9 = ISITY Of CAUfORNU LIBRiRY OF THE UNIVEflSliy OF CALIFORIIU 173 ISITY OF CALIFORNIA ^ V LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF M ■^ ^^M^ = ISITY OF CALIFORNIA 11 ..r LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF >fM'M^^ \ zz ^ ri^ili ^^XX^^M^i ^•.SITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA M LIBRARY EHSiTY OF CALIFORKIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA <5^ LIBRARY TY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA M.. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS AND NOTES. % The impression of this Book is strictly limited to ^25 co/ncs, of which 2^ only are on Large Paper, Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. 2^0 I ^ PREFATORY DEDICATION. TO WILLIAM HAZLITT, CHIEF REGISTRAR OF THE LONDON COURT OF BANKRUPTCY. It is now, as you know, some four and twenty years since I first entered on my bibliographical career. You entertained grave mis- givings as to the prudence of the step ; and I now have no hesitation in confessing, that of the magnitude of the enterprise which I was proposing to myself, I was lamentably ignorant. But I had formed my resolution, and nothing could deter me. Eight or nine years elapsed in the accumulation of material for a Ncio Bibliogrcqjliy of Early English Literature ; I matured my plan carefully and thought- fully ; no collection of books, public or private, large or small, fell in my way without increasing my stores and at the same time sharpening my appetite ; and, at length, in 1867, I felt justified in sending what I had so far done to the Printer. The volume then published is tolerably familiar nowadays to all interested in such matters under the denomination of Hazlitt's Haxdbook ; it is a thick octavo of 7 1 4 pages, in two columns, and supplies descriptions of about 10,000 articles, as far as possible from the originals. This book of mine, at present fifteen years' old, I must say that I continue to regard without shame and without regret. I see its shortcomings and its weaknesses ; but such drawbacks are incidental to every mortal undertaking, superlatively so to one where minutice govern, and where of the numerous constituent atoms so many are obscured from the view or placed above the reach of an investigator like myself. A very marked proportion of the Handbook of 1867, indeed, con- sisted of titles and collations drawn from the fountain-head, and after all deductions the residuum of sound matter was creditably large. 102922 PREFA TOR V DEDICA TION. Still I felt sorry that I had permitted my work to be leavened to any extent whatever with second-hand ware ; and I made up my mind to a New Departure. Perceiving that the policy by which I had adopted information from other works was false, and that progress made in that way was worse than specious, I resolved thenceforward to construct my bibliographical edifice on the only sure and enduring foundation — to catalogue each book with the book under my eyes. Another inter- val of nine years followed, however, before I submitted to the public the result of my new doctrine and experiment. The First Series of Bibliographical Collectioxs and Notes, a volume of 500 pages, in two-column form, was printed in 1876. This, my second, progeny of the kind, was a fusion of old faulty titles and collations redone with a large mass of fresh gatherings, the fruit of many a weary day's, and week's, and month's literary research, coupled with sheer manual toil. Sometimes the labour grew so irksome and so exhausting, from the frequency of sales and the apparently endless deluge of books and tracts, that I thought of abandoning my self-imposed task ; for I had, it must be understood, not only substituted my old mode of treatment for another more healthy and more solid, but I had had the courage or temerity to set back the narrow limits of the original scheme of 1867, and to transform a Monograph into a Cyclopaedia. The Handbook professed to confine itself to certain sections of our early literature ; but the Bibliographical Collections manifested the far more ambitious and formidable design of embracing the whole of it, except such commodities as mere sermons and the technicalities of controversial- theology. It may be freely allowed that my undertaking was, in its incep- tion, too limited and too special, and appealed to a too select circle of enthusiasts. But in the Bibliographical Collections of 1876, I turned my back completely on the errors of my apprenticeship, and whatever verdict may be delivered on my revised project, the merit and the praise due to comprehensive breadth must not, I think, be withheld from it. Between 1867, the birth-year of the JTandhook, and 1876, that of the Bihliograpldcal Collections and Notes, an increasing ardour for the pursuit which I had made so much my own, tempted me to wander into other fields, and the dispersion of a series of valuable private libraries, year by year, kept my ])en busy, and enlarged insen- sibly the scope and volume of my labours. From aspiring at first to' gather into ray hands an account of such works only as belonged to Early English poetry and I'olklore, I became by degrees the possessor of an imposing and proud assemblage of Descriptive Notes, comprising (so far as our own literature goes) every branch of human learning, and PRE FA TOR Y DEDICA TIOX. all the shades and forms which speculation and thought have taken through ages. Among the collections which the hammer has dissolved since 1867 may be enumerated those formed by Mr. George Smith, of White- chapel, rich in Old English Miscellanies ; the Eev. Thomas Corser, especially distinguished by its profuse wealth in our Early Poetry ; Mr. Kershaw, rich in Plays ; Dr. Eimbault, both in them and in Music ; Dr. David Laing, unexampled in its almost inexhaustible mine of Scotish Literary Antiquities ; Mr. Way, very useful to me for a few undescribed items; Mr. Comerford, surpassing all recent auctions in the department of English Topography ; the Duke of Marlborough ; and a host of miscellaneous dispersions. Xor should I overlook the very serviceable legacies to South Kensington in this interval of the libraries of Dyce and Forster ; and I also made a second inspection of the Grenville and Lambeth Palace treasures. But all our libraries, public and private, are so imperfect, even collectors of strict speciali- ties never meeting with certain items, that, in order to secure even an approach to completeness, one is obliged to resort to a process of amalgamation. For example, no person or institution can at present boast that he or it possesses an unbroken series of the original editions of Shakespear. Immense gain has, doubtless, accrued from the periodical scattering of bibliographical hoards, as weU as from the propensity of individuals to collect on particular lines — the narrower those lines, the better for me. The large stores formed by Bliss, Bandinel, Mitford, Tyrrel the City Eemembrancer, Daniel of Canonbury, and others, were of signal service to me in their time. Many articles, I found, were of little interest or importance in themselves ; but they acquired value by aggregation, and by being grouped and classified under subjects or localities. Union est la Force. My design, in fact, in its more catholic aspect, as it presents itself in the Bibliographical Collections and Notes, 1876, exhausts nearly the entire domain of literature and science. The succeeding pages only follow the precedent of the First Series in dealing with the under- mentioned subjects : — Agriculture and Drainage. Apparel. Alchemy. Archaiology. Almanacs. Architecture. America. Arithmetic. Boston. Arts and Sciences New England. Astrolog>\ New Plymouth. Astronomy. Pennsylvania. Virginia. BaUads. Anatomy. Banks. VIU PRE FA TOR V DEDICA TION. Bibliography. Biography. Black Art. Botany. Caligraphy. Campanology. Capital Books. Chillingworth's Religion of Protestants. Cudworth's Intellectual System. Garth's Dispensary. Hake will's Apology. Harrington's Oceana. Hobbes' Leviathan. Jewell's Apology. Locke's Essay. Newton's Principia, &c. Cartography. Chapbooks. Characters (Books of). Charles 1. and II. Chemistry. Civil War of 1641-43. Classics, Greek. Koman. Mediaeval. Clockmaking. Coal. Commerce. Commonwealth of England. Cookery. County Histories. Courts of Law. Credit. Criticism. Cromwelliana. Currency. Dancing. Dialects. Dials. Discoveries and Inventions. Drama and Stage. Drolleries. Education. Elizabethan Literature. Emblems and Devices. English Books printed abroad. Engraving and Etching. Entomology. Fables of iEsop and others. Facetiae. Farriery. Fencing. Finance. J*' i reworks. Folklore. Foreign books relating to British alfairs Fortification and Engineering. Free Thought. Games. Genealogy and Family History. Geography. Geometry. Greek Language. Gunpowder Plot. Heraldry. History and Literature of Denmark. Egypt. England. France. Germany. Ireland. Italy. Netherlands. Norway. Persia. Portugal. Kussia. Scotland. Spain. Sweden. Venice. Wales. Horsemanship. Horticulture. Hydrostatics. Icthyology. Inquisition. Jest Books. Jesuits. Jewish History. liaw and Jurisprudence. Local History. Logic and Rhetoric. London. Lord Mayors' Shows. Magic. Masques and Pageants. Manuscripts (unpublished). IVIary Queen of Scots. IMathematics. Medicine. ]\Iercuries. Metallurgy. Mi'la])hysics. Militia. IMilitary Art and Discipline. Mineral Waters. Mineralogy. Mining. Music. Natural History. Philosoi)hy. Naval History. Navigation, Foreign and Ijiihuul. News Ijelters. Numismata. Occult Sciences. Optics. PRE FA TOR V DEDICA TION. Oriental Tales. Ornithology. Orthography. Painting. Parliament. Periodical Literature. Pharmacy. Philology. Dictionaries. Grammars. Spelling Books. Vocabularies. Philosophy. Physics. Platonic Literature. Poetry. Police. Political Economy. Popery. Postage. Projects and Monopolies. Prophecies. Proverbs. Quackery. Reformation. Reports (Legal). Revolution of 1688. Roman Catholic books. Romances. Boccaccio. Cervantes. Margaret of Navarre. Rabelais. Reynard the Fox. Seven Champions, &c. Saints' and Martyrs' Lives. Schools. Secret History. Sects. Adamites. Anabaptists. Arminians. Ranters. Socinians, &c. Shorthand. Register, Songs and Garlands. Social Science. Spanish Armada. Sports and Amusements. Angling. Archery. Cards. Cocking. Dice. Fowling. Hunting. Legerdemain. Star Chamber. Stationers' Statutes. Steam Power. Surgery. Surveying and Mensuration. Swimming. Tangier. Tenures. Theatres. Theology. Articles of Religion. Catechisms. Church Discipline. Music. Hours of the Virgin. Liturgy; Martin Marprelate. Prayers and Prayer Book. Primers. Psalters. Reformation. Reformers' Lives and "Works. Ritual. Tobacco, Topography. Trades and Callings. Trials. Turkish History. Typography. Voyages and Travels. Witchcraft. Women, Love, and Marriage. Wrestling. Zoology. The observations which I have here taken occasion to make have a common bearing on the Bibliograjphical Collections and Notes of 1876 and on the present volume, in which the same principle and aim have ruled me. The two books comprehend about 16,000 separate entries, gathered together at intervals from a great variety of sources, and often under difficult circumstances, but, I hope, in all cases with fidelity and success ; and if to these we add 5000 for the portion of the Handbook of 1867, catalogued on the same plan, and therefore presumably of per- manent worth, we arrive at a total of 21,000 orthodox titles. These will strike any person of experience as rather big figures. No volumes, PRE FA TOR V DEDICA TION. indeed, in our own language, or probably in any other, afford an equal body of information on what in any country should be considered a subject of national dignity and concernment. The Notes will be found tolerably plentiful. iThey are, as a rule, relevant merely to the subject-matter of the particular work to which they are appended, but occasionally they illustrate the life of the author, or refer to some interesting point connected with another book by him. They have not been drawn up without very considerable trouble, and they ought, perhaps, to assist in dispelling the common illusion that a bibliographer is very little more than a mechanical transcriber. How few things, on the contrary, he ought not to know, if his functions are to be satisfactorily performed ! In conclusion, I shall do myself the pleasure to thank those who have most materially helped me : Mr. Henry Pyne, Mr. Furnivall, Mr. Eichard Garnett of the British Museum, Mr. Aldis Wright, Mr. Christie-Miller, Mr. Alfred Wallis of Derby, Mr. Frederick Locker, my Publisher who invariably lets me see any book which he has bought, and the eminent auctioneers Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodge, whose liberality and kindness this is not my first opportunity of commemorating. W. C. H. WiNTERSLOW, Barnes Common, March, 1882. x^ "Barker if y?yj'i[t= J3n na mt^Suinatin/^t. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS AND NOTES. A. E. M.A. An Elegy on Her Grace Elizabeth Ducliess of Ormond, who died July the 2l3t, 16b4. By E. A. M.A. of Trin. CoU. Dubl. In the Savoy, Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1684. Folio, 4 leaves. A. a, Pallas Armata. The Gentlemans Ar- morie ; wherein the right and genuine use of the Rapier and of the Sword, as well against the right handed as the left handed man is displayed : And now set forth and iirst published for the comnmon [sic] good by the Author. [Qaot. from Valerius Maximus.] Printed at London by J. D. for John Williams . . . 1639. 8°. *, 8 leaves : A— G in eights. With woodcuts. Grenv. Coll. A. J., The Good Womans Champion : Or, A defence for the weaker Vessell, being fit for Widdowes, Wives, Maidens, or others, to read or heare. Wherein is vindicated the bitter reproaches, and scandalous writings of some fantastick men, against poore, harmlesse Women, and Maides. With a carefull Wives good Counsell to a carelesse bad Husband. By J. A. Printed at London for Francis Grove, and are to be sold at his Shop neare the Sarazens Head on Snow Hill. [CiVc« 1640.] 8^8 leaves. In prose and verse. Br. Museum (the Wolfreston copy), A., J. A Funerall Elegie on the unfortunate death of that worthy Major Edward Grey, July 26, 1644. Printed at London for I. W. in the old Baylie, 1644. A sheet, with anagrams. Ouvnj Cat. No. 149. A. J., A Vindication of the Roman CathoUcks of the English Nation, from Some Asper- sions lately cast upon them, in a Letter from a Protestant Gentleman in the Country, to a Citizen of London. London Printed in the year, 1660. 4°. This letter from J. A. to his cousin is dated from Yorkshire, April 22, 1660. A., M. Poems, Upon Several Occasions. By M. A. Together with some Choice Letters by the same Author. Licens'd June 12 : 1668. London, Printed by S. G. 1668. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— K in eights, last leaf blank. Dedicated to John, Earl of Bridgewater. Some of these pieces are in the Derby- shii-e dialect. A. R., Cantabrigiensis. An Elegie upon the Deaths of the Earle of Southampton and the lord Wriottesly. Licensed to Henry Seile, 22 Dec. 1624. A. T. Some Reflections upon a late Pamphlet, in a Letter to J. H. Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh. . . . 1681. A folio leaf sub- scribed T. A. A. W. The Present State of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries ; as to the Govern- ment, Laws, Forces, Riches, Manners, Customes, Revenue, and Territory, of the Dutch. In Three Books. Collected by W. A. Fellow of the Royal Society. London, Printed for John Starkey, . . . 1669. 12^, A— T in twelves. A. B. C. An a b c for children in englesshe with syllab[l]es. Licensed to John Waley in 1557-8. The aged mans a b c. A ballad. Licensed to John Waley and the wddow Toy in 1557-8. The A B C. Printed by Jolin Tysdale without licence in 1558-9. a[n] a b c in laten. Licensed to John Tysdale in 1558-9. ABACHO. ACHATES. The A B C in englesshe. Licensed to Richard Lant in 1558-9. An A b c for children. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot in 1561-2. A ballett intituled an a b c w4th a prayer. Licensed to J. Allde in 1564-5. A godly A. B. C. Licensed to Edward White, 19 Aug. 1579. The battaile of A. B. C. A ballad. Li- censed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. The home A. B. C. Licensed to John Wolf, 6 Nov. 1587. The A B for children conteyninge two sheetes of paper / newly Devised with syllables with the lordes praier our belief and the Ten commandementes. Licensed to R. Jones, 3 May, 1591, but subsequently cancelled. The ABC: with the Catechism : . . . Imprinted at London for the Company of Stationers. 1668. 8^ Bagjord Painrs (orig. title). ABACHO. Libretto Di Abacho per far imparare gli figlioli, gli principij Dell' Arithmetica. Licensed to John Wolfe, to be printed in English and Italian, 27 Aug. 1590. ABBOT, GEORGE. ABriefe Description of the Whole World. . . . London, Printed by B. Alsop, for J. M. . . . 1641. 12^, A— G in twelves, including the engraved title. ABBOT, GEORGE, Esquire, M.P. The Whole Book of Psalms Paraphrased : Or, Made easier for any to understand. With the matter comprehended in each Psalm, respectively collected, and pre- fixed thereunto, by way of Contents. By George Abbot Esquire, Deceased and member of this present Parliament. . . . London, Printed by William Bentley. Anno Dom. 1650. 4^, A in eights, A 1 occupied by a device only : B — 3 P 2 in fours, 3 P 2 blank. Dedicated by Richard Vines to Mrs. Joan Purefoy, wife of Colonel Purcfoy, of Caldecote.in Warwickshire. The version is in prose. ABELL, JOHN. A Collection of Songs, in Several Lan- guages. London : Printed by AVilliam Pearson, . . . 1701. Folio 14 leaves. With the music. Dedicated to William in. ABERNETHY, THOMAS. Abjuration of Poperie, By Thomas Aber- nethie : Sometime Jesuitc, but now ])eni- tent Sinner, and an uuworthie Member of the true reformed Church of God in Scot- land, at Edinburgh, in the Gray-frier Church, the 24 of August, 1638. [Quota- tions.] Printed at Edinburgh, . . . 1638. 4^, A— E in fours. ABRAHAM. A ballett • intituled how Abraham offered Isacke. Licensed to J. Allde in 1568. A newe ballad of Abraham and Sara. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. ABSALOM. Absalom Senior : Or, Achitophel Trans- posed. A Poem. Revis'd, with Addi- tions. . . . London : Printed for S. E. and sold by Langley Curtis. . . . 1680. 4'', A— F 2 in fours. Absalom Senior : Or, Achitophel Trans- pos'd. A Poem. Revis'd, with Addi- tions. London : . . . 1682. 4^ A— F 2 in fours. ACACIUS, Baro de Doua. Parallelismus nov-antiqui erroris Pela- giarminiani. [Quot. from Matth. 7, 16.] Londini, Impensis Roberti Mylbovrne. 1626. 4^, A— B in fours, or 8 leaves. A Parallel : Of New-Old Pelagiarminian Error. Do men gather grapes of thornes or figs of thistles? Matth. 7. 16. Lon- don, Printed for Robert Milbourne. 1626. 4^, A — B in fours : C — D, 2 leaves each. ACADEMIES. Vindiciee Academiarum Containing, Some briefe Animadversions upon Mr. Web- sters Book, Stiled, The Examination of Academies. Together with an Appendix concerning what M. Hobbs and M. Dell have published on this Argument. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield. . . . 1654. 4°, A— I 2 in fours. ACADEMY. The New Academy of Complements. . . . London, Printed for Samuel Speed, near the Inner Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet. 1670. Price Is. 6d. 8°, B-0 6 in twelves, besides the frontispiece and title. A New Academy of Complements : Or The Lover's Secretary. . . . The Eleventh Edition, with Additions. London : Printed for A. Bettesworth. . . . 1734. 8", A— G in eights, last two leaves blank or with advertisements ; but A in twelves. Woodcuts. There is a curious descriptive list of (lunces at the cud. The copy employed was iini)erfect. ACHATES. Fidelia Achates : Or, An Historical Ac- count of the most Remarkable Actions in the Late Reigns, and the Present ACHELLEY. ADIS. Ke volution. In Heroick Verse. Lon- don, Printed for John Sprint, at tlie Bell in Little Britain. 1699. 8°, A— L in eights, including 2 leaves of advertise- ments at end. ACHELLEY, THOMAS. The Key of Knowledge. Contayning sundry godly Prayers and Meditations, very necessary to occupy the mindes of well disposecl persons. Imprinted at London by William Seres. [1571.] Sm. 8°, black letter, A— Z in eights. Printed within borders. Lamheth. The Ahnanac on the back of the title is for 17 years, 1572-88. ACHESOX, JAMES. The Military Garden. Or, Instrvctions for all Yovng Sovldiers, and svch who are disposed to learne, and have Knowledge of the Militarie Discipline. Wherein are set downe the conditions and qualities which are required in every Beverall oflB.cer of a private company. Observed and set in order according to the best Military practise by James Achesone, GentlemanatArmes, Purges of EdinbvTgh. Edinbvrgh Printed by John Wreittoun Anno Dom. 1629. Cum privilegio Regali. 4*^. Title and dedication to the Provost, &c., of Edinburgh, 2 leaves : A— E 2 in fours. B. M. ADAM. The complaynte of Adam our greate- graunde father. A ballad. Licensed to J. Allde in 1567-8. A ballett of Adams fearefull fall. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1570. A ballad of y® fyrst fall of our father Adam and Eve for the breach of Gods commandement and of his Piecouerye agaiue by the promised seede Jesus Christe. Licensed to Edward ^\Tiite, 18 March, 1578-9. ADAMITES. A Nest of Serpents Discovered. Or, A Knot of old Heretiques revived, Called the Adamites. Wherein their originall, increase, and severall ridiculous tenets are plainly layd open. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. With a cut on title. B. M. ADAMS, JOHN. Index Villaris : Or, An Exact Register, Alphabetically Digested, Of all the Cities, Market-Towns, Parishes, Villages, the Hundred, Lath, Rape, Ward, Wapen- take, or other Division of each County : The Bishopricks, Deaneries, Churches, Chappels, Hospitals ; with the Rectories and Vicarages in England and Wales, and their respective Valuations in the King's Books : The Private Seats of the King, Nobility, and Gentry : . . . Hereto is added A perfect Catalogue of the Nobility of England and Wale?, to the presentTime,May20. 1690. . . . London, Printed for T. Sawbridge, and M. Gilly- flower, . . . M.DC.xc. Folio, A — 4 P in twos, besides general title, preface, title to Index Villaris, and Table, 4 leaves. ADDISON, LANCELOT. The First State of Mahumedism. . . . The Second Edition. By the Author of the Present State of the Jews. London, Printed for Will. Crook. . . . 1687. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — K 4 in eights. ADIS, HENRY. A cup for the Citie, And Her Adherents. Printed in the Year mdcxlyiii. 4", 6 leaves, subscribed Henry Adis. A Declaration of a small Society of Bap- tized Believers, undergoing the name of Free-Willers, about the City of London. London, Printed for the Author Henry Adis Upholdster, living in Princes Street, and Published the 1 . . day of the 11. Month, Heathenishly called in honour to their God Janus, January, 1659. A sheet. Br. Museum (mutilated). A Fannaticks Letter Sent out of the Dun- geon of the Gate-House Prison of West- minster : To all His Brethren in the three Nations at Liberty ; and also in the seve- ral Goales and Dungeons therein, that are under all the Principles of the Doctrines of Christ, Heb. 6. 1^ 2. By Henry Adis. . . . London, Printed by S. Dover for the Author, . . . 1660 [March 6, 1659- 60]. 4^ A— D 2 in fours, D 2 blank. Br. Museum. A Fannaticks Mite Cast into the Kings Treasiuy : Being a Sermon Printed to the King, because not Preach'd before the King. By Henry Adis, a Baptized Be- liever, . . . London, Printed for the Author, an Upholdster, living in Princes- street, near Covent-Garden, 1660. 4*^, *— 3* in fours: B— T in fours. Br. useura. A Fannatick's Alarm, Given to the Mayor in his Quarters, By one of the Sons of Zion, become Boanerges to thunder out the Judgements of God against Oppressors and Oppressions. ... By Henry Adis, a Baptized Believer, undergoing the Name of a Free-wilier, and also most ignomine- ously by the tongue of Infamy, called a Fannatick or a mad man. . .'. London, ADMIRALTY. \tESOP. Printed for the Author, . . . 1661. 4°, A — G in fours. ADMIRALTY. , Reasons for Setling Admiralty-Jurisdic- tion, And Giving Encouragement.to Mer- chants, Owners, Commanders, Masters of Ships, Martial-Men and Marines. Hum- bly offered to the Consideration of His Majesty, and the two Houses of Parlia- ment. Printed in the Year, 1690. 4°, A — C in fours. ADMONITION. A godly admonition for men of eche degre to vse, wherby we are admon- ysshed these vayne ballettes to refuse. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566. An admonyssion, or a letter of a yonge man. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1567. An admonition to cruell Jaylors. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1569-70. An admonigon to all suche as shall in- tende hereafter to enter the state of mat- rymonie godlie and agreable to the lawes, Licensed to John Harison the elder, 2 July, 1578. An Admonition vnto all Plough holders exhortinge them to holde fast, &c. Li- censed to John Wolf, 20 Sept. 1588. ADONIZEDEC. A ballad of King Adonized[ec] y* had his handes and towes cutt of. Licensed to R, Jones, 16 April, 1578. ADULTERY. A Tragicall memorye of the plagues of adulterye by a late example of the Death of Fcure haynous trespassers, with the Confession of Margaret Doryngton, one of the Foure. Licensed to R. Jones, 25 June, 1578. ADVICE. The Advice. A sheet containing 12 3-line stanzas besides a burden, Thu is the time. [Circa 1690.] The fifth stanza runs :— " Would you with expedition send away Those four dim Lights made ]iishops t'other day, To convert Indians in America : This is the time.^* Advice to the True Representatives of Old England. [Circa 1699-1700.] A folio leaf of verses. ADY, THOMAS, M.A. A Perfect Discovery of Witches. Shew- ing the Divine Cause of the Distractions of this Kingdome, and also of tlic Christian World. Justitw Thronxm fmiud, [Quot. from Prov. 29. 14.] Very profitable to be read by all sorts of People, especially Judges of Assizes, Sheriffes, Justices of the Peace, and Grand- Jury-men, before they passe sentence on those that are condemned for Witch-Craft By Thomas Ady, M.A. London, Printed for R. I. to bee sold by H. Brome, . . . 1661. 4°. Title and to the Reader, 2 leaves : B — X 2 in fours. Br. Museum and Bodleian (Douce). iELIAN. A Registre of Hystories, conteining Mar- tiall exploites of worthy warriours, Poli- tique practises of Ciuil Magistrates, wise Sentences of famous Philosophers, And other matters manifolde and memorable. Written in Greeke by ^lianus a Romane : and deliuered in Englishe (as well, ac- cording to the truth of the Greeke text, as of the Latine) by Abraham Fleming. Seene and allowed. SpeculumvitcR, memoriceq, Thesaurus, Rystoria. Imprinted at London, for Thomas Wood- cocke . . . Anno a Messia nato. 1576. 4°. Title, dedication to Dr. Goodman, Dean of Westminster, verses, and errata, 8 leaves : A — Yy 2 in fours. At the end this is described by Fleming as his '* vernalis partus." yESOP. [The Fables of ^Esop in English.] At the end occurs : Imprinted at London bv lohn Walley. 8^ black letter. A— S 4 in eights. The only copy I have seen had lost nearly the whole of the title. Unknown to Herbert. The Fables of Esop, in English. . . . Imprinted at London for Andrew Hebb, dwelling at the Bell in Paules Church yard. 1634. 8*", black letter. A— in eights. Orenv. Coll., Bodleian, and Sion College. The Fabulous Tales of Esope the Phry- gian, 1677. Dedicated by R, S[mith] "To Mr. Richard Stonely, Esquire, one of the four tellers of the Q. Maiesties receyt of the Eschecker." A copious account of this book may be found in Laing's edition of Hcnryson, 8", 18G5. Esopes fables in miter. Mentioned in the Statiuners' Registers, under date of G November, 1598, as the property of AVilliam Wood. This may have been the version anglicized from Henryson, and first printed in 1577. iEsops Fables in English verse by G. D. Licensed to James Bolor and Henrv Gos- son, 30 Nov. 1630. ^SOP. AG A. Tlie Fables of iEsop. With His Whole Life : Translated into English Verse, and Moralliz'd. As also Emblematically Il- lustrated ■vritli Pictures. By "W. B. London, Printed by Richard Oulton, for Francis Eglesfield at the Signe of the Marigold in S. Paules Church Yard. 1639. 8^, A— Q in eights. Bodleian. The preface is signed by W. Barret, to whom there are some copies of verses. A Booke called Esops fables translated out of Latyn into English. The fables in prose and the Morall in verse Avith Pictures by H : P : M : of A : Licensed to Thomas Walkley, 28 January, 1638-9. The Fables of ^sop Paraphras'd in Verse, and adorn'd with Sculpture. By John Ogilby. London, Printed by Thomas Warren for Andrew Crooke . . . 1651. 4«. ^Title, 1 leaf : dedication to the Earl of Nottingham and Lord Beauchamp, 2 leaves : verses by Davenant (written from the Tower) and Shirley, 3 leaves : Im- primatur, 1 leaf : B — H'* in fours. With a frontispiece and 81 engravings num- bered from 1 — 81. Fables of ^Esop and other Eminent My- thologists : With Morals and Reflexions. . . . The Third Edition Corrected and Amended. London, Printed for R. Sare, . . . 1699. Folio, A— N 2 in fours, and (a)— (d) in fours, besides title and por- trait : Fables and Storyes Moralized. Being a Second Part of the Fables of ^sop, and other Eminent mythologists. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, K*. London : . . . MDCXcix : A — Hh in fours, and a — b, 2 leaves each. Fables of ^sop ... By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt. The Fifth Edition Cor- rected. London : . . . 1708. 8*^. A, 8 leaves, besides engraved title and fron- tispiece : a — c 4 in eights : B — Nn 4 in eights. ^sop's Fables. With Instructive Morals and Reflections. Abstracted from all Party Considerations, Adapted to all Capacities ; and design'd to promote Re- ligion, Morality, and Universal Benevo- lence. Containing Two hundred and Forty Fables, with a Cut Engraved on Copper to each Fable. And the Life of ^Esop prefixed. London. Printed for J. Osborn Jimr. . . . MDCCXL. 8°. Title, 1 leaf : A, 12 leaves : a, 6 leaves : B— I in twelves. With 25 leaves of engravings in compartments. In the Douce Collection occurs a muti- lated copy of some early uuidentified im- pression of the version printed by Caxton ; Mr.^ Douce ascribed it to William Middle- ton's press, but there is no certainty. Lord Ashburnham's catalogue mentions a copy of Caxton's version of the English .^sop, printed by W. Powell, 8vo, 1551. A new name in our poetical annals seems to be Anthony Eous, who executed a me- trical version of the ^sopian series of fables not known to exist in print, but preserved in a 4to MS. of the early part of the seven- teenth century, which was sold by auction in 1872. The earliest specimens of the application of the ^sopian fables in English art (if that can be so called) are to be seen in the Bayeux tapestry. ^sop at Richmond, Recovered of his late Illness. A Poem in Burlesque. Dedi- cated to His Royal Highness the Duke [Duke Humphry]. " One for Sence and one for Rhime I think 's sufficient at a time." — HUDIBR. London, Printed in the year, 1698. 4". A 2 leaves : B— D 2 in fours. ^sop Naturalized : In a Collection of Fables and Stories from ^sop, Locman Pilpay, and Others. The Third Edition ; with the Addition of above 50 New Fables. . . . London: . . . 1711. 8^ A, 4 leaves : B— L in eights. In verse. ' AFRICA. An Answer of the Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa, To the Petition and Paper of cer- tain Heads and Particulars thereunto re- lating and annexed, exhibited to the Honourable House of Commons by Sir Paul Painter, Ferdinando Gorges, Henry Batson, Benjamin Skutt, and Thomas Knights, on the behalf of Themselves and Others concerned in His Majesties Plan- tations in America. Anno Dom. 1667. 4^, 10 leaves. A View of the State of the Trade to Africa : Wherein is laid down The pre- sent Condition of the English Settlements there ; ... In a Letter to a New Sub- scriber. London, Printed for A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane, 1708. 4°, A— B in fours. AGA, ZARAIM. A Relation of the Late Seidge and taking of the City of Babylon by the Turke. As it was written from thence by Zaraim Aga. . . . Translated out of the Turkish, into the Italian Language . . . And Englished by W. H. London, Printed by I. Raworth, for N. Butter, and N. Bourne. 1639. 4*^, A— E in fours, first leaf blank. A GRIP PA. ALEMAN. AGRIPPA, H. C. Henry Cornelius Agrippa His Fourtli Book of Occult Philosophy. Of Geo- mancy. Magical Elements of Peter de Abano. Astronomical Geomancy. The Nature of Spirits. Arbatel of Magick. Translated into English by Robert Turner, Philomathos. London, Printed by J. C. for John Harrison, . . . 1655. 4°. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — Dd in fours. With a woodcut portrait of Agrippa. The Vanity of Arts and Sciences. By Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Knight, . . . London : Printed by J. C. for Samuel Speed, . . . 1676. 8'', A— Aa in eights, besides the titlepage and portrait. The Vanity of Arts and Sciences. By Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Knight. . . . [Translated into English.] London Printed by R. E. for R. B. and are to be sold by C. Blount, . . . 1684. 8^, A— Aa in eights, besides title and a portrait. AGRIPPA, MARCUS VIPSANUS. An Oration of Agrippa to Octavius Csesar Augustus, Against Monarchy. Taken out of the LII. Book of Dion the Philosopher, . . . And now put into English by A. R. . . . London, Printed for Livewell Chap- man, . . . 1658. 4^, 6 leaves. AIR. A thinge sene in the ayre. Licensed to J. Charlwood, 27 June, 1580. A KEMPIS, THOMAS. A little garden of Roses or holy Medi- tations written first in Latyn by Thomas A Kempis and translated into English by A. H. Licensed to Humphrey Blunden, 17 Oct. 1638. ALANE, ALEXANDER. Of the auctorite of the word of God agaynst the bisshop of London / wherein are conteyned certen disputacyons had in the parlament howse betwene the bisshops abowt the nomber of the sacra- mets and other things / very necessary to be known / made by Alexader Alane Scot and sent to the Duke of Saxon. There is nothing bijdden that shal not be opened and come to lyght. Math. I. No place, &c. 8", black letter, A— F in eights, F 7-8 blank. Lamheth. ALAZONOMASTIX. Free- Parliament Qua3ries : Proposed to Tender-Consciencea ; And Published for the use of the Members now Elected. By Alazonomastix Philalethes. ^ Spcc- tatum admissi . . . ? Printed in the year of our Redemption. 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. ALBERTUS, MAGISTER. Questiones Albert! de modis significadi impresse g Wynandu de Words in vico [the fietestrete] anglice nuncupato ad signum soils commorantem. [Colophon.] Expliciunt questiones magistri Alberti de modis . . . Londoniis nouiter im- presse per Wynandum de Worde . . . 4*^, black letter, A— D in eights and fours, last page with the colophon. Br. M. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. A Treatise of Adhering to God ; written by Albert the Great, Bishop of Ratisbon. Put into English by Sir Kenelme Digby, K*. Also A Conference with a Lady about Choyce of Religion. London, Printed for Henry Herringman, . . . 1654. 8^, A— K in eights, K 8 blank, and the title. Dedicated by the author to the Lady Digby, after which occurs an epistle by W. Gr. to Lady Winter, wife of Sir John Winter of Liddne in the County of Gloucester. ALE. A Jest of bottell ale. A ballad. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, 19 Aug. 1583. A ballad intituled Jones ale is newe. Licensed to J. Danter, 16 Oct. 1594. The vnthriftes adiew to Jones ale is newe. A ballad. Licensed to E. White, 15 Nov. 1594. ALEMAN, MATHEO. The Rogve : Or The Life of Gvzman de Alfarache. Written in Spanish by Matheo Aleman, Seruant to his Catholike Maies- tie, and borne in Sevill. London, Printed for Edward Blount. 1622. Folio. ^6 leaves : A — Ggg in sixes, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Sir John Strangewayes by the translator, James Mabbe. Between sign. Z and Aa occur aA, 2 leaves, **, 8 leaves (with title to second part, preface, verses, &c.). The Rogue, Or The Life of Gvzman . . . The fourth Edition corrected. London, Printed by W. H. for Phillip Chetwind. 1656. Folio. Title, dedication, &c., 5 leaves : A, 4 leaves : B — 4 M 4 in sixes. The Rogue : Or, The Excellencie of His- tory Displayed, in the Notorious Life of tliat Incomparable Thief, Guzman de AUarache, the Witty Spaniard. Written originally in Spanish, By Matheo Ale- man, Servant to his Catholike Majestie ; And from the same Epitomiz'd into Eng- lish, by A. S. Gent. London. Printed by J. C. for the Author ; and are to be sold by Tho. Johnson. . . . 1655. 8°, B — R 4 in eights, and the title. ALEXANDER. ALGIERS. ALEXANDER THE GEE AT. An history of Alexander, Campaspe, and Appelles, and of the Faythfiill frj^nde- sMppe betwene them. A ballad. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1565-6. ALEXANDER VII., Poiie of Rome. A Short Account of the Life and Death of Pope Alexander the VII. With a Description of his Funeral Machin . . . Together \N-ith an Exact Relation of the particular Ceremonies performed at the Creation and Coronation of this present Pope Clement the IX. . . . Translated out of the Italian Copies printed at Rome : By P. A. Gent. London, Printed for Moses Pitt . . . 1667. 4^, A— D 2 in fours, besides the title and preface, 2 leaves, and a portrait of Clement IX. ALEXIS OF PIEDMONT. The Secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis . . . Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston, for Jhon "Wight. Anno Domini. 1580. 4°, black letter. Part I. A — Q in eights, besides * 6 leaves : Part II. -with separate title, A — K in eights : Part III. dated 1578, A— M in fours : Part IV. translated by Richard Androse, and dated 1578, A — X in fours, and a — c in fours. The Secrets . . . Newly corrected and amended . . . Imprinted at London by Peter Short for Thomas Wight. 1595\ 4° black letter, A— Z 2 in eights. The Secretes of the Reverende Maister Alexis of Piemovnt, containying excel- lente remedies against diners diseases, woundes, and other accidents, with the manner to make distillations, parfumes, confitures, diynges, colours, fusions, and meltynges. A worke well approued, verye profytable and necessary for euery man. Translated out of Frenche into English, by Wyllyam Warde. Imprynted at Lon- don by lohn Kingston for Nicolas Irig- lande, dwellinge in Paules churchyarde. Anno. 1558. Mensi. Nouemb. 4*^, black letter. Title and Alexis to the Reader, 3 leaves : A—Hh in fours. The Secretes of the Reverende Mayster Alexis of Piemovnt. . . . Londini. Anno a virgineo partu. m.d.lix. xxi. die Mens. Nouemb. 4*^, black letter. a, 4 leaves : *, 4 leaves : A — R 4 in eights. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Henry Svtton, dwellyng in Paternoster rowe, at the signe of the blacke Moryan. Anno a virgineo partu. 1559. The Secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont. Containing excellent remedis against diners diseases, woundes, and other accidentes. . . . Translated out of Frenche into Englyshe, by William Warde. Prynted at London by Rouland Hall for Nycolas England, dwellynge in Pater noster rowe. 1562. 4*^, black letter. *, 6 leaves: A — R 4 in eights. The secretes of the reuerende maister Alexis . . . Imprinted at London, by Henry Bynneman, for lohn Wight. Anno Domini. 1568. 4^. *, 6 leaves : A— Q in eights. The seconde part of the Secretes of Master Alexis of Piemont, by hjni collected out of diners excellent authours, and newely translated out of Frenche into Englishe, with a generall Table of all the matters conteined in the saied Boke. By Willyam Ward. Imprinted at London, by Jhon kyngston for Nicholas Englande. Anno domini. m.d.lx. 4°, black letter. Title and the Translator to the Readers, 2 leaves : A — Y in fours. The second part of the Secretes of Maister Alexis of Piemont. . . . Printed at London by Rovland Hall for Nicholas Englande. 1563. 4^, black letter. Title and the Translatour to the Readers, 2 leaves : A — P 2 in fours. The seconde parte of the secretes. . . . Imprinted at London, by Henry Bynne- man. ... 4^, A — K in eights. The th}Tde and last parte of the Secretes. . . . Englished by Wyllyam Warde. Printed at London by Roulande Hall, for Nycholas Englande. 1562. 4*^, black letter. A— Y in fours. The thyrde and last parte. . . . Imprinted at London by Hemy Denham, for John Wyght. [1566.] 4'", A— B in fours: C— L in eights. A verye excellent and profitable Books conteining sixe hundred foure score and odde experienced Medicines . . . long tyme practysed of the expert and Reuerend Mayster Alexis. . . . Translated out of Italian into Englishe by Richard Androse. . . . Imprinted at London by Henry Den- ham. 1569. 4^. A, 4 leaves : a— c in fours : B — Z in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Bedford. ALGIERS. The Case of many Hundreds of Poor English Captives in Algier, together with some Remedies to prevent their Increase, humbly Represented to both Houses of Parliament. [1680.] Folio, 2 leaves. ALGORISM. 8 ALMANAC. ALGOKISM. An Introduction of Algorisme, to learne to reckon with, the Penne, or with the Counters, in whole numbers or in broken. Newlie ouerseene and corrected. Whereto is annexed, certaine notable and pleasant rules of false positions, not before seene in our English tongue. By which all manner of difficill Questions, may easely be dissolued and assoyled. Imprinted at London by John Charlewood, dwell- ing in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Eagle and the Key, 1581. 8«, A — P in eights. Black letter. Doxicq Coll. ALINTON, ROBERT. Libellus sophistaru ad vsum Oxonien Impressus Londoniis per Winandum de Worde ... [at the end is added :] Anno dni. M.ccccc.xxx. Die vero decima sexta Julij. 4*^, A — K in eights and fours. Lambeth. Libellus Sophistaru ad vsum Canbrigien. [This title is on a ribbon over a woodcut. The colophon :] Explicit libellus Sophis- tarum ad vsum Cantibrigien. Londoniis peruigili cura impressus per me WjTian- dum de Worde in vico anglice nucupato (the fletestrete) Ad intersigniu solis ^morante. Anno dni M. ccccc. xxiiii. dievero. iiii. Mensis Junii. 4°, A — K in eights and fours : L, 6 : L 6 with the colophon and device. Lambeth. ALLEN, BENJAMIN. The Natural History of the Chalybeat and Purging Waters of England : With their particular Essays and Uses. Among Avhich are treated at large the Apoplexy & HyiDochondriacism. To which are added, Some Observations on the Bath Waters in Somersetshu-e. Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Earl of Man- chester. By Benjamin Allen, Med. Bac. London Printed: . . . 1699. 8", A, 4 leaves : a — b in eights : B— N 4 in eights. ALLEN, J. The Younger Brother His Apologie. . . . Oxford, Printed by lohn Lichfield for Edward Forrest, 1635. 4", A— I 2 in fours. The date 1634 in the colophon is pre- served. An Apology for a Yovugcr Brother. . . . Written for the generull good of this Kingdome. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield for Edward Forrest 1641. 4*^, A — 1^2 in foui's, A_l and I 2 olank. ALLEN, CARDINAL WILLIAJM. Traicte Politique, Compose par William Allen, Anglois, Et traduit nouvellement en frangais, ou il est prouve par I'exemple de Moyse, et par d'autres, tires hors de I'escriture, que tuer un Tiran titulo vel exercitio, n'est pas un meurtre. Lug- duni. Anno m.dc.lxviii. 8", A— L6 in eights, ALLINGTON, JOHN. The Grand Conspiracy of the Members against the Mind, Of Jews against their Kings. As it hath been delivered in the four following Sermons. By John Al- lington (A Sequestred Divine.) London : Printed for R. Royston, . . . 1657. 12*^, A — I in twelves and A — D 6 in twelves. A curious and quaintly -wiitten book, with pohtical allusions. ALLISON, RICHARD. The Psalmes of Dauid in Meter, The plaine Song beeing the common twine to be sung and plaide vpon the Lute, Or- pharyon, Citterne or Base Violl, seuerally or altogether, the singing part to be either Tenor or Treble to the Instrument, ac- cording to the nature of the voyce, or for foure voyces. With some short Tunnes in the end, ... By Richard Allison Gent., Practitioner in the Art of Musicke, . . . London Printed by William Barley, the Assigne of Thomas Morley . 1599. Cum Priuilegio. . . . Folio, A — T 3 in foiu's. Dedicated to Anne, Countess of Warmck. ALMANAC. ALmanacke for xil. yere. [This is the w^hole title. On the verso of the third leaf occurs :] . . . lately corrected . and en- prynted at London in the Fletestrete by wynkyn de worde. In the yere of the In- carnacyon of our lorde a. m. ccccc. and . viii. The . xxiii. yere of the reygne of our most redoubted souereyne lorde kige henry the . vii. Very small 12'', 16 leaves, the last blank. Br. Museum. Almanacke for xii. yere. [This is the whole title. On the third leaf occurs :] . . . lately corrected and enprynted at London in the Flete-strete by Wynkyn de Worde. In the yere of the reygne of our most redoubted souerayne Lorde Kinge Henry tlie . vij. [i 1516.1 Small 12°, 15 leaves. A diminutive volume, 2| in, X 2 in. Bodleian. See Notes and Queries, 2nd S. rii. 114. Alma[na]cke for . xv. yeres. Here be- gynneth y^ seycle or change of y*^ mone with y*^ coniuncyon / & sheweth what daye / houre / mynute / sygne / and de- gree y*^^ mone shall chaunge. Also y® ALMANAC. ALNWICK. may knowe the eclypse of the sonne and mone from the date of oiir lord . M.CCCCC. &. xxii. vnto y® date of our lorde. M.CCCCC. & . xxxvi : And truely cor- rected by a true copye with great dyly- gece. Imprynted at London in the Feltestrete at the sygne of the sonne by me wynkyn de worde. [1522.] 8"^, black letter, 10 leaves, including a large wood- cut the size of the page before the title. Puttick & Simpson, Dec. 6, 1876, No. 11. [An Almanacke and Prognostication for the year of ou]r Lorde . M.CCCCC. and xxxujj. A large sheet, printed in black and red. Bagford iKvpers (a fragment). The Rules and Eyghte ample Documentes Touchinge the vse and practise of y^ com- mon almanacke which y^ caled ephe- merydes. Licensed to Thomas Marshe, in 1557-8. A necessary Almanacke and Kalender In whiche is contayned the daye hower and mynute of the chaunge, full, and quarters of the Moone, for this yere of a. 1560, and the true degree and minute of the Sonne euery day at noon with the signe and degre of the Moone also at noon . seruing wel for these thre next yeares and seuerall rules for the weather. . . . gathered by Thomas HyllLondi[ner]. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete nere to S. Dunstons Church by Thomas Marshe. 4°. Bagford loa^pers (title only). A[n] almanacke for the monythes. Licensed to Owen Rogers in 1562-3. An almanacke vdih. the names of the Kynges. Licensed to T. Marsh in 1565-6. A perpetuall almanack servinge for a memoryall. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1566. An almanacke in Duche. Licensed to John Stell and Arnold van Gulke in 1568-9. A spirituall Almanacke / and a faythfuU prognosticacon vpon the yere 1586 . and perpetually after to the worldes ende. being one booke and called A Juell for gentilwomen. Licensed to Henry Den- ham, 7 Feb. 1585-6. The Register Booke or Applicacon of the blanck Almanack, to the true and orderlie keepinge of the Register booke of wed- dingesChristeninges and Burialles accord- r inge to the Queenes Iniunctyons. Licensed [ to Thomas Purfoot, the Elder and Younger, 26 Feb. 1592-3. A New Bloody Almanack, For this in- suing year 1645. Wherein is contained & mentioned (for our better instruction) divers observations, . . . With sundry advertisements, and forwai-nings, . . . London, Printed by John Hammond, 1645 [December 23, 16441 4^, 4 leaves. B.M. The Bloody Almanack : Or, Astrological Prsedictions, and ]\Ionethly Observations, For the Year, 1659. From the Motions and Configurations of the Coelestial Bodies, . . . Further denoting and set- ting forth the Victorious proceedings of the English against the Spaniards. . . . London, Printed for lohn Raynor, 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. An Almanack for the Yar of ovr Lord 1675. An engraved sheet in compart- ments. Bagford imijers (a fragment). London Almanack for y® Year of ovr Lord 1697 ... . An engraved sheet. Bagford loaims. London Almanack for y® Year of ovr Lord 1698. An engraved sheet. Bag- ford papers. London Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1707. An engraved sheet. Bag- ford papers. A new Perpetuall Almanack most readily shewing The Day of the Month, New Moon, Key day Leap year. . . . [Lon- don, J. Sturt? circa 1720.] A sheet entirely engraved and issued at sixpence. Bagford papers. ALMANSOR. Almansor the Learned and Victoriovs King that conquered Spaine. His Life and Death published by Robert Ashley, out of the Librarie of the Vniversitie of Oxford. Seneca. Otlum tuiim non emineaf : scd appareat. London, Printed for John Parker. 1627. 4^, A — L in fours, besides 4 leaves of prefixes. Dedicated to Charles I. This work was ready for the i^ress, it seems, some time before it was printed. ALMS. A Treatise, how By the Worde of God, Christian mens Almose ought to Be dis- tributed. [Quot. from Matth. vi.] No place, &c. [Printed abroad, about 1555.] 8°, A— B in eights, B 8 blank. Lambeth, ALNWICK, J. Alnick his Meditations vpon Gods Mon- archie, and the Deuill his Kingdome. And of the knowledge that Man in this life may obtaine of the almightie, eternal, and most glorious Godhed : . . . Im- printed at London by Gerred Dewes ALSOP. lo ANDOVER. 1587. 4°, black letter. IT 4 leaves, first blank: C! C, 4 leaves: A — P in fours, P 4 blank. Dedicated to Sir F. Walsingham. ALSOP, GEORGE. A Character of tlie Province of Maryland, Wherein is Described in four distinct Parts, viz. I. The Scituation, and plenty of the Province. II. The Laws, Customs, and natural Demeanor of the inhabitants. III. The worst and best Vsage of a Mary -Land Servant, opened in view. IV. The Traffique, and vendable Com- modities of the Countrey. Also A small Treatise on the wikle and naked Indians (or Susquehanokes) of Mary-Land, their Customs, Manners, Absurdities, & Religion. Together with a Collection of Historical Letters. By George Alsop. London, Printed by T. J. for Peter Dring . . . 1666. Small 8*^, A — I in eights. With a portrait and map. Dedicated to Cecil, Lord Balti- more. Grenv. Coll. Prefixed are some verses b}' the author to his book. ALSTED, HENRY. The Worlds Proceeding Woes and Suc- ceeding Joyes. 1. In cruell Warres and vehement Plagues. 2. In happy Peace and Vnity amongst all living Creatures. Or, The Triple Presage of Henry Alsted, (A man every way most learned) depend- ing as well on the Oracles of Heaven, as on the opinions of the greatest Astrolo- gers. With an Addition of the fiery conjunction of Saturn and lupiter, this instant February . . . London, Printed in the yeare, 1642, 4*^, 8 leaves. AMADIS OF GAUL. The 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12bookes of Amadis de Gaul. Licensed to Adam Islip and William Morynge, 16 Oct. 1594. AMADIS OF GREECE. The Most Excellent and Famous History . . . 1694. " As a literary anecdote to conchide with, I have found in Heber's Amadis of Greece, besides Spenser's Mask of Cupid, Sir Pliilip Sidney's Zahnane, and Shakespeare's Flori- zel." — Southey's letter to Wynn, Juue 11, 1807. AMBOYNA. A Trve Relation of the Vnivst, Crvell, and Barbarovs Proceedings . . . Lon- don, Printed by G. Purslowe for Nathaniel Newberry, 1632. 4°, A — N in fours, the first and last leaves with woodcuts only. A Remonstrance of the Directors of the Netherlands East India Company, pre- sented to the Lords States General! of the vnited Provinces, in defence of the said Companie, touching the bloudy pro- ceedings against the English Merchants, executed at Amboyna. Together with the Acts of the Processe, against the sayd English. And the Reply of the English East Company, to the said Remonstrance and Defence. Published by Authority. Printed at London by lolm Dawson, for theEastlndiaCompany, 1632. 4°. A— E 3 in fours : the Co2Jy of the Processe, with a fresh title, A — E in fours : the Re- pli/, B — G in fours. AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. The Roman Historic, Containing such Acts and occurrents as passed under Con- stantius, Julianus, . . . Yalens, Empe- rours. Digested into 18 Bookes, the remains of 51, and written first in Latine by Ammianus Marcellinus. Now translated newly into English. . . . Done by Philemon Holland. . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip. An. 1609. Folio. A, 2 leaves : B — 3 I in fours : a — d in fours: A — F 2 in fours. Dedicated by Holland to the Mayor, &c., of Coventry. ANABAPTIST. The Leacherous Anabaptist : Or, The Dip- per Dipt. A New Protestant Ballad. To the Tune of Packingtons Pound. London : Printed for Benjamin Harris, 1681. A folio leaf. ANDERSON, ANTHONY. Godlye prayers made by Anthonie Ander- son. Licensed to John Wolfe, 3 Aug. 1591. ANDERSON, PATRICK. The Colde Spring of Kinghorne Craig, His Admirable and new Tryed Properties, so far foorth as yet are found true by Experience. Written by Patrick Ander- son D. of Physick. i)isco Orbi, quod quisq.sibi. Edinburgh, Printed bv Thomas Finlason, . . . 1618. 4^, A— D 2 in fours, besides the title (with a woodcut view of the spring on the back) and fol- lowing leaf. The author's dedication to John Earl of Mar is dated from his house at Edinburgh, 8 October, 1G18. ANDOVER, LORD. The Lord Andevcrs Two Speeches : The One concerning the Pacification the 6th of March. The other the Starre-Cham- ANDREAS. II ANTIDOTARIUS. ber. Printed, Anno Dom. 1641. 4'^, 4 leaves. ANDREAS, ANTONIUS. Qusestiones. [Col.] Excellentissimi sacre theologie pfessoris : Anthonii Andres or- dinis fratrti minoru super duodecim libros Metaphisice questionibua per venerabi- lem virti magistru Thoma penketh ordinis fratru Augustiniensiti emendatis finis impositiis est per me Jobannem lettou ad expensas Wilhelmi Wilcock impressis. Anno xpi. m.cccclxxx. Folio. A, 9 leaves : B — L in eigbts : M — N in sixes : table, 8 leaves. Br. Museum (Grenville) and Magdalen College Oxford. ANDREWES, LANCELOT. Tortvra Torti : Sive, Ad Matthaei Torti Librvm Responsio, qui nuper editus edibus contra Apologiam . . . lacobi . . . Pro Ivramento Fidelitatis. Londini Ex- cudebat Robertvs Barker vs. . . . Anno 1609. 4°, A — Eee 1 in fours, A repeated. Dedicated by Bishop Andrewes to the King. Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinal! Bel- larmini, quam nuper edidit contra Pree- fationem Meritoriam . . . lacobi. . . . Londini Excudebat Robertvs Barkervs. . . . Anno 1610. 4*^, A— Zz in fours, besides title and a, 4 leaves. [By L. Andrewes.] A Manval • of directions for the Visi- tation of the sicke w* sweete Meditations and Prayers to be vsed in time of sick- nesse by Lancelot Andrewes late Bishop of Winchester. London Printed for Samuel Cartwright . . . 1642. 12^, A — L in twelves, L 11 and 12 blank, and title on A 4. With a frontispiece occu- pying A 3. ANDREWES, WILLIAM. Divers Epigrams to great and wortliie personages. Licensed to Augustine Ma- thews and John Norton, 2 Nov. 1624. ANGEL, THE R. FATHER. The Life of the Reverend Fa. Angel of Joyevse Capvchin Preacher. Sometimes Duke, Peere, and Marshall of France, and Governour for the Kinge in Langue- doc. Togither with the Hues of the Reue- rend Fathers, Father Bennet English- man, and Father Archangell Scotchman, of the same Ordere. Written first in the Frenche tongue, and now Translated into English by R. R. Catholique Priest. At Dovay, For John Heigham. With per- mission of Superiors, Anno 1623. 8*^, * and **, 8 leaves each : A — 3 K 4 in eights. Dedicated by the translator to Clara Mariana, Abbess of the Poor Clares of Graveling. Grenv. Coll. ANGELUS A S. FRANCISCO. Apologia pro Scoto Anglo. In qua de- fenditur D. Joannes Pitseus in sua rela- tione, de loco Nativitatis Subtilis Doctoris F. Joannis Scoti : . . . Per F. Angelum A S. Francisco Anglum. . . . Dvaci . . . Anno M.DC.LVi. 8'', a, 8 leaves : A— I in eights. Grenv. Coll. ANGLERS. The Royal Recreation of Jovial Anglers. Proving that all men are Intanglers, And all Professions are turn'd Anglers. London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertson, and J. Wright. A broadside with three cuts. B. M. ANONYMUS EREMITA. Of the Visible Sacrifice of the Ch-vTch of God. The First Part. Written by An- onymus Eremita ... At Br^rselles, By Ilvbert Anthony Velpius, Printer to his Maiestie. 1637. 4P, A— T 2 in fours. Dedicated to Prince Charles. ANSWER. An Answere to a Rebellious LibeU. En- tered to Hugh Singleton, 6 April, 1579. A Fvller Answer to a Treatise written by Doctor Feme, Intituled The Resolving of Conscience . . . w^herein the Originall Frame, and Fundamentals of this Govern- ment of England, and the danger of damnation and guilt of murder fairely taken off the Parliament Party, and justly charged upon their Adversaries . . . are sufficiently cleered . . . Done by another Author. And by him revised and enlarged by occasion of some late Pamphlets, . . . London, Printed for John Bartlet, . . . 1642. 4'', A— C in fours. An Answer to a late Treasonable Pamphlet, Entituled, Treason in Grain, &c. For which Pamphlet Edward Fitz-Harris lies Condemned. London : Printed by N. T. next the Cross - Keys in Fetter - Lane. 1681. A folio leaf subscribed A. C. A Short Answer to his Grace the D. [of] Buckingham's Paper, Concerning Re- ligion, Toleration, and Liberty of Con- science. London : Printed for S. G. and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor . . . 1685. 4". A, 2 leaves: B— F 2 in fours. ANTIDOTARIUS. The Antidotharius in the whiche thou mayst lerne howe thou shalt make many and dyuers noble playsters, salues, oynte- ANTIDOTE. 12 ANTONINUS. mentes, powders, bawmes, oyles, and wounde drynkes, the whiche be verye necessarye, and behouefull, vtyle and pro- fytable for euery Surgyon, tlierin to be experte, and redy at al tymes of nede. [Col.] Imprynted by me Robert Wyer / dwellyng at the sygne of seynt John Euangelyst, in seynt Martyns parysshe, besyde Charyiige Crosse. 8^, bkick letter, A — E in fours, E 4 with the mark. ANTIDOTE. Wit and Mirth. An Antidote against Melancholy. Compounded of Ingenious and Witty Ballads, ... The Third Edi- tion, Enlarged. London, Printed by A. G. and J. P. and sold by Henry Playford, near the Temple Church, 1682. 8"*. A, 4 leaves : B— K in eights. ANTIDOTUM. Antidotum Britannicum : Or, A Counter- Pest against the Destructive Principles of Plato Redivivus . . . London, Printed for Richard Sare . . . 1681. 8^. A, 5 leaves : (a) 7 leaves : (b) 8 leaves : B— Q 4 in eights, Q 4 blank. ANTI-MARTINUS. Antimartinvs, Sive Monitio cuiusdam Londinensis ad Adolescentes vtriusque Academise, contra personatum quendam rabulam, qui se Anglice Martin Marpre- lat, . . . vocat. . . . Londini, Excude- bant Georgius Bishop, & Radulphus Newbery. Anno Domini. 1589. 4^, A — H in fours, H 4 blank. ANTI-SIXTUS. Antisixtvs. Londini, Excudebat lohan- nesWolphius. m.d.lxxxx. 4'', A— Kin fours. Antisixtvs. An oration of Pope Sixtus the fift, vppon the death of tlie late French King, Henri the third. With A Confu- tation vpon the sayd Oration, wherein all the treacherous practises of tlie house of Lorraine, are largely described and layde open vnto the view of the world, with a briefe declaration of the Kings deatli, and of many other things worthy the noting, which neuer yet came to light before. Translated out of Latin by A. P. London Printed by lohn Wolfe. 1590. 4*^, black letter, A— G in fours. ANTITHETA. Antitheta : or Political Reasonings. 1. That Monarchy is the best form of Government. 2. That Monarchy is not the best form of Government. . Collected out of a Manuscript written by a Learned Author. Londo^i, Printed for Thomas Underhili . . . 1657. 4°, A— B in fours, B 4 blank. ANTON, ROBERT, of Magdalen College, Camhridge. Moriomachia. Imprinted at London by Simon Stafford. 1613. 4^, black letter, A — E 2 in fours. In prose. Sir C. Isham. " To the most happy and glorious con- stellation of brotherhood, together with the triuall knot of the most vertuous sisters of the most honourable family of the Howards, Robert Anton sacrificeth this new borne babe of his humble duty, wishing an euerlasting motion of happy nes both to them and that Honourable house." — Dedication. There are also 27 lines of verse signed W. H. The little volume concludes thus : — " Thus endeth the Legend of this fearefull fight, Twixt Pheander the mayden, & Moriander the Knight : Which parted betweene them, then* indif- ferent dealings Did proue them to meane Knights, not Gyants, nor Screalings. FINIS." Communicated by Mr C. Edmonds. Vices Anotimie, Sco^Tged and Corrected, in New Satirs. Lately written b}-- R. A. of Magdalen Colledge in Cambridge. London, Printed by Bernard Alsop for Roger lackson, . . . 1617. 4''. Title and Dedication to Lord Pembroke, 2 leaves : A Dialogue hetioixt Nature and Time, in prose, and a Dwarfish Satire, in verse, 4 leaves under sign, b : B — N 2 in fours, B 2 misprinted C 2. Br. Museum. The leaves in this copy appear to be out of order. It is a re-issue with a new title of the volume of 1616, and in the present copy the original title-page is preserved after the dedicatory leaf. ANTONINUS, MARCUS AURELIUS. The Golden Boke of Marcvs Avrelius . . . An. M.D.XLVI, [Col.] Londini in gedibus Thome Bertheleti . . . Cum priuilegio . . . m.d.xlvi. 8", black letter. A, 4 leaves : B — Oo in eights. The Golden Boke of Marcvs Avrelius . . . Londini. An. m.d.lvii. [Col.] Imprinted at Londo, in Paules cliurche- yarde, at the sygne of the Lambe, by Abrah am Vele. 8", black letter. A— Oo 4 in eights. The Golden Booke / of Marcus Aurelius Emperour . . . 1566. Imprinted at London by John Audeley, dwellyng in litle Britaine streete, beyonde Aldersgate. Cum priuilegio ... 8°, black letter, A — Oo 1 in eights. ANTONIUS. 13 APPIAN. The Golden Booke of Marcus Aurelius . . . Londini. m,d,lxxiii. Imprinted by John Awdelv. [Col.] Imprinted at Londo by John Awdely . . . 1573. 8*^, black letter, A — Oo 4 in eights. At sign. S of edit. 1557, but in all the impressions of the book, is a curious testi- mony of Marcus AureHus in opposition to Mr. Newman's view of the character of Tiberius. Marcvs Avrelivs Antoninus the Roman Emperor, His Meditations concerning Himselfe : Treating of a Natvral Mans happinesse ; Wherein it consisteth, and of the meanes to attaine unto it. Translated ovt of the Originall Greeke, with Notes : By Meric Casavbon, B. of D. and Prebendarie of Christ Church, Canterbury. . . . London, Printed by M. Flesher, for Richard Mynne, . . . M DC XXXIV. 4°. A — Qq in fours, first leaf blank. With a plate at N n 3. Dedicated to William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, by the translator, his chap- lam. Marcvs Avrelivs. . . . London . . . m DC XXXIV. 4*^. A, 4 leaves, the first blank : B, 2 leaves : C — Pp in fours. This impression seems to have preceded the other, and to have been published with- out a plate or a table. The titles of both coincide exactly; but they are distinct editions. ANTONIUS AND AURELIA. The Most Excellent History of Antonius and Aurelia : or. The t^vo Incomparable Lovers. Wherein is demonstrated the unparalel'd Constancy of true Affection to Aurelia by Antonius ; the many Inevitable Dangers he underwent in the pursuit of her Love ; and how in the end he obtained it. Interlaced with Pleasant Discourses, Wanton Dalliances, and all the Various Intreagues which attend true Love, when Parents and Friends are obstructive in the same. Very Pleasant and Delightful to Read, especially to those whose Mistrisses are Perverse and Froward, for hereby, observing the Sequel of this History, they may by Art and means obtain their Desires. London, Printed by F. Haley, and are to be Sold by J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passenger. 1682. 4°, A— C in fours. In prose. Black letter. Bouce, Coll ANTWERP. The Spoyle of Antwerpe. . . , 1576. In the entry at Stationers' Hall, 26 Nov. 1576, it is mentioned that "a platform of the whole battle waa thereunto annexed." See Arber, ii. 136. Heavie newes to all Christendom from the woofull towne of Antwerp comme. A ballad. Licensed to Hugh Jackson, 1 July, 1577. A ballad of a Cosener of Antwerpe. Licensed to E. White, 16 Aug. 1586. An Historicall Discovrse, or rather a tragicall Historie of the citie of Antwerpe, since the departure of king Phillip king of Spaine out of Netherland, till this present yeare, 1586. At London, Printed by lohn Windet. . . . [1586.] 4°, black letter. A— F in fours, and a leaf of G. B has 5 leaves. APELLES. Of Appelles and Pygmalyne, to the tune of the fyrst Appelles. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1566. APOLLONIUS AND CAMILLA. The historye of Apolonius and Camilla. Licensed to John Perin, 9 Oct. 1587. APPAREL. A briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration, lately put in print in the name and defense of certaine Ministers in London, refusyng to weare the apparell prescribed by the lawes and orders of the Realme. In the end is reported, the iudgement of two notable learned fathers, M. doctour Bucer, and M. doctour Martir, sometyme in eyther vniuersities here of England the kynges readers and professours of diuinitie, trans- lated out of the originals, written by theyr owne handes purposely debatyng this controuersie. [Quot. from Paul to the Romans 14.] At the end : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard lugge, ... 4°, black letter. * — 7 * 2 in fours : A — D in fours. Grenv. Coll. An answere for the tyme, to the Exa- mination put in print, with out the authours name, pretending to mayntayne the apparrell prescribed against the de- claration of the mynisters of London. [Quot. from Philip, iii.] m.d.lxvi. 8°, A — K in eights, K 7 — 8 blank, besides a folded table. Lambeth, A ballett called of Rufte sieves and hose. Licensed to J. Sampson in 1560-1. Of Ruffes and longe sieves. A ballad. Licensed to J. Charlwood in 1563-4. An admonycon to bewties darlinges wherein is pythelye descrybed the va- nytye of vayne apparell. A ballad. Licensed to Stephen Peele, 10 May, 1589. APPIAN OF ALEXANDRIA. An Avncient Historie and exquisite APPIAN. 14 ARETINE. Chronicle of the Romanes Warres, both Ciuile and Foren. Written in Greeke by the noble Orator and Historiographer, Appian of Alexandria. . . . "With'a con- tinuation . . . Imprinted at London by Henrie Bynniman. Anno. 1578. 4"^, black letter. Dedicated by the publisher to Sir Chris- topher Hatton. On the title of the second part the translator is said to be W. B. Part I., A— Bbb 1 in fours : Part II., title and dedication, 2 leaves : IT, 4 leaves : a— fff 2 in fours : table, with the errata, 6 leaves. The continuation begins with a fresh title on bbb 2. APPIAN. The cosmographye of Peter Apian. Li- censed to Thomas Purfoot in 1567-8. APPIUS. The Terannye of Judge Apyus. A ballad. Licensed to John Arnold in 1569. APPLETREE, THOMAS. A briefe Discourse of the most haynous and traytorlike fact of Thomas Appletree : For which he shoulde haue sufferd Death on Tuisday the one and twentieth of Julie last : wherin is set downe his Confession. Where vnto is annexed, the Report of the message sent to the place of execution from hir most excellent Maiestie, by the right honourable Sir Christopher Hatton Knight, Vizchamberlain to hir highnesse. At London, Imprinted by Henry Bynne- man. Anno Domini 1579. 4°, black letter, 4 leaves. Lambeth. The message sent by y® quene : when Appletree shuld haue suffered. Licensed (under the special authority of the Earl of Leicester and Lord Hunsdon) to Henry Bynneman, 24 July, 1579. A ballat wherein yee niaie see Thehartie sorowe of Thomas Appletree. Licensed to John Aide, 9 August, 1579. APPRENTICES. The complaynte of an apprentice which Dayly was shente. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1563-4. The prentize Indentures. Licensed to Peter Short, 6 Feb. 1594-5, to be printed for the Merchant Taylors' Company. The Remonstrance of the Vpright Ap- prentices of London, Shewing tlieir good affections to the King and i^arlianient, and the reason of their dislike of the Malignants Petition for Peace. With a lull copy of their honest Petition. Lon- don, Printed in the yeare 1642. 4", 4 leaves. B. M. Two Humble Petitions of the Appren- tices of London and parts Adjacent, for Lawfull Recreations : The first presented to the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons . . . February 9. 1646. . . . The other presented to the Right Hon- ourable the Lord Mayor . . . Febr. 12. 1646. London, Printed by J. Macock, for Nathanael Webb, & William Grantham . . . 1647. [Feb. 13, 1646-7.] 4", 4 leaves. B. M. APRECE, SIR WILLIAM. The Declaration of Sir William Aprece knight Granchilde and heire apparent to Robert Aprece. Licensed to William Jones, 17 March, 1616-17. APULEIUS, LUCIUS. The XL Bookes of the Golden Asse : . . . London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for Thomas Alchorne, . . . 1639. 4"^, black letter, A — Gg in fours. Lucius Apuleius of the Golden Asse translated by W. S. Licensed to John Thomas, 12 July, 1637. Arber, iv. 389. ARCANDAM. The Most Excellent, Profitable and Plea- sant Book of the Famous Doctor, and Expert Astrologian ; Arcandam, or Al- candrin . . . With an Addition of Phy- siognomy, ... By William Warde . . . Printed by W. W. for William Thackeray ... 8°, A— M 4 in eights. With wood- cuts. Black letter. ARCHERY. The Renovacon of Archery, by prince Arthure and his companions. A ballad. Licensed to Edward White, 19 Aug. 1579. A ballad intytuled, Discrybinge the val- luee of our Englishe Archers and shott that accompanied the Blacke Prince of Portugall their governor into the feildes on twesdaie the 12 of August with the welcome into Lyme-street by master Hugh Ofiley. Licensed to William Jones, 13 Aug. 1589. ARETINE, L. The historic of Leonard Aretine, con- cerning the warres betwene the Impe- rialles and the Gothes in the possession of Italy, a worke very pleasant and pro- fitable. Translated out of Latin into Englishe by Arthur Goldyng. Printed at London by Rouland Hall, for George Bucke. 1663. 8^ black letter, a— b in eiglits, b 8 blank : A— Z 4 in eights. Dedicated to Sir William Cecil by Golding from Cecil's house in the Strand, 2 April, 1563. ARETIUS. 15 ARMSTRONG. ARETIUS, BENEDICTUS. A short History of Valentinus Gentilis the Tritheist, Tryed, Condemned, and put to Death, by the Protestant City and Church of Bern in Switzerland, for assert- ing the Three Divine Persons of the Trinity to be [Three Distinct, Eternal Spirits, &c.] Written in Latin by Bene- dictus Aretius, a Divine of that Church ; and now Translated into English for the useof Dr. Sherlock. . . . London, Printed, andSoldbyE.Whitlock . . . 1696. 8°, A (misprinted B) — K 4 in eights. ARGALUS AND PARTHENIA. The Unfortunate Lovers : Or the His- tory of Argalus and Parthenia. In Four Books. Adorn'd with Cuts. The Fifth Edition. London : Printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes . . . 12^, A — G in twelves. With a frontispiece. ARGUMENTUM. Argumentum Anti-Normannicum : Or An Argument Proving, from Ancient Histories and Records, that William, Duke of Normandy, made no absolute Conquest of England by the Sword ; in the sense of our Modern Writers. . . . London: Printed by John Darby. 1682. 8"^. Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : A, 4 leaves : B — K in eights : L, 6 leaves : M, 4 leaves. ARGYLE, ARCHIBALD, Marquis of. The Grand Indictment of High-Treason Against the Marquess of Argyle, at the Instance of His Majesties Advocat : Ex- hibited to the Parliament of Scotland, With an Account of what hath followed since thereupon. Printed for the Author, 1661. Folio. [A]-[C] in twos : [D], 1 leaf : A — N in twos : [a] — [b] in twos : [c] 3 leaves. ARISTOPHANES, The Worlds Idol. Plutus : A Comedy Written in Greek. By Aristophanes, Translated by H. H. B. Together with his Notes, and A Short Discourse upon it. Some dare affirm that Comedies may teach More in one hour than some in ten can preach. London, Printed by W. G. and are to be sold by Richard Skelton at the Hand and Bible in Ducklane, Isaac Pridmore at the Golden Falcon neer the New Exchange, and H. Marsh at the Princes Arms in Chancery -lane. 1659. 4", A — G in fours. Bodleian. ARISTOTLE. The Problemes Of Aristotle, with other Philosophers and Phisitions. Wherein are contayned diners questions, with their answers, touching the estate of mans bodie. [Wood cut.] At Edinborough, Printed by Robert Waldgraue, 1595. Small S*', A— N in eights. Bouce Coll. The Problemes of Aristotle, with other Philosophers and Phisitions. ... At London, Printed by Arnold Hatfield. 1597. 8°, A— M in eights. B. M. The Problemes . . . London Printed by Am. Hatfield. 1607. 8*^, A— M in eights. B. M. There are later editions. Aristotles Politiqves, Or Discourses of Government. Translated ovt of Greeke into French, with Expositions ... by Loys Le Roy, called Regius. Translated out of French into English [by I. D.] At London printed by Adam Islip. Anno Dom. 1598. Folio, A— Nn in sixes, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to Sir Robert Sidney, Governor of Flushing. Aristotle's Compleat Master-Piece. In Three Parts . . . The Seventeenth Edi- tion. Printed, and Sold by the Book- sellers. MDCCXxviii. 12°, A — F in twelves, including the frontispiece, but exclusively of a folded woodcut. One of the spurious pieces. ARMSTRONG, SIR THOMAS. The Proceedings against Sir Thomas Armstrong, In His Majesties Court of Kings-Bench, at Westminster, upon an Outlawry for High-Treason, &c. AsalsoAn Account of what passed at his Execution at Tyburn, the 20th of June 1684. To- gether with the Paper he delivered to the Sherifi's of London at the same Time and Place. London, Printed for Robert Horn, John Baker, and John Redmayne. 1684. Folio, 2 leaves. A True Account of the Bringing up of Sir Thomas Armstrong to Westminster, On Saturday the Fourteenth Day of June, 1684, and of the Award for his Execu- tion, to be Drawn, Hang'd, and Quartered, on Friday the 20th of the same Month. London, Printed by Geo. Croom, . . . 1684. A folio leaf. A True Copy of a Letter sent by S. J. an Eminent Minister of the Church of Eng- land, to Sir Tho. Armstrong, Prisoner in Newgate, on the 18th of this Instant June, 1684. London, Printed for A. Bancks. A folio leaf. Some Remarkable Observations on the Proceedings against Sir Thomas Arm- strong, . . . London, Printed by Geo. Croom, . . . 1684. A folio leaf. An Imjiartial Account of the Behaviour ARMY. i6 ARMY. of Sir Thomas Armstrong, From tlie time of his Apprehension to his Execution . . . London, Printed by Geo. Groom, . . . 1684. A folio leaf. ARMY. An Exact and Perfect Relation of the Proceedings of the Army under the Com- mand of Sir Thomas Fairfax, From the sixth of this instant July, to the eleventh of the same. Wherein is expressed the particulars of the Victory obtained by the Parliaments Forces, over Goring, neer Langport in Somersetshire. . . . London, Printed for Samuel Gellibrand, July 14, 1645. 4*^, 4 leaves. Three Letters, From the Right Honour- able Sir Thomas Fairfax, Lieut. Gen. Crvmwell and the Committee residing in the Army. Wherein all the Particulars of the Great Victory obtained by our Forces against His Majesties [at Naseby] is fully related, fought the 14 of lune, 1645. With a List of the Names of such Colonels . . . there taken prisoners. And the Resolution of both Houses upon the same. London, Printed for lohn Wright . . . 1645. 4*^, A— B 2 in fours. The Case of the Army truly stated, to- gether with the mischiefes and dangers that are imminent, and some sutaljle remedies, Humbly proposed by the Agents of five Regiments of Horse, to the respec- tive Regiments and the whole Army. No place or printer's name. [1647.] 4*^, A— D 2 in fours. Without any titlepage. The Armies Remembrancer. Wherein they are presented with a Sight of their Sinnes and Dangers. And also with a Scripture Expedient for their Preserva- tion. ... By a Cordiall Friend to the Kingdomes welfare. R. London, Printed for Stephen Bowtell. 1647. 4*^. A, 2 leaves : B— E in fours, and a leaf of F. The Articles and charge of the Army, Exhibited in Parliament against the Kings Majesty, the Prince of Wales, and the Duke of York ; Read in both Houses yesterday, Novemb. 21, 1648. And Their Declaration and Resolution (sent to the Citizens of London). . . . London, Printed for C. W. neer the Royall Exchange. 1648. 4'', 4 leaves. The Humble Answer of the General Councel of the Ollicers of the Army, under His Excellencie, Thomas, Lord Fairfax. To the Demands of the Honor- able the Commons of England, Assembled in Parliament, concerning the late Secur- ing, or Secluding of some Members thereof. . . . London, Printed by Mat- thew Simmons, for Hannah Allen. . . . 1648. 4*^, A— B in fours. A Declaration of the Army, Concerning the Kings Majesty, the Prince of Wales, and the Citizens of London, Agreed upon by the Officers and Souldiers, under the Command of the Lord Gen. Fairfax. . . . London, Printed for R. Williamson, . . . 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. An Alarm to the present men in Power, the Officers of the Army, and all Oppres- sors, from some oppressed People of Eng- land, on the behalf of themselves and others. Printed 1654 [May 26.] A sheet. B. M. A Declaration of the Faithful Soldiers of the Army : To all the honest People of the Nation, Shewing their Resolution to stand by the Good Old Cause And main- tain the Liberties and Priviledges of the Subject. London, Printed in the Year, 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. The Humble Petition and Addresse of the Officers of the Army, to the Parlia- ment of the Common-Wealth of England, &c. London, Printed by Henry Hills, for him and Francis Tyton, . . . 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. The Army's Plea for their Present Prac- tice : Tendered to the consideration of all ingenuous and impartiall men. Printed and published by special com- mand. London, Printed by Henry Hills . . . 1659. 4°, A— D ,in fours, last leaf blank. A Declaration of the General Council of the Officers of the Army : Agreed upon at Wallingford-house, 27th Octob. 1659. . . . London, Printed by Henry Hills, Printer to the Army . . . 1659. 4^, A — C in fours, first leaf blank. The Remonstrance & Address of the Armies of England, Scotland, and Ire- land, to the Lord General Monck ; Pre- sented to His Excellencv the 9th of April, 1660. By Colonel Charles Lord Howard, Accompanied by about Fourty of the most Eminent Officers of the Armies of Eng- land, . . . London, Printed by John Macock, 1660. 4^, A— B in fours, A 1 blank. An Argument, Shewing, that a Standing Army is inconsistent with a Free Govern- ment, and absolutely dei^tructive to the Constitution of tlie English Monarchy. London, Printed in the "year 1697. 4". A, 2 leaves : B— E in fours, E 4 blank. A Letter to a Foreigner, on the Present AI^NIVAV, 17 ARTICLES. Debates about a Standing Army. Lon- don, Printed for Dan. Brown, . . . 1698. 4^, A — C, 2 leaves each. A Short History of Standin^j Armies in England. [Quot. from Virgil ^Eu. ii.] London, Printed in the Year mdcxcviii. 4^. A, 2 leaves : * 2 leaves : B— G in fours, G 4 with the Errata. On the title of this copy is written : *' By Gordon of Dorchestershire," which is struck out ; and on the back of the leaf occurs in another hand : " It was written by a Great Minister in ye end of K. AVil- liam's Reign, who did not approve of y^' Kings Ministers, See Oldmixon's Critica History, p. 177. I think he intends L"i Sommers. P. 159, he [Oldmixon] calls him 'that Noble Author,' wcu shows he thought him one of ye Nobility." ARXWAY, JOHN. The Tablet Or Moderation of Charles the First Martyr. With an Alarum to the Subjects of England. Written both Historically and Prophetically by the learned pen of that Reverend Divine, John Arnway, D.D. late Arch-Deacon of Lichfield and Coventry, in his exile. . . . London, Printed by A. W. and are to be sold by Henry Seile, . , . and Richard Royston . . . 1661. 8"", A— P 4 in eights, title on A 2. With a portrait and a preface by William Rider. ARS MORIEXDI. Ars Moriendi, That is to say, the Craft for to Die for the benefit of Man's Soul. [W. Caxton, circa 1491.] 4'^, 8 leaves. Bodleiaji. Here begynneth a lityll treatise shorte and abredged spekynge of the arte & crafte to knowe well to dye. [Col.] Thus endeth the trayttye abredged of the arte to lerne well to deye / translated oute of frenshe in to englyshe . by willm Caxton the xv. day of Juyn / the yere of our lord a Miiijclxxxx. [W. Caxton, 1491 ?] Folio, 13 leaves, besides a blank. Br. Museum and National French Library. ARSANES. Orations, of Arsanes agaynst Philip the trecherous kyng of Macedone : of the Embassadors of Venice against the Prince that vnder crafty league with Scanderbeg, layed snares for Christen- dome : and of Scanderbeg prayeng ayde of Christian Princes agaynst periurous murderyng Mahumet and agaynst the old false Christian Duke Mahumetes con- federate. With a notable example of Gods vengeance vppon a f aithlesse Kyng, Queue, and her children. Imprinted at London, by lohn Daye. 8^, A — K in eights. ARCHDEKIN, R., of the Society of Jesus. R. P. Richardi Arsdekin Soc. Jesv Sac. Theol. Professoris Theologia Tripartita Universa . . . Dilingte, . . . Anno M.DC.LXXXVii. Folio. ARTEMIDORUS. Certayne Dreames reade by Artemedorus. Licensed to T. Marshe in 1558-9. ARTICLES. Articles Devisid by the holle consent of the Kynges moste honourable counsayle, his gracis licence obteined therto, not only to exhorte, but also to enfourme his louynge subiectis of the trouthe. [Col.] Londini In ^dibvs Thomae Bertheleti. M.D. XXXIII. Cvm Privilegio. 8^, black letter, A — B 3 in eights, B 3 having only the colophon. B. M. Articles to be Inqvired of. 1548. [Colo- phon.] Imprinted in London the laste dale of August . M.D.xlviii. in the second yere of the reigne of our moste drad & souereigne lorde Kyng Edwarde the : VI : By Richard Grafton Printer to his highness. Cum priuilegio ... 4°, black letter, A — B in fours. Articles to be enquyred, in the visitation, in the fyrste yeare of the raygne of our moost di-ad soueraygne Lady, Elizabeth by the grace of God, . . . Anno . 1559. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Povles Churcheyarde by Richard lugge, and lohn Cawood, Printers to the Queues Maiestie. Anno M.D.Lix. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. 4*^, A — B in fours, B 3 — 4 blank. Articles to be enquired in the visitation ; in the firste yeere of the raigne of our moste dread Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, . . . Anno domini . 1559. [Col.] Im- printed at London, by Christopher Bar- kar, "_ " ' ~ ' B 4 blank." Articles, Whervpon it was agreed by the most reuerend father in God the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, & other the Bishopes & the whole Cleargie of the prouince of Canterbury, in the conuoca- tion or synode holden at Westminster, . . . Published by the Queenes Maiesties aucthoritie. [Col.] Imprinted at London, by Richarde lugge, . . . [1575]. 4°, 4 leaves. Articles to be Enqvired of, by the Minis- ter, Chvrch- Wardens, and Side-Men, of every Parish within the Arch-Deaconry of London. Which were given in charge, in the annuall Visitation of the Right B . [1559]. 4«, A— B in fours. ARUNDEL. i8 AS CHAM. WorsMpfull m^ Theophilus Ailmer, Doctor of Diuinitie, Arclideacon of Lon- don, in the yeare of our Lord God, one thousand sixe hundred and twentie. London, Printed by Thomas Purfoot. (1620.) 4'', A— B in fours. Articles to be enquired of by the Minis- ter, Churchwardens, and Sidemen, of euery Parish and Chappelry within the Deanry of [left blank] In the yeere of our Lord God [left blank] and present- ment to be made by them, contayning a particular ansver to euery Article. London : Printed by lohn Bill. 1625. 4°, A — B in fours, A blank. Articles to be Inqvired of . . . within the Arch-Deaconry of London ... In the annuall Visitation of the Eight "Wor- shipfull ]\F Thomas Paske Doctor of Diuinity, Arch-deacon of London, in the yeare of our Lord God, one thousand sixe hundred, twentie, and Sixe. London, Printed by Thomas Purfoot. 1626. 4°, A — B in fours. Articles to be Enqvired of within the Dioces of London, In the Second Trien- niall Visitation of the Eight Honorable, and Eight Reuerend Father in God Wil- liam Lord Bishop of London. Holden in the yeere of our Lord God, 1631. Printed at London. m.dc.xxxi. 4°, black letter, A— C in fours. Articles to be Enqvired of, in the Ordi- narie Visitation of the Eight AVorship- full, Doctor Hvtchinson Arch-Deacon of Lewes. 1639. London, Printed by George Miller. Anno Domini 1639. 4°, 4 leaves. The Twelve Articles, or the Apostles Creed. Licensed to John Okes, 19 March, 1639-40. A broadside with pictures, AEUNDEL, HENEY FITZALAN, Earl of. An epitaphe on the Death of therle of Arundell. Licensed to Thomas East, 8 March, 1579-80. AEUSIENS. A spedy Eemyde for the pestelence, by a bysshope of Denmarke. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1569-70. Evidently a proposed reprint of one of the earlier editions. ASCHAM, ANTHONY. A Discourse : Wherein is examined, "Wliat is particularly lawfuU during the Con- fusions and Eevolutions of Government. Or, How farre a man may lawfully con- forme to the Powers and Commands of those who with various successes hold Kingdomes divided by Civill or Forraigne Warres. . . . Three Parts : By Ant : Ascham, Gent. London, Printed, Anno Dom: 1648. 8*^. * 4 leaves : A— K in eights. ASCHAM, EOGEE. A Eeport and Discourse written by Eoger Ascham, of the affaires and state of Ger- many and the Emperour Charles his court, duryng certaine yeares while the sayd Eoger was there. At London, Printed by lohn Daye, dwelling oner Aldersgate. Cum Gratia . . . [1570-1.] 4^, black letter, A — I in fours. Prefixed is a letter from John Ashley to Ascham, and Ascham's answer, the former dated Hatfield, 19 October, 1552, Ascham's reply is, in fact, the Keport itself, probably printed by Day about the same time as the Schoolmaster. Disertissimi viri Eogeri Aschami, Angli, Eegiae maiestati non ita pridem a Latinis epistolis, familiarum epistolarum libri tres, magna orationis elegantia conscripti Quorum primo prsefigitur elegantissima de Imitatione Oratoria. Hue accesserunt eiusdem pauca quaedam poemata. . . . Excusum Londini impensis Francisci Col- docki. [1576,] 8«. Title, &c,, 12 leaves : A— Bb 6 in eights, Y 2 blank. Edited, with a memoir of Ascham, by Edward Grant. Disertissimi Viri Eogeri Aschami . . . Londini. Pro Francisco Coldocko. An- no . 1578. 8°. IF, 8 leaves : 11 IT, 4 leaves : A — Oo 4 in eights. [Col.] Londini in Officina Henrici Middletoni Typography An. D. 1578. Disertissimi Viri Eogeri Aschami Angli, (Eegise olim Maiestati a Latinis Epis- tolis) familiarium Epistolarum libri tres . . . Hvc Accesservnt Pavca qua3dam eiusdem E. A. Poemata. Item Oratio E[dwardi] G[rant] De Vita & obitu E. A. & eius dictionis elegantia. Londini. Pro Francisco Coldocko. Anno . 1581. 8°. % 8 leaves : A — Oo 4 in eights. This includes the Commendat tones. Dissertissimi Viri Eogeri Aschami Angli . . . Familiarum Epistolarum libri tres . . . Accesservnt hac postrema editions loannis Sturinij, Hieronymi Osorij, alio- runupie EpistoloQ ad Eog. Aschamum aliosque Nobiles Anglos missaj. Addita svnt pavca quaedam Eogeri Aschami Poemata . . . Londini. In othcina Typographica Ar. Hatfield pro Francisco Coldocko. 1590. 8^, A— Mm in eights. This inchidos Edward Ca'ant's account of Ascham's life. ASGILL. 19 ATLAS. ASGILL, JOHN. M''. John Asgill His Plagiarism Detected ; And his several Assertions, of which he pretends to be the Author, proved to be taken out of M'^. Briscoe's Discourse on the late Funds. London, Printed for Andrew Bell . . . m.dc.xcvi. 8*^, A— C in eights, C 8 blank. ASHMOLE, ELIAS. Memoirs of the Life of that Learned Anti- quary, Elias Ashmole, Esq; Drawn up by himself by way of Diary. With an Appendix of Original Letters. Publish'd by Charles Burman, Esq; London, . . . 1717. 12^ A, 4 leaves, with the half- title : B — K 2 in sixes. ASPLEY, JOHN. Speculum Nauticum : A Looking Glasse for Sea-Men : Wherein they may behold a small instrument called the PJaine Scale : whereby all questions Nauticall, and propositions Astronomicall are very easily and demonstratively wrought. Lately penned, and now published for the vse and benefit of such as will make good vse of it. By lohn Aspley Student in Physicke, and Practitioner of the Mathematickes in the City of London. London, Printed by Thomas Harper. M. DC. XXIV. 4^^. a, 4 leaves : A — H in fours, H 4 with a colophoii. Dedicated to the Governor and members of the East India Company. ASSAEIXO, LUCA. La Stratonica ; Or The Unfortunate Queen. Written in Italian by Luke Assarino, and now Englished [by John Burbery.] London, Printed bv John Field. 1651. [December 31, 1650.] 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — Aa 2 in fours. Dedi- cated to Lady Katherine Howard, eldest daughter of the Earl of Arundel and Surrey. B. M. ASSIZE OF BREAD. [The Assize of Bread. Colophon :] Thus endeth the statut . . . Imprynted by me Robert Wyer : Dwellynge at the sygne of Seynt Johii Euangelyst : in Seynt Martyns Parysshe,besyde Charvnge Crosse. 4°, [A— D in fours ?] Harl.M'.S. 5919 (the colophon only). The Assize of Bread. . . . Newly cor- rected and enlarged. . . . London, Printed by William Stansby, and are to be sold by John Grismand, . . . 1626. 4^, A— G in fours, the first leaf blank. With cuts. Grenv. Coll. C, 2 leaves : D, 4 The Assize of Bread. London, Printed by Richard Bishop, and are to be sold by lohn Grismond. . . . 1636. 4°, black letter, A — G in fours, first leaf blank. With cuts. ASTELL, RALPH, M.A. Vota, Non Bella. NeW-CastTels Hartle GratVLatlon to Her SaCreD SoVeraIgn King CharLes The SeConD ; on His noW-GLorloVs RestaVratlon To His BIrth-right-PoWer. Gateshead, Printed by Stephen Bulkley, 1660. 4^, A— B in fours. In verse. Grenv. Coll. ATHERTON, JOHN, Bishop ofWaterford. The Case of John Atherton, Bishop of Waterford in Ireland : Fairly Repre- sented against a late Partial Edition of Dr. Barnard's Relation, and Sermon at his Funeral. . . . London: . . . 1710. 8°, A— B in eights leaves. Grenv. Coll. The Life and Death of John Atherton Lord Bishop of Waterford and Lysmore within the Kingdome of Ireland, borne neare BridgM^ater in Somersetshire. Who for Incest, Buggery, and many other enormous crimes, after having lived a vicious life, dyed a shamefull death, and was on the fifth of December last past, hanged on the Gallows Greene at Dublin, and his man John Childe being his Proc- tor, with whom he had committed the buggery, was hangd in March following at Bandon Bridges, condemned thereunto at the Assizes holden at Corke. London Printed, 1641. 4^, 4 leaves. In verse. With two common cuts on the back of the title. Grenv. Coll. ATKYNS, SIR ROBERT, Knight. A Defence of the Late Lord Russel's Innocency, by way of Answer or Confu- tation of a Libellous Pamphlet, Entituled, An Antidote against Poyson . . . Lon- don : Printed for Timothy Goodwin . . , 1689. Folio, A— 0, 2 leaves each. ATALANTA. The golden apple. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1568. No man could gett Atalanta by Runnyng. A ballad. Licensed to James Roberts in 1569-70. ATLANTIS, THE NEW. The New Atlantis. A Poem, In Three Books. With some Reflections upon the Hind and the Panther. Semper Ego Auditor tantum? Printed for the Author. 1687. 4°, A— I in fours, title on A 2. ATLAS. The Sea-Atlas Or The Watter-World, Wherein are described all the Sea Coasts ATTOWELL. 20 A USTERIUS. of the Kno^Tie World. Very useful! and necessary for all Shipmasters, Pilots and Seamen, As also for Marchants and Others. Printed by Peter Goos, at Am- sterdam, And are to be sould at his shop . . 1670. Folio, Title within an engraved leaf : ^hori Declaration, 4 leaves : 40 maps, commencing with Orhis Ter- rarum. ATTOWELL, GEORGE. Francis New Jig . . . [about 1612.] A sheet. But this piece was licensed to Thomas Gosson, 14 Oct. 1595. The Pepysian copy- is a reprint by J[ohn] W[hite]. AUDLEY, LADY ELEANOR. The Lady Eleanor, Her Appeale to the High Covrt of Parliament. Printed in the yeere, 1641. 4to, A — C 2 in fours. B.M. Before the Lords second coming, Of The last Days to be visited. Signed with the Tyrant Pharaohs Overthrow. Printed in the year, 1650. 4^, A— B in fours. B.M. Elijah The Tishbite's Supplication When Presented the likeness of Hand, &c. [Kings 18.] Printed in the year 1650. 4«, 4 leaves. B. M. AUFIELD, W. A French Grammer and Syntaxe, con- teyning most exact and certaine Rules for the pronunciation, &c. of the French Langage. Licensed to Richard Mynn, 8 May, i634. AUGUSTINE, ST. Certaine select Prayers, gathered out of S. Augustine's Meditations, which he calleth his priuate Talke with God. Also his Manuell, or booke of the Contem- plation of Christ. Newly printed, cor- rected, and compared, with an old aun- cient written Copye. At London Printed by John Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. Cum gratia & Priuilegio Regime Maies- tatis. Anno 1577. 8^, A— U in eights. Black letter. Printed within woodcut l)orders. Bodleian. Certaine Select Prayers . . . London Printed by John Wolfe for the Assigiies of Richard Day. 1586. 8*^, black letter, printed within borders, A — U in eights, U 8 blank. Godly Meditations made in tlie forme of prayers, by S. Augustine. [Col.] Im- printed at London by lolin Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgatc beneath S. Marty ne. Cum priuilegio Regi;c Maiestatis per decen- nium, 8", A — P in eights. Black letter. Bodleian. St. Avgvstine, Of the Citie of God : With the Learned Comments of lo. Lod. Yives. Englished by J. H. Printed by George Eld. 1610. Folio. Title, &c., 3 leaves : A — Kkkk 3 in sixes. Dedicated to William, Earl of Pembroke, by Th[omasl Th[orpe] in a very curious and eulogistic epistle. The translator was John Healey. The Confessions of the Incomparable Doctovr S. Avgvstine, Translated into English. Together with a large Preface, which it will much import to be read ouer first, that so the Booke it selfe may both profit, and please, the Reader, more. . . . Permissu Superiorum. m.dc.xx. 8*^. Title, 1 leaf : A— G 2 in eights : A — Ddd in eights : dedication to the Yirgin, 9 leaves. Br. MiLsemn. Saint Augustines Confessions Translated and with some Marginall Notes illus- trated. Wherein Divers Antiquities are explained ; and the Marginall Notes of a former Popish Translation, Answered. By William Wats, D.D. London, Printed by T. R. and E. M. for Abel Roper. . . . M.DC.L. 12°, A — Y in twelves, besides a frontispiece. The Meditations, Soliloqvia, and Man vail of the Glorious Doctour S. Augustine. Translated into English. The Seconds Edition. Printed at Paris. By W Blageart. m.dc.lv. 8*^. f, 10 leaves : A — S in twelves : Entertainment for Whitsuntide, A — F in twelves. With a frontispiece. AURELIO AND ISABELLA. Le Ivgement Damovr, Auquel est ra- comptee L'hystoire de Ysabel, fiUe du roy Descosse, traslatee de langaige Espaig- nole en langue Francoyse . * . Ou les vend a Paris Au mont sainct Hylaire, a Ihostel Dalbert Par Anthoine bonne mere. Small 8*^, black letter, A — I in eights : Le Mes- sagier Damours, with a new title, a — c 4 in eights. In prose. Grenv. Coll. AUSONIUS. Ausonius his Foure bookes of niorall preceptes eutituled Cato Translated out of Latine into Euglishe meter by J. M. master of Artes. With a poeme added uppou the Death of Queue Elizabeth. Licensed to Ralph Blower, 27 May, 1605. AUSTERIUS, JUSTUS, otherioise STELLA. A Bewayling of the Peace of Germany. Or, A Discourse touching the Peace of Prague. . . . Faithfully translated out of the Latine Copie. . . , Published by Authority. London, Printed by I. L. AUSTIN. 2T B,J. for I. H. . . . 1635. 4^. Title, preceded by a printed leaf marked A, 2 leaves : a — f 3 in fours : A — R 2 in fours. AUSTIN, W. of Lincoln's Inn. Certaine Devovt Meditations. . . . 1637. Collation: Frontispiece, 1 leaf: Printed title and dedication, 2 leaves : Title to A Meditation for Ovr Lady-Day, 1 leaf : A — B in fours : C, 7 leaves, including title to A Meditation for Christmas Day : J) — Bb 4 in sixes, besides a title to " A Meditation for Lent." Chiefly in prose, but interspersed with a few poems, and concluding with " The Author's Epi- cedium, made by Himself, upon Him- selfe." AVENAGORAS. The most notable and excellent discourse of the Christian Philosopher Auenagoras, as touching the Resurrection of the dead translated out of Greeke into Latine by Peter Nennus, and out of Latin into English by R. Porder. . . . Imprinted at London in Pawles Churchyarde, by W.Williamson. Anno . 1573. 8^A— H in fours, and I, 6 leaves, I 6 with the printer's mark. AYMOK The Four Sons of Aymon, a romance. On the 22 February, 1598-9, John Wolfe entered The last part of the Foure sonns of Aymon. Arber, iii. 139. AZARIAH. A tragecall hystory of Hasariye. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1568-9. Azaria and Hushai, A Poem, Quod cuique visum est sentiant. London, Printed for Charles Lee, An. Dom. 1682. 4'^. A, 2 leaves : B— F in fours, F 4 blank. B B.,A. The Life Or, The Ecclesiasticall Historie of S. Thomas Archbishope of Canterbvry. Colloniae. m.dc.xxxix. 8°. a, 3 leaves : e — vi, 4 leaves each : aS, — ee, 4 leaves each : A— C[c] 7 in eights. Dedicated to Eichard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon. B. A. and Z. W. A Demonstration how the Latine Tongue may be Learnt with far greater ease and speed then commonly it is. London, Printed for J. S. at the Mitre within Temple-bar. 1669. 4*^, 4 leaves sub- scribed by A. B. [and] Z. W. B. M. B.C., An Address to the Honouralile City of London, and all other Cities, Shires and Corporations, concerning their Choice of a New Parliament. Together with a True Character of Popery and Arbitrary Government. Humbly Presented by C. B. London : Printed for Allen Banks, 1681. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. B. C, Religio Laici. AYritten in a Letter to John Dryden Esq. [Quot. from Juvenal Sat. 8.] London, Printed for R. Bentlev, and R. Magnes . . . 1683. 12«, A— E in twelves, tirst leaf blank. B. H. A Consolatory I^etter to all the Afflicted Catholikes in England. [Quot. from Philip. 4.] Imprinted at Roan in Nor- mandy. 8^, A — G in eights. Lambeth. The dedication is signed H. B. B., H. Schola Vrhanitatis: Sive de Elegantia Morum et Civili Conversatione inter Ho- mines. . . . Londini, Typis E. G. Im- pensis G. Lee . . . mdclii. 8°, A — D in eights, first and last leaves blank, and A 2 occupied by a small full-length print. The dedication runs: " Exoptatissimo Juveni, Amicorum principi, Domino Hie- ronymo Luckyn, S.," and is dated by H, B. "Ex ^dibus Hospitii Lincolniensis Lon- din. 1651." B. J. Gentleman. A Letter sent by I. B. Gentleman vnto his very frende Mayster R. C. Esquire, wherin is conteined a large discourse of the peopling & inhabiting the Cuntrie called the Ardes, and other adiacent in the North of Ireland, and taken in hand by Sir Thomas Smith one of the Queenes maiesties priuie Counsel, and Thomas Smith, Esquire, his Sonne. [Col.] Im- printed at London by Henry Binneman for Anthony Kitsou, dwelling in Paules B.y. 22 BABINGTON. Church yard at the signe of the Sunne. [1572.] 8°, black letter, A— H in fours, H 4 blank. With a folded map. Lam- heth, B.J. A Dialogue betweene a vertuous Gentle- man and a popish Priest, verie pleasant and profitable, both for ministers and gentlemen, men and women, old and yong made by I. B. Imprinted at London by Eobert Waldegraue, . . . 1581. 8°, A — K in eights. Dedicated to Master H. S. Esquire. Lambeth. B. J. A Treatise with a Kalendar, and the Proof es thereof, concerning the Holy dales and Fasting-daies in England. Printed w^ith Licence. [Circa 1598.] 8^, A— E in eights. Lambeth. B.J., A Plains and Trve Relation, of the going forth of a Holland Fleete the eleuenth of Nouember 1623, to the Coast of Bra- eile. With the taking in of Saluedoe, and the chiefe occurrences falling out there, in the time of the Hollanders con- tinuance therein. As also, the comming of the Spanish Armado to Saluedoe, with the beleaguering of it, . . . And also, The base deliuery vp of the said Towne . . . Lastly, the Reasons and Motiues mouing the Authour to the publishing thereof, ... By J. B. that hath been an eye and eare-witnesse of this subiect. Printed at Rotterdam by M. S. 1626. 4°. Title, dedication by J. B. to Robert Johnson, Alderman of London, Governor of Virginia and Bermuda, &c., and To the Reader, 3 leaves : B — D in fours : E, 1 leaf. Grenv. Coll. B.,J. A Proposal Humbly offered to the Parlia- ment, for suppressing of Popery. [Col.] Printed, and are to be sold by Richard Janeway, . . , 1680. Folio, 2 leaves. B.J. A Protestant Letter to the Lords in tlie Tower. London, Printed in the Year, 1680. A folio leaf signed /. B. Thanks upon Thanks : Or, The Suburb's Joy for the City's Election. London, Printed in the Year, 1680. A folio leaf of verses signed J. B. B. J. of Worcestershire. Kidderminster-Stulf. A new Piece of Print : Or, A Remnant of M*'. Baxter's Piaj Fravdes Unravelled. Being an A]v peudix to Nonoonformistd Plea for Peace Impleaded. By J. B. Worcestershire. London: Printed for Randal Taylor neer Stationers-haU. 1681. 4°, A— F 2 in fours. B. N. Oddes : or all the world to Nothing, by N. B. Licensed to John Grismand, 9 August, 1622. B. N. Catholic. The History of the Life & Actions of St. Athanasius, Together with the Rise, Growth, and Down-Fall of the Arian He- resie. Collected from Primitive Writers. By N. B. P. C. Catholick. London, Printed for [sic] D. Maxwell, for Chris- topher Eccleston, . . . 1664. 8^ A, 4 leaves : B — Q 4 in eights. With a por- trait by T. Cross. B., R. A Paraphrase upon the Lords Prayer, and the Creed. London : Printed in the yeare 1641. A sheet. Oumj Cat. No. 144. B. W. The Trappan Trapt, Or The true Rela- tion of a Cunning, Cogging, Confident, Crafty, Counterfeit, Cosening and Cheat- ing Knight, alias Knave. Wherein is Discovered his M'schievous and Machivil- lian matchlesse Mischeefs, Plotted against an Honest Gentleman, a Marchant of good Repute, named M^. John Marriot : Dwelling neer London Bridge. Set forth for the benefit of others, who else through Ignorance might easily fall into the like snares of such Dissembling, Wicked, and Trecherous Trappans. By W. B. Lon- don, Printed by Joseph Moxon, . . . 1657. 4«, A— B in fours. B. M. B. W. of London^ Goldsmith. A Touch-Stone for Gold and Silver Wares. . . . The second Edition with Additions. . . . London : Printed for J. Bellinger, . . . and T. Basset, . . . 1678. 8", A— P 5 in eights, besides the frontispiece and title : Reynolds' Tables; A— K 4 in eights. B. W., Minister. A Funeral Senuon Preached on the Oc- casion of the Right Honourable the Earl of Sh y's Late Interment in Dor- set-shire. By W. B. a Godly Minister (though unworthy Servant) of Jesus Christ. Si quid hahent vcri Vat dm pro - sagia, Vivam. London, Printed by George Croom, 1683. 4«, A— B in fours. BABINGTON, GERVASE. A Verie fruitefuU Exposition of the Com- ;,mandenicnts by way of Questions and BACHELOR. 23 BACON. Answers for greater plainnesse : «S:c. Wbereimto is newlie annexed a Table, contajning the principall matters in this Booke. [Qnot. from Psalm 119.] Im- printed at London by Thomas Orwin, for Thomas Charde. 1590. S'^. * 8 leaves : *"^, 8 leaves : ***, 4 leaves : A — Ff in eights. Dedicated to Henry, Earl of Pembroke. At the end is a prayer in three fonr-line stanzas by Hugh Poole, Minister of the Word at Cardiff. BACHELOR. A Ballett of the Bachelor. Licensed to J. Waley in 1561-2. An exortation vnto batchelors. A ballad. Licensed to Ralph Newbery in 1569-70. I wysshe all bachelars well to fayre. A ballad. Licensed to Richard Serll in 1565-6. BACOX, FRANCIS, Viscount St. Allan. Opera Francisci Baronis de Vervlamio, Vice - Comitis Sancti Albani. Tomvs Primvs. Qui continet De Dignitate & Augmentis Scientiarum Libros ix. Ad Regeni Sv^^m. Londini, In Ofhcina loannis Haviland. mdcxxiii. Folio. Title, W. Rawley, Chaplain to the Author, &c. 4 leaves : A, 6 leaves : B — 3 R in fours. Br. Museum (probably the copy presented to the King). Puttick's, May 28, 1879, vellum gilt, with the crest of a hog on the sides in gold. The Museum copy is in velvet. Francisci Baconi, Baronis de Vervlamio . . . Opervm Moralivm et Civilivm Tomus. Qui continet Historiam Regni Henrici Septimi . . . Sermones Fide- les . . . Tractatum de Sapientia Yeterum. Dialogum de Bello Sacro. Et Xovam Atlantidem. Ab ipso Hono- ratissimo Auctore, prteterquam in paucis, Latinitate donatus. Cura & Fide Gulie- Imi Rawley . . . Inhocvolumine,iterum excusi, includuntur Tractatus de Aug- mentis Scientiarum. Historia Ventorum. Historia Vitse & Mortis. Cum Privilegio. Londini, Excusum typis Edwardi Grif- fini . . . 1638. Folio. A~Ssss 4 in sixes, A 4 blank, besides title and portrait. There are copies on large paper. The Essayes or Covnsels . . . Newly enlarged. London, Printed by lohn Haviland, in the little old Bayly. 1632. 4*^, A — 3 C in fours, and (a) 2 leaves. The Essayes Or, Covnsels . . . London, Printed by lohn Beale. 1639, 4^. A, 4 leaves, title on A 2 : B — Bb in eights, Bb 8 blank. Essayes and Counsells . . . London, Printed for H. R. and are to be sold by Thomas Palmer, . . . 1664. Sm. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B — R in twelves. With a portrait. The Essays Or Counsels, . . . London : Printed by M. Clark, for Samuel Meame, . . . MDCLXXX. 8^^. A, 4 leaves : B — Cc 3 in eights. Sir Francis Bacon His Apologie, in Cer- taine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex. "Written to the right Honorable his very good Lord, the Earle of Deuonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land. London, Printed by Felix Norton and are to be sold in Pauls church-yard at the signe of the Parot. 1604. 8^ A— E 6 in eights, E 6 with a woodcut only, and A 1 blank. Br. Museum. Francisci Baconi Eqvitis Avrati Procvra- toris Secvndi, lacobi Regis Magnae Bri- tannise, De Sapientia Vetervm Liber, Ad Inclytam Academiam Cantabrigiensem. Londini, Excudebat Robertvs Barkervs Anno 1609. 12«, A— G 6 in twelves, G 6 blank. The Wisedome of the Ancients, Written in Latine by the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bacon Knight, . . . Done into English by Sir Arthur Gorges Knight. Scutum inuincihih fidei. London Im- printed by lohn Bill. 1619. 12''. A, 12 leaves : A — H 4 in twelves. Dedicated to the Lady Elizabeth. The Wisdome of the Ancients . . . Done into English by Sir Arthur Gorges Knight. . . . London, Printed by S. G. for J. Kirton, . . . 1658. 12«, A— H in twelves. Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning : . . . Interpreted by Gilbert Wats. London, Printed for Thomas Williams . . . 1674. Folio, [A]— [L 2] in fours : A — Vv in fours. With a por- trait. Francisci De Yerulamio Siimmi Anglice Cancellarii Instauratio magna. Londini Apud Joannem Billium Typographiun Regium. Anno 1620. Folio. Title en- graved by Pass, 1 leaf : a — e 3 in fours : IT, 4 leaves : A — Tt in sixes. Dedicated to James I. Puttick's, May 28, 1879, in modern gilt vellum, with the crest of a hog in gold on sides, large paper, £8. The Historie of the Reigne of King Henry the Seventh. . . . London printed by I. H. and R. Y. and are to be sold by Philemon Stephens and Christopher Me- redith . . . 1629. Folio, A— Kk 5 in fours. With a portrait. BACON, 24 BACON. The History of tlie Reigns of Henry the Seventh, Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, and Queen Mary. The First Written by the Eight Honourable, Francis Lord Verulam, ... The other Tliree by . . . Francis Godwyn, Lord Bishop of Hereford. London, Printed by W. G. for R. Scot, . . . M.DC.LXxvi. Folio. A, 6 leaves : B — Yy in fours. With a portrait of Bacon. Francisci Baronis De Vervlamio, Vice- Comitis Sancti Albani, Historia Natvra- lis et Experimentalis ad Condendam Phi- losophiam : Sive, Phsenomena Vniversi : Quae estlnstaurationis Magnae Pars Tertia. Londini, In Officina lo. Haviland, [Im- pensis] Matthaei Lownes & Guilielmi Barret. 1622. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— T in eights, T 8 blank. Dedicated to Prince Charles. History Natnrall and Experimental!, of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life. Written in Latine . . . [Trans- lated by W. Rawley.] London, Printed by lohn Haviland for William Lee and Humphrey Mosley. 1638. 12^, A— V 4 in twelves, first leaf with the Imjjrimatur. Apothegm es New and Old. Collected by the Right Honovrable, Francis Lo. Vervlam, Viscount St. Alban. London, Printed for Hanna Barret, and Richard Whittaker, . . . 1625. Small 8vo, B— X 2 in eights, and the titlepage. There is no preliminary matter. Sylva Sylvarvm . . . The second Edi- tion. London, Printed by J. H. for William Lee . . . 1628. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : A — Z 4 in sixes: the New Atlantis, a — e in fours, and f in sixes. Sylva Sylvarvm : . . . London, Printed by J. H. for William Lee . . . 1631. Folio. Portrait, frontispiece, title, and dedication, 4 leaves : A — Z in sixes : a — e in fours : f, 6 leaves. Certaine Miscellany Works of the Right Honovrable, Francis Lo. Verulam, Vis- count S. Alban. Publislied by William Rawley, Doctor of Diuinity, one of his Maiesties Chaplaines. London, Printed by I. Hauiland for Humphrey Robinson . . . 1629. 4'', A— Y in fours, including the separate titles to the i)ieces. Contenta : Considerations touching a War "with Spain ; An Advertisement touching an Holy AVar ; An Offer of a Digest to be made of the laws of England ; the History of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth (a fragment). The Elements of the Cummun Lawes of England, Branched into a double Tract : The One containing a Collection of some principall Rules and Maximes of the Common Law, with their Latitude and Extent . . . The other The Use of the Common Law ... By the late Sir Francis Bacon Knight . . . London, Printed for the Assignes of J. More, Esq ; . . . 1636. 4^, A— A a in fours, A a 4 blank, the first leaf having a general title. The Learned Reading of Sir Francis Bacon, One of her Majesties learned Counsell at Law, upon the Statute of Uses : Being his double Reading to the Honourable Society of Grayes Inne. Published for the Common good. Lon- don : Printed for Mathew Walbancke, and Laurence Chapman. 1642. 4°, A — H in fours, H 4 blank. Resuscitatio, Or, Bringing into Publick Light Severall Pieces, of the Works, Civil, Historical, Philosophical, & Theo- logical, hitherto sleeping ; of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon . . . By Wil- liam Rawley, Doctor in Divinity . . . London, Printed bv Sarah Griffin, for William Lee . . . ^1657. Folio, (a)— (c) in fours : separate title to Speeches, 1 leaf: B— Qqq in fours. With a por- trait. Resuscitatio, Or, Bringing into Publick Light Several Pieces of the Works, Civil, Historical, Philosophical, & Theological, Hitherto Sleping of the Right Honour- able Francis Bacon . . . The Second Edition, some-what enlarged. By Wil- liam Rawley . . . London . . . 1661. Folio. Portrait and title, 2 leaves : a — c in fours : B — Rr in fours : Ss in sixes, besides separate title to Speeches. The copy here used appears to be on large paper. Baconiana Theologica : Or a few Re- mains of the Lord Bacon Relating to Divine Matters. London, Printed for R. C. . . . 1679. 8^ B-S in eights, no A, and S 8 blank : b — h 4 in eights : A (with the Table and Errata), 4 leaves. Letters of S^ Francis Bacon, . . . Written during the Reign of King James th First. Now Collected, and Augmented with Several Letters and Memoires . . . The whole being illustrated by an Historical Introduction . . . London, . . . mdccii. 4", (a) — (k) in fours : B — Qq in fours. [Edited by R. S. of the Middle Temple.] Memorioc Honoratissimi Domini Fran- cisci, Baronis De Vervlamio, Vice-Comiiis BACON. BAGWELL. Sancti Albani Sacrum. Londini In Offi- cina lohannis Ha\iland. 1626. 4^, A — D in fours, and a leaf of E. A collection of verses by various persons, including Herbert and Randolph, with a preface by AY. Eawley. Puttick's, May 28, 1879, Xo. 156, modern vellum gUt, with a hog in gold on each cover. BACOX, NATHAXIEL, of Graifs-Inn. An Historical! Discourse of the Uniformity of the Government of England. The First Part. From the first Times till the Reigne of Edward the third. London, Printed for Mathew "Walbancke at Grayes-Inne-Gate. 1647. 4^, A— Xx in fours, first leaf blank, besides the en- graved frontispiece by tV. Marshall. Dedicated to Edward Earl of Manchester and "William Lenthall, Esq. The Continuation of An Historicall Dis- course . . . Vntill the end of the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth. With a Preface, being a Vindication of the ancient way of Parliaments in England. By Xath : Bacon of Grais-Inne, Esquire. London, Printed by Tho : Eoycroft, for Matthew "Wallbanck, and Henry Twvford . . . 1651. 4°, A— Vv 2 in fours, besides the title and a blank before it. BACOX, SIR XICHOLAS, Lord Keeper. An epitaphe of my Lord Keeper [Bacon.] Licensed to R. Jones, 24 March, 1578-9. BACOX, R. The Labyrinth the Kingdom's In : With a golden thread to bring it forth into Light, Liberty, and Peace agen. Being a brief but impartial History of the Good and Evil of the former, later, and present Power of the Xation . . . London, Printed in the Year, mdcxlix.' 4^, A — F in fours. BACOX, ROGER. Libellvs Rogeri Baconi Angli, . . . De retardandis senectutis accidentibus, . . . Oxoniae, Ex Officina Typographica losephi Bamesii, Anno Dom. 1590. 8^. * 4 leaves : A — L 3 in eights. Dedicated by John Williams to Sir Christopher Hatton. The Mirror of Alchimy, composed by the thrice-famous and learned Fryer, Roger Bachon, sometimes fellow of Martin Col- ledge : and afterwards of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxenforde. Also a most ex- cellent and learned discourse of the ad- mirable force and eflicacie of Art and Xature, written by the same Author. With certaine other worthie Treatises of the like Argument. Vino vendihili non opiLs est hederoB. London Printed for Richard Oliue. 1597. 4°, A — L in fours. [Col.] Printed at London by Thomas Creede, for Richard Oliue. 1597. This had been licensed to Thomas Scar- let, with the same writer's Treatise on the Philosopher's Stone, on the 26th May, 1593. See Arber's Transcript, ii. 298. The Cure of Old Age, and Preservation of Youth. By Roger Bacon, A Francis- can Frier. Translated out of Latin ; with Annotations, and an Account of his Life and Writings. By Richard Browne, M.L. Coll. Med. Lond. Also a Physical Account of the Tree of Life, by Edw. Madeira Arrais. Translated likewise out of Latin by the same Hand. London, Printed for Tho. Flesher . . . and Edward Evets . . . 1683. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a— b 4 in eights : B — T 4 in eights. A 2 has a duplicate title, and T 4 advertisements. The history of Fryer Bacon with the merry prankes of Robin Goodfellow. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 23rd March, 1630-1. If this was one work, it seems to have been an odd mixture. The Most Famous History of the Learned Fryer Bacon : Shewing His Parentage and Birtli. . . . Also, The Merry Waggeries of his Man Miles : And the Exploits of Yandermaster, a German, and Fryer Bimgy, . . . Being all very profitable and pleasant to the Reader. London: Printed for Tho. Xorris, at the Sign of the Look- ing-glass on London-Bridge. 4°, A — C in fours. Woodcut on title. BAGSHAW, EDWARD, M.P. Mr. Bagshaw's Speech in Parliament February the ninth, 1640. Concerning Episcopacy and the London Petition. London, Printed for Francis Constable. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. BAGSHAW, EDWARD, of Christ-Church. A Letter to the Right Honourable, Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancel- lour of England. By Edward Bagshaw, Student of Christ - Church. London, Printed for J. S. 1662. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. A Letter to a Person of Quality, Written by Mr. Edward Bag>haw, The Day before his Conmiitment Close-Prisoner to the Gatehouse. London, Printed in the vear, 1663. 4^ 4 leaves. BAGWELL, WILLIAM. The Mystery of Astronomy ... By W. B. an Honourer of Arts & Sciences. London, Printed for Francis Smith . . . 1673. &", A— K in eights, including the leaf of frontispiece and also the one of metrical explanation. BAILEY, 26 BAKER. BAILEY, WALTER. A Short Discourse of the three kindes of Peppers in common vse, and certaine spe- cial medicines made of the same, tending to the preseruation of health. 1588. No place, &c. 8^, A — C in eights. Lambeth. In this copy the dedication to the Arch- bishop of Canterbury is superscribed and signed by Walter Bailey in his own auto- graph. BAILY, THOMAS, D.D. The Life & Death of that Renowned John Fisher Bishop of Rochester : Com- prising the highest and hidden Transac- tions of Church and State, in the reign of King Henry the S^\ With divers Morall, Historical!, and Politicall Anim- adversions upon Cardiuall Wolsej, Sir Thomas Moor, Martin Luther, with a full relation of Qu: Katherines Divorce. Carefully selected from severall ancient Records . . . London, Printed in the yeare, 1655. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— R 3 in eights. With a portrait of Fisher. BAILZIE, ROBERT. A Brief Account of the Indictment, Tryal, Conviction, and Execution of Mr. Robert Bailzie of Jerresswood, Upon the 22^^, 23th, and 24*11 of December 1684 at His Majesties Capital City of Edinburgh, . . . Where the said Mr. Robert Bailzie was hanged and afterwards Quartered for High Treason. London, Printed for W. Davies'in Amen Corner,U684. A folio leaf. ' BAYNES, PAUL. A letter of Repentance and new obedi- ence, written by master Paule Baynes. Licensed to Nathaniel Newbery, 24 Octo- ber, 1617. Breife Directions vnto a godlie life, with most necessarie lielpes therevnto, written by master Paule Baines. Licensed to Nathanael Newbery, 11 May, 1618. A thinge called Certaine letters written by master Baynes to master Jurden and his wife. Licensed to Nathaniel New- bery, 27 June, 1618. BAKER, COLONEL. The Blazing-Star Or, Nolls Nose . Newly Revived, and taken out of his Tomb. By CoUonel Baker. London, Printed for Theodorus Microcosmus. 1 660 [Aug. 1 7.1 4^ With a cut. B.M. BAKER, DANIEL, M.A., of Gonville and Caius Coll.y Cambridge. Poems upon Several Occasions. . . . London, Printed for J. Jones . . . 1697. 8°. A, 3 leaves : B— L in eights. Dedi- cated to Sir Ralph Hare, of Stow Hall, Norfolk. BAKER, GEORGE. The Composition or making of the moste excellent and vertuous Oil called Oleum Magistrale. First published by the com- maundement of the King of Spain, . . . Also the third book of Galen of curing of pricks and wounds of Sinowes. A method for curing of wounds in the ioynts, ... A brief gathering togither of certain errours w^hich the common Chirurgyons dayly vse . . . Faithfully gathered and translated into English by George Baker Chirurgian. 1574. [Col.] Imprinted at London ... by John Aide. 8*^, black letter, A — B in eights : C, 2 leaves : D (misprinted C) — R 4 in eights. Dedi- cated to the Earl of Oxford. The newe lewell of Health, wherein is contayned the most excellent Secretes of Phisicke and Philosophie deuided into fower Bookes. . . . Gathered out of the best and most approued Authors, by that excellent Doctor Gesnerus . . . Faith- fully corrected and published in Englishe. Printed at London, by Henrie Denham. 1576. 4*^, black letter. A, 4 leaves : A — Mm 2 in eights. With woodcuts. BAKER, HUMPHREY. The Well springe of Sciences, which teacheth the perfect worke and practise of Arithmeticke, bothe in whole Numbers and Fractions, set forthe by Hvmfrey Baker, Londoner, 1562. And noAve once agayne perused augmented and amended in all the three partes, by the sayde Authour, whereunto he hathe also added certaine Tables of the agreement of measures and waightes, of diners places in Europe, the one with the other : as by the Table folowing it may appeare. 1574. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Thomas Purlbote, dwelling in Paules Church yarde at the signe of the Lucrece. 