Sunderland, Jabez Thomas Rising Japan. Is she a menace or a com- rade to be welcomed in the fraternity of nations? '18 Putnam $1.25 327.73 "An interesting and, to the writer, effective presentation of the latter alternative of the title. The author surveys in four chapters the civiliza- tion of Asia and Japan and then in nine chap- ters discusses the assertion that she is a men- ace." Survey 40:69 "Resembles Gulick's 'American democracy and Asiatic citizenship' in purpose, but is a more general appeal for friendly relations." A. L. A. bkl. Weyl, Walter Edward American world policies. '17 Macmillan $2.25 327.73 Contents: Our idealistic past; The root of imperialism; Towards economic internationalism. "A clear and interesting discussion of what America's relation to the rest of the world shall be after the war. "The strength of the book lies in the over whelraingly convincing manner with which the author demonstrates the absolute need of an 'economic internationalism' as the basis of world-peace." (Annals Amer. acad.) Pratt quarterly An interesting book to read in connection with this is the author's "End of the war," Macmillan, 19 18, $2 Monroe doctrine Hart, Albert Bushnell The Monroe doctrine; an interpretation, map '16 Little $2 .327.73 "The three parts contain a condensed his- tory of the Monroe doctrine, parts four and five are interpretative based on the historical section, and part six points out how far the doctrine in its present meaning is likely to be applied in the future." Pratt quarterly " 'The fullest, most critical, and most readable account of the Monroe doctrine in all its im- portant phases that has so far been written by an American.'" (J: H. Latan6 in Am. pol. sci. rev. 10:370) Book rev. digest Hull, William Isaac The Monroe doctrine: national or inter- national? '15 Putnam 75c .327.73 "In three addresses delivered before the war, the writer outlines the changes which have transformed the doctrine into its present formid- able proportions; and after examining and dis- missing seven often proposed solutions, states his own — that the Hague conferences take over the task of enforcing international rights and duties in the western world. Brief, with some repetition, but suggestive as presenting the views of those who favor universal arbi- tration." A. L. A. bkl. Phelps, Edith M. (comp.) Selected articles on the Monroe doctrine. (Debaters handbook ser.) 2d ed rev and enl '16 Wilson $1.25 327.73 "The bibliography has been enlarged and over eighty pages of articles added to those in the 1915 edition. Many of these are on Pan-Americanism." Wis. bul. Bibliography, pref. p 17-33 328 Legislative bodies and annals Ilbert, Sir Courtney Peregrine Parliainent, its hiilorj^ constitution and practice. (Home univ. lib. of modern knowledge) '11 Holt 60c 328 "Excellent, informing account, by the clerk of the House of Commons, making con.parison with Congress and other legislative bodies." A. L. A. sup. SOCIOLOGY— Political Science 19 McCall, Samuel Walker Business of Congress. (Columbia uni- versity lectures; '11 Columbia univ. press $1.50 328 "Describes the way in which Congress actu- ally transacts business and gives a history of the evolution of parliamentary methods, with Ci>n- Crete examples and occasional amusing and il- luminating anecdotes." A. L. A. sup. Reece, Ernest James State documents for libraries. '15 Univ. of 111. press pa 75c 328 " 'A convenient and useful handbook not only for libraries but also for anyone who has occasion to make use of the mator'al to be found scattered through the official publications, reports and documents of the various state of- ficers, bureaus, boards and commissions." (Am. pol. sci rev.) Hook rev. digest Reinsch, Paul Samuel American legislatures and legislative methods. (.American state ser.) '07 Century $1.25 328 "Study of the organization and operation of lawmaking bodies in the United States, both state and federal." A. L. A. sup. Wilson, Woodrow Congressional government: a study in American politics. 12th ed '96 Hough- ton $1.25 328 "Directed particularly to system of govern- ment by committe, describing workings of that system in detail. Careful and thoro." A. L. A. Public documents Clarke, Edith Emily Guide to the use of United States govern- ment publications. (Useful reference ser., no. 20) '18 Boston bk. $2.50 328 Three valuable pamphlets on documents are: Wroth, L. C. Description of federal public documents. 1916 Wilson 20c Wyer, J. I-, jr. Government documents (state and city). 1915 A. L. A. 15c Wyer, J. I., jr., U.S. government documents in small libraries. 4th ed rev 1914 A. L. A. 15c 328. 1 Parliamentary law Gushing, Luther S., and BoUes, Albert S. Cushing's manual of parliamentary prac- tice, new ed c'14 Wjnston 50c 328.1 "Part 2, 'Parliamentary practice in business corporation meetings' is new; otherwise the present edition corresponds exactly to that is- sued in 1907." Cleveland Robert, Henry Martyn Robert's rules of order revised for de- liberate assemblies, rev ed '15 Scott $1 328.1 "A thorough revision of 'Robert's rules of order, containing nearly as much material as the previous edition, with the old re-writtcn and br()Ui;ht to date." A. L. A. bkl. Robert, Joseph Theodore Robert's primer of parliamentary law. 1900 Doubleday 75c 328.1 "Excellent manual for schools, clubs, fra- ternities, etc. Simple, clear; in form of les- sons, with question reviews." (Pittsburgh) A. L. A. Shattuck, Mrs. Harriette Lucy (Robinson) Shattuck's parliamentary answers. '15 Lothrop 60c 328.1 "A r^sum^ of all matters likely to arise in women's organizations, arranged alphabetically in the form of concise questions and answers, with good index. Less formal than the au- thor's 'Woman's manual of parliamentary law,' (Lothrop, 75c) or 'Robert's rules of order,' and on this account, perhaps, better adapted to the novice." A. L. A. bkl. 329 Political parties An interesting volume of reminiscences in connection with the last half century of Amer- ican politics is Everett P. Wheeler's "Sixtv years of American life, Taylor to Roosevelt, ' 1917, Dutton, $2.50. Two other interesting books on American politics are Ostrogorki's "Democracy and the party system in the United States," loio, Mac- millan, $1.75, and Sloane's "Party government in the United States," Harper, 1914, $i A good source book for party platforms, etc. is Stanwood's "History of the presidency from 1897-1916," 2V, Houghton, %2 Brooks, Robert Clarkson Corruption in American politics and life. '10 Dodd $1.50 329 "Study of the nature of corruption and the forms it assumes in the professions, journalism and higher education, ana in business and poli- tics. Suggests reform effort along the lines of publicity, education, state supervision, munici- pal research, tax reform, the short ballot, and especially campaign fund reform." A. L. A. sup. Emery, Henry Crosby Politician, party and people. '13 Yale univ. press $1.50 329 "A fair minded, comprehensive discussion of party government, analyzing for the young voter the existing political machinery and show- ing the ethical difficulties involved at every stage. The author, professor of political econ- omy at Yale, concludes that better results can be obtained by working through a party than by independent voting." Cleveland Johnston, Alexander History of American politics; rev. by W. M. Sloane, continued by W. M. Daniels. (Handbooks for students) *02 Holt $1 329 "Of high value either as textbook, reference manual or guide for private study." A. L. A. Macy, Jesse I'arty or.ganization and machinery. (American state ser.) rev ed '12 Cen- tury $1.25 329 "Study of American political organization:, national and state, with chapters on typical systems in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, In- diana, Missouri and the South." N. V. state lib. "The original chapters of this excellent sur- vey of American politics arc unchansed except for the addition of short biographies. . . There are two new chapters: 'Legalized party organization — California' and 'Party reorganiza- tion,' which describe briefly the change from the convention system to the direct primary.' A. L. -\. bkl. Ray, Perley Orman Introduction to political parties and prac- tical politics. '17 Scribncr $1.60 329 Bibliography at the end of chapters "Designed as a college text, this work covers the field with directness and clarity. Includes such subjects as the spoils system, the recall, direct primaries, political machines and bosses, voters' leagues and the organization of women voters." Pittsburgh Woodburn, James Albert American politics: political parties and partv problems in the United States. 2d ed rev il '14 Putnam $2.50 329 ".\ concise, orderly, interesting presentation of the general field of party history, party or- eanizalion and party problems, and 01 the re- lation that the usages and methods of political 20 STANDARD CATALOG Woodburn, James Albert — Continued parties bear to our social, national and economic welfare." (Annals Ainer. acad. 58:239.) "Thoroughly revised and brought to date by the addition of material on present-day party development and issues, the initiative, ref- erendum, and recall, the Oregon experiment, and on campaign funds. The lists of references at chapter ends have also been enlarged." A. L. A. bkl. 330 Economics Valuable books for the occasional student are: Ricardo, David. First six chapters of prin- ciples of political economy and taxation. 1905 Macniillan 7sc Smith, Adam. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 2v (Bohn's standard lib.) '01 Macmillan $1.25 ea Bullock, Charles J. Introduction to the study of economics. 4th ed rev and enl "13 Silver $1.50 330 Ely, Richard Theodore Outlines of economics. 3d ed rev '16 Macmillan $2.25 330 "A revised and reset edition of this standard text. . . . The bibliographies have been re- vised." A. L. A. bkl. " 'It differs from the older editions in that its scope is much wider, and it includes, in ad- dition to the theoretical considerations, a great deal of what goes under the name of applied economics. In this it resembles Professor Taus- sig's work on the same subject a few years ago.' " (A. L. Trachtenberg in N. Y. Call) Book rev. digest George, Henry Law of human progress. '17 Joseph Fels international commission, 122 E. 37th St.. N.Y. 50c 330 McPherson, Logan Grant How the world makes its living. '16 Century $2 330 "With admirable clearness and simplicity the book works out a conception of economics as a natural evolution. It begins with man's pos- session of fingers and his acquirement of tools, and progresses to the division of labor and the organization of the means of production and distribution. Mr. McPherson carries us through the development of property rights, bu-<'ing and selling, insurance, speculation, strikes, and the effects of wars, to a consideration of govern- ment regulation of industry and commerce." (Condensed from the N. Y. Sun, 1916) Pitts- burgh Marshall, Alfred Principles of economics. Sth ed vl '07 Macmillan $3.75 330 " 'General survey, followed by treatment of questions of demand and supply, land, labor and capital, distribution and exchange. Of high , value.' " (N. Y. state lib.) A. L. A. No more published. Appendix i. Brief bibliography of U. S. tariffs; of bimetallism: of American shipping. Appendix 2, Examination questions. Mill, John Stuart Principles of political economy; abr. with notes, and a sketch of the history of political economy, by J. L. Laughlin. '98 Appleton $4 330 "No writer before Mill had ever surveyed political economy as a whole with anything like equal ability; no one had shown with the same fulness the relation which different parts of the science bore to each other; still less had any one so well explained the relation of this science to other sciences and to knowledge in general.' " (Bagehot) A. L. A. Appleton publishes an unabridged edition of Mill at $4.50 Seager, Henry Rogers Principles of economics, il map '13 Kolt $2.25 330 "A revision of 'Introduction to economics.' The chapter, 'Plans of economic reform,' of the former edition has been replaced by four new chapters: 'Reform of the tax system of the United States'; 'Profit sharing and labor copartnership'; 'Social insurance'; and 'Soci- alism.' Several of the theoretical chapters have been rewritten, the explanations of the laws of value and distribution recast, and the whole revised to date." A. L. A. bkl. "Prof. Seager is, we believe, typical of the new economist. His book is intensely practical; he regards economic theory as the connecting link between the , history of industry and the tasks confronting the social reformer. Mathe- matical conceptions scarcely enter into his work." Athenreum 2:140. Seligman, Edwin R. A. Principles of economics. 7th ed '16 Long- mans $2.50 330 "This popular work which was rewritten in the sixth edition only two years ago is again revised. Figures and authorities have been brought up to date and the text is changed in a few places because of events since 1914. . . . From the standpoint either of the college class-room or the non-academic reader, there are in [the reviewer's] opinion, not more than one or two works comparable with Professor Selig- man's Principles." Amer. educ. rev. 7:604. Taussig, Frank William Principles of economics. 2d ed rev 2v '15 Macmillan $4 330 References at the end of each group of chapters "Developments in practical problems since the first edition have caused the revision and rewriting of the chapters on banking in the United States, trusts and combinations, work- men's insurance, and taxation, specially that on income taxes." A. L. A. bkl. "An important, comprehensive work, based on 30 years experience. The best book since Mill for the reader with no prior knowledge, and also indispensable to the student." A. L. A. sup. Withers, Hartley Poverty and waste. '14 Button $1.25 330 "Attempts to bring home to the consumer his responsibility in the great problem of pov- erty, by showing how money spent on luxury is so much capital wasted, and how, if spent on necessary articles, it, increases their produc- tion and decreases their price. The work of a practical business man, it combines moral earn- estness with sound economic sense. Arguments are popularly and convincingly stated." A. L. A. bkl. Sources Bullock, Charles Jesse (comp.) Selected readings in economics. (Selections and documents in econom- ics) il map '07 Ginn $2.25 330 "Though compiled for collateral reading for a course in economics, has value also to readers seeking self-instruction. Excellent selection of subjects and authorities." A. L. A. sup. Marshall, Leon Carroll, and others (ed.) Materials for the study of elemen- tary economics, maps '13 Univ. of Chi- cago press $3 330 "Selection of articles from books, magazines, newspapers, commission reports, court deci- sions, etc., illustrating the working of economic principles in actual life, for the use of students of economics." Pratt quarterly "The selections have been made with dis- crimination. They are varied, fresh, and often alluring. While laureled authorities among the elders, Adam Smith, Ricardo, J. S. Mill, and SOCIOLOGY— Economics 21 Marshall, L. C., and others — Continued others are alloted brief space, one senses that the editors are moderns in their live interests." Jour. pol. econ. 22:227 "It may be said without much fear of con- tradiction that the present volume is larger in amount, more extensive in range, and more useful in character, than anything yet (1913) printed in English and probably in any lan- guage." Am. econ. rev. 4:111 330.4 Essays on economics Biicher, Karl Industrial evolution; tr. by S. M. Wickett. '01 Holt $2.50 330.4 "Bibliography, pref. p6 "Stimulating volume for beginner in indus- trial history." (Nation 73:266) A. L. A. Ruskin, John Unto this last; four essays on the first principles of political economy. (Astor lib. of prose) '01 Crovvcll 75c 330.4 "The substance of his theory of political economy: the most powerful popular present- ment of his critical as distinct from his con- structive theory." A. L. A. 330.9 History of economics Gide, Charles, and Rist, Charles History of economic doctrines from the time of the physiocrats to the present day. '15 Heath $3 330.9 "The first English translation of a standard French work which aims to give not a full ac- count of all doctrines falling in this period but the history of those economic doctrines which are recognized at the present day." (Adapted from A. L. A. bkl.) Pratt quarterly "Distinctly the ablest and most interesting history of economics in existence." Pol. sci. quar. 31:645 Europe Ogg, Frederic Austin Economic development of modern Eu- rope. '17 Macmillan $2.50 330.9 Contents: Pt. i, Antecedents of nineteenth century growth; pt. 2, Agriculture, industry and trade since 181 5; pt. 3, Population and labor; pt. 4, Socialism and social insurance "A summary of modern economic processes in Great Britain and Ireland, France and Ger- many, up to the beginning of the war. It gives small space to sixteenth, seventeenth and eight- eenth centuries, and omits specially technical phases such as public finance. Three or four chapters reproduce, greatly modified, chapters of 'Social progress in contemporary Europe.' Bibliographies at chapter-ends. . . . "The book might almost serve as a complete history of Europe from the early eighteenth century to tlie outbreak of the great war.' (Independent 90:437)" A. L. A. bkl. Social progress in contemporary Europe. '12 MacmiIIan$1.50 330.9 "A succinct statement of the main facts of the advance in democracy, agriculture, industry, and social legislation which Europe has made since the French Revolution." (Nation) Pratt quarterly "Less valuable to the student than to the reader wanting a survey based on well selected facts. Good bibliography by chapters. (2op)." A. L. A. bkl. Veblen, Thorstein Imperial Germany and the industrial rev- olution. '15 Macmillan $1.50 330.9 Supplementary notes. P273-324 " 'In no sense a "war book.' The economic policy of the imperial st.ite since 1871 is de- scribed fully and cleverly. The inner character and significance of state regulation has never been described more effectively. ... In a pregnant chapter entitled 'The net gain' the author makes an interesting appraisal of Ger- man 'Kultur.' " (Dial. 1915) Pittsburgh ".\uthor deals almost as fully with England as with Germany, making elaborate comparison between the economic and political situation in the two countries, based on a study of their history." A. L. A. bkl. England Valuable books for students are: Ashley, W. G. Introduction to English eco- nomic history and theory. 2d ed 2v 1892- 3 Putnam $4.50 Cunningham, William. Growth of English industry and commerce. 3v 1896-1903 Put- nam $8 Hammond, J. L., and Hammond, B. Town labourer, 1760-1832. 1917 Longmans $3.50 llaniniond, J. L., and Hammond, B. Village labourer, 1760-1832. 1912 Longmans $3 Lipson, E. Introduction to the economic his- tory of England. 1915 v. i MacmilTaix $-•■75 Ashley, William James Economic organization of England; an outline history. '14 Longmans $1 330.9 " '.Admirable philosophical survey of English economic history from the self-sufficing manor of the thirteenth and the narrow gild of the fourteenth centuries down to the gigantic .... monopolistic combinations of the twen- tieth century.' (Nation 99:326) Originally de- livered as lectures to students, but equally use- ful as a concise introduction for the general reader. Annotated bibliography (i3p)." A. L. A. bkl. Cheyney, Edward Potts Introduction to the industrial and social history of England. '01 Alacmillan $1.60 330.9 Cressy, Edward Outline of industrial history, with special reference to problems of the present day. '15 Macmillan $1.20 330.9 " '.\n excellent summary of English economic history, distinguished from others by the sub- ordination of earlier periods, and by a more comprehensive and more detailed treatment of the past two centuries.' " (Am. econ. rev. 6:359) Book rev. digest MacGregor, David Hutchison Evolution of industry. (Home univ. lib. of modern knowledge) '12 Holt 60c 330.9 Contents: The meaning of industrial evolu- tion; The recent industrial changes; The stages of recent progress; Root problems and the modern attitude; The question of the system; The people and the land; Competition and as- sociation; Types of industrial government; Democracy and leadership; Notes on books "An excellent survey of the changes in economic organization that came with the in- dustrial revolution, and of the coinplex prob- lems of industrial and social organization that have followed in its train. One is grateful to the author for devoting his attention to modern questions rather than to the remote historical problems that might be suggested by the title." H. R. Mussey, Pol. sci. quar 30:149 United Slates Bogart, Ernest Ludlow Ec(MK>niic history of the United States. (Longmans' commercial textbooks) 2d ed il maps '13 Longmans $1.75 330.9 "Chief events of the economic development of the United States, grouped so as to form a STANDARD CATALOG Bogart, Ernest Ludlow — Continued continuous story. . . . Extensive bibliogra- phy." A. L. A. sup. "A most satisfactory book for tte individual student of history or economics. In the sec- ond edition the information . . . has been brought down to date, and the volume has been appreciably increased in size. Chapters have been added upon currency and labor." Ann. Am. acad. .16:189 Callender, Guy Stevens (ed.; Selections from the economic his- tory of the United States. 1765-1860. '09 Ginn S3.30 school ed S2.75 330.9 "The documents reprinted by Callender are chosen to emphasize the causes and effects of economic conditions as well as to show simply the facts themselves. In this particular aspect Bogart and Thompson's Readings suffer by comparison." Amer. hist. rev. 22:380 Coman, Katharine Industrial history of the United Sta.t_es. new ed il maps '10 Macmillan $1.75 330.9 "Revision of an excellent te.xt (1905), tracing our economic evolution in an interesting man- ner and adding new matter on conservation and contemporary problems." A. L. A. sup. Fite, Emerson David Social and industrial conditions in the North during the Civil war. '10 Mac- millan ?2 330.9 "Valuable contribution to history of period, based on examination of newspapers, public documents and many other sources. Discusses agriculture, mining, lumbering, transportation, manufacturing, commercial life, capital, labor, education, luxuries, amusements and charity, discovering extraordinary industrial activity and material advancement during period." X.Y. state lib. Steinmetz, Charles Proteus America and the new epoch. '16 Harper $1 330.9 "Sets forth the thesis that whatever its mil- itary and political results the war will bring about a general industrial reorganization in which the individualism of the past will be re- placed by cooperation and that the type of or- ganization which should be perfected on a na- tional scale is furnished by the great Ladustrial corporation." Pratt quarterly The author is one of the country's leading en- g^eers and a constructive socialist 33 1 Capital and labor Carver, Thomas Nixon Distribution of wealth. '04 Macmillan S1.50 331 " 'Compact, clear, able statement of modern doctrines; with an introductory chapter on the principles of value.' " (Harvard guide) A. L. A. sup. Gantt, Henry Laurence Works, wages and profits. 2d ed rev (Works management lib.) il '13 Engi- neering magazine $2 331 "Practical directions for the intelligent, eco- nomical management of labor that will result in the workman's increased efficiency, cooperation between employer and employee and other mu- tual benehts." X.Y. state lib. "The author's experience as consulting en- gineer to numerous large manufacturing or- ganizations lends this little treatise a particular interest. The book is full of intelligent com- ments, emphasing the tendency to waste and im- providence, and its value lies to no small extent in an appreciation of economic conditions and facts which a theoretical author cotild never have possessed." Elec. world 63:1355 Hobson, John Atkinson Evolution of modern capitalism. (Con- temporary science ser.) new ed '17 Scribner $1.75 331 "Greatly changed from the original edition. Many additions have been made to the earlier historical chapters; an introductory chapter, 'Origin of modem capitalism,' and a supple- mentary chapter, "Industry in the twentieth century,' have been added. The later chapters are extensively revised." A- L. A. bkl. Work and wealth; a human valuation. '14 Macmillan S2 331 "The purpose of this work 'is to present a full and formal exposure of the inhumanity and vital waste of modem industry by the close application of the best-approved formulas of individual and social welfare, and to indicate the most helpful measures of remedy for a so- ciety sufficiently intelligent, courageous and self-governing to apply them.' " (Preface) N.Y. branch lib. news King, Willfred Isbell Wealth and income of the people of the United States. (Citizen's lib. of econom- ics, politics and sociology- — new ser. ) il '15 Macmillan S1.50 331 "A careful statistical study of wealth and in- come distribution, extending from 1850 to 1910, made by an instructor in statistics at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. He has selected his material discriminatingly and presented it clearly and systematically with a wealth of diagrams and tables. 'Clearly the best and most compre- hensive attempt yet made to state wealth and income conditions in the United States.' " (Sur- vey 35:116) -V L. A. bkl. A statistical analysis of the growth of the wealth of England may be found in W. H. Mai- lock's "Social reform as related to realities and delusions," 1913, Button, S2.25 Lansbury, George Your part in poverty*. '17 Huebsch $1 331 "Mr Lansbury believes that land valnes should be taxed, that the wages and profit sys- tem should be abolished, that we must sub- stitute cooperation for competition, and that the workers must 'join together in great indiistrial unions or guilds, representative of particolar industries.' " Book rev. digest " 'No one who wishes to understand the labor movement in England can aSord to miss this book; ... It is not a program; it is not a treatise. It is simply the expression of an attitude to life whick is growin? rapidly in im- portance in every section of the English work- ing classes.' " (H. J. L. in New republic j%-2s,'i Book rev. digest Lincoln, Jonathan Thayer The factory. '12 Houghton $1 331 "Bibliographical note, p 9-10 "The author, a Fall River mill-owner, makes a compact and instructive study of the develop- ment of the factory system, beginning with its rise out of the old feudalistic conditions of labor, through the industrial revolution, down to the present time." Pittsburgh Nearing, Scott Income; an examination of the returns for sen.-ices rendered and from property owned in the United States. '15 Mac- millan S1.25 331 ".A. useful statistical study for the student of economics or general reader, simply and clearly presented. The author analyzes the salaries and wages of different kinds of workers _ and the distribution of income. He distinguishes clearly the issue between income based on ser- vice and income based on property ownership. What some will consider the radicad note b his contention that property income, though par- asitic receives the lion's share." -\. L. A. bkL SOCIOLOGY— Economics 23 Redfield, William Cox The new industrial day; a book for inen who employ men. '12 Century $1.25 331 "Author believes in the economic value as well as in the equity of high wages for good work, that the workman should be treated not as an ex- pense but as an asset and that he should share fairly and permanently in the profit resulting from his labor." Pittsburgh Ryan, John Augustine Distributive justice. '16 Macmillan $1.50 331 Contents: The morality of private landowticr- ship and rent; The morality of private capital and interest; The moral aspect of profits; The moral aspect of wages General references, prcf. pi 7- 18; references at the end of each section Author is associate professor of political sci- ence at the Catholic university of America. "Generally conservative in attitude though maintaining that the ethical aspect of the prob- lem of distribution must be increasingly prom- inent." Pratt quarterly "One of the most important books that have appeared, within the past decade." Am. pol. sci. rev. 11:766 331.1 Industrial arbitration and conciliation Academy of political science Labor disputes and public service cor- porations; cd by H. R. Mussey. (Pro- ceedings, v7, no.l) '17 Acad, of political science pa $1.50 331.1 " 'A valuable survey of American, Canadian, and .\ustralian experience in governmental mediation and arbitration, with statements of the attitude of the labor unions toward com- pulsory arbitration, mediation, and conciliation.' " (Re\-iew of reviews) Book rev. digest American academy of political and social science Present labor situation; compulsory in- vestigation and arbitration. (Annals of Amer. acad.) '17 Am. acad. cl $1.5U pa $1 331.1 Contents: Certain aspects of the labor situa- tion; Wasjes, working conditions and hours of labor; Public employment bureaus; Some as- pects of collective bargaining ; Compulsory ar- bitration or investigation before strikes or lock- outs; Voluntary arbitration and conciliation in private bixsinesses; Fixing hours and wages in the railroads and other public utilities. V69, Jan. If):?, of the ".Annals of the Amer- ican academy of political and social .science." Barnett, George Ernest, and McCabe, David A. Mediation, investigation and arbitration m industrial di-putes. '16 Appleton $1.25 331.1 ".An authoritative study of the powers and possibilities of industrial commissions based on a report submitted by the authors to the Com- mi.ssion on industrial relations. Surveys the agencies in Massachusetts, New York and Ohio." A. L. A. bkl. "The best available discussion of the subject in English." Review of reviews ;s:2.:o Beman, Lamar T. (comp.) Selected articles on the compul- sory arbitration of industrial disputes. (Debaters' handbook ser.) 2d cd '15 Wilson $1.25 331.1 "On the affirmative side are such sociologists as, John Graham Brooks. Henry Demarcst Lloyd, Frank Parsons, and also reports of State industrial commissions: on the negative. Carroll D. Wright, John Mitchell, Samuel Gompers, and some editorials from leading newspapers. "The general discussion consists mainly of e.xtracts from the reports of the U.S. Commis- sioner of labor. A good bibliography is in- cluded." (A. D.) St. Louis Bibliography, pref. psy^t — Supplement to 2d cd '17 Wilson pa 50c 331.1 Bibliography, pref. 629-71 Mote, Carl Henry Industrial arbitration; a world-wide sur- vey of natural and political agencies for social justice and industrial peace. '16 Bobbs $1.50 331.1 "Intended as an impartial discussion of legis- lation for industrial conciliation and arbitra- tion and of those social and industrial condi- tions, which, in the author's opinion, have a direct bearing on the results of legislative methods. There are chapters on the devices which have been used to prevent strikes in England, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand and the United States, and an impartial discussion of the Colorado coal strike." Cleve- land 331.2 Wages. Profit sharing For a good historical treatment of wages in England, see Thorold Rogers' "Six centuries of work and wages," nth ed., Putnam, 1913, $1.30, and supplement this by Earl Brassey's "Work and wages," 1916, Longmans, $1.25 Burritt, Arthur Winfield, and others Profit sharing, its principles and prac- tice. '18 Harper $2.50 331.2 "It is rare that a book is written by men who are able to speak with such authority as are the authors of 'Profit sharing.' . . . There is combined the practical experience of some of the most constructively progressive employers in this country with the sound judgment of two of the leading students of problems of business administration." Survey 40:318 Emmet, Boris Profit sharing in the United States. (U.S. Bureau of labor statistics, Bui. whole no. 208, Dec. '16; misc. ser. no. 13) '17 Supt. of doc. 20c 331.2 "Mr. Emmet's report covers somewhat the same ground as the report of the Civic federa- tion, but is more broadly managed. It claims to have 'carefully examined and analyzed . . . all of the profit sharing plans known to be in operation in the United States at the present time' and in addition, to have studied sundry other plans not accurately described as profit sharing." Robert F. Foerster in Am. econ. rev. 7:676 National civic federation. Welfare depart- ment Profit sharing by American employers. '16 National civic federation $2.50 pa $2 331.2 For an earlier book on this subject, see N. P. Gilman's "Profit-sharing between employer and employee," 1896, Houghton, $1.75 Reely, Mary Katharine (comp.) Selected articles on minimum wage. (Debaters' handbook ser.) '17 Wilson $1.25 331.2 ".\n attempt has been made to choose wisely such articles as would present the question from many points of view, that of the employer, the trade unionist, the lawyer, the economist, and the social worker. . . . The di.scussion has not been limited to minimum wage for women." ricveland Ryan, John Augustine Living waee: its ethical and economic as- pects. '12 Macmillan $1.25 standard lib 50c 331.2 24 STANDARD CATALOG 331.2 Social insurance (including health and industrial insurance) Blanchard, Ralph Harrub Liability and compensation insurance, il '17 Appleton $2 331,2 "Presents the results of the workmen's com- pensation movement in the United States in terms of legislative and insurance practice, and explains the industrial accident problem and the development of liability and compensation principles as a background for the compre- hension of present problems. The book is di- vided into three parts: Industrial accidents and their prevention; Employers' liability and work- men's compensation; Employers' liability and workmen's compensation insurance." Book rev digest Bullock, Edna Dean (comp.) Selected articles on compulsory insurance. (Debaters' handbook ser.) '12 Wilson $1.25 331.2 " 'The compiler explains that the work is in- fended to cover at least some of the points of the whole question of 'social insurance,' and not merely compulsory insurance. Many of the articles are from the Survey." St. Louis Bibliography, p 17-35 "No one question for debate has been con- sidered in the compiling of this volume which aims to cover the whole field of social insurance. The term 'social insurance' as here used is de- fined as 'the formal provision by or for work- ing people against the vicissitudes of life — in- cluding sickness, industrial accident, invalidity, unemployment, old age and dependency.' " Book rev. digest Eastman, Crystal Work accidents and the law. 2d cd '16 Russell Sage foundation $1.50. 331.2 "An important contribution to exact knowl- edge on a subject which demands serious at- tention in this country." Engin. news 64 sup. 11 Ag. 18, '10 Rubinow, Isaac Max Social insurance, with special reference to American conditions. '13 Holt $3.50 331.2 "The most comprehensive treatment of the subject in English, by an authority. It deals with insurance against industrial accidents, sick- ness, old age, invalidity, death, unemployment." A. L. A. bkl. "Selections relating to European countries based on voluminous twenty-fourth annual re- port of the United States Commissioner of labor, on Workmen's insurance and compensation sys- tems in Europe, in the preparation of which Dr. Rubinow had an important part." N.Y. branch lib. news Bibliographical note, p 503-6 Standards of health insurance. '16 Holt $1.50 331.2 "Prepared primarily for persons engaged in rousing public interest in health insurance, this book discusses principles, scope, benefits, cost, constitutionality, administration, and organiza- tion of medical aid. "The author is executive secretary of the So- cial insurance committee of the American medical association. For an introduction to the sub- ject see the chapter entitled 'Insurance against sickness' in his 'Social Insurance.' " Cleveland Seager, Henry Rogers Social insurance, a program of social re- form. (American social progress ser.) '10 Macmillan $1 _ . 331.2 "Simple statement of the principles of social insurance, adapted to American conditions." A. L. A. sup. United States. Labor, Bureau of Workmen's insurance and benefit funds in the United States. (Twenty-third annual report of the Commissioner of labor, '08) '09 Supt. of doc. 70c. 331.2 Woodbury, Robert Morse Social insurance; an economic analysis. (Cornell studies in history and political science). '17 Holt $1.25 331.2 " 'Professor Woodbury's study may safely be recommended as the first serious effort to analyze the problem of cost.' " (I. M. Rubinow in Sur- vey 8:533) Book rev. digest 331.3 Child labor Bullock, Edna Dean (comp.) Selected articles on child labor. (Debaters' handbook ser.) 2d ed rev '15 Wilson $1.25 331.S Bibliography, pref. pi 1-26 Clopper, Edward Nicholas Child labor in city streets. '12 Macmil- lan $1.25 331.3 "Full presentation of a comparatively little studied phase of child labor — the street em- ployment of children, as newsboys, bootblacks, peddlers and messengers. The demoralizing agencies of street life, its relation to delin- quency and the development of regulation in this country and Europe are discussed, with frequent citation of books, reports and arti- cles." A. L. A. bkl. Bibliography, p 245-54 National child labor committee Child labor bulletin, vl, nol. '12 National child labor committee 331.3 "Proceedings of the eighth annual conference on child labor. Beginning with this number, the documents of the Child labor committee will appear as a iiuartcrly bulletin published by the Committee instead of an annual publication of the American academy of political and social sci- ence." Cleveland Later volumes of the Proceedings of the an- nual conferences on child labor may be ob- tained from the National child labor committee Nearing, Scott Solution of tbe child labor problem. '11 Moflfat $1 331.3 "Advocates the elimination of child labor through eliminating its two causes — an ineffi- cient, unattractive school system and the in- ability of a large group of workingmen to pro- vide for their families. Clear, forceful and logical." A. L. A. sup. Sumner, Helen Laura, and Merritt, Ella A. Child labor legislation in the United States. (U.S. Children's bureau. Indus- trial ser. 1. Bureau publication no. 10) '15 Supt. of doc. pa 5c 331.3 "Contains text of the child labor laws in force on October i, 1015, in the various states and a comparative tabular analysis covering the most important points of the laws. The full in- dex furnishes a key to the material." A. L. A. bkl. Thompson, L A. (comp.) List of references on child labor (U. S. Children's bureau. Industrial ser. no. 3. Bureau publication no. 18) '16 Supt. of doc. 20c 331.3 United States. Labor statistics, Bureau of Summary of the report on condition of woman and child wage-earners in the United States. Sec 331.4 331.4 Women in industry Five special studies of women in industry by the Russell Sage Foundation are: E. B. But- ler's "Women and the trades," 2d ed, 19 11, $i.SOr SOCIOLOGY— Economics 25 Women in industry — Continued and "Saleswomen in mercantile stores. Balti- more," iqoQ, $1; Mary Van Kleeck's "Women in the bookbinding trade," 19 13, and "Working- girls in evening schools," 1914, and "A seasonal industry, a study of the millinery trade in New York city," 1917, each $1.50. The U.S. Bureau of labor began to publish in 1913 the Women in industry series of pamphlets, the eighth of which was issued in 1916. Abbott, Edith Women in industry. '09 Applcton $2.50 331.4 " 'Thorough, readable study of women as a factor in American economic history, based on an examination of the five industries employing them in greatest numbers (cotton, boot and shoe, cigar, clothing and printing.)' " (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Bullock, Edna Dean (comp.) Selected articles on the employ- ment of Avomen. (Debaters' handbook ser.) '11 Wilson $1.25 331.4 Bibliography, p 9-1S Henry, Alice Trade union woman, il '15 .Appleton $1.75 331.4 Bibliography, p 207-303 "Brief, popular account of the history of wo- men in trade unionism, discussing the leaders, ideals and policies of the organization, the big strikes, problems of the immigrant, the mar- ried woman, suffrage, vocational training and other related social and economic questions." N.Y. state lib. By the former editor of Life and labor, the ofTicial ora;an of the Woman's trade union league MacLean, Annie Marion Women workers and society. (National social science ser.) '16 McClurg 60c 331.4 References p 131 "Its simple, popular presentation, . . . rec- ommends it to those with a beginning interest in the subject. Discussion is limited to the industrial, clerical, and mercantile groups." A. L. A. bkl. In igio, the author published the results of an investigation in 400 manufactures, under the title "Wage-earning women," (Macmillan, $1.25) United States. Labor statistics. Bureau of Summary of the Report on condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States, December. 1915. (Bui. 175; Women in industry ser. no. 5) '16 Supt. of doc. pa 45'c 331.4 "The full report, of which this is a sum- mary, was published in 19 volumes in 1910-13, and relates for the most part to conditions east of the Mississippi as they were found in 1908. . . . The bulletin begins with a study of the cot- ton, men's ready made clothing, glass and silk industries as employers of women; there are three related chapters on miscellaneous indus- tries, three on child labor problems, three on historical matters, four which deal with ques- tions of health and one each on family budgets, the relation between occupation and criminality of women, and labor laws and factory condi- tions. There is a digest of significant points and an index." Book rev digc-t Women's educational and industrial union, Boston Public schools and women in office ser- vice. (Studies in economic relations of women. v8) '14 Women's educational and industrial union 80c 331.4 "This report, the result of an extended in- vestigation, is a complete study of the relation between the schooling of girls and their subse- quent wages and promotion in business. .Aims to present the bu.siness, economic and social con- ditions confronting commercial high schools rather than to analyze existing curricula or suggest new courses. Should be useful to com- mercial teachers, vocational and social work- ers." A. L. A. bkl. Other volumes are: V. I, pt. I. Vocations for the trained woman. Opportunities other than teaching, op. V. I. pt. 2. Vocations for the trained woman: .\griculture, social service, secretarial service, bu.'siness of real estate. $1.50 V. 2, Labor laws and their enforcement, with special reference to Massachusetts. $1.50 V. 3, Living wage of women workers; in- comes and expenditures of 450 women in the city of Boston. $1 V. 4, Dressmaking as a trade for women. 80c V. 5, Millinery as a trade for women. $1.50 V. 6, Boot and shoe industry as a trade for women. 80c V. 7, Industrial home work in Massachusetts. 