^ J INDEX TO HEIRS-AT-LAW, NEXT OF KIN, liEGJ-ATEES, MISSING FRIENDS, ENCUMBRANCERS, AND Creditors or their Representatives in Chancery jSuits, who have been advertised for DURING THE LAST ISO YEARS, CONTAINING UPWARDS OP 50,000 N^]MES, RELATING TO VAST SUMS OF UNCLAIMED MONEY; COLLECTED, COMPILED, AND ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED BY ROBERT CHAMBERS. THIRD EDITION REVISED AND GREATLY ENLARGED. BY EDWARD PRESTON, Own&r of the Copyright. LONDON; REEVES & TURNER, 100, CHANCERY LANE, E.C. EDWARD PRESTON, 90, 8T0CKWELL PARK ROAD. S.W. Letters A to Z One le Shilling each; or,€omplete (in Cloth), 10s. 6d., Post Free, 1872. LONDON: H. KEMSHEAD, PRINTER, LOWER KENNINGTON LANE, S.E. PREFACE. Since the last Edition of this work was published, the Advertisements and Information to which the names relate have been nearly doubled, and a new Edition being called for, the Compiler has endeavoured, at great expense, to make it the most perfect Index of its kind. It contains upwards of 50,000 names of persons advertised for during the last 150 years in the London Gazette, Times, and numerous other London and Country newspapers, inquiring for Heirs at Law, Next of Kin, Legatees, and others to come forward and prove their claims to property of the aggregate value of many millions steeling. It is only necessary to mention one or two facts to shew the usefulness of an Index such as this. Ey a return recently presented to the House of Commons, the amount of the Suitors' Stock and Cash standing in the Court of Chancery is £60,425,400 5s. 6d. Of this sum a large portion awaits claimants. There is also an enormous sum standing unclaimed at the Bank of England in the shape of Unclaimed Dividends. On the I^ational Debt alone the amount was, at the commencement of 1872, nearly £1,000,000. Very large sums are also due to the representatives of persons who have died abroad intestate, and the amount of Army and Navy Prize Money due to the lleprescntatives of deceased Soldiers and Sailors is in round numbers £1,500,000. A very large proportion of these vast sums can readily be recovered on properly authenticated proofs of relationship being produced. A copy of a Next of Kin advertisement is often sufficient to put inquirers in possession of a direct clue to vciy large sums of money. An endeavour has been made in this Edition to avoid repetitions, the same person often being advertised for many times in different newspapers. "Wherever two entries of the same name occur, a short description has been inserted for easier identification. When several members of a family are Avantcd, one entry only has been made; thus, Ahholt Family, 71,070, although Ann, George, Mary, Philip, Thomas, and William Abbott may be wanted. This course has con- siderably condensed the Index. The compiler believes that this Index will be found of the greatest assistance by Solicitors and others in prosecuting inquiries respecting unclaimed money. Even in cases where, after a copy of an Advertise- ment is obtained, it is found that tlie property refeiTed to has been already recovered, the information is still valuable, as anxiety is set at rest, and a grc iit deal of time and money saved that would otherwise be spent in useless searches. csup Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisementi to which thete relate will be found at end of Index. A'Beckett, Jane 65589 Abbe, Mary 66534 Abber, Thomas 39960 Abbestie, Alexander . , . . 28000 Abbey, Ann 1076 Jame3 61084 Abbis, Jobn 90000 Thomas 9709 Abbitt, Charles 76266 Abbot, Thomas 51379 WilHam 53293 Abbots, Fanny 2154 Margaret 5005 Abbotson, Mary 12348 Abbott, Alfred (U.S.) . . . . 59473 Ann 11679 Archbishop 35521 Charles 10741 Edward Jan . . . . 18000 EU 25966 Family.. • 71070 Capt. George (India) . . 28001 (London) . . 2432 12040 Hannah 90002 Henry 18001 James 90003 John (Hong Kong) . . 71538 Mary 90004 Mary Anne 54309 Peter 60643 Miss S 90001 Samuel 71696 Thomas (son of John) 12604 WiUiam (Turkey) . . 34271 (soldier).. .. 17899 Abdool, Rahman 71538 Abdy, Sir WilHam 74920 William Jackson . . . . 90005 Abel, Elizabeth 12523 James , 5270 Thomas 72522 AbeU, Henry 51111 Thomas & Co 25751 Abercromby, J. B 60146 Aberdim, William 28002 Abes, William . . 33255 Abet, Ananias 69651 Abindo, Margaret 3879 Ablen, William 75719 Ablett, Ann 37444 Mary 66338 — : Rebecca 30940 Abney, Edwaixi 38996 Abondis, Margaret and Peter 7662 Abraham, Albert 6859 Elizabeth 7740 181 Abraham, Isaac Adrian . . . , 35629 Jacob 15685 John and Matthew . . 90006 Mary 6463 Peter 15686 Mrs. S 28003 Wolf 1006 Abrahams, George 6270 Lewis 25761 Michael 76065 Sarah 61292 Solomon 39903 Abryhart, Mary 30016 Absalom, Henry (Southampton) 75713 Absolam, Mary AV 67770 Absolom, — (Cape Good Hope) 25781 Abt, Francis 90007 Aburrow, William 14568 Acherley, Sarah 73698 Ackers, George 24375 James 5745 Acklam, Richard and Samuel 38177 Ackland, Charles 28004 John 70472 Ackroyd, Jonathan 76267 William 36695 Acroyd, Thomas ooo%5 Ackworth, Abraham . . . . 90008 Ball Birchendge . . 5360 Aclom, Mary Jane (wife of Geo.) 65221 Acres, Rebecca 90009 Acret, William Henry . . . . 30713 Acton, Elizabeth 60130 John 37488 Mary 11952 Robert 55578 WiUiam 51770 Ac worth, George 65512 Adair, Diana 62425 Elizabeth 4141 Emma . . . . . . . . 28005 James 4141 Sir Robert . . . . . . 39168 Thomas James . . . . 26066 Adam, Charles 74404 John 30334 Mary Ann 23460 Phoebe 70474 William 74404 Adams, Ann 5715 (died 1861— heirsof) 67774 Anne 90010 Bridget 10696 Caroline 70388 - Catherine (sister of Jno.) 6651 A Bireetiom for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Adams, Catherine (widow) . . 21093 Charles 90012 Ward .. .. 37754 l^Ii-s, Christopher . . 54551 Christian 6651 David 68711 Edmonds 66323 Edward (yeoman) . . 50470 Elias 90013 Eliena 50513 EUen 7902 (Middlesex) .. 60128 Elizabeth (Northampton) 57255 1848 S 70069 Family (Salop) . . . . 51341 G 58992 V. Gillett 24004 George (son of George) 31023 Yoxall . . . . 7904 Gilbert 9062 Han-iet 90011 Ann 75211 Henry (Calcutta) . . 28006 • Major-Gen. Hix J. W. 29120 Jacob 7903 James (Staines) . . . . 73172 (childi-cn of) . . 57256 (died abroadj . . 18002 (creditors of) . . 33515 (legatee) . . 6651 Jarvis 3613 Jno. (representatives of) 71203 John (Middlesex) . . 6105 (Wales) . . . . 15749 (Newport, Salop) 31825 & Itobcrt, Messrs. 72004 f Colonies) . . . . 18002 (Liverpool) . . . . 66312 (Covent Garden) . . 6651 Joseph 15750 • (merchant) . . 54550 Kezia 57926 Mary 70386 (Camberwell) . . 3613 Anno 54551 Miss (St. John's Wood) 32290 Moses .. .. ., ., 6079 Mrs 16075 Nathaniel 3613 Peter 64272 Rebecca (St. Luke's, London) 3613 7903 Reynolds 15027 li^chard 70478 (Warwick) . . 70269 Hyno .. .. 61416 Robert 90014 G0129 Adams, Samuel 18003 Susannah 9061 Tabitha 6748 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 60883 (Sussex) . . . . 23643 (Middlesex) . . 51645 (Worcester) . . 53608 James . . . . 58244 Maxwell . . . . 6880 Titus 70327 F. E 73797 William (Ireland) .. 26111 (gunner).. .. 26550 (annuitant) . . 75173 (seaman) . . 12546 : (Surrey) . . . . 67777 Henry Davenport 26206 Adamson, Ann 90015 James 71695 Robert & Co. . . . . 74808 Adamthwaite, Rev. John . . 5351 Adcock, Elizabeth 17870 Esther (otherwise Easter) 56509 Henry 54551 Robert . . . . 51004 Addenbrooke, B. B. . . . . 26751 ■ Capt. John . . 21646 Addecott, William 54255 Adderley Family 90016 Richard 8011 Adders, Miss 32879 Adderson, George 53605 Addicott, Margaret 70473 Addington, Carolina and WiUiam 64625 HemyUnwin .. 90017 Thomas .. .. 72303 William (executor) 62299 Addis, Timothy 61085 Addison, James 90018 Robert 34 Sarah 90019 Adenstedt, George C 24663 Adey, Elizabeth Ann . . . . 73798 Adie, John and Thomas . . . . 12755 Adkin, A. (gunner) 75229 George 6902 William 6165 Adkins, George T. and Rosanna 73796 Adlam, James 71698 Adlar, Wilhelmina 11981 Adlard, Overton 32028 Adlington, Thomas 72007 Adnam, Robert 7141 Adock, William 2787 Adolp, Trangot 99020 Adonis, — (Capo of Good Hope) 25844 Adshcad, Ebonczer 66313 Titus 90021 Affleck,— 63276 Direciiotis for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to uMch these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Affleck, Henry 25524 Scott Jolm 21464 Thomas 28007 Agabeg, Aviet 28009 Agace, Esther 14714 Agar, D. S 63275 John 50766 Agassiz V. Nunn 24008 Agars, Maria 74663 Agdotto, Gregory 51667 Ager, Charles 76270 Joseph 14701 Wm. Frederick . . . . 10743 Agemon, John . . .... . . 90022 Aggett, Thomas 53609 Aglionby, L^^jniy Aglionhy . . 54779 Agnese, Joseph M. L 75715 Agnew, Alexander 32252 Captain 12536 Patrick .... . . 7539 Wm. Major . . . . 29121 Aguilar, Miss Sarah . . . . 34999 Agutter, ■William 90023 Ah Sue 25887 Ahearn, Edmond 23232 Ahern, John 73791 Ahlborn, Krintz and Rollins . . 50629 Ahmuty, Richard 29122 Thos. A. S 76271 Aigoin, David and Michael . . Aikers, James Aikman, Rev. John Aime, Benjamin Aimes, Anna Maria Ainley, Mary Ainslie, Col. John Ainsworth, Crokatt, and Co. . . Daniel David Family .... Thomas (Lancaster) (Leicester) Aird, Donald John Airey, John Airs, Thomas Aisley, Stephen Aitchison, Anna Maria F. John R. H Aitken, Archibald David . . Elizabeth Family Hugh . . James . , 30508 90024 12012 26760 90025 12480 28012 63242 25997 5578 17961 11861 6290 11695 90026 57297 90027 5016 70481 12139 28014 12057 73696 90028 90029 21640 12054 Aitken, John 1316^ Mary 12056 • Mary Ann 1703 Sidney {alias William) 56252 William {alias Sidney) (blacksmith) (currier) Aitkin Robert (died abroad) . . Aitkins, Ann Elizabeth . . . . Harriet and John Peter and William . . 56252 21099 12055 12596 18004 3645 26758 6749 3645 Akehurst, Samuel 61093 Akerman, William Addis & Co. 68991 Akers, Edmund Fleming . . 6889 Family 90031 Frances 6549 James 1130 Jane 5544 L. John 3360 Mary 7767 Sarah 7767 Thomas 6549 Akinhead, Alexander . . . . 9132 Aland, Robert Owen Alanson & Brandreth, -Messrs. John Alban, Victor St. Thomas Albertini, Ann Albinson or Albison family . . John • Samuel Albo, Frances Albon Family Albrecht, — . . '- Williani Albuoy, James B. H Alchin, John Thomas .... Alcock, Ann . . .... John . . C. (Richmond Green) Capt. Rich. Ponsonby Samuel Alden, William Aldenton, Robert Alder, Anne . '. Charles Finlay . . Frederick Mary AldeiTuan, Elizabeth Aldersay, Alderse, John . . Aldersey, Robert Alderson, Christopher 11798 39418 34043 632 51239 51117 39060 67772 2444 76033 90033 25786 63273 36601 40783 90035 50079 74814 29023 68272 35247 18005 39384 39384 39360 62349 7417 90036 1052 32125 69457 7384 A 2 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Alderson, Fanny Henry John Matilda Eobert Alderton, Mr Mary Ann (Middlesex) Aldc^ick, Eleanor . . Aldington, Sarah Aldous, Thomas WilHam Aldred, Ann . . . . ' . . John Aldren, Mary Aldrich, Hannah Mr Aldridge, Charles Daniel Dorothy . . Elizabeth . . Ellen.. .. Family Flora.. .. Hesther . . Hugh WaUis James Jno. (painter) Joseph K. . . Matthew . . Susan Aldron, Mary A'Leo Alexanders, Alexander, Andrew (Middlesex) Catherine Comfort Dennis Donald Dr . . E Edmund Edward Ellen Family Fletcher & Co. Gustavus "Wm . . Jacob James (seaman, H.M.S.) (U.S.) .. .. (Surrey . . John (Glasgow) Johnstone & others . . Lieut. John Staples. . Margaret Maria Mary Peter 64379 26752 37122 51782 50849 32013 71649 10473 15474 74817 30776 56947 10440 7876 12812 90042 12859 11982 1815 427 15347 2115 90040 12119 6622 8496 2159 74813 71533 90038 30815 3953 8895 10456 75228 18006 55199 55891 1303 18007 67714 63274 2319 10047 8193 90041 3490 28019 8200 31250 1832 4214 33042 31615 29083 28018 31311 73809 2394 26460 Alexandei", Robert Sarah (Belfast) IMrs. Sarah WilHam (son of John) . . William (Suffolk) Ensign W.F. .. William Thomas Alfeiry, Capt. F. . . Alford, Ann Eliza Elizabeth Sarah James . . John Lush . . Philip .. .. Eobert . . Alfred, Ann Alfrey Family . . William . . Algar and Wood Alger, Ann Esther Eliza PhiUp . . Alkin, Thomas Turner . . Allah, Madame P. P Allaire, Esther and John AUamind, Cadet John . . Allan, Alexander (London) . . (son of David) Ann (formerly Cook) . . Knox Edward Elizabeth Grant James John Margaret Matthew (York) . . . . Robert George W Susanna Thomas (York) Capt. W... . Kev. William . William G. . Knox . Allanson, Elizabeth Catherine James John Joseph Thomas Allard, Jean Francis Allardyco, James George Allarton, Anno Allatt Family Allaway, Jamos AUbyson Family 12255 21410 8192 36110 57724 75718 12279 28021 90044 28022 51805 50764 37532 90043 73176 51792 32132 90045 26757 50165 26490 90046 75688 18008 31926 60863 90047 28023 74808 68714 73S13 24330 18009 90048 30708 69640 57986 26759 75721 61798 29124 90049 31212 75717 31718 90048 29404 24330 38861 90060 90061 6221 38852 29126 28026 66896 90062 39848 51119 i)irectiom for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Allcock, Samuel . . . . . . 26754 AUcott, James and John . . 40599 AUcroft, Frederick William . . 53283 Allden, Elizabeth 67515 AUder, George 50903 AUdcrman, Elizabeth . . . . 7417 AUdin, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Jas. 28026 AUdraJ, WilHam AUen . . . . 61098 Alldv, Humphry 9480 Alice, James 31732 Allen, Aaron and Abizah . . 6406 1'. AUen 24000 Ann 5321 Ann (Denbigh) . . . . 68712 Anno (widow of Joshua) 65436 , -B.jEsq 40414 -Bennett 90054 V. CaUow 24001 Charles Lutwycho . . 51804 Charlotte Jane . . . . 56823 Daniel 6406 David 10461 V. Delisle 90055 V. Denny . . . . • • 24002 & Edwards, Messrs. . . 9950 Edmund 35135 Edward 73 ■ Hare .. .. 90056 Elderton AVilliam . . 8503 Eleanor B 74310 • Elizabeth (Middlesex) .. 30632 (Essex) . . 15315 (Twickenham) 73539 Family 22964 63997 George (Cambridge) . . 40979 Benjamin . . 3889 Hemy 73810 Thomas .. .. 75218 Herbert 73178 James (Bath) . . . . 72006 (Chancer v) . . 73715 Jcssey . . . . \. . . 8204 John (Chelsea) . . . . 1875 (Surrey) , . . . 7941 4069 (Colonies) . . . . 18010 (creditor) . . . . 62004 Rev. John (Devon) . . 39257 Joseph 32973 Kay 4134 Margaret 16831 Mary 10374 (Canterbury) . . 8623 Catherine \. .. 11722 Matthew Clement . . 55895 Mr 1755 '■ — Mrs. (legatee) . . . . 9629 [vn^ow of Thomas) 16586 -^ M-udeford 54396 Allen, Patrick 26375 Pentycross Elizabeth.. 6406 r. Ramsay 39789 Eichard 947 Robert Alfred .. .. 51383 • Sarah (spinster) . . .. 61097 6406 Miss Sarah 8541 Susan 2313 Susannah Spaldin . . 3830 Thomas (Chester) . . 74815 (schoolmaster) . 8962 (peruke maker) 12449 (Royston) , . 38529 (or borwdck) . . 90053 (Australia) . . 65281 Timothy 90057 WilUam (India) . . . . 75218 (Colonics) .. 18011 (Southwark) 6107 (Bristol) . . 35223 (Stoke Erith) 11543 (went to India) 12446 (Greenwich) 50104 (heirs of) . . 54397 (Durham) . . 40231 Elderton . . 90058 AUenby, John 33282 — Margaret 75981 Allender, Ambrosina . . . . 26753 — James 55270 Allensford, Emma 3165 Allers Family 12676 Allcrson Family 51125 Alley, Margaret 26201 Alley ne family (India) . . . . 22052 Henry 11408 Henry and Mary . . 24493 Allford, Sarah 56547 Allgood V. Blackett 24077 George 21541 AUibone, William 18012 "Alligator" (ship), crew of . . 61809 AUin, Lewis Dark 74515 -Richard 51352 Allingham, Eleanor 90060 Allinson, Edward Dawson .. 61095 Allison, Ambrose 36452 Catharine 69652 David 50370 -Esther 9745 Family 24252 Hannah (widow) . . . , 51803 Henry 50829 Jane (afterwards Rogers) 67935 6463 Joseph 62090 Mary 75216 & Soulsby 63373 William (Lancaster) . , 7o273 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. AUiston, John , Allmand, John Adolphus Ailment Family Allnutt, Charles John AUonsons, Joseph . . Allott, Aaron Allport, Anno Allpress, George Harvey Rev. Jno. H. . . Allrutz, Frederick . , AUsop, William (Middlesex) Allsup, John Allum, Thomas Allwood, Henry Andrew Philip . . . . William . . Alman, Moses Mosley . . Almond, Ann and William John Alner, George Bell Alom, Mary Aloof, Judah Alp, William Alphonse, Louis Alport, Eleanor and William Alsager Family Henry Mary Ralph Alsop, Henry John Joseph Alston, Ezekiel Francis . . '■ — Gavin Henry Frederick James : Erskine . . Jane V. Males Sir Thomas Thomas Richard Till. Alstrum, Gustavus Alt, Gregory Altaras, Joseph Althorpo, Mary Alton, Thomas Altnily, Peter A. Joseph Alty, William Alvanley, Jiaron liord (creditors of) . Alvcs, Thomas , . Alyward, John Jo3oi)li . . Amhler, Susannah . . Ambrose, I'urton Elizabetii YAw'dXil . . . . Eliza Susannali Family (N. K.) 59721 1233 21749 61797 71699 3012 6464 73175 31274 21737 90059 51790 3475 51524 73811 61102 15697 67379 34026 34441 70479 60861 18013 54041 63650 26755 26756 15822 64871 58780 9722 90061 63265 71697 73171 54 73174 70484 18014 53247 23697 15864 90062 90063 90064 28028 6923 17249 90005 75222 13O06 55542 10715 90066 6161 2425 74808 6887 57442 Ambrose, Geo. N. . Henrietta John — Mary — Nicholas George — Thomas . . Ambrosso, Capt. B Ambury, Henry Meredith Amedroz, Joshua Amory, Joseph Ames, Mary (or Amos), Thomasine and William Amheret, Charles Amiel, Charlotte Amies, John Richard Amis, Edward Amlot, William Ammon, J. R. A Amos, A. (Serj. -major) . . James • Sarah . . _ Amoyl, Robert Ellis Amphlet, Sarah Amy, Ann Anachine, Frederick Anastcrman, George Anchuetz, Susannah Ancona, Morris Ancrara, Henry M Anderson, — (surgeon) . . A. (India) . . . . Alexander (Chancery (Brussels) jun. . . . (Lieut.) . (Colonies) Purcell . Alfred Andrew (Major) (seaman) . (N.B.) . Ann (or Miller) Miss Ann . . . . Benjamin . . C Corporal Charles Charles (India) Inglia Charlotte Christian . . Collin . . . . Daniel David . . . . Drew & Co. Druiiimond Jolm 28029 90068 900G9 90067 36637 90070 29401 58294 1G426 56253 24006 21543 36601 2244 5664 14574 33422 34797 28030 28031 21735 58333 90071 57210 4460 26023 90072 1016 8209 30810 53376 28031 58781 25531 11120 10031 76832 18015 63285 2601 9585 3135 12024 12408 2462 6557 2691 74811 13166 28034 76833 7021 90072 26761 74727 11156 71108 22055 jtfireclions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Anderson, Duncan Elizabeth Family Francis Frederick William . . George (bookbinder) (died abroad) V. Green . . Hannah . . Isabella . . James (Ireland) Anderson, Lieut. James James Alexander . . John Marriett . . Jane (year 1749) . . John (Chancery) (or Mitchell) . . (seaman) . . (died in New- South Wales) (hairdresser) . . Peter . . . . Joseph Joshua Margaret : Mary (spinster) Matthew Michael . . Mrs Oswald Peter E Robert (Durham) (Leeds) (India) Samuel Sir Stephen Thomas (Middlesex) Thomas Thomas (Lieut.) V. TumbuU . . . . Mr. W. William (died abroad) William (Chancery) (Elgin) .. ■ • (sm-geon) • (London) . . • (India) . . (Edinburgh) John Anderton, Hannah . . Andoe, Martha . . Andoird, Sieur George Andreans, Joseph Ter Andree, Frederick . . 39992 26762 66843 68715 18016 11146 36108 18017 24003 11259 1776 23266 8728 70319 8727 6407 21539 58776 90075 466 7651 1385 11882 31925 10231 21388 40061 2258 90074 2074 800 99077 18018 58993 50825 12444 12142 28033 1722 90076 76277 12258 4195 24003 74606 18019 58807 73167 15703 3159 10742 12133 34550 51783 15181 74864 3742 28035 3233 Andi-ew, Alexander Ann . . Edmund (LiA-erpool) Elizabeth James S Jane (spinster) Richard Robert (York) . . . . Samuel Thomas William Andrewes, ]\Iartha . . Andrews, Agnes Augustus . . Caesar Major Charles ■ Edward . . • Eleanor . . Elizabeth Family (Surrey) . . (Kent) . . . . G. H. (or representa- tives) George Hannah Hannah Eling V. Lord Hawke Jane (Middlesex) . . John (Colonies) (Kent) . . . . (Norfolk) (Southampton) (Devon) . . Rev Joseph (Dublin) INIiss Leah M. (Capt.) Margaret . . Mariner . . Mary (Middlesex) Mordecai, Rev. ISIiles Peter Petit Richard (Hants) Robert V. Sew^ell . . Thomas . . (tailor) William (India) (Kent) . . (carver, &c.) (solicitor) . . Ej-re . . James . . 6076a 26763 62130 •40452 1711-it 28036 17312 74805 21540 30680 37858 10737 72301 90078 5179S 15773 29039 9809 5772 5666 69633 22915 63277 2229 55584 38881 24010 73812 8487 18020 70483 31237 12499 75724 4219 30191 3672 61111 28037 17680 33598 17109 2713 56583 58778 62101 9008 18021 33052 24010 14139 75223 28038 70475 11527 8671 74414 29120 70491 Directions for obtaining full copies of the AiUertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Andrews, William S. (Capt.) . . 75226 Andries, — 25847 Andrue, George 30371 Andry, Mrs 10182 Angel, Mr 90079 Angell, Ann (of London) . . 90080 Benedict John A. . . 53607 EHzabeth 6079 J. B 69814 John (Surrey) . . . . 90082 Angells, William Brown . . 54090 Angels, Anthony Edwards . . 33421 Elizabeth Helena . . 23032 Guiseppe Pompeatc . . 90083 Madame 74413 Angerstein, Charlotte Sophia 70517 — John 51806 Angier, John 23611 Angliss, William 30959 Angrer, John George . . . . 3745 An-^us, Isabella 12386 — ^ — John 18022 Peter .. 15468 Anketell, INlatthew John . . 22567 Anley, Bonamy Peter . . , . 2867 Deboia Marie . . . . 2871 Anlscbrook, Henry G 73806 Anlsebrookc, William . . . . 26764 Ann, Mrs. M;iry 28042 Annabote, William 7524 • Corporal William .. 28043 Annel, Charlotte 90086 Anneslev, — ' 72332 Matthew Robert . . 2564 Annett, Edward 9053 Anning, William (son of James) 75720 Annis, Edward 33262 Annison, William Glover .. 4142 Anquctil, Lieut.-Col. Thos. J. 28041 Anrault, Victoire Fran^oise . . 144 Anscombe, Francis 9312 Ansdall, Ann 63447 Ansell, George 9963 Judith 63352 Sarah 7625 Solomon . . . . . . 76274 William 60858 Ansley, 'Ih-^mas 90089 Anslow, William 3673 Ansom, Ann 90088 Anson, Andre 25606 Charlotte 1887 Family 71991 J 90090 Thomas (N. K.) . . . . 72302 V. Towgood 65282 Anstoo, John and Sarah . . . . 61778 Anstcy, George 60587 Anstice, James Patten . . . . 66894 An^tis, Bernard 73177 Anstruther, Sir Alexander .. 31149 Rt. Hon. Sir John 15797 Anthony, Charles 72407 John 2127 (Beaconfield) . . 68721 Anton, Chs. Theodore Joseph 90091 Antone, Mary . . ..... . . 18024 Antonio, Philip .... . . 90092 Antony, Joseph 90093 An tram, Thomas 1931 William 90094 Antrim or Antram, Eleanor . , 71650 Eleanor, Miss . . . . 7829 Antrobus, Edward 14985 Philip 3644 Antrum, John 58447 Antt, Bridget F. and Jane L. 51427 Anwell, Rice 7387 Anwyl, Robert 68713 Ellis . . . . 1033 Anyand, Comewall & Co. . . 68250 Apletree, Hemy George . . .. 71815 Apostles, Elizabeth 68714 Appach, Lieut. J. F 28045 Apperley, Charles Owen . . 11602 Lieut. H 28046 Applebee Family 68276 — Rev. John .. .. 11724 John William. . . . 8829 Appleby, Eleanor 2052 Joseph 90095 William 2052 ■ (Liverpool) 60127 Applcton, Esther 30971 Capt. Henry T. . . 51794 Appleyard, James and Jno. . . 68875 —William .. .. 57166 Apprenticing Society (legacy to) 221 95 Apps, Elizabeth ' 67293 Apreece, Shurkburgh Ashbv. . 15257 William . . . . * . . 56655 Apscy, W. G 29403 Aquart, Madame 12591 Arabiu, Richard 73804 Ai-ber, WilUam 71813 Arbouin, Charles 50033 James 6479 Arbour, Susan 18025 Arbourn, James 75719 Arbucklo, John 11269 Arbuthnot, Elizabeth . . . . 5515 Sir Robt 61488 Arch, Benjamin 64216 Mary 76279 Archall, Isabella 6409 Sarah 7191 Archanibaud. Baroness ,. .. 26211 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Katnes relate ivill be found at end of Index. Archbold or Brophy, Anne . . 50427 Thomas 21736 Arehbutt, Robert (Cottingham) 3108 Archdall family 74415 Archdeacon, Peter and Wm. . , 14878 Archdeakin, James 9057 Archer, Alexander Wilson .. 13167 Ann 90097 (K K.) .... 71225 Edward 39885 Ellen 50231 George (Biimingham) 105 (surgeon) . . 53378 Joseph 2575 Richard 71224 William (son of James) 70448 Archey, Thomas 18026 Ai-chibald, Henry A 68713 James 18027 Nicholas 8207 Arden, Edward Hare . . . . 30206 Joseph 24009 Sir Richard Pepper .. 11608 Major Samuel .. .. 28047 Rev. Spencer . . . , 6223 Ardesoif, Ann 5518 Ardim, John 34734 Arding, Ann 14404 Ai-entz, Hannah E 25812 Arfurdson, alias Hans Arfurd- son 1039 " Argonaut " (seamen of) .. 24292 Aria, Lewis 55013 Aries, Edward 50918 Aris (N. K.) 62827 Arkell, Anthony E 57105 Arkinstall, Joseph 76550 Robert 6373 Arkright, Charles 30717 Arlidge, Mary and Sarah . . 14279 Ai^ey, Edward de 71842 Arman, Sarah 3514 Armand, Mr 71607 Armett, Mary 8904 Armfield, Eliza Ann . . . . 13247 — — Richard B 50637 Arminer, Sarah 14363 Armistead, Henry 75726 Armit, John Lees 10649 Armitage, Elizabeth . . . . 33099 Family 90098 Frances & Fredk. . . 68721 Isabella 90099 James (America) . . 75220 Jno. (Australia) . . 75220 Mrs 10605 Thomas 53611 Armitstead, Arthur 6699 Armour, Elizabeth 229 Armroyd, William 90100 Annsby, Colonel 2230 Frederick 30866 Mrs 8195 Armstrong, Alexander . . . . 10739 Alice 32263 Andrew B 21717 Anna Jane .. .. 11787 Archibald NichoUs 1 1 200 Charles 6410 Charles (India) . . 15978 & Co 65283 ■ Daniel 39458 David Edward . . 33629 & Desnaux . . . . 68291 Edmund .. .. 90101 EHsha 90103 ■ Eliza . . .... 11787 Elizabeth .. .. 12511 Emma (daughter of Henrv) .. .. 74418 Family 23407 George (tailor) . . 74808 36726 GoodaU & Chilton 66335 Heniy (Surrey) . . 75725 James (York) . . 50039 2694 Jane 9535 John (co. Salop) . . 106 (Berks) . . 66320 • (Southampton) 58574 36910 25952 Joseph 38104 . Mary 24737 1602 Mr 52284 Peter 1721 Philip 90104 Robert 32127 Sarah (Hereford) . 71814 ■ 10104 Simon 23025 Thomas (Cumber- land) .. .. 36741 Thomas (Colonies) 18028 Knox .. 11757 Willie"! •• •• 23457 Amaud, William Henry , . 2904 Arnctt, Bathsheba 36732 Mary 7871 Amev, Scheve 14881 Arnold, Aldous Matt 33191 Ann 38451 Ai'thur James . . . . 73700 Charlotte Phoebe . . 190105 David 59319 Family 35253 George 38450 Hannah (Salop) . , . . 168 10 Directions for obtainitig full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Arnold, Henry 74416 John 25921 Maria S. C 73829 Eachael Louisa . . . . 1288o Richard 5214 (farmer) . . . . 7301 Rev. Richard (India) . . 28048 SaUj' 6465 Samuel 34338 Sarah 17753 Solomon 11492 Thomas (Warwick) . . 38438 Thomas (soldier) . . 76874 William 15788 Arnot, Gale Da\dd 3918 Arnott, EUzabeth 34723 James 12313 (Colonies) . . 25992 John 18029 Marv 7871 . Robert . . 12314 WiUiam .... .. 68273 Amscombc, Mrs. Francis . . 36491 Amtz Family 53345 AmuU, William 50403 Arrakil, Carrapiet 28049 Arrow, Lieut. Charles . . . . 28050 Arrowsmith, Nicholas . . . . 90106 WiUiam .. .. 53610 Arsharman, Henry 90107 Artault, Georgiana E 51795 Arthur, Boyle 30987 V. Dibblec 90108 'Edward 74405 EUzabeth 54636 James 3676 John(N.K.) 22469 Dr. John (relatives of) 55377 John 4140 Leonard 57287 Louisa 36832 Maiia 31358 Mary 31680 Robert (London) . . . . 5205 (WhitwcU) .. 10406 Sarah 26765 . Thomas 54635 . William 90110 Arthurc, John 10579 Arthurs, Jane 6271 Artis, Richard 53160 Arundel, William Bryant . . 2735 ArundeU, l^riant 90111 Family 12889 Harriet 90112 John 21945 Richard 6411 William 2735 Ascott, EUzabeth 90113 Ascough, Sir Edward . . . . 40947 Aseroft Family 6412 Ash Family 3189 Mr 33615 Robert 56496 William 16560 Ashall, Sarah 1198 Ashbridgc, George CoUn .. 90116 William (aUas Nelson) 74419 Ashburncr, Francis and George 68728 James 7805 Thomas 8885 Ashby, Ann 75727 EUzabeth 8665 Frances E. 57101 Hannah Maria .. .. 90115 James 8664 John (Salop) .. .. 69676 9760 (Northampton) . . 74400 ' Joseph 50396 Thomas 6987 Mr. W. F 39612 Ashe Family 72333 Jane and Joseph . . . . 22988 Ashcnden, Hannah 40661 Ashford, Charles 38219 Ed\san 40696 Elizabeth 50844 Ashhurst, Sir Henry . . . . 21252 Askkettle, Joseph .. .. .. 71812 Mary 1491 Ashley,— 32719 Elizabeth 12895 — '■ Francis 31516 Henry 39193 James 12894 John 90117 Robert 39194 -^ Samuel 33470 Thomas 18030 AshUng, Jonathan 18031 Ashmore, Ann 167 Henry 15593 Joseph 57903 Ashncss, Ann 75728 Ashton, Arthur (London) . . 74808 37195 Dr. .. 3425 Emily 59792 Family ,. 69698 H. S 75656 James 4148 Jane 40451 Job 65435 John 10304 Martha 4234 Mary 30343 V. Mompcsson . . . . 24007 Rebecca 73800 n Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tvJiich tliese Names relate will be found at end of Index. Ashtoii, Eichard 37423 — Robert (Middlesex) .. 71811 40613 Thomas 69646 William G 67235 6008 .. 26551 Ashwell, Stephen 53292 Ashworth, Abel 25951 Family 25333 James 33735 ■ John Harvey, Rev. . . 74407 • Rebecca 10455 Asiatic Annuity Company . . 22259 Ask, W 1388 Askett, Solomon 18033 Askew, George . . 1406 ■ Isabella 26767 ■ ]Mary 51788 ^William 2035 Askey, Edward and Hannah. . 72317 John 18032 Asians, Phillippa M 3842 Aslain, Sarah . . . , . . . . 75970 Asman, George 90118 Aspden, Matthew 90119 Matthias 5922 Aspinall, Benjamin 74808 &Co 90121 • Familv 00 Richard 22341 Richard (Colonies) . . 18034 Aspland, Elizabeth 32322 Asplia, John 56778 Aspree, Henry 34433 Asprey, Alice 21085 Asprill, William 65374 Aspull, Miss 26766 Asquith, Amos 14029 Asselin, John and Sarah . . 8203 Asslim, Thomas 75227 Assuedo, Don Juando . . . . 62297 Astbury, John Meir . . . . 10245 Thomas 72322 Astill, Frank ' . . 55580 Astle, Charlotte 75719 Thomas 74810 Astley, Jno 68725 Aston, Charles 90123 ■ John George (or John) 31331 Lord 10242 Thomas 51787 (Coventry) . . 6346 Astor, John Jacob 53281 Astwick, John 56526 Asty, Francis 90122 Atcheson Family 66330 Robert Shark . . . . 69630 Atchison, John 28051 Athanass Family 29127 Atherall, John 11362 Atherden, Mary 67290 Atherton, Ann 8944 Henry 90124 John.. ..... .. 8206 Mary 9522 Thomas 18035 Athlone, Maria Countess of . . 33805 Athorpe, Elizabeth 16756 Mary 5923 Atkin, Dr 8208 • George . . 90125 John 90126 • Susanna Maria . . . . 90127 Atkins, Abigail 17379 Charlotte 6516 Coventry 8207 Edward Martin .. .. 60124 Family 64391 26771 George 10603 (Birmingham) 36914 (Colonies) . . 18036 Hannah 30296 Harr.ett 26768 Hugh 10039 James 10740 John 15320 — (seaman) .. .. 5118 (Kent) . . . . 5973 • (Middlesex) . . 73807 Joseph 1607 ■ Maria Philippa . . . . 3842 Marv 26769 Mrs.' 23904 Peter 26770 Major Richard .. .. 23904 Robert 61113 Sarah 18037 Simon 17382 T. M., Miss 28053 Thomas 9215 (died abroad) . . 18038 William (seaman) . . 61807 26770 Black .. .. 55581 Atkinson, Abraham 62003 Ann (widow) . . . . 63288 10195 (Lancaster) . . 8918 Catherine 11733 Charles, Lieut. . . 28054 51786 Edward (N.K.) . . 53290 — (Durham) . . 60852 Elizabeth 17765 G. P., Capt 74403 — George (Northallerton) 90129 (Brentford) . . 90130 i2 i)ircctions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Atkinson, George (Colonics) Henry (farmer) J. R. W J. Wray . . . . James (York) . . • (Lincoln) Simons John (Diiblin) . (chymist) (Kedcar) . • (America) (Hulme) . . Sergt. John Pickup . . Joseph Kate (childien of) Lieut Margaret . . Mary . . . . (SiUTcy) -. . Ann . . Phoebe Eliza . . Richard . . Robert Thomas (legatee) Lamb . , O. "Watson . . Wm. (Amei-ica) (died abroad) (Chancery) (Dublin) Atkyns, Charlotte - Major Richard Atlee, A. W. Dudley AtwcU or Atewell Thomas . . Attor, Attor Francis Attficld, William Poole . . . . Attkins, Mary Ann (wife of W.) Attorney-General v, Dobjnns and others (Chancery) Attorney-General v. Dunn and others (Chancery) Attree, William Plooper . . Attwater, William Attwell, Henry Attwood, Edward Hany John ]\Iatthia8 Richard & Smith Atty, George 18039 7o7'29 -35223 73699 60853 38672 31872 60855 58076 21476 12551 3741 34100 73791 76278 90131 76275 73699 30307 11784 76280 38672 31673 272 30307 30786 17699 37853 68768 90132 76275 18040 24228 51056 60854 30786 72334 90133 37827 37828 38580 31325 6374 66238 40087 68736 24012 23699 70486 34511 90134 1105 5854 38181 75719 40732 72715 60850 Atwick, Rev. George Atwood, John . . Auber, Capt. Charles Auberch, Olympia . . Aubert Family Lieut. Frederick , Aubery, Luder Charles , Joan Aubi'cy, Rev. Edward . . • Eliza Martha Elizabeth Wyne . . . . Francis — Katherine Martha Tozar . . Peter — - Richard Aucbmuty, Capt. Wan*en Audisis, Anna Auger, Louis Jean Augree, George Augustin, Clements Augustine, John Auld, James xiuldjo, John Aulsebrook, Alexander . . Aunger, Francis and Richard Aurelius, Hudson Austen, David Edwin Family George Powell, Capt. John IMary Robert Sir Robert Thomas Austin, Absolom Mrs. Alice — ■■ Anne Axford Charles Daniel Elizabeth Emily and Frederick . . Family George John (Kent) -Mary (or Claridge) IMontagne Cope . . Robert Sarah E Thomas (Ireland) (Woodstock) Wentworth John William (Surrey) (son of) (India) -^ F. . . . 11749 9908 28055 21055 21057 28056 3648 90135 38722 74816 17441 73578 69455 17442 2671 17440 75221 23563 5896 8191 28057 90136 29130 58777 74402 9729 90137 90138 74401 22913 29128 34290 90139 14316 21542 53294 90140 29129 65215 32111 35034 62067 60842 22914 25747 3640 60839 7432*2 60843 14469 6109 60844 65216 23226 35558 36476 73805 10738 60838 13 Directions for obtaining full copies of the relate will be found Advertisements to which these Karnes at end of Index. Austin, William Stanton Austiss, William Austwick, Joseph . . Author, George Avam, John 4251 73179 Avame, Thomas J. Jones . . 51780 Aveline, George 7525 Aveling, Thomas B 75719 Avenell, Abraham 64399 Averill, Esther 57265 Thomas 25358 Averv^ David 25499 ^ John (Studlev) . . . . 32219 St. John .' 956 Thomas 5512 William 26773 Aves, Jane 74339 WilHam 50156 Aveston, Thomas 18041 Aviet, G 28059 -Family 22189 Avill, Mary- 66441 Avins, Thomas . .' . . . . . . 60849 Avis, Mrs 90141 for Pulsford) Sarah . . 76023 Thomas 1396 Avison, Hannah 54063 James 51148 Awhum, Joseph .. .. .. 73169 AM'di-y, John E 62109 Axford, Anne 65214 Hannah 90134 Axley, Eichard 90135 Axon, Charles 53291 Fanuly 2493 Axtell Family 4186 Ayers, John Wigg . Ayerst, Mr. Francis 76281 31837 Ayland, Eobert Owen .. .. 11798 Ayles, Joseph 58120 Stephen J 58231 Aylesbury, Mary 8490 Aylett, Edward 90136 George 2930 Ayleway, William 90138 Avlieff, John 10046 Ayliff, Alfred and Samuel . . 26772 Avliffe, John and W 55491 Ayling, Elizabeth 90137 Mary 18042 Aylmer, Lord F. W. W. . . 61799 Aylofife, Sir Joseph Eobert . . 8196 x^ylward, John 57938 Joseph .. .. 11554 M. A. E. &Mary 26166 Mary 31049 Eichard 11416 Aylwin, D. C 25749 Aylwin, David Cooper .-. . . 36507 Ayns worth, Sir Eow . . . . 71206 Ayre, Christopher 76282 Henry 30164 John 70489 Martin 57820 Ayres, Charles 62110 George 70487 James 30446 (Somerset) . . 5330 Ealph 5300 — • Sarah 23885 A>TS, Benjamin 6872 Ayrton, Edward 37076 Thomas 15961 Ayscouch, Ann 3940 Ayscough Family 31152 Thos. (Middlesex) . . 51785 Ayton, Anthony 60121 Aza Antonio 25582 Azor, Noel 2383 Azulay, Moses (otherwise Blaw) 6517 Azuley, Solomon 6617 14 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. B Baab, Robert 18043 Baak, C 18044 Baas, Joachim Gerhard . . . . 6375 Baateman, Jan 21253 Bab, PhiUis 9311 Babajohn, A. Martyrus . . . . 28060 Babb, Elizabeth and Thomas . . 90138 George 63375 Babbs, Henry 15560 Baber, Benjamin 68788 Edward Henry . . . . 29405 Family 54065 Francis and John . . 90139 Babington, Anne 21255 Baboom & Sons 22201 Bach, Adolphus 56601 Bacho, Miss 10049 Eichard 90141 Bachelor, Elizabeth and James 6622 Isaac 71537 John and Joseph . . 90142 Mary 52438 Bachhoflher, Andrew George . . 5 1534 Back, George 40026 James 16649 or Prosser, James . , . . 21159 Maxy 6043 William 10533 Backe, Johan and John . . . . 90143 Backer, P. L 18044 Backhouse, John 15310 Margaret .. .. 14260 Thomas (clerk) .. 90144 2761 Backler, Margaret 21179 Backman, John 1373 Backrach, Abraham . . , . 56601 Bacon, — (Worcester) , . . . 2437 Ann 68809 Oark 2437 Elizabeth 17383 George (legatee) . . . . 68810 90146 Hannah 90146 James (legatee) . . . . 68811 John 69313 Robinson .. .. 76748 Joseph (London) . . 68277 Mary 34206 Mr 90147 Richard 01119 (Birmingham) 07301 20332 &Syke8 63401 Thomas 68812 WilUam (Stafford) .. 33668 23639 Badaley, Joseph 26774 Badcock, Jane 70494 Mary 57553 William (Oxford) . . 70494 (widow of) 73816 Baddaters, Joseph 6466 Baddeley, Adams Edward . . 35070 — Clinton 29130 James 145 John 90148 Randle 9725 Robert 455 Samuel 90149 Johanna 5428 Baddiley, Benjamin and Eliz. 57448 James 28991 Baden, Henry 90150 &c., (State loans un- claimed) 39091 Badger, Ann 14017 Isaac 66522 John 9130 Thomas 53623 Badgery, James 26775 Badham, William 18045 Badiffe, James 70620 Badkin, Richard 30254 Badman, James 61120 Badsley, Joseph 1837 Badycomb, George 26647 Baftall, Anne 69662 Bagbie, Alex, (or Begbie) . . 10097 Bage, Edward 90152 Bagg, Daniel 90153 Baggot, Samuel 60910 Bagley, (representatives of) ,. 51724 Anne Eliza 22191 Hannah and Jno. . . 6747 Bagnalc, Catherine 76548 Bagnall, Elizabeth and Sarah A. 15823 John 22543 Bagnell, Chris, and Hannah . . 90154 John 18046 Bagot, Christopher H 90156 Rev. Egerton Arden . . 70496 Family 17620 William 67778 Bagwell, 66357 Bahro, Ludwig G. N 73193 Theodor H. C 76294 Baier, Andrew 26662 Baildon, Francis 35382 Bailo, Georgo and Lucy . . . . 7057 Bailcau, Samuel B 66680 Bailie, Elizabeth 6044 Family (India) . . . . 28066 Bailey, Abigail 14437 15 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to u-hich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Bailey v. Bailey 24034 Benjamin (London) . . 7178 10658 Christopher 23571 J7. Clark 90156 Edward 90157 (Sm-rey) . . . . G2111 Elizabeth 14517 (Middlesex) . . 5836 (legatee) . . 62766 . Emanuel 39802 Emma 90158 . Family . . . .- . . . . 90159 ^ (Portsmouth) . . 74818 -Francis 28065 Frederick 253G1 Hannah 5061 Henry (Colonies) . . 18047 . 90160 James 25383 • Jane 14666 Jeremiah and John ,. 7703 ■ John (Chancery) . . . . 58784 (Ireland)' .. .. 2406G (Comhiil) .. .. 68748 • (London) . . . . 10657 (Middlesex) .. 31403 — (Colonies) . . . . 18048 ■ — (iiioomshury) .. 901G1 (or McCraw) John . . 76053 John Gordon . . . . 32859 Josiah 63379 Lewis 75731 • Maria , . 23362 -Martha 61121 (or Hodges) Mary . . 8973 IMary (wife of Jeremiah) 16925 ■ Miss 33603 P. R 33609 Eeed 8971 Samuel (York) . . . . 76289 22895 Thomas (Stafford) . . 38029 • (Berks) .. .. 17534 (Wilts) . . . . 12653 ■ (Lamheth) .. 40074 ■ (Kent) . . . . 31071 • 58785 Timothy 40048 AVillia:n (legatees of ) . . 67147 90162 BaiUie, Alexander 75756 13169 Arthur 901G3 Eupheniia 20776 F 18049 — Familv (India) . . . . 29131 George 62118 John 13170 Matthew .. .. .. 18050 BaiUie, Peter 33872 William 13171 57221 Baily, Arthur 53628 Benjamin (city of Lon- don) . . . . 34850 30532 Elizabeth 90164 John 30532 Lucy 4047 William 90165 Bain, Andrew 26678 Charles 3974 David 18051 Doiiglas 25612 James 17921 Bainbridge, Ann 90166 Eliza 39835 Helen and John . . 75237 John 70587 ■ Joseph 14233 ■ Richard . . . . 57226 Thomas . . . . 75719 Bainbricgo Family (Chancery) 60911 24025 Thomas ., .. 53616 WiUiam Arnold . . 30972 Baines, Charles C. C 24280 George 10768 Henry R 67787 Susannah 12350 Thomas (children of) . . 12349 16594 Bains, Jonathan 60909 Baird, Daniel . . 24629 DaA-id and Frances . . 17773 Elizabeth 54650 James 33771 Janet 13173 John 210 Major Joseph . . . . 21647 Mary Ann 74684 Ricliard 37465 William (seaman^ . , 294 (lateof Lochend) 281 a Baiston, Robert 11437 Baker,— 71185 Ann (^\adow) . . . , 73326 ■ Annif 66373 • Eayliss William . . . . 38732 ■ Benjamin 50703 • Mrs. C. C 22298 Caroline 58606 & Casswell 73363 Catherine 1508S Charles 60545 ■ 90167 ■ Douglas . . . . 90168 Henry . . . . 63535 Christianna 4845t 16 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Baker, Da^dd 61123 Edward 90169 Thomas . . . . 7230 Elias 64489 Elizabeth (Salop) . . 66835 (housekeeper) 75239 17026 (Wilts) . . 60546 Family (Chancery) . . 23703 (legatees) . . 74855 Felix 60331 Frances 22433 Frederick (seaman) . . 55909 G. W 28066 George (died abroad) . . 18052 (Middlesex) . . 2677 (Sussex) . . . . 36909 12417 &Sons .. .. 33159 Hannah (legacy to) . . 74423 Henry 31739 (Colchester) .. 11995 (Devon) . . . . 69665 Hougham Charles . , 35298 Eov. Hugh 22432 James 36601 • (late of Chiches- ter k formerly of Oxford) . . 2776 (seaman) . . . . 10770 or Jackson . . 12999 (Cape of Good Hope) . . . . 25829 Jane 90170 Jermy 14231 John (Northampton) . . 63617 (Hants) .. .. 61206 (Gloucestershire) 770 (Norfolk) .. .. 12471 32171 (Kent) 16867 17390 (Essex) . . . . 14079 orJohan .. .. 90171 (Stepney) . . . . 3137 (Essex) .. .. 6517 (Thanet) . . . . 6882 (London) . . . . 6939 (shoemaker) . . 25363 (Sussex) . . . . 63383 (otherwise Baincs) 73814 (Kent) 73818 (carpenter) . . 13094 Thomas .. .. 31671 Joseph 21258 (Pentonville) . . 32831 (Wolverhampton) 0299 Capt 6683G Joshua 14140 Margaret 28C4 Baker, Marian 90172: Martha 31650> Mary 12964 (Kent) 62117 (or Beavan), Mary . . 6&781 MaryEHza 67299- MaryRohson .. .. 60176 Matthias 60059 Phihp 1993 Reginald Edward Henry 6702 Richard 9230 Richard & Co 90173 v. Richards 90174 Richard L 26114 Robert 11303 (Colonies) . . 18053 Samuel (butcher) .. 1459 (seaman) . . . . 25507 (Ireland) . . 26223 (York) . . . . 70496 Sarah 16839 Susanah 6601 Sybella 22439 Thomas 16837 (Leicester) . . 35292 (Kent) .. .. 40919 (Surrey) . . . . 6941 (seaman) . . 3908 (grandchildren of) 6299 (died abroad) . . 18054 (Southampton) 60806 Ursula (Murray) . . 3735 William (India) . . . . 28067 16838 (Middlesex) . . 53266 (Bucks) .. .. 90175 (London) .. 90176 (Essex) . . . . 40463 (a creditor) . . 65543 (London, Dun- kirk, &c.) .. 3701 (Hertford) .. 9381 Kev 16939 John Forrest . . 60179 Bakewell, Caroline A 74078 Balch, Mary, Mrs 481 Balchin, Charles (otherwise Logic) 61531 Balderson, Catherine . . . . 93816 Hannah and James 6212a Baldery John (warder) . . . . 75232 Baldock, George 60747 Mrs 34537 Baldry, Georgo 72321 Baldwin, Alfred 18066 Catherine (formerly Palmer) 64331 Christopher .. .. 17252 Elizabeth 32006 Family (Chancery) 24085 17 Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate u'ill be found at 4mcl of Index. Baldwin, George 60127 Helen 90177 ■ John 61G6 Joseph .. .. .. 90178 Mary 50060 Samuel (Gloucester) 63382 736 (mar. Palmer) 54333 Thomas 56638 90179 Ligonier . . 5568 Baldwinson, Alice and George 21579 Baldwyn, Charles 5361 Baldy, Ann 90180 Bale, PhiHp 72011 Eichard 11748 William 90181 Balfe, James . . 22968 Michael 23242 Patrick (DubHn) . . . . 36906 • 33323 Balform, James 63280 Balfour, Ann and Elizabeth . . 17325 George P 22056 James 90182 Mary 17324 Balgay, Thomas 90184 Ball, Ann 14297 Pinwill 71002 Cannon 75749 Charles Edmund . . . . 74461 Charlotte 5600 Deborah 11683 Edward 11529 Elizabeth 12136 Ellen M. and Matilda . . 74852 George 90185 Hannah 6788 Henry 64404 HughWiUiam .. .. 34342 Ingram 7324 John (mariner) . . . . 71002 and Thomas .. .. 10607 (ship's carpenter) . . 705 (died abroad) . . . . 18056 Joseph 1960 Philip, jun 75656 • Richard 32477 (Taunton) . . . . 70498 (Colonies) .. .. 18057 Thomas 39571 • F 28071 William (London) . . . . 74443 26233 Ballaine, John 74421 Ballamy, James Thomas . . 2458 Balland, James 2646 Ballard 35771 Family 68741 V. Milner 24064 Ballard, Mrs. 30805 Susannah 61655 William 56037 Ballenden, James 30301 Balleny, Robert .... . . 62128 William 68562 Ballet, Charles . . 90186 John 9913 Ballinger, Mrs. Sarah . . . . 60174 Ballingall, T 18058 Balls, Elizabeth and William 62125 Martha 32431' Mary . . 7605 Robert 90187 Thomas 8213 & Son . . . . 59291 William .. ... .. .. 90188 Bally, William . . 50502 Balmanno, Alexander . . . . 30183 Balme, Jeremiah IST 51879 John 74879 Squii-e 32020 Balmer, Catherine and John . . 51560 Balmond, Joseph 21943 Balmont, William 11 765 Balsdon, Mr 66368 Balshar, Elizabeth 26780 Balshaw, Ellen 26781 Mary 25348 Balton, Thomas 33180 Bamber, Mr. William . . . . 21806 Bamberger, A. E. J. and Geo. 6467 Bamblet, William 69638 Bambridge, James 90189 Thomas .. .. 16607 Bamfield, F. E 18059 Samuel .■: .. .. 51907 Bamford, Catherine 70741 Charles 51820 James 32170 M 26776 Mary 11651 Thomas 18060 Wm 70737 Bampfield, John 40309 Bampton, Ann 14287 Banacks, Robert 3545 Banahan, Patrick 26123 Banbury Faimily 90190 Henry 31795 Thomas 11235 Bancroft, Gilbert 68754 Timothy 31166 Band, William 90191 Bandini, Peter 25408 Bandooa, Heevaman . . . . 25683 Banell, — 36617 Banertern, Johannes . . . . 90192 Banes, Abraham .. .. .. 10146 Banestar, Elizabeth & WiUiam 71485 B Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Banfield, Esther Banister, Edward Elizabeth William Bankes, Catherine Ann J. Edmund George . . Thomas William Bankhead, William . . Banks, Ann Benjamin Charles . . Edwin . . Elizabeth (Middlesex) (or Halliday) Rev. Jabez John (wanted) (Colonies) . . (London) . . Letitia Mary (or White) Mary.. . Moses Paul, Sir Philip Henry Richard S Samuel (Lancaster) . TabithaM Thomas (Westmore- land) . William (Surrey) Bann, John Bannatyne, Frederick William James Henry Banner, Robert Bannerman, Andrew Creagh Jasper . . Elizabeth . . James Banncstor, Mr ]iannist(!r, Charles (America) . . (died abroad) Clementina Edward David James . . George Henrietta (Middlesex) James (Middlesex) . . John (Colonies) Martha . . Mrs Richard . , William .. .. 26777 69664 71486 71484 26778 60173 65284 14351 18061 5975 90193 67793 30318 53620 71101 76287 90194 57382 31651 11747 18062 90195 90196 16722 76247 30210 90198 76290 73220 7568 53639 90197 23644 32640 73823 74808 62134 1478 11502 12200 38172 6929 12013 90199 25425 56012 4043 30009 7822 68756 76651 34539 26779 61679 18063 69980 90200 90201 11746 Bannock, Louisa Brooks . . Bannwarth & Preston . . Banscombe, Ann and Thomas Bant, J. Banyer, Benjamin and Sarah Baptist, John Baratty, John Pool Barbaroux, Joseph Barbault, Montaign Barber, Ann (Surrey) Amy V. Barker . . Caroline Catherine . . Charles Daniel David Edward Francis George and Geo. T. Issac James John (Ceylon) . . (bi-ewer, &c.) (India) & Co Vaughan . . Joseph Lydia Margaret . . Mary (Manchester) Mr. (Manchester) or Barlow, Mr Mrs Sally Thomas William Wm. Hcmy Barbone, Angelina Barby, Edwin V. and Nancy E. son of Nancy. . Barchfield, Johan P Barclay, Mrs. Agnes Alex., Lieut Andrew, Lieut. George P... Bardoff, John ] Pardon, Jane . . Bardsley, Edward William Isabella . . James Allardico John Peter .. .. , Major R. Campbell Stephens & Co. 30278 90202 16855 73826 68755 4058 58782 12703 18064 17734 75079 51567 24028 67083 12068 4578 30865 17735 90203 1696 4579 6376 51841 22853 90204 28072 7743 72304 4209 26782 4578 21416 90205 21416 1857 2235 26783 26784 55375 68764 74824 62120 66396 25827 13168 28073 28074 9627 1237 75719 62152 15632 50070 18065 61128 9949 90206 76292 51830 32764 19 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisonenis to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Barella, Peter Bares, ^Yilliam Baretto, Joseph Barfield, Elizabeth Mary Barfoot Fainily Barford Family Hugh John Richard Barge, Bcujamin ifc Catherine Bargean Family Barham, James Thomas Mr Bariff v. Footman Baring, A. W Francis Barker, Ann (legatee) H Andrew Arabella Tuck . . Benjamin Betty Charles Edwdn Elizabeth (widow) (Middlesex) , . Field Dunn Frances George ■ — John de Visme Hannah Henry . , Ashton Hugh J. (died abroad) . . James (Colonies) . . • (JMiddlesex) (Surrey) (Middlesex) (London) (Middlesex) (Durham) . W. . . . Jonas Jonathan ISIargaret Maria Caroline . . Mrs. Mary Mary Maiy (relative of) (daughter of Wni.) & Morewood Mr. (carpenter, Herts) Mrs. Miss 18066 90207 17770 34891 6600 59465 59163 58610 58786 38111 57970 14073 52739 11741 24045 2614 10032 21079 58683 24315 90208 70500 36835 90209 90210 75235 50442 6867 39697 26487 64416 4652 69639 37808 8235 90211 71810 90212 73222 18067 39973 90213 38974 8217 14526 33985 68751 76288 90214 70327 90215 37399 22506 8235 5'i287 10160 16877 52292 1857 11905 Barker, Peter H E. S. Mr Eobert Samuel (Lancaster) Sarah Thomas (Lancaster) (America) B. . .- . . Wilham (servant) (Colonies) Barkley, David Izaak . (butcher) (Hertford).. (Glamorgan) (Lincoln) . . (York).. .. Bligh .. .. Bui'khardt , . Barkworth, Alfred . .- . . George Barlass, William Barlee, George Barley, William (Cambridge) , Barling, Henry Barlos, Anthony S Barlow, A Alice Ann Catherine Charles (Conglcton) . Edward (Stafford) . I'^lizabeth Francis Frederick (N. Y.) George G. Theodosia Henry (Middlesex) , James . . John Henry Joseph Martha lialph, IvCY Richard Sarah (Brighton) Mrs. S Sarah Jane William Frederick . Barmby, Thomas Barnacle, James Barnacot, Barbara Barnard, Ann Bridget Charles (Lancaster) (Sussex) b2 24028 39526 15439 40354 6703 5976 26785 75242 74819 69653 74822 18068 2001 9322 34882 15281 14197 71809 55104 23183 7940 70501 51906 12388 75736 5107 2698 18069 28075 17967 70502 56675 69654 8122 66432 8123 8234 70622 90216 50280 51911 56674 12519 9813 28076 74451 2678G 90217 34778 51188 12884 50083 3564 5291 18070 50128 16143 90218 60358 73223 20 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhieh these Names relate tvill be found at end of Index. Barnard, Charles Da-\'id . . . . 5009 • Edward George . . 31557 Family 67801 George 70518 • ■ Martin . . 57517 James 1973 Michael . . 13096 John 90219 HiUing .. .. 70519 ■ Jonathan 31549 Kichard 73223 Robert (Kent) . . . . 50820 ■ (legatee) . . 71310 (Surrey) .. 17523 Susannah . . . . . . 37654 -Thomas 31549 Hills .. .. 70516 James . . . . 90220 Wmiam .. 10717 William 71308 S 28077 Bamden, Elizabeth . . . . 5316 Bame, John 60905 Barnerd, J 2755 Barnes, Allan 25433 David (corporal) . . . . 51228 • (Kent) .. .. 51819 Diana 50920 Edward 50922 Elizabeth 90221 (N. K.) . . 66149 Family of 57440 Fanner & Co 36027 George 57170 Henry 90222 James (R.N.) . . . . 90223 (Pembroke) . . 90224 (Middlesex) .. 55025 15545 Jane Marshall . . . . 25729 John (Eaton Locon) . . 66374 John 31517 (Cumberland) . . 17 (died abroad) . . 18071 (ahas Baker) . . 73814 Coote 22566 Knottesford . . 30163 Joseph (Lancaster) . . 66391 Joseph G 74619 Lymon 18072 Margaret 76291 Mary 64471 (daughter of John) 66377 Mrs 33709 Newberry .. ... .. 90225 Richard 61130 Robert 57004 Sarah 33748 (or Wright) . . 74619 Stephen {-'0226 Barnes, Thomas 69459 (Colonies) . . 18073 (Rutland) . . 51661 ■ 34812 Walter 90227 V. Willock 24091 William (seaman) . . 1589 (Surrey) . . 303 JO (Lieutenant) 13164 (Hants) . . 33660 (son of John) 15544 (brassfounder) 9288 (Westminster) 76285 Steele . . . . 50491 Bamet James (Aberdeen) . . 75740 and Janet . . 21413 Sarah 15976 Bamett, Anne 51817 Benjamin 90228 Catherine 456 Charles 2014 Edward 62942 Fryem 90229 Henry 33182 Jacob 8233 Jane 90230 John 26787 William .. .. 10434 Zachariah . . 34355 Joseph 1709 Josiah 40399 Leonard 26788 Miss M. A 90321 Mrs 51477 Richard 8865 Robert 61136 Henry . . . . 18074 Sarah (housekeeper) 39247 (wife of Richard) 8872 Thomas (Calcutta) . . 64419 (London) . . 90231 (Colonies) .. 18075 William 506 Henry . . 51508 Bamette, 2828 Barnewall, George 5632 Thomas .. .. 75719 W. G. Vincent . . 31020 Bamev, John H 24725 William 51835 Barnot, Jacob 15019 Bams, Amos 62153 Ann (Warwick) . . . . 70520 Benjamin 34186 Sarah Ann 21130 Thomas 61131 Bamsdale, Sarah 30978 Bamsley, Thomas 30704 Baron 72335 Alice (or Orford) . . 76726 21 i)irections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements io which these Names relate will be found at end of Index, Baron, Catherine 25711 Family 50482 Frederick John . . . . 90232 George 37553 -. Godfrey Mrs 90223 Thomas 90224 WiUiam 90225 Bamwood & King 35100 Barr A. (husband of Augusta) 67316 Allan 12280 Edward (Chester) . . . . 69636 family 54629 (London) . . . . 69658 Frances 17713 Hugh (Paisley) . . . . 68770 Jane 6974 Martha Jane 40834 Nathaniel 58773 BaiTa, Richard Francis . . . . 18076 Barraclough, Francis . . . . 36943 Barradall, Blumfield . . . . 76C93 BarradcU, Mary 54331 Barragwanath, John . . . . 90226 Barrand, Harriet 26789 Isaac (Major) . . . . 28079 WiUiam 32241 Barrar, Brookes John . . . . 36445 Barras, George 50458 Barratt, Thomas . . . . . . 90227 (Salop) . . 75751 Hersey . . 498 BarreU, Elizabeth 54872 and Servant . . . . 68994 Y. J. L 8224 Barrello, Joseph 9987 Barrett, Aaron 65572 Andrew 90228 Charlotte 64417 Dclphina 22057 Edward 90229 Elizabeth Jane . . . . 51686 EUen 21339 George C 90230 George Goodwin . . 16427 James 3936 Jeremiah 51913 John (Wilts) . . . . 53296 '- (Middlesex) .. 5337 (Cheshire) . . . . 15813 Joshua 60172 Mary Ann (Norfolk) . . 66397 Michael 15398 J. W 90231 Richard 61135 90232 Robert 7938 Samuel 2482 Savage 90233 Thomas .. .. .. 90234 William (died abroad) 18077 Barrett, William 34692 (innkeeper) 76293 R 69641 Barretto, Joseph & R 28080 Barriett, C. J. S 90235 Barringer, Mary 90236 Thomas 6272 Barrington, Elizabeth . . , . 21748 George 90237 SirGobert .. .. 9905 Mr 53297 Paul 90238 Thomas .. .. 90239 Barritt, George 5069 Barron, Catherine (Tvdfeof Wm. Henry) 68329 Henrietta 11968 • Henry 10778 James 26553 T 23501 John 90240 John (legatee) .. .. 6169 Morgan 22554 Stephen 53304 Thomas 11184 Richard .. .. 21618 William 2421 BaiTow, Ann 90241 Arthur C. 1 62154 Elizabeth 14366 Family 73716 George 28082 James 73809 (representatives of) 16876 John (Surrey) .. .. 71807 Palmer .. .. 6110 Maria 30224 Mary 17454 -Ann 90242 Watson .. .. 90243 Sophia 90244 Stephen 53304 T. and Co 8238 • Lieut. -Col. Thomas . . 28081 Timothy 33933 Barrowcliffe, William . . . . 56901 Ban-s, Charles 73217 Barry, Ann (legatee) . . . . 26785 21233 Atigustus 73221 Hon. Augustus (repre- sentatives of) .. .. 21648 Bastian 90245 V. BaiTctt 24027 Sir Charles.. .. .. 61132 Charles 73791 D . . . . 25432 Daniel 73824 Edward 26786 Elizabeth and Jacobus 69846 22 Directions for obtaining fall copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Bariy, Elizabeth 8815 Francis 90246 (Colonic.^ . . 18078 Rev. Gains 32362 George 18079 Gerrard 3670 Capt. H. 29132 Henry 26787 (Clianccry) . . 21063 John 26788 (Middlesex) .. 37150 (legacy to) . . . . 21234 Leonora 90247 Mary 69642 Miss 34981 Richard (died abroad) 18080 90248 Robert Thomas . . . . 53621 Thomas 22544 E 18081 William (India) .. .. 91332 18082 Barston, Dorothy and Jeremiah 56676 Barter, Mark . . .... . . 90249 Henry 440 Jane and Mary . . . . 2253 Mary (nurso) . . . . 12747 William 50399 Barthe, Sarah 13012 Barthelomy, Louis 75219 Bartholomew, Ann 2314 ■ Edward . . . . 15893 Family 62139 John Reginald . . 7921 Thomas .. .. 40419 Barting, Thomas 2698 Bai-tington, John (late of London) 3545 1 Bartlam Family 22058 Bartles, Susannah 21549 Bartlett, Benjamin 90250 B.N 29 Charles N 76284 Elizabeth (formerly of Colchester) .. .. 32464 Elizabeth (Stoke Ncw- ington) 11547 Edward P>ancis 38589 George (children of) . . 3 73224 llcdryW 61836 James Alfred, Lieut. . . 29134 John 12920 IMichaol 37700 Mr 12919 — — ]\ I artha (wife of Ridley) G2856 R. ]\I 90252 Richard 9628 Roeanna 8493 Samuel 5601 Bartlett, Samuel Mottlcy . . 39585 Thomas 28083 William (formerly of Weymouth) . ." .. 38583 Bartlcv, Dame Jesscy . . . . 60168 Biirtman, T. W. ." 2417 Barton, Alfred (Chicago) . . 75735 Ann (Middlesex) . . 33845 -: (or Dalton) . . . . 17970 Augustine (Dorset) . . 60712 ■ Augustus R 75234 Benjamin 1826 C.E. (veterinary surgeon) 75568 Charles 1781 Edward 90253 Esther 68753 George 90254 Nelson . . . . 1678 H. (London) . . . . 50306 — Harriott 90255 Henry 26337 Hugh 74399 James 37425 Jane 2253 Jannctte 7186 John 35114 Mrs. John 35511 Joseph 50365 Mrs 50828 Mary (^\ddow) . . . . 37432 2937 Matthew 73820 Miles 12232 V. O'Callaghan . . . . 23704 PhiHp, Rev 90256 Richard 37430 Robert 70521 Roger 60904 Samuel 90257 Sarah 2013 Thomas 26338 T 69661 Thomas (Liverpool) . . 52206 (Salop) . . . . 4200 11552 George .. .. 90258 J 26374 William 26339 14696 ]iartram, William 39054 liartrand, James 1973 Barugh, Mrs 26789 Barwell family (India) . . . . 28084 Frederick Honslcy . . 73219 Susanna 5615 JJarwuk, Frederick 4 George 73819 John 16603 Mary 26790 I'.arwiHc, John (son of Wm.) 12828 ^3 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Adtferttsajients to which these Names relate will be found at end of Ind^x. Bar wise, John (Cumberland) . . 33502 Joshua 16192 Basan, Alphonsa 50373 V. Brandon 24033 Basden, Samuel Taylor . . . . 51808 Basen, Hemy 31638 Basire, James 90259 Baskerfield, Thomas . . . . 10384 Baskett, Elizabeth 50095 Juana 68760 Eoger 34490 William (Indigo planter) 11451 (Surrey) . . 33062 Baslyan, Eobert 18083 Basnett, Catherine Elizabeth . . 38850 Costard Henry . . 21440 Edward 61137 John 90260 Bass (or Morris), Ann . . . . 36 Elizabeth 1830 Joachim Gerhard . . . . 6375 Eobert 36601 Thomas B 61138 Bassano, Walter 30027 Basso, Charles Ferdinand, Dr. 29135 Basset, M 90261 Bassett, Alfred 18084 Edward 31789 Elias 50676 (or Bossett) Elizabeth 76326 John (Somerset) . . . . 61139 34402 (soldier) . . . . 26645 ■ V. Leach 24061 Mrs. (formerly Henson) 74820 William 1239 Bassinger, George 35560 Bassire, James 5565 Bassnett, Thomas 10264 Bassnit, Thomas 17452 Bastard & Dansey, Messrs. . . 40220 Baster, Lucy (Berks) . . . . 75741 Bastin, Henry 90262 Baston, Ann and James . . . . 90263 Bastow, Eobert 68759 Basur, Nathan 58792 Batchelor, Edward . . . . . . 75240 Family 40928 Henry 53627 (Middlesex) . . 35921 ■ John 90264 (Sussex) . . . . 51880 (N.K.) . . . . 31938 Joseph 8957 • Mary 54096 Batcock, Sarah 32230 Bate, Anna Maria 39485 Family 5666 ■ James 2241 Craig 51912 Bate, John • 66398 Lucretia or Mary . . . . 76283 WnHam (Worcester) . . 37708 Bateman, Ann 6652 Anne 39545 Charles and Elizabeth 1 7337 Diana 8486 Elizabeth (Tenby) . . 521 1& George 17336 (Norfolk) . . 55001 Isaiah 10113 James 39871 Jane 69416 John (legatee) . . . . 17335 (Ireland) . . . . 23214 ■ 61893 90266 Margaret 90267 Mrs 1935 Major 75738 Eovs 90268 Eowland (Ireland) . . 23494 Samuel 3713 Sarah 3090 Susan 2708 '■ — Thomas 90268 M 74823 Wm. Hemy . . . . 6652 Batcr, Abraham 6650 Bates, Ann 68294 Edmund 32800 Edward 69645 _ 32992 Hannah 90269 James (relatives of) . . 22342 90270 — 18085 61141 John 18086 and Joseph.. .. 1114 (Monmouth) . . 71868 Jno. (Lincohi) . . . . 76297 — — Joseph 69192 Maria 90271 • Mary 26790 Mr 275 Eobei-t 90272 & Son (organ builders) 76286 . Stephen 18087 Thomas B 26791 William (Northampton) 51287 (a lunatic) . . 4254 53369 Batcson, John 54790 Susan 90273 Batey, Isabella 61142 Bath, Jennett 90274 John 59551 ■ Penitcntiar>' (legacy to) 39571 Bathe, Ann 3417 24 JDireciions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Bathe, Capt 3040 Bather, (ileorgc 38591 Bathing, Elizabeth 90275 Bathmaker, Sarah 75970 Batho, Mary 2585 Bathurst, Charles 67601 Emily 15048 Family 868 Thomas 2870 Batkin, John 8222 Batlev, Anne 90276 ■ Henry 36662 Mary 8819 William G2155 Batson, Alfred 51850 Family 90277 James 12870 Jno 33322 Peter 10389 Batt, Frances Ann 60900 • Henry and Susannah , . 15806 Battag'lia, Catherine . . . . 21463 Battams, Ann 69070 Batteley Family 90265 Batten, Charity 90279 Edward • 58555 John 1414 Batter, Abraham 90280 William 1653 Battersbee, WilHam . . . . 2683 Battersby, Lieut. -Col. Francis 21754 Joseph 1803 Mr 90281 • Marianne 69566 Eichard 90282 William Wade . . 6750 Battershill, John 33745 Battier, William 2580 Battin, James 75734 Battine's Trustees 62948 Batting, Elizabeth 2287 Battison, James 15848 Battista, Pietro Antonio.. .. 61877 Battle, John Qo55Q Battler, Elizabeth and R. . . 90283 Battley, Richard 61811 William Lashmar . . 60973 Batton, Charles 2919 Donncll 2188 Batts, Francis 90284 Batty, Elizabeth 26792 Ellen 8094 Hanuah 90285 John 90286 ^Martin 7109 Mary . . 3868 Richard 18087 Battye, 60311 Battvson, Elizabeth 90287 Baud, Isaac 90288 Baudiss, Hugo 90289 Baudwin, Pierre Gruislain . . 6046 Bauer, Louise 74433 Baugh, Edward 58427 Isaac 9812 • Margaret 16910 Baulcombe, Thomas . . . . 90290 Baum, Ilendrick 21254 Baumlsach, Emilie, Baroness of 60731 Baumgarter, A 18088 Bausset, Alexander 15618 Bawden, John 3688 Joseph 8231 V. Sharland . . . . 24074 Bawer, AViUiam 90291 Bawtree, Capt. Henry Smith. . 53311 Miss Mary . . . . 7632 Baxter,— 26792 Alexander 650 — (Leicester) . . 33428 Alfred .. *.. ..- .. 4052 Benjamin 33755 Eliza and George . . 70522 Hector 66954 Isabella 6602 James 5504 Jane (widow of Jno.) . . 68761 17840 Joseph 90292 Mary . . 70524 Mrs 34432 (widow) . . . . 1631 Richard 90293 Robert 33183 WiUiam (Surrey) . . 40993 (yeoman) . . 70526 (died abroad) 18089 (Surrey) . . 55190 James . . . . 76286 Bayes, Margaret 90294 Thomas W 67797 Bayfield, G. T 28085 William 9633 Bayhen, Edward 765 Bayldon, Richard 8185 Major.. .. 29137 Baylee, Benjamin Henry . . 26789 Bayles, Capt. T. 29138 Ellen 70352 Robert 70349 Bayley, Ann (formerly Micr) 16355 6748 V. Drummond . . . . 21086 Edward 9037 Elizabeth (Surrey) . . 70529 Hannah 16195 John (London) . . . . 69668 (Chancery) . . . . 75719 35362 Salmon . . . . 63629 25 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisetnents to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Bayley, Mary 11227 Mary Ann 33661 Montagu, Kev 54083 Peter & Co 74808 Eeed 90295 Eichard 90296 (Horsham) . . 53622 Thomas 90297 (Kent) . . . . 53303 V. Todd 24086 Baylie, Mary .. ..• .. .. 3369 Richard 3369 Zachary 5087 Baylies, Robert . . .... 8189 Bayliffe, Henry 9679 William Radford . . 39548 Baylis, Elizabeth 69650 Henry 26793 Francis .. .. 50516 James 33238 J. M. and F. E 51401 — Thomas 15775 (Middlesex) . . 37232 25888 25618 Baylor, Robert 11978 Bayly, Anno .. 11981 Hannah 5116 Lucy 90298 Peter 51553 Thomas 51908 Capt 17853 Bayne, John and Thomas . . 14125 Baynes, Rev. Adam 61144 Frances 68292 George . . 38643 John 56376 Mary 56374 Michael 1708 Robert (son of John) . . 68766 14303 Thomas 26790 Walter 90298 Baynton, Henry 32270 Sarah 70392 Baystion, Robert 18090 Bazalgettc, Augustus . . . . 54742 Bazier, Mathew 28088 Bazon, Alicia 9476 Beach Family 69467 James 72351 Joseph 64437 Beache, John 90299 Beacher, Sarah 90300 Beachey, Blackman 703 Beachim, Farrington . . . . 51350 Beadle, Daniel 1741 Family 22062 Beadley, Robert 90301 Beagley, Ellen 34821 Thomas 90302 Beahan, Patrick 26171 Beak, Daniel 75732 Beakes, John 90303 Beal, Richard 53614 Thomas 36971 Bealand, James 35217 Beale, Ann 6561 Fanny J 70542 Frederick 18091 John 72376 Thomas 67292 Wniiam 90304 ■ 73712 Beales, John .-. 23G9 (Newbury, grocer) 51837 Sarah 7210 Beam, William 40728 Beam an, Caroline and Sarah. . 32554 Beamcs, John 18092 (Hants) . . . . 34485 Beamish, Frances 60151 Beams, — 34618 Bean, — 10501 Ann Mary 90307 Charles C 29139 Christian 9006 Diana 14228 Eleanor 90305 Elizabeth 3379 V. Everatt 24044 Family 9309 Frances 16857 Elizabeth .. .. 30452 Henry 12235 58789 IsabeUa 26792 John 26793 PhiUips 36986 IMargaret 68107 Mrs 26794 Nathaniel 75758 P. CD 51410 Peter 10757 Samuel (son of John) . . 69706 Sarah 90308 Stephen 90309 Susan Mary 18093 Thomas (farmer) .. .. 73208 15128 William (Kent) .. .. 11727 Willoughby 70669 Beano, Robert 58506 Beai-, Jonathan 73212 Mary 2639 William 90310 Beard, Abel .. 11590 Andrew and Catherine 21210 Charles 90311 26 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Beard, Charles (Middlesex) . . 26795 Josiah James . . 58641 EHzabeth 90312 • -Isaac 38840 James 67286 Jane . . 63593 John 17652 • (Middlesex) . . 5268 Joseph (died ahroad) . . 18094 90313 56598 Mary 21211 V. Finder 24068 Thomas (Bath) . . . . 73207 Fuller .. .. 30975 William 18095 Beardmore, Thomas 16651 Bcardsell, George 5386 Bcardsley, Lot 75752 BoardsweU, John 90314 Beare, J. 26796 Bears, Mary 31189 Beas, John 90315 Beasley, AHred 67798 -^Edward 16905 Frederick 61145 John 23037 (Middlesex) . . 50667 and Richard . . 5537 Mary 16906 Ann 65512 Beatson, 2720 W. S., Lieut. -Col. .. 28090 Beattie, George 74830 James 12369 John 51921 Richard and Sarah .. 21102 Beatty, James (or Beattie) . . 12389 ^John 30739 Thomas 30761 Beatv, Francis, Major . . . . 29140 "— Henry, Capt 30661 Beauchamp, — 90316 Elizabeth .. .. 61146 Finetta and Mcesc 69849 George Willoughhy 12908 James 76286 Robert 26797 Beauclcrk, Charles 68385 Charlotte 74462 Frederick 32238 William Aubrey .. 35011 Beaufoi-t, Francis 90317 (Chancery) . . 75719 Beaufoy, Robert 71199 Beauland, D 29098 Beaumont v. Beaumont , . . . 24037 Dr 67714 Edward 37549 •• .. .. 60154 Beaumont, Edward (York) . . 63393 • George 34208 Henry (London) . . 75755 -John 6888 Storer . . . . 33743 William . . . . 75753 Lord 51260 Mary 13007 Richard Heniy . . 51032 ■ Robert 64435 Sarah (York) .. .. 5230 (or Scott) Sarah . . 12748 Thomas 69955 Richard . . 74449 William 18096 (relatives of) 22343 50690 ^ F.B 24037 Beaurain, Ann 17554 Beauregard, Charlotte de . . 10547 Beaurepaire, Miss 11984 Beaiivist, Stephen 7756 Beauvoir, H. A. de . . . . . . 38662 Mary 16546 Dr. Osmond . . . . 256 Rev. Peter . . . . 5424 Beauvour, Capt 90318 Beavan, Henry William . . .. 32565 Robert 29141 Samuel 90319 • Thomas 3420 William Henry . . 1909 Beaven,Mary 68780 Beaver, Dennington . . . . 73215 Hugh 72383 J 73828 Mary 73215 . WilHam 56333 Beavington, John 26798 Beavis, EUery 4832 James and Jno 2213 Peter 5481 Beavitt, George 5245 Beazley, John (Middlesex) . . 73213 32259 Samuel 31801 Thomas 3020 Bebb, Martha 74440 Richard 51883 Bebbington, C'harles . . , . 69663 Bobby, Sophiji 30994 Becher, Charles Christian . . 60155 Family 28091 Beck (or Beckett), — . . . . 90321 Andrew 90320 & Allan (London) . . . . 76846 Edward 36348 Family (India) . . . . 28092 Isaac 50641 Johann Nicolaus . . . . 36288 27 jDirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Beck, James .. .. .. .. 38028 Lodcwvk 1275 • Martha 18097 Mr 54543 Eichard 10761 William 30348 Beckard, Julius 90322 Beckc V. Gibson 24047 Beckensall, Mrs. Charlotte . . 32253 Becker, Ferdinand Wilhelm , . 50965 J. H. and J 18098 Michael 34625 Becket, WiUiam John . . . . 2384 Beckett, EHzabeth .... . . 33627 — Family 23149 John (SuiTey) . . . . 40683 11394 William 21752 Beckford, Posthumous . . . . 35779 Wmiam 90323 Bccking-ham, James . . . . 69673 Beckman, Charlotte Maria . . 16852 Codiff 90324 John 1373 J. H 18099 WiUiam 314 Beckstrom, Peter 90325 Beckwith, Arthur 21926 George Woolcr . . 50524 Henry B 26798 Becquerel, Claudius 58793 Bedboroug-h, James T 62170 Bedder (or Beddoar), Mrs. Ann 65565 Beddoes, Catherine and Jno.. 69722 Beddv, Mary 21753 Bedell v. Crank 24040 Thomas 64045 Bedford, EHzabeth 90327 G. W 69675 Henry 60166 John 51916 Mr 38695 Nathaniel 90328 . Kandall Joseph . . 34419 Yeend John . . . . 34787 Beding-field, Sii- John . . . . 3832 William .. .. 90329 Bedmead, James 15371 Bedwell, Alfred 18100 Hemy 90330 Jno 75719 Bedwin, Eichard Bradford . . 7218 Sarah 21086 Bee, Ann Sarah 14506 Family 57743 Jno. Joseph 90331 Thomas 9068 Bgebe, Mary 51995 Beebee, Thomas Legge . . . . 37697 Beeburg-, Andrew 90332 Beeby, William 75754 -^> (Cumberland) 75249 Beech, Eebecca 3613 Beecham, William 69686 Beechel, James 11604 Beecher v. Heath 24051 Louisa 28093 Beechey, Blackman 12457 Beeching-, James 68772 36723 Beechy, Blackman 12457 BeecToft, John 5076 WiUiam S 24063 Bead, Jane 31582 Becdham, WiUiam 56433 Beedle, Ann (widow) . . . . 51028 Thomas 17235 Beelcv, Ellen 51826 Beer, EHzabeth 64309 Edward Peters . . . . 33215 John 64315 Thomas-.' 9136 Wniiam 34837 Eeere, John 37696 SaraH 14704 Bees, George 18101 Beesley, James 32089 Beeson, John George . . . . 18102 Thomas 11853 (died abroad) 18103 — (Stafford) . . 68298 Beeston, EHzabeth 63426 Hemy 32865 John and John D. AV. 69718 Beet, Charles and John . . . . 36827 Jonathan 54805 Eebecca 17029 Eichard 39611 Beetson, Charles Bridg;es . . 70533 Beevor, Arthur "31064 Begbie, Alexander 90334 & Co 64430 James 16499 Peter 28094 Begg-, Frances 90335 Francis 18104 John 7766 WilHam 75246 Beg:gs, Catherine and James . . 22652 Susan 26376 Begin, George William . . . . 34325 Bohan, James H 73831 Thomas Lawrence . . 75248 WiUiam . . . . 28095 Behr Moritz 73206 Behrcncs, Johanne Adolx^H . . 58888 Bchrman, Heyman 74425 Boilby, EHzabeth (or Sawden) 76170 & Knotts 52084 Thomas 18105 28 JDirectionsfor obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivkick these Nanus relate tvill be found at end of Index. Beith, Gilbert Belber, James Belcher, Elizabeth George . . Henry John Martha Mr Eobert ■ (Doncaster) . Thomas (died abroad) William (or Belchizar) Beldam, John Belfit, Eichard Belfour, Edmund . . Belhouse, Ann Belier, Alexandre . . Belilo, S Belin, Elizabeth , Peter Belk, George and Hannah ■ William Bell, — (died abroad) Agnes Alexander Andrew . . Binning . . C. W. . . . . Catherine . . Charles . . William Charlotte . . Christopher David Dr Dorothy . . Mr. C Edward H. Elizabeth (Essex) Mary R B. Family Frances G. F. J George (died abroad) George William V. Hawley Henry (ISurrey) Henry N Hugh Isaac James (Australia) . . (Hun-cy) . . . . (formerly of London) (Scotland) , , . . 18106 25634 5744 87 34773 16746 90336 90337 3804 6751 18107 8953 23463 12670 6301 74828 69714 9787 508 2809 5749 12796 6224 17634 18108 5240 10769 60049 13257 12315 69683 12586 24615 70534 72386 3374 18109 8240 90338 12915 18110 3967 57423 36185 69715 68108 17690 3455 18111 10753 26799 24049 34678 66414 16596 40400 63306 5110 12742 76072 Bell, James (died abroad) (Australia) Brown Joanna John (died abroad) . . (Chancery) (native of Northamp- tonshire) . . Brown Gillam Joseph (Cumberland) . . Lucy Anne McDenigh Malcolm Maria S. C. Mary (niece of Mr Greetham) (Hampstead Road) C. ■ Peter Richard (Cumberland) . . — (London) — — (wine merchant) Robert (London) J . . . • . Samuel Sarah Stephen Thomas (broker) . . (Cumberland) William (Newcastle-upon Tyno) .. .. (Buckingham) f Bombay) (corn merchant) (Dumfries, N.B.) (Holbom) (Lancaster) . . Dr. William William B. H. N. ]Jellairs, Lieut. W. T. . . . . Bellamont, Rt. lion. ]']arl Bellamy, Ann (or Bailey^ Betty (alias Elizabeth) Charles (died 1852) (Middlesex) . . Elizabeth Family ]\Ir. George Lathall James Thomas < 18112 73216 10544 3370 25441 18113 9776 2636 10545 54386 50790 30869 70535 90339 69671 73829 12243 35862 38520 51823 62166 34455 74808 74448 90340 75719 67794 35823 90342 5667 90343 76298 63314 387H3 17493 17871 10776 34249 6112 9017 9153 21340 74825 90345 90344 57424 51922 10708 74818 39972 40396 31764 90346 76243 32786 90347 8212 29 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Bellamy, John 15490 ■ (carpenter) . . 60898 Joseph 18114 Samuel 90348 WiUiam 30711 Edwin . . 65514 Bellander, Andriella . . . . 73038 Bellas, Sarah 26799 Bellasis, J. H 28097 Belle (widow of John Eaboula) 25811 Bellenger, William Hobday . . 51838 Bellesses, Sir Henry . . . . 71208 Belletti, Joseph 30692 Belletty, C. J 28098 Bellew Family 75245 Henry Walter . . . . 28099 Belli, Mrs .. .. 760 Belliard, Charles 26800 Bellior, James 25634 Bellin, Peter 3867 Belling-ar, Charles and Thomas 17333 Bellinger, Francis 4685 Walter 5924 BeUingham, Edward . . . . 90349 Thomas .. .. 18115 Bellion, Elizabeth and M. . . 90350 Sarah and William . . 62280 Bellions, Richard 10757 Bellis, Catherine and George. . 76295 John 66416 Bellisarus, John 4025 Bellman, Vincent 66392 Bellock, Charles 65285 Bellwood, George Ai-cher . . 54894 Richard and Robert 90351 Belsire, Robert 8673 Belson v. Himter 23705 Belton, Samuel 12666 Benacre Account (Chancery) . . 23711 Benbow^, Daniel 17150 JohnB 69674 Mary 70320 Benck, Frances Mary .. .. 66781- Bendall, George Henrj- . . . . 29142 Bending, Henry 35586 Joseph 34327 Mrs 75990 Bendix, Martha 17123 Matilda 2178 Bendixen, Carl Cetti . . . . 55595 Bendlows, Ann 14769 Bendyshe, John 39604 Benedick, Maria 22363 Maxmilian .. .. 30511 Benerick, Edward .. .. .. 74431 Benett, John 50811 Benfield,Paul 24066 Benford, Elizabeth and William 90352 Bengal, Mariners' Fund , . . . 51194 Benger (or Bouger) Thos. . . 9648 Benger, William 1900 Bengough, Henry 5474 Benhacoh, Esther 6945 Joseph 6946 Benham, — (or Francessa his wife) 74831 John and John C. . . 69685 r. Keane 57199 Robert 74431 Thomas 37567 William 62151 Benhawell, Esther 90353 Benheim, 11863 Benhill Wood Enclosure . . 35792 Benison, John William . . . . 22784 Benjamin, Benjamin . . . . 90354 Ernutte 7747 H 68774 John (died abroad) . . 18116 2752 Joseph 35148 Matilda 32455 Moses 6225 Wolf 32130 Benjer, Wllham 18117 Benhgh, Mr 90355 Benn, Anthony 37 Bennedy, Mark 11857 Bennee, John 90356 Bennell, 6226 Bennet, Isabella 22795 John 56059 Richard Hy. Alexander 21042 William (surgeon) . . 65853 Bennett, Ann (Norwich) . . 7290 Ann 1209 Benjamin 72384 Charles (surgeon) . . 64629 24366 (Mercot) . . 60895 (coachmaster) 56291 Da\'id Hemming . . 53313 V. Dineby . . . . 24043 Edward 21751 Elizabeth (died abroad) 18118 (Manchester) 16975 (legatee) . . 7290 (legatee) . . 8935 6704 Ellen 26342 Estevan 66433 Esther 21385 ■ Family 65554 Francis 26801 George (died abroad) 18119 70537 Hannah 26802 Henry (son of Ann) 75759 31922 B 67799 30 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Bennett, Ivan 90357 J. H. F 32695 James (legatee) . . 8934 . (Middlesex) 38819 riate of Salop) 39669 (late of South- ampton) . . 35040 . (London) . . 31475 . . Philip . . . . 29143 Jane Wheatley . . 2128 Joan 9761 John (Surrey) . . . . 53654 (London) . . 70536 (Kingston on Hull) 73827 (v^riter or clerk) 13172 (Middlesex) . . 36149 (legatee) . . 7290 (Cornwall) . . 10666 (legatee) . . . . 69672 (London) . . 71578 Cole 68295 & Jones 66525 Joseph 10415 (Surrey) . . 72325 H. \. .. 24619 Lydia 35039 Miss Margaret . . 2967 Mrs. — ;:r . . . . 5372 Maria & Maria Douglas 70539 Mary 7290 71577 Ann 70815 Martin '. 55337 Mr. (butler) . . . . 74827 Mrs 10050 Nicholas 9762 R. H. A 26802 Rebecca 90358 Richard 2101 (co. Stafford) 51062 Sarah (N. K.) . . . . 60896 24366 (daughter of Elizabeth) 8936 (legatee) . . 7290 (or Lawrence) 61919 Susannah 16930 T. (ensign) .. .. 7511 V. Taylor 24083 Thomas (son of Ann) 61643 & Co 65617 (Suffolk) .. 1290 (Bath) . . . . 74808 1480 (Middlesex) . . 34830 (Ireland) . . 63310 William (Sun-ey) . . 2100 (late of Salop) 39672 Henry (died abroad) .. 29144 Bennett, William Richard . . 90359 Bennicke, James and Joseph. . 69780 Bennie, John & Son . . . . 23820 Benning, Lieut 72328 Bennion, Elizabeth 38195 Benny, Wm 74829 Benon, Archibald 90360 Benoni, M 3759 Benoist, Mary Magdalen . . 71651 Benoit, Charles Alexander . . 33617 Bensley, Benjamin 53176 William 8242 Benson v. Barlow 24026 Edmund 28101 Frederick 30814 Rev. Francis .. .. 11265 George (died abroad) 28145 Major George . . . . 31225 Hannah 90361 Harry 90362 Hem-y 2774 James 90363 Claudius . . . . 10342 John 5708 Joseph 67804 Joshua 12555 Margaret 26805 Miles 90364 Mrs. (afterwards Ballard) 30805 (orDawkins) .. 13075 Obediah 90365 Peter 1847 Samuel 90366 Thomas 36638 William (Liverpool) . . 30926 15312 (Kent) . . . . 31991 Major William .. .. 29146 Benstead, Samuel F 72377 William 1217 Bensted, James 69720 Bensusan, Esther Levy . . . . 75757 Bent Family 26803 Mrs 17115 Serjeant 90367 Bentall, Elizabeth 5139 Bcntham, Rev. James . . . . 39995 Bentick, William 1747 Bcntinck, Charles Ferdinand 34693 Bontley, 32020 Abniham 9226 Alfred Crompton . . 32178 Ann 67291 Christopher . . . . 33038 Edward 51827 Elizabeth 90368 Family (India) . . 29147 Henry 1063 James 21136 John 61307 31 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Bentley, Joliii W G7304 Joseph 90369 Matthew 90370 Eichard (York) . . 90371 6373 Robert Henry . . . . 51816 ■ Thomas (America) . . 3944 7989 Timothy 4853 AVilliam (seaman) . . 1725 (Yorkshire) 4114 Eenton, Joseph (or Binton) . . 1585 Sarah 6414 Benvist, Stephen 12435 Benwall, Peter Sarney .. ., 11537 Joseph 40954 Benzaquen, Solomon . . . . 60153 Berdoe, Walter 61153 William 68792 Berec-liffe 16179 Borend, Adolphe 35482 "Berenice" (ship) crew of .. 57313 Berens, Otto Adolp Victor . . 59981 Beresford, Dame Amelia . . .. 68778 John 90372 Claudius . . . . 72353 Berger, John Steigen . . . . 57998 Bergman, Christopher Henry 7099 Daniel 230 John 90373 Berg-mann, E . . 38202 Bergstrom, Benedict . . . , 6167 Bering-ton, John 36759 Berjareche, Manuel .... . . 76670 Berkeley, C. F 51572 Elizabeth 14587 James and Mary . . 90374 Berkenhout, James 90375 Bermes, Sarah 33023 Bermingham, Catherine . . , . 9673 ■ Edward .. .. 12237 Family .. .. 17394 • John William . . 26804 Margaret . . . . 26805 Paterick (seaman) 9473 Patrick (seaman) 9670 Bernage, John 90376 Bernard, Bridget 9091 Charles 17681 (India) . . 29148 E 2755 George 12719 Hewitt 66427 Moses 20377 Bemardi, Casimirro 64431 Bernal Family 6476 Ralph 35526 Bematzki, Captain 12909 Berne, John 7579 Bernes, Sarah 90378 Bemesss Joseph J 1289^ Bemey,'John 21 12^ Bernhard Family 7686^ Bems, Carl F 2602^ Berques, Caroline and Francis 7539' Berrey Family 617^ Berridge, Catherine . . . . 787^ Family 617^ James 1539^ Thomas and William 732 14 Berrie, George Guthrie . . . . 1812^ Berriman Family 3844^ George 1011^ John (died at sea) . . 503 lO Berrington, John 9037^ Thomas .. .. 63450 Borrow, William 7054^ Berry, Charles Quinton . . . . 4157 Dorathia and John . . 2611 7 Elizabeth .. .. .. 26806 (legatee) . . 22766 George and Peter . . 75251 Henry 7571^ J 26807 James William M. . . 21760 John 26118 (seaman) . . . . 6l0 (Surrey) . . . . 73209 Mark . . ^ 51923 Michael 1344 Peter 22765 Samuel 26808 (died abroad) . . 18121 Thomas 50173 John .. .. 7094 Berryhill, Samuel 60046 Berryman, Charles 90380 Elizabeth 1075 Mary C 76301 Bert, Mary Fran^oise . . . . 57318 Bertaloci, Clement 90381 Bei-thold, E. T 4178 Bertie Family (Chancery) . . 24090 Bertinshaw Family , . '. . .. 15826 Berton, Elizabeth 6468 Joseph 73928 Bortoni James . . 25541 Bertram Family 17171 George H 22116 Jane 32870 Berwick, Henry Thomas . . 90382 Besford, John 17126 Bcshton, Ann 73342 Besington, Charles John . . 90383 Besley, James 21356 Samuel P. L 18122 Eliza B 75515 Best V. Best . . 23707 Dr. (N. K.) 76300 Charles 10762 32 Directions for obtaining ftdl copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Best, Edward Henry . John E. (Chancerj^) J. E Mary Peggy .. •. . . Eichard , Sarah and William Thomas , a William Bestall, Mary and William . . Bestman, Frances Ann & Echd. Beswell, Edward Beswick Family (Australia) . . Family (Lancaster) Eichard Betham, Thomas Charles Bethel, John Bethell, Elizabeth Bethune, Anna & Co. . . . . . . Charles Goodwin . . Donald Hugh Betsey (native woman) . . Bettall, WilHam . . . . Betteley, Priscilla F. G. . . Bettencourt, Perestrells H. Betteson, Ann Eichard . . Bettisworth, Frances Bettle Family Jonathan Betton, Eichard Thomas Bettridge, Abraham & Co. Betts, Alfred (Colonies) . . Ann Maria Benjamin (Norfolk) Family (India) George John Thomas . . William . . Joseph Bettsworth, Thomas Betty, Andrew Betty Eachael Wilson . . Thomas BeuU, M Bevan, Hannah Henry A John Thomas Llewellyn . , 36601 13115 62943 28102 90384 9650 90385 72379 90386 72387 50654 16907 68791 14114 62162 69688 24035 893 18123 90387 60894 75656 72329 54523 30766 12218 8239 69130 2642 68876 51704 72388 6415 3257 12482 17320 59875 22344 18124 3925 69713 28103 8237 16404 40369 26809 9818 50711 6670 5071 10136 51910 90388 61075 54058 67811 61168 36061 7809 12896 Bevan, Paul 75719 Thomas 26810 William 72330 Beveridge, A 28104 Albert 62659 James 69008 Beverly, William (Norfolk) . . 68776 Bevil, John Williams . . . . 70561 Bevington, Mary 71398 Bevis, James 2213 William 10152 Beswick,— 26817 Lucas 8236 Bewicke, Calverley 72009 Bewley Family 21743 John 26501 (Middlesex) . . 76302 Bewsher, William 38932 Bex, Samuel 18125 Bexfield, Eichard W 34183 Bexley, L 65363 Beyer Family 21223 John'Lewis 26812 Beynold, Ann 90389 Beynon, David 51828 Jenkin 61155 John 73711 Thomas (Cardigan) . . 9580 90390 Bezley, William 57498 Bibby & Jackson Thomas William 65397 26378 67303 90391 51861 Bibey, John Bichino, James Ebenezer Bichner, 0. F 35033 Bickell, Eichard 69191 Bickerstaff, Catherine . . . . 9181 Henry 73205 Eichard .. .. 8214 Bickerton, — 90392 David 2500 George 00660 Bickley, Benjamin 69729 Brune 4440 Elizabeth 90393 John 50271 L 08783 V. Penny 24067 Bickmore, Isaac 73327 Bicknell, Christopher . . . . 59963 Family 3190 G 10048 Hcmy 32156 James 75127 Euth 69962 Waite, Samuel . . 68996 Bidden, Mary 3916 Bidders, Joseph 18126 33 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Name* relate will be found at end of Index. Biddick, William 65883 Biddle, Catherine 17038 Family 9000 James (HoUoway) . . 9462 John (Leicestershire) 4684 (Middlesex) .. 6130 Montford & Co 73715 Biddlecomb, Alfred . . . . 24580 Biddies Fanuly 6273 Biddulph, Michael 14682 V. Roberts . . . . 24073 T., Lieut 28106 Bidenhead, James 90394 Bidford (Vicar of) 9398 Bidraead, Richard 51863 Bidwell, Thomas (soldier) . . 7526 (London) .. 90395 William 2759 Bidwin, Sarah 26818 Biedermann, Geo. Augustus . . 66040 Bierg, Jeremiah 90396 Bienvenu, Nicholas . . . . 51929 Biffon, Abraham 90397 Bigg, Bateman 75723 Hester 2286 Maria (Middlesex) . . . . 76306 Robert 90398 Biggart, Sarah 2294 Bigge, Charles William . . . . 51865 V. Bowater 24036 Thomas 15049 Biggias, James 30211 Biggs, Ann 62180 Ann and Bryant . . 60547 Benjamin 30818 Elizabeth 2419 67187 George 55593 Gilbert 11139 Harry 67821 Henry 70544 Jesse 31427 Joanna 90399 Thomas 90400 (soldier) . . . . 26617 Rev. Thomas . . . . 22603 Bignell, George 30499 John 2130 Joseph 21259 Mary 30542 Bignold, Samuel 75719 Thomas (London) .. 75760 Bigot, Anthony 60028 EHzabeth 50261 Helen 73210 Louise 36475 Bigwood, Robert 90402 Biker, Mary 90403 Thomas 51249 Bilby, WilUam 31974 Bilding, Sarah Ann 65950 Biles, Ann 73184 Bilham, John 37849 Robert 61231 Bilk, Lucy 26819 Bill, WiUiam 642 Billamore, Catherine . . . . 75254 Billers, Joanna 5281 WilHam 90404 Billett, John 18127 Billiard, Charles 90405 Billing, Arthur J 74453 Family 90406 Henry 50467 Billinge, James 76303 Billingham Family 26816 James 53306 BiUingley, Hannah & John . . 90406 Billingsby Family 90407 Billington, Anna Mary . . . . 36957 Family 90408 Billings, George 21548 BHlington, Henry 18128 Mary Anna . . . . 50363 Randle 16784 Robert 12913 BUton, EUzabeth 6337 Robert 6103 Bincham, William 38361 Binck, George 35140 Binckes, Henry 6416 Binclifif, Hannah 13250 Rev. Jonathan .. .. 12869 Binder, Thomas . . . . . . 1598 (seaman) . . . , 146 Binfield, Paul Francis . . . . 9850 Binger, William 1900 Bingham, Charles 23015 Daniel H 24780 Jane 23018 John 1898 (Somersetshire) 5669 Margaretta & Thos. 16467 Marie C. C 73835 Thomas 62173 William 6898 (died abroad) 18129 Bingley, Catherine 3688 John 90409 Thomas (Surrey) . . . . 76262 (N.K.) .. .. 30901 WiUiam 90410 Binham, Esther 74853 Binks, Ephraim 67823 Binmer, John 74450 Binnie, WilHam 18139 Bions, Hannah.. .... .. 76383 James 76761 Robert . . 16990 William 68786 C 34 Direotiom for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Name relate will be found at end of Index. Binny Family (India) . . . . 28107 Thomas 15028 Binstead, William 90411 Binsted, Sarah ... 90412 Binton, Diana 90413 Joseph 1585 Birheck & Co . . . . 9864 Birch, Ann (^vife of John) . . 65492 «;.Bent 873 Brereton, John . . . . 7775 Charles 3883 Family (India) .. .. 29151 (Chancery) . . 24072 George (Worcester) . . 21094 (Worcester) . . 75258 17197 Hannah 15115 -James 9634 Mrs. Jane 60015 John (Strand) . . . . 65493 (Chancery) . . 65286 2194 B 69728 Richard .. .. 40280 ■ Jonathan (York) . . 6304 Joseph and William . . 3405 Maria Flozenzina . . 31866 Mary Maria . . . . 17199 Mr 90414 Sarah (Chancery) . . 24038 & Son . . . . \ . . . 9898 Thomas 17198 Rawlins .. .. 58343 '— William (Stepney) . . 63454 (Birmingham) 65136 31866 (Colonies) . . 18131 Basnett . . 30729 Birchall, Jlmily 22747 James 16667 John 39803 Mary 69727 (or BurchaU), Wm. 50913 Peter 90415 Birchley, Thomas 51280 Bird, Alethca and Alfred P. . . 67865 Anna Maria 68995 Betty 6788 Bridget 62176 Charles 37259 68322 Edward 2765 Elias 90416 Hannah Elizabeth . . . . 70563 Henry 39984 Hugh 26813 James .. 31646 : Barry 10485 Jauo 53896 10295 Bird, John (Birmingham) . . 12878 1332 (seaman) 7444 (Kent) 73833 Spark 26814 Joseph 70546 (Surrey) . . . . 75256 (Radcliff) .. .. 68716 Mary 6275 Mr. . . 17535 Richard 11859 Sarah 5624 Savage & Bird, Messrs. . . 68993 Susannah 26815 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 57189 33666 (Homsey) . . 33477 (soldier) . . . . 26679 William (Devon) .. .. 62175 2410 R 90417 Birdsey, William 75264 Birdseye, Ann and James . . 60890 Mr 35903 Birdwood, John 30050 Bii'kheck, David 39826 John 24084 Birket, John (children of) . . 76305 Birkett, Bella 16265 Charles 74444 J. N 74826 Henry (late of Sydney, 35119 N. S. W.) ' ' 51008 Mary 15995 Thomas 30488 Birkhead, Ebenezer .. .. 51291 John D 90418 Birkinshaw, John Cass . . . . 74460 Nathan . . . . 23589 Nathaniel Charles 56985 Birkleon, Daniel 90419 Birkmyre, William 37867 Birks, Joseph 16742 Mary 72643 William 16743 Biiioy, Hugh Hornby . . . . 8147 James John 35893 Sarah Ann 63468 Birmingham, Frances .. .. 28817 : Wm. John . . 7610 Bimio, Kate 73965 Birom Family. (Chancery) .. 24093 Birroll, Dr. '. . . . 63380 James ....... . . 25607 Birt, Elizabeth . . 35035 Birtwistlo, William 63453 Bischoff, George 66561 Biscoe, Elisha 90420 Biseui', John 1790 35 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Bish, Thomas 90421 Bisham, Margaret 90422 Bishop,— 72326 Alexander John Gordon 33753 V. Baker 24031 Caroline 51872 Charles 71834 Elizabeth 16277 Family 67825 George (Middlesex) . . 32683 (legatee) . . . . 53340 Capt. Harrv George . . 66439 Henry . . " 90423 James 12713 John (Bucks) . . . . 9146 5168 (Colonies) . . . . 18132 (Herts) . . . . 3422 (druggist) .... 63 (Bath) 67822 (Melbourne) . . 25519 0. . . 90424 Joseph Dixon . . . . 55562 Josephine 53340 Martha 2682 Mary 11601 • -Eobert Freeman.. .. 56632 WilUam.. .. 50114 Ruth 72985 Samuel 73578 Thomas (Oxford) . . 68323 E 23623 William (Chancery) . . 8024 24643 Stephen . . 36901 Bishopp, Mary Jane Weltden 70566 Bishton, Ann 68384 William 59293 Bispham, Margaret . . .. .. 3721 Bissell, John 13248 Bisset, — (went abroad) . . . . 75196 Elizabeth 73832 Bissett, Anne 72380 John . . 26820 Martha 26821 Bisshopp, Elizabeth 59697 Bissill, Elizabeth 63176 Bissit, James 12929 Bisson, Emma Susannah . . 70568 Bistow, Andrew 15609 Bitt, Rebecca 90425 Bitten, Robert 8912 Bittleston, John 71813 Blachford, J 63279 Margaret S 67367 Black, Charles, Lieut. (India) 28111 WiUiam . . . . 70621 Daniel and George . . 36381 andilichael .. 23446 Black Family (N.K.) . . . . 62825 ■ 10553 James 90426 Lawson .. .. 33830 Margaret 53670 Marv (Aberdeen) . . 76312 -'(Glasgow) .. .. 52086 10556 F 33360 Samuel 11481 -AViinam 2307 (India) .. 28112 Blackader, Robert B 61870 BlackaU, Charles 33336 Family 14039 James 90427 Major 75255 Samuel W 22564 Thomas 28113 Blackbone, Anne 90428 John Heniy P. . . 12225 Blackbarrow, James . . . . 7362 John. 90429 Blackboxirne, Henry . . . . 57285 Blackburn, Bella 26823 Family 16285 James' W 68782 John 10776 (Stafford) . . 39104 Joshua (York) . . 72403 Mary 2133 Robert (son of Wm.) 12281 T 21177 Thomas A 75763 William (London) 28114 .. .. 7146 (grandson of Wm. Payne) .. 2133 Blackbume, Eleanor . . . . 34240 Blackemore, John Masefield . . 9826 Blacker Family 6899 Thomas Smith . . . . 51161 William 18133 Blackerby, George 37046 Blacket ......... . . 72337 James 57712 Blackett v. Stoddart . . . . 24077 BJackford, Edward 90432 Robert Pope . . . . 5328 Blackball, Charles and James 30383 Mary 7358 Thomas . . . . 14036 Blackhurst, James 3496 Joseph 12490 Mary 17085 Blackitter, Jane 17476 Blackler Family 90433 Blackley Family 24153 TraversR 23464 Blacklock, Elizabeth .. .. 74428 C2 36 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Ind^x. Blackman, Ann 1429 James F. and Jane 74446 Mary 33650 'William .. .. 90434 Blackmore, Charles 21756 26385 John 23476 John Lewis . . . . 2123 Blackow, Frances 62188 BlackseU, John 90435 Blackshaw v. Eogers . . . . 24071 Thomas .. .. 75252 Blackstock, James 1454 Moses 24694 Blackway, Mr 1793 Blackwell, Jesse 32964 William 74431 B 73844 Blackwood, James 28115 John 90436 Sarah Ann . . . . 34910 Bladen, William 870 Blades, John 72012 Blagden, Edward 28116 E. and M 90437 Francis Edward . . 39899 Blagdon, David 16266 Richard 9020 Blagg, Charles 24708 Francis 61157 Thomas 75770 Blagrove, Caroline Ann . . . . 37596 Family 10228 Henry John . . . . 36815 Wm. M 51928 Blahr, Mr. T. H 30413 Blain, William 69743 Blair, Ann and George . . . . 90438 Euphine 937 Family (Bombay) . . . . 12190 11699 Henrietta 90439 James (Kent) . . . . 50132 170 John (soldier) . . . . 26646 (of Camsquill) .. 12380 Maria 17544 Mary 16660 60976 Sarah 90440 Thomas 90441 WilHam Key 10748 Blaithwate, William .. .. 71191 Blake, Ann 3517 Catherine Margaret . . 73191 Charles 21755 D 63278 Daniel 66970 Ellis C 17251 Family 17726 Blake Family (India) .. .. 28117 Francis 21980 Sir Francis 74880 George 38256 Henry Herbert . . . . 40361 James 7374 John (Southampton) . . 73190 Jonas 8232 Josias 1244 Patrick John .. .. 26387 V. Phipps 90442 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 36942 6116 : William 7325 18134 Blakelock, Armstrong . . . . 7670 Sarah 5977 Blakely, Jane 30799 William RLx . . . . 34404 Blakeman Family 34745 Blakemore, Edward . . . . 17628 Richard . . . . 60888 Thomas .. .. 32949 Blakesley, Charles 63457 John 58994 (Vicar of) . . . . 9398 Blakey, James 26618 — Robert 32223 (Middlesex) .. 11911 Blamire, George 72398 R. B 28120 Robert 51179 William 66438 Blanch, James 1332 Jonathan 21002 Thomas 90443 Blanchard, Elizabeth . . . . 26824 Sarah and William 70591 Blanchy, Anne de 50107 Blancley, Miss .. 51381 Bland Family 26822 Harriet 6752 John 9829 Joseph 10379 Richard 1001 (went abroad) 30367 Sarah 36654 Sophia 73189 Thomas 6262 WilHam R 09721 Blandford, Mrs 1562 Blane, Elizabeth 90444 Blaney, A. B 29152 Blanket, Admiral 7753 William 5229 Blanklcy, Mrs 51723 Blanks, William 25831 Blanloy, Maria and S 90445 ]Jlaquiro, John Potor . . . . 9938 Blassmere, J. C 18136 37 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Blasson, William 57244 Blatch, Edward 2936 Blatchford, Edward .. .. 17664 Blaxland, Edward 31911 . Samuel 32360 Blay, James 1655 Blaye, Sarah 90446 Blaylock, — 90447 Blaze, John and Samuel . . 36945 Blazeby, William 23878 Blazey, J. T 75764 Bleadon, Charles 32380 Bleakey, Robert 30473 Bleakley, Anne 26381 Wniiam (Colonies) . . 30069 Bleasdale, Alice and Wm. . . 9694 Bleasdell, John 26824 Bleazo, Alice and Thomas . . 9258 Bleckly, James 60145 Bledington, Carter 90448 Blenchett, Peter 90449 Blenck, Mrs. Mary 61156 Blencowe, Henry P 67858 Blenkhorn, William .. .. 51414 Blenkinsop, Edw. Ensign . . 28122 J. P 12751 Blenkinsopp, Margaret . . . . 36228 Blenldron, Elizabeth . . . . 9147 Blessington, Earl of .. .. 17503 Blesso, Elizabeth 26825 Blethin Family 75675 Blew, John 75762 Blewitt, Edward 90450 John 90451 William Jonas . . . . 59294 Blick, Charles 32421 William 21015 Bligh, Sir Richard 21627 Blight, James 90452 H 67812 Blind Asylum (Bristol) . . . . 39571 Surrey (legacy to) 75946 Blindell, John Thos. . . . . 73571 Blisher, William 1980 Bliss, Alfred 35410 Catherine and Mary . . 90453 Edward (SuflFolk) . . . . 31990 4008 Hemy 70645 WilHam 90454 Blisset Family 90456 Mary 90455 Blith, Eliza . . 26826 Block, Jeannetta 18137 Blogg, Ashton 67813 Blomelev, Ann and Thomas . . 26827 Blomfield, Sarah 30978 Blondel, Antoine , . . . , . 90457 Elizabeth 11812 Blonk, Anne and Benjamin , . 34556 Blood, M., Lieut 90458 N 28123 William 58027 Bloodworth, — 65377 Bloom, Mary 74193 Bloomcole, William . . . . 90459 Bloomer, Sarah 24669 Thomas 58538 Bloomfield, Richard . . . . 3500 .. .. 18138 Robert 2607 Sarah 90461 William .. .. 50893 Bloomquest, John 7598 Blooms, Benjamin and John . . 7547 Bloor, Mary 62187 Sarah 73841 Thomas 12108 Bloore, 70572 Blore, Ann and Isaac . , . . 17121 Bloss, Elizabeth 17191 Blossom, Mary 90463 Blott, Elizabeth 60889 Blower & Harding 90464 James 40891 William 2654 Blowers, Mary 22824 Blowfield, Thomas 21547 Blowse, William 2654 Bloxham, Rev. C 73842 Blucher, Mark 18130 Bluck, John 51924 Bludworth, Augusta . . . . 8959 Blue, John 1727 Bluett, John Richard . . . . 31324 Blum, Anthony 14207 Blumber, Eugenie . . . . . . 73843 Blumberg, Ludwig Alexander 60146 Blumenthal, Adolphus . . . . 32347 Blundell, A. J. M 28124 Archibald . . . . 4245 Henry 34481 James 58791 John 3152 V. Mills 90464 Blunden, Alice Susan . . . . 21462 Family 35648 Walter 90465 Blunder, John 2515 Blundstone, Francis and Wm. 75767 Blunt, Dame Sophia . . . . 68779 Harriet 58477 72400 H.J 28125 James 61178 Tillyer .. .. 38251 Jane 26828 John 72399 Richard 57882 Robert 23223 38 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate xvill be found at end of Index. Bluntish, Archibald Bly, Louisa Bl}th's Creditors (Chancery) Clare Elizabeth (VanDieman' Land) . . James John Lloyd Thomas AViUiam Boag, John Eobinson William Boak, Jacob and John & White . . Boalth, Mr Boane, Sarah . . Board, Eobert & Co. Boardman, Edward. . • ■ Elizabeth — Fearis . . Martha . . ; Samuel . . Bearing, Jane Boast, John ' William Boazman, John Bobart, WiUiam S Bobjohn, Elizabeth. . Bobson, Margaret . . . . Boby, Ann (wife of George Bochin, Eogcr .'. Bock, Jamary Beckett, Louisa Bockhof, Alexander Bockhaldt, Christopher . . Boctefeur, Henry . . Boddam, 11. H Boddicote, John . , Boddicott, Richard .'. Boddiley, Richard . . Boddington, Edward — Elizabeth , . Boddy, Charles George Bodeman, Augustus W . . Boden, Joseph (Chester) . . Lieut-Col. Joseph Thomas Bodens v. Dod Bodfield, IMr Bodger, Ricluud Bodicoto Family Bodin, Joseph Bodington, Richard . . Bodkin, Doracnidj: George — Josiah JBodley, Supanna 67805 30992 62946 90466 75835 26829 61154 11183 7122 39670 12601 90467 5564 30527 73715 66354 11953 90468 64450 26630 67372 74864 72406 90469 13122 72409 9142 23912 28126 6838 75689 14757 51815 90470 63644 90471 35979 28127 90472 90473 18141 60088 15443 18141 70569 28127 32024 7399 73202 24042 10117 36219 171 90474 71210 9486 90475 36360 Bodoley, Joseph Boeckman v. Farmer Boehm Family Roger Bogg, John Martha Nathaniel Robei-t Boggis, Richard William Boggctt, Jane Boghurst, Eliza Bogle, George (India) . . Bogley, William Bogne, Henry Bognor, John Boham, William Jeremiah Bohn Family Bohannon, John , , Boigne, Count de . . Boileau. Family John James Marie Samuel B Simeon J Bointon, Francis Boissac, Vivans Boland, Thomas Parsons Bold, Ebenezer Elizabeth Bolden, John WilHam . . . . Boldcro, Henry , Bolders Family Bole, Alexander and Sarah . . Boler, AVilliam Frederick Bolingbrokc, Charles Nathaniel Bolland, Sarah BoUard, William Boiler, J Boilers, Eve Belleville, Anne Boiling, Jean Baptisto . . Bolshaw, Frederick George . , Bolt & Higgins Richard (formerly of Ox- ford) William Henry Bolter, Elizabeth Bolton, Agnes Anne and Mary . . David Elizabeth Ellen (Middlesex) Frances James John (IMiddlesex) Mason Mrs. . Richard 90476 90477 52912 90478 76456 90479 6469 18141 14500 90480 28128 34631 28129 25971 90481 2540 90482 26554 90483 23090 5925 65490 75719 62198 90484 22561 8974 5235 6276 17209 17571 60645 54666 34448 59828 12792 38862 25547 18142 90485 1002 29153 68352 6358 90486 4800 69149 90487 5271 26631 56220 73840 73837 13008 37550 1501 90489 61380 22539 39 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tvhich these Namei relate will be found at end of Index. Bolton, Eobert (London) . . 63402 (merchant) . . 73166 Samuel 16414 Sarah 90490 T., Major 28130 : Thomas 33189 WiUiam (Bedford) . . .60726 (Lancaster) . . 56220 (Warwick) . . 37239 Bolus Family 90491 Mary Ann 31270 Bomford, Thomas 8071 Bonaker, WilHam B 76310 Bonamy, Peter 2867 Bonas, James 75719 Boncey, Charles 3318 Bonchier, Melia Sarah . . . . 7512 Boncklion, Julia 11813 Boncock, Joseph 5778 Bond, Anne 6012 Anthony 90493 C 22197 ■ — Catheriae 90496 Charles 90495 Edmund 90496 Edward 90497 — : Eleanor 36601 ■ Family 90503 (India) . . . . 29154 Frances 90498 George 28993 . . 90499 PoUaret .. .. 2912 Giles 90500 • J. (baker) 7255 John .. 60141 (Bristol) . . . . 3587 (Soriiersetshire) . . 6518 Joseph (hushandman) 96917 (London) . . 33755 Lucy 8215 Mary 3797 Meadow 90501 PhiUis 30912 Rebecca ..... .. 9698 Samuel 22245 Sarah (relatives of) . . 56285 — (Middlesex) . . 1723 Stephen and Thomas . . 90502 . Thomas 50338 Wensley 22691 William (Lincoln) . . 57070 (Middlesex) 11570 (Buckingham) 51286 (N. K.) . . 66286 (Lancaster) 51809 Bone, Arm 18143 Esther 90504 • Mary 68799 Bonel, Lucy 10744 Bonell, — 36399 Bones, Frances 90506 Bonest, Elizabeth and Richard 24557 William 90507 Bongin, Mary 17809 Bonham, John 60140 Thomas 55481 Boniface, George 90508 Bonne,' Patience 15951 Pierre 90509 Bonnel, Mrs 51647 BonneU, Mary 90510 Owen . . . . . . 4061 Bonner, Ann 33846 70391 David 33880 Emily 12629 James 38963 (late of Durham) 7242 Bonnery, John 1284 Bonnes, Christiana Eliza . . 6051 Bennett, James 34200 Bonnevaux, Peter 14996 Bonnick, William 35474 Bonny, James ,, ., .. .. 70755 Bonsignore, Sarah 76483 Bonsonj Thomas (Lincoln) , , 6052 Bonus, James 5255 (London) . . 291 Bonteim 73504 Bonthron, Peter 13175 Bonvespre, Maria and Wm. Chas. 5926 Bonython, William 60139 Bonyuge, JohnN. andMargaret 22516 Boodle, Ann 12965 George 18144 Booker, Alexander 36601 ■■ Benjamin 75719 Family.. 68808 George.. 74426 John 35876 Boon, Maria ., 51831 Patience 5087 Boone, — 71183 John Joseph . . , . 75772 Boorder, Capt. James .. .. 9121 Boorer, Margaret 90511 Boote, John 9054 Obadiah 26830 Booth, Anne 38131 Caroline 70576 Charles (Lincoln's Inn) 16046 Sir Charles 4716 Charles James . . . . 21068 Edward R 8881 Elizabeth (nurse) . . 32264 Family (Surrey) . . . . 8813 — ^ George (York) . . . . 50185 .. 67371 Henry William . . . . 767C8 40 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Booth, James (servant) . . . . 68801 (Surrey) . . . . 67815 (Aberdeen) . . 26831 Charles , . . . 8880 John (Warwick) . . 56394 50807 (Lancaster) . . 32470 Gillyatt .. .. 39642 Jonathan 9263 Joseph (Middlesex) . . 53625 90512 Margaret 51847 Martha 51157 Mary 14196 Samuel (America) . . 23793 {brother of James) 67817 (merchant) . . 24755 Sarah 7085 Susan 15346 ■William 3586 (York) . . 34568 Boothby, John 347 Lady 90513 Susannah 9272 Boothe, — 53383 Bootle & Johnson 75656 Bor, John . . . . 90514 Bordean Estate 75260 Boreham, Michael 54536 (Middlesex) 13085 ■ Silas Smith . . . . 58374 Borcman, Ambrose 31401 Borlass, Elizabeth _ 26832 Borlean, John Lewis . . . . 90515 Bomal, Sarah 90516 Bomes, James 90517 Borradaile, John Watson . . 60144 Borrell, John 90519 Borrett, Edward 90520 Frances Turner . . . . 68800 Borrctts, Baley 4905 Borrows, John 18145 Borthwick, Henry, Lord . . 90521 James 24546 John 73791 . 90522 Bortoft, Thomas 67819 Berwick, Henry Thomas . . 9701 Boscarcn, G. Henri 11377 Boscawen, John Evelyn . . . . 30325 Bose, Bolleram 5832 J. and J 74408 Ramparsand .5832 Boselv, Elizabeth 6671 Bosficld, Samuel 7414 Boshart, Henry 1111 Eoskca, Francis 09738 Bosaens, Elizabeth 90523 Bossom, John 1378 BoBSon, Elizabeth 60880 Bossett (or Bassett), Elizabeth 76320 Bostoek Family 3401 Peter 32830 Eichard 90526 Sarah 6562 William 21420 Boston, Robert 21082 Kitty 66353 Bosville, Margaret 2688 Boswell, Eleanor 10009 Elizabeth 12297 Ensign C. T 28130 John 16104 Samuel 76324 Boswill, Mr 21936 Boswith, Sarah 90525 Boswood, Thomas 26832 Bosworth, Agnes 17271 ■ Family 73458 George 14998 Mary 5226 William 5837 Botcherby, Mr 66442 Botelcr, Elizabeth 14657 Botelho, Alexander 28133 Botham, Peter and Thomas . . 893 65287 Bothamley, Emma 12188 Bother, Catherine 50510 Bothway, Richard 16069 Bothwell, William 90527 Bott, Arthur . . . . . . . . 56197 ■ Elizabeth Mary .. .. 22064 Family 24555 WiUiam Robert .. .. 32023 Botten, James 35918 Bottcsworth, Frances . . . . 72026 Betting, Mrs. A 4158 Elizabeth 74305 Mary J 62482 Bottley Family 74944 Bottomley, Benjamin . . . . 73839 Daniel 90528 John 90529 Tindall .. .. 12234 — Joseph 5777 William 90530 Botton, Benjamin & Michael, . 90531 Bottrell, Hciuy and Richard . . 32455 Bouch, Thomas 90533 Boucher Family 76914 Frederick 70577 Henry 70582 John (die^ abroad) . . 18146 Mrs 53640 . Sarah Amelia . . . . 39931 Bouchct, Edward J 69733 Richard 7275 Boughey, Hannah 6823 Boughton, Ann 61158 41 Directions for oUaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. BougMon, Edward 67814 Rev. WiUiam . . . . 7153 Bouilton, Francis 90533 Boulcott, John Ellerker , . . . 38248 Boulin, Patrick 90534 Boult, Ann (or Hannah) . . . . 16977 Sarah 15817 Boultbee, ISIr. C. H 40604 Boulton, Anthony 35236 Charles 30972 Ehzaheth 90535 George 68803 G-. Abraham 68804 Henry (Middlesex) . . 16418 Henry P 90536 J. and P 115 John 90538 . Joseph 69732 90537 Margaret 30973 N 65390 Richard 64458 Thomas 73801 Webber 73203 William (annuitant) . . 60650 (Chancery ) . . 30971 Bound, David 90538 Family 5246 Bounsall, Henry 11263 Boura, Charles WooUett . . 72404 Bourage, Susannah . . . . 53979 Bourchier, Elizabeth . . . . 21227 FamHy (India) . . 28134 Francis Joseph . . 53305 H. S 10752 John 90539 Thomas .. .. 53305 Bourdieu, Jamc3_(Lieut-Col.) . . 29155 Bourgeois, — . * 26835 V. Lankshear . . 24060 Bourget, Margery 9077 Bourgoin, Helen 30509 Bourke, Denis 18147 Eleanor 64455 John (Ireland) . . . . 23215 (Liverpool) . . 68802 26383 Martin 18148 Patrick (soldier) . . . . 74431 90540 Thomas 26453 Bourn, Aaron 5749 Elizabeth 17217 Ruth 39689 -Samuel 6227 Bourne, Edward 90540 -Elizabeth 4126 Family . . 68796 • John (Colonies) . . . . 18148 (Lancaster) . . 54784 Bourne, John (Smallwood) . . 69731 Lucinda 32557 Milbom 1003 Richard 15639 ■ (late of Kent) 32534 Samuel 3000 Sarah 90541 • Thomas 23645 (Kent) . . . . 51 083 (Chancery) . . 71831 WiUiam (Colonies) . . 18949 Rev. WilHam . . . . 23816 Bourns, John Medlicott . . . . 39752 Bouron, Mary Ann 32918 Bourson, Anthony 11929 Bourton, and Sarah . 109 Stephen 16459 Bous, John 90542 Bousfield, George 58000 Richard P 33635 Samuel 8958 Sarah 53635. Boutell, Ann 50710 Boutland, William 73201 Bouverie, Henry Montolieu . . 37991 Bouzgett, Margary 90543 Bovill, Benjamin 73707 James 73200 WiUiam 37389 Bow, David 90544 Bowater v. Burdett 24036 Henry 1618 John 548 Richard 7983 Bowbeer, John 70581 Bowdon, Charles D 90545 David 14169 Family 70619 James 13118 John (Jersey) . . . . 63472 4800 Thomas .. .. 58241 Messrs 30363 Mrs 90547 Thomas 14028 Bowdens, Malkin, & Co 65290 Bowdler & Co 64 John 17570 (Chancery) . . 60654 Samuel 90546 Sarah 90548 Rev. Thomas . . . . 60651 Bowe & WaUer 73715 Bowen, Ann 17592 Anna 36354 David 90549 E. and H 69739 Edmund 90550 ' Edward 12559 Thomas .. .. 25681 42 Directions for obtaming full copies of the Advertiseaunts to ivhich these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Bowen, Elizabeth Lindley John Mary Ann . . Rev. T. Robert Susan ■ Walter . . .... Bower Family George H Henry Thomas "William Bowering, Capt. ,C. B. . . Bowers, Henry William. . Mary Mary Ann . . Richard • Robert Sarah — — "William Bowes, Andrew Robinson Francis George (IMiddlesex) T. (Earl of Strathmore) John . . (Manor of) Mary Michael (Colonies) "William Bowgons, Julia Henri Bowick, Henry T. . . Bbwie, John . . . , "William Bowis, Peter . . Thomas Bowkcr (or Booker) V. Bcswick . . Family . . . . John . . Bowie, Hatton Turner . . Bowler, Charles Elizabeth . . . . Susannah John Thomas Bowles, Alice Henry Capt. Henry Buck John (Enfield) . . Rev Lydia . . V. McDowall Michael Stephen Thomas Henry Bowley, Henry 40653 31811 68205 60143 1072 75257 7321 40654 31960 65487 710 4710 14586 28136 3346 90551 11322 70580 90552 11326 1618 14879 90553 8805 21545 9501 53638 90554 90555 21546 18150 90556 9183 90556 90557 10777 62772 17754 31353 24035 50483 35877 30340 274 90558 9295 68351 31778 35299 90559 14994 90561 14227 90560 26836 24062 1514 90562 11559 61164 Bowley, Joseph Bowlin, Patrick Bowman, Daniel Frederick . . Henry John and Joseph ■ (Middlesex) (seaman) . . C. . . . . Joseph (Cumberland) (York) . . . . Martha Mary (Middlesex) Priscilla . . • Richard . . Robert Sarah Thomas . . "Venus William . . Bowmer, John Bown, John . . Bownas, John . . Bownel, Richard Bowness, Gilbert Henry . . Bowra, William Bowrcn, Amelia . . . . Bo wring, John. .... Robert Samuel Bowry, Lydia Bowsher, Robert Bowtoll, Thomas Bowyear, Dorothy . . Bowycr, Anthony . . Charles Family George J Hannah . . Matthew . . Mrs William Atkins Box, Charles , ■ Elizabeth. John . . . . (Doctors' Commons) Susanna Thomas, Capt. ».. Boxall, Mary Boxer, Richard Boyack, Mary Boyco, Benjamin Charles James Jessie and Richard . . Lieut. . . . . . . . . Mary WiUiam (Norfolk) . . Boyd, Benjamin 70583 90563 90564 36370 68888 10524 30588 1754 32678 51406 51813 90565 70424 32893 8905 90566 61165 10755 18151 51814 34304 72405 440 90567 32535 67820 30884 60325 8951 36720 18161 5671 74439 90569 75281 62201 7708 68824 90570 90571 1788 34386 90572 57687 63554 2181 33419 75276 29156 1962 18152 16313 3115 11980 50154 73836 9{r532 24611 76771 18163 43 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate tcill be found at end of Index. Boyd, Cathcart 26833 Edward 24004 Eleanor .. .. .. 9331 Emily 23020 Family (N.K., 1810) . . 66098 (India) . . . . 28137 George 37999 18154 Isabella 12158 James Butler . . . . 22415 John (Londonderry) . . 68793 1932 Adam 54208 Juliet 90573 ISTeH 18155 Peter 18156 Eobert 70579 (Ireland) . . . . 23017 (London) . . 36297 Thomas 2415 WaUer(Kent) .. .. 32983 Walter 24066 William 11797 Major .. .. 39335 (Durham) . . 51006 (surgeon) . . 649 Boyde, Edward 10766 Eleanor 3501 William Corrie . . . . 675 BoydeU, Josiah 26834 Thomas 3415 Boyer, Francis.. \ 30242 Joseph 90574 Richard 18157 Boyers, Henry 32767 Boyes, Craven 75269 James William . . . . 50461 .John 64456 Mr 66369 Thomas 4028 Bovfield, John 90575 Boyland, Peter 18160 Boyle, Arthur 31256 — ^ Cornelius 53309 J. (died at sea) . . . . 75267 James (N. K.) . . . . 22470 56012 (Colonies) . . 25414 Joanna 211 Eobert Edward . . . . 35568 William Coree . . . . 6845 65 Boylen, John 30088 Boylston, Thomas 10034 Boyne, Joanna 90576 Boys V. Barker 24029 John 23346 Harvey 57533 vSophia Marv . . . . . . 2635 Bovton, J. F. . / 36396 Boyton, Michael 10672 — ^ WiUiam 2202 Bozonnet, Simon 12716 Braban, John 50716 Brabazon, Elizabeth & William 90577 Hugh 26319 William John . . . . 12656 Brabbin Family 25350 Brabyn, Peter 69753 Brace, Herbert 75723 Bracken, John 61630 Captain . . . . 29157 Brackenbury, Charles and Elizabeth 90578 Bradbome, John 61166 Bradbrook, James 59931 Bradbum, S 10764 Bradbume, John 15662 Rev. Thomas . . 67927 Bradbury, Charles 74429 Family (Leeds) . . 76626 54795 Mr 11793 Bradby, Caniel and Joseph . . 16962 Braddock & Carpenter . . . . 9883 John and Mary . . 22360 Braddon, Elizabeth 5599 Mary 6706 William 61169 Brade, Eleanor 21039 (Lancaster) . . 6385 Braden, Charles Richard . . 35241 James 90579 Sarah 11710 liradfield, Mary 254 (Colchester) . 3497 Bradford,— 26836 Alexander . . . . 40458 Alice 90580 The Earl 90581 Family 26836 Hunter 26379 Isaac 21911 James (Colonies) . . 18162 John 90582 Louisa (wddow) .. 61615 Richard 21084 Robert L 26380 Samuel 10435 Thomas 54552 William 871 Bradingfield, J 3353 Bradley, Amelia 15096 Arthur (Worcester) 75773 Betty 15524 Charles (Bedford) . . 65415 . (Colonies) . . 18163 Charlotte 26207 (or HaUidav) Charlotte 11187 44 Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Bradley, Daniel (or Santer) Elizabeth Elizabeth Family (Durham) . . (Chancery) Henry Isaac James (Leicester) . . Jane John (Somerset) Joseph Martha (legatee) Mary "Wright Ealph Eobert Thomas (Chancery) . . (died in Vir- ginia) (left England in 1776) .. H. "William Alexander Orton Braaney, Charles Braaon, Sarah Bradshaw, Ann V. Bradshaw . . Elizabeth Langton . . Family Harriot Humphrey ' James John (Lancaster) . . Peter. Richard Thomas (Surrey) , William (Colonies) , (Bucks) , Bradstock, Rowland BradweU, "William . . . . Bradwick, Ann and Davy Brady, Ann Connor James Margaret (servant) Matthew Thomas (Colonies) Brae, Edward F Braffett, Edward . . . . Bragg, Daniel • George L 6557 67656 90583 74420 23708 90584 90585 30955 12949 90586 4253 39567 72019 15097 15342 76334 90587 90588 24630 34928 2221 15562 90589 90590 32780 61173 61170 18164 5701 90591 24030 50759 15230 69744 5897 62207 40714 53318 67839 26384 704 25422 51715 5646 23595 32218 1676 7622 24626 18165 74721 8564 30091 18166 29158 9050 30816 73851 Bragg, Joseph . . Thomas "William Bragge, Charles Robert . . Simon . . Braggins Family Braham, Philip Walton Braid, Mr. A Braidley, Henry James John Brailsford, John Samuel . . Brain Family Honor John Richard Thomas John — William . . . Braine, Benjamin . , • Francis Frederick . . John Braithwaite, D. James . . John • Mary Miles Robert Samuel . '. V. Sajmer . . Brakcford, William Braley, James Bramall, John Mary and Thomas . . Bramby Family Brame, F Family . Brameld, George Bramhall, William Bramham, John Bramhill, Elizabetli Burn Bramlej', Henry A John Mary William Nonnan . Brampton, Susan A. ... Bramston, Thomas Gardiner . William Bramwcll Family Jamos Branch Family Thomas William Harper . . Brand, Lieut.-Col. Edward . . Ebonezor and Elizabeth J. A. C James John 90592 18167 57431 9808 14137 11371 9972 754 90594 54487 51868 54467 30522 5075 90595 6316 36477 60872 90596 34770 30915 6230 18169 36627 18170 90597 51839 2441 90598 90599 7810 24075 90601 18171 600 90602 90603 22472 32581 11313 18171 14061 13147 67373 58009 74108 50377 75279 60660 6896 69761 75772 90604 90605 14417 60138 30854 18172 67901 10591 45 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Brande, William 34987 Brandenburgher, J. E 26839 Brander, Alexander , . . . 14081 Hester Dorothy . . 54314 Brandes, Lcander 18173 Brandis, Julius 73195 Brandling, Charles John . . 51289 Brandon, Israel Gahriel. . . . 4081 James Francis . . 7409 Smith . . . . 90606 Leah 4082 Richard 18174 Samuel 5449 WiUiam (Middlesex) 76335 5473 W. R. J 55238 Brandram, Samuel 56549 Brandreth, Dionysia . . . . 10385 Family 39419 Thomas .. .. 67840 Brandt, J. C 2157 J. H 28139 John 5524 Brandwin, Theodore . . . . 90606 Brandwood v. Johnson . . . . 24055 Branen, Ann 17108 Branigan, James D 62205 Branks, John 18175 Branksome Estate 51777 Brannan, Edward 18176 Brannen, John 24747 Bransby, Charles 18177 Branscombe, Ann and John . . 61172 Frederick . . . . 51487 Thomas . . . . 9306 Branson, Ann 14664 Charles 18178 Branton, Richard 90607 Brasher, Samuel and William 30133 Brasier, Robert 60885 Brass, Charles James . . . . 32774 Brassey, Benjamin 30424 R. John 75719 Brassley, Richard 90608 Brassington, Thomas . . . . 51065 Brassur, John . . .. .. .. 21260 Bratt, Ann 11821 Edward 18179 John 69754 Brattley, Joseph 14257 Braughton, Bartholomew . . 10590 John 14594 Mary and William 14860 Braun, John 90609 Braund, Alice 14572 Bray, Ann 30747 Charles Long 38038 George 33223 James 58325 John 23887 Bray, Joseph 4019 Michael 68570 Philip 10678 Thomas 90610 William (relatives of) . . 72745 (Chancery) . . 23742 Braybrooke, William . . . . 70585 Brayfield, Esther 2598 Brayley, James 21342 Brayn, Joseph 8230 Brayshaw, Ann 76655 John 51764 Thomas .. .. 72437 Brazenell, Thomas 90611 Brazer, Peter 90612 Brazier, John 72417 Mary Munn . . . . . 10204 Brazil, James . . 22691 Brazilian Mining Association 50715 Breacher, William 71652 Breakwell, Israel 12941 Break, James .. 7717 Brealey, John (Middlesex) . . 74848 Richard 63477 Brearley, David 70586 Joseph 58644 Brechin, Robert 50223 Brecknell, Benjamin . . . . 72023 Bree, Elizabeth 8160 Breed, Richard Foster . . . . 76342 Breede, Heap & Co 34933 Breedon, Arthur William . . 51071 Breen, Edward 18180 Family (India) . . . . 28140 James (soldier) . . . . 26555 (N. K.) . . . . 40552 Breerton, John 18181 Breese, Henrv 18183 Mrs. ' 26840 Breeze, H 73703 John 21526 Bremar, Anna 58077 Breithampt, Christopher . . .. 26841 Bremer, Christopher Otto . . 21932 Family 55605 James John G 31640 Bremner, A. . . 68826 Bremwin, Ann and William . . 6563 Brenan, Eleanor 90613 Jeremiah . . . . . . 11580 JohnR 90614 Matilda Isabella . . . . 22629 Michael O'Meara . . 22626 Thomas 90615 Brennan, Ann 11125 Edward 76339 Henry 75719 James 11497 John (Colonies) . . 18182 23869 46 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Brennan, Margaret 90616 Brennand, Benjamin . . . . 8218 William 61175 Brenock, David L 90617 Brent, Daniel 74826 Francis 26842 Brereton, Aljraham 60137 Ann 51131 Da^dd 26331 John 90618 Margaret 74954 Bressel, Jean 1197 Bresset, Richard de 90619 Bret, George 22345 Brethon, Peter Joseph. . . . . 2530 Bretland Family 34155 Bretnall, Rohert 56545 Breton, Charles 36751 EUal Edward .. .. 12917 Harvey Eliab . . . . 37496 Peter 29101 Bretsch, Edward and N 90619 Brett, Barnard BuUard . . . . 73218 Caroline 73422 Curtis 737 Family (Colonies) . . 18184 Elizabeth 12611 George 61174 James 90620 John 57209 John, Lieut. (India) . . 29159 JohnWatkins .. .. 75290 Mary 3609 Richard R.W 51921 Sarah 5838 William John .. .. 73218 Brettargh, Peter 90621 Brettell, Penelope A 73850 Sarah 51251 William D 25391 Bretter, John 18185 Brettle, Alfred 51349 Breward, George and Mary . . 16926 Brewen, John and Thomas . . 23784 Brewer, Amey 39000 Ann 90623 George 28141 Spencer . . . . 35067 Hastings 74438 V. Hawys 24050 Henry 74438 James Thomas . . . . 10750 John 40543 (Southwark) .. 40116 Sherren .. .. 61833 Mrs. 16720 Octavius 76336 Rebecca 67672 Sarah 16467 TljomuB 10765 Brewer, Thomas (Surrey) .. 39000 William 74438 Brewin Family 53633 —Francis (Bermondsey) 68353 Brewster, Nathaniel . . . . 10781 Thomas 90624 Brian, Elizabeth (York) . . . . 76337 Simon 18186 Briand, Rene . . .... . . 6310 Briant, Cliarles 3360 John and Mary . . . . 3609 Richard 9822 Briar, Mary 17240 Brice Family (Chancery) . . 24078 (widow of Edward) . . 76367 Brickenden, Eleanora . . . . 56584 Brickman, — 12926 Bricknell, Moses 18187 Brick well, George 18188 Israel 90626 Brickwood, Mary Ann . . • • 26846 Bridden, John 67374 Bridgart, Rev. John . . . . 68349 Robert 61167 Bridge, Berry 17298 Charles Webb . . . . 897 Family 17298 Samuel 61756 Thomas 61887 George .. .. 61180 William 56697 Bridgeman, Henry 90626 Bridgen^ William 90627 Bridger, Alfred and Edward. . 64468 Charles 66481 George (Southampton) 69759 James 68717 Richard 26843 William M. (Wilts) . . 69760 Bridges, Ann 90628 & Co 9881 & Davenport . . . . 65288 Edmund 24065 Edward (IVIiddlesex) . . 76774 Elizabeth 15730 Frances (Sussex) . . 76369 James 90629 James (Surrey) . . . . 69464 (or Briager) James . . 61821 Millicent 464 Sarah 3176 Thomas 61184 William 74432 Bridge water, Mary 90630 William .. .. 31761 Bridgewood, — 37606 Bridgland, Elizabeth . . . . 66362 Bridgnell, James and Mary . . 34344 Bridgwater, Heniy 63869 Bridwell, Mosea 18189 47 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Brie, Mr. S. J Brien, Henry John Briers, Sarah Brigden, Edward Brigg, Alice Briggs, Arthur R Augustus — : Charles — Family Capt. Francis Donelly George Hannah James (City of London) Dr. John Jonathan Joseph . . (Essex) (Surrey) IMrs. Mary Ann Jane . . — Nathaniel S Sarah Stephen Thomas Commander Thomas (relatives of ) . . Sir Thomas . . .... -Titus Lieut. W. F Wentworth WilHam Brighouse Janet (or Gihb) . . William (Lancaster) Bright, Benjamin Heywood Charles George Warren . . John (Ireland) . . Mary (City of Oxford) IMiss Mary Richard Robert Brightman, Edward (creditors of) Family (India) James . . Mary . . Brighton, John Mary Brightwell, Mary and j\Iatthias William Briginshaw, William Da^i3 . . Brignal, Anthony Brignall, Joseph .... Brimble, Albert ... . . Brinchley, John ... . . Brinckman, Ann 40221 73705 24700 69672 3817 26844 64467 69136 34869 90634 33280 90631 90632 8899 3819 15004 90633 10371 73845 75797 53332 9261 68365 15917 5364 23662 53374 32271 15011 28144 11223 1201 75769 17960 16778 34928 32199 28160 26224 16050 6417 6991 64462 26845 9987 40553 28161 90635 72410 36217 90636 90637 90638 61182 34332 18190 90639 36601 90640 Brind, Sarah . , . . Brindle, Moses . . Brine, John William Henry Bringhurst, Edward Bringioe, John . . Brinkman WilHam .. Brinkworth, Eliza Brinley, Sarah Brinsden, John and William . . Brinton, William (Southampton) Briody, ]Michael Brisac, George Briscoe, Eliza Henry Hugh Bennett .. Joseph Paul Sarah Brisden, John Brissington, John Bristo, Thomas Bristow, Ann Bridget (Nottingham) C. M. (Lieut.) . . . . Edward (Chancery) Captain George Harry Henrietta Catherine ^^J James James Thomson John Joseph . . William .. .. Margaret Robert Bristowe, George V. Ward Briswell, William Britain, Charles -MissBeUaE Britchley, Charles Brits, Petrus W. ..... . . Brittain, George . . ;. . Harriet Mary Sarah WiUiam Brittan, Charles Henry Joseph Susan . . Britten, John Brittleback, John Britton, John Susan Thomas Brixey, James . . Broad, Charles Eliza . . • 3107 25878 90641 31014 90642 76344 25604 61177 62218 6655 17658 73701 11130 21757 72923 26847 9303 70589 1831 51886 1831 7724 61181 61176 60880 14160 28146 72016 70596 8836 37834 73578 90643 22706 30598 53219 75079 58786 11518 24987 90644 73791 71253 18191 25864 63495 69159 4711 1144 14872 11886 51889 14638 53316 38836 51890 10763 17805 25450 38818 48 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Broad, Jolrn 32416 Maria 75778 Broadbelt, Campbell . . . . 443 George 90647 Broadben, Elizabeth . . . . 261 Broadbent, Edward 73854 Eliza 76347 Katharine .. .. 61183 Broadbook, Mr 3023 Broadfoot, George and William 28147 Broadhead, Anne 22192 Broadhurst & Co 9869 Emma 26849 George 31626 Jamea 9925 John 2740 Eichard and Wm. 68334 Mrs. Sarah . . . . 