8^ black letter, A— Ee 4 in eights, and 2 leaves between Dd and Ee marked a. BAKER, SIR RICHARD, Kimiht, A Chronicle of the Kings of England from the Time of the Roraane Goverment unto the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King diaries. Containing all Passages of State & Church. With all other Obseruiitiuns proper for a Chronicle. Faithfully Collected out of Authours, Ancient and Moderne : & digested into a new Method. By S*" R. Baker Knight. London Printed for Daniel Frere. . . . 1643. Folio. Engraved title by W. Marshall and portrait of Prince Charles BAKER. V BALE. by Van Dalen, 2 leaves : dedication to the Prince and Epistle, 2 leaves : Cata- logue of writers, 3 leaves : A — Ccccc 2 in fours, last leaf with, the Errata. A Chronicle of the Kings of England . . . whereunto is added. The Eeign of King Charles the First, Avith a Continu- ation of the Chronicle, in this Fourth Edition, To the Coronation of His Sacred Majesty King Charles the Second that now Reigneth. . . . London : Printed by E. Cotes, for G. Saubridg . . . m.dc.lxv. Folio. A, 6 leaves : (a), 4 leaves : B — Aaaa, 6 leaves each : Bbbb — Ffff in fours, last leaf blank. With a frontis- piece making A. Edited by Edward Phillips, and dedicated to Charles II. A Chronicle of the Kings of England. ... By Sir Richard Baker, Knight. Whereunto is added, The Reign of King Charles the First ... all which Addi- tions are Revised in this Sixth Impression. . . . London, Printed for George Saw- bridge . . . and Thomas Williams. . . . M.DC.LXXiv. Folio. With a portrait, and an engraved title as in the former issues. Cronyke van Het Leven en Bedryff van alle de Coningen van Engeland. ... tot Amsterdam, . . . A^. 1649. Folio. En- graved title, 1 leaf: (a) — (b), 2 leaves each : A — Dd in fours, and A — Z 1 in fours. With portraits on the letterpress. BAKER, ROBERT. The brefe Dyscource of Roberte Baker in Gynney India Portyngyule and Fraunce. Licensed to Francis Coldock in 1567-8. BALAAM. Balaams Asse, Or the City Fast for Cursing the King : and Blessing Oliver. With the Peoples Speech to their Inde- pendent Drivers. And the Asses Sacri- fice, or good speed to Oliver. Printed in the Yeare 1649. 4*^, 4 leaves. In verse. BALDWIN, WILLIAM. The tretise of Morall Phylosophy . . . Newlye perused and augmented by William Baldwyn. . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne, ouer against the Counduite, by John Way land e, Cum priuilegio . , . 8°, black letter, A— N in eights. BALE, JOHN, Bisho]} of Ossory. The Actes of Englysh votaryes, compre- hendynge their vnchast practyses and examples by all ages, from the worldes begynnynge to thys present yeare, col- lected out of their owne legendes and Chronycles ByJohanBale. . . . [Col.] Printed at Wesel In the Yeare Of our Lorde God. 8°, black letter, A— K in eights, K 8 blank. B. M. (two copies.) The Preface begins on A 2 ; there is no dedication. The second part or continuacyon of the English votaries, comprehendynge theyr vnchast examples for . CC. yeares space, from the yeare a thousande from Christes incarnacyon, to the reigne of Kyng Johan, collected of theyr owne wryters by Johan Bale. [Quot. from Ezek. xvi.] Imprinted at London, for Johan Bale, in the yeare of our Lorde a M.D. & LJ. and are to be solde wythin Paules chayne, at the sygne of S. John Baptist. Cum priuilegio . . . 8°, black letter, A— F in eights. B. M. The first two partes of the Actes and vnchast examples of the English votaryes . . . [Col.] Imprinted at Lond5 in saynt Andrewes Parysh. In the Waredrop, By Thomas Raynalde. m.d.xlviij. Cum priuilegio. 8^, black letter. * 4 leaves : A— L 4 in eights. B. M. Although two parts are mentioned on the title, the edition contains only the first portion, like the Wesel edition of 1546. Dedicated to Edward VI. The first two partes of the Actes or vnchaste examples of the Englyshe Vota- ryes, gathered out of theyr owne legendes and Chronycles by Jhon Bale, and dedi- cated to oure moste redoubted soueraigne Kyng Edwarde the syxte. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by John Tysdale, dwellynge in knyght Riderstrete nere to the Queues Waredrop. Anno . 1560. 8^, black letter. A, 8 leaves, the last blank : A (repeated) — N 4 in eights. (ii.) The second parte or continuation of the Euglishe votaries, comprehendyng theyr vnchast examples, for CC. j^eares space. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by Jhon Tisdale. ... 8'', black letter, U in eights. The Image of both churches . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by Jhon Daye, dwelling at Aldersgate, and William Seres, dwellinge in Peter Colledge . . . 8^, A — T in eights and A — Rr in eights, each part with a separate title. The Thirde parte of the Image of both Churches, after the mooste wonderf ull and heauenlye Revelacion of sayncte John the Euangeliste, &c. Compyled by John Bale. [Col.] Imprynted at London In Fletestrete By me John Wyer dwelling a BALE. 28 BALLADS. lytle Aboue the Conduyte 1550 Cum priuilegio . . . 4*^, A — LI 4 in eights. Lamhefh. Illvstrivm Maioris Britanniae Scriptorvm, Hoc est, Angliae, Cambriae, ac Scotice Summariu, in qiiasdam centurias diui- sum, cum diuersitate doctrinam atq ; annom recta supputatione per omnes setates a lapheto Sanctissimi Noeh filio, ad annum domini . m.d.xlviii. Avtore loanne Balaeo Svdovolca. Excvdebatvr Praesens Opvs" Wesaliae, per Theodorieum Plateanum, Anno a seruatoris natiuitate. M.D.XLViiii. Pridie Calendas Augusti. 4^. Title, 1 leaf : dedication to Edward VI., 4 leaves : Index and Verses, 7 leaves : the Work, A — Sss in fours, Sss 4 blank. On Qqq 4 occurs : Completum erat pre- sens Britannicorum scriptorum opus, doc- trinarum per omnes jetates ecclesie, pate- facies discrime, ac diuersitate manifestans. Excusumque fuit Gippeswici in Anglia per loannem Ouerton, anno a Christi incar- natione . 1548. pridie Calendas Augusti. One of the preliminary leaves has a fine woodcut portrait of Wicliff. In a second copy before me, otherwise appearing exactly to correspond, the im- print at the foot of the titlepage varies, and the place of printing, and the name of the printer, are omitted. Mr. De Morgan {.Notes and Queries, Aug. 29, 1854) considered the issue without the name of Plateanus the prior, and that the volume was really printed at Ipswich. Scriptorvm lUustrium maioris Brytannie, quani nunc Angliam & Scotiam vocant ; Catalogus : a lapheto per 3620 annos, usq ; ad annum nunc Domini 1559. ex Boroso, Gennadio, Beda, Honorio, Bos- tono Buriensi, Frumentario, Capgrauo, . . . loanne Lelando, atq ; alijs autho- ribus collectus, & xiiii Centurias conti- nens : In quo antiquitates, origines, aimales, loca, successus, celebrioraq ; cuiusq ; scriptoria facta, dicta, consilia, . . . recensentur . . . Autore loaime Baleo Sudouolgio Anglo, Ossoriensi apud Hybernos iampridem Episcopo . . . Basi- leae, Apvd loannem Oporinum. [Col.] Basileae, Ex Ollicina loannis Oporini, Anno Salutis bunianro . m.d.lvii. Mense Septembri. (ii.) Scriptorvm . . . posterior pars, quinque coutinens Centurias, . . . [Col.] Basileae, . . . m.d.lix. Mense Februario. Folio. 2 vols. With a wood- cut print of Bale on the back of each title- page. Vol. I. title, 1 leaf : dedication, 4 leaves : verses, table, &c., 9 leaves : a — zaiid A- Z, and aa— zz, and Aa — Aaa in fours, last leaf ■with colophon and mark. Vol. II. title, dedication, &c., 10 leaves : a— b 4 (Greek) in sixes : a — z and A — T in fours, T 4 with the colophon and mark. A Brefe Chronycle . . . To which is added, An Appendix of Original Instru- ments. . . . London : . . . m.dcc.xxix. Royal 8°, pp. viii + 258. With a fron- tispiece. A dialoge or Communycacyon to be had at a table betwene two chyldren, gathered out of the holy scriptures, by Johan Bale, for his, ij. yonge sonnes Johan and Paule. To be sold in Fletestrete at the signe of the Croune, nexte vnto the whyte Fry res gate. d Imprynted at London, for Richarde Foster. Anno, m.d.xljx. 8*^, 8 leaves. Black letter. In prose. Douce Coll. The vocacyon of Joha Bale to the bishop- rick of Ossorie in Irelade his persecu- tios in y^ same / & fin all delyueraunce. [Woodcuts of the English Christian and the Irish Papist, and quotation from ii. Cor. xi.] The colophon is : Imprinted in Rome / before the castell of S. Angell / at y signe of S. Peter / in Decembre / Anno D. 1553. S"*, black letter. A— G in eights. B. M.y Bodleian^ &c. BALL, ROGER. A Short Catechisme. Contayning the Principles of Religion. Verie profitable for all sorts of People. [By Roger Ball.] The twelfth Impression. London, Printed by W. Stansby for Ed. Brewster and Rob. Bird, . . . 1628. 8°, A— C in eights. BALL, THOMAS, 3I.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge. Two Books of Elegies : In Imitation of the Two First Books of Ovid de Tristi- bus ; M'ith part of the Third. To which is added, Verses upon several Occasions, with some Translations out of the Latin and Greek Poets. . . . London, Printed for Richard Cumberland . . . 1697. 8**, A — L 4 in eights. Dedicated to John Harvey, of Thurly in Bedfordshire. BALL, WILLIAM. Ball His Vindication against Bullock ; SheAving, A former Narrative subscribed William Ball, to be true : And A late Printed Paper subscribed Edward Bul- lock, to be Notorioui-ly false and Scan- dalous. Humbly Presented to the Par- liament of England, By W^illiam Ball, E.sq. Printed in the Yeure, 1652 [Aug. 24.] 4", 8 leaves. B. M. BALLADS, ANONYMOUS. Two proper nue Balletes. No place, &c. A sheet. Black letter. F. Oiivru, Esq. (Ouvry Cat. No. 1.) Tomorrow shalbe my fathers wake. BALLADS. 29 BALLADS. Licensed to John TValey and the widow Toy in 1557-8. A ballett for my solas. Licensed to John Waley and the widow Toy in 1557-8. I will no more go to the ploughe. Licensed (with another nameless ballad on the same sheet) to John Waley and the widow Toy in 1557-8. Then and in those Dayes then I say then Knave that be nowwilbe comme honeste men. Licensed to John AValey and the widow Toy in 1557-8. A ballet yt was a man in age truly. Licensed to John Waley and the widow Toy in 1557-8. A ballad betivene a Ryche farmer and his dougtter. Licensed to John Waley and the Widow Toy in 1557-8. The Eose ys frome my garden gonne. Licensed to John Waley and the M'idow Toy in 1557-8. A ballet called a Ryse and ivake. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1557-8. A ballet called Mercyes fortte. Licensed to W. Seres in 1558-9. Be mery, good Jone. Licensed to "W. Eedell and R. Lant in 1558-9. Holde the ancer faste. Licensed to TV". RedeU and R. Lant in 1558-9. Blessed ar they y* dye in the Lorde. Licensed to T. Hacket in 1560-1. Kvt hath loste hyr Keye. Licensed to i John Tisdale in 1561-2. A Dyscription of the mortall lyfe. Li- censed to John Allde in 1561-2. Come merry home, John. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1561-2. A Remembraunce of Gods mervilous mercy, exhortinge vs to Repente. Li- censed to John Allde in 1561-2. Yf wytt wolde searve my will and harte. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1561-2. Will yt never be the better? Licensed to Alexander Lacy in 1561-2. As I me walked my selfe all a lone. Licensed to J. Charlwood in 1562-3. Of husbondes and suche husbondry As Tovnes and Countreyes Dayly Doth Dyscrye. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1562-3. lorde which arte in heaven so hye. Licensed to John Charlwood in 1562-3. A Dyscription of the natime [anatomy] of a b}Tchen brome. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1562-3. God morowe to you. good syster Jone. Licensed to R. Pickering in 1562-3. Stumble at a straw and lepe over a block. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1562-3. Byrche and grene hollye. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1562-3. Thom will haue Besse, and Besse will haue Thom. Licensed to John Tisdale in 1562-3. A godly new ballett approvynge by y* scriptures that our salvation conses'th only in Christe. Licensed to R. Picker- ing in 1562-3. Tvb will plave the Tom boye. Licensed to^W. Griffith in 1562-3. A ballett intituled now mayst mourn e ponre man. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. Buv Bromes, buy. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. Sett thyne howse in order, for thow shalte dye. Licensed to R. Serrle in 1563-4. A ballett intituled Wysdome Wolde I \\'yshe to haue. Licensed to John Charle- wood in 1563-4. It was also entered to Thomas Colwell, Leave of betyme your Wycked trades. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1563-4. The frutes of angrye fyttes. Licensed in 1563-4 to R. Serrle. A ballett intituled that fay re Wordes makes fools favne. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. A ballett intituled Of fansye all in fansve. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. A ballett intituled the shew}-ng what mysfortune happened by the desposi- cion of the pianettes namely in saj^nt martens parryshe nere charynge Crosse. Licensed to W. Griffiith in 1563-4. A ballett intituled all Reball and vayne songes where of moche hurte to yough[th] Dayly Doth come. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. A ballett intituled the preme Rose in the grene forrest. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1563-4. A ballett intituled how the prowde Tyraunte Hamand was hanged, and ho we tlie Inocente Mardochi was preserved. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. Awake, awake, O thow man mortall. Licensed to W. Pickering, 4 Sept. 1564. BALLADS. BALLADS. The Speeret y' flesslie y* world and the Devell. Licensed to W. Pickering, 4 Sept. 1564. To passe the place where pleasure ys. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564, As the Kynde of the owle ys all by nyghte, So all byrdes of Darknes laboreth for lyghte. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1564-5. The yongede of all thynges, my lady telleth me, The moste peoples lykynges mooste pre- tiest to be. Licensed to T. Col well in 1564-5. A godly ballett agaynst fornication. Li- censed to T. Purfoot in 1564-5. A petyfuU complaynte of j\Iathewe Mal- teworme / and a comfortable answere of Davy Dyett, &c. Licensed to J. Samp- son alias Awdeley in 1564-5. I am not the fyrste that hath taken in hande. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564-5. An exortation of an obedyent chylde to his brethren and Systers movynge them to obedyence and to the embrasynge of Gods Worde. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564-5. Loo here I ly [a] synner. with a prayer to the same. "Licensed to W. Pickering in 1564-5. Danderly Dyscaffe. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. Come Dycken my Daddes sonne. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1565-6. A varyaunce wretten bref and playne, How we shiilde ly ve to Dy and Dy to leve [agayne.] Licensed to Richard Jackson in 1565-6. Pype up mynstrell, and make some sporte. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1565-6. A new ballet of one who myslyking his lybertie, Soughte his owne bondage through his owne folly. Licensed to R. Jones in 1565-6. Fayre wordes makes fooles fayne. Li- censed to T. Colwell in 1565-6. Ye lovynge Wormes comme learne of me. Licensed to R. Jones in 1565-6. Cruell Counsell corrupteth a godly mynde. Licensed to R. Serll in 1565-6. Take warnyng by this, sharpe plages j's at hande. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. A voyce of Gods prophett I liarde that loude Cryed. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1565-6. A ballet intituled : A greate complaynte And that some thyng faynte. Licensed to J. Allde in 1565-6. A ballett intituled of a yongker which sayd, well handelyng of his blade. Licensed to Richard Hudson in 1565-6. A fryndly call from Synne to amendment of lyfe. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. A Dysparate synner sore wexed with payne. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. Marke well in Mathewe what Christe doth saye. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. A ballett intituled shewyng that fayth- fullpromysses ought to be kepte. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1565-6. The lamentation of a synner beyng grevy- usly trubbled in his mynde. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1565-6. A ballett intituled Declaryng what Dyscorde Doth Ryse, By stry vynge for to gette the interpryse. Licensed to R. Jones in 1565-6. A Warnynge to all maydes that Brewes thayre owne bane, &c. Licensed to J. Allde in 1565-6. A ballett intituled Declarynge the good zayle and towardnes of mens hartes to all vertu. Licensed to A. Lacy, 1565-6. A ballett intituled, Warnyng all men of the Shortenes of the tymes and Dayes / whereby thay myghte fly from thayre wycked wayes. Licensed to Richard Jackson in 1565-6. Of fryndeshipp and flatterye. Licensed to A. "Lacy in 1565-6. A harte Declarynge his heavenes W3'shyng that yt were knawen. Licensed to R. Jones in 1565-6. A ballett intituled, gevynge warnynge to all folke To beware how thay Ryde vpon "War- mesters Colte. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1565-6. A ballett intituled hetivene honeste and Knavery. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1565-6. The abuse of the sabooth of the lorde. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566. AVeste Chester abondeth with humble benedictions. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1566. A ballet intituled Prescrybyng to all yough this monientory lyle, Warnyng them to prepare them selves to dye to the worlde. Licensed to John Charlwood in 1566. BALLADS. 31 BALLADS. The talke betwene sester and brother for the losse of theyre apperell. Licensed to John AUde in 1566. Comme, treppe yt, Thorn, from Couurte to carte. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1566. Ah, fayne wolde I haue a go[o].ny thynsje to shewe vnto my ladye. Licensed to T. Col well in 1566. A ballet intituled : Declarynge the very tru Waye, How that with fyre the worlde shall Decay. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1566. Thoughe fondly men wryte thayre mynde, Women be of gentle kynde. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1566. A Reformation to Jone at a word, moralized. Licensed to R. Jones in 1566-7. A tru dyscription of envye, A\ith a nother agaynste poperye. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566-7. Althougli these two articles are described as "books," it is probable that they were only two ballads on the same sheet, as no more than fourpence was charged. The staggerynge estate of every Degre. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1566-7. A ballett intituled Whose eckow to all men doth crye, Beddeth them to redresse thayre levinge Wyckedly. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566-7. Agayneste whordom and thyfte. Licensed to R. Jones in 1567. Lorde, for thye merces sake pardon our synne. Licensed to John Allde in 1567. Prepare you to Judgment, the Daye ys at hande. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1567-8. Of peace and concorde. Licensed to Richard Hudson in 1567-8. I am mery God sende you. I am mery God Dell you. Two separate ballads. Licensed to W. Griihth and T. Colwell in 1567-8. Awake out of your slumbre. Licensed to J. Allde in 1568. Agaynste pryde and vayne glory e. Li- censed to J. Allde in 1568. Of Robbers and thefters. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1568. A tru invocation of God in the name of Christ Jesus. Licensed to J. Allde in 1568. A heavenly arte how men shall lyve. Licensed to R. Jones in 1568-9. A ballett Remembryng man of the Judgement Daye. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1568-9. The clere and crestall skynne. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1568-9. Whan Ragenge lustes . . . moraly/ed. Licensed to John Allde in 1568-9. Good Counsell do I wysh. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1568-9. Desperate Dycke. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1568-9. Agajmste pryde. Licensed to J. Allde in 1568-9. A ballett puttinge men in memorye howe God drowned the worlde. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1568-9. [An] example of chastite. Licensed to R. Jones in 1569. All for advauntage. Licensed to John Charlwood in 1569. Yerly in the mornynge somewhat to- wardes nyghte. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569. And ever, i' fayth, I tanke you. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569-70. The tru Reporte in the prayse of my mistres. To the tune of Seselia. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1569-70. The sprete, the flysshe, the Worlde and the Devell. Licensed to Peter French in 1569-70. Leave of your longynge, and kepe to your bokes. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569-70. The Rememberance of the latter daye. Licensed to John Arnold in 1569-70. The kyngdom of heaven ys lyke to a kynge that made a maryage. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569-70. A cavyat for occupyers. Licensed to John Allde in 1569-70. Prepare yow popelynges vnto shriffte, Before yow take your newe yeres gyfte. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1569-70. Taken nappynge as Mosse toke his meare. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1569-70. In Wynter when that [the] Wylken was with Boryas waxen blacke. Licensed to R. Jones in 1569-70 Home ys home! ye, be yt never so ill. Licensed to Peter French in 1569-70. In the prayse of the grene fylde. Li- censed to A. Lacy in 1569-70. How yt men shulde put thayre hole trust in Jhesus. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1570. BALLADS. 32 BALLADS, A ballett of lady Vertu. Licensed to J. Roberts in 1570-1. A walkynge Ladyes nowe goo we Somme pleasant thinges to viewe and see. Licensed to R. Jones, 6 August, 1576. Fayne would I liaue and take no payne. Licensed to John Aide, 1 Oct. 1576. A ballat intituled the gryndinge of the hatchet and whippinge the Catt. Licensed to Hugh Jackson, 22 Oct. 1576. The giltles wight beinge wrongfullie im- prisoned bewaileth his wofull estate. Licensed to Roger Ward, July 8, 1577. A ballat for warniuge the plagie rewardes That folowe all gamesters of Dyc[e] and of Chardes. Licensed to Henry Carre, 14 April, 1578. A ballat of one bewaylinge his wicked Lyfe with a caveat or warninge to all younge men. Licensed to Edward White, 28 June, 1578. A proper newe ballad wherein is declared whether the grief we take by the eare or that we receeue by the eye is more greater. Licensed to T. East, 26 June, 1578. A distressed wighte bewaylinge his es- tate. Licensed to John Allde, 20 Aug. 1578. A ballad intituled A triumphant encouragement of all Inglishe hartes to nourishe That God shall so prouyde for them that they in fame shall flooryshe. Licensed to Edward White, 11 Sept. 1578. A ballad against all suche as vainelie Doo saye, All thinges in old tyme were as good stale. And nowe that the gospell is preached, see, All thinges are so deare, yt is strange to Licensed to Edward White, 11 Sept. 1578. Dyce, wyne, and women. Licensed to Abraham Newman, 17 Sept. 1678. A painefull wight oppressed witha grie- vous wound complaynethe. Licensed to Henry Carre, 17 Sept. 1578. , A ballat of theatinge of the bare. Printed without licence by R. Jones, for which he was fined, 20 Sept. 1578. A paire of garters for yonge menne to weare Y* serue the Lord God, and Ly ve in his feare. Licensed to John Charlwood, 20 Oct. 1878. Heighe hoe my hart is heavye to write the pitifuU newes in euery plac[e]. Li- censed to John Oswald, 8 Nov. 1578. A most profitable patterne to all christian men forwarnynge the day of Judgement. Licensed to Thomas Man, 15 Nov. 1578. A newe ballad Declaringe the vnsteadfast- nes of our lyfe by the example of elder age who haue alredie plaied their partes and left to vs the stage. Licensed to H. Carre, 16 Dec. 1578. A ballat of a northern mans reporte of the wonderfull great snowe in the fioutherne partes, but most specially of many mervailous monsters y* he sawe in London with other Mischances, &c. Licensed to R. Jones, 14 Feb. 1578-9. A ballat in tytuled, There is a better gaine if you could ht yit. Licensed to Hugh Jackson, 16 July, 1579. A ballat betwixt a souldiour and an aged man. Licensed to R. Jones, 13 August, 1579. A ballat of brittishe Sidanen Applied by a courtier to y" praise of y* Queue. Licensed to R. Jones, 13 August, 1579. Trim Trym of y' golden world. Li- censed to Edward White, 19 Aug. 1579. Say well or sale nothinge. Licensed to E. White, 25 January, 1579-80. A ballat that warnes you your synne to Repent, And still to Remember the day of iudge- ment. Licensed to John Allde, 8 March, 1579-80. The ship of careles conversation. Li- censed to John Charlwood, 17 March, 1579-80. A ballat of the iudgement of God. Licensed to H. Carre, 9 May, 1580. A ballat begynnynge. All sicJce ffoodivives as ivedded ben and knoices if vse of their good men, &c. Licensed to E. White, 3 Sept. 1580. A most excellent and comfortable ballet of y*. X. servantes to whome the . x. talentes were deliuered. Licensed to H. Carre, 3 Sept. 1580. A ballad intituled Take heade by me that never thoughte That counsel could me hither haue broughte. Licensed to E. White, 5 Sept. 1580. Geave eare, my little daughters. Licensed to W. Wright, 23 Sept. 1580. Hope well, you helpless. Licensed to William Wright, 23 Sept. 1580. i BALLADS. 33 BALLADS. A ballad of goinge to market to buy the ckild shoes. Licensed to Master Waley, 6 Oct. 1580. A godlie Ballad piittinge man in mynde to remember his ende. Licensed to Edward White, 9 Nov. 1580. A Ballad intituled Blanche A Broome. Licensed to K. Jones, 10 Nov. 1580. Jocke A Slaydon his answere to Blanche A Broome. Licensed to E. White, 11 Nov. 1580. A ballad Rebukinge the licencious liv- inge of Diverse lewde personnes intituled the grindinge in the myll. Licensed to H. Carre, 11 Nov. 1580. A ballad intituled Tarrarantum Dylly. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot, 6 Dec. 1580. A ballad intituled Newe, Newe, and never olde, A good tale cannot to often be tolde. Licensed to Yarath James, 13 Feb. 1580-1. A ballad intituled, l<[ov:e, hjsten ivell you gallantes all. Licensed to Yarath James, 13 Feb. 1580-1. A ballat to flye \Tito Jehova in tyme of aduersytie. Licensed to Yarath James, 22 Feb. 1580-1. A ballad intituled Holloire hartes will neuer he true. Licensed to R. Jones, 20 March, 1580-1. Croskaies and Mvters comme doT^me. Licensed to E. White, 20 March, 1580-1. A ballad intituled A Avarning or Caveat for all men to Hye And Ronne to repentaunce, for Doomes Dale is nighe. Licensed to H. Carre, 19 June, 1581. A newe Ballad of Obedvence. Licensed toE. White, 1 July, 1581. The Dream of a Maltman before his fathers house was Burnt. Licensed to R. Jones, 4 July, 1581. A perswasion to Prentices and Servinge- men all. To ioyne like true frendes, and leave their greate Brail. A ballad (?) Licensed to W. Wright, 26 July, 1581. A newe Norther[n] ballad comme latelie to ToAvne Of one that was fearefull of Fylinge his Gowne. Licensed to E. White, 3 Aug. 1581. A ballad intituled : Greene Sleeves is wome awaie, Yellowe Sleeves comme to decaie, Blacke Sleeves I holde in despite, But "White Sleeves is my delighte. Licensed to E. White, 24 Aug. 1581. A godly newe ballade of the signes and tokens which goe before the day of Judge- ment of the manner howe the worlde shalbe destroyed. Licensed to E.White, 22 June, 1582. A ballade intytuled A woefuU warninge to our wanton willes, &c. Licensed to Nicholas Ling, 26 July, 1582. A ballade intituled, A passinge bell to call us to minde, &c. Licensed to John AUde, 30 Oct. 1582. A ballade intituled, A right excellent and comfortable consolation for all oppressed persons. Licensed to H. Carre, 21 Feb. 1582-3. A ballade intituled Remember thy ende. Licensed to H. Carre, 21 Feb. 1582-3. Care Causethe me to Crye newly altered. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1582-3. A newe ballad intituled. Trust not the coniunctions or Judge- mentes of men. When all that is made shalbe vnmade again e. Licensed to R. Jones, 3 May, 1583. A ballade intituled A message of Newes sent from the highe courte of heaven sent latelie by Lazalus prince of povertie vnto all his lovinge freinds the poore distressed people here on earth. Licensed to R. Jones, 9 Aug. 1583. A ballade intituled Twincle Downe Davie made touchinge the former fryvolous ballade that goeth vnder the same Tytle. Entered to John Charlwood, 10 Aug. 1583, but no sum named. A godly exhortacon of Doomes Dale is at hand. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, 19 Aug. 1584. An example of a vertuous daughter who preserved the lief of hir mother. Licensed to E. White, 7 December, 1584. Certen goode aduertisementes to be ob- serued with Diligence in this life before we departe hence. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, 11 Jan. 1585-6. A favringe I am. From Muggins I came, &c. "Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. An answer to ' goo to bed swete harte.' Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. A Remembrance concerninge domes daye. C BALLADS. 34 BALLADS. begynnynge 'prepare with speede. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A lamentacon of a poore man troubled with a brawlinge wife. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A ballad of dearth, sodaine death, warres and other plages whiche afflict the world. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A ballad intytuled. the iuste Judgement of God vpon a myserable hard harted Fermour. Licensed to John Charlwood, 18 March, 1586-7. A ballad intytuled, Deferre not Repent- ance for tyme will not stay, &c. Licensed to E. White, 1 July, 1587. Goe from thy wanton, and be wyse. Licensed to John Charlwood, 2 March, 1587-8. Goe from the windowe, goe. Licensed to John Wolf, 4 March, 1587-8. A ballade intytuled, an excellent dyttie and necessarye, wherein is shewed howe we must stryve against all manner of Synnes. Licensed to John Charlwood, 27 March, 1588. A ballad intytuled Peggies Complaint for the Death of her Willye. Licensed to J. Wolf, 26 Sept. 1588, but no sum named. A new ballad of the glorious victory of Christ Jesus, as was late seene by thouer- throw of the Spanyardes. Licensed to H. Carre, 3 Nov. 1588. A b allade intytuled Martin said to his man, whoe is the foole noiue ^ Licensed to T. Orwin, 9 Nov. 1588. This is inserted in Ravenscroft's Deutero- melia, 1609, whence it was reprinted in Dr. Rimbault's Little Book of Songs and Bal- lads, 8°, 1851. No copy of the broadside itself seems to be known. A ballad, which dothe plaiuelie vnfolde 4 The grief and vexacon that comes by a scolde. Licensed to John Wolf, 27 Nov. 1588. The last Remedy of vnthrifty make- Bhiftes. Licensed to Thomas Orwin, 26 March, 1590. A pleasant newe ballad, wherein is dis- cryde Howe Three persons for Lechery through London did ryde. Licensed to T. Nelson, 15 May, 1590. A merrye and plesant newe ballad In- tituled alas the poore Tynkcr. / and a newe Northerne Jiyge. Licensed together to W. Wright, 6 Jan. 1590-1. All the merrie prankes of him that whippes men in the high waies. Licensed to T. Nelson, 16 Feb. 1590-1. A godly newe ballad wherein is shewed the inconveniency that commeth by the losse of tyme and howe tyme past cannot be called againe. Licensed to H. Carre, ' 3 May, 1591. A godly new ballad Describinge the Vncertenty of this present Lyfe the vanities of this aluring world, and the Joyes of heaven, &c. Licensed to H. Carre, 3 May, 1591. A newe ballad describinge the weapons wee ought to haue to fight with Sathan, before wee goo to our graue. Licensed to John Wolf, 10 April, 1592. A ballad entituled, the soules good mor- rowe. Licensed to John Danter, 21 July, 1592. The pleasure of content preferred before all estates. Licensed to John Charlwood, 22 Sept. 1592. A Ballad begynninge thus, Yf weepinge eies or inwarde bleedinge harte, Yf outwarde signes are showes of hidden : smarte. i Licensed to John Charlwood, 22 Sept. 1592. ! A pleasant communicacon betwene a yonge man a howseholder, and his love \ hee woed for his wief. Licensed to John Charlwood, 22 Sept. 1592. A most godly newe ballad expressinge the wicked behaviour of age and youthe, &c. Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 27 June, 1593. A call to Repentance to all true Englishe hartes. Licensed to John Danter, 2 Aug. 1594. A ballad wherein is shewed a knacke howe to knowe an honest man from a knaue. Licensed to John Danter, 6 Nov. 1594. A play on this subject was performed this year, and printed in 1596, unless the present entry really refers to an earlier edition of the drama itself. An excellent newe ballad Declaringe the monsterous abuse in apparell and the intollerous pride nowe a dales vsed. Licensed to Thomas Millington, 28 Dec. 1594. A Ballad called Tytles of Ballades, or A neive medley, beginning, Rohiii is to the greiie [ivood] gone. As I went to Walsing- ham. Licensed to Simon Stafford, 3 September, 1C03. It would be interesting to recover this uni(iuo performance. A new Ballet called John for the King. BALLADS. 35 BANISTER. Licensed to Edward White, 24 October, 1603. A balad intituled Kiim nun, &c. Songe bv Kendall. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 10 April, 1605. A proper new ballad which without any fayle TVill shewe all the hurte in a potte of good ale. Licensed to Simon Stafford, 27 May, 1612. As merry ballad as euer you did see Of Frauncis Fylguttes furmentye. Licensed to Simon Stafford, 12 Sept. 1612. A ballad called, I did not meane to haue her. Licensed to George Eld, 9 October, 1612. A ballad called Wycked "Wylles sawce to Turners Dysshe of wagtayles sent to Tur- ner for a fayringe. Licensed (condi- tionally) to Jeffrey Charlton and William Blackwall, 25 August, 1613. ' A Ballad of Jockey and Jenney. Licensed j to John Trundle, 9 December, 1615. \ A ballett called I would ye had neuer | said so. Licensed to Thomas Langley, ' 8 July, 1618. I would and I would not. Licensed to George Purslowe, 15 March, 1620-1. A ballad called Giue me the braue lad with the blew apron. Licensed to Thomas Lambert, 18 October, 1637. I warrant thee, Boy, Shee's Eight ; or, an exact Character of a Wanton Lass. To a very rare Northern tune, or. All Hail to the dayes. London ; Printed for Tho. Vere . . . 1664. A sheet. Ouvry Cat. No. 33. A Ballad. [Circd 1668.] A folio leaf. A Ballad. The Third Part, To the same Time. Written by a Lady of Quality ... To the Tune of Paddng- tods Pound. [Circa 1670.] A folio leaf. It is said in a Note at the end that this piece was -written, and "ready for the press, in the time of the Civil "War, but was seized by Sir William Waller, with other papers, at one Turners, a Popish book- seller's in Holborn. The BaUad of the Cloak : Or, The Cloaks Knavery. To the Time of From Hunger and Cold, or, Packingtons Pound. Re- printed, Corrected, Eevised, and en- larged, by the Author. A folio leaf, with the music. Woods and Groves and Eatling Streams ; or. The Lamentation of a Love-sick Lady. Ouvry Cat.., No. 128. An Excellent new Ballad, intituled, King William and his Forrester. To its o\vn proper tune. Ouvry Cat, No. 74. The Life and Death of the Websters Mare. Tune of, To th Weaver when you. Ouvry Cat., No. 80. Virtue and Beauty in Danger ; or, King Edward's Courting the London Virgin. A sheet with cuts. Ouvry Cat., No. 53. Alas ! for the loss of Cock-upps ; or, Sarah Saywel, her Apolog}'. Ouvry Cat., No. 71. The Breath of Life ; being an account of a Young 3Ian that went to Sea, thinking it a pleasant Life ; but soon found his Mistake. Prettily expressed ;in. Sea Terms. With cuts. Ouvry Cat., No. 97. Dainty, come thou to me. This appears to be printed (from a MS.) by CoUier (Old Ballads and Songs, 1869, p. 51). BALLAED, EOBEET. An exortation to all kynde of men how they shulde lerne to playe the lute by Eoberte Ballarde. Licensed to Edward Sutton in 1567. BALMFORD, JAMES. A Short Dialogve concerning the Plagves Infection, Published to preserue bloud, through the blessing of God. . . . London, Printed for Richard Boyle, and are to be sold at his shop in Blacke-friers. 1603. 8*^, black letter. A, 6 leaves : B— G 2 in eights. Dedicated by Balmford to his parishioners at St. Olave's, Southwark. Br. Museum. BAMBRIDGE, Dr. An astronomicall Discription of the late blasinge starr, by Doctor Bambridge. Licensed to Henry Fetherstone and John Parker, 1 January, 1618-19. BANISTER, JOHN. The Historic of Man, sucked from the sappe of the most approued Anathomistes, in this present age, compiled in most compendious forme, and now published in English for the vtilitie of all godly chirurgians, within this Realme. By lohn Banister, Master of Chirurgerie, and Practitioner in Phisicke. ... At London, Printed by lohn Dave, . . . Anno, 1578. Cum gratia . . . Folio, chiefly black letter. A— B in fours : *, 2 leaves : C — li 2 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Francis Willoughby Knight. With some complimentary verses by William Clowes. BANISTEE, JOHN, & LOW, THOMAS. New Ayres and Dialogues composed for BANKRUPTS. 36 BARCKLEY. Voices and Viols, of Two, Three, and Four Parts : Together with Lessons for viols or violins. By John Banister, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesties private ! Musick, and Thomas Low, one of the Vicars Choral of Saint Pauls, London. London : Printed by M. C. for H. Brome, MDCLXXViii. 8^, N— Z in eights : Aa— Ee in fours. Dedicated to Roger L'Es- trange. The leaf before the title has the Im/j^rimatm'. This appears as if it formed part of some other publication ending on sign. M ; yet it has its separate license, dedication, &c. The latter is signed CI. J. BANKRUPTS. A newe order for bankeruptes. Licensed to Thomas Chard, 24 Aug. 1582. BANKS, JOHN. The Rival Kings : Or The Loves of Oroon- dares and Statira. A Tragedy. Acted at the Theater-Royal. Written by Mr. Bankes . . . London, Printed for Lang- ley Curtis . . . 1677. 4^ A, 4 leaves : (a) 2 leaves : B — H in fours. A 2 is occupied by a duplicate title vary- ing in the imprint : London, Printed for L. C. in Goat Court on Ludgate-Hill, 1677. Dedicated to the Lady Katherine Herbert. The Destruction of Troy, A Tragedy, Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Written by John Bankes . . . London, Printed by A. G. and J. P. and are to be Sold by Charles Blount . . . 1679. 4^, A— L 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Lady Katherine Roos. The Island Queens : Or, The Death of Mary, Queen of Scotland. A Tragedy. Publish'd only in Defence of the Author and the Play, against some mistaken Censures, occasion'd by its being prohi- bited the Stage ... By Jo. Banks. Lon- don, Printed for R. Bentley, . , . 1684. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : dedication to Mary, Duchess of Norfolk, 2 leaves: B — K in fours, K 4 blank. Vertue Betray'd : Or, Anna Bullen. A Tragedy. Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Written by John Banks. Crescit sub Pondere virtus. Lon- don, Printed for R. Bentley, . . . mdcxcii. 4", A — I in fours. Dedicated to Eliza- beth, Duchess of Somerset. The Unhappy Favourite : Or the Earl of Essex. A Tragedy : Acted at the Theatre- Royal, By tlieir Majesties Servants. Written by John Banks. London, Printed for Richard Bentley . . . 1693. 4", A— I in fours. Dedicated to the Princess Ann. The Innocent Usurper ; Or, The Death of the Lady Jane Gray. A Tragedy. Written by J. B [anks.] London, Printed for R. Bentley, . . . 1694. 4*^, A— I 2 in fours, only 3 leaves in A. Dedicated " To my Friend the Stationer." Cyrus the Great : Or, The Tragedy of Love. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Little- Lincoln's-Inn-Fields By His Majesty's Servants. Written by John Banks. Lon- don, Printed for Richard Bentley . . . 1696. 4^, A— I 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Princess Anne of Denmark. BANQUET. A Shrove-Tvesday Banqvet sent to the Bishops in the Tower First, A London- Pancake to the Bishop of Canterbury, presented by the Apprentices of London, with the Water-mens Attendance. Then, A Lincolnshire Pudding, and a Yorkshire Friter to the bishop of Yorke, A Norfolk Dumplin and a Suffolke Ca[l]ves-head to Bishop Wren. An old Cudgel-beaten Cocke to the b. of Gloucester. A rusty piece of bacon to the b. of Rochester. And lastly, a dish of Collops and Egges to the b. of Bath and Wells. With the cause of the Souldiers Training, and their manner of their drinking a health to the said Bishops. Printed for Tho. Powel. 1641. 4^, 4 leaves. BARBARUS, FRANCISCUS. Directions for Love and Marriage. In Two Books. . . . Translated into English by a Person of Quality. London, Printed for John Leigh . . . 1677. 8^. A, 4 leaves, the first with the Imprimatur: B — I in eights. BARBARY. A briefe Rehersall of the bloodie Battell fought in Barbary. A ballad. Licensed to Edward White, 19 Feb. 1578-9. BARBER, EDWARD. An Answer to the Essex Watchmens Watch- Word, being 63 of tliem in num- ber : Or a discovery of their Ignorance, in denying liberty to tender consciences in religious worship, to be generall to all. Also, shewing how persecution for con- science came in ... By Edw. Barber Freeman of Engl. Citizen & Marchant- Taylor of London. No place, printer's name, or date. [1649.] 4^, A— C 2 in fours, and the title. BARCKLEY, SIR RICHARD, Knight. A Discovrse of the Felicitie of Man . . . now. newly corrected and augmented. At London, Printed for AVilliam Pou- BARCLA V. 37 BARLOW. sonby. 1603. 4°. *, 5 leaves, title on * 2 ; A, 4 leaves : B — Ss 4 in eights. The Felicitie of Man . . . London. Printed by R. Y. and are Sold by Rich : Eoyston . . . A° 1631. 4°, A— Xx in eights, besides the engraved title, the first leaf of A occupied by a metrical illustration of the latter. BARCLAY, JOHN. The Mirrovr of Mindes, . . . London, Printed by John Norton for Thomas Walkley, . . . 1638. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B — Kk 4 in twelves. A Booke Called John Barcleys Argenis translated by Beniamin Johnson. Li- censed to Edward Blount, 2 October, 1623. No such book is known, and perhaps the translation was abandoned in consequence of information that a rival undertaking was in progress. Long's version appeared, as we see, in 1625. Barclay his Argenis. or, The' Loves of Polyarchus & Argenis. Faithfully Trans- lated into English by Kingsmill Long Esquire. The Second Edition, Beautified with Pictures. Together with a Key Prefixed to vnlock the whole Story. London Printed for Henry Seile . . . 1636. 4°, A— Bbb 2 in eights. The title is engraved. Dedicated to ^Yilliam Dunch, of Ave- bury, Esquire. The plates are on the letter- press, including a portrait of John Barclay on A 4 verso. BARCLAY, ROBERT, of Ury. An Apology for the True Christian Directory, As the same is held forth, and preached by the People, Called, in Scorn, Quakers : . . . Written and Published in Latin, for the information of Strangers, by Robert Barclay. And now put into our own Language, for the benefit of his Country-men . . . Printed in the Year 1678. 4°, A— 3 G 2 in fours. Dedicated to Charles XL BARET, JOHN. An Alvearie or Triple Dictionarie, in English, Latin, and French : Very pro- fitable for all such as be desirous of any of those three Languages . . . Cum Priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. [Col.] Im- printed at London by Henry Denham, dwelling in Paternoster - rowe, at the eigne of the Starre. [1573.] Folio. Title (engraved) and dedication to Sir "William Cecil, 3 leaves : Preface, hriefe Instruction of Arithmeticke, and verses by Arthur Golding, &c., 3 leaves : C — 3 L in sixes : *— 6* 3 in sixes : % — 3;!: 5 in sixes. BARGISHAI, ELEAZAR, a horn Jew. A Brief Compendium of the vain Hopes of the Jews Messias. The Ignorant Fables of their Rabbles, And the Confusing of the Jewish Religion. London, Printed in the ^ear 1652. [Sept. 11.] 4°, A— C in fours. BARKER, THOMAS. Barker's Delight : Or, The Art of Ang- ling. Wherein are discovered many rare secrets very necessary to be known . . . The Second Edition much enlarged. By Thomas Barker, an ancient practitioner in the said Art. . . . London, Printed by J. G. for Richard Harriot, . . . 1657 [Dec. 31, 1656.] 8vo, A— D in eights. Br. M. Barker's Delight : Or, The Art of Ang- ling . . . The Second Edition much enlarged . . . London, Printed for Hum- phrey Moseley, . . . 1659. 8°, A— D in eights. Br. M. A reissue of the copies of 1657. I BARKSDALE, CLEMENT. The Lives of Ten Excellent Men, i. Dr. John Reynolds, ii. Mr. Richard Hooker, iii. Dr. William Whitaker. iv. Dr. Andrew Willet. V. Dr. Daniel Featley. vi. Wal- ter Norbane Esq; vii. Mr. John Gregory. VIII. Bishop Duppa. ix. Archbishop Bramhall. x. Bishop Taylor. [Quot. from Eccles. 44, 1. London, Printed for Mark Pardoe. . . . 1677. 8°, A— L 4 in eights. Dedicated " To the Noble and Ingenious Gentleman-Scholar, J. H," Memorials of Alderman Whitmore, Bishop Wilkins, Bishop Reynolds, Alderman Adams. [Quot. from Clemens Romanus.] London, Printed by J. Redmayne for John Barks- dale Bookseller in Cirencester. 1681. 8'^, A, 3 leaves : B — D 6 in eights. BARKSTEAD, JOHN. Invisible John made Visible: Or, A Grand Pimp of Tyranny portrayed, In Bark- stead's Arraignment at the Barre, Where he stands impeached of High Treason, and other gross ^lisdemeanours, . . . Whereunto are added. Five Queries, to the Parliament Council of State, & Army . . . Printed at London, in the year MDCLIX. 4*^, 4 leaves. BARLOW, FRANCIS. Diversce Avium Species Studiosissime ad vitam delineatce Per Fra : Barlow Insig- BARLOW. 38 BARNES. nissimv : Anglum Pictorem. Gulielm. Faithorne excudit. 1658. Oblong 4°. Title, and 17 plates. A Booke Containing such Beasts as are most Vsefull for such, as practice Drawing Graveing, Armes Painting, Chaseing, and for severall other occasions. Designed by F. Barlow. Sould by Henry Overton at y® White Horse, Avhere you may have severall bookes for the same uses. [1664.] 4°, 14 leaves, including the title. Seueral Wayes of Hunting Hawking and Fishing acording to the English Manner, invented by Francis Barlow. Etched by W. Hollar. And are to be Sould by John Overton, at the White Horse w^ithout Newgate. London. A°. 1671. Obi. 4°. 12 plates and the title. Br. Museum. Multae et diversae Avium Species Multi- farijs Formis & Pernaturalibus Figuris per Franciscum Barlovium Anglum . . . London printed and sould by John Over- ton .. . 1673. Oblong 4^. Various Birds and Beasts Drawn from the Life by Francis Barlow. London Printed for T. Bowles in St. Pauls Church-Yard, John Bowles & Son, at the Black Horse in Cornhil & Rob*^. Sayer at the Golden Buck in Fleet Street. Fra. Place fecit. E. Cooper excud. Oblong 4°, 67 numbered leaves, besides the dedi- cation to Richard Lord Maitland. B. M. Plate 29 is a new title : Divers Species of Birds Drawn after the Life in their Natural Attitudes by Francis Barlow. Part I. Part II. forms a third title on Plate 41. BARLOW, WILLIAM, Bishop of Bath. A dialoge describing the originall ground of these Luthran factions, and many of their abuses, Compyled by syr William Barlowe chanon, late byshoj) of Bathe. Anno. 1553. 8°, A— L in eights. [Cob] Prynted at London in Paules Churcheyard by John Cawood . . . Lamhdh. BARLOW, WILLIAM, S.T.B. Vita et Obitvs Ornatissimi celeberrimiq; viri Richardi Cosin Legum Doctoris, Decani Curiae de Arcubus, Cancellarij Bcu Vicarij generalis Reuerendissimi pa- tris loannis Arcbiepiscopi Cantuaren- sis, &c. per Gvielmvm Barlowvm Sacrse Theologiai Baccalaureum amoris sui & otticii ergo edita. [Qiiot. from 2 Sam. 3, 38.] Londini Excudebant Deputati Chris- tophori Barker, . . . Anno Domini. 1598. 4°, A — K in fours. The Epitaphs, &c., begin with a new title on G. Some are in liliiglisli. Among the contributors appears Joseph Hall. BARNABY. A Booke called Barnabees WiU or his Merry Legacies, &c. Licensed to John Okes, 7 October, 1639. BARNARD, NICHOLAS, Bean of Ardagh. The Penitent Death of a Woefvll Sinner. Or, The Penitent Death of John Ather- ton Executed at Dublin the 5. of Decem- ber. 1640. With some Annotations upon severall passages in it. As also the Ser- mon, with some further Enlargements, preeched at his Buriall. By Nicholas Barnard Deane of Ardagh in Ireland. . . . Dvblin, Printed by the Society of Stationers. 1641. 4''. Title and dedi- cation to Archbishop of Armagh, 3 leaves : [a] — [e 2] in fours : title to Sermon, 1 leaf : A— F 2 in fours. Orenv. Coll. BARNES, JOSHUA, •: of Emvmiuel Col- lege, Cambridge. Gerania : A New Discovery of a Little sort of People Anciently Discoursed of, called Pygmies. With a lively Descrip- tion of their Stature, Habit, Manners, Buildings, Knowledge, and Government, being very delightful and profitable. By Joshua Barnes, of Emanuel College, Cambridge. [Quot. from Virgil and Hesiod.] London, Printed by W. G. for Obadiah Blagrave. . . . 1675. 8°. A, 4 leaves, including a frontispiece : B — I 4 in eights. The History of that 5 Most Victorious Monarch Edward III^ King of England . . . And First Founder of the Order of the Garter : Being a Full and Exact Account of the Life and Death of the said King, Together wdth that of His Most Renowned Son Edward, Prince of Wales and of Aqvitain, Sirnamed the Black Prince. ... By Josva Barnes Batchelor of Divinity, and One of the Senior Fellows of Emmanuel College in Cambridge. Licensed by Authority . . . Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes for the Author, mdclxxxviii. Folio. With a portrait. Dedicated to James II. BARNES, ROBERT. The metynge of Doctor Barons and doctor Powell at Paradise gate & of tlieyr com- muni[ca]cion bothe drawen to Smy thfylde fro the Tower. Tlie one burned for Heresy e as the papistes do saye truly and the other quartered for popery and all within one houre. [Col.] Imprynted At London at the signe of the llyll, at the west dore of Paules. By AVyllyam Hill. And there to be sold. [Circd 1550 ?] 8^, black letter, A in eights. In verse. BARNESTAPOLIUS. 39 BARTHOLOMjEUS. Written after the accession of Edward VI., who is prayed for. Henry VIII. is referred to as the late King. A copy is in the British Museum. It is the same which was in Mr. John Bohn of Canterbury's Catalogue for 1877 at £10. 10. 0. BARNESTAPOLIUS, OBERTUS. Maria Stuarta, Regina Scotiae, Dotaria FrancicT, Hseres Anglise etHibernioe, Mar- tyr Ecclesie, Innocens k caede Darleana : Vindice Oberto Barnestapolio. Coutinet haec epistola historiam pene totam vitae, quam Regina Scotiae egit misere, sed exegit gloriose, rationem tituli praefert frons seqiientis pagellae. . . . Ingolstadii, . . . Anno M.D.LXXSViii. S'^, A — F 4 in eights, F 4 blank, F 3 with the colophon. BARRET, ROBERT. The Theorike and Practike of Moderne Warres, Discoursed in Dialogue wise. AVherein is declared the Neglect of Martiall discipline : the inconuenience thereof : the imperfections of manie training Captaines : a redresse by due regard had : the fittest weapons for our Moderne Warres : the vse of the same : the parts of a perfect souldier in generall and in particular : the Officers in degrees, with their seuerall duties : the imbattail- ling of men in formes now most in vse : with Figures and Tables to the same : with simdrie other martiall points. Written by Robert Barret. Compre- hended in sixe Bookes. Ozar morir, de la vida. London, Printed for William Ponsonby. 1598. Folio. IF, 4 leaves : A — T in sixes, sign. O composed of a large folded leaf. Dedicated to the Earl of Pembroke, &c. With verses by William Sa. Gentleman. BARRI, GIACOMO. The Painters Voyage of Italy. In which All the famous Paintings of the most eminent Masters are particularised, as they are preserved in the several Cities of Italy. Chiefly relating to Their Altar- pieces, and such other Paintings as are Ornamental in their Churches. And also Many choice Pictures, Kept as Jewels, in the Palaces of particular persons. Whereunto is added That ex- cellent Collection of Signior Septale, in his Closet at Milan. Illustrated with the Heads of some of the most renowned Painters. Written Originally in Italian by Giacomo Barri, a Venetian Painter, Englished by W. L[odge] of Lincolns- Inne, Gent. London, Printed for Tho. Flesher, . . . 1679. 8^ A— L in eights, title on A 3, A 2 having the Imprimatur, and A 1 with "Directions to place the Sculptures." With a frontispiece, small map of Italy, and portraits of Titian, Paolo Veronese, Pietro of Cortona, and Raphael. Dedicated by W. L. to Thomas, Lord Bellasis, Viscount Fauconberg. BARRIFF, WILLIAM. Military Discipline : Or, The Yong Artillery Man. Wherein is discoursed and showne the Postures both of Musket and Pike : the exactest w^ay, &c. [s^■c.] Together wath the Motions which are to be used, in the exercising of a Foot-com- pany. With divers and severall formes and figures of Battell ; with their reduce- ments, very necessary for all such as are studious in the Art Military. By William Barrifi". [Quot. from Psalm 144, 1.] Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Harper, for Ralph Mab, 1635. 4«. Title, dedication to Algernon, Earl of Northumberland, &c., 7 leaves : A, 4 leaves : B — Y in eights, Y 8 blank. With a portrait of the author by Glover. BARRON, NICHOLAS, Esquire. A Discourse Concerning Coining the New Money lighter In Answer to M^ Lock's Considerations about raising the Value of Money. London : Printed for Richard Chiswell, . . . mdcxcvi. 8°, A — G in eights. BARSTON, JOHN. The Safegarde of Societie : Describing the institution of lawes and policies, to preserue euery felowship of people by degrees of ciuill gouernemente : Gathered of the Moralles and policies of Philoso- phie by lohn Barston. Imprinted at London by lohn Shepperde. Anno. 1576. 8°, black letter. A, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves (with verses by T. G. &c.) : C — Q in eights. Dedicated to Dudley Earl of Leicester. BARTHOLOM^US DE GLANVILLE. Prohemium de proprietatibus rerum . . . [Col.] Explicit tractatus de proprieta- tibus . . . Impressus per industriosum viril Anthoniu kobinger indite Nuren- berge ciue. Anno salutis gratie. M.ccccLxxxij. iij. kal's Junij. Folio. Black letter. Printed in two columns. Without signatures and catchw^ords. The Prohemium occurs on the 6th leaf after the Table. Anno. M.D.xxxv. Bartholomevs De Proprietatibvs Rervm. Londiiii In AEdi- bvs Thomae Bertheleti Regii Inipressoris. Cvm Priviiegie a Rege Indvlto. Folio. Title, &c., 8 leaves : A — Zz in sixes : a— t 4 in sixes. Printed in two columns. Black letter. BARTHOLOMEWS, 40 BASTWICK, BARTHOLOMEWS, SAINT. The ordre of the hospital of S. Bartholo- mewes in West-Smythfielde in London, 1. Epist. Jhon. ij. Chap. . . . Londini, Anno 1552. [CoL] Imprinted at Lon- don by Rycharde Grafton, Printer to the Kynges maiestie. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 8^, black letter, A — I in eights. Orders and Ordinances for the better government of the Hospitall of Bartholo- mew the lesse. As also Orders enacted for Orphans and their Portions, md.lxxx. Together with a Briefe Discourse of the laudable Customes of London. London, Printed by James Flesher, . . . 1652. 4°, A — K in fours. BARTHOLOMEW FAIR. The Cuntrymans welcomme to Barth'me fayre. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 26 June, 1594. Rome for company in Bartholomew faire. Licensed to John Trundle, 22 October, 1614. The pedler in Barth. faire. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 12 February, 1614-15. A ballad called Bartholomew fare. Li- censed to Francis Grove, 21 Aug. 1638. BARTON, WILLIAM. Arithmetique abreviated, teaching the Art of Teuns or Decimalls. Licensed to James Boler and W. Lugger, 10 March, 1633-4. Six Centuries of Select Hymns and Spi- ritual Songs Collected out of the Holy Bible . . . The Fourth Edition Cor- rected, with above a third part of Addi- tions. London, . . . 1688. 12*^. IF, 10 leaves : A — P in twelves : The, Three Last Centuries, Q — LI 6 in twelves, A posthumous edition, with an additional preface by Edward Barton. BASILLE, THEODORE. A Potacio or dnkynge for this holi time of let very cofortable for all penitent synners, newly prepared by Theo, Ba- silic. [Quot. from John, 7.] At the end : Imprynted at London in Botulphe lane at the sygne of the whyte Beare, by me John Mayler for John Gough. Anno Dili. 1542, Ciun priuilegio. 8^, black letter, A — L in eights. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Nevel, Knight. BASSET, RO. Curiosities : Or The Cabinet of Nature, Containing Phylosophical, Naturall, and Morall questions fully answered and Re- solved. Translated out of Latin, French, and Italian Authors, by R. B. Gent. Never before Published, London: Printed by N. and J. Okes. 1637. 12«, A— N in twelves, including the frontispiece by W. Marshall and an explanation of it. Dedicated by Basset to William, Lord Craven. BASTWICK, JOHN. The Letany of John Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, Being now full of Devotion, as well in respect of the common calamities of plague and pestilence ; as also of his owne particular miserie : lying at this instant in Limho Patrum. Set downe in two Letters to M^ Aquila Whyte, Keeper of the Gatehouse, his good Angell. In which there is an nniversall challenge to the whole World, to prove the parity of Ministers, to he jure divino . . . Printed By the speciall procurement, and for the especiall use of our English Prelats in the yeare of Remembrance, Anno 1637. 4", ; A — C in fours. Dedicated by " John the Phisitian to the j Vertuous and elect Lady, the Lady Wal- grave at her house in Worminford in Essex." This and the rest of the parts forming the volume were apparently printed at Middle- | burgh or Leyden. The Answer of John Bastwick, Doctor of Physicke, to the Information of Sir John Bancks Knight, Atturney uni- ■ versall. In which there is a sufficient Demonstration, that the Prelates are In- vaders of the King's Prerogative Royall, Contemners and Despisers of holy Scrip- ture, Advancers of Poperie, . . . Printed in the yeare 1637. 4^, A— G, 2 leaves each, and H, 1 leaf. The Answer of lohn Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, To the exceptions made against his Letany by a Learned Gentleman,Which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as Articles superadditional against the Pre- late. . . . Printed in the yeare of Re- membrance, Anno 1637. 4°, A — D in fours. The Vanity and Mischeife of the late Letany, Or A further Answer of John Bastwick, Doctor of Physick, to some other exceptions made against his Letany by a learned Gentleman . . . This is to follow the Letany as a Third Part of it. Printed in the Yeare of Remembrance, 1G37. 4*^, A— D 2 in fours. A More FvU Answer of John Bastwick . . . Made to the former exceptions newly propounded by another wellwiller to him. . . . This is to follow the Letany as a Fovrth Part of it. Printed in the Year of the English Prelats malice, and crualty . . . 1637. 4*", 5 leaves. BATE. 41 BAYLY, BATE, JOHX. The Portraiture of Hypocrisie, liuely and pitliilie pictured in her colours : wherein you may view the vgliest and most prodi- gious monster that England hath bredde. [Quotations.] Imprinted by Eobert Ro- binson, for lohn Dalderne. 1589. 8"^, A — N 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to Sir Anthony Tho- rold Knight. BATES, GEORGE, M.B. Elenchi Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia Pars Secunda : Simul ac Regis Eflugii Mirabilis e Praelio Wigornise Enarratio. Authore Georgio Bateo, M.D. . . . Lon- dini, Typis J. Elesher, . . . 1663. 8^ A — Gg in eights, first leaf blank, A 2 with the portrait of Charles. BATESOX, THOMAS. The first Set of English Madrigales . . . 1604. Collation : Cantus, A, 2, and B— E 2 in fours : Tenor, A, 2, and B — C in fours, C 4 blank : Alius, A, 2, and B — E 2 in fours : Bassus, the same : Quintus, A, 2, and B — C in fours : jSextus, A, 2, and B in fours, B 4 blank. BATHE, WILLIAM. A Briefe Introduction to the skill of Song : Concerning the practise, set forth by William Bathe Gentleman : In which worke is set downe x. sundry wayes of 2. parts in one \^3on the plaine song. Also a Table newly added of the com- parison of Cleues, how one followeth another for the naming of Xotes : with other necessarie examples to further the learner. . . . London Printed by Thomas Este. 8^, A— C in eights, and a folded leaf marked D. BATMAN, STEPHEN. A christall glasse of christian reforma- tion, wherein the godly maye beholde the coloured abuses vsed in this our present tyme. Collected by Stephen Bateman Minister. Imprinted at London by lohn Day dwelling ouer Aldersgate. Cum Gratia . . . 1569. 4"^, black letter, A — X in fours, but only 3 leaves (in the Museum copy) in A. Chiefly in prose. "With a remarkable series of large en- gravings. Br. Museum (imperfect) and Bodleian (Douce). BATTEL, RALPH, Suh-Bean of the Chapel- Royal. The Lawfulness and Expediency of Church-Musick Asserted, in A Sermon Preached at St. Brides-Church, Upon the 22d of November, 1693. Being the Anni- versary Meeting of Gentlemen, Lovers of Musick. London, Printed by J. Heptin- stall,for John Carr, . . . 1694. 4°, B— C in fours, D, 5 leaves, and the title. BAXTER, XATHAXIEL. A Treatise intituled a souereigne psalue for a sinfuU soule compiled by Xathanaell Baxter mynister. Licensed to Thomas Yautrollier, Dec. 10, 1577. BAXTER, RICHARD. The Bishop of Worcester's Letter to a Friend For Vindication of Himself from Mr. Baxter's Calumny. London, Printed by R. Xorton for Timothy Garthwait . . . 1662. 4^, A— F in fours. In reference to Baxter's Mischiefs of Self- Ignorance and benefits of Self-Acquaint- ance. Additional Xotes on the Life and Death of Sir Matthew Hale, The Late Univer- sally Honoured and Loved Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. "Written by Richard Baxter, at the request of Edward Stephens, Esq ; the Publisher of his Con- templations, and his familiar Friend. And Published by the urgency of others. London : Printed for Richard Janewav, . . . 1682. 8°, A— D in eights, first aiid last leaves blank. Mr. Richard Baxter's Paraphrase on the Psalms of David in Metre, with other Hymns, Left fitted for the Press under his own Hand. London : Printed for Richard Baldwin . . . mdcxcii. 12°, A — X 6 in twelves. BAYLY, THOMAS, D.D. Certamen Religiosum : Or, A Conference Between His late Majestie Charles King of England, and Henry late ]\Iarquess and Earl of Worcester ; concerning Reli- gion ; at His Majesties being at Raglan Castle, 1646. Wherein the maine dif- ferences (now in Controversie) between the Papists and the Protestants is no lesse briefly then accurately discuss'd and handled. Xow published for the worlds satisfaction of his Majesties constant aff'ection to the Protestant Religion. By Tho : Baylie Doctor in Divinity and Sub- Deane of Wels. Mutare vel timere speruo. Printed by H. Hils in St. Thomas's Southwark, and are to be sold by John Williams, . . . and Edw. Black-more . . . 1649. 8^, A— Q in eights, Q 8 blank, and Q 7 with the Errata. Herba Parietis : Or, The Wall-Flower. As it grew out of the Stone-Chamber belonging to the Metropolitan Prison of London, called Xew Gafe. Being a His- tory which is Partly True, partly Roman- tick, Morally Divine : Whereby a Mar- (v BAYNES. 42 BEAUMONT. riage between Reality and Fancy is solemnized by Divinity. Written by Thomas Bayly, D.D. whilst he was a Prisoner there. London, Printed by J. G. and are to be sold by John Holden . . . MDC.L. Folio, A — Mm, 2 leaves each. With a frontispiece. Dedicated by Bayly to Lady Susan Orane, late wife of Sir Robert Crane of Chilton, Co. of Suffolk, and now wife to his Hon- oured Cousin, Isaac Appleton, of Holbrooke Hall, Co. of Suffolk. The Wall-Flower: . . . Written by Thomas Bayly, D.D. whilst he was a Prisoner there. London, Printed by J. G. and are to be sold by Peter Parker . . . 1679. Folio. B — LI, 2 leaves each : a leaf of Mm, and the title. The Golden Apopthegms of His Royall Maiesty King Charles I. And Henry Marq. of Worcester, both Divine and Morall, as they were delivered upon several occasions in the Time of the late unhappy War. . . . Written by Tho. Bayly Dr. in Divinity : . . . London, Printed by John Clowes, . . . 1660. 4'', 4 leaves. BAYLY, LEWES. The Practice of Pietie Directing a Chris- tian how to walke that he may please God. The third edition. Profitably amplified by the Author. . . . London Printed for John Hodgets. 1613. 12°, A — Xx in twelves, besides 6 leaves of title, &c. Dedicated to Prince Charles. With the title engraved by Ronald Elstrack. The Practice of Piety: . . . Printed for Mercy Browninge, and are to be sold at her Shop, next the Exchange, 1680. 12"^, A — V in twelves, A 1 and V 12 blank. The Practice of Pietie . . . Amplified by the Author. . . . Printed at Edenburg, by Jacob Williams for the good of Great Britaine. S'^, A— Kk in eights. The title is engraved. BAYNES, MARTIN. Christian Kalendar Consisting of Three Starres & Many Lights. By Martin Baynes. \Circd 1625.] Folio, 71 leaves. Dedicated "To the worthy knyglit Sir Thomas Grantham." In verse. An unpublislied MS. in the i)Ossession of Mr. John Wilson, April 25, 1877. BEARD, THOMAS. The Theatre of GolIs Ivdgements : Re- uised, and augmented. . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip, for Michael Sparke . . . 1631. 4°, A— Qq in eights, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to the Mayor and Corporation of Huntingdon. The Theatre of Gods Judgements . . . The fourth Edition, with Additions : . . . London, Printed by S. I. & M. H. and are to be sold by Thomas Whitaker. . . . MDCXLViii. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — Ggg in sixes : Hhh — Ppp, 2 leaves each. BEAUMONT, FRANCIS. Poems by Francis Beomont gent, viz* Remedium Amoris. The Passion of Christ with diners Elegies. Also a Poem against stargaizers &c. by Master John Fletcher. Licensed to William Wethered, 7 October, 1639. This is probably the book printed in 1640. Wethered is, no doubt, the W. W. of the imprint. Comedies and Tragedies written by Francis Beavmont and lolin Fletcher Gentlemen. Never printed before. And now pub- lished by the Authours Originall Copies. /St quid hahent veri Vatum prcesagia, vivam. London, Printed for Humphrey Robinson, at the Three Pidgeons, and for Humphrey Moseley . . . 1647. Folio. Portrait of Fletcher by W. Marshall, with verses by J. Birkenhead, 1 leaf: A, 4 leaves : a — g 2 in fours : B — Ffffffff in fours. Printed in two volumes. With commendatory verses by Richard Lovelace, Richard Brome, Robert Herrick, Sir Aston Cokaine, Sir R. Stapylton, Sir John Denham, E. Waller, W. Habington, J. Howell, &c. The Prophetess : Or, The History of Dioclesian. Written by Francis Beau- mont and John Fletcher, With Altera- tions and Additions, After the Manner of an Opera. Represented at the Queen's Theatre, By their Majestie's Servants. London, Printed for Jacob Ton son . . . 1690. 4«. A, 2 leaves : B— L 2 in fours. Beggars Bush. A Comedy. Written by ]\Ir. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletclier. London, Printed for J. T. ... 1717. 4«, A— G in fours. BEAUMONT, SIR JOHN. Bosworth-Field : with a Taste of the Variety of other Poems, left by Sir John Beaumont, Baronet, deceased ; Set forth by his Sonne, Sir lohn Beavmont, Baronet ; And Dedicated to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. London, Printed by Felix Kyngston for Henry Seile, and are to be sold at the Tygers head in Saint Pauls Churchyard. 1629. 8'', A— in eights and (a) 4 leaves. Pp. 181-2 are missing in all copies. In Mitford's copy was a reprinted leaf inserted BE A UMONT. 43 BEDLOE. at this place, containiug two poems— 1. On the death of the Marquis Hamilton ; 2. On a Funeral. BEAUMONT, JOSEPH. Psyche, Or Loves Mystery, . . . Tlie Se- cond Edition, with Corrections through- out, and Four new Cantos, never before Printed. Cambridge, Printed at the University-Press, for Tho. Bennet, . . . MDCCii. Folio, a — b in fours : A — 3 A 2 in fours. With a long poem to the memory of the author by Samuel Wood- ford. J BEAUMOXT, ROBERT. Loves Missives to Virtue. With Essaies. London, Printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold at the Signs of the Star in Little-Brittain. 1660. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— I 2 in eights. Loves Missives . . . London, Printed by William Godbid . . . 1669. S"^. Title, 1 leaf : A, 4 leaves : B — I 2 in eights. BEAUTY. The true anatomie of Carnall beaute. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones, 6 Augnst, 1576. A Caveat of those that boste of tbeir beautie. Licensed to Henry Carre, 27 July, 1578. BEAUX-ESPRITS. To the Society of the Beaux Esprits. A Pindarick Poem. By the Author of the late Satyr against Woman . . . London : Printed for Joseph Knight and Francis : Sanders . . . 1687. 4°, A— D in fours. DedicatedtoFleetwoodSheppard Esquire. BECKET, THOMAS, Archbishop of Can- terbury. The Prophecie of Thomas Becket, Arch- Bishop of Canterbury in the Reign of King Henry the Second ; Concerning the Wars betwixt England France and Hol- land. Lately found in an ancient Manu- script at Abington, by Dr. Ailsworth, and by him sent as a Rarity to the Univer- sity of Oxford. . . . London, Printed for G. Freeman, Anno, 1666. 4"^, 4 leaves. BEDE, THE VENERABLE. The History of the Chvrch of Englande Compiled by Venerable Bede, English- man. Translated out of Latin in to Eng- lish by Thomas Stapleton Student in Diuinitie. [Quot.] Imprinted at Ant- werp by lohn Laet, at the signe of the Rape : with Priuilege. Anno. 1565. 4^. *, 6 leaves : * , 4 leaves : t, 4 leaves : A— CCC in fours. Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, whose arms with E.R. and God saice the Queue are on the back of the title. Axiomata Philosophica, Venerabilis Bedse . . . Londini, Apud Richardum Yardley, . . . 1592. 8^ A— M in eights. BEDFORD, ARTHUR. The Temple Musick : Or, An Essay con- cerning the Method of Singing the Psalms of David, in the Temple, Before the Baby- lonish Captivity. . . . By Arthur Bed- ford, . . . London, . . . 1706. 8°, A— T 3 in eights. Dedicated to the Duke of Bedford. The Great Abuse of Musick. In Two Parts. Containing an Account of the Use and Design of Musick among the Antient Jews, . . . And also an Account of the Immorality and Profaneness, which is occasioned by the Corruption of that most Noble Science in the Present Age. By Arthur Bedford, . . . London : . . . 1711. 8*^. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : B— T 4 in eights. The Excellency of Divine Musick : Or a Sermon Preach'd at the Parish-Church of St. Michael's Crooked Lane, in the City of London, on Thursday the Fourth Day of October, and at Sir George Wheeler's Chapel, in Spittle-Fields, on Monday the Fifth of November, in the Year of our Lord, 1733 ... By Arthur Bedford, . . . London : Printed by W. Pearson, . . . [1733.] 8^ A— H in fours. BEDFORD, FRAN. RUSSELL, Earl of. The poore peoples complaint vpon therJe of Bedfordes death. A ballad. Licensed to Yarath James, 1 August, 1586. BEDFORD, FRAN. RUSSELL, Earl of. The Earle of Bedfords Passage to tlie Highest Court of Parliament, May the ninth, 1641. about tenne aclocke in the morning. Observed by his Lordships Phvsitian Doctor Cademan. London, Printed for Hugh Perry, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. BEDFORDSHIRE. A Booke of the Wytches Lately Executed at Bedford. Licensed to John Trundle, 23 January, 1612-13. BEDLOE, WILLIAM. An Elegie Upon the Truly Worthy, and ever-to-be remembred Loyal Gentleman, Captain Will. Bedlow, Engla[n]d's De- liverer, and the Scoiu'ge of Rome : Who departed this Life on the 22 of this in- stant August ; to the great Grief of all True Protestants. With an Account of his Pious End. London : Printed for Langley Curtis. 1680. A folio leaf in verse. BEE. 44 BERN, The Life & Death of Captain William Bedloe one of the Chief Discoverers of the Horrid Popish Plot. Wherein all his more Eminent Cheats, and whatever is remarkable of him, both good and bad, is Impartially Discover'd. London : Print- ed by George Larkin, for John Hancock and Enoch Prosser, . . . 1681. 8^ A, 4 leaves : B— I in eights, I 8 blank. BEE. The Spiritual Bee . . . Oxford, Printed by W. H. for John Crosley. Anno 1667. 12*^. A, 6 leaves : B — F in twelves. BEEDOME, THOMAS. Poems Divine and Hvmane. By Thomas Beedome. London, Printed by E. P. for lohn Sweeting . . . 1641. 8"^, A— H in eights, except D, which has only 4 leaves. With a brief introduction by Henry Glap- thorne, and commendatory verses by Edward May, H. Glapthorne, W. C, &c. A pos- thumous book (Bold, Farley). BEER. A booke howe to brewe all sortes of beire, &c. Licensed to John Wolfe, 30 April, 1591, BEGUINUS, JOHN, Almoner to the Ki7ig of France. Tyrocinium Chymicum : Or, Chymical Essays, Acquired from the Fountain of Nature, and Manual Experience. Lon- don : Printed for Thomas Passenger, . . . 1669. 8*^. A, 4 leaves, including a frontis- piece : b, 1 leaf : B— I in eights : K, 4 leaves : L, 2 leaves. BEHN, APHRA. The Amorous Prince, Or, The Curious Husband. A Comedy, As it is acted at his Royal Highness, the Duke of York's Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. Lon- don, Printed by J. M. for Thomas Dring ... 1671. 4"^. A, 2 leaves : B— M 2 in fours. The Town-Fopp : Or Sir Timothy Ta^v- drey. A Comedy. As it is Acted at his Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Print- ed by T. N. for James Magnes and Rich. Bentley . . . m.dc.lxxvii. 4''. A, 2 leaves : B — K 2 in fours, K 2 with the Epilogue by Mrs. E. R. Sir Patient Fancy : A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn, the Authour of the Rover. London, Printed by E. Flesher for Richard Tonson . . . and Jacob Ton- son . . . 1678. 4'\ A — N 2 in fours, and the title. The Feign'd Curti/.auH, Or, A Nights Intrigue. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson . . . 1679. 4*^, A— K in fours. Dedicated to Mrs. Ellen Gvin. The Roundheads, Or, The Good Old Cause, A Comedy, As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Dukes Theatre. By Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for D. Bro^\Ti . . . MDCLXXxii. 4", A — H in fours, and the Epilogue, 1 leaf. Dedicated to the Duke of Grafton. The False Count, Or, A New Way to play an old Game. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed by M. Flesher, for Jacob Tonson . . . 1682. 4«. A, 2 leaves : B — K 2 in fours. The City-Heiress : Or, Sir Timothy Treat- ; all. A Comedy. As it is Acted at his Royal Highness his Theatre. Written ; by Mrs. A. Behn. London : Printed for ■ D. Brown . . . T. Benskin . . . and H. ; Rhodes . . . 1682. 4^, A— I in fours. ' Dedicated to Henry Earl of Arundel. ; The Young King : Or, The Mistake. As ; it is Acted at his Royal Highness The j Duke's Theatre. Written by A. Behn. i London : Printed for D. Brown . . . T. Benskin . . . and H. Rhodes . . . 1683. 4^ Title, 1 leaf: a, 2 leaves: B— I in fours, I 4 blank. Poems upon Several Occasions : With a Voyage to the Island of Love. By Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for R. Tonson and J. Tonson . . . 1684. 8^, A— K in eights, a leaf of L, and (b), 8 leaves. Dedicated to James, Earl of Salisbury. A Pindarick on the Death of our late Sovereign ; With an Ancient Prophecy on his Present Majesty. Written by A. Behn. Dublin, Reprinted by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham ; . . . [1685,] 4°, 4 leaves. The Luckey Chance, Or An Aldermans Bargain, A Comedy. As it is Acted by their Majesty's Servants. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed by R. H. for W. Canning . . . 1687. 4°, A— K in fours. Dedicated to Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester. The Emperor of the Moon : A Farce. As it is Acted by their Majesties Servants, at the Queen's Theatre. Written by Mrs. A. Behn. London : Printed by R, Holt, for Joseph Knight, and Francis Sanders . . . 1687. 4^ A— K 2 in fours. Dedicate. 1 to the Marquis of Worcester. A Congratulatory Poem to the King's Most Sacred Majesty, on the Happy Birth BEL. 45 BENEDICT. of the Prince of "Wales. By Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for W. Canning, at his Shop in the Temple-Cloysters, 1688. A sheet. Lycidus : Or The Lover in Fashion. Being an Account from Lycidus to Lysander, Of his Voyage from the Island of Love. From the French. By the same Author. Of the Voyage to the Isle of Love. To- gether with a Miscellany of New Poems. By Several Hands. London : Printed for Joseph Knight, and Francis Saunders, . . . 1688. 8°, A, 8 leaves : a-d in eights : Table, 2 leaves : B — M in eights. Dedicated by A. Behn to the Earl of Melford. The poems are by Sir George Etherege, Eobert Wolseley, Edmund Ar- ■\vaker, and Mrs. Behn herself ; but many are anonymous. The Widdow Banter Or, The History of Bacon in Virginia. A Tragi-Comedy, Acted by their Majesties Servants. Writ- ten by Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for James Knapton, . . . 1690. 4«, A — H in fours. Dedicated to the much Honoured Madam Welldon. BEL, THOMAS. The Downefall of Popery. Proposed by way of a new Challenge, to all English lesuites, and Jesuited or Italianized papists : daring them all iointh', and euery one of them seuerally, to make an- swere thereunto if they can, ... At Lon- don Printed by Thomas Purfoot, for Arthur lohnson, . . . 1605. 4°, A— X 2 in fours, preceded by title and a leaf of Bell's dedication to James I. BEL, WILLIAM. The Testament of William Bel, Gentle- man. Left written in his owne hand. Sett ovt above 33. j^eares after his Death. With Annotations at the end, and Sen- tences, out of the H. Scripture, Fathers, &c. By his sonne Francis Bel, of the Order of Freers Minors, Definitor of the Province of England : Guardian of S. Bonaventvres CoUedge in Doway : and Professor of the sacred Hebrew tongue in the same. Permissu Superiorum. At Doway, By Balthazar Bellervs at the golden Compass, Anno 1632. 8^ A— M 2 in eights. Dedicated by the Editor to Mr. Edward Sheldon of Beoley, co. Wor- cester. Br. Museum. BELLENDEX, WILLIAM. Gvlielmi Bellendeni Magistri Svpplicvm Libellorvm Avgvsti Magnse Britannise, &c. De Statv Prisci Orbis in Eeligione, Re politica, & Literis Liber vnus. Ad Serenissimum Principem Carolvm Prin- cipem Scotiae et WaUiae. Parisiis, . . . M.DC.xv. Cvm Privilegio Regis. 8°. Title, 1 leaf : dedication to Prince Charles, 3 leaves wrongly paged : Index, 1 leaf : the Work, B iii— F 8 in eights. BELLE WE, RICHARD, of Lincoln's- Inn. Les Ans Dv Roy Richard Le Second Collect EnsembP hors de les Abridgments de Statham, Fitzherbert et Brooke . . . 1585. At London, Imprinted by Robert Robinson. 8°. Prefixes, 4 leaves : A — Y 4 in eights, and Aa, 4 leaves. Lam- heth. BELLIN DUN. A ballad entituled Bellin Duns Confes- sion. Licensed to John Danter, 2 Au?. 1594. BELLIANIS OF GREECE. The Honour of Chivalry . . . London, Printed for Tho. Passinger . . . 1683. 4^, black letter. Part I. A— Hh in fours: Parts II. and III. with separate title : A, 2 leaves : B— Y in fours. BELLOMAYUS, JOHANNES. Gradus comparationum cum verbis ano- malis_ simul & eoru compositis. [This title is on A 1 as a head line. The colo- phon] : Imprynted at London by Wynkyn de Worde in Flete strete / at the sygne of the Sonne. 4°, 8 leaves. B. M. Sotheby's (Thorpe), April 8, 1879, No. Gradus coparati[o]nu cum verbis anomalis simul cum eorum compositis. [Col. J Im- prynted at Lodon in poules chyrche yarde at the sygne of saynt Nicolas : by me John Toye. The yere of our lorde god. M.D.sxxi. The. xxx. day of Maye. 4^ A — B in fours, with John Scot's de- vice occupying the last page. B. M. BELLMAN. The bel mannes good morrowe. A ballad. Licensed to E. White, 21 Nov. 1580. A belman for England. A ballad. Li- censed to E. AUde, 6 December, 1586 (two stanzas suppressed). The bell mans alarum. A ballad. Licensed to Thomas Orwin, 27 Nov. 1589. BELLOT, JAMES. The englishe skoolemaster sett forth by James Bellot for the teach inge of Strangers to pronounce Englishe. Licensed to Henry Disley, 26 Jan. 1579-80. BENEDICT, SAINT. Here begynneth the Rule of seynt Benet. [The rest of the page is occupied by two woodcuts with ornamental enclosures. The colophon is :] Imprinted (by the comaudement of the reuerend fader i BENESE. 46 BERKELEY. god/ Eichard Bishop e of "Winciiester) by me Eycharde Pynson printer vnto the Kynges noble grace. Folio, A — F in sixes : G, 8 leaves : D 8 with the mark. Grenv. Coll. (last leaf wanting) and Bod- leian (Dyson's copy). The Grenville copy has been Hibbert's. The work is a translation executed for Fox, Bishop of Winchester, who held that see, 1501-28. The Bodleian copy is on vellum. The Evle of the IMost Blessed Father Saint Benedict Patriarke of all jMvnkes. [Quotation from Gregory the Great with a translation.] Printed at Gant by Joos Dooms. [1632.] (ii.) Statvtes Compyled for the Better Observation of the Holy Evle of the Most Gloriovs Father and Patriarch S. Benedict Confirmed by the ordinary Authoritie of the right honorable ad Eeuer. Father in Chr. the Lo. Matthias Hovivs Archbishop of Mack- lin . . . and by him delinered to the English Eeligioiis Woemen of the Monas- tery of our blessed Lady the perpetuall Virgin Mary in Bruxelles, and to all their Succissours. . . . Printed at Gant by Joos Dooms, (iii.) The Second Parte of the Statvtes ... At Gant. Printed by Joos Dooms. 1632. (iv.) The Third Parte. Of those Matters that are more extrinsecally and externally appertayn- ing to the Congregation, and Monas- tery, and are belonging to the Temporali- ties of the same. At Gant. Printed by Joos Dooms. 1632. 8°. Grenv. Coll. Collation : the Rule, A — G 4 in eights, besides 4 leaves with title, Alexia Gray's dedication to the Lady Eugenia Pouton, Abbess of the Monastery of St. Benedict at Ghent, and the Breva of S. Gregory, &c. : the Statutes, Part 1, A— D 7 in eights : the same, part 2, A — E 6 in eights : the same, part 3, A — B in eights, B 8 with a curious Note. BENESE, SIE EICHAED, Canon of Merton Abbey. The boke of measuring of lande . . . Southwark, James Nicolson, 4*^. See Collier's BiU. Cat., ii. 135. Mr. Collier states that the volume makes 103 leaves ; but he does not mention tlie colo- phon, in which alone the name of the pub- lisher occurs. The Boke of measuring of Lande . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in S. Brydes Churchyarde by Thomas Colwell. Sene and allowed : accordyng to the ordre appoynted in our Hall. 8°, black letter, A— G in eights. B. M. BEN GOEION, JOSEPH. A compendious and most marueilous Historie of the latter tymes of the lewcs common weale, begynnyng where the Byble or Scriptures leaue, . . . Trans- lated into Englyshe by Peter Morwyng, of Magdalen College in Oxforde. And nowe newly corrected and amended by the sayde translatour. 1567. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Powles Church yarde by Eicharde lugge, . . . 1567. 8*^, black letter, A — Kk in eights, Kk 8 blank. A compendious and most marueilous His- torie of the latter times of the lewes common weale, . . . nowe newely cor- rected and amended by the sayde trans- latour. 1575. [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- don by Newgate marget next vnto Christes Churche, by Eichard lugge, printer to the Queenes Maiestie. 1575. Cum priuilegio ... 8°, black letter, \ A — Kk 6 in eights. \ A Compendious and most marueilous \ Historie ... At London. Printed by j V. Sims, for Thomas Adams, . . . An. ' Do. 1596. 8^ black letter, A— Gg in eights, Gg 8 blank. BENTIVOGLIO, CAEDINAL. Historicall Eelations of the United Pro- vinces & of Flanders, Written origi- nally in Italian by Cardinall Bentivoglio : And now Eendred into English by the Eight Honourable Henry Earle of Mon- mouth. London, Printed for Humphrey Mosele}-, . . . 1652. Folio. Portrait of Bentivoglio by Cross, title and table, 4 leaves : folded map : B— LU in fours : Mmm in sixes : Nnn — Err, 2 leaves each. With portraits. BEEGEEAC, CYEANO DE. Satyrical Characters and handsome De- scriptions in Letters, Written to severaU Persons of Quality. Dedicated to the Duke of Arpaion. By Monsieur de Cyrano Bergerac. Translated out of the French, By a Person of Honour. Lon- don, Printed for Henry Herringman, . . . 1658. 8°, A— M in eights. The Comical History of the States and Empires of the Worlds of the Moon and Sun. AVritten in French by Cyrano Bergerac. And newly Englished by A. Lovell, A.M. London, Printed for Henry Ehodes, . . . 1687. 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B— K in eights : the History of the World of the Sun, B— in eights, 8 with the Errata. With a frontispiece. BEEKELEY, GEOEGE, Earl of. Historical Applications . . . Written by a Person of llonour. London, Printed for L. Meredith, . . . mdcxcviii. 8°, BERKSHIRE. 47 BERNERS. A — N in eights, A with the Impri- matur. BERKSHIEE. A Proclamation of His Majesties Grace, Favour, and Pardon, to the Inhabitants of his County of Berks. Given at our Court at Oxford, this first day of Novem- ber. [1642.] A sheet. The Windsor Lady. To an excellent Northern tune. Printed and Sold in Bow- church-yard ... A ballad, with cuts. Ouvry Gat, No. 112. BERMUDA. A Letter from the Burmudoes concern- inge a fearefull Storme which happened in those Islands in August last. Licensed to N. Butter and N. Bourne, 6 April, 1630. BERNAED, JEAN, Secretary of the King's Chamber. Discovrs des plvs Memorables Faicts des Roys & grads Seigneurs d'Angleterre depuis cinq cens ans. Auec les Genealo- gies des Roynes d'Angleterre, & d'Ecosse. Plus vn traicte de la Guide cles cheniins, les assiettes & description des prin- cipales villes, Chasteaux & riuieres d'Angleterre, A Paris, . . . 1579 . . . 8^, A— M 2 in eights. Discovrs ... A Paris, . . . 1587. 8^, A — M 2 in eights. BERNARD, NICHOLAS, D.D. The Life & Death of the Most Reverend and Learned Father of our Church D^. James Usher, Late Arch- Bishop of Ar- magh, and Primate of all Ireland. Pub- lished in a Sermon at his Funeral at the Abby of Westminster, Aprill 17, 1656. And now re-viewed with some other Enlargements. By Nicholas Bernard Doctor of Divinity, and Preacher to the Honourable Society of Grayes - Inne, London . . . London, Printed by E. Tyler, . . . 1656. 8^, A— I in eights, first and last leaves blank. With a por- trait. BERNARD, RICHARD. Looke beyond Luther : Or An Answere to that Qvestion, so often and so insvlt- ingly proposed by our Aduersaries, asking vs ; Where this our Religion was before Luther's time ? ... By Richard Bernard of Batcombe in Sommersetshire. Lon- don, Imprinted by Felix Kingston, and are to be sold by Edmund Weauer, . . . 1623. 4P, A— H in fours, A i blank. Rhemes against Rome : Or, The Renioov- ing of the Gagg of the New Gospell, and rightly placing it in the mouthes of the Romists, by the Rhemists, in their Eng- lish Translation of the Scriptures. . ."^ . At London, Imprinted by Felix Kino-s- ton, for Ed. Blackmore, . . . 1626. 4°. A, 4 leaves : (a) 4 leaves : B— Y in fours! Dedicated by R. Bernard to Sir Ralph Hopton. The Isle of Man : Or, The Legall Pro- ceeding in Mannshire against Sinne. . . By R. B. Rector of Batcombe, Somers! The fourth Edition much enlarged. Lon- don, Printed for Edw. Blackmore at the great South doore of Pauls. 1627. 12", A— P in twelves, P 12 blank. Dedicated to Sir Thomas and Lady Katherine Thynne. The Isle of Man. ... The fifth Edition much enlarged. London, Printed for Edward Blackmore . . . 1628. 12° A — N in twelves. A Gvide to Grand-Ivry Men, Divided into two Bookes. In the First is the Authors first aduice to them what to doe before they bring in a Billa vera in cases of Witchcraft ... In the Second is a Treatise, touching Witches good and bad ... By Rich. Bernard. . . . London, Printed by Felix Kingston for Ed. Black- more . . . 1627 "" ■ ' " first leaf blank. 12«,A—M in twelves. BERNERS OR BARNES, JULIANA. Book of St. Allmns, 1486 and 1496. I suppose thcat tlie Wilton copy of 1496 on parchment, as well as the copy there of 148G, was given to Lord Pembroke by John Anstis. See Nichols' Literary Illustrations, iv. 145. The boke of hawkynge . . . [Colophon.] Imprynted at London, in Forster Laen, by John Waley. 4°, A— M in fours. J. E. Smith's Catalogue, 1856, p. 16. The copy there noticed had only 2 leaves in sign. I. The boke of haukyng . . . [Col.] Im- prynted at London in Flete strete at the sygne of the George next to Saynt Dun- stones Church by Wyllyam Powell. 4°, A — M in fours. J. E. Smith's Cat. 1856, p. 16. The boke of hawkynge . . . [Col.] Im- prynted at London, in Pauls chyrch yerde, by me, Hary Tab. 4°, A— M in fours. Bodleian (Cryne's books). The booke of Haukyng, . . . [Col.] Im- prynted at London, in Saynt Martyns paryshe in y® vinetre, vpon the thre crane wharfe, by Wyllyam Coplande. 4°, A— M in fours. J. E. Smith's Catalogue, 13. This seems BEROALDUS. 48 BEZA. to establish that Copland issued two editions at St. Martin's in the Vintry. Mr. Russell Smith, in his Catalogue of "Works on Angling, 1856, pp. 10-16, de- scribes at considerable length the editions of this work ; but he seems to confuse the trade impression by W. Copland at the Rose Garland, with the names of the re- spective persons for whom it was executed in different copies, with the distinct separate issues. BEROALDUS. A Short view of tlie Persian MonarcMe, and of Daniels weekes : Beeing a peece of Beroaldus workes : witli a censure in some points. London Imprinted by Thomas Orwin. 1590. 4°, A— F in fours, besides a leaf of Errata. BEST, GEORGE. A Trve Discovrse of the late voyages of discouerie, for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the Northweast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher Generall : Deuided into three Bookes. In the first wherof is shewed, his first voyage . . . Also, there are annexed certayne reasons, to prDue all partes of the Worlde habit- able, with a generall Mappe adioyned. In the second, is set out his second voyage ; ... In the thirde, is declared the strange fortunes which hapned in the third voyage . . . With a particular Card there vnto adioyned of Meta Incognita, so farre forth as the secretes of the voyage may permit. At London, Imprinted by Henry Bynnyman, . . . Anno Domini. 1578. 4°, black letter, a— i 2 in fours, besides the Map : A— 2 in fours. De- dicated by George Best to Sir C. Hatton. Lamheth (no card). BETHEL, SLINGSBY. The Interest of the Princes and States of Europe. The Second Edition with Ad- ditions. By Slingsby Bethel, Esq; London, Printed by T. M. for John Wickins . . . 1681. 8°, A— Aa 3 in eights. BETHLEHEM HOSPITAL. The petition for the poore distracted people in the house of Bethlem. Licensed to William Jones, 8 March, 1619-20. BEVIN, ELWAY. A Briefe and Short Instrvction of the Art of Mvsicke, to teach how to make Discant, of all proportions that are in vse ; very necessary for all such as are desirous to attaine to knowletlge in the Art ; . . . London, Printed by li. Young, f at the signe of the Starre on Bread-street hill. 1631. 4°, A— H 2 in fours. De- dicated to the Bishop of Gloucester. BEVIS OF HAMPTON. Bevys of Hampton. Licensed to John Tisdale in 1560-1. Bvovo d'Antona ... In Milano . . . 12°, A — P in twelves. In verse. BE WISE AND BE WARNED. Be wise and be warned. [Quot. from Sirach, v. 3Iake no tarying, &c.] Printed by Thomas East for [Fraunjces Coldock, the first of lanuary. 157[3.] 8°, black letter, A — E in fours. In prose, except " The petition of the penitent " at the end. Lamheth. BEYER, WILLIAM. The right Instruction of three languages, French, English, and Dutch : Consisting in Succinct fundamental Rules, a Collec- tion of most usual words, and Profitable and pleasant Dialogues . . . Tot Dord- recht, By de Vedawe van Jasper, en by Dirck Goris. Anno 1681. 8°. ^ Two titles, to the Reader, and dedication to William, Prince of Orange, 4 leaves : A — S in fours : Aa — li in fours. This was the second edition, "enlarged and amended." BEZA, THEODORE. An Oration made by Master Theodore de Beze, Minister of the word of God, accom- panyed with. vi. other Ministers and . ix. deputies of the refourmed churches of the Realme of Fraunce, in the presence of tlie King, the Queue mother, the King of Nauarre, . . . Tuesday the. ix. day of September. 1561 . . . [CoL] Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde lugge printer to the Queues Maiestie . . . [1562.] 8°, black letter, A — E 4 in eights. A Little Catechisme, that is to saye, a short instruction on teaching christian religion set forth by Theodorus Beza . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by Hugh Singleton . . . Anno 1579. 8°, A in eights. xiiij holy psalmes Chosen forth of the newe and old testament by Theodore Beza. Licensed to Henry Denham, 13 June, 1581. Christian meditations vpon eight Psalmes of the Prophet Dauid. Made and newly set forth by Theodore Beza. Translated out of Frenche for the common benefite, into the vulgare tongue by J. S. Im- printed at London in Bacon house, by Christopher Barker, printer to the Queens most excellent Maiestie. [Col.] Im- printed at London in Bacon house . . . 1682. 8=, black letter, A— H 4 in eights. BIBLE. 49 BISHOPS Dedicated to every Christian Eeader, and namely to the Lady Anne Bacon, wife of Sir Nicolas Bacon, by J. S. BIBLE. The bryfe somme of the byble. Licensed to John Tysdale in 1560, The whole story of the Bible cutt in brasse peeces with sentences of scripture and certain verses graven vnderneath them. Licensed to Kichard Badger, 24 Jan. 1636-7. BIBLIANDER, THEODORE. A Godly consultation vnto the brethren and companyons of the Christen relygyon. By what meanes the cruell power of the Turkes / bothe may / and ought for to be repelled of the Christen people / Theodore Bibliander beinge the Author . . . [Col.] Thus endeth The consultacion of Theo- dore Bibliander translated owte of Latine into Englysshe and printed at Basill by Eadulphe Bonifante .... the yere of owre Lorde. m.d.xljj. Men. of Auguste. 8°, A— U in eights. BICKHAM, GEORGE. The Universal Penman ; Or, The Art of writing made Useful to the Gentlemen and Scholars, as well as the Man of Busi- ness, Exemplified in all the useful and ornamental Branches of Modern Penman- ship . . . Written, with the friendly Assistance of several of the most Eminent Masters, And Engraved, by Geo. Bick- ham. The whole Embelish'd with beau- tiful Decorations for the Amusement of the Curious. London: . . . 1743. Eolio, 212 leaves, besides the frontispiece. BIOCHIMO. The Royall Game of Chesse-Play, Some- times the Recreation of the late King, with many of the Nobility. Illustrated with almost an hundred Gambetts. Being the study of Biochimo the famous Italian : London, Printed for Henry Herringman, . . . 1656. 8^ Portrait of Charles I. and title, 2 leaves : A — H in eights ; I, 4 leaves : K, 1 leaf. Dedicated by Francis Beale to Montague Bertie, Earl of Lindsey. "With commendatory verses by R. Love- BIONDI, GIO. FRANCESCO. L'Historia Delle Gverre Civili DTnghil- terra . . . Scritta in tre volumi. Dal Cavaliere Gio : Francesco Biondi ... In Bologna, mdcxlvii. 4°. a, 4 leaves : aa, 6 leaves : aaa, 4 leaves ; A — Ff 3 in fours : Table, a — b in fours, and c in sixes : Tomo Secondo, a— d in fours, and e in sixes : A — Yy 2 in fours : Tomo Terzo, a— b in fours : A— Aa in fours : Bb in sixes. BIRD, WILLIAM. The Magazine of Honour ; Or, A Treatise of the severall Degrees of the Nobility of this Kingdome, with their Rights and Priviledges. of Knights, Esquires, Gentle- men, and Yeomen, and matters incident to them, according to the Lawes and Cus- tomes of England. Collected by Master Bird, But, Perused and enlarged by that Learned and ludicious Lawyer, Sir lohn Doddridge Knight, one of his Majesties ludges of the Kings Bench. Printed for William Sheares . . . 1642. 8°. Title and Table, 2 leaves : B — 3 in eights. On the flyleaf of the copy here employed occurs: "Narcissus Luttrell His Book 1676." BIRMINGHAM. A Letter written from Walshall, By A Worthy Gentleman to his Friend in Ox- ford, concerning Birmingham. [Oxford.] Printed in the yeare m.dc.xliii. [April 14.] 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. An Iron Rod for the Naylers and Trades- men neer Birmingham, [Quot. from Malachi, 4.] In MS: April 22, 1655. A sheet. B. M. BISHOPS. Grace and Peace from God, &c. [This is a headline, and on the third leaf occurs:] An Exhortation to the Byshops to deale Brotherly with theyr Brethren. [On B i there is a third headline :] An Exhorta- tion to the Bishops and their Clergie to answer a little booke that came forthe the last Parliament / and to other Brethren to iudge of it answeared / and not to be caryed away with any respect of man. No place, &c. [1572.] S'', A— C 2 in eights, and *, 2 leaves. Zamheth. The preface is dated " From my chamber in London / this 30. of September / in Anno. 1572." A Dialogve. Wherin is Plainly laide open, the tyrannicall dealing of L. Bi- shopps against Gods children : with cer- taine points of doctrine, wherein they approoue themselves (according to D. Bridges his judgement) to be truely the Bishops of the Diuell. [Quot. from Malachi. 2. 7. 8. 9.] Sm. 8*^, A— D in fours. A Dialogve. Wherin is Plainly Layd open the Tyrannical Dealing of Lord Bishops against Gods Children, With Certaine Points of Doctrine, wherein they approve themselves (according to Dr. D BLACK ALL. 50 BLAGRAVE. Bridges his judgement) to be truely the Bishops of the Divell. Published, by the worthy Gentleman Dr. Martin Mar- Prelat, Doctor in all the Faculties, Primat and Metropolitan. [Quot. from Malach. 2, 7, 8, 9.] Reprinted in the time of Parliament, Anno Dom. 1640. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. A republication of the original edition of 1589 in S^ to suit the circumstances of the time. The tract contains a good deal of private history or scandal. The True Character of an Untrue Bishop. With a Recipe at the end, how to recover a Bishop if hee were lost. London, Printed in the yeare 1641. 4'^, A— B 2 in fours. An Apology for Bishops Or, A Plea for Learning, Against those Lying, Rayling, and Scandalous Libels, so frequent, in despight of Learning and Learned Men. Dedicated to all the Lovers of Learning and Vertue for the Reformation of the abuses and corruptions of these Times. Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4"^, 4 leaves. In verse. Acts for the utter abolishing of Bishops out of the Churches of England and Scot- land. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Watson, 1643. 4^, 4 leaves. An Apology for the Ancient Right and Power of the Bishops to sit and vote in Parliaments : As the first and principal of the three Estates of the Kingdome, . . . With an Answer to the Reasons main- tained by Dr. Burgess ... A Determi- nation at Cambridge of the Learned and Reverend Dr. Davenant . . . London, Printed by W. Godbid for Richard Thrale, ... 1661. 4°, A— Q in fours. The Rights of the Bishops to Judge in Capital Cases in Parliament Cleared. Being a Full Answer to Two Books Lately pub- lished ; The First Entituled, A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend, d-c. The Other, A Discourse of the Peerage . . . London, Printed by Tho. Braddyll, for Robert Clavell, . . . 1680. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — M 4 in eights, M 4 blank. BLACKALL, OSPER. Mr. Blackall's Reasons for not Replying to a Book, Lately Published, Entituled, Amyntor. In a Letter to a Friend. The Second Edition. London, Printed for Walter Kettilby . . . 1699. 8*^, A— C in fours. BLACKMORE, SIR RICHARD. Prince Arthur . . . The Second Edition Corrected. . . . London : . . . MDCXCV. •^ Folio. A, with title and following leaf : a — c, 2 leaves each: B — Pp. in fours: Index, 2 leaves. The copy here used has MS. notes of early date, said to be in Dryden's hand. Commendatory Verses on the Author of the Two Arthurs and the Satyr against Wit : By some of his particular Friends . . . London : Printed in the Year mdcc. Folio. A — H, 2 leaves each. BLACKWELL, JOHN. An Essay towards Carrying on the Pre- sent AYar against France and other Pub- lick Occasions. As also, for Paying off all Debts contracted in the same, or otherwise. And New-Coyning of all our Moneys. ... By John Blackwell, &c. London, Printed for the Author, 1695. 8^, A— D in fours. BLAEU, JEAN. Le Grand Atlas, Ov Cosmographie Bla- viane. ... [A Amsterdam, chez Jean Blaeu, MDCLXVii.] Folio. 12 volumes. With plates and maps. " The first Atlas of Scotland is contained in this celebrated compilation, and owes its existence to the exertions of Sir John Scot, of Scotstarvet. Not only did he contribute a great amount of information to the text, and pay for the engraving of the plates and their revision by Scottish Geographers, Robert Gordon and his son, but to enrich the work, he tried a plan which met with more success 150 years latei*. The Synod of Scotland was prevailed upon to request the Ministers to each supply a description of their several parishes. ' Mais cette ordonnance, n'estant accompagnee ny de prix ny de punition, pour accourager k y obeir, elle a est6 negligee par la plus grand' part d'eux.' Amongst those who did reply was a Mr. Lauder." — Quaritch's Catalogue, Blay, 1879. BLAGRAYE, JOHN, of Reading. The Mathematical lewel. Shewing the making, and most excellent vse of a sin- gular Instrument so called : in that it performeth with wonderfuU dexteritie whatsoeuer is to be done either by Quad- rant, Ship, Circle Cylinder, . . . The vse of which lewel, is so abondant and ample, that it leadeth any man practising thereon, the direct pathway (from the first stoope to the last) through the whole Artes of Astronomy . . . The most part newly founde out by the Author . . . 1585. Imprinted at London by Walter Venge, dwelling in Fleetelane ouer against the Maiden liead. Folio. Dedicated to Sir William Cecil. "With two copies of verses by the Author, "The Anthour in his owne defence," and "The Authours dunipe." CuUation : ^ and TiH, i BLAKE. 51 BLOME. 4 leaves eacli : A — Q 2 in fours. [Colophon on Q 2 verso ;] Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson for Walter Venge. With many diagrams. BLAKE, W. Silver Drops, Or, Serious Things. [This is a headline, there being no regular title, place, or printer's name. Circa 1680.] 8*^, A — T 3 in eights, besides 4 plates. Dedicated to the Ladies at Highgate School, where Blake was housekeeper. BLAND, TOBY. A Baite for Momvs, So called Vpon occa- sion of a Sermon at Bedford iniuriously traduced by the factious. Now not altered but augmented. With a briefe Patrocinie of the lawfull vse of Philoso- phie in the more serious and sacred studie of diuinitie. By Tobie Bland Chaplain to the right Honourable John Lord Saint John, Baron of Bletsoe. . . . London Printed by John Wolfe. 1589. 4°. Title and to the Reader, 2 leaves : B — F in fours, F 4 blank. BLANGDONE, BARBARA. An Account of the Travels, Sufferings & Persecutions of Barbara Blangdone. Given forth as a Testimony to the Lord's Power, and for the Encouragement of Friends. Printed, and Sold by t. S. at the Crooked- Billet in Holy well-Lane, Shoreditch, 1691. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. BLAXTON, JOHN. The English Vsvrer; Or "Vsvry con- demned, By the most learned and famous Diuines of the Church of England, and Dedicated to all his Maiesties Subiects, for the stay of farther increase of the same. Collected by lohn Blaxton, Preacher of Gods Word at Osmington, in Dorcet-shire. [Quot. from Calvin's Epist. de Vsura.] London. Printed by lohn Norton, and are to bee sold by lohn BvTton, in Wells. 1634. 4°. A, 4 leaves, besides a leaf with an engraving, A hav- ing " The Illustration," in verse, and A 2 the printed title. With verses by George Wither, Joshua Sylvester, F. Quarles, &c. BLAYNEY, ALLAN. Festorum Metropolis. . . . By Allan Blayney Master in Arts, late of Queens CoUedge in Oxford. The Second Edition refined. . . . London, Printed by T. M. for Steven Chatfield . . . 1654. 8% A— H in eights. Dedicated in this impression to John Dutton of Shierbourn,co. Gloucester, Esquire. BLITH, WALTER. The English Improver Improved or the S^Tvey of Hvsbandry Svrveyed. . . . The Third Impression much Augmented. With an Additional Discovery of the severall Tooles, and Instruments in their Forms and Figures promised. With a Second Part, Containing Six Newer Peeces of Improvement. . . . London, Printed for John Wright . . . 1652. 4^ Engraved and printed titles, 2 leaves : dedication, 8 leaves : To the Reader, 6 leaves: To the Nobility, &c., 3 leaves: To the Inns of Court and Universities, 2 leaves : other Epistles, 4 leaves : verses, 2 leaves : the work, B — Pp in fours : Table, 6 leaves. With plates separate from the letterpress at pp. 64 (with a presumed portrait of the author), 68, 130, and 200. BLOCHWICH, MARTIN. Anatomia Sambuci : Or the Anatomy of the Elder : Cutting out of it Plain, Ap- proved, and Specifick Remedies for most and chiefest Maladies, . . . collected in Latine By Dr. Martin Blochwich, . . . Translated for the benefit of all, . . . London, Printed for H. Brome, . . . and Tho. Sawbridge, . . . 1677. 12°, A— L 6 in twelves, besides the title and following leaf. BLOME, RICHARD. Britannia : Or, A Geographical Descrip- tion of the Kingdoms of England, Scot- land, and Ireland, with the Isles and Territories thereto belonging. And for the better perfecting of the said work, there is added an Alphabetical Table of the Names, Titles, and Seats of the Nobi- lity and Gentry that each County of England and Wales is, or lately was, enobled with. Illustrated with a Map of each County of England, besides several General ones. The like never before Published. London, Printed by Tho. Roycroft for the Undertaker, Richard Blome. MDCLXXiii. Folio. A, 6 leaves : Crests and arms, 12 leaves: General map: B — 3 N in fours. With a series of maps of the shires, and of Scotland, Ireland, North Wales, the Orcades, &c. Dedicated to Charles II. Britannia : Or, The Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, Actually Sur- vey'd : . . . London : Printed for Abel Swall . . . MDCXcviii. Folio, A — H, 2 leaves each, and the 100 maps, as in the edit, of 1673. The Art of Heraldry, In Two Parts. The First Concisely Comprehending all neces- sary Rules in the said Art, with many useful Examples of Bearing, to facilitate BLONDEL. 52 BLOUNT. the way of Blazoning any Coat of Armor. The Second Part giving a full Account of Priviledges, Dignities, &c. of the Nobi- lity and Gentry of England. Together, with the Atchievements of each Degree, &c. . . . The whole Illustrated with Fifty two proper Sculptures, for the better Ex- planation thereof. London, Printed for Hannah Sawbridge, . . . mdclxxxv. 8°. A, 4 leaves : A— R in eights. Dedicated to Sir Henry Goodrick, of Eibston Park, Yorkshire, Kt and Baronet. The Art of Heraldry . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for S. Briscoe, . . . 1693. 8°, A— E in eights. The Present State of His Majesties Isles and Territories in America . . . With New Maps of every Place. Together with Astronomical Tables, which will serve as a constant Diary or Calendar, . . . Lon- don : Printed by H. Clark, for Dorman Newman, . . . 1687. 8°. A, 4 leaves, B — U in eights, exclusively of 7 maps and a folded leaf after the Astronomical Tables. With a portrait of James 11. BLONDEL, DAVID. A Treatise of the Sibyls, so Highly Cele- brated, As well by the Antient Heathens, as the Holy Fathers of the Chvrch ; Giv- ing an Account of the Names and Num- bers of the Sibyls, . . . Englished by J. D. London, Printed by T. R. for the Author, MDCLXi. Folio. A— B, 2 leaves each : C — Qq in fours. Dedicated by John Davies of Kidwelly to Sir Edward Maunsell of Mavgam, co. Glamorgan, and Sir Edward Maunsell of Mudlescomb, co. Carmarthen. BLOOD, JAMES. Remarks on the Life and Death of the Fam'd Mr. Blood ; Giving an Account of his Plot in Ireland, to surprize Dublin Castle. Several transactions in his head- quarters in the City. Rescue of Captain Mason at Doncaster. Attempt on the person of his Grace the Duke of Ormond, Seizing on the Crown and Scepter in the Tower . . . The Second Edition, with large Additions. London : Printed for Richard Janeway, . . . 1680. Folio, A — E, 2 leaves each, but the leaf after the title marked A. BLOUNT, CHARLES. The Miscellaneous Works of Charles Blount, Esq ; ... To which is prefixed the Life of the Author, and an Account and Vindication of his Death. With the Con- tents of the whole volume. Printed in the year 1695. 8°. BLOUNT, SIR HENRY. A Voyage into the Levant . . . The third Edition. London, Printed by I. L. for Andrew Crooke, . . . 1638. 4«, A— Q in fours. BLOUNT, THOMAS. Glossographia : Or A Dictionary, Inter- preting all such Hard Words, whether Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Teutonick, Belgick, British or Saxon, as are now used in our refined English Tongue. Also the Terms of Divinity, Law, Physick, . . . With Etymologies, Definitions, . . . Very useful for all such as desire to understand what they read. By T. B. of the Inner Temple, Barrister. London : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1656. 8^ A— Uu in eights. With a copy of verses To his Honor'd Friend Mr. T. B." by J. S. Glossographia : . . . The Second Edition, more correct ; wherein above Five hun- dred choice Words are added. . . . Lon- don : Printed by Tho. Newcomb for George Sawbridge . . . 1661. 8°, A— Uu in eights. Glossographia : . . . The Fifth Edition, with many Additions . . . Loudon : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by Tho Flesher, . . . 1681. 8", A— Zz 4 in eights. With the initials J. S. enlarged into Jo. Serjeant. The Academy of Eloquence . . . The Fifth Edition, with Additions . . . London, Printed for Chr. Wilkinson . . . 1683. 12^. A, 4 leaves : B— K in twelves. Boscobel . . . The Third Edition with Addition. [Quot. from Joel, 1, 2.] Lon- don : Printed by M. Clark, and are to be sold by H. Brome and C. Harper, . . . 1680. 8°, A— M 3 in eights, besides por- trait, frontispiece, and two plates. The third part is called : " Claustrtim Regale Reseratum Or The Kings Conceal- ment at Trent. Tublished by A[nne] W[yndhani.]" Animadversions upon S"^. Richard Ba- ker's Chronicle, and It's Continuation. Wherein many Errors are disciver'd, and some Truths advanc'd. By T. B. Esq. [Quot. from Cicero de Orat.] Oxon. Printed by H. H. for Ric. Davis. 1672. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— H in eights. A World of Errors Discovered in the New World of Words, Or General Eng- lish Dictionary. And in Nomothetes, Or The Interpreter of Law-Words and i BLOUNT. BLUNDEVILE. Terms. By Tho. Blount of the Inner Temple, Esquire ... In the Savoy : Printed by T. N. for Abel Roper, . . . 1673. FoHo, A — E, 2 leaves each, and a leaf of F. BLOUNT, SIR THOMAS POPE. A Natural History : Containing Many not Common Observations : Extracted out of the best Modern Writers. By Sir Thomas Pope Blount, Baronet. Felix qui j>otvM Rerum dignoscere Causas. Virg. London : Printed for R. Bentlev . . . 1693. 8^, A— Hh 4 in eights. Dedicated to Henry Lord Capel, Baron of Tewks- bury. BLUNDEVILE, THOMAS, of Neuion- Flotman, co. Norfolk. The Learned prynce. [By^Thomas Blun- de^-ile.] Licensed to W. Seres, 11 May, 1561. The foure chiefest Offices belonging to Horsemanship, That is to sale, The office of the Breeder, of the Rider, of the Keeper, and of the Ferrer. . . . Contein- ing the "Whole Art of Riding latelie set forth, and now newlie corrected, and amended . . , Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, . . . 1580. 4°, black letter: A — Gg in eights. With cuts. A new booke containing the arte of ryding, and breakinge greate Horses, together with the shapes and Figures, of many and diners kyndes of Byttes. Very necessary for all Gentlemen, Souldyours, Seruing- men, and for any man that delighteth in a horse. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres dweUinge at the West ende of Ponies, at the signe of the Hedge- hog. 8°, black letter. A — B 4 in eights : A (repeated) — M in eights : The Third Book, A — F 4 in eights: the Figures of bits, 26 leaves. Dedicated to the Lord Robert Dudley. Grenv. Coll. and Douce Coll. A very briefe and profitable Treatise declaring howe many counsells, and what- maner of Counselers a Prince that will goueme well ought to haue. The Booke speaketh [6 lines of verse.] Imprinted at London by William Seres. [1570.] 8°, A — Q in fours. Dedicated by Blundevile to Robert Earl of Leicester. Lamheth. The true order and methode of wryting and reading Hystories, according to the precepts of Francisco Patricio, and Acon- tio Tridentino, two Italian writers, no lesse plainly than briefly set forth in our vulgar speech, to the great profite and commoditye of all those that delight in Hystories. By Thomas Biundeuill of Newton Flotman in Norfolke. Anno. 1574. Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres. 8°, roman letter: A— H in fours. Dedi- cated to the Earl of Leicester. A Breife^Description of Vniversal Mappes and Gardes, And of their Vse : And also the Vse of Ptolemey his Tables. Neces- sarie for those that delight in reading of Histories : and also for Trauellers by Land or Sea. Newly set foorth by Thomas Blvndeville of Newton Flotman . . , London Printed by Roger Ward, for Thomas Cadman. Anno. 1589. 4°, A — F 2 in fours, besides a folded leaf in D. Dedicated to Sir Francis Windham, "from my poor swan's nest," 17 Dec. 1588. M. Blvndevile His Exercises, containing sixe Treatises, the titles wherof are set do^vn in the next printed page : which Treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all young Gentlemen that haue not bene exercised in suche disci- plines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in Cosmographie, As- tronomic, and Geographie, as also in the Arte of Nauigation, in which Arte it is impossible to profite without the helpe of these or such like instructions. To the furtherance of which Arte of Navigation the said M. Blundevile speciallie wrote the said Treatises, and of meere good will dothe dedicate the same to all the young Gentlemen of this Realme. Londom Printed by John Windet . . . 1594. 4°, A— Yy in eights, first and last two leaves blank. With woodcuts and diagrams, those at signatures U, V 6, and Xx 2 having moveable pointers. At Tt 4 is a folded leaf. M. Blvndevile His Exercises, . . . The second edition, Corrected and augmented by the Author. Imprinted at London by lohn Windet, . . . 1597. 4°, A— 3 D in eights, besides 4 folded leaves in A— B and 1 in E. Mr. Blundevil His Exercises . . . The seventh Edition corrected and somewhat enlarged by Ro. Hartwell Philomathe- maticus. London, Printed by Richard Bishop, and are to be sold by Benjamin Allen . . . 1636. 4°, A— 3 E in eights, title on A 2. With diagrams and folded plates. The Art of Logike. Plainely taught in the English tongue, by M. Blundeuile of Newton Flotman in Norfolke, as well according to the doctrine of Aristotle, as of all other moderate and best accounted Authors thereof. A very necessarie Booke BLUNT. 54 BOLOGNA. for all young students in any profession to find out thereby the truth in any doubtful speech, . . . London Imprinted by lohn Windet, . . . 1599. 4^ A, 4 leaves, title on A 2 : A*, 4 leaves : B — Z 1 in fours. Black letter. The Arte of Logick. Plainely taught in the English tongue, according to the best approued Avthors. Very necessary for all Stvdents in any Profession, how to defend any Argument against all subtill Sophisters, and cauelling Schismatikes . . . By M. Blvndevile. London, Printed by William Stansby . . . 1617. 4^ *, 4 leaves: B (repeated) — Cc in fours, Cc 4 blank. BLUNT, LEONAED [?^sm(Z.] Asse upon Asse. Being a Collection of several Pamphlets written for, and against the Author of the Asses Complaint against Balaam, or the cry of the Countrey against Ignorant and Scandalous Ministers. To- gether v/ith some choice Observations upon them all. By Leonard Blunt, Esq ; London, Printed for the Author, mdclxi. 8°, A— C 4 in eights, C 4 blank. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNL Here begynneth the boke of Johan Bo- chas / discryuing the fall of prices / prin- cesses / and other nobles : Translated in to Englysshe by John Lydgate monke of Bury / begynnyng at Adam and Eue / and endyng with kyng Johan of Fraunce / taken prisoner at Poyters by prince Edwarde. [Colophon:] Thus endeth the nynth and laste boke of John Bochas / whiche treateth of the fall of princes / princesses / & other nobles. Imprinted at London in flete strete by Kicharde Pynson / printer vnto the kynges moste noble grace / & fynisshed the . xxi. day of February e / the yere of our lorde god . M.ccccc. XXVII. Folio, black letter. In two columns, a, 6 leaves : A — X in sixes, no Y— Z : AA— 00 in sixes : PP in eights. With woodcuts, including a large one occupying the greater part of the title. The Decameron Containing an hundred pleasant Nouels. Witily discoursed, be- twene seauen Honourable Ladies, and three Noble Gentlemen. London, printed by Isaac laggard, 1620. Folio. Boccace's Tales : Or, The Quintessence of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conver- sation ; . . . The Fourth Edition. Lon- don, Printed by E. Cotes, and are to be sold by Joseph Cranford . . . 1657. 12° or sm. 8° This is a new seueral title given to the two parts of the 4th edition. Sotheby's, April 11, 1878, No. 15. The Novels and Tales of the Kenowned John Boccacio, the first Kefiuer of Italian Prose : Containing A Hundred curious Novels. . . . The fifth Edition, newly Corrected and Amended. London : Printed for Awmsham Churchill . . . MDCLXXXiv. Folio. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 | leaves : B— Kkk in fours, last leaf blank. \ II Decamerone. One Hundred Ingenious Novels : Written by John Boccaccio ... \ London : Printed for John Nicholson ... « James Knapton . . . and Benj. Tooke ! . . . 1702. 8°, A— T in eights, and (a) 8 leaves. | BOETHIUS. ^ 1 Boecius de consolacione philosophic. 1 [Col.] Deo gracias. Explicit boecius de consolacione philosophie. [Translated by Geoffrey Chaucer. W. Caxton, drcd. 1478.] Folio, 94 leaves, the first blank. Br. Mtcseum (3 copies, one imperf.), Exeter and Magdalen Colleges Oxford, St. Albans Grammar School, and Buke of Bevonshire, The five bookes of Boetius treating of philosophy, translated into English by Master Brathwayt. Licensed to Kobert Bostock, 6 June, 1631. An. Maul. Sever. Boeth. Consolationis Philosophise Libri V. Anglo-Saxonice Kedditi ab Alfredo, Inclyto Anglo-Saxo- num Kege. Ad apographum Junianum expressus edidit Christophorus Rawlin- son, a Collegio Reginse. Oxonise, E Theatro Sheldon iano mdcxcviii. ... 8°, a — b 2 and A — Bb in fours. With a por- trait of Junius. ^j BOHEMIA. ^ The Last Newes from Bohemia, with all the adioyning Prouinces that be now vp in Armes. AVherein is related all the passages that haue happened since the high and mighty Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine was elected and Crowned King of Bohemia. With other accidents very delightfuU to the Reader. [Wood- cut of Mercury.] 1620. 4°, A— E in fours. In prose. Bodleian. BOIARDO, M. M. Histoire de Roland L'amoureux Com- prenant les Chevaleureux faictes d'armes et d'amoura Devisee en trois livres to be translated into Englishe. Licensed to John Charlwood, 26 June, 1592. BOLOGNA. A Letter of a Baker of Boulougne, sent to the Pope. Translated out of the Ita- BOND. 55 BOOK. lian Copy (printed at Florence) into French and Dutch and now into English, [Woodcut.] London, Printed for "William Ferebrand, and are to bee solde at his Shop in the Popes-head Pallace neere the KoyaU Exchange. 1607. 4^ A— B in fours. At the end occurs: — "from my Bake- house in Boulougne, vpon this good Sunday, of Quasimodo." A copy is in the Malone Collection. BOND, JOHN. King Charles his welcome home, Or A Congratvlation of all his loving Subiects in thankefulnesse to God for his Maiesties safe and happie returne from Scotland, 1641. By lohn Bond, Cantabrid: Coll: St. Johns. London, Printed by F. L. for T. Bates and F. Coules, and are to be sold at their shops in the old Baily. 4'', 4 leaves. In, verse. B. M. The DoA\Tifal of Old Common-Covnsel- ;Men. Being their great Eepulse at Gvild-Hall last Friday by the Com- mittee, who extruded the Old out of their corrupted Offices, and elected Xew in their Places. . . . Shewing their mani- fold corruptions, . . . Exactly describing, how they have oftentimes robljed the poore of their due, . . . Lastly, Shewing the Manner of their Arraignment at Guild-Hall, . . . Composed by John Bond, . . . London, Printed for T. H. MDCXLJ. 