80c V. 1-3 & 5 published by Longmans; v. 4 & 6-8 by the Women's educational and industrial tinion. V. 4 & 6 may also be obtained from the Superintendent of documents at less cost. Woods, Robert Archey, and Kennedy, Al- bert J. (eds.) Young working girl; ed. for the National federation of settlements; with an introduction by Jane Addams. '13 Houghton $1 331.4 "A summary in a readable form of evidence from 2000 social workers, submitted in response to a questionnaire on the problems of the adolescent working girl in the tenement house family. Not only outlines the conditions affect- ing the physical and moral welfare of the girls, but gives helpful hints for constructive work with them." Cleveland 331.8 Labor and laboring classes For a good account of English labor condi- tions in the early part of the 20th century, see S. J. Chapman's "Social betterment," (1914, Longmans, $3) being v. 3 of his continuation of Earl Brassey's "Work and wages." For a sur- vey of American conditions in a great indus- trial community, see the Pittsburgh survey; edited by Paul U. Kellogg, Russell Sage founda- tion. 1909-14, 6v. $10 American labor year book. 1917-'18. '18 Rand school of social science $1.25 pa 60c 331.8 "A 3S4 page volume recording the progress of the socialist and labor movements in the United States and abroad during 1916 and 1917, supplemented by a scries of articles by prom- inent specialists on important social and eco- nomic questions." Publisher For British statistics, see the Labor year book, 1916, Cooperative printing society, Ltd., Lon- don, cl. 2s 6d. Carlton, Frank Tracy The industrial situation. '14 Revell 75c 331.8 "Succinct, up-to-date survey of social and in- dustrial problems by an authority, prepared un- der the auspices of the Federal Council of churches in America. Designed to give the un- trained reader a broad view of the whole in- dustrial situation. Summaries and suggestive questions specially adapt the book for study clubs." A. L. A. bkl. Carleton, William, pseud. One way out; a middle-class New Eng- lander emigrates to America. '11 Small $1.25 331.8 "Experiences of a Boston clerk who is dis- charged at 38, and having no other resources, turns day laborer." A. L. A. sup. Chase, Mrs Margaret Hatfield, and Chase, Stuart Honeymoon experiment. '16 Houghton $1 331.8 "Records the industrial struggles and the living arrangements of a young couple who 26 STANDARD CATALOG Chase, Mrs M. H., and Chase, S. —Cont speni eight, weeks as working-people in Roches- ter, N.Y., in an endeavor to learn how the other half lives." Pittsburgh Commons, John Rogers Labor and administration. '13 Macmillan $1.60 331.8 Lectures and essays reprinted from various periodicals, in which the author discusses sat- isfactorilj' the practical problems of trade union- ism and social work, and, not so well, the ab- stract and philosophical aspects of the questions. Wisconsin is the field from which he draws many illustrations of 'utilitarian idealism' in action. Of interest to those alive to vital cur- rent questions." A. L. A. bkl. Commons, John Rogers, and others History of labor in the United States. '18 Macmillan $6 331.8 Contents: vi Part i: Colonial and federal beginnings (to 1827), by D. J. Saposs. Part 2: Citizenship (1827-1833), by H. L. Sumner. Part 3: Trade unionism (1833-1839), by E. B. Mit- telman. Part 4: Humanitarianism (1840-1860), by H. E. Hoagland. V2 Part s: Nationalisation (1860-1877), by J. B. Andrews. Part 6: Upheaval and reor- ganization (since 1876), by Selig Perlman. Gibbs, Winifred Stuart Minimum cost of living. '17 Macmillan $1 331.8 "An analysis of budgets of seventy-five fam- ilies assisted by the New York Association for improving the condition of the poor. While primarily a book for charity visitors and dis- trict nurses, it should interest all social work- ers for it records with modesty a fine piece of constructive work to help families left without an adult male wage-earner, to spend their in- comes wisely." Cleveland Henderson, Charles Richmond Citizens in industry. (Social betterment ser.) '15 Appleton $1.75 331.8 Bibliography, p 329-38 "A study from many points of view of pres- ent methods of industrial 'welfare work.' The author is not engaged in this particular line of social activity, but has studied the subject care- fully and presents the material in a way that will be especially helpful to new comers in this field. The list of firms all over the world doing this work is especially valuable." Cleveland Another book on this subject is Tolman's "So- cial engineering," 1909, McGraw, $2 Kelley, Mrs Florence Modern industry in relation to the family, health, education, and morality. '14 Longmans $1 331.8 "Discusses briefly but eloquently the disin- tegrating effects of modern industry on society and the importance of bettering conditions through moral education and legislation. Some- what fragmentary, but written from firsthand knowledge. Based on lectures at Teachers col- lege Columbia university, 1913." N. Y. state lib. Lauck, William Jett, and Sydenstricker, Edgar Conditions of labor in American indus- tries; a summarization of the results of recent investigations. '17 Funk $1.75 331.8 List of the most important works cited P401-3 " 'A compact collection of investigations and studies of conditions under which the American wage-earner and his family work and live. . . . Not intended to be a critical discussion of these facts, or to be an argument in favor of or against any partizan conclusion, or any remedial program. Based on a report prepared by the authors for the Federal commission on indus- trial relations. . . . Confined to the conditions of wage-earners in manufacturing and mining industries [and to the period between 1900 and 1915-]'" (Preface) Pittsburgh Riis, Jacob August How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York . '03 Scrib- ner $1.50 331.8 Neighbors; life stories of the other half, il '14 Macmillan $1.35 331.8 Contents: The answer of Ludlow Street; Kin; The wars of the Rileys; Life's best gift; Driven from home; The problem of the widow Salvini; Peter; Kate's choice; The mother's heaven; Where he found his neighbor; What the snowflake told; The city's heart; Chips from the maelstrom; Heartease; His Christmas gift; Our roof garden among the tenements; The snow babies' Christmas; As told by the rabbi; The strand from above. Stories founded on the author's knowledge of life in the New York slums. Partly reprinted from the Outlook Tarbell, Ida Minerva New ideals in business; an account of their practice and their effects upon men and profits. '16 Macmillan $1.75 331.8 Enlarged from "The Golden rule in business" in the American magazine Ward, Harry Frederick Labor movement from the standpoint of religious values. '17 Sturgis & Walton $1.25 331.8 Contents: Trade unions; Socialism; Syndical- ism; The demand for leisure; The demand for income; Violence and its causes; Labor and the law; Democracy and industry. "Verbatim stenographic report of a series of noon day lectures delivered at Ford Hall, Bos- ton, 1915, together with the questions and an- swers of the forum period following each lec- ture." Subtitle West Side studies, carried on under the di- rection of Pauline Goldmark. 2v il '14 Russell Sage foundation $2 ea 331.8 "The results of investigations in the middle West Side of New York City. "The middle West Side' by O. G. Cartwright is a brief ac- count of the chief historical elements which have gone into the making of this district; 'Mothers who must earn' by K. Anthony is a study of the social and economic causes which compel the mother to become a wage-earner and the consequences to her home and family. 'Boyhood and lawlessness' and 'The neglected girl' by R. S. True composing the second vol- ume, show the various influences which mold the life of youth and the means used to counter- act these influences." A. L. A. bkl. Housing conditions American academy of political and social science Housing and town planning. (Annals of Amer. acad.) '14 Am. acad. $1.50 pa $1 331.8 "Thirty-six papers dealing with housing and housing refoim. the problem of the old house, fire waste, rural housing, etc., and city planning in their social and economic phases. Among the writers are Robert W. De Forest, Robert L'nwin, Delos F. Wilcox, Lawrence Veiller, (^arol Aronovici, Charles Mulford Robinson, John Nolan." A. L. A. bkl. Bacon, Mrs Albion (FcHozls) Beauty for ashes, il '14 Dodd $1.50 331.8 "The author has the distinction of being called 'the mother of the state tenement law of Indiana'. She has gathered here, in a per- sonal, readable form the incidents and experiences of her struggle, her defeat in 10 11, and her final recent victory in the state legislature which gave Indiana the first housing reform law. The book has many illustrations showing the neces- sity of such reform." St. Louis Appeared, with the exception of one chapter, in the "Survey," v. 31, Nov. i, 19 13 v. 31-2 Sept. 5, 1914 SOCIOLOGY— Economics 27 Bashore, Harvey Brown OvercrowdiiiLr and defective housing in the rural districts, il '15 Wiley $1 331.8 "Slight but suggestive, showing from inves- tigation in a typical American farming com- munity that such evils as land, house and school overcrowding and defective building of homes and schools exist in country districts. . . . Illustrated from photographs." N.V. state lib. National conference on housing ilousing problems in America; proceed- ings of the fifth national conference. '17 National liousing assn. $2.50 331.8 Taylor, Graham Romeyn Satellite cities. (National municipal league ser.) il '15 Appletoii $2 331.8 "Satellite cities are those which grow up about certain industries which have been obliged to move out of crowded cities and have located in . . . nearby villages or the open country. The present volume investigates the housing and other problems of such 'mushroom' cities as Gary, Norwood and Oakley, near Cincinnati, Granite City outside St. Louis, and Fairfield, a suburb of Birmingham, Alabama; it also sug- gests means of improvement and puts in a plea for the adoption of the European method of planning sucli places in advance of their develop- ment. . . . Most of the material appeared in the Survey." Cleveland Veiller, Lawrence Hou.-;ing rt form, a handbook for practical use in .American cities. '10 Russell Sage foundation $1.50 331.8 "Popular treatise and practical handbook by the highest authority on the subject in the United States." A. L. .\. sup. See also his "Model housing law," 1914, Russell Sage foundation, $2 Labor unions See aluo Laidler's "Boycotts and the labor struggle," 1914, Lane, $2, and Janes' "Control of strikes in American trade unions," 19 16, Johns Hopkins, $1, pa 75c. For English trade unionism, see U'cbb's "History of trade union- ism," new edition, 19 11, Longmans, $2.60 Bullock, Edna Dean (comp.). Selected articles on trade unions. (Debaters' handbook ser.) 2d ed rev and enl '16 Wilson $1.25 331.8 Bibliography, pref. pi 1-30 "Selects material to serve as a general ex- position of the subject and as a foundation for arguments on the benefits of trade unions to their members and to society. No blindly par- tisan literature has been used." A. L. A. bkl. Carlton, Frank Tracy Historv and problem of organized labor. '11 Heath $2.20 331.8 "References for further reading at the end of each chapter. "Useful suinm.Try in compact and readable form of a large amount of literature dealing with many important labor questions. Four chapters undertake to present the history of labor organizations, but in the United States only. A separate chapter is devoted to each of the fol- lowing subjects: immigration, the sweated in- dustries, child labor, woman labor, protective legislation for employees, industrial remunera- tion and trade education. While these may be called labor problems they are not problems peculiar to organized labor, hence the title is somewhat misleading." (Condensed from Na- tion, loii) Pittsburgh Cohen, Julius Henry Law and order in industry. '16 Macmil- lan $1.50 331.8 "A discussion of the Protocol of peace, an industrial agreement between the Employer's as- sociation and the union of the cloak and suit industry in New York city. The author was council for the employers in the negotiations which followed the great strike of the garment workers in 19 10, and was instrumental with Louis Brandeis and Meyer London, in bringing about the adoption of the Protocol. The book analyzes its contents, reviews its history and practical working and offers a plan for the en- largement of its scope." Cleveland "I know of no other equally valuable con- tribution on the subject of collective bargain- ing." John R. Commons in Journ. of pol. econ., June, 1916 Commons, John Rogers l,cd.) Trade unionism and labor prob- lems. (Selections and docs, in econ.) '05 Ginn $2.40 school ed $2 331.8 " 'Collection of the most authoritative ar- ticles by specialists on every phase of the mat- ter. Liberal and progressive in point of view.' " (Harvard guide) A. L. A. sup. Eliot, Charles William Future of trades-unionism and capitalism in a democracy. '10 Putnam $1 331.8 "Clear and dispassionate discussion of the effect which democratic government has had on trades-unionism and capitalism, and the effect these two industrial combinations have had on democratic government." A. L. A. sup. Groat, George Gorham Introduction to the study of organized labor in America. '16 Macmillan $1.75 331.8 "Suggestions for further readings, pref. p 14- 15 "A textbook undoubtedly of scientific rank. Its strength lies in its impartial attitude, in the excellent description of the structure of the American federation of labor, and in the ex- tensive discussion of the legal aspect of union- ism. Its weakness lies in its lack of emphasis on the psychology of the subject, in its failure to give the reader an acquaintance with the trade unionists as people, or with the spirit of organized labor, its ideals, aims and policies." (Condensed from .■Xm. journ. of soc.) Pittsburgh "Carlton is wider in scope, devoting much space to special labor problems, but is not so full on strictly trade-union history, present condi- tions and tendencies. Marot presents the sub- ject from the trade-union viewpoint." A. L. A. bkl. Hoxie, Robert Franklin Trade unionism in the United States. '17 Appleton $2.50 331.8 "A book on trade unions that 'fills a gap long since recognized in the treatment of labor prob- lems. It does for .'\merica what Webb's 'In- dustrial democracy' does for England, and more, for it excels all treatises in the masterly an- alysis of the psychology of wage-earners, as seen in the policies and methods of unions. Hoxie's classification of unions for the first lime brings out scientifically the great difference in unions, permits one to sec the very complex character of the labor problems and warns against those sweeping generalizations that pretend to offer simple solutions. This leads the author to build up a truly constructive method of dealing with all labor problems according to the actual conditions.' " (J : R. Commons) Book rev. di- gest Marot, Helen .■\merican trade unions. '14 Holt $1.35 331.8 Reference notes of citations, p 266-Q "A study of labor unions from the labor point of view, interpreting impartially the posi- tions, principles and policies of the chief labor organizations, full of information for the unin- itiated and showing as few books on the sub- ject do, to what extent revolutionary ideas have seized upon organized labor's consciousness." Cleveland Miss Marot has been a member of the Amer- ican federation of labor for years, and was ex- ecutive secretary of the Woman's trade union league of New York from 1905 to 1913 28 STANDARD CATALOG Portenar, Abraham Jacob Organized labor; its programs and how to meet them. '12 Macmillan $1 331.8 "Written by a labor man — an ardent upholder of union principles. . . . While openly oppos- ing the I. W. W. the author accepts what is best ill their doctrine and agrees with them that the old craft-unionism must give way to industrial-unionism. He differs from them in advocating arbitration and the trade agreement, the strike to be reserved always as a last re- sort." Book rev. digest Robbins, Edwin Clyde (comp.) Selected articles on the open versus closed shop. (Debaters'- hand- book ser.) 2d ed '12 Wilson $1.25 331.8 Bibliography, pref. P13 21 Unemplo'^menl Johnsen, Julia E. (comp.) Selected articles on unemploy- ment. (Debaters' handbook ser.) 'IS Wilson $1.25 331.8 Bibliography, pi9:4o "Considers two important aspects of the problem, the establishment of public labor ex- changes and the supplying of municipal, state or national work when normal channels are in- adquate to absorb surplus labor. About three- fourths of the space is given to the former." A. L. A. bkl. Keller, Frances Alice Out of work, rev ed '15 Putnam $1.50 331.8 "An ititeresting, searching study of unem- ployment, alive to the latest facts, told directly from the author's personal and practical experi- ences, suggesting a specific program for the solution of the problem. Almost twice as long as the first edition (1904) and completely re- written, the volume describes the extraordinary unemployment situation, prevailing in 1914-15 and the remedial measures undertaken or pro- jected." A. L. A. bkl. Mills, Frederick Cecil Contemporary theories of unemployment and of unemployment relief. (Columbia univ. studies in history, economics and public law) '17 Longmans $1.50 331.8 Pigou, Arthur Cecil Unemployment. (Home univ. lib. of mod- ern knowledge) '14 Holt 60c 331.8 Bibliography, P253 "A comprehensive semi-popular study of un- employment as an economic problem, analyzing its causes and , explaining both proposed rem- edies and such palliative devices as unemploy- ment insurance and meeting periods of depres- sion by organized short time work. 'Prof. Pigou makes a thorough investigation of the secondary causes of unemployment, but never reaches the primary one imbedded in our social system.' " (Athenaeum) Cleveland Ross, John Elliot Right to work. '17 Devin-Adair $1 331.8 "On the duty of the state to the unemployed and the unemployable." Cleveland "A practical social guide-book 'vhich stands four-square with Catholic ethics." Cath. world 106:542 "To be recommended both for its careful diagnosis of the evil and for its thoughtful con- tributions to the formation of a national policj'." Survey 39:171 Rowntree, B. Seebohm, and Lasker, Brimo Unemployment: a social study. '12 Mac- millan $2 331.8 "Sixty investigators chosen by the authors visited every working-class house in York and collected the data on which this exhaustive study is based. Though, like the author's 'Pov- erty' which it supplements, it records conditions in a single English city, its deductions and sug- gestions will be almost as valuable to Amer- ican as to English sociologists, for whom 'it throws more light on the nature of unemploy- ment than anything yet that has yet been written.'" (Nation (English) 10:318) A. L. A. bkl. Settlements A "Handbook of settlements" by R. A. Woods and A. J. Kennedy, was published 19 11 by the Russell Sage foundation at $1.50 Addams, Jane Twenty years at Hull House, new ed il '12 Macmillan $1.75 331.8 "Interesting survey of development of social, civic and other activities of Chicago's famous neighborhood house, with autobiographic notes and personal experiences at home and abroad. Portraits and many charming drawings by Norah Hamilton." N.Y. state lib. Picht, Werner Robert Valentin Toynbee Hall and the English settlement movement. '14 Macmillan $1.50 331.8 Traces the source of the movement to the social idealism of Carlyle and Ruskin. Does not alone record the facts of the movement, with the work of its leaders, but interprets and criticises it as well, sympathetically yet pene- tratingly. Contains a list of settlements in Great Britain vi'ith brief information concern- ing them and a bibliography (3p). Included in the volume are discussions of the University extension niovement in England and the W^ork- ers' educational association." A. L. A. bkl. Wald, Lillian D . House on Henrv Street, il '15 Holt $2.50 331.8 "Appeared in a condensed form in Atlantic monthly, vi 15-1 16, March-Aug. 1915 " 'History of ... [the Henry Street Set- tlement by its founder] . . . also ... a study of the east side itself — of its teeming immigrant population, of its development, of its most cry- ing needs, and of its national promise . . Full of poignant human sketches, stories of mothers and their children, of neighbors, of funnj' and interesting and pathetic boys and girls.' " (New York times. 19 15) Pittsburgh 331.87 Syndicalism Those who wish to make a further study of the subject maj' consult in addition to the books listed below: Brissenden, P. F. Launching of the Indus- trial workers of the world. 1913, University of California, 75c Lewis, Arthur D. Syndicalism and the gen- eral strike. 1912 Small $2.50 Sorel, Georges. Reflections on violence. 19 12 Huebsch $2.25 Sorel is to the French syndicalist about what Marx's "Capital" is to the socialist. Brooks, John Graham American syndicalism; the I. W. W. '13 Macmillan $1.25 331.87 A highly interesting, sound and sane, yet sympathetic exposition of syndicalism in the United States, with a survey of the general socialistic movement and of the European ori- gins of syndicalism." A. L. A. bkl. "Dr. Brooks 'has been a direct observer of the I. W. W. from its very beginnings and has handled it with a gratifying accuracy and sym- pathy — though he does not deny his hostility to most of its principles and methods. He has taken all pains to be accurate as to his facts, and has weighed every feature of the move- ment with the most conscientious deliberation. The result is a highly valuable contribution to the subject.' " (W. E. Walling in Am. journ. soc.) Pratt quarterly SOCIOLOGY— Economics 29 Levine, Louis Syndicalism in France. 2d ed rev (Stud- ies in historj', economics and public law) '14 Longmans $2 pa $1.50 331.87 A new edition of "The labor movement in France" "The first edition of this work, published in 1912, has already become recognized as the most accurate and scientific English statement of the syndicalist movement in France. The modifications in this revised edition are not of fundamental importance. . . . Its value lies in its fairness and accuracy of historical de- scription and its clarity of doctrinal analysis; its defect, ... is its loose and inaccurate method of causal interpretation." Am. jour, soc. ^0:416 Tridon, Andre The new unionism. '13 Huebsch $1 pa 25c 331.87 "A clear, forceful statement of the history, underlying principles and present status of the syndicalist movement in Europe and America. Defining syndicalism as labor's endeavor to free itself from existing forms of organization and improve upon them,' the author distinguishes between the general world-unionism and the old form of organization by crafts, and defends sabotage and other forms of 'direct action.' " Cleveland 332 Money and banking Babson, Roger Ward Bonds and stocks; the elements of suc- cessful investing. '13 Babson's statis- tical organization $2 332 Barker, Dalgairns Arundel Theory of money. (Cambridge manuals of science and literature) il T3 Putnam 50c 332 "A clear, brief, elementary text. Confessedly in large part a digest for the general reader of recent American literature on the subject. The author is a close disciple of Professors Fisher and Kcmmcrer." A. L. A. bkl. Brandeis, Louis Dembitz Other people's money, and how the bankers use it. '14 Stokes $1 332 "Appeared in 'Harper's weekly,' V58, Aug. i6, 1913-Dec. 17. 1914 "An able diagnosis of the so-called money trust by the well-known lawyer and student of economics. Shows the evils of financial con- centration in the United States, the means that have brought it about, and the remedies that may be applied. He comments especially upon the failure of the banker-management of the New Haven railroad, whose methods he was in- strumental in exposing." Pittsburgh Dunbar, Charles Franklin Chapters on the theory and history of banking; enlarged by O. M. VV. Sprague 3d ed '17 Putnam $1.50 332 " 'Succinct account of fundamental character of banking operations, nature of credit and its practical manifestation in the chief forms, checks and banknotes.'" (Pol. sci. quar. 6:571) A. L. A. "This edition contains three new chapters, those on Foreign exchange, I'cntral banks, ana on the Federal reserve banking system. . . . Two chapters have been ommitted, those on Combined reserves and on the Hank of Amster- dam. . . . Emphasis on the interdependence of all banks of a country in the regular conduct of the business of banking is the most funda- mental difference between this and the earlier editions." Preface Escher, Franklin Foreign exchange explained. '17 ^fac- millan $1.25 332 "A practical treatment of the subject for the banker, the business man and the student." Sub- title Fisher, Irving Purchasing power of money; its deter- mination and relation to credit, interest and crises [written with the assistance of] H. G. Brown. 2d ed '13 Macmillan $2.25 332 "Aims to set forth the principles that deter- mine the purchasing power of money, and to defend the thesis that the purchasing power is directly proportional to the quantity."' Pitts- burgh Hepburn, Alonzo Barton History of currency in the United States. '15 Macmillan $2.50 332 Bibliography, p 3 "IJased on an earlier work 'The contest for sound money,' published in 1903. It is an en- tirely new work, however, rewritten and brought down to date. 'My aim,' savs the author, 'is to place before the public all the essential facts as to currency, coinage, and banking, from the wampumpeage currency of the colonies to the notes of the federal reserve banks, together with the indispensable political history connected therewith. A closing chapter describes briefly the currency systems of all the principal com- mercial nations and explains the emergency measures adopted in 1014. . . . The text of the federal reserve act is given in an appendix." Book rev. digest Hirst, Francis Wrigley Stock exchange; a short study of invest- ment and speculation. (Home univ. lib. of modern knowledge) '11 Holt 60c 332 "Brief, untechnical account of the principles of banking and stock jobbing, creation of debt and capital, differences between investment and speculation, etc. Chapter on Wall Street, glos- sary and bibliogr.Tpliy." A. L. A. sup. Holdsworth, John Thom Money and banking, rev ed il map '17 Appleton $2.25 332 "A college textbook and a book of general information for business men. The section on money covers the functions and principles of money, the momentary system of the Uiiited States, and the relation of money and credit to prices and the cost of living. The banking sec- tion includes the history, functions and prac- tices of banking, a comparison of our banking systems with those of other countries and_ a review of changes effected in credit and banking by the federal reserve system. Contains au ac- coiuit of the organization of the system and the complete text of the Federal reserve act." Cleve- land Kemmerer, Edwin Walter Postal savings; an historical and critical study of the postal savings bank sys- tem of the United States. '17 Princton univ. $1.25 332 "An historical and critical study . . . Ap- pendices give the text of the act and amend- ments together with the Philippine savings act. 'A distinct contribution to the literature of a new and little known phase of banking.' " (Bos- ton transcript) Cleveland Kniffin, William Henry Practical work of a bank. 2d ed rev il '16 Bankers pub. co. $5 332 " 'The best work so far published on the subject of practical banking.' (American eco- nomic review 6:157) Thorough and compre- hensive, it covers both the fundamental priiici- ples of banking and the details of administration and accounting, devoting considerable space to credit analysis and cost accounting. Author 30 STANDARD CATALOG Phillips, Chester Arthur — Continued was secretary of the savings bank section of the American bankers' association. The present edi- tion is 23 pages larger than the hrst (1915) owing to the addition of new matter, the most important being the section on 'Keeping the bank's books by machinery.' " A. L. A. bkl. Phillips, Chester Arthur Readings in money and banking, selected and adapted. '16 Macmillan $2.10 332 " 'Selections skilfully woven together into a fairly complete and unified discussion of the subjects to which they appertain.' " (Adapted from Pol. sci. quar.) Pratt quarterly " 'The chapters on the foreign banking sys- tems are very opportune, " T: Conway, jr., in Ann. Am. acad. 71:227 Robinson, Edward Levi 1816-1916; one hundred years of savings banking; including comprehensive bib- liography on thrift, co-operation and good management as it relates to thrift. '17 Am. bankers assn. 50c 332 "Elements of banking principles for the in- formation of depositors." A. L. A. sup. Scott, William Amasa Banking. (National social science ser.) '14 McClurg 60c 332 "A brief and simple statement of the princi- ples and problems of banking for the general reader, similar in purpose to the author's book on 'Money.' Discusses the nature, function, and classification of banking institutions, the nature and operation of commercial banking, its prob- lems, its features in the United States and abroad, and investment banking. References (2p)." A. L. A. bkl. Money. '13 McClurg 60c 332 "A very brief treatment of the functions of money, with a discussion of some of the ques- tions arising from its uses. Author is professor of political economy in the University of Wis- consin." A. L. A. bkl. Money and banking. 5th ed '16 Holt $2.25 332 "A clear statement for the general reader." Am. ccon. rev. 4:413 " 'Intended for college use and as handbook for average citizen. On points at issue all im- portant views are set forth clearly. Bibliographic references.' " (H. A. Mills in Ann. Am. acad. 22:126) A. L. A. White, Horace Money and banking. 5th ed rev '14 Ginn $1.50 332 "Treats evolution of money, the gold stand- ard, fiat money as developed in colonial, con- tinental and federal currency, and banks." N.Y. state lib. "Mr. White has supplemented his treatment in the earlier editions of this standard work by inserting a chapter on the federal reserve sys- tem and adding appendices in which are given the federal reserve act and the communication sent to the federal reserve board by the New York clearing house association, dealing with the sort of commercial paper that should be eligible for rediscount. The new chapter on the federal reserve system summarizes the law and discusses briefly the steps that have thus far [19 1 5] been taken in the establishment of the system." Ann. Am. acad. 58:239 Withers, Hartley International finance. '16 Button $1.25 332 "A description of the methods and machinery of international money dealing, told in an easy, semi-popular style." Jour. pol. econ. 25:519 "Particular attention is given to the political aspects of loans to small countries." N. Y. branch lib. news "AiUhor is recognized authority on financial matters in the London money-market." Pub- lishers weekly Meaning of money, new ed (Lombard street lib.) '16 Dutton $1.25 332 " 'A simple account, in non-technical ' lan- guage, of the mechanism of exchange . . . con- siders chiefly the English money market, but pays due attention to the various elements af- fecting the world's exchanges.' " (Nation) Pratt quarterly " 'The book has established itself as a stand- ard of its class, and in this latest edition will prove more valuable than ever.' " (Boston transcript) Book rev. digest. 332.6 Investments Meade, Edward Sherwood The careful investor. '14 Lippincott $1.50 332.6 "A book of sound advice on what constitutes a safe investment, by the professor of finance in the Wharton school of finance and commerce, University of Pennsylvania. Based on articles which appeared in Lippincott's, 19 11- 14." Cleve- land 332. 7 Agricultural credit Bullock, Edna Dean (comp.) Agricultural credit. (Handbook ser.) '15 Wilson $1.25 332.7 Bibliography, P9-14 "A collection of extracts from books, docu- ments, pamphlets and magazines on cooperative credit, preceded by selected references. . . . Specially useful because the material obtainable is largely contained in documents." Wis. bul. Morman, James Bale Principles of rural credits as applied in Europe and as suggested for America. (Rural science ser.) '15 Macmillan $1.50 332.7 "Discusses European systems of rural credit and aims to present a practical adaptation for farmers in the United States. The book is practically a presentation in popular form of the report of the investigation commission (1913) whose findings were published as Senate docu- metit no. 214, 63d Congress, first session." Cleveland Another book dealing with European systems of credit is Herrick & Ingalls' "Rural credits, land and cooperative," 19 14, Appleton, $2.25 Myrick, Herbert Federal farm loan system. '16 Judd $1 332.7 "Explains clearly and simply for the farmer or investor the new farm loan system inaugurated by the recently passed federal farm loan act. Answers objections and shows in some detail the principles on which it is based, the way it works out and the advantages of the system to borrowers and investors. The appendix con- tains the full text of the federal farm loan act." A. L. A. bkl. Wolff, Henry W. Co-operative credit for the United States. '17 Sturgis $1.50 332.7 "A presentation of the system of cooperative credit successfully used in Europe as it may be ' applied to conditions in America. Author was president of the International cooperatire al- liance. A. L. A. bkl. 334 Cooperation Fay, Charles Ryle Copartnership in industry. (Cambridge manuals of science and literature) '13 Putnam 50c 334 "Describes typical instances of copartnership, past and present, whether between employer and employed or a body of workmen carrying on their industry cooperatively without an em- ployer." A. L. A. bkl. "Outlines the history of copartnership, de- SOCIOLOGY— Economics 31 Fay, Charles 'Ryle^Conlimted scribes and iUusiraies the various types of co- partnership and profit-sharing and makes clear the real nature and spirit of successful experi- ments in this field." (Ann. Am. acad.) Ford, James Cooperation in New England, urban and rural. '13 Russell Sage foundation $1.50 334 Bibliography, p 217-iQ Investigation into the nature and scope of industrial cooperation in New England. The inquiry is confined to cooperative associations of workingnien and of farmers. Appendixes give the laws relative to cooperative associa- tions in Connecticut and Massachusetts, and the bylaws of the three cooperative associations." Pittsburgh Harris, Emerson Pitt, and others Cooperation; the hope of the consumer. '18 Macmillan $2 334 "The most comprehensive study of modern commercialism and the Rochdale cooperative movement that has been written in our country. It points out clearly the fundamental evils underlying our present commercial system." Survey 40:317 "In part i of the book he makes an indict- ment of the present system. ... In part 2 cause and cure are discussed. In part 3 the Rochdale cooperative buying plan is described, and in part 4 this plan is considered in opera- tion in Europe and, so far as it has been tried, in America. The appendix gives reports from various cooperative societies, and the text of the Wisconsin cooperative law. Book rev. digest Powell, George Harold Cooperation in agriculture. (Rural sci- ence ser.) il. '13 Macmillan $1.50 334 Bibliography, p 317-^4 "Admirably clear, thorough and readable presentation of principles underlying organiza- tion and management of agricultural cooperative organizations and their value in improving crops and breeds of livestock, handling and selling of farm products, purchasing supplies, establishing rural credit, etc. (Nation 97:106)" N.V. state lib Williams, Aneurin Copartnership and profit-sharing. (Home univ. lib. of modern knowledge) '13 Holt 60c 334 Bibliography, p 253-54 "Very complete for its size, readable, up to date. (jives a clear exposition of principles and a description of carefully selected types in England and France and the United States. The author has devoted twenty years to the direc- tion of copartnership in Great Britain, and has high hopes for the movement. He writes from the employer's standpoint." A. L. A. bkl. 335 Anarchism Hunter, Robert Violence and the labor movement. '14 Macmillan $1.50 335 Authorities, p 35773 "An excellent discussion of one phase of the International." H. W. Laidlcr. "A historical review and criticism of terror- ism from the days of Bakounin, and its rela- tions to socialism. Mr. Hunter demonstrates the steadfast opposition of socialism to all forms of violence and shows that the results of terrorism have been mainly reactionary. This leads to a discussion of syndicalism which is taken to be a direct dcscendcnt of the early an- archism and the antithesis of socialism. A painstaking first-hand study, as impartial as the author's sympathies will permit." A. L. A. bkl. Kropotkin, Petr Aleksieevich Conquest Oi bread. '06 Putnam $1 335 "An extremely interesting exposition of the gospel of anarchy." Lond. Times 6:71 335 Socialism Karl Marx's "Capital," called "the Bible of socialism," is published in 3v. by Kerr at $6. Schaffle's "Quintessence of socialism, Scribner, $1.25, is said to be a fair analysis of Marx's "Capital" by an opponent. E. R. Pease's "His- tory of the Fabian society, 1016, Dutton, $1.75, gives the history of the modern social reform movement in Eni;land. W. E. Walling's "Larger aspects of socialism," Macmillan. IQ13, $1.50, deals with the underlying philosophy of the movement and its "resultant spiritual, intel- lectual and cultural development." Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, publish a number of books by socialists in cheap editions. Benson, Allan Louis Truth about socialism. '13 Hucbsch $1 pa. 25c 335 "A terse simple statement of the principles on which socialist leaders chiefly rely in tneir campaign to win converts." (Review of re- views). Pratt quarterly "Written by a socialist for non-socialists. It is addressed not so much to the active opponents of socialism as to the workers who are indif- ferent or who do not see in it a remedy for their wrongs." Book rev. digest Bernstein, Edward Evolutionary socialism. '09. Huebsch $1 335 "Best interpretation of the revisionists' view of socialism that has so far (1917) been writ- ten." H. W. Laidler. Boudin, Louis B. Theoretical system of Karl Marx. '07 Kerr $1 335 "Probably the best defense of Marxian theories written by an American." H. W. Laidler. Cross, Ira Brown Essentials of socialism. '12 Macmillan $1 335 References at "the end of each chapter; Bib- liography, p 129-49 "Neither a historical sketch nor a bit of so- cialistic propaganda literature but a commend- able attempt to tell, clearly, concisely and with- out bias, precisely what socialism is and to set down with equal fairness the arguments for and against its several doctrines. The excel- lent bibliography after each of the nine chap- ters is a valuable feature." A. L. A. bkl. Engels, Friedrich Socialism; tr. by Edward Aveling. (Arm and hammer ser.) '01 Kerr 50c 335 Contents: Utopian socialism; Materialist con- ception of history; Scientific socialism; Apx., The mark. Hillquit, Morris Socialism in theory and practice. '09 Macmillan $1.50 335 "Favorable discussion of the theory under- lying socialism, its relation to individualism, ethics, law, the state and politics, and of the temporary measures advocated by socialists, to alleviate present conditions. Shows clearly both the strength and weakness of American social- ism." A. L. .\. sup. Socialism summed up. il '13 Fly $1 335 "An exceptionally good beginners' book on socialism." Alexander Fleisher in Ann. Am. acad. 48:260 _ Appeared in the "Metropolitan magazine." "Discusses 'the forces that have made social- ists; their aims; the program of practical reform through legislation favored by the party; some- thing of the accomplishments of international socialism and a short rrsum^' of its history in America. Socialism, as presented by Mr. Hill- quit, is a purely political movement." " (Survey) Bonk rev. digest Hillquit, Morris, and Ryan, J. A. Socialism; promise or menace? '14 Mac- millan $1.50 335 2>2 STANDARD CATALOG Hillquit, Morris, and Ryan, J. A. — Cont. "Appeared in 'Everybody's magazine,' v. 29- 30, Oct. 1913 — April 1914 Arguments for and against socialism pre- sented in the form of a debate. Dr. Ryan, a priest and student of economics, argues from the religious standpoint, while Mr. Hillquit's position is that of the political socialist." Pitts- burgh Hughan, Jessie, Wallace American socialism of the present day, with an introd. by John Spargo. '11 Lane $1.50 335 "Scholarly, clear and dispassionate presenta- tion of the history of socialism in the United States since 1850, party organization, tactics, theories and ideals, immediate and ultimate pro- grams and present status. The best single volume (191 1) on contemporary aspects." A. L. A. sup. Facts of socialism. '13 Lane 75c pa 25c 335 " 'Suggested reading' and 'Topics for reports and discussions' at end of each chapter. Traces the history of the movement and aims to explain its significance, especially in America. Not controversial in spirit but fair and logical in its attempt to remove popular misconcep- tions and place the real facts before the reader." Pittsburgh Hutchinson, Robert H. ''Socialism" of New Zealand. '16 New review pub. assoc. $1 335 " 'After discussing the 'historical evolution' of New Zealand, the author takes up the dif- ferent governmental industries [and] . . . points out that it is not 'state socialism' but 'state capitalism' which New Zealand enjoys . . . The book is not a technical treatise, but a brief simple work for the general reader, and is both readable and instructive." (Am. jour. soc. '16) Pittsburgh Kautsky, Karl Social revolution. '03 Kerr 50c 335 "This book is in two parts. The first of these 'Reform and revolution' explains why it is that socialists call themselves revolutionists and have no use for reforms. The second part, 'The day after the revolution,' answers many of the ques- tions constantly being asked as to how the so- cialists would carry on industry and regelate social activities if they came into power." Kerr. Kirkup, Thomas History of socialism. 5th ed rev by E. R. Pease. '13 Macmillan $1.50 335 "A standard history of the socialist move- ment in the 19th century, revised and brought to date. A remarkably clear and unbiased sur- vey with the emphasis on socialism in England. Contains a selected subject bibliography." Cleve- land Marx, Karl, and Engels, Friedrich Communist manifesto. '12 Kerr 50c 335 Contains also Wilhelm Liebknecht's "No compromise, no political trading" Robbins, Edwin Clyde (comp.) Socialism. (Handbook ser.) '15 Wilson $1.25 335 Bibliography, p 9-17 Selected articles and bibliography under the general head and the following subdivisions: Utopian socialism; Christian socialism; Marxian socialism; Progressive socialism (the Revision- ists, followers of Bernstein, etc.) ; Socialism versus other forms of radicalism; Definitions of contemporary socialism Russell, Charles Edward Why I am a socialist. New ed. rev. 'IS Doran 60c 335 "Not a discussion of socialism but an account of experiences of the author which changed him from an individualist to a socialist. Severe indictment of present capitalistic basis of so- ciety" Pittsburgh Sellars, Roy Wood Next step m democracy. '16 Macmillan $1.50 ' 335 " 'A moderate and even-tempered reply to current objections to socialism.' (Springfield re- publican). Dr. Sellars, who is assistant pro- fessor of philosophy at the University of Mich- igan, differs from the Marxian socialists in stressing the evolutionary and ethical, rather than the revolutionary and economic character of socialism, and applies these socialistic ideals to present-day society and industry." A. L. A. bkl. Simkhovitch, Vladimir Grigorievitch Marxism versus socialism. '13 Holt $1.60 335 "Admirable summary of the arguments against Marxism. Presents lucidly, and at times bril- liantly, conclusions reached by Bohm-Bawerk, Sombart, Stammler, Bernstein, and other critics of Marx's system. Argument is well sustained and the book is enriched by the fruits of wide reading. (Condensed from Survey, 1913) "Pitts- burgh Appeared in the Political science quarterly, 1910-12 Skelton, Oscar Douglas Socialism; a critical analysis. (Hart, Schaffner and Marx prize essays in eco- nomics) '11 Houghton $1.50 335 "One of the clearest and most logical presen- tations of the case against socialism that has yet been made (1911). Author's wide reading, keen power of analysis and criticism, brilliant epigrammatic style, and sense of humor have combined to produce a work of great value and interest. The bibliography is the best that has yet been published. (J. L. LeRossignol in Jour, of pol. econ. 19:798.)" N.Y. state lib. Sombart, Werner Socialism and the social movement; tr. with introd. and notes by M. Epstein. '09 Button $1.50 335 "Account of past and present socialism in various countries, describing common features and national peculiarities. Author is an ortho- dox Marxist with revisionist tendencies." A. L. A. sup. Spargo, John Social democracy explained; theories and tactics of modern socialism. '18 Har- per $1.50 335 "Expounds the main tenets of the cult in un- technical language, giving particular attention to correcting the ipisrepresentation of exag- gerated and too literal interpretation both with- in and without the 'movement' " Springfield republican The author says: "'The war has modified my views upon some matters, so that there is not a little in the following pages which I would now change. I have preferred to leave the volume in its original form rather than to rewrite it, because it does represent the average Marxian socialist's position." Book rev. digest Socialism, a summary and interpretation of socialist principles. New and rev ed '12 Macmillan $1.50 335 "The best popular exposition of socialism by- two of its advocates that has thus far (1912) been published. . . . Thoroughly revisionist in its attitude toward socialist theories and tactics. ... A necessarily brief but gener- ally satisfactory description is given of the so- cialist movement in various countries. Many of the customary objections urged against social- ism are answered. A short summary, a list of questions, and a bibliography follow each chap- ter." Dial 53:191 "Simple, clear exposition of socialism by an able propagandist, enlarged and revised to date." A. L. A. sup. Spargo, John and Arner, G. B. L. Elements of socialism; a textbook. '12 Macmillan $1.50 335 SOCIOLOGY— EcoxoMics 33 Spargo, John, and Arner, G. B. L.— Com/ "Mr. Spargo's book shows the emotional side of socialism as clearly as Mr. Cross's docs its logical side." Ann. Am. acad. 42:344 Swift, Lindsay Brook i'arm; its members, scholars, and visitors. 1900 Macmillan $1.50 335 List of books and magazines, 1)^83-9^ "If no humorous aspect of the l^'arm escapes him, he is quick to find out and praise what- ever was noble and generous in its inspiration.' " (Nation 70:152) A. L. A. Walling, William English Socialism as it is; a survey of the world- wide revolutionary movement. '12 Mac- millan $2 335 "Notes, p I37-45 "The author who is one of the "intellectuals' of the socialist party, presents a new picture of things as they are and a new prophecy of things as they are to be — both dilferent from the pic- ture and prophecy of Marx. He shows how socialism is changing front to adjust itself to new conditions. (Condensed from Nation, 1912)" Pittsburgh Walling, William English, and Laidler, H. W. (eds.) State socialism pro and con. '17 Holt ?2 335 " 'Official documents and other authoritative selections — showing the world-wide replacement of private by governmental industry before and during the war.' (Subtitle) It is not an argu- ment for and against socialism, but a source- book. The introduction summarizes some of the important phases of state socialism and the docu- ments are presented with a few explanatory parajjraphs." A. L. A. bkl. Walling, William English, and others (eds.) Socialism of today, a source-book of the present position and recent de- velopment of the socialist and labor parties in all countries. '16 Holt $1.75 335 "A source-book, consisting mainly of original documents, edited by a committee of the Inter- collegiate socialist society. Part i shows the present position and recent development of the socialist and labor parties in all countries; part 2 gives the utterances of socialists on the many social questions of the day. A companion vol- ume to another source-book edited by Wallin?, 'Socialists and the present war,' 1915 Holt $1.50." A. L. A. bkl. Wells, Herbert George New worlds for old. '08 Macmillan $1.50 335 "A most persuasive plea for socialisrn, ilis- cussinif it from many points of view, its ad- vantages and disadvantages. Fair, temperate, open-minded." A. L. A. sup. 336 Finance American academy of politiced and social science Financing the war. (Annals of the Amor, acad.) '18 Am. acad. pa $1 336 "The leading addresses of the Conference of the academy held in Philadelphia, November 2- 3, IQ17. Discusses the cost of the war, reach- ing the individual investor, ways of borrowing by the government, and their results, war loans and taxes in France, Russia and Italy, the War revenue act of 1917." A. L. A. bkl. Bullock, Charles Jesse (ed.) Selected readings in public hnance. (Selections and docs, in econ.) '06 Ginn $2.70 school ed $2.25 336 "Useful reference volume, including selec- tions from many sources and arguments on controverted questions." A. L. A. sup. Dewey, Davis Rich iMiiaiicial history of the United States. (American citizen ser.) 4th ed '12 Longmans $2 335 References at beginning of chapters "The present edition has been brought to date by a new chapter, 'Financiering under expan- sion, containing material as recent as 191 1, and by additional references in the bibliographies. The section on national banks has been omitted. Otherwise it does not differ from the first edi- tion." A. L. A. bkl. "One of the most valuable features of the volume is 'Suggestions for students, teachers and readers. " Ann. Amer. acad. 45:267 Noyes, Alexander Dana Forty years of American finance; a short financial history of the government of the people of the United States, 1865- 1907. '09 Putnam $1.50 336 By the financial editor of the "New York Evening Post." A revision and extension of his "Thirty years of American finance." "Shows grasp of principles, thorough mastery of facts and skill in unraveling and interpreting complex phenomena. Fair-minded treatment of political parties and constant reference to orig- inal sources. \V. A. Scott in Pol. sci. quar. n: SS8." A. L. A. I J Plehn, Carl Copping Government linance in the United States. (National social science ser.) '15 Mc- Clurg 60c 336 "A brief description for the general public, telling what the various governments in the United States are doing that requires money, how they spend the money, where it comes from, and what the people get for it." A. L. A. bkl. The author is professor of finance in the Uni- versity of California. Introduction to public finance. 