53319 WilHam .. .. 65519 Broadley, Elizabeth . . . . 26848 Family 22065 Matthew 10746 Sophia 60875 Broadwater, Jane 53550 Broadwood, Jarvis 75283 Matthew .. .. 31480 Brocas, Bernard 75288 Brock Family 65473 George 68838 John 3318 Mary 32017 Sarah 15345 (formerly of St. Albans) 5709 Thomas 15571 (Liverpool) . . 69839 WiUiam 7383 (Colonies) . . 18192 Brockctt, William 5514 Brockham, Andrew L 90648 Brockhurst, Rev. J. Sumner . . 23612 S. M 72424 Brocklebank, Agnes .. .. 17272 Brockly, George 73847 Brockman, Charles 10782 Brocksopp, Mrs 766 Thomas 50597 Broder, William 51842 Broderick, Hannah 75789 Brodie, Alexander 5078 Alfred 73848 Andrew 18193 Charles 12137 Collin 90649 Edward Walter . . . . 66903 FamHy (India) . . . . 28149 James 61867 John 12138 WilHam 12063 Brodrick, Alcsia 73846 Brodrick, Michael 65145 Brogan, Patrick and Rose . . 24679 Brogden, John 34056 (India) . . . . 28162 Thomas John Na- thaniel 33751 Broggis, Richard and William 18194 Brograve, Ann and Thomas . . 60660 Broke, Sir Arthur 58006 Brokenbrow, Ann 6231 Broker, Thomas 18195 Bromage, Diana 50925 Mary (otherwise Tom- kins) 50924 WilHam . . . . • . . 18196 Brome, John 90650 Bromell, Nicholas P 68843 Bromfield, Thomas . . . . . . 34900 Bromhall, Orme 90651 Bromhead, Benjamin . . . . 23915 Family 96652 Bromiley, James 66515 Bromilow, WiUiam 35532 Bromley, Ann 26853 (afterwards Gor- don) .. .. 74934 Betty 40448 Charles 15067 Esther 72020 Family (legatees) . . 68549 (Bath) . . . . 65470 (London) . . 12950 Family of 53773 James 4062 John 90653 Martin 66475 Richard 18197 Samuel 40449 : Stretch C 90654 Thomas (Middlesex) 40039 (Southampton) 10203 William 90664 Bromwich, J. C 62946 Bron, Mario Joseph 8518 Brond, WilHam 72416 Bronson, Globia 37987 Brook, Frances 6118 George (York) .. .. 76786 Jonathan (Surrey) . . 31646 34928 Richard 38413 Sarah Ann 60877 Thomas 60884 WiUiam Leigh . . . . 50846 Brooke, Catherine 90656 Francis 90656 George 1870 Henry 15017 JohnS 67837 Letitia 63278 49 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Humes relate will be found at end of Index. Brooke, R D., Lieut 28152 Eobert 65459 ■ Robert A 62206 Samuel 90658 Sarah Ann 13052 & Sons 73715 Theodosia 24311 Thomas M 57198 Titus 57837 Brooker, Elizabeth 67837 WiUiam 40934 Foster . . 35468 Brookes Family 90660 Frederick 25449 John 9356 Brookfield, Mrs. Ann . . . . 70604 Brookland, Emma Mary. . . . 11195 Brookman, Susannah . . . . 30035 Thomas .. .. 40917 Brooks, Abraham James . . 73193 -Alfred 39064 Benjamin 34783 Bernard 64508 Charles John . . . . 74449 David 65457 Deborah 15453 Elizabeth (N. K.) . . 57570 90663 Family 69774 (Chancery) . . 24192 Francis 7232 A 70593 George 90664 and Harriet (Colonies) Gustavus William Henry (London) . 61194 18198 9211 70616 11544 Hezekiah 53317 90666 70584 Isabella James (Oxford) . . (Australia) Jane John (Somerset) 75783 5900 35984 57571 Jonathan 60360 Joshua William . . . . 90665 Mrs 1451 Mary 14458 (or AVhitaker) . . 16907 Madeline . . . . 35225 Mathew 18199 Nancy 40450 Nathaniel 70617 Reuben 53323 Richard 9351 Lovell .. .. 72024 SaUy 1451 Samuel 90667 Sydney 335 Brooks, Thomas William E. .. .. 9719 (Northumberland) 4182 Brooksbank, William Broom, Catherine Frances Broome, Henry Richard . Richard 90668 7233 90668 26850 26851 37358 69758 16390 74424 17655 26852 59384 Thomas Broomer, B. and Caroline Broomes, Thomas J. Broomfield, George . . John 90669 Broomhead, Henry 53624 Brophy, Anne 50428 • Michael 23577 Broster, Thomas 35104 Brothers, James 51844 Brotherston, Peter 21425 Robert 70595 Brotherton, John 10404 Margaret . . . . 2678 Brothoi-ton, H. C 30582 Broth well, Hannah 6169 Broth wick. Lord Henry . . .. 15279 Brough,_Ann 34470 ... 4818 . . . 35282 . .. 69747 . . . 8874 . . . 75280 Edmund Edward Family John . . (Kent) Letitia 74445 Maltby & Sons . . . . 38939 Mary 34470 Samuel Broughton, Bartholomew Charlotte Christopher Hunt Elizabeth . . . . Frederick . . George Michael . . — ; Henry Delves . . Hodgett & Lees John Sarah , . Thomas William, Rev. 90670 90671 62211 34414 73792 62229 64490- 4888 31678 65415 90672 6470 90673 26859 Brousden Family 90674 Broward, Mr. J. G. L 34029 Browder, Maria 90675 Browing (or Brownie), Mary 22070 Brown, A. C. James .. .. 1255 Adam 68528 Agnes 26855 Alexander 90676 (Plymouth) 72413 (Scotland) .. 31147 D 50 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Brown, Alexander (Middlesex) Alfred Alice Andrew (bookbinder) . . Ann (Liverpool) . . (or Smith) . . ■ Miss Mrs. ■ '■ Frances • Anna Maria Archibald Arnold Arthur Benedict Benjamin (Staffordshire) Edward Bethia C Caleb Caroline Catherine (or Williams) Charles (Middlesex) (Staflbrd) (Colonics) A l']dward . . Joshua . . Charlotte Christiana Christopher (Middlesex) (Colonies) . Damarin Christo]jher . . David (Army) (formerly India) Ebenezer (Scotland) Edward (Surrey) . . (liancaster) . . (N.K.) .. .. (Lancaster) Candler . . Henry Edwin John Eliza (frmly. Batchelor) Ellen Elizabeth (Scotland) (spinster) (Liverpool) , Ann Anne . . Harriott Family (India) 51431 51492 90677 6857 12370 73196 90678 3761 898 6707 51494 69752 23633 4092 90680 90681 72418 24070 90682 30770 90684 69424 74835 90684 38890 51397 18209 51496 10397 50851 20856 68828 18201 37069 65376 90685 90686 36103 17505 38348 3250 50032 20043 2293 51273 51497 76332 5387 90087 73199 51884 74833 12406 90688 12378 73196 61493 61227 34693 28164 Brown Family (Chancery) (London) Francis . 54647 63243 7685 18202 90689 Frederick 10320 G. E., Mr 10162 V. George 24046 (Colonics) (London) George (seaman) (Australia) ~ (Middlesex) . . (Scotland) (Lancaster) James Edward INIcIntosh Kobert . . William . . Miss 10360 67786 37428 13076 34377 51293 70368 51490 90691 73166 9631 H. E Hannah Henry .. 12988 Bay lis ■ Gcorg-e . Lang-ford William . 2631 26857 51149 30876 Henton 75224 Hugh 74431 Isaac (Warwick) (Chancery) . . Stafford ' . . — Isabella — James (gunner) . . (builder) . . . . (Hatcliff Highway 59771 54646 32454 90692 73791 39318 I 1432 10778 7772 10094 3701 7386 18203 3036 323 52803 51440 1255 (Regent's Park) (seaman) (Jersey) . . (quartermaster) (Colonies) (Southwark) . . (jManchcster) . . — »fc Co Draper . . Edward . . -G 23142 H. T 68844 (blacksmith) . . 75072 Smith .. .. 90094 Y. 74788 Jane (widow) . . . . 26335 (or Spencer) . . 72422 (N.K.) . . . . 60373 (sjnnster) .. .. 51197 Janet . . 21502 Jemima D 75781 John (London) .. .. 68590 ■ (or Whittaker) .. 70468 (seaman) .. .. 9557 (rt/m* Bermingham) 17396 Sir John 39182 51 Jbircctions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Namei relate will he found at end of Index. Brown, John (representatives of) 21890 (Finchley) . . . . 3618 (quartermaster) . . 1891 (SiOTey) . . . . 68862 (France) . . . . 3761 (died abroad) . . 18204 (Wilts) . . . . 60-466 (Australia) . . . . 68372 ^Hereford) . . . . 9654 (gunner) . . . . 7720 ■ (Limerick) . . . . 75719 (seaman) . . . . 10774 — (corporal) . . . . 26680 (Lancaster) . . . . 76333 . (Manchester) . . 11879 (Middlesex) . . 75789 (Scotland) . . . . 12377 (Goswell Road) . . 12638 (Middlesex) . . 30985 22471 (SuiTev) . . . . 51885 A... ^ 53259 Bowes 7972 Gavin 13077 H 68379 «?. Jones 24054 Joseph .. 61228 (Middlesex) . . 68827 (legatee) . . . . 22199 (Glasgow) . . 21642 (gunner) . . . . 1601 (Minorics) . . 2290 (Chancerv) . . 30«75 KateM.. .. \. .. 70224 Margaret (Middlesex) , . 7156 (Americ^i) . . 24774 (-wdfe of Ebcnezer) 75270 (Scotland) .. 12030 Maria 90695 Martha 26858 Thring .. .. 53320 Mary (Lincoln) . . . . 12825 (daughter of James) 8695 (Cambridge) . . 66493 Mrs. (Middlesex) 40862 (Lincoln) . . . . 57429 (widow) .. .. 50190 50292 (Sydney) . . . . 8634 (late Butcher) . . 11895 (London) .... 5672 (Lincoki) . . . . 36768 Ann (or Ekins) . . 75276 51495 Anne (Surrey) . . 59469 Sophia 90696 Mrs. (Scotland) .. .. 21115 21501 (Germany) . . . . 72419 ISliss .. ..* .. .. 50346 Brown, Malcolm .... Nancy Peter (captain) . . (sailmaker) (Lancaster) Philip Ralph Repps Richard (of London) Robert (London) . . (Colonies) (Kent) . . (surgeon) , . (Glasgow) (Leicester) (merchant) (Australia) Johnstone Roger Samson Samuel (Salop) . . (Chancery) (City of London) (seaman) . . (Colonies) V, Sandford Sarah . . (late of Sheffield) (Middlesex) . . (wife of John) (wife of William) Sophia (relatives of) Stuart Stafford, Rev. . . Stephen (JMiddlesex) Weaver Stewart Susanna Thomas (Middlesex) (seaman) (London) (seaman) (Exeter) (farmer) (merchant) (London) (Midlesex) (soldier) (ensign) died abroad) Monmouth) or Benham) (Goswell-st.) (Exeter) . . Bolton . . Cowper D 2 10297 4093 61204 7770 33172 5037 11655 5673 50189 75776 18205 25406 11452 9771 52085 53632 76836 60879 2163 90698 73198 51523 54645 8966 370 24690 18206 25712 24076 90699 12171 5978 10489 12743 63368 76330 13296 76343 2620 59469 70492 34824 3855 9834 10772 33228 6278 24653 70588 53619 3606 12639 10747 18207 7910 37567 17360 73166 63370 63498 52 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivliich these Kames relate tcill be found at end of Index, Brown, Thomas Maskell . . 69157 Whitfield .. 32398 Timothy 54649 ■ W 1495 (widow or dauf^hter of) 21921 William (Cumberland) 58216 (Devon) . . 32376 (Chester) . . 9721 : (N. America) 9005 (seaman) . . 432 (Oxfordshire) 3622 (Carmarthen) 295 (Colonies) . . 18208 72420 (Portsmouth) 90701 ■ (Scotland) . . 72416 (Gloucester) 66489 (Lancaster) . . 76354 (mariner) . . 73196 : Henry . . . . 81491 James . . . . 53312 John .. .. 18209 Young & Son . . . . 73715 Brownhill, Henry 11824 Browne, Sir Anthony . . . . 14161 Benedict 8019 Benjamin 90702 Catherine 17164 Daniel 90702 Domenick . . . . 53631 Dr 53381 V. Dutton 24041 Edward James . . 5457 Elizabeth 5294 Emma S 33819 Eugene 60876 Family (India) . . 28162 : .. .. .. 75719 Frederick John . . 75282 George (heii'S of) . . 73708 90703 Gavin . . . . 8068 Hutchinson H. . . 90704 James and J. D. . . 22983 Dr 35287 Hamilton . . 76456 Jane 17166 John (Somerset) .. 8119 26174 Laurence 70597 Maria 3556 Mary Ann .. .. 90706 (wanted) 33876 Michael Lewis . . 76037 Philip 90706 Vico-Admiral 68660 Eachel 26173 Simeon 60871 Thomas 10710 (carpenter) . , 8687 Browne, Thomas Rev 74843 Wade 31428 William 56070 H 18210 Thomas .. 51302 Brownell, M 90707 Robert C 30471 R 34057 Brownfield, Ann 70049 Bro^Tihuff, Andrew . . . . 1218 Browning, Ann 3139 Frederick (London) 90708 .. .. .. 10760 James 66488 John (farmer) . . . . 36438 — (Surrey) . . 75782 Louisa 67834 Mary 16237 (Somerset) . . 390 (relatives of) . / 12434 Richard (Essex) . . 75777 Thomas 69757 Brownless, Anthony . . . . 21532 Brownley, Dansbury . . . . 73716 Jessie (died abroad) 18211 William 72414 Brownlow, Henry 75193 John 31539 Brownrigg, Amelia 90709 & Eykin . . . . 9875 Henry John, Sir , . 23110 .. 21758 John 21800 Brownsett, Sarah 30744 Broxup, Zachariah 6054 Bruce,— 36189 Charlotte 73197 George 90710 Gilbert 16236 Henry (N.B.) .. .. 90711 (London).. .. 90712 J. M 74848 James 11611 John (died abroad ) . . 18212 (legatee) .. .. 76193 Wyndham . . . . 30618 Lawrence 16168 Lewis C 23484 Mary 69755 Ann 75193 V. McPherson . . . . 24063 — Robert, (Lieut.) . . . . 10746 (son of Lawrence) 15169 73849 Alexander . . 90713 do 34893 Simson & Co 74826 Rev. Stanhope . . . . 72393 Thomas 7459 (merchant) . . 76779 6S Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Bruckland, Matilda.. .... 40205 Bruore, Goulston 68797 Family 90714 Brueton, Thomas (Stafford) . . 39358 Bruhl, Count de 37977 Brumby Family (Nottingham) 17557 9792 George 37888 Mary 12496 (or Swan) . . 6170 Thomas 17855 Brumell, Alfred 26860 Brumet, John 2195 Brumfield & Glack 74408 Brumfit, Hannah 90715 Brumley, Kershaw 18213 Brumsden, EHzabcth . . . . 90716 Brumwell, IsaheUa 26861 — ■ John and William.. 7352 Brumy, Harry 25390 Brunard, Benjamin 7603 Bruncheon, Heinrich . . . . 75723 Brundlev, David 26225 Brune, Adele le 2029 FamHy 39576 Brunen, H 90717 Brunges (or Brans) Family . . 90718 Brunn, S 66495 Brunneth, — 90719 Brunnctt, George . . . / . . 9126 Brunning, Charles 73791 Brunsdon, Thomas 39025 BrunskiU, Stephen 36222 Brunson, Gohia 37987 Brunt, Isaac 30856 • John 191 Brimton, Eleanor 90719 ■ George and Isabella 13174 John & Mary . . . . 68203 Brussius v. Morgan 24065 Brutchers Family 16419 Bruthamp, C 90721 Bruton, Samuel 18214 Brutton, Charles 72423 ■ Elizabeth 14317 (Chancery) 72022 Henry .. .. '. . 51186 Mrs 62177 AViUiam 26862 Bruvist, Stephen 8241 Bryan, Frances 16632 Francis 90722 Jane (or Hambly) . . 75268 (otherwise Hayes) 73852 (Devon) . . . . 75775 John 90723 (Southampton) . . 73852 Jonathan W 68378 Joseph 4160 Lawrence 73852 Bryan, Mary ^390 (Australia) . . . . 76345 Robert 50988 Sarah 14245 (or Harris) . . 3094 Thomas Johnes . . . . 26863 26536 • WiUiam 90724 Bryant, Ann 1131 Charles 90725 Edward 53630 ■ Newton . . . . 50736 Francis 59904 Helen 39510 Henry R 18215 Jeremiah 90726 • JohnChapHn .. .. 33076 Joseph 5623 (went abroad) . . 60882 69916 Mary 11789 Mrs 6341 Richard Hartwell . . 34503 Robert 6362 Walter 90727 Mrs. Wrightson . . . . 51848 Bryce, Christiana 25556 Da^-id 25584 Robert 90728 Brvdgcs Edmund (London) . . 68659 Family 9502 James 3874 John, Sir 60034 William Henry . . . . 73194 Brydon, Robert 32118 Bryer, John ^1699 Brvmcr, James Snaith . . . . 57181 — '- William Thomas . . 31365 Brvnc, Martin 6605 Brynes, William 18218 Brvon, William 75756 BrVson, Archibald 58790 — ^ George 74809 Samuel 68364 WilHam 18219 Bubb Family 90729 John 57179 Bubbery, Philip 90730 Buchan, Alexander 12284 Duncan 90731 • Margaret 230 William F. B 50788 Buchanan, Alexander . . . . 24632 (Colonies) 18213 Archibald .. .. 14973 David 66443 Gilbert 90732 James (Grenada) 12269 51862 54 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Name's relate will be found at end of Index. Buchanan, Jane . . . . . . 67412 — John (Hull) . . . . 53249 (TjTone) . . 21631 26866 Peter 569 R.J 28162 Robert 90733 (died abroad) 18220 William .. .. 90734 Buchcr (or Reatly) 76159 Buchinger, Joseph 9960 Buehlor Family 63503 Buck, Ann 15063 Catherine 26864 Elizabeth 2686a Francis 53325 James Edward . . . . 73706 John 90735 ]\I avgt. (wife of Richard) 6171 & Son 75656 Thomas 15901 Wm. (late of Isle of Man) 5979 10769 Lewis 13021 Bucke, Francis 90736 W. H 75284 William Henry .... 11249 Buckell, Arthur E 35535 Buckenham, Thomas . . . . 69793 Buckeridge, Ann 90738 Catherine . . . . 35096 Mark 5044 Buckhall, Isabella 26867 Buckinger, Joseph 90739 69741 Buckingham, Frederick . . . . 38709 Henry . . . . 90740 J. (India).. .. 28163 J. (died 1824) . . 7527 Samuel .. .. 1571 Peter and Robert 74837 Thomas .. .. 30570 Buckland, Peter and S 90741 Thomas 7264 Buckle, Ann (N. K.) .... 35 Elizabeth 90742 Family 5839 Francis 5839 George 21917 Henry T 68856 John . . 26868 Lewis and Martin . . 90743 William (tailor) . . . . 10177 Pigott Leo . . 60789 Henry.. .. 90744 Buckles, Henry 11441 Buckley, Alice 61205 -. Ann 67388 Arnold 40455 ' Dunscomb .. .. 60135 Buckley, Edmund 74454 Edward 11632 Hannah 9350 James 90745 John (Kent) .. .. 53218 61202 646 Mary 24530 2668 (wife of Ai-nold) 40454 Michael 4173 Millington . . . . 67389 Patrick 21756 Robert 18221 Thomas 90747 WilHam (died abroad) 18222 5549 Buckling, Mrs . . 52021 Buckmastcr, Samuel . . . . 16462 Thomas . . . . 5247 Wniiam (Dublin) . 50797 (Middlesex) 58133 Selby .. 51810 Bucknall, Benjamin . . . . 90749 John (Edinburgh) . . 76843 Ralph 71194 BuckncU, William 67831 Buckner, John and Sarah . . 70343 Buckney, David 73927 Bucks, Henry A 90750 Thomas Jones . . . . 90751 Buckston, Jane 9369 Buckton, Henry '25843 Budd, Charles 53653 Family 26869 John 30062 Mary 68381 (Hereford) . . . . 36461 William 8073 Buddell, Charlotte 90752 Budden, Philip 25403 Robert .. .. .. 15778 Budgate,- Mary 15350 Budge, Elizabeth 90753 Budgcn, Maria 76938 Thomas 31292 Budger, Richard 90754 Budworth, Richard 8707 Thomas .. .. 90755 Buer, WUliam 30636 Buet, E. Cumber 2573 Buffar, Pvko 21257 ^— 17856 BufTory, William 69786 Buirton, Ann 26870 Bugciihagon, Carl 90756 Bugg, Jonathan 1743 Buggemcyer, C 32879 Buggins, John 61207 Buick, George 35141 55 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Family (Lincoln) Francis . . Henry Isaac Israel James John (Colonies) Bulcraig, Hannah 73858 Bulkelay, Archibald .. .. 55617 Bulkeley Family 90757 Eobert S. W 68890 Bull, Ann 26871 Augusta, Miss 72430 Charles 74841 Edwin 56917 Elizabeth 26872 65451 90758 72429 40693 30630 26873 18223 8227 Joseph Scales 3135 Lydia 40692 Mrs 25642 Orlando .. ; 12886 Eichard 26874 William (Southampton) 74459 66517 58026 21935 35507 37584 31118 61201 55275 90759 90760 Bullar, William . . . Bullard, Matthew . . . BuUen, Henry John Samuel William , William . . , Buller, Frederick Thomas John Edward BuUin Family BuUivant, Edward . . Bullman, John 75798 Bullock, Catherine 75799 -: Deborah 6709 Ephraim 32363 George 18224 Henry (Oxford) .. 31569 58220 William . . 69787 John 25497 Peter (London) . . 34891 6709 Robert 67383 V. Stones 24082 William 1458 Hibbert .. 34977 BuUon, John 10758 Bullough, Joseph 39550 Bulman, Job 15032 Bulmer, Benjamin 18225 Christopher 14075 Fenwick 17208 Bulput, Catherine 30843 Bulstrode, Frace . . . ; . , 73855 Bult, Samuel 68891 William 72394 Bultitude, James ,, ,. .. 34765 Bulton, Mary 90761 Bulwer, William Bumbury, M. A., (major) Bumford, Edward Bumpstead v. Stiles Bunbm-y, Hamilton Welsh . . Jane (formerly Pearce) Bunce Family Mary (^ddow) Michael William Bundock, Mary Bundt, John and Sarah . . Bunell, — . . Abraham and Jean Bimidgo, Sarah. Bunker, Charles Bunn, Elizabeth Family Georgina Henry John Samuel Sarah Thomas Bunny, Henry J &Son Bunter, James Bunting, Edward and Mary R. Buntlin, Penelope Bunyan, Charles Elizabeth (Middlesex) R.G Bunzen, Julius Burbary, Thomas . . Burbcry, William .... Burbey, Richard Burbridge, Charlotte Burch, Ann Herbert James John Richard (or Burcher) T. S., Mr William Burchall Family John . . William . . Burcham, Lucy Miss .. .. Robert William . , Burchatt, Charlotte . . Elizabeth . ; Burchell, Ann Maria — ; Anna Family Burches, Hugh . . 36062 28165 30666 24243 6997 52717 90763 50340 39301 60836 31966 8219 36420 38220 8225 90764 38199 64501 35324 8928 73180 90765 3604 72450 33738 38403 37383 3800 50131 73187 26875 73860 2686 75719 90766 90767 70651 67830 76616 17028 13123 9634 30118 8246 2105 51902 9450 90768 89 50913 16574 60031 9075 9120 25585 40120 90769 73862 90770 90771 56 Directions for obtaining fuU copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Burcliett Family 35982 John (born 1729) .. 34155 (London) . . . . 35983 Margaret 26709 Martha 35979 Thomas 51834 Burchfield 50912 Burchland, Ann 90772 Burchmore, Elizabeth . . . . 74447 Burd, John (Lancaster) . . . . 70648 8807 William 8247 Burdekin, Joseph 9746 Burden, Emma 25706 Burden (or Burton) 90773 Henry John .. .. 75800 John 90774 Burder, 40827 Thomas .. .. .. 7447 Burdett, Ann 16731 — -■ Charles ; 90775 EHjah 739 James 31867 Robert 16434 WiUiam (died abroad) 18226 (relatives of) 22346 16730 Burdon, George 2456 Joseph and Mary . . 7729 . Sarah 12912 Stephen 50882 Thomas 7447 Burdy, S 73864 Bureau Family 50623 Burfield, Charles 40228 Edward 40895 Mary 6559 Burford&Cox 63245 Daniel 68327 Joel 18227 Mary 9178 Burges, Ann Robei-ts . . . . 5794 Francis 50714 90777 Burgess, Adam 14375 Anne 17358 Benjamin 90778 Betsey 68326 Bishop 90779 Catherine 90780 Daniel 30515 Elizabeth (Oxford) . . 36042 4700 (or Godden) 50430 Family 90781 (India) . . . . 28167 George 50745 C 69791 James (clerk) . . . . 10496 Rev 9570 Burgess, Jesse 26876 John (licensed victlr.) 53184 90782 (Middlesex) . . 34399 Joseph . . : . . 70647 — —Mary 0710 . ■ Mrs 16816 (Middlesex) . . 1606 Peter 71654 Richard (Leicester) . . 14374 S 90782 Robert 90783 William . . 34507 Stephen 18228 Thomas, Rev 6347 William (Pimlico) . . 75289 Burgesse, Elizabeth and Isaac 90784 Burgh, A. and Bertie . . . . 90785 Eliza 74838 Bui'ghart, Frederick " . . . . 38592 Burgis V. Jackson 24056 John 11209 Burgon, John 73578 Joseph 90786 Burgos, Hannah and Mary . . 90787 Burk, Thomas 90788 Roberta 16103 Burke, Dr 3549 Edward 21759 Ellen 24783 Family 62231 (Colonies) . . 18230 H. P 28170 Jane Judith 4824 J. J., Sir 26877 John (Ireland) . . . . 26102 .. .. .. .. 14749 (Chancery) . . . . 75719 H 61215 Joseph (merchant) . . 76350 Margaret 90789 Maria 26095 Mary 31048 Michael (New S. Wales) 23198 (soldier) . . . . 26648 (N. K.) . . . . 22347 Miles 90790 Mrs 26878 Olivia 61214 Richard 90791 Robert 90792 Thos. (roprcscntativosof) 30429 16410 W. andD. 115 William 24686 (seaman) . . 10749 jTonry . . . . 90793 ]iurkett, Betty 90794 John 39076 Burkhardt, Christian . . . . 74127 57 Directions for obtadning full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Burkhill, George 66521 Burleigh, Abraham J 54195 Eichard 75503 Samuel 90795 Burley, George . . .. ".. .. 90796 Burlington, Eichard, Earl of. . 7357 Burlton, Eichard 70641 William 7334 Burly, William 90797 Burman «fe Diamond . . . . 31634 Henry 60868 Isaac (son of Richard) 73859 Thomas James P. . . 51250 Burmand, John 90798 Burmester, John William . . 23391 Burn, Alice 90799 David 77 Elizabeth 30195 Henry 40996 John (Captain) . . . . 9529 i.' (solicitor) *. *. '. '. 74826 Margaret 90800 Mary 90801 Eichard (Captain) . . . . 10702 Eobert (chemist) . . . . 76349 10142 Sarah 75794 3183 Thomas 26879 Williams 67382 Bumaby, Charles Walter . . 39058 Mary 58273 Hev. Eobert . . . . 69790 Burnage, William 18233 Bumand, 63281 Burnard, John 5668 Joseph 17182 Bume, William Way, Eev. . . 51896 Burnell, Ann and Davey . . 2725 Family 14498 Bumes, James 70649 John 10756 3598 Amey 39001 Burnet, George 53329 Burnett, Charles James (Capt.) 73166 David 90802 Elijah 8245 Family (India) .. 28171 James 18234 John (Colonel) . . 73183 AVilliam . . . . 17667 Joseph Dodd .. .. 61200 Martin 90803 Eobert (Sussex) . . 33638 (Spain) . . 66514 11681 —William 9995 (Southampton) 12887 Burnett, William Eev 90804 John .. .. 8529 Burney, Dr 760 Edward 17854 .. .. .. 76352 H., Lieut.-Col 28174 John 90805 Bumham, Cornelia 18236 Family 63513 John 67391 -Daniel .. .. 74534 Burnley, Benjamin 73702 Burns,'Catherine E. .. .. 62233 George 10124 Henry 1881 James (died abroad) . . 18235 Jane 66511 Jno.(son of Comet Bums) 38322 (seaman) . . . . 30771 107 (serjeant) . . . . 8729 (soldier) . . . . 74431 Joseph 90806 Patrick 18239 Peter 26026 Eobert . . 18237 .. 90807 (legacy to) . . 56145 5QoQ>6 Sarah 8674 WilHam 90808 Burnside, Thomas . . . . . . 26681 Burr Family 17190 14046 Edward and Elizabeth . . 36378 Thomas (Herts) . . . . 51888 Burrell, Elizabeth 90809 Frances 50646 George 53326 Isabella 26880 Jane 26881 John 23629 Joseph 90810 Margaret Jane . . . . 50645 Merric 70640 Phoebe 53326 Eobert 3983 Samuel 60857 Sophia Jane (Middlesex) 68387 Thomas . . .... . . 50148 William (Colonies) . . 28175 (Durham) .. 31187 (N. K.) . . 40636 Burridge, Henry 18236 John 26882 Marie Sophia . . . . 13215 Sarah 1180 Thomas 5495 William 56760 — ■■ (legatee) . . 51897 58 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to wlxich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Burrington, Colonel Helen Burrougiis, Elizabeth Family : Henry Negais James and John . . Johannah . . Michael . . . . Thomas William . . . . Burrow, Emma James Joseph Burrows, Anne Johnston Dennis Elizabeth (Liverpool) ■ George John . . James John , (Captain) (war eho useman) B Maria Mary Mrs. . . Peter Richard Burry, Robert Thomas William (Suffolk) Ann Edmund Bursell Family Burslcm, Francis H James Samuel . . Burt, Andrew Augusta Austin Elizabeth Family James (son of Robert) . . (died abroad) (surgeon) . . — and John . . John (coachman) . . Robert William William (seaman) . . Burtenshaw, Henry Burton, Ann Bartholomew . . . . (relatives of) Cassiindra Catherine Christie Napier . . Edward EUzabeth ^London) . . (Birmingham) Fanny 16030 15065 90811 26883 57904 90812 60859 24199 90814 9974 76352 7370 70646 17352 26884 6520 2811 32567 2630 10775 51866 26327 90816 2480 31343 90815 74399 60870 18240 31545 12552 14255 30596 69794 51860 73861 74842 31548 21358 90817 11657 18241 53382 72435 61197 8559 11657 5586 34293 69785 90818 65794 67787 0279 33804 7174 17764 50380 69550 60990 Burton, Frances Francis . . Henrietta James . . R..-. (legatee) (Middlesex) (Surrey) . 6172 3843 8547 26885 74436 (son of John Daniel) 73186 John 38440 (watchmaker) . . 14278 (farmer) . . . . 14491 Joshua 735 Madame 71211 Mary (daughter of Joseph) 30777 17246 9158 73789 74844 90819 90820 71195 69438 35777 62944 14025 51898 10270 90821 5244 90822 90823 65795 50989 2908 5774 51845 29164 90824 34572 9477 68388 Oliver Peter Philip (Chancery) (N.K.) .. Rachel Richard (Chancery) (York) . . (Surrey) . . Robert Rowland Sarah Jane . . Susanna Thomas (legatee) Thornton W. (India) William C. (Stretton) Burtrand, John Burtt, John Burwell, Stephen 10771 Burv, Charles 50034 ^- E. (Corporal) .. .. 28177 — Family 75383 90825 Frederick 50181 Gerard 8226 Hester 69778 J 53379 James 51034 John 22720 Joseph 20886 Mary 71223 S 64504 Mr 37461 Miss Rachel 38365 Robert 63520 William John .. .. 38284 Wilson B 18242 Busaglia, Ann '75723 Busby, Hannah 24608 59 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Busby, Thomas 73185 William Beaumont . . 7o01 Busch, Peter Martin . , . . 56 Bush, Charlotte 6419 EHzaheth 26887 George . . 26888 Henry 51187 James & Partner . . . . 58788 John ■ 61199 Osborne 55599 Thomas .. 70721 William 90826 (Portsmouth) . . 70618 Bushhy, Richard George . . 75795 Bushel, Elizabeth 16795 Bushell, Ann 90827 Dorothy 90828 Emma 76665 Joseph 60134 Margaret 50708 Thomas 90829 Bushelle, William 25679 Bushman, Jane 3595 Miss 64637 Bushnell, John 8699 :Mrs 51901 Busk, Hans 73182 Bussell Family 54610 JohnG 24390 William 37683 Bussev, Ann 18243 Bustail, Edmund 90831 Busteed, John , . . . . . , . 22555 BuswcU, (Middlesex) . . 57 William (Berks) . . 6361 B 90830 ButcheU, Edwin M. V 66518 Butcher, Elizabeth 985 John Faullcner . , 7460 Joseph Baldock .. 51840 Marv (India) . . . . 28165 -' 90832 Mynion 7824 & OHver . . .... 74806 R 28172 Robert 74398 (N. K.) . . 7528 Thomas 169 WilHam 90834 Butler, Ann 2240 Barnard 5543 V. Basnett 24032 Benjamin 73856 Cicely 4813 Cornelius 55408 Haynes . . 60867 CuthbertP 24057 David 18244 Edmund (or Edward) 1397 Edward 56039 Butler, Edward (sadler) . . . . 74840 H 67387 ■ Eliza (Middlesex) . . 76351 Elizabeth 26889 Family (Gloucester) . . 73657 90837 Francis 23641 (Middlesex) . . 85 George . . 24058 Hannah 10391 Harriott H. . . . . . . 64154 Henrietta 70656 Hemy 56926 — Bamsley.. .. 58995 J. L 75719 James (Surrey) . . . . 35465 26890 (merchant) . . 74826 Henry .. .. 73792 W. F 67376 Jane (Chancery) . . .. 68380 14776 .. .. .. .. 9245 • (wife of George) 74253 Mrs 4825 John 15132 (soldier) . . . . 74431 Joanna 74826 V. Kitson 24057 Maria 62226 Mary 31312 MiUicent 14186 Nicholas 70659 Penelope 14422 Richard 30710 Robert (turner) . . . . 51498 6892 (London) . . 75719 Rosa 33875 Samuel (tanner) . . . . 1895 — (mariner) . . 2633 3691 Sarah 60865 Thomas (Soho, London) 50431 : M.D 7667 V. Wise 24092 . • William, Capt. (India) 28179 (seaman) . . 7475 73857 (Middlesex) 51864 Butlin, Eliza 63523 Butt, Elizabeth 26891 (Bath) . . . . 50877 John 90838 Mary .. .• 8872 IVHss 50818 Mr 52286 Richard 40727 Butter, Archibald 12323 Elizabeth 63327 60 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Butter, Jacob 5543 Jane 90840 Joseph 5543 Butterfield, — . . 72338 C 63282 Catherine Loveday 3396 Edward Harris .. 34526 Thomas .. .. 18245 Walter 75316 Butters, Archibald 18246 Ellen 53626 Buttersby, J 74839 Butterworth, Ann 36530 George . . . . 90841 James .. .. 72651 Thomas .. .. 50905 Buttock, George 26557 Button, — 90841 Family 90842 Frances Sarah . . . . 12669 John 74403 Samuel 6711 Butts Family 8085 Thomas 69789 Buttery, Joseph 15587 Buxton, Hannah 90844 Jane 17700 Mary 6077 Miss 54353 Mr 1605 Buy, William 90842 Buzacott, John 2868 Buzard, Benjamin 26892 By, Henry 37963 Byan, Mary 71653 Bye Family 90846 Haynes 3248 John 34050 (Surrey) 75796 Samuel 12361 Thomas 11254 Byers, Dale 1203 Family 9228 Byfield Family 3391 Byford, John 35772 Bygrave, John 64505 Bygrove, Ann 16920 Messrs 33592 Byles, James 59852 Mather 32063 Samuel 40169 Byne, Francis B 74455 Henry M. M 74422 Byng, Amelia 28178 John 16173 Bynon, Elizabeth 2016 Byrche 15135 Byrens, Henry 90849 Byrme, Eobert 90850 Byrne, Ann and Frederick . . 22725 Catherine 21435 Family 5674 Gerard 22758 ■ Hester 90851 HughG 20076 James 71074 Jane, (or Wilson) . . 76928 John (Ireland) . . . . 36976 23548 Maria 9572 Mark 76353 MartjTi 3464 Nicholas 90852 Patrick 75719 Peter 25561 Thomas 9352 William 2902 Byrom Family 8943 Eichard and William . . 9300 Byron, Edmund 90853 George Gordon (Lieut.) 31658 Rosina 6606 Thomas 90853 Bystrom, W 78 Bythersea, Charles 9389 Edmund 11820 By water, Aaron 4569 George 12432 John 4850 Bywaters, Thomas 33950 Bywell, Vincent 03524 61 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. c Cabell, John 34425 WilHam 50240 Cable, Eleanor 76358 James 17901 MissS. .. .. .. .. 843 Cabot, George and Henry . . 30005 Philip 25386 Cache, Manuel 29167 Cackett, Samuel and Thomas 7535 Cadbury, Thomas 62235 CaddeU, Walter, Capt 29168 WiUiam & Co 52087 Cadden, Benjamin and John W. 70092 Caddy, Douglas T 29169 Joseph 18248 Cade, Edward 11478 Joseph 61223 Cadell t'. Grant 24119 WiUiam, jun., «fe Co. . . 59002 Cadett, James , . 74505 Cadle, Thomas 62237 Cadogan, Michael 26371 Cadwallader Family . . . , 17075 CadweU, Margaret 90856 Caesar, James 72436 Cafifery, Thomas 51965 Caffray, William 18249 Cafirey, Ellen 24764 Caffyn, Mrs 35273 Cagnev, Michael 18250 CahiU; Charles John .. .. 22528 Elizabeth 2236 John 26592 Patrick, Lieut 54583 26446 William 51994 Caiger, Ann E 67874 Thomas 90857 Cain, Daniel . . .... . . 90858 James and Olivia . . . . 61216 Patrick 18251 Caines,Ann 31084 • George 75300 Caink, Edward 12107 Caird v. Tomkins 90859 Cake, Mary 67737 Calamy, John , 22851 Calbrath, — 17078 George 9518 Calcott, Jonathan 53661 Calcraft, Lieut. -Gen. F. H. . . 28185 Calcutt, Francis McNamara . . 23290 , Caldecott, John Cheers . . . . 33344 Calder, Thomas 12387 William 53254 Caldicott, Eichard 69817 Caldwell, Alexander, Sir , . 29170 Caldwell, Andrew . . . . . . 22692 Ann 39993 Benjamin 63534 F 74923 Family 90860 ■ James S 62238 Eobert 21681 Samuel M 26392 Stephen 28186 Thomas 40850 Tracy 90861 Walter 21406 WilUam .. .. .. 34700 Caley, Francis 8986 Helena Johanna . . . . 75295. Martha 6607 William 34068 Calfe, John 90862 Call, David 90863 Sir John 15020 Callaghan, Daniel and Owen. . 18252 EHzabeth & Thaddeus 22782 Callanan, Albert 24639 John 22397 Callanane, William 70661 Calland, C. G 10809 Eichard 68871 Callander, Alexander . . . . 26894 Callard, — 90864 Charles 51992 Susanna 54476 CaUas, Arthur 8266 Callcott, John Eev 70062 Callender, Sir John 6712 Mrs 52019 Calles, Catherine 90865 CaUey v. Herbert 24122 James 51252 Thomas Browne , . . . 14705 Callingham, Timothy . . . . 10786 Callins, Edward 9448 Callion, Isabella 25429 Callow, John 11258 Mary 24001 Eebecca Worthington 6220 Galium, Elizabeth 12952 Calmell, Jane 90886 Calow, Elizabeth and George 74193 Calthorpe, Eeynolds . . . . 70625 Caltober, Martha 8254 Calver, Christian 56338 E 68872 Calvert, Elizabeth 16842 Family 9699 (Sunderland) .. 90867 FeHx ...... . . 51985 ^— &Co 69003 DD 62 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Nmnes relate will be found at end of Index. Calvert, James 8887 Nicholson 51986 ■ T., Capt 31827 William 90868 John . . . . 37015 Cama, Bomanjee F 75803 Cambridge, Caroline . . . . 18254 • Elizahcth .. .. 32957 Mary 15658 Cambronne, Gentleman . . . . 21386 Camden V. Cooke 24115 Came, Barbara 1064 Cameron, Alex, (son of Duncan) 76356 Alexander & Mary . . 34610 Allan 05293 Ann (Bath) . . . . 63541 .. 34610 ■ (legatee) . . . . 10400 David 73724 Donald (farmer) . . 7350 14721 Ewen 58799 Family (Colonies) . . 18255 90868 Francis Mackenzie . . 29171 George John . . . . 1225 James 22068 Jean 71701 (soldier) . . . . 73166 . John (Chancorv) . . 65294 — (Berwick) . . 12382 . (Inverness) .. 31053 (bachelor) .. 21140 J. (mar. Ann London) 36897 Margaret (legacy to) 22069 Nathaniel 64515 R. & Son 52088 Robert 8252 Vincent 10788 William 28187 Camerson, John McKenzic . . 37807 Camfield, Elizabeth 10055 Cammeyer, William .. .. 5710 Canmiilleri, Jcseph 61219 Cammycr, John 9569 Campain, Ann 90869 Campbell, Lieut. A. D 10814 (or Hunter) . . . . 50065 Ag-nes 72028 : — Alexander . . . . 585 Alicia 71126 Allan, Colonel . . 90870 17908 Allen 4704 Archibald (merchant) 66444 10789 Benjamin 11 66507 Bowden & Co 74408 C 10584 Catherine .. .. 12396 Campbell, Catherine (Scotland) 72829 Charles 60943 Christina 62239 Colin (Sussex) . . . . 61221 Rev 60203 2796 Miss 17211 Rix 12478 W 76355 Daniel 2711 Donald 16422 (Essex) .. 14731 Douglas 53657 (sailor) .. 39511 Dugald 15031 Duncan, General . . 21267 • E. C 26895 Edward, Rev 26386 Elizabeth 68395 Mary . . 10021 Family (India) . . 28188 (Edinburgh) 75340 ■ (N. K.) . . 75811 (Colonies) . . 18258 (Chancery) . . 24111 ■ Frederick P 54251 59367 George (Middlesex) 35795 General . . 14990 Gunning . . 51969 Graham 12034 Capt 14887 & Hopper .. .. 115 Henry John .. .. 51360 Ivie .' 69839 James (Surrey) . . 76364 (New York) 25693 (Middlesex) 69823 G 75805 Jane 24148 Jean 10617 John (Comet) . . 10800 -^ (factor) . . . . 5454 (Glasgow) . . 12371 62240 Lieut.-Col. .. 3812 A 73366 P., Lieut. . . 52018 Kenneth, Major . . 73921 Louisa Ann . . . . 64183 Maria 60165 Marianne . . . . 73912 Mary (York) . . . . 39806 (Vest Indies) 3812 3342 Ann .. .. 12029 Mr 62407 N. S 63384 Patrick (Chancery) . 72027 16622 63 Directions for obtaining /till copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Campbell, Patrick, Col. (Sussex) 39796 Peter 1810 Robert (relatives of) 60164 (N. K.) . . 68213 22348 Sir . . . . 51993 Bell .. .. 801 J. R 68399 V. Rucker . . . . 24148 Sarah (Ireland) . . 23359 14245 Stephen 52014 Stewart 73715 Thomas (Middlesex) 66541 52015 C 51958 W. T 65300 Wellesley .. .. 11696 AViUiam 15204 ■ (Chancery) 73578 ■■ Wilson .. 54337 Campe, John 1177 Campeon, Mrs 26895 Camper, Colonel 36328 James 10159 Campion, Amelia Mattin . . 73371 Christopher W. . . 23263 Edward 39212 Jane 6983 Jeremiah 73372 John 34712 Camps, Joseph 68394 Camroux, Simon Sean . . . . 35622 Camsell, JMary 36449 Camwell, Luke 56936 Canaga, Mrs. 26896 Candler, Benjamin 57046 Candlin, John 9357 J. J 18264 Candy, Benjamin 18265 John 62242 Nicholas Wilson . . 90871 Cane, Dorothy 6342 Margaret 74159 Mrs 10051 Richard 75719 Canfield, Abraham 90872 Cann, Elizabeth 21061 George T 73368 Richard 90874 William James . . . . 72445 Cannam, Thomas 1871 Carman, Ann 928 Canno, John 68878 Cannel, Elizabeth 33696 Canney, Richard Brice . . . . 54319 Canning, Athaliah 35943 Harry Judd .. .. 57419 John (India) . . . . 28192 7529 Canning, Richard 4701 Thomas, Rev 50488 Cannock, Charles 36133 Cannon, Andrew 90874 FamHy 90876 George 36601 John 36012 Meldi-ed 3526 Robert 1924 Thomas 64507 Canny, Gage J. H 73365 Matthew F 73369 Canood, Joseph 90877 Cansick, Mary : . . . . 9147 Cant, Hemy 36186 John 15892 Cantello, S 18266 Canter, John B 67876 Canthorp, William 90878 Cantley, John 90879 Cantrell, Daniel . . . . . . 73725 Cantwell Family 53335 George 74431 Joseph 5742 Caifty, Anne 68739 Edward 21098 Capai, Nicole 2535 Cape, Jane 55414 John 32164 ISlxs 55371 W. R 52092 Capel, Daniel 12757 V. Girdler 24121 Susannah 34360 Hon. and Rev. W. R. 36145 Capell, James 37282 Caplen, James (or Captin) . . 1651 Capner, Caroline 52024 Enoch 52011 Capon, — . . 64513 Jane 66327 Capp, Mary 16938 .William Hugh .. .. 74480 Capper, Ann 6338 Elizabeth 150 Colonel James . . . . 65295 John 16609 Capponi, Achille 58063 Cappur, Joseph 63550 Ralph T 68389 Capron, Richard 74485 Caps, Simon {alias Kreps) . . 863 Caracet, Henry .... . . 90880 Caralet, Pierre 10028 Carberr}^ Jemima and Robert 75804 Carbery, Right. Hon. George Lord Baron .. .. 11918 Carbow, William 90881 Carbutt, Jane 38656 Card, George 1407 64 JDirectiont for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tchich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Card, Jolm 1418 (mercliant) . . . . 74450 Sarah M G9822 Garden, James 11208 Mrs 13061 Eobert, Lieut. . . . . 21649 Carder, Cane, & Co 74882 Cardew, Ambrose and Frederick 29172 Cardigan, Countess of . . . . 52036 Cardinal, Charles 7678 WiUiam 3945 Cardon, Louisa Clarke . . ... 40176 Cardy, Mary (daughter of Wm.) 31005 (Surrey) . . . . 35841 {alias Ellicott) . . ' 35878 WilHam 90882 CaresweU, Edward 4083 Carew, Robert 57204 Carey, Elizabeth 70506 Esq 10053 Helen and Mary.. .. 26897 Patrick (Colonies) . . 18267 22473 Peter 29173 Robert 50106 Sarah 90883 William 90884 Carfrae, Thomas 35996 Cargill, 22349 A 18268 Caridge, J. H 50413 Carigan, Rev. Patrick . . . . 26369 Carilon, John 75292 Carkcck, John 25626 Carleton Family (India) . . . . 6015 17402 George 9175 (relatives of) 22349 18269 Dr. John 6015 Carley, John 11694 Carhle, WiUiam 70663 Carlin, H. William 35166 Carlisle, Christopher . . . . 73913 W 69824 Worthy 18270 Carlon, Edward 11870 Carlos, Joseph 1998 Carlow, WiUiam 9122 Carlson, Laurence 3093 Carlton, Ann (Norfolk) . . . . 15100 Mary 74857 Carly Family 23605 Carlyon, Charles (Colonies) .. 29174 Edward 40226 Carman, Frances (or Fanny) . . 50161 Mary Ann 69819 Thomas 50160 Carmen, Donna Maria del , . 692G2 Carmichael, Alexander , , , . 12294 Carmichael, Dugal 3554 FamUy 74858 F 26898 Francis (Colonies) 18271 George 12125 Henry 33667 James (Cork) . . 70642 90885 John (Ireland) . . 21779 5458 (U. S.) . . 70644 Camaghan (or Carnochan) Margt. 2818 Carne, George (Colonies) . . 18272 Joseph 52017 Samuel 59000 Carnegie, James 2434 Cameil, Philip 39742 Mr. WilHam .. .. 38720 Cames, Christopher , . . , 9999 Carney, John 1647 John and William . . 18273 Martin 26161 Peter 16683 Camie, Lieut.-Col 26899 Camly, Daniel.. .... .. 26900 Carnochan, Margaret . . . . 2818 Cams, WilHam 21473 (soldier).. .. 73791 Camy, John 75229 Carolan, James Ward . . . . 68880 Caron, Thomas 23659 Carpan, BasU 1300 Carpenter, Ann 52012 PhUHps . . . . 57974 & Braddock . . . . 9883 Charlotte .. .. 61957 Daniel 34331 Edward 67972 John, Capt. 51608 FamUy 3702 '■ 69210 (America) . . 90886 George 38464 Henry 6521 (Colonies) .. 18274 James (bro. of Daniel) 36192 6420 John (late of Falk- land Islands) .. 10125 60205 (seaman) .. 18 (butler) . . . . 8844 PhilHps . . . . 67973 Mary Foot .. .. 73917 Michael 21778 Nicholas 18275 Richard 39627 Thomas 36191 , WiUiam . . 32827 WiUiam (Warwick) 40312 65 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Carpenter, William Fontleroy 3702 Carpio, Ignaiso 18279 Carr, Benjamiu 65633 Catherine 24768 Cliristoplier 70664 Family (Chancery) . . 53542 26901 (Northumberland) 17642 (India) .. .. 29175 George (Suffolk) . . . . 0728 30996 Henry (Middlesex) . . 74493 36967 William .. .. 75801 James Thomas .. .. 11686 Jane (Guernsey) . . . . 31776 30799 Jeremiah 14212 John 1702 (Colonies) . . . . 18280 Margaret 50440 Martha Diana .. .. 60201 Mary 30996 Ann (spinster) . . 50619 Mrs. (daughter of) . . 50309 Mrs 30804 Robert (ship's carpenter) 7592 Sarah 70729 Stephen 30804 ' Susannah 56186 Mr. W. L 57434 William 15081 (York) . . 75297 (solicitor's clerk) 75809 Henry .. .. 22200 Carradine, Eichard 2301 Carralet, Pierre 10028 Carrapiet, Anna 29176 Carratt, John and Mary , , 90887 Carre, George 18281 Carroll, Richard 10805 Robert 798 Carrer, Elizabeth and Gregory 90889 Carreth, Robert 10804 Carrew, Thomas 90890 Carrick, Andrew 76360 John 54787 Carrigan, Patrick 74431 Carrill, William 21126 Carrington, — 63286 Benedict . . . . 90891 Catherine .. .. 15109 Charles 90892 Eliza 29177 John William . . 51967 Paul 15616 Captain . . 21141 Carritt, Mr. E 21101 Carrol, James 18282 W 1382 Carroll, Anthony 1632 Family (Colonies) .. 18283 90896 George 68390 Henry 10796 John 26902 Michael 26231 Mrs 26903 Robert (seaman) , . . . 798 9014 William 16552 Carron Company 59004 Carruthers, David 90897 Elizabeth .. .. 31406 Family (Chancery) 24154 John 53693 Mr 53641 Carry, jVIiehael 33533 Carson & Vanilton 40843 Isabella oZGoo Carstairs, James 18286 John 73910 Carsten, Spitzcr & Co 38325 Carston, Jacob 10363 Carswcll, W. & G 74399 Cart, M. L 18287 Carter, — 30937 & Martin 55153 Alfred 90898 ■ Alice 38053 Andrew 22894 Ann (London) . . . . 54499 24096 Anna Maria 10246 Augustus 39035 Benjamin 40398 Caroline (Sussex) . . 75296 17812 Casia 90899 Catherine 90900 ' (Durham) .. 50141 Charles (Surrey) . . . . 75299 Charlotte 26903 17. Doos 90901 Edward (Middlesex) . . 75293 58481 Edwin 40134 Eleanor 33461 Eliza Savage . . . . 8842 Elizabeth 16269 (Sussex) . . 51971 , 22893 Ellen S' 23710 Esau 51321 F 70650 Francis 90902 George 24095 Harriet Ann .. .. 59676 Henry (Oxford) . . . . 6331 90903 E 66 Directions for ohtaming fidl copies of the Advcrtisanents to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Carter v. Holford Hugh, Eev . . Isaac — • James (Essex) (Buckingham) . Jeremiah (annuitant) John (Durham) . . (Grloucester) (Bucks) (Colonies) . . (Somerset) . . (Chancery) . . (Colonies) . . Joseph Joshua Margaret Mary (Hertford) . . (or Schofield) Mrs Ann . . Nicholas Oscar IK Peele PhiUippa D. Eichard Robinson Samuel Sarah Stephen Susannah (spinster) Sybilla Thomas (Colonies) (Warwick) Finch William . . Walter . William Martin Willoughby Harcourt Carthew v. Gooch Cartlodge, Frederick Page . . . , Thomas . , William . , Cartlich, John Carter, John Cartridge, Edward Cartwright, Charles Emily Francis Isabella John (yeoman) (cabinet maker) (London) , , 24124 39678 1814 34652 50078 17244 90904 60641 16642 6608 4708 11252 18288 63548 24094 25373 90905 10443 65622 75802 75603 34409 74080 16133 76585 24139 73910 39333 50142 10444 90905 10794 8849 7806 26904 18289 14124 10574 69674 73367 53355 51972 69675 60572 23711 23800 11271 61376 76365 3779 1712 4201 14563 39174 68879 0281 2897 9727 10367 9090G Cartwright, Peter . Richard Samuel Sarah Rev. Stephen Ralph Thomas Carty, Edward John (N.K.) .. (London) (Chancerj'^) Carus, William , . Carvalho, David Nimes Jose V. de Carver, Ann Erasmus GrGorge . . William Cary v. Abbott — — Family Frances L Greorge John (Oxford) John H. S., Rev Mary William Fi'Dderick . . Casbourne, Robert Casciani, Anna Maria Case, Ann George & Priscilla . . Letitia Mr Richard Thomas (Liverpool) William Casely, John Casement, Lady Anne (Middx.) Hugh (Ireland) John Mary Casey, H. B ■ John Michael E P. S Patrick . . : Thomas Cash, John Bickerton . . Joseph Cashbourne, Richard & Robert Cashcn, Maria Annetta . . Casiday, James Casimcre, Charles Caslon & Livcrmoro Cason, John Casporg, IjQuisa Lydia . . Cass, David . . J. (died abroad) John Mary Richard 6280 90907 2026 39736 70666 10726 72395 69431 71839 26473 29178 39284 40583 76363 39 59006 10472 50229 24103 4800 51999 67580 90908 72441 12569 75303 90909 17187 16611 90910 51314 31066 3518 59186 5236 61355 69815 69879 23322 6015 18290 26388 64509 90911 26682 18291 74500 36804 79 IS 72450 90912 15006 62090 90913 29179 25493 71041 5927 10632 90914 67 Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tvhick these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Cass, Thomas 57566 Cassamajor, J. H 15460 Cassan, John 90915 Cassanas, Michael 74882 Cassavetti, D. N. G 75291 CasseU, John Henry . . . . 90916 WiUiam .. .. 62248 Casserly, James 23822 Cassiday, Francis 18292 Cassidy, Alexander & Geo. H. 72448 Jane 17966 Cassin, Peter Massy . . . . 4023 Gassing-ton, Eliza 11167 Cassons, Anne 61582 Casswell & Baker .... . . 73363 Castell, Edward 61224 Castellan, Katherine de . . . . 3037 Casterton, William 75806 Castiron, Thomas 40712 Castle, Alexander . . . . ' . . 18293 Jane 8961 ■ John 54782 Mary 109 «?. Owthwaite .. .. 24138 Robert 8961 Sarah 26905 Thomas Child . . . . 33686 ■ WiUiam Henry . . . . 58741 Castleden v. Turner . . . . 24155 Castles, James 312 Castlestewart, Countess of . . 22322 Earl of .. .. 21801 Caston, Charles and Elizabeth 90917 Mary 1994 Castry, John 30801 Casualty Hospital in Bath . . 3957 1 Caswell, George 59684 Robert 9208 William 90918 Catani, Elizabeth 5369 Cater Family 68884 Fanny 76361 Mrs . . 22830 Catermole, John . . . . . . 7419 Catherwood Family .. .. 90920 Frederick .. .. 40183 Catlin, Frederick 90921 George 51968 Catling, Jane 31679 Mary 30382 Catlow, James 61228 John 68881 Cato, George Jenks . . . . 6916 Caton, Rupert 57103 Catoni, William John . . . . 2214 Cator, Mary 24418 Thomas 11939 Cattell, John 34617 Peter and WiUiam . . 981 William (Surrey) . . 65686 Cattle, Robert 34375 Cattlebb, Mr. .. 30936 Cattley, Zacchius 12168 Cattolier, Martha 90922 CaudUn, Richard 31506 CaudweU, Charlotte . . . . 54148 CauldweU, Ralph (legatee) . . 646 Caulfield, Anne 26906 Family 23258 Capt. J 75229 WadeT 90922 Caulson, Alfred 18294 Caunter, Richard 29180 Causton, Anne T 62236 Daniel 90923 ■ Nathaniel . . . . 5467 Cautley, John 14346 Cavanagh, Matthew . . . . 23441 Michael . . . . 75719 Thomas .. ,. 11785 Cavannah, Francis 21472 Cave, Ann 5812 Joseph 11515 Louis de 1080 Maria 35407 Kathaniel 69138 William 675 CaveU, Sarah 76407 Thomas 34407 Cavenagh Family 70668 • Lawrence . . . . 90924 Cavendish, Henry 10793 W. J 18295 CaviU, Thomas 15142 Cawell, George 12610 Cawley, Stephen 12681 Cawood, Augustus 26907 EUzabeth 11384 John 14456 (York) , . . . 68392 Joseph 3662 (York) . . . . 14455 Sarah 11380 Cawston, Mary 5109 Sedgley Henry . . 74468 William 16177 Cawthom, Charles 90924 Cawthron, Thomas 8113 Cayford Family 90925 Cazaly, James 35422 Cazenove, G. H. . .^ . . . . 59001 ■ Nephew & *Co , ^. . . 68992 Ceal, AKred 57632 Cear, John 8268 Ceary, Catherine and Walter. . 90925 Cecil, W. (India) 70939 WiUiam 10750 (Oxford) . . . . 23655 Cederfelt, Sten. Daniel . . . . 2260 E2 68 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Cengoli, George 12554 Cenret, — 15795 Chabonan Family 90926 Chace, Eleanor 90927 Chad, Sir Charles 55627 Sir George 26908 Chadband, Thomas 34298 Chaddock, William 54174 Chadley, Sarah 12572 Chadwick, Sir Andrew . . . . 8847 Ann 40748 Catherine .. .. 17232 Daniel 75312 Edward 8847 E. Wolff (Lg-Ashton) 60941 EHzabeth .. .. 75312 Family 22888 Hannah 5770 Henry 67472 James 8253 (America) . . 74476 Wm 52003 John (Lancaster) . , 51262 3750 (Liverpool) .. 17981 Paul 15708 Rosa 69212 William (Plymouth) 69830 (Ecclesfield) 61231 Chaffer, Richard 52052 Chaffers, James 15899 Thomas, Rev 62253 Chaffey, Richard Trenchard . . 34935 Chaffin, Richard 40133 Chafters, John 90928 Chairman, Mary and Stephen 90929 Chalicombe, Edward M 90930 Chalk, Henry 667 James 69312 John 65378 Chalkley, Elizabeth 90931 Challenge, Anne and Samuel . . 90932 Challenor, John 31663 Challicombe, Nicholas . . . . 34756 Challet, Ann 26909 Challice, John 69827 Challinor, Elizabeth and J. . . 90937 Challinor Family 75310 Challis, Sarah 32269 Challonor, Edward 26025 (or Chalner), Wm. 90934 Chalmers, Catherine and John 70675 J. W. C, Lieut. . . 28198 John 1842 r. Kinloch .. .. 24128 Mary 30399 Robert Kemp .. .. 70680 William 17261 Chalon, Gcorgo 26910 Chaloner, William (York) . . 110 30444 Chamberlain, Ann and Hugh 90935 Charles . . . . 58983 Edward . . . . 75813 Hutchinson . . 54551 Joseph . . . . 58795 Sarah . . . . 5201 William .. .. 90936 Chamberlaine, George John . . 73899 Chamberlayne, E. J 66574 E.John.. .. 17623 Family .. .. 34393 Chamberlin, Henry 52026 William Hunt . . 38930 Chambers, Augustus . . . . 9127 Catherine (Bedford) 63126 forMcCann) 74865 (or Peppin) 75307 Charles 90937 David 4826 Family 22077 (Chancery) . , 24105 (Ireland) . . 22748 George 3216 Hugh 61226 James 11203 (Stafford) . . 50344 John 26078 Mildred 26911 Mr 1639 Peter 90938 Samuel 90939 Sophia 3126 Thomas 18296 W. C 21262 William (Colonies) . . 18297 .. .. 8963 (Edmonton) 1220 ■■ Clutterbuck 3 1 856 Chamies, John 90940 Chamness, James 4011 Cliamney, Godfrey 22440 William 74759 Champion, Alexander (London) 10660 Charles 36086 Francis Samuel . . 73897 & Hodgson, Messrs. 2957 James 73357 Henry . . 72389 John 62200 William .. .. 69825 Chance, Jolm (Minoi'ies) . . 14159 (seaman) . . . . 1643 Rachel 74264 Chancellor, Gcorgo W 26394 Jobn 73903 William .. .. 1012 Chancy, Williiiiu 90941 Chandler, — (Suffolk) . . . . 55634 69 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Chandler, Benjamin . . . . 50010 Christopher . . . . 90942 Edward 7836 Family 51974 J. and B 74472 James 90943 Henry . . 40794 Martin 11376 Richard 5901 William 15765 (seaman) . . 10798 (Leicester) 38369 Chandos Family 8956 Chanev, Moses 3340 ^— W. M 26912 Channing, F " . . 21787 Chapel, iSarah 90944 Chapham, Thomas 90945 Chaplain, Joseph 90199 Chaplin, Ann 11205 Henry and John . . 66 John Edward . . . . 34842 Joseph 29181 Mrs 2900 Robert 90946 WiUiam 30699 (Essex) . . 51977 Chapman, Ann 9255 (widow of John) 38950 Anthony 10399 Barrand 90947 Catherine 26181 Charlotte 26105 C. (Surrey) 63560 Daniel (York) . . . . 73902 EHzabeth 72460 . (Surrey) . . 50602 Eve 61235 Family (Middlesex) 14473 90951 26913 34256 George 12159 (Middlesex) 31214 (Cambridge) 916 (shipwright ) 2065 (Cornwall) . . 3003 (bootmaker) 7648 Ridge . . . . 3032 Wilson . . 90948 Helena 90949 Henry (London) . . 75719 James 60200 (Surrey) . . . . 3851 Jane 74877 Joanna and Robert. . 14225 John (Cambridge) . . 9734 (Portsea) . . . . 12344 (Bristol) .. .. 38949 (Norfolk) . . 21961 Chapman, John 59220 Benjamin . . 36205 Joseph, Rev 55626 5411 (Cheltenham) 40209 Josiah 26914 Joyce 8853 Lydia 90950 Mary (or Davis) .. 3811 MarvAnn .. .. 30349 -* E. (or Playle) . . 75311 Oliver (Southampton) 758 1 2 Patience Elizabeth . . 29182 Robert B 90950 Samuel T. Thomas . . 28200 Sarah 70673 T 26915 Thomas 60938 (Gloucester) 55625 ^Vhite 90952 William 11381 Wm. (Sussex, brewer) 3811 (Colonies) . . 18298 George . . . . 90953 Chappell, George Royle . . . . 73901 Chappie, Elizabeth 26916 John 90953 William 60936 Chaptone, — 90954 Chard, Judith 52685 Samuel 18299 Chardin, — 72339 Charge, George 17244 Chargie, John 4035 Charles Family 33119 Joseph 17310 Lucy 30595 Thomas 66336 Charlesson, Laurence . . . . 58798 Richard Williams 58458 Charleswoi-th, Elizabeth.. .. 32636 Stephen John . . 31920 William . . . . 53695 Charleton, Andrew Robert . . 10562 Charles 28201 Charley, William 90955 Charlier, Joseph James . . . . 55878 Charlton, Alfred 67857 Anthony 70671 Henry 73358 Mrs 73914 Matthew (merchant) 70679 Robert 40321 Job .. .. 90956 William (Derby) . . 51617 Charlwood, Daniel 26916 Family 7814 Charlworth (or Charleworth), Matilda .. .. 36358 Charman. — 8875 Ifirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Channan, Family John . . Chamley, Charnock, Grace . . . . . . Cliarnuck (or Charnock), Miss (Middlesex) Charouncau, Samuel and Wm. Chamson, Thomas Charter, JMrs Charters, Agnes Benjamin George James Thomas Chase, Cornelius Chasemore, Ann Chasen, Samuel Chasmore, Eohert Chastellier, Elizabeth • Samuel Jasper Chataigne Mine Chateau, Rosalie du Chater Family (India) . . ^ Mrs Cliatiield, William B Chatterley, Job Chatteris, William Chatterton, Esther H. T • James John Thomas — Matilda . . . . • Mrs Chatto, Mary Chaumette, Mary Ann da la . . Chaunay, William Chauncey, Richard Chauney, Nathaniel Snell WilUc Chaundy, Sarah Chaunter, William Henry Chauvel Family Chawnor, Mr Cheale, Alexander . . Chebley, George Checkley, William Chedworth v. Burton Check, William Cheeke, Edward and George. Cheer, James Chccre, Ilcnry Chccsbrough, Nathaniel. . Cheese, James ' Thomas Cheeseman, Alice Charles James . . Martha and Maiy A. Chccsman, John ' Thomas i'hcctliuni, Ann • 16031 15273 1471 90958 74487 90957 31116 2909 13233 74809 12102 11998 11674 56712 26917 31303 4815 17631 9851 63285 30323 29183 90959 17695 18309 5334 4108 10806 35981 12728 26916 1455 90960 74465 8264 71322 52037 3710 17175 9096 22086 54353 65640 90962 72451 24109 1836 6609 75306 90963 52046 70686 26918 90964 31241 70093 31241 73900 0002 Chectham, J James (Lancaster) John Joseph Cheevers, Christphr. and Elizbh Clieftin, Richard Chemenden & Son Cheminden, Nathaniel, & Son Cheney — Family (Hertford) . . Mrs. . Randall Chennell, John Chequers, Daniel Chermside, Sir Robert Alexander Chei'rill, Edward Chemman, Grcgore Cherry, Ann (widow of John) Bridget and Matthew William Cherryman, Mary Chcsborough, Isabella . . Cheslyn, Richard Chesmer Family Thomas Chesney, Alexander Chesnutt, Robei-t J Chesshyrc, Rev. W. J Chester, Damon Geo. Harry, Lieut.-Col. James Ambrose . . Joseph Mary Matthew Thomas (or Thomas W.) Urwick , Chesterfield, Robert Chesterman, Benjamin Cheston, Jos. Bonner William . . Chcswoi-th, George . . Chettenden, John . . Chettoe, Elizabeth . . Chetwood, Jemima . . Richard . , Chevalier, John B Joseph Henry . . Chevitt, Peter Chew Family Kendall R. W. S Cheync v. Apreeco . . . , Elizabeth . . George Macai*tney John Thomas Cheynoy Family Chichester, Adolphus 26037 72458 68371 90965 . 73362 90966 7744 8267 72340 14856 90967 20968 90969 73361 73905 61234 34642 70672 66572 73898 18301 67395 90970 56475 5494 16776 1553 75810 53352 25339 38958 60939 51956 16054 34800 35025 21365 90969 39413 51438 40756 18302 67429 90970 5212 31322 90971 90972 12715 18303 28202 3751 22207 24102 7262 29184 90973 68251 26918 33U2 n Directions for obtaining full (ropies of the Advorlise/uenti' to which these Xamcs relate will be found at end of Index. Chicliester, 8ir John . . . . 4196 Palmer 32220 WrUiam .. .. 50777 Chick, John 66576 Chidell, Eliza and George . . 8075 Chidley, Thomas 5335 Chiene, John 29185 Margaret and Eobert . . 5982 . 24114 Chifney, Hannah (Middlesex) 76390 CMlcott, Sarah and Wilham. . 11892 Child — (representatives of) .. 63289 Ann 90974 Anthony 12911 Family 53538 Geoi-ge 57557 • Heniy (^iliddlesex) . . . . 75309 John 90975 Nathaniel 17373 Sarah and Thomas . . . . 90976 Thomas John 5581 Wniiam 2674- Childcastle, Thomas . . . . 33815 Childe, James and Mary. . , . 14769 Childs, Mary 1823 Eichard Hutchinson . . 29186 Cliillcott, John 40323 Chillingworth, Emily . . . . 351 Chilmain Family 8840 Chilton, Harrison 67780 John 15087 (Middlesex) . . 4602 Chimenden, Nathaniel . . . . 26919 Chinneaux, Jean Pieri . . . . 29187 Ghinnery, William 90976 Chinton, George and Mark . . 68786 Chippendale, Augustus . . . . 67848 Chijipcrfield, George .. .. 31131 Chisem, James 15309 Chisenhall, Eobert 15612 Chisholm, John 90977 Seton and Lieut. 29188 Chisholme, WiUiam . . . . 50451 Chissold, James 90978 Chiswell, Richd. Muilman French 58774 Chittenden, John 90979 Thomas . . . . 10799 WilHam .. .. 18304 Chittick, Henry 192 Chittock, Sarah 38046 William 74870 Chitty, Mary 90980 Matthew 23712 Philip 66577 WiUiam 25610 Chiver, Henry 8017 Choak, Charles and Ellen A. . . 68421 Cheat, John and Joseph . . . .■ 5744 Chodwick, Thomas 38504 Cholk, Kobeit 90981 Cholles, Pliilippa 31849 Samuel 12992 Cholmeley, Francis and Henry 50583 Harriet 68883 Chomondley, J. (or Chumlev) i0982 Chorley, John \. 25979 Mrs 53363 Chorus, Maiie Agnes Josephine 1843 Chosin, Martin 1351 Chowns, John 32944 Choyce, Eobert 58445 Chrichton, John 30057 Clmmes, Hannah 76367 Christian, Eliza 62264 Johan Godefray . . 588'- 3 — John 10797 Mary 28204 Matthew-.. *. . .. 75814 Eobert 9052 (Chancery) . . 24395 WilHam 72449 Christie, Colonel 90982 Gabriel 15277 James 7671 (York) . . . . 54046 John (merchant) . . 12060 (seaman) . . . . 1355 7439 : Mey 17867 Mr 90983 Serjeant 90984 Thomas 18305 William 25858 Christmas, John 50884 (Chancery) . . 73715 Mary 2124 Christopher, Christian . . . . 90985 George S 51975 John 00986 Mary Ann . . . . 54713 Christopherson, William. . . . 33644 Christy, Archibald 16982 Chrouneau, William Samuel . . 5711 Chrystie Family 5712 Chudleigh, Charlotte Joanna 59525 Chumley, Martha and Mary . . 38055 William 73882 Chunar, Charles Jones . . . , 40554 Chuno, George and Joseph . . 62263 Church, Charles 23289 Elizabeth 5326 Family 7304 George 31898 James and James H. 90987 ■ MilkT .. .. 30143 Janetta 73359 Mary 402 ^. Ecilph 90988 ■ Eichard 14261 Sarah William . , . . 90989 72 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Church, William Henry, . . . 11885 Churchill, Elizabeth and James 90990 Family (Surrey) . . 66581 90991 George 33264 Horatio 26920 John 3489 Miss 39774 Thomas 32879 Churchman, Charlotte . . . . 58589 Henry 17733 John 2859 Mary 90992 Churchward, James D 23592 John 50514 Churchyard, Isaac 52029 Churton, Ealph and Rhoda . . 7895 William 90993 Chushen, Edward 26921 Chute, Richard 21780 Cipriani, Lorenzo 90994 Clack, Jane 90995 Ralph Gregory .. .. 21265 William 76372 Clacy, John 58013 Claer, James 5114 Clagett, Thomas William . . 58622 Claggett, Grace 30867 Clairmont, 1 18306 Clancy, George 90996 Clapham, Catherine . . . . 36479 Dorothy 36480 Family 21537 Hugh 36481 James and John . . 18307 Thomas (York) . . 76377 10303 William Henry .. 55164 Clapperton Family 75318 James 50580 Clapton, Anthony 90997 Clare, Ambrose 69832 Ann 6610 ■ Emma 51320 Family 90998 Mary 74806 Selby 22619 Clarcmont, Countess & Earl of 22957 Clarendon, Mary 90999 Clarcnza, Julia Countess . . 51235 Claridgo Family 91001 V. Goodovc . . . . 24120 Mary 74322 Richard, Rev 12727 Clark V. Addington 24101 Alexander (seaman) . . 2531 26921 (Siirrey)* \ \ 62049 Clark, Ann (widow) (Surrey) (or Rawley) (legatee) (otherwise Smith) (aftrwds. Beshton) Archibald (legatee) Benjamin (Essex) (Suffolk) Bradshaw Catherine Charles Busho . . Daniel Dan {alias John O'Brien) David Edith Edward (London) Elizabeth (by will £1000) (wife of Samuel) Eliz. (otherwise Green) Family (Colonics) (abroad) . (Sussex) , (legatees) (India) . George (Middlesex) Hannah [nee Cooper) (frmly Weaver Hem-y (Chancery) Ignatius James (weaver) . . (Norfolk) (Enfield) . . (London) . . ^Stepney) (Surrey) , . Edwards , . William . . Jane (or Dando) Jeremiah John (Yorkshire) (London) . . (gunner) k Son (London) &Co Capt Rev. .. .. (died abroad) (storekeeper) & Plowman . 8190 38078 17673 39571 8883 915 73342 64930 91002 64520 73719 3954 37115 10527 5537 30067 30390 61250 50744 73342 21395 13124 36299 18309 68414 62292 6169 29189 56717 5928 10695 22897 21962 50170 56963 10787 91003 9188 31181 22897 73342 68383 75819 76674 3816 7856 76423 26922 50531 26293 9347 10659 36091 3696 7169 25411 24717 59011 74408 70696 73 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Claxk, Joseph (Gloucester) . . 91004 AIHson .. .. 11728 Julia 25369 Margaret, IMiss (Clifton) 73918 6119 Martha 10701 Mary 23844 (legatee) . . . . 15037 (widow) . . . . 91006 Mary Ann (Surrey) . . 72464 91005 Robhins .. .. 63562 I^Iichael 124 Moses 68895 Mrs. (widow) . . . . 50810 Nassau 69840 Nathaniel 91007 V. Oliver 24137 Patrick.. 1092 Ralph 91008 Richard (merchant) . . 72461 : 91009 Robert (Stepney) . . 11795 (South Shields) 33507 Turner . . . . 91010 Samuel 91011 Sarah (Newington) . . 26924 (or Knowler) . . 75480 (Surrey . . . . 277 (or Dando) . . 76424 16023 V. Slade 24498 Stephen 55000 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 76348 (Surrey) . . . . 31421 (frmly. kept an Inn at Tiverton 40 26925 (Pimlico) . . 51253 Rev 91011 A 2233 Waterhouse 91012 William (Essex) . . . . 67859 60199 (Leicestershire) 6611 (London) . . 91012 — (York) . . 34636 Bradshaw .. 70698 Lade .. .. 10350 Clarke,— 51726 Agnes 16487 Alexander 13176 Andrew 54279 Angelica 74862 Ann (Gloucester) . . 8846 (Surrey) .. .. 35161 (Market Drayton) 62272 (or AxteU) . . . . 4186 17882 (something to adv.) 26926 Clarke, Anna 91012 Aone 22780 Anthony 11574 Archibald 25805 V. Ashmore 75656 Burton 14355 Catherine (wife of Wm.) 69681 16729 Charles (Kent) . . . . 32182 26927 John .. .. 58724 WiUiam.. .. 75317 Cuthbert 91013 E 26928 Edmund 91013 Lieut 7342 Edwd. A. and Edwd. G. 17768 Edward E 50687 Eliza 16690 Elizabeth (Kent) . . 30258 39358 (legatee) . . 69844 Family 75719 (India) . . . . 29190 (Colonies) . . 18316 Francis William . . 60197 Frederick, Lieut. . . 7224 Ensign (Iklilitia) 7161 George 61266 Dr 54951 91014 Godfrey Bagnall . . 15501 Hannah 91015 (wife of Joseph) 26929 Henry (Gloucester) . . 8190 14536 (legatee) . . . . 9287 (Ireland) . . 26360 James (legatee) , . . . 69855 (N. K. of F. Beauchamp) . . . . 69841 39571 (seaman) , . 570 (seaman H.M.S.) 1034 John Gascoigne 6421 May . . . , 14425 Jane (Regent Street) . . 40844 (Portsmouth) . . 1559 91016 John (Liverpool) . . 17885 • — (legatee) . . . . 65620 25406 (Surrey) . . . . 73339 (legatee) . . . . 53544 Frederick S. . . 54569 (N. K.) . . . . 22476 (Hackney) . . 14264 (Lancaster) . . 40897 (Yorkshire) . . 21460 (Warwick) . . 12072 u I)i7'cctions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Name relate will be found at end of Index. CJlarke, John (seaman H.M.S.) 2007 (Oambridg-esliirc) 4812 Eev 17630 .. (Warwick) .. 50623 Sayer 16331 W 26930 Joseph (Lancashire) . . 7873 .. 1774 & Lewis 91017 Louisa Tatlock . . . . 75472 Maria Anna 11949 Martha 8859 Mary . . 75472 (Devizes) . . . . 4066 (Sm-rey) .. .. 6658 (legatee) . . . . 53545 Christian . . . . 9849 Jane (wife of Eev.) 75316 Meese Beauchamp . . 69843 Michael (War-vNdck) . . 74867 1593 (or Clark) . . Ill Mildred 69854 Mrs 61265 Mungo 5240 Nohle 22779 Patrick 21803 Paixlina 35672 Peter 5240 11., & Taylor . . . . 91018 Ralph Eichard .. .. 9848 Reuben 40139 Richard 7315 Rev 91018 (legatee) . . . . 69842 Robert 24563 (Suffolk) . . 73904 Mayne .. .. 34754 Thomas . . . . 39468 Turner .. .. 6776 •Samuel 39674 Sarah (dghtr of Thos.) 1746 (Grloucester) . . 6466 (Leamington) . . 76378 Scth 26931 Simon 21178 Susannah 1186 Thomas (Durham) . . 72465 (Warwick; .. 70695 (Worcester) . . 1029 (frmly of Hants) 2233 (Warwick) . . 16634 (Salop) . . . . 8231 (Staff-Surgeon) 63385 (Sm-rey) . . . . 35184 (Cheltenham) 35319 (mariner) . . 21261 (son of Ihomas) 1746 26932 (Derby) . . . , 66136 Clarke, Thomas (wife of) Styles . . Waterhouse William (Kent) . . (Salop) & Wray Rev (K K.) (Gloucester) (Suffolk) (Northampton] (Middlesex) (brthr of Jos.) (jeweller) . . Mackinley . . Xelson . . Thomas, Rev. 53546 31336 6055 69851 69680 35979 65619 39015 14436 35190 10257 9635 26933 51283 70598 50454 63795 Clarkington, Charles Clarkson, David • Elizabeth Family Isabella Sarah and Thomas . . W., Capt., and Wm. William (Colonies) Geering ' . , Clarmont, Esther Gabriel Clasens, Jacoba & Wilhemina . Clatterton, Mary Claudet Family Claughton, Elizabeth Clavell, Rev. John Claver, William Clavering, Charles John . . • Diana Miss (relatives of) . Clawston, Mary Claxton Family John . . Sarah William Clay, C. P., Ensign . . Family (London) Georgo John (York) (Huddersficld, York) Margaret Martha Mrs t\ Pennington R Reynold G.M Smith & Co WiUium Of 65618 2023 59777 91019 26934 51959 30089 18322 55128 91020 6263 25872 10021 74473 16879 91021 91022 63657 62424 55649 53357 91023 91024 16333 15118 37820 34356 28207 14913 66389 6929 6472 39796 66633 11409 6528 91026 24147 34928 74484 68252 129S8 16 i)irections for obtaining full copies of the Adverti&ements to which these Naities relate will be found at end of Index. Clay, WiUiam (Hertford) . . 9996 (of Idle) . . . . 14940 T. Musgi-ave . . 74494 Claydon, John 6282 Joseph 91027 Eichard 11847 Clayfield v. Washboum . . . . 23713 WiUiam Edward . . 35905 Clayland, — 40703 Claypon, Joseph 61237 Clayter, George and Matilda. . 10021 William 91028 Clayton, — 2487 David 62831 Edward 26934 Edw. (son of Edw. & Ann) 40 Elizabeth 3061 Family 91029 George 18323 ^ James 35232 John 14466 Dillon .. .. 65629 -Maria 17098 Mary Ann .. .. 17979 Richard .. .. .. 51312 Ruth 9621 Sarah 16305 Stephen 1829 ■ Sykcs 59841 William 68896 (York) . . 52025 W. R., Rev 61236 Claytor, WHham 10021 Cleagues, George 18324 Clear, James .. 23646 Cleary, John 69833 Cleasby, Anthony 74472 Cleathing, John 7176 Cleaton, Edward 35552 Cleator, Mary 8171 Cleave, Margaret Rachael . . 32622 Cleaveland, Elizabeth . . . . 52001 Sarah 91030 Cleaver, Elizabeth 15444 Thomas and William 91031 Clegg, Ashworth 16727 Edm. B. (nephew of Jas.) 67392 Family 91032 (Lincoln) . . 62282 John (Lancaster) . . 39274 16726 Nathaniel 39976 Thomas 3191 Cleghorn, David 12087 M. Colo 26935 Robert and Sarah . . 3708 Cleife, Maiy 66586 Cleland, John, Rev 18325 Samuel 12052 Clelland, Ai'thui' 25999 Clemence, Christopher PhiHp Clemens, — Clemenson, Thomas Clement, Ann , Jane and Margaret . John (mariner) Joseph Louisa! Miss Mary Mary (Somerset) Peter Richard . . Samuel William . . Mrs. Clements, Amy . . — Ann . . . E. .. r- Elizabeth, -F George Henry James John Luke Mary IMichael Hopton Richard . . Robert Sarah Keej) Theophilus Thomas Bceston William . . Clemie, William Clemishaw, Thomas Clemo, John Clendinen, Elizabeth Ann Clone, K Clennell, James Clephane, Robert . . Clerc, Rosa Le Clercke, Ann Clerk, WiUiam Gierke Family Hon Clerkney, Margaret . . Clerkson, Mrs. C Clerland, A. Cleveland, John Miss Mary Mary Maria (IVIiddle — • Matthew . . Thomas . , . , Cleverly, Alfred . . ■■ V. Cleverly Richard Samuel Clewer, Edward and John John (Southampton) 33640 51955 73340 91034 7056 871 4401 15043 17254 10168 7056 91033 1214 34970 91033 54714 16823 91033 20391 22326 9879 58047 14315 2706 91033 17194 2435 6173 68405 74253 2582 21804 15801 91035 91036 28208 18326 26936 18327 52016 21448 51385 68613 35431 54604 39488 24753 28209 63284 32426 8845 t)30180 12732 18328 70688 23714 6473 75816 2291 9152 76 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. CI ewer, Susannah 17233 Cliff Family 36935 Robert 2025 WilHam 6902 Cliffe, John and Robert . . . . 7285 CHfford, Andrew 91037 V. Brooke 24108 Charles 11693 Edward (Sussex) . . . . 21946 17712 Family (London) . . 68420 Loftus 91037 Maria 68119 Morgan Morgan . . . . 9026 Thomas 67854 Clift, Thomas 56696 Clifton, Henry (or Overend) . . 76089 John 91038 Lady Judith 14623 Mary Anne 68897 Mrs 10052 M.W 75719 Sir Robert 91039 SaUy 26936 Clinch, William 91040 CHnk, Janet 13177 John 12260 Clinker, EHzabeth Ketson . . 91041 Clint, George 34761 Clinterley, Margaret .. .. 91041 Clinton, George (Cardiff) . . 75314 James (Cheltenham) . . 74881 (soldier) . . . . 26550 91042 John 2690 Clipson, Wm. (representvs. of) 39585 William 58243 CHve, John 7975 (Stafford) . . . . 69861 Lord Robert 69677 Cloag, William 91043 Clobery, John Bidlake H. . . 5000 Clock, Jacob 10791 Clogg, John 61133 Clootwyk, Jan Dirk van . . 14823 Clopton V. Bernard 24104 Martha 67802 Close, Martin 2344 Robert 62057 Cloud, Henry 68408 Clough, Betty 6096 D. C 26937 F. C 36005 James Henry .. .. 11884 John 61113 Mary 11428 Sarah (or Cooper) . . 6002 6977 Clout, Catherine -.. ..... 91044 Clover, Joseph 32376 Clover, Joshua 91045 Cloves Family (Chancery) . . 23715 Clow, James 91046 Clowes, Mr 173 & Roberts, Messrs. . . 69008 William 16624 Leigh . . . . 68894 Williamson& Co.(Chncry) 71601 . . 9860 Clubley, Francis & Robert . . 76380 George 6612 Cludd, EHzabeth 91047 Cluderay, Richard 35002 Clues, Sarah 6659 Cluff, Richard 18329 Clulcy, John 74495 Clulow, Ann 39503 WiUiam 39537 Clune, James 11682 Clunes, Richard 80 Clunis Lieut 91048 Cluskey, John 22460 Clutterbuck, Charles . . . . 37130 Family (Surrey) . . 66892 (Gloucester) 70691 Clyne Family 22083 Coade, Eleanor 5481 . Coalpepper, Jane 74301 Coals, Mary 68900 Coane, Henry 23419 (India) .. .. 22087 Coanney, Samuel 18330 Coapc, Arthur William . . . . 60185 Henrys C. and James . . 74489 Coate, Daniel Boyer . . . . 14470 Coatcs, Benjamin 62335 Conductor James . . 2633 Eliza Ann 60935 Elizabeth 6463 James (Westmoreland) 36080 V. Martin 24131 Mr 74470 Richard 74869 Samuel 68822 Timothy 91049 William 32916 Coats, Alice, Christopher,& John 1 7937 James (Smithfield) .. 1304 Coatsworth, George 34373 Cobb, Charles and James . . 1494 Francis .. .. 39724 Ellen 70710 Rhoebc 62306 Susannah 12744 William 5093 Sims . . . . 73883 Cobbett, George 91049 William 54309 Cobden, Christopher W. . . 91050 77 Lireetims for obtainhig full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Cobden v. Lucas 24129 Cobham, Henry 31477 Miss 8255 —Robert 25574 Coble}', Elizabeth 26938 Cochet, Alexander 76671 Cocbran, John and Mary . . 12169 Wniiam 933 Cochrane, Charles Stuart . . 30681 John 13185 Margaret D 26939 Peter (Scotland) . . 6422 12489 WiUiam 40825 Cock, Ambrose 74444 Brodie 11660 Henry (India) .. .. 29191 : 18333 —Joseph 76373 John 25577 Mary 7759 WilHam 2758 56949 Cockburn, Catherine . . . . 13205 H. Du, Lieut 28213 James, Sir . . . . 30428 Peel .. .. 91051 Mr 70712 V. Raphael . . . . 23716 Sarah 9379 Cockcroft, John 8249 Cocke, Richard. . 26940 Sarah 26710 Cockell, Mary and William . . 14110 Cocker, Joseph 7303 Robert John .. .. 6174 Cockerell Family (India) . . 28213 William 16389 Cockerham, Thomas . . . . 35544 Cockerill, Alice 31015 Henry 34547 James 15610 Joseph 1737 (London) . . 37953 IVIichael 26938 Robert 91052 William 91053 Cockerton, William 51954 Cocket, John (Colonies) . . . . 18334 Cocking, Selina and Thomas . . 31172 Cockle, Mary 91054 Cocklin, Daniel 91055 Michael (Colonies) . . 18335 Cockman, John and Joseph . . 91056 Cockram, William 91057 Cockrane, John 18332 Thomas B. S 91058 Cockroft V. Nightingale . . . . 24135 Cocks V. Bateman 24106 Elizabeth 15409 Cocks, Ellen Charlotte . , . . 30404 Cocksedge, Mr 51762 Cockshutt 72341 Cockson, Helen 56228 Codd, John 7664 Codrington v. Lord Foley . . 24118 John 18336 Thomas Stretton . . 6757 Coe, Elizabeth 91059 George 51222 Hannah 24377 John 16694 Richard 91060 Thomas J 69813 Coffey, Penelope and Richard 22718 Coffin, Sir Isaac 6758 Cogan, Edward and Mary . .^ 22907 Helena .' 26125 Mary Josephine . . . . 22726 Patrick 26124 Cogden, John 37504 Cogels, Jean Baptiste . . . . 58890 Cogens, Elizabeth 91061 Coggan, Isabella . , . . . . 35995 Coggeswell, Philip 9586 Coggins, Catherine 24767 Coggs, John 71201 Coghlan, Andrew 26941 James, Lieut 2080 John 91062 Coglan, Ann Elizabeth .. .. 34125 James 6566 Cognard (Family) 36421 Jean 35262 Cohen, Abraham 35318 Esther 74501 Gabriel 7994 J. & E., Messrs 40221 Jacob 91063 Le^is 11141 Coignard Family 36421 Cokayne, Sarah 65607 Coke, Christopher 70624 D'Ewes 52000 Humphrey 91064 Sarah (Derby, spinster) 6131 26942 Sir William .. .*. '.', 9137 Coker, Ebenezer 30445 Hannah 5840 Jonathan 60934 Colahan, William 21805 Colam, — 30556 Colbatch, John 69864 Colbome, Joseph 538 Colbum, WiUiam 39558 Colbume, Cordelia Ann . , . . 9291 Colchester, Capt 91067 Elizabeth .. .. 14362 — John Leggett . . 11354 IS Dtreeiions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Colchester, Maynard . . . . 59155 ^Thomas .. '.. 14360 Colclough, James and Thomas 23406 Susan 26475 Coldham, Martha 68432 Coldstream, John 75821 Cole, Ann. 31492 (orBecston) .. .. 50960 B. .. .. .. .. 91068 Arthur 26943 Benjamin.' 21020 — — (Hampstead) . . 34733 Elizabeth 10568 Family (Chancery) . . . . 75675 (Middlesex, kc.) 67864 ■ Frederick L 74448 George 58010 Hannah (Middlesex) . . 67878 Isabella 24710 James 21019 —(Middlesex) .. 8982 Jane . . 31492 John.. 16056 (Devon) 52058 (Lincoln) . . . . 50738 — "Walker 74537 Joseph 58794 Mary 56338 Nicholas 23080 - Patrick 10577 . PhiUp (Essex) 76381 Eobert 91069 — — Samuel (seaman) . . . . 577 (naval officer) . . 16105 25447 — J. (Essex) . . . . 68433 Jones (Suffolk) . . 76381 &Templeman 65296 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 68431 (died abroad) .. 52013 (butler) . . . . 50915 Butler 73354 Frederick . . . . 31483 Strong 31492 William 15895 (Warwdck) . . 32766 (Customs) .. 91070 '■ Bloom . . . . 3641 Colebatch, Moline 298 Colebock, Elmes 11982 Colebrooko Family (Chancery) 24116 Sir James Edw. . . 13157 Coleby, Thomfis Taylor . . . . 72426 WilUam 91072 Coleer, Samuel. 37891 (the younger) . . 50465 Colegate, Pobprt 78711 Coleman, Benjamin 91073 Charles Rowland . . 5363 Elizabeth (Middlesex) 12788 Coleman, Elizabeth ; 24553 Family ; 91076 (Colonics) .. 18337 Frances 24149 George 26944 • Thomas . . 32829 Hannah 91074 Henry (London) . . 91075 Herbert 73865 James 22351 Mary (fmrly Hastings) 73879 P 73791 Eichard (Colonies) . . 28215 9380 S. H 17518 Sarah 14709 William 63590 Colemere, Joseph 73356 Coleno, 7402 Coles,— 31745 Alexander George . . . . 2877 Charles Brunei . . . . 91077 ■ Daniel . . .... . . 72469 Darby 22025 George 3753 John (Chancery) . . . . 59010 91078 Sarah 51613 Thomas Stratton . . . . 33735 William 5774 Colgan, Denis L. . . . . . . 26368 Colgate, John 5290 Colgrave, E. C 10811 Colhoun, Hugh 75321 Isaac 23041 William- 32758 Colin, George 91079 Colins, Joseph 7400 Colks, Elizabeth 91080 Colland, Anne 91081 Collard, Charles 12740 George 51951 . Hemy 73353 Samuel 69885 Sarah 3132 William 330 Collart, — 1348 Colleer, Coleer, or Collier . . 51544 Samuel 39510 Collen, John (farmer) . . . . 76391 Collens, Eliza 74221 Coller, Thomas 21785 Colics, Alexander 23095 . William, Lieut 1476 6741 Collet, — 72342 CTiarlcs 63594 Colleton, Elizabeth 16165 Collctt, Ann, Miss . . . . • • 37090 Cliarlotte 33723 79 Directions for ohfaining full copies of the Advertisements to 'H'hich these Karnes relate icill be found at end of Index. CoUett, Frederick 67393 & Grant 68299 Henry Parker .. .. 51193 John (Middlesex) . . 50527 23648 Richard .. .. 31527 Joseph 17363 Kenrick 60660 Kezia 91082 Richard 60932 Susannah 6523 Thomas 52031 Colley, Emma 7-4518 George.. 11516 Jane and John . . . . 60719 CoUick, John 91083 Collier, Benjamin (Middlesex) 52060 2633 Charles (Comet) . . . . 28218 Christopher William. . 65606 James (Chester) . . . . 40125 12963 (ship^s-right) . . 2596 . (seaman) '.. 1705 John 32357 (York) . . . . 75822 Joseph 26945 Penelope 63587 Sarah 26946 Thomas 3413 WiUiam 871 & Co 9872 Collin, B. 26947 Elizabeth Ogle .. .. 30832 James 21268 & Watts, Messrs. . . 26297 Colling, John 39816 Mary 38072 Collinghum v. Fielder . . . . 71475 Ceilings, Agnes, Ann, & Thos. 2147 Daniel Harson . . . . 91084 EUas ., 26948 Jane (or Collins) . . . . 76376 John (London) . . . . 91085 Collington, Nathaniel .... 62303 Collingwood, Anne Lempriere 40575 Eleanor .. .. 7119 EHzaC 75140 John 1040 V. Larkin .. .. 91086 Robert 91087 WiUiam .. .. 26949 CoUinridge, Augustus . . . . 74481 Peter 13017 Samuel 26950 Collins, Ann 16298 B 73715 Bartholomew . . . . 91088 Benjamin 10010 Catherine 14005 ColHns, Charles (seaman) .. 1372 7066 Cicely 4813 Daniel 91089 Denis 73717 Edmund 39368 Edward (Cornwall) . . 39834 36253 Elizabeth (Suffolk) . . 57634 91090 (or McFarquhar) 73880 Esther 6526 Family (India) .. ,. 29192 — (Colonies) . . 18341 Frederick (Horasey) . , 76386 George.. 25948 — S. .. .. .. 23831 Henry (Somersetshire) 10661 James 55894 (Middlesex) .. 56045 L . . 74472 (Chancery) .. 71840 Jane (or Ceilings) . . 76372 (or Beard) . . , . 63593 John 65379 — (son of Edward) . . 75324 (Ireland) . . . . 73885 Capt. 21776 (York) . . . . 52047 Charles . . . . 73880 Lucy (Limerick) . . . . 68904 Mary (Ilminster) . . 70714 (children of) . . 74817 366 Anne (or Kelly) . . 22035 ^'. Meackham .". .. 24384 Mr. (London) . . . . 74497 52009 Mrs. .. 30504 (representatives of) 73352 Omar 73350 Patrick (Sussex) . . . . 73885 PbiHp 10662 Richard 26951 (Bath) .... 23665 Robert 5215 (Honor) . . . . 37593 Sarah 17342 Sophia 5215 Thomas 13126 W. A 50804 Walsingham (late Lndn) 366 WnKam (sculptor) . . 1927 (soldier) . . 14598 40605 Rev 5215 (Sussex) . . 73348 (Antigua) . . 73701 Collinson, E 9889 Jane and Rev. John 91091 80 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Collinson, Jolin 9854 Mary Ann . . . . 50930 Thomas 34564 W. 0. P., Lieut. . . 28223 Collis, Catherine 5368 George 53367 Kezia (legatee) . . . . 75824 WiUiam 22796 Blow .. .. 58101 William C 33093 Collisliaw, John 91023 CoUison, Charles 2548 James 91023 Mary 35746 V. Pater 74141 CoUisson, William 39048 Collitch, John 12718 CoUman, WiUiam (Kent) . . 76382 Collos, Mons. Arthur . . . . 12738 CoUs, Thomas 91094 CoUyer, Family 73131 George Clayton . . . . 32440 Samuel . . . . 51961 Joseph . . .0 . . . . 17043 (representatives of ) 30227 • (linen draper) . . 53674 Mary 91094 Eichard 39944 Thomas (servant) . . 1046 (or CoUier) . . 51987 Colman, Charles Holland . . 91095 Harriet 66589 James 18345 John (druggist) . . . . 51295 Colmes, Adelaide, &c 1230 Colmore, — 23717 Lionell 24136 Colnett, James 16503 Colohan, James 21620 Colquhoun, Ann 91096 James 50781 Walter 26952 Wm. (Edinburgh) 51254 Colquhoum, Walter . . . . 12147 Colrain, Mrs 26953 Colry, Martha 6613 Colson, Benjamin (Middlesex) 76388 George 54095 John 26954 W 4128 Colston, Thomas 2709 William, Rev 60931 Colt, James, Bev 26954 Sarah 30853 Colthorpe, Charles (Suffolk) . . 75827 Coltman, Thomas 17475 Colton, David 09882 John 375 Colvan, 26234 ColviUe, CfttheriiiQ 14103 ColviUe, Edward Dod .. .. 39543 Josiah Henry . . . . 69881 V. Middleton . . . . 24134 R. ColviUe 18346 Thomas 14104 ColweU Family 5253 Mary Ann 5428 Thomas 64532 Colyer, WiUiam Hardyman . . 32632 Comarasamy, M 70732 Comas, Jaime Don 52056 Combe, Ann 61286 Francis 74491 Henry de 39547 WUHam 63250 Comben, Mary (Dorset) . . 76384 Comber, Ann (spinster) . . . . 63589 23864 Mary 26955 Richard 91097 Thomas 1807 (Cambridge) 73349 W. G 76371 Combes, Henry (or G^ary) . . 75829 John 37016 Combrune, Louisa 66570 Combs, John 34164 Miss 62304 Comely, WUliam 9400 Comer, Henry Richard . . . . 8257 James 72433 John 91098 Comerio Family 73870 Coming, WiUiam 8257 Commainge, Lydia 91099 Commerell, William Henry . . 31419 Comon, John Rawdon . . . . 29193 Company, WUUam 17313 Compion, John 68901 Compton, George 24736 James 70730 Jane 55720 John 29194 Mrs 26956 Richard 52038 Sarah 5437 Thomas 26956 William (N.K.) . . 65718 7197 Comrie, Alexander 35503 Comskay, Alice 24686 Comyn, James 686 P. S 23473 PowcU Thomas .. .. 20196 Conant, Francis P. S 70726 Concanan, George 32000 Sarah 62326 Concannon, Ellis 3616 Concanon, James 30312 Concha, Juau J 62319 81 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements lo which these Kamei relate will be found at end of Index. Conchlin, Sarah 26957 Conde, John 79 Conder V. Dalton 91100 Josiah 72470 Condie Family 91101 John 67381 Condon, Elizabeth 31452 John 17932 Conefry, Hugh 26011 Conesbee, Hannah 5092 Coney, Elizabeth 26958 Frederick 74806 John 21269 Margaret 26958 Congard, Jane 33034 Congdon, John 40347 Congnard Family 36404 Coningsby, Rt. Hon. Geo. C. 51979 Conlan, John 30099 Thomas 29196 Conley Family 22090 Conlon, John 29197 Conn, Margaret 18347 William 25799 Connell, A. and J 28225 Quartermaster A. , , 73714 Ann 21232 Daniel 296 Edward 72428 James 15568 John 23426 (N. K.) .... 34673 Michael 15567 Nicholas and Stephen 91101 Connelly, John 16529 Connely, - — 17916 Conner, Henry 5436 James 1648 ^ H 24781 Richard Henry . . . . 595 Thomas 91101 Connery, Alicia 26412 Connett, Eleanor (or Comett) 9961 Conning, Ellen and William . . 3435 Connolly, C 2379 Daniel 23108 J 25548 John 26395 (Ireland) . . . . 26162 Mary 193 Matthias 26619 Sarah 21606 Connop, Henry 67871 Jas. and J. (died abroad) 18348 Newell 70504 Connor Family 91102 (Colonies) . . 18350 John (Ireland) . . . . 26107 ■ 40986 Louisa .... 75322 Connor, Mary 17709 Richard 91104 Thomas 91104 ConoUy (Glasgow) 25632 James 18357 Mary 91106 Conraad, Marias Johannes . . 21305 Conrad, Christopher . . . . 1843 Coni'oy, Henry Edward . . . . 29199 Peter' 18358 Conry, Anne and Robert J. . . 23490 Patrick, Rev 22904 Consedine, George 30817 Consett, Peter 12113 Consitt, Charles C 65604 Constable, C. G., Lieut 28228 Elizabeth .. .. 12678 Family (Chancery) . 24098 James 72466 John 7327 Joseph 11846 William (Chancery) 72031 .. .. '.. 91107 Wm. Haggerston . . 10570 Constance,— 37233 James 11255 Constantino, Jonathan . . . . 4577 Joseph and Martha 34550 Contencin, Caroline and James 01269 Contes, Delia 30806 Convale, Hemy 737^2 Convenant, John Markham . . 54847 Convents in India (legacies to) 22254 Conville, Patrick 26683 Conway, Ann Susanna . . . . 6567 Benjamin 39728 Ellen 24772 Family (Colonies) . . 18359 Henry Seymour, Hon. 69852 John Conway . . . . 12786 Joseph 91108 Mary 22856 Mrs 3105 Patrick Joseph . . 22905 Susan 91109 Susannah 26959 Conwell, Wm. E. E 76387 Conybear, Thomas 91110 Cony or, Mary and Richard . . 91111 Conyers, Charles 22562 Edmund Dade . . . . 70726 Edwd. Fitzgerald, Rev. 22562 Elizabeth (Kent) . . 76394 Nistram 9910 Thomas 1270 Conyingham v. Savage . . . . 24151 Cooch, George 24288 Richard 1353 Cook, Abraham 91112 Amos .. 18361 F 82 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Cook, Ann (afterwards Allan) Anna M. Archibald . . Arthur Bott . . Benjamin • Bridget . . ■ Charles . . . . Amey Charlotte Edward Elizabeth Jemima Family (Colonies) Francos George •— (purser) . , ■ (Byfleet) . , William . , Hannah Henry . J. B. . James Robert, Capt. Jane (Surrey) (Gloucester) Jemima (dghtr of Geo.) John (Surrey) (York) (bombardier^ (or Regnent) (coachmaker) (Tottenham Ct. Rd (harness maker) . . Parsons , . • Wilbar . . . . • Joseph (Essex) . . (Middlesex) . . Margaret Mr Samuel (llkliddlesex) . . Sarah letcher Grgina. (or Sarah) Thomas (India) . . (London) . . Lieut Rev (Scotland) .. (son of Eli/.) V. Wcoley . . William (yeoman) Cooke, A. J. (Surrey) 3865 73813 66602 13178 56796 2703 11237 6715 7097 91112 91113 91114 8262 22104 18364 91115 10725 437 66595 61251 14215 3406 63287 60326 72474 30470 9068 73873 36496 51556 73791 75447 12486 ) 2948 17514 40213 365 70727 70733 91115 73345 64540 26960 40533 254 57647 76393 69434 16369 30034 21148 7848 62091 61016 25876 24156 61568 2766 67478 76229 Cooke, C. J 63249 Charlotte 26961 Charles 91116 Daniel 30218 Edward 5930 Family 8999 Frances 3343 George 58620 (Lancaster) . . 53243 (Colonies) . . 18364 (Liverpool) .. 30218 (frmly of Herts) 10457 Hannah 6759 James (India) . . . . 28229 Jane 30221 John 10088 (Ireland) . . . . 21997 (Bristol) . . . . 52053 (Hereford) . . . . 73878 58608 Ryde 68425 Joseph' 73888 Lavton 66542 Maria 2567 Martha 91117 Mary 68889 (Sussex) . . . . 39031 (Daxefield) . . . . 14952 (Middlesex) .. 17542 Miss 38360 Matthew 6759 Nanny 39088 Robert 40442 Samuel 33866 Stephen 30218 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 16134 Bernard . . . . 60927 S 62329 William (York) Bernard Sir William Bryan Cookes, Charles Burrell . . 65297 37944 31986 39568 38143 37061 Cooknall Family 91118 Cookney, Charles 646 Cooksoy, Walter Charles . . 5492 Cookson, Daniel 69009 Elizabeth (or George) 76400 Coole, William 26202 Cooloy, 70731 Cooling, Sarah 14185 Coomba, Betty &c 9014 Coombo Family 74491 Louisa 73716 Richard 65583 Coomber, Lydia 61244 Mary 91119 Coombes, Alfred 34590 Mr 35502 83 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these N'amei relate will be found at end of Index. Coombs, George Caines . . . . 52034 ■ Hester 471o John 38375 Coomer, Robert 91120 Coonev, IMatthew 24625 ^ Patrick 91120 Coope Family 5221 John 67422 Mrs 16357 Cooper,— 40062 ~ Alice 66592 Ann 91122 • ■ (Chancery) . . . . 57543 (or LWh) . . . . 59307 B. .. .'. 9896 Bengough 23718 Benjamin (Northampton) 69838 53361 Blake Bransby .. .. 34212 Charles 68426 ■ Christoper . . . . . . 67877 ■ & Davis 91123 Dorothy 91124 Ebenezer 66594 Edward 1873 Rev 5045 58059 • Eleanor 63965 Elizabeth 91125 (Norfolk) .. 73868 V.Emery 24117 FamUy (Oxon) . . . . 54898 . 6002 *- (Colonies) . . 18365 91127 (India) .. .. 28232 Frances 4856 Francis 15582 (Berks) .. .. 16519 George 10634 (Newcastle) . . 76844 " (Private) 26649 (Lancashire) . . 73872 Sparkes . . . . 10783 • Hannah 22897 Henry 40873 Ralph .. .. 72432 — -■ Isaac 50241 IsabeUa (Halifax) . . 279 34653 J. (Gunner) 75229 James (Greenwich) . . 34223 (Buckingham) 55641 ■ (relatives of) . . 22352 . . .... . . 74504 (Ikliddlesex) .. 31803 Jane 91126 John (legatee) . . . . 69869 (Nottingham) . . 33466 (Middlesex) , . 8093 Cooper, Jolm (farmer) Jonathan Joseph . . Henry Margaret Ttlartin . . Mary (Scotland) Mr. (publican) (surgeon) Mr, Nicholas Rachnel Rebecca (Birkenhead) Richard Robei^t Henry Spencer Rowland Edward Ruth .... . Samuel (Norfolk) Sarah (Dover) & Spratt, Messrs Susannah . . Thomas (Colonies) • (AVilts) (brewer) (Panton Sq (Middlesex) William (Middlesex) '■ (Surrey) (daughter o (butcher) (N.K) (farmer) Henry. Powell ^Tiite. Coopey, James . . Coote, Sir C, M.P. . . Charles Ejto G. H. E Eyre . . . . James . . Cope, Edward . . Ellen .. .. Family . . Francis . . John .... Joseph and Richard Miss Mary . . Robert W. C. Thomas . . William . . Copeland, John , , 84 Directions for obtaininj full copies of the Advertisements to ivhlch these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Copelin, Henry . , Copestick, Thomas . . Copland, Rotert (Hanley) Thomson . . "William . . Copley, Thomas Coplin, Henry Copping, David Keeble . , Coppinger, Jane Mary Anne . . Copj)Ock, James Cops, Alfred Cora, Julian Corall, Ann Corbet, William Corbett, Andrew . . ,, Archibald . . George Martha Michael . . . . Thomas ^Colonies) (Warwick) ■ William . . William Corby, Catherine Family . , Henry Thomas . , . , . , Corcoran, Michael Cordell, Thomas . . . , , . Corder, Stephen . , Cordiner, John Cordley, ISIary Cordos, Ann Cordwell, Samuel , , , , Cordy, Charles Mary Thomasine Core, John Corelius Family Corey, Ann Corfe, Sarah Corfield, James John Sarah Mrs Corgan, Teresa (Cheltenham) Theresa, Miss (London) Cork V. Basford Mary Corkham, Edward and M. Corles, William . , . , Corley, Constantia Cormack, Anne Eleanor Mary Ann Richard Thomas Cormell, John Cormynn, Patrick , , , , , . 28233 34241 74399 3951 91128 13719 G3601 31150 15413 21802 52004 29200 10807 91129 30332 14444 75656 71657 17220 7802 22353 18370 67400 33492 60192 53963 12578 35503 73347 24742 6233 10795 60925 9929 15155 91130 20 8167 20 91131 70547 30685 37067 61673 5609 51759 31342 11178 24107 4709 8020 8940 61242 25853 61249 12026 17661 35606 7530 26007 Cornel, C . . Cornelia Family Cornelius, Catherine Charles David and Elizabeth Elizabeth Guillaume John Marguerite Cornell, Edward Corner, Charles ■ James and Katherine , . Jane John (Durham) . . Thomas Comett, E. J. J. H Corney (or Comoy) — . . Elizabeth . , Comfoot, Nathaniel Comforth, Charles & Hannah Cornhill, Joseph Cornish, Alfred Family (Grloucester) . . ^ (N.K.) .. .. (Kent) . . . . Gertrude Harry . . John and Roger Samuel . . Sarah . . William Bissell Corns, Richard Comthwaite, Daniel and E. F. J Cornwall, Anne Charles Herbert George . . Julia Comwell, Frances . . Corp, Frances Corpe, Thomas Corr, ]\Iaria Corral, Thomas Corrall, Ann & Co Mary CoiTan, John Corrant, Han Corro, Sarah CoiTi, Alice Corrick, John Corrio, Adam Hugh Jamos Ri(!hard . Corroni, Demotri Corry, William Corsar, Frederick Alexander. Corser Family 1085 23836 70736 10812 76397 26492 70735 21703 70734 37580 37445 2073 73343 75830 91132 18371 74868 11500 12341 91133 21350 18372 67402 51945 69873 75320 76396 91133 91135 71078 18373 57807 91136 91137 75719 61245 32273 11970 61246 64543 91138 11217 23105 63591 6121 58999 6169 18374 91139 2260 56501 9886 51978 12307 75072 73875 55261 23392 10790 63690 85 Directions for obtaiiiiny fnll copies of tJie Advert isoiicp Li to ichich these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index, Corson, Andrew 28234 Ann ; .. 71904 Elizabeth 59369 Family 60436 James 3404 ViUegillo & Co 68011 Cortes, Francisco Jose . . . . 32927 Cortissos, Mrs 53959 Cory, Elizabeth and William 91140 William 22972 Cosbiim, Ann 17651 Cosby, Henry 18375 Cosgrave, Elizabeth and Wm. 22569 ■ Thomas 23266 ■ ■ Wilham James . . 53364 Coss, Thomas 18376 Cossar, Eobei-t ^. . 8891 Cesser, John Tebbett . . . . 70697 Cosson, Henry 60922 CosteUo, Arthur Eobert. . . . 22622 Charles 33140 Patrick 26559 Winifred 25818 Costelloe, Joseph and Mary . . 21614 CosteUor, W .. .. 75229 CosteUo w, John and William 18377 Coster, Charles 58032 Francis 31127 James 52045 69890 Costin, Thomas 91141 Costobadie, Hugh P 72476 Coston, Angelina 2584 Mr. and Mrs 74467 Cosway Family 5780 Cotching, Charles 72477 William 56940 Cote, Mary 26966 Cotes, George 28235 • Washington 12954 CotgTace, Captain E. C 21786 Cothie, Elizabeth . . . . '. . 2612 Cott, Oliver 56962 Cottam, Adam 63602 & HaUen, Messrs. .. 53362 Cotter, Captain J. B. *.. .. 25774 John 69834 Patiick and Timothy . . 18379 Robert 68356 Thomas 22324 CotteraH, William 51930 CottereU, Charles 4326 Elizabeth .. .. 91142 Thomas 2468 CotteriU Family 91143 Thomas 65605 Cottingham, Ann 10354 • Edward .. .. 53060 Edwin 56367 . :— John 33634 Cottle, Mary 37705 ■ Eobert 61254 Cottnam, Thomas 13258 Cotton, Ambrosina 26967 Ann Maria 38047 Brighton 61238 Charles 13028 Diana 91144 ^EUzabeth 17819 (widow) .. 21949 Family 26966 John (Deptford) . . . . 375 (8alop) .. .. 3411 Sir John 9748 Sir Hind .. .. 6373 Mary 10319 3581 Nathaniel 980 r. Pedlev 24143 Philadelphia .. .. 70443 Eichard 38942 ■ Sarah 21065 ■ Thomas and William . . 54773 WiUiam 24544 '. 31542 Cottrel, John 35707 Cottrell, Elizabeth . ; .. .. 5369 Family 2468 John 52030 Joseph .. ' 73887 Samuel 69865 Cottrill, George 57024 James Smith . . . . 69884 Couch, Charles 14663 Edward, E.N 50407 Family 91145 Francis Paul .. .. 25908 Couche, Edward 61247 Coucher, C. G. M 28237 Coughlan, Lieut. James . . .. 6363 Coughlin, Catherine . . . . 24748 Coulan, Mons 7502 Coulden, Sarah 72482 Coulson, Ann 91146 George &Hemy(Chiie3.) 18381 • George (Kent) . . . . 76398 James 63566 John 63283 Joseph 1310 ■ Mary ■ 9038 Coulston, Francis 91147 Coulstring, William Matthews 30147 Coultart, William Eitson . . 40964 Coultate, Henry 18383 Coulter, J. (died abroad) . . 72481 John (Bandon) . . 67851 IMargaret 5048 William 24715 Coulthard, Edward and George 73876 James 91H8 86 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Coulthard, Joseph 31425 Thomas 8858 William 93881 Coultron, John . . 26968 Coumby, William 67397 Councellor, Thomas & William 91149 Counscll, Mary 31637 Pctronolla . . . . 56212 Coupar, Alexander and David . 26968 Andrew 81 Coupe, William 67401 Couper & Howe 63248 Coupland Family 52042 Gcorg-c 69883 Courant, Charles Hand .. .. 91150 Courellas, — 17162 Course, John 51393 Court, Alice, Miss 17003 ■ t'. Jeffcry 24125 ■ ■ — James 62006 —John and Mary .. .. 14193 Mrs 91151 . Kichard and Eobert .. 9418 Samuel 14371 Thomas (Warwick) . . 67408 AVilliam 74512 Courtail, Charles 63595 Courtenay, Cfdonel 12856 David 75719 • Frances and Marv 39571 William .. /. 18384 Courthorpe, John Bryan . . . . 58797 Courtney Family 30962 John 9646 Stuart • 26967 . Thomas 2089 William 21774 Courvoisicr, Francis and Lewis 91153 Courvosier, Catherine .. ,. 11993 Cousans, Charles 66613 Cousens r. Chiene .. ... .. 24114 (or Couzcns) George . . 74492 Mrs 51952 William, Capt 40003 Cousick, Mary 9147 Cousin, Jean Baptistc .. .. 72478 Martin 1354 Cousins, Elizabeth 68806 . Jeremiah 30256 . John 14591 Robci-t 36146 . William (soldier) . . 74431 Coussir.akcr, liichard . . . . 23742 Coutcr, John 91154 Couto", Delia 91155 Coutts, Alexander 4847 Mrs 31311 Thomas 71056 (-'on/.cns, William 14584 C'ov'TKint, .Tohu Marklmm ,, 30797 Coventry, Countess of .. .. 8181 Elizabeth . . . . 70391 Family 51940 Frederic 59446 Harvey 26620 ■ — John .. .. . . 70747 Louisa Maria . . .. 73314 Margaret 51943 ■ Thomas 14190 Covert Family 56095 ■ V. Peachey 24144 Covington, William . . . . 37442 Covins, Martin 879 Cow, John 91157 Cowan, I)a\-id 53966 • • Martha 51983 Thomas Y 66614 • AVilliam 28238 Lieut. . . 866 38086 Co wand, William 8270 Cowans, liuke 00188 Coward, Donald 91157 John 34220 Leonard 4803 Kichard A 69867 Sarah 23884 Cowburn, John 37819 Cowdal, Mary 31831 Cowdcn, Martha 76399 Cowderoy, James 63592 Cowell, Duncan 415 Edwnrd Miller . . . . 60915 Esther 63570 Family 9251 Jane 91158 Mr 72698 Richard 67885 llobert 2824 Thomas 9131 Cowen, John 52033 Co wgill, James 69868 Cowie, David 76368 . George 36604 Cowleshaw, John 38991 Cowley, Abraham 50152 Ann 26968 Baroness 60193 C. William, Major . . 29201 •. Elizabeth 16398 MaiT .. .. •• .. 73871 Stephen 8267 Thomas , 26969 William 26970 . L 91159 Cowling, Edward 74696 Klizabeth 31173 Lucy Tiydia . . . . 10274 John 51240 , Mary 16578 8^ Direciions for oUaining fuU copies of the Advertisemcufs to tchich these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Cowling, Nathan 73886 Co^l3ar, A, and AV 28240 Cowper, A. (Lieut-Col.) . . . . 76816 Elizabeth 34161 Family 31146 James 18385 John 31146 (mariner) . . 37137 (America) . . 21575 Margaret 24071 & Susannah 34161 CowperthAvaite, Elizabeth . ; 30391 Cowpertw-ait, — 36619 Elizabeth . . . . 36535 Cowi^land Family 14608 Cowup, Eebecca 21398 Cowy, John 9743 Thomas '.. 9742 Cox, Anne Frances 22208 Andrew 25458 Ann 67882 Catherine 73869 Charles (seaman) . . . . 1584 (glazier) . . . . 6364 E 66616 Eleanor 17417 Elizabeth 9844 Fanulv (India) . . . . 29202 Francis 31399 George and George H. E. 68931 Grace 11638 Henry (Chanceiy) . . . . 65597 91160 Heaven .. .. 51938 Hugh 13125 James (servant) . . . . 56742 11606 ■ (Heme Bay) . . 31588 Jane Caroline 60184 ■ and Marv Ann . . . . 26971 Job .. ./ 71494 John 68720 (gardener) .. .. 50211 (Stafford) . . .... 53692 (seaman) 10813 (Suffolk) 11924 . (Cooper) 1742 Joseph 26972 Lydia (Sussex) 75825 Margaret 72402 Maria 7751 Marv 9845 ^ (formerlv Waterfall) 6169 (or Jones) . . . . 75828 Michael 75719 Philip (London) . . . . 74472 52051 Eobert 903 E. andTrapp 59127 - — Samuel Brandford .. ., 409 U Cox, Sarah 91161 (son of) 68932 Susannah 5321: Thomas 55639 (Chancerv) . . . . 65298 (Warwick).. .. 68410 WiUiam (MiddlcscN) . . 70749 (Glouccsl er) . . 40116 (schoolmast?r) 11407 (Worcester) . . 69866 23582 M 68407 & Wyman 59556 Coxe, Henrv D 26973 Coxen.. ." 91162 Coxwell f. Cresswell .. .. 24112 Cov, Henry 76652 — — John 2077 Coyle, J.'hn (Sydney, N. S. AV.) 5 1 749 — '- and Mjjrgaret . . 51400 Coyne, Charles 26480 William 26560 Coyney, Edward 91163 Cozby, Joseph 59482 Cozens, Eliza 3132 Family 91164 James Brewster . . . . 55352 Jeremiah 35262 Thomas 61253 Cozier, Frederick 18386 Crabb, James 91167 Marv 1487 Crabball, Elizabeth 4805 Crabbett, Elizabeth 91168 Crabtree, James 11119 John (son of Charles) 74787 Jonathan 35670 Thr.mas 74506 Cracherode, Ann 4823 Crackett Family 15402 Crackford, Mary 91169 Cracknell, Martha and Eobert 7188 Cracroft, Eobert 30110 Ci-acksford, Mary 5 Craddock, James 73889 -^ John (miller) . . . . 74874 Eichard 2423 Samuel 91170 Crafts, Thomas 91171 Cragg, Henry 91172 Eichard Eiley . . . . 3G383 Cragoe, Hannah 17880 Craig, Alexander 8855 22209 Elizabeth 54991 Familv (India) . . . . 29203 General 16005 Gecrge 18387 M^terH. 53043 88 Directions for ohiainitig fall copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Craig, James 12151 Sir James Heniy . . 16221 Jane 16289 ■ John (late of Witham) 55078 91172 (Ironmonger) . . 75833 (Chancery) . . . . 75656 23001 B 73532 Milliken 16648 ■ Eobert 91173 18389 Thomas .. .. .. 12320 • (Ireland) . . 23004 William Ward .. .. 18390 Craiirhill, William 11716 Craigio Family (India) . . . . 29204 Francis 91175 ; — John .. _ 6306 Craigmiles, Georgina . . . . 12131 Craik, Alexander 12399 Craister, George 72485 • Maria 72484 Crallan, Thomas 52050 Cramer, Elizabeth and John . . 18391 Cramji, Benjamin 14353 Charlotte 30782 Gabriel 36303 John (Middlesex) . . 39354 . 69891 (Sussex) .. .. 50951 ■ Thomas 36022 Woodus (Sussex) . . 50219 Crampton, Mildred 50996 Sarah 71115 Crane, Catherine 64319 Family 91176 Henry 175 (Warmck) . . 35359 ■ Samuel .. ., 11831 John 67847 Crancnburgh, Mathcw . . . . 22233 Cranfield, Charlotte . . . . 15563 ■ James 91177 Cranford, Mary Anne .. .. 91878 Cranke, Henry 26973 Cranmer. Mrs 10163 Cranston, jMargaret 26466" - — William 26451 Cranwell, Benjamin .. .. 11778 Crapp, Thomas 5841 Crate, William 5502 Crauford, Charles 17243 Craufurd, James 26974 Quinton 14997 William Pctrie .. 61263 Craven, Arthur 34735 . &Co 71613 Fredinick 75319 —— Jane and Mary ,, ,, 91177 Craven, John 34175 Samuel 35751 Thomas 68752 Earl William (Chancery) 69678 Crawford,— 34150 Alexander .. .. 21426 Blackburn . . . . 541 Catherine C 67409 Charles 9491 (Sussex) . . 12921 Hon 5596 Christopher . . . . 40160 — (Middlesex) 50864 & Co 74398 Duncan 12083 Earl 91178 Eliza Jane .. .. 91178 Elizabeth 38137 Family (India) . . 29205 (Colonies) .. 18393 Henry 26975 Hugh, Eev 22739 James 91178 JeanT 24583 ■- John 31628 (draper) . . 12936 ■ (merchant) . . 12305 (Dublin) . . . . 9491 (Durham) . . 10665 • M. L 26976 Margaret 91179 Mary 50865 Richard 91179 Ilobert 12050 Calver . . . . 53366 Calvert . . 51964 & Co 74449 W. Blackburn . . 541 CrawfurdMiss 31032 Crawhnrst, Elizabeth and Wm. 6983 Crawley, James and Patrick . . 18397 Philip 66619 llebecca 26463 Pichard 65380 William 4080 Fitzgerald 29206 Crawshawe, James 6221 Crawshay, Kichard 66339 Crawthorn, Thos. (or Crauthom) 10704 Cray, Sanniel 30418 Craycroft, Charles 26977 Craydon, Richard 91179 William 297 ('raylo, James & William .. 91179 Creage, Anno 21761 Creagh, Ann 14097 Captain 22172 Daniel 14095 -— 3Iary 22513 Pierce Uume ,, ,. 12094 89 Directions for obtaining full copies of the AduertLseiuents to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index, Creak, Thomas Creal, Jane and William Creall, Mary (or Shaw) . . Cream, Robert and Sophia Creamer, Michael . . , , Crean, John Crease, E. H. M Creaser, Ann and Thomas Creasy, James Matilda Sarah Creaton, Mary Creator, Crebbin, George and Lewis Crecraft, Samuel Cree, David Creed, — Frances (Peckham) Mary (SuiTcy) Eobert Stephen Mewing . . Thomas William (London) Jeremiah Creery, Rev. Andrew Creet, Samuel . . Creft, John Creighton, HaiTiett . . Cremer, Philip . . Cremillot, Henry Cremin, Peter . , Crepin, Philip .. .. Pierre . . Creser, Thomas Cresev, William Cresswell, Ann and John Charles Estcourt Frederick George Jessica John T. k Mary Ann Mary Richard Estcourt . . Creverley, Richard Crew, Euphemia John, Lieutenant Kendall Louisa . . Robert . . Crewe, Charles . . V. Crewe Cribb Family . . Henry Sophia Eliza Cliche Family 11903 91180 74876 52039 24655 72483 26978 712 6897 66627 16699 51995 8090 23195 91181 12463 62445 76668 76661 68924 59211 213 12823 31004 57301 23493 74488 34291 60180 50551 75224 18399 11931 11931 26719 74486 91182 15203 6526 73874 73892 50332 36650 40306 70752 26979 68963 37707 68922 10784 30274 8250 5032 30490 18400 24113 40576 7833 29571 72491 Crichton, Benjamin Thomas Family (India) (Chancer^') James John . . Patrick Crick, James and John Mrs Richard . , Crickett, Thomas Crickmoi-e, Ann Pollard . . John Criddle, Henry Cridlan, Joseph Cridland, James Richard Ci-ippin, Mary Sarah and AVilliam . . Cripps, Eleanor and Elizabeth Jane ■ John David Martha Simon -William Crisby, George Crisford, George Crisp, — Jacob • William Crispe, Edward George and Mary E. . Joseph and Man' , WilHam Crispin, George Richard Criss, Walter Cristall, Joseph Critchell, Mary Ann Critchley, Emma Croad, William Croal, John Croasdaile, Edward Crochatt, Cliaiics Crockatt, James Sophia Crocker, William W Crockert, . , . , ^ , Crocket, John Crockett, Henry Crockford, John and William Sarah William (Berks) . . Croft, Charles Elizabeth Amelia . , James John T Mary (or Land) (servant) 36568 40785 29208 24123 39931 18401 39709 2842 32705 69894 7195 21492 65595 91183 73333 57682 74923 91184 91185 14953 91186 11136 4101 16245 14084 18402 73330 64103 62498 30186 11264 61262 91188 5931 53174 73532 70755 10130 69052 31526 25744 51104 59908 26980 17572 26981 26982 18403 91189 5502 1262 40218 91190 39985 72498 51013 68934 64879 7116 38293 9d Dissections for obtaining full copies of Hie Advertisemenis to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Croft, Richard .. .. .. 91191 Robert 30773 William 17890 Crofton, A. B 74819 E., Capt. 22840 Hemy 18404 Morgan 23257 Crofts, Charles 5932 David .. 37582 . Jane .. 11729 John (representatives of) 115 17124 William 91192 Croghan, Christopher . . . . 2701 Croker, Alexander 21270 George (Ensign) . . . . 21650 Jacob 18405 John 31858 Croley, Samuel 24787 Croly Family . . 6450 George Alfred .. .. 22209 Richard .. 26983 Cromack, Richard 26984 Cromarty, Robert 18406 Crombie Family (legatees) . . 16921 9384 Joseph 58830 Margaret 9382 Crome Family 2843 Crompton, Ann 34195 . Elizabeth .. 26985 Family (relatires of) 60487 6234 Henry Thomas .. 69892 William 70505 Croneau, Francis 36267 Cronin, Timothy 26650 Crook, Ann Manning .. .. 17148 Benoni Peach .. .. 73723 Edward 34775 James Rutland . , . . 2471 John 3016 (linen draper) . , 60276 — ; Taylor 66764 Crookc, Elizabeth and Robert . . 24487 F. A., Rev 35377 Crookendcn, John 91193 Mary Ann .. .. 60181 Thomas .. .. 60921 Crookcs, Francis and Jonathan 16666 W., Lieut 28244 William 52006 Crookland, Jonathan . . , . 67458 Crooks, George 91194 Rebecca 11455 Thomas 91195 Crookshank, Anne ., .. .. 7192 H. E 22091 Croome, Mary 69889 I Mrs 74963 Croose, Ann . , 24146 Cropland, Anna 91196 Croplcy, Thomas William . . 10808 Cropp, John 9U97 Cropper, Elizabeth 26986 James .. .. .. 18407 Joseph Almond .. 68928 Thomas 91198 Cros, Jean B 73720 Crosbie, Ann 53363 James (London) . . .. 65521 • ~ (Colonies) . . 25909 V. Mm-ray 24133 • Thomas John . . . . 3589 Crosby, Anthony 33540 Family 91199 George 1410 James Ainsley, Capt.. 3676 John 75719 Mrs 74953 William 54217 Crosdalc, Henrietta & Hemy. . 26987 Crosland, John 35786 (Chancery) . . 24039 (York) . . . . 67424 Robert 73894 Croslev & Bartlett, Messrs. . . 16725 '— IMargaret, Mrs . . . . 5 J 962 Mrs 17153 Samuel 8178 William 5713 (farmer) . . 75343 (Lancaster) 76405 Croson, Richard 34774 Cross, Ann 6175 Charles 2184 (brewer) .. .. 7730 David 13034 Francis 53365 George 91200 Hannah 66650 Henry (Middlesex) .. 67846 Horatio 38729 James (Lancaster) . . 73335 Jane 8938 John 54806 (Liverpool) . . . . 91201 (Cambridge) . . 68962 ]\[aria Louisa . . . . 68965 Miiry 66892 Mr 32457 . Richard Powell .. .. 73332 Robert 91202 Sarah 26988 Thomas 33612 (Mid. & Surrey) 8087 William (Colonies) .. 18408 (son of Mary) . . 75336 Crosse, John 14646 r (York) 6326 91 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these NanU» relate will he found at end of Index, Crosse, Eotert Frederick . . . . 66553 Samuel M 64550 Crossin, John 1817 Crossingham, Thomas . . . . 68916 Crosskill, George 32211 Crossland, Anna Maria . . . . 16584 Thomas 7316 Crossley, Alfred 12689 Anthony 14920 Jane .. ; 16344 John 14919 (York) . . . . 9788 Luke T 75337 Mary 14917 Samuel 91204 . William 9559 Crosson, John 16741 Crossthwaite, Joseph . , , . 18409 Crosthwaite r. Wood .. .. 24157 Croswell, Hannah Bamett . . 68967 Crothall, John 68935 Crothers, and William . . 21783 Crotton, William 18410 Crottv, Darbv 18411 ^Timothy 32869 Cronherg, Appeal Case (agents) 75665 Crouch, Ann Maria 91205 Charles (Hackney) . . 6235 .. .. '.. .. 3992 Cliristophor 39825 Edward (legatee) . . . . 21076 50383 Family 21075 James (Somerset) . . . . 30807 Joan 32929 Mary 6058 PhiUp Bastard . . . . 50841 Sarah 91206 William 2753 Croucher Family . . , , . , 149 — : Sarah 3510 Croudacc, Robert 50724 Croudance, T 31092 Crout, James 66355 John Thomas . . . , 75834 Crow, John 31121 M 28994 Mary Ann 32550 Nathan 91207 Peter A 73893 Thomas 55544 Crowch, James 12490 Crowder, John P 74882 — • Robert 56090 William 1858 Crowe, Edward 2849 • Jas. (representatiycs of ) 11373 ■ John 91209 , William 8841 ■ ^ ^ (Cambridge) ' 33982 Crowhurst, Elizabeth and Wm. 91210 Crowlev, Bartholomew . . , . 18412 ^Family 91211 Sarah 3046 CVowly, James 67849 Crowther, Abraham J 73890 Family 75835 V. Flood 23720 John 34928 Joshua 8851 Lucy 13023 Robert (farmer) . . 75837 Croxon, Madam Letitia . . . , 21933 Croxton, Thomas 9626 Crozier, Mr 26989 Robert 22034 William (son of Richd.) 689 1 1 Crucifyx, Lieut. John Henry. . 15069 Crucknell, G 50414 Cruickshank, Robert . . . . 32332 WiUiam .. .. 988 Cruikshank, George . . . . 15484 " Cruizer " (ship) crew of . , 61810 Crumbleholme, George .. .. 5813 Crummer, James 5781 Crump, John 60919 (legatees) .. .. 74133 Lawrence 26990 Mary and Sarah . . . . 34954 Richard Law .. .. 70801 Thomas 8156 William (legatees) . . 74133 • 91212 Crumpstone, George . , . . 10234 Crundall Family 75832 Robert 33663 Cruse, Ann 12948 Crusen, Anna M. E. (Family) 73337 Crusoe, Francis 91213 Crussell, John 34846 Crutch, George 50968 Crutchfield, Elizabeth . . . . 3134 Crutchley, Alice 91214 James 7128 John 34463 Mr 55646 Crute, John 91215 Cruttenden, Edward H 17507 Cruwys, Bridget and Dorothy 4620 HcniyS 24074 V. Lord Rolle . . . . 24149 Cruz, Matthews de 11096 Cryer Family 91216 Willson 70757 Crymes, John . . 38132 Crystal, Patrick 18413 Cubbagc, Philip 69888 Cubbin, Sarah and William . . 13053 Cubitt, Benjamin . , • • , . 64548 92 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Cuchet, John Peter and William Cucksey, Thomas . . Cuddeford, Thomas (Devon) Cudden, Elizabeth . . John Cuddon, James Cuddy, James John Cudjee, Frederick . . Cudlipp, John Cudmore, John Cuel, John and Mary Cuff, Edward G- John and llohert . . Cuffe, William Cuisset, Daniel and John Cuiseau, Harriet Culhertson, Jean and John Culhane, Daniel Cull, Thomas CuUen, Daniel George . . Henry James John . . Jeffrey Murty Patrick Richard llohert . . . . Cullenburg-h, Mrs Cullern, Charlotte . . CuUctt, Joseph . . . . Culley, Henry John . . , , . . • Samuel Family Cullingf or, Sarah Cullings & Queron Cullion, John Cullum, Miss . Samuel H Cully, Elizabeth ('ulpin, James Culshaw, Agnes Culver, Harriet and Richard , Culverhousc, James Culvcrwell, Kic;hard (tailor) , Cumberland, Sally Cumberlegc, C Captain N. A Cumbershat, Thomas Cuming, Alexander Caroline Cumingham, William . . Cumins Family > " ■ Margaret . , 72499 67426 91217 74477 8839 8839 62346 25428 22579 21264 11442 28246 91218 76403 22390 33148 34094 38155 14133 65587 91219 91220 18414 11709 36601 56992 5638 18415 26991 33019 52022 75341 5976 7140 53242 57583 18416 5716 2677 14248 115 17319 53653 62347 26996 40819 76406 72658 31164 75839 63370 35584 30677 29103 91221 65299 40786 6614 9675 26992 Cummainge, Lydia . . Cummcyer, John Cummin, John Cumming, Catherine Charles Francis — Edward . . Edwin — Frances . . J James John Hunt Patrick . . Robert (seaman) Gordon Stewart William Cummings, John (Wai'wick) , Cummins, Charles Mark and Philip.. P William (York) . . and Edward Frances Robert Cumpstone, George Cumyncs, Rev. Henry R. Cumyns, Robert Cund, Richard Cundale, William (or Morgan) Cundcll, Ann Richard Cundcy, Elizb. (widow of Isaac) Cundi-ie Family Isabella James Cundy, John Capcl Nicholas W Cunliffe v. Hall Henry , , Cuningham, Mary Cunning, Susan William Cunningham, Andrew . . Archi. and Bonj. Bryan and Mary David . . . . Denis Elizabctli . . , , Family (Chancery) George J. D., Capt. . . James (E.I.C.S.) Jeremiah . . John, Lieut. . . (Malta) .. Margaret 9179 5676 30950 33544 23034 12943 7890 7807 63288 18417 23055 21169 26993 234 23033 58796 37781 39839 21266 18418 36601 58368 63619 30633 18419 50256 91222 91223 3365 6568 51216 73907 40443 34938 76404 6760 12351 91224 66543 91227 23721 16646 66635 50464 3435 12019 91226 22748 73715 26367 26997 12022 73715 12107 29211 7360 6345 21431 55289 12165 Directions for obtain itig full copies of the Advertisements to tvhi relate will be found at end of Index. these Name s Cunningham, Richard . , . . 18422 Sophia .. .. 26993 (servant) 1100 Susan .. .. 71472 Thomas .. .. 3610 Cunninghame, William . . . . 26994 Cunnington, Elizabeth . . . . 62343 John 68913 Cunnold, John 51963 Cuntz, Johan Valentyn .... 21263 Cunyngham, Alexander T. D. 28247 Curd, George Frederick . . . . 50063 Thomas 21227 Curgenven, Samuel Steart . . 51573 William .. .. 67425 Curie, Doctor 33820 Curl, Ann and George . . . . 5715 George 1966 Curlewis, Mary Stevens . . . . 53672 Curline, James 51768 • Mary Eleanor .. .. 53368 Curling, George 59005 Henry 91228 Jesse 13089 Thomas 38624 William 38660 (Kent) . . . . 76407 Curll, H. R 73334 Curnock, John 30622 Curran, Margaret 63634 Curre, John 91229 Curren, Michael 91230 Currie, — 5985 Agnes (or Ann) . . . . 4473 Eliza 5933 Elizabeth 91231 Family (Scotland) . . 230 •■ 10802 (India) . . . . 29212 George Turnbull . . 38485 James (baker) . . . . 38484 John 12368 (brother of Wm.) 68398 Malcolm 71838 WiUiam (son of) . . 73916 CurroU, Mrs 3358 Curry, Andrew 40046 John 21106 Mary (Nwcstl-on-Tyne) 8990 21396 Susan 75339 Thomas 2822 William 18424 Curson, Richard 91231 Curster, James 91232 Curstin, Jacob 91234 Curston, 23924 Curtayne, Thomas W 25954 Curteis Family 54765 Mary 56052 Curtin, James , 33728 Jeremiah Hills . . . , 29213 Curtis, Albinia 69926 Ann 91235 1). (Chancerv) .. .. 73715 — —Diana .. \ 30674 Dorothy 54151 Elizabeth Dorothy . . 3561 Family (Chancery) . . 75841 Fanny 31725 Francis 2338^ George Savage ., ,, 34561 J. A. 10810 James 8848 G 23387 Webb .. .. 50234 John 6123 (Middlesex) . . 38813 (Lincolnshire) , , 10105 (Somerset) . . . . 9002 &Co 59012 C, Rev 69925 Joseph , 25915 31398 -Joyce 91236 V. Monckton 24130 Mrs 51725 Richard 73578 Robert 91237 Sir Roger 9117 — Sarah 16580 V. Sheffield 24152 Susannah 6990 Theresa 91239 Thomas 91238 Rev 23385 Timothy 68717 Abraham .. 51991 William (died abroad) 18423 73329 Curtiss, Edward 72502 Cur wen, Henry 62340 Curzon Family 26995 — : Henry 12605 Thomas 12940 Roper .. .. 12606 Cusack, Christopher 9497 Cushine, Catherine 12398 Cushing, Jacob Henry . . , , 38947 Cushnie, William 749 Cushon, Edward and Mary . , 8151 Cusick, Mary .. ..« .. .. 913 Cussack, Thomas 73791 Cussen, Scrg. R. G 21788 Cust Family 56031 Wm. Crichton Perigrine 59007 Custance, James 11225 Myles 68910 Cutbush, William 34616 Cutforth, Maria 91240 94 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index, Cuthberson, Ann Cuthbert, Alex. Edwd. . , Arthur Edwin John '^ Lewis Morris . Maria William, Kev. Dr. Cuthhertson, James, Cuthburt, Jeremiah. Cuthell, John . . Cuthill, James . . Cutler, Ann Charles N. Esther . . James . . Mary . . William -^ & Wilson (Colonies) 91241 6082 G6526 58178 54560 15482 57764 38771 58081 53662 29214 10173 11356 32039 30702 75838 686 34192 91242 91243 75719 Cutmore, Gardiner More Cutten, Susannah . . Cutter, Henriettfi . . Mary AVilliam Cutting, Hannah and Nathaniel Cuttle, Francis Cuttris, William Cuttriss, Elizabeth • George Cutts, Ann Mary Richai-d Samuel Thomas Cuzins, Thomas Cuzzarette, Alexander . . 73331 15808 8547 378 8547 73327 8034 2704 91244 30649 68396 56916 9907 25902 18425 13127 17898 Cyriac, Frederick 58886 Cyrus, Daniel r 55399 95 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. D D Rev. Thomas . . . . 38905 D L. James 32288 D'Alte, Viscountess 71135 D'Amboise, Eliza 73799 D'Archy, Harriett 31061 D'Arci, Frederick Hilary . . 34351 D'Arcy, Francis G 64564 Richard 21799 D'Arenschildt, WiUiam . . . . 8106 D'Auhigney, Miss 32679 D'Auvergne, Philip 28257 D'Avenant, Henry and Thomas 14852 D'iuckstadt, Baron 91327 D'Escalento, A. M 28258 D'Esterre, Eleanora . . . . 53202 D'Hankaar, Adrien 18425 D'Herrison 23486 D'Orsay, Lady Harriet .. .. 30020 D'Osy, R. J 65306 Da Costa, Abraham and Benj. 91247 Anthony Jose . . 25451 Family 22211 John Simon (Calcutta) 31899 Da Cruz Family 28258 Da Silva, H. J 74449 Dahum, James 31102 Dahy, John and William . . 91245 Dacie, William 72035 Dackers, John 91246 Dackus, 2645 Dacosta, Maurice 38183 Dacre,Rt.Hn. Ann, Dwgr. Lady 66629 ■ Captain 32048 Joseph 74538 Dacres, Serjeant 23566 Daddeley, Robert 8278 Dadds, John 32154 Dadley, John 91247 Dadman, James 16082 Dadswell, James 52145 Dael, John 9391 DaflFs, Eliza 11123 DaflFom Family 14701 Dagger, Robert 18427 Daggett, Jane and John. . . . 6474 Daglish Family 91248 George 2189 Dahl, Arent Olsen 17864 Dahmen, Mary Ann . . . . 40749 Daintry, J. and M 59015 & Kyle 75656 V. Wardle . . . . 23722 Daizes, Joseph 18427 Dakin, John 18428 Dalbo, Peter 91249 Dalby, I':dward 9643 Robert 7732 Dalby, Sarah 2413 Daldy, Ephraim 26998 Dale, Ann 40698 ■ Henry 10824 James (Scarborough) . . 72501 • ■ 91250 John 91251 (representatives of) 74444 (gardener) .. .. 1152 Joseph, Rev 61277 Reeves 52136 Richard 91252 Robert 14705 Samuel 6894 Sarah 40185 Susannah 605 Thomas Aquila . . . . 36423 William 52135 (Bridlington) 37655 Duncan . . . . 73930 Dales, George 36451 Mary and Robert . . 69806 Daley, James and John . . . . 18429 Dalgas, Edward, Mr 31392 Dalgety, James 37038 Dalgleish, Isabel 53142 Dalghesh, Mary . . . . ; . 12058 Dallas, Charles, Capt 292l6 Family (l^Iiddlesex) . . 67808 Olivia 91253 Peter 26999 Dalliff, Andrew 91254 Dallimore, Ann 12414 James 8273 Keziah 76939 Dalling, Dame Louisa . . . . 72032 Dally, Elizabeth 8919 Dallyson, Thomas 14383 Dalmahony, Mary 2603 Dalmahoy^i Emily 75344 Dalmigavie, — 194 Dalrymple, George 53413 Teixera .. 37656 Hew 33539 James 91255 Robert 14345 Dalston, G., Major 29217 Dalton, Ann 17972 Christopher 36352 (America) 24732 Daniel 12466 Dennis H 29218 Ellen 759»0 James 50101 (Colonies) . . 18431 Thomas . . . . 53162 John G 91256 96 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Dalton, Langland . . Mary ]Mrs (or Newman) Sophia Thomas (Colonies) Eov. William (Duhlin) B. Daly, Bridget Charles Beach D Eugene James __ (Chancery) ■ John Richard • Sarah Dalzell, John Alexander Dalziel, Damarin, Fanny James Darner, George Lionel D. Damis, Ei chard and Sarah Damlyaville, Madame . . "Damodah" (ship), crew of Dampier, Edward . . Emma . . John Dan, Joseph Danacan, John Danage, Eliza Danburghy, Edward Theodore Johann Danbuz, William Danby, Henry ■ Sarah Dance, Mary Anne & William • Richard William (Middlesex) . . Dancer, Francis Dando, Harriet C Jane, Joseph, or Sarah. Dandy, Andrew Dane, Jane Thomas and William . . Danford, Jacob and John Dangar, Elizabeth Family James V. Kitson Mary Dangorficld, Richard Daniel, Alfred Charles (legatee) and John (Notts) 91257 6095 32382 31846 53422 26621 7799 18432 17328 62a56 26593 68151 73512 22647 75719 91258 22548 75719 18433 18434 7369 65682 75072 8694 10488 40579 91259 74532 55044 50316 65556 10715 58803 26461 66607 63704 51185 35734 53412 63614 30385 6651 31238 14219 76426 76421 91260 55719 12665 10412 39772 37033 52149 91261 52148 50668 91262 62129 63621 74534 Daniel, Edward Harriet John (York) George V. Lawrence Maria Mark Edward . . Marmaduke Philip Howe Pierre — Richard S., Mr. (London) Susannah Daniell, Alexander Deanis Edmund R EdAvard . . . . Elizabeth and Eliz. George '■ — Henry James H., Captain John Ijuciana Todhunter & Co. . . Daniels, Andrew Daniel Family H. W., Esq Henry James M. John Joshua and Mary . . Dankaerts, Anne Eliz. Dresser Dankes, C. Turberville . . Danloy, Hill, Esq Danmiol, Andrew Dann, Richard William . . Dannebcrg, Albert . . Dannett, John and Thomas Danre, George Jules Dansays Family Dansoy & Bastard, Messrs. Dansie, Thomas W Danson, William (merchant) Danson, . . Dansy, James Danton, Thomas Danvers, Charles and Margaret Danvin, John Darby, Alfred Edmund Elizabeth & Grconhill . , . . Isaac J. Elder John (legatee) Knott & Co. . Mark 2942 56401 63512 52130 31158 24166 30324 29219 21175 11668 2942 12733 70758 27000 34682 35778 74398 68914 .36075 9710 29220 37435 18435 75858 1798 2536 74536 2442 53423 51591 13342 11776 6079 52147 3206 1798 4110 12475 53704 27001 29221 91263. 40220 67888 74450 iia 91264 91265 91266 30901 60184 68918 6803a 9880 91267 39600 74520 91268 74408 9126» 91 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Namei relate will be found at end of Index. Darbv, Nicholas 91270 ^WilHam, Rev 91272 ■ John .. .. 27002 Darbvshire, John 91273 ^- Roger 34645 Darcv, Mary 9482 'D2Lxe\ — (Sussex) . . ..... 91274 Benjamin 16941 Hester, ]Miss 62125 Joseph 16940 Sallv 28254 W., Lieut 28255 William John 7227 Darell, Edward 36224 JohnPhiHp 38761 Darey, Patrick 18436 Dargent, James 6123 Dark, James and John . , . , 8566 Susan 18437 Darke, Lieut. Charles . . . . 28256 EUzabeth 58771 Darker, Grace 23898 WilHam 6628 Darkin, Rev. Charles & Eliz. J. 73385 D.^rley, Edward .. .. .. 72039 ■ HeniyB. W 11864 ■ Hill 6525 Hugh 11450 John 34204 Darling, David 9229 Dr ' . . . . 32763 Frances 5227 Job 21781 John 91275 Lucinda B 68917 Patrick, Lieut 29222 . Robert, Sir 6062 . WiUiam Joseph . . . . 40603 Darlove, ISTargaret 4179 Darman, William 1688 Dambrooke, John and Timothy 91276 Darnell, Thomas 70756 . William 18438 Darnelly Family 91277 DarreU, Sarah 14128 Darrett, James 11960 Dart, Henry 18439 William (sister of ) . . . . 53421 (Middlesex) . . 64915 Dartnell, Thomas W 25277 Darvall, Edward . . ..... 66498 Darwent, Sarah and Thomas. . 91278 Darwin, Ann 91279 ■ Lucy 36992 Dash, John 11575 . William 36193 Dashwood Family (Chancery) 65302 Francis 31294 Sir James .. .. 91280 V. Whatley .. .. 24176 Daubeny v. Baker 24159 Joseph . . .... 09915 Dauber, Elizabeth 31476 Daulby, Maltha and Selina . . 24496 Daum, Catherine 26232 Daun, Caroline .. 75224 Daunett, John 91281 Daunton, Thomas 27002 Davage, Ann 91282 Joseph and Sarah .. 6830 Davavnes, John 16629 Daveil Family 91283 Davenant, Henry and James. . 