4°, 4 leaves. [An Answer to a late Scvrrilovs and Scandalovs Pamphlet, Entituled, The Downfall of old Common Councill men. London, Printed in the yeare 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. In prose.] BONDE, CniELGUS. Scutum Eegale, The Koyal Buckler; Or, Vox Legis, A Lecture to Traytors : Who most wickedly mujthered Charles the I, And Contrary to all Law and Religion banished Charles the II 3 — K in eights, E 8 occupied by Clavell's Petition to King Charles. (^LAVELL, ROBERT. The. General Catalogue of Books, Printed in England since the Dreadful Fire of London mpclxvi. To the End of Trinity- CLELAND. 129 GLORIA. Term MDCLXXx. Together with the Texts of Single Sermons, . . . And a Catalogue of School Books. To which is now added a Catalogue of Latin Books Printed in Foreign JParts and in England since the Year mdclxx. Collected by R. Clavell. London, Printed by S. Roycroft for Robert Clavell . . . 1680. Folio. Title and preface, 2 leaves : A — G, 2 leaves each : t, 4 leaves : H — 3 B, 2 leaves each. A Catalogue of Books Printed in Eng- land Since the Dreadful Fire of London in 1666, to the End of Michaelmas Term, 1695. . . . The Fourth Edition. Lon- don: Printed for R. Clavel . . . mdcxcti. Folio, B — Kk, 2 leaves each, and the title. CLELAND, WILLIAM. A Ballad, To the Tune of Hey Boyes up go wee. Anno 1635. [By Lieutenant Colonel W. Cleland.] A broadside. A Collection of Several Poems and Verses, Composed upon Various Occasions. By M'". AVilliam Cleland, Lieutenant CoUonel to my Lord Angus's Regiment. Printed in the year m.dc.xcvii. 8^, A — I 6 in eights, A 2 apparently misprinted A. Grenv. Coll. The separate title to Effigies Clericoruvi forms a 9tli leaf in D. This volume ap- pears to have been printed at Glasgow. In "Watson's Collection of Scots Poems, part 1, 170G (repr. 1869, p. 142], occur some verses entitled: '"Hallow, my Fancie, whither wilt thou go?" written by Cle- land at 18 years of age, when he was a student in Edinburgh University. CLELIA. The Mock-CIelia : Being a Comical His- tory of French Gallantries, and Novels, in Imitation of Don Quixote. Trans- lated out of French. London, Printed for L. C, and are to be sold by Simon Neale and Charles Blount. . ." . 1678. 8°, A — li 4 in eights, not including an engraved frontispiece. The first leaf of A has only the Impri- matur. CLERK. The Young Clerks Companion : Or A Manual for his Daily Practice. . . . London, Printed by John Streater, Eliz. Flesh er. and Henry Twvford, . . . 1672. 12°, A— M in twelves. The titlepage is on A 2, and is preceded by two engraved leaves, a frontispiece of two fignres in a kind of oflBce, the other " A Perpetuall Almanack." CLERK, JOHX. Opvscvlvm Plane Divinvm De Mortu- orum resurrectione et extremo iuditio, in quatuor Unguis succincte conscriptuni. Avthore loanne Clerco. Latyne. Eng- lysshe. Italian. Frenche. [Col.] Im- prynted at London in Aldersgate by Joannes Herforde. Anno. 1545. Cum priuilegio ... 4°, A— H 3 in fours. Dedicated to Henry Earl of Surrey in French. Br. M. The English and French are printed in black, the other two languages in roman, letter. CLEVELAND, JOHX. The Works of M"". John Cleveland. . . . London, Printed for P. B. . . . 1699. 8^ A — LI in eights, and a, 4 leaves. The Character of a London Diurnall. Printed in the Yeare 1644. 4°, A— B 2 in fours, B 2 blank. In prose. CLIFFORD, CHRISTOPHER. The Schoole of Horsmanship. TTherein is discouered what skill and knowledge is required in a good Horse-man, prac- tised by perfect experience. And also how to reforme anie restie horse, of what nature and disposition so euer. Briefely touching the knowledge of the Breeder, Sadler, Smith, and the Horseleach : With a Strange and rare inuention how to make a new kinde of racke, and how to teach a Horse to lie ^i^on his bellie vntill the Rider take his backe. By Christ. Clifford, Gent. Imprinted at London for Thomas Cadnian, . . . 1585. 4*^, black letter. Title, 1 leaf: dedication to Sir Philip Sidney, 1 leaf: To the Pveader, 1 leaf: verses by Sir John Tracy Kt. 4 stanzas of 6 lines, and Contents, 1 leaf : Cliffords ex- perience, 3 leaves : B — Bb in fours, Bb 4 blank. The colophon : Imprinted at Lon- don by Thomas East for Thomas Cadman . . . 15S5. CLIFFORD, J. The Divine Services and Anthems . . . The Second Edition, with large Addi- tions. Collected by J. C[lifford] London, Printed by W. G. and are to be sold by Nathaniel Brooke, . . . 1664. Sm. 8°. A, 12 leaves : B, 8 leaves : C — U in twelves. "With a frontispiece. GLORIA. The Princesse Gloria : Or, The Royal Romance. In Five Parts. Imbellished with divers Political Notions . . . Written by a person of Honour. The Second Edition. London, Printed for Edward Man . . . 1665. Folio, A— 4 I in fours, 4 14 blank, and the title. Gloria and Narcissus. A Delightfull and New Romance, Imbellished with divers Politicall Notions, and Singular Remarks I CLOSE. COCKER. of Moderne Transactions. Written by an Honourable person. London, Printed by S. G. and are to be sold by Antli. Williamson . . . 1653. 8^ Title and Preface, 3 leaves : B— Y 4 in eights. Gloria and Narcissus Continued. A De- lightful! and New Romance. . . . Lon- don, Printed by S. G. . . . 1654. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B— Y 4 in eights. CLOSE, GEORGE. Closes Closet, or the Septenary of praiers, ' written by George Close. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 7 October, 1618. CLOUDESLY. A ballad of William Clowdisley neuer l)rinted before. Licensed to Edward White, 16 Aug. 1586. COACHES. A Proclamation for the restraint of the multitude, and promiscuous vse of Coaches, about London and Westminster. [19 Jan. 1634-5.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1635. For&ter Coll. CO AD, JOHN, ofStoford, co. Somerset. A Memorandum of the Wonderful Provi- dences of God to a poor unworthy creature. (From 12tii of June 1685 unto the 24^^ of Noveml)er in the year 1690) in and after the Revolution between e the Duke of Monmouth and King James. Printed from the original MS. Sm. S", 1849. It ai)pears from the editor's preface that a metrical version of a portion of the narrative is attached to the MS., but was not considered worth printing. COCKER, EDWARD. Multum in Parvo. Or The Pen's Gal- lantry. A Copy-Book containing Twenty- four Si'Utences in Prose, in alphal>eticall order, and as many in Verse, each Distick comprehending the twenty-four Letters ; and many Examples of Alphabets. . . . Al'^o the rare Principles of this Art in a I'ni-ticall Alphai)et, . . . Are to be sold by Williiun Phice . . . and by Thomas Rookes. . . . Wheie also you may have all f-orts of Blank Bonds, and the best Inke, 1660. Oblong 8°. Engraved and printed titles, 2 leaves : writing examples, 25 leaves : A, 4 leaves, England's Pen-Man : Or Cocker's New Copy-Book. Containing all the llaiuls used in Great-Britain : Also, the Breaks of Secrtitary, Roman, and Italian Letters, With the Exemplifying Court-Hand: And a Coj)y of the Cireck-Alphahet. Printed, and Sold by H. Overton, and J. Hoole . . . 1668. Oblong 4", 27 leaves, includ- ing the title. England's Pen-Man : Or, Cocker s New Copy-Book. Containing All the Curious Hands practised in England, And our Neighbouring Nations : With Admirable Directions peculiar to each Hand. As also The Breaks of Secretary, Roman, and Italian Letters. . . . Written, and ; Engraven by Edward Cocker. London, ; Printed and Sold by John Overton, ... 1703. 4°. Titlepage, pp. 16 of letter- press, and 20 leaves of specimens. Cockers Arithmetik, Being A plain and ' familiar Method suitable to the meanest . capacity for the full understanding of the incomparable Art, and is now taught by the ablest Schoolmasters in City and Countrey. Composed by Edward Cocker late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, . . . Perused and published by John Hawkins Writing Master near St. Georges Church in Southwark. , . . London Printed, for T. Passinger, . . . and T. Lacy . . . 1678. 12*^. A, 5 leaves: B— P in twelves. With a portrait. Dedicated by Hawkins to his friends, Manwaring Davies of the Inner Temple, and Mr. Humphrey Davies of St. Mary Newington Butts. Cockers Arithmetick, . . . The second Impression. London Printed, for T. Pas- singer at the three Bibles on London- Bridge, and T. Lacy at the Golden Lyon in Southwark, . . . 1678. 12^. A, 5 leaves, besides portrait : B — P in twelves. Cockers Arithmetick : . . . Perused and Published by John Hawkins Writing- Master . . . London, Printed bv J. R. for Eben. Tracey . . . 1696. 12*^. A, 6 leaves : B — K in twelves. With a portrait. The Pens Transcendency. Or Fair Writ- ing's Store-House. Furnished with Ex- amples of all the Curious Hands Practised in England ; and the Nations Adjacent. Adorned with Variety of Admirable Knots and Flourishes . . . Wholly In- vented, Written and Engraven by Edward Cocker. The last Impression. Are to be sold with the Pens Triumph, Pens Celerity and other of the Authors Works, by Robert Walton, . . . Oblong 4^. Title, l" leaf : B-D, 2 leaves each : E, 1 leaf with verses : 28 ])lates, including one in the introductory part. The Young Clerk's Tutor Enlar>,'ed : . . . P>y Edwanl Cocker. . . . The Thirteenth Edition. London : Printed for, and are to be sold by Thomas Basset, . . . and Edward PowU-t . . . 1693. h<^, A-0 in eights, besides four plates between A and B. COCKERAM. 131 COGAN. Cocker's English Dictionary, . . . Pub- lish'd from the Author's Copy : And in this Second Edition very much Enlarged and Altered : By John Hawkins. Lon- don : Printed for T. Norris ... 1715. 8°, A — Nn in fours. COCKERAM, HENRY. The English Dictionarie . . . The fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. By H. C. Gent. London : Printed by Thomas Harper, for Thomas Weauer, . . . 1632. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — Y 4 in eights. The English Dictionarie : Or, An Inter- preter of hard English Words. . . . The fifth Edition, revised and enlarged. By H. C. Gent. London, Printed by I. H. for Edmund Weaver, . . . 1637. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — Y 4 in eights. Dedi- cated to Sir Richard Boyle Knight, Lord Boyle, Earl of Cork. Cockeram speaks in the dedication of his obhgations and relationship to Sir WilHani Hull. The English Dictionarie. . . . The seventh Edition, revised and enlarged. By H. C. Gent. London, Printed by G. M. for T. W 1642. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B— Y 4 in eights. The English Dictionary ; . . . The twelfth Edition Revised and Enlarged by S. C. London, Printed for W. Miller, . . . 1670. 12°. A — K 8 in twelves, the title, and a leaf of L. COCLES. A brief and pleasant Epitomye of the whole art of Phisiognomie, gathered out of Aristotle, Rasis, Formica, Lorius, Phy- lemo, Palemo . . . and others many moe, by that learned chyrurgian Codes : and englished by Thomas Hyll Londoner. Imprinted at London by John AVaylande. Cum priuilegio per septennium. [Circa 1557.] 8°, black letter. Title, dedication to George Keable, Esquire, &c., 4 leaves : A — F 4 in eights. CODOMANNUS, LAURENTIUS. Chronographia. A Description of time, from the beginning of the world, . . . translated out of Laurentius CcKlomannus his Annales sacrce scripturce. The second edition, corrected and augmented. Lon- don, Printed by Richard Field for Robert Dexter, . . . 1590. 8°. *, 4 leaves : A— F in eights : G, 1 leaf. COE, RICHARD. An Exact Diarie, Or a breife Relation of the progresse of Sir William Waller's Army since the joyning of the London Avxiliaries with his Forces : which was the twelfth of May 1644. untill their re- turn e homeward on thursday the 11 of luly following, Relating the perticulars of every Skirmish Battle and March during the said time. By Richard Coe under Ca[)t. Gore of the Tower Hamlets who was present in the whole expedi- tion. London Printed ticcording to order for Humphrey Tuckey. . . . luly 19 1644. 4«, 4 leaves. COEFFETTEAU, NICHOLAS, 5Mop of Bardania. A True and admirable Historie of a May den of Confolens, in the Prouince ol Poictiers : that for the space of three yeeres and more hath lived, and yet doth , "without receiuing either meate or drinke. Of whom, his Maiestie in person hath had the view, and, (by his commaund) his best and chiefest Phisitians, haue tryed all meanes, to find, whether the fast & abstinence be by deceit or no. In this Historie is also discoursed, whether a man may line many dayes, moneths or yeeres, without receiuing any sustenance. Published by the Kings esj3eciall Priui- ledge. At London, Printed by I. Roberts, and are to be sold at his house in Barbi- can. Anno Dom. 1603. 8°, roman letter. IT, 4 leaves : A — in fours, O 4 blank. Dedicated by A[nthony]M[undayl to Mr. Thomas Thoniey, Mr. William Martin, Mr. Edward Eodes, and Mr. Thomas Martin, C4overnors of the Barber Chirurgeons. AVith verses by T. Dekker and others. See Herbert, p. 1036. A Table of Humane Passions. With their Causes and Effects. . . . Translated into English by Edw: Grimeston Sergiant at Armes. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes. 1621. 12°. A, 12 leaves: a, 10 leaves : B — Gg 6 in twelves. Dedicated to the Marquis of Buckingham, With a copy of verses by George Chapman, Grenv. Coll. COFFEE. The Nature of the drink Kauhi, or Coffe, and the Berry of which it is made, De- scribed by an Arabian Phisitian. Ox- ford, Printed by Henry Hall . . . 1659. 8^, 4 leaves. COGAN, THOMAS. The Haven of Health, Chiefly made for the comfort of Students. . . . Hereunto is added a Preservatiue from the Pestil- ence : With a short Censure of the late sicknesse at Oxford . . . Imprinted at London by Richaid Field for Bonham Norton. 1596. 4^ black letter. IT, 8 leaves : A — S in eights. The dedication to Seymour, Earl of Hert- COKAIN. COLCHESTER. ford, contaius an interesting reference to Sir Thomas Elyot. The Haven of Health. . . . London, Printed by Melch. Bradwood for lohn Norton. 1605. 4*^, black letter. Pre- fixes, 8 leaves : A — S in eights. The Haven of Health. . . . London, Printed by Melch. Bradwood for lohn Norton. 1612. 4^. Title, &c., 8 leaves : A — S in eights. COKAIN, SIR ASTON. The Obstinate Lady, . . . 1657. Mr. "SVallis of Derby observes to me : " There is a Derbyshire tradition that Jaques, the serving man, is a ' sketch from nature,' from the Ashborne district. "See tlie preface to the 'Poems' of the same author for an angry exposure of 'Mr. Wilham Godbid' for imnting the ' Obstinate Lady' (as above") without the author's sanction. The concluding ten lines (ed. 1657) are spurious : — ' And though that Comed3%' says Cokain, ' be very much of it \vrit in number, he [Godbid] put it forth as if the most part of it were prose .' Maidment and Logan have not noted a third of the va7'iatiuns occurring in the subsequent editions." COKE, SIR EDWARD. An Exact Abridgment in English, Of the eleven Books of Reports of the Learned Sir Eilward Coke, Knight . . . Com- posed by the Judicious Sir Thomas Ire- land, Knight, late of Grayes Inne, . . . London, Printed by M. Simmons, for Matthew Walbancke, . . . and H. Twv- ford . . . 1650. S*', A— li in eights, li 8 bhink, and a, 3 leaves. The First Part of the Institvtes. . . . The Fourth Edition, corrected. London, . . . Anno 1639. Folio, A — 4 Bin sixes, and 4C, 4 leaves. With portraits of Little- Ion and Coke, and a genealogical Table. COLCHESTER. A true Copy of a Letter from divers Ministers about Colchester in the County of Essex, To the Assembly of Divines, against a Toleration, Printed at London by John Field. March 7. 1645. A sheet. B. M. loyfuU Newes from Colchester Declar- ing, The ])roceedingH of the Kings Forces, iin«ler the (Command of (jenerall Lucas, against the Parlianient.Force.s Commanded by the Lord (Jen, Fairfax, and the siic- ccsse and atchivements of the said Army. With their severall Fights and Skir- mishes, . . . Likewise, a Letter .sent from (Jen. Lucas, to the Lord (Jenerall Fair- fax , . . London, Printed for generall satisfaction of all lovall and true liearted Subjects. 1648. 4"^ 4 leaves. A Letter sent to the Honorable William Lenthal, Esq. Speaker of the honorable House of Commons. With severall Let- ters from the Lord Norwich, Lord Capel, Sir Charles Lucas, and their agree- ment for the Delivery of the Tovn of Colchester. The Petition of the Major and Aldermen of the Town ; And the Generals Answer. With the Results of the Counsell of War. London : Printed for John Partridge. 1648. 4*^, 4 leaves. A True and Exact Relation of the taking of Colchester, Sent in a Letter from an Officer of the Army, (who M'as present during the siege in that service,) to a Member of the House of Commons. With a List of the Ordnance, . . . and an ac- count of the Cause of giving no Quarter to Sir Charles Lucas, and Sir George Lyle, London, Printed bv Robert White for lohn Partri[d]ge. 1648. 4^*, 4 leaves. The Remonstrance and Declaration of the Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, and Free- holders, in Colchester, Now in Amies for the King and Kingdome. [London] Printed in the Yeere 1648 [July 6.] 4°, 4 leaves. A Letter sent To the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honor- able House of Commons, of the late Fight at Colchester, And, How the Suburbs of the said Town were fired by the Lord Gor- ing, Lord Capel, Sir Charles Lucas, and the rest of the Enemy. . . . London, Printed for Edward Husband, . . . luly 17, 1648. 4^, 4 leaves. Colchesters Teares : Affecting and Afflict- ing City and Covntry ; Dropping from the sad face of a new Warr, threatning to bury in her own Ashes that wofull Town. Faithfully collected, drawn out into a moderate Relation and Debate, humbly presented to all Free-born Eng- lishmen, By severall ])ersons of Quality. . . . London, Printed for John Bellamy, . . . 1648. [July 31.] 4°, A— B in fours. B. M. Colchester Surrendered to the Lord Gene- rall With the manner of the Agreement : Also a List of the names of the Lords, CoUonells, and other Officers, taken with Dvke Humbleton at Utoxetor on Friday the 25 of Aug. 1648. . . . Printed by Robert Ibbitson, in Sniithlield, . . . 1648. 4", 4 leaves. Articles for the Surrender of Colchester And all the Ordinance, Arms and Am- munition. With a Letter of Submission from the Earle of Norwich, the Lord COLEMAN. 133 COLIGNI. Capell, &c. to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax. Also Tiie taking of the Avhole Party of the Scottish Horse which fled with Duke Hamilton to Utxester in Staf- fordshire. . . . Printed for E. A. 164S. [Aug. 29.] 4^, 4 leaves. COLEMAN, EDWARD. The Tryal of Edward Coleman, Gent, for Conspiring the Death of the King, and the Snbversion of the Government of England, and the Protestant Religion : Who npon Full Evidence was found Guilty of High Treason, and received Sentence accordingly, on Thursday Nov- ember the 28th 1678. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet . . . 1678. Folio, A — Dd, 2 leaves each, A 1 with hnpH- matur. COLES, ELISHA. An English Dictionary: Explaining the difficult Terms that are used in Divi- nity, Husbandry, Physick, Phylosophy, Law, Navigation, Mathematicks, and other Arts and Sciences. Containing many Thousands of Hard Words. . . . Together with the Etymological Deriva- tion of them. ... In a Method more comprehensive, than any that is extant. By E. Coles, Schoolmaster, and Teacher of the Tongue to Forreigners. London, Printed for Samuel Crouch, . . . 1676. 8°, A— Qq 2 in fours. An English Dictionary. ... By E. Coles, Schoolmaster, and Teacher of the Tongue to Foreigners. London : Printed for Peter Parker, . . . 1701. 8", A— Hh in sixes. COLES, WILLIAM. Adam in Eden : Or, Natures Paradise. The History of Plants, Fruits, Herbs and Flowers. With their several Names, whether Greek, Latin or English ; the places where they grow, their Descrip- tions and Kinds. . . . Together with necessary Observations on the seasons of Planting and gathering of our English Simples. ... By William Coles, Her- barist. . . . London, Printed by J. Streater for Nathaniel Brooke . . . 1657. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: Dedication "To the Truly Noble, and Perfect Lover of Learning, Sir William Paston, Knight and Baronet," 1 leaf : (a) — (b) in fours : B — Mmmmm in fours : Nnnnn, 2 leaves : Ooooo, 2 leaves : Ppppp, 3 leaves. COLET, JOHN, Dean of St. PauVs. loannis Coleti Theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, seditio una cum quibusda G. Lilij Grammatices rudimentis. G. Lilij Epi- gramma. . . . Londini, in sedibus Wyn- andi de Worde. Anno, m.d.xxxiiii. 8°, A — F 3 in eights. With the printer's mark on F 3 verso. The English portions are very curious. Rvdimenta Gram[mati]ces, & docendi Methodus, . . scholpe Gypsuychianse per n[obilis]simuni D. Thomam Cardinalem Ebor. feliciter instituta^ quem omnibus aliis totius Anglias scholis prgescripta. [On B occurs a second title :] loannis Coleti Theologi, Olim Decani Divi Pavli, aiditio, una cum quibusdam G. Lilij Grammatices rudimentis. G. Lilij Epi- gramma. . . . Antwerpise, apud Mar- tinum Cesarem. An. m.d.xxxv. Mense August. 8*^. A, 4 leaves (w4th the Metho- dus, &c. : B — G 4 in eights. Lat. aud Engl. Br. Museurn. A 2 is occupied by a short preface ad- dressed by Wolsey to the roasters of Ips- wich school. loannis Coleti Theologi, olim Decani Divi Pauli, £editio, una cum quibusdam G. Lilii Grammatices rudimentis . . . Antwerpise apud Martinum Csesarem. Anno. M.D.xxxvi. Mense lunio. 8^, B — G 4 in eights. Grenv. Coll. There is no sheet A in this copy ; it pro- bably contained the Methodus, &c., on four leaves, as in the impression of 1535. A Sermon of Consecrating and Reforming : made [a.d. 1511] to the Convocation at S. Pauls Church in London, By John Colet, D.D. Dean of the said Church : upon Rom. xii. 2. Be ye reformed, &c. Writ an hun- dred and fiftie years since. To which is now added an Appendix of Dr. Andrews, and Dr. Hammonds solemn petition and advice to the Convocation : wdth his directions to the Laity, how to prolong their happiness. Jo. Coleti cogitationes, quacunque lingua proditas, optarim. Erasmi epist. . . . Printed by J. Field ... for William Morden. 1661. 8^ A— F 4 in eights, A 1 blank. With a preface bv Tho. Smith, dated from Christ's College, Jan. 11, 1661-[2]. COLEWORT, FRANCIS. The Friers Lamenting, For his not Re- penting. Being a Relation of the life and death of Francis Colewort a Frier, who related a little before his death a three-fold Plot of Treason. With his Conversion to the Protestant Religion, at Hungerford in Barkshire. Printed at London, 1641. 4^, 4 leaves. Inverse. COLIGNI, JASPER. The Lyfe of the Most Godly, Valeant Captaine and maintener of the new Chris- COLLKDGE. n\ COLLINS. tian Religion in Fraunce, lasper Colignie Shatilion, sometyme greate Admirall of Fraunce, Translated out of Latin by Arthur Golding. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrollier. 1576. 8^, A— H 6 in eights. Black letter. COLLEDGE, STEPPIEN, iU Protestant Joiner. The Arraignment, Tryal and Condemna- tion of Stephen Colledge for High Trea- son, in Conspiring' the Death of the King, the Levying of "War, and the subversion of the Government, . . . the 17th and 18th of August 1681. London, Printed for Tliomas Basset, . . . 1681. Folio, A — Ee in twos. A Letter written from the Tower by Mr. Stephen Colledge (the Protestant Joyner) to Dick Jaiieways Wife. London : Print- ed for R. J. 1681. A folio leaf. Probably a fictitious imprint. The Last Speech and Confession of Mr. Stephen Colledge, Avho was Executed at ; Oxford on Wednesday August 31. 1681. London, Printed for A. Banks, Anno Dom. 1681. A folio leaf. A Letter from Mr. Stephen Colledge to a Person of Quality, upon his Removal to Oxford, to beTry'd upon an Impeach- ment of High Treason. Printed for Francis Smith . . . 1681. A folio leaf. Chiefly in verse. A Letter concerning the Tryal at Oxford of Stephen Colledge, August 17. 1681. London : Printed for W. Davies. 1681. A folio leaf. A Poem (By way of Elegie) upon Mr. Stephen Colled<^'e, vulgarly known by the jiame of the Protestant Joyner. Lon- don ; Printed for J. Bowen, 1681. A folio leaf. A Modest Reply to a too Hasty and Malicious Libel, Entituled, An Elegy on Mr. Stephen Colledge. . . . London. Printed for R. Jaueway, . . . 1681, Folio. A single leaf. The Speech and Carriage of Stephen Colledge at Oxfonl, before the Castle, on Wednesday August 31. 1681. Taken exactly from his own Mouth at the Place of Execution. London, Printed for Thomas Bas-et at the George in Fleet- street, and J(din Fi.sh at the Golden Tun in the Strand. 1681. Folio, 4 leaves. The Speech and Carriage of Stephen Colledge. No place, &c. 4**, 4 leaves. A True Copy of the Dying Words of ]\rr. Stephen Colledge, left in writing under his own Hand, and confirmed by him at the time of Execution, August 31. 1681. at Oxford. London, Printed for Edith Colledge, 1681. A folio leaf. COLLIER. A Colliers cavetto his frend to perswade, To shewe the like follie his fancie hath made. A ballad. Licensed to Richard Christian, 2 April, 1591, The Colliers misdowtinge of furder strife, Made his excuse to Annet his wief, &c. A ballad. Licensed to R.Jones, 17 April, 1591. COLLIER, JEREMY. A Defence of the Absolution Given to Sr. William Perkins, At the Place of Execu- tion. April the 3d. [1696.] With a Farther Vindication thereof, Occasioned by a Paper, Entituled a Declaration of the Sense of the Archbishops and Bishops, &;c. 4*^, 8 leaves, subscribed Jferemy] C[ol- lier.] A Short View of the Immorality, and Profaneness of the English Stage. To- gether with the Sense of Antiquity upon this Argument. By Jeremy Collier, M.A. London, Printed for S, Keble, . , . 1698, 8", A— T in eights. COLLINGS, JOHN. Par Nobile. Two Treatises. The one, concerning the Excellent Woman, Evin- cing a person fearing the Lord, to be the most Excellent Pers(m : Discoursed more privately upon occasion of the Death of the Right Honourable the Lady Frances Hobart, late of Norwich, from Pro. 31, 29, 30, 31. The other, Discouering a Fountain of Comfort and Satisfaction, , . . dis- coursed ... at the Funeral of the Right Honourable, the Lady Katharine Courten, preached at Blicklin, in the County of Norfolk, March 27. 1652. With the Nar- ratives of the holy Lives and Deaths of these two Noble Sisters. By J[ohn] C[ol- ling.-^] D.D. late Minister of the Gospel in Norwich. London, Printed in the Year 1669. 8°, A— U in eights. Dedicated to Lady Frances Hobart, relict of Sir John Hobart, of Blicklin. COLLINS, Collins and the Devill. A ballad. Li- censed to Edward Blackmore, 14 Decem- ber, 1632. COLLINS, ANNE. Divine Songs and Meditations Com- posed by An Collins. London, Printed by R. Bishop. Anno Doni. 1653. Small 4 COLLI.XS. 135 COMENIUS. v:e.lL A, 4 leaves : B— G in eifrlits. Br'd- B. A. Poetica, 1815, £18, resold Midgley, 1818, £10, 10s., resold Sykes, 1824, £8, 53., resold Heber, 1834, £4, 6s. Lowndes cites Restituta, by Brydges, iii. 12.S. The edition there named is this of 1053. No other is known. COLLIXS, HERCULES, 0/ ^Yal^'piwJ. Three Books : viz. I. The Scribe instructed rmto the King- dom of Heaven. II. Mountains of Brass : or, A Discourse upon the Decrees of God. III. A Poem on the Birth, Life, Deatli, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. London, Printed and sold by the Author at Wapping, and R. Mount at the Postern on Tower-Hill, 1696. 12°, A— E 4 in twelves. In verse. COLLINS, JOHX. Salt and Fishery, A Discourse thereof Insisting on the following Heads, 1. The several ways of making Salt in England, and Foreign Parts. ... By Jolm Collins, Accomptant to the Royal Fishery Com- pany. E Reg. Soc. Philomath. London, Printed by A. Godbid, and J. Plavford, . . . 1682. 4*^, A— V in fours. Dedi- cated to Sir James Shaen, Kt. and Bart. Surveyor General of Ireland. COLLOQUIA. Coll oq via et Dictionariolvm Septem Lin- gvarvm, Belgicse. Anglicse, Tevtonicse, Latinse, Italicee, Hispanicse, Gallicae . . . Leodii Apud Henricum Houium, 1591. Cvm Privilegio. 8°, A — Z in eights, and a — m 5 in eights. The colophon in this copy is : Leodii Apud Henricum Houium, 1589. Colloqvia et Dictionariolvm octo Lin- guarum, Latin ae, Gallicse, Belgicae, Teu- tonics?, Hispanicse, Italicae, Anglicoe, et Portugallicee . . . Amstelodami . . . 1631. Oblong 8°, A — Aa in eights, the last leaf blank. COLTHROP, SIR HENRY, KnigU. The Liberties Usages, and Customes of the City of London ; Confirmed by espe- ciall Acts of Parliament . . . Collected by Sir Heni-y Colthrop, Knight, sometime Recorder of London, for his private use, and now publislied . . . London, Printed by B. Alsop for Nicholas Vavasour . . . MDCXLii. 4°, A — D 2 in fours. Reports of Special Cases Touching several Customs and Liberties of the City of London. Collected by Sir H. Cal thorp Knight, sometimes Recorder of London. Whereunto is annexed divers Ancient Customes and Usages of the said City of London. London : Printed for Abel Roper ... 1670. 8'^ A, 4 leaves : B— O in eights, 8 blank. COLVILL, SAMUEL. Whifjgs Supplication, A Mock-Poem. In Two Parts. By Sam. Colvill. Edinburgh, Printed in the year, mdcxcv. 8^, A— H in eights. The Whiggs Supplication . . . London : Printed for James "Woodward, in St. Christophers Church-Yard, in Thread- needle-street, and John Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, 1710. 12°, A— Q in sixes, Q 6 blank. COLYNET, ANTHONY. The True History of the Ciuill Warres of France, betweene the French King Henry the 4. and the Leaguers Gather'd from the yere of our Lord 1585, vntill this present October. 1591. By Antony Colynet. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Thomas Orwin, for Thomas Woodcock, . . . 1591. AP. A, 4 leaves : B — Nn 3 in eights. COMBAT. A pleasant ballad of a combat betwene a man and his wyfe for the breches. Li- censed to Robert Bourne, 27 August, 1591. A discours of Combattes occasioned by the lamentable and vntymely end of Sir George Wharton and master James Stu- ard. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 30 June, 1613. COMEDY. The Weekly Comedy, Dayly Acted at most Coffee-Houses in London. Numb. 1. From Wednesday May 10 to Wed- nesday May 17, 1699. [to be continued weekly.] London, Printed by J. How, ... A folio leaf. A description of the characters frequent- ing such houses. COMENIUS, JOHN AMOS. Joh. Amos Commenii Orbis Sensvalivm Pictus : . . . London, Printed by T. R. for S. Mearne, Bookbinder to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1672. 8°, A— X in eights. With the same cuts. Janua Linguarum Reserata . . .The Gate of Languages Unlocked . . . [With Additions by G. P.] London, Printed by James Young for Thomas Slater . . . 1647. 8°. A, 4 leaves : (a)— (c 4) in eights : B — Aa in eights. The English translator was Thomas Home. COMES. 36 COMMONWEA L TH. Janua Linguarum Reserata . . . London, Printed by'Edw. Griffin and Will. Hunt, for Tliomas Slater . . . 1652. 8^, A— Cc in eights, last leaf blank. In two columns. With a portrait. Janua Linguarum Eeserata . . . The Gate of Languages Unlocked . . . Lon- don, Printed by E. Cotes, for the Com- pany of Stationers, 1667. 8«, A— Cc 7 in eights. Janua Linguarum Trilinguis . . . Londini, Ex Officina Eogeri Danielis ClO. lOC LXii. 8". Title, &c., 6 leaves : engrav- ings, 8 folded leaves : A — S 4 in eights, last two leaves blank. Printed in three columns. COMES AMORIS. Comes Amoris ; Or The Companion of Love. Being a Choice Collection of the Newest Songs now in Use. With a Thorow Bass to each Song for the Harpsi- chord, Theorbo, or Bass- Viol. London, . . . 1687-94. Folio. Five Books. Book First, A — L, 2 leaves each : Book Second, A — H, 2 leaves each : Book Third, A — H, 2 leaves each : Book Fourth, A — I, 2 leaves each : Book Fifth, A — K, 2 leaves each. COMET. Certen notable effectes of the comet. Licensed to R. Jones, 24 March, 1578-9. The Petitioning-Comet : Or, a brief Chro- nology of all the Famous Comets, and their Events, that have happen'd from the Birth of Christ, to this very day. Together with a Modest Enquiry into this present Comet. London : Printed by Nat. Thompson, . . . 1681. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. COMMANDMENTS. A newe ballett of iiij of the commande- mentes. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1561-2. A ballett declarynge how evell we do kepe the Lordes tenne conimandementes. Licensed to J. Charlwood in 1562-3. Thre conimandementes and lessons of old Cato, as he lay ujxjn his Death Bedd. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1566-7. The X commandementes in welshe. Li- censed to W. Griffith in 1567-8. The X commandementes in Spanysshe. Licensed to Henry Deuham in 1668-9. The table of the Tenne Commande- mentes with the pictures of Muses and Aaron. Licensed to John AVolf, 14 May, 1694. COMMONWEALTH. A Narrative and Declaration of the Dan- gerous Design Against the Parliament & Kingdom, Carried out in the County of Kent and elsewhere, under the spurious pretence of Petitioning. Also a Declara- tion (published in the name) of the Counties of Kent, Essex, Middlesex, Surrey, to the Army under the Command of the Lord Fairfax. Together with several Papers of dangerous consequence, and Observations thereupon . . . Lon- don, Printed for Edward Husband, . . . June 8. 1648. 4°, A— C 3 in fours. The Humble Advice and Earnest De- sires of certain well-affected Ministers, Lecturers of Banbury in the C(Uinty of Oxon., and of Brackly in the County of Northampton, To his Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax, Generall of the Forces raised by the Authority of Parliament ; and to the Generall Councell of Warre. Presented January 25. 1649. by two of the Subscribers. Also, A Letter to the Reverend Ministers of the Gospel -within the Province of London, dated the 21 of this instant January . . . London, Printed for lames Boler . . . 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. The Several Speeches of Duke Hamilton Earl of Cambridg, Henry Earl of Hol- land, and Arthur Lord Capel, upon the Scaffold immediately before their Execu- tion, on Friday the 9. of March. Also the several Exhortations, and Conferences with them, upon the Scaffold, bv Dr. Sibbald, Mr. Bolton, & Mr. Hodges. ^Pub- lished by special Authority. London, Printed for Peter Cole, Francis Tyton, and John Playford. 1649. 4°, A— F 2 in fours. Without cuts. A Bloody Fight in Hartford-shire, Be- tween the Parliaments Forces, and the Club Royalists, on Tuesday last, with the particulars thereof, and a Narrative of the barbarous Actions that were then put in execution. Also A bloudv Fight at Bristol, between the Butchers, and the Lord Lieutenant Cromwels forces designed for Ireland ; . . . and joyfuU Newes from the siege at Dublin, and the King of Scots his Fleet at King- sale. London, Printed for R. W. Anno MDCXLix. 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. The Bounds & bonds of Publique Obedi- ence Or, A Vindication of our lawfull submission to the present Government . . . London printed for John Wright . . . 1649. 4", A— I 2 in fours. The Hunting of the Foxes from New- Market and Triploe-IIeaths to White- coMJ/OM I '/-:a l th. ^Zl COMMOXWEA L TH. Hall, By five small Beagles (late of the Armie.) Or the Grand-Deceivers Uu- iiiasked (that you may know them.) Directed to all the Free-People of Eng- land, but in especiall, to all that have, and are still engaged in the Military Service of the Conmion- Wealth. By Robert Ward, Thomas Watson, Simon Grant, George Jellis, and William Sawyer, late members of the Army. Who upon the Sixtli of March in the Xew-Pallace- yard, Westminster, were forced to ride with their faces towards their Horse- Tails, had their swords broken over their heads, and were cashiered for petitioning the Parliament for relief of the oppressed Common-wealth, and delivering an ac- count thereof to the Generall. Printed in a Court of Freedome, right oppo.-ite to the Councel of War. Anno Domini. 1649. 4«, A— D 2 in fours. The Peoples Right Briefly Asserted. London, Printed for the Information of the Commonalty of England, France, and all other neiglibor Nations, that groan under the oppression of Tyrannical Go- vernment, 1649. 4^, 4 leaves. A Relation of the Engagement of the Fleet of the Commonwealth of England under the Command of Gen. Blake, Gen. Deane, and Gen. Monke. With the Dutch Fleet, under the Command of Van Trump. . . . And the particulars of all the three Fights on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday last. And the Glorious Victory in taking, sinking, and totall dispersing the Hollanders Fleet, which was between four and 500 Saile. , . . London. Printed for Robert Ibbitson . . . 1653. 4^, 4 leaves. A True State of the Case of the Common- wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging. In reference to the late established Govern- ment by a Lord Protector, and a Parlia- ment. , . . Presented to the Publick, for the satisfaction of others. London, Printed by Tiio. Newcomb, . . . 1654. 4°, A— G in fours, G 4 blank. A Further Narrative of the Passages of these times in the Common- Wealth of England. An Act for renouncing and disanulling the pretended Title of Charles Stnart ; and for the taking away of the Court of Wards and Liveries, the Judg- ment of the House of Commons, j^ro nounced by Mr. Speaker against James Naylor the Quaker ; With the Triall of Miles Sindercomb, . . . Feb. 9, 1656. . . . Printed by M. S. for Thomas Jenner, at I the South entrance of tlie Royall Ex- change. 4° A, 2 leaves: B—H in fours. I With engravings on the letterpress. i This tract includes an account of some of the victories of Blake, the installation of \ Cromwell, the taking of Mardike, concluding I with the dissolution of ParUament, Feb. 4 1 1657. A Modest Plea, for an equal Common- wealth, against Monarchy. In which the genuine Nature, and true Interest of a Free State is briefly stated ; Its Con- sistency with a National Clergie, Here- ditary Nobility, and Mercenary Lawyers, is examined ; Together with "the Expe- diency of an Agrarian Law and Rotation of Otflces Asserted. Also, An Apology for Younger Brothers, the Restitution of Gavil-Kinde, and Relief of the Poor. With a Lift at Tithes, and Reformation of the Laws and Universities. * All ac- commodated to Publique Honour and Justice, without injury to any mans Pro- priety: and humbly tendered to the Par- liament. By a Lover of his Country, in order to healing the Divisions of the Times. . . . London, Printed for Giles Calvert . . . 1659. S*", A— K 4 in eights. A Word to Purpose : Or, A Parthian Dart Shot back to 1642, and from thence shot back again to 1659, swiftly glancing upon some remarkable Occurrences of the Times : and now sticks fast in two sub- stantial Queries. 1. Concerning the Le- gality of the Second Meeting of the Long- Parliament - Members. Also, A Fools Bolt shot into Walliiigford House; by as good a Friend to England, as any is there, concerning A Free State. The second Im- pression, with Addition. Printed 1659. 4^, A— B in fours. A Lively Pourtraiture of the Face of the Common - Wealth, Exactly drawn by Lewis the Fourth, of France, of Famous Memory. Printed in the year, 1659. 4'^, A — B in fours. A Brief Account of the Meeting, Pro- ceedings, And Exit of the Committee of Safety. Taken in Short-hand, by a Clerk to the said Committee. Londo7i • Printed for Thomas Williamson. 1659. 4°, A— C in fours. Loyalty Banished : Or England in Mourn- ing. Being a perfect Narrative of the present Aflairs and Proceedings, between, divers Members of Parliament, and M. Wil. Prynne, neer the Lobby at West- minster. With the several Speeches made in the House ... As also jMr. Prynnes COMMONWEALTHS. 138 CONFESSION. I demands to the Parliaiuent, . . . Printed ill the Year, 1659. AP, 4 leaves. A Review and Examination of a Pam- phlet lately published, Bearing the Title of Protectors no Siibverter?, and Presbyterie no Papacy, &c. By some lovers of the Interests of Christ in the Church of Scot- laud. Edinburgh, Printed Anno Dom. 1659. 4*^, A— S 2 in fours. A Brief Narrative of that Stupendious Tragedie Late intended to be Acted by the Satanical Saints of these Eeforming Times. Humbly presented to the King's most Excellent Majesty. Also, An Im- partinl Account of the Indictment, Ar- raignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Tlnmias Yonge, George Philips, Francis Stubbs, James Hind . . . at Justice-Hall in the Old-Baily, London, Decemb. 11, 1662. .Together Avith the Confessions, Speeches, and Prayers of George Philips, ... at tiie Place of Execution on Mon- day, Decemb. 22, 1662. Exactly taken in Short-Hand Characters, by the same Person that wrote the late Kings Judges Trvals. London, Printed for Charles Acfams . . . 1662. 4*^, A— B in fours : D— N in fours. COMMONWEALTHS. The prayse and commendacion of snche as sought comenwelthes : and to the cotrary / the ende and discommendacion of such as sought priuate welthes Gathered both out of the Scripture and Phylozo- phers. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Anthony Scoioker Dwelling in the Sauoy rets. Wythout Teniplebarre. Cum priui- legio. 8^, A— B 4 in eights. COMMUNION. The Forme and maner of examination before the admission to y® tabill of y® Lord, vsit be y^ Ministerie of Edinburgh. And geuin to y® Maisteris of euerie fami- lie : yat be ye oft reading yairof, yai may be ye better instructit in ye groundis & principall yeidis of Religion. Imprentit at Eilinburgh. By Henrie Charteris. Anno, M.D.LXxxi. Cum Priuilegio Regali. S'', black letter, A— C in eiglits. D. Laing, 1879, No. 1205. COMPANIONS. The lovial Companions or IMcrry Club being A Choice Collection of the Newest and most Diverting Catches for three & fcnir Voices together with the most cele- brated Catches Compos'd bv the late M"". Ilen^ Purcell & D"". IMow. . . . Lon- don Printed for I. Walsh & P. Randall. . . . Folio, pp. 22, besides the title and table. The lovial Companions or Merry Club being a Choice Collection of the Newest and most Diverting Catches for three & four Voices Together with the most Cele- brated Catches Compos'd by the late M^ Hen^ Purcell & D'". Blow all fairly En- graven & Carefully Corrected. London' Printed for and sold by I: Walsh . . . Folio. Title and Table, 2 leaves : the text, 22 leaves numbered. At the foot of the title, in the present copy, is pasted a slip with "Sold by lohn Barret Musical Instrument Maker at the Harp and Crown in Coventry Street near Piccadilly. " COMPLAINT. A complaynte betwene nede and poverte. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1565-6. An lamentable complaynte of a gent, for the Death of his moste FaythfuU mis- tres. A ballad. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1569. CONCEITS. ' The Booke of prety conceites, both partes. Assigned by Ralph Blower to Miles Flesher, 26 August, 1617. CONESTAGIO, JEROME. The Historic of the Vniting of the King- dom of Portvgall to the Crowne of Castill : Containing the last warres of the Portu- gals against the Moores of Africke, the end of the house of Portugall, and change of that Gouernment. The description of Portugall, . . . Imprinted at London by Arn. Hatfield for Edward Blount. 1600. Folio, A — Ff 4 in sixes. Dedicated by Edward Blount to Henry Earl of Southampton, whom Blount in- forms that the translator was his respected friend, and a gentleman much devoted to his Honour. CONFESSION. A Confession made by a preste which stode vpon y® pyllorye with vij moe. Licensed to John Sampson in 1561. A Brief Fovrme of Confession, instructing all Christian folke how to confesse their sinnes, tSc so to dispose themselues, that they may enioy the benefite of true Penace, dooing the woorthy frutes therof, according to th' vse of Christes Catholique Cliurch. Newly translated into English, and set foorth together with certain other goilly brief Treatises and Praier.s. . . . Antwerpiae, Apud lohannem Foulerum. M.D.LXXVI. Cvm Privih'gio. 12", chieily black letter, A — K in twelves. Lamhetli. A penitent confession, to the tune of th' aged mans dump. A ballad [?] Licensed to R. Jones, 30 August, 1578, % CONFORMITY. CON TA RENO. CONFORMITY. An Exact Catalogue of the Names of the Ministers lately ejected, out of their Livings in several Counties of England, because they could not conform for Con- science sake. London, Printed in the Year, mdclxiii. 4", A — B in fours. A Friendly Debate Between a Con- formist and a Non-conformist. London, Printed for Richard Royston, . . . 1669. BP. A, 4 leaves, including a duplicate title : B— R 4 in eights, R 4 blank. CONGREVE, WILLIAM. The Double Dealer, A Comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal, By their Majesties Servants. "Written by Mr. Congreve. . . . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . . 1694. 4*^. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — L in fours. Dedicated to Charles Montague, one of the Lords of the Trea- sury. The Mourning Muse of Alexis. A Pas- toral. Lamenting the Death of our late Gracious Queen Mary of ever Blessed Memory. By Mr. Congreve . . . London: Printed for Jacob Tonson . . . 1695. Folio, 6 leaves. The Mourning Bride, A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincoln's- Inn-Fields, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Congreve . . . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . 1697. 4'-', a — K 2 in fours, besides the title and half-title. Dedicated to the Princess. Amendments of Mr. Collier's False and Imperfect Citations, i Old Batch elour, &c. From the J Double Dealer, S Love for Love, I Mourning Bride. By the Author of those Plays. [Quot. from Martial and Sallust] London, Printed for J. Tonson . . . 1698. 8^ B — I 4 in eights, besides title and half- title. The Way of the World, A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincoln's- Inn-Fields, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Congreve. . . . London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1700. 4^ A, 3 leaves: a, 2 leaves: B — N 2 in fours. Dedicated to Ralph, Earl of Mountague. CONQUEST. The Spiritvall Conquest, In Five Trea- tises, Enabling all Christian Warriors to conquer themselves, and come to a vicinity with God. [Quot. from Habacuc, 3, 19.] At Paris, m.dc.li. 8°, A— V 2 in eights, but T in fours. With plates. Each part has a separate title. poem. CONSCIENCE. The Remorse of Conscience. W. de Worde. 4*^. Besides the three copies specified in the Handbook, 1867, p. ]f9, a fourth, wanting the title-leaf, was sold among Heber's books, and is now, I believe, in the possession of Mr. Fuller Russell. Owing to the deficiency named, it was inserted in the Heber Catalogue, and in the Hnndbook also, as an independent piece called Tlie Communication beticeen God and Man, ■which occurs as the title in the colophon. Compare Handbook iibi supra. The Heber copy came from Lincoln Cathedral. This production appears to be the work of "^Villiam Lichfield, Parson of All Hal- lows, Thames Street, who died in 1447. Conscience' Crye to all estates in sellings of broom. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 23 July, 1592. Some Queries concerning Liberty of Con- science, directed to William Penn and Henry Care. 4*^, 2 leaves. The Advocate of Conscience Liberty, Or An Apology for Toleration rightly stated: Shewing the Obligatory Injunctions and Precepts for Christian Peace and Charity. B- . Printed, 1673. -X 3 in eights. 8°. A, 4 leaves : CONSTABLE, HENRY. Diana . . . 1592. Licensed to John Charlwood, 22 Sept. 1592. The same . . . 1594. Bindley in 1818, imperfect, £7, 17s. 6d., resold Corser, 1868, £7. This was incor- rectly described in Bindley's Catalogue as dated 1604, and thus led to the belief in a real edition of that year. CONTARENO, GASPARE. The Common- Wealth and Gouemment of Venice. Written by the Cardinall Gaspar Contareno, and translated out of Italian into English, by Lewes Lewkenor Esquire. Nel piu lei vedere cieco With sundry other Collections, annexed by the Translator for the more cleere and exact satisfaction of the Reader. With a short Chronicle in the end, of the liues and raignes of the Venetian Dukes, from the very beginninges of their Citie. London Imprinted by lohn Windet for Edmund Mattes, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Hand and Plow in Fleet- street. 1599. 4°. Title, dedication to the Countess of Warwick, dated from Sel- sey, 11 August, 1598, and complimentary sonnets by Edmund Spenser, Maurice Kyffin, Sir John Harington, &c. 4 leaves : A — Gs in fours. COOK 140 COOKERY. I COOK. The Compleat Cook. Expertly prescrib- ing the most ready wayes, whether Ita- lia°n, Spanish, or French, For dressing of Flesh, and Fish, Ordering of Sauces, or making of Pastry. London : Printed for Nath. Brook, . . . 1G55. 12^ A— F 6 in twelves. This is generally annexed to the Queen's Closet Opened. COOKE, ALEXANDER, Vicar of Leeds. Worke for a Masse-priest. London. Printed by William lones, dwelling in Eed-crosse-street. 1617. 4°, A— B in fours. Saint Avstins Religion : Wherein is mani- festly proued out of the Workes of that Learned Father, who lined neere twelue hundred yeeres V)efore the time of Lvther ; that he dissented from Poperie, and agreed with the Religion of the Protestants, in all tlie maine Poynts of Faith and Doc- trine : Contrary to that Impudent, Erro- nious, and Slanderous Position of the bragging Papists of our Times, who falsly atlirme, wee had no Religion, before the Times of Lvther and Calvin e. Where- vnto is newly added, Saint Avstins Svmme ; In Answer to Mr. lohn Brerely, Priest. London, Printed for lohn Mav- riot, . . . 1623. 4°, A— li in fours, besides f (between F and G), 4 leaves : and a leaf of Errata. Dedicated (in the second portion) by ■\Villiam Crompton, of Brasenose College, Oxford, to George, Duke of Buckingham, from Little-Kimbell, Co. Bucks, of which he was Minister. COOKE, EDWARD. The Character of Warre, Or The Image of Martiall Discipline : contayning many vsefuU directions for Musters & Armes, and the very first principles in Discipline, ... By Edward Cooke. . . . London, Printed l)y Tho: Piirfoot. 1626. 4", A — K in fours, K 4 blank. Dedicated (i) to Edward, Earl of Dorset ; (ii) to several of the officers of the Middle- sex Trained Bands; (lii) to his brother-in- law, Thomas Chainl)eilaiiie. The Pros])ectiue (Jhisse of Warre. Shewing you a glim])s of AVarres Mystery, in her admirable Stratagems, Policies, Wayes ; in Victualling of an Arniie, prouiding Money to pay Souldiers, . . . Furnislu-d witli Argument to encourage, and Skill to instruct, By C. E. War is a Sc/toole of necessary Knoniedge. London : Printed for Michael Sparkc, . . . 1628. 4", A— in fours : H, 2 leaves, and ;i folded leaf after II 2. Woodcuts. Dedicated by Edward Cooke to Sir John Cooke Knight, Principal Secretary of State. COOKE, JOHN. Epigrames. . . . [1604.] Licensed, as the work of John Cooke, to William Cotton, 22 May, 1604. Arber's Transcript, iii. 189. It is highly probable that Cooke was likewise the author of The Ttco Merry Milkmaids, 1620. COOKE, JOHN, of Gray's Inn. King Charls his Case : Or, An Appeal to all Rational Men, Concerning his Tryal at the High Court of Justice. Being for the most part that Avhich was intended to have been delivered at the Bar, if the King had pleaded to the Charge, and put himself upon a fair Tryal, With an additional Opinion concerning the Death of King James, the loss of Rochel, and, the Blood of Ireland. By John Cook, of Grays-Inn, Barrester. London, Printed by Peter Cole ... for Giles Calvert, . . . 1649. 4^, A— F 2 in fours. A True Relation of Mr. Justice Cook's passage by Sea from Wexford to Kinsaile, and of the great Storm, and eminent danger that he with others were in, with the wonderful appearance of the power & goodness of God in their deliverance, according as it was revealed to him in a Dream : As also M. Diedate with other witnesses (in General) opinion concern- ing dreams. . . . All faithfully communi- cated as received from his own hand in the Year, 1650. The 2^. Edition, London, Printed and are to be Sold by T. B. . . . 4°, A— B in fours. B. M. COOKERY. The good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin. Containing Manie principall pointes of Cookerie, as well how to dresse meates, after sundrie the best fashions vsed in England and other Countries, with their apt and proper sawces, both for flesh and fish, as also the orderly seruing of the same to the Table. Here- unto are annexed, sundrie necessarie Conceits for the preseruation of health. Uerie meete to be adioined to the good Huswifes Closet of prouision for her Houshold. (Woodcut.) Imprinted at London by Richard lones. 1594. 8*^, black letter, A — H in eights. In prose. Douce Coll. A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen. Or, The Art of preseruing, Conseruing, and Candying. With the manner how to make diuers kindes of Sirups, and all kinde of banquetting stulfes. Also diuers Soueraiune Medicines and Salues COOPER. 141 COPPE. lor sundrie Diseases. London, Printed by I lohu Haviland. 1630. Sm. 8°. A— H \ in twelves. In prose. Bouce Coll. 1 A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen. 1 , . . London, Printed by lohn Haviland. I 1632. 12'^, A— H in twelves. Printed within borders, A Closet for Ladies. . . . London, Printed by lohn Haviland. 1635. Sm. 8^, A— H in twelves, H 12 blank. Printed Mithin ' woodcut borders. COOPER, THOMAS, Bishop of Winches- ter. Thesavrvs Lingvae Romance k Britan- nicas, tarn accurate congestus, vt nihil peiie in eo desyderari possit, quod vel Latine complectatur aniplissimus Ste- phani Thesaurus, vel Anglice, toties aucta Eliotffi Bibliotheca : opera & in- dustria Thomai Cooperi Magdalenensis. . . . Accessit Diction arivm Historic vm et poeticum. . . . Excvsum Londini in AEdibvs quondam Bertheleti, cum priui- ! legio Regina3 maiestatis, per Henricum , AVykes. Anno domini 1565. 16. Martij. Folio. Title, &c., 6 leaves, the last blank : A— 6 S in sixes, 6 S 6 blank : the Dic- tionariura Historicum, &c. A — R in sixes, ' R 6 blank. Thesavrvs Lingvse Romause & Britanniese, . . . Impressum Londini. 1573. Folio. ^, 6 leaves : A — 7 in sixes : 7 P — Q in fours. Thesavrvs LingvsB Romanae . . . ;Im- pressum Londini. 1578. Folio. Title, &c., 6 leaves, first blank : A — 7 Q 4 in j sixes. j Thesavrvs LingvEe Romanae & Britan- { nicae . . . Impressum Londini. 1584. [Col.] Excusum Londini, in sedibus \ Henrici Bynneman Typography Anno | salutis humauae. 1574 \sic.^ Folio. ^, I 6 leaves, first blank : A — 7 M in sixes, ' 7 M 6 blank. Printed in two columns. In one of the Martin Marprelate tracts, reprinted in 1G40, Sign. B 3, the writer charges Cooper with merely taking portioos of the Thesaurus of Robert Stephens, and tacking them on to Elyot. As to the The- saurus itself, it seems to have been thought at the time that it was compiled by one RauQonnet, a poor hackney author. COOPER, THOMAS. Konae Novembris ^ternitati Consecratse In Memoriam admirandae illius libera- tionis Principis, & Populi Anglicani a Proditione Sulphurea. Hac est Dies quam fecit Dominus . . . Psal. 118, 24. Oxonise, Excudebat losephus Barnesius An. Dom. 1607. 4^. IF— 3 IT in fours : A— Q 2 in fours. Br. Museum. The Mystery of Witch-Craft. Discouer- ing, The Truth, Nature, Occasions, Growth and Power thereof. Together, With the Detection and Punishment of the same. As also, The seuei al Stratagems of Sathan, ensnaring the poore Soule by this despe- rate practize of annoyicg the bodie : with the seuerall Yses thereof to the Church of Christ. ... By Thomas Cooper. Lon- don, Printed by Nicholas Okes. 1617. 8^, A— Bb in eights, Bb 8 blank. Dedi- cated to the Mayor and Corporation of Chester. The Cry and Reuenge of Blood. Express- ing the Nature and haynousnesse of wilfull Murther. Exemplified in a most lamentable History thereof, committed at Halsworth in High Suflblk, and Lately Conuicted at Bury Assizes, 1620. Lon- don, Printed by Nicholas Okes, for lohn Wright, dwelling in Pie-corner 1620. 4^, A — I in fours. Black letter. With a woodcut on title and another on I 2. Dedicated by Cooper to Sir H. Montagu. COOTE, EDWARD. The English Schoolmaster . . . London, Printed by William Leybourn, for the Company of Stationers, 1662. 4°, chiefly black letter, A — L in fours. The English School-Master . . . Printed by T. Hodgkin for the Company of Sta- tioners. 1704. 4P, A — K in fours. Partly black letter. On the 28th June, 1602, Cuthbert Burby and Robert Dexter were fined for printing this work without license. Arber, ii. 399. COPE. ANTHONY. The Hystory of . . . Annibal and Scipio : ... At London Printed by Willy am How. Anno. 1596. 8^ black letter, A — Hh in eights, and IT, 4 leaves be- tween A and B. COPPE, ABIEZER. A Fiery Flying Roll : A Word from the Lord to all the Great Ones of the Earth, whom this may concerne : Being the last Warning Piece at the dreadfuU day of Judgement ... all by his Most Excellent Majesty, dwelling in, and shining through Auxilium Patris, alias, Coppe. With another Flying Roll ensuing . . . Im- printed at London, . . . 1649 [Jan. 4, 1649-50.] 4°, A— C in fours. Br. Mu- seum. A Second Fiery Flying Roule : To all the Inhabitants of the earth, specially to the rich ones. . . . Per Auxilium Patris. COPPINGER. 142 CORNELIUS. Printed in the Yere 1649. 4°, A— C in lours. Br. Museum. Copps Return to the waves of Truth : In a Zealous and sincere Protestation Against severall Errors And in a Sincere and zealous Testimony to severall Truths : ... By Abiezer Coppe, the [Supposed] Author of the Fiery flying Eoll. . . . London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1651. 4°, A— E in fours. B. M. A Remonstrance of the sincere and zealous Protestation of Abiezer Cojipe, Against the Blasphemous and Execrable Opinions recited in the Act of Aug. 10, 1650. . . . Per me, Abiezer Coppe,— de Newgate. Which is as a Preamble to a farther future Declaration . . . London, Printed by James Cottrell. 1651. 4^^, 4 leaves. B. M. COPPINGER, MATTHEW. Poems, Songs and Love -Verses, upon several Subjects. London, Printed for R. Bentley and M. Magnes . . . 1682. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— I 4 in eights, I 4 blank. Dedicated to the Duchess of Portsmouth. CORBET, SIR ANDREW. An epitaphe vppon the death of Sir Andrewe Corbet. Licensed to John Cliarlwood, 3 Dec. 1578. CORBET, JOHN. An Historicall Relation of the Military Government of Gloucester: From the )>eginning of the Civill Warre Betweene King and Parliament to the removall of Colonel 1 Massie from that Government to the Command of the We.-^terne Forces. By John Corbet Preacher of Gods Word. Publislied by Authoritv, London, Printed by M. B. for Robert Bostock . . . 1645. 4**, A — S in fours. Dedicated to the Mayor, &c., of Gloucester. Copies occ.'isioiially have an extra leaf with verses upon Colonel Massey and the siege of Cloucester. CORDERIUS, MATURINUS. Corderius Dialoges to be printed in P^rench and English. Licensed to John AVindet, 26 Feb. 1590-1. CORDIALS. Les Qualre Dern-nieres Glioses Avenir. [\V. Caxtoii, c/ra2 1475.] Folio, 72 leaves, the first blank. In ])rost'. Without sig- natures, &c. Br. Museum. Cordyale Or The Four last Things. W. Caxton, I^Iarch 24^'' 1479. Folio, 78 leaves, first and last bhmk. In prose. rubl. Lib. Cambridge, Ilunterian Museum Glasgow, Althorp, Ham House, and Brit- well. COREY, JOHN. A Cure for Jealousie. A Comedy. As it was Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns-lnn-Fields, By His Majesty's Servants . . . London: Printed for Richard Harrison ... 1701. 4^, A — H in fours. Dedicated to Edmund FuUwood, Esquire. CORKIN, JOHN. John Corkins fairinge for maydens and wives, &c. Licensed to John Charlwood, 20 Aug. 1578. CORNEILLE, T. and PIERRE. The Extravagant Sheepherd. A Pastorall Comedie, Written in French by T. Cor- neille. Englished by T. R. 1654. Horat. Aut prodesse solent, aut delectare Poetce. London, Printed by J. G. for Tho. Heath, dwelling in Russel Street in Covent- Garden near the Piazza. 1654. 4^, A, 2 leaves : B — I in fours, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Mrs. Joanna Thornhill, wife of Colonel Richard Thornhill of Ollantigh in Kent. Heraclius Emperour of the East. A Tragedy. Written in French by Monsieur de Corneille. Englished by Lodowick Carlell, Esq; London, Printed for John Starkey . . . 1664. 4P, A— I in fours, A blank, and I 4 with advertisements. The Mistaken Beauty, Or The Lyar. A Comedy. Acted By their Majesties Ser- vants at the Royal Theatre. London Printed for Simon Neale, . . . mdclxxxv. 4''. A, 2 leaves : B— H 2 in fours. An adaptation from Le Men tear of Cor- neille. CORNELIUS, PETER, of Zurich -Zee [.^ jyseud.'j Tiie Way to the Peace and Settlement of these Nations, Fully discovered in two Letters, delivered to his late Highnesse, and one to the present Parliament, As also one to his Highnesse Richard Lord Protector . . . Wherein the liberty of speaking (which every one desires for himselfe) is opposed against Antichrist , . . And now published to awaken the ])ublick Spirits in England . . . London, Printed lor Daniel White . . . 1659. 4'\ A — D in fours. CORNELIUS NEPOS. Tlie Lives of Illustrious Men. Written in Latin by Corn. Nepos, And Done into English l)v Several Hands. Oxon, Printed for Hen. Cruttenden, . . . 1684. 8''. a, 8 CO RX WALL. 143 CO TOR AVE. leaves : *, 4 leaves : b — c, in eights : A — R in eights, besides the frontispiece. Dedicated by Leopold AVilliam Finch to the Earl of Abingdon, Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire. CORNWALL. A sighte in thelement in Cornwall. Tole- rated to R. "Waldegrave, 2 June, 1580. The poore Saylers praise of the parson of Twe in Cornwall, who feedethe the hun- grie, helpeth the sick, cureth the hurt, &c. A ballad licensed to Edward White, under both the wardens' hands, 5 June, 1595. CORNWALLIS, SIR CHARLES. A Discourse of the most Illustrious Prince, Henry, Late Prince of Wales. Written Anno 1626 by Sir Charles Corn- wallis, Knight, someiimes Treasurer of his Highnesse House. London, Printed for lohn Benson, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church yard. 1641. 4*^, A — E in fours, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated by the publisher to Prince Charles. CORNWALLIS, SIR WILLIAM. Essay es. By Sir William Corne-Waleys the younger. Knight. Printed for Ed- mund Mattes, at the signe of the Hand and Plough in Fleet-street. 1600. SmaU 8'', A— 2 in eights. Dedicated by Henry Olney the statiouer to the Lady Sara Hastings, kc. , as in the edition of 1606. Essaves of Certaine Paradoxes. At Lon- don, Printed for Th. Thorp. 1616. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — H 2 in fours. The Paradoxes are four in number, viz. , the praise of King Kichard III., of the French pox, of nothing, and of the state of being in debt. CORONELLI, P. M. An Historical and Geographical Accovnt of the Morea, Negropont, and the Mari- time Places, as far as Thessalonica. Illus- trated with 42 maps of the Countries. . . . Englished by R. W. Gent. London Printed for Matth. Gillyflower . . . and W, Canning . . . 1687. "S*^. A, 4 leaves: B — L in eights. CORPORATIONS. The True Friends to Corporations Vindi- cated ; In Answer to a Letter concerning the Disabling Clauses lately offered to tlie House of Commons for Regulating Corporations. London : Printed in the Year mdcxc. 4P, A — C 2 in fours. CORRARO, ANGELO. Rome Exactly Describ'd, As to the Present State of it, Under Pope Alexander the Seventh. In Two Curious Discourses. Written Originally in Italian, andTrans- lat ed into English . London, Printed by T. Mabb, for Mich. Young, at the blew Bible in Covent Garden ; and J. Starkey, at the Mitre near Temple Bar, and J. Play- fere, at the White Bear in the Upper Walk of the New Exchange, 1664. 8°. Collation : A — H in eights, H 8 blank, besides a portrait of the Pope by Chantry and the general title: the second Discourse, A — E in eights. The first part is: "A Rehition of the State of the Court of Rome, made in the Year 1661, at the Council of Pregadi. By the Most Excellent, the Lord Angelo Corraro, Ambassador from the most Serene Republique of Venice to Pope Alexander VII. Translated out of Italian by J. B. Gent." The second is entitled "A New Relation of Rome, As to the Govern- ment of the City: . . . Taken out of one of the choicest Cabinets of Rome ; and Eng- lished by Gio. Torriano, an Italian . . . ," CORTE, CLAUDIO. The Art of Riding, conteining diuerse necessarie instructions, demonstrations, helps, and corrections apperteining to horsemanship, not heretofore ex]3ressed by anie other Author : Written at large ill the Italian toong, by Maister Claudio Corte, a man most excellent in this Art. Here brietlie reduced into certeine Eng- lish discourses to the benefit of Gentle- men and others desirous of such know- ledge. Imprinted at London bv H. Denham. 1584. 4^. A, 4 leaves T % 2 leaves : B — P in fours. With woodcut.?. Dedicated by T. Bedingfield "To the right worshipfull Maister Henrie Mack- wiUiam, one of her Maiesties Gentlemen Pensioners '' " from the Court at Green- wich, this 18. of Male, 1584." This is signed "Your poore freend and fellow in amies, T. Bedingfield." There is also a dedication by Mackwilliam to her Majesty's Gentlemen Pensioners, and a preface hy Bedingfield. CORYAT, THOMAS. A letter from Thomas Coryate to his Mother. Licensed to John Beale, 2 Oc- tober, 1617. COSBY, ARNOLD. A mournfull Dyttye sliewinge the cruelty of Arnalt Cosby in murderinge the lord Burgh the 14 Januarij 1590. Licensed to E. White, 6 Feb. 1590-1. COSENAGE. A notable warninge towchinge Cosinage. Licensed to T. Nelson, 19 Aug. 1584. A ballad. COTGRAYE, JOHN. Wits lnter])reter, The Engli.sh Parnassus, . . . London. Printed for N. Brook, . . . COTGRA VE. U4 COTTON. 1662. 8", A— LI in eights. With a fron- tispiece. There is no sign. B in the copy before me, which appears to be complete. COTGKAVE, RANDLE. A Frencli-English Dictionary, Compird ])y Mr. Randle Cotgrave : with another in English and French. Whereunto are newly added the Animadversions and Supplements of James Howell Esquire. London, Printed by W. H. for Luke Fawne .... 1650. Folio, (a)— (d) in fours : B— Xxxx 2 in fours : the second part, title and Sherwood's preface, 2 leaves : A — Gg 2 in fours : Ggg, 3 leaves. A French and English Dictionary, Com- posed by Mr. Randle Cotgrave : With Another in English and French. Where- unto are added sundry Animadversions, with Supplements of many hundreds of words never before printed : . . , To- gether, with a large Grammar, consisting of all Gallicisms, with additions of the most usefull and significant Proverbs, Avith other refinements according to Cardinall Richeliev's late Academy. For the furtherance of young Learners, . . . By James Howell. Esqr. Inter Eruditos. . . . London, Printed by William Hunt in Pye-corner, 1660. Folio, (a)— (d) in fours : B— 4 X 2 in fours : the Engl.-Fr Diet. A— 3 F in fours : 3 G, 5 leaves, besides title and Preface. A French and English Dictionary, Com- posed by Mr. Randle Cotgrave : With another in English and French. Where- unto are added Sundry Animadversions, with Supplements of many hundreds of Words never before Printed To- gether with a large Grammar, and a Dialogue consisting of Gallicisms . . . . By James Howell Esq; London, Printed for Anthony DoUe, and are to be sold by Thomas Williams .... mdclxxiii. Folio. A, 4 leaves : a — b, 4 leaves each: B — liiii in fours. This work was licensed to John Bill, Juno 7, 1008, and was then stated to be founded on tlie labours of Claudius Desain- liens or Hollyband. COTTA, JOHN, J/.IA Tlie Lifallible Trve and Assvred Witch: Or, The Second Edition, of the Tryall of Witch-Craft, Shewing the Right and Trve Methode of the IJiscovcrie : With a Confvlation of Erroneovs Wales, Care- fully Reviewed and more fully cleared ami Augmented. ]iy lohn Cotta, Doctor in Physicke. London, Printed by L L. for Richard Higgeubotluim . . . . 1624. 4". 1", 4 leaves : A— X 3 in fours, X 3 w^ith the Errata. Dedicated to Sir James Ley Knight. COTTESFORD, THOMAS. The prayer of the Prophet Daniel, wry tten in the ix chapter of his Prophecies, no lesse Godly then necessary for all men at this present. Oratio Danielis, Cap. ix. Imprinted at London in Temestrete by Hughe Syngelton, at the sygne of the dobbell hood, ouer agaynst the Stylyard. A broadside in verse. Reprinted in Collier's Broadside Ballads, 4°, 1868, from a copy then belonging to Mr. CoUier. A prayer of Dannyell turned into myter by Thomas Cottesforde. A ballad. Li- censed to John Allde in 1569-70. Apparently a reprint of Singleton's edi- tion. COTTON, CHARLES. Scarronides : Or, Virgile Travestie . . . London, Printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1665. 8**, A — K in eights, the last leaf having the printer's mark. Scarronides, Or, Virgile Travestie . . . London, Printed for J. Brome, and sold by Tho. Mercer . . . 1682. 8*^, A— K 4 in eights. Scarronides, Or Virgil Travestie . . . London, Printed by"j. H. for Chr. Co- ningsby, . . . mdcxcii. 8*^, A— G 4 in eights. The Wonders of the Peake. By Charlesi Cotton, Esquire. The Tliird Edition. London : Printed by W. Everingham and Tho. Whitledge, . . . 1694. 8^, A— F in eights, first and last two leaves blank. De Mirabilibus Pecci: Being the Wonders of the Peak in Darby-Shire ... In Eng- lish and Latin e. The Latine Written by Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury. . . . Lon- don, Printed for William Crook . . . 1678. b*', A— F 4 in eights, F 4 blank. The Compleat Gamester: Or, Full and Easy Instructions for playing at above Twenty several Games upon the Cards . . . The Fifth Edition, with Additions. London: . . . 1725. 12°. A, 6 leaves, besides the frontispiece : B — L 4 in tw^elves. The Compleat Gamester : In Three Parts , . . The Sixth P]dition. London: Printed for E. Curll . . . and J. Hodges . . . 1739. 12'^. A, 6 leaves, including a frontispiece: B— P 6 in twelves. The Planter''s Manual, Scarronides, Bur- IcKqitc u;on Burlesque, and the Wonders of COTTON. 145 COURTIER. the Peak, are included in the volume en- titled the Genuine Works, 8°, 1715, with cuts. The MS. of the Battle of Yvry was some years ago in the possession of Mr. Jewitt of Winster, co. Derby. COTTON, JOHN. Singing of Psalmes A Gospel-Ordinance. Or, A Treatise, Wherein are handled these foure Particulars — 1. Touching the Duty it selfe. 2. Touching the Matter to be Sung. 3. Touching the Singers. 4. Touching the Manner of Singing. By John Cotton, Teacher of the Church of Boston in New-England. London ; Printed by M. S. for Hannah Allen. . . . : and John Roth well . . . 1647. 4°, B— K in fours, and the title. COTTON, SIR ROBERT. A Short View of the Long Life and Raigne of Henry the Third, King of England. Presented to King lames. Printed. cIO. lO. cxxvii. 4^, a — f in fours. A portrait of the King usually accom- panies copies. A Short View of the Long Life and Reigne of Henry the third, King of Eng- land. Written some yeares since by a learned and famous Antiquary of this Kingdome, deceased. Presented to King James, of ever blessed memory. London, Printed Anno, 1641. 4^, A— D in fours, first leaf blank. The Histories of the Lives and Raignes of Henry the Third, and Henry the Fourth, Kings of England. Written by Sr. Robert Cotton and Sr. lohn Hayward, Knights. London printed for William Sheares, ... An. 1642. 12°, A— Q in twelves, title on A 2. With portraits of the Kings. An Abstract ovt of the Records of the Tower, Touching the Kings Revenue ; And how they have supported them- selves. By Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet. London, Printed for G. TomUnson, T. A. and A. C. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. Cottoni Posthuma : ... By J. H. Esq; London, Printed by M. C. for C. Harper, . . . . 1679. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— Z in eights. With a portrait of Cotton by T. Cross. An Answer to such Motives as were offer'd by certain Military-Men to Prince Henry, inciting him to affect Arms more than Peace. Made at His Highness Com- mand by Sir Robert Cotton Baronet. With a short View of the Life and Reiun of Henry the Third King of England, by the same Author. The Second Edition, very much Corrected ; To which is an- nexed the French-Charity, or an Essay written in French by an English Gentle- man, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming into England: and translated into English by F. S. J. B. London, Printed for Henry Mortlock . . . 1675. 8^ A, 4 leaves : B — K in eights. With a portrait of Sir R. Cotton by T. Cross. COUNSEL. The Spiritvall Covnsaile / Jesus mattens / Jesus psalter and xv oes. Licensed to John Judson (as one book) in 1558-9. COUNTRY. The Country hath no Pere newly mora- lysed. Licensed to John Tisdale in 1561-2. The Daperest Country man that came to the Courte to wooy. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1562-3. I The Country hath no pere — a. A ballad. ■ Licensed to W. Pickering, 4 Sept. 1564. The Country clowne Doth moche desyre a gent to be. A ballad. Licensed to James Roberts in 1569. The Country-mans Complaint, and Ad- vice to the King. Printed in the Year, 1681. A folio leaf in verse. The Countries Advice to the City ; In a Letter from a Loyal Country Gentleman, to a Loyal Citizen. Printed for Sam. Carr, 1682. A folio leaf. COURT. Modvs tenendi Cvriam Baronis. [Col.] Explicit . . . Impressum Loudini in vico qui vocatur Fletestrete, per me Robertum Redman. Anno Dni. m.d.xxxiii. Cum priuilegio. 8°, A — E in eights, E 8 with the mark. ]\Iodus tenendi vnum Hundredum sine Curiam de Recordo. [Col.] Explicit Modus tenedi vnii hundredum Impres- sum Londini in vico qui vocatur Flete- strete per Willielmu Myddylton. Anno Dhi. M.ccccc.XLVii. Sm. 8°, black letter, 14 leaves. COURTIER. The CoLirtiour and the Carter. A ballad. Licensed to Nicholas Wyer in 1566. The Courtier's Calling : Shewing the Way of making a Fortune, And the Art of living at Court, according to the Maxims of Policy & Morality, in Two Parts. ... By a Person of Honour. London : Printed by J. C. for Richard Tonson, . . . 1675. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B— M 6 in twelves, M 6 blank. K COURTENAY. 146 COVERTE. COURTENAY, [EDWARD ?]. A songe of my lorde Courtenay. Licensed to T. Cohvell in 1562-3. COURTENAY FAMILY. De Stirpe et Origine Domvs de Covrtenay, qvse Coepit a Ludouico Crasso huius no- minis sexto Francorum Rege Sermocina- tio. Cvi Inserti svnt Svpplices libelli Regi ad hanc rem oblati, vna cum repre- seNtatione inris & meritorum prsesentis instantise. Addita sunt responsa cele- berrimorum Europse lurisconsultorum. Parisiis. 1607. 8^. ^,8 leaves : B, 2 leaves : folding genealogical tree : A (re- peated) — L 2 in eights : A (repeated again on leaf after p. 164) — B in eights : A (with Alhertvs, &c.) — B in eights and 2 unpaged leaves, the second blank : Nicolavs Cassi- anvs, &c., A in eights : loannes Baptista Sorcivs, &;c., A — C 2 in eights: Dominicvs Izlondvs, &c., A — B in eights, last leaf blank : Hieronimvs Ghisilerius, &c., A in eights, last leaf blank : Marcvs Antonivs Peregrinus, &c., A in eights : Andreas Fachinevs, &c., a — b in eights : Poly- dorvs Ripa, &c., A^, B^, C^ : Jacobvs Menochivs, A— C in eights, D'^, E^ ; Phi- lippvs Massinivs, A in eights ; loannes Baptista Costa, A — B in eights : Annibal Marescotus, A — C in eights, last leaf blank : Henricus Rosenchall, A — C 4 in eights, C 4 blank : Fredericvs Martini, A — B 2 in eights : Christophorvs Lande- gerer, 4 leaves of A : lacobvs Henno- pelis, A in eights : Georgivs Correctvs, A — C 2 in eights : Dionysivs Gothofre- dus, A — T 2 in eights. COMMON GARDEN. The new Towne or the description of Comon Garden. Licensed to Thomas Lambert, 25 June, 1633. COVENTRY, SIR WILLIAM. Tlie Character of a Trimmer, His Opi- nion of I. The Laws and Government. II. Protection to Religion. III. The Papists. IV. Foreign Afl'airs. By the Honourable Sir W. C. London, Printed in the year mdclxxxviii. 4^, A — F in fours. The Character of a Trimmer . . . The Third Edition, carefully Corrected, and cleared from the Errors of the first Im- pression. London, Printed for Richard Baldwin. . . . mdclxxxix. 4", A— E in fours. A Letter Written to Dr. Burnet, Giving an Account of Cardinal Pool's Secret Powers : From which it appears. That it was never intended to confirm the Aliena- tion that was made of the Abbey-Lauds. To which are added, Two Breves that Card. Pool brought over, and some other of his Letters, that were never before printed. [By Sir W. Coventry.] London, Printed for Richard Baldwin . . . 1685. 4*^, A — E in fours. COVERDALE, MILES. The Christen rule or state of all the worlde from the hyghest to the lowest : and how euery man shulde lyue to please God in hys callynge. Item, the Christian state of matrimony : and how man and wife should kepe house together with loue. Item, the maner of saynge , grace after the holy scripture. [Quot. from 1 Cor. vii.] No place, printer's name, or date. [1543.] 8*^, Black letter. ' Douce Coll. Collation : the Christen Rule, A— F 4 in eights : the Christian State of Matrimony^ : A — M in eights : Christen exhortation^ ' A— E 3 in eights. j At the end of the second portion occurs : ! Anno incarnationis Christi, 1543. I have seen no copy possessing the final piece ] named in the first titlepage, except as an annex to the Christen exhortacion. The first part has 44 leaves, and concludes on \ F 4 recto ; the second occupies 95 leaves. j 2Sro other complete copy is known. The Christen state of matrimony, most necessary & profitable for all the, that , entend to Hue quietly and godlye in the . Christe state of holy wedlock newly set ! forth in Englyshe . . . [Col.] Imprinted ; at London in the house of Johii, Mayler for John Gough. Anno Dni. 1543. ' Cum priuiligio. . . . 8vo, black letter, A — N 4 in eights. The Christian State of Matrimony . . . ' Imprinted at London by John Awdeley. .1 1575. 8°, black letter, A— N in eights, \ last leaf blank. , A christe exhortacion vnto customable ij swearers. ' What a righte & lawfull othe is : whau, and before whom it ought to be. Item. The maner of saying grace, or geuying thakes vnto God. ... [Col] Imprinted at London by Nicholas Hyll, for Abraham Vele. 8°, A— E 4 in eights, E 4 blank. Principally in prose ; but at the end is " A shorte instructio to the worlde," in verse. COVERTE, ROBERT. A Trve and Almost Incredible report of an Englishman, . . . The second I mpres- sion, newly corrected. London Printed by N. O. for Thomas Archer. . . . 1614. 4", black letter, A— K in fours, first and last two leaves blank. COVETOUSNESS. 147 COX. COVETOUSNESS. A ballett against covetous [covetise, i.e. covetousness.] Licensed to Owen Rogers in 1560-1. COWELL, JOHN. A Law Dictionary : . . . First Published by the Learned IJr. Cowel, and now very much Augmented and Improv'd, ... to the Year 1708. With an Appendix con- taining the Antient Names of Places in (that part of Great Britain call'd) Eng- land, . . . London : . . . 1708. Folio. Printed in two columns. The Interpreter of Words and Terms. . . . First Publish'd by ^he Learned Dr. Cowel, in the Year 1607, and continu'd by Tho. Manley of the Middle Temple, Esq; to the Year 16S4. Now further Augmented and Improv'd. . . . London : Printed . . . 1710. Folio. Title and preface to ed. 1684, 2 leaves : a — b, 2 leaves each : B — Z in fours : Aaa — Ssss, 2 leaves each. Printed in two columns. COWLEY, ABRAHAM. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley . . . London, Printed by J. M. for Henry Her- ringman, . . . 1669. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : a — c in fours : B — 3 D 2 in fours : verses written on several occasions, A — T 2 in fours. With a portrait by W. Faithorne. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley . . . The Fourth Edition. London, Printed by J. M. for ■ Henry Herringman . . . 1674. Folio. Tide and portrait, 2 leaves : a — c in fours : B — T 2 in fours. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley . . . The Fifth Edition. London, Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, . . . 1678, Folio. Title and portrait : a — c in fours : B — Zzz 2 in fours. 1 The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. I Consisting of those which were formerly I Printed : And those which he Design'd ' for the Press. Now Published out of the Authors Original Copies. London, Printed by J. M. for Henry Hemngman . . . 1681. 8^. A— C 8 in twelves : then 4 leaves irregularlv signed under C (pp. 3-10) : D— H in twelves. A scarce edition, printed in pocke'S-size for persons who did not care for folio books. It contains, however, the Miscellanies and Mistress only. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. , . . The Eighth Edition. London : Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman . . . 1684. Folio. Title and portrait, 2 leaves : a — c in fours : B — Zz 2 in fours. Two titlepages were printed to this edition. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowlev . . . The Eighth Edition. London, Pnnted for Henry Herringman, . . . mdcxciii. Folio. With a portrait. *, 4 leaves, in- cluding a duplicate title dated 1688, a— c in fours : B — Yyy in fours, sign. C in duplicate : the Cutter of Coleman Street, A — K in fours, K 4 blank. The Second Part of the Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley . . . The Fifth Edition. London : Printed by Mary Clark for Charles Harper. . . . mdclxxxiv. Folio. Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : A — Y 1 in fours. The Mistresse, Or Seuerall Copies of Love- Verses. Written by Mr. A. Cowley. — Hceret lateri lethalis arundo. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . Anno Dom. 1647. 8°, A— H in eights, H 8 blank. The Guardian ; A Comedie. Acted before Prince Charls His Highness at Trinity- Colledg in Cambridge, upon the twelfth of March, 1641. Written by Abraham Cowley. London, Printed for John Hol- den . . . 1650. 4^, A— F in fours. Printed in two columns. Ode, Upon the Blessed Restoration of His Sacred Majestie, Charls the Second. By A. Cowley. [Quot. from Virgil — Quod optanti . . .] London, Printed for Henrv Herringman . . . Anno. Dom. 1660. 4°, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. A Vision, concerning his late Pretended Highnesse Cromwell, the Wicked. Con- taining a Discourse in Vindication of him by a pretended Angel, aiid the Confuta- tion thereof by the Author. Virgil. — Sua cuiq; Deus jit dira Libido {sic). London, Printed for Henrv Herringman, . . . 1661. 8° or 12*^. A— D 9 in twelves. In prose and verse. A. Covleii Plantarum Libri duo. — Habeo quod Carmine sanet & Herbis. Ovid, Met. 10. Londini, Tvpis J. Flesher, & prostant apud Nath." Brooke . . . 1662. 8^, A— I 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated in verse to Trinity College, Cambridge. B. M. Verses Lately Written upon Several Occa- sions, By Abraham Cowley. London, Printed for Henry Herringman, . . . 166.'1 8°, A— D in eights. Grenv. Coll. This copy has only 7 leaves in A, and no preface ; perhaps the leaf with the notice about the Dublin piracy is deficient. COX, NICHOLAS. The Gentleman's Recreation, In Four cox. 148 CRESSY. Parts ; (viz.) Hunting, Hawking, Fowl- ing, Fishing. Collected from ancient and modern Authors Forrein and Domestick, and rectified by the Experience of the most Skilful! Artists of these times. Illustrated with Sculptures. London, Printed by E. Flesher for Maurice Atkins . . . and Nicolas Cox . , . 1674, 8*^, A— T in eights, A 1 and T 8 blank, and A 2 with the frontispiece ; A 7 — 8 have the Postscript to the Preface and the half- title to Hunting. With a folded plate to each part. The Gentleman's Recreation : In Four Parts, Viz. Hunting, ) ( Fowling, Hawking, ) ( Fishing. ... The Third Edition, with the Ad- dition of a Hunting Horse. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Joh. Phil- lips ... and Hen. Rodes . . . 1686. 8^ Collation : Frontispiece, 1 leaf : A — L in eights, besides a large folding plate of hunt- ing subjects : Hawking and Fowling, each ■with a separate title, [a]— [m 7] in eights, besides the frontispieces : Angling (being the 4th Part), G— L in eights : The Hunter, with a fresh title (Oxford, 1685), A— G 6 in eights. The Gentleman's Recreations : In Three Parts. The First Part contains a Short and Easie Introduction to all the Liberal Arts and Sciences, &c. The Second treats of Horsemanship, Hawking, Hunt- ing, Fowling, Fishing, Agriculture, &c. Done from the most Authentick Authors. . . . The Third is a Compleat Body of all our Forest, Chace, and Game-Laws, as they are at this time. The whole illus- trated with near a hundred Copper-Cuts relating to the several subjects. . . . The Second Edition Corrected, with near one half of Additions. London: . . . 1710. Folio. Engraved title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : title and Table, &c., 4 leaves : B— Eeee, 2 leaves each : the 2nd part, B— Eeeee, 2 leaves each, besides title : the Game-Laws, &c., A — R, 2 leaves each. Printed in two columns. With plates at pp. 1, 29, 45, 63, 67, 72, lOH, 127, 144, 158, 176 (2), 184, 197, 199, 230, 234, 240, 247, 257, 260, 264, 266, 269, 285. Part 2, pp. 1, 17 (3), 21, 83, 88, 90, 94, 97, 99, 117, 121, 131, 132, 131 (7), 136 (2), 138 (4), 141, 143, 145, 149, 151, 165, 169, 171, 175, 179, 186, 223, 225, 228, 253, 256, 261, 302, 333. The Gentlemans Recreation, . . . The Sixth Edition with large Additions. . . . London : Printed for N[icolas] C[oxl and sold by J. Wilcox, . . . MDCCXXI. 8. A, 4 leaves : B— 3 I 2 in eights, besides the frontispiece, and five folded plates, ia- cluding that of the Blowing the Horn. COX, ROBERT. The Merry conceited Humors of Bottom the Weaver. As it hath been often pub- likely Acted by some of his Majesties Comedians, and lately, privately, pre- sented, by several Apprentices for their harmless recreation, Avith Great Applause. London Printed for F. Kirkman and H. Marsh ... 1661. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— D in fours. CRAG, JOHN. To the High Court of Parlament, John Cragge doth his Request present, [in an acrostic] A sheet in verse. Oavry Cat. 181. CRAIG, MUNGO. A Satyr against Atheistical Deism With the Genuine Character of a Deist. To which is Prefixt, An Account of Mr. Aikenhead's Notions, Who is now in Pri- son for the same Damnable Apostacv. By Mungo Craig S. Ph. and Sac. Th. . : . Edinburgh, Printed for Robert Hutchi- son, . . . M.DC.xcvi. 4°, A — B in fours. Partly in verse. CRANGALOR. A Dialogs betwene a Ladie called Listria and a pilgrim concerninge the gouerne- ment and common weale of the great province of Crangalor. Licensed to John Charlwood, 6 May, 1579. CRANMER, THOMAS. Of vnwrytten verytyes. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] imprinted at Londo in saynct Andre wes Parysh, in the Wared rop By Thomas Raynalde. m.d.xlviii. 8°, A iu eights. Lambeth. CRAWFURD, PATRICK. A Declaration of Mr. Patrick Crawfvrd His Retvrne from Poperie to the Trve Religion, which is according to the Word of God, in holie Scripture. . . . Edin- bvrgh. Printed by lohn Wreittoun. Anno Dom. 1627. 4°, A— H in fours. CREECH, THOMAS. A Step to Oxford : Or, A Mad Essay on the Reverend Mr. Tho. Creech's Hanging himself (as he said) for Love. With the Character of his IMistress. In a Letter to a Person of Quality. London : Printed in the Year, mdcc. 4°, A — F, 2 leaves each. CRESSY, THE R. FATHER S. XVI. Revelations of Divine Love, Shewed in a Devout Servant of our Lord, called Mother Juliana, an Anchorete of Nor- CREWE. r49 CROMWELL. Avich : "Who lived in the Daves of King Edward the Third. _ Published by R. F. S. Cressy. . . . Printed in the Year, MDCLXX. Permissu Superiorum. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — P 4 in eights. Dedicated to the Lady Mary Blount of Sodington. CREWE, GEORGE. A Book of Cookery. Licensed to George Fairbeard, 26 April, 1621. CRIES, Penitential Cries, Begnn by the Author of the Songs of Praise, And carried out by another Hand. Licensed and Entred Sept. 12, 1693. The Sixth Edition Cor- rected. London : Printed for Tho. Park- hurst . . . 1701. 8^. CRIPPS, JOHN. A True Account of the Dying Words of Ockanickou, An Indian King, Spoken to Jahkursoe, his Brother's Son, whom he appointed King after him. London, Printed for Benjamin Clark, Bookseller, . . . 1682. 4°, 4 leaves. A sort of prefatory letter, signed John Cripps, is dated from Burlington in New Jersey, 12tli of the 5th Month, 1682. CRISPE, DOCTOR. A Memoriall to preserve vnspotted to Posterity the Name and Memory of Doc- tor Crispe. Printed at London for John Sweeting. 1643. A folio leaf in four columns. In verse. CROMPTON, RICHARD. L'Avthoritie et Ivrisdiction des Covrts de la Maiestie de la Roygne : Nouelment collect & compose, par R. Crompton del milieu Temple Esquire. Apprentice del Ley . . . Londini. In sedibus Caroli Yetsweirti . . . 1594. 4^, black letter, A — B in fours, and C — Hh 4 in eights. A 4 is blank. Dedicated to Sir John Puckering, There is an edition printed for the Assignee of John More Esquire, 4°, 1637. This collection embraces the Forest Laws, the Assize of Bread, &c. :^ROMWELL, OLIVER. A True Relation of Colonell Cromwels Proceedings against the Cavaliers. Where- in is set forth the number of those that were Taken . . . Sent in a Letter from a Gentleman in his Army. London, Printed for Be[n]jamin Allen, 1643. 4°, : 4 leaves. i The Coppy of a Letter Written by Colonel Cromwel, to the Committee at Cambridge, Dated on Monday last, being the 31 of luly. Concerning the raising of the Siege at Gainsborough, with the names of those that were slayne, and the Number of the Prisoners taken. This is licensed according to order. London : Printed for Edward Blackmore . . . August the 3, 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. Lieut: Generall Cromwells Letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq; Speaker of the House of Commons, of the Surrender of Langford-House neer Salis- bury : With the Articles of Agreement concerning the same : Together with a Letter concerning a Great Victory ob- tained by Col: Rossiter against Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, neer Belvoyr- Castle in Leicestershire. Also, another Letter concerning the taking of Two hundred Horse, and sixty Foot, by the Forces of Abingdon. London, Printed -for Edward Husband . . . Octob. 20, 1645. 4^, 4 leaves. The Conclusion of Lieuten: Generall Cromwells Letter to the House of Com- mons, concerning the taking of Bristol 1 : Which was contained in the Originall, (signed by himself e,) but omitted in the Printed Copy, . . . [Sept. 22, 1645.] A sheet. B. M. Lieutenant Generall Cromwell's Last Will & Testament : With the Military Directions he gave his Field-Officers a little before his Death. London, Printed in the Year, 1648. 4"^, 4 leaves. The Right Picture of King Oliure from top to toe. That all the World may a false Rebell know. Whereunto is added, His Genealogy, and the Memorialls of all his Worthy Acts from the beginning of his reigne, to his present routing in Ireland. By Philo Regis, Written in Rime Doggerill for the benefit of all His Svbjects at Westminster. Behold your King ! Printed at the Signe of the "^Traytors Head within Bishops- Gate, and are to be sold to all them that worke for Sir Thomas. 1649. [Jan. 2, 1649-50.] 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. The Svmme of the Charge Given in by Lieutenant Generall Cromwel, Against the Earle of Manchester, [July 10, 1646.] A sheet. B. M. A Declaration of the Lord Generall and his Councel of Ofl&cers ; Shewing the Grounds and Reasons for the dissolution of the late Parliament. London, Printed by Hen, Hills and Tho. Brewster, Printers to the Army, . . . 1653, 4^, 6 leaves. Mvsarvm Oxoniensium ELaiophoria. Sive, Ob Foedera, Auspiciis Serenissimi Oli- ver! Reipub. Ang. Scot. & Hiber. Do- CROMWELL. 150 CROMWELL. mini Protectoris, Inter Rempub. Britan- nicam & Onliues Foederatos Belgii Foeli- citer Stabilita, Gentis Togatae ad vada Isidis Celeusma Metricum. Oxonise, Ex- cudebat Leonardus Lichfield . . . 1654, 4^, A — L in fours. Among the contributors appear, Edward Bagshaw, John Owen (Proctor), H. Bold, John Locke, Samuel Everard, E,. White- hall, Rowland Guinne, F. Markham, Will. Hawkins, Robert South. A Declaration of the Proceedings of His Highness the Lord Protector, and his Reasons touching the late Change and revolution in Parliament ; with the true and perfect Copy of the new Test and Engagements. . . . London, printed by R. Wood, 1654. 4^ 4 leaves. With a woodcut portrait of Cromwell, enclosed within an oval wreath of laurel. A True Account of the Late Bloody and inhumane Conspiracy against His High- ness the Lord Protector, and this Com- monwealth ; for the Subversion of the present Government thereof, and an in- volving tliis Nation in Blood. Manifested by the Examinations and Confessions upon Oath, of some of the principal Con- spirators themselves ; As also by the Depositions of several Witnesses which were taken concerning the same. Pub- lished by special Command. London, Printed by Thomas Newcomb, . . . Anno Dom. 1654. 4^, A— M in fours. His Highness Speech to the Parliament in the Painted Chamber, at their Dissolu- tion, Upon Monday the 22d of January, 1654, Published to prevent Mistakes, and false Copies. London, Printed by Henry Hills . . . mdcliv. 4*^, A — E in fours, E 4 blank. A Letter from His Highnesse the Lord Protector, sent into the North of Eng- land, touciiing loose and idle persons . . . with a List of the Prisoners at Salisbury fand Exeter.] London Printed by Robert Ibbitson, 1655. 4", 4 leaves. A Declaration of His Highnes, By the Advice of liis Covncil, Sliewing the Rea- sons of their Proceedings for securing the Peace of the Commonwealth, upon occa- fiion of the late Insurrection and Re- bellion. London, Printed by Ilenrv Hills and John Field . . . 1655. 4^ A — E in fours, lirst and last leaves blank. By the Lord Protector. A Proclamation Declaring His Hi;^diness pleasure and command for putting in execution the Laws, Statutes and Ordinances made against Jesuits and Priests, and for the speedy Conviction of Popish Recusants. . . . London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, . . . mdclv. A sheet. Black letter. B. M. Killing is Murder : Or, An Answer to a Treasonous Pamphlet Entituled, Killing is no Murder. [Quot. from Ovid Fast, lib. 1.] London, Printed for Joseph Moor .... 1657. 4^, A— G in fours. A Brief Chronology of the most remark- able Passages and Transactions which occurred since his late Renowned High- ness, Oliver, Lord Protector was invested with the Government of the Common- wealth of England, . . . with an Exact Account of the place of his Birth, his Education, Marriage, and Progeny ; As also the manner of his Death, and the Description of His lying in state at Sommerset-House. London, Printed by T.N. for Edward Thomas, . . . 1658. A large sheet with a portrait and engraved views. B. M. Shufling, Cutting, and Dealing, In A Game at Pickquet : Being Acted from the Year, 1653, to 1658. By 0. P. And others ; With great Applause. Tempora mutantur et nos Printed in the Year, 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. A Collection of Several Passages concern- ing his late Highnesse Oliver Cromwell, In the time of his Sickness ; Wherein Is Related many of his Expressions upon his Death-Bed. Together with his Prayer within two or three dayes before his Death. Written by one that was then Groom of his Bed-Chamber. Entered according to Order. London, Printed for Robert Ibbitson, . . . 1659. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, A 1 and D 2 blank. Three Poems Upon the Death of his late Highnesse Oliver Lord Protector of Eng- land . . . Written By J\lr. Edm. Waller. Mr. Jo. Dryden. Mr. Sprat, of Oxford. London, Printed by William Wilson, . . . 1659, 4", B— F 2 in fours, and the title. Three Poems upon the Death of the late Usurper Oliver Cromwel Re- printed for R. Baldwin, 1682. 4°, A— D in fours, first and last leaves blank. The English Devil : Or, Cromwel and Iiis Monstrous Witch Discover'd at Whit-Hall : With the strange and damn- able Speech of this Hellish Monster, by way of Revelation, touching King and Kingdom . . . London, Printed for George Horton, . . . 1660. 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. I CROMWELL. CRY. The World's Mistake in Oliver Crom- well ; Or, A Short Political Discourse, Shewing that Cromwell's Mal-administra- tion, (during his Four Years, and Nine Moneths pretended Protectorship.) layed the Foundation of our present Condition, in the Decay of Trade. London, Printed in the Year mdclxyiii. 4P, A — C 2 in fours. Oliver Cromwell's Ghost, Dropt from the Clouds. London, Printed for J. S. 1681. A folio leaf. CROMWELL, RICHARD, Lord Protector. Fourty Four Qveries To the Life of Queen Dick. By one who will at any time work a job of Journey-Work, to serve his Countrey. Printed in the Year, 1659. 4", 4 leaves. To His Highness Richard Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England . . . the Humble Representation of the Officers of the Armies of England, Ireland, and Scotland. . . . London, Printed by Henry Hills, one of His Highness the Lord Pro- tector's Printers, 1659. 4^, A— B 2 in fours, B 2 blank. CROSHAW, JOHN. Diseases in Cattell, with the Art of Geld- ing. Licensed to Robert Allot, 12 Sept. 1635. CROSS. The pycture of the Crosse. Licensed to Henry Denham in 1566. CROUCH, HUMPHREY. Christmas CarroUs, by H: C: Licensed to Richard Harper, 9 November, 1632. CROUCH, JOHN. An Elegie upon the much lamented Death of that Noble and Valiant Commander, the Right honourable the Earl of Tiveot, Goveinour of Tangiers. Slain by the Moors. By Jo. Crouch, Gent. London : Printed for Tho. Palmer at the Crown in Westminster Hall. 1664. A sheet. Ouvry Cat., No. 153. CROWE, THOMAS. A sadd Sonnett of Thomas Crowe late One of the yomen of her Maiesties Guarde, wrs^tten bv One of his fellowes. Licensed to Ralph Hancockes, 24 Feb. 1592-3. CROWNE, JOHN. Andromache. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. London, Printed by T. Ratcliffe, & N. Thompson, for Richard Bentley, . . . 1675. 4°, A— G in fours. Henry the Sixth, The First Part. With the Murder of Humphrey Duke of Glou- cester. As it was Acted at the Dukes Theatre. Written by Mr. Crown. Lon- don, Printed for R. Bentley, and M. Magnes, . . . 1675. 4°, A— K in fours. Dedicated to Sir Charles Sidley. Calisto : Or, The Chaste Nimph. The late Masque at Court, as it was frequently Presented there. By several Persons of Great Quality. With the Prologue, and the Songs betwixt the Acts. All written by J. Cro%vne. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for James Magnes and Richard Bentley, . . . 1675. 4°, A — L in fours. Dedicated to Mary, daughter of the Duke of York. The Prologue to Calistho, with the Cho- rus's between the Acts. London, Printed in the Year mdclxxv. 4*^, A — C in fours. The Misery of Civil-War. A Tragedy, As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre, By His Royal Hignesses Servants. Written by Mr. Crown. London, Printed for R. Bentley, and M. Magnes, . . . 16S0. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — K in fours. Thyestes A Tragedy. Acted at the Thea- tre-Royal, By their Majesties Servants, Written by Mr. Crown. London, Printed for R. Bentley, and M. Magnes, . . . MDCLXXXi. 4^ A, 2 leaves : B — H in fours. The Ambitious Statesman . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for R. Bent- ley, and M. Magnes, . . . 1681. 4°, A— N in fours. Dedicated to the Duchess of Albemarle. City Politiques. A Comedy. As it is Acted By His Majesties Servants. Writ- ten by Mr. Crown. London, Printed for R. Bently . . . and Joseph Hindmarsh, . . . M.DC.LXXXiii. 4°, A — L in fours. Caligula. A Tragedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, By His Majesty's Ser- vants. Written by Mr. Crown. Lon- don : Printed by J. Orme for R. Welling- ton .. . 1698. 4^, A— H 2 in fours. Dedicated to Henry, Earl of Rumney. The Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian. In Two Parts. As it was Acted at the Theatre Royal. Written by LIr. Crowne. London : Printed for Rich. Wellington, . . . 1703. 4^ A— P 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Duchess of Ports- mouth. CRY. A Powerfvll, PitifvU, CitifvU Cry, of PlentifvU Children, And their Admir ' able, lamentable Complaint. CUCKOLD. CULPEPPER. 1. For Cavaliers curdling their Mo- thers milke. 2. That the Cavaliers powder blew up their Mothers bellies. 3. That the Cavaliers have killed some of their Fathers. 4. That their Fathers be run away from them. 5. That the Papists beare Armes. 6. For the Cavaliers plundering. 7. For their Mothers tumbling on the grasse. 8. "Want of trading and sustinance. 9. Want of learning. 10. Want of education. 11. Want of peace. 12. That love is forgotten. London, Printed in the yeare that Mars and Venus begot a wanton Cupid, Anno Dom. MDCXLiii. 4°, 4 leaves. In prose. CUCKOLD. The melancholy Cuckold. Licensed to Francis Grove, 26 November, 1629. CUCKOLDOM. Joyful Cuckoldom . or the Love of Gen- tlemen, and Gentlewomen. A Collection of New Songs with y* Musick for y^ Lute, Violin, Flute, or Harpsichord By Henry Parcel], Dr. John Blow, Mr. John Eccles, . . . Fairely Engraven on Copper Plates. London Printed by J. Heptinstall for Henry Playford . . . 1671. 4°, pp. 57 printed on one side only, and the title and table, pp. 4 more. The Art of Cuckoldom : Or, The In- trigues of the City-Wives. London : Printed in the Year 1697. 8°, B— G in eights, and the title. CUCKOO. Full merely synges the Cowckcowe. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1565-6. CUDWORTH, R, B.D. The True Intellectual System of the Universe : The First Part ; Wherein, All the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted ; And its Impossibility Demou- Btrated. [Quotation from Origen.] Lon- don, Printed for Richard Royston, . . . MDCLXXViiT. Folio. A, 4 leaves : * — 3*, 2 leaves each : B — Z in sixes : Aa — 5 I 5 in fours. Some Sermons are added at the end. With a frontispiece. CUFFE, HENRY. The Differences of the Ages of Mans Life : Together with the Originall Causes, Progresse, and End thereof. Written by the learned Henrie Cvffe, sometime Fel- low of Merton College in Oxford, Ann. Dom. 1600. . . . London, Primed by Arnold Hatfield for Martin Clearke. 1607. 8^. A, 8 leaves, A 1 and 6 blank : a. 3 leaves: B— K 4 in eights, K 4 blank. Dedicated by R, M. to Robert, Lord Willoughby, Broke, and Eresby. CULMER, RICHARD. Cathedrall Newes from Canterbvry : Shewing, The Canterburian Cathedrall to bee in an Abbey-Like, Corrupt, and rotten condition, which cals for a speedy Reformation, or Dissolution : Which Dis- solution is already foreshowne, and be- gun there, by many remarkeable passages upon that place, and the Prelats there, Amongst which passages of wonder is. The Archbishop of Canterburies Passing-Bell, Rung miraculously in that Cathedrall. Recorded, and Published by Richard Cvlmer, Minister of Gods Word, dwelling in Canterbury : heretofore of Magdalen Colledge in Cambridge, Master of Arts. [Quot. from Luke, 19, 40.] Printed at London by Rich, Cotes, for Fulk Clifton, 1644. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Commons' Committee on Plundered Ministers. Lawles Tythe-Robbers Discovered : Who make Tythe-Revenue a Mock-Maynten- ance, Being encouraged thereunto by the Defect of Law and Justice . . . London, Printed for Thomas Newbery . . . 1655, 4°, A— F 2 in fours. CULPEPPER, NICHOLAS. The Physical Directory : Or a Transla- tion of the Dispensatory Made by the Colledge of Physitians of London, And by them imposed upon all the Apothe- caries .... in this Second Edition are Seven hundred eighty four Additions . . . The second Edition much enlarged, by Nich. Culpeper Gent. Student in Physick . . . London : Printed by Peter Cole, . . . 1650. Folio, B— 3 S, 2 leaves each, 3 S 2 blank, besides title and portrait by Cross. The English Physitian : Or An Astro- logo-Physical Discourse of the vulgar Herbs of this Nation. Being a Compleat Method of Physick, ... By Nich. Cul- ])eper, Gent. . , . London : Printed by Peter Cole, . . . 1652. Folio, A— 3 B, 2 leaves each, besides the title and portrait by T. Cross. Culpepers Last Legacy : Left and be- queathed to his dearest Wife, for the ])ublicke good, Being the Choicest and most profitable of those Secrets which while he lived were lockt vp in his CUMBERLAND, 153 CUTPURSE. Breast, and resolved never to be publish t till after his Death. . . . Printed for N. , Brooke at the Angell in Cornhill, 1655, ' 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — L 4 in eights : [A new title :] Composita : Or, A Synopsis. ' . . . 1655. A— I in eights. With a portrait. 1 There is a preface by Mrs. Culpeper to j the first portion. [CUMBERLAND. I Articles to be Enquired of in the Diocese of Carlile, in the Visitation of the Reue- rend Father in God Francis, Lord Bishop I of Carlile. Anno Dom. [blank] & Con- secrationis suae [blank]. Imprinted at i London. 1627. 4°, A— B 3 in fours. I CUMBERLAND, GEORGE CLIFFORD, Earl of. 1 A Dytty of th exploit of Therle of Cam- I berland on the Sea in October 1588. and i of thouerthrowe of 1600 Spaniards in j Ireland. Licensed to John Wolf, 14 Nov. 1588. ! CUNNINGHAM, JAMES. ! Miracula Mundi. Edinburgh ; Printed I in the Year 1683. A broadside in verse. 'CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM, M.D. The Cosmographical Glasse, conteinyng the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie, or Nauiga- tion. Compiled by William Cuningham ' Doctor in Physicke. Excussum Londini i in officina loan. Daij Typography Anno. ! 1559. Folio, A— T 3 in sixes. With ' woodcuts and a map of Norwich (the j latter generally deficient). A portrait of . the author is on A 3 verso. Dedicated to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. ! An almanacke and pronostication of mas- ' ter William Conyngham. Licensed to I Richard Serll in 1563-4. jCUPID. I The CrueU assaults of Cupids forte. j A ballad. Licensed to T. Purfoot in ' 1566. The second part of Cupids schoole of Complements, with the praise of Loue written by Cupid. Licensed to Francis Grove, 6 August, 1633. A booke called Cupids progresse. Licensed to Francis Coules, 19 June, 1640. UURIO, JULIUS SECUNDUS. Pasquine in a Traunce. . . . Imprinted at ■•~ London, by Thomas Este. 1584. 4", .; black letter. A— Z 2 in fours. ;buRRY-COMB. ' A Curry-Comb for a Cocks- Comb : Or, i The Trip to Holland Detected. By the Author of the Trip to Jamaica. Lon- don, Printed in the Year, 1698. A folio leaf. CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS. The Historie of Qvintvs Ciircius, con- teyning the Actes of the great Alexander translated out of Latine into Englishe by lohn Brende. 1553. Imprinted at Lon- don by Ryeharde Tottell. Cum Priui- legio ... 4°, black letter. A, 4 leaves : B — Gg in eights : Hh, 4 leaves. Dedi- cated to John, Duke of Northumberland. The title is within a very curious en- graved border. The Historie of Quintus Curtius ... In aedibus Richardi Tottell. Anno Domini. 1561. Cum Priuilegio. [Col] Im- printed at London ... by Richard Tottyll, the. v. day of Apryl, Anno do. 1561. Cum priuilegio. 4*^, black letter. A, 4 leaves: B — Hh 3 in eights. The Historie of Quintus Curtius, con- teining the actes of the great Alexander, translated out of Latin ... In aedibus Rogeri Warde. Anno Domini. 1584. 8°, black letter. A— LI 4 in eights. The Historie of Quintus Curtius . . . London Printed by Abell Iefi"es, . . . 1592. 8°, A— Pp 4 in eights. The Life and Death of Alexander the Great. In X. Books. Written by Quintus Curtius Rufus, and Translated out of Latine into English by Robert Codrington, Esq. London, Printed by E. Alsop and Robert Wood, . . . 1661. 4°, A— Rr in fours, first leaf blank. Dedicated to James, Duke of York. The Life of Alexander the Great. Written in Latin by Quintus Curtius Rufus, and Translated into English by several Gen- tlemen in the University of Cambridge. London, Printed for Gilbert Townly . . . MDCLXxxvii. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — Ee 3 in eights, including the Errata. With a frontispiece. CUSACK, GEORGE. I'he Grand Pyrate : Or, The Life and Death of Capt. George Cvsack the great Sea-Robber. With an Accompt oi all his notorious Robberies both at Sea and Land. Together with his Tryal, Con- demnation, and Execution. Taken by an Impartial Hand. . . . London, Printed for Jonathan Edwin . . . mdclxxiv. 4P, A — C in fours. CUTPURSE. The Cutt purses. A ballad. Licensed to W. How in 1567-8. CUTTS. 154 D. J. CUTTS, LORD. La Muse de Cavalier, Or, An Apology for such Gentlemen, as make Poetry their Diversion, not their Business. In a Letter from a Scholar of Mars, to one of Apollo. London, Printed for Tho. Fox . . . 1685. 4°, A — B in fours. In verse. CUTWODE, THOMAS. Caltha Poetarum . . . 1599. This book was licensed to Richard Olive, 17 April, 1599, as Caltha poetarum, or Chry- santhemon. Arber, iii. 113. CYPRIAN, ST. A Swete and Devovte Sermon of Holy Sainct Ciprian of mortalitie of man The rules of a Christian Life made by Picus erle of Mirandula, bothe translated into eng- lishe by syr Thomas Elyot knyght. Lon- dini. Anno Verbi Incarnati. m.d.xxxix. [Col] Londini in sedibus Thomae Ber- theletity pis impress Anno.M.D.xxxix. 8°, black letter. A, 4 leaves : B— E in eights. Dedicated to the translator's sister, Dame Susan Kyngston. St. Cyprian Bishop and ^Martyr, Anno 250. "^Of Discipline, Prayer, Patience. St. Basil the Great, Of Solitude. Trans- lated by C. B[arksdale.] Nee omnia, nee nihil. London, Printed for Sam. Keble at the Vnicorn in Fleet-street. 1675. 8°, A — E in fours: A Letter touching a Colledge of Maids, 4 leaves under sign. A : Judicious Hookers Illustrations^ &c. A — D in eights, but only 2 leaves in A : Hugo Grotius of the Government and Rites of the -Ghurch, A, 2 leaves : B— G in fours: Hugo Grotius against Paganism, , the same : a, 1 leaf. Plates. Sothebys, Jan. 25, 187S, No. 583, very imperfect. Thciie is an edition printed at Amsterdam, 1608, without any English text. The Exercise of Armes for Calivres, Mus- kettes, and Pikes. After the ordre of his Excellence Maurits Prince of Orange . . . Set forthe in figures by lacob de Geyn. [Col.] A Zvtphen, Chez Andre lannsen d'Aelst. [1619.] 4°. (.-.), 4 leaves: A — L 4 in fours, L 4 blank : A (with Shorte Instructions for the figures, &c,) — L in fours: A (with Brief instruction vpoji the contrefaictings, &c.) — I 2 in fours, last leaf blank. The text is in German, Dutch, French, and English. The engravings are of the size of the page. DE GRANADA, LOIS. Of Prayer and Meditation. Wherein are conteined Fowertien Deuout Meditations for the seuen dales of the weeke . . . Written firste in the Spanishe togue by the famous Religious father, St. Lewis de Granada. Imprinted at Ro- ven, by George L'Oiselet. Anno Domini. M.D.LXXXiiii. 8^, A — Lll in eights and fours. Roman letter. I The flowers of Lodowick of Granado the firste parte. Translated into Eng- lish by T[homas] L[odge] Doctor of phisik. Licensed to Thomas Hayes, 23 April, 1601, and Assigned to W. Cotton 21 Mav, 1604. DE GRAY, THOMAS. The Compleat Horseman and Experte Farrier. In two Bookes . . . Published at the earnest request of sundry Noble and worthy Gentlemen. . . . London, Printed by Thomas Harper, and are to be sold by Laurence Chapman . . . 1639. Folio. Portrait by W. Marshall of Charles I. on horseback : title and following leaf, 2 leaves : b — d in fours : B — Yy in fours : Zz, 6 leaves, the last blank. DE GUEVARA, ANTHONIO. The Diall of Princes. Compiled by the reverende father in God, Don Anthony ofGueuara, Bysshopof Gundix : Preacher and Cronicler, to Charles the fyft Em- perour of Rome. Eiiglysshed oute of the Frenche, by Thomas North, seconde sonne of the Lorde North. Ryght necessary and pleasaunt, to all gentyhnen and others whiche are louers of vertue. Anno. 1557. Imprinted at London by lohn Waylande. Cum priuilegio . . . per septennium. Folio, black letter. Title, 1 leaf : dedi- cation to the queen, from Lincoln's Inn, 20th Dec. 1557, 1 leaf: General Pro- logue, 7 leaves : Author's Prologue, Ar- gument, and Table, 11 leaves : A — Ee, 6 leaves each : Ff, 4 leaves : Certen other DE LA CHAMBRE. 165 DE LA NOUE. Letters written hy M. Aurelius, foiir sheets of six. The Dial of Princes . . . Nowe newly imprinted by Richarde Tottill. An. Do- mini. 15S2. Cum priuilegio. 4°, black letter, A— 3 4 in eights.' Arkontopologion. Or The Diall of Princes . . . With addition of a Fourth Booke, stiled by the Xame of The fauoured Cour- tier. London, Imprinted Ijy Bernard Al- sop, 1619. Folio, nr, 7 leave; ^*^ and a, 6 leaves each: A, 4 leaves: B- Rrr in sixes : Sss in fours. The dedication to Sir Henry Montague, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, is signed A. M. The Familiar Epistles of sir Anthonie Gueuara, . . . Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by Edward Hellowes, Groome of the Leash, and now newly imprinted, cor- rected, and enlarged . . . Imprinted at Lon- don for Ralph Newberrie. 1577, 4^, black letter. A, 4 leaves with title, dedication to Sir Henry Lee, Master of the Leash, &c. : A (repeated) — Kk in eights, Kk 8 blank. Golden Epistles, Contayning varietie of discourse, both Morall, Philosophicall, and Diuine : gathered, as wel out of the remaynder of Gueuaraes woorkes, as other Authours, Latine, French and Italian. Newly corrected and amended. Mon heur viendra. Imprinted at London by Ralph Xewberie ... 15. Octobris. 15S2. 4°, black letter. Title and dedication to Anne, Countess of Oxford, 2 leaves : A — Y : in eights, Y 8 blank. A Booke of the Inuention of the Art of Xauigation, and of the greate trauelles whiche they passe that saile in GalKes : '' Compiled by the famous Sir Anthonie of I Gueuara . . . Imprinted at London for ^ Ralph Newberrie dwelling in Fleete- I streate. Anno. 1578. 4°, black letter, I A — E in fours, first and last leaves blank, I and A misprinted Bb. Dedicated by Ed- ! ward Hellowes, the translator, to Lord Howard of Effingham. DE LA CHAMBRE, SIEUR. The Art how to Know Men. Originally written, by the Sieur De La Chambre . . . Rendred into English by John Da^-ies of KidweUy. London, Priiated by T. R. for Thomas Dring, . . . m.dc.lxv. 8°, A — Aa 3 in eights, including a frontis- piece. Dedicated by Davies to Charles, Earl of Carlisle. DE LA FUEXTA, LOIS. jNIeditations vppon the Mysteries of ovr Holy Faith with the practise of mentall praier touching the same. Composed in Spanish by the R. F. Lvys de la Fventa of the Societie of lesvs, natiue of Valla- dolid. And Translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons of the same Societie. The First Part Printed with priuiledge M.DC.x. 8". A, 4 leaves : A (repeated) — Aa 2 in eights. Dedicated "To the Vertvovs and De- vovte Gentlewoman Mistres Cicilie Morgan, Davghter to the worshipfull IMistres Marie Morgan." I have not seen Part 2. It is mentioned by Watt. DE LA GUILLATI^RE, M. An Account of a Late Voyage to Athens, Containing the Estate both Ancient and Modern of that Famous City, and of the present Empire of the Turks. The Life of the now Sultan Mahomet the IV. With the Ministry of the Grand Vizier, . . . And divers other Particularities of the Aflairs of the Port. Now Englished. London, Printed by J. M. for H. Herring- man, . . . MDCLxxvi. 8*^, B — Ee 4 in eights, Ee 4 blank, and the title. DELAMAIX. The making description, and vse of a small portable Instrument for y® Pocket or according to any Magnitude in forme of a mixt Trapezia thus called a Horizon- tall Quadrant. . . . Written and deliuered by Delamain student and Teacher of the Mathematickes. London printed for Rich- ard Hawkins . . . 1632. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — 4 in eights ; besides a frontispiece, a folding leaf between a and B, and a plate at the end. Dedicated to Lord Brudenel. The title is engraved. DE LA MOTHE LE VAYER, M. Of Liberty and Servitude. Translated [by John Evelyn] out of the French into the English Tongue. And Dedicated to Geo: Evelyn, Esquire. [Virg. Eclog. 1. Melib. et quse tanta . . .] London, Printed for M. Meighen, and G. Bedell, . . . 1649. 12*^, A— G 6 in twelves. DE LA MOTHE, N. G. The French Alphabet. . . . London, Printed bv A. Miller, and are to be sold by Tho. Vnderhill, . . . 1647. 8^, A— P in eights, title on A 2. DE LA KOUE, THE SIEUR. The PoUticke and Militarie Discovrses of the Lord De la Xove. Whereunto are adioyned certaine obseruations of the same Author, of things happened during the three late ciuill warres of Fraunce : With a true declaration of manie parti- DELAUNE, i66 DE LOAZES. culars touching the same. All faithfully translated out of the French by E. A. At London Printed for T. C. and E. A. by Thomas Or win. 1587. 4^, black letter, A — Gg in eights, Gg 8 blank. Dedicated to George, Earl of Cumber- land. The colophon is : Imprinted at Lon- don by Thomas Orwin for Tiiomas Cadman and Edward Aggas. 1588. The Declaration of the Lord de la None, vpon his taking Amies for the iust de- fence of the Townes of Sedan and lametz, frontiers of the Realrae of Fraunce, and vnder the protection of his Maiestie. Truely translated (according to the French Copie printed at Verdun) by A. M. Lon- don, Imprinted by lohn Woolfe, 1589. 4**, roman letter, A — C in fours. A sonnett made vppon the good successe, which mounser De la Nouee lately ob- teigned in Pikerdye in the Frenche Kinges behalfe against xiiij Ensiens of men, sent from the Prince of Parma to aide the rebel les of the Leauge, &c. Licensed to W. Wright, 29 July, 1590. DELAIJNE, HENRY. A Legacie to his Sonnes. Digested into Quadrins. By Henry Delaune. Baiidius Virtus dccore . . . London : Printed for Henry Seile over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet- Btreet. 1651. 8°. Title, 1 leaf: dedi- cation to Lady Katherine Shirley, 1 leaf : The Permit, 1 leaf : B — G in eights, G 8 blank. Br. Museum. In this copy the words Patrikon Doron, forming the first line of title in the second edition, have jDerhaps been cut off ; at all events, the top of the leaf is lost. DELAUNE, THOMAS. The Present State of London : Or, Memo- rials comprehending a Full and Succinct Account of tlie Ancient and Modern State thereof. By Tho. Delaune, Gent. Lon- don, Printed by George Larldn, . . . 1681. 12°. A, 6 leaves :B — Y in twelves. With a frontispiece and plates at pp. 6, 12, 18, 80, 98, 158, and 212, and woodcuts. Dedicated by Delaune to Sir Patience Ward, Lord Mayor. Angliae Metro] )olis. Or, The Present State of London : With Memorials comprehend- ing a Full and Succinct Account of the Antient and Modern State thereof. Its Original, Government, Rights, Liberties, Charters, Trade, Customs, Priviledgcs, and other Remarkables, &c. First Written by the late Ingenious Tho. Delaune Gent, and continued to this present Year by a careful Hand. London : Printed by G. L. for John Harris ... and Thomas Haw- kins . . . MDCXC. 12°. A, 6 leaves: B — V 6 in twelves, besides the frontis- piece. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Pilking- ton by S. W. DE LAVARDIN, JACQUES, Lord of Plessis Bourrot. The Historie of George Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg, King of Albanie. Contain- ing his famous actes, his noble deedes of amies, and memorable victories against the Turkes, for the faith of Christ. Com- prised into twelue Bookes : . . . Newly translated out of French into English by Z. I. Gentleman. London Imprinted for William Ponsonby. 1596. FoHo. Pre- fixes, 8 leaves, the first blank : A — Vv in sixes. There are commendatory verses by Spenser. DE LA VEGA, GARCILASSO. The Royal Commentaries of Peru, In two Parts. . . . Illustrated with Sculptures. . . . rendred into English, by Sir Paul Rycavt, K*. London, Printed by Miles Fiesher, for Jacob Tonson . . . mdclxxxviii. Folio. Prefixes, 4 leaves : B — Oooooo, 2 leaves each : Index, 4 leaves. With a portrait of Rycaut. Dedicated to James II. DE L'ESPINE, M. T. A Very Excellent and Learned Discovrse, touching the Tranquilitie and Conten- tation of the minde : Conteining svndry Notable Instrvctions, and Firme Conso- lations, . . . Distinguished into seven Bookes . . . newly translated into English by Ed. Smyth. Printed by John Legate, Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1592. ... 4°, A— Dd in eights. Dedi- cated by the translator to Sir Francis Hynd and Mr. Thomas Wendy, justices of the peace for Cambridgeshire. DE LTSLE, FRANfOlS. A Legendarie, Conteining an ample Dis- covrse of the life and behauiour of Charles Cardinal of Lorraine, and of his brethren of the house of Guise. Written in French by Francis de L'isle. Imprinted, 1577. 8°, A — N 2 in eights, and the titlepage. The translator is not named. DE LOAZES, F. Solennis atq; elegans Tractatus In causa matrimonii Serenissimorum dominorum Henrici et Catherine Anglie Regum Edi- tus per Reucrendum. . . . Ferdinanduni de loazes/ . . . [Col.] Summa diligentia Bar- chine . . . puloherrinus typis excuss^ Anno dni 1538 quinta Jiinij. Folio, A — 1 in sixes. Printed in two columns. B.M. DELONE V. 167 DE MOLIERE. DELONEY, THOMAS. The Garland of Good Will. . . . 