3d rev ed '15 Macmillan $1.75 336 Another ^ood general treatise is C. F. Bas- table's Public finance," 3d ed rev. '03 Macmil- lan $3.50 336.2 Taxation Fillebrown, Charles Bowdoin Taxation (National social science ser.) '14 McClurg 60c 336.2 "A good brief compendium, giving a simple and clear account for the general reader. De- scribes the nature, incidence, and justice of tax- ation and the construction of a tax system; treats nation.Tl. state, local, general property, income, inheritance, corporation and land taxes, with a chapter on reform tendencies. Short list of references and index." A. L. A. bkl. Phelps, Edith M. (comp.) Selected articles on the income tax, with special reference to gradua- tion and exemption. (Debaters' hand- book ser.) 3d and enl ed '17 Wilson $1.25 336.2 Bibliography, p 0-33 "Some articles have been enclosed on the re- cent state income tax laws, notably those of Massachusetts and Wisconsin." Explanatory note. Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson Essavs in taxation. 8th ed rev and enl '13 Macmillan $4 336.2 "'The book is now (1913) thoroughly re- vised and brought down to date and again de- serves its place as probably the most valuable sincle American book on taxation.' F. R. Fair- child in Amer. econ. rev. 3:949" Income tax. 2d ed rev. '14 Macmillan $3 336.2 34 STANDARD CATALOG Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson — Coni "XJfeorough and scholarly study, historical and economic, of the establishment and results of the income tax in England and European coun- tries and of the efforts to achieve similar ends in this country. Full bibliography." N.Y. state lib. Wells, David Ames Theory and practice of taxation. 1900 Appleton $2.25 336.2 "No citizen is qualified for proper discharge of his political duties without mastering the principles here expounded. (Nation, 71:57)" A. L. A. 336.2 Taxation of land values. Single tax A scholarly work, probably needed only in large and special libraries, is Yetta Scheftel's "Taxation of land value" (Hart, Schaffner and Marx prize essays), 1916, Houghton, $2 Bullock, Edna Dean (comp.) Selected articles on the single tax. (Debaters' handbook ser.) 2d ed rev and enl by J. E. Johnsen '17 Wilson $1.25 336.2 Bibliography, p 21-33 Fillebrown, Charles Bowdoin Principles of natural taxation, showing the origin and progress of the plans for the payment of all public expenses from economic rent. '17 McClurg $1.50 336.2 "A clear statement of the latest stage in the changing single tax thought. Part i shows the metamorphosis of thought through chronological quotations from great economists; part 2 is 'side-lights' on the question by the author. Re- vised and enlarged from 'A single tax handbook of 1913-' " A, L. A. bkl. The author published in 1909 his "A B C of taxation," Doubleday $1.20 George, Henry Progress and poverty. New ed '99 Doubleday $1.25 336.2 Basis of single tax theory "Endeavors to show that principal cause of poverty and wretchedness in midst of wealth and abundance is private ownership of land. Style engaging and often eloquent. (Nation, 31: 65)" A. L. A. Post, Louis Freeland Taxation of land values; an explanation with illustrative charts, notes and an- swers to typical questions of the land- labor-and-fiscal reform advocated by Henry George. '15 Bobbs $1.25 336.2 "Appeared first in 1894 as 'Outlines of Post's lectures.' The present title was used for the revised edition which appeared in 1912 and of which the fifth edition is a reprint with but slight changes." Book rev. digest " 'Easily and deservedly belongs in the front rank of books dealing with the interesting and vital subject of the single tax." (Special li- braries 7:109)" Book rev. digest "One of the strongest statements of the single tax case." (A. N. Young in Am. econ. rev. 6: 158) Single tax year book. '17 Single tax review $2.50 336.2 Young, Arthur Nichols Single tax movement in the United States. '16 Princeton univ. press $1.50 336.2 Bibliography of select references, p 325-28 "A complete historical account of the single tax movement in the United States, together with a discussion of the tactics of the single taxers, their program, the present status of the movement, and its influence upon economic thought and upon fiscal and social reform. The first comprehensive scholarly historical account of the movement." A. L. A. bkl. 337 Tariff A political and historical account from the- protectionist standpoint is Stanwood's "Amer- ican tariff controversies in the nineteenth cen- tury", 1903, Houghton, 2v, $5 Ashley, Percy Walter Llewellyn Modern tariff history: Germany, United States, France, new and rev ed '12 Dut- ton $3 337 Hobson, John Atkinson New protectionism. '16 Putnam $1 337 "A severe criticism of the proposed policy of curtailing Germany's trade after the war in the hope of hplding her in subjection." Pratt quarterly Expanded from articles published recently in the Manchester guardian Morgan, Joy E. (comp.) Selected articles on free trade versus protection. (Debaters' handbook ser.) '12 Wilson $1.25 337 Bibliography, p 19-29 Robbins, Edwin Clyde (comp.) Selected articles on reciprocity. (Debaters' handbook ser.) '13 Wilson $1.25 337 Bibliography, p 15-22 "The larger issues of the reciprocity policy are presented satisfactorily, and the relations of the most-favored-nation clause to that policy are brought out. The book may bcx, recom- mended to those who want a handy corrfpendium on the subject. (H. R. M.)" Am. econ. rec. 3: 421 Tarbell, Ida Minerva Tarifif in our times. '11 Macmillan $1.50 337 "Believing that public opinion has never been fairly embodied in the tariff bills adopted. Miss Tarbell tells in entertaining and lively narra- tive form the story of what she terms the 'de- feat of the popular will.' She sketches the history of every tariff from the Morrill bill of i860 to the Paine-Aldrich bill of 1909, analysing the popular and political points of view, the campaigning, the lobbying and the congressional debates." Pittsburgh Taussig, Frank William Tariff history of the- United States. 6th ed rev '14 Putnam $1.75 337 A new chapter on the tariff act of 1913 has been added to the fifth edition, the chapter on the tariff of 1909 has been revised, and other slight changes made "Not the least remarkable feature of Profes- sor Taussig's work is that it is good reading for anyone, for it is written in clear, non-technical language, so far as possible, and it is obviously non-partisan and authentic." Boston Transcript, July IS, 1914, P 20 Taussig's "Some aspects of the tariff ques- tion" (Harvard economic studies), 1915, $2, is a scholarly discussion useful in connection with the above. 338. Production. Manufacture. Prices Agricultural products Three valuable books on agricultural eco- nomics are: Carver, T. N., comp. Selected readings in rural economics. 1916, Ginn, $3.40; school edi- tion $2.80 Crookes, \V. Wheat problem. 19 17 Longmans $1.25 Noursp, E. G., ed. Agricultural economics. 1916 University of Chicago press $2.75 SOCIOLOGY— Economics 00 American academy of political and social science World's food. (Annals of Amer. acad.) '17 Am acad $1.50 pa $1 338 "Considered by experts the most useful pub- lication to date on the subject, containing 35 articles by authorities which survey the whole field — food supply, the food situation with the neutrals, food for the Allies, food utilization and conservation, production and marketing plans for next year, price control. Kellogg « Taylor's 'Food problem,' 11)17, Macmillan, $1.25, points out the problem; this volume gives def- inite information." Wis. bul. Bengston, Nels August, and Griffith, Donee Wlicat iiulustry. (.Industrial scr.) '15 Macmillan 65c 338 "Study of the wheat plant and the production and uses of wheat. The more important wheat growing regions are considered separately." Pittsburgh Carver, Thomas Nixon Principles of rural economics. '11 Ginn $1.6U school ed $1.50 338 "An exceptionally clear treatment — the best yet published (191 1) of agriculture and the rural problem in their relation to national econ- omy. After a brief history of agriculture in America, the author takes up the factors of ag- ricultural production and management, the dis- tribution of the agricultural income and the problems of rural social life, emphasizing throughout public and social aspects more, and the business aspect less, than h'as been done in earlier works. Practical farmers as well as agricultural teachers and students will find the treatise as valuable as it is readable. Classed bibliography (7',2p.) Supplants Taylor's 'Agri- cultural economics' (1905)" A. L. A. bkl. Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, and Taylor, Al- onzo E. Food problem; with a preface by Herbert Hoover. '17 Macmillan $1.25 338 "Valuable for its concentrated facts and sta- tics concerning the food situation in the United States, in France, England, Italy and Germany, together with the methods of control used in each country. Also considers the physiology and sociology of nutrition and the use of grain to make alcohol. Hoth authors are members of the Food Administration. More detailed tTian O'Brien's "Food preparedness for the United States,' J9 1 7, Little, 6oc." A. L. A. bkl. Kropotkin, Petr Aleksieevich I'ields, factorie.-, and workshops; or, In- dustry combined with agriculture and brain work with manual work, rev ed '13 Putnam 75c 338 "Points out: (i) The increasing harmonious union between agriculture and industrial pur- suits, as also between brain work and manual work — synthetic production; (2) The new im- petus that has come to the small industries and petty trades by the new methods of transmis- sion of motive power; (3) The truth of the author's 'nohead' philosophy as demonstrated in the decentrali^atioh of industries resulting from (i) and (2)." St. Louis National conference on marketing and farm credit Marketing and farm credits. '16 Madison Wis. Author pa $1 338 "A collection of papers read at the third an- nual session of the Conference, in joint program with the National council of farmer's coopera- tive associations, Chicago, 1915. Papers by au- thorities, grouped under such topics as Organiz- ing agricultural cooperation;^ Marketing the farm product: Rural credit aids to land pur- chase; Financing farm business." A. L. A. bkl. Scherer, James Augustin Brown Cotton as a world power; a study in the economic interpretation of history. '16 Stokes $2.50 338 "Authorities, p 426-36 " 'Covers . . . the history of cotton from its very earliest mention to the crop of 1915 . . . Among other influences exerted by cotton, at- tention is called to the way it fastened upon the South Negro slavery and the plantation system, free trade ideals, and conservatism, both social and political; to the sectional divergence caused by the rapid developmtnt of its power; to its oart, both American and international, in the history of the Civil war; and to its effect ia drawing women and children into factories. ... It is a notable study in history and eco- nomics and at times rises to the grade of liter- ature. . . . The general reader will find pleasure in reading it.'" (Dial, 1917) Pitts- burgh Weld, Louis Dwight Harwell Marketing of farm products. '16 Mac- millan $1.60 338 Bibliography, p 467-76 "Author is (1016) professor of business ad- ministration in Sheffield scientific school, Yale University, and was formerly chief of Division of agricultural economics. University of Min- nesota. He explains the general organization and methods of marketing, l)eginning with mar- keting at country points, and describes the methods and functions of wholesale dealers. He considers the factors affecting the cost of mara- keting, also a number of special problems, such as price quotations, transportation, future trading, inspection and grading, public markets and co- operative markets." Pittsburgh Conservation of natural resources Ely, Richard T., and others Foundations of national prosperity; stud- ies in the conservation of permanent na- tional resources. '17 Macmillan $2 338 Based on papers prepared by the four au- thors for the Second Pan-American scientijac congress. Pt. I, Conservation and economic theory, by R. T. Ely; pt. 2, Conservation and economic evolution, by R. H. Hess; pt. 3, Conservation of certain mineral resources, by C. K. Leith; pt. 4, Conservation of human resources, by T: N. Carver Fanning, Clara Elizabeth (comp.) Selected articles on the conser- vation of national resources. (Debaters' handbook ser.) '13 Wilson $1.25 338 Bibliography, p ii-is "The question for debate is 'Resolved, That the power of the federal government should be paramount to that of the states in the conserva- tion of natural resources, limited to forests, water power and minerals.' " St. Louis National conservation commission, Wash- ington, D.C. Report of the commission. February 1909, with accompanying papers; ed. by Henry Gannett. 3v (U. S. 60th Cong., 2d sess. Senate doc. 676) il map '09 Supt of doc. pa $1.95 338 "The most comprehensive body of material on this important subject, containing addresses and papers by prominent public men, statesmen and specialists. The papers on the conservation of the water resources (o6p) and of mineral re- sources (254p) are published separately, the first as Water-supply paper 234 of the Geological survey, the second as Bulletin 394-" A. L. A. sup. Van Hise, Charles Richard Conservation and regulation in the United States during the world war; an outline for a course of lectures to be given in higher educational institu- 36 STANDARD CATALOG Van Hise, Charles Richard — Continued tions; parts 1 and 2. '17-'18 U.S. food administration pa gratis 338 Prepared for the United States food admin- istration " 'Purpose of this outline ... is to put the present special conservation movements, illus- trated by food conservation and fuel conserva- tion and the movement for governmental regula- tion, into logical relation with the general con- servation movement and with the principles of economics' " (Preface) Pittsburgh Conservation of natural resources in the United States, il maps '10 Macmillan $2 338 "A clear and comprehensive exposition of the extent of our national resources and the means which should be taken to prevent waste. Treats of minerals, water, forests, soils and the rela- tion of all to humanity." N.Y. state lib. "Next in value to the 'Report' of the National conservation commission (1909) as a source, and the most scholarly and inclusive work yet pub- lished (19 10) for general reading and refer- ence." A. L. A. sup. Prices. Cost of living Clark, Walter Ernest Cost of living. (National social science ser.) '15 McClurg 60c 338 "Simple, brief explanation of rising prices, their effects and remedies. Traces their cause not to the trusts but to the question of supply and demand and the depleted gold standard. Popular, yet deserving respect of the profes- sional economist. Less technical than Fisher's 'Why is the dollar shrinking? ' Tables of food prices, references, index." N.Y. state lib. Franklin, Fabian Cost of living. (American books) *15 Doubleday $1 ' 338 "Biographical note, p 5 "Mr. Franklin's book is above reproach as a bit of scientific reasoning. His shrewd sense checks the tendency of the theorist to dog- matize, and insists on a view of the subject from the social and political standpoint. He doubts the efficacy of legislative remedies for changes in the price level, and sees in the Euro- pean war still another influence making for a rise in prices. (Condensed from Nation, 1916) " Pittsburgh "Similar in scope to Clark's 'Cost of living' though somewhat different in its method of ap- proach and fuller in treatment." A. L. A. bkl. Hobson, John Atkinson Gold, prices and wages. '13 Doran $1.25 338 "Seeks to explain the current rise in prices through the counterplay of two sets of forces, the expansion of credit and the retardation of the supply of goods, the output of gold being merely a minor cause." Pratt quarterly Fisher, Irving Why is the dollar shrinking? a study in the high cost of living. '14 Macmillan $1.25 338 "An authoritative study of the reasons for the shrinkage in the purchasing power of the dollar. The explanation, the effect of the over- production of gold on the money-markets and thus on the general level of prices, is dilated upon at length. A discussion of a solution through methods of standardizing the dollar is reserved for another volume." Cleveland "A condensation of 'The purchasing power of money' with very little new material." Jour, pol. econ. 23:304 Howe, Frederic Clemson High cost of living. '17 Scribner $1.50 338 "Goes to the very root causes of the food crisis in this country and tries to show that when people, rather than privilege, rule, the food problem, the agricultural problem and the social problem will be open to solution. One does not need to be a student of economics to understand Mr. Howe's book." Pittsburgh King, Clyde Lyndon Lower living costs in cities; a construc- tive programme for urban efficiency. (National municipal league ser.) '15 Ap- pleton $2 338 "A clear, comprehensive and constructive work, written in the interests of improved man- agement of the city's methods of living. The section on food costs is specially valuable, dis- cussing cost of food distribution, fixing of wholesale and retail prices, the middleman, a shorter route from producer to consumer, agen- cies of local distribution, the markets — municipal, terminal, retail, curbstone — slaughter-houses, and producers' and consumers' cooperation. Other chapters take up health conservation, recreation, housing, education, taxation, etc. VVis. bul. Nearing, Scott Reducing the cost of living. '14 Jacobs $1.50 338 "A useful and suggestive discussion of facts and statistics summing up the causes of the 'ever augmenting encroachment of prices upon in- come,' and indicating various offsetting rem- edies, including proposals for more or less radical governmental action along the line of the taxa- tion of unearned values, government ownership and management of public utilities and in- creased government aid; also recommendations for 'common sense' measures, such as social ed- ucation in wise buying and use of materials, facilitating distribution by getting in touch with the producers, simplification of standards and return to the land and self-service." Cleveland 338.8 Trusts. Corporations. Federal control For additional information on corporation law, see J. J. Sullivan's "American corpora- tions," 1910, Appleton, $2.25; on business finance, see W. H. Lough's "Business finance," 1917, Ronald press co. $3; on state regulation of public utilities, see Annals of the American academy of political and social science for May, IQ14, pa $1, and Harvey & Bradford's "Manual of the federal trade commission," 19 16, Byrne, $S; on the valuation of public utilities, see Henry Floy's "Valuation of public utility prop- erties," 1912, McGraw, $5, and his "Value for rate-making," 1916, McGraw, $4, H. A. Foster's "Engineering valuation of public utilities and factories," 1912, Van Nostrand. $3, H. V. Hayes' "Public utilities: their cost new and depreciation, 1913, Van Nostrand, $2, and R. H. Whitten's "Valuation of public service corpora- tions," 19 12, Banks, $5.50 Crowell, John Franklin Trusts and competition. (National social science ser.) '15 McClurg 60c 338.8 "A brief review of the trust situation of to- day — 'especially as it stands in the light of in- herited ideals of competition.' While it con- tains nothing new it is a compact, concrete dis- cussion of trust problems in their many ramifica- tions. Bibliography (sp)." A. L. A. bkl. Durand, Edv?ard Dana Trust problem. '15 Harvard univ press $1 338.8 "Easily the most far-reacing as well as the most philosophic discussion of the questions con- nected with government regulation of trusts that has appeared in recent years." M. H. Robinson in Am. econ. rev. 6:141 The author is Professor of statistics in the University of Minnesota, and was recently direc- tor of the U.S. Census. Appendix: Federal laws relating to trusts and allied matters SOCIOLOGY— Economics ^7 Green, Thomas Lyman Corporation tinancc; a study of the prin- ciples and methods of the management of the finances of corporations in the United States. 3d ed '04 Putnam $1.50 338.8 Haney, Lewis Henry Business organization and combination, rev cd (Social science textbooks) il '14 Macmillan $2 338.8 A comprehensive discussion, beginning with the simplest form and ending with the trust, is followed by a description of the structure and life history of a typical business corporation. Concludes with a brief statement of public policy and a tentative plan for a scientitic solution of the trust and corporation problems. An ap- pendix contains simple copartnership articles and corporation by-laws. Though designed as a col- lege textbook, it offers much to the intelligent business man. Selected list of references (jp.)" A. L. A. bkl. "Two chapters have been added to the old edition, the first on the 'Development and or- ganization of the International harvester coni- pany,' the second on 'The Sherman act and its interpretation." A. L. A. bkl. Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple Trust problem; fourth edition enlarged and completely revised with the col- laboration of Walter E. Clark, maps '17 Doubleday $2 338.8 "Printed in a larger type on a larger page than the 1903 edition. Four new chapters have boon added bringing material up to date on : The evolution of business. State trust legislation in the United States, Federal trust legislation in the United States, Trusts and the federal court. The appendixes giving legislation on trusts have been greatly revised and the bibliography (3p) has been lengthened." A. L. A. bkl. Lyon, Walter Hastings Capitalization; a book on corporation fi- nance. '12 Houghton $2 338.8 This is Part i of the author's "Corporation finance." Part 2, "Distributing securities, reor- ganization," was published by Houghton in. 1916 at $2 "An excellent little book for students of pri- vate finance and economics, bankers and business men, written by a lawyer who is also professor of finance in the Amos Tuck school of admin- istration and finance at Dartmouth college. In parts it is quite elementary in order to meet the needs of beginners, and gives the fundamental principles of corporate financing. The chap- ters on 'Watered stock' and 'Capitalization and the state' are specially good." A. L. A. bkl. Meade, Edward Sherwood Corporation finance, rev ed '15 Appleton $2.25 338.8 "Logical and able portrayal of the financial operation of modern corporations." A. L. A. sup. Montague, Gilbert Holland lUi^iness competition and the law; every- day trade conditions afTectcd by the anti-trust laws. '17 Putnam $1.75 338.8 "Even small firms may find themselves violat- ing the anti-trust laws. This book is written by a lawyer to explain to business men some of the intricacies of the Sherman, Clayton, and Fed- eral trade commission acts. A list of cases is given with a brief history of each." N.Y. branch lib. news Rise and progress of the Standard oil company. '03 Harper $1 338.8 T^ibliography (jSP.) First published as two articles in the Quar- terly Journal of Economics, Feb. 1902 and Feb. 190 V " 'Remarkably free from bias.' " (Ann. Am. acad. 22:513) A. L. A. Phelps, Edith M. (conip.) Selected articles on federal con- trol of interstate corporations. 2d ed rev and cnl (Debaters' handbook ser.) '15 Wilson $1.25 338.8 Bibliography, pref. p 15-30 "One of the most important volumes of this series, and valuable to the general reader as well as to the debater. The latest federal legis- lation considered is the Federal trade commission bill, i.ji.t." .\. L. A. bkl. Reed, Homer Blosser Morals of monopoly and competition. '17 Banta pub $1.25 338.8 " 'The author is primarily concerned in de- scribing the evolution now taking place in the business world, 'one of the outstanding features of which is the change from private and com- petitive morality to public and cooperative morality.' " (Jour pol. ccon.) Book rev. digest Ripley, William Zebina (ed.) Trusts, pools and corporations, rev ed (Selections and documents in eco- nomics) '16 Ginn $3 school ed $2.75 338.8 The revised edition includes the text of the Sherman act; the Trade commission law and the Clayton act; the reports of the United States Commissioner of corporations for 1909 and 1913, respectively, concerning the tobacco trust and the International harvester company; Professor Francis Walker's reports on "The Gerinan steel syndicate" and "The law concerning monopolis- tic combinations in continental Europe"; the National cash register case; the Steel corporation case of June, 1915, and other recent cases of importance. Stevens, William Spring (ed.) industrial combinations and trusts. '13 Macmillan $2 338.8 "A well selected compilation of original docu- ments and source material relating to trusts, including agreements, court decisions, views of eminent business and professional men, etc. They are well grouped for practical use, and furnished with a full table of contents but no index." A. L. A. bkl. Taft, William Howard Anti-trust act and the Supreme court. '14 Harper $1.25 338.8 "Discusses clearly and concisely the relation of constitutions and courts to the protection and limitation of individual rights, citing important details in the sugar trust, standard oil, tobacco trust, and other cases. Summarizes the effects of the .Sherman anti-trust law on big business and the danger of adding severer amendments. A strong defence of the Supreme court." \. L. A. bkl. Van Hise, Charles Richard Concentration and control, rev ed '14 Macmillan $2 338.8 "Essentially an apologetic for combination, organizing cf)nsiderable material regarding con- centration and cooperation with many important illustrations and suggested remedies.' N.Y. state lib. 338.9 Industrial legislation Commons, John Rogers, and Andrews, John B. Principles of labor legislation. (Harper's citizen's lib.) '18 Harper $2 338.9 ".Select critical bibliography." p 4''>.S-8S "The subjects treated arc individual and col- lective bargaining, unemployment, safety and health, social insurance and administration. The author's method is to sketch the historical back- ground of the various labor problems, indicate the nature and extent of each, and describe the legislative remedies which have been applied. 38 STANDARD CATALOG Commons, J. R., and Andrews, J. B.—Cout Intended for the general reader and for class- room use in colleges and universities. The book is the first of a series to be known as the Har- per's citizen series, dealing with the fundamental principles of social science. " 'An up-to-date and interesting volume which will enable the reader to form an understand- ing of the principles which have governed cases without bewildering him by a mass of details.' (Condensed from the Boston transcript) " Cleveland "Viewed as a summary of labor law the book is comprehensive and adequate." D. A. McCabe in Am. pol. sci. rev. 10:411 Frankfurter, Felix, and Goldmark, Jose- phine Case for the shorter work day. 2v il '16 National consumers' league pa 25c 338.9 "A brief prepared under the direction of Louis Brandeis, which represents the defence in the case recently argued before the United States Supreme court, limiting the hours of labor to ten in one day. It presents a great amount of expert opinion on the subject of fatigue, and the physical, social, and economic aspects of regulation. The case is the first in which the statute under review has included the work of men. Bibliography (35P-)" A. L. A. bkl. United States. Labor statistics. Bureau of Bulletin. Latest. Supt. of doc. 338.9 Labor laws of the United States, with de- cisions of courts relating thereto. 2 pts '14 Supt. of doc. pa ea $1.50 338.9 The Bureau of labor statistics also publishes a Monthly review which is the medium thru which the Bureau publishes the results of orig- inal investigations too brief for bulletin pur- poses, notices of labor legislation by the states or by Congress, and federal court decisions af- fecting labor. 339 Poverty Devine, Edward Thomas Misery and its causes. (American social progress ser.) '13 Macmillan $1.25 339 "Sociological study based on a twelve years' survey of misery among the New York poor." A. L. A. sup. Dole, Charles Fletcher Burden of poverty, what to do. (Art of life ser.) '12 Huebsch 50c 339 "This book calls attention to the nature and immensity of the problem of poverty and to its relation to new standards of living: it analyzes the causes of poverty and attempts some con- structive suggestions for solution. Interest on capital earned by the owners is sanctioned, but income from inheritance is denounced. Com- petitive profit is upheld, but profit due to the tariff, monopoly, and special privilege is in- dicted. Rent of land and unearned increment receive a special arraignment. A social program for the solution of the poverty problem must therefore include the abolition of these evils of distributio!!. as well as other generally recog- nized social reforms. Socialism as an indict- ment is valid, though it has failed in construc- tive suggestions." Jour. pol. econ. 21:179 Hollander, Jacob Harry Abolition of poverty. '14 Houghton 75c 339 "There are, the writer holds, three main causes of poverty: (i) underpayment. (2) un- employment, and (.^) disability. He proposes to cure them respectively by (i) collective labor- bargaining and possible state-interference for the unskilled, (2) by labor-exchanges, unemploy- ment-insurance and residential decentralization, (3) by social insurance. "Probably the clearest reform-scheme within the pale of capitalism." St. Louis Hunter, Robert Poverty. '04 Macmillan $1.50 339 Contents: Poverty; The pauper; The vagrant; The sick; The child; The immigrant Authorities, P361-72 "Statement, by a New York settlement worker, of the causes and extent of poverty in large cities" Pittsburgh Parmelee, Maurice Farr Poverty and social progress. '16 Macmil- lan $1.90 339 "A well-documented, serious study of biologi- cal, pathological, economic and sociological causes of poverty and of remedial and preven- tive measures. 'The author believes in indus- trial democracy, socalled, a compromise between out-and-out socialism and the present economic organization; he is of the school represented by the New republic. The bibliography is excel- lent, the index faulty.' " Cleveland 340 Law Other valuable books on law are: Ernest Freund's "Standards of American legislation," 1917, University of Chicago press, $1.50; T. E. Holland's "Elements of jurisprudence," 12th ed., 19 1 7. Oxford university press, $2.50; and Sir William Markby's "Elements of law considered with reference to principles of general juris- prudence," 6th ed revised, 1905, Oxford uni- versity press, $5; Gray, J. C. Nature and sources of the law. 1909, Lemcke $1.50; Pound, R. Readings in the history and system of the common law. 2d edition, 1913, Boston Book Co., $6 See also 347, Treatises on law American academy of political and social science Justice thru simplified legal procedure. (Annals of the Amcr. acad.) '17 Am. acad. pa $1 340 "Discusses a plan whereby the present ma- chinery of justice may be simplified with a view to its greater efficiency." A. L. A. bkl- Reform in administration of justice. (An- nals of Amer. acad.) '14 Am acad $1.50 pa $1 340 "Pt. I, Civil; pt. 2, Criminal; pt. 3, Foreign practice. Twenty-five papers by Moorfield Storey, George Haven Putnam, Frances A. Kel- ler, prominent members of the bar, university professors, justices of municipal courts, and others. Probation, juvenile and women's courts and justice for the' immigrant are among the topics touched on." A. L. A. bkl. Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner Ancient law, its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas, 4th Amer ed Holt $2 340 Also published in Everyman's library, But- ton, 50c. library binding, 6oc " 'He has taken the best historians of Ro- man law, united and vivified, extended and il- lustrated their conclusions in his own compre- hensive way, and made obscure things lumin- ous.' " (Woodrow Wilson in Atlantic monthlv 82:367) A. L. A. The reader who desires to study Maine in the light of modern criticism is recommended to read Sir F. Pollock's "Notes on Maine's An- cient law" (published by John Murray at 23 6d, or, with the text, at ss) Stimson, Frederic Jesup Popular law-making. '10 Scribner $2.50 340 Stone, Harlan Fiske Law and its administration. '15 Coluinbia univ press $1.50 340 "A simple, readable and instructive exposi- tion of the fundamental notions underlying our SOCIOLOGY— Law 39 Stone, Harlan Fiske — Continued legal system by the Dean of the School of law, Columbia university. (Adapted from Nation)" Pratt (luarterly Storey, Moorfield Reform of legal procedure. '11 Yale univ press S1.50 340 "Lectures to law students, reviewing the problem and pointing out specitic abuses and urgin; their reform. Based on wide experience and sufficiently popular for the educated reader." A. L. A. sup. Vinogradoff, Pavel Gavrilovich Coinnion.sei-.se in law. (1 Ionic univ. lib. of modern knowledge) '14 Holt OOc 340 Bibliograpnical note, p 249 "B> an eminent English jurist. He analyzes the theories of the nature of law which have been held in various ages and applies them par- ticularly to the practical workings of English jurisprudence. The best chapters are those on legislation, custom, judicial precedents and eciuity as sources of English law." Pittsburgh "Scientific, accurate and readable." Am. jour, soc. .20:834 341 International law The recognized authority on international law i.s the "Digest of the international law as em- bodied in diplomatic discussions, treaties and other international agreements," edited by G. B. Moore, in 8 volumes, igo6, Superintendent of documents, Sir. Davis, George Breckenridge Elements of international law with an ac- count of its origin, sources, and histor- ical development. 4th ed '16 Harper $3 341 "The fourth edition of this work has been prepared for publication by Gordon E. Sherman, formerly assistant professor of comparative and international law at Yale." Book rev. digest "The principal additions are new appendixes containing the text of the Declaration of Lon- don with notes, and the tables, signatures, rat- ifications, adhesions atid reservations to the con- ventions and declarations of the first and second Hague peace conferences. A list of cases cited andf a bibliography of recent works (jVip) are added." A. L. A. hkl. Another excellent treatise on international la>v is A. S. Ilershey's "Essentials of international public law," I') 1 3, Macinillan, $3 Hall, Arnold Bennett Outline of international law. *13 LaSalle extension univ. $1.75 341 "A popular, non-technical survey of the whole fielJ, accurate as to facts, intendetl as a bird's-eye view for busy readers. Differs from most other works on the subject in its brevity and cheapness. Appendixes contain a useful classified, bibliography (i5p), those articles of the Hague conferences of most interest, and other documentary material. For a work re- viewing the development of international law from early time^ to the present sec Stockton. Outlines of internationl law,' 191S, Scribner, $j.50." A. L. A. bkl. Lawrence, Thomas Joseph Principles of international law. 5th ed rev 1912 Heath $3 341 " 'As an expository textbook of the fiebl <>i international law in all its branches there is none which can be read with more profit or pleasure.'" (Sat. rev., 191 1) A. L. A. sup. He has also compiled a useful book of "Docu- ments illustrative of international law." 1914, Heath, $j "Woolsey, Theodore Dwight Introduction to the . tudv of international law: 6th ed rev bv T. S. Woolsey. '01 Scribner $2.50 341 Selection of works and documents on interna- tional law, p 405-22 34 LI International congresses Choate, Joseph Hodges The two Hague conferences. '13 Prince- ton univ. press $1 341.1 "Optimistic and interesting summary of the actual achievements of the two conferences. The Stafford Little lectures delivered at Princeton University in 19 u." A. L. A. bkl. .Sff iilfiO W. I. Hull's "Two Hague confer- ences and their contribution to international law," 1908, (.;inn. $1; Scott's "Hague peace con- ferences of 1899 and 1907." Johns Hopkins uni- versity.iyog, 2v $5; and G. G. Wilson's "Hague arbitration cases," 1915, Ginn, $3.50 Three peace congresses of the i9th century, by C. D. Hazen, W. R. Thayer. R. H. Lord, and, Claimants to Constantinople, by A. C. Coolidge. '17 Harvard univ press 75c 341.1 Treaties United States. Foreign relations commit- tee, Senate Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols and agreements between the United States and other powers, 1776- 1909, by W. M. Malloy. (U.S. 61st Cong., 2d sess. Senate doc. 357) 2v '10 Supt of doc. $1.25 ea 341.2 341.6 International arbitration. League of nations and other guarantees of future peace Angell, Norman Great illusion; a study of the relation of military power in nations to their eco- nomic and social advantage. 4th ed rev and enl '11 Putnam $1.50 341.6 "Dispels the illusion that commercial and in- dustrial well-being depend on armament and urges the necessity for realizing interdependence. Brilliant, thought-provoking argument against war." A. L. A. sup. Babson, Roger Ward Future of world peace; a book of charts showing facts which must be recognized in future plans for peace. '15 Babson's statistical organization $1 341.6 "A discussion of the economic causes of the war and a presentation of a plan by means of which a permanent peace may be affected through the removal of those causes. Follows lines of argument similar to Lane in '.Arms and indus- try' and the "Great illusion'. Contains a number of illuniiiialing charts." A. L. A. bkl. Bigelow, John World peace; how war cannot be abol- ished, how it may be abolished. '16 Kenncrley $1.50 341.6 "Discusses the federated world-state as the only condition under which war will cease to exist." Pratt quarterly Bourne, Randolph Silliman (conip.) Towards an enduring peace; a symposium of peace proposals and pro- grams. 1914-16, with an introduction by !•". H. Giddings. '16 Anier. assn for in- ternat. conciliation pa free 341.6 "A series of 28 articles and excerpts from the writings of leading constructive pacifists of Europe and .America, among them J. .\. Hobson, 40 STANDARD CATALOG Bourne, Randolph Silliman — Continued H. N. Brailsford, A. J. Toynbee, Walter Lipp- mann, Jane Addams, and Norman Angell." A. L. A. bkl. "Books quoted, pref. p 15 Appendix contains the peace proposals and resolutions passed by various conventions in America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Holland, as well as by seven international organizations." Pittsburgh Brailsford, Henry Noel League of nations. '17 Headley $1.75 341.6 Contents: From force to conference; America and the league of nations; On peace and change; Problems of nationality; The roads of the east; The future of alliances; On sea-power; Empire, sea-power and trade; The economics of peace; The constitution of the league "His review of world-politics is masterly. . . . It is more readable than a treatise and less ephemeral than a 'war book'. (C. D. Burns in Int. jour, ethics.) " St. Louis Bryce, James Bryce, viscount Some historical reflections on war, past and present. '16 Oxford Is 341.6 " 'Lord Bryce's two presidential addresses are deliberately written in the spirit of detachment. . . . The second address contains some acute criticisms upon plans for a federation, or league of nations.' (Int. jour, ethics 27:538)" Book rev. digest Buxton, Charles Roden (ed.) Towards a lasting settlement. '16 ]\Iacmillan $1 341.6 Contents: The basis of permanent peace, by G. L. Dickinson; Nationality, by G. R. Buxton; The freedom of the seas, by H. Sidebotham ; The open door, by J. A. Hobson; The parallel of the great French war, by Irene Cooper Wil- lis; War and the woman's movement, by A. Maud Royden; The organization of peace, by H. N. Brailsford; Democracy and publicity in foreign affairs, by P. Snowden; The democratic principle and international relations, by V. Lee Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes Choice before us. '17 Dodd $2 341.6 " 'A series of powerful arguments, written by a most accomplished disputant, in favor of a combined endeavor by the civilized world to put an end to war.' (Saturday review)" Cleveland. "Seeks to analyze and discuss the presup- positions which underlie militarism, and arguing both that international war as it will be con- ducted in the future implies the ruin of civiliza- tion, and that it is not 'inevitable,' he sketches the kind of organization that is both possible and essential if war is not to destroy mankind." Athenaeum July, 19 17 Goldsmith, Robert League to enforce peace, with a special introd. by A. Lawrence Lowell. '17 Macmillan $1.50 341.6 Bibliography, p 309-18 "Authorized statement of the program of the League to enforce peace, which was organized in 1915, with ex-president Taft as president and the author as one of its committee members. In part I. he takes up one by one the existing forces which have been relied on to prevent war and shows why each has failed. In the last part, 'The creed of militarism,' he reviews and refutes the arguments of leading militarists." A. L. A. bkl. Hobson, John Atkinson Towards international government. '15 Macmillan $1 341.6 "Maintains that one essential for the pre- vention of war is that the relations between states shall no longer be left in the hands of a small diplomatic caste, but shall be controlled by an international council composed of per- sons chosen to represent the people of the state. (Adapted from Hibbert journal)" Pratt quarterly Houston, Herbert Sherman Blocking new wars. '18 Doubleday $1 341.6 "Mr. Houston is a firm believer in the League to enforce peace, and gives a cogent argument for the use of economic pressure as an instrumentality for the prevention of war-" Review of reviews 57:662 Jordan, David Starr Ways to lasting peace. '16 Bobbs $1 341.6 "An effort to summarize the most important of the various propositions which have been made during the great war to secure lasting peace at the end of the conflict." Pratt quar- terly Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia War, peace, and the future; a considera- tion of nationalism and international- ism, and of the relation of women to war; tr. by Hildegard Norberg. '16 Putnam $1.50 341.6 "Discussions of the specific means that must be employed if war is ever to be eliminated." Pratt quarterly La Fontaine, Henri Great solution, magnissima charta. '16 World peace foundation $1.25 341.6 "The writer, who is a senator of Belgium, professor of international law and a recipient of the Nobel prize, has termed his volume of 175 pages an essay on evolutionary and constructive pacifism. He contends that institutions already realized or contemplated have in potency the ability to bring about substitution of a state of right for that state of war which men generally consider as natural and necessary in the relation between peoples. . . . For the conference of states the author presents the new idea of com- bining diplomatic and parliamentary characteris- tics. He devotes a special chapter to an Inter- national council of conciliation." Boston tran- script" League to enforce peace Enforced peace; proceedings of the first annual national asseinblage of the League to enforce peace, \\'ashington. May 26-27, 1916. '16 341.6 Marburg, Theodore League of nations; a chapter in the his- tory of the movement. '17 Macmillan 50c 341.6 "Mr. Marburg, L'nited States minister to Belgium under President Taft, and one of the originators of the League to enforce peace, dis- cusses the movement in America from a his- torical point of view. His book differs from 'World peace' which gives detailed arguments on the platform of the league. He states that the purpose of the league is not to enforce peace but to encourage peace by deliberation."' A. L. .\. bkl. Morris, Robert Clark International arbitration and procedure. "11 Yale univ. press $1.50 341.6 "A historical survey with special reference to arbitrations to which the United States has been a party, a discussion of the ground of con- troversies, and an account of the Hague con- ferences. The rules of the permanent court of arbitration (The Hague, 1907) and other val- uable and pertinent papers are appended. An admirably condensed, authoritative and clearly written sinnmary suited to all classes of readers. Author was counsel for the United States and Venezuelan arbitration (1003)." A. L. A. bkl. Royce, Josiah Hope of the great communitv, '16 Mac- millan $1 " 341.6 "Essays and addresses written during the last j'ear of Professor Royce's life. The topics treated are: The duties of Americans in the present war; The destruction of the Lusitania; SOCIOLOGY— Law 41 Royce, Josiah— Continued The hope of the great community; The possibil- ity of international insurance; The first anni- versary of the sinking of the Lusitania. The book closes with an autobiographical sketch." Clevelaiul Taft, William Howard United Stales and peace. '14 Scribner $1 341.6 Contents: The Monroe doctrine, its limita- tions and implications; Shall the federal govern- ment protect aliens in their treaty rights?; Arbitration treaties that mean something; Ex- periments in federation for judicial settlement of international disputes Four lectures given under the auspices of the New York peace society Appeared in the "Independent" v. 76S, Dec. 18. i<>i3-April 13, 1914 Veblen. Thorstein Inquiry into the natvu'c of peace and the terms of its perpetuation. '17 Macmil- lan $2 341.6 "Analyzes the current state of affairs and of opinion with a view to the conditions that will have to be met in the terms of settlement for concluding a lasting peace. Relieves autocracy as well as our present ownership and price sys- tem should be abolished." A. L. A. bkl. Woolf, Leonard S. International government. '16 Brentano $2 341.6 "Two reports prepared for the Fabian research department, together with a project by a Fabian committee for a supernational authority that will prevent war." Subtitle " 'Contains the most practicable and con- structive suggestions for the organization yet offered.' (New republic)" Pratt quarterly I 72.4 International ethics. Peace and war Included here as having a close connection with 341.0, but classed usually in 17.2.4 Adler, Felix World crisis and its meaning. '15 Apple- ton $1.50 172.4 Contents: The world crisis and its meaning; Militarism and its eulogists; American ideals contrasted with German and English; The il- lusion and the ideal of international peace; Civ- ilization and progress in the light of the present war: The moral awakening of the wealthy and an ethical program of social reform ".Addresses, by the president of the Ethical culture society, intended not as a book on the war but one on social ethics." A. L. A. bkl. Bailey, Liberty Hyde Universal service, the hope of humanitv. '18 Sturgis & Walton $1.25 172.4 "Universal service here refers not only to militarj- service but to universal cooperation in the affairs of peace — farming, commerce, com- munity projects — as well as in war. He de- plores our over-dcvclopcd sense of individual rights as against that of individual obligation. Though believing in universal military training, he objects to its introduction into the schools at an impressionable age when it might develop an ideal of militarism." A. L. A. bkl. "I look on military preparedness as the be- ginning in a process. Gradually shall we pass over from the gunpowder stage into the fellow- ship stage." Book, page 102 Carnegie endowment for international peace Year hook. Latest vol. Carnegie endow- ment for international peace gratis 172.4 Freud. Sigmund Retkctions on war and death: auth. Eng- lish tr. by A. A. Brill and Alfred B. Kuttner. '18 MofTat 75c 172.4 "Freud has stated afresh with great vigor, and with the powerful reenforcement of his well known technique of psychological analysis, tlic barrenness of modern civilization — a barrenness which arose from its refusal to calculate upon ik-.ith." I)i;il (j4:4Sj Gladden, Washington l''orks of the road. '16 Macmillan 50c 172.4 The essay that won the thousand-dollar prize offered by the Church peace union for the best essay on peace and war Gulliver, Lucile Friendship of nations; a story of the peace movement; with a foreword by D. S. Jordan, il '12 Ginn 75c school ed 60c 172.4 Holmes, John Haynes New wars for old. '16 Dodd $1.50 172.4 "A statement of the doctrine of non-resistance, arguing from biology and from the examples and precepts of many noble historical charac- ters that evil is to be resisted only by the force of good will. Probably the most able brief statement of the pacifist's doctrine yet set forth; the author is pastor of the Church of the Messiah, New \ ork City." Cleveland Howe, Frederic Clemson Whyvvar. '16 Scril)ner $1.50 172.4 "The thesis which Dr. Mowe defends is that 'present-day wars are primarily the result of the conflict of powerful economic interests ra- diating out from the capitals of Europe, which, with the foreign offices behind them have laid the whole world with explosives which needed only a spark to set all Europe aflame." Cleve- land Krehbiel, Edward Benjamin Nationalism, war and society; a study of nationalism and its concomitant war, in their relation to civilization; with an introd. by Norman Angell. '16 Macmil- lan $1.50 172.4 "In the form of a svllabus. Professor Kreh- biel of Leland Stanford studies the relation of these three and the forces making for peace. 'It is not a mere outline of headings ana sub- headings. On the contrary, the analysis is so thoroughly logical and so full where expansion is needed that a readable and lucid text has been produced. . . . The work is the best aid for understanding the complex problems of war and peace, militarism and pacifism, which has yet appeared.' (.American hist. rev. 22:365) Ex- cellent classed bibliographies at chapter-ends." A. L. A. l.kl. Parsons, Mary Prescott (comp.) Selected articles on non-resist- ance. (Abridged debaters' handbook ser.) '16 Wilson pa 35c 172.4 Bibliography, p 13-19 Plater, Charles (ed.) .\ primer of peace and war. '15 Kennedy 80c 172.4 Bibliography of peace and war, p 2^)6-74 "The work of several English Jesuit writers, arranged as text for the Catholic social guild, this little book studies international law in the light of its growth, with less attention to actual usages and agreements between nations than to the moral principles on which these are based." A. L. A. bkl. "By far the ablest textbook on war from the Christian standpoint which has appeared in recent times in English." R. P. Farley, Hib- bert iour. 14:195 Reely, Mary Katharine Ccomp.) Selected articles on world peace, including international arbitration and disarmament. (Debaters' handbook ser.) 2d ed rev and cnl '16 Wilson $1.25 172.4 42 STANDARD CATALOG Reely, Mary Katharine — Continued Bibliography, p 15-34 "To the academic discussion of the first edi- tion a new section of articles, written since the outbreak of the war, has been appended, which 'add certain practical considerations based on the world's actual experience with modern war.' In the articles chosen for reprint preference has been given to those presenting plans for some form of league of peace, with negative criti- cisms." A. L. A. bkl. Taft, William Howard, and Bryan, William Jennings ^^■orld peace, a written debate. '17 Doran $1.25 172.4 "The propositions to be discussed by the debaters were three in number: "Is the plat- form of the League to enforce peace feasible?", "Does the platform of the League to enforce peace furnish the most practical plan for secur- ing permanent peace after the end of the pres- ent war?", "Should the United States become a signatory to the League to enforce peace?" 342 Constitutional law and history A scholarly work of great value is W. F. Dodd's "Modern constitutions," 1909. Univers- ity of Chicago press, 2v., $5 Burgess, John William Reconciliation of government with liberty. '15 Scribner $2.50 342 "A scholarly study, . . . the fullest discus- sion of the subject in English. . . . Traces the historical development of the state and shows how an attempt has been made to reconcile government and liberty in the political systems of Asia and Africa, Europe, past and present, and America. An elaboration of the section on Individual liberty in volume I of 'Political science and comparative constitutional law.' " A. L. A. bkl. Fowler, William Warde City-state of the Greeks and Romans. '95 Alacmillan $1.50 342 Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis Ancient city: a study of the religion, laws and institutions of Greece and Rome; tr. by Willard Small. 10th ed '01 Lo- throp $2 342 "Its value depends not so much on account of ascertained t-uth as on the new angle at which it presents every fact and institution of the ancient world." A. L. A. Goodnow, Frank Johnson Principles of constitutional government (Harper's citizens ser.) '16 Harper $2 342 "Based on a series of lectures delivered at Peking university. As legal adviser to the Chinese government, the author was called on to answer the cjuestion, 'What are the essentials of constitutional government?' He has prepared this book in the belief that his attempt to answer this question in a way to be clear to a people having no experience with constitutional govern- ment would be of value to students taking up the subject for the first time. (Adapted from Book review digest) " Pratt quarterly Appended are the constitutions of the United States, France, Germany, Belgium, Japan Kriiger, Fritz Konrad Government and politics of the German empire. (Government handbooks) il '15 World book co $1.20 342 "Excellent critical bibliography (33P) A. L. A. bkl. "An accurate, discriminating sketch of German political conditions, giving the essential facts, of the development of the Constitution, the Reich- stag, the Bundesrat, the law-making process, the administration of the interior, the judicial sys- tem of the Empire, and the parliamentary history of Germany. (Adapted from Nation) " Pratt quarterly Lowell, Abbott Lawrence Governments and parties in continental Europe. 2v 1900 Harvard univ. press $5 342 "Studies relations between development of parties and mechanism of government, sketching recent history of France. Italy, Germany, Aus- tro-Hungary and Switzerland. Appendix con- tains constitutione in original languages." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Governments of France, Italy, and Ger- many. '14 Harvard univ. press $1.25 342 "An abridgment and revision of the au- thor's well known 'Governments and parties in continental Europe.' Altho prepared in order that certain portions of the larger work might be made available for use in college classes, it is in no other sense a textbook. No more notable survey exists, at once so concise and so authoritative, of government machinery in these three dissimilar countries." Wis. bul- Macy, Jesse, and Gannaway, John W. Comparative free government. (Social science textbooks) '15 ]\Iacmillan $2.25 342 "Contents: The United States of America; England, France, Germany, Switzerland; Dem- ocracy in other states "'Booklist', p 701-15; 'Cases in American constitutional law,' p 719-24 "Purpose is not primarily a comparative study of existing governments, but a study of the vari- ous processes and institutions by which the government is being attained. . . . Special attention is given to the federal system as an agency of free government; to the develop- ment and position of the executive authority; to political parties . • . and to the judiciary." Preface Ogg, Frederic Austin Governments of Europe. '13 Macmillan $3 342 "Contents: Great Britain; Germany; France; Italy; Switzerland; Austria-Hungary; The Low countries (Holland and Belgium); Scandinavia; The Iberian states (Spain and Portugal) "The constitutional history and the admin- istrative machinery of the countries of western and central Europe are described with minute- ness and accuracy." Pittsburgh 342.4 England Some books of value to students are: Stubbs' "Constitutional history of England," [to 1485], 1903-06, Oxford university press, 3v., $4.20 each; Hallam's "Constitutional history of Eng- land, from Henry \^II to George II." [14S5- 1760.]. 3v., 1897, Scribner, $6.50; May's "Con- stitutional history of England since the acces- sion of George the Third," [to 19:1], 1912, Longmans, 3v., $12.50; Courtney's "Work- ing constitutio:t of the United Kingdom," 1901, Macmillan, $2.25; Dicey, A. V. Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution. 8th edition, 1915, Macmillan, $3; Moran, T. F. Theory and practise of English government. 1908, Longmans, $1.20; and Ridges, E. W. Constitutional law of England. 2d edition, 1905, Little, S4 Adams, George Burton An outline sketch of English constitu- tional histor}-. '18 Yale univ. $1.75 342.4 "Considers in a broad and impartial way the growth of the English constitution from the be- ginning, showing how the precedents estab- lished in it have become the foundation of our own government and drawing interesting com- parisons between the later developments in the two countries. Indexed. For college or ref- erence use." A. L. A. bkl. SOCIOLOGY— Law 43 Hodge, Harold in the wake of the war, parliament or im- perial government? '17 Lane $1.50 342.4 "Proposal for the organization by the British crown of an imperial council which will have charge, independent of parliament, of the gen- eral policies of the Empire and consult the people by means of a yearly referendum. Pre- sents an 'outsider's' criticism of the present parliamentary system." A. L. A. bkl. Low, Sidney James Mark Governance of Englaiul. rev ed '14 Put- nam $2 342.4 "An unprejudiced, straightforward description of the 'working constitution', more interesting to the layman than the more academic treatises of Dicey and Amson. An introductory chapter of about forty pages and slight additions through- out the te.\t, describe the changes which have occurred since the publication of the first edi- tion." A. L. A. bkl. Lowell, Abbott Lawrence Government of England, rev cd 2v '12 Macmillan $4 342.4 "Study of the British government comparable in thoroughness and insight with Bryce's 'Amer- ican commonwealth.' Accurate and full as to facts and evidence, and impartial and dispas- sionate in treatment." A. L. A. sup. "A chapter on the House of lords and the Act of 191 1 has been added, and a new preface mentions the changes in government which have taken place since the first edition was pub- lished." A. L. A. bkl. Macy, Jesse English constitution. '03 Macmillan $2 342.4 " 'Purpose to show ever changing character of American constitution by comparing and con- trasting it with history and latest development of English constitution. One of the best ac- counts of organization and operation of British parliamentary government.'" (L. A. H.) A. L. A. Masterman, John Howard Bertram llistorv of the British conslitution. '12 .Macinillan 80c 342.4 "A sketch of the development of Briti.-h political institutions from their beginning to the present. 'Among other things, he presents a compendious account of the notable and com- plicated constitutional changes of recent years, both in the United Kingdom and in the colonies; of some, indeed, that arc still in the parturition stage.' (.\m. hist, rev.) A serviceable bibliog- raphy is included." Book rev. digest "Development of British political institutions is traced briefly, and a clear view of present (1912) local and colonial government given. . . . Especially interesting chapter on Cana- dian self-government. Bibliography (59 titles)" A. L. A. I.kl. Wallace, David Duncan Government of England, national, local and imperial. '17 Putnam $2.50 342.4 Brief reading list, P371-7:; "A study of the government of England in its present working not in its historic aspects." Pratt quarterly 342.7 Canada Bourinot, Sir John George 'low Canada is governed. Utli Copp, Clark co $1 cd '09 342.7 342.7 United States Some great authorities are: Bancroft, G. History of the formation of the constitution of the United States, jv i88j, Ap- pleton, $s Story, J. Familiar exposition of the con- stitution of the United States. 1909, American book CO., 90C. \'on Hoist, H. E. Consiimtional and political history of the United States, [to 1861]. 8v 1900, Callaghan, $ij Ashley, Roscoe Lewis .\nierican federal state; its historical de- velopment, government and policies, rev ed '11 Macmillan $2 342.7 Beard, Charles Austin Economic interpretation of the Constitu- tion of the United States, map '13 Mac- millan $2.25 342.7 " 'Leaving at one side, . . . the time-honored political view of the origin and nature of the Constitution, Professor Beard has sought to in- dicate, largely from a study of the records of the conventions of 1787-1788, and of unpublished documents in the Treasury department, the ex- tent and character of economic influence in the formulation and acceptance of the instrument.' " (Nation) Pratt quarterly "The volume is most important and sig- nificant, marking as we believe, a new era in the interpretation of United States history." Bib. world 43:279 Ap. 1914 Other valuable books by this author are his scholarly essay entitled "The Supreme court and the constitution," 191J, Macmillan, $1. and his "Economic origins of Jeffersonian democracy," 1915, Macmillan, $2.50 Bryce, James Bryce, viscount American commonwealth: new ed com- pletely revised throughout, with addi- tional chapters. 2v '14 Macmillan $4 abridged new ed $1.75 342.7 "The most penetrating yet sympathetic analy- sis of the problems of the United States as a na- tion ever written. The author is an English statesman who was from 1907 to 10 li the British ambassador to this country." Pratt alcove Dealey, James Quayle Growth of -American state constitutions from 1776 to the end of the year 1914. '15 Ginn $1.40 342.7 "Part I is historical; part 2 examines con- temporary constitutions to determine their pro- visions regarding suffrage, and other vital sub- jects; part 3 outlines the trend of growth in the past and forecasts future developments. A much amplified and largely rewritten edition of a monograph published March 1Q07 as a supple- ment to the .\nnals of the .\merican academy." A. L. A. bkl. ".\ valuable addition to our means of study- ing the comparatively neglected organic laws of the various states." Am. pol. sci. rev. 9:585 Farrand, Max Eraming of the Constitution of the L'nited States. '13 Vale univ press $2.50 342.7 By a professor of history in Yale university "Founded upon 'Records of the Federal con- vention' edited bv the author Full index and appendix containing text of Constitution and other documents " 'Summary of the impressions of the Federal convention. . . . While the narrative is made simple and references are omitted, the book is the result of a scholarly investigation, and in every page meets the tests of criticism,' " (Dial, 1913) Pittsburgh "For the general reader the best book on the subject." A. L. A. bkl. Federalist I'cderaiist, a commentary on the Consti- tution of the United States; reprinted from the original text of Alexander Hamilton. John Jay and James Madi- son: ed by H. C. Lodge. '02 Putnam $1.50 342.7 44 STANDARD CATALOG Federalist — Continued —Same; ed. by P. L. Ford. '98 Holt $1.50 342.7 Ford, Henry Jones Rise and growth of American politics; a sketch of constitutional development. '98 Macmillan $1.50 342.7 "Aims to explain causes rather than narrate events, so that a reader may understand our actual system of government." Preface Goodnow, Frank Johnson Social reform and the constitution. (American social progress ser.) '11 Macmillan $1.50 342.7 Contents: The demands of social reform; The constitutionality of uniform commercial regula- tion; The power of Congress to charter inter- state commerce corporations; The power of Con- gress over the private law in force in the United States; The constitutionality of political reform; The constitutionality of government regulation; The constitutionality of government aid; The at- titude of the courts towards measures of social reform Table of cases, p 9-21 " 'The most thoughtful and penetrating dis- cussion of constitutional tendencies in this Country that has appeared in many a day.' " (Nation) A. L. A. sup. Haines, Charles Grove American doctrine of judicial supremacy. '14 Macmillan $2 342.7 "Traces the development of the doctrine in the law of the United States, and indicates its importance in the political history of the coun- try. (Adapted from Nation)" Pratt quarterly Johnson, Allen (ed.) Readings in American constitu- tional history, 1776-1876. '12 Houghton $2.75 342.7 "A selection of 192 original documents chosen to illustrate the development of federal and state constitutions and the history of govern- mental processes. It is more varied than Mc- Donald's 'Documentary source book,' which it supplements. A scholarly, useful work for stu- dents. Author is professor of American history in Yale university." A. L. A. bkl. MacDonald, William (ed.) Documentary source book of Amer- ican history. 1606-1913. new ed '16 Mac- millan $1.75 342.7 "Convenient collection of the most important documents from the author's Select charters. Select documents and Select statutes, with notes, covering the colonial and constitutional periods of American history." A. L. A. sup. "A new edition of the 'Documentary source book of American history,' 1606-1898. . . . The Chinese exclusion act of 1902, the Panama canal treaty of 1903. and the two new amendments to the Constitution, are some of the additions." A. L. A. bkl. Smith, James Allen Spirit of American government. (Citi« zen's lib. of economics, politics and so- ciology) '07 Macmillan $1.25 342.7 Thorpe, Francis Newton Essentials of American constitutional law. '17 Putnam $1.75 342.7 (comp.) Federal and state constitutions, colonial charters and other organic laws of states, territories and colonies. (U.S. 59th Cong., 2d sess. House doc. 357) 7v '09 Supt of doc $5.25 342.7 Tocqueville, Alexis Democracy' in America; tr. by Henry Reeve, as rev. and annotated from the author's last edition, by Francis Bowen. 2v '98 Century $5 342.7 "A study of American political conditions made sixty years before Mr James Bryce wrote his 'American commonwealth.' " 'It remains the best philosophical discussion of democracy illustrated by the experience of the United States, up to the time when it was writ- ten, which can be found in any language.' " Pratt alcove " 'One of the few treatises on the philosophy of politics which has risen to the rank of a clas- sic' " (James Bryce) A. L. A. Wilson, Woodrow Constitutional government in the United States. '11 Columbia universit}^ press $1.50 342.7 "A suggestive but not very profound examina- tion of certain aspects of the American system." (Nation) A. L. A. sup. Woodburn, James Albert American republic and its government. 2d ed rev '16 Putnam $2.50 342.7 "An analysis of the government of the U.S., with a consideration of its fundamental prin- ciples and of its relations to the states and ter- ritories." Subtitle 343 Capital punishment Fanning, Clara Elizabeth (comp.) Selected articles on capital pun- ishment. (Debaters' handbook ser.) 3d ed rev map '17 Wilson $1.25 343 Bibliography, pref. p 13-26 345 United States. Laws, statutes, etc. Lapp, John Augustus (comp.) Important federal laws. '17 Bowen $6 345 Contents: Agriculture and horticulture; Voca- tional education act; Banking acts; Imtnigra- tion and naturalization; Regulation of business; Food and drugs; Labor; Taxation and revenue; Interstate commerce; Federal elections; Na- tional defense; Trademarks and copyrights; Moral reform laws; Bankruptcy act; The crim- inal code; Paroie of prisoners act; Federal judicial code; Proof of handwriting act; Public health; Good roads 347 Treatises on law Burdick, Francis Marion Essentials of business law. (Twentieth century textbooks) '02 Appleton $1.25 347 "Shows how rules of law governing ordinary business transactions have been developed, de- fines common legal terms, teaches proper forms and uses of negotiable paper, gives useful in- formation concerning conveyance of land, etc." (Educ. rev. 23:322) A. L. A. Green, John Bernard Law for the American farmer. (Rural science ser.) '11 Macmillan $1.50 347 "Discussions are clear and comprehensive, tho popular, and citations are made to reports of cases." A. L. A. sup. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, jr. Common law '18 Little $3.25 347 "Ingenious; temperate: rich in thought, argu- ment and brilliant intuitions." (Amer. law rev. 15:331) A. L. A. SOCIOLOGY — Administration 45 Huffcut, Ernest Wilson Elements of business law, with illustrative examples and problems; rev. by George Gleason Bogart. c '17 Ginn $1.12 347 Parsons, Theophilus Laws of business for all the states and territories of the Union and the Domin- ion of Canada. Industrial ed rev '15 Scranton $3.20 347 Paul, Nanette Baker Heart of Blackstone; or, Principles of the common law. '15 Abingdon press $1 347 "An abridgment of Blackstone for the use of the general reader." Pratt quarterly Pollock, Sir Frederick First book of jurisprudence for students of the common law. '96 Macmillan $2 347 Sullivan, John James American business law, with legal forms. '09 Appleton $1.75 347 "Comprehensive, compact manual designed as a text for students in business law and as a reference work for the business man. A much fuller work is Parsons' Laws of business." A. L. A. sup. Wells, Frederic De Witt Man in court. '17 Putnam $1.50 347 "Written by a justice of the municipal court of New York city to explain court proceedings to the uninitiated. The course of a trial is re- viewed from the arrangement of the room to the verdict at the end of the case. The parts plaved by the judge, jury, attorneys, witnesses and clients, or accused, are explained in the simplest manner." N.Y. branch lib. news 350 Administration Goodnow, Frank Johnson Comparative administrative law; an analy- sis of the administrative systems, na- tional and local, of the United States, England. France and Germany. '02 stu- dent's ed Piitnam $3.50 350 "Seeks to give concise comparative view of administrative as distinguished from constitu- tional law. Based on first hand study but writ- ten for students rather than mature scholars. Point of view not seldom European." ^L. A. H.) A. L. A. Politics and administration; a study in government. '14 Macmillan $1.50 350 "Lays much stress on extra-legal institutions and gives interestingly the history and phi- losophy of such spontaneous political growths as the party, the spoils system and the boss." (Dial 30:48) A. L. A. James, Herman Gerlach Principles of Prussian administration. '13 Macmillan $1.50 350 "An excellent descriptive treatise on state and local administration in Prussia, which makes no attempt to criticise the system or to compare it with other countries." A. L. A. bkl. Wilson, Woodrow The state: elcniciits of historical and prac- tical politics. '99 Heath $2.40 350 "Reviews in extended summary form, the leading features of all the more important ancient and modern systems of government. (Dial, 10:300)" A. L. A. 35 1 Federal and state government American academy of political and social science Public administration and partisan poli- tics. (Annals Amer. acad.) '16 Am acad $1.50 pa $1 351 "Twenty-four papers by George Haven Put- nam, Chester Lloyd Jones, Helen Varick Bos- well, Charles A. Beard, and other authorities. Part I, The cost of partisan politics in the work of government; part 2, Movement to free pub- lic administration from partisan politics; p'art 3, Public policies in responsible government." A. L. A. bkl. Public budgets. (Annals Amer. acad.) il '15 Am acad $1.50 pa $1 351 "Twenty-five papers by Henry Jones Pord. Frederick A. Cleveland, Charles A. Beard and other authorities, with an extended list of se- lected references (lop.) Part i discusses The budget idea and the national budget; part 2, State budgets; part 3, Public budgets and effi- ciency in the public budgets; part 4. Develop- ment of budgets and budgetary procedure in typical cities." A. L. A. bkl. Collins, Charles Wallace National budget system and American finance. '17 Macmillan $1.25 351 "An attempt to show in as brief a compass as possible what the budget system is, why it is said to be needed for the United States, and what adjustments could possibly be made short of a constitutional amendment to secure its adoption. . . . The writer has attempted, even at the risk of the loss of scientific tech- nique, to make this exposition readable." Preface A short list of authorities is appended Lindsey, Benjamin Barr, and O'Higgins, H.J. The beast, il '10 Doubleday $1.50 351 "Striking autobiographical record of Judge Lindsey's unflinching struggle against the evils of the political machine in Denver. (N.Y. State lib.)" A. L. A. sup. United States. Civil service commission Manual of examinations. Latest cd. Civil service comm. free 351 Willoughby, William Franklin Probloni of a national budget. (Institute for government research. Publications) '18 Appleton in press 351 An extended account of the budget system of the British government, by W. F. Willoughby and others, was published by Appleton in 1917, under the title, "The system of financial admin- istration of Great Britain," at $2.75 352 Municipal government. County government An excellent bibliography is W. B. Munro's "Bibliography of municipal government in the United States," 10 is. Harvard university press, $2.50 American academy of political and social science Public policies as to municipal utilities. (. Annals Amer. acad.) '15 Am. acad. $1.50 pa $1 352 "Twenty-five papers comprising the proceed- ings of the 'Conference of American mayors on public policies as to municipal utilities.' Will be most useful to town authorities, civic clubs, and debating societies." New Jersey lib. bull. "They take up practical utility problems, the general subject of regulation, local and state regulation, municipal ownership and operation, holding companies and the public welfare." A. L. A. bkl, Anderson, Wilbert Lee Country town; a study of rural evolution, with an introd. by Josiah Strong. '06 Doubleday $1 352 46 STANDARD CATALOG Anderson, Wilbert Lee — Continued "An optimistic social and economic study of rural degeneration in the United States, its causes and its remedies. (N.Y. state lib.)" A. L. A. sup. Arndt, Walter Tallmadge Emancipation of the American city. '17 Duffield $1.50 _ 352 "Concentration of business and political re- sponsibility through commission government (or its equivalent), the short ballot, separation of local from national political issues, the sub- stitution of independent for partisan tickets, an adequate and irreproachable civil service', the regulation and curtailment of public utility franchises, the rationalization and standardiza- tion of the finance methods of the city vv^ithin the limits at least of solvency — these are some of the most important reforms explained and urged.' (Dial) There are seven appendices deal- ing with city charters, preferential voting, etc., and a two page bibliography." Book rev. digest Beard, Charles Austin American city government, il '12 Century $2 352 Bibliography, p 409-13 "Review by an associate professor of Colum- bia, of the newer experiments in municipal democracy. More than two-thirds of the book is occupied by a discussion of the social and economic functions of city government. (Adapted from A. L. A. bkl.)" Pratt quarterly Fairlie, John Archibald Local government in counties, towns and villages. (Amer. state ser.) '14 Cen- tury $1.25 352 "Careful, comprehensive presentation of con- temporary institutions — county officers, justices and police, town and village government, public education, charities, local finance, etc." A. L. A. sup. Municipal administration. '01 IMacmil- lan $3 . . 352 "Part I is an historical survey of cities and municipal government, treating briefly of an- cient and mediaeval cities and more at length of the development during the nineteenth cen- tury. Part 2 discusses the active functions of municipal administration; part 3 deals with the problems of municipal finance; and part 4 with the various methods and problems of municipal organization, with special reference to recent (1901) tendencies and proposed reforms in American cities." Pittsburgh Gilbertson, Henry Stimson County, the "dark continent" of American politics. '17 Nat short ballot organiza- tion $2 352 "A survey of the past and possible future, showing how the county has been exploited by machine politicians, the abuses and graft possi- ble under a loose system of government with examples taken from county history all over the country. The author details plans for re- construction emphasizing the importance of the short ballot. ... Appendixes containing sam- ple county chapters and a bibliography (gp.)" A. L. A. bkl. Goodnow, Frank Johnson Municipal government. '09 Century $3 352 "Best and most comprehensive work covering the United States and European countries. Not so detailed as Fairlie's 'Municipal administra- tion' igoi. Macmillan, $3, but more popular." A. L. A. sup. Municipal home rule; a study in admin- istration. '95 Columbia univ. press $1.50 352 "Study of relations of city and state from legal point of view, with special reference to question of home rule for American cities." A. L. A. Howe, Frederic Clemson IModern city and its problems. '15 Scrib- ner$1.50 352 Bibliography, p 377-83 "While this book combines some of the ma- terial of 'The city: the hope of democracy,' 1014, Scribner, $1, and 'European cities at work,' 1913, Scribner, $1.75, it is essentially a new, comprehensive and interesting outline of city problems in America and actual accomplish- ments at home and abroad, in convenient form for study or reference. . . . The emphasis is on physical and social features." A. L. A. bkl. James, Herman Gerlach Applied city government; the principles and practice of city charter making, il '14 Harper 75c 352 "Puts into concise form, for use of students or legislators, the advanced ideas of the present on such matters as commission government, city managers, recall, and direct legislation in cities. Includes chapters on finance and franchises. The provisions of a model charter are appended to each chapter. Classed bibliography (3%p.)" A. L. A. bkl. Municipal functions. (National municipal league ser.) '17 Appleton $2 352 "Author approaches the discussion from the standpoint of the smaller community rather than the metropolis." Review of reviews, 56:327 "Aims to give a simple but comprehensive survey of the whole field of municipal endeavor, so that every member of a community may know what a city should do and how it should do it. Author is (1917) associate professor of govern- ment and director of the Bureau of municipal research at the University of Texas." Pitts- burgh King, Clyde Lyndon (ed.) Regulation of municipal utilities. (National municipal league ser.) '12 Appleton $2 352 Selected bibliography, p 387-91 "Treats concisely and clearly the commis- sions of different states, and the work done by city commissions. The chapters on franchise essentials and on the elements of a constructive franchise policy discuss matters with which nearly every small city has to deal, and are of immediate interest and value. Suggestions for model franchises are given. Though showing no lack of unity, the chapters are by different au- thorities and embody the more important papers presented to the National municipal league since its first meeting in 1894." A. L. A. bkl. Mabie, Edward Charles (comp.) Selected articles on the city manager plan of government. (De- bater's handbook ser.) '18 Wilson $1.25 352 "The introduction sets forth the history of the city manager idea following its inception in 1908 in Sumter, S.C., and its introduction there in 19 1 3. Various maps, charts and tables ac- company the text, and a digest of city man- ager statutes is provided. The explanatory note says, 'The bulk of the material was selected in 1917 but publication was unavoidably de- layed, and the volume has been brought down to date by the addition of references to recent articles to the bibliography, and the inclusion of additional reprints which will be found in the appendix." I5ook rev. digest McBain, Howard Lee American city progress and the law. '18 Columbia univ. press $1.50 352 "A book that no one interested in the affairs of cities can afford to be without." Survey 40: 104 "Covers the principles of law on such gen- eral matters as home rule, smoke, nuisance, bill- boards, zoning, excess condemnation, municipal ownership, municipal markets, parks and play- grounds, and the promotion of commerce and industry." Ann. Am. acad. 78:217 SOCIOLOGY — Administration 47 Law and the practice of municipal home rule. '16 Columbia univ. press $5 352 "There are now (1916) twelve states in which certain or all cities enjoy the power to frame and adopt their own charters. Court decisions on cases growing out of the home rule pro- visions of constitutions already constitute a distinct and important branch of law. This study aims to present the legal principles of the cases, and the practices of cities in the making of charters and of legislatures in the enact- ment of laws. (Condensed from preface)" Pittsburgh Morgan, Joy E. and Bullock, E. D. (^comp.) Selected articles on municipal ownership. (Debaters' handbook ser.) 2d ed rev and enl '14 Wilson $1.25 352 Bibliography, pi3j6 Munro, William Bennett Government of American cities, rev ed '16 Macmillan $2 352 "This companion to the author's 'Government of European cities' Macmillian, $j, treats of the frame work of government in American cities, the power and duties of the municipal corpora- tion, the different organs of municipal government and their relation to each otiier. Only one chapter is given to the historical side, and the problems of admitiistration are hardly touched on. In a large measure it replaces the older books in the same field because it is up to date (1912). There are excellent references with notes at the ends of the chapters, 'A treatise of the highest competence and value.' (Amer. hist. rev. 18: 435-)" A. L. A. bkl. "A number of slight revisions have been made to take account of developments since the first edition, and a new chapter has been added on the city-manager plan." A. L. A. bkl. Government of European cities. '09 Mac- millan $2 352 "Comprehensive description and comparison of the city governments of France, Prussia and England. One of the best studies on municipal government; more scientific than Shaw." A. L. A. sup. Principles and methods of municipal ad- ministration, il '16 Macmillan $2.25 352 "An authoritative work which, in dealing with the functions of city government, supplements the author's earlier work, 'Government of Amer- ican cities,' which is concerned with its organ- ization of frame-work. Newer tendencies are outlined in the first chapter; others consider city planning, streets, water supply, sewerage, light- ing, police and fire departments, school admin- istration and municipal finance. The work is more scholarly than C. A. Beard's 'American city government,' but on the whole steers a suc- cessful course between an elementary and a highly technical treatise." Cleveland National municipal league. Committee on municipal program Model city cliarter and municipal home rule. '16 National municipal league pa 50c 352 " 'Prepared by a committee of distinguished experts in .American city government. This document is a thorough revision of, or a sub- stitute for, the league's original 'Municipal pro- gram,' and it represents the mature judgment of that association which has done such notable service in promoting thinking about city govern- ment in the United States. . . . The scheme of government set forth in the document before us is in simple form. It is the cornmi.ssion man- ager type supplemented by the initiative, refer- endum and recall.' (Am. pol. sci. rev.)" Book rev, digest Sparks, Frank Melville Business of government: municipal. '16 Rand $1.25 352 "Outlines the organization, functions, and ad- ministration of municipal government and dis- cusses briefly such topics as finance, purchasing, bond issues, and elections. The closing chapters deal with county, state, and national govern- ment. The book will be especially useful to students and general readers and also sugges- tive for young city employees." Cleveland Thompson, Carl Dean Municipal ownership. '17 Huebsch $1 352 " "A brief survey of the extent, rapid growth and success of municipal ownership throughout the world, presenting the arguments against private ownership, the failure of regulation and the advantages of municipal ownership.' (Sub- title) It gives references to authorities and will be useful for debates." A. L. A. bkl. Wright, Henry Collier American citj-; an outline of its develop- ment and functions. (National social science scr.) '16 McClurg 60c 352 "A bird's-eye view for the general reader who has not the time for larger works such as Zueblin's '.American municipal progress.' Dis- cusses the location of cities, government finance, protection, education, municipal undertakings, housing, the effect of the city on its citizens. Bibliography, (ip.)" A. L. A. bkl. Zueblin, Charles American municipal progress. (Social sci- ence textbooks) rev ed '16 Macmil- lan $2 352 "A revised edition of the work published in ip02. . . . 'designed primarily to indicate to civic and social workers, public officials, and in- telligent citizens the vast scope of municipal activity today. It can be made useful by com- paring local conditions with typical instances of excellence gathered from all the cities.' (Preface)" Book rev. digest " 'It does for American cities what Frederic C. Howe's books have done for German cities." S. E. W. Bedford, Am jour. soc. 21:704 "Zueblin has given to American students of municipal government the most practical work yet (1916) published." D. 11. Ramsey, Am. econ. rev. 6:425 Commission government and city man- ager plans American academy of political and social science Commission government and the city- manager plan, (.\nnals of Amer. acad.) '14 Am acad $1.50 pa $1 352 Bradford, Ernest Smith Commission government in American cities. (Citizen's lib. of economics, pol- itics and sociology) '11 Macmillan $1.25 352 List of references, p 339-53 "Best single-volume presentation of the sub- ject yet (iQii) published. The spread of com- mission government since its inception at Gal- veston, 1901, is described, and a comparison of different forms of the commission plan made. Clear summaries of checks to popular control, the referendum, initiative, recall and other pro- visions are given." A. L. A. bkl. Bruere, Henry New city government, il '12 Appleton $2 352 .\uthor, director of the New York Bureau of municipal research (19 12) "Here are virtually two books woven into one, an exposition of what constitutes efficient municipal government and a report on a 'sur- vey' of ten commission governed cities. "The book is strongest on its accounting and budget-making side, and in its dealing with some of the general problems of municipal efficiency." Engin. ncws-rcc. 69:335 48 STANDARD CATALOG James, Herman Gerlach What is the city manager plan? (Texas university. Bulletin; municipal research ser. no. 6) Univ. of Texas 352 Bibliography on the city manager plan of municipal government, p 24-5 Robbins, Edwin Clyde (comp.) Selected articles on the commis- sion plan of municipal government. 3d ed rev and enl '12 Wilson $1.25 352 Bibliography, pref. p 15-29 Ryan, Oswedd Municipal freedom; a study of the com- mission government. (American books) '15 Doubleday $1 _ 352 Selected references on commission govern- ment, p 221-33 "A study of the principles and working of the commission form of municipal government now in operation in 350 Arnerican cities. An appendix gives the provisions of the Des Moines plan, the commission-manager plan, and the plan for preferential voting." Cleveland Toulmin, Harry Aubrey City manager; a new profession. (Na- tional municipal league ser.) '15 Ap- pleton $2 352 "Sets forth the details of the city manager plan and its actual working in a number of cities, specially in Dayton where the author has observed first hand. Shows advantages and disadvantages, but the preponderance of evidence is in favor of its adoption. Bibliography (op.) and list of cities governed by a commission and by a city manager, June, 19 14." A. L. A. bkl. 353 United States and state govern- ments Three valuable books are: Hinsdale, M. L. History of the president's cabinet, 1912. Univ. of Michigan, $2 Hunt, Gaillard. Department of state of the United States. 1914, Yale univ. press, $2.50 Learned, H. B. President's cabinet: studies in the origin, formation and structure of an American institution. 19 12, Yale university press, $3 American political science association Teaching of government. '16 Macmillan $1.10 353 "Report of a committee of seven, appointed in 19 1 1, 'to consider the methods of teaching and studying government now pursued in American schools, colleges and universities, and to sug- gest means of enlarging and improving such in- struction.' The« report covers recent progress in the teaching of government; the teaching of civics in elementary schools; the teaching of political economy in colleges and in universi- ties; and a constructive section of suggested courses for teachers with bibliography (22p.)" A. L. A. bkl. Ashley, Roscoe Lewis New civics; a textbook for secondary schools, il '17 Macmillan $1.20 353 "A high-school textbook in civics which em- phasizes the need of intelligent citizenship and teaches government as a living, changing organ- ism, not a fixed institution. Free from partisan- ship and equipped with excellent notes and teaching aids. . . . The author is a teacher in the public schools of Pasadena, Cal. The book has been recommended to teachers of cit- izenship for adults in the extension department of the Cleveland schools." Cleveland schools." Cleveland Beard, Charles Austin American government and politics, new rev ed '14 Macmillan $2.25 353 "Excellent manual designed as a college text. bringing together all the best contributions and discussions. Covers the practise and theory of government and points out recent political ten- dencies." A. L. A. sup. (ed.) Readings in American government and politics, new rev ed '14 JNIacmillan $2 353 "Collection of illustrative material to ac- company the manual (above), covering history and federal, state and city government." A. L. A. sup. Beard, Charles Austin, and Beard, Mary R. American citizenship, il '14 Macmillan $1.12 353 "Starts with the individual and his position in industry and his rights under the law, shows how personal needs demand governmental ac- tion, how the government is organized to meet those needs and what work it undertakes in recognition of those needs, emphasizing always the active part demanded of every citizen, man or woman. Thoroughly modern treatment, well balanced and judicial, though the authors oc- casionally betray their sympathies. Chapter analyses, bibliographies and lists of questions." A. L. A. bkl. Brown, Gertrude (Foster) (Mrs Raymond Brown) Your vote and how to use it. '18 Har- per 7Sc 353 Officially endorsed by the New York state Woman suffrage party "An introductory chapter on politics and woman's interests is followed by five chapters devoted to the departments of government, local, state and national. The four chapters next fol- lowing deal with the actual process of voting, describes the organization of political parties and the management of elections. The re- mainder of the book is then given up tp 'those departments of political affairs in which women are undoubtedly most deeply concerned.' " Book rev. digest Cleveland, Grover Independence of the executive. (Stafford Little lectures) '13 Princeton univ press $1 353 Finley & Sanderson's "American executive and executive methods" was published by the Century Company in 1908 at ii.25. Corwin, Edward Samuel President's control of foreign relations. '17 Princeton univ. press $1.50 353 "Brings together the principal historical in- cidents illustrating the powers of the president in the diplomatic field." Pittsburgh Du Puy, William Atherton Uncle Sam, wonder worker, il '13 Stokes $1.35 353 "Short 'write-ups' of the more spectacular or unusual work carried on by the \-arious govern- ment departments, such as modifying the growth of fruitage of plants, training cavalry men in riding feats, growing pearls, attacking insect pests, sowing forests, teaching the Eskimos, raising seals, reclaiming land and planning towns." Wis. bul. Uncle Sam's modern miracles; his gigan- tic tasks that benefit humanity. '14 il map Stokes $1.35 353 "Readable information of not so curious a nature as that in "Uncle Sam, wonder worker" describing the humanitarian work of the federal government in conquering contagion, revealing weather secrets, transforming the deserts, recom- pensing the liidians, smoothing the country's roads, and performing other duties which are vital to ordinary citizens." A. L. A. bkl. Fairlie, John Archibald National administration of the United States of America. '05 Macmillan $2 353 SOCIOLOGY— Administration 49 Fairlie, John Archibald — Continued " 'Dt-^cribcs fully each department and the vari- ous detached otfices and commissions, showing methods of organization and the work done by each'" (N.V. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Fiske, John Civil government in the United States, considered with some reference to its origins, new ed map '04 Houghton $1 353 "Attractively written elementary account, descriptive and historical." A. L. A. Forman, Samuel Eagle, and Shuler, Marjorie Woman voter's manual; with an introd. by Carrie Chapman Catt. '18 Century $1 353 " 'Discusses popular government, the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and then goes on to define the organization and duties of Con- gress, of the cabinet, of the federal depart- ments, and of the courts, federal and state. After these chapters upon national government come explanations of state matters.' " (N.Y. times') Book rev. digest Franc, Alissa Use your government; what your govern- ment does for you. 'IS Button $2 353 "On the practical aid which bureaus of the federal government give to farmers, prospective settlers, business men, laborers, immigrants, negroes, women and children. An up-to-date supplementary reader for civics classes." Cleve- land "A first effort in a field worth cultivating. The student of civics should be warned, how- ever, that it omits to mention many of the most elementary aids of the government to the citizen. Nothing is said of the national de- fense and maintenance of order, of the treas- urv, the mint, and the post office." Survey 40: Haskin, Frederic J. American government, il '12 Lippincott $1 school ed 80c 353 "Account in everyday language of the actual working of the United States government, pre- senting many interesting items of information not easily gathered elsewhere. Each chapter has been read and approved by the head official of the department or bureau whose work is de- scribed therein." N.V. state lib. Hill, Mabel Tcaciiing of civics. (Riverside educational monographs) '14 Houghton 70c 353 "Consists for the most part of twenty-four suggestive lessons in applied civics, the out- growth of the author's experience as teacher of history and civics in the Massachusetts State Normal School, Lowell." Cleveland "Throughout the effort is made to emphasize ethical aspects, to relate the subject practically to the daily life of the pupils, to stimulate in- vestigation to arouse the spirit of cooperation and service.' " (A. L. A. bkl.) Cleveland "Despite the large number of books for the civics teacher, there is a place for this." Wis. bul. Holcombe, Arthur Norman State government in the United States. '16 Macmillan $2.25 353 ".\n excellent survey of the whole field of state government, its history, tendencies and needs. There is less detail on the administra- tive side than in Mathews' 'Principles of Amer- ican state administration,' but the discussion of political reforms is much fuller. The author is assistant professor of government at Harvard." Cleveland Lapp, John A. Uur America, il '16 Bobbs $1.50 353 "A textbook for high schools and grammar schools, on federal, state and local government. Organized government is shown to be the out- growth of well defined needs or the necessity of centralizing the performance of certain services. Kach chapter ends with (luestions for debate, bib- liographies, and instructions about securing further information. The author is director of the Indiana Bureau of legislative and administra- tive information." Cleveland Mathews, John Mabry Principles of .\mcrican state administra- tion. '17 Appleton $2.50 353 "More analytical than Holcombc's 'State government in the United States.' Professor ^lathews confines himself to a study of state administrative organizations and functions, the powers and duties of the governor, the heads of departments, etc., taxation and finance, ed- ucation, charities, and similar subjects. Lists of references at chapter-ends." A. L. A. bkl. Author is (ipi8) associate professor of politi- cal science. University of Illinois. Mosher, Robert Brent (comp.) l^.xccutive register of the United States. 1789-1902. (U.S. 58th Cong., 3d sess. Senate doc. 196) 2d ed '05 Supt of doc 40c 353 "List of the presidents and their cabinets, with the electoral and popular vote at each elec- tion and the laws governing their election, ap- pointment, qualification and term of ottice." A. L. A. sup. Reed, Thomas Harrison P'orm and functions of American govern- ment, il maps '16 World book co $1.50 353 "A readable high school te.xt, good for refer- ence. Like Guitteau it allots rather more s'pace than usual to the functions of government, dif- fering from the earlier book in its fuller discus- sion of governmental policies and problems. 'An admirable book, scholarly, well-proportioned, well printed, and generally complete. . . . Sub- jects are presented from a full knowledge of recent progress in government and experience of nine years in teaching it.' (History teachers' magazine, 8:101)" A. L. A. bkl. "Differs from most texts on civics in sketch- ing the historical developments of each phase of our government and in its definite suggestions for personal activities and a progressive attitude on the part of citizens." Cleveland Taft, William Howard Our chief magistrate and his powers. (Co- lumbia university lectures) '16 Colum- bia univ press $1.50 353 Lectures delivered at Columbia university during the winter 19151916. Enlarges upon the matter in lectures of similar title (The presi- dency, Scribner, $i) given at the University of Virginia in IQ14-1915. and includes illustrations from personal experience." Cleveland Wilson, Woodrow President of the United States. '16 Har- per 50c 353 "An analysis of the historical evolution of the presidential oflfice, first printed in 1908 as a chapter in the author's Constitutional govern- ment in the United States." Cleveland Young, James Thomas New .American government and its work. (Social science textbooks) '15 Macmil- lan $2.25 353 References at the end of each chapter Includes a comprehensive treatment of state administration "Though intended as a college text, popular enough for a wide reading outside of class work. .\n important piece of work as a supplement to Beard's '.\morican government' and Brvcc's '.\merican commonwealth;' but independently of these justified by the fresh character of the treatment, the abundant material frorn recent times, the excellent organization of subject mat- ter, and its emphasis on the importance of ex- ecutive leadership." A. L. A. bkl. 50 STANDARD CATALOG 354 Foreign governments Poincare, Raymond How France is governed; tr. by Bernard Miall. '14 McBride $1.50 354 "An authoritative and adequate presentation of French government by the president of the Republic. Written for the school children of France, it is marked by simplicity, by perfect clarity of style and arrangement, and will in- terest any general reader. Historical aspects are fully considered." A. L. A. bkl. 355 Military science For the current literature of military science, see the international military digest annual. Cumulative digest corporation, 241 West 37th St., N.Y., $2 a year; for addresses on the mili- tary policy of the United States, see Elihu Root's "Military and colonial policy of the United States," 1916, Harvard university, $2.50 Blanchon, G. New warfare; tr. by Fred Rothwell. '18 Crowell $1.50 355 "By a French expert on naval warfare and the development of the submarine, who has also devoted much attention to all the other developments of modern warfare. One very interesting chapter studies the moral forces that inspire and control fighting men of the present day, and another debates the question of whether or not wars will ever cease." Adapted from New York Times 23:49 Bunkley, Joel William Military and naval recognition book, il '18 Van Nostrand $1 355 "A handbook on the organization, insignia of rank, and customs of the service of the world's important armies and navies." Sub- title Illustrated with fifty-one full-page plates, eighteen in color Falls, De Witt Clinton Army and navy information, il '17 But- ton $1 355 "A convenient book of reference which gives details of the uniforms, insignia, organization, arms, equipment, and pay of the American army and navy and brief descriptions of the equipment of the other warring powers. Ser- viceable to both civilians and soldiers." A. L. A. bkl. Gibson, Charles R. War inventions and how they were in- vented. '16 Lippincott $1 355 "An atractive book which answers a good many of the questions about guns and shells and range finding, for instance, which the lay- man is always asking himself or others equally ignorant.' " (Spectator) New Jersey bul. Hopkins, Albert Allis (ed.) Our army and how to know it, and Our navy and how to know it. (Scien- tific American ser.) '17 Munn pa 25c; flex khaki $1 355 "With this is bound his 'Our navy and how to know it.' Devoted mainly to insignia of rank. Contains also facts about the organiza- tion of the service, pay, fighting tools and equipment, location of cantonments, and many other topics." Pittsburgh Military training For a descriptive account of American military institutions, see I. L. Reeves' "Military educa- tion in the United States," 19 14, Free press :o., Burlington, Vt., $3. The author is pro- fessor of military science and tactics in the University of Vermont Academy of political science Military training, compulsory or volun- teer; edited by William L. Ransom. '16 Acad of political science $2 pa $1.50 355 Contents: Problems of common defense, Al- bert Shaw; . . . Compulsory training and indus- trial preparedness, C. E. Knoeppel; Cure-all of universal military service, Oswald Garrison Vil- lard; . . . Business man and universal military training, Irving T. Bush; Individual and the na- tion in preparation for war, Newton D. Baker; Swiss system of universal trainnig, Frederick A. Kutnzli; Australian system of universal training, E. N. Johnston; Trades-unionism and military training, Mathew Woll; Universal training and the democratic ideal, George Creel; . . . French and English systems of military training, C. De Witt Willcox; . . . Organized labor and mili- tary service, John P. White; European systems of military training, Eric Fisher Wood; Com- pulsory system in the German empire, Ewald Hecker; Colleges as training centers, Edmund J. James; Plattsburg contribution to military train- ing, Halstead Dorey; Compulsory training and the state militia, Louis W. Stotesbury, etc. Howe, Lucien Universal military education and service; the Swiss system for the United States. 2d ed il '17 Putnam $1.25 355 Some sources of information, p 136-38 "Argues for universal military training and service for the United States, telling of its ad- vantages to the nation and the individual. Cites the Swiss and Australian systems and shows how they might be applied in this country. Has a chapter on 'Military education — not training — of advantage to girls.' " A. L. A. bkl. ^ The Swiss system is also described in F. A. Kuenzli's "Right and duty; or. Citizen and soldier," igi6, Stechert or National defence in- stitute, N.Y., $1, and in Grande's "A citizen's army," 1916, McBride, $1.25 Perry, Ralph Barton Free man and the soldier; essays on the reconciliation of liberty and discipline. '16 Scribner $1.40 355 "Essays by a Harvard professor, which have appeared in the New Republic, Atlantic Monthly, and other magazines. He argues strongly yet moderately for universal military service, on the ground that 'the right to vote implies the duty to serve,' that the present war has borne witness to its necessity and on the score of social and educational advantages." A. L. A. bkl. Richardson, Robert Charlwood West Point; an intimate picture of the national military academy and of the life of the cadet; foreword by Major- General Hugh L. Scott, il '17 Putnam $2 355 Two older books on West Point are: Han- cock's "Life at West Point," 1902, Putnam, $1.50, and Morris Schaff's "Spirit of old West Point," 1907, Houghton, $3 Van Valkenburgh, Agnes (comp.) Selected articles on military training in schools and colleges, includ- ing military camps. (Debaters' hand- book ser.) '17 Wilson $1.25 355 Bibliography, p 19-50 Another book on military training in schools and colleges is Gignilliat's "Arms and the boy," 1916, Bobbs, $1.75 (comp.) Selected articles on national de- fence, including compulsory military service. (Debaters' handbook ser.) v2 '17 Wilson -$1.25 355 Contains a list of organizations working for or against national defense "Contains a selection of the best material is- sued since the publication of th ■ first volume compiled by Miss Bacon in 19 15, (Wilson, $1.25), including a few of the articles published in the advance sheets last year. It is divided into two SOCIOLOGY — Adm i n istration 51 Van Valkenburgh, Agnes, comp.—C onliintcd sections, National ilclcnse and Compulsory mil- itary service, and has a very complete and partly annotated bibliography (34P.)" A. L. A. bkl. Wise, Jennings, Cropper Call of the Republic. '17 Button $1 355 "A plea for universal military service by a professional soldier. Gives a brief history of various military systems in use in earlier days and in our own. Practically nothing on Swiss or Australian systems. Bibliography (iVjP-)" A. L. A. bkl. M anuals Andrews, Lincoln Clarke Fundamentals of military service; pre- pared under the supervision of Alajor- General Leonard Wood. '16 Lippincott $1.50 355 "A manual, designed for citizen soldiers in command of volunteer units for military super- intendents in schools and colleges, and for others in charge of military training. Very complete for its size, revealing the author's broad grasp not only of the details of the various branches of the service, but of the meaning and psychology of the service. The author has had the help of five military experts, who have contributed special chapters." A. L. A. bkl. Ellis, Olin O. and Garey, E. B. i'lattsburg manual, il '17 Century $2 355 "A well illustrated elementary manual written by army officers for the use of men who expect to go as privates to training camps. The second part of the book for officers is more technical." Cleveland Garey, Enoch Barton and Ellis, O. O. Junior I'lattsburg manual, il '17 Century $1.50 355 "Intended by the authors as a textbook on physical and military training for preparatory, public and high schools, this does for boys what the 'Plattsburg manual' does for rnen. Describes gun practice of different sorts, signaling, scout- ing, marching, camping, setting up exercises and first aid. Well illustrated." A. L. A. bkl. Moss, James Alfred Manual of military training. 2d ed rev il '14 Banta pub. $2.25 355 "The author is a captain in the U.S. Army. Intended primarily for use in connection with the instruction and training of subordinate offi- cers of the Organized Militia, and also as a guide to all soldiers.' " St. Louis Private's manual. 2d ed rev and enl il '16 Banta pub. $1 355 "Detailed information for the man just enter- ing service as to equipment, duties, first aid, field expedients, camp sanitation, shooting, etc. Includes extracts from army regulations effecting privates. Good index. For elementary informa- tion concerning tactics see Marshall's 'Military primer.' " A. L. A. bkl. Moss has also compiled an "Officer's manual," 6th edition revised, 1917, Banta publishing com- pany, $2.50 Moss, James Alfred, and Stewart, Merch Bradt Self-helps for the citizen-soldier; being a popular explanation of things military. il '15 Banta pub. $1.25 355 " 'Docs not pretend to be a manual of mifitary training but is intended to serve as a guide by means of which the civilian may inform himself concerning military matters sufficiently to en- able him to understand . . . what will be re- quired of him when he is called upon to learn the soldier's trade for the defense of his coun- try. The authors are both captains in the regular army.' (Review of reviews i<)i6)" Piitslinreb Paxson, Frederic Logan, and others (eds.) War cyclopedia; a handbook for ready reference on the great war. (Red, white and blue book ser.) '18 Commission on public information pa 25c 355 355 7 Preparedness Huidekoper's "Military unpreparedness of the United States. "^ igis, Alacmillan, $4, treats of our military history and policy from revolu- tionary times to the present day Dickson, Harris Unpopular history of the United States by Uncle Sam himself, as recorded in Uncle Sam's own words, il '17 Stokes 75c 355.7 "Upsets ideas fostered by 'popular' history and shows how we were embarrassed in all our former wars by volunteer service. These sur- prising facts arc taken from General Upton's military policy of the United States.' " A. L. A. bkl. A new reprint of the latter was issued in 1916 (U.S. 64th Congress ist session, Senate doc. 379) at 50c; also an "Epitome of Upton's military policy of the United States," (War department, doc. 505) pa sc Maxwell, George Hebard Our national defense, the patriotism of peace, the fourth book of Homecrofters. '15 Rural settlements assoc. $1.25 355.7 "-\dvocates the 'Ilomecroft reserve system' in which national conservation and national de- fense are combined. Mr Maxwell's suggestion is that the people provide a reserve of enlisted men doing reclamation work in time of peace, and war work if need should arise to meet a foreign foe." Pittsburgh Wood, Leonard Our military history; its facts and falla- cies. '16 ReiUy & B. $1 355.7 "Briefly reviews the shortcomings and the cost of our military policy, and advocates a strong navy, a highly trained mobile expedi- tionary force, and universal military training on the Swiss or Australian model." Pittsburgh 359 Naval science Some interesting naval biographies are: Clark, Charles E. "My fifty years in the navy," 1917. Little $.2.50 Dewey. George. "Autobiography," 19 '3. Scribner, $1.50 Buell, A. C. "Paul Jones," 1906, 2V Scrib- ner, $3 Griffis, W. E. "Matthew Calbraith Perry," 1887, Houghton, $J Mahan, A. T." "Life of Nelson," 2d rev., 1907, Little, $8 Callender, G. A. R. "Life of Nelson," 1912, Longmans, 90c Southey. Robert, "Life of Nelson," 19 >6, lloui;hton, $j Chadwick, French Ensor .\merican navv. (American books) '15 Doubleday $1 359 A short bibliography, p 280-84 "Succinct, popular history of the navy from the Revolution through the Spanish War. The material, largely condensed or quoted from other sources is correlated in the light of the author's own experience which covers from 186 1 to his retirement as rear-admiral in 1906." Cleveland Earle, Ralph Life at tiie U. S. Naval academy, il map '17 Putnam $2 359 ".\ full accurate account of life at Annapolis from the time the candidate enters to the time he takes postgraduate work. Contains historical sketch of the academy and descriptions of the 52 STANDARD CATALOG Earle, Ralph — Continued grounds and buildings. Appendixes give course of study with textbooks used, and regulations governing admission. Author is head of the department of ordnance and gunnery at An- napolis." A. L. A. bkl. Fiske, Bradley Allen Xavy as a fighting machine, map '16 Scribner $2 359 "Discussion by an authority of the purposes of the navy, of the parts of which it is com- posed, and of the principles of design, equip- ment, and operation which will produce the maximum of power." Pratt quarterly Author is rear admiral of the United States navy. Part of the chapters appeared in the United States naval institute and the North American review Hurd, Archibald S. Our nav}'; with a preface by the Earl of Selbourne. (Imperial lib.) '14 Warne 50c 359 "A history of the royal navy from its crea- tion in 872 A. D. to the present time, showing the important part it has played in the defense and expansion of the empire. Detailed treat- ment is given to its development in the last twenty years and the imperial policy governing its increase. An appendix contains a glossary of naval terms and the shipbuilding programs of Great Britain and Germany for the years 1897-1917." A. L. A. bkl. Jackson, Orton P., and Evans, Frank E. Marvel book of American ships. '17 Stokes $2.50 359 "A reliable informational book about the different kinds of ships that have been built and used by the United States from the early days of the Republic. Each type is described in detail. . . . There are over 400 illustrations from photographs and twelve full-page color plates. Two charts show the flags used in the United States signal code and the com- pany flags and types of funnels used by the various steamship lines for identification." Re- views of reviews 57:215 Neeser, Robert Wilden Our many-sided navj\ il '14 Yale univ. press $2.50 359 "Appeared in a condensed form in the Navy, under the title 'An American fleet in being.' "Inside view of the daily life and duties of the American naval recruit, written in familiar but engaging style by an acknowledged author- ity on naval affair;:. (Condensed from Nation, 19 14.)" Pittsburgh Stevens, William Oliver Story of our navy, il maps '14 Harper $1.50 359 "Spirited history of the United States navy from beginirigs to present time (19 14) Treats of services in time of peace and historical sig- nificance of naval battles as well as of the bat- tles themselves. Will interest older children as well as adults." N.Y. state lib. Stirling, Yates Fundamentals of naval service, il '17 Lip- pincott $2 359 "Includes principles of naval strategy, the function and history of every type of ship, the fundamentals of seamanship and navigation, and discusses the navy as a career. Short bibliogra- phies at the head of the five parts into which the book is divided." A. L. A. bkl. Read by and published with the approval of the United States Navy Department, in which the author is an officer Thursfield, James Richard Naval warfare. (Cambridge manuals of science and literature) '13 Putnam 50c 359 "A simple, condensed treatment of the princi- . pies of naval warfare by an authority." Cleve- land 360-361 Social work Bogen, Boris D, Jewish philanthropy. '17 Alacmillan $2 361 " 'An exposition of principles and methods of Jewish social service in the United States.' — (Subtitle). Discusses the extent and scope of Jewish philanthropy, methods of fund raising, immigration, dependents, women and children, the back to the soil movement, settlements, vol- unteer service and many other things. ... A revision of lectures given at the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati. Has questions at chapter- ends and a bibliography (Sp.)." A. L. A. bkl. Conyngton, Mary How to help, new ed '09 Macmillan $1.50 '13 Standard lib 50c 361 "Practical survey of the field of philanthropic effort and suggestions for methods of aid. Re- vision of 'Manual of practical charity.' " A. L. A. sup. Davis, Philip (ed.) Field of social service. (Welfare ser.) il '15 Small $1.50 361 Contents: Background in social work; Com- munity problems; Community and the child; Social agencies; Supplement; Salaried positions in social work; Opportunities for training in so- cial work Suggested reading at the end of each chapter Deacon, Janney Byron Disasters and the American Red cross in disaster work. (Social work ser.) '18 Russell Sage foundation 75c 361 "A study of the principles upon which relief should be based, and the Red cross organization for disaster relief based upon disasters at sea, in coal mines, floods, fires and tornadoes which have occurred within the borders of the United States." A. L. A. bkl. Devine, Edward Thomas Family and social work. '12 Association press 60c 361 References, p 159-63 "A suggestive little book designed for use by the college department of the International Y. M. C. A., aiming to make clear the essentially re- ligious character of social work — that it is fundamentally applied religion. It shows that while social workers may receive much valuable aid from a study of economics and biology their scale of values may be different from that of the economist's or biologist's. Their measure of efficiency is their ability to conserve life and improve all conditions affecting the family, which is the center of all charitable work." A. L. A. bkl. By director of the New York school of phil- anthropy and professor of social economy, Col- umbia university Practice of charity; individual, associated and organized. (Handbooks for prac- tical workers in church and philan- thropy) '01 Survey associates 60c 361 Spirit of social work. '11 Survey asso- ciates $1 361 "Nine addresses on conservation of human life, the tenement house, the value of women's votes, the attitude of society toward the crim- inal, correction and prevention of crime, the police, philanthropy and religious treatment of poverty. A final address is a forecast of social developments for the next twenty-five years. The treatment is wholly popular, and general rather than specific." A. L. A. bkl. Henderson, Charles Richmond Introduction to the stud}' of the depend- ent, defective, and delinquent classes, and of their social treatment. 2d ed '01 Heath $1.60 361 SOCIOLOGY — Associations and Institutions 53 Henderson, Charles Richmond — Conti)iucd Appendix containing suggestions, references, etc., p 349-94 "Compendious, suggestive and enlightening. Altogether the best book of its kind either for general reading or for classroom work." (Hart- ford sem. rec. uriso) A. L. A. National conference of social work (form- erly Conicrcnce on charities and cor- rection) Proceedings, latest volume. National con- ference of social work 360 Nesbitt, Florence Household management. (Social work ser.) '18 Russell Sage foundation 75c 361 Contents: Introduction; Problems of the vis- itor to the home; Aids to health and household management; Dietary standards; Choice of foods; Purchase, preparation and serving; Housing and homemaking; Appendix: Sugges- tions for a talk on milk; Special diet lists; Average weights and heights of normal children "Discusses . . . problems of household man- agement ... on the basis of considerable scien- tific training supplemented by a large amount of experience in family visiting and in training and supervising family visitors." Survey 40:199 Richmond, Mary Ellen Good neighbor in the modern city. '08 Lippincott 8Uc 361 "i>ane stirring talks on social science and practical charity." A. L. A. sup. Social diagnosis. '17 Russell Sage foun- dation $J 361 Bibliography, p 483-85- An exhaustive study of the methods and aims of social case work by the director of the Charity organiz.-ition department of the Kussell Sage foundation." Pittsburgh "It will do much to make a profession of so- cial work, it should form the basis for intelligent study even in small communities and will be in- valuable to the individual engaged in case work." A. L. A. bkl. Warner, Amos Griswold American cliarities; revised by M. R. Coolidge. (Lib. of economics and poli- tics) 'U8 Crowell $2 361 Bibliography, P467-93 361 Red cross Barton, Clara Story of the Red cross. '04 Appleton $1.25 361 "Early history and account of relief work accomplished in war and disaster during past twenty live years." (N.V. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Boardman, Mabel Thorp Under the Red cross flag at home and abroad, il '15 Lippincott $1.75 361 "Most of the space is given to the history of the American Red cross in the work of alleviating and repairing the effects of disasters, in organ- izing campaigns against diseases, and in the im- provement of general sanitation and the training of nurses. The volume is completed by a brier survey of the work of the European Red cross in international conflicts. (Adapted from Na- tion)" Pratt (juarterly Appendix: the revised treaty of Geneva signed July 6, 1906 Epler, Percy Harold Life of Clara Barton. 2d ed il '17 Macmil- lan $1.75 361 "Comprehensive biography, published with the assistance of Miss Barton's literary executors. To serve as the official biography during the ten years or more re(|uircd for the preparation of the larger 'Life and letters' from papers and documents left by Miss Barton for this pur- pose. Unpublished war diaries and letters to- gether with her conversations; observations by eye-witnesses, and the records by the Red cross society are the author's original sources." Pitts- burgh Same binding, illustrations, and plates as the first edition, printed on cheaper paper making the edition seventy-five cents cheaper 362 Hospitals. Asylums Barton, George Edward Re-education; an analysis of the institu- tional system in the United States. '17 Houghton $1 362 "A fearless analysis of the institutional sys- tem of the United States by a business man and for business men. The writer believes that there are some fundamental weaknesses or fallacies in our present system of dealing with education, sin, insanity, and disease. He bases objections to the existing institutional system on the failure to do more than prevent, during the period of incarceration, the act of which the prisoner or patient has been guilty. lie would build up a system of re-education which would make pro- ducers of inmates of institutions with an in- crease of efficiency. The thought underlying the inquiry and arraignment emanates from the best social theory of the day." Book rev. digest Cannon, Ida Maud Social work in hospitals; a contribution to progressive medicine, il '13 Russell Sage foundation $1.50 362 "An account of a new movement which, through cooperation between doctors and nurses in hospitals and trained social workers, seeks to understand and treat the complications of disease arising from unfavorable home and social con- ditions. Based on the author's experience as head worker in the Social service department of the Massachusetts general hospital." Cleveland Appendi.x contains forms and facsimiles 362.7 Social work for children Two books somewhat out of date, but con- taining much valuable material, are, Homer Folks' "fare of destitute, neglected and delin- quent children," 190^, Macmillan $1; and \V. D. Morrison's "Juvenile oflfenders," 1897, Appleton, $i-7S- Two other valuable books are, W. H. Slinger- land's "Child welfare in California," 19 iS. $1.50, and "Child welfare in Pennsylvania," 1915. $j, both published by the Uussell Sage foundation Addams, Jane Spirit of youth and the city streets. '09 Alacmillan $1.25 362.7 "Interprets sympathetically the instinct of youth for play and adventure and points out the responsibility resting upon cities to provide proper places of amusement." N.Y. state lib. Bowen, Louise Hadduck (De Koven) Safeguards fur city voutii at work and at play. '14 Macmillan $1.50 362.7 "Written from an intimate knowledge of con- ditions acquired by long and devoted social ser- vice. Describes graj)hically the sordid and im- moral influences which lie in the path of city youths in their search for amusement and occupa- tion, and the efforts of the Juvenile protective association of Chicago to remove such influences by IcK.il .iiid civic safeguards." Pittsburgh Coulter, Ernest Kent Children in the shadow; with an introd bv Jacob A. Riis. il '13 McBride $1.50 362.7 " '.^s clerk of the Children's Court in Man- hattan for ten years he had the uni(iue oppor- tunity of looking into the faces of a procession 54 STANDARD CATALOG Coulter, Ernest Kent — Continued of 100,000 dependent, neglected and delinquent children as they filed by the judge and told their stories. . . . He shows how crowded streets, lack of play space, poverty, sickness, in- sanitary houses, criminal companions and paren- tal neglect provide a fruitful soil in which to breed neglected and delinquent boys and girls. . . . As a means of helping individual boys, who need the personal touch of a friend right now, JVIr. Coulter started the Big brother move- ment, which is spreading all over the country.' " (Survey) Pittsburgh "Less comprehensive and useful but more readable and more stirring in its appeal than Mangold's "Child problems.' " A. L. A. bkl. Mangold, George Benjamin Problems of child welfare. (Social sci- ence textbooks) '14 JMacmillan $2 362.7 Contents: Pt i. Conservation of life; pt 2, Health and physique; pt 3, Training and educa- tion; pt 4, Child labor; pt 5, Juvenile delin- quency; pt 6, Problems of dependent children Selected bibliography, p 403-511 "A thoro revision of 'Child problems.' In rewriting the book the author has added much new material. . . . Statistics have been brought to date and the latest findings in science used." A. L. A. bkl. "Better discussions of special topics are avail- able in print, but I know of no book which covers so well the whole field of community care of children." Henry W. Thurston in Survey 33:339 364 Criminology. Reformatories The volumes in the Modern criminal science series, by Aschaffenburg, Lombroso, Saleilles, Tarde, and others, published by Little at from $4 to $5 per volume are valuable for students who wish to investigate theories of criminology, etc. Devon, James Criminal and the community. '11 Lane $1.75 364 "A valuable addition to the literature of pen- ology by a man whose knowledge of the class from which most criminals come was gained by personal experience as a wage-earning boy of eleven, as an unskilled workman, as an artisan and as medical officer of the prison at Glasgow for more than half a generation. He agrees with 'Convict 1776' that the prison as a reforma- tory is a failure, and is more radical, as well as much more practical, in his suggestions for re- form. 'This book is not the last work in pen- ology. It is probably about the best word so far published.'" (Sociological rev. 5:65) A. L. A. bkl. Dugdale, Richard L. The Jukes: a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity. 4th ed '10 Putnam $1.50 364 " 'A wonderful book. Shows by personal in- vestigation of a single pauper tribe, traced back 150 years, the relations of heredity and crime.' " (J. R. Commons) A. L. A. Ellis, Havelock The criminal. 3d ed rev and enl (Con- temporary science ser.) il '10 Scribner $1.75 364 " 'Review of results reached by students of criminal anthropology in Italy, France, Ger- many England and the United States with criticism.' " (B. & I.) A. L. A. Henderson, Charles Richmond Cause and cure of crime. (National social science ser.) '14 McClurg 60c 364 "A concise discussion by an authority who does not admit the view that crime is a disease." Pratt quarterly Parmelee, Maurice Farr Crirninology. '18 Macmillan $2 364 "An up-to-date and comprehensive treatment, somewhat condensed but preserving a fair bal- ance between historical, practical and theoretical aspects of criminology. Written by an American familiar wdth Euro- pean literature of the subject." Cleveland Juvenile courts and criminals A valuable book for reference is "Juvenile court laws in the United States," edited by H. H. Hart, 1910, Russell Sage foundation, $1.50 Eliot, Thomas Dawes Juvenile court and the community. (American social progress ser.) '14 Macmillan $1.25 364 "(Tareful study of the juvenile court 'in its relation to other social institutions as a problem in social economy.' Author believes it an un- necessary institution whose functions should be assumed by other agencies.' (Jour, pol econ., -3:9s)" N.Y. state lib. Flexner, Bernard and Baldwin, R. N. Juvenile courts and probation, il '14 Cen- tury $1.25 364 " 'The first comprehensive presentation of the problems and methods of the juvenile court.' " (Nation) Pratt quarterly "Printed as the report of the special com- iiiittee on juvenile courts of the National proba- tion association." Wis. bul. George, William Reuben and Stowe, L. B. Citizens made and remade, il '12 Hough- ton $1.25 364 " 'Readable and illuminating survey of the value of self-government in the development of character, as seen in George Junior republics, and school states; illustrated with many inter- esting and significant anecdotes. Concludes by advocating adoption of theory in penal institu- tions for adults.' " (N.Y. times, 17:634) N.Y. state lib. .Vee also W. R. George's "The Junior repub- lic; its history and ideals," 1909, Appleton, $1.75 Healy, William Honesty; a study of the causes and treat- ment of dishonesty among children. (Childhood and youth ser.) '15 Bobbs $1.25 364 "A non-technical discussion for teachers and parents, by the director of the Juvenile psy- chopathic institute of the juvenile court, Chi- cago. Studies the causes of dishonesty among children by searching into their inner mental life or outward experience, and suggests treat- ment. The author illustrates fully with cases which have come under his personal attention." A. L. A. bkl. Other books by Mr. Healy are "Pathological lying, accusation and swindling," 1915, Little, $2; "The individual delinquent," 1915, Little, $5; "Mental conflicts and misconduct," 1917, Little, $2.50 365 Prisons Ernest Stagg Whitin's "Penal servitude," published in 19 12, by the National committee on prison labor, at $1.50 is an "authoritative presen- tation of the economic evils connected with en- forced prison labor." The Annals of the Amer- ican academy for March, 1913, Si, was a prison labor number, containing thirty-three articles. Z. R. Brockway's "Fifty years of prison service," 19 12, Survey associates, $2, is the autobiography of a man long identified with the prison reform movement in the United States. Other prison experiences than those listed below are: Alex- ander Berkman's "Prison memoirs of an anar- chist," 19 1 3, Mother Earth publishing company, $1.50; "An open letter to society from convict 1776," 19H, Revell, 75c; Donald Lowrie's "My life in prison," 1012, Kennerley, $1.50; and SOCIOLOGY— Insurance 55 Prisons — Continued VVcUinston Scott's "Seventeen years in the un- derworld," 19 16, Abingdon press, 50c. Jennings and Irwin's "IJeating back," igiS, Appleton, $1.75, is the autobiottraphy of a former train robber ami cotivict who maile good American prison association Proceedings, latest vol. Am. prison assn. $1.50 365 Bacon, Corinne (comp.) Prison reform. (Handbook ser.) '17 Wilson $1.25 365 Contents: History of prison reform; Condi- tions and methods in prisons and reformatories; Sing Sing and Warden Osborne; Psychopathic clinics and classification of prisoners; Convict labor; Indcterniiiiate sentence; Probation and parole; Jails; Centralized control of penal in- stitutions IJibliography. prcf. p 13-36 Contains also a discussion of the prison of the future, by T. M. Osborne "A compilation of over ninety articles by stu- dents and experts covering almost the entire field of penology. . . . There is a valuable bibliography of twenty-four pages." Jour, of prison discipline and philanthropy, March 19 17 Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie S>'ciety's misfits, il '16 Ccnturv $1.25 365 "In two parts. Most of part i. In a woman's prison, was originally published in the Centurv; part 2, Behind reformatory walls, appeared in part in Good housekeeping. The author, a mem- ber of the New York commission on prison re- form, following Thomas Mott Osborne's method of investigation, spent a week as an inmate of the New York state prison for women at Auburn, where she posed as an unknown first offender, up for forgery. She also visited many reforma- tories for boys, and talked with inmates of states prisons who were 'graduates' from reformatories. From these experiences, and letters and other first-hand documents, she draws her conclusion that the present penal methods are stupid, and useless for reform. A final chapter describes an English 'reformatory that reforms.' " Cleve- land Field, Anne Porter Lynes Story of Canada Blackie. '15 Button $1 365 "An account of the life of a convict which proves effectively that 'more enlightened penal methods than those in vogue in the iiast can change a powerful destructive agent into a loyal worker for the good of society.' " (New York times) Pratt quarterly Henderson, Charles Richmond (cd.) Correction and prL-vention. 4v '10 Survey associates $10 each $2.50 365 Contents: vi. Prison reform and criminal law, ed. by C. R. Henderson; vj. Penal and re- formatory institutions, ed. by C. R. Henderson: V3, Preventive agencies and methods, ed. by C. R. Henderson; V4, Preventive treatment of neglected children, b^- H. H. Hart. "Papers by authorities prepared for the eighth International prison congress. Extremely val- uable to practical workers, giving detailed in- formation, plans, illustrations, etc." A. L. A. sup. Jaffray, Julia K. (l(I.) Prison and the prisoner, a sym- posium, by K. W. Kirchwey. T. M. Os- borne. E. Stagg Whitin, [and others]. '17 Little $2.50 365 Lei life insurance. '09 Spectator $1 50 368 Huebner, Solomon S. Life insurance, a textbook. '15 Appleton $2.25 368 "At the suggestion of the National association of life underwriters the author has brought to- gether the essential facts, principles and prac- tices of life-insurance business for beginning students in high schools and colleges, for lay- men and life insurance solicitors. Appendixes contain sample policies and bibliographies are given throughout the text. Supplements the au- thor's "property insurance." Much more com- prehensive than either of the Dawson books." A. L. A. bkl. Property insurance. '11 Appleton $2.25 368 "Student's text which will be helpful also to the practical insurance man. Covers fire, marine, title and credit insurance and corporate surety bonding. Fully illustrated with forms, sample clauses and tables." A. L. A. sup. Ketcham, Edward Augustus Essentials of fire insurance business. '16 E: A. Ketcham, Madison, Wis. $2.50 368 "Gives in popular form a very readable ac- count of the development of fire insurance and of the principles which govern its practice." D. M. Handy Moir, Henry Life assurance primer. 3d ed rev and enl '12 Spectator co. $2 368 Willard, Charles E. A B C of life insurance. 5tli ed '17 Spec- tator $1 368 369 Patriotic and other societies 369.4 Boy scouts Carey, Arthur Aster Scout law in practice. '15 Little 60c 369.4 "Interprets each point of the scout oath and law in its application to the development of character. Based on talks to sea scouts on board the boy scout ship. Pioneer. A sensible, stimulating book for scouts and scoutmasters." N.Y. state lib. Richardson, Norman Egbert, and Loomis, Ormond E. Boy scout movement applied by the church, il '15 Scribner $1.50 369.4 "Designed for scoutmasters and others inter- ested in boys, emphasizing the value of the boy scout movement for adolescent boys in connec- tion with church work. Gives details of organ- ization, requirements, aims and methods of dealing with many problems of boy life. Excel- lent photographs, bibliographies, index. The psychology of boy nature and the theory of leadership are concisely and accurately treated. As a textbook for training scoutmas- ters it is sure to prove invaluable." (James E. West, Chief Scout executive, in Preface.) N.Y. state lib. 370 Education An excellent series of educational surveys, edited by Leonard P. Ayres, entitled "The Cleveland survey monographs" is published by the Russell Sage foundation at $7. The series consists of twenty-five monographs, the result of investigations of the schools of Cleveland, Ohio, made during the years 1915 and 1916 by the Survey committee of the Cleveland founda- tion. While Cleveland, Ohio, was the special field in which the work was done, the results of the findings could be applied in half the schools of the United States Contents: Child accounting in the public schools, by Leonard P. Ayres Cleveland school survey, by Leonard P. Ayres Educational extension, by Clarence A. Perry Education through recreation, by George E. Johnson Financing the public schools, by Earle Clark Health work in the public schools, by Leon- ard P. Ayres and May Ayres Household arts and school lunches, by Alice C. Boughton Measuring the w^ork of the public schools, by Charles H. Judd Overcrowded schools and the platoon plan, by Shattuck O. Hartwell Public library and the public schools, by Leonard P. Ayres and Adele McKinnie School and the immigrant, by Herbert A. Miller School buildings and equipment, by Leonard P. Ayres and May Ayres School organization and administration, by Leonard P. Ayres Schools and classes for exceptional children, by David Mitchell Teaching staff, by Walter A. Jessup What the schools teach and might teach, by Franklin Bobbitt Separate volumes may be obtained at 25c each United States. Education, Bureau of Bulletins. '06-date Supt. of doc. various prices 370 Index to the reports of the commissioner of education, 1867-1907. (Bulletin 1909, no. 7) '09 Education bureau free 370 Monthly list of current educational pub- lications. '12-'16 U. S. Educ. 370 370.1 Theory of education Bagley, William Chandler Educative process. '05 Macmillan $1.25 370.1 "Applies the biological and psychological prin- ciples that underlie the theory and practice of teaching to the topics and problems commonly included undef the terms general method, method ot the recitation, etc. One of the best contributions of its kind to the literature of educational theory. (Condensed from Educa- tional rev 1905.)" Pittsburgh De Garmo, Charles Interest and education; the doctrine of interest and its concrete application. '02 Macmillan $1 370.1 "Based on belief that education consists, not alone in developing the intellect, but in forming, guiding or repressing the feelings and impulses, and that doctrine of interest applied to educa- tion will lead to this larger and deeper culture." (Educ. rev. 26:54) A. L. A. Dewey, John Deinocracy and education; an introduc- tion to the philosophy of education. (Textbook ser. in education) '16 Mac- millan $1.50 370.1 "More than an educational treatise. The student . . . will find in it a much-needed statement of the writer's general philosophy ^ bringing together his views in education, psy- chology, theory of knowledge, ethics, and social theory." (Nation) Pratt quarterly Interest and effort in education. (River- side educational mongraphs) '13 Houo;h- ton 70c 370.1 SOCIOLOGY— Education 57 Dewey, John — Continued "An elaboration and application of the au- tor's well-known theory of interest vyhich first appeared in the second Ilerbart society year- book. The present discussion, besides being somewhat more systematic and clearer than the earlier account, is of additional value in that it shows how the principle of interest applies in various forms of school activity." School rev. 2j:.io7 Freeman, Frank Nugent How children learn. ^Riverside textbooks in education) il '17 Houghton $1.60 370.1 "A valuable study in applied psychology. It concerns itself primarily with a study of the native and acquired responses of children, and the significance of these for educational de- velopment and for social control. . . . The book has been prepared for use as a textbook in colleges and normal schools, and for use as a reading-circle book with teachers." El school jour. 18:390 Henderson, Charles Hanford \\ hat is it to be educated? '14 Houghton $1.50 370.1 Bibliography, p 459-62 Stimulating, highly individualistic essays ad- dressed to parents and teachers, on education as self-realization. Deals with bodily and spiritual aspects of training outside the province of the public school. Supplements but is inard children Ayres, Leonard Porter Laggards in our schools. 4th ed '14 Rus- sell Sage foundation $1.50 371.9 "Presents valuable data as to the part na- tionality, physical defects, irregular attend- ance, sex and age play in the causes of back- wardness, and tabulates results of carefully col- lected statistics." A. L. A. sup. Bronner, Augusta Fox Psychology of special abilities and dis- abilities. '17 Little $1.75 371.9 "A study of numerous cases of special abil- ities in mentally sub-normal children and of other children, who, while normal in general rnental ability, are deficient in some one par- ticular; e.g., number sense, language ability, or cniotional control. The author is assistant director of the Juvenile psychopathic institute in Chicago." Cleveland Holmes, Arthur Conservation of the child; a manual ot clinical psychology presenting the ex- amination and treatment of backward children. ( l-ippincott's educational ser.) il '12 Lippincott $1.25 371.9 "Brief chionological bibliography on men- tally defective children, P343-4S Practical description by the assistant director of the Psychological clinic of the University of Pcnsylvania, of the operation of a clinic for the examination and classification of subnormal children Morgan, Mrs Barbara SpofTord Backward child. "14 I'utnam $1.25 371.9 "A discussion of the psychology of back- wardness in children based on two years' work with New York experimental clinic where chil- dren are tested and given training suited to their individual deficiencies." Cleveland "Semi-popular, suggestive to student and teacher." A. L. A. bkl. Wallin, John Edward Wallace Mental health of the school child; the psycho-educational clinic in relation to child welfare. '14 Yale $2.50 371.9 ".\ series of careful studies dealing with spe- cial aspects of the educational and psychologi- cal questions that arise in the care and study of the mentally defective." (Dial) Pratt quar- terly The deaf Best, Harry The deaf; their position in society and the provision for their education in the United States. (Library of economics and politics) '14 Croweil $2 371.9 "The fullest compendium of information about deaf mutes yet published. The material has been gathered from United States and state documents, reports of schools for the deaf, and other authoritative sources. Takes the socio- logical viewpoint. Most space given to educa- tion." A. L. A. bkl. Nitchie, Edward Bartlett Lip reading: principles and practice. '12 Stokes $1.50 371.9 "A practical manual of instruction and exer- cises by the principal of the New York School for the hardof-hearing." Pratt quarterly Negro education United States. Education, Bureau of Negro education; a study of the private and higher schools for colored people in the United States; prepared under the direction of T. J. Jones. (Bui. 1916, no. 38-9) 2v '17 U.S. cduc. v 1 $1 : v 2 Supt. of doc. $1.25 371.9 68 STANDARD CATALOG Open air schools Ayres, Leonard Porter Open-air schools, il '10 Doubleday $1.20 371.9 "Follows development in Germany, England and United States, presenting facts of admin- istration, cost, equipment and results. Bas.ed on practical experience. Author is (ipio) as- sistant director department of child hygiene, Russell Sage foundation. Fifty-five half-tones, charts, diagrams and bibliography." N. Y. state lib. Standards, tests and measurements Melville, Norbert John Standard method of testing juvenile men- talit}', by the Binet-Simon scale. '17 Lippincqtt $2 371.9 "This 'is the outcome of more detailed re- search and gives more adequate attention to de- tails of mental testing than does any such manual which we have yet seen.' " El. school jour.) Cleveland Monroe, Walter Scott; De Voss, James Clarence; and Kelly, Frederick James Educational tesis and measurements. (Riverside textbooks in education) '17 Houghton $1.50 371.9 "Aims to place in the hands of school teach- ers and administrative officers a summary of tests and scales which have been published up to the present time in each of the elementary and high school subjects of study . . . provides the reader with very complete bibliographies and on the whole will fill a need which has been experienced by school men recently for a fairly complete compilation of tests which are now available." School rev. 25:691 Rugg, Harold Ordway Statistical methods applied to education. (Riverside textbooks in education) '17 Houghton $2 371.9 Terman, Lewis Madison Measurement of intelligence. (Riverside textbooks in education) il '16 Houghton $1.60 371.9 "A study of the tests for general intelligence in school work, designed to detect subnormal and precocious children. The author describes the original Binet-Simon tests and the assump- tions underlying them, takes up the modifica- tions worked out at Leland Stanford University, gives in detail the tests and revisions for each separate year, and has chapters on tests for average and superior adults." Cleveland 372 Education of young children Gesell, Arnold Lucius, and Gesell, Beatrice Chandler Normal child and primary education, il '12 Ginn $1.25 372 "A practical and suggestive discussion of pri- mary school pedagogy, based on a biological and psychological study of the normal child. . . . An attempt [is] made to show that the 'normal child' is capable of much greater de- velopment than the average child of today. Par- ticularly adapted for teachers of lower elemen- tray grades, normal school classes and college students, but useful also to the educated mother. An appendix describes the Montessori kinder- garten. Annotated bibliography." A. L. A. bkl. Harrison, Elizabeth Study of child nature. '91 Nat. kinder- garten college, 2944 Michigan boule- vard, Chicago $1 372 "Talks by an experienced kindergartener; suggestive and helpful to mothers and teachers." N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Lynch, Ella Frances Educating the child at home; personal training and the work habit, il '14 Har- per $1 372 "Maintains that for the first ten years of the child's life, the mother with the old-fash- ioned methods but with an understanding of the individual child, is to be preferred to any formal system of instruction. Made up of simple directions for teaching elementary sub- jects at home, which the untrained mother, spe- cially in rural communities, may find suggestive and helpful. Partly reprinted from the Ladies' home journal." A. L. A. bkl. "Based upon actual practical expei lenre and study" Pittsburgh Plaisted, Laura L. Handwork and its place in early educa- tion, il '13 Oxford $1.60 372 "Treats in a practical way every kind of simple work which might be used in the school- room. For the young teacher or the one who has little material or who is shut off from the inspiration and suggestions of others. Many illustrations and a list of references for each chapter." A. L. A. bkl. Sage, Elizabeth, and Cooley, Anna Maria Occupations for little hngers; a manual for grade teachers, mothers and settle- ment workers, il '05 Scribner $1 372 "Raffia, coarse sewing, paper cutting, clay modeling, weaving, beadvvork, etc. Illustrations show the stages of the work." A. L. A. sup. Tyler, John Mason Growth and education. '07 Houghton $1.50 372 "Sensible and interesting introduction to child study, presenting the important facts of evolu- tion, embryology and physiology which bear on the child's growth and development." A. L. A. sup. 372.2 Kindergarten Two useful books in addition to those listed below are: S. E. Blow's "Educational issues in the kin- dergarten," 1908, Appleton $1.60 N. C. Vandewater's "Kindergarten in Amer- ican education," 1908, Macmillan $1.25 Blow, Susan Elizabeth Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel. (International educational ser.) '99 Appleton $1.60 372.2 "To those who have sat bewildered by words intended to explain the 'Mother-play' these sim- ple, direct teachings will be a revelation." (Out- look 61:836) A. L. A. Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August Education of man; tr. and annot. by W. N. Hailmann. (International educational ser.) '03 Appleton $1.60 372.2 "Standard work, published in 1826, contain- ing a full exposition of Froebel's philosophy. (L&I). . ... "It measures every intellectual activity by its influence on character." (W: T. Harris) A. L. A. Froebel's chief writings on education, rendered into English by S. S. F. Fletcher and J. Welton. (Educational classics) '12 Longmans $1.25 372.2 "A useful work for educators, consisting of a translation, condensation and rearrangement of Froebel's 'Education of man,' with the aim to SOCIOLOGY— Education 69 Froebel, Frederic, W. A.—Coniiiined bring together all his writings on the subject of education, and a translation of extracts from his writings on the kindergarten, chosen to show their spirit and general methou. An intro- duction (30P) attempts to show the relation of Froebel to the general stream of educational thought." A. L. A. bkl. Fulmer, Grace Use of the kindergarten gifts. '18 Houghton $1.3U 372.2 "A book of inspiration and practical sugges- tions for kindergartners. The author has taught kindergarten education at Columbia and has been assistant superintendent of schools at Los Ani;eles." Cleveland Poulsson, Emilie In the child's world. '93 Bradley 372.2 "Series of morning talks and stories for a full year. .\ pure child's story book with sci- entific truth and deep purpose." (Kindergarten mag. 6:244) A. L. A. Quigley, Margery Closey, and others (.comps.) Inde.x to kindergarten songs, including singing games and folk songs. "14 A. L. A. $1.50 372.2 List of collectior^ indexed with publishers and prices. P7-9 Smith, Nora Archibald Home-made kindergarten. '12 Houghton 75c 372.2 • "For the most part an understanding of how to construct the tools and to play the games is taken for granted." A. L. A. bkl. "A concise little handbook of instructions to mothers for directing the work and play of children according to methods evolved by a successful kindergartner of long experience." Pratt quarterly. Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas (Smith), and Smith, Nora Archibald Republic of childhood. 3v '95-"96 Hough- ton $1 ea 372.2 "Contents: vi, Froebel's gifts; V2, Froebel's occupations; V3, Kindergarten principles and practice An untechnical setting forth of the modern American adaptation of Froebel's philosophy. Displays much wit, wisdom and philosophy" (Buffalo) A. L. A. 372.6 Story telling Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin Firelight stories; folk tales retold for kin- dergarten, schools and home. '07 Brad- ley, M. $1 372.6 V'aluable reference books for the story teller, P260-61 For the story teller. '13 Bradley, M. $1.50 372.6 "Suggestive specially to the inexperienced story teller, kindergarten and grade teachers, ot mother. Discusses various types and shows the special appeal of the beginning, the sus- pense element, the climax, the instinct story, dramatic stories, stories with a sense appeal, stories as an aid in developing imagination, emotions, verbal expression, etc.; with chapter on adapting and on planning story groups. Many examples better written than some of her earlier work." A. L. A. bkl. Stories for Sunday telling. '16 Pilgrim press $1 372.6 "The stories arc grouped as Sunday fairy stories; Stories of play; Holiday stories; Stories of everyday." Book rev. digest Tell me another storv. '18 Bradley, M. $1.50 372.6 "A book of children's stories arranged in programs of three each — the stories in each program coming under a single definite theme more or less familiar to the child's life. Each program is arranged on a psychological basis. . . • Some of the story themes are: The home; Clothing; Trade life; Fall; Christmas; Birds; Fairies; Myths. The stories are all such as appeal to a little child. . . . They arc col- lected or adapted from various sources both classic and modern." Book rev. digest Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin, and Lewis, Clara M. For the children's hour. '06 Bradlev, M. $1.50 372.6 Bryant, Sara Cone Best stories to tell to children, il '12 Houghton $1.50 372.6 "Discussion of purpose, advantage and art of story-telling, followed by a selection of graded stories and a list of books containing valuable material." (N. Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. How to tell stories to children. '05 Houghton $1 372.6 Stories to tell the littlest ones, il '16 Houghton $1.50 372.6 "A collection of unusually good home stories that have been told by the author to her own children. ... A few .Swabian and Scotch rhymes are included." Wis. bul. Coe, Fanny E. First book of stories for the story-teller. '10 Houghton 80c 372.6 "Thirty-five stories, suitable for the second grade, adapted from the less known folk tales of many nations. There is one division of stories from real life. Very simple in treat- ment." Pratt quarterly Second book of stories for the story-teller. '13 Houghton 80c 372.6 Houghton, Mrs Louise (Seymour) Telling Bibie stories, new ed with appen- dix and bibliography. '12 Scribner $1.50 372.6 Lyman, Edna Story telling; what to tell and how to tell it. 4th ed '13 McCIurg 75c 372.6 "Illuminating advice to parents and teachers on selection and telling of stories by an experi- enced story-teller who appreciates their ethical and educational value. Offers suggestions for programs, definite directions for the use of the epic tales and suggestive lists of stories and reference books. Designed for beginners." N.Y. state lib. Marzials, Ada M. Stories tor the story hour from January to December, il '16 Dodd $125 372.6 "Short stories ... to be told to children. There are two or more stories fitted to the months of the year to illustrate things which happen in the month." (.\. L. A. bkl.) Pratt ([uarterly Olcott, Frances Jenkins (ed.) Good stories lor great holiday.'^, il '14 Houghton $2 372.6 "One hundred and twenty stories for seven- teen holidays, from many sources. The book is specially valuable for story-telling, with use- ful subject and title indexes, and reference lists of stones not included here." Wis. bul. (comp.) Story-telling poems. '13 Hough- ton $1.25 372.6 "Well selected collection of narrative poems arranged by subject and graded as far as pos- sible for use in the first eight grades. Good index." N. J. lib. bul. Power, Eflie Louise (ed.) Lists of stories and programs for story hours. '15 Wilson pa 20c 372.6 ".Story hour material which was first printed in the monthly bulletin of the St. Louis piib- lic library for August, 1914. Lists of stories and suggestions for story hours are arranged 70 STANDARD CATALOG Power, Effie Louise — Contimicd for the little children and for the older ones, with information as to sources and versions. Contains also a list of stories for special holi- days. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Ar- bor "day, selections of modern narrative poems and prose selections to be read aloud, an an- notated list of books about story telling and indexes of stories used and books cited." A. L. A. bkl. Shedlock, Marie L, Art of the story-teller. '15 Appleton $1.75 372.6 "One of the best books on storytelling, writ- ten from the author's own wide experience, richly illustrated wih anecdotes and quotations from literature. Part one tells what to seek and what to avoid and suggestively answers many practical questions, asked by teachers and story tellers; part two contains eighteen stories used frequently by the author; part three has a specialized list of stories chosen from private research and experience." A. L. A. bkl. Whiteman, Edna Stories to tell to children. '16 Carnegie library 25c 372.6 374 Self education Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st baron Use of life, new ed '15 Macmillan $1 374 Contents: Great question; Tact; Money mat- ters; Recreation; Health; National education; Self -education; Libraries; Reading; Patriotism; Citizenship; Social life; Industry; Faith; Hope; Charity; Character; Peace and happiness; Re- ligion "It suggests thoughts; it answers questions without troubling us to ask them; it reasons and does not dogmatize; it is cheerful, humor- ous, charitable and conscientious." (Ann. Am. acad. 46:445) A. L. A. Hale, Edward Everett How to do it: (added) How to live, new ed '04 Little $1.25 374 "Familiar chapters on how to talk, write, go in society, and various other things some- times dreaded by young people because they are not just sure 'how.' " (N. Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert Intellectual life. '02 Little $1 374 "Practical and suggestive talks on education, power of time, influence of money, women and marriage, society and solitude, surroundings, etc., from the point of view of an accomplished art critic and author.' " (N. Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Munger, Theodore Thornton On the threshold, rev ed '92 Houghton $1 374 Contents: Purpose; Friends and companions; Manners; Thrift; Self-reliance and courage; Health; Reading; Amusements; Purity; Faith Smiles, Samuel Self-help; witli illustrations of character, conduct and perseverance, new ed '04 Harper $1 374 "Inspiriting, practical suggestions for making the most of life. Full of pithy extracts and anecdotes." (Scribner) A. L. A. 374.3 Women's clubs Burrell, Mrs. Caroline Frances (Benedict) Complete club book for womeii. '15 Page $1.25 374.3 "Certainly not a complete club book. De- signed as a companion to the author's 'Wo- man's club work and programs,' this volume provides a number of topics for miscellane'ous programs, more up to date than those in the earlier book, suggests broadly lines of develop- ment and useful reference books, but does not furnish definite programs. It offers the type of material for which small-town clubs are ask- ing and may be suggestive to those seeking variety in their programs, but there are better books, notably Roberts." - A. L. A. bkl. Woman's club work and programs; or, First aid to club women. '13 Page $1.25 374.3 "Twenty suggestive programs on special sub- jects in history, literature, travel, art, civics, home economics, etc., each offering material for a year's study and citing a few books to be used. Appeared in Woman's home com- panion." N. Y. state lib. Another suggestive book is A. H. Cass's "Practical program for women's clubs," 1915, McClurg 7SC. Official register and directory of the wo- men's clubs in America; containing also a directory of club lecturers and enter- tainers, latest vol. il H. M. Winslow Shirley, Mass. pa $2 374.3 Roberts, Kate Louise (comp.) Club woman's handybook of programs and club management. '14 Funk 75c 374.3 "Besides suggestions for subjects and outlines for club study, has an alphabetical list of parlia- mentary rules, information on how to form a club, how and where to get help, and a full index. Contains less material than Burrell but more on topics of current interest. Programs are not so closely analyzed but have more origi- nal suggestions; bibliographies are fuller but not so closely related to topics. A. L. A. bkl. 375 Curriculum Eaton, Theodore Hildreth Study of organization and method of the course of study in agriculture in secondary schools. '18 Teachers college $2 375 "Author has organized the material around the following general topics: classification, selec- tion of schools, surroundings, description of schools, aims, equipment, teachers, salaries, enrol- ment, age of pupils, entrance requirements, units of agriculture offered in high schools, course of study, arrangement of time, method, extension work, correlation, and adjustment. . . . The book is the result of much care, labor, and ex- pense, ... It deserves a wide circulation since it contains an accurate and first hand re- port of what many of the best agricultural schools of the country are doing today." School rev. 26:145 Snedden, David Samuel Problems of secondary education. (River- side textbooks in education) '17 Hough- ton $1.50 375 "Author believes there is need of reform- ulating the aims of secondary education _ in terms of the new social, industrial and ciyic demands. He considers in detail the purposes actually served by the high school curriculum, and raises scores of questions which college au- thorities, supervisory officers, and high school principals and teachers must face and attempt to solve." Pittsburgh 376 Education of women See also under 378, Colleges and universities Brown, Helen Dawes Talks to freshman girls. '14 Houghton 75c 376 SOCIOLOGY— Education 71 Brown, Helen Dawes —Continued "Four brief essays containing advice on studies, reading, writng, and living." Pratt i|liartcrly Talbot, Marion Education of women. '10 Univ. of Chi- cago s^l.25 376 "Considers women's education from stand- point of present social and economic needs, studies the currieulums of typical schools and colleges and pleads for practical and scientific courses which will will equip women for the obligations of life." N. V. state lib. 377 Religious and ethical education Adier, Felix Moral instruction of children. (Interna- tional educational ser.) '92 Applcton $1.60 377 "Holds that public schools should train moral perceptions and teach filial, fraternal and civic duties. Discusses practicable, non-sectarian methods." (N. Y. state lib.) A. L. A. Coe, George Albert Stjcial tilcorv of religious education. '17 Scrihncr $1.50 377 "The first attempt to work out in a sysfc- matic way the conseciucnccs that will follow for religious education when it is controlled by a fully social interpretation of the Christian message." Cleveland Cope, Henry Frederick Religious education in the family. (Pub- lications in religious education) 'IS Univ. of Chicago $1.25 377 By the general secretary of the Religious edu- cation association. Davidson, John -Means and methods in the religious edu- cation of the young; with special ref- erence to the Sunday school. '17 Long- mans $1 377 Dawson, George E. Cliild and his religion. '09 Univ. of Chi- cago 75c 377 "Shows the wisdom of following the natural instincts and interests of the child in religious as well as in secular education. For parents .Tnd Sunday-school teachers." A. L. A. sup. Dewey, John Moral principles in education. (River- side educational monographs) '09 Houghton 40c 377 "Constructive study of the school as an ethical institution; the best brief presentation of the view that education must be fundamen- tally a social process if it is to be morally effective." (Harvard guide) A. L. A. sup. Hodges, George Training of children in religion. '11 .\p- pleton $1.75 377 "Practical chapters on the education of chil- dren under fifteen in religion as distinct from ethics, from the viewpoint of modern liberal orthodoxy." A. L. A. sup. Moral training in the public schools: the California prize essays by C. E. Rugh and others. '07 Ginn $1.50 school ed $1.25 377 " A notable contribution to the discussion €>{ moral education and allied problems, and simplicity of treatment makes it easy reading." (\V. S. Monroe) .\. L. .\. sup. National education association Essentials of character. '10 Macmillan $1 '16 National educ. pa 30c 377 "Five prize essays, which won in a contest conducted by the National education association, with a synopsis of other essays submitted. The American journal of theology says, 'Taken to- gether, this collection is perhaps the best pres- entation of the various aspects of the prob- lem of religious education . in public schools that has been made. . . . Bibliography (6p)' " A. L. A. bkl. Palmer, George Herbert Ethical and moral instruction in schools. (Riverside educational monographs) '09 Houghton 40c 377 "Opposes direct teaching of ethical theory and argues in favor of indirect moral training secured by maintaining a high moral tone in all the activities of school life." A. L. A. sup. Peabody, Francis Greenwood Religious education of an American citi- zen. '17 Macmillan $1.25 377 Contents: Religious education of an Amer- ican child; American boy and his home; Re- ligion of a college studtnt; Universities and the social conscience; Religious education of an American citizen; American character; Dis- cipline; Power; Perspective; Expansion of re- ligion; Conversion of militarism; Place of Jesus Christ in a religious experience "A frank consideration of the direction of the religious life of the American from child- hood to maturity. ... It should interest parents and educators in general." A. L. A. bkl. Rankin, Mary Everett Course for beginners in religious educa- tion. '17 Scribner $1.25 377 "Lessons for children of five years of age, prepared by the instructor in kindergarten ed- ucation in Teachers college, Columbia uni- versity. The prefatory material on story-telling, handwork and the teaching of prayers and hymns is valuable." Cleveland Sharp, Frank Chapman Success: a manual of moral instruction for the high school. 2d ed '13 Univ of Wisconsin 377 "For a niimber of years Professor Sharp has been trying a certain method of leading pupils to reflect upon the moral problems of their daily lives, and to solve these problems in view of certain principles of right and wrong behavior. He has had extraordinary suc- cess in arousing interest on the part of high school and university students in problems of conduct; and with his method he has also de- veloped in his pupils an unusual keenness in thinking straight thru a moral situation, and reaching a sane conclusion regarding right con- duct in reference to it. In the present volume he presents his method for the use of hi^nh school pupils and teach- ers." M. V. O'Shea in School review 21:360 Sneath, Elias Hershey, and Hodges, George floral training in the scliool and Iiome; a manual for teachers and parents. '13 Macmillan 80c 377 "Contains bibliographies. " 'Kschews ethics as a subject for direct teach- ing and lays the emphasis upon such indirect instruction as may he given in connection with the ordinary every-day life ... in the school and the home. ... A worthy and inspiring; i;iiii!e.' " (I'.iluc. rev. iqi4) Pittsburgh Wilbur, Mary Aronetta Child's religion. '17 Houghton $1 377 "A discussion of the various ways one may best present religion to the comprehension of a child. It is based on the author's own ex- perience." (Review of reviews) Cleveland 378 Colleges and universities Other useful books in addition to those listed below are: Converse, Florence. "Story of Wellesley," 1915, Little $i /■ STANDARD CATALOG Colleges and universities — Continued- Dexter, "Documentary history of Yale uni- versity," 19 16, Yale university press $5 Haight and Taylor, "Vassar," 1916, Oxford university press $2 Mathews, L. K., "Dean of women," 1915, Houghton $2 Newman, "Idea of a university," 1902, Long- mans $1.25 Norris, "Story of Princeton," 1917, Little $2 Oviatt, "Beginnings of Yale," 19 14, Yale university press $3.50 Pier, "Story of Harvard," 19 13, Little $2 Quint,, "Story of Dartmouth," 19 14, Little $2 Spring, "History of Williams college," 19 17, Houghton $3 Thwing, "History of higher education in America," 1906, Appleton $3.50 Canby, Henry Seidel College sons and college fathers. '15 Har- per $1.50 378 "Ten crisp essays; seven considering college education from the angles of the undergraduate, the professor, the parent, and results achieved, three devoted to current literature and English teaching. Readable, thoughtful, and interest- ing, specially so from the author's position as assistant professor of English at Yale. Revised from articles which appeared in Harper's maga- zine and the Yale review." A. L. A. bkl. Fitch, Albert Parker College course and the preparation for life. '14 Houghton $1.25 378 "These chapters based on talks to men un- dergraduates, written by the president of An- dover theological seminary, show a high ap- preciation of the idealism of youth, and of the severe tests and great opportunities of college life. The social and religious problems to be met are presented w-ith the greatest sympathy." Wis. bul. Foster, William Trufant Should students study? '17 Harper 50c 378 "An informal discussion of the value of a college education, by the president (19 17) of Reed college. He questions the time-old asser- tion that it is the 'college life' that counts, and brings forward statistics to show the re- lation between a high grade of scholarship in college and success in after life." Pittsburgh Gauss, Christian Frederick Through college on nothing a j^ear. '15 Scribner $1 378 "Informal account by a Princeton student of how he went to college, a lad from the slums, with three dollars in his pocket, afld managed with exceptional grit coupled with busi- ness ability to work his way thru, and com- plete his studies creditably." N.Y. state lib. Hawthorne, Hildegarde Rambles in old college towns, il '17 Dodd $2.50 378 "Jefferson, William and Mary, Annapolis, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Harvard, Williams, Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Amherst, West Point and Cornell, for the men's, and Wellesley, Smith and Vassar for the women's colleges, are de- scribed in these short rambles in the east and south. Illustrated by sketches." A. L. A. bkl. Hyde, William De Witt College man and the college woman. "06 Houghton $1.50 378 "Readable addresses and essays on the func- tion and value of college life, and the spirit, ideals, problems and possibilities of college youth, by the president (1906) of Bowdoin col- lege." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. Keppel, Frederick Paul Undergraduate and his college. '17 Houghton $1.60 378 "Discusses the problems of college life and administration from the standpoint of a dean who has had a large and sympathetic experience of undergraduates, their questions and their difficulties. It is fair-minded and frank in tone, easy and understandable — like the talk of an experienced college man to younger men inter- ested in college life. Of special interest to col- lege graduates or anyone thinking of going to college." A. L. A. bkl. Lockwood, Francis Cummins (comp.) Freshman and his college. '13 Heath 80c 378 Bibliography, piS5-56 "A book for boys entering college, giving frank, sensible advice on college ideals and temptations. Includes some of the best re- cent utterances on the organization of physi- cal, mental and moral strength for personal and social ends, notably William James' chapter on habit." Cleveland Smith, Goldwin Oxford and her colleges. '94 iMacmillan $1 . 378 "Local guide book, university history and educational essay all in one." (N. M. Butler in Educ. rev. 7:500) A. L. A. Thwing, Charles Franklin American college; what it is, and what it may become. '14 Piatt & Xourse $2 378 "Author is (1914) president of Western Re- serve university. He discusses the purpose of a college education, the duties of president, faculty and trustees, the work of the student, coeducation, college life and the financial rela- tions of the college." Pittsburgh Training of men for the world's future. '16 Piatt & Xourse $1.25 378 "Sketches some of the contributions which the university and college can make toward the reconstruction of the world, which is bound to follow upon the close of the Great war." A. L. A. bkl. Wilson, Calvin Dill Working one's way through college and university. '12 McClurg $1 ^ 378 "Describes methods by which students can support themselves while in college, giving lists of occupations and citing many actual cases of men and women thus successful. Includes con- siderable information as to comparative expenses and entrance requirements of various colleges. "^ N.Y. state lib. 379 Public schools Bennett, Henry Eastman School efficiency; a manual of modern school management. '17 Ginn $1.25 379 "The author has covered in one volume the whole field of education from school ventila- tion to community cooperation. A useful, up- to-date book for the teacher with limited re- sources and supervision." Cleveland Readings at the end of many of the chapters Cabot, Mrs Ella Lyman \'olunteer help to the schools. (Riverside educational monographs) '14 Hough- ton 70c 379 "Examines and classifies the sources of out- side help and the field in which it can be of most use, with many examples of what has been done for the recreation, training, and health of school children. Most space is given to vocational training. Covers much the same ground as Denison's 'Helping school children,' but more concisely and theoretically." A. L. A. bkl. Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson Public school administration. (Riverside SOCIOLOGY— Education 71 Cubberley, EUwood Patterson— Co/i/ixHrrf textbooks in education) il '16 Hough- ton $1.75 379 "A conservative, serviceable work for school superintendents and school boards in smaller, as well as larger cities, covering every phase of school administration." Wis. bul. Denison, Elsa Helping school children, il '12 Harper ^\.M) 379 "Stimulating report of an investigation made for the Bureau of municipal research, suni- irarizing the work in 400 cities of women's clubs, doctors, business men and others in un- official cooperation with the public school. Shows what has been done for amusements, hygiene, vocational education, etc., and points out fur- ther ways of rendering service." N. Y. state lib. Dutton. Samuel Train, and Snedden, David Administration ot pulilic education in the United States, new ed '12 Macniillan $2 379 "Scholarly and comprehensive, dealing with development, present condition, problt;ms and tendencies of public school organization and management." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. "Presents a fund of valuable information not elsewhere available in a single volume." Ann. Am. acad. 5j:2j8 Car'^ schools Bourne, Randolph Silliman Gary schools, il '16 Houghton $1.15 379 Bibliography. p8-o "Gives the community setting; then describes the school plant, its functions in directing the work, study, play of the child, the organiza- tion, curriculum, and discipline; points out the merits of the plan and discusses various criti- cisms and evaluations which have been made. An appendix gives Superintendent XVirt's re- ports on the reorganization of the New York schools. Valuable where special study is being made of the system; many libraries will find sufficient material in Dewey's 'Schools of to- morrow' or the government document by Bur- ns." A. L. A. bkl. 379.17 High schools Brown, John Franklin American high school. '09 Macmillan $1.4U 379.17 References at the end of each chapter "Discusses from the educator's standpoint its function, organization and management, curricu- lum, teaching force, material etiuipnicnt, and so- cial life." A. L. .\. sup. Colvin, Stephen Sheldon Introduction to high school teaching. '17 Macniillan $1.60 379.17 Selected bibliography, P383-04 "Written primarily for the college student who is about to begin teaching. Treats of the present-day high school and its aims, the charac- teristics of adolescence, problems of class man- agement and instruction, and the professional ideals and ambitions which a prospective teacher should possess. Numerous examples, taken from actual practice, give point to the facts and principles discussed." Pittsburgh De Garmo, Charles Principles of secondary education, new and enl ed il '13 Macniillan $1.25 379.17 .\ new and enlarged edition of the author's "Studies." Two other volumes are "Processes of instruction" and "Ethical training," $1 each "The thing of most value in this book is the broad view presented in the impartial treat- ment of the function and worth of the studies and study groups." D. W. Horton in School rev. -'.■:349 Hinchman, Walter Swain American school. (American books) '16 Doubleday $1 379.17 "A handbook on the problems in American schools, written especially to interest parents. Junior and senior high schools arc endorsed, and model curricula are suggested for a junior school giving three years of general scientific or vocational training. Has excellent chapters on methods, athletics, and morality and relig- ion." Cleveland HoUister, Horace Adelbert lliyli school and clu.-s management. '15 Heath $1.40 379.17 "Very much unlike many efforts of the kind, it contains matter of real interest for the teacher, principal, superintendent, school-board member, and even for the teachers' agency. The style is simple and interesting, the subject-matter vi- tal, and the presentation clear and concise." H. F. McCormack in School rev. 24:480 Inglis, Alexander James I'rinciples of secondary education, f Riv- erside textbooks in education) "18 Houghton $2.75 . 379.17 "The author has had experience in second- ary-school teaching and administration, and is at present assistant professor of education at Harvard. The book is divided into three parts. Part I is devoted to the 'raw materials of edu- cation,' viz., the pupils, and its discussion has as its topics: mental traits, physical traits, in- dividual differences, and the character and classi- fication of secondary-school population. Part 2 deals with the school as a social institution, its character, place, and function. Part 3 takes nil the means and materials of secondary edu- cation, beginning with a dissertation on 'the pro- gram of studies — criteria of subject values." Book rev. digest "In the writer's judiment it is the most sci- entific work on secondary education that has afipearcd in recent years." School rev. 26:22s Judd, Charles Hubbard i'^\ iliulouv (il hiL;li school subjects, il '15 Ginn $1.50 379.17 ".\ comprehensive and informative discussion of the issues involved in high school pedagogy." Nation ".\ helpful and informing book for hi..{h school teachers, superintendents, and progressive parents." A. L. A. bkl. King, Irving Hii^h school ace. (Cliildhood and vouth scr.) il '14 Bobbs $1.25 379.17 ".\ useful summary of the more irnportant results of modern investigation regarding the physical changes and parallel intellectual and emotional tievelopments occurring in the early teens, in their relation to high school problems, such as efficiencv in work, recreation, etc. Sia- tistical tables aftord interesting comparison be- tween observations in the large and small high school." t'levelaml Lewis, William Dodge Democracy's high school. (Riverside edu- cational monographs) '14 Hou.chton 70c 379.17 "Eloquent and suggestive discussion for parents and teachers, of the need to reorganize the average high school, which now overem- phasizes college preparatory subjects, and f.iils to meet the needs of ninety per cent of students who never go to college. Reprinted fi|om the Outlook and Saturday Evening Post." N.Y. state lib. Monroe, Paul (elied |)articularly to New York city." Pittsburgh United States. Foreign and domestic com- merce. Bureau of Commercial organizations of the U. S. latest vol. Govt. ptg. 15c 381 382 Foreign commerce Whelpley, James Davenport Tratle of the world, il '13 Century $2 382 Contents: Trade strategy; Commercial strength of Great Britain; Germany's foreign trade; Trade of France; Belgium, the balance wheel of trade; Austria-Hungary, the European enigma; Italy's economic outlook; Trade of northern Africa; Japan's commercial crisis; Trade of China; Trade of Russia; Progressive Argentina; If Canada were to annex the United States; Foreign trade of the United States. "A first-hand, readable study showing keen insight into the commercial policies and possi- bilities of the great nations considered sep- arately, but specially in their relation to the United States. Concerned not so much with statistics as with the psychology of trade re- lations and trade strategy. Partly reprinted from the Century magazine." A. L. A. bkl. 383 Post office Phelps, Edith M. (comp.) Selected articles on the parcels post. 2d ed rev (Debaters' handbook ser.) '13 Wilson $1.25 383 Bibliography, pref. P13-25 Roper, Daniel Calhoun United States post office, il '17 Funk $1.50 383 "A popular study of the general development of the post office system in this country. De- scribes its organization, changes in methods of distribution, the methods of collection, parcel post, postal banking, and discusses its economic utility." A. L. A. bkl. United States. Post office dept. L nited States otticial postal giiiilc. Post oliice dept.. Wash, annual vol. 40c, with 11 monthly supplements 75c 383 384-85 Government ownership of rail- ways, telegraph and telephone Dunn, Samuel Grace Government ownership of railways. '13 Appleton $1.75 385 "Compares the actual results of public and private ownership and management in various leading and tyt)ical countries, and considers the probable results of government ownership and management in the United States, concluding in favor of public regulation rather than public ownership." t'lcvcl.Tiid Judson, Katharine Berry (comp.) Selected articles on government ownership of telegraph and telephone. (Debaters' handbook ser.) '14 Wilson $1.25 384 Bibliogr.ipby, pref. P25-40 "Statistics and arguments prior to 1007 have for the most part been excluded." A. L. A. bkl. 76 STANDARD CATALOG Phelps, Edith M. (comp.) Selected articles on government ownership of railroads. 3d ed rev (De- baters' handbook ser.) '16 Wilson $1.25 385 Bibliography, pref. P19-37 "A thoroly revised and rearranged edition, containing nine general, twenty-two aiifirmative, and fifteen negative references, part of which have been retained from the second edition but many of which are new. The brief and intro- duction have been largely made over and brought to date and the bibliography enlarged." A. L. A. bkl. 385 Railroads For railroad statistics, see Poor's "Manual of the railroads of the U. S." (annual, $10 per vol.); for an excellent treatise on railrpad finance, see Cleveland and Powell's "Railroad finance," 1912, Appleton. $2.75; for additional works on rate regulation, see Colson's "Rail- way rates and traffic," translated in 1915, Mac- millan, $1.50, and McFall's "Railway monopoly and rate regulation," 19 16, Longmans, $2, and Hammond's "Railway rate theories of the In- terstate commerce commission," 191 1, Harvard university press, $1; for a socialist view of the financial history of our railroads, see Russell's "Stories of the great railroads," 1914, Kerr, $1; for the building of railroads, see Talbot's "Railway conquest of the world," 191 1, Lip- pincott, $1.50; for a review of the development and organization of railways as influencing mil- itary tactics, see Pratt's "Rise of rail-power in war and conquest, 1S33-1914," 1916, Lippincott, S2.75 Dunn, Samuel O. American transportation question. '12 Ap- pleton $1.75 385 By the editor of the Railway age gazette "The opening chapters of the book discuss the principles of railway rate making, compar- ing the 'cost of service' and 'value of service' principles. _ Then come two chapters on railway discrimination, two more on railway valuation and two on railway efficiency. Two chapters of especial interest to engineers discuss the economics of rail and water transportation. The concluding chapters discuss government regula- tion." Engin. news-record Hungerford, Edward Railroad problem, il maps '17 McClurg $1.50 ^ 385 "In the author's opinion great opportunities for development lie before the railroad system of the United States, and his purpose, after discussing the present situation and its causes, is to point out the course that it must follow if it is to continue as a privately owned in- stitution. The problems of labor are given five chapters. Other chapters discuss: Railroad and national defence; Necessity of the railroad; Regulation. In part the material of the book has appeared in Collier's, Every week and the Saturday evening post." Book rev. digest "Presents from the viewpoint of a sym- pathizer the present plight of the railroads, discussing labor, organized and unorganized, the railroad in relation to national defense the competition of the motor car, etc." (Wis. 'bul.) A. L. A. bkl. Johnson, Emory Richard, and Van Metre, Thurman William Principles of railroad transportation. (Ap- pleton's railway ser.) il '16 Appleton $2.50 385 "A work based upon 'American railway transportation.' It is not a revision .of that work however, having been entirely rewritten with much new material added. . . . The four parts of the book are devoted to: American rail- road system; Railroad service; Railroads and the public; Railroads and the state." Book rev. digest Ripley, William Zebina Railroads: finance and organization, il maps '15 Longmans $3 385 "Complement of his 'Railroads; rates and regulations.' Covers construction, capitalization, securities and their regulation, speculation and stock watering, receivership, pooling and inter-cor- porate relations. 'Together they present a comprehensive treat- ment of the railway question in the United States - — its history, the theoretical principles applicable to its price-making functions, the legislation af- fecting railways, particularly the Interstate com- merce act, and the diverse problems of finance and corporate relationship." (Nation 1915) Pitts- burgh Railroads: rates and regulation, il maps "12 Longmans $3 385 "A noteworthy, scholarly and verj' complete discussion, based mainly on concrete data gath- ered thru many years from original sources. In his treatment of all phases of the controversy. Dr. Ripley has striven for 'scientific rigor and fairness to all three of the great parties con- cerned, the owners, the shippers and th? people,' but states that if there is any bias it is in favor of the latter." A. L. A. bkl. Vanderblue, Homer News Railroad valuation. (Hart, SchafFner and Marx prize essays) '17 Houghton $1.50 385 Bibliography, P207-15 "Study from the viewpoint of economics, of railroad valuation and regulation with special reference to physical valuation." Cleveland 386 Canals Hepburn, Alonzo Barton Artificial waterways of the world, rev ed il map '14 Macmillan $1.25 386 "A brief statement of the facts about water- ways and their relation to commercial develop- ment and a concise history of the canal systems of the world, including their present condition." Pratt quarterly 387 Merchant marine Clark, Arthur Hamilton Clipper ship era. il "11 Putnam $2.50 387 "Detailed history of American clipper ships engaged in the California and oriental trade, their captains, their record runs, and their ad- ventures." A. L. A. sup. Hough, Benjamin Olney Ocean traffic and trade, il '14 LaSalle cx- tensioti univ. $3 387 "Suggestions for further study, P420-30 'A mass of useful and interesting information. . . . Includes such topics as kinds of ocean car- riers, ships' papers, seaports and terminal facil- ities, ocean routes and services, charters and freight rates, agreements, marine insurance, and methods of handling and developing export and import trade. . . . Well supplied with illus- trative documents.' (Nation 1914) Large map of the world's trade routes." Pitts- burgh "More comprehensive than Johnson's 'Ocean and inland water transportation.' " A. L. A. bkl. Johnson, Emory Richard Ocean and inland water transportation. (Appletons' business ser.) il map '06 Appleton $1.75 387 "Reliable treatise, largely devoted to the eco- nomics of ocean transportation." A. L. A. sup. SOCIOLOGY — Customs. Folklore // I Johnson, Emory Richard, and Huebner, Grover Gerhard Princioles of ocean transportation. (Ap- pleton's railway ser.) '18 Applcton $2.50 387 "An up-to-date, systematic and comprehensive work describing ocean carriers and their ser- vices, explaining ocean rates and fares and dis- cussing principles and practice of government aid and regulation of shipping." Cleveland Marvin, Winthrop Lippitt x\niericaii merchant marine; its history and romance. 1620-1902. '02 Scribner $2 387 "Specially full on the earlier history. .Author at his best in treating of privateering, whale fish- ing and deep sea fisheries." (Wells) A. L. A. Meloney, William Brown Heritage of Tyre. (Our national prob- lems) '16 Macmillan 50c 387 "Brief, popular review of the development, history, and decline of the American merchant marine and a strenuous plea for its restoration." Cleveland "For the general reader who wishes to famil- iarize himself with the necessary data as the basis of an intelligent judgment regarding . . . the merchant marine, it would be ditticult to find a better brief presentation of the facts." (Nation 103:134) -A.. L. A. bkl. Mills. James Cooke Our inland seas, il map '19 McClurg $1.75 387 "Story of the development of commerce on the Great Lakes from 1079, reciting the history, adventure and romance of the lakes and discuss- ing the economic relation of lake traffic to gen- eral prosperity." A. L. A. sup. Phelps, Edith M. (,comp.) Selected articles on the Ameri- can merchant marine. (Debaters' hand- book ser.) '16 Wilson $1.25 387 Bibliography, pref. pi 7-28 "Its history and its present status with regard to the shipping of other nations. The arguments for and against government ownership and con- trol are .liso presented." St. Louis Spears, John Randolph Story of the American merchant marine, il '15 Macmillan $1.50 387 "Follows our picturesque seafaring trade in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, de- scribes the decline of the carrying industry when steam displaced sail and argues for efficient nautical education and against subsidies as a means of reviving the American merchant ma- rine." A. L. A. sup. "The second edition . . . differs from the first edition of it^io in that it contains a lengthy introduction which gives a statement of recent events in the shipping industry. Brief mcntron is made of the effects of the European war on ocean rates, tonnage and shipbuilding, of the ship purchase bill, the free shipping clause of the Panama canal act of 19 12, the Registry act of 1914. and the La Follette seaman s act of 1915." Ann. Am. acad. 67:304 389 Weights and measures MacFarlane, John James Conversion tables of foreign weights, measures and moneys with comparisons of prices per poimd, yard, gallon or bushel in United States money, with prices per kilo, meter, liter, hectoliter, etc., in foreign money. 3d ed incl L'.S. weights and measures '15 Phila. com- mercial museum 50c 389 United States. Standards, Bureau of Units of weight and measure; definitions and tables of equivalents. (Circular of the Bureau of standards, no. 41) '14 Supt. of doc. 15c 389 390 Customs. Folklore 391 Costume Burbank, Emily Woman as decoration. '17 Dodd $2.50 391 "A book on costume, illustrated with thirty- three plates. The foreword says that the book is intended as a sequel to 'The art of interior decoration,' by Grace Wood and Emily Bur- bank. . . . 'Contemporary woman's costume is considered, not as fashion, but as decorative line and colour." (Foreword) The book has been planned also to meet the demand for a hand- book on costuming for fancy dress balls, etc. The scope of the illustrations ranges from studies of Greek vases to portraits of Mrs. Ver- non Castle." Book rev. digest Farnsworth, Eva Olney Art and ethics of dress, as related to effi- ciency and economy, il '15 Elder $1 391 "A little book of sane advice upon the fitness and beauty of clothes." Pratt quarterly Holt, Ardern Fancv tlresses described. 6th ed '15 Long- mans $2.25 391 Hughes, Talbot Dress design. Artistic crafts ser. of technical handbooks) il '13 Macmillan $3 391 "Account of the salient features in English costume, from prehistoric times to the nine- teenth century, for use by designers and makers of modern costume as well as for students and those desiring fancy dresses." Cleveland "Fully illustrated by author's drawings from old examples and thirty five collotype plates. Patterns at end drawn to scale are a practical addition for costumers and pageant makers." N.Y. state lib. Mackay, Constance D'Arcy Costumes and scenery for amateurs, il '15 Holt $1.75 391 "De.Triptions of costumes not frequently used, references to places where pictures may be found, and general suggestions for scenery." (.\dapted from A. L. A. bkl.) Pratt quarterly Stone, Melicent Bankside costume book for children, il '15 Saalficid $1 391 "Useful and practical book on the making of accurate historical costumes for children's plays. The examples for the different dresses are taken from Shakespeare . . . .\rmour and jewelry are treated in special chapters, and there are various directions on making-up materials, etc. . . . Well illustrated by drawings and diagrams of the dresses of each period." (Athenaeum, 1913) Pittsburgh 392 The Family Bosanquet, Mrs. Helen (Dendy) The family, new ed '15 ^lacmillan $2.75 392 "Sympathetic study of the evolution of the family and its present function as an economic and ethical institution." (Harvard guide) A. L. A. sup. "This very valuable treatise is simplv a re- print of the edition of 1906 without revision. It IS fortunate for students of society that the pub- lishers have not allowed it to be out of print." Ann. Am. acad. 60:^35 78 STANDARD CATALOG Dealey, James Quayle The family in its sociological aspects. '12 Houghton 75c 392 Bibliography, pi3S-37 "Brief, popular and admirably clear survey of the history of the family from the sociological viewpoint and the position of woman from earli- est civilization to the present time. Special at- tention is given to conditions in the United States and methods of reform are suggested." A. L. A. bkl. Goodsell, Willystine History of the family as a social and edu- cational institution. (Textbook ser.) '15 Macmillan $2 392 "Describes the family as a social and educa- tional institution from primitive times to the present, devoting the last two chapters to the "Present situation' and 'Current theories of re- form'. As a textbook intended to provide 'can- ned information' the book is increasingly valuable in proportion to the paucity in library facilities where it is used. . . . Bridging as it does the gap between Westermarck and Howard, and other technical writers on the one hand, and yoimger minds confused by their infinite detail, it will be useful for undergraduate work in the study of the family.' (Am. jour. 500.21:702) Bibliogra- phies at chapter-ends." A. L. A. bkl. Thwing, Charles Franklin, and Thwing, Mrs Carrie Frances (Butler) The family: an historical and social study, rev and enl ed '13 Lothrop $1.60 392 "General bibliography, P239-45; special bib- liography, P246-53 Since its first publication in 1886 this has been one of the best books on the subject for the general reader. It is scholarly but untech- nical, and it takes for granted no special ac- quaintance with the literature and history of the subject." Pittsburgh 394 Public and social customs. Holidays Brand, John Observations on the popular antiquities Great Britain; rev. and enl. by Sir Henry Ellis. 3v 1900-02 Macmillan $1.75 ea 394 "In many respects the most valuable work on English customs, and a mine to all students of folklore." A. L. A. Cornish, Francis Warre Chivalry, new ed '08 Macmillan $1.25 394 "The field (chivalry in general) has been con- scientiously covered. Chapters on the education of the knight, the tournaments, the crusades, and heraldry. Literature of chivalry analysed." (Am. hist, rev.) A. L. A. McSpadden, Joseph Walker Book of holidays, il '17 Crowell $1.25 394 "Not a collection of prose and poetry for holi- day use but a series of articles explaining the 'what and why' of the twenty or more holidays which are on our calendar. Gives many inter- esting and novel facts." NJ. lib. bul. Pringle, Mary P. and Urann, Clara A. Yule-tide in many lands, il '16 Lothrop $1.25 394 Chapters on Christmas customs in England. Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Scandinavia! Spain and America SchaufHer, Robert Haven (ed.) Independence day. (Our American • holidays) '12 Moffat $1.10 394 "Prose and verse selections, both familiar and little known, on the origin, spirit, significance and celebration of Independence day. A special section urges a 'safe and sane Fourth.' The companion volume 'Flag day' (same com- piler, publisher and price) provides in the same way facts and sentiment concerning the stars and stripes. Includes E. E. Hale's 'Man without a country.' " N.Y. state lib. Other volumes in this series are: Arbor day; Christmas; Lincoln's birthday; Memorial day; Thanksgiving and Washington's birthday, edited by R. H. Schauffler, and Columbus day; Easter and Mother's day; edited by S. T. Rice, all pub- lished by Moffat at $1.10 each 395 Etiquet Hall, Mrs Florence Marion (Howe) Good form for all occasions. '14 Harper $1 395 " 'A manual of manners, dress and entertain- ment for both men and women.' " (Subtitle) At once small, comprehensive and reliable." N.Y. state lib. Roberts, Helen Lefferts Cyclopedia of social usage. '13 Putnam pop ed $1.50 395 " 'Manners and customs of the twentieth century.' (Subtitle) Clear, comprehensive and formal, but free from fads and whims." A. L. A. bkl. Terhune, Mary Virginia (Hawes) Complete etiquet: a young people's guide to every social occasion, rev and enl '14 Bobbs $1 395 396 Position of women Allen, William Harvey Woman's part in government, whether she votes or not. il '11 Dodd $1.50 396 "Suggests various 'next steps' that women can effectively influence, whether they have or have not the right to vote. This book may inci- dentally serve as a fairly complete descriptive index of the numerous civic undertakings of the day." St. Louis Anthony, Katharine Susan Feminism in Germany and Scandinavia. '15 Holt $1.35 396 "Writing with breadth of vision and an excel- lent sense of perspective, the author shows the distinctive trend of feminism in Scandinavia and Germany, notably the movements for mother- protection and for the rights of illegitimate chil- dren, and concludes with a summary of the philosophy of feminism." Cleveland "Includes such up-to-date material as the con- cessions which the German government was com- pelled to grant because of the conditions brought about by the present war." A. L. A. bkl. "Gives a full and interesting account of the Cartberg bill 'concerning children whose parents have not married each other,' which was adopted as law in the spring of 1915, and is 'the most rational and thoro-going attack on the double standard of morals known in modern legisla- tion.' " Int. jour, ethics 27:125 Beard, Mary Ritter Woman's work in municipalities. (Na- tional municipal league ser.) '15 Ap- pleton $2 396 "Sketches and selected readings showing wo- man's contribution to the theory and workings of the modern municipality in the fields of educa- tion, pulilic health, recreation, corrections, hous- ing, public safety, civic improvement and ad- ministration. The field covered includes not only the large cities, but typical smaller com- munities of the various sections of the United States." Cleveland SOCIOLOGY — Customs. Folklore 79 Bennett, Helen Christine American women in civic work, il '13 Dodd $1.25 396 "Brief stirrinj sketches of the personality and work of Jane Adilani.i, Anna lloward Shaw, Caroline JJartlett Crane, Sophie Wright. Kate Harnard, Llla Flagg Young, Albion Fellows Ba- con, Hannah L. Kent Schoff, Lucrctia L. Biank- cnburg, Frances A. Kellor, Julia Tutwiler. Sev- eral have appeared in the Pictorial review and the American magazine." Cleveland Bruce, Henry Addington Bayley Woman in the making of America, il '12 Little $1.50 396 Contents: In the time of the founding: Later colonial belles and housewives: Women of the Revolution; Heroines of the westward movement; Struggle over slavery; Woman's work in the Civil war; Women of today "Many of the stories are the familiar ones found in school histories, but others are taken from little known local histories, biographies, etc., and are not easily accessible." A. L. A. bkl. Chesser, Elizabeth Sloan Woman, marriage and motherhood: with an introduction bv Airs. Frederic Schoff. '13 Funk $1.50 396 "The theme is motherhood and its protection. From her experience as a physician Dr. Chesser discusses ably marriage laws and customs, the legal position of woman, social and industrial wrongs, and the means of bettering woman's position and training her for motherhood." Pitts- burgh Clarke, Ida Clyde American women and the world war. '18 Appleton $2 396 "Tells how the Woman's committee of the Council of national defense directed the or- ganization of women thruout the country for food conservation. Red cross work, selling Liberty bonds, training camp activities and numerous other branches of war service. De- scribes in detail the various state or.ganizations, their object and accomplishments. Includes a section on war relief organizations." Pitts- burgh Coolidge, Mrs Mary Elizabeth Burroughs (Roberts) Why women are so. '12 Holt $1.50 396 "Analytical and critical study of the reasons why women are what they arc. It sets itself to answer the question 'Is the characteristic be- havior which is called feminine an inalienable quality or merely an attitude of mind produced by the coercive social habits of past times?'" Pittsburgh Crow, Mrs Martha (Foote) .American country girl. il '15 Stokes $1.75 396 "Bibliography, P363-67 '.Author has studied rural conditions in all parts of the country and writes of those phases of farm life that particularly affect the girl. She sees both sides of the picture and shows the op- portunities and privileges which the country girl enjoys, also the disadvantages and drawbacks, pointing out the influences that impel the girl, like the boy, from farm to city.' " Book rev. dtgcsf 1015 Fraser, Helen Women and war work. '18 G. A Shaw $1.50 396 "Full of suggestion and inspiration for .Amer- ican women, showing in a general way what English women are doing not only in their own fields hut in replacing men. and also the fine spirit of their service." Wis bul. Gallichan, Mrs Catherine Gasquoine (Hart- ley) Truth about woman. '13 Dodd $2..->0 396 "An able, suggestive and often original presentation of the viewpoint of the advanced woman in which the author draws on the facts of biology, anthropology and history, . . . for the main substance and foundation of her argu- ment. She advocates greater freedom for women on the ground that it will subserve the interests of the race, not as a step toward a higher in- dividual culture as does Alayreder, regarding an independent and enlightened motherhood as the end of freedom. Bibliography (qp)" A. L. A. bkl. Motherhood and the relationships of the se.xes. '17 Dodd $2.50 396 "The author is an Englishwoman. She pleads for honesty in teaching reproduction to chil- dren, for special education of the adolescent girl, and for a saner and freer education of women in sex matters, feeling that the basis of society rests on educated motherhood. Bibfiog- raphy (14P)" A. L. A. bkl. Oilman, Mrs Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson Women and economics; a study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution, new ed '07 Small $1.50 396 "Will be widely read and discussed as the cleverest, fairest, most forcible presentation of the views of the rapidly increasing group who look with favor on extension of industrial em- plovment of women." (Pol. sci. quar. 14:712) A. L. A. Hale, Mrs Beatrice Forbes-Robertson What women want. '14 Stokes $1.35 396 "A keen, dignified and moderate summing up of feminism, understood as 'that part of the progress of democratic freedom which applies to women.' Part one is a historical summary; part two, 'Signs and symbols.' has interesting chapters on feminism as reflected in modern fiction and drama; part three, 'Present problems,' discusses suffrage, anti-suffrage and militancy and wo- men's status in labor, government and domestic relations; part four interprets the author's vision of what their future development is likely to be in love, motherhood and the work of the world." Cleveland Hecker, Eugene Arthur Short history of women's rights from the davs of .Augustus to the present time. 2d cd rev "14 Putnam $1.50 396 "Clear, brief account, written by a zealous ad- vocate of woman's rights. Describes modern English conditions and the suffrage movement in the United States, and cites the laws governing women in each state." A. L. A. sup. "A new chapter, 'Further consideration,' dis- cussing the progress of eijual rights for v.'omen during the last four years, brings to date the old edition." A. L. .\. bkl. Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia Renaissance of motherhood; tr. from the Swedish by .\. K. B. Fries. '14 Put- nam $1.50 396 Contents: Women and morals; Motberliness; Education for motherhood "A review of woman's contribution to the growth of morals leads to the real message of the book, the exaltation of motherhood and of home life. For this renaissance of motherhood a definite education is advocated, which includes training in womanly occupations and social ser- vice." Pittsburgh Richardson, Bertha June Woman who spends, rev ed '13 Whit- comb & B. $1 396 ".\ims to make women realize their influence in the economic world and urges them to a sense of responsibility in the use of money." (N.Y. state lib.) A. L. A. sup. 8o STANDARD CATALOG Schreiner, Mrs Olive Woman and labor. '11 Stokes $1.25 396 "Eloquent plea for the opening of all fields of activity to women, that their deplorable state of economic parasitism upon men may be coun- teracted and humanity in general benefited. Fragment, tho complete in itself, of a more am- bitious work destroyed during the Boer war." N.Y. state lib. Tarbell, Ida Minerva Business of being a woman. '12 Mac- millan $1.25 396 Contents: Uneasy woman; On the imitation of man; Business of being a woman; Socialization of the home; Woman and her raiment; Woman and democracy; Homeless daughter; Childless wo- man: Childless woman and the friendless child; Ennobling of the woman's business Many of these chapters appeared in the American magazine, V73-.4. Jan. -Aug. 1912 "Invigorating essays on the social and eco- nomic opportunity furnished woman by the home, and on the need that home activities be met in a professional spirit." N.Y. state lib. 398 Folklore. Proverbs Andersen, Hans Christian Fairy tales; tr. by H. L. Braekstad; il. by Hans Tegner. Century $5 398 Forty-two stories. " 'Included for the unusually sympathetic in- terpretation of the work of this Danish artist." Wis. free lib. com. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. E. Lucas and il. by Thomas, Charles and William Rob- inson. Button $2.50 398 Thirty eight tales "Attractive in paper, type and binding, is well translated." Hewins A reprint of this with reduced illustrations and library binding is in Everyman's library. Button, 50C Fairv tales; il. by Dugald Stewart Walker. Doubleday $2 398 "Interesting because of the fantastic illustra- tions. Partly because of the choice of the stories, a book which is more for the adult col- lection and for the very occasional child." A. L. A. bkl. Stories and tales; il. by V. Pedersen and M. L. Stone. Houghton $1 398 Baldwin, James Story of Roland. (Heroes of olden time) '88 Scribner $1.50 398 "Continuous narrative made up of legends from all sources." (Buffalo) A. L. A. Story of Siegfried. (Heroes of olden time) '04 Scribner $1.50 398 "Modern version sometimes following the Ed- das, sometimes the Nibelungcn lay, and some- times differing from both." (Buffalo) A. L. A. Baring-Gould, Sabine Curious myths of the middle ages. '01 Longmans $1.25 398 Contents: Wandering Jew; Prester John; Di- vining rod; Seven sleepers of Ephesus; William Tell; Dog Gellert; Tailed men; Antichrist and ■ Pope Joan; Man in the moon; Mountain of Venus; St. George; Legend of the cross; Schamir; Melusina; The Fortunate Isles; Knight of the swan Bulfinch, Thomas Age of chivalry; or, King Arthur and his knights, new rev ed McKay $1.25 398 Contains King Arthur; Mabinogion; Legendary poets and poetry Legends of Charlemagne, Lothrop $1.25 Button (Everyman's lib.) 50c; lib. bind- ing 60c 398 Crowell publishes the author's "Age of fable," "Age of chivalry," and "Legends of Charle- magne" in one volume at $2 Cole, Mrs Mabel (Cook) (comp.) Philippine folk talcs: compiled and annotated by M. C. Cole, il '16 McClurg $1.25 398 "In company with her husband, an ethnologist in the service of the Field museum of natural history, Chicago, the author spent four years among the wild tribes of the Philippines. . . . She has endeavored to select typical tales from tribes widely separated and varying in culture from savagery to a rather high degree of develop- ment. The stories are divided into five groups, as follows: Tiguian, Igorot, the wild tribes of Mindanao, Moro, and Christian." Book rev. di- gest Colum, Padraic King of Ireland's son. il '16 Holt $2 '08 Scribner $1.75 398 "A folk-romance with all the fascination of the old tales, and based upon the traditions of Gaelic literature. Many tales are woven into the main story, but it never looses its beauty or continuity." Wis. bul. Curtin, Jeremiah Hero-tales of Ireland. '94 Little $2 398 "Tales from the mouths of a deeply imagina- tive, intelligent and ignorant peasantry, the ma- jority distinguished by good faith, a charming fancy and vivid realism." (Athenaeum i :435) A. L. A. Dasent, Sir George Webbe Popular tales from the Norse: new ed. with a memoir by A. I. Basent. '12 Putnatn $2.50 398 Ebbutt, M. I. Hero-myths and legends of the British race, il '10 Stokes $2-.50 398 "Successful retelling of the legends of medi- eval heroes which illustrate the British concep- tion of honor, loyalty, devotion and duty. Use- ful source for story-tellers." A. L. A. sup. Gregory, Isabella Augusta (Persse) lady Book of saints and wonders put down here according to the old writings and the memory of the people of Ireland. '08 Scribner $1:.75 398 "Lady Gregory has gleaned from medieval Irish texts, and colored in places from her own knowledge of oral tradition, a series of charming old-world stories." (Sat. rev.) A. L. A. sup. Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Karl, and Grimm, Wilhelm Karl Fairy tales; tr. b^^ Mrs. Edgar Lucas; il. by Arthur Rackman. '09 Boubledav $2.50 398 Household stories; tr. bj' Lucv Crane; il. by Walter Crane. '04 Macmillan $1.50: Crowell 75c; 50c 398 Household tales; ed. and partly tr. anew by Marion Edwardes; il. by R. A. Bell. Button $2.50 398 Grinnell, George Bird Blackfoot lodge tales; the story of a prairie people. '92 Scribner $2 398 Thirty stories of love and war, ancient cus- toms and natural phenomena. Also an account of ancient Blackfoot history, their daily life and customs and a brief statement of their condi- tion today." (L. A. H.) A. L. A. SOCIOLOGY — Customs. Folkloru: 81 Guerber, Helene Adeline Legends of the middle ages. '96 Am. bk. $1.50 398 "Relates legends in easy narrative, briiiKini; out influence on literature and art by quotations and pictures." (N.V. state lib.) A. L. A. Harris, Joel Chandler Uncle Remus and his friends; old plan- tation stories, song§ and ballads, with sketches of Negro character. '92 Houghton $1.50 visitors' ed $1.25 398 "Negro folklore gathered firsthand. The 'creetur' tales and the manner of their telling are uniiiuely funny." A. L. A. Uncle Kcmus. his songs and his sayings; new ed. with illus. by A. B. Frost. '03 Appleton $2.25 398 Contents: Legends of the old plantation; Plantation proverbs; His songs; A story of the war; His sayings Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Tales of the enclianted islands of the Atlantic. '98 Macmillan $1.50 39J "Legends of Atlantis, the island of perpetual vouth, Lancelot's isle, the isle of demons, etc." ■(X.V. state lib.) A. L. A. Jacobs, Joseph (comp. ) Celtic fairy tales. '92 Putnam pop ed $1.25 398 Xotes and references. P237-67 (ed.) English fairy tales. 3d ed rev '02 Putnam pop ed $1.25 398 Three sillies; Mr. Vinegar; Teeny-tiny; Three bears; Jack the giant-killer; Childe Kowland; Tohnnycake; Hennypenny, etc. (ed.) Indian fairy tales. '92 Putnam pop ed $1.25 398 "Drawn from the Jatakas or birth stories of Buddha, the fables of Bidpai and other Sanskrit folk-tales." (Pittsburgh) A. L. A. A scholarly edition of the Jatakas is that selected and edited by H. T. and E. J. Thomas, and published in 1016 by the Cambridge press at $2.50 (ed.) More English fairy tales. '94 Put- nain pop ed $1.25 398 Xotes and references, pj35-68 Janvier, Thomas AUibone LrLTcnd-^ of tlic C'itv of Mexico, il '10 Harper $1.30 398 "Folk-tales almost without exception gruesome but entertainingly told, largely in the words of the superstitious Mexicans who related them to the author." A. L. A. sup. Judson, Katharine Berry (od.) Mvths and Ugt-nds of British North America, il '17McClurg $1.50 398 "About 100 quaint and beautiful tales, giving the ideas of the Indians about animals and the forces of nature." Pittsburgh (comp.) Myths and legends of California and the old southwest, il '12 McClurg $1.50 398 "More than sixty myths and folk-tales gath- ered from Smithsonian reports, government ethnologic records and other sources, retold for popular reading. Many of them are genuinely poetic and the collection exceeds iit interest the companion volume 'Myths and legends of the Pacific northwest. Exceptionally beautiful photographic illustrations." A. L. A. bkl. (ed.) Myths and legends of the great plains, il '13 McClurg $1.50 398 Authorities, p8 "Over sixty myths and legends, some i_n yerse, compiled from the annual reports of the Bureau of American ethnology, the publications of the United States Geographical survey, and from the works of other ethnologists. They are told in the abrupt style of the Indian, interestingly il- lustrated by many Indian drawings." A. L. A. l^kl. Myths and legends of the Mississippi \'allev and the Great Lakes. il '14 McClurg $1.50 398 "A collection, compiled from the works of Schoolcraft, A. E. Jenks, James Mooncy, and George Catlin, similar to other volumes of this series. Some of the stories arc specially inter- esting in connection with the stories of Hiawatha and 'Brer Rabbit.' Illustrations are from re- ports of Bureau of American ethnology." A. L. A. bkl. (ed.) Myths and legends of the Pacific northwest, il '10 McClurg $1.50 398 "Collection from authoritative sources of such legends and myths as show no trace of the white man's influence nor of the Indian's lower nature. The name of the tribe in which each originated is given." A. L. A. sup. Keightley, Thomas I'airy mythology, illustrative of the ro- mance and superstitions of various countries. 1900 Macmillan $1.75 398 Kready, Laura Fry Study of fairy tales. '16 Houghton $1.40 398 "Discussion of the value of the fairy tale in education, the principles to be observed in selec- tion, methods of telling and dramatizing, their history, classes into which they fall, the uses of each, and sources of material with a classified list of books. Has no popular appeal; of use only to the trained story-teller teacher, and ed- ucated mother. Has many references and bib- liography." A. L. A. bkl. Mabinogion Lanier, S., ed. Knightly legends of Wales; or, The bov's Mabinogion. '01 Scribner $1.80 398 Mabinogion; tr. by Lady Charlotte Guest; ed. bv Prof. R. Williams. (Everyman's lib.) '10 Dutton 50c; lib binding 60c 398 Malory, Sir Thomas Romance of King .Arthur and his knights of the Round Table; abridged from [his I "Morte d'Arthur" by A. W. Pol- lard, illustrated by Arthur Rackham. '17 Macmillan <;2.50 398 Morte d'Arthur; text of Caxton; ed. with an introduction by Sir Edward Strachey. '01 Macmillan $1.75 398 "The .\rthurian cycle is the best embodiment of chivalry, of romance, of gallantry. We have it in its best form, for the compilation of Sir Thomas Malory is wrought into a mold of pure English, hardly second to the English of the Bible." (p-rederic Harrison) A. L. A. Morte d'Arthur. 2v (Lib. of English classics) '08 Macmillan ea $1.75 398 "A very attractive edition of the King .Arthur tales, edited and pleasingly prefaced by .Al- fred W. Pollard, of the British museum staff, and illustrated by Rackham in characteristic style. Fifteen of the illustrations are in color, seven in black and white." Wis. bul. Petrovic, Vojislav M. Hero tales and legends of the Serbians, il map '15 Stokes $3 398 "A historical retrospect, a discussion of beliel> and customs and of the Serbian national epic poetry are followed by tales of heroes, who flour- ished before the coming of the Turk, ballads, folklore, and popular Serbian anecdotes. Elabor- ately edited, on heavy paper, with wide margins, and thirty-two illustrations in color by William Sewell and Gilbert James." A. L. A. bkl. 82 STANDARD CATALOG Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe Indian fairy book, from the original legends, il '16 Stokes $1.50 398 "A new edition of Mr. Schoolcraft's collection published in 1856. Many are long stories, some unfamiliar. All are interesting because they are written as the editor heard them from Indian story-tellers." Wis. bul. Schultz, James Willard Blackfeet tales of Glacier national park, il '16 Houghton $2 398 "Author, an adopted member of the Black- feet tribe, returned to the Indians for a two monts visit in 1915, and records the legends told to him in the evening around the lodge fires." Pittsburgh "Good sepia illustrations. 'My life as an In- dian' besides telling the author's story, describes the domestic life and customs of the Blackfeet." A. L. A. bkl. Skinner, Charles Montgomery • ]\Ivths and legends ])cyond our borders. •99 Lippincott $1.50 398 Contents: Canada; Mexico Myths and legends of our own land. 2v '96 Lippnicott $3 398 "Collection of nearly 300 myths, traditions and curious stories very briefly told. Grouped geogra- phically." (Nation 63:412) A. L. A. Spence, Lewis Hero tales and legends of the Rhine, il '15 Stokes $3 398 "So arranged that they 'illustrate a Rhine journey from the sea to the source.' " Pratt quarterly "The illustrations are of two kinds, color prints picturing scenes from the stories and collotypes after drawings of Rhine gcenes by Lewis W'eirter." Book rev. digest Thrum, Thomas G. (comp.) Hawaiian folk tales: a collection of native legends. '07 McClurg $1.75 398 "Legends contributed by authorities in which the native poetic element of Hawaiian mythology, religion and tradition is preserved." A. L. A. sup. Westervelt, William Drake (comp. and tr.) Legends of gods and ghosts, il '16 Author $1; $1.50 398 "Mr. Westervelt has lived for many years in the Hawaiian Islands, and this interpretation of Hawaiian mythology shows a depth of sym- pathy commensurable with that of Lafacadio Hearn for the Japanese." (Dial 60:343) Book rev. digest The author writes from Honolulu, April 19 18, that there are about 300 copies of the book available, in two sizes, at $1 and $1.50 each. Author's address Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands Wheeler, Post Russian wonder tales. il '12 Century $2.50 398 "Twelve Russian skazki, or folk-tales collected and translated by Mr. Wheeler during his service as secretary of the American embassy at St. -Petersburg. He contributes a valuable preface on the nature of the Russian tale, pointing out the qualities that distinguish it from the folk- tales of other countries, and tracing its descent from the primitive nature myths of the old Slavonians. The illustrations in color are by the Russian artist Bilibin." Book rev. digest Yeats, William Butler (ed.) Irish fairy and folk tales. '93 Scribner $1.75 398 "Equally delightful to the bibliophile, the an- thropologist (if given to banshees) and the child." (Sat. rev. 73:551) A. L. A. Proverbs Marvin, Dwight Edwards (comp.) Curiosities in proverbs. '16 Put- nam $1.75 398 "Proverbs about proverbs, singular proverbs, obscure proverbs, Bible proverbs, Christmas and Easter proverbs, weather proverbs, wit and hum- our in proverbs and rhyming proverbs are some of the classes into which the compiler groups the interesting material of his book." Book rev. digest Subject Index A few books are listed in this Catalog that do not classify in the 300s. In such cases, the proper library class nuiiiher is given after the subject, followed by the number of the subject which it follows, as 172.4 (341.6). The class numbers are not always given in numerical order, put the most important number first. An attempt has been made to Accident insurance 331.2 Africa, colonization 325.3 Agricultural credit 332.7 education 375 Agriculture 338 Almanacs 314, 317.3 Americanization 32^.7, 325.1 Anarchism 335 Arbitration, international 341.6 Arbitration and conciliation, industrial 3311 Athletics 371.7 Banks and banking 332 Boy scouts 369.4 Brook Farm 335 Budget systems 351 Business law 347 Canada, politics and government 342.7 Canals 386 Capital 331 Capital punishment 343 Child labor 331.3 welfare 362.7 Children abnormal and backward 371.9 care and hygiene 362.7, 371.9 charities, protection, etc. 362.7, 364 Chinese immigration 325.7 Chivalry 394 Christmas 394 Civics 353, 342.7,. 325.1 Civil service examinations 351 Citizenship 323, 325.1, 325.7, 353 Colleges 378 Colonial government 325.3 Colonization 325.3 Commerce 380. 381, 382 Commercial education 650.7 (371.42) geography 380 Compulsory military service 355 Conservation of resources 338 Constitutional law 342.7 Constitutions 342, 342.4, 342-7 Cooperation 334, 332.7 Compulsory arbitration 331. 1 Corporations 338.8 Cost of living 338 Costume 301 Cotton 338 County government 352 Criminology 364 Cyclopedias 303, 320.3, 370.3 Deaf, The 371.9 Delinquency 361, 362.7, 364 Democracy 304, 320.4, 321. 8 Direct primaries 324 District schools 371 Dress 391 Eastern question (Far East) 327, 327.73 Economics 330 (and subdivisions), 396 Education 370 (and subdivisions) associations 370.6 commercial 650.7 (371.42) measurements 370.3 encyclopedias 370.3 essays 370.4 history 370.9 industrial 371.42 Negro 371.9 of children 372, 372.2 of women 376, 378 prevocational 371.42 psychology of 370.15 religious and ethical 377 secondary 375, 379-17 standards, tests and 371-9 theory of 370.1 vocational 371.42 Elections 324, 353 Encyclopedias 303, 320.3 Ethical education 377 Etiquet 395 Europe, constitutional history 342 economic history 330.9 history 325.3, 327 European war 327, 336, 341-6 Factory system 331, 331.8 Fairy tales 398 Family 392 Fancy dress 391 Federal reserve system 332 Feminism 396, 323 Finance 336 corporation 338.8 Folklore 30S Foreign exchange 332 Fourth of July 394 France, politics and government 354 Free trade 337 Games 371.7 Gary schools 379 Geography, commercial 380 George Junior republic 364 Germany, constitutional history economic history 330.9 education 379-43 foreign relations 327 Government 320, 321.8, 352, 353 documents 328 ownership 384, 385 regulation of industry 338.8 Great Britain, colonies 325.3 constitutional history 342.4 foreign relations 327, 327.73 imperial federation 325.3 Parliairremt 328 politick 320.9 statistics 305. 314 Greece, politics and government 342 Health insurance 331.2 High schools 379.17 Holidays 394 Home rule (municipal) 352 Hospitals 362 Housing conditions 331.8 342 327-73 342, 350, 35 iv 84 STANDARD CATALOG How to study 371 Immigration 325-7, 325-1 Imperialism 325.3 Income 331 tax 336.2 Industrial arbitration and conciliation 331. i education 37142 insurance 331.2 legislation 338.9 Initiative 321.8 Institutions 362 Insurance 368 accident 331.2 fire 368 health 331.2 industrial 331.2 life 368 social 331.2 International arbitration 341.6 congresses 341. i law 341 relations 327, 341, 341.6 Investments 332.6, 332 Japan, foreign relations Z-T-IZi 2~S-7 Japanese immigration 325.7 Judicial supremacj^ 342.7 Juvenile court 364 Kindergarten 372.2 Labor and capital 331 and laboring classes 331.8, 331-3, 331-4 laws 338.9, 331.3 unions 331-8, 331-4 Law 328.1, 341, 342.7. 345, 347 League of nations 341.6 Legislative bodies 328 Manners and customs 301, 394 Marketing of farm products 338 Merchant marine 387 Military training 355, 172.4 (341.6) science 355 Minimum wage 331.2 Money 332 Monroe doctrine 2)'^7-72> Montessori method 371 Municipal government 352 Municipal ownership 352 city manager plan 352 commission plan 352 Nationalism 320, 320.4, 321, 172.4 (341.6) Naturalization 325.1 Naval science 359 Negroes 326 education 371.9 New Zealand, social conditions 335 Non-resistance 172.4 (341.6) Open air schools 371.9 Organized charity 360, 361, 362 Pangermanism 327, 3^7.72 Parliamentary law 328.1 Peace 341.6, 172.4 (341.6) Play 371.7 Political parties 329, 324, 342, 350, 351 Political science 320, 320.3, 320.4, 320.9, 321, 350 Post office 383 Posture of school children 371.7 Poverty 339, 33° Preparedness (military) 355 President, powers of 353 Prevocational education 371:42 Prices 338 Primaries 324 Prisons 365 Probation 364, 365 Profit sharing 331.2, 334 Proportional representation 324 Protection 2)2>7 Proverbs 398 Prussia, politics and government 350 Public documents 328 schools 379, 371 utilities 352 Railroads 385 Recall 321.8 Reciprocity 2i2>7 Red cross 361 Referendum 321.8 Religious education 2i77 Republics 321.8 Rome, politics and government 342 Rural schools 379.17 Savings banks 332 School administration and organization . 371, 379 buildings 371.6 curriculum 375 decoration 371.6, 371.7 discipline 371 feeding 371.7 hygiene 371.7 Self education 374 Ships 3S7 Short ballot 324 Shorter work day 338.9 Single tax 336.2 Social centers 371.6 insurance 331.2 settlements 331.8 surveys 309.1 work 360, 361, 362, 362.7, 364, 365, 304 Socialism 335 Societies 306, 369.4 Sociology 301, 303, 304, 306, 309.1 State, The 320, 320.4, 320.9, 321, z^Z, 350. State constitutions 342.7 documents 328 governments 353 Statesmen, collected works 30S Statistics 311, 314, 317.3 Stock exchange 332 Story telling 372.6 Study, How to 371 Sufifrage 324, 324.3 Surveys, social 309.1 Syndicalism 331.87 Tariff 337 Taxation 336.2 Teachers 371.7 Teaching 371, 370.1, 3/0.15, 370-4 Telegraph, government ownership 384 Telephone, government ownership 384 Town government 352 Transportation 380, 2'^S, 386, 387 Treaties 341.2 Trusts 338.8, 331-8 Unemployment 331.8 United States army 25^ Congress 328 Constitution and constitutional history 342-7 SOCIOLOGY— Subject Index 85 economic history 330.9 finance 336, 336.2, 351 foreign population 325.7 foreign relations 327.72, government 342.7, 353, immigration 325.7, 325.1 industries and resources 338 laws, statutes, etc. 345 navy 355, 359 politics 304, 308, 320.4, 329. 342.7, 351, 353 population 317.3 post office 383 race question 326 social conditions 304, 321.8, 339 statistics 305, 317.3 United States naval academy 359 Universities 378 341-2 321.8, 320.4 330.9, 331.8, 321.8, 32S, 371.42 174 (371-42) 355 Vocational education Vocational guidance Voting 324, 353 Wages 331.2, ZZi War 341.6, 172.4 (341.6). Wealth 331 Weights and measures 3S9 Wheat 338 Woman suffrage 324.3, 396 Women 396 education 376, 378 employment 331.4, 331.8, occupations 396 social and moral questions 304 social conditions 396 Women's clubs 374.3 World peace 341.6, 172.4 (341.6) Year books 305 396 396, 323. Author Index Abbott, E. Women in industry 331.4 Abbott, G. Immigrant and the community 325.7 Academy of political science. Foreign rela- tions of the United States Z27.7Z Labor disputes and public service cor- porations 331.1 Military training 355 Adams, G. B. Outline sketch of English constitutional history 342.4 Adams, I. Making the most of one's mind 371 Addams, J. Democracy and social ethics 304 Newer ideals of peace 304 Spirit of youth and the city streets 362.7 Twenty years at Hull House 331.8 Adler, F. floral instruction of children 2)77 World crisis and its meaning 341.6 (172.4) Alexander, T. Prussian elementary schools 379.43 Allen, W. H. Ciyics and health 371.7 Universal training for citizenship and public service 323 W'oman's part in government, whether she votes or not 396 American academy of political and social science. Commission government and the city manager plan 352 Financing the war 336 Housing and town planning 331.8 Initiative, referendum and recall 321.8 Justice thru simplified legal procedure 340 Modern insurance problems 368 Xegro's progress in fifty years 326 New possibilities in education 370.4 Preparedness and America's international program 2<27.72i Present labor situation 331.1 Public administration and partisan poli- tics 351 Public budgets 351 Public policies as to municipal utilities 352 Reform in administration of justice 340 World's food 338 American labor year book 331.8 American political science association. Teaching of government 353 American prison association. Proceedings 365 American year book 305 Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales; il. bv D. S. Walker 398 Fairy tales; tr. by H. L. Rreakstad 398 Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. E. Lucas 398 Stories and tales 398 Anderson, W. L. Country town 352 Andress. J. M. Teaching of hygiene in the .i:rrades 371.7 Andrews, L. C. Fundamentals of military service 355 Angell, X. Great illusion 341.6 Anthony. K. S. Feminism in Germany and Scandinavia 396 Antin, M. They who knock at our gates 325.7 Arndt. W. T. I-lmancipation of the Amer- ican city 352 Aronovici, C. Social survey 309.1 Aristotle. Politics of Aristotle 320 Ashley, P. W. L. Modern tariff history 337 Ashley, R. L. American federal state 342.7 Xew civics 353 Ashley, W. J. Economic organization of England 330.9 Avebury, J. L. Use of life 374 Ayres, L. P. Laggards in our schools 371.9 Open-air schools 371.9 IJabson, R. W. Bonds and stocks 2i2>2 Future of world peace 341.6 Bacon, A. F. Beauty for ashes 331.8 Bacon, C, comp. Prison reform 365 Bagehot, W. Physics and politics 301 Bagley, W. C. Educative process 370.1 School discipline 371 Bailey, C. S. Firelight stories 372.6 For the story teller ?»72.6 Stories for Sunday telling 372.6 Tell me another story 372.6 — and Lewis, C. ]M. For the children's . hour 372.6 Bailey, L. H. Universal service 341.6 (172.4) Bailey, W. B., and Cummings, J. Statistics 311 Balch, E. G. Our Slavic fellow citizens 325 7 Baldwin. J. Story of Roland "398 Story of Siegfried 398 Bancroft, J. H. Games for the playground. home, school and gymnasium 371.7 Posture of school children 371.7 Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the middle ages 398 Barker, D. A. Theory of money 332 I'.arker, E. Political thought in' England 32(19 Barnes, M. E., and Barnes, L. C. Xew America 325 7 Barnett, G. E.. and McCabe, D. A. INledia- tion, investigation and arbitration in industrial disputes 331.1 Bartholomew. J. G. Atlas of economic geography 380 Barton. C. Story of the Red cross 361 Barton, G. E. Re-education 362 liashore, H. B. Overcrowding and defective housing in the rural districts 331.8 Beard, C. A. American citv government 352 American government and politics 353 Economic interpretation of the Constitu- tion of the United States 342.7 — and Beard, M. R. American citizenship 353 Beard. M. R. Woman's work in municipal- ities 396 Beer, G. L. English-speaking peoples Z27.7Z .88 STANDARD CATALOG Beman, L. T., comp. Selected articles on the compulsory arbitration of indus- trial disputes 331.1 Supplement to 2d ed 331.1 Bengston, N. A., and Griffith, D. Wheat industry 338 Bennett, H. C. American women in civic work 396 Bennett, H. E. School efficiency 379 Benson, A. L. Truth about socialism 335 Bernhardi, F. A. J. Germany and the next war 327 Bernstein, E. Evolutionary socialism 335 Best, H. The deaf 371.9 Betts, G. H. Recitation 371 — and Hall, O. E. Better rural schools 379.17 Bigelow, J. World peace 341.6 Blackmar, F. W., and Gillin, J. L. Out- lines of sociology 301 Blanchard, R. II. Liability and compensa- tion insurance 331.2 Blanchon, G. New warfare 355 Bliss, W. D. P., and Binder, R. M. New en- cyclopedia of social reform 303 Bloomfield, M. Vocational guidance of youth _ 371.42 (174) Youth, school and vocation 371.42 (174) ed. Readings in vocational guidance 371.42 (174) Blow, S. E. Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel 372.2 Boardman, I\I. T. Under the Red cross flag at home and abroad 361 Bogart, E. L. Economic history of the United States 330.9 Bogen, B. D. Jewish philanthropy 361 Bosanquet, H. D. The family 392 Boudin, L. B. Theoretical system of Karl Marx 335 Bourinot, J. G. How Canada is governed 342.7 Bourne, R. S. Education and living 370.4 Gary schools 379 comp. Towards an enduring peace 341.6 Bowen, L. H. D. Safeguards for city youth at work and at play 362.7 Boyd, W. From Locke to IMontessori 371 Bradford, E. S. Commission government in American cities 352 Brailsford, H. N. League of nations 341.6 Brand, J. Observations on the popular an- tiquities of Great Britain 394 Brandeis, L. D. Other people's monej^ and how the bankers use it 332 Brawley, B. G. Short history of the Amer- ican negro 326 Your negro neighbor 326 Brewer, J. M., and Kelly, R. W. Selected critical bibliography of vocational guid- _ ance 371.42 (174) Brinton. W. C. Graphic methods for pre- senting facts 311 Bronner, A. F. Psychology of special abili- ties and disabilities 371.9 Brooks, J. G. American syndicalism 331.87 Brooks, R. C. Corruption in American pol- itics and life 329 Brown, E., and Strauss, A. Dictionary of American politics 320.9 Brown, G. (F.) Your vote and how to use it 353 Brown, H. D. Talks to freshman airls 376 Brown, J. F. American high school 379.17 Bruce, H. A. B. Woman in the making of America 396 Bruere, H. New city government 352 Bryan, W. J. Speeches 308 Brvant, L. S. School feediufr 371.7 Bryant, S. C. Best stories to tell children 372.6 How to tell stories to children 372.6 Stories to tell the littlest ones 372.6 Bryce, J. B. American commonwealth 342.7 Some historical reflections on the war 341.6 Biicher, K. Industrial evolution 330.4 Bulfinch, T. Age of chivalry 398 Legends of Charlemagne 398 Bullock, C. J. Introduction to the study of economics 330 comp. Selected readings in economics 330 ed. Selected readings in public finance 336 Bullock, E. D., comp. Agricultural credit 332.7 Selected articles on child labor 331.3 Selected articles on compulsory insur- ance 331.2 Selected articles on the single tax 336.2 Selected articles on trade unions 331.8 Selected articles on the employment of women 331.4 Bunkley, J. W. ^Military and naval recogni- tion book 355 Burbank, E. Woman as decoration 391 Burdick, F. M. Essentials of business law 347 Burgess, J. W. Reconciliation of govern- ment with liberty 342 Burke, E. Selections 308 Burks, F. W., and Burks, J. D. Heath and the school 371.7 Burns, C. D. Morality of nations 320 Political ideals 320.4 Burrage. S.. and Bailey, H. T. School san- itation and decoration 371.7 Burrell, C. F. B. Complete club book for women 374.3 Woman's club work and programs 374.3 Burritt, A. W'., and others. Profit sharing 331.2 Butler, N. M. ?kleaning of education 370.4 Buxton, C. R., ed. Towards a lasting set- tlement 341.6 Cabot, E. L. Volunteer help to the schools 379 Callender, G. S., ed. Selections from the econoinic history of the LTnited States 330.9 Canbv, H. S. College sons and college fathers 378 Cannon, I. M. Social work in hospitals 362 Carey, A. A. Scout law in practice 369.4 Carleton, W. One way out 331.8 Carlton, F. T. History and problem of or- ganized labor 331.8 Industrial situation 331.8 Carnegie endowment for international peace. Year book 341.6 (172.4) S(3CIOLUGV— AuTiitiK Ixni-x 89 Carnev. M. Country life and the country school 379.17 Carver, T. X. Distribution of wealth 331 ICssays in social justice 304 Principles of rural economics 338 Catt, C. L. C, conip. Woman suffrage by federal constitutional amendment 324.3 Chad wick, !•'. !•-. American navy 359 Cliapin, F. S. Introduction to the study of social evolution 301 Charters, W. W. Teaching the common branches 371 Chase, M. H., and Chase, S. Honeymoon experiment 331.8 Chcradame, A. Pangerman plot unmasked ^27 United States and Pangermania 327.73 Chesser, E. S. Woman, marriage ano motherhood 306 Cheyney, E. P. Introduction to the indus- trial and social history of England 330.9 Childs, R. S. Short-ballot principles 324 Chisholm. G. G. Handbook of commercial geography 380 Choate, J. H. Two Hague conferences 341.1 Chubb, P. E., and others. I-'estivals and plays in schools and elsewhere 371.7 Citizenship convention. Proceedings of the convention held July 10-15, 1916 325.1 Claparede, fi. Experimental pedagogy and the psychology of the child 370.15 Clark, A. H. Clipper ship era 3H7 Clark, J. B. Social justice without social- ism 304 Clark, L. Physical training for the elenien- tarv schools 371.7 Clark. \V. E. Cost of living 33S Clarke. E. E. Guide to the use of United States government publications 328 Clarke. I. C. American women and the world war 396 Cleveland, E. A. Organized dcmocracv 321.8 Cleveland, G. Independence of the execu- tive 3Si3 Clopper. E. X. Child labor in citv streets 331.3 Cloyd, D. E. Modern education in Europe and the orient 370.9 Coe, E. E. I-'irst book of stories for the story-teller 372.6 Second book of stnric-; for the storv-tel- ler '372.6 Coe. G. .A. Social tlu-ory ni religious educa- tion 377 Cohen, T. il. Law and order in industry 331.8 Gole, M. C, comp. Philippine folk tales 398 Cole, P. R. Industrial education in the ele- mentary school 371.42 Collins, C. W. Xational Inidget system and .American finance 351 Colum, P. King of Ireland's son 398 Colvin, S. S. Introduction to high school teaching 37^17 — and Baglev, W. C. Human behavior 370.15 Coman. K. Industrial history of the United States 330.9 Commons, J. R. Labor and administration 331.8 Proportional representation 324 Races and immigrants in America 325.7 ed. Trade unionism and labor prol)lems 331.8 — and -Andrews, J. IL Principles of labor legislation 33S.9 — and oliiers. History of labor in tin- United States 331.8 Compayrc, G. History of pedagogy 370.9 Conwav, W. M. Crowd in peace and war 301 Conyngton, M. How to hel)) 361 Coolej', C. 11. Social organization 301 Cooley, E. G. \'ocational education in Europe 371.42 Coolidge, M. ]■.. 1'.. \\ iiv women are so 396 Cope. H. E. Religious education in the fam- ily 377 Cornish. E. W. Chivalry 394 Corwin, I-".. S. l^resident's control of for- eign relations 353 Cothren, M. I'.. A lU^ of voting 324 Coulter, E. K. Children in the shadow 362.7 Cramb, J. A. Germany and England 327 Cressy, E. Outline of industrial liistorv 330.0 Croly, II. D. Progressive democracy 320.4 Promise of American life 320.4 Cross. I. R. Essentials of socialism 335 Crothers. S. M. Meditations on votes for women 324.3 Crow, M. I"". American country girl 396 Crowell, J. I*". Trusts and competition 338.8 Cubbcrlev, E. P Improvement of rural schools 379.117 Public school administration 379 Curtin, J. Hero-talcs of Ireland 398 Curtis, H. S. I-'ducation through play 371.7 Play movement and its signihcanrc 371.7 Curtis, L. Problem of the commonwealth 32S.3 Cushing. L. S., and ILilles, A. S. Lushing's manual of parliamentary practice 328.1 Dasent. G. W Popular tales from the Xorse 398 Davidson. J. Means and methods in the re- ligious education of the young 377 Davidson, T. Education of the Greek neo- ple 370.9 History of education 370.9 Rousseau and education according to nature 370.9 Davidson. W. L. Political thought in Eng- land, the utilitarians 320.9 Davis. G. R. Elements of international law 34] Davis. G. R. Social environment 301 Davis. H. W. C. Political thought of Hein- rich von Treitschke 320.1 Davis, J. P.. \'ocational and moral guidance 371 42 (174) Davis. P.. ed. Field of social service 361 l)awson, G. E. Child and his religion 377 Day. C. Histor^' of commerce 380 Deacon. J. B. Disasters and the .American Red cross in disaster work 361 Dealev. T. O. Development of the state ■ ■ 320 90 STANDARD CATALOG Family in its sociological aspects 392 Growth of American state constitutions 342.7 Dean, A. D. Our schools in war time — and after 371.42 De Garnio, C. Herbart and the Herbar- tians 370.9 Interest and education 370.1 Principles of secondary education 379.17 Denison, E. Helping school children 379 Devine, E. T. Famih' and social work 361 Misery and its causes 339 Normal life 304 Practice of charity 361 Spirit of social work 361 Devon, J. Criminal and the community 364 Dewey, D. R. Financial history of the United States _336 Dewey, J. Democracy and education 370.1 Interest and efifort in education 370.1 floral principles in education Tin School and society 370.4 — and Dewey, E. Schools of to-morrow 371 Dexter, E. G. Historv of education in the United States ' 370.9 Dickinson, G, L. Choice before us 341.6 European anarchy 327 Modern syinposium 304 Dickson, H. Unpopular history of the United States _ 355.7 Dillaway. T. M. Decoration of the school and home 371.6 Dinsmore, J W. Teaching a district school 371 Dole, C. F. Burden of poverty 339 Dooley, W. H. Education of the ne'er-do- well 371.42 Doty, M. Z. Society's misfits 365 Dresslar, F. B. American schoolhouses 371.6 School hygiene 371.7 Du Bois, W. E. B. The Negro 326 Souls of black folk 326 Dudley, G., and Kellor, F. A. Athletic games in the education of women 371.7 Dugdale, R. L. The Jukes 364 Dunbar, C. F. Chapters on the theory and history of banking 332 Dunn, S. O. American transportation ques- tion 385 Government ownership of railways 385 Dunning, W. A. British empire and the United States 327.73 Historv of political theories from Luther to Montesquieu 320.9 History of political theories, mediaeval and modern 320.9 Du Puy. W. A. Uncle Sam's modern mir- acles 353 Uncle Sam, wonder worker 353 Durand, E. D. Trust problem 338.8 Dutton, S. T., and Snedden, D. Administra- tion of public education in the United States 379 Earhart, L. B. Tyoes of teaching 371 Earle, R. Life at the U.S. Naval academv 359 Eastman, C. ^^'ork accidents and the law 331.2 Eaton, J., and Stevens, B. yV. Commercial work and training for girls 371.42 (650.7) Eaton, T. H. Stud}^ of organization and method of the course of study in agri- culture in secondary schools il^i Ebbutt, M. I. Hero-myths and legends of the British race 398 Egerton, H. E. Origin and growth of the English colonies 325.3 Eggleston, J. D., and Bruere, R. W. Work of the rural school 379.17 Eliot, C. \V. Future of trades-unionism and capitalism in a democracy 331.8 Eliot, T. D. Juvenile court and the com- munitv 364 Ellis, H. Criminal 364 Task of social hvgiene 304 Ellis, O. O., and Garey, E. B. Plattsburg manual 355 Ellwood, C. A. Introduction to social psy- chology 301 Social problem 301 Sociology and modern social problems 301 Elmer, M. C. Technique of social survevs 309.1 Ely, R. T. Outlines of economics 330 ■ — and others. Foundations of national prosperity 338 Emerson, M. I. Evolution of the educa- tional ideal 370.9 Emery, H. C. Politician, party and people 329 Emmet, B. Profit sharing in the United States _ 331.2 Engels, F. Socialism 335 Epler, P. H. Life of Clara Barton 361 Escher, F. Foreign exchange explained ^til Fairchild, H. P. Immigration 325.7 Outline of applied sociology 301 Fairlie, J. A. Local government in coun- ties, towns and villages 352 Municipal administration 352 National administration of the United states of America 353 Falls, D. C. Army and navy information 355 Fanning, C. E., comp. Selected articles on capital punishment 343 Selected articles on direct primaries 324 Selected articles on the conservation of national resources 338 Farnsworth. E. O. Art and ethics of dress 391 Farrand, M. Framinp" of the constitution of the United States 342.7 Fay, C. R. Copartnership in industry 334 Federalist. Federalist, a commentarj'- on the constitution of the United States 342.7 Same: ed. by P. L. Ford 342.7 Field, A. P. L. Story of Canada Blackie 365 Fillebrown, C. B. Principles of natural tax- ation 336.2 Taxation 336.2 Finlay-Johnson, H. Dramatic method of teaching 371 Fish, C. R. American diplomacy 2>27.7i Fisher, D. F. C. Montessori mother 371 Fisher. I. Purchasing power of money 332 Why is the dollar shrinking? 338 SOCIOLOGY— Alt iioR Index 91 Fiske, B. A. Xavy as a fighting machine 359 Fiske, J. Civil government in the United States 353 Fitch, A. P. College course and the prepar- ation for life 378 Fite, E. D. Social and industrial conditions in the North during the Civil war 33(19 Fite, \V. Individualism 304 Flexner, B., and Baldwin, R. X. Juvenile courts and probation 304 Foght, H. W. Rural life and education 379.17 Rural teacher and his work 379.17 Ford, H. J. Rise and growth of American politics 342.7 Ford, J. Cooperation in Xew Fngland 334 Forman, S. E., and Shuler, M. Woman voter's manual S'l^ Foster, W. T. Should students studj' 378 Fowler, X. C. How to obtain citizenship 325.1 Fowler, W. W. City-state of the Greeks and Romans 342 Franc, A. Use your government 353 Frankfurter, F., and Goldmark, J. Case for the shorter work day 338.9 Franklin, F. Cost of living 338 Eraser, H. Women and war work 396 Freeman, F. X. How children learn 370.1 Psvchologv of the common branches 370.15 Freeman, W. G., and Chandler, S. E. World's commercial products 380 Freud, S. Reflections on war and death 172.4 Froebel. F. W. A. Education of man 372.2 Froebel's chief writings on education 372.2 Fulmer, G. Use of the kindergarten gifts 372.2 Fustel de Coulanges. X. D. Ancient city 342 Gallichan, C. G. H. Motherhood and the relationships of the sexes 396 Truth about woman 396 Gantt, H. L. Work, wages and profits 331 Garey, E. B.. and Ellis, O. O. Junior Plattsburg manual 355 Garner, J. W. Introduction to political science 320 Gauss, C. F. Through college on nothing a year 378 George, H. Law of human progress 330 Progress and poverty 336.2 George, W. R., and Stowe, L. B. Citizens made and remade 364 Gephart. W. 1". Insurance and the state 368 Principles of insurance 368 Gesell, .-\. L., and Gesell, B. C. Xormal child and primary education 372 Gettell, R. G. Introduction to political sci- ence 320 GIbbs, W .S. Minimum cost of living 331.8 Gibson, C. R. War inventions and how they were invented 355 Giddings. F. H. Elements of sociology 3ol Principles of sociology 301 Gide. C. and Rist, C. History of economic doctrines 330.9 Gilbertson, H. S. County, the "dark con- tinent" of American politics 352 Gillette, J. M. Vocational education 371.42 Gilman, C. P. S. Women and economics 396 Gladden, \\ . Forks of the road 341.6 (172.4) Godkin, E. L. Unforeseen tendencies of democracy 321.8 Goldsmith, R. League to enforce peace 341.6 Goodnow, F. J. Comparative administra- tive law 350 Municipal government 352 Municipal home rule 352 Politics and administration 350 Principles of constitutional government 342 Social reform and the constitution 342.7 Goodsell, W. History of the family as a social and educational institution 392 Goodwin, G. D. Anti-suffrage 324.3 Gowin. E. B., and Wheatley, W. A. Occu- pations 371.42 (174) Graham, W. T. Romance of life insurance 368 Graves, F. P. Great educators of three cen- turies 370.9 Student's history of education 370.9 Green, J. B. Law for the American farmer 347 Green. T. L. Corporation finance 338.8 Gregorv. I. A. P. Book of saints and won- ders 398 Grimm, J. L. K., and Grimm. W. K. Fairy tales; tr. by E. Lucas 398 Household stories- tr. bv L. Crane 398 Household tales 398 Grinnell. G. B. Blackfoot lodge tales 398 Groat, G. G. Introduction to the study of organized labor in America 331.8 Guerber, H. A. Legends of the middle ages 398 Gulick, S. L. American democracy and Asiatic citizenship 325.7 American Japanese problem 325.7 Gulliver, L. Friendship of nations 341.6 (172.4) Hadley. .\. T. L'ndercurrents in American politics 320.4 Haines, C. G. American doctrine of judicial supremacy 342.7 TTalc, B. F. What women want 396 Hale, E. E. How to do it 374 Hall, A. B. Outline of international law 341 Hall, F. M. H. Good form for all occasions 395 Hall, M. E. Vocational guidance thru the library 371.42 (174) Hamerton. P. G. Intellectual life 374 Hammond, L. H. In black and white 32f> Haney, L. II. Business organization and combination S^S.S Hanus, P. H. Beginnings in industrial edu- cation 371.42 Harding. S. B.. ed. Select orations illustrat- ing .American political history 308 Harris. E. P., and others. Cooperation 334 Harris, F. S. Young man and his vocation 371.42 (174) 92 STANDARD CATALOG Harris, T. C. Uncle Remus and his friends 398 Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings 398 Harris, N. D. Intervention and coloniza- tion in Africa 325.3 Harrison, E. Study of child nature 372 Hart, A. B. Monroe doctrine 327.73 Southern South 326 Haskin, F. J. American government 353 Immigrant 32d.7 Hawthorne, H. Rambles in old college towns ^^8 Hayes, E. C. Introduction to the study of sociology 301 Healv, W. Honesty 364 Hecker, E. A. Short history of women s rights 396 Henderson, C. H. Education and the larget life 370.4 What is it to be educated. ■' 370.1 Henderson, C. R. Cause and cure of crime 364 Citizens in industry 331.8 Introduction to the study of dependent, defective and delinquent classes 360 Social duties from the Christian point of view 304 ed. Correction and prevention 36:) Henry. A. Trade union woman 331.4 Hepburn. A. B. Artificial waterways of the world 386 Historv of currcncv in the United States 332 Herrick, C. A. History of commerce and industry 380 Hii^ginson, T. W. Tales of the enchanted "islands of the Atlantic 398 Hill. D. J. Americanism 321.8 People's government 320 Rebuilding of Europe 327 Hill. M. Teaching of civics 3^3 — and Davis, P Civics for new Americans 325.1 Hillquit. M. Socialism in theory and prac- tice 335 Socialism summed up 33o — and Ryan, J. A. Socialism 335 Hinchman, W. S. American school 379.17 Hirst, F. W. Stock exchange 332 Hoag. E. B., and Terman, L. M. Health work in the schools 371.7 Hobhousc, L. T. Liberalism 320.9 Hobson, T. A. Evolution of modern capi- talism 331 Gold, prices and wages 338 New protectionism 337 Towards international government 341.6 Work and w-ealth 331 Hodge, H. In the wake of the war 342.4 Hodges, G. Training of children in religion 377 Holcombe, A. N. State government in the United States _ 353 Holdsworth. J. T. Money and banking 332 Hollander. J. H. Abolition of poverty 339 Hollingworth, H. L. Vocational psychol- ogy 371.42 (174) Hollister, H. A. Administration of educa- tion in a democracy 371 High school and class management 379.17 Holmes, A. Conservation of the child 371.9 Holmes, J. H. New wars for old 341.6 (172.4) Holmes, O. W. Common law 347 Holt, A. Fancy dresses designed 391 Holt, L. H. Introduction to the study of government 320 Hopkins, A. A., ed. Our army and how to know it, and Our navy and how to know it 355 Home, H. H. Teacher as artist 371 Hough, B. O. Ocean traffic and trade 387 Houghton, L. S. Telling Bible stories 372.6 Hourwich, I. A. Immigration and labor 325.7 Houston. H. S. Blocking new wars 341.6 Howe, F. C. High cost of living 33S Modern city and its problems 332 Why war 341.6 (172.4) Howe, L. Universal military education and service 355 Howerth, I. W. Work and life 304 Hoxie. R. F. Trade unionism in the United States 331.8 Huebner. S. S. Life insurance 368 Property insurance 368 Huffcut, E. W. Elements of business law 347 Hughan, J. W^ American socialism of the present day 335 Facts of socialism 335 Hughes. C. E. Addresses, 1906-1916 308 Conditions of progress in democratic government 320.4 Hughes, T. Dress design 391 Hull, W'. I. Monroe doctrine 327.73 Hungerford, E. Railroad problem 385 Hunter, R. Poverty 339 Violence and the labor movement 335 Hurd, A. S. Our navy 359 Hutchinson, R. H. "Socialism'' of Xew Zealand 335 Huxley. T. H. Science and education 370.4 Hyde, W. D. College man and the college woman 378 Teacher's philosophj' in and out of school 371 Ilbert, C. P. Parliament, its histor}-. con- stitution and practice 328 Inglis, A. J. Principles of secondary educa- tion 379.17 Jackson, O. P., and Evans. F. E. Marvel book of American ships 359 Jacobi, M. P. '"Common sense" applied to woman suffrage 324.3 Jacobs, J., comp. Celtic fairj' tales 398 ed. English fairy tales 398 Indian fairy tales 398 More English fairy tales 398 Jafifrav, J. K.. ed. Prison and the prisoner 365 James. H. G. .\pplied city government 352 Municipal functions 352 Principles of Prussian administration 350 What is the city manager plan? 352 James. W. Talks to teachers on psychol- ogy 370.4 Tanvier. T. A. Legends of the city of INIex- " ico 398 SOCTOT.OGY— Author Index 93 Jastrow, M. War and the Bagdad railway ill Jenks, E. History of politics 320.9 Jenks. J. W. Trust problem 338.8 — and Lauck, \V. J. Immigration problem 325.7 Jennings, H. S., and others. Suggestions of modern science concerning education 370.4 Jolinscn, J. E., comj). Selected articles on unemployment 331.8 Johnson, A., ed. Readings in American con- stitutional history. 1776-1876 342.7 Johnson, E. K. Elements of transportation 380 Ocean and inland water transportation 387 — and lluebncr, G. G. Principles of ocean transportation 387 — and Van Metre, T. W. Principles of rail- road transportation 385 Johnson, G. E. Education by plays and games 371.7 Jordan, D. S. Ways to lasting peace 341.6 Johnston, A. History of American politics 2,1^) Judd, C. H. Psychology of high school subject's 379.17 Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes 398 comp. Myths and legends of California and the old southwest 398 Selected articles on goyernnient owner- ship of telegraph and telephone 384 ed. Myths and legends of British Xortli America 398 Myths and legends of the great plains 398 Mvths and legends of the Pacilic north- west 398 Kahn, J., and Klein, J. J. Principles and methods in commercial education 371.42 (650.7) Kautsky. K. Social revolution 335 Kawakami, K. K. Japan in world politics 327 Keightley, T. Fairy mytholoci^y 398 Killer, .\. G. Colonization 325.3 Societal evolution 301 Kelley, F. Modern industry in relation to the family, health, education, and mor- ality 331.8 Kellogg. V. I,., and Taylor, A. E. I'ood problem i2ii< Kellor, F. A. Dut of work 331.8 Kelsey, C. Physical basis of society .^04 Kcmmerer, J. \\'. Postal savings 332 Kendall, C. X.. and Mirick. G. A. How to teach the fundamental subjects 371 Keppel. I'. P. Undergraduate rind W\<. col- lege ?>7^ Ketcham, E. A. Essentials of iirt- insurance business 368 Key, E. K. S. Renaissance of motherhoorl 396 War, peace and the future 341.6 Younger generation 304 Kidd. B. Science of power 301 Social evolution 301 Kilpatrick. M. G. Rural school from with- in 2>79.\7 Kilpatrick, W. H. Montessori system ex- amined 371 King, C. L. Lower living costs in cities ii^ ed. Regulation of municipal utilities 352 King, 1. Education for social erticiency 370.1 High school age 379.17 Socia"l aspects of education 370.1 King, W. I. Elements of statistical methods 311 Wealth and income of the people of the United States 331 Kirkpatrick, V.. .\. I-undamentals of sociol- ogy 301 Kirkup. T. History of socialism 335 Kitson, 11. D. How to use your mind 371 KniHin. W . II. Practical work of a bank 332 Kready. L. V. Study of fairy tales' 398 Krehbiel. E. B. Nationalism, war and so- ciety 341.6 (172.4) Kropotkin, P. A. Conquest of bread 335 h'ields, factories and workshops 338 Mutual aid a factor of evolution 301 Kriiger, F. K. Government and politics of the German empire 342 La Fontaine, H. Great solution 341.6 Lane. F. K. American spirit 321.8 Lansbury, G. Your part in poverty 331 Lanux, I^ \'oung I'Vance and new America ?,17.7i Lapp, T. A., comp. Important federal laws 345 Our America 353 — and Mote, C. H. Learning to earn 371.42 La Rue, 1). W. Science and art of teaching 371 LaSalle, M. A., and Wiley. K. E. Voca- tions for girls 371.42 (174) Lauck. W. J., and Sydenstricker, E. Con- ditions of labor in .American industries 331.8 Lawrence, T. T. Principles of international law 341 League to enforce peace. Enforced peace 341.6 Leake, .\. H. Industrial education 371.42 Vocational education of girls and women 371.42 Leavitt, V . M., and Brown, I-".. Prevoca- tional education in the public schools 371.42 Le Bon. G. The crowd 301 Lecky, W. E. II. Democracy and liberty Lee, G. S. Crowds 304 Lee. J. Play in education 371.7 Lewis, B. G. OfFiiider and his relations to law and society 365 Lewis. W. n. Democracy's high school 379.17 i.cvine. L. Syndicalism in hVance 331.87 Lincoln. A. Com])lete works 308 Speeches and letters 308 Lincoln. J. T. The factory 331 Lincoln, L. 1. l-!ycrvday pedagogy 379.17 Lindsey. 1'. B., and O'Higgins. H. J. The beast 351 I.ippmann. W. Preface to politics 304 Stakes of diplomacy 327 Lockwood. I', r. comp. l*'resliman and his college 378 94 STANDARD CATALOG Low, S. J. yi. Governance of England 342.4 Lowell, A. L. Government of England 342.4 Governments and parties in continental Europe 342 Governments of France, Italy, and Ger- many 342 Lucas, C. P. British empire 325.3 Lynch, E. F. Educating the child at home 372 Lyman, E. Story telling 372.6 Lyon, W. H. Capitalization 338.8 Mabie, E. C., comp. Selected articles on the city manager plan of government 352 Mabinogian; tr. bj' Lady C. Guest 398 Alacauley. W. Reclaiming the ballot 324 McBain, H. L. American city progress and the law 352 Law and the practice of municipal home rule 352 McCall, S. W. Business of Congress 328 McClure, A. Leadership of the new Amer- ica 325.7 MacDonald, J. A. Democracy and the na- tions 327.73 MacDonald, W., ed. Documentary source book of American historj'^ 342.7 MacFarlane, J. J. Conversion tables of for- eign weights 389 MacGregor, D. H. Evolution of industry 330.9 Machiavelli, X. The prince 321 Maciver, R. L. Community 301 Mackay, C. D. Costumes and scenery for amateurs 391 McKeever, W. A. Industrial training of the boy 371.42 McLaughlin, A. C, and Hart, A. B., eds. Cyclopedia of American government 320.3 MacLean, A. M. Women workers and so- ciety 331.4 McMurry, C. A. Conflicting principles in teaching and how to adjust them 371 Elements of general method 371 AIcMurry, F. M. How to study and teach- ing how to study 371 McPherson, L. G. How the world makes its living 330 McSpadden, J. W. Book of holidays 394 Macy, J. English constitution 342.4 Party organization and machinery 329 — and Gannaway, J. W. Comparative free government 342 Mahan, A. T. Interest of America in sea power, present and future 327.73 Maine, H. J. S. Ancient law 340 Malory, T. Knightly legends of Wales; ed. bv Lanier 398 Morte d'Arthur 398 Morte D'Arthur; ed. by Sir E. Strachey 398 Romance of King Arthur and his knights of the round table 398 Mangold, G. B. Problems of child welfare 362.7 Marburg, T. League of nations 341.6 Marot, H. American trade unions 331.8 Marshall, A. Principles of economics 330 Alarshall, L. C, and others, eds. Materials for the study of elementary economics 330 Marvin. D. E., comp. Curiosities in pro- verbs 398 Marvin, W. L. American merchant marine 387 Marx, K., and Engels, F. Communist man- ifesto ' 335 Marzials, A. M. Stories for the story hour from January to December 372.6 Masterman, J. H. B. History of the British constitution 342.4 Alathews, J. M. Principles of American state administration 353 ]\Iaxwell, G. H. Our national defense 355.7 Meade. E. S. Careful investor 332.6 Corporation tinance 338.8 Meloney, W. B. Heritage of Tyre 387 jMelville, N. J. Standard method of testing juvenile mentality 371.9 Meredith, C. AL Educational bearings of modern psychology 370.15 Mill, J. S. Considerations on representative government 321.8 On liberty (and) The subjection of wo- men 323 Principles of political economy 330 Millard, T. F. F. Our Eastern question 327.73 Miller, I. E. Education for the needs of life 370.1 Miller, K. An appeal to conscience 326 Out of the house of bondage 326 Mills, F. C. Contemporary theories of un- einployment relief 331.8 Alills, J. C. Our inland seas 387 Moir, H. Life assurance primer 368 Alonroe, P. Textbook in the history *f ed- ucation 370.9 ed. Cyclopedia of education 370.3 Principles of secondary education 379.17 Monroe, W. S., and others. Educational tests and measurements 371.9 Alontague, G. H. Business competition and the law 338.8 Rise and progress of the Standard oil company 338.8 Montessori, M. Montessori method 371 Moore, E. C. Fifty years of American edu- cation 370.9 What is education 370.1 Moore. H. H. Youth and the nation 371.42 (174) Moore, J. B. Principles of American di- plomacy 327.73 Moral training in the public schools 377 Morgan, B. S. Backward child 371.9 Morgan, J. E., comp. Selected articles on free trade versus protection 337 — and Bullock, E. D., comps. Selected ar- ticles on municipal ownership 352 Morehouse, F. M. Discipline of the school 371 Morman, J. B. Principles of rural credits 332.7 Alorris, H. C. History of colonization to the present day 325.3 Morris, R. C. International arbitration and procedure 341.6 SOCIOLOGY— A LTiioK IxDi:\ 95 Mosher, R. B., comp. Executive register of the United States 353 Moss, J. A. Manual of military training 355 Private's manual 355 — and Stewart, M. B. Self-helps for the citizen soldier 355 Mote, C. H. Industrial arbitration 331.1 Muir, R. Expansion of Europe 325.3 Nationalism and internationalism 321 Munger. T. T. On the threshold 374 Munro, W. B. Government of American cities 352 Government of European cities 352 Principles and methods of municipal ad- ministration 352 ed. Initiative, referendum and recall 321.8 Myrick. II. Federal farm loan system 332.7 Xasmyth, G. \V. Social progress and the Darwinian theory 301 National child labor committee. Child labor bulletin 331.3 National civic federation. Profit sharing by American employers 331.2 National conference of social work. Pro- ceedings 360 National conference on housing. Housing problems in America 331.8 National conference on marketing and farm credit. Marketing and farm credits 338 National conservation commission. Report of the commission 338 National education association. Addresses and proceedings 370.6 Essentials of character 377 Vocational secondary education 371.42 National municipal leaf^ue. Model city charter and municipal home rule 352 National vocational guidance association. Proceedings 371.42 (174) Nearing, S. Income 331 Reducing the cost of living 338 Social sanity 301 Solution of the child labor problem 331.3 Neeser, R. W. Our many-sided navy 359 Negro year book 326 Neill, A. S. Dominie's log 371 Nesbitt, F. Household management 361 New international year book 305 Nitchie, E. B. kip reading 371.9 Noyes. A. D. Forty years of American finance 336 Official register and directory of the wo- men's clubs in .\merica 374.3 Ogg, F. .A. Economic development of mod- ern Europe 330.9 Governments of Europe 342 Social progress in contemporary Europe 330.9 Oppenheimer, F. The state 320 Osborne, T. M. Society and prisons 365 Within prison walls 365 Ovington. M. \V. Half a man 326 Page, R. W. Dramatic moments in .Amer- ican diplomacy 327.73 Palmer, G. H. Ethical and moral instruc- tion in schools 377 Parker, S. C. Methods of teaching in high schools 379.17 Parmelee, M. F. Criminology 364 Poverty and social progress 339 Parsons, M. P., comp. Selected articles on non-resistance 341.6 (172.4) Parsons, T. Laws of business for all the states and territories oi the Union and the Dominion of Canada 347 Patri, A. Schoolmaster of the great citv '371 Partridge, G. E. Genetic philosophy of ed- ucation 370.1 Paul, N. B. Heart of Blackstone 347 Paxson, F. L., and others, eds. War en- cyclopedia 355 Peabody, F. G. .Approach to the social question 304 Religious education of an American citi- zen 377 Perry, C. A. Community centre activities 371.6 Educational extension 371.6 Extension of public education 371.6 Perry, R. B. I'ree man and the soldier 355 Pestalozzi, J. H. Educational writings 371.4 Petrovic, V. M. Hero tales and legends of the Serbians 398 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on federal control of interstate corpora- tions 338.8 Selected articles on government owner- ship of railroads 385 Selected articles on the American mer- chant marine 387 Selected articles on the income tax 336.2 Selected articles on the initiative and referendum 321.8 Selected articles on the Monroe doctrine 327.73 Selected articles on the parcels post 383 Selected articles on woman suffrage 324.3 Phelps. W. L. Teaching in school and col- lege 371 Phillips, C. A. Readings in money and banking 332 Picht, M. R. V. Toynbee Hall and the English settlement 331.8 Pigou. -A. C. Unemployment 331.8 Plaistcd, L. L. Handwork and its place in early education 372 Plater, C., ed. Primer of peace and war 341.6 (172.4) Plehn, C. C. Government finance in the United States 336 Introduction to public finance 336 Poincare. R. How France is governed 354 Pollock, F. First book of jurisprudence for students of the common law 347 Introduction to the history of science 320.9 Portenar, .A. T. Organized labor 331.8 Post, L. F. Taxation of land values 336.2 Poulsson, E. In the child's world 372.2 Powell, G. H. Cooperation in agriculture 334 Powers, H. H. .America among the nations 327.73 Things men fight for 327 Pringlc, M. P., and Urann, C. A. Yule-tide in many lands 394 Putnam. H. C. School janitors, mothers and health 371.7 96 STANDARD CATALOG Quick, R. H. Essay's on educational re- formers 370.9 Quigley, M. C, and others, comps. Index to kindergarten songs 372.2 Rankin, M. E. Course for beginners in re- ligious education 377 Rapeer, L. W., ed. Educational hygiene 371.7 Ray, P. O. Introduction to political parties and party problems in the United States 329 Redfield, W. C. New industrial day 331 Reece, E. J. State documents for libraries 328 Reed, H. B. ]\Iorals of monopoly and com- petition 338.8 Reed, T. H. Form and functions of Amer- ican government 353 Reely, M. K., 'comp. Selected articles on immigration 325.7 Selected articles on minimum wage 331.2 Selected articles on world peace 341 6 (172,4) Reilly, F. J. New rational athletics for boys and girls 371.7 Reinsch, P. S. American legislatures and legislative methods 328 Colonial government 325.3 Richardson, B. J. Woman who spends 396 Richardson, N. E., and Loomis, O. E. Boy scout movement applied by the church 369.4 Richardson, R. C. West Point 355 Richmond, K. Permanent values in educa- tion 370.9 Richmond, M. E. Good neighbor in the modern city 361 Social diagnosis 361 Riis, J. A. How the other half lives 331.8 Neighbors 331.8 Ripley, W. Z. Railroads; finance and or- ganization 385 Railroads; rates and regulation 385 ed. Trusts, pools and corporations 338.8 Robbins, E. C, comp. Selected articles on reciprocity 337 Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal government 352 Selected articles on the open versus closed shop 331.8 Socialism 335 Robert, H. M. Robert's rules of order re- vised for deliberate assemblies 328.1 Robert, J. T. Robert's primer of parlia- mentary law 328.1 Roberts, H. L. Cyclopedia of social usage 395 Roberts. K. L., comp. Club woman's handy- book of programs and club manage- ment 374.3 Roberts, P. Civics for coming Americans 325.1 New immigration 325.7 Robinson, E., comp. Vocational education 371.42 Robinson, E. E., and West, V. J. Foreign policy of Woodrow Wilson 327.73 Robinson, E. L. 1816-1916: one hundred years of savings banking 332 Roman. F. W. Industrial and commercial schools of the United States and Ger- many 371.42 Roosevelt, T. American ideals 304 New nationalism 320.4 Strenuous life 304 Root, E. Experiments in government and the essentials of the Constitution 321.8 Roper, D. C. United States post office 383 ■Ross, E. A. Foundations of sociology 301 Old world in the New 325.7 Social control 301 Social psychologv 301 Ross, J. E. Right to work 331.8 Rowntree, B. S., and Lasker, B. Unem- ployment 331.8 Royce, J. Hope of the great community 341.6 Race questions 304 Rubinow, I. M. Social insurance 331.2 Standards of health insurance 331.2 Rugg, H. O. Statistical methods applied to education 371.9 Ruskin, J. Unto this last 330.4 Russell, B. Political ideals 320.4 Why men fight 304 Russell, C. E. Why I am a socialist 335 Ryan. J. A. Distributive justice 331 Living wage 331.2 R^'an, O. Municipal freedom 352 Ryan, W. C. School hygiene 371.7 Sachs, J. American secondary school and some of its problems 379.17 Sage, E., and Cooley, A. M. Occupations for little fingers 372 Sandiford, P. Mental and physical life of the school child 370.15 Schain. J. Women and the franchise 324.3 Schauffier, R. H., ed. Independence day 394 Scherer, J. A. B. Cotton as a world power 338 Schmitt, B. E. England and Germanv, 1740-1914 327 Schoolcraft, H. R. Indian fairy book 398 Schreiner, O. Woman and labor 396 Schultz, J. W. Blackfeet tales of Glacier national park . 398 Scott, C. A. Social education 370.1 Scott, \\'. A. Banking 332 Money 332 Money and banking 332 Seager, H. R. Principles of economics 330 Social insurance 331.2 Seligman, E. R. A. Essays in ta.xation 336.2 Income tax 336.2 Principles of economics 330 Sellars, R. W. Next step in democracv 335 Shaler, N. S. The neighbor 301 Sharp, F. C. Success 377 Shattuck, H. L. R. Shattuck's parliamen- tary answers 328.1 Shaw, A. H. Story of a pioneer 324.3 Shedlock, M. L. Art of the storv-teller 372.6 Simkhovitch, V. G. ^Marxism versus social- ism 335 Sinclair. U., ed. Cry for justice 308 Single tax year book 336.2 Skelton, O. D. Socialism 335 SOCIOLOGY— Author Im.f.x 97 Skinner, C. M. Myths and legends beyond our borders 398 Mvths and legends of our own land 398 Smiles, S. Self-help 374 Smith, G. Oxford and her colleges 37S Smith, H. B. Establishing industrial schools 371.42 Smith, J. A. Spirit of American govern- ment 342.7 Smith, J. R. Commerce and industry 380 Industrial and commercial geography 38() Smith, X. A. Home-made kindergarten 372.2 Smith. \V. H. All the children of all the people 370.4 Smith, W. R. Introduction to educational sociology 370.1 Sneath K. 11., and Hodges, G. Moral train- ing' in the school and home 377 Snedden, D. S. Problem of vocational ed- ucation 371.42 Problems of secondary education 375 Sombart, W. Socialism and the social movement 33S Southern sociological congress. South mo- bilizing for social service 306 Spalding, J. L. Means and ends of educa- tion ■ 370.4 Spargo, J. Social democracy explained 335 Socialism 335 — and Arner, G. B. L. Elements of social- ism 335 Sparks, F. M. Business of government 352 Spears, J. R. Storj- of the American mer- chant marine 387 Spence, L. Hero tales and legends of the Rhine 398 Spencer, H. Education 370.1 Man versus the state 320.4 Principles of sociology 301 Study of sociology . 301 Statesman's year book 3Q5 Steiner, E. A. Immigrant tide 325.7 Nationalizing America 325.7 Steiner. J. F. Japanese invasion 325.7 Steinmetz, C. P. America and the new epoch 330.9 Stephenson, G. T. Race distinctions in American law 326 Stevens. W. O. Story of our navy 359 Stevens, \V. S., ed. Industrial combinations and trusts 338.8 Stimson, F. J. Popular law-making 340 Stirlin.g, Y. l-'undamentals of naval science 359 Stone. H. F. Law and its administration 340 Stone, M. Bankside costume book for chil- dren 39\ Stoner. W. S. Xatural education 370.1 Storey. M. Reform of legal procedure 340 Strayer. G. D. Brief course in the teaching process 371 — aiid Xorsvvorthy. X. How to teach 371 Strong. J. Our world 304 Sullivan. J. J. American l)u.siness law 347 Sullivan. J. W. Markets for the people 381 Sumner, H. L. Equal suffrage 324.3 — and Merritt, E. A. Child labor legislation in the United States 331.3 Sumner, W. G. Folkways 301 War and other essays 304 Sunderland, J. T. Rising Japan 327.73 Swift, E. J. Learning and doing 370.1 Youth and the race 370.15 Swift, L. Brook farm 335 Swift, W. P>. Speech defects in school chil- dren and how to treat them 371.7 Taft, VV. H. Anti-trust act and the Supreme court 338.8 Our chief magistrate and his powers 353 Popular government 320.4 Present day problems 304 United States and peace 341.6 — and Bryan, W. J. World peace 341.6 (172.4) Tagore, R. Nationalism 320 Talbot, M. Education of women 376 Talbot, VV., comp. Americanization 325.7 Taussig, F. \V. Principles of economics 330 Tariff history of the United States 337 Tarbell, I. M. Business of being a woman 396 New ideals in business 331.8 Tariff in our times 337 Tarde, G. Social laws 301 Taylor, C. K. Physical examination and training of children 371.7 Taylor, G. R. Satellite cities 331.8 Taylor, J. S. Handbook of vocational ed- ucation 371.42 Taylor, W. L. Man behind the bars 365 Terhune, ^I. V. H. Complete etiquet 395 Terman, L. M. Hygiene of the school child 371.7 Measurement of intelligence 371.9 Teacher's health 371.7 Thompson, C. D. Municipal ownership 352 Thompson, L. A., comp. List of references on child labor 331.3 Thorndike, E. L. Educational psvchologv 370.'l5 Educational psvchologv; briefer course 370.15 Thorpe, F. X. Essentials of American con- stitutional law 342.7 comp. Federal and state constitutions 342.7 Three peace conferences of the 19th cen- tury 341.1 Thrum, T. G., comp. Hawaiian folk tales 398 Thurslkld. J. R. Xaval warfare 359 Thwing, C. F. American college 37S I'ducation according to some modern masters 370,4 History of education in the United States since the Civil war 370.9 Training of men for the world's future 378 — and Thwing, C. F. B. The family 392 Tocqueville, .\. Democracy in .Aincrica 342.7 Todd, A. J. Theories of social progress 301 Toothaker, C. R., and others. Commercial raw materials 3S0 Toulmin, H. A. City manager 3S2 Towne, E. T. Social problems 3(l4 Tridon, A. Xew unionism 331.87 Trotter, W. Instincts of the herd in peace and war 30\ Tucker, \V. J. X'ew reservation of time 304 Tufts. J. H. Our democracy 321.8 98 STANDARD CATALOG Tj'ler, J. M. Growth and education 2)12 U.S. Census, Bureau of. Abstract of census manufacturers 317 Century of population growth 317 Statistical atlas of the United States 317 Thirteenth census 317 U.S. Civil service commission. IManual of examinations 351 U.S. Education, Bureau of. Bulletins. 370 Index to the reports of the commissioner of education 370 Monthly list of current educational pub- lications 370 Negro education 371.9 Public facilities for educating the alien 325.7 U.S. Foreign and domestic commerce. Bureau of. Commercial organizations of the United States 381 Statistical abstract of the United States 317.3 U.S. Foreign relations committee. Treaties, conventions, international acts, pro- tocols and agreements between the United States and other powers 341.2 U.S. Immigration, Bureau of. Information for immigrants concerning the United States 325.1 U.S. Labor statistics, Bureau of. Bulletin 338.9 Bulletin: vocational education 371.42 Labor laws of the United States 338.9 Summary of the report on condition of woman and child wage-earners in the United States 331.4 Workmen's insurance and benefit funds in the L^nited States 331.2 U.S. Naturalization, Bureau of. Outline course in citizenship 325.1 Syllabus of the naturalization law 325.1 U.S. Post office department. United States official postal guide 383 U.S. Standards, Bureau of. Units of weights and measures 389 Usher, R. G. Pan-Germanism ill Vanderblue, H. N. Railroad valuation 385 Van Hise, C. R. Concentration and con- trol 338.8 Conservation and regulation in the United States during the world war 338 Conservation of natural resources in the United States 338 Van Valkenburgh, A., comp. Selected ar- ticles on military training in schools and colleges 355 Selected articles on national defence 355 Veblen, T. Imperial Germany and the in- dustrial revolution 330.9 Inquiry into the nature of peace 341.6 Theory of the leisure class 301 Vedder, H. C. Gospel of Jesus and the problems of democracy 304 Veiller, L. Housing reform 331.8 Vinogradoff, P. G. Commonsense in law 340 Vocational education 371.42 Wald, L. D. House on Henry Street 331.8 Wallace, A. R. Social environment and moral progress 301 Wallace, D. D. Government of England, national, local and imperial 342.4 Wallas, G. Great society 301 Wallin, J. E. W. Mental health of the school child 371.9 \\'alling, W. E. Socialism as it is 335 — and Laidler, H. W., eds. State socialism pro and con 335 — and others, eds. Socialism of today 335 W^ard, E. J., ed. Social center 371.6 Ward, H. F. Labor movement from the standpoint of religious values 331.8 Ward, L. F. Applied sociology 301 Pure sociology 301 Warne, F. J. Immigrant invasion 325.7 Tide of immigration 325.7 Warner, A. G. American charities 361 Weaver, E. W.. and Byler, J. F. Profitable vocations for boys 371.42 (174) Weaver, E. W., ed. Vocations for girls 371.42 (174) Weeks, A. D. Psychology of citizenship 304 Weld, L. D. H. Marketing of farm prod- ucts 338 Wells, D. A. Theory and practice of taxa- tion 336.2 Wells, F. D. Man in court 347 Wells, H. G. New worlds for old 335 Social forces in England and America 304 West side studies ' 331.8 Westervelt, W. D., comp. Legends of gods and ghosts 398 Weyl, W. E. American world policies 327.73 New democracy 321.8 Wheeler, P. Russian wonder tales 398 Whelpley, J. D. Trade of the world 382 Whitaker, J. Almanack 314 White, H. Monejf and banking 332 Whiteman, E. Stories to tell children 372.6 Whipple, G. AI. How to study effectively 371 Wiggin, K. D. S., and Smith, N. A. Re- public of childhood Z11.2 A\'ilbur, M. A. Child's religion 377 Wilcox, D. F. Government by all the peo- ple 321.8 Willard, C. E. ABC of life insurance 368 Williams, A. Copartnership and profitshar- ing 334 Willoughby, W. F. Problem of a national budget 351 Willoughby, W. W. Examination of the nature of the state 320 Wilson, C. D. Working one's way through college and university 378 Wilson, W. Congressional government 328 Constitutional government in the United States 342.7 In our first year of war 308 New freedom 320.4 President of the United States 353 President Wilson's state papers and ad- dresses ' 308 The state 350 War addresses 308 Why we are at war 308 Wines, F. H. Punishment and reformation 365 Wise, J. C Call of the Republic 355 Withers, H. International finance 2>2i2 Meaning of money 332 Poverty and waste 330 SOCIOLOGY— Author Txdi-x 99 Wolfe, A. B., ed. Readings in social prob- lems ■ 31)4 Wolff, H. W. Co-operative credit for the United States 332.7 Woman suffrage year book 324.3 Woman's educational and industrial union. Public schools and women in office ser- vice 331.4 Wood, L. Our militarj'- history 355.7 Woodburn, J. A. American politics 329 American republic and its government 342.7 Woodbury, R. M. Social insurance 331.2 Woodley, O. I., and Woodley, M. V. Pro- fession of teaching 371 Woods, R. A., and Kennedy, A. J., eds. Young working girl 331.4 Woolf, L. S. International government 341.6 Woolsey, T. D. Introduction to the study of international law 341 World almanac and encyclopedia 317.3 Wright, H. C. American city 352 Yeats, W. B., ed. Irish fairy and folk tales 398 Young, A. N. Single tax movement in the United States 336.2 Young, J. S. State and government 320 Young, J. T. New American government and its work 353 Zangwill, I. Principle of nationalities 320 Zueblin, C. American municipal progress 352 I b I j.3^^ I ,'lfi >u THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. FE3 6 1935: ■1 1 ■? vH^ 1 p r • • *- -^ ''■" 5^[ y otrriO'.^ 9^^' V5\^ 1 1 ,„^ LiD 21-100m-7,'33 I u/ < # ' v^^-/ 384863 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY J \. \ m 1. k ].::- i-...:.. ■.,,Hi; p i •:::^;!;ii!ti If