91284 Daveney, Henry 36559 Jacob 2057 Davenhill, Mary 6573 Davenport, Ann 6903 Christopher . . . . 4603 Jabez 17988 James • 40853 John 38901 Richard .. .. 91285 Thomas .. .. 16199 Uriah 40845 Daveron, James 75347 Davey, Catherine 91286 P^amily 10653 Gabriel 9140 George A 74408 Jacob 2057 John 60707 (Middlesex) . . . . 2610 Cross 91287 Mary 2549 Mrs. ' 16719 Robert 50591 . Sarah 91288 Susan 91289 Thomas 36543 William 2767 David, Catherine Johannes .. 11098 Cornelius 63419 David 60530 Elizabeth 6223 Evan 60517 Johan 68850 John and Mary .. .. 5223 L. R 36095 Mr. (]\Iiddlesex) . . . . 75349 WilHam 39224 Davidge, John Harbush . . . . 37830 Davidson, E 91290 Elizabeth, Miss . . 10157 B 16701 Family (India) . . 28259 Frances 6015 George 72894 Henry 16318 James 70760 Jane A 22193 G 98 Directions for oltaininff full copies of the Advertisements to which, these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Davidson, John D 74858 Josiah 37663 Keith 31056 Mary 39562 Meyer 73925 Mungo 91291 & Peacock, Messrs. . . 73578 Peter 24119 ^ Polly 91292 Sarah 65684 10301 Thomas 52094 Lieut 15015 v. Tuthill 24175 WilHam 16195 (merchant) 65522 (Colonies) 26003 (Chancery) 75656 Walter .. 57110 Davie, William 12093 Davies, — 60991 Ada 73927 Alfred 31722 Andrew (farmer) . . . , 50391 Ann .. 12063 (Middlesex).. .. 17084 Anne .. 31892 Archdeacon 56583 Barnaby 40526 Benjamin 54697 (Gloucester) 76430 Caroline Amelia . . .. 91293 Charles George . . . . 50927 D.J .. 10817 Daniel (Gloucester) . . 75857 91294 David (bookseller) . . 35420 17419 Peter , . . . 52668 Dr. 37188 Edward 40386 (tea dealer) . . 35728 (Denbigh) .. 12043 (Manchester) . . 12047 (baker) . . . . 1839 (cutler) . . . . 2204 Eleanor 27003 Eleanora (Brecon) , . 56584 EUzabeth (Carnarvon) 62002 — 27004 (dautr.of Wm.) 40337 12049 Family (Colonics) .. 18440 (Berks) . . . . 62348 (India) . . . . 28262 & Francis 115 George (son of Charles) 73389 36463 (seaman) , , 2037 (Clerkenwell) 7187 Davies, Henry 23689 (Ireland) . . 63616 (reprsntvs. of) 39585 Isaac 17963 James (Surrey) . . . . 67436 11717 Jane (widow) . . . . 3205 27005 (Middlesex) . . 74320 Jenny 5987 John, Eev. (Kent) . . 62146 (Lancaster) 51607 (Cardigan) 39344 (annuity to) .. 21155 (son of William) 12048 (Brecon) . . . . 9302 (Captain) . . . . 10827 ■■ Joseph . . . . 31454 Lloyd 61278 Thomas . . . . 74884 Joseph (soldier) . . . . 69896 17044 Josiah . . • 30227 Lydia 26370 Mary (legatee) . . . . 73927 27006 Matthew Peter . . . . 75857 Meredith 9301 Mrs 37188 Owen . . . , , . . . 51 Peter 21808 Philip 39741 t. Price 24170 Eebecca 63709 Rees . . 63697 Eichard 91295 — (Salop) . , . . 61280 Eobert 91296 Eothery Thomas . . 69221 S 2762 Samuel (Cheltenham) 76431 Sarah 6176 Thomas (son of Jane) 3205 . '■ (Gloucester) 27006 (Brecon) . . 37082 (Denbigh) . . 38926 (Chester) . . 31947 (Bath) . . 35085 (Berkshire) 3881 (or John T.) 74884 (tea dealer) 63706 . Bernard . . 3259 M 91297 . P. ..... 69895 -. , — William . . 63673 Venerable E. (Brecon) G7897 William (Merioneth) 76432 (gunner) . . 26622 China) . . 67135 (India) . . 66640 M Direeiionafor obtaining full copies of the Advertiaementa to which th$afi Mtnei relate will be found at end of Index. Davies, William (London) . . 22887 (Middlesex) 52143 ■ (Oxford Street) 27007 ■ (stockbroker) 51693 (Middlesex) 50866 (Glamorgan) 53696 (late of City of London) .. .. 3222 (Pembroke) 34401 (Oxford) . . 39374 (milkman) . . 40336 (Monmouth) 40001 Lewis . . . . 91298 Price.. .. 91299 DaviU, John 17348 Daviott, Emanuel 22862 Davis, — 3465 (seaman) . , . . . . 7571 Abraham 5545 Ann 6475 Maria, Mrs 67185 &Bottomley 68332 Bartholomew 14531 Benjamin 11385 Catherine 12924 Charles 12785 ■ (brthr. of Mary) : . 3082 (Surrey) . . . . 76427 & Co 91302 David 59748 E. (died abroad) . . . . 73388 Edward (Middlesex) . . 9227 17600 Edwin 40705 Eliza 34532 EHzabeth 8279 Evan 8793 Family (Colonies) . . . . 18443 (India) . . . . 29223 Frances 72552 Francis 12264 George 3082 (ship-broker) . . 7480 (Wicklow) . . . . 12265 Grace 1207 Hannah 12922 Henry (London) . . . . 74473 12933 (a lunatic) ., .. 6177 (clerk) 69887 L 25742 Herbert 68393 Isaac 16981 ■ James (or Wild) .. .. 58126 ■ (Devon) .. .. 58174 12179 (organist) . . . . 5653 (Bartholomew Close) 8495 B 63620 Jane 91300 Davis, Jemima 73380 John (Hounslow) . . . , 72552 (wireworker) . . . . 73380 (Middlesex) . . . . 72503 17599 (Islington) .. .. 13131 (Bedfordshire) . . 12650 (Kidderminster) . . 16612 — (London) . . . . 2922 (seaman) 4006 (Carmarthen) . . . . 6367 (seaman) .. .. 7621 (West Indies) . . 6061 WilUam 60523 Wilson . . . , . , 65545 Joseph 63088 (Dorset) . . . . 66724 Josiah (merchant) . . , , 63675 Juliana E. (or Simis) . . 76868 Louisa (London) . . . . 70548 60158 Margaret 91301 Maria A 70256 Mary 62349 (Lancaster) . , . . 17815 (daughter of Richard) 36301 (orCapp) .. .. 16937 for Lamb) . . . . 2652 (or Chapman) . . 7787 Mathusalem 8860 'f. Morgan 24169 Mrs. (housekeeper) . . 69983 (or Humfray) . . . . 75054 27008 Paul (son of Henry) . . 25675 Peter 18444 R. & Co 26720 Eichard (brother of Thos.) 17598 (mariner) . , . . 40691 5555 F 67440 Eobert 6112 (soldier) . . . . 73791 Thomas .. .. 61317 Samuel 12263 Sarah, Mrs 60952 (Barcelona) . . . , 73923 35690 (formerly Meaker) 5552 Strahn & Co 69020 Susanna 27009 Susannah (Glamorgan) . . 6615 Thomas (Kent) . . . . 70821 24256 (Beading) .. .. 62350 (Warwick).. .. 17597 (Hampton Court) 1073 (Gloucester) .. 8168 (Cityof Gloucester) 34282 (Herefordshire) . . 30004 G 2 100 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Davis, William. ..... . . 57753 (Essex) . . . . 74883 (St. Christopher) 70257 (to advantage) 14662 17972 (African).. .. 11099 (West Indies) . . 56387 (brother of Mary) 3082 (Middlesex) .. 4171 (London) . . . . 6569 Lewis .. .. 11404 Price .. .. 235 : W. 23405 Davison, Daniel W 73117 Elizabeth 91301 Family 31080 Henry Francis .1 . . 91302 . John 34137 Markham . . 35003 Lucinda 16254 Mary (York) • . . . . 74885 & Newman (Chancery) 59013 Newman & Co. .. 36601 — Robert 66628 William (merchant) . 35300 (N orth iShields) 5117 Davy, Joseph (Norfolk) . . . . 75842 PhiHp 38302 Thomas 35601 (joiner) . . . . 67961 Daw, John.. 25934 Thomas 76429 Dawe, GeH)rge .. 27010 Hill . . .... . . 30643 Dawes, Elizabeth 91303 Frederick .... . . 67433 Isaac 91304 James 56395 Matthew 63617 W 1332 William 1068 Henry . . . . 72509 Dawkins, Ann . . .. .. .. 91305 C. A< 52150 Charles Digby, Capt. 29224 Clinton F.B 66797 Hannah, Mrs 13156 Dawson, Abraham 62061 Ann 14141 . Benjamin 60928 (Bath) .. 21376 Catherine 12398 Charles Cornelius . . 30377 Dugald 12105 Edward .. .. .. 61446 Elmira 60646 Emma 60899 Family (legatees) .. 69519 Francis 25846 George 63694 Dawson, Hannah 91305 (frmly Hutchinson) 5 1361 Harriet 62124 Harriot 55652 J. H. G 10833 J. R 11701 James (Fife, N.B.) . . 12316 (Suffolk) . . 8155 • Frazer . . . . 10832 Robinson . . 15072 John (yeoman) . . 969 ^ (son of Elizabeth) 75345 (son of John, mariner) . . 2512 ■ (London, grocer) 51361 16309 (Lancaster) .. 51361 Thomas.. .. 91306 Joseph 27010 . ^ (Warwick) . . 56308 ■ ■ . ■ (Scotland) .. 13180 Mary (Cumberland) 8164 _ ^ : 17061 . — . (Westmoreland) 69893 Mr. 11901 Richard 16310 (London).. 61361 _( Yorkshire) 74519 Robert (York) . . . . 63010 Roger 60143 Sarah (Cheshire) . . 969 . 6662 Serjeant-major , , 37063 Thomas . . . . . . 68618 William (farmer) . . 72504 ^ . (York) . . 61092 , 10825 (Colonies) . 78451 Day, Ann 6178 Anne 72496 Arthur 61658 Benjamin 4581 Charles 37311 ^ (merchant) . . . . 6178 (blacking mnfetrer.) 6761 Edwin Horatio . . . . 63414 Eliza 74523 Elizabeth . . 25366 Family (Colonies) . . . . 18462 Francis 70762 Frank 6007 Georgo 1664 Henry 14050 (Devonshire Street) 782 (London) .. .. 2268 Isaac 68228 -Isabella 27011 James (Chancery) .. .. 76719 (Kent) .. .. 7826 6489 101 Directions for ohtcdrang full copies of the Aclvertisement^ to which these Namei relate will be found at end of Index. Day, Jeremy, Eev 62359 John (Newmarket) . . 2268 (son of Charles) . . 6178 (London) .. .. 7991 ^(Kent) 7043 .. 40570 (London) 75856 Barham 60992 Joseph 30652 Mary 30983 (or Wood) .. .. 27012 -Han-ington .. .. 50802 The Misses 55432 Mrs 17040 Peter t. 5489 Ealph 12986 Richard 92307 Robert (Norfolk) . . . . 27013 9708 Samuel (Surrey) . . . . 10290 33793 (SoHcitor) . . . . 1724 (son of Charles) . . 6178 Sarah and Susan . . . . 91308 Susannah 27014 Thomas (Chancery) . . 73928 Lieut. R.N 1951 .. ■ .. .... 39643 Wniiam 11639 ■ (Isleworth) . . 39556 (Sussex) . . . . 58501 (relatives of) . . 74302 Daycock,John 73386 Day kin, Philip William . . . . 36164 Daynes, Lydia 91310 Dayrell, Re v. John Langham 11649 De Beauregard, Charlotte .. 10547 De Beauvoir 35915 DeBell, J. J 18458 De Belzons 36406 Julies Henri. . . . 12470 De Blanchy Family 91315 De Boississon, Paul M. B., Mqs. 23727 De Belleville, Ann 6527 De Bonne, Hon, Amable Pierre 8158 De Bordum, Cecilia 17560 De Bordz, Francis 91316 De Bort, Dennis 7368 De Bosset, Tildesley, Madame 74456 De Brandy, Mens Carlo . . . . 29215 De Bressell, Jean Frederick .. 1197 De Brissac, Elizabeth and Jane 9767 Do Brodum, William .. .. 6179 De Camara, Perestrello F. . . 2642 De Cambra, John . . • ■ . . 25343 De Candole, Henry John V. . . 23475 De Carvalho, Elizabeth . . . . 24309 De CastoUan, Cecile M. K. . . 71658 . — r-Katherine., ., 628S De Castro, Leal 9ii>i7 De Caulier, William . . . . 64557 De Cave, W^iUiam 91318 De Cean, John T 23626 De Chappelle, George S. . . 60232 De Chespigny, Augustus J. C. 59686 De Colmes, Adelaide Marie . . 321 De Combe, Abraham .. .. 51271 Henry 39507 De Comeyers, Elizabeth R. . . 14847 De Conty, Marquis 17913 De Costa, Anthony Jose. . . . 7366 De Coui'cy, Henry L. A. P. . . 23798 M 75719 Michael R. N. . . 72S33 De Couty, Esther 50S2 De Cresigny, H. C 50203 Heaton C. . . 74499 De Crousax, Louis 71705 De Daniel Family 91320 De Deiwar, F. Baron . . . . 65678 De Drusina, Georgette . . . . 69736 De Faine, George 69900 De branca, Joseph H 74525 De Freitas, Antonio . . . . 25741 Faustin . . . . 25680 De Freyne, Baron Arthur . . 50880 De Geisweilar, Constantine .. 11836 De Glapion, — .. 53986 De Gori;ollo t\ Garcias . . . . 24162 De Granxille, Edward . . . . 60231 De Grave, George 6762 ■ . WiUiam & Co. . . 9891 De Hailhaudier (or Homoyere) 54590 De Havilland, Charles . . . . 73931 De Heum, Henry 1812 De Jaunage, Philip J. Yon . . 7431 De Jersey, White John . . . . 18159 De Jonge, Jacob Isaac . . . . 73942 De Kavannagh, iNlrs 37685 De Koras,. Alexander C 29215 De Lancev, Susan 73946 De Lara, Michael Cohen . . 50376 De Laspee, H 75029 De Lavaux, Leon 73958 De Legarde, E. A 25998 De Lisle & Dudley, Baron . . 73360 De LislQ, Janurin & Co 38743 De Maltzan, Baroness . . . . 12278 De Mascarenas, Baron J. M. . . 68328 De Massev, George Thomas . . 11210 ■■ ^ William Hamo .. 11268 DeMereleDoulcet.. .. .. 50950 Do Merville, Madame M. M. M. 71155 De Michelle, L. J. . . .. .. 91330 De Molepis, Richard Townsend 21864 De Montfakqn, Joseph . . . . 91332 Do JMontniorcncy, John . . . . 23380 De Nervhle ■ Madame M. M . M. 71155 Pe QliVi^ii-a^ Jisc^U .... 256^^ i02 i)ite€tions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. De Olivera, Jose 25646 De '*emba, John James . . . . 8738 De I'ereida, V 28270 De Pfieid 63291 De Tinna, Isabella L 91340 De Pontes, Amedee T. D. . . 74688 Mary Ann D. . . 67435 De P(,ntigny, Mary . . . . 52660 De Preston, Philip 91341 De R nzy, William Hope . . 18466 De Eibyre, Elizabeth L. M. . , 60963 De Eiemir, George 3912 De Eosa, Matthew 16035 De Kozaris family (India) . . 28275 De Sailly, Matthew . . . . 9666 De Scheneck, Louisa . , . . 91345 De Silva Family (India) . . 28280 De Surtemhoe, — 35643 De Souza, Anna 28275 De St. Croix, William . . . . 91344 De 8t. FeHx. J. B 18467 De Terranean, James C. . . 28281 De VAlasco, Marquis de C. F. 58521 De Vanderques, M. R 16986 De Versgi.ier, Frederick .. 91344 DeVidel 63292 De Visme Family 37809 Gerard 4500 De VV arren. Baron 16493 De Winton, George . , . . 71590 Walter .. .. 34466 De Witt, William 91355 De Woulters, Mrs 383 Deacle, Sophia 11588 Deacon, Charles Clement . . 34489 Edward 37734 Frederick William . . 34896 ' Lady Joan Ann. . . . 40201 . John 1069 Joseph 73935 . Thomas 21193 (York) . . . . 51390 i^ligha . . . . 57702 Deadman, Mrs. C 32232 Frances 16854 Deaf & Dun.b Asylum (Lend.) 89571 Deakin, Elizabeth 6702 Robert 91311 WiUiam 35563 Deal, Mary Ann 63418 (or Dale) Sarah . . . . 40185 Dtaltry, Rev. J. B. 8 21762 Dean, Ambrose 70773 Ann 27736 Christopher 12543 Diana 91312 E., Serjeant 28264 Edward 91313 Family (Prestbury) . , 17067 p,,-^-.— . ,, ., ,. ,, 2701$ Dean Family (N. K.) . . . . 60207 George 58879 Harwood 1083 James 27016 (Middlesex) .. 52126 Jane Katherine . . . . 52066 John (Durham) ,, .. 52158 (Brighton) . . . . 30102 Colpitts 52159 Mary 33244 (Berks) 71272 Richard 30310 Robert 27017 Sarah (widow of William) 10327 Thomas and William . . 6286 (Lndn. & Demerara) 5842 (horse dealer, &c.) 7035 William (India) . . . . 28265 9785 Deane, Anthony .. .. ., 91314 George 57769 and James .. 11498 Henry 70599 Robert (Colonies) . . 18456 23489 Thomas 18457 Whitelock 91315 WilHam ! 36601 (Middlesex) . . 37814 Deans, Eliza (spinster) , . . . 59466 Dcarden, Thomas 5068 Deards, William 12830 Dearie, John 12065 Dcarmer, Thomas 9573 Dearn, Thomas Wilmot . . . . 36761 William 72520 Dearnley, William 16473 Dearsley, Henry R 52118 Death, Henry 91315 John and Maria . . . . 3339 Richard 40186 Thomas 35804 Doaves, Hannah 23585 Dcaville, Jabez 69906 Joseph 31973 Dcavin, Richard 37739 Debary, Bromo . , . . 62151 Dcbbieg, Hugh 12512 Debell, John and William . . 72505 Debenson V. Barlow 24026 Debnam, John and Mary . , 76428 Dobnoll, Elizabeth 73694 Debnoy, John 40746 Jarred ,. .. 69604 Thomas 60605 Dobosse, J 65381 Dcbray, Jacob 74408 ••Decade" (ship), seamen of . , 24292 Decaufour, Mniy 10616 Decaurdoux, Edward T. , . . » 09905 i03 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kames relate ivill be found at end of Index. Dechamps, John 91319 Decies, Lady Philadelphia . . 31085 Deck, a., Lieut 10822 Decudignan, Esther 14273 Dede, Henry 38388 Dee, Catherine 23799 Ellen 27018 Mary Ann 70763 Eohert and Thomas . . 91321 Deedes, Edward 29225 George.. 22217 Deeks, Samuel 31274 Deeley, Edwin (seaman) . . . . 76416 Richard 52142 Deeming, Mary Ann . . . . 75869 Susanna 60960 Deeny, Charles 1825 Deere, John Morgan . . . . 70769 Marjory 91323 Deereglass George 21915 Deering, James William .. 33114 Deeton, Lvdia 73936 Deffries Family 91324 Defries, Esther 72521 Degen Family 91325 Degrave, George 91326 Dehn and Israel 68305 Nathan 5179 Dehuppy, Alexis and John . , 91327 Deighton, John 10054 35122 Richard 15079 Sarah 91328 De la Chapello, Mons 3019 De la Combe, J. B. E. M. . . 28267 De la Cour, WilHam .. .. 11963 De la Haze, Philip 10387 De la Hume (Captain) . , . . 2495 De la Hunt, Paul 51121 De la Motte, Peter 52141 De la Porte, Michael . . . , 70772 De la Tour Hody, Jean Louis 71155 Delafield, Joseph 66643 Delafourcade, J. M 28268 Delage, Gilbert Charles . . . . 27019 Delahay, John 56017 Delahoy, (Calcutta) . . 67908 Delahimt, Maria 51586 Delamain Family 91329 Lieut.-Col. James . . 29236 Delamare, Francis 18460 Delamore, Richard 74513 Delaney, Edward John . . . . 11688 James 91329 John 26296 Sarah 14520 Susanna 214 Delannov, Peter 30227 Delany, Edward John . . . . 30330 . John 31087 Delany, John 23347 Susan 51090 Thomas 26081 Delap, George 21651 Harriet 67704 WilHam 3973 Delaporte, Ann (or Nancy) . . 73947 Michael, Esq. (late of Bengal) . . 55656 Delaprane & Co 91329 Delastic, Charles Comille .. 11100 Delatre, Ernest 61332 Delauney (or Delaane), John 35262 Delcarre, ilons 599 Delevante, Julia 52063 Delicate, Francis 91329 Delin, Leon 91330 Delisle, Ferdinand 91330 Dell, James 62112 Joseph James 31515 Mary 31965 39436 Richard 18461 Dellow, Joseph 50250 Delmar, PhiHp 68923 Dehnas, B. C. D 29227 Delphini, J. W. Charles . . 51137 Delves, Hugh 11642 Joseph 68921 William Percy .. .. 75090 Demmber, Francis Carl F. . . 69901 Demons, Jacob. . : .. .. 10828 Dempsey, John 36682 Peter .. .. .. 21619 Dempster, Anne . . . .' . . 26382 Catherine and Eliz. 10641 James 91333 Mary 37114 Philippa 91334 Robert 10640 William 10639 Denby, — 31018 Denchfield, Elizabeth . . . . 27020 Dendv, John 35258 Samuel 52139 Denham, David 64569 KHhs Josiah . . . . 35671 Francis Robert . . 29228 Hippolita Anno .. 31190 Thomas (Middlesex) 62396 Humphrey 29229 Denis, Charles 65382 Denison, Juliana 27020 Samuel 14222 Sarah 10196 Denkin&Gay 63252 Thomas 66637 Denmau, William 10823 Denn, William 91335 Deimant, James » . m • • 40053 164 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Denne, Benjamin 91334 Kichard 65989 Dennelav, John Blois . . . . 33860 Dennent, William 76417 Denneson, Thomas 3970 Denne t, Capt 91337 Denning, Thomas 38483 Dennis — (or Dears) .. .. 1773 Adam 73715 Betty 6071 .Charlotte 65893 ■ &East. , 73715 Edward 34786 Elizabeth 299 . Henry (Colonies) .. 18463 ■ — 56906 John 22775 . (London) .. .. 6368 ^— (Middlesex) . . 73384 Luke, Eev 35436 Mary 953 -■Petronella .. .. 5348 Richard .. .. .. 18464 Samuel 60959 . G 62387 ■ Sarah 27022 • Susannah 3540 WiUiam 62144 . & Woodward .. .. 59016 Dennison, Ann 27021 John 9138 Laura M 67390 Marie Barbe . . . . 74890 Mary 3-^259 Mr. ' 21465 WilHam (Sonthmptn) 67886 Dennv, Anthony 51834 ( atherine Helen. . . . 60969 . Dennis 70770 George 60970 . H(nry 73982 . Louisa 50286 Robert 91339 . Stephen 66662 Den sham, Jo- eph .. ., .. 10626 Denson, Hannah 91339 Denston, John 3431 Richard 27023 Dent, Ann 4467 Anthony 8993 Elizabeth 66684 Henry lay le 70764 Major James 15018 . John 8390 (Colonies) .. .. 18465 .Jopeph 21271 Lydia 30916 Maiy 70768 ThomfiR, Eev 69801 1,^^ ^ . - ,, 16771 Dent, WilHam, Rev 38477 F 63G25 Denton Family 91339 lames 66138 Jane 71660 Joseph 11989 Mary H., Miss . . . . 29230 Deperida, Ventura 29231 Depledge, Richard Barber . . 60769 WiUiam 60230 Depree, Charles Thomas . . 51593 Depstell, — 28273 Deptford, A. 91342 Dei berg, Hugh 91343 Derbishire, Mary Edwardina , . 34379 Derbyshire (or Darbyshire), Hannah . . 74835 Mrs 12353 Derecourt v. Mann 23723 Derham, Mary 52153 Derick, James 9498 Derien, Sarah 91343 Dering, Lieut-Col 22640 Rev. Osmond .. .. 61275 t'. Lombard 24163 WiUiam 10826 Charles 1825 Derinzy, Matilda 23487 WiUiam R 76418 Derisley, John 39935 Derman 632 Dermer, Charles and EUzabeth 74522 Rebecca 12661 Thomas Masters . . 69908 Derrent, Ann and James W. . , 73933 Dervergicr, Frederick , , . , 25968 Desanges, Eliza L 76420 Family 63630 Deschamps 35640 ■ Francis and Feter 35626 Deiscudignan, Philip . . . . 5010 Deshays, Catherine and Louis 70742 Desmond, William 21782 Desormeaux, Ann 75362 Despard, Letitia 22910 Desprot, Stephen , 91346 Dester, William 50426 Dethick, John 61282 Devaney, James 91347 Devaux, Anthony 69305 FamUy (Middlesex) . . 62a93 James Joshua .. ,. 91348 JohnB 69518 Lewis Alfred G -26185 Maria 70776 Pierre and Susanna . . 35624 r. Wilton 24179 Devaynes, John 21172 William Angus . , 54862 Deveir, Frederick 91349 105 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index, Devene, Margaret and Thomas 31866 Devenish, Greorge 23345 Devenport, Thomas, 8597 Deveraux, Ann 12247 DevereU, Elizabeth 27024 Mary 21550 Deverelle 6991 Essex 91350 FamHy 23197 : Francis H 22623 Devereux, Jane 30097 John, Rev 6616 ■ Price 6 Deverill, John . , ,. ,. ,. 11553 Devey, Joseph 36601 William 8666 Devies, Bartholomew ,. ,, 91351 DevLlin, Margaret 3368 Devine 24753 Mrs 73941 Devinney, John 30819 Devis, Henry ,. 91352 Devlin & Co ,. 18468 Devon, Earl of 66943 Devonport Blind Institution . . 76301 Charles 25448 James 25418 Devonshire, John Kempe ., 61168 Devouters, ]\Irs 91358 Dow, Alfred 21516 Ann and Thomas . . . . 91354 Edward 40220 Elizabeth 52064 James (Wilts) . . . . 63631 (Gloucester) .. 60233 Mary and Sarah . , , . 35519 Dcwall, John Philip . . . . 91354 Dewar, Caroline L. . . . . 5782 Dewdney, Jane .. ., .. 10513 Dewe, H. T 27024 Henry 64038 William, Eev 56490 (Berks) .. 75351 Dewcll, Francis 37281 Joseph (or Duval) . . 38693 30932 Thomas 35081 : — (Southampton) 5585 . (Hants) . . 50582 K. A 33405 Dewer, John ..... . . . . 40189 Dewey, James 24658 Dewhirst Family 14905 Dewhurst, John (Colonies) , , 18469 50878 Dewick (or'Duswicl^), James.. 75350 Dewing, Thomas P 25911 Dewitt, Jane .. ,, ,, ,, 91355 Dewland, William , , ., ., 32318 Dewrance, John ,, ,, ,, 66639 Dewsbery John 74893 Dewsnap, Thomas . . . . . . 73379 Dexter, J 68536 John 64840 (London) . . . . 73166 Deyell, Thomas , 73532 Diamond, Daniel 66493 Elizabeth and Thomas 91356 John 63425 Plantation (Colonies) 78472 Diaper, William 63537 Dias, Andrew & Elena . . . . 28281 Santos & Mantano. . . . 64472 Dibden, Sophia 60327 William Maton . . . . 5814 Dibble, Ann 91357 Dibblee, G-eorge and John . , 60248 Henry 60042 Dible, Frances 3169 Diblee, Henry , . . 91358 Dick, A 61237 Alexander 39706 David and Douglas ,. 91359 Family, A. C. (India) .. 28283 Forbes 7102 James 12311 Sir James 12157 Sir John 6180 V. Lushington . , . . 24168 Samuel 60238 - Thomas 12312 WnUam 39364 Dicken, Stephen 91360 WiUiam 34887 Dickens Family 91360 George, IMrs. . . . . 63586 Mr 61852 Robert M 67924 WiUiam 32988 Dickenson, Agnes . . . . . . 9922 Christopher . . . . 27025 George 18474 Mary 65677 Mrs. .... .. 30811 Peter 91361 Sarah 91362 William .. .. 6817 (Walbrook) 11568 Dicker, Elizabeth 23013 Did arson, Ann , 63417 Thomas 40211 Dickie, IMi' 33429 Dickin, Stephen 8114 WilHam 7421 Dickins, John 10548 Thomas 1416 W^atson W., Rev. . . 68969 Dickinson, Edmimd Algood ,. 11589 Elizabeth ,, ., 7294 106 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Dickinson, George (Hertford) 75353 Henry 58360 James (servant) . . 76414 John 7294 E 66838 Richardson.. 23043 Joseph 18473 Oliver 91363 Richard .. .. 9110 Thomas W 73945 William (Chancery) 72067 .. .. 91364 Dickison, Benjamin 75861 Dickman, David 70780 Dickmann, Arnold & Chri8topher33350 Dickon, Thomas 11833 Dickons, Mary Ann . . . . 12731 Dickenson, Frances 59187 Dicks, James 61321 William 1438 Dickson, Alexander Lockhard 73166 Ann 61318 Anthony 50322 Daniel 11495 J. (Captain) . . . . 8739 James 91365 Jane 31236 John (engineer) , . 75860 B., Rev 10829 .. 91366 Joseph 34172 V. Lloyd 91367 -Major 69918 Maria Emily . . . . 3566 Richard 6913 Robert (Scotland) . . 21505 .... .. 61319 Thomas . . 61316 Thomas 91368 W., Col. 28285 WilHam (or Dixon) 127 Bower . . 50339 Dicpcnheim, Flora Van . . . . 67460 Difford, Edward 3471 Edwin 7575 Digby, Anne Constance . . . . 11982 Charles 60657 Earl 91369 James 38307 John Richard .. .. 11982 WilUam .. .. 69911 Robert 91370 Thomas 6148« "William, Lord .. .. 91371 Digens, John 91372 Diggles, J. and R 9866 Dighton, Family 22096 George 69018 Sarah 7617 Djgnam Family 23281 Dignan, Patrick 22968 Michael 18475 Dignes, John 1576 Dike, Elizabeth 50700 Dilke, Thomas 33184 Dill, Christian 34273 Dillen, Edward 10820 Dilley, Ann 27026 V.Jewell 24165 John .. 36096 Dillingham, William . . . . 91373 Dillisle, David 17958 Dillman, Frederick 74530 Dillon, Amelia A. (stewardess) 76411 Anna 6923 Edmund 22596 Elizabeth 26211 Family (Ireland) . . 66646 Francis 22597 ■ Hannah 91374 James 26235 John (Ireland) . , . . 22598 • 31051 (Dublin) . . . . 8064 : — Mary 2494 Michael 22599 Mrs 67727 Patrick 1158 J 22600 Peter 29232 Philip Thomas .. .. 37205 Samuel 74431 Thomas 21763 Dennis .. .. 40513 William Heniy . . .. 60013 Dilly, Ann 31243 Dilton, John, Rev 91375 Dimbleby, Sarah 69584 Dimsdale, Ann 3215 Baron 62137 Hemy 40787 Robert 23650 Thomas Robert C. . . 62138 Dinah, Holme 23735 Jolm M. H 24290 Dind, Stephen 706 Dincley, Harriet G 52128 Dingle, Emanuel and Johanna 91376 George P 68452 John 63416 Dinglingcr, Ann and John . . 91377 Dinham,AnnaM. G. C. and Rev. J. 68926 John 73943 — Dykes . . . . 74524 WiUiam 9814 Dinnen, John 22541 William 22821 Dinning, Deborah (Exeter) . . 74556 : — - (or Dunning) 73939 Dinorben, Lord 33170 107 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index, Dinwiddle, James 16874 Dinwordie, Robert 75072 Dipper, John 50921 Dipple, 34259 Martha and Thomas J. 57417 Dipsay — 62380 Dird, Stephen 16736 Dish, John 23649 Dishman, John 36764 Dismore, Daniel 56805 Disney, Asthur 91378 Ditchburn, John and Margaret 56740 Ditcher, Lucy 67027 Dive, Hugh 69909 Divien, D 18477 Dix, Christopher 53700 Greoyge 18478 ]\Irs 27028 Sarah 91379 Dixie, Edward 60220 Mr 33670 Wolstan 35429 Dixon V. Alexander . . . . 24158 Anna S 69569 Benjamin 5989 E. B 27029 ■ Eliza (or Hartley) . . 21810 Elizabeth 51046 (Worcester) 12067 (aftrwds Goff) 17414 Ellen 8276 Emes .65523 Franklin 73927 George (builder) . . . . 12745 11206 (Wolverhampton) 50379 (Durham) . . 58707 (Vancouver Islnd) 65685 (mariner) . . 66642 Hannah (Leeds) , . . . 76656 Henry (North Shields) 73378 10818 (Durham) . . 33382 • James (Captain) . . . . 2090 '■ land surveyor) . 5239 52068 Jane 91380 John (Norfolk) . . . . 74890 28286 5989 Bond 32915 Joseph, Rev 73726 V. Langhorne i^ . . 24167 Margaret . . ii^ . , 8513 Marmaduke.. .... 5934 Mary .. 27030 Matthew 67928 Ralp 23587 . Ralph 52067 i Richard ., ,, ,, 6424 Dixon, Richard (rprsntativesof) 74408 (cooper) . . . . 9221 Robert 9988 Sarah 24158 Thomas & Co 31740 Capt. (India) 29233 WiUiam 8613 (seaman) . . 35497 (or W. T.) . . 40045 (soldier) . . 1047 (Colonies) . . 18482 Zachariah 55118 Dixson, Halford J 68925 Henry 73940 Mr 22232 Dobbell, William 91381 Dobbing, Anthony 74897 Dobbins, James 7602 John 8150 ■ PhiHp 14122 Wniiam 35172 Dobbs, L 33155 Dobbyn, EUzabeth Treheo . . 71841 Dobie, George Stodart . . . . 70783 James, Rev 26356 Dobinson, Julian 91382 Dobree, P. W. . . .* 25759 Dobson, Abraham 91383 Ann 24433 Maria .. .. 27031 Charles 91384 Christopher . . . . 91385 Edward 67442 George (legatee) . . 73948 5469 Henry 52133 Perry .. .. 30785 Jane 9938 John 14942 (son of Richard) 11923 (Lancaster) . . 5637 (Percy -banks^ 69912 (Scarborough) 67445 Lloyd .. .. 72522 Margaret 5120 Sir Richard .. .. 34793 Robert Ragueneau . . 38909 : Samuel 57678 Sophia 5976 William P 12549 Dobyns (or Dobbins), Wm. . . 75675 Docker, Caroline and Joseph. . 69218 Dockeray, WiUiam 18480 DockeriU, Francis 16790 Docknill, J. J 23187 Dockray, WilHam 18482 Docksey, Hope 91386 Docter, WiUiam BaU .. .. 33048 Dod, Ann 28287 108 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. . Dod, Martha 91388 Thomas, Rev .' . 6718 Dodd, Alexander 91387 Ann 8148 Charles (to advantage) 74889 Charles .. 91389 EHzaheth Davis . . . . 31062 Family 8489 George 75219 James and Mary . . 16994 (Lambeth) . . 3948 g 91390 Jane 1143 Joseph 7905 Mary .. .. .. .^ 40165 Rachael 8492 Eichard, Rev 70626 Sarah 11967 Valentine Joseph . . 18483 William 6181 M 73381 V. Wynne 24178 Dodds, James (di^aper) . . . . 62382 32043 May 75378 Samuel Pedley . . . . 66725 Doden, Burro wes & W 91391 Dodge, Arthur and Elizabeth 7106 George 64581 Joseph 32602 Dodgson, Ann 39677 G 28289 Joseph 63394 Thomas 58801 ^ W. J. T., Rev. . . 27031 ■ W. Scott, Lieut. . . 28290 Dodman, Mr. Alfred .. .. 64128 Dods, George D 61334 Dodson, A. H 18484 George 31124 Thomas 17944 . Gudgeon . . 50342 Dodsworth, Agnes and Henry 6474 . Family 21 Jane .. ^. .. 27032 Thomas and Wm. 6474 (Middlesex) 63639 Dodwcll, Rev. William . . , . 6717 Doe, Susan 67441 Doggorty (or Doherty), Margaret 6671 Doherty', KUzabeth 33230 Hugh 33648 (Hertfordshire) 39162 Richard 62074 Thomas Edward . . 12694 Dohnon, Samuel 7613 Doidge, Henry* .^ 91392 Doig Family 76925 Doissac, Vivans de 31856 Polan, Msoia ajid Saralii . • , 66671 Dolan, Michael 13181 Dolbeare, Thomas 2156 Dole, David .... . . . . 18485 Dolier, Edward 74527 Isabella 47587 Dolin, Madame Julia Reitter 21222 Doll, Richard 18486 Dollery, Thomas 73952 Dolly, Ann 3798 Josiah 91393 Dolman, Ann 91394 James G. ; 73740 Mr 11464 Samixel 1513 Dombrain, Sii' James . . . . 23320 Domett, Judith .. .. .. 255 Domingo, Joseph 8817 Dompiere, J. H. D ,, 74451 Domvile, Chi-istopher . . * . . 58543 — WiUiam, Rev 61328 Domville, Sir Compton . . . , 52073 Don, — 73953 Capt. William G 29234 Donahoe, John 74431 Donald, J 18487 Jane 24517 -Mary 937 Donalds, William 67438 Donaldson, Anne, Mrs. . . . . 597 Charles . . . . 65674 Henry 55144 James 22757 91396 John (India) . . 29235 (Middlesex).. 53160 2600 (sergeant) . . 73791 Joseph 33020 Mr 71608 Robert 25419 Thomas .. .. 60352 WiUiam (mariner) 33020 .. .. 10821 Donavan, Morgan 91397 Timothy 6594 Done, Thomas . . 71192 Donegal, Marchioness .. ,, 10681 Donclan, Henry 60956 Donkin, Anna Maria .. ., 60519 Donmall, George 64572 Donnadieu, Xavicr Alcido , , 64604 Donne, ChAl'los 3089 G^epfge and Richard . . 3434 . Joip George .. ,. 34529 Donnellv, Edward 24674 EUen 18488 F. S 28291 r- Henry 11133 Sir Ross G763 ., — - Sylv^ter . . . . 4«05 109 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Donnovan, James 29236 Donoghue, Anthony . . . . 2650 Donohoe Family 76740 John.. 18489 Miss Hannah . . . . 70787 Donoughmore, Kichard & R. J. 22691 Donovan,— -, 61061 E. 22876 E. .. 91398 Family (Ireland) . . 76205 James Ryan . . . . 1706 Michael 18492 Mr 32879 Thomas 1706 Donthornj William John . . 55990 Dool. William 91399 Doolan, Patrick • 26623 Dooley, Denis- •. 26624 Dooling, Myles 18493 Doolittle, Elizabeth 91400 Doone, Ann 11125 Dooner, Patrick 11751 Door, Susa-nnah •. 91401 Dooi-man, CO. • 64579 Doos, — ..... 30937 Dor, Sarah.. .. 11244 Doran, Patrick 91402 Doran V. Simpson 24173 William 31340 Dore, Beta (or Kezia) . . . . 76937 Patrick 18494 Joseph and Richard . . 8637 Sarah . . 6962 Dorick, Thomas A 257 Doriel, James 67259 Dorkins, William . . .... 3106 Dorman, Thomas 30100 Dormer, G-eorge & Hannah . , 6739 James, Rev 23918 91403 Mary 91404 —Nicholas 32753 Rebecca 7683 Thomas 59097 Dormett, Judith 255 Dorn, Khinhold 8059 Dornbush Family 91395 Dorothy, Hebe 39571 Dorrick, Thomas 91405 Dorrington, Hannah . . . . 27033 Stephen . . . . 78495 Dorsdale, Richard 91406 Dorsdell, 4124 Dorset &; Tilson, Messrs. . . 36573 Dorsett, Francis 9379 Thomas 91406 Dorsey, William 74894 Dorviile & Co., Messrs 40220 W. & G 63251 Dossell, Mary 21395 Dossetor, Elizabeth & Daniel. . 21519 Dossett, Edward W. Speed .. 69916 Joseph 61323 Doten, William 91407 Dott, James (Southampton) , . 2989 (Scotland) .. .. 21726 Dotton, William 1356 Doubleday, Robert 16765 Douch, August 17671 Doudeville, V. & Co. . . . . 2431 Dougal, George Armstrong . , 72523 .. 70781 Doughton, Hannah 75863 Doughty, David 30384 EHzabeth . . . . 61044 Thomas . . . . . . 3031 William 14709 Douglas, Alexander (surgeon) 30900 2261 Andrew 91408 Archibald .. .. 70784 Murray . . 61580 Catherine . . . . 29237 Charles 15627 Charlotte 53708 E. A., Lieut 75567 Eliza.. 30754 Elizabeth 65305 Family 12290 (India) .. 28292 (Lancaster) . 68943 George 62093 Gilbert and Gordan . 68971 Hannah B 69917 Henry Newman . . 31042 Hugh 68981 J 115 J. E., Admiral.. .. 63371 James 2599 ' — Ley . . . . 39493 Janet 13182 John 16988 (Rio Janeiro) . . 6287 (Colonies) . . 18496 Joseph 62071 Martha 489 Mary 256 MaxweU 2687 ]Mr 63702 Peter 18497 Richard 91409 Robert 12594 Samuel S. & Thomas 61327 Sarah 12075 Stephen 91410 T 115 William (or Rhynd) 30204 -Lieut. .. 7513 N 8740 Douglass, Haimali B. & James . 67891 no Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kamea relate will be found at end of Index. Doulen,Mrs 53643 Dounes, John 32849 Dousaint, Elizabeth . . . . 15196 Douse, Samuel William . . .. 34216 Douthwaite, Charles .. .. 33679 Dove, Eliza 75862 Henry 33878 James 74531 Joseph and Maria .. 91411 Mary Ann 76534 Roger 75356 Thomas (Norwich) . . 74531 33402 William 7646 Dovell, John 40405 Dovey, 91412 Maria 2231 Sarah 91413 Dow, 91414 Thomas W 73715 WilHam 14138 Doward, Henry 62395 DowdaU, Granville T 74533 Patrick 91414 Dowdell, John 18498 William 91415 Dowding, Charles 70788 =- Peter 6370 (Gloucester) . . 75355 Thomas (Cornwall) . 70785 Dowe, George 6995 Dowell, Francis 91416 Richard Cuming . . 40534 Dowgall, Alexander . . . . 7449 Dowland, John 60957 Dowlo, William 30501 Dowler, Joseph 67889 Mary Ann 75354 Sarah and Thomas . . 75358 Dowles, Charles 63640 Dowlcy, Frederick 27034 Harriet and James. , 58562 Thomas (Kent) . . 3552 (Middlesex) . 36115 (Chancery) . 58554 Dowling, Catherine 67427 Cornelius 26651 Family 91418 Francis 91417 George Pyko . . . . 73950 WiUiam .. 11475 John 8964 (America) . . 61329 Lawrence 18499 Patrick 23616 Richard B 67453 Hoare . . . . 72619 Dowman, Francis, Sir . . . . 34573 James 23504 Jane 13073 Dowman, William 62379 Down, C. W 10819 Family 91419 Downer, George 67428 Swann 5220 Downes, Andrew 52120 Charlotte 61333 George 28293 7- Henry 23461 John 73949 Joseph 91420 Mrgrt (niece of Rchd) 67803 Richard (Surrey) . . 65667 _ 5221 Sophia E. W. \ '. \ \ 22594 ■!;. Timperon ,, .. 24174 William 61330 Downham, Arabella ,. .. 17231 Family 57908 Joseph 8691 Joshua 91421 Downie, Isabella 76840 John 70794 William 12374 Downing, Ann . . . . . . . . 18500 Emma 32555 Francis 34928 George 57121 Hannah (nurse) . . 76413 John 1540 : Toogood 12914 Downs, Mrs. Henry . . . . 55384 William 35538 Downton, George 73954 Do-WT-ick Family 257 Dowse : 72526 Joseph 5629 Dowseing, John 7916 Dowsell 33509 Dowsett, Robert 91422 Dowsing, Charles 18501 Dowsley, William 18502 Dowson, Ralph, Captain. . . , 29238 Doyle, Ann 27036 Arthur 7124 James (Surrey) . . . . 73956 (soldier) . . . . 74431 Jane Frances . . . , 53342 John (otherwise JPeter) 11868 (Middlesex) . . 36384 (Colonies) .. .. 18503 27035 Kato 52070 Martin 18504 Mary 27037 Matthew 18505 Michael 3092 (died abroad) . . 67808 Peter (Colonies) . . . . 18506 (seaman) ,. ,. 11868 Ill Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Namei relate will be found at end of Index. Doyle, Richard 9329 Thomas, Rev 70675 WnHam (Ireland) . . 23502 (legatee) . . 53342 91423 Doyles, Anne 28294 Doyne, Robert 71843 Drage, — (aftrwdsDarnlyaville) 74532 John 91424 Dragonetti, Domenico . . . . 30136 Drake, Absalom 14154 Charlotte 61337 Daniel 5935 Elizabeth .. : .. 91425 Francis 16432 Grace 91426 James Augustus . . . , 34767 Margaret 8937 Mary 17461 Nathan 16433 Richard 31996 Robert 6059 Hacche . . . . 38899 Samuel 33604 William 7477 Drakeford, Francis & John , . 69215 WiUiam (Colonies) 18507 .. .. 8121 Drakeley, John 34222 Draper, Alfred 18508 Andry 10182 Charlotte 21395 «;. Drax 23724 Edward 8143 Family 91427 George 10182 Augustus . . 4123 Trojan .. .. 10182 John 51599 Whiting .. .. 4713 ^ Joseph 18509 Joshua 73946 Mary 61331 Sarah ^61637 Thomas 51359 (butler) . . . . 51545 WiUiam 12701 Drawater, 2167 Drax, Richard E.E.. .... 24171 Draycott, Joseph and Sophia 91428 Drayton Family 39929 Dredge, Rev. A 10830 WiUiam (Berks) . . 64590 Dresser, Elizabeth 23176 Gustavus . . . . . , 70789 Maria E 68025 Dresster, J. W. . . . . . . 18510 Drevon, Charles Henry . . . . 68982 Drew, Ann 91429 Drew, Charles 17195 John . . . . 5225 Elizabeth 91430 Family 91431 George. 74431 Helen Maria . . . . 26236 John 75970 Mary 9254 J^Irs 32879 Nicholas H 24714 Sarah 38367 Drewe, Frederick WiUiam . . 53707 Drewett, John 50109 Drewry, Charlotte 76033 Dreyer, John and Richard . , 27036 Driffield, Edward 16181 Dring, Elizabeth 1023 WiUiam 116 (Colonies) .. 18511 Drinkald, Joshua 68096 Drinkrow, Thomas 51423 Drinkwater 27037 Maria or Mary (Chncry) 1 2630 Mary 50297 Driscol, Jeremiah . . . . . , 67890 DriscoU, Michael .. .. .. 91432 -WilUam 74444 Drisdale, Catherine 230 Driver, Edward 65383 Eleanor H 60951 EHzabeth 50754 George, Serjeant . . 70800 Neale . . . . 38396 James 25492 Richard 56364 WiUiam 91433 Droesty, Mary . . 91433 Drogart, Charles A. J 72534 Drogty, Matthew 91434 Drohan, Thomas 26041 Droicht, Mrs. Henry . . . . 73376 Drom, John 91436 Drought, Margaret and Philip 22434 T. F 27038 Drouly, John 16692 Droz, Joshua Ame . . . . , . 9043 Peter 21807 Druce, Robert Alexander . . 3328 Roger 91437 Druke, Sarah (Essex) . . . . 75864 Druker, MaximiHan .. .. 11692 Drumcomb, John .. .. ,, 91438 Drummoiskey, Charles . . . , 1341 Drummond, A. and H. & J. . . 75719 Andrew (Bristol) 68983 Family (India) . . 28296 Francis P 57633 James 24066 (Chancery) 72034 John 24623 112 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index, Drummond, John & Co 30447 Margery . . . . 32876 V. Eidge . . . . 24192 Robert 74892 Watson . . . . 18412 l)rury, Anne 23054 Catherine 63646 William 72532 Drusina, John Louis de . . . . 69736 Drust, Elizabeth 16794 Drybuter, James 65646 Drybutter 68973 Dryer, Eichard 91439 Drysdale, Catherine . . . . 230 Elizabeth Vere . . 59430 Pattison 36252 B 18513 Duane, Daniel . . .... .. 21992 Dubberley, Richard . . . . 10330 Duberly, Elizabeth 53705 Dubois 51727 . John 75518 Dubordieux, Alex, and Charles 29239 Dubouloy, Gabriel 802 Dubourg, Jean 39687 Dubranche, John 29240 Dubreinth, Georgette ifeTheophite 69735 Dubuisson, — 36405 Ducat, CD. .. 10831 Ducatel, Yanriarer 50222 Ducey, WilHam 91440 Duchett, Samuel (or Duckett) 2949 Duck, Francis 53411 William 60950 Ducker, Arm 24270 Anne 27039 John 91441 Ducket, Ann 91442 Duckett Family 91443 Sir George .. .. 12758 John 11744 M 31984 Sarah 15131 Thomas (York) . . 60060 11774 W 31984 William 15130 Duckham 63131 Duckworth, Martha 15768 Ducrow, Andrew 74639 Dudding, Ann 16767 John 6750 Michael 25890 Dudgeon, Mary 21613 . Susannah 69920 Dudie, Thomas Andrews . . 9345 Dudin, Pavil 4137 Dudley Family 91444 George D. (Oxford) . , 72642 Dudley, John 25923 Mary (Stafford) . . 7694 • 14051 Robert 31950 '■ (Middlesex) . . 52079 Thomas (Chancery) . . 72038 . & Waller, Messrs. .. 26711 William 38839 Duee, Jane A. R 22163 Duel, Sarah 18514 Duell, Henry and Sophia .. 61340 Duez, Ann 91445 Dufaur, Frederick 52075 Duff, Adam 75866 Admiral A 58191 David 21430 James 58804 2161 John 94449 Mary 51351 (or Garden) . . . . 12079 Samuel Alexander . . . . 33669 T 63293 WiUiam Henry .. .. 29247 V. Elwes 24161 Duffield, Francis (Yorkshire) 74879 34713 ■ Joseph 33778 Mary Anne .. .. 32900 Michael 14328 Samuel 75959 Duffin, Henry 1916 Duffy, Ann 8532 ' Family 23088 Hugh 3519 James and John . . .. 18515 N 75229 &Orrs 115 Dufner, David . . .... . . 18519 Dufrene, Thomas W 74626 Dufresnay, Diana and Samuel 29446 Dufresne, H. P. and J. G. . . 18517 Duf ton, James 62072 Dufty, Thomas 73965 John 6374 Dugard, 17406 ■ Thomas 76867 Dugas, Alexander J. & Joseph A. 63644 Du Gazel, Countess 1230 Dugdale, Henry Geast . . . . 7146 . Isobel 27039 Robert 91448 Thomas 62152 Dugo, Henry 91449 Duggan, Edward 65615 Joseph 18518 Michael 52076 Dugglcby, John Waldby . . 60827 Duguid, James 3862 Duigenan, Christopher P. . . 22991 113 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. ■ Duins, ]\Ir. T. A. H 38938 Dujardin, Jolin 91450 Duke, Captain Charles . . . . 10410 Colonel 22171 Family 27040 Henry 31786 J. H 18521 Joseph 16316 Lucv 7208 Mary 31786 Eobert 7209 (Colchester) . . 41 William 31786 Dukes, — 67330 Joseph 58270 Dulan, Arnaud 7395 Bertrand 91451 Duling, Patrick 74431 Dulken Family 69923 Dullevan, Ellen 91452 Dulves, Charles H 58802 Dumartre, Antoine 91453 Dumbarton Glass Co 73715 Dumhell,John 73928 Dumhleton, Samuel 12961 Thomas,. 13268 Dumergue, Anna Jane . . . . 74535 Dumkin, John 21404 Dummett, Samuel 76408 Dumont Family .. .... 14312 Dumoreau, Eaby . . . . ' . . 66655 Dumus, Aug-ustus Feuillet . . 31400 Dun (or Din), John 117 Dunabin, Samuel 52080 Dunbar, Alexander 91454 V. Bolders . . . . 24160 Duncan 72541 Elizabeth 27041 Family 58238 George 12663 Henry H. Y 26389 James (Chancery) . . 24393 . .. .. .. 91455 Margaret 7882 Mary 30294 William 18522 — G. Gumming 8741 James . . 28299 Dunbell, Jonathan . . . . . . 73928 Duncalf, Ann . ." 3390 . Family 17066 . George 91456 A. '- .... 15504 John _ .. 14870 Duncan, Alexander (Colonies) 18524 . (India) . . 28301 91457 Andrew 52081 Ann and J. E 27042 Charlotte and James 27043 Duncan, David 94 Family 12335 Fanny 23192 Helen (or Stejihenson) 30778 James (India) . . . . 29243 Rev 3599 (surgeon) . . 68991 2276a Edward . . 91458 Jane 7600 John (or Dumkin) .. 21404 ' 18524 Francis . . . . 73961 Morison . . . . 52082 ■ Lieut 29242 -Peter 31382 Eobert .... . . 22764 Thomas 91459 William 35284 (India) . . 29244 G 73166 Dunce, Joseph 91460 Duncombe, Francis 91461 John 37487 Thomas .. .. 91462 Duncun, Joseph 73951 Dundas, A. D 18525 Dunderdale, Henry and W. T. 74887 Dundie, Thomas Andrews . . 5530 Dunford, Jonathan 91463 Dungey, John 39312 Dunham, Hannah 14734 Samuel 27044 Thomas Bartholomew 50515 Dunin, Emile , . 34225 Dunk, William (or Dinks) . . 33990 Dunkin Family 91465 Francis 91464 James Edward . . . . 13070 Matthew 91466 William Henry . . 55660 Dunkins, Edgar John . . . . 12910 Dunkley, W 18526 Dunlop, Arabella 4194 Conyers 4194 James (draper) . . 75865 (Montreal) . . 76839 (Beith) . . . . 50067 Eobert, Ensign . . 29245 Sir Thomas Wallace 4194 William 91468 Dunn, Ann (legatee) . . . . 67954 (spinster) . . . . 30763 6182 Catherine 26182 Charles.. 2807 Elizabeth 7 Family (Aberdeen) . . 67952 : ^ — (Scotland) . . 68450 George (Cambridge) . . 643 H 114 Lirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Dunn, George, Ensign . . . . 10816 ■ 35044 Harriet 8633 J. M. and J. P 40220 James 1578 (Colonies) . . 18527 John 12916 (Berks) .. .. 32740 B 24697 Joseph 24513 (Lincoln) . . 73631 MarySaUsbury .. .. 39738 Mr 91469 Patrick 18528 Peter 21923 Kichard 5990 ISarah . .• 17934 Hiomas 12783 Wniiam (Cape Gd. Hp.) 25820 8274 Dunnage, Charles 65664 Dunne, Isaiah 21809 James 26390 ■ and Mary . . 22712 John 31514 Mary 11157 R. D 27045 Richard G 9593 Dunnell, William 34809 Dunnelow, Thomas Brown . . 50593 Dunnett, Augustus Alexander . 32618 John 67895 Michael and Samuel 91470 Dunning, — 16785 J. (corporal) . . , . 75565 William _ 51086 Dunningham, Maria , . . , 74516 Thomas .. .. 18529 Dunscombe, James 8873 Dunsdale, Robert 91471 Dunsford, Samuel ' 37473 Lichigaxy . . 32256 William James . . 72543 Dunstan, Ann 91472 James 18540 John 11414 Dunsterville, Major General . . 52078 Dunston, Emily Mary . . . . 36248 Emma Sarah .. .. 36247 Dunton, Ann 63203 Robert 91473 Duperron, Philip 27046 Dupleix, Henry 73375 Duport & Martin 18531 Duportal Family 91474 Duppa, Thomas 35186 Dui)porlcy, Richard . . . . 12576 Dupree, Ann 50468 Mary Jano . . . . 5082 Duproy, Jean B. A. & Mrgi-t. J. 69471 Dupuory, Alfred 70796 Diu:aan, Catherine M. W. . . ^25866 Durand, Ann * 7376 Lewis 11097 Durant, Charles 18532 Elizabeth 69919 John 35128 Josiah 15975 Mary Ann 34416 Durbin, Alice and Henry . . 7081 Durden, William 1915 Durdin, Ann 18533 Durford, Wilham 2702 Durham, Charlotte, Lady . . 72037 James A 68989 John 91475 Joseph (son of John) 13088 40872 Nathan 74895 Sir PhiHp Charles . . 72036 Robert 3700 Thomas 91476 Durie Family 28304 Durkin & Henderson, Messrs. . . 115 Durlach Family 91477 Durling, Wniiam 33611 Dumdell, Martha 68391 Dumford, George 52127 James 91478 Jane 5843 Jonathan .. .. 7317 Thomas 18534 William 91479 Durousset, John Baptist Wm. 12645 Durrans, Thomas 61342 Durrant, Harriet 68990 John 38385 Durrants, John Rowland . . 33198 Durrell, John 37619 Joseph 91480 Durston, Elizabeth 34178 Family 62402 Durstone, James 2190 Durward, Christopher . . . . 13184 James 6719 28305 Dusson, E. V 58891 Dustan, Catherine 12365 Dutfield, Job 31094 Button, Ann (Chester) . . . . 4902 24041 Benjamin 4902 Charles (Middlesex) . . 74896 Elizabeth 58098 Family 54557 George 91481 Hemy 2555 James 40929 John Henry . . . . 2555 Joseph (frmly. of Lndn.) 2475 115 JDirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Button, Joseph (Wharton, neax Chester) , Mary . . . , .... Penelope . . , . , , Samuel . . Thomas (or Hutton) . . 1) "William Dutty, John Duval, Anne . . David (banker) (London) (America) Joseph Thomasin William Duveluz, Maria Anne Dux, Elizabeth . . 15200 7908 3767 18535 3767 22365 52077 59019 91482 2835 10096 8627 33655 38692 17431 6371 10386 56338 Dwane, Eody 21973 Dwaney, Patrick 74431 Dwarris, Sir F. W. L 62407 V. Hiscott 38757 Dwelly, Sarah 36356 Dwj^er, Bernard 21999 Edward 23166 George 91483 John (Colonies) . . . , 18536 .^ 26625 Dyas Family Dyble, John Dyce, David 0. {(dias Dyce Sombre) . , , , , . Dycer v. Home . . , , . , , . Dychoff, Henry Sarah , W^illiam . , . • , , Dyer, Alfred K Anthony (or Droyer) , , Benjamin . . , , , , Edmund . . . . . , , , Edward EHza Elizabeth (widow) . . (dautr. of Thos.) George (London) 23155 74517 29246 21927 12928 91484 12927 68035 51318 91484 10815 91485 32015 14708 30991 63633 75868 Dyer, George — — John , , (London) Joseph Louisa . . . . , * , , Mary Atit> , , , , ,, Matthew , , Robert . . .•, , . Samuel , . ' . . « . Sarah . . , . , , (widow) Ann & Stephen E. Thomas W William ^ (Devon) . , . & Williams Dyett, Jlr. (or Dyott) . . . Dyke, Anna Maria Capt. G. H Harriott Hester . . . . , , ' ; — John and Thomas '■ — Joseph William (Brecon) Dykes, Philip EobertS Susan DylQ, Frances Dymmock, John (Stafford) . . Dymock, Champion Francis C. Dymoke, John Dymond, Eobert , Dyne, Edward Sophia Dyneley, William Dynevor, Baron . . , . Dyneski, E. J Dysart, Countess of George, Lieut Dyson, Ann Barbara EH George Grace , Hemy Leah . , Eogers & Co. Samuel Wescott . , Dyton, Joseph 15909 8670 3824 70791 68034 74528 68376 68861 66673 30991 51512 22650 68454 27047 60948 2957 6296 91486 28306 51482 73382 15093 5275 76436 3919 73374 3922 35479 76434 55523 9030 54281 30642 91488 27048 24180 18537 9392 28307 6002 11379 73373 91489 38294 7587 59014 75624 35131 H 2 116 Directions for obtaining full coptM of the Advertisements to iohieh these Ncmet relate ioill be found at end of Index. E E'SouzA, Antonia de Lima . . 29255 Eacus, Betty 7899 Eade, James 12709 Joseph 70795 --Mary 66338 Bussell & Co 9855 ■ & Wilton 59024 Eadell, Eichard 6935 Eades, Aim 71816 Anthony 3219 George 9890 (London) . . 9246 A 60988 John 7203 Eadie, Grace 75034 James 13186 Eadnell Family 2839 Eady, PhiHp 18538 Eagan, John 73791 Patrick 26561 Eager, William 63649 Eagle, Robert 36082 Samuel 34383 William (Middlesex) . . 74916 Eagles, Ann 1215 Edward 3592 Family 3547 Eaglestone, Mary and William 57253 Ealand, Esther and R. G. . . 27049 Eales, John 39632 Richard and Sarah . . 91490 Thomas Elliot .. .. 52168 William Richard . . 1391 Eames, Francis . . . . . . 61356 John and Sarah . . . . 6250 Mary 72553 William 53428 Eameston Family 53527 Eardley, John Searce . . . . 33000 Earl,— 36395 Ambrose 91491 Capt 91492 George 28308 Mrs 73962 Thomas .. 70793 William .. 61698 Earle, Ann . . . , • • . , 24214 Christopher 9909 Edwin 67471 John 10842 Robert 40740 ■ Thomas ■ 66674 —William 67457 ■ Henry, Lieut.-Col. 29247 Earles, Mr 37120 Earlsman, Richard (Wilts) . . 60259 2418 Early, James . . 2095 John 73968 Earnshaw, Thomas . . .. .. 17118 (Middlesex) 35343 Earp, Edwin (Coventry) . . 75418 James .. 8504 Thomas 8282 Earton, William 7497 Easby, Robert 91493 Easley, Thomas 91494 Eason, Ann 59396 East Family 91495 Sir Gilbert 5991 James 31294 Samuel 8543 Thomas (Colonies) . . 18539 52165 WiUiam ...... . . 450 Frederick . . 75871 Eastaff, WilHam 69004 Eastbury (Level of) . . . . 58729 Eastcott Family 30108 Easterley, John 3625 Eastern Union Railway Co. (Officers of) 76445 Eastey, Jane . . . . . . . . 91496 Easthope, Jane 27050 Eastlake, EUen P 72545 George 73392 Eastland, E. S 27051 Eastman, Thomas 29248 Easton, Lieut. A. C 73792 Mary 36184 Sarah Ann 27052 WiUiam 7619 (sonofChas.) 68467 -^ (Surrey) . . 76438 Eastrope, Thomas 74321 Eastup, Jane 27053 Eastwood, Ann 38918 Benjamin and James 67203 Family 7901 (Lreland) . . 23201 John 32020 Eat, Daniel 18540 Eate, Thomas 91497 Eaton, Ann 1635 Benjamin 3018 Charles 280 Christopher 74540 Elizabeth Ann . . . . 6813 Family 91499 George (London) . . 30655 6426 Harriet.. .. .. ,, 54775 Henrj-John 91498 Isabella 27054 117 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisetnents to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Eaton, James 63651 John 69024 RolDert 40960 Sarah 6813 Susannah Maria . . . . 38412 William 7244 Eatwell, Capt 75719 K. C 28312 Ebbels, Eobert 62409 Ehers, Mr, Joachim Heinrick 12682 Eborale, Mr. Henry . . . . 29249 Ebrington, Thomas 50469 Ebsworth, William 2915 Bcbie & Laird Eccard, Susannah . . Eccles, Betty C. J. F Elizabeth . . G. W. . . . . . . J. W., Lieut. . . Jenny John, Rev Martha Ralph Samuel.. .. Thomas , . T. Y.E William . . Eccleston, Isaac and Sarah Eckersley, Joseph . . Thomas . . Eckford, Alexander . . Joanna John A. A Robert Eckley," James Eckstein, Thomas . . Ecles, James Edde, RusseU & Co. Eddels, Sarah , Edden, Frederick M. Thomas Eddes, William . . . Eddison, Booth Eliza Mary Anne EddDUs, John Kddowes,' Sarah . . Eddy, William Samuel . Ede, Charles (Cornwall) . James (Kent) .. . Joseph Eden, Elizabeth and George SirF. M Higgins — Jamos 59021 91500 27055 91501 10621 8742 75229 38748 91502 68952 10623 55251 38749 3560 10622 14747 52177 31360 58609 470 53181 75360 91503 32706 61358 9855 72549 6427 6427 1964 75361 75875 13109 67842 67118 91504 76447 7782 66079 91506 73396 15886 69022 38478 Eden, John Ralph Sir Robert Johnson Edenson, John Bowyer . . WiUiam Johnson Edes, Edward and James Jane John (Surrey) Mary V. Rose William Edgan, John Edgar, Ann Mary Edward Elizabeth, Miss . . George . . John . . Katherine .... Robert — '- Thomas (Scotland) . . Edge, George James Findley Richard Ruth Thomas I'all William Edgecumbeley, S Edgell, Richard Edger, Joseph F Edgeworth, Essex Munro William Edgington, Thomas Farcombe Edgley, Thomas Edgson, James Edgworth Family Edhouse, Sophia Edie, Arthur Laird & Edie, Messrs. ., — — Robert Edington, W. H WiUiam Edkins, George Edlin, Abraham Edwaird Henry Edmeades, Henry Edmond, John . . Edmonds, C. H. (soldier) Charles (children of) Charles . . . . Christopher . . EdgarB. &EldredA. Elizabeth Family Frances Giles James Llary Eliza . . Mrs 27056 66333 8153 9129 34928 91506 17317 3087 5900 15876 24192 5900 1012 8098 74819 36442 215018 1012 30932 74472 75072 70804 35602 14373 91507 70802 91508 27057 75363 52178 22505 21764 32547 36689 32682 75719 7270 9938 61351 61361 18541 23046 6720 6904 61348 58407 36601 33456 75362 73971 55298 35926 67455 3^738 24396 62176 91509 91510 11432 22902 118 Jbirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these NanicS relate will be found at end of Index, Edmonds, Robert 69939 Susanna Mary . . 35925 Thomas 64341 : William 11637 ■ — • (Monmouth) 58067 Edmondson, Richard . . . . 17956 36575 WiUiam . . . . 9187 Edmonson, . . . . 5362 Edmonston, David 18542 Family 91511 Edmunds, John 10123 William 52263 Edmundson, Richard . . . . 72040 Edney, Plari'iett . . .... 74546 Edouart, Augustus 76313 Edridg-e, Elizabeth 10255 Joseph H 65647 Sarah 27058 V, Slatter 24193 WilHam 3423 Edrop, Mary 35253 Edsall, Thomas H. M. L. . . 63648 Edward, James 25959 Edwardes Family 70797 George H 29250 Samuel 70805 Edwards, — 27059 Abraham 31540 Allen 6371 & Allen, Messrs. . . 9950 Ann (legatee) . . , . 65087 (Colonies) . . 18543 •- 1192 • (Gloucester) . . 7047 - — ■ Maria . . . . 55974 Benjamin 91512 Betty 12509 Burwell 91513 Catherine (Mddlesex) 5297 37493 Charles (Sussex) . . 34835 7925 (soldier) .. 73791 Edward , . 39879 — - — - — V. Crichton . . . . 91514 -^ Daniel 91515 David 35138 Dolphin Rann.. .. 38085 Edward 8546 Mr. (nphw. of) 55969 Lieut.-Col. . . 7794 ______^ ^^ 22098 Elizabeth (Chancery) 24191 (or Yew) . . 5589 (widow of Robt.) 64597 Family (Chancery) . . 75366 75874 Francis 3784 . . . . 59025 Edwards v. Gelve 2418^ George (Colonies) . . 2590^ (India) . . 29250 .. .. .. 91516 N 60658 Grace 6237 Henry 52181 D 22553 Iron 64441 Isaac .. •,. .. 39546 (Bucks) .... 8 J. & Co 59026 James (London) . . 31619 (heirs of) . . 3994 (Colonies) . . 25620 Jarrett 10834 Jeffery John . . . . 65706 John, Rev 65707 (Colonies) . . 25939 (Merioneth) . . 54168 (Bedfordshire) . 27060 (Royal Navy) . 17206 (Bradford) . . 10356 (butcher) . . 7924 (Bedfordshire) . 7926 (seaman) . , 1443 (soldier) ., .. 6572 (Jamaica) .. 51174 (Chester) . . 62264 (Plumstead) . . 32912 (Warwick) . . 37149 (Middlesex) .. 55974 6371 Joseph (Surrey) .. 62113 Joyce 71662 Julia 34080 Keziah 2892 Lc\att 73728 V. Maclew . . . . 24191 Margaret 5396 Mary (wife of Richard) 66678 Maurice 11463 Mr 31361 Mrs 60347 Misses, The . . . . 60693 Nanny 6297 Patton 91517 Price Carter .. .. 39820 Rees 75873 Richard 91518 (Stafford) .. 72646 Robert (storekeeper) 74899 (Colonies) . . 25891 Samuel 10038 (Devon) . . 50835 (Chancery) 24183 Thomas 16328 (Middlesex) . 32232 (Colonics) . . 18544 J. .. .. 75365 119 Directions for obtaining fiill copies of the Advert isetnents to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Edwards, W. John, Dr 36456 ■■ William 10835 ■ (son of Wm.) 8643 ■■ (stockbroker) 14123 (Bethnal Gm.) 40771 (Chester) . . 34686 Edwin, Catherine 91519 Edye (or Edie), Elizabeth . . 25345 Effringham, John Egan, Charles (Dublin) , . . . Colonel Elizabeth Family (Ireland) F. C. Terence Joseph Messrs Stephen Terence Cornelius John Eger, Abraham Egerton Family (India) . . • — John F., Capt Sir John Wm Philip — Thomas (London) . . Eggers, Henry Eggerton, Samuel Egglington, Isaac Eghaut, John Eglacias, Eglestone, James Egli, John and John G Eglin, Joseph Eglinton, John . . , , , , , , Richard Egmont i'. Knowles Egncr & Bailey Egremont, Earl of Ehle (or Eule) , Abraham Ehrenberger, Adam Eickabooiii, Peter Eidsforth, Anthony Eiftert, Philip Peter Einch, Thomas Eisdoll, Henry Eisenbcrg, Jolin and Rona . Ekins, George Ernest, Lieut. Mary Ann (or Brown) Sarah William Ekstcin, Samuel John . , 3993 76448 3899 33342 74541 35158 3515 2028 18545 54945 74543 28314 29249 59442 18546 5936 52111 15698 15431 15776 91520 10838 74641 11545 61359 2740 5815 24186 91521 8089 25705 69930 91522 64614 14216 27063 30712 26495 29251 75273 •6992 61051 21573 Elam, Gporgiana 31221 Eland, Margaret 14016 Elannor, Cordelia Elizabeth . , 64310 Jlibeck, John ,, ,, ., ., 10840 Elce, John . . . . Elder, James and John . . Elderton, Ernest Dundas, Lieut. Eldrcd, John Eldridgo Family Fanny — Henry Mary Mrs Sarah . Thomas (Essex) Elfering, Engelbert Elfers, Henrich , , . . . , Elf ord, Robert Elg-ar, EUzabeth and John , , Elger, Thomas , , Elgio, Eliza : Frederick Thomas , , W.C Elgin, Ann Edwin (York) Elham,. Benjamin Eli, Gulliett Eliander, Daniel Elibank, Alexander, Lord Eliesen, — , Halvor Elijah, Sarah Eliot, James Alexander . . John Samuel Eliott, Sir William Francis Elizabeth, — (servant) . . — Grace . . Elizard, William Button Benjn. Elkin, I3enjamin , , . , , , Family Solomon Elkins, Eleanor Elizabeth Sarah EUa, Willijim Fisher Ellames, Pattison . , Elland, Richard . . ... EUard, Martha (or White) EUem, Ann EUcrkcr, John . . , , EUes, Thomas Elletson, Daniel Elloy, Sir John , , EUi, liucas Ellicott, Edmund and Susan Mary William . . Elliff, Ann and Jeremiah Elligood, Samuel and William Ellin, William EUinett, George Phipps , , EUin^jf ord, John , , , , , , 62415 70806 29252 23175 91523 10373 55031 22878 62300 17463 40573 31634 91524 23871 23272 3520 67458 8539 60257 27061 5546 70810 91525 8286 21274 38786 2489 6372 91526 22263 29253 71844 53714 52170 29254 33794 31895 53713 55195 5772 5589 17389 64377 53424 32785 76247 27062 91527 62163 54886 13251 71536 67415 35879 35880 91528 25782 61357 38920 3y498 i20 i)irect ions for obtavting ftiill copies of the Advertisements to which these Namek relate will he found at end of Index, Ellington, Elizabeth & Samuel -^ — V. Learmouth . . Elliot Family (India) . . . . George (Finsbury) J. B. James Janet (or Hume) . , "William EUiott, Alice ^ Ann — ' — (aftrwds. Anderson) Anne L. Edmund , Elizabeth Family , Fleming G-eorge (Middlesex) . , Grace V. Halmarack Henry J. Benjamin , , Jane Henrietta . . John (Colonies) , . — — (London) . , (N.K.) . . W. (London) (Chancery) Lucinda Anne . . Mary , — ^ — (Dorchester) and Robert R. W Robert — (buUder) . . Sarah (Surrey) . (or Marshall) Sophia Mary Susannah . . . , Thomas Mr. W. (London) "William (Essex) .. (London) (Colonies) EUiotte, Mary Ellis, Alfred Ann (widow of Joseph) , — Mrs Anne Anthony Carteret John William . Catherine Charity , Charles , , , , , , , , 91529 24188 28315 66404 63661 71534 65748 75879 69001 71845 21066 17405 60995 8744 10846 91530 66680 68253 60981 7893 24185 9004 6514 3085 34928 18548 69934 66681 70310 24187 35473 6428 73166 60996 18549 61697 69940 35475 50853 15117 16754 7946 8144 58028 50432 56185 5115 69935 18550 2606 25578 73442 75680 27063 30893 37610 53426 57290 32604 10844 Ellis, Charles (Middlesex) David Deborah 11202 24735 3546 Edward 52265 Eliza 25709 EUzabeth 16916 Ellis 5844 Family (India) . . . . 29254 Francis M 22099 George 91531 Henry (Middlesex) . . 52167 ■ .. 3412 (or Rbt.) (Aberdale) 69002 John 11333 73629 70809 24168 2000 40773 17300 Hugh James (Middlesex) . . (Chancery) (Derby) Jeremiah 30901 John (Colonies) . . . . 18551 (Surrey) 61352 (Somerset) . . . , 50595 21812 (Middlesex and Surrey) 11764 : (London) . . . . 3533 Joseph 60256 54435 Ivory 34908 Maria (wife of Thomas) 70440 M:ary (Cork) 11858 (Kent) 60962 52166 (London) .. .. 23170 Mildred 51238 Richard (Chester) . . . . 57832 31805 Robert 3123 (or Henry) Abersare 69003 Samuel H Susannah . . Thomas (wife of) (London) (Essex) (Colonies) (SuiTcy) "William (America) (soldier) (Kent) Henry Veale Ellison, Ann ■ Capt. (children of) George . , Mr. i: Mrs. Fhilip .. 66544 9314 71138 602o5 75886 18552 31876 300i)0 1845 (Monmouthshire) 32329 24731 74902 60003 11340 65700 17237 73391 91532 62268 10837 121 Jbireetions for oUainingfuU copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Ellison, Ealph Sarah Susannah Thomas (Colonies) William Elliston, Edward J. S. Elwood, Mary . . EUy, Sir John . . . . • Eichard . . Elm, Mr Elmer, Ann . . . . John Thomas Elmes, Margaret Richard Thomas Elms, Richard Elmsley, Alexander and Peter Elmslie, James . . John K. W., Lieut IMary (Surrey) . . Elphinstonc Family W. B Elrington, Thomas . . Elsam, W Elsams, H. W. . . .. .. Elsdon, George William. . Else, Edward George and William Elsey, David John Elsley, Gregory Elson, John Chamber . . Joseph ■ Thomas Elston, Daniel Hannah . , Henry ' John and Sarah . . . William (Rutland) Elstor Family . . . Elswood, Azariah . Elsworth, Thomas . Elton, Edward. . . Isaac « William Elves, John Simon . Elrin, Joseph . . Elvins, Thon:a8 Elwcll, JcLn . . . Elwcs, George . . Car>'. John Meggott Robert C. . . Elwick, George G. Elwin, Fountain >' i ilabtinga 6783 91533 606 91534 18553 27064 91535 91536 7223 14100 8723 33474 35923 33474 17678 91537 1181 2282 6063 6183 300 28137 75369 63656 28318 50601 36735 40042 56104 2119 91538 75878 18554 91539 6528 6124 27065 74904 21241 61370 16465 16464 38267 67900 32993 68603 27066 72077 10592 91541 76439 60994 8127 16903 64721 38027 67167 91542 23739 ;^3664 Elwin, Joseph 75876 Elwon, Thomas 10841 Elwood, 26365 Elworthy, John Morris . . . . 62431 Thomas 33248 Ely, Dennis 40571 Family 91543 John 35530 Emans, Peter 30684 Emanuel, Joseph 2925 91545 -^Michael 11493 Emarton, William 51374 Emaumun, — (legacy to) . . 22257 Emborley, James 1078 Emblcn, Isabella 55574 Embleton, Abraham Luke .. 50888 73970 Erabley, Stephen 27067 Embry, William 18555 Emero, Sarah 91544 Emerson, John 23474 Emery, Alfred 66701 Edgar 38472 Edward 34285 Eliza 52174 Francis W. R 62426 Isaac 5548 Jsph. & Wm. (legatees) 76441 Mary 66378 Mr 31359 Thomas 50704 William 18566 Emett, Charles 9816 Emment, Richard 12983 Emmor, Miss E. E 22194 Emmerson, Mary 76482 William .. .. 23859 Emmerston, John 9604 Rebekah .. .. 64602 Emmott, Ann 16554 Benjamin 8281 Emma 26608 Mary 1172 & Son 34928 Emmins Family 66169 Emmit, Thomas 1267 Emmott, Thomas 27068 Emons, — , . . . . 91546 Empson, Mary 91647 Emrie, Margaret E. D. T. . . 76409 Emsley, Mary 69936 Samuel 76440 Emslie, John, Sergeant . . . . 73792 Endacott, John 62179 Endrcs, El-nest . . 23833 Endright, John 91548 Encry, Edwwd 21272 122 ifirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these I^ames relate will be found at etrd of Index. Engansen, John 3235 Engel, Daniel F 56911 Engclhart, John S 75883 Engels, — 18557 England, Ann (spinster) . . . . 3756 Anne (Chancen'-) .. 11510 Smallwood . . 70808 Augustus Frederick 54745 Billy 5784 Henry 34341 James 91548 H 91549 : — Martin 54818 Richard 153 Robert 3091 Englefield, Lady 21059 Engleys Family 17294 English, Augustus F 55121 C.N 53386 Eliza Wigglesworth 38329 Emma 10132 Henry 38902 John 18559 C 22503 and Joseph . . 69007 Patrick 91550 R 10055 Richard 22503 Rohson 66684 Thomas 72547 William 38726 Ennis, E. M 10845 Family 91551 John Charles . . . . 10836 Ennos, Charles 76450 Eno, Hildred 69005 Richard 50434 Enoch, Colonel John . . . . 38308 Enock, William 91552 Enright, John Thomas . . . . 76436 Ensley, Ann 74225 Ensom, Emma B. & Mary Ann 76449 Ensor, Emma 50098 Felix 73964 John 91553 "Enterprise" (ship), Crew of 55036 Enticknapp v. Lee 24189 Entwhistle, James 18569 Entwisle, John 14869 v. Markland . . . . 24190 William ' 61353 Entwiatle, Margaret . . . . 21587 Ephraim, Paul 31040 Epps, John 18560 Eras, James 52169 Erhy, John ,. 91554 Erichson, Hans . , , , *. . 91555 Erick, John . , , , , , , , 15782 Erkan, Jeckan 18561 Erly,John 3793 Ermatinger, T. W 75656 Ermis, Thomas 7371 Ermitte, Benjamin 27069 Erne, James 756 Ernie, — 91556 Ernst, Louise 29070 Peter 50695 Erpe, Joseph 56060 Erratt, Fanny 76653 Joseph 70627 Erre, James 756 Erridge, Edward 73731 Errington, Elizabeth . . . . 52267 Erskine Family (India) . . . . 28319 James 2633 Maria 72309 Miss Mary .. .. 52171 -. Samuel McMichan . . 21209 Erwood, Thomas Nelson . . 78562 Esam, Edward (or Everard) . . 74544 Escher, Jean 91557 Esgar, John 32279 Eslob, Martin 26031 Espinasse, William 65307 Essam, Ann 65698 Essell, John Richard .. .. 117 Essery, Joseph Mary . . . . 2769 Essex, Earl of 52162 Essington, Robert 9571 Essory, Lucy 73390 Estcourt, Rev. Edmund Wm. 60660 Esten, James 91559 Esther, H 10843 EstiU, Regent Henry .. .. 10542 Etches, George 36596 Thomas 707 Etherington, Elizabeth . , . . 43 Ethering-ton, John 15325 William .. .. 91560 Ethersey, Capt. Richard . . 52164 Eton, James 50006 Etridge, Thomas 51325 Etty, Walter 38100 EtwaU, Elizabeth 91561 Eudale, Ann 63670 Eugenio, Carpoim 18563 Eury, WiUiam 18564 Eustice, George and Richard. , 12631 Evan, Elizabeth 76397 Mary and William. . . . 91562 Evance, Sir Hugh 71205 John 74905 Evans,— 30160 Capt A. F... ,, ., 62173 123 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Ni relate will be found at end of Index, Evans, Alice — — - Ann (wife of RoTjert) . . Arthur Benjamin . . Blanche Charles (Colonics) (E.I.C.S.) Daniel David B. .. Henry (Colonies) (KK.) .. Fitz Dr. (legatee) Edward . . . , — . (Colonies) Benjamin Edwin Eleanor — Eliza — Elizabeth (or Eichard) (Oxford) . . ■ — (spinster) . . . (widow) (London) . . B Esther John, Rev Evan L. J Family (Liverpool) George (India) . . senior (Lambeth) Griffith. Harvey Henry (farmer) . . (son of George) Humphrey James James (Bucks) . . (died abroad) . . (Chancery) Jane A. John (to advantage)] (Warwick) , (Lancaster) . ^Carnarvon) (Colonies) . (Cardigan) . Morris.. Joseph (Worcester) 9293 11776 4800 66806 17281 50907 18565 51587 75371 50512 12994 10839 18566 66685 10057 17820 9386 18567 5.0831 50048 30425 39783 11233 75881 37647 39350 1149 60980 36795 18569 7083 61349 65690 91563 28340 28320 55668 23666 18568 33882 7421 69931 73733 18570 53710 73532 65384 23731 27069 66807 65670 8285 66672 37373 36797 18571 75370 66837 76372 Evans, Joseph 5845 (Liverpool) .. 21136 Ick 35787 Maria 26237 B 60981 Mary 11776 (wife of WiUiam)_ 2538 (sister of Benjamin) 5845 (late of Dudley) — — Ann (London) . , — — Anne (York) Maurice Miss Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. (housekeeper) . . Money Owen (Cardigan) (Chancery) . . (native Sth. Wales) Patience Richard . . ' , (legatee) . . (Somerset) (mariner) Robert (Merioneth) 51243 50257 74903 60976 36332 803 10545 60978 59966 52176 2320 12685 27070 5845 12040 21200 50263 17821 37475 4800 36218 21127 74865 74545 6618 63326 ^ '. 67470 Sarah 16520 — — (late Miss James) 601 — Miss (Middlesex) 6993 Sophia 1545 (late of Dublin) 50898 Susannah 5845 T.J 12646 Theodosia 15747 Thomas (to advantage) (Bristol) . . (legatee) . . Dr. .. .. — William . . Rose Rowland Samuel (Van Dieman's) (farmer) . . . Diamond . . Davis (Surrey) Owen William 55670 2679 73977 75367 75882 91564 60984 18572 50496 5815 (Wo. of Richd.) 8620 (merchant tailor) 15790 (son of Richard) 12040 Lieut 7718 (lateofMiddlcsex)33927 (lateof Edmonton) 141 18 Lieut. «. I. yi045 (Colonics) . . (Worcester) , (bro.of Bcnj.^ )ro. of Richa.) 124 Directions for obtainhig full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Evans, William (carpenter) Evanson, Dorothea . . Eleanor . , Evatt, Anne Eve, William Henry- Evelyn, Frederick . . Sir John Lyndon Dame Mary . , Evenden, Thomas . . . , Ever, Charles Everand, John Everard, Elizabeth Mary William (banker) Sir Eichard Simon B.- . . . . Evered, Adelaide Jane . . Ann. and Eobert . . Everett, Ann Anthony Elizabeth (or Youdon) Eskett Family James John . . Everill, Frederick . . Everington, William Everist, John . . Everitt, Charles John . . William Evers, Mary and William Eversiield, Charles . . George Andrew Everson, Catherine . . , , '■ Mark Every, Edward and John Thames Lloyd . . Eves V. Bray James Thomas William Evill, Thomas Evrington v. Graham 36981 12355 5013 21596 53711 91564 17545 72396 5846 76444 55387 13015 57705 75885 9904 12269 69937 61285 6619 91565 69941 81566 18573 73975 67898 29 91567 62440 35065 75719 54447 31091 11888 91567 54219 5752 8743 14706 29256 24182 17179 91568 5679 73975 40841 Ewald, Wilhelm 25969 Ewart, Archibald 39982 David 59023 Family 91569 Jane 67420 WilHam 25746 Ewbank Family 91570 Henry 10416 (Middlesex) . . 64a09 Ewbank, John 10508 Ewell, John 67899 Ewen, 14589 Ewer, Barbara 74491 John (India) .. .. 28324 91571 Samuel 4829 Ewers, J 10038 Ewing, Agnes 91572 Ann & David . . . . 91573 Fanuly 91574 James 35083 Janet 13183 John, Captain . . . . 21652 E^dngs, Phoebe 61355 Ewington, WiUiam 75219 Exton, George . . John Ball — Mary N. Extrum, Laurence 236 389 16506 477 Eyare, Jemima 31132 Eye Hospital (legacy to) . . . . 91574 Eyer, Ann 2983 Eyke, John 32564 Eykin & Browning 9875 Hester 70812 Ey-les, Charlotte 72550 Joseph 91575 Robert Wells .. .. 34702 Thomas 89006 William 9533 Eylward, Joseph 25947 Eyre, Daniel 16889 Elizabeth 17706 F 91576 Family (Chancery) . . 24194 Frances Elizabeth . . . . 152 George 17705 (York) .. .. 62443 Hagley Annie 35047 Henry Samuel . . . . 21653 James 5915 Lady 760 Louisa 26704 Maria 39427 Mary 1656 Robert 26704 Thomas 68469 Eyres, Mr 75970 Sarah 2347 Eyton, James 61347 John 51300 Mrs 16478 125 Dlreotions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. F Fabe, — 25848 Fabian, A.melia Alica . . . . 35250 Fabin, K. G 16498 Fabricus, John 91577 Facer, Charlotte and Thomas . 57257 -James 91578 Facett, — 2639 Facherell, Edward 50291 Fackman, William 23404 Facon, John . . 61368 Fagan, Bridges 22512 James 18574 John 12996 H 66549 Mary 18575 Fagg Family 91579 Mary and Robert . . . . 4102 Fahy, Ellen 64050 Fair, Henry and Mary . . . . 91580 Fairbaim, Ann 27071 James 4026 — Joseph 35780 ^— Robert K 76463 Fairbrother, — 15228 Elizabeth .. .. 91581 ^— Thomas .. .. 32492 Fairbiu-n v. Blintt 24197 Fairchild, Joseph and William 15740 Faircloth, John 18576 Fairclough, EHzabeth . . . . 68480 Henry 91582 John 17778 — Walsh . . . . 50369 Morgan .. .. 11669 William Henry .. 61344 Fairfax Family 52192 Fairfoul, Thomas 25552 FairhaU, Edwin 69025 Fairhead, John 54159 Thomas B 75373 Fairie, Robert 62112 Fairlamb, Edward 34521 Fairlie, James . . . . . , . . 58805 Fairly, Alexander 12587 Robert 10852 Fairtlough, Francis . . . . 21601 Fairweather, David 91583 • Family ,. .. 67460 William .. .. 9594 Faithful, Henry 29257 Charles 33795 Falconar, G-eorge, Lieut. . , 27071 Falconer, Alexander . , . . 12051 Ann 91584 Duncan 18577 James 72574 Jane 67467 Falconer, John 16239 (Inverness) . . 12193 Hon. Louisa Keith. . 68481 -— Martha Ann . . . . 16966 R. B 18578 S. J. C. Captain . . 9333 Sylvester 67468 William 16965 Faldo, George 72631 Falkiner, Joseph 22723 Thomas 8292 Falkner, Catherine 91585 Edward Deane . , 50860 Elizabeth Susannah 32925 Richard 11272 Robert 91586 Samuel 5680 Thomas 91587 WiUiam 12688 Fall, WiUiamN 67917 Fallon, Ann 24680 Alfred 52272 Henry 91588 Margaret .... . . 8680 Rose Eliza 65771 Samuel , .. 37715 Fallow, Joseph 18579 Fallowfield, Margaret and Wm. 73412 Falls, Sophia 27072 Falvey, Alfred 70826 Famingo, Angelo 91589 •Fancy, George 5607 Fane, Ernest Fitzroy .. .. 31438 Fanham, John 2201 Fanning, Joseph 18580 Fanny, F 29024 Fanquier, William 60660 Fanshawe, John Gascoyne . . 15144 Fantham, John 2003 Fanthome, James 15617 Fappe, Ann 91590 Farborough, Sarah 91591 Fardell, David 7967 Edward 31883 Henry, Rev 34936 Edward.. .. 75887 John . . 37551 Joseph 91592 Thomas 25949 Farebrother, Charles . . . . 54570 Farell, Thomas 15636 Farey& Parry 59034 WiUiam 35087 Fargher, Benjamin 3462 Farglen, Hans 91593 Farley, Charles 64097 Frederick 60055 126 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Farley, John (Stafford) . . . . 9059 (Kent) . . . . 52208 24235 Eobert 8008 Susan 24235 V. Turner 51073 . V. Woodman . . . . 91594 Farling, John 5232 Farm, William 5104 Faxman, W. H. 30961 Fannar, Rev. H. H. B 23334 Farmer, Abigail 14713 Cam 9018 David 34278 Edward 13129 Sir Edward .. .. 6341 Emma (wife of John) 69051 Family 91595 George 6341 Winyatt .. 74622 John (Chancery) . . 72208 (Stafford) . . 52270 13128 Louisa .. .. .. 50137 LukeR 1071 Mrs 9837 Richard 12574 Reginald 22100 Samuel 65308 Thomas William .. 36601 WHHam 56191 Farmiloe Family .... . . 2479 Farmine, Joyce 91596 Famborough, Thomas . . . . 91597 FameU, Ensign W. A. P. . . 29258 Famham, Lord John .. .. 31088 Robert (serjeant) . . 51690 Susan 91598 WiUiam 5042 Famsworth, John 74907 Famworth, Mrs. 33810 Thomas H 56884 &Whclcr .. .. 74472 Farquhar, Christian . . . . 12426 J. (died abroad) . . 72676 John.. 2831 General WiUiam .. 29259 Farquharson Family . . . . 91599 James Russell . . 31954 Farr, Alexander William . . 72009 Edmund and FuUcr . . 39815 Edward 1780 Family 91600 Frederick, William . . 33503 George 75719 Holm and John . . . . 2788 Miss Louisa 61307 Susan 27073 WiUiam 7199 Farra, Joseph (Liverpool, &c.) 76466 Farrah, Horatio 75377 Farraine, Joyce and Thomas 5567 Farrance & Carriot 74588 Farrant, Henry, Lieut.-Col. . . 36603 John 15559 Farrant, Samuel 91601 Farrar, Elizabeth 17707 V. Birch 24212 V. Edwards 24212 George and John . . 39061 V. MinshuU 24212 Farrborough, Sarah .. .. 21196 FarreU, Edward .... . . 7228 — ■ Luke ...... .. 11704 Margaret 75375 Patrick 25153 Stephen A., Rev. . . 22827 Thomas .... . . 9124 Farren, George 35«84 John 17947 George (N. K.) . . 44 William 73403 Farrer, Jane 34394 John (York) . . . . 75374 Joseph 31520 Jpsiah 66500 Richard Frederick . . 10401 Thomas 91602 William 38471 Farrett Family 18581 Farrill, Mary .. 16448 Farrimond r. Baron , , . . 24195 Farrington, Catherine . . . . 607 : — Charles . . . . 3952 Farris, John 1453 Farrow, Eleanor 91603 Elizabeth 7741 John Mayno . . . . 37495 Sarah 70814 Thomas (clerk) . . . . 154 WUUam 7741 Farsant, Peter 4840 Farthing, John (seaman) . . 623 John (York) . . . . 8968 Robert 8961 Fasson & Son 9871 Fast, Harriot and John. . . . 160 Fatis, John EUis 8746 Faulkner, Ada 91604 Charles 60276 Hugh B 22976 James 67916 Robert 18686 Samuel 91606 William 91606 Beckford . . 61439 Faums, Margaret 27074 Fauntleroy, John 91607 Fauquair, Francis 91608 Faure, WUUam C 10869 127 Directions for obtaining fall copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Faustone, Ralph 15268 Favell, John 58267 Favier, Charles Augustus .. 3850 Fawcett, — 91609 Ann (York) . . . . 52271 Charlotte 5356 John, Rev.,& Matilda 23666 Mary 16125 . Thomas .... . . 91610 (Colonies) . . 25625 Thomas (Durham) . . 70816 WilHam 91611 Fawkes, Marmaduke .. .. 61371 Peter 34546 Fawley, Charles 775 Mary and William . . 91612 Fawnt, George 27075 Fay, Eleanor 6934 Fayerman v. Browne . . . . 24196 Francis Maria . . 73735 Fayers, John 67901 Fayle, Elizabeth 22668 Fayrer, James and William . . 91613 John 2182 Fayting, Nicholas 91614 Fazakerley, Ann 23602 FeaMns, Henry T 75727 Fearn, John 72561 Joseph 58091 Samuel 56711 George {alias William) 3978 John George . . . . 50308 Feame, James 91615 William (York) . . . . 14553 Feamhead, Mr 52291 Peter 51102 Feamley, Beniamin 91616 William 13130 Feams, Louisa 11687 Fearon Family 27076 John .. .. .. .. 10855 R. B., Major-Gen. . . 30693 Feast, Fehx 11634 Thomas 91617 Feather, Edward 18587 Featherhy, Susanna . , . . 9579 Featherstone, — 91618 Feche, Sir John 71198 Feeley, A. Michael, Mr 36903 William . . .... 65763 Feeny, James 28329 Feest, Thomas 62767 Fegan, John Festus (or Capt.) 74595 Fehr, Conrade 75889 Fending, Elizabeth 91619 FeiUett, 73980 Feistel, G 91620 Feldwick, George 30203 r^ Joseph 27077 Feley, Maria 70828 Feigner, Robert 18588 Felix, David and Mary . . . . 3321 Fell, Agnes 31595 Catherine 14313 Fanuly 757.19 James 17954 John 33934 Philip Lambert . . . . 18589 R., Son & Pearson . . . . 9957 Robert George 7385 Sarah 1280 Felleter, Averine 91621 FeUingham & Co 9893 John 91622 Fellowes, Sir Thomas . . . , 32589 WilHam 835 Fellows, Sir Charles .. .. 63715 Henry 33665 William Dorset . . 72397 Fellum, John Charles . . . . 28330 Feltham, B., Mrs 34980 Charles 11633 James (Surrey) . . 75892 Feltom, Clement M. ' . . . . 72562 Felton, Robert 31186 WiUiam (Berks) . . . . 8166 4193 Feltwell, WiUiam, jun 32259 Fenbrook, Anthony 58848 Fencock, Daniel 35605 FendaU, Sophia 32751 Fenemore, Christopher and John 91623 Fenn, Charles, Capt. (India) . . 28331 52860 EHzabeth 14328 FamUy 91624 ■ Mary 2660 WilHam Hugh .. .. 50946 Fennell Family 22420 ■ George 14271 WilHam 40914 Fenner, Henry 67906 Ludd 37221 Zachariah 91625 Fenney, Robert 6760 Fennings, Richard 61012 FentaU, WiUiam 91622 Fenton, Charles 91626 Family 9464 George 64638 James 32638 Jane 67466 John (Ireland) .» ,. 26482 5389 Joseph 10853 Mrs 3697 WUHam 39449 — (died abroad) 65757 Fenwick, -- 73343 1J8 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to lohich these Names relate w'i he found at end of Index. Fenwick, Addison C.S. .. Catlierine . . Charles Peach. Mary IMichael Stovin Ralph . . . Robert Thomas . .- . Feran, John Ferguson, Ann . . Charles. Dayid Family . . . . , . George Henry James (Lancaster) . . —. Grant . . John (to advantage) (seaman) — Kichard . . llohcrt Sir Robert A. . . — — V. Shepherd . . Samuel Drake . . Thomas . . (India) William Fergusson, Cecilia (Middlesex) (Edinburgh) Family (Colonies) . (India) Ferlin, John Former, — James Henrietta Thomas Hugh William (York) James Femades, A Fernandez, Amico M Ritta .... . . Fernando, Louisa Feme, Edmund Femeloy, Moses Femie, Ebenezer Femside Family " Ferooz " (ship), Crew of Fcrraby, Charles Ferrall,, Henry T. and John N. Ferrao, F R. A Ferraro, Domanick ^ . . . Ferre, Do, John James . . Ferrer, Eli Ferrers, — 55117 91627 30913 69981 91628 811 34580 34163 55675 10855 27078 71621 21429 68947 6378 10 68470 12089 8588 21489 1308 34139 61009 25523 23251 71615 34139 34668 29260 4816 65477 31814 31054 18590 28334 31054 12301 75890 53182 91630 63295 27079 28335 25687 22220 29261 16383 2205 69009 75719 60486 67313 39675 22491 22222 29262 1339 51303 38187 72344 Ferrers, Earl . . . . George Joseph Ferrier, Daniel . . David . . Mary . . . . Ferrier s Family I'oi'rior, Mary Ferris, Edward F. and Laura. . Charles James John . . Family Francis John & Sons Richard Forro, R. A. Ferry, Elizabeth and AVilliam Forth, Nathan and William . . Fesse, Mary Festen, Berend Fetch, Joseph F(^tham, Churlos Fother, Thomas Fetherston Family I'V'therstonhaugh, Timothy . . I'ettlc, Richard i'redcriclc Feuillade, (rGorge Read . . Few, John Feyer, William Abraham Flinch, Matthew Ffolkes,Sir WilHam, J.S. & C.B. Ffowke Family Ffrance, Robert W Ffrcnch, Michael (Chelsea) . . Ficke V. Nelthropp . Fidcomb, John . . Fiddles, Alexander Fidkin&Co. .. James . . Fidlar, David . . Field, Fidler, Elizabeth and Ellen . . Isaac Thomas N Augusta ■ Daniel • Francis Agnes • Frederick • George (Brentford) .. (Hertfordshire) - n. - Ilcm-ietta - Henry . . - James . . -. Jemima - Johanna -John. .... . . (Americji) -Joshua (York) - Ly dia ;; » , 66346 404 21485 91631 59295 17292 73981 60983 70818 65751 859 74910 25598 28336 72680 69008 21386 18593 91632 91633 10014 73734 50826 21276 50871 52853 91634 38598 66697 75894 56942 76462 24214 4132 6238 74904 75286 25783 73528 51017 58436 53961 71663 70829 61374 11562 36391 21926 60416 70830 61003 37132 65754 27080 27081 16530 5466 36517 129 Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tvhich these Kamei relate will be found at end of Index. Field, Mary 16447 (Tottenham) .. 2690 Patrick 17919 " Eobert (Chancery) . . 59030 39328 Samuel 91635 Sarah 51043 W.H 29263 WilHam (Sussex) . . 31788 51367 Fielden, Abraham 56726 V. Fielden 24201 Fielder, Ann . . 24210 Family 54249 V. Flight 24202 John 57941 Julius 18594 Mr 32936 Sarah 6169 Thomas 4104 Edward . . . . 65734 Fielding, Alexander .. .. 52296 Daniel 53434 Elizabeth 5119 James 74408 & Co 68333 Fields, John 26626 Fieldsend Family 35244 Field\\dck, William 40210 Fiellens, John A " 66550 Fiese, Godfrey 66356 Fife, Countess D 16539 Earl of . . 69921 Figg, William 61372 Fiibev, Frances and James . . 91636 Filby, William 69999 Filden, Samuel 18595 Fildcr, Mr. John Turner . . 21109 Fildes, Jonathan 11777 Fileen, William (Dublin) . . 25685 Filer, Edward 34828 Files, Stephen 23802 Filewood, James 9242 ■ Sophia 2681 Filgrass, Frederick Augustus . 18596 FilHngham, John 91637 Susannah . . . . 27086 Fillinham, John J. A 67495 Fillmer, William 57643 Filmer, Matthew 27082 ■ & Wall 65735 Fimister, Ebenezer 61378 Finch, Ann (Essex) 69012 8293 (servant) . . . . 69013 ■ Caroline 59320 — . The Hon. E 22857 Edward (N.K.) . . . . 34930 Hon. E 31002 Family .. 74618 Finch, Frederick 73730 Gascoyne 91638 George 38354 Homage 18597 Henry 63713 ■ John 12995 Foord 32792 Justin .. .. .. .. 73731 Peter 34703 Richard .. .. .. 72046 Barrabee .. 30719 Eev. Robert . . . . 7061 Thomas (Sussex) . . 3450 (farmer) . . 4717 .. 6663 — William 24209 (Essex) . . . 9016 : r^ Barker . . 35156 Golding . . 5906 Fincham, Zach.. .. .. .. 54102 Fincher, Joseph 91639 Findlater & EUis 65309 George 91640 Findlay, Charles 3354 EHzabeth (Middlesex) 76678 Nancy 27083 Findley, Alexander 12140 Findon, Francis 32242 Finegan, Peter 11796 Finey, Edward 91641 Fingal, Lord 11752 Finigan, A. Thomas . . . . 7278 -EHzabeth 71429 John James . . . . 23082 Finlay, Edward (or Gray) . . 75918 James 91642 Mary .. 91643 William 53432 Finlayson, Elizabeth . . . . 27084 John 2587 William .. .. 74431 Finley, Archer 60612 ■ Edward 37761 ■ Family (Ireland) . . 23806 (Chancery) . . 24196 James 1766 Mary 11963 Finman, Robert . 6866 Finn, Arthur and Edward . . 18598 Henry and John , . . . 91644 ■ Joseph 52182 Mary 27085 Finnan, Robert 6866 Finncane, Andrew 56964 Finncome, — 30045 Finnegan, Michael 25837 Finnell, John 91645 . Mary 12683 Finney Family J , ,, ». .. 6656 Finnigan, Winifred . . . . 35159 I 130 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Finsbury Building Societies . . 73999 " Fire Queen" (ship), Crew of 55037 Firman, Elizabeth 10214 Thomas Pierson .. 11300 William . . .... 63714 Firmin, Isaac 69897 Firth, Ann 74361 David 75898 Family 75079 Gerard 38642 Gideon 5785 Joseph 8287 Martha and Thomas . . 34550 Nathan and William . . 24019 Eohert 34928 Thomas 75379 Fischer, Charles 91646 F. A 11767 George E 62443 Fish, Charlotte 4463 & Co 59033 V. Green 805 Henry 70827 John 7599 Joseph 11961 James 91647 Nathaniel 3932 Fishhoume, J. M 53388 Fishbum, Mary 75378 Thomas 65746 Fishenden, John W 18600 Fisher, Abraham 73408 Alice 57586 Barbara 16126 Caroline (representatives) 51498 58833 Charles 1989 Cordelia 31223 Ebenezer Roscoe . , 36563 Edward 91648 Elizabeth 91649 Ellen (or Green) . . . . 74923 6664 Family .. 4714 George (Middlesex) . . 40243 9973 & Green 805 Henry 21815 Horatio N 61376 Hugh George . . . . 29264 (or Dolier), Isabella . . 74587 James (Chancery) . . 68532 61497 (America) . . 27086 McNaught . . 24323 John (Cumberland) . . 10656 73408 (seaman) .. .. 1851 Captain (India) . . 28338 Louiaa ., 63718 Fisher, Maria 14604 Mary (Hackney) . . 6477 (Dantzic) .. ., 8050 Nicholas 10439 Peter 13187 Richard B 91650 Robert and Roger . . 91651 (Cambridge) . . 67477 Ruth 6704 Sarah 14127 (or Parker) . . 76098 Thomas 9457 (Lancaster) .. 36230 (Chancery) .. 72044 (Colonies) .. 18601 Bunney . . . . 35242 Joseph .. .. 53972 WiUiam 3083 (Colonies) . . 18602 Fishlock, Elizabeth 1698 Fishwick, William 91652 Fisk, Robert 50047 William 62276 Fiske, Robert 61377 William 5786 Fisser, Andrew 91653 Fitch, — (heirs of) 62444 • , (nurse) 50202 Daniel John 62188 Family 74341 George, Lieut.-Col. . . 66546 Joseph 91654 Samuel 30428 Thomas 63709 Fitchett, Ann ^ 61376 Henrietta M 62447 Fitchew, John 75893 William 69011 Fitton, Edmund 5221 Fitzar, Edgar 24199 Fitzclarence, General . . . . 36737 Rear Admiral . . 40772 Fitz-Evans, Davis 10057 Fitzcr, Thomas 91656 Fitzgerald, Augustine . . . . 26400 B 28339 Catherine . . . . 16886 Charles (Ireland) . . 10147 Col. (Mddlsx.) 67377 26399 David 26071 Edward 6937 Emily Alice . . . . 61616 V. Field 23726 Frances 22803 George 91666 James 22026 (India) . . 70935 John 91667 Francis . . 23107 181 JDireetiona for oUaining full copies of the Advertisements to which thesf yatnet relate will be found at end of Index. Fitzgerald, John George, Capt. 75895 Keane 5994 Margrette .. .. 23312 Mrs. 69835 Patrick (Westmnstr.) 3746 ■ (seaman) . . 7452 Peter 18604 R. . . 91658 Eobert, Captain . . 21790 Thomas (Middlesex) 51173 (seaman) . 1608 22802 J 22507 Timothy .. .. 91659 Vesey (Chancery) . 75719 WiUiam (Ireland). 22801 Lieut. . . 21654 91660 Fitzgibbon, Baron 73414 Michael 11889 Fitzharris Family 75891 Fitzherbert, Frances . . . . 68491 WiUiam, Eev. .. 11126 Fitz-Hugh, T. C 10860 Fitzmaurice, Henry . , . . 91661 Honora .... 4820 Fitzpatrick, Ann (Liverpool) . . 75381 Christopher and Jas. 91662 J 73398 Maria H 22627 Mrs 26238 Michael . . . . 6820 Patrick . . . . 1740 (Colonies) . 18605 Fitzsimons, James 62209 Mat. F. andMeredith 26477 Patrick 18606 Fitz-William, John (Colonies) 18603 Fitz William, John 9717 Fixott, Elizabeth 2573 Fixter, John 91663 Flack, Daniel Ludgate . . . . 72565 . William (Essex) . . .. 9 Fladgate, William 58516 Flahaven, James 73817 Flaherty, Honora 21367 John 18607 Joseph 30084 Thomas 20472 Flamank, Eobert May , . . . 65731 Flanagan, C. H 27087 Flanders, Elizabeth 51274 Flannagan, John 13148 Flannery, Thomas, Eev. . . 21813 Flannigan, 18608 Flatman, John 91664 Martha 10221 Flatters, Elizabeth 74619 FlavoU, Henry 32112 Flawn, Samuel 91665 Flay, Susan 18609 Fleaureau, Charlotte . . . . 27088 Fleck, Henry .. 26009 Flecknor, John • 32356 Fleet, Edward . . 51636 James and John . . .. 8896 Sarah- 91666 Fleetwood, Cornelius . . . . 91667 . . Dora 26156 Elizabeth .. .. 35874 John March . . . . 7949 WiUiam .. .. 72567 Flegg, Edward 91665 Flelfer, Adolph 91669 Flemare, Anne and Susannah 3038 Fleming, Andrew 34352 Archibald .. .. 62277 Bridget 23610 D. 29265 Edwards 67950 EUzabeth K 75376 Family • 91670 (Colonies) . . 18610 '■ Frances 6007 John (Westmoreland) 60262 3834 Joseph 74431 Major o 789 Miss 13324 Patrick 23511 Thomas (Middlesex) 76471 WUUam (Exeter) .. 67946 10849 (china-burner) 39400 (Exeter) . . 36844 (veoman) . . 5490 (York) . . 62214 Henry Willis .. .. 37035 • Le\vis, Mrs 37018 • WilHam Thomas . . 60123 Flemming, Joseph • 26652 WiUiam 6765 Flesher, Joseph • 69978 Thomas, Rev 5563 Fletcher, David . . . . . . 27089 Elizabeth (spinster) 15367 Ellen ..■•.. . . 8941 ElHs 37036 Esther 27090 Family 54617 Frederick 25922 George (Yorkshire) 63720 10256 H. (medical student) 67919 Hannah 91671 Hemy 91672 (or Henry A.) 69948 Jacob Fletcher . . 60970 James (Bury) , . . . 8177 12 182 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Metcher, James 11737 (Lancaster) 70831 John (miner) . . . . 75380 950 H 91673 -Jonas 91674 Joseph 91675 Colin . , . . 55980 ■ & Kay 9953 Margaret 1820 Martha 4842 Mary (Lancaster) . . 32197 (or Waghorn) 13143 Ann .. .. 11304 .. .. 60269 Mrs 66720 t;. Moxon 24211 • Nathaniel, Rev. ,. 31847 «;. Northcoto .. .. 24213 ■ Paul 5938 ■ Rachel 14828 Ralph 50799 Rebecca 6788 Richard 23669 (Lincoln) .. 69010 . (Manchester) 52273 Robert (Middlesex) . 63152 — 17632 . Sarah Mary .. ,. 75382 and Susan »» 91676 Susan 74914 Thomas (Chancery) . 24145 ■ and William . 14830 . (Shoreditch) . 4601 William 24745 (Lancaster) . , 950 (abroad) . . 6239 (India).. .. 810 Henry . . . , 34302 Fletcroft, Henry 3975 Flett, Andrew 24698 Fletter, Adolphus 91677 Fleurcau, Charlotte 91678 Fleurian, Robert 27091 Flew, Mary 27092 Flight, E.G 91679 Edward Shepherd . . 40726 — Martha .. 64247 " FHght '' (Ship), crew of . . 25649 Plin, Edward' 22582 Flinn, John .. 2760 Richard G956 Tliomas 3511 ■ (Colonies) .. 18613 Flinnery, Ann 6339 Flinster, Mary Ann . . . . 21676 Flint, Algernon L 76710 George 09014 Guisti Andrew . . . . 37521 — Hamjah, Mrs C13b7 Flint V. Hunt 24208 Leonard . . 70896 Thomas Augustus . . . . 773 FHtcroft, — (N.K.) 68082 Henry 51394 John 27093 Sarah 66982 Float, George 3033 Flockburn, Andrew .. ., 91680 Flockton, James Mangnall . , 53431 Thomas M. ., .. 60077 Webster 74911 Flood, C 35384 Christopher (Devon) . . 51672 Frederick L 26372 Mary 20396 Thomas 91681 Flore, Francisco 91682 Floris, Mary 63721 Robert 27094 Flory, George 34852 Flotte, 91683 Flower, Sir Charles 69037 Cook 69015 Edward 14076 Elizabeth 35710 Isaac 39836 Jane 30802 Mary 7070 . Mr 7089 Flowers, George 5025 Rebecca 15488 Floyd, Joseph 40338 Robert T 22992 Floy er, Margaret 91684 Fludver t\ BrudeneU .. .. 24198 Flucster, Edward 07476 Fluin, John 2760 Fluke, Charles 26684 Flv, Henry 6184 Flynn, Elizabeth 26464 James 26563 Michael and Thomas . . 18610 Flyter, James 29266 Foakcs, William Henry . . . . 73409 Foat, Wiiliam ;. . 91685 Foderingham, Thomas . . . . 6847 Foeberdt, Johann Carl J. . . 62399 Fogarty, G. T. Cornelius . . 29267 Thomas 91686 Fogg, Mary Ann 76804 Robert 32 William 2071 Foggo Family 9209 Fogleburv, Susannah .. .. 17696 Fogwill, Thomas 03687 Folds Family 76383 William 3172 Foley, Darnel 1^ 22826 133 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tchich these Xamci relate will be found at end of Index. Foley Family 18616 George 23209 John (York) .. .. 73995 Eev 39350 Lydia 69310 ■ Margaret 862 Michael 26562 Thomas 91687 William 22826 Andrew , . 62463 Folgham, John and T 91688 Timothy 63254 Foljambe, Henrv 10627 & Saml (legatee) 74913 Jonathan, Eev. ,. 75901 Folkard, James .. .« .. 56556 Folkes, Mary Ann 33598 Folley, Susannah 53864 Follows, John 51332 Fologan, Hans 91689 Fomes, Maria 21032 Fonblanque, Anthony ,, ,, 91680 Foncy, George 8291 Fondacci, Signio Pasquali , • 5476 Fondacre, Maria 91691 Fontaine, Charles 73532 Gaspar 18619 Fooks, George 18610 Foord, John 24661 (China) .. .. 71027 Rohert 18621 Foot,— 71274 Charles 91692 Daniel 26121 Family 69019 James 2272 Jane 91693 John (Southampton) , . 70860 Marv and Mary Ann » . 91694 Robert 1190 WiUiam 62454 Foott, Malachi 32344 MaryE 26398 Foran, Timothy 24713 Forassy, Amelia 91696 Forbes, Catherine 5482 Sir Charles 65175 & Co 68074 David (Scotland) . . 76473 Duncan G 22223 Elizabeth 10475 Family (India) . . . . 29268 Francis 91697 George 23748 John, Viscount 7838 ' J. A. G 25965 James, Dr. (N.K.) . . 53387 10847 (died abroad) . . 18622 -r-, Keith .. ., 29268 Forbes, John 22102 (Chancery) . . 66310 (chemist) . . . . 74904 Maria Stewart . . . . 22101 Mrs. Captain . . . . 56552 • Mrs. Marian . . . . 21655 35015 Nathaniel 50053 Mrs. Rosette . . . . 31295 Smith & Co 68075 Sophia 73410 William 91698 (Colonies) . . 18623 Ford, B .. .. 73791 Benjamin 12070 Charles 28343 Edward 18624 Francis 91699 Shutt 10856 George 40262 Harriet Ann 17478 J 73721 Jacob .. .." .. .. 18625 James (London) . . , . 76464 21364 John 21364 (Colonies) . . . . 18626 Joseph 17075 Ford, Margaret (Perthshire) 21389 Philip and Ralph .. .. 91700 Richard 27095 Susannah 74623 Thomas 10095 (Southwark) .. 10664 Thomas (seaman) . , . , 1849 William (farmer) . . . . 5621 (Chester) .. 9726 21389 Winifred 25818 Forde, Anne H. and Robert . . 26086 Arthur Brownlow . , 52205 Austin Thomas .. ,. 26096 John 15825 Fordham, Edward 7680 Edward Allen . . 33361 Frederick 7679 Richard 52212 Fordyce, Arthur Thomas D. . . 62461 George and Isabel . . 24576 James 6787 . John 16025 WiUiam 91701 Forem, Robert 8016 Foreman, Charlotte & Henrietta 91702 Thomas 27096 (Kent) . . 38543 " Forerunner " (ship) .. .. 37472 Fores, William 18627 Foreshaw, Elizabeth and Geo. 27097 Forest, Martha .. .. ,, 3o96 134 i)irections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kamcs relate will be found at end of Index. Forest, FaiTttcry — '- Thomas — William Fork, Jane Forlea, fc^ophia . . Forman, Kobert WilliaTii . . Forrest, Francis ColHer Francis H. . , • George G-. . , James . . Margaret . , Rachel Eohert Thomas F. , . William (Glasgow) Fon-estcr, Anthony David J; L. John Joseph J. • Miss • • Sarah ' • Thomas William (London) . , (Middlesex) . (India) ■ . . (Salop) Forristall, Michael Forsant, Peter , . . . Forshaw, John ' Ptobert Forster, Alice — — Andrew Ann «;. Borrcll .. .. ' Charlotte " Elizabeth (Middlesex) Elmcs Frances Ann Geoi*ge . . . ; ■ HanhJih — — — James John .. .; .. .. ■ (Chancery) . . • • (Gloucester) — — ' (Nwcstlc-on-Tyne) ■ John (or FoiTcster) , . — -— — John Dodd ' Johrisbn '■ ' Joseph (Nrthmbcrhad) LeonKi'd Mabe-l .. .. ]Margarot Marv' Ann . , T?. AV., Lieut. R'-vlph ,, ,, 27098 50791 3596 12011 72566 70844 30008 52187 67512 52278 8746 12266 26172 68492 73407 73399 56987 30950 6340 28344 30046 74912 18628 16544 64631 50611 17433 12132 38270 69682 76677 14740 52201 24634 14265 82 10624 23726 17013 17940 14249 73992 10616 14489 91703 9321 71847 40969 32011 1580 72568 24318 13328 16829 65727 91704 0567 8290 28345 U817 Forster, Thomas (Nottingham) Thomas ' ' ,•. Thompson William (Middlesex) . . ■— (Chester) . . Forsyth, Eleanor- V. Grant ' ' . . David . . John •• (Colonies) . . Robert Gordon . . William '(Gunner, R.A.) Fort, Eliza ' ' . . . . ■ Richard" . : " . ; . Forlelines, Benjamin' Fortescuc, Dorotht^a ' * . John F;rithfal . • Sai-ahR .;• . Forth V. Motland- .; , Fortin, — . ; . ; • . . Fortman, Joseph*. ■ . , ' . Fortune, Alexander ■ Anthony . , ' , John (Mi-ddlesox) Forty, David "Edmund . . Forward, William . ." . , Fosbcry, F. ■..'■.. Fosbrook, — ■•..■.. Anihon"}'- A. . . Foscland, John S." . . Fosgate Family " . . . ,' Foss, John. .' . .' . , . . (Derby) .. • .. Thomas " . . . . . . William- Fossey, Danidl and Jessie Elizab'eth* " . . " " . . ' George Fosi>ick, Samuel ' " . , " . . Foster, Albert Bonco Ann find Maria . . Charlds (Middlesex) — (mariner) Dan GlaiirtCr " . . — Edwftrd ■ , , . . Eliza - Elizabeth ' . , " . . Family ..•".,■ . . FrandiS . . . , Ann. . • • . , Hannah (Favcrsham) Inglinm Jameft (Londonderry) S. Jan^ 6766 55554 12534 5447 508D4 516.^5 57529 24204 32462 52194 18629 36666 2845 51750 67483 53135 16853 14121 71848 17174 23727 36407 91706 29209 C1707 34982 10012 10284 11670 69963 21122 64624 91708 59469 67722 6-2462 27099 61452 36903 36379 70841 59027 74594 91709 63407 76470 3931 70832 62452 6429 7211 7816 73402 91710 75903 68483 11301 74431 66700 10103 135 i)irections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these KamU relate tcill be found at end of Index. Foster, Jane (Lincoln) .. ., 12004 John (heirs of) , . . , 55678 .. 2672 • (Middlesex) . . 55887 (Antrim) .. .. 11457 (Middlesex) .. 14775 • Jos. (London) . . . . 3949 Joscjoh (seaman) . . . , 6343 Lambert Blackwell . . 70845 Mary (York) . . . . 14675 • • 10462 ■ • (orPardoe) .. 34632 (N.K.) . . . . 63704 (Chancery) ,. 62298 Mr 67818 Nanny ,, ,, ,, 40255 Percival 73405 Phoebe 91711 Richard 17080 (Camhridge) . . 53725 Frederick . . 70843 Samuel (coachman) . , 67485 3836 Thomas (Nottingham) . 6766 34632 (King's Cross) . 7613 William (York) . . . . 55676 12005 (children of) .. 2126 (Birmingham) . 3717 ■ (wine merchant) 17079 (executors of) . . 21348 ■ (York) . . . . 55068 -Covell .. .. 74326 Fothergill, Anthony, Dr. , . 8992 J. 25588 James 50259 John 11584 Richard ., .. 39302 Sarah 27100 ; (Westmoreland) 75079 Fotheringham, Alexander . . 68280 John .. .. 15810 Robert H. .. 66703 Fotheringill, Thomas Greenwood 12634 Fotherington, Samuel . . , , 7635 Fottrell, William B 22981 Foulds, Mary . . 73989 Foulkes, Edward . , . . , , 75385 Edwin 73729 Evan 70842 • Family .... .. 17020 Foulsham, Elizabeth . . . . 61386 Thomas 73984 Fountain, William 91712 Fountaine, — 63297 Maria 22103 • Mary .... .. 8906 Fouracre, Ann . . • • 7344 Fouracres, ElizaTbetli , . , . 3071 Fourdrin v. Gowdey . . . . 24203 Fourdrineii-e, P 67332 Fournier, George 74399 Fowden, Edward R 11509 William 91713 Fowell V. Hardy 24206 Fowke, EHzabeth 05411 Family (London) . . 75894 Fowkes, Jane' 52275 Samuel 51581 Fowks, Mr. . . 37326 Peter . . . . . . . . 30227 (or Fowkcs) . . 37805 Fowle, Benjamin 25343 EUzabeth .. .. .. 3853 Humphrey 1415 ■ Nicholas 2289 R. D 91714 Richard 8289 Robert 10170 Fowler, Alexander 91715 Benjamin 10857 Charles 1238 (Chancery) . . 59031 (N. K.) . . . . 63338 Clara Sophia . . . . 50537 Eliza 2619 Francis 26373 George S 21432 Hannah 17156 Isaac 39761 James .. 52186 Wood .. .. 39516 John 40908 (seaman) . . . . 1564 (Surrey) . . . . 7823 William .. .. 91716 Jo8cj)h (America) . . 71030 (merchant) . . 24687 2570 Mary (City of London) 11368 12442 Ann 50298 Vice-Admii-al . . . . 60262 Ralph 65311 Richard Walker.. .. 56399 Sarah 8616 Samuel 58655 Thomas (Chancery) . . 59032 (N.K.) ."; .. 65648 Hollings worth 39515 WiUiam 10674 Fowlkes, James 58263 {alias Seymom') 75384 Fownes v. Hunt . . . . . . 24207 Fox, Alfred and Ann .. .. 91717 Barbara . . ■. 8618 Catherine . . ■ ; 91719 - Charles (Wilts) ■ . . . . 30283 (seaman) . , , , 68U l36 J)l)'ectiom for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Ka)nes relate will be found at end of Index. Fox, Charles (tanner) .. ., 10417 Clement 53433 ■ Edward Long 50545 Elizabeth 70847 Emma (daughter of Wm.) 76458 Esther Ann 27101 Francis 73998 George (Ireland) . . . . 26092 3783 Gibson Reeve 8617 Henry Burton 35842 James (Colonies) . , . . 18630 91720 • Jane . . 10078 John (Kent) 9652 9711 (York) 9550 ■ (boatswain) .. ., 2371 ■ (grocer) 6721 (Westminster) . , 6767 ■ (Colonies) . . . . 18631 Eedford 70848 Jonas 10647 Joseph 18632 k Longbottom (London) 75725 ■ Lucy 30587 ■ Richard 52215 Sarah 31544 ■ Miss (Devon) . . 69016 . Smith & Co. . . . . . . 69108 Thomas 18633 ■ Walter Sackville .. .. 37011 William 32828 (Kent) . . . . 73406 ■ Alderson . . 5613 . H 61384 Foxwell, Francis Smith . . . . 70S50 Foy, Charles Christopher . . 29268 ' Charlotte and Elizabeth . 62193 Joseph 74431 Foylo, Charles H. and James . 67481 Foyster, John 65726 Frackelton v, Grubb . . . . 24205 Frain, John 17466 Framjee, Monajoe 10667 Frampton, Elizabeth . . . . 27102 James A 67904 Sarah 71114 . Thomas (grocer) . . 76457 9582 Franca, Joseph H. de . . . . 75856 France, Thomas 69258 . ' (Lancaster) .. 74923 Frances, Family 18634 .. John 6574 — — ' Maria Partridge , . 63424 . Mary 36089 Franchini, Nicholas , , . , 2502 yrancifl; Albinia ,, ,, ,, 09924 Francis, Charles 73987 Dennis 91720 -Family 69953 George 40284 H 9857 Harriet 8095 Henry 39214 Jacob 91721 John 23436 — .(York) .. .. 40271 (Sussex).. .. 34719 Mary 76474 ■ — Mrs. (or Gladwell) . . 76736 .Overton 68718 ^ Richards 61390 Robert 91722 Thomas (Micidlesex) 10499 .... .. 8652 Francisco, A. .. .." .. .. 91723 Franckland Family . . . . 64449 Francklin, John 52294 Martha 66719 Franco, Esther 91724 Frankfort, &c., State Loans . . 39089 Frankish, Eliza 63009 Frankland «'. Frankland .. 24200 Jane and Mary .. 56119 John (Camberwell) 75899 William .. .. 26013 Franklin, Ann 27103 Arthur 18637 3508 (London) .. 71706 ' Bartholomew . . . . 24758 Benjamin . . . . 23389 Charles 91725 Henrietta Maria ., 11428 Henry 21506 (London) .. 11441 '■ — & Wm. (India) 74596 (Canada) . . 74590 John 6047 (Colonies) . . 25895 Sir John 68070 John (Berks) .. .. 40138 Lydia 9222 Mary 10526 . Richard 3408 Robert Moss . . . . 29269 William Templo . . 68990 Franklyn, Betsey 65714 Francis Edmund . . 62183 Franks, Appolonia 6681 I'lmily 75366 Henry and Jamos ,. 91726 Jane 91728 John 6681 Mrs 14216 Frankum, Richard . . . . . . 69968- Fransway, B^njaruin . . • • QlTi^ 137 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kaines relate will be found at end of Index. Frantzen, J. E 18638 Eraser, Alexander (Grenada) . . 7G3 • .. .. .. 25953 (Scotland) .. 11361 John .. .. 51081 Ann 5372 • Archibald Colquhoun 12207 Benjamin 36733 Catherine 21087 . Charles 91730 Charlotte .. ... ., 7347 Daniel and Donald .. 91731 Duncan 91733 22010 Elizabeth 25344 Family (Colonies) .. 18640 35868 (India) .. .. 28350 Henry Bristow .. ., 29270 Hugh (bill broker) . . 76886 2171 Hugh Baron .. ., 17807 James (Suffolk) . . ., 7054 (Army agent) . , 5327 .. .. .. .; 12077 (Middlesex) . . 33943 Jane 39562 Jean 21390 John 12303 (son of Hugh) . . 75386 Mary Eleanor .. .. 52200 Osborne and Simeon . . 22007 Simon 13188 Thomas . , . . . . 22009 (son of Simon) . 9471 D 69031 William 12010 Tulloh . . 67905 Frayne 61272 Frazer, Christopher & Robert . 22451 John 22006 Samuel L 23888 Simon 5682 U 75719 WilUam 40849 Frazier Family 62504 Henry 17915 Fread, Elizabeth 61421 Fream, William 38907 Freckelton, Margaret . . . . 22693 Fredan, Miss 12201 Fredera, Emanuel 12465 Frederici, Catherine Sophia . . 68334 Frederick, Charles (seaman) . . 1423 — 11927 Hart 18646 Henry Octavia .. 29271 Jacob 7442 Peter 10850 — * — Ko^er, Captain , , 35418 Frederick, William .... 63 Frederickson, Charles . . . , 10854 Fredson, David 18647 Fredwell, Francis 91734 Free, Edward Drax . . . . 2273 George 32650 Hannah 14670 Martin 27104 Mr 11944 Freeborn Family 91735 Freeland, Janet and William . 10552 Mary 91736 Freeling, Arthur 35317 EHas 36087 James W., Ensign . . 22105 Freelove, Lydia 52204 Richard 91737 Freem, Thomas 72569 Freeman, Alfred 73400 .Amelia 67479 Ann (Gloucester) . . 5066 8872 • (Middlesex) . . 76452 Barbara 14198 BettinaC 72570 Catherine .. .. 5218 Charles 15009 David 767 E. (died in India) . . 76817 Edith 75387 Edward D 21816 EHza 18648 Elizabeth 5428 (Norwich) 30245 George WiUiam . . 32968 Hannah 3345 J. (clerk) 70855 James 9283 (Durham) . . 38490 John .. .. .. 5413 (Essex) . . . . 38004 Deano . . . . 21635 Joseph 40770 (Leicester) . . 50448 IMartha 70833 (wif e of Thos.) 67910 Mary 15491 (Worcestershire) 5026 (Chipping Norton) 7595 V. Parsley . . , . 24216 Rebecca 91738 Richard Walker . . 5253 Robert (Norfolk) .. 4846 — 30844 Holmes . . 30293 Samuel 7962 V. Stokes 91739 Serjeant Thos. (India) 29272 Thomas (York) . . 70834 ^r, — 216:44 138 Directions for obtaining ftdl copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Freeman, Tyman 21277 William (Berks) . . 21959 — .. .. 7596 T— (AVcstminst er) 11673 Fi'ccmantle, Philip 27105 Frccmc, Miss 10056 Freemons, J. A 30505 Frcen, Thomas & Co 36366 Froepont, Edward 91740 Freer, Thomas Crawford .. 74918 WilHam (Hutland) . . 35076 r^ — (Leicester, &c.) 3408 -— .... .. 53177 Freese, Heinrich Christian ., 13694 Freeth, James Edward . . . . 50616 Freeze, Anthony 91741 Frekc, Henry . . .... . . 35349 Thomas 76475 Freker, Elizabeth . . .... 3998 Fremlin, William 75391 French, Alex. & Elizabeth (N.K.) 57437 Benjamin 69017 Edward .. .. .. 57867 Elizabotli (N.K.) . . 66230 ^ 24091 Eliz. (widow of George) 54450 Elizabeth Susanna . , 2 Family 9934 George (N.K.) . . . . 57439 (relatives of) 54450 • 27106 William .. 4060 & Hobson 59029 James (Nova Scotia) . . 50896 • 91744 —Bogle 59028 Jane. 64607 John. 91745 Martha 10858 Mary (Berks) . . . . 73166 33133 (Berks) . . . . 6289 (Dorset) . . . . 7250 Anno 22067 Mrs 67730 Mr. N. B 72572 Eichard 8835 S. E., Miss 67867 Thomas 18650 — (Greenwich) . . 34058 r 36730 W. T 02952 William (Sussex) . . 09036 r-^ — 34544 Frcncr, Samuel Elliott . . . . 35906 Frcnsch, George 21275 Frere, J')aptibto 75389 Charlotte 75604 r— Tobias;.. 91745 Frcrcjcan, Grace . . , . . . 65724 Freshfield, Francis 7404 John Sims . . . . 66020 Frett, Hannah 27107 Frew, Archibald & Co 52095 Fre win, James 61392 Frcy, Jacob . . 5484 Frey, John 22333 Froze, Godrey & Co 74408 Fribohrn, Charles 69021 Fricker, George • 57956 Henry 22777 -^ John 62468 Fridge, Jonathan 21150 Fried, Moritz 61028 Friedcricks,-Otto 18651 Friedlander, Nathan . , . . 72573 Friedner, F. 74917 Friel, John 24678 Friend, Abraham 8294 Charles 91746 Daniel 11744 John .(Kent) .. ., 3934 — 52210 Smith .. .. 64043 William (London) . . 63253 > (Canterbury) 38482 Friends, Daniel 3135 Fries, Elizabeth Ann .. .. 6139 Frigate, " St. Fiorenzo " (Crew of)4798 Frill, Hugh. . . 7084 Frisby, Catherine 7500 Richard 3794 Frissell, Joyce 91747 Friston, James 75688 Friswell, John . . 16533 — ^ William 62185 Frith, Ann. 27108 Charles (Middlesex) .. 51604 10848 Edward. 91748 Mary. ...... ,. 6576 Sarah. 76630 Warren Hastings Leslie 34266 Frizwell, Abraham . , . . . , 14342 Frodsham F^iimiLy 27109 John., 66718 Mrs. . . 38384 Thomas 6665 Froggart, Henry 18652 Frolich, — 63296 Fromant, Fhilip 929 Fromc's Assignees 65312 Fromow, Mrs. and Peter . . 62202 Frood, Andrew ., 34479 Frosbrook, Anthony A 66721 Frost, Charles Henry . . . . 73993 Edward 18663 Eliza (Nottingham) .. 74919 Emmclina (Cawnporo) G9967 George (Yorkshire) .. 40921 139 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to lohich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Frost, George ;, 31719 Isaac 91749 James , ,. .. 4238 ■■ — (Colonies) . . 18654 John 10266 -.(Berlin). .. .. 3758 Leigh ... .. .. 30824 Mary 70856 Michael ... .. .. 4238 Mr. . .. .. .... .. 10471 Samuel 11788 ■ Sarah 871 (housekeeper) . . 76468 Thomas (^liddlesex) . . 69966 26627 William (Essex) . . . . 3200 • (Colonies) ., 18655 8932 (York) . . . . 1 7692 (Nottingham) 16101 Froud, Charles 91750 Frow, Ann 1535 Frowd, Captain 1684 Frowe Family 27110 Froy, William Thomas ... .. 91751 Frpin, Jane 22746 Fruce, Isabella 9036 Frudaine, — 17462 Fruin, William 14136 Frushard, James 29273 Fry, Belinda 10600 Charlotte Emily . . . . 2378.2 Family 54519 Francis 14400 George William .. .. 50780 ■ James 51433 Thomas .. .. 74398 John 5073 • (IMiddlesex) .. .. 12440 ■ M 91752 • Margaret and Mchael .. 91753 • Eichard 18656 • Sarah 2285 ■ Stephen W 23729 Thomas 31084 (Kent) 36043 William 55184 (Somerset).. .. 69022 13 91755 Fryatt, William Abraham . . 7609 Frye, Kowland 14755 Fryer, Alexander 17861 Edward 3155 George Henry . . . . 73994 John (Warwick) . . . . 34468 10684 ■ Mary 69710 . William 10685 . Victor , , . . 39895 Fudge, George 659 Jonathan 16371 Fuhrraann, Dr 52191 Fuidge, Elizabeth 53430 Fulbrook, Phoobe .. .. .. 56746 Fulcher, Hemy 35309 Mary 75900 Fulford, James 39875 Fulham, Thomas 50670 FuUarton, General 28351 FuUer, Charlotte . . . . . . 40695 Edward (Warwick) . . 35812 Family 91756 John (Australia) . . . . 69032 ■ Proctor . . . . 75459 • Thomas .. .. 33675 Joseph 53429 Martha 71227 Mary Ann 74584 ■ Kobert 63691 Sarah 1389 Thomas 161 William 12173 Sergt 73791 (Somerset) .. 69034 FuUerton, John 29274 Margaret .. .. 8870 Mary Ann .. .. 32143 R 28352 Robert 281 Fullford, Edmund 32255 Fulton, Lydia 29275 Fulwood, Charles , . . . , , 2457 FamUy 6479 Funnell, Edward H 68482 Thomas 5907 Furber, John 67487 Sarah 8296 Furbister, Edward 21481 Furgusson, Henry 32870 Furley Family 73988 Furlong, James 24718 Michael 74904 Furlough, C. AV 18657 Fumass, Martha .. ., ., 91759 Fumell V. NichoUs 24215 Thomas 9035 Fumer, Mary 27111 Thomas 91760 Fumiss, John Bernard ., ., 51542 Furnival, George 37124 Furnner, William 35747 Furse, John Henry 37555 Fursigate, Joseph 75421 Fursman, — 91761 Furtado, Mrs 30013 Fui-tou, Edmund 51633 Jamos 9625 Fury, Michael . . . , . , . , 25520 Furze, :Mi' ,. ,. 52279 140 i)irectioM for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Fusedale, Alice 65506 Fussell, John 34462 Joyce 91762 Susannah C 68495 Fust, H.J 31697 Fyas, Elizabeth 91763 Fyfe, Charles 76467 Edward H 76461 Elizabeth 91764 JohnL 24670 Fyfe, Robert (New Zealand) . . 66715 (orFyffe) .. .. 39127 Fyler, Thomas 18658 Fylow, Richard 9733 Fynn, John and Matilda . . 22745 Fynney, Sarah 61500 WilHam 32931 Fysh, Robert 91765 Fyson, Samuel , 11445 Fytche, D 91766 141 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. G G. J. D. (Devon) 56346 Gab, Stackwell 25449 Gabain, George 74449 Gabb, Baker 53438 Gabbett, Diana 22520 John 91767 Gaby, Ealph 63727 Gace, Mary 91768 Gaches v. Palmer 24240 Gadbury, George 91769 ■ -Thomas 61403 Gadsby, Ann 91770 William 55509 (Lincoln) . . . . 74005 Gadsden, Serjeant 75229 Gaetz, -^. . . 36933 GaflF, WiUiam 282 Gaffer, John 727 Gaffney, Dennis 30058 Gaffrey,.-^ 18659 John 3348 Gage, WilHam 75902 Gahagan, James 5561 Gaham, EHzaC 74875 Gahan, WiUiam 21677 Gahde, Henry 1941 Gaiger, George 11558 Gainsford, Edward 2107 : Emma 56156 Gaiser, James .., 8299 Gaisford,. Stephen 91771 Gaitskall, John 50630 Galastun, C 28354 Galbraith Family 38564 r James 91772 Jane 26401 -.Patrick 5441 Galbrath, MDrga^ 11971 Galbury,, George 32213 Gale, A, A. W 38133 Ann . . . . 6068 Jane 79875 John (heirs .of) .. .. 22890 Jonathan . . 8661 Mi^s 29107 Peter ... 21821 Robert" 5278 Roger 91773 Sarah 35550 Sophia 61484 William 17014 : — Henry . . . . 51483 Galindo, Elizabeth & Samuel 91774 Gall, David ... 1883 John and Thomas . . .. 91775 .Mary D 27U2 Gallagher Family 18660 Margaret 27113 -Matthew 25517 : — .Owen 3563 Gallais,.— 91777 Galland, Ann and Thomas . . 91778 B. H. 70940 Gallefont, Sophia 2681 GaUemore, John and John E. . 58742 GaUer, James. Gordon .. .. 2893 WilHajn Green . . . . 3013 Galley, Alexander (seaman) . . 1558 Galli (or GaUy), Charles . . 34288 GaUiers, George F. . . . . 57782 Harriett 11198 Gallighan, John 22412 GaUile, Thomas 91779 GaUini, John A 24229 Gallons, ]Mr. E. 8628 Gallor, James Gordon . . . . 91780 Galloway, George 65313 John ... .. .. 5622 ■ —(Colonies) .. 18663 V. Mackintosh . . 24238 Mary 66730 Robert ' 73430 Gallup, Edward Jenden . . 56359 Gall way, Michael Lionel .. 10865 .John Henry .. .. 11485 Gaily, Jane 91781 Galmanini, Leandro . . . . 52248 Galton, Ann .. 91782 Galvin, Jeremiah 21581 Galwey, Edward 75907 Galwith, Nicholas and S. . . 91783 Gamage, Abraham 413 Gambier, Henry 13093 Gamble, James 4552 Mary and William .. 91784 Gambrill, Mary 36940 Games, George , 10451 Gammon, William 40114 Gamon, John .. 91785 Oliver..,. 58811 Gamoling, Thomas .. .. 91786 Gamson, Thomas 18664 Gander, William 91787 Gandy, Edward 56213 Joseph and Thomas . . 16670 Mary 16613 V. Nicholls 24239 Thomas 65829 Gane, Ann 50542 Gange, George 58467 Joseph 18666 Ganly, John G 23519 Gann, Joseph , 74004 142 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Gannigal, Elizabeth . . . . 17289 Gannon, John 91788 ■ (Chester) . . , . 70929 Patrick (engineer) . . 61397 Kev. (India) . 64808 Ganod, John 3119 Gant, Eichard (Middlesex) . . 3766 (Lincoln) . . 15944 Gapper, William 91789 Garard, George 32614 Garbett, Edmund 72601 Garbrand, Philip 91790 Garbutt, Mrs 2921 Garde, Margaret 67488 Eichard 23450 William 22546 Garden, Alexander 18667 B. H 91791 Euphemia 56666 Eobert 60746 Wilson & Co 38110 Gardener, J. S. J 66870 James Leggett . . 39601 Eev. John . . . . 500 Lucy 91792 Moses 10680 Sarah 56470 Thomas (soldier) . . 14430 Gardiner, Andrew 33021 Ann 12813 Anne 40903 CeciHa Mary . . . . 76131 Charles 57983 . Dorcas 24008 Family 12813 Frederick 74431 & Henry.. 18668 Serjeant J 28355 James (or Grasner) . . 8334 Jemima 27114 John (Colonies) . . 25595 ■ .. .. .. .. 7976 Joseph 14089 Lucy 7208 Margaret. 75911 Mary 14089 Samuel 91793 Sarah 67984 . Thomas (Norfolk) . . 6186 . 67981 . William (Lancaster) 60270 Eev. WiUiam . . . . 91794 Gardner,- — (or Lloyd) . . . . 73504 Abraham and Charles 91796 Alfred 60722 E.S 91796 Edward (New Zealand) 67490 Elizabeth 9972 Family 12813 (Chancery) . . 24230 Gardner, Francis . . Gilbert . . . . Hannah . . James (Chancery) (Oxford) — (Colonies) . A. and John John (late of London) (son of Edward) (Northampton) Joseph G Lavinia (or Hilles) Mary Mary (or Hilton) -— (or Duff) Eichard (represt. of) (Middlesex) (London) Eobert (Kent) Susanna C. Thomas . . William . . (Vienna) (City of London) W. A. or W. H. . . WiUiam Wells GardjTie, Thomas . . Garforth /v. Eobinson Gargan, Thomas . . Garioch, Christian . . Garish, Thomas Garland, Edward . , V. Ellis Joseph ,, Eobert (Middlesex) Susan Theodora . Thomas Garle, Anna M , GarHck, Jane Lauranco and Mary Sarah , Thomas Garlike, Benjamin . . Garling, William Andrew Garment, Henry Gamer, Elizabeth . , Family . . . . Francis . . . . Joseph Susannah . . Thomas (Chester) William Garnett, George . . . . V, Hmton , . , , 633 91797 61401 59042 64639 18670 3676 62245 60721 50974 33926 61404 76539 2168 17218 12078 77778 63723 12904 32026 10415 61024 61402 3096 11631 11809 75392 50973 63440 68254 24242 23355 6651 23652 40524 24227 12392 91797 69971 33273 7793 36079 69563 63198 2586 74001 70862 6127 304 91799 75904 17781 61398 69970 27116 1028 76393 39134 91800 24231 143 Directions for obtaining fidl copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Garnett, John, Dr Samuel and Thomas . Thomas William Garnick, . . Gamiss, Thomas Garnons, AVm. L., Eev. . . Garr, Harriet John Garrard, Arnold F Family HatseU M. John. Garratt, Elizabeth (Bristol) James and John Mary Samuel Garrett, Andrew Edward, Capt. . . Francis (Cheltenham) . George Henry • J. H., Ensign . , James (Oxford).. .. (farmer) . . (quarter-master) John (seaman) Mary (children of) Samuel Thomas . , Ursula Garrick, Elizabeth . . Nathan . . Garrod, Baron John ■ (Hants) Robert Sarah Virtue V. Whiting . . William Garrow, George Garry, James Nicholas Garside, James Garstide, Thomas . . Garstin, Robert Garston, John William Garthorn, John Garthwaite, Ann and Edward Edward . , . . J. L Garton, George John ' Susannah —— William , 15412 3642 69454 7771 63724 75394 69972 22407 11278 76505 74581 76487 34272 63427 9372 30744 22357 52249 28357 37131 33409 91801 10422 28356 25857 37976 7394 4144 10877 91802 75905 59847 13265 91803 91804 15108 63298 21080 4462 12822 27116 27117 24247 91805 56971 24726 51152 69039 91806 16836 396 21280 91807 7377 68485 22028 53267 27118 16218 10306 Gartside, James John Sarah Garvagh, Lord Garvey, Lucas (West Indies) Gar vie, Bryant Bryant and William . . Garwood, John Edmund . . Gascoigne, Mr. George . . Peter Gascon Family Gascoyne, Sir Crispe Frederick H Henry (Isle of Ely) Gaseltine, James and James D. Gaser, James Gash, Thomas Gaskarth, James and John . . Thomas Gaskell, John Gaskin, Edmund Gaskell, Roger Gaskin, Samuel WiUiam (Colonies) . , Gasner, James Gasper, E. S Gasperini, Augustus Gasquin, — Gass, David Gasson, James Gastile, Richard Gaston, John Gatchell, Gatcombe, Ann Gater, James Gates, Charles Elizabeth Sarah 53726 2906 53909 11964 9406 30072 18671 11899 21920 91808 35696 91809 25217 33098 57707 91810 52246 70857 12521 23418 2926 91809 7774 18673 7748 28358 35467 91811 63726 61019 10873 91812 21597 61003 91813 69040 21507 39530 Gatfield & Co Gathercole, John and William GatlifF, Benjamin Gatrill, James Rudge Gattie, Anna Maria Gatton, Ann Gatward, Samuel Gaughe, Roger Gaull, James Hall Gaunnell, Daniel Gauntlett, Elizabeth Stump . . WnUam Gausson, Johanna and P. Gautier & Co Gavaron, IMrs Gavin, Patrick Gawen, James, Rev John and Robert Gawne, Isabella Guwthrop, West Gay, Ann — Mr. (died abroad) , , , , 91814 73602 35758 72600 3133 6373 8005 18674 91815 32499 91816 91817 74806 39983 35398 28359 91818 37009 25571 5997 74609 144 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Gay, Mrs 39753 William 91819 Gaydon, Marianne 65827 Gayfere, Thomas . . . . ' . . 8038 Gayner, John (Colonies) . . 18675 Gaynor, 38822 Michael 25533 Gayton, Clark 91820 Gazard, Charles . . ... . . 74003 Gaze, Jeremiah 33151 Gazelle,— 34596 Gear, John 51443 Sarah .. ., .. .. 51163 Gearle, Ann and James . . . . 5502 Geary, E 40953 Elizabeth 6738 r. A 36342 Francis, {alias George) 1367 . G 27119 Henry 75829 John 21466 Mr. (of Jersey) .. .. 11410 Nicholas 67938 Thomas 54618 William 9597 Geary's Account (Chancery) . . 24218 Geazley, Francis 5390 Geddes, A 75719 James 54752 and John . . 597 . Mrs. or IVIiss . . . . 50175 William 13130 Geddis, Miss Jane 1728 Gedney, John 45 Gee, Adam 66733 Family 21964 George and James . . . . 72604 John 59826 Joseph .. 67492 Geen, George W 23863 Geere, Henry 53974 Geeson, Eichard 58387 Geier, Ann and John W. . . 91821 Geissler, J. F 28359 Geiswiller, Constantino . . . . 91822 Gaidars, James 27120 Gelder, Robert 10279 William 34151 Geldill, Sarah 5977 Gelding, John 5249 Gell, Daniel 91824 Gellibrand, Thomas 62116 Gelling, Mrs 6760 Gelson, Hannah 91826 Richard 30190 Gelsthorpe, Thomas 21418 Family 91825 Gcluck, J. C 18670 GemHier, Georgo Frederic , , 66683 Gemsa, Christopher 58812 Gcnans, Benjamin 1132 Genders, Thomas 28360 Gendre, Maria de 74635 General Benefit Society . . . . 74449 Genery, WilHam H 61410 Geneste, Isaac 91828 Rev. M 61406 Genet (or Jean), Ann .. .. 75395 Anthony 74605 Genetto, Thomas 32879 Genew, Sarah and William . . 91827 Genge, Edward 9182^ Genn, Thomas 40208 Gennys, Lieut. Richard Henry 29276 Genonde, Rene de 26015 Gent, George 64642 John 30935 Wniiam Acton .. .. 51781 Gentile, James 59975 Gentle, Eliza 74007 Geoghegan, Edward .. .. 11277 Thomas . . . . 62474 George, Anthony 91830 C. Grey 18677 Charles 15949 Family (Middlesex) . . 75843 Francis John . . . . 7319 ■ George C 17731 Hannah 7701 (or Taylor) Hannah . . 2723 John (Worcester) . . 72563 8749 Charles . . . . 34531 Mary 91832 Neville, Messrs 34817 Peter 66930 Ensign, R.G 28361 • Kichard 7235 Robert 2490 S6phia 17012 Sylvester 1422 Thomas 1779 Francis . . . . 91833 William Thomas . . 35528 Georges, Sicur Andoird". . . . 3742 William Payne.. .. 476 Gepp, Emma and George . . 63344 Harriet Mary . . . . 31276 Geraghty, Edward 26127 Gerahty, Henry B 23395 Gerard, Elizabeth 30196 Georgo 73990 ' James 27121 • Sir John 35561 Gerchin, John 91835 Geriespcl, Louis 15G20 Gerish, Francis William.. .. 70863 Gorko, C. F 18678 Germain, Rachael 15465 U5 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Ulamei relate will be found at end of Index. Gemon, James •• Thomas Walter Gerrans, Benjamin Gerrard, Henry James John and Mark AVilliam Eicketts, Dr. GeiTish, Kehecca . . ■ Thomas . . Gertrude, Miss , Gervis, Augustus Tapps . . Jresford, Maria Gethings, Ann Getze, Frederick Johan . . Geulph, Simon Gew, Euphemia Geyer, Otto Geyelin, Jean . . 61409 26053 23098 10868- 9715 39256 91836 29277 53439 91838 55516 72605 91839 3842 21278 18679 69055 33034 50589 Gholam, Senee .. 71540 Gihb, — Lieut Alexander Family (Liverpool) Henry IMoj^es James (London) (Colonies) . . John, Lieut • Mary Ann Eobert "William Gibhard Family Gibben, Edward Gibberson (or Gibbetson), Geo. Gibbert, Dorothy Gibbes, Philip Osborne, Lieut. Gibbings, Bartholomew . , Eichard Gibbins, Edward John Mary Ann . . . . Mr Thomas Gibbon, Cuthbert Edward John , , . , , . , , Mary , ' Sarah ■ WilHam Gibbons, Ann (or O'Donnell) . (Worcester) ', , Barry Dtmcan . . Benjamin . . Francis George v. Jones Joseph Mary Ann (Worcstr) 7261;^ 67781 75769 38468 58170 18680 28362 67782 12103 36221 12229 5029 51162 2623 29278 22632 22389 38633 67500 34937 51853 37728 10421 4147 13026 91840 10421 37500 15351 61014 70864 26240 465 32025 91841 24233 657 69974 Gibbons, Mrs ■ William (Stafford) . (mariner) Gibbs, Betsey Celia Charles (engineer) Elizabeth , Family George (to advantage) Henry , Charles . . ^ Leeke James . . Jennings (Kent) . John Mary Sarah (or Skinner) Solomon Thomas (Warwick) (Middlesex) William (Canterbury) John Gibbson, :Mr. (Piccadilly) Giblin, Elizabeth John and Sarah . . Gibnerd, Frederick Gibney, Catherine GiboUet, Anne Fran^oise Gibson, — Alexander (son of Thos.) Alfred Andrew Ann Barington Barrett & Co Bartholomew Benjamin Catherine Charles Charlotte Margaret . . Christian (son of Thos.) Edward Elizabeth Family (London) , , Frederick (Sydney) .. George , . (Colonies) , . Helen Henry (surgeon) . . J.J. — James (Salop) (Chancery) K 53644 69975 70915 91842 7331 7614 38565 60655 30791 27123 72606 965X 31919 66418 54199 27122 62312 50283 91843 74922 11315 40122 36162 31095 74600 12868 11536 17214 91844 25672 74473 36567 8603 16330 50673 12541 40556 91845 74399 21225 2002 25867 91846 61371 16890 8605 61413 7653 53437 62478 75910 36847 18681 8604 28363 27124 40557 7129 52241 72603 146 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Gibson, James (London) John (Manchester) (Kent) . . . . Jos. {alias Shonstone) Letitia Margaret Mary (legatee) . . Ann (Middlesex) Mr. . . Matthew V. TiOrd Monf ort . , Peter Ealph Richard Robert (Colonies) (E.I. as.) (Middlesex) Sophia, Mrs. Stewart . , V. Stiles . , Thomas . , "William M.B (North Britain) (Surrey) (York) (Colonies) . . (died abroad) (India) Rev Winnif ord . . Gicquand, Mr Giddings, James (America) Simon Giddy, Joseph . . Giffard, Nathaniel . Sarah Eliza Giffin, Lettico . . Gifford, Andrew , Doctor A. , E Esther .. . Frances and Harriet John Nathaniel , , . . Gifry, Jarues Gift. William . . . . Gilbanke, Ellen Gilbard, — (family of) Gilbert, Alice . , Ann (legatee) Dorothy Edward 30006 33287 9713 69041 2363 5987 27125 27126 5985 36848 62242 32744 15779 23867 24236 11799 35344 34000 91847 29279 73166 54904 29280 29270 24243 8002 15891 12144 60058 33163 38163 31225 36485 28364 91848 30165 60166 13029 74608 68493 70897 91849 75400 15742 14810 61004 91850 22366 63350 1273 53091 91851 708 63193 3924 16595 17435 0066 6981 27127 Gilbert, F. McDonald, Lieut. Family . . . , George John Joseph Luke Martha Mary Napoleon . . Richard & Rostan Thomas (Kent) .. — Sir Walter Raleigh ._ William (Kent) . . . (Hereford) Zachariah Gilbertes, Louisa Therese Gilberts, James Gilbodv, Peter Gilbrith, Gilchrist Family . . , , . . Gordon Helen ■■ James (Calcutta, &c.) John Borthwick H Mrs Walter William Champion . . Gildart, John Thomas Gilder, Matthew Robert . . Gilders, James . . Gilding, Abigail John . . . , Gilerland, James Giles, Ann (Chancery) Apsey Barbara and E. Edmund . . Family (Devon) George Guilly H Horn John ■ (servant) (brother of William) Louisa Mary (mother of Robert) Robert (Commander R.N.) Samuel , , . , , . Sarah Thomas William (relatives) . . (London) . . — ■ (Surrey) . , , , 29281 26489 61411 3726 74444 74011 91852 27128 39755 6066 57455 6066 9846 33946 32208 34675 31461 6746 18682 91853 5441 73413 18683 91854 75908 55533 27129 75909 18684 66237 12820 58808 91856 10279 27130 91857 64694 69973 69379 75224 91858 18685 63977 91859 6307 10885 27129 66503 15410 8655 35622 70888 9395 16943 18686 37066 74013 9394 35522 76399 14? liirecUons for ohtaining full copies of the Adveritsemmis to which these Nam$i relate will be found at end of Index, Giles, William (seaman) . . . . 360 (printer) .. .. 11482 Gilfoyle, Thomas 22737 Gilkerson, Thomas 58807 Gilkinet, Susannah 27130 Gill, Ann 51589 Catherine Dyer . . . , 55366 George (Colonies) . . . . 25443 (representatives of) 74399 Hannah 6240 James 808 Frederick .. .. 35261 • Johanna 68907 ■ John (Worcester) . . . . 76489 (Colonies) .. .. 18687 91860 • Maximilian . . . . 51539 ■ Mary 14182 Eichard 51540 Sealy 91861 Sophia E 52240 Thomas 10429 ■ (solicitor) . . . . 3430 • Deaclo .. .. 76489 ■ William 22443 (Ireland) .. 14181 (tailor) . . . . 3826 (farmer) . , , , 5404 52243 Eathome . . 55367 George .. .. 58151 Gillam, Benjamin 68358 Edward' 9186^ John 36501 • Thomas 69044 William 50296 Gillanders, Ann 91863 Gillart, Felix 91864 Gillbee Family 36601 Gillchrist, John Borthwick . . 3876 Gillespie, Alexander (son of Jas.) 2404 .. .. 24218 ■y. Alexander(Chancry) 67939 James (Glasgow) . . 12325 -John 36501 Joseph 91866 Leonard 91865 Eobert 67939 Gillet, Aurelius 29282 • Christopher 74607 Gillett, Edward (Sussex) . . 35248 George 73415 Jane (Lancaster) . , 33652 Mary 55355 Sarah (otherwise Cotton) 7322 Sophie Caroline Sanden 30198 Gillham, James 9144 Samuel 34795 . WilHam 61415 GiJliard, Samuel 16497 Gillihrand, Elizabeth . . . . 24169 Gillies, James and Jane . . . . 10875 Joseph . . . . . . . . 73791 Gilligan, John C 27131 Gilling, Francis 50500 Mrs 91867 . Eobert 74012 William 10870 Gillingham, Edward .. .. 62487 John and Lucy . . 5226 Mary 16381 Mr 91868 Thomas . . . . 372 William . . . . 16380 Gillion, Thomas 18688 Gillis, David 18689 Gilliver, Charles 18690 Gillivrary, Catherine . . . . 91869 GiUman, Charlotte 69042 Letitia 21231 Eichard 91870 Gillray, James 16502 GiUson, ]Mr 91871 Gill way, Catherine 27132 GiUy, William Stephen, Eev. 55686 0. S 62477 Gilmer, Alice 16229 Gihnore, — 91872 John 59036. Mary 91873 Gilmour, Sir Alexander . . 12381 Gilpin, Mary and Eichard . . 12120 William Edward . . 72608 Gilrey, James 14809 Gilroy, John 91874 Gilson, Benjamin 51082 Lawrence 259 Thomas 73427 Gimblett, Henry 66722 Gingell Family .. .. .. 91875 Henry William . . . . 6575 — Sarah 34116 Ginman, Elizabeth 75402 Gipp, Harriet Mary . . . . 91876 Gipps Family 68497 George . . .... . . 60652 Giraud, Charles 57953 Girdler, John S. 27132 Eichard 21199 Girles, Joseph 62954 Girling, John 4848 -Margaret 29108 -Mary 6431 Girvan, John 52236 Girven, James 21617 Gisbey, Charles 6815 Gisbome, James 91877 Giscard, Jeremiah 59529 John 74924 Gisford, Maria 91878 111 148 Directions for ohtaining fall copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Gisrv, James 91879 Gist'r. Fowko 23730 James 329 Samuel 260 (Chancery).. .. 58808 Gittens, Richard 812 Gitters, William 91880 Gittings, Francis 5939 Sarah 17349 -— — - V. McDermott . . . . 24237 Gittins, Amelia Augusta .. 71581 William 70899 Giveen, Robert Beauchamp . . 31302 Gladhill, Mary and Richard ' William .. .. Gladstone, Charles Alex., Lieut. Gladwell, Henry (or Francis), Mrs. . . Gladwin, Eleanor and Thomas George John Gladwish, Glaentzer, George Glanville, H. B. or H. V. ■ Jemima and William Robert Glasgow, Major George . . Margaret . , Robert Glashan, George Glasier, Elizbth. (wif e of Saml. Richard and Samuel . . Glass, C. T David George Deare ■ Jobn N. G , Sarah , Glasse, Ann A , Francis, Capt. . . Glasson, George , Glavan, John , Glazbrook, H Glazier, W. C Gleadhill, William , Gleadow, Robert , Gleddon, C. S Gledhill, Sarah , Gledstanes & Ncsbitt Gledston, James Gleeson, John Martin Michael Glen, Andrew W GlencrosB, Elizabeth . , , Glendy^ Rev. William .. Glenog, James , , , * . . , 16946 91881 29283 32658 76736 24236 55177 32131 16401 61417 18691 29284 54662 69045 10411 18692 69077 38453 67931 74926 28367 40559 53720 1542 50416 760 61418 63741 18693 91881 28367 91882 9396 23861 18694 17412 65314 38924 18695 26030 22547 12153 69976 1169 21818 3158 Glengarry, — Glenn, Rebekah Richard Glcnuic, Dr. William Ritchie Glenny, Henry Guinn . . Glont worth, Dr Glinger, George Glinn, Charles J. P Gloag, John Stephen Globe, Charles Glomero, Mrs. M. S Gloss, Albert von Gloster, Elizabeth H Gloucester (Bishop of ) . . . , Glover, Andrew , . , , Ann Edward • Eliza . , , Elizabeth George Henry • James John Joseph Joshua Judith '. Mrs Peter Brown Phillips . Richard Hay Sarah William (son of Jacob) (bachelor) . . Glue, Sarah Gluvias, James Glyn, Martha Richard Henry Robert Thomas John . , Glynn, Dorothea Henry Family John Edmund . , Michael William 91883 70912 74015 29285 30960 21378 18696 59694 39440 13189 91884 28369 62485 2299 18697 11618 18698 24129 21817 91885 5134 72614 63742 11236 60288 65316 5105 11241 63299 1271 14406 65816 39258 34110 11465 91887 18699 30173 30617 12181 26116 27133 91888 72611 18700 58601 Gnosall, Thomas 74933 Goard, Benjamin, Captain James John and William Goate, Edward Goater, Anthony Peter Goatley, James John Goble, Charles William Thomas Ados Gockcn, John Bcrnliard . . 15102 22106 34182 91889 1048 91890 62233 2166 12708 70900 7626 149 Directions for ohiaining full copies of the Advcrii^cments to ivhich these Names relate will be found at end (f Index. Godbee, James 69080 Godby, Lieut 27124 Goddard, — (Colonies) .. .. 18701 ■ Ann (Chancery) . . 10220 ■ Frederick 11841 George 35808 Henry 1525 . James 91891 (Eegent'sPark) 76500 Jobn 33992 Joseph 5848 Morris Matthew . . 72311 ■ Nicholas . . . .' . . 14541 Eichard 74008 Sarah 30978 Sophia 91892 Thomas 7453 (Wilts) .. 75408 WilHam (Chancery) 62953 (Colonies) 18702 Goddart, Peter 91893 Godden, Elizabeth 50429 Frank 52221 Sarah 69029 WilHam 69208 Goddon, George . . . . ■ . . 25599 Godeve, WiUiam Godbold . . 14331 Godfrey, Edmund 91893 Mrs 91894 Sarah 341 91895 ■ Thomas 27136 William 75913 Godin, Antonio and John . . 91896 Etienne 35118 Stephen 35262 Godley, Richard 91898 Godmond, Mr. Christopher . . 8822 Godolphin Family 91899 William .. .. 10582 Godsal & Co 65385 Godshall, — . . 72345 Godsmark, Henry 74094 Godson, Thomas 91900 Godwell, John 10872 Godwin, James 59041 V. Kilsha 24234 Mary 67944 Goebel Family 91901 Goetz, L. 25748 Goff, Ann 67923 Elizabeth 17415 Hannah 11792 John .. 91902 Joshua 30879 Martha (or Corbett) . . 5753 Mary 1483 ■ William (Middlesex) . . 52219 Goforth «. Ulett 24245 Gogan (or Logan), Daniel . , 51339 Gogerl}^, Jacob 10380 G oggs, Robert R 69978 Gohegan, Richard 73428 Going V. Burton 24221 John 3367 • Philip 27137 Susan 6563 Golbome, John H 76478 Gold, Ann 7577 Clement Court . . . . 30981 John 27138 (Warwick) .. .. 68503 Matilda 7576 Golden, Charles 57168 Francis 74616 Leonard 21955 Michael 26402 Samuel 61423 Golder, Ann 22 Robert Christmas . . 52232 Goldfrap, Rev. F. William . . 59671 Goldham, Thomas 11148 Goldliawk, John and P 91903 Goldie, Brevet Major B. W. . . 28370 ■ Julia Harriett . . . . 70902 Golding, E., Rev 58604 Edward 52235 George 91904 James 70901 John 50838 Mr. (shirt maker) .. 11576 Richard 91905 (Ireland) .. 26403 Thomas 32226 Goldman, Isaac 25549 Goldsborough, Dinah . . . . 91906 Goldsmith & Co 74472 Edward 62491 Jacob 91907 John 60213 (Kent) . . . . 3754 LawrenceR.. .. 76383 Mary 91908 Samuel 39626 Sarah 91909 • Thomas .. .. 3754 William (seaman) . 676 (servant) . 2356 Goldspring, 91910 Goldsworthy, Thomas . . . . 32408 Goldthorp, Benjamin . . . . 70903 Goldthwaite, Sarah 15580 Goldwin, Elizabeth 21551 Goleborn, Thomas Lynch . . 74819 Golightlv, Anne 17553 GoU, Catherine 2278 John 2624 Golland, Abigail R. H 58tl3 Maria 12114 Goltcn, Olivia 70874 150 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Goman, Major E. P 28371 Gomas, Angelo 91911 Gomez, Francisco 25338 Jacob L 91912 Gomm, Absolom 25894 Elizabeth & William. . 39491 Gomme, Hannah 40252 James & Stephen . . 38264 Gompertz, David 15438 Gonguay, Nicholas 18703 Gonne, Thomas 91913 Gonsalves Family (India) . . 28372 Gonyne, Louis 70592 Gooch, Ann 32204 • Family (Chancery) . . 24249 John 35335 Joseph 11488 Matthew 32204 iSlx 91914 William 60281 Good, Arthur 5034 Caroline, M.A 75397 George 25873 John 91915 EobertC. H 74303 iSusanna 10213 William 197 Goodacre, Samuel 57657 Goodair, v. de Tastel . . . . 24225 Goodale (or Goodall), Ann . . 10191 Ferdinand 52220 John 10693 Goodall, Charles and Charlotte 54186 Charles William . . 54269 Caroline and Edward 73422 James 13190 John (Derby) . . . . 23590 16477 Richard 71197 Thomas 6879 William 6432 ■ (Stafford) . . 36380 Goodbehere, George . . . , 64662 Goodbody, Thomas 75719 Goodbum, Charles 10867 George 91916 . William 50972 Goodchild, Slater & Co 9859 Cecil Wray . . . . 1265 John Damezy . . . . 34862 Mary 14446 'Ihomas 91917 William (wife of) . . 73420 Frederick 40318 Goodchild«, Jackson & Co. . . 69944 Goodday, George C. S 24435 Gooddy, George , 33485 Goodc, Ann 6666 r. Butler 91918 , I Edward ,, ,, ,, 6577 Goode, Elizabeth 11421 Family 27139 John 60023 (Hereford).. .. 17288 Mr 2377 ^Philip 63747 Thomas K 91919 Goodear, John 7659 Gooden, Eobert 34055 Goodenough, Ann & George F. 24094 Edmund .. .. 40308 ^WilUam .. .. 27140 Goodfellow, John 51304 Thomas .. .. 67924 Goodger, Frederick WiUiam. . 35017 Goodheart, Alfred Harrington 33801 Goodhind, Elizabeth . . . . 91920 Goodier, Margaret 91921 Gooding, John 180 Goodinge, Wallinger (Wilts) 351 Goodison, James 18705 Goodlad, Elizabeth 9412 . Jarvis 74932 Goodlake, E. and William . . 91915 Thomas 38496 Goodland, Elizabeth . . . . 6961 Goodluck, James 31834 Goodman, Daniel 34188 V. Denny 24226 Eleanor and M. . . 91922 Harriet 67015 Hemy (Middlesex) 74927 John (soldier) . . . . 61429 73791 Eobert 6069 William 27141 Goodmond, Christopher . . . . 8822 Goodrich, Thomas 8750 WilUam 61424 Goodrick, Alfred 60283 Goodridge, W. G., Dr 29286 Goodsir, Walter 91923 Goodson, Elizabeth 10226 Harriet 61419 : — John 73715 Joseph 33606 — Old England .. .. 52222 William (Australia) 33606 Goodwin, Abednego . . . . 15645 Charles (Norfolk) . . 65809 & Co 69047 -Daniel 91924 Elijiih 1652 Elizabeth 91925 Family 75912 George 26486 Henry 15885 J. Dyer 18706 Jane rOxon.) .. .. 95914 John (or Gooding) , , 180 ioi Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Barnes relate will be found at end of Index. Goodwin, John (Stafford) . . 54783 16548 F 58029 W 72613 Joseph 91926 ■ Robert .. .. .. 2368 Samuel Charles . . 75224 Sarah 27142 Stephen 18707 Thomas 91927 (Stafford) .. 74606 . William (Colonies) . . 18708 Goodwj'n, Anna D 57710 E 91928 Goodyar, W. D., Lieut 28375 Goodyear, Daniel 91929 J 31269 John 91930 Goodyer, Elizabeth 54182 John 5788 Sarah 5426 Goolab, (a Mahomedan woman) 11102 Goolam, Hoossein 11104 Goold Family 91931 Henry Francis M. . . 11783 Sir F., Bart 65315 Goolet, Alexander 12084 Goore, Henry 91932 Goose, Sarah 68755 Goostrey, EKzabeth 5849 Gootch, William 74931 Gordan, Ann and John . . . . 69057 Gorden, John 21751 Gordon, Adam 66723 Alexander . , . . 666 Alice 38262 Ann (Suffolk) .... 12 91935 Barbara 27143 Charles Edward . . 62217 E. (representatives of) 63300 Eleanor EUza . . . . 1 1530 Family 56705 (India) . . 29287 J. D., Lieut 74928 G., Mrs 64636 Gabriel Guy . . . . 1950 George (Colonies) . . 18708 71849 (R.N.).. .. 8819 James . . . . 37264 Grant 14750 Hannah . , . , . . 70905 Henry .. ,, ,. 7139 James (Colonies) . . 18709 (Middlesex) . 56759 27143 Adam .. .. 52299 John . . 22847 , (Colonies) .. 18709 Gordon, Sir John (heii's of) . . 40640 10879 Henry . . . . c0745 Joseph (Kdinburgh) . 75407 Mackay E 70891 i^Lary 27144 IMrs. (rprsntatives of) 63301 30745 E., Capt -. . 22833 E. H. (or represents.) 53134 Eichard 2929 Eobert (Surrey) . . 70904 Mrs. Eobert . . . . 74929 Sylvester 15637 Thomas 67941 Knox .. .. 30964 WiUiani (India) . . 10866 (London) 39171 (India) . . 28376 (Colonies) 18710 Cosmore . . 30641 Wilson 53244 Gore, Ann 91936 Anthony, Captain . . . . 21656 Gerard 5944 Henry 11627 J. E., Captain 28377 James 13€5 John 73736 Robert 37858 Sarah 91937 Theodosia 10531 Goreham, Amherst 97497 Gorham, Christopher . . . . 31034 Goring, Georges Forbes . . .. 10479 Henry 56256 ■ Louisa 12899 Mary 68950 Gorle, Elizabeth 15506 Gorman, John and Mary . . 52228 ■ Patrick 18712 Thomas 10098 Gornal, Emerson 18713 Gornall, John and William . . 23530 Gorr, John 8046 Gorrequer, Gideon 36827 Gorrig, Philip and Susan . . 91939 Gorringe, John 75406 Thomas 27145 Gorst, Gilpin 36161 William 70607 Gorsuch, Thos. Talbot (:Middx.) 5557 Gorton, Agnes 76139 Ann and Elizabeth . . 14964 John 3192 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 3334 Gorvie, Daniel 74431 Gorwood, Wetwang . . . . 769 Gosden v. Pottrigk 91940 John o908 152 ttirections for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Gosling, Bennett (London) . . 66738 George (Colonics) .. 18714 John 15425 (Middlesex) .. 36511 A. and Susannah. 15356 ^Matilda and Thomas 12691 Matthew , 8135 Nathaniel . . . . 91941 Thomas Willis . . 6327 . AVilliam (London) . . 9010 Gosnell, Samuel 17386 Goss, Family 75404 Henry 21483 John 33998 William (Colonies) . . . . 18715 Gosselin, Nicholas 23369 Gosset, Mrs. Honor Laura , . 34501 Gossner, James 27147 Gostc'llo, Mary 2124 Gostelow, Ann 12657 Mary 91942 Gostelowe Family 34161 Gostling, John 6312 Goswell, Ambrose 91934 Kobert 61422 Gotch, John Cooper 51435 Gothor, Lieut. William . . . . 29288 Gotshead, Mrs 27146 Gott, Joseph 64651 Gotterson, John 91944 Gottlob, S 91945 Goudge, Alexander 15177 Goudv, Ann & Elizabeth Jane 62493 Gouge, William 11307 Gough, Adrian E 21657 Edward • 18716 Family 91946 Frances 27148 George (Ireland) . . . . 22422 (abroad) .. .. 25793 Hon 39774 . Henry Thorn. (Middlx.) 69072 Mary A. D 66743 < Sophia Henrietta (legatee) 690 71 Thomas, Lieut.-Col. . . 29289 William 51346 - — . Robert. . . . 29290 Gould, Charles 61167 Edward 65323 John (mar. A. Hawkins) 32813 3583 . Joseph (London) . . 3380 31810 Mary 70870 Winifred .. .. 10317 — Nancy 52224 . Richard 11387 Sarah 6925 Thomas 6210 ,--_ William , . 56324 Gould, William 70879 B 68355 Gouldburn, Elizabeth . . . . 16472 Gouldee, Victoria H 58814 Gouldcn, Edmund Grosvenor 31354 William 1797 Goulder, Serjeant J, . . . , 2B379 Gouldesbrough, William .. 16914 Goulding, Sarah 1985 Thomas 91950 Gouldnoy, Gabriel 9685 Goaldsbrough, Dinah . . . . 5985 Gouldsmith, John (Sussex) . . 9772 (Berks) . . 4855 Mary(widow of Rd.) 70491 William . . . . 91951 Goulston, Edward Briar . . 5789 Family 91952 Goundes, James 73991 Goupil, Lieutenant L 22857 Gourdon, Isaac 91953 Gourlay, Ij:nily 73680 Gouston, William 91954 Goutard & Son 63255 Gove, George 35610 Govey, Lydia 33865 Gow, David 76502 James 91955 Thomas 12104 Gowan, Patrick 22483 Robert 18718 Go wans Family 91956 Isabel 12319 James and John .. 12317 Gowe, Anno 22107 Gowen, John 75719 Gower, Hammond, & Co. . . 59037 Major 10058 Gowers, William 2227 Gowland, Edward and Thomas 30784 William 10881 Gowld, Elias 18717 Gowlett, Hannah and William 91957 Sarah 2027 Grahham, Chris, (died abroad) 18719 Grace Family 91958 Major- General H. . . 28380 • Henry (Lancaster) . , 8833 ■ 63445 Jane 8834 -John 31624 Richard 31227 William Redmond . . 18720 & Yallop '^"^m Graddon, Angelica 10100 Graddon, John 91959 Gradson, Elizabeth 3423 Grady, Henry G 23005 — — Honora., ,, ,, ,, 24784 153. Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Grady, ■William Thomas . . 36457 Graeger, Mr 8663 Graif, Bernard F 75656 Grafton, Charles (Oxford) . . 75409 Graham, Agnes 14511 Andrew 5962 Archibald 91960 Barbara 22031 Bellingham .. .. 91961 v. Buddie 24222 diaries 91962 Colin Peacock . , . . 12155 Ensign D 28380 David 14512 EHzabeth 17425 Evrington .. .. 40841 Family (Chancery) 59748 (India) . . 29291 91962 Fowler 75916 Frances 18721 George 27149 Bellingham 6313 Gillespie 75340 V. Grant (Jamaica) . . 38758 Henry Elliott . . . . 52300 HonoraA. L 62510 James (Colonies) . . 18722 31707 Jane . . .... . . 70313 (otherwise Clack) 7855 John 11540 (Colonies) . . 18723 Laura 67504 Lucy 73390 r Margaret 67943 Mary (or Barry) . . 69644 Michael (or Mitchell) 8187 Eeginald 74484 ' Robert (India) . . 28382 C 67922 Hay .. .. 63773 Samuel 72625 SirSandford .. .. 37487 Thomas (Colonies) . . 18724 8298 W. J 10869 . William 4651 (Bilboa) .. 75072 James . . 35603 Grahame, Sergeant Robert . . 29292 Grain, Francis , . . 74599 Graine, Anne 91962 Grainger, George 28383 Jane . . . . . . . . 34347 rJohnM 22719 -Mary 51039 . Richard 66754 :W. ... 10060 William E. ,. ,, 22595 Gram, Andrew 5790 Eleanor 91963 Granet, Dr. B 74921 Grange, James 5338 Jane 91964 Joseph John . . . . 35414 Sarah 27150 WilHam 7767 Granger, Jane 66756 John 23741 (London) . . 74424 Mary 74424 Richard K 18725 Samuel 91965 Thomas Colpitts . . 35745 Grant, — (late 28th Foot) . . 53390 'Alexander (Mddlesex) 52252 (Colonies) .. 18726 (Arndilly) . . 14223 Angus 9025 C 53389 jNIiss Catherine . . . . 22225 Charlotte 57588 Christy 27150 Donald 22719 Duncan 30002 ^ EHzabeth 91966 Boylo .. .. 16700 ^ Family 17911 (India) . . . . 29293 . .George 91967 (Colonies) . . 18727 V.Graham 39789 Hemy 18728 ^ James ..• 21820 — (Cai'diff) .. .. 63769 Jane 91968 John (London) . . . , 66340 (Madras) . . . . 8747 Lieut. .- 15626 (soldier) . . . . 74431 (labourer) . . . . 12163 Peter .. .. 31567 John's Trust .. .. 74779 —Jonathan 69102 Joseph Cooko .. .. 32862 Lachlan 18729 Leonora 65527 Margaret 22226. (Scotland) .. 12146 Margery 21765 Mary 69096 Peter 50953 Robert 37684 Samuel 18730 Sarah 1204 Thomas, Rev 28381. W^ilUam (Surrey) . . 40522 (Scotland) . . 12340 (India) . . 28386 154 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate tvill be found at end of Index. Grant, William 24204 Gordon . . 50508 H 67929 K 32598 Grantham Family (Chancery) 24224 James 4424 Granville Family 91969 Grape, James 34979 Grape], WilHam 39566 Grasley, Kime .. .. 51211 Grassie, John 18731 Gratrix, George 76413 Gratton, John, Major . . . . 3224 Lucy Gary . , . . 14972 Gravatt, George 10884 Thomas 10875 Grave, — 16801 John C 58124 Lucy . . • 64665 Thomas 8621 Wniiam 70969 Gravenor, Ann and Mary . . 24176 Richard 74016 Graves, Dorothy 7614 Elizaheth 91969 Family 22430 Frances Catherine , . 7026 Francis 91970 George 6125 ■ Harry Meggs . . . . 70947 Theophilus . . 18732 James 30758 William . . 33633 John .. .... .. 27151 Henry .. .-. 73419 Jonathan 10883 Joseph 56749 Matthew 6067 Mr. . . 40754 ]Mrs 61728 Richard Morgan, Rev. 9198 Samuel 1352 Timothy 91971 Welwyn 9197 Graveson, Henry 73426 Gray, Ahraham . , . , . . 66767 Adam 60278 Alexander (Colonies) . . 18733 24160 (Surrey) .. 1524 Alice 37782 AUen 30978 Ann 24223 Catherine 68560 Charles 30068 (Colonies) .. 18734 v. Chiswell 24223 David Finley (son of T.) 37760 Eleanor 33796 ■ Elijah 7048 Gray, Elizaheth 27152 (Yorkshire) . . 69801 Ellen 14023 Family (N.K) . . . . 66385 Francis 14024 Delaval .. .. 11389 George (Yorkshire) .. 69802 7510 B 10863 • • Harriet 75919 Hemy 76286 George . . . . 72627 Richard .. .. 8101 James, Major 29294 68561 Jane 27153 — — John (Colonies) . . . . 18735 (Ireland) ., .. 23179 (London) .. .. 75917 (Bedford) . . . . 33495 7597 (Middlesex) . . . . 56434 (Newcastlc-on-Tyne) 33680 Rohert 53444 • Luke 21819 Margaret 27154 Maria 52908 Martha 69979 Moses W 23180 Paul 61701 Philip 50273 Phoebe 11469 Richard Thomas Clement 51075 Samuel (soldier) . , . . 26654 (Surrey) . . . . 65793 (Middlesex) . . 39923 Sarah 2057 Ann 64666 Simon 6295 Thomas, Rev 27155 Lieut. (India) . . 28387 91972 (Chancery) , . . 72047 William .* . . 7075 (Somerset) .. 10715 (Moscow) .. 12498 James . . . . 28387 Naimo .. .. 18730 Graydon, Dohorah 91973 Gray ham, Francis 37831 Rev. H. E 39137 Grayson, Harrison 72623 Henry 91974 Gravstock, Henry 91975 ^ Walter 5030 Graystono, Sarah 56338 Gray ton, Hugh 91976 Gready, Ann 33999 Gream, Sophia D 69079 Grear; Helena 91977 155 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate ivill be found at end of Index. Greasley, John . . ., .• .• 31785 Greated, Timothy 54060 Greathead, Elizaheth (Durham) 50401 (ClknwU.) 118 George 65386 Greathed, George Harris . . 37286 Greatheed, William Samuel . . 53442 Greatorex, Jonas . . . . . . 8505 ' Rachel 8497 Samuel 14304 Greatrex, Charles 62509 Ellen J 66741 Greatrix, Elizabeth 16843 Greaves, Ann 91978 Charles 18737 Dorothy & EHzabeth 91977 Henry 25927 Horatio 70961 John 91981 Mary 73411 Robert Duffin . . . . 34279 Samuel 651 Sophia and Thomas . 91982 William 27156 (India) .. 29295 Greeff, Louis E 25806 Green, — 7566 Abraham (late Bamet) 51219 21571 Alfred 52250 Ann (or France) . . . . 74921 14891 B. (died abroad) . . . . 73423 Benjamin (jMiddlesex) . 54493 Catherine 91983 Charles (Edinburgh) . . 76843 50227 (legatee) . . . . 39585 Charlotte Christiana . . 31878 Dorothy 21569 Edmund 91984 Edward (Cheshire) . . 52257 (Stafford) .. 59859 . 6482 (merchant) . , 14459 (corporal.. .. 3984 (coppersmith) . , 14230 —Eleanor 17230 Elizabeth 15036 (or Clark) . . 36300 (Southampton) 55521 (spinster) . . 76488 G 73424 Emily 62496 Family 50484 (Colonies) . . 18741 — (Lancaster) . . 74923 & Fisher 805 Francis, Captain . , 8748 — — — George (America) , , 21568 Green, George (Somerset) . , 73421 21568 (York) . . . . 16504 F 56530 H. M. (India) . . . . 28390 Hannah 10586 (Middlesex) .. 75804 Hans 1302 Harriet 74017 Isaac 74009 J. P 22227 James (York) . . . . 63762 (mariner) . . 21558 (London) . . . . 21565 (Long Acre) .. 11943 17255 (watchmaker) . . 9079 Capt. (India) . . 29296 53728 Jane 5823 John 21561 (Lancaster) . . . . 74020 (metal broker) . . 75925 (accountant) . . 74472 ^Norfolk) .. .. 75411 (merchant) . . . . 16454 (Gray's Inn) . . 2349 (Shoreditch) . . 4812 (Surrey) . . . . 10731 • Joseph (seaman) . , . . 2350 (servant) . , < , 1345 Joshua 5222 Litchfield 62497 Louisa 74935 Luke (or GuUy) . . . . 3632 Margaret (London) . . 76504 (fanly Heath) 74937 6760 ■ Martha 9576 Martin 91985 Mary 21567 (wife of PhiHp) . . 21570 Ann (or Hiort) . . 75415 Harvey . . . . 69108 ]Mis 21563 Oakley 14733 Phoebe 51276 Rachel 21559 Rebecca 10107 -Richard 15932 (Dorset) . . . . 7095 (ISIiddlesex) .. 52218 . . 70930 Cust 76479 Robert 21573 (mariner) , . 768 (Leicester) . . 16392 F 61448 Reason .. .. 38019 Sarah . . . . , , , , 10108 156 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate xvill be found at end of Index. Green, Sarah (Berks) . . . . 72622 Susan 69099 Theophilus .. .. .. 75719 Tliomas 21560 (mariner') .. 10874 (Padding'ton) . . 7796 (Chatham) . . 5231 (Leeds) . . . . 74938 "William (Chancery) . . 58813 (Islington) . . 75725 (Surrey) . . 7592V (servant) .. 1367 . (son of Kobt.) 10511 (legatee) . . 9577 21574 . Henry . . . . 10862 Greenall, William 7853 Greenaway, Alice 35663 Family 53723 ^ W. C 27157 Greene, Alfred and Aniante . . 73429 Anne 59307 Anthonys 75921 Family 31062 Francis 22792 : — Martha 40790 Michael 26452 William Thomas . . 23451 Greenell, William 91986 Greener, Thomas (Middlesex) 65765 William (gunmaker).. 75923 Greenfield, Alfred and E. B. . . 57051 Family 91987 George 11439 Isabella ,. ,. 8115 James 16388 Greenhalgh, Richard . . . . 61446 Grecham, Alice 91988 Martha 5511 Greenhill, Ann 74491 & Darby . . . . 9880 Benjamin C 52262 Family 76481 Henry & John . . 51510 . James D. W 24598 Joseph 14779 Mary Tyler . . . . 62261 Robert ' 12880 William (Middlesex) 3150 39565 Wickham 61611 Greenhough, Margaret .. .. 27158 Mary Ann.. .. 74022 Greening, Ann 73976 . James 67333 Joseph Moor . . , . 21045 Sarah 91989 . Thomas 3674 William (Surrey) . . 39840 Greenlaw, Lieut • f 72632 Greenley, David 57760 Greenough, Jane 6121 Ralph 62520 Greenshaw, D. and William . . 91917 Grcenslade, Jolm 9192 William .. .. 31060 Green^-ay, Charlotte . . . . 24260 Family (India) . . 29297 George Sullivan . . 53721 William Croft.. .. 91991 Greenwell, George 50522 Greenwood, Bartholomew . . 91992 -Christopher.. .. 91993 Family (America) 65769 George 27158 Henry 11322 Js. D.(Nw.Zealand) 69093 John 91994 Joseph S. L. . . 21478 Phillis 52239 Richard E 75924 & Rose, Messrs. . . 17684 Sally , 5562 Thalo 17990 Thomas . . . . 52310 (Oxford) . . 11219 William (Chancery) 59044 (Devon) 690&1 Greer, Thomas 25360 Greet, Thomas Young . . . . 5940 Greetham, Anthony , . . . 31946 Gre eve, Henry 91995 Gre eves, Thomas 51516 Gre e}^, Charles 51285 Gregg, Catherine 14006 ■ Frances Maria Catherine- 85 1 1 Henry John, Lieut. . . 29298 Jonathan 9474 Robert (alias Ward) .. 1862 William 25958 Gregor, Rev. John 18744 Gregorio, Cojah Cazar .. ,. 11 101 CozaC.de .. .. 75414 Gregory,— 21198 Ann (Middlesex) .. 31219 Barnard 33896 Charles 64473 Wm. (Middx.) 66764 E. A., ]\Iis 22284 Edward 68242 Elizabeth 65483 Family (India) . . 28394 (Colonies) .. 18746 (Lincoln) .. 65794 Frederick W. S. . . 62512 George (Lincoln) . . 67499 Benjamin . . 66432 Gregory (Lincoln) . . 66766 James 30083 John (Hereford) , , 7973 157 Birections for obtaininj full copies of the Adoertisemo7its to which these Katnes relate will be found at end of Index. Gregory, John (Shoreditch) S Joseph. , L.B V. Loclry^er Martha (Middlesex) (Chester) . . Mary- Reuben Eiehard Burtgn Robert Thomas Thomas , . . . (Middlesex) William Gregson, Christopher 'Henry ■ John, Rev. Joseph Langstaff Greig, — ■ Alexander . . . , Mrs. J. .... Philip H W Grellier v. Boston Grendell, John Grenfell, Charles "William . . Grerar, Robert Gresby, Ann and Joseph Gresham, William Rushton . . Gretorex, — Gretton, John William Greville, Thomas F William Fulke Grew, George Grower, William Grey, Charles (Colonies) James John Magnus Thomas William Rev Booth . . . . Gribble, George Grice, James James (Chancery) . . Mary Gricewood, Ambrose , , Gridler^ John Stanford . . Grief, Mrs Grieflenberg, Caspary & Joseph. Grier, Mary Anne Thomas Grierson, James . . ... Grieve, Andrew — Henry, Captain , , , , 5039 61002 91997 18747 24235 1052 53443 6479 26594 61443 7496 34267 91998 7540 1753 64474 5289 69152 54723 16526 68131 29299 61447 72634 75416 24220 15651 66790 60918 24105 62504 7564 2503 51315 27159 91999 55120 53289 18749 92000 52307 92001 18750 2826 5584 52259 32804 18751 7154 59038 16 92002 3601 39988 67501 70628 9081 92003 8514 2780 Grieveson, Barbara and John . Grifiionhoffe, Benjamin . . Griffies, John and William . , Griffin, Daniel Fitzgerald . . Estates (Wales) Family (India) James John Avery . . (London) P. .. . Mary Mrs Robert Sarah ■ (Berks) . . • (servant) ■ jMiss • Sophia . . ■ Tliomas . . Wm. (Isle of Wight) William . . . . . . - (Stafford) Griffith, Ann Anne Elizabeth • Anna Maria (Surrey) Catherine Sc Darboy Charlotte David Edward Elizabeth (died 1817) Family Jane John (carpenter) . . (son of Thomas) (Carnarvon) . , Joseph Mrs. (to advantage) Richard E. (Lancaster) Robert Samuel Moody , , WiUiam (India) . . (Salop) Griffiths, Abel Ann (Salop) G. (Carnarvon Catherine Charles Charlotte David Dorothy Susanna . Edward , — ' (America) Emma Estate (Wales) Family Henry , , , , 9967 2703 70866 10861 746U 29300 92005 11596 74023 14213 63772 68511 27160 14217 1138 17702 4061 2980 8656 4047 59035 75929 17584 9093 62273 62500 69089 23712 6620 51299 13 35192 92012 73417 69460 2863 14622 5627 2476 69095 36039 29301 3674 38535 67930 69094 9531 72579 12984 52306 27161 92018 10882 12627 6126 24692 27165 74611 73443 92019 158 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ichich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Griffiths, Henry C 70020 James 2<5855 Jane 92020 • V. Jay 24232 John 6667 ■ Thomas . . . . 12627 Joseph 92021 Mary (Hereford) . . 6050 (Salop) .. .. 15446 Matthew 9532 • Nancy 72580 Owen 4242 . Philip (Grlamorgan) . 37208 , 14849 (Monmouth) . 76476 • Richard, Dr 71850 • Robert 40328 Simon 70928 ■ T., Lieut. (India) .. 28398 Thomas (Kent) . . 3963 . (Colonies) . . 18752 52251 ■ Vaughan 6186 William 10864 . (Hereford) 17459 (Salop) . . 72578 V. Witherby . . . . 24246 GrifiPuhl Brothers 92022 Grigby, Anna 33918 Grigg, Mary 92023 Grigge, Catherine and William 7271 Griggs, John Bentfield . . . . 10364 M., Lieut 28400 Robert Manger . . .. 11171 William (India) . . . . 29302 71707 Grillon, rran9ois 35722 Grills, Ann 92024 James 12462 Grime, WiUiam 92025 Grimes, Mary 69643 Grimley, Edward 70962 Grimrod, Alice 24190 Grimsdale, Jeremiah . . . . 92026 Grimsdell, Samuel 56799 Grimshaw, Sarah 9115 William .. .. 10466 Grimstow, Charles 67454 Grimwood, Daniel (Middlesex) 8920 JohnNunn.. .. 10313 Grindall, Frcdk. Charles, Lieut. 29303 Grinder, Edmund 34684 Grindley, Richard 17438 Grinfield, Ann 92027 Grinsell, Samuel D. C 54992 William 74921 Grint, Elizabeth 9521 Gripper, Jo3(!ph 26122 Grisbrook, William .. ., 4108 Grisby, ^Yilliam 10871 Grisdale, Matthew 50705 Grisdell, John and Thomas . . 92028 Grise, Emma R 75920 Grissell, Major Charles . . . . 29304 Grisseniberg, — (surgeon) , , 8048 Grist, James 5121 (Southampton) 76477 Samuel 5461 Griton, William 18753 Gritton, Hemy 74940 Groat, James 24767 John ■: 18754 Malcolm 31256 Groath, B 92029 James P 23795 Groaves, James 25881 Groce, Elizabeth 36259 Grocock, Samuel and Wm. H. 63751 Groeger, IVIr. (comb maker) .. 13063 Grogan, Thomas 58240 Grome, C. F 29305 Groneau, Francis 36278 Grooby, Catherine Mary . . 50304 Groom, Agnes 92030 James F 67506 Joseph 92031 Richard 39454 (Middlesex) .. 34508 Samuel Robert . . . . 76503 Thomas Eneas . . . . 92032 W. T., Lieut 75229 Groome, John 61431 S. E 59725 WiUiam (Salop) . . 70910 54265 Grosby, John 92033 Grose Family 92034 John (India) . . . . 29306 Joseph 7872 Gross, Charlotte and Margaret 58892 Grosso, Robert F 67508 Grosvenor, Chatcr, & Co. . . 52096 ■ Thomas Fenton .. 73615 Groth, Johan Christian . . . . 12852 Grounds, Jeremiah Edward . , 29307 Grove, — (milkman) ., ,, 3705 Abraham 92035 'Allen Lloyd 61445 Ann Ragg 33861 Carolina E 74597 Edward 6433 Family ^Middlesex) , . 66771 George Abraham . . 978 Henry 14076 John 62260 Joseph 3612 Mary 4811 (relatives of) . . 61442 Phoebe 62499 Grover, Thomas 74449 159 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tohich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Groves, Elizabeth V. Evans Family Francis Henrietta .. .. .. James John T Mary Mrs Samuel (Stafford) Sarah and William , , Grabb Family (N. K.) . . . George Mary Richard (London) Samuel and Thomas & Watson . . William (Colonies) Grubbe, J. H. Hunt Grubin, IMrs Gruggen, Mary Ann Grundry, Hy. W. (or Grundy) Grundy, Hannah J. and D. (Chancery) John Mary Gudgeon, Thomas . . Guedalla, Judah Guelph, Simon Guerin, George Guernesy, Ralph Guerney, James and Mary Guerriott, Frederick Louis Guest, — Ann Eden Family George Henrietta Elizabeth Jane and Richard Robert M Thomas William Valentine Guffery, Martha GuflFord, Edward, Lieut. . . Guides, Joseph Guild, Mary Guilim, Caroline Guillermon (Grenoble) . . Guillermy (ship broker) Guillet, Lewis and Mary GuiUiet, Eli Guillonnear, David . , Guillonneau, George Guilt, Joseph Guin, Margaret . , . , 92036 23731 58432 56109 92037 92038 69984 9078 21195 51665 92040 61287' 92043' 2974 11593 59149 30400 59045 18755 74613 70886 72624 61432 92048 59039 5941 15387 9566 53448 18757 92049 92050 92051 25569 66502 17268 33672 27164 92053 3058 92054 74944 61405 2692 7051 68529 17697 28402 18758 21413 2934 13033 10534 92058 1529 58809 34177 68204 92057 Guinness, Robert R Guion, Richard Guistman, — Guiton, William Guitton, John GuUamore, Viscount . , GuUan, Thomas . , . . , GuUey, WHUam GuUicke, Frederick William . . GuUivan, James Gulliver, Thomas WilUam Gully, James (Gloucester) John Gulters, Richard Gumbleron, Obadiah Gumbleton, John . . Gumbrell, Jolin Gumby, John . . Guming, Caroline . . Gummerson, William Gumming, Richard . . Gummow, William . . Gunbie, Martha Gunblett, William . . Gunby, Beaumont . . Eleanor Elizabeth . . Guncevich Giovani Gundry, Charles Bowden, Lieut. Gundry, Elizabeth and N. . . Gunga, Cusbun Gunn, Elizabeth (widow) Family Henry (Chancery) John Gunnell, Alfred Valentine John (London) Gunner, Elizabeth . . t . Sarah Gunning, Arthur Matthew, Lieut. -Col. Richard Thomas V. Thompson . . Gunningham, Thomas . . Gunnis, Edward and Elizabeth Gunson, Joseph Gunston, Emily and Harriet John • • . • • Martha M. ' . . . . Mary Gunter, Elizabeth James Jeremiah Sarah Gunthorpe James Gunton, William Gui'don, Sarah 26405 92058 68501 18759 39560 26184 52309 18761 18762 18763 36600 92059 51115 3632 1408 21940 21942 70527 92060 40751 10877 2125 27166 76493 8983 2021 1942 92061 25521 29308 92062 11103 1519 73166 55904 59043 22855 34075 75931 92063 33449 26628 63774 92064 72008 24244 15607 34260 61013 53265 14120 69110 33300 17355 6021 92066 5598 35504 265S4 31561 160 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate loill he found at end of Index. Gurford, Robert Gurgrave, R. B Gurling, John Fisher . , Gurneil & Fox, Messrs. Gumey, Catherine , ■ Daniel James , Mary (spinster) Richard (Berkshire) Thomas, Rev. Gurr, Elizabeth Jane John GustafF, George Gutch, John Guthing, William . . Guthrie, Ann Edward . . Jane Julia . . . . Robert (Chancery) Simon Dodd Sophia William , . Gutridge, . . Gutteridge, Ann Daniel . . Gutters, Richard Guttridge Family . . Guy,- Ann Augustus G. . . Elizabeth Mary George Henry John Mary * . . Richard . . Richard Blunt 92067 52311 75932 74014 74936 92068 21279 7837 2132 17111 56358 35042 10412 67977 3916 822 92069 59040 16509 5269 11182 74021 51389 38392 36778 74945 11181 18760 92070 57630 92071 10635 72345 27167 69985 65121 72635 39369 66791 69131 16630 92072 8300 Guy, William . . Guyard, Caroline . . Guyer, Charles Guyon, Henry Peter Gwalter, Hugh Gwatkin, Benjamin. . Gwennap v. Burns . , Thomas . . Gwillham, Mary Gwilliam, William . . Gwillim, Caroline . , William . , Gwillyne, Mary Gwilt, Joseph . . William Gwinnett, Ann & E. William Chute Gwyer, Ann William Gwyn (or GM^mne) Family Thomas G. L. C. Gwynn, John (Ireland) . . Gwynnan, Thomas Gwynne, Catherine Mddleton Francis Frederick Sackvillc George (Sussex) IMargaret Teresa , , Rebecca ■"Thynne, H Gwynnett, B. Gwyther, Ann . . Gwytt, William Gye, James (Wilts) Gyells, Peter . . Gyles Family . . ■ Samuel . . Gylkin, Henry. Gylle, Thomas . . . 27168 75418 3143 9938 4907 1406 92074 13025 27165 18764 2934 17654 16689 69081 7048 6468 74941 59699 59544 68508 62524 22563 4471 92075 615 9609 31812 36468 73425 24177 64245 92076 11803 92077 76497 75079 92078 17353 18765 9732 161 Directiom fay obtaining full eopies of the Advertisements to which ihae Ifamti relate will he found at end of Jniex. H Haase, Barns F. and Marv . . 53454 Maiy .' . . 24279 Habemeyer, Jacob , , . . . » 92079 Habgood, Diana ,. •. .* 27169 -Thomas 66778 Hacche, John 21552 Haching, Robert 31123 Hacker, Edmond Dennis .. 39527 Hacket,W 53393 Hackett, — 92080 Alexander 2120 Charles 54928 A 67959 Edward 35054 William (Middlesex) . . 34624 50809 Hacking, Robert 92081 Hackman, Capt. J. F. P. . . 28403 Hackshaw, Humphrey . . . . 22082 Hadden, Mrs. U. . .^ . . . . 2499 Haddock, Martha 4617 • Sarah 92083 Haddon, Ann and David . . 69798 John 51128 Mr 38782 William 71535 Haden EUzabeth and J 92084 William 075 19 Hadfield Family 92085 Georse (architect) . . 74953 (or Williams) Thii'za 76516 Hadkinson, John(London tailor) 2036 William .. .. 36712 Hadley, James 3747 Joseph 8157 Martha and Sarah . . 8600 Hadlow, John E. (children of) 75937 William 92086 Haedv, Ann 12985 Haen,' Thomas 25886 Haevemeier, Dietrich .. .. 31165 Hagan, James 4431 Hagberg, William 92087 Hagen, Gilbert 92088 Hagerty, William 18766 Haggar, Elizabeth 52419 ■ Mary 156 Haggison, John 420 Haggitt, John, Rev 60658 ^ Thomas 18767 Hagon, Robert 27169 Hague Family 67957 Henry 25592 John 2391 Haig, Hannah 92089 Haich, Alexander 92090 CIwrlQS.. 2529 Haigh, Daniel H 74408 Elizabeth 68147 Hannah 8872 John (York) . . . . 53740 and Margaret . . 27171 Richard 16091 Sarah 3116 William 34006 Haighton Family 27170 Hail, John and Peter .. .. 92092 Haill, James 32183 Hain, Elizabeth 92073 John .. .. .. .. 92212 Haine, Madame R 67958 Haines, Ann and Elizabeth . . 11328 Elizabeth (Surrey) .. 76510 Family 27172 George 92094 (Colonies) . . 18768 Jones , . . . 34255 John 28407 6410 (Surrey) . . . . 62528 H. ' 29310 Maria 25362 Mary 92095 (legatee) .. .. 17*^77 Mr. and Mrs 50090 Nathan Tempest . . . . 74448 Richard 61050 Samuel 60101 (Warwick) .. 69988 Sarah 2546 (Hertfordshire) 21184 T. H. 28406 Theodore and Albert.. 70924 Thomas 92096 William 2546 Hains, Ann 92097 Family 92098 Henry .. .. ;. .. 51205 Robert 34333 Hainstock, John 39671 Hainsworth, Jpseph . . , , 18769 Hair, George l^ush 54739 Richard 17291 AVilloughby Eraser .. 29311 Haire, Mary Ann 51210 SeijeantJ 26080 Haistings, Joseph 15348 Hake, Christopher 59050 Hakeman, Joseph 66770 Hakins, Jolm 27172 Halblutzel, — 35585 Haldaine Family 22108 Haldano, Tkhs. liol.crt . . . . 53645 Haldeu, Eliza'k th 6071 L 162 Directions for oltaininy full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kainei re/ate icill be found at end of Index. Halden, Elizabeth and Richard • «fe Towers, Messrs. . . Haldenby, Henry Hale, Aaron Ann ■ Charles Elizabeth F. (died abroad) . . ■ Family Frederick James John (nephew of Wm.) Joseph •• Matthew ' " Henry . . . Pagger Robert Selby ~ Samuel William . . , , Thomas "William (London) . . , . (Hertford) . . 24355 11143 10004 8977 Hales, Ann . . . . . . John (Colonies) , , Turner Joseph Julia Emma . . Mary Peter Thomas . . , . Haley, Cornelius . . Dennis • John Martha (or Heeley) Mr Philip F Timothy Halfhide, George Halford, Elizabeth John , . ., , , , , Joseph (Gloucester) . Thomas Halfpenny, Cornelius Francis , . James . . Halhed, John Halket, R.C Hall, Aaron (Sussex) , , , Ann (Brixton, Surrey) . {Derby) (Clapham, Surrey) & Aspinall Benjamin (Middlesex) , Betsy Caroline Spencer Catherine . . . . 5256 27173 18770 27174 10179 62 50681 8516 1154 3218 50293 15178 7939 65896 14494 63353 50680 27175 14876 18771 36283 65295 75217 31349 92098 62541 34406 1586 27176 74569 92099 68600 8141 72050 27177 62322 38215 74031 74512 73166 92100 25396 68817 28408 8994 609 37048 16922 36398 75656 199 67036 6434 63164 70629 Hall, Chambers Charles . . (Devon) Capt. . . Charlotte (London) , Christopher Cuthbert Collingwood Dr. (N. K.) . . . . ' Dorothy Edward, Capt (legatee) .. (India) Eliza, Miss . . . . Elizabeth (London) (legacy to) (or 3aker) Ellen, Family (Colonies) Featherstone . . Frederic (medical) . . G. John, General . . George (Northampton) (Edinburgh) Grace Hamilton Harriet . . Helen Henry (Jamaica) John . . Hester , Isaac Isaiah James (son of Andrew) (son of Adam) , (Middlesex) (Monmouth) (legacy to) . . , Frederick . , Ridley W. R. Jane Johannes John (stocking weaver) . feardoner) (America) . . . . (Bristol) ^Reading) fSouth Lincolnshire) (Daventry) . . (Surrey) •. Rev. 61698 5431 6854 32482 56474 50998 65894 63760 56209 76300 14350 28409 38455 11403 92200 56925 1145 12673 9470 13191 18774 24480 27178 75419 72443 72628 12671 37174 21112 17635 9492 32137 92201 60280 64829 61592 74035 1770 26685 73470 75425 76941 10251 12672 32036 72615 62392 61468 S8454 2155 2506 6852 24749 65892 65890 11122 9653 60237 21706 14349 163 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which thete Kamet relate will be found at end of Index. Hall, Johji Charles . , ... • Joseph (Cumberland) C. John . . Richard Lewds • Martha Mary . . (or Smith) . , , , Millicent Northage & Co Peter .(Sudbury) .. .. ■ (brother of Thomas) ■ (seaman) Eichard (Lancaster) • (Sussex) . . Robert — (Canada) . . • Rose Samuel Sarah (servant) (widow of Thomas) (N"orthumberland*) Shirley Sophia Thomas (Middlesex) (Mane merchant) (excise) Dehany W AValter William (Middlesex) . . (Kent) . . . . Jun (seaman) (Middlesex) . . (seaman) (son of Robert) (Bristol).. .. Gilmour . . Peter Hallam, Charles • Elizabeth Ellen . . Henry James . . Hallaran, John Hallard, — Hallchurch, Samuel Halle, ~Siv. Abraham Heyam . Hallen, John Hallengren, Andrew 32136 68536 70919 7332 64516 50652 40733 61460 70918 2579 17455 60314 74408 74399 5438 2050 36462 37723 11173 22942 52416 92206 70920 984 62538 3103 5438 56272 53163 92203 92204 9778 16717 408 6323 61461 40741 64517 29148 31959 36821 9785 1822 5438 8648 12674 21287 74028 92205 52323 27179 92206 92207 52329 10895 92208 34427 2164 92209 lo'Ju Hallett, Ann (grandchildren of) Mary William & Co Halley, ]Mary ^ Rev. Thomas Hallgate, James Halliard, Mr Hallibui-ton, Mary Halliday, Alexander, Dr. — Ann Charles Charlotte • Elizabeth Henrietta John William Hailing, Mary Halliwell, John Richard Sarah Ann Hallmain, Elizabeth Hallmarke, James Joseph Halloran, Edward James Martin Hallows, John and Juliana Thomas . . Halls, John Hallsworth, John . . Hallworth, Eliza Halpin, Denis . . HalsaU, Elizabeth . . Halse, Ed->i\'ai-d Peter Halsey, James Mary Samuel Thomas Plumer . . Halsted, AVilliam Halston, ISIary Halton, William Haly r. Goodson John Daniel Ham, Catherine and Edward . . j Charles H Eleanor Hamans, ^Irs Hamar, Joseph Hambidge, Richard Stephen . . Hambleton, Elizabeth . . Hamblin, Maria Hambling, Edward B John Hamblv, Jane Kambroue-b, i^farv (or Bryan) (widow of John) 2034 64155 69313 52097 92210 14153 31960 1196 55702 29312 5975 1325 11186 17895 21202 24612 32029 14359 59779 39149 67517 15372 4044 27180 26686 92211 18776 . 762 50180 31206 14256 56010 25416 23843 5754 52350 76509 51637 11990 11880 37085 75950 12518 38280 24269 53382 28410 63757 11715 3356 92213 54595 16420 38359 56423 33901 32148 75268 73S52 5101 l: 164 Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Hame, Alexander 15229 Hamer, Heniy K 16624 Ihbotson 92214 Jaraes , 15041 Joseph 15701 Hamerton, James 92215 Hames, Frances . . . . , , 69097 WilHam Thomas .. 12175 Hamill, Anne 8532 Hamilton, A. W. F 35142 Alexander .. .. 69104 r. Allen .. .. 24251 Andrew .. .. 9519 Archibald (mchnt.) 76837 Augustus F. , . 67960 Caroline . . . . 73404 Catherine . . , . 1505 Christopher . . . . 21616 David 21837 V. Davis . . . . 23275 Ebenezer .. .. 22111 Ellen 24764 F. W. A., Lieut. . . 29313 Family (Colonies) 18777 George R 92216 Gustavus . . . . 21610 Henry 4145 (York) . . 38476 38476 Captain . . 69098 Herbert .. .. 22112 ■ Hugh 12059 J 10890 J. W. A., Lieut. . . 28412 John 8595 (solicitor) . . 66357 Johnson . . 74566 ^^Sir .. .. 92217 Joseph 92218 Josiah 92219 Major ■ 31317 Margaret . . . . 5791 Martha WilHamSjMrs. 9459 Mary 4206 ■ Ann .. .. 38475 (orCormack) 12026 — \ Anne Susannah 50440 Matilda .. .. 34973 Maurice , . . . 75939 • Otho 92220 • &Reed 65318 Robert .. .. 8595 (children of) 6791 (Manchester) 8960 Sarah 12307 Sophia 27181 Thomas .. .. 40842 (Sussex) . . 38474 William (Ireland) 13260 .. ., 6791 Hamilton, William Slicer , . 21839 Hamley, Lacey & Co 74962 V. Puckeridge . . , . 24294 Hammans, Robert 63758 Hammer, Carl Adolph . . . . 18783 Hammersley, Family . . . . 22722 Robert .. .. 72629 WilUam .. ,. 61688 Hamming, Henry 10900 Hammon, William 74964 Hammond, — 37243 (Hatton Garden) 66758 Andrew ,, ., 40758 Ann .. ,, ., 3095 Anthony ., ., 11934 Catherine . , , . 39249 Charles .. .. 33931 (Newmarket) 72049 Ellen 61465 & ElHs 69148 George .. .. 10154 (York) . . 6768 Henry 92221 James 68457 Rev 69103 W 32652 John 3362 Margaret .. .. 40759 Martha 12431 Martin 7516 (India) . . 38075 Mary 21004 (Essex) .. 61320 Matthew .. .. 92222 Oliver 63260 Paul 12062 Peter 66972 Richard .. .. 92223 Robert (London) 73741 Sarah 5257 Mills . . 3095 Susan 6526 Thomas .. .. 39250 William ,. .. 3888 Hammons, IMartha • . . • . . 37 Haraond, Miss 76427 Hamp, Alfred 74343 Hampden, John 74026 Hamper, William 01059 Harapson, Benjamin ,. ,, 18782 Elizabeth 62540 John . . 56898 Joseph 7928 Hamptman, Frederick . . , . 40420 Hampton, Charles Daniel .. 11713 James 70936 John (servant) . , 74036 6293 Ensigns. C 28413 Mary Ann & Robert 67810 166 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Hampton, Phillis 60011 Hams Family 67980 William 69989 Hamsden, John 92224 Hamson, Joseph . , . . . . 27182 Hanbury, George 92225 Mary 53749 Eichard 30229 Robert 37594 (Tamworth) 40546 Thomas 56770 WiUiam, Rev 32008 Hance, Henry 92226 Hanck, Christian 823 Hanckom, Barljara C 25821 Hancock, Benjamin & Clara . . 92227 Mauiice . . 32293 & Co 36028 Deborah 67564 Ebenezer 9607 Edward 18783 Elizabeth 16109 George 32725 Hannah 62544 IsabeUa 27183 James 38824 John OfVmts) .. .. 14602 (Middlesex) . . 4038 33584 Mary (legatees of) . . 76807 34959 Mathew 614 Richard 75719 Thomas 5234 & Wakefield .. .. 9882 WilHam 34748 Hancome v. Wilson . . . . 24309 Hancox, Elizabeth and James 27184 Family 92228 Hand, Elizabeth (or Miller) . . 52340 Joseph 2661 Mrs 10615 Peter 61468 Richard 23653 Gideon . . . . 71664 Robert G 73166 Thomas 8301 William Wade West . . 50674 Handasyde, Peter Roger . , 5718 WiUiam .. .. 15047 Handcock, Elias R., Capt. . , 75957 Handclley, John 92230 Handen, Mary 92231 Handlew, William 2697 Handley, Ann 3006 Christiana . . . . 75952 Elizabeth 92232 Frances . . . . . . 5636 Michael 6481 . Ralph 61466 Handley, Sampson 75422 Sarah 92233 Handover, Henry and Louisa 11546 Hands, Edward 92234 Thomas (a miser) . . 26517 Handy, Benjamin 39215 Charles Tickett . . .. 68U Sarah 183 Hanford, Mary A 92235 Hanger, Richard and Thomas 9739 Hanham, Joseph Cary . . . , 39743 Hankin, Rev. Edward, D.D. . . 2252 Elizabeth 6073 George.. 55206 Harry 70632 Hankins Family 10454 Matthew 38887 Thomas 72630 Hankon, John 92236 Hanks, James 92237 Richard 21639 Samuel 23134 Hanleys, Elizabeth 354 Hanlon, Alfred 10729 J 74066 Hanly, Nicholas 25586 Roderick John . . . . 23488 Thomas (Colonies) . . 26008 Hanmer, W 28414 Hann, Jacob 92238 Hanna, John and Samuel . . 23400 Hanna ford, George 11848 Mary 66788 Hannam, John Henry . . . . 56520 Thomas 1227 Hannant, William 18785 Banna way, Thomas .. .. 63755 Hannay, William Henry Rain- ford .. .. .. 39957 HanneU, Isaac 39504 Hanner, Capt. Ibbotson . . . . 21658 Hannett, Rachael 261 Hanney, Martha 13060 Hannington, J. G 27186 Judy 40002 Hannon, John and Thomas . . 18786 Matthew 23083 Hanratty, Simon 40017 Hanrick, James 14414 Hanrott, Philip Augustus . . 51527 Hansard, Richard 92239 Heron . . 24 Hansen, J 70003 John C 68534 P 67975 Hansenberg, Heniy Peter . . 76511 Hansford, Lvria 9647 Hansill, Peter 25928 Hanslorp, G 92240 Hansom, Thomas . . , , , , 0006-3 166 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate icill be found at end of Index. Hanson, — 30506 Ann 69132 Catherine . . . . 76636 • and James 25460 ■ (wife of ) 70440 &Co 18789 Edwai-d 6336 Family 12874 George 27787 ■ Hannah and Thomas 61472 J .. 11306 James 27188 ■ (corndcaler) 71636 ■ H 24618 ■ M 18788 Thomas 11732 William 12872 Hants, James 8560 Hanwell, Ck'orgc 33885 Hanzard, Nicholas 26329 Hapleton, Elizabeth . . . . 6256 Haplin, Rev. Edward John . . 31917 Happy, — 92241 Flaram, Ann 40765 Harbe, John 21948 Harbone Family 76913 Har])ord, Ivobei-t 67511 Harborne, Edward (Solihull) 76951 Edward 73468 • Eichard 10281 Samuel 52348 ■ (Chancery) 73715 Thomas 10265 Harborough, Joseph . . . . 25676 Harbottoll, George 33144 Harbour, John and Sarah . . 39172 Harbridgc, Thomas 13030 Harbroe, John 18789 Harbuck, Elizabeth 36601 Harbut, Delia 6669 Harby, Clara Lucretia . . . . 5367 . Elizabeth 92243 . Philip 10003 Sarah 5298 Harcourt (soldier) 53391 . John J 92244 ]\lary K 3403 • William Bumard .. 10307 Harcus, Charles 18790 Hard, John 18791 Hardacro, Gcorgo 824 Hardain, Sarah 92246 Hfirdbomc, Sarah 92246 Uardcastle, Anno 26120 — — John (undei-^riter) 74967 Maria 2569 Sarah 21688 Harden, David 73791 G(M)rgo and TJoboi-t . , 74565 — Jobn P'^.'HT Harden, Mary 6670 Thomas (to advntgc) 55699 Hardie, George 92248 Margaret 36924 Marion 14150 Martha and Thomas . . 27189 Mary 92249 Thomas 18792 Harding, Ann 92250 Anne 37970 •-■ Charles and Louisa. . 57027 52418 Charlotte 70009 Elizabeth 51541 Family 67513 (Chancery) . . 24272 Francis 14157 V. Gist 24267 • James 32493 -A 61364 John (Xorthampton) 5824 (Gloucester) . . 34948 9558 Thomas .. .. 72637 Joseph 50038 Josiah 3503 Letitia 65460 Mary 27190 Mr 2770 Nicholas 92251 V. Quin 24297 : Eev. St. John . . . . 27191 Richard 8751 Major . . . . 34986 Samuel 10565 ^SaraTi 31960 Stephen and Stuart . . 23808 Thomas 32826 William 35386 ^ Waldron . . 50244 Hardinge Family (or Harding) 76032 Frances and Harry . 23707 James 115 Hardisty, Hannah 39857 Hardley, James 11804 Hardman, Ann 9942 Cathciino .. .. 5519 Daniel 92252 Family 51277 James 92253 r John 50087 . William 70446 Hardmcn, John 5816 Hardrcss, Ann 16711 Jolin and T 5126 Martha (Canterbury) 856 Hards, Richard .. ..... 12570 Hardiiin, IMrs. Sarah . , . . 8552 Hurdwick Family 27192 . ■ Gcorgo « . . . • . 33206 167 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kamis relate will be found at end of Index. Hardwick, H. R 54817 Miss .... .. 31968 V. Moms . . . . . . 24308 Richard 92254 Thomas, Major-Gen. 28416 William (Manchester) 5851 V. Wise 24308 Hardy, Alexander 69991 ^ Ann .... .. .. 54226 Christopher .. .. 13110 Clara 157 Edward 69085 Elizabeth 66799 Henr>' 30340 James and John . . . , 92255 Joseph 54203 Letitia Clara .. .. 92256 V. Ovston 24293 W. N., Capt 52327 WiUiam 8753 (Dorset) . . 39613 Hardyman, Lieut.-Col 22845 Henry 39571 Mary Eliza . . , . 7068 Hare, Barzillai ^ 23901 Charles James 3884 David 28419 Fanuly 92257 Francis Geo. (Middlesex) 64690 50969 M 28418 WilHam 74955 Henry, Hon. . . 51530 Hares, Matthew 62020 Sarah (otherwise Eyres) 5347 Harfield, James 92258 Harford, Charles Grev . . . . 92259 Esther 32812 ■ Hannah 69084 Mary 39 IVIrs 64525 Thomas 92260 Hargest, George 60312 Hargrave & Bodily 30658 Joseph 50837 Matilda 75426 Timothy 92262 WUliam 34190 ■ 51072 Hargraves, Ann 8810 George 33530 • Hugh 27193 — Isaac 52344 Joseph 33530 Hargreaves, Abraham . . . . 8856 Alice and Henry 30263 Charles 40915 Hartley . . . . 17946 John 66795 ' — — — Gerveip . . 9623 Hargreaves, Thomas .. .. 61536 WilUam .. .. 74026 Hariet, Francis 27194 Harington, Thos. Talbert, Capt. 29314 Harison, Mr. Arthur . . . . 35944 Harker, Elizabeth 9785 Heni'v 5265 Eobert 18793 Harkness, Jane and John . . 40720 Harknett, Thomas 29315 Harland, Henry 18795 Marv 92263 Harlev, B. " 51757 T. J. . .■ 28405 Family 92264 Henry 37129 John 6313 Pritt 52342 Harhng, Ann 27195 Henry 2220 (or Blanch) Robert 76514 Harlington, Stephen . . . . 92266 Harlwin, Mary and Samuel . . 92267 Harly, Sarah 9119 Harman, David 27196 George Joseph . . 16210 Henry (Worcester) 5336 (Kent) . . 50536 James 63798 Wooley .. 35165 John (Glamorgan) . . 14805 and William , . 26 (Buckingham) 75435 Letitia 2973 Sarah 92268 Stephen 92259 Susannah 6579 Harmar, William 34496 Harmer, George and William 8999 V. Harris 24273 James 52333 Jeflriea Thomas . . 92270 John 56406 -Richard 92271 William {alias Thos. Jcfieries) .. .. 32402 Harmes, John 92272 Harms, Peter 30426 Harmston, Mary 32254 Hamis worth, Captain . . . . 52351 Saml. Springfield 6621 Harnden, Caroline (daughter of Henry) 74952 Harner, John 74902 Harnes, Jane 6435 John (seaman) .. .. 1763 Harness, Rev. W 75719 Harnett, William C 92273 Harney, Thomas 27197 Haipe, Grace (Stirord) . . . . 74734 "l68 J)irections fo)' obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will he found at end of Index. Harper, Abraham Ann (wife of Thomas) Churchill Edward N Eliza H Frances Mary . . Francis & Geo, Messrs George John ■ Moylar Joseph (E. J. C.) . . ^lary Mr Samuel Thomas • AYilliam, Capt Harpham, William Harpiir, Joseph Harradan, Elizabeth Harradine, Sarah . . Han-ies, Elizabeth . . " James . . ■ John . . Ki chard Harriman, Edward . . ■ John • Joseph . . Hari'ing-ton, Eudocia J. G. . . • John ' Just Joseph V. La\>'rence . . Margaret lyiartha Mary (Middlesex) - — Miss Peter . — Thomaa Harriott, Edward . • George R. ■ Mary Han*i«, (or Tabencr) • (or Innis) . ■ i\ Abbey ' Alice , . Amelia . . , ■ Ann . . . (Middlesex) ■*■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ V. Bamos C. H. & Co ■ Charlea . , • . . . . -^ fGloucct A 21934 75215 3482 11246 70074 60844 67509 18796 92274 33225 4619 18797 3891 92275 33162 38089 3195 21283 40991 64694 51420 3891 39897 92276 73927 18797 51047 40101 9605 30497 30475 38723 8754 92277 69107 50800 23732 27198 34557 50801 34890 27199 1357 21014 9176 70004 16646 37507 37141 24254 87318 8473 21515 52325 24255 75719 61478 7158 10903 30956 Harris, Chi-istopher Arthur . . 50549 Daniel 37832 David 21290 Dorothy Edward (merchant) (London) William . , 2792 65530 74956 74946 Eleanor 92278 Elijah .. 66783 56785 75934 33689 9494 3053 70967 Elizabeth (Hereford) . . (Birmingham) (or Bradford) (Walworth) (Mary) Ellen 72639 Family 27200 Forbes 55383 Francis 3977 B 69679 Frederick 37437 George 12882 LL.D 3979 (copper-plate maker) 6580 (Colonies) Thomas H V. Harris Henry (London) , . . , (India) . . . . Dr George . . William, Major Horatio Hugh Henry Isabella (Middlesex) James (Essex) (Colonies) ^London) (G loucestorshire) Dawson . . Jane and John (Kent) John (Hereford) . , . , (Berks) . . . . (Cumberland) . . (farmci-) , , , , (steward) . , . , fseaman) , , (Colonies) . . (relatives of) . , Thomas . , William . . . . Joseph f]\[anchoster ^^{.) (Broadwall) . . Margaret . , . , Mark Stuart , , Millany . , . , Mr. ' 18801 70964 75656 24275 66823 28421 15020 10529 34419 92279 25525 75936 66797 18799 35595 3324 7160 55546 57962 34197 6128 39467 69111 73461 10893 10909 18802 56786 12900 52334 1687 6723 23262 68532 27201 73467 i69 Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Han-is, Prescot & Co. . • Quarles Rebecca (or Styant) v. Rich Richard, Rev. (Surrey) Robert (Middlesex) Sarah (Carmarthen) (Southampton) Sophia Stuart . , Stephen Susannah . . . , Thomas (London) (India) (Surrey) (Devon) E. Walter WiUiam (Kent) . . . . (Westminster) Lieut. (blacksmith) (Devonshire) (Glouccstrsh.) (Middlesex) . . Fortescuc . . R Thomas 0. . . Harrison, Alfred AV. ■ Abraham •, . . . Ann , • Anthony R • Bernard . Chas. & Chas. Fredk. • Chiistiana ■ Clement . • , . t . •Edward - Elizabeth (:Middlesex) ■ (a creditor) J. Emma . , Esther E a. L. . . . George (York) (Middlesex) (York) L*. .* \ '. Mullens William Grace Henry (relatives of) E.. S .. .. 9856 o5547 75432 24302 24250 10201 74032 6671 52335 63822 68533 70977 66405 70965 28421 36938 37817 27202 92280 60308 15179 10887 74038 3246 7159 10650 39624 70076 74525 25359 9105 92281 27203 63797 9105 53223 92282 9563 92283 37924 55548 5477 61479 50014 92284 92285 8752 21107 15077 39389 75940 61476 34228 31181 6581 60318 9408 12109 56678 75429 Harrison, Hemes Isaac Isabell . . . . . . J. Ij., Lieut t James . . . i (Northampton) Rev Jane (Philadelphia) Rev. Jeremiah . , . . John (Leeds) . . . . (a creditor) . , (Cumberland) . , (Worcester) . , (Cambridge) . , (flock-di-esser) (London) , , (Chancery) , , Binfield . . . . Chailes . , . . Goodwin . . . . Robinson . . . . Joseph (Sm-rey) Rev (bro. of Thos.; (builder) . . ■ Josiah ■ Louisa Ann • f t • • V. Mansel ■ Margaret (or Green) ■ IMary (Lincoln) (legatee) . . . . Anne (London) Miss Mr. (Manchester, &c.) Mrs. (London) Moody Peter (Colonies) ,, Philip Ralph V. Read Richard (Lancaster) Richardson Robert (Chester) . , Samuel (York) James Sarah (or Richardson) (orCoope) .. Ann , , . . 1128 4183 9693 20690 27204 75945 92286 14661 4086 10677 9407 55549 31906 14629 4183 7009 63395 59049 24620 7202 39918 22113 2847 7958 34647 92287 4183 11467 7009 61480 7202 24287 74954 92288 15584 17751 9693 27205 86 74948 3528 67507 17007 92289 18803 50691 92290 821 24303 73465 56680 73462 56404 9693 11771 22114 21459 17747 61482 27206 176 Jbirecttons for ohiainliig full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate tvill be found at end of Index. Harrison, Susaiimali T. Fisher T. George ■ Thomas (Colonies) . . ■ (Paddington) (grocer) . . ^Brighton) . . (butcher) ^Bucks) (West Indies) & Partner . . (Cambridge) Charles Fisher . . . , William (Lincoln) (Manchester) George . , Harriss, James William Thomas Harrold, Alexander . . George Peter . . . . T. C Harrop Family Harriett . . . — John Gaskell Joseph. Harrott, Edward Ilarrowell, Jane narrower, Alexander Fairley Harrs, John Han-up, Fanny Harry, Charles Harshaw, John Harsley, Charles Harst, Joseph. Hart, Alexander (India) , (India) Amy Sir Anthony Charles Christopher Edward Elizabeth (or Thompson) Esther. Family Frances Sarah . , . . Frederick (plumber) , . W George Bartlett Vaughan Henry Hugh . . Jacob James 4859 1.544 12553 18804 35594 955 2466 5340 11412 15221 58818 4183 52384 17245 1175 72642 56710 21218 66810 92291 21204 74398 37040 57367 92292 30648 9402 74558 64675 8888 92293 1975 12588 18805 92293 7773 75953 2969 7583 70963 32961 29316 92294 7040 31130 92295 14471 5139 50206 62557 17817 75423 75942 30366 9644 39023 10644 63681 92296 50163 Hart, James * rsuffoiic) (Ireland) Janet Jeremiah (Suflblk) John (Kent) . . Joseph Nicholas , . Lazarus . . Letitia Levy Louisa Mary Maurice Moses and Naphtali Nathaniel ' Prudence Roach D Ruben Sarah . . . , . . Ann . . . . & Stroud Thomas William (servant) . . Harte, Ann William Henry . , Hartfel, — Hartford, John and William . . HarthiU, Hartland, Family John (Hertford) . . Robert (or Heartland) Hartley, Bartholomew H. Bernard (Lancaster) Family Greyson Hannah Henry Robinson . . James . . , , . . John (Kent) . . (Lancaster) , . Leonard Lawrio William Mr. .. . Nathaniel Philip Robei-t Ruth.. . Samuel . William . (or Penny) Jones Leonard . . Hartling, John Henry . . Hartman, A. . . . . Family . . . . Henry Christian Lawrence . . 10523 64253 23423 75956 35847 32840 51521 30548 18806 53265 18807 11862 50066 29911 61473 6130 17479 92297 61188 8302 305 11595 35725 53265 30892 92298 23434 22812 92299 92300 18808 92301 50353 2543 69997 55983 7237 18809 16866 30277 52343 7763 52345 31478 92302 36995 92303 75430 34538 27207 9453 67057 40981 10273 16247 18811 18812 74350 7578 92304 171 Directions for obtaining fall copies of the Advertisements to which these N'ames relate tvill be found at end of Index. Hartman,' Mary Estridge . . "6549 Hartnall, John 74567 Hartness, Jane 6435 Hartnett, William 92305 Harton, Elizaljcth 50804 Hartopp, — 72345 Edward 8969 Family 92306 Hartrce, William 58015 Hartrcss, Ann and John . . 92307 Hartrup, Richard Charles . . 33588 Hartsborn, Charles and John . 92308 Hartshorn Family 27208 r. Hudson . . . . 24282 Mary .. .. .. 68530 Hartshorne, Jonathan . . . , 6769 Hartson, James 53743 Hartung-, John Zacharias ,. 15206 '■ 8amuel 92309 Hartvig-, Hans & Co 25970 Hartwell, Brodic 65528 & Co 74408 George 70958 John 9986 Lucy 62558 McCuUum . . . . 66340 Hart^\ick, Joseph 25393 Har veil, Frances 2135 Harvey, Ann 52349 Audlcv 63794 Charles 37357 Christopher George 11976 Edwin Charles . . 92310 Esther 72640 Fehx Henry .. .. 51408 George 18813 Gerard 52330 W.A 63796 Hannah 62369 V. Harvey . . . . 24271 ■ Henry 56176 Honora 70022 ■ Jane.. 8172 John 27209 (schoolmaster) 75433 • Henry .. .. 18814 ' — Springet . . . . 9231 1 • Joseph 66794 Kate 74564 Mary (daughter of) 27210 • '■ (children of) . . 13068 22417 ■ Ann 58729 ■ Maiu-icc Crosbio .. 11976 Peter 7118 Eeubcn 22418 — Richard (Berks) . . 62370 • Mr 40697 : — Robert 37419 ■ (Glasgow) . . 66445 Harvey, Samuel 6788 Susannah 2191 Suzanne 27212 Thomas (India) . . 28422 (Cornwall) . 34275 . > — 36601 (Westmorlnd) 21659 ^Wmiam (Falmouth) 74047 (Colonies) . 26017 (SuiTey) . . 15113 . (Wexford) 21595 (died 1854) 39931 27213 . ^ (Colonics) . 18814 Harvie, Soi)hia 51214 Harvill Family 92312 Harwell, Francis 92313 Harwood, Ann 70001 Dean 9415 Edward 26309 ■ Francis 92314 — : George 10272 ■ John 10372 Richard 92315 Robert 16890 Thomas Risden . . 10464 William 92316 Hasall, Richard 27214 Haselden Family .... ., 92317 Haseldine, James .. ., ,, 1159 Haselfoot, Robert C 67971 Haselgrove, John . . . . . . 32498 Haselock, 8004 Haskell, Thomas 18815 Haskcy, Judith Nickolls .. 16508 Haskins, James 622 • John 92318 Haslam, • Joseph 38460 Richard 50300 Sarah 17106 William 30635 Hasland, Mary. . .... , , 92319 Hasledine Family 92320 Haslett, Ann P 56709 Haslewood v. Green 23733 : —William .. ., 27215 Haslock, Mr 34092 Hasluck, Samuel 69133 Hassall, John . . . . . , . , 57195 Richard 12450 Hassard, George .. .. ., 11865 Rev. E. 22507 Ross 52332 Hassell, Charles 92321 Elizabeth (sister of John) 74734 • — Familv 16953 (Stafford) . . 74569 John . i 4079 ' 57559 Joseph . i 16956 172 Dinciions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Hassell, Maria 69119 Sarah (Brighton) . . 53744 Susan 92323 Hasted, Francis and John . . 50320 Hastio, Ahson 12411 Ann 73459 Archibald 75944 Charles 36132 George (Scotland) .. 12937 Isahella 52387 James 39860 John (Middlesex) . . 69990 Margaret 13195 Robert (Kent) . . . . 70000 Hasting, George Lincoln ,, 36190 Hastings, Caroline 18816 J. P., Eev. (India) . . 28423 Joseph 92324 Marchioness of . . 65328 Maria Anna .. .. 38130 Mary Ann . . . . 75685 Robert Stafford . . 73879 HastweU, Mary 12973 Haswell, Robert (London) . . 7884 40856 Hatch, — 72346 F. (son of Capt. C.) . . 76513 George E. F 57709 Jane 92325 John 73463 Richard Charles, Lieut. 29317 Thomas, Rev 57720 Hatchard, John 52099 Hatchell, Edith Horc .. .. 32202 John Heniy, Capt. . . 29318 Hatchett, George Augustus . , 53455 John (Dorset) . . . . 38298 (seaman . . , , 1485 (Middlesex) . . 62526 Hateley, Joseph 40916 Hatfield, Charles 92326 Dorothy 54596 Elizabeth 6045 ■' ■ Family (Bombay) . , 70274 59807 John (N.K.) .. .. 54597 . — _ (Bombay) . . 74723 Judith .. \. . . 14220 Thomas (Colonies).. 18817 HathaAvay, Arthur 76518 Mar>'E 76662 Hathcrley, George 26565 Hathom, Vans 62958 (Scotland) . . 12383 Hathway, Sarah 14393 Hatkey, Elizabeth and Robert 92327 Hatlev, Newman 75954 HatrcU, Sarah 6131 Hatscll, Susannah 51172 Hatswell, Mary ,. .. ,, 12973 Hatton, Elizabeth 74963 John (Colonies) . . . . 18818 (Middlesex) . , 52396 Samuel Bilby , . . , 53452 William 27216 Hatway, Sarah 92328 Hauer, John 32020 Haughton, Elizabeth . . . . 6297 Haum, Henry de • 92329 Hauptman, Frederick .. ., 53161 Hautzch, H. H. H 25528 Havard, Mr. A 35666 Havell, David 30600 Havelock, E. B 22466 Haven, Stephen & William G. 4249 Havens, Sophia 75438 Haw, Thomas 32665 Haward, Edward Searle. , . . 198- Richard 92330 William 9065 Hawarden, Edward 69122 Hawe, Elizabeth 92331 Haweis, Jannett Parpre . , .. 6948 ■ Thomas 92332 Hawes v. Asplin 24253 Benjamin 21377 EHzabeth 10324 Family 56776 Lucy 92333 ■ Matthew 16174 Sarah 7892 William 92334 Ha wke, Hickory 7138 Edwai-d 70002 Harvey, Lord . 74958 James , . 74940 John and Sarah . . . . 54651 Hawken, Robert Gill .» .. 66801 Hawker, Emma Jane . . , , 72648 George . . . . , , 40659 Sir Thomas . . , . 52326 Ha wkos, Elizabeth ., ., 12575 John 92335 Thomas .. ,, ., 51719 Ha wkcsworth, Joseph .. .. 11531 Hawkey, Johanna and Joseph . 15283 ._ w., Capt 28427 Ha wkigg, James 18819 Hawking, John 65868 Hawkins Family 36884 and London Estate , 36884 54453 Ann (or Gore) . . . . 11324 (Middlesex) .. 31167 (the elder) . . 36884 Benjamin .. .. 70979 Charlca 37189 : Elizabeth (Middlesex) 31167 14045 PjTier . , 3231 7 173 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Natnei relate will be found at end of Index. Hawkins, Family , _ 64308 ' (Chancery) . . 75719 Gamabel .. . / . . 69459 George 51578 Giles (son of Wm.) . 617 .17957 H. C. Commander . . 53375 Hannah 31167 Henry 54451 \\ Hillman . . . . 24281 James (legatee) , . 67972 10332 -Jane..- 22380 -John 37658 ■ (Middlesex) .. 6187 (seaman) ,, 12458 ■ (Worcester) .. 70631 P 52611 Sidney .. .. 54830 Joseph 10333 ' Lettice and Margaret 22378 M. A 27217 Mary 61579 Michael 2927 ■ Mr. (Bennondsev) . . 17660 . Nicholas and Eobert 36887 (3tnddlesex) 14112 . Eichard (Oxford) .. 10357 (the elder) . . 36889 . Robert (nephew of) 67718 (Wilts) . . 9887 . Sarah 32317 ' Susannah 27218 Thomas (E. Indies) 54452 (executor) . . 9926 17004 . (Wilts) . . 9681 . (Middlesex) 11323 WiUiam (servant) . . 1868 (soldier) . . 6853 Hawks, Lieut. John Shaftoe. . 29319 Philip 38532 Thomas 1392 Hawkshaw, Edward . . . . 92336 Ha wksley, Francis 12898 John 8816 Hawksworth, Henry Minion . . 32969 James .. .. 51301 Joseph .. .. 92337 Hawland, Eobert 28425 Hawles, George 92338 Hawley, Abby 30096 Robert 646 Haworth, James 92339 . Mary and Richard . . 72643 Sarah 61051 Hawsett,— 92340 Hawtayne, Charles S. John . . 52395 John .. ,. .. 10898 Hawthorne, Daniel 923 U Hawtin, John 18820 Hawton, Joseph 12659 Hay, David 92342 Duncan . . . , , , , , 73578 Elizabeth Jane , . , , 92343 Francis ,. ., ,. ,, 1679 Forrest . . 25904 George ,. .* ,« .. 6415 Herbert 6672 Hugh 23847 J. T. (cadet) 28430 James (India) 29029 (Worcester) ,, 21286 14971 (Surrey) ., ,. 61425 — S... * 67973 L 22836 Scott 15635 Jane Eliza Montgomery 6324 John (Fife) 27219 (Leith) 27220 Capt. (India) . . . , 28429 Holman .. ,. ,, 34528 Joseph 92344 Lieut. -General , , , , 15457 MaryR 27221 :Mr 92345 _ (medical) 30957 ]Mrs 63302 Patrick 72048 Eenshaw 16873 Eobert, Lieut 28431 Sarah 8139 Susannah 23848 William .. , 92346 Hayard, Daniel 40220 Haybittle, Daniel 38315 Haycock, George & Maria . , 92347 Hayden, Elizabeth & William 92349 Fanuly 54810 -John 25920 Peter 618 & Rivers 21841 WiUiam (tanner) .. 1316 Haydock, George & Robert . . 23524 Haydon, John 68281 Thomas (India) . . 28432 William 32426 (Mddlesex) 37464 Haye, Fanny 21474 Hayell, Hannah 39843 Hayer, Edward 18821 Hayes, Amos . . 70007 Ann 92350 Thomas .. ,. 9437 . Benjamin 18822 • Corbett 56739 . Cornelius 26566 Dennis 18823 Family 92353 174 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which thesejifaims relate will be found at end of Index. Hayes, Fletcher F. C. — — T. 0. Frederick • . . Greorg*e .... (Ireland) . V. Hare . . . . , , Henry . . . . . , Isaac • . . . . , . James . . .... John (Colonies) . . Joseph Louisa Margaret Robert N Sarah - . . . . . , Thomas (Devon) . . Haygarth, Elizabeth Catherine Hayle, Mary Ann Haylett, Henry ^William Hayley, Edwin & Lupton Mr, Thomas Jordan . . Hayllar, WiUiam Haylock, Edward . . Eliza (or Cooper) H.J. ■ William . . Hayman, Abraham . ". C. (died abroad) ■ Catherine . . ■ Edward . . , , James ■ . . ■ John B., Lieut. . Martha . . Thomas . . Raymond, M Hayne, Jonas Haynes, Ann .... . . Benjamin ■ Charles . David Edmund Eliza})eth (Bristol) Family . . . George . . Helen .. . James H. John (Essex) (son of Jno., Lndn. Major-Gonernl . . Jordan Martlia . . Sarah . . Susannali 60311 74563 3760 1762 23401 24276 3760 25430 39958 18824 26629 92351 3760 27222 15720 61488 2739 57111 92354 31210 30904 25860 67974 9526 02959 1315 27223 48 76521 27224 48 17011 74947 54553 11938 3647 22115 74575 7353 92355 92356 74962 53771 18825 4039 92357 76519 11838 92359 57732 56370 69124 76512 50546 295(5 5475 9164 594 38 ' 5439 73544 Haynes, Theanah 6420 Thomas 2956 (Colonios) . . 18826 William (Middlesex) . . 34412 ■ 6912 Assist. -surgn. 29320 Hays Family 92361 George and Roger . . . . 17070 William 34784 Hayslem, James 69125 Haytor, Amos 58820 ■— Augustine 4560 George.. .. .. .. 30007 Sarah . . . . , . . , 4566 Hayton, John 1229 Lazenby . . . . 29321 Thomas 50929 60614 80000 30105 92362 Hayward, — (coachman) ■ — > Alexander Benjamin Triphook . — Betsy ■ Charles 52386 Charlotte 52324 Elizabeth (or Perfect) 54010 31105 (or Way) . 8897 • George 21479 ■ James (Surrey) . . 36231 (Dorset) . . 60548 • John 9434 (heir-at-law) . . 72645 T 92363 Joseph 92364 Margaret 31390 Mr 61060 Mary 39246 — (Cambridge) . . 40366 • Richard (a creditor) 30430 • (Somersetshre) 5988 23026 Robert Lightfoot . . 73460 Samuel (Chancer v) . 73715 • . . . . \ . 32945 Sarah 6'^365 Sophia 35873 Stephen 70005 Thomas 92366 William rSun-ey) . . (Gloucester) '(india) \\ Cooper . . 9811 237 9433 57708 29322 70952 40851 Hiiywark, J. and W Haywood, ('harles 30168 Frederick ^Mary Ann Ricliard . . Hazard, Daniel Samuel 5034 6.': 10 72649 31423 366UI 175 Directions for obtaining full cojjies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Hazlden, Henry 18827 Hazle, Judith and William . . 5280 Hazledane, Ann 92367 Hazlewood, N. and Sarah . . 18826 HazeU, Da^dd, 61456 : James (Middlesex) . . 75938 John and Eichard . . 75436 WilHam 12726 Hazett, 8317 Head, Charles 69134 Emily and Jessie ,. ,, 13149 John ■ 17969 . Mary 14126 r. Eandall 24298 . Thomas 92368 WiiHam 8838 Headen, Edward 10566 Headington, John 61470 Headlam, EUen (wife of Chas.) 70350 Headland^ EHzabeth M 67970 John 52352 WilHam 60307 Heal, Ann and Mary . , . . 6622 Elizabeth 92369 Thomas .. 27225 Heald, Patty 27226 Thomas (India) . . . . 29323 Heale, C. W 67964 Heales, George Samuel . . . . 73457 Heale V, Benjamin 6583 . Catherine 38479 ' Cornelius 92370 Jane .... . . . . 38480 . John (France) .. .. 62531 . 16896 . (Holbom) . . . . 50199 Mary Ann 71233 :Michael 34367 Healing, — 65475 Joseph 70951 Healtey, WiUiam 92371 Healum, George 69127 Healy, Dennis 17000 John and Thomas . . 92372 Maurice .. .. 21913 . Luke .. 22413 Michael 39243 Thomas 24789 Heams, 92373 Heap, John 50294 Joslin 92374 Mary 12793 i Thomas 36905 William 34928 Heape, Elizabeth . . . , . . 75420 Heapv, Esther 5370 Peter 92375 Heard, — 53339 Frances Ann , , , , 53339 Heard, James . , . . , , , , 36896 William 27227 Hearlo, Martha 15289 Hearn, Daniel 30592 Famny.. 60788 Frances 36692 Heame, Algernon John . , , , 26247 E 27228 Edmund Lyons . , , , 33646 Family 67968 Henry Charles .. .. 38697 Hearnshaw, Sarah .. ., ,, 1573 Hearson, Mary 5755 Heartland Family 92376 (or Hartland) Bobert 2543 Heartley, Francis 24266 Heaslewood, William ,, ,, 92377 Heasman, Edward 8082 Heath, Ann ' .. \ 101 Bailey (Cliancery) , , 71851 C. P. .. 73743 Family (Gloucester) , , 74556 George 68185 Henry 10886 James 31952 R 27229 John 92379 Joseph 57659 Mary (descendants of) 74601 Kancy .. .. ., ,, 92380 Richard 7642 • (Next of Kin) 17041 Robert Tyrrell ,. .. 10888 Thomas 1637 -(legatee).. ,, 75193 Walter 18830 William 17863 Heathcote, John 92381 — Joseph (son of Wm.) 76527 V. Stephenson . , 24504 Thomas . , , . 74444 William .. ,. 7923 Heather, Elizabeth 29324 Family 6584 George 2429 John (Surrey) . . . . 66804 ^Michael 75439 Stephen 27230 Heatherington, Mary . . . . 27231 William . , 34685 Heathfield, Henry 56321 — Richard 56707 Heatley, David 14804 Heatlie, Hector and John . , 92382 Heaton v. Drybutter . . . . 24202 James . , 53459 John 92383 Robert 28433 Sebastian 92384 ■ Thomas ,, ,, ,, 75964 ivn Directions for obtaining fall copies of the Advertisements to tvMo/i these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Heaton, William Heavens, Sophia (or Havens) Heaver, James, liieut. .. Michael , , . . , Hebh, William.. Hebbert, Georg-o .. ,, , Hebblethwaite, John , , , Hebdenj James Hebditeh, Mr. John , , . Heber, Slarv Hebert,E. ' Hechestetter, Sir David . . Hecht, Frederick Heckshew, Martin . , , , , Hector, George . . , . Hedenstrom, Carl Otto , , , Hedge, Captain Charles Hedger,- E. . . , . Hedges, David . . , , , , • Susannah (Middlesex) Hedley, Hannah Heeks, Anker , (Whetstone) .. Heeles, Sarah . . Heme Family Heesom, Chi'istopher and E. . , Hefferman, Thomas , . . , Hegginbotham, — , Hegginbottom, INIary , . , , Heginbotham, Joseph , , , , • Charles . . Heginbottom, Sarah Ann Heidman, Hendrich , . Heighington,' Edward .. Jessica . . , Heighton, Mary Louisa . . . Heigway, Edward Heilman, Josue Heim, Professor E. L. , . , Heine, William , . , , , Heinty, Elias Heirs, James and Mary . . ■ Mary Heitman, Eeymor Helbig, Gustav Hele, Charles Selby < Robert Helfert, Franz Heliger, Sarali Heliwell, Eliza Hellicr, Thomas Ilellyer, John Josiah — — Sarah Helm, — . . Helman, John Helmers, L. Helmkoi>, Fidde , , , , , 14167 75438 28434 59459 G311 21504 35256 31822 50944 15914 92385 4153 18831 92386 92387 74960 52406 67522 50417 3755 6585 73166 7060 3748 6053 92388 68746 2121 74431 31177 13059 68739 35703 72670 18832 64722 66805 52319 7880 31247 61489 92389 68819 60745 35452 92390 7970 13074 92391 92392 11705 59235 18833 36009 27232 62»39 10334 18834 4016 Helps, Mary 3197 Helsby, Blanche and John . . 68730 Helsham, George Paul .. .. 30126 Hely, Charles T 26444 James P 67609 Heman, Adam Patrick , . Hemans, Mrs Hemer, Edward Threstyn Homing — George . , . , 18835 27234 3674 72347 1888 32401 74554 Hemings, Richard . . , , Hemingway, Edward , , Hemmens, Jane E 66803 Hemment, Ann .. ., ». 68557 Hemmerling, Gabriel . , * . 92393 Hemmilstoss, John H 69129 Hemming, Bright 14778 ■ Family 92394 George 31122 Samuel 34422 Hemminffs, Catherine , , F. Capt. . . Family (N.K.) Graham Major William 32810 28434 32126 92395 30806 28435 Hemphill, Curtis 23814 Hemskirk, John . , . . Hemslev, Charles . . , . — ~ Charlotte . . . . Henry William .. .. Hcnam, Sarah . . Honap, James . . Henault, Francis Henchal, Charles Henchman, Robert 92396 64701 '52338 40925 75441 92397 70008 2563 11.) 28436 Plenchv, Charlotte andHenrietta 30043 Edward Peter Fitzgibbon . , Hencock, Elizabeth Hendcley, John (or Hc(ndley) Thomas Henderson, — (Middlesex) . . ■ Alexjindor , . . . 82119 30104 92398 92399 1991 06340 18836 Ann M. S 74555 Bartholomew , . 14522 Benjamin Clifton 39768 Charles George . . 66802 Christian .. .. 27234 David 69135 & Durkin .. .. 115 Eliza (Liverpool) 10383 Elizabeth .. .. 27235 F. Capt 75229 Frances Eleanor 37045 Gabriel .. ,. 92400 George 12722 James (ColonioB) 18837 26040 177 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Henderson, James (pensioner) 72647 .. .. 8708 (Liverpool) 10382 (E.N.) . . 11413 B 65864 . John . . 39204 -. McBain .. 92401 WiUiam . . 75616 John (Colonies) . . 18838 (Middlesex) 55079 8709 (Mexico) .. 11719 James . . . . 38379 Margaret Pringle 12256 Maria Ann .. .. 11207 Eaymond, Rev. . . 7543 Robert (Stirling) 21124 12409 ^ (Durham) 17640 John . . 38943 Thomas .. .. 6241 Todd & Co 9937 William (Chancery) 23744 .. .. 11425 (Elgin,N.B.) 35139 Alexander 34829 Hendley, Thomas 35046 Hendrick (or Henrick) Eleanor 2264 John 2264 Hendrickson, Elizabeth . . . . 77962 Hendrie, David and James . . 92402 Hendry, EHzabeth 3904 John 18839 Mary 12702 Hendy, Elizabeth 17783 Heneage, A. W 27235 Henery, J. B 18840 Heney, Mary 5910 Henfrey, Benjamin & George 74961 Henley, Alice 92403 Edward 28437 Lady Barbara .. .. 70633 Edward 3720 Family 6900 Thomas Sloman . . . . 34558 Henlock, Elizabeth 12514 John G. & Richard R. 21490 Henly, Edward 28437 Henry Stiles .. .. 37175 Hennah, Ann 33537 Henry 30610 Hennet, George . . . , . . 51646 Hennets, 33590 Hennett, 55550 Henney, John 7280 Mary & Thomas . . 31099 Henniker, Hon. Major Jacob 10276 " Baron 70949 Henning, Robert 31259 Henauigiiaai, Mrs. Deborah , , 73740 Henningsen, Henning Peter . . 23789 Henri, Georgiana 74040 Henricks, Caspar 14822 Henry, Capt. A 28438 Alexander 52408 Archibald 13197 Charles 71351 John .. .. 22993 David 11598 EdmTind 33343 Francis 69128 John Joseph . . . . 10564 Joseph & Co 59056 Luke 92404 Mary 10019 Richard 92405 William 30529 (India) . . 29325 Henshaw, Ann 55406 Benjamin 92406 EHzabeth 27236 James 73458 John (London) . . 76604 Margaret 92407 Mrs 55407 Robert 6623 Sarah 92408 Henshawe, Daniel James . . 29326 Hensley, Benjamin 92409 Hensman, Henry 70014 Henson, — (or Bassett) . . . . 74820 Abraham 24727 William 31622 Henston, John 18841, Henvill, Jane 34592 Henville, Charles B. andMrgrt. 67966 Edward and Philip 11501 Margaret L 74037 Heny, Hugh and James. . . . 92410 Henzell, Ann 8521 Heoy, Arphaxard 11753 Hepburn, A. Cosmo . . . . 34815 Colonel David . . . . 34276 Francis John S. . . 72653 George Swaine , . 31509 Margaret H 70174 William 56121 Heptinstall, Joseph 37438 Hepton, Mary _ . . 27237 Hep worth, Ann and Cornelius 14184 George 61492 Stephen .. .. 39872 Heran, Patrick 26434 Herbert, — Esq 32880 Charles 56480 Edward 64702 Elizabeth (or Hubert) 76529 Evan 34089 Fannly 92411 George 64899 M 178 Direetiona fop obtaining full copies of the Advertisem&nts to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Herbert, Henry 61494 V. Herbert . . . . 24280 James 17341 John 38721 Eichardson . . 9458 Joseph (France) . . 75437 (gndchldrn of) 75440 51270 Mary " 92412 Miss 9168 Philippa 23739 Eichard 40652 Atkinson . . 37993 B 69126 Samuel 61493 Sarah 52353 Thomas 37724 (merchant) . . 40070 . Matthew . . 70985 Tyrell 12781 WilHam 92413 (Colonies) . 18842 . (Middlesex) 55495 (Oxford) . . 54140 Herbertson, John 21424 Herd, Charles 40374 Herdman, John 26091 Herdsman Family 51641 Hereford v. Bowling . . . . 24257 Hergest, James 92414 Heriott, Mary ; 22877 Heritage, Ann 17786 Joseph 92415 WilHam 17785 Herlistone, James (or Holston) 7485 Herman, Katherino . . . . 34472 Hcrminie, Georgette . . . . 69735 Hem, Jacob 24446 Heme, Thomas 76524 Sir William .. .. 24124 Hemick, JohnG 3393 Hemon, Elizabeth 74809 Heron, Sir Cuthbert . . . . 76526 Jane 51048 Ralph 9785 Thomas 59063 Hcrrell, Robert 18843 Herries, John Charles . 50179 Herring, Charlotte 52389 Elizabeth 92416 H. 27238 John or Joseph . . 74959 -Mark 54147 Thomas 21960 W. H 74557 William 12046 Herriott, Mary 92417 Herris, Harrison & Co 8306 Hersanti, Louis 70012 Hersecj William 14666 Hertel, John J 56887 Hertford, Marquis of . . . . 12795 Herves School (at Bath) . . . . 39571 Hervey, Mary (Manchester) . . 70978 William 17158 Heseltine, James Altham . . 52347 Hesie, John 18844 Hesketh, Harriet 59860 Mr 12867 Heslestone, James Holston . . 7485 Heslett, Sarah 27239 Heslip, Francis 92418 Heslop, Edward and George. . 5283 Thomas . . . . 9410 Eleanora and Laidman 16970 Mary 67969 (Norfolk) . . . . 8639 Thomas 5283 Hesse, D. E 73455 George Brooks & Legrew 60660 Princess 92419 Hessey, Samuel 92420 Hessian, &c., (state loans unclmd) 39090 Hester, Ann 1442 John 6622 ■ (Surrey) .. .. 11344 Hetcher Family 6782 Hetchtaller, Sir D 92421 Hetherington, James . . . . 13050 (London) 1235 Eichard (Tortola) 72652 .. .. 9613 Samuel . . . . 18846 Hethom, Eichard . . . . . . 18847 Hett, J 74551 Heugh, Gesina Johanna . . 25852 Hcusch, William 92422 Hevenan, Edward 92423 Heveningham, Ann 4056 Heweis, Jennett PajTie . . . . 5542 Hewer, Elizabeth E 76.525- Thomas Jacob .. .. 34643 WiUiam 73456 Hewes, Henry H 29326 Hewet— .. .. 72348 Hewetson, James 75072 John 50740 Eichard 4707 WiUiam 61490 Howett, Augustus . . 37409 Betty 92424 George 29327 John 11822 and William . . 62572 Miss 65908 Hewington, Frcdk. Chadwick 61552 Hewison, Archibald . . . . 31749 Ions 60858 Hewitson, Eicliard 30601 Hewitt, Betty 6188 179 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Hewitt, Edward 2684 Ellen, Miss 52336 V. ElUs 24263 John 92425 Joseph 27978 V. May 24286 Robert 11466 LigMfoot . . 31865 Sarah 155 Thomag 8326 (Warwick) . . 34274 18849 WaU .. .. 55255 Tobias 65319 William 17627 Hewlett, Caroline 67520 Family (N.K.) . . 76235 92426 . Francis Rufford . . 73454 Jane 12503 John, Rev. .. .. 11700 Martha 4045 Samuel 51269 Timothy 92427 WilUam 38127 Hewlings, George 50214 Hewson, Ann (niece of Davis) 75963 Anne 2481 Henry 11675 ■ James R 22604 John 70013 Marianne . . • . . . . 488 Mary Ann .. .. 7548 Richard 34666 William 17434 Hewston, James 179 Hexton, 18850 Heyde, Mary 18851 Heyden v. Owen 24292 Heyes, Elizabeth (Cripplegate) 73166 2211 Robert 27240 Thomas Halford . . . . 11444 WiUiam 67518 Heygate, John 27261 Heyliger, Lewis 74034 Sarah 92428 Heylman v. Hayward . . . . 24274 Heymans, Johannes P 25875 Heynes Family 11960 Heys, Alfred and Thomas . . 36 Heythuysen, Edward Richard 34063 Hey ward, Elizabeth .. .. 15126 Francis 38208 Mary Ann .. .. 30950 Samuel 14875 Thomas 4111 Heywood, Bridget 27242 George 55703 James 65696 Heywood, Jane 57146 Mary Ann . . . . 92429 Hiam, Lydia 21395 Hibbard, John and William . . 16748 Richard (Lincolnshire) 428 (Wilts) .. 6918 Hibbert & Co. . . 9887 Margaret 37065 WiUiam 10894 Hibbett, Thomas 65387 Hibbin, WiUiam 39271 Hibble, Ann (formerly Merry) 6132 Hibon, John 66808 Hick, Margaret 92430 Robert 92431 Hickens, James 92432 Hickes Family 30997 V. Nott 24290 Hickey, Catherine (Ireland) . . 23621 Charles 75919 Edmund, Capt. 29327 EUen and Emily.. .. 76541 James and Margaret . . 23376 Mary 24737 Patrick 21845 Serjeant 75229 WUHam 39841 Hickie, Edward 33118 Hickin, Thomas B 27243 Hickinbotham, Ann . . . . 53462 John . . . . 92433 ^ Joseph .. .. 8137 Hickins, James 6484 Hickley, Christopher and Patrick 18852 Hicklin, Benjamin 50547 Hickling, Mr 34141 Hickman, Ann 6770 John Bradley . . . . 7607 PaUiser, Capt. 29328 ]\L:s 8328 Robert 27244 Sarah 92434 Thomas 68535 W.,Rev 21767 Hicks, Algernon 75967 Ann 8308 Benjamin Edward . . 55551 Berkley 53463 Bridget 3831 Charles W 60642 Fowler 92435 Francis Mary . . . . 55420 George 92436 W. S., Capt. . . 29329 Harry 71213 James 21289 Jane 57601 John .. .. .. .. 6133 (ComwaU) . . . . 61562 M2 180 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisetncnts to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Hicks, Joseph (Essex) . . . . 50737 Mary Ann 8076 E 1732 Richard (Kent) . . . . 72654 (Middlesex) . . 72713 Robert 70986 Sarah 4189 V. SheUs 24305 Sir William .. .. 71190 William 56464 George . . 29330 Hickson, John Bradley . . . . 12568 Robert 23480 A 23140 William 92437 Hickton, Sarah and William 40444 Hide, John 92438 Margaret and Paul .. 92439 Hider, Thomas 27245 Hidson, Durant 69139 Hield, William Gay . . . . 18854 Hierons, Samuel 40855 Hietlie, John 92440 Higdon, Richard 92441 Higgenson, Helen . . . . - . . 21285 Higginbotham, Edward «fe John 18855 John .. .. 3619 D. &Lydia 17331 Mrs 92442 Higginbottom, Edward . . . . 22476 George . . . . 74472 Joseph . . . . 28440 Mary .. .. 8145 Higgins, Alice 1335 Ann 92443 Bartholomew .. .. 9991 Bernard 4616 & Co 68335 Edmund Buttall . . 5942 Elizabeth 92444 Fitzgerald .. .. 26246 Francis 92445 George 29331 Harriet 70943 Isaac 57432 James (Kildare) . . 21840 (Colonies) . . 18857 William . . 29332 John (Colonies) . . 18658 9990 Joseph .'.' .'.* .*.' 30732 (India) . . 71005 Joslah 92446 Judith 16296 Marian 92447 Maria Bridget . . . . 23051 Mary (Worcester) . . 15647 16081 Matthew 92448 Thomas (Colomes) . . 18869 Higgins, Thomas 24770 B 24283 William (India) . . 28442 1538 ^ (Oxford) . . 33947 Higginson, Frederick Weekes. 70959 V. Gylby . . . . 24268 Jane 21957 John (Liverpool) . 34728 Joseph 59395 Nancy 9536 Roger 25490 Thomas E., Lieut. 29333 William .. .. 92449 Higgs & Hunter 28444 Ann 33548 Benjamin 62581 Charles 31308 John 6436 ]Mr 35041 Thomas (Oxford) . . 74966 High, Jane 17621 Higham, Ambrose 10728 Hannah 9696 John 15887 Thomas 75445 William EUison . . 37420 Highton, Alice and John . . 39716 Highway, Edward 92450 Higman, Charles Brisbane . . 54781 John 3170 Higson, Frances 7018 Mary 25349 Thomas 17771 Hilder, Catherine 6304 Hildike, John and Thomas . . 92452 Hildreth, William 92452 Hiles, Stephens 52313 William 2216 Hilhouse, Agatha 38164 Hill,— 35368 (son of Thomas) . . . . 6382 Allen 52397 Ann Elizabeth .. .. 74041 AnnabeUa 15854 Arthur 74041 Benjamin (Surrey) . . , , 11883 63910 & Bennett 66527 C 16724 Caleb 14738 Captain 34888 Charles (Chancery) . . 75719 Licut.-Col 37365 Dickenson . . . . 60794 Joseph . . . . 67629 Daniel 5853 David 70996 Edward 69051 13121 181 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. HUl, Edward R 67978 Eliza (West Indies) . . 62579 EHzabeth (Wilts) .. .. 50911 Miss . . . . 8705 Mrs 4078 Emily 50763 Esther (or Paskett) . . 12905 2598 Francis 8310 George (Nottingham) . , 74603 (warehouseman) . 76532 (Oldbury) . . . . 69141 Major 70960 Augustus .. .. 72674 WiUiam .. .. 3332 V. Hanhury 24277 Hannah (widow of Geo.) 66817 Henry (Durham) . . . . 67528 92453 IsabeUa 17411 J. (gunner) 26595 James (private) , , . . 73791 36471 (dividends) . . . . 66953 C 25415 James D 18861 Dover 61498 Jane 8311 John 53736 (Sheemess) .. .. 11427 (shoemaker) .. .. 23651 (Kent) 39964 (barber) 15099 (Dr. of Physic) . . 14894 (Devon) 31944 (Chester) . . . . 9339 Joseph (assignees of) . . 62961 262 (descendants of) . . 53911 Mark 29334 Sanders . . . . 35513 Justly 3917 Lawrence, Lieut 28447 Margaret 50447 Maria 39571 Martha 39142 Mary 8642 (Salop) 32958 Lady 92455 Messrs. (London) . . . . 66448 Mr. (India) 28445 :Mrs. (Marylebone) . . . . 2432 Noah 92456 Peter 64710 Posthumous 5853 Richard Edwards .. .. 67098 Robert 9055 Keith 10905 Rowland, Major . . . . 36374 Rowland, Rev 50739 Hm, Samuel 15124 Sarah (Middlesex) . . . . 14155 (Russia) . . . , 30177 (Barnet) . . . . 36970 Susannah and Thomasian 92457 Thomas (Colonies) . . . . 18863 .. .. .. .. 52417 (formerly Lieut.) 17416 (pensioner) . . 30526 (South Lambeth) 3773 (Derby) . . . . 40274 (Lincoln's Inn) 646 Rev 37374 Lieut.-Col. (India) 28446 Serjeant .. .. 76825 (N.K.) . . , . 74042 Townley (London) . . . . 33862 50956 William (Bath) . . . . 5002 (Massingham) . 14896 59548 (Wilts) . . . . 75965 (JVIiddlesex) . . 75443 Burrow .. .. 51682 HiUard,John 2583 HUlas, Robert WilHam . . . . 21838 HiUer, WilUam 3529 Hilles, Ellen and James . . . . 26483 Mr 76539 HiUiard (or Hillyard) . . . . 54767 Edward 14992 James 61497 John 2583 HilHer, Ann 92458 Hannah 50786 • ^J 1920 John William .. .. 12189 Richard (late of London) 56043 92460 WiUiam (relatives of) . 3770 Hilling, William 36066 Hillman, Andrew 92461 John 5132 HiUs Family 92462 George 50585 Harriet 59795 John (children of) . . . . 50586 5792 Mr 30936 Robert (Southampton) . . 75966 Hillyard (or HilHard) . . . . 54767 Family 76533 Susan 8307 Hillyerd, Frederick 34954 Hilmer, Benjamin 92464 Hilton, Charles Jones . . . . 75444 Edward (London) . . 66547 G. A., Lieut 53735 Henry 21030 Hugh 70017 18!2 Directions for ohtainin^j full copies of the Advertisements to which these Name* relate will be found at end of Index. Hilton, John (Lancaster) Joseph Lawrence McGriffren Mary — Thomas William (Manchester) Hime, Priscilla Himcs, William Hims, Elizabeth HinchclifFe, Greorj^e and Martha Hinchley, Elizabeth HinchUff, WiUiam (Colonies) . Hinchliflfe, John Sarah and William • — William Hinckley, James Sawyer Jane Maria William Hincks, Esther Hincksman, Anthony & Eichard William . . . . Hinckson, Sarah Hind, Plarriet Hugh Alan, Lieut . . James (Lincoln) John Sarah Thomas Hindc, Benjamin John Jacob Mary Ann Thomas William Hindenbiirg, F. J. W. Hindcs, Catherine Hindlo, John . . Hindley, Charles & Frances John Letitia & Susannah . . Mary Rachacl Hindman, Harriet . . Hindmarch, Mary . . Hindraarsh, Luke . . Hinds, Ilichard John Hindslcy, Jonathan Hindson, John . . Hinc, George . . John B IMrs Hincs, James . . John . . Joseph . . 7673 92467 55322 69130 5756 92468 75442 25617 55198 10261 92469 60112 72673 27247 18864 1103 27246 66809 2509 17423 92476 40592 73453 1011 17239 92470 12205 33208 7403 35234 92471 10093 71054 21686 5818 51031 70987 92472 72656 67527 50709 67983 39486 17062 26310 92473 17063 50505 61047 59976 24638 32833 35783 9645 57359 60306 22153 60083 18866 21463 Hines, Martin . Mary . Steward Thomas Hingsless, Thomas Hinkley, Barbara & Maria . . Hinkson, John Eichard . . Hinley, Daniel Hinn, Thomas Hinrichsen, Henry Hinricks, C Hinsley, Frederick Unwin . . Hinson, Catherine (Colonies) . . & Henry . . Hinton, Ann Edward Humphrey Leonard Matthew Eichard Eobert Samuel Thomas Hinves Family Sarah Hinxman, James John . . John (rprsntatives of) (prize money) . Eobert John . . Hiort, Mary Ann G- Hipkins, Stephen Hippins, Elizabeth Hippisley, Captain Edward Hippufif, Charles Hippus, Elizabeth Hipwell, John Samuel Hird, Ann Anthony Hirct, Hannah Hiron, Elizabeth William Hirst, Francis Henry John (Masbro') . and Eobert John V. Walker Hiscock, Thomas William Hiscott V. Dwarris Iliscox, John William Hiskith, Mr Hi slop Family James Eobert William, Lieut Hitch, James John 2647 92474 2305 34630 28447 27248 69137 6842 18866 76540 92477 70016 25437 56007 30453 53733 35200 12524 69452 68970 92478 69452 26318 27249 38572 92479 61807 74259 38389 75415 59489 30489 34091 14605 11685 31988 60304 23458 30970 64711 73657 27250 50277 63458 70913 64706 14789 24307 18867 971 39789 5437 92480 92481 21152 14979 55563 28448 27251 92482 183 Directions for obtahiing full copies of the Advertisements to which these uS'ames relate tvitl be found at end of Index. Hitch, Susannah Alicia . . . . 7669 Hitchcock, Ann 92483 Edmund .. .. 9430 — George 92484 Giles 1294 Harry 9431 -Harvey 92485 -Henry 639 John 92486 Eichard James .. 30189 Thomas .. .. 34350 William (London) 69140 George . 27252 E 70060 — .. .. 9429 Hitchen, Frances 27253 Hitchens, Elizabeth 25466 Hitchings, — (grocer) . . . . 71634 Ann 3558 Elizabth (Middlesex) 76635 Joseph and Mary . . 14246 Hitchins, Thomas 74044 Hitchman, 5912 Hives, George 18868 W. S 11956 Hixon, James B 61502 Hoad, Edmund and Thomas C. 55711 Hoar, Eleanor 32350 George 23917 Hoare, Benjamin 604 -Charles 92488 Elzhth. (wife of Jas. H.) 67993 Eichard 62489 Ebt. & Wm. (Colonies) 18870 William 24515 (Surrey) .. 52411 (London) . . 30061 Hobble, Ann 2576 Hobbs, Family 52365 Frances 27254 James P 62764 John 52364 Joseph 3785 (Bucks) . . . . 56400 56471 Sarah (^\-ife of George) 74097 ■ WilUam 51766 Hobday, Joseph .c .. .. 34819 Hobcrt Family 33906 Hobley, Joseph 70018 Hoblyn, Deeble S 61500 Laura F 67984 Eichard (Essex) . . 76555 Hobson, Elizabeth 22892 Family 92490 George D 59196 Henry 3338 James, Eev 23356 Joseph 18871 Hobson, Marv, Miss (York) . . 12359 " 8596 Miles 22891 Thomas 31936 Hocken, Edward 92495 Henry 39676 Stephen Brown . . 62619 Hockin, Capt. A. P 10904 Hockley,— 51695 Leonora 11854 Hockly, Eichard 27255 Hockner, Thomas 52403 Hoctor/John 18872 Hod, WilUam 92492 Hodd, Isaac 31507 Hodder, AnnaE 74051 Family (Chancery) . . 24304 Eobert 92493 Hodding, William Henry . . 50574 Hoddinott, . . . . 30779 Hoddle, George 9165 Hodge, John Frances . . . . 50305 Eichard (Middlesex) . . 73452 William Eonan . . . . 1650 Hodgeman, Elizabeth . . . . 54594 Hodgens, Anne 11276 Hodges, Alexander, Captain . . 28450 Dorothy 92494 Elizabeth .. .. .. 16726 Miss (Mddsx.) 76553 Frances 35006 Surah .. .. 34242 John 70(iOO Mary 92495 Nathaniel 29335 Paine 92497 • Priscilla 4106 Eichard 36088 (Chancery) .. 71856 Samuel (Middlesex) . . 52382 Sarah (India) . . . . 28450 92498 Susannah 92499 Thomas Twisden . . 40344 WilHam (Colonies) . . 18874 92500 (Chancery) . . 74451 Hodgetts, John 35747 ■ Mary Elizabeth . . 34194 Hodgins, Eobert 75447 Sarah 75970 Hodgkin, Charles 51629 Hodgkins, Thomas 18873 Ilodgkinson, — 30937 Ann (or EocheU) 3767 and Eliz. . . 27256 , Jane 40816 John 21133 Martha .. .. 39114 ]^Ii- 9070 184 Directions for obtaining fidl copies of the Advertisements relate will be found at end of Index. which these Names Hodgkinson, Sampson . . . . 12845 Sarah .. .. 73444 Thomas .. .. 3456 Hodgman, Alexander Miller . . 30523 Hodgskin, Phoebe 8551 Hodgson, Anne E 66757 Blanche 92501 Brian 29336 & Champion, Messrs. 2957 Charlotte, Mrs. . . 59479 V. Crook 24258 Dorothy 35929 Elizabeth 30498 Emily 92502 Francis 16588 George 37786 Henry 38065 Isaac 61514 (London) . . 74472 James 71024 — Jane 92503 . 74052 John (York) .. .. 74568 1590 (Cumberland) . 51563 • Joseph and Margaret 14014 Martha 92504 Mary 57916 (widow) . . . . 73451 Miles 34335 Richard- 92505 V. Rigby 24301 Robert (London) . . 53233 8320 — Somers 2467 Thomas (York) . . 74050 (Exors. of) . . 74980 ^^ 27257 W., Lieut*. '(India) '. '. 28451 William 50197 Hod8don,-Mary 35341 Hodson, Daniel 6769 Henry (Colonies) . . 18875 74398 James 3483 Jane 51370 John 6674 Mana . . .... 9622 Stephen 10016 Thomas 2011 (Chester) .. 59411 Hody, .foan Louis de la Tour . . 60741 Hoe, James .. .- 33110 Hooftman, Christian Emanuol 31510 Hoey, Ann 92606 Henry Edward . . . . 76554 Richard H 23829 William Franris . . . . 22021 Hoffman, Elizabeth, IMiss . . 70942 . '■ George and Miiry .. 17168 Hoffman, John 14540 William 6672 Hofhout, Ernest 1995 Hofland, Thomas 92507 Hogan, Daniel H. and E. . . 22722 James 7523 John 75968 (Colonies) . . . . 18876 George .. .. 18877 Margaret 7157 (India) . . . . 70025 Patrick 25590 Hogarth Family 69145 George 51519 Hannah 92508 Horatio Mado . . . . 8324 Isabella 27258 Timothy 37490 William 67534 Hogben, Squire 50671 Hogden, Emma Margaret . . 10166 Hogg, Alexander 11935 Alice 14599 Elizabeth (wife Archibld) 67945 Jane 22237 John 14597 (Middlesex) .. 71852 Mr 71612 r. Read 24300 T. J., Rev 10906 Thomas 6531 26596 AVakefield 34049 William 7544 Hoggar, Elizabeth and William 56338 Hoggart V. Cutts 24259 Hogget, Caroline 27259 Hoggins, Mary 21070 R 31967 Samuel Robert . . 36902 Thomas 92509 Hoghton, Richard 35888 Hogle, Timothy 92610 Hogman, Peter John . . . . 7426 Hogsett, Thomas 18878 Hohonsty, Joseph Yon . . . . 12816 Hoile, Isaac 38626 Hoinvillc, George 30611 Holbech, Thomas 7017 Holbeck, Mr. (or Holbech) . . 76450 Holborow, George 61509 Holbrook, Joseph 26630 Thomas 67988 William 17929 Holbrooke, George 8331 William .. .. 27259 Holbum, John 33910 Holcombe, John 62383 Mary EUzabeth . . 62409 Holcroft, James 92612 185 Directions for obtaining full eopies of the Advertisements to which these Namet relate will be found at end of Index. Holden, Ann 30495 Benjamin "Willets .. 39010 Edward 92513 M 62613 Elizabeth 92514 George 59202 (Colonies) . . 18879 Humplirey 56133 James 25979 John 21138 Ealph 67532 Sarah 92515 Thomas 36034 William (Yorkshire) . . 2092 (Hackney) . . 30644 Baildon . . 14963 60301 W. (baker) . 67525 Holder, EHzabeth 92516 John (mariner) . . . . 1606 Holdemess, Lazarus . . . . 37385 Holding, Ann 36351 Holditch Family 50632 Holdship, WiUiam 30117 Holdsworth, Abraham . . . . 8675 Christopher . . 92517 & Co 59055 Henry Ledger . . 25963 John H 73437 Hole, Ann 27260 Elizabeth 30311 Holebrook, Thomas 92518 Holford, George 50730 Family 92519 Holgate, Caroline 64716 John 16083 Holgman, Alexander . . . . 92520 Holgson, Elizabeth 92521 Holiday, Thomas 92522 Holin, John 194 Holker, Lawrence 9923 HoU, Johannes 2155 Holladay, James 8035 HoUamby, WiUiam 92523 Holland, Ambrose 10077 Anthony and E. .. 12617 Ann 31696 C. (surgeon) . . . . 28452 Family 74977 Francis, Hon 56094 George 10495 (Dorset) . . 76557 Harriet 92524 Harry (Colonies) . . 18880 Henrietta 7256 Henry 34656 Isaac 33073 James (Hereford . . 14479 (Lancaster) . . 12003 John (builder) . . 34466 Holland, John (Salop) . . . . 31696 (Northampton) 4187 (Chester) . . 75973 25423 Handle 92525 Richard 37 SaUy 9794 ■ Samuel 56083 Sarah 12615 Thomas 16510 (Warwick) . . 40048 Trevor . . . . 11965 HoUaway, IMr 2433 Holleham, Patrick 18881 Hollenj ay, Frederick .. .. 3178 HoUes, Lady Charity . . . . 92527 HoUey (or OUey), John . . . . 16577 HoUick, Thomas 18882 HoUiday, Deborah 92528 Edward and Eliza . . 92529 Elizabeth 3341 John 10044 Sarah 25459 Thomas 6485 HoUier, Eichard 31977 W. F 75656 WilHam 92530 Holliers, George 92531 Hollin, Frances 24278 Hollinbome, — 92532 Hollings, Ann and Matthew . . 14903 Family 14951 ' Joseph (Stanbury) . . 14939 HoUingsworth, Alfred Johnstone 33942 ■ Richard and Sarah 25491 Hollins, Ann and WiUiam . . 74231 Francis Ayrton . . .. 11876 Mr. (Staffordshire) . . 76547 Sarah .. .. ,. .. 14208 William 74049 Hollins worth, James Edmund 38456 HoUis, George and John . . ., 4211 Joseph 70980 Martha 7183 Mary (Hants) . . . . 15905 15535 HolHweU Family .* .' ,\ ! .' 65849 HoUow, James 70981 HoUoway, — 10583 Ann 6168 Edward 67537 Elizabeth 6622 (Middlesex) 10892 Francis 14258 Henry 18883 J 92533 James (son of Thos.) 73442 Jane 30849 . John (clerk) .. .. 31109 Peter .. .. 64547 186 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate ivill be found at end of Index. HoUoway, John Rogers . . Joseph Mary . , . . Robert "Walker Samuel Thomas (publican) , William (Colonies) Hollows, Mathias . . HoUy, John HoUyer, William Josiah . . Holm Family John Holman, John (late of Sussex) and Samuel Sarah Preston Thomas . . Holmden v. Lomax . . Holme, Charles Edward Jane , John (Lancaster) — Margaret V. Stanley . & Thompson Holmcn, Johan Holmer, William . . Holmes, Andrew Christiana . . Clara Dorothy Edith Eli Elizabeth . . . . Family Francis Frederick . . George Robert . . Harriet, Miss Henry (Liverpool) James (Colonies) (Isle of Man) Jasper ... . . John (Colonies) (York) rScotknd) Carlcton W. .. Joseph (Bristol^ , . — ■ (Ireland) —. — — and Thos. (Lond. -^T r-.- & Co 3895 18884 70525 92535 18885 14243 1251 9817 18886 6622 37355 92536 52370 92537 1809 51670 65843 16375 92638 16241 63820 24356 5985 39055 10724 72657 12737 7320 23734 9873 3639 32282 10907 50323 92541 34583 26249' 68876 8558 92540 5547 62610 40294 o7451 22873 32168 18887 35028 59857 61515 18888 75976 6366 34844 11977 22831 5793 40625 17547 59047 Holmes, Maryl . . .... (formerly Little) (or Kinnersley) . . (widow of John E.) (widow) Richard W. Robert (Surrey) . . (seaman) . . (JVIiddlesex) . . Alex. (Australia) Samuel Sarah (East Indies) (or Monson) Stephen Susan Thomas (Montreal) (China) Timothy V. Whillock. William (ship's cook) (Ceylon) . . (Colonies) . . Holmes Holmhurst, Gerard. . Holms, Mary . . Holm wood, Elizabeth Holroyd, Daniel Henry Jane . . Holstcin, Carl and Louise Von Holston, William Holt, Arthiu' Charlotte (widow of Geo.) Edward James John . . . . Margfiret Mr Richard (Lancaster) — Robert (Rochdale) (grandchildren of) Sarah Thomas (New S. Wales) William (banker London) : ^Lancaster) .• . :- (Islington) (Surrey) . . . . ■ (Colonies) J. (son of Gco.F.) Holte, Lister Ilolton, Daniel ]\Jary Thomas Holtzmoycr, Konrick Henna 16279 1760 4013 75449 9485 16278 69162 9034 16279 5654 74549 5793 52368 50411 2840 8313 27261 75656 24711 64712 62010 24310 30701 3929 9134 18889 12892 18890 92547 17222 27262 51356 60300 36084 92548 50732 69168 8598 51361 21213 34807 21527 51182 27263 21214 16123 8960 27264 58416 5521 51361 2271 76558 18891 73439 92549 75453 36700 92550 30483 187 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate tvill be found at end of Index. Holy, Daniel and George . . 76544 See at Edyemyatzeer (legacy to) 22202 See at Jerusalem (legacy to) 22203 Holyfield, WiUiam 10470 Holyoake, James 59936 Thomas 52375 Homan, Sarah 50200 Sir William Jackson 21680 Homar, Amelia 2628 Homas, Joseph 74552 Home, Adelaide 53986 Charles 92551 V. Dycer 21927 James 21884 John, Lieut.-Gen. . . 61507 Homer, Mrs. Harriet & Jas E. 61038 Homersham, George . . . . 70019 Homerton, James and Julia . . 27265 Homes, Henry 18892 John 61511 Homewood, William . . . . 60299 Homey er, Daniel 61512 Homfray, Family 22280 Hompesch, Ferdinand . . . . 27266 Hone, Addison 75719 Capt. L 28453 IVIissandMrs 68280 Honett, Anna 70029 Honey Family 71001 Honeyman, E 59054 EUzaheth .. .. 10116 James 8305 John (miller) . . 74769 &Long 65320 Mary 92552 Honeysett, Elizabeth &Eichard 70123 HoneywHl, Henry 32940 Honeywood, Eraser 92553 Sir John .. .. 24291 Honohan, William 26261 Honywood, Sir Edward . . . . 34264 William P 70023 Hood, Ann Maria 60556 Christopher 35117 Dorothy; 92564 Dr. (N.K.) 52363 Edward 92555 Mary 27267 Richard 15179 Thomas 92656 William Comber . . . . 50962 Hoods, Harriet and Ann. . . . 92557 Hoof, Wmiam 38882 Hook, Ann 92558 Augusta 21120 Elizabeth and Matthew . . 92659 Dame Esther . . . . . . 6647 Frederick Augustus, Lieut. 29337 Lawrence 4177 Hook, Thomas Baker . . . . 6000 Hooke, Catherine 92560 Ellen M 60841 Miss 63304 Theophilus 92561 Hooker, James 8102 Jane 92662 John 9936 (Colonies) . . . . 18893 Hookeson, WiUiam 92563 Hookham, T. J 71865 Hoole, William 66511 Hooley, Lydia 92564 Hooper, Daniel 33219 Francis P 66829 George 38725 Jane 62609 Josephine . . . . 6966 V. Jewell 24284 John C 25513 32883 Jonathan 92565 Mark 92666 ]\Irs. (Paddington) . . 75454 Martha 30673 Mary 61042 Robert 70869 Stephen 37547 Thomas 16039 Walter, R 60296 WHHam 1464 (Dorset) . . 64730 Lieut. (India) 29338 Henry . . . . 53987 Hoosan, Edward and Eccles . . 32020 Hooton, Richard 39403 Hope, Abraham 23661 Fred. WiUiam .. .'. 40320 J. W., Lieut 10908 Jarman 39939 John 92667 Mary .. 62583 Ann (Middlesex) . . 70026 ]Mrs 74974 Robert 1210 Susanna 32790 Thomas 92568 William 16171 WilUams . . 39523 Hopeley, John 92569 Hopes, William 51481 Hopgood Family 92570 Jane . . . . . . . . 92571 Hopkin, Humphrey . . . . 16359 Hopkins, Ann 67796 Benj. and Catherine 92572 Christopher . . . . 92673 Edward J 61041 Elizabeth 33197 • . (Bristol) . . 75452 188 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate tvill be found at end of Index. Hopkins, Elizabeth (Berks) . Family George (Gloucester) Harriet (Kent) Henry H James & J. (Colonies) John Dr Charles . . William . . Joseph V. Marsh Mary Kebecca Eice Eobert Samuel Thomas "William . . Hopkinson, Benjamin (solicitor) (merchant) George (Gloucester) and Isabella John Samuel Hopley, Helen John ; . • • Samuel and William Hoppe, James Henry Joseph Hopper, Benjamin & Campbell George James Gibber . . John Thomas Hendry Mr Hopperton, Edward Hopps, George John Robert Hopson, — Hopton, Francis James Michael . . Hopwood, David Henry John James Eobert . . Hora, James . . Horak, Sarah , . Horo Family . . John, Lieut. . . William, Capt. Horgan, Jeremiah . . Timothy . . Horldon, George . . Horloy, Leonard . . 71273 92574 61040 30823 72660 69158 67566 18894 39471 3385 31861 31694 54378 24289 34083 11978 53451 26597 21288 31836 7754 56722 56721 76543 34382 1266 10896 92575 4059 353 58689 7G034 1940 115 70015 3388 8913 69531 6435 34418 30659 40370 92576 2387 40791 1089 34445 52376 69852 30521 27268 70027 70911 92577 28455 29339 74553 23132 69193 30039 Horn, Andrew . . Charles (Kent) D. Dunage Eliza (wife of George) . Elizabeth Family James Stark John (India) . . Lawrence Nathaniel Samuel Hornby, David Elizabeth . . . . John (America) Martin Homcastle, Mr Home, — (legatee) . . Dunage Edward (Middlesex) (Colonies) Family (Scotland) John Margaret Mary Mr Thomas William (organ builder) (IMiddlesex) . Horner, William Hornctt, Samuel ChoUet Homsey, Jane Samuel Horrabin, Catherine Family John Joseph . . Horrell, Samuel and Thomas . Hori'ock, Sarah Horrocks, John William Horwood . Horru, Nicholas Horscroft, Mary Ann . . Horseburgh, Isabella Horsell, William Henry Horseman, Edward Elizabeth and John Horsonail, Samuel Horsey, Samuel Spencer Horsey do . . Horsfall, Charles Martha Sarah Horsfield, Elizabeth and Thomas Ilorsford, John Joseph (Dorset) 92578 32854 10402 2797 74745 17464 92579 2995 18897 29330 17727 2571 8309 18896 6928 71032 24702 5252 33953 30454 73739 92580 76556 54384 18898 75975 40079 70276 73441 72698 16423 52388 39852 50748 29342 30182 7196 562 23525 92581 14244 75451 52354 50108 21399 58816 74528 12101 37297 33196 92582 25 7196 01037 67533 14965 52359 1126 12902 30657 189 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Horsf ord, Joseph, and Thomas . 9423 Sarah 12903 Horsley, Francis 52369 WilUam 92583 Horsman, Edward 33196 Eliza 23247 Horspool, James 92584 Horswood, Mary 75969 Hort, Ahraham 75719 Horton, Ann 55030 Bennett 3008 Edward 31039 Elizabeth (Somerset) . . 67535 (widow) . . 52412 Frederick W 62614 Geoffrey (Colonies) . . 18899 George 17738 Henry 55032 Joseph 23911 Joshua 92585 Thomas . . . . 10309 Mary Ann 10164 V. Pulley 24295 Horward, James 51711 Horwood, Catherine . . . . 7877 Eliz. & Jno. (Aylsbry) 69165 EHzabethM. N. .. 68517 Hnrtta. Sarah &Thos. 73438 Martha Capum .. 37612 Richard (Soho) . . 70028 Hose, John C 62620 Hosea, Alexander 9964 Hosegood, Thomas 52069 Hosenburgh, Andrew . . . . 3894 Hosford, Ann 65854 Hosh, Mr 50174 Hosier, Elizabeth 73450 14827 James 16621 Mary 16899 Hoskin, Jane 40157 Richard 40220 Hosking, James 18900 John 73446 Hoskins, K 92587 ■ Harriet 37518 Henry 25570 Jeremiah and Thomas 14250 John 4712 Josiah 92586 Thomas 32880 Hostj'ns, Martha Anne . . . . 34634 Hoslee, John and William .. 11912 Hossack, Alexander and James 21391 Francis M. and Isabella 69267 Hoster, James 92588 Hotchkin, Charles 9810 Hotchkis, John 35834 Hotchkiss, Ann and Joseph . . 72666 Hotham, Hon. George F. . . 72662 Hotham, Lady Jane S 40040 Hothout, E 92589 Houblon, — 72349 Elizabeth 68484 Hough, Henry 4239 Francis . . . . 39022 John 14254 (Chester) .. .. 1189 Joseph . , 2527 Samuel 92590 Stephen 24373 WiUiam 27269 Houghton, Catherine (wife of R.) 4086 .. .. 16450 Charles 18901 EHzabeth .. .. 12562 George P 23471 James 379 (legatee) . . 75970 John 52401 Mary 11683 Mchael (legatee) 75970 Nancy and Richard 27270 Philip 32157 Robert 379 ■ Thomas (Lancaster) 30923 (Armagh) 11683 (farmer) . . 62598 (Norfolk) 68359 Watkiason 30244 William (a creditor) 55552 .. .. 61506 Houlding, Mary A. R 74970 Houlditch & Co 65317 Houlston, Mary 5757 WilHam 8312 Hounburg, Andrew 8319 Hounsham, Augustus . . . . 34236 Hounson, Henry 92592 Hourden, Richard 11966 House, John and Mary Anne 73133 Houseman, Jane and Mary . , 92593 John 7768 Thomas .. .. 27271 Houser, Moses 25936 Housman, William . . . . 92594 Houster, Robert 92595 Houston, A. C, Lieut 29342 Elizabeth 6620 G. Halley . . . . 8323 Miss Lines . . , . 10673 Robert 31951 ' S., Mrs 27272 Houstoun, George Hawles .. 1333 Robert Rae .. .. 5852 Houtan, — 33034 Hovenden, Frederick . . . . 18902 Henry 22581 Walter E 92596 HovH, Richard 62606 190 Direetiomfor obtaining full copies of the Advertiiementt to which thete Namet relate will be found at end of Index. How (or Sullivan) . . '. . . . 64453 Alexander, Jn. McDonald 61034 Bridget Dinah .. .. 76541 Hector 92597 (or Hemng) Hester . . 10258 Joseph 17511 IVIr 52283 Philip 92598 Eichard 11517 Howamies, Marian 29343 Howard, Aaron C 68054 Ann (Surrey) . . . . 74976 62278 Anne Septima. . . . 35038 C. (mariner) . . . . 74561 Catherine 7297 Dorothea.. 12787 —Charles 11609 : Thomas . . 64379 Charlotte Eebecca . . 39206 — D. C... 27273 Daniel 30834 Dr 8318 Edward 62279 (Lancaster) . . 76607 Cephas . . 40745 John .. .. 11270 EHzaheth 2044 EmHy Phoebe . . . . 73788 -Family 35038 Francis Fitz .. .. 92599 George •. 60153 Foley .. .. 52378 ^ Henry (Lancaster) . . 11395 17170 (attorney) . . 1939 (breeches-mkr.) 6758 Page .. .. 54380 Isaac 64774 — Jas. John L., Lieut. 29344 James Lovett . . . . 18903 Peter .. .. 11504 John 92600 (Chester) . . . . 31519 (sisters of) . . 760 (seaman) • . . 3092 .. (gentleman) . . 6076 Joseph 25413 — Margaret 6803 Mary 23736 '■ (Surrey) . . 32038 '■ ■ 27274 Mrs 8318 Noble 92601 R. F 69157 Balph 72663 — Eichard (Chancery) 24630 7726 — Robert 1436 '■ B. (Ireland) 63449 Howard, Euben 11940 Sarah 8711 Susannah . . : . . 6803 Thomas (Liverpool) 17980 39197 (son of Eobt.) 31027 W. H., Captain . . 28457 Walter 18904 Wniiam (Kent) . . 68400 11503 (tanner) . . 8710 (London) 4846 Howarden, Eichard .. .. 11983 Howarth Family (Chancery) . . 24261 Sarah 763 Howcroft, James 6001 Howdell, Eev. WilUam . . . . 4831 Howden, Mary Cheap . . . . 6967 Eobert 92602 William 68302 Marcus . . 29345 Howe, Baldwin Walter . . . . 70946 Edward Lowe 2506 Elizabeth L 16482 Family 92603 Frederick William.. .. 40334 - James 10889 John 3067 Mary 27275 Pantaleo Antoni . . . . 6486 Eichard Fisher .. .. 2667 Eobert 18906 Thomas S. C 29346 Howell, Ann Barbara . . . . 55553 Anne 3204 David 7091 Edward 71853 Family (Cambridge) . . 74746 (Pembroke) . . 73447 Griffith, Eev 70982 Henry 809 James (Bristol) . . .. 69163 31783 Jane 8162 (widow, Middlesex) 61032 John (representatives) 71854 (Chancery) . . . . 62956 51776 WiUiam .. .. 18906 Joseph 92604 Lewis Jones 10289 Martha 809 Mary 92606 Samuel 6138 Susannah 92606 Thomas 24639 (Bath) . . . . 62391 William 27276 (Middlesex) 67564 (soldier) . . 74431 191 JDireetiom for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. HoweU, William (Melbourne) 25987 (seaman) . . 1444 Bennett . . 40376 Howerst, James 92607 Howes, Frances 92608 John 72665 Sarah 92609 William 54977 Howett, John and Joseph C. . . 53331 Ho wick Family 92610 Howie, Archibald and John . . 8531 James (seaman) . . . . 72675 22772 Eobert 18907 Howieson, Ebenezer . . . . 18908 Howison, Archibald 31909 Howit, Sarah 155 Howkins, William 74046 Howlan, Timothy 11995 Howland, G-eorge 9921 Hewlett, 60599 Henry 2920 Martin 32390 Samuel 1796 William 54833 Howman, Andrew 92611 Hownam, Alfred 18909 John .. 1972 Howorth, Edward and Mrs. . . 74973 — James 92612 Robert and Sarah .. 57650 Sarah 51561 Howroyd, Mary 52360 WnHam 50221 Howse, Daniel 70024 Howye, John 8329 Hoxey, F 26298 Hoxton, James and John . . 18910 Hoy, John 6189 Mary 92613 Hoye, Ellen . . 35089 Hoyland, Alice 16600 «;. Fardell 24265 Hoyle, — . . . : 27277 & Wells, Messrs.. .. 2957 Ann 50997 James 8825 John 92614 Timothy 13056 ■ (Lancaster) . . 39398 HoyoU, PhHip 70931 Hubard, James. . 70946 Hubbald, Eliza 5933 James 92615 Hubball, Thomas Motthershaw 53730 Hubbard, Charles 18912 Edward 33203 Elinor and John .. 92616 -Isaac (Kent) .. .. 69144 Hubbard, Richard (Middlesex) 74983 92617 Walter 33894 -Wniiam 10899 Hubbart, John 2359 Hubberstey, Catherine . . . . 16713 Hubbersty, Henry 52385 Hubble, Frances 61025 William 92618 Huber, Daniel 64733 Hubert, Dorothy 21054 ■ Elizabeth (or Herbert) 76529 Family 92619 Hubie, WilHam 68988 Huckin, Charles and Henry . . 73436 Hucks, Robert 7791 Samuel 30441 Hudd, Martha 21408 Huddleston, Henry . . . . 53461 Huddlestone, Jane 16378 Huddy, James 92620 Hude, WiUiam 92621 Hudleston, John Col 65706 Hudson, Ann (Kilkenny) . . 74547 Anne (Yorkshire) . . 76663 —Eleanor 9490 Ellen 23532 EHzabeth .. .. 92622 F 18913 Family (legatees) .. 74057 92622 George (York)' * ! '. 73436 21282 • V. Hartness . . . . 74270 Henrj- 33547 Israel James . . . . 2484 John (Middlesex) . . 71008 27278 . : (Norfolk)* * .* .' 52361 Joseph Henry . . . . 39781 Margaret 50648 Mr. (Isleworth) . . 67992 Nathaniel .. .. 28458 Richard (Essex) . . 7945 (Manchester) 3138 Sarah 92626 Susanna 60573 Thomas (soldier) . . 74431 24301 WilHam 5572 (York) .. 73436 James . . 59940 Hudswell, John 21451 Joshua 15971 Huet, H.Major 28459 Sophia H 62290 Hufif, B. Andrew 1391 Hugens, David 10903 Huggen, Burgess and John . . 5794 Sarah 92628 192 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Huggertt, Abraham .. .. 6926 Huggins, Thomas 3525 WilUam 18914 F 68000 Hugh, Aaron 6930 (or Hughes) Charles . . 69142 Dunleavy Francis . . 74548 Stewart 74981 Hughes, A. Honey wood .. 11433 Catherine (or Pickard) 69030 .Charles 33522 Cornelius 92628 David 52379 Walter . . 40967 E. C. T. B. Capt. .. 28460 Sir Edward .. .. 14988 Edward H.B. .. 71006 Elizabeth 21284 (or Pendry) 30209 (servant) . . 21006 (Anglesea) 3892 92629 Ellen 53468 Esther 2581 Evan 31436 Frances 17451 Frederick 6760 George 92630 Fenner . . . . 32256 Helen M 68518 Henry 9530 M 57934 Honeywood .. .. 92631 Isaac 92632 Isabella (Radnor) . . 10451 J., Rev 63305 James (Middlesex) . . 74991 5021 John 9514 (Gloucester) . . 62626 56661 (butcher) . . 5649 (stable-keeper) 30922 (late of Devizes) 1248 (seaman) .... 84 (India) . . . . 29347 Thomas .. .. 9825 Tremlet .. .. 53468 Joseph 92633 Linton 66489 V. Lyon 24285 Margaret 50380 Maria . . 13198 Maria 74058 Matthew 68290 Mary 20252 92634 Michael 7446 Morris 221 Philip 66879 Hughes, Rice.. 92635 Richard (Middlesex) 3634 9513 (Gloucester) 61027 Robert 17072 (Flint) . . . . 39145 (Middlesex) . 40043 Rowland 38261 Lady Ruth .. .. 14445 Sarah 21248 (America) . . 24760 Thomas (son of Thos.) 76562 (Radnor) . . 40747 (excise officer) 7980 (stationer) . . 1371 (Gloucester) 32343 (Denbigh) . . 75456 (Colonies) . . 18915 WilHam . . 39585 W 68245 W. C 34967 William (brewer) . . 9512 (Bath) .. 11238 (Australia) 53468 Hugo, Robert P 68519 Hugon, Judith 92636 Hujus, Knight Carl 52773 Huke, James 11345 Hulan, John 68303 Hulance, Frederick 10506 Hulatt, Robert 61537 Hulbert, Henry 11585 Hulke, Elizabeth 7937 Hulkes, Edward Thomas Day 6487 Hull, Charles Edmund . . . . 496 Cadogan 92630 Edmund 628 Johanna 2135 John 92637 D 61291 Judah 18916 Laurence N., Major . . 29348 Mr 66684 Thomas (Leicester) . . 73433 (Colonies) .. ., 18917 Hullahan, Robert 26567 Hullmandel, Charles Joseph . . 26706 Hulls, V. Turner 24306 Hulm, George 1311 Huhne, Alice 73108 ' Chief Justice .. .. 61436 Family 6002 Frederick 92639 George 61192 Mary 73107 Robert 9720 Hulon, Ann 8314 Hulse, Thomas 38893 Hulton, Rov 74061 Hum, Emily 92604 193 Directions for obiaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Humber, Jolm 62405 Humbert, Charles 28462 Humble, Peter Paxton . . . . 40022 Humbus, Anna 66836 Humby, Isabella 12652 WiUiam 27280 Walter . . 53464 Hume, Alexander 92641 David 13193 DuncaH, &c. (famiHes) 17064 Elizabeth 13237 Emily 69 Family (Lancaster) . . 73431 '. (Scotland) . . 75879 Greorge 16186 J. E. (Surgeen) . . . . 53392 Roliert 27279 Humerstead, John 56009 Humes, WiUiam 1532 Humfray, Alexander, Capt. . . 29350 P.O.. .. 29349 S. J 27281 Samuel, Major . . 74054 Humfrey, L. C 27282 Humfreys, John (Lieutenant) . 8755 Hummell, Sarah (Middlesex) . . 7445 1 Hummerstead, John . . . . 25379 Hummerston, James . . . . 5342 Sarah .. .. 1686 Humming, Elizabeth . . . . 24480 Humpage . . . . 6437 Humphery, Sarah 40781 Humphrey, Anne 50480 V. Corbett . . . . 23737 V. Davidson. . . . 24260 Family 92642 Mary (Kent) . . 63833 IVIrs 51730 R 63303 WiUiam .. .. 8857 Humphreys, Charles H 24707 Edward .. .. 73738 Hannah and John 17285 Isaac 5840 James . . . . 2675 Jane 14433 (Chancery) 66839 (Ireland) .. 23044 John (farmer) . . 7340 (ship's clerk) 2411 Evans . . 39700 Joseph . . 51333 M. A. C 2728 Margaret .. .. 2728 Mary Ann .. .. 23339 P 27285 Mrs. (or Perryman) 17516 Nathaniel .. .. 12784 Peter 5840 Rebecca .. .. 11810 Humphreys, Richard . . . . 8325 A 28465 Samuel 5840 Sarah, Mrs 29350 William . . . . 92643 Humphries, Charles Nathaniel 337 Thomas . . . . 39251 Humphris, Edmund . . . . 37485 John (Gloucester) 67539 Humphry, Sebbens C 70030 Humshot, Charles 92644 Hunage, Arabella Walker . . 92645 Hundley, Ann 56033 Himgate, Robert 17594 William 6190 Himgerford, Henry James . . 6437 John Peach .. 8861 Hunley, Mary 12028 Hunsdon, Elizabeth 56624 Hunstone, Edward 92646 Hunt, Ann (Warwick) . . . . 17724 9177 Barbara 40685 Charles 22980 David 5243 Edmund 37093 Edward 15102 15102 (Middlesex) . . 40977 Crane .. .. 35425 EHzabeth 3967 • (Middlesex) . 30723 Ellen 37080 Family (London) . . 75979 92647 Frances Catherine . . 17776 George 40686 Monk .. .. 8756 G. Q 65837 Henry (died abroad) . . 40207 ... 11447 H 66824 IsabeUa 74982 James (Kent) . . . . 75906 36447 (London) .. 66451 (Colonies) . . 18918 Maddin .. .. 18919 John and Joseph . , 15103 (Surrey) . . . . 36771 Joseph (York) . . . . 62402 Lucy Ann 92648 Mary (wife of George) 40687 16895 Mrs. (Wexford) . . . . 76561 Robert 92649 Samuel (M.D.) .. .. 7029 (taUor) .. .. 2193 Sarah Frances . . . . 7638 Stephen 61029 N 194 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Name* relate ivill be found at end of Index. Hunt, Thomas (Surrey) . . 75455 William . . 22355 (Kent) .. .. 38316 (a creditor) . . 55561 16153 Sir Thomas 7710 William (baker) . . . . 51035 27286 Collins . . . . 18920 Henry . . . . 35063 Thomas . . 40645 Hunter, — (or Campbell) . . 50065 Ann 9428 Benjamin 5208 Bridget 8757 C. R . . . . 70934 Charles 28466 David 66840 Elizabeth 92652 Family (Edinburgh) . 61646 92650 (Colonies) . . 18921 George (Durham) .. 34064 1340 (India) . . . . 28467 Henry 11850 Hugh 24740 J 27287 J. St. John 28468 James (Australia) . . 76973 (China) . . . . 71539 -. Dunbar . . . . 15247 Jane 22874 John (Chancery) . . 73578 (Kent) . . . . 75978 16194 — (Antrim) . . . . 21623 (Cambridge) . . 39270 Lieut 28498 Alexander.. .. 31332 Joseph Francis . . . . 38944 . Lucy 37350 Mary 50066 Robert 28470 (Trinidad, 1826) 7121 (S.A.) . . . . 10679 70550 (legatee) . . 9641 MakeUer, Capt. 28471 Samuel & Co 62098 Thomas (Edinburgh) 70988 (Middlesex) . . 74403 (Ireland) . . 22995 William (sailor) . . . . 06840 (Norfolk) . . 50767 Hunting, Richard William . . 92656 Huntingdon, James H 18925 Miss 50160 Huntingt6n, Isaac and Jano . . 62373 Huntle, John .. 3871 Huntley, Christopher . . . . 2899 Edward 92657 Israel 3856 John 16661 William 92658 Huntliffe, John 92659 Hurd, Robert 28472 . Samuel 51203 Hurey, John 92660 Hurle, 40236 Hurley, Ellen 18926 James 92661 John (seaman, H.M.S.) 1759 (E.LM.S) 2087 Mary and WiUiam .. 92662 Thomas 18927 Hurlock, PhHip J. 69143 Hurlstone, James 1837 Hurrell, Allen 31528 John Aaron .. .. 38276 Thomas 66837 WiUiam .... . . 36210 Hurrey, 92663 Hurry, (Romford) 63413 Hurst, Catherine 25867 EHzabeth (or White) 76235 17076 (or Theodore) 50872 Emma (wife of Thomas) 69589 Frederick 92664 George 61517 Hannah (or Askey) . . 72319 92665 Henry (son of William) 70032 James 75466 Jane (or Smith) . . . . 75614 John (Middlesex) . . 4231 (gardener) .. .. 21415 Joseph (Kent) . . . . 34289 27288 Mary 15875 Mrs 27289 Richard (brthr of Edw.) 74987 21022 Robert '. '. .. .. W 34406 Robinson & Co 52100 Sarah 15432 William (Manchester) 21441 26712 &Withington .. .. 34928 Hurt, Frederick 11397 William 71188 Hurton, Andrew Stephen .. 35811 Hury, John 3461 Husband, Ann 92666 Christopher . . . . 27290 Elizabeth (legatee) . . 39571 (York) . . 6819 Robert 66562 Thomas M 62626 195 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Husband, William 5819 Husbands, Edward & Mary . . 92667 Huscraft, Hannah 92669 Husey, Rebecca 35110 Sarab 56734 Husbam, Lewis 92670 Huskey, Jobn 18928 Huskison, William 10462 Huskisson v. Anthony . . . . 23738 Charles 63828 Huson Family 35526 Hussey, Edward 53460 E. Thom. John, Rev. . . 50725 Eugene 70035 H. M. (widow) . . . . 10897 Robert 7280 (Bombay) .. 29351 Samuel M 23314 Thomas 54181 William 51138 Hussman, Peter 53257 Hussonally, Tippoo 11105 Hutchens, Thomas 10494 Hutchenson, Isaac 6004 WnHam .. .. 6873 Hutcheson, Hannah .. .. 39229 Robert W 66842 Susannah . . . . 92671 Hutchingford, William . . . . 1896 Hutchings, Mary 92672 Hutchins, — (or Hutchinson) 53477 Charles George . . 74986 John A 64725 Joseph 18929 Susan 92673 Thomas (soldier) . . 51372 WiUiam 56748 Hutchinson (or Hutchins) . , 53476 Ann 11708 (Whitehaven) 21132 (relatives of) 5820 59886 Russell .. 36502 Anthony .. ., 6725 Ben. Martin, Lieut. 29352 Charles Sleigh .. 37525 Edward .. .. 11758 Elizabeth .. .. 57806 F. W 92674 Family (Chancery) 74573 22691 George 17617 (Durham) . 33433 Henry C 62624 Isaac 58217 James 29353 (York) . . 62393 27291 Jane 11708 John (York) . . 63750 Hutchinson, John, Dr 67175 Joseph 7470 Charles . . 29354 Julia 58218 La-ura 27292 Margaret . . . . 27293 Mary (Wstmrlnd) 75981 Ann . . . . 61533 Rebecca . . . , 6549 Richard . . . . 50357 Robert 92678 Samuel 61534 Sarah (or Penrose) 75082 Stoakley .. .. 69317 Susan 92677 Susannah . . . , 5854 (advntge) 11135 Thomas . . . . 1426 (servant) . . 33711 (sonofThos) 14218 Walker . . . . 92679 L. C 10242 WiUiam (India) . . 10891 (Durham) 16604 W 67991 Hutchison, Andrew Kennedy . 32432 Betty 35741 E. K., Mrs 52377 Elizabeth .. .. 53729 George 14472 James 14401 Margaret Christie . 13194 W 70031 William (merchant) 33554 Hutchon, Thomas 75791 Hutchons, James and Jane . . 32698 Huth, General 92680 Hutley, John (Middlesex) . . 76560 Hutman, Mr. (clerk) .. .. 11453 Huton, Ann 7064 Joseph 8316 Hutt, George Edward . . . . 74985 James 65828 Huttenger, John Michael . . 8677 Huttman, George Henry . . 29355 Hutton, Benjamin (Middlesex) 76565 Charles 92681 Esther 39569 Frederick 92682 George 24130 Helen 4867 James 3138 John 23497 Francis E. . . 29356 Margaret 34605 Mary 16788 Robert 37997 Sarah 27294 Thomas (or Dutton) . . 22364 W. B. &Sons .. ., 3U11 ]sr2 196 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Hutton, William 51255 • Mackintosh . 31813 Huxham, Eo"bert 11169 Huxley, Mary and Thomas . . 54600 Huxman, Eobert 92683 Hnxtable, Philip 92684 Huyans, James 10901 Huys, Jane 92685 Huysheer, Dinah E 25791 " Hyacinth ' ' (ship) , Crew of . . 61811 Hyam, Isaac 92686 M 10902 Hyams, Tristram 92687 Hyatt, Elizabeth 74726 John 18930 Ford 56751 Eichard 37737 Sarah 10291 (or Smith) . . . . 59343 Hybert, Joseph ..•'.. .. 61031 Hyde, — Family 17065 Alfred and Eobert . . 73432 Alice 16648 . Ann 1010 Anthony 4234 • Caroline 37074 Charles.. .... .. 14004 Edward 73106 . Jones '. . . . 92688 Eliza ■. 18931 Hyde, Family 92689 Frances 37075 Francis .... . . 69359 Frederick A 61538 George, Lieutenant . . 3849 54920 Harriett 16647 John (Northampton) . . 55114 (Colonies) . . . . 18932 (or Hide) . . . . 32530 Philip 73105 Eobert 5394 Stephen 92690 WilHam (Middlesex) . . 3066 9185 Hyder, 53734 Hyett, James 92691 John Henry .. .. 52337 Hyhne, Johan M 58894 Hyland, Thomas (Ireland) . . 76566 Hyles, W 18934 Ilymans, Hyman 3930 Hyndman, Hugh 21682 Hynes, John 21843 J 22477 Patrick 26598 Susannah 73544 Hyslop, James 18935 Hyson, Elizabeth 57023 Hytan, John 4077 Hytand, Edgar 18933 19: Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. I'Ans, Francis 3253 Thomas Rawleigli .. 16363 Ibberson, John Mark . . . . 71009 Ihbetson, Charles Henry . . 68545 (or Ibbotson) (John) 75984 Ibbotson, Family 27294 John 71858 Margaret 16958 MaryC 72667 Susannah 12350 WilHam 12346 Ibbs, Mary 92692 Thomas 2644 Icke, Mary 36587 Idle, PhiHp 40634 Iggulden, Elizabeth . . . . 35891 Iglesias, Lieut. -Col. & Manuda 60326 Ikin, Jonathan 74819 Ilbery, George 50931 lies, Family 69115 Henry 55557 Martha and Sophia . , 320 Ilett, V. Bryant 24312 WilUam 61560 (Southampton) 63836 lUffe, George 28476 Ilkince, Eleanor 17008 lUingworth, James Osborne . . 10134 Jonathan Acroy . . 50594 Thomas .. .. 61541 Ilsley, Martha 74575 Imbert, Thomas Bartholomew 13132 Imeson, William 18956 Imhoff, Mr 52426 Imlach, Alexander 29357 Charles James . . . . 71712 Impey V. Kjiight 24416 Lovibond 34924 Impleton, Thomas 35718 Imray, John 12717 Ince, Joseph M 57133 Tnchley, Ann 52422 Inckley, John 1533 Ind, Edward and Sarah . . . . 24099 Indian IMission (legacy to) . . 22251 Indigt. Blind Aylm. (legacy to) 74900 "Indus" (ship) ^ Crew of .. 55048 Infield, Caleb, Lieut. R.N. . . 2292 Ingall, Edward 8625 Inge, Edward John and Eobert 6488 Ingerthorpe, William . . . . 18957 Ingham, Dorothy and Thomas 21346 John (Colonies) . . 18958 and Joseph . . 32020 Eichard 70036 Ingle, John 52424 Thomas 35897 Ingleby, Ann 9979 Family 9453 Joseph and Rupert . . 75719 Ingledew, John 70037 and Joseph . . 92694 Captain R 28477 Ingledon, Joseph 2730 Ingles Family 75458 Helen and John . . . . 57521 V. Phillips 24323 Inglesh, Mary 4127 Inglis, Henry William . . . . 34701 John Lionel .. .. 10911 Robert 28478 Walter . . 2226 WilHam 620 Inglish, George 74593 Ingmire, Ann and Thomas . . 66960 • Ingney, Thomas 92696 Ingoldby, Christopher . . . . 62631 Ingoldsby, John 92697 Ingram, Adam 36268 ~ George 70038 James 92698 John (Colonies) . . 18959 58186 Samuel 21067 Ingrey, Elizabeth, R. and T.) 8930 Ings, John 39565 Inkersole, WiUiam 66850 Inkson, John 70048 Lewis 37142 Inkster, Archibald 4455 Inman, Robert 27295 Innell, Mary 17759 Innes, Ann Clare 7641 Beveridge & Co 71614 & Co 73578 Charles Daubuz . . . . 53178 Christiana 10400 Sir David 92699 Elizabeth 597 -Family 7640 George (Aberdeen) , . 4085 21390 (seaman) . . , . 1489 Gilbeii; 21390 James (London) . . . . 73578 (India) . . . . 56834 198 Dheetioiisfor obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tchich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Innes, John 5062 — Judith 8130 Kate 9015 Louisa 32787 Margaret 92700 Mary 72696 Norman 33583 • William (merchant) .. 14330 (servant) . . 3052 (Colonies) . . 18960 Innis (or HaiTis) 37141 Innison Family 92693 Innman, William 92700 Inskip, George 34268 Harry 62630 V. Inskip (Dicker Mill) 75523 Louisa 69170 Inwood,.John and Mary Ann 61637 rEohert 92701 Irhy, William Henry . . . . 9994 Ireland, Alexander John .. 38090 Arthur 26435 Edwin C 75457 Family 27296 James W 28479 John 92702 ■ Joseph 29358 Thomas 92703 William (Colonics) . . 18992 (Norfolk) . 74068 Iremongcr, 70997 Ircson,' Flizaheth 34694 Irion, Jolin Gottieb . . . . 31508 Irish-, Cathrne. & Sarah(Surrey) 76664 Family 27297 Mnfctrhg. Co. (crdtrs. of) 75719 Mr. and Mrs 63837 Society 74049 Irlam, EUzaheth Cowley . . 38346 Ironmonger, David 53466 Irons, Charles 29359 Elizabeth 70046 Family 70042 . Jolm ' 92704 — ; Joseph (Surrey . . . . 68537 Ironside, William 75983 Irvin, AV^illiani 2333 Irvine, Alice 12243 Family 30586 James .. 12027 Jolm 61054 liev. (York) . . 75465 W 12320 Major 10063 ]\[aiy Ann 34579 Nathaniel 22005 Thomas 07844 Irving c Mary Rich 6079 Lancefield, WiUiam .. .. 12437 Lancelot, Gerard 93011 Lancey, Mrs. E 28530 Land, Ann 16038 Henry and Mary . . . . 53781 V. Turner 24371 William Henry . . . . 54879 Lander, Elizabeth 64316 Fanuly 93012 James 13249 Thomas 93013 Walter 93014 Landick, Anne 27377 Landon, Charles Richard . . 76601 Family 9770 Hemy 55194 James 14989 ■ Jane and John . . . . 17489 Landroy, J. B 19074 Lands, Charles 93015 Lane, — (Chancery) . . . . 73504 Ann .. .. * 11242 Catherine 27378 Charles 29398 Edward . . . . 21976 Newman . . . . 19075 Elizabeth 2869 7721 Family (Chancery) . . 62768 (Colonies).. .. 19077 Geering 68718 George 27369 Hannah 12354 Henry Bowyer . . . . 74629 220 Directions for obtaining full copies of tlie Advertisements to which relate will be found at end of Index. Names Lane v. Hobbs . . Jane .... John (Devon) . . Joseph . . Mary Penelope Samuel . . '■ Sarah Sophia (legatee) Thomas Hunter William . . Laney, Dr. Benjamin Lang Family . . Henry Dixon . . Robert . . Thomas Felling Langan Family John . . Nancy Langdale, Marmaduko . . Langdcn, Mary Ann Langdon, John Joseph Nancy Susanna H. andThos. Lange, W. J, & C. (rprsntatvs. of) Lauger, Miss B. L. and F. J. K. Sarah Lange vin Family Langford, Charles Eliza Elizabeth Frederick . . . . Hannah James John Edward . . . . Mrs Eichard C Robert Sarah Thomas "NViiiiam Lanc;-h;ifcn, — Lan^iiam, George Augustus . . John and Sir Wm. . Stephen William Langharn, Theodosia Langhomc, Mary Anne . . Langlands, John Langlcy, Ann Caroline Edward Family Frederick George < Henry 24357 12696 2745 69203 69548 93016 51177 56428 27370 8592 12215 38556 32515 4181 93017 1556 2454 3902 27371 3341 3371 93018 5428 3180 93019 3371 69781 74408 22243 29004 19078 71069 22515 27372 35763 93020 1864 51455 21853 53646 22514 58389 122^36 1866 27374 19081 10369 5944 14784 14105 9361 93021 75486 93023 33306 27375 22621 75719 73497 23353 Langley, John Henry . . William . . Judith B Leonard . . Margaret . . Samuel . . (Somerset) Sarah — Stephen . . Thomas . . William . . Langmore, Mary Langridge, Abigail (Glasgow) James Mr. (Bishopsgate st Stephen William B Langstaff, John Langston & Dixon . Edward H. ■ Miss.. ., Thomas . Langton, Ann (widow of Thm.) - Bennett - Da\dd - Diana - Family - George L. ... - Mary Christiana . - Robert (Lancaster) . - Thomas Langtry, Elizabeth . . Robert Langworth, Robert . . Lanham Family William . . Lanigam, Charles . . Family Lankspcer, John Lannaway, Lanney, Joan . . *Lannigan, Henry H. La-^Tence . . Lannoy, Henry H. . . I^anphier, Thomas . . Lantrow, Mary Lanwers, Clement &; M. Lanyon, Richard Laportc, INIadame . . Lapp, Elizabeth Lapper Family James . . Lapslie, Lara, Phin-Mo Larceras, John Larchin, Henry . . Larder, Anne (children ol) Lardnor, Anna 75593 69205 61593 1969 9290 53770 68547 93024 75019 50653 51663 55067 71070 60690 19082 ) 76011 61592 64785 16222 59063 75489 17722 75021 6576 34424 34384 31173 14008 35856 93025 31173 75025 27376 14285 40656 8651 93026 2173 2192 69754 17253 93027 38226 23141 2604 23742 24631 93028 93029 25974 12391 27377 2666 93030 12149 24360 1G626 52503 75710 76630 221 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Lardner, Louise . . . . . . 93031 Samuel ' 3869 Large, Elizabeth 93032 Family 74097 Peter 21928 Ruth W." (wife of Benj .') 66906 Largent, Susannah 12531 Larger, Johann 93033 Larken, Ann 68361 Edmund 53131 Laxkin, E., Rev. . . . . . . 23265 Patrick (Ireland) . . 75719 Sarah Ann 50509 1223 Larking, William Thomas . . 57497 Larkins, Patrick 19083 Thomas 31581 Larman, — 19084 Larminie Family .. .. .. 75488 Larogue, Margaret 93034 Larose, Louisa 93035 Larrad, Charles 50228 Larrard, Thomas 93036 Larrazabal, Don Jose . . . . 32913 Larter, Mary Louisa . . . . 71893 Larton, John 71537 Laryman Family 93037 Lascelles, Charles F. R 61591 Wniiam 50419 Lascoe, Elizabeth 33092 Lash, Elizabeth 93038 Lasham, Richard 93039 Lashley, William 62667 Lashmar, John 50376 Robert 56935 Lasins, Henrich 11390 Lasitte, Louisa 93040 Lassels, James 93041 Last, Elizabeth 37961 Latchford, Jane and Joseph . . 93042 Mary 340 Lateward v. Baker 24340 Latham, Charles 50026 Edward 19085 Family 93043 Henry 32860 James 72741 John (Middlesex) . . 93044 Oliver 8063 Peter 73578 Richard 35001 Samuel 61598 Walker & Co 9862 William 8062 (Colonies) 19086 Lathey, Thomas P 93046 Latimer, Richard 35782 Laton, Charles H 58203 H., Ikirs 22286 Maria 93047 Latouche, William R 22705 Latour, Caroline 74106 Frances T 66656 Latter, B. R. W., Major . . 28537 Thomas, Capt., . . . . 29399 Latts, Isabella 68451 Latty, James 1756 Laudin, Abraham 34776 Laugharne, William . . . . 52477 Laughlin, Eliza Ann . . . . 23872 Patrick 19087 Laughton, George 51710 Launder, Abel Collins . . . . 15223 Laurence, Johnson 93049 Reginald 74643 Sarah 56292 William 93050 Laurens, John . . 37047 Laurie, David . . 35383 & Mamer, Messrs. (workmen of) 74653 Lautour, Albert 69204 Lavell, James 75224 Lavenu, Harriett R 60691 Laver, Henry 960 Sarah 87 Laverack, WiUiam 50554 Laverick, John 588 :Mrs 3088 Lavery, Catherine , 73509 La^ington, Mrs 40190 La^as, Elizabeth 68527 Lavoine, Ferdinand Sabinus.. 63891 Lavry, Joseph 28532 Law, Alexander . . . . . . 10510 Ann 8346 Chantie 21237 Charles Robert . . . . 52515 Charlotta Margretta . . 7320 Elizabeth . . . . . . 36245 Family 93053 Ellen 28535 Farmery John . . . . 23296 Henry (Peru) 75492 Towry 50024 James 7783 John (New Zealand) . . 72804 (India) 28533 Joseph 27378 Louisa 6007 Margaret C 7320 Matthew. 7785 Samuel 27379 Thomas 4103 (Middlesex) . . 57632 William 8100 (Surrey) . . . . 12273 Alexander . . 29399 H 59151 Lawday, Susanna . . , , , , 23022 222 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Lawder, Christopher H 23137 Lawdon, Sarah 15579 Lawers, Clement and M. . . 93056 Lawes, Catherine 35175 Henry, Right Hon. .. 52002 Maria 75689 Mary Anne 76008 Miss 73523 Lawford, Edward and John . . 63884 Sir John 34232 Lawler, Bridget 6627 Eliza Ann 30806 Elizabeth 7079 Lawless, Benjamin 2492 Peter 63261 Eichard and William 93058 Thomas 19088 Lawley, Alice 66903 WilHam 2959 Lawlie, James 93060 Lawlor v. Lawlor 24361 Lawrance, Danl. &Edwd. (Kent) 69852 Family 62101 James 2604 Margaret M 24298 Thomas 71144 Lawrence, Alice . . .'. . . 14600 Ann 3630 Benjamin . . . . 19089 Christopher, Eev. . . 51095 E. B 68023 E. C 28536 Elizabeth 71727 (or Gibhs). 30791 S 93061 Emma 26498 Family (London) . . 68538 60896 (Colonies) . . 19090 George .. .. .. 32243 Grainger 93062 Isaac 50420 J. S. M 93063 James 2604 John (America) . . 62507 (legatee) . . 9157 Josei^h (Chancery) . . 24366 16468 . Juncr Perry . . . . 32216 . Leonard 1969 Mary «fc :Michl (legatee) 9156 14361 (Bath) . . . . 36298 Randall 76022 Richard 14011 Robert 21557 Samuel (mariner) . . 66904 Sai-ah (legatee) . . 8480 (aftrwdsBennett)51919 Susan 1969 Lawrence, Thomas (Warwick) 93065 (Middlesex) . 93066 W 2298 Walter 26407 William 26180 (Smithfield) 1967 ^ (Glo'stersh) 6917 Lawrey, Mary 34518 Lawrie, Frances Isabella . . 19072 James 10936 ■ Duguid . . . . 3862 Lawry, Henry H., Rev 57312 Walter 57945 Laws, Elizabeth 58098 Lawson, — 93067 Agnes 37826 Ann .. 53198 (Cumberland) . . 74625 Berry .. .. 30416 Catherine 68559 ChristoiDher . . . . 3045 Cffisar 76009 ^ Elizabeth 93068 ' V. Forman . . . . 23744 Frances 93069 SirGifford .. .. 16913 Hugh 12307 J., Mrs 93070 James 26659 John (Cambridge) . . 75487 : 30416 Joseph 4580 Mary and Robert .. 14826 Mrs 930 Richard (Virginia) . . 9162 Sarah 2472 William 12655 • (Liverpool) 63890 Lawtie, Colonel 2615 Lawton, Edna 27379 George 36951 John (or Larton) . . 71538 (Chester) . . . . 73507 Sarah (York) . . . . 62679 and Thomas . 0013 Lax, George 61997 Laxton, Ann (Iiliddlcsex) . . 12826 Family 27380 Hannah 17527 Mary (Surrey) . . . . 12186 Robert, Rev 12826 Stephen 2793 Laxtor, WiUiam 19093 Lay, Augusta and Edmund . . 61495 Emma 62481 Mark 75021 William 50867 Lay born, John 15317 Laybournc, George and Sarah OloOC. Lay cock Family 3476(1 223 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Laybock, John . . 5069 Joseph 71097 Richard 75224 Layel, James Hemy . . . . 51689 Joseph 72737 Thomas 35489 Layfield, Noah.. _ 25917 Layman, James Milner . . . . 54306 Laytham, Mary and William . 7049 Layton, Buxton 74526 Elizabeth 93071 James 93072 Joseph 93074 Maria 2889 Mary and Mr 60041 • Rebecca Frances . . 61615 Richard 93074 Stephen 93075 Thomas 50706 Le Bas, Charles Theodore . . 54143 Le Beaume, Melchior . . . . 14282 Le Boeuf, Auguste 11106 Le Brethon, Peter . . * . . . . 6080 LeBrun 2283 Le Cointe, Paul James . . . . 54847 Le Coston, Angelenia . . . . 27381 Le Cras, Miss Frances . . . . 31737 Le Fabner (or Le Fevre) Ann 27382 Le Franc, Jules Adolphe . . 71098 Le Frank, James 74103 Le Geyt, Philip W 66918 Le Grand, John 28538 Mr 71604 Peter 50507 Le Hunt, Richard 9265 Le Huray, J 19094 Le Large, Victor 9262 Le Mesurier, Nicholas . . . . 5847 Le Pine, Francis 34439 Lea, Benjamin 8702 Charles Dawson . . . . 52511 Elizabeth 59462 George Butcher . . . . 56750 James 21414 Joseph 15613 Thomas 93076 William 31807 Leaberry, John 37758 Leabon, George 93077 ^IxB. 1869 Leach, Betty 93079 Charles 53488 Edith 38885 Elizabeth 17445 Hannah 2726 Henry 38599 John 5671 William .. .. 53484 Margaret 14948 Leach, Mary Anne, Miss . . 70087 William (York) . . . . 38498 (India) . . 8763 Lieut 34159 (Middlesex) 52987 Wright 2439 Leacock, JuUa and Thomas B. 67416 Leadam, John William . . . . 64799 Leadbeater, Sarah 74093 Wm. E. B., Major 29400 Leader, Mary Ann 51503 58536 Leadley, Thomas 14515 Leaf, Ann 14332 William (City of London) 76600 Leafe, 14561 Leah, H 27384 — -John 14019 Mary 10271 Sarah 93080 Leahy, John 19094 Leak, John 34965 Leake, Elizabeth 70877 John (Chester) . . . . 52502 17207 G 2591 Robert 27385 Thomas 11658 William 11730 (Mddlesex) . . 30982 (Colonies) .. 19095 Leaman, Clement 3320 Leamy, WiUiam 17086 Stuart . . . . 9528 Lean, John Harvey . . . . 75021 Leander, Peter 93081 Leandy, A. G 28541 Lear, Charles 19096 John 2346 Learmouth, Margaret ,. .. 12124 Stephen . . . . 10937 William .. .. 11919 Learoyd, James (York) . . . . 76602 Leary, James 21850 John and Michael . . 19097 Jjeat, Samuel 5323 Leath, Henry 93082 Leathart, Rebecca 11978 Thomas 30313 Leather, Henry and James . . 71103 V. Pennington. . .. 24368 Peter 16190 Leatherbarrow Thomas . . . . 10024 Leatherdale, Frederick . . . . 32551 Leathes, Mary 76019 Leaton, Thomas 66923 Leatt, Mary, Mrs 34746 Leaver, Lieut 93083 (or Leeves) Miss. . . . 73523 Leavesley, Dorothy 76015 224 Directions for oltaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Leavett, Ambrose 73499 Leay, Robert 93084 Lebourn, Ann 2198 Leclievalier, James 56289 Lecbmere, Thomas Allen . . 35009 Leek, Henry 1683 Leckie, Margaret 31311 John 75719 Leclerc, Ferdinand & Josephine 72480 Lecoy, Margaret A 67559 Ledde, Daniel 24730 Ledger, Ann and H 93087 Family 73500 John * 1731 (Essex) . . . . 32819 Lediard, Elizabeth 5296 Marianne F. A. . . 76014 Ledicott, James 52512 John 27386 William 10518 Ledsam, Daniel 52476 Ledson, Eobert. o 8067 Ledwell, Boyce and John . . 93089 Ledwick, Martin 93091 Mary 2533 Lee, Adam (Westminster) . . 65918 Alexander 2554 Amelia .. 65917 Ann 9831 Anne (Northampton) . . 30420 Arthur 28536 Carrington 76018 Charles 57042 Hon. (Chancery) 11625 E. C. . . 10934 Dame E. H 61607 Edward 39242 (medical student) 70085 C. 25353 F. (wine merchant) 76596 Elizabeth 9830 George (legacy to) . . . . 12507 Godfrey 571 Helen 66341 Henry 67940 M 24657 Herbert 19099 V. Hutton 93093 James (or Leigh) . . . . 73749 and John (Colonics) 19100 ^mariner) . . . . 1579 (Gloucester) . . 9441 John (or Samuel) . . . . 8350 Martha 15924 Mary 3524 Ann 22584 Tabitha 30768 Mather & Co 115 Nathan A 74096 Nebuchadnezzar , . , . 8764 Lee, Peter 1462 Eebecca 9832 (daughter of) . . 53439 Admiral 61606 Eobert 2707 Samuel (or John) . . . . 8350 (son of Christopher) 53760 Thomas 8499 (Surrey) . . . . 55987 14694 (purser) . . . . 75026 Dr. (Hants) . . 68569 (America) . . . . 71029 Mann 56998 Thornton & Co 93094 Timothy Tripp .. .. 35949 William 641 57947 (Surrey) . . . . 63397 (hatter) . . . . 74370 Leech, John (fanner) .. .. 75494 ■ V, Leech 24363 William 5072 (soldier).. .. 26633 Leedell, Thomas 61599 Leedham, Thomas 93095 Leedon, Joseph (corporal) . . 7517 Leeds, Duke of 36701 : — Henry 59528 John 93096 E 27387 Thomas, Dr 27388 Leefe, Jeremiah 39497 Leek, Henry 93097 Leekby, John 93098 Leeke, Ann 73655 Frank 16605 -Stephen 12862 Thomas 11818 Leeks, Frederick William . . 68051 . James 68020 Leekoy, George & Thomas . . 61271 Leeming, John 27389 Samuel 38563 Lees, Alexander 2554 Anthony 93099 David 19103 Edward 38102 Francis 93100 Sir Harcom-t 21851 Henry . . . . . . . . 73505 James (York) . . . . 76609 John (Middlesex) . . . . 52477 21217 Mary and Eobecca . . 6002 Owen 57444 Eobert 52513 Samuel 21217 Sarah 73512 Thomas 6136 225 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Lees, Thomas (Bristol) . . . .• 32212 DuUison . . . . 11520 William 12384 Lease, Matthew 68567 Thomas . . . . . . . . 50226 Leeson, C, P. Capt 21795 James (Colonies) . . 19104 Joseph 7517 28537 Michael 26570 Sarah 3207 Sophia 6490 Thomas 12558 Lefebvre, Marie or Susanna . . 72535 Lefebur, Victor 29401 Lafebure, Stephen 15946 Lefebyro, Philip 15800 Lefort, Lewis 93101 Lefroy, Charles E 67560 Leftrew, Henry 5858 Leftwich, Sarah M 70084 Susannah and Wm. 6776 Legard, Ann and Edward . . 14146 . Sir John 23745 Legatt, John 17801 Lager, Fanny, Miss 3161 Jenny 27390 Legg, David 21347 Elizabeth 51190 James 11436 John and Sarah . . . . 30863 Jonathan 4810 Mary and Robert . . . . 4089 Leggatt, Hannah 40268 John 93102 Samuel (Hants) ' . . 52508 .. .; .. 11664 Legge, Elizabeth 10509 Heneage 23746 Robert 31775 Thomas 93103 Whittakar 93104 Leggett, Ann 93105 Eliza 93106 James 35612 John (Middlesex) . . 8716 .. .. .. 11995 Nicholas 21224 Sarah and William . 69210 Legh, Elizabeth 15515 George 17351 William 74641 Legood, Harriott 74558 Legrand, Edward • 93107 John 3647 31045 Leheup, Peter 93108 Lehmann, Morris 8659 Lehunte, Richard 5489 Leicester, Frederick, Rev. ,. 76601 Leicester, George 27391 Harry 24761 Pater (Manchester) 76603 . Spencer 93109 Leigh, Augusta Mary . . . . 61610 Catherine 50569 Cecilia, Lady . . . . 71863 Charles 93110 Elizabeth 60687 Family 50485 George 27392 . Henry (Stoke-on-Trent) 72743 (Chancery) . . 75656 Laurens . . . . 59067 J. A. 19106 • Jacob Francis .. .. 93111 — James 2638 (or Lee) . . . . 73749 John 64801 Margaret and Robert . . 93112 Mary 31712 Miss 21513 Peter 27393 Robert (seaman) . . 50355 Rose, Miss 71060 Sarah Maria ., ., 50570 Thomas 14766 ~ (Manchester) . . 60686 William 52478 Leighey, Timothy 19107 Leighton, Frances 3695 James 7117 Sir John Hamilton . . 7846 John 24233 Mary and Sarah . . 254 Thomas 4014 Leignes, John Chas. & Mgdlne. 7125 Ijeinhardt, Johann 19109 Leishman, John and Mary .. 93113 Robert 27394 Leisner, J. P 19108 Leiston, Mary 3136 Leitch, Joseph 7505 Margaret 24706 Nathaniel Walter . . 8824 Leite, Jose P 73495 Manoel 71100 Leith, Theodore George. . . . 28539 WilHam 75719 Leitherbury, John 10942 Leitrim, Earl of 22958 Leke, Sir Francis 40226 Lekeux, Mary 14070 Lelarge, Victor 5488 Lalby, John 16618 LeUy, William 10938 Lam, Joseph William . . . . 57188 Leman, Abraham 74334 Clement 6636 IsabeUaCamillft.. .. 11776 P 226 Dinctionsfor obtaining full copies of the Advertisetnenta to which th4»e Namet relate will be found at end of Index. Leman, John . . Thomas Sir William Lemon, John . . , . M'iry Lempart, Leonard .... . . Lemprier, John Lempriere, Philip Lemrick, Margaret and Paul . . Lenage, Christopher . . . . Lench, Thomas Leney, Alexander Len'^, John Joseph Margaret .- Lengham, George Augustus . . Lenn, Ann Family William Charles , . Lennard, William Lennon, Ann James Patrick Smith . , Lennox, Aaron Alexander Gilbert, Mr — John (Sheffield) . . Mary Lenstyin, John. Lenfcon, Thomas Leo, D miel Leomarin, William C. Leonard, — Ann . . '■ — Cornelius . . James Jeremiah . . John . . Henry Mary Michael Richard Thomas Leondy, Angelica George Lconctto, Felice Anthonio Leoni, Madelina Leopoldina, Countess Leopoldus, John Leo wolf, Joseph Lepine Family Maria Leporte, Antimony . . Leppard, Ann (Middlesex) Edward Mr.' Thomas and William Leppy, James . . Lequcux, Leonard . . Lormit, Oapt. Alfred 93114 51306 6325 73791 62506 66952 93115 93116 29402 25830 19110 19111 16206 68564 16207 93107 27391 93109 10932 93110 70088 19112 11894 4174 12347 50975 75023 12348 93111 67557 14625 72755 10587 21470 40887 11535 93112 61600 23315 1127 24722 93113 93114 29403 5476 5476 35260 93115 12542 93116 694 70609 67890 11473 67890 93117 11472 10940 93118 29404 Lermoult, Rev. Francis . . . . 4115 Leroach. David and John .. 93119 Leschallas, William .. .. 31717 Lesitcr, Mary 59952 Leslie, A. B 19114 Alexander 12342 — Ernest . . 22408 FamHy 73501 George 12321 H 27395 Hemy 10126 Hu;?h 74100 J. W 65332 James 93120 John (Colonies) Margaret Thomas Walker . . Count Walter de William . . . . 19114 39587 12322 51496 55139 50242 93121 3)118 B970 Lesneur, Ann Lesonef, Gideon and Mary Lessett (or Lissett), Jane Lessine, Francis 34354 Lester, Amy 75588 Elizabeth 38326 James 10378 Mary T. . . Lestourgeon, George Lestrange, General . . Letby, John . . . . '— Richard 830 .. 93123 .. 60615 . . 8630 .. 1767 .. 93124 Letch, Joseph 93125 Letessier, Elizabeth .. .. 19115 Lethbridge, Sir Thomas. . . . 34G61 Letherbridge, G. P 10671 Lethnillier, George and Susanna 93126 Letley, John 8344 Letsom, George 51328 Lett Family 93127 Letts, Hester and Thomas . . 6776 Mrs 51866 Lettsom, J. C 21370 Letty, James and William Lovach, George . . . . " Levant" (ship), Crew of Leven, Ajm (or Levin) Family Lever, Henry (or Godsmark) . 50073 69324 23834 27396 2627 74094 Mary Ann 71099 Leverick, John 93128 Leveroni, James 38411 Levett, Philip S 76021 Richard 17587 Lovcv, Solomon 9976 Levi,' Nathaniel 21121 William J 75719 Levick, Elizabeth 30113 George 11913 227 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Levick, iSamuel L Levie, John Levier, Nathan Levi 111 am, Ann and Isaac Levillian Family- Levin, Isaac Solomon Levingston, Jeremiah . . Levitt, Lewis Robert Levy, Angelo l*>arney . . — Ben^'amin . . (merchant) David Elizabeth ;- Family '— Madame Hortwitz Isaac John Meneham Lew, Charles Lewain, Nicholas . . Leweling, Elizabeth Lewen, John . . . . . . Lewes, Charles H. EHza W. A Hannah John Sir Watkin Lewin v. Austen Family Jessie A. and Spencer E. Sarah Lewington, George ; Henry Lewis, Ann Arabella Beniamin ■ C. W. Catherine Charles . David Edward Lieut.-Col. (Colonies) John Morris . . (Wilts) y. '.[ (Carmarthen) . . D. .. Thomas Elias . . .... . . Elizafwife of J.E.Lewis) Elizaheth (Chancery) (Surrey) Family. Francis Frederick Thomas 24756 59065 68827 35630 35118 93129 8512 6291 75021 57681 36920 76022 27397 34546 68050 66919 93130 30201 34202 23081 13134 93131 25407 15349 21958 7037 73748 70300 10469 60071 815 24339 27398 53335 55196 27399 6704 39571 52514 2736 31794 93132 67551 6081 50055 29405 35305 6014 15863 14170 31800 93133 34292 12662 75024 50118 16156 93134 6081 34472 Lewis, George (died abroad) Hannah (Bristol) H enrietta . . Henry Goring . . Hugh Innes James (legatee) . . (Chester) . . (Middlesex) Crossley . . Hopley . . Price Jane (widow) — John, Eev (Capt. E.I.C.S.) (Wilts) . . , — Joseph (London) . . (Monmouth) Levi V. Lewis Margaret Maria (or Symes) Marmaduke, Eev. Mary, IVIiss . . . . , (London) . . Ann (Cardigan) Morgan Mr Mrs Percival Cray . . Eees Eichard (surgeon) Eobert (legacy to) (Middlesex) Eowland, Eev. Samuel.. (ISIiddlc Sarah Solomon Sophia (Colonies) Susannah Thomas (Warwick) W. C Sir WilHam . . . . WiUiam (N. S. Wales) (servant) (Colonies) . . (East Indies) Anth. Dowling Leworthy, William Lewring, B Lowthwaite, John and Thomas Ley, George P2 68566 71128 69212 68039 56172 982 93137 8860 353 73110 61611 93138 11954 60055 7194 2406 9552 9022 11565 3B933 21355 24362 12172 74759 39481 39871 68568 68021 8860 19117 35706 27400 33231 60688 34543 7618 50054 14715 17657 12695 55294 6081 24055 67558 19118 2412 6115 93140 274 98141 71528 35545 19119 69221 8345 93142 38848 25868 61608 93143 '228 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index, Ley, James Smith 40108 (or Lee), Lawrence. . .. 9447 Spencer Edgson . . . . 93144 Thomas 28543 Leybourn, Ann D 2198 Leyburne, Ann 22011 Leyccster, Henry H 68565 Ley don, Timothy 19120 Leyin, Wilham Yerraway . . 70893 LiUy, William. Liart, Samuel Libby Family Liddell, John Rose and "VV. J. . . WiUiam (India) . . Liddiard & Story . . Wilham, Rev. . . Liddle, Henry Janet Lide, Samuel Liebenrood, George , . : Lucy C. Lienhardt, John Ligason, Christopher Lightfoot, Benjamin Charles and Eliz. EHzabeth , . . . Hannah . . John Joseph Richard . , Samuel . . Thomas . . General Trefina William (London) Lighten, Elizabeth Sir John Hamilton Ligo, Moses Likeman, Elizabeth Lilburn, Richard . . Lilbumo, Frances Lilcock, Nathan LiHord, Rt. Hon. T. A. Baron Lill, John Thomas . . Lilloy, Coi-nclius EHzabcth Sir John William Lilleywhite, Paul Lillia, Kric Lars Lillie, Jemima Thomas Lniicray, Richard Lillwall, Lilly, John Robert 52478 36492 22228 29406 75656 21770 2593 93145 93146 08575 72753 19121 93147 93148 67563 36223 93149 68578 70111 25702 93150 28544 33491 55735 11643 27401 75496 61618 13135 35087 5825 4629 6015 93151 66328 3910 40392 93152 93153 75719 93154 93155 15272 34371 24771 19122 40892 70499 65737 (Warwick) LUlyman, Mary Liman, Thomas William Limbery Estate (Kent) Limborough, James Limerick, Earl of . . Paul, Rev. Limmer, Stephen . . Linaker, Mr. Thomas Linay, William Lincoln, Edmund . . John . . IMariana . . Wilham .. Lind, A. F Ai'thur Family Lindbergh, Maria Helena Lindey, Thomas (Bristol) Lindfield, Spencer . . William . . •. . Lindfoot, Gabriel Lindley, Hester , Joseph Robert (Middlesex) Thomas (York) William Lindo, John M. J. Lindon, Frederick William Lindop, Ralph Lindops Family Lindrey, Thomas . . Lindsay, Adam Caroline Ann . . Catherine : Jemima Charles Elizabeth Frederick George H Henry James «& Co Heald, Lieut. John (Colonies) Martha . . Marv Ralph ' . . . . Richard and Sarah William . . Lindsey, Agnes Charles . Janet John (brew( Thomas . :)., 2445 50268 58762 50765 38953 26270 25494 ;i4339 '28545 9278 2632 8528 14149 3100 17889 93156 28546 21300 72054 57234 27402 71665 51234 33728 93157 1630 93158 75497 8619 51412 7420 045 75719 39756 71130 93159 8351 50863 53180 29407 53180 61617 93160 75719 22445 27401 52102 29408 19123 27402 274U3 67567 93161 27404 12143 62485 16287 12143 75030 13064 229 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to lohich these Names relate tvill be found at end of Index. Lindsey, William Henry Lindskor, jS". Peter C. . . Lindwart, Percy ' . . Lineley, William . , Lines, Elizabeth G-eorffe Linf ord, Edward and James Paul Ling, Finia James John Theodore Thomas (Essex) Walter (Colonies) Lingard v._ Boston . . Henry John Lingen r. Sowray . . Lingham, George A. Linkhorn, Elizabeth Linley, Ann . . . , Family . . Linnay, William . . Linnehan, Daniel . . Linnell, Henry John . . Joseph Linner, Stephen Linnett v. Butterfield Joseph Linney, John' . . Linock, Ami Sarah . . Linsell, George Liiisey, Thomas Linstrum, Andrew . . Lintall, Thomas Lintell, Robert . . Linton, Ann and Sarah Edward Fisher James . . Mary Ann . . Murdock Lintott V, Footner . . Jilr Linwood, William . . Lion, Samuel . . Lipka, Hester . . John and Sarah Lipscomh, Charles . . John Lipscomhe, George . . Liptrap, Amelia C. . . Liptrott, Thomas . . Lisbey, Elizabeth, Mrs. Liscoe, , . Lisle, Thomas . . Lisner, Joseph Lissaglii, ]\rargaict . . (In-thr of EHz.) 10933 25538 74626 74105 75639 74431 93162 93163 53031 53777 64809 65957 10442 19124 50692 24345 93164 21081 24370 10369 829 2497 68030 93165 19126 75912 17457 12493 93166 24344 27405 35209 37234 93167 93168 6044 93169 62005 93170 93171 26393 11398 19125 24352 25767 10042 14263 27406 6622 64804 93172 13055 59447 32061 27408 9007 93173 65990 6802 1 :5S75 Lissett, Jane 93174 John 8970 Lister, Brvan 52498 Daniel 68998 Elizabeth 6385 H George 16345 James 21452 John 35228 (York) 76610 Lawrence 27407 Thomas 65953 Timothy 52449 WilUam 5217 Listen, John 32122 TeiTj- 38134 Listowel, Et. Hon. Wm. Earl of 23184 Litchfield, Christopher . . . . 75028 Familv 59304 "- 74627 Peter 93175 V. Smith 24369 Litchman, Solomon 93176. Litherland v. Fulcher . . . . 24350 James 75495 Lithgow, EUen 93177 Hector (East Indies) 17030 (NrthAmrca.) 17526 Hugh and John . . 5612 M 28547 Litt, W. P 75656 LitteU, John 93178 Little, Anna Maria 30019 Edward 93179 EHzabeth 93180 (Surrey) . . 2501 FamHy 93181 Fortune 14633 Hannah 1701 J. (carpenter) . . . . 30503 James 36911 John .. .. .. .. 13057 Samuel .. .. 75031 Robert 62694 Sarah Thomas (Colonies) WiUiam . . . . Henry' . 70095 19127 60347 28548 Littlechild, WiUiam .. .. 71131 Littledale, Edward 68306 Littlehales v. Gascoigne . . .. 24353 Littlejohn & Co 93182 William 70110 Littlepage, George 266^^2 Mary 74108 Littler, Lieut. -General Sir John 29409 Ralph 9584 Littlewood, Jonathan . . . . 8341 Samuel 30243 Thomas .. .. 35111 William . . . . 09^315 280 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to lohich these Karnes relate will befoimd at end of Index. Litton, Rhoda 17973 Liverino )r Family 27408 — Thomas .. .. 3361 Liversai^e, Am and William. . 74231 Richard .. .. 1166 Susan 827 Livesev Family 72779 ■' Mary Carter . . . . 73503 Liveslev, Edmimd 60876 ^ Henry 93183 Morris 36371 Livick, Mr. J 51687 Livie, Kobert 64807 Living, William Henry . . . . 52484 Livingston, Andrew .. .. 93184 Janet or Jessey . . 24188 John Lennox . . 6291 P. V 27409 Livingstone, Ann Catherine . . 93185 Terence, Rev. . . 63907 Livock, Sarah 93186 Livsey, Joseph 34641 Llany, George William . . . . 93187 Llewellin, Ann 67555 Cha.les 52500 V. Williams . . . . 24372 Llewellyn, Charles, Dr 29410 David 68018 Henry 73506 Jenkin 70096 Thomas .. .. 14859 Lloyd, Amelia Mattin . . . . 73371 Ann (Middlesex) . . 70438 25464 Louisa (legatee) . . 15751 AnnaM. (orMcSheflfrey) 76644 Baldwvn 3906 V. Burinan 24343 Catherine (Denbigh) . . 11443 (or Meredith) 10086 Celia 816 Charles.. 242G Christopher Bond & C. J. 23164 &Co 74408 Cymric 70089 David (Llanrwst) . . 58619 27410 V. Edington 24349 Edward 60121 Elizabeth 37957 Evan .. 7429 Family (Ireland) . . 23135 (Kent) .. .. 73504 93188 Francis 50119 G. P., Lieut 28549 George 74114 Harriett 31061 . Herbert, Capt 61613 Lloyd, Hugh . . James Pajme Jane (or Ellis) Jenkin . . John (Colonies) Augustus Wellington William Joseph (Worcester) (Stafford) Louisa Lucy M Margaret Martin iMiss ■ Rebecca Richard (Shrewsbury) Hughes . . Lieut. -Col. Robei-t (Warwick) (Mddlesex) S. & AV. Samuel , Andrews , Sarah Susan Mariana . . Thomas (Middlesex) (Ireland) . . (Cardigan) (Pembroke) H. L. . . "William ,. Vaughan W. & Co. .. .. William (land agent) (Colonies) Christopher Llwyd, Alicia Gratiana Jones ^ — John Loader, Clarissa James . ■ Loadcs, Isaac and Thomasin Loan Family . . Loanc, Richard Loat, Henry William John . . Loch, James Lochncr, William Conrad Lock, Edward James (Putney) — Joshua — Mary — k Renie Elphinstone 231 Lireetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisemmts to whieh these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Lock, Robert F. . . . . . . 66939 Thomas 9752 Agland . . . . 34420 William 31234 (Berks) . . . . 51.548 Locke, D. and Wm. (Mnchstr.) 75503 George 40 So W 25770 & Nesham, Messrs. . . 38861 Thomas 24739 Eev 11762 William 74592 Locken, Baird 93196 Richard 29413 Locker, Joseph 72057 Locket, James 63920 John 13062 Lockett, Eleanor 34229 James M. (adjutant) 28551 John (or Lockit) . . 59481 John and Thomas . . 52492 Mary Digby . . . . 10210 Samuel 93197 William 36715 (son of John) 63918 Locker, Georgo 6440 -T 68849 Soohia 760 Lockhart, — 31924 Caroline 50565 George . . .... 93198 Mr 31924 Lockie, James .. 12094 W 50421 Lockier, WiUiam 30886 Lockinar Family 50991 Lockinge, Mary W 76029 Lockington, Christiana . . ., 29414 Lockwood, Catherine .. .. 93199 Francis . . . . 93200 George 27412 JohnH 74098 Lockyer, — 30125 Henrietta 26748 H. F. Major . . . . 61619 Lancaster . . . . 61622 Locr:if, Honor 93201 Lod.Icr, Thomas (Holborn) . . 76606 Lodge, Christopher 57877 George 93202 (London) . . 22875 Harriet 71497 Henry A 23163 Lodington, George 13230 Lodwick, Benjamin 93203 Family 69957 Loe, James 60345 Loffill, Joseph 10178 Loft Family 03204 Gcorgf ., ., .. ,, sn96 Loft, Mary {alias West) . . . . 75498 William 75017 Loftus, ISficholas 22720 Lofts, David 67569 James and Maria . . 60682 Logan, Ann (or Jolmston) . . 7''>474 — ^^ iiarbara' 31370 Crawford 31369 Daniel 51338 Family 93205 Hannah 12226 Henry & Jas. (Colonies) 19130 James 33731 John 93206 Dundas . . . . 35164 Margaretta . . . . ' . . 753 Mary (Middlesex) . . 76654 jMitchell 93207 Sarah 27413 Sophia Jane . . . . 76245 Thomas (Colonies) . . 19132 .. .. .. 25532 : Wniiam 12015 Logas, James 93208 Logic, John 31261 Logur, Thomas 19133 Loii-e, Jean Joseph , 72554 Lollev, Amelia 69231 Anne 65437 Lomas, Ann 6783 Betsy 27414 Family 6788 James 26721 Jane 5826 Peter 8146 : — Sarah 69224 Thomas 72785 Lomax, Benjamin . . .... 93209 Eleanor Elizabeth . . 2648 Francis 93210 V. Holmdeh 24356 John 93211 Peter 13264 William 69694 Lombard, Richard 14735 Lombardo, Pascallo . . . . 93212 Lombe, Henry C 93213 • Sir John 6779 Margaret 93214 Lorn er, Capt. Owen 29415 Lomi, Eliza 30614 London, Ann, Mrs 54990 • Countess 65327 Krnry, Bishop of . . 11617 JoFcph 93215 J:ichard 93216 Lone, Thcmas 93217 Long, Ar.cre-w (Colonies) .. 19134 . 1C690 - Cathprino 5602 232 Directions f Of ohtaming full copies of the AdurUsemevds to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Lieut Elizabeth. George (Chancery) — & J. (Colonies) V. Hughes James Jane Joanna John (Middlesex) . . (Rams 2 ate) . . (Middlesex) . . Ramond . . Thomas . . Jonathan and Josiah Joseph (Kent) Joshua Katherine Mary Michael Raymond Richard Robert Sir Robert (descendants) Samuel Walter . . Searley William (Colonies) (Middlesex) . . (London) Johnstone, Dr. Pole, Rt. Hon. Longbottom, Joseph Longchamp, Longdill, Pynson Wilmot . . Longford, William H Longhurst, James Robert Samuel Longlands, Alexander . . William Longley, Benjamin Charles Thomas Longman, Charles Longmere, William Longmore Family Longstaflf, John (distillei-) Michael . . . . . . Ricliard Henry William Joseph . . Longstreeth, Isaiah Longthom, John Longuet, Eleanor Longworth, David Fitzgerald . Simeon Lonner, Peter Lonquedty, Elizabeth LonBdale, Miss F. L Francis F 28554 7733 61043 65412 19135 23747 10689 27415 3370 38948 27416 65932 30282 53776 93218 75501 3769 13032 93219 93220 65936 93221 53764 7783 39806 73498 15332 50381 19137 75502 11336 29416 51606 58829 15508 64812 52491 31887 5285 76712 7638 8010 15493 33398 56065 93222 14487 37709 34076 74102 51473 52482 93223 52497 33921 15866 11327 76588 63901 Lonsdale, Hugh 26689 L. (died abroad) .. 73511 Louisa Letitia . . 35854 Looby, Michael 19138^ Lopdell, Honor 71666* Lopez, Manoel .. 19139 Loraine & Co 68471 Mary 9773 Lord, Aaron 14151 Ann 34705 . . 73508 5795 6441 .. 50367 . . 76807 . . 93224 Charles F. James John — (Oxford) . . Mary (Australia) V. Kyle Samuel 93225 Thomas Daunt .. .. 74451 William 202 Edward . . . . 75500 Lorenz, Madlle. C 72599 Lorenza v. De Meza . . . . 24;U7 Lorenzen, Lorenz 19141 Loret, Gustave M 38012 Lorimer, Andrew 75072 John 93226 Joseph 2940 Mary 27417 Loron, Philip 11930 Lory man Family 31272 Mark and Marj^ . . 17789 Lorymer, W. Tindal . . . . 50409 Losack, Admiral 73510 40221 37200 5338 Loschs, Messrs, J. H. and F. Loscombe, Wintringham Losh, Elizabeth Lotan, John 60346 Lothian, James and Janet .. 37918 Walter 93227 Lott, H. J., Mr 55739 39876 30484 65476 62698 Joanna Whitelield . . Maria Louch, — Loud, George Henry Loudon, David 8765 Family 36177 (Scotland) .. 64817 -John 32317 ^ (or Lowdon) . . 36880 Joseph 12573 Mary and Robert . . 36891 Loughnar, Andrew 58828 Loughi-idgo, Samuel Wilson . . 1 3240 Lougio, J»in 93228 Loulaco, Han-ict 11915 Lourcntz, Hannah E 25812 Lousada, E. B 71864 Isaac B 52490 Louth, John 2890 Joseph 03229 233 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kame* relate ivill be found at end of Index. Louth, Eobert, Rev 27418 56142 Louvel, — (or Lou veil) . . . . 36 408 Louvet, Catherine 35314 Jean Joseph . . . . 35314 Lovatt, Ann 14402 Charles 93230 John (Stafford) . . . . 76028 Mary 30950 Thomas 30215 Love, David 1999 Elizabeth 37064 James and John . . . . 93231 John (Colonies) . . . . 19140 Loveday, William 7284 John . . . . 37900 Lovegrove, Alfred H 59207 James 15941 John 61623 Richard .. .. 21487 Lovejoy, Cassandra 57787 James 27419 Sarah 51546 Lovelace, Harriet 93233 Jolin 9622 (frmrly of Devon) 2300 Lovelady, Richard 25955 Loveland, William 52483 Loveless, James 93234 Mary 50812 Lovell, Anthony 19142 Elizabeth 5847 Family 93235 Mary (Jersiey) . . . . 5719 Susan 26274 Thomas 40779 Lovely, — 93238 Loveridge, John Edward . . 8766 Lovett V. BeKord 24342 C 16723 Elizabeth 51279 John C 68019 WiUiam .. .. 93239 Mary 6340 Ann 93240 William .. ,. .. 61620 Henrj- . . . . 40520 Lovick, — 579 Loving, John 1522 Low V. Halden 24355 M. S. & Co 25755 aiargaret 74633 V. Moore 24364 Sarah 21173 William (soldier) . . . . 76810 Lowday, Charlotte and James . 72786 Lowden, John (Middlesex) . . 76025 Lowdey, Thomas 6628 Lowdon, John 14975 Margracia . . . . 61621 Lowe, Alice 5022 Charles 69232 David, Rev 8354 Elizabeth 15828 George 36147 Griffin & Co 59064 Henry 93242 James (Colonies) . . . . 19143 15826 John (London) . . . . 15322 , 487 i (legatee) . . . . 15827 I Lee 93244 I Margaret 17154 I Maria Serena . . . . 8550 ! Mary 93245 : (West Indies) . . 27420 ! Ann 27421 ■ Anne (or Pike) 52494 ! Harriet . . . . 32378 j Mr. (painter) . . . . 53214 j Philip and Richai'd . . 79144 Robert (Glasgow) . . 74636 .. ..- .. .. 59913 (or Low) . . 1569 Sarah 9348 (Middlesex) . . 76024 (or Rood) . . 1336 Septimus Sutton . . 31830 1 Thomas 21852 I (Colonies) .. 19146 i Tii'za 74745 William (gunner) . . 76813 I (Chester) . . 9724 (Middlesex) 5086 I Loweley, Thomas 6628 I Lowes, George 59745 I Jane Elizabeth . . . . 76612 i John Cape 11782 ' Lowlan, Jane 93246 I Lowless, William 40686 Lowman, Eliza 29417 ! Robert 68579 j WiUiam 74431 Lowndes, Ann 9349 William 71865 Lownds, S. S 15815 William (Middlesex) 15243 , 21554 Lowrey, Barbara 68576 Lowrie, Major Charles . . . . 39779 : Family .... .. 93247 ; Harriet Caroline . . 35865 James 26603 Jessie M'Donald . . 35867 Lieut. R 28556 i Robert 75015 i Wilhelmina Reisburg 35866 I Lowry, Robert Authonv . . 7498 I Lowth, Charles 93248 284 Bireetiom for obtaining full copies oftht Advertisement to which these Ncmei relate will be found at end of Index. Lowth Family 57283 ■ Henry 11636 Lowther, Agnes 6959 Esther 93249 George 22719 11. J 25442 Loxdale, William 34052 Loxham, Richard 9207 Loxlev, Ann 69492 Loyd/ Thomas .. .. .. .. 93250 K 68053 James 76016 T. andJ. R 9861 Lnard, Prancis 21025 John 14974 Lubbert, Herman , 58896 Lubbock, Joseph 34010 Sophia 61664 Lubl)ren, George 93251 Lubbrunk & Morton . . . . 115 Lucas, — . . 39664 Anne 34136 & Bewick 8236 C. A., Lieut 28557 Chance & Co 73715 Charles (Colonies) . . 19147 38005 David 22799 Edmund 8866 Edward, Right Hon. . . 23224 ~ 60676 Elizabeth Ann .. .. 60344 Francis 5090 Frederick J 66925 George 26267 V. Greenwood . . . . 24354 Gregory 29418 Harriet 27422 Henry 93252 Can- 34727 James 93253 John 2210 Joseph 5838 Maria 50040 Mary 53035 , (daughter of Rchrd) 63923 Richard Burroughs . . 52488 Sarah 7200 Susannah 24354 Thomas (widow of) . . 10733 J 93254 William 30290 Luce, Lawrence 51233 Lucena, John Charles .. .. 9116 . C 58826 Luck, AdainC 93266 George 3691G Mary 6244 Rachael 27423 I Luck, Thomas . . Luckett, Rosanna Luckhurst, Lucy Martha Lucking, Margaret & Thomas Lvico'-'k, Jane • . . Ludalin, Maria Ludford," James and John Theodosia Ludgate, Daniel Ludlam, George Martha Ludlow, Benjamin Hannah Thomas Ludlum, Henry Ludwick, Martin Ludwig, Ann Luelyn, Richard Luer, Mr Luff, John (mariner) William B. LuflBngham, Benjamin . . Luffman, Margaret E Mr Luke, Ann Deborah . . Dennis Dugald (Glasgow) Luker, John Lukin k Beck (London) . . John Henry, Lieut. Lulham, Sarah Lullin, Ann Hope . . Lum, John Lumbert, Richard . . P. C. . . Lumbruggen, R. H. Lumgair, James Lumley, Ann Arnold Elizabeth . . Ellen . . . . Sir James James Jane L. M., Hoii. Lady INIary Purchas . . Robert W. Sarah . . . . Lumpkin. i\Iargarct T. . . Lunisdulc, Lieut. James.. Lumsden, Andrew . . — David, Lieut. . . (executors) John Fordinnnd 1923 74641 33732 15496 5^609 60040 93256 93257 27424 11316 40778 34928 51098 76030 59953 71530 93258 1498 93259 3427 33684 798 38960 59210 93260 93261 27425 1892 72672 40926 38671 54842 40021 76846 29479 21077 61640 73111 32275 70109 27426 76594 6463 23698 6463 69235 17857 21299 6463 56574 6463 51191 71132 6463 75472 12603 76693 28659 65329 1010 235 Directions for obtaining fidl copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Lumsden, Leslie 19148 William 93262 Lund, James 36201 Richard 3208 Liinderwood, Anne Letitia . . 9756 Lundie, Henry 67120 Luagley, Henry 6133 Lunn, John 50325 Luuniss, Richard 30625 Lunnon, Thomas 6308 -William 31632 Lunt, James 14062 Robert 93264 Luntley, William 53-550 Lupton, Edward John . . . . 38581 Family 40423 lieorge, Harry, and Thos. 74624 Jamos (farmer) . . . . 21460 John 70097 Priscnia 34380 Lusby, Henry 6245 Luscombe Family 36048 Matt. Henry ,. .. 10302 Thomas a. P 22409 Luscombe, Thomas Popham . . 21932 Lush, Adolphus 93265 Lushingion, Charles Alexander 75021 Family.. .. .. 24338 James Stephen . . 14882 Lusi, Count de 62699 32525 Lust,Yryhnd 19149 Lustick (or Luston) Mary . . 27427 Lutgens, Jan Willem . . . .' 25859 Lutjens, Fninz George . . . . 19150 Lutterloh, Johan 93266 Lutwyche, Elizabeth . . . . 23536 John 40005 William .. .. 23537 Lutyens, Daniel 13098 Luxford, Ann. Georgiana . . 74097 Luyken, Joseph H. M 25633 Luys, or Luya 35631 Lyall, Captain 27429 Elizabeth .. .. .. 67571 Mackenzie & Co. . , 52487 Thomas 93267 Lydcott, Philip 93268 Lyddon, William 50368 Lyde, Elizabeth 39377 John 71866 Samuel 4854 William 39342 Lyel, James 23635 Lyes, William 17385 Lyford, Francis & Richard . . 31133 John 93269 William, Lieut 28560 Lvgon, Genl, The Hon. E. P. 61605 Lykauan, Elizabeth .. .. 93270 Lyie, William (Colonies) . . 19151 -— .. .. .. 68526 -George .. .. 76589 Lyles, James ' 10943 Lyman, iJaniel & Mary . . . . 51029 Sarah 30353 Lj'-mburner, — 27430 LynaU, Mary 15933 Lynam, ■ 93271 Thomas 30071 19152 Lynch,— 59307 CM 19153 Catherine 22508 Charles F 23293 Daniel 19154 Hannah 59307 Heniy (N.K.) . . . . 8826 J 22954 John 1768 French .. .. 14552 Mary 11665 Owen 23204 Richard 3920 Robert M'Garthv . . 26269 Rose . . .. \. . . 29420 Sabina 11476 Thomas 93272 Lynde, William John . . . . 67570 Lyne, Charles Newman, . . . 19155 Edmond Ormond . . 54475 Edward 33229 Family 61898 Francis 71867 George 70601 H 50422 Mary 33078 LjmeU, 74286 Lynn, Anna and Anthony . . 93273 Elizabeth 21189 Lvon & CoUier (Chancery) . . 65381 -^ V. Deane 24346 Edward, Lieut 28561 FamUy .. 93274 • Gordan 69234 James 6976 John .. 9463 Peter 4002 Richard 19156 Samuel 14623 Thomas 93275 William 12649 (Chancery) . . 65330 Lyons, A. M .*. .. 10941 George 21397 Henry Harcourt. . . . 31222 Family 93276 John (Colonies) . . . . 19157 25593 236 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names ivill be found at end of Index. Lyons, Mary Ann .. .. .. *2685 Miss 71095 Mrs 67727 Sarah Heloisa . . . . 2685 Solomon 30873 William 21397 Lysacht, Morgan 8347 Lysaght, Margaret 8347 Lyse, Elizabeth 27431 Lyse, James 27432 Telno 7674 Lyster, H., John 62486 Lytcott, PhiHp . . .... . . 5837 Lyte, Henry 54546 Lythell Family 14687 L5i;tleton, Joseph 93278 Thomas 9225 237 Dirtetions for obtaining full copies of the AdvertisemenU to which these Name* relate will be found at end of Index. M M'Adam, Isabella 93279 Jamos 3946 John 22500 Marion . . . . . . 74666 M'Adams, Richard 93280 Cartwright 34916 M'Affe, Joseph 11667 M'Allastcr, James and Jenny . 5915 M'AHster, Angus 26033 M'Allister, James 19158 Margaret 93281 Richard 2655 M' Alpine, Annabella . . . . 15855 James 69241 Richard 1457 Robert 5687 M'Anish, David 33570 M'Ara, Jessie 55405 M'Ardle, R 73791 M'Arthur, Christina . . . . 50663 Donald 1024 John 22896 Margaret (Hants) . . 67967 13207 M'Aughtrv, Elizabeth H. . . 23851 M'Aule tie,' Dennis 1347 M'Auley, Robert 8831 M'Auliflfe, Richard 29421 M'Aully, John 93282 M'Aveney 24728 M'Bain, Angus 52558 Mary Ann .. .. 22122 M'Bean, Jolm .- 93283 M'Beath, Sarah and William . 19159 M'Bride, John 19161 Margaret 12584 Mary 12330 Michael 26419 M'Cabe, John 26604 Robert 60390 Thomas 93284 M'Call, James and John . . 19162 William, Rev .. .. 12293 M'Callan, John 61636 M'Callum, Gilbert 93285 Malcolm . . . . 19163 Margaret .. .. 73413 M'Cana, Patrick 74431 M'Cann, Cornelius 61658 David 27433 Family 74865 Frances 10599 Hugh and Matthew . 19164 Magdalen 9247 Thomas 39876 M'Carran, James (or M'Kerrow) 75072 M'Carrer, Gregory 93286 M'Carrier, Elizabeth .. .. 11950 M'Cart,— 66506 M'Cartan, Catherine . . . . 40927 Daniel 50008 M'Carter, Peter 69244 M'Carth, IMichael 19166 M'Carthy, Augustus Fredk. T. 7086 Catherine .. .. 19167 Charles 52517 (Killarney) . 6081 (Dantzic) . . 8055 Daniel 19168 Denis 26634 Honor 29422 John 93287 (soldier) . . . . 73791 Joseph 73755 Michael 19169 Phoebe 75021 Thadie 6081 William 26288 M'Cartney, Elizabeth . . . . 69242 Margaret . . . . 24746 M'Carton, John 73791 M'Caul, Miss 26411 M'Caulev, George William . . 10036 M'Christie, William Henry . . 68083 M'Chusian, A 73791 M'Clare, Matthew 1121 M'Clarv, John and Sarah . . 93288 M'Clashan, James, Mr 21208 M'CleUan, Ellen 27434 Robert 2122 M'Clelland, Thomas . . . . 25984 M'Clintock, Alexander and John 1 1 759 M'Cluer, John 30357 M'Clure, Patrick and William 19170 M'Cogan, Samuel 1633 M'CoU Family 60742 James 25314 M'Collah, John Richard.. .. 76G35 M'CoUough, Edward .. .. 7251 John 8563 M'Comb, James 1446 Samuel 1633 M'Connell, James and John . . 24621 John 21622 Margaret .. .. 74134 M'Corachie, James 3635 1 M'Cormac, Mrs 12958 M'Cormack, Maurice .. .. 11434 Patrick .. .. 19174 M'Cormick, Edward . . . . 73546 Family (Colonies). 19175 Hester 93289 238 Directions for obtaining full copies of th$ Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. M'Cormick, James John (hatter) M'Corqusdale, J M'Coun, Isabella M'Coy, Francis M'Coyle, Frances M'Crab, WilHam M'Oracken, Henry M'Crad. James . . M'Craith, Denis M'Craw, Peter William B. (or Bailey) M'Cray, Deiinis M'Cready, Jane M'Crossen, W. B M'CuUoch, George . . . . . , James John Nathaniel . . Robert M'Cullock, D James William M'CuUum, Ann Bernard C. (seaman) . . Gilbert Peter (Colonies) . . M'CuUy, Peter. M'Cune, John . . Robert M'Curdy, C harles John . . M'Darra, James M 'David, Henry M'Dermott, — . , M'Donald, Bernard George . Hngh . James . John Mary . Philip . Alexander (Middlepex) (diedN.S.W.) (soldier) . . — Angus — Barbara . . — Colin R.. James — Daniel — Donald — Edmund . . — Edward . . — Elizabeth . . — Eneas — Family George (Colonics) 22402 74861 27435 24667 7033 17450 22033 26571 93290 11382 24705 76053 93291 9n292 26002 22550 16678 21866 17920 12308 19178 1717 93294 93295 93296 1382 1420 19179 10958 93297 2715 29423 23870 23099 93298 64903 93299 38549 21624 68084 30938 64901 68085 16232 4036 30070 16850 10965 16893 19181 12121 93300 31450 23100 5541 16892 26662 19180 74119 M'Donald, Isabella . . . . . J., Sergeant . . James and Jemima . (seaman) Jane John (seaman H.M.S.) Lieutenant Maria Mary Mr. (Hoxton) . . Roderick William (Durham) M'Donall, John M'Donnel, Sir Edward , . M'Donnell, Martin . . Michael . . . . (Ireland) — Myles — Thomas M'Donough, Charles Patrick . , M'Doole, Sarah M'Dougall, Alexander, Lieut . Alex, (glass grinder) Henry John . . Robert M'Dougle, John — (frly.of London) M'DoweU, S Mary M-Duff, Charles Frances M'Durie, William M'Durmond, Mrs 27436 28618 74886 393 12339 1549 10950 24738 27437 287 19184 21304 53794 72060 63612 23102 22038 76433 26476 75719 19185 76051 21746 1477 16625 7449 33389 1615 7969 35b53 26416 6015 53793 27438 19186 50543 M'Echnie, William 1 91 87 M'Egan, W. B. M'Eiver, Jane . . M'Elisp, Daniel M'Evan Family M'Ever, Charles 62701 12489 19188 93357 5079 M'Evoy, James 14099 John, Rev 32333 M*Ew(n, Daniel 19189 Thomas Steward :. 39130 M'Ewcr, Jane 10651 M'Faddon, Archibald John.. 1P190 26478 30395 26417 M'Fae, James and John . . M'Farland, Alexander . . M'Farlane, A 19191 Ann 12223 Davidson ., ,. 24175 Donald 21366 Francis 19192 Isabella .. .. 93301 John 13210 239 Directions for obtaining ftUl copies of the Advertiseynents to which these Name* relate will be found at end of Index. M'Farlane, Mary 19193 Mrs 25518 W. S 25884 M'Farline, Alexander . . . . 8767 M'Farquhar, tHzabeth . . . . 73880 M-Farson, John 1481 M'Fayden, J. 19194 M'Fie, Margaret, Mrs 12299 M'Fyden, James 10955 M'Gahan, Patrick 24652 M'Garry, James 25914 MGauren, — 93302 M'Gavin, Daniel and Mary . . 696 Hugh 93303 M'Gaw, Peter 69274 M'Gee, Catherine 19195 M'Geough, Samuel 29424 M'Ghee, J. N., Ensign . . . . 93296 Patrick 25421 M'Ghin, Brodie Augustus . . 50387 Eliza Ann .. .. 27439 M'Gill, Alexander & Andrew 93304 —William 21301 93305 M'Gillingham, Mrs 12209 M'Gillivray, Daniel . . . . 93307 M'GiUs, John 93306 M'Glashan, James 93308 M'Glinchv, Michael 24668 M' Glynn, James 19196 M'Gonnell, Patrick 25697 M'Govan, James 19197 M'Govern, Bartholomew J. . . 69298 James 30081 M'Gowan, George 19199 Robert 11256 M'Goy, Allen 3728 M'Grath, Bernard 22524 Denis 93309 Eugene 63339 93310 J 28619 John (Ireland) . . 63339 V. St. Anson . . . . 24397 M'Gregor, Agnes & Ann , . 61645 '— Alexander, Eev. . . 27440 Alpin 5999 Anna 52568 A. N. M., Capt. . . 29425 Daniel 76039 George M 16184 Grace (or Eadie) . . 75034 Isabella 93313 James 19200 John 93314 Alexander . . 3057 Peter 13208 S 19201 M'Grigor, Grigor 8540 M'Grigor, Roderick 13001 M'GuiUen, Henry 19263 M'Guire, James 25542 John 93315 19203 William (India) . . 28620 M'Guitken, WiUiam .. .. J9202 M'Gurk, Christopher . . . . /26635 M'Gum, James .. *. .. 25807 M'Hallee, John & Co 25698 M'Henry, IMrs 11525 M'Hue, Ellen 19204 M'Hugh, Lydia (or Wilkins) . . 76961 Owen (Colonies) . . 19205 22480 M'llwaine, Andrew 26414 19206 M'llween, J 25604 M'Indoe, John & W 19208 M'Innerley, J 19209 M'Innernev, Bernard . . . . 26636 M'Innery,M 73791 M'Innes, Daniel 72790 M'Intosh, Alexander & Johja . 192U (India).. 28622 D 19212 Duncan 21392 (America) 73166 G., Lieutenant . . 10967 Hugh 67925 John 22S96 D 76036 Mary 27441 William .. .. 17912 M'lntyre,— 53396 Archibald . . . . 19214 Family 93316 Isabella and Robert 52534 John 10954 Col 15029 WilHam 25382 M'lverFamHy 9449 Jane 7083 John 6936 M'James, NeH 93317 M'Kay, Alexander 25982 Family 37003 John (seaman) .. .. 1288 (Colonies) .. .. 19215 (Scotland) . . . . 69246 Margaret 37001 Robert 3021 -. Samuel 19216 William 29426 P 23796 M'Kean, Archibald, Dr 29427 Family 93318 240 Bireetions for obtaining full copies of the Aduerttsements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. M'Kean, Mary 3386 M'Keen, Mrs 26713 M'Kellar, Archibald .. .. 1005 Frederick . . . . 19217 James 52574 M'Kellop, A.* 10962 M'Kelvey, James 24684 M'Kendray, Edward .. .. 19218 M'Kenly, Captain 28625 M'Kenna, Bride (or Bridget) . . 73522 Frances 24676 John 19219 Kelly . . . . 26465 Joseph 19220 Patrick 22527 Eichard Butler . . 34663 Thomas 39876 WiUiam 21873 M'Kenne, Maxwell 55755 M'Kennell, John . . . . . . 93319 M'Kennon, 19221 M'Kenzie, Allen 19223 Ann 17322 Archibald .. .. 93320 Barbara .. .. 5916 ^ Donald 5299 '■ Edward .. .. 7207 F. H 19224 Family (America). 5916 H. Cole . . . . 66529 Isabella (Berwick) 27442 (orClarkson) 2559 John 27443 Patrick 1484 Eobert and Roderick 19225 Samuel 26572 (seaman) . . 1307 Thomas and Wm. 635 (Colonies) . 19227 William M 19228 M'Keon, Patrick 9475 M'Keone, Francis 11508 M'Keverakin, Johanna . . . . 72677 M'Key, Robert 93321 M'Kidd, Alexander 59168 M'Kie, James 38144 M'Killingham, Mrs 12209 M'Kinlay, William 10620 M'Kinnel Family 93324 M'Kinnell, John (Lancaster) . . 1 3086 M'Kinnon, 19229 M'Kinstry, James Caulfield , . 21805 M'Kinze, Ann and Peter . . 93324 M'Kirby, Charles 19230 M'Kirdy, Samuel .. .. .. 19231 M'Lachlan, James 29429 L 76049 William .. .. 31266 M'Lachlane, John 12270 M'Laine, John 9138 M'Lane, Major Daniel . . . . 21393 M'Laren, J. (soldier) . . . . 75566 Margaret 12208 — Robert . . . . . . 30368 M'Larren, William 19233 M'Lauchlan, Elizabeth . . . . 93325 M'Laughlin, Edward . . . . 19232 Martin 10956 Patrick (Colonics) 19234 24729 Peter 93326 Thomas . . . . 26573 M'Laughten, Archibald . . . . 66446 M'Lean, A. M. L., Capt. . . 29430 ■ Alexander, Dr. . . 29431 Anny 27443 Archibald 10966 D. J., Ensign . . . . 28626 Donald and John . . 19235 Family 93327 John, Captain . . .. 15625 (seaman) . . . . 30014 Kenneth 19237 L. A., Lieut 29431 Malcolm 60394 Mary 27444 R. (Colonies) . . . . 19238 Robert 30769 M'Leish, Janet 93330 M'Lellan, Donald . . . . . . 25897 Kenneth 93331 M'Leod, Angus 7100 Augustus 93332 ■ B. W., Dr 29432 Crawford 28629 V. Dowley . . . . 58553 Gordon 73543 Harold 19240 James 12589 Jane 10240 John(N.K.) .. .. 124 (India) . . . . 28627 William . . . . 3674 Margaret 22119 Mary 93333 (London) . . 35160 Neal 19241 Roderick 32198 W. John 7519 William (London) . . 2265 M'Loglin, John 11352 M'Loughlan, Patrick . . . . 22479 M'Loughlin, Mary 19242 M'Mahon, Anne .. .. .. 5145;> B 28630 Bomai'd 37108 Charles 11755 Eliza or Elizabeth . , 50832 241 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. M'Mahon, Ensign H 28561 James 19243 Michael 25431 Patrick 26290 M'MaUen, Henry 74431 M'Manus, Hugli and Patrick 19245 James 26459 JuHa 24709 Margaret 23818 Patrick 30080 M'Martin, Duncan 25981 M'Master, Wniiam 76037 M'Math, John 67940 M'MeUin, Margaret . . . . 7542 M'Menomy, — 24704 M'Michael, Jacques and James 71122 M'Micham, John 3736 M'MiUan, — 26663 Charlotte 53784 Family 93334 Iver 16138 Poland 8917 Thomas 1301 M'Minn, Eobert Dawson . . 75039 M'MuUen, Daniel 25900 Thos. (Newfoundland) 3733 Thomas (Launceston) 6139 M'Munn, WiUiam 19246 M'Murtrie, Andrew 74667 David (America) . . 74658 John 93335 M'Nah, Alexander 58259 John 4806 Thomas 5332 M'Nabb Family 76748 — Jessie 19247 M'Nair, Allan 50979 Family 93336 John 65537 Lennox and Eitchie . . 50976 M 22260 Eohert 93337 Stirling 50977 M'Nall, Sarah 19248 M'Nally, Henry and Lawrence 19249 Patrick 93338 Eichard 19251 M'Nalty, George 24673 M'Namara, — (a clergyman) 12160 Eugene 19252 Mary 68906 Patrick and Eichard 19253 Thomas . . . . 25258 M'Naught, William . . . . 12082 M'Naughton, James . . . . 19255 M'Neagh, EUzaheth . . . . 23902 M'Neal, Eohert (seaman) . . 5339 (Yorkshire) . . 5860 Thomas 12275 M'Neale, John 22709 M'Neil, Evan and John . . . . 19256 Ken 93339 M'NeiU, Alexander 62559 Edward and Henry H. 22708 Peter .. .. ,. .. 33731 M'Neillance,Mary (or Mary Ann) 74684 M'NeiUy Family 22592 M'NicoU, Eobert 39094 M'Nulty, John 23294 MTeake, Eachel 24785 M'Phail, James 5827 John and Mary . . 17257 M'Pharlane, John 93340 Mary 16881 M'Phearson, WiUiam ., .. 93341 M'Pherson, Alex. Grant, Ensign 29433 Ann and Elizabeth 27445 Charles 17370 Charlotte . . . . 93342 Donald 19258 Duncan .. .. 39562 Eneas 93343 Family (Colonies) 19259 James 93341 Jane 39562 John 2049 Kenneth .. .. 93344 Margaret .. .. 12266 V. Money . . . . 23748 Mrs 27446 Patience .. .. 9669 Eichard .. .. 37995 Eobert 11830 (Essex) . . 51478 WilHam .. .. 32722 (seaman) . . 1574 M'Phie, Jean 12597 M'Queen, Kenneth 73166 29434 M'Quire, James 4096 Peter 12599 M'Eae, Donald 37013 M'Eechine, Christiana . . . . 12595 M'Eitchie, David 3017 M'Eobb, Eobert 51460 M'Eoberts, Mary 25376 M'Euer, James & Sons . . . . 52104 M'Shane, IVLrs. Mary . . . . 37250 M'Sheffrey Family 76643 M'Sorlev, PhiUp 64696 M'Stay Family 22655 M'Swan (or M'Swain), Evan. . 13206 M'Swiney, iMichael 26425 M'Taggart, — 31900 242 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. M'Taggart, James . . . . . . 9200 M'Tavish, Dr. NeH 36800 M'Tear, William 23812 M'Toldridge, Mrs 40192 M' Vane, William 10541 M'Veagh, Elizabeth . . . . 36280 John 68565 M'Vey, Catherine 10641 M'Whinney, Thomas . . . . 50937 M'Whirter, J. T 56758 M'William, John 33966 M' Williams, Thomas . . . . 2821 WiUiam .. .. 1649 Maartens, Joachin H 25840 Mabbatt, William 74125 Mabbott, Edward 3425 EHzabeth 68058 Frederick William. . 3425 Joseph 93345 Thomas 3425 WiUiam C 68057 Mu^bell, Stephen 60756 Maoer, John 52537 Maberly & Co 40906 Mabert, William 28562 jMabley, Mr. Joseph .. .. 39311 Mabon, Andrew and Ann . . 93346 Macabe, Christopher . . . . 10140 Macafee (or M'Fae), Jas. & Jno. 30395 Macalister, Jane (York) . . . . 76034 Macallaster, James 27449 Macalpine, Christiana .. .. 71156 Macan, Mary Joanna . . . . 29435 S., Lieut 10966 Macandrew, James 61021 Macare, Ann 16059 Macarthur, Susannah Christian 36506 John 29422 Macarthy, Bridget and John . . 64899 Denis 73547 Honor 28563 Macarti, Family 57324 Macartney, Arthur and Jas. M. 21856 Macaulay, Francis 93347 George 52527 Robert 27447 Macauley, Allen 76641 . General 12734 George William . . 70036 James Warwick . . 33363 Macay, Alexander 17025 Macbride, Capt 76627 Charlotte .. .. 21771 Maccabe, J. T 93348 Maccallum, John 71145 MaccoUa, John 75519 Macconnell, llichard . . . . 52552 Macculloch, George . . . . 93350 John 52566 (legatee) . . 27448 Macdaugle, Miss Jane . . . . 12405 Macdermid, Philip 17510 Macdonal, John 28566 Macdonald, A., Capt 28568 Alexander . . . . 34764 V. Bennett . . . . 24379 Charles H. (Stafford) 66940 Daniel 33278 Donald 50948 (or Family) 39637 p 25743 Duncan .. .. 22769 Elizabeth .. .. 93351 Family (KK.) . . 75518 (E. I.) . . 66020 (India) . . 29423 . . . . 27450 George .. .. 74127 James 51856 -John 38716 C, Capt. . . 28569 Major 60380 Maria H 57233 K H 52542 Peter 60736 •William .. .. 40828 (Stafford) 66940 Macdougall, Dugold & George 61643 Macdougle, John 93352 Macdowall, Vincent . . 71143 Macdowell, Elizabeth and John 61293 Mace, Benjamin and Elizabeth 93353 Charles 75021 — Family 93350 Fanny (or Frances) . . 50161 Frederick 29436 Mr. .. 31319 Philip 747 Thomas 71165 Macey, George 34310 Samuel 39009 William 1919 Macfarlane, Eliz. (died abroad) 75526 James 12298 John 93358 Louisa 01831 Margaret .. .. 76062 Mrs 13078 Patrick 29437 . William .. .. 65768 ; (Middlesex) 74131 Macgeough, Samuel .. .. 28571 Macghie, Eliza 36141 Macgillivray, l^avid . . . . 30874 Macgregor, A. M. N., Capt. . . 28572 Isabella .. .. 17410 Margaret .. .. 39336 243 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Macgregor, Ealph . . Machaltie, Alexander Maclieaiy, Sarah Machee, Daniel Machell, Henry "William . . Machen, Edward Mary (Oxford) MacMn, Amand Edward . Elizabetli . Mary Ann Mrs. . . . • Thomas . , Maciejowski, Stanislaus . Macintosh Family . . George . . Louisa . . Macintyre, John Mack, Ann M Mackall, Daniel Mackaness, Edward Francis Mackaree, Ann Mackason, Eobert and Sarah Mackay, Alexander and Donald (Surrey) Angus Ann (daughter of Alex ■ David . . .... Elizabeth Ellen .. .... Family (Sutherlandsh.) George John J., Lieut. . . "Mary Eobert Thomas Gray, Lieut. (Surrey) William (Colonies) . . Mackean, Archibald William . Mackeaness, Edward Mackelden, John ' Mackell, John Macken, William Mackena, Baron Mackennery, Thomas . . Mackenney, James Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Alexander (India) W. . . Andrew 51574 93361 914 93362 63941 7168 52525 4119 15615 93363 64848 58037 30361 32880 9723 73791 75043 66003 58836 59834 12122 8811 27451 68060 93364 27452 93365 11308 37002 10277 12692 ,) 2852 8040 12641 27453 27454 12642 74647 14578 28573 93366 71869 2633 8688 74122 19262 2852 28574 93367 6442 93368 9274 15234 16384 28570 12960 50819 28576 74448 93370 Mackenzie, Charles West Colin . . . . Daniel . . Family . . Henry . . J. A James . . John &Co. .. — Kenneth D — Lewis Mark — Lilias — Lowther — Murdock — V. Musgrove . . — Poison — Eoderick — Samuel — Sc Sharp — Stephen — Tabel — Thomas — WiUiam (ScoUand) M. Mackerell, Timothy Mackereth, James Mackerith, John Mackerson, Edward Mackesey, Mackeson Family (India) Mackey, Anne Augustus Lonald . . Donald Campbell . . John Margaret Martin Mary (or Mack) Murdock Mackfarlane, Archibald . . Mackhaill, Mary Mackie, Andrew • Ann S. and Flora Ellen John Eobert (late of N. B.) . . William Mackillican, John Mackilivain, Ezekiel Mackinder, Mark Mackinlay, George Henry . . Mackinnon v. Stewart . . Charles Daniel E. L. Francis Isabella Mackinson v. Peach Mackintosh, Charlotte . . Edward Elizabeth .. .. Q2 22297 52569 93371 12128 28578 9877 50497 11165 68284 26456 39739 70129 69251 75021 24405 16036 70162 1309 66453 34328 2559 23909 34129 11164 19265 12476 10232 93373 93374 7207 29437 93375 76628 74683 21207 93376 75042 10127 53791 10969 70117 50220 27455 3728 3877 2872 70151 13209 6943 71868 36912 93378 27456 36111 93377 29438 24410 22118 31283 6299 244 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Ncmes relate will be found at end of Index. Mackintosh Family George J., Capt. John . . W. L. . . William Mackleraith, Ana . . Macklewain, Ezekiel Macklewhee, Hugh . . Mackley, Anne John . . Mary Thomas . . Mackness, George . . William Cooper Mackonachie, H Mackrill, John Benjamin William Bannister Macky, Mary .... Thomas Maclagan, WilHam E. . . Maclaren, John Margaret, Miss Maclean, A. M. D. L., Capt. Alexander T. . . Hugh . . . . (Scotland) James Roderick John Swan V. Margaret Sarah (widow) Dame . . William , . General Sir William Maclennan Family . . Kenreth Maclivor, Alicia Macleod, Allan '• Catherine . . Daniel and Norman Macley, Mary . . • . . Macmaine, Mary Macmillan, Barbara Macmorris, Mary . . Macnab, Annabella & Co Macnair, James Macnamara, Thomas Macnaught, Archibald . . Macnaughton, Alexander Peter Maconochie, Agnes . . H. D. M. . . Macpherson Family ■ ■ Francis . , ■ James (E. Indies) John . . Kenneth Macquire, Alexander William .. .. 70158 93379 28580 2111 28581 93380 5151 9296 19264 35548 34152 3814 93382 52551 74657 28585 40206 76615 93383 4162 71146 68583 69247 28582 93384 11417 12302 7249 74116 24410 27457 93385 27458 51413 76061 16035 71125 27459 21209 93386 93388 93389 27459 93390 32984 93391 25631 27460 63802 31251 64464 7184 28586 93394 69268 15022 71140 33132 11763 34388 Macquistin, Ann 33120 Macquiston, Eliz. and George 3896 Macrae, Begbie, & Co 64429 Christy and K 93395 Macsween, Henry D., Lieut. . . 29439 Mactarget, Walter 13211 Macturk, Dr. William . . . . 12145 Maddeford, Edward . . . . 64476 Maddelbranch, Sarah . . . . 93396 Madden, Edward 73397 Eleanor 23101 Henry 10970 James 66951 John 30331 (Colonies) . . 19266 Lewis, Capt 69258 Mrs. C . . 28586 Maddison v. Bird 24380 Charles 7326 James 32907 Robert 93398 Maddock, Arthur 19267 Ellen 9270 Francis 93399 John Ford .. .. 19268 Lucy 27461 Peter 39259 ^ Robert 2718 Samuel 30224 Sarah 39221 Maddocks, John 33770 Joseph (Surrey) .. 73516 Matthew, Rev. . . 14211 Thomas 93400 > Thomason . . . . 69918 Maddon, John 93401 Maddox, Henry 6729 Ralph 65333 Sarah Ann .. .. 34910 Maddy, John 34779 Madely, George Edward . . . 56373 Maden, Edward 8125 Madgvvick, Mary Ann . . . . 30951 Madigan, Penelope 93402 Madigliani, Nathan . . . . 10030 Madocks, Eliza Anne . . . . 00387 Madson, James 19269 Maes, Guillian 19270 Maffctt, Jameson 8361 Maffoy, Hannah 16249 Maffroy, James 12479 Magan, Samuel E 75719 Stephen 23570 Magarin, Mary 7468 Magawan, Arthur 26126 MagGB, Martha Maria . . . . 29440 Magenis, Frederick K 72802 Magennis, Elizabeth . . . . 21874 Magge, Martha Maria .. .. 11871 Maggi, Frederick 38853 245 JDtrections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Maggs, Henrv 73518 William 1285 Magguir Family (or M'Guir) . 36572 Magill, James 23559 Magnay, Charles 69245 Magnen, Madame le . , . . 819 Magness, R. J. H. . . . •. . . 74592 Magniae, Henry 28587 Magnier, Hannah 1872 Magor, William 34069 Magre, Hon. Mrs. Charlotte . . 37146 Magrath, Andrew N 76043 Edwin 15644 Thomas 22565 Magro, Francisco 27462 Magson Family 62862 Maguire, Alexander . . . . 93404 Anne 23117 Christopher .. .. 22952 George 26605 James 93405 John (Ireland) .. 75513 Mahan, Eev. Thomas . . . . 7930 "Mahanuddy" (ship), Crew of 55043 Mahe, Adrian 19271 Maher, John 2777 ■ Timothy 26574 Maherd, Catherine 8366 Mahiew, Amand 37164 Mahomed, Ismail Khan . . 11108 Mahon, Christopher . . . . 19272 Dr 34391 Elizaheth 6332 George Charles . . . . 22616 John 22967 Ross 23321 Maria 32269 Richard 5847 Thomas 93406 Mahon^, Charles 19273 Dennis 11827 Ellen 93407 • J 22120 William 26575 Mahonny, John 932 Mahony* Darby 69243 ^Dayid 21412 Edward 19274 Jeremiah . . . . . . 21860 John 22454 — Joseph Roht. (London) 76031 Pierce 75719 Maid, Elizabeth M 93408 Maidlow, George 406 • Peter .... . . 93409 Maidman Family 93410 WiUiam R., Captain 29441 Maier, M. E 274^3 Maigrot, A 19275 Maile, William 40159 Mailee, Arthur 19276 Maillepree, Ferdinand Napoleon 73514 Main, Alexander 29442 Andi-ew and Elizabeth 53889 Family 76624 John 93411 Patrick 3862 Richard 19274 Robert 67573 Maine, William 19278 Mains, Rachael 2186 Mainstree, Rey. John . . . . 6730 Mainwaring & Co 93412 Bolton, Lieut. -Col. 40561 Charles (Lincoln) 30998 (sonof Admrl.) 38259 Edward Vincent 38371 Elizabeth .. .. 9370 Family (India) . . 29443 George Boulton . . 76625 Jacob 14274 Jane 27464 John 10950 Thomas .. .. 16403 V. Wilding . . . . 23749 William .. .. 25950 Mair, Cornelius C. P 23478 Francis Henry .. .. 71123 James 36601 John (Lanark) . . . . 75516 Maitland, Amelia 75507 Dayid 58831 Francis 12663 John 33735 Mrs 51733 Majendie, Andrew 8978 Major, Elias 93413 H 71153 J 93414 John Thomas W. . . 73550 Jonathan and Wm. . . 7281 WilHam 61657 Majoribanks, Marcus P. D. . . 75510 Makeam, Mary and William. . 10573 Makepeace & Walford . . . . 39181 Giles 37901 Maker, James 93415 Makin Family 58418 John 19279 Makina, Baron de 22838 Makins, H 75035 Makon, Rhoda 17973 Malam, AVilliam 67576 Malan, Daniel 25810 Malbon, Samuel 5917 Malchus, M. J 28591 P. Isaac .... . . 29444 Malcolm, Forbes 30123 ■ Joseph 24716 Louisa Ann . . . . 40004 246 Birectiomfor oUaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Malcolm, Robert 56599 . Samuel 75040 Maiden, Joshua 67588 Maleck, John 7343 Males, Underwood 3171 Malfrey, James 444 Malg-ren, G 93416 Malin, Jane 27464 Malinc, Deborah 3941 MaHng-, Charles R., Lieut, . . 29445 John Robert . . . . 50975 Malkin, George . . . . -. . 50861 Mallalieu, Benjamin . . . . 10239 Family 34872 Mallam, Laura 50742 Richard 40292 MaUard, Edward 13243 John 33502 Mallet, Maria and Pierre . . 35699 William, (or Merrett) 3030 Mallett, Ann 26188 George Woodford .. 15186 Lucy .. 14109 Malley, Alice 23537 Malliet, William 93417 Mallinson, Richard (Lancaster) 66001 • (Newcastle) 74130 Mallison Family 93418 Malloch, John 75506 • R. J., Lieut 29446 Mallery i\ Mallory 24400 Mallough, Jeremiah . . . . 1421 Mallow, Richard 1719 Mallyon, William Bonny . . 56845 Malme, George Henry . . . . 72797 Malmquist, Nicholas . . . . 258S4 Malmsbury, Elizabeth . . . . 21306 Malone, Bartholomew . . . . 30095 Edward 93419 John 26468 Patrick 40460 Thomas 30841 Malony, Edmund 62707 Malowncy, George 19280 Malsbury, Elizabeth .. .. 10075 Malster, James and Samuel . . 15442 Malta College (legacy to) . . 75512 Maltby, Brough and Sons . . 38941 George Brough . . . . 35484 Maltman, :Mr. Gavin . . . . 36623 Malt ward (or Malt wood) Family 70134 63800 James 71111 Maltwood, Susannah . . . . 73530 Maltzan, Baroness do . . , . 12277 Malvn Family 75843 -— John 21352 Malyon, Richard 12756 .Mamock, ElizaT)et]i 93420 Mum|)c, John Chriatian . . . . 8053 Mampesson, George . , . . 66231 Man, Charles Wager . . . . 93421 Manage, Charles 22835 Manango, A. P 28592 Manay, Mary 24765 Manbey, John 21967 Manby, Aaron 39241 Charles 21968 Manchester, William . . . . 2916 Mand Family 93422 Mandell, John 53809 Miss 3364 Mander v. Butler 24382 Jane 4817 Mandeville, Walter 76623 Mandie, James 16314 Manduit, William 71602 Maney Family 70777 Manfield, William 61656 Mangan, James 75719 Michael 26128 Thomas 26075 Manget, Nicholas Marie . . . . 24635 Mangin, Reuben 53372 Maniford, Mr 36549 Manistree, Rev. John . . . . 6730 Mankin, Grace 7847 Jane 51129 John 21302 Manks, WiUiam 24689 Manley & Co 93423 Elizabeth and Mr. .. 1226 John (Middlesex) . . 1521 and Margaret .. 15206 Mrs. (Chester) . . . . 16485 Samuel 69257 Manly, J 19281 Mann, Charles F 23055 Gothcr, Col. . . .. .. 10409 Henry '. 37104 Jean 1479 ■ James 8682 . John 10971 Joseph (tobacco manfr.) 10546 Robert 55760 Sarah 93424 Thomas (mariner) . . 52540 Pooley . . . . 31422 William (Kent) . . . . 73521 1818 Mannan, Edward 1561 Manner, John [alias Joseph) . . 5816 Manners, Arthur 70230 Family 21182 Frederick 7992 Furgnn 34205 — Mr. (or Mavners) . . 31940 Richard .\ .. .. 8679 Thomas (soldier) . . 70164 561 247 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which tliese Names relate will be found at end of Index. Manning, A Abraham . . Ann . . Anna (Notts) David Edward . . Stephen Family (Bordeaux) Gough Hannah and Horatio Jacob Studley John (Northampton) Lewes IVIrs Patrick . . (Colonies) Richard Pat . . Robert Samuel . . Sarah Spencer . . Thomas . . (Kent) Fielding William (collector) Manningham, Charles "William Mannix, Sir Henry Mannock, Elizabeth Mary Manowickj George Mans, Johannes Jacobus Mansel, Ann Dawkins . , Elizabeth George, Capt. (R.N.) . . Mansell & Co Henry and John Mary Sarah William Henry . . Manser, William Mansfard, Thomas Mansfield, Ann Elizabeth and John . — ' George Harriot James, Lieut John ■ Richard Thomas, Capt. WiUiam Manslorp, G Mansman, Mathias Manson, Donald and Thomas . Margaret Miss MansuUs, William 54546 14558 93425 76630 21412 21309 32821 74121 24402 27465 93426 93427 8819 34614 26285 2223 2727 30056 19282 7098 75656 93431 27466 93432 2913 73757 93433 75036 61659 93434 30326 21452 1350 25838 2273 8152 36552 59076 19283 5721 15523 63962 74126 56057 16410 73655 35103 66955 28593 7421 62708 1381 4229 93435 93436 19285 32527 76842 11626 3075 Mant, Elizabeth and Thomas . Mantel, John Manton, George John (Warwick) WiUiam Manuk Family (India) . . Manvell, Jesse Manwaring, George Richard. Jacob Manzer, Edward . . . . Mapes, Mary Mapham, Elizabeth . . Mapp, ISIary Mapperley, Elizabeth (Bath) , Walter.. '.. , Mappleback, John . . Mapson, Nicholas . . Mar, Emanuel Del . . Mara, Elizabeth . . . . Marcer, Elizabeth . . March, Abel Adrian V. Alexander Ann . . . . Berington . . V. Browne . . • Hannah Helen Maria John (son of Ann) Martha . . . . Matthew Ralph .. .. Richard Sarah (N.K.) T. M Thomas (merchant) William (London) (Canada) IMarchall, James Marchand, John Peter P-cter.. .. Thomas . . Marchant, John R William . . Marchbank, Caroline Marchell, James Marck, Elizabeth . . . . Marcon, Daniel Marcotte, Charles . . Marc, John Marechall, John Mares, John Margarof, John Morris . . Margcrisoria, Francesco , . Margerot, John Margctson, John (Surrey) 93437 92439 60750 76616 9195 6899 28594 34239 68817 14274 93440 27467 69554 15355 501 93441 19287 63442 55178 4556 14959 25504 7950 57698 70655 65987 57487 17874 70654 66604 15274 70916 34458 5828 40975 60410 32880 75040 70654 70917 25503 619;; 4152 5018 93443 51529 27468 93444 30302 17551 15171 93445 57322 93446 986 ^9206 37666 6676 93447 51308 248 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Margetson, John L 61641 Margetts, John 8029 (Vn.Dieman'sLnd.) 2875 Marge, Francisco 21194 Marguet, Henry Neil . . . . 93448 Maria, Elizabeth 7364 Mariam, Mrs 28597 Marianna, Josia 25862 Marianne, — (servant) . . . . 93449 Mariff, Teheck 93450 Maris, Maria 74341 Mark, Ann 93451 Thomas 16641 Marke, Sedley Bastard . . . . 39390 Markey, Mrs 31751 Thomas 23137 Markhall, Elizabeth and Peter 10219 Markham, Ann 38829 Edward 52560 ■ Family (N.K.) - . . 66959 67314 V. Grace 24389 Jacques 52562 John 93451 Maria Fran9oise . . 52561 Eobert ••; •• •■ 21012 Sarah (relatives of) 76044 "William 52563 Markin, John 2597 Markingfield, Mrs 93452 Markland, Martin 71667 Marklew, John 93453 Marks, Charles 58090 Dorothy 56842 Frances 39776 Job Edward 60381 • — John (London) . . . . 75040 2887 Andrew . . . . 35967 Lewis . . .^ . . 37222 Joseph 93454 liowis 75224 Mrs 61651 TJachael .. . ; .. 66842 William 93455 Henry.. .. 65991 Markwick, Samuel 93456 Marlborough, Elizabeth . . . . 33935 V. Hopson . . . . 24394 Marler, Beniamin 8972 Sarah 93457 Marlcy, William 8607 Marlin, Thomas, Sorgt 28604 Marlow, Harriet 30675 John Thomns . . . . 25860 Richard and Thomns.. 93458 William 7615 Marmoin, Franr.is 21877 Marner, l?ichard CI 74653 Marooth, TNfrs. H. H 28599 Marples, Ann 27469 Thomas 6777 Marquet, Henry Miles .. ., 11653 Marr, Alexander 93460 Marcus, Lieut 21661 Marrie, James 40913 Marriott,— 6384 C, Lieut 33257 Charles 298 Edward 71164 Emma 60660 Henry 70142 Joseph 93462 Martha 40734 Mary 5326 Ann 56548 Mrs 2880 Sarah 93463 Sophia C 59526 Thomas (Middlesex) 32738 Marris, Ann 68538 Marrison Family 12361 Marry at, Samuel Francis . . 50077 Marsack, Edward 74117 Marsano, Bartholomew . . . . 62709 Marsden, Anna Maria . . . . 76055 John 40963 Astley . . . . 76057 Judith 93465 Mary 5985 Sarah 6016 Thomas 70131 William 93464 H 68236 Marsh, Adrian 93466 Ann 50385 Borrington 24289 Charles 62553 Edward 62710 Elizabeth 2801 Family 27470 George 50089 Henry .. .. 63948 Pierce .. .. 19288 Henry & James . . . . 93467 James (Colonies) . . 19289 L_ John (legatee) . . . . 7953 .. 22499 (Essex) .. .. 38415 F 27471 Margaret 32095 ^ Maria Ann 65664 Martha 17621 Mary 934G9 Ann 72799 Roovo & Co 9855 Richard 23657 Sarah C 27472 Thomas 93470 t?. Whitfield 24408 249 Direetions for ohtaintng full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Marsh, William (Middlesex) . . 12883 (Manchester) . . 21442 MarshaU, — {alias Mitchell) . . 21174 Ann 6169 (legacy to) . . 61970 Anthony 12095 Family (India) . . 29441 Benjamin 17369 Charles (Surrey) . . 50455 (York) . . 16693 & Co 115 Daniel 17449 Sir Dyson .. .. 40562 Edward 93471 Edwin 93472 EHzabeth (Kent) . . 9668 (Hants) . . 16269 Frances 93473 • Frederick 10949 ■ George 50284 Lyles .. .. 36148 Henrietta . . . . 93474 Henry 57047 L 93475 James 57107 (painter) . , 2304 B 35955 N., Capt. . . 28602 Jane (Bucks) . . . . 3864 J. Joseph . . . . 23840 John (Yorkshire) . . 74659 (brother of Wm.) 60377 f America) .. 74124 (seaman) . . 1877 (Colonies) . . 19290 Jarvis . . . . 65994 Joseph, M.D 517 Edward . . 33324 Martha (Derby) .. 16755 Mary 50069 Matthew 17670 Mr. (tailor) .. .. 52280 Mrs 3336 Nicholas 93476 Peter 19291 Ealph 71209 Eichard (waiter) . . 16644 Eobert (Jamaica) . . 17825 (York) . . 34576 (Colonies) .. 19292 Samuel 3060 Sarah (Derby) . . 16753 (Middlesex) 17448 Stephen 55146 • Thomas (Essex) . . 62520 (Greenwich) 32298 ■Timothy 6830 ■ V. Tullock (Jamaica) 39789 ■William 11941 (N.K.) . . 34606 Marshall, William (children of) 50068 Charles . . 8359 Marshfield, Joseph 93477 WiUiam .. .. 3157 Marskall, E 27473 Marsland, Sarah 27474 Marson, John 8363 William (cooper) , . 927 (surgeon) . 6443 M 93478 Marston, Mary Ann 60955 WiUiam Eichards .. 21104 Martam, John 93479 Martell, Malvina 11979 Martelli, Thomas Chester, Eev. bblb^ Marten, (E.N.) . . . . 33205 Martens, D 19291 Sophia D 76619 Marter, Thomas 67799 William 71152 Martes 24693 Martin, — (died abroad) . . 69275 (widow) 11842 Ann (Worcester) . . 72800 (or Gray) . . . . 74120 6722 Anna Maria . . . . 31213 Anthony Crosbie . . 93400 Catherine 16728 Charles (Dorset) . . 31445 (Colonies) . . 19292 Eay . . . . 29449 Claud 16407 Claude, Major-General 5427 Constantin 60755 V. Croome 24383 Edward Wenman . . 32147 Elizabeth 6538 (or Wood) . . 76042 Emma 37628 Esther 6388 Family (Chancery) . . 75719 (Yorkshire) . . 75378 (India) . . . . 29450 (Colonies) . . 19293 Felix Grundy . . . . 25925 Frances 93481 1268 Pitney . . 75040 George 1983 (coachman) . . 33075 . Boheen (E.N.) 50588 Young . . . . 37626 Harriet 74650 Henry . . 93482 Lyne . . . . 9058 V. Hopson 24395 James 26065 Jane 65024 Jeremiah 30065 250 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Maxtin, Jolm (Middlesex) . . 75521 (Kent) . . . . 67574 57447 (Ireland) .. .. 2779 Eobert 34741 Smith 25624 Joseph 23640 Francis .. .. 93483 Laurence 93484 ■ Louisa 12761 Major-general .. .. 32227 Manuel 902 Martha 23823 Mary 16411 Ann 51479 Matthew 5224 (Essex) . . 15888 Michael 9172 Mr 10388 Nicholas 1185 Peter 16883 Phcebe 6538 Eichard (Essex) . . . . 75505 (Ireland) . . 22620 (Yorkshire) . . 74123 . Aylmer .. .. 30335 Shoubridge . . 36504 William . . . . 55761 Eohert (Middlesex) . . 2446 6538 . Lieut. (India) 28605 Anthony . . . . 50356 John .. .. 93484 . S 27477 Samuel 31793 (London) . . 74472 Sarah (widow) . . . . 3001 A., Miss . . . . 59542 Stephenson 93485 T. P 75656 Thenes 1905 Thomas (compositor) . . 76636 Capt 798 (America) .. 38032 (died 1790) .. 14743 Tryce 6538 W. W., Lieut 22258 Walter 93486 WiUiam (mariner) . . 798 (clerk) . . . . 7109 a 65995 Martindalc, Elizabeth .. .. 10705 V. Hayton .. .. 93487 J 27478 Peggy 9795 Thomas and William 93488 Martindoll, Henry 28607 Martindello, Gen 40563 Martincau, Ilcnry 19300 Martinet, Philibcrt 62505 Martins, C. M., Mr 40221 Christopher H. . . 58837 John 57929 Martlay, Ensign J. E 28608 Marten, Mary 5548 William 5410 Mart>Ti, Hugh 21696 James 93490 Jane 5100 John 23468 Samuel 5395 Marwood, James Thomas B. . . 4202 . William 65135 Mary, — (servant) 56764 William Eoso .. .. 19301 Mascall, Cecilia 93491 Daniel 68059 Francis 76040 Ormes 16673 Mascarenas, Baron J. M. do . . 69264 Masefield, John 10540 Maser, Thomas 10029 Masey, John and Sarah . . . . 71149 Mash, Mary 26199 • William 3656 Maskell, Daniel and Thomas. . 74631 John 14761 Mr 52572 Moses 59347 Sarah 30174 Maskelyne, William V 60748 Maslen, Charles 9615 William James . . . . 76041 Maslin, Sarah .. 31449 Mason, Abraham 1508 Andrew 93492 Ann 2277 and John . . . . 57471 Anne Maria 76618 Boulton 51472 Catherine 17888 Charles, Dr 5212 Eov 16291 Charlotte 40980 Christopher 684 &Co 93490 Cornelius William . . 53790 Dorothy 27479 Edward (Colonics) . . 19302 59854 Elizabeth 16292 for Eussell) . 16834 (or Chattoe) . 5212 Elspct (wife of John) . 70147 George 16351 (Colonies) . . 19303 (Chancer}^) . . 75472 Harry Swaine . . . . 76022 Henry 16352 Jacob 37800 251 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Mason, James 93493 Joha 57653 (legacy to) . . . . 16350 BaU 6780 Joseph 27480 22901 Josiah 73519 V. Lamb 24399 Mary 75472 Amie 50100 . Mr 52281 Peter and Sarah . . . . 93494 PhHip 11194 Eichard 93495 St. John 23513 Sarah 30822 Teresa 74648 Thomas 55141 Wilford 93495 . Wniiam 1937 . (Essex) . . 62713 Masquerier, John James . , 50057 Massey, Alfred 40388 -, Ann 58591 Benjamin 51126 . Charles 4434 Charlotte 60979 Edward 50857 Elizabeth 8685 George 54567 (Chester) ... 69260 Gilbert 74669 Harriet 93497 . Han-iett 57639 James (Colonies) . . 19304 7279 Mary 4434 Thomas 34732 WiUiam 17060 Massiah, Eobert 25335 Massie, Harriet 10396 Henry G 58670 Thomas 6140 WilHam 189 Massingberd v. Watts . . . . 24407 Massingham, John Charles . . 93498 Massir, John 15576 Masson, John M., Dr 29451 Eebecca 93499 Massoth, Vincent 93500 Massre, Thomas 93501 Massy, George 11689 Godfrey 70128 William M. H 23252 Mastell, M 93503 Master, Hannah 40591 Masterman, Matthew . . . . 30565 Masters, Charles 30561 Elizabeth 74663 . EUen S 27481 Masters, Francis 35188 Henry 7471 John 93504 Eobert 56885 William (IMiddlesex) . . 31521 9044 Masterson, Frances 67590 Matcham, Charles Horatio . . 13160 H. Nelson Charles. . 19305 Matchwick, James 14205 Mate, WilHam 34510 Loud . . . . 51059 Mater, Jacob von 27482 Matfield, Erie 22844 Erick 31002 Matham, James and John . . 2933 Joseph 93505 Mathc, Antonio 75509 Mather, Hannah and Harriet 74129 Henry 37883 James 8768 John .. , 37743 Lambert 9294 Lee, & Co .. 115 ■ Eichard 72801 Eobert (brewer) . . . . 76060 Thomas 1629 WiUiam 3972 Mathers, Samuel 12407 (or Mather) Thomas 34253 Matheson v. Hardwick . . . . 24393 Janet 24410 & M'Lachlan . . . . 19306 Mathew v. Brown 24381 Emily Jane . . . . 75010 Fanuly 74807 Maria S 67589 Thomas 12602 Mathews, — (Colonies) . . . . 19307 Charles 93506 D 74452 Edmund 93507 Eliza 28610 Elizabeth Anna . , 30544 Family 93511 Henry 19308 James 74652 Dr. (Germany) 30544 H 75040 John (London) . . 27483 (India) . . . . 29452 (Surrey) . . . . 62687 Margaret 93509 Maria 12779 Mary Ann . . . . 30790 Samuel 74652 Stephen 6194 : Thomas and William 93514 Mathias, John, Captain . . , , 29453 Eichard 6677 252 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Mathiers, John 12372 Mathies, Thomas 93515 Mathieson, James L 60391 Mathieu, Louis 93516 Mathison, Christian . . . . 12090 Farquhar . . . . 27484 Mathon, Daniel 697 Matis, Andrew 419 Maton, Mary 17256 Matson, Edward 75511 John 65759 Peter 63256 Matterson, Edward 6283 Matthas, Hannah and William 71157 Mattherwick, James and John 73112 Matthew, Andrew 10947 Bryant & C(5 66291 ■ George 93517 . Stephen William . . 62714 Matthewman, Benjamin. . .. 76635 Matthews, Andrew Hughes, Eev. 35608 Ann (or Wells) . . 67572 15754 Catherine 59163 Charles 10082 David 69551 Edward 71138 93518 Elizabeth . . , . 93519 (servant) 68580 George 7604 Helene 39599 Henry 27485 Isaac and James . . 74788 Isabella 39713 James (farmer) . . 73531 7173 Hadds . . . . 76580 Robert . . 35531 Job 10082 (apothecary) . . 67647 John (Walworth) . . 76286 14357 (America) . . 24695 Joseph 673 (Norfolk) .. 69261 Henry . . . . 75037 Margaret 5005 Marianne Octavia . . 50866 Martha 27486 Mary (Hants) . . . . 6389 (Merioneth) . . 73529 (Kent) .. .. 10081 ]VIr 4056 Patrick 93520 Richard 93521 , (Middlesex) 76629 66597 Robert 11936 Ruth (Bristol) . . . . 76636 Matthews, Samuel 74788 Sarah 93522 Stephen 11614 Thomas (son of Job) 10083 (Colonies) . . 193^9 (Norfolk) . . 69272 H 63943 WilHam (Somerset) 76016 (or represents.) 2116 Matthey, Frederick 69271 Matthias, John D 2966 Mattie, Ellen 93523 Mattingley, Elizabeth . . . . 380 Richard .. .. 93524 Thos. Wm. (Berks) 6689 Mattingly, WHliam (Surrey) . . 6246 Mattinson, Mary 27487 Mattison, WiUiam 60738 Mattleberger, Charlotte . . . . 3732 Maturin, Gilbert 24221 Maud (or Mand), — .. .. 93526 John 5919 Mr •.. .. 35664 Samuel Diederick . . . . 4030 Maude, John 27488 Mary Ann 71161 William 6918 Maudslay, Hannah 34623 Thomas H 72793 Mauduit, — 69008 William (Chancery) 7160 Maufitt, Thomas 93527 Maugham, Richard & Sarah. . 27489 William .. .. 8107 Maughan, EUzabeth . . . . 93628 Maul, Benjamin 2355 Mauldon, Frederick . . . . 3923 Maulin, Job 93629 Maunder, Henry & Mary Ann 61636 Samuel 75040 WilHam 60379 Maundrell, Ann & Henry . . 35038 Capt 37091 Thomasine .. .. 31001 Maunsell, Henry 22438 Maunstaedt, William & Co. . . 25760 Maurice, Catherine 9507 Elizabeth Ann.. .. 71139 Henry Fitz . . . . 36625 James 74655 John 13 (or Morriss), Mrs. . . 67623 Mauricio, Dclfina 60010 Maurrico, William 4228 Mavcr, Mary 32924 Maw, Abdy Castlcton . . . . 37644 EdT\dn 50110 James (Colonies) .. .. 19310 30066 Mawbey, Sir Joseph .. ,. 24373 253 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Mawby, Eachael Mawer, William Mawlo Family Mawmell, Thomas . . Mawson (or Morson), — . Ann Family Frances . . George Percival . . WHHam .. , Maxfield, Joseph. Maxted Family Maxwell, Alexander Charles (India) Charlotte . . Eleanor . . Frances . . James (merchant) (Jamaica) J • . « ■ . John Marie M William Wm. Geo., Brig.-Col. William H May, Arthur Elizabeth Frances Frederick George H., Capt Henry J. H. (India) . . . . James John Joseph Mary Nicholas Thomas (Yorkshire) Eev Andrew Walter Barton William (KK.) .. Mayall, Abner Mayberry, William , . Maybery, Elizabeth , . May bury, Henry AUsop Maychell v. Machell Maycock, George and J. Thomas . . ]\Iayer, Jacob Ererand . . John Christopher Josej)h (Stafford) Michael Emanuel Pamell 12574 30958 55805 24047 21916 27490 75515 5919 93530 76631 93531 72803 57541 10948 28614 3593 40564 93532 56462 5847 60279 60737 3674 73376 11251 28613 93533 40245 59181 2246 19311 52549 28615 52556 29454 40360 16679 53795 21029 750 8360 93534 34294 37896 788 76047 11678 1490 62719 1901 24401 93535 52530 33734 10084 12876 62721 61660 12893 76032 Mayer, Eot)ert Samuel Mayers, Morris Mayes, Charles Henry ■ Martin Thomas (Norfolk) . Mayfield, James Mayhew, Catherine James John Thomas . . William (Colonies) , May Ian, John Maynard, Charles . . Dame Catherine Edward . . . . Ellen . . . . Family (Surrey) George . . (Colonies) John k Thos. (legatee^ Mary Ann Thomas Mayne, Catherine . . Charles Otway . . George Terry . . James Marion Martha JNIary PhiUp William Maynors, — Mayo, Barbara V. Barbor James (son of John) Rev. John and Mary Thomas Mayor, Mr Eobert Mayos, Diana Mays, Thomas Maysmore, Alice Maze, James (relatives of) Mazzocchetti, Serafino . . 93536 61264 69281 73515 76038 69537 12956 26418 2420 2318 26567 16886 19312 68397 19313 36684 7913 60389 1194 76637 66970 19314 ) 5502 31881 66969 10294 7188 75508 3546 11526 72791 27491 7188 13087 50698 93538 70718 24378 70715 30730 3715 70717 12714 63938 3361 1882 13084 32794 5102 66290 39634 Meachen, James 11995 Meackhan v. Collins . . . , 24384 Meacle, J. E 19315 Meacock, Elizabeth 60408 Thomas 39207 . William E 68681 Mead, David 7809 Elizabeth 33335 254 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Nmnes relate will be fotmd at end of Index, Mead, John 72810 William . . . . 22124 IVIrs 93539 Eichard 23173 Thomas 30650 WiUiam 27492 Meade FamHy 22125 John Eoche 50532 Mr 71610 Meaden, W 28633 Meader, Henry 71141 Meadow, G- 93540 Thomas 33508 Meadowcroft Family . . . . 93542 Meadows, Elizabeth .. .. 17120 George Deare . . . . 38125 G 72807 Meads, Eichard 40016 Susan . . 24357 Meager v. Meager 24403 William (Kent) . . . . 75522 (Chancery) . . 24403 Meagher, James' 13266 Eobert, Serjeant . . 29455 William 11338 Meaker, Sarah 93543 Meal, John J 93544 Mealey, John 67581 Mealing, Esther 22755 William 37520 Meall, John and Mary .. .. 35262 Louis Alfred . . . . 59175 Mealy, Major W 28634 William (Sussex) . . 75040 Meanley Family 21916 Meanock, George 56385 Mear, John 93545 Meara, James (otherwise Kean) 73487 26409 Mearbeck, Thomas 75045 Meard, David 93546 Meares, Edward 23111 George Hammond . . 54506 and Hannah .. 61399 Mr 37101 Thomas 10561 Mearle, James Eyre . . . . 19316 Mears, Hannah 28635 Charles 31859 Elizabeth 6631 George 14090 — Mrs 03199 William Marsh .. .. 14166 Meason, Magnus Laing . . . . 62645 Measy, Mary Ann 31601 Mecham,. George Frederick .. 62676 Mechin, Paul 6539 Meckledcn, John 1469 Mccklcson, Frederick .. .. 4170 Meclary, Sarah 93647 Medcalf, Isaac 9436 James 69282 Meddowcroft,Edmund (London) 12185 .. .. 34554 James 27493 William (Chester) 11522 (London) 12184 Medhurst, Francis 37268 Hastings.. 31412 Henry S 3821 Medland, and William 53502 Medley, John 21338 Joseph 59690 Samuel.. 68587 Susan and Thomas O. 6803 Wniiam 3654 MedUcott, Edward 34534 George 28635 John 6016 Thomas 40507 Medlycott .. .. 31653 "Medusa" (ship), Crew of .. 57313 Medwell, Daniel 12438 Thomas 93548 Mee, Mary 4166 Meek, Edmund 31585 Elizabeth 66974 Henry 5829 Michael 9956 Sarah 93549 Timothy 8771 Meekins, Eobert 75719 Meeks, Edmund 68590 Meen, Elizabeth 27494 Meerett, William 93550 Meors, Alexander 71204 W. S 38547 Meerum, Fysum 6082 Meet, Eebecca 5611 Mecte, E. M 27495 Meffre, Anne 27496 Meffre, Joseph C 93661 Megget, Aitkin 50749 Megginson, John Ligleby . . 76642 Meggott, Eliza 76041 Meggison, Elizabeth & George 32797 Eobert 8769 Megro, Francisco 93552 Mcgson, George 40319 Mchcw, Perron 50069 MeidcU, Christopher . . . . 68584 ISIeik, Margaret Lind . . . . 67967 Moiklam, James 35609 John 63783 Moiklcjohn, Edward (commander) 8770 62857 Hugh Caroe . . 29456 Mcir, John 8001 Mcirs, Samuel 93564 Meisolback, Anna 28637 255 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Meker, Sarah. 93555 Mel, Jacques and Micliael . . 35118 Melcher, Jane 93556 Mcldola, David, Rev 33220 Esther 34014 MeldrumJ 19319 Meleward, Madame Leonon . . 3416 Melford, ISIr. Henry . . . . 52567 Melghin, Richard 93553 Mell, William 2947 Melland, Stephen 3928 Meller, James and John V. . . 17166 Mellersh, WilHam 36941 Melling, Edward 9539 Family 17089 Henry and Joseph . . 93557 Mellis, James, Dr 10262 John 54017 Peter 1094 William 93559 Mellisch Family 60735 MelHsh, William 31196 MeUor, Charles 60727 Daniel 35088 Edward 68591 George 50111 James 21525 (Chancery) .. 24017 John 30700 Thomas - 93560 William 53782 MeUs, ■■ 14341 Melorie, Alexander 7521 Melrose, Thomas 9358i Melthorpe, Elizabeth . . . . 4007 Melton, Robert 56600 William 7003 MeMU, Philip . . .... 29457 Melville, Charles 3062 James B 26660 William (India) . . 29458 Melvin, Alex 3674 Meredith 12684 Mrs 21088 Robert and Susan . . 69099 Melwarde, Madame Leonon . . 3416 Menage, Charles 15638 Mendel, Samuel 75601 Mendes, Matthew William . . 93562 Mendham, John (Bedford) . . 76697 R. R., Rev 52546 Robert 11569 Thomas 27497 Mendonca, Lopez Joze . . . . 581 Mends, Jane 74645 Meneghetti, Franceso and G. . 31153 Menet, Francis 8554 Mcnnell, John 71147 Menzie {alias Mansey) Joseph 1859 Menzies, Edward 74144 Menzies, James . . .... . . 93563 — John, Dr. (India) . . 29459 Sir John 265 Robert 55143 Mercado, Solomon 93564 Mercer, EUzabeth 15368 Israel .. .... .. 7851 James (Middlesex) . . 21508 . (Colonies . . 19317 John .. .... .. 32576 Sarah (wife of James) 14175 27498 Thomas 5162 William 15619 (Lancaster) . . 12557 Merchant, Caroline 1165 Eleanor B 74310 ^ George 1234 V. Haines 2018 James 1621 M., ISIiss 40083 Richard 10121 Mercier, Isaac and Judith . . 93565 Meredeth, Margaret . . . . 93568 Meredias, John Lewis . . . . 2335 Meredith, Edward 12416 Elizabeth 72806 Esther Gray . . . . 71137 Family 60372 John (Hereford) . . 73540 30820 (Colonies) .. 19318 Joseph 12111 Martha 33265 Milliam (or William) 21190 Miss 10087 Samuel 93566 Sarah 27499 Thomas 14862 William (Middlesex) 55282 21190 Mered>4ih, Sir Henry . . . . 67579 Joshua Paul .. .. 12833 Merest, John 93567 Merit, Thomas ' 35432 Meriton, H. and G 59079 John 11375 Merret (or Mallet), William . . 3030 Merrick, John.. .... .. 57504 ^.Mary 21747 Mrs 2900 Samuel 12516 Merricks, Elizabeth and James 5796 Merridew, Elizabeth . . . . 55918 Merrifield, George 37706 Merrish, Francis 56350 Merritt, Benjamin John. . . . 93569 John 31566 Michael 93570 Thomas 35720 256 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Merry, Ann 2576 Charles 62722 Family 93571 Patrick 26291 Pettengell 51335 Thomas 5948 Merryman, John 59077 Lawrence . . . . 4192 Merry weather, Compton . . 61661 Mertins, Anthony 93572 Merville, Madame M 60740 Mervin, Frances 4091 Meshach, John 93573 Messenger, Amelia 52573 Family 93574 . James (Surrey) . . 51070 14210 John and Lydia . . 14116, ^^ Joseph 6390 IVIrs 93574 William .. .. 72805 Messer, James 52528 Messiter, Thomas 62219 Messnick, Elizaheth . . . . 37915 Metcalf, — (soldier) . . . . 2348 Amy 93576 Ann 93577 Edward 70510 EHzabeth 7027 . FamHy 93578 Henry 2782 John 74259 Mary 6385 Miss 27500 Eoger 33776 Thomas 93579 William 93580 Metcalfe, Amey 36126 Cicely 15694 Frederick 70165 George (York) . . 74132 Marmaduke 2823 Henry 93581 B 31345 Mary (York) . . . . 69273 21038 & Simmons . . . . 38157 Thomas 5797 William 3193 (Surrey) . . 76647 Bladud .. 31346 Metham, John and Joseph . . 93582 Joseph Whitehead . . 2020 Methodist Chpl. (HighWycombc) 74148 Frgn. Missnry. Soc. 36010 Methold, Caroline 38530 Mette Family 53491 Mettle, Martin Eckhardt . . 3897 Metzner, Frederick . . .. .. 65336 Meulk, Anae 22130 Meulk, WiUiam 17536 Mew, John 93583 Mewburn, Joshua 50315 Meyer, G. C 19320 a. D 66528 George 40221 Henrich 93584 Isaac Johannes . . . . 25796 J. G 40220 Jacob Everand . . . . 10084 John 59448 B 93585 C 93586 Michael . . . . 36545 Moriz 68589 Nathan Meyer .. .. 11662 Meyers, Arthur 93587 Kaufman 55320 Leah 93588 Meyler, Susan 32193 Walter T 23360 Meymott, Samuel 6113 Meynall, Godfrey M 57821 Meynard, Elizabeth . . . . 93589 Meynell, Godfrey 36697 Meynier, William 93590 Meyrick, James 68086 9112 Sir Samuel Eush .. 11121 Thomas 37847 WilUam 52547 Mezger, Johns 19321 Miall, Lucy Ann 60317 Michael, Charles 2344 Hannah 50528 Johann 54995 Samuel 34629 Thomas 74.139 Michaels, Anna (or Michels) . . 25366 Michan, John and Samuel . . 3736 Michell, Ann 627 Daniel . . . . . . 16744 David E 93591 Frances 54545 George 63121 Grace 627 Harriett 53122 Jane and Jean . . ., 93592 John H. & Margaret 70175 Mary 53123 Fcter Ferry .. .. 1228 Michelle, Thomas John L. de . 3473 Michelson, General . . . . 93594 John 3249 Michenir, Eichard 0391 Michicls, George Napoleon .. 39441 IMicklojohn, Mary and Eobert 93595 IMickle'thwait, John 38024 Joseph (merohant) 12805 257 Directions for obtaining fall copies of the AdoertisemeiUs to which these Xames relate will be found at end of Index. Micklethwait, William . . .'. Micklethwaite, Barbara and Jos. Thomas . . V. Vavasour Middelburgh, P. and Samuel Middeton, Ann Middlebrook, James Middleditch, — Middlemiss, Jane and Mary . . Middleton, Ann Frances " . . Boswell Charles (Lancaster) (Middlesex) Elizabeth (Glo'ster] Francis Hannah Dame H. F Henry, Lord James (seaman) . . (Chiselhurst) Jane John H. (India) Mary Ann IMrs. Eobert B. William (Middlesex) Middleyard, John Midforth, Charles Midleton, Mary Ann Mid"v\T.nter, George Midwood, Samuel Mier, Johan Miers, Robert Llietje, C. W * . . Mighan, Sarah • Mihan, Terence Milbank, Elizabeth . . . . Richard Milbourne Family Robert Sanderson . . ]\Iilbum, A Charlotte Reginald Miles, Charles Edward Elizabeth Waring Family Frederick William Henry . . — James Edward John (Reading) . . (otherwise Moyle) (Middlesex) Nightingale & Co. . . 61666 2328 32599 24406 19322 27501 74138 67828 27502 5608 38048 31832 51037 1326 35719 93596 70396 24134 50169 900 65980 32680 7276 28642 71231 35515 28641 27503 19325 62736 5640 19326 62530 50775 9595 93597 93598 19327 24750 23673 27504 93599 93600 7813 27505 37112 27506 61670 93601 6019 93602 56783 93603 93604 55765 30894 3167 38185 76056 115 Miles, Reuben Richard Davison — Samuel . — Susan . — Thomas — "\Allliam -(India) . Miley, John Joseph . . Milf ord, Richard , , Robert . , Milgrave, Margaret . , Mill, Dame Dorothy George Gavin . , Joseph — — Matthew Nicholas Phene Sarah William (America) . . ■ (London) . . Millan, Hugh Millar, James k Letitia . . Mary William, Dr. Millard, John Mary Millen, James Miller, — (or Perkins) . . Alexander (Middlesex) Ambrose Andrew Ann (or Anderson) . . Anne, Mrs Boyd Charles (ship's officer) George Clara (Brighton) Cornelius Craddock & Co Daniel (purser) . . (Prussia) . . & Da\'id.. .. Dorothy, IMiss . . Edward Eliza Elizabeth (or Hand) . . (daughter of Mary) — Esther . Family Francis George, Lieut. (India) (Ceylon) . . . Henry (Berks) J. F. . 39070 29460 32573 93605 7820 61669 109.00 31184 19324 17361 93606 38091 9049 71161 27507 52587 34674 75046 34671 75524 65978 25803 52916 93607 21114 55766 2817 22040 06074 21488 36930 19328 1853 12408 27508 30621 20715 3090 8321 10022 70698 7504 20704 0020 411 19329 0590 93609 12993 52341 27509 12508 74133 5133 29461 22846 6963 19330 36706 R 258 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Miller, James (London) . . ^Middlesex) . . (attorney) • Jane John (brother of Gabriel) Eev (Woolwich) (Switzerland) . . • • (Chancery) (Middlesex) • Francis K. .... . . Wemyss . . — Jonathan — Maky — Margaret — Maria Janet . . ■ — Mary (Devonshire) (Middlesex) Ann .. (legatee) — Maurice — Mr — Nathan — Nicholas -r— Patrick — Peter ~ Philip — Richard — V. Eiggs . . . . — Robert (Colonies) Dr. .. .. Samuel (Notts) Selina . . Susannah Thomas (Middlesex) (Edinburgh) (Colonies) Walter, Mrs. William (Glasgow) (Kent) , Millcrd, Hugh Millcret, Gabriel Milles, — Millett, Charles Jane John C Richard Milloy, John Millhonch, Alexander . . MilUiouso, Family . . Milligan, David Henry M Robert Lindsey William .. .. Millington, Alexander . . Charles ]\Iary (Colonies) . 36879 66993 74444 27510 13212 50303 10504 38566 72059 71174 50977 69288 30759 17453 3778 15146 61604 5497 3690 57812 75688 19331 57811 30756 21307 12088 16271 52579 2886 23750 19332 6812 59068 71172 27511 5133 16272 36916 19333 7080 12196 52103 73534 75719 9192 50471 34401 02731 54821 73762 93614 34613 50477 59075 75515 12032 16820 75719 93615 19334 Millington, Mary Ann Timothy MiUitt, John Milhier, Jonathan . , Mills, Abraham and Mary Alexander Ann (Herts) . . (legatee) . . and John Catherine Charles Edward . . . . . . Elizabeth (Middlesex) (China) . . Ephraim Family (Chancery) & Fossick Frances Francis George (America) . . (London) . . Harriet Hugh James (annuity to) (Birmingham) Jane -. — Janet Wolf . . . . John (Middlesex) . . (Sussex) . . (London) Lucy Frances . . Major Margaret Mary (Wilts) . . . . (Ceylon).. .. Matthew Richard Robert Sarah Thomas (New Zealand) William W. (Colonies) V Zakaria Millson V. Awdry . . Septimus . . Milltown, VjUtI of . . Millward, Thomas Nixon ]\Iillwood, James Phtt^bo . , Millyard, C. (died abroad) Milne, Alexander . . Archibald . . George James (yeoman) . . 3022 11454 70169 73532 93613 24395 11811 5213 8999 22879 50607 56402 28643 75525 76645 1596 69829 9353 59070 37674 50350 1004 32877 74649 93617 871 65739 7294 93618 69285 21395 5338 72809 64849 871 2136 76646 27512 59742 56973 11107 3095 74136 7820 70464 27513 19336 62734 32877 24377 13136 21612 75044 93620 56744 76063 3477 19336 9163 93621 259 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Milne, John Joshua Llary Robert Stewart Thomas William JNIilner, Ann Catherine . . Charles Daniel Edward Gilbert James John Maria Mr. (daughter of) Eobert Henry . . Samuel & Sarah . . Milnes, Christopher, Rev. Edwin J James A Mary Thomas, Rev. Milsom, George & M. . . Milsome, (Blacksmith) . . Thomas . . William . . . . Milton, Catherine ... Charlotte . . Louise S Matthew Sarah . '. Milward, Edward . . (France) Hester «fc Thomas . . John Mary (or Miller) . . Thomas (children of) William Minas, — . . Minchin, George John . . Mindermann, Theodore L. Minet, Annie and Joseph & Offley . . . . Rebecca Minett, Anne Mingay, John William . . Minney, Mary Minnis, Ann Minnock, Andrew . . Minns, Ann Minoch, Francisco . , Minor, Eleanor Minott, Joseph Minshaw, Charles , . . . 11145 93622 35806 64363 5731 70168 52585 31055 3054 27514 10540 2453 75719 93623 2409 3054 12771 2378 37861 93624 74140 68061 19337 65337 68062 6141 39018 2388 57823 32979 93625 22145 74656 39496 7636 50299 52548 243 2975 2817 74673 30551 67677 93626 62737 74651 67413 63257 60497 27515 25347 9718 10957 14305 12099 4402 790 908 57899 93627 MinshuU, George R. Helen John (Stafford) Samuel . . Minskip, Hannah . . WiUiam .. .. IMinter, Charles and Mary Minton, James Richard Samuel Minty, Alexander and George , George and Robert . . Minut, I Mirehouse, Evehoi . . John Murier & Co Mirus, C. E Miska, Jacob . . Mison, Charles . . i\Iissett, Mary . . Missingham, John . . Mississippi State Bonds Mister, Edward Taylor ■ John . . Mitcham, Edward . . Mitchel, Alexander ISIargaret . . IVIitchell, Alexander (seaman) , Ann Bartlett .. .. Benjamin . . Charles . . & Co Da\dd (Colonies) W. . . E. C Edward Eleanor Elizabeth (Bombay) Family . . . . \ , (Australia) Frances Sarah George H. C. W., Mr. . . HaiTiot . . Henry Isabella . . J. E . . James (Colonies) (Ireland) Charles Jane Jennifer John (Colonies) rMiddlesex) . , (Hamburg) ., R2 64852 70166 39912 5691 34224 6782 60718 24396 19340 58369 93628 93629 19346 93630 74306 71171 59071 74581 93631 10963 7341 93632 53499 7148 71175 93633 93634 1176 13262 50614 24365 27516 9824 52173 74472 19339 63971 74451 52577 60364 2812 93635 27519 73535 12421 21363 27517 54436 11319 93636 29462 1690 19341 11212 75719 4213 39571 19343 2716 6938 260 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Ind^x. Mitchell, John (Chancery) (Norfolk) H Henry Joseph Logan L., IVIiss . . . . Lydia Magdalene Martha Mary . . . . Ann Matthew . . Mr. (or Mitchall) Nicholas . . Peter Eichard . . Eobert (Bristol) (Colonies) Hay .. Roderick Samuel Sarah (widow) Sophia Strasbourg Thomas, Capt. . Titus W. L. (Calcutta) . . Walter Warren Bartlett William (or George) Mitcheson, William Mitchid, Alexander Mitchil, William Mitchin, James Mitchinson, Robert . . William Mitford, Elizabeth Anne — Robert Mitsal, Wilholm . . . . Mittleberger, Charlotte . , Mitton, Elizabeth . . . , Joseph 75656 76139 56974 21872 19342 37214 53501 93638 12014 75079 27508 69283 93639 21111 93639 4098 14143 6247 19344 93639 19345 7448 73535 11318 75047 70075 60365 12224 75049 93640 6492 24365 21363 32543 70176 93641 62001 93642 32772 15405 57495 6591 73751 27520 35951 19338 Moakes, Stephen 14179 Moate, Joseph 75047 Mary 36806 Mobbs, — 69295 Aaron 61654 Elizabeth and Sarah .. 60281 James 93643 John and Joseph . . 8548 Mary 93644 William 37380 Mocatta, Abram 75719 &Lindo 75719 Mockell, John 9274 Mockett, Captain John . . Mockhel, Frederick . . Mockridge, Robert . . Mockton, John Vause Modigliani, Nathaniel JModl Family . . . . Modly, Matilda Louisa Modsley, William . . Moels Family . . Moffat, George Radcliffe Moffatt, G John . . William Mary (aftrwds. Smith) Samuel, Lieut. ^ Col. . Sophia Frances Thomas (Middlesex) . W.J. William Moffitt, William (Colonies) . . Moger, Sealy Moget, James Mogg, Jacob Moggridge, Edward Lydia (Hoxton) . . Moheren, John Mohin, Deborah Mohringk Family Moir Family James, Lieut. Sophia Molden, George, Rev. •.. Mole, James Molesworth, Bourchier, Capt. Jane Mary Moline, Deborah Molineux, Arabella . . Thomas . . William . . Moll, James Mollard, John and Sarah MoUer, Andreas IMollineux, Richard . . Mollison, David John Molloy, Charles James Mawrice William INIolony, Edmond ]Molto, Sarali . . Molton, Mary . . Thomas Molyneux Family (Ireland) 27521 59177 16474 59523 21934 5163 75615 75528 51227 22864 19348 93645 71237 50494 50236 27522 17436 50493 11302 6630 14038 35588 34287 19349 93646 11935 32080 19350 69289 93647 93648 8556 93649 8357 8357 17691 11232 39465 14834 4088 12704 6540 93650 74819 93651 6678 31309 56067 19351 63985 32007 76719 19352 26299 72822 62749 93652 17306 2060 93653 ^61 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Molyneux, Mary- Ann Monaghen, Henry . . Monahan, Andrew Maria Monck, Henry Monckton, John V Moncla, Thomas Moncrieff, H. A. .... . . Moncur, James Moncurr, William Monday, Sarah Sophia Soames Mondey, William Monen, John Money, Ann Archibald . E. K., Lieut James Capt Monforte, Mendes Monger, Ann WilUam R Monicke, Ann and John F. . . Monk, Catherine V. Druce Edward -Eliza Joseph Patrick Simon Thomas William Monkhouse, Jane John (Lambeth) , Rev. . . . Thomas Monks, Daniel ■ Henry Monro, Alexander Ann and Daniel . . Edward Thomas . . Family H Harriet Jane John V. Proctor Mons, Robert Charles . . Monson, Andrew Fred. John, Right Hon. Sarah • • William Montagu, Charles W Family James Montagu (Bath) Montague, Ann Campan . . Charlotte Edward 1971 64860 27523 26289 19353 9099 21913 93655 8772 19354 50194 12488 73752 70634 93965 69305 28645 14567 29463 93656 52592 58514 60359 6392 24385 14412 35478 32675 26448 93657 14641 19355 8649 73537 2380 6979 8538 11456 27524 93658 93659 40702 93661 27525 93660 6248 93662 21090 26057 93663 8179 2840 17050 58173 6592 17160 73523 93664 30466 9918 Montague, Elizabeth V. Garrett George Conway Horatio . . J. H James C John (Mddlesex) INIary Ann Mordaunt Sarah N Montano & Santos (London) Joseph Venture Monteagle, Stephen Monteath, Alexander Monteith, Patrick . . (Colonies) Montfalcon, Joseph Monthly Religious Tract Society Montgomerie, A. Mary W., Mrs Montgomery, Alexander Ann . . Charles William EUzabeth George & John Henry C, Count Hugh de Hugh & Co J., Lieut Jane . . John . . Joseph Richard Samuel Thomas — — C. William Monti, Madame Montigny, Madame Erde ]\Iontmorency Family Monton, William . . Montpatis, Alexander Montreaux, Rosa F. Monypenny, Rev. Philips Mooby, Caroline Moodey Family Moodie, Jane John Sarah Moody Family George Hester Isaac James Jane John Robert 93665 24390 5692 27527 10065 93666 25426 76070 93667 7627 93668 93669 65536 16399 93671 93670 22482 19356 93670 75620 28646 60724 30079 587 8045 75056 93672 19357 93673 75485 58899 10959 93674 23248 22996 53789 5434 22323 93675 62743 35761 2996 23189 93676 5554 29464 36444 17813 75832 8371 93677 5597 93678 16408 390 28 31101 6197 16409 5694 262 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Moody, Robert Sadler . . Sarah Thomas and William 27528 17184 5694 12925 52522 Alexander Ambrose Andrew Ann (or ricarnc) (or Snihson) Moojcn, Catherine . . Moon, Benjamin Charles 12563 Edward 33027 James 27529 John 51334 (Middlesex) .. 53810 Kichard 33028 IMoona, Kobert (or Moond) . . 2602 Moonev, James and Martin , . 19359 Moor Family 9305 Henry 25400 Mary 16856 Peter 93683 Susannah 16858 r- William 10580 Moorat, Anna 23716 CM .. 28648 Moorcroft, AVilliam 65334 Moore, Agnes 27531 15623 1563 93684 60706 56258 951 54022 76072 10398 1567 40697 2749 23382 5566 39052 6541 57892 76071 29465 76707 27530 93685 19361 24387 74135 75052 21303 Henry and Mary 73520 17228 76067 38275 9;;6S6 25956 36173 37730 51597 76066 Anne Tarloton . . Caroline (or Alexander) Catherine Mary . . Charles Daniel Dinah Edward Rev Eleanor (Edinburgh) Elizabeth Family (Scotland) (India) . . (S.A.) ., Francis (Colonies) V. Frowd G. (Ireland) George (Middlesex) Hannah Hannctte, Mr. Harriet . . Homy . . T. . . William Humphrey . . J. J., Kcv James (Somerset) Moore, James (legatee) (Surrey) Bennett Potter Jane Jeremiah John (Plymouth) (Antrim) (or rej)resentatives) (Birmingham) . . (Lancaster) . . Benjamin . . Joseph (Middlesex) . . jMaria Mary (London) . . jMatthew Michael Miss Paul I'eggy Philip Ponsonby Ivegnier Winckley Pichard Pobcrt Tomlinson Moorer, Moores, Sarah Stephen C Tckel Thomas (Leicester) . . (Middlesex) . . (son of Thomas) (India) . . . . (Colonies) F Toda William (plasterer) . . — (mdow of) . . H. Leigh Moorhead Family Moorhouse, Francis James Jolm Miss William (York) . . Moorman, Thomas ]\toors, Elizabeth INIoorton, Henry Moosiii, Katherine " Moo/iifTcr" (shi])), Crew of. Moran, Daniel ]-:dward Kalph . . . Matth.v SamiK'l 62293 35180 54284 93687 1565 9174 75530 30341 7070 12044 50758 10604 51096 8373 30208 24656 5566 7132 19364 10066 63987 64161 93688 19365 55767 57247 8916 15777 16636 23670 6142 73542 76072 2605 10952 19366 23383 6142 23636 30208 5503 60354 7175 23216 62543 63795 74450 63309 68623 7234 40517 58584 71178 93690 67313 29466 11557 74672 19367 865' 263 Directions for obtaining J nil cojyies oj the Advertisements to ivhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Morand, Mary . . Samuel Morarty, Daniel Morass, Morris Morce, Eichard Mordant, John . . Mordaunt, John Montague Robert More, Alexander Francis Anthony V. Greenhill . . Jacob Jeremiah . . Margaret Scot Mary Magdalen Philip . . . . Moreau, Daniel Moreham, John (^.K.) Morehead, M. D. . . ]\[orehen Family John . . , . Morel, Jane Sarah . . MoroU, Thomas Frederick Morellion, John . . . . Morera, Antonis . . . . Moreton, Augustus H. M. • ■ Ed^vard, Eev. . . • Elizabeth . . . . Family . . , . Robert Jones, \Q^ Samuel H. Slaney Thomas . IMorewood «fc Barker Edmond , . Morgan, — (servant) Anne V. Ashby . . Benjamin . . Betty . . . . Charles (Colonies) Rodney Christian Cornelia (wife of David) Da^dd (died abroai). (Australia^ . . Edmund Edward Elizabeth (Gloucester) Ellen . . . Family (Keni) 1015 93691 93692 93693 73538 14252 33653 6632 7016 74403 60355 24388 93694 5371 93695 15781 93696 70635 24161 70307 S5063 71223 9346 5920 75383 74142 93697 25839 72870 14832 17091 93698 8044 5640 3718 76008 17090 14577 16878 30005 75526 27532 24376 11494 93699 19368 10521 34343 93700 76711 69301 19369 5077 14022 1274 24577 73533 10520 72681 64865 Morgan Family 74671 (India) . . . . 29467 Frederick William.. 93701 George 37885 Grogan Knox . . Henry (London) ■ John Hill M. D. 37157 69290 71176 56318 73533 James, Capt. (legatee) «i . • • • • • • Monnington . Jane John (Monmouth) J. M 60711 69291 9469 6760 67587 5614 74835 70116 59797 19370 51225 19371 37670 76708 93702 33003 6733 19372 Josiah 27533 V. Lewis 24398 Louisa 72814 Maria 93713 Margaret., .. .. 7700 Mary (Sevenoaks) . . 64864 1595 Ann . . . . 51627 Patridgc .. .. .. 14020 Patrick 25527 Philip 8719 (Hereford) . . 76571 Rachael 38518 (Colonies) ■ (London) . . Jayne M inter . . Woodley . . Sir John . . Jonathan . . Joseph Smith . . Richard Robert Samuel 50450 4034 682 11828 93704 70115 Sirell .. .. .. 24411 Whitfield Sarah (Gloucester) Stephen Sydne}', Dame Thomas (Biistol) . . (Pembroke) 2520 57676 14298 3997 69302 71236 75055 506 Watkin • William (Wales) . . (Philadelphia) ■ ■ (or Barnet) . . • (Herefordshire) 6784 Fred., Capt. 8565 Shields . . 3781 Morgans, Evans and M 51683 Morgcll, Robert 70130 264 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Morgue, Fulcrand 63396 Moriartv, Elizabeth, Miss . . 62744 Ilcnrv 21663 James and Mary . . 22131 Margaret . . . . 19373 Morice, Lewis 39046 Morillion, Abraham . . . . 9370<5 i\rorillon, Thomas 901 ]\[orin, Antoino and Jean . . 34265 Moringk Family 8556 Morison, John 52113 Sir William . . . . 30679 Morissey, James and P. . . 19374 Morland, Elizabeth 9013 Joseph Y\^ W. . . 63984 • Michael 75981 — — Riehard 93706 Morles, James 93707 Jlorlov, Atkinson 00066 '- Charles '39180 Kiizabcth 14192 Franc-is 36362 George 76714 — James 15256 Jemima 50054 Joel 72872 John 7974 Joseph 15255 JosiasR 51020 Maria 76715 Mary (Wales) . . . . 72842 '- 59206 . Thomas 65975 Gregory .. 72821 William 93708 Morlim, John 93709 Mornay, Stephen 29468 Mornington, Earl of .. .. 71179 Morphv, a. P 26358 IMorrall, Edward 69294 Morran, Matthew 30070 Morrand, Isaac and Mary . . 1015 Mon-ell Family 66743 James 71180 Eobert 32898 William .. ♦. . .. 93710 Morrcs L. .. .. 93711 Mon-ice, John and Langdale.. 93712 Morrillion, Abraham and John 6273 Morrin, Walter 70701 Men-is, Ann (a creditor) . . 55566 52752 . (India) .. .. 28040 (or Bass) .... 30 Anne 33572 Augustiis F. D 76705 I'.cdford 54 654 Caroline 12769 Ciithei-iijc 53805 : — Cecelia A 27535 Morris, Charles . . . . . . . . 3766 Charlotte 8606 (legatee) .. 75633 David 50617 E., Mrs 57043 Edward .. .... 72672 (Denbighshire) 345 (New S. Wales) 3009 Elizabeth (Philadelphia) 2102 (widow) . . 60715 . (Ludlow) .. 5736 George (Surrey) . . 56508 Captaia . . . . 93714 ■ Henry W 59994 J 73348 J. B 56975 J. and T 59078 James 93715 Brownaworth. . 76295 ■ -Jane 61692 (Ameriua) .. .. 72861 (or Urpihart) . . 4679 . 1452 John 31119 (Chancery) . . . . 71600 ■ (Cotonies) . . . . 19376 (a creditor) . . . . oobiSl Cajnac . . . . 53497 . W. 53258 Joseph (Kent) .. .. 76699 . 32010 Margaret 6199 Martht 16225 • Mary Ann 60722 Mieha-^1 25854 ]\rorr/s 345 i\Ir. ink manufacturer) 13137 01i\er 93710 Peter, Lieut, (widow of) 30023 Priscilla .... . . 09304 Ili(jhard (a creditor) . . dodQo J 14403 \ (Carmarthen) . . 74146 ^ J 28641 Kcbcrt (Middlesex) . . 74680 \ 27536 S.; General 93713 Sfiinuel (Colonics) .. 19377 1 . .■ 16980 Satah (j\riddlesex) . . 5531 ' (Buckingham) 54307 27537 (frmrly Snibson) 56258 Su8\n 34428 Thomas (merchant) .. 12807 fJIonlgomryshr.) 2242 ^Hampshire) . . 7257 Talent\ne .. .. .. 53495 W. W 52613 Walter 5380G 265 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Moms, "William (Brecon) .. 60516 (London) . . 10103 (son of Wm.) 890 .-Henry.. .. 93717" Morrisette, Mr 27538 MoiTish, William 67004 Morrison, — 53395 Alexander, Capt. . . 76713 ■ • Andrew 93720 Archibald 93718 Ai-thur Duff . . . . 30287 • Charles 2352 M 29469 Eliza 11656 Howard 69303 James 2850 (Salop) . . 12360 Benjn. N., Dr. 53500 John (London) . . 74403 50755 Eobert, Hon. . . 10200 ■ Thomas . . . . 93719 Marv 12834 Morris 27539 Robert 26055 — Sarah 30145 (wife of Thorn.) 76702 William 21700 Morriss, Mary (spinster) . . 75050 Mrs. (or Maurice) . . 67623 Morrissey, Michael 74431 Morrisson, John 19378 Morroll Family 69101 Johana 74807 Morrow, John 12086 (Antrim) . . . . 21858 ■ Eobert and Thomas . 93721 Morse, Charles and Elizabeth . 93722 Family 76243 Francis Boycott, Rev. . 37103 Ira 23876 John 93724 William Lancaster . . 34189 Morsham, John 74807 Morshead, Elizabeth . . . . 23776 Morss, Daniel 74304 Morsum, Mary 286 Mort, James 33631 Mortal, John 26420 Morten, Robert (son of Andrew) 73549 Mortimer, Alice 93725 and Oxford, Earl of 33803 Edward 70177 H 52550 EUen 56251 George .... .. 2693 John 35403 (Yorkshire) . . 5830 (relatives of) . . 53036 Redson . . . . 93726 Mortimer, John Treasure . . 5695 Joslyn . . . , . . 25905 Mary 93727 Richard (milkman) . 5526 ■ (Jamaica) . . 5695 Thomas Hill .. .. 34718 WiUiam 37354 H 60047 Mortimere, Joseph 14204 Mortimore, John 34480 Mortin, Warris & Co 9902 Katherine 93728 WilHam 37348 Mortlock, John Wilson . . . . 3671 WiUiam 27540 Morton, Alice J 68586 EHzabeth 35539 ■ Family 27541 Francis 69297 John 25750 27542 Katherine Ellen . . .. 31188 Mary 93729 Richard (Colonies) . . 19379 27543 • Robert 26421 Thomas (farmer) . . 72831 (Middlesex) .. 66553 Charles . . . . 40194 Morven, Henry 93730 Moscop, James 93731 Mose, Thomas 21578 Moselay, Ann 11914 Moseley, Charles 63990 ^ Family 11964 John 74819 Thomas 50027 Moses, Ann Carter 93732 r Flora ■ .. 53496 Henry 27544 John Lee 12654 Robert 23725 Thomas 6543 WiUiam 21862 Mosey, John 73807 — Leonard 7120 Mosley, John Peploo . . . . 74141 Mary 51110 W. B., Capt 29470 V. Ward 24409 Mosman, John and Mary . . 5633 Moss, Alfred WiUiam . . . . 74677 Clara 16176 EHzabeth (Southwark) . . 21517 (Surrey) . . . . 30373 (legatees of) . . 76352 Evelina 74525 Francis Evelyn . . . . 34609 ■ Grace and Peter . , . . 2954 James 52544 266 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Moss, John (India) . . Capt. W Leonard . . Mary Nathan . . Philip . . . . Kichard . . Eobert . . Sarah (Yorkshire) Thomas . . Tyard . . . . "William (Surrey" Mosse, John P. T William Mossman, D. & Co Mossum, Mary and William . . Moston, Samuel Mostyn, Lord Thomas E. M. L., Hon. Mosyer, Thomas Motet Family Motie, Louisa and Pierre Motley, George Mary Eobert William Mott, Amelia and William Frederick Walker . . Mary Ann William Greedey . . Motte, Isaac Mottcrshead, — Mottley, Samuel Mottram, Ann (Chester) . . Charles Henry Charles Potor Robert Mouat, Alexander and Stephen Family Sir James Mouatt, Nancy Moubrey, Margaret . . . . : Mouchot, M. do Moul, John Mould, Arthur (Colonics) Lcstock J. Mary . . William Sharp Moulder, Thomas . . Moule Family . . Moulsey, ]\Ir. Kichard Moulson, Charles . . 28643 8927 27545 93733 36040 55959 11826 32583 57719 27546 51275 1035 51348 3359 22522 29471 26074 59072 286 93733 68065 64854 38364 93734 93735 25910 63992 73541 93736 57421 51493 6734 52591 25804 55321 59073 93737 13213 14030 17200 76710 10581 14031 204 7388 76703 29472 28647 13218 31080 14671 60688 19380 04853 17948 33902 30668 16733 1955 21966 Moulson, Jonathan Moult, John Moulton, — Family Harriet and Joseph . . WilHam Moultrie, Capt . . Mounier, Maria Mount, Amelia Anna M Edmund George (York) . . John and Nancy . . Maria William Mountain, A. S. IL, Col. Charlotte M. M. . . Henry and John . . John (Norfolk) Susanna Thomas Mountaine, William Mounteney, Hi chard Mountford, Christian Christopher , . Francis Mourilyan, John Mousley, Kichard . . ■ — William, Kev. . . Eaton Mowat, Harriet Mary Ann . . Mowatt, Helen Henry Nancy Mowbray, Charles Thomas . . Charlotte Family Finetta — ^ George Joseph William (Middlesex) Moxam, Kichard Moxon, John D. ... & Wood . . . Moy, Jolm Moylan, Dennis Crcagh . John Thomas Moylo Family John (or Miles) . Margaret INIoylcn, James Moyse, John Samuel Moysey, Kichard Moyssi, Minas Mozloy, Henry 68729 15241 35442 93738 30146 2424 29473 75608 50562 64220 9847 40944 40950 93741 53171 29474 61671 17625 50333 6200 50833 93742 93743 93744 2281 27547 31335 1066 69292 31797 12204 36974 14168 36973 42 17674 53804 13216 93746 14164 93747 15485 14164 93748 62524 62523 93749 30427 19381 26163 11355 38186 93750 21991 31326 33127 74145 68340 51654 267 Directions for obtaiyiing full copies of the Advertisenhents to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Mucklewhee, Hugh 19382 Mucklow, Thomas 12038 Muddle, Jemuel 52581 R. H 19383 Mudgo, William 52582 Mudie, John 93751 Mueller, Anna Margaretha . . 30426 Muffin, John 28649 Mugliston, Eohert 31971 Muhle, Benjamin G 93752 Bernard G 27548 Muir, Helen 50064 James and Maria . . 72868 Jean, Mrs 72790 Muire, Mr 2858 Muirhead, Alexander . . . . 16172 James 93753 Muleahov, Michael 19384 Mulcahy, WiUiam 73791 Mulcaster, John (Wiltshire) . . 1376 (Northumberland) 7217 Peter 1376 Mulcock, George Colls . . . . 75059 John 7330 Muldoon, Patrick 12225 Mules, John Wmiam . . . . 23736 -Philip 51671 Miilguiny, James 9135 Mulholland, Francis . . . . 30047 . . . . 19385 James 31038 Mrs 54815 Mulkins, Mary 93754 Mullagan, James and Thomas 1424 MullaHeu, — 27549 Mullaly, Thomas 73791 Mullard, William 10476 Mullen, Bridget 11605 Catherine 19386 EHzabeth 8126 John 27550 Sophia A 27551 MuUeheux, John W 64867 Mullengcr, Mrs 2208 Mullens, George 27552 Jane 8132 Mary 6526 Muller, Alexander 93756 A. H. B., Dowager . . 58898 CarlH 73526 C 19387 EHzaheth 36287 F. B., Capt 30746 John 93757 Mary 50949 Mrs 21500 Robert 38674 Mullett, James 72873 Sarah 93758 MuUigan, Harriot .. .. .. 24712 Mulligan, Patrick 21855 Mullinder, Charles . . . . . . 36601 Mullineux, Mrs 93757 Mullings, Joseph 93760 9602 Mullingum, Robert 22133 Mullins — (Bandon) . . . . 68740 ' Amelia Frances . . . . 21351 Edward 35314 Elizabeth 73539 Frederick, Capt 28650 John (Colonies) . . . . 19388 Mary 93761 Penelope 74150 MuUis, William 75531 Mullman, Henry 69074 Mulloy, Jobn 74431 Mulvany, Thomas 22024 Mumford, Edward 15207 John 52526 Mummery, Robert 73524 Muncaster, Baron 68602 Munck, John 93762 Munday, Edwin Hibbard . . 52539 ^EUzabeth 73525 Jane (or Tiley) . . 66910 93763 Mrs., (or Escott) . . 30372 Stephen 93764 Mundell, Elizabeth and James 7392 John Joseph . . . . 62586 Munden, Edmund 75533 George 19389 Mundy, Ann 93764 Catherine 11357 (Southampton) 76058 Fitzherbert, Miller . . 19390 — G. C, Lieut.-Gen. . . 61708 Maria 73517 Thomas 21610 Munell, John and William . . 2101 Mungloo 69610 Munk, James 74664 John and Simon . . . , 93765 Munn, Michael 36601 Munnings, Geo. Husk Garnett 34250 Munro, Anna 10400 93767 Daniel 13221 Family (India) . . . . 22184 .. .. 29475 17896 Harriet 10269 Hector 12836 Edward , . . . 75529 Henry Hugh and Jessie 67418 James 70170 (N.K.) . . . . 4125 Henry . . . . 12836 John .. ' 13222 268 l)irectioHS for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Mimro, EoLert 4111 William 63412 Munroo, George and William 15983 Munsell & Rosoletti . . . . 5164 Munsey, Joseph and William 15739 Munt, John (assignees of) . . 68834 Richard 72871 Munter, F. A 19391 Munton, Charles 56672 Mnnzehrock, Laurcnz . ^ , . 52536 Muphelby, — 93768 Mupstone, James 5847 Murch, Amelia 74681 Murcott, Thomas 67585 Murdie, James and Mary . . 93769 Murdock, A. T. . . . . . . 27553 Charles T 56844 • Edward 10968 r Priscilla 93770 Murgatroyd, Benjamin . . . . 21003 Hannah .. .. 93771 Lydia 14910 Mary 14956 Murison, James 61989 Murlin, John 74148 Murphey, George 8946 Terence 10645 Murphy, Alicia 26412 Arthur J. G 59286 Bamaby 14722 — (Dublin) . . 76080 Cornelius (private) . . 26576 Edward 30059 & Jas. (Colonies) 19392 Eliza 22137 Ellen 23616 Family 23205 Fitz Edward . . . . 30045 Frances & Wm. S. . . 60704 Francis S 62751 George (clerk) . . 12577 H 28653 J., Mr 12835 James 26413 Jeremiah 26101 John 22138 Rev 30044 Bryan . . . . 93772 Mary Ann . . . . 55002 : (Middlesex) 50959 Michael 33420 Mrs 39337 Nicholas 93773 Patrick (Colonics) . . 19395 23124 r Peter 74431 : Robert 93774 Thomas (Colonics).. 19390 (China) .. 71532 Timothy 73791 Murphy, William . . .... 93775 MiuTay, — (Chancery) . . . . 65392 Abraham 1009 Alexander 22860 Andrew 93777 Ann 10188 Archibald 12198 Arthur 12725 C, Lady 65335 Catherine 12365 Charles Hope . . . . 19397 K 75719 Daniel 21861 David 38846 Edward 11477 Frances 93778 Francis 17495 George William . . . . 21863 Hugh 22690 • Isabella 17221 James (Nrthumbrlnd.) 52583 25397 P 93779 Jane 93780 Sir John 11260 John (Colonies) . . . . 19398 (Middlesex) . . 40901 (son of Archibald) 12199 Lord 5095 — ^Bredin 23301 Kate 34820 • Margaret 3712 • Michael 26577 • (Colonies) .. 19399 Patrick 11955 Peter 58437 Robert 2544 (Middlesex) . . 65538 Arthur .. .. 74147 Silvester 1319 Thomas G 68437 Ursula 3735 William 1542 (Isle of Wight) 12762 (Edinburgh) 21458 MurrcU, Dinah 21664 John 14700 Judith 497 Mr 93781 William (London) . . 73753 36636 Murrinan, Michael 19400 Murry, James 3991 Jane 6001 Muse, WilHam 93782 Musgravc, Catherine & William 93783 . Charles . .• . . .. 31673 Family 27555 Matthew 14295 Mush, Elizabeth 11619 269 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Muskett, James 59766 Thomas Willis . . 54029 William 30645 Musselbrooke, James . . . . 29476 Mussell, -Maria 24738 Mussett, Henry 58666 Mrs 27556 Eobert 36917 Musson, Eebecca 1067 Muston, Charles 30689 Charlotte M 74157 Mary 21141 Mustov, Isaac 25907 Mutlow, Henry 73715 Mutter, Gavin 13220 Mycock, John 8374 Myddleton, Richard . . . . 14335 William . . . . 93784 Myels, Samuel . . 28654 Myers, Catherine 34931 Myers, Elizabeth 93785 Henry 73791 Jane W., Lady . . . . 65969 John (Hull) 62753 25372 Leah Hart 7214 Louisa and Mary Ann 34931 Mary Rose 10953 Samuel 31307 Timothy, Rev 8081 WiUiam 74431 Mylburn, Catherine . . . . 93787 Myles, John 93788 Patrick 19401 Thomas 23675 Mynd, Sarah 31709 Mynn, John 12628 Mynors, Robert 54569 Mysore, Priace of . . . . . . 3898 Mytton V. Mytton 24404 270 Directions for obtaining full copies ofth» Advertisements lo which thsse Natnes relate will he found at end of Index, N Nabb, Jolm 6083 Nackbar, Mary Ann . . . . 73578 Nadin, Josepk 50816 Naggs, Richard 63995 Naghten, Edmond 21632 Nailer, Elizabeth 67580 Naine, Mrs. . . . . . . . . 6^0768 Nairn, William 52105 Naish, G 71240 Naismith, Andrew 93788 Nalder, I^Iichael . . . . . , 93789 William Francis . . . . 11735 Naldi, Joseph 490 Naldrett, Hannah 27557 Nally, Lawrence (Colonies) . , 19402 Nancarrow, Henry 93790 Nance, Elisha 8376 Nanchund, Moolchund ,, .. 11110 Nanfa, Richard 93791 Nanson, John Samuel . . . . 50489 Nantes, Henry 58775 Napier, Adam 21310 Caroline A., Dame . . 59892 J. C, Mrs. .... .. 22224 James and William . . 16652 Sir WiUiam F. P. . . 59914 Napleton, Elizabeth . . . . 9260 Thos. E. A. (Colonies) 29477 Napper Family 3086 Narces, Hossanah 22187 Nares, John Strange, Lieut. (Colonies) 29478 Narraway, Henry 38014 Sarah 505 Nash, Ann 21875 Catherine 14286 Daniel 56163 EHza 33765 Elizabeth (Dublin) . . 21979 Miss .. .. 2784 Francis 93792 George 3166 James (a legatee) . . . . 12530 John (Lincoln) . . . . 73553 (London) . . . . 2678 Joseph William, Rer. . . 4849 Julius 9554 M., Mrs. (Colonies) . . 29479 Maria 33095 Michael 34678 R., Ensign 28655 Richard 17104 S., Major (Colonies) . . 29480 Sabastian 9766 Sophia (Colonies) . . . . 19403 Thomas 33022 William (Surrey) . . . . 33272 Nash, William (Buckingham) 55770 Nasmith, Harriet, Lady , , ,, 11512 James , , , , , . 3775 Nassau, Ann 93795 Nassu, John 93796 Naters, Thomas 27559 Nathan, Alexander . . ,, .. 52614 Hannah 11141 Isaac. .. ., ,, 56800 Nattes, John Claude .. ,« 13119 Mr. and ISIrs 51566 Nattrass, Mary Ann & Sarah 61677 Naudet, Adale 2283 Naufa, Giles 10709 Naughton, Michael 38823 Naunton, William 23601 Navin, Andrew 26637 Nayland, Betsy 27560 Nayler, James . . . , , , , . 34650 Nayl or, Abraham , 31134 Bentley 32020 Major C. H. (Colonies) 29481 Jeremiah T. & Co. . , 63415 Margaret 16223 Robert (Leeds) . . 31820 Nazar, Avietic 70191 Shanazar 70S36 Nazer, Kelly . . 62762 Neal, Burton , 50795 Family 56282 George ,, 39049 John and Thomas .. 2827 Thomas Cooper . . 36081 Joseph and Mary . . . . 93798 Sarah 39049 (Lincoln) .. ,. 68200 Thomas (Lincoln) .. 54088 Robert . . . . 60846 Thomazin 16914 WiUiam 27561 Neale, Arabella . . . . , . 27561 EUzabeth 31284 E. T. k Co., Messrs. (Chancery) ., ., 40220 George 2218 Henry St. John . . . . 68582 James 59083 51547 S 27562 John (Southampton) , . 71245 (Surrey) ., ,. 31285 Mary , .. 93800 Samuel 57949 Sayer 13139 Thomas 71189 — William (Middlesex) 2310 . 271 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to whieh these Names relate will be found at etid of Index, Neale, William Henry .. .. 63506 Wright & Co 29. Neary, James 1620 Jane 2209- Neatby, Edward S 74699 Neate, Anthony 9680 Eliza and James . . .. 54421 William 938t)l Neave, EdwE^rd 68594 Francis 24088 . Joseph 34221 Robert John Bristowe . 40310 W 70144 Necker, Fran9ois de ., .. 25788 Nedham, Charles 22139 Samuel 12520 Nee, Catherine and Edward . . 76721 Edward and Joseph . . 69363 FamHy .. 54359 V. Hardman 24414 Neech, William Thomas . . 37780 Needham, — 50176 Ellis 59081 F. H. W., Hon. . . 75257 Henry Francis . . 37988 Jane 21665 (Middlesex) . . 73166 John 50176 Lazarus 14241 Samuel 9100 Needs, Ann 7152 -Charles 93802 Richard 27563 Neels, William 22044 Neely, Mrs. Dunbar .. .. 23588 Negri, Anne and Thomas . . 17374 Negrier, Mr 37736 Negrini, Angelo 5553 Negus, George 57306 . William 93803 Neighbour, Mr 93804 Neil, Mary 30030 William 40193 Neild, John Camden . . . . 31230 Neile, James 22164 Neillands, Robert 12192 William 12413 Neilson, Elizabeth 93805 Francis Robert .. .. 71242 Neil .. 31826 Neish, Henry W. & William J. 4819 Patrick (Colonies) . . 29482 Nelmes, John 2857 Nelson, Alexander 3863 Andrew 27564 Benjamin 4867 David 93806 Edward William . . 2343 Elizabeth 9039 F. J 2608 Nelson Family 22234 23854 George (or Barton) . . 1678 (Calcutta) .. 4860 John (seaman) . . . , 892 67704 Joseph 33944 Michael 93807 Peter 4074 R., Lieut. (Colonies) . . 28657 Robert 125 Thomas 93808 William (Colonies) . . 19404 {alias Ash- bridge), sailor . . .. 74419 Y 93809 Nelthorpe, Edward 14384 Elizabeth .. .. 4705 Henry . . . . . . 57855 V. PennjTnan . . . . 24420 Nembhard, Edwd. Lieut. . . 29483 " Nemesis " (ship), Crew of . . 55041 Nepean, E. P. T., Capt 29484 Nepecker, !Mrs 35555 Nephew, Mr 10067 " Nerbuddah " (ship). Crew of 55045 Nerestant, Charles E 75534 Nerot, Frances and James . . 33825 Nerville, Madame M. M. de . . 60739 Nesbitt, James (Colonies) . . 19405 Henry 74692 James 69525 John (Middlesex) . . 37314 10026 Maria 39562 Robert 14324 Sarah 12966 William, Lieut. .. 21143 Nesham, Thomas 52607 Ness, Andrew (Colonies) . . 19406 James 26664 Nessbitt, Catherine 21666 Nestor, Eugene and Ursula . . 16342 Nothersole, John 71243 Netherwood, Ann 5455 George .. .. 14201 Martha .. .. 57794 Richard .. .. 16581 Nottenrille, Ellen M. T 22692 Nettlef old, George L. .. .. 93811 Jane 10044 (legatee) .. 01044 Nettleford, Thomas .. .. 13106 Nettles, Henry 93812 Judith 16295 Ncttleship, Edmond .. .. 62782 John & Co. . . 75286 V. Nettleship . . 24418 William, Mr. .. 40416 Nettloton, Elizabeth . . . . 51466 272 l)ircetians for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Nettlewood, Jane . . . . . . 10631 Neucatre, Eev. Henry S. . . 76076 Nevay, James 2117 Nevell, Charles .... . . 28658 Neves, Adriao Eibeiro . . . . 52618 Nevill, Robert 21941 Neville & George, Messrs. . . 34817 Barbara 3518 Jessica 67593 John & Mary (Reading) 71476 11957 • Mrs 93813 WiUiam 5591 (London) . . 68094 (Ghancerv) . . 71487 Kevin, .. ..' .. 8861 Nevins, Robert 36734 Nevit, James 331 NeAv, Jane 7719 Mary 22703 Newal, Robert 75072 Newall, Henry (Colonies) . . 29485 Newbald, George 7011 Newbegin, Elizabeth .. .. 67016 William 3,5815 (Africa) .. 69317 Newberry, — (Colonies) . . 19407 Anne and Charles . . 74415 Harriet 67015 Honor 11243 John 5583 Maria 75060 Nathaniel . . . . 9279 Richard N. (India) . . 64885 Samuel 16840 Thomas C, Lieut. . . 22140 Newbery, Francis 51088 Newbiggin, Robert 17931 & William 93814 Newbigging, Isabella . . . . 73001 Newbold, Charlotte 93315 Joseph 10316 Susannah Garden .. 51002 Newbolt, Sarah 27565 Newbon, Charles 60764 Newbould & Co 93816 Thomas 93817 Newburgh, Elizabeth M. C. . . 76719 Newburry, Henry 93818 Newbury, Nathaniel . . . . 93819 Newby, Ann and John . . . . 17177 Susannah 5696 (Lancaster) . . 35152 NewbjTin, — 93820 Newcastle Cro-^^-n Glass Compy. 73715 John, Duke of . . . . 11616 Newcomb, Frederick . . . . 37602 '— Susnnnah P 73655 Newcombe, Ann 4910 John 6609 Newcombe, Josepb 93821 Sarab _ 72874 Newcomen, Catherine . . . . 93222 Newell V. Griffin 24413 William 2808 Nowen v. Beare . . . . • . . 24412 Newenham, Sarah & William B. 6228 Newing, Catherine Bednett . . 31466 William .. ..• .. 30608 Newland, George 27566 Henry 35055 • Isaac 93823 James 52610 John 93824 Susan 27567 William 93825 Newlove, Elizabeth 15215 Newly, James 37193 Newlyn, Charles 36711 Francis Russell . . 2939 Newlynn,Mr 39524 Newman, — 27568 Abigail 15327 AHred 52617 — '■ -Amy Ann . . . . 36833 C. R 63310 Charles (Jtliddlescx) . 62763 93826 F. (Colonies) 1940S Davison & Co 36601 Family 38976 Francis (Somerset) . . 10715 16674 Frederick E 93827 George (Colonies) . . 19409 6084 Hannah 30266 ^ Henry 93828 W 74152 James 32449 John (Middlesex) . . 31647 (schoolmaster) . 76717 Margaret 30266 Mary 14791 Mr. (tailor) . . . . 7229 Philip 93829 R. G., Lieut. (Colonics) 29486 Rebecca 1961 Robert 93830 ■ -Finch .. .. 93831 ■ Thomas ' 3947 ■ AVilliam (a creditor) . 36601 (seaman) . 10975 (Chltnham) 73758 Lewin . . 50212 Newmann, Edward F., Lieut. 34548 Newmarsh, E. B. (wifeof Hy.F.) 66147 Newnham, Barbara 21313 Henry 52008 - John 52600 273 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to lohich these Names relate 'tvill be found at end of Index. IsTewnham, Jolm Lewis . . Lewis Newport, Frederick (Colonies) • Matthew, Eev. ' Thomas Henry . . Newsham, Isabella John Mary Newsom, Eachael "William Newsome, Henry William Newson, George Robert . , Thomas Newstead, Newth, Mark Newton, Ann (Huntingdon) (Colonies) . . Charles David Edward (Colonies) Family George (London) H. C Henry Isaac (Manchester) . . (representatives of) (Middlesex) -J. -J. T. .. .. .. - James (Middlesex) " John (Durham) . , - Nathaniel . . - Richard (Chancery) Samuel (Lancaster) (Somerset) Thomas William (Cornwall) (Hereford) Neylcr, James Neynoe, F., Sergt. (India) Nias, Thomas D William Nibbs, George Joseph . . Jjangf ord . . John {alias Edward) Niblctt, Charles Horatio Isaac G Niblcy, Sarah .... Nice, Ann Nicholson, Elizabeth Nicholal, Purdey . . Nicholas, Edward . . 32308 93832 19410 60765 27569 50618 74857 34305 12080 9366 39763 53813 11220 53504 93833 53205 8911 21423 19413 30-J9 93834 19412 27570 60400 71244 40537 30888 75558 31320 74399 68592 53397 10973 27571 6828 3937 16999 21013 59084 76077 70192 93835 30663 39996 51709 34050 28660 72877 50873 37198 76718 10123 63505 72891 7620 17366 29487 8377 5800 Nicholas, Elizabeth Francis Heniy Jane John Mary Peter Sarah Nicholetts, W. H. (Colonies) . NichoU Family George (Middlesex) . . John and M Richard (Belfast) Robert Thomas, Rev., D.D. . . NichoUctts, Edwin Nicholls, Alicia D Ambrose Charles, Lieut. E. S Sir Edward Elizabeth George M Sir Henry Jacob James ■ John (Devon) . . (mariner) Henry Martha Mary Ann (Surrey] 15809 52604 93836 17102 13138 40731 52622 11973 29488 57693 75537 93837 73555 25436 36867 72890 58450 50423 30881 27572 5944 Rebecca Robert (Colonies) . . Roger Sarah Elizabeth . . Simon Thomas William (Middlesex) Sir William . . Nichols, Augustus Daniel and lildward Hannah and James John (Worcester) (Middlesex) Dossct . . Mary (or Price) Sarah Susannah William Dyer . . Nicholson, Alexander r- Alice . . Ann Charles Clement Edmund Eliza . . . . 51532 93839 93840 50435 60763 33523 6826 34346 93841 75061 93842 93843 19411 93844 6542 51256 1911 4163 11359 93845 59494 9820 39571 332S:; 7415t» 30933 34207 11983 27573 61682 30993 93847 10977 10441 862 1 99 I I 16S- 520": 274 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Nicholson, Elizabeth .. .. 4023 (Lancaster) 64000 Ellen 6960 F. C, Lieut. (India) 29489 Francis 75656 Frederick . . . . 58565 George \bo5Q Harriot .. .. 58563 Heniy 39863 Isaac (Cumherland) 71239 (ChanceryJ . . 75719 Jimes (Colonies) . . 19414 (London) . 16902 ; (Durham) . 16998 Sii' James . . . . 1634 Jane 1263 Jeremiah .. .. 93849 Jotm (Portsea) . . 34499 (Cumberland) 9946 Hopwood . . 55771 Jofcph 59085 v. Knight .. .. 24416 Mtry 54096 Charlotte .. 9940 IMichael .. .. 21031 Eichard .. .. 68042 Robert 33735 EDsaO. (wife of Ed.) 69214 S D 30055 !:^muel 33749 D. (Colonies) 19415 Sarah 58557 Stewart Fleming . 70145 & Tassel .. .. 23173 Taomas .. .. 91881 Walter Jeremiah . 93850 William .. .. 93851 Nickals, Simpson 93852 Nickels, John C 64887 Nickison, James and Oliver . . 93853 Nickle, Iklrs. C. L 10068 Nicklin, Daniel 32950 Nickling, Benjamin . . . . 53815 — Mr 1697 Nickoll, Frances 59504 Nicks, Thomas 61683 Nickson, Elizabeth 64 ■ -Mary 17460 Nicol, Colin 12155 Emma 3591 George 74317 James 3495 Peter L 93845 Thomas 6911 William 93855 Nicolay, Wm. A. F. (Colonies) 19416 Nicoll, Hugh 26183 James 29490 John 72875 Joseph 31930 Nicoll, Samuel and William . . 7237 WilHam (Bucks) . . 31368 59082 Nicols, Sarah 93846 Nicolson, George Elder, Lieut. (India) .. .. 28661 Niel, Mary 30150 Nield, Ann (Chester) . . . . 76722 Frederick Joseph . . 10974 John 93857 Thomas 67595 Niele, J 8774 Nielsen, Alexander and David 93858 Niel 93859 Niemann, William Matthew . . 74154 Niemeyer, Grace 71241 Nightingale FamUy .. .. 93860 Francis 37893 John 40768 Manby 29491 NightmgaU, Gen. Sir Miles . . 29492 Nilson, C. 93865 Nimmo, Erskinc 1241 Thomas 93866 "Nimrod" (ship), Crew of .. 61808 Nind, Miss Sarah 4054 Ninnis, Thomas 19419 Nippard, William 8898 Nisbct, Amelia 50561 Frances H 71246 John 28663 Josiah 50560 Margaret 12124 S 93867 E. N., Capt 50559 Eobei-t 93868 Nisbett, Lady 27574 Eobei-t 4421 Sarah 8622 Nisbitt, James 93869 Niven, Anne 3077 Hugh 19420 John 10141 Patrick 19421 Nixen, Ann . . , 25701 Nixon, 68593 Elizabeth Crowder . . 74673 General 62965 Hiram 26606 James 10976 H 74408 L 68089 John, Lt.-Col. (India) 71255 6201 Toseph (Colonies) . . 19422 Margaret 51377 Maria 17097 Mr 31193 Phoebe 6134 Eichard (Cumberland) 51376 275 1)irectiom for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Katnis relate will be found at end of Index. Nixon, Thomas 53503 William 10568 Nixson, Eufus and Thomas . . 23273 Noad, John Noakes, Appolonia . . Noaks, John (Surrey) Nobhs, Aaron Hannah and Jamos . . Nobes, Mr. and Mrs Noble, Frederick -. George (Essex) . . ■ (SeahamHarbour) and John.. Major J. B. James John (representatives of) Mark Marv Mr.* Noah Stephen Thcophilus Thomas (Surrey) ValenI ine & William . William Nooy, Jan . . . . . . Noddings, Michael . . Eobert Noddle, Ellen . . Nodes, William Nodin, Joseph . . Noc, Susan . . . . Noetzels, John David Nokes, James, Major Sarah , . Nolan, Alice Bridget Jas. or Bartlett (Colonies) John Macartney . . Michael (Colonies) Thomas Noland, Charlotte . . Nollckins, Joseph . . Nollcr, AVillifmi . . . Noncley, Margarctta Noon, ]\rarift Mattliew . . . Patrick Samuel Noonan, Eliza, Mrs. Pcirco Noono, John Kebc<;ca K or berg, Carl ' WilhelmNibs. 62801 2017 62804 61689 1946 93870 1938 10436 50557 59900 93871 2248 93872 21697 26714 12505 93873 72892 52606 12504 30613 39968 27575 19423 2699 21311 37668 55769 74660 12854 75536 93874 93875 10500 11214 76090 24773 19425 11917 75062 19426 11917 22020 6500 2239 33123 3809 93875 73791 93876 66813 21994 169 1077 93878 11337 Norbury, Bradford . . Norcross Family Sarah . . . , Nordin, Thomas Nordwall, Otto Norfolk, Duchess Dowaga' Norford, William . . Norgate, Margaret L. . . Norledge, Henry Norlenghi, Prospero Norlin, Charles Gustavus Elias . . Norman, Ann C. B Daniel . . . . Edward , . . . Eliza (or Gariiner) James John (Middlffiex) . . (Surrey] . . Jonathan V. Kynaston . . —Mr Richard 11., Capt. (Brecknock) Tabitha W., Serirt. (Colonies) William' Normillc, James Norrall, (Colonics) . . Norrice, John Norrington, Edward John (Colonies) . . Norris, Alexander Alison Ann (widow) Augustus Beny Caleb Ebenezer Elizabeth (or MuUins) Emily George J. B James (Madras) . . (legacy to) John — M. A — Margar(!t — ]\Iary, Miss . . . . — Kachacl — Self (London) — Steph(^n (Colonies) — & Taylor — Thomas — Timothy — WiUiam (Wilts) .. (legatee) 60112 15911 6083 4048 30902 5204 68093 57332 52598 69311 186 93879 57674 63311 38463 50885 76086 26179 30765 53818 61684 24417 52620 7151 62802 27576 28663 93880 26000 19427 12849 69307 19428 60396 12402 5401 39706 24734 21878 39068 33158 73539 67600 31185 8775 12403 30993 61685 32260 27577 93882 73539 4660 69360 28664 93883 12401 30727 4610 21238 276 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Norris, WiUiam P 58839 North, Adelaide Kate . . . . 52621 BlackweU 93884 Devon Shipping Corny. 73551 Dorothy 69808 -Elijah 25427 Francis 867 Hannah 2848 James and John . . . . 1907 (Southampton) 12930 John (Sussex) . . . . 62807 (legatee) . . . . 70606 Mary 55356 Ann 93885 Matthew 69809 Nathaniel 6818 Eobert 867 Sarah 16470 Thomas 27578 William, Rev 15134 North London Infirmary . . 74049 Northall, Amelia A 52623 Northcote, Christian . . . . 93886 Northey, Stephen 25991 WiUiam 24538 Wm. Eichard Hopkins 52616 Northhouse, Mr. ,. .. .. 62808 Northrop, Moses .'. .. .. 66533 Thomas 52599 Northumberland Glass Co. . . 73715 North wick, John L. EightHon. 53817 Northy, John Symons . . . . 50334 Norton, Anne 68257 Bridget 93887 Catherine 31547 Conyers 72061 Edmund 93888 Eleanor Douglas . . 7243 Family 25512 Ferd 93889 Francis 29493 Or. E. B. (India) . . 29494 a. E. B. Ensign . . 74156 George Thomas . . 6047 Hannah 93890 James 5392 Jeremiah and John . . 93892 John (Derbv) . . . . 64001 Joseph ". 93894 (Colonies) . . 19429 ■ Louisa 10187 Mary 68176 . Michael 73791 ]^Ir. (Strand) . . . . 66370 93895 Eobert, Sirs 76084 Samuel 7765 Susannah 27579 Thomas G 93896 ^ W. A., Ebv. . . . . 27580 Norton, William (publican) . . 161 (soldier) . . 3069 (IMiddlesex) . 63996 Norvell, WiUiam 19431 Norwood, Ann 6951 Edward 65173 EUzabeth 30373 Noseda, Antonia 75538 Noskey, E 29109 Notley, George 75281 John 35669 (Surrey) . . . . 52601 Samuel 50529 Nott, Charles A 28663 Edward 8925 Family 68091 Nottage, Susanna 60757 Nottingham, Geo. F 93897 Nourse, IMrs 26298 Novaes, Lius Joze 2321 Novgrum, Peter 21312 NoweU, Alexander . , , . . . 52624 Arthur 33077 Charles M 74157 James 56563 Philip 33040 Eichard 93898 Saint (Colonies) . . . . 19432 Samuel 52619 Nowlan, Ann 19433 Patrick 22692 Nowland, Henrietta . . . . 16847 James 93899 John • 4164 Mary 11985 Eichard 9295 Nowling, John 4164 Nox, Mary 30295 Noy, Harman 93900 Noyes, Ann 7789 Hannah and John . . 93901 Miss 30359 Maria, IMrs 60397 Sarah 7245 W. P 19434 Nudd, James 76081 Nudds, Eobert 19435 Nugent, Ann 73532 FamUy (Ireland) . . 22608 93902 Sir Peter 27581 E 1332 Nunn, Ann 56741 &Co. .. 93908 Edward 32417 Elizabeth 93907 FamUy 75505 George 32417 James . . . , . . . . 30012 277 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Nunn, James Hardy . . . . 73552 Wiuniett . . 19436 John and Thomas . . 25678 32417 Joshua and Lydia . . 69309 Mary 27582 Robert 32563 Thomas 58566 Wniiam 50253 Nurse, Richard 72893 Nursey, John 68599 Nursingrow (a Hindoo) . . . . 11109 Nutall, Mary 6002 Nuthall, Charles and Maria . . 126 William 16704 Nutin, John 70636 Kutkins, George 19437 Nutt, Edward 93909 John 8981 Joseph 59086 Nuttall, Isaac 76732 Nutter, Richard * 93910 Nyce, Joseph 93911 Nye, Samuel 69306 William 19438 Nypels, M. A. H 19439 Nyrcn, George 93912 JohnW 66021 Richard 93913 o O'Beirne Family 22509 . Hugh 23211 O' Brian, John 10978 O'Brien, Catherine 68905 Daniel 19441 Donatus 57579 Donough 21667 Edward H 19442 Family (Colonies) . . 19463 57411 Francis 73532 J 28670 . James 51467 John (Demerara) . . 73561 (Australia) . . 76734 . (N. S. Wales) 30054 Joseph S 72894 Louisa 51570 Maria 93917 Mary 17346 Michael 26423 . Patrick (Chancery) 68902 . 25666 Thomas 26578 Timothy 26468 (Ireland) . . 76719 William 67677 0' Callaghan, John (Middlesex) 23616 23129 O'Conncl & Sugrue .. .. 40722 O'Connell, Elizabeth .. .. 26424 Family 64906 Jane 93920 J. and John . . .. 11975 O'Connor, Dorothea . . . . 57580 Feargus 61690 Hcnrv 22504 James 21876 John (India) .. 28671 (Colonies) .. 19446 Malachy & Valentine 22748 Peter 25933 Thomas 29496 William 24760 O'Deano, Prince Jamh . . . . 3898 O'Dell, John 61687 O'Donnall, Richard . . . . 30338 O'Donnell, — (Cork) .. .. 22484 A. R., Lieut. .. 21147 Bryan 19447 Llichuel .. .. 21676 Peter 61015 Terence .. .. 19448 Donoghuo, John 26168 O'Donohoo, Bernard and Henry 11448 O'Donoliue, Thomas J * 24777 O'Driscoll, Alexander . . . . 24609 O'Dwyer Family 30868 O'Farrell, Andrew F 76091 278 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. OTen-aU, WilUam 22946 OTerris, Charles 93922 O' Flaherty, Hugh 22396 ^ John 93924 O'Flinn, Daniel 25842 O' Gil vie, Alexander O' Gorman, Mr. 10981 11430 O'Halloran, T 25536 William A 74707 O'Hanlon, H. M. and Rev. Wm. 22265 Patrick 29497 O'Hara, Charles (Coionies) \ '. 26027 8036 Henry 5276 John 51141 Matthias Thomas . . 53819 Thomas and William 59411 Winj^red .. .. 30166 O'Heber, Charles James. . . . 39931 O'Hehir, 8776 O'Keef, Hugo M 75485 O'Keefe, Daniel 10980 James 366 John and Thomas . . 74159 W. T 34406 O'KeU, Thomas 19450 O'Laughlin, Peter 25932 O'Lawlor, John, Major . . . . 1017 O'Leary, Charles 22002 Daniel 4835 William 26301 Saunders.. 26422 O'Loughlin, Thomas . . . . 19452 O'Mahoney, Jeremiah . . . . 8483 O'Meagher, William .. .. 11339 O'Neal, Samuel O'Neil, Eugene 7390 Family (Colonies) . . 19454 Patrick Thomas 6394 O'Neill, Augustus John .. 3176G George 74431 Henry Stuart . . . . 30541 Jane . . . . . . . . 9489 John 22019 Neal John 26479 Peter J. .... . . 64907 Thomas 25983 O'Reilly, Edward 36279 '■ Sterling . . 21630 Eliza 59853 Eugene, Rev. .. .. 23115 17204 O'Reilly, H 10979 John E. and Lawrence 11551 Patrick 8589 S., Rev 27583 William Charles . . 36271 Young & Co 75067 O'Ryan, James (died abroad) . 19457 Francis and William 22558 0' Shane, William 24759 O'Shaughnessy, Peter . . . . 530 Stephen, Sergt. 29505 0' Sullivan, James 9488 Julia 25368 Phillis 24654 O'Toole, John . . 93966 (Chester) . . . . 74708 Oackley, T 53041 Oacks, Benjamin and Elizabeth 65653 Oakes, Betsy 6047 Douglas & Co 23879 Family 17470 Francis 57312 John 21361 V. Maidman 23751 Robert .. 36601 Oakey, Caleb 64909 Sergt.-Major . . , , 93914 Oakley, Ann 27584 Charles 93915 Elizabeth 58842 George 17796 James 13151 Jane 64002 Richard 7034 Thomas 57864 Oakly, Charles 30852 Oakman Family 67880 James 53826 Oakshott, :Mr 57788 Oalr^^ Sarah 54310 Oatley, James Parsons, Lieut. 29495 Thomas 19440 Obbard, R • 73715 Oberec, William 93915 Oberfeld, Joseph 55774 56620 Oberg, Charles 1835 John 93916 Obcrholster, Maria E 25795 Obei-man, Jacob 11343 Obert, The Viscountess . . . . 50727 Ockerby, Frances Ann «S; Horatio 53338 Ockleshaw, Hannah . . . . 93918 Oclee, Maiy 7605 279 Directions for obtaining fuU copies of the Advertisements to which these Is^ames relate will he found at end of Index. OdaU, EHzabeth 16400 Oddie, John 33411 Oddy, Sarah 73563 Odeil, Islip 73560 WiUiam 3127 Odie, Dorothy 74678 Odium, Abraham 61691 Henry 26305 Ody, Ann 31288 Oelert, Jochim CM 93921 Offen, Thomas 27585 OflFer, Alfred .. 10982 Offley, Jonas 32975 Joseph 67025 Ofgood, Francis 93923 Ogden, Edward 26579 Francis 93925 Sarah 12821 Ogel vie, David 7957 Henry 7289 Ogg, Helen 16675 John and AVilliam . . . . 1624 Ogier, Joshua 58810 Ogilhy, Catherine 6143 Ogilshy, Elizabeth 93927 Ogilvie, Alexander and Anne . . 5372 Anne (Denbigh) . . . . 52650 Charles 59087 Dr 93928 Henry 5372 James (Aberdeen) . . 13223 5372 Lady 8382 Margaret (or Bennett) 5372 27586 Mary 93929 Thomas 11521 • William 5372 Ogilvy, Mrs. J 22264 Ogle, Sir Charles 53821 George, Rev 3861 Grace 17633 Henry Sevile Ci-aven . . 40174 John 94932 Joseph 16659 Marianne 21359 Robert 9446 William Wallis .. .. 93933 Ogleby, Charles 40220 Oglethorpe, Elizabeth . . . . 6802 Samuel 93926 Ohren, Margaret 76733 Oialand, Nuhim 93934 Okerman, Tobias 93935 Okeover V. Okeover 24421 Olbard, James Ogle 9125 Oldaker, Charles 68604 Older, Edward . . .... .. 25937 James (blacksmith) . . 75067 9608 Sarah 27587 . Thomas 32773 Oldfield, Christopher . . . . 29498 E. C, Miss . . . . 22249 Family 22267 93936 James (Poplar) . . 76731 Jesse 34545 Joseph 10438 Mrs 50180 Thomas 51146 Oldham, — 93937 ■ George 35401 John 15591 Mary Anne . . . . 23075 Richard " 12687 Robert Reynolds . . 31304 Samuel 223 Thomas 3112 (Surrey) .. 70198 WilHam .. .-. .. 31656 Oldman, Maria 17437 William 31469 Oldridge, Alfred 66046 Oldi'oyd, Joseph 52654 William 93938 Olds, George 76083 Olgado, Mrs 39525 Oliphant, Benjamin & Gideon 21456 James, Dr 10535 Blair .. .. 93939 John 93940 Joseph 93941 Olivant, Betty 76085 Thomas 8379 Olive, James 50535 Oliver,— 17959 Alice 5211 . Charles WilHam.. .. 8777 Decimus 14684 E 28672 Edward 16685 . Elizabeth 61097 Euphcmia 12600 Francis 14634 Frederick 24458 George & Henry . . 6801 (mariner) .. 30421 Harriet 6493 J., Linut.-Col 28674 James 8510 Jane 6631 (Dorset) .. .. 34105 280 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Oliver, Jane C 93942 John (Chancery) . . . . 71871 (servant . . . . 69320 Benjamin . . . . 40234 Joseph York . . . . 28673 J., Lieut.-Col. (India) 29499 Mary 27588 Eichard 64888 Sarah 5606 Louisa 5861 Thomas 159 Oliveria, Dominic 5950 Manuel 93941 Oliverson, Kitty 19451 Eichard 75719 OUerenshaw, Samuel . . . . 51638 OUey (or HoUey), John. . . . 16578 OUivant, Thomas 27589 OlHver, WilUam 65764 Ollrich, Frederick H. D. . . 19449 Ollyer, Alice 93942 Olney, WilHam 34814 Olree, E. H 128 Olrod, Jane Sarah 75065 Olsen, Laurity 28675 Olson, ]\Iichael 516 Oman, Mrs. S 29110 Ommaney, Eliza 27590 John (Chancery) 24511 Ackworth .. 40973 Onions, — 93948 Sarah 21191 Onslow, E 70193 Onwin, Richard 93949 Opie, Barbara 16768 John 15110 Oram, Alfred 29500 Charles and Mary Ann . . 2394 Thomas 10956 Orange, Martha and Paul . . 93950 and Nassau, Prince of 58841 Orhaston (or Orbison) .. .. 51121 Orbell, Samuel 5267 Orchard, Fred, (son of Geo. B.) 73562 Paul 14893 Thomas 61693 Orchart, George 67027 Ord, John 405 Thomas 61695 William Christopher . . 72898 .. 71249 Orde, Henry 28676 Ordish, James 27591 Orfeur, Ann and William . . 56687 Orford, — 93951 Family 76725 Orford, Robert 473 Organ, Sarah 8999 Oriel, George 93952 Henry 12881 Mary 71073 Sarah 7996 WiUiamC 35571 Orlebar, Ann 73559 WiUiam 73763 Ormanby, Peter 19456 William 68601 Ormany, Eliza 3132 Orme, — (famUy of) . . . . 33761 Anne and David . . . . 22141 Edward . . .... . . 72897 Family 15227 Mary 52628 Osmond 22142 Eobert 22704 Sarah 3128 Sophia 27592 Thomas (Stafford) . . . . 7^066 Ormerod, Peter 34570 William Tiers . . 60773 Ormesby Family 93954 Ormond, Charles (Lincoln) .. 76087 James 15973 John 74547 Mr 8380 Ormsby, T. G., Capt 23158 Thomas 15621 Charles . . 29501 Orpen, Edward 26306 Luoinda 13011 Orphan Asvlum (Wandsworth, Surrey) 74900 Orr & Harrison 66530 William 10252 Morgan ., .. 38006 S 61696 OrreU, Ealph 40341 Thomas . . .... 5435 Orris, Edmund 70196 Orrock, William 10983 Orrs&Doffy 115 Ortell, Daniel 93955 Orton, George . . . . . . . . 40970 (India) . . . . 29503 Henry 51218 Jannett Payne . . . . 16915 Joseph 12110 Eobert 29504 WiUiam 7495 Osbaldeston, — 51123 Alexander & Thos. 523 John 50596 Osbaldiston, David Webster . . 32896 Osbom, Ann 71250 Charles 8823 281 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Osbom, Edward Elizabeth (Kent) Family (Kent) . James & Co. John (legatee) Stock Thomas Osborne, Ann . . Charles Ebenezer . . Elizabeth . . . . Family . . Frances . . George Henrietta, Lady James John (Suffolk) Henry . . Wilcox . . Wilson . . Keen Lucinda Caulfield Mary (son of) 52627 76088 53509 74706 65413 75064 52626 1157 34875 65854 93956 55776 52652 27594 36966 27593 50492 10134 6908 52646 93957 17219 (or Owens) . . Nathaniel ^ Robert . . . . Sarah Susan Thomas (Colonies) . . Eev. & Wm. Osbum, Mary and Robert Oscroft, Osebrook, William . . Osgerby, Thomas . , Osgland Family Osgood, Francis Jacob and John . . William Osland, Thomas Osment, Isaac . . , Osmond, Ann Anne (or Ijewis) . . Ossington, Mary and Mathias Ostell, Thomas Osterbind, J Ostler, John Lely Mrs Ostrom, E. or P. . . . . , , Oswald, Alexander^ A. J. T. Ernest . . . . Ann &Co George Richard & Co Oszvald, Anton 14745 12818 52648 27595 75541 3859 21337 27596 12752 19458 93959 21386 27597 64896 21422 93961 14458 93962 447 93963 2219 31220 11982 27598 7988 19459 65003 52645 93964 71870 29506 14136 9958 93965 69088 72900 I Otchin, Mary . . Otridge, Charlotte John Otte, Eleanor Walter .'.' .' .' .' .' ! Otter, John Otterman, John Ottey, George Susanna Ottley, James Otto, Richard B., Col. .. . T. C Otty, James Otwall, Robert Otway, Elizabeth Ann . . Francis (relatives of) . John Oughton, Edward . . Richard . . Ouisean, Harriet Oulds, Joseph . . Oulet, Mary Ann . . Oulton, Richard Oursell, • — Ouseley Family (India) Outlaw . . Outram, John . . Samuel . . Ouvey, Daniel . . Ovenden, Elizabeth, Mrs. Ovens, George Samuel Ovenstone, David, Capt. Over, Ann , Thomas , Overall, Elizabeth . . . , John , Overbury, Thomas . . Overend, R. Overing, Richard . . Overman, John Robert Overton, Henry James Thomas . . William . . Overweg, 0. M. Overj', George Herbert Owen, Ann (or Parrj') Anna M. Catherine Charles and Daniel . , Daniel David (York) . . . , (South Wales) E. H. 50999 40509 37935 52651 67343 59540 11723 93967 21341 35221 9171 61694 19460 21941 93968 73166 74702 21944 76092 26771 51662 50936 74314 6140 36410 29507 30753 24265 93969 93970 37169 26665 28 29509 30926 69649 93971 19461 17543 76089 93972 72905 72899 39585 73791 8640 19462 26666 52657 33788 93973 222 93974 93975 60105 64020 62806 282 Direetiomfor ohtahmig full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate mil be found at end of Index. Owen, Edward P. .. Elizabeth . . Family George . . James Harvey Henry . . Honor . . Hugh .. .. James (H. L.) Capt. Jane Brown, Janet (Middlesex) Jeremiah, Rev. . . John (America) . . (glass cutter) a. H. Joshua M., Sergeant-Major Margaret Mary . . . . . . Mr Mrs. (or Brown) . . Owen (tailor) ■ Richard (Warwick) ■ Robert Samuel Thomas (Colonies) (London) 58719 54813 93976 67023 19463 10138 7351 93977 27599 30403 3676 27600 27601 69318 60406 52656 2141 10724 71248 93978 28680 10139 2088 52290 3130 11505 74403 70194 33938 51236 93979 25961 16695 53608 Owen, Thomas Ellis Wniiam 73761 33559 25740 29510 34878 52649 19465 A. Charles Lewis . , Rodin . . Owens, John and Owen . . Owen 60412 Roberto 27602 Thomas 93980 WHHam 25587 Ower, Honor 12248 Owers, William 8180 Owin, Richard 3131 Oxenden Family .. .... 93981 Oxenham, Samuel 15106 Oxford, Bettv 15098 Dorothy 14173 Oxley, Ambrose 67029 • Charles 76078 David 51297 Edward 74431 George 36740 John 60404 Joshua . , R.,jun. Richard Thomas William 7986 74353 29 52655 34721 53507 Oxon, Charles Oxtoby, Samuel 9114 Oysten, Henry 2474 283 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhieh these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Pace, Ann (or Peace) . . . . 1115 Pacey, Barbara 27603 Pacifico, Sarah 40966 Pack, Arthur John R 66067 George and Josiah . . 19467 Packer, Thomas 60798 Packham, Anno 76097 Packington, Sir John . . . . 5921 Packman, Elizabeth .. .. 7130 Packwood, John 93982 WiUiam .. .. 3384 Padding-ton, Joseph 31964 Paddock, George 25869 Padfield, Eobert 30050 19469 Padgett, Benjamin 71300 Edward 93983 Eamily 75546 John and William . . 71300 Padghan, F 22246 Padlcy, Elizabeth 74631 Padman, Isaac 93984 Mrs 410 Padmore, Charles 10989 Elizabeth 93985 Padney, John . . . . ,. . . 19470 Padquitt, Eleanor .. .. .. 1988 Padi-o, — 10986 Padwick, WilHam 67032 Paffy, John and Mary . . . . 10446 Pagan, Thomas 93987 Pagden, George 36067 Page, Alfred 27604 (America) . . . . 67039 Ann (Surrey) 76757 (legatee) 74466 7722 Anthony 30085 (Colonies) . . 19471 Cai'olinc E 93988 & Co 93992 Eleanor . . 30720 -. 1- amily 93989 George 8555 Ensign .. .. 28681 Henry (N.K.) 66688 (Kent) . . . . 76095 V. Humphrey 24260 Isabella Ann Catherine . . 7836 James 19472 John (Holborn) . . . . 4185 8066 Margaret E 66687 Malachi 2805 Peter 74163 Richard (merchant) . . 74806 (Middlesex) ,. 5556 Page, Robert (Suffolk) . . . . 74164 60424 Prior 26307 Samuel 52723 (widow of) . . . . 54683 V. Skinner 24260 Sophia 8186 Thomas 31666 Edwin . . . , 32707 WiUiam (Surrey) . . . . 14035 (carpenter) . . 10176 27605 Pagen, John 53514 Paget, Charles 5237 Family 5024 Thomas 23656 Paghans, Charley J. . . . . 67038 Paiba, Isaac . . 26494 PaiUet, George 93994 Pain, George 37639 John Brooks 51588 Thomas 60788 Paine, Charles 22884 (Colonies) . . 19473 EHzabeth (or Hatton) . . 74963 93995 Esther 69329 George . . . . , , . . 67615 James . . . . . . . . 27606 Jane 27607 Mary ,. .. .. 93996 John (London) . . . , 3466 .. 6545 Maria . . 30257 Mary 16947 RaliDh 5284 Richard 93997 William 33468 Painter, Edward 60790 Emma 3377 Hannah 9360 P .. .. 9399B James 59270 John 3124 Mr 52289 Susan 93999 Pairy, Richard 8402 Paisley, Joseph 51422 Sir Thomas 8889 Pake, Ann 68180 Charles 19474 Palcreemaii, John 1744 Paley, Louisa .. 27608 Mary and WiUiam . . 9945 Palfreyman, John 732 Palister, John 94000 Pallant, Thomas 11597 284 tHrections for oUaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes ■ -t '^A. c^■ .'AS . relate willbe found at end of Index. Palliser, Jane Pallman, Ismay Palmadge, Elizabeth . . . . Palmer, Alice Ann .-. iii^iiVi''} ■*«!■.■'■ Anthony ^.- ^y r. Archdale .•. .." .. V. Barradell . , Bartholomew Benjamin V. Bonington Catherine , Charles (soldier) Nicholas . , Eobert . , &Co Daniel Edwards. .. .. .. Walter, Sergt. —Z. .... .. Family (India) . . Frederick William . . George (Essex) . . a. T. (India) . . Harriett Henry (Middlesex) Herbert J. E. (India) . . . . Jane (Huntingdon) , . Job John (Norfolk) . . (seaman) . . (Kentish Town) . (Bii-mingham) . . (son of Samuel) . . B James : — Samuel Smith ~ Joseph — Ijconard G — Martha — Mary(formly Barradall) (Hereford) — Ann — Matilda . ; — ]\Iatthcw — Nancy — PeregrinG — Philip (Hereford) (London , , — V. Potter — 11. (Fumival's Inn) . . — Kichard — Coleman . . W 11222 94001 24566 31182 -'2*7609 -8077 14886 24425 70637 16077 24427 54331 26580 5493 37197 52711 32457 5762 58715 29511 70211 29511 33809 10646 51155 75229 26430 69328 50172 94002 75229 54360 76102 68095 6444 1394 4018 66078 54330 67880 5762 52733 37294 94003 27610 35549 64331 71263 33809 61612 7955 27611 5493 71263 73715 24450 63222 21001 16918 01714 Palmer, Eobert Samuel (son of) . . Shirley Solomon ■ , . . , Stephen- (America) Thomas (London) A. William (or representative) Eev. (India) . . Cook . . . . Palmero, Signer Pam]3lin, William , . Pandagy, C. (India) Pannell v. Bennett . . John . . Sarah . . Panter, John Pantlin, Hemy Panton, Elizabeth Pantons, William Paoli, General Philipo . . Pape, John Kirkman . . • Eichard Papendick, Bridget Ann Papineau, Sally Papook, Gregory Pappalardo, Amelia k Julia . . Papworth, Thomas Paramore, Henry & Matthew Paravicini, Countess Parcell, Eleanor Pardine, James Pardis, James Pardoo, John Mary . . Pare, Henry Samuel Pares, J Parfait, Mr Parfott, Jesse Parfitt, James Parforward, James Pargeter, Henry William Pargitter, Daniel (Somerset) . . Parham, Charles James . . . . : Pariman, E Paris, Charles • John, liicut Parish, Elizabeth Family. . Sarah (or Jones) I'ark, Henry Thomas John (India) . . 94004 54331 5493 34217 94005 94006 4903 73715 51093 22885 27612 9868 28682 6111 94007 94008 28683 24424 37945 21938 94010 59499 15262 19475 5476 39128 58560 72913 34251 94011 51676 62968 23130 40373 74169 5697 6662 14266 27613 7927 67346 62726 19476 73570 10999 39316 27614 76739 74161 21010 02818 52729 63312 15005 73577 94012 08098 2905 19478 28684 285 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Park, Josiah i , 19477 Parke, Dudley and Daniel . . 27615 Henry Cocke . . . . 7690 William .. .. .. 50094 Park en, Henrietta Eliza . . 7253 Sarah Caney . . . . 7254 Parker, Abraham (Colonies) . . 19479 . 31685 Agnes 37825 Alfred 56266 Andi-ew 94016 Ann 74576 Anthony and Charles . 7842 Arthur (Devon) .. .. 75069 Benjamin 25501 C 63314 Catherine 65396 Charles (Suffolk) . . 76767 31685 George .. .. 72912 Daniel 36092 — ■■ ■ E. P 74451 V. Edge 24435 Edward 19480 ■^— Eleanor M 76096 Eliza 3129 P. W 76765 Elizabeth Catherine . . 7826 Emma 62847 Esther 94017 Miss F 40590 Fanny (Chancery) . . 62079 24358 Frederick 25502 —George 37824 Craggs (Paris) 67041 WaU .. .. 11610 Henry 66427 M 67605 Hesther 14564 Isabella 71264 J. J 65338 Jacob 2259 James (seaman) . . . . 1283 ■ 21882 94018 Jane 3179 John (Stafford) . . . . 35150 (boatswain) .. 1720 (Colonies) . . . . 19481 (York) . . . . 76758 • (India) . . . . 28685 Christoi)her . . 37721 Churchyard . . 52027 Jonathan 11959 Joseph 39430 (legatee of) . . 74684 Lady 7321 Lewis 94019 Margaret (or Scott) .. 73616 Parker, Mary 73574 94020 Ann 27618 Jane 1838 Mr. (London) . . . . 50814 Mrs. (or Vincent) . . 74687 Nathaniel 21357 P 34456 V. Pannier 23752 ParneU 56313 Eichard 33381 Robert (Major) .. .. 8778 (Kent) . . . . 3513 Samuel 1287 (Norfolk) . . 76752 (widow of) . . 73574 Sarah (late Fisher) . . 76098 Shadrack 51398 Sparkall 76753 Susanna 17035 Thomas (London) . . 1838 (Colonies) . . 19482 Comyns . , 71265 J 66089 William (mariner) . . 70212 (bandsman) 53512 50830 (India) .. 10994 (Ireland) .. 17892 SirWiUiam .. .. 7321 Parkers, A. W. R -29512 Parkes, Catherine 31525 Family 15288 George and John . . 60425 • HcmyT 58694 Joseph 94022 Mary Anne 50916 N. S 17552 Thomas 94023 Parkham, George 6827 Parkhouse, IMr Richard . . . . 36694 Parkhurst v. Selwin . . . . 24454 Parkin, Arthur John .. .. 94024 George 35835 Henrietta Eliza . . . . 7253 Henry 70445 Jane 6271 Joseph 68005 Mary 62855 • • Ann 53510 Richard 21521 Sarah C 7254 William 59358 Parkington, John 94026 Parkins, Edward 6169 William 21315 Davidson . ." 8072 Parkinson (London) . . . . 76120 Barbara .. .. 38345 Charles Luke . . 40051 286 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these if antes relate will be found at end of Index. Parkinson, Edward . . . . 53513 Orton . . 31603 EHzabeth .. .. 56403 George 61710 Hannah .. .. 74734 James . . . . . . 64477 John and John L. 52713 Josephs 61706 Samuel . . 5724 Judith 14899 Margaret .. .. 61711 Sarah 6463 Thomas (Penrith) . 11784 . . .... 14977 Wmiam .. .. 8056 W. .. 61716 Parks, Elizabeth 94027 John 10988 Joseph 14885 Parkyn, Francis 38959 Parkyns, George Isham . . . , 637 Parlby, John 74809 — Thomas 5472 Parlet, Ann and Mary . . . . 6059 Parmigiano, Angelo . . . . 2841 Parminster Family 94028 Parminter, Susan 15172 Parmiiter, James 50702 Pamell, John 4004 (Ireland) . . . . 57802 • Mary Anne . . . , 76105 Priscilla 94029 Thomas and WiUiam . 2262 Wilson 16500 Pamham, Robert 51765 Parnther, Frederick . . . . 74695 Parr, Andrew 5879 Frederick 94030 James 38615 Culshaw . . . . 35839 John 4100 V. Ormc 24447 Salby .. 17321 Thomas 58388 (Colonics) .. .. 19483 Lieut. (India) . . 29041 William 94031 Parramoro, Fanny and James 519 Solomon & Stephen 94032 Parren, Elizabeth 15513 Parrey, Francis 15869 Parris, William 71266 Parrock, Jane 58327 Parrot, J. G. 28686 Parrott, Abraham 9706 '. Elizabeth 50932 George 30440 John 6114 M 8383 Margaret 1329 Parrott, llesech 72902 Michael and Thomas . . 225 Parry, — 94033 Ann 33789 Dr 31563 ^ Edward 61732 Elizabeth 8091 (Colonies) . . 19484 '■ (widow) . . 76122 Family (N.K.) . . . . 57154 94034 George (Pembroke) . . 36083 3628 Henry 94035 John (Cardiganshire) 1511 (Twickenham) . . 6086 Kitty, Miss 6875 ■ Love 14189 Mary 6047 Margaret 67037 Mr 5725 Owen 33671 PhiHp 27619 llichard (Denbigh) . . 64038 (mariner) .. 11419 Rowland 76101 Sarah 94036 Stephen Robert . . . . 38931 Thomas 69330 G 23751 WilHam 24413 : (Anglesea) . . 33788 Fowler . . 94037 Henry.. .. 51605 Parsall, H 61715 Parslow, Mary Ann . . • . . 61637 Tryphena.. ,T ,. 30687 Parslowe, Lucy 27620 Parson, Elizabeth Rachael . . 31204 John 94038 ■ Joseph, Rev 29513 Richard and Sarah ■ . . 94039 WiUiam 5880 Parsons, Benjamin 94040 Betts, & Co 73715 Charles 94041 . Daniel 5532 Edward 8142 Family 94042 George 57883 Grace 9927 James 60787 Jane 9422 John 66518 -Henry .. .. 94043 Louisa 68096 Mai-tha 94044 ■-^— Mary Ann . . . . 73684 r. Mcvilk- .. .. 24446 Richard 33160 287 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisetnents to which time Names relate will be found at end of Index . Parsons, Sarah 17607 (SomersetsHre) 67 (widow) .. .. 7728 Thomas 34263 William 25990 (Lliddlesex) 9787 (died ahroad) 19485 Parston, 1786 Paxtheridge, Edward . . . . 6373 Partiagton, B. M 34665 Partis, Fletcher 5417 Parton, John 51147 Margaret 5951 Partrick Family 59227 Partridge, Ann 7841 Arthur 8921 F. T. 12957 George 74602 Henry Samuel .. 72918 Joseph 10015 ^Mary 36076 ■ Samuel Heni-y . . 75545 Parvrn, Elizabeth 7887 Paschoud, Frederick Smith . . 28514 Pascoe, James . , . . . . . . 50183 Richard 483 Thomas 94045 Pascual, Edward 60795 Pasedag, E. and J 94046 Pash, George (or Pask) . . . . 68606 Pashley, Mary 8910 Pasierbski, Hippol>i;e . . . . 50239 Paske, John B. G. P 58251 Paskett, Esther 12906 Pasley, Gilbert 15024 John (Chancery) . . 62969 Sir Thomas 15972 Pasmore, Emma and William . 52734 James (soldier) . . 75071 Pass, Thomas 94048 Passe, Joachin 21931 Passenburgh, Baron Van P. . . 58851 Passey, William 15328 Passfield, Mary 94049 Passingham, George . . . . 94050 J 12863 Robert 27621 Passini, Francis 339 Passmore, Henn' 58849 Pasteur, Blovett 94052 Mary 56731 Paston, Clement 94053 Mary 5320 Isabella . . . . 6843 Patch, John 94054 William 10080 Patchett, Henry and Sarah . . 50664 John 21402 Patchin, Henry 76774 Pate, Elizabeth 7308 Pate, Margaret 27622 " Robert Francis . , . . 51077 • S^ah .. 94055 Paten, Eleanor 94056 Pater, John 76179 Paterdye, Richard 94057 Paternoster, George . . . . 55528 John 62816 Paterson, Alfred 72901 Christopher . . . . 94058 Emma 57669 George (Chancery) . . 71875 30212 Grace 72919 Hemy 52688 ^Isabella 12100 James 12197 • — R.K 34171 John 53824 '- — Margaret 67626 Mary 12721 Mr. and Mrs 94059 Nathaniel H 30212 Peter 62815 Robert 12203 Thomas 52673 Wm. Kennie, Rev. . , 53822 .William (Colonies) . . 19486 12148 Patey, James and Sarah. . . . 94060 Patlock, John 54544 Patman, P 68610 Patnam, James . . ,, .. .. 27622 Paton, Brandon 8400 John (Colonies) . . . . 19487 Captain (India) . . 26688 Joseph . , 7746 Patrick, Andrew 19488 Adam 33787 Anna &, John . , . . 858 Charles 8537 Francis, Captain . . 29515 Guy 74690 Hannah 94062 Matthew Howland.. 30440 Thomas 51207 William 16299 Patrickson, Hugh 55898 Isabella . . . . 52698 Patten & Co., Messrs 40468 . Edmund 33884 Elizabeth 31616 Family 56199 Susannah 27623 -y. Taylor 24456 Thomas 24249 Saumarez . . 6735 Pattenden, Joseph 52722 Pattenger, Abraiiam ,. ,, 4175 Pattenson, John . . , , . , 28687 288 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Pattenson, Tlioinas F., Lieut . . William , Patters,' Peter .. *, Patterson, Alex. (Lliddlesex) . . Allan Charles (Calcutta) (mariner) Charlotte (Middlx.) Ckristopher E., Lieut Frederick . . J.p... .. .. James (Colonies) (seaman) Janet John ^Rochester) . . (quarter-master) Mary Eebecca Eichard Eonald V. Stewart Susannah (widow) . . Thomas (publisher) William (Dublin) , Patteson, George Pattinson, Eichard . . William Pattison, Anthony . . . Edward James . Mary . . . , Eichard . , Pattisson, Catherine Joseph . . Pattlo, Daniel . . . . Thomas Charles , , William (Essex) Patton, John IVIr. . E., Major Bobert . . Pattullo, Eobert . . . . Patty, James and Sarah. . Patuck, Anna PatuUo, James, Captain.. Paul, Alexander . . . . Charlotte A Dr. (Bishop) . . . . Edwm Elizabeth Family Hamilton Henry Lieut. (India) James 28690 94063 1704 16527 245 26016 7503 8647 51061 76100 39610 28691 25892 94064 19489 1715 19490 1527 3999 94065 716 19491 94066 24452 11942 58617 8704 12962 11754 27624 73759 50463 9759 32280 35417 16647 94067 35716 33017 70200 9034 72914 19492 10428 28693 7531 36747 94068 8401 29516 70682 61731 75074 53836 59181 61212 35280 21436 28694 10993 Paul V. Jarritt John (or Moses) William Mary, Miss Peter Eichard and Eobert Samuel Thomas Paulden, William . , Paulger, Thomas Paulm, Elizabeth . . Henry Paulsworth, George Pauncefort Sir George Eobert Pauncefote, Julian Eobert . , Pavey, John Baldwin William Pavis, Mary Pawell, John and Margaret Pawley, John Eobert Pawsey, Alice Sarah Pawson Family John William . . Paxon, George Paxton, Jno. k Michael (Mchstr. John Joseph WilHam Payant, Dorothy and Matthew Payler, James Mary Ann Wilham Payn, Sarah Payne, Benjamin Matthew . . c. E. & c. y C. H Charles Daniel E. and E Edward (soldier) . . Eleanor (or Honora) Family (India) . . Frederick George . . Hannah Henry , . J. G. . . James B. Jano John (Essex) H. 24443 76777 27625 2255 26038 19493 7381 19495 50335 3414 10642 28695 14419 15483 454 69323 69327 36790 73568 9768 8396 94069 94070 27626 30725 94071 75073 32257 ) 519 57248 62031 96072 54591 36264 568 65346 39594 54263 22272 10715 33657 19496 59094 74431 4235 73824 26454 29517 94074 50976 2836 74525 72010 27627 10370 94075 94076 1337 38035 22270 289 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisetnmis to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Payne, John Matthew . . . . 54260 Joseph (legatee) . . . . 66606 37449 Louisa 02678 Mary 94077 Mrs 5847 PhiUp 2066 Richard 11400 (baker) .. .. 16039 Eobert 4235 . (liliddlesex) . . 50449 Walter 34471 William (Chancery) . . 71872 (Essex) . . 75076 17105 Paynton, Richard 10712 Pazziani Family 94078 Peabody, David 12545 Peace, Ann (or Pace) . . . . 1116 Elizabeth 61721 WilHam 7365 Peach, Charles 6736 W. 69343 —Family 94079 Joseph 34191 Samuel 10427 Sarah 52666 (Middlesex) . . 70206 Peachey, G 94081 Joseph 52703 Mary 21454 Richard (Kent) . . 76745 Thomas 26581 Peacock, Amelia (CamberweU) 76771 Ann 61726 Dr 94083 Eliza Ann .. .. 70216 Elizabeth 94084 Family 94085 Henry 22369 James 12155 John (York) . . . . 75081 36157 Mary 34885 Matthew 94086 r. Peacock . . . . 24448 R.E 27628 V. Saggers . . . . 24451 Samuel 11423 Thomas 8827 (descendants of) 56607 William (Colonies) . . 19497 56608 Peacocke, — (representatives of) 63313 Marmaduke & Thos. 65339 Ralph (Chancery) . . 65394 William (Chancery) 72065 Colonel . . 71876 Pead, William . , , , , , , . 94088 Peake, Ann (legatee) . . . . 68179 27629 Henry 38842 IMrs. (Stafford) . . . . 14054 Samuel 29518 Thomas 16449 Peam, Robert 8394 Peanah, Beebee . .^ . . . . 22218 Pearce, Ann (or Perrin) . . . . 17147 11539 AnnabeUa 94089 Aithur 94090 Charles 2961 Daniel 2873 Edward 94091 Eliza (or CoUens) . . 74221 Francis 6275 George 74188 James Edmund . . . . 76736 Jane 9420 Eliza o 50453 Jeremiah 31604 John (legatee) . . . . 6275 1538 (Monmouth) .. 67604 Mary 27630 Ann .... . . 72921 Mathew 94092 Nicholas 6275 Rhoda 51609 Richard (S. Sea House) 4151 Rev 6022 Robert 94094 Sarah 4151 Thomas 3025 William 14056 (senior) . . 94095 Webb . . . . 19498 Peard, Henry H 23116 Peareth, William 50506 Pearget, Louis V. . . . . . . 19499 Pearkes, Mary 5610 Pearl, Dame Anne 38245 Pearman, Luke 61733 Sarah and Susanna 39278 Peam, Richard 27631 Peame, Anna 2426 Robert 12686 WilHam 94095 Pears, George .. .. .. .. 35101 Job .. .. .. .. 8188 Pearse, Agnes 76747 Anne Annabella . . . . 578 Family 94096 Geddie 70213 Jane 52716 John (Brixton) . . . . 76323 Robert 7067 SaUy 27632 William .. .. ,. 40931 T 290 Directions for obtaining full eopies of the Advertismnents to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Pearsey, William Pearshouse, William Bradney Pearson, — Alexander Anna . . , , , , Charles, jim David Elizabeth. (legacy to) George (India) Hannah (York) Henry (Stafford) James, Rev. . . John Joseph .. .. Juliana , . Lauucelot Margaret Luke Mary (or Eussell) Elizabeth Matthew Miss . . Philip & Price, Messrs. Rachel A Robert (Devonshire) (seaman H.M.S, Sarah Tell & Co. . . . Thomas Walter . . ... Wilkinson & Co. . William (Norfolk) Pearsons, Sarah \:^ .... Peart, John Joseph Thomas (Surrey) . William Pease, Arthur Edward Joseph Wilham Peasgood, John iSamuel Susannah Peat, Edward and Elizabeth . . Mary and WUliam Samuel WiUium (Derby) . . . . Peatficld, John Peavcridge, Anthony Pebles, Andrew Peche Fawily (or Pechi) 94099 10601 27633 94100 94101 75719 31817 28697 14947 14410 28696 6494 14502 14409 52669 50717 67266 50354 75193 68 29519 12244 94102 52410 4551 10633 51533 59971 40220 94103 1568 )1171 7998 9957 52665 75072 9884 57427 31433 8387 69336 15264 64958 21881 27634 21110 94104 67074 67606 27635 3801 6786 6739 3767 8867 31022 32497 317 12271 61436 Peche, John V. Smith Peck, Ann Christian Family Frederick Hannah Henry H James Kate and Martha . . John and Margaret Mrs Robert James . . Thomas William Pedder, Edward (Lancaster) James Robert Peddle, John Pedford, Richard Pedley, Francis Pedlingham, Miligen Peter John Pedrick, Joseph and William Peebles, William Peed, Thomas Peehey, John Peek, G. W Peel, Jenny John W Peele, Peers, Joseph Poet, Stephen Pegden, Nicholas Pegg, William Peglar, George Pegler, W. H Pegus, Rev. Peter W. . . Peile, Catherine Henry Peirce Family Joseph Maria Peirio (or Pierie), John . , Peirse, Henry William . , Robert , Peirson, Peter William (or Pierson) Peislcy Family Pclham, Brent and Harriet E. Family Isaac. — — — Jabez IVIrs Thomas, Lord . . Pelissier, Elizabeth Poll, Albert Elizabeth 16799 24456 94105 16481 23919 52720 857 61734 53831 52719 94106 27636 94108 16480 74171 720 64961 66092 74466 12935 2854 35063 94110 3909 19500 12268 21929 94111 28698 16658 52727 61734 94112 51298 51345 39113 32999 23713 52740 59382 94113 26427 94114 69786 25469 75086 65787 14247 16414 6346 94115 66622 94116 24436 60696 27637 11620 7263 66843 94119 291 Directioni for obtaining full copies oftlie Advertisemmts to which theti Name» relate will be found at end of Index. Pell, James 6952 Mary Ann 29520 Pellat, Anthony 94120 PeUatt, T 36601 Pellegrini, Joseph . . . . . . 32799 Pellew, Elizabeth 61724 Samuel Humphrey . . 50635 PeUing, Henry Hays . . . . 35203 Pemherton, Benjamin .. .. 11431 C. E 65341 Christopher K. .. 71873 — Francis Charles . . 32943 George 8012 Harriette (widow of Rev. John) . . 64933 Henry J. & Robert 72063 James 8678 John .. .. .. 94121 Martha 75193 Richard .. .. 94122 Sarah 68608 WilHam .. .. 34363 Pembroke, Charles John . . 40265 Pen Family . . .... . . 94123 Penandum, Francis 94124 Penarie, Elizabeth and Peter. . 14596 Pencewick, Margaret . . . . 23536 Pendlebury, Ann 15553 Pendrell, Elizabeth 94125 Family 10721 Richard 10282 Pendrill, Catherine and Frances 16445 Pendry, Elizabeth 30209 Jacob 71271 Pendy, Surmam 19503 Peneand, Brent and Harriet . . 56622 Penfold, Charles 67255 Hy. (seaman H.M.S.) 187 (seaman M.S.) 572 Penford, Alice 14060 PengiUy, William 55193 Penhallow^ John (or Penhalla) 2516 Penlington, Amelia 39947 Penman, Fanny 27638 ■ James 640 Penn, Richard (Pembroke) . . 76746 Thomas 10237 (Surrey) . . . . 7076 Pennance, William 94126 Pennant, David 37523 Pennefather, Catherine . . . . 21901 Clare, E. E. . . 26431 Pennell, Lowell 61523 Martha 9505 Mary 9975 Shelley Pilkington . . 40103 Penney, Mary 40305 ^William 33681 Pennie, John 94127 Pennington, George Janes , , 61719 Pennington, John 94128 Richard .. .. 9916 Robert 40385 Rainy .. 51145 Sarah 17487 Thomas Sale . . 64959 Penny, — (Sussex) 31174 Alexander 6737 Ann 24596 Bartholomew ., ,. 31174 Blake 27639 Catherine 6737 Charles 10002 (Bristol) . . . . 17443 E 9894 Edmund and George . . 25496 Family (Somerset) . . 68609 Henry 19504 Isabella and others . . 6737 James G., Rev. (India) 28700 John 1412 Martha 3621 Mr 3565 Solomon 94129 Thomas 74176 William 94130 J. H 67056 John Hatley 40981 Pennyfeather, James (Middlesex) 66075 Lucy .. .. 67045 Pennyman, E 59092 Sir James .. .. 94131 Mary 1170 Penrhyn, Ann 27640 Penrice, Charles 36227 Edward 31194 Thomas 10285 Penrin, 94132 Penrith, Thomas 19505 Penrose, C. H., Lieut 28701 Family 75082 Isabella 26308 James 10992 Penry, Henry 64942 Penson, Dinah 62704 John 35582 Stephen 2096 Thomas 66068 Pentecost Hope . . , . 1473 Pentland, Isabella 74682 Penton, George 15907 Robert 94134 Thomas 50224 Pentycross, Elizabeth . . . . 6406 Peplow, James Richard . . . . 74166 Peppard, William 94135 Pepper, George 37815 Hampden H 29521 John 8176 Sarah , , . . , . . . 12213 T2 292 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisetnents to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Pepper, Thomas 27641 (Ireland) .. 23136 Peppercorne, James Watts . . 71256 Peppin, Catherine (or Chambers) 75 S 7 Henry William . . . . 8698 Jane (Middlesex) . . . . 62820 William 75542 94137 Peppitt, Sarah 94137 Pepple (King of Bonny) . . 73575 Pepys, Roger 6373 Percey, John 21026 Perchard, Helliar 14101 Peter 75554 William 94138 Perchase, Sarah 2440 Percival, Charles and James . . 74170 Edward Lock wood . . 34446 Elizabeth 29522 Isaac 5881 John 25334 (Middlesex) . . 62843 Joseph 54271 Sarah 5881 Susan and Thomas . . 50329 WilHam 16602 (Lancaster) 35086 Percy Chapel Lying-in Charity 75193 Henry 71292 Mrs. (formerly Parish) 73577 Sarah 31016 William Parsons .. 11867 Perdine, James 2174 Perea, Francis Manuel . . . . 589 Pereira, Espershotum .. .. 11111 Jacob 57094 Joquin 10984 Perez, Francis . . 94139 Perfect, Edwin 53827 Family 54010 George 33365 Thomas 23732 William 30686 Perie, George 94140 Perigal, John 74809 Perin, Henry 3245 Perkin, Ann 65780 Perkins, — 66073 Ann 14697 12846 Barbara 16496 Charles ., ., .. 94141 Edward Emanuel .. 64913 Elizabeth 4844 George 2705 Hannah 66913 Henry 61707 James 2390 rColonies) . . 19506 ■ Jane and Joseph , , 94142 Perkins, IMr 52288 Mrs 31815 Robinson 94143 Sarah M 24174 & Spencer, Messrs. . . 13107 Stephen 50600 Thomas H 30005 William 21021 Perkinton, Joshua 62700 Perks, Hannah Maria .. .. 17650 ^Edward 34827 John 21116 (Colonies) .. .. 19507 William 9965 Perl, Jacob M 76764 Perochon, John and John E. . . 58055 Perponcher, Baroness de . . 73484 Perram, John 94144 Perron, Manuel F 589 Perret&Son 52707 WiUiam 52677 Perrett, Paul 5862 Perriman, Deborah 520 Perrin Family 5726 Henry 94145 Perrins, Edward 68611 Pernor, Anne E 61723 James 62844 Perr is, Thomas 62706 Perron, General Charles . . .. 28703 Perrott, Charlotte and William 68604 Perry, — 94146 ^ Alexander 19509 Amelia 94147 Edward 56658 Eleanor 27642 Elizabeth 3690 Evan 11001 Frederick 22273 George (Colonies) . . 19508 21243 James (Ireland) . . .. 21974 (Suffolk) . . . . 74308 (legatee) . . . . 22274 John 1511 (Dublin) . . . . 22501 (Ceylon) .. .. 22854 H 24725 Taylor 21670 Joseph W ■ 73067 Kitty 886^ Mary 29523 Michael 94148 Nathan 10136 Rose 22275 Sarah (Salisbury) . . 62682 27643 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 62680 (Chancery) . . 71877 (Salop) .. .. 8962 293 Directions for obtaining full copies of tJie Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. PeiTy, Thomas 16194 William (Cumberland) 31451 (London) . . 40069 Frederick .. 36953 PerrjTnan, — 7955 (or Humphreys) 2537 Edward .. .. 30032 Elias, Capt 94151 Joseph and Judith 52686 Mary Ann .. .. 66343 Peter 53255 Pershouse, Henry 71276 William B 94153 Persse, Patrick 94152 Persten, Mary 94154 Perth, Plantation 19511 Pervine, — (Colonies) .. ,. 55720 Pery, Charles H 29522 Pescod, Sarah 1736 William 94155 Pescott, Joseph 55785 WiUiam 73567 Pesen, John B 25336 Peshall, Capt 67345 Pester, Elizabeth 62821 Pestol, Joseph 19512 Pestugia, Pietro 67603 Petchell, Thomas Miller . . 50278 Peteniand Family 94156 Peter, Thomas 94157 Peterkin, Alexander and John 58082 Peters, Ann 36782 C. E., Capt 29524 Charles 21951 Daniel 36664 Edward 94158 George 29525 V. Henderson . . . . 24438 Henry 94159 E 59513 James (merchant) . . 75078 94160 (Colonies) . . 19513 John (Bristol) . . . . 8612 (seaman) , . . . 877 Weston . . . . 54895 Peter 1704 Eobert 75080 Eogers 67043 vSinion 1850 Thomas 6635 William 59513 Peterson, Andrew 3168 Anne Han-ison . . 51623 Charles 8650 Christian Troels . . 1195 E 19514 Frederick 94161 James 591 John 941G2 Peterson, Joseph 71278 0. and Peter . . .. 94163 Thomas Pexton . . 37921 Pether, George 307 Petherain, John 53519 Pethier, John 19515 Petiniand, Aime Edouard . . 12626 Edourd Fran9oisaime 7839 Petit,— 36411 Ann 38230 Benjamin 35636 Matthew 33036 Thomas 8868 (Colonies) .. .. 19516 Peto Family 34045 Henry 7205 Sarah 10484 Petre, Alexander, Lieut. -Col.. 7977 Jack 37201 Nathaniel George . . 14152 Petrie, Alexander 7888 Eobert 62970 Petris, Antonio & C 94165 Petruse Family (Chancery) . . 24437 Pett, Ann 94766 Pettener, Ann 52676 Pettet, Capt. Francis . . . . 29526 Pettifer, Mary 2325 Pettigrew, Joshua 16841 Pettingal, Edward 62839 Pettingall, Eev. Geo. Hanbiiry 3531 PettingeU, John . . . .* . . 94167 Pettit, Anne 04168 Benjamin 53208 Henry James .. .. 56216 John 6547 Pettiward, Eogor 71267 Pettman, Heniy 34362 ■ — ^ John". 50324 Petts, Ann 1061 Petty, Catherine 224 & Duxbury 68341 Henrietta 74302 John 2837 Joseph 94170 Michael 94169 Sir William 23667 Pettyhold, Charles (Colonies) " 19502 Petzer, Sarah 6968 Peverel, Samuel 15299 Peverell, Mary 54470 Pew, Peter Laurie (Colonies) 29527 Pews, Edward 94171 Peynado, Joseph Eodi-igues . , 53221 Peynon, Henrv 53834 Peytin, Sir Henry 35204 Peyton, John AVeedon . . . . 30862 Eichard E 22694 Pfleger, Christopher 58643 294 Direefions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Phaire, Kobert W 26426 Pheasey, Joseph 8393 Phelan, Edmund (America).. 71026 24651 John 26317 Sarah 10610 "Phelegethon" (ship), Crew of 55038 Phelps, Caroline, IMrs 75078 Isaac 58428 Josiah 61741 Thomas 74674 William 50843 Phene, 94172 Phenix, Mary and Nathaniel. . 94173 Phepps, Martha 64314 Phibbs, Jane 30182 Eichard 33072 WilHam Henry . . . . 94174 Philippon, Richard B 94175 Philipps, John and Mary . . 7688 Philips, Caroline and Christiana 30109 David 16370 Edward 94176 Evan 7071 Frederick 62873 John, Rev 94178 WilUam . . . . 30109 Judith 73767 Mary 94179 . Sarah 30120 Thomas 50285 WiUiam 94180 Phill, Thomas 73586 Phillimore, John 1112 Philhp V. Burdctt 24429 William 94181 PhiUipan, William 1413 Phillips, Abraham 31076 Ann 57971 Anna 941§2 Anne 62836 Au^stus 10069 B 94183 Catherine (Croydon). 7055 (barmaid) . 7650 Charles 16798 (seaman) . . 17248 66345 Henry.. .. 71279 J 72906 . Charlotta 7089 David 21149 E.B., Major .. .. 61735 Elizabeth (or Wildon) (SiuTcy) .. .. 76077 Elizabeth 16006 -Charlotte . 6882 Ellis 94184 Evan 7071 George (coal merchant) 76077 Phillips, George (Surrey) . . 73760 (bell hanger) 3631 (Jamaica) . . . 9028 Harriet (wfe of Rchrd.) 64393 Henry 38770 Herbert (servant) . . 76108 Horace . . . . . . 94185 J. G., Commander . . 53373 James (Middlesex) . . 27645 (Pembroke) . 39351 (Lancaster) . 76743 John .. .. 8385 . Jane 15939 (London) . . 16460 John (seaman) . . 3099 (Cornhill) . . 74661 (Cumberland) 62699 A 60786 Jacob .. .. 34442 > Joseph (wine cooper) 65540 L 94186 Lodge 22568 Margaret 24287 Martha 16799 Mary (Nova Scotia) 7688 15940 Michael 5953 Mitchell 94187 Moses 39623 Nathaniel (Middlesex) 72916 ■ 16797 Thompson 6495 Patrick 5953 Peter 6847 PhiHp 57075 Price 94188 Richard (Oxford) . . 53531 12581 Robert 94189 R. H. Capt. (Colonies) 28706 . Samuel, Rev 39714 Sarah 39362 Stephen HowoU .. 61364 Susannah 27G47 Thomas 67531 (Australia) 76766 William (Staffordsh.) 70878 10669 rPembroke.) 2366 (Boulogne) 2562 Winifred .. .. 94190 Phillipson, Charles Burton .. 16149 Edward B 71280 Richard, Rev. . . 10348 Phillis, Robert 16639 Phillot, George 28707 Phillpotts, Thos. Charles, Lt. 28708 Philp, David 69464 Helen and John . . . . 94191 Philpot, CharloB 2903 295 Directions for obtaining full copies of the AdvcrtisemeHls relate will be found at end of Index. which these Names Philpot, Elizabetli and Wm., . 75068 James .. . . ' . . .. 9118 Jane Palliser . . . . 26516 Philpott, Catherine Charlotte 37823 Philps, Thomas 9104 Philpster, Thomas 94192 Philroth, Johan 94193 Phin, Ann 27648 Phinn, Thomas 50971 Phippen, Robert 33007 Phipps, — 11984 Anna 23091 Elizabeth 3567 George (Colonies) . . 19517 27649 Henry 52738 Isaac 69520 John 14083 Mary 2574 OUvia 33346 Phipps B 94194 Richard 94195 Robert (Colonies) . . 19518 Phyn, James 58845 Physick, John 94196 Phythian, Peter Webster . . 50499 Pick, Jeannette 24681 Margaret 94197 Pickance, Mrs. Mary (Colonies) 29528 Pickann, Mary 5527 Pickard, Elizabeth 14907 Family 70836 67913 John 50144 WiUiam 6048 Pi ckbourn, James .. .. .. 7541 Picken, John 94198 Pickerel], James 94199 Thomas 478 Pickering, Charlotte . . . . 53534 Elizabeth (or Horton) 52413 .. .. 9568 ■ Robert 9915 ■ Samuel 73715 ■ Thomas 478 William 27650 B 57000 Pickemell, Annie M 76107 Jeremiah . . . . 67054 Pickersgill, Mr 94200 WilHam, Capt. . . 28710 Pickett, A 94201 Elizabeth 30760 Family 66420 Pickett, Francis 64630 John 10405 V. Johnson 24439 Pickford, Ann and Thomas . . 65851 Mr 94202 Pickford v. RandoU . . . . 23753 Thomas 34843 Picking, Edward (Colonies) . . 19519 Pickington, Sir John . . . . 5863 Pickis, Susanna 870 Pickles, Elizabeth 5985 Pickmann, Mary 16898 Pickmere, Amelia 75550 Pickrell, James 10528 Pickthall, WiUiam 73582 Pickup, James 91282 Mark 53536 Picterson, Johan 21314 Picton, Edward 35216 Piddocke, John and Thomas . . 30269 Pidgeon, W 94203 Pieck, William 30397 Piedon, Jari'ctt 94204 Pierce, — (or Pearce) . . . . 94205 Ann 8999 Butler 74431 Family 6622 Frederick 10298 George 11743 (went abroad) . . 74188 Hannah 27651 John Harvey . . . . 10199 Mary (widow of John) 50978 Robert (Surrey) . . . . 75084 Sarah 94206 Thomas (Wilts) . . . . 7134 WilHam Matthews . . 71285 Piercy, Edward 66057 Jane 23498 Thomas 94207 Whyley (America) . . 74182 Piere, John 8405 Pierie, Ann 62828 John (London) . . . . 62849 (orPcirie) (tailor) 75086 Pierpoint, Mary (Australia) .. 76111 Pierrepoint, Ann 94208 Mary 17006 Piers, John .. 87 Picrson, Elizabeth 38449 Peter and Samuel . . 94209 William (or Peiison) 5346 Piersy, Jeffrey 9930 Pieschel, Charles Augustus . . 6905 Piesse, Charles 19520 Piffard, Elizabeth 73569 Pige, Ann 7722 Pi gg, George 51281 Piggot, Robert 16904 Piggott, Caroline and John .. 94211 Thomas 11190 WilHam 3182 Pigot, Caroline 11896 Charles 60781 George 94213 296 B I sections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Pigot, Grraham 94214 Robert 5534 Pigott, Catherine A. G. F. . . 57513 Ellen M 26429 Francis 6088 V. Green 23754 Henry Thomas . . . . 55077 John Hugh 34866 Mary G. F 67637 Matthew P 1500 Pigou, John (Colonies) . . . . 28710 Pike, — , . . . . 31006 Elizabeth (Bath) . . . . 75548 Jabez 58487 James 9095 John . . 878 (Colonies) . . . . 19521 Joseph (London) . , . . 62730 Maria Ann 38109 Mary 6876 Anne . . . . ' . . 62495 Mr 94215 Sarah 27652 Thomas 3011 Pilbeam, Elizabeth 94216 John 40907 Pilbrow, Thomas 11739 Pilcher, — 94217 Edward (Colonies) . . 19522 Jesse Wood . . . . 53533 Mrs 39567 Pilford, Richard 2854 Pilgrim, Elizabeth 27653 James 36068 Margaret 55788 Thomas 73766 Pilkin, George and John . . 94217 Sarah 4212 Pilkington, Daniel 377 Diana 76459 — . Family 94220 George 76761 James 94219 Sir John . . . . 6863 WilUam .. .. 2215 Pilkinton, James 34886 Pill, George 66342 Pillans, Hugh 31257 William Pott .. .. 35816 Pillbeam, Edward 860 Pilling, James 34928 Pillings, Samuel 30078 (Colonies) .. 19523 Pillmore, Dr 21379 Pilon, Daniel and David . . 35634 Pilsbury v. Dickenson . . . . 24432 PiLson, Lucinda E. & Ricliard 23186 Pirn, John and Joseph . . . . 75719 Thomas and Thomas S. . 66062 Pimperton, James 2917 Pinard, Eleanor 9534 Pinchback, William . . . . 27654 Pinchbeck, Catherine . . . . 27655 Family 17882 Pinck, Palmatius 31231 Pincke, D. W 94223 Pinckney & Co 94224 Pinder, Daniel 63535 Peter 75079 Pindy, N 1906 Pine, Agnes M 76117 Joseph 1928 V. Pine 24449 Thomas 64041 Pinfold, William Lewis . . . . 74181 Pinhorn, John 74336 Pink Family 74187 George 39564 John (Middlesex) .... 76110 Joseph 94225 Mary 6090 Pinkey, Alice 94226 Pinkney, James 94227 Saintloe 21674 Pinkston, Rebecca 10512 Pinkstone, Mr. D." 35430 Pinler, John . . • 36601 Pinna, Isabella 94228 Maria (Colonies) . . . . 28712 Pinnell, Richard 9747 Pinnet, Nicholas 503 Pinney, Francis 38778 Pinnick, Elizabeth 61745 Pinnington, John 17977 Pinnock, William 64946 Pinsent, John 4650 Pinto, Gomez Jose Francisco . . 2200 Pinwill, Eliza and John. . . . 27656 Pinyon, Aaron 67055 Pipe, Sarah 94229 Piper, -— Lieutenant .. .. 1298 Ann 6139 Sergeant G 3254 James 14463 John 2217 Robert Monkhouso . . 71284 Thomas 94230 Hemy . . . . 19524 Pipping Family .\ .. .. 14087 William 94231 Pirie, — 63316 George 94232 Pisfell, Charios B 67000 Pitcairn, Alexander 8779 Family 94233 Pitcaithly, Rev. L 29529 Pitcher, Edward 94234 George 10985 Montague W 68612 Thomas 9592 297 Directions for obtaining Jull copies oj the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Pitcher, William (Calcutta) . . 75647 (Kent) . . 67607 Pitchers, Major . . 75091 Pitches, Mary 27657 William 7069 Pitchford, John 62114 Pitfield, John S 23913 Pithouse, William 71874 Pitkin, George 94235 Hannah 76112 John and Thomas .. 15174 Eichard 74511 Pitman, — 31008 Catherine 94236 Elizabeth 51549 Hannah 27658 John, Eev 51538 Joseph 2732 Mary Ann 29530 Phoebe 66052 Eobert 63260 B 68099 Pitson, Maria and William . . 34581 Pitt, Ann 8946 Daniel ,52697 Family 94238 Frances 15188 George 39987 James 75088 John 35074 Andrew 53820 Joseph 31543 (or ParranK>re) . . 12454 Stephen 36807 William (seaman) . . . . 10990 (butcher) . . . . 71290 Pitter, James 14872 John 4852 Pittkin, Mary 33531 Pittman, James 36837 Pittock, William 34079 Pitts, Elizabeth 94239 Misses 23586 Pix, John 94240 Pizey, B. Montague . . . . 51720 Pla, Johanna H 58902 Place, Daniel M. M. C. H. G. . 59791 Francis 39838 Thomas 58843 Plaistow, Elizabeth and Mary Ann 15252 Penelope 15184 • Eichard and William 94241 Plaistowe Family 53348 Plampin, E. .\ 94241 Plane, AVilliam Squire . . . . 64954 Plank, Frederick William . . 19525 Peter 94242 Plant r. Boucher 24428 Plant, Catherine 456 Elizabeth 58297 John (children of) . . . . 66338 Mercy 23722 Planters Bank Bonds . . . . 53499 Plasket, Henry Thomas . . .. 37558 William (Chancery) . . 56966 Plaskett, 94243 Plasterer, Allen . . 30543 Plater, John 94244 Piatt, Ambrose 61746 Isaac 58847 James 52667 John, Lieut.-Col. . . 60418 Judith Ann 27659 Sarah and Thomas . . 871 Flatten, Elizabeth and William 65767 Platteras, Mary 27660 Platts, Edmund 51620 Sarah (or Scott) . . . . 75083 Player, Eebecca 64191 Samuel 21685 Playfair, H. A., Lieut. (Colonies) 29531 Playle, MaryE 75311 Pleasant, Sarah 15088 Pleasants, James 16566 Pledin, Jarrett 94245 Plevy, Mrs. Martha 57186 Plows, Edward 7020 Nathaniel 74184 Plice, James . . .... . . 94247 Plincke, William 31641 Plomer, Edward 73585 Peter 7557 William 72910 Plomley, 54401 Plowden, A. U. C. (Colonies) . 29532 . Henry Chichley . . 10308 Plowman, John 57680 Plum, Edward James . . . . 29533 Jane 30144 Plimib, James 23174 Joseph and Maria . . 52659 :Mr 1095 Eobert 50660 Thomas 7231 WiUiam (Colonics) . . 19526 Plumbe, James 14883 John and Thomas . . 12001 Plumber, Eugenie 74190 Mary Ann .. .. 1141 Plumley, John 34566 Plummer, Charles 2833 James.. .. 51634 Family 94248 MatthcAv 62868 Thomas William . . 73578 William Frederick . 55794 Plumpin, E 8386 Plumstcd, Owen 94249 298 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Plunket, James 15297 —Patrick, Hon 22398 Eichard Underhill . . 15298 Plunkett, Christopher . . . . 22953 Hope 56619 James F 68617 John, Lieut 74183 " Pluto " (ship), Crew of . . 55042 Plyer, John 19527 Pocklington, Roger .. ,, 72066 Thomas .. .. 67611 Pocock, Elizabeth 94252 ■ Henry 55152 Isaac 4450 James . . 2663 Jane 2465 John 12415 v. Knight 50718 Mrs 75092 W. J 27661 Pococke, Vannam 11663 Podmore, Henry St. John . . 30572 John 74186 Poehlman, Paul (Colonies) .. 19527 Pogson, George Thomas . . 62663 R.W., Lt.-Col. (Colonies) 29534 Pohlman, Lt.-Col. A. 28715 Poile, George 40246 Poingdestre, James 50145 Pointer, Richard 94253 Pointon, Rose 9432 WilHam 61754 Poland V.Collins 24431 Polchett, Louis Alphonse . . 8669 Polden, Alexander and Joseph 7534 Pole Family 94254 Polchampton, Edward . . , . 73980 Polglaze, Henry 72956 Polieny, C. and T 38595 Polk inghome, John .. .. 25931 Philippa . . . . 67900 Pollard, — (Surrey) .... 88 Benjamin 35813 Betsy 36781 Edward 69367 Edwin 61758 Family 88 Hannah and John , . 94255 Harriet and Mary . . 39191 James (children of) . . 1657 John 69370 Joseph 38826 Maria 94257 Mary (or Lucas) . . 63924 Richard (Sussex) . . 68621 Robert 94256 Sarah 31823 WilHam (London) . . 76078 E., Dr. (India) 2871G Pollen, Elizabeth Primrose . . 53518 Pollet, Frederick 61582 PoUey, John 57830 Ralph and Susan . . . . 75093 WilHam 13101 PoUitt Family 27662 Pollock, Charles and Charlotte 94257 John 52106 Margaret 16290 Matthew J 23210 Mr 31316 Robert (engineer) . . 75556 WilHam (Colonies) . . 19528 PoUon, John Anthony . . . . 64257 Poison, Hector Cochran . . . . 10400 Wm., Ensign (Colonies) 28717 Polstern, Elizabeth 70739 Pomeroy, Baron de 35286 V. Brewer 24423 Pomfrey, James (Colonies) . . 19529 Pond, Samuel, Lieut. (Colonies) 28718 Poney, Ann 2629 EHzabeth 27662 Richard 2629 Ponsford, James 62883 John (Middlesex) . . 76776 WilHam (Middlesex) 75557 Ponsonby, Hon. Frederick .. 11832 Pont, Henry 27663 Pontignj'-, Henry 62371 Pontin, Joseph 60416 Rose 94260 Pook, John 23788 Pool, Catherine 62731 (Spinster) . . 73166 Family 34816 WilHam 51134 Poole, Abraham 75554 Ann 69491 Anthony P 94261 David 25973 George H. M 29535 Henry 94262 . B 68101 Gower . . . . 25995 Hugh 16276 James 32330 Jane (Somcrs Town) . . 76115 John (Somersetshire) 1184 (London) .. .. 3185 Jonathan 75665 Maria 94262 Mr 21777 Rebecca (legatee) . . 6209 Samuel 94263 Sarah 16587 T. (died at soa) . . . . 74191 Thomas 13064 W 23302 WilUam (Colonics) .. 19530 29d Birectiom for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Pooley, Edward 61462 Elizabetli 54136 Thomas Mann .. .. 31293 Poor Pious Clergy Society . . 76301 Poore, Jane 24561 John 12619 Montague . . . . 15680 Pope, Alexander 51089 Edward 8686 Family 74162 94264 Francis 55250 Hannah 16027 Hector 17525 Jacob and Richard B. .. 57115 James 39948 Joseph 37661 Margaret 31286 (Middlesex) . . 75095 Pichard 13263 Susan 17113 Thomas 7860 WiUiam 798 Frederick . . 37848 Popham, Clara 69326 Dorothy 24067 Francis 15643 Geo. Munro (Colonies) 29536 Stephen (Flint) . . 7272 (Southampton) 14529 Poplett, W. H 32880 Popple, John 25622 Poppleton, Edward (Colonies) 19531 Popplewell Family 6788 Porch, Edward 73791 Sarah 75098 Forges, Jonas Sim 40220 Pomy, Mark Anthony . . . . 4807 Porratt, Kichard 76649 Porrett, Elizabeth and Eobert 8948 Sarah 12506 W. (died abroad) . . 75097 Porris, Mary 101 Persons, Theodore .. .. 51705 Port, Edmund and E 94268 Samuel 15497 Portarlington, Earl of . . . . 10137 Porte, Jeanne 10013 Portel, Sarah 94274 Porteous, Charles 74698 John 21343 ■ Martha 94270 Richard 24662 WiUiam (India) . . 28719 Porter, Alexander Smith . . 53515 AmeKa Ann (Middlesex) 76744 Ann 15163 Catherine 70394 Charlotte 11734 & Co 94273 Porter, Elizabeth 94271 (India) . . 28720 EUen (Ireland) . . . . 64049 Family 75843 (legatees) . . 68815 George R 75719 Henry (Colonies) . . 19532 55913 J 27664 James 61757 Joseph .. .. 40212 Jean and John .. .. 15162 John (Dublin) . . . . 67880 60779 Margaret 23087 Martha 15164 Mary (Middlesex) . . 38691 ]Mr. (engineer) . . . . 64050 (Devizes) . . . . 100 Penelope 94272 Rachael 8099 Thomas 11920 (S.A.) .. .. 1323 (Kent) .. .. 52668 WiUiam (Surrey) . . 16696 (Mddlesex) 30202 Henry.. .. 75719 Portis, Mary 2639 Portner, Melchior (Colonies) . . 28721 Portway, Ann 17216 Posnett, John 61759 Posse, Dr. FUemon 70892 Posten, John 33582 Postgate, Christopher . . . . 50459 Postle, Edward (SuffoUr, &c.) 76114 Henry 73581 J. D 04978 Jehosaphat 24084 Postlethwaite, Elizabeth . . 7819 James & Thomas 37202 ■ & Sansom . . 68307 Woodbum . . 53832 Postman, Simon 94275 Postmasters Society 75100 Potenger, George 94276 Pothecary, Matthew . . . . 34209 Pott, — 67818 Frederick William . . 68618 James and John . . . . 59093 John 11147 Joseph H 94277 Potter, Benjamin 6395 aiarles 62840 Edward 2670 Elizabeth 32169 (India) . . 28720 George 53346 Thorn. (Colonies) 19533 Harriet Courtney . . 63346 John 32169 300 JDlrMtionsfor ohtainmgfull copies of the Advertisements to which these Names rebate will be found at end of Index. Potter, John C. 27606 Pike 38616 Joseph 13117 Mary Ann 27667 V. Moore 24445 Peter 61748 Robert 21634 Samuel 21205 Sarah (Surrey) . . . . 76760 Thomas 52679 W. & Co 65345 William 1246 (Soldier) . . 73791 H 8781 Potterton, EUen 23049 John 23445 Thomas 34045 Pottinger, Francis 94278 Richard 61756 Pottle, Charles 94279 Thomas Charles . . . . 9034 Potton, Timothy 57336 Pottos, William 16536 Potts, Charles 16431 Denis . . . . 71294 Family 94281 George 71291 Henry 12861 James 58844 John 27668 Hopkins .. .. 2072 Thomas (London) . . 8124 William 24059 Poucher, F 94282 Poulett, George 35934 Poulson Family 6445 Jonathan (India) . . 29537 William Henry . . 7478 Poulter, William 3151 Poulton, Elizabeth 8159 George 05395 Mary 94283 Robert 7832 Poumies, John 94284 Pounc, Diana 27669 Pound, Ann E 24516 Henyy 5864 Pounder, Fcstus 23686 Thomas 23403 Pounds Family 10698 Pounsberry, E 74208 John 3772 Pountney, Christopher . , . , 94285 Henry 864 Mary 0683 Poussctt, John 57795 Poutney, Benjamin 7190 Powditch, Thomas 30682 Powell,— 60991 Alice 16862 Powell, Amy Ann Augustus Benjamin (Middlesex) Catherine . . Charles Joseph David . . Thomas, Rev. V. Davison Edward Sir Edward . Elizabeth . Evan, Rev. , (family of) Frances Sir Gabriel . . George (Colonies) Henry William Howell (Brecknock) Isaac (Colonies) James V. Jenkin Job John (Hertford) . . (Radnorshire) . . ^Liverpool) (draper) (descendants of). Henry, Rev. Jonathan Joseph (or Job) Joshua Margaret Mary (Mddlesex) Maurice Mr Mrs Nathaniel . . Peggy Penelope Richard (tailor) . Sarah (Surrey) Thomas (Colonics) . . (Middlesex) . . William (Colonies) . . (Surrey) (carpenter) . . Henry R. B Power, Ann Anthony Catherine Ellen 94286 2924 10991 5727 17935 33705 39615 8760 25619 11579 24433 65057 94287 71296 71286 14457 94291 31839 9024 4247 19534 64165 32929 27670 19535 16835 24440 1674 33253 8028 17992 16865 54773 934 53516 1674 14012* 7750 6144 16863 56425 2895 50225 32748 7811 6865 2323 61760 13140 39453 19536 33465 19537 32795 11781 76094 71287 3027 9264 28723 301 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Power, Dane D - David O'Neil . . . . Family Francis RolDins . . George F Mary Michael (Colonies) Nicholas Patrick & Roht. (Colonies) Susannah Thomas Wniiam (Durham) (Surrey) Powers, Joseph Powis Family . . Henry . . Jolui (Surrey) Sarah Powles V. Jopling Powling, Benjamin John . . Pownall, Ann James Powney, Elizabeth and John Richard Pownoll, Israel Poy, Godfrey Poyer, John Poyer Pojmer, Susannah Poynter, Thomas William Poynton, Poyser, (India) B. .. Daniel . . WiUiam Praeger, Francis & John Prangley Family . . Prangnall, Charlotte L. . . Prat, Edward Prathernon, George Pratt, Betty Edward Rowland . . Family (Chancery) George Grace Henry, Rev. (Colonies) . . Innes (or Josiah) (Colonies) James John (legatee) Newton (Colonies) Joseph Leenah Martha Samuel (Kent) . . . . 22437 26428 94294 5345 10998 23199 19538 70218 23358 19539 6335 24610 70219 31593 51660 94295 10338 31848 74195 53520 24441 1377 94296 16702 59534 40896 2629 16676 226 33740 27672 67614 13018 29538 60649 40029 62865 25758 12527 76116 6249 24066 5543 244 72932 24430 11129 8404 1282 29539 19541 57208 54526 29540 61755 74193 66360 71295 14562 Pra^, Sarah 94299 Susannah 33877 Thomas (solicitor) . . . , 59855 Boulton .. .. 14289 William 58319 H.. Rev 21879 Pratten, Abigail 36817 John & T 55967 Prattenden, Ann 2145 Prebble Family 5973 Precious, Robert 5080 Preddy, William 4209 Preece, Elizabeth 38955 Family 71303 Preidel, John Christopher . . 16849 Preist, Mary 94300 Prolan, Eleanor 94301 Prendergast, Jefiry S 22421 J. R., Lieut. .. 11003 Prendergrass, Joseph . , . . 75656 Robert .. .. 51518 Prendergrast, Mary . . . . 21007 Prentice, David & Co 52089 John Luff 10366 William 5728 Prentis, Thomas W 11349 Prescot, Charles, Rev 73566 Harris & Co 9856 Prescott, Charles Elton . . .. 75719 George Alfred . . 38070 Sir George Beeston 35246 James 21883 ■ Jeffries 94302 John 7603 William 94303 Present, Christopher R 75558 Prest, James 32176 William 75719 Prestland, Daniel 52662 Preston, — (N.K.) 38016 Ann, Mrs 22295 27673 Capt. R.N 56976 Charles 63833 Christopher (Warwick) 74686 Edward (coachman) 21025 Eliza (daughter of Robin) .. .. 74207 Family 22146 George (Manchester) 62689 Hannah . . . . " . . 14628 James 94306 John 9452 (Colonies) . . 19542 Louisa 7306 Margaret 32292 Mr. (gardener) . . 1594 Mary Isabella . . .. 16411 Richard 24336 (DeYon) , , 69364 302 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kamet relate will be found at end of Index. Preston, Robert (York) . . 62675 94307 Sarah 4086 Thomas D.D 74686 Wimam 71289 Scott .. 76117 Prettyman, Elizabeth . . . . 94308 Prevost, Christian F. and J. 68901 Margaret & Wm. . . 63526 WilUam (Middlesex) 4037 Peter .. 11112 Priar, Thomas 11002 Price, Andrew 2608 Ann (niece of Samuel) . , 3776 16226 Anna Maria .. .. .. 39484 Arthur (Colonies) . . . . 19543 V. Bangham 24422 Catherine 74197 Sir Charles Button . . 71304 Charles 30486 L 67076 Charlotte (Middlesex) . . 69347 David (Warminster) . , 75559 30259 Rev. (Denbighshire) 6981 Edward (Middlesex) . . 4072 .. 8536 T. G 74201 Elizabeth 53529 Family 94313 Fountain 52709 Frances 39483 (waiter) . . . . 64981 George 65211 P 69366 Harriet 39696 Henry 15001 HughM 61747 J 30502 J. H. (India) 28726 James (Hereford) . . . . 35255 (Colonies) . . . . 19544 • Jane 94314 John (seaman) . . . . 2625 (druggist) . . . . 15199 (Flintshire) . . . . 8535 (Berks) 65514 Joseph (India) .. .. 29541 (son of Wm. H.) 61675 Joshua 68104 Lewis 31739 Mary (or Pawling) . . 16870 (wife of Geo. Thos.) 33694 (Sussex) 73572 Anna (or Sampson) 74697 & Pearson 40220 Pendoch 39482 Phoebe (sister of Vincent) 69966 Rachel 40172 Price, Rebecca 62683 Rees (Cardigan) . , . , 7707 (seaman) 10995 Richard 6446 Samuel 27674 Sarah 27675 A 67516 Young 94318 Stephen 33546 Thomas (Worcester) . . 69956 56477 Blois 7795 William (Bristol) . . . . 39563 (Middlesex) . . 6787 Rev 94320 Andrew . . . . 62710 Wilbraham 24460 Prichard, Harris Howell . . 34621 Isaac 10161 Jane 27676 Samuel 6261 Thomas 9046 William 10045 Prickett, Ann 6738 Eliza and Herbert . . 69768 Thomas 14380 Pridden, Ann 31666 Humphrey Gregory 1 1489 John, Rev 11594 Priddie, Wilham 16638 Priddle, EHzabcth 33563 Family 75553 Prideaux 39571 Humphrey . . . . 16707 Jenny 16628 WiUiam 39731 Pridey, WilHam 57649 Pridgeon, Robert L 66047 Samuel 62879 Priest, Allen (Bristol) .. .. 76751 Henry 36187 Mary 14639 Samuel 21097 Sarah 17687 William 61258 Priestley, Ann (wife of Timthy.) 70301 V. Lamb 24444 Priestly, Timothy 66989 Pricstiiian, Robert 39186 Prieux, Susannah 94322 Prime, John 66782 Primcrais, Henrietta, P. M.de la 67613 Primrose, Robert 17653 Prince, Alfred (Colonies) . . 19545 . Anna Maria . . . . 27677 Family 94342 37772 George 19546 James 12071 — John (Southampton) .. 14741 30S Directions for obtaining full eopiet of the Adv»rti$»ments to which these Numes relate will be found at end of Index. Prince, Margaret 31297 Eichard 51223 Thomas 25395 Pring Family 27678 Jane and Joseph. . . . 6497 John (Bristol) .. .. 21137 Pringle, Christian 12091 Family 64927 HughW 94327 James (Middlesex) . . 53829 Prini, Antonio Francisco . . 5248 Prinsep, Amelia and Emily E. 60776 Printer, Robert 94328 Printz, JuKus A 30201 Prior Family 94329 John 1321 Mr 11788 Philip 4165 Rachael 27679 Sarah 3957 William (solicitor) . . 257^ Priscott, John 38706 Prisk, John (Colonies) . . . . 19547 Pristoe, James 8105 Pritchard, — (Colonies) . . . . 19548 ■ Alfred 21582 Charlotte 53528 ^ Edward 70222 Elizabeth (Cheshunt) 69367 71313 Esther 74689 Frances 16387 George 9555 Henry 67075 Hester, Miss . . . . 31689 Isaac 94334 James Long . . . . 3769 Jane 11405 Maria 11791 Martha 30218 Mary 17945 Robert 17095 Samuel 94335 Sarah 35870 — Thomas 38954 (Brecon) . . 50625 William 94336 Pritchett, Captain 39775 Family 9358 Pritty, William 94336 Probee Family 74779 Probert, Amelia and Fanny . . 55792 James Charles . . . . 74196 John 2751 Probes, 1976 Proby, Charles Howard . . . . 7532 Hugh (Colonies) . . 19549 Proby n, William 715 Procter Family 74686 John 61368 Procter, Richard (Worcester) 55084 Rev 21918 Samuel and Sarah . . 94337 Proctor, Ann 25615 B. and Sir William 60660 Benjamin 94339 Elizabeth 11721 Family 27680 (Lincoln) . . 60982 George 23755 (Chancery) . . 75719 Henry 94440 A., Lieut.-Gen. . 71316 James 61750 John 13072 ^ (Surrey) . . . . 74676 Mary (housekeeper) ... 3347 MoUy 9696 Sarah 50337 William 60984 (York) .. .. 11721 Prodgers, Edward . . . . 94441 Mr 32453 Profit, Bridget and William . . 61427 Proihowe, Roland 8395 Prole, W.Sandys,Capt. (Colonies) 28728 Prophet, David 66548 "Proserpine" (ship), Crew of 56039 Pressor, Ann (or Stewart) . . 68163 (Bath) . . . . 66044 Charles 71288 Evan 35176 Frances 36907 James 16640 John (Lidia) . . . . 29542 31852 Mary (WaVes) '. '. *. '. 76781 Richard 35732 WiUiam, Rev 68705 Protheroe, David 66842 James L 27681 John 27682 Roland 7131 Prothroe, Emma 74i^4 Prothrove, John 6684 Proud, Joseph 94442 Proudfoot, Edmund and Thomas 30428 Elizabeth and Samuel 9938 Mr 644 Proudhomme, Anthony . . . . 8052 Proudman, Elizabeth (spinster) 50258 (widow).. 50205 Prouse, Elizabeth 52664 Prout, Ann 23718 IVIr 35518 Robert 27683 WiUiam 12750 Fronting, EHzabeth .. .. 731 Proverbs, Mary 2376 Provo, Richard 94443 804 Bireciions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Provost, William 19550 Prowde, 71307 Prowse, Elizabeth 3655 Richard 27684 Prowting, William 7828 Pruce, Stephen 11000 Pruday, John 11671 Pruen v. Seambler 24453 Pruson, Charles and Sarah . . 32777 Pryce, Benjamin 53769 Charles B. (Chancery) 68552 Benjamin . . 53830 Elizabeth 312 Family 94445 Sir John P 27685 Martha Eliza . . . . 32042 R. H. M., Rev 67069 Pryde, William 19551 Pryer, E 27686 John 73979 Susannah 5428 Pryke, William J 26582 Prynald, John 714 Pryor, Catherine 62885 George 66344 Robert 59968 Prytherch, Daniel 36522 Rees 69396 Thomas .. .. 70231 Pubis, Mary (or Purbis) . . 101 Puckey, Thomasine 5866 Puddeney, Ann 94447 Puddifoot, William Charles . . 34052 Pudney, Harriet 31281 John (Colonies) . . 19552 Robert 31281 William 16688 Puffer, George 8908 Puffitt, James 26691 Pulil, Thomas 94448 Pugh, Ann 1945 David 71293 Edward 32971 Edwin 94449 Elizabeth Price . . . . 6090 Evan & Lewis 94460 James 62687 Jennett 52671 John (Middlesex) . . . . 53839 2054 Lewis (Cardigan) .. .. 76127 Mary .. .. .. .. 8692 Matthew 24296 Price 6089 Sarah (Kent) 74855 Thomas 10707 William (seaman) . . . . 30538 (Brecon) . . . . 62908 Pulchan, J. Henrie 2414 Pulfit, Robert 1658 Pulleine, Ann 30996 Pullen Family 94452 John (Colonies) . . . . 19553 William (York) . . . . 75560 Osborne . . 26667 Puller, C. and R 74399 Pulley, Ann Pile 15045 — Henry 4040 William 51042 Pullford, Sarah 871 PuUin, John 6593 Pulling, G. C 10997 PuUon Family 16665 Pulsford, Leah 94455 M. A 32548 Sarah (or Avis) . . 76023 William 32746 Pulteney, Charles S 67608 i'. Douglas 24434 Family 64078 i V. Jones 24442 Pultney, Betty and Charles . . 14067 Punchard, Elizabeth . . . . 57617 Pung, Thomas 53998 Punnell, Richard 94456 Punshon, Elizabeth 27687 Mary 1327 Punter, Charles 53828 Punton, Ann 76125 Purcell, Alice (Middlesex) . . 74554 Charles (Colonies) . .. 19654 Mary 9671 Priscilla 61196 Purchas Family 68634 Purchase, Francis William . . 28729 John 2316 Purches, Sarah 6011 Purchess, Elizabeth . . . . 27688 Purden, B. C 65342 Thomas and William 27689 Purdew, George 34791 Purdon, Esther and Harriet . . 11921 Margaret 3352 Mary ' 22332 Thomas 94457 William 6396 Purdue, James 67634 Puidy, Kichols 1906 I'urkcs, James 8389 Purkis, Charles 69349 Emma 74206 Grace (wife of John) . . 65725 Purkiss, Henry John . . . . 75102 Samuel 2994 William Jenkinson . . 6862 Purnell, Edward and George 16263 William 11607 Purr V. Wicks 24467 Purse, George 67976 305 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Xutms relate will be found at end of Indtx. Purse, Robert 14234 Pursell, Joseph 30138 Purser, EUzabeth 22152 Samuel (Gloucester) . . 76769 William 327 Pursey Family 94458 Purshouse, Mrs. (legatee) . . 76126 Purssord, Robert 71301 Purves, Elizabeth 27688 John 28730 William 12304 Purvis, Adam 15085 Archibald 1482 David 12097 . Family 17224 ■ George 19556 J. C 63398 James 25560 John 69299 Richard 1860 Robert 19555 Putland, Edward 12901 Putley, Abraham 58846 Francis (Surrey) . . 76667 Putnam, James 3442 Putt, William 61461 Puttock, James 3789 Putton. William 94460 Puxley, John Lavalin . . . . 63837 Puxton, Hannah 35576 Pychlan, William 36264 Pycroft, James 34385 Pye, Eliza 527 George 5831 James Montague . . . . 30015 John Bridges 3015 Martha 94461 Mary 27689 Thomas Robert .. .. 31381 Pyke, John 30216 Mary 855 Thomas and William . . 94463 Wayman 70228 Pyle, Edmund 94465 -^^ — Edward (son o^ . . . . 76779 Pym, Barton 871 Francis and F. L 61702 George Thomas . . . . 3064 Pym's Estate 65343 Pyman Family 11857 Pyne Family 76235 Henry 94466 William 74204 Pyner, Elizabeth 32813 Pynn, Cecilia Charlotte . . . . 4832 Thomas George . , . . 94466 Pyott, Thomas Robert . . . . 6937 Pyron, Antonio 94467 Pytches, John 69287 Pywell, John 12345 — Maria . » 17620 S06 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Name* relate will be found at end of Index. a Qeunant, George 65572 Quagley, James 94468 Quaife,' James 74202 Quails, Janet . . 94469 Quanbrough, Edward . . . . 74572 Family .. .. 71251 Quance, William 67614 Quantrill, George 11957 Robert 28731 Quarles, William 38350 Quarmo, Kobert 94470 Quarrior, James 12036 ^largaret 27690 Quartennan, George .. .. 11706 Quartermain Family .. .. 94471 Uuarterman, George .. .. 11712 Quay, Thomas A 25777 Quayle, George and Mark H. . 72068 (Liverpool) .. 76786 Henry 50452 William .... . . 94472 Quearon & Culings, Messrs. . . 11 Queendenfcldt, Selmea , , . . 25879 Queensberry, Duke of . . . . 75072 Queiros, Claude 28732 Quelch, Elizabeth . . . . . . 38895 Jane Louisa .. .. 19557 Quested, Elizabeth 62878 Quibell, William 65130 Quick, Alfred 61761 John 3004 Martha 30176 Mary 94473 Thomas Carpenter . . 4240 Quigley, John (Colonies) . . 19558 Quilkin, William (Colonies) . . 19559 Quill, Maurice . . 22306 Quilliam, John 17318 Robert 11007 Quillinau, Edward 66977 Quilson, Peter 201 Quin, Eliza 33348 Family 94477 H.F : .... 674 James Stanley 11005 W. H. .. .. .. .. 75719 Quinan, W. (Colonies) . . . . 29543 Quince, James 6884 Quince)', Bitter 64478 Family .. ,. .. 94478 James and John . . 10106 Joseph 11199 Quincy, James 27691 Thomas 94479 Quiney, Ann 11006 Thomas 11806 Quinlan Family 76205 Quinn, Arthur .nnd James . . 62741 John .. .. 37253 Henry 26051 Jymes (Colonies) . . 19660 John 22428 and Mary Ann . . 37256 I'atrick (Colonies) . . 19561 l^eter 22425 Terence 37265 Thomas 21880 Quinton, Ann 26792 & Co 69095 — Cornelius 6679 Family (India) . . 28734 Susannah 27693 Quintrell, George 94 Quintrie, Jean 30170 Quirk, J 27694 Martin (Colonies) . . 19562 Mary 8183 Quiseau, Harriet 94481 Quist, Charles Adolphus . . 860 307 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which thise Names relate will be found at end of Index. R Eaban Family (India) . . . , 28735 Rabbage, Richard 94482 Rabbage, Sarah 9011 Rabbarts, John 10638 Rabier, Elizabeth 94483 Rabone, Edward Willeon . . 73759 Rabson, Richard 9106 Rabv, Ephraim 94484 Race, Sarah 53437 Rachine, Casimir 2267 Rack, Agnes and Edmund . . 24248 Racker, Jacob 54338 Rackstraw, Gaynam . . . . 67628 Racster, John 55338 Racjmski Family 71318 RadclifF, Sarah . . ' 8726 Radcliffe, — 32880 Family 94485 George, Rev 57182 Joshua (Lancaster) . 75572 V. King 24477 Mary 57373 Sarah 28737 William Towne . . 2829 Radford, Ann and Benjamin . , 94489 Charles 6685 George 52761 Henry 1610 William 11906 (Hereford) 69391 Radish, Anthony 12096 Elizabeth 14183 Radley, Catherine 21251 George 52811 Radnell, Richard 941 Radway, Francis 9008 Rae, David 2572 Margaret . . 67625 Maiy 1343 Nelson 12127 Raffey, Janet 6920 Ragg, John Shayler . . . . 34587 Thomas 34586 Raggett V. Arkinstall . . . . 24461 George (Chancery) . . 65399 (ISiIiddlesex) 71317 & Reed 74472 Ragoonath, Purshoton .. .. 11113 Rabn, John 14801 Raibum, James 19563 Railton & Co 27695 William 94491 Raimbach, l^Irs. .... . . 52782 Rain, Ann 31111 Charles 5618 Elizabeth 24568 Family 94492 Raine, Esther .. ., ,, .. 37663 Raines, WilHam 37621 Rainford, John and Samuel . . 14660 Rainforth, Sarah 94493 Rainier, John .. 62755 Peter, Admiral . . 14982 Thomas 62816 Rainsdon Family 94495 — Henry . . ..... 31280 John 30872 Richard 11772 Rainsford, John . , . , » . 6686 Marcus # 832 V. Parke 24480 Richard 21626 Rainthorpe, Mary ,, ,, .. 51010 Rainy, PhiHp 19564 Thomas 5593 (or Rainey) . . 12483 Rairdon, Patrick 94496 Raisher, Samuel 68682 Rait, WilHam 61779 Raleigh, Patrick 25387 Raley, Elizabeth 56745 Ralfe, Charles, Captain . . . . 28738 JohnE 76803 Railing, Nathaniel . . . . 94497 Ralm, John 94498 Ralph, James 302 (baker) .. .. 74718 John (Colonies) . . . . 25385 15786 Thomas 2336 WUHam 39732 Ralphes, Thomas 12741 Ralphv, John and Sarah . . 58338 Ram, R. and Thomas . . . . 94499 Rambouillett, Marquis de .. 11462 Ramsay, — 94503 A. B 94503 Alexander, Lieut. . . 29645 Ann 94506 David, Lieut 29546 Isabella Mrs 74716 James (Colonies) . . 19565 Thomas and William 28740 William (Colonies) . 19566 Ramsbottom Family . . . . 94504 James and Richard 15885 John 14253 Ramsdale, G. A 27696 Hart 10208 Thomas 51555 Ramsden, Dvson 6498 Esther 63841 Family 69378 George 94505 U 2 808 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Bamsden, John Joseph , Lydia Mary (Middlesex) . , Thomas , Eamsdon, Henry and John . , Richard Eamsey v. Allen , Ann Elizabeth and Thomas H.N John , Peter .. Sextus , Thomas William Eamshaw, Sarah Bamshay, William Ramshire, Robert Ranee, Sarah Thomas Francis . . , . Rand, Ann - William Randal, Joseph Randall, Daniel Elizabeth and Francis Family John Joseph Moses . . , , . , Ruth Samuel , Thomas (Middlesex) . . William (Chancery) . , Rand ell, William . . Randfield, William Essex Randle, Henry Randleson, Joseph . . Randolph, Edward . , Henry . . , . Rane, Rise Ranford, Ann James Rang, Anna Eanken, Elizabeth Mary Mr Rankin, Charles (mariner) Hugh and John Janet Margnret Rankine, Charles (surgeon) John Ranking, Joseph Ransley, Albert . . Ransom, Edwin . , George RansoD, Alexander Thomas . . 27697 60204 94506 67622 94507 94509 11801 39789 17767 9986 11029 15430 4827 61774 4090 26005 27698 69392 71319 75105 7864 52766 60443 1852 94510 8901 94511 68385 11012 5041 17074 16160 8128 61265 72072 17073 2851 61621 94512 32904 25993 29547 23883 5331 33277 73784 67629 94613 31612 11025 19567 74714 24636 12310 12282 75719 73791 72941 62805 94604 Ranson, Frederick William George Edwin . . John James Mary . . William . . . . Ransted, Charles & Co. . . Ranyard, Robert Raper, Henry Raphael, Alexander , . Rapley, James Rapp Family , . Rashleigh, Mr Rasmason, Lorens . . Ratcliffy Richard Ratcliffe, — (or Fell) . . Bonus — Family ■ Richard . . Ratemeyer, W. C Rathbone, Edward J. (Stafford) Edward John, Rer. Rathbome Family Rathcool Peerage Rathman, B. G Rattenbxiry, Ann (Melbourne) Richard "Rattlesnake" (ship), Crew of Ratz, M. de Ravalds, Mrs Raven, Charles Ravene, Peter Louis Ravenhill, Rev. Edward Hamer Ravenscroft Family James and Thomas John Ravenshaw, Ann W. G Ravis, Sarah RawLmce, Marmaduke . . Rawley, Ann John Alexander Rawlin, Isaac Raw ling, John , Mary Rawlings, Frances John Joseph (Middlesex) Nathaniel Rawlingson & Ridgway, Messrs. Rawlins, Anthony H. and Thos. Anthony Hart Dudson Family Francis Akers . . Henry Isaac . . John, Lieut.-Col. , , Joseph Mary — Thomas 37434 72941 37433 71668 71880 25754 66128 65796 62743 11697 76574 52285 94514 32321 17967 38203 94515 25645 19583 74205 75104 22713 94517 1930 75103 71879 61812 94518 21581 19567 69372 31536 12777 94619 6886 30787 33829 63576 16787 17672 8416 94521 5516 16869 60751 11958 60762 27699 2376 2407 66978 10122 4459 6549 94522 8419 29548 6549 17307 8170 309 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Eawlins, William Charles F. - 29459 Rawlinson, Christopher . . . . 94523 Francis . . . . 94524 George 8875 Matthew .. .. 912 Richard .. .. 436 Thomas .. .. 27700 (China) .. 50883 Raworth, Elizabeth 94527 V. Marriott . . . . 23757 Rawson Family 15985 Hannah 7163 Lewis M 23560 Robert 21611 Thomas Jekyll .. .. 51153 SirWiUiam .. .. 5729 Rawsthom, John 52745 Rawstome, W. H 94525 Rawton, Richard and Sarah . . 94526 Ray, George (India) .. .. 11019 (seaman) . . . . 11014 Henry 58552 Belward .. .. 50287 Nicholas .. 1243 Richard 24045 Roger 89 Sarah 94528 William 27701 Carpenter . . 8088 Raybould, George 11422 IMichael 5802 Raye, John 94529 William 7014 Rayland, Jane 30157 Rayley, Richard 50666 Raylie, 8407 Rayment, Elizabeth and Maria 23708 Robert 94532 Raymer, William 94531 Raymond— 71186 — "- Amey 9235 Family 94533 Frances 22129 John 94534 T Mary 16198 Oliver 9906 Ravner, — 59510 — ^ Alfred Howell . . . . 30185 Benjamin . . . . 52794 Charlotte . . . . 30556 Elizabeth 27702 (wife of Jas.) 69856 James Burton . . . . 37375 Joshua and Rebecca 53844 Mary 94535 Robert Stillingfleet 30184 William (to advantage) 27703 Raynes, James 36739 Michael and William 94536 Raynsford, Robert and Thomas A. 60659 Raysen, James Henry ., .. S4633 Rayson, Robert 54218 Thomas 56557 Rayworth, Charles 19570 Razor, James . . 94538 Rea, Alexander 94539 James 1151 John 16512 (Deptford) .. .. 76804 Richard 1205 Read, Alexander 507 Charles 29550 (seaman) . . . . 62899 Edward 30706 Ezekiel 8412 Family 6169 Francis .. .. .. .. 67394 George 37572 James H. W. 28744 Jane.. 27703 Joanna '. . . 73824 John (Middlesex) . . . . 69358 (London) . . . . 2724 O. C 58214 Jolly W 22781 Martha 15495 Mary 17875 (Wexford) . . . . 6142 Penelope and Richard , . 30781 Robert 61771 Samuel 37583 Susannah 74428 Theodora 17886 Thomas (commission agent) 21095 -r; (or Reed) . . . . 1913 WiUiam (Dorset) . . . . 14421 94540 22778 Reade, Frances 58433 Frederic 29551 Joseph 27704 Mary 70161 V. Reade 23758 Reader, Ellen 19571 Richard (Kent) . . . . 76794 Susannah 64059 Roadman, James 9780 Readshaw, Joseph 59098 Ready Family 94541 John 19572 Suf.-mna 9317 Reagan, John 94542 Reales, John 2369 Sarah 7143 Reanoy, Henry 56811 Reardon, Frederic 74215 '- Thomas 22722 WiUiam (Colonies) . . 1 9573 Reatley (or Butcher) , — . . , . 76159 310 Bir&cUom for obtaining full copies of the Advei-tisementa to which these Nam^s relate will be found at end of Index. Keavens, Francis Eeay, George Henry Reband, Mary Rebbeck, Mr. Artbur Reck, Susan Record, Mary Ann . . Redacleave, Jobn . . . . Redall, Josepb Redd, Stepben Redde, Josepb Reddie, Jobn Redding, Bridget . . J. (died abroad) Reddington, James . . Reddrop, William . . Redean & Co Redfearn, George , . Julia Redf em, George . . , . Job^ Redford, Burdus Mary Sarah Redgate, Ann Redhead, Henry and John Jobn (Canada) Reding, W^iam Redish, Thomas Redkison, William . , Redknap, Mr Redman, George Clavering Redmayne, Giles Redmond, James Thomas . . Rednapp, E. G Redsall, IVIrs Redshaw, Eleanor Redwood, Captain James (Somersetshire) Judith Reece, Bezsin Charles Edward James Margaret , . Reed, Alexander Ann (Chancery) . . Chambers . . Charlotte D.T., Lieut.. .. Elienor Elizabeth Family George Henry J. (India) . . . . James (soldier) . . (Middlesex) 60157 94543 50604 29552 52786 24757 19574 67630 94544 11641 94545 29553 94546 73609 35243 61781 115 61506 33773 11028 6250 52756 76806 61772 19575 14980 70233 21028 19576 36428 61649 60318 94549 11024 6314 63319 22144 94548 11124 1359 17492 6203 73599 66111 6638 30726 94549 94560 C9804 6868 11926 28746 4000 74120 54289 94561 24470 75229 26607 3539 Reed, James Daniel John . . (Chancery) V. C. . . ' Joseph (Hull) (Kent) Mary M. Rebecca Robert B Rosanna Raggett & Co. . . Sarah Stephen (or Redd) Thomas (Jersey) ■ W. H. . William Reeks, Richard Sarah . Rees, George (sons of) Henry T. and John James Owen Philip . . . . Richard . . Thomas (mariner) (London) Urban William, Major Reese, Jane and William Reeve, Bennett Charles Nawbco . . David and Elizabeth Elizabeth Frances Family Frances E Francia K George Isaac Jane John Chamberlain Mary (Somerset) Sarah Wells Thomas (Middlesex) William Reeves, Christopher Elizabeth Family Francis K. .. George John (London) (Kcnt)^ Frederick Mary (legatee) 11468 94552 69805 71549 71323 68619 74220 56656 69365 68157 24763 75656 71324 11641 70229 1913 53649 94553 50621 25696 39283 3602 8409 73241 60815 26514 60254 31741 3322 34318 27705 4190 70868 94555 75576 17618 74807 73616 94556 24469 67070 7142 30137 17611 61018 74340 63570 62812 7062 34978 14284 62896 22320 66096 70234 28747 60938 2011 31891 17685 311 l)irections for obtaining full copies of the Advef'ttsements to which these Karnes relate tcill be found at end of Index. Eeeves, Mary (spinster) , Ann • (widow) . . Orlando Peregrine Eicbard Rolbert Sarah Sophy Thomas (wife of ) . . Wigglesworth , "William (Kent) , Eeezin, Deborah and John Eegan, Patrick Eegelly, Vincent Eegenspurg, William Colin Eegnent, John Eehards, George Eehausen, Baron de Eeid, Adam Alexander Eothney Ann Catherine Christina and Eliza David (seaman) Theodore, Lieut. George (India) Henry, Lieut. . . Hugh .. .. James (or wife) Jean (or Thomson) . . John (seaman) (India) — — Margaret Marjory Mary Beatrix (or Fenwick) & Milne (tailors) . . • Mrs. Eichard . Eobert Samuel J. Susannah Walter . William . (Scotland) Eeigam, Andrew Eeilly, Edwd. , Conductor (India) Edward Family (Ireland) Henry Hugh (Middlesex) 74212 60648 3181 39164 31891 94560 24628 3181 27707 35607 50939 34045 26271 4084 2611 94661 23109 29554 3985 75447 94562 34604 94563 36937 7803 21891 75474 69353 13225 29553 28749 25608 29556 29557 5644 10515 94564 69355 3679 28748 15147 13224 12081 32507 75078 51736 28750 30148 61776 27708 27709 10092 12300 8414 29558 22552 22923 94565 11011 38965 EeiUy, James John (saddler) Mary . . T. (India) . Thomas William A. . Eeimer, Benjamin . Eeinaud, W^alter Eeineld, Major Eeinhard, Eherhard Eeinhardt, Walter . Eeinhold, Julius Eeinsford, Marcus . Eeishurg, Catherina Eeith, James . . Eelly, Cornelius Eelph, Elizabeth Family Eemence, Deogne Eemerz, Gerhard Alexander . . Eemier, John . . . . . . Eemington, Alexander . . • . . David Eobert Elizabeth . . Eichard & Thomas "William Eemmington, Jn. Cameron, Lt. Eemiot, Lauro Eemmino, Mrs. Eemnant, Stephen Eemond, Catherine Mens Eenand, Susannah Eenbridge, Joseph Eendall, William Eendlesham, Lord Eenfrew, James Eenfried, James Eenio & Lock Eenington, Thomas Eenk, Elizabeth Eennald, Alexander Eennard, John Eennell, C. (died abroad) Family James Eobert and Susan . . Eennelly, Jeremiah Eenner, Edward ■ Familv Eenners, Frederick Eennie, Eli>a Eenny, James Henderson Eenouf, Pldlip Eenshaw, Ann Elizabeth Isabella . . James (Kent) . . (Lancaster) '■ Eupert . . 75719 75078 37307 22551 29559 5954 64990 14821 52788 94566 34169 62788 75281 842 35863 94567 94568 94569 23525 94571 73785 38445 4880 37965 94572 73605 60811 29560 65797 26284 6019 6819 94573 852 4869 94574 33639 1604 8420 9901 94575 94577 71669 94576 19578 31169 6091 31169 19579 60808 60643 19580 19581 74448 25677 37072 19582 75577 76792 37073 312 Lirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Eentish, John 94578 Eentley, James 94579 Eenton Family 73591 Marv Anne Jane . . 71327 Samuel 94680 Renwick, David 27710 Thomas 12590 Renworthy, John 21486 Rependale, William 11015 Repington, Edward 94581 Repley, Samuel 94582 Repton, H. T., Ensign . . . . 28754 Wniiam W., Captain . . 29561 Reside, Mary 8043 Resindring, Clara 8927 Restal, John • . . 35170 Restall, Henry 67631 John 70251 Restorick, John 52783 Retallick, Jamea H 75107 Reth arbar, Elizabeth and John 15180 Rating, Charles Frederick . . 94583 Retreat Estate (Jamaica) . . 94584 Renter, Maximilian 25752 Revell, Mary 94858 Richard 56586 Revett, John 69286 ReviU, Charles 73845 Eliza 8413 Revitt, William 12647 Revolt, John 16737 Rexworthy, Charles 6640 Bey craft, Hannah and Joseph 27711 Reynard, Frederick 94586 Walter 52788 Reynell, Julia 21684 Reynold, Harriet 94587 J. G 16307 Robert 94588 Reynolds, Alfred John .. .. 19584 Ann 5487 (Kent) .. .. 71332 Anthony 94589 Barnard 20273 Caroline 67083 Catherine . . . . 3719 Charles (midshipman) 1109 Lieut.. Gen. 6881 Capt 29502 Edward 94690 Family 6722 Frank (Colonies) . . 19585 Francis 61001 George 27712 H. C, Captain . . 28765 Henry Dunbar, Rev. 26272 James 11023 23632 John (India) . . . . 7258 68277 Reynolds, John (Mddlesex) . . 74216 Joseph 34520 Kitty 50248 Luke .. .. .. 94591 Margaret 26437 Martha 27713 Mary 35506 (or Fowns) . . 37680 Metyr, Rev 6205 Richard 26692 Robert 1800 Forster . . 10654 Samuel 7401 WiUiam . . 74752 Sarah 30574 Thos. (Leicestershire) 3055 (Colonies) . . 19587 Andrew . . . . 37096 WiUiam Verner . . 53571 Rhamon, Baron de 94593 Rhind, Clarence, (or Wm. G.) 76131 Juanita (widow of Jas.) 76805 Thomas 19589 Rhoden, Henry and S 94595 Rhodes, Ambrose 94596 Captain 72937 Charles 16645 : — Family 96597 Georg-e 74450 James (or representative) 36601 Jane 30041 — John 40607 Mary 34804 Peter 62781 Richard (Kent) . . . . 69352 and Samuel . . 68382 Robert 34801 Sarah 94598 Thomas 52815 William (Colonies) . . 19590 30001 Wright 73768 Rhynd, Ann 31111 William (or Douglas) . 30204 Rhys, Charles (or Rees) . . . . 76573 Riach, John 19591 Ribbock Family 12814 Ribbens, George 27714 Ribburg, WiUiam 94599 Ricaboy, L 28578 Ricardo, Benjamin 25779 Ralph and Samson . . 75719 Richard 61033 Ricci, Joseph 1027 Rico Family 53560 Henry (Isle of Wight) . . 38573 J 26717 John (legatee) 12780 313 Lireetiomfor obtaining full copies of the Advertisements id which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Rice V.Lloyd 24479 Margaret 17524 Mary 11983 P.John • .. 71719 Eobert Lillington .. .. 31380 Samuel 66094 Sarah 3330 Thomas F 64996 George . . . . 33733 WiUiam 26639 (Monmouth) . . 75675 Rich, Ann 6687 Edward Coggan . . . . 40059 Elizabeth 27715 James 565 IVIrs 73588 Robert, Brigadier- Gen. . 29563 Samuel 9085 Thomas 27716 &Son 59096 Richard, Anna M 75217 James and Joseph .. 5513 John 6550 Mary Martha . . • . . 34482 — Samuel and Susanna 94600 Richards, Ann (sister of Mary) 35192 (Glamorgan) . . 17344 Anne (Chester) . . 35334 Anthony P 24664 Antoine 19592 Benjamin (servant) . 2504 & Elizabeth 50941 Betsy 27715 Catherine 51564 (orClapham) 36479 Charles 74819 Charlotte (Hoxton) . 70261 Edward Christopher . 34506 Priest.. .. 51773 Elias 19593 Eliza.. .. ,, .. 62818 Elizabeth (or Evans) 11234 Family (India) . . 70253 Francis Henrietta . . 94602 Frances White . . 6688 George (Middlesex) 36874 35419 Henry 19594 (represents, of) 74204 Howell Griffith . . 34567 Hugh 27718 James 94603 (Colonies) . . 19595 Jane (children of) . . 8134 (wife of Thomas) 50122 Joel 27719 John (H.M.S.) . . 882 (Glamorganshire) 5955 (London) . , 9083 (Colonies) . . 19596 Richards, John (Devon) . . . . 37315 (Portugal) . . 10512 Bull 52798 Joseph 27720 Catherine 39457 Margaret 94604 Mary 11988 Ann 50956 Elizabeth . . 5082 Philip 8806 R=, Rev 65353 R. M., Major . . . . 75569 Richard 40188 Robert 90 ■ (ComwaU) . . 71329 Samuel 5656 Sarah 40064 Simon Slocombe . . 31767 Thomas 52800 (son of PhiHp) 8806 William 94605 (Chancerv) 59100 Rolph ' . 71373 Richardson, — 14107 (butler) .. .. 64997 A. J 26333 A., Rev 75656 Alexander .. .. 69302 Andrew .. .. 19597 Ann 27721 (Devon) . . 15992 (Northampton) 17427 Arthur 35822 Avis 73655 Catherine . . . . 8475 Charlotte . . . . 8477 Christopher.. .. 31746 & Co 59103 D. J., Captain . . 94606 David 58852 Edward (son of John A. B.) .. 76129 Edward .. .. 8693 Elizabeth .. .. 27722 (Wstmrlnd.) 64343 EUen 15U3 Family 14334 Frederick .. .. 60442 George 58642 Fife . . . . 668 H 58535 — F 69432 Humphrey .. .. 33403 J. & J., Messrs. . . 9961 James 17746 (Colonies) 19598 A 26436 M 76789 W 61777 Jane Elizabeth .. 38999 314 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Eichardson, Sir John . . , . 14783 John (Durham) . . 4802 (soldier) . . 2303 (Colonies) . . 19599 A. B 76129 Thomas . . 64993 William . . 3308 Zuill .. .. 12170 Judith 34731 Joseph 73603 Letitia 94608 Margaret .. .. 57515 Martha 12829 Mary 57064 Ann .. .. 11904 Mr 39534 (hookseUer) .. 76796 Mrs 16076 & Oliver . . . . 94609 Paul 12164 Philip 62793 Robert (reprsnte of ) 8476 (Durham) 65005 (Cumberland) 67085 Samuel (Kent) . . 62903 57063 Sarah 7009 . Sophia 22121 Thomas 59104 (Bucks) . . 73601 — - (Kent) . . 33016 Wilhelmina.. .. 39570 William (America) 1903 (Colonies) 19600 (India) . 28756 Pichbell, Ann 66338 Eichell, Ann 94610 Riches, Henry V 94611 John 68444 Michael 27726 Selina (wifeof Bcnjamin)68416 Thomag 40096 WilUam 33111 Richley, Thomas 11013 Richmond, David 28759 . George 11016 Job 66296 Mary 9454 (India) ,, 70937 . Richard .. .. 66918 WilUam .. .. 39846 Rickaboo, Sarah 27727 Rickard, Henry 61786 James 26170 Sophia 61785 Susanna 62794 Rickards, George 10269 Samuel 94612 Rickorby, Joseph 30576 Rickets, James 2461 Rickett, Mary 27728 Ricketts, George and Sarah . . 68374 Henry 56733 M 63317 Susannah 16835 WiUiamH 94613 Rickord, John George . . . . 71330 Rickwood, Eli 62777 Riddall, WilHam 62062 Riddel Family 64665 Riddell, Elizabeth 57656 Family (Scotland) . . 76831 John 6149 Joseph 94614 Ralph 31384 Robert Nesbitt . . . . 62779 Rose 94615 Riddle, IsabeUa 26976 Riddock, James 40802 Rider, Ann 7469 Chai'les 94616 Edmund, Rev 5089 Emanuel 94617 Family 7760 Hannah 94618 Jacob 29564 James 1666 John (carpenter, &c.) . 889 (apothecary) . . 7436 Sarah and William .. 11720 Ridge, Captain 38815 Priscilla 76790 Ridges, Elizabeth 94619 John (London) . . .. 94620 Ursula 94621 Ridgeway, Edward 62789 Ridgway, John AUen .. .. 51079 & Rawlingson, Messrs. 2407 Ridley, Benjamin 76130 Edward 2613 Francis 72938 Hariot 27729 John 67080 Matthew 4070 Ridlington, Robert . . . . 94622 Ridout, Elizabeth 27730 . John 1212 Ridsdale, John 69398 Rieck, Johan 94623 Riedy, James 94624 Ricmcr, George 12766 Riesbcrg Family 94626 Rigby, Adam 94626 Ann 6111 < Anno, Mrs 63136 Edward 9911 J. C 19601 John 12240 Thomas 94627 Rigg, Eliza Letitia 62792 315 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to whieh these Names relate will be found at end of Indeont Rigg, Elizabeth & Geo. (Oxford) 30038 Hannah 56423 John 53573 Mary 54426 Samuel 56828 Thomas 52791 Rigge, Elizabeth 75246 FamUy (Chancery) . . 24463 Thomas Howard . . 52799 Riggs, Henry 94628 High, Richard 748 Righton, Henry S 11026 William 21117 Rignail, Catherine 94629 Riley, Ann 58592 Charles (seaman) . . . . 13141 24723 EUzabeth 30291 Francis 30077 (Colonies) . . . . 19602 George 27731 James (Colonies) . . . . 19603 (seaman) . . . . 2329 Jane 21484 John 6824 Joseph 32166 Robert 59497 Samuel (Colonies) . . . . 19604 3989 Stephen 27732 Davis 75108 Terence 94630 Thomas 37452 Wm. (bro. of Stephen D.) 75571 Rily Family 14916 RimeU, WilHam 34262 Rimington, I^Iichael . . . . 6869 Riminton, George ^ 73598 Rimmer, Ann 7898 — Gilbert and Rhoda . . 7906 Rimmington, Ann 12990 Rind, Ann 60986 Family 60973 Ring, John (Bath) 54938 Richard 31208 74713 Ringham, William 68624 Ringrose, Jonathan 34737 Maria 39769 ~ Thomas 12257 Rinnell, Henry 51140 Rion, Dorothy 24023 Riordon, Thomas 34353 William 19605 Riorteau, Jane 27733 Ripley, Richard 94632 Ripon, Sackville 75193 Rippen, Jane and Mary . . . . 55568 Rippett, Mary and Thomas . . 4217 Rippingham, Mary (Belfast) . . 76971 Rippuigton, Ann 27734 Ripple (level of) 58728 Rippon, John 94633 William Frederick . . 63626 Rirch, Mr 404 Risbee, Samuel 71328 Risdale, Wilkinson and Pearson 9884 Risdon, Henry 94634 John 74214 Rise, Aaron 39777 Riseborough, Robert .. .. 11273 Rishinan, John and Sarah .. 21239 Rishton, Emor 15223 Rissoan, Samuel and William 564 Riste, WiUiam 13024 Ritchie, Charles Robert . . . . 56259 David 94635 E. and P 38759 John (Middle33x) . . 50761 . 11010 Miss 50093 William 6906 Riter, John 7127 Ritornet, M 19606 Ritson, Thomas 94636 William, Captain . . 29565 Ritter, John 12539 Rittie, William 25530 RiveU, C 66U6 Rivers, Cecil, Lieut 76132 Elizabeth 33237 Francis William . . . . 36483 George 14523 &Hayden 21842 John 94637 Ladv Dowager . . . . 61136 Malindas 19607 Mary 63572 Richard 73605 Rivett, Ann 94638 Edward 29566 Rivetts, Jane 51217 Riviere, Isaac 30669 Rivis, George 38908 Ri\-itt, WiUiam 27735 Rix, WnUam 19608 Rixworthy, Charles 94639 Roach, Ann 94640 Anna Maria 27736 Edward 56488 Eliza W 94641 Elizabeth 4159 Ephraim 94642 Hannah 31511 Isabella 16860 John 1801 (seaman) .. .. 11026 Thomas & Mary 27737 Peter Henrj- . . . . 12668 316 BirMtions for ohtaimng full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Eoach, Solomon 6864 Thomas 16894 (Oolonies) .. 19609 Timothy 15551 Walter 19601 Eoades, "Warwick 15114 Roake, Margaret 94643 Boan, Mrs. Grace 22722 Robarts, WiUiam 56542 Eobb, Alexander (Surrey) . . 76785 Robbarts, Capt. John . . . . 23900 Robbins, Chas. & Wm. Edward 76139 Fanuly 57605 George 60805 John 14370 Robert, William (seaman) .. 11009 (son of John) 12363 Robertina, Andriella .. .. 73038 Roberts,— 71184 Alice 7123 Ann (or Eusley) . . 74225 (Middlesex) . . 10321 — Johnston.. .. 2876 Anna 94644 Anne, Mrs 2019 V. Ballard . . . . 24462 Benjamin Jones . . 32513 Betty 15785 (York) .. .. 71343 Caroline (wife ofWm.) 74745 Catherine . . . . 16424 Chiistopher .. .. 1206 . Lieut. . . 60433 V. ColUer 24468 David (Colonies) . . 19602 94645 Dorothy 74835 Edmond 51178 Edward (Northampton) 40983 8611 F 69397 Eleanor, Miss . . . . 60031 Elizabeth 17362 (widow) . . 7776 Family 94647 -— 27738 Fleming Thomas .. 64095 Frances 24071 Francis, Hon 11621 . 8508 Frederick 7221 Gcorgo 71353 Grace 9637 Hannah (Middlesex) 32521 and Hcmy . . 9516 James 11801 n W 58386 John 25661 _ (Chancery) . . 70287 (Lincoln) . . 62907 Roberts, John (Surrey) . . . . 32608 (to advantage) . 27739 Pennie . . . . 55257 Price . . . . 50934 Joseph (legatee) . . 9527 Julia.. 71340 Lucretia 5626 Mary 8884 26112 Matthew Easton . . 38796 Mrs 14845 Owen 1173 R .- .. 94648 Richard 17985 Hughes . . 7879 — Robert 5639 (Colonies) . . 19604 EUiot .. .. 11137 James.. .. 10112 Rowland 30846 S. R 94649 Samuel Jones . . . . 19605 Sarah (Chester) . . 793 (Middlesex) . 4450 Stephen 19606 Susanna 17458 Susannah (Chancery) 24409 & Sutton 65349 Sir Thomas & Co. . . 65352 Thomas (FHnt) . . 34856 94650 C 75719 W. M., Lieut 28761 William (Nrthmptn.) 11801 (soldier) .. 26608 57663 (Sussex) . . 31931 Young . . 94651 Robertshaw, John 21000 Robertson, v. Gt. W. Raily. Co. 24486 (relatives of) . . 35864 27741 Alexander (Surrey) 73590 (Colonies) 19607 Alison 27742 Andrew . . . . 70270 Benjamin . . . . 4570 (Mid.) . . 40764 BowenR 67635 Catherine (Chan.) 65398 .. .. 94653 Caroline . . . . 50564 Duncan .. .. 12400 Elizabeth .. .. 11179 E., Ensign .. .. 28762 ■ Family (Scotland) 64916 94655 George 94654 Lieut. . . 29567 HeDry 19608 317 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Bobertson, James .. . . .^ 61655 (Colonies) 19609 Court .. 34211 Jolin (mariner) . . 7434 (America) . . 73532 (London) . . 64808 Capt 8783 (Colonies) . . 19610 Joseph William . . 2308 Lettice 67637 Margaret .. .. 27743 Margretta .. .. 16819 Mary (or Eobinson) 94656 Robert 67036 ■ (seaman) 50223 Sarah 11159 Susannah .. .. 27744 Taite & Co. . . 8423 . Thomas .. .. 11874 ^Y. (Colonies) .. 19612 W. H., Sergeant . . 28763 WiUiam (Scotland) 25930 (Nova Scotia) 1306 Hahm . . 19613 Eobins, E. T 69362 EHza 76802 Elizabeth 13108 James 52813 Jane Eice 53540 John (Middlesex) .. 74711 27745 Devon) . . . . 14091 Mary (native of Devon) 3118 . Thomas 9561 C 64096 William (Kent) . . . . 51268 Bobinson, — Esq 32880 Alexander (Leeds) . . 9407 94662 Amy 94663 Ann 17762 Anthony 6062 Arthur Jamjes . . .. 22154 Benjamin 1398 Bridget 64018 Charles 27746 Barker . . 35194 Christopher Owen . . 55810 Cicely 14843 Daniel (Colonies) . . 19614 6447 Edith Jane .. .. 22156 Edward Innes . . 75578 Elizabeth (or Cottrell) 5369 (Scotland) 2263 Family (Chancery) . . 75114 Frances 68630 B 22816 . Frank 7115 Frederick 12487 Bobinson, George (Kent) , . 74226 Josiah . . . . 94664 Michael . . 28766 N 62917 Eichard . . 62774 (Surrey) . . 52744 Gottfried 94665 Grace 9408 HeatonB 75113 Henry (a creditor) . . 9783 15534 ^ (to advantage) 38698 Isabel 94666 J. W 33497 James (York) . . .. 76138 (legatee) . . 59402 (stable keeper) 69415 61226 (or rprsntat.) 53847 Joan 73604 John (seaman) . . 1834 (bacon factor) . . 8638 (Chancery) .. 73715 (Colonies) . . * 19615 (India) . . . . 29568 Thorp .. .. 94667 Jonathan . . . , . , 74230 Joseph 34321 &Co 40220 Louisa M 22155 Margaret.. .. .-. 60431 (orTaylorson) 7046 Mark 6994 Martha . . . , . . 1008 Mary (servant) . . 881 60803 Mr 40655 Peter 94669 Eebecca . , . . . . 94670 Eichard(repmtatve.of) 53846 (E.N.) . . . . 16738 (Chancery) . . 73928 Eobert 9413 (Durham) . . 31648 Sarah (Middlesex) . . 66801 53160 (Middlesex) 67641 Susan 94672 Susanna, IMiss . . 60984 Thomas (Middlesox) 12853 (seaman) . . 2183 (America) . . 75584 (York) . , 74229 Pitt .. .. 27747 Savage . . . . 1 1022 Vina 2057 & Watkins . . . . 65348 White , 4252 William (tailor) , , 2764 -r —^ — r^ (India) , , 2633 318 Dirtoiionafor ohtainmg full copies of the Advertis«mentg to which thM$ Natms relate will befoimd at end of Index. Rebinson, William (C!oloiiies) Bird . . , . H LeTrisBedson Wilson . . Eobison, Andrew . . Donald Eobjant, Martha Robley, Henry Eobson '- Isaac, Rev. . . J Robotham, Francis Jonathan . Wimam Robson, Charles Family George James (India) . . John (Middlesex) Smith Joseph Munford S Robert Sarah Thomas (executors of) William David. Roby, James Mr William Rochard, Adelaide C Roche Family . . Garrard James, Capt (Colonies) Rochell, Ann (late Hodgkinson) Rochester, Alderman Rochety, Moses Rochford, Countess Ogla Earl of Martha William Henry Rock Family Joseph Rocke, Charles A Rockett, Dudley Rockhart, William . . Rockingham, Lord Lewis Rockliffo, — Rockwell Family . . Robert Matthias Rodbard, Martha . . Samuel Rodbcr, Mrs. (or Rodbard) . . Rodburn, Elizabotli Rodd, Charles Lavender. . Rodde, Jules Felix and Pierre Roddy Family William ,, ,, .. 19616 71326 25883 36354 8417 12585 38889 55803 10433 94674 33731 39G05 27748 60809 94676 69371 28768 56422 94677 29569 11814 94678 60797 94680 9774 57116 38900 74714 2097 94681 16323 53986 94682 36101 51721 19617 3767 94683 19618 94684 27750 31491 94685 6233 64097 72934 4809 94686 11619 27760 27761 7074 31491 23759 54078 94688 60743 61792 94689 23246 Roden, Ann Earl of (Chancery) ■ James Roderick, Catherine David William . . Roderigas, J Rodgers, George . . Joseph , , Redgrave, Thomas . , Rodhouse . . Rodick, James D Rodney, Mortimer . . Sarah Burton . . Rodrigues, Catherine Pedro .. .. Roe, — Amelia V. Carter Charles James . . , , Elizabeth George H James John (Northampton) (Colonies) Maria Mary Peter Richard Samuel, M.D Thomas (fireman) . . William Hamilton . . Roebuck, B., Lieut Benjamin . . Elizabeth Disney Jane John Jarvis Samuel Thomas . . & Vaughan Roel, Hannah Roerhs, Cord Rofe, John INIrs Rebecca Warmen . . Samuel and Thomas Roff r. CaflFrey Roffey V. GreenhiU . . Janet (widow) Richard John Robert RoflFy, Janet Stacy . . Rogers, — Alfred Amelia Andrew (Middlesex). 12517 65354 26056 94690 9828 6206 94691 29570 9878 11008 72928 76135 94692 10268 29571 11115 27752 94693 24466 54936 74719 34185 22961 37160 30540 35151 19619 68108 6595 21886 94695 53399 24691 21887 28770 6128 62814 71878 32427 70936 69099 69097 19621 19622 2742 1948 2742 72816 24467 24473 7649 74239 68176 39860 94696 31007 73791 Mmi , 60372 , 21317 319 BirHtiomftr okUinmg full copm of the AdveriimrhmU to vithiih these N(m4* relate will be found at end of Index. Rogers, Ann 1876 — ^ (formerlv Hollins) 73608 Antonio ..' .. ., 94638 Aurelia 27764 Clwles 59462 Edmund 94699 Elizabeth 8939 Family (London) . . 67096 (America) . . 71338 (Newcaatle) . . 74231 Frederick 29572 George (India) . . . . 28772 (Liverpool . . 34478 (Surrey) . . 39356 H. C. Rowland 14724 Hender 61788 Henry 59451 Lieut.-Col. . . 21691 Isaac 11414 Jacob, Lieut 28773 James (Southampton) . 74224 62787 Jane 1876 (Newcastle) . . 67934 Jasper W 74318 John (Middlesex) . . 73592 (Oaemiarthen) . . 14723 35756 Capt 12763 V. Keen 24476 Lenigan 94700 Lucy 53574 (advantage to) . . 2099 Mary 11550 (Colonies) . . . . 19623 Matthew 94701 IVIiss 11549 Mrs 94702 O. W. & Raby . . . . 64479 — Paul 27764 & Raby 66846 — V. Rogers 24481 Sarah 94703 Susan 94705 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 70602 27755 Lovell . . . . 5o5b6 Timothy 7588 William (Soutliampton) 76137 (Colonies) . . 19624 (Surrey) . . 62784 (footman) . . 1260 L 94706 (oyster dredger) 3137 Rogerson, Ann 70655 John 68045 IMary Ann . . . . 30812 WilUam 37791 Rogino, Andrew 778 Bogus, Eliisabeth 94707 Rohde, Sarah Wood . . . . 60457 Rohden, Peter von 75683 Rohe, Loguine L 74099 Rohrs, Margaret 69228 Roke, John B 94708 Rokewode, John (^e . . . . 34806 Roleff, Benjamin 62760 RoHe, Charlotte 2666 Family 94709 John 8129 . (Norfolk) .. .. 34876 "WiUiam 14322 Holland, Eliaabeth 19625 Family 22157 Sarah 94710 Hollands, Elizabeth k Margaret 30064 Rolle, Baron John 7963 Rolleson, Jane 61208 John and R 94711 Mary Aon ., .. 51209 Rolleston, Colonel 35189 Mary Anne .. .. 21930 RoUett, Ruth 94712 Rollins, Krinitz and Ahlborn . 50628 Rollinson, Nancy . . . . . . 3184 RoUo, Peter 12692 Rolls, Edward John .. .. 76798 George 35602 John 34785 Thomas (Surrey) .. .. 63472 Rolph, George 76993 vTidsweU 24482 William 56416 Rolt, Edward Charles .. .. 10683 Roman, Joan 21318 John (seaman) ., 1368 MaryP 6151 Rome, Mary 75114 Romeiken, Anna 94713 Romford, John 3492 Roms, Michael 1623 Ronald, Alexander 28774 Ronaldson, William (Middlesex) 75110 RonajTie, James 26334 Rond, Joseph 28673 J 29007 Ronneberg, Gfebriel H 26500 Ronzel, Mathulian 26401 Rood, Sarah 1336 Roode, John 94714 Roofe, William 28776 Rook, John 40958 Rookby, William 94715 Rooke, Charles 60439 George 94716 GHes 94717 James 64426 John (Surrey) .. .. 36610 and Stephen . . 9737 Spooner ., ,, 9993 320 Directions for obtaining full eop%e$ of the AdvertisMtants to which these Numes relate will be found at end of Index. Kooke, Margaret 94718 Mary .. 64426 William -(Wnts) . . . . 76133 Rookes, George 94719 Rooner, John 1515 Rooney, — (sawyer) . . . . 9253 John 26693 Malachy 39401 Patrick .. .. .. 9252 (India) . . . . 28776 Roose, F 63320 Root, Charles and Thomas . . 92933 Samuel 62927 Thomas 10174 Roote Family 3642 Rooth, Benjamin 38249 - — ^ Joseph 67099 Roots, James 6448 Roper, Henry (son of John) . . 65006 James 15668 Jane 6850 Richard 15667 Samuel 19626 Sarah Elizabeth . . . . 27756 Thomas 94720 Rordanoz, Henry] 75106 Rorke, Simon 21884 Rorrison, Elizabeth .. .. 75112 Rosario, Anthony 16991 Roshotham, Daniel 59259 Joseph 94721 Rosbrook, Mr. Charles , , . . 65967 Roscoe, William 74233 Rose,— 27757 Ann 10070 Bernard 884 Deborah 67134 Donald 28778 Dorothy 94722 Elizabeth 27758 George James . . . . 17682 Gordon 11020 & Greenwood, Messrs. , . 2967 James (Suflfolk) . . . . 72929 6596 John 883 (Devon) 74227 Robert 1613 Lewis 34231 Mary, Mrs 11678 Mrs 7646 Philip William . . . . 94723 Robert (dyer) 73594 A 72867 G 74147 Sarah (Middlesex) . . . . 6696 Stephen 66866 Susannah 94726 Thomas 60800 ^- — (pump maker) . . 73696 Rose, Thomas C 19627 Negus . . . . 71346 WiUiam (dyer) . . . . 73594 (Colonies) .. 19628 Rosebery, Earl of 12375 Rosemary, William 19629 Rosenbohn, Johan 68109 Rosewell, Joseph 52768 Rosher, Thomas 36601 Rosier, Fitzwilliam . . . . . . 5698 Rosino, Andrew 778 Roskruge, Thomas 32779 Rosoletti & MunseU .. .. 6164 Ross, Alexander, Major . . . . 2256 Allen 24675 Andrew 19630 Angus 94726 Ann 25924 Caroline (lunatic) . . . . 76795 & Co 27760 Colin 75106 David (Australia) . . . . 26964 M.D 76707 Donald 94728 19631 Eliza (or Litchfield) . . 74627 EHzabeth 69368 V. Franklin 67703 Frederick D 22165 George (Middlesex) . . 74709 (Chancery) . . . . 65350 (Colonies) . . . . 19632 Ogilvie .. .. 6651 Georgiana and Mary . , 22167 H., Lieut.-Colonel.. .. 28778 Henry James 76134 Hugh 35193 James (Colonies) . . . . 19633 17918 Brice 28779 Ogilvie . . . . 19634 Jean 31246 John 22589 (Colonies) . . . . 19636 Ogilvie 19636 Margaret 24746 Maria Anna 11470 Mariam 94730 Matilda 94729 C 10146 Sir Patrick 40013 Peggy 6299 Rickman 72930 Robert 60426 (Jamaica) . . . . 67640 William 63200 (Middlesex) . . 8891 Charles . . . . 10400 H. D., Lieut. . 29674 James . . . . 22294 321 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Adveitisementa to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Kosseau, John 1659 Mr 94731 Eosselli, Pellegrino 61794 Eossiter, Anne 71047 Elizabeth (Bristol) . . 76797 Koswell, Elizabeth .. .. 3109 Henry 94732 Mary 3109 WiUiam 21409 Eotheram, Robert 94733 Eotherham, — 15915 Ann 14098 John (Australia) . . 76791 Mary 14088 Sarah 15916 Eotheroe Family 71334 Eothersham, Williani , . . . 50855 Eother)', William 71337 Eothman, Richard Wellesley 51099 EothweU, Elizabeth and Ealph 4117 James E 22542 Richard 15611 William 8524 (Chancery) 62972 Roto, Henry Edwin .. *.. 34677 Eotten, Benjamin 11986 Eotton, John 94734 Eough, Adam and Andrew . . 2825 James 2834 Eoughton, John (Nottingham) 76800 William 94735 Eounce, Samuel 56315 William 50533 Eoundtree, Miss 94736 Rom-ke, James and Nicholas . . 19637 Eousby, Henry Edwards . . 15669 Eouse, Abel 21477 Mary 27762 . Robert 70267 Rowland 94737 Thomas 31711 Rousell, Price 94738 Rout, Frederick 25543 James 12679 Sarah 40612 Routh, Elizabeth 15943 v. Howell 24475 John 74399 Launcelot 94739 William 31537 Eoutledge, Amelia .... . . 27763 Archibald . . . . 14565 John 21241 Joseph 39539 Judith 94740 Robert 75465 Routree, Mary 14013 Row, James 71881 Susanna 14053 William 94741 Rowan, Andrew 19639 Anne Hamilton . . . . 26087 Garratt 19641 Rowand, Andrew 19640 William 33511 Rowbotham, F 28781 Sarah (Middlesex) 50395 11159 (Derby) . . 73765 William .. .. 19642 Rowbothom, John Ulo8 Rowbottom, Mark 73764 Martha .. .. 51220 Rowcroft, Eliza 7777 Henry 94742 Rowcrost, Eliza 10183 Rowden, Francis, Rev 31843 George C, Rev. . . 69399 Henry 40224 Rowdon, John (Southampton) . 52797 Richard Sydney . . 31083 Rowe, Absolom 68627 Ann 15201 Miss 4902 (Kent) 52780 Anthony 71193 Benjamin 358 Emilia Ann 0251 Family 34443 George 52807 Henry 25836 (Chancery) . . 71202 Hugh .. 17932 James, Rev 3614 John, Rev 53130 Joseph 94743 Michael 5140 Richard 94744 Sarah (or SaUv) . . . . 70264 Stephen . .' . . . . 3139 Susan 12S26 Thomas (bootmaker) . . 52806 71104 S 25978 W 71354 Rowed, Mary Ann 75586 Michael 34198 Rowell, Cuthbert 25988 John 9779 (Peterborough) . . 10206 Rowland, Brierly 61775 Caroline 52421 Charles 35080 David 10490 Family 94746 6551 Gabriel 15834 John (Denbigh) . . 33316 Robert 68111 Thomas 51626 X 322 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisansnts to which thesi Names relate will be found at end of Index. Eowland, William .. .. .. 6499 Eowlands, Eliza'beth & Margaret 19643 Eowlandson, James & Thomas 5206 ' Michael, Rev. . . 75109 Eowlatt, Thomas 1293 William 94746 Henry . . 76136 Eowle, John 94747 Eowles Family 76799 Henry, Lieut 75582 ■ — Stephen 10447 Thomas 26197 Eowlett, Eiith . . . . . . 27764 WilHam 21319 Ivowley, Albert Evelyn . . . . 35896 David 10310 George 72925 Mary (widow of John) 75507 ■ Thomas T 23459 • William (India) . . 38138 SirW 94748 Eowlingson, George & Nancy 94749 Eowlinson, Elizabeth . . . . 6980 EowUs V. Thomas 24483 Eowls, Edmund & Elizabeth . . 73138 Eowse, William 94751 Eowsell, George T 23562 John 7393 Nicholas H 62932 Thomas Henry . . 54106 Eowson, Daniel T 62934 Eowte, John 6449 Eowton, Eichard and Sarah . . 17260 (Middlesex) . . 14288 Eoxall, Mary 94752 Eoxbrough, William . . . . 59101 Eoxburgh, Duke of . . . . 27765 Eoxworthy, Charles . . . . 3534 Eoy, Elizabeth 94753 P. C 94754 William 25597 Eoyack, Mary 94755 Eoyal, James 19645 Eoyario, Francis 11114 Eoycock, Mary 7416 Eoydcn Family 94756 ]loyds, Ann 6024 John 30020 Eobert 11501 Eoylace, John .. 5409 Eoyle, Ellen 965 Henry G8628 Samuel 5419 — Thomas 6152 William 30365 B 94757 Eoylcy, Thcophilus 21186 Koyl.^.ton; Mary 94758 Eayston, Alice 849 -James 34928 Eoyston, William 71333 Eozier, Elizabeth 11331 Fitzwilliam 94759 Eubbins, Mrs 36144 Eubensohn, Julius 36382 . Mrs 36318 Eubergall, Thomas 37143 Eubido, — 71463 Euchardt, T 29111 Euck, Elizabeth 65351 Eucker, Mr. S 40221 Eud, Eichard 40525 Thomas 2185 Eudd, Leonard 67632 E. E 62971 Thomas 10278 Euddach, John Montague . . 29575 Thomas 17626 Euddell, Jonathan and Mary 57569 Eudden, Ann (Surrev) . . . . 76851 Euddick, Mary :Margaret . . 73607 Euddiman, James 7359 Eudding, Mrs 10007 Euddle, George 19646 Euddoch, John M 28783 Euddock, Anne (or Hannah) . . 3769 Family 52758 Joseph and Philip . . 75878 Judith 4112 Nicholas 9785 Euddy, Thomas .. >. .. 60079 Euding, John 61590 Eudland, Frances 50881 Francis and Wm. .. 2960 Jones 62765 Eobert 51354 Eudsdell, John 36565 Eudston V. Anderson . . . . 23760 E. C 15787 Eucgain, Andrew 880 Euff, William 94760 Eutfell, John .-. 94761 Sarah 17500 Euffin, Thomas 17159 (lunatic) . . . . 7396 Euffle, Elizabeth and William 52801 Hannah 75116 Euffles, Samuel 75878 EuiHct, William 19647 Eugam, Andrew 1591 Eugcly Family 3795 Henry 16415 Eugg, Charles H 56670 V. Farmar 24471 Euic, Edward 75719 Eulc, James (Edinburgh) . . 70801 Eulton, Mary 63261 Eumball, Thomas 52803 Eumbory, William 94762 323 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Eumbold, George Samuel . . 76809 : Joseph Godmond . . 8784 Eumell, James . . 2050 Rumley, John 1802 Eumney, William 27766 Eumpff, R 19649 Eumsby, Eohert 16366 Eumsey, James Crook . . . . 32558 Nathaniel .. .. 31584 Eimciman, Charlotte . . . . 75727 Eundle, Henry 1856 Emiey, Charles 94763 Eunnington, Miss 10358 Eunting, Eichard William . . 7815 Eupert, Maria 65920 Euperti, Gottlieb Christian . . 7812 Eupson, Gotfried 94764 Euscol, Thomas 59105 Eusden, John 38568 Euse, Joseph K 73589 Eush, George (Essex) . . . , 6888 30564 JohnEoger 76144 Mary 9443 Thomas 17250 Walter 19650 Sir William B 74862 Eushbrook, Mary 11506 Eushbrooke «;. Patrick .. ., 71617 Eushels, Frederick 19648 Eushforth, Benjamin and Wm. 68343 Eichard W 74403 Eushout, Ann 94765 Eushton, 15382 Emma 4130 Family 26345 James 53569 Eobert 38414 -y. Waddilove .. .. 23761 Eush worth, Edward . . . . 74717 Jonas 50839 Joseph 14927 Euss, John . . . ^ . . . . 5764 Walter 19651 Eussel, Henry Belpage . . .. 75114 Eussell, — 31196 Abraham, Eev 76146 ■ Alice 94766 Ann 50805 Bedford (Norfolk) . . 76808 C 8785 Catherine 17163 Charles Penton . . . . 73600 ■ W. C 59668 Christopher . . . . 17202 Clarissa 75115 David 967 Edde & Co . . 9855 Edward (Surrey) . . 407 ■ (Southampton) 16868 ! Eussell, Elizabeth 16833 Emma E 71575 68181 76140 15543 51156 23780 John (Hants) Eev. (Lincoln) . . Henry Cromwell Family (legatees) Fanny, Mrs. George (Surrey) . . Hannah Henry C 19652 J. J., Capt 75229 James 32922 (attorney) . . 50177 Jane 23780 74255 14171 36999 32128 Joyce 1295 Mrgrt. (sister of Edwd) 76128 Mary 12246 Miss 67784 Mr. 35380 Pierce 19653 Eichard (brthr of Edwd) 76128 94767 Sir Eobert 27767 Eobert 75656 James .. .. 74712 Sarah 27768 Thomas 50592 V.Thurston 24484 William Eusson, (physician) (Fife) . . . 25537 23638 12327 2153 31687 94769 2295 Eust' d'Eye, Eev. Edgar Eust, John Nathan Euth, Lillies 17636 Eutherford, A 19654 FamHy 27769 George 11984 Hannah .. .. 71158 V. Hayes . . . . 24474 James 31338 Jane and John . , 58735 John 27770 Margaret & Eobert 39160 Mary 37168 Thomas .. .. 3349 H 70314 Walter 94772 Eutherfurd, Lord 36427 Euthford, William 11666 Euthven, Catherine Isabella . . 22320 Eutland, Mrs. F 94771 Eutledge, Captain 7742 Sarah Motte .. .. 10613 Eutter, Angelina 75588 Catherine 3880 Charles 27771 X2 324 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisemmta to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Eutter, George (Surrey) . . . . 3976 33149 Henry 2275 Launcelot 94773 Susannah. 8494 Thomas 1358 William 70269 Euwack, Leopold 38590 Euxton, Thomas 26515 Ewis, George 38894 EyaU, Hannah 14632 Mary 17873 Nathaniel 53994 Thomas 14631 Eyan, — 51215 Charles (soldier) . . . . 73791 Colonel.. .. 11849 Burke .. ..29576 Sir Edward . . ^ . . HTJI -^- — EHzaheth .= .. .. 21885 . ^. — ^ Family (Colonies) . . 19657 Freodore 12202 . George 25365 James 1706 John 26584 Burke 12838 _ and Patrick . . . . 24660 Joseph 25943 Michael 11977 (Ireland) . . . . 73610 Eichard 19663 Eyan, Thomas 1706 28785 William 25540 Eyberg, G 94774 Eyhot, Elizabeth 94775 Eycaut, Edward and Elizabeth 94776 Eyce, David 94777 Eycroft, Elizabeth 10230 Eyder, Edward, Eev 51557 Francis 27773 James « . . 1934 Job 74238 V. Webb 24485 Eye, Joseph 94778 Peter 34861 Eylah, Elizabeth and James . . 15931 Eyland, John 60016 Margaret .. .. .. 30307 William H.-' .. .. 75656 Eyley, Catherine " . . . . . . 5699 Samuel 4475 Thomas, Mr 38935 Eymell, Anthony 14431 Eymer, Edward 6886 Ellen 94779 Henry 59106 Jane 74444 Malcolm 94778 Eymsdyke, John Van . . . . 5049 Eynd, Surgeon 23319 Eyniever, — .. .... .. 94780 Eyon, Jeremiah 94781 Eyves, Miss J. Walthew . . 52826 325 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Ncme» relate will be found at end of Index. s St. Alban, Thomas Victor . . 632 St. Amans, Anne de and Pierre 69467 St. Clair, Elizabeth 94782 James 12366 Sarah 6450 St. Croix, Celestine 28836 St. George's Charity . . . . 62973 St. George, Eichard James . . 53557 William .. .. 28837 St. John, — 38948 Baroness 27875 Charles 27876 EUis, Kev 39807 Family 27877 Eichard 58507 Et. Hon. S. L. . . 21041 S. M., Lieut 29620 Susan 94784 St. Leger, Frances 35924 Lieut.-Gen 16458 Jane 24478 St. Quinten, WiUiam Thomas 14823 St. Uuintin v. St. Uuintin . . 24513 Sabatier, James 94792 Sabbatina, David F. E 69405 Sabbatini Family 67647 Sabey, Eichard 58518 Sabiena, Eichard 25847 Sabine, Charles (Bedford-row) 76143 John Eichard . . . . 94793 Susan 21035 Sablier, Nicholas Marquis de . 11461 Sachs, Marcus 52945 Sack, Mary Ann 30927 Sacker, George 19665 Sacket, John 13142 Sacuto, Benjamin and Isaac . . 5248 Sadd, John 94794 Eobert 35542 Saddington, — 5885 Sadgrove, William 56465 Henry P. . 76883 Sadleir, James 22971 John 22441 WiUiam 11756 Bigby.. .. 21995 Sadler, Daniel 19666 Elizabeth 56338 Family 94796 James, Captain . . . . 38814 Braybrook . . 40364 John (farmer) . , . , 50626 Mrs 36367 Eichard 2047 M 22731 Eobert 6292 Susanna Thrower , . 56338 Sadler, WiUiam (coal merchant) 3982 (Chancery) . . 73715 Stebbing . . 60474 Zebedee 61819 Sadlington, — 5885 Safely, WiUiam (or Sofley) . . 8683 Saflfery, Mary Ann 52948 Mrs 760 WiUiam Stephen . . 4107 Saffory, John 3048 Sagar, Henry 14900 Sage, Charles 61823 T. E., Lieut 28786 Wentworth 3682 Sager, EUzabeth & Wm. (York) 76877 Saggers Family 56604 WiUiam 24451 Sahlberg, Anders 5869 SaiUy, Matthew de 94800 Sailors' Home (legacy to) . . 74440 Saiman, James 56179 Sainsbury, Charles 7922 Christopher . . . . 94801 John 73032 WiUiam .. .. 19667 Saint, Mary 22424 Saintonge, Eliza C. de . . . . 75140 Saise, Mary 4858 Salcombe, — 37292 Sale, Abraham 1566 Charles Frederick . . . . 32639 Mary, Lieut 29577 SaUsbury, Edward 16789 Elizabeth .. .. 35319 Martha 38501 Samuel 40127 Stephen .. .. ,. 4222 Thomas 3315 T. B., Eev 94802 SaUeck, George and Sarah . . 94803 SaUery, John . , 22920 SaUon, Eichard 5571 SaUow, L. C 8444 Salmbury, Sir Thomas . . . . 94804 Salmon, Captain 3971 Charlotte 32396 Christopher . . . . 61834 Daniel . . . , , . 94805 Elizabeth 94806 Family (Worcester) . 75143 67650 George 1954 V. Glenister . . . , 24494 Humphries . . , , 94807 John (Colonies) . , 19668 (banker) . . . . 5097 (Durham) . . 10687 326 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Salmon, John Barker . . . . 16259 Mary 27774 Ann 8431 R 94808 Robert 1440 (Nrthumbrlnd.) 7008 Sarah 3537 Susannah 55477 Thomas (grndchldn. of) 75447 Thomas 51470 William 27775 Salmond, James 53867 Saloman, Reuben 34687 V. Faulkner . . . . 24493 Salomonson, Samuel . . . . 76886 Salpietro, Giovanni 1122 Salt & Baker 59117 Charles 30101 Isaac 57914 Thomas 6500 Salte, Ann and EKzabeth . . 27776 Family 6738 Samuel .. 12006 Salter, Charles Henry . . . . 29578 Christopher 56980 Edward John .. .. 73002 Francis 94809 George 68201 Henry 31177 James 53567 F 74243 John (DubHn) . . . . 69414 Lieut 4042 Mary 1222 Mrs. (widow) . . . . 190 — 53868 Saltmarsh, William 65017 Salusbury Family 94811 Sii- Robert (Chancery) 65359 Salvin Estates 52820 Sambone, Richard 94812 Sambrook, Sir Jeremiah . . 71212 Mary 94813 Samler, — Es(l. " 32880 Samm, M&ry . . " ' 94814 Sammell, John 60267 Sammon, William 16712 Samms, 678 Sampayd, Alexandre . . . . 59P45 Sample, John 94815 Sampson, Ann 6451 : Captain 2608 ^Cicely 5067 ■■ Cooper 31021 : Family 94817 ^Francis 94816 Georgo 31073 John 442 _^- Captain .. .. 12492 -Joseph 13013 Sampson, Mary Ann (or King) R. & Co Richard Thomas Sams, Elizabeth Samson, Ann Captain Louis R Samudo, Fentado. . . Samuel, Alfred • Edward James Lea — = Thomas Samuels, Mrs. E. Samways, Charles, Captain James Samwell, Francis P. B. . . Mary Thomas Fuller Sandberg, John Sanders & Co. . . Edward Eleanor Frederick Philip George K Hannah R. Henry John Joseph (Derby) . . Lacy and Moore Robert Samuel Thomas Lt.-Col. (India) (Chester) C Sanderson, Alexander '■ — '■ Ann . . Eliza Anne Anthony Elizabeth Hannah . . Henry . . Isaac Jackson James Godctt John (Westmoreland) and Mary Rev IMargarct Nicbolas Richard Robert ilnd William WiUiafti (coachman) (Lancaster) Sandes, Stephen C. . . 74697 69109 69413 5067 94818 94819 33764 61822 59120 94820 66545 19669 35130 35370 51738 63325 71882 56958 76167 14785 12257 94821 40220 6501 248 29579 68624 55142 57370 94822 50555 13049 64482 12445 61833 11676 29580 67103 68346 29581 94823 2932 67646 21017 12007 51375 346 71883 50139 19670 40530 7682 9056 51378 2061 51699 19671 1700 32100 26462 327 Birectmis for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Sandf ord, Ann D. A Edward M. (servant) Henry James L., Mrs. (India) Thomas, Eev. . . Sandiford, Ann E. .. .. . Sandilands, Eev. A. J. . Sandington, — . . Sandon, Alice WiUiamKirk . Sandorsan, Adolph . . Sands, James and John . , ■ M. A Sandthen, Peter Sandwich, John Sandys Family (London) George , Samuel Sanford, George Sangar, Luke Sangdon, John Sanger, Elizahetli . . William Sangster, John Eobert Sank, Johan Sankey, Ann and Eichard Family John Sarah Ann . . Sansbury, John Sansom, Charles Philip . . . . Sansome, Mary Sansum, Paul . . Sant, Edward . . Santer, Charles and Elizabeth . Santiero, Frederick Domenico . Santos, Mrs. .... Santullano, Jose Alvarez Saphier, A. . . Saranson, Teeter Sarchwell, William ..... Sard, John Sardeson, Elizabeth Sarel, Louisa . . Sargaent, George Sargant, John (Kent) Sargeant, Amelia and GeorgeW. ■ John Potter . . Samuel :W. W Sargent, Elizabeth • William Sargon, George 94824 75229 28788 76972 34067 11702 28789 6153 27777- 61825 69409 5985 62987 11032 76147 10212 59805 27778 94825 76879 5070 72942 70235 65403 25856 94826 1374 52847 25394 94827 94828 23603 94829 54816 74748 4097 74472 68308 34565 74724 60541 67654 10109 37257 36667 25808 94830 94831 33482 75593 11250 31244 76866 69408 35214 7052 27779 35181 75158 31244 Sargon, Mr. (Surat) . . . . 76876 Sarah '. . . 31530 Sargood, Sarah (Eotherhithe) 1878 W 94832 Sarratt, Elijah and Elizabeth 15861 ! SarreU, Louisa . . 94834 Sarsheld Family 94835 Patrick 8448 Sartoris, Julius A 72944 Satchell, John 30654 ' Eichard 35807 I Timothy .. .. .. 61820 I Satis, S 94836 Satterthwaite, Ellen . . . . 23535 John 8892 Sattin, Catherine 5832 ' Sauer,M. W. 19673 Saul, Ann . . . . 327 Edward 54001 George 52827 James L 17549 Jolm 94837 Leudrick 17550 SauU, William (Devonshii-e) . . 69410 Saunders, Abraham 1082 Ann 50971 —, Augustas 23097 Charles 920 ■ (died abroad) 69486 (Oxford) . . 15204 . . 94838 .. 7373 Sir Charles David Edward 94839 Family (London) . . 74765 (Ilminster) . . 70720 2154 Fanny 9630 (formerlyAhbott) 2154 Francis Henry (or Sanders) James E T. C. . . . John (London) (H. M. S.) Freeman . . 8918 38053 4068 64111 23096 8967 1550 51417 Joseph 30188 (Oxford) Mary Eichard . . Eobert (Australia) 8522 50384 56695 76151 94842 53854 8786 8903 94843, W. L 21125 Walter Minchin . . 33275 William .. .. .. 38841 — -It. .. .. 94845 Samuel, Mr. . T., Lieutenant Thomas . . 328 Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Saunders, William Thomas . . 72943 iSaiinderson, Ann 2093 Eobert 10643 WiUiam .. .. 11829 Saundres, Capt. Jas 28790 Saimt, Edward 22424 Mary 57193 ■ 52849 Saurer, John & M 94846 Sause, Nicholas 6142 Richard 6397 )Savage, Elizabeth 11650 Grace 33842 Henry William . . . . 34708 J. (died abroad) . . . . 71393 James 6885 John 31494 William .. .. 10571 EichardJohn .. .. 32959 Robert 69404 Sarah 75610 WiUiam (Stafford) . . 5625 (shoemaker) . . 11528 J 73791 Savdel, John .. .... .. 11050 Savell, WilHam (Middlesex) . . 76174 Saverne, Yancruyce . . 10000 Sa^dgnac, Alice 6452 Saviffny, Alfred 29583 Saviie, Catherine 21900 Sa\dll, Joseph 2731 Maria 65016 Saville, Benjamin 10602 John 1735 (Colonies) . . . . 19674 Eobert 71410 Savin, Thomas 76884 Savoins, William 94847 Savory, Elizabeth 12607 Frediswed 11844 Henry 3943 Thomas C 60540 Saward, James 3559 William 3866 Sawden, Elizabeth (or Beilby) 76170 Sawer Family 75124 SawkcU, John 75139 Sawkins, Mary (Middlesex) . . 5889 11888 Sawle, Joseph 39581 Mary 14716 Sawrey, John 37107 William, Rev 13002 Sawrim, Sarah 11760 Sawyer, Charles 6801 ' Family 94848 Harriet E. & James H. 22963 Richard 7361 Robert 31362 William 6801 Saxalby, Charlotte 13097 Saxby, Jane and John . , . . 94852 Priscilla 34176 William 59483 S 56874 Saxe, Mchael 17865 Saxon, James 9205 Saxton Family 68200 John 36601 & Taylor 33735 William 40009 Say & Sele, Viscomitess . . . . 94853 Family 16802 &Kery 59118 WilHam 74738 Sayce, Morris 31677 Sayer, Anna Maria 51513 Charles 7844 Elizabeth (or Soyer) . . 75692 Family . . ' 90856 George and John . . 905 Henry 13051 Frederick . . 19675 Joseph 76148 Matilda (I^Gddlesex) . . 76172 Sarah 30036 Susan 70298 Susannah (or Slater) . . 75598 Thomas 36760 William 15570 Sayers, Christopher 34683 John 67653 Mary 2629 Scace, Richard 19683 Scadding, Henry 31129 Jane 30871 Joseph 94859 Scafe, Miles and Nancy. . . . 12792 Richard 27780 Scaife, Jane 67642 John 50288 C. and W. F. . . 75141 WilUam 50289 Scales, Ann 2584 Edward 73055 Job 15056 John 8954 (Middlesex) . . 70297 William John .. .. 35481 Seaman, Ann 9903 Sarah 27781 Scamball, Giovanni.. .. .. 35207 Scambler, Elizabeth .. .. 27782 James 67658 John 64896 Scanlan, Ann 11062 Family 65023 John Joseph . . . . 76597 Matthew Lane . . . . 2522 329 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Name* relate will be found at end of Index. Scanlan, Michael Stanley . . 9445 Scanlin, Thomas 19676 Scantlebury, Robert . . , . 9285 Scaping, George and Sarah . . 68373 Scarborough, Ann 94860 Sarah (or Mercer) 12165 Scarce, Richard 30090 Scardifield, Thomas . . . . 94861 Scarff, Jane 94862 Scarisbrick, Charles ,. .. 64119 Scarman, Eleanor 56335 Eleon 51650 Thomas 34875 Scarpelain, John & Jno. Morris 34915 Scarr Family 94863 Scarth, Henry 76860 Scarville, Jeremiah 94804 Scatcherd, Mary (Middlesex) . , 67111 Watson 39794 Scates V. Hayes 24501 Scatland, WHliam 19689 Scattergood, Martha . , . . 94865 Thomas .. .. 69411 Schaart, Ludolph 94866 Schacht, George 52904 Schalberg, Michael 665 Scharff, Alexander 63263 Schaw, Charlotte 4099 ScheUing (or Schilling), Charles 21023 John 11035 Scheneck, Louisa M 94867 Scherenberg, Hugo 68166 Scheveingruber, Louise . . .. 67110 Schierenbeck, Johann . . . . 63693 Schierman, Aaron 94868 Schiers, Charles 94869 Schild, John Christopher . . 52900 Schiller, Peter 94870 SchiUing, Charles 21023 Schimt, Eberhardt 924 Schlater, Michael 17925 Schlenbenburg, Ernest C. . . 94871 Schlesinger, Albert H 25635 Schlinger, Joseph M 94872 Schloman, Madame 2086 Schmedt, E 25762 Schmiden&Co 94873 Schmidst, Ferdinand .. .. 11887 Schmidt, Gertrand 54949 Hermann H. A. . . 69434 John Earnest . . . . 8038 Leopold 32850 Schmiedberg, Ernest C 12423 Schmoll, Henry Frederick . . 36681 Schnabel, J. G 40220 Schneider, Carl 37319 Wmiam 71372 SchneU, Charles C 66186 Schnet, Peter 1331 Schofield, Edmund 51693 Schofield, James 60539 John 63881 Joseph 75118 Mary (or Carter) . . 75602 (Brighton) . . 76887 Robert 71413 Thomas (America) 66183 Scholefield, Edward C 68168 Scholes, George 17116 John (Blackburn) . . 21139 (Manchester) . . 21027 Robert 17117 Scholey, Joseph 73631 Martha 6721 Robert 1646 Thomas 62992 Scholfield, James 3774 School, John 1023 Martlock 6018 Schooley, Mr 30929 Schorch, Ann and Jacob , . 3220 Schott, WiUiam 19677 Schotte, Christian 638 Schoy, Michael 27784 Schrader, Charles T 27785 Schram, Mary 1387 Schreiber, Thomas 11805 Schrimshire, Catherine & Jane 15434 Schroder, Charles 94876 . Charlotte 17456 Dorothy 94877 Edward John . . . . 7206 F. Charles . . . . 8668 Herman 9096 Mrs. J. D 27786 John F 75605 Schroeder, Archibald . . . . 60469 Schuehard, Henry 94878 Schuldt, Herman 5730 Schultz, Christopher . . . . 1385 George Augustus . . 62944 Otto Louis . . . . 19678 Damian 35713 Schuppe, Sarah 11392 Schutter, Christian 94879 Schweight, Mary 7363 Schweitzer, W. T 27787 Scinde, &c. (prize money) . , 75259 Sclater, Thomas (or Slater) . . 75598 ScobeU, 39666 Scobie Family 5700 Scoffins, Ann and Thomas . . 50987 Scoley, Robert 1646 Scorah, Ann , 35146 Scorey, Joseph 31474 William 94880 Scorse, John 61832 Scot, Wilhelmina 39560 Scotchman, Stephen , , , . 66167 Scotes Family ,. 7029 380 Direetions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names " relate will be found at end of Index. Scotlowe Family 27788 Scotney; Bryan 14323 ■ Owen 16020 Scott, Adam 11718 . Agnes 9181 ■ (or Lee) . . . . 73629 Alexander 94881 (Chancery) 65357 Anne 22519 Archibald 27789 (purser) .. 374 Charles 19679 Cordelia M. J 22169 David (Scotland) ... 2161 58866 Boyley.. .. ,. .. 94882 Edmimd- 5957 John Eleanor ■ Elizabeth (spiaster) , (or Brown) , Ely Ensign, D. 0. . . . Family (Cumberland) 75606 10165 1252 12378 677 28791 73616 23335 - Frances Mary . . . . 60492 •George..- 22617 - (India) . . . . 28792 '■ — (to advantage) . 27789 -~ — —Lewis .. .. 94884 -Hannah 8791 -Hugh 74858 -IsabeUa 40777 -J. Lieutenant ., .. 7455 -J. T. .- 52894 -J. W 22168 - James (Edinburgh) . . 13226 -• — ^—(seaman) .. 1150 Janb 21899 ■ -(Scotland) .. .. 1249 Jean 3627 Joan 94885 John (brother of Waltei) 73629 ■■ (City of London) 75719 '■ (Lancaster) ^Middlesex) '■ (Australia) Major (India) . . (Surrey) (brewer) — - A., Major . . Biaden Robert Jonathan Joseph (York) 76175 50762 60904 29584 13027 5200 22277 11224 94886 9688 6552 68259 Kcisia .'. .. .. .. 94887 Mary Ann (London) . . 76149 Matthew 94888 Messrs 63712 Scott, Montague A 22170 Nancy 9181 Paulina 30225 Peter 7714 Philip 22618 Eebecca (Dorset) . . 52830 81324 Eichard 9684 Captain . . . . 15458 Eccleston . . 31518 Eob6rt (Somerset) .. 51664 (annuitant) . . 9509 (Ireland) . . 8061 Samuel 21438 Sarah (or Platts) . . 75083 • .... .. .. 27790 Stephen 5470 Susan (servant) . . .. 74721 T., Serjeant 26669 Thomas & Co 94890 (Hoxton) . . . . 6846 — (son of William) 30451 (Middlesex) .. 7088 Carington . . 29585 H 19681 P 70295 Walter (Bedford) . . 76885 WilHam (London) . . 75719 (Ireland) . . 22023 (India) . . 29586 & Co 9858 3444 Augustus, Lt. 29587 H 24741 Herbert . . 75083 Eobert.. .. 19682 Scotton, Elizabeth 27772 Scouler, Lieut. Jas. Braithwaite 5207 Scourfield, William Henry . . 7817 ScoveU, Charles 66363 John 72945 Noah 6252 Scrafton, Catherine 17893 27793 Scraggs, William 94892 Scripes, Jacques 999 Scripture Koaders* Societies . . 75290 Scriven, Gardner Russell . . 64929 John Hampden . . 75596 Scrivener, Thomas 61366 ^ WiUiam 66467 Scroggs, Richard and Robert . 27794 Scruby, Susan 75096 Scrutton v. Middleton . . . . 24510 Scudamore, Charles Fitzroy . . 16332 J 36339 Jane and William 14742 Scuffham, W. and J 9874 Sculloy, Rodolph 34102 Scully, Patrick 19684 331 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertiseinents to which these lifames relate will be found at end of Index. Scully, Eobert 33156 Thomas 21892 Scurrah, Robert Thomas , . 16974 Scuttliffe, John 10202 Seaber, Thomas 35848 Seaborn, Thomas 94894 Seaborne, Thomas 60579 Seabourne, James 27795 Seabright, Mary 32656 Seabrook, Elizabeth . , . . 16596 EUen P 94895 V. Gibbons . . . . 24344 Seabrooke, Mary Ann . . . . 50613 Seacome, John 9180 Seafeldt, — Lieut 8057 Seager, Eliza (wife of Henry) . 75611 Jane 15291 Susannah 14033 William Henry , . . , 51459 Seagoe, Eobert James . . . . 32559 Seagood, Frederick 68176 Seagrave, John 94896 Thomas 13045 William 21322 Seal, Thomas 10148 Scale, Hannah 27796 WiUiam 26670 Scales, John 94897 Sealey, James Millbank . . . . 39219 Scaly, Charles, Captain.. .. 38399 Cuthbert ThornhiU .. 28794 & Hudson 69110 William T 28795 Seaman, Amy 5701 Ann 6208 Elizabeth 39921 Family 94902 George 74733 John 61829 Mary 27797 Thomas 52943 William 67659 Seamark, Thomas 63570 Seamen, Mrs. Henry . . . . 1827 Sean:e:i's Hospital (legacy to) 74900 Search, Samuel 94903 Seares, Alexander 16112 Searing, Ann 94904 Searle, Francis 12918 Searles, Elizabeth 30688 Isaac 32761 Mary Ann 73777 Susannah 2810 Searman, William R. .... 94905 Sears, James 94906 Seaton, — 229 Clara 60493 Da\-id 26641 William 11925 Seaward, Elizabeth 70281 John 54002 &Co 62835 Samuel 63572 Sebasz, Solomon 75719 Sebright, James Walter.. .. 61025 Seeker,— 39694 Elizabeth 94907 George (Colonies) . . 19685 John 74641 — Mary . . 24537 Seculanda, Charles 7406 Seddle, John 26694 Seddon, AHce 27798 Elizabeth and Esther . . 35992 Family 21416 Judith . . 94918 Thomas 8955 Sedgick, Charlotte J. M. . . 94919 Sedgley, Family 68077 Sedgwick, Hevey 68856 Judith 4186 WiUiam .... . . 25882 Sedoli, Joseph 19686 Seed, William 76657 Secgar, Matthew 891 Seekham, William 61831 Seel, Charles Mol3'neux . . . . 38897 . . . . 74729 James 74248 Seels, Robert 75607 Seery, Thomas . . .... . . 26485 Seftley, Charles 75123 Sefton, Mary 94910 WiUiam .. .. .. 19687 Seggie, Peter 76859 Seigison, Ann EUzabeth . . ,. 3645 Seilk, Joseph 19688 Seith, Robert 1707 Selby, Ann Jane 68631 Caleb 62996 Charles 17497 Clare 71670 & Co 94911 Ellen 2507 Family 23627 (Devon) . . . . 70282 George 17359 James 94912 Jane 69420 (Southampton) .. 21326 John Thomas . . . . 76863 Martha 95913 Richard 58860 Thomas (Brompton) . . 76182 • 17496 • James . . . . 21005 WUb'am 94914 (Nottingham) 37898 Self, Ann and Harriet .. .. 94915 332 jDlrections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Self, Sarah 10218 Selina, — (servant) 74319 Sell, Charles 61409 Sellars, ]\Irs 64144 Seller, — (or SeUers) .. .. 37717 Sellers, Hackott & Co 64929 John 61310 Leonard Beger . . . . 62823 Sellman, — Family of . . . . 37503 Sellon, William R. B 69255 Sells V. Jenkins 24506 John 21353 Selwich, Ernest Christian . . 37136 Selwyn, John 6400 Mrs 16900 Thomas Freeman . . 76727 V. Webb 24485 Semon, Simon , . , 8424 Semple, Ann and John . , . . 94916 Scmsbury, John 94917 " Senator" ship, (Crew of) . . 61 902 Senfield, Mr 1496 Senhouse, Louisa Webster . . 8182 Senier, John 94918 Senior, James 71891 John 94919 Joseph 74249 Serjeant-Major, S. M. 29588 Sephton,EUen 27799 Sercombe, John C 67948 Sergeant, E 9859 Mr 1036 Sergent, Ann 69429 Sergeson, Joseph 60908 Sergison, Ann 6423 EHzabeth . . 7310 Family 64585 Serjeant, Samuel 94920 Thomas 21530 SerleFamHy 74722 Thomas 9094 William A 67114 Sermon, Daniel 94921 " Serpent" ship, (Crew of) . . 61813 Serrao, Anthony 29589 " Sesostris " ship, (Crew of) . . 67313 Sessions, George 26279 Setchfield, Deborah 32451 Thomas Moore .. 34388 Setford, George 11038 Seton, Ann 10286 Daniel 4120 David 12328 Earl 94922 Family 10286 «ettcrbury, Swain 94923 Settle, Biiiijamin and Thomas . 94924 John 63209 Severn, Benjamin 75123 jycvcrno, Thomas J 76673 Sevey, John Swyer 40927 Sevill, 24776 Seville, Sarah 9521 Seward, Elizabeth 5369 ElHott 71344 Robert 60099 (or Sewards) . . 36862 Sewell, Arthur H 69435 Catherine 50193 F. H., Rev 69418 Family 94926 Frederick 74246 George 2139 John Goddard . . . . 34396 Stephen . . . . 60192 . Mary 247 WilHam (gunner) . . 75229 61827 (Surrey) . . 65044 Sex, Edward 52890 Sexley, John S 94931 Sextie, John 27800 Sexton, James 19690 Joseph and Richard . . 8022 Sibly 94932 WiUiam (or Sextone) 33264 Seybold, Catherine and Philip 94933 Seyer, R. T 8788 Seylar, Mr 64855 Seyman, Nelson Yans . . . . 7376 Seymer Family 24244 Seymour, Catherine .. .. 61317 Charles Fredk., Col. 56192 Charles (Wilts) .. 76177 Edward 11555 Elizabeth 24602 Family 17878 Henry, Lord . . . . 69862 ■ (Dublin, &c.) 76176 James 68263 (or Fowlkes) 75384 Mr. (Chma) .. .. 71387 Mrs 68154 Robert 21904 Thomas 11556 Sey ton, Elizabeth 12773 Shacke, Mary Ann 11048 Shackel, Maria Jano . . . . 69440 Shackols, John 73623 Shackleton, Abraham . . . . 94935 Family . . . . 30334 John and Mary . . 21522 Rev 16195 Mary Ann . . . . 11G48 William (York) . . 246 Sliacklcy, William 4184 Shaddock, James 26585 Shadford Family 94936 Shadwcll, Sir L 60063 333 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. ShadweU Water works .. .. 71182 Shady, Peter Matthias .. .. 14236 Shaefer, Charles, Family of . . 63491 Shaft, Frances E 76857 Elizabeth . . 56204 Shafto, Mary 94937 Richard 2958 ShaUer, Matilda 27801 Thomas 10169 Shairp, Alexander 23763 V. Baker 23763 Charles and George . . 28796 Walter 16182 Shairpe, Mary 27802 Shaken, William 94938 Shakeshaft, Charles . . . . 52937 Eleanor .. .. 75592 Family 55820 Shakespear, Henrietta M. . . 56920 L 61824 Shalberg, Andres 5869 ShaUis, John 67591 Shand, Adam and James . . 27803 William 36254 Shanks Family 94939 Fitzroy 75590 John 9074 Moses 9714 WiUiam 27805 Shanley, Francis 94940 Mary 56375 Sarah 2739 Shannon, James 94941 John 2669 Eohert 96942 (Colonies) .. 19692 Shansey, William 11044 Shapton, Gawen 36904 Shard, Frances Mary . . . . 39157 Henry and Mary . . 94943 Sarah 52939 WiUiam 37158 Shark, Hossien 11116 Sharkett, Cornelius 94945 Sharland, Elizabeth Harris . . 76862 John 56546 Sharman, Alexander . . . . 50405 — : Aon 9068 Isaac 32677 John 65042 William 36441 Sharood, Martha 74327 Sharp, Alexander 12404 Anne 36319 Benjamin 7808 Charles 2367 (mariner) . . 12385 Christiana 38042 & Davis 59115 Edward 94949 Sharp, Eliza A 76380 Family 94950 Francis 3073 George . . 71348 Henry (Middlesex) . . 343 9619 James (to advantage) 16247 .. .. ••• .. 27806 John (Warwick) . . 50159 (Leicester) . . . . 63031 Fletcher .. .. 10300 Joseph 71361 Leonard 68160 Martin, Captain . . . . 76191 ]SIiss 53151 Llrs 1441 Eobert 1160 Clubley .. .. 76380 Sarah 52896 Susannah 5871 Thos.andWm.(]inddlsx.) 30000 Thomas 94955 William 58479 Sharpe, Amelia 59993 Ann 30346 Edmund, Lieut 29590 Family 94957 Frances 60456 Henry .. 15433 Joshua 1113 Mary 16457 Eobert Smith .. .. 19693 William 7917 S 19694 Sharpies, Elizabeth (Mnchstr.) 75383 11275 Henry 9191 John 11571 Mary 16698 Thomas , 73625 WiUiam 11329 SharpneU, 11990 Sharwood, Thomas 50076 Shave, John T 52833 Taylor (Lidia) .. 29591 Shaw, Abraham 2874 AmeHa, Dame .. ., 67123 Andrew 67667 Ann 29807 Catherine Octavia . . . . 33976 Charles Ainsley . . . . 12134 Christopher 4559 Daniel 11659 Donald 12395 Duncan (India) . . . . 29592 (Surrey) . . . . 66347 Ebenezer 51415 Ellen 38567 FamUy (Scotland) . . . . 23764 94960 334 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate icill be found at end of Index. Shaw George 54574 -y. Grey 24495 H., Mr 2332 Hector 27808 Henry 11305 Hoggin 7482 James (Longford) . . . . 40191 (Bbmtay) . . . . 66172 Lieut. (India) . . 28799 D 75152 Jane (Kent) 75595 (Surrey) . . . . 70425 John (Australia) . . . . 66173 (Nottingham) . . 9362 and M. (Tottenham) 6690 (London) . . . . 3794 (India) 28708 Joseph (Colonies) . . . . 19695 (legatee) . . . . 9364 John 1771 Philip . . . . 71351 Joshua 22036 • Margaret (widow of John) 6027 Maria . . 27809 Mary (or Creak) . . . . 74876 (Stafford) . . . . 74569 Southby 37006 Ealph 9363 llichard (Surrey) . . . . 3706 Robert, Major . . . . 21321 13095 Sarah 8425 Stephen 59269 Thomas 13066 (London) . . . . 7488 Tho8.(or Shee), (widow of) 65271 William (Liverpool) . . 3860 (legatee) . . 9367 (son of Andrew) 67668 (Nottingham) 67660 Shawcross, Betty 27810 Shawc, H. R 52895 Robert 94965 Shay, Benjamin 62906 Shayle, Thomas 37320 Shea, Daniel 26671 Dorothy 94966 Patrick 24701 Richard 19696 Thos. (or Shaw), (widow of) 65271 Shcals, James 23500 Shean, Peter 94967 Shearbum, William . . . . 67121 Shcard, Sarah 6740 Shearer, A. J., Ensign . . . . 28800 John 76036 Shcarcton, James 19097 Shearing, John 15650 Shearman, Charles 2(J440 : Maria 69224 Shearman, Robert 10408 Samuel 16891 Sheam, George 33359 Shears, Daniel T 69437 Shearwood, Ann 76154 John (York) . . 75153 Sheath, Martin, Rev 57081 Sheddon, — Esq 32880 Robert 58865 Sheddy, Cornelius 25903 Shedforth, Ellen 64128 Shee, A 94968 Eudocia 38723 Sheedon, William 60571 Sheely, Helen 94969 Sheen, Ann and George. . . . 94970 George and Henry . . 76874 Thomas (soldier) . . 26586 8428 Shcerman, John 17862 Sheffer, Christopher . . . . 1691 Sheffield, Bessy 5850 Charles 31086 Elizabeth (Cumbrlnd) 17290 11411 (Keswick) 63012 Joseph 94971 Thomas 71350 Shefford, Eliza and Thomas . . 38061 William 14115 Sheills, Edward 29593 Shekell, William Bonner . . 51678 Shelden, Elizabeth 6399 Sheldon, Barbara 71368 Benjamin 6454 Charles Henry . . 94972 EUen 63004 '■ Elizabeth 17424 James 73776 Jane 3728 ' Richard 60574 Solomon 68033 William 11572 Sheldrake, Thomas 37858 Sholford, 61130 WilHam 10522 Shelham Family 69807 Shollard, William 37068 Shelley, John Nichols . . . . 63571 V. Lloyd 24507 Samuel 19698 Timothy 94973 William 11393 ShoUon, Henry W 94974 Shells, Frrderick C 24306 Sholmer, Daniel 4718 Shelmerdine, Amy 1831 Daniel .. .. 14642 Shelton, Henr>' W 27811 John (India) . . . . 10280 335 Direcf ions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Shelton, John .. .. .. .. 25576 Shenstone, James and Joseph. . 2363 Shepard, Elizabeth 17083 . Family 17083 — Henry 9521 Kesiah 2898 WiUiam 50439 Shepcott, Joseph 26039 Shephard, Alexander . . . . 94975 EohertC 19701 ■■ — Thomas (Suffolk) . . 11216 (clerk) . . 30929 Shepherd, Alexander (gardener) 3002 (seaman) . 3808 M., Lieut. 29594 Alice 5570 Ann 55883 ConoUy 74732 Edward Robert . . 50534 Eliza 63007 Elizabeth (York) . . 75147 (widow) . . 1694 George 32121 Frances (Kent) . . 76192 H 8790 ■ Henry 76271 James (Australia) . . 63008 9703 John (Devon) . . 174-29 (Gosport) . . 2254 Anthony . . 21359 Mary (widow) . . 17264 (Lincoln) . . 74745 21437 Meldrum 51714 Eichard (merchant) 16677 73622 Samuel 94976 Swithin 60467 Thomas 26276 (Chancery) 58854 (London) . , 67669 WiUiam (merchant) 71616 (H.M.S.) . 1783 (E. Indies) 14078 Sheppard,Ann 27812 Dorothy and Eliz. 70273 James 19699 John (Middlesex) . . 12693 1739 Mary 65038 Eobert 58246 C 19701 Samuel 1739 Stephen 27813 Susannah . . . . 3077 Thomas 94979 andW. F... 66393 William (goldsmith) 53684 Shepperd, Joseph . . , , . , 16703 Shel)pey, William 6985 Sheppy, Anna Maria . . . . 27814 Shepson, William lilills . . .. 66174 Shepton, Ellen 6453 Sherard, Mr 2609 Sherbet, Eobert 94982 Sherburn Family 94983 Sherburne, John 7092 Shergold, Josiah 58594 Sheriff, EUen (or Staling) . . 76422 John 17729 M 28801 Shoring, John 2565 Sherlock, Alexander . . . . 23402 Amelia 869 Sarah Ann . . . . 30379 Thomas 34167 Sherman, Elizabeth and Ezekiel 94984 Isabella 74982 Martha Eose . . . . 71314 Sherood, Martha 74314 Sherran, Henry 30557 Sherrard, Carver 94985 V. Earl of Harborough 23765 Edward and Elizabeth 26255 Elizabeth 94986 Joseph 6455 Sherrardon, William .. .. 11572 Sherratt, Anne 56439 Charles and John . . 63338 Dorothy 71347 John 56419 Simpson . . . . 53551 Samuel 8712 Sherry, Eichard 72947 Sherston, Hugh 94986 Sherwell, Markham . . . . 94986 Sherwen, Eleanor 53215 Sherwill, Markham 94987 Sherwin, John (Middlesex) . . 36123 . . 14294 John G . . 61843 Martha 27815 Mary (wife of Geo.) 76152 Anne .. .. 71092 Sarah 60466 WiUiam (Colonies) . . 19702 15293 Sherwood, John . . . . ■ . . 4801 Joseph 11629 Thomas (printer).. 11974 (Yorkshire) 30906 Shetterden Family 54600 SheviU, WiUiam Cloudesley . . 34777 Sheward, Simon 94988 Shickles, Daniel . . ; . . . 74727 Shiel, Grace, Julia and Margaret 23168 Marthsc 11460 Shield, Ann and Mary . . . . 6169 Benedict . • « * . . 1560 336 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Shield, IsabeUa 94989 Shields, John Tait 7015 . Joseph 30609 . Michael and WiUiam . 19703 William 94990 Shier, Bernard 73389 Shiers, Charles and F 94991 Shiff, Moses 27816 S 73634 Shillam Family 69514 ShUling, George 21683 Shillito, Thomas 60464 Shillitoe, Francis 8918 Shillock, B 94992 Shilston, Thomas 65039 Shine v. Devlin 19705 Patrick 23427 Shinn, Henry John 71325 Shiney, WiUiam 27817 Shint, John 9879 Ship, Amy and Frances .-. . . 6933 William 16822 Shipley, Elizabeth 12772 George Lockhart . . 5659 Shipman, George 65043 Thomas 58513 Shipp, Daniel 39582 Shippam, Elias and William . . 30575 Shippey, John 25526 Shippore, Elizabeth . . . . 74723 Family 69806 Shipstone, Elizabeth . . . . 27818 Shipton, John . . ; 94993 Shipwrecked Mariners' Fund (legacy to) 74900 Shircore, E. A. M., Mrs. . . 29595 Shirley, Daniel 94994 Evelyn 23766 Henry 399 . Martha 2662 Sarah 40845 Thomas (Gloucester) . . 70969 14415 Shirley, William 36542 . James.. .. 33439 Shiron, John, Serjeant .. .. 76811 Shirras, James and Robert . . 12412 Shirreff, Clifford 62834 James 69824 . William 30094 Shirwell, James 26695 Shish, John 94996 Shone, Mr 36448 WiUiam 14730 (Chancery) . . 59111 Shonk, — 94996 Shoobrcd, James 69444 Shoobridge, Richard and Wm. 74167 Shoosmith Family 65814 Shoot, Daniel 94997 Shore, Francis 40567 George 34743 Henry 65414 John 3543 (Germany) . . . . 69439 Lydia 4051 Sarah 8433 William 3542 Shorland, Harriett 72946 Shorrocks, John 94998 Short, Alice, Mrs 17002 24126 Catherine 3443 Charles 5832 Family 62822 (Colonies) . . 19706 Grace and James . . 95000 John 65571 James (Surrey) . . 75134 Robert 74754 WiUiam 40511 (or TUl) . . 12420 ShortaU, John 26292 Shorten, Robert 95001 Shorter, Edward Thomas . . 30375 John 14556 Martin & Mary Ann. . 3175 Rachel 67227 Shorthouse, Thomas . . . . 51378 Shorto, Henry Hayes .. .. 51164 Shortrede, Andrew 52892 Shortreed, Captain William . . 28802 Shortridge, John Knight . . 31897 Shotter, William 75594 Shotton, George 16739 John 31884 Joseph 15666 Mary 33775 ShotweU, Joshua 38271 Shouls, John 17688 Richard 61847 Shout, Ann EHzabeth . . . . 61489 Shove, Ann 75617 Catherine 13162 George 30564 Shovclton, Rev. W 68164 Showell, Elizabeth 17267 — ; John 2747 Joseph 6741 (relatives of) 3405 Shram, Mary 534 ShrapneU, Henry Squires . . 35890 William 95002 Shrewsbury Peerage Case .. 50902 David 38641 Earl of 38558 WiUiam .. .. 4228 Shrieve, Mary 24481 Shrimpton, James Fleet . . 38344 John 14438 337 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tvhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Shrughford, Henry J 95003 Shubrick, Richard 3802 Sarah and Thomas . . 27819 Shubridge, James 21902 Shuckburgh, — 72350 John 95004 Penelope .. .. 15183 Shucking, Francisca . . . . 16235 Shufflebotham, Andrew . . . . 35071 Shuftoe, Charles 9784 Shults, John 1292 Shum, 95005 Shurley, William Thomas . . 36791 Shurlock, Elizabeth 16197 Shury, John 19711 Shute, 19712 Stephen 5765 Shuter, John 31467 Mary 95006 Richard V 28803 Sarah 39946 Shutt, Elizabeth 95007 Shutter, L. A 75719 WilHam 95008 Shuttlewood, Thomas . . . . 73627 Shuttleworth, F., Lieut 28804 Frederick.. .. 5958 • Mary (Leicester) 8893 66168 Robert . . . . 6865 William .. .. 95009 Sibald, LesHe 19713 Sibbald, Mary 75609 William 53553 Sibbard, Andrew 13227 Sibberin Family 66166 Sibbey, Mr 3474 Sibery, Francis 39213 Sibestone, William . . . . . . 69442 Sibethorpe, Stephen . . . . 8065 Sibley, Ebenezer 8869 George 57831 Mary Jane 52832 Sibson, Jane 11932 Sican, Francis 95010 Sice, Sarah 11965 Sickless, Daniel 74727 Siddall, John and William . . 31943 Siddell, Ann 12247 Sidden, Jane and Samuel . . 74253 Siddon, Elizabeth 34308 Sarah Anne 70346 Siddons, Thomas 24711 Wm. Young, Capt. . . 29596 Sidebotham, George . . . . 72949 John 36626 Sidebottom, George Kershaw 55264 Sidey, Isaac 34313 Sidle, John 9601 Sidley, George Hugh . . . . 33209 Sidney, Fred. John & Matilda 23365 John 925 Robert William.. .. 36934 Sidwell, Richard 52942 Sierra, — 95011 Sieurin Family 35638 Siffken, — 30426 Sigel, Charles George . . . . 52936 George Henry . . . . 71886 Siggs, Charles Matthew . . . . 11369 JVIrs .. 95012 Sigismund, Adolphus- . . . . 95013 Sign, WiUiam 57978 Sikes, Thomas Bayfield . . . . 52924 Silcock, Benjamin B. (York) . 68221 Simon Bennett . . . . 70359 Silistra, J. G 31579 Silk V. Dimsdale 24490 Eleanor 5023 William L 17077 Silke, Joshua M 95014 SiUar, John (Scotland) . . . . 31255 (seaman) .. .. 11048 SiUery, John 22921 Robert 57211 Silley, Elizabeth 68081 Silliboume, Henrv 95015 Sills, John ,/ 417 Silva, Louis de 11049 Sarah 840 Silver, Ann 7570 ■ — John, Lieut 29597 27820 Mrs 75610 Susan 95016 Susannah 27821 William 53158 Silverside, Giles 50441 Silversides, William . . . . 40684 Silverthorpe, Charles . . . . 95017 Silvester, Ann 53554 Eliza Eleanor . . . . 60463 John 38394 Mr 27822 Thomas 31404 Sillwood, George . . . . . . 53874 Sim, Alexander 26510 James 6456 John and Robert . . . . 5731 William 58695 Simcock, George 71352 James 26677 Sarah 95018 Sime, Alexander 28805 Henry 40417 Walter 68309 Simeon, Branston 75144 David 67128 Richard G 95019 Y 338 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Simeons, Miss 1518 Simes, John 95020 William (Middlesex) . . 63015 Simkins, Charles and Thomas . 39432 Simmark, Nicholas 95021 Simmonds, Charles 52831 Elizabeth Ann . . 52886 George 56568 Harriet Susannah . 10090 Leah 95022 Mr 38784 Navil 73778 William (Colonies) 19714 .. .. 2306 Simmons, Abraham 75629 ■ Ann 95023 Catherine .. . .- 12214 E 73630 . Field & Co 59114 Francis 50210 Henry 95024 James 39228 John 40528 (daughter of) . . 7297 Margaret 27823 ' Mrs 11647 N. Fenwick . . . . 62938 Nathaniel Thaddeus 32500 Samuel 9816 Simon 34491 Thomas 779 (next of kin) 69088 (Berks) . . 65045 W 69436 William 53196 B 95025 Simms, — (or Syms) . . . . 31601 Ann 27824 James 19716 Samuel and William.. 19716 WiUiam 59838 Sinmitt, John 36200 Simon, — (or Symons) . . . . 36412 Elizabeth 35621 John , 3366 Jonas and Maria . . 38231 Judith 33036 Timor 2068 Simons, Boyco 96027 Elizabeth 27826 G 27826 Samuel 96028 William 11391 Simpkin, John 61696 Joseph 75612 Simpkins, Frederick . . . . 39144 Joseph 33174 Simpsohn, J. M 95029 Simpson,— 1G038 Andrew 309 Simpson, Ann 14726 AnnaM 61835 Benjamin 50103 David 60568 Edward 1547 Elizabeth (Middlesex) 30800 846 Family 95030 Frederick 30800 G. B 52842 George (Nrthmbrland) 73621 Helen 30800 Henry A 65041 Horatio Nelson . . 19718 James 39329 Brown.. .. 53552 S. (Colonies) 19719 Jane . . 14367 John (left England 1788).. .. 1063 (Colonies) . . 19720 (Kent) .. .. 67119 (Calais) . . . . 65035 H 67693 Thomas .. .. 36266 Wm. Henderson 23416 Joseph (son of John) 54461 8498 Judith 17189 Margaret 33968 Maria 68176 Mary 13112 Ikir 26287 Mrs 2760 Nathaniel (son of John) 64460 Ralph 74251 Richard 60041 Robert T 60569 Sarah 9620 (Middlesex) 2270 Thomas (York) . . 33673 (Colonies) . . 19719 B 62922 Stow . . . . 61382 William (Fife) . . 1063 (Cambridge) 35270 G 74765 West . . 74448 Sims, Adam 9297 David 63871 Edward 16848 Elizabeth and Thomas . . 69443 Family (America) . . . . 95040 Jane.. 17593 John 57789 Mary 2G749 & Son 73578 William 74472 Sturgeon . . 35078 Simson, David 70558 339 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Simson, Dyfie 31063 Dysie 4466 ■ EHzabeth 846 Martha 95042 — Nathan (London) . . 76158 4466 Thomas 460 WiUiam (Scotland) . . 76203 Sinaes Family (India) . . . . 29598 Sinclair, — Lieut.-Gen. . . 75656 Andrew 21428 Denman 19721 Dorothy 95044 Elizabeth 7309 George 2364 Henry, Lieut 29599 Fanuly (Scotland) . . 76206 95045 Mary 17486 WiUiam 60561 Wilson & Co 74399 Singer, Alexander S 28806 Family 64802 Hannah & Luke. . , . 60564 ^arah 95046 Singlehurst, T. A 73791 Singleton, Arthur W. & Chas. C. 22883 Ellenor 95047 Family 57279 James 95448 John 35471 Maria 2170 Mary 9204 IMrs 2710 Thomas 5766 Sinkler, Edward & John . . 16576 Siordet, J. L 75656 Sipp, Joseph 2550 Sissman, John 53555 Sissmore, B 95049 Sitwell, Francis 9145 Z7. Sitwell 24515 Sivensen, Augustus 95050 Sizer, Richard and Eobert . . 95051 Samuel 888 Sarah 95052 Skaife & Co 75072 Skain, William 1758 Skane, George 29600 Skardon, James .. -.. .. 12842 Skeat, Mary Ann 27827 Skeate, Elizabeth J 61853 John .. .. .. .. 11630 Skeen, Richard Morrison . . 39568 Skeet, John 54439 Skegg, Sarah 70207 William Harper . . 33981 Skelding, Elizabeth . . . . 67644 John. 95053 Skelding, Thomas 67643 Skelmersdale, Edward Lord . . 50675 Skelton, Bellona 11592 C. C, Ensign . . . . 28807 Horace 55385 John 36749 Jonathan 4814 WilHam 15564 (I. of Wight)68207 Skene, — (army surgeon) . . 53400 George A 28806 Skeoch, William 95054 Skermer, John 61852 Skermes Family 17293 Skerratt v. Ingmire . . . . 23767 Skerrett, Ann 14102 Skerritt, John 15042 Skeriy, Elizabeth 11967 Sketchley, Alexander . . . . 72074 Skey, Daniel 95055 Henry 11215 James 19722 Mary 7887 Skibby, John 95056 Skidmore, Charlotte .. .. 51033 John (miner) .. .. 67177 30040 Skiggs, Ann . . " 27828 Eobert 53567 Skilbeck, John and Mary . . 21529 SkilHtt, Phoebe 11188 Skingley, Charles Joseph . . 33816 Skinner, B. (or Opie) . . . . 1064 Barbara 21181 Capt 70322 Family 95057 (Devon) . . 75608 Frederick 26491 John 751 ■ Robert 59546 Susan 52902 T. (Camden Town) 74855 Thomas 27829 Wniiam (Colonies) . . 29601 (Chancery) 72076 Skipp, Ann 50606 Skipper, Abraham 74257 Skipwith, Sir Thomas George 71357 Skirving, J. H 67130 Skitter, Stephen Jay .. .. 11976 Skrine, Catherine and Thos. H. 70658 Skues, Ann 69430 Skull, George 95060 Skynner, James 95061 Jane 14681 Margaret 74316 Robert 10715 Skyram, John 70401 Skyring, Mary and Eobert . . 95062 Skyrme, Jones Anios . . . . 35316 Y 2 340 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Slack, Agnes and John . . Ann George John Joseph Albin William (Bath) .. , (Lancaster) . Slacke, Thomas Slade, Ann Anne Elizabeth . , Elizabeth . . . . Sir F. W Family (Berkshire) V. Grifl&ths Henry . . James . . John . . -• — Simpson Mary . . — — Ann . . Samuel . . Sarah . . Susannah Sladen, John B Slaney, Mary William George . . Slarke, Martha Lydia . . Slater, Anna Maria . . Charles Henry Christian F. George Goodchild & Co. . . . James John Alexander . . Joseph (mariner) (soldier) . . (Staffordshire) IMartin Mary Michael, Captain PhiHp Thomas . . . Chamney V. Walker William (Colonies) Slaton, George Sarah Slator, Eleanor Slatter, John — Joseph, Captain . . Thomas Slattery, James Slaughter, John Samuel . . Slayman, Joseph . . 22614 95063 17693 14314 37608 68208 71375 38444 22556 70358 37424 24566 71364 27830 74247 24498 1824 70348 95064 1824 27831 95065 24566 36908 7222 61856 27832 30 53556 12981 40805 30364 95066 27833 9853 39184 9292 31296 31009 9292 12040 52858 51305 68344 32855 8131 26642 6092 24519 19723 2138 10091 23030 6253 28809 61854 19724 15709 51619 11039 Sleap, Ann and Elizabeth Jonathan Thomas Thomas Sleath, Rev. John Sleddon, Mrs Slee, Elizabeth Sleeman, William Henry Sleep, John Sleeper, Slegg, French Richard INIaxwell Sleigh, B. W. A., Lieut.-Col. Sleorgan, Susannah Slight, Elizabeth Martha Samuel (widow of) Thomas (Huntingdon). Slinger Family Slingsby, Jellicorse & Co. Sloan, David Dr., Rev Stephen Sloane, — J. B Mary and William Thomas C William Sloat, John Slocock, Samuel Sloe, Mary Sloman, John Sloper, Elgar and Nathaniel James Samuel Valentine . . Slowgrove, George . . Slumbers, Caroline . . Sly, John Smale Family . . ■ . . Percival Thomas Smales, Ann and John Francis Small, B. D Elizabeth Henry James and Mary John (York) . . . . Robert Samuel Sarah Susan William Smallbone, Messrs Smallbones, George and Jolin . Smalloy, E. T., Capt John Smallman, Dorothy Solon 74760 72951 60363 32544 27834 67672 53873 31328 17517 40073 40508 76145 27835 95067 27836 75117 76865 11721 9955 5890 51316 7993 63321 30901 '74757 65053 7454 38855 50974 72952 73791 35149 61855 74250 22748 51282 74739 19725 95069 6878 27837 95070 36286 28811 27838 1404 95071 76871 30703 726 3398 05073 6924 11160 31177 29602 95074 36480 52886 341 Directions for obtain imj fall copies of the Adoertisements to which these Ntuncs relate will be found at end of Index. Smallpage, Capt. F 28812 Smallpiecc, Ensign 29603 Smallridgc, William . . . . 19726 SmaUwood, Charles 798 — Louisa 11615 Margaret . . . . 57342 Thomas .. .. 26610 Smalpage, Lieut. F. J 29604 Smart, — 37359 Amelia 74767 Ann S 60562 Benjamin 14865 Charles A 57911 Elizabeth 95076 Hannah 27839 James 95077 Jane 26222 John 6519 Lieut.-Col 15459 Margaret 95078 Mary 27840 Mortimer 52891 Richard 95079 Samuel 30330 Sarah 27841 Susanna 1081 Thomas 2235 William 6519 (Colonies) , . 19727 Smeaton, Catherine 53670 Smee, Ann 95080 William 35453 Smced, Charlotte 34108 Smeer, Yirstolk & Sons . . . . 40220 Smceton, Joseph 8924 Smet, Isabel 95081 Smethurst, John ... . . , . 61863 Smidt, Hendrick de . . . . 25825 Smith, — (Middlesex) . . . . 36188 He— .. 52878 A., Capt. (India) . . 28813 A. F. (di-aper) . . , . 74444 A.J 25621 Aaron 2626 Abel 10143 Abraham 6030 (Sun-ey) . . 30968 • Adam 19728 Alexander (legatee) . . 14837 59169 Marting . . 1689 S 60455 Alfred C 13071 Amelia 67670 Anker 2566 Ann 11834 (sister of Abraham) 30199 (Piccadilly) . . 76188 ■ Eleanor ' .. .. 10349 Jasper 210C0 Smith, Anna 23610 Maria 7591 Anno (England) . . . . 76187 Anthony 2250 (Colonies) . . 19729 27842 Aquilla 23364 Barwell 14670 Benjamin (Kent) . . 32299 70753 Bettv 2452 Blanche 23564 Catherine 59391 (Chancery) . . 70332 Charles (Chancery) . . 65355 (London) .. 2783 (Chester) . . 37947 GoodfeUow . . 11248 Charlottes 17590 Susannah . . 15400 Clement 68652 Conway 95083 Cressida 14269 Daniel 14936 David (legatee) . . . . 14842 (Cumberland) . 30545 Diana 95084 Dorothy 54603 — (wife of Ed.) 66582 Dr 21608 Dimcan 7608 Du Bois 27843 V. Dyer 24491 E. J., Rev 60457 Edglefield 12765 • Edmund (Australia) . . 62095 ■ 56966 (London) . . 68168 Edward (Worcester) . . 10543 (seaman H.M.S.) 21220 Atkin . . . . .6457 S 25435 — Edwin 52923 Eleanor 1812 Eliza 52603 Aldridgc .. .. 2115 Maria 56013 Wakefield . . . . 51387 Elizabeth 27845 60987 (Yorkshire) . 7537 (London) . . 4136 (or Ellis) . . 3544 (widow) . . 33518 (Brighton) . . 6993 Emma Welsford.. .. 21395 Family (Colonics) . . 19731 Felix " 95085 r. Fitzgerald . . .^ 23768 Forbes & Co 68076 342 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Smith, Frances . . .... 30214 (or Willard) 1729 16792 (Buckingham) 35388 Pratt ... .. 36127 Frederick (brother to Sydney) 6457 (son of Thomas) 2354 Dallas 32405 George (Ireland) . . 75719 . 59378 (Lancaster) . . 74271 (Stafford) . . 17943 (R.N.) .. .. 16571 (Madras) . . . . 30112 (son of William) 74268 (went abroad) 11711 'Edward .. .. 95087 Hugh .. .. 32385 Gerard 71671 H. B., Capt. (India) . . 28814 Hannah (daughter of J.) 73774 8995 Harriet 59348 Harry Harwood . . . . 75625 Hasket 58859 V. Hatch 24500 Helen Shove .. .. 39227 Henry (Lancaster) .. 13037 (Somerset) . . 38916 (America) . . 1497 . (brthr of Sydney) 6457 Bedwell .. .. 38929 Charles . . . . 30521 John . . . . 29605 Large . . . . 30268 Littleton.. .. 21144 Hesther 17720 Hugh 24027 W. P 63035 Isaac (Chancery) . . 62975 38539 Isabella 27846 T. (Chancery) 63091 Israel P 12547 Jacob 34857 James (Kent) .. .. 71113 (Melbourne) . . 25575 (Leeds) . . . . 21300 Captain . . 2280 (llamsgatc) . . 7987 (Chester) . . 7863 (Dorset) . . . . 34147 (bailiff) .. .. 11030 (Edinburgh).. 12379 (legatee) . . . . 12528 & Co 9865 Sydney .. .. 21185 Watorhouso . . 75613 J;:no H671 Smith, Jane (legatee) . . . . 27848 Miss 22230 (or Hurst) . . . . 75614 Meliora .. .. 53576 ■ Jeremiah 74276 Jervis 19738 John (York) . . . . 76183 ^ (Middlesex) .. 63041 (New York) . . 25976 (died abroad) . . 25439 (yeoman) . . . . 72957 (Treasury) . . . . 75719 (army surgeon) . . 6807 (Ireland) . . . . 5390 (Scotland) . . . . 6505 (son of Hannah) . 35190 (Islington) . . . . 1117 (seaman) . . . . 1769 (Worcester) . . 33676 (farmer) . . . . 10362 (Willesden Hill) . 14901 (merchant).. .. 9123 (legatee) . . . . 14839 (Gibraltar) . . . . 11916 Charles . . . . 29605 Escott 2617 Frederick . . . . 74270 P., Major .. .. 67711 William . . . . 95092 Jonah 14059 • Jonathan 11254 (Leeds) . . 14270 Jorge 75624 Joseph (seaman) . . . . 4199 ■ (legatee) . . . . 70327 (broker).. .. 30111 (Buttershaw) . . 14930 (Gloucestershire) 1058 (Essex) . . . . 6030 H., Capt. . . 29606 Steele .. .. 37291 Joshua 9524 Judith 14954 Levi 63023 Lewellyn, Captain .. 11201 Lewis Y 07678 M. C, Mrs 75149 Margaret 32443 Tomlinson . . 5390 Maria 53577 H 95095 Marians 8037 Martin (schoolmaster) . 73628 Maiy (Berks) . . . . 70340 jwife of Kichard). 68040 (Chancery).. .. 65356 (York) .. .. 74262 Mnry (Buttershaw) . . 14929 (Bristol) .. .. 9401 (or Wilson) .. 12166 343 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Smith, Mary (Stanberry) (Bethnal-green) Miss Mrs. , , Ann Louisa Matilda Matthew Michael (Middlesex) . ■ ——^— J Milicent Miss Mr. (Middlesex) . , Rev. . . . Mrs. (wife of Thomas) (or Aldridge) P., Miss Parker Patrick (soldier) . . Peter Philip (Cambridge) . . V. Pontifex Purcell Rachael Rebecca . . . . , . (Bath) .. .. Richard (legatee) (draper) . . (Worcester) . . (son of Joseph) Robert (India) (died abroad) . . (Ceylon) . . . . (seaman H.M.S.) Rev. .. .. James Richard . . W V. Roberts Roger Rose Rowland M., Capt. . . S. C, Rev Samuel (York) . . (America) (Middlesex) . . (farmer) . . Montgomery . . Son & Co. Sarah (spinster) . , (or Hyatt) . . (Edgware-road) (Smithfield) . . (wife of George) ■ (legatee) . . (Cockermouth) A. (widow of C.) Wyatt . . . . 13498 5872 22231 52848 52355 8632 38974 95098 68167 75150 27850 27851 35274 95098 9525 35127 2115 63323 57506 26696 95400 38321 24512 95101 8631 12106 73336 69493 74444 10537 1058 16367 74742 21146 1616 95102 2345 74747 75145 24514 9730 931 57501 21915 32085 14934 14262 11845 71355 2955 33655 9598 5943 2269 7147 73436 73327 6094 75125 G5103 Smith, Sergt.-Major . . . . 75229 Simeon 95104 & Son 10189 Sophia 95105 & Speck Stephen Susannah (Lincolnshire) (Surrey) 59122 95100 51396 75623 95107 6457 56889 74312 17991 23610 3068 14131 6955 288 IG 21870 50590 1090 7022 31417 95109 35775 63578 65401 30199 61801 30731 28817 40202 29609 3597 14838 29607 52997 14233 14093 72960 76185 (cattle salesman) 8000 (courier) . . 9032 (Norwich) . . 34088 (Leeds) .. 17798 Bowles (N. Z.) 74728 C 66193 Charles . . 54202 & Co 33655 Corbett . . 10253 E 62372 Henry (Wor.) 69462 Pater .. .. 76179 Samuel . . 13022 Smallman . . 51442 Talbot . . 69463 Wiltshire . . 52836 Smither, Caroline and Samuel 74277 Catherine .. .. 95112 Charles 14034 ■ Swithin Sydney James . . ■ Sylvester • T. S. Vernon . . . . Thale Theophilus Thomas (tailor) . . — : (Worcester) . . (Swallow-street) Lieut. (India) (Ireland) . . (Dublin) . . (painter) . . (Warwickshire) Astley Cross Martin . . Paterson . . & Son Swithin . . VereH Vincent W W. or F W. B. (India) . . . Walter (legatee) . . Weston John, Ensign & AVliittingstall . . . WilHam (Shelf) . . . (London) . (Hereford) . (Middlesex) 344 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate ivill be found at end of Index. Smither, ChaHes Zetterguist . . Frances Jane . . Thomas and William Smithemian, William . . Smithers, Henry K J. W John Joseph Thomas (son of Wm.) William Smithies, Thomas (London) . . Smithson, Caroline Elizabeth Francis V. Heygate Sarah William Smithurst, G Smithwick, Henry and Peter Peter (Tipperary) Smithyes, Stephen Smoult Family Smous, John Smylie, George Smyth A Ann Charles Constantino J. Christopher . . Edward George . . Family (Chancery] George (SuflFolk) . . Edward Lewis Harriet . Henry Hervey , James (Isle of Wight) (Tcmple-har) . . Lewis Sir John John Joseph Martha Patrick Pohert Roger & Samuel . William Smythe, Henry M, • — '- — Mrs. . . Bmyther, V. Smythies, Carlton Thomas 53999 50842 95113 2657 57334 60834 52903 52903 27855 1992 2881 7349 74272 95114 1200 24502 1162 7260 95115 11365 21903 95116 61859 75138 5535 73578 50302 37113 75123 5770 2979 75719 23508 75621 11496 50773 32634 95118 54039 76852 27856 3005 1322 32582 37317 95119 26469 73619 29608 26278 95120 56859 22817 58207 95121 1667 7240 Snare, Robert Thomas Snelgrove, Elizabeth Snell, — .. _ Anna Alicia . . John Thomas (N. S. Wales) SncUer, John Snellgrove, Family . . Snclling, Rowland , . Snelson v. Rogers . . Snepp, John Sncwin, Richard . . Sneyd, Thomas William Snibson, Ann & Sarah . . Snipes, Jane Snoad, Charles Snodgrass, Thomas . . Snodi, Joseph Snook, Robert Snow, Ann Jeremiah John Mary Mrs Peter S. S Thomas (Colonics) . . William (excise officer) Snowdcn, — (seaman) Ann (reprsntves. of) Arthur Frederick . Richard €. Robert Thomas . William . Snow^hng, Snuggs, Charles • John . . Martha . . Soamc, Henry Sir George Peter Soames, Sarah Walter Soanes, Robert Fnaip, Christian 6048 Snape, George 21963 Soare, William Henry . . Sobbai't, Eleanor Society f orChildren of Dobtor8,&c Sockctt, John Socten, Anthony & Co Sodden, .Ioso])h Sodcrbury, Jolin Sodorlaud, Elias (or Sonderland) 7687 95122 95123 51739 66347 14058 6031 25112 66140 5090 8080 24071 52919 73617 75719 21607 56258 95124 95125 66682 19752 9712 60587 26718 15671 14897 75148 69453 23877 30092 19750 1161 11972 12953 17467 67267 31787 53872 95126 67682 11414 31000 19751 54239 58525 15330 95127 61873 96128 11047 06536 74741 95129 74456 8696 26753 95130 7408 1148 345 Dirtctions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Solomon, Alexander EKjah . . . . Maria Josephine Myer Soellner, John Andrew . . . . 51259 Soergel, George 95131 Soffe, Family 95132 William 30736 Sogur, Thomas 19753 Soif, Mary 35625 Solden, Joseph 1622 Soldiers' Effects unclaimed . . 74431 Soleil, Jean Baptist . . . . 19754 Solibery, L 95135 Solicitor- General t'.CookWinford 23769 Solire, J. 95136 Solis, George 19755 SoUey, Elizabeth and John . . 65020 Solly, James Smith . . . . 53569 Solmon, Chaiiottc 69043 Soloman, George 7479 . Louisa 66137 55997 26496 33766 4031 Keuben 40223 Solomons, Abraham 15557 & Eleazer P. 58857 Somalvico, Andrio 51474 Somerfield, Henry 56519 Somers Family 95139 Lewds 12550 383 7591 10175 30547 21589 21212 Lambert & Co. . . 9958 Thomas John . . 7287 Sommer, John Conrad . . . . 95140 Sommers, — 27857 Peter A 64142 WilUam 2140 Sommerville, James, Eev. . . 95141 Sone, Mary 95142 Sonquet, Hannah 95143 Sontag, John 58864 Sooby, Matthew 32866 Sooley, John . . 72962 Robert 95145 Soper, James (Brighton) . . 76198 William (soldier) . . 2351 7225 Sopragalo, — 71536 Sore, James (or Soar) . . . . 19756 Thomas 35738 Sorell Family 27858 Thomas 19749 WiUiam A 95146 Sorenson, Peter 95147 Sorgel, George 7389 Sorrell, Ann and William . . 39383 Louisa IVIiss Maria Ann , Peter Augustus Somerset, Lord William Somerville, John (Glasgow] Sortcmboe, Esther . . Family . . Sothcby, George Hull . . Sotheran, John Sothers, Thomas Sotiri, Mr. J Souderlund, Esaias . . Soulby, Mary William Soule, Calvin Partage Souley Family Soulter, Thomas Souly, Matthias Sourcey, Charles Soutes, Baron and John . . South, Charity, Captain . . Cecile Maria M. K Devon Hospital . . James Joseph and Mary M. A., Mrs Sea Company -(Chancery) Thomas Southall, Morice Southam Family Mary Southbrook, Sophia, Southby, Alice . . Charles Elizabeth . George - James Southcombe, Thomas Southerden, Caroline Edward B. & Elizabeth Southern, John Joshua Southeme, Anne Soathcy (the poet) . . George William Hannah . . William . . Southgate Family . . John Susannah , . Southouse, Edmund Edward , Henry Southmead, Chaiiottc Southwick Crown Glass Comp. Southwood, Benjamin Southworth, A. John Souza, Francis de Sovereign, John Sowden, Ann EichardC Sowdon, William (Gurney v. Cosway) 5063 35262 4024 68209 36601 3255 1148 75981 70347 74240 95149 25409 23631 28821 36424 22004 17745 71659 76301 27859 95150 22858 60444 70357 4218 95151 35338 17639 31589 27860 6502 16824 74743 95152 9640 65099 55897 8808 95153 6096 35721 53565 95154 19757 51451 37436 35825 8926 95155 11837 73715 1108 95156 75158 40555 1530 6047 57160 75933 346 Directions for ohtawiing full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. So well, Benjamin Lawrence . . Sower V. Shute Sowerby Family John Hartley . . ^ Peter Robert V. Sowerby William Sowle, Lucretia Marmaduke (Major) . . Spackman, John Spaden, James Spadill, Charlotte and John . . Spaeth, Grustav L Spalding, Robert Spall Family Spanish Mission at Macao Spanjer, Juliana D Spanton, William Spark, Richard •Sparke, Andrew K Charles Homy and J. H. William (ironmonger) Sparkes, Ann and Charles . . Elizabeth Ann . . George (seaman) . . Henry John (Cornwall) (Middlesex) V. Ommancy . . Robert Susan P William . . Sparkley, Sparks, Ann Family . . . . , . John (Chancery) (Colonies) . . and Mary . . Mary (India) Euth W Susan Sparling Family Sparrock, Richard Sparrow, — Bartholomew . . — Eleanor Foster Charles Frances George & G. W. (India) Wingfield .. — Harriet — IMartlia — Mary — Richard 52927 24518 1167 1167 25819 39869 2798 24517 5241 16871 5520 1044 16196 64148 64143 19758 34106 22221 75137 70358 6032 27861 3893 95157 68659 95158 27862 17057 5592 95160 21320 5014 24511 14773 95161 24065 95162 39502 66145 66911 19759 95163 28822 66908 2162 22370 7461 10026 26113 71405 70861 9590 4122 68657 71892 24081 12537 33922 10686 Sparrow, Robert Bernard Sarah (London) (legatee) Sparshott, Thomas . . Sparvell, Sarah Spasshatt, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Spawforth, Benjamin Speakman v. Gould . . Jane Spear, John Robert Dr. (India) William Spearing, James Spearman, Henry John . . James Jane Phillis .. .. Richard Thomas Sarah Speck, Sarah Spccke V. Sandford . . Speckman, William . . Spedding, Margaret Speed, Danvers Walter . . Mrs. G. L Speet, George Speight, Ann Charles Family . . . . John Speir, William . . Speirs, Richard Spelland, John Speller, Elizabeth Spence, — Alexander Anne T Cochrane & Co Elizabeth (wife of Jacob) Family Hannah (dau. of Wm.) John Lieut. Joseph (next of kin) . . Nathan Robert Samuel and Sarah William ... . . (London) . . Spencer, Adam Ambrose G Ann (legatee) . . Antoinette Benjamin Brent C!harlcs 15286 31524 75636 6212 95164 53857 61874 30672 24499 32488 32094 17874 29609 31089 15764 71407 95165 30344 14397 7039 34740 59421 24076 19760 3252 29610 29611 12850 95166 11652 27863 19761 50014 703o7 71540 1968 21461 19762 74263 32144 76205 95167 68155 53562 28823 31482 75518 62000 28824 27864 73618 72963 54223 95170 31509 74631 2986 67124 56622 11321 347 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate icill be found at end of Index. Spencer, Edward 16522 Eleanor 9599 EUzabeth (New S. W.) 2968 (America) . 31473 Esther 31565 V. Gilpin 24497 Helen Ann .. .. 71406 Henrietta 68174 Isabella Cordelia . . 52882 James (Essex) . . . . 32001 27865 and John . . 19763 • Jane . . ...... 72421 John (legatee) . . . . 53541 (Leicester) . . 7111 (Fitzroy-square) 3714 Leigh, Eev. . . 29612 Miles .. .. 72972 S 24497 W 63049 Joseph 7111 Josiah 61875 Madelina Georgiana . 33843 Margaret 2786Q Mary .... .. 15130 (or Gilpin) . . 12120 (India) .. .. 68656 & Perkins, Messrs. . . 13107 IslxQ 26266 Eichard 37356 F -27867 Eobert 67685 Samuel 95171 Sarah 6641 Tabitha 27868 Thomas (soldier) . . 73791 9750 William G . . 54224 : — Walter 800 William 52935 G 95172 Spenlove, Mary 71409 Spenser, ]\Iiss Sarah . . . . 2721 Spicer, — (Kent) 74329 Ann 37356 EHzabeth T 67686 Fanny and Frederick . . 95173 John, Eev 14566 Mary 27869 Eobert Dalrjonple . . 52905 V. Taylor 24085 Thomas T 67686 Spiers, Charles 34898 Ebenezer 76197 M 12680 William 1259 Spillar, Abraham 76156 Spiller, Elizabeth 17093 Family 74380 (India) .. .. 29613 Spiller, Thomas 50124 Spilling, 7000 Spillman, EUzabeth 72973 Spilsbury, George Green ;. 29613 Spiney, John 59923 Spinks, Abraham 197 65 33053 Isaac 33035 John 19766 Samuel 2717 Sarah 17613 Spite, Ann 95175 Spittal, John 68651 Spittique, Martha 95176 Spitty, Mary Ann 3418 Thomas 27870 Splint, Serjeant 28825. Spofford, James 37019 John 8865 Spokes, Thomas 57249 Spong, Joseph and Mary . . 95177 Spooner, George 30448 Horatio Manning . . 3133 James 54981 John 95179 Major 72971 Margaret 95180 Eobert Eix Denny . . 3363 Thomas 6790 (Chancery) 60656 Wniiam 6597 Sprake, Stephen Baker . . . . 74736 "Spratley, John 19767 Spratlin, Charles Frederick . . 27871 ■ Elizabeth and Hannah 12711 Eobert 27872 Spratt & Cooper, Messrs. . . 40220 John 14983 WiUiam 30247 Sprent, John 79768 Spriley, Thomas 1619 Spring, Medford 40766 Eedshaw 40767 Eice Thomas . . '. . 75719 Samuel 65402 Springall, Edward James . . 5569 . Godfrey 6254 SpringeU, Albert G 95180 Springfield, Samuel 95181 WiUiam .. .. 19769 Sproston, Samuel 54127 Sprot, Lieut. George HiU . . 29614 Sproiil, Eleanor 6015 Sproule, Anthony 52932 Sprunt, James • . . (joOtb Spry, Courtney 65071 Thomas 12764 W. B., Lieut.-Col 25780 WilUam 63052 Sprye, Richard Mare . . . . 39585 348 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Spurr, Mrs 52020 Spurrell, Francis 95182 V. Hulse 24505 William 10172 Spurstowe, Dr. "William . . . . 6255 Spurway, Frederick J. B. . . 68239 ^ Joseph B 68173 Spyers, Elizabeth 7734 Joshua 95184 Eichard 70337 Squiers, Ann 54100 Squire, Chas. Fred. (Capt. R.K) 38020 Dorothy 7261 EUzahcth 12039 Family 27873 Harriett (or iSquier) . . 36046 John 59856 Joseph 59124 Mr 65740 Thomas (Kent) . . . . 34574 . William (Worcester) 12039 Squires, Eliza 30924 Family (India) . . .. 29015 Joseph 58710 Staccpoole, Michael 30339 Staccy, Benjamin 11132 Caroline 30581 EHzabeth 95186 George 56857 Maiy R. G 27878 Thomas 7758 Stachouse, James 32810 Stacio, John 9009 Stack, (Colonies) . . . . 19770 Rose 52928 William 27879 Stackhouse, Elizabeth . . . . 53850 Family 32810 r. King . . . . 23771 Margaret . . . . 16145 Thomas, Rev. . . 32126 Stackwell, John George . . . . 10133 Stacpoole, Andrew 25735 Ducdc 31777 Stacy, Thomas 95187 StaelAnn 74817 Staff, Mary 95188 - Syleen Estate 19771 Stafford v. Cantillon . . . . 24488 Charles 63053 Eliza, Miss 22287 Family 14495 George Thomas . . 2553 • Harriet 29516 Joseph (Derby) . . . . 76516 Mary 39998 Mrs. (legatee) . . . . 760 52023 Stafford, Richard Anthony . . 34330 Robert 19772 Thirza (Derby) . . . . 76516 Thomas (Middlesex) 37100 William .. .. .. 74431 Stagg, Lucinda 62 lo StagoU Family 70127 Stahlschmidt, Fred. Chris. , . 38235 Staig, James Anderson . . . . 71367 Janet 1678o Stain, John (or Stainer) . . . . 95189 Staines, James 95191 ■ Theodore A. R 71376 Stainforth, George 59827 Stainland, 71371 Stains, Edwin (Middlesex) . . 63100 Harriet 27880 -. Sarah (widow) .. .. 11690 Thomas 7348 . William (Canterbury) . 6791 27881 Stainton, William 67694 Staite, — 52866 Staley, James 68667 Stalker, Alice 5219 Family 56113 Jean or John . . . . 24185 Thomas 3484 Stallibrass, Jane 17439 Stallion, Henry John . . . . 53848 William 55053 Stallwood, Nathaniel . . . . 32595 Stamford, Edward 1685 • Maria Charlotta . . 1 325 Stamp, James 95192 William 52824 Stamper, — 72350 Stanbrough Family . . . . 30284 Standbridge, W. H. H 52863 Standen, Benjamin 40930 James Henry . . . . 53877 Standerwick, Rev. John. . . . 4719 Standford, Frances 6622 John 75656 Standinford, John William . . 32133 Standish, Charles E 52875 Richard 95193 Standly, Edward and Richai'd 75118 George 53558 Standring, Benjamin . . . . 25603 Stanfield, Joseph 95194 T 27882 Thomas 1019S Stanford, Charles 24671 Elizabeth 63059 Frances and Family . 95195 William 35500 Stangroom, (liristophor . . . . 53701 Stanhope, John Shipton. . . . 35940 Maria E 7512'. 349 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Stanhope, Eobert Shipton . . 35744 Susan 50889 Walter S 23772 WiUiam 95197 Staniland, Jonathan . . . . 722 Stanley, — 32880 CeciHa 22442 Edward and Elizabeth 95198 Francis, Bev 5732 George 52926 William. ... 563 Henry 10718 Thomas, Hon. 30603 Mary 6214 (children of) .. 11523 Nathaniel 34277 V. Smith 24027 Thomas 30109 WiUiam 26044 Sir WiUiam Thomas . . 10403 Stannard, Ann 95200 Stannerd, Christopher . . . . 95201 Stansbnry, Abraham . . . . 1738 Stanser, Eobert Brymer . . . . 30579 Stansfeld, AmeUa 61888 Stansfield, George 27883 Hatton Hamer . . 2977 John 56893 Joseph 9102 Thomas W 17698 Stanson, Edward 95202 Stanton, Daniel 7162 Family 35931 Francis 2032 Henry Richard . . 51012 John (Surrey) . . . . 68345 19773 Toms .. .. 50400 Stephen 50582 WiUiam 19774 B 22738 StanweU, Charles G 23076 Staple, Edward and Elizabeth 69484 Staples, — 95203 Ann 8443 and John (Kent) 08178 Archibald 95204 Charles 52852 John 31808 Joseph 71369 Moresey, Lieut 29617 Stapleton, George 75639 J. M 75156 James . . . . " . . 23014 • John 95205 Mary 21228 Ann . . . . 2806 S., Lieut 28827 ■ Sarah 23019 WiUiam 52821 Stapleton, V. Young 24820 Stapley, Anne 12427 Stapp, Mary and Sarah . . . . 74737 Star, Oscar 69499 Stare, Sarah 6704 Stares, Charles 72976 John 75157 Staiie, Joseph and Thomas . . 7435 Stark, John 19775 Thomas 28828 WiUiam 7704 Starke, Edward 95207 James 5620 Starkey, George 34928 Henry 6157 James & Co 34646 Joseph 51103 WiUiam 55950 Starkie, Alfred 26611 Elizabeth 95208 Starkins, George 32076 Starks, Col. H 28829 StarUng, Matthew 935* Parlet, Lieut.-Col. . . 37453 Thomas 95209 Start, Hannah C 95210 Starvers, John . . 31351 Statham, Abraham 70374 FamUy 95211 Stather, Martha 35979 Staton, George and Sarah . . 8426 Staughton, Ann 3795 Staunton, Sir George Leonard 15014 John Thomas . . . . 95212 Michael John.. .. 65069 Peter 63066 Samuel 377 Sarah 95213 W. G 53401 WUliam 9015 Stauss, Louis Henry . . . . 64150 Staveley, George (Middlesex) . 76163 Staw, Sarah 95214 Stawell, Eustace 72073 Stay, Betty 95215 Stead, Benjamin 37215 -Dyer 27883 John 10608 WiUiam 40968 Steadman, Ann 73796 James 12152 IMartha 8084 Steady, John 6097 (or Swain) . . . . 2517 Steakey, John 95216 Stears, Thomas 69487 Steart, Maria 70369 Stebbing, John 50201 Mrs 16721 Steder, Elizabeth 12968 350 Directions for obtaining fall copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Steder, John 12211 Stedman, Augustina . . . . 95217 EUen 37071 James Richard . . 71386 Steedman, John and William . 95218 Steeds, John 69478 Steel, Ann Mary 7277 Daniel 69402 Henry 30270 James 25410 ■ John (Lincoln) . . . . 73513 8092 Margaret 12246 Marj^ Ann 95219 Robert 8097 Henry . . . . 76870 Samuel 17823 Sarah 27884 William 13229 Steele, Ann 3950 Anne 56341 Forbes 30123 George 7556 Henry 95220 J. (Chancery) . . . . 70719 John M 19776 Mary 11055 Richard 53869 William 6322 Steer, Charles 6519 Elizabeth 71673 John 95221 Sarah 6519 William Henry . . . . 56392 Stcere, Elizabeth 40081 Steers, Amelia Mary . . . . 67163 Robert 75638 Thomas 10407 Stoflfenoni, Mr 66371 Stoffens, Rev. F. Thomas . . 67688 Stchelin, E. B., Capt 8789 Edwin 22173 Steigletz, Adam 25627 Stein, Andrew & John . . . . 21889 Charles , 50062 James 26438 John (Middlesex) . . . . 37499 • Lady S. E., Von . . . . 60728 Steinan, Maurice 74806 Stcinback, J 19777 Steinberg, H. G 23790 Stcinberger, Walter . . . . 25630 Stcinorth, Ellen 37049 Steir, John 27885 Stelfox, Hannah 27886 James 27887 William 7885 Stembridge, Lydia Ann . . . . 65866 Stenbock, Count Erich . . . . 67156 Stenfield, George 21216 Stenhouse v. Mitchell . . . . 24509 Stennett, Emma . . . . . . 50662 Martha 15648 Stenson, John S 95222 Stent, Hannah 17701 Mary 35173 Rebecca (Middlesex) . . 64163 11420 Stenton,Emma Edgeworth . . 30980 Stephan, Lieut. James . . . . 28830 Stephani, John Lewis . . . . 493 Stephen, George 52843 James 72998 ^John.' 71382 Stephens, Admiral 95223 Ann . . 3059 Benjamin Nunn . . 6553 Charles (Kent) . . 32233 (Colonies) . . 19778 V. Dixon 23773 Dora 5631 Dorothy 9538 Edward 66127 Eleanor 17636 Elizabeth 95224 F. T., Rev 67689 George 74277 James (India) . . . . 29618 3635 John (Australia) .. 34563 15641 (DubHn) . . . . 6553 Lewis . . . . 95225 Lawrence, Rev. . . 4151 Lewis 6033 Lyno 61900 Martha 62141 Mary 3429 Miss 34179 Phillis 60803 Richard 27888 (Kent) . . 32053 Sarah 15416 Sophia 74256 Stephen Lyno . . . . 61895 Thomas, Rev 71890 (mariner) 11300 .. .. 3668 W 61891 William 95226 (Colonies) . 19779 F. D. X. • • 76265 Stephenson,. Ann . . . T . . 847 David 5006 Francisca . . . . 16324 FlorentiusF. .. 61892 & Gee 95227 George 26587 Geo. (Nrthmnbrlnd) 67173 . V, Heathcote . . 24604 351 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Stephenson, Hugh 6505 & Jackson, Messrs. 9952 Jane and Jennet . 847 John (Middlesex) . 72788 22850 Hay . . . . 71381 Patrick . . 12358 Mary 5448 Philip 3076 Robert 5288 (]\Iiddlesex) 34808 Samuel . . . . 8432 (Liverpool) 53573 Susannah . . . . 1272 T 65068 Walter 23880 WilHam . . . . 6256 (Colonies) 19780 Stepple, William 35715 Stepton, James 19781 Sterling, Ann 6015 Augustus and W. H. 22174 Ellen (or Sherifle) . . 76421 John 17939 Lucy and M 26328 Sternberg, The Baroness de . . 58205 Sterne, Richard 4477 Sterridge, James 59116 Sterry, Henry 33735 John 95229 Stetson, Lemuel 23797 Steuart, C. A., Rev 59998 ■ Dorothea Catherine , . 53564 Stevans, Frederick Sewell . . 6642 Steven, John 11036 Mrs 21503 Stevens, Alfred 65075 Ann 67561 V. Averay 24487 Benjamin Pemberton . 11613 Bridget Eliza .. .. 50366 Catherine 35496 Charles 95230 Edmund P 67561 Eleanor 33630 Eliza 50490 Elizabeth 229 (or BickneU) 75127 EUen 74307 Family (Surrey) . . 75633 Frederick Sewell . . 95231 George (servant) . . 74766 Hannah 1281 (dau. of Henry) 10018 Henry (Bucks) . . . . 73612 10017 James . . . . 50640 Jacob 952 James 52889 (Chancery) . . 71894 Stevens, James Day . . . . 51329 Jane 95233 John (Chancery) . . 71884 (IMiddlesex) . . 65075 35495 WiUiam . . . . 95234 L 65407 Letitia 2103 Louisa Brooks . . . . 30278 Mary 95235 Anne 33593 Nicholas 35199 P 95236 Rachel 69119 Richard 8174 Robert 50249 Samuel (Leicester) .. 40797 • -. . 27889 Sarah 60823 Sophia Charlotte . . 35657 Thomas (purser) . . 16780 (Middlesex) . . 76161 (yeoman) . . 71385 Valentine 72977 WiUiam (Coventry) . . 4215 Stevenson, — 57525 Andrew .. .. 10699 Anthony . . . . 58556 Dr 6926 Family 95237 7465 George and Mary . 61884 11034 Helen 30778 Hugh 6931 J. D., Colonel . . 15023 J. andT 59113 J. L 75229 Jane 57524 Jannet (dau. of Geo.) 7550 John (Paddington) 3765 (Edinburgh) . 5962 Archibald .. 8832 H 61890 Maria 1555 Mary 9223 Richard .. .. 52901 Robert 8103 Thomas .. .. 59123 T. T 8788 v.Whitmore & others 59873 WiUiam (clerk) . . 729 (Ireland) 10628 — Ford . . 32762 Steward, Ann 6463 Charles 69479 EHzabeth 95240 James 6911 (seaman) . . 1600 Mary 5939 352 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate loill be found at end of Index. Steward, Robert, Major . . . . 29618 — Samuel Edward . . 768-58 Sarah 2132o Thomas 57031 Stewardson, Ann and Elizabeth 3077 Thomas . . . . 57756 Stewart, — (widow) . . . . 1603 Lieut 28831 Alexander (E. Indies) 15977 53858 Ann 681G2 Archibald . . . . 50892 Bella 75619 Catherine 27890 (Aberdeen) 50126 Charles (India) .. 11045 Da\dd 26001 Donald 73634 Dorothy 12664 Edward, jun 75719 Eliza Ann . . . . 50127 Elizabeth (or Fyf e) . . 39124 27891 Ann . . 27892 Family (Scotland) . . 63069 95244 (India); .. 29619 Henry (Colonies) . . 19782 11118 Hugh, Rev 76720 James (mariner) . . 7133 (Orkney) . . 12292 (Colonies) . . 19783 Sir James , . . . 35790 Jane Maria . . . . 50577 John (gardener) . . 12194 (Colonies) . . 19784 50576 (Middlesex) . . 71394 Henry .. .. 75615 Levi 26721 Maria Jane . . . . 36239 Mary 15448 (France) . . . . 53563 (Middlesex) . . 76848 Mr 10071 Mrs. (Marvlcbone) . . 12455 Patrick '. . . .• .. 68261 Peter 16532 R. (gunner) .. .. 11031 Major-General R. . . 28832 Robert 4864 (SuiToy) .. 67177 Raymond . . 6257 Samuel 19785 Thomas 30469 (SuiToy) .. 10460 Thos. D., Liout.-Col. 28833 Walter 11038 William 17914 Stewart, William (pensioner) 1713 (Perth) .. 12296 (Colonies) 19 7^6 Steygould, Margaret . . . . 3454 Stibbert, Giles 67172 Stibolt, H. H 27894 Stickley, Mrs 17151 Richard 52864 Stickney, Enoch 14580 — Sarah 14710 Stickson, Sampson 95244 Stidolph V. Dickinson . . . . 58531 Wm. Hamlin (Berks) 33580 Stiebel, Bernard 5963 Stiff, Apphia B 61074 & Co 95245 Stigner, Baroness de . . . . 55489 Stileman, Elizabeth . . . . 95246 Stiles, Affable 85247 V. General 93774 George and James . . 33542 WiUiam 51091 Still, Benjamin 95248 Family 76866 StiUier, George (or Stiller) . . 12710 Stillman, James 51909 Still well, Ann 75970 Stilt, John 12461 Stilwell, Charles 32079 Richard 3903 Wmiam 27894 Stimpson, Ann 27895 Stinson, Harriet and Joseph . . 60825 Stinton, Joseph 5003 V. Morgan (Chancery) 95249 William 65404 Strike, John Coote 60831 Stirling, Andrew 22468 & Co 75656 Earl 95250 . EUen 56611 Family 26262 James 12259 Mr. (valet) . . . . 13044 ^ Robert (Dundee) . . 66002 Stirrat, Robert 95253 Stirrett, William 14813 Stirridge, Jane 11239 Richard 95254 Stisani, Joseph 15634 Stoakes, Archibald 52871 Stobbart Family 95255 Stobbs, Jane and Robert . . 60462 Stobie, Matthew 11054 Stocey, Lucy 9506 Stockert, William 70367 Stock, Henry 10468 (Middlesex) . . 37110 Rebecca 11213 353 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Stock, Roger 34415 WiUiam 12177 (London) . . 74472 Henry.. .. 51080 Stockdale Family 66129 Jeremiah 3724 John Joseph . . . . 35882 Marv 35927 Stockell, James 69481 Stocker, Thomas 95257 Stockham, James 54592 ■ (purser) .. 40512 Mary Ann .. .. 10158 Stockill, Thomas 1428 Stocking-, Henry 5833 Stockley, Harriet and William 35163 ■ John and Mary . . 67166 William 60450 Stockport Bank 73928 Stockton, Jane 95258 John 6300 (or Secton) .. .. 12041 Stockwell Family 95200 George 28838 James (Madras) . . 32173 5216 Jane 16343 John 74449 Thomas 95261 Stoddard, Charles 34917 Dorothy 71447 Edward 54086 Elizabeth 16815 G. G., Major . . . . 29621 George (Colonies) . . 19787 (Medeira) . . 72983 H., Rev. . . 59230 John 1965 Joseph 50770 Messrs 75118 Samuel 70366 Stodder, Seth 75118 Stoddon, John 57292 Stodhart, Robert 54778 Stoel, William 19788 Stoflfel, Mary 95262 Stoffenberg,'John Henry . . 12008 Samuel Wm. John 12009 Stokeley, Amelia & Charles . . 55973 Stokes, H. W. S. F 22288 Henry 71893 Francis . . . . 55274 Hugh 5577 James 16562 John 2938 Joseph 40976 Southwell . . 34716 Martha Anne . . . . 16967 Montmorency D. .. 76166 Patrick 26439 Stokes, Samuel Wm., Lieut. . . 29622 Stephen 5292 WilHam 17884 (Middlesex) . . 2593 Stokoe, Thomas 9785 William (Middlesex) . . 75160 Stoldt, Mary 25579 StoU, Rodolph 95263 T. W 19789 StoUard, Ann .. 2882 Stollery, Charlotte 56507 Ston, WilHam 22691 Stonard, George 8870 Stonden, Benjamin 40930 Stone, Alice and Ann . . . . 40616 Ann (Chancery) . . . . 71018 Catherine . .' . . . . 7030 Charles . . 5939 (servant) . . . . 38837 Deodatus 68172 Edwin 19790 Elizabeth 53100 (Middlesex) . . 66125 (or James) . . 55715 Family (Bristol) . . . . 73613 40619 Francis 14229 Frank 68455 George (Jliddlesex) . . 66346 (Berks) .. .. 70371 Henry (son of Elizabeth) 76164 John 15792 B.,Rev 60660 Roger . . . . 8703 K 95264 V. Kemp 23775 M. B., Comet . . . . 29623 Martha 15937 Mary 26253 Rene 95265 Richard 8561 Bucklev . . . . 36858 Robert . . . . ' . . . . 76190 Sarah Lawton . . . . 2953 Thomas 67769 William 17001 Francis L. . . 52865 La\\'ton . . 2953 Stohehewer, Joshua . . . . 73615 Stonehouse, George Harris . . 28841 Stones, Ann 17103 John 50438 3kL.' 69532 Thomas 5660 William Benson.. .. 34165 Stoneson, William 1775 Stoney, Ralph 21897 Stonhill, Frederick 40755 Stonnell, Alice 95266 Stopford, Dinah 75195- Z 354 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Stopford, Elizal)eth . . .... 21382 James Taylor . . .. 51087 Sarah and WiUiam . . 40446 W. C 28842 Stopher, WilUam 72974 Storace, Madame 16412 Storck, Louisa 50136 Store, Sarali 6704 Storer, Richard 12848 Sarah . . .... . . 10462 Storey, Edward 63074 John 15192 • Joseph and Thomas . . 19791 Susannah 11486 William 21216 Storke, Thomas 9232 Storkie, Elizabeth 95267 Storks, Thomas T., Rev . . . . 61879 and William . . 95268 Storm, A 28843 Francis 95269 Stormont, Sarah 52838 Storr, Brice, Capt 27896 George 8449 Jane .' .. 95270 Storrie, Walter Wardlaw . . 31052 Storrs Family 71395 Story, Ann (Lincoln) . . . . 70373 30767 Family (relatives of) . . 63060 George 30848 1- F 76165 James 30767 John 4012 Samuel 16657 Sarah 9109 Storzaker, Thomas 95271 Stosnach, Johann Albert . . 290 Stothard, George 55825 Stott, Betty 9259 James 19793 William 95272 Stou-hton, John 17909 Stour, Richard 95273 Stourne, Thomas 95276 Stourton, Hon. Mrs 74315 Stout Family 17838 Goorgo (mariner) .. .. 11953 John 7053 Rowland 30054 Thomas 15373 Stow, Elizabeth 17377 Family (London) . . . . 76236 John A 60659 Mary 95274 Thomas Booth . . . . 53859 Stowe, John Aylett 17580 Stowell, Christopher . . . . 29624 Jeremiah 95276 Lord WiUiam .. .. 6793 Stower, Mary Ann 74751 Stowes, John 1425 Stowey, Philip 15068 Stracey Family 51718 Strachan, Alexander . . . . 36052 James 95277 John 11033 Sii- John (Middlesex) 16851 Robert 19794 Strachey, Sir Henry . . . . 16093 Strachur, — 51263 Stracy, Mr 2422 Strafibn, John 11353 Strafford, Isaac 95278 Straford, Joseph Cooper. . . . 56219 Strafton, John (or Straghan) . . 95279 Straghan, Re v. William Giljson 3716 Strahan, James 6147 Paul & Co 37897 Strain, Mary 95280 Straker, George 21384 John 10365 Strange, Dashwood, & Co. . . 62940 Elizabeth 61876 George (children of) 60828 Honor 27897 James 3377 Marv 3377 Robert 65358 ^ William .' 40948 Strange way, Dorothy and Henry 92281 Strangman, Joshua and Samuel 9280 Stranks, Simon 74819 Strapps, William 30169 Strasburgher, Frederick . . . . 95282 Stratford, Edward 5944 Francis Paul . . . . 7786 Isaac 7667 Jolm 71383 W 22453 Lee, Mrs 52816 Messrs 32937 Simon 95284 Strathern, John 19796 Strathmore, Thos. Bowes, Earl of 9501 Straton, Isabel 3862 Sir Joseph 13231 Stratten, James 76873 Stratton, — (India) 28844 Family 95285 Henry 71887 WiUiam 8427 Straughan, John .... ,. 11363 Straughton, Elizabeth and Peter 71388 Strauss, John Michael . . . . 95288 Stray, AUred John 36292 Streat, Nathaniel 54696 Stroatfield, Caroline .. .. 39774 H. H. or W. . 64162 Richd. Shuttleworth 34244 355 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate tciil be found at end of Index. Stredder, Family 6169 Street, ALiathar 71391 Alexander . . . . . . 7138-1 Elizabeth 3833 George 58517 Nelson .. .. 19796 John (seaman) ,, .. 12548 • ■ (tailor) . . . . 3974 Eichard 21197 Thomas 50290 Streeter, John Mitchell . . .. 75118 Strelb}^ Thomas 50723 Stretch, James 9203 Stretton, Mary 64160 Strevens, Henry 32386 Strickland, E. E., Mrs 39774 JuKan 68165 ■ Lady 95289 Strigle, John Philip . . . . 95290 Stringer, Charles 54153 Edmund 95291 Elizabeth 2884 Family 56915 Hannah 16304 James 38640 ("Worcester) . 54154 Thomas (Chester) . . 73614 ■ 31885 Stritch, John . . 95293 Michael 25736 Strivens, Sophia and Stephen 37548 Strodd, Thomas 95294 Strode, Jane 11787 -Samuel 95295 Strodes, Nathaniel 11787 Stromberg, Paul 95296 Strombon, Anna Maria . . , . 95297 Strong, Eliza 6673 Family 14634 Frederick George . . 19797 Henry (Blackfriars) . . 76171 . Hugh 5964 James (Devon) . . . . 34644 J. Joseph and Thomas 31490 John 11191 (DubHn) . . . . 22013 Margaret 95298 Mary 73635 Samuel 36633 Thos. (gTandson of Eliz.) 6673 Stronghill, John 7311 Stroom, Andrev/ 95299 Strot, — 14105 Strother, Arthur 61880 Elizabeth .. .. 16732 Family 95300 Francis T 57102 William 16733 Stroud, Edward 26506 George (Oxford) . . 76867 Stroud & Halt 3572^ John 61881 Martha 850 1 Eichard and William 95303 Samuel 3398 Stroude, William 19798 Strudwick, Ann 74278 Hannah , . . . 74725 . Henry 953G5 Sarah 74735 Struit, Eichard 95306 Struth, WilHam J 56639 Struthers, W. , Brevet-Major . . 29625 William 26697 Strutt, Elizabeth 76033 John 50301 ChapHn . . . .' 39002 Thomas H 56815 Strutton, Eobcrt 270 Stuard, Charles J 95307 Stuart, A. McDowall, Dr. . . 29626 Ann (Ireland) . . . . 23860 14978 Anthony 95308 Captain 52862 Catherine J. & ]\Iary . . 72003 Charles, Major- Gen. . . 29627 Captain E.N. . . 902 7 • James . . . . 2317 Sir Charles James . . 71360 Family 95309 George 40972 Henry 19800 Jacob 14884 James P 25370 John 15456 Dr 9161 Michael 29G28 Mr 38541 Mrs 51740 Priscilla 25371 Eobert 23860 Digby . . . . 4021 Seton 19801 William (Devon) . . 76168 Stubbing, "William 70368 Stubbs, Ann 95313 Charles - 31117 : Edwin . . . . 71399 Elizabeth 17755 Family (India) . . . . 70361 17755 George 95314 Isaac . . 6760 J. (died abroad) . . . . 73639 John (London) . . . . 35497 Joseph 36093 Mary (or Moor) . . . . 9318 Eoger 95315 r. Sib'cr 24516 356 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Stubbs, Sinclair and T 95316 Thomas 25919 W 31067 Stubley, William •. 27898 Stuchbury, Charles 75128 S 27899 Stuckev, Mrs 71358 Stuckley, John 95317 Studholme, Joseph 11189 Studlev, William 75159 Stunt," John 73578 Patience 34281 Thomas William . . 8792 Stupart, Robert A., Lieut. . . 33313 Sturch Family 95318 Robert 6914 Sturdy, Daniel 52880 Margaret 52867 Sturla, George 19812 Sturley, Richard 15239 Sturmev, John 59732 Sturs, Thomas 95319 Sturt, F. St. John 28846 John 755 Richard R 29629 Sturton, Jacob 67174 Stutoly, Martin 63 056 Stuttz, Rodolph 95320 Stvan, Thomas & Sons . . . . 75719 Stych, Henry 16452 Style, Robert 7951 Styler, George 679 Styles, Henry 95321 Jeremiah 36337 Thos. (otherwise Walter) 65128 27900 (Kent) . . . . 30637 Henry 6792 William 19799 Stuart, Edward Montague . . 40793 John 52888 Such, John 95323 Sucksmith, WHliam . . . . 64163 Sudlow, John 3600 Sudon, Charles Lewis .. .. 1179 Suffolk, James ' 1570 Sarah . . 16772 Sugars, Mrs 8867 Nancy and Robert . . 27901 Sugden, Charlotte . . . ., . . 73632 G. and James . . . . 95324 Moses 67691 William 40632 Sugg, Ruth and William . . 72985 Sugi^et, William 21326 Snggctt, Family 95326 Sugrue, Charles 7291 &0'Connoll .. .. 40721 Suhr, Jacob L 95328 Suhring, Catherine 95327 Sukeas, Begram J 29112 Suker, William 3990 Sulivan, Benjamin 15016 Sir Benjamin . . . . 72078 Henry IBoyle, Capt. 15009 Sulker, William 95325 Sullivan, — (Colonies) .. .. 19811 (formerly Hawkins) 54453 Augustus 59483 Charles James , . .. 26277 Daniel 12837 Elizabeth .. .. 95330 Eugene 11997 Francis 30042 J. F 73633 • ^ Jeremiah 21896 John 1405 and Millicent 69464 Mar>- 21823 Anne . . . . 52907 Michael 19812 Owen and Patrick . . 11997 ■ Patrick 26072 Thadeus 74431 Timothy 25945 Sulsh, Lewis 66122 Sumers, Lucy 71392 Summark, Nicholas . . . . 95331 Summerfield, Benjamin . . . . 34348 W. P 27902 WiUiam .. .. 19813 Summerland, Mrs 74731 Summers, Ann 57092 Daniel 75164 Family 95332 James Henry . . . , 12729 John 1785 — ; Richard (SuiTcy) . . 9842 (Somerset) 6794 Samuel 2083 . Susan 61878 William (Chancery) 79885 Summcrsgill, J. T 27903 Summerton, John 40453 Sumner,— 61060 James 64688 Miss 75635 Sumners, George 59225 Sumpson, Maria 74726 Siinbury, Charles 95334 Sunderland, Charles, Rev. . . 39997 John (cousins of) 5767 (Wakefield) 16095 (Halifax) . . 12831 ^ — WiUiara . . . . 14846 Sundheim, — 71463 Sundries, Christopher . . . . 68999 Sunley, Robert 32739 Sunncro, Henry James , . . . 8442 357 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Namet relate will be found at end of Index. Sunter, John 38696 Suple, Bobert 36687 Supple, Thomas Robert . . . . lo633 Suppus, C 28847 Suratman, Thomas Jones . . 19814 Surey, Alice 95335 Surgery, WiUiam 12233 Surman, Eleanor 60363 Surrell, Harriet 75131 Surrey, Charlotte 6479 Surtees, A. A 11414 Ann Hepburn . . . . 56174 Matthew 75719 Thomas 21493 SutcHffe, Charles 71401 Clara 31485 FamUy 14922 Hannah (spinster) . . 13255 T 27904 James '(York) .' .' .' .' 76199 Joseph 52925 Philip 95336 PhiUis 12565 Sarah 31199 WiUiam 26698 (Bath) .. 31198 Suter, Catherine 35501 Charles 32428 Sutherland, Charles 6795 Daniel 8039 Glass Company . . 73715 J. C. C 29113 James (R.N.) . . 67181 8059 John ■ 9275 (India) . . 29630 Captain . . 28848 (Colonies) . . 19815 Margaret .. .. 2372 Mrs 72986 Nicholas .. .. 17929 Robert 9641 WiUiam (sisters of) 76854 .. .. 16237 (son of Rbt.)12593 (HoUand) 1224 Suttle, Robert 26612 Sutton, Amey 36125 Ann 95338 Benjamin 52870 V. Edmondstone . . . . 24492 Edmund 72991 EUzabeth 95339 ' Papworth . . 32938 English 14129 Family 95340 Francis 21471 Frederick Manners . . 12843 George 71356 James 52876 »^i.licn, Jcnkin E 68675 John (Stafford) . . . . 7696 Martha 95341 Mary 23674 Ralph (York) . . . . 71309 Richard 52873 Sarah 40304 Thomas 11374 (Lincoln) . . 36124 WiUiam 5414 (India) . . 63101 Swabey, George . . . . 60583 Swaby, Clementina 95343 John 54831 S. (Stock Exchange) .. 12115 SwaddeU, Maria 17603 Swaffer, John 34619 Swain, Ann 27905 George 37086 Isaac and Jenny . . 30859 John (or Steady) . . 2517 Joseph 21134 Rev 7935 Samuel 19816 WiUiam (Derby) . . 27907 27906 Swaine, Edward Rose . . . . 51085 Swainson, Christopher, Rev. . . 40148 David 2982 Elizabeth 50456 John 21727 V. Vavasour . . . . 24406 Swainstone, IsabeUa . . . . 9029 Swaisland, George 71370 Swale, John 50245 Swallow, Robert 4464 Samuel 14354 Sarah 8984 WUUam Henry, Rev. 75641 Swan, Edward (Middlesex) . . 71403 60446 George CorneHus . . 14281 J 1332 James 95344 Jean 16288 Jeremiah 30808 John (Colonies).. .. 19817 95345 Martha 31397 • Thomas Percival . . 26357 WiUiam 10260 Swandale, G 34835 62786 Swann, Anna (widow) . . . . 76195 Mary 6170 Joseph (Surrey) . . . . 74730 24234 Swannett, Sarah 95346 Swanson, ArabeUa and Jane . . 27908 358 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Swanson, John . . Peter Swanston, Charles . . Swanwick Family . . Swarheck, John Swarbrick, Elizabeth U. Janet . . Swarris, IMrs. A. Swart, Picter . . Swartz, Pehr . . Swayne, John (Cork) ■ John (seaman) William Joseph Sweeney, Joseph and Patrick ]\Iargaret Sweet, Luke Sweetaple, Sir John (Chancery) John Sweeting, Barbara Sweetland v. Coplestonc . . Edward Score . . Sweetlow, Eliza Sweetman, Daniel Fitz and Peter . . John Mary .". S.B Sarah ■ Thomas Jones Sweney, John Swete, G. H. W., Lieut . . . . Swettenham, George F . . . Swift,— Elizabeth C. & Wm. R. • James John • Joseph —' Martha Mary Samuel Vincent William (Middlesex) . Swinarton, Eichard Swindall, Ann John Harriett Swiney, John Mathew Swinfcn, Samuel Swingland, N Swinlcy, Mrs. Anna Swinscow, William Swinton Family : (rcorgo Keith, Comet William Swire, Rev. John Swiss, William Swite, Lieut Swithenback, Eli 451 58855 38398 95347 328 75167 17951 29631 21323 451 11869 11051 1461 72989 27909 11312 71207 53683 95348 24489 5113 52909 7430 25674 95349 65088 95350 27910 19818 452 29632 22735 51737 23454 12182 8429 95351 8430 55287 39200 1628 32798 55288 52872 8645 6034 70875 9876 95352 54474 59112 29633 11603 95853 29634 9667 60445 6504 28852 4020 S within, Ann Thomasin. . . . 9023 Sword, John 21386 Swords, William 19819 Swyer, James 53153 Sybrands, Secundo , . Sydenham, H., Esq. . Thomas Sydes, Robert Sydney, Richard William Robert Syer, John H Marven . . Syfreth, Charles Syfrett, Charlotte . . Sykes, Edward (York) . . Family V. Lord Henniker Isaac James John (R.N.) . . . . & Sons: Jones Joseph (York) Margaret Mary and Thomas Thomas (Derby) W W. & Bacon William . . . . Sylvester, John Thomas . . S^'me, David (otherwise Sim) . James .. Margaret A. and William Symers, Alexander Symes, Cyrus (Camberwell, &c.) Family George James (Colonies) John Maria (or Lewis) Sandham Symly, John G Symmonds, Charles John Thomas Symmons Family George Symncnt, Mary Symonds, — Charles (Surrey) Family (Sussex) John, Lieut. . . (millwright) Mr .. Robert . . (Surrey) 19810 51078 2519 75118 95356 95357 60584 32894 8441 8507 75133 27911 24503 67157 12567 8437 75118 95358 21400 75162 71404 12566 16872 95359 65545 68278 31798 95360 53871 59121 56704 28854 76204 76196 95361 19811 52930 74759 21475 23249 1979 35676 1979 95362 52934 1917 7952 76888 74816 95364 8793 8525 17824 53245 76880 359 Directions for obtaining full copies of tJie Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. SjTnonds, Henry Sarah Thomas . Symondson Family, Symons, — Henry Isaac Jelinger C, John . . (Plymouth) S. C. 31908 2110 68663 56688 36414 95365 50164 59250 10076 31180 29635 Symons, W. B "William Sympson, Catherine Syms, Elizabeth and Joseph . Joseph Synge, Francis and John Syren, George Szabo, Imre de (or Emeric) Szelingo^wski, Jaques A. . . 95366 9938 51054 26257 95367 53099 11267 95368 73396 74752 360 Directions for obtaini^ig full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Taafe, Edmond and Louisa B. 22490 Family 95369 Theobald 14395 Taber, Edward 17907 Taberd, Rev. J. L. (Colonies) 28856 Tabemer, Mrs 37505 Tabor, S. J., Capt. (India) . . 74784 (Colonies) . . 29636 Samuel 1645 Tackle, John 27912 Tadman Family 36602 Taffe, Andrew D 95370 Matthew 1366 Taft, Henry 51565 WiUiam (\yarwick) . . 76207 Tagg, Abraham and Elizabeth 75643 Frederick 51456 Martin 39075 Mary and Richard .. 74286 Sarah (Stafford) . . . . 71438 Taggart, William (Colonies) . . 19812 Tagget, John 3125 Tahite, Robert (Colonies) . . 19813 Tahoui'din, Ann 26062 Tailhade, Madame 63326 Tait, Alexander, Capt 74288 Andrew B 69488 James 95371 Jane 69150 John 25935 Robert 26674 Taite, E. .'. 7561 Elizabeth 10538 Taitt, Charles W. W 74292 Tak, Abraham 95372 Talansier, Mary 11805 Talbert, John (Colonies) . . 29008 Talbot, Lieut.-Colonel .. .. 27913 C 95373 V.Gordon 23613 Isaac 65933 James (brewer) . . . . 73773 Janitt 8452 John 95374 ■ Robert (Colonies) 29637 Lewis . . . . '.. . . 95375 Margaret .. .. 'V. 23614 Peter and Richard . . 72955 Sarah 50115 (daughter of John) 70432 Susannah 17875 T. F 63327 Thomas 4063 Talbott, Francis 30482 Ta Igas, Claude Peter de . . . . 58903 Tallan, Lieut. William . . . . 29638 TaUemach, Capt. W 28857 Tallent, Charles 95377 J 2785 Tallentire, Mary . . . . . . 76202 Thomas .. .. 5264 TaUents, Rev. Edward . . . . 21922 Tallentvre, John and Mary . . 95379 Talley, Rev. Robert .. .. 34654 Tallion, Michael 11056 Talver, John 76208 Tamaft, Thomas 8454 Tamerlane, Thomas . . . . 13082 Tancred, Henry W 61918 Tancred's Charities 75465 Tandy Family (Ireland) . . 68665 James 95380 John 23171 Richard Manners . . 8679 Tanna, Rebecca 70094 Tannatt, Edward and Margaret 5702 Elizabeth 9603 Thomas 1695 Tanner, Alfred and George . . CI 926 Ann 59343 John 17696 (Surrey) . . . . 52985 Mary and Thomas . . 66222 ]\Ir 37759 Nicholas 59134 Sarah 51199 Thomas 8615 Vincent & Co 36026 ■ William 51199 R 61917 Tannett, Lumley 95381 Tannin, Joseph T. (Colonies) 28861 Tansley, James 40857 Tapley,John 14477 Ricliard, Lt., (Colonies) 29639 Taplin, Richard 69515 Tapner Family 75172 Tapp, Daniel William (Colonics) 29G40 William 10517 • (Devon) . . 56038 Tappenden & Co 69125 Lydia 687 Tappin Family 17528 Mary 11928 Tappy, Louis Francis . . . . 34210 Tapscott, Elizabeth 74305 Robert (Devon) . . 76897 Tapsell, Conductor T. (Colonies) 29641 Tapson, Ann 73933 Tarbotan, John and Sarah . . 14145 Tarbuck, Amelia and George. . 73371 James 7850 ■ (ironmonger) 6099 Jonathan 7849 361 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will befotmd at end of Index. Target, Emma Sophia Targett, Mary Aim . . Thomas . . William . . Tarington, Ann and Elizabeth Tai-rahb, Elizabeth and John . . Tarrald, G Tarrant, James Thomas Perrin Tarras, William (Colonies) . . Xarr^', Mary Tarvei", John Charles Tashet de Firmin Tasker, Edward James Jane John . . — Joseph Margaret William Tasman, Elizabeth Tassel & Nicholson Tate, Edmund George George and Louisa P. . . John Samuel (Colonics) . . William (merchant) (India) . . O-'atem, Henry Tateson, John Tatlock, Catherine . . Tiittersal, Mary Tattersall, James (Chancery) Jane, Miss Maiy Ann Tattcrshall, Tattorson Family . . Tatton, Jane li Tatum, Elizabeth . . Taunton, Kev. li. C. Tausc, Hector Tavemor, George . . Taversoa, J Tavcrton, John Tawney, Sarah Tawsc, Janet Taye, Samuel . , ' . , Taylor, John (Middlesex) IMary S. Taylersou, Ann ]\Iai'garet Taylor, — (servant) . . Adam . . Alexander . . Ann (legatee) 11997 32093 30882 56708 1120 95382 9538 30333 36240 19814 95384 30607 74399 52955 95385 15766 16749 66508 71897 35801 64179 23173 12534 625 63099 1499 19815 59147 74819 28860 7036 4232 69r;ll 33434 14918 60660 17583 32143 52954 54450 15385 57141 5231 59746 1087 40393 27914 96386 96387 31264 96388 11993 51876 8c,396 7045 7046 3914 61 924 95390 21497 Taylor, Ann (Warwick) . . (Shropshire) (Whitby) . . . . (daughter of Jasper) (Liverpool) . . Anna Maria Anne (Lancaster) Anthony Arabella Benjamin (Worcester) Betsy (Lambeth) Catherine Charles . . (R.N.). Charlotte Christopher (Lincoln) Clarissa David E., Miss E. (soldier) Ebenezer (steward) . . Edward Eliza, Elizabeth (Lancaster . . (or Crowe) (Manchester) Mandell ^. . Family (Kent) . . . . (Lincoln) (Colonies) Flora Frances Francis Gabriel George (Warwick) (Lancaster) Henry (or George) Hannah ■ (. Harriett (Chancery) . . Henry Hester Horatio Hugh J. S J. W.,Lt.-Col. (Colonies) Jacob James (legatee) . . (Manchester) . . (Surrey) . . . . (represcntvs. of) Addison . . -^ C Jasper Jolm (Durham) . . 67219 943 50140 4103 7112 73653 17641 50786 27915 3468 1884 54214 66120 6595 2734 50096 35831 9375 54098 32955 33735 2284 75570 65083 3156 75171 73042 21344 51361 54663 75913 73655 19817 10400 51525 95391 23624 71439 35434 34296 14003 17305 60488 54668 31426 33400 95394 95395 31723 28862 76719 60784 50785 5508 7611 33736 1894 22176 15194 16912 362 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Taylor, John (Warwick) . . 73772 (legacy to) . . . . 15381 (India) . . . . 16461 (Liscard) . . . . 32631 Dashwood .. .. 36602 . Sadler 51386 Singleton .. .. 11902 William .. .. 95396 Joseph 32676 Lady 760 Louisa Maria . . . . 74320 Lvdia 35831 Margaret 2228 Mary (Middlesex) . . 36593 (Abingdon) . . 4234 Ann 7883 (London) . . 72996 Matilda 3047 Matthew, ]Mr 54952 Michael 10318 V. Oldham 24533 Paul 59346 R. P 52952 Eae & Co 54952 Handle . . 7204 Kebecca 54671 Richard 54383 (son of John) . . 2665 WiUiam . . . . 30100 Eobert (seaman) . . . . 3148 (King's County) 30342 Roger 36008 & Saxton 33735 & Sons 33735 Sackvnie Marcus . . 52953 Samuel.. 34519 B 95397 Sarah (widow of Wm.) 16775 40030 Jane 30028 Rachael . . . . 27917 Simon 95398 Sophia 54669 (Surrey) . . . . 6400 Susannah 3725 V. Taylor 24539 Thomas 61916 (legatee).. .. 15380 Rev 5001 Wilson (Cornwall) 76899 Wniiam (Middlesex) . . 76201 (soldier) . . 74431 • (Oxford) . . 2339 • (neph. to Matt.) 6645 (W.Indies) . . 12782 (York) . . . . 35075 (Suffolk) . . 16706 (London) . . 10604 (Panama) . . 50518 Bcwley . . 21909 Taylor, William Frederick . . 54670 John .. .. 1399 Patrick . . 7424 Taynton, Brymer W 22092 Robert Thomas . . 95400 Teagle, Henry W 27918 Thomas 95401 Teagles, John Charles . . . . 74781 Teague, Adam B 75646 Joel 75645 Mary 19824 Thomas 10085 Teale, Mary 74290 TeaU, Jane 68670 Teams, Mrs 50787 Team, Joseph 95402 Teasdale, Cuthbert 9785 Family 68877 John (Chancery) . . 67702 95403 Marmaduke . . . . 72 Middleton .. .. 9775 TeasdeU, Robert • 33242 Toaster, John 1889 Tebay, John 95404 Tebbs, Sir Benjamin . . . . 22387 Elizabeth 14501 Thomas 66707 Tebbutt, Family 65093 Thomas 11661 (solicitor) . . 74477 Tedcastle, John 25704 Tedford, Honoria 69516 Tcdstone, Mary 16681 Teel, Rosolta 7212 William 754 Teeton, William 95405 Teevan, 32032 Tegg, James (Colonies) . . . . 19825 Teighe, Capt. Thomas . . . . 30741 Teil, John 54719 Telfer, Elizabeth 73655 William (Colonies) . . 19826 Telford, Fairfax 52956 Thomas 3933 TeU, Robert George . . . . 1286 Teltzcr, Johann (Colonies) . . 19827 Tempest, Dame Susannah . . 5619 Templar, Dudley 14158 Temple, Henry 57929 Jane 31630 Marie, Miss . . . . 76084 Simon 68669 Templer, Mary 60577 Templeton, Elizabeth . . . . 95406 Jeremiah (Colonies) 29642 Temphnre, B 52979 Tcnier, Columbus T. & J. F. . . 95407 Tenison, Edward King . . . . 23506 363 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Tennand,— 7567 Tennant, David 3964 E. J. (soldier) . . . . 75561 Family 16146 ■ Thomas A 56902 William 95408 Tennent, Anno Dillon . . . . 51094 Christiani and James 95409 . James 73654 ■ John (merchant) . . 76838 Eohert Neilson . . 61007 Tennyson, Charles 13158 Tepper, L 50424 Terrand, — 1692 Terrell, James 71440 Tcrressian, Julian 25398 Terrill, Amra 5733 Territt, Wm. D. L 7665 Terry, Bryan 27919 • ^ Charles 95410 . David Wilkins 34514 Family 61992 Henry (Chili) . . . . 35092 H 70423 . Hammond . . 35092 James 95411 Jane 35092 John 52988 (Colonies) . . . . 19828 . Martha 3313 . Rebecca 27920 William (Colonies) . . 19829 (Surrey) . . 68668 ^ .. .. .. 5366 Thomas Archlee . . . . 31457 Terser, John 24700 Tessier, Mr. H. P 10682 Test, Thomas 68487 Testar, Ann 70422 Matilda 74783 • Testas, Aaron 95412 Tester, William 67188 Testo, Anthony 1597 Tetley, John 95413 Joseph 40020 Tetton, William 16992 Toucher, Anna Dorothea . . 36967 Tensch, Catherine and Frcdk. 8456 Teutchcn, Kodolph 95414 Teuton, Thomas 31393 Tewart, Edward 75719 Tewshy, James 69538 Texard, Inan 19830 Texugo, Francisco Torres . . 62690 Teynham, Lord Henry Koper 12606 ITiackara, John 2722 Thackard, 6838 Thackcr, Charles 68347 Francis 31846 Thacker, J. J 11063 Joseph 95415 Mary 2144 Peter 27922 WilHam 21419 (Stafford) . . 55838 Thackeray, John 32963 Thackery, Mrs. Augusta . . 22219 Thackrah, George 70421 John 9190 Thackstone, Rebecca . . . . 5214 Thack well, Paul 10713 Thackwray, Mary 52977 Thadeus, M 28864 Thain, Louisa 69109 Thankf ull, WiUmott .. .. 1054 Tharle, William 73651 Tharp, John (Southampton) . . 76895 Thatcher, James (Colonies) . . 19831 Sackvill Zacchias . . 50850 Thomas 66603 Thaxter, George 95416 Sophia 27923 Thayers, Ann 10390 Theaker, Joseph 61914 Thclford, Stephen 95417 Tholwall, Hannah C 27924 Peter 95418 Thomas Alfred . . 7104 Theobald, James 1297 Theobalds, Henry 63580 Theodore, Joseph 38364 Elizabeth . . . . 50872 Thew, Christopher 39589 Thexton, Thomas 74294 Thibault, Joseph E 76211 Thiers, William Ernest . . . . 50241 Thilthorpo, Elizabeth and Wm. 70125 William .. .. 74293 Thirkettle, Charles 39684 Thirkill, Christopher . . . . 95419 Thomas 2274 Thirst, Jane and William . . 67995 Thirwall, Peter 27925 Thistlethwaite, Richard . . . . 74785 Thistlethwayto, Ai'thur Henry 39770 Morshcad . . 23776 Thodey, Winwood 62967 Thom, James 95420 Thoman, Mrs. M. C 29643 Thomas, .. .. 11029 Ann (Worcester) .. 17472 (London) . . 65494 (Haverfordwest) 6503 liarbara 95421 lionjamin .. .. 115 Charles (Cardigan) . . 07194 1107 Frederick . . 63885 Daniel 61053 364 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Thomas, Dr 11790 Dorothy J 62078 Edward 23905 Elizabeth(wife of Wm.) 34651 22648 Anno .. 51611 Evan 54004 (China) .. .. 67137 F., Capt. (Colonies) 29645 F. H., Lieut. (Colonics) 29644 Family (America) . . 72994 (London) . . 75688 (Colonies) . . 79834 Frances 68723 Francis, Eev 11998 Lewis.. .. 11725 S 64182 Frederick 25967 George (Dublin) . . 70414 6036 Eev 4188 Han-iet Eliza .. .. 51024 Ladbroke . . 12529 Henry (Surgeon) .. 1789 C 57876 Hester 95422 Hugh 70608 Hunter & Latham . . 73578 J. (seaman, H.M.S.) 1590 Jacob 52957 . James (Cambridge) . . 16932 (Chancery) . . 71453 Jane (Carnarvon) . . 50750 11672 (Dublin) . . . . 21600 John (Liverpool) . . 17994 (merchaat) . . 2743 (or Bevan) . . 7869 . (Middlesex) . . 74782 E 75649 Humphrys . . 73650 Savage . . . . 71452 , W 59835 Joseph (seamen, H.M.S) 1617 (butcher) . . 5965 Josiah 95423 Lewis 11999 Louisa • • . . . . 66342 Louise 59834 Margaret 52950 Mary (formerly Weller) 1466 (cook) .. .. 75175 ■ Ann .. .. 75168 ■ ]\Ir 52287 Mrs. (property unci.) 53650 V. Miles (Chancery) 24531 V. Morris (Chancery) 24532 Nathaniel 65495 O.B., Lieut. (Colonies) 28865 OUvoHaU .. .. 24480 Thomas v. Parry 24534 Philip (Pembroke) ' . . 70416 Richard (London) . . 52981 (legatee) . . 63550 Eobert (London) . . 1765 (Serjeant) . . 76812 Mosselly .. 11898 -. Samuel 95425 P 36601 Sarah 3872 : (Chancery) . . 73927 Susannah Isabella . . 39571 Simon 95426 Thomas (Warwick) . 51407 (Cardigan) 75647 Trevor 55224 W. M 40220 ■ Walter 96427 William (Worcestersh.) 6103 (musician) . . 3509 (India) . . 28866 B 22815 Grove . . 3509 Thomasett, Frank 2589 Thomason, Andrew 95428 Thomasson, William . . . . 30889 Thomce, George 53584 Thomlinson, Jane 95429 John 11975 Gaul ., .. 5203 Eobert 5266 Thompson — (or Tomkins) . . 10734 26035 (died 1835) . . 75648 (or Thomson) . . 67191 Alderman .. .. 75165 Alexander,Lieut. . . 28875 S. J. F. 59974 Allan & Co 63266 Ann 10248 Betty 6258 Billy 8450 Bridget 35928 C and S 59126 Captain . . . . 58130 Charles . . . . 23121 , (seaman) . . 1431 Charlotte . . . . 2082 Christian . . . . 95430 Christopher . . . . 24490 Ebenezer (India) . 28870 .. .. 34550 Edward (Dover) . . 50208 11065 Elizabeth (Lincoki) 36826 (London) 66204 Ann .. 70112 Ellen (wife of Jnthn) 70162 S 64124 Emma (widow) . . 76218 365 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Thompson, Ephemia . . . . 8795 Family 74291 (Colonies) . 19842 (India) . . 28872 Ferdinand .. .. 95431 Frederick .. .. 50207 a., Mr 52963 G. A 260.12 George (Chancery) 58906 (Middlesex) 95432 9387 Grace .. .. .. 52974 & Haigh, Messrs. . 34928 Hannah .. .. 65564 Henry 58868 T 55936 k Holme . . . . 9873 James (seaman) . . 1577 (son of John) 21494 (Cork) .. 74780- Jane 6851 Jellicorse & Co. . . 9955 Jeremiah .. ., 11563 John (seaman) . . 1933 (Hampstead) 37163 (seaman) . . 554 (Bedford) . . 70331 (carpenter) . . 6401 S. 70330 T 1502 Thos. (Astrlia) 75170 W 66244 Jonathan (Surrey) 33050 Joseph (Liverpool) 32672 G 23285 Leonard . . . . 73645 Louisa Ann . . . . 71449 Margaret .. .. 7032 Maria 50209 Marmaduke.. .. 95433 Martha 1897 -^ Mary (Deptford) . . 2637 (sister of Col. Anderson) . . 7691 Mrs 11059 Miles 57902 N 95434 Osbom 27926 Ovid 73769 Patrick 64727 R. (Colonics) ^ . . 28873 Eichard (mariner) 5966 (Mddlsx.) 75174 (Lincoln) 32935 Robert 2288 Ferdinand 11149 Mayhew . . 31780 Samuel (London) 32600 25364 ^-(Cambridge) 37477 Thompson, Sarah 11402 Septimus . . . . 54566 Susanna Leonora . . 11067 Susannah . . . . 24529 Thomas (Glo'ster) 5125 (Surrey) . . 38400 W. R 8794 ■ William, Captain 8796 (Isle of Man) 4131 (California) 67903 (Kensington) 2945 (Highly) . . 14928 (Jamaica) 14808 (India) . . 28874 Henry . . 67197 V. Woodthorp . . 24543 Thorns, Frances 5967 Thomsett, Samuel (Colonies) . . 19846 Thomson, 61650 Agnes 95438 Alexander . . . . 65361 G 68132 • Andrew 95439 Ann 95440 Barbara (Chancery) 63092 Charles 34398 Charlotte 2082 EHzabeth 27927 (Middlesex) 66190 Family 58985 (India) . . 29647 95441 ■Helen 24262 ■Isabella 74295 ■James 31835 (Scotland) . . 63090 A 65106 D 60480 S 66189 • Janet 95442 • Jean, Mrs 69354 John (Colonics) . . 19847 (mariner) ; . . 40789 Capt. .... 33656 Joseph 21328 Josephine 95443 Margaret (or Ilastio) 13196 67948 Marion 95444 Marmaduke .. .. 27929 Mr 13040 Richard . . . . ■ . . 95445 Robert (brassfounder) 75650 (Colonics) . . 19848 Craig .. .. 36520 Thomas (seaman) .. 17203 S. (legatee) 03088 Walter 21096 William (Russia) .. 70558 22756 366 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Thomson, William (Sussex) . . 27930 Charles . . 95446 (Colonies . . 28876 Thoresby FamUy 60657 Thomas 17581 Thorley, James 51469 Nathaniel . . . . 9689 Thorman, Thomas 52976 Thorn, Elizabeth 95447 — Georg-e (Colonies) . . 19849 James 27931 Joseph 95448 Lucy 12879 Mary (or Jennings) J. . 73648 Eichard 58053 Sarah (wife of James) 75447 Thomas (North Wales) 1714 (Middlesex) 40010 Thomaby, Daniel and Mary. . 15222 Thomally, Samuel 39980 Thornbrough, Sir Edward . . 31737 Thorne, Elizabeth 7179 Henry 26643 V. Palmer 24:535 Peregrine Frances . . 53583 Richard 9371 ^Robert .. .. .. 17575 Thomet, Edward 8882 Thomett, William (Colonies) 19850 ThornhiU, Charles E. (Colonies) 28878 Daniel 15224 Family 40437 George 65405 Matthew Henry . . 95449 Mrs... 21411 Richard 25996 William (Colonies) 19851 95450 Thornthwaite & Co 59131 Thornton, Boyes 68671 Family 21395 Godfrey 51097 Grace 95451 . Hill 59345 James 4095 John 12942 Joseph 55957 Miss 95452 Robert 15942 Simon 50774 Thomas 33712 William (farmer) . . 37926 Thorntons & Co 115 Thomycroft, Ann 6100 Thorold, Henry 56968 Jane and Sir John . . 72080 — : Sir Nathaniel . . 95454 Thorp, — (widow) 21024 Family 12976 Haynes, Mrs. . . . . 457 Thorp, Henry 61908 John 30360 Joseph 95455 Family 95456 Francis 35592 George (London) . . 76901 James 26699 Charles . . . . 4032 Preston . . . . 35147 Jane (widow) . . . . 68719 John (representative of) 75263 Thomas . . . . 75719 Joseph 161 Launcelot 8009 Margaret, E. P 50661 Mrs. (widow of Henry) 74771 Ralph 73652 Richard 5540 Thomas 25580 William (or represntvs.) 31844 Thorpp, Joseph 95461 Thorring-ton, Samuel . . . . 30571 Thorton, John 52978 Thon^old, Anthony .... .. 21011 Thoume, Amelia, Harriet & Jas. 71442 Thrap, John 15185 Threasgold, John (Colonies) . . 19852 Threlf all, Elizabeth 76650 JohnM 68113 Threw, William 1730 Thriepland, J. B 27932 Thrift, George 39614 Thring, John 17365 G., Rev 5986 Throgmorton, John F 58867 Thrower Family 56338 Thruston, Catherine . . . . 52180 Thurburn, Alexander . . . . 75178 Robert 59491 Thurgood, Richard 73791 — William . . . . 66348* Thurkle, Benjamin . . .. -.. 72999 Thurlow, John 72078 Thumell, WiUiam 76213 Thurston, Ann 95462 Susanna, Mrs. . . 56338 Thwaites, Abraham 25809 Thomas , 2526 William 95463 27933 Tibbenham, John (Suffolk) . . 76216 Tibbets, Joseph 67709 Tibbetts, Elizabeth 14130 John W. and Lucy . . 58434 Tibbits, Richard 60557 Tibbitt, Emma Jesse F 36995 Tibbs, Henry 12726 James 7462 Thomas ..' .. .. 59130 367 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Til)bs, W 73640 Tibbutt, Thomas 95464 Tibetts & Co 95465 Ticbborne, Henrietta F., Dame 75651 Sir James F. D. . . 69537 Tickel, George (Colonies) . . 19853 Jane and Mary . . . . 74301 Tickle, AViUiam 32277 Tidcomb, John 95468 Tidcombe, Lieut. Thomas . . 29648 Tidd, Thomas 10115 Tiddie, Miss 53172 Tideswell, William Emery . . 23906 Tidman, Charles 67707 Tidmarsh, Kebecca (or Tidmash) 10730 Richard 52969 William 21954 Tidmas, Thomas 21327 Tidswell, Jane Earnshaw . . 50544 Joseph 19854 Tidy, William 58225 Tier, Thomas 34340 Tiemey, Catherine 26293 Eleanor 34248 Sir Matthew John . . 68903 Robert 7875 Thomas 95469 Peter 95470 Tiffany, Mrs 56128 Tiffin, John 6873 Margaret 69539 Tiflis, Church at (legacy to) . . 22247 Tige, Ernest 61922 Tighe, John 26187 Tilbcry, Sarah 17501 Tilbury, John 61921 (Middlesex) .. 63121 Tilby, James 9148 Tnden,John 36601 Thomas 52972 Tiler, Arthur 60558 Tiley, Jane 66907 Tilford, Janet 32414 TiU, Ehzabeth 354 John 12419 Tillard, Isaac 11635 Tillett, Samuel 33235 Tilley, Francis 55839 H 63328 Mary Ann and Wm. . . 22899 Sarah Ann 63981 Tillier, Christopher 95471 TiUotson, John 74460 Tilly, George 61928 Joseph 71674 Sarah 10250 Tillyard, John 74300 TiUyer, Robert 34625 Tilson, Henry John . . . . 36944 John 22490 Tilson, Samuel 17092 Tilstone, John 75719 Timberland, Thomas . . . . 16599 Timing, Mary Ann 60968 Timmings, Harriet 74344 Mary 13016 Timmins, Family 55191 Timmis 24483 Timmons, Sarah 1680 Timms, Sarah 95472 Timpson, Mortimore . . . . 70404 Timson, George 75128 Martha 30197 Timwell, John 39747 Tinams, Charles 32977 Tinclay, P 36601 Tinckler, James Quincey . . 6884 Tindal, Ann 9365 Tindale, Rev. George . . . . 69529 H 95473 Tindall, Chas. John . . . . 19855 Family 15376 George 30605 James (sailor) . . . . 52968 Jane and Margery . . 76658 William 52959 Tindley, James 95474 John 8481 Tinham, Thomas 27934 Tinker, John 95475 Mary 24703 Tinkler, Henry 30671 John 38835 Richard 58093 Tinklin, John . . .... . . 59967 Tinley, 71457 Tmsley, Jane and lutty . . . . 6760 Margery 12352 Thomas 37415 Tiphaine, Louisa Eleanor . . 95476 Tiplady, Ann and John . . . . 15510 Tippcll, William 11366 Tippendcn, Lydia 687 Tipper, John and Joseph .. 68117 Tippet, Joyce 95477 Tippets, Thomas 9900 Tipping, Ann 13267 J. and Margaret . . 95479 William 24197 Tirey, James Franklin . . . , 10006 Tisdalo, Elizabeth 70406 Harmer 1475 James 4073 Marmaduko . . . . 72 Tissan, Jonathan 75719 Titcomb Family 12226 Titcombo, Jane P 76217 Sophia 2342 Tito, John 34245 Titford, Sarah Rachael , , . . 6326 368 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Barnes relate will be found at end of Index. Titford, WiUiam 95480 Titterton, John 95481 Tobias, Maria (wife of Harris) 75459 Tobin, Ann 38781 Eleanor 8871 Family 76205 John 1664 Toby, A deB 279^5 Francis and James ., 1101 Wade 27936 Tod, Charles 28879 Eliza 64928 Francis (or Jod) .. .. 1124 Henderson & Co 30442 Eichard 95482 Todd, Alexander 61229 Allan Pollock .. .. 95483 Andrew 33706 Archibald (Middlesex) 67199 Benjamin 59670 Emma Penelope , . . . 30525 Family 95484 Frederick W 60967 George 60033 Henry 6796 Jno. (City of Lon.) 76916 W 26474 Isaac 75656 Jacob 2024 Jane 5322 John James (merchant) 75737 (Ireland) .. .. 21929 (Norfolk) . . • . . 63123 LoveU 39726 Mary 2846 (Chancery . , . . 60985 Jane 69442 W. W 75652 William 11890 (Colonies) . . 19856 Todhunter, James (Dublin) . . 75719 Wyndham, & Co. 75656 Todii%ton, John 27937 Todman, Joseph 11745 Toe, John 9661 ToghiU, Phillipa 51622 Togninoni, William . . . . 73000 Togood, (valet) 64998 Tointon, John 11429 Toison, Mary 95490 Tolcher, Henry 11060 Tolderoy, James Bayley . . 95491 Thomas 33791 Tole, Samuel . . 74775 Tolet, John 95492 Tolfrey, WiUiam 9128 Toll, Henry 22873 Tollemache, A. Lieut. (Colonies) 29649 Tollen, Joseph 95493 Toller, Martha 75781 Tollett, Maria 68120 Tolley, Edwin 67705 Tollouch, Alexander . . . . 8690 Toison, Ann 3506 Family 9143 Richard Hy. (Chancery ) 7 1 896 Tomalin, Obadiah 63265 Tomasson, William 30880 Tombs, Miss 62305 Tomes, Maria 11951 Richard . , , , . , 5099 Tomkins (or Thompson) . . 10734 Catherine , . . . 14680 Francis 11U62 George 3114 Joseph 17032 Mary 60923 Richard 60926 ^ — William 95496 Tomkinson, Hannah . , , . 95497 Peter 7464 Tomkison, Thomas , . , , . . 33831 Tomkiss, Edward 95498 Tomlins, Eleanor H 56939 Francis 50910 Tomlinson, Alice 16228 —George 51158 (Norfolk) 4683 (London) 75072 James 5074 Jane 669 John 23429 Joseph (York) . . 76890 Margt. and Mary C. 95499 Matthew .. .. 64389 Robert 449 & Thompson , . 95501 Tompkins, Charles 75719 Edward 70411 George 95502 Paul 61403 Tompsett, Henry . , . . . , 55953 John .. .. .. 61927 Tompson, Anna Maria . . . . 27938 John M 66200 Joseph W 76212 Thomas 19859 WiUiam 9461 Toms, Frances 9658 Tomson, Captain 33750 Henry 3111 Sarah 73643 Tong, — (Colonies) 19857 Tong, Sarah 61931 Thomas 71456 Tonge, WilUam 27939 Tonkin, Jane 38834 Thomas 74298 Tonks, Mary Ann 33157 369 Directions for ohtairdng full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Tonnam, William 95503 Tonneman, David H 95504 Tonson, Anna M 27940 Tood, Hugh, Lieut 28880 Toogood Family 75186 . Susanna 17770 Tooker, James 95505 Tookie Family 7333 Henrietta 55828 Toole Family 54559 . Francis (Colonies) . . 19858 22488 J 11066 James 54559 John 95506 Toomath, Mr 55699 Toomer, Joseph 95507 Toone, J. H., Lieut. (Colonies) 28881 William Thomas . . . . 53576 W 58764 Tootal, Thomas 16827 Tooth, Elizabeth Whittaker . . 95508 < Griffith 67198 . James 3885 Samuel 592 Topham, Elizabeth 16619 Mr 10507 Newal 6329 Thomas (London) . . 76892 Toplis, Edward 50313 Topp, William 95509 Toppin, Ambrose 35534 . Anne 16792 Joseph 9781 M. &V 17711 Nicholas 2987 Thomas 95510 «' Torch " (crew of) 25699 Torckler, Capt. P. A. (Colonies) 29650 Tordiff, John 95511 Toreel, Lady Anna M 58904 Torey, Samuel Loseby . . . . 52980 Torlep, Isaac 11068 Torphy, Michael (Colonies) . . 19860 Torre, Rev. Henry 95512 Torrens, Henry W. (Colonics) 29651 Torrick, Capt. M. (Colonies) . . 28883 Torry, Elizabeth 27941 Tosh Family 22290 James and John (Colonics) 29652 Tosley, Robert 1470 Skyram .. .. 70402 Tosswill, Kirkman 76679 Robert 61929 Tottenham, Anno 60113 Tottie, James 26120 Touchctt, John T 96513 Tougher, Stephen (Colonies) . . 19861 Toulmin, E. (Colonics) . . . . 29663 Harriet 31074 Toulmin, Samuel 76663 William 4129 Touraille, Mons. A. L 29654 Toumer, Thomas Phipps . . 69086 V. Witherby . . . . 24246 Tourney, John 95514 Toussaint Family 76904 Joseph 31337 Tout, Thomas 74302 Tow, Charles 72539 ToweU, Samuel 8074 Tower Family 62771 Towers 2771 & Halden, Messrs. .. 11142 James 31316 John 11142 . a. (Chancery) . . 76672 Mary 3028 Ph. or Th 10027 Walter 73791 Towes, Mary 27942 Towle Family 74297 Towman, Dorothy 24409 Town, George 38145 Missions (legacy to) , , 75290 Robert . , . , . . , , 67562 Towndes, Mr 95516 Towne, Edward 34756 Townend, James S. , 95517 Richard .. ., .. 95518 Towner, Thomas 67177 Townley, Ann 1090 (Manchester) . . 21416 Charles 96519 Augustus , . 66826 Elizabeth 7181 Family 35988 John 7180 Lord 95520 Lydia 73644 Richard 21416 WilUam 21416 Rev 43202 Towns, John 12275 William 61919 Townsend, Ann 12700 Daniel 96621 David 37614 Drew 91 Edward .. .. 96622 George 62982 (nphw of Wm.)64191 Georgiana S. (Kent) 73973 James 95623 John (Gloucester). 2302 68667 Joseph 37703 Margaret . . t • 0154 Mary 27943 Richard .. .. 66982 370 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Townsend, Sarah 76214 Thomas .. .. 21043 Timothy .. .. 37615 Wm. (son of Joseph 1334 (Middlesex) . . 64192 Townshend, Cattam . . . . 165 Henry 95525 Towry, George E 63124 Towse, David 11156 Family 95526 Towsey, Edward 69517 Stephen 53235 Toy, Cornelius (Colonies) . . 19862 Toye, Edward 15057 Tozer, John 23781 Tracey, James 373 Kobert 95527 Tracy, John (America) . . . . 70644 95528 Mary 14758 TraflFordv. Crosbie 24523 G. L. (Colonies) . . 28884 TraiU, Dayid 13232 George W 25591 Robert, Rev 10448 Tramer, Thomas (Colonies) . . 19863 Tranter, William 6215 Tranterr, PhiHp 67213 Trantum Family P5529 Tranzer, James (Colonies) . . 19864 Trap, Samuel, AJr 30303 Trapp, (Birmingham) 32377 Trappes, Mary Anne . . . . 38176 Robert 70382 Roger 37592 Trash, Thomas 95530 Trathen, John 6037 Traube, R. T 67958 Travenor, Mrs 1874 Travers v. Travers 24540 H. M., Lieut 28885 Henry MHlett.. .. 71721 •s Joseph 0., Ensign . . 29655 Mary 24703 Richard 5603 Traverson, John 10248 Travis, Edmund 95531 George 73637 Sarah 70327 Wilham 8553 (Colonies) . . 19865 Trajmor, Peter 8104 Treacher, Georgiana T^ 66203 Mary .. ,. .. 5968 Treachman, A. . . ^ 95532 Treacker, Benjamin , . . . 15209 Treadwell, William 11144 Treanor, Hugh 21906 Treasure, Samuel 61923 Treatt, Edwin and George . . 67704 Treawacki, John 19870 Trebilcock, Harry 76219 Tredoux,— 19866 Tredway, Edward 37843 TredweU, Francis 30205 Solomon 73003 Tredwen, Richard 63883 Tree,EUen 26342 Martin John Solomon . . 7269 Treeves, Pellegrin 17586 Treflfry, Thomas Joseph . . . . 35448 Trefusis, Barbara and Elizabeth 21064 Trego, John 69545 Tregoning, Thomas 26045 Tregonwell, John 39774 Treherne, Edmund 68672 Family (Australia) 71414 William 35440 Treise, John 95533 Tremamondo, Angelo Maria . . 3777 Tremenheere, Walter, Lt.-Col. (Chancery) 71895 Trench, A. H 28887 Alexander 9928 Sir Frederick . . . . 67519 V. Harrison 53306 Thomas 34113 Trenery, William 60553 Trenholme, George A 63125 Trent, Ann 74347 George 32450 James 40952 John 9013 Trentor Family 8872 Trenworth, Henry and Rehecca 14119 Tresselt, Elizabeth 68026 V. Hardy 24526 Tressilian, Francis 19867 Treston, Edward 29656 FamHy 67724 Tretheway, Amy 15284 Trett, Hannah 95534 Treunsell, Thomas 19868 TreuteU & Wurtz 62110 TreveUy, Benjamin 19869 Trevelyan v. Putt 23777 Trovers, Brevet-Capt. R. S. . . 28888 Treves, Bathsheba and Pelegrin 60660 Hiram 17522 TreviUian, Thomas 52975 TreviUon, Edmund 95535 Trevis, Edmund 9173 Trevor, Ann 95536 R. S., Brevet-Capt. . . 29657 V. Trevor 24542 Trew, William 1730 Tribe, Bernard 58475 William Benjamin .. 36392 Trickcy, John , . .. ,. .. 95537 371 directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index, Trickley, James Trigg, Henry . , James . , Triggs, Joseph Trimble, William . . Trimby, George Trimiiipham, William . . Trimmer, Charlotte A. . . Hemy S., Eev. Trincole, George and Sarah Trinder, Honor Thomas . . Tring, John Trinkhole, George . . Sarah . . Trinklee, Ann Trinks, Charles (India) TrinstoefFel, Tripet, Mr Tiiphook, Mr Tripp, C. J Henry Tristram, Henry Tritton, Brevet-Capt. W. . . Trivett, William Troliere, Baron Tronson, Edward T. M Trood, Charles Trory, William Trossel, George Trotman, Ebenezer Thomas William . . Trott, Matthew Trotter, Ann Charles Coutts Elizabeth Family (N. S. Wales) George A. W... Thomas (Sussex) William . . St. C. Troubie, James and Mrs. n rou( hin, E. A. L Troughear, John Troughton, Donald. . ^ M Thomas Troup, James (Sussex) . . William A., Major Troutback, Samuel Trow, Ann Tristan Trowbridge, leaac . . . . James John . . 95538 13039 69540 60473 1486 30997 75656 56473 56667 60471 32509 21702 95539 36337 36337 35357 31170 28889 95540 95541 1943 53577 6259 8457 28840 10161 95542 71458 29658 73641 19871 73636 31577 9520 16347 75654 14986 31699 39082 71567 61998 75654 63884 73642 67708 95543 36094 33294 75807 3(i601 24694 74772 38806 29659 4198 9640 96544 4170 60544 60649 Trowell, William 14306 Trower, Capt. Charles F. . . 29660 Truby, Edward 70399 Trud, Ann 8451 True, Ambrose 27945 Truell, Robert H 2^978 Trueman, Sarah 65116 Trulock, John 75659 Truman, Christopher .. .. 53167 Elizabeth (N.K.) . . 40164 James 38544 Mary 10735 Trumble, Kobert 95545 Trumper, James 57590 John 36668 William 34626 Trample, Patrick 23540 Trumplet, William 33969 Trundle, Edward 65417 Trupps, Cosmo 76896 Truro, Baroness 74900 Truscott, Ann 5468 C. W 28892 James 55081 Trusler, Henry 10505 Truss, Alexander (Surrey) .. 62130 ■ Family (Middlesex) .. 75173 John and Thomas . . 70384 William 62970 Salome 95547 Trustam, Joseph 95548 Truwhitt, George %^bbb Trynam, Henry 69544 Try on, Samuel 74776 Thomas (merchant) . . 76903 Tubb, Elizabeth 69487 • Family 5502 Robert 96549 William 33136 Tubbs Family, 388 John and Letitia . . . . 21226 Tubby, Thomas 7997 Tuck, Adam 17852 David 71464 Elizabeth 71228 James W. .. o. .. 2442^ Williiim 60378 Tucker, Allen 54356 Benjamin 71541 Corroni & Co 6526 1 V. Cragg 24622 Edwaid 66378 Eliza 40761 Elizabeth 95650 Frances Charlotte . . 40760 V. Gloucester . . . . 24524 Ingram 60836 Jolm 40210 Louisa 40762 372 J)ireefions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Tucker, jMar2:aret Nathaniel Butterfield Thomas (London) : (Devon) W. H. Whitfield John Wniiam S. . . Tuckerman, F. W. . Tuckett, Harvey T. Stanley . Tuckey, John . . Thomas . Tuckley, . . . . Tuckwell, Edward G. . . Tuddenham, John . . Tuder, Matthew- Tudor, Lieut. -Col. Jas. C. Tudshury, C Tuent, Jacob A Tuer, Peter (Lancaster) . . TuescK, Catherine . . Tufi", Elizabeth Tufinell, FamHy . . . . Tufis, (\\ddow) Tufits, Mary Tufnell, Lady Anne Tug-man, Mr Tugwell, Family V. Goizin . . Tuite, Elizabeth . . . . Tuiteil, William . . . . Tuke, Phoebe Tulett, Family Tuley, David Tulford, Maria TuU, Charlotte Tulley Family TuUoch, Ensig-n F. D. . . V. Marshall . , TuUock, Capt. E.N Tulloh, John TuUy V. Bradford Family Tumber, Joel S, H Tummons, Franci.s Tunstall, Ann Maria Bradbury and Mary Miss Emily . . /. John Tunwell, Ann ■ Francis Bates . . Txippen, David Humphries . . George Tupper, Jane Thomas Tuppin, George Tupsley, Mary Turberville, Eichard Turbitt, Harriett 95551 71722 63863 27946 28893 51772 71460 3633 19873 23031 9169 9989 95552 59790 95553 20 17279 29661 9555-4 58905 70376 ^bbbo 95556 24537 24542 27948 70375 27949 7780 2iozo 19875 32727 12844 8902 66191 1681 75591 75658 29662 39789 70938 14993 24521 29663 60537 39252 52986 59162 72987 14082 95557 2030 34309 73031 27950 95558 19876 14683 9047 32908 Turferrv, Mary Turk, Eliza . . . Family . . Tui-kington, James . Turnbridge, IMartha Turnbull, Andrew . Charles D. .. Family H. J. Henry James (Colonies) John Mark . . . . Mary Matthew . . Sarah Anae . . Thomas (seaman) Wniiam . . . . B. .. • Turncock, Elizabeth Turneler, Ann Turner, Abraham (Mancbester) Adam Ann, Mrs (India) . . Sir B Betsy Betty C. W., Lieut. . . Catherine . . Charles Hartley Charlotte . . Dionysia . . Edward Robinson S Eliza .; (Middlesex) Elizabeth (widow) . . EUen Epurious Family (Colonies) (New S. Wales) Frederick George Simon . . Hatton Miss Helen . . Henry V. Howell . . James (farmer) . . (seaman) . . Jane Jenny (or Jannet) Sir JeremiaJi 10694 50578 30539 4197 95559 1432 95560 28894 230 29664 37168 58733 19877 58869 95562 7314 95562 32054 979 59944 70380 12436 76016 53575 54500 9076 58293 29665 9895 51583 16846 28896 56500 50610 36183 75657 95564 40327 71469 95565 23006 69G37 30496 95566 9840 95567 19878 65125 74448 38023 95568 30340 31550 37557 24530 10563 1000 27950 562 7711 373 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Nmnes relate will be found at end of Index. Turner, John (London) . . . . 75719 Captain (India) . . 29666 (America) . . . . 54501 ■ (47th Eegt.) . . 1290 Cusson . . . . 37635 Hornhlow . . . . 53270 Price 75183 Jones 95569 Jonathan 11567 • 57171 Joseph (Middlesex) . . 75655 William . . . . 33683 Joshua 14508 Leonard 11058 Margaret 7894 . Mark 10498 Mary (widow of Mark) 51200 Ann 27952 . Matthew 51528 ■ Meriner 12141 Mrs 30398 Oliver 54634 Peter 95570 Eachel 68362 ■ Eichard (seaman) . . 2338 (maltster) . . 4076 Eobert 6158 (Chester) . . 52965 . Sally 10312 Samuel 27953 61939 Sarah (Kent) .. .. 71113 10484 Selby 95572 Sidney French . . . . 76902 V. Simms 24536 Susannah 16551 Thomas (Cheshire) . . 7899 (Middlesex) . . 76221 A. Becket . . 27955 Phipps .. .. 69087 W., Lieut 28897 Walford 30496 Walter 70513 Whiteside & Co. . . 74399 W., Lieut. (India) . . 29667 William (coal merchant) 1944 B 67203 Tumcy Family 73638 Tumidgc, Martha 8523 Vumlev, Francis 72081 Tumly, 31108 James (Ireland) . . . . 71468 Tumock, Elizabeth 12436 Hannah 76659 Tumor, Expurious 9840 ■ John 95573 rumour, Edward 12941 G., Hon 22832 Turnpenny, Joseph 95574 Turnpenny, WiUiam .. .. 24463 Turp, William 95575 Turpin, Grace 6534 Turrell, Augustus . . : . . 68123 John 16821 Matthew John . . . . 9276 Eobert 19882 Turst, Salome 7038 Turtle, James 60037 Turton, Dr. . . 95576 James 9625 Joseph and William . . 64205 Mary (or Evelyn) .. 17268 Mr 760 WiUiam 95577 Turvey, Mary 95578 Turvin, James Michael Hankin 50848 Tuso, Vicomte 30250 TussaU, James 1929 Tussell V. Hardy 24527 Tute Family 63429 Francis 95579 Samuel 19883 Tutin, Edward 11370 Tutte, Eev. Francis . . . . 6692 Tutty, Edward 19884 Joseph 1557 Twaddell, Eobert, Capt 2251 Tweddell Family 63345 John 51023 Tweddle, Eev. W 28898 Twede, — 36569 Twcdell, Richard 21 Tweed, Ann 35820 James 8500 Tweedale, James 19885 Jane 95579 John 51160 Twceddale, Annie C 68124 TweedeU, WilUam 95580 Tweedie, Lydia 22296 Tweedy, John 66969 Twcll, John 75719 Sarah . . . . ' . . . . 75841 Twcmlowc's Assignees . . . . 62977 Twentyman, Edwd. Musgrove 10283 Johnson . . . . 95581 Joseph 27957 Twiial, Elizabeth 96582 Twidale, Henry 22204 Twigg, James and Eichard . . 75719 Nathan 14677 William 11061 Twigu^er, Eg . Josoi^h . . . . 64206 Twig! It, Family 69770 Twin, Henry Wood . . . . 73663 Twinborrow, William .. .. 75184 Twine, Anthony 9707 Twiss, Horace 60621 374 Directions for ohtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Twiss, William 27958 (a creditor) . . 36601 Twist 3312 Twohig, James 71444 Twy, Smart B 24299 Twyford, Hans and Jane . . 22030 Twynam, Edwin . . . • • • • 32460 Tyars, William S 75660 Tyas, Elizabeth 5233 Richard 51003 Thomas 9324 Tyce, Sarah 17071 Tydd, Daniel 9827 Thomas 95583 William 6216 Tyler, Albert 76970 Ann Eleanor . . . . 56529 Anna 68129 Elizabeth 30991 Frederick 95584 John 1320 Robert 17802 Tyler, Samuel (conductor) . . 28899 Thomas 95585 William (Walthamstow) 39452 Tyhiey, John, Earl 23778 Tynan, Daniel 25280 Tyndale, William Charles . . 37779 Tyndall, Benjamin 15150 George Booth . . . . 39965 Tyner, John 95586 Tynte, Charles K. K 71470 Tyrer, William 95587 Tyrio, James Edward . . . . 75663 Tyrrel, James 22000 Margaret 13256 Richard, Hon 9231 Admiral . . 60635 95588 William 35881 Tyson, Benjamin 75665 Elizabeth 16572 George Francis . . . . 12274 Tyssen, John . . . . 14327 Tytheridge, John 54003 375 Bireetiom for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. u TJde, Barbe 68702 TJdney & James j 59135 TJdwardi, Paul 60666 UffindeU, Harriett 56541 Uhthoflf, Henry 38159 Uithallder, Windvogel .. .. 25789 Ullatliome, Jolin 50243 UUgate, Thomas 95589 UUock, James 21937 Ullph, Jonathan ; 95590 Ulrich, J. G 36142 TJlting,John .. 95591 Ultzer, Johann (Colonies) . . 19886 Umfreville, Sarah and Wm. , . 608 Umphelby, Mr 3493 Underdown, Elizabeth Langham 861 Underhill, — (clergyman) , . 95594 Catherine .. .. 95592 IsabeUa 16439 James 95593 John,Dr 26191 Mary 9244 Michael, Rev 5703 Handle 16438 Richard 1537 Thomas 9243 Underwood, Anne and Caleb. . 9756 Edward . . . . 50720 Eleanor . . . . 37077 EHzabeth . . . . 6340 Frances . . . . 37078 Family 95596 Henry (Colonies) 19887 John 11996 (son of Eleanor) 37079 Mary 95597 Sophia Elizabeth 40060 Thomas(Gloucester) 14199 (Stafford) 15148 Robert . . 9754 W. (Colonies) . . 19888 William (London) 6159 .. .. 17927 Unet V. Cotton 24544 Unett, Sarah 95598 United Kingdom Annuity Fimd 53585 Unknown,— 25566 Unsworth, Edward . . .... 13244 Richard 57847 WiUiam 609 Unwin, Ann King 53350 Unwin, David 33498 Frederick 53350 Isaac 54956 James and James "W. 95599 Richard James . , . . 73656 Rowland 3913 Upcher, Elizabeth and Peter . . 95600 Upcroft, John M 23443 Mary 66229 Upfold, WilHam 624 Upham, Ann 95600 Upjohn, Mary Catherine . , 7335 Uppington, John 2212 IVIrs 95602 Uppom, Samuel Stevens, . , . 5349 Upson, EHzabeth 39602 Upton, Isabella 73001 James 51469 John 27959 Maria 2455 Robert 495 William 73001 Uran, John 33008 Urch, James 61945 Ure, Elizabeth 5498 George 95602 Urfre^^lle, Sarah 6907 Uridge, Sarah 34299 Urie, Wm. MDowell (Colonies^ 19889 Urquhart, Alexander (Colonies) 19891 Chas., Major (India) 28890 C. (died abroad) . . 76922 Janet Sinclair Trail 13113 John (Colonies) . , 19890 95603 William 68260 Urry Family 14177 Urwin, James Wheeler , , . . 10519 Usbome, Thomas 50712 Usher, Edward 16281 Francis A 22427 John (or relatives) . . 2680 (V. Dieman's Land) 31012 Samuel 71502 WiUiam 22426 Usherman, John H 95604 Usherwood, James 68137 S. and T 95605 UsiU, Francis 75472 Ussher, Charles Frederick . . 36683 Richard 21682 Ustrie, John . . . . . . . . 35596 Utten, James Phillips . . . , 37196 876 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Utterson, Edward Yernon . . 95605 TJttin, Mrs. Sarah 32024 Utting, Jolin 50260 XJvedale, Thomas 95606 Uzuld, Azuld 14867 V. Purches 24549 Y Vacy, Charles K 56496 Vaginoiii, Joseph 65364 Vaile, Martha M. T 74323 Vaillant, Francoise and P. .. 95607 Vair, Family 95608 John 16334 Valbanck, Edward 95609 Valder, Elizabeth 35660 Vale, Eichard 95610 Valence, William 67719 Valentin, Johann Philipp . . 63145 Valentine, Mary and Wm. (Lancaster) . . .... . . 63132 Valentine, "William 61948 Valentire, — (Colonies) 19893 Valance, 1193 VaUe, Bartholomew (Colonies) 29668 .. .. .. 71723 Maria 95611 Valiejo, Antonio 95612 Vallens, William 11646 Vallentin, Jean Daniel . . . . 35118 Vallentine, Ralph 95613 Vallings, G. A., Lt. (Colonies) 28901 Vallis, John 71493 Valpy, Nicholas le Geyt . . 50398 Valtz, Catherine (Colonies) . . 19892 Van, Sarah Nugs 15452 William 52989 Van Assendelft, Cornelia J. . . 58889 Berckle, Abraham (Clnies) 19894 de Wall, A. F. and Phil. 66237 Dyk, Joseph 25841 Elen, T. A. (Colonies) . . 19896 Homerigh, H. D., Capt. (Colonies) 28902 Manhaar, J. J. (Colonies) 19898 Milligcn 19899 Neikert, Hester F 25824 Rossen J. (Colonies) . . 19900 Rossum, Anna and Marg. 95620 Rymsdyke, John .. .. 95621 Sandan, Barnard . . . . 68863 L., Lt. (Colonics) 28903 Twist, H. D. (Colonies) . . 19902 Vollevede (Colonies) . . 19903 Wyck, S. (Colonies) . . 19904 Zellcr, John .... . . 64208 Vance Family 23430 Hugh 24413 Vanclootwy, Jan 65614 Vandenbergh, Joseph B. .. 75211 Vandenhoff, — 19895 Vander Gucht, Rosetta Maria 70381 Huyden, C. and H. . . 95615 Vandercom, Elizabeth . . . . 2789 Vandergucht, De B 24545 Vanderhelm Family .. .. 10181 Vanderluys, Jan and L 95616 Vandermeulen, Elizabeth . . 61943 Vanderpant, John 36672 Vanderplnnk, Samuel . . . . 52993 Vanderwall, Martha . . . . 9286 Vandome, Ed., Wm. & Hester 66228 Vandrant, James Downes .. 3173 Vandwyck, Elizabeth .. .. 95617 Vandyck, — 95618 Vandyke, William 7407 Vanheelen Family 15450 Vanhomrigh, H. D., Capt. . . 29669 Vanilton & Carson 40843 Vankr uningen, Cornelius G. (Col. ) 19897 Vann, Ann 9233 Charles 16751 Mary 95618 Vanrenen, A. J., Lieut 29670 Vans, Agnew P. A 20671 Vanscolind, — 74450 Vansittart, Arthur 57354 Nicholas .. .. 65362 William (Colonies) 19901 Rev. .. 95622 Vantior, Thomas 95623 Vanwick, Elizabeth . . . . 6549 Vanzette, Capt. George Le-^as 29671 Vardcn v. Andrus 95624 Vardy, James 52991 (civil engineer) 55889 ^ (Wolverhampton) 9596 Thomas 05625 Varcy, William 95626 Varlcy, Hannah 61950 Mary Ann 11980 Thomas 74431 Vamals, William 17728 Vamdcll Family 71476 Vamey, PLarriet 32267 Varrioll, Lambert 2100 Vai-ty, Thomas 59768 Vary, William 4809 377 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Vasey, George 60491 Lawrence 33876 Vasper, William 2180 Vasserot, C. F 68125 Vates, George 1784 Vaughan, Abraham 95627 Agrippina . . . . 95628 Benjamin Kerr . . 39538 C. .. 95629 Catherine 7861 Chrysogan . . . , 3448 Dr 21048 Elizabeth 17616 (or Wilson) 17315 Barbara .. 21049 F. (or J.) 95632 Family 95630 Fanny 74451 George Vincent . . 38983 Henry 59156 JohnT 58870 (Colonies) . . 29672 12969 WiUiam . . . . 55843 Josiah 95635 Maurice 65546 . (India) . . 28905 Samuel 74701 iSarah Pearce . . . . 9563 Thomas 2518 Wilmot Henry . . 71473 Vaux, Christopher 3549 Edward 4075 John 9189 Veal, Elizabeth 14092 Frances 52992 Green 38892 Isaac 2118 James 50061 Jane.. 14365 John (Wnts) 5350 14364 Bessant 51375 WiUiam, Dr. (Colonies) . . 29673 Veale, Catherine 37386 Vector, Charles 60674 Vedsotte, Alexander .. .. 11069 Veevers, Sarah 26500 Veitch, Andrew and Thomas . . 73655 Veith V. Edge 24546 Vellers, Eobert 5430 Venable, Richard ' 2361 Venables, Thomas 25994 William 14148 Venden, Shadrach 14429 Venn, Ann 4420 Edward Beaumont . . 13092 Vennell, Elizabeth 3121 Hannah and John , , 95638 Venner, Frederick William . . 23910 Vcntom, Charles Edwin . , 71504 Ventura, Angelo 95639 Caroline 5734 Venus, Ralph 53025 Venton, Mary Chapman . . 70383 Verange, Antonio 30049 . (Colonies) . . 19906 Verbruggen, Maria 16614 Vcrch, Catherine 8051 Verdenhelm, Elizabeth and J. 95640 Verdenhulm, — 71471 Verdon, John 39323 ■ Nicholas 23695 Verdonet, Catherine . . . . 95641 Vcreul,— 36417 Vcreva, Paul 15463 Verey, John 61944 Veriar, James 3854 Sarah 27960 Verlander, Elizabeth . . . . 95b42 Jacob and Jacob A. 67712 Verlie, Jeane X. (India) . . . . 29673 Vermaes, Anthonet 1188 Vernon, Dorothy 23178 Edward 30279 (Gibralter) .. 21671 Family 95643 J. G 74408 JohnProthery .. .. 11435 Leicester V., Capt. . . 60669 Lydia 5782 V. Sandford 23779 U'homas (N.K.) . . . . 75458 (Middlesex).. 3810 27961 William 60484 Verpoorton, Ignace Joseph . . 58907 Verrall, Albert 74351 John 9920 Verren, John Gabriel . . . . 10572 Vesey, George, Rev 11873 Geo. and Geo. Walter 22732 JohnT 22695 5141 Vesper, Thomas 69553 Vetzlmer, John (Colonies) . . 19906 Vevers Family 15981 John Walter .. .. 11680 Sarah (or Dick) . . . . 39706 William 39706 Veyers, Harriet 160 Vezey, John 5403 Viand, Peter 95646 Vicars, George 19907 Nicholas 12161 ■ Richard 7668 Vicary, Barbara 51480 Charles 74431 378 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Vicary, John ■ Eobert Vick, Elizabetli . . . . Family . . ... . . John Osborne . . -^ — Eehecca Sarah, Mrs. W. and S Vickall, Mr Vicars, Henry (Colonies) Vickerman Faroily . . John Vickers, William Vickery, Anne Maria Mary . . . . Vickress, William . , Vickstrom, Andrew . . Vicq, John Victor, Charles George Victory, Andrew Victtuler, Thomas Henry William (Colonies) . , Vidan, Thomas Videan, Charles Thomas Elizabeth Vidler, James Vieira, Manoel Vigors, Francis William Vigne, James Vigners, Jeremiah Vignoles, Samuel de Vigor, Silvia William Vigors, Anne Viljoen, Jan H Villebois, Francis Elizabeth Villegille, Corson and Co. Villeneuve, George . . Villers, Matilda • Robert William Villers . . Villiers Edward Henry Villock Family Vina, Diego Maria G. . Vincent, — • Abraham . . Alexander Arthur Charles . . Eliza Family . , Harriet . . Henry James John - (London) 9786 67993 8999 64225 95647 71501 '59484 30656 34550 19908 73657 3232 32077 37702 25470 25573 51681 4087 7177 24144 34515 2203 12699 19909 7979 60499 13004 95648 95649 17161 67216 95650 16716 22467 74700 95651 23485 25828 32088 67721 95652 21046 95653 21047 11211 56521 57441 25682 36419 35118 25438 71492 4161 27962 95654 71491 95655 26710 11228 63418 Vincent, Jos. (descendants of) Mary (or Treacher) Peter Richard Riches Rbt., Ensign (Colonies) Samuel Sarah Tanner & Co Thomas, Lieut.-Col. W. H WiUiam (Suflfolk) Vine, Thomas . . Viner, Benjamin Charles . . Joseph . . Mary Ann Vines, Mr Viney Family ■ ■ William Walter Vinicombe, Richard Vining Family Robert . . Vinnicombe, Ann Vint, George, Capt. (Colonies) Martha E Vinter, Rebecca William Vintner Virangi, Antoni (Colonies) A^irgo, Thomas Virgoe, (London) Virstolk, Sons & Co. Virtue, Captain Visser Family Henry Nicholas . . Vitasse, Major Philip . . Vixlar, — Vizac, Maria Vizard, Patrick (Colonies) Vizcr, Valentine 35118 17297 30106 35118 4022 8654 28706 56844 27962 36025 71496 53579 27963 34345 29964 39953 14391 983 14392 65132 12865 10491 71675 6038 11583 10491 9213 13114 29674 75185 74631 95658 566 65400 19910 95659 23643 40220 61947 25816 95660 95661 95662 4065 19911 95663 Vogel, EmiHe 63408 ■ J.W 63267 John William .. .. 25664 Vogelsang, Carl Von . . . . 95666 Voight, John 96666 Vokes, Elizabeth 68552 Vokins, Robert 76188 Volgelsang, Henry L 96667 Volgcr Family 96668 Vollans, William, Rer 6743 Vollum, Mary 24203 Von Berg, George Henry .. 17609 Fleming, Major . . . . 96669 379 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Von Kavemagh, Baron . . . . 95670 Kessler, Andreas . . . . 395 Masterzen, George. . .. 59318 Oclawitz, 95671 Schartul, Cecilia . . . . 95672 Waldkircli, Johanna . . 675 Voogaast, Arentz (Colonies) . . 19912 Vooght V. Gask 24547 George 24547 Vorse, William 8950 Vos, James Gregory, Dr. . . 65158 P. (Colonies) 29049 Vosper, William 95672 Votoring, Mxb. Mary . . . . 22289 Votton, Timothy 57214 Voughton, Jane 61524 Voustein, Matthew 51652 Voutier, INIrs 71474 Vowe, Thomas 50520 Voysey Family 73660 Vrignon, Francis (Colonies) . . 29675 Vukerman, John 95673 Vulgere 95674 Vulke, Carl .. 95675 Vurst, Salome 95676 Vyac, Maria 95677 Vyner, Sir John 95678 Vyse, Rev. William . . . . 24550 Vyvianv. Pott 23780 Vyvyian, Su- Richard . . . . 95679 380 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisetnents to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. w Waas, Barind de 59 Waby, Edward 4246 Wace, Alexander F 60503 Wackenbarth, Martin . . . . 95680 Wackerow, Matthias .. .. 95681 Wackham, George 19913 Wackson, Andrew . . : . . 95682 "Waddell, Amelia and George . . 70906 Isabella and William 17034 Joseph 9460 Margaret 12061 Eosetta 74352 Thomas 95683 WaddHove, J. (India) . . . . 28908 James E 27964 -Susannah .. .. 57006 Waddington, H. C. S 11088 .James .. .. 19914 John 14347 Mary .. .. 2460 Samuel .. .. 68679 Waddle, Archibald 19915 Waddup, Ann 9076 Waddupp, John 95684 Waddy, Cadwallader Frederick 53075 Wade, Ann 95685 Benjamin 3939 Catherine 35764 Elizabeth 27966 (or Williams) 75692 Family (Hampshire) . . 74583 George (Kent) . . . . 64215 53069 J. Levine 2385 Jacob 14485 James (India) . . . . 29676 95686 John 26481 (buHder) .. .. 9271 Joseph 23264 Margaret 31487 Martha 5085 Mary 17666 . Ann 95687 Matthew 58883 Mrs 63329 Peter 31002 Eichard Henry .. .. 71503 Eobert 95688 F 69561 Watson .. .. 2639 Thomas 95689 (son of Eobert) 38662 Watson .. .. 2639 V. Wado 21594 William 95<.:»0 Wadcer, Veer Eajimdeer . . 57850 Wadey, Thomas Wadge, John , . Wadham family Gulielma Mary Wadlako, B. . . Wadland, Joseph Wadley, Henry John , . Wadlow, William George Wadsworth, James . . ■ John . . Wadworth, Nathaniel . . Wagerman, Charles Wagg, Elizabeth Waggett, Christopher and Thos Waghorne, Mary Windcbank Wagner, Mary Ann Wagstaff, James Wagstaffe v. Everett Wagster, John and Josiah Wain, James . . John . . (London) Waine, James . . Wainewright, Thomas William Wainfield, John Wainman, Hester . . Jane and Theodosia John and Thomas William Wainright, — Thomas . . Wainwright, Samuel Thomas (Livorpl) William . . Wait & Co. Family William Waite family (Chancery) George Henry Charles . . John (IMiddlescx) Mary Sarah Stephen and Thomas . . Waitcs, Michael Wfiithman, John . , Wake, Henry . . John V. Kidgo ■ WiUiMTIl . , Wakeiiold, Eli/.il.cth Faniilv . , 63023 11698 95691 30401 16617 1592 58043 54114 2247 32016 34928 371 95692 95693 95694 , 9931 13143 76834 75163 24568 95695 3097 22012 66462 3010 95696 53068 19916 24586 27966 6631 60638 7560 95697 21905 7151G 75192 95698 11839 51336 95699 71509 71518 2864 C7224 21219 37235 61058 67222 71506 60374 27967- 95700 24589 30031 ]667l 95702 381 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Ifaines relate will be found at end of Index. Wakefield, George 29 Harriet 95701 Isaac 19917 Jane Ezekiel . . 32473 Thomas C 23448 William .. .. 51333 Wakeford, Walter 1118 Wakelin, Hannah 56512 PhHip 15599 (Essex) . . 53014 Wakely, Ann and Elizabeth. . 21229 Francis 21672 Wakem v. Tozer 23781 Wakeman, Lydia 23753 Robert and William 61964 WakeriU, J^lizabeth . . . . 76226 Wakerley, .. .. 63175 Wakley, Ann 95706 Wakson, Andrew 12621 Walbey, Thomas C 60500 Walbonrn Family 27968 Walbum, WiUiam 9149 Walcot, 67232 Walcott, Charles 56615 Edmund 5258 Elisha 63420 Sarah 40012 Waldby, Isaac 38793 Waldegrave Family . . . . 67775 WaldeU, Richard Stewart . . 95707 Walden, Emily S. L. & IMrs. 66272 Mrs 8867 Waldergrave, Charles . . . . 5992 Waldie, Elizabeth and Robert 53889 Waldin, John 95708 Waldkirch, Yon Johann . . 675 Waldo V. Seeker 24591 Waldon, J. Terry 62008 Waldron, Catharine . . . . 73649 Daniel 4121 Edward 2747 Sarah 16471 William 95709 Walduck, Charles 51432 Wale Family 15344 James 2514 William 95760 Wales, Daniel 55345 Hannah 57985 John 74431 Walesbv, Francis Pearson . . 39663 Waley, 'Peter 95711 Waif ord, Elizabeth 14712 George 33142 Isaac 54960 John .. 15395 Edward .. .. 53107 ^ Joseph ,95712 Nathaniel 35202 Walke Family . . .. .» .. 95713 Walkenshaw, W., Capt 28913 Walker, — Rev 1813 Alexander .. .. 53037 (Glasgow) 74357 Ann (Nottingham) . . 63153 (Somerset) . . 5008 (Sussex) . . . . 56100 Benjamin (Yorkshire) 34552 53011 C. L., Lieut 28909 Caroline 22533 Cecil, S. T 75669 Charles 56495 E 60506 Charlotte & Cornelius 95716 V. Clarke 24558 David (Sussex) . . 56099 12798 Deane 95717 Diana 9377 Edmund 70471 Edward 27970 EHza .. .. c. 27971 (orCHdeU) .. 13081 Ann .; .. 33176 Eliz. (daughter of Rd.) 32536 (Birmingham) 7874 F. Q 29677 Fanuly (abroad) . . 66690 (Surrey) . . 73788 (Surrey) .. 95718 V. Fisher 24569 Frances Mary . . . . 839 Frederick 3142 G. W. (Ensign) . . 11073 George (IVIiddlesex) 7307 26109 (Salford) . . 16303 (or John) . . 3887 H 27974 Hannah (N.S. Wales) 71528 (descendants of) 34887 Heneage 68139 , Henry (Middlesex) 5969 (Ensign) . . 8797 G 22537 Horatio 11819 Isaac 68262 James 59370 (Colonies) . . 19918 Kinlock . . 73033 M 95720 Robertson . . 55125 Jane 12220 John (corporal) . . 73791 (hat manufacture) 6261 : 1813 (Colonies) . . 19919 Bourne .. .. 2386 S 22538 382 Directions for ohtaininc/ full copies of the Advertisements to tvhich these If tunes relate will be found at end of Index. "Walker, Joseph (Australia) Latham & Co. . . Margaret (N.K.) Margueretta . . Mary (Middlesex) (legatee) . . Ann Frances . . Jane Matilda Miss Mr Nicholas Peter (Colonies) Eachael Ealph V Rebecca ■ Eichard W ■ Ebt. (tallow chndlr.) ■ Eobert, Eev • Samuel (Manchester) Sarah (or Marriott) Eachael Smith M Steirs Stephen . . Susan Thomas (Oxford) (seaman) C., Lieut. H. Wallis Adams . . V. Wedgwood . . Wm. (Middlesex) (Eugby).. (died 1846) Walkington, "William . . Walkins, E. C. (India) . . . . Walkley, Harriet Ann . . "WaU, — (brthr. of Mrs. King) Anne V. Bushby Captain Charles WiUiam . . Edward Family Frances (Chancery) Francis George Governor James 67226 35679 9862 16208 26110 56614 338 55494 8079 53034 23003 55495 68136 3476 53890 3355 19920 9376 27976 71522 27977 56829 35675 95721 22536 30141 27978 14941 9588 27979 95722 590 51245 95723 8997 1546 28910 22534 22535 24597 63054 37792 815^ 689 56713 73166 75661 11937 65146 24556 27980 11642 50942 58628 39375 60943 35524 66295 23565 95726 "Wall, John (descendants of) . . and Mary and Samuel (Derby) (Limerick) . . Lavender Mary (Middlesex) . . . . Ann Messrs Prudence Eichard H Samuel (relatives of) Stephen "William "Wallace, - A. J. B. . - Charles . - Daniel N. - Family Francis George Ida and Mary C. . . J. McLeod John J. (Colonies) . . (Covent-garden) Margaret Mr. (died abroad) . . I\Irs K, Lieut. -Col.. .. jS'icholas Eichard Eobert, Eev (Lancaster) . . Sarah Thomas . . William (India) Wallard, Eobert . . . . ■Wallbancke, Frederick . . "Wallbridgc, "William "WiiUenor, "Waller Sarah "Wallens, "William . . Waller, Alexander . . Ann Augustus "V. Elizabeth . . . . H., Eev J. G James John (York) . . Joseph Q. . . Martin . . Mary (Sussex) Matthew Eichard and Samuel Sarah (Kent) 64338 92 14239 9493 6222 3074 7695 75193 95726 33752 16219 11768 56297 54007 95727 95728 27981 25544 17149 26442 23455 95729 29678 1890 22447 25553 19921 6871 12322 71495 10497 29679 19922 26589 26196 54879 58524 40909 76952 21950 74472 33575 24032 95735 11908 56510 23477 1437 95736 95736 15796 35773 8642 61953 71519 53120 27982 11334 95737 76225 383 Directions for obtaining full copies of tlie Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. WaUer, Sarah 9744 v. Stanton 23782 WaUey, Francis 69458 Thomas 16197 WaUis, — .. .. 27983 Betsy 12494 Christopher 63150 Edward 95739 Elizabeth (Bath) . . . . 10394 (or Betsy) . . 12494 FamUy (India) . . . . 29680 George John . . . . 30914 • Harriet 36834 James 14042 John (Surrey) . . . . 76954 (i^ewcastle) . . 3794 (legatee) . . . . 22293 Eyder 95740 Lewis B 69559 Martha.. 15329 Mary 14041 Mr. (gardener) . . . , 17408 Porter 3694 Robert 30374 Thomas 3969 William (AustraHa) . . 73036 13067 HiU, Major 56069 WaUplate Family 22793 Walls, Joseph 74431 Sarah 95741 Wallwyn, AnnH 27984 Walmesley, William . . . . 95742 Walmsley, James 29681 Jennett .. .. 17831 Thomas .... 65140 William .. .. 37377 Walpole, Edgar 871 Sir Edward .. .. 16501 Elizabeth 27985 Family 3447 John 57881 Marv 8468 Miss 31564 Richard, Hon 9917 Walrond, Jane W 57955 Walser, John 1403 Walsh, — (widow of Henry) 50972 Andrew (Dublin) . . 3820 11802 Ann 95743 Charlotte 30132 Edward 26471 (Colonies) . . 19923 A. J 58246 Elizabeth 11714 Francis (Italy) . . . . 73790 21907 George 34928 Gerald 11231 Walsh, Gerald F. and M. Anne 23304 Henry 60972 WnHam . . . . 39809 Hugh 11230 • (Chancery) .. 75719 James Adolphus . . . . 39585 John (or Thomas) . . 28916 Sergt 29682 Jonathan (Kendal) .. 75187 Rogers . . 51296 Matthew 24699 Richard 3820 Spencer W., Rev. . . 23029 Thomas (Ireland) . . 75719 23167 WiUiam 16406 (abroad) . . 25835 Walss, Johann 74350 Waltas, C 95744 Walter, Ann 8491 Anne 55140 Charles 12746 Daniel, Rev 6647 Eliz. Maria . . . . 35366 Francis 12698 Frederick 36738 John (Australia) . . 35404 Priscilla, I^Irs 57285 Wm. Julius (Kent) .. 68138 Walters, Miss E 95745 Edward 95746 Elizabeth Stevens . . 76949 Family 6506 Frederick 19924 H. G 28918 J. (Richmond) . . 74330 James Woodbridge 31413 Jane 64240 John 27987 Thomas 95747 WiUiam (Stafford) . . 63146 Walterstorff, Countess . . . . 7058 Waltham, James 95748 Walthew, Charles H 57245 Richards 63152 Walton, — 109 Charles 57113 Charlotte Matilda . . 67234 Family 95750 James 50330 John(Cimiberland) . . 5446 (died abroad) . . 30075 (Colonies) .. 19925 Joseph 17922 Letitia 16793 Mary Ann .. .. 71523 Mr 10129 Rearson 75656 Peter . . . . . . 23527 Robert (Cumberland) 73687 384 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Walton, Susan 95745 Thomas 838 William . . . . " . . 57288 (Middlesex) 5704 (Stafford) . 12073 Waltz, George Warren . . . . 17982 Walworth Family and John. . 95756 Wanchub, Daniel 75719 Wand, Edward 58714 Thomas 16270 Wandsworth, John 1588 Wanen, Fanny 3522 Wanhep, — 75188 Wannell, John 25940 Wanner, Eobert 95758 Wansey, John . . 58876 Waple, Mary Melicent . . . . 10462 Warble, Daniel 5877 Warboys, Maria (or Leiston) . 3136 Warburton, George . . . . 69558 95759 D'Arcy .. 51040 James 32731 Joseph 38441 Mary 11076 Kichard . . . . 21594 Warcup, Isabel 95760 Ward, Ann (or CoUins) . . . . 5215 17606 Annette S 68363 Charles 5769 Edward .. .. 2408 . S 61966 V. Cooke 24563 ComeHus 3323 Edward (Colonies) . . 19926 15051 Edwin William Maclay 2365 Eleanor (York) . . . . 76924 . Eliza 11986 (or Wood) . . . . 75207 (Middlesex) . . 76229 Elizabeth (or Debnell) 73694 C 53004 Family (Chancery) . . 24584 95761 George (seaman) . . . . 1351 Augustus.. .. 35784 H. T .. 59145 Henry 30396 Sir Henry Georgo . . 71553 James (Colonies) . . . . 19927 (Middlesex) .. 69321 John (China) . . . . 71529 (shopkeeper) . . 13153 Major 39666 John Abel 60640 Joseph 67722 (Colonics) . . 19929 S 24696 Ward, Lydia . . . . ' . . . . 64786 Maria 38260 E 22180 Mary (or Bantcombe) 9307 (Chancery) .. 62979 Messrs 40221 IVIrs. (or Keible) . . 13154 E. S 22181 Richard 23654 (York) . . . . 35920 Robert E 22521 S 22187 Samuel 64238 Neville . . . . 75719 Sarah (Middlesex) . . 5891 (wife of PhiHp) 8725 Sophia 51213 ■ ■ (to advantage) 936 Susanna 79045 Thomas 33414 Sir Thomas 5770 Thomas WilHam . . . . 76229 C. B 29683 William (Colonies) . . 19930 1757 James .. .. 31439 Warde Charles T 73691 George 25555 John (Berks) . . . . 76898 R. A 28920 WiUiam W., Lieut. . . 29684 Warden, James R 76798 Margaret 95768 Richard and Thomas 27989 Steward . . 53070 Warden, A. D., Captain. . . . 75229 & Brothers . . . . 16610 . Charles (Middlesex) 1146 13046 George 19931 H 95769 J. B. and R. P. . . 22183 MatUda 22299 Alfred W 74768 Jeremiah and John . . 21374 WilHam 58461 Wardio, Catherine 35386 Wardle, Daniel 17316 James (East Indies) . . 3709 (Staffordshire) 6744 Margaret 14892 Wardloy, Daniel 11070 Wardrop Family 67412 Wards, Sarah 439 Ware, Joseph 70441 Mrs 95970 Wareing, Margaret 8882 Ralph 38977 Warfor, Sophia 50433 Warham, Dennis 96771 385 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Waring, Ann 7305 Elijah 9067 Francis 3926 Hannah 21335 Henry 2315 James 6736 Margaret 95772 Richard HiU .. .. 75210 Sampson 22849 95773 Sarah 17430 Jane .. .. 17638 William 5736 Wailich— 67357 Warlow, Maria 71899 Warne, Hannah 8025 ■ James (JMiddlesex) . . 17947 37457 John 51050 Mrs. (children of) . . 74793 Warner, Edward, Colonel . . 53899 George and Henry. . 50504 . (Surrey) . . 32053^ GustaYus Meredith. . 13264 ■ James .... . . 95774 Geo. (Glo'ster) 14795 (Berks) 4064 Jane 8999 John 1330 Jonathan 53912 Margaretta . . . . 95775 . Mary Isabel .. .. 95776 • ]\Irs 26082 Samuels 29991 Thomas 14619 . William 95777 Wames, 30737 Warningham, Andrew & Sarah 5221 Mary . . . . 16359 Warnock, Francis and William 57606 Warr, Joseph 19932 Warrall, John and M 1716 Warre, John 95778 Thomas William, Major 30829 Warren, Ann 30222 Lingee .. .. 76230 . Baron de 95779 Catherine Elizabeth. . 6160 Charles (Middlesex) 66295 38304 , Harris.. .. 16828 Edward (Chancery) 75719 315 Family 95780 . Fanny 27993 . George 51752 . James (Colonies) . . 19933 36460 . John 30024 (Colonies) . . 19934 Warren, Joseph 67238 Mary Ann . . . . 95781 Michael 69609 Mrs 760 Sir Peter 60634 Robert . . .... 1289 Sarah 27994 Thomas (Middlesex) 74525 (son of) . . 66296 Merton . . 75128 W 22411 V. Whitworth . . . . 24599 ■ WilUam (Sussex) .. 38378 40823 Warrener, Jane 21529 Warring, Elizabeth 95783 Warrv,Mr 12866 Warton, Sarah E 27995 Warwick, Ann 73766 Emanuel and Nancy 76934 Ensor 95784 George 35901 John 7198 Thomas 576 WilHam 31750 Wary, E 95785 Wasdale, Matthew 51526 Wasey, Ohver 74358 Washbourn, William .. .. 40752. Washbrooke, Henry . . . . 74794 Washington, Abraham . . . . 19935 . Robert .. .. 95785 Waskett, EHzabeth 68146 WasseU, Richard (Stafford) . . 33370 Wastell, EUen Miles .. .. 40197 Watchom, Ann 73995 Wate, Sarah 95786 Waterall, Elizabeth 75643 Waterer, Mary Ann . . . . 53126 Waterfall Family (or Water- field) 6169 Waterford, Tobias 95787 Waterhouse, Faith Mary . . 69557 John 63012 Samuel .. .. 69219 & Willis .. .. 27996 Waterlow v. Burt 74856 Waterman, John and Mary . . 95788 . Thomas .. 30624 Mary Dunn. . . . 24119 S., IMrs 22262 Samuel 14649 WiUiam .. .. 14226 Waters,— 95790 Edmund 32657 & Morgan 64483 . Family (Chancery) . . 75675 ■ (Sussex) .. 74801 George Humphrey . . 73037 eTames 63163 2B 386 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Waters, John (Newhaven) . M., Mrs Mary Mrs. (or Campbell) . . Eobert (Middlesex) . . Thomas William (Colonies) .. W Waterson, Hugh Waterworth, Francis William Watford, Isaac . . Wathen, Jonathan . . Watherston, David , . Watken, Anna M. . . Watkin, Elizabeth . . Watkins, Amelia . . Andrew . . Arm . . , , Eliza Charles S Christopher , , David Jones . , E. C Edward . . , . Elijah . . . . F. W Francis Wilmer George (attorney) V.Hall Henrietta Auriol . , Henry Jacob James . , . . . . John (son of William) (Warrington) . . George Robson Louisa Augusta Martha Mary (Middlesex) , , Messrs. (tailors) Morgan, Rev PhiHp Rachel Richard Rev Samuel Thomas (Hereford) . . (Whitcchapol) Rev. William (Oxford) Watkinson, John Carter Curtis 74372 27997 54794 348 73912 76962 16394 32305 19936 63157 21514 3942 74375 73061 9041 11440 64219 54558 39582 10337 6459 73689 61263 776 9087 71726 95791 51100 75191 50364 76959 74355 24574 7298 7934 95792 53103 6933 39276 5480 514 39583 7581 21333 6773 76222 7298 11089 36272 2592 6970 63110 14055 6459 03948 71550 3328 95793 11406 96794 Watkinson, Robert 9440 Watling, Henry G 56812 Watlington, John H 61962 — William .. .. 40095 Watmore, James Went worth . 40725 Watmouth, Thomas . . . . 95795 Watson, Alexander . . . . 27998 George . . 66657 Ana 63161 (York) . . — — (Guernsey) V. Bradley Brook Burnside & Co. Charles (Norfolk) 4423 11891 24551 59142 40848 63109 11077 Charlotte 17484 Christopher .. .. 95796 Daniel (Colonies) . . 19937 David (Lincoln) . . 76933 E. D., Capt 22261 Edmund 59744 Edward, Hon. , W. . Eliza Holmes . . Elizabeth.. .. (Surrey) Euphemia F Family (Middlesex) . 11622 27999 71544 28000 60149 95797 28001 76223 24606 Frances 31703 George (H.M.S.) .. 2547 (Norwich) . . 6039 H., Lieut 28924 Harriet 95799 14291 16089 69256 6602 28002 63143 75670 8720 95800 6695 29685 19938 2237 74359 3676 4861 Henry (Sussex) Isaac Isabella (or Baxter) Isobel James (Carlisle) Jane John (India) . . (Colonies) (Bothnal-greon) (Manchester) . . Smith Thomas , . Joseph 25623 Joshua 74398 Kitty 6299 Levi 34971 Lieutenant .. .. 37894 Margaret .. .. 28003 (Cumberland) 75670 Mary 95801 387 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Watson, Mary Tracy . . . , 22959 — W 23388 Mrs. (next of kin) . . 70205 28004 . Neil 836 ■ Peter (late of Middlsex) 5892 Ealph 23522 V. Eeed 24588 Eichard (York) . . 31028 Robert 23397 Samuel (seaman) .. 11091 (wanted) . . 31287 Sarah 8610 59344 Serjeant 75229 Sophia 23390 Susannah 95803 Thomas (Chancery) 75656 (Colonies) . . 19939 (London) . . 2998 C 71545 Timothy 68677 WiUiam (or Thomas) 76227 ■ (weaver) . , , 540 (Lincoln) 5407 . Dr. (India) 29686 H 59527 Watt, Alexander 66305 James (engineer) . . 23041 3827 • John (Liverpool) . . 71555 34173 • Josephine 95804 Mary 28005 ■ Eobert 55846 W 32880 William 35015 . Conhorough 31057 Wattenburg, Maria Leopold. . 4210 Watters, Eichard 95805 Watton & Co. . . 95807 ■ Family 95808 Watts, Alfred 60663 Ann (Chancery) . . . . 71898 54011 Anna Maria 73693 Benjamin 31416 Caroline Amelia . . . . 76224 Charles 54914 Charlotte 63199 Clement, Eev 6217 & Co 58895 David P 58874 . Eobinson .. 33851 Edmund 95811 ■ Edward 50808 EUzabeth (Middlesex) 51052 . 95812 (Surrey) . . 5483 Francis 40111 Watts, George 6598 Henry 9819 James 5250 • John (Middlesex) . . 30830 (Colonies) . . . . 19940 Matilda 37258 . Iilrs. (India) .. .. 29114 Nicholas 67237 Norah 29687 Eobert (Gloucester) . . 6745 (Middlesex) . . 14191 Samuel (Gloucester) . . 64222 1899 Sarah Habday .. .. 54914 Thomas 73690 Walter .. 9o813 William 15116 W. C 75190 Watwood, Joseph 8877 Waugden, Eichard 22340 Waugh, George 40774 John 35535 Thomas 34991 WilHam 19942 Wavell, James 53108 Jonathan 34235 Way, Ann (legatee) . . . . 9638 (widow) 6639 Elizabeth 16098 James 34591 John (Colonies) . . . . 19943 Louis . . 14991 Thomas (Somersetshire) . 1198 34591 WHHam 9649 Waylen, William 12117 Wayley, Peter 9735 Wayman, Berry and William 32158 Waymouth, George 17723 Wayne, James ,, 3010 Waysmith v. Thomas . . . . 24531 Wayt Family 17715 Wayte, WiHiam 38320 Wayth, Annie 67254 Wealand, William 2207 Weale, Maria . . 5108 Wealland, John 95814 Wear, Thomas 69560 Wearham, William 35072 Wearing, Henry 39943 WeatheraU, v. Browne , . . . 24554 • Captain . . . . 74394 Ealph 68158 Thomas .. .. 35483 Weatherhead, Thomas . . . . 75193 Weatherl(?y, Elizabeth ... . . 36652 Weatherstead, John . . . . 69562 Weatherstone, Jane . . , . 57921 Weaver, Anna . . . , . . . . 95815 2B2 388 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tvhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Weaver, Anthony 95816 -Esther 21071 Hannah 50171 James 76969 John (farmer) . . . . 75197 (India) . . . . 29688 Mary Ann .. .. 8527 ^ Rebecca 72486 Thomas 95817 & Tyler, Messrs. . . 76968 — WiUiam 58235 Weavers Family 10215 Joseph 10227 Webb, — (miser) 26511 Ann 9155 Benjamin 32374 ' Charles (or Purkis) . . 69350 and Charles T. 68688 Clarissa Julia . . . . 75679 David 32878 Edmund .. .. .. 95818 Edward 16563 Elizabeth (or OdaU) . . 631 : (Chester) . . 40904 Frederick 74377 George 67639 34781 Henry 30074 (Colonies) . . 19944 James (Greenwich Hos.) 1 299 Michael .. .. 38288 Job ........ 6264 John (seaman) . . . . 1402 (Madras) .. .. 8799 Barton . . . . 34233 Richmond . . . . 6040 Joseph G. (Colonies) . . 19945 23236 Judith 95820 JuHa, Miss 76233 Lettice 67638 Maria 28007 Marmaduke 95821 Mary 38452 Ann (widow) . . 51514 Matthias 57917 N.S., Major 28925 PhiUp Barker . . . . 60274 Richmond 95822 Samuel 95823 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 69564 -^ 26022 .- .^ (Dorsui).. .. 17629 (Dorsetshire).. 6263 r^ (Haddenham) . 6373 r-^ r^ Edward.. .. 38463 .^ .^ H 68247 Timothy 95824 William (Somerset) . . 68149 ^ (Colonics).. 199 IG Webb, William (seaman) . . 1534 J 61978 Webbe, Thomas 660 Webber, Ann 11426 Charles G 59394 Family 95824 Frank G 19948 James 74472 Richard and Thomas 95825 William Robert . . 51492 Webley, Edward 1250 Walter 75675 Webster, Alice 9069 ■ Ann (or Waterfall) 6169 51041 Arthur Charles . . 53049 Benjamin 31806 Charles Wedderbum 51577 Daniel Nathaniel .. 21421 David . . .... 50772 Edward Webster .. 30559 Family 95828 George (Canada) . . 75198 Isaac 57957 James (India) . . . . 28927 . Janet 840 John 25605 Joseph (York) . . . . 50656 (to advantage) 1465 Joshua 21 741 Mary Ann (Chancery) 74465 (York) .. .. 53592 21742 Peter (Colonies) . . 19949 (Leicester) .. 73685 Robert 32494 Thomas (London) . . 7936 (Orkney Isles) 8545 V. Webster . . . . 24598 William . . . . . . 58005 Granville.. 51142 Wedd, Elizabeth 53117 George 13090 Weddall, Robert Plummer . . 37922 Wodderburn, Sir Jas. Webster 61576 Wcddlo, James and William 95832 Wedcn, Charles 95833 Wedlake, PrisciUa Brayler . . 127 Wccch Family 62824 Wooding, Thomas 60068 Wccdon, Frederick 95834 WiUiam 63904 Wecgc, Jacobus de 21330 Weokes, Catherine 63893 Elizabeth Brandon . . 10238 John 73040 Wcekloy, Edward 4429 Weeks, Ann (or Edward) . . 75874 Harriet 53010 J. Matilda 74380 389 J){rections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to ivhich these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. m Weeks, James . . 40881 Jane 5416 John 8018 William 53020 Weetman, Matthew . . . . 53019 Wegg, William 7150 Wegreen, Eric 36539 Weguelin, George 60626 Weigburg, 19950 Weight, John 19951 Lucy 95835 Messrs 9954 Theophilus . . . . 55108 57951 Weir, Agnes (or Charters) . . 13233 Alexander 95836 Duncan (R.N.) . . . . 95837 George 2748 James 12016 John 9291 . and Marion . . 26532 Alexander . . . . 3409 S 68145 Thomas Guthrie. . . . 71561 WilUam 4906 Weiss, Mary 726 Welbank, William 39528 Welhorn, Silas P 31125 Welboum, William . . . . 9149 Welburn Family 76236 Welby, Ann 65365 Catherine .. .... 40006 ■ William 21016 Welch, Charlotte 28009 David 58016 Elizabeth 7818 Henry 55863 Hester, Lady (legatees) 74789 James 8717 ■ (Manchester) . . 16650 John (Nottingham) . . . 55876 907 Joseph 95838 Eichard . . . . . . 95839 Robert, Dr 30025 Sarah 21221 Sons 34928 Stephen John F. .. 64244 Thomas (New Zealand) 75683 WilUam (N. K.) . . 1347 Gilby . . . . 37847 Yoxall 34368 Weldin, George 95840 Weldon, John (son of Patrick) 14480 '■ (son of John) . . 2011 Joseph 39584 Sarah, Miss (Drury-lane) 2341 (or Wilson) . . 1926 (children of) 11446 • Thomas (London) . . 70455 Weldon, Walter 35768 William 7984 Weldy, John J 25090 WcKord, Richard 65409 Welfrid, Joseph P 21176 Well, Richard 95841 Welland Family 22184 Wellard Family (India) . . . . 29689 Francis 95842 William 452 WeUer, Ann (Oxford) . . . . 68622 . 1466 Edward .. .. .. 5342 ■ Elizabeth (Kent) . . 56361 17605 Francis 58534 James (Middlesex) . . 70456 : Rev 10311 Mary 8466 Richard 1466 (Lambeth) . . 6218 Robert 1466 ■ Sarah 17610 Thomas 95843 ■ WiUiam 17680 Welles, Ann and Charlotte . . 28010 John 4071 Samuel 7347 WilHam 10549 Wellesley, Arthui- 95844 Hon. James F. .. 60817 Richard .. .. 75719 Wm. Richard Pole 34956 Wellington, Arthur .. .. 19952 ■ George 6373 Wellman, WilHam 4015 Wells V. Chambre 24560 • Charles 61464 (Colonies) .. 19953 Cubits 38917 Daniel . . .• 15955 Edward 66899 Charles J. .. 64246 ■ EHzabeth, (Surrey) . . 62790 .. .... 3378 Emma Chase . . . . 3838 Emily 40580 Family (Sussex) . . . . 76238 Francis 95845 Frederick M 68159 «'. Gendron 24571 George (India) . . . . 29690 30491 Gideon 59167 Hannah 62374 & Hayle, Messrs. . . 2967 Henry 69563 James 54201 Jane 16518 John (legacy to) . . . . 17579 390 t)irections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. WeUs, Sir Jolin 32673, Joseph 57980 C 24733 Mary Ann 55205 Miss 34818 Mr 50813 Nathaniel 59208 Peter 62375 Sally 54988 Sarah (aioucester) . . 16293 (or Eldridge) . . 6102 &Thos. (orWiUs) 51569 Thomas 25865 William 33695 WeUsted, John 70452 Wellstood, John 11150 WelmhaU, Elizabeth . . . . 95864 Welphy, William ; 22806 Welsford Family 21395 Mary Ann .. .. 95847 William 75661 Welsh, Anna 24659 George 95848 H 10072 James 95849 John 4207 Patrick 19955 ' Richard 39851 Rohert 10086 Samuel , . . 5805 Welsher, James (or Wilsher) 2389 Welson, John and William .. 95850 Welstead «;. Dutton 23783 Weltden, G 75719 Welter, J. F 70413 Welton, Isaac 53595 John 29691 Robert 65862 William 63177 Wemyss, Edward & Thomas J. 60629 Wenbome, Ann 24152 Wenliam, EUzabeth . . . . 19956 Thomas S 70453 Wenman, Charles 1581 Charlotte . . . . 249 Edward 28928 Wennington, Charlotte . . . . 74796 Henry Wilkinson andWilHamV 74376 Wensley, William 11074 Went, James (engineer) . . 76931 Wentworth, — 28013 V.Litchfield.. .. 24579 Messrs 3682 Edward .. .. 60217 Family 96854 Mr 73686 Viscount .. .. 9045 William .. .. 3799 Wenyeve, George 9427 Weppler, Elizabeth Boyle . . 6412 Were, William 19957 Werk, Francis U 63180 Werkhman, Gabriel and J. . . 8037 Werren, John G 10572 Werrett, Sarah 7189 Worry, Mary 59285 Wescombe, Nicholas . . . . 9503 Wescott Family 54518 Wessell, — 28014 Joseph . . . . • • 95854 Wesson, Thomas 73062 West Middlesex Annuity Society 71517 West New Jersey Society . . 73346 West, — (late 40th foot) . . 53403 • Aaron ' ' 95855 Alicia 59505 ■ Andrew 37767 ■ Benjamin 12477 Charles H., Captain . . 29G92 John . . . . 68152 Milbome , . 75676 Charlotte 28015 V. Collins 24561 Edward 28016 (representatives) 53098 (Surrey) . . . . 66551 (London) .. 34546 Elizabeth (rel. of J. Noel) 2848 (or Gurr) . . 8069 Enoch, or John Butler (legatees) 74791 Family 75676 (Chancery) . . 95866 Francis (seaman) . . 1609 George (Colchester) . . 12618 Benjamin . . 38936 Henry (seaman, India) 11080 (Deal, Kent) . . 5794 James 35211 E. (Kent) . . 64247 . James Eldridge 30904 Jannet 3693 John (Feltham) .. 6951 (nephew of Moses) 12617 (or George) . . 10340 Townsend . . . . 33707 Lord 37765 Martha (Battcreca) . . 76238 Mary (a/ta« Willis) .. 75498 Moses 12617 Nicholas 95861 Richard Edward. . . . 29693 65366 Sarah 5794 Thomas 73787 Walter Peter .. .. 12485 WiUiam (Colonies) . . 19958 67879 WostaU, Mr 63402 391 Directions for ohtaudng full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will he found at end of Index. Westall, Thomas 15341 William 33210 "Westbeech, John 6101 Westhrook, Arthur 8879 Elizabeth .. .. 61977 • John 7028 Westbury (level of) 58730 Dinah 75194 Westcott, Elizabeth . . . . 15396 Jane 71430 Westell, James 65149 Westerbury, Peter 6403 Westerdale, Rebecca . . . , 15487 Westerman, Eichard . . . . 95866 Sarah 6161 Western, Elizabeth 8465 John 8473 Mary (or Westran) 3472 Westfold, Thomas 74799 Westiby, Ann 95867 Westlake, Family 68144 Catherine Jane . . 32348 Westland, Abraham . . . . 95868 George and Eobert . . 60017 Westley v. Barks 95869 John and Richard . . 95871 Robert 17371 Samuel 11985 Wesleyan Foreign Mis. Socty. 74345 Westmacott, George Edward 28930 Henry S 61980 Thomas .. .. 95872 Westmeath, Marchioness of . . 53007 Westminster, Treasurer of . , 95872 Westmoreland, — . . . . . , 73044 Westmorland, Capt. William . . 53053 Westoby, W 67356 Weston, Ann (dau. of Wm.) . . 50686 «_ ^ ^ ^ 39924 Charles C* * ! .' ! ! 25901 . Elizabeth 467 FamHy (Dorset) . . 67734 George (Middlesex) 6162 26513 Henry 53033 James (Surrey) . . 32853 John 28017 Lucy 50684 Mary 11177 (formerly Cooper) 14426 Matilda 95837 Mr. (hotel keeper) . . 76927 Eichard 28018 H 59874 Robert Harcourt . . 64395 Thomas, Captain . . 66368 M. W. . . 74379 6507 Wm. (son of James) 39924 H. P 23313 Westran, John and Mary . , 3472 Westrop, 95876 Westropo, Mary 1104 Westropp 28019 Mountiford .. .. 13010 Westrup, George 75664 Westwood, Ann 7347 ■■ EUzabeth .. .. 5504 John 95877 WetenhaU, EUzabeth .. .. 28079 Laetitia .. .. 76352 WetheraU, Betty 28021 Fred. Agustus . . 13159 WethereU, Charles F 25613 Thomas . . . . 60632 Wetherill, Geo. and Richard . . 63179 Wethly, John 53002 Wetten Family 68681 John Luke 34258 Wettenholm, Peter . . . . 95878 Wetwan, George 61981 Wetwood, Benjamin . . . . 15679 Joseph 16042 Weyland, John 60572 V. Weyland . . . . 24596 Weymouth, H 32880 Mary 37671 Whadcoat, James and John . . 96879 Whaits, Robert 66286 Whalen, Catherine 23862 Whales, Robert 63538 WhaUey, John 64262 ]Mrs 63330 Nathaniel . . . . 68870 Thomas 61664 Sedgwick . 63599 Whaplate, .. .. 65164 Whare, A 28022 Wharmby Family 74361 Wharton, Eleanor 95881 Eliza 21100 Frederick . . . . 95882 George 36775 Jarvis 9740 John (Melbourne).. 69588 Captain . . . . 19726 Martin 9704 Michael 4621 Sarah . . . . . . 95883 Thomas 28023 (a lunatic) . . 33844 William 68874 Whatling, George 60625 Whately, Thomas (Hertford) . 75693 Whatman, Charles 50045 Whatmore, Arthur 54049 , Wentworth . . . . 95884 Whattoff, John 32921 Wheable, Ann Cather.n^ c . 73786 392 Directions for obtaining full copies of the AdveHisemcnts to which these Name^ relate will be found at end of Index. Wheal Anna Mine . . . . Friendship Mine . . Wheatall, John Wheatcroft, Henry . , Wheate v. Andrews . . Wheatley, Charles James ^ — Family . . Hannah . . Harriett Ann . . Henry, Kev. . . Hugh Jane, Mrs & John . . John (Durham) Joseph Mary (wife of John) . Miss Richard and Samuel Sarah Ellen . . Thomas & Thompson . . WilHam(N. S.Wales) Whebley, Edward Wheeldon, Isaac . . .... Wheeler, • — (Herefordshire) . . Ann Anne (Hereford) . . Benjamin V. Brewer Daniel .... ■ Edward ■ EHzaheth (Wiltshire) (formly.Rice] Family George (Hants) «». Gill Harriet Henry John (Surrey) . . Rogers . , Mary Ricliard C Thomas (Wilts) . . (Blacklriars) Lucas (London WilJiam (Wiltshu-e) Wheelhouse, George . . . . John Wheelwright, Chas. A., Rev. Family Hannah . . '■ John Whelan, Edward Lieut. , . Michael '1 homas (Ireland) 73536 73536 28931 64259 95886 68211 95887 36207 71563 16255 33385 33462 71482 38139 10703 28024 68876 33462 31903 3557 95888 67785 71564 1178 1250 31453 71576 28024 75196 11988 23784 40723 59143 2464 4146 2067 34738 28025 24572 54U12 6265 69568 55899 28026 76242 2067 54013 ) 4053 2067 73681 39014 55827 95890 2206 39569 24582 22488 21-694 25891 75719 Whelan, William . . Wheldalo, John Whcler, John : . . Whelpdale, Walter . . Whichcote, Family . , Whichelo, Richard Mayle Whicher, James John Whichwood, — Whieldon, George . . WhifFen, Thomas . . Whildblood, Hannah Whildon, Elizabeth.. .. While, EHzabeth . . . . John Whiley, Deborah (wife of Wm.) Whillans Family Whimper, Jane Whincopp, William Whincup, Louisa Whinfield, Moses Whinnet, Elizabeth Whinnctt, Ann and Sarah . . Whinney, Bostock T Whinship, Samuel Whinyates, Jane Thomas, Rev. Whipham, Frances Theodore William Whipps, Sarah WhijDpy, Benjamin Whish, Lucinda Lieut.-Gen Whiskin, George Whistler, Charles G. H., Capt Mary and Thomas . . Whiston, Catherine Whitaker, Daniel David — • Elizabeth (Kent) . . EUen George James (liSncaster) John (Nottingham) Rev. . . Joseph . . Mary (or Brooks) Sarah . . Stephen William Whitby, John, Captain ' Sarah Tliomas . . Whitchurch, A.nn . . James . . Whitcomb, Eleanor Thomas Whitcroft, Robert Andrew 26614 69570 34559 35646 95892 53892 3678 95893 23758 58616 29695 95894 75077 95895 1147 63077 95896 95897 5344 74745 50869 95898 14044 60529 95899 190 95900 61973 64256 51199 71900 ^2196 29696 40465 74786 29697 31046 1256 95901 16479 9439 11458 38969 25851 76932 70468 11459 33557 1893 28027 904 54761 71901 70405 39695 67883 38101 52625 5806 30715 393 JDirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. White, A. (India) . . . . Alexander .... Allen Amelia (Middlesex) Rebecca . . Amphias Ann Bernard Bridget Bromley (Clapham) Catherine . . Charles Albert . . &Co Daniel (Colonies) David Diana Edward Elizabeth . . . . . . Ellen (or Barrett) . . Family (Leicestershire) Frances Francis (Middlesex) a. F Gabriel a. .. George (Kent) (Portsea) . . (son of James) (Colonies) G Hannah (wife of Wm.) (legatee) Harriott Henry (Auckland) (wanted) Sir Henry He>ter Hoult Humphrey, Lieut.-Col. J. (died abi-oad) . . James (Colonies) (Essex) . . Jeremiah Joe (or Mr. J.) . . John, Rev. (Chancery) Commander (gunner H. M. S.) (Doncastor) (Mitcham) . . . . {alias Restorick) (Canada) ■ William Joseph • Margaret • Maria 28933 23048 8041 o808 71417 28028 75204 11348 73715 95902 76248 95903 37119 36748 53887 19959 51648 12418 8042 6991 21339 76235 26364 8999 95904 783 28029 74448 95906 75682 25929 73683 2296 19960 29698 5807 17615 2357 56596 2199 9298 1717 17308 29699 73784 19961 1187 56941 36525 76676 33467 1806 7172 8479 52783 53054 36997 9938 95906 95907 White, Martha (or Pizzy) Mary (legatee) . . (Norfolk) (Pimlico) Merup Michael Miss . Mr. Mrs. (Harrow) Rev. Nancy . . Nathaniel, Philip Ralph Rebecca Richard ]\Ieredith Samuel . Robert (oil & colorman) (Ponsacola) .. Joseph .. .. Rosetta . Samuel (Cambridge) . Henry Sarah (legatee) Harriott Sophia Susan Thomas (Surrey) (Colonies) (City of London) {(dias Waite) . . Jenkins . . W. R. (surgeon) V. AVhite William (ship-steward) (Surrey) (Colonies) . . Henry (Surrey) _ p. . Whitcacres, John . , Whitear, Sarah ■ Wliitechurch, Jacob Whitefield, George . , Henry . John Whitefoord, George, Rev. Whitef ord, Sir George . . J. R WhitehaU, Sarah Whitehead, C. T., Lieut. . Edward (London) and Fredk. Fredk. and Edwin Geoi-ge — Henry 38321 5686 1370 5471 7572 59486 74745 3790 33608 35036 52196 11738 76247 25377 5686 95908 11279 31531 56273 3146 76247 71418 95909 14069 78072 53888 5686 36389 , 95911 53113 73065 19963 75719 1582 95912 53404 24602 33 70866 19964 64235 95913 68210 9753 95914 28030 11513 95915 6373 30665 26470 65367 31443 11081 15411 28031 71562 67758 35557 394 Direciions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Karnes relate will be found at end of Index. Whitehead, Hester Mary . . 58537 Howard, & Had- dock 65406 James 1362 Hyde . . 36660 John 7506 (Colonies) . . 25522 . Higgins . . 1362 Joseph 95915 Mary 3769 Eebecca .. .. 17326 Sarah 28032 Thomas (East Indies) 215 17 .. .. 1406 William .. .. 17663 (farmer) 73682 Whitehom, Mary & William . 57054 Whitehouse, Ann 95916 Hannah and Jane 33626 Isaac 36705 James .. .. 31366 . John 60623 (Colonies).. 19965 Phoebe and Sarah 95197 W. J 19966 WMtehurst v. Bonest . . . . 24557 . Mary, Mrs 61971 Whitelaw, David 37050 . William .. .. 64261 Whitelegg, Betty and Thomas 73103 Whitelegge, James R 58207 Whiteley, Charles 51600 . Edmund and John . 95918 Whitelock, Ann 17761 John & Co 29 Richard and Wm. 9978 &Son 71609 Whitely, Caroline 28033 Mary A. (or Hastings) 75685 Whiteman, Edward .. ,. 19967 Henry 5238 John 73679 Whitemore, C 28936 Whiter, li. T., Ensign . . . . 28938 William N 29700 Whiterow, William .. .. 11761 Whitcshed, Family 95919 Whiteside, Dorothy and John 95920 Thomas (Essex) . . 17099 9339 Whitesmith, WilHam Watson 37308 Whiteway, Robert 56389 Thomas B 75684 Whitewick, John 95921 Whitowood, William . . . . 70400 Whitfield, AmeHa (or Smart) 74767 Family (Chancery) 73048 38431 George, Rev 28034 Henry (Chester) ,. 74800 Whitfield, James 16444 Joanna Lett . . . . 39876 John 16443 Margaret .. .. 28035 Mary 16442 Thos. (Cumberland) 35461 WiUiam 11970 Whitford, John 95922 WhitgTave, George Thomas . . 70459 Whitham, Alice Alicia . . .. 71817 Joseph 50768 William 34922 Whiting, Benjamin 95923 Harry 26615 Henry M 61967 McLauglin (farrier) 70457 • John 14593 Joseph Bridgewell . . 51419 Margaret 31145 Patty 70390 Whitla, Margaret 17399 Whitlam, Alice 36310 Whitley, Elizabeth .. .. 24551 William 6985 Whitlock, John 59137 Joseph (Worcester) 70458 Sarah (Birminghaoi) 70467 Thomas 57870 Whitmarsh, Francis . . . . 60532 . . . . 53000 Whitmore, Alice 16861 . Charles Blaney . . 50697 John 59140 William .. .. 58872 Whitnall .. .. 59780 Whitnell, Elizabeth .. .. 61140 Whitney, WilHam 63182 Whitridge, Joseph 3728 ■ Stephen .. .. 34929 Whitrow Family 12841 George 28036 &Routh 59141 Whitson, Frank (Colonies) . . 19968 Whittaker, — (Sligo) . . . . 69567 «fe Ackerlcy, Messrs. 34928 Betty 67740 E 63040 Eliz. (or Meadows) 17119 Elizabeth . . . . 6035 Family . . . . 95925 15823 . Isaac 15819 John 63907 ■'■ (Jamaica) , . 4469 (Yorkshire) 11933 Rev 22530 Mary (Lincoln) . . 69579 Robert 63901 Roger 6036 395 Directwnsfor obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Whittam Family (Leeds) . . 76648 Whittard, Thomas 64252 WMttel, Sarah 3873 WHtter, John Rogers .. .. 73684 WHKam 75218 Whittet, James (Colonies) . . 19969 Whittey, William 95930 Whitthal, P. and Richard . . 95931 Whitthorne, WiUiam J 26443 Whitting, Joshua J 60002 Whittingham, James . . . . 4234 John 15920 Richd. (Mdlsx.) 73(i66 . . . . 26303 Whittingstall, Edmund Feamley 50581 Whittington, Edward (Colonies) 28939 George Thomas 28037 Whittle, James 9150 John 53003 Thomas 12180 William (Colonies) 19970 Whitton Family 95933 John 67739 Richard 23287 Robert " 626 Whitty, Samuel 40737 WhitweU, Elizabeth .. .. 67240 FamHy 95934 Whitworth, Francis . . . . 19971 James 31716 Lucy 73064 William .. .. 31583 Wholamb, J. F 30763 Wholey, Thomas Crossby . . 66782 . Sarah 95936 Whorwood Family 95938 Whowell, Thomas 31784 Whur, Cornelius Walter . . 76947 Whvart, Mary 16927 Whylock, James 23503 Whyte, Alexander 6460 — Family 73680 John (Canada) . . . . 73082 .. 53118 Whytehead, Mr 74360 Thomas .. .. 32845 Wiatt, Henry William . . . . 33399 Wibberley, George . . . . . . 54776 Wiche, George and J. G. . . 9659 Wichels, Henry 4208 Wicken, Charlotte 31753 . Stephen 32090 Wickens, James 76582 Thomas 3305 William 65179 Wicker, Daniel 11966 Family 76936 Wickers, Sarah Matilda. . . . 3070 Wickes, Rev. John W. & T. F. 72083 Wickes, Richard 14792 Wickham, Charles 95939 James 50624 Joshua 28038 Robert 32781 William 95940 Wickings, Lydia ^ 53137 Wicks, Ann 9316 Wickstead, Elizabeth Jane . . 1673 Wicksteed, Emily, Miss. . . . 53895 J 1958 Wickstrom, Andrew . , . . 4087 Wickward, — 95941 BurchaU Ellison . . 1488 Widd, Anna Catherina Maria 30353 Widnell, Josiah 56106 Wiegell, George 95942 Wieles, Frederick Christian . . 1981 Wier, Duncan 28039 Wigan, Frederick 60521 Isabella 39066 James 57463 Thomas WilUam . . . . 54917 Wigg, David 95943 Thomas 14301 Wiggin, Ann 33970 Elizabeth 53111 WiUiam 35060 Wiggins, Charles 75697 ■ Freelove 73807 George 55864 Jane 50495 Joseph 74812 Joshua 28040 L., Lieut.-Col 28961 Mary 12537 A 28041 WilHam 31532 Wigginson, John 95944 Wigginton, and Samuel 95945 Wiggiesworth; Emma G. . . 71574 Wight, Andi-ew (Gloucester) . . 75209 (Colonies) . . 19972 . Archibald W 95946 . Charles (Colonies) . . 29701 Elizabeth (or Jackson) 13200 . 13237 John W 75702 Mary E. (Surrey) . . 67243 WiUiam .. .. : 13236 Wightman, James 10391 Wighton, Rebecca 69618 Wig-inton, Mary Ann . . . . 73783 Wlgley, John (Colonies) . . 19973 . Martha 95947 Wiglesworth, Eliz. and Henry 28042 Henry, Rev. . . 31644 Wigmore, John (Berks) , . . , 75704 Nathaniel .. .. 1360 Wigney, Lieut. C. W 29702 396 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements i relate will be found at end of Index. which these Names Wigram, M 63132 William 53602 Wig-sell, Attwood Dalton . . 39774 Wigzell, Thomas 9341 Wikear, J. E 11084 Wikely, Thomas " 50243 John 11586 Wilby Family 75688 Wilce, Thomas 37990 Wilcock, Mary 76331 Thomas 53597 Wilcocks, John 15248 Sarah 50233 WHcott, Edmund 971 Wilcox, Dr 1202 EUis 28043 ■ John 5774 ■ Louisa 95948 ■ Margaret 7606 Mrs 55907 Richard (Colonies) . . 29703 . Walter Ben. (Colonies) 19974 WiUiam 9716 Wm. (cousin of John) 5774 Wnd, Ann 34425 Charles 36651 ■■ Charlotte, Mrs 73199 Elizabeths 62029 James 58125 John 12790 Nicholas .. .. 76258 Mary .. 31065 Kohert ■ . . 128 Sarah Ann 24543 ■ Thomas 62030 (Norfolk) . . 73868 95949 Wildblood, William" ! .* '.'. 13035 Wildbore, Ptobert 53021 Wilde, Anne 52996 Charles, Mr 64123 Family , .. 6002 George 9751 Sarah 95950 Wilden, John 17473 . Joseph 6103 Wilder, E. M 28044 George 74388 James 1433 Samuel 33037 Wild 95951 Wildey, Thomas 70427 Wildgoose, James and Samuel 2883 liichard . . . . 16644 Wilding, Jeremiah T 69696 Mary 3316 Samuel (Salop) . . 33892 Wildi.sh, Richard 21981 Wndman, Daniel (merchant) . 16883 Wildon, Martha 16963 Wildon, Sarah Wildsmith, Sarah Wileman, Stephen Wiles, Anne Ann WilHam G Wiley, Charlotte Wilford, F., Mrs. (Colonies) . . Francis, Col — ; George Fredk. (Cols.) Wilkes, Ann Bunhol Hannah John Mary (Middlesex) (dau. of J. Wilkes) ■ V. Penny Becky Wilkie, Alexander Sir David Fanny ■ V. Hudd^rt James (Chancery) Margaret Mary .. Patrick Wilkin, Henry Wilkins, — Betsy Charles . . Elizabeth Sophia Gabriel . . Joel John (Lliddlesex) Joseph Julia . . Martha Mary Miss . . Robert Bateman Stephen Thomas William (Middlesex) Wilkinson, Alexander . . Ann (London) . . (or Windle) Anno (or Golightly) Anthony (York) Berdo Coker Catherine . . Charles . . Edward Patterson Elizabeth , . 1926 30840 60526 61983 73607 69600 37326 29081 29704 29701 21206 95958 21206 95959 17309 14579 5738 24067 28046 63116 76942 95960 24575 76943 37916 28046 24575 8803 73116 36612 60071 68486 34227 95961 50672 12428 5876 26471 2776 28047 28048 7580 11079 36532 96962 66238 71687 4711 6356 74366 36678 6219 64276 60043 8802 62180 96903 73676 31424 15511 397 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found af end of Index. Wilkinson, Elizabeth (:Midls8x.) D. Family Frederick . , George (Colomes) Croucn . . H. R., Capt. (Col.) Harriett Henry (Yorksh.) (or Tripp) James (Scotland) (N. S.W.) Rev. (Colonies) John John (Pimlico) . . (HoUoway) Fletcher, Rev. Jonthn. (chldn.of) Joseph (Surrey) . . (Surrey) . . Bayley .. Josiah Julia Katherine (Mdsx.) V. Marsano . . Mary (Exeter) .. Anne , , Ann , . E. . . . . & Mountiord Mr Rebecca Richd. (toadvant.) Risdale & Pearson Robert Samuel Sarah Susan Susanh. (or Storey^ (d. of John) Thomas (legacy to) (Lancstr.) William (York) . , & Sons . , Patterson Wilkison, James Wilks, Francis . . George and R. Mark, Rev. . . Mary . . Thomas Will, — (surgeon) . . Willacy, James Willan, — .... 16633 6Qp22 53349 75704 57660 19975 36340 28963 17477 6073 6259 13238 7108 1277 19976 55502 7136 9071 6508 73668 17739 6073 75703 73781 34522 74021 74769 24581 61984 30108 67746 95964 73118 9892 95965 36576 12579 16483 9884 95967 39378 14921 95968 30847 31300 36577 15512 9785 6073 40847 31471 13238 127 95968 73666 68222 30578 17736 39308 28049 WiUan, Edward . . . . Family Robert Douglas . . Thomas WiUand, E Willard, Family — John Leonard K ■ Kilham . . Nicholas, Major Richard (Sussex) . . Wallars, James Willats, Benjamin Thomas (Winchester) Willatts, Frederick and Moses Willbore, Isaac Willcock, Stephen Willcocks, John Willcox, James M Thomas • • Parish Willdigg, Hannah and Wm. . . Willdon, John — ■■ Martha Willdridge, George Willenson, Sarah . . Willes, Francis Mary, Dame Thomas Willesby, John . . . . ' . . Willett, Jabez Richard Rickett Willetts, Mary Thomas • William (Colonies) . . Willey, Catherine Margaret . . Charles (son of John S.) Jonathan Joseph A. Mary (Canterbury) . . Thomas Willford, de La M William, Ann John Richard Williams, Lieut Alexander Somerset Alfred Ann (Brixton) . . (London) Miss (Jersey) . . (Middlesex) . . Amelia Francis Anneis Anthony Arthur Benjamin (Piccadilly) 63009 24147 71588 34638 95969 68695 69572 63646 53906 31098 69571 19977 62034 50906 98050 Go99 95970 71626 1542 60520 39704 50641 76049 5085 95971 74302 95972 95973 9048 95974 9912 14698 5894 2405 2888 74431 29702 76257 76967 95975 56723 73111 795 28051 95976 11072 17897 28052 73145 7152 35450 73669 9549 6555 6800 7159S 1587 7382 70434 75239 398 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index, Williams, Benjamin (Chancery) 75719 . 9414 ■ Betty 95977 • Burton Lyttleton . . 3164 Captain 95976 Catherine 28053 Cecilia 35415 Charles (seaman) . . 1507 (Bombay) . . 5807 Crofts . . . . 62037 Charlotte 2222 Christian 95978 Christopher . . . , 21744 & Co 65408 Columbine Lee . . 26275 . Daniel 95979 David (Monmouth) . . 63192 (daughter of) 73927 ( N. S. Wales) 8509 — (Texas) . . 31195 Diana 95980 & Dyer, Messrs. . . 2957 Edward 23375 (blacksmith) 2978 Eliza 28055 Elizabeth (spinster) . 75208 (London) . 3041 Mary . . 62038 (or Wade, orSayer) .. .. 75692 Emma 35016 ' Evan 53071 Family .. .-. .. 76243 (Colonies) . . 79981 Francis 72732 George (Kent) . . 76244 (seaman) . . 485 J 64266 Grace 95981 Harriett 43738 C 76425 Henry (seaman H.M.S.) 1641 (clerk).. .. 7601 Howell Jones . . . . 76246 Hugh 28057 (Middlesex) . 4033 Hyde 60961 Isaac (Somerset) . . 76965 Lloyd .. .. 71644 J. A. S 28058 J. E 30721 Jacob 95984 J. Kichard . . . . 7634 James (seaman H.M.S.) 7428 35132 (Poplar) . . 37899 Henry.. .. 8800 Lee .. .. 70469 Sir James .. .. 13020 Jane (husband of) . . 74367 Williams, Jane 17976 M 24637 Jenkin 64270 John (Surrey) . . . . 69578 (Halford) . . 7697 (Newport) .. 1672 (Middlesex) .. 5463 (E. N.) . . . . 16568 C. (France) . . 69607 C. (Middlesex) 71586 ■ Calthrop . . 50741 ■ Dunn . . . . 95985 D 26644 H. (Suffolk) . . 63196 Jones . . . . 30409 Thomas . . . . 5895 Jones 95986 V. Jones 24577 Joseph (bro. of Thos.) 74798 8988 (Jersey) . . 9021 • Stone . . . . 50246 Joshua 61421 . Louisa 21183 Pausey . , 50964 • Lucy 50402 Luke 52473 M 95987 . Margaret 4230 Maria 26194 ■ (Middlesex) . . 74370 Martha (Lincolnshire) 3432 Mary (annuitant) . . 75173 : (wife of J. W.) 6856 f Westminster) . 8109 (or descendants) 3553 Ann (legatee) . . 2639 .. .. 50954 H 69382 Jane .. .. 60962 Katherine (Cols.) 29703 Matthew 53057 Morgan D 25616 ■ Nancy (Colonics) . . 29704 Nathaniel .. .. 59876 OUver 69581 Orlando Harris . . 30629 Owen 95988 tJ. Owen 24585 Philip 28063 Pritchard William . . 25628 liachel 60530 Kico 15492 Kichard 9343 (seaman) . , 17056 Robert 95989 (Middlesex) 75196 C 23654 , Wynne .. 71585 W. Tindal . , 76696 399 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index, Williams, Eosetta Bailey . . 21331 Rowland 5775 Samuel 58271 Henry . . . . 28064 Sarah (Pembroke) . . 33207 28065 ■ Ann .. .. 95990 C 16888 ■ Sophia 75608 Susannah 39132 v. Teale 24592 Thos. (seaman H.M.S.) 1460 (Lleneitlas) 7698 (legatee) . . 34932 (riding master) 29705 Mark .. .. 71598 Valentine .. .. 95991 Vine 55868 WilHam (York) . . 68228 (Bermuda) 75656 (cook) . . 2696 (Middlesex) 14221 « — (ship-brokr.) 39244 Fosbury . . 73667 TugweU,Kev. 32568 Williamson, Sir Adam . . . . 4220 Alexander . . . . 11082 Dixon.. 13235 Andrew . . . . 95992 Eev. and JohnM 22918 Ann 25738 Miss . . . . 3886 Elizabeth . . 17277 Archibald (Colonies) 19989 Clowes & Co. . . 9860 Dorothy . . . . 3822 Edward and John 17984 EHzabeth . . . . 50195 Emma 2012 F. A., Major . . 29706 Fanuly 24346 Francis Robert . . 75700 George (soldier) . , 74431 (Colonies) 19989 WilUam.. 32113 GHbert Robt. (Col.) 19990 H 28068 Jacob 4473 James (Manchester) 3684 (Middlesex) 3870 21912 ■ John (surgeon) . . 15629 725 Sir Joseph . . . . 14132 Joseph 60590 r (Leeds) . . 75705 Letitia 253 Maria (Chelsea) . . 38997 Mary R. M. . . 75518 Williamson, Ralph 11816 John . . 50742 Richard . . . . 9852 Robert Mason . . 69658 Samuel (Chester) 76255 Sarah 12239 (wifeofJas.) 6678 Stephen Thomas . 95993 Susannah . . . . 16393 — Thomas (Reading) 8014 (Lancaster) 69603 WiUiam . . . . 5776 (Br. Guin.) 25739 Willing, Ann and Charles) . . 95994 ^ Robert 17574 Willingals, Thomas & William 8876 Willingham, Thomas . . . . 95995 Willingson, John 95996 WiUington, John James . . . . 26453 Mary 2051 Willion & Longsden .. .. 68310 WiUis, — (surgeon) . . . . 53405 (legacy to) . . . . 14106 (servant) .. .. 3782 51742 Arthur 53065 Benjamin 10503 & Birkmyre . . . . 60714 Catherine Amelia . . 75706 Davis 95997 Duke 95998 Edward 53066 EHzabeth C 58403 Fanny 95999 Francis 2134 George (India) . . . . 28967 (Middlesex) . . 32850 1791 Henry 647 Herbert (Colonies) . . 29706 J 115 James (Chancery . . 65369 W 57462 Jeremiah 59263 ^ Jesse 24677 John (a lunatic) . . . . 5642 (Berks) .. .. 14275 Rev 96000 Mary 54644 (a^tasWest) .. 75498 Ann 68697 Matthew 61994 Reuben 57206 Richard 14027 Robert 54643 Sarah 82 Thomas (York) . . . . 9267 2029 Walter!! !! !! !! 31126 William 54527 400 Directions for ohtainimj full copies of the Ad/vertisements to tvliich these Xames relate will be found at end of Index. Willesford, Elizabeth Mary . . 51598 •WilUson, F. A 11399 Jane 51221 • Thomas 96002 . Charles 1084 WilHt, Charlotte W 75147 Willkinson, John 3029 Willmer, Benjamin 35578 Edward and William 8015 Willmett, William 31584 Wilhnott, Hannah 5533 ■ Sarah 96003 Thankful .. .. 6975 Willohy, John 53064 Willoughhy, Burrowes . . . . 96004 • Edward Fredk. 12832 Anna .. .. 12657 ■■ — Ei chard, Lt.-Col. (India) ■ . . . . 29707 Eichard .. .. 54256 — WilHam L. . . 70463 Wniows, James 19991 Willox, Margaret 96005 Wills, Henry 70403 John . . 33723 Margaret .... . . 35930 Sarah and Thomas . . 51568 WilKa-m 96006 Willsher,' James 96007 Willshire, Isaac 11560 Wnison, Andrew 53598 Edward 53073 Elizabeth 96007 Family 96008 -G-eorgeS 64324 Henry 3044 Sir Henry Wright 21383 James 40735 Jane S 69582 Kobert 58882 Thomas 69602 • • Captain . . 70560 -Sir Thomas .. .. 70744 Willstcad, William H. H. .. 6|169 Wilmcr, Wilmcr • ^3604 Wilmore,- Edward and Harriet 64013 Wilmot, Andrew and Ann . . 54006 Ann 67100 . Arthur Mead .. .. 8801 Charles 96013 E. C 28969 Family 96014 Henry .... .. 12770 -. — --. Robt. (Major) 31486 • James 2334 •John(Chanccr>') .. 65410 Robert 96017 Sarah 12768 Thomas .... .. 14717 Wilraott,John 11514 Wilmott, Thomas (Colonies) . . Wilsdon, Robert Wilshir, James (or Welsher) . . Wilshire, Ann Maria and Lucy ■ William Wilson, — — (Surrey) Adam Alexander (Colonies) . , Alice Amelia Augusta . . Ann (Worcester) • (legatee) , . ■■ (Scotland) . . . . Anna — — Maria Anthony ■ Benjamin (Chancery) . . Betty H «;. Bott.. .. ^. . .. Bridget . . *. . V. Brown V. Campbell • . . Cai-oline S. (or Wright) Charles — (America) John (America) George . . Qtarlotte — ^ Miss . . . . Clara, Mrs & Co. (ironmonger) . . Edward (Cumberland) Alexander . . Elizabeth (Oxford) . . '■ — (Middlesex) ■^- (or Ronison) — '■ — (widow) — Washer Emma V. Evans F. E. B Family (N. K.).. — : (legatees) (Scotland) (Carlisle) (Colonies) V. Fogg Francis George (a creditor) flndia) . . — ^ Charles . . —^ Henry . , Gustavus . . Hannah (wife of John) 19992 61585 2389 70395 12980 24141 21345 65174 19993 38737 28070 71581 70584 28071 12033 24659 17186 6164 1168 75656 69148 24555 29708 58216 24559 76956 66919 65162 10459 66252 96025 28072 75698 60495 74806 2773 75200 10482 28073 5706 74998 14196 69264 34476 68512 24567 60659 68212 17911 75112 76928 19994 24580 63596 65573 28970 3262 71624 23505 65171 401 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisementi to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Wilsqp, Harriott . . . , , . 40910 Henry (soldier) . . 26700 Hughes 96028 Ida Emma 56155 58512 Isaac 1191 Isabella 74395 J 28074 J. B 96029 James (seaman) . . . . 30920 .. .. 2106 (Mast. H.M.S.) 6460 Ashburner . . 7943 Edward.. .. 96030 Henry . . , . 50330 Jane 57273 Janet 21467 Jean 17502 John (sailor) . . . . 2176 (Canada) .. .. 74857 Clay 53239 G 67257 Parker .. .. 50410 Thomas .. .. 33046 William .. .. 9612 Jonas 33046 (seaman) . . . . 841 Joseph (Piccadilly) . . 3658 (Middlesex) . . 7077 Eadclitfe . . 53001 Joshua : .. .. 9282 Lawrence Scott . . .. 1506 Lestock Peach .. .. 75719 M. G 28078 Margaret (children of) 963 9510 Maria 57275 T. L 28079 Martha 28080 Mary (widoMr) . . . . 2946 Chesson .. .. 21395 Gratam .. .. 96034 Melvil 56147 V. Moore 24583 Nathan 9085 Nathaniel 17506 ParneU \ 611 Peter (Colonies . . . . 19999 PrisciUa 37531 Eachael 28082 Eev. — 96036 Eichard (Westmorland) 76899 21334 (N.S.W.) . . 30073 Eickinson 74804 Eobert (London) . . 31819 (seaman) . . 11071 Samuel 34193 (Glasgow) . . 13240 Sarah (Hertford) . . 38774 Wilson, Sarah (or Corfield) . . 51760 28085 (York) .. .. 67755 C 24351 Septimus 96035 Silvester D 22848 Squire 74279 Susannah (spinster) . . 9425 (dau. of Eich.) 1007 Thomas (NewOrleans) 70681 (mercht. London) 3 1819 ■ (seaman, H.M.S.) 1833 (relatives of) 56201 (or reprsntatives) 9885 — 7712 Eev 11560 HaU .. .. 3153 L 28086 Maryon .. 75691 Ursula .. .. .. 21395 WilHam&Co 59136 (Middlesex) 74386 53175 (ironmonger) 2115 St€vens(Col.) 20003 Howard (Mdx.) 7 1627 S. (Norwich) 73121 Stuclibury 71594 W 74364 Wilt, — (carpenter) . . . . 76849 Wiltford, Marquis 96037 Wilton, Elizabeth & George P. 53348 Henry (Colonies) . . 20004 William . . . . 53059 Jane 58880 John Hall 70465 Mrs 50187 WilHam (Colonies) . . 20005 (Somerset).. 75993 Wiltshire, Isaac 96038 Martha Lydia .. 54047 Wimmerd, Jack 25374 Wimpey, William 5277 Winbolt, :Mrs. Mary . . . . 52995 Winch, Charles 32075 Frederick 34540 Henry 33802 John 31538 WiUiam 67751 Winchelsea & Nottingham, Earl 56499 Winchcombe Family . . . . 96039 Winchgrave, James . . . . 32955 Winckles, Elizabeth .. .. 96041 Winckworth, M. A 28089 . William .. .. 7643 Winder, Elizabeth 73138 John 16745 MarshaU 68506 Mrs 32745 Windham, Anne 63129 20 402 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Windham, Dionisa 96042 Joseph Doughty .. 34648 William Howe .. 53601 Windle, Ann 36579 B. and Thomas.. .. 96043 Elizabeth 69605 -■. Family 9815 ' Joseph 38255 Samuel 56035 Window, James 65371 Windross, John 34658 Windsor, Elizabeth 17803 Joseph and Thomas 8932 Katherine Charlotte 6510 M. C 28090 Mary 53017 Theatre (Chancery) 74641 Uriah 17806 WilUam 96044 Windus, Thomas 40311 Winepress, Mrs. J. , , . , . . 55422 Winfield, George 28090 (Stafford) . . 37203 Mr. (Chester) . . .. 12855 Wing, Benjamin .« .. .. 65180 Wingfield, EHza 5094 Emilie and Frederic 60733 Joseph (farmer) . . 76944 Nasmith .. .. 96045 William .. .. 61125 Wingrave, Elizbeth . . . . 4159 Wingrove, John 96046 Margaret .. .. 28092 Matthew .. .. 71907 WilHam 8561 Winguard, Hans 33164 Winkings Family 96047 Winkler, Peter 3354 Winkles, Benjamin 96048 Winkley, Thomas 7647 Winkmore, John 96049 Wink worth, Charles . . . . 53074 Frederick . . . . 53022 ■■ Sarah 25778 — WiUiam . . . . 68691 Winn, Elizabeth (Yorkshire) . . 76669 1777 Emily Providentia . . 36394 John 22839 Robert Church .. .. 39101 Sabina 96050 Thomas 3372 Hanby .. .. 61183 Winnall, Margery Yapp . . 61975 Mary 51202 Winnard, John 96051 Winning, Martha 14581 Winsall Family 6169 Winscom, Charles 68690 Winship, Samuel 10118 Winslow, Isaac D ,, 53600 J. L., Major . . . . 15464 Winsor, Eliza 68223 Winstanley, Edward Newnham 50056 Elizabeth . . . . 65143 Family . . . . 56478 -. John (Lancaster) 73143 16978 Peter (Colonies) . . 20006 Thomes Frank .. 54112 Winstone, Frances 30560 Winter, Ann and Benjamin . . 56298 Benjamin Pratt (Col.) 20008 Charles 14352 Family 75699 G-eorge 59152 Henry 96052 James (Colonies) . . 20007 John (Oxford) . . . . 32610 (Acton) .. .. 12932 Richard 71597 Robert 28093 Samuel 8676 Sarah 96053 Preston .. .. 630 Thomas (relatives of) 56300 and William 513 V. Winter 24601 Winterbottom, John and Joseph 11152 F 75690 Rhodes (Colonies) 20010 Winterbourn, Ann 96055 Winterflood, Charles . . . . 66259 Winteringham, Rebecca . . .. 73676 Winternitz, Gustavus . . . . 38846 Winters, William (Colonies) . . 20011 Winterton, George 69601 William .. ,, 1264 Winthrop, Miss 22392 Wintle, Sarah 12433 Wintringham, Sir Clifton . . 11424 Thomas .. .. 11078 Wippermann, Christopher . . 30271 Wiren, Matthew 96056 Wirgman, Mr 66263 Wirring, Sarah , , . , . , 5985 Wisdom, John 1925 Wisdome, Philip and Sarah . . 28094 Thomas 6511 Wise, George 2911 J. C 96057 James (Middlesex) . , 75701 John (Berks) . . . . 76249 Mark 90058 Mary and Reginald A. 67742 Sarah (London) . . . . 4086 Wiseham, R. H. (Colonies) . . 28972 Wiseman, George (Colonies) . . 20012 ■ ■ James 05755 William 8110 403 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertiseinents to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Wisenden, F. (Colonies) Wish, William Wishart, David — ■ William (Colonies) . . Wisheart, John Wison, Martha Wissmann, Elise . . . . Wistock, Sholeck Wiston, John (or Wistow) . . Witchurch, Sarah . . Witham, William Witherdon, Thomas Witherell, Thomas Withering, William Withers, Benjamin ■ Christopher Family Grace ■ John Joseph and Samuel Maria • Mary William Withey, George Withington, John Withinshaw, Catherine & Edwd Withnall, Thomas William Withy, Mary Witmill, Joseph Witt, Daniel William De Wittaker, Henry Witter, Mary Wittet, Christian Wittich, Frederick William . . Witting, Andrew • James Wittiagham, Ann and Eichard Eichard Wittle, Harriet Witton, Eichard Wittrington, Sir C Wiveall, Jane Wiveleen, H Wivcll, Abraham Woad by, Isaac Woddiop, John Wodehouse, Armine, Captain Wodickh, M. Comerich . . Wogan, William Wolcott, EHsha Wolf, Benjamin Jane Wolfe, Elizabeth Margaret , Nicholas Eobert (died at sea) . , ■ Thomas 20013 66243 96059 29709 12154 64249 73785 58884 21187 53045 34921 15520 96060 6462 21638 96061 30910 96062 38860 96063 17614 16864 8915 39661 1279 51195 32807 53083 10418 53048 96064 1761 96065 16391 73780 71592 96066 63193 63023 96067 96333 96068 96069 96070 96071 5810 38828 75656 56714 30356 96072 66532 96073 10392 6268 20095 21235 74797 50631 Wolfe, William Wolf end en, Thomas Wolfendon, E WolflF, Abraham Hirz . . . E. G. and H Ernest . F. L. (Colonies) . . . . — ■ George Sir James Wm. Weston Lucy Mr. (France) Wolfries, John Wollard, Thomas Wollaston, Eichard Wollen, James G., Lieut. WoUey, Charles S Margaret . . . . "'. . Thomas Wollgar, Ellen and William. . Wollscombe, T., Capt. (Colonies) Wolstenham, Joseph & Samuel Wolston, Ernst "Wolverine" ship, (Crew of) Wombell, George Wombwell, Gantier, k Co. . . Sir George . . Womersley, Isaac Maria Wood, Abner Abraham (Manchester) (Stafford) .. Alexander, E.N (neph. of John) — Amyon — Ann (Lincoln) . . — Barbary (wf. of Edmund) — Barnaby — Benjamin — C. C — Carey — Caroline — Catherine — Charles (merchant) . . (Lancashire) . . Caleb . . . . Clement (descendants of) Cutler Eeid. Dorothy V. Dulamee E. G., Major . . . . Edward Eleanor Eliza (or V^ard) . . Elizabeth and James . . Ann . . Miss (Mddsx.) — — - - Emma . ■ Familv , 2062 25381 26034 6179 74472 75202 20014 58559 8478 28096 11591 16435 96074 11742 29710 23897 96075 634 55107 28973 5221 96076 61814 30026 74398 69619 35583 36367 96077 3568 37919 17107 26533 15204 14382 55100 62780 8894 34635 26032 96078 96079 96080 74472 63227 35909 96081 75051 14241 2619 24565 73115 28097 5081 75207 17987 3383 2175 33109 34627 404 DirMtiomfor obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Wood Family 96084 Fanny 14557 Frederick 71591 George (Rothbury) . . 2619 71643 B. G 76950 Watson .. .. 17193 GeorginaK 76241 Grace 96085 Harriet 50678 Hector Maclean . . . . 76925 Henry (otherwise Twin) 73663 Hickington 67266 Isaac (Lincoln) . . . . 73146 (a lunatic).. .. 11507 J. A., Lieut. (Colonies) 28974 Jacob (York) .. .. 63213 James (Glasgow) . . 68699 (Clayton).. .. 14950 (Middlesex .. 40729 (or Lord) . . . . 5795 21445 Frederick Lewis 73662 Thomas B. .. 76261 Jane (legatee) . . . . 69523 96086 Janet 11367 Job 16845 John (Northampton) . . 76925 (seaman, H.M.S.) 582 (Naas) . . . . 2619 Freeman .. .. 53343 Samuel . . . . 74796 Johnson 96089 Jonathan 62016 Joseph 14946 Juliana Lisetta . . . . 53343 Lancelot E 68698 Lawrence 17185 Lucretia 59822 M. F., Mrs 75591 Martha (Cumberland) . 53807 14949 Mary 30620 (children of) . . 50678 24472 Henrietta . . . . 50036 Patience .. .. 96090 •Mathias 68704 ■Matthew 71625 -Moses 40106 ■ Mr. (brewer) .. .. 51751 ■ Mr 2172 - Mrs. (Surrey) . . . . 71623 ■Mrs 7559 ■ Peter, Kev 32591 - Philip Western . . . . 33689 11 52968 -Ralph 73101 ■Richard 59821 Wood, Richard (Gloucester) Mason . . Warner . . Robert (Piccadilly) (Newcastle) Burton P. Sackett . . . , Samuel (India) . . (children of) 26441 73665 34430 32445 3907 2619 60508 33591 60512 28975 50677 14945 Sarah 14937 Tamar 74745 Thomas, Captain . . 96092 (Surrey) .. 51344 : 54142 • (winemerchant)74472 (Chancery) . . 71903 (Kent) . . Q2odQ WnUam (Denmark-hill) 17192 63808 Henry (cooper) 76240 Woodall, John (Nottingham) 63215 Samuel Woodbridge, Benjamin . , & Co. _ . Frederick 96093 250 59146 73112 Woodburn, David 29711 Woodcock, Edward & Elizabeth 96094 Elizabeth (Glo'ster) 3882 Hannah . . . . 60509 Jane 14475 John 1541 Louisa M. (Colonies) 20015 Sarah 22945 Woodfine, Thomas 32868 Woodford, Ann Eliza .. .. 75709 Family 96095 R. (cadet) . . . . 28978 Sarah 3110 Woodgate, Francis 60617 Thomas 36601 31470 96098 28098 8590 70429 7889 4618 53903 Woodger, Woodhall, — .. .. Elizabeth Woodham, — Woodhams, Susannah . . WilUam . . Woodhead, Anthony Richard SaraK 50255 William .. .. 68456 Woodhill, William Wilkes .. 35739 Woodhouse, Ann 12456 (Durham) .. 6104 Benjamin .. .. 12112 Chas. Capt. (Colonies) 29712 Elizabeth .. .. 24273 E. G 66370 405 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Woodhouse, George Doveton* , 61399 Jane 96099 John and Maiy . . 8118 Joseph (Jamaica) 6890 Mary 25446 Ann . . . . 33876 Thomas Jackson . . 63063 Woodland Family 5853 John(Wnts).. .. 9682 Woodley, Francis 37216 Henry 58149 ■ Thomas (Colonies) . . 28980 Woodman, Daniel 37238 Jeremiah .. .. 73114 John 1328 William 33383 Woodmason, James 72015 Woodmass, Edward H 67275 Woodmill, Edward 96100 Woodriff, Sarah 62633 Woodroff, Daniel 96101 . Thomas (children of) 75205 Woodroffe, Edmund . . . . 96103 Sarah 96104 WilHam .. .. 6344 Woodroofe, Abel 21910 Eichard .. .. 25472 Eohert 30694 Woodrow Family 68232 James 9632 Jerden 2048 John 28099 WoodrnflF, Mary C 96105 Woodrufle, Thomas 15894 Woods, Ann 53779 Harriet . . . . 34236 Caroline Russell . . . . 32649 V. Crowford 24564 Elizabeth ' 96107 Family (Chester) . . 76263 Francis 96108 Hannah (or Moody) . . 2330 John (Colonies) . . . . 20016 . (Lancaster) . . . . 76963 < Joseph 60611 S 67276 Mary (Suffolk) . . . . 64323 (Liverpool) . . 73144 (Lancaster) . . . . 76964 9359 Michael 20017 Eachel 2330 Thomas (Middlesex) . . 65743 Thomas and William . . 96111 Woodward, Ann 16691 Betsey 59449 C. Eichard .. .. 28101 Edward .. .. 28102 Edwin (Middlesex) 76966 Family 28100 Woodward Family (Middlesex) 66251 96113 Francis .. .. 51278 V. Grainge . . . . 24570 Hannah . . . . 7852 James (Colonies) . . 20018 Janej 30175 John (Hants) . . 3803 (Chester) .. 71596 (Sussex) . . 67764 Joseph 2794 Mary 28103 Anne F. . . 67263 A. J 73166 Eobert 17740 Samuel 3803 Thomas .. .. 33616 .. .. 59438 William (Lancaster) .73661 (St.Helens) 73147 Woodwdth, Benjamin . . . . 1865 Woodworth, Augusta . . . . 24677 Woodyard, Benjamin . . . , 53902 Woodyatt, Ann 96117 John 96116 Woodver, Miss LoTiisa . . . . 76955 Wookey, Charles 73113 James 71642 Woolaway, Agnes 39380 Woolbert, Henry and Mary . . 65575 Woolbridge, Benjamin . . . . 250 Wooldridge, James .. .. 53114 W 76262 Wooley, Hesther 28104 Jane, Miss . . . . 4825 Mary 6122 Sarah 6513 Woolford, Mary Ann . . . . 61534 Mrs 16585 William C 62021 Woolfreyes, William . . . . 6982 Woolgary, C 96118 Woolham, William 96119 Woollard, James 32469 Woollaston, — 67757 Susan 63027 Woollen, J. G., Lieut 28981 WooUett, Charles and William 36077 ■ George 38205 WooUey, Betsey 28105 V. Gordon . . . . 24573 Jeffery 636 Mary and Sarah .. 96120 Eobert .. .. .. 3198 Thomas 63682 Smith.. .. 66396 Woollgar, Ellen and William 55106 Woolloton, Mary 9974 Woolloy, Thomas 96122 Woolly, Thomas (soldier) . . 73791 . • 406 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to tvhich these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Woolman, John Ai-dley . . . . 39585 Woolmer, Edward 70464 Elizabeth .. .. 96123 Woolner, John 35899 Woolstencroft, Robert . . . . 55855 "VVoolnough, Mary Nowland . . 11985 Woolsey, Joseph G- 22587 Woolton Family 96125 Woolward, — 50563 Wooton, George 62011 Joseph 71622 Worbach, Carl 96126 Worboys, Cordelia 96127 ■ Sarah 35565 Word, George 96128 "Wordie, Catherine 11138 Wordley, S 28706 Wordon, Sarah 96129 Wordsworth, Elizabeth . . . . 11487 John 73664 Worgan, William 2238 Worgar, Edward 59484 Work, James 20019 Worldin, Elizabeth A. (orE.M.) 76929 Worley, Charles G. and Henry 69621 Edward and Henry T. 60608 Isaac 96130 and Sam. (legatee) 55492 Sarah Ann . . . . 33233 Worlidge, William Edward . . 8658 Worlley, Susannah 96139 Wormald, Eliza 11897 John 60614 Wormall, Israel 96131 Sarah 69620 Wormesley, Isaac 96132 Wormington, Betsy . . . . 56160 Edward .. .. 74648 Wormwell, John 6863 Womell, Alexander Francis. . 10305 Womer, Daniel and John . . 96133 Worrall, George and Hannah 54425 Jane 10381 John 12970 Joseph 96134 ]Mr 71589 ■ Samuel 60616 Worrallow, John 6969 Worrell, EHzabeth 28107 & Co 62980 Worsdale, James 96135 Worsdell, Sarah and William 69584 Worsoy, Charles 69606 Henry 68705 Worsfold, John 60616 (Surrey) .. 67766 Worship, James 6649 ' Lucas . . . . 14464 Worsley, — 72630 Charles Henry . . 96136 Worsley, Ephraim 1379 (baker) . . 74370 Henry 35955 Major (Col.) . 29713 Israel 53102 John (Chester) . . 76939 Robert 37754 • Thomas, Lt.-Col. (Col.) 29714 Worsop, John Arthur . . . . 30714 Worstall, Ann 28108 Sarah 12934 Wort, George 54362 Wortabot, Gregory M 55870 Worth, Abel 9202 Elizabeth 33484 Jacob Whitechurch . . 6650 James 33484 John 74431 Robert 844 Thomas 96137 Worthington, Eliza . . . . 72780 ■ Family .. .. 28107 James . . . . 2532 John 15152 and Joseph (Colonies) . , 20021 ■ . M. (India) . . 29052 • Mary(Nottnghm.) 50117 Rebecca .. .. 96138 Worthy, James and Sarah . . 26500 Wortley, Dusgate 69627 John 40710 Worvill, George 50196 Wothers, Richard 68237 Wotherspoon, Oswald (Colonies) 20022 Wotton t'. Brydges 24553 James 96140 John 51653 Woulfe, John 50359 Woundy, James 24719 Woutcr, Mr 96141 Wrack, John 53084 Wragg V. Litchfield . . • . 24578 Mary 6150 . Thomas 31432 Wraith, Robert 7854 Wrake, Michael Bennett .. 70408 Wramp, John David . . , . 12851 Wrangham, Anthony .. .. 72082 Martha Roper, Mrs. 69947 Wrangle, Thomas and William 14648 William (London) . . 15104 Wrapp, Jonn Da-s-id .. .. 6334 Wrapson, Henry 11390 Wray, Christopher W. (Colonies) 2971 George Henry . . , , 73162 Hannah 728 Jane (wifo of Francis) 9782 John 61995 407 IHrectiona for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. "Wray, Mary Octavius Paul Robert Bateman . . Sir W. J William Wrede, J. P Wreford, Rebecca and Richard Wreight, Henry and Mary . . Wreisburg, D Wren, Charles James John Wrench, Alexander Edward Jacob G. . . Peter Elwyn . . Tryon Wake . . Wrenn, John Wrennall, Hannah Wrentmore, Ann (or Holloway) Isaac V. Scudamore William Wrench Wrey, William Long Wrigglesworth, Jane John Wright, A. (India) Abigail AKred and Anne . . Ann (Westminster) (related to Sir J. Innes) Anna Maria . . Baines Barbara Atkyns . . V. BeacaU Benjamin Robert Caroline . . Catherine . . Charles Clarissa Louisa & Co D David Scott . . Dennis, Captain Dr Edmund . . Edward (Stafford) Eliza (Middlesex) Elizabeth (York) Esther . . . . Family (London) 3051 28983 1863 9194 28110 25664 60713 62020 7220 16535 74090 55488 53013 9919 69456 75719 5136 54893 31286 15182 8923 15595 62026 24590 59820 10120 34899 6463 68238 28984 96143 73791 54664 15519 1854 96144 28111 28112 96145 24552 30048 73150 53062 4050 51026 53590 1414 96146 105 76260 35356 31493 12066 51680 64305 28113 33607 50252 71631 Wright Family (Lincoln) . . 75710 (Colonies) . . 20023 (Chancery) . . 74619 Frances 59920 Francis 25505 • 5359 George (legatee) . . 17827 (son of Geo.) 39773 Thomas . . 67284 Nathaniel .. 96147 Hannah 51374 Henry (Chester) J . , James — (seaman) (son of Thos.) 32134 26591 32714 54229 17967 Jane 96148 Susan Janet John (Bucks) . . (Lancaster) (Chester) Bowes Cunningham Francis . , Leighton Waldron . . Josef, Mrs. Justice 96150 Lucy 10351 Marg. (formerly Innes) 32 11878 21468 17176 9210 75707 34243 96149 74389 1627 33004 65168 Margaret Elizabeth 794 17826 76265 Margaretta Martha 62027 Mary (legatee) . . 14676 (to advantage) 28117 (widow).. .. 51575 Atkyns .. .. 7825 Michael 96151 Mr 51858 Mrs 11958 Nathan 28118 Nathaniel . . . . 17346 Neal & Co 29 Peter (London) .. 7912 (sugar- baker) 2187 Rachel 59198 Richard 58119 Robert 53060 Samuel John . . . , 73165 Sarah (widow) . . 1819 (or Forrester) 1 7432 D 70407 Stephen 30443 9938 Susannah (descendants) 8464 T.C 10073 Thomas 7985 (Nottingham) 53061 408 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Wright, "Weston William (Nottinglira) (legacy to) (Bucks) . . —- (Lancaster) A C. (Mddlsx.) Coulthirst Hampshire Wrighte, Anna and Barbara . . Hannah Wrightson, Robert Wrigley, Betty Elizabeth and Joseph Writs, Henrich Wroe, Thomas Wroth, Henry Wroughton, Charles Frank . . Wryghte, Maria WiQcke, Carl Ludwig Wyat, Mrs Wyatt, Ann Arthur W Charles Daniel Family (Plymouth) . . & Grieve, Messrs. Henry James Joseph ^ Martha . . Eichard Samuel Stephen Thomas V. Wilkins William Henry(Mddls Wyble, Peter (Colonies) Wyche, Ann Mary Wycherley, Henry Wycherly, Sally 28119 66247 17582 11342 39169 58222 66242 40798 7065 28120 2216 55281 76264 1U93 96154 67744 96155 40568 63892 2160 50232 14096 25918 58382 14007 64310 32452 30130 53894 56336 60008 9065 12424 73791 4586 24603 8006 076945 20028 96157 5129 53900 96158 Wyer, Thomas Wyeth, Elizabeth and John John Wyk, Sophia E. L. S. V. . Wyld, Charles M. (Colonies) , Wylde, John Sir John Sarah Wyldes, Michael . . . . Wyles, Lucy Wylie, Andrew (Colonies) Sir James . . Robert William Wyllie, Elizabeth Charlotte . . Thomas Wylly Family (Queensland) . . Wyman, William S Wymer, Samuel Wynand, Richard Luke . . Wyncoll Family Wynd, William Wyndham, Charles, Captain . . Sir Henry . . Maria F Philip, Rev T. C Thomas Wynn Family . , James William Wynne, Elizabeth Family . . . . George and Margaret John Mr Robert Wyon Family Wysc, Agnes and Mary . . Edmund Wyseman, Sir Thomas Wythe, Caleb . . . . Wyton, Matthew . . Wyvill, Miss , . . . Wyzel, Frederick . . 15141 69847 13146 75295 20029 50658 59393 96159 3042 10347 20030 38101 96160 39162 50135 40377 75344 58167 33476 5616 96161 96162 28985 73659 65193 62078 34008 96163 96164 65197 51656 24586 75210 7947 53032 12864 69555 54658 96167 70514 7749 71557 30555 39509 25794 409 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Yalden, Ann N 96168 William 11640 Yald win, John 96169 Yallop, James Pell . . . . . . 36796 Yapp, Ann 96170 Sarah 31828 Thomas 21036 Yardington, James 38728 Yardley, John . . . . . . . . 5645 Mr 30398 Thomas 96171 Yarp, Prudence , 1291 Yark, Anna and Thomas . . 29116 Yamold, Catherine 63144 WilHam 33549 Yarrow Family 73097 Yate, Ellen 68247 Oldfield and William .. 21203 Yates,-— 51743 Alfred 34392 Catherine 76220 Eliza F 68246 Elizabeth 10676 General 36236 George 53148 Dennis .. .. 56369 Gordon 25445 James 36143 Jane 68703 John 36143 Jonathan 36434 Joseph 56595 Mary (Middlesex) . . 73695 (descendants of) . 31939 Mr 21188 Mr. (Yorkshii-e) . . . . 69530 OHve 59154 Ralph 30519 Richard 96173 Vaughan . . 50638 = Robert 15216 Sally .. 5562 Stephen 51337 Thomas 59339 L 38269 WiUiam 28122 (Lancaster) . . 51084 Yearsley, John 55086 Moses 37021 Yeates, Bridget 28123 Elizabeth 17891 . (afterw.SpiUer) 17094 Michael 75719 Yeaton, Sarah and William . . 53909 Yeats, Charles and James S. . . 60673 - James Sebastian, , . . 53149 Yeatts Family 26519 Yelloly, Joseph 68107 Yeo Family 25640 Jane 23868 Yeoland, Henry , 3958 Yeoman, Christopher . , , , 33289 Eleanor 17418 Frederick (Colonies) 20031 John 15721 Margaret Spence, Miss 32438 Mrs 9785 Thomas 96174 William 74431 Yeomans, Elizabeth ., .. 31989 John, Rev 9289 Joseph Proud . . . . 7219 Sarah 39551 Thomas, Rev 7170 Yeoward & Jacombs .... 29 Yerbery & Co 71599 Yerbury v. Head 24604 John 61055 William . . . . 54016 Richard 96175 Yetts Family 26532 WiUiam 71645 Yew, Elizabeth and Samuel . . 5589 Yewbank,Miss 96176 Yiend, Thomas 38136 Yockney Family . . . , . , 75216 Yond, Leonard 96177 Mary 10588 Yonde, Thomas Watkin . . . . 12002 Yonge, C, Mrs 22278 Eleanor, Mary, and John 66331 Francis A. H.&Jas,F.M. 71547 Rebecca 37368 Steven Duke .. .. 71548 Yool, David 35281 York, Charles 11093 Elizabeth 3400 Thomas.. " .. .. 1208 William (Middlesex) . . 50682 Yorke, Charles Wynne . . . . 34365 John and Mary .. .. 57191 Youact, Francis 17205 Youd, Mary 28124 Youdan, Elizabeth and William 69943 Youde, Thomas 96179 Youlden, John E 66350 Youle, Ann and John .. .. 67277 Yound. M. (or Yond) . . . . 7563 ^^ Mary (Middlesex) .. 7155 Young, — Esq 32880 A. S„ Lieut 11094 2D 410 JDirections for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Names relate will be found at end of Index. Young, Alexander (Colonies) Ann (India) (Leeds) Anna , , Bob C. F. Charles (Chancery) (Middlesex) Frederick Clifford Martyn . . David (mariner) , . Edward Elizabeth (Cardiff) Family . Francis M Frederick . . James . . George (America) J. Georgina E., Miss Heathfield . . . . Henry., .. t. J. G. .. WeUs . . Hester. Hickman . . Isaac James (Ensign) . , ' (mariner) "William Jane Jeffries Miller .. Jeoffry M. (Norfolk) Jeremiah Barry.. John (seaman) . . — — (Newport) (Honduras) — i — William . . 20032 28125 29718 30139 68077 55351 2602 29719 54015 73715 74393 29719 35059 75212 16113 37725 299 75457 67748 60675 35018 74397 71028 66904 24520 32539 39749 21336 69626 35012 61522 62294 17540 318 1038 7512 29720 26395 21434 68245 077 3467 11773 12736 64207 Young, Johnstone Douglas . . 62840 Leonard 73128 Ludovick 96180 Mary (widow) . . . . 3857 37799 Patience . . . . 6514 Mr 71605 Peter 299 (Southampton).. 75713 . PhiHp 96181 Phoebe 30734 Eichard ' 9481 (Edinburgh) 74396 Eobert (India) . . . . 2608 Simon 5221 Stormont Williams .. 52839 Susannah Lacey . . 35340 Thomas (cooper) . . 12635 (groom) .. 2962 Major (India) 29722 Bristowe .. 71646 Brown . . . . 71647 T 57029 WilHam (Middlesex) 69625 (merchant) 16631 (sail maker) 28126 Ogston . . 60525 Thomas .. 96182 Sir William .. .. 75719 — Zuppede 25600 Younger, Elizabeth .. .. 76033 Thomas Preston . . 64484 Younghusband, Robert . . . . 33536 WiUiam . . 6042 Youngman, Mary 63147 Youngs, William 67013 Yount, William 8032 YoxaU& Welsh 34368 Yturregni, Jose 3163 Yuill, John 33668 William 53146 Yule, Andrew 33887 Sarah (wife of James) . . 68248 411 Directions for obtaining full copies of the Advertisements to which these Kame» relate will be found at end of Index. Zacttartas, Otto 35402 Zander, G. Albert 8049 Zansen, Carl Freidrich G. . . 860 Zara, — 25847 Zehender, Albert 5859 " Zenobia ' ' (ship) , Crew of . . 57313 Zeuogle, Eliza 68660 Zetelli, Giusepp 10375 Zetterbug, E 96183 Zeyferd Family 57814 Zimmerling, — 25798 Zimmerman, Frederick C. . . 75202 Zimmerman, Maria . . . . 96184 Zobel, John 29988 Zorn, John 96185 Zornlin, Eleanor | 33928 Zouch, James 21952 Miss 11221 Zouche, Mary 4014 Zschaul, Freidrich Adam . . 5707 ZuiU, Elizabeth 2477 > INSTRUCTIONS For obtaining Copies of the Advertisements, OR Information referred to in this Index. The I^AME and Number should be distinctly written, as no Fee can be returned after information has been supplied. The fee for Eull Copy varies according to the ^ value of the Information. Lowest fee 10,s. 6d. Before paying the full fee, some persons may desire to ascertain with certainty if the advertisement relates* to the person of whom they are seeking intelligcQce, and for this purpose an extract thereof will be sujoplied for 7.s. If a fall copy is afterwards required, this amount will be deducted from the fee for full copy. All Letters requiring a search for a name not in this Index must contain an Enquiry Fee of 30 stamps, and should be addressed — EDWARD PRESTON, OftTLJ: 9o(^',,,^,^^.^^^^rSy4^^^^j^^ London, S,W, P.0.0. to be made payawe at 801, Briit o n Bg^^ d,^.'W. . >, . NOTE.— The Compiler can only be seen by appwi^mentr^^^^^^^^ NOTICE TO ENQUIRERS. ^TIMBERS of Advertisements appear daily in the ]S"ewspapers calling on Hoirs-at-Law, Next-of-Kin, Legatees, Missing Eriends and others to come forward and claim property of all kiads and amounts in value. These notifications are often unseen at the time of publication by the parties really interested, who perhaps only hear, on their return from abroad many years afterwards, that they have been advertised for. They are then naturally anxious to obtain a copj^ of the advertisement and ascertain if there is any unclaimed money or property that they are entitled to. Hence the value of this Index. It enables the public to obtain this very valuable information for a small fee. In addition to the names contained in this Index, the compiler has lists of persons who have died intestate in India, America, Australia, and elsewhere, and is constantly adding thereto. If, therefore, an inquirer does not find the name wanted in this list, the compiler suggests that particulars be sent to him of the circumstances under which information is sought (together with the usual inquiry fee, 30 stamps), and careful search will then be made. If the name wanted is not found, advice will be given as to the best mode of procedure. SEAECHES macle"~^rthe CHATs^CERY OFEICES, DOCTORS' COMMONS, INDIA OEFICE, ADMIRALTY and elsewhere, on moderate terms. Information can also be obtained respecting Unclaimed Dividends of the Bank of England, South Sea Stock, Army and Wavy Prize Jloney, Bankruptcy Dividends, &c. [oriMo^'^ OF ruEiss, see m:xT rAGE.) OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. WgU and clearly arranged and ought to prove valuable to all interested m unclaimed sums ot money or l^TQT^erty.— Standard, 1 November, 1872 ^^^^^^^^ » An immense niunber of names arc included in this list, in the compilation of which a There, are thousands of persons in the United Kingdom to whom this book would bo an absolute fortune. r^eekl!/ Times, 10 November, IS?*? f Jw'^I.i^-i^V^ ^- ^^^^^^'« ^^"^ pubHaition will be welcome, not merehr to those who, like Mr, Micawbor, are ' waiting for something to turn up,' bit to aU w^ wl wr ^ ^^'''' *^'^ T' "^^^ ^t^^'^ ^ ^'^^^^« f°r them and oiSy requ^eT to be claimed. And how nmny there are who hare expectations of this kind, or fancy they ^Zhr^yr ' f-"^ '^^ ^^ ^e completeness of tho work may be gathered from tl^ i/n SStr/ ff ^"^/"^T^i.^ J^^^^- ^r^^^ ^^^^' advertised for during the iLt 160 yeai^ in the Zond^ G.z^U, lim^.^ and numerous r4her London and country news- IT'^^Z^^^^f hcn-s-.t-l^v, ne^tQf km, legatees, and others, to come forw^ and prove their claims to propcrty^ of the ag8iH)g-ato ^'alue of many millions sterUng." In order to show the usefulness of his Index, the compiler gives us a few facts .,,,,.., {See Frefaee) It must be hard, after finding Mdth a thrill of satisfaction that you are wanted, to discover on inquiry that the .dll or legacy belongs to another person of the same name or has already been claimed; but even for this claS Mr Chambers has consolation remarking that "anxiety is set at rest, and a great mlct^lO^LTXm *^^^^^^^^^^^^isobe spent in useless searches."-Z^ The third edition of a very useful book has just been published The com- piler makes It his business to answer aU communications bearing upon the contents of his ''°°^- • • • • J*^ value to feolicitors and others prosecuting inquiries as to unclaimed property cannot be over estimated.-i?^men^A«;n Daily Gazette, 7 November, 1872 We imagine the Index will be of great assistance to Solicitors and others wanting a clue to unclaimed money. The preface states some facts to prove its value. Tho iollowmg is all we need by way of example, (see Times, 8 October 1872 )— ". FIVE POUNDS RE WAED.-To SoLitoVs and others.-\^^^^^^^ rSt^t'hTliiltm^"!!^^^^:?"^^^ ''''' ^^^ w^^^- ^^^11-- «-th, On referring to the Index we notice two Walter Smiths, Nos. 3597, and 14,838, also Ashton family 69,698 most probably one of these is the advertisement required. Tho price IS 10s 6d post free, but, by a convenient arrangement, any person requiring only a single letter can be supplied mth it for Is.-Cox's Legal Circular, 2 Novembei; 1872 Claimants wanted for Millions of Money. -Chambers's Index to Hcirs-at-Law. &c., presents some startling facts as to the amount of unclaimed money in this ^^^^7 V> ^?^l' ^^y^^ passes without one or more applications boin- made to us respectmg missmg advertisements, which it is of course impossible for us tS T^^f '.- i ^""^ correspondents will turn to this handy volume they will find the names alphabetically arranged ; and can procure the information they seek for a smaU fee. Lloyd s, 2 November, 1872. This is a very useful work, and will be found especiaUy serviceable to Solicitors and otiiers whoare prosecuting inquiiics respecting unclaimed money.— Euddersjield Daily Chromele, 4 November, 1872. j if In this volume a long list is given of the names of those persons who have been advertised for m connsction with unclaimed property during the last 150 years. Tho particulars, so lar as they are hero furnished, are arranged in alphabetical order for ready reference.— a ^y I'rcss, October 26, 1872. Among the members of many families a vague Icind of tradition is preserved to tho efloct that they are entitled to an amount of propertv which it would be folly to think of ever possessing. An old connection of the family died some indefinite time a'-o leaving them the rightful heirs to his or her property, but by some complicatod machinations on the part of tiie lawyers, neither capable of being understood or overcome it never came into their possession. Inr many cases, of course, thes6 rights are only fanciful, but it is ncvertiieless a somewhat startling fact (Sec Preface) It is a compendious volume, and enables any person to obtain for a very small fee a copy ot the 'Next of Km' advertis(;ment, which is stated to bo often suUicient to put cnriuirers m possession of a dii-ect clue to very large sums of monoy.— Brighton Daily Ncio.s, 4 November., 1872. j j j ITio Index must bo very valuable to all interested in unclaimed money, of which as the preface shews, there are many millions sterling awaiting claimants.— aaw* FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY CA 94720-6000