1596. This was licensed to Thomas Pavier, 1 March, 1601-2, on condition that it belonged to no other man. Arber, iii. 202. The Pleasant History of John Winch- comb, . . . London, Printed by E. Crowch, for Thomas Passenger . . . 1672. 4°, black letter, A — K in fours. A moste sweete songe of an Englishe merchant that killed a man in Guidine and was for the same Judged to lose his head and howe in thende a mayden saved his lyfe by T. Delonev. Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 22 March, 1593-4. DE MAILLET, THE SIEUR. A la Lovange Dv Serenissime Roy, De la Grande Bretaigne. Ode Par le sieur de Maillet gentilhomme Francois. Imprime a Londres 27. Septembre, 1617. Par George Purslowe. 4°, A — D in fours. Br. Museum (imperfect). DE MALYNES, GERARD. The Centre of the Circle of Commerce. Or A Refutation of a Treatise, Intituled The Circle of Commerce ... By Gerard Malynes Merchant. Magna est Veritas, . . . London, Printed by William Jones, and are to be sold by Nicholas Bourne, . . . 1623. 4°, A— R'in fours, and S, 6 leaves, S 6 blank. Dedicated to Charles, Prince of Wales. DEMAND. A boke intituled the Demandes. Licensed to Nicholas Wyer in 1562-3. The mery Demande and answere there- vnto. A ballad. Licensed to Owen Rogers in 1564-5. Certaine Demandes with their grounds, drawne out of holy Writ, and propounded in foro conscientice by some religious j Gentl. vnto the reverend Fathers, Richard i Archbishop of Canterbury, . . . where- j vuto the said Gentl. require that it would j please their Lordships to make a true, plaine, direct, honest and resolute aun- swere. 1605. 4*^, A — I 2 in fours. ; Ovr Demands of the English Lords Mani- ' fested, Being at Rippon Octob. 8. 1640. With Answers to the Complaints and ;. Grievances Given in By the Bishop of Durham, Northumberland, and some of , Newcastle ; said to be committed by our I Army. Printed, [abroad] by Margery ! Mar-Prelat. 1640. 4^, 4 leaves. I DE MARMET, M. Entertainments of the Cours : Or, Aca- ; demical Conversations. Held upon the i Cours at Paris, by a Cabal of the Prin- cipal Wits of that Court . . . Rendered into English by Thomas Saintserf, Gent. London, Printed by T. C, . . . 1658. 8°. Frontispiece and title, 2 leaves : dedica- tion to the Marquis of Montrose, 4 leaves: Table, 1 leaf : A 2— Q 4 in eights. DE MAYERNE-TURQUET, LOUIS. The Generall Historie of Spaine, Contain- ing all the memorable things that haue past in the Realmes of Castille, Leon, . . . Written in French by Lewis de May erne Tvrqvet, vnto the yeare 1583 : Translated into English, and continued vnto these times by Edward Grimeston, Esquire. London, Printed by A. Islip, and G. Eld. Anno Dom. 1612. Folio. A, 3 leaves : B — K^ in sixes : L^ in eights. Dedicated to Robert Earl of Salisbury and Thomas Earl of Suffolk. DE MEDICI, KATHERINE. The History of the Life of Katharine de Medicis Queen Mother and Regent of France. Or, the Exact Pattern of the Present French King's Policy. London, Printed for John Wyat . . . 1693. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B — G in eights. DE MENDOgA, GONgALES. The Historie of the great and mightie kingdome of China, and the situation thereof: Togither with the great riches, huge citties, politike gouernement, and rare inuentions in the same. Translated out of Spanish by R[obert] Parke. Lon- don. Printed by I. Wolfe for Edward White . . . 1588. 4'', black letter. If, 4 leaves : A — Cc 5 in eights. Dedicated by the translator to Thomas Candish Esquire. DE MENDOgA, GWALTER. The adventures of G waiter de Mandoza Prince of Naples Knight of the golden flexe translated into English. Licensed to John Wolf, 4 March, 1588-9. DE MEZERAY, THE SIEUR. The General Chronological History of France, Beginning before the Reign of King Pharamond, And ending with the Reign of King Henry the Fourth : Con- taining both the Civil and the Ecclesias- tical Transactions of the Kingdom. By the Sieur De Mezeray, Historiographer of France. Translated by John Bulteel, Gent. London, Printed by T. N. for Thomas Basset, . . . 1683. Folio. DE MOLIERE, HENRIETTE SYLVIE. The Memoires of the Life, and Rare Ad- ventures of Henrietta Silvia Moliere. As they have been very lately Published in French. With Remarks. London, Printed DE MONTENA V. J 68 DENHAM. for William Crook, . . . 1672. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B — N 6 in twelves. Following the title is " A Fragment of a Letter, Translated out of French," and "The Bookseller to any Body," the latter very curious. Memoires of the Life . . . Written in French by her Self. Being the ii. iii. iv. V, VI and last Parts. London : Printed by J. C. for W. Crooke, . . . 1677. 12«, A — M in twelves. DE MONTENAY, GERGETTO. Cento Emblemi Christiani Tragciati e dichiarati, con diuerse dottrine pie e vtili Dalla Noble donzella Gergetto de Montenai Pvblicati Prima in lingua Francesa, ma adesso in fauore di quelli che di tali materie e inuentioni si dilet- tano, tradotti nella Latina, Spagnuola, Italiana, Todesca, Fiammangha, e Inglesa Per industria e le spese di Giou. Carolo Vnckel mercatore e libraro in Franco- forte. A Francoforte, Anno 1619. 8°, A — Ee in eights, with a portrait of the authoress on A 5, and B 8 blank. DE MORNAY, PHILIPPI. The Defence of Death. Contayning a moste excellent discourse of life and death, written in Frenche by Philip de Mornaye Gentleman. And doone into English by E. A. Imprinted at London by lohn AUde for Edward Aggas . . . 1577. 8°, black letter, A— H 6 in eights. Lamheth. A Woorke concerning the trewnesse of the Christian Religion, written in French: Against Atheists, Epicures, Paynims, lewes, Mahumetish, and other infidels. By Philip of Mornay Lord of Plessie Marlie. Begunnc to be translated into English by Sir Philip Sidney Knight, and at his request finished by Arthur Golding. Imprinted at London for Thomas Cadman. 1587. [Col.] Im- printed at London by George Robinson for Thomas Cadman . . . 1587. 4^ black letter. Title, 1 leaf: dedication by Golding to Robert Earl of Leicester, 3 leaves : Mornay's dedication, 3 leaves : Preface, &c., 7 leaves : the work, A — Rr 4 in eights. A Worke Concerning the Trewnesse of Christian Religion. ... At London Printed by Robert Robinson for I. B. . . . 1592. 4«. A, 4 leaves : B— Nn in eights : Oo, 4 leaves. A Worke Concerning the Trewnesse of Christian Religion. ... At London Printed for George Potter. . . . 1604. 4^^, black letter. A, 4 leaves : B — Qq in eights. DEMOSTHENES. The three Orations of Demosthenes chiefe Orator among the Grecians, in fauour of the Olynthians, a people in Thracia, now called Romania : with those his fower Orations titled expressely & by name against King Philip of Mace- donie : most nedefull to be redde in these dangerous dayes, of all them that loue their Countries libertie, and desire to take warning for their better auayle, by example of others. Englished out of the Greeke By Thomas Wylson Doctor of the ciuill lawes. . . . Seene and allowed. . . . Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham . . . Anno Domini, 1570. 4'', black letter. Title, dedication to Sir W. Cecil, and verses by Haddon, &c., 4 leaves: * and **, 4 leaves each : A — Y in fours, Y 4 blank. The life of Demosthenes from Plutarch, &c., is prefixed. DE NEVILLE, FRANCIS. The Christian and Catholike veritie ; Or, The Reasons and Manner of the Conver- sion of Francis De Neville ; Formerly A Capvchin, Preacher, The Popes Mission- ary, and Superiour in sundry Covents of the same Order. A Treatise very use- ful for all Christians, and especially for such as are Popishly affected. . . . Dedi- cated by the Author to the High Court of Parliament now Assembled. 1642. . . . London Printed by T. F. and M. S. for H. Blunden. . . . 1642. 4«, A— Z in fours. Dedicated to the Parliament. On the back of the title occurs a woodcut label with " Ex D" Authoris " inside. DENHAM, SIR JOHN. Poems and Translations, with the Sophy . . . The Second Impression. London, Printed by J. M. for H. Herringman, . . . 1671. 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B — Gg 4 in eights. Poems and Translations. . . . The Third Impression. London, Printed by J. M. for H. Herringman. . . . mdclxxxiv. 8''. A, 4 leaves : B — Gg 4 in eights. Poems and Translations. . . . The Fifth Edition. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1709. 8^. A, 6 leaves : B— Z 2 in eights. Coopers Hill. A Poeme. London Printed for Tho Walkley, . . . 1642. 4*^, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. The True Presbyterian without Disguise ; or, a Character of a Presbyterians Ways and Actions. By Sir John Denham, DENMARK 169 DE RIBADENEYRA. Knight. . . . London : Printed for J. B. 1680. A broadside in verse. Ouvry Cat No. 155. DENMARK. A ballad intituled / liowe a blacksmith vsed the rich farmers of Denmark for raising their corne. Licensed to John Danter, 8 Aug. 1594. DENNE, HENRY. The Levellers Designe Discovered : Or The Anatomie of the late unhappie Mutinie : Presented unto the Souldiers of the Army Ynder the Command of his Excellency the Lord Fairfax ; for prevention of the like in others. "Written by Henry Denne, an Actor in this Tragedy. London, Printed for Francis Tyton, . . . 1649. 4^, 4 leaves. DENNIS, JOHN. TheSecrets of Angling : . . . Augmented with many approved Experiments. By "W. Lawson. London, Printed by T. H. for John Harrison, and are to be sold by Francis Coles, at his Shop in the Old Bayly, 1652. 8^, A— E 4 in eights, including the woodcut frontispiece. Corser, part 9, No. 175. DENNIS, JOHN. The Court of Death. A Pindarique Poem, Dedicated to the Memory of . . . Queen Mary. . . . By Mr. Dennis. London, Printed for James Knapton, . . . 1695. FoUo, A — F in twos, and a, 2 leaves. DE PARC, THE SIEUR. The Comical History of Francion. Saty- rically exposing Folly and Vice, in Variety of Humours and Adventures. Written in French by the Sieur de Pare, and Translated by Several Hands, and Adapted to the Humour of the present Age. London, Printed for R. Willington, I ... 1703. 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B— lii 5 I in eights. I The Preface is signed W. A. \ DE QUEVEDO, FRANCISCO. The Visions of Don Francisco de Que- vedo. . . . The Third Edition Corrected. London, Printed for H. Herringman, . . . 1668. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— Z 4 in eights. Fortune in her Wits, Or, The Hour of all Men. Written in Spanish by the most Ingenious Don Francisco de Qui- vedo Villegas, Author of the Vi&ions of Hell. Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. London, Printed for C. Sare . . . 1697. 8*^, A— K 2 in eights, A 8 blank. Dedicated to Mark Arundell, Esq. DE QUIR, FERDINAND. Terra Australis incognita, Or A new Southerne Discoverie, Containing A fifth part of the World. Lately found out by Ferdinand de Quir, a Spanish Captaine. Neuer before published. London Printed for lohn Hodgetts. 1617. 4°, A— D in fours, A blank. This appears to relate to the Terra del Fuego. DERBY, HENRY, Earl of. An epitaph vppon the death of the righte honorable Henrie Erie of Derbie. Licensed to Thomas Creede, 22 Oct. 1593. A Remembrance of the late righte honor- able Erie of Derby Deceased. Licensed to Thomas Gubbyn, 23 Dec. 1593. A Dolefull adewe to the last Erie of Derby, to the tune of Bonny Sweete Rolin. Licensed to John Danter, 26 April, 1594. DERBYSHIRE. To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Your Maiesties Loyall, and peaceable Subiects, the Barronets, Knights, Esquires, Free-holders, and other Inhabitants of the County and Town of Derby. Lon- don, Printed for Andrew Coe. 1642. A sheet. Theeves, Theeves : Or, A Relation of Sir John Gell's proceedings in Darbyshire, in gathering up the Rents of the Lords and Gentlemen of that County by pre- tended authority from the two Houses of Parliament. [Oxford.] Printed in the Yeare M.DC.XLiii. [May 1.] 4*^, 6 leaves. B.M. DE REFUGES, DENIS. A Treatise of the Court. Digested into two Bookes . . . Done into English by lohn Reynolds. London, Printed by Aug. Matthewes for William Lee . . . 1622. 8^. Title in compartments, 1 leaf: print- ed title, &c., 3 leaves : A, 8 leaves : (a), 4 leaves : B — Gg 3 in eights, Gg 3 having the Errata. Dedicated by Reynolds to Sir Robert Oxenbregge of Husburne, co. Hants. DE RIBADENEYRA, PEDRO, of the Society of Jesus. Historia Ecclesiastica del scisma del Reyno de Inglaterra ; En la qual se tra- tan las cosas mas notables q han sucedido en aquel Reyno, tocantes a nuestra santa Religion, desae que comen90 hasta la muerte de la Reyna de Escocia. Reco- gida de diuersos y graues Autores, por el padre Pedro de Ribadeneyra, de la Com- DE RENICHON. 170 DESCARTES. pania de lesus. . . . En Madrid, . . . 1588. 8''. t, 8 leaves: A— 3 B 6 in eights. Hysteria Ecclesiastica Del Scisma del Reino de Inglaterra . . . Impressa con licencia por Manuel de Lyra 1589. 8*^, -^,12 leaves : A — Kk in eights, A Lisbon reprint of the Madrid impres- sion of 1588. Historia Ecclesiastica del Scisma del Eeyno de Ingleterra. . . . Ano 1674. Con Priuilegio. En Madrid ; En la Im- prenta ReaL 4^. % 8 leaves, including half-title : lilF, 4 leaves : A — Mm in eights. DE RENICHON, M. Michaell de Renichon his araynment and execucon. Licensed to John Wolf, as " a book," 26 June, 1594. DERING, SIR EDWARD. A most worthy Speech of the truly Honourable and worthy member of the house of Commons, Sir Edward Deering, Knight and Baronet, who was chosen Knight of the Shire for the County of Kent. Spoken in the presence of the honorable house of Commons now pre- sent in Parliament : Concerning the Ly- turgy of the Church of England, and for a Nationall Synod. London Printed for F. C. and T. B. in the yeare 1641. 4*^, 4 leaves. DERNYLL, J. A mery pronostication for the yere of our lorde god 1567 by J. Dernyll. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1566. DE ROHAN, LE DUC. A Treatise of the Interest of the Princes and States of Christendome. Written in French by the most Noble and Illustrious Prince, the Duke of Rohan. Englished by H. H. London: Printed by Ric: Hodgkinsonne. 1641. 12*^, A— K in twelves, first, second, and last leaves blank. Dedicated by Henry Hunt to Sir John Packington of the co. of Worcester, Bart. DERRICK, JOHN. The Image of Ireland . . . 1581. This book should have a series of twelve cuts at the end separate from the letter- press. A perfect series is in the Edinburgh University copy ; but the Advocates' copy has only eight. DESAINLIENS, CLAUDE. The French Schoole-maister, wherin is most plainelie shewed, the true and most perfect way of pronouncinge of the Frenche tongue, without any helpe of Maister or teacher : set foorthe for the furtherance of all those whiche doo studie priuatly in their own studie or houses : Vnto the which is annexed a Vocabularie for al such woordes as bee vsed in common talkes : by M. Claudius Hollybande, professor of the Latin, Frenche, and Englishe tongues. Bum spiro, spero. Imprinted at London, by William How : for Abraham Veale. 1573. 8°, black and roman letter, A — V in eights, V 8 with the colophon only. Dedicated to Mr. Robert Sackville, son and heir to the Lord Buckhurst. The Frenche Schoole-master. . . . Newly corrected, by C. Hollyband. Dum spiro, spero. Imprinted at London, for Abra- ham Veale, dwelling in Paules church- yard : at the signe of the Lambe. [Col.] London by William Howe, for Abraham Veale. 8°, black letter, A — T 4 in eights. The French Schoole-Maister . . . now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle, professor of the said tongue. London, Printed by Richard Field for Clement Knight . . . 1612. 8°, A— V in eights, first and last leaves blank. DE SALES, ST. FRANCIS. A New Edition of the Introduction to a Devout Life, Of S. Francis de Sales Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Together with a Summary of his Life, and a Col- lection of his choicest Maxims now added to this the last Edition. Set forth by the English Priests of Tourney Colledge at Paris. Printed in the Year 1669. 8^ Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : *, 12 leaves : A — Aa in twelves, DE SANDIVAL, PRUDENCIO. The Civil Wars of Spain, in the begin- ning of the Reign of Charls the 5*''^ Emperor of Germanie, and King of the Nation. Written originally in the Spanish tongue . . . now put into English by Captain J[ames] W[adsworth.] London, Printed by William Du-Gard . . . 1652. Folio, A — Ddd 2 in fours. Dedicated to Colonel Herbert Morlev, Thomas Chaloner, Esq., and James Cha- loner, Esq. ; with a short prefatory notice by James Howell. DESCARTES, RENATUS. Renatvs Des-Cartes Excellent Compen- dium of Mu.sick : with Necessary and Judicious Animadversions thereupon. By a Person of Honovr [Viscount Eroun- <-ker.] London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for Humphrey Moseley, . . . DE SCUDERY. 171 DE SORBIERE. 1653. 4°. a— b in fours: A — M in fours. DE SCUDERY, Mlle. Conversations upon Several Subjects. Written in French by Mademoiselle de Scvdery. And done into English, By Mr. Ferrand Spence. In Two Tomes. London : Printed for H. Rhodes . . . 1683. 12°. Dedicated to the Countess of Os- sory. DE SCUDERY, M. Cvria Politiae : Or The Apologies of Several Princes : Justifying to the World their most Eminent Actions : By the strength of Reason, and the most Exact Rules of Policy. Written in French by the Accurate Pen of Monsieur de Scudery, Governor of Nostre-Dame. And now faithfully Render'd into English. With the Figures of many Emperors and Kings. London, Printed for Robert Boulter . . . 1673. Folio, Frontispiece, 1 leaf : A (with the title, &c.) — D in twos : B (re- peated) — Aaa in twos : Bbb, 1 leaf. With 11 portraits. ' Almahide ; Or, The Captive Queen. An ' Excellent New Romance, never before in I English. The whole Work. Written in I French by the Accurate Pen of Monsieur ! de Scudery Governour of Nostre Dame. ! Done into English by J. Phillips Gent. London, Printed by J. M. for Thomas 1 Dring . . . 1677. Folio. A, 2 leaves : ! B— Hh in fours : li, 6 leaves. Dedicated 1 to Thomas Thynn, Esq. j Les Femmes Illustres Or The Heroick j Harrangues of the Illustrious Women. Written in French by the Famous Pen I of Monsieur de Scudery, Governour of ' Noster Dam. Translated by James Innes. I Edinburgh, Printed by Thomas Broun, i James Glen, and John Weir . . . Anno I Dom. 1681. 8^ A— B in fours, A blank : I B (repeated) — X 4 in sixes. Dedicated to I the Duchess of York. 'dE SEVRES, JEAN. A Generall Historie of France, written by I lohn de Serres vnto the yeare 1598. Con- ! tynued by Peter Mathew to the death of ; King Henry the fourth in the yeare i. 1610. And againe continued unto the i Peace concluded before ^lontpellier in the yeare 1622. By Edward Grimeston I Sariaunt at Armes. Imprinted by G. Eld I & M. Flesher. 1624. Folio, A— K^ in j sixes, first leaf blank, the title engraved : I [a]— [gg] ill sixes. ' The Sweete Thovghts of Death and iEter- ; nitv. Written bv Sieur de la Serre. At Paris. 1632. 8°. ^, 4 leaves : A~Y 4 in eights. Dedicated hy Hfenry] Hfawkius?] to Henry Nevill, Baron of Abergavenny. The Mirrour which Flatters not. . . . London, Printed bv E. T. and R. H. for R. Thrale, . . . 'l673. 8^ A— K in twelves. With a frontispiece and plates. DE SERES, OLIVIER, Lord, of Pradel. The Perfect Vse of Silk-Wormes, and their benefit. With the exact planting and artificiall handling of Mulberrie trees whereby to nourish them, and the figures to know how to feede the Wormes, and to winde ofl' the silke. And the maner to prepare the barke of the white Mulberrie to make fine linnen and other workes thereof. Done out of the French ori- ginall ... by Nicholas Goff'e Esquire. With an annexed discourse of his owne of the meanes and sufficiencie of England for to haue abundance of fine silke by feeding of Silke-wormes within the same. . . . Neuer the like yet here discouered by any. Au desjnt d'enuie. At London Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Richard Sergier and Chris- topher Purset, with the assignment of William Stallenge. 1607. Cum priui- legio. 4*^, A — Q in fours, Q 4 blank. With cuts. Dedicated to King James by the trans- lator, with compHmentary verses by Dray- ton, George Carr, and Robert Goodwin. Goffe's own portion has a separate title. On Q 3 occurs an address to the Reader, dated from Bacon House, London, 20tli May, 1607, in reference to the errors of the press. DE SILVA, DON SIEVES. The first parte of the Hystorye of Don Silues de Silva. Licensed to William White, 29 May, 1609. DESINUS, RAPHAEL. Merlinvs Anonymvs. An Almanack, and no Alman[a]ck. A Kalender, and no Kalender. An Ep[h]emeris (between jest, and earnest) for the Year 1654. ... By Raphael Desinus Philologist. London : Printed by F. Neile in Aldersgate-street. 1 654 [Nov. 18, 1 653.] 8°, A— C in eights. Dedicated to Henry Vernon, and his gene- rous son, George Vernon Esquire, of Fern- ham, in Surrey. B. M. DE SORBIERE, THE SIEUR. Relation D'Un Voyage en Angleterre. ... Par le Sieur Sorbiere. A Cologne, . . . M.DC.LXVii. 12°, A—H 6 in twelves. A Voyage to England, ... By Mons. Sorbiere. As also Observations on the DESOLATIO. 172 DEVONSHIRE. same Voyage, "by Dr. Thomas Sprat, . . . Done into English from the French Ori- ginal. London . . . 1709. 8°. "Samuel Sorbiere who, after studying divinity and medicine at Paris, travelled in different parts of Europe, and published his Voyage into England described by Voltaire as a dull, scurrilous satire upon a nation, of which the author knew nothing," — Note in Pepys's Diary, 13 Oct. 1664. A Journey to London, In the Year, 1698. After the ingenuous Method of that made by Dr. Martin Lyster to Paris, in the same Year, &c. Written Originally in French, by Monsieur Sorbiere, and Newly Translated into English. The Second Edi- tion Corrected. London, Printed, and sold by A. Baldwin, ... 1699. 8*^. Title, half-title, preface, and contents, 4 leaves : B— D 2 in eights. Dialogues of the Dead. Relating to the present Controversy Concerning the Epistles of Phalaris. JBy the Author of the Journey to London. London : Printed, and Sold by A. Baldwin, . . . 1699. 8°. Title, preface, verses, and contents, 4 leaves : B — M 2 in fours. DESOLATIO. Desolatio inter fratres. A story-book [with pictures ?] Licensed to Giles Godet in 1564-5. DESPAGNE, JOHN. Anti-Dvello. The Anatomie of Dvells, With the Symptoms thereof. . . . Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Harper for B, Fisher, . . . 1632. 4^ Title, 1 leaf : A, 2 leaves, with the dedication to Robert Earl of Carnarvon : B — I in fours. B. M. DE THIGNONVILLE, GUILLAUME. The Dictes and sayings of the philo- sophers . . . 1528. Collation : A — M in eights and fours, and N, 6 leaves, with the colophon and mark on N G, the latter repeated on the verso of the leaf. DE VAIX, MONSIEUR. The Morall Philosophy of the Stoicks. Written Originally in French by that Ingenious Gentleman Monsieur de Vaix. . . . Englished by Charles Cotton, Esq; . . . London, Printed for Henry Mort- lock, . . . 1664. 8°, A— H in fours. Dedicated to John Ferrers, Esq., the translator's friend and kinsman. Witli a frontispiece. The Moral Philosophy of the Stoicks. Written Originally in French by that Ingenuous Gentleman, Monsieur du Vaix, first President of the Parliament of Pro- vence. Englished by Charles Cotton, Esq; . . . London, Printed for Henry Mortlock . . . 1671. S'', A— H in eights, H 8 blank, and A occupied by the Frontispiece. Dedicated to John Ferrers, Esq. DE VARILLAS, THE SIEUR. The Secret History of the House of Medi- cis. Written originally by that Fam'd Historian, the Sieur de Varillas. Made English by Ferrand Spence . . . London. Printed by R. E. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes . . . 1686. 8^ A, 4 leaves : a— d in eights : B — Hh 3 in eights. Dedi- cated to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and jMontgomery. DEVIL. The Hee Divell. A ballad. Licensed to F. Grove, 12 March, 1629-30. DE VILLE DIEU, M. The Unfortunate Heroes : Or, The Adven- tures of Ten Famous Men, Viz. Ovid, Lentulus, Hortensius, Herennius, Cepion, Horace, Virgil, Cornelius Gallus, Crassus, Agrippa. Banished from the Court of Augustus Caesar. In Ten Novels. Com- posed by that Great Wit of France M(m- sieur de Villa Dieu. Englished by a Gentleman for his Diversion. In the Savoy : Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, . . . 1679. 8^ A— T in eights, but only the title and Imprimatur under A. The last seven pages are occiipied by ad- vertisements. DE LA PERRIERE, GUILLAUME. The Theatre of fyne Devyses conteyn- inge an hundred morrall Emblemes trans- lated out of French by Thomas Combe. Licensed to Richard Field, 9 May, 1593. DEVONSHIRE, CHARLES BLOUNT, Earl of. The souldiers lamentation for the Deatlie of the honorable minded man tlie Lord Mountjoy. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 14 April, 1606. A MournefuU and newe ballad Declaringe the order of the late Erie of Devonshires funeral]. Licensed to George Vincent, 9 May, 1606. J DEVONSHIRE. | The sudden death liappeninge at Exeter sises 1586. A ballad, Liceursed to E. White, 1 Aug. 15c^6. A booke intituled / To the riighte wor- shippfull grave and prudente Senators, master John Periam maiour of the cytie of Excester / and to the aldermen and his brethren of the common counsell of y' DEY. 173 DIALOGUE. same. Entered to John Windet, 1 Feb. 1587-8, but no sum named. A ballad of the Devill of Devonshire and William of the West his sonne. Licensed to E. White, 16 Oct. 1594. A most strange reporte of twoo mon- strous births brought into the world : the one in November last in the town of Modberry in Devon, and the other in De- cember followinge within the towne of Plimmouth, Licensed to Eichard Bonian and Henry Waley, 22 December, 1608. A sorrowfull dyttye wherein is declared the wofuU lamentacon of John Shute of Studley in the county of Deuon who had his house and goodes burnte. Licensed to John Wright, 23 July, 1612. A ballad of the burning of Tyverton. the 5. of Aagust 1612. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 14 August, 1612. A True Relation of those sad and Lament- able Accidents . . . 1638. On the 17th November, 1638, R. Harford entered the first edition of this tract, and on the 19th further additions, consisting of a preface, &;c. The second edition or sequel was subsequently resistered by it- seK on the 27th. See Arber^ iv. 418-19. A most true Relation of divers notable Passages of Divine Providence in the great deliverance and wonderfull victor}^ obtained by the Parliaments Forces under the command of the Earle of Stamford in the County of Devon, against the Army of Cavaliers, raised by Sir Ralph Hopton and his adherents, rebels and traitours, Cornish-men, and others : upon Tuesday the 23. of April. 1643. . . . London, Printed for Lawrence Blaikelocke, . . . 1643. 4*^, 4 leaves. Witchcraft Discovered and Punished, Or, The Tryals and Condemnations of three Notorious Witches, who were Tryed the last Assizes, holden at the Castle of Exeter, in the County of Devon : where they received sentence of Death for be- witching several Persons, destroying Ships at Sea, and Cattell by Land, &c. To the Tune of Doctor Faustus. or For- tune mv Foe. A broadside with three cuts. B. M. DEY, RICHARD, Minister of the Go-'^pel. Two Looks over Lincolne, Or, A view of his Holy Table, name, and thing, &<.■. discovering his erroneous and Popish Tenets and Positions . . . London : Printed by T. Paine and M. Simons. 1641. 4°, A— E 2 in fours, E 2 blank. DIALOGUE. Dialogus de fundamentis legum Anglie et deconscientia. [Col.] Explicit dialo- gus . . . Impressum Londini p Johan- nem Rastell. Anno Dni. M. v. C. xxviii. Cum priuilegio Regali. 8^, A — M 6 in eights, M 5-6 with the Errata. Lambeth (Lord Burleigh's copy), A proper dyaloge / betwene a Gentilman and a husbandma / eche complaynynge to other their miserable calamite / through the ambicion of the clergye. [Col.] Em- prented at Marborow in the lande of Hessen / by me, Hans Luft / in the yere of oure lorde. M. ccccc. and. xxx. 8*^, black letter, A — D in eights. In prose and verse. Br. Museum (the Ickworth copy). Printed -without any regular title. The Dialogue ends on B 4 recto, and is followed by a prose piece called " an olde treaty se made aboute the tyme of Kynge Eycharde the seconde," which extends without in- terruption to C 3 rerso, where there is an exchange of remarks between the original interlocutors, and the Treatise continues to C 5 verso. On C 8 recto commences: "A compedious olde treatyse / shewynge howe that we ought to haue the scripture in Englisshe," which occupies the rest of the volume. Dispvtatio inter clericum et militem super potestate prelatis ecclesise atq; princi- pibus terrarum commissa sub forma Dia- logi. Londini in edibus Thome Bertlie- leti. [Col.] Thomas Bertheletus regius impressor excudebat. Cum priuilegio. &«, A— B 6 in eights. A Dialogve betwene a knyght and a clerke, concernynge the power spiritual and temporall. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Flete-strete, in the house of Thomas Berthelet, ... 8°, A— B in eights, and C, 10 leaves. A Dyaloge betwene youghte and age. A ballad. Licensed to John Arnold in 1569-70. A Dialogve or Familiar talke betwene iwo neighbours, cocernyng the chyefest ceremonyes, that Were, by the mightti power of Gods most holie pure Worde, suppressed in Englande, and nowe for our vnworthines. set vp agayne by the Bishoppes, the impes of Antichrist : right learned, profitable, and pleasaunt to be read, for the comfort of weake cosciences in these troublous times. Read first, and then iudge. From Roane, by Michael Wodde, the. xx. of February. Anno, Domi M.D.L.iiii. 8^. A — E in eights. Lambeth. A Dialogue betwene De^athe and youghte. DIALOGUE. 74 DIALOGUE. A ballad. Licensed to J. Charlwood iii 1563-4. A godly new Dyaloge betwene Christe and a synner, meyte for all ages. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1561. A Dialoge betwene a mayde of the Cetye and a mayde of the Cuntrye abowte cliosyng of liusboundes. A ballad. Li-i censed to Eobert Hackforth in 1566. A Dyaloge shewynge how the godly be condemned by y^ [vainjglorious worde- lynges. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566-7. A merye Dialoge betwene Aratalogus and Virgo. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566-7. A Dyaloge betwene ij beggers. Licensed to W. Copland in 1567. A Dyaloge shewynge the husbandman s treasure. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1568-9. A Dyaloge betwene God and man. A ! ballad. Licensed to J. Allde in 1568-9. A ballad Dialogue wise betwene William Wax Wise and Walter Wold be Wanton concerninge thabuse of the Sabothe daye. Licensed to John Hynd, 28 Feb. 1578-9. A dialogue betwene Baldwin and a Sailor. Licensed to Robert Waldegrave, 2 Nov. 1580. A Pleasaunt Dialogue concerning Phisicke and Phisitions. Imprinted at London by lohn Charlewood. 1580. [On A 2 occurs this second title :] A Delectable Dialogue. Wherein is contayned a Pleasaunt Disputation between two Span- ish Gentlemen concerning Phisick and Phisitions, with Answere of a learned Maister giuen vpon their argument. Translated out of the Castlin tongue, By T. N[ewton ?J B'', black letter, A— E in eights. Dedicated by T. N. " To the woorship- full Maister Thomas Fowler Esquire." The first titlepage is mainly occupied by a large woodcut with figures of the Interlocutors. Unmentioned by Herbert. A Dialogue Betwene Adge and youthe. Licensed to H. Carre, 13 Jan. 1580-1. A ballad entitled "Youth and Age," dialoguewiso, is printed by Collier (Old Ballads and Songs from MSS., 18G9, p. 49.) A moste excellent newe ballad Dyalogu(i- vyse betwenne Christe and the soul of man. Licensed to Sampson Clark, '23 March, 1587-8. A proper newe ballade dyaloguewysc betwene Syncerytie and Wilfull Ignor- ance. Licensed to Sampson Clark, 23 March, 1587-8. A newe northerne Dialogue betwene Willsone aiid the warriner, and ho we Reynold Feares gott faire Nannye to his Love. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, 13 August, 1591. A ballad of a Dialoge betwene a Lord and his Lady. Licensed to Robert Bourne, 27 August, 1591. A dialogue betwixt a Courtier and a Cuntry man. Licensed to Richard Hig- genbotham, 7 January, 1616-17. Query, the same as Breton's Court and Country, 1618. A Dialogue between Tom Tell Troth and Robin Conscience. Licensed to Thomas Lambert, 20th Sept. 1633. A Dialogue betweene Boot, Spurr, Pumpe, and Slipper. Licensed to John Okes, 22 Feb. 1638-9. A Merry dialogue betweene Cuthbert and Robert. Licensed to Francis Grove, 22 October, 1639. A Dialogve Betwixt a Rattle-Head and a Round-Head. Neutral ins being Mode- rator betwixt both. With their peace- able agreement, and their Conference for maintaining their severall Opinions. With the Argument against Bishops. Full of mirth, and repleat with witty In- ventions. London, Printed for T. G. MDCXLJ. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. A Dialogue Betwixt Sir George Booth, And Sir John Presbyter, At their meet- ing near Chester, upon The Rendezvous- ing of the Army : Wherein, most of the Machinations depending upon that Affair, are discovered. London, Printed for William Wild, 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. The Humoiyrs, and Conversations of the To\\'Ti, Expos'd in Two Dialogues. The First, of the Men. The Second, of the Women. London, Printed for R. Bentley . . . 1693 [1673.] 12^. A, 6 leaves: B — G in twelves. A Dialogue between the Pope and a Phanatick, concerning Affairs iii England. By a Hearty Lover of his Prince and Country. London : Printed in the Year 1680. 4*^, A— C 2 in fours. A Dialogue between the Pope and tlie Devil, about Owen and Baxter. London, Printed for S. J. 1681. A folio leaf. A Dialogue between London & Oxford. Ijondon, Printed in the Year 1681. A lulio leaf, partly in verse. DTANA. 175 DIGBY. A Dialogue Betwixt Sam the Ferriman of Dochet, Will A Waterman of London, And Tom A Bargeman of Oxford. Upon the Kings Calling a Parliament to meet at Oxford. London, Printed in the Year, 1681. 4*^, A— D in fours. A Dialogue between two Burgesses, about Chusing their next Members of Parlia- ment. [Col.] London, Printedin the Year 1681. A fo.lio leaf. A Dialogue between the D. of C. and the D. of P. at their meeting in Paris, with the Ghost of Jane Shore. London : Printed for J. Smith. A sheet. Ouvrij Cat, No. 35. A Dialogue between a late Lord Major and a Eecorder. As also the Battle Koyal between three Clergy-Men ; which had been Printed sooner had the Author dar'd to Publish it. London : Printed in the Year 1698. A sheet. Ouvry Cat., 165. DIANA. The goddes Diana. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. DICHANTE, GEORGE. A booke called Parinesis per Georgium Dochant [Dichante.] Licensed to H. Gosson, 17 May, 1634. DICK, SIR WILLIAM. The Lamentable Estate. . . . [1656.] ■ For an account of this unfortunate man, " see Scott's Heart of Mid-Lothian^ Centen- ary ed., Notes, 553. DICKINSON, FRANCIS. A Precious Treasury of Twenty Rare Secrets, Most Necessary, Pleasant, and Profitable for all sorts of People. Pub- lished by Siguier Francisco Dickinson an Expert Operator, and presumed to [be] as good as any the best in Europe. Lon- don, Printed for the Author, Avhose skill is approved. [October 19.] 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. DICKSON, DAVID. Trve Christian Love ; To bee sung with any of the common tunes of the Psalmes. [Quotation. Edinburgh] Printed by J. W. for John Wilson, and are to be sold at his shop in Glasgow. 1634. 8°, A — B in eights, B 8 blank. D. Laing, 1879, No. 1080. This is pro- bably the earliest book published at Glas- gow. DICTIONARY. Dictionaire colloques ou dialogues en quattre langues. Flamen. Fran^oys. Es- paignol. et Italian, with the Englishe to be added thereto. Licensed to George Bishop the younger, 12 Sept. 1578. A Geographical Dictionary, in which aro Described the most Eminent Countries . . . The Fifth Edition . . . London : Printed for Charles Brome, . . . 1687. 12°, A— H 6 in twelves. An Historical Dictionary of England and Wales. In Three Parts. . . . London, Printed for Abel Roper . . . 1692. 8^ A — I in sixes, A i blank and A 6 with Errata : A — ^l in sixes : A — D 2 in sixes. DIGBY, EVERARD. Theoria Analytica, Viam ad Monarchiam Scientiarum demonstrans, totius Phiio- sophiee & reliquarum Scientiarum, nec- non primorum postremorumq; Philoso- phorum mysteria arcanaq; dogmata enu- cleans. In tres libros digesta : Autore Everardo Dygbeio Anglo, in Artibus Magistro, Socio CoUegij Diui loannis Euangelistse Cantabrigiensis. Loudini, Ex oflQ.cina Henrici Bynneman, . . . 1579. Calend. Septemb. 4*'. IF, 4 leaves : ^1F, 4 leaves : A — 3 I in fours. Dedicated to Sir Christopher Hatton. DIGBY, GEORGE, Second Earl of Bristol. The Third Speech of the Lord George Digby, To the House of Commons, Con- cerning Bishops, and the Citie Petition, the 9th of Febr: 1640. Printed for Tho: Walkley. 1640. 4°, A— C 2 in fours, first leaf blank. The Lord Digbies Speech in the House of Commons, To the Bill of Attainder, of the Earle of Strafford, the 21 of April, 1641. Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4*^, 8 leaves, B 4 blank. The Speeches of the Lord Digby in the High Court of Parliament, Concerning Grievances, and the Trienniall Parlia- ment. Printed for Thomas Walkely, 1641. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. The Lord Digbies Designe to betray Abingdon. Carryed on for divers Weeke^s by an Intercourse of Letters. Which are here published for the satisfaction of all men, By Serjeant Major General Brown. Together wdth the Cipher which the Lord Digby sent him for that purpose. London : Printed for Laurence Blaiklock, . . . 1644. The Lord George Digby's Cabinet And Dr. Goff's Negotiations ; Together with His Majesties, the Queens, and the Lord Jermin's, and other Letters : Taken at the Battel at Sherborn in Yorkshire about the 15tb of October last. Also Observa- tions upon the said Letters. . . . London : DIGBY. 176 DIGGES. Printed for Edward Husband, . . . March 26. 1646. 4°, A— I 2 in fours. DIGBY, JOHN, First Earl of Bristol. A Speech, Made by the right Honour- able, lohn Earle of Bristoll, in the high Court of Parliament, May 20, 1642. Con- cerning an Accommodation. London, Printed for Kichard Marriot 1642- 4°, A — B in fours. DIGBY, SIR KENELM. Two Treatises. In the One of which, The Natvre of Bodies ; In the other. The Nature of Mans Sovle ; Is looked into : In way of Discovery, of the Immortality of Reasonable Sovles. ... At Paris, Printed by Gilles Blaizot. m.dc.xliiii. With Priviledge. Folio, a— i in fours : 6, 6 leaves : u, 4 leaves : A— 3 N in fours, 3 N 4 blank. Dedicated to the author's son, Kenelm Digby, from Paris, the last of August, 1644. Two Treatises : . . . London, Printed for lohn Williams ... M DC XLV. 4°. A, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves : *, 4 leaves : **, 4 leaves : A (repeated) — Ggg in eights : (Hhh)— (Lll) in fours. With a portrait. The last leaf is occupied by the Privilege of the French King for a translation into that language in the author's favour. A Late Discourse made in a Solemne Assembly of Nobles and Learned Men at Montpellier in France, By Sr Kenelme Digby, Knight, &c. Touching the Cure of Wounds by the Powder of Sympathy ; With Instructions how to make the said Powder ; whereby many other Secrets of Nature are unfolded. . . . Rendered faith- fully out of French in to English By R. White, Gent. The second Edition corrected and augmented : with the addi- tion of an Index. London, Printed bv R. Lowndes . . . 1658. 12^ A— G iii twelves. Dedicated by White to John Digby, Esq., at Gothurst. Choice and Experimental Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery, As also Cordial and Distilled Waters and Spirits, Per- fumes, and other Curiosities. Collected by tlie Honourable and truly Learned Sir Kenelm Digby K*-. Chancellour to her Majesty the Queen Motlier. Tran- slated out of several Languages by G. H. London, Printed for the Author, 1668. 8"^. A, 4 leaves, A 1 with label only : 15— X in eights. With a portrait by Cross. Dedicated by George Hartman to George, Duke of Buckingham. Chymical Secrets, and Rare Experiments in Physick & Philosophy, with Figures collected and experimented, by the Hon- ourable and Learned Sir Kenelm Digby, Chancellor to the late Queen-Mother of England. Containing, Many Rare and Unheard of medicines, . . . Published since his Death, by George Hartman Chymist, and Steward to the aforesaid Sir Kenelm. London, Printed for Will. Cooper, . . . 1683. 8^, A— S in eights. Dedicated to Robert, Earl of Yarmouth, Journal of a Voyage into the Mediter- ranean by Sir Kenelm Digby. a.d. 1628. Edited from the original MS. by John Bruce. 4°, 1868. Camden Society. DIGGES, DUDLEY. The Vnlawfvlnesse of Subjects taking up Armes against their Soveraigne, in what case soever. Together with an Answer to all Objections scattered in their seve- rall Bookes. And a proofe that notwith- standing such resistance as they plead for, were not damnable, yet the present Warre made upon the King is so . . . Written by Dvdley Diggs, Gentleman : late Fellow of All-Soules Colledge in Oxford. Printed in the Yeare of our Lord, 1647. Since the 25. day of March. 4°, A — Y 2 in fours, besides the frontispiece, and 2 leaves of Contents. The Unlawfulness of Subjects taking up Arms against their Soveraigne . . . Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Mabb, for Wil- liam Sheares, . . . 1662. _ 8*^, A— M in eights, besides the frontispiece and 4 leaves marked *, with the printed title and Table. The Compleat Ambassador : or Two Treaties of the Intended Marriage of Qu: Elizabeth of Glorious Memory, comprised in Letters of Negotiation of Sir Francis Walsingham, her Resident in France, together with the Answers of the Lord Burleigh, the Earl of Leice.ster, Sir Thomas Smith, and others. Wherein, as in a clear mirror, may be seen the Faces of the two Courts of England & France, as they then stood, with many- remarkable Passages of State, not at all nientioned in any History. Printed by Thomas Newcomb for Gabriel Collins and Thomas Collins. 1655. Folio. With a frontispiece by W. Faithorne. Title, 1 leaf: Preface, 2 leaves : Table, 4 leaves : B — M in fours : Table of principal mat- ters, 3 leaves. DIGGES, LEONARD. A Prognostication euerlasting of rhygt good eflecte, frutefuUy augmented by the author, coteyning playne, brief, pleasant, DIGGES. 177 DILLINGHAM. chose rules to judge the weather by the Sunne, Moone, Sterres, ... To these and other nowe at the last are adjoyned diuers general Pleasat Tables, with many copendious rules, easy to be had in me- morie, manifolde waves profitable to al maner men of understanding : once again e published by Leonard Digges Gentleman, in the yeare of our Lorde, 1556. The se- conde Impression augmented by the author in the yeare 1556. Agayne Imprynted by Thomas Gemini. ... 4*^, A — G in fours and A — D 2 in fours. A Prognostication everlasting of right good effect, frutefuUy augmented by the author . . . once againe publyshed by Leonard Digges gentleman, in the yeere of our Lord. 1564. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Thomas Marshe, nere to S. Dunstones Churche. 4°, black let- ter, A — L in fours, L 4 blank, besides title and dedication, 2 leaves. Woodcuts. A Boke Named Tectonicon. Briefely shewynge the ex act e measun,'nge, and speady reckonynge all maner Lande, squared Tymber, Stone, Steaples, Pyllers, Globes, &c. Further, declaringe the per- fecte makinge and large vse of the Car- penters Euler, conteyninge a Quadrant Geometricall, . . . Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman, in the yere of our Lorde. 1556. Imprynted at London by Thomas Gemini, dwellynge within the Blacke Friers : who is there ready exactly to make all the Instrumentes apperteyn- ynge to this Booke. Anno. 1562. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — F in fours. A Geometrical Practice, named Pantome- tria, diuided into three Bookes, Longi- metria, Planimetra and Stereometria, I containing Rules manifolde for mensura- I tion of all lines, Superficies and Solides : I with sundry strange conclusions both by i instrument and without . . . framed by i Leonard Digues Gentleman,lately finished i by Thomas Digges his sonne. Who liathe also thereunto adioyned a Mathematicall , Treatise of Platonical bodies, . . . Im- j printed at London by Henrie Bynneman. Anno. 1571. 4°, A — Hh in fours, besides ■ title and following leaf. Dedicated to ; Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lord Keeper. ' With cuts. I A Geometrical Practical Treatise named I Pantometria . . . First published by Thomas Digges Esquire, . . . Lately Re- viewed by the Avthor him self e, and aug- mented with suudrie Additions ... to upen the passage, and prepare a way to the vnderstanding of the Treatize of Martiall Pyrotechnie and great Artillerie, hereafter to be published. At London Printed by Abell Jeffes. Anno. 1591. Folio, A— Cc in fours, Cc 4 with the Er- rata. With cuts. An Arithmeticall Militarie Treatise, named Strathioticos : Compendiou>ly teaching the Science of Nubers, as well in Fractions as Integers, and so much of the Rules and ^Equations Allgebraicall and Arte of Numbers Cossicall, as are requisite for the Profession of a Soldiour. Together with the Moderne Militare Discipline, Offices, Lawes and Dueties in euery well gouerned Campe and Armie to be obserued : Long since attepted by Leonard Digges Gentleman, Augmented, digested, and lately finished, by Thomas Digges, his Sonne.' Whereto he hath also adioyned certaine Questions of great Or- dinaunce, resolued in his other Treatize of Pyrotechny, and great Artillerie, here- \ after to bee published. Vivet post Fvnera I Virtvs. At London : Printed by Henrie Bynneman. Anno Domini. 1579. 4°, black letter, A — Aa in fours, besides two j folded tables between X and Y and be- I tween Y and Z. Dedicated to the Earl of Leicester, whose arms gartered are on the back of the title, by Thomas Digges. An Arithmetical Warlike Treatise named Stratioticos . . . First published by Thomas Digges Esquire Anno salutis 1579 . . . lately reuiewed and corrected by the author himselfe, and also aug- mented with sundry adilitions. At Lon- don Imprinted by Richard Field 1590. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — Pp in fours, besides 2 folded leaves at LL. Dedicated to the Earl of Leicester. DIGGES, THOMAS, the Elder. Alse Sev Scalse Mathematicse, quibus visibilium remotissima coelorum Tlieatra consciendi, & Planetarum omnium itinera nouis & inauditis Methodis explorari : tum huius portentosi Syderis in Mundi Boreali plaga insolito fulgore coruscantis . . . possis. Thoma Digges.eo, Cantiensi, Stemmatis Generosi, Authore. Londini. Anno Domini. 1573. [Col.] Londini Apud Thomam Marsh. 4^^, A — L in four<, A repeated, and L 4 having only the Digges arms. DILLINGHAM, FRANCIS, M.A., of Christ's College, Cambridge. A Disswasive from Poperie, containing Twelve Eff'ectval Reasons, by which every Papist, not wilfully blinded, may be brought to the truth, and euery Protestant :^ M DILLINGHAM. 17 DLS COURSE. confirmed in tlie same. . . . Printed by lohn Legat, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1599. 8*^, A— L 4 in eights. DILLINGHAM, WILLIAM, S.T.D. Poemata Varii Argumenti, Partim E Georgio Herberto Latin^ (utcunque) red- dita, Partim conscripta, A Wilh. Dilling- ham, S.T.D. Cantabrigiensi. Adscitis etiam aliis aliorum. Londini, Typis E. Flesher . . . mdclxviii. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — Q in eights, last leaf blank. DINGLEY, ROBERT, M.A., of Magdalen College, Oxford. Vox Coeli ; Or, Philosopliical, Historical, and Theological Observations of Thunder. ... By Robert Dingley, M.A. . . . Lon- don, Printed by M. S. for Henry Cripps, . . . 1658. 8'', A— N in eights. Dedi- cated to Major Samuel Bull, captain of Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight. DIODORUS SICULUS. ' A Righte noble and pleasant History of the Successors of Alexander surnamed the Great, taken out of Diodorus Siculus : and some of their Hues written by the wise Plutarch. Translated out of French into Englysh, by Thomas Stocker. Im- printed at London by Henrie Bynneman, ... for Humfrie Toy. Anno Domini. 1569. 4°, A— Vv 2 in fours. Dedicated to Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick. The History of Diodorus Siculus. Con- taining all that is most Memorable and of greatest Antiquity in the first Ages of the World Until the War of Troy. Done into English by H. C. Gent. London, Printed by John Macock, for Giles Cal- vert, . . . 1653. Folio, A — Uu in fours, and the title. Dedicated by Henry Co- gan, to John, Earl of Clare. DIOGENES. The bayting of Dyogenes. Licensed to Henry Chettle, 17 Sept. 1591. DIRECTION. A Direction for the English Traveller By which he shall be enabled to coast about all England and Wales. And also to know how farre any Market or noteable Towne in any Shire lyeth, one from an other, and Whether the same be East West North or South from y^ Shire Towne : As also the distance betweene London and any other Sliire or great towne : with the scituation thereof East West North or South from London. By the help also of this worke one may know in what Parish, Village or Mansion house soeuer he be in . . . Printed and are to be Sold by lohn Garrett, at the South Entrance of y® Royall Exchange in Corne-hill . . . [Circd 1625.] • 8'', 44 folded leaves and maps, including the titlepage, the whole engraved. A Direction for the English Traveller By which he shal be inabled to Coast about all England and Wales. . . . Are to be sold by Thomas Jenner at the South entrance of the Exchange 1643. Sm, 8°, 42 leaves, including prefixes and a large folded leaf of highways and roads. DIRECTOR. A Brief Director for those that would send their Letters to any parts of Eng- land, Scotland, or Ireland. Or a List of all the Carriers, Waggoners, Coaches, Posts, Ships, Barks, Hoys, and Passage- boats, that come to London, . . . Alpha- betically Printed, . . . [1660.] 4°, 4 leaves. DIRECTORIUM. Directorium, seu Pica Sarum. [W. Cax- ton, circd 1480.] 4^ St. Albans Gram- mar School (a fragment). [Directorium Sacerdotum, una cum De- fensorio ejusdem. Item Tractatus qui dicitur Crede Mihi. Colophon :] Caxton me fieri fecit. [1487 ?] Folio, 160 leaves, the first blank. Br. Museum (Baynton's copy). [Directorium Sacerdotum. Second Edi- tion of the Second Version. Colophon :] Impressum est hoc directorial cu defen- sorio eiusdem per Wilielmu Caxton apud westmonasteriii prope London/ [Circa 1489.] Folio, 194 leaves. Bodleian. DIRECTORY. A Directory for the Publique Worship of God, throughout the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. To- gether with an Ordinance of Parliament for the taking away of the Book of Com- mon-Prayer : And for establishing and observing of this present Directory throughout the kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales. . . . Lomlon : Printed for Evan Tvler, Alexander Fyfield, , . . 1644. 4^. the Directory, A— M in fours: the Ordinance, 4 leaves. DISCOURSE. A Discovrse against Flatterie. [Quot. from Persius and Seneca.] London Printed by Will. Stansby for Walter Burre . . . 1611. 8°, A— G 5 in eights. Dedicated to Lord Bruce, Baron of Kin- loss. Lambeth. A Discourse Shewing the Great Advant- ages that New-Buildings, and the Enlarg- ing of ToAvns and Cities Do bring to a DISPUTATION. 179 DIURNAL. Nation, London, Printed Anno Domini, 1678. 4*^, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. Politiqve Discourses, treating of the dif- ferences and inequalities of Vocations, as "well Publique asPriuate: with the scopes or endes wherevnto they are directed. Translated out of French, by iEgremont Ratcliffe Esquire. Snas hahet Respublica ligaturas. Imprinted at London for Ed- ward Aggas. 1578. 4*^, black letter, A — U in fours, and a leaf of X. Dedicated to Sir Francis Walsingham. Twooe discourses to be ioyned in one booke. The one a true relacon of tlie French kinges good successe against the Duke of Parma, the other of A certen mountain e bvrninge in the Isle of Palme ; five or Sixe weekes. Licensed to John ! Wolf, 4 May, 1592. I Discourses on the Publick Revenues, and ! on the Trade of England. In Two Parts, j ... By the Author of the Essay on Ways and Means. ... To which is added A Dis- course upon Improving the Revenue of the State of Athens, Written Originally in Greek, by Xenophon . . . London: Printed for James Knapton . . . 1698. S"". Parti., A— T 4 in eights, and Aa — Dd in eights : Part II. (with a Discourse annexed on the East India Trade), A — Ee in eights, besides a folded leaf in Aa: Aaa — Ddd in eights. DISPUTATION. A dysputation betwene olde age and youghte. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1563-4. The Dysputation monye. A ballad, ering in 1564-5. A pretye disputacon betwene a citizen and a countreman. Licensed to H. Carre, 18 Sept. 1579, The Dispvtation Concerning the Contro- versit Headdis of Religion, haldin in the Realme of Scotland, the zeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth fourscoir zeiris. Betuix. The pretended ministerie of the deformed Kirk of Scotland. And, Nicol Burne Professor of philosophie in S. Leonardis college, in the Citie of Sanct- androis, . . . Imprinted at Parise the first day of October. 1581. 8°. a, 8 leaves: A — Z in eights, Z 8 wnth the mark : Ane Admonition to the Anticliristian Ministers in the Deformit Kirk of Scotland, in verse, A — B in fours. Dedicated to James VI. DISSEMBLERS. 1 Agaynste Dyssembelers. A ballad. Licensed to T. Col well in 1567. betwene love and Licensed to W. Pick- DISSENTERS. The Protestant-Dissenters Case : Or, Tlie Statute of the 23. of Eliz. Ca. 1. Inflict- ing the Penalty of £20 per Month for not coming to Church, Explained. Lon- don, Printed for Tho. Knowles in Tower- street, 1682. A folio leaf. In Imitation of Hudibras. The Dissent- ing Hypocrite, Or Occasional Conformist ; with Reflections on two of the Ring- Leaders, &c. . , . London, Printed in the Year 1704. 8'^, A— L 2 in fours, and a, 4 leaves. In verse. DITTY. A pleasynte Dyttye : When Splendent Phebus. Licensed to T. Cohvell in 1564-5. A DyttyDeclarynge the mesyrable estate Betweene the worlde that was and ys of late. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1564-5. A Dittie declaringe by order of fate. Howe fickell Dame Fortune Dothe chaunge our estate. Licensed to Roger Ward, July 8, 1577. A mornefull ditie or Sorowfull sonnett of Twoe gentlemen Brethren and sonnes vnto a gentleman of good callinge. Licensed to Henry Carre, 24 Sept. 1580. A compendious dittie of a christians life. Licensed to E. Allde, 8 Aug. 1586. A Dittie exhortinge to put on the armour of God, Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A tragicall Dyttie of a yonge married Wyfe who faynd herself sick, &c. Li- censed to T. Nelson, 7 Nov. 1586. A lamentable Dyttie shewinge the crueltie of a farmer. Licensed to T, Nelson, 7 Nov, 1586. A Dyttie of the Christian mans comfort. A ballad. Licensed to Yarath James, 1 Aug. 1586. A moste excellent dittye made vppon sundrye strange thinges which haue latelye happened, and on sundrye horrible crymes lately committed. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, 27 July, 1590. A pleasant newe dittye Intituled I cannot be enamored on her face. In two parts. Licensed to Simon Stafford, 19 August, 1612. DIURNAL. A la mode de Paris : Or The Diurnall in Verse. [1659.] 4°, 4 leaves. December 29. 1659. Alamode of Paris. Or, The Diurnall in Verse. No place, DIVES. :8o DOLBEN. &c. Folio, 2 leaves. Printed in two columns. DIVES AND PAUPER. Dives and Pavper. Londini in aedibus Tho. Bertlieleti regij impress, excus. [Col.] Here endethe a compendiouse treatyse or dialoge of Dives and Pavper, That is to say the ryche and the poore. . . . xvi. day of Octobre. In the yere of our lorde. 1536. Imprynted in Flete- strete by me Thomas Berthelet, prynter vnto the kynges mooste noble grace, dwellynge at the Sygne of the Lucrece. 8°, black letter, a, 8 leaves : A — Z in eights : a — v 3 in eights. DIVES AND LAZARUS. A ballad of the Ryche man and poore Laza- rus. Licensed to John Waley and the widow Toy in 1557-8. Dives and Lazerus. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1570. DIVINITY. Forced Divinity, Or Two SermonsPreached by the Compulsion of Two sorts of Sin- ners, Viz. Drunkards & Theives. The first by Certaine Ale-Bibbers who having heard a Minister teach much against Drinking, Afterwards met with him, And Compelled him to make a Sermon upon one Word. The Second By a Crew of Tlieives, who after they had Robbed a Minister [Parson Hobart], forc't him to make a Sermon in Prayse of their Pro- fession ; and when he had done, Returned his Money, and Six Shillings Eightpence for his Sermon. London, Printed for F. C. And are to be sold in the Old Bayly. [Circd, 1640.] 8°, A in eights, A 8 blank. In prose. B. 31. DOBSON, JOHN, B.D., of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford. A Sermon Preacht at the Funeral of the Honourable The Lady Mary Farmor, Relict of Sir William Farmor Baronet : Who died at London on the 18th day of July, 1670, and was buried the 5th day of August following at Eston-Neston in Northamptonshire. London, Printed for R. Royston, . . . 1670. 4"^, A— F in fours, title on A 2. With an engraving of the hatchment on the title. DOCKWRA, ANNE. A Looking-Glass for the Recorder and Justices of the Peace, and Crand Juries for the Town and County of Cambridge. [1682.] 4°, 6 leaves. AVith some verses. DOD, JOHN, AND CLEAVER, ROBERT. A Godlie Forme of Hovseliolde Govern- ment . . . now newly peru-ied, amended, and augmented, by lohn Dod and Robert Cleuer. ... At London, Printed for Thomas Man, and are to be sold by Ar- thur lohnson, ... 1612. 8°, A— Aa in eights, Aa 8 blank. A Godly Forme of Houshold Gouern- ment. London, Printed by the Assignes of Thomas Man, . . . 1630. 8°, A— Aa in eights. DODRIDGE, SIR JOHN. The History of the Ancient and modeme Estate of the Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornwall, and Earldome of Chester. Collected out of the Records of the Tower of London, and diners ancient Authours. By Sir lohn Dodridge Knight, late one of his Maiesties ludges in the Kings Bench. And by himselfe Dedicated to King lames of euer blessed memory. London, Printed by Tho. Harper, for Godfrey Emondson and Thomas Alchome. M.DC.xxx, 4°. A, 4 leaves: (*), 4 leaves: A — S in fours, S 4 blank. Judge Doderidge, His Law of Nobility and Peerage. Wherein the Antiqvities, Titles, Degrees, and Distinctions ; Con- cerning the Peeres and Nobility of this Nation are excellently set forth. . . . Lon- don, Printed for L. Chapman, . . . 1658. 8°. Title and Table, 2 leaves : B— 3 in eights. DODOENS, REMBERT. A New Herball, Or Historie of Plants . . . Corrected and amended. Imprinted at London, by Edm. BoUifant, 1595. 4*^, black letter, a — c 4 in eights : B— Qqq 2 in eights. A New Herbal, Or Historie of Plants . . . Corrected and amended. Imprinted at London by Edward Griffin. 1619. Folio, a, 6 leaves : A — 3 E 4 in sixes. DOG IN THE WHEEL. The Dog in the Wheel. A Satyr. With the Character of a Disinterested, Peace- able, and Loyal Statesman, in Opposition to that of a Busy, Tnrbulent, Sp— hing Peer. London : Printed in the Year, 1705. 4**, A — D, 2 leaves each. Inverse. DOLBEN, J., Dean of Westminster, afUr- wards Archbishop of York. A Sermon Preached before the King on Tuesday, June 20''', 1665. Being the Day of Solemn Thanksgiving for the late Victory at Sea. London, Printed by A. Maxwell for Timothy Garthwait, 1665. 4**, B — E in fours, and the title. A Sermon Preached before the King, Aug. 14, 1666. Being the Day of Thanks- giving fur the late Victory at Seu . . . DONATUS. i8i D'OUVILLY London, Printed for Timothy Garth wait, 1666. 4°, A— D in fours. With an en- graving of a ship on the title. DONATUS, .ELIUS, Grammarian. Donatus minor vna cu remigio ad pusil- lorum anglicanorum scolarium vsum in- cipit feliciter. [Col.] Explicit Donate cu remigio Ipressus London, p me Win- andu de Worde comorantem in vico (the fletestrete) nucupato sul) intersignio solis. 4^, A, 8, B, 4. With the common cut of a schoolmaster and his pupils on the title- page. B. M. DONATUS, GUIDO, AstroUjUt. Anima Astrologi?e : Or, A Guide for As- trologers. Being the Considerations of the Famous Guido Donatus Faithfully rendred into English. As also the Choicest Aphorisms of Cardans Seaven Segments, Translated ... By William Lilly, Stu- dent in Astroloa:y. London, Printed for B. Harris . . . 1676. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — I 4 in eights, I 4 blank : Cardan, A — D in eights, besides the frontispiece and a folded leaf with A Catalogue of Stars. The preface is dated from Walton-on- Thames, 2 August, 1675. DONNE, JOHN, Bean of St. PauVs. Biathanatos. A Declaration of that Para- doxe, or Thesis, that Selfe-homicide is not so Naturally Sinne, that it may never be other wise. Wherein the Nature, and the extent of all those Lawes, which seeme to be violated by this Act, are diligently surveyed. Written by JohnDonne, who af- terwards received Orders from the Church of England, and dyed Deane of Saint Pauls, London. . . . Published by Autho- ritie. London, Printed by John Dawson. [1644.] 4°. % 3 leaves : *, 2 leaves : A — Ee 2 in fours. Poems, By J. D. with Elegies. . . . Lon- don Printed by M. F. for John Marriot . . . 1649. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A i blank : B — Cc in eights. This is probably the same as the edition of 1650 with a different imprint and date. Paradoxes, Problems, Essayes, Characters, Written by Dr. Doune Dean of Pauls : To which is added a Book of Epigrams : Written in Latin by the same Author ; translated into English by J: Mayne, D.D. As also Ignatius his Conclave, a Satyr, Translated out of the Originall Copy written in Latin by the same Author ; found lately amongst his own Paper.-. . . . London, Printed by T. N. for Humphrey Moseley . . . 1652. 12°. A, 8 leaves ; B — L 2 in twelves : the Essays, a blank leaf and To the Reader^ 2 leaves : B — L 4 in twelves, DORAS. Doras his Anatomy of Amyntas. Licensed to Richard Jones, 7 May, 1599. DORRELL, WILLIAM. The Discourse of the life of a servings man compiled by William Dorrell. Li- censed to Ralph Newbery, 20 Feb, 1577-8. DORSETSHIRE. To the Honovrable Hovse of Commons . . , The humble Petition of the Knights, Gentlemen, Ministers, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the County of Dorset. Febr. 21. London, Printed 1641. A sheet, DOUGHTY, JOHN. Analecta Sacra : Sive Excursus Philolo- gici breves . . . Londini, Typis Guil. Godbid, . . . M.DC.LViii. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a — b 4 in eights : B — Kk in eights. D'OUVILLY, SIR BALTHAZAR GER- BIER. To the Svpreme Avthority, The Parlia- ment of the Common-wealth of England. The Humble Remonstrance of Sir Bal- thazar Gerbier Knight. Touching his sundry Proposals, wherein this Common- wealths Interest is concerned : And par- ticularly on the present necessity of lay- ing a Claim unto considerable Summes of money due by the States of Brabant & Flanders unto this Common- wealth. No place, printer's name, or date [London, 1648 ?] 4°, A— B in fours. Les Effects Pernicieux de Merchants Favoris et Grands Ministres d'Estat es Provinces Belgiques, en Lorraine, Ger- manic, France, Italie, Espagne, & Angle- terre. Et Des-Abuze d'Erreurs Popu- laires, Sur le Subject de laqves & Charles Stvart, Roys de la Grande Bretagne. Par le Chevalier Balthazar Gerbier. A La Haye Chez Adrian Viae. 1653. 8°. )(, 8 leaves : A — G 4 in eights. A Sommary Description, Manifesting that greater Profits are to bee done in the hott then in the could parts of the Coast off America : And how much the public good is concerned therein Referring to the annexed Advertissement, For Men inclined to Plantations. Printed [at Am- sterdam] for Sir Balthazar Gerbier Kyt Douvilly. Anno 161'0. 4^, black letter. The Summary^ A — B 3 in fours : the Advertisement, A in fours. Dedicated to Charles II. Counsel and Advise to all Builders j For DOWNING. 182 DREXELIUS. the Choice of their Surveyours, Clarke of their Works, Bricklayers, Masons, Car- penters, and other Work-men therein concerned. As also, In respect of their AVorks, Materials and Rates thereof. Together with several Epistles to Emi- nent Persons, who may be concerned in Building. Written by Sir Balthazar Gerbier, Douvily, Knight. London, Printed by Thomas Mabb, dwelling on St. Pauls- Wharf neer the Thames, 1663. 8^. a — c in eights : d in eights : e — f in eights : g, 6 leaves : B — G in eights, G 8 with the Errata. Dedicated to the Queen Mother. A Brief Discourse concerning the Three chief Principles of Magnificent Building. viz. Solidity, Conveniency, and Orna- ment. By Sr. Balthazar Gerbier, Knight. London, Printed by Tho, Mabb, for Tho. Heath .... 1664. 8^ A— H in eights. Dedicated to the King. DOWNING, CALYBUTE. A Discovrsive Coniectvre vpon the Rea- sons that produce a desired event of the present troubles of Great Britaine, dif- ferent from those of Lower Germanic. . . By Calybute Downing, L.L.D. Pastor of Hackney. . . London, Printed by Richard Hearne, and are to be sold by John Part- ridge. 1641. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— G 2 in fours, G 2 blank. DOWNING, SIR GEORGE. A Reply of Sir George Downing Knight and Baronet, Envoy Extraordinary from His Majesty of Great Britain, &c. To the Remarks of the Deputies of the Estates- General, Upon His Memorial of Decem- ber 20. 1664. Old Stile. London, Printed Anno Dom. 1665. 4^, A— N in fours, and the title. A Discourse Written by Sir George Down- ing, The King of Great Britain s Envoy Extraordinary to the States of the United Provinces. Vindicating his Royal Master from the Insolencies of a Scandalous Libel, Printed under the Title of [An Extract out of the Register of the States General of the United Provinces, upon the Me- morial of Sir George Downing, Envoy, (fee] And delivered by the Agent D'" Heyde for such, to several Publick Min- isters. . . . Whereunto is added a Rela- tion of some Former and Later Proceed- ings of the Hollanders : By a Meaner Hand. London, Printed for Dorman Newman . . . 1672. 12^ A, 6 leaves : B — H in twelves. The first and last two leaves are blank. Downing's portion is dated 1664. meaner hand is not named The D'OYLEY, THOMAS, M.D. A Spanish grammer conformed to our Englishe Accydence. With a large dic- tionarye conteyninge Spanish, Latyn, and Englishe wordes, with a multitude of Spanishe wordes more then are conteyned in the Calapine of x: languages or Neo- brecensis Dictionare. Set forth by Thomas D'Oyley Doctor in physick with the co- firence of Natyve Spaniardes. . Licensed to John Wolf, 19 Oct. 1590. DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. A Discours in Commendacon of the vali- aunte and verteous mynded Gentleman master Francis Drake. Licensed to John Charlwood, 4 Jan. 1580-1. This appears as if it was the book in verse by Thomas Greepe, printed by Charl- wood in 1587. The voyadge into the West Indyes made by Sir Frauncis Drake knight. Licensed to W. Ponsonby, 26 Nov. 1588. Vlisses Britanicus, or the travalours pockett booke transcribed out of the me- morialls of Francis Drake knight. Li- censed to Francis Coules, 26 November. 1629. DRAKE, SIR WILLIAM. Sir William Drake His Speech in Parlia- ment. Concerning the }»resent Distem- pers, and putting the Kingdome in a state of defence. November 10, 1641. Lon- don, Printed for W. L. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. DREAMER. The Divine Dreamer : Or, A short treatise discovering the true effect and power of Dreames ; Confirmed by the most learned and best approved Authors. Whereunto is annexed The Dreame of a young Gentleman, immediatly before the death of the late Earle of Strafford. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4'', A— C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. B. M. DREXELIUS, H. The School of Patience. Written in Latin by H. Drexelius. And faithfully translated into English, by R. S. Gent. London, Printed by Thomas Harper. M.DC.XL. 12". A, 6 leaves : B — Aa 9 in twelves. With a fronti-spiece by W. Marshall. DREXELIUS, J. The Christians Zodiake or Twelue Signes of Predestination unto Life euerlastmg. Written in Latine by leremie Drexelius. London Printed for Samuel Broun . . . DROLLERY 183 DRY DEN. 1643. 12°, A — L in twelves, besides the illustrations to Emblems 2, 4, 6, 8. DROLLERY. Merry Drollery Complete, Or, A Collec- tion. Of i Jovial Poems, < IVIerry Songs, ( Witty Drolleries, Intermixed with Pleasant Catches. The First Part. Collected by W. N. C. B. R. S. J. G. Lovers of Wit. London, Printed for Simon Miller, at the Star, at the West-End of St. Pauls, 1670. 8^ A— Z 4 in eights. Part 2 commencing with a half title on sign. O. DRUMMOND, W. Poems, By tliat most Famous Wit, William Drvmmond of Hawthornden. London, Printed by W. H. and are to be sold in the Company of Stationers, 1656. 8°, A— in eights. With a por- trait by Gay wood. The History of Scotland, From the year 1423. until the year 1542. Containing the Lives and Reigns of James the L the II. the III. the IV. the V. with several Memorials of state. During the Reigns of James VI. & Charles I. By William Drummond of Hawthornden. With a Prefatory Introduction by Mr. Hall of Grays-Inn, London, Printed by Henry Hills, for Rich. Tomlins and himself, and are to be sold at their houses near Py-Corner. mdclv. Folio. A, 4 leaves: a, 4 leaves : b (or Bb), 3 leaves : B — Pp in fours, Pp 4 blank, and Pp 3 occupied bv verses " To S[ir] W[illiam] A[lexander],'' &c. With portraits by Gaywood of Drummond and of the four Kings. This includes a reprint of the Cypress- Grove. In some copies occurs a duplicate leaf H 4, with a laudatory passage on Cromwell. Polemo-Middinia. Carmen Macaroni- cum, Autore Gulielmo Drummondo, Scoto-Britanno. Accessit Jacobi id No- minis Quinti, Regis Scotorum, Cantilena Rustica Vulgo Inscripta Christs Kirk on the Green. Recensuit, Notisque illus- travit E. G. Oxonii, E Theatro Shel- doniano. Anno Dom. 1691. 4'^, A — E 2 in fours. E. G. are the initials of Edmund Gibson. DRUNKARDS. A ballad agaynst Druckers. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1662-3. DRUNKENNESS. A discription of the most vile and chiefe capitall sinnes of Drunckenes devided into Five sortes of Drunckhardes. Licensed to Edward Allde, 30 March, 1609. The Eighth Liberal Science : Or A new- found-Art and Order of Drinking, With A true Description of their School and Library, the Degrees taken there, The Tongues Studied there, The several Titles proper to the Professors of that Art, both Civil and Martial, viz. i The Universitie men. To 1 The Inns of Court and Chancery. \ The Army and Souldiery. ( The Sea-men, or Seller-service-men. Also, Penal Statutes enacted in Drinking, Proverbs used amongst them, with divers Stories of such whom immoderate Drink- ing hath made ridiculous. London, Printed by B. A. near the Upper Pump in Grub-street, 1650. 8*^, A— B in eights, including a frontispiece. In prose, B. M. DRURY, SIR WILLIAM, Lord Justice of Irelayid. An epitaphe on Sir William Drury. Li- censed to Edward White, 11 April, 1580. [? by Thomas Churchyard,] DRYDEN, JOHN. The Comedies, Tragedies, and Operas Written by John Dryden, Esq; Now first Collected together, and Corrected from the Originals. In Two Volumes. London, . . . mdcci. Folio. There are copies on large paper. To His Sacred Maiesty, A Panegyrick on His Coronation By John Dryden. Lou- don, Printed for Henry Herringman . . , 1661. Folio, 4 leaves. In verse. Annvs Mirabilis : The Year of Wonders, 1666. An Historical Poem : Containing the Progress and various Successes of our Naval War with Holland, under the Conduct of His Highness Prince Rupert, and His Grace the Duke of Albeiiurl. And describing the Fire of London, \ By John Dryden, Esq. . . . London, Prio^ted for Henry Herringman, . . . 1667. S**. A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — F in eights, F 8 blank. In 4-line stanzas. Dedicated to the City of London, after which comes a letter to Sir Robert Howard, explanatory of the nature of the poem, and a copy of verses to the Duchess of Albemarle on the Duke's victory against the Dutch, June 3, 1665. Of Dramatick Poesie, An Essay. By John Dryden Esq; [Quot. from Horat. De Arte Poet.'] London, Printed for Henry Herringman . . . 1668. 4°, A— K in fours. Dedicated to Charles, Lord Buckhurst. This essay contains criticisms on Shake- spear, .Jonson, Fletcher, &c. DRY DEN. 184 DRY DEN. Sr. Martin Mar-all, Or The Feign'd In- nocence : A Comedy. As it was Acted at His Highnesse the Duke of York's Theatre. London, Printed for H, Her- ringman . . . 1668. 4°. Title, list of persons, and prologue, 3 leaves : B — K in fours, K 4 blank. Pp. 57-8 are in duplicate, however. The Indian Emperour, Or, The Conquest of Mexico hy the Spaniards, Being the Sequel of the Indian Queen. By John Dryden Esq; The Second Edition . . . Loudon, Printed for H. Herringnmn . . . 1668. 4°. Title and leaf with prologue &c., 2 leaves : dedication, 2 leaves : B — K in fours, K 4 blank. In this edition the Defence was omitted. Secret Love ; Or The Maiden Queen : As it is Acted By His Majesties Servants, at the Theatre-Royal. Written by John Dryden Esq; [Quot. from Virgil.] Lon- don, Printed for Henry Herringman . . . 1668. 4°. A, 2 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B— K 2 in fours. The Rival Ladies. A Tragi- Comedy As it was Acted at tlie Theatre-Royal. Nos hoBC novimus esse nihil. Written by John Driden Esquire. London, Printed for H. Herringman . . . 1669. 4^. Title and dedication to Roger, Earl of Orrery, 4 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — K 2 in fours. The Wild Gallant: A Comedy. As it was Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By His Majesties Servants. Written by John Dryden, Esq; In the Savoy, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for H. Herringman . . . 1669. 4'', A— K in fours. The Tempest, Or The Enchanted Island. A Comedy. As it is now Acted at his Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. London, Printed l)y J. M. for Henry Herringman . . . mdclxx. 4", A— M 2 in fours. See a note in Halliwell's Diet, of Old Flaps, 1860, in v. Tyrannick Love, Or The Royal Martyr. A Tragedy. As it is Acted by his Ma- jesties Servants, at the Theatre Royal. By John Dryden, Servant to his Majesty. [Quot. from Virgil.] London, Printed for H. Herringman . . . 1670. 4'^. Title, dedication to the Duke of Monmouth, &c., 4 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B K 2 in fours. Aiireng-Zebe : A Tragedy. Acted at the Royal Theatre. Written by John Dry- den, Servant to his Majesty, . . . Lon- don, Printed by T. N. for Henry Herring- man, . . . 1676. 4°, A— M in fours. Dedicated to John, Earl of Mulgrave. All for Love : Or, The World well Lost. A Tragedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre- Royal ; And written in Imitation of Shakespeare's Stile. By John Dryden, Servant to His Majesty, ... In the Savoy : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Henry Herringman, . . . 1678. 4". Title and prologue, 2 leaves : A — L in fours. The Spanish Fryar Or, The Double Dis- covery. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. . . . Written by John Dryden, Servant to His Majesty. London, Printed for Richard Taylor and Jacob Tonson . . . 1681. 4°, A— M 2 in fours. Dedicated to John, Lord Haughton. Absalom and Achitophel. A Poem . . . The Fourth Edition, Augmented and Revised. London, Printed for J. T. . . . ^ 1682. 4^^, A— E 2 in fours. ^ Absalom and Achitophel. A Poem. With all the Additions. Si Propriis stes Te capiet Magis [1682.] 4°. A, 5 leaves: B— E 3 in fours : Elegy on Cromivell, 4 leaves : Key to Absalom and Achitophel, 14 leaves : Second Part of A. and A., A — D in fours. The Second Part of Absalom and Achi- tophel. A Poem. Si Quis tamen Hcec quoque, si Quis Captus Amore Leget London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1682. Folio, B— I in twos, a leaf of K, and the title. The Medall. A Satyre against Sedition, By the Authour of Absalom and Achi- tophel. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson . . . 1682. 4^ A, 4 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — D 2 in fours. Religio Laici Or A Laymans Faith. A Poem. Written by Mr. Dryden. Ornari res ipsa negat ; contenta doceri. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1682. 4*^. Title, 1 leaf : a, 3 leaves : b, 4 leaves : B — E 3 in fours. Satyr to his Muse. By the Author of Absalom & Achitophel. . . . London, Printed for D. Green, 1682. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, D 2 blank, and no sheet B. In verse. The Duke of Guise. A Tragedy. Acted by their Majesties Servants. Written by ]\ir. Dryden, and Mr. Lee. London, Printed ibr R. Bentley . . . and J. Tonson . . . M.DC.LXXxiii. 4°, A — L in fours, L 3-4 with the music. Dedicated by the authors to Lawrence, Earl of Rochester. DRYDEN ;85 DU BART AS. The Duke of Guise. ... To which is Added, A Vindication of the PLay. By Mr. Dryden . . . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, .... mdcxcix. 4°, A — I in fours : the Vindication (the edition of 1683) A— H 2 in fours, and the title. The Vindication : Or, The Parallel of the French Holy-League, and the English League and Covenant, Turn'd into a Seditious Libell against the King and his Eoyal Highness, By Thomas Hunt and the Authors of the Reflections upon the Pretended Parallel in the Play called The Duke of Guise. Written by Mr. Dryden . , . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson . . . MDCLXxxiii. 4°, A — H 2 in fours, and the titlepage. The True History of the Duke of Guise. Extracted out of Thuanus, ]Mezeray, Mr. Aubeny's Memoirs, . . . Published for the undeceiving such as may perhaps be imposed upon by Mr. Dryden's late Tragedy of the Duke of Guise. To- gether with some Remarks upon the same. London, Printed and are to be Sold by R. Baldwin, 1683. 4^, A— E in fours, first and last leaves blank. Some Reflections upon the Pretended Parallel in the Play called the Duke of Guise. In a Letter to a Friend. London, Printed for Francis Smith, sen. 1683. 4'', A — D in fours, first and last leaves blank. Threnodia Augustalis : ... By John Dryden, . . . Dvblin : Reprinted by Joseph. Ray at Colledg-green, for Robert Thornton Bookseller in Skinner row, 1685. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. Albion and Albanius : An Opera. Per- form'd at the Queens Theatre, in Dorset Garden. Written by Mr. Dryden. Discite justitiam . . . Virg. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1685. Folio, A — I in twos, besides (b) 2 leaves, and (c) 1 leaf. The Hind and the Panther. A Poem, In Three Parts. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1687. 4°, A— T in fours, and a leaf of V, the first leaf of A with the Imprimatur. The Address of John Dryden, Laureat to His Highness the Prince of Orange. Lon- don, Printed and are to be sold by Randal Taylor . . . 16S9. Folio. A— B, 2 leaves each. In verse. Don Sebastian, King of Portugal : A Tragedy Acted at the Theatre - Royal. Written by Mr. Dryden. . . . London : Printed for Jo. Hindmarsh . . . mdcxc. 4°, A— S in fours, S 3-4 with tlie Pro- logue and Epilogue. Dedicated to Philip, Earl of Leicester. Amphitryon ; Or, The Two Sottas. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. [Quot. from Virgil.] Written by Mr. Dryden. To which is added. The Musick of the Songs Compos'd by Mr. Henry Purcel. London, Printed for J. Tonson . . . and M. Tonson . . . 1691. 4°. The play, A — I 2 in fours : the Song?, with a separate title, pp. 14, including title-leaf. The Fairy-Queen : An Opera. Repre- sented at the Queen's-Theatre By their Majesties Servants. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1692. Where you may have compleat Sets of Mr. Dryden's Works in four Volumes ; the Plays in the Order thev were written. 4°. A, 3 leaves: B— H 2 in fours. Eleonora : A Panegyrical Poem : Dedi- cated to the Memory of the Late Countess of Abingdon. Written by Mr. Dryden. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson . . . 1692. 4^. *, 4 leaves : A— C in fours. Dedicated by Dryden to the Earl of Abingdon. The State of Innocence, And Fall of Man : An Opera. Written in Heroick Verse ; and Dedicated to Her Royal High- ness the Dutchess. By Mr. John Dryden. . . . London, Printed for Hen. Herring- man, . . . 1695. 4°. An Ode on the Death of Mr. Henry Pur- cell : Late Servant to his Majesty, and Organist of the Chapel Royal, and of St. Peter^s Westminster. The Words by Mr. Dryden, and Sett to Musick by Dr. Blow. London, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Henry Playford, . . . 1696. Folio. B— H, 2 leaves, a leaf of I, and the title- page. Carmen Saeculare, For the Year 1700. To the King. . . , London, Printed for Jacob Tonson . . . 1700. Folio. A— G, 2 leaves each, besides the half-title, G with advertisements, and G 2 blank. DU BARTAS, GUILLAUME SAL- USTE, SEIGNEUR. Bartas His Diuine Weekes & Workes Translated & Dedicated to the Kings most excellent Maiestie by losvah Sylvester. [London, Humphrey Lownes, 1605.] 4*^. Engraved title preceded by a blank, 2 leaves : Corona Dedicatoria, 7 leaves : verses by Ben Jonson, &c., 2 leaves : B— XX in eights : XX*, 2 leaves : Yy— Aaa in eights. Some of the separate portions have title- DU BOSCQ. 1 36 DUG DALE. pages with the name of the printer Hum- phrey Lownes and the date 1605. Bartas His Diuine Weekes & Workes. . . . Printed at London by Humphrey Lownes. [Col.] 1608. At London, Im- printed by Humfrey Lownes, and are to be sold at his house, on Bred-street hil, at the signe of the Starre. 4°, A — Xxx 4 in eights, last leaf with the colophon. Du Bartas His Diuine Weekes and Workes with A Compleate Collectio of all the other most delight-full Workes Translated and written by ye famous Philomusus. losvah Sylvester Gent: London printed by Robert Young 1633. Folio. Portrait of Du Bartas by C. v. Dalen and engraved title in compartments by R. Elstrack, 2 leaves : A, 6 leaves : B, 8 leaves : C, 6 leaves : D — Oo in sixes, besides an extra leaf in Oo marked (oo 2) : separate title to Parliament of Virtues Royal, 1 leaf : Pp — Lll 2 in sixes, besides a large folded leaf in sheet Hhh. Woodcuts. Du Bartas His Diuine Weekes. . . . Lon- don printed by Robert Young with Addi- tions : 1641. Folio. Engraved title and portrait, 2 leaves : A, 6 leaves : B, 8 leaves : C — 3 M in sixes, besides a folded leaf in sign. 3 H. The Triumph of Faith. The Sacrifice of Isaac. The Ship-wracke of lonas. With a song of the victorie obtained by the French king, At Yvry, Written in French, by W. Salustius lord of Bartas, and trans- lated by Josua Siluester, Marchant Ad- nenturer. Printed by Richard Yardley, and Peter Short and are to be sold at the Starre on Bredstreet hill. 1592. 4°, A — E 2 in fours : The Sacrifice of Isaac, as a head -line, with fresh signatures, A — C in fours : [a new titlepage] A Can- ticle of the victorie ... at Yvry. . . . At London, Printed by Richard Yardley, . . . 1591. A— C 2 in fours. Dedicated by Sylvester to his uncle, Master William Plumbe Esquire, from Lon- don, 30 May, 1592. Babilon, A Part of the Second Weeke of Gvillavme de Salvste Seignevr Dv Bartas. With the Commentarie, and marginall Notes of S. G. S. Englished hy William L'Isle. Omne tulit . . . Imprinted at London by Ed. Bollifant, for Richard Watkyns. 1596. 4*^, A— I in fours, and a leaf of K. Dedicated to Lord Howard of Effingham. DU BOSCQ, MONSIEUR. The Compleat Woman. Wiitten in French by Monsieur Du-Boscq, and by him after several Editions reviewed, corrected, and amended : And now faithfully Translated into English, By N. N. London, Printed by Thomas Harper and Richard Ilodg- kinson. 1639. 4*^, A — LI in fours. DUCK, ARTHUR, ZL.D. Vita Henrici Chichele Archiepiscopi Can- tvariensis Svb Regibvs Henric: v. et vi. Descripta ab Arthvro Dvck: LL.D, Oxonice, Excudebat losephus Barnesius, 1617. 4°, A— in fours. DUDLEY, DUD. Dud Dudleys Metallum Martis : Or, Iron made with Pit-Coale, Sea-Coale, &c. And with the same Fuell to Melt and Fine Imperfect Mettals, and Refine Perfect Mettals. London, Printed by T. M. for the Authour. 1665. 8«, A— E 6 in eights, E 6 with the Errata. With a plate in sign. E. Dedicated to the King, B.M. DUFFORNE, RICHARD, of Northamp- ton, Accountant. The Merchantes Mirror, or Directions for the perfect booking and survey of his Estate framed by way of Debitour and Creditor after the soe learned Italian manner. Licensed to N. Bourne, 21 March, 1634-5. DUGDALE, SIR WILLIAM. Origines Juridiciales, Or Historical Me- morials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice . . . Also A Chronologic . . . The Second Edition with Additions. In the Savoy, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Abel Roper, John Martin, and Henry Herringman . . . 1671. Folio, A — li in fours, the first leaf of A with the Impri- matur : Kk — Hhh in twos: lii, 1 leaf with Index : Portraits of Sir Orlando Bridgman by Faithorne; Sir John Clench, Sir Robert Heath, Sir Randolph Crew, by Hollar, and Sir Edward Coke and the Earl of Clarendon, by Loggan : Chronica Series Cancellariorum, &c., A — Gg, 2 leaves, Gg 2 with the Errata, besides the title. With many cuts of arms and other engravings on the letterpress. A Short View of the Late Troubles in England ; Briefly setting forth, their Rise, Growth and Tragical Conclusion. As also, some Parallel thereof with the Baron's-wars in the time of King Henry III. But chiefly with that in France, called the Holy League ... To which is added A Perfect Narrative of the Treaty at Uxbridge in an. 1644. Oxford, Printed at the Theater for Moses Pitt at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, mdclxxxi. Folio. A, 3 leaves : DULCINA. 187 DU P LESS IS. B— Hhbbhh, 2 leaves each. With a portrait of Charles I. The Antient Usage In Bearing of such Ensigns of Honour As are commonly call'd Arms. With a Catalogue of tlie present Nobility of England, By Sir William Dugdale Knt. Garter Principal King of Arms. To which is added, A Catalogue of the present Nobility of Scot- land and Ireland, &c. Oxford : Printed at the Theater, for Rich. Davis Bookseller in Oxford 1682. 8°. Title, dedication to Robert, Earl of Aylesbury, Deputy Earl Marshall, and Addenda, 3 leaves : B — P 4 in eights, and between pp. 78-9, a folded List of the Knights of the Garter. DULCINA. Dulcina. To the tune of Forgoe me noice : cnwA to me sone. Licensed to John White and Thomas Langley, 22 May, 1615. DU MOULIN, PIERRE. Defense de la Foy Catholiqve contenve av Livre de Trespvissant & Serenissime Roy laqves I. Roy de la grand' Bretagne & d'lrlande. Contre la Response de F. N. Coeffeteav Doctevr en Theologie, & Vicaire general des Freres Prescheurs. Par Pierre Dv Movlin Ministre de la parole de Dieu en I'Eglise de Paris. M.DC.x. 8°. *, 4 leaves : a— ss 4 in eights. Dedicated to James I. Rerum nuper in Regno Scotiae Gestarum Historia, Seu verius Commentarius. . . . Per Irenaevm Philalethen, Eleutheriiim. Dantisci, . . . 1641. 8°. * 4 leaves : A — Oo in eights. The Capucin Treated, Or, The lives of the Capucins, with the life of S. Francis their Patron. . . . Written Originally in French by . . . Mr. Peter du Moulin, and Englished by Philanax Orthodoxus. . . . London, Printed for Henry Marsh. . . . 1665. 8^ A— H in eights/first and last two leaves blank. With a frontispiece. DUNCAN, DR. Wholesome Advice against the Abuse of Hot Liquors. Particularly of Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Brandy, and Strong Waters. ... By Dr. Duncan of the Faculty of Montpelier. Done out of French\ London . . . 1706. 8^ A, 4 leaves : B — T 4 in eights. DUNCOMB, SIR C. A Congratulatorv Poem to the Honour- I able S'' Charles Duncomb, K* Sheriff of i London. London : Printed for A. Bald- • win. . . . 1699. A folio leaf. DUNTON, JOHN. A Trve lovrnall of the Sally Fleet, with the Proceedings of the Voyage. Pub- lished by lohn Dvnton, London Mariner, Master of the Admirall call'd tbe Leopard. Whereunto is annexed a List of Sally Captives names, and the places where they dwell, and a Description of the three Townes in a Card. London, Printed by lohn Dawson for Thomas Nicholes . . . 1637. 4^^, A — F in fours, besides the large folded map. Dedicated to Lord Vane. DUNTON, JOHN, PuUisher. The Young Students Library, Containing Extracts and Abridgments of the Most Valuable Books Printed in England, and in the Forreign Journals. From the Year sixty five to this Time. To which is added, A New Essay upon all sorts of Learning ; wherein the Use of the Sciences is Distinct- ly treated on. By the Athenian Society. Also, A Large Alphabetical Table, Com- prehending the Contents of this Volume. And of all the Athenian Mercuries and Supplements, &c. Printed in theYearl691. London, Printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry. Where is to be had the Intire Sett of Athenian Gazettes .... 1692. Folio. Frontispiece, 1 leaf: title and following leaf, 2 leaves : a, 1 leaf : [a] — [d], 2 leaves each : e, 1 leaf : A — U, 2 leaves each : Aa — Uu, 2 leaves each : Aaa — Uuu, 2 leaves each : a new title {De Punctorvm Origine, &c.), 1 leaf : Aaaa — Uuuu, 2 leaves each : Aaaaa — Vvvvv, 2 leaves each : 6 A— 6 U, 2 leaves each : 7 A— 7 D, 2 leaves each. Printed in two columns. The Post-Boy Robb'd of his Mail .... Both Volumes in One. The Second Edi- tion. London : . . . . 1706. 8°. DU PLESSIS, JEAN ARMAN, Car- dinal and Duke of Richelieu. Emblema Animae. Or Morrall Discourses reflecting upon Humanitie. Written by John du Plessis now Cardinall of Rich- lieu. Translated by I. M[axwell.] Lon- don Printed by Nic: and Job: Okes. 1633. 12^. A, 5 leaves, title (engraved by W. Marshall) on A 2 : B— N 6 in twelves. The Art of Pleasing in Conversation. Written by the Famous Abbott Richlieu. Translated out of French. London, Printed for R. Bentley . . . 1691. 12°. A, 6 leaves, including a frontispiece : B — Q in twelves. DURA NT. DURY. DUKANT, JOHN, Student in Physic and Astrology. Art and Nature Joyn Hand in Hand. Or, The Poor Mans daily Companion . . . Wherein is shew'd for Two Pence charge, how you may cure any Distempers in- cident to Humane Body's : . . . London, Printed for Sam. Clark, . . . 1697. 8^ A — B in eights. DURHAM. A Most Lamentable Information of Part of the Grievances of Mugleswick Lord- ship in the Bishoprick of Durham, sent up by Master George Lilburne, Major of Sunderland to be communicated to the House of Commons. [1641 ?] A sheet. Tlie Narrative of Mr. John Smith of Walworth, in the County - Palatine of Durham, Gent. Containing a further Dis- covery of the late Horrid and \sic\ Popish- Plot. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Robert Boulter, ... 1679. Folio, A — L, 2 leaves each. DURER, ALBERT. Albert Durer Revived : Or, A Book of Drawing, Limning, Washing, Or Colour- ing of Maps and Prints : . . . London : Printed by F. Collins, for John Garrett, . . . 1698. Folio. With a portrait of Durer on the back of the half-title. With engravings as in the ed. of 1652. The copy here used ended on p. 19 im- perfectly. Albert Durer revived : . . . . London, Printed for Thomas Glass, . . . m.dcc.xxxi. Folio. With a portrait of Rubens as a frontispiece on back of half-title and other other engravings not in the edits, of 1652 and 1698. This copy is imperfect. D'URFEY, THOMAS. The Virtuous Wife ; Or, Good Luck at last. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Dukes Theater, By His Royal High- ness His Servants. Written by Thomas D'Vrfey, Gent. In the Savoy : Printed by T. N. for R. Bentley, and M. Magnes. . .. 1680. 4", A— K 2 in fours, first leaf blank. The Progress of Honesty : Or, A View of a Court and City. A l^indarique Poem, By T. D. The second Edition. London : . . . 1681. 4°, A— D in fours, and the title. The Malecontent ; A Satyr : Being the Sequel of the Progress of Honesty, Or a View of Court and City. [By T. Durfey.] Loni^on, Printed for Joseph Hindmarsli, . . . 1684. Folio, A in fours, B— I in twos. The Prologue to Mr. Lacy's New Play, Sir Hercules Buffoon or the Poetical Esquire. Written by Tho. Durfey Gent. [Col.] London, Printed for Joseph Hind- marsh, . . . 1684. A folio leaf. Choice New Songs never before Printed. Set to Several New Tunes by the Best Masters of Music. Written by Tho, D'Urfey, Gent. London, Printed by John Play ford, . . . 1684. Folio, A— F, 2 leaves each. Several New Songs. By Tho. D'Urfey, Gent. Set to as many New Tunes By the best Masters in Music. London, Printed by J. Playford, for Joseph Hind- marsh, . . . 1684. Folio, B— F, 2 leaves each, and the title. A Third Collection of Nev/ Songs, Never Printed before. The Words by Mr. D'Urfey, Set to Music by the best Mas- ters in that Science. . . . With Thorow- Basses for the Theorbo, and Bass-Viol. London, Printed by J. P. for Joseph Hindmarsh, . . . 1685. Folio, B— G, 2 leaves each, a leaf of H, and the title. New Songs in the Third Part of the Comi- cal History of Don Quixote. Written by Mr. D'Vrfey. And Sung at the Theatre Royal. With other New Songs by Mr. D'Vrfey. . . . Engrav'd on Copper-Plates. London, Printed for Samuel Briscoe, . . . 1696. Folio, 18 leaves. DURHAM, W. The Life and Death of that Judicious and Accomplish'd Preacher, Robert Harris, D.D. Late Fellow of Trinity Colledge in Oxen. Collected by a joynt concurrence of some, who knew him well in his strength, visited him often in his sick- ness, attended him at his death, and still honour his Memory. ... By W. D. his dear Friend and Kinsman. , . . London, Printed for H. Brome . . . 1662. 8°. Title and Errata, 2 leaves : B — I 4 in eights. Grenv. Coll. DURINE OF GREECE. The first part of the historic of Durine of Grece Translated out of Frenche by H. W. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot, 8 Dec. 1598. Arber's Transcript, iii. 44. DURY, JOHN. A Briefe Relation of that which hath been lately attempted to procure Ecclesi- astical Peace amongst Protestants. Pub- lished, by Samuel Hartlib. London, Printed by I. R. for Andrew Crooke. . . . DYKE. 189 EARTHQUAKE. 1641. 4°, B — H in fours, H 4 blank, and the title. On F 3 occurs a second title as fol- lows : The Copy of a Petition, As it was ten- dered by Mr. Dury, to Gusta\'U3, the late King of Sweden, of glorious memory, when He was at Esliug in Prussia, in the year 1628." A Summary Discourse concerning the work of Peace Ecclesiasticall, How it may concurre with the aim of a civill confede- ration amongst Protestants. Presented to the consideration of my Lord Ambassa- dour S'" Thomas Row, &c. At Hambvrg, in the yeare mdcxxxix. By Mr, John Dury. . . . Cambridge : Printed by Roger Daniel, . . . Anno Dom. 1641. 4°, A — G in fours, first leaf blank, and a leaf of H. A Seasonable Discourse Written by Mr. lohn Dury upon the earnest requests of many, . . . Published, By Samuel Hart- lib. London, Printed for R. "Wooduothe . . . 1649. 4"^, A— D in fours. A Summarie Account of Mr. John Dury's Former and Latter Negotiation : For thw procuring of true Gospell Peace, . . . London, Printed for the Author, in the Year 1657. 4°, A— F in fours, and the title. DYKE, WILLIAM. A Discourse of Marriage, written to the Lord Harrington. Licensed to Robert Milbourn, 7 November, 1618. DYVE, SIR LEWIS. A Letter from S! Lewis Dyve to the Lord Marquis of New-Castle giveing his Lord- ship an account of the whole conduct of the Kings affaires in Irland, since the time of the Lord Marquis of Ormond, His Excellencies arrival! there out of France in Septem. 1648. Until S' Lewis his departure out of that Kingdome, In June 1650. Together with the annexed Coppies of sundry Letters. . . . Hagve, Printed by Samuell Broun . . . 1650. i 4°, A — G in fours, and * — 3* in fours. E. E. G. A Moste profitable and pleazante Poeme, worthye to bee red and respected ; draw- ene from the pure fountaine of flowing streame to euerlasting salu[a]con Compiled by G: E: [on the third leaf, the second being blank:] Adams Calamitie, & misery: cured by Christs humanytie & Mercy : Disce mori mundo : Viuere disce deo. [Gircd 1600.] 4^, 21 leaves. Egerton MS. Br. M. 2477. EARLE, JOHN, Bishop of Salisbury. Micro-cosmographie. Or, A Peece of the World Discovered. In Essayes and Cha- racters. Newly composed for the Nor- therne parts of this Kingdome. AtLondon. Printed by W. S. for Ed: Blount. 1628. 12°. A, 6 leaves: B— K 5 in twelves. With a preface subscribed by the pub- lisher Blount. Br. Museum (Bliss's copy) and Bodleian. Micro-cosmographie . . . The fift Edition much enlarged. London. Printed for Robert Allot, . . . 1629. 12^ A, 6 leaves : B — N in twelves. Micro-cosmographie : . . . . The eighth Edition. London, Printed by R. D. for P. C. 1664. 12'', A— M in twelves, A 1 blank. Br. Museum (the JoUey and Bliss copy). Micro-cosmographie : . . . . The Ninth Edition. London, Printed by Thomas Ratcliflfe and Thomas Daniel for Philip Chetwind. 1669. 12°, A— M in twelves. A 1 blank. B. M. A poem by Earle entitled Hortus Mer- tonensis is inserted in Aubrey's Surrey, iv. 167. EARLE, J. Sacred Poems ; By J. Earle, Chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Douglas. London, Printed in the Year 1726. 8°, A— D 3 in sixes. Dedicated to Mrs. Susanna Lang- ford. EARTHQUAKE. A thinge in verse of thearthquake. Li- censed to John Kingston, 11 April, 1580. A true and terrible example of Gods wrath shewed by y* geuerall earthquake through EASTERN. 190 EDLYN. England. Licensed to H. Kyrkham, 3 May, 1580. A praier gathered vpon thoccasion of thearthquake. Licensed to H. Denham, 6 May, 1580. An admonycon concerninge th earthquake. Licensed to H. Bynneman, 27 June, 1580. A thinge of thearthquake. Licensed to H. Denham, 27 June, 1580. EASTERN ASSOCIATION. To the High and Honorable Parliament of England now assembled at Westminster, The Humble Petitions, Serious Sugges- tions, and dutifull Expostulations of some moderate and loyall Gentlemen, Yeomen, and Freeholders of the Easterne Associa- tion. These Petitions, &c. had,been for- mally presented to the Parliament, but for the reasons rendred at the latter end. London, Printed for Ralph Smith . . . 1648. 4^, A— E 2 in fours. EAST INDIES. A true Rela9on of all the strange and admirable Accidents which lately hapned in the kingdome of the great Magor or Magull, who is the greatest Monarch of the East Indies. Licensed to Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, 27 May, 1622. Two Letters Concerning the East India Company. Printed in the Year 1676. 4°, 8 leaves. A Treatise wherein is demonstrated I. That the East-India Trade is the most National of all Foreign Trades. II. That the Clamors, Aspersions, and Objections made against the present East-India Com- pany, are Sinister, Selfish, or Groundless. III. That since the Discovery of the East- Indies, the Dominion of the Sea depends much more upon the Wane or Increase of that Trade, and consequently the Security of the Liberty, Property, and Protestant Religion of this Kingdom. IV. That the Trade of the East-Indies cannot be carried out to National advantage, in any other way than by a General Joynt-Stock. V. That the East-India Trade is more profit- able and necessary to the Kingdom of England than to any other Kingdom or Nation in Europe. London, Printed by J. R. for the Honourable the East-India Com]>any, 1681. 4"^ A— F, in fours, F 4 l)lank : A— B in fours, B 4 blank. Four and twenty Queries relating to the East-India Trade. Part J I. London: Printed, and are to be Sold by A. Bald- win in Warwick-Lane, 1699. A sheet, in prose. Oiivry C\<^, No. 127. The Weavers and Clothiers' Complaint against the East- India-Trade. Part I. London : Printed, and are to be sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane. 1699. A sheet, in verse. Ouvry Cat., No. 125. A Discourse concerning the East-India Trade . . . Shewing how it is Vnprofit- able to the Kingdom of England .... London : Printed for R. Baldwin . . . 1699. 4°, A— B in fours. Abstracted from John Gary's Essay, 1695, with some additional particulars. ECHLIN, DAVID, M.D., Physician to Queen Anne of Denmark. Ova Paschalia Dauidis Echlini. Ad Avdi- tores Svos Classicos, in Collegio Plessaeo. Parisiis, E Typographia Steph. Preuos- teau, . . . 1602. 4°, A— C in fours. In verse. With verses on the last page by James Melville and Leonard Maillard. The copy, from which I describe this tract, belonged to the author, and has his autograph corrections. In Felicissima Inavgvratione Beatissimi Papse Pavli Qvinti Gratulatio Joannis Colvilli Scoti. Parisiis, Apud Dionysium Binet . . . 1605. 8*^, 4 leaves. In verse. Britwell (Heber's copy). In Obitv Beatiss. Papse dementis octaui lacrymse Joannis Coluilli Scoti. Eius- dem In felicissima assumptione Beatiss. Papae Leonis Vndecimi gaudia. Parisiis. Ex Typographia Steph. Preuosteau . . . M.DC.v. 4^^, A — C in fours, C 4 blank. The author, in liis own copy, has erased the name of Colvill, and substituted his own. Perivrivm Officiosvm : Ad Vere Nobilem, et Generosum, optimeq; de me meritum virum, Robertvm Aytonvm Equiteni, Annse fseliciss. mem. . . . Reginse Secre- tarium. Homo liomini Deus. Londini, Apud Georgium Miller, m.dc.xxvi. 4", A-B in fours, B 4 blank. B. M. EDLYN, RICHARD, Student in the Mathe- matical and Phj/sical Sciences. Observationes Astrologicae Or An Astro- logicall Discourse of the Effects of the Notable Conjunction of Saturn and Mars that happened October 11 1658. and other configurations Concomitant. From whence is Rationally predicted the Qua- lity and Time of those principal Trans- actions that are probably to Ensue in England and severall other parts of Europe (almost) untill the year 1661. . . . Lon- don. Printed by T. W. and are to be sold by Richard Blonie. [1658.] S"", A— H in eights, and a, 8 leaves. Dedicated to Henry, Marquis of Dorchester. With EDMUNDS. 191 ELDER. verses by John Deacon and John Gud- buiy. The Preface is dated from New Buildings in Sugar Loaf Court in the lower end of Tenter Alley in Little Moorfields. EDMUNDS, CLEMENT. Observations, V^Don the Five First Bookes of Caesars Commentaries, setting fovrth the Practise of the Art Military, in the time of the Roman Empire. Wherein are handled all the chiefest points of their discipline, ... By Clement Edmvnd.s. At London, Printed by Peter Short . , . 1600. Folio. *, 2 leaves : A— Bb in fours. With plates at pp. 28, 58, 80, 86, 188, and 196. Dedicated to Sir Francis Yere. Obsernations vpon Caesars Commentaries setting forth the Practise of y^ Art mili- tarie in the tyme of the Romaine Empire for the better direction of our moderne Warrs. By Clement Edmonds Remem- brancer of the Citie of London. Printed at London for Mathew Lownes 1604. Folio. ^, 4 leaves, including a portrait of Caesar : b — t 2 in fours, t 2 blank. Dedicated to Prince Henry. The title is engraved. Observations \^on Caesars Comentaries. By Clement Edmvndes, Remembrancer ot'^ the cittie of London. 1609. London Print, for Math. Lownes, Folio. A, 3 leaves, besides the frontispiece : B — C in fours : D — Y 5 in sixes : Portrait and to the Reader, 2 leaves : A — Bb in fours : Sixth Booke, b — r in fours, r 4 blank : The Maner of ovr JJoderne Training, s— t 1 in fours. With plates and verses by Camden, Sylvester, Daniel, and Ben Jonsou. EDUCATION. Of Education, Especially of Young Gen- tlemen. In Two Parts. The Second Impression with additions. Oxon. At the Theater Ann. 1673. 12". a, 6 leaves: A — N 6 in twelves. EDWARD lY., King of England. The Story of Kynge Henr\' [Edward] the IllJt*^ and the Tanner of Tamworth. Li- censed to W. Griffith in 1564. A Merry, Pleasant, and Delectable His- tory, Between K. Edward the Fourth, And a Tanner of Tamworth, As he rode upon a time with his Nobles on Hunting toward Drayton-Basset : very Pleasant and Merry to Read. Printed for F. Coles, in Yine - street, neer Hatten - Garden. Small 8^ A in eights. Black letter. With cuts. EDWARD YI., Kiyiff of England. A Proclamation set furth by the kynges maiestie, wyth the assent and consent of ^ hys moost dere uncle Edward duke of ' Somerset . . . concernyng the inhibiciou of all preachers, aswell such as hath beu licenced, as also all other, the .xxiii. day of Septembre in the second yere of his Maiesties moste gracious reigne. God sane the Kyng. Excusum Londini, in aedibus Richardi Graftoni Regij Impres- soris. Cum priuilegio. A broadside in black letter. Puttick's, Isl&y 15, 1877, No. 669. All suche Proclamations, as haue been sette forthe by the kynges Maiestie, and passed the Print : from the last dale of Januarij, in the firste yere of his highnes reigne, vnto the last daie of Januarij, beeyng in the .iiii. yere of his saide moste prosperous reigne, that is to sale, by the space of .iiii. whole yeres. Anno. 1550. [Col.] Imprinted at London, by Richard Grafton, Printer to the kynges maiestie. Anno. 1550. Cum priuilegio ad impri- mendum solum. 8^, black letter, a — n 6 in eights, n 6 with the colophon. The pycture of Kynge Eddwarde the YI. Licensed to Giles Godet in 1562-3. EDWARDES, ROBERT. The Inglish scholem aster sett forth by Robert Edwardes. Licensed condition- ally to Edward Allde, 12 Jan. 1590-1. EDWARDS, DOCTOR. A discourse of all sortes of flowers. Li- censed to Richard Harper, 7 November, 1637. EGYPT. Phelome Kynge of Egipte. A l-allad. Licensed to James Roberts in 1569-70. The ij Kynges of Egypte. A ballad. Licensed to James Roberts in 1569-70. EIREN^US PHILALETHES. Ripley Reviv'd : Or, An Exposition upon Sir George Ripley's Hermetico Poetical Works. Containing the plainest and most excellent Discoveries of the most hidden Secrets of the Ancient Philosophers, that were ever yet Published. Written by Eirenffivs Philalethes an Englishman, stiling himself Citizen of the World. London, Printed by Tho, Ratcliff and Nat. Thompson, for William Cooper . . . 1678, 8°, *, 7 leaves : A— Cc 4 in eights, Cc 4 blank: A — F in eights, with the Breviary of Alchemy. ELDER. The Four-Legg'd Elder, Or, A true Rela- tion of a DoK and an Elder's Maid. Tu ELDERTON. 192 ELIZABETH. the Tune of The Lady's Fall, or Under your Kose-buds ; and fourty other Tunes. Printed in the year 1647. And Reprinted 1677 for D. Mallett. A folio leaf. In verse. ELDERTON, WILLIAM. Eldertons Answere to F. W. apprint. Licensed to Edward White, 3 Aug. 1581. ELIOT, JOHN, afterwards SIR JOHN. A just reply to a false and Scandalous Paper, Intituled Poyers Vindication. By John Eliot Esquire. [April, 1649.] 4°, 4 leaves. ELIZABETH, Queen of England. Iniunctions Geven by the Queues Maies- tie. Anno Domini m.d.lix. The fyrst yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Poules Church yarde by Richard lugge and lohn Cawood prynters to the Queues Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regise [M]aiestatis. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— C in fours : D, 5 leaves. The declaracyon of the procedynge of a conference, begon at Westminster the laste of Marche. 1539. concerning cer- taine articles of religion and the breaking vp of the sayde conference by default and contempt of certayne Byshops, parties of the sayd conference. Imprynted at London by Richard lugge and lohn Cawood. . . . 8^^, black letter, 8 leaves. Lambeth. A Declaration of the Queues Maiestie : Elizabeth by the grace of God, Quene of England, . . . Conteyning the causes which haue constrayned her to arme cer- taine of her Subiectes, for defence both of her owne estate, and of the moste Christian Kyng Charles the nynth, her good brother, and his subiectes. Sep- temb. 1562. [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- don in Powles Church yarde by Rychard Jugge and John Cawood. ... 4°, black letter, 8 leaves, B 4 with the colophon. Protestation Faicte ])ar La Royne d'Angle- terre. Par laquelle elle declare les iustes & necessaires occasions qui Font meue de prendre la prelection de la cause de Dieu, la defense du Roy & de son Royaume, contre les autheurs des troubles qui y sont a present, m.d.lxii. 4°, A— B in fours. The Doynges of the lorde Powynges Awdelay Walloppe and my lorde Gray. A ballad. Licensed to W. Copland in 1562-3. A godly meditation in myter for the preservation of the queues maiestie for peace. Licensed to John Kyngston in 1569-70. The confusion of y® Rebelles with a songe of thankes for the same. A ballad. Li- censed to J. Allde in 1569-70. Rebelles not fearynge God Oughte therfore to fele the Rodde. A ballad. Licensed to John Fairberne in 1569-70. The Dysordered Rebelles in the north. A ballad. Licensed to Henry Kyrkham in 1569-70. The marchyng mates of Rebelles stoute. A ballad. Licensed to J. Allde in 1569- 70. The advertisment to the Rebelles in the north parties. Licensed to Lucas Harri- son in 1569-70. ij shorte speaches agaynste Rebellion. Licensed to John Allde in 1569-70. The welcom to London agaynste the Rebelles come into Northnmberlande, and those y* of his svde hath bene. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffiths in 1569- 70. The trust of tru subiectes. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1570. The bewalynge of tru subiectes. Licensed to John Awdelay in 1570-1. A Treatise of Treasons against Q. Eliza- beth, and the Croune of England, diuided into two Partes : whereof. The first Parte answereth certaine Treasons pretended, that neuer were intended : And the second, discouereth greater Treasons committed, that are by few perceiued : as more largely appeareth in the Page folowing. Im- printed [at Antwerp] in the Monetli of lanuarie, and in tlie Yeare of our Lord. M.D.LXXii. S*', chiefly black letter, a — 1 7 in eights : A— Y 6 in eights : A Table Gathered, &c., *, 8 leaves, and **, 7 leaves: Certain Important Points, A, 7 leaves. Lambeth. The first portion is a vindication of Mary Queen of Scots and the Duke of Norfolk, the second, an exposure of the treasonable designs of "a few base and ingrate persons," against Q. Elizabeth. The initials O. T. are to A Tabic Gathered, &c., and also to A Cop it of a Letter addressed from Antwerp the xxvi. of lune to Mr. Hatton. By the Quene. [A Proclamation against Po|)isli traitors.] Geuen at our Mauour of Greenewiche, the .xi. day of June 1573. The fyfteenth yere of our raigne. God suue the Quene. Imprinted at London ELIZABETH. 193 ELIZABETH. in Powles Church - yarde, by Richarde Jugge ... A broadside. Grenv. Coll. A Discourse of the happines of this our age. Licensed to Toby Cooke, 11 Sept. 1578. ij Litle Anthemes or thinges in meeter of hir maiestie. Licensed to Christ. Barker, 15 Nov. 1578. A songe for yche subiect that in Eng- land beares breath, To praise God and saie God save Queue Elizabeth. Licensed to R. Jones, 15 Nov. 1578. Quake, quake, yt is tyme to quake, When towers and townes and all Doo shake. A ballad. [Per Elderton.] Licensed to R. Jones, 25 April, 1580. This is given to Elderton in the margin of the Kegister. The moste Traiterous protestacon of Hen- rie Everit alias Everit Duckette. Licensed to R. Jones, 31 July, 1581. A ballad intituled the Entertainemente of the Frenchemen. Licensed to Roger Ward, 1 October, 1581. Clintons lamentacyon. A ballad. Li- censed to T. Purfoot and T. Nelson, 19 Aug. 1583. By the Queue. A Proclamation against certaine seditious and scismatical Bookes and Libelles &c. . . . Giuen at her Maies- ties Mannor of Greenewich the last day of June, in the fine and twentieth yeere of her highnesse Reigne. God sane the Queue. Imprinted at London by Chris- topher Barker. . . . [1583.] A broad- side. Grenv. Coll. [The Queenes Maiesties entertainment at Woodstocke] At the end occurs : Im- printed at London, for Thomas Cadman. 1585. 4°, mixed letter, A — G in fours, G 4 blank. A Declaration of the Cavses mooving the Qveene of England to giue aide to the Defence of the People afflicted and op- pressed in the lowe Countries. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker . . . [1585.] 4°, roman letter, A— D in fours, tirst and last leaves blank. Mr. Pyne says that this was printed two or three times in English. It was also translated into French, Latin, and Italian. The Copie of a Letter to the Right Hon- ourable the Earle of Leicester, Lieutenant generall of all her Maiesties forces in the vnited Prouinces of the lowe Countreys, written before, but deliuered, at his return from thence : With a report of certeine petitions and declarations made to the Qveenes Maiestie at two severall times, from all the Lords and Commons lately assembled in Parliament. And her Ma- iesties answeres thereunto by her selfe deliuered, though not expressed by the reporter wdth such grace and life, as the same were vttered by her Maiestie. Im- printed at London by Christopher Barker . . . 1586. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank, and A with the Royal Arms. Orders deuised by the speciall commande- ment of the Queues Maiestie, . . . Sent from the Court at Greenewich abroad into the Realme, . . . Imprinted at Lon- don by Christopher Barker, . . . 1586. 4°, black letter, A — C in fours, C 4 blank. A ballad in praise of the queues shippes. Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. The queues passage into the parlament. 23 novembris. A ballad. Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. This refers to an incident of 27 Eliz. [1584.] A ballad in praise of the quenes shippes, begynnynge y^ Eliz Jonas. Licensed to E. Allde, 8 Aug. 1586. The Victory of the Prymrose against the Spanyardes and thescape of the Violet. A ballad. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. The confession of 9. Rovers. Clinton and Purser beinge chief. A ballad. Li- censed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A praier for the quenes maiestie and the state. Licensed to R. Jones, 22 Aug. 1586, A proper newe ballad which settes in our viewe The manifold daungers \* are like t'ensue. Licensed to E. Allde, 6 Dec. 1586. An exhortation to true love loialty and vnfained fidelytie to her maiestie. Li- censed to T, Dawson, 10 Dec. 1586. The Briefes of all letters Patentes to be granted vnder the greate seale of Eng- land for gatheringe by reason of Casual- tyes and losses, happenynge as well by sea as by Land. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot, 28 Jan. 1586-7. A ballat of the thankfull hartes of the poore Commons to our gracious quene, &c. Licensed to T. Purfoot, 6 Feb. 1586-7. A ballat of the peoples Reioycinge for the late orders appointed by her maiestie for their Relief. Licensed to R. Jones, 6 Feb. 1586-7. A prayer and thancksgyvynge vnto God for the prosperous estate and longe Cou- ELIZABETH. 194 ELIZABETH. tynuance of the Queenes maiestie to be songe on the xvij*^ of November 1587. Licensed to John Charlwood, 14 Nov. 1587. A newe yeres remembrance wherein we may . . . ho we muche we be beholden to the quene. Licensed to Thomas Duffild, 20 Nov. 1587. The oration of Neptune to Jupiter in the prayse of Queen Elizabeth, &c. Licensed to John Wolf, 10 Dec. 1587. Warachtighe Eelatie / ... Tot Dellf . . . Anno 1588. 4°, A — C 2 in fours. Grenv. Coll. "This is a German translation of the Spanish account of their Armada. The Recantations as they were seuerallie pronounced by Wylliam Tedder and An- thony Tyrrell: (sometime two Seminarie Priests of the English Colledge at Rome, and no we by the great mercie of almightie God conuerted, vnto the profession of the Gospell of lesus Christ) at Paules Crosse, the day and yeere to be mentioned in their seuerall Tytles of theyr Recantations. With an Epistle dedicatorie vnto her Maiestie, and their seuerall Praefaces vnto the Reader, contayning the causes that mooued them to the same. At London, Printed by lohn Charlewood and Wil- liam Brome, and are to be sold by Thomas Gubliin, dwelling in Pater-noster Rowe, at the signe of the Gryffin. Anno. Dom. M.D.LXXXViii. 4°, A — F in fours, besides a general title as above, with a portrait of Q." Elizabeth on the back. Trivmphalia De Victoriis Elisabethae Anglorvm, Francorvm, Hybernorvmqve Reginae Avgvstissimae, . . . Contra ClassemlnstrvctissimamPhilippiHispani- arvm Regis . . . Anno Christi Nati 1588. Ivlio et Avgvsto Mensibvs. 4°, A — H in fours. In verse. A godlie prayer, for the preservation of the queues maiestie, and for her Ariuyes both by Sea and laride againste the Euy- mies of the churche and this Realme of Englande. Entered conditionally to Thomas AVoodcock, 31 July, 1588. An excellent songe of the breaking vp of the campe. Licensed to John Wolf, 23 Aug. 1588. A Ballad of thankes gyvinge vnto God for his mercy toward hir maiestie begyn- iiynge Reioyce England. Licensed to H. Kyrkham, 7 Oct. 1588. A ballad of the most happie Victory ob- tained ouer the Spaniardes and y^'.*" ouer- throw in July last 1588. Licensed to H. Carre and T. Or win, 3 Nov. 1588. A JoyfuU ballad of the Roiall entrance of Quene Elizabeth into her cyty of Lon- don the [24 ?] Day of november 1588 and of the solemnity vsed by her maiestie to the glory of God for the wonderful ouerthrowe of the Spaniardes. Licensed to John Wolf by anticipation, 14 Nov. 1588, but no sum named. An excellent dyttie of the Quenes com- minge to Paules Crosse the 24<'^i Dale of November 1588. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, 26 Nov. 1588. The ioyfull Tryumphes performed by dyuerse Christian princes beyond the Seas for the happines of England and the ouerthrowe of the Spanishe Navye, shew- inge also the Justinge at Westminster on the Coronacon Dale in the xxxj<^^ yere of her maiesties reign e. A ballad. Licensed to John Wolf, 27 Nov. 1588. A ballad wherein is Declared the greate goodnes of God in preservinge our gra- tious sovereigne ladie from soe manye conspiracies, &c. Licensed to H. Carre, 20 Jan. 1588-9, but no sum namad. A ballad of her maiesties Ridinge to her highe Court of parlamente. Licensed to William Black wall, 3 Feb. 1588-9. A songe to be printed in Duch, French or English of thouerthrowe of the Spanysh navies. Licensed to John Wolf, 4 March. 1588-9. A Skeltonicall Salvtation, Or Condigne Gratvlation, And Ivst Vexation Of the Spanishe Nation, That in a Bravado, Spent many a Crvsado, In setting forth an Armado England to Invado. Printed at Oxford By Joseph Barnes, and are to bee sold in Paules Churchyeard, at the signe of the Tygres head. 1589. 4°, A — B 2 in fours. Lambeth. Declaratio Cavsarvm, Qvibvs Serenissi- mai niaiestatis Anglia3 Classiarij adducti, in expeditione sud Lusitanensi, qnasdam naues frumento, ali6que apparatu bellico ad vsus Hispaniarum Regis, .... Lou- (lini Excudebant Deputati Christopheri Barker! . . . 1589. 4", A— C 2 in fours. An Answer to the Vntrvthes, Pvblished and Printed in Spaine, in Glorie of their Rvpposed Victorie atchieued against the English Navie, and the Right Honorable Charles Lord Howard, Lord liigh Admiral of England, &c. Sir Francis Drake, and the ELIZABETH. 195 ELIZABETH. rest of the Nobles and Gentlemen, Cap- taines and Soldiers of our said Navie. First written and puLlished in Spanish by a Spanish Gentleman ; who came hither out of the Lowe Countries from the seruice of the Prince of Parma, with his wife and familie, since the overthrow of the Spanish Armada, forsaking both his countrie and Romish religion, as by this Treatise (against the barbarous im- pietie of the Spaniards, and dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie) may appeare. Faithfully translated by I[ames] L[ea.] London, Printed by lohn lack- son, for Thomas Cadmau. 1589. 4°, A — H in fours. Dedicated to Lord Howard of Effingham. On the back of the tide occur two copies of verse: "England to herQueene," ,S'. Z^.jand "England to hir Admirall," 7. Lea. Fol- lowing the dedication to Howard is a second to Queen EUzabeth by the author, and this is succeeded by " The Author to hir Majestic," subscribed >S'. D., and "The translator," subscribed /. L. The former may be the initials of Daniel. This is a very curious volume, and is partly in verse. At p. 31 occurs "An answer to the songs of Christovall Bravo, of Cordova, blinde of bodie and soule, in praise of the victorie which the Spanish Armada had. . . ." With the answers are given translations of the songs. At p. 49 we have, " A song in the praise of the English Xobilitie," followed by another by the translator "to the same effect." A Treatise Wherein is raanifestlie proved, that Reformation and those that sincerely fauor the same, are vniustly charged to be enemies, vnto hir Maiestie, and the state. Written both for the clearing of those that stande in that cause : and the stop- ping of the sclaunderous mouthes of all the enemies thereof. [Quot. from Zephaniah, 3, 18. 19.] 1590. 4°, roman letter, A— I in fours, besides IT, 2 leaves. A ballad made vppon the late fighte at j the Sea betwene 2 ships of Dunkerke, and a small ship of 80 Tonne apperteyn- inge to the Erie of Cumberland, the 26 of July 1590./ Licensed to W, Wright, 5 Aug. 1590. A rare and due Comendacon of the singu- ler vertues and governement of the quenes most excellent maiestie with the hap|)ie and blessed estate of Englande and howe God hathe blessed her highnes from tyme to tvme. Licensed to W. Wright, 5 Jan. 1590-1. A ballad shewinge the treasons of George Bysley alias Parsey and Mountford Semy- narie prestes whoe sufiered in Flete- streete the Firste of July e 1591. Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 19 July,''l591. A letter sent from a gentleman of ac- coumpte concerniuge the true estate of theEnglishe forces nowe in Fraunce vnder the conduct of the right honorable the Erie of Essex, &c. Licensed to John Wolfe, 6 Sept. 1591. A ioyfull newe ballad of our quenes go- inge to the parliament shewing her most happie and prosperous reigne and the great care she hath for the government of her people made this yere 1593. Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 18 March, 1592-3. The chief occurrences of bothe the armyes from the viij^^ of aprill to the xvij^^i of the same monethe. Licensed to John Wolf, 21 April, 1592. The honnour of the tilthe. xvij*' Novem- bris. 1593. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 21 Nov. 1593. The renewing of certaine Orders deuised by the speciall commandement of the Quenes Maiestie, for the reliefe and stay of the present dearth of Graine wnthin the Realme : in the yeere of our Lord 1586, Now to bee againe executed this present yere 1594. Vpon like occasions as were seene the former yere. With an addition of some other particular orders for Reformation of the great abuses in Ale-houses and such like. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, . . . 1594. 4*^, A— C in fours. Black letter. A ballad of the triumphes at the tilte and thanksgyvinge the xvjjth of November 1594 for her maiesties xxxvij yeares Reigne. Licensed to E. White, 15" Nov. 1594. A New^ Charge giuen by the Queenes commandement, to all Justices of Peace, and all Maiors, Shiriffes, and all princi- pal! Officers of Cities, Borroughs, and Townes Corporate, for execution of sundry orders published the last yeere for stale of dearth of Graine. With certaine addi- tions nowe this present yeere to be well obserued and executed. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, . . . 1595. 4*^, black letter, A — C in fours, Discovrs veritable de Diverses Conspira- tions nagueres descouuertes contre la propre vie de la tres-excellento Majeste de la Royne : par assassinemens autant bar- bares, comme la conseruation a este mira- culeuse de la main du Tout-puissant, opposee aux desseings pernicieux de ses ELIZABETH. [96 ELWIES. Anglois rebelles, & aux violences de ses trespiiissanta ennemis estrangers. A Londres, Par Charles Yetsweirt. Et a la Haye, Chez Albert Henry . . . 1595. 4^, A — D in fours. Elizabethae Angliae Reginae Haeresim Calvinianam propvgnantis saevissimvm in Catholicos svi Regni Edictum, . . . Promnlgatum Londini 29. Noiiembris. M.D.xci. Cvm Responsione ad singvla capita . . . Per D. Andream Philopatrum Presbyterum, ac Theologum Romanum, ex Anglis olini oriundum . . . Cvni Licentia Svperiorvm. Romae . . . 1593. 4°. Title and summary, 2 leaves : A — Rrr 2 in fours. A most ioyfuU newe ballad shewinge the happines of England for her niaiesties blessed reigne and the subiectes ioy for the same. Licensed to E. White, 15 Nov. 1594. Certaine Prayers set foorth by Authoritie, to be vsed for the prosperous successe of her Maiesties Forces and Nauy. Im- printed at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, . . . 1597. 4°, A— C in fours, first and last leaves blank. Lambdh. Cavsarvm Explicatio Qvibus hoc Anno 1597 Londini . . . 1597. 4°, 4 leaves, Speciall Orders and directions set foorth By the Queenes maiesties commande- inent, to all Justices of Peace, and all Maiors, . . . for stay and redresse of dearth of Graine. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . Anno 1600. 4°, A — B in fours. Lambeth. The Last Speech and Thanks of Queen Elizabeth of ever Blessed memory, To her last Parliament, after her Delivery from the Popish Plots, &c. London, Printed, 1679. Folio. Queen Elizabeth's Opinion concerning Tran substantiation, Or the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, with some Prayers and Thanksgivings com- posed by Her in Imminent Dangers. Lon- don : Printed for F. E. [1688.] A large sheet, surmounted by a portrait of the Queen. ELIZABETH, Queen of Bohemia. Triumphes or a descri])tion of the ho. and roiall celebracon of the pryncesse Eliza- beth and prince Palatines nuptialles, with the true maner of the fyreworkes, seafightes, &c. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 30 January, 1612-13. A ballad on the subject was licensed the same day to Gossou. The Honour of Englishmen/ Shewing the gloriouse tryumphes performed by the cheife of the English Nobility at Tilt be- fore the King and Queens Maiesties, the Paulsgraue and the Ladie Elizabeth at White Hall vppon the 24^1^ of March 1612. Licensed to Ralph Blower, 25 March, 1612-13. Englandes Joye or the happie nuptialles of prynce Friderick and the Lady Eliza- beth. Licensed to Edward White, 20 February, 1612-13. Englandes comfort or A ioyfull newe songe of the Ladye Elizabeth and the Count Palatine, which 2. Princes were betrothed together in his maiesties Chap- pell at Whitehall vppon Saint Johns Day Last before his maiestie and diuerse of the Nobilitie. Licensed to George Eld, 14 January, 1612-13. A farewell to prynce palatine and his fayre bryde the lady Elizabeth being their passages through Kent, their Arri- vallesinthe Lowe-Countreyes, with their entertaynement there, and their Royall retourne home into his owne Court. Licensed to John Wright, 16 April, 1613. A ballad called. The Roiall pedygree of the Lady Elizabeth. Licensed to the widow White, 28 April, 1613. The journall of the Journey of the Countie Palatine and the lady Elizabeth from England to Hedelberghe in Germany, and their entertaynement by the Way. Li- censed to Nathaniel Butter, 30 June, 1613. The portrature of the most gratious and right Vertuous Ladie Elizabeth prin- cesse of great Britton, &c. By F. Delaram. Licensed to Henry Holland, 6 December, 1616. An Elegy Upon the Decease of the most Incomparable Pious Lady, the Princesse Elizabeth, who Dved in Carisbrook Castle in the Isle of Wight, Septemb. 8. 1650 [Feb. 24th.] 4^, 4 leaves. £r. Museiim. ELLIOT, ADAM, M.A., a Priest of the Church of England. A Modest Vindication of Titus Gates the Salamanca-Doctor from Perjury : Or an Essay to Demonstrate him only Forsworn in several instances. . . . London, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Joseph Hindmarsh, . . . 1682. Folio, A — in twos. ELWIES, SIR GEORGE. The Lieutenant of the Tower his Speech and Repentance, at the time of his Death, ELYOT. 197 ENGINES. who was executed vpon Tower Hill, on the 20. day of Nouember. 1615. Together with a Meditation and Vow of his that hee made not long before hee dyed. Mors mihi Lucrum. Printed by G. Eld for Na: Butter, and are to be sold at his shop neere Saint Austenes gate. 4^, A — D 3 in fours. ELYOT, SIR THOMAS. Bibliotheca Eliotae. Eliotes Dictionarie the second tyme enriched, and more per- fectly corrected, by Thomas Cooper, schole maister of Maudlens in Oxforde. This last edition, beside the addition and correction of verie manie thynges, hath the propre names of most herbes that be agreed of among phisicians the correc- tion of weightes, measures, and coynes, with the applyinge of the same to our tyme. Londini in Aedibvs T. Bertheleti. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Thvs endeth this Dictionarie printed at London in the house of Thomas Berthelet, Anno Do- mini. M.D.Lii. The .X. dale of Decem- ber. Cum priuilegio. Folio, A, 8 leaves, with title, &c. : A (repeated)— 4 E in sixes, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Dr. Haddon, President of Magdalen, by Cooper. Printed in two columns. Bibliotheca Eliotae. Eliotes Dictionarie, by Thomas Cooper the third tyme cor- rected, and with a great number of phrases enriched . . . Londini in ^di- bus nuper Tho. Bertheleti. Anno Do- mini. 1559. Cum priuilegio. Folio. Title, &c., 9 leaves : A (repeated) — 4 F in sixes, 4 F 6 blank. The Castel of Helthe. Gathered, and made by syr Thomas Elyot knight, one of the chief authors of Phisyke, whereby euery man may knowe the state of his owne body, the preseruation of helthe, and how to instruct well his phisition in sick- nes, that he be not deceyued. m.d.xxxix. [Col] Londini in aedibus Thomse Bertheleti typis impress. . . . Anno m.d.xxxix. 4% A — X in fours : Y, 6 leaves. Dedi- cated to Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Lara- beth. The Castel of Helth [Col.] Londini in sedibus Thomae Bertheleti. ... M.D.XLVii. 8°, black letter, A— R in eights, R 7 with the colophon only, and R 8 blank. The Castell of Helth . . . 1572. Im- printed at London, by Thomas Marshe. 8°, A— N in eights. Black letter. The Castle of Health, . . . Now Newlie Pervsed, amended, and corrected, this j present yeare, 1610. London, Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1610. 4°, black letter. IT, 4 leaves : A— S in fours. Pasqvill the Playne. Anno, m.d.xl. [Col] Londini in redibus Thomse Ber- theleti typis impress. Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno, m.d.xl. 8°, A — C 6 in eights, C 6 occupied on the verso by a large woodcut device with the motto Face avt Tace. In prose. It is an interlocution between Pasquillus, Gnatho, and Harpocrates. The Banket of Sapience, . . . Anno Christi. 1564. [Col] Londini Excude- bat Henricus VVykes . . . Anno. M.D.Lxiiii. 8*^, A— G in eights, G 8 blank. Lambeth. ELLIS, THOMAS. A true report of the Late woorthie fight performed in the voiage from Turke by fyve shippes of London against xj galleis and ij fregates the strongest of christian- dom in the passage of the straightes the 13 of Julye 1586 by Thomas Ellis mar- ryner. Licensed to Humphrey Bate, 10 Nov. 1586. ENS, CASPAR. Magn£e Britanniae Deliciae sen Insvlarvm et Regnorvm qvae magnae Britanniae . . . imperio hodie comprehenduntur, Descriptio . . . Colonise . . . Anno MDCXiii. 8°. Title and dedication to the Dn eights. ENCHIRIDION. Enchiridio preclare eccle Sarisburiesis deuotissimis precationibus ac venustis- simis imaginibus ijs quide non paucis refertii. [Col.] Impressuni est hoc orariii Parisiis in edibus spectabilis viri Germani Hardouyn. . . . [1533.] 8*^, "A — Z 4 in eights. With woodcuts. Described from a fine copy, which I examined at Mr. John Bohn's, Canterbury, October 18, 1878. ENFIELD. Cruelty punished, Or A full and perfect Relation of the unparallel'd inhumanity of William Deane, Robert Deane, and Margaret Deane, Practised upon the Body of Jane King A young l)eautiful Maiden, living at Clay-Hill at Enfield : Together, With their Tryal at the Old- Bayly, . . . London, Printed for C. N. in the Year 1677. Folio, 2 leaves. ENGINES. A booke of Engins for the destruction of certayne Crowes and Sparrowes, with ENGLAND. 198 ENGLAND. the gouernement of Oxen, Kyen, Calues, horse, shepes, . . . Licensed to Robert Waley, 14 Sept. 1583. An Invention of Engines of Motion lately brought to perfection. Whereby may be dispatched any work now done in Eng- land or elsewhere, (especially Works that require strength and swiftness) either by Wind, Water, Cattel or Men. And that with better accommodation, and more profit then by any thing hitherto known and used. London, Printed by L C, for Richard Woodnoth, ... 1651. 4'^, A— B in fours. ENGLAND. [A Chronicle of England to A.D. 1447. !Ko place, printer's name, or date, W. de Machlinia, circa 1480 ?] Folio. Pro- logue, 6 leaves (?) : A — Z in eights : z, 8 leaves : aa — in eights. Br. Museum (Grenville). This copy is not perfect ; it wants the end of the Table, aa 8, and the conclusion. [The Chronicles of England. Colophon :] i'hus endeth this present booke of the crimicles of englond / enprinted by me William Caxton In thabbey of west- niynster by london Fynysshid and accom- pli.shid the x. day of Juyn the yere of thincarnacion of our lord god M.cccc. Lxxx. And in the xx. yere of the regne of Kyng Edward the fourth. Folio, 182 leaves, including two blanks. Publ. Lib. Cambridge, Lambeth, and JJuke of Devon- shire, [The Chronicles of England. Second Edition. Colophon :] Thus endeth this present book of the Cronycles of England / Enprynted by me William Caxton In thabbey of westmestre by london / Fyn- ysshed / and accomplysshyd the / viij / day of Octobre / Tiie yere of the Incar- nacyon of our lord God / M / cccc / Ixxxij And in the xxij yere of the regne of Kyng Edward the fourth. Folio, 182 leaves including two blanks. Br. Museum, allad. Licensed to John Danter, 26 June, 1594. FAITIIORNE, WILLIAM. The Art of Graveing. And Etcliing. Wherein is expressed the true way of (jraueiiig in Copper. Allso The manner and method of that famous Callot & Mr. Bossc in their Seuerall ways of Etching. Published ]\y Will? Faithorne. And sold at his Shop next to y® Signe of v* Diake without Temple Barr. 1662. 8", A — D in eights, besides engravings at pp. 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18 (2), 22, 42, 44, and the engraved title. Willi vcr.sus by T. Flatman. FALCOMKR, JOHN. Cryptomenyses I'atefacLa : Or the Art of Secret Inlbrmation Disclosed without a Key. Containing, Plain and Demonstra- tive Rules, for Decyphering all Manner of Secret Writing . . . London, Printed for Daniel Brown, . . . 1685. 8% A— N in eights. Dedicated to Charles, Earl of Middleton. FALE, T. Horologiographia. The Art of Dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of Dials vppon any plaine plat howsoeucr placed : With the drawing of the twelue Signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and use of other Dials and In- struments ... At London Imprinted by Thomas Orwin, . . . 1593. 4^, A— U in fours. FALKLAND, LUCIUS GARY, VIS- ' COUNT. The Speech or Declaration of the Lord Favlkland . . . London, Printed for John Bartlet, . . . 1641. 4*^, A— B in fours, A 1 blank. The Lord Favlkland His Learned Speech in Parliament, in the House of Commons, Touching the Judges and the late Lord Keeper. Printed in the Yeare, 1641. 4'', A— B 2 in fours. The Speech or Declaration of the Lord Favlkland, to the Lords of the Vpper House, upon the delivery of the Articles of the Commons Assembled in Parlia- ment : Against the Lord Finch. Lon- don, Printed in the Yeare, 1641. 4*^, 4 leaves. FALLE, PHILIP, i\J..4., Rcdor of St. Saviour. An Account of the Isl of Jersey, The Greatest of those Islands that are now the only Remainder of the English Domi- nions in France. With a New and Accurate Map of the Island. London, Printed for John Newton, . . . 1694. 8". A, 4 leaves : B— Q 4 in eights. De- dicated to the King. FALLOWES, EDAVARD. A dolefuU Discourse or sorowfuU sonnet made by one Edward Fallowes who Lately suffred Death at Saint Thomas waterings for a Robberie. Licensed to Richard Jones, 30 August, 1578. FANATICS. 'j Fanatique Queries, Propos'd to the present ^ Assertors of the Good Old Cavse. Lon- don, Printed for Praise-God-Barebones, the Rumps Leather-seller [March 1, 1659- 60.] 4^", 4 leaves. Bibliothcca Fanatica : Or, The Phana- tique Library : Being a Catalogue of such Books as have been lately made and by the Authors presented to the Colledge of FANE. 215 FEDERICI. Bedlam. Printed in the year 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. FANE, SIR FRANCIS. A Panegyrick to the Kings most excellent Majesty, Ui^on His Happy Accession to the Crown : And his more Fortvnate Marriage : By S^ F[rancis] F[ane.] K.B. London, Printed by W. Wilson for Henry Herringman, . . . 1662. Folio, 6 leaves. Chiefly in prose. Love in the Dark, Or The Man of Bus'- ness. A Comedy : Acted at the Theatre Royal By His Majesties Servants. Written by Sir Francis Fane, Junior ; Knight of the Bath. Naiuram expcllas furcd licet, usque recurret. Hot. In the Savoy. Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman . . . 1675. 4^, A — N in fours. Dedicated to John, Earl of Rochester, Gentleman of his Majesty's bedchamber, in a tone of affectionate regard. FAREWELL. A Farewell To Alas I love you over well. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1567-8. FARMER, JOHN. Diuers & sundry waies of two parts in one, to the number of fortie, vppon oneplayn- song: sometimes placing the ground aboue, & two parts beneath, and other while the ground beneath and two parts aboue : or againe otherwise the ground some- times in the midst betweene both, like- wise other conceites, which are plainly set downe, for the profite of those which would attaine vnto knowledge. Per- formed and published by lohn Farmer in fauour of such as loue musicke, with the ready way to perfect knowledge. Im- printed at London by Thomas Este, the assigne of William Byrd, and are to be sould inBroadstreete neere the Royall ex- chaunge at the Authors house. 1591. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — C in eights : D, 4 leaves. Dedicated to Edward de Vere Earl of Oxford. With complimentary verses by Richard AVilkinson and Francis Yomans. FARMER, W., Chirurgeon. A Prognostication for this yeere. 1587. Wherein is declared the original ground of the late alteration of the yere, . . . collected and gathered by W. Farmer Chirurgian . . . Imprinted at London, by Richard Watkins and James Robertes. Cum priuilegio. 4*^. Bagford papers. FARNABY, THOMAS. Phrases Oratoriae Elegantiores. Editio Septima, cui accesserunt Phrases aliquot Poeticre Cura & opera Tho. Farnabii. Londini, Excudebat Felix Kiugstonius. 1638. 8^, A— G 3 in eights. FARNEHAM, RICHARD, and BULL, JOHN. The Propheticall and strange opinions of Richard Farneham and John Bull, who suppose themselues to be prophettes. Licensed to Francis Smith, 16 June, 1636. FARTHING TOKENS. At the Starre-Chamber the twentieth of June, 1634. [A Declaration respecting Farthing-Tokens] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . m.dc.xxxiiii. Black letter. Forster Coll. A Proclamation concerning Farthing Tokens. [1 March, 1634-5.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1635. Forster Coll. FASCICULUS FLORUM. Fascicvlvs Florvm: . . . London, Printed by M.P. and are to be sold by Robert Wilson at his Shop at Grayes-Inne gate in Holborne. 1638. 12^. A, 6 leaves, first blank : B — L 6 in twelves. FAST. A Proclamation for a generall Fast to be kept thorowout the Realm of England. [11 Nov. 1640,] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1640. Forster Coll. A Proclamation for a Generall fast . . . [8 Jan. 1640-1,] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1641. Forster Coll. FAUSTUS, DOCTOR, A ballad of the life and deathe of Doctor Faustus the great Coungerer./ Licensed to R, Jones, 28 Feb. 1588-9, The Poeticall history of Doctor John Faustus. Licensed to Francis Grove, 8 March, 1632-3. FEATLEY, DANIEL, The Dippers dipt. Or, The Anabaptists Dvck'd and Plvng'd over Head and Eares, at a Disputation in Southwark. Together with A large and full Discourse of their Originall ... By Daniel Featley, D.D. . . , London, Printed for Nicholas Bourne, , . . And Richard Royston . . . 1645. 4P, B — Ff in fours, besides the printed title and a curious frontispiece by W. Marshall, representing the Anabaptists bathing, surrounded by small portraitures of a variety of sects. Dedicated to both Houses of Parliament. FEDERICI, CESARE. The Voyage and Trauaile : Of M. Caesar FELTHAM. 216 FERGUSSON Frederick, merchant of Venice, into the East India, the Indies, and beyond the Indies. Wherein are contained very pleasant and rare matters, with the cus- tomes and rites of those Countries. Also, Herein are Discovered the Merchandises and commodities of those Countreyes, as- well the aboundance of Goulde and Silver, as Spices, Drugges, Pearles, and otlier lewelles. Written at Sea in the Hercvles of London : comming from Turkie, tlie 25. of March 1588. For the profitable instruction of Merchants and all other trauellers, for their better direction and knowledge of those Countreyes. Out of Italian, by T. H. At London, Printed by Richard Jones and Edward White, 18. lunij. 1588. 4*^, A — L in fours. Black letter. Dedicated by T. Hickock to Lord Howard of Effingham. Grenv. Coll. FELTHAM, OWEN. Resolves a Duple Century. Y* 3^ Edition By Owen Felltham w^h a large Alpha- beticall Table therunto . . . London Im- printed lor Henry Seile . . . 1628. 4*^. A, 4 leaves, including engraved title and explanation : B — Ff in eights : Gg — li in fours, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Thomas, Lord Coventry. Resolues A Duple Century the vi Edition by Owen Felltham, With a large Alpha- betical Table thervnto Et sic demulceo vitam. London Printed for Henry Seile . . , 1636, 4*^, A— Ff in eights, except A, which is in fours, the first leaf having the *' Face of the Booke " in verse : Gg — li 3 in fours. The title is engraved by W. Marshall, Resolves The eight Impressio, with New & Severall other Additions both in Prose and Verse. . . . London Printed for A: Seile . . . 1661. Folio, Frontispiece and the Face of the Book unmasked, 2 leaves : A — Eee 2 in fours : Lusoria, with a new title, a — n in fours, n 4 with the Errata. Resolves, ... In this Twelfth Edition, References are made to the Poetical Cita- tions, heretofore wanted : and the Langu- age refin'd . . . London : Printed by Benj. Motte for Clia. Harper , . . mdccix. 8°, A — Uu in eights, including a frontis- piece and an explanation of it. FELTON, JOHN. A ballett of Fclton. Licensed to Francis Goodlyf in 1570, The Deatli of John Felton. Licensed to H. Bynneman in 1570. FENCING. Billes for pryscs at fencinge, as masters pryses. and Schollers prises, &c. Entered conditionally to Thomas Purfoot, 30 Oct. 1587. FENELON, ARCHBISHOP. The Tales and Fables of the late Arch- bishop and Duke of Cambray, Author of Telemachus, in French and English. Written originally for the Instruction of a Young Prmce, [the Due de Bourgoigne.] And now publish'd for the LTse of Schools. To which is prefix'd. An Account of the Author's Life, extracted from the Me- moirs of the Chevalier Ramsay, Author of the Travels of Cyrus. . . . By Natha- niel Gifford, of the Inner-Temple, Gent. Illustrated with Twenty-nine Copper- Plates Engraven by George Bickham, Junior. London : Printed for John Hawkins , . . m.dcc.xxxvi. 8°. Title and dedication to the translator's kins- woman, Mrs. Martha Bellamy, of King- ston School, 2 leaves : a— c in fours, c 4 with an advertisement of the terms of Kingston School : B — M 2 in eights. The plates are on the letterpress. FENNOR, DUDLEY. A shorteand profitable treatise of lawful 1 and vnlawfuU recreacons. [By Dudley Fennor.] Licensed to Thomas Gosson, 15 Jan. 1591-2. A proposed reprint of the Middleburgh edition. FENWICK, SIR JOHN. A True Copy of the Paper Deliver'd by Sir John Fenwicke, Baronet, to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, on Tower-Hill, the Place of Execution, on Thursday Jan. 28. 169f London, Printed by J. Orme, for R. 13entley, . , . A folio leaf. The Proceedings against Sir John Fen- wicke, Bar. upon a Bill of Attainder for High Treason. Together Avith a Copy of a Letter sent by Sir John Fenwick to his Lady, upon his being taken in Kent. . , . Printed in the Year, 1698. S'^, B — Aa 3 in eights and the title. FERDINAND II,, Emfcror of Germajiij. The Particular State of the Government of the Emperour, Ferdinand the Second. As it was at his decease in the yeere 1636. London, Printed by E. G. for Thomas Nichols, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible in Popes head Alley 1637. 4^, B— L 2 in fours, and the title. FERGUSSON, DAVID. Scottish Proverbs : Gathered together by David Fergusson sometime Minister at Dumfermline: And put ordine Alphabetiro FERXE. 217 FIDGE. when he departed this life, Anno 1598. Edinburgh, Printed by Eobert Bryson, j and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of Jonah 1641. 4°, A— F 2 in fours. Nine hundred and fourty Scottish Pro- verbs : The greatest part of which were at first gathered together by David Fer- gusson. Sometime Minister at Duni- farmlin : . . . Printed in the Year 1675. 8°, A— D 4 in eights. FERXE, JOHN, Gentleman. The Blazon of Gentrie : Deiiided into two parts. The first named The Glorie of Generositie. The second, Lacyes No- bilitie. Comprehending discourses of Armes and of Gentry. Wherein is treated of the beginning, parts, and degrees of Gentlenesse, with her lawes : Of the Bearing and Blazon of Cote-armors : of the Lawes of Armes, and of Combats. Compiled by lohn Feme Gentleman, for ^ the instruction of all Gentlemen bearers of Armes, whome and none other this worke concerneth. At London, Printed by John Windet, for Andrew Maunsell. 1586. 4°. A, 8 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B— Z 4 in eights, Z 4 blank : Aa— li 4 in eights : Kk. 2 leaves, the second blank. With cuts. With a folded leaf in Cc. Dedicated to Edmund, Lord Sheffield, from the Inner Temple, 13 September, 1586, after which is a second inscription to the Inns of Court. FERRERS, RICHARD. A Booke called. The worth of a woman. Licensed to William Jones, 20 Julv, 1622. See Mrs. Delany's Letters, 1st Series. iii. 324. A copy appears to have been lent by George Ballard to Mrs. Dewes. It was a poem. But I am not aware that any copy is known. FERRIS, RICHARD, ]ofPerin,co. Corn- vxill. The most dangerous . . . Aduenture . . . 1590. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Heneage Kt. At the end is a ballad of eleven stanzas by James Sarjent on the arrival and entertain- ment of Ferris at Bristol, Aug, 3, 1590 ; Sarjent calls it a sonnet. Reprinted by Mr. Collier. This appears to be the prototype of the series of schemes and publications, on a similar model, by Taylor the water-poet. A ballad of Richard Ferrys cominge to Bristowe on the Third of Auguste 1590. Licensed to E. White, 7 Aug. 1590. A ballad of the ioyfuU entertainement of the wherry and iij wherrymen viz., Richard Ferrys, Andrewe Hilles, and William Thomas, by the maiour aldermen and Citizens of Bristoll 4*° Augusti 1590. Licensed to Henry Carre, 10 Aug. 1590. FESTIVAL, THE. Incipit liber qui uocatur festialis. [This occurs on the second leaf, the first being occupied on the recto and also (with the exception of a few lines of text at the foot of the page) on the verso with wood- cuts. At the end occurs :] Here endith the boke that is callid^ festiuall. the yere of oure lorde Mcccc.lxxxvi. the day aftir saint Edward the kyng. [No place or printer's name. Antwerp or Bruges.] Folio, printed in two columns, black letter. Leaf with woodcuts, &c., followed by text, 8 leaves : a — d in eights : d 3, 8 leaves : e — g 4 in eights : h — 1 in eights : m, 6 leaves : n — q in eights : r, 6 leaves : s, 8 leaves : t — v in sixes : x, 8 leaves : y in sixes : z, 3 leaves. With woodcuts. Lambeth. The only copy known. Here begynneth the festyuall. [Colo- phon :] Here endeth the festyuall En- prynted at London by me Rychard Faques dwellyg in Paulys chyrche yarde. 4°, A — Kk in eights and fours : LI, 4 leaves. Lambeth. FIDGE, GEORGE. Hinds Ramble, Or, The Description of his manner and course of life. Wherein is related the several Robberies he hath committed in England, and the Escapes he hath made upon several occasions. With His voyage into Holland, and how he cheated a Dutch-man there of 200£ And from thence went into Ireland, where he did many Robberies, and was wounded by some of his own Party. With a Relation of His Going to the Scotch King, Where he was made Scout- master General, and afterwards (as 'tis generally reported) was the onely man that conveyed the Scotch King to Lon- don, who since is shipt away far beyond Seas. A Book full of Delight, every Story affording its particitlar Jest. [By George Fidge.] London, Printed for George Latham, 1651 [October 27.] 8^ A — C in eights, including a woodcut frontispiece. JB. M. The English Gusman ; Or The History of that Qnparallerd Thief James Hind. W^herein is Related I. His Education and manner of Life ; also a full Relation of all the severall Robberies, madd Pranks, and handsom Jests done by Him. II. How at Hatfield he was Enchanted bv a Witch FIELD. 218 FIRMIN. for three years space ; and liow she Be- •witch'd his Horse with a white Rod, and gave him a thing like a Sun-dial, tlie Point of which should direct him which way to take when persued. . . . With several Cuts to illustrate the Matter. Written by G. F. London, Printed by T. N. for George Latham Junior, . . . 1652. 4^, A— H 2 in fours. B. M. (im- perfect.) The Great Eater of Grayes-Inne, Or The Life of Mr. Marriot "the Cormorant. Wherein is set forth, all the Exploits and Actions by him performed, with many pleasant Stories of his Travells into Kent and other places. Also, A Rare Physi- call Dispensatory, being the manner how he makes his Cordiall Broaths, Pills, Purgations, Julips, and Vomits, to keep his Body in temper, and free from Sur- feits. By G[eoTge] F[idge] Gent. London, Printed for the Author, and are sold by William Raybould at the Unicorne iu Pauls Church-Yard, 1652. 4^, A— F in fours, title on A 2. B. M. FIELD OF BLOOD. The Field of Blood : Or, Rebellion Bla- zoned in all its Colours. In a Lively Representation (Grounded upon Fact) of the Fatal Consequences of Inhability in a Prince, Exorbitant Ambition in the Nobility, and Licentious Insolence in the Commons. London : Printed for James Vade at the Cock and Sugar-loaf near St Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet. 1681. 4^. A, 4 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B— D in fours. FIELD, RICHARD, D.D. Of the Church, Five Bookes. By Richard Field Doctor of Divinity . . . The Second Edition Very mvch Avgmented, in the third Booko, and the Appendix to the Bame. At Oxford Imprinted by William Tvrner, . . . 1628. Folio, *, 8 leaves: A — 4 G in sixes. Dedicated (in an addi- tional epistle) by Nathaniel Field, the author's relative, to George, Duke of Buckingham. FIENISES, NATHANIEL. A Speech of the Honorable Nathanacl Fiennes, (second Son to the right Hon- ourable tlie Lord Say) in answer to the Third Speech of the Lord George Digby. Concerning Bishops and the Citly of Londons Petition ; both wliicli were made the 9^'' of Feb. 1640 . . . Printed in tlic yeare 1641. 4", A— I) in fours, D 1 blank. The Speech of the Right Honourable the Lord Fiennes, Commissioner of the Great Seal ; Made before His Highness and Both Houses of Parliament, on Wednes- day the 20th of January, 1657. Being the first day of their Sitting. Published by His Highness special Command. Lon- don, Printed by Henry Hills, and John Field, . . . 1657. 4^, A— D 2 in fours. FILMER, EDWARD. The Unnatural Brother : A Tragedy. As it was Acted by His Majesty's Servants, 1 at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Iun- j Fields. London, Printed by J. Ornie, for Richard Wilkin . . , md.cxcvii. 4^, A — H in fours. FINCH, HENRY, of Grcnfs Inn. Nomotechnia ; Cestascavoir, Vn Descrip- tion del Common Leys DAngleterre Solonqve les Rules del Art . . . London Printed for the Societie of Stationers, An. Dom. 1613. Folio. IT, 6 leaves : A— Bb in sixes, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to James I. FINCH, JOHN, Lord. The Accvsation and Impeachment of John Lord Finch, Baron of Fordwich, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of Eng- land, By the House of Commons. Printed Anno Dom. 1640. 4^, A— B in fours, A i and B 4 blank. FINETT, SIR JOHN. Finetti Philoxenis : Som Choice Obser- vations of Sr John Finett Knight, And Master of the Ceremonies in the two last Kings, Touching the Reception, and Pre- cedence, the Treatment and Audience, the Puntillios and Contests of Forren Am- l)assador3 in England. London, Printed by T. R. for H.'Tw^yford and G. Bedell . . . 1656. &", A— R in eights, first leaf blank. Dedicated by James Howell to Viscount Lisle. FIRES. Diuerse Lamentable tiers in these shires followinge. viz. Kent, IMiddlesex, Surrey, Essex, Hertford, Bedford, . . . Licensed to John Trundle, 7 March, 1606-7. FIRMIN, GILES. Weighty Questions Discussed: . . .Where- unto is added A Prediction of ]\Ir. Daniel Rogers, Minister in Essex, long before the lieheading King Charles I. and Arch- liishop Laud, foretelling that they should not dye a Natural Death. By Giles Fir- niin, Author of the Real Christian. Lon- don, Printed for the Author. 1692. 4^, A— E 2 in fours, and the titlepage. FISH. 219 FISHERY. FISH. A till certificat sente from Gibralter'in Spayne of a Wonderful fysshe. Licensed to A. Lacy in 15G5-6. FISHEE, JAMES. The "Wise Virgin : Or, A Wonderful Narration of the various dispensations of God towards a childe of eleven years of age ; . . . She is the Daughter of Mr. Anthony Hatfield Gentleman in Laugh- ton in York-shire ; her name is Martha Hatfield. . . . London, Printed for Charles Tins, . . . MDCLXiv. 8°, A — M in eights. FISHER, JOHN, Bishop of Rochester. This treatise concernynge the fruytful Sayinges of Dauyde the Kynge & pro- phete in the seuen penytecyall / psalnit'S ! Deuyded in seuen sermons was made and com / plyed [sic\ by the ryght reuerente fader in god Johan fyssher / Doctour of dyuynyte & bysshop of Rochester at the \ ex / ortacion and sterynge of the mooste ; excellente pryncesse / Margarete coun- j tesse of Rychemoiite and Derby & Mo/der j to our souerayne lorde Kynge Hery the vij on who / se soule Jesu haue mercy. [Col.] Enprynted at London in the fietestrete at the sygne of y^ sonne / by Wynkyn de Worde. In the yere of our lorde. M / ccccc.viii. ye .xvi. day of y^ moneth of Juyn. The .xxiii. j^ere of ye reygne of our souerayne lorde Kynge He / ry the seuenth. 4°, Aa — zz in eights and fours alternately : &&, 6 leaves. This treatyse concernynge the fruytful sayinges of Dauyd the Kynge & pro- phete. . . . [Col.] Enprynted at London in the Fietestrete at the sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn de Worde ... In the yere of our lorde god. m.ccccc. and .ix. the .xii. daye of the moneth of Juyn. 4", aa — zz in eights and fours, zz in eights, followed by 6 leaves, the last page with the device only. This Treatise concernynge the fruytfull sayinges . . . [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- don in Fietestrete at the sygne of the Prynces amies by Thomas Marshe. Anno. M.D.L.v. 8°, A — Z in eights, follov^-ed by a sheet in sixes. Lambeth, &c. De Veritate Corporis et Sangvinis Christi in Evcharistia per reuerendumin Christo patrem, ac dominum D. loannem Roffen- sem Episcopum, adversus loannem Oc- colampadum. Colonise, Anno domini, M.D.xxvii. ^ditio Prima. 4^, A— D in fours : a — z in fours : A — Ddd in fours : Eee, 6 leaves. A spirituall consolation, written by lohn Fyssher Bishoppe of Rochester, to hys sister Elizabeth, at suche tyme as hee was prisoner in the Tower of London . . . No place, &c. 8^, black letter, A— I in eights, A 6-8 blank. Lambeth. FISHER, JOHN, of Mandalen College, O.vford. Poems . . . 1558. Collation : A— G in fours. FISHERY. Londons Blame, If not its Shame : Mani- fested by the great neglect of the Fishery, which affordeth to our Neighbor Nations yeerly, the Revenue of many Millions ... Or the inestimable riches of the British Seas whicli do yeild a monthly Harvest of several Fish in their season, which being brought into the Land, would make Flesh at a low rate, encrease Shipping . . . Printed for T. J. . . . 1651. 4*^, A— B in fours. Icthyothera, Or, The Royal Trade of Fishing. Discovering the inestimable Profit the Hollanders liave made thereof, with the vast Emolument and Advan- tages that will redound to his Sacred Majesty and his three Kingdonies by the Improvement of it. Now seasonably published by command for the Benefit of the Nation. London, Printed by J. F. for R. Royston . . . mdclxii. 4^. The only Design of the Company of Fishermen, By the Bill depending in the Honourable House of Commons, as far as relates to themselves ... A sheet. A Collection of Advertisements, Advices, and Directions, Relating to the Royal Fishery within the British Seas, &c. Transcribed out of divers English Writers, Observators, . . . Published in Order to the Inciting the People of these Nations, &c. to improve the Advantages thereof, . . . London, Printed for H. M. and are to be soldbyJ. Whitlock . . . 1695. 4^, B — K in fours, and the title. An Answer to the Allegations of the Fishmongers, in their Paper, intitled, Reasons humbly Offered for passing the Bill for preventing the Importation of Fresh Fish caught by Foreigners. [About 1700.] A sheet. The Case of the Company of Free Fisher- men of the River of Thames, and other Fishermen of this Kingdom using the Lobster-Trade. [About ^1700.] A sheet. Further Reasons Humblv Offer'd for FISTULA. 220 FITZHERBERT. Passing the Fish Bill. [About 1700.] A sheet. The Case of the Coasting-Fishermen of the Kingdom of Great Britain, in relation to a Clause concerninf;^ the Size of Nets. [About 1700.] A sheet. Reasons Humbly Offer'd for Passing the Bill, for Preventing the Importation of Fresh Fish caught by Foreigners, and the Preservation of the Brood and Fry of Fish. [About 1700.] A sheet. An Answer to the Case of the Coasting Fishermen. [About 1700.] A sheet. Reasons of Several Owners of Fishing- Vessels, Humbly Offer'd Against a Clause, proposed by some Fishmongers, To Re- peal the Law, now in Force, prohibiting Lobsters being Imported by Foreigners. [About 1700.] A sheet. Remarks humbly offer'd by some of the Fishmongers, in Answer to the other Part of the Fishmongers Reasons for repealing that Part of the Billingsgate Act, which relates to the prohibiting Lobsters being caught by Foreigners. [About 1700.] A sheet. FISTULA. A bill for the cure of the Fistola. Li- censed to John Wolf, 16 May, 1594. FITZ, SIR JOHN. A ballet vppon the Lamentable Murthers of Sir John Fitz executed vppon himself and others. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 28 Aug., 1605. Sir John Fitz his Ghost, or the dolefull dreames of Lusty Jack his chief Associate and companion in mischief. Licensed to Edward White Junior, 13 Sept., 1605. FITZ-GEFFREY, CHARLES. The Blessed Birth-Day Celebrated in some Pious Meditations, on the Angels Anthem, Luke 2. 14. Also Holy Rap- tvres in contemplating of the most ob- seruable Adjuncts about our Sauiours Nativitie. By Charles Fitz- Geffry. [Quo- tation.] Oxford, Printed by John Lich- field Printer to the University, and are to be sold by Ed. Forrest. An. Dom. 1634. 4"*, A— G in fours, and the title. In verse. FITZ-II ARRIS, EDWARD. An Answer to the Protestation of the Nineteen Lords against the Rejecting of the Impeachment of Mr. Fitz-Harris. [Col.] London, Printed for Cave Pulley n, 1681. Folio, 4 leaves. The Arraignment and Plea of Edw. Fitz- ITarris Esq; with all the Arguments in Law and Proceedings of the Court of Kings-Bench thereupon, in Easter Term 1681. London, Printed for Fr. Tyton, . . . 1681. Folio, A— S, 2 leaves each, A 1 with the Imprimatur and S 2 with an Advertisement. A Narrative, Being a true Relation of what Discourse passed between D'" Haw- kins and Edward Fitz-harys, Esq; Late Prisoner in the Tower; with the manner of taking his Confession. Published by Authority. London, Printed for Samuel Can, 1681. Folio, 6 leaves. The Tryal and Condemnation of Edw. Fitz-Harris Esq; For High -Treason, at the Barr of the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, on Thursday the 9th of June, in Trinity Term, 1681. As also the Tryal and Condemnation of D'^ Oliver Plunket, Titular Primate of Ireland, For High-Treason, at the Barr of the Court of King's Bench, the same Term. London, Printed for Francis Tyton, and Thomas Basset, . . . 1681. Folio, A— Dd in twos. Fitz-Hary's Last Sham detected : Or a Vindication of His Sacred Majesty from those foul Aspersions cast upon him by that impudent Libel called, Fitz-Hary's last Confession, left under his own Hand, and published by D"" Hawkins. London, Printed for R. Baldwin. 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. The Confession of Edward Fitz-harys, Esquire, Written with his Own Hand, And delivered to Doctor Hawkins Minis- ter of the Tower, The First of July, 1681. Being the Day of his Execution. To- gether with his last Speech. London, Printed for S. Carr. 1681. Folio, 4 leaves. Truth Vindicated : Or, A detection of the Aspersions and Scandals cast upon Sir Robert Clayton and Sir George Treby, Justices; and Slingsby Bethell and Henry Cornish Esquires, Sheriffs, of the City of London, In a Paper published in the Name of D'' Francis Hawkins Minister of the Tower, Intituled, The Confession of Edward Fitz-Harris Esq; «S:c. . . . London : Printed for Rich. Baldwin, 1681. 4*^, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. FITZHERBERT, A., of lYorhury, Derby- shire. Svrveyinge. An. m.p.xlvt. [Col.] Lon- dini in ledibus Thome Bertheleti. . . . Anno. M.D.XLVI. 8°, black letter. A— H in eights. FITZHERBERT. 221 FLETCHER. Svrveyinge. Anno Domini 1567. [Col.] ... 8°, black letter, A — I in eights. The copy used wanted last leaf. Svrveyenge. [Col.] Londini in edibus Thome Bertheleti, ... 8^, A— I 4 in eights. The booke of Husbandrye . . . Anno do. M.D.LIJJ. Imprynted at London bv John Awdely ... 8°, black letter, A— K 7 in eights. Fitzherberts Booke of Husbandrie . . . now newlie corrected, amended, and re- duced, into a more pleasing forme of Eng- lish then before. At London, Printed by I. K. for Edward White, . . . Anno Dom, 1598. 8°, A— Dd in fours. Dedicated in this impression to Master Henry Jackman Esquire by the (printer. FITZHERBERT, THOMAS. The First Part of a Treatise concerning Policy, and Religion. "Wherein the in- iirmitie of humane wit is amply declared, with the necessitie of Gods grace. . . , With a refutation of the arguments of Atheists, against the prouidence of God . . . Written by Thomas Fitzherbert Esquire, and Catholique priest, for the benefit of yong Statists. . . .^Printed with licence of Superiors Anno Domini 1615. 4°, A— 3 F in fours. Dedicated to the author's son Edward Fitzherbert. FLATMAX, THOMAS. Poems and Songs. By Thomas Flatman. The Second Edition with Additions and Amendments. London, Printed by S. and B. G. for Benjamin Took, . . . 1676. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves : *^*, 3 leaves : B— K 7 in eights. I Poems and Songs. By Thomas Flatman. I The Third Edition with Additions and \ Amendments. London, Printed for Ben- jamin Tooke . . . 1682. 8°. A, 7 leaves: a — b in eights : B — M 6 in eights. With the same portrait. A Pindarique Ode on the Deatli of the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Ossory. By Thomas Flatman, Esq; Amotum ex oculis qucerimus invidi. Horat. London, Printed by J. G. for Benjamin Tooke . . . 1681. Folio, 4 leaves. On the Death of the Illustrious Prince Rupert ; A Pindarique Ode. By Thomas Flatman. Vtinam Viveres ! London, Printed for Benj. Tooke . . . 1683. Folio, 4 leaves. FLEETWOOD, W. An Unhappy View of the Whole behaviour of my Lord Duke of Buckingham, at the French Island, called the Isle of Rhee. Discovered by Colonell William Fleet- wood, an unfortunate Commander in that untoward service. London, Printed for E. Smith. 1648. 4°, 8 leaves. The Lord General Fleetwoods Ans^-er to the Humble Representation of Collonel Morley, and some other late Officers of the Army. Wherein he declares his Judgement and Conscience what is the Good Old Cause, and for a Free Parlia- ment, as the onely Expedient for Eng- lands Settlement. Novemb. 8, 1659. 4°, A — C in fours. FLEMING, ABRAHAM. A Panoplie of Epistles, Or, a looking Glasse for the vnlearned. Conteyning a perfect plattforme of inditing letters^of all sorts, to persons of al estates and degrees, . . . Gathered and translated out of Latine into English, by Abraham Fleming . . . Imprinted at London, for Ralph iSTewberie, , . . 1576. 4f'. •[, 6 leaves : A— B in fours : A (repeated) — Gg in eights. Dedicated to Sir William Cordell, Knight, Master of the Robes. Some of the epistles are taken from Had- don and Ascham. FLEMING, GILES, Rector of Wadding- vsortli, CO. Lincoln. Stemma Sacrvm, The Royal Progeny De- lineated, and with some Xotes explained, Shewing His Sacred Majesties Royal and Lawful Descent to His Crown and King- doms, from all the Kings that ever reigne'd in this Xation. London. Printed for Robert Gibbs, 1660. 8^ A— D in eights. Dedi- cated to Viscount Castleton. With a fron- tispiece. FLETCHER, ANDREW, of Saltoun. A Discourse of Government with relation to Militia's. Edinburgh ; Printed in the Year mdcxcviii. 8°, A— D in eights, and a leaf of E. Two Discourses Concerning the Affairs of Scotland ; Written in the Year 1698. Edinburgh, 1698. 8°, A— G 4 in eights. Discorso delle Cose di Spagna, scritto nel mese di Luglio 1698. Napoli. 1698. 8°, A — H 2 in fours. A Speech upon the State of the Nation, in April 1701. No place, &c. 8°, A— C 3 in eights. Speeches, By a Member of the Parliament, which began at Edinburgh the 6'^ of May 1703. Edinburgh ; Printed in the Year 1703. 8°, A— F in eights. An Account of a Conversation concerning a right Regulation of Governments for FLETCHER. FLORIO. the common Good of Mankind. In a Letter to tlie Marquiss of Montrose, the Earles of Rothes . . . from Loiidoi), the isfc of December, 1703. Edinburgh ; Printed in the Year 1704. 8°. A— B, 8 leaves each : C — F in fours : G — H 6 in eights. FLETCHER, GILES, LL.B. Israel Redux : Or The Restauration of Israel, Exhibited in Two Short Treatises. Tlie First contains an Essay upon some probable grounds, that the present Tartars near the Caspian Sea, are the Posterity of the Ten Tribes of Israel. By Giles Fletcher LL.D. The Second, a dis- sertation concerning their ancient and successive state, ... By S. L[ee.] . . . London, Printed by S. Streater, for John Hancock, . . . 1677. 12^, A— L in twelves. FLETCHER, JOHN. Philaster, . . . The fourth Impression. London, Printed by W. J. for Richard Hawkins, . . . 1G34. 4^, A— L 2 in fours. A King, and No King . . . now the third time Printed. . . . London, Printed by A. I\I. for Richard Hawkins . . . 1631. 4«, A — ]\I in fours. A King and No King. ... London, Printed for William Leake . . . 1655. 4°, A — I in fours, I 4 blank, and the title. The Maides Tragedie : . . . The fourth Impression, Revised and Refined. Printed by E. G. for Henry Shepherd, . . . 1638. 4*^, A — L 2 in fours, with a cut on the title. The Woman Hater. . . . London, Printed for Humphrey Most-ley . . . 1648. 4°, A — E in fours. Printed in two cohunns. The ScornefvU Ladie. A Coniedie . . . The third Edition. London. Printed by B. A. and T. F. for T. lones . . . 1630. 4", A — I in fours, first leaf blank. The Tragedy of Thierry and Tlieodoret. . . . London, Printed for Humjjhrey Moseley . . . 1648. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. Printed in two columns. The Elder Brother. . . . London : Printed in tlie Vear, 1661. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— K 2 in fours. FLEUR I)E LIS. A booke intituled Jj(i jli'Air de lice, itc. Licensed to John Wolf, 12 April, 1593. FLOODS. A declaration of such Tempestious, and outragious Fluddes, as hath been in divers places of England. 1570. [(Jolophon :j Imprinted at London in Fleetstreet by William How : for John Allde and Wil- liam Pickeryng, 1571. 8*^, A— E in half- sheets or fours. Sotheby's, August 20, 1878, No. 604, im- perfect. The harmes of the great floodes. A ballad. Licensed to E. White, 25 Jan. 1579-80. A lamentable Dyttie of Diners overflow- inge of Waters in Somersett Sheire, Nor- foulke, North wales, and other partes in England. Licensed to John Hardy, 11th February, 1606-7. Myracle vpon myracle or a true relacon of the great tloodes happened in Coventry, Lynne . . . the 16. and 17. of Aprill 1607. Licensed to John Wright, 14 May, 1607. FLORIDA. A Notable Historie containing foure voyages made by certayne French Cap- taynes vnto Florida : Wherein the great riches and fruitefulnes of the countrey with the maners of the people hitherto concealed, are brought to light, written all, sauing the last, by Monsieur Lan- donniere, who remained there himself'e as the French Kings Lieuetenant a yere and a quarter : Newly translated out of French into English by R. H. In the end is added a large table. ... At London, Imprinted by Thomas Dawson 1587. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : Hakluyt's dedi- cation to Raleigh, 3 leaves : A — R in fours. Grenv. Coll. FLORIO, JOHN. Florio His firste Fruites : which yeelde familiar Speech, merle Prouerbes, wittie Sentences, and golden sayings. Also a perfect Induction to the Italian, and Eng- lish tongues, as in the Table appeareth. The like heretofore, neucr by any man published. Imprinted at the tliree Cranes in the Vintrie by Thomas Dawson for Tliomas Woodcocke. [Col.] Di Londra a di .10. Agosto. 1578. Vostro del tutto. G. F. Tutto d'altrui. Imprinted at Lon- don. ... 4". * 4 leaves : **, 4 leaves : ***, 4 leaves : A— Tt in fours, Tt 4 bhink. Dedicated to Robert Dudley, Earl of Lei- cester. With commendatory verses by Stephen Gosson and others. Florios Second Frvtes, to be gathered of twelue Trees, of diners but delightsome tastes to the tongues of Italians and ]*higlishinen. To which is annexed his Gartline of Recreation yeelding six thou- sand Italian Prouerbs. liondon Printed for Thomas Woodcock, dwelling at the Black- beare. 1591. 4°. A, 4 leaves : *, 2 F LOR us. 223 FORD. leaves : B — Dd in fours : the Gardens, A — Aa 3 in fours. Dedicated to Master Nicholas Sauuder of Ewel, Esquire, who, it appears, had shown kindnesses to Florio at Oxford and also in London. After the Author's preface occur some very well-written lines headed : "Phaeton to his friend Florio." Qveen Anna's New World of Words, Or Uictionarie of the Italian and English tongues, Collected and newly much aug- mented by lohn Florio, Reader of the Italian vnto the Soueraigne Maiestie of Anna, Crowned Queene of England . . . And one of the Gentlemen of hir Royall Priuie Chamber. Whereunto are added certaine necessarie rules and short obser- uations for the Italian tongue. London, Printed by Melch. Bradwood for Edw. Blount and William Barret. Anno 1611. Folio. IF, 6 leaves, and portrait of Florio by W. Hole : A— Fff 3 in sixes : the Rules, with a new title, Ggg — Qqq in fours, last leaf blank (as also Fff 4). Dedicated to Queen Anne. With verses hy II Candido [M. Gwinnel, S. Daniel, John Thorius. The Rules are from a different press. FLORUS, LUCIUS JULIUS. The Roman Histories of Lucius lulius Florus . . . Translated into English. London Printed by R. Bishop, and are to be sold by Fr: Bowman in Oxford. 1636. 12^, A— P in twelves. The title is en- graved as in the earlier edition. FLUDD, DR. Dr. Flvdds Answer to ]\Ir. Foster. Or, The Sqvesiug of Parson Fosters Sponge, ordained by him for the wiping away of the Weapon-Salve. . . . London, Printed for Nathaniel Butter, 1631. 4°, A— I in fours, and a* — i'^ 2 in fours. FOLLY. Follie Moderator, with a Curtaine Lec- ture. Where vnto is annexed the garden of Wisdome by Sir W. R. Licensed to John Okes, 6 July, 1636. FOOL. , The Fooles Complaint to Gotham Col- ledge, And Resolution taken up by free Subjects, in and about the City of London and Westminster, of that Society: in the behalfe of themselves, and the priviledges of their Hospitall, with their requests, that [ Policy ] \ Curiosity > may be Judges. ( Solicitude ) \ Study, the Chiefe Warden, S Diligence, the Atturney Generall, and ' Fame, the Beadle of the Court. London, printed by Ridibundus, in the present yeare of wits and fancies, 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. FORBES, JOHN, Pastor at Iliddelhurgh. A Letter First Written and Sent by lo. Forbes, Pastour of the English Church at Middelbvrgh, vnto certen of the coni- panie of Marchands Adventurers at Stoade, at their earnest desire, for resolv- ing this Question : How a Christian man may discerne the testimonie of Gods Spirit, . . . And now againe renewed and enlarged by the Authour, ... At Middel- bvrgh, Printed by Richard Schilders ; 1616. 8°, A— F in eights, F 8 blank. FORBES, JOHN. Irenicum Amatoribvs Veritatis et Pacis in Ecclesia Scoticana. Prece & studio loannis Forbesii, S. S. Theologise Doctoris, &ejusdem Professoris in Academia Aber- donensi. . . . Aberdoniae, Excvdebat Ed- vardvs Rabanvs. Cum Privilegio. 1629. 4°, A — 3 N 2 in fours, besides the title and dedication by Forbes to Patrick Forbes, Bishop of Aberdeen (his father). Gren- ville Coll. FORBES, PATRICK, Bishop of Aber- deen. Eubulus, Or A Dialogue, Where-in a rugged Romish Ryme, (inscrybed, Catho- licke Questions, to the Protestant) is con- futed, and the Questions there-of answer- ed. By P[atrick Forbes, Bishop of] A[berdeen.] Ansivere a Foole . . . Pro- verbs, 26, 5. Aberdene, Printed by Ed- ward Raban, dwelling vpou the Market- place, At the Towns Arms, 1627. With Priviledge. 4P, A — X in fours, X 4 with the Errata. Dedicated to Anna, Lady Gordon, by P. A. Grenv. Coll. Funerals of a Right Reverend Father in God Patrick Forbes of Corse, Bishop of Aberdene. To en agiois Reverendissimi in Christo Patris Patricii Forbesii A Corse, Episcopi Aberdonensis, Tvmvlvs. A muitis omnium ordinum coUaehryman- tibus varie.wato opere exornatus. . . . Aberdene, Imprinted by Edward Raban, 1635. 4^. IT— 3 nr 2 in fours, besides the portrait : A — Hh in fours, first and last leaves blank. FORD, EMANUEL. The Most Famous, . . . History of Paris- mus, . . . The TweKth Impression, newly Corrected and Amended. London, Printed by M. H. and J. M. for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackerav, and T. Passinger. 1684. 4°, black letter. Part 1, A— Aa in fours, Ai with the woodcut frontispiece: Part 2, A— Gl' 2 in fours. FOREIGNERS. 224 FOX. The Most Famous, Delectable, and Plea- sant History of Parismus. . . . The Thir- teenth Edition, newly Corrected and Amended. London, Printed by J. Millet, for W. Thackeray, at the Sign of the Angel in Dack-Lane. 1689. 4^ black letter, A — Aa in fours, and A — Gg in fours, including the frontispieces. The Famous, Pleasant, and Delightful History of Ornatus and Artesia ; . . . Printed for B. Deacon at the Angel in Gilt-spur-street, without Newgate. 4°, white letter, A— C in fours. With cuts. An abridgment of Ford's work. FOREIGNERS. The Foreigners. A Poem. Part I. The Second Impression. London, Printed for A. Baldwin . . . mdcc. Folio, 4 leaves. FORTESCUE, GEORGE. Ferias Academicae. Avctore Georgio de Forte Scvto Nobili Anglo. Dvaci, Ex officina Marci Wyon, sub signo Phcenicis. M.DC.xxx. 12°. *, 6 leaves : A — P 6 in twelves. Dedicated by the author from London to the most flourishing Roman Academics, after which is an eulogium on the work by Matthew Kellison. FORTESCUE, SIR JOHN. A learned commendation of the politique lawes of Englande ; wherin by moste pitthy reasons & euident demonstrations they are plain elye proued farre to excell aswell the Ciuile lawes of the Empiere, as also all other lawes of the world . . . Written in latine aboue an hundred yeares past, by the learned and right honorable niaister Fortescue knight, lorde Chancel- lour of England in y« time of Kinge Henrye the .vi. And newly translated into Englishe by Robert Mulcaster. [Col.] Imprinted at London ... by Rychard Tottill. 1567. 8^ A— R in eights. Engl, and Latin. Dedicated to John Walsh Ksq"" one of the Judges of the Common Pleas. De Laudihns Legum AnglicB Written by Sir John Fortescue Lord Ch. Justice, and after Lord Chancellor to K. Henry vj. Hereto are Added the two Sums of Sir Ralph de Hengham . . . By the famous and Learned Anti(|uarie John Selden Esq. London ... MDCLXXir. 8^ Title, &c., 8 leaves : B — R in eights : S, 1 leaf: the Hengham, A — P 4 in eights. De Laudibus Legum Anglia^. Written Originally in Latin By Sir John For- tescue . . . The Second Edition. In the Savoy : . . . mdccxli. Folio. With a frontispiece. FORTUNE. The Crueltye of fortayne/ I weepe for Woo and I Dye for payne. A ballad. Licensed to Richard Hudson in 1565-6. A ballett intituled of one complaynynge of the mutabilitie of fortune. Licensed to John Charlwood in 1566. A Remedy agaynste the mutabelitie of fortune. Licensed to R. Jones in 1568. A ballad intytuled. Fortune hath taken thee away my love, beinge the true liittie thereof. Licensed to W. Wright, 13 June, 1590. The booke of fortune in folio with Dice, &c. Licensed to John and Edward Wright, by assignment from Richard Bradock, 9 July, 1615. Arber, iii. 570. The cruell hard Fortune of Will Jack and Tom. Licensed to Nathaniel Browne, 15 Oct. 1631. FOSTER, SAMUEL. Elliptical, Or Azimuthal Horologiography. Comprehending severall wayes of describ- ing Dials upon all kindes of Superficies either plain or curved : And unto upright Sides in whatsoever position they shall be placed. Invented and Demonstrated by Samvel Foster, late Professor of As- tronomie in Gresham-Colledge. London, Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for Ni- cholas Bourn, . . . 1654. 4*^. A, 3 leaves (A 4 apparently blank) : B — Dd in fours, Dd 4 blank. With diagrams. "With a preface signed by John Twysden and Edmund Wingate. FOUR ELEMENTS, &c. Foure Elementes, foure seasons, foure humors and foure vertues. [? A broad- side.] Licensed to J. Charlwood, 23 Oct. 1587. FOWLER, THOMAS. A moste shorte, and profytable introduc- ty on to learne to read wrytten and prynted hand with in a monethes space. By Thomas Fowler. Licensed to John Charlwood, 19 Aug. 1590. FOWLER, WILLIAM. An Answere to the Calumnious letter and Eronious propositions of an apostate named master John Hambleton Com- posed by master William Fowler. En- tered to' T. Marsh, 1 Oct. 1581, but not printed. FOX, JOHN. De Non Plectendis Adulteris Consultatio FOX. 225 FRANCE. loannis Foxi. Impressvm Londini per Hugonem Syngletonum, sub Intersignio D. Augustini, Anno Domini, m.d.xlviii. 8°, A — C in eights. Dedicated to Thomas Picton. Lamheth. The First Volume of the Ecclesiasticall history contaynyng the Actes and Monu- mentes of thynges passed in euery kynges tyme in this Eeaime, especially in the Church of England principally to be noted, "s\4th a full discourse of such per- secutions, horrible troubles, the sufferyng of Martyrs, and other thinges incident, touchyijg aswel the sayd Church of England as also Scotland, and all other foreine nations, from the primitiue tyme till the reigne of K. Henry viii. Newly recognised and inlarged by the Author lohn Foxe. At London Printed by lohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. These Bookes are to be sold at hys shop vnder the gate. 1570. Cum gratia. . . . Folio, black letter, printed in two columns, with cuts. Two volumes. Vol. I. Prefixes, IS leaves ; a — y in sixes : A — Y in sixes : Aa— Nn in sixes. Sign. I in second alphabet is repeated. The First Volume of the Ecclesiasticall History, contayning the Actes & Monu- nientes of thinges passed in euery Kinges time, in this Eeaime, especially in the Churche of England principally to be noted, . . . Newly recognised and in- larged by the Author. I. Foxe. 1576. At London Printed by lohn Daye, dwell- ing ouer Aldersgate . . . Folio, black letter, with woodcuts. Two volumes. Yol. I. *, 4 leaves : % 4 leaves : ^, 5 leaves : A— Tt in sixes : IJU— XX in fours. Vol. II. 3 A— 5 T in sixes : 5 U or V— 5 Y in fours, the last leaf having the colophon surmounted by the printer's lai-ge portrait. This does not include the title. Actes and Monuments of matters most speciall and memorable . . . Newly re- uised and recognised, partly also aug- mented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the stu- dious Reader, by the Authour (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) lohn Foxe, which desireth thee good Reader to helpe him with thy Prayer, (ii.) The seconde Volume of the Ecclesiasticall Historic . . . Newly recognised and enlarged by the Authour lohn Foxe. 1583. At London Printed by lohn Day, dwelling ouer Al- dersgate. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. Folio. 2 vols. With cuts. Actes and Monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, . . . Now againe, as it was recognised, perused, and recom- mended to the studious reader by the Author Maister lohn Foxe, the fift time newly imprinted. Anno. 1596. Mens, lun. At London Printed by Peter Short ... by the as^igne of R. Day. (ii.) The seconde Volume ... At London Printed by Peter Short . . . Anno Domini. 1597. Folio. 2 vols. With cuts. An Abridgement of the Booke of Acts and Monvmentes of the Chvrch : . . . by Timothe Bright, Doctor of Phisicke, for such as either thorough want of ley- sure, or abilitie, haue not the vse of so necessary an history. Imprinted at London by I. Windet, at the assignment of Master Tim. Bright . . . 1589. 4**, black letter. 1", 8 leaves, the first blank : A — Zz 4 in eights. Dedicated to Sir F. Walsingham. FOX, JOHN. An excellent Discourse of an exployt of Jhon Fox an englishman who had been prisoner 14. yeres vnder ve Turkes, and Killing y« gaoler Deliuered. 266. Chris- tians y* were also prisoner vnder ye said Turkes. Licensed to Thomas Dawson and Stephen Peele, 23 July, 1579. FOX, SIR STEPHEN. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Stephen Fox, K*. From his First Entrance upon the Stage of Action, Under the Lord Piercy, till his Decease. Wherein are inserted many Curious Incidents and Passages not mention'd in the Great Earl of Claren- don's History, during the Reigns of King Charles and King James the Second. . . . London: Printed for John Sackfield, in Lincoln's-Inn-Square . . . MDCCXVii. S**, A — in fours. The author's name is not mentioned. The tract includes a list of Sir Stephen's charities, and his will. FRANCE. A Declaration of the Prince of Conde and his associates to the Queene, vppon the ludgement of rebellion, set forthe against the by their enemies, terming thS selues to be the Court of parlamente of Parys, with a protestation of the euils and in- conueniences which may thereof ensue. Imprinted at London in Paules Church- yarde by Lucas Harryson. [1562.] S**, A — D 4 in eights. Lambeth. A Declaration made by my lord Prince of Conde, to shew and declare the causes that haue constrayned him to take vpon hym the defence of the kinges autho- ritie, of the gouernement of the queene, and of the quietnes of this realme,with the protestation therevpon requisite. [Col.] FRANCE. FRANCE. Prynted at London by Rouland Hall, for Edward Sutton, dwellyng in Lounibarde strete, at the signe of the Cradell. 1562. 8vo, A — B 6 in eights. The copy here used had lost the title. The above particulars were copied from the headline on A 2. A Seconde declaration of the Prince of Conde, to make knowne the causes of the troubles whyche are at this day in this liealme, and the dutie wherein he liathe and yet putteth hym selfe in at this pre- sente, for the pacifyeng of the same. 1562. Imprinted at" London by Henry Sutton for Edwarde Sutton, dwellyng in Lunibarde strete, at tlie signe of the Cradell. 8°, black letter, A— C 4 in eights, C 4 blank. Lambeth. The treaty of Thassociation made by the Prince of Condee, together wyth the Princes, Knyghtes of thorder, Lordes, Capitaines, Gentlemen, & others of al estates which be entred, or hereafter shall entre into the said Association, for to maintain e the honour af god, the quiet of the Realme of Fraunce, and the state and lybertie of the Kyng vnder the gouernance of the Queue his Mother who is authorized therunto and establyshed by the Estates. Anno. 1562. At the end occur the initials W. S[eres ?] 8^, A in eights, A 8 blank.- Lambeth. The Reqvestes Presented vnto theFrencbe Kinge and the Queene his mother, by the three Rulers, or Triumuirat. With an answere made to the same by the prince of Conde eights, D 8 blank. Lambeth. Probably from the press of "W. Seres. At the foot of D 7 verso occurs: "Ended at Orleans the . 19. of IMay. 15G2. thus sub- scribed. Lois d'Bourbon." A Dialogue or speaking together of two l^ersonages of the which, the one is the Well willing Comminaltie, and the other the Noble and moste puyssant Prince, my Lorde the Duke of Anion. Ovr most Redouvbted Lord, &c. Imprinted at London, by Thomas Purfoote, dwelling in ncwgate market, . . . 1562. 8°, black letter, 8 leaves. Lambeth. An History briefly contayninge that wliiche hath happened sens the departure of the house of Guise, the Constable, and other from the Court being at S, Ger- mains, vntill this ])resent. Esaye the xlv. IF Cursed l)e he that resisteth his maker. 1562. W.S^eres.] 8°, A— D 6 in eights. Lambeth. The pycture of the prynce of Condee. Licensed to Giles Godetm 1562-3. An answere to the examynation that ys sayde to have been made of one named John Depoltrott Callynge hym selfe the lorde of Merye vpon the Leathe of the late Duke of Guyse. Licensed to Edward Sutton in 1562-3. A Warnynge to Englande herein to ad- vaunce By the Cruell tyranny of the Guyse late of Fraunce. A ballad. Licensed to Francis Goodlif, in 1562-3. The perfett newes out of Fraunce. Licen- sed to W. Seres in 1562-3. Ho Guyse the chefe of that gredy garv'- son. A ballad. Licensed to Owen Rogers in 1562-3. The Trubble that Parrys myghte sustayne. Licensed to W. Grilhth in"l567-8. The copye of a letter sent by one of the Campe of y« prynce of Condye. Licen- sed to J. Allde in 1568-9. A discourse of the Ciuile warres and late troubles in Fraunce, drawn into Englishe by Geffray Fenton, and deuided into three bookes, Wherof The first begin- neth from the breach of peace in March. 1568. & cotinueth till the death of the Prince of Conde. The second, from his death tillthebattell at Montgontour, which was the first of October. 1569. The third, conteineth varietie of matters chauncing in sundry places since that tyme. Seene and allowed. Mon Hevr Viendra. Im- printed at London by Henry Bynneman, for Lucas Harrison and George Bishop. [1570.] %"", black letter, A— T 6 in eights. Dedicated to Sir H. Sidney. An Edict for the peace of Fraunce. Li- censed to Luke Harrison in 1570-1. liThe Three Partes of Commentaries, Con- taining the whole and perfect discourse of the Ciuill warres of Fraunce, Vnder the raignes of Henry the second, Frances the second, and of Charles the ninth. With an Addition of the cruell Murther \ of the Admirall Chastilion, and diuerse other Nobles, committed the 14. daye of August. Anno. 1572. Translated out of Latine into English by Thomas Timme IMinister. . . . Imprinted at London, by Frances Coldocke. Anno. 1574. 4°, black letter, a — b in fours : A — Mm 2 in fours : ]k)()k 2, % 4 leaves : *, 4 leaves, last blank: A— 4 Q 2 in fours: Book 10, A— K 2 in fours. FRANCE. >27 FRANCE. The Edict of the Frencli King, for the appeasing of the troubles of his Realme. Published at Paris in the Court of Parlia- ment the eleueth of August. 1573. Printed in French by Pederic Morel the Kings ordinarie Printer, Avith the Kings Priui- lege. Printed at Loudon by Henrie Bynneman. 8*^, A— B in eights, B 7-8 blank. Lamheth. Practises touching the state of France, discouered by an Italian, a gentleman of Florence. Printed. 1575. 8^, black let- ter, A — D in fours, first and last leaves blauk. Lambeth. The Protestation of the Most High and Mightie Prince Fravncis, both Sonne and Brother of King, Duke of AUenson, . . . Livetenant General for the King, in all Covntries and dominions, Protector of the libertie of the Crowne of Fraunce, oppressed by the straungers. Translated out of frenche into English, and newely imprinted. 1575. No place or printer's name. 8°, roman letter, 6 leaves. A plaine pathwaie to the Frenche tongue. . . . Xewly corrected. The contents whereof . . . Printed at London by Thomas East. 8°. Bagford Papers, Harl. MS. 5936 (orig. title). This was clearly a revised impression of a little volume sold among Mr. Corser's books at a ridiculously high price. No more tban the titlepage of the reprint seems to be at present known. The fourth parte of Comentaries of the Ciuill warres in Fraunce, and of the lowe countrie of Flanders : Translated otit of Latine into English, by Thomas Tymme, Minister. Seene and allowed. Imprinted at London by Henrie Binneman, for Humirey Toy. Anno. 1576. 4P, black letter. X 4 leaves : a — e 2 in fours : A — Dd 2 in fotirs. Dedicated to Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick. The Edict or Proclamation set forthe by the Frenche King vpon the pacifying of the trouble in Fraunce, with the Articles of the same Pacification. Read and pub- lished in the presence of the sayd King, sitting in his Parlament, the .xiiij. day of May. 1576. Translated out of Frenche by Arthvr Golding. Cvm Privilegio. Im- printed at London by Thomas YautroUier dwelliufr in the Blacke Friers. [1577.] 8°, A— H in fours. A marvelous Discourse of a Cruell and lamentable acte donne by a luxurious French Capten at Bescorte in France. Licensed to John Oswald, 30 Oct. 1578. The French Kinges Edict touchinge the Pacificacon of the Troubles of his Pealme, published in the Courte of Parlemente at Rouan the Thirde of Februarie 1581. Licensed to Thomas Humble and EdAvard Aggas, 1 March, 1580-1. The artycles betwene Mounsieur of Fraunce and the Estates of the Lowe Countreyes. Licensed to T. Purfoot, 26 March, 1583. A Declaration set forth by the Frenche kinge, shewing his pleasure concerning the new troubles in his Realme. Trans- lated out of French into English by E. A. London Imprinted by lohn "Wolfe dwell- ing in Distafle lane neere the signe of the Castell. 1585. 8°, black letter,- A— C 2 in fours. A Replication to the lewd answere which frere lohn Frauncis of Nigeon in Fraunce made to a lettre of his mother, &c. Li- censed to J. Charlwood, 9 July, 1586. The Brvtish Thvnderbolt : or rather Feei)le Fier-Flash of Pope Sixtvs the fift, against Henrie the most excellent King of Xauarre, and the most noble Henrie Borbon, Prince of Condie. To- gither with a declaration of the manifest insufficiencie of the same. Translated out of Latin into English by Christopher Fetherstone Minister of Gods word. [Quot. from Nahum 3.] Imprinted at London, by Arnold Hatfield, for G. B. and R. Newbery. 1586. 8^, A— Y in eights, first leaf blank. Dedicated by Fetherstone to Robert, Earl of Leicester. A translation of the Brutum Fulmen of F. Hotman. Three Letters written by the King of iSTauarre, first Prince of the blood and chiefe Peere of France to the States of the Cleargie, Nobilitie, and third estate of France. More : A Letter from the sayd King to the Gouernors and Com- monaltie of the Towne of Paris. All faithfully translated out of the French. At London, Imprinted for Edward Aggas. 1586. 8^, black letter. A— B 2 in eights. A Letter written by a French Gentleman [S. C. P.] to a friend of his at Rome : Conteyning A true report of the late treaty betweene the Queene Mother of France and the King of Nauarre. Faith- fully translated out of French. Im- printed : 1587. 8°, A— D in fours. Lamheth. A little thinge intitled. Another Dthora with the Kinge of Navarra. Licensed to John WoK 3 July, 1587. FRANCE. 228 FRANCE. A Ballade intytuled the Late vyctorye of the Kinge of Navarre. Licensed condi- tionally to E. White, 14 Dec. 1587. A True report of the Taking of Marseilles by the fauourers of the league togither with the releue therof by the Kings faithfuU subiects. Wherin may be seene the woonderfall prouidence of Almighty God. . . . Lately translated out of French. At London, Printed by lolm Windet for Edward Aggas. 8*^, A — B 4 in eights. Lambeth. A Declaration of the Kings pleasure, published after his departure from Paris, Importing the cause of his sudden going away. Translated according to the origi- iiall Printed at Chartres, 1588. At Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Orwin for Edward Aggas. [1588.] 8°, 8 leaves. Lamheth. A most ferefull sight lately seene in Fraunce which appered in y* Aire ouer the town of Landersi. Licensed to E. White, 19 Aug. 1588. An Admonition giuen by one of the Duke of Saaoyes Councel to his Highnesse, Tending to disswade him from enterpris- ing against France. Translated out of French, by E, A. London Printed by lohn Wolfe. 1589. 4'', A— C 2 in fours. Lamheth. A Letter from the King, to his Court of Parliament of Burdeaux, touching the death of the Duke of Guyse. At Bvr- deavx By S. Melanges. . . . Newly translated according to the French Coppie. Printed for Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling in Pauls Church yard, . . . 1589. 4°, 5 leaves. Lamheth. A True Discourse of the most happy victories obtayned by the French King, against the Rebels and enemies of his Maiesty. With a particular declaration of all that hath beene done betweene the two Armies, during the monthes of Sep- tember and October, and part of Nouem- ber. 1589. Also of the taking of the Subburbes of Paris by the King. Faith- fully translated out of French into Eng- lish, according to the Coi)])y imprinted at Tours. By T. D, London, Printed by J. Wolfe, and E. White. 1589. 4'', A — C in fours, first leaf blank. Dedi- cated by Luke Wealsh to Kobert, Earl of Essex, after which occur 8 stanzas of 6 lines by Wealsh, as a thanksgiving for the Kings success. The Contre-Guyse : Wlierein is deci- phered the pretended title of the Guyses, and the first entrie of the saide Family into Fraunce, with their ambitious aspir- ing and pernitious practises for the obtaining of the French Crowne. Lon- don, Imprinted by lohn Woolfe. 1589. 4*^, A — M in fours. The Restorer of the French Estate Dis- couering the true cause of these warres in France & other countries, and de- liueiing the right course of restoring peace and quiet to all Christendome : Wherein are handled these principall questions touching Religion, Policie, and lustice. . . . Translated out of French. Imprinted at London by Richard Field dwelling in the Blacke-Friers. 1589. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — Z 2 in fours. A Politike Discourse most excellent for this time present : Composed by a French Gentleman, against those of the League, which went about to perswade the King to breake the AUyance with England, and to confirme it with Spaine. London, Printed by lohn Woolfe, 1589. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B — F in fours, and a leaf ofG. The address " to the discreet and vertu- oua Eeader " is subscribed Francis Mar. A French mans songe made vppon the deathe of the Frenche Kinge whoe was murdered in his owne courte by a traterous Fryer of Saint Jacobs order on the First dale of August 1589. Licensed to E. AUde, 4 Sept. 1589. A Recitall of that which hath happened in the Kings Armie, since the taking of the Suburbs of Paris, vntill the taking of the Towne of Humstet. Imprinted at London for Tobie Cooke. 1590. 4P, A — D in fours, first and last leaves blank. An Abstract of the proceedings of the French King. The defeating of the Duke of Parmas Forces. The prepara- tion of his Maiestie for the reducing of his townes in Normandie. The request of the Leaguers of Roane to the Gouernor of Diep. And the wofull estate of the Citie of Paris. Written by a French Gentleman to his friend. London Printed for W. AVright. 1590. 4'*, 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. Lamheth. Remonstrance faicte en I'Assemblee Gene- rale des Colonnels, Cappitaines, Lieu- tenans, & Enseignes de la Ville de Paris, par Monsieur de Sainction I'vu des ditz Cappitaines, en la presence de Messieurs les Preuost. . . . le cim^uiesme iour de lanuier, mil cinq cens cpiatre vingts & dix. A Paris, chez Guillaume Chaudiere FRANCE. 229 FRANCE. . . . M.D.xc. Avec Permission. 8*^, A — D in fours. With a preface subscribed Jg^an Hamilton, presumedly a Scot at that time in French employment, A Briefe Declaration of the yeelding vp of Saint Denis to the French King the 29. of lune, 1590. And also of the tak- ing of the Cities of Marcilies and Gra- noble : with the great misery that Paris is in. Moreover of the taking of three Traitours in the Chamber of presence, •vvho had conspired to kill the king . . . London Printed by lohn Wolfe, and are to be solde by William Wright. 1590. 4'', 6 leaves. Lambeth. A recitall of the victory obtained in Fraunce by the Kinge in his late battell and likewise what hath happened since. Licensed to Richard Olitfe, 6 April, 1590. The Frenche Kinges lettre to mounsienr de Verune touchinge the vyctorye againste the rebelles and leagers the 14 of Marche 1590. / Item the decree of the courte of parliment of iSTormandie for the seasinge of y^ rebelles goodes and ij canticles touchinge the said Vyctorye. Licensed to John Wolf, 15 April, 1590. A Dolorouse dittye and most sweete sonett made vppon the lamentable end of a godlie and virtuous Ladie latelie famished in Parris, &c, Licensed to Thomas Nel- son, 29 April, 1590. A Songe of the Frenche Kinges vyctorie the 14 of Marche 1590. Licensed to John Wolf, 19 May, 1590. Credible reportes from Fraunce and Flanders. Licensed to John Wolf, 1 June, 1590. The Rendringe of Saint Denys with the takinge of iij traytors, in the presence chamber there, the takinge of Marcyllia and Grenoble for the Kinge. Licensed to John Wolf, 10 July, 1590. The oration and declaracon of Henrie the iiij''' of that name the Frenche Kinge by the grace of God. And Kinge of Navarre the viij'*' of August 1590. Licensed to John Bowen, 24 Aug. 1590. The miserable estate of Parris, with strange visions lately seene in the ayre, vppon the coastes of Brittayne [Brit- tany]. Licensed to T. Nelson, 24 Aug. 1590. The Parle betwene the French Kinge and the Parisians the 6 of Auguste 1590, together with what happened in his Campe aboute the same time, &c. Li- censed to E. White, 24 Aug. 1590. A ballad Intituled, A Dolorous sonnet made by the Inhabitantes of Paris vppon their grevous famyne and miserable estate, with the strange sightes in the ayre sene bothe by sea and lande on the coaste of Brytanie. Licensed to T. Scar- let, 31 Aug. 1590. The copie of a lettre sent into England by a Gent. From the towne of Sainct Denys in France, wherein is set forthe the good successe of the Kinges maies- ties forces, against the liguers and the prince of Parmas power with the takinge of a convoy of victiialls sent to Paris, and the miserable estate of Paris at this presente. Licensed to W. Wright, 11 Sept. 1590. Sommaire Discours au vray De ce qui est advenu en I'armee Dv roy tres christien, Depuis que le Due de Parma sest ioynt a celle des enemies Jusques au 17 du Septembre envoyez par sa maiestie au monsieur De Beavoir. Licensed to T. Scarlet, 26 Sept. 1590. The description of the holie leage both when y* was in his pride and also synce in his fall, &c. Licensed to W. Wright, 5 Oct. 1690. Ce qui est advenu en la retraicte De Due de Parme Depuis le 20 Novembris Jusques an 27 Dudict mois 1590 Auec les Novelles d'Auphine. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, to be printed in French and English, 8 Dec. 1590. Les Lauriers Dv Roy, Contre les foudres pratiques par I'Espagnol, Licensed to John Wolf, to be printed both in French and English, 9 Dec, 1590. The Kings Declaration, Importing a Re- uocation of all such Letters for Enno- blishment, as haue not been verified in the Chamber of accounts of Normandy. Also of all such as haue been granted to such persons as haue or yet do beare armes against his Maiestie, and fauour Rebelles, Together with an Arrest or decree of the Court of Parliament of Caen, concerning the residence of Clergie- men vpon their Cures, and the warrantise of their Tithes. Faithfully translated out of French according to the Coppye printed at Caen. At London Printed for Edward White, . . . 1591. 4°, 6 leaves. A Trve Declaration of the Honorable Yictorie obtained by the French King in winning of Nayau and ouerthrow of the Duke de Maine his Forces. Performed FRANCE, 2.30 FRANCE. this present monetli of August, 1591. Published according to the Copie sent into England to the Lord Ambassadour for France. London Imprinted by Thomas Scarlet, for Thomas Nelson, and are to be solde at his sho^) ouer against the South dore of Paules. 4°, A — B in fours, A 1 blank. Articles of agreament vppon the yieldinge of Grenoble, and advertisementes out of province to the French Kinge, Together with twoo ballettes, th one of the besieg- inge, and thother of the yeildinge of Shar- tres. Licensed to John Wolf, 2 May, 1591. A true Discourse of an OverthroTve gyven to the Armye of the Leaguers in Province. Licensed to T. Purfoot, the Elder and the Younger, 23 June, 1591. Newes out of Fraunce on the Firste of j\[arche 1591-2. Licensed to John Wolf, 3 March, 1591-2. A discours of suche matter as hath fallen out vppon the ouerthrowe of the Vicount of Guyerche and all his troopes in feb- ruary last. Licensed to John Wolf, 10 March, 1591-2. The Svrvay Or Topographical Descrip- tion of France : With a new Mappe, help- ing greatly for the Surueying of euery ])articular Country, Cittye, Fortresse, Ptiuer, Mountaine, and Forrest therein : Collected out of sundry approued Authors: very amply, truly, and historically di- gested, for the pleasure of those who desire to be thoroughly acquainted in the state of the kingdonie & dominion of France. London Imprinted by lohn Wolfe, . . . 1592. 4°, A— in fours, A i blank. The preface to the Reader contains an extract from Du Bartas, translated into English long measure by the anonymous author or compiler. An E.Kcellent Discovrse vpon the now ])resent estate of France. Faithfvlly Translated out of French, by E. A. Im- printed at ]London by lohn Wolfe, . . . 1592. 4'', black letter. A— P in fours, P 4 blank. A lournall, wherein is truly sette downe from day to day, what was doonc, and worthy of noting in bcjth the Armies, from the comming of the Duke of Parma into Fraunco, vntill tlie eighteenth of May 1592, according to the French computa- tion. Wlierevnto is added other newes from Gens, the which are confirmed by Kondry letters of credite. Translated out of French by E. A. London Printed by John Wolfe, . . . 1592. 4^, A— C in fours. Lamhetk. A Discovrse of the Great ouerthrow giuen by the French King vnto the Leaguers in Poictiers, in Februarie last. With the names of all such men of account as were slaine or taken Prisoners. Truly trans- lated according to the Frencli Coppie . . . London Printed for Ciithbert Burl)ie . . . 1592. 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. Lambeth. The continuall folowing of the French, kinge vppon the Duke of Parma, &c. from the 17. of April, vntil . . . [left blank.] Licensed to John Wolf, 27 April, 1592. Discours de ce qui s'est passe depuis le partement du Eoy tres chretien de Govy pour venir rencontrer le due de Parme Jusque au premier iour de May 1592. To be translated into English. Licensed to John Wolf, 4 May, 1592. A lettre de monsieur De Theuines and a parlement helde at Chaalons in Frenche and Englishe. Licensed to John Wolf, 11 Jan. 1592-3. Eemonstrances, To the Dvke De Mayne : Lieutenant generall of the Estate and Crowne of Fraunce. AVherein, by way of information, are discouered diners priue- ties, concerning the proceedings and affayres of that Duke, and his Associates. Trulie translated out of the French coppie, printed at Paris, by Ant: Ch: London, Printed by lohn ^Yolfe. Anno. 1593. 4*^, A — D in fours. Lambeth. The translator, who gives his initials only, was probably Anthony Chute, the friend of Gabriel Harvey, and author of a wretched, but very rare, poem called Beauty Dis- honoured, 4°, 1593. Articles accordez pour la Treve generale. To be printed in English. Licensed to John Wolf, 23 August, 1593. The Order of Ceremonies obserued in the annointjng and Coronation of the most Christian King of France & Nauann', Henry tlie nil, of that name, celebrated in our Lady Church, in the Cittie of Chartres vppon Sonday the 27. of Feb- ruary 1594. Faithfully translated out of the Frencli coppy printed at Roan, by commandementof tlie said Lord, by E. A. London Imprinted by lohn Windet, antl are to be sold by lohn Flasket, at the great North doore of Paules. 4*\ black letter. A— D in fours, D 4 blank. With a woodcut portrait of the King on the titlepage. FRANCE. 1X1 FRANCE. The decree of the Court of Parlament of Paris of the 30 of Marche 1594 vpon that which hath been done diiringe the present troubles &c. Licensed to John Windet, 14 April, 1594. The Kinges Edict and Declaracon vpon the reducinge of the city of Paris Tnder his obedience. Licensed to John "Windet, 14 April, 1594. A letter sent by the French Kinge to mon- sieur de Yielliers vppon the overthrowe gyven to the Countie Mansfield and his companies xviij^'i of June 1594accordinge to the forrevn Computacon. Licensed to J. Wolf, 18 Jime, 1594. A ballad shewinge the treason lately wrought against the Frenche Kinge who was by A Jesuite of yonge yeares sud- denlie wounded in the face who had thought to haue murdered him. Licensed to T.^Millington, 28 Dec. 1594. The sentence of the Court of parliament against John Chastell scholler in the Colledge of the Jesuites for the parracide by him attempted against the kinges per- son. Licensed to T. Millmgton, 28 l)ec. 1594. The execution of John Cha^^tell that sought to murder the Frenche Kinge with a knife. A ballad. Licensed to T. Mill- iugton, 3 Jan. 1594-5. The Historic of France : The Fo\Te First Bookes. London Printed by lohn Windet. 1595. Folio, A — Z 2 in sixes, Z 2 blank. Dedicated by the anonymous translator in an epistle of some length and interest to Anne, Countess of "Warwick, and Kathe- rine, Lady Howard of Assingham. The Mutable and wauering estate of France, from the yeare of our Lord 1460, vntill the yeare 1595. The great Battailes of tlie French Nation, as well abroad . . . as at home among themselues, in their ciuill and intestine warres : With an ample declaration of the seditious and trecherous practises of the viperous brood of Hispaniolized Leaguers. Collected out of sundry, both Latin, Italian, and French Historiographers. London Printed by Thomas Creede. 1597. Folio. A, 4 leaves : B — M in sixes : N, 4 leaves. Dedicated to Julius Csesar Esquire by " a nameless well- wilier." An Historical Collection of the most Memorable Accidents, and Tragicall Massacres of France, vnder the Eaignes of Henry. 2. — Henry. 4. now lining. Con- taining all the troubles therein happened. during the said Kings times, vntill this present yeare, 1598. . . . Translated out of French into English. Imprinted at London by Thomas Creede. 1598. Folio, A — Bbb 4 in sizes. Dedicated by the nameless translator to George, Earl of Cumberland. The Speeche which the French King made to the Lords of the Parliament on the fifth of lanuary. 1599. Faithfully trans- lated out of French, bv H. W. Imprinted at London by lohn Wolfe, . . . 1599. 4^ 4 leaves. The Kings Declaration and Ordinance, Containing the cause of his warre against the Duke of Sauoy, warning his subiects, that they carrie not amies against his Maiestie : And a commandement to all true Frenchmen, to retire themselues to his obedience. According to the copie printed at Paris . . . London. Imprinted for lohn Flasket. 1600. 4°, 4 leaves, A 4 blank. Lambeth (the copy sent for approval), A Continuation of the Historie of France, 'from the death of Charles the eight where Comines endeth, till the death of Henry the second. Collected by Thomas Danett Gentleman. London Printed bv Thomas East for Thomas Charde. 1600. 4°, A — V 2 in fours. Dedicated to Lord Buckhurst. The Copie of a Letter written from Paris, the 20. of May 1610. Declaring the manerof the execution of Francis Ravail- lart, that murdered the French King. With what he was knowen to confesse at his death, and other the circumstances and dependencies thereupon. Together with two Edicts ; One of the Parliament alone : The other of the new King in Parliament, declaring and confirming the Queene mother Regent of France. Im- printed at Britaine Bvrse. And are there to be sold. Anno 1610. 4°, A— B in fours, first and last leaves blank. Anti-Coton, Or A Eefvtation of Cottons Letter Declaratorie : lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the Apologizing of the lesuites Doctrine, touching the killing of Kings. A Booke, In which it is proued that the lesuites are guiltie, and were the Authors of the late exe- crable Parricide, committed vpon the person of the French King, . . . To which is added, A Supplication of the Vniuer- sitie of Paris, for the preuenting of the lesuites opening their schooles among them : . . . Both translated out of tlie FRANCE. 232 FRANCE. French, by G. H. Together with the Translators animadversions vpon Cottons Letter. London : Printed by T. S. for Richard Boyle, . . . 1611. 4^ A— M in fours, A 1 blank. A generall discourse of the Triumph e held in the listes royall at Parys in Aprill last for joy of the kinges marriage with the Infant of Spavne. Licensed to Thomas Thorp, 23 May, 1612. A relation of the Duke de Mayenne his Embassage into Spayne for the accom- plishment of the Mariage of Lewis the 13. the French king with th'Infant of Spayne. Licensed to Henry Roberts, 2 September, 1612. The French A. B. C. Licensed to Richard Field, 22 June, 1615. Probably the same as the French Al- phabet. Newes from Fraunce or declaration of 2. Convertes, Mary Bonyv.ett, the other i^lonsieur M. de Tertre Lord de la Mothe. Licensed to Nathaniel Butter, 26 Sep- tember, 1616. A Remonstrance of the Princes [the Dukes of Vendome and Mayenne] to the French Kinge. Licensed to William Barret, 18 February, 1616-17. The assotiation of the state of France, translated out of French. Licensed to William Barret, 29 March, 1617. A Narration breifly contayning the his- tory of the French Massacre[s] especially that of Paris which happened in the yeare 1572. Licensed to Thomas Snod- Lam, 24 September, 1618. A letter of the Duke of Bullen [Bouillon] to the king of France concerninge the warres in France. Licensed to Robert IMilbourne, 22 March, 1618-19. The Kinge of France his letter to the Duke of Kspernoun and his answer there- vnto. Licensed to Robert Milbourne, 22 March, 1618-19. The French kings letter to his mother, the 17th of March, 1619. Lic<',nRed to Nathaniel Newbery, 27 March, 1610. Two Letters of the Queene Mother to the French kinge, as also foure More to tlie (Jhancellour, keeper of the scales, ])resi- dent Jannin, and Duke de Mayenne : with the letter of tlie Prince of Pieniont to lier. Licensed to N. Newbery, 1 April, 1619. The Chancellours letter to tlie Quocne Mother the 17"> of March 1619: one other vnto her, the IS*'! of March 1619. Li- censed to R. Milbourn, 1 April, 1619. Articles concluded and agreed vpon by the Lordes the Cardinalles, De la Roche- foucau[ld] and de Bethvne, in the name of the king of France to the queue Mother. Licensed to George Fairebeard, 17 June, 1619. A Declaracon of the suffering and Martir- dome of two marters who were put to Death in the Marquisate of Saluce 21° October 1619, with a letter to the French king, from the assembly of the reformed Churches in France, and an Edict for the release and enlargement of y^ prince of Conde, translated out of French. Licensed to Ralph Rounthwaite, 22 January, 161S-20. Nouember the 29. The Trve Originall Edict of Nants, as it was enacted by Henry the third, and confirmed by the last French King Henry the fourth of famous memory. And reestablished by Lewis the thirteenth, for the better assur- ance of those of the Reformed Religion, as appeareth by the Kings Edict of Peace, dated in the Campe at Mompellier the nineteenth of October 1622. and pro- claimed throughout all his Dominions for a finall ending of all ciuill troubles. Cum priuilegio. London, Printed by R. F. for William Garret. 1622. 4''. A, 2 leaves : B — H in fours, H 4 blank. Relation de la Descente des Anglois en risle de Re : Du Siege mis par eux au Fort ou Citadelle de sainct Martin : Et de tout ce qui s'est passe de iour en iour, taut dedans que dehors, pour I'attaque, defense, & secours de ladite place, & ius- ques a la defaite & retraite desdits Ang- lois. A Paris, Chez Ednie Martin, . . . M. DC. XXVIII. ... 8°. Title and Privi- lege, 2 leaves : A — Q 4 in eights. Articles of Agreement made betweene the French King and those of Rochell, vpon the Rendition of the Towne, the 30. of October last. 1628. According to the French Coppies Printed at Rochell and at Roan. Also A Relation of a braue and resolute Sea-Fight, made by S'" Kenelani ^^'S^'y (<^ii the Bay of Scamlarone the 16. of lime last past) with certaine Galegasses and Galeasses, belonging to the States of Venice, to his great (Commendation, and to the Honour of our English Nation. London Printed for Nathaniell Butter. 1628. 4'', A— B in fours. The descri[)tion and Mupp of the Siege of Arras. To be translated into En<]rlish. FRANCE. 233 FRANCE. Licensed to N. Butter, 9 September, 1640. A Looking-Glasse for Princes, Or King Francis His Admonition to his Sonne Henry the second King of the house of A^alois in France. Also the bloudy end of King Henry and all his Posterity, for neglecting his Fathers will, . . . Lon- don, Printed by W. Jones. 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. The next "way to France : Or, A Short Dialogue between Two zealous well- wishers for the advancement of the King- dom of Christ; viz. H. P. and B. G. London, Printed for Giles Calvert, . . . 1650. 4'', 4 leaves. B. M. The French Gardiner: Instructing how to cultivate all sorts of Fruit-Trees, and Herbs for the Garden : Together with Directions how to dry and conserve them in their Natural ; Six times printed in France, and once in Holland. An accom- plished Piece, first written by E. D, C. D. AY. B. D. N. And now transplanted into English by Philocepos [John Evelyn.] Illustrated with Sculptures. London, Printed for John Crooke . . . 1658. Sm. 8°, A— M in twelves : N, 8 leaves : 0— P, 4 leaves each, besides the frontispiece and plates. Dedicated to Thomas Henshaw, Esq., by Evelyn. A Character of France. To which is added, Gallus Castratus. Or, An Answer to a late Slanderous Pamphlet, called The Character of England. London, Printed for Nath: Brooke ... 1659. 12°. A, 4 leaves : B — E 8 in twelves, E 8 blank. The True Exact Copy of the Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of Anglers in France. Concerning a late Miracle done in the Parish called in French, Des Vlmes de St. Florens, near to the Town of Saumur, on the second day of June, 1668. . . . Antwerp, Printed for J. T. in the Year MDCLXViil. 4°, 4 leaves. The Prince of Cond«. Made English. London : Printed for H. Herringman . . . 1675. 12°. A, 4 leaves, the first blank : B — K 2 in twelves. A Remonstrance of the Popish Clergy of France, to their present King Lewis XIV. Wherein is attempted an utter Suppres- sion and Subversion of the Protestant Religion in that Kings Dominions and Conquests. Translated into English By a Person of Quality, For the Public bene- fit. London : Printed for Henry Brome, . . . 1677. Folio, 4 leaves. The Fortune of France, From the Pro- phetical Predictions of Mr. Truswell, the Recorder of Lincoln, and Michael Nostra- damus. . . . London, Printed for Jona- than Edwin . . . 1678. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. The Humble Petition of the Protestants of France Lately presented to His IMost Christian Majesty, By the Mareschal Schomberg, and the Marquis of Ruvigny. A true Copy in French and English. London : Printed for L. Curtis. [1680.] Folio, 4 leaves. Discourses upon the Modern Affairs of Europe, tending to prove, that the Illus- trious French Monarchy may be reduced to terms of greater moderation. . . . Printed in the Year, 1680. 4°, A— C in fours. A Speech of King Henry, IV. of France to his Parliament. Wherein, he rebukes them for opposing the Jesuits ; and shews his Disbelief of their Plots and Attempts against his Person, after the Attempt of Chastel and Barriers had miscarried, and those Traitors Executed, and some time before that of Ravilliac took effect. With other Passages on that Occasion commu- nicated in a Letter to Rome by a Jesuit. And now Rendred out of the Italian. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson. MDCLXXXI. Folio, A — C, 2 leaves each. A Relation of the Famous Conference held about Religion at Paris, between M. Bossuet, Bishop of Condom (late Tutor to the Dauphin) and Monsieur Claude, Minister of the Reformed Church at Cha- renton, at th^ Countess of Royes house, in the Presence of several Persons of the first Quality, at the Request of Made- moiselle de Duras, Daughter to the Famous Marshal of Turenne, she being then upon Changing her Religion, Trans- lated from the French Copy. . . . London, Printed by H. C. for Thomas Malthus . . . 1684. Folio, A— E in twos. A New Description of Paris. Containing A particular Account of all the Churches, Palaces, Monasteries, CoDedges, Hospi- tals, Libraries, Cabinets of Rarities, Aca- demies of the Virtuosi, Paintings, Medals, Statues and other Sculptures, Monuments, and Publick Inscriptions. With all other Remarkable Matters in that Great and Famous City. Translated out of French. London, Printed for Henry Bonwicke, . . . 1687. 12°. A, 4 leaves : B— H in twelves, H 12 blank : Part 2, A— H in twelves, H 11-12 blank. With a frontis- piece. FRANCE. 234 F RE ART. The Great Bastard, Protector of the Little One. Done out of French. And for which, a Proclamation, Avith a Re- ward of 5000 Lewedores, to Discover the Author, was Publish'd. Printed at Co- logne, 5IDCLXXXIX. 4°. Title and half- title, and 1j — E 2 in fours. Of the French Monarchy : And Absolute Power. And also a Treatise of the Three States, and Their Power. Deduced from the most Authentick Histories. . . . This latter. By Mat. Zampini de Recanati, L.L.D. London, Printed in the Year MDCLXXX. 8*^, A — K in eights, and the title. The Fate of France : A Discourse, Where- in after having Answered the groundless Exceptions that are made against the Law- ful Conduct of the English, in securing themselves from Popish Tyranny, &c. It is shewed, that by the Happy Revo- lution in England, all the Designs of the French King for the Universal Monar- chy are disappointed ; And the Rational Grounds to believe his Downfal near. In Three Dialogues betwixt Father Petre, Father La Chaize, and Two Protestant Gentlemen. London : Printed for Rich. Baldwin . . . 1690. 4^, A— I in fours. The Safety of France to Monsieur the Dauphin. Or the Secret History of the French King. Proving to his Son that there is no other way to secure France from approaching Ruin, but by Depos- ing his Father for a Tyrant and Destroyer of his People. Done into English from the Second Edition of the French Ori- ginal printed in Holland. . . . London, Printed for Tho. Salusbury . . . 1690. 12^, B— H 6 in twelves, and the title. A Satyr against the French. Dent ocms omnes, Quois meruere pati {sic stat sententia) poenas. London Printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, . . . 1691. 4^, A— E 2 in fours. With an Epistle to the Admirers of the French. In verse. A Faithful Account of the Renewed Per- secution of the Churches of Lower Aqui- taine in France. In the Year 1692. To which is prefixed, A Parallel between the Ancient and New Persecutors ; or the Portraicture of Lewis XIV. In some of his Cruelties and Barbarities. With some Reflections upon the unreasonable Fond- ness of a certain Party amongst ua, for the French King. London : Printed for Richard Baldwin . . . 1692. 4«, A— B in fours : C — D, 2 leaves ea':h : E, 4 leaves. The Royal Mistresses of France, Or, The Secret History of the Amours of all the French Kings. . . . Made English from the French Original. London, Printed for Henry Rhodes . . . and John Harris . . . 1695. 8''. A, 2 leaves: B— Rr4in eights. An Answer to the Satyr upon the French King. London, Printed for E. Whitlock, . . . 1697. A sheet. In verse. An Excellent New Song on Lewis le Grand, Or, The French King and the Devil. London, Printed by J. M. A sheet. Tune of. The Orange. The French King's Advice to the late High-Flying M— b— rs. To the Tune of Lillibullero. mdccv. A folio leaf of verses. FRANCIS. A ballad of master Frauncis an Italian a Doctor of Lawe who denied the Lortl Jesus, &c. Licensed to J. Charlwood, 15 June, 1587. FRANCIS FAIR-WEATHER. Frauncis Fayre Weather. Licensed to W. Wright, 15 Feb. 1590-1, as "a book." FRANCKLIN, THOMAS. An Epistle Written from Lucifer, Prince of Darkenesse : Vnto his Well-beloved Children, The Persecuting Popish Prelats. Set forth by Thomas Francklin. Lon- don, Printed, Anno Domini, 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. FRARIN, PETER. An Oration against the Vnlawfvll Insvr- rections of the Protestantes of ovr time, vnder pretence to refourme Religion. Made and pronounced in Latin, in the Schole of Artes at Louaine. By Peter Frarin of Andwerp, M. of Arte, and Bacheler of both lawes. And now trans- lated into English with the aduise of the Author. With licence. 8^, ronum letter, A — K in eights, with two extra leaves in K. FREART, ROLAND, Sieur de Chamhray. A Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern, In a Collection of Ten - Principal Authors who have written upon 1 the Five Orders, . . . The three Greek . ^' Orders, Dorique, lonique, and Corinthian, comprise the First Part of this Treatise. i And the two Latine, Tuscan and Com- 1 ])osita the Latter, Written in French by Roland Freart, Sieur de Chambray ; Made English for the Benefit of Builders. To which is added an Account of Archi- tects and Architecture, in an Historical FREDERIC. 235 FREGEVILLE. and Etymological Explanation of certain Teerms particularly affected by Archi- tects. With Leon Baptista Alberti's Treatise of Statues. By John Evelyn Esq; . . . London, Printed by Tho. Roy- croft, for John Place, . , . jidclxiv. Folio. Imgrimatur^W^dl: Frontispiece, 1 leaf : a — b 2 in fours : A, 4 leaves : B — C in twos: D — Y in fours. Dedi- cated by Evelyn (1) to Charles II., and (2) to Sir John Denham. "With numerous engravings worked with the text. Evelyn's dedication to the King, dated from Sayes-Court, Aug. 20, 1664, is inte- resting, though rather too courtly. That to Denham discloses the fact that this book had been commenced ten years before, and laid aside -svithout any thought of re- sumption, had not Evelyn's friend, Mr. Hugh May, encoui'aged him to proceed by procuring an accurate edition of the plates. It seems, however, that it was the King ■who gave Evelyn the first notion. The account of Architects and Architecture, occupying 28 pages, is from Evelyn's own pen, and in truth the whole book is rather an '* interpretation " than a mere version of the French. An Idea of the Perfection of Painting : Demonstrated from the Principdes of Art, and by Examples, conformable to the Observations, which Pliny and Quintilian have made upon the most celebrated Pieces of the Ancient Painters, Parallel'd with some Works of the most famous Modern Painters . . . rendred English bv J, E. Esquire. In the Savoy : Printed for Henry Herringman, . . . \m%. 8"^. a, 4 leaves : b, 8 leaves : A — K in eights. Dedicated to Mr. Henry Howard of Nor- folk. Puttick's, May 28, 1879, Xos. 139-40, 2 copies, one a presentation to a friend, the other the translator's own, with his MSS. notes and an autograph inscription on fly- leaf. FREDEPtIC, Elector of Bohemia. The most Eoyall and magnificent enter- taynement of the mighty prynce the Palsgraue at the Hage and other places in his iourney for England : With his Roiall Wellcoinme ashore by the most excellent prince the Duke of Lennox and others of the nobilitie of this land, with his com- ming to London the 18 of October 1612 beinge sunday and Saint Lukes daie and his great Welcomme. Licensed to Henry Roberts, 19 October, 1612. Englandes welcomme to the highe and mightie prynce, Frederick the Fyft of that name, Countie Palatine of the Rliyne, first Elector of the Empire. A ballad licensed to Edward Marchant, 23 October, 1612. Englandes sorowe for the Departure of the Prynce palatine and the Lady Eliza- beth. Licensed to the Widow White, 28 May, 1613. A Short Relation of the departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia : with his royall & vertuous Ladie Elizabeth, And the'thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Hey- delberg towards Prague, to receiue the Crowne of that Kingdome. ■ Whearvnto is annexed the Solempnitie or maner of the Coronation. Translated out of dutch. And now both together published. . . . At Dort, Printed by George Waters. 1619. 4«, A— B in fours. The translator was John Harrison. FREEHOLDERS. The Free-Holders Grand Inqvest touch- ing Our Soveraigne Lord the King and his Parliament . . , Printed in the three and twentieth year of the Raigne of our Soveraign Lord King Charles. 4", A — I in fours. FREEMAX, JOHX. The Saintes recreations, dialogue-wise. Licensed to John RothweU, \2 Aug. 1633. FREEMAN, SIR RALPH, blaster of the Mint under Jaraes I. Imperiale, A Tragedy . . . London, Printed by Thomas Harper, and are to be sold by Robert Pollard . . . mdclv. 4°, A — H in fours. Dedicated to John Morris, Esq. FREE QUARTER. To the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons . . . The humble Petition of many thousands of well-affected Inhabit- ants of the Counties of Middlesex, Essex, Kent, Surrey, . . . against the intolerable Oppression and Yndoing Grievance of Free Quarter. [1648 ?] A sheet. FREGEVILLE, JOHN, of Ghent. The Reformed Politicke. That is, An Apologie for the GeneraU cause of Refor- mation, written against the sclanders of the Pope and the League. . . . Whereto is adioyned a discourse vpon the death of the Duke of Guise, prosecuting the argu- ment of the booke. Dedicated to the King by lohn Fregeuille of Gant. Im- printed at London bv Richard Field . . . 1589. 4% A— M in fours, and a leaf of N. Dedicated to Henry IV. of France FRENCH. 236 FRENDE. The English translator's name is not given. TEENCH, JOHN, M.B. The Art of Distillation : Or A Treatise of the choisest Spagyricall Preparations l>erformed by way of Distillation . . . London, Printed by Eichard Cotes . . . 1651. 4°. A, 4 leaves : * and **, 4 leaves each : B — Ee in fours. The Art of Distillation, . . . The Second Edition. To which is added, The Lon- don-Distiller, Exactly and truly shewing the way (in words at length, and not in mysterious Characters and Figures) to draw all Sorts of Spirits and Strong- Waters : To which is added their Ver- tues : "With the Addition of other Excel- lent Waters. London, Printed by E. Cotes, for Thomas Williams . . . 1653. 4^, A — Nn in fours. Dedicated by French to Dr. Garbrand, Principal of Gloucester Hall, Oxford. The York-shire Spaw, Or A Treatise of four Famous Medicinal Wells, viz. The Spaw, or Vitrioline-Well ; the stinking, or Sulphur- Well ; the Dropping, or Petri- fying- Well ; and St. Magnus- Well, near Knaresborow in York-shire. Together with the causes, vertues, and use thereof. Composed by John French, Dr. of Phy- sick. London, Printed for E. Dod, and N. Ekins . . . 1652. 8^ A— R in fours, E 4 blank. Dedicated to the celebrated physician, Theodore de Mayerne. FRENCH, NICHOLAS, Bislioi^ of Ferns. Qverees. Propovnded by the Protestant Partie, Concerning the Peace in Generall, Now treated of in Ireland, and the an- swers thereunto made in behalfe and name of the Irish Nation, by one well affected thereto, to the first copies whereof many things are inserted, and much added. Printed at Paris, by lohn Belier, in the yeare, 1644. 4*^, A— C in fours. B. M. Protesta, Y Svpplica de los Catolicos de Irlanda, y de la Gran Bretana. Al Emi- nentissimo Sefior Principe de la Iglesia, el Cardinal Jvlio Mazerino, y al Excelen- tissimo Senor D. Lvys Mendez de Hado, . . . Presentola el illustrissimo, y Reue- rendissimo Senor Don Nicolas French, Obispo Fernense. . . . lm])ressaen Seuilla . . . 1659. 4", A— B in fours. B. M. In Nomine Sanctissinine Trinitatis Vera descriptio moderni Status Catholicoruni in Regno Hil)ernire, & preces eoruni ad Sanctissimvm Doniinum Ck'nientcni Pa- pam nonum. [Per N. French.] Colouiee Agrippinse. [1667.] 8°, A— D 2 in fours. B. M. A Narrative of the Earl of Clarendon's Settlement and Sale of Ireland. Whereby the Just English Adventurer is much prejudiced, the Ancient Proprietor de- stroyed, and Public Faith violated, to the great discredit of the English Church and Government, (if not recalled and made void) as being against the Principles of Christianity, and true Protestancy. Written in a Letter by a Gentleman in the Country, to a Nobleman at Court. Lovain, Printed in the Year mdclxviii. 4°, B— F 3 in fours, and the title. B. M, Iniquity Display'd : Or, the Settlement of the Kingdom of Ireland, Commonly call'd. The Act of Settlement, made after the Eestoration of King Charles II. laid open. Wherein, Against all the Eules of Christian Eeligion, common Justice, and true Policy ; against the solid Security of the Crown, the Peace and Happiness of the EngUsh Monarchy ; and against the Golden Eule of doing as one wou'd be done by ; Publick Faith is violated, Honour and Equity trampled upon, Loyal Proprietors stript of their Native Eight and Inheritance, in Favour of Crom- welian - Eebels, Eegicides, and Others. Sent in a Letter by a Gentleman in the Country to a Noble Lord at Court, in the Year 166^, and now Eeprinted, with some Additions, material for the greater Vindication of Truth, and Satisfaction of such as desire to be rightly inform'd iu this Affair. . . . Printed Anno 1704. 4", A — I 3 in fours, and the title. B. M. The Bleeding Iphigenia Or An Excellent Preface of a Work unfinished, published by the Authors friend, with the Eeasons of jmblishing it. [1674.] 8°, *, 7 leaves: **, 2 leaves : ***, 8 leaves : 4*— 8* 3 in eights. B. M. and Trinitxj College Dub- lin. FEENDE, GABEIEL. A new Almanacke and Prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God. m.d.lxxxix. Which is reckoned from the creation of theworlde. 3551 . . . By Gabriell Frende, Student in Astronomie. Imprinted at London ])y Eicharde Watkins and lames Eijbertes. Cum Priuilegio. ... 8^, A — C in eights, C 8 blank. Lambeth. Fronde. 1595. A doble Almanacke, with a Prognostication for the yeere of our redemjttion m.d.xCV. . . . Collected by- Gabriel Frende . . . Imprinted at London by Eicharde Watkins and lames Eobertes. 8*^, A— C in eights, C 8 blank, Lambeth. FRIEND. !37 FRONTINUS. Frende. 1597. An Almanacke and Prog- nostication . . . Imprinted at London by Eichard Watkins and lames Roberts . . . 8^, A— C in eights. Frende also published an Almanac and Prognostication for 159G ; a copy of the Prognostication only is before me. Frende. 1598. An Almanacke and Prog- nostication . . . Imprinted at London by Richard Watkins and lames Roberts. 8*^, A — C in eights, B 8 and C 8 blank. 1599. An Almanacke and Prognostica- tion . . . Done according to Art By Gabriel Frend. Imprinted at London by Richard Watkins and lames Roberts. 8*^, A — C in eights, C 7-8 blank. FRIEXD, SIR JOHX, Knight The Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemna- tion of Sir John Friend, Knight, for High Treason . . . London, Printed for Samuel Heyrick . . . 1696. Folio, A— M, 2 leaves each. FRIENDS. A ballett intituled the Descryption of a tru frynde. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. A ballett intituled shewyng how a man shall knowe his fryende and what frynd- shippe ys. Licensed to Edward Russell in 1565-6. A ballett of ij faythful fryndes beynge bothe in love with one lady. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569-70. FRIENDSHIP. The treasure of frynshippe. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569-70. FRITH, JOHN. A boke made by John Frith prisoner in the tower of London, answeringe vnto M. mores lettur which he wrote a genst the first litle treatyse that John Fryth made concerninge the sacramente of the body and bloode of christ . . , [CoL] Per me John Frythe. Imprinted at Monster / Anno. 1533 By me Conrade Willems. S'^ black letter, A— L in eights, L 8 blank. A boke made by John Fryth . . . [Col] Per me Johan Fryth . . . Imprynted in the yare of oure Lorde. M.D.XLviij. Sm. 8'-', black letter. A— 4 in eights. A disputacion of Purgatorye made by Jhon Frith which is deuided in to thre bokes. The fyrst boke is an answere \Tito Rastell / which goeth aboute to proue purgatorye by naturall Phylo- sophye. The seconde boke answereth vnto Sir Thomas More / which laboureth to proue purgatorye by scripture. The thyrde boke maketh answere vnto my lorde of Rochestre, which moost leaneth vnto the doctoures. ... No place, printer's name, or date [London, 1535 X\ 8^, black letter, A — L in eights. FRITH, MARY. The Life and Death of Mrs. Mary Frith, commonly Called Mai Cutpurse. Exactly Collected and now Published for the De- light and Recreation of all Merry disposed Persons. London, Printed for W. Gil- bertson at the Bible in Giltspur-street without Newgate, 1662. 12"^. Title, 1 leaf : A, 7 leaves : B— I 4 in twelves, I 4 having her Epitaph. B. M. FROBISHER, SIR MARTIN. A discription of the purtrayture and Shape of those strange kinde of people whiche the worthie master Martin Four- boisier brought into England in Anno 1576. and 1577. Licensed to John Aide, 30 Jan. 1577-8. A Pamphlet in the praise of master Cap- taine Frobisher in forme of A farewell at his Third voiage in Maye. 1578. by the northest seas toward the Hand of Cataea. Licensed to R. Jones, 13 May, 1578. Fourboysers voiage. Printed without license by John Charlwcod, 1 Dec. 1578. A sorrowfull songe made vppon y* valiant Souldiour Sir Martin Frobisher who was slayne neere Brest inFraunce in November last. Licensed to E. White, 4 Dec. 1594. Sir Martin Frobisher his Chivalrye, and lyves lamented tragedie. Licensed to AVilHam Leake, 20 April 1597. I. N. J. Historia Navigationis Martini Forbisseri Angli Prsetoris sive Capitanei, A. C. 1577 . . . Hamburgi, . . . Anno 1675. 4*^, A— G in fours, besides the frontispiece. FROG. A moste strange weddinge of the Frogge and the mowse. A ballad. Licensed to E. White. 21 Nov. 1580. The Frogges of Egypt. Or The Cater- pillers of the Commonwealth Dissected and laid open. With the Subjects Thanke- fulnesse unto God for their deliverance from that Nest of Vermine. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4^, 4 leaves. In verse. FRONTINUS, S. JULIUS. The Stratagemes, Sleyghtes, and policies of warre, gathered together, by S. Julius Frontinus, and translated into Englyshe, by Richarde Morysine. Anno, m.d.xxxix. [Col.] Londini in sedibus Thome Berthe- FROST. 2^.8 FULBECKE. leti typis impress. . . . Anno, m.d.xxxix. 8°, black letter, a, 8 leaves : A — N in eights. Dedicated to Henry VIII. The Stratagems of War : Or, A Collection of the most celebrated Practices and wise Sayings of the Great Generals in former Ages. Written by Sextus Julius Fron- tinus, one of the Eoman Consuls. Now Englished, and Eularged ... By M. D. A. B. D. London, Printed for R. Hey- rick, J. Place and R. Sare . . . 1686. 12'", A, 6 leaves : B— Q 2 in twelves. FROST. A l)allad of the late great frost. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 7 March 1607-8. A Strange and AVonderfuU Relation of many Remarkable Damages Sustained, both at Sea and Land, by the present Unparraleled Frost . . . London Printed for J. How at the Coach and Horses without Bishops-Gate, 1684. A folio sheet. Br. Museum. An Historical Account of the Late Great Frost, In which are discovered. In several Comical Relations, The Various Humours, Loves, Ciieats, and Intreagues of the Town, as the same were mannaged upon the River of Thames, during that Season. . . . London, Printed for D. Brown, . . . and J. Waltho, . . . 1684. 12"^, A, 4 leaves : B— G in twelves : H, 8 leaves. B.M. A True Relation of A great Number of People Frozen to Death near Salisbury, And in several other Parts of the West of England, on Tuesday the Twenty-third of December, 1684, besides Horses and much other Cattle. London, Printed by George Larkin, . . . 1685. A folio leaf. FRUITS AND FLOWERS. A Book of Fruits & Flowers. Shewing The Nature and Use of them, either for Meat or Medicine. As Also: To Preserve, Conserve, Candy, and in Wedges, or Dry them. To make Powders, Civet bagges, all sorts of Sugar-works, turn'd works in Sugar, . . . And for Meat, To make Pyes, Biscat, Maid Dishes, ^larchpanes, Leeches, and Snow, Craknels, . . . Lon- don. Printed by M. S. for Tho. Jeuner . . . 1656. 4^ A— G 2 in fours. Br. Museum. FRY, JOHN, M.P. The Accuser Shaiu'd : Or, A pair of Bellows to blow olF the Dust cast upon John Fry, A Member of Parliament, by Col: John Downs, likewise a Member of Parliament, Who by the ConluderMcy and Instigation of some, charged the said Joha Fry of Blasphemy & Error . . . London, Printed for John Harris, . . . 1648. 4'^', A— C in fours. B. M. The Clergy in their Colovrs ; Or A brief Character of them. Written from a hearty desire of their Reformation, and great zeal to my Countrey men, that they may no longer be deceived by such as call them- selves the Ministers of the Gospel, but are not. By John Fry, a Member of the Parliament of England. [Quot. from Rom. 10, 1, and Rom. 16, 17, 18.] London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the black- spread Eagle at the West end of Pauls. 1650. 8^,' A— E 3 in eights. B. M. Theios Divine Beames of Glorious Light. Shining from the Sacred Scriptures, which expell the Fogges of Error, that Engender darknesse, in doubting soules, by mis- taken thoughts. Touching The Diety, Faith, And Christian Ordinances . . . Written by one, who desires more that God should be glorified, then to affix his name to gain the vaine applause of Man. Licensed and Entered in the Stationers Hall Book. London Printed by Robert Ibbitson 1651 [March 1, 1650.] 4^, A— B in fours, B 4 blank. Br. Museum. FULBECKE, W. The Pandectes of the law of Nations : Contayning seuerall discourses of the questions, points, and matters of Law, wherein the Nations of the world doe consent and accord . . . Compiled by William Fvlbecke . . . London Imprinted by Thomas Wight. 1602. 4°, A— Aa 2 in fours. An Abridgement, Or rather, A Bridge of Roman Histories, to passe the neerest way from Titvs Livivs to Cornelivs Tacitvs. Vnder wliich (in Three Bookes) as it were throvgh Three Arches, for the space of Sixe score yeeres, the Fame and Fortune of the Romans ebbs and flowes. [By William Fulbecke.] London, Printed bv T. E. for Richard More. 1608. 4",A— Ee in fours, and the title. There is an interesting preface, in which Fulbecke acquaints us that this volume was finished in 1584, before he left Oxford to commence the study of the law. Nymphothicnes. The Nymphes Lamen- tacon. An elegie conteininge the change- able fortune of the Lady Jane Dudley, commonly called the Lady Jane Gray Divided into Ten Hecatondadt's or cen- turies Written by William Fulbeok. Li- censed to WiUiam Jones, 1 February, 1608-9. FULKE. 239 G. S. FULKE, WILLIAM. A Most pleasant Prospect into the Garden of Naturall Contemplation . . . The third Edition corrected and amended. London, Printed by E. G. for William Leake . . . 1642. sVhlack letter. C, 4 leaves, first blank : A — I in eights, last blank. FULLER. Fullers Farewell to master Fourbousier and the other Gentlemen adventurers ■\vhoe labour to discouer the right passage to Catay. Licensed to John Jugge, 20 May, 1577. FULLER, NICHOLAS. Tlie Argument of Nicholas Fvller of Grayes Inne Esquire . . . London, Printed for N. Vavasour. 1641. 4°. Title and dedicatory leaf to AV. W. 2 leaves : A— D in fours. FULLER, THOMAS. Andronicvs, Or, The Vnfortunate Poli- titian . . . The third Edition. London, Printed by G. D. for John Williams . . . 1649. 8°, A— L in eights, L 8 blank. Ornitho-Logie, Or The Speech of Birds. London, Printed for John Stafford, . . . 1655. 8°, A— D 6 in eights. Dedicated to Roger Le Strange, Esq., by the pub- lisher. FULWOOD, W. The Enimie of Idlenesse : Teaching the maner and stile how to endite, compose, and write all sorts of Epistles and Let- ters : as well by answer, as otherwise. Deuided into foure Bookes, no lesse plesaunt than profitable. Set forth in English by William Fulwood Marchant &c. The Contentes hereof appere in the Table at the latter ende of the Booke. An Enimie to Idlenesse, A frend to Exercise : By practise of the prudent pen, Loe here before thine eyes. Imprinted at London by Henry Bynne- man, for Leonard Maylard. Anno 1568. 8°, A— V 6 in eights. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman, dwell- ing in Knightrider-strete, at the signe of the Mermaide For Leonard Maylard. Anno. 1568. In prose and verse. Dedi- cated to the ^Merchant Taylors' Company. G G. B. A Proposall Humbly Offered, for the Farming of Liberty of Conscience. Printed in the Year, 1663!! Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each. Black letter. G. E., Gentleman. Mirths Rendezvous. Licensed to John Marriot, 28th June, 1618. G. E. A Present preseruatine against the plea- sant, but yet most pestilent poyson, of the priuie libertines, or carnall Go.=^pe]- lers. by E. G. No place, &c. [Circa 1590.] 4°, black letter. A— C in fours. Lambeth. G. E. A Letter to the Superiours, (whether Bishops or Priests) which Approve or License the Popish Books in England, Particularly to those of the Jesuits Order, Concerning Lewis Sabran a Jesuit . . . London : Printed for William Rogers, . . . 1688. 4*^, A— B in fours. A MS. note of the time on the title of this copy says : " By Mr. Gee." G. H., Gent. A Prydent and Secure Choyce, Worthy of due Consideration being a sure Land- mark to all those who have been tossed to and fro in these wavering Times. , . . Printed, Anno Dom. 1650. 8°, A— D 5 in eights. G. L. Essayes and Characters. Written by L. G. London, Printed in the year, 1661. 8*^, A — E in twelves. In prose. JIalone Coll. G. R. Salutem in Christo. [At the end occurs :] At London the . xiii. of October, 1571. Your louing brother in Lawe. R. G. No place, &.C. S^, black letter, 4 leaves, the first marked Ai. H. Fyne, Esq. This edition is complete witli four leaves, or seven printed pages, the last page being blank. G. S. Catholicks no Idolaters. Or a Full Re- futation of Doctor Stillingfleet's Unjust Charge of Idolatry against the Church of G. T. 240 GAGE. Eome . . . Printed in the Year, 1672. 8^ A, 8 leaves : b — e in eights : B — Ff in eights. Dedicated to the Queen by T. G. G. T. An Answer to Withers Motto. Without a Frontispiece. Wherein, Nee Habeo, Nee Careo, Nee Cvro, are neither ap- proued, nor confuted : but modestly con- trouled, or qualified. Qvaestio. — Quid dignum tunto foret i:)romissor • hiatu ? Responsio. — Sic iuvat indulgere fugacihus horis. Oxford, Printed by lohn Lichfield, and William Tvmer, 1625. 8«, A— F 6 in eights. lu verse. After the title occurs a leaf with " The Booke to the Reader," &c., in prose; on A 3 follows a prose address "To Master "Wither himselfe," signed T. G. Esquire; then comes " To the Reader' in prose, simi- larly signed; after which we have "The Introduction," in verse ; the Ansioer itself occupies from B 3 to the end. G. T. An Encomium, Or Congratulatory Poem Occasionally written, upon the Happy Successes of Capt. Thomas Harman, Com- mander of his Majesties Friggate, the Tiger. With an Exact Relation of His late Signal Victory off Cadis. London Printed by H. Bruges, 1674. A folio leaf. G. W. Anthologia. The Life & Death of Mr. Samuel Crook, Late Pastor of Wrington in Somerset-shire, who being dead, yet speaketh. By W. G. An eye and ear- witness of both. . . . London, Printed bv James Flesher, for Philemon Stephens, 1651. 8", A— E in ei.yhts. With several copies of verses. B. M. GABELHOVER, OSWALDUS, M.D. The Boock of Physicke Wlierin Throughe coramaundement of the most Illustrious, & renouumed Duke k Lorde, Lorde Ludewicke, Duke of Wirtemberghe, <&; of Teck, . . . Most of them selected, and approued remedyes, for all corporall dis- eases, . . . are com])acted, and vnited together . . . Fuitlifullye translated out of High-duche by tlie right worshipfull Mr. Doctour Cliarlus Battus, . . . And now nuelye translatede out of Low-duche into Englishe by A. M. Ini])rinted at Dort by Isaack Caen. 1599. Folio. Title and dedication to Queen Elizabeth by the printer, 2 leaves: *, G leaves: **, 6 leaves: ***, 8 leaves: A — Kk in sixes. The title is engraved. GABERLUNZIE MAN. The New Way of Gaberlunzie Man. A ballad, with cuts. Ouvry Cat., No. 130. GADBURY, JOHN. Dies Novissimvs : Or, Dooms-Day not so Near as Dreaded. Together with some- thing Touching the present Invasion of the Turk into the German Empire ; And the probable Success thereof. By John Gadbury . . . London : Printed by James Cottrell. 1664. 4^, A— H 2 in fours. Collectio Genitvrarvm : Or, A Collection of Nativities, in cl Genitures, viz. Princely, \ ( Physical ") T Of short Life Prelatical, V< Mercatorial V< Of Twins, Causidical, j ( Mathematical j ( &c. With Many Useful Observations on them, both Historical and astrological. Being of Practical Concernment unto Philosophers, Physitians, Astronomers, Astrologers, And others that are Friends unto Urania. By John Gadbury, Philomathematicos. . . . London : Printed by James Cottrel. MDCLXXir. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : A — C in twos : B — 3 K in twos. GAFFAREL, JAMES. Vnheard-of Curiosities : Concerning the Talismanical Sculpture of the Persians ; The Horoscope of the Patriarkes ; And the Reading of the Stars. Written in French by James Gaftarel. And Eng- lished by Edmund Chilmead, Mr. of Arts, and Chaplaine of Christ-Church Oxon. London, Printed by G. D. for Humphrey Moseley. . . . 1650. S''. A, 8 leaves : a — b 4 in eights : B — Ee in eights. With two folded tables. Dedicated to Edward Bushe, Esq. Junior. The leaf before the title contains a certifi- cate as to the book. GAGE, THOMAS. The JEnglish-American his Travail by Sea and Land : Or, A New Svrvey of the West-Indies, Containing A Journall of Three Tliousand and Tliree hundred Miles within the main Land of America. Wlieriu is set forth his Voyage from Spain to St. lohn de Vlhua ; and from thence to Xalap))a, to Thaxcalla, the City of Angeles, and forward to Mexico. With the description of that great City, as it was in former times, and also at this present. Likewise his Journey from Mexico through the Provinces of Guaxuca . . . with his Abode Twelve years about Guatemala, and especially in tlie Indian Towns of Mexico . . . As also hiss t^-auge GAILLARD. 241 GARDEN. and wonderful Conversion, and Calling from those remote Parts to his Native Countrey. With his return through the Province of Nicaragua . . . Also, A New and exact Discovery of the Spanish Navigation to those Parts . . . With a Grammar, or some few Rudiments of the Indian Tongue, called, Poconchi, or Poco- man. By the true and painfull endevours of Thomas Gage, now Preacher of the Word of God at Acris in the County of Kent, Anno Dom. 1648. London, Printed by E. Cotes, and are to be sold by Humphrey Blunden . . . 1648. Folio, A — T in sixes, and U, 8 leaves. The leaf before the title is blank. Dedicated to Sir Thomas^ Lord Fairfax, Baron of Cameron. Prefixed is a long copy of verses by Thomas Chaloner. A New Survey of the West-Indias : . . . The Second Edition, enlarged by the Author, and beautified with Maps. . . . London, Printed by E. Cotes, and Sold by John Sweeting . . . M.DatV. Folio. A — T in sixes : U, 8 leaves. Dedicated as before. The author here describes himself as of Deal. The maps are at pp. 20, 68, 118, and before the title. A New Survey of the West-Indies : . . . Tfie third Edition enlarged by the Author, with a new and accurate Map. By Thomas Gage. London : Printed by A. Clark, . . . 1677. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— li in eights, li 8 blank, besides the map. GAILLARD, J. The Present state of the Princes and Re- publicks of Italy, with Observations on them. Written Originally in English by J. Gailhard. London, Printed for John Starkey, . . . 1668. 12^, A— I 6 in twelves. GALLANT. The Roaring Gallantes : Conteyning a short narracon of the lifes and Deathes of William Nicholls and John AVelsh broker. Licensed to John Beale, 20 January, 1618-19. GALLASIUS, NICHOLAS. A Trve Report of the doynges of the assembly cocernyng matters of Religion, lately holden at Poyssy in Fraunce. Written in Latine by Mayster Nycholas Gallasius, minister of the Frenche Churche in London, and then present, & one of the disputers of the same, translated into English. . . . Seen and allowed. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyarde, by Luke Harryson. [1562.] 8**, black letter, t, 8 leaves : A— H 4 in eights, H 4 blank. Dedicated by Galla- sius to Francis Earl of Bedford. GALVANO, ANTHONY. The Discoveries of the World from their first originall vnto the yeere of our Lord 1555. Briefly written in the Portugall tongue by Antonie Galvano, Gouernour of Ternate, the chiefe Island of the Malucas : Corrected, quoted, and now published in English by Richard Hakluyt, sometimes student of Christchurch in Oxford. Londini, Impensis G. Bishop. 1601. 4°, A— O in fours, 4 blank. Dedicated by Hakluyt from London to Sir Robert Cecil. GAMBLE, JOHN. Ayres and Dialogues (To be Sung to the Theorbo-Lute Or Bass- Viol.) Bv John Gamble. [Quot. from Hor. Od.''2, 10.] London, Printed by W. Godbid for Humphrey Mosley . . . 1657. Folio. AVith a portrait of Gamble by T. Cross. Title and dedication to Thomas Stanley (the poet), 2 leaves : verses by Richard Lovelace, Jo. Redmayne, Dudley Pos- thumns Lovelace, Eldred Revet, Alex- ander Brome, and John Tatham, 3 leaves : B (misprinted A) — Y, 2 leaves each, (ii) Ayres and Dialogues for One, Two, and Three Voyces. . . . The Second Book. London, Printed by W. God])id for Nathaniel Ekin . . . 1659. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: dedication to Charles Cavendish, Viscount Mansfield, and verses by Eldred Revet, Thomas Jordan, and William Revet, 4 leaves : B — Y, 2 leaves each : Table, 1 leaf. GAME. A small thinge called the game at the hole, otherwyse. yf you be not pleased, you shalbe eased. Licensed to John Wolf, 23 Dec. 1587. The Gynnye game Cheste game / and foxe and geese. Licensed to John Wolf, 4 March, 1587-8. The newe and most pleasant game of the goose. Licensed to John Wolfe, 16 June, 1597. GARANCIERES, THEOPHILUS, J/. Z). The Admirable Virtues and Wonderful Effects of the True and Genuine Tincture of Coral in Physick ; Grounded upon Reason. . . . By Theophilus Garancieres, Doctor in Physick, Colleg. Lond. . . . London, Printed by W. R. for Samuel Sprint . . . 1676. 8°, A— F in eights. GARDEN. All in a garden grene / between ij lovers. A ballad. Licensed to W.Pickering in 1565-6. Q GARDINER. 242 GARLAND. All in a <:jarJen grene. A ballad. Li- censed to W. Griffitk in 1568-9. A godly gardyn out of the Avliicli moste comfortable hirbis may be gathered. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1569. The garden of felicitie conteynynge Diuerse comfortable consolations for the sicke. Licensed to Thomas Butter and W. Wright, 12 April, 1583. The garden of good will. Licensed to John Wolf, 5 March, 1592-3, and trans- ferred, it seems, to Edward White, 27 Aug. 1596. GARDINER, STEPHEN, Bishop of TFm- chester. Stephani Winton. Episcopi De Vera Obedientia Oratio. [Col.] Londini In AEdibvs Tho. Bertheleti Regii Ini- pressoris Excvsa. An. M.D.xxxv. Cvm Privilegio. 4^, A — I in fours. Stephani Wintoniensis Episcopi De Vera Obedientia, oratio. Vna cvm Prsefatione Edmvndi Boneri Archidiaconi Leyces- trensis sereniss. Regise ma. Anglie, in Dania legati, capita notabiliora dictse orationis complectente. . . . Hamburgi ex officina Francisci Rliodi, Mense lanua- rio. 1536. 4°. Title and preface, 4 leaves, last blank ; A, 2 leaves : B — F in fours. De Vera Obedientia. An Oration made in Latine by the ryghte Reuerend father in God Stephan B. of Winchestre, nowe lord Chaucelloiir of england, -with the preface of Edmunde Boner^ sometime Archedeaco of Leicestre. and the Kinges inaiesties embassadour to Denmarke, & si thence B. of LOdon, touching true Obed- ience. Printed at Hamburgh in Latine. In officina Francisci Rhodi. Mense la. M. D. xxxvi. And nowe translated into englisli and printed bi Michael Wood : with tlie Preface & conclusion of the traunslatour. From Roane .xxvi. of Oc- tobre. M. D Liii. In Readinge marke the Notes in the margine. A double mynded man, is inconstt in al his waies. lac. i. 8*^, black letter, A— K 3 in eights, title on A 2. This edition concludes on the middle of K 3 verso. De Vera Obediencia. An Oration . . . printed by Michael Wood : with the Preface and conclusion of tlie traunsla- tour. From RoaTie .xxvi. of Octobre. M. D Liii. ... 8", black letter. A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — K 4 in eights, concluding on K 4 recto. De vera obedientia. An oration made in Latine / by the righte Reuerede father in God Stepha bishop of Wichestre / now Lorde Chaucelour of Englaude. With the Preface of Edmonde Bonner . . . printed eftsones / in Rome before ye castle of S. Angel / at the signe of S. Peter. In nouembre / Anno do. M.D.Liii. 8*^, black letter, A — H 4 in eights. At the end of this edition the Practices of Prelates by Tyndale, with the augmenta- tions of John Bale, is promised shortly. The Commvnication betwene my Lord Chauncelor and iudge Hales, being among other iudges to take his oth in West- minster hall. Anno. M.D.Liii. vi. of Oc- tober. No place or printer's name. 12°, 4 leaves. Black letter. GARDYNE, ALEXANDER. The Scottish Worthies. In verse. 4*^. A MS. in the Advocates' Library, Edin- burgh. Reprinted for the Hunterian Club, with preface by D. Laing. The Lyfe, Doeings, and Deth of R. R. William Elphingstone, the 23. Bishope of Aberdene, translated out of the Lives of the Bishopes of Aberdene be Maister Hector Boes. 4^. In verse. MS. formerly in the possession of David Laing. Kepriuted for the Hunterian Club. GARLAND. A booke called The Mitses garlond. Li- censed to Thomas Archer, 7 Feb. 1603. The Golden garland, a song booke. As- signed by Thomas Langley to Lawrence Hayes, 30 June, 1625. The new garland of Goodwill Contayning three partes. Licensed to Robert Bird, 9 November. 1629. The Garland of the Gods. Licensed to Richard Harper, 9 November, 1631. The Ruin'd Virgin's Garland, In Two Parts. Angus, Printer. S'^, 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. The Golden Garland of Princely Delight: Wherein is contained the History of many of the Kings, Queens, Princes, Lords, Ladies, Knights, and Gentlewomen of this Kingdom. Being most pleasant Songs and Sonnets, to sundry New Tunes nmch in request. In Two Parts. The Thirteenth Edition, with Additions, Cor- rected and Amended. Licensed and Entred according to Order. Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Giltspur-street, without Newgate, 1690. 8°, black letter, A — G in eights. Br. Museum. Bliss, 1858, uncut, £9, 9s., the same copy. It cost Dr. B. 168., and was bought at Briatol. GARNET. 43 GA UDEN. GARNETT, HEXRY. The shameful! downefall of the popes Kingdome conteyninge the lyfe and deathe of Stephen Garnett the popes Cheife preiste in England. A ballad. Licensed to Christopher Hunt, 3 May, 1606. Garnettes araignement or the popes look- inge glasse wherein the papistes maye beholde the Mirror of their Mischiefe. A ballad. Licensed to George Vincent and William Blackball, 3 May, 1606. Actio In Henricvm Garnet^Tii Societatis lesuiticfe in Anglia Svperiorem, Et coeteros . . . Omnia ex Anglico a G. Camdeno Latine versa. Londini Excu- debat Joannes Norton . . . Ann. Dom. 1607. 4^, IF, 4 leaves, the first blank : A — LI in fours, last leaf blank. Garnets Ghost, Addressing to the Jesuits, met in private Caball, just after the Murther of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfre}^ "Written by the Author of the Satyr against Virtue, (not yet Printed.) n. j). or d. Folio, 2 leaA'es. In verse. GARRARD, EDMUND. The Covntrie Gentleman Moderator. Col- lections of such intermarriages, as haue beene betweene the two Royall Lines of England and Spaine, since the Conquest ; ... At London : Printed by Edward All-de. 1624. 4"^, A— K 2 in fours. GARTH, SIR SAMUEL. The Dispensary : A Poem. London, Printed and Sold by John Nutt . . . 1699. 4^ Title and half-title, 2 leaves : B— M 2 in fours. GARTER, ARTHUR. An Epitaphe vpon the Deathe of Arthure Garter gent. Licensed to Henry Kyrk- hara, 21 Oct. 1579. GASCOIGNE, GEORGE. Beauties Barre where the auctor stoode. A ballad by G. Gascoigne. Licensed to H. Carre, 3 Sept. 1580. GASSENDUS, PETRUS. The Mirrour of True Nobility & Gen- tility. Being the Renowned Nicolaus Claudius Fabricius Lord of Peiresk, Sena- tor of the Parliament at Aix. Written by ,the Learned Petrus Gassendus, Pro- fessor of the Mathematicks to the King of France. Englished by W. Rand, Doctor of Physick. Vivit fost Fanera Virtus. London, Printed by J. Streater for Hum- phrey Moseley . . . 1657. 8"^. A, 7 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — Tt in eights. '\^'ith a portrait of Gassendus by R. Gay- wood. Dedicated to John Evelyn. GATFORD, LIONEL, B.D. A Petition for the Vindication of the Publique use of the Book of Common- Prayer ... By Lionel Gatford, Batche- lour in Divinity . . . London, Printed for John Williams, . . . 1655. 4*^, A— F in fours. GATHERING. Ane Breif Gathering of the Halie Signes, Sacrifices, and Sacramentis institvtit of God for the Creation of the worlde. And of the trewe^originall of the Sacrifice of the messe. Translatit out of French e into Scotch by ane Faithfull Brother. [Quotation.] Imprintit at Edinbvrgh be Robert Lekprevik. m.d.lxv. 4°, A — M 2 in fours. D. Laing, 1879, No. 1303. GAUDEN, JOHN, D.D. The Religious & Loyal Protestation of John Gauden, D'". in Divinity ; Against the present Declared Purposes and Pro- ceedings of the Army and others ; About the trying and destroying our Soveraign Lord the King. Sent to a Collonell, to bee Presented to the Lord Fairfax, And His Generall Councell of Ofiicers, the fift of January, 1648. London. Printed for Richard Royston, dwelling in Ivie Lane, Anno Domini 1648. 4°, A— B in fours. With the Im^primatur of J. Cranford. EcclesicB Anglicance Susjnria. The Tears, Sighs, Complaints, and Prayers of the Church of England : Setting forth her former Constitution, Compared with her present Condition; Also the visible Causes, and probable Cures, of her Distempers. In iv. Books. By John Gauden, D.D. of Bocking in Essex. London, Printed by J. G. for R. Royston, . . . 1659. Folio. Engraved and printed titles, 2 leaves : A — D in fours : (*)—(***) in fours : E — Xxxx in fours, with a large folded engrav- ing between pp. 22-3. A Sermon Preached in the Temple- Chappel, at the Funeral of the Right Reverend Fatlier in God, Dr. Brounrig, late Lord Bishop of Exceter . . . With an Account of his Life and Death . . . By the Author Dr. Gauden . . . London, Printed by J. Best for Andrew Crook. . . . 1660. 8°, A— R in eights, R 8 blank, and a, 8 leaves. With a portrait and some verses. A Pillar of Gratitude humbly dedicated to the Glory of God, the Honour of His GAUFREDL 244 GEMINUS. Majesty, the Renown of this present Legal, Loyal, Full, and Free Parliament : Upon their Restorinj,' the Church of England. [By John Gauden.] London, Printed by J. M. for Andrew Crook . . . 1661. Folio, A— H in fours, H 4 blank, besides the title and frontispiece. GAUFREDI, LEWIS. A ballad called, The worldes wonder beinge the sorrowfull lamentacon of a Bcholler of Fraunce named Lewes Gau- frydey who had gyuen both body and soule to the Deuill to enjoy the pleasures of the world for 40 yeares together, &c. beinge burnte aliue in June last 1612. Licensed to George Eld, 25 August, 1612. GAULE, JOHN. The Mag-Astro-Mancer, Oi? The Magicall- Astrologicall-Diviner Posed, and Puzzled. ... By John ©aule, Minister of Great Staughton in the County of Huntingdon. London, Printed for Joshua Kirton .. . . 1652. 4^. A, 4 leaves : * 4 leaves : B— Bbb in fours.- Dedicated to the Lord General Cromwell. GAULARD, LE SIEUR. The Apothegmes of the Lord Guyllyard [Gaulard.] Licensed to Walter Burre, 23 June, 1613. GAYTON, EDMUND. The Familiar Epistles of Coll. Henry Martin, Found in his Misses Cabinet. The Second Edition . . . London : Printed for Jo. Hindmarsh,. . . . 1685. 4'', A— H in fours. GEE, JOHN, M.A,, of Exeter College^ Ox- ford. New Shreds of the Old Snare. Contain- ing tlie Apjiaritions of two Female Ghosts. Special! Indulgences purchased at Rome, granted to diuers English gentk- beleeuing Catholiques for their ready money. A Catalogue of English Nunnes of the late transportations within these two or three yeares. London Printed for Robert Mylbourne. 1624. 4«. B— R 2 in fours, and the title. GELL, ROBERT, D.D., Mmister of St. Manj Aldermary, London. Stella Nova, A New Starre leading wise- men unto Clirist. Or, A Sermon ])reached before the learned Society of Astrologers, August 1, 1649. In the Church of S. Mary Alder-^Iary, London . . . London : Printed for Samuel Sattertliwaite, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Sun on Garlick-Hill. 1649. 4°, A-E in fours. Angelokratia Theon. Or A Sermon Touching Gods gouernment of the World by Angels. . . . London, Printed by John Legate, • . . 1650. 4°, B— H 1 in fours, and the title. GELLIBRAND, HENRY, Professor of Astronomy in Gresham College. An Institvtion Trigonometricall. Wherin demonstratively and perspicuously is ex- hibited the doctrine of the dimension of Plane and Sphericall Triangles . . . Lon- don, Printed by William lones . . . 1635. 8^ A— X in eights. GELLO, JOHN BAPTISTA. Circes of lohn Baptista Gello, Florentine. Translated out of Italian into Englishe by Henry Iden. Anno Domini, m.d.l.vii. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. [Col] Imprinted at London in Poules Churchyarde, at the signe of the holy ghost by John Cawood, printer to the Queues Maiestie. Cum priuilegio . . . 8^, black letter. A— T 4 in eights. Dedicated to Lord Herbert of CardiflF, Master Edward Herbert, and Muster Henry Compton, his brethren. The Fearfull Fansies of the Florentine Couper : Written in Toscane, by lohii Baptista Gelli, one of the free Studie of Florence, and for recreation translated into English by W. Barker. Pensoso d\dtruL Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman. Anno. 1568. 8*^, black letter. % 4 leaves, title on 1 2 : A— S 4 in eights, S 4 blank, and S 3 with the colo- phon. The Fearefull Fansies of the Florentine Cooper. ... At London Printed by Tho. Purtbot, for the Companie of Stationers. 1599» 8^, black letter, A— R in eights. GEMINUS, THOMAS. Compendiosa totius Anatomie delineatio, asre exarata per Tliomam Geminuni Lundini. [Col.] Londini in oliicina loanni Herlordie : Anno Domini. 1545. Mense Octobri. Folio. Engraved title, 1 leaf: Dedication to Henry VIIL, sub- scribed Thomas Gcminus Lysiensis, 26 Sept. 1545 : A — H 3 in sixes, but only 5 leaves in B — C. With 42 large page copperplate engravings at signatures B 3, B 4 (3), B 6, C 3 (2), C 4 (2), C 6 (6), D 2, D 4 (2), D 6, E 2, E 3, E 4 (3), E 6 (2), F 1 (2), F 2, F 4, F 5, F 6, G 3 (2), G 4, G 5 (4), H 2 (3) =42, besides the engraved title. These are supposed to be the earliest copperplates executed in England. GENEVA. 245 GERMANY. GENEVA. The Lawes and Statutes of Geneua, as well concerning ecclesiasticall Discipline, as ciuill regiment, with certeine Procla- mations duly executed, whereby Gods religion is most purelie mainteined, and their common wealth quietli gouerned : Translated out of French into Englishe l3y Robert Fills , . . Printed at London }Dy Rouland Hall . . . 1562. [CoL] Printed at London by Rouland Hall and Thomas Hacket, the 16. of Aprill, in the yere of our lorde 1562. Sm. ^^ black letter. *, 8 leaves : A — L in eights. The copy here used belonged to Gabriel Harvey, and has his autograph signature and notes. The Lawes and Statutes of Geneva . . . London, Printed by Tho. Fawcet, for Matthew Wallbanck, and Lawrence Cha;p- man. 1643. 4'', A — F in fours. The Forme of Prayers and administration of the Sacramentes, vsed in the Eng. Church at Geneua, approued & receiued by the Churche of Scotland, Wherevnto besides that which was in the former bookes, are also added Sundrie other prayers. [Geneva.] 1584. Very small 8*^, A— Ff m eights, Ff 8 blank. Roman letter. LaJiiheth. The Forme of Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments, &c. Vsed in the Eng- lish Congregation at Geneva : . . . Now re-printed at London, mdcxliii, 4°, A — E in fours. A true discourse happened by an earth- quake primo martij 1584. / in tlie places adioyninge to the lake of Geneva. Li- censed to Thomas AYoodcock, 23 June, 1584, but no sum stated. The Service, Discipline, and Forme, of the Common Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments, Used in the English Church of Geneva. As it was approved by that most reverend Divine, M. lohn Calvin, And the Church of Scotland. Humbly presented to the most High Court of Parliament, this present yeare, 1641. London, Printed for William Cooke at Furnifalls lune. 1641. 4^ A — H in fours, besides title and " Wil- liam Stewart to the Church of Scotland," in verse. The Geneva Ballad. To the Tune of 48. London : Printed for R. Cutler in Little Britain. 1674. A folio leaf. GERARD, JOHN, D.D. Gerards Meditations, . . . Translated and revised By Ralph Wiflterton . . . The sixth Edition. Cambridge : Printed bv Roger Daniel, for Thomas Buck. 1640. 12°. IT, 12 leaves, first blank : A— X 6 in twelves. With a series of dedications and complimentary verses. GERARDE, JOHN. The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes, Gathered by John Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie. Im- printed at London by John Norton. 1537. Folio, A, 4 leaves : B, 6 leaves, with a portrait of the author on B 6 : A (repeated) — 4 T in eights : Vvvv in sixes : Aaaaa — liiii in fours. [Col.] Im- printed at London by Edm. Boliifant, for Bonham and lohn Norton. M.D.Xcvil. Dedicated to Sir W. Cecil Catalog-vs Arborvm, Frvctvvm ac Planta- rvm tarn Indigenarvm, qvam Exotica- rvm, in horto lohannis Gerardi Ciuis & Chirurgi Londinensis nascentium. Lon- dini, Ex otficina Arnoldi Hatfield, im- pensis loannis Norton. 1599. Folio, A — C in fours, and a leaf of D. Dedi- cated to Sir W. Raleigh. GEREE, JOHN, 3LA. The Character of an old English Pvri- tane, or Non-Conformist. By lohn Geree M.A. and Preacher of the Word some- time at Tewksbury, but now at Saint Albons. Published according to Order. London, Printed by W. Wilson for Christopher Meredith . , . 1646. 4°, 4 leaves. Katadunastes : Might overcoming Right. Or A Clear Answer to Mr. John Good- win's Might and Right well met. Wherein is cleared. That the Action of the Army in secluding many Parliament men from the place o"f their discharge of Trust, and the imprisoning of some of them, is neither defensible by the rules of solid Reason Tior Religion. By John Geree, M.A. and Pastour of Faith's under Pauls in 'London . . . Published by Authority. London, Printed for Robert Bostock . . . 1649. 4°, A— F in fours. Dedicated to Lady Yere, and Lady Fair- fax, her daughter. GERMANY. The confessyon of the faythe of the Garmaynes exibited to the mooste vic- torious"^ Emperour Charles the. v. in the Counsell or assemble holden at Augusta the yere of our Lorde. 1530. To which is added the Apologie of Melancthon who defendeth with reasons inuincible the aforesayde confessyon translated by Rycharde Tauerner at the comaiidem5t of Lorde Thomas Cromwell Lorde Preuy GERMANY, 246 GERMANY. seale and chefe Secretarie to the Kiges grace. [Quotation. The colophon :] Im- prynted at London in Fletestrete /-by me Bobert Redman / dwellynge at the sygne of the George nexte to Saynt Dunstones Churche. Cvm Privilegio . . . 8°, black letter, A — Bb in eights. Grenv. Coll. The Actes of the Ambassage, Passed at the meating of the Lordes and Princes of Germany at Naumbiirg in Thiiring, con- cerning the matters there moued by Pope Pius the. iiii. in the yeare of our Lorde. 1561. and the fifth "daie of February. Item, The annswere of the same Lordes & Princes . . . Translated out of Dutche into Englishe by R. W. Imprinted at LondO by John Day, dwelling ouer Al- dersgate . . . [1562.] 8°, black letter, A in eights. A Brief rehersal & discription of the Coronatio of the hye and myghti Prince ]\laximilian Kyng of Romans, Boheme Hungeri, &c. Don at the famous citie of Francford yn the year of our lord 1562, the month of Nouember, wyth the com- ing yn of the great Turcks Embassater, & of the presents by hym gyven, & other thyngs worthy to be known. Newli piented yn Gaunte, the 27. of August M.ccccc.LXV. 8^, 4 leaves. Lamheth. An other newes from Veenna the laste of auguste anno 1566. Licensed to John Awdeley in 1566. A strange syghte of ye sonne and in the elementes at Basell. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1566. A Catechesme or mannour of teachynge of cheldren and other / the christian Fayth ocupyed in all the laudes l)o- mynions Ceties and townes that are vnder the myghty prynuce Fredryke palsegrave of ye Ryne. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1567. Maclins mishappe. Licensed to John Perin, 28 April, 1580. A true Report happened in Germany at Melwing by A mayd of 14 yeres old. Licensed to William Wright, 18 Aug. 1580. 8ce Arber, ii. 171. The entry was de- fective. A moste Strange and Rare example of a maide, happeninge at a Towiie Called Rostorfe in Jermanie. Tolerated to E. White, 22 Nov. 1580. A wonderfuU warninge to all parentes by the rare example hap])eiiing(' at Eru- burge in Jermanie. A ballad. Licensed to John AUde, 2 Dec. 1580. A wonderful! example againste Periurie late happeninge in Jermanye. Licensed to Henry Carre, 3 Dec. 1580. The wrath of God in the pnnishmente of Twoo Drunckardes at Nekers Hofen in Almayne. Licensed to J. Charlwood, 22 Aug. 1581. An Oration latelie pronounced by the Ambassadours of the protestant Prynces of Germanye vnto the Frenche Kynge, together with the Kynges answere to the said Ambassadors faythfullie translated out of the Frenche. Licensed to Ed- ward Aggas, 15 April, 1587. A true Discription of ligbtnynge and thunderinge and other signes in the ayre in Franker in West Friseland Anno 15S7. 7 february before 5 of cloak in the mornyng. Licensed to H. Carre, 22 May, 1587. A true Discripcon of the feerefuU yearth quake which happened at Vienna in Austria on the xv^^ dale of September 1590. Licensed to John Wolfe, 26 Dec. 1590. A ballad discribinge the same Cittie of Vienna together with the yearth quake. Licensed to the same, 26 Dec. 1590. The Description of the armye levyed this presente yere by the princes of Ger- manye for Frannce. with their names offices and nomber / 1591. Licensed to J. Wolf, 8 Sept. 1591. • A booke of newes of Twoo angels that came before the Cytie of Droppa in Slesia. Licensed to John Wolf, with a ballad on the subject, 22 Se^jt. 1593. The Articles of the gyveinge over of Gronig, Licensed to "j. Wolf, 2 Aug. 1594. Strange sigbtes sene in the ayre, strange monsters beheld on the land, and won- derful! Prodegies both by land and by sea ; over, in and about the Cittie of Rosenbergh the 19 of January last. Li- censed to John Danter, 22 Aug. 1594. The Landgrave of Hessen his princelic receiuing of her Maiesties Embassador [Henry Clinton, second Earl of Lincoln.] Imprinted at London by Robert Robin- son. 1596. 4", A— D in fours. Dedicated hy Edward Mouings to Mary, Countess of Warwick. The Letter of the Emperor of Germanie, to the Admirant of Arragon, General! for the Archduke Albertus,' in the Counties of Cleue and JMunster, &c. With the Admirauts answere . . . Faithfully trans- luted . . , Imprinted at London by lohn GERMANY. !47 GERMANY. Wolfe, . . . 1599. 4°, A— B in lours. Latiibeth. Ne^ves out of Germany of the most bloody- murders that ever were committed. Li- censed to John Trundle, 19 October, 1607. "Wouderfull strange newes out of Ger- manye of a Jewe that hathe lyued wandringe euer since the passion of our Saviour Christ. Licensed to Edward Marchant, 21 August, 1612. A Wonderfull and most Lamentable De- claration of the great hurt done, and mighty losse sustained by Fire that hapned ; and mighty stormes of Winde, Thunder, Lightning, Haile, and Eaine, with Inundations of AVater, that fell in the Townes of Erfford and W^einmar, and in Country of Wurtemburgh, as namely in the Town, of Xugolt, ... as also in many other places of Germany, to the great destruction of thousands of Men, "Women aud Children, Houses ... In the Month of May, but much more in the Month of lune last past, Anno, 1613. . . . '^rinted at Collen in High Dutch, and translated into English. London Printed or Thomas Archer, . . . 1613. 4^, black etter, A — B in fours, first leaf blank. This tract also gives an accx);mt of a large fire at Constantinople. A garland of trivniph for the honour of the Duke of Brunswick and Lauenhurgh wherein you haue a Discription of the chief Citties &c. conquered by him in Westphalia. Licensed to Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, 16 May, 1622. The cobler of Prague. Licensed to Wil- liam Sheffard and John Bellamy, 22 Mav, 1622. A true Relation of all Battailes as hath been fought in the Pallatinate, since the King of Bohemia's arriuall there, vntill this 27. of May, Stilo nouo. Licensed to Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, 27 May, 1622. The Continuation of more newes from the Palatinate Relating to the taking of the Lantgraue of Dermstadt by Count Mansfield The Duke of Brunswickes preparation for Bauaria The Breaking of the Treaty betwene the Emperour and Bethlem Gabor with the Hungars pre- paration against Vienna. Licensed to N. Butter, 10 June, 1622. A True Relation of the proceedings of the Bauarian and Spanish forces before the Citie of Heidleberg having very stronglie beseiged it Alsoe the marching of the King of Bohemia and Count Mansfeild with their forces into Alsatia belonging to Leopoldus, and Brunswick into Bavaria. Licensed 11 July, 1622. The taking in of the Imperiall Townes by Count Mansfeild and the Duke of Brunswicke since their arriuall into Al- satia ; and the recouery of the great citie Churin in Switzerland by the Pro- testants. Licensed 18 July, 1622. A true Relation of the Arriuall of the Duke of Brunswick, with the King of Bohemia, with other passages since. Li- censed 2 July, 1622. The certaine newes of this weeke with the progresse and arrivall of Count Mansfield and the Duke of Brunswicke in to France, the first of August 1622. Licensed to N. Butter, 1 Aug. 1622. The Entertaynement of Count Mans- feild and the Duke of Brunswick into the service and pay of the Duke of Bullen being both dismissed by the King of Bohemia, with the weekely currant from all partes. Licensed to N. Bourne and T. Archer, 19 Aug. 1622. Mansfeilds Arriuall in the Dukedome of Brabant Burning, spoyling, and ransack- ing the Country, with Gonsales coming towards him with the distruction of Spinolas souldiers before Bergen-op-zone and with the Coronacon of the Empresse. Licensed to N. Bourne and T. Archer, 24 Aug. 1622. A Briefe Discourse of the Trovbles be- gun at Frankeford . . . First published in the yeare 1575, and now Reprinted according to the originall Copy, Verbatim. Humbly Presented to the View and Con- sideration of the most Honourable and High Court of Parliament : And the Reverend Divines of the intended ensu- ing Assembly. London Printed by G. Bishop^ and R. White, for Tho: Under- bill, .. . . 1642. 4^, A— Aa in fours. A booke called a Lamentable List of certaine hidious signes seene in the Ayre in Germanv, »S:c. Licensed to John Okes, 20 Aug. 1638. A Fvll Relation concerning the wonder- full and wholsome Fountain, at first discovered in Germany, two miles from the City of Halberstadt, by a certaine youth upon the fifth of March 1646, as he was comming from Schoole. And now dispersed into fifteen severall springs . . . And the forme of the Prayer which daily after the Sermon and set houres of Devo- tion is usually said. London, Printed GERSON. 248 GHOST. by T. W. for Joshua Kerton, . . . 1646. 4°, A — C in fours. The Emperour and the Empire Be- tray 'd l)y whom and How. Written by a Minister of State residing at that Court, to one of the Protestant Princes of the Empire. London, Printed for B. M. at the Duke of Lorrain's Head in West- minster. 1682. 12^. A, 2 leaves: B— G 4 in twelves. Pietas Hallensis : Or, An Abstract of the Marvellous Footsteps of Divine Pro- vidence, in the Building of a very large Hospital, or rather, a Spacious College, for Charitable and Excellent Uses, and in the maintaining of many Orphans & other poor people therein : at Glaucha, near Hall, in the Dominions of the K. of Prussia . . . The Second Edition en- larged. London, . . . 1707. 12°. In two parts. With a frontispiece. The German Rogue : Or, The Life and Merry Adventures, Cheats, Stratagems, and Contrivances of Tiel Eulespiegle. Let none Eulespiegle's Artifices blame, For llogues of ev'ry Country are the same. Made English from the High -Dutch. London : Printed in the Year mdccxx. 8°, A — P in half sheets, the first leaf with the half title. Bodhian (Douce). Published at 2s. GERSON, JOHN. A Paraphrase in English on the Follow- ing of Christ. Written Originally in Latine, By Thomas a Kempis. . . . Printed Anno Domini, 1694. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B — Q in eights. GERY, PETER. Gerii Viri in Arte Scriptoria quondam celeberrimi. Opera. Or A Copie Book of all the hands now in vse : Performed according to the naturall Freenes of the Pen by that excellent Mr, of Writing Peter Gery. Engraven by W*" Faith orne And are to be sold by him at his Shop wthout Temple-Bar. . . . Oblong 4°, 42 leaves, including the title. GESNERUS, CONRADUS. The newe Jewell of Health. . . . 1576. This edition will be found described under the name of the translator and editor, George Baker, at p. 20. The practise of tlie new and old phisicke, wherein is contained the most excellent Secrets of Pliisicke and Philosophie, deuided into four Bookcs . . . Newly cor- rected and published in English, 1)y George Baker, one of the Queenes Maicsties chiefe Chirurgions in ordinary. Printed at London, by Peter Short. 1599. 4^ *, 4 leaves, the last blank : A — LI in eights. With cuts. Dedicated to Ed- ward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, GEST, EDMUND. A Treatise againste the preuee Masse in the behall'e and furtheraunce of the mooste holye communyon, made by Ed- mund Gest . . . M.D.XLViii. Cum Priui- legio . . . Imprinted at Londo in saynt Andrewes Parysshe, In the Waredrop. By Thomas Raynald. 8^ black letter. Title and dedication to Sir John Cheke, 4 leaves : A — H 6 in eights. GESTA ROMANORUM. A Record of Ancient Histories . . . Lon- don, Printed bv T. H. for R. Scott, T. Bassett . . . 1681. 8^, A— P in eights, first and last leaves blank. Black letter. Gesta Romanorum : . . . London Printed, and Sold by G. Convers . . . [Circa 1700.] 12°, roman letter, A— F 6 in twelves, including a frontispiece. GETHIN, GRACE, Lady. Misery's Virtues Whet-stone. Reliquise Gethinianae. Or, Some Remains of the Most Ingenious and Excellent Lady, The Lady Grace Gethin, Lately Deceased. Being A Collection of Choice Discourses, Pleasant Apothegmes, and Witty Sen- tences. Written by Her for the most part, by way of Essay, and at Spare Hours. Published by her nearest Rela- tions to preserve her Memory, and digested for Method's sake under proper ea Dy . 4< Author. 1699, Title, 1 leaf : dedication to Sir George Norton of Abbot's Leigh, Co. Somerset, Ijy T. M. 2 leaves: verses written by the Author, an. fet. 11, and verses by W. C 1 leaf; To the Reader, 1 leaf : B— N in fours : the Funeral Sermon, with a sepa- rate title, dated 1700, A— D in fours. The maxims, &c. , are copied out of Bacon. It does not appear certain that to this first edition belongs the portrait or the two prints which occur in that of 1703. The Sermon was by Dr. Birch, Prebend of Westminster. The dedication to it is signed F. O. The first and third editions (I have not seen the second) are typogra- phically identical, except an additional copy of verses by Congreve in the latter, and a new titlepage. GHOST. The Ghost Or The Woman wears the Breeches. A Comedy Written in the Year mdcxl. London, Printed by Wil- liam Bcntley for Thomas Heath dwelling in Russell-street in Covent-garden near GIANT. 249 GIG ANT OM A CHI A. the Piazza. 1653. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B— G in fours, G 4 blank. GIANT. A Dyscription of an monstenis gyaunte. Licensed to John Allde in 1567-8. GIBBON, CHAELES. The Remedie of Reason : Not so com- fortable for matter, as compendious for memorie. Wherein the ignorant may gather instruction, the learned confirma- tion, all men consolation. By Charles Gibbon. Imprinted at London by Tho- mas Orwin. 1590. 4'', A — K in fours. Dedicated to Sir Robert Jarmin Knight: And to the TVorshipfuU Henrie Blagge Esquire. Lanibeth. A Watch-worde for Warre. Not so new as necessary: Published by reason of the disperced rumors amongst vs, and the Buspected comming of the Spanyard against vs. Wherein \ve may learne how to prepare our seines to repell the Ene- mie, and to behaue our selues all the tyme of that trouble. Compendious for the memorie, comfortable for the matter, profitable for the tyme. [Quot. from Ezekiel.] Printed by lohn Legat, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1596. 4^, A — H 2 in fours. Dedicated by C[harles] G[ibbon] to the Mayor &c. of King's Lynn. With an acrostic on Elisahetha Regina at A 2. GIBBON, JOHN, Bluemantle-Pwsuivant. Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam. An Essay to a more Correct Blason in Latine than formerly hath been used. Collected out of Approved Modern Authors . . . Authore Johanne Gibbono Armorum Servulo, quem a Mantello dicunt Caeruleo. London, Printed by J. M. for the Author. ...1682. 8°, A— M 4 in eights. With cuts. There is a printed leaf before the title. Day-Fatality : Or, Some Observations of Days Lucky and Unlucky. Penn'd and Publish'd whilst His Present Majesty, , . . James 11. was Duke of York, Persecuted by the Excluding Party, and Retir'd into the Low-Countries. . . . The Second Im- pression, with Large Additions. To which is Added, Prince-Protecting Pro- vidences ; And the Swans Welcome. All Written by an Officer at Arms. . . . London, Printed by Alexander Milbourn for the Author : . . . 1686. Folio, A— C in twos repeated, the last leaf blank. GIBBON, NICHOLAS. The Scheme Or Diagramme Adjusted for Future use, in a larger Prodromus ere long to be published ; and whereof this is then to be a Part. At present Printed for private Hands, [to beg. with, by N. Gibbon.] Folio, A — H, 2 leaves each. There is no regular title or printer's name. It seems to have been issued about 1660, and the copy here used has MSS. cor- rections, as well as the words between brackets above, in a coeval hand, probably the author's. GIBBONS, ORLANDO. The First set of Madrigals . . . 1612. Collation : A— C in fours to each of the five parts. GIFT. A newe yeres gyfte. Licensed to Tho- mas Purfoot in 1565-6. A newe yeres gefte. Licensed to W. Grifiith in 1567-8. A newe yeres gyfte, Or, A new Christe crosse Roo Called Purge the old levyn that yt may be newe doo. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569-70. A new yeres gyfte. Licensed to John Allde in 1570-1. A newe yeres guifte for the yere 1577. Licensed to John Aide, 31 Dec. 1576. A New Yeeres Gift. The Covrte of Ciuill Courtesie : Fitly furnished with a pleasant porte of stately phrases and pithie pre- cepts : assembled in the behalfe of all younge Gentlemen, and others, that are desirous to frame their behauiour accord- ing to their estates, at all times, and in all companies: Therby to purchase worthy prayse, of their inferiours : and estima- tion and credite amonge theyre betters. Out of Italian, by S. R. Gent. Imprinted at London, by Richard Jhones. Prima lanuarij. 1577. 4^, black letter. A— H 2 in fours. Puttick and Simpson, July 4, 1877, No. 216, imperfect. The. vj. newe yeres gift and iiijth pro- clamacon of outlawrye, &c. Licensed to John Allde, 26 Jan. 1578-9. A Newe yeeres guifte. Tolerated to John Allde, 31 Dec. 1580. GIGANTOMACHIA. Gigantomachia. Or a Full, and True Relation of the Great and Bloody Fight, betwene Three Pagan Knights, and a Christian Gyant. London, Printed and Sold by Richard Jane way, 1682. 4^, A — C 2 in fours. In verse. GILBERT. !50 GLANVILL. GILBERT, ELEAZER, Minister of the Word. The Prelatical Cavalier Catechized, and the Protestant Souldier incouraged. By a Missive sent to King Charles in the name of the Protestants beyond Seas. . . . London, Printed for Robert Leybourn, and Richard Wodenothe, . . . 1645. 4*^, B — E in fours, E 4 l^lank, and the title. GILBERT, SAMUEL, of Bewdly, Worces- tershire. The Florists Vade-Mecum. Being a Choice Compendium of whatever worthy Kotice hath been Extant for the Propa- gation ... of Flowers, and Plants. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Simmons ... 1682. 12'', A— N 6 in twelves, no A 4. With a portrait by R. White. GILBERT, WILLIAM, of Colchester, M.D. De Magnete, Magneticisqve Corporibvs, et de Magno magnete tellure, Physio- logia noua, plurimis & argumentis, & ex- perimentis demonstrata. Londini Excv- debat Petrvs Short Anno mdc. Folio. *, 8 leaves : A — V in sixes, besides a folded leaf after R 4. With cuts. Prefixed is an Epistle to the author by Edward Wright. GILDAS. Opvs Novvm. Gildas Brittannvs Mo- nachvs cvi Sapientis cognometu est in- ditum, de calamitate, excidio, & conquestu Britannise, quam Angliam nunc uocant, author uetustus a multis diu desideratus, & nuper in gratiam. D. Cutteberti Tons- talli, Londinen. Episcopi formulis ex- ciisus. In hoc Avthore, preter multi- plicem hie illic historiaru interpositionem, uidere licet grauissimas illius temporis Regu, . . . correptioes. . . . No place or ])rinters name [? 1525.] 8°, A — F 4 in eights. Edited by Polydore Vergil, and dedi- cated by him to Bishop Tunstall. Gilda), Cvi Cognomentum est sapientis, de excidio & conquestu BritanniaB, ac flebili castigatione in reges, principes, & sacerdotes epistoLa, vetustissimoruni ex- emplariorum auxilio non solum a medis plurimis vindicata, sed etiam accessione eoru, qua3 in prima editione a Polydoro Vergilio refccta erant, multipliciter aucta. 1568. Londini excudebat loannes Daius. Cum priuilegio ... 8", A — O 3 in eiglits, A 7 occupied by a woodcut and 8 lihink. "With a preface by Jolm Josselyn, ad- dressed to Archbishop Tarker. A Description of the State of Great Brit- tain, Written Eleven Hundred Yeares ^ince. By that ancient and famous Author Gildas, sir-named the Wise, and. for the Excellency of the Work translated into English . . . With his sharpe and Christian reproofe to the Kings andPriests of those Times. London, Printed and are to be sokl by John Hancock in Popes -Head -Alley. 1652. 12^ *, 4 leaves, including general title as above : A, 12 leaves : a — e 7 in twelves : B — P 8 in twelves, P 8 blank. With a portrait. GILPIN, GEORGE. Tlie Bee hiue of the Romish Church . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Daw- son dwelling at the three Cranes in the vinetree. 1598. 8°. *, 8 leaves, first blank : ** 8 leaves : 1 and HIT, 8 leaves each : (£ to 3 (£, 8 leaves each: A — Yy 4 in eights, Yy 4 blank. B. M. The Bee Hive of the Romish Chvrch . . . London. Printed by lohn Dawson. 1623. 8°, partly black letter. * 8 leaves : ^, 7 leaves : IT — IF (4) in eights, but only 2 leaves in H (4) : A — Yy 2 in eights. The Bee Hive of the Romish Chvrch . . . London, Printed by M. Dawson, and are to be sold by Mathew Simmons . . . 1636. 8^. Frontispiece and first titlepage as above, 2 leaves : second title Avith a diffe- rent imprint, &c. * and **, 8 leaves each : IT — 5 IT 2 in eights : A — Yy 2 in eights. B. M. GIRAFFI, ALEXANDER. An Exact Historie of the late Revolutions in Naples ; And of their monstrous Suc- cesses, Not to be parallel'd by any An- cient or Modern History. Published by Lord Alexander Girafh, an Italian ; And (for the rarenesse of the subject) rendred to English, By J. H. Esq ; . . . London : Printed by R. A. for R. Lowndes. 1656. 8*'. A, 4 leaves : B— in eights, O 8 blank. Dedicated by J, Howell to the Governor, &c., of the Levant Company. GLANVILL, JOSEPH, F.R.S. A Blow at Modern Saddvcism in some Philosophical Considerationsabout Witch- craft. To Avhich is added. The Relation of the Fam'd Disturbance by the Drum- mer, in the House of Mr. "^ John Mou- pesson : With some Reflections on Droll- ery, and Atheisme. By a JMember of the Royal Society. London, Printed bv E. C. for James Collins, . . . 1668. 8^, A — L in eights, A 2 occupied by a dupli- cate and varying title in which the work is entitled: "A Philosophical Endeavour in the Defence of the Being of Witches and Apparitions : Witli some things con- GLASS. 251 GOD. cerning the Famous Greatreks. "Written in a Letter to the much Honoured, Robert Hunt, Esq;" Saducismus Triumphatus : Or, Full and Plain Evidence Concerning Witches and Apparitions. In Two Parts. . . . Tlie Third Edition The Advantages whereof above the former, the Reader may under- stand out of Dr. H. More's Account pre- fixed, thereunto. With two Autlientick, but wonderful Stories of certain Swedish Witches ; done into English by A. Hor- neck, D.D. London, Printed for S. L, and are to be sold by Anth. Baskervile, . . . MDCLXXXix. 8°, A — Pp 3 in fours, besides the frontispiece in compartments. A Poem : Dedicated to the Memory, and Lamenting the Death of Her Late Sacred Majesty of the Small-Pox. By Mr. Glan- vill of Lincolns-Inn. . . . London, Printed for John Newton, . . . 1695. Folio, 6 leaves. GLASS. Beholde the glasse of yonge servynge men. A ballad. Printed without licence by John Harrison in 1558-9. A lokynge glasse. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1568. The description of the glasse of Comforte. Licensed to John Charlwood, 24 Septem- ber, 1576. A looking glasse of preceptes. A ballad. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A looking glasse for eche Degree. Li- censed to Abel Jeffes, 18 May, 1595. GLOBE THEATRE. A ballad called, the sodayne Burninge of the Globe on the Bankside in the Play tyme on Saint Peters day last 1613. Licen; 1613. GLOSSOGRAPHI A NOVA. Glossographia Anglicana Nova : Or, A Dictionary, Interpreting Such Hard Words of whatever Language, as are at present used in the English Tongue, with their Etymologies, Definitions, &c. very useful to all those that desire to under- stand what they read. London, Printed for Dan. Brown, . . . 1707. S*^. A, 4 leaves : B — Hhhh 4 in eights. GLOUCESTER. A true Relation of the severall passages which have happened to our Army since it advanced towards Glocester, with the manner of the reliefe of the same. Related in a Letter from a Friend in the Army, to an Honourable person here in the City. Likewise An Abstract of severall remarkable passages, which happened at Glocester betweene the Towne and the Enemy, in the time of the Siege, collected by an Eye-witnesse. London, Printed by G. Dexter, for Stephen Bowtell, . . . Anno 1643. Sept. 14. 4^. 4 leaves. B. M. Strange and True New^es from Glocester, Or, A perfect Relation of the Wonderful! and Miraculous Power of God shewed for injustice at Fairford, betwixt Farrington and Scicester ; w^iere an innumerable company of Froggs and Toads (on a sudden) over-spread the Ground . . . Also a great and terrible Earth-quake . . . Likewise the -wonderful example of Gods Justice in the sudden and dreadful Death of the Clark's Daughter of Brokington in Gloucestershire, . . . London, Printed by J. C. for N. T. 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. The Laws and Customs of the Miners in the Forrest of Dean, in the County of Gloucester. London, Printed for William Cooper . . . 1687. 12°, 11 leaves. The Orders and Rules of the Court of St. Briavells, in the Forrest of Dean, in the County of Gloucester. As they are to be seen in the same Court. London, Printed for William Cooper . . . 1687. 12°, 12 leaves. This and the preceding properly form one book, making A — B in twelves. ' GLOUCESTER, HENRY, Diike of. An Eligie upon the universally-lamented Death of the thrice Noble and Vertuous Prince, Henry Duke of Gloucester. . . . London : Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, . . . [1660.] A sheet. Omry Cat. 185. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Proposals Humbly offer'd to the Honour- able House of Commons, by the Glouces- tershire Clothiers, and other Woollen Manufactories, for the more effectual pre- venting the Exportation of Wooll, &c. [About 1700.] A sheet. GLOVER, MARMADUKE. The fatall fall of Marmaduke Glouer in- tituled lo here a myroer portraid plaine. Licensed to R. Jones, 29 March, 1580. A frendly caveat to all gentlemen by Marmaduke Glouer. Licensed to William Bartlett, 29 March 1580. An example by y° death of Marmaduke Glouer. Item a ruefull report of that grievous mischance. Licensed to William Wright, 31 March, 1580. GOD. God amende all y* that ys amysse / And God sende love where none ys. GODARTIUS. 252 GOFFE. A ballad. Licensed to John Allde in 1567. A callynge to Remembraunce of Gods mercye. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1567-8. GODARTIUS, JOHANNES. Of Insects. Done into English, and Me- thodized, with the Addition of Notes. The Figures Etched upon Copper by Mr. F. P[lace.] York. Printed by John White for M. L. 1682. 4«, A— T 2 in fours, A 1 blank. With 14 folded leaves containing 144 etchings of insects. 150 copies printed privately for Dr. Mar- tin Lister. GODET, GILES, Engraver and Publisher. The pycture of kynge Henry the Eiygthe. Licensed to Giles Godet in 1562-3. The pycture of the Devell and the pope. Licensed to Giles Godet in 1562-3. The Twelue monyths. A story [with pictures?] Licensed to Giles Godet in 1564-5. A pycture made vpon the v*^ of saynte Pawle to the Romaynes. Licensed to Giles Godet in 1565-6. GODFREY, SIR EDMONDBURY. The Proclamation Promoted, Or An Hue- and-Cr}^and Inquisition after Treason and Blood ; Upon the Inhumane and horrid Murder of that Noble Knight, Impartial Justice of Peace, and Zealous Protestant, Sir Edmondberry Godfry of Westminster. An hasty Poem. London, Printed for J. L. at the Blew-Bell in Fleet-street, MDCLXXviii. A folio leaf. A True and Perfect Narrative of the late Terrible and Bloody Murther of Sr Ed- mondberry Godfrey ; Who was found Murthered on Thursday the 17^'^ of this Instant October, in a Field near Prim- rose-Hill. With a full Accompt of the manner of his being Murthered, and in what manner he was Found. Also, Tbe full Proceedings of the Coroner, who sat upon the Inquest, &c. With Allowance. Printed by N. T. 1678. 4«, 4 leaves. The Tryals of Robert Green, Henry Barry, & Lawrence Hill, For the Murder (jf S'". Edmond-bury Godfrey K"^ One of His Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of ISIiddlesex ; At tlie Kings- Bench Bar at Westminster, Before the Right Honourable Sir William Scroggs Kt . Lord Chief Justice of that Court, and the rest of His Majesties Judges there; On Monday the lOt^*' of February 167f. Where, upon full Evidence they were Convicted, and received Sentence accordingly, on Tuesday the next day following. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet . . . 1679. Folio, A— Aa in twos. Memoires of the Life and Death of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, Late Justice of tiie Peace for Middlesex, who was Bar- barously Murthered by the Papists, upon the first Discovery of the Horrid Plot : Together M'ith a full Account of the strange Discovery of the Murther, the Tryal of the Murtherers, and the Sham- Plot of the Papists to charge the Murther of Sir Edm. Godfrey upon himself. De- tected. London, Printed for John Han- cock, . . . and Enoch Prosser . . . 1682. 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B — L 4 in eights, in- cluding a poem at the end called " A Proclamation Promoted." With a por- trait. GODWIN, THOMAS, M.A. Romanse Historife Anthologia. An Eng- lish Exposition of the Romane Antiqvi- ties, wherein many Romane and English offices are paralleld and divers obscure phrases explained. By Thomas Goodwyn, Master of Arte : For the vse of Abingdon Schoole. At Oxford, Printed by Joseph Barnes. 1614. 4°. % 4 leaves : B— Dd 2 in fours. Dedicated to Dr. Francis James. Often reprinted. GOFFE, THOMAS, M.A. The Raging Tvrke. Or, Baiazet the Second. A Tragedie written by Thomas Gofie, Master of Arts, and Student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and Acted by the Students of the same house. Monstra fato, scelera moribus imputes Det ille veniam facile cui venia est opus. London : Printed by Avgvst. Mathewes, for Richard Meighen. 1631. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B — 2 in fours. Dedicated by the publisher to Sir Richard Tichborne Knight. The Covragiovs Tvrke, Or, Amvrath the First. A Tragedie, Written by Thomas Golfe Master of Arts, and Student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and Acted by the Students of the same House. London Printed by B. Alsop, and T. Fawcet, for Richard Meighen. 1633. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B — I 2 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Walter Tichborne by the publislier, who appears to be the writer of tlie lines which succeed, headed: "To the Avthor in tliat Transcribing his Book without bis knowledge I was bound by pro- mise to stand to bis pleasure to keepe it or GOLD. 253 GOODRIDGE. burne it." Meighen speaks of Goffe as dead, and of his other play, the "Raging Turk," having been dedicated to Sir Wal- ter's brother, Sir Richard Tichborue. GOLD. By the King. A Proclcamation concern- ing Gold-weights. Imprinted at London by Eobert Barker, . . . m.dcxxxii. A sheet. Black letter. Forster Coll. A Proclamation for the restraint of the consumption of the Coyne and Bullion of this Realme, and the deceitfull making of Gold and Siluer Threed, and for the re- gulating thereof for the time to come. [18 January, 1634-5.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1635. Forster Coll. GOXSALES, DOMINGO. The Man in the Moone, written in Spanish by Domingo Gonsales, and trans- lated into English by Edward Mahon gent. Licensed to Joshua Kirton and Thomas Warren, 1 Aug. 1638. GONSALVIUS MONTANUS, REGI- NALDUS. A Fvll Ample and Pvnctvall Discovery of the Barbarous, Bloody, and inhumane practises of the Spanish Inquisition, against Protestants : With the original! thereof. Manifested in their proceedings against sundry particular persons, as well English as others, upon whom they have executed their Diabolicall Tyrannic . . . translated into English. Loudon, Printed for lohn Bellamy, . . . 1625. 4*^, B— Cc in fours, Cc 4 blank, and the title. Another titlepage was given, with a table and preface, altogether 16 leaves, the same year. GOODCOLE, HENRY. A True Declaration of the happy Con- uersion, contrition, and Christian prepa- ration of Francis Robinson, Gentleman. Who for Covnterfeeting the Great Scale of England, was drawen, Hang'd, and quartered at Charing-Crosse, on Friday last, being the Thirteenth day of Nouem- ber, 1618. Written by Henry Goodcole, ... his daily visiter, . . . London. Printed by Edw: All-de, dwelling neere Christ- church. 1618. 4°, A— C in fours. Dedi- cated to Sir H. Mountagu. Br. Museum (Jolley's copy). A Trve Relation of two most strange and fearefuU Accidents, lately happening. The one at Chagford in Deuonshire, by the falling of the Stanary Court-house, the 6. day of March last. The other at Branton within a mile of Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire, this present yeare 1618. London, Printed for H. G. and are to be sold by I. Wright, at the signe of the Bible without New-gate. 1618. 4^, black letter, A— B in fours, first leaf blank. With a large woodcut on the title. Londons Cry. By Master Goodcole. Licensed to John Isam, 13 December, 1619. The wonderfull Discovery of Eliz. Sawyer a Witch late of Edmonton, by Henry Goodcoale. Licensed to William Butler, 27 April, 1621. The Adultresses Funerall Day : In flam- ing, scorching, and consuming fire : Or the burning downe to ashes of Alice Clarke late of Vxbridge in the County of Middlesex, in West-Smithfield on Wed- nesday the 20. of May, 1635 .. . By her daily Visiter H. G. . . . London Printed by N. and I. Okes . . . 1635. 4°. A, 3 leaves (A 3 perhaps wrongly marked A 2) : B— C 2 in fours. Woodcut on title. Heavens Speed ie Hue and Cry after Lust and Murther. Manifested upon the suddaine apprehendhig of Thomas Shear- wood and Elizabeth Evans, whose manner of Lives, Death, and free Confessions, are heere expressed. Also some new Addi- tions, concerning the man that was tide to the Gibbet, with a discovery of those places where such kind of lewde people haunt and resort unto, and by what signes and tokens you may discover them : disclosed by this Sherwood a little before his death. Who were Exe- cuted the one upon the 14. and the other on the 17. of this Month of April 1635. neere to the place where the facts were committed, and he now hangeth in chaines at Kings-Crosse. Written by H[enry] G[oodcole] their daily Visiter, at the time of their Imprisonment, and severall dayes of Execution. Published by Authority. London Printed by N. and I. Okes, . . . 1635. 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 occupied by a woodcut repre- senting Countrey Tom (Sherwood) and Canberry Besse (Evans) hanging, and the instrument with which they worked. Br. Museuvi. A booke called Natures crvell stepdames or matchles Monsters of the female sex by Master [Henry] Goodcole. Licensed to Francis Coles, 26 April, 1637. GOODRIDGE, RICHARD. The Psalter or Psalms of David Para- phras'd in Verse. . . . The Second Edition, wherein the whole Number is Compleated. GOODWIN. 254 COUNTER. By Richard Goodridge . . . Oxford Printed by L. Lichfield ... for Jo. Crosley. 1684. 8°. A. 8 leaves : (a)— (c 2) in eights : B— K in eights, K 8 blank. GOODWIN, JOHN. The Butchers Blessing, Or The Bloody Intentions of Romish Cavaliers against the City of London above other places. Demonstrated by 5. Arguments, to the Right Honourable the Lord Major. . . . Delivered by way of Prologue before a Sermon the last Publique Fast-Day. By J. Goodwin. London : Printed for Henry Overton . . . 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. Sion-Colledg visited. Or, Some briefe Animadversions upon a Pamphlet lately published, under the title of, A Testimonie to the Truth of Jesus Christ ... By the said John Goodwin. . . . London, Printed by M. S. for Henry Overton, . . . 1648. 4*^, A — D in fours. GORDON, D. Pharmaco-Pinax, Or A Table and Taxe of the Pryces of all vsuall Medicaments, simple and composed, contayned in D. Gordons Apothecarie and Chyniicall Shop, within Mr. Robert Farqhvar's high Lodging, in New Aberdene. To- gether with certayne approved Remedies against Diseases. . . . Aberdene, Im- printed bv Edward Raban, Anno 1625. 4*^, A— F 2 in fours. GORDON, JOHN. Panegyriqve de Congratvlation, pour la Concorde des Royaumes de la Grande Bretaigne, en vnite de Religion, & vnique Royaute. A Tres-haut, . . . Jacques Roy d'Angleterre . . . Par Jean de Gor- (l(jn Escossois, sieur de Long-orme, Gentil liomme ordinaire de la chambre du Roy Tres - Chrestian. A La Rochelle, Par Jean Le Fevre. m.dciii. 8°, A— E in eights, E 7 with Errata, E 8 blank. GORE, THOMAS. Catalogus Al])liabetico digestus, Plero- rumque omnium Authorum, (lam Anti- quorum qukm Recentiorum) Qui de Re Heraldica Latine, Gallice, ... (as be- low) scripserunt : . . . A Thoma Gore, De Aldringon.\, aliiis Aldertona, in Agro AViltoniensi Ariiiiuero. Oxon. Tvpis H. H. An. Dom. 1668. 4". Catalogus in certa Capita, sen Classes, Alphabetico Ordine Concinnatus, Plero- rtimque omnium Authorum, (lam Anti- quorum qui\m Recentiorum) Qui de Re Heraldica LatinO, GallicO, ItalicO, His- panice, Germanice, Anglice, Scripserunt: ... A Thoma Gore, Armig. . . . Oxon. . . . 1674. 4''. GORETIUS, L. Oratio Leonhardi Goretii Eqvitis Poloni de raatrimonio serenissimi acpotentissimi, serenissim£e potentissimeq; Dei gratia Re- gis ac Regina) Anglice, Hispanise, &c. Ad populum principesq; Anglioe. Lon- dini. In sedibus Guilhelmi Powell. Anno. 1554, 4^, A — K in fours. GORING, GEORGE, Lord. George Lord Goring, Generall of all His Majesties Forces of Horse, that are, or shall be raised in the Kingdom and Do- minion of Wales, and LieutenantrGenerall to His Highness Prince Rupert of this Western Army. [A Proclamation re- garding certain proceedings in Somer- setshire, dated Exon. 20 Sept. 1645.] A sheet. B. M. GOTHOFREDUS, JACOBUS. The History of the United Provinces of Achaia. Collected in Latine by the Learned Jacobvs Gothofredvs, And rendred into English, with some Addi- tions, By Henry Stvbbe. London : Printed by Andrew Clark for Jonathan Edwin. . . . 1673. 4*^, A— E 2 in fours. GOUGE, W. A Short Catechisme, . . . The seventh Edition, corrected and Inlarged by Wil- liam Govge. London : Printed by John Beale. 1635. 8°, A— C in eights. GOUGH, JOHN. The Strange Discovery: A Tragi-Comedy. Written by J. G. Gent. London: Printed by E. G. for William Leake . . . 1640. 4°, B— M in fours, M 4 blank, and the titlepage. Without any prefixes. GOULD, ROBERT. Poems Chietly consisting of Satyrs and Satyrical Epistles. By Robert Gould. London, Printed, and are to be sold by most Booksellers in London and West- minster. MDCLXxxix. 8**, A — X in eights, A 1 and X 8 blank, and a, 8 leaves Abingdon. A Poem most humbly offered to the Memory of Her late Sacred Majesty, Queen Mary. By R, Gould. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson and Francis Saunders, . . . 1695. Folio, 8 leaves. COUNTER, COLONEL, of Radon . The Last Act iu the Miraculous Story of liis ]\Iajesty, King Charles the Second's Escape out of the Reach of His Tyran- Dedicated to James, Earl of GOVERN A L. =55 GRAMMAR. nical Enemies. By Colouel Gounter, of Racton, who had the happiness to be in- strumental in the business. Now first published from the Original MS. Lon- don : 1846. Small 8^ pp. 16. GOVERNAL OF HEALTH. [The Gouernayle of helthe and medicina stomachi. W. Caxton, circa 1489.] 4^, 18 leaves. Without title, folios and catchwords. Ham House. Eeprinted by Blades in 1858. The ori- ginal Latin author is somewhat uncertain. In one MS. he is called Bartholomeus, and in another John of Bordeaux. GOWER, CHRISTOPHER. The wave to fayre wrytinge in very apt and plaine maner Discouered digested and sett forth in two partes by Cris- tofer Gower. With a forme of prynted paper meete to be vsed by those y* are desirous to attaine thereunto, and may serue for the moore Redie vse and helpe of sundry artificers that woork in mettall Stone Tymber, Sylk Clothe Tapestrye, &c. Licensed to C. Gower, 11 March, 1586-7. GOWRY. The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie of Scotland. At Saint lohn-stoun vpon Tuesday the fift of August, 1600. London Printed by Va- lentine Simraes, dwelling on Adling hill, at the signe of the white Swanue. 1600. 4°, black letter, A — D in fours. GRACES. Certen graces to be sayde before Denner and after Denner. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1561-2. GRAFTON, GEORGE. A prodegious history, [by George Graf- ton.] Licensed anonymously in 1566, and again in 1566-7 with Grafton's name as the author. GRAFTON, RICHARD, Printer. An abridgement of the Chronicles of England, gathered by Richard Grafton, citizen of London. Anno Do. 1563. Perused and allowed ... In sedibus Richardi Tottyll. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Imprinted at London ... by Richard Tottyll. the 21. daye of February in the yere of our Lord. 1562. 8°, black letter. A — B 4 in eights, B i blank : A (re- peated) — Z 4 in eights. Dedicated to Lord Robert Dudley. * An abridgement of the Chronicles of England, . . . Anno Do. 1564. Perused and allowed, ... In sedibus Richardi Tottyll. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Im- printed at London ... by Richard Tottyll. Anno. 1564. 8*^, black letter. A— B 4 in eights, B i blank : A (re- peated) — Bb 3 in eights. This is partly made up from the edition of 15G2-3. Graftons Abridgement of the Chronicles of Eiiglande, newely corrected and aug- mented, to this present yere of our Lord. 1570. And in thende of thys Abridge- ment is added a proper and necessary Treatise . . . [Col.] Londini, in aedil)U3 Richardi Tottelli. Cum Priuilegio. 1571. 8'', black letter. Title, &c., 24 leaves in 4 sheets of eight (C, &c.) A — li in eights. Graftons Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande, newely corrected and aug- mented, to thys present yere of our Lord. 1572. [Col.] Londini, In aedibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum Priuilegio. 1572. 8^, black letter. C, 8 leaves : 2 IT— 4 IT, 8 leaves each : A — li in eights. A Manuell of the Chronicles of Englande from the creacion of the worlde, to this yere of our Lorde. 1565. Abridged and collected by Richard Grafton. Imprinted at London by Jhon Kingston. Very small 8°, black letter. Title, Calendar, and Almanac, 8 leaves : A, 4 leaves : a — 4 in eights. A litle treatise, conteyning many proper Tables and rules, very necessary for the vse of al men, . . . Collected and set forthe by Richard Grafton. 1571. Lon- dini. In sedibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio ... 8°, black letter. A— G in eights, G 7—8 blank. GRAMMAR. Rvdimenta Grammatices et Docendi me- thodus, non tarn scholae Gypsuichiana3 per reuerendissimum D. Thoma Cardi- nale Ebor. feliciter institutae. q oibus aliis totius Anglie scholis prescripta. [Col.] Excusum per me Petrum Treueris anno verbi incarnati milessimo quinge- tesimo vigesimo .ix. die mesis lunii quarto. 4«, A— I in fours, I 4 blank. _A rather particular description of this hitherto unrecorded Southwark edition may be acceptable. The copy was brought under my notice by Mr. John Bohn at Sotheby's, April 15, 1880. It seems to vary in arrangement from the later issues. The title is within a border of pieces, the lower portion beneath the particulars given above being occupied by "Wolsey's arms ; the reverse is blank. On A 2 occurs : Ad Lectorem, a set of Latin hexameters and pentameters, followed on the reverse by "Wolsey's preface, dated Aug. 1, 1528. The Methodus fills the four next pages. On B i recto come the JRules, succeeded by GRANGER. 256 GRAY the Articles of Faith, Precepts of Living, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, &c. On C i recto we get An Introduction of the parts of Speaking, which extends to G 4 recto. The last division consists of Lily's Rudiments, except some verses by him De Moribus, &c., on the last four pages. A good deal of the book is in English. Institvtio Compendiaria Totivs Gramma- ticae, Qvam et Ervditissimiis atq; idem iliiistrissimiis Rex noster hoc nomine euulgari iiissit, ut non alia q haec una per totam Angliam pueris prrelegeratur. Lon- dini. Anno m.d.xl. [Col.] Londini Ex Officina Thomse Bertheleti Typis Impres. . . . Anno Verbi Incarnati. m.d.xl. 4°. A, 6 leaves, A 5-6 with the Errata : B — T in fours: V, 6 leaves. Lambeth (on vellum). The woodcut title and the initial letters, as well as the Prince of "Wales' feathers on A 5, have unfortunately been coloured. GRANGER, TIMOTHY. A songe of Peters Delyveraunce out of Herodes handes, by Granger. Licensed to Peter French in 1569-70. GRANT, EDWARD, i/a«.D. A Facile Traictise Concernand first ane infallible reul to discerne trew from fals religion : Nixt, a declaration of the Nature, Number, Yertew & effects of the sacraments togider with certaine Prayeres of deuotion. ... Be Maister Ihone Hamilton Doctor in Theologie. ... At Lovan. Imprinted be Laurence Kellam. Anno Dom. m.dc. 12^. *, 12 leaves: **, 6 leaves : A — S in twelves : T — X in sixes, two last pages at end occupied by verses " on the use of the Crucifix." HAMOND, GEORGE. A Discourse of Angels : Their Nature and Office, or Ministry. . . . Also some- thing touching Devils and Apparitions, and Impulses With a Practical Improve- ment of the Particulars handled, and of the whole Doctrine of Angels, especially for the promoting of an Angelical Life. . . . London : Printed for Thomas Park- hurst . . . 1701. 4°, A— Ss 2 in fours. HAMMOND, HENRY. A Copy of Some Papers Past at Oxford, betwixt the Author of the Practicall Catechisme [H. Hammond] and Mr. Ch[eynell.] London, Printed by R. Cotes for Richard Royston . . . 1647. 4°, B — R in fours, the title, and a leaf of S. Of Fraternal Admonition, Or Correp- tion. By Hy. Hammond, D.D. London, Printed for R. Royston . . . 1647. 4°, B— E in fours, E 4 blank, and the title. To the Right Honourable, the Lord Fair- fax, And his Covncell of Warre : The Hvmble Addresse of Henry Hammond. London, Printed for Richard Royston. . . . M.DC.XL.ix. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. A Vindication of Dr. Hammond's Ad- dresse, &c. From the Exceptions of Evtactvs Philodemivs. . . . London, Printed for R. Royston . . . 1649. 4°, A — F in fours, last leaf blank. HAMMOND, JOHN. Leah and Rachel, Or, the two Fruitfull Sisters Virginia, And Mary-Land : Their Present Condition, Impartially stated and related. With a Removall of such Imputations as are scandalously cast on those Countries, whereby many deceived Souls, chose rather to Beg, Steal, rot in Prison, and come to shameful deaths, then to better their being by going thither, wherein is plenty of all things necessary for Humane subsistance. [Quot. from Eccles. 22 v. 8.] London, Printed by T. Mabb, and are to be sold by Nich. Bourn, neer the Royall Exchange, 1656. 4°, A — E in fours, A i blank. Dedicated by the writer "To His Honoured and Worthy Friends the Worshipfull William Stone Esquire, Governour ; and Leivt. General of the Province of Mar\^-land. And Mr. James Williamson of Rapa- hanock in Virginia Gentleman." HAMPDEN, JOHN, M.F. A Discreet and Learned Speech : Spoken in the Parliament, on Wednesday, the 4. of January, 1641. By Mr. Hampden, Burgess for Buckingham. Concerning the Accusation of High Treason, preferred by His Majesty, against himselfe the Lord Kimbolton, Sir Arthur Haslerig, Mr. Pym, Mr. Strowd, Mr. Hollis, formerly Members of the House of Commons. Therein worthily declaring the diff"erence betwixt a good subject and a bad, and referring his own Triall to the ludge- ment of the Honorable Assembly. Lon- don Printed for F. Coules and T. B. 1641. 4^", 4 leaves. With cuts of two fighting cocks on the title. HAMPSHIRE. The Cry of the Oppressed ; Or, The Groans of the poor People of the City of HAMPTON. 268 HARRINGTON. Winchester, ... In a clear Discovery of the Great and Unparallel'd Breaches made and Committed by Thomas Mus- pratt an Alderman of the said City, upon the Persons, Rights, ... of divers Citizens and Inhabitants there, . . . Lon- don. Printed in the Year 1660. 4°, A — B 2 in fours. HAMPTON, BARNABAS. The principal parts of the Grammer to Propria quce Maribus, as alsoe Prosodia gramatically construed. Licensed to Mas- ter Young and Master Roger Norton, 9 November, 1639. HAMPTON, CHRISTOPHER, B.D. A Sermon Preached in the Cittie of Glasco in Scotland, on the Tenth day of June, 1610. At the holding of a generall Assembly there . . . London : Printed by T. S. for Henry Fetherstone, . . . 1611. 4"^, A, 2 leaves : B— H in fours. HANGMAN. A ballad entituled The hangmans holye- daie. Licensed to R. Jones, 15 June, 1590. HANNAH. Hanna and Phenanua. A ballad. Li- censed to T. Colwell in 1567. HARINGTON, SIR JOHN. An Apologie. 1. Or rather a retractation. 2. Or rather a recantation. 3. Or rather a recapitulation. 4. Or rather a replication. 6. Or rather an examination. 6. Or rather an accusation. 7. Or rather an explication. 8. Or rather an exhortation. 9. Or rather a consideration. 10. Or rather a confirmatio. 11. Or rather all of them. 12. Or rather none of them. [This occurs on Aa as a headline, there being no other titlepage. London, October, 1596 ?] 8°, Aa— Dd 3 in eights. The Most Elegant and Witty Epigrams of Sir lohn Harington, Knight. Di- gested into Fovre Bookes : Three whereof neuer before published. Fama honum quo 71011 fcelicuis vllum. London, Printed by G. P. for lohn Budge : . . . 1618. 8^ A, 4 leaves : B— M in eights, fol- lowed by an unmarked loaf. Dedicated to the Marquis of Buckingham by the publisher. HARMONIA. Harmonia Festiva, Being the Eighth Opera of Divine Mottetts. Cuinpos'd by Seignior Bassani. For a Single Voice with proper Symphonies . . . London : Printed by William Pearson for John CuUen . . . [Circa 1700.] Folio, pp. 1-84 and the title. Harmonia Sacra ; Or, Divine Hymns and Dialogues : With a Thorow^-Bass for the Theorbo-Lute, Bass- Viol, Harpsichord, or Organ. Composed by the Best Masters of the Last and Present Age. The Words by several Learned and Pious Persons. ... In the Savoy: Printed by Ed- ward Jones, for Henry Playford, . . . MDCLXXXViii. Folio, A — V, 2 leaves each, a, 1 leaf, and X, 1 leaf. Two Divine Hymns : Being a Supple- ment to the Second Book of Harmonia Sacra. London : Printed by W. Pearson, ... for Henry Playford, . . . 1702. Folio, 4 leaves. HARPER. The blende harper. A ballad. Licensed to Ow^en Rogers in 1564-5. The blynde harpers, with the Answere. A ballad. Licensed to Lucas Harrison in 1565-6. HARPER, JOHN. The Jewell of arithmeticke. Licensed to Felix Kingston, 8 March, 1616-17. HARRINGTON, JAMES. The Oceana of James Harrington, and His other w^orks. With An Exact Account of his Life Prefix'd, By John Toland. London, . . . mdcc. Folio. With a frontispiece by Van der Gucht. The Common-Wealth of Oceana. Tan- talus a labris sitiens . . . — Hor. Lon- don, Printed by J. Streater, for Livewell Chapman . . . 1656. Folio, A— B, 2 leaves each : C — Rr in fours. Dedicated to His Highness the Lord Protector. A Discourse Shewing, That the spirit of Parliaments, wdtli a Council in the Inter- vals, Is not to be trusted for a Settlement : Lest it introduce Monarchy, and Perse- cution for Conscience. By James Har- rington. London : Printed by J. C. for Henry Fletcher, . . . 1659. 4*^, 6 leaves. Aphorisms Political. By James Harring- ton. London : Printed by J. C, for Henry Fletcher, . . . [1659.] 4", 6 leaves. The Art of Law-Giving : In III Books. The First, shewing the Foundations and Superstructures of all the kinds of Government. The Second, Shewing the Frames of the Commonwealths of Israel and of the Jews. The Third, shewing a HARRIS. 269 HARTLIB. Model fitted unto the present State, or Balance of tlds Nation. To which is added an Appendix concerning an House of Peers. By J. Harrington. London, Printed by J. C. for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in Pauls Churchyard, near the West-end. 1659. 8^, A— C in eights : no D — G : H — Z in eights. HAREIS, BENJAMIN. The Protestant Cuckold. A New Ballad. Being a full and perfect Relation how B. H. the Protestant News-forger, caught Lis beloved wife Ruth in ill Circum- stances. To the Tune of Packingtons Pound ; Or, Timothy Dash the Scriveners Apprentice. JDeprendi miserum est. — Hor. London : Printed for Francis Smith, 1681. A folio leaf. True and Joyful News : Or a Word of Comfort to the Godly Party: A Poem upon Mr. H — s's late Deliverance. Lon- don, Printed by G. Croom, . . . 1684. A single leaf. To His most Sacred ^Majesty King Wil- liam III. A Congratulatory Poem. As it was Presented to His Majesty, by the Author [Benjamin Harris], at Grace church-street corner. London, Printed, and Sold by B. Harris, . . . 1697. A folio leaf of verses. HARRIS, JOSEPH. The Mistakes, Or, The False Report : A Tragi-Comedy. Acted by their Majesties Servants. Written by Mr. Jos. Harris. The Prologue written by Mr. Dryden, The Epilogue by Mr. Tate. . . . London, Printed for Jo. Hindmarsh. . . . 1691. 4*^, A — L in fours, L 4 blank. Dedicated to Godfrey Kneller Esquire. Love's a Lottery and a Woman the Prize. With a New Masque, call'd Love and Riches Reconcil'd. As it was Acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. London, . . . 1699. 4^, A — E in fours. Dedicated by Joseph Harris to the Countess of Burlington. HARRIS, PAUL. Arctomastix, Sive Edmvndvs Vesvlanvs . propter usurpatum judicium de tribunali dejectus : Et propter libellum famosum in judicium vocatus. Per Paulum Hari- Bium Presb. . . . Anno m.dcxxxiii. 4°, A — P in fours. HARRISON, THOMAS. A Declaration of Maj. Gen. Harrison Prisoner in the Tower of London : With his Rules and Precepts, in all Publike Churches, and Private Congregations : And an Answer thereunto ; Also, the Resolution of the Fifth-Monarchy-Men, Anabaptists, Quakers, and others. Lon- don, Printed for Nathaniel Tomkins, 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. HARSNET, SAMUEL. A Discovery of the Fravdvlent practises of lohn Darrel Bacheler of Artes, in his proceedings Concerning the Pretended Possession and Dispossession of William Somers of Nottingham ; of Thomas Dar- ling, the boy of Burton at Caldwall : and of Katherine Wright at Mansfield, & Whittington : and of his dealings with one Mary Couper at Nottingham, detect- ing in some sort the deceitfull trade in these latter dayes of casting out Deuils. . . . London Imprinted by John Wolfe. 1599. 4°, A— Tt in fours. Lamheth. The preface if signed S[amuel] H[arsnet.l HART, JOHN, Minister of the Word. The Fort-Royal of the Scriptures : Or, The Vade-Mecum Concordance. . . . London, Printed for William Leake, . . . 1649. 8*^, A— Gg in eights. Dedicated by the author to Christian, Countess of Devonshire. With a preface by Patrick Forbes and Christopher Love. HART, SIR WILLIAM. The Examinations, Araignment, & Con- uiction of George Sprot. . . . London : Printed by Melch. Bradwood for William Aspley. 1609. 4*^, A— H in fours, H 4 blank. A new titlepage only. HARTCLIFFE, JOHN, B.D. of King's College, Cambridge. A Treatise of Moral and Intellectual Virtues ; Wherein their Nature is fully explained, and their Usefulness proved, . . . London : Printed for C. Harper, . . . 1691. 8°. A, 8 leaves, A 1 with the Imrprimatur : a — b in eights : B — Dd in eights. Dedicated to Charles, Earl of Macclesfield. HARTGILL, GEORGE. The Prognostication for this yeere of our Lord God, 1581. Written by George Hartgill. . . . Imprinted at London by Richard Watkins, and lames Robertes. Cum Priuilegio. 8°. Bagford -papers. HARTLIB, SAMUEL. A Discours of Husbandrie. . . . The Third Edition Corrected and Enlarged. London, Printed by William Du-Gard, and are to bee sold by Francis Coles in the Old Baily. Anno Dom. 1654. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. HARTMAN. 270 HARVEY. HARTMAN, G. The True Preserver and Eestorer of Healtli : . . . The Second Edition with Additions. Published for the Publick Good by G. Hartman, Chymist. Lon- don : Printed for A. and C. Churchill, . . . 1695. 8^ A— Ee in eights: Col- lectio7i of Choice Beceipts^ A — B in eights. HARTWELL, ABRAHAM. Regina Literata Siue de serenissimse Dominse Elizabethse, Angliae, Francise, I & Hiberniee Reginse fidei defensione illustrissim. Academiam Cantabrigiensem aduentu. . . . Anno. 1564. Aug. 5. Nar- ratio Abrahami Hartuelli Cantabrigiensis. Ad. Clariss. vinini D. Gualterum Had- donum Regise Maiestati a supplicum libellis tunc temporis conscripta, nunc demum posteris tradita. Londini. 1565. Irapressum Londini in Typographia Gulielmi Seres. 8°. IT, 4 leaves : IT (re- peated), 2 leaves : A — F 6 in eights, A 1 blank. White letter. B. M. HARVEY, CHRISTOPHER. The School of the Heart ; Or, The Heart of it Self gone away from God, Brought back again to him, and instructed by him. In XLVII. Emblems. London : Printed for Lodowick Lloyd at the Castle in Cornhill, 1664. 12^ A, 3 leaves, title on A 2 : B — I in twelves, the Con- clusion, 1 leaf, and a frontispiece (different from that of 1647). Br. Museum. Thia appears to be the edition of 1647 ■with the frontispiece re-engraved and a new titlepage. The School of the Heart : Or, The Heart of it self ... By the Author of the Syna- gogue anexed to Herberts Poems. Where- unto is added, The Learning of the Heart By the same Hand. The Third Edition. London, Printed for Lodowick Lloyd. 1675. 12*^. A, 4 leaves, title on A 2 : B— K 2 in twelves. With a new frontis- piece. Br. Museum. HARVEY, GABRIEL. Gabrielis Harveii Rhetor, vel dunrum dierum Oratio, De Natura, Arte, & Exer- citatione Rhetorica. Ad suos Auditores. Londini, Ex Officina Typographica Hen- rici Binnenian. Anno. 1577. 4*^. A, 4 leaves : A (repeated) — Q 2 in fours. [Col.] Excudebat Londini, Henricus Binne- iiianus Typographns, Anno m.d.lxxvii. Meiise Nouembri : rogatu ornatissinii^viri, B. Clerci, Legum Doctoris. Dedicated to Dr. Bartljolomew Clerk, from Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. HARVEY, JOHN. An Astrologicall Addition, or supplcDient to be annexed to the late Discovrse vpon the great Coniunction of Saturne, and lupiter. . . . Made and written this last March by lohn Haruey, Student in Phy- sicke. Whereunto is adioyned his trans- lation of the learned worke, of Hermes Trismegistus, intituled, latromathematica. London Imprinted by Richard Watkins. 1583. Sm. 8^, A— E in eights, and A— C 3 in eights. A Discovrsive Probleme concerning Pro- phesies. How far they are to be valued, or credited, according to the surest rules, and Directions in Diuine Philosophie, Astrologie, and other learning : Deuised especially in abatement of the terrible threatenings, and menaces, peremptorily denounced against the Kingdoms and states of the world, this present famous yeere. 1588. supposed the Great wonder- full, and fatall yeere of our Age. By I. H. Physician. Printed at London, by lohn lackson, for Richard Watkius. 1588. 4°, A— S in fours. Dedicated to Sir C. Hatton. An Almanacke, or annuall Calender, with a compendious Prognostication thereunto appendyng, seruyng for the yeere of our Lord 1589. ... By lohn Harvey, Maister of Artes, and practitioner in Phisicke. [Cob] Imprinted at London, by Richarde Watkins and lames Robertes. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. Lambeth. HARVEY, RICHARD. Philadelphvs, Or A Defence of Brutes, and the Brutans History. Written by R. H. Imprinted at London by lohn Wolfe. 1593. 4^, black letter. A— in fours. Dedicated by Richard Harvey to Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. HARVEY, LADY URSULA. A booke called An Antidote against sinne .ind Satan, written by the Lady Vrsula Harvey. Licensed to Master Stevens and Master Meredith, 5 December, 1637. HARVEY, WILLIAM, M.D. Guilielmi Harveii Angli. . . . De Motu Cordis & sanguinis in animalibus, Ana- tomica Exercitatio. Cum refutationibus (Eniylii Parisani. . . . Lugduni Batavo- rum, . . . 1639. 4« Title and dedi- cation, 2 leaves : A — LI 2 in fours, besides two leaves of engravings : the Refuta- tions of James Primrose, a — 1 2 in fours : Animadversions of the same, A — G in fours. Anatomical E.xercitations Concerning the Generation of Living Creatures : To which are added Particular Discourses of Births, HARWOOD. Ill HA IVKINS. and of Conceptions, &c. By William Harvey, Doctor of Physick, . . . London, Printed by James Young, for Octavius Pulleyn, . . . 1653. S'^, A, 7 leaves, besides a portrait by Gaywood : a, 8 leaves : IT, 8 leaves : B — Mm in eights. With some verses by M, Llewellyn. It is said that only 150 copies were printed, and of these 115 destroyed by fire. HARWOOD, SIR EDWARD. The Advice of that Worthy Commander, Sir Ed : Harwood, Collonell. Written by King Charles his Command, upon occasion of the French Kings preparation, and presented (in his life time) by his owne hand, to his Maiestie : Hitherto being a private Manuscript. Also a Relation of his Life and Death Whereunto is also annexed divers remarkable Instructions, -written by the late, and ever-famous, Earle of Essex. All tending to the Securing and Fortifying of this King- dome, both by Sea and Land, and now Beasonably published for the benefit of these Times . . . London, Printed for R. Harford. 1642. 4°, A— E in fours, in- eluding a leaf of verses to the memory of Colonel Harwood by M. Draper. HASLERIGG, SIR ARTHUR. Sir Arthur Haslerigg His Speech in Par- liament. Whereby he cleareth himselfe of the Articles of High treason exhibited against Himselfe, the Lord Kimbolton, Mr. lohn Pym, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Strovd, and Mr. Hollis, by his Majesty, on Tues- day the 9*^ of lanuary. 1642. London Printed for John Wright. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. HASTINGS, SIR FRANCIS. An Apologie Or Defence of the Watch- Word. Against the Virvlent and Sedi- tiovs Ward-Word, published by an Eng- lish-Spaniard, lurking vnder the title of N. D. Devided into Eight Severall Resistances according to his so many Encounters, written by Sir Francis Hast- ings Knight. . . . London Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Ralph lacson. 1600. 4°, A — Ee in fours. HATTERSLEY, JANE. The bloody mother or th' arraignemente and execucon of Jane Hattersley. Li- censed to John Busby the Elder. 8 Feb- ruary, 1609-10. HATTO, BISHOP. The wrathfull Judgement of God vpon Bishop Hatto. A ballad. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. HATTON, SIR CHRISTOPHER. A lamentable discource of the deathe of the righte Honorable Sir Christopher Hatton Knighte late lorde Chancelour of England. Licensed to R. Jones, 24 Nov. 1591. A Treatise Concerning Statutes, Or Acts of Parliament : And the Exposition thereof. Written By Sir Christopher Hatton, Late Lord Chancellour of England. London, Printed for Richard Tonson, . . . Anno 1677. 8^, A— G 4 in eights, first leaf blank. HATTON, CHRISTOPHER, LORD. The Psalter of David with Titles and Collects according to the matter of each Psalme. Oxford ; Printed by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Vniversity. 1 644. 8^. *, 8 leaves : **, 2 leaves : A— Bb 4 in eights : Devotions, wnth a new title, A — D in eights. With a frontispiece not counting in the sheets. The version of the Psalms, by Chris- topher Lord Hatton, is in black letter ; there is a long preface to the Reader by the translator. HAWARD, LAZARUS. A Few Collections lor Irelands Souldiers. London, Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old-Baylev. 1646. [Feb. 12, 1646-7.] ^ 4°, A— C 2 'in fours. Dedicated to Philip, Lord Lysle, Lieu- tenant-General of Ireland. B. M. The Charges issuing forth of the Crown Revenue of England and Dominion of Wales. With the several Officers of his Majesties Courts, Customs, Housholds, Houses, Castles, Towns of War, Forts, Bulwarks, Forrests, Parks, Chases, with their several Fees and Allowances . . . And also the Valuation of the Bishops, and Deanes Lands, with the Tenths paid out of the same. London, Printed for M. Wright . . . 1660. 4^, A— H in fours. HAWES, STEPHEN. The Pastime of Pleasure. . . . 1517. Bray ley and Britton, in their History of SuiTey, repeat the statement of Dibdin as to an edition of 1509, printed by De Worde, being at Ham House. HAWKINS, FRANCIS. Youths Behaviour. . . . 1663-4. "The second part," as Mr. Wallis of Derby observes to me, "appears to be, in comparison with the first part, an entirely new work, written by Robert Codrington, M.A. who, if the title maybe trusted, was associated with Sir Thomas Hawkins in translating the HoJy Court of Nic, Caussin. In his dedication to ' Mistress EUinor Par- HA WKINS. 272 HA YWARD. gites,' and 'Mrs. Elizabeth Washington, her only daughter,' &c., he hopes this ' will prove as profitable as I have found it diffi- cult ; for although there are extant in Greek and other languages many excellent books concerning the institution of youth, yet I never have read any that have pre- cisely treated of the education of gentle- women.' In the bookseller's 'Advertise- ment to the Reader,' he says that he acquainted himself with 'a gentleman of knowledge and learning to whom I gave certain heads in relation to the whole sub- ject, who did take the pains to draw them up into so many chapters, which I here present to the publick view, to be either annexed to the former book of 'Youth's Behaviour,' or to be sould by itself.' He adds, 'The price of both together is two shillings ; if you buy them by themselves, the one is sixpence, and the other eighteen pence.' "As a point of criticism, the second part is a piece of mere bookmaking, quite de- void of the raciness of the first ; but the collection of Select Proverbs should be com- pared with Ray." HAWKINS, HENRY. Partheneia Sacra. . . . 1633. In connection with the apparently care- less style of the MS. inscription in the copy cited by me, it may be pointed out that the orthography of those days was lax and uncertain. Pepys (5th Sept. 1664) calls the ship Henrietta "the Heneretta." HAWKINS, SIR RICHARD. The ij^e voyage of master Hawkins. Li- censed to Lucas Harrison in 1568-9. HAWKSHAW, BENJAMIN. Poems upon Several Occasions. By Benj. Havvksliaw, Student in St. John's Col- ledge in Cambridge ; sometimes Student in Trinity Colledge in Dublin. [Quot. from Juvenal, Sat, 1.] London, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Henry Dickenson, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1693. 8*^, A— L 4 in eights. Dedicated to Dr. Wil- lougliby, physician in Dublin. Divided into two parts ; the second con- sists of love poems. HAWORTH, SAMUEL, M.D. A Description of the Duke's Bagnio, and of the Mineral Bath and New Spaw thereunto belonging. AVith an Account of the Use of Sweating, Rubbing, Bathing, and the Medicinal Vertues of the Spaw\ London, Printed for Sam. Smith . . . 1683. 8°, A, 4 leaves : B— I 4 in eights. With a portrait of the author by R. White. The Bagnio was in Salisbury Stables, near Long- Acre. HAY, JOHN. A Speach, Delivered to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, At hia Eutrie into his Good-Towne of Edinbvrgh, vpon the xvi. of May, Anno Domini 1617. In the Name of the Magistrates and Citizens of the saide Towne. By Master lohn Hay, their Clerke Deputie. Printed at Edin- burgh, by Andro Hart, 1617. 4°, A— C in fours. HAY, PETER. An Advertisement to the Subjects of Scot- land, Of the fearfull Dangers threatned to Christian States, and namely, to Great i Britain, by the Ambition of Spayne : j With a Contemplation, of the truest i Meanes, to oppose it. Also, Diverse other ' Treatises, Touching the present estate of the Kingdome of Scotland, . . . Called, The First Blast of the Trumpet. Written by Peter Hay, of Naughton, in North- Britane. In Aberdene, Printed by Ed- ward Raban, Cum Privilegio. 1627. 4", A — V in fours, concluding with "An Heroicke Song in prayses of the Light," in 4-line stanzas. HAY THE GYE. A balled intituled hay the gye. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1561-2. An answere agaynste hay the gye. A ballad. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1561-2. The overthrowe gyven to the Dy spray se of Hay the gye. A ballad. Printed by T. Colwell without license in 1561-2. HAYNE, SAMUEL. | An Abstract of all the Statutes made con- ' cerning Aliens trading in England from the first year of K. Henry the VII. Also, of all the Laws made for Securing our Plantation Trade to our Selves. With Observations thereon. . . . Printed by N. T. for the Author, and are to be sold by Walter Davis in Amen-Corner, 1685. 4°, A — F in fours, the first and last leaves blank. The author, who dates from the Fleet prison, describes himself as "sometime Ryding - Surveyor to His Majesties Cus- toms, and Surveyor for the Act of Naviga- tion in the Counties of Devon and Coru- well." HAYNE, THOMAS. Granmiatices Latine Compendium. Li- censed to William Garrett, 11 July, 1640. HAYWARD, SIR JOHN, Knight. Tlie First Part of the Life and raigne of King Henrie the IIII. Extending to the end of tlie first yeare of his raigne. Written by I. H. Imprinted at London by lohn Wolfe, and and [sic] are to be solde at hia shop in Popes head Alley, HEAD, 273 HEAD, neere to the Exchange. 1599. 4°, A— V in fours, V 4 blank. Dedicated to the Earl of Essex, on the back of Avhich page occur the i'rra to. [Col,] London, Printed by John Wolfe . . . 1599. The Lives of the IIL Normans, Kings of England : "William the first. William the second. Henrie the first. Written by I. H. Imprinted at London by R[obert] B[arker.] Anno 1613. 4*^, A — Rr 2 in fours. Rr 2 has a table of Errata. Dedifcatfed to Prince Charles. The Life and Raigne of King Edward the Sixt. Written by Sr lohn Hayward^ Knight, Doctor of Law. London, Printed for iohn Partridge, and are to bee sold at the Signe of the Sunne in Pauls Church- Yard. [1630.] 4*^, A— Z 2 in fours, be- sides the engraved and printed titles, the former by Vaughan, and containing a portrait of the King. On the last page; over the colophon, •which gives the date, occurs : " This History I have bvilt for the Monvment of his Im- perishable Fame." The printed title is rare. The begining of the Raigne of Queene Elizabeth, by Sir John Hayward, Li- censed to John Partridge, 4 Nov. 1635. Annals of the First Four Years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By Sir John Hayward . . . Edited by John Bruce. Camden Soc. 1840. 4°. Now first printed firom the Harl. MS. HEAD, RICHARD. Hie et Ubique ; Or, The Humors of Dublin. A Comedy Acted privately, with general Applause. Written by Richard Head, Gent. Facilius est Car- pere qudm Imitare. London, Printed bv R. D. for the Author. 1663. 4°, A— H in fours. Dedicated tb the Duke of Monmouth and Orkney. The English Rogue Described, In the Life of Meriton Latroon, A Witty Extra- vagant. Comprehending the mbst Emi- nent Cheats of Both Sexes. Read, but don't Practice : for the Author findes. They which live Honest have most quiet mindes. Dixero si quid forte jocosiiis hoc mihi juris Cum venia dabis London : Printed for Era: Kirkman, at the Princes Arms in Chancerv-lane. 1666. 8^ General title, 1 leaf : A— H in eights : Aa — Kk in eights ; Aaa — lii in eights. With a plate before sign. B, The English Rogue : . . . London, Printed for Francis Kirkman, . . . 1680. 8*^. Portrait, title, and preface, 3 leaves : Plate of the English Sadder, 1 leaf : B— Dd 2 in eights. The English Rogue Continued, in the Life of Meriton Latroon, and other Ex- travagants. Comprehending the most Eminent Cheats of Most Trades and Pro- fessions. The Second Part. Licensed Feb. 22, 16B8. London, Printed for Fran- cis Kirkman, and are to be sold at his Shop over against the Custome-House in Thames-street, 1671. 8^. A, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves : B — Aa in feights. With a frontispiece and a second j^late facing p. 159. The English Rogue ; . . The Second Part. . . ; London, Printed for Francis Kirkman, . . . 1680. 8°, B— Z in eights, Z 8 blank, and the title. With plates (2) to Chapters 1 and 2 and 18; The English Rogue : Continued in the Life of Meriton Latroon, and other Ex- travagants : Comprehending the most Eminent Cheats of Both Sexes. The Third Part. With the Illustration of Pictures to every Chapter. London, Printed for Fran. Kirkman . . . 1671. 8°. A, 4 leaved : B— Z in eights. With four plates in compartments; The English Rogne : Continued in the Life of Meriton Latroon, And other Ex- travagants : Comprehending the most Eminent Cheats of Both Sexes. The Third Part. With the Illustration of Pictures to every Chapter. London, Printed by Anne Johnson for Fran. Kirk- man . , . 1674. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B— V in eights. With four plates in six com- partments, or a compartment to each of the 24 Chapters. The English Rogue: ... The Third Part. London, Printed for Francis Kirk- man, . . . 1680. 8°, B— Y in eights^ and the title. With a portrait and plates at pp. 1, 97, 115, 234. The English Rogile : ContiiiUed The Fourth Part. With thfe Illustration of Pictures to every Chapter. London, Printed for Francis Kirkman . . . 1671. 8^ A, 2 leaves : B— Z 6 in eights. With four plates in compartments; The English Rogue : . . . The Fourth Part ; . . With the Illustration of Pic- tures to everv Chapiter. London, Printed for Francis Kirkman, . . . 1680. 8*^, A— X 3 in eights, and the title. With four plates in compartments. S HEATH. 274 HELL. The Floating Island : Or, A Kew Dis- covery, relating the Strange Adventure on a late Voyage, from Lambethana to Villa Franca, alias Eamallia, to the East- ward of Terra del Templo : By Three Ships, viz. The Pay -nought. Excuse, Least-in- Sight. Under the Conduct of Captain Robert Over-much : Describing the Nature of the Inhabitants, their Re- ligion, Laws and Customs. Published by Francis Careless, one of the Dis- coverers. Longis erroHbus actus Qui mores hominum Printed in the Year 1673. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — F in fours. Protevs Redivivus : The Art of "Wheed- ling . . . Compiled and Publish'd formerly by R. H. but now Reprinted with Addi- tions to every Chapter, to almost one half of the Book, By the same Author. London, Printed for T. D. . . . 1684. 12°, A— P 6 in twelves, P 6 blank. HEATH, JAMES. A New Book of Loyal English Martyrs and Confessors, who have endured the Pains and Terrours of Death, Arraign- ment, Banishment, and Imprisonment, for the Maintenance of the Just and Legal Government of these Kingdoms, Both in Church and State. By James Heath, Gent. [Quot. from Psal. 112, 6.] Lon- don, Printed for R. H. and are to be sold by Simon Miller at the Star in St. Pauls Church-Yard. [Circa 1661.] 12«, B— X in twelves, besides the titlepage and a leaf before it with a List of the Martyrs, both printed in red. The Glories and Magnificent Triumphs of the Blessed Restitution of his Sacred Majesty K. Charles II. From his Arrival in Holland 16^^ till this Present. Com- prising all the Honours and Grandeurs done to, and conferred by. Him. ... By James Heath, formerly Student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. London, Printed and are to be sold by N. G. R. H. . . . 1662. 8'', A— S in eights, A blank and A 3 misprinted A 2, besides *, 4 leaves with the summary of the contents. A Chronicle of tlie Late Intestine War in the Three Kingdoms of England, Scot- land and Ireland ... By James Heath, Gent. The Second Edition. To which is added A Continuation to this present year 1675. ... By J. P. London: Printed by J. C. for Thomas Basset, . . . MDCLXXVI. Folio, A— 4 L 2 in fours, no sign. B. With a frontispiece. HEATH, JOHN. The Hovse of Correction : Or, Certayne Satyricall Epigram?. Written by I. H. Gent. Together with a few Characters, called Par Pari : Or ; Like to like, quoth the Deuill to the Collier. Ficta volnptatis causa sint proxima veris. Hor. de Art. Po. London, Printed by Bernard Alsop for Richard Redmer, and are to be sold at his Shoppe at the West end of Saint Pauls Church. 1619. 8^ A-D 4 in eights, the title, which is engraved, on A 2. B. J/. The Characters commence with a new (printed) title on C 8. HECTORS. The Hectors : Or the False Challenge. A Comedy written in the Year, mdclv. The Scene London. London, Printed for G. Bedel, and T. Collins, . . . 1656. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— K in fours, K 4 blank. HEDELIN, M., Ahhot of Aubignac. The Whole Art of the Stage. Contain- ing not only the Rules of the Dram- matick Art, but many curious Observa- tions about it . . . now made English. London, Printed for the Author, . . . 1684. 4^, A— Y in fours. HEGATE, WILLIAM, of Glasgow. Gvilielmi Hegati Scoti Glasgvensis Gal- lia Victrix. Ad Nobilissimvm, Et am- plissimse dignitatis viruni, Valteruni Stuartum D. Blanterium, serenissimi Principis lacobi vj. Scotorum Regis Logothetam meritissimum. Augustoriti Pictonum. . . . m.d.xcviii. 8°, Title (preceded by a blank), &c., 6 leaves : A — K in fours. In verse. HELL. [A Description of the pains of Hell.] Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbert- son, and J. Wright. A broadside in black letter and two columns. In verse, with a large cut at the top. Hell broke loose : Or, A Catalogue of many of the Spreading Errors, Heresies and Blasphemies of these Times, for which we are to be humbled. . . . Lon- don, Printed for Tho. Underbill, at the Bible in Woodstreet. March 9, 1646. 4*^, 4 leaves. B. M. A Journey to Hell : Or, A Visit paid to the Devil. A Poem. London, Printed . . . 1700. Folio, A— H, 2 leaves each. The copy used is only Part I. ; perhaps no more appeared. HENRIETTA. HENRY. HENRIETTA [STUART], Biicliess of Orleans. Lachrymse Cantabrigienses in Obitum lUustrissinije Principis Henriettse Caroli I^^*^ Regis & Martyris Filiae Ducissc^ Au- relianensis. Cantabrigiae . . . 1670. 4^, A — I in fours, A blank. A collection of verses by J. Duport, J. Beaumont, John Breton, kc. HENRIETTA MARIA, Queen of Great Britain. A Copy of the Qveens Letter from the Hague in Holland to the Kings Maiesty residing at Yorke. Sent from the Hague by one of her Maiesties Gentlemen Ushers, March 19. 1641. London, printed for John Price. 1642. A sheet. A Coppy of 1. The letter sent by the Queenes Majestie concerning the collec- tions of the Recusants Mony for the Scottish Warre, Apr. 27. 1639. 2. The Letter sent by^ Sir Kenelme Higby and ]\Ir. Mountague concerning the Contribu- tion. 3. The Letter sent by those as- sembled in London, to every Shire. 4. The names of the Collectors in each County in England and Wales. And 5. The Message sent from the Queenes Majestie to the House of Commons by Master Comptroller the 5. of Febr. 1639. Printed at London in the yeare of the discovery of Plots, 1642. 4°, A— B 3 in fours. The Queenes Majesties Message and Letter from the Hague in Holland, di- rected to the Kings most excellent Ma- jesty, &c. Being sent in that Ship \\'hich was forced to put in at Yarmouth by reason of a Leake which she sprung at Sea, and was bound for Newcastle, who had in her fifty Commanders, besides other common Souldiers, 400. Barrels of powder, . . . And now comming up to London to be dispossessed by the Parlia- ment for the Kingdomes safety and security, . . . Also the Declaration and Petition of the Palsgraue and the Queene his mother to both houses of Parliament for their annuall pension, withall denying and disclaiming in having any hand or consent to Prince Roberts unruly actions against the Parliament. London printed for I. Vnderhill. Octob. 14. [1642.] 4°, 4 leaves. The true Relation of the Qveenes Depar- tvre from Falmovth into the Brest in the west of France. After whom our Lord Admirall sent all his shipe to overtake her, who made above a hundred shot at the Ship, especially our three Ships called the Vice Admirall, the Warwicke Frigot, and the Paramour, but she having a Galley of sixteen Oares, it is thought that all the Ships in the world could not overtake her. Representing also, How that a Ship called the Golden Sun, belonging to tlie King of Denmarke, was taken by the Lord Admirall, and sent into Portsmouth, to attend the pleasure of the Parliament. London, Printed for Mathew Walbancke, July 22, 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M, A Dialogue Concerning the Rights of her most Christian Majesty. In the Savoy, Printed by Thomas Newcomb 1667. 8*^, A — E in eights. A conversation between a Frenchman, a Fleming, and a German, purporting to be an abstract of a larger work on the subject. It is on the claim of Charles the Second's queen to certain estates in the Low Coun- tries, and it appears that Henrietta Maria endeavoured to arrange amicably the ques- tion in dispute, but without success. The little volume is said on the title to be " Licensed by Authority." An Epicaedium on the Death of Her most Serene Majesty, Henrietta Maria de Bour- bon, Queen -Mother of England, and Daughter to the late most Puissant King Henry le Grand . . . Obiit 31 August, MDCLXix. With Allowance. A broad- side. Ouvry Cat., No. 154. HENRY III., King of Englayid. A Brief Survey (Historical and Political) of the Life and Reign of Henry the III. King of England. Dedicated to his most Sacred Majestv. London, Printed in the Year, 1680. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— D in fours. HENRY VI. The Life and Reign of Henry the Sixth. Giving a full Account of the English Glorv Abroad. Their Factions at Home. The Fatal Treaty of Tours. The Loss of France, And, The Civil "Wars in England. About the Hereditary and Parliamentary Right, between the two Houses of York and Lancaster. London : ... 1712. 8°, A — I in fours, and the title. HENRY VIL The First Booke of the Preservation of King Henry the vij. . . . 1599, It is remarkable that, in the registration of this work at Stationers' Hall (Arber, iii. 154), it was said to contain at the end "A commendation of true poetry, A Discom- mendation of all bawdy Kybald, and pa- ganizde poetes, &c." HENRY VIIL Victoria Serenissimi ac Inuictissimi Hasnrici Octaui Francise & Angliae Regis Christianissimi ac Hyberniae de Scotis HENRY. 276 HENS HA W. reportata & de deditione ciuitatis Torna- cen. [1514.] 4^, 6 leaves. B. M. This letter is addressed to Cardinal Bam- bridge, Archbishop of York. It is an ac- count of the Battle of Flodden. The above title is beneath dn engraving in compart- ments. Copia originalis littere Serenissimi Regis Aiiglie ad SanctiSsimu dnm nostru diim Leoiieiii Papam. X. misse : de pafce ac federe per eum & Christianissimu Fran cor. Regem nouiter inita. [1514.] 4°, 4 leaves, the 4tli blank. B. M. Nobilissima Disceptatio super dignitate & magnitiidiiie Regnorum Britannici & Gallici, liabita ab vtriusq; oratoribus & legatis in concilio Constantiensi. [Col.] Impriinebat Louanii Theodoricus Mar- tinus Alussensis tnense Martii anno a partu virgiiied M.D.xvii. 4°, a — e in lours : f, 6 leaves, the last with the printer's mark only. Grenv. Coll. Sir Robert Wingfield stiperscribfes a short preface. Serenissimi ac Potentissimi Regis An- glise Christianas fidei defehsoris intiictis- simi, ad illustrissimos ac clarissimos Saxonice principfes, dfe cofercendd abigen- ddq; Lutherana factione, & Luthero ipso Epistola. Item lllvstrissimi Principis Ducis Georglj ad eundem Regem rescrip- tio. Anno m.d.xxiii. 4^^, A— B in fours. B.M. A Protestation made for the most Inighty and most redoubted kynge of Englande. &c. and his hole counsell and clergie, wherin is dfeclared, that neyther his hyglme?, nor his prelates, neyther any other prynce, or prelate is bounde to come or sende, to the pretended councell, that Pdule byshopp^ of Rome first by a bul indicted at Mantua a citie in Italy, & nowe a late by an other bull, hath pro- roged to a place^ no man can telle where. [Col,] Londini in AEdibvs Thomae Ber- theleti Regii Impress. An. m.d.xxxvii. . . . 8", A— C in eights, C 8 blank. Lambeth. lllvstrissimi ac Potentissimi Regis, Sena- tus, populique' Anglite Sententia, & de eo concilio, quod Paulus Episcopus Romanus Mantue futurum simulauit ; i . [Col.] Vitembergae apud lohannem Lull't. M.D.XXXVII. 8*^, A — B 7 in eights. Librvm Hvnc Invictiss. Angli;x3 Regis Fidei DefGnsoris contra Mart. Lvthervm Legentibvs, Decem Annorvm et totidem XL. Indvlgentia Apostolica Avtlioritatb concessa est. Cum Gratia et priuih^gio. [On the 5th leaf follows :] Asscrtio Septc Sacraiuctoj . . . [London, T, Bcrthelet.] 4°, a — z in fours, besides the 4 leaves of Indulgence. B. M. De Svpremo et Absolvto Regis Imperio. Londini. m.d.xlvi. [Col.] Londini in sedibus Thom9 Bertheieti . . . m.d.xlvii. 8*^, A— I in eights, I 7-8 blank. Lam- beth. An Acte Concerning the Kinges Gratiovs Generall Pardon. [Col.] God saue the Kyh'g. Excusum Londini, in aedibus Richardi Graftoni Regij Impressoris. Cimi Priuilegio . . . m.d.xlviii. Folio, 4 leaves, the last blank. Lambeth. Histoire Du Divorce de Henry VIII. Roy d'Angleterre, et de Catherine D'Arragon ; Avec La Defense de Sanderus : La Refu- tation des deux premiers Livres de I'His- toire dela Reformation de M. Burnet : Et les Pretlves. A Paris, . . . m.dc.lxxxviii. . . . 12^ 3 vols. HENRY, IPUmCE, Son of James L The Tryumphant and princelie newe ballad Declaringe the royaltie and mag- nificence perforined at the Baptisinge of the prince of Scotland. Licensed to the widow Butter^ 25 Oct. 1594. Lvctvs Posthvmvs Sive Erga Defvnctvm lllvstrissimvm Henricvm Walliae Prin- cipem Collegij Beatse Marise Magdalen oe apud Oxonienses Mecsenatem longe indul- gentissim.um, Magdalensium ofiiciosa Pie- tas. Serius, vt Sero . . . Oxoniae, Excu- debat Josephus Barnesius. 1612. 4°, A — I in fours. A farwell to Prince Henry or his funerall teares shedd by his Country for his lyues deare losse. A ballad licensed to William Barley, 5 December, 1612. Englandes sorowe for the deathe of the Most Vertuous and pierles Henry Frede- rick prince of wales eldest son to our Bouereign lord kinge James. Who De- ceased the 6 of December [November] 1612 at Sainct James house A ballad 1 licensed to Henry Lea, 7 December, 1612. . A ballad called, A Complaynt againste Death for takiiige away the highe and hopeful Prince Henry of greate Brittayne with the ilianner of his funerall. Licensed to William Barlfey, 7 December, 1612. A ballad called, The first and second parte of the Lyfe and deathe of the lato noble prince Henry, with the order of his funerall. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 11 Decelnber, 1612. HENSHAW, NATHANIEL, M.D. Aero-Chalinos : Or, A Register for the Air , . . The Second Edition. By Na- - HENTZNERUS. 277 HERBERT. thaniel Henshaw, M.D. , . . London, Printed for Benj. Tooke . . 1677. 12°, A — H in twelves. HENTZNERUS, PAULUS. Itinerarivm Germaiiiai, Galli^E ; Anglite ; Italise \ . . . Norinbergae, Sumtibus Au- toris ... 1612. 4P. "Prefixes, 8 leaves : A — Kkk in fours, and an extra leaf after Kkk 4. HERACLITUS. Heraclitus Ridens : Or, A Discourse be- tween Jest and Earnest, where many a true Word is spoken in opposition to all Libellers against the Government. Lon- don, Printed for the use of the People, Tuesdaie, Feb. 1. 1681. [to August 22, 1682.] Folio, 82 Numbers, each con- eisting of a single leaf. HERBAL. The great herball n,ewly corrected. The contents of this boke, . . . God §aue the Kynge. Londini in edibus Thome Gyb- son. Anno m.d.xxxix. Folio, black let- ter, printed in two columns. Title and Table, 4 leaves : A — Bb in fours ; Cc in sixes. The Lyttle herball. Licensed to John King (as well as the Gnat Herbal) in 1560-1. HERBERT, EDWARD, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. The Life and Raigne of Jving Henry the Eighth. Written by the Right Honour- able Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury. London, Printed by E. G. for Thomas Whittaker . . . 1649. Folio. With a por- trait of the King. A, 4 leaves : a leaf with verses, &c., by J. Howell: B — Cccc in fours : Dddd, 5 leaves. The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth . . . London, Printed by And. Clark, for J. Martyn, . . . mdclxxii. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : A, 2 leaves : B— 4 in fours. With a portrait. The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth . . . London : . . . mdclxxxiit. Folio. Title and portrait, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : B — 0-* in fours, last leaf blank. De Religione Gentilivm, errorumqpe apud eos causis. Authore Edoardo Barone Herbert de Cherbury, & Castri Insulse de Kerry in Hibernia, & a Sacris Belli Consiliis Regibus Optimis Jacobo & Ca- rolo. Amstelodami, . . . mdclxiii. 4°, A — Gg in fours, besides title and preface, 2 leaves. HERBERT, GEORGE. The Temple . . . The third Edition . . . Printed by T. Buck, and R. Daniel, . . . 1634. And are to be sold by Fr. Green. 12°. IT, 4 leaves : A — H in twelves. The Temple . . . The fourth Edition . . . Printed bv T. Buck, and R. Daniel, . . . 1635. 12°. IT, 4 leaves: A— I 2 in twelves. The Temple ... The fifth Edition. Printed bv T. Buck, and R. Daniel, . . . i638. 12°. % 4 leaves: A— I 2 in twelves. The Temple . . . The sixth Edition . . . Printed by Roger Daniel, ... 1641. 12°. 11, 4 leaves : A — I 2 in twelves. The Temple ... The seventh Edition, with an Alphabetical Table . . . London, Printed by T. R. for Philemon Stephens . . . 1656. 12°. *, 6 leaves : A— K 6 in twelves: the Synagogue, third edition, A — C in twelves. With a portrait. The Temple ... The Eighth Edition. London, Printed by R. N. for Philemon Stephens . . . 1660. 12°. *, 6 leaves : A — K 6 in twelves : the Synagogue, 4th edition, A — C in twelves. The Temple . . . The Ninth Edition . . . London, Printed by J.' M. for Philemon Stephens . . . 1667. 12°. *, 6 leaves: A — K 6 in twelves : the Synagogue, A — C 10 in twelves. The Temple . . . The Eleventh Edition . . . London, Printed by S. Roycroft, for R. S 1674. 12°, A— K 6 in twelves: Synagogue, A — C in twelves : Life of Herbert, A — C 4 in twelves. With a portrait. The Temple . . . The Twelfth Edition Corrected, . . . London, Printed bv J. Barber, for Jeffrey Wale, ... 1703. 12°, A — K in twelves : Synagogue and Life, A — F 6 in twelves. The Temple . . . The "Thirteenth Edition . . . London : Printed for John Wyat, . . . 1709. 12°, A — K in twelves : Syna- gogue and Life, A — F 6 in twelves. A Priest to the Temple. . . . The second Edition, with a new Preface, by B. O. London, Printed by T- Roycroft for Benj. Tooke, . . . 1671. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B — O in eights, A i with Im- primatur, and O 8 blank. The concluding portion is occupied by an account of the life of Herbert by Barnabas Oley. A Priest to the Temple . . . The Third Impression. London, Printed by T. R. HERBERT. 2/8 HEREFORDSHIRE. for Benj. Tooke, . . . 1675. 12° A, 12 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B — L in twelves. HERBEET, THOMAS. Newes Newly Discovered, In a pleasant Dialogue betwixt Papa the false Pope, and Benedict an honest Fryer, shewing the merry conceits which the Friers have in their Cloysters amongst handsome Nuns, and how the Pope complains for want of that pastime, with the merry shifts of his friends in England. By Thomas Herbert. Printed for I. Wright. 1641. 8°, 8 leaves. In prose. M. B. Mercvries Message, Or The coppy of a Letter sent to William Laud late Arch- bishop of Canterbvry, now prisoner in the Tower. [Three Quotations.] Printed in the yeare, of our Prelates feare. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. In verse. With the common woodcut head of Laud on the title. AnElegie vpon the Death of Thomas Earle of Strafford, Lord Lievtenant of Ireland. Who was beheaded upon Tower-Hill, the 12 of May, 1641. By Thomas Herbert. TaJre an example from Lord Wentworth all, Lest by high climbing you do chance to fall. Printed Anno Dom. 1641. 4*^, 4 leaves. An Elegie on Thomas Earle of Strafford, Who was beheaded on Tower-hill, May 12. 1641. A sheet, surmounted by a woodcut portrait, and the title enclosed in an ornamental border. HERBERT, SIR THOMAS. A Relation of Some Yeares Travaile^ Be- gvnne Anno 1626. Into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially the Territories of the Persian Mon archie : and some parts of the Orientall Indies, and lies adiacent. Of their Religion, Language, Habit, Dis- ccnt. Ceremonies, and other matters con- cerning them. Together with the pro- ceedings and death of the three late Am- bassadours : Sir D. C. Sir R. S. and the Persian Nogdibeg : As also the two great Monarchs, the King of Persia, and the Great Mogul. By T. H. Esquier. London, Printed Ijy William Stansby, 1634. Folio. Engraved title by Marshall preceded by a blank, 2 leaves : printed title, 1 leaf : dedication to Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, 2 leaves: verses, 1 leaf: B — Hh in fours, the last leaf with colo- phon. With cuts on the letterpress. At the end of this book of Travels into the East occurs : "A Discourse and proofo that Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd first found out that Continent now call'd America." Some Yeares Travels ... by Tlio: Her- bert Esq. London Printed by R. Bi. for lacob Blome . . . 1638. Folio, A— Bbb in fours, and the frontispiece. The second edition, revised and enlarged by the author. HERBERT, WILLIAM. A booke called La Mallette de David, &c. in French by William Herbert. Licensed to N. Bourne, 2 March, 1634-5. Herberts Beleefe and Confession of Faith : Made in CLX Articles. For Th' In- struction of His Wife & Children. Lon- don, Printed by Jo. Dewer & Robert Ibbitson. mdcxlvi. 12°, A — C 6 in twelves, A 1 with the Premonition. In prose. With a dedication " To my most Deare and New-Borne Babe Benjamin Herbert," from Pointington, 2. of March, and the 13. day of thy Life. 1644. B. M. Herberts Beleefe and Confession of Faith . , . The second Edition, . , . London Printed by Francis Leach, . . . 1648. 8^ A — F in eights, A 1 with Imprimatur and F 8 blank. B. M. Herberts Child-bearing Woman From the Conception to the Weaning of the Child. Made in a Devotion Containing above CLX. Meditations, Prayers & Songs ; For the use of Mrs. Frances Herbert. Now publisht for the good of all the wise and pious women of England, Scotland, Wales. London, Printed by R. A. & J. M. and are to be sold by John Hancock, . . . and by Humphrey Tuckey . . . 1648. 8°, A— I 4 in eights, A 1 blank. B. M.\ Herbert's French and English Dialogues. In a more Exact and Delightful Method then any yet Extant. London, Printed by D. Maxwell for T. Davis, & T. Sad- ler at the Sign of the Bible, over against the little North-Door of St. Pauls Church. 1660. 8°, AA— QQ in eights. Douce Coll. HERCULES. A ballett intituled Hercules and his ende. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. ■ HEREFORDSHIRE. | The tru Reportc of the newes in Ileryford- shyre. Licensed to T. Col well in 1570-1. The miraculous Judgement of God showen in Herefordshire, wiiere a niightie barne filled with Corne was consumed with fire ,' begynninge last Cliristmas Eaue, and I Dui'inge Fyftene Daves after. Licensed I to Ciithbcrt Burby, 21 Feb. 1594-5. ' A ballad of the same. Licensed to the same on the same day. A newe ballad of the late commotion in Herefordshire occasioned by the Death of HERESBACH. 279 HERRICK, Alice Wellington a Recusant. Licensed to Edward Wiiite, Junior, 13 Sept., 1605. HERESBACH, CONRAD. Eovre Bookes of Husbandry, collected by M. Conradus Heresbachius, Counseller to tlie bygh and migiity Prince, the Duke of Cleue : Couteyning the whole arte and trade of Husbandry, -with the antiquitie, and commendation thereof. Newely Eng- lished, and increased, by Barnabe Googe, Esquii-e. [Quotation from Genesis, 3, 19.] At London, Printed by Richard "Watkins. 1577. 4*^. (i)— (iv), 4 leaves: A— Aa 2 in eights. Black letter. Dedicated "To the Eight Worshipfull, his very good freend, Syr Wylliam Fitz- wylliams, Knight," from Kingston, 1 Feb- ruary, 1577-8. Aa 2 recto has a series of "Old Enghsh rules, for purchasing land," in verse. Fovre Bookes of Hvsbandrie. . . increased by Barnabe Googe, Esquire ... At Lon- don, Printed for lohn Wight. 1586. 4°. Title, tables, &c., 12 leaves : A — Aa 2 in eights. The last leaf of the preliminaries is a blank. Fovre Bookes of Hvsbandrie, ... At London, Printed by T. Este, for Thomas Wight. 1596. 4", A— C in fours : A— Aa 2 in eights. The Whole Art of Hvsbandry . . , First Avritten by Conrade Heresbatch, a learned Nobleman, then translated by Barnaby Googe Esquire, and now Renewed, Cor- rected, enlarged, and adorned with all the experiments and practises of our English Nation, which were wanting in the for- mer Editions. By Captaine Garvase Markham . . . London, Printed by T. C. for Richard More, . . . 1631. 4°. A, 4 leaves : A — 2 B 4 in eights. Black let- ter. Dedicated to William Cecil, Earl of Exeter. HERMAN, Archbishop of Cologne. A simple and Religious consultatio of ts Herma . . . 1548. Imprinted at London by Jhon Daye and William Seres, . . , Cum gratia . . . S*', A— Qq 4 in eights. Lambeth. The Ryght institution of Baptisme / set forthe by the Reuered father in Christ / Herman . . . Imprynted bv me Richarde wyer. 8°, A— B in eights : C, 4 leaves : D, 8 leaves. Lambeth. This copy has a duplicate title, with the reverse blank. In the other the preface begins on the back. A brefe and a playne declaratyon of the dewty of maried folkes, gathered out of the holy scriptures, and set forth in the almayne tonge by Herman Archbyshop of Cologne . . . newly translated into y® Englishe tonge by Hans Dekyn. . . . [Col.] Imprynted at London in Teme- strete by Hughe Syngleton ... 8°, black letter, A — C 4 in eights. A declaration made by the Archbishop of Collen, vpon the deede of his mariage, sent to the States of his Arch-Bishoprike. With the letter of Pope Gregorie the 13. against the celebration of the same mari- age, and the Bishops answer therevnto. According to the coppie Imprinted at Collen. 1583. London Printed by loliii Woolfe. 1583. 8°, A— C 4 in eights. Lambeth. HERNE, SAMUEL, of Clare Hall, Cam- bridge. Domus Carthusiana : Or An Account of the most Noble Foundation of the Char- ter-House near Smithfield in London. Both before and since the Reformation. With the Life and Death of Thomas Sutton Esq; the Founder thereof. And his last Will and Testament. To which are added several Prayers, fitted for the Private Devotions and Particular Occa- sions of the Ancient Gentlemen, &c. London, Printed by J. R. for Richard Marriott and Henry Brome, . . . M.DC.LXXVII. 8^. A 8 leaves : a — b in eights : B — R in eights. Dedicated to Gilbert [Sheldon] Arch- bishop of Canterbury, with a long poem, probably by Heme, entitled "The Charter- House." HERO AND LEANDER. A ballett of Hero and Leander. Licensed to John White, 2 July, 1614. HERODIAN, of Alexandria. Herodian of Alexandria His History of Twenty Roman Caesars and Emperors (of his Time.) . . . Interpreted out of the Greake Originall. London, Printed for Hugh Perry at the Harrow in Britainea Burse. 1629. 4°, Title, &c., 4 leaves : b — c, 4 leaves each : A — Ooo 2 in fours. The Translator's name does not appear. Herodian's of Alexandria His Imperiall History of Twenty Roman Cajsars & Em- perours of his Time. First writ in Greek, and now converted into an Heroick Poem by C. B. Stapylton. — virtus post funera vivit. London Printed by W. Hunt, and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley . . . 1652. 4°, A — Aa in fours. HERRICK, ROBERT. The seuerall Puems written by Master HERRING. 280 HE YD ON, Robert Herrick. Licensed to Andrew Crooke, 29 April, 1640. No such book is at present known. HEREING, FRANCIS. Pietas Pontificia . . . Londini Ex Officina Samvelis Macham. 1609. 8^ A— F 4 in eights, title on A 2. Grenv. Coll. HERTFORDSHIRE. A ballett intituled "Waltham Crosse, &c. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1564-5. A ballad begynnynge when Walthame Crosse, d-c. Entered conditionally to R. Jones, 22 March, 1586-7. A ballad vppon the deathe of a yonge man who was soddenly slayne by light- ninge at Waltham, on whitsundaye last past 1590 / with other strange tbinges which happened on that Daye. Licensed to W. Wright, 18 June, 1590. The Cuntreymans sorrowe to see the tearme kepte at Sainct Albons. A ballad. Licensed to Thomas Creede,31 Oct. 1593. The cuntrymans report of the vsage of them at Sainct Albons terme. Licensed to John Danter, 28 Nov. 1593. A ballad. Terrible Newea from Hartford Discover- ing the manner how the town was set on fire. Also His Majesties coming fropi Oxford to Reding in Berkshire to put the Commission of Array in execution. And the manner of the Cavaliers coming to assault Warwick Castle . . . Printed for W. Johnson. 1642. August 13. 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. The Divels Delvsions Or A faithfull rela- tion of John Palmer and Elizabeth Knott two notorious Witches lately condemned at the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer in St. Albans. Together with the Confession of the aforesaid John Palmer and Eliza- l)eth Knott, executed July 16. Alsp tlieir accusations of severall Witches in Hitchen, Norton, and otlier places in the (.'ounty of Hartford. London, Printed for Richard Williams Stationer at St. Albans, Anno Dom. 1649. [July 19.] 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. The Case of the Hertfordshire Witchcraft Consider'd. Being an Examination of a Book, Entitl'd, A Full and Impartial Account of the Discovery of Sorcery k Witchcraft, Practis'd l)y Jane Weiihatn of Walkern, . . . London : Printed for John Pemberton . . . mdccxii. 8°. a— b 2 in fours: A — L 2 in fours. HEURINGIUS, SIMON. Cl An Almanack and Pronostication for the yeare of our Lord. M. D.L.I. Simo- nis Heuringii Salicedensis, Doctor in Physyck and Astronomy at Hagenaw. 1 Q Imprinted at London by John Turck. A single sheet printed in red and black. Douce Coll. HEWES, LEWIS. M. Lewes Hewes His Dialogve Answered: Or, An Answer to a Dialogue or Confer- ence betweene a Country Gentleman and a Minister of Gods Word, about the Booke of Common Prayer . . . Whereunto is annexed a Satisfactory Discourse con- cerning Episcopacy and the Svrplice. Published by Authority. London, Printed for I. M. at the George in Fleetstreet . . . ;^^41. 4^, A^— L in fours : second title- page and a, 4 leaves : B, 2 leaves. HEXHAM, HENRY. A Copious English and Netherduytch. Dictionarie, Composed out of our best English Authours. With an Appendix of the names of all kinds of Beasts, Fowles, Birds, Fishes, Hunting, and Hawking. As also a compendious Grammar for the Instruction of tlie Learner . . . Tot Rot- terdam, Gedruckt by Aernovt Leers, Anno 1648. 4"^. (*) 4 leaves, the 4tli blank : A— Tt in eights : Vv— Bbb 2 in fqurs : the Dutch-English portion, (*), 4 leayes : A — Hh in eights : li — Mm in fours. Dedicated by Hexham from Rot- terdam, 21 Sept. 1647, to Bartholomew van Wouw Knight. A Copious English and Netherdutch Dic- tionary . . . And in this New Edition Amended, Enlarged, and Enriched with many Words, by Daniel Manly. Rotter- dam, Printed by the Widdow of Arnold Leers, at the Old Head, 1675. With Priviledge. 4*^. *, 2 leaves : A — Sss in fours, Sss 4 blank : the Dutch-English part, *, 4 leaves : A — 4 Q in fours, 4 Q 4 blank. HEYDON, SIR CJIRISTOPHER. An Astrological Discourse, INIanifestly proving the Powerful Influence of Planets and Fixed Stars upon Elementary Bodies, in Justification of the verity of Astrology. Together w^ith an Astrological Judgment upon the great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 1603. Both written by that truly honorable and learned Gentleman Sir Christopher Heydon Knight, and never till now made publike. London, Printed by John Macock for Nathaniel Brooks at the Angel in Cornhill. 1650. 8", A— II in eights, title on A 2. Edited by Nicholas Fisk. At the end HEY DON. 281 HEYWOOD. occurs the date of 1608 as that of the com- position of the second tract. There are a few diagrams. HEYDON, JOH^^ The Idea of the Law Charactered from Moses to King Charles. Whereunto is added the Idea of Government and Ty- ranny. By John Heydon Gent. . . . London, Printed for the Author . . . 1660. 8°, a — c 4 in eights : A — P 2 in eights. With two dedications, (l.) to Ralph Gar- dener, Esquire, Justice of Peace, &c., and (II.) to William AVild, Esquire, Recorder of London ; which are succeeded by a short inscription to Philip Green, of Staple-Inn. A long preface by Heydon, with some verses in it, is dated "from my House in the East- side of Spittle Fields, next door to the Red Lion without Bishops-gate, near London. April 27, 1660." There are complimentary verses by Thomas Revel, John Gadbury, and George Starkejf^ £irencens Philoponus Philalethes. HEYLIN, PETER. Cosmographie in foure Bookes . . . By Peter Heylin . . . The 3^ Edition cor- rected & inlarged by the Author. London Printed for Anne Seile . . . 1666. ' Folio. Engraved and printed titles, and impri- matur, &c., 3 leaves: A, 4 leaves : B — 5 E in sixes : 5 F in fours. Cyprianvs Anglicvs : Or, The History of the Life and Death, of The most Reverend and Renowned Prelate William . . . Lord Archbishop of Canterbury . . . Containing also The Ecclesiastical History of the Three Kingdoms . . . from His first rising till His death. By P. Heylin D.D. and Chap- lain to Charles the First and Charles the Second, . . . London, Printed by J. M. for A. Seile, . . . mdclxxi. Folio! A, 2 leaves : B — 3 T 2 in fours, with the two last leaves occupied by an Elegy on Charles I. Dedicated to Sir John Robin- HEYRICK, THOMAS, M.A. of Peter- House, Cambridge. Miscellany Poems. By Tho. Heyrick, M.A. Formerly of Peter- House College in Cambridge. [Quot. from Timocles.] Cam- bridge, Printed by John H^yes, for tb^e Author, and are to be sold by Francis Hicks . . . MDCXCi. 4°. A, 4 leaves : a — b, 4 leaves each, with verses by Joshua Barnes, W. Tunstall, &c.: B — Aain fours, the Submarine Voyage commencing on Q with a new title. The first part is dedicated to Katherine, Countess of Rutland, the second, to her son John, Lord Roos. HEYWOOD, JOHN. An hundred Epigrammes, Inuented and made by John Heywood. Anno Christi. M.D.L. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletstrete in the Hovs of Thomas Berthe- let. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno dni. 1550. 8°, black letter, A— C in eights, the last leaf with the colophon. F. Locker, Esq. The title is within a broad woodcut bor- der, and on the back are four 7-line stanzas "To the Reader." On A 2 occurs "The table of this booke." HEYWOOD, THOMAS. If Yov Know not me . . . London, Printed bv B. A, and T. F. for Nathaniell Butter. 1632. 4°, A— F in fours. The Fayre Maide of the Exchange . . . London, Printed by A. G. and are to be sold at the signe of the Grev-hound in Pauls Church-yard. 1637. ^'^j A— K in fours. If you know not me . . . London: Printed by I. Raworth for N. Butter. 1639. 4<^, A — G in fours, G 4 blank. The Rape of Lvcrece . . . The fifth Im- pression. W'ritten by Thomas Heywood. London, Printed by lohn Raworth, for Nathaniel Butter. 1638. 4", A— L in fours. A Woman Kilde with Kindnesse. As it hath beene oftentimes Acted by the Queenes Maiest. Seruants. Written by Tho. Heywood. The third Edition. Lon- don, Printed by Isaac laggard. 1617. 4^, A — I in fours, I 4 blank. The Brazen Age, The first Act contain- ing, The death of the Centaure Nessns, The Second, The Tragedy of Meleager : The Third, The Tragedy of lason and Medea. The Foorth, Vvlcans Keb. The Fifth, The Labours and death of Hercules. Written by Thomas Heywood. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Samuel Rand . . . 1613. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— L in fours, L^4 blank. The Silver Age, Inclvding, the loue of lupiter to Alcmena : The birth of Her- cules. And the Rape of Proserpine. Con- clvding. With the Arraignement of the Moone. Written by Thomas Heywood. Aui prodesse solent aut deledare. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Beniamin Lightfoote at his Shop at the vpper end of Graies Inne-lane in Holborne. 1613. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— L 2 in fours, L 2 blank. In the preface, the author describes this as the second of the series. Englands Elizabeth Her Life and Trov- bles, During her Minoritie, from the HICKERINGILL. 2S2 HICKES. Cradle to the Crowne. Historically laid open and interwouen with such eminent Passages of State, as happened vnder the Reigne of Henry the Eight, Edward the Sixt, Q. Mary, all of them aptly introduc- ing to the present Relation. By Tho: Heywood. London, Printed by lohn Beale, for Philip Waterhovse . . . 1631. 12^, A — L in twelves, first three and last three leaves blank. With a frontispiece. Dedicated to Henry, Earl of Dover. Englands Elisabeth : ... By Tho. Hey- wood. Cambridge : Printed by Roger Daniel, ... 1641. 12«, A— I in twelves. With a portrait. The late Lancashire Witches. A well received Comedy, lately Acted at the Globe on the Banke-side, by the Kings Majesties Actors. Written, By Thom. Heywood, and Richard Broome. Aut 2:)rodesse solent, aut delectare. London, Printed by Thomas Harper for Benjamin Fisher . . . 1634. 4'', A, 2 leaves : B — L in fours. A booke called Mistakes, Clinches, Tales, (Sic. bv Master Heywood. Licensed to John Okes, 18 November, 1636. Was this Chamberlain's book, under a somewhat similar title, printed in 1639 ? The Wise-woman of Hogsdon. A Co- medie. As it hath been sundry times Acted with great Applause. Written by Tho: Heywood. Aut prodesse, aut Delectare. London, Printed by M. P. for Henry Shepherd, . . . 1638. 4°, A— I in fours, I 4 verso occupied by verses to the Author by Samuel King. Merlins Prophesies and Predictions . . . London, Printed by I. E, and are to be sold by Thomas Pierrepoint . . . 1651. 4°. IF, 4 leaves, with the frontispiece : *, 4 leaves : a — e in fours : A — Cc in fours. Fortune by Land and Sea. A Tragi- comedy. As it was Acted with great Applause by the Queen's Servants. Writ- ten by Tho. Haywood, and William Rowly. London, Printed for John Sweet- ing . . . 1655. 4°, A — F in fours. HICKERINGILL, EDMUND. Jamaica Viewed : . . . The second Edi- tion. 13y E. II. London, Printed for John Williams. . . . 1661. 8°, A— G 4 in eights. With a folded map. The Survey of the Earth, In its General Vileness and Debauch. With some New Projects to Mend or Cobl)le it. Shewing (in short) but more exactly, than any Pope, General Council, . . . What is the True Christian Religion ... By Edmvnd Hickeringill, Rector of all Saints in Col- chester. The Second Edition. London, Printed, and are to be sold by B. Bragge ... 4°, A — H in fours. The most Humble Confession and Recan- tation of Edmund Hickeringil, Clerk, Publickly Made, Read, Sign'd and Sealed in the Court of Arches ; Held before the Right Worshipful, Sir Richard Lloyd Knight ... on Fryday the 27^^ day of June, in the Year of our Lord, 16S4. London Printed for Benj. Tooke, . . . 1684. A folio leaf. HICKES, GEORGE. Ravillac Redivivus : Being a Narrative of the late Tryal of M^ James Mitchel . . . The second Edition very much Augmented and ♦Enlarged. London : Printed for Walter Kettilby . . . M,Dc,LXXxiL Folio, A — P, 2 leaves each, except N, which is a single leaf. HICKES, WILLIAM. Oxford Drollery ; Being New Poems and Songs. The first Part, composed by W. H. The second and third Parts being, upon several occasions, made by the most Eminent and Ingenious Wits of the said Universit3^ And Collected by the same Author. The like never before published. Oxford, Printed for J. G. and are to be sold by Thomas Palmer at the Sign of the Crown in Westminster Hall, 1671. 8°, A — L 6 in eights, besides title and To the Reader in verse. B. M. Oxford Drollery : Being New Poems, and Songs. The first part, composed by W. H. The Second and Third Parts being upon several occasions, made by the most Eminent and Ingenious Wits of the said University. And Collected by the same Author. The like never before published. Oxford, Printed by B. G. and are to be sold by Dan. Major and Tho. Orrel at the Flying -horse, and Hand and Scepter against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet- Street. 1679. 8"^, A— L 6 in eights, be- sides title and To the Reader (in verse). Br. Museum (Heber and Utterson copy). A new titlepage only. Oxford Jests, Refined and Enlarged : Being A Collection ^^ Witty Jests, Collected and Corn- Merry I ales, Pleasant Joques, posed by Captain W. II. Native of Oxford. London, Printed for Simon Miller, at the Star, at the West-end of St. Paul's, 1684. 8*^. A, 6 leaves : B — I in twelves. A 1 HICKMAN, 283 HILL. and 112 are blank. T^'ith commendatory verses by T. Franklin and E. Edwards. Br. Museum (Bli:^s's copy). Oxford Jests, Eefined and Enlarged ; Being a Collection of Witty Jests, Merry Tales, Pleasant Joques. Collected and Composed by Captain W. Hicks, Native of Oxford. The Eighth Edition Cor- rected. London : Printed for C. Hitch, and L. Hawes ; . . . [Circa 1720.] 12«, A — H 6 in twelves. HICKMAN, CHAELES, D.I). A Sermon Preached at St. Bride's Church, on St. Cecilia's Day, Nov. 22, 1695. Being the Anniversary Feast of the Lovers of Musick. . . . London : Printed for Walter Kettelby, . . . 1696. f, B— D in fours, besides title and dedication, 3 leaves. HIERON, SAMUEL. Tiie Doctrine of the Beginning of Christ. Short for memory, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the Text, for the more Authority. By Samuel Hieron Minister of the Gospell. . . . London, Printed by John Beale. 1635. 8°, A— C in eights, C S blank. The preface is dated from Modbury in Devon, August 4, 1604. HIGDEX, RALPH. [PoUchronicon Translated by John de Trevisa, Chaplain to Lord Berkley.] Im- printed and set in forme bv me William Caxton. [1482-3.] Folio", 450 leaves, including 5 blanks. Without title, place, and date. Br. Museurii (Grenville), Pepy- sian, Althorp, Astor Library New York, &c. Imperfect copies are common. HIGGONS, JOHN. The Case of John Higgons, Gent. Alice his Wife, formerly Alice Cesar, Widow, and her Four Daughters. A sheet. [Circa 1704.] HIGGONS, THEOPHILUS, Eector of Hunton. Kent. Mystical Babylon, Or Papall Rome. A Treatise vpon those w^ords, Apocal. 18. 2. It is fallen, It is fallen Babylon, d'C. . . . London, Printed by William Stansby, for Matthew Lownes and William Barret, 1624. 4°, A— Kk in fours, Kk 4 blank, and % 4 leaves, the first blank. Dedi- cated to Sir Henry Montagu, Viscount Mandeville. HIGHAM, JOHN. A Looking-Glass for Loyalty : Or the Subjects Duty to his Sovereign. Being the Substance of several Sermons preached by a Person who always looked upon his Allegiance as incorporated into his Reli- gion. Published to promote that in others which in the worst of times he practised himself . . . London, Printed for Henry Brome, . . . 1675. b", A— N in eights, N 8 blank. HILL, JOHN, 3I.D. An AUarm to Europe : By a late Prodi- gious Comet seen November and Decem- ber, 1680. With a Predictive Discourse. Together with some preceding and some succeeding Causes of its sad Effects to the East and North Eastern parts of the World. Namely, England, Scotland, Ire- land, . . . By John "Hill Physitian and Astrologer. The Form of the Comet with its Blaze or Stream as it was seen Decem- ber the 24tbAnno 1680. In the Evening. [Woodcut.] London Printed by H. Brugis for William Thackery at the Angel in Duck-Lane. [1681.] Folio, 2 leaves. HILL, THOMAS. A Prognostication made for the yeare of our Lorde God, 1572. wherein at large is set forth the description of the fower quarters of the yeare : with the predic- tions of the weather for euery day, exactly calculated for Oxenforde. By Thomas Hill, of London Student. Imprinted at London by Richard Watkins, and lames Roberts. Cum priuilegio ... 8°, black letter, A — D in eights. The Gardeners Labyrinth : Containing a discourse of the Gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestowed on his plot of earth, for the vse of a Garden : with instructions for the choice of Seedes, apte times for sowing, setting, planting, & w^atering, and the vessels and instruments seruing to that vse and purpose : Wherein are set forth diners Herbers, Knottes and Mazes, cunningly handled for the beauti- fying of Gardens. Also the Physike benefit of eche Herbe, Plant and Floure, with the vertues of the distilled Waters of euery of them, . . . Gathered ovt of the best Approved Writers of Gardening, Husbandrie, and Physicke : By Dydymus Mountaine [Thomas Hill.] Printed at London by Henry Bynneinan. Anno. 1578, 4*^. a, 4 leaves : A — LI in fours, and 4 leaves of mazes, &c. Dedicated to Sir W. Cecil by H. Dethick, who has some verses on the back of the title to the Reader. The Gardeners Labyrinth. . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip. 1594. 4°, A— LI in fours, A repeated. HILTON. 284 HILTON. The Profitable Arte of Gardening : to •which, is added much necessarie matter, and a number of secrets, ... To this is annexed two proper Treatises, the one entituled, The meruailous gouernment, propertie, and benefite of Bees, . . . And the other, The yerely coniectures meete for Husbandmen. To these is likewise added a Treatise of the Arte of Graffing and Planting of trees. Gathered by Thomas Hyll, Citizen of London. Lon- don, Imprinted by Edward Allde. 1593. 4°, black letter, A — Mm in fours. The Arte of Gardening, whereunto is added much necessarie matter . . . Heer- vnto is annexed two proper Treatises, the first Intituled, The meruailous gouer- ment, properties, & benefite of Bees . . . the other. The yearly Coniectures verie necessary for Husband-men. To these is likewise ioyned a Treatise of the Arte of Graffing and planting of trees. Gathered by Thomas Hill, Citizen of London. Lon- don, Imprinted by Edward Allde. 1 6Q8. 4°, A — Mm in fours. Black letter, dedi- cated to Sir Henry Seamer, Kniglit. The Schoole of Skil : Containing two Bookes : the first of the Sphere, of heauen, of the Starres, of their Orbes, and of the Earth, &c. The second, of the Sphaerical Elements, of the celestiall Circles, and of their vses, &c. Orderly set forth accord- ing to Art, with apt Fgures and propor- tions in their proper places, by Tho. Hill. At London. Printed by T. ludson, for W. laggard. 1599. 4°. A, 4 leaves, the first blank : B — S in eights. With diagrams and woodcuts. The Arte of vulgar arithmeticke, both in Integers and Fractions, deuided into two Bookes : whereof the first is called Nomo- didactus N^ivierorum, and the second Fortus Pr(yp Tragedies. ( Duke of Lerma, ) As they were Acted by His Majesty's Servants at the Theatre-Eoyal. Written by the Honourable Sir Eobert Howard. The Second Edition Corrected. London, Printed for Henry Herringman . . . 1700. Folio, A — Kk in fours. With a portrait by E. White. The Great Favourite, Or, the Duke of Lerma. As it was Acted at the Theatre- Eoyal by His Majesties Servants. Written by the Honourable Sir Eobert Howard. In the Savoy : Printed for Henry Her- rmgman. 1668. 4^. A, 4 leaves The Duell of the Stags : A Poem. Writ- ten by the Honourable Sir Eobert How- ard. In the Savoy, Printed for Henry Herringman . . . 1668. 4^, A— B in fours, and a leaf of C. Dedicated to the Duke of Buckingham. HOWAED, WILLIAM, English Catholic. A Patterne of Christian Loyaltie : Where- by any prudent man may clearely per- ceive in what manner the New Oath of Allegiance, and every Clause thereof, may in a true, and Catholike sense, without danger of Perjury, be taken by Eonian Catliolikes. And all the chiefe Objec- tions, which are usually made against the HOWARD. 293 HOWELL. said Oath, . . . Collected out of Aiithours, who have handled the whole matter more larsrelv. London, Printed by R. Bad,^er, 1634. " A"". *% 4 leaves, first blank : •![, 4 leaves : A, 2 leaves : B— I in fours, I 4 blank. HOTW-VED, WILLIAM, Lord Howard of Escrich. A Letter from the Lord Howard of Escrick, to his Friend. Together with his Protestation at his Eeceiving the Blessed Communion in the Tower, on Julv the Third 1651. London : Printed by "Robert Roberts. 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. A Letter to a Friend, Occasioned by my Lord Howard of Escricks Letter to his Friend, with his Protestation at the re- ceiving the Blessed Sacrament in the Tower, July 3, 1681. [Col.] London, Printed for A. B. Anno Dom. 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. The Humble Petition of TVilliam Lord Howard of Escrick, now Prisoner in the Tower. London, Printed for Richard Baldwin. 1681. A folio leaf. Notes of the Evidence given against the Lord Howard of Escrick to the Grand Inquest of the Hundred of Edmonton and Gore in the County of Middlesex : taken by Sir Charles Lee then Foreman, . . . London, Printed for S. Carr, 1681. A folio leaf. HOWELL, JAMES. Dendrologia. Dodona's Grove, Or, The Vocall Forrest. Bv J. H. Esq^ [London Printed] By T. B. for H. Mosley . . . 1640. Folio. Frontispiece and title, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : engrav- ings, 2 leaves : B — Aa in fours. Dendrologia. Dodona's Grove . . . The last Edition much more exact and perfect. . . . London, Printed by T. W. for Hum- phrey Moseley. . . . 12^"^ A — I in twelves, besides a frontispiece, two folding plates, and a printed leaf of Clavis : A in twelves. _ The two tracts at the end have separate titles, and the second separate signatures. Instructions for Forreine Travell. Shew- ing by wiiat cours, and in what compasse of time one may take an exact Survey of the Kingdomes and States of Christen- dome, and arrive to the practicall know- ledge of the Languages, to good purpose. — Post motura, Dulcior inde Quies. London, Printed by T. B. for Hump[h]rev Mosley, . . . 1642. 12°. A, 4 leaves^ B— L 10 in twelves, besides the frontis- piece. Dedicated in verse to Prince Charles. The Trve Informer, Who in the following Discovrs, Or CoUoqvy, Discovereth unto the World the Chiefe Causes of the sad Distempers in Great Brittany, and Ireland. Deduced from their Originals. . . . Ox- ford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, . . . MDCXLiii. [April 12.] 4% A— G 3 in fours and the title, C omitted. B. M. Two Discourses, Lately Review'd and enrich'd by the Author. One. The Pre- eminence and Pedegree of Parlement. Whereunto is added A Vindication of some passages reflecting upon the Author, in a Book call'd the Pojnsh Eoyall Faxorit, penn'd and published by Master Prj-nne. . . . The Second, Englands Teares. By lames HowelL . . . Printed at London according to Order, by Richard Heme. 1644. 4°, A— D in fours, first leaf blank. Epistolse Ho-Elianee The Third Edi- tion. With a Fourth volume of New Letters, Never Published before. Senesco non Segnesco. London, Printed for Hum- phrey Moseley, . . . 1655. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves : A — Hh in eights : the Fourth volume, A — K 4 in eights. With a frontispiece reduced from the larger print. Epistolae Ho-Elianae. . . . The Fifth Edi- tion. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Guy, at the Corner shop of Little Lum- bardstreet and Cornhill. near Woolchurch Market, 1678. 8°, A— Kk in eights, A repeated, including frontispiece. Epistolae Ho-Elianae. . . . The Seventh Edition. London : Printed for T. G. and -gold by S. Crouch. . . . 1705. 8°. Pp. 1-510 -f 7 leaves of prefixes -f H leaves of Table. Epistolse Ho-Elianse : . . . The Ninth Edi- tion, very much Corrected. London : . . . ii.Dcc.xxvi. 8°, A— Kk in eights, including a frontispiece. Epistolae Ho-Elianre : . . . The Tenth Edition, very much Corrected. Vt clavis 'portam, . . . London: . . . mdccxxxvii. 8°, A— Kk in eights. Epistolae Ho-Elianse. . . . The Eleventh Edition, very much Corrected. London . . . MDCCLiv. 8*^, A— Kk in eights, first leaf blank. This is considered the best edition. "With it is printed the poem of the Vote, and Howell's verses "to the knowing Reader touching Familiar Letters." S.P.Q.V. A Survey of the Signorie of Venice, Of her admired policy, and me- HOWELL. 294 HUARTE. thod of Goverment, &c. With A Cohor- tation to all Christian Princes to resent her dangerous Condition at present. By James Howell, Esq. London, Printed for Richard Lowndes. . . . m.dc.li. Folio. JJiporh the, Citty and Signorie of Venice, verses by J. H. 1 leaf : frontispiece and portrait of a Doge, both by Vaughan, 2 leaves : title, 1 leaf : B, 2 leaves : C — Gg 2 in fours. Philanglvs ; Som Sober Inspections. . . . The fourth Edition with a Supplement of divers signal passages which the other three had not. By Jam. Howell, Esq; Cupio, ut recte capiar. London, Printed by T. L. for W. Palmer, . . . 1660. 8°. A, 5 leaves : B — N 6 in eights. The Parly of Beasts ; Or, Morphandra Queen of the Inchanted Hand. . . . Lon- don, Printed by W. Wilson for William Palmer, at the Palm-Tree in Fleet-street. . . . 1660. Small folio. Engraved title by Gaywood and two printed titles, 3 leaves : a — b, 2 leaves each : B — Tt, 2 leaves each. Lexicon Tetraglotton, An English-French- Italian-Spanish Dictionary : Whereunto is Adjoined A large Nomenclature of the proper Terms (in all the four) belonging to several Arts and Sciences, to Recrea- tions, to Professions both Liberal and Mechanick, &c. With another Volume of the Choicest Proverbs in all the said Toungs, . . . Moreover, There are sundry familiar Letters and Verses running all in Proverbs, . . . Lastly, there are five Centuries of New Sayings. . . . By the Labours, and Lucubrations of James Ho- well, Esq; Senesco non Segnesco. Lon- don, Printed by J. G. for Samuel Thom- son. . . . 1660. Folio. Frontispiece by W. Faithorne and title, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : To the Reader, 1 leaf : Verses, 3 leaves : To the Philologist, 3 leaves : B — 8 B in twos : A Particular Vocahulary, — title and dedication, [a] — [b 2] in fours : French Proverbs, with a new title, (A) — (G2) in fours: Italian Proverbs, *A — *D in fours : Spanish Proverbs, A — E in fours, A blank : liritish Proverbs, +A — tF in fours : New Sayings, (a) — (b) in twos, (c) 3 leaves. Twelve Severall Treatises, of the late Revolutions in these Three Kingdomes ; Deducing the causes thereof fi-om their originals. By James Howell Esq; His Majesties Historiograplier Pioyal. Lon- don, Printed by J. Grismond, and are to be sold . . . 1661. S''. A, 4 leaves, in- cluding a frontispiece : B — Dd in eights, ! Dd 8 blank. This includes a reprint of the True In- former. j Dissertatio de Praecedentia Regum. ... Industria D. Jacobi Howell. ... Ex ' Anglicano Sermone in Latinum versa labore B. Harrisii L. P. Huic adjungitur alius ejusdem Authoris Tractatus De Le- gatis Latine reddibus a D. J. Harmaro, Nuper L. Gr. P. P. Oxonii. Londini, . . . 1664. 8°. HOWGILL, FRANCIS. The Heart of New-England Hardned through Wickednes. In Answer to a Book, Entituled the Heart of New-Eng- land Rent, Published by John Norton. . . . The Doctrine of the Quakers Vindicated, ... By him that waits to see the Throne of Righteousness Exalted above all Deceit. Francis Howgill. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Simmons. . . . 1659. 4°, A — E in fours. HOWLET, ROBERT. The School of Recreation. . . . By R. H. London, Printed for H. Rhodes. . . . 1701. 12^. A, 4 leaves, including a woodcut frontispiece : B — I 8 in twelves. The School of Recreation : . . . By R. H. London : Printed for A. Bettesworth . . . and A. Wilde . . . 1736. 12°, A— G 6 in twelves, the first leaf with the frontis- piece, and the last with a list of books. The Anglers Sure Guide ; Or, Angling Improved, And methodically Digested. . . . Together mth many other useful and pleasant Varieties, suitable to the Recreation of Angling. Adorned with Copper Cuts. By R. H. Esq; near 40 years a Practitioner in this Art. London, Printed by J. H. for G, Conyers. . . . 1706. 8°. A, four leaves : B— U 4 in eights, besides frontispiece and a leaf of cuts of fish. HUARTE, JOHN. Examen de Ingenios. The Examination of mens Wits. In which, by discouering the varietie of natures, is shewed for what professions each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By John Huarte. Englished out of his Italian, by R[ichard] C[arew of Antony] Esquire. London, Printed by Adam Islip, for C. Hunt of Excester. 1594. 4*^, A— Y in eights. Dedicated to Sir Francis Godolphin, Knight, a deputy lieutenant for Cornwall. Examen de Jngenios. . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip. 1596. 4*^, A— Y in eights. HUBBARD. 29: HUGHES. Examen de Ingenios. The Examination of mens "Wits. . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip, for Thomas Adams. 1616, 4°, A— Y in eights. HUBBARD. HubberJes Hartesgriefe. A ballad. Li- censed to John Wright, 18 January, 1610-11. HUBBARD, WILLIAM. Great Brittaines Resvrrection : Or the Parliaments passing Bell. By way of Psalmodie, against the tryumphing of the Papists, in their seuen Psalmes. And in imitation of the song of the three Nobles of Israel, . . . By William Hubbard, Chaplain e to the Kings Maiestie, in his Highnes ToTver of London. . . . Seene and allowed. At London, Printed bv T. C. for Arthur lohnson 1606. 4^, A — G in fours, and •;, 4 leaves between A and B. HUBBERT, THOMAS. Pilula ad expurgandani Hypocrisin. A Pill to Purge Formality. Wherein is dis- covered the sad and wofull condition of all formal professors in Religion. ... By Tho. Hubbert Esq; . . . London Printed by Robert White for Lodowick Lloyd, and Henry Cripps. . . . 1650. 8°. 'A, 5 leaves, a, 7 leaves : B — R 4 in eights. Dedicated to the Lord President Brad- shaw and the rest of the Council of State, and in a second epistle to the Justices of the Peace of the county of Middlesex. An address to the Eeader is dated from the author's house in Moorfields. HUBERT, SIR FRAXCIS. The Historic and Raigne of Edward the Second : With his Miserable and Cruell Death. By Francis Hubert, K^*. . . . London, Printed by A. M. for L. Chap- man, ... 1631. 8°. A, 4 leaves, printed title on A 2 : B— M 4 in eights. On the title of this copy in an old hand is, Ex lihrisEdmv.ndjWyndham. Sotheby's, July 13, 1878, Xo. 612. The Life of Edward II. With the Fates of Gavestone and the Spencers. A Poem in Three Canto's. To which (for the better Understanding of the whole) is prefix'd an Account of that Prince's Reign from Dr. Echard and others. Done from a Manuscript. Heu Pietas Heu Prisca Fides. London : Printed for Tho Harbin. . . . 1721. Price Is 6d. 8'^. Frontispiece, 1 leaf : A, 6 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — M in sixes : N, 8 leaves, N 8 with advertise- ments. HUE AND CRY. A Hue and Cry after Religion and Justice. Lost in the Year 1641. and hath not been heard of since Charles the first left the City of London. With the Descriptions, Marks, Causes, Symptoms and effects thereof. Also the practices of Injustice and Irreligion, with the execution thereof, Characterised. Printed in the Year 1649. 4*^, 4 leaves. In prose and verse. This tract concludes with " Then tole the Bell, Religion gasping lies; " And bid farewell to Lawes and Liberties. " Till Chaeles the second our dread Sove- raign shall, " Eeturn in Triumph to content you all." The Hue and Cry after S^ John Presby- ter. [1650.] A sheet of verses. A New Hve and Cry after Maior General Massey and some others, who by help of Peters Keyes, escaped from the Tower of London, August the 30. and is thought to be fled into Holland. With some others that held correspondency with the States Ambassadors, . . . With certain infallible Marks to know them by, and a reward to those that shall apprehend them. Printed at London, 1652 [Sept. 6.] 4*^, 4 leaves. B. M. A Hue and Cry after Good Friday, Lost in the Oxford Almanack. A sheet in two columns. Bagford Pa'pers. A Hue and Cry after a Man-Midwife, who has lately Deliver'd the Land-Bank of their Money. London, Printed in the year 1699. A folio leaf. In verse. HUETSON, MICHAEL, A.M. of Trinity College, Dublin. Ireland's Tears. A Pindarique Poem, upon the Death of our late sovereign, Charles II. and the Peaceful Happy Suc- cession & Inauguration of our present Great Monarch K. James II. &c. Lon- don, Printed by Nath. Thompson . . . 1685. Folio, 5 leaves. HUGGARD, MILES. A treatyse declaring howe Christ by per- uerse preachyng was banished out of this realme : And howe it hath pleased God to bryng Christ home againe by Mary our moost gracious Queue. Imprinted at London by Robert Caly . . . 1554. Cum priuilegio . . . 4*^, black letter. A — E 2 in fours. In 7-line stanzas. Dedicated by M. Huggard to the Queen. Lamheth. HUGHES, J. The House of Nassau. A Pindarick Ode. Bv J. Hughes. . . . London, Printed for D. Brown ... and A. Bell . . . MDCCII. HUGHES. 296 HUNGERFORD. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. Dedicated to Charles, Duke of Somerset, HUGHES, W. The Compleat Vineyard : Or, An Excel- lent way of Planting of "Wines . . . En- larged above half by the Author, W. Hughes. London, Printed by J. C. for Will. Crook, . . . 1670. S'^, A— G in eights, and a, 8 leaves, besides a large folded plate. HUGO, HERMAN, of the Society of Jesus. The Siege of Breda Written in Latin by the E. F. Herman Hvgo of the S. of I. Translated into English by C. H. G. Printed with Licence. M. DC. xxvii. Folio. Engraved title, 1 leaf : *, 2 leaves with dedication subscribed H. G. " to the Soldiers of ovr Nation in Generall" : A — T in fours. With plates at pp. 4, 8, 10, 12, 28, 29, 30, 40, 42, 61, 74, 78, 114, 120, 152. Pia Desideria : . . . The Third Edition, corrected. London : Printed for Henry Bonwicke, . . . mdccii. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B— Q in eights, Q 8 blank. With a frontispiece and plates. HUISH, ANTHONY. Priscianus Embryo et Nascens : Being a Key to the Grammar-School. In Two Parts . . . The Fourth Edition, with Emendations and remarkable Additions. London, Printed for William Garret, A.D. 1670. 8^, A— Hh in eights : li — Mm in fours. With a vignette on the title of the second part, representing a schoolmistress at a desk surrounded by her pupils. The preface to the Reader is signed A [nthony] H[uish.] There is no T — Aa, sign. Bb in part 2 following S. HULL, JOHN. The Vnm asking of the Politiqve Atheist. By I. H. Batcheler of Diuinitie : At London Printed for Ralph Howell, . . . 1602. 8*', A— G in eights. Lambeth. HUME, DAVID, of Godscroft. The History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus. Written l)y Master David Hume of Godscroft. Edinburi;li, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1644. Folio. (*) 4 leaves with Anna Hume of Godscroft's dedication to Archibald, Lord of Angus, title, &c. A — 3 L in fours. HUMOR. Hvmors Antiqve Faces. . . . 1605. It is curious tliat the only two copies yet seen of this tract should have turned up within a few miles of oacli other, at Althorp and Lamport Hall. The Isham copy is un- cut. HUMFREY, LAWRENCE, D.D. The Nobles or of Nobilitye. The Ori- ginal nature, dutyes, right, and Christian Institucion thereof three Bookes. Fyrste eloqventlye writte in Latine by Lawrence Humfrey D. of Diuinity, and Presidents of Magdaleine Colledge in Oxforde, late englished. Whereto for the readers commodititie [sic], and matters affinitye, is coupled the small treatyse of Philo a Jewe. By the same Author out of the Greek Latined, nowe also Englished. 1563. Imprinted at London in Flete- strete nere to S. Dunstons church by Thomas Marshe. 8°, black letter. A— C 4 in eights : a— z 4 in eights : Aa, 8 leaves, Aa 8 blank. Dedicated to the Queen. With three copies of compli- mentary verses. loannis Ivelli Angli, Episcopi Sarisburi- ensis vita & mors, eiusq; verse doctrinsQ defensio, cum refutatione quorundam obiectorum, Thomse Hardingi. . . . Laurentio Humfredo S. Theologiee apud Oxonienses professore Regio, Autore. Psal. 112. In memoria ceterna erit iustus. Londini apud loannem Dayum Typogra- phum. An. 1573. Cum Gratia ... 4", t, 4 leaves : *, 4 leaves : IF, 4 leaves : **, 4 leaves : A— Qq in fours, last leaf having the Errata. Dedicated to Matthew Parker of Canter- bury. There are at the end some Latin verses by Thomas "Wilson, Alex. Nowell, Sir Thomas Bodley, George Buchanan, &c. HUNGARY. The Historie of the Trovbles of Hvngarie: Containing the PitifvU Losse and Rvine of that Kingdome, and the W^arres hap- pened there, in that time, betweene the Christians and Turkes. By Mart. Fvmee Lord of Genille, Knight of the Kings Order. Newly translated out of French into English, By R. C. Gentleman. Tout j)0ur VEglise. London. Imprinted by Felix Kingston. 1600. Folio, A— Kk in sixes, first and last leaves blank. De- dicated by R. C. to Sir Robert Cecil. The Declaration of the Hungarian War, Lately set out by the most Illustrious Michael Apafy, Prince of Transilvania, Against the Emperours S. Majesty . . . London : Printed . . . 1682. Folio, A — E in twos, including two titlepages. HUNGERFORD, SIR EDWARD. Sir Edward Ilvngerford's Vindication, for the Svrrendring of Malmsbury in Wiltshire to the Kings forces, after it was taken by Sir William Waller. . . . HUNE. '■97 HURAULT. London. Mav 6 Printed for Francis Leach, AnnoDom. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves, B.M. HUXE, RICHAED. The enquirie and verdite of the quest panneld of the death of EvcbaTd Hune TVich was founde hanged in Lolars tower. 8°, black letter. Puttick and Simpson, Apiil 12, 1876, title and Preface only, 4 leaves. HUXNIS, WILLIAM. ^-ij Steppes to heaven alias the vij Psalnies reduced into meter by William Hunnys. whereunto are added, the honny Succles and the wydoes myte. Licensed to H. Denham, 7 Nov. 1581. Seuen Sobs of a Sorrowfnll Soule for Sinne : [London Printed bv H. L. for the Company of Stationers.] " 1618. 12*^, A — G in twelves. With the music and separate titles to the several parts. HUNT. The hunte ys vp. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1565-6. The hunte ys vp. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1569-70. HUNT, NICHOLAS. The marchants Jewell, by Nicholas Hunt. Licensed to Augustine Mathews, 23 Nov. 1627. A Discription of a new borne Christian, bv Nicholas Hunt. Licensed to Eichard Collins, lO^h ]^iay^ 1630. The handmaid to the science of Arith- meticke by Nicholas Hunt Master of Artes. Licensed to J. Boler, 20 Julv, 1631. HUNT, THOMAS. A Defence of the Charter, and ^Municipal Eights of the City of London, and other Municipal Cities and To^ms of England. Directed to the Citizens of London. Lon- don, Printed, and are to be sold bv Eichard Baldwin. [1683.] 4*^, A— F in fours. The Lawyer Outlaw'd ; Or a Brief Answer to Mr. Hunts Defence of the Charter. With some Useful Eemarks on the Commons Proceedings in the Last Parliament at Westminster. In a Letter to a Friend. Printed by N. T. for the Author, MDCLXXxiii. ^\ B — F in fours, F 4 blank, and the title. HUNTEE. A ballad of a hunter. Licensed to John Allde in 1561-2. HUNTING. Nowe all kind of huntinge is greatly abused, &c. A ballad. Licensed to Henry Carre, 17 Sept. 1578. HUNTINGDONSHIEE. The description of [a] monstrous childe borne at Fenny Stanton in Huntingdon- shire. Licensed to H. Bynneman, 6 Oct. 1580. The discouerie ... of the three Witches of Warboys. 1593. The form in -which this tract is entered in the Stationers' Registers (Arber, ii. 299) is rather curious and unusual : — '• 30 Junij [1593.] Thomas newman Entred for their copie, John Wynnyngton. iharraignument Judgement and execuc^yi of three xcytches of Huntingdonshire, beinge Recommended for matter of truthe by master Judge Fenner vnder his handwrytinge shewed in a Court or assemblie holden this Daye according to thordonnances of the company . . . vj*^ The note vnder master Justice Fanners hand is Layd vp in the wardens cupbord."' A lamentable songe of Three Wytches of Warbos, and executed at Huntingdon. Licensed to John Danter, 10 Dec. 1593. A Great Victory Obtained by CoUonell Scroope against the Duke of Bucking- ham, at Saint Neods in Huntingtonshire. On Munday July the IQtii. 1648. . . . London, Printed for the generall satis- faction of moderate men. M DC XL VIII. 4**, 4 leaves, with a full-length figure on the last page. B. M. Huntington Divertisement, Or, An En- terlude'for the Generall Entertainment at the Countv-Feast, held at Merchant- Taylors Hall," June 20, 1678. . . . Lon- don, Printed by J. Bennet, 1678. 4*^, A — H 2 in fours, first leaf blank. Dedicated by W. M. to the persons pat- ronizing the entertainment. HUNTLY, JAMES GRAHA3I, MAE- QUIS OF. The caracter of a true subiect or the loyall fidelitv of the Lord Marquesse Huntley. Licensed to E. Griffin, 15 Sept. 1640. HUEAULT, JAQUES. Politicke, Moral, and Martial Discoiu'ses. Written in French by M. laques Hurault, lord of Vieul and of Marais, and one of the French kings priuie Councell. Dedi- cated by the Author to the French kings Maiestie : And translated into English bv Arthur Golding. London, Printed by Adam Islip. 1595. 4°, roman letter, A — Ii in eights. Dedicated by the translator to WiUiam, Lord Cobham. On the title of this copy HUSBAND. 298 HYDE. occurs: " Dvrvm Pati. R. JSTorthe"— Roger, second Lord North of Kirtling, who died in 1600. HUSBAND. The Husband, a poem . . . 1614. This volume commences with a dedica- tory prose epistle "To his Trvly Honored Friend, M. Anth: Croftes," and another "Epistle to the Reader," in which the author requests he may not be condemned as an imitator, " though indeed the worke precedent, and worke-master, were both alike excellent. " Commendatory verses now follow by Ben Jonson (which do not appear in collections of his works) — I. C — Ra: Wym. — lo. Calue: ex inter: Temp.— A. H. ex Temp: Med. — Philomus: ex Graii: Hospi:— R. V. (in Latin).— M. Freeman, and " The Author to his preefix'd Ap- prouers." The author of this volume is not known, but from the circumstance of three of his friendly eulogists signing their verses as residents in the Inner and Middle Temple and Gray's Inn, it is extremely probable that the law was his profession. — The popu- larity of Sir Thomas Overbury's "Wife" evidently gave rise to this poem, of which the present copy is believed, with good reason, to be the only one existing — it is that which was in the libraries of Major Pearson, Mr. Steevens, and Mr. Wood- house. — Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. The Husband Forc'd to be Jealous, Or the Good Fortune of those Women that have Jealous Husbands. A Translation by N. H. London, Printed for H. Her- ringman . . . 1668. 8^, A— K in eights, first and last leaves blank. The Obliging Husband and Imperious Wife; Or, The West Country Clothier, Undone hj a Peacock. With the Plea- sant and Comical Humours of Honest Humphry his Man. Made out in seve- ral Witty and Ingenious Dialogues, . . . London : Printed for Kobert Gifford . . . 1717. Price Bound One Shilliug. la*^, A — E in twelves, including a woodcut frontispiece. HUSBANDMAN. The Hvsbandmans Practice Or, Prognos- tication for Ever. As teacheth Albert, Alkind, Haly, and Ptolomy. AVith the Shephea[r]ds perpetuall Prognostication for the AVeather. London. Printed for John Stafford and are to be sold at the signe of the George at Fleet bridge, 1660. 8°, black letter. A— in eiglits. With cuts. The Husband-man's Practice : Or, Prog- nostication for ever. As teaclietli Albert . . . Printed for A¥. Thackeray, at tlie An- gel in Duck-Lane. 1693. 8'', black letter, C — M in eights, no A— B. AVoodcuts. On p. 136 commences "The Shepherd's Prognosticotion." HUSWIFE. The Idle huswifes exercise. Licensed to J. Cbarlwood, 2 Jan. 1578-9. HUTCHINSON, KOGER, of Cambridge. The Image of God, or laie mas booke, in whyche the ryghte knowledge of God is disclosed, . . . [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- don by Jhon Daie, dwelling ouer Alders- gate, and AA^ylliam Seres dwelling in Peter Colledge. The yere of our Lorde God M.D.L, the twenty & eyght day of June. . . . 8*^, black letter, A — Aa in eights, no sign. Z, and 10 leaves in A. HUTTEN, ULRIC. Of the AVood called Gvaiacvm, that heal- eth the Frenche Pockes, and also helpeth the goute in the feete, the stoone, the palsey, lepree, dropsy, fallynge euyll, and other dyseases. Londini in iEdibus Thomae Bertheleti. . . . Anno, m.d.xxxix. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— K in eights, K 8 blank. Translated by Thomas Paynell. HUTTON, SIE RICHAED. The Argvments of Sir Richard Hutton Knight, one of the Judges of the Common Pleas : And Sir George Croke Knight, one of the Judges of the Kings Bench : Together with the Certificate of Sir John Denham Knight, one of the Barons of the Exchequer : Vpon a Scire facias brought by the Kings Majesty, in the Court of Exchequer, against John Hamp- den Esqnire. As also the severall Votes of the Commons and Peeres in Parlia- ment, and the Orders of the Lords for the vacating of the Judgement given against the said Mr. Hampden, and the vacating of the severall Rolls in each severall Court, wherein the Judges extrajudicial! Opinions in the Cases made touching Ship-Money are entered. London, Printed by M. Flesher and R. Young, the Assignes of I. More Esquire. 1641. 4*^. Title- page, 1 leaf : B — P in fours : the Judg- ment of Hutton^ A — H in fours : A — C 2 in fours. HYDE, EDAVARD. ]\Ir. Edward Hydes Speech at a Confer- ence betweene both Houses, on Tuesday the &^ of July, 1641, At the Trans- mission of the severall Impeachments against the Lord Chiefe Baron Daven- port, Mr. Baron Trevor, and Mr. Baron Weston. Printed at London for Abel Roper . . . 1641. 4°, A— B in fours. Mr. Hides Argvment before the Lords in the A^p]ier Hovse of Parliament. Aprill 1641. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4'', A — B in fours, B 4 blank. HYDE. 299 IN FORM A TIO. HYDE, SIR HENRY. The Speech And Confession, of S"" Henry Hide (Embassador for the King of Scot- land, to the Emperour of Turkie) at the place of execution, against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, on Tuesday the 4 of March, 1651, with the manner of his deportment on the Scaffold. . . . Lon- don, Printed for G. H. and are to be sold in Cornhill, 1651 [1650.] 4°. 4 leaves. Br. Museum. A true Copy of Sir Henry Hides Speech on the Scaffold, Immediately before his Execution before the Exchange, on the 4tii of March, 1650. Taken in Short-hand from his mouth, By John Hinde. Lon- don : Printed by Peter Cole, . . . MDCL. [March 7.] 4P, 8 leaves. B. M. HYMNS. Godly Immes vsed in the Churche. Li- censed to William Redell and Richard Lant in 1558-9. Apparently a broad- side. HYNDE, S. Iter Lvsitanicvm: Or the Portugal Voyage. . . . Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh, Anno Dom. 1662. 4°, A— D in fours. L, T. A Cure for the Tongue-Evill. Or, A Re- ceipt against Vain Oaths. Being a plain and profitable Poem. Shewing the Hain- ousness of Common Swearing, ^Aih. Rea- sons against, and Remedies for it. By T. I. an hearty Well-wisher to his King, Church, and Country. London, Printed for Christopher Ecclestone, in St. Dun-* stans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1662. 4^ A— B in fours. L. W. The Muses New Yeares Gift and Hansell, to the Right Honored Captane John Graham of Claverhowse. January 1683. In verse. Printed from a MS. by Laing {Fug. Scot. Poetr. 1825). IMAGE. Image of Pity. [W. Caxton, 1489.] A broadside, with a woodcut. INDAGINE, JOHN, Priest Briefe introductions, bothe naturall, plea- saunte, and also delectable vnto the Art of Chiromancy, or Manuel diuination, and Phisiognomy : with circumstances vpon the faces of the signes. Also certain canons or rules vpon diseases and sicke- nesse. Whereunto is also annexed aswel the artificiall, as naturall Astrologye, with the nature of the planets. Written in the Latin tonge . . . And now latelye trans- lated into English e, by Fabian Withers. Londini. Apud lohannis [sfc] Day. 1558. [Col. ] Imprinted at London by Ihon Dale, for Richarde lugge . . , 8°, black letter. f , 4 leaves : A — Q 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank. With cuts. Briefe Introdvctions. . . . Written in the Latine tongue by lohn Indagine. . . . London, Printed by Thomas P\Tfoot. 1633. 8'^, black letter, A— Q in eights, first and last two leaves blank. With cuts. Black letter. INDUSTRY. Humane Industry: Or, A History of most Manual Arts, Deducing the Original, Pro- gress, and Improvement of them. Fur- nished with variety of Instances and Examples, Shewing forth the excellency of Humane Wit. [Quot. from Euripides.] London, Printed for Henry Herringman . . . 1661. 8°, A— in eights, 7-8 blank, and no signature B. A Discourse of the Necessity of Encourag- ing Mechanick Industry : Wherein is plainly proved. That Luxury and the want of Artisans Labour, became the Ruin of the four Grand Monarchies of the World, in the former Age, and of Spain and other Countries, in This : and the Promoting of manual Trades the rise of the Dutch, Germans, &c. Parallel'd and compar'd with, and shewn to be practic- able under the present Constitution of England. . . . London, Printed for R. Chiswell, . . . MDCXC. 4°, A — E in fours. INFORMATIO PUERORUM. Libellus / qui Informatio pueror-P appel- latur cii modico apparatu nouiter copi- lat-f Incipit, [This is over a woodcut of IN FORM A TION. 300 IRELAND. master and pupils. Col.] Here endeth the accidence made at the instaimce of George Chastelayn / and John Bars : Emprynted by Rycharde Pynson. [Circa 1500.] 4«. A, 6 : B, 4 : C, 6 : D, 4. The last leaf has a cut of the cruci- fixion on the recto and Pynson's device on the reverse. The cut on the title is repeated on the back of that leaf. Grenv. Coll. and Pepysian. INFOEMATION. Certaine Informations from several! parts of the Kingdome, for the satisfaction of all sorts of People that desire to bee truly informed. 1643. 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. INFORTUNK Infortunes night owle or the Spanish Tragedie of an inchaunted Queue and hir Seven daughters all subiectes of trewe ■wooe and rightly surnamed Ladies with burninge hartes. Licensed to Henry Eockett, 1 July, 1608. INGELO, N. Bentivoglio and Urania . . . The Second Edition. . . . London, Printed for T. Dring, J. Starkey and T. Basset, . . . 1669. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : b, 4 leaves : A, 2 leaves : B— Y in fours : part 2, A, 2 leaves : b, 4 leaves : B — Ee 3 in fours : Ff— Kk, 2 leaves each. With a marginal glossary. INGRATITUDE. The Dysprayces of ingratitude, malice or hatered, and prayses of fryndeshippe. Licensed to T. Col well in 1566-7. INQUISITION. The Holy Inquisition. Wherein is re- presented what is the Religion of the Church of Rome : And how they are dealt with that dissent from it. London, Printed for Joanna Brome, . . . 1681. 8°, A — R in eights, besides an engraved title. INSTITUTIO. Sacra Institvtio Baptizaiidi : Matrimo- nivm celebrandi : Infirmos vngendi : Mortvos sepeliendi : ac aliinonnvlli Ritvs Ecclesiastici : iuxta vsum insignis Eccle- siae Sarisburiensis, . . . Dvaci, Excude- bat Lavrentivs Kellain, . . . M.DC.IIII. . . . 4°, A — X in fours, and a leaf of a. INSTRUCTION. An Instruction of a fatlier to his clieldren. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering, 4 Sept. 1564. A notable instruction for all men to be wayre the abuses of Dyce, Wyne and Women. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1565-6. An instruction for vonge gentlewomen. Licensed to John Wolf, 29 May, 1592. Serten instructions from an howseholder to his cheldren. Licensed to R. Jones in 1568. INTEREST. A booke shewinge ho we a man maye knowe howe muche One pound. 2. 3. 4. 5. and soe forth to SOOOO^i after the rate of 6^1 per cent and soe vpward after the same manner vnto thende after 12^1 per annum will yeild dayly, weekely, monn- ethly or yeerely. Licensed to John Wolf, 28 Sept. 1593. ' INTERROGATORIES. Interrogatories, vpon which, and euerye part of the same, aswell the Church- wardens now being, as also all other here- after to be appointed, shalbe charged withal, set foorth by the Kyng and Queues Maiesties Commissioners, for searche, en- quiry, & certificat to be had of al such things as now be, or hereafter shalbe amysse. . . . Anno. 1558. Mense Aprielis. Excusum Londini in sedibus Roberti Caly. ... 4^, black letter. A— B in fours, last leaf with the colophon. INTRATIONES. Intrationum liber omnibus legum Anglie studiosis apprime necessarius in se com- plectens diversas formas Placitoru, . . . Excudebat Henricus Smythe comorans extra Temple barre in parochia sancti Clementi. . . . m.d.xlvi. Folio, black letter. A — 1) in sixes, with the title, &c. : A — Z in sixes, and a— s in sixes. On s 6 is a colophon dated 1 November, 1545. This seems to have been the property of more than one person ; for in a copy on sale in February, 1874, the name of William Myddylton occurred as the printer. INTRODUCTION. An introduction or accidence in laten and Iresshe. Licensed to Ralph Newbery in 1562-3. IRELAND. The complaynte of John A Neale. Licensed to John Alkie in 1567. A ballat of Fitzmorris. Licensed to R. Jones, 4 Sept. 1579. Newes out of Irelande. Licensed to John AUde, 10 Dec. 1580. The Copie of a letter sente out of Irelande. Licensed to John Perin, 20 Dec. 1580. The true Reporte of the prosperous Sue- IRELAND. 301 IRELAND. ces which God gave vnto our Englishe souldiors againste the forraine bandes of our Eomaiiie Enimyes latelie arrived but soone inougbe to their Coste in Ireland in the yere 1580. Licensed to Edw. White, 20 Dec. 1580. A ballade intituled A braue encourage- ment made by a soldier when he went into Ireland, wherein he harteneth his fellowe soldiers to be couragious against their enemies. Licensed to H. Carre, 16 May, 1583. A Ballade intytuled, the late wonderfull dystres whiche the Spanishe Navye sus- tayned yn the last late fighte in the Sea, and vpon the west coaste of Irelande in this monetli of September 1588. Licen- sed to J. Wolf, 28 Sept. 1588 (no sum named). A ballad intituled of the valiant deedes of Mac Cab an Irishe man. Licensed to John Wolf, 30 Sept. 1588. His Majesties Message Concerning Li- cences granted to persons going into Ireland. And the Ansver of the House of Commons, With His Majesties Reply to the House of Commons Answer. Lon- don : Printed by Robert Barker, . . . 1641. 4°, 8 leaves. Propositions made to the Lords and Commons ... for the speedie and effec- tuall reducing of the Kingdom of Ireland. And the Votes thereupon. By both Houses presented unto the Kings Majes- tie. With His Majesties gracious Answer and Royall Assent thereunto . . . Lon- don : Printed by Robert Barker, . . . MDCXLi. 4*^, A to C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. His Majesties Answer to a Message sent to Him by the House of Commons, con- cerning Licences granted by Him to per- sons to go into Ireland. Imprinted at London iDy Robert Barker, . . . 1641. A sheet. The Generall Remonstrance or Declara- tion of the Catholikes of Ireland, Re- ceived of George Wentworth, 28 Decemb. 1641. Who received it from the Rebels when he was prisoner with them. Lon- don, Printed for Joseph Hunscott. 1641. A sheet. For Ovr Eaithfvll and Ever Honored Commanders, The Right Honorable His Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax, Major Generall Skipton [Skippon], Lieutenant Generall Cromwell, presented to them in the behalfe of eight Regiments of Horse, by three private Soldiers, who were sent from the Quarters by the Soldery of the forementioned Regiments, wherein they manifest to the world their reall affec- tions to this Common-wealth, and their forward and brotherly assistance, towards the reliefe of Ireland : if not by some diverted. [1641 ?] A sheet. Late and Lamentable News from Ireland, Wherein are truly related the Rebellious and Cruell proceedings of the Papists there, . . . Also the Protestation of the Lords and Commons, . . . Together with two Orders of Parliament in Ireland, . . . Edinburgh, Printed by R. Y. and E. T. Anno 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. [A Proclamation by the King respecting rebellious persons in Ireland.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker . . . 1641. A sheet. A Wild-fire Plot, Found out in Ireland : Shewing how the Rebels would haue consumed the City of Dublin with Wild- fire. Also how three Lords were taken prisoners, . . . Also how the Scots have joyned Battell against the Rebels. . . . With the exact Coppies of two Letters, sent from two Marchants in Ireland, one to Mr. Watterhouse Citizen of London, . . .London Printed for Thomas Bates, 1641. 4«, 4 leaves. A Bloody Battell : Or the Rebels Over- throw, And Protestants Victorie. Being a true Relation of a great skirmish fought betweene Sir Thomas Moore of the Pro- testant party, and Maqueres the Generall of the Rebels, on the 2. day of Decemb. 1641. . . . London, Printed for lohn Greensmith, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. Irelands Complaint, And Englands Pitie ; Being a true Relation of the great Care, and Religious love, expressed by the Honorable House of Parliament, towards our distressed Brethren, the poore Pro- testants in Ireland: . . . London: Printed for John Greensmith. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. Sixteene Qveres Propounded by the Par- liament of Ireland to the Judges of the said Kingdome. As Also, Anotlier Speech, made by Captaine Audley Mer- vin, to the House of Commons, concern- ing their Priviledges, and their exorbitant grievances in that Kingdome. Printed in the Yeare, 1643. 4°, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. ForsUr Coll. A Trve and Fvll Relation of the horrible and hellish Plot of the lesuites Popish Priests and other Papists in Ireland, for the Massacring of the two chief Justices, IRELAND. 302 IRELAND. and all the Privie Coimcell and Pro- testants in tliat Kingdome. As it ^vas related by my Lord Keeper in the house of Commons November the first, 1641. London, Printed for Thomas Bankes, and are to be sold at his shop on Bride- well stayres in Black-Fryers, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. Forster Coll. A new Remonstrance from Ireland, Con- taining an exact Declaration of the cruel- ties, insolencies, outrages, and murders exercised by the bloodthirsty, Popish Rebells in that Kingdome upon many hundred Protestants in the Province of Vlster, ... By Daniel Harcovrt one of the Commissioners for the examination of the Protestants Grievances in that Pro- vince. . . . London Printed for Henry Shepherd, . . . [1641.] 4°, 4 leaves. Forster Coll. A Discoverie, To the praise of God, and joy of all true hearted Protestants, of a late intended Plot by the Papists, to sub- due the Protestants. Being a true Copy of a Discourse betweene William Con- nor a Priest, and Anne Hussey an Irish Gentlewoman, as it was brought and con- firmed by oath in the Parliament house. Printed, Anno 1641. 4^, 4 leaves, with a cut on the title. Forster Coll. Irelands Complaint Against Sir George Ratcliffe Knight, now Prisoner in the Gate house at Westminster Delivered in Parliament there by Captaine Avdley Mervin. Wherein is declared the Grie- vances of that Kingdome, occasioned by him, and the late Earle of Straftbrd. The Principal cause, why these late troubles are fallen upon them. Whereunto is an- nexed the Depositions and Articles exhi- bited against him in Parliament. Lon- don, Printed for lohn Thomas, 1641. 4*^, 4 leaves. Forster Coll. A Declaration of Both Houses of Parlia- ment, Concerning the Affairs of Ireland. Whereunto is added, 12. Arguments to promote the Work of Subscription, ac- cording to the Propositions lately pub- lished, for recovery of the Kingdom of Ireland ; For which an Act of Parlia- ment is expected. London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott. 1641. 4^, 4 leaves. A Great Conspiracy By the Papists in the Kingdome of Ireland, Discovered l)y the Lords, Justices, and Counsell at Dvblin, and Proclaimed there Octob. 23. 1641. Which Proclamation was sent to the Parliament here in England . . . Whereunto is annexed the Copy of a letter written with the Kings owne hand, and sent to Mr. Nicholas, Clarke of the Counsell from Edenbvrgh Octob. 18. 1641. London, Printed for John Thomas. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. Forster Coll. A true Relation of the Plot Discovered in Ireland, . . . Lately printed at Dublin . . . And now Reprinted and sold by B. W. 1641. 4°, 2 leaves subscribed W.B. An Exact Relation, Of a battell fought by the Lord Moore, against the Rebels in Ireland ; with the number of them that were slain on both sides. London, Printed. 1641. 4^, 4 leaves, [the first blank. Forster Coll. An Order made by both Houses of Par- liament, for the bringing in of Corne, Meale, or any other Victuall whatsoever, into the severall Forts of Dublin, Carrick- vergus, Youghall, and London-Derry. London, Printed for loseph Hunscott. 1641. A sheet. The Humble Petition of the Protestant Inhabitants of the Counties of Antrim, Downe, Tyrone, &c. part of the Province of Vlster in the Kingdome of Ireland concerning Bishops. . . . London, Printed 1641. 4^, A— B in fours, B 4 blank. A Letter from Sir Maurice Eustace Knight, His Majesties Serjeant at Law in the Kingdome of Ireland, and Speaker of the House of Commons, in Parliament there. Being a perfect Relation of the last true Newes from Ireland, London, Printed by E. G. for L Wright. May 7. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Copie of a Letter written from Der- moud Mac Connor, One of the Chiefe- taines of the Irish Rebels, unto the King of Spaine, for Aide and Assistance against the English, and Protestants, being brought by an English Marchant from Madrid, and Translated out of the Spanish Origi- nall. Also, A Copy of another Letter written from Lisbon in Portugall, con- cerning the execution of 4. Noblemen, . . . AH Traytors against the King of Portugall. . . . London, Printed for R. Harford, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A Continuation of the Tryumphant and Co[ura]gious proceedings of the Protestant Army in Ireland. . . . London Printed for John Wright, 1642. 4^"*, 4 leaves. With a large cut on title. A True Relation of Every Remarkable Circumstance in Relieving of Tredagh, By Captaine Thomas Steutevile. Also the Copy of Sir Pheloine Oneal's Commission for the establishing of Colonell Richard IRELAND. \o^-, IRELAND. Plmiket Lievetenant General! of Lemp- ster, and "Sister. . . . Printed by J. K. for C. M. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Last Intelligence from Ireland. Ee- ceived Febrvary the first. 1641. London, Printed for H. Blunden. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Protestants Wonderment, Or, A strange and unheard of Oraison put up by the Papists, found in the pocket of Captaine lames Pauley, a Pebell in Ire- land : . . . London, Printed for lohn Franke, . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves, Dvblin lanuary the 28*^. A Trve and Perfect Occurrance of the present state of Dvblin . . . Beeng the substance of seve- rall Letters which was sent from Sir Henry Tichborne, and Captaine Studley, . . . published, By W. N. Gent. Lon- don, Printed for George Thompson. 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. The Rebells Letter to the Pope. Wherein they present unto him their Late Pur- chases by the Sword in Ireland, praying his Benediction for their future Proceed- ings. Sent and communicated by an Irish Priest unto his friends here in England. London, Printed lanuary 20. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. An Abstract of Certain Depositions, By vertue of His Majesties Commission, taken upon Oath, Concerning the Traiterous in- tention of the Rebels in Ireland, in reject- ing the Government of His Majestie, in having a Kiiig of their own : and who that King should be. . . . London : Printed by Robert Barker, . . . 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. The Lord Osmonds overthrow. Which was the Chief Commander to the Rebells. . . . Together with a Comet or Blazing Starre, which appeared in the North part of Ireland the 28. of December, and con- tinued till the fifth of January instant. To the great Amazement of the Inhabi- tants. London^Printed for lohn Green- smith. 1642. V,^4 leaves. The Irish Occvrrences, Or, A Trve Rela- tion of the Proceedingsjin Ireland. Being a Copie of a Letter written by a worthy Gentleman to a Member of the House of Commons from Dublyn. Dated the tenth of lanuary 1642. . . . London, Printed by A. N. for H. T. 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. Dolefull Newes from Ireland Sent in a Letter by a Gentleman to a Brother-in- law here in London, . . . With the Copie of a Commission granted by Luke Birne a prime Commander of Ireland, whose Grandfather was M. Feagh Hugh an Arch Traytor in Q. Elizabeths raigne, to exe- cute marshall Law upon all the Protes- tants. Printed at London for T. Bates. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. His Majesties Message to the House of Commons : Concerning an Order made by them for the borrowing of One hundered thousand pounds of the Adventurers Money for Ireland. Together with the Answer. . . . London, Printed by Luke Norton and John Field, for E. Husband and J. Franck, . . . September 6. 1642. 4°, 8 leaves. A Letter sent From the Lords Justices, and Councell in Ireland, April 23. 1642. Concerning His Majesties Resolution to go into Ireland. London : Printed by Robert Barker . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Remarkable Propositions By the Covncell in Ireland, Humbly Recommended to the Parliament in England. .' . . Together with the Declaration of both Houses of Parliament, Die louis 12. May, 1642. . . . Printed at London for W. G. and are to be sold by T. Bates. 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. No Pamphlet, Bvt a Detestation against all such Pamphlets as are Printed, Con- cerning the Irish Rebellion, Plainely de- monstrating the falshood of them. With, A short Breviary of some Passages lately happening betweene a Housekeeper and some of the Rebels : . . . Being a True Copy of a Letter sent to a Merchant of the City of London. London, Printed, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves, the last blank. Newes ovt of Ireland Concerning the war- like Affaires in the Province of'^Leinster, sent to Sir lohn Hove Knight, now re- maining in London. London, Printed by G. M. MDCXLiii. 4°, 4 leaves. A Fvll and Trve Relation of the late Great Victory, Obtained by the Protes- tants against the Rebells in Ireland. . . . London, Printed for Hen. Overton, and Edward Blackmore, Aprill the 12. 1643. 4^, 4 leaves. The Late Prosperovs Proceedings of the Protestant Army against the Rebells in Ireland. Being a true and perfect Rela- tion of a great and happy Victory obtained by the Marquesse of Ormond, . . . Lon- don : Aprill 12. Printed for John Wright . . . 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. Black letter. B. M. A Fine Designe Discovered. And Irish Rebels Landed. The Kingdomes Weekly Intelligencer, sent abroad to prevent mis- IRELAND. 304 IRELAND, information. Together with the Cove- nant, sworn and subscrived by the Lords and Commons of Parliament. From Tuesday the 6 of June, to Tuesday the 13. of June, 1643. London, Printed for Peter Cole, . . . 1643. 4°, A— B in fours. The Irish Cabinet : Or His Majesties Secret Papers, For establishing the Papall Clergy in Ireland, With other matters of high concernment, taken in the Carriages of the Archbishop of Tuam, who was slain in the last Fight at Sliggo in that Kingdom. Together with two exact and full Relations of the severall Victories ob- tained by the Parliament Forces, through Gods blessing, in the same Kingdom. . . . London, Printed for Edw. Husband, . . . January 20. 1645. ^, A— C in fours. Relatione Delia Battaglia Seguita fra Catholici Hibernici, et Heretici Pvritani in Vltonia Prouincia d'Hibernia il di cinque di Giugno 1646. In Roma, et in Firenze, . . . 1646. ... 4°, 4 leaves. Very sad and Bloody Newes from Ire- land, Of the losse of Bunratty in Munster, and Roscomon in Connaught. . . . Lon- don Printed by Jane Coe. 1646. [July 30.] 4*^, 4 leaves. B. M. Two Great Battels Fought in the King- dome of Ireland, The First, By the English Forces that were lately sent over by the Parliament, . . . The Second,. Neere the City of Dublin, where the Marquesse of Ormond received a great overthrow, and lost part of his Army. Published for generall satisfaction. London, Printed for John Johnson, Feb. 10. 1646 [1647.] 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. A Great Victory Obtained by Colonel Jones, and the Parliament Forces at Dub- lin in Ireland ; shewing the manner how they Sallyed out of the City upon the Marq. of Ormond ; and the Lord Inchi- quin, fell upon them neer their Trenches, advanced up to their Works, put many to the sword, and beheaded one, which caused the enemy to cry out and say, That the Divell was in the Roundheads, for the taking off of heads. Also the Mar- quis of Ornionds Declaration concerning Lieut. -Gen. Cromwel, and the protestation of the Souldiery thereupon. London, Printed for G. Oreton [Horton] ... 1649 [July 16.] 4°, 4 leaves. With a cut on the title. B. M. A Blovdy Fight at Dvblin in Ireland, Between the Marquesse of Ormond, and Col. Jones, . Williamson, . . . 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. With a cut on the title. The Propositions of Owen Roe O Neile sent to Col. Monck, And a Cessation for three months concluded betweene them : Together with a Letter thereupon, sent by a Gentleman at Dundalk to his friend at Corck. Printed at Corck, in the Yeare of our Lord God, 1649, Are to be sold at Roches building. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. A Discourse Concerning the Affaires of Ireland. London, Printed for Giles Cal- vert. 1650 [December 10.] 4°, 6 leaves. Without a regular title. B. M. Irelands Complaint of the Armies Hy- pocrisie. With his Excellencies entring unconquer'd London. In a Discourse be- tween two friends Donatus and Perigrin. With the slighting of the Communicable Line. A sheet. Ouvry Gat., 182. The Declaration of the Army in Ireland. Declaring their Resolutions for a Free Parliament, and the Re-admitting of all the Members secluded in 1648. and for the establishing of a Learned and Ortho- dox Ministry, . . . Together with, a Letter concerning the present Transac- tions there, directed to a Friend in Lon- don. . . . Printed at Dublin, and now re-printed at London, by S. Griffin, . . . [1659.] 4°, 4 leaves. An Act for the better Execution of His Majesties Graciovs Declaration for the Settlement of His Kingdome of Ireland, And Satisfaction of the several Interests of Adventurers, Souldiers, and other His Majesties Subjects there. Dvblin, Printed by John Crook, . . . 1662. Folio, A— Q in fours, but B has 3 leaves only. An Act for the Explaining of some Doubts Arising upon an Act Intituled, An Act for the better Execution . . . And for making some alterations of, and additions unto the said Act. . . . Dublin, Printed by John Crook, . . . 1665. Folio, A— Pp in twos : Index to the two Acts : A — G in twos : H, 1 leaf : a — b in twos. An Abstract of the Unnatural Rebellion, and Barbarous Massacre of the Protest- ants in the Kingdom of Ireland, In the Year 1641. Collected from the most Authentick Copies. London, Printed, . . . 1689. 4«, A— D in fours. An Elegy Upon the Death of Monsieur St. Ruth The French King's Generall in Ireland, Who was Kill'd at the Battell of Agrhim, July 12, 1691. By Teague O'Divelly Chaplain in Ordinary to the ISAACHAR. ITALY. Irish. Army, London, Printed for W. Rapier, 1691. A folio leaf. La Conquete Dlrlande Dialogue en vers. A Londres, Chez R Baldwin,' . . . 1691. 4°, A — B in fours, and a leaf of C. ISAACHAR, The Tribe of Issachar : Or, the Ass Couchant. A Poem. London, Printed in the Year 1691. 4°, A— E 2 in fours, including the frontispiece. ISAACSON, HENRY. An exact Narration of the Life and Death of the Late reverend and learned Prelate, and painfull Divine, Lancelot Andrewes. "Which may serve as a pattern of Piety and Charity to all godly disposed Chris- tians. Faithfully Collected by Henry Isaacson. London : Printed for John Stafford, . . . 1650. 4*^. Portrait and title, 2 leaves : [*]— [***2]in fours. B. M. ISABELLA. Le Jugemet damour, auquel est racoptee Lhystoire de Ysabel fille du Roy Descoce / traslatee de espaignol en Fracoys nou- uellemet. On les vend a Lyon. . . . [Col.] Cy fine le Jugement damour / nouuelle- met imprime par Oliuier Arnoullet / le deuxiesme de Decembre. Mil.ccccc. & xxxij. 8*^, a — g 4 in eights. Another edition of this little work is noticed at p. 20. ISIDORE, SAINT. Here be the Gathered Covusailes of Saincte Isidorie, to informe man, howe he shulde iiee vices and folowe vertues. Londini in aedibus Thomas Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio ad impri- mendum solum. Anno, m.d.xliiii, 8°, black letter, A — B in eights. ISLINGTON. A Mornings Ramble ; or, Islington Wells Burlesqt. London : Printed by George Croom, for the Author. 1684. A sheet in verse. Ov.vrxj Gat., 163. An Exclamation from Tunbridge and Epsom Against The Newfound Wells at Islington. [Col.l London, Printed for J. How, 1684. A folio sheet. ISOCRATES. A Perfite Looking Glasse for all Estates : Most excellently and eloquently set forth by . . . Isocrates. And now Englished to the behalfe of the Reader, with sundrie examples and pithy sentences both of Princes and Philosophers. . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Purfoote, . . . 1580. 4*^, black letter, A — C in fours, and A — M 2 in fours. Dedicated by Thomas Forrest to Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor. After the preface occurs: "TheAuthours Encliomion vpon the Eight Honorable and his singuler good Lord, Sir Thomas Brom- ley ..." which is followed by verses to J. D. and S. Norreis in praise of Forrest, .-xnd " The Booke to the Reader," in verse, from Forrest's pen, presumably. ISRAEL. The kynges of Israeli. A ballad. Licensed to W.'Pickering in 1569-70. ITALY. A true Copy of a letter sente from Ferrara. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1570-1. Newes out of Ferrara. Licensed to T. East and H. Midleton in 1570-1. A dolefull ditty of a lamentable act done by a woman vpon ber husband and child at Mantua in Italye. Licensed to H. Carre, 18 Sept. 1579. The traiterous and vnbrideled Crueltye of one Lucio a knight executed on Eri- phila daughter to Hortensia Castilion of Genoway in Italy. A ballad. Licensed to H. Carre, 3 Sept. 1580. The first [and second] parte of Two Riche merchantes of Italy howe the one havinge a Son and the other a Daughter whome they maried together and howe by the sons vnthriftynes he camme to shame. Licensed to John Wolf, 18 January, 1599-1600. Newes from Italy concerning the swal- lowing vp of the Citie of Pleurs, belong- ing to the Signiory of Venice. Licensed to Nathaniel Newbery and John Piper, 6 October, 1618. Newes from Italie : Or, A prodigious, and most lamentable Accident, latelie be- fallen : Concerning the swallowing vp of the whole Citie of Plevrs : Belonging to the Signiorie of Venice. Which happened in the beginning of September last past : by a strange and hideous shaking, and opening of the Earth. Together with the losse of moe than two thousande People : and a generall burning vp of the Trees and Forrests within the Territories of the said Citie. FaythfuUie translated out of the French Copie, Printed at Paris, 1618. Imprinted at Edinburgh, by Andro Hart. Anno Domini 1619. 4°, 8 leaves, title on A 2. A booke Called The Italian Banquet trans- lated out of Italian into English. Licensed conditionally to Francis Coules, 6th April, 1630. U ITALY. 306 JAMES I. A Picture of the Italian yong man with his brother growing ovt of his side, with some verses therevnto. Licensed to Ko- bert Milbourne, 23 November, 1637. Strange and Wonderful News from Ytaly, Or, A True and Impartial Relation of the Travels, Adventures, and Martyrdome of four eminent Quakers of York-shire. Who in the Year 1672. Travelled through France, Italy and Turky to propagate their Religion. . . Faithfully and com- pendiously related by Elias Wilson Es- quire, who was an eye-witness to a great part of their transactions. London, Printed by John Lock, living in the Long Walk, near Christ-Church Hospital, over against the sign of the Drawers. 1673. 4°, 4 leaves. ITYS. A booke called Itys Or Three severall boxes (?) of sportinge familiars. Licensed to John Brown, 13 Nov. 1598. - Arber, iii. 44. J. J. J. A strange and terrible Sight foreseene in this Kingdome, And City of London : Together with the Covntrimans Antidote for its prevention. London printed for Ed. Blackmore, and Tho. Banks ... 1643 [Sept. 9.1 4^, 4 leaves, subscribed J. J. B.M, J. P. An Answer to Another Letter. . . . [Col.] Printed, and are to be Sold by Richard Janeway . . . 1680. Folio, 2 leaves, subscribed P. J. J. S. An Historical Account of the Memorable Actions of the most Glorious Monarch William III. King of England. . . . Giving a true Relation of all that hapned of consequence since his glorious Expe- dition into England, . . . London, Printed, and are to be sold by H. Rhodes, . . . 1683. 12*". A, 4 leaves : B— I 8 in twelves. With a portrait. J. T. The Nature, Nobility, Character, and Complement of Money. Nam Genus <0 Formam Regina Pecunia donat. London, Printed for William Thackeray, . . . MDCLxxxiv. A folio leaf of verses signed T. J. JACK A LENT. A shorte and sweete memorye of Jack a Lentes honestie. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones, 14 Feb. 1577-8. JACK A NAPES. A balladd intytuled betwene ould Jack A Napes and yonge Jack A Napes / Licensed to Edward Venge, 23 July, 1590. JACK DRUM. lacke Drvms Entertainment. Or The Comedie of Pasqvil and Katherine. As it hath beene sundry times Playd, by the Children of Paules. The Actor. 12. men, and 4. women. London Printed for Nathanaell Fosbrooke. 1618. 4°, A— I in fours. Br. Museum and Bodleian (Malone). The title is printed in red and black, and on it is a figure of one of the characters. The last page contains a list of the Dramatis l^ersonce. JACK THE COBBLER. Jack the Coblers Caution to His Country- Men. Tlie Meek shall inherit the Land. London, Printed for T. S. in the Year, 1682. A folio leaf, partly in verse. JACOBS, H. Kneeling in the Act of eating and drink- ing at the Lords Table is a sinne, Proued by 8 Arguments. London Printed in the yeare. 1641. 12°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. B. M. JAMES I., King of Great Britain, 1603-25. The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince, lames . . . King of Great Britaine. . . . Pvblished by lames. Bishop of Win- ton, and Deane of his Maiesties Cliappel Royall. London Printed by Robert Barker and lohn Bill . . . Anno 1616. Cum Priuilegio. Folio. Portrait by Pass and engraved title by Elstrack, 2 leaves : a, 4 leaves : b — e 2 in fours : A — Bbb 4 in sixes. At the top of the first leaf of the dedi- cation to Prince Charles is a small portrait of the prince. The Essuyes of a Prentise, in the Divine Art of Poesie. Imprinted at Edinbrvgh, by Thomas Vautroullier. 1584. Cvm Privilegio Regali. 4*^. Preface, 4 leaves : JAMES I. 307 JAMES I. A — P in fours, P 3 occupied by a sonnet, and P 4 with an extract from Pliny on the Phcenix. O 1 and 3 are blanks. With complimentary sonnets by Thomas Hudson, A. Montgomery, &c. Lamheth. The Essayes of a Prentise, . . . Imprinted at Edinburgh, by Thomas Yautroullier. 1585. 4?. Zamheth. A new title only. Ane Fryitfvll Meditation conteining ane Plane and Facill Expositioun of y® 7. 8. 9. and 10 versis of the 20 Chap, of the Keyelatioun in forme of ane sermone. Set doun be y® maist christiane King and synceir professour, and cheif defender of the treuth, lames the 6 King of Scottis. [Quot. from 2 Thess. chap. 1, yers. 6. 7. 8.] Imprentit at Edinbyrgh be Henrie Char- teris. M.D.LXxxyiii. Cum Priuilegio Ee- gali. 4^, A — B in fours. Lambeth. Meditation de lacqyes YI. Dy Nom, Roy D'Escosse. . . . Mise en Frangois . . , A La Rochelle. . . . m.d.lxxxix. 8^, A— C 2 in eights. B. M. Ane Meditatioyn vpon the xxy, xxyi, xxyii, xxyiii, and xxix yerses of the xy Chapt. of the hrst buke of the Chronicles of the Kingis . . . Imprentit at Edin- burgh be Henrie Charteris. 1589. Cum Priuilegio Regali. 4°, 8 leayes. On the last page is "His Maiesties awin Sonnet." Basilikon Doron . . . Edinbyrgh Printed by Robert "Walde-graue Printer to the Kings Majestie. 1603. 8^, A— L 4 in eights, first and last leayes blank. The first octavo and first published edition. Basilikon Doron ... At London Im- printed by E. AUde for E. W. and others of the Company of the Stationers. 1603. 8*^, A — H in "^eights, the leaves of A wrongly numbered. An Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance. First set foorth without a name : And now acknowledged by the Author, the Right High . . . lames, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britaine. . . . To- gether with a Premonition of his Maiestie, to all most Mightie Monarches. . . . Im- printed at London by Robert Barker . . . April 8. Anno 1609. Cum Priyilegio Regali. 4^ (a)— (t) in fours, (t 4) having a second titlepage : A — in fours. In the first edition acknowledging the King's authorship, at p. 13 the writer ob- serves that "a hangman is fitted to answer such an Historian," i.e., Parsons; but in this later one, dated April 8, 1609, for hang- man we find rope substituted, a change suggested, it is said, by Bishop Barlow, who pointed out to the King that Parsons might play on the other word, and turn it against him. On the back of the title to the April impression, the King warns the public against former copies issued without his authority— probably a mere subterfuge for slips of the pen. A Remonstrance of the most Gratioys King lames I. . . . for the Right of Kings, and the independence of their Crownes. Against an Oration of the most Illus- trious Card, of Perron, pronounced in the Chamber of the third Estate. Ian. 15, 1615. Translated out of his Maiesties French Copie, by R. B. Pastor to the Church at Ashele in the Countie of Nor- folke. Printed by Cantrell Legge, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1619. 4°, A— Rr 2 in fours, Rr 2 blank. A Meditation ypon the Lords Prayer, written by the Kings Maiestie, for the benefit of all his subiects, especially of such as follow the Court. . . . London, Printed by Bonham Norton and lohn Bill . . . M.DC.xix. 8°, A — L 2 in eights, L 2 with the colophon. The Peace-Maker : Or, Great Brittaines Blessing. Fram'd for the continuance of that mightie Happinesse wherein this Kingdome excells manie Empires. Shew- ing the Idlenesse of a Quarrelling Repu- tation, wherein consists neyther Manhood nor Wisdome. Xecessarie for all Magis- trates. ... To the generall auoyding of all Contention and Bloud-shedding. Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Pvrfoot : An. Dom. 1619. 4°, A— E in fours, the first leaf haying the Royal arms. The Psalmes of King Dayid : Translated by King lames. London, Printed by Thomas Harper. 1636. Folio, B— 2 in sixes, and the title. Black letter, ^yith the music. The Kingis Maiesties Proclamatioun togidder with certaine Actis of Parlia- ment maid anent the aduersaris of Christis Euangell. [CoL] Imprentit at Edinburgh be lohne Ros. Anno Do. 1580. Cum Priuilegio Regio. 4*^, A — B in fours, A 1 and B 4 blank. Lamheth. There is no regular title. Remonstrance Faicte av Roy D'Escosse par Messieurs de son Conseil priue con- ioinctz auec la Noblesse d'iceluy pays, sur les practiques d'Aubigny, au Moys d'Octobre. Traduict d'Escossois en Fran- cois. M.D.LXXXii. 8°, 6 leayes. A Declaratioyn of the Kings Maiesties Intentiovn and Meaning toward the lait JAMES L 308 JAMES I, Actis of Parliament. Imprinted at Edin- burgh, by Thomas Vavtroiillier. 1585, Cvm Privilegio Kegali. 4°, A — C in fours. Lambeth. The enterteynement of the Scottishe Kinge and his Quene, at their entringe into Scotland with the Quenes coronacon. In prose. Licensed to H. Carre, 3 June, 1590. The receauinge of the Kinge of Scottes and Queene Anne his . . . into Leith and Edenborovgh. A ballad. Licensed to H. Carre, 6 June, 1590. The Confession of Faith, Svbscrived by the Kings Maiestie and his Houshold : [Quotations]. No place, &c. [Edinburgh, 1580.] 4°, a in fours =4 leaves. The Confession of Faith, Svbscrived by the Kingis Maiestie and his Houshold : Togither with the Copie of the Bande, maid touching the maintenance of the true Eeligion, the Kingis Majesties person and estate, &c. ... At Edinbvrgh. Printed by Kobert Walde-grave. Anno Dom. 1590. 4*^. A, 6 leaves, A 5-6 with the space left blank for the Subscribers' Names: B — C in fours, and D, 1 leaf. Lam- beth. A short and generall confession of the true christian faith, and religion, accord- ing to Gods word, and Acts of our Parlia- ment : subscribed by the Kings Maiestie and his houshold, with sundrie others, to the glorie of God, and good example of all men. At Edenburgh the twentieth of lune, 1580. Printed at London for Thomas Man, . . . 1603. A sheet. Discovrs par leqvel le Koy D'Escosse est Declar6 Roy d'Angleterre, & d'Irlande, par la mort de la Serenissime Royne d'Angleterre. Traduit d'Anglois en Fran- cois. A Roven, Chez lean Osmont, . . . 1603. 8**, 4 leaves. Englandes sweet comfort with the kinges entertaynemente by the Maior of Yorke. Licensed to William White, 16 June, 1603. A Fourme of Prayer with Thanksgiuing, to be vsed of all the Kings Maiesties lou- ing Subiects euery yeare, the 24. of March : Being the day of liis highnesse entry to his Kingdomes. Set forth by Authoritie. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, ... 4**, A — E in fours. Lambeth. A Fourme of Prayer and Thanksgiuing, to be vsed of all the Kings Maiesties louing Subiects, euory yeere, the 24. of March. Being the day of his highnesse entry to this Kingdome. Set foorth by Authoritie. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker ... 4°, black letter, A — E in fours. Regiae Anglicae Maiestatis pictura, et Historica declaratio. Coloniae apud Crispianum Passaeum . . . 1604. 4*^, 6 engraved leaves, including title, genealo- gical tree, and portraits of Q. Elizabeth, James I., Queen Anne, and Prince Henry. His Maiesties Speach in this last Session of Parliament, as neere his very words as could be gathered at the instant. To- gether with a discourse of the maner of the discouery of this late intended Trea- son, ioyned with the Examination of some of the prisoners. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker . . . Anno 1605. 4^, A — M in fours, first leaf blank. Articles of Peace, Entercovrse, and Com- merce, Concluded in the names of . . . lames . . . King of great Britaine, . . . and Philip the third, King of Spaine, &c. And Albeitus and Isabella Clara Eugenia, Archdukes of Austrice, Dukes of Bur- gimdie &c. In a Treatie at London the 18. day of August after the old Stile in the yeare of our Lord God 1604. Trans- lated out of Latine into English. Im- printed at London by Robert Barker . . . Anno 1605. 4°, A— F in fours, A 1 and F 4 blank. Articles Conclvded at Paris the xxiiij. of February 1605, stylo Anglise : By Com- missioners of the High and Mightie Kings, James . . . and Henrie the Fourth ... for the more commodious entercourse in trafhque betweene their subiects. Im- printed at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1606. 4°, A— D in fours, first and last leaves blank. Regis Oratio, Habita in Postremo Regni Ordinvni Conventv, Westmonasterii, Die ix. Nouemb. Anno, m.d.c.v. Quani fide- liter a loquentis ore excipi potuit. Ad- iuncta est Series detecta3 nuper coniura- tionis, cum aliquot consciorum confes- sionibus qui custoilia continentur. Lon- dini Excudebat Robertvs Barker, . . . Anno Dom. 1606. 4°, A — L in fours. A Trve and Perfect Relation of the whole proceedings against tlie late most bar- barous Traitors, Garnet a lesuite, and his Confederats : Contayning sundry Speeches deliuered by the Lords Commis- sioners at their Arraignments, for the i JAMES I. 309 JAMES I. better satisfaction of those that were hearers, as occasion was offered ; The Earle of Northamptons Speech hauing bene enlarged vpon those grounds which are set do-^nie. And lastly all that passed at Garnets Execution. Imprinted at Lon- don by Robert Barker . . . 1606. 4°, A— Fif in fours, Fff 4 blank. An Answere to Certaine scandalous Papers, Scattered abroad vnder colour of a Catholicke Admonition. Qui facit viuere, docef orare. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Anno 1606. 4°, A — F 2 in fours, A 1 blank. A ballad Intituled a false rumour or vn- true report of the vntymely Death of our most gratious Kinge. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 29 March, 1606. His Maiesties Speech to both the Houses of Parliament, in his Highnesses great Chamber in Whitehall, the day of the Adiournement of the last Session, which was the last day of March 1607. Im- printed at London by Robert Barker . . . 4'', A — H in fours, first leaf blank. Articles, containing his Maiesties gracious otfer to compound with his Subiects, for the Tenure of their Lands, and other jiroffits growing by reason of their Tenures, in certaine cases as followeth. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Robert Barker . . . Anno 1608. 4*^, 4 leaves. Black letter. The Kings Maiesties Speach to the Lords and Commons of this present Parliament at Whitehall, on Wednesday the xxj. of March. Anno Dom. 1609. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker. ... 4P, A — I 2 in fours. The seuerall apprehensions and array n- mentes of Charles Courtney alias Hollys gent, and Clemente Slye fencer and their execucon. Licensed (conditionally) to John Busbv the elder and John Trundle, 13 March, "1611-12. Deus & Rex : Sive Dialogvs, quo demon- siratur, Serenissimum D. nostrum laco- bvni Regem, immediate sub Deo consti- tutum in Regnis suis, . . . Londini, Exciisum cum speciali Regiae maiestatis priuilegio & mandato, ... 1616. 8^, A — F in eights, A 1 with a woodcut frontispiece : the same in English, A — F in eights. The ijrivilege for printing this book was given to Mr. James Primrose, and is said to have much enriched him. Instrvctions and Directions giuen by His Maiestie, vnder His great Seale of Eng- land, bearing date the 9. day of lanuary 1610. With certaine Additions to the same, for the better explanation thereof : Giuen also vnder his Highnesse great Seale of England, bearing date the 7. day of February, 1610. Together with cer- taine new Additions of Instructions and Directions, not before published : . . . bearing date the 6. day of Nouember 1617. To the Master and Counsaile of the Court of Wards and Liueries. Im- printed at London by Bonham Norton and lohn Bill . . . m.dc.xvii. 4*^, A — C in fours. A relation of all matters done in Bohe- mia, Austria, Poland, S[i]letia, France, ».^c. that is worth V of relating, since the 2 of March 1618 vntill the 4th of May 1619. Licensed to Ral^Dh Rounthwaite, 1st of June, 1619. The Portracture of the most highe and mightie prince, James, king of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland graven by Francis Delaram. Licensed to Joseph Browne, 20 January, 1619-20. The portracture of the king in his Parlia- ment Roabes, with a Crowne vpon his head. Licensed to Joseph Browne, 1 February, 1619-20. His Maiesties Declaration, Touching his proceedings in the late Assemblie and Conuention of Parliament. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and John Bill, . . . 1621. 4°, A— H in fours, first leaf blank. A Proclamation declaring liis Majesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present Conuention of Parliament. [Col.] London, Printed by Bonham Norton, and lohn Bill, . . . 1621. 4*^, A— C in fours. Without a regular title. His Maiesties Graciovs Letter to the Earle of Sovth-Hampton, Treasurer, and to the Councell and Company of Virginia heere: commanding the present setting vp of Silke-worke, and planting of Vines in Virginia. And the Letter of the Trea- surer, Councell, and Company, to the Gouernour and Councell of State there, ior the strict execution of his Maiesties Royall Commands herein. Also a Treatise of the Art of making Silke : . . . Together with instructions how to plant and dresse Vines, . . . And in the end, a Conclusion, with sundry profitable re- monstrances to the Colonies. Set foorth for the benefit of the two renowned and most hopeful! Sisters, Virginia, and the Summer- Hands. By lohn Bonneil JAMES I. 310 JAMES 11. . Frencliman, seruant in these imployments to his most Excellent Maiesty of Great Brittaine. Published by Authority. London Printed by Felix Kyngston. 1622. 4*^. Grenv. Coll. Collation : A — M in fours : (a), 2 leaves : Errata, 1 leaf. Title is on A 2. C 3-4 are occupied by woodcuts. A Declaration made by King James, in Scotland ; Concerning Church-Govern- ment and Presbyters. Now Printed, in English and Scotch, for Matthew Wal- bancke, . . . 1646. 4^, A— C in fours. Aulicus Coquinarise : Or A Vindication in Answer to a Pamphlet Entitvled The Court and Character of King James. Pretended to be penned by Sir A.W. and published since his death, 1650. . . . London, Printed for Henry Seile, . . . 1650. 8"^. A, 4 leaves : B— in eights, last leaf blank. The Narrative History of King James, for the first fourteen Years. In four Parts. I. The State of England at his Majesties, entrance, and relation it had to other Parts : The Lascivious courses at Court ; with the Lord of Northampton's coming to Honour ... II. The Proceed- ings touching the Divorce betwixt the Lady Prances Howard, and Eobert Earl of Essex . . . Also, The Arraignment of Sir Jer. Elvis Lieutenant of the Tower . . . touching the murthering and poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury . . . III. A De- claration of his Majesties Kevenue . . . IV. The Commissions and Warrants for the Burning of two Hereticks, both hold- ing part of the same our Banters do, being old Heresies, newly Revived. Also two Pardons, the one for Theophilus Higgons, the other for S'^. Eustace Harte. London, Printed for Michael Sparke . . , 1651. 4*^. Engraved and printed titles and leaf of explanation, 3 leaves (the frontispiece entitled Truth Brought to Light hj Time) : B — Z in fours: Z*, 4 leaves: Abstract of Revenue, A* — I"^ in fours, besides title and con- tents : a, The Stationer to the Reader, 2 leaves: a (repeated), 4 leaves: Aa* — Cc* 2 in fours. With a portrait of Sir Thomas Overbury and a folded print of the Earl and Countess of Somerset, both copied from earlier engravings. Truth ])rought to Light : . . . London : Printed for Richard Baldwin . . . 1692. 8", A — Z in eiglits, besides a frontis])iece in compartments and a portrait of Sir Thomas Overbury. King James His Counterblast to Tobacco. To which is added a Learned Discourse written by^ Dr. Everard Maynwaringe, Proving that Tobacco is a procuring Cause of the Scurvy. With a short Col- lection out of Dr. George Thompson's Treatise of Blood ; against smoking Tobacco. Also, Serious Cautions against Excess in Drinking. With many Ex- amples of Gods severe Judgments upon Notorious Drunkards, who have died suddenly, Concluding with Witty Poems against Tobacco, By Josh. Sylvester. Collected and Published as very proper for this Age. Animalia omnia. . . . Licensed according to Order, June 6. 1672. Lon- don, Printed for John Hancock, . . . 1672. 4°, A— K in fours, I 4 blank, and title on A 2. Two titles were given to this little com- pilation ; in the other it is called "Two Broadsides against Tobacco," &c. The History of the Gunpowder-Treason. Collected from Approved Authors, as well Popish as Protestant. London, Printed for Richard Chiswel . . . 1678. 4^, A — D in fours, A blank. The Connexion : Being Choice Collections of some Principal Matters in King James his Reign : Which may serve to supply the Vacancy betwixt Mr. Townsends and Mr. Rushworth's Historical Collections. London, Printed for W. Crook, ... 1681. 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B — M in eights. The Ceremonies, Form of Prayer, and Services used in Westminster-Abby at the Coronation of King James the First and Queen Ann his Consort. Performed by D"^. Whitgift, Archbishop of Canter- bury, &c. With an Account of the Pro- cession from the Palace to the Abby. . . . With the Coronation of King Charles the First in Scotland. Never before Pub- lished. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor . . . 1685. Folio, A — E in twos. JAMES ll.,King of Great Britain, 1685-88. A Short View of the Lil'e and Actions of tlie most Illustrious James Duke of York, Together with his Character. London : l^rinted for Henry Marsh . . . 1660. 4^, A— D 2 in fours, but only 3 leaves in B. England's Safety : Or The Two Unani- mous Votes of the Last Good Parliament Concerning the Duke of York being a Pajust, Witli their Address to His Majesty to be revenged on the Papists in case His Majesty came to a violent Death. Pub- lished for the Information of all True JAMES 11. 311 JAMES II. Protestants, . . . London, Printed for A. Brewster. 1679. Folio, 2 leaves. To His Eoyal Highness, at Lis Happy Ketum from Scotland. Written by a Person of Quality. . . . London : Printed for W. Davis, 1682. A sheet in verse. Ouvry Cat, 160. To His Royal Highnes The Duke, upon Ms Arrival. A folio leaf of verses. Elymas the Sorcerer : Or A Memorial towards the Discovery of the Bottom of this Popish-Plot, And how far his Pi. Highness's Directors have been faithful to his Honour and Interest, or the Peace of the Nation. Publish'd upon occasion of a Passage in the Late Dutchess of York's Declaration for changing her Reli- gion. By Tho: Jones sometime Domestick and Naval Chaplain to his R. Highness the Duke of York. . . . London : Printed for H. Jones, mdclxxxii. Folio, A — K in twos. A Publication, Of the Royal Authority of the most Serene, most Mighty, and most August Monarch, James the Second, . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed . . . Reprinted at London by Tho. Newcomb for Susanna Forrester, 1685. A sheet. The Duke of Norfolk's Order about the Habit the Ladies are to be in that attend the Queen at her Coronation. Printed by Nat. Thompson . . . 1685. A folio sheet. A Poem on the Coronation of James II. of England, Scotland, France, and Ire- land, King, Defender of the Faith. Lon- don, Printed by D. Mallet for the Author, MDCLXXXV. 4*^, ~ " blank. Some Proposals Offered to Publick Con- sideration, Before the Opening of Parlia- ment : May 19. 1685. By an Affectionate Lover of his Prince and Country. Lon- don, Printed by F, Leach, for Luke Mere- dith, . . . MDCLXXXV. Folio, 2 leaves. The Duty of Subjects Reinforct, Espe- cially in the Choice of their Representa- tives to sit in Parliament, in a Letter to a Friend. Occasioned by His Majesty's Most Gracious Declaration in CouncU. London, Printed for Robert Clavell, . . . 1685. Folio, 2 leaves. Rules and Articles for the better Govern- ment of His Majesties Land-Forces In Pay during this present Rebellion. Pub- lished by his Majesties Command. Lon- don, . . . 1685. 8°, black letter, A— C 2 in eicrhts. A Letter from a Gentleman in the Countr}^, to his Friends in London, upon the Sub- ject of the Penal Laws and Tests. A folio leaf. Reflections upon the New Test, And The Reply thereto with a Letter of Sir Francis Walsingham's, concerning the Penal Laws made in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. London : Printed in the Year mdclxxxvii. 4^ Title, 1 leaf : A, 2 leaves : B— C in fours. His Majesties Gracious Declaration to all his Loving Subjects for Liberty of Con- science. [Col.] London Printed by Charles Bill . . . 1687. Folio, 2 leaves." Short Prayers for the Use of all Good Catholics, in the Hearing of the Holy Mass. Permissu Superiorum. London, Printed by Henry Hills, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty for his Houshold and Chappel, . . . 1688. lh^°, A — B, 18 leaves each, besides a frontis- piece and copperplates at pp. 8, 10, 12, 16, 27, 30, 34. Illvstrissimi Principis Ducis Cornubiae et Comitis Palatini, &c. Genethliacon. Can- tabrigiae, Ex Officina Joan. Hayes . . . 1688. 4°, A— Q in fours, first leaf blank : a — c in fours. The youth here commemorated was after- wards known as the Old Pretender. The present is a large collection of verses in various languages by a crowd 'of obscure writers. By the King. A Proclamation, Contain- ing His Majesties Gracious and Ample Indemnity. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson . . . Anno Dom. 1688. A broadside. A Full Answer to the Depositions : And to all other the Pretences and Arguments whatsoever, concerning the Birth of the Prince of Wales. The Intreague thereof detected, The whole design being set forth, with the way and manner of doing it TVhereunto is annexed, A Map or Survey Engraven of St. James's Palace, and the Convent there : Describing the Place where it is supposed the true Mother was delivered : With the particular Doors and Passages through which the Child was conveyed to the Queens Bed-Chamber. London, Printed for Simon Burgis. 1689. Folio, 14 leaves, including an engraved plan. A Discourse concerning the Illegality of the late Ecclesiastical Commission, In Answer to the Vindication and Defence of it : Wherein the true Notion 01 the JAMES II. 313 JEFFREYS. Legal Supremacy is cleared ; And an Account is given of the Nature, Original, and Mischief of the Dispensing Power. London, Printed for Henry Mortlock, . . . MDCLXXXix. Folio, A— S, 2 leaves each, and a, 2 leaves. Ten Seasonable Queries, Proposed by a Protestant that is for Liberty of Con- science to all Perswasions. A folio leaf. [About 1689.] A Letter to a Member of Parliament for Liberty of Conscience. By a Person of Honour. London, Publisht by Eich. Baldwin . . . 1689. Folio, 2 leaves. His Majesties Reasons for with-drawing Himself from Rochester. Writ with His own Hand, and Ordered by Him to be Published. A sheet, without printer's name, but dated Rochester, Decemb. 22, 1688. Reflections ou a Paper, Entituled, His Majesty's Reasons for withdrawing him- self from Rochester. Published by Autho- rity. London : Printed by John Starkey ; and Ric. Chiswell . . . mdclxxxix. 4°, 4 leaves. His Majesties Letter to the Lords and Others of His Privy Councel. [January, 1688-9.] A sheet, dated from St. Ger- mains. A Letter Written by the Emperor to the Late King James, Setting forth the True Occasion of his Fall, and the Treachery and Cruelty of the French. London, Printed for Ric. Chiswell . . . 1689. 4^, A — B 2 in fours. In two columns. Eng. and Latin. The Proceedings and Tryal in the Case of the Most Reverend Father in God William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Right Reverend Fathers in God, William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph . . . London, Printed for Thomas Basset . . . 1689. Folio, A — Nn in twos, besides a leaf after the title marked A, and a fron- tispiece of portraits by R. White. Royal Tracts. In Two Parts. The First, containing all the Select Speeclies, Orders, Messages, Letters, &c. of His Sacred Majesty, Upon Extraordinary Occasions ; Both before, and since liis Retiring out of England. The Second, containing Imago Regis : or. The Sacred Image of His Majesty, in His Solitudes and Suftorings, written during his Retirement in France. A Divine Sentence. ... At Paris, Im- printed for Estiene Lucas, Merchant Book- seller, 1692. 12''. A, 4 leaves : B— K 2 in sixes, besides a frontispiece. The British Muse ; Or Tyranny Expos'd. A Sat}T, Occasion'd by all the Fulsom and Lying Poems and Elegies, that have been written on the Occasion of the Death of the Late King James. London, Printed for Eliz. Mallet, . . . 1702. Folio, A— C in twos. JAMES, THOMAS. Ecloga Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis, tributa in Libros duos ; quorum Prior continet Cata- logum confusum Librorum Manuscripto- rum in illustrissimis Bibliothecis, duarum florentissimarum Academianun, Oxoniae & Cantabrigiae. Posterior, Catalogum earumdem distinctum & depositum. . . . Omnia hsec opera & Studio T. I. Noui Collegij in Alma Academia Cantabrigi- ensi Socij. . . . Londini, Impensis Geor. Bishop, & lo. Norton. 1600. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — S in fours, S 4 blank. Dedicated by Thomas James to the Arch- bishops and other dignitaries of the Church. This is noticeable as the earliest attempt of the kind. JAVA. A Trve Report of the gainefull, prospe- rous, and speedy voiage to Jaua in the East Indies, performed by a fleete of eight ships of Amsterdam : Which set forth from Texell in Holland, the first of Male, 1598. Stilo Nouo. Whereof foure re- turned agaiue the 19. of luly Anno 1599. In lesse than 15. moneths.the other foure went forward from laua for the Moluccas. At London Printed by P. S. for W. Aspley, ... 4°, A — D 2 in fours. Without any introductory matter. A is blank. Grcrw. Coll. JEALOUSY. The Joyes of Jelovsey. A ballad. Li- censed to E. Sutton in 1564-5. The plage Jolasy, with examples to avoyde the same. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. A medicine for Jealous men with y® trial of a wife. Licensed to John Danter, 23 July, 1592. A ballad. JEFFREYS. SIR GEORGE, Lord Chan- cellor of England. The Bloody Assizes : Or, A Compleat History of the Life of George Lord Jelfe- ries, From His Birth to the Present Time. Wherein, Among other things, is given a true Account of liis unheard of Cruelties, and Barbarous Proceedings, in his whole Western-Circuit. . . . To which is added Major Holmes's Excellent Speech, with the Dying Speeches and Prayers of many other Eminent Protestants. None of JEFFREYS. 313 JENYNGES. whicli were ever before Piiblish'd. Faith- fully Collected by several "West-Coimtrey Gentlemen, ^vbo were both Eye and Ear Witnesses to all the Matter of Fact. With allowance. London, Printed for J. Dun- ton .. . 1689. 4"^, A— I in fours. With a satirical dedication to Jefferies by James Bent, and a severe epitaph by John Carter. The Western Marty rology : Or, Bloody Assizes. Containing the Lives, Trials, and Dying-Speeches of all those Eminent Protestants. . . . The Fifth Edition. To which is now added, to make it Com- j)leat. An Account of the Barbarous Whip- pings of Several Persons in the West. Also the Trial and Case of Mr. John Tutchin (the Author of the Observator) . . . London: . . . 1705. 8^ With a frontispiece. JEFFEEYS, JOHN. Newes from Virginia, or Virginia stript naked, by Captaine John Jeffreys. Li- censed to Robert Bird, 28 July, 1624. JENKIN, WILLIAM. Mr. Jenkin's Recantation : Or His humble Acknowledgement By way of Petition to the Parliament. Wherein he confesseth his sorrow for his Actings against the State, and the Un suitableness thereof to his Calling and Profession. As also The Parliaments Answer to his Petition. Lon- don, Printed in the Yeer. 1651 [Novemb. 14.] 4*^, 4 leaves. B. M. JENKINS, DAVID. The Answer of Judge Jenkins, to the Imputation put upon his Plea in Chan- eerie ; Which was read in open Court the 14 of Februarie, 1647. And avowed by David Jenkins, Prisoner in New Gate. Printed in the Yeare, 1648. 4*", 4 leaves. The Declaration of David Jenkins Late prisoner in the Tower of London ; con- cerning the Parliaments Army, and the Lawes and Liberties of the People of Eng- land. With the Copy of his Letter sent from Wallingford Castle . . . Printed in the Yeer, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. Verses in Honovr of the Reverend and Learned ludge of the Law, Ivdge lenkin ; The sole Author of his Soveraignes Rights, Englands Laws, and the peoples Liberty. Written by a Loyall Subject of his Majes- ties. Printed in the Yeare, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. The Works of that Grave and Learned Lawyer ludge lenkins : Ui)on Divers Statutes, Concerning the Liberty, and Freedoms of the Subject. With a per- fect Table thereto annexed. By David lenkins. Prisoner in Newgate . . . Lon- don, Printed for J. Gyles . . . mdcxlviii. 12''. Title and portrait by W. Marshall, 2 leaves : IT, 12 leaves, last blank : A — I 9 in twelves. Jenkinsius Redivivus : Or, The Works of . . . Judge Jenkins . . . London, Printed for Jo. Hindmarsh . . . 168L 12^. A, 5 leaves : a, 12 leaves : B — K in twelves, last leaf blank. With a portrait. JENINGS, ABRAHAM. Miraculum basilicum : Or The Royal Miracle, Truly exhibiting the wonderful Preservation of His Sacred Majesty in, with his miraculous Escape after, the Battel of Worcester ; with his Deliver- ances at Edge hill, and in the Downs . . . Whereunto is added Some Essay es, by way of Introduction, 1. Proving that the frequent Victories of the Cromwellians, were no signal notes of God's Providence. . . . London, Printed in the Year 1664. 8°, A— N 6 in eights, sign. G. apparently omitted. JENNINGES, EDWARD. A breife discouery of the damages that happen to this Realme by disordered and vnlawfull diet. The Benefites and Com- modities that otherwaies might ensue. With a perswasion of the people : for a better maintenance to the Nauie. Briefly compiled, by Edward lenninges. [Quot. from Romans, 14.] Printed at London by Roger Warde, dwelling in Holbourne ouer against Eely house, at the signe of the Castle. 1593. 4^, A— D in fours, A 1 blank. Black letter. Dedicated to Lord Howard of Effingham. Laonheth. JENNINGES, CAPTAIN. Captayne Jenninges his songe, whiche he made in the Marshalsey, and songe a little before his death. Licensed to' Richard Jones, 19 March, 1610-11. JENYNGES, EDWARD. The Notable Hystory of two faithfuil Louers named Alfagus and Archelaus. Whearein is declared the true fygure of Amytie and Freyndshyp. Much plea- sauute and delectable to the Reader. Translated into English meeter by Ed- warde lenynges. With a Preface or Definytion of Freyndshyppe to the same. II Such as are troubled in Publyque afayres, About common welthes by offyces and cares ; In faythfull frendshyp can neuer abyde, For so sayth Tally the thinge hath ben tryde. JERICHO. 3H JESUIT. Imprinted at London in Fleetestreat be- neath the Conduyt at the sygne of S. John Euangelist, hy Thomas Colwell. Anno Domini 1574. 4^, black letter, 52 leaves. Br. Museum (Corser's copy). JERICHO. A ballad of the spies y* went to Hierico. Licensed to R. Jones, 16 April, 1578. JERSEY. A ballad of iij women burnt in Jarsey and of the burninge of a child yssuinge from one of them as she was burninge. Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. JERUSALEM. A newe ballad of the destruccon of Jeru- salem. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A Briefe Description of Hierasulem and of the Suburbs therof, as it florished; in the time of Christ. Wherto is annexed a short Commentarie concerning those places which were made famous by the Passion of Christ, and by the Actes of holye men, confirmed by certeine princi- pal! Histories of Antiquity. . . . Here- unto also is appertaining a liuely and beawtifull mappe of Hierasulem, with Arithmeticall directions . . . Translated out of Latin into English by Thomas Tymme Minister. London, Printed by Peter Short for Thomas Wight. 1595. 4°. % 4 leaves : A— Q in fours, Q 3-4 blank. Dedicated to Sir John Puckering. With verses by Thomas Newton. JEST. A mery ieste made of the alphabett. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1565-6. A pretie newe Jeste to make you laughe at. Licensed to John AUde, 20 Aug. 1578. A merie Jest of John Tomson and Jaka- man his wife. A ballad. Licensed to Yarath James, 1 Aug. 1586. A mery iest of a puddinge, &c. Licensed to W. Wright, 20 November, 1587. A merye newe ieste of a wife that threst her husband with a Flealle. Licensed to T. Scarlet, 15 Aug. 1590. JESTER. The Universal Jester : Or, A Comj^leat Book of Jests. Containing a pleasant variety of English Jests, Irish Jests, Ox- ford Jests, Cambridge Jests, Collee-House Jests . . . To whicli is added. Hell in an Uproar . . . London : Printed and Sold by Vavasour Harris, at the Golden-Boars Head in Grace Church Street. 1668 [? 1768.] 12°, A— G in twelves, besides a frontispiece in two compartments. The date in this copy has been tampered with, JESUIT. A gentle Jyrke for the Jesuit. Licensed to R. Jones, 13 Feb. 1580-1. A ballad. The Arrainment of the Whole Societie of lesuits in France, holden in the honour- able Court of Parliament ... At London Printed by Charles Yetsweirt Esq. 1594. Cvm Privilegio. 4°, A — H in fours. Black letter. H. Fyne, Esq. The Jesuites Commedie. Acted at Lyons in Fraunce the 7. and 8. of August 1607. Licensed to Edward Allde and Arthur Johnson, W^ October, 1607. A ballad of the Jesuites Commedie or newes from Lyons. Licensed to John Trundle, 19 October, 1607. A ballad of Gods wrath shewed at Lyons in Fraunce vppon a College of Jesuytes in A stage play, to the Tune of ' Essex good night.' Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 23 October, 1607. A Report of the play at Lyons by the Jesuites Certified by a French factor to his master in England. Licensed to John Busby, 26 October, 1607. A bloody tragedye or Romishe masque Acted by fyve Jesuytes and 16 younge Germayne froes translated out of Dutche. Licensed to John Trundell, 7 November, 1607. Thelesuites Downefall,Threatned against them by the Secvlar Priests for their wicked lines, accursed manners, Hereti- call doctrines, and more then Machia- villian Policie. Together with the life of Father Parsons an English lesvite. At Oxforde, Printed by loseph Barnes . . . 1612. 4°. *, 4 leaves: **, 2 leaves: A — E in fours. Dedicated by T. James to the Judges and Justices of Oxfordshire. A booke called A Discouery of the Jesuits in their most secret and intimate Consul- tations. Licensed to William Jaggard, 8 March, 1618-19. The Plots of Jesuites : viz. of ^'Robert Parsons an Englishman, Adam Coutzen a Moguntine, Tlio. Campanella, a Span- iard, &c. How to bring England to the Roniane Religion without Tumult. Translated out of the Originall Copies. Printed for Mich. Spark at the i31ue Bible in Green Arbor, London, 1653. 4*^, A — B in ^fours, including a frontis- piece. JESUIT. 315 JEVON. The Jesuits Morals. Collected by a Doctor of tlie Colledge of Sorbon in Paris. Who hath faithfully extracted them out of the Jesuits own Books, which are printed by the permission and appro- bation of the Superiours of their Society. Written in French, and exactly Translated into English. . . . London, Printed for John Starkey, . . . mdclxx. Folio. Title and following leaf : A, 4 leaves : a — b in fours: *, 2 leaves: c, 1 leaf : A — 3 C in fours. The translator appears to have been Dr. I Tongue. ! The King - Killing Doctrine of the Jesuites : Delivered in a Plain and Sin- j cere Discourse To the French King Con- i cerning the Re-establishment of the j Jesuites in his Dominions. Written in i French by a Learned Roman Catholick i and now translated into English, and j humbly recommended to the Considera- I tion of both Houses of Parliament. Lon- ' don : Printed for W. Crooke, and T. ' Dring, neer Temple-bar. 1679. 4P, B — I L in fours, L 4 blank, besides the title I and dedication. I Jesuitical Aphorismes ; Or, A Summary I Account of the Doctrine of the Jesuites, I and some other Popish Doctors : By ! which true Christianity is corrupted, the publick Peace troubled, . . . Extracted out of the Writings, Sentences, and pub- lick Acts of the Jesuites, and other Popish Doctors. Englished by Ezerel Tonge, D.D. who first discovered the horrid Popish Plot to His Majesty. London, Printed by R. E. for John Starkey . . . 1679. 4°, B— E in fours, and the title. The Jesuits Intrigues : . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for Ric. Chis- w^ell . . . MDCLXXix. 4^, A, 3 leaves : a, 3 leaves : B — I in fours, I 4 blank. The Jesuites Firing-Plot Revived : Or, A Warning to House-Keepers. Being the Full and true Relation how Eliza- beth Owen, on the 8"^ of this Instant November, set fire to the House of one Mr. Cooper, living in Fleet-street between S. Dunstans Church and Fetter-lane-end: she being a Servant in the said House. [Col.] London, Printed for L. Curtiss. 1680. Folio, 2 leaves. A Dialogue between two Jesuits, Father Anthony and Father Ignativs, at Amster- dam, the one coming from England, and the other going thither. [1681.] A folio leaf. The Jesuits New Discoveries. A sheet. [Circa 1688.] Religions Reliques. Or, the Sale at the Savoy, upon the Jesuits Breaking up their School and Chappel. A sheet iu verse and in two columns. [1688.] JESUS CHRIST. Hie Incipit Tractatus qui Intitulatur Infancia saluatoris. [W. Caxton, circa 1475.] 4^, 18 leaves. Without signa- tures, &c. Univ. Lib. Gottingen. A ballett intituled Of Christe our faytli- full Dere. Licensed to W. Grifiith in 1564. A complaynte of the wecked enymes of Christe, shewynge y^ very Cause and Remedy of the Dearth. A ballad. Li- censed to W. Pickering, 4 Sept. 1564. The maryage of Jhesu Christe and the sowle of man. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering, 1565-6. The byrth of Christe. A ballad. Li- censed to R. Jones in 1569-70. The viij blessynges of Christe taken out of y* V chapter of saynct Mathewes gos- pell. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569-70. A newe ballad of the end of the world and of the signes and tokens afore the second comminge of Christ taken out of holie Scripture. Licensed to John Charl- wood, 11 Sept. 1578. A ballat of many miracles donne by our saviour Jhesus Christ while he remained on the eartlie perfect man sune [siii] only excepted. Licensed to John Charl- wood, 11 Sept. 1578. A Christian conference betwene Christ and a synner. A ballad. Licensed to T. Nelson, 7 Nov. 1586. Certain Devovt and Godly Petitions commonly called, lesus Psalter. Cum Priuilegio. No place, &c. 8*^, A — G in fours. Lambeth. Several Arguments against Bowing at the Name of Jesus. By a Learned Author. Printed in the Year 1660. 4°, A — C in fours. JEVON, THOMAS. The Devil of a Wife. Or A Comical Transformation. As it is Acted by their Majesties Servants at the Queens Theatre in Dorset Garden. Veni, Vidi, Vici. London, Printed, by J. Heptinstall, for J. Eaglesfield . . . mdclxxxvi. 4°. A, 4 leaves, title on A 2: (a), 2 leaves: B— H in fours. Dedicated to the authors friends at Locket's ordinarv. JEW. 316 JOHN. JEW, THE WANDEEING. The Wandering Jew. A ballad. Licensed to Jolin Marriott and John Grismand, 9 October, 1620. The Wandering Jew ; or, the Shoemaker of Jerusalem who lived when our Saviour Jesus Christ was Crucified, and by him appointed to wander till his coming again. Printed and Sold in Aldermary Church Yard ... A ballad, with a cut. Ouvry Cat, No. 105. JEWELL, JOHN, BisUi^ of Salishury. 1'he Apologie of the Church of England. With a briefe and plaine declaration of the true Religion professed in the same. Published by the most reuerend Father in God, lolin luell. Bishop of Sarisbury. [Quot.] At London, Printed by I. K for Thomas Chard. 16 twelves, A 1 blank. JEWELS. A Proclamation prohibiting the wearing, buying, or selling of Counterfeit Jewels. [18 April, 1635.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1635. Forster Coll. JIG. A merrie newe Jigge betwene Jenkin the collier and Nansie. Licensed to John Cliarlwood, 14 Jan. 1591-2. A ballad of Cuttinge George, and his hostis beinge a Jigge. Licensed to Thomas Gosson, 17 Feb. 1594-5. A pleasant Jigge betwene a tincker and a Clowne. Licensed to E. White, 4 Feb. 1594-5. JOB. The story of Jobe the faythfull servaunte of God. A ballad. Licensed to G. King- ston in 1564-5. This was eutered the same year to W. Pickering. Threnothriambos. Sive Liber Job Graeco carmine redditus per J[acobum] D[upor- tum] Cantabrigiensem. S. T. B. . . . Cantabrigiae, . . . 1653. 8^. IT, 8 leaves: A — N in eights, besides a frontispiece. Greek and Latin. JOBSON, RICHARD. Nova Britannia. Offering most Excel- lent fruites by Planting in Virginia. Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. London Printed for Samvel Macham, and arc to be sold at his Shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the Signe of the Bull-head. 1609. 4^ A— E in fours, first and last leaves blank. Black letter. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Smith. This tract is drawn up in the form of discourse by one of a party of adventure: returned from Yirginia, and assembled t' gether in London. JOCELINE, NATH. Parliament Physick for a Sin-Sic! Nation. Or, An Ordinance of Parli£ ment explained, and applyed to thes diseased times. Containing A Cathob call Medicine for all Natures and Nations but especially, A Generall Receipt for a] the sickly people in our English-Hospi tall, and Welch Spittle, compoundet after the art of the Apothecary. ... B; Philo-Parl. London, Printed for E Blackmore . . . m.dc xliv. 4^, A — R h fours, and a leaf of S. With two dedica tions, the second to the Lady Dudley, am lier daughter the Lady Hobart, bein| subscribed with the name of Nathanie Joceline in full. JOHANNES DE SACROBOSCO. Sphaerae mvndi compedium foelicite} inchoat. [Col.] Impressum est VenetiiiS per Magistrum Guillielmum de Tridinc de Monteferrato Anno Salutis. m.cccc Lxxxi. die. xiiii. lanuarii. 4^, A — F ir eights, the first leaf occupied by the en- graved frontispiece and the last by the Register. Woodcuts. [Sphaera Mundi.] At the end : Impres- sum hoc est opusculn mira arte & dili- gentia Ervordi Ratdvlt Augustensis 2 Nou. Julii. Anno Salutis. 1482. 4*^, a — b 4 in eights. Woodcuts. There is no titlepage, the first leaf of a being occupied only by a plate of a sphere on one side. Sphaerae Mvndi Copendiii . . . [Col.] Prid. die calen. Aprilis. Anno Salutis.- M.cccc.LXXXviii. completu est. venetiis.- 4°. A, 10 leaves : B, 8 leaves : BB, 12 leaves : C, 8 leaves : D, 9 leaves : E — F, 8 leaves each : F, 6 leaves, F 6 with the colophon. Woodcuts. Sphaera Mvndi. Sphaerae mundi com- pendium fooliciter inchoat. [Col.] Im-i pressum est venetiis . . . Anno Salutis 1 M.cccc. Lxxxx. quarto nonas Octobris. 4'\ a — f in eights, a with the engraved frontispiece and f 8 with the Registrum. Woodcuts. JOHN CARELESS. A l)allad of Jolin Careles, &c. Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. JOHN OF CONACE. A ballad called the storye of John of Conace. Licensed to George Eld, 18 Dec. 1612. JOHh\ ?>^1 JOHNSON. Jf OHN, Curate of CoUgnac. •J A Sermon Preached by Fryer John, I Curate of Colignac in France. Upon the ' Feast of Epiphanie, Commonly called , j Twelfth-Day. London, Printed in the Year m.dc.lxxx. 4*^, 4 leaves. jjroHXs, w. The Traitor to Himself, Or Mans Heart his greatest Enemy. A Moral Interlude in Heroic Yerse. Representing i Careless Hardned Returning V Heart. Despairing Renewed With Intermaskes of Interpretation at the close of each several Act, As it was Acted by the Boys of a Publick School at a Breaking up, And Published as it may be useful, on like occasion. Oxford, Printed j by L, L. and are to be sold by Edward I Forrest, Booksellour, in Oxford, and Hugh I Kent, Booksellour in Evesham, Anno I Dom. 1678. 4°, A— G 2 in fours, jJOHNSOX, FRAXCIS, Franciscan, a I native of Norfolk. I A Narrative of the Proceedings and Tryal I of Mr. Francis Johnson a Franciscan,"^ at I Worcester, last Summer-Assizes, Anno i Dom. 1679. Written with his own Hand ! as followeth. To which is annexed His ; Speech at his Execution, August 22. 1679. I Folio, A — D in twos. i Mr. Johnson's Speech Which he deliver'd to his Friend to be Printed (as he men- tioned at the place of Execution.) No place, &c. FoUo, 4 leaves. 'JOHNSON, J., Master in Writing. ' A new Coppie Booke of the vsuall Hands ' of England. By J. Johnson. . . . Lon- I don Printed and sould by P. Stent at the I white Horse in Giltspur street, with- I out New-Gate. 1667. Oblong 8°. En- graved title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : A, 4 leaves : the plates of ■v\Titing, 20 leaves numbered. JOHNSON, JOHN, Professor of Divinity. An confortable exhortacion : of oure mooste holy christen faith / and her frutes writte (vnto the Christe bretherne in Scot- lade) after the poore worde of God. At Parishe. M.d.xxxv. [Col.] At Parishe / by me Peter conseth a.m.d.xxxv. xx. Januarij. 8*^, A — F in eights, C omitted. Br, Museurn (the Ickworth copy). On the last page is a woodcut portrait, perhaps intended for the author. JOHNSON, RICHARD. The Famovs Historic of the Seauen Champions of Christendome. . . . Lon- don, Printed by William Stansby. (ii.) The Famovs Historie of the Seaneu Champions of Christendome. The second Part. . . . London, Printed by William Stansby. \Circd 1620.] 4^. Part 1, A— Ee in fours : Part 2, A— Co in fours, first and last leaves blank. At the end of the first part, the compiler says : " Thus fare you wel, from my house at London, the two and twenty day of May. 1616. Finis. K. I.^' The Famous History of the Seven Cham- pions of Christendom. . . . London, Prmted by R. W. for T. Basset, J. Wright, and R. ChisweL 1675. 4'^. In two parts. Black letter. Part 1, A— Aa in fours : Part 2, A— Y in fours. The Garland of loue and good will, by Richard Johnson. Licensed to Cuthbert Wright, 15 May, 1621. A booke Called, Johnsons hearb-John, by Richard Johnson. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 31 Jan. 1621-2. JOHNSON, ROBERT. Essaies, Or Rather Imperfect Offers. By Rob. lohnson Gent. Seene and allowed. London Printed by lohn Windet, for lohn Barnes. 160L 8°, B— H in eights, and the title. B. M. JOHNSON, THOMAS. A maniarye or hande Dyall, Contayninge an easie and brief meane to knowe the houre of the clock when the sunne shin- ethe by the hand without other instru- ment published by Thomas Johnson. Licensed to John Danter, 12 April, 1593. Cornvcopise, Or diuers secrets : Wherein is contained the rare secrets in Man, Beasts, Foules, Fishes, Trees, Plantes, Stones and such like, most pleasant and profitable, and not before committed to bee printed in English. NewRe drawen out of diuers Latine Authors into English by Thomas lohnson. At London, Printed for William Barley, and are to be solde at his shop at the vpper end of Gratious streete nere Leaden-Hall. 1595. 4°, black letter, A — F in fours, A and F 4 blank, Br. Museum. JOHNSON, THOMAS, Botanist. Mercurius Botanicus. Sive Plantarum gratia sitscepti Itineris, Anno m.dc.xxxiv. Descriptio. Cum Earum nominibus La- tinis, & Anglicis, &e. Huic accessit de Thermis Bathonicis Tractatus. [Per Tho- mam Johnsonum.] Londini, Excudebat Thom. Cotes, m.dc.xxxiv. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — H 4 in eights, H 4 blank : JOHNSON. 318 JONES. Pars Altera Mercurii, dated 1641, I, 4 leaves : K — M 4 in eights, M 4 blank. Dedicated by Johnson under the nom de plume of Socius Itinerans to Dr. Theo- dore Mayerne, Dr. Lister, &c. The copy here used (Sotheby's, Aug. 29, 1877, No. 252) appears to have belonged to the author; it had MSS. notes and matter added in a coeval hand. JOHNSON, SAMUEL, Nonconformist. An Argument Proving, That the Abroga- tion of King James by the People of England from the Regal Throne, and the Promotion of the Prince of Orange, one of the Royal Family, to the Throne of the Kingdom in his stead, was according to the Constitution of the English Govern- ment, and Prescribed by it. In Opposi- tion to all the false and treacherous Hypotheses, of Usurpation, Conquest, Desertion, and of taking the Powers that are upon Content. By Samvel Johnson. . . . London, Printed for the Author . . . 1692. 4^. A— E in fours : F— I, 2 leaves each : K, 4 leaves, K 4 with a list of Johnson's Works, 18 in number. JOHNSON, WILLIAM, Clumist. Lexicon Chymicum. Cum Obscurioruni Verborum, Et Rerum Hermeticarum, Tum Phrasium Paracelsicarum, In Scrip- tis ejus : Et aliorum Chymicorum, . . . Londini, Excudebat G. D. . . . 1652. 8°, A — R 6 in eights. Dedicated to Dr. Francis Prujean, President of the College of Physicians. JOHNSTON, ROBERT, Scoto-Britannus. Historia Rerum Britannicarum : Vt et mvltarvm Gallicarum, Belgicarum, & Ger- manicarum, tarn Politicarum, quam Eccle- siasticarum, ab Anno 1572, ad Annum 1628 : . . . Amstehjedami . . . m.dc.lv. Folio, ^, 2 leaves : A — C^ in fours. The colophon gives Gouda as the place of printing. The Historic of Scotland, During the Minority of King lames. Written in Latine by Robert Johnston, Done into English by T. M. London, Printed by W. Wilson, for Abel Roper, . . . 1646. 12''. A, 6 leaves : B— H in twelves, H 12 blank, and H 11 with Lnjmmatur. JONAS, THE PROPHET. The prophete Jonas / with an introduccio before teacliinge to vnderstode him and the right Vse also of all the scripture / and why it was written / and what is therin to be sought / and shewenge where- with the scripture is looked vpo that he which readeth it / can not vnderstode it / though he studie therin neuer so moch : and agayne with what keyes it is so opened / that the reader can be stoppec out with no sotilte or false doctrines man / from the true sense and vnder- stondynge therof. [Printed abroad, circc 1630.] 8^, black letter. A— C in eights £?'. Museum (the Ickworth copy). Jonas. A ballad. Licensed to W. Grif fith in 1562-3. The myssedeades of Jonas. A ballad Licensed to John Arnold in 1569-70. JONES, D. The Secret History of White-Hall, From the Restoration of Charles 11. Down tc the Abdication of the late K. James.' Writ at the Request of a Noble Lord, . . . London, Printed . . . mdcxcvii. 8°, 6 G in eights. JONES, HENRY. A Remonstrance of Divers Remarkeable Passages, concerning the Church and Kingdome of Ireland, Recommended By Letters from the Right Honourable the' Lords Justices, and Counsell of Ireland,; And Presented by Henry Jones Doctoi: in Divinity, and Agent for the Ministers of the Gospel in that Kingdom, To the Honourable House of Commons in Eng- land. London, Printed for Godfrey Emer- son, and William Bladen, . . . 1642. 4°, A — L in fours, A 1 with the Imprionatur. A Remonstrance of the beginnings and proceedings of the Rebellion in the County of Cavan, within the Province of Ulster in Ireland, from the 23. of October, 1641. untill the 16. of June, 1642. Whereof hitherto nothing hath been reported. Whereunto is added, The Acts, and twenty ' nine Conclusions of that great and gene- rail Congregation of Archbishops, Bishops, and others, all of the Romish Clergy in Ireland, met in the City of Kilkenny in that Kingdom, on the 10. 11. and 13. of May 1642. Concerning the present State of the Warre in Ireland, and for the ordering of matters appertaining to the same, both there, and by Negotiation with forraign Princes. Written, set forth, and presented to the most Honourable the Houses of Parliament, By Henry lones, D.D. There is also added a Letter written from Dublin, August 4. 1642. Containing some late and very remark- able passages in Ireland. August 11. Lfuidon, Printed for Godfrev Emerson. 1642. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— F in fours. JONES, JOHN, M.D. A Dial for all Agves, Conteininge the names in Greeke, Latten, and Englyshe, with the diuersities of them, Symple and JONES. 319 yONSON. compounde, . . . Imprinted at Londo by William Seres, dwelling at the west end of Paules at the Signe of the Hedge hogge. Anno. 1566. Cvm Privilegio. 8°, black letter, A — K in eights, besides a folded table. Dedicated by John Jones to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. The Bathes of Bathes Ayde : Wonderfull and most excellent, agaynst very many Sicknesses, approiied by aiithoritie, con- firmed by reason, and dayly tryed by ex- perience : With the anticjuitie, commo- ditie, propertie, knowledge, vse, ... to bee considered and obserued. Compen- diously compiled by lohn lones Phisi- tion. Anno Salvtis. 1572. At Asple Hall besydes Nottingam. Printed at London, by william lones : . . . 13. Maij. 4^^, black letter : a — b in fours : A — K in fours, besides two folded tables. Dedicated to Henry, Earl of Pembroke. With verses by T. Lupton, T. Church- yard, &c. K 3 has an address by the author from London to his friends and relations in Bath, Bristol, Wells, &c., and K 4 the colophon only. The Benefit of the auncient Bathes of Buckstones, which cureth most greeuous sicknesses, neuer before published: Com- piled by lohn lones Phisition. At the Kings Mede nigh Darby. Anno salutis 1572. Seene and alowed . . . lenuarii. xviii. Imprinted at London by Tho. East, and Henry Myddleton: for William lones ... 4°, black letter. %, 4 leaves : *, 4 leaves: A — G in fours. Dedicated to George, Earl of Shrewsbury. A Briefe, Excellent, and profitable Dis- course, of the naturall beginning of all growing and lining things, heate, genera- tion, effects of the spirits, gouernment, vse and abvse of Phisicke, preseruation, &c . . . By lohn lones, Phisicion. Here- vnto is annexed, a right learned and pro- fitable worke, entituled, Galens booke of Elements . . . Seene and allowed. Im- printed at London, by william lones, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, . . . 1574. 4^ A— G in fours, G 4 blank. Dedicated to George Earl of Shrewsbury. The Art and Science of preseruing Bodie and soule in Healthe, Wisedome, and Catholike Religion : Phisically, Philoso- phically, and Diuinely deuised By lohn lones Phisition . . . Imprinted at Lon- don, by Henrie Bynneman. Anno. 1579. 4°, A — S in fours, and a, 2 leaves. De- dicated to the Queen. JONES, JOHN. Adrasta : Or, The Womans Spleene, And Loves Conqvest, A Tragi-comedie. Never Acted. London, Printed for Richard Royston . . . 1635. 4°, A— L in fours. Dedicated by John Jones Euc/en. "to the Right Honovrable, the Right Worship- full, and others His Friends and Muso- philus." JONES, JOHN, of the Neycdh, co. Brecon. The New Returna Brevium, Or the Law returned from Westminster . . . London, Printed by William Du-gard Anno Dom. 1650. 12«, A— D in twelves. The Crie of Blood : Or, A true Answer to those Thirteen fals Reasons of the Filicets, Attournies, &c. practising at Westminster, for the maintenance of the Capias and Arrest of men's bodies for Debt. ... By John Jones . . . London, Printed by William Du-gard, for Thomas Mathews, 1651. 12«, A— D in twelves, A 1 occupied by a printed leaf respecting Mr. R. Vaughan of Gray's Inn. Dedicated, as is the former work, to Oliver Cromwell. JONES, INIGO. The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng on Salisbvry Plaine. Restored by Inigo Jones Esquire, Architect Generall to the late King. London, Printed by James Flesher for Daniel Pakeman, . . , and Laurence Chapman . . . 1655. Folio, A — P in fours, besides a portrait by Hollar and plates at pp. 56, 58, 60 (2), 62 (2), 64, 82, and 86. Dedicated by John Webb the Editor to the Earl of Pembroke and' Montgomery. JONES, RICHARD, M.A., Minister of the Gosjyel. The British Gemm : Or, An Abstract of the Bible, Digested into Cambrian Metri- call Numbers, . . . London, Printed by T. H. at the Authours charge, . . . 1655. 8*^. A, 5 leaves, including three titles : a — c in fours : B — Hh 2 in fours. Engl, and Welsh. B. M. JONES, THOMAS. A new Love-Song, and a true Love- Song. To the tune of Colin and Ama- rillis. London : Printed for Richard Burton, at the Horseshooe in Smithfield. A sheet in black letter and in two parts. With cuts. Ouvry Oat., No. 16. JONSON, BENJAMIN. The Workes of Beniamin Jonson. neque, rae vt miretur turba, laboro : Contentus paucis lectoribus. London Printed by William Stansby. An. D. 1616. Folio. With the titleiDage engraved in emblematical compartments JONSON. 320 yONSON. by W. Hole. Title, catalogue of plays, and verses, 5 leaves : A — Q in sixes : K, 4 leaves : S— Qqqq 4 in sixes. In some copies the imprint varies. In the copy here used pp. 195-6 are in dupli- cate, one being printed on one side only, and there is also a duplicate title to Every Man out of his humour within a woodcut border. [Jonson's Works, Part II.] (i.) Bartho- lomew Faire : A Comedie, Acted in the Yeare, 1614. By the Lady Elizabeths Servants. And then Dedicated to King lames, of most Blessed Memorie. By the Author, Beniamin lohnson. [Quot. from Horace.] London, Printed by I. B. for Robert Allot ... 1631. A, 6 leaves: B — M 4 in sixes, (ii.) The Diuell is an Asse : A Comedie Acted in the Yeare, 1616. By His Maiesties Servants. The Author Ben : lonson. London, . . . 1631. N — Y in fours, first leaf blank, and the paging continued from (i.) (iii.) The Staple of Newes. A Comedie Acted in the Yeare, 1625. By His Maiesties Servants. The Author Ben : lonson. London, ... 1631. Aa (or A)— H in fours, and I in sixes. Folio. These three dramas are usually found in a volume together. They were, doubtless, intended by Jonson to supplement the folio of 1616. [Jonson's Works, Part III. (posthumous)] The Magnetic Lady, &c. With separate titles to the several portions. London, 1640-1. Folio. A— P in fours : Q, 2 leaves : R — V in fours : [a new set of signatures with the Horace :] A — L 2 in fours : Timber, &c., M — R in fours : Un- derwoods, &c., Z— Oo in fours (no S — Y in former alphabet) : Pp — Qq, 2 leaves each (Qq 2 probably blank) : Mortimer, title and 2 leaves : Christmas His Masque, &c., B (and a new paging) — R 2 in fours: S— Y 2 in fours. This completed (with the exception of the Case /« Altered and the Neio Inn, not yet published in folio) the collection of Jonson's dramatic and other writings. It was printed without any general title- page, altliough that belonging to the folio of 1640 is occasionally inserted in front of it. In fact, the three portions of the poet's works here described should i^roperly form one volume, 1616-31-40-1. The Workes of Benjamin Jonson. . . . London Printed by Richard Bishop and are to be sold by Andrew Crooke in St. Paules Church- Yard. An. D. 1640. Folio, A — Llll 4 in sixes, including a portrait: A (with the Epigrams) — T in sixes. The Workes of Benjamin Jonson. The second Volume. Containing these Playes, viz. 1. Bartholomew Fayre. 2. The Staple of Newes. 3. The Divell is an Asse. London, Printed for Richard Meighen, 1640. Folio. The unsold stock of 1631 reissued to ac- company the second edition of the first volume ; but it does not include the addi- tional Plays above described as first printed posthumously, and which are necessary to complete a copy of either edition. The Works of Ben Jonson, which were formerly Printed in Two volumes, are now Reprinted in One. To w^hich is added A Comedy, Called The New Inn. With Additions never before Published. . . . London, Printed by Thomas Hodg- kin, for H. Herringman, . . . mdcxcii. Folio. With a portrait by Elder. Printed in tw^o columns. A, 5 leaves : B — 5 B in fours, and the Leges Conviviales, &c., 2 leaves. This is the only folio impression with The Case is altered and the New Inn ; but it is not esteemed. Ben: lonson, His Case is Alterd. As it hath beene sundry times Acted by the Children of the Blacke-friers. At Lon- don Printed for Bartholomew Sutton, dwelling in Paules Church-yard neere the great north doore of S. Paules Church. 1609. 4*^, A — I in fours, and a leaf of K. The Alchemist. Written by Ben. lonson. Neque, me vt miretur turha, lahoro : Contentus paucis lectoribus. London, Printed by Thomas Snodham for Walter Burre, and are to be sold by lohn Stepneth, at the West-end of Paules. 1612. 4*^, A— M in fours. Dedicated by the author "To the Lady, most sequall with vertue, and her Blood : The Grace^ and Glory of women, Mary La: Wroth." Ben Johnson his Epigrams. Licensed to John Stepneth, 15th of May, 1612. Certayne Masques at tlie Court never yet printed : written by Ben Johnson. Li- censed in this form to William Stansbv, 20 January, 1614-15. The Staple of Newes being a Comedie. Licensed to John Waterson, 14 April, 1626. Catiline His Conspiracy. Written by Ben : Jonson . . . London : Printed by N. Okes, for I. S. 1635. 4^, A— M in fours, first leaf blank. Catiline His Conspiracy. A Tragoedie. As it is now Acted l3y His Majesties Ser- vants ; at tlie Theatre Ro)\al. The Author B. J. ... London, Printed for A. C. and JONSTONUS. JORDAN. are to be sold by William Cademan . . . 1674 4*^. A, 2 leaves : B— L in fours. The Silent Woman. A Comoedie. Acted bv the Children of the Revels. The Author B. loiison. Horat. Vt sis tu similis Cceli, . . . London, Printed by- William Stansbv, and are to be sold bv lohn Browne \ . . 1620. 4^. A, 2 i leaves: B — in fours. Dedicated to Sir Francis Stuart. Br. Afusev/m and Bodleian (Malone). The Widdow A Comedie. As it was Acted at the private House in Black- Fryers, with great Applause, by His late , Majesties Servants, Written by Ben : i Johnson, John Fletcher, Tho: Middleton, '■ Gent. Printed by the Originall Copy. 1 London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . . 1652. 4°. Title and preface by Alexander Gough, 2 leaves : B — I in fours, and a leaf of K. JOXSTOXCS, JOHANNES. An History of the Wonderful Things of Nature : Set forth in Ten severall Classes. Wherein are contained 1. The Wonders of the Heavens . . . Written by Johan- nes Jonstoniis. And now Rendred into English by a Person of Quality. London, Printed by John Streater . . . 1657. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : A, 4 leaves : (a) 4 leaves : B — Yy in fours. Dedicated by ' John Rowland to Edward, Earl of Man- j Chester, in an epistle of biographical in- | terest. j JORDAN, THOMAS. i A pill to purge Melancholy, or a dis- j course betwene Tell Tale and Heare All, ! by Thomas Jourdan. Licensed to Francis ' Grove, 10 November, 1637. A Diumall of Dangers. Wherein are manifested and brought to light, many great and unheard of Diseases. To the Admiration of all who have Eares to heare, or strong hearts to endure. Found out and Published in the Yeare of Just j Jealousies, Apparant Plots. Fatall Feares, and Single Securities. 1642. Written by T. J. *Printedat London for E. Chris- topher [Aug. 14.] 4^, 4 leaves. In prose and verse. B. M. The Triumphs of London. Performed on Friday, Octob. 29, 1675, for the En- tertainment of the Plight Honourable, and truly Noble Pattei-n of Prudence and Loyalty, Sir Joseph Sheldon K*, Lord Mayor of the City of London. Con- taining a true description of the several Pageants, with the Speeches spoken in each Pageant. Together with the several Songs sung at this Solemnity. All set forth at the proper Costs and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Drapers. Designed and Composed, By Tho. Jordan, Gent. London, Printed by J. Macock, for John Play ford, and are sold at liis Shop near the Temjde-Church, 1675. 4^ A— C in fours. London's Triumphs : Expressed in sundry Representations, Pageants, and Show.s, performed on Monday Octob. 30, 1676, at the Inauguration and Instalment of the Right Honoiiral)le Sir Thomas Davies Kt Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing a true Description of the several Scenes and Habits of the Repre- senters, with the Speeches spoken on each Pageant. All the Charge and Expences of the Industrious Designs, being the sole Undertaking of the Ancient and Right Worshipful Society of Drapers. Being the Second Year without Intermission. De\dsed and Composed by Tho. Jordan. London, Printed for John Playford at the Temple Church. 1676. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — D 2 in fours. The Triumphs of London: Performed on Tuesday, October xxix. 1678. For the Entertainment of the Ri.'lit Honourable, and truly Noble Pattern of Prudence and Loyalty, Sir James Ed^vards Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London. Con- taining A true Description of the several Pageants, with the Speeches spoken on each Pageant. Together with the Songs sung in this Solemnity. All set forth at the proper Costs and Charges of the Wor- shipful Company of Grocers. Designed and Composed by Tho. Jordan, Gent. London, Printed for John Plavford at the Temple-Church. 1678. 4°.' Title and dedications, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : B— C in fours. London's Joy, Or, The Lord Mayors Show : Triumphantly Exhibited in Va- rious Representations, Scenes, and Splen- did Ornaments, with divers pertinent Figures and Movements : Performed on Saturday, October xxix. 1681. At the Inauguration of tlie Right Honourable Sir John Moore, Kniglit, Lord Mayor of the City of London. With the Several Speeches, and Songs, which were spoken on the Pageants in Cheapside, and Sung in Guild-Hall during Dinner. All the Charges and Expences of the Industrious designs being the sole undertaking of the Worshipful Company of Grocers. Devised and Composed by Tho. Jordan, Gent. JORDAN. 322 JULIUS. London, Printed for John and Henry Playford, 1681. 4^ A— C 2 in fours. The Triumphs of London : Performed on Monday, October xxix. 1683. For the Entertainment of the Right Honourable and truly Noble Pattern of Prudence and Loyalty, Sir Henry Tulse, Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London. Contain- ing a Description of the whole Solemnity. With Two new Songs set to Music. Lon- don, Printed for John and Henry Play- ford, 1683. 4^, 4 leaves. An Eligie on his Mistris Fidelia. [By T. Jordan.] MS. Aslimole 38. Query, a plagiarism from Wither 's poem. JORDEN, EDWARD, M.D. A Discourse of Naturall Bathes and Mine- rall Waters. Wherein first the originall of Fountains in generall, is declared. Then the nature and differences of Mine- rals, . . . The third Edition, much en- larged. London, Printed by Tho. Har- per, MDCXXXiii. And are to be sold by Michael Sparke in Green Arbour. 4^, A— T in fours, T 4 blank. JOSEPH. Wylde Wantonnes take Warnynge by Josepheus. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1563-4. The complaynte of Joseppus [Joseph]. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1568. The trubles of Josephus. A ballad. Li- censed to John AUde in 1569. The History of Joseph and his Brethren : With Jacob's Journey into Egypt. And his Death and Funeral. Illustrated with Twelve Pictures, describing the whole History. Sold in Bow - Church - Yard, London. [Gircct 1720.] 12°, 12 leaves. In prose. JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. The boke of Josephus. Licensed to R. Jugge in 1557-8. The Famovs and Memorable Workes of losephvs, a Man of Mvch Honovr and Learning among the lewes. Faithfully Translated out of the Latin, and French, by Tho. Lodge Doctor in Physicke. . . . Printed at the charges of G. Bishop, S. Waterson, P. Short, and Tho. Adams. 1602. Folio. IT, 6 leaves : A— 4 H in sixes : 4 I — 4 K in fours : 4 L, 8 leaves. Dedicated to Lord Howard of Effingham. The Famous and Memorable Works of Josephus. . . . Faithfully Translated . . . by Tho. Lodge. . . . London, Printed by T. R. and T. D. for Abel Roper 1670. Folio. Prefixes, 5 leaves : A — 4 L in fours. JOSIAS. A ballett Called Kynge Joseas. Licensed to John Tisdale in 1560. JOVIUS, PAULUS. Descriptio Britanniae, Scotiae, Hyberniae, et Orchadvm, Ex Libro Pavli lovii, Epis- copi Nvcer. De Imperils, et Gentibvs Cogniti Orbis. . . . [Col.] Venetiis apud Michaelem Tramezinum. m d xlviii. 4°, a — gg in fours, a repeated : hli in sixes. JUDGE. The Ivdges Ivdgement A Speech, penned in the beginning of the Parliament against the fudges. Per ignotum quendam. Printed in the Yeare, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. JUDITH AND HOLOFERNES. The moste famous historye of Judith and Olofernes. Licensed to Sampson Clark, 23 March, 1587-8. A ballad. JULIAN, THE EMPEROR. Some Seasonable Remarks upon the De- plorable Fall of the Emperour Julian, With an Epistle of his to the Citizens of Bostra. Now made English. [Quot. from Major de Gestis Scotorum, Lib. iii. Cap. XV.] London : Printed for J. Gellibrand, MDCLXXXI. 4°, A — D in fours. The Account of the Life of Julian the Apostate Vindicated ; And The Truth of the Assertions therein, further Main- tained, Against all the Idle and Illiterate Cavils, and the Nonsensical and Whim- sical Remarques upon the Life of Julian ; by one who stiles himself a Lover of Truth, Vertue and Justice. By a true Lover of his King, his Countrey, and the Protestant Religion. . . . London, Printed for Langley Curtis, . . . mdclxxxii. 4''. A, 2 leaves : B — F in fours. JULIUS CtESAR, CAIUS. Julius Cesars commentaryes. Newly tran slaty d owte of laten in to englyshe / as much as cocernyth thys realm of Eng- land sumtyme callyd Brytayne : whych is the eldyst hystoryer of all other that can be found / that euer wrote of thys reahne of England. 1530. [Col.] Here endytli the commentaryes of Julius Cesar as towchynge Brytayne now callyd Eng- londe.'. Cum priuilegio. Folio, a — e3 in fours. Black letter, with the Latin in the margin in ronian. B. M. From the press of John Rastell. Bright, in 1845, stained, £2G, 10s. Tlie eyght bookes of Caius lulius Caesar conteyniug his martiall exploytes in the JUNIUS. 323 JUVENAL. Realme of Gallia and the Countries bor- dering rppon the same translated oute of latin into English by Arthur Goldinge G. Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres. Anno. 1565. 8°, black letter. * 8 leaves : **, 8 leaves : A — Xn 3 in eights, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Sir W. Cecil from Paul's Beauchamp, 12 Oct. 1565, The Eight Bookes of Caius lulius Caesar . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Este. . . . 1590. 4°, black letter, A, 4 leaves : A — Q in eights. An Abstracte of the Historie of Cesar and Pompeius. Licensed to J. Charhvood, 6 Sept. 1581. JUNIUS. Alazono-Mastix : Or The Character of a Cockney. In a Satyricall Poem. Dedi- cated (as a New-years-gift) to the Appren- tices of London. By Junius Anonymus. A London Apprentice. Cainat, qui capere potest. London, Printed bv R. I. 1652 [Jan. 1, 1651-2.] 4^, A— C 2 in fours. B.M. JUNIUS, FRANCISCUS. The Painting of the Ancients, In three Bookes ; Declaring by Historical! Obser- vations and Examples, The Beginning, Progresse, and Consvmmation of that most Noble Art. And how those ancient Arti- ficers attained to their still so much admired Excellencie. Written first in Latine by Franciscus Junius, F.F. And now by him Englished, with some Addi- tions and Alterations. London, Printed by Richard Hodgkinsoune, and are to be sold by Daniel Frere . . . 1638. 4°, A— Zzz in fours, A 4 having the Errata, &c. Dedicated to the Countess of Arundel from Arundel House. The copy I have employed is on large paper, and bound in velvet. A similar copy is in the Grenville Library, and is described in the Catalogue as unique. JUNIUS BRUTUS, STEPHANUS, Celta. Vindiciae contra Tyrannos : Sive, De Principis in Populum, Populique in Prin- cipem. legitima potentate. Edimbvrgi, Anno M.D.LXXix. 8^, A— Q in eights, Q 8 blank. Vindicise contra Tyrannos : A Defence of Liberty against Tyrants. Or, Of the law- full power of the Prince over the people, and of the people over the Prince, Being A Treatise written in Latin and French by Junius Brutus, and translated out of both into English. . . . London, Printed by Matthew Simmons, and Robert Ibbit- son, . . . 1648. 4°, A— T in fours. JURORS. None but the Sheriffs ought to name and return Jurors to serve in Inquests before Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer. London : Printed for R. Baldwyn in the Old Baily. [1681.] Folio, a single leaf. JUSTICE OF PEACE. The Justyces of peas. . . . [Col.] Thus endeth the boke of Justyces of peas. Enprynted at Londo in Fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne. By Wjmkyn de Worde. In the yere of our lorde god. M. ccccc. & X. 4^. A, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves : C, 6 leaves : D — I in fours and eights, I 8 having only the colophon and device. The boke of Justices of peas. . . . [Col.] Thus endethe the boke of iustic of peas. Enprynted with out Tempull barre be me Robert Redma. At the syne of the George. An. dni. M.ccccc.xxvii. 8*^, A — K 4 in eights. L office et auctoryte des Justyces de peas copyle et extrayte hors des aunciet liures si-bien del comen ley coe de3 estatutp oue moultes auts choses necessaries a scauoir nouelment imprime. 1538. Cum priui- legio regali, [Col.] Imprynted at Lodon in Fletestrete : by me Robert Redman, , . . 8*^. t, 8 leaves : A, 4 leaves : A (re- peated) — Cc in eights, Co 8 with the mark only. JUVENAL. Mores Hominum. The Manners of Men, Described in sixteen Satyrs, by Juvenal : As he is published in his most Authen- tick copy, lately printed by command of the King of France. Whereunto is added the Invention of seventeen Designes in Picture : with Arguments to the Satyrs. ... By Sir Robert Stapylton, Knight. Published by Authority. London Printed by R. Hodgkinsoune, in the Year 1660. Folio. Dedicated to the Marquis of Dor- chester. Prefixes, 10 leaves : A — Ttt in fours : Uuu — Bbbb, 2 leaves each : Cccc, 1 leaf. With a portrait of Stapylton by Lombart. There are copies on large paper. Juvenals Sixteen Satyrs. . . . London, Printed for Peter Parker, . . . and Thomas Guy. . . . 1673. 8°, A— R 3 in eights, besides frontispiece and portrait. Decimus Junius Juvenalis, And Aulus Persius Flaccus Translated and Illus- trated as well with Sculptui'e as Notes. By Barten Holyday, D.D. and late Arch- Deacon of Oxon. ' Oxford, Printed by W. Downing, for F. Oxlad Senior. . .\ Anno Dom. 1673. Folio. Title and de- JUXON. 324 KEEPE. dication by W. Dewy to the Dean and Canons of Christ- Cliurch, Oxford, 2 leaves : a— b, 2 leaves each : B— Xx in fours, Xx 4 blank. With plates, all on the letter- press, except at pp. 46, 73, 116. The Per- sius has a separate title. Juvenalis Redivivus, Or. The First Satyr of Juvenal taught to speak plain English. A Poem. . . . Printed in the Year 1683, and are to be sold by most Booksellers. 4*^, A— F 2 in fours. A Modern Essay on the Thirteenth Satyr of Juvenal. By Henry Higden. . . . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1686. 4*^, A — H in fours, a leaf of I, and, between A and B, 2 leaves of b. Dedi- cated to George, Earl of Dartmouth. JUXON, JOHN, AND COWTON, THOMAS. A ballat of the strange childe in Italic and an epitaphe vpon the deathe of Mar- maduke Lacye esquyr Justyce of the peace within the Est Rydinge of the Countie of York who died the xiiij''' of December 1578 : the ballat made by Jhon Juxon and thepitaphe by Thomas Cow- ton. Licensed to Henry Kyrkham, 7 Feb. 1578-9. K. K. P. The Scholar's Instructor, In a Familiar Way of Speaking. Whereby the Young Beginner may speedily attain the Know- ledge of the English, Latin and Greek Tongues : Gathered for the Use and De- light of Masters and Scholars : . . . Lon- don : Printed for George Conyers. . . . Price 1/. [C'^rc«l720.] 8°, A— Kin half sheets or fours. KATE, CURST. A ballad intituled. The coolinge of curst Kate. Licensed to T. Gosson and Joseph Hunt, 16 Oct. 1594. KATHERINE [PARR], Quem of Eng- land. The Lamentatid of a Sinner made by the most vertuous Lady Queen Katherin, be- wailing the ignorance of her blinde life first set foorth & put in Print at the instaunt desire of the right gratious Lady Katherin Duches of Suffolke, and the ernest request of the right honorable Lord William Parre, Marquesse of Nor- thamton. And now againe newly Im- printed 1563. [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- [d]on at the long Shopp adioining vnto S. Mildreds Churche in the Pultrie by John Aide. 1563. 8^, black letter. Title and preface by William Cecil, 7 leaves : A — H 4 in eights, H 4 with the colophon. Praiers or meditacons collected out of cer- ten holie workes by the moste vertuous Pryncesse Katheryne Parre Queene of England &c. Anno 1545. and nowe new- lye Imprinted at the request of mistres Elizabeth Rous, and is intytuled The sweete songe of a synner. 1587. Licensed to John Ciiarlwood, 18 Aug. 1587. KEACH, BENJAMIN. The Grand Impostor Discovered : Or, The Quakers Doctrine weighed in the Ballance, and found wanting. A Poem, By way of Dialogue : wherein their Chief, and most Concerning Principles are laid down, and by the Authority of Gods Holy Word clearly Refuted. By B. K. . . . London, Printed for B. Harris at the Stationers Arms in Sweetings Rents by the Royal Exchange, m.dc.lxxv. 8**. A, 4 leaves : B — V in eights. Sion in Distress : . . . London : Printed, and are to be Sold by most Booksellers. 1692. 12«, A— F 10 in twelves. With a frontispiece. The Progress of Sin ; Or, The Travels of Ungodliness. . . . The Third Edition, Corrected. With some Additions by the Author. London, Printed for Nicholas Boddington . . . 1700. 12°, A— I 6 in twelves, A 4 apparently blank. Believers Baptism : Or, Love to the An- tient Britains Displayed. Wherein, the Chief Arguments for Infant Baptism, . . . are collected, ... By Benjamin Keach. London : Printed for John Marshall, . . . 1705. 8°. KEEPE, HENRY, of the Inner Temple. Monumenta Westmonasteriensia ; Or an KEITH. KENNETT. Historical Account of the Original, In- crease, and Present State of St. Peter's, Or The Abby Church of Westminster. . . . London, Printed for C. Wilkinson and T. Bring . . . 1682. 8°, A— Aa in eights. Dedicated to Henry, Earl of Arundel. KEITH, GEORGE. The Presbyterian and Independent Visi- ble Churches in New-England And else- where, Brought to the Test, and examined according to the Doctrine of the holy Scriptures, ... By George Keith. Lon- don : Printed for Thomas Xorthcott, . . . 1691. 8°, A— P in eights, including a leaf of quotations before the title. KELLIE, SIR THOMAS. Pallas Armata, Or, Militarie Instructions for the Learned : And all Generous Spi- rits, wlio affect the Profession of Amies. The First Part, Containing the Exercise of Infanterie, as well Ancient, as Moderne : Wherein are Clearely set do^^Tie all the Postures and; Motions, belonging to Bat- talions of Foote. Printed at Edinburgh, by the Heires of Andro Hart. 1627. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : dedication to John Earl of Rothes, 2 leayes : prefaces, 5 leayes : verses by W. Drummond, &c,, 2 leaves : the work, A — Q in fours, a leaf of R, and a large folded leaf in D. B. M. KELLISOX, MATTHEW. A Svrvey of the New Religion, Detecting many Grosse Absvrdities which it im- plieth. Set forth by Matthew Kelli- son. Doctor and Professor of Diuinitie. \ Divided into eight bookes. Newly aug- \nented by the Author. . . . Printed at Doway bv La^nrence Kellam, . . . m.dc.v. 4*^. a— li in fours :_ *, 4 leaves: **, 2 leaves : A — Eeee 3 in fours. Dedicated to James I. KEMPE, W., Actor. A plesant newe Jigge of the broomeman. [By W. Kempe.] Licensed to Thomas Creede, 16 Jan. 1594-5. A ballad called Kemps newe Jigge be- twixt a souldiour and a Miser and Sym the clown. Licensed to Thomas Gosson, 21 Oct. 1595. KELLO, JOHN. The Confessiovn of Maister lohn Kello Minister of Spot, togidder with his ernist Repentance maid vpon the Scaffald befoir his suffering, the fourt day of October. 1570. Imprintit at Edinbvrgh be Robert Lekpreuik. Anno Do. 1570. 8°, 8 leaves. D. Laing, 1879, No. 1772. KELTON, ARTHUR. A Chronycle with a Genealogie declaryng that the Brittons and Welshemen are lineallye descended I'rom Brute. Newly and very wittely compyled in Meter. [Col.] Imprinted at London in the parishe of Christes Church within new gate by Richard Grafton, Prynter to our soueraigne lorde Kyng Edward the VI. 1547. Cum priuilegio. ... 8°. a, 4 leaves : b — e in eights : f, 11 leaves. In 7-line stanzas. Dedicated to the King. Grenv. Coll. (the White Knights and Heber copy.) KENDALL, TIMOTHY. Flowers of Epigrams . . . 1577. On tlie 8th July, 1577, Isaac Kendall, son of William Kendall, of Northaston, CO. Oxon. bound himself apprentice to John Shepherd, the publisher of the Epi- grams, d-c, for eight years, beginning at Michaelmas, 1577. This was evidently a relative of the poet. Shepherd was the son of Eichard Shepherd of Gresby, co. Oxon. KENNEDY, QUINTIN. Ane compendius Tractiue conforme to the Scripturis of almychtie God, ressoun, and authoritie, declaring the nerrest, and onlie way, to establische the conscience of ane christiaue man, in all materis (quhilks ar in debate) concernyng faith and religioun. Set fvrth be Maister Qvintine Kennedy, commendator of the abbay off Crosraguell, aud dedicat to his derrest, and best beluiffit Nepuo, Gilbert maister of Cassillis. In the 3eir of God, Ane thousand fyue houndreth fifty aucht 3eris. [Saint Andrews, 1558.] 4P, black letter. A, 4 leaves : B — G in eights : H, 6 leaves. KENNET, THE RIVER. Answers to the (pretended) Reasons, Htimbly Offer'd for making the River Kennet a Free River. [About 1700.] A sheet. KENNETT, WHITE, Bishop of Peter- borough. Parochial Antiquities Attempted in the History of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other Adjacent Parts in the Counties of Oxford and Bucks. By White Kennett vicar of Ambrosden . . . Oxford, Printed at the Theater, m.dc.xcv. 4°. Title and dedication to Sir William Glynne, 4 leaves : b, 4 leaves : A— 5 in fours. With plates at pp. 22, 50, 54, 430, 508, 558, 638, and 682 (2). Reprinted with all the plates, and with corrections from the author's own copy, Oxford, 1818, 2 vols, 4°. KENNINGHAM. 326 KENT. KENNINGHAM. A[n] almanack and pronostication of Kennyngham. Licensed to John Day in 1557-8. Probably an error for Cunningham. KENT. The Grantes, Ordinances and lawes of Komeney marshe. [Col.] Londini in sedibns Thomse Berth, typis impress. Cum priuilegio . . . Anno. M. d. xliii. 8°, black letter, A— B in eights, B 8 with the colophon. Grenv. Coll. The Charter of Eomney Marsh. Lon- don, Printed by lohn Wolfe. 1597. 8°, A— E in eights. The Charter of Komney Marsh. Lon- don, Printed by Tho, Cotes,* for John Parker, . . . 1647. 8°, A— F 4 in eights, A 1 and F 4 blank. The Charter of Romney- Marsh . . . Lon- don, Printed by S. R. for Samuel Keble . . . 1686. 8°, A— F in eights, A 1 with Imprimatur and F 8 blank. A lamentable reporte of a greate tem- peste of haile, that fell in Kent the 19 of June 1590. Licensed to the Widow Butter, 9 July, 1590. A ballad intituled The poore widowe of Copthall in Kent and her Seaven children how wonderfuUie the Lord fed them in their wante. Licensed to Thomas Mil- lington, 31 Oct. 1594. An order for publike Prayers to be vsed on Wednesdayes and Fridayes in euery Parish Church within the Prouince of Canterburie, conuenient for this present time. Set forth by authoritie. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, . . . 4^, A — F in fours. Lambeth. Articles to bee enquired of by the Church- wardens and Sidemen of euery Parish within the Archdeaconrye of Canterbury, whereunto by vertue of their oathes they are to make answere seuerally to euery Article. Printed at London by Thomas Este. 4*^, black letter, A — C in fours. The Just Judgement of God vppon Cicelie Norrington who vnnaturally mur- thered her owne children. Executed at Sandwiche, 20 Julij 1605. Licensed to John Wright, 12 August, 1605. Strange newes out of Kente of a mon- strous child borne in old Sandwiche vpon Sunday the 30th of July 1609. Licensed to William Barley, 26 August, 1609. A Grant of the Benevolence Or Contri- bution to His most Excellent Majestic, by the Clergie of the Province of Canter- burie. In the Convocation of Sacred Synods holden at London, Anno Domini 1640. London : Printed by Robert Barker, . . . 1640. 4°, A— D in fours, A 1 and D 4 blank. To the Honorable Hovses of Parliament Now Assembled, The humble Petition of many of the Inhabitants of his Majesties County of Kent. Printed in the Yeare, 1641. A sheet. To the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons . . . The humble Petition of many of the Gentry, Ministers, Freehold- ers, and other Inhabitants of the County of Kent, the Cities of Canterbury and Rochester, and the County of Canterbury, the Cinque ports and their Members, and other Corporations within the said County. London printed for Edward Blackmore at the Angel in Pauls Church- yard. [16411] A sheet. To the Right Honourable the House of Peers assembled in Parliament. The humble Petition of the Knights, Gentle- men, Ministers, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the County of Kent. [8 Feb. 1841-2.] A sheet. The Hvmble Petition of the Commons of Kent ... the first of August, 1642 . . . Printed at Yorke, and reprinted at Ox- ford by His Majesties speciall command. Anno Dom. 1642. 4°, A— B in fours. The Humble Petition of the Commons of Kent, Agreed upon at their Generall As- sizes, Presented to His Maiestie the First of August. 1642. With certaine Instruc- tions from the County of Kent to Mr. Augustine Skinner, . . . With His Maies- ties Answer . . . First printed at Yorke, and now reprinted at London for William Smith. 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. The Petition of the Gentry, Ministers, and Commonalty of the County of Kent. Agreed upon at the Generall Assizes last holden for that County. . . . Loudon, Printed. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A Gloriovs Victorie obtained by Sir William Waller and Sir William Bal- foure, against tlie Lord Hoptons Forces, neere Alsford, on Fryday last March 29. . . . With the names of the severall Commanders . . . With a true Coppi« of the thanksgiving for the same . . . April 1. Printed for Thomas Bates . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The humble Petition And Resolvtion of the Covntie of Kent: Presented and Read to the Right Honourable the Lords as- sembled in Parliament, August 30, 1642* Witli the Answer of the Lords thereunto KENT. 327 KENT. annexed. September 1, Printed for John Wright. 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. A Petition and Protestation of the County of Kent : Presented the 30^^ of August, 1642. to the Honorable Houses of Parlia- ment by Sir John Sidley Knight, with many thousands of hands thereunto. . . . Together with Sir John Sidleya Speech upon the presenting of the said Petition. Also, the Answer of the House of Com- mons to the said Petition delivered by their Speaker. London, Printed by Luke Norton and John Field for E. Husbands and J. Franck, . . . September 1. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A True and perfect Relation of the seiz- ing the House of one Master William Barnes a Cavalier, and apprehending him neer Wollage in Kent, by Captaine Wil- loughby and his Company of Volunteers, and of the finding of a Trunk of Plate valued at a thousand pounds, a Trunk of Books, . . . Also the manner of their dressing of one of their Souldiers in the priests garments, which they found with a Book in his hand of popish prayers . . . London, Printed for T. S. September 2, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A True and Exact Relation of the whole proceedings of the Parliaments Forces, that went out under the command of Colonel Brown with Colonell Manwerings Forces into Kent, To appease the tumult raised there by the Malignants and ill- affected to the Parliament. Wherein is a true Relation of the taking of the Towne of Tunbridge, . . . Printed by R. Austin and A. Coe. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. The Kentish Conspiracy : Or, An Order and Narration Declaring the late Plot for the Surprizing of Dover Castle : And the setting a foot of a Commission of Array in the County of Kent. Taken and extracted out of the Examination of the severall Conspirators. Published by Order of the Committee at Alesford, lanua. 9. 1645. London, Printed by R. j Cotes for Michael Spark, Junior. 1645. [ 4°, A— B in fours, B 4 blank. j A Relation of the Troubles of the three forraign Churches in Kent. Caused by the Injunctions of William Laud . . . 1634 . . . Imprinted at London for Sam. Enderbie . . . 1645. 4P. A, 2 leaves: B— H 2 in fours. Bloody Newes from Dover. Being a True Relation of the great and bloudy Murder, committed by Mary Champion (an Anabaptist) who cut off her childs head, being 7 weekes old, and held it to her husband to baptize. Also another great murder committed in the North, by a Scottish Commander, for which Fact he was executed. Printed in the Yeare of Discoverv, Feb. 13. 1647. 4^ 4 leaves. B.M." The Manifest of the Countv of Kent. [1648.] A sheet. The Lawyers Clarke Trappan'd by the Crafty Whore of Canterbury. Or, A True Relation of the whole Life of Mary Mauders, the Daughter of Thomas Mau- ders, a Fidler in Canterbury. With her strange and unparallel'd Pranks, witty Exploits, and unheard of Stratagems, touching her being a Wife for a Week, and a Lady of Pleasure. . . . London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1663. 4*^, 4 leaves. A True Relation Or Accompt of the whole Procedure between the Corporation of Canterbury, and Mr. John Somner, concerning the New-Market-House there. [Quot. from Seneca, Niliil cJiarius . . .] London, Printed. 1666. 4°. Title and preface, 3 leaves : B — C in fours. A True Discovery of Mr. Edmund Halley of London Merchant who was found Bar- barously Murthered at Temple - Farm, near Rochester, in Kent. London Printed by E. Mallet, 1684. A foHo leaf. The Kentish Sampson ; Or, A Brief Ac- coimt of the Strong man William Joyce, his wonderful Exploits set forth in Three Parts. Licensed according to Order. Printed for B. Deacon at the Angel in Guilt-spur Street, [14 Nov. 1699.] 8", 4 leaves. In verse. Woodcut on title. The Gravesend Tilt - Boat. London, Printed in the Year, 1699. 8^. A in eights and B — E in fours. Chiefly in prose. A collection of tales. The History of the Kentish Petition, Answer'd Paragraph by Paragraph : Wherein the Anti-Parliamentary Faction are Discover'd ; Their 111 Design De- tected ; And their Abuses ofter'd to the Publick are Exposed ; For the General Satisfaction of all true Lovers of their Country. London : Printed in the Year MDCCi. 4P, A — 0, 2 leaves each. Jura Populi Anglicani : Or The Subjects Right of Petitioning set forth. Occa- sioned bv the Case of the Kentish Peti- tioners. ' With a List of the Members of the present Parliament who refused the Voluntarv Association. . . . Answer'd KEY MIS. 32S KING. . London, 5°, A— P in Paragraph, by Paragraph, Printed in the Year 1701. fours. Keasons Humbly offered to the Honour- able the House of Commons, Against the Clause for Exempting Fishermen within the Vice- Admiralty of Kent being Regis- tered by the Company. And also an Answer to an Objection made by the Fishmongers, against the passing of the Fisbermens Bill. A sheet. \Circd 1700.] The Substance of tlie Petition of Henry Farmer, Ealph Sheldon, Thomas Stoner, John Weedon, Esqrs; and Wiufird Brooke Widow, Pa]3ists, praying to be heard by their Council against the Bill for the Discovery of all Lands and Re- venues given to Popish Superstitious Uses ; and for applying the same to Greenwich Hospital. A sheet. KEYMIS, LAWRENCE. A Relation of the Second Voyage to Guiana. Performed and written in the yeare 1596. By Lawrence Keymis, Gent. Imprinted at London by Thomas Daw- son, . . . [1596.] 4^, A— G in fours, but A repeated. Dedicated to Raleigh. With commendatory poems by G. C. and L. K. B. M. KIDDER, E. E. Kidder's Receipts of Pastry and Cook- er}'^, for the Use of his Scholars. Who teaches at his School in Queen Street near S' Thomas Apostles, on Mondays, Tues- days & Wednesdays, in the Afternoon. Also on Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays in the Afternoon, at his School next to Furnivalls Inn in Holborn. Ladies may be taught at their own Houses. [^Circd 1700.] 8*^, 50 engraved leaves, besides a portrait. KILBURN. A pamphlet of the mother that murdered hir children at Kylborne. Licensed to William Bartlett, 18 August, 1578. KILBURNE, RICHARD. A Topographie Or Survey of the County of Kent. With some Chronological, His- torical, and other matters touching the same : And the several Parishes and Places therein. By Richard Kilburne of Hawkherst, Esquire. Nascimur 2^cir- tim Patrice. London, Printed by Thomas Mabb for Henry Atkinson, . \ . 1()59. 4°, A — lii in fours, and a leaf of Kkk, With a portrait of the author by T. Cross. KILLIGREW, MRS. ANNE. Poems By Mrs. Anne Killigrew. Immodicis brevis est cetas ct vara Senectv^. Mart. 1. 6, Ep. 29. . . . London : Printed for Samuel Lowndes . . . 1686. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : [a]— [b], 4 leaves each : [c], 1 leaf : B — 2 in fours. With a portrait engraved by Beckett from a painting by the author. Prefixed to the copy here used is an elegy in MS. by E. E., dated October 29, 1688, on the death of Mrs. Killigrew, who was re- lated to the writer's wife. KILLIGREW, HENRY. The Conspiracy A Tragedy, As it was intended for the Nuptialls, of the Lord Charles Herbert, and the Lady Villers. Written by Mr. Henry Killigraew. Lon- don, Printed by lohn Norton, for Andrew Crooke, 1638. 4^, A— N in fours. Pallantus and Eudora A Tragoedie. Written by Mr. Henry Killigrew. [Quot] London. Printed in the Year, 1653. Folio. A — R, 2 leaves each, A 2 occupied by a Preface. KILLIGREW, SIR WILLIAM. Three New Playes. . . . Written by the Honourable Sir William Killigrew . . . London, Printed for Simon Neale . . . MDCLXXiv. 8^. B— H, B— G, andB— G in eights, and the titlepage. A reissue of the edition of 1665, with the separate titles cancelled. KING, COLONEL EDWARD. To the Honourable the House of Com- mons, the humble Petition of Colonell Edward King of the County of Lincoln Esquire. [London, 20 May, 1646.] A sheet. B. M. KING, HENRY, Bhlioi^ of Chichester. The Psalmes of David, from the New Translation of the Bible turned into Meter : . . . London, Printed by S. G. and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley. . . . 1654. 8vo, With the same engraved title. This is a reissue of the copies of 1651 with a new printed title and leaves after p. 288 marked u, besides a new and enlarged leaf of Errata. The copy here used has on a flyleaf: "Cha^Chappel Giuen him by the Lady How." Lady Howe was the Bishop's daughter. A Sermon Preached at Pavls Crosse, The 25. of November, 1621. Vpon occasion of that false and scandalous Report (lately Printed) touching the supposed Apostasie of tlie Right Reuerend Father in God, lolm King, late Lord Bishop of London. By Henry King, his eldest Sonne. Where- unto is annexed the Examination, and Answere of Thomas Preston, P. taken KINGSMYL. 329 KNOLLIS. before my Lords Grace of Cauterbury, touching 'this Scandall. Published by Authority. At London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Barret. 162L 4°, A— M in fours, first and last leaves blank. KINGSMYL, ANDREW, 0/ All Souls' College, Oxford. A Most Excellent and comfortable Trea- tise, for all such as are any maner of way either troubled in mynde or afflicted in bodie. . . . Imprinted by the assignment of C. Barker, and are to be solde at the Blazing Starre at the East ende of Paules. 1585. 8°, A— G 3 in eights. KIRIE, SERJEANT-MAJOR. A Coppy of a Letter Writ from Serjeant Major Kirie, to a friend in Windsor. [1642, March 6.] 4°, 4 leaves. KIRK, EDWARD. The Behaviour of Edward Kirk after his Condemnation for Murdering his Wife ; With the Advice and Prayers which he left with the Ordinary, desiring him to publish the same for the Reclaiming of Vicious Youth. Together with the Behaviour of the other Condemned 3Ialefactors in New- gate. London, Printed by Geo. Croom, . . . 1684. Folio, 2 leaves. KITCHIN, JOHN. Le Covrt Leete et Covrt Baron collect per lohn Kitchin . . . Ore nouelment im- primee, . . . London, Printed for the Com- pauie of Stationers, 1623. Cum Priui- legio. 8^. IF— irnr 4 in eights. : A— Oo 4 in eights. KNAYE. A newe ballad Intitled the hangmans Daunce shewing the iust Reward of a bribed knave. Licensed to T. Gosson, 13 Jan. 1588-9. A Knavish Consort, or the foole, the knave and the ^dlan. Licensed to John Smethwick, 16 February, 1603-4. Two Knaves for a penny Or, a Dialogue between Mr. Hord the Meal-man and Mr. Gripe the Broker. Wherein is dis- covered the unjust and oppressive prac- tises of those Caterpillers. . . . London, Printed by I. M. 1647. 4*^, 4 leaves. A Caveat for Knaves. You pearless Peers, that sit in Parliament, as many of you as have Traitors been, Beware least that too late you do repent your unjust dealings with your sove- raign King. Let all of you upon your knees fall down, and re-inthrone him with his Princely Crown ; So may you gaine free pardon for your lives, and live in peace, whence plenty will arise. Printed in the Year, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. KNIGHT. A pleasante history of an adventurus knyghte of Kynge Arthurs Couurte. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones, in 1565-6. The Worthy Knight, a poem. Licensed to James Roberts, 10 July, 1606. KNOLLES, RICHARD. The Generall Historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that Nation to the rising of the Othoman Familie : with all the notable expeditions of the Christian Princes against them. Together v/ith the Lives and Conquests of the Othoman Kings and Emperours. Faithfullie col- lected out of the best Histories ... By Richard Knolles. London, Printed by Adam Islip 1603. Folio, A— 5 B iii sixes. Dedicated to King James. With the title engraved by Laurence Johnson. The Generall Historie of the Turkes, . . . Written by Richard Knolles somtyme fellowe of Lincoln College in Oxford. The second edition printed by Adam Islip. 1610. Folio, A— 6 B in sixes : 6 C, 8 leaves. The dedication to the King is dated from Sandwich, the last of March, 1610. The Generall Historie of the Turkes. . . . The Fourth edition, printed by Adam IsHp. 1631. Folio, A— 6 S 4 in sixes, title on A 2 : the Table, IF— H^ 6 leaves each : 3 IT, 4 leaves. The Turkish History, From the Original of the Nation, To the Growth of the Ottoman Empire : ... By Richard Knolles, . . . With a Continuation to this Present Year, mdclxxxvii. Where- unto is added the Present State of the Ottoman Empire. By Sir Paul Rycaut late Consul of Smyrna. The Sixth Edi- tion, with the Etiigies of all the Kings and Emperors. Newly Engraven at large upon Copper. London, mdclxxxvii. Folio, 3 vols. This is considered the best edition. KNOLLIS, LADY. A heavenly Recreation or comforth to the sowle by lady Knowelles. Licensed to Richard Watkins in 1569. KNOWLEDGE. 330 LADIES. KNOWLEDGE. The Knowledge of Tilings Unknown : . . . London : Printed for J. Clarke, . . . and A. Wilde, . . . mdccxliii. 12°, A — G 6 in twelves, including a frontispiece. KNOWLS, THOMAS. Hinds Elder Brother, Or The Master Thief Discovered Being a notable pithy Kelation of the Life of Major Thomas Knowls his many Exploits Escapes, and witty Eobberies. [Woodcut of Hind and Knowls on horseback.] Imprinted at London by John Clows An. Dom. 1651. [Jan. 30, 1651-2.] 4°, A— B in fours, B 4 blank. B. M. KNOX, JOHN. An Admonition or warning that the faithful Christias in London, Newcastel & Barwycke & others, may auoide Gods vengeance, both in thys life and in the life to come : Compylid by the Seruaunt of God John Knokes. [Col.] From Wittonburge by Nicholas Dorcaster Anno M. D. Liiii. the .xvi. of May. Cum priui- legio. . . . 8°, black letter, A— E in eights. An Answer to A Letter of a lesvit named Tyrie, be lohne Knox. [Quotation from Prov. xxvi. &c.] Imprentit at Sanctan- drois be Robert Lekpreuik. Anno Do. 1572. 8°, A— F 5 in eights. KYD, THOMAS. The Spanish Trage/die. Containing the lamentable / end of Don Horatio, and Bel-imperia with the pitifull death of old Hieronimo/. Newly corrected and / amended of such grosse faults as passed in / the first impression. London. Printed by Abell leffes, and are / to be sold by Edward White. / 1594. / 4°, 40 leaves. Communicated by Mr. F. J. Fumivall. The copy was lately (1877) discovered by Professor Wagner of Hamburgh. The Spanish Tragedy : . . . London, Printed by Augustine Mathewes, and are to bee sold by Thomas Langley . . . 1623. 4°, A — L in fours. Woodcut on title. The Spanish Tragedy . . . London, Printed by Augustine Mathewes, for Francis Groue . . . 1633. 4°, A— L in fours. Cut on title. L. L., S. A Letter To the Right Honorable The Lord Lambert, From a Lover of Peace and Truth [S. L.] Being a most faithful Advice how to chose the safest way to the happy Ending of all our Distractions. Also, A Declaration from the King of Scots, How the Army shall be fully satis- fied all their Arrears, with a large Over- plus. . . . Printed in the Year, 1659. 4*^, 4 leaves. S. L. are probably the initials of Samuel Langley. LABOUR. Labour in Vain : Or, What Signifies Little or Nothing? . . . London . . . 1700. 4°, A— D in fours. A series of observations, interspersed with verses. LABYRINTHUS. Labyrinthvs Comoedia Habita coram Sereniss. Rege lacobo in Academia Can- tabrigiensi. Londini, Excudebat H. R. 1636. 12°, A— F 6 in twelves. LADIES. Gyve place, you Ladyes. A ballad. Li- censed to Owen Rogers in 1560-1. Gyve place, ye ladyes. A ballad. Li- censed to T. Colwell in 1566-7. See a piece so entitled in Collier's Old Ballads and Songs,'19>^^, p. 25, printed from an early MS. In the prayse of a serten Ladye. A ballad. Licensed to T. Hacket in 1561-2. Ladyes, in your ladyes name I grete you every eche one. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1669-70. A ballad. The prayse of vertuous dames. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1570. The comly behavyour for ladyes and gentlewomen. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1570-1. A tablet for ladyes. Licensed to. John Day, 26 March, 1579. Divers Remarkable Orders of the Ladies . . . 1647. LAET. 33^ LAMENTATION. These Orders are reprinted in Miscel- lanies, Historical and Philolo(jical, being a Curious Collection of Private Papers found in the Library of a Nobleman lately Deceased [Marquis of Halifax.] 8°, 1703. The Ladies Calling. In Two Parts. By the Author of the Whole Duty of Man, . . . Favor is deceitful . . . Pro v. 31. 30. Oxford, Printed at the Theater. M. DC. Lxxiii. 8°. Title, Editor to the Header, &c., 4 leaves : b — c in fours : A — Nn in fours. LAET, JASPER. The pronosticacio of maister Jaspar laet of borchloon doctour in astrologie of the yere. M.ccccc.xvi. Translated in to Ynglissh to the honoere of 5e moost noble & victorious kynge Henry the .viii. by your moost hiible subiect Nicholas long- water goeuerner of our lady coception in ye renowmed towne of Andwarp in sinte Jorge perys. [Antwerp, John of Does- borch, 1515.] 4°. Black letter. D. Laing, 1879, No. 2968, sheet a only. A Pronosticacyon of Master Jasper Laet of borchloen Doctor in medycyne for y® yere of our lorde god M. v. C. & xxiiii. Cum gracia et priuilegio. Jasper Laet. A broadside [?]. Bagford Papers (a frag- ment). Pronosticum Magistri Gasparis Laet de Borchloen medicine doctoris ad meri- dianum insignis emporii Antwerpiensis / pro Anno doniini. M.ccccc.xxx. compi- latum et practicatum. These be for to sell at the Sygne of seynt John Euange- lyste / in seynt Martyns parysshe besyde charynge Crosse. 12°. [London, B. Wyer.] Bagford Papers (a fragment). The pronosticacio [calculed] by mayater Jaspar Laet [of anjwarpe / vpon the merydian of the sayd towne / for the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxxiij. A sheet ( ?). Bagford Papers (a fragm.ent). An Almanack & Pronosticatio of y^ yere of our Lord. m. v"^. xl. Practised by Jasper Laet. 12°. Bagford Papers (a fragment). Pronosticacio of the yere of our Lorde M, v^, XLJ. Practysed by the renowned doctor in Astronomy and Physicke Jasper Laet. Bagford Papers (a fragment). Almanack and Pronostication of Jaspar Laet. Of the yare of our Lord God. M.D.XLiiii. In this Almanacke ye shall fynde all the Epystles and Gospels of euery Sondaye and holy daye. Bagford Papers (a fragment). Pronosticatio of Ja[spar] Laet doctor of Phisicke and Astro[nomy] for the yere of our Lorde God. m. v^ XLiiii. A sheet. Bagford Papers (a fragment). Probably this formed part of the pre- ceding. An Almanacke and P[rog]nostication of the re[now]med doctor in AstroD[omy] Jaspar Laet the yere of [our] Lord God. M.ccccc. . . . And the declaracion of the [xii.] signes and theyr quali[ties] with the son rysynge. Imprinted in Lon[don] by John Waley. \Circd 1550.] 12°. Bagford Papers (a fragment). LAKIN, DANIEL. A Miraculous Cure of the Prusian Swal- low-Knife : Being dissected out of his stomack by the Physitians of Regimonto, the chief city in Prusia. Together with the Testimony of the King of Poland, of the truth of this wonderful Cure, . . . By Dan. Lakin, P. C. Printed at London by I. Okes, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard, at the white Lvon. 1642. 4°, A— X 2 in fours, black letter. Dedi- cated to Sir Peter Wuch [Wych] Knight, Comptroller of the Household. With a three-quarter portrait of Lakin. LAMB, JOHN, Dean of Arches. A briefe description of the notorious life of lohn Lambe . . . 1628. Mr. Arber, in his Introduction to the Martin Marprelate Controversy, 1879, p. 51, describes him as Laud's right-hand man for repressing the liberty of the press, and as having made in 1635 inquiries into the history of licensing books. He speaks of him as Sir John Lamb. LAMBAEDE, W. A Perambulation of Kent . . . first pub- lished in the yeere 1576, and now in- creased and altered, after the Authors owne last Copie. Imprinted at London, by Edm. Bollifant. 1596. 4°, A— Pp 6 in eights, besides the folded Card of the Beacons. The Perambulation of Kent. . . . Cor- rected and Enlarged. To which is added the Charters, Laws, and Privileges of the Cinque Ports, Never before printed. London, Printed for Matthew Walbancke, and Dan. Pakeman. 1656. 8°. a, 8 leaves, besides duplicate title undated : A (misprinted B)— Vv 3 in eights : the Charters, &c. A— E 4 in eights, E 4 blank. LAMENTATION. A lamentation of the mesyrye of man- kvnde. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1561-2. LAMPOONS. 332 LANCASHIRE. A Lamentation showynge the cause of the late plage. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1563-4. The lamentation of an olde servynge man lamentynge his estate. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1564. A ballad. The lamentation of a Desperate synner. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. The lamentation for ye Towne[s] of Chens- ford, Wrekell Spryngfylde / Ipswich and Waltham. Licensed to W. Pickering (with a ballad on the same subject sepa- rate) in 1565-6, The lamentation of a Dampned sowle. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. A Lamentation for our Wycked synnes. A ballad. Licensed to John Allde in 1569. The lamentacon of a yonge man con- fessinge his former lyfe that he hathe led. A ballad. Licensed to Thomas Man, 15 Nov. 1578. The lamentacon of a synner troubled in conscvence. A ballad. Licensed to John Hynd, 28 Feb. 1678-9. The lamentations of Hecuba and the ladies of Troye. A ballad. Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. The lamentacon of a mayde that through e her owne follye Did suffer her selfe to be stollen awaie with a yonge man. A ballad. Licensed to John Wolf, 8 Sept. 1592. The Lamentation of Agnes Bruen, &c. A ballad. Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 1 July, 1592. The sadd lamentacon of a Constant yonge gentlewoman. A ballad. Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 27 June, 1593. LAMPOONS. Lampoons. A sheet in verse. [1688,] Ouvnj Cat, 186. More Lampoons. Printed, 1688. A sheet. Ibid., 164. LANCASHIRE. A caveat for all men to beware of false Coseners by a Late example of a Lanca- shire man Cozened of \K Licensed to K Jones, 9 Febr. 1579-80. A new northerne songe of a Lancashire lad. Licensed to E. White, 8 Aug. 1586. Lankeshiers lamentacon for the Deathe of the noble Erie of Derbie. Licensed to John Danter, 11 Oct. 1593. A Lancashire mans ioye for the late mar- riage of the right honorable the Erie of Derbie. Licensed to T. Gosson, 6 Feb. 1594-5. Strange Newes of a prodigious Monster . . . 1613. Licensed to Samuel Man, 12 June, 1613. A ballad of a murder in Lancashire re- vealed by a Calfe. Licensed to John Trundle, 12 March, 1614-15. Newes out of Lancashire, or the strange and miraculous revelacon of a murther by a ghost, a Calf, a pigeon, &c. Licensed (conditionally) to John Trundle, 12 Sep- tember, 1615. A Lancasheire w^onder. A ballad. Licen- sed to Thomas Lambert, 7 Feb. 1637-8. The Petition of divers of His Majesties faithfuU Subjects, of the true Protestant Religion, in the County Palatine of Lan- caster : Presented to His Majestie at York the last of May. . . . With His Majesties Answer, June 6. 1642. London : Printed by Robert Barker . . . mdcxlii. 4°, 4 leaves. A True Relation of a great and wonder- full Victory Obtained By Captain Ashton and the Parliaments Forces, Against the Earl of Derby at Whalley in Lancashire. . . . London, Printed for Edw. Hus- bands, . . . May 8. 1643. 4^, 4 leaves. B.M. Lancashires Valley of Achor, Is Englands Doore of Hope : Set wide open, in a brief History, of the Wise, Good and Power- full hand of Divine Providence, Ordering and Managing the Militia of Lancashire ; Not onely to the Preservation, but Exal- tation of a Poor, and Praying people, in two Hundreds ; Against, and above a considerable Armie, of Popish, and ill- affected persons in foure Hundreds : . . . London : Printed for Luke Fawne, . . . 1643 [Sept. 23.1 4° A— E in fours. B. M. An Excellent Ballad, Intituled, The Un- fortunate Love of a Lancashire Gentle- man, and the hard Fortune of a fair young Bride. To the tune of, Come follow my Love. London: Printed by and for T. Norris. ... A sheet, with cuts. Umry Cat, No. 58. A True and Exact Relation of the Death of Tw^o Catholicks, Who Suffered for their Religion at the Summer Assizes, held at ]>ancaster in the Year 1628. Republished with some Additions, an Account of a wonderful Cure wrought bj^ tlie Inter- cession of one of them F. Edmund Arrow- smith. . . . London : Printed in the Year, MDCCxxxvii. 8°, pp. 68 + xii. With portraits of Arrowsmith and Herst. LANE, zz-h LANGHORNE. LANE, A., M.A. A Rational and Speedy Method of attain- ing to the Latin Tongue. In Two Parts, The first containing such Precepts as are common to all Languages. The Second contains wliat is more peculiar to the Latin Tongue. The -whole being accom- modated to the meanest Capacities, . . . Bv A. Lane. M.A. . . . London, Printed by J. D. for the Author, . . . 1695. 8^ Title and dedication " To the Eight Honourable Sir Richard Reynell. Lord Chief Justice of Ireland," 2 leayes : B — K 2 in eights. The author acknowledges his obligations to Sir Richard, and states that the latter suggested the plan to him, in connexion with the education of his eldest son, a boy of eight, to whom Lane was at one time tutor. A Key to the Art of Letters : Or, English a Learned Language. Full of Art, Ele- gancy and Variety. Being an Essay to enable both Foreiners, and the English Youth of either Sex, to speak and write the English Tongue well and learnedly, according to the exactest Rules of Gram- mar. . . . With a Preface shewing the Necessity of a Vernacular Grammar. . . . By A. Lane, M.A. late Master of the Free- School of Leominster in Herefordshire, now Teacher of a private School at Mile-end-green near Stepney. London, Printed for Ralph Smith, . . . and William Hawes . . . 1705. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — H in twelves. Dedicated to William, Duke of Glou- cester. LANE, MOSES, /ScJioolmaster in Lon- don. The Protestant School: Or, A Method, Containing Several Forms of Prayers Psalms, Lessons, Thanksgivings, and Graces, for the Bringing up, and well Grounding Children and Elder Persons in the Protestant Religion, by the most Reverend and Learned Bishop Usher : Also a Catalogue of all the English Words, Beginning with one Syllable. ... To which is Added, An Historical Account of several Plots and remarkable Passages, from Queen Elizabeth to the present Time, Lively Represented in Copper Plates. . . . Fitted to the Com- mon Use of all English Schools. . . . London, Printed for John Kidgell . . . 1682. Price Is. 6d. 8"". Portrait of Charles II. and printed title, 2 leaves : Dedication, 1 leaf : A Method for Chil dren, 7 leaves : plates with letterjues; account, 4 leaves : C — M 6 in eights. LANGBAINE, GERARD. Momus Triumphans: Or, The Plagiarie of the English Siage ; Expos'd in a Cata- logue of all the Comedies, Tra^i-Comedies, Masques, Tragedies, Operas, Pastorals, Interludes, &c. both Ancient and Modern, that were ever yet Printed in English! The Names of their Known and Supposed Authors ... By Gerard Langbaine Esq; London : Printed for N. C. and are to be sold by Sam. Holford at the Crown in the Pali-Mall. 1688. 4**. A, 4 leaves : [a] 4 leaves : B— F in fours. An Account of the English Dramatick Poets. Or, Some Observations and Re- marks on the Lives and Writings of all those that have Publish'd either Come- dies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques, Interludes, Farces, or Opera's in the English Tongue. By Gerard Lang- baine. Oxford, ^Printed by S. L. for George West, and Henry Clements. An. Dom. 1691. 8^ a, 8 leaves : A— Oo in eights, Oo 7 with the Errata, and Oo 8 with the label only. Dedicated to James, Earl of Abington. The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets. . . . First begun by" Mr. Langbain, improv'd and continued down to this time, by a Careful Hand [Gildon.] London : Printed for Tho. Leigh . . . and William Turner ... 8^, A— 7 in eights. LANGFORD, T. Plain and Full Instructions to raise all sorts of Fruit-Trees that prosper in Eng- land . . . London, Printed by J. M. for Rich. Chiswel . . . 1681. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — L 6 in eights, the last 4 leaves with advertisements. A short note from Evelyn to the iJubUsher is printed at the beginning. LANGHORNE, RICHARD, of the Liner Temple. The Tryall of Richard Langhorne Esq; Counsellor at Law : For Conspiring the Death of the King, Subversion of the Government, . . . i\'ho upon Full Evi- dence was found guilty of Hi.irh Treason, and received Sentence accordingly. . . . the 14tii of June 1679. Publisli'ed by Authority. London, Printed for H. Hills, . . . 1679. Folio, A— S in twos, A 1 blank, S 2 with an advertise- ment. The Speech of Richard Langhorn Esq; At his Execution July 14, 1679. Being left in writing under his own hand. Folio, 2 leaves. LANGTON. 334 LANQUET. Considerations touching the Great Ques- tion of the Kings Eight in Dispensing with the Penal Laws. Written On the Occasion of his Late Blessed Majesties granting Free Toleration and Indul- gence. London : Printed by H. H, for the Assignes of R. Langhorne . . . 1687. Folio, A — H, 2 leaves each, besides title and dedication. LANGTON, CHRISTOPHER. An introduction into phisycke, wyth an vniuersal dyet, gathered by christofer Langton. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Edwarde Whytchurche ... 8°, black letter, A — M in eights. Dedicated to Sir Arthur Darcy. LANQUET, THOMAS, and COOPER, THOMAS. An Epitome of Chronicles conteining the whole discourse of the histories as well of the realme of England, as all other countries, with the succession of their kynge;^, the tyme of theire reigne, & what notable actes thei did : much profitable to bee redde : namely of magistrates and suche as haue auctoritie in comen weales; gathered out of most pr[o]bable auctors, fyrst, by Thomas Lanquet, from the be- gannyng of the world to the incarnation of Christ, and now finished and continued to the reigne of our soueraine lorde Kynge Edwarde the sixt by Thomas Cooper. Anno. M.D.LXix. [Col.] Imprinted at London in fletestrete in the house of Thomas Berthelet cum priuilegio ad im- primendum solum. Anno, m.d.xlix. 4°, black letter. A, 4 leaves, with title and dedication to Edward VI. : then A (re- peated)— F in fours, F 4 blank : A (again repeated) — Dddd in fours, the last leaf having on the recto the colophon and the Lucretia Romana on the reverse. This edition ends with the year 1547-8. Coopers Chronicle Conteininge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme, as all other countreis, with the succession of their kynges, the time of their raigne, and what notable actes were done by them, newly enlarged and aug- mented, as well of the first part with diuers profitable Histories, as in the hitter ende with the whole summe of those thinges that Paulus Jouius and Sleidane liath written of late yeres, that is, from the beginnyng of kyng llenrie the eightes raigne vnto the late death of Queene Marie, by me Thomas Cooper. Londini. 1560. [Col.] Imprinted at Loudon in Fletestrete, in the house late Thomas Beithelettes. Cum priuilegio ad im- primendum solum. Anno m.d.lx. 4°, black letter. Title, 1 leaf : Dedication to the Earl of Bedford, 2 leaves : Table and " of the use of histories," 2 leaves : A — ZZ 3 in fours : A— C 2 in fours, C 2 with the colophon. The additional leaves under signatures A — C 2 carry down the narrative to the beginning of Elizabeth. On the back of the title is an Admonition to the Reader, warning him against the piratical edition of 1559, printed by Marsh. Coopers Chronicle Conteinyng the whole discourse. . . . Newly enlarged and aug- mented, aswel in the first part with diuers profitable Histories, as in the later two, with the whole summe of those thyngs, that Paulus Jouius and Sleidane hath written of late yeares, that is now lately ouerseene, and with great diligence cor- rected and augmented, vnto the .vii. yeare of the reigne of our most gracious Queene Elizabeth, that now is. Anno Domini. 1565. xx. die Mens. Aprill. No place or printer's name, black letter, a, 6 leaves : B, 2 leaves : c — d in eights : e, 6 leaves : A — Zz in eights : A, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves : no C : D, 4 leaves. Four titlepages were printed to this fourth edition of the work, and the pre- liminary leaves were also republished with variations. In three of these issues now before me the "Admonition" occurs on the back of the title, but in a fourth it is omitted. Changes were likewise intro- duced into the ending leaves, the body of the volume remaining the same. Two of the 1565 issues are dated August 1, one April 20, and the other has only the year. There is little or no doubt that, as in the case of Halle's Chronicle, copies were made up at the time. An Epitome of Chronicles. Conteyninge the Whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England as al other coutreys, with the succession of their kinges, tiie time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did : much profitable to be redde, namelye of ]\lagistrates, and such as haue auctoritee in commo weales, gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Banquet, from the be- ginning of the worlde to the incarnation of Christe, Secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Queue Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lon- dini. In CEdibus Thomai Marshe. [Col.] Imprinted at London by William Seres at the Weste ende of Poules towarde Lud- gate at the signe of the Hedgehogge and are there to be solde. 1559. The v. day of Apryll. 4°, black letter. A, 4 leaves, LA NT HORN. 335 LAUD. with the title, &c. : A — F in fours, F 4 blank : A (repeated) — Gggg in fours, and two leaves beyond unmarked. This is the pirated reprint of the edi- tion by Berthelet's successors, already alluded to. LANTHORN AND CANDLELIGHT. Lantron and Candle lyghte, A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1569-70. LASSELS, RICHARD. The Voyage of Italy, Or A Compleat Journey through Italy. In Two Parts. With the Characters of the People, and the Description of the Chief Towns, Churches, Monasteries, Tombs, Libraries, Pallaces, Villas, Gardens, Pictures, and Antiquities. As also of the Interest, Government, Riches, Force, &c. of all the Princes. With Instructions concerning Travel. By Richard Lassels, Gent, who Travelled through Italy Five times as Tutor to several of the English Nobility and Gentry. Never before Extant. Newly Printed at Paris, and are to be sold in London, by John Starkey . . . 1670. S''. Frontispiece and title, 2 leaves : dedi- cation by S. Wilson to Richard Viscount Waterford, and Table, 4 leaves : a — i in sixes, last leaf blank : A vi — L in twelves : Aa — Tt 10 in twelves, including Table to Part 2, ANliich has a separate title. A posthumous volume. LATHAM, SIMON. Lathams Falconry : . . . London : Printed by Thomas Harper, for lohn Harison, 1633. 4°. *, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : ^, 4 leaves : B — V 2 in fours. Lathams Faulconrv . . . London Printed by S. Griffin for^WiL Lee . . . 1662. 8°. a — b in eights : A — L in eights, M, 1 leaf : Second Booh, A — L 4 in eights, L 4 blank, and A with the frontispiece : the Gentleman's Exercise, A — H in eights, A with the frontispiece. Woodcuts. A 2 in the first portion is occupied by a duphcate title : "The Whole Work of Mr. Latham's Books of Faulconry ... To which is added this yeer 1662 an Excellent Treatise called The Gentlemans Exercise . . ." [By A. H.] LATHUM, W. Phyala Lachrymarum. Or A Few Friendly Teares, shed over the dead Body of M^ Nathaniel Weld M^ of Arts of Emanuel CoUedge in Cambridge ; who in the short journey of his life, died betweene the five and sixe and twentieth yeare of his youth, 1633. Together with sundry choyce Meditations of mortalitie. Dignus longiore vita. . . . London. Printed by R. Y. for George Lathum . . . Anno 1634. 12^, A— C 6 in twelves. In verse. Dedicated to the Earl of Elgin. LATIN SPEECH. A Delysious Surupe newly Claryfied for yonge schoUers that thruste for the swete Lycoure of laten speache. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot in 1569-70. LAUD, W., Archhislioj) of Canterhunj. A Speech delivered in the Starr- Cham- ber, on Wednesday the xiv^^ of lune, MDCXxxvii. At the Censvre of lohn Bastwick, Henry Burton, & William Prinn, Concerning Pretended Innovations in the Church. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William, L. Archbishop of Canterbury his Grace. London, Printed by Richard Badger, mdcxxxvii, 4"", A— L in fours, first and last leaves blank, and a, four leaves. Dedicated to Charles I. In the Forster collection at South Kensington should be a copy of this tract on large paper, which I saw Mr. Forster buy at the Surrenden auction. A Relation of the Conference betweene William Lawd, Then, L^ Bishop of St. Davids ; Now, Lord Arch - Bishop of Canterbvry : And M^. Fisher [John Piercey] the Jesuite, by the Command of King lames of ever Blessed Memorie. With an Answer to such Exceptions as A. C. takes against it. By the sayd Most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbvry. Lon- don, Printed by Richard Badger, Printer to the Prince His Highnes. mdcxxxix. Folio. A, 4 leaves : 8 leaves marked § and * : B— 3 F in fours. Dedicated to the King by Laud. A true Description, Or Rather a Parallel betweene Cardinall Wolsey, Arch-Bishop of York, And William Laud, Arch-Bishop of Canterbvry. Printed in the Yeare 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. An exact Copy of a Letter Sent to Wil- liam Laud late Arch-bishop of Canter- bury, now Prisoner in the Tower, Novem- ber the 5. 1641. At which his Lordship taking exceptions, the Author visited him in his owne person : and having admit- tance to him, had some private discourse with him ; concerning the cruelty, in which he formerly raic^ned in his power. . . . London Printed for H. W. and T. B. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. With a cut on title. B. M. A new Play Called Canterburie His Change of Diet. Which sheAveth variety LAUD. 336 LA WES. of wit and mirth : privately acted neare the Palace-yard at Westminster. . . . Printed Anno Domini, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. With cuts. B. M. Ladensivm Autocatacrisis, The Canter- bvrians Self-Conviction. . . . The third Edition augmented by the Author, with a large Supplement. And corrected in Typographike faults, not those onely which in a large number did escape through negligence and ignorance that Printer at Amsterdam, but these also, which in the very first Edition were but too many. Helped also in sundry mate- rial! Passages, where in the Author hath received better information. Printed for Nathaniel Bvtter. 1641. 4^. t, 4 leaves, first blank : A, 4 leaves : 5, 4 leaves : B — S 2 in fours ; the Supplement, A — L in fours : Postscript for the personate lesuite Lysimachus Nicanor, *a — *e in fours, *e 4 blank. New Lambeth Fayre Newly Consecrated and Presented by the Pope himselfe. Car- dinals, Bishops, Jesvits, &c. Wherein all Romea Reliques are set at sale, With the old Fayre corrected and enlarged, Open- ing and Vending the whole Mistery of Iniquity. By Richard Overton. With remarkable Annotations declaring under what Pope, and in what yeere of our Lord every Relique and Ceremonie came into the Church. London, Printed by R. 0. and G. D. 1642. 4^, A— B in fours. In verse. The Copy of the Petition presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, by the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, &c. Wherein the said Arch-Bishop desires that he may not be transported beyond the Seas into New-England with Master Peters, in regard to his extraordinary age and weak- nesse. London printed for lo. Smith, neare the new exchange. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. With the common cut of Laud on title. B. M. The Archbishop of Canterbury's Speech : Or His Funerall Sermon, Preacht by him- self on the Scaffold on Tower-Hill, on Friday the 10. of lanuary, 1644. . . . London, printed by Peter Cole . . . 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. Relation Memorable de I'Arrest de mort, donne contre I'Arcbeuesque de Cantor- bery, dans la Ville de Londre. A Orleans, . . . 1645. 8°, 4 leaves. The History of the Troubles and Tryal of the Most Reverend Father in God, and Blessed Martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Wrote by Himself, during his Imprisonment in the Tower. To which is prefixed The Diary of his own Life Faithfully and entirily Published from the Original Copy : And subjoined A Supplement to the Preceding History : . . . London : Printed for Ri. Chiswell, . . . MDCXCV. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : A, 2 leaves : a— c, 2 leaves each : B— 4 I in fours : 4 K, 1 leaf. Edited by Henry "Wharton, who sub- scribes the preface. LAURENTIUS, ANDREAS. A Disco^Tse of the Preservation of the Sight : of Melancholike diseases ; of Rheumes, and of Old age. . . . Translated out of French ... by Richard Svrphlet, Practitioner in Phisicke. At London Imprinted by Felix Kingston, for Ralph lacson, . . . 1599. 4°, A— Dd 2 in fours, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Sir Thomas West, Lord De la Warr. With several copies of commendatory verses by Gabriel Powell, &c. LAW, W., M.A. Law Outlaw'd : Or, A Short Reply to Mr. Law's Long Declamation against the Stage. Wherein the Wild Rant, Blind Passion, and False Reasoning of that Piping-hot Pharisee are made apparent to the meanest Capacity. Together with An Humble Petition to the Incurable Ward of Bethlehem to take pity on the poor distracted Authors of the Town . . . Written at the Request of the Orange- Women, and for the Publick Good, by the impartial Pen of Mrs. S — — , a Lover of both Houses. London, Printed for the Benefit of the Candle-Snuffers . . . 1726. (Price Four Pence.) 4°, A— B in fours. LA WES, HENRY and WILLIAM. Ayres, And Dialogues, for One, Two, and Three Voyces. By Henry Lawes . . . The Third Book. London, Printed bv W. Godbid for John Playford, . . \ M.DC.LViii. Folio. Title with portrait, &c., 3 leaves : B — N, 2 leaves each : 0, 1 leaf. The Treasury of Musick : Containing Ayres and Dialogues to sing to the Theorbo-Lute or Basse-Viol. Composed by Mr. Henry Lawes, late Servant to His Majesty in his Publick and Private Musick : And other Excellent Masters. In Three Books. London, Printed by William Godbid for John Playford, . . . 1669. Folio. With a finely engraved frontispiece. LA WRENCE. 337 LEE. Book First, title, dedication and table, 3 leaves : B — Ff, 2 leaves each : Book Second, A, 4 leaves : B — Ff, 2 leaves each : Book Third, title, &c. , 3 leaves : B— N, 2 leaves each, and O, 1 leaf. LAWRENCE, HENRY, M.P. Militia Spiritualis. Or A Treatise of Angels . , . Wherein is likewise Shewed : What incredible power secret Influences, Wiles and Wayes, Methods and JMoods, the Good and Bad Angels doe daily exer- cise ... By Henry Lawrence, Esquire, A Member of Parliament. London, Printed by M. Simmons . . . 1652. 4P. Title, 1 leaf : Dedication " To my Most deare and Most honour'd Mother, the Lady Law- rence," 4 leaves : A — Bb in fours, the last leaf with the Errata. LAWSON, DEODAT, Minister of the Gospel. Christ's Fidelity the only Shield against Satan's Malignity. Asserted in a Sermon Deliver'd at Salem- Village the 24*1^ of March, 1692. Being Lecture-day there, and a time of Publick Examination, of some Suspected for Witchcraft. The Second Edition . . . Reprinted in London by B. Tookey for the Author, . . . 1704. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B— F in twelves. LAWYER. The Just Lawyer his Conscyonable Com- plaint. Licensed to George Purslow, 17 April, 1631. LAYTON, ALEXANDER. Speculum Belli sacri : Or The Looking Glasse of the Holy War, Wherein is dis- covered : The Evill of War. The Good of Warr. The Guide of War. In the Last of these I give a Scantling of the Christian Tackticks, from the levying of the Souldier, . . . [Printed abroad.] 1624. 4°, A— C 2 in fours : D— Vv 2 in fours. Dedicated to Prince Charles. LEADER, THOMAS. The Wounded-Heart ; Or, The Jury- Man's Offences Declared, and Ingeniously Acknowledged, for the Satisfaction of those who were thereby troubled. By Thomas Leader . . . London, Printed in the Year, 1665. 4^^, A— B 2 in fours. LEAGUE AND COVENANT. Two Speeches delivered before the Sub- scribing of the Covenant, the 25. of Sep- tember, at St. Margarets in Westminster. The one by BIr. Philip Nye. The other by Mr. Alexander Henderson. Published by speciall order of the House of Com- mons. Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Bryson, Anno Dom. 1643. 4°, A — C in fours. The Anti-Confederacy, Or, A discovery of the iniquity and hypocrisie of the Solemne Leagve and Covenant. Prepared for the Presse some weeks before Christ- mas, but newly printed and published. [Quotations.] Printed in the Yeare, 1644. 4", A — I in fours, and 2 unsigned leaves after I 4 with an address " to the candid Reader." The Anti-Confederacie : Or An Extract of certaine Quaeres, concerning the Solemne League and Covenant. Framed according to those Rules of an Oath, prescribed by God Himselfe : [Jerem. 4. 2.] . . . Oxford, Printed in the Yeare m.dc.shv. 4°, A— C in fours, and a leaf of D. A Dismal Account of the burning of our Solemn League and National Covenant (with God) and one another. At Lin- lithgow, May 29. 1662. Being the birth Day of Charles 2^. [1662.] A sheet in verse and prose. LE BLANC, VINCENT. The World Surveyed : Or, The Famous Voyages & Travailes of Vincent le Blanc, or White, of Marseilles : Who from the Age of Fourteen years, to Threescore and Eighteen, Travelled through most parts of the World. . . . Originally written in French, and faithfully rendred into Eng- lish by F. B. Gent. London, Printed for John Starkey, . . . 1660. Folio. A, 2 leaves : B — 3 N in fours : 3 0, 6 leaves. With a portrait. LA CHAISE, PERE. The History of Father La Chaise, Jesuite, and Confessor to Lewis XIV. Present King of France. Discovering, The Secret Intreagues by him carried on, as well in the Court of England, as in all the Courts of Europe, to advance the Great Designs of the King his Master. Made English from the French Original. Lon- don, Printed bv J. Wilde, for H. Rhodes, . . . 1693. 12°, A— R in twelves. LECTURER. The Juniper Lecturer Corrected, And his Latin, Pagan, putid Nonsence Paraphrazed. Also, the Coft'ee Scoffer Cufted, and Kicked ; Or, The Pittifvll P^dagoog's Latin Vindi- cation. London, Printed in the year 1662. 4°, A— B in fours. In verse. LEE, NATHANIEL. Gloriana, Or the Court of Augustus Caesar. Acted at the Theatre-Royal. By their Majesties Servants. ... By Nat. Lee. London, Printed for J. Magnes and R. Bentley . . . mdclxxvi. 4°, A — K 2 Y LEACH. 338 LE GRAND. in fours. Dedicated to the Duchess of Portsmoutli. The Tragedy of Nero, Emperour of Rome : As it is Acted at the Theatre-Eoyal, By His Majesties Servants. By Nathaniel Lee, Gent. London, Printed by T. E. and N. T. for James Magnus and Eichard Bentley . . . ]675. 4«, A— H in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Eochester. Mithridates King of Pontus, A Tragedy : Acted at the Theatre Eoyal, by their Majesties Servants. Written by Nat. Lee. London : Printed by E. E. for James Magnes and Eich. Magnes . . . 1678. 4°, A — L in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. Caesar Borgia; Son of Pope Alexander the Sixth : A Tragedy Acted at the Duke's Theatre By their Eoyal Highnesses Ser- vants. Written by Nat. Lee. London : Printed by E. E. for E. Bentley, and M. Magnes . . . 1680. 4°, A— K 3 in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Pembroke. Lucius Junius Brutus ; Father of his Country. A Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theater, by their Eoyal High- nesses Servants. Written by Nat. Lee. London, Printed for Eichard Tonson, and Jacob Tonson . . . 1681. 4°, A— K in fours, and a leaf of L. Dedicated to the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. Constantine the Great : A Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre-Eoyal, By their Majesties Servants. Written by Nat. Lee, Gent. London, Printed by H. Hills Jun. for E. Bentley . . . and J. Tonson . . . 1684. 4^, A — I 2 in fours. Copies of these dramas occasionally occur with a general titlepage. LEACH, BENJAMIN. The Case of Mr. Benjamin Leach Brick- layer, at the Old-Baily, The Fourteenth day of October, 1682. Printed for A. Green. Folio, 2 leaves. LE FEVEE, EAGUL. Le Eecueil des Histoires de Troye. Com- pose en I'an de grace 1464. No place, &c. [Circa 1476, by W. Caxton.] Folio, 286 leaves, including two blanks. Br. Museum, Windsor Castle, and Althorp. The recuyles or gaderige to gyder of y® hystoryes of Troye how it / was destroyed & brent / twyse by ye pnyssaunt Hercules & ye thyrde & / generall by ye grekes. [Col.] Thus endeth the boke of the recules or syege of Troye. Enprynted in London in Flete strete at the sygne of the Sonne by Wynken de Worde. The yere of our lorde god. M.ccccc.ij. Folio, black letter. Title and Table, 4 leaves : A — Kk in sixes. The title is under a woodcut. Magdalen College Cambridge (Pepys'scopy). An imperfect copy, with the date altered to 1503, is at King's College, Cambridge, and a third, very incomplete, is in the Grenville Collection. The only other perfect copy known occurred at a sale in Holland, and is now in an American library. It is said to be very fine. The Destruction of Troy, In Three Books. . . . The Seventh Edition, Corrected and much amended. London, Printed by E. I. for S. S. to bee sold by F. Coles in the Old-Bayley, and C. Tyus on London- Bridge. 1663. 4^, black letter. Book I. — A, 2 leaves : B — Cc in fours : Book II._A— S in fours : Book III.— A— E 2 in fours. The Destruction of Troy. ... The Eleventh Edition, Corrected and much amended. London, Printed for T. Pas- singer, . . . 1684. 4^, black letter. A, 2 leaves, and B — Bb in fours : part 2, A — E in fours : Part 3, A— Q 2 in fours. The Destruction of Troy ... The Thirteenth Edition, Corrected and much Amended. London, Printed for Eben. Tracey . . . 1708. 4°, roman letter, A — Ddd 2 in fours. With separate titles to Books 2 and 3. Les Fais et Prouesses du Noble et Vail- lant Chevalier Jason. [W. Caxton, circa 1475.] Folio, 134 leaves, the first and last two blank. Without numerals, catch- words, &c. Eton College and National Library Paris. LE FIN, MONSIEUR Sermo Mirabilis : Or The Silent Lan- guage. Wherein One may learn per- fectly in the space of six hours to impart his mind to his Friend in any Language. ... By Monsieur Le Fin, once Secretary to his Eminence the Cardinal of Eichlieu. . . . The second Edition, with Additions of an Account of several Ingenious New Books, lately published by T. Salusbury. . . . London, Printed for T. Salusbury . . . 1693. 12°, 7 leaves, besides a fron- tispiece and two curious plates. The copy here used had no catalogue of books. LE GRAND, ANTOINE. The Divine Epicurus, Or, The Empire of Pleasure over the Vertues. Compos'd by that most Eenown'd Philosopher, Mr. A. Le Grand ; And Eendred into English by LE GRAND. 339 LEICESTER. Edward Cooke Esq; . . . London, Printed by H. Bruges for M. Widdows . . . 1676. 8°, A — I in eights. Dedicated to Robert Coke of Norfolk Esq. An Entire Body of Philosophy, according to the Principles of the famous Renate des Cartes, In Three Books : . . . Now carefully translated from the last Cor- rections, Alterations, and large Additions of the Author, never yet Published. The Whole Work illustrated with almost an Hundred Sculptures. ... By Richard Blome. London : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, and Sold by the Undertaker Richard Blome, dwelling in New Weld- street, at the Green Pole, near Clare- Market. . . . MDCXCiv. Folio. With a frontispiece and plates. Dedicated to Henry, Lord Sydney of Shepey. LE GRAND, JACQUES. [The Book of Good Manners. The colo- phon :] Finysshed and translated out of freshe in to englissh the viii day of June in the yere of oure lorde ii cccc Ixxxvi / and the first yere of the regne of kynge henry the vii. and emprynted the last day of septembre in the yere of our lorde M.cccc Ixxxx iiii. By Richard^ Pynson. Laus deo. [Beneath is the cypher.] Folio, black letter, printed in two columns, a (apparently), 8 leaves : b, 6 : c, 8 : d, 8 : e, 6 : f, 6 : g (imperfect in copy used) : h (probably), 4 leaves, with the colophon on the last page. Sotheby's, June 21, 1880, Xo. 14, Bliss's copy, formerly Heber's, imperfect, but no other known. LE GRAND, JOACHIM. The History of the Divorce of Henry VIII. and Katharine of Arragon. With the Defence of Sanders. The Refutation of the Two first Books of the History of the Reformation of Dr. Burnett. By Joachim le Grand. With Dr. Burnett's Answer and Vindication of himself. No place, &c. [Hague, circa 1685.] 4^, 7 leaves. LE HERMITE, J. A True Relation of the Fleete which went vnder the Admiral Jaquis Le Her- mite through the Straights of Magellane towards the Coasts of Peru, and the Towne of Lima in the West-Indies. With a Letter, containing the present State of Castile in Peru. Herevnto is annexed an excellent Discourse which sheweth by cleare and strong Arguments how that it was both necessary and profitable for the Vnited Prouinces to erect a West-India Company, and euery true subiect of the same ought to aduance it according to his power. Written by a Well-wilier of the Common-wealth. "London, Printed for Mercurius Britannicus. 1625. 4°, A — E 2 in fours. Grenville Coll. LEICESTER, JOHN. A Manuall of Adagies. Licensed to Cuth- bert Wright, 24 October, 1623. LEICESTER, SIR PETER. An Answer to the Book of Sir Thomas Manwaringe of Pever in Cheshire Baro- net, Entituled A Defence of Amicia Daughter of Hvgh Cyveliok Earl of Chester. Wherein is Vindicated and Proved, that the Grounds declared in my former Book, Concerning the Illegitimacy of Amicia, are not Evinced by any solid Answer or Reason to the contrary. By Sir Peter Leycester Baronet. Anno Dom. 1673. 8"^, A— F in eights, A i and F 8 blank. Two Books : The First being Styled A Reply to Sir Thomas Manwaring's Book Entituled An Answer to Sir Peter Leices- ter's Addenda. The Other Styled, Sir Thomas Manwaring's Law-Cases Mis- taken. By the said Sir Peter Leicester Anno Domini, 1674. Printed in the Year, m,dc,lxx,iv. 8*^, A— K in eights. LEICESTER, ROBERT DUDLEY, Earl of. A Briefe Report of the Militarie Services done in the Low Covntries, by the Erie of Leicester : written by one that serued in good place there in a letter to a friend of his. Imprinted at London, bv Arnold Hatfield, for Gregorie Seton. 1587. 4^ black letter, A — E 2 in fours, first leaf blank. Remonstrance Faite avx Estats Generavx des Provinces Confederees dv Pais Bas Assemblez en la Ville de Dordrecht le 6. de Septembre 1587. En la presence du conseil d'Estat. Par . . . Robert Comte de Leicester. ... A Vtrecht Chez Ian Corneille . . . m.d.lxxxvii. 4^, A — B 2 in fours, or 6 leaves. LEICESTER, ROBERT SYDNEY. Earl of (1626-77). A Letter from the Lord of Leicester, to the Right Honourable the Earle of North- umberland, and by him conmiunicated to the House of Peeres. Declaring the true causes of his long stay at Court, and with what earnest desires he continually pressed His Majesty to assigne his dispatch, , . . Also how and in what manner His Majesty took away the Horses bought by the Par- LEICESTERSHIRE. 340 LEIGH. liament for the service of Ireland, and imployed them to his owne use. . . . London, Printed for lohn Wright, Sep- temb. 27. 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. LEICESTERSHIEE. A Dittie of a prisoner that sujffered deathe at Leicester in lent 1586 at thassises. Licensed to E. White, 8 Aug. 1586. To the Kings most excellent Maiestie. The humble Petition of the Knights, Ministers, Gentry, Free-holders, and many thousands of the Inhabitants of the Countie of Leicester, who assembled on the Horse-fair day to accompany the Petition, if they should be required, lune 18. [1642.] A sheet. His Maiesties Speech at Leicester, to the Gentlemen, Free-holders, and Inhabitants of that County. July 20. Imprinted at Yorke, and re-printed at London by Alice Norton, 1642. A sheet. A true Relation of the Transaction of the Commands of both Houses of Parliament in the execution of the Militia in the County of Leicester. By the Right Hon- ourable Henry Earle of Stamford, Lord Lievtenant of the said County, The hon- ourable the Lord Rothes, . . . Performed in the Towne and County of Leicester aforesaid, before and upon Wednesday the two and twentieth of June 1642. London, Printed for George Lindesay, and for all those who truly love and honour the King and Parliament, and desire their Amity and Unity. 4^, 8 leaves. Old English Blood Boyling afresh in Lei- cestershire Men : Occasioned by the late barbarous invasion of the Scots. As ap- pears by this Letter from my Lord Grey, to Major Generall Skippon. London, Printed by H. \&ic\ for Giles Calvert, . . . 1648. 4^, 4 leaves. A Faithful Account of the Lamentable State of a Young Man, And His imme- diate Recovery, Upon obeying a Voice, Commanding to arise and walk, &c. At Cropston in Leicestershire. Containing the plain Matter of Fact without Re- flections, London : Printed for Simon Marten, Bookseller in Leicester, 1706. 8°, A— -B in eights. LEIGH, CHARLES, M.B. Phthisiologia Lancastriensis, Cui accessit Tentamen Philosophicum De Mineralibus Aquis In eodem Comitatu Observatis. Authore Carolo Leigh, M.D. Londini : . . . 1694. 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B— K in eights. The Natural History of Lancashire, Che- shire, and the Peak, in Derbyshire : With an Account of the British, Phoenician, Armenian, Gr. and Rom. Antiquities in those Parts. By Charles Leigh, Doctor of Physick. Oxford : Printed for the Author ; and to be had at Mr. George West's and Mr. Henry Clement's, . . . MDCC. Folio. Title and portrait, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : [a] 1 leaf : b, 2 leaves : c, 2 leaves, ending with Preface : verses by R. J., 1 leaf : subscribers, 2 leaves : Advertisement, 1 leaf : Arms, 2 leaves : Map : B — 2 T in twos : eleven plates with explanations, 27 leaves : Book 11. A — Bb, 2 leaves each, the last with Errata : Book III. A — V in twos : Post- script and page of engravings, 2 leaves : X, 12 leaves : 2 leaves of engravings : Y in twos : a leaf of engravings : and Z — Oo in twos, with the plates referred to on the text. LEIGH, GERARD. The Accedens of Armory. [Col.] Im- prynted at London in fletestreete. . . . bv Richard Tottel, Anno. 1576. 4°, A— S in eights, besides a folded engraving in sign. R. Woodcuts. The Accedence of Armorie. [Col.] Im- printed at London . . . by Richard Tottel, 1591. 4^, A— S in eights. With the same folded leaf. The Accedence of Armorie. [Col,] Lon- don Printed by Henrie Ballard . . . 1597. 4^, A — S in eights, besides a leaf in S with a woodcut. LEIGH, OR LEA, VALENTINE. The Survaynge of landes by Valentine Lee. Licensed to Jerome Glover in 1567. The Moste Profitable and commendable science, of Surueying of Landes, Tene- mentes, and Hereditamentes : Drawen and Collected by the Industrie of Valentyne Leigh . . . Imprinted at London for Andrew Maunsell. Anno Domini. 1577. 4°, black letter, A — Q in fours. The Moste Profitable and commendable Science. . . . Newly Imprinted and cor- rected. Imprinted at London, for Andrew Maunsell . . . 1578. 4^, black letter, A — Q in fours, first leaf blank, besides two folded leaves. The Moste Profitable and Commendable Science. . . . Newly Imprinted and cor- rected. Imprinted at London by John Windet, for Robert Dexter. . . . 1592. 4°, A— Q in fours, A blank. With the two folded leaves. LEIGHTON. 341 LE ROY. LEIGHTON, ALEXANDER. An Appeal to the Parliament ; Or Sioiis Plea against the Prelacie. The summe whereoff is delivered in a Decade of Posi- tions. In the handling whereoff, the Lord Bishops, and their appurtenances are manifestlie proved, both by divine and humane Lawes, to be intruders vpon the Priviledges of Christ, of the King, and of the Common- Weal : And there- fore vpon good evidence given, she har- telie desireth a ludgement and execution. [Quotations.] Printed the year & moneth wherein Rochell was lost [1628.] 4^, A — Xx 2 in fours, but 6 leaves before B, besides two engravings. LEIGHTON, SIR WILLIAM. The Teares or Lamentacions of a Sorrow- fvll Sovle : Composed with Musicall Ayres and Songs, both for Voyces and diuers Instruments. Set foorth by Sir William Leighton Knight, one of his Maiesties Honourable Band of Gentlemen Pensioners. And all Psalmes that consist of so many feete as the fiftieth Psalme, will goe to the foure partes for Consort. London Printed by William Stansby. 1614. Folio. IT, 2 leaves each: [a]— [i], 2 leaves each : A — Nn, 2 leaves each. Dedicated to Prince Charles. LELAND, JOHN. Principvm, Ac illustrium aliquot «Sc eruditorum in Anglia virorum, En- comia, Trophoea, & Epithalamia. A Joanne Lelando Antiquario conscripta, nunc primiim in lucem edita. Quibus etiam adiuncta sunt, Illustrissimorum aliquot Heroiim, hodie viuentium, alior- "limq; hinc inde Anglorum, Encomia et Evlogia ; a Thoma Newtono, Cestreshy- rio, succisiuis horulis exarata. Londiui, Apud Thomam Orwinum, Typographum, 1589. 4*^, A— R 2 in fours, besides title and metrical dedication to Sir Thomas Heneage. LE MAIRE, SIEUR. A Voyage of the Sieur Le Mai re to the Canary Islands, Cape-Verd, Senegal and Gamby, Under Monsieur Dancourt, Director-General of the Royal Alfrican Company. Printed at Paris this Present Year 1695. And now faithfully done into English. London, Printed for F. Mills and W. Turner, . . . 1696. 12^ A — F 9 in twelves. LE MAYER, M. The Dutche schoolemaister. Licensed to Simon Waters on, 15 August, 1603. LEMICIUS. A ballad of Lemicius an emperour of Rome, his mercy e bestowed vpon a poore man and the vnthankfulnes of the partie. Licensed to W. Dickenson, 14 Jan. 1584-5. LE MOYNE, FATHER. Of the Art Both of Writing & Judging of History, AVith Reflections upon Ancient as well as Modern Historians. . . , Lon- don, Printed for R. Sare, . . . and J. Hindmarsh . . . 1695. 12^^. A, 6 leaves : B — L 6 in twelves. LENT. Lenton pennaunce. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1569-70. Entertainments for Lent. First Written in French, and Translated by Sir B[asil] B[rook.] . . . London. Printed for 1. W. and are to be sold by Philemon Stephens the younger . . . 1661. 12°, A— K in twelves. LE ROY, ADRIAN. A briefe and plaine Instruction to set all Musicke of eight diuers tunes of Tableture for the Lute. With a briefe Instruction how to play on the Lute by Tablature, to conduct and dispose thy hand vnto the Lute, with certaine easie lessons for that purpose. And also a third Booke con- taining diuers new excellent tunes. All first written in French by Adrian Le Roy, and now translated into English by I. Ro. Gentleman. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Ihon Kyngston, for lames Robothome. Anno. 1574. 4*^, A — Zz in fours. Dedi- cated by Rowbotham to the Earl of Hert- ford. Bodleian (Douce). On the back of the title is "The Bookes verdict " in verse. An imiDerfect copy is in the Museum. LE ROY (OR REGIUS), LOUIS. Of the Interchangeable Covrse,Or Varietie of things in the whole World, and the Con- cvrrence of Armes and Learning, thorough the first and famousest Nations : from the beginning of Ciuility, and Memory of man, to this Present. Moreover, whether it be trve or no, that there can be nothing sayd, which hath not bin said heretofore : And that we ought by our owne Inuen- tions to augment the doctrine of the Auncients ; not contenting our selues with Translations, Expositions, Correc- tions, and Abridgments of their writings. Written in French by Loys le Roy, called Regius, And Translated into English by R. A. [Quot. from Tacitus.] At Lon- don Printed by Charles Yetsweirt Esq. at his house in Fleetestreete, neere the LESLEY. 342 LESSIUS. Middle Temple gate. 1594. Cvm Privi- legio. . . . Folio. A, 4 leaves : B — Y in sixes : Z, 4 leaves. Dedicated by Kobert Ashley to Sir John Puckering Knight, from the Middle Temple, 6 October, 1594. LESLEY, JOHN, Bkhoii of Ross. A defence of the honour of the right highe, mightye and noble Princesse Marie Queue of Scotlande and dowager of France, with a declaration aswell of her right, title & intereste to the succession of the crowne of Englande, as that the regi- mente of women ys conformable to the lawe of God and nature. Imprinted at Lon- don in Flete strete, at the signe of Justice Eoyall against the Blacke bell, by Euse- bius Dicoeophile. Anno. Dom. 1569. 8°. *, 6 leaves : a — t 2 in eights. White letter. Probably printed abroad, query at Liege. At the end occurs : Imprinted at London in Flete strete at the signe of lustice Royal, againste the Black bell, by Eusebius Dicoeophile, anno D. 1569, and are to be solde in Paides churche yearde, at the signes of Tyme & Truthe, by^ the Brasen Serpet, in the Shoppes of Ptolome and Nicephore Lycosthenes, brethren Germanes. A Treatise Concerning the Defence of the Honovr of the Eight High, Mightie and Noble Princesse, Marie Queene of Scotland, and Dowager of France, with a Declaration as wel of her Right, Title and Interest to the Succession of the Croune of England : as that the Regiment of women is conformable to the lawe of God and Nature : Made by Morgan Philippes, Bachelar of Diuinitie, An. 1570. Leodii, Apud Gualterum Morberium. 1571. 8^, A — G 2 in eights : the Second Booh, with a new title and signatures, a — i 4 in eights : the third book, Aa — Dd in eights, Dd 8 with the Errata, and in the copy here employed no Aa i. The separate title to the Second Book is : A Treatise tovching the right, title, and interest of the mightie and noble Princesse Marie, Queene of Scotland, to the suc- cession of the Croune of England. Made by Morgan Philippes, Bachelor of Diuinitie, assisted with the aduise of Antonie Broune Knight, one of the Justices of the Common Place. An. 1567. Leodii . . . 1571. Between A and A 2 in the first alphabet come 15 leaves To the Reader. A Treatise Towelling the Right, Title, and Interest of the most excellent Princesse Marie, Queene of Scotland, And of the most noble king lames, her Graces Sonne, to the succession of the Croune of Eng- land. Wherein is conteined aswell a Genealogie of the Competitors pretending . title to the same Croune : as a resolution of their obiectious. Compiled and ])u])lished before in latin, and after in Englishe, by the right reuerend father in God, lohn Lesley, Bishop of Rosse. An. 1584. All Britaine Yle [dissentions ouer past) h In 2Jeace \ LINCOLNSHIRE. and Monthly Predictions upon severall Eclipses and Celestiall Configurations for the yeare 1649. By William Lilly, . . . London Printed for J. Partridge, and H. Blunden. 1649. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— G 4 in eights. With a small three-quarter portrait of Lilly on the title, Gvil. Mar- shall Sculpsit. 1649. INIerlini Angiici Ephemeris : Or, General and Monethly Predictions upon several eminent Conjunctions of the Planets, for the Year 1650. By William Lilly, . . . London. Printed for J. Partrids^'e and H. Blunden, 1650. 8°, A— F in eights, F 8 blank. With a portrait of Lilly on the title, different from that in the Ephemeris of 1649. Annus Tenebrosus, Or The Dark Year. Or Astrologicall Judgements upon two Lunar Eclipses, and one admirable Eclips of the Sun, all visible in England, 1652. Together with a short Method how to judge the effects of Eclipses. A True Type of the Suns great Eclipse. Quod priscis vetitum erat. ... By William Lilly, . . . London, Printed for the Com- pany of Stationers, and H. Blunden, . . . 1652. 4° *, 4 leaves : A— I in fours. With woodcuts. An Easie and Familiar Method whereby to Judge the effects depending on Eclipses, Either of the Sun or Moon. By William Lilly . . . London, Printed for the Com- pany of Stationers, and H. Blunden, . . . 1652. 4°, A— F in fours. Mr. Lillye's Prognostications of 1667. Predicting the Prosperity, Satisfaction, and Happiness of the English, with their Glorious Victories, and Successes, by Land and Sea, . . . Printed in the Year. 1667. 4°, A— B in fours, title on A 2. Lilies Prophetick Occurrences Or, An Extract of some Passages in Mr. Lilies Astrological Judgment for the year 1677. London, Printed for L. Curtis, 1682. A folio leaf, Mr. William Lilly's True History of King James the First, and King Charles the First. With Sundry Observations, Re- markable Passages, and many Secret Transactions not till now divulged, Faithfully Publish'd from his o-wn Copy . . . London : Printed for J. Roberts . . M.DCC.XY. Price Is 6d Stitch'd, 23 Bound 8°, A — K in sixes, including a leaf of ad- vertisements facing the title. The preface by Lilly to the reader is dated "Corner-house, over-against Strand- Bridge, July 23, 1651." LILY, WILLIAM, Grammarian. Gvilelmi Lilii Grammatici et Poetae eximij Paulinje scholar olim moderatoris. De guribus nominu : ac uerborum prae- teritis & supinis, Regulre pueris apprime utiles. . . . Londini apud Winandu de Worde. . . . Anno m.d.xxxiii. Mense Martij. 8°, A— C in eights. The last page has the printer's mark. Br. Museum. Lyllies rules construed. The Nynthe edition corrected and amended. Where- vnto are added Thomas Robertsons Hete- rocHtes, The Latyn Sintaxis, Qui mihi. Licensed to Thomas Dawson and others, 29 November, 1603. Lily's Rules Construed. . . . London, Printed by Roger Norton. . . . mdccxxi. 8^ A— F in eights. A Short Introduction of Grammar. . . . London, Printed by the Assignes of Bon- ham Norton. ..." 1621. 8^, A— Q in eights, Q 8 with the mark of the printer. B. M. A Short Introduction of Grammar. . . . London, Printed by the Assignes of Roger Norton. 1639. "Cum Privilegio. 8°, partly black letter, A — in eights. The Brevissima Institutio ia dated 1637. A Short Introduction of Grammar gene- rally to be used, Compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that in- tend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin Tongue. . . . Oxford, at the The- ater. . . . 1709. 8°, A— N in eights, in- cluding a frontispiece. LIMNING. A very propper treatise, wherein is breefe- ly set forth the art of Limning, . . . Im- printed at London by Thomas Purfoot. 1596. 4°, black letter. A— C in fours. LIN, FRANCIS. A Sharp, But Short Noise of Warr, Or, The Ruine of Antichrist by the Sword of Temporall Warr, Hinted. . . . London, Printed bv Matthew Simmons, . . . 1650. 4*^, A— D m fours. B. M. LINACRE, WILLIAM. An Epitaph of master William Lynakers deathe. Licensed to John Charlwood, 19 Nov. 1588. LINCOLNSHIRE. The complaint of the town of Louth in Lincolnshire. Licensed to John Wolf, 12 July, 1588, but no sum named. A Ballad of twooe murders, thone com- mitted in Boston, thother in Spaldinge./ Licensed to T. Orwin, 22 April, 1589. LINDEWODE 35' LIPSIUS. Lamentable Newes out of Lincolnshire . . . 1614. This appears to be the piece licensed separately, but conditionally, to John Trundle, 15 Nov. 1613, and annexed by him to a Somersetshire tract called A Miracle of Miracles, &c. 1614. See Somer- setshire. The Humble Petition of Captain William Booth of Killingholme, in the County of Lincoln : with His Majesties Answer thereunto. York, 80 June, 1642. Lon- don : Printed by Kobert Barker, . . . MDCXLii. 4^, 4 leaves. LINDEWODE, WILLIAM. Constitutiones prouinciales ecclesie an- glicae. per. d. Wilhelmum Lyndewode, vtriusq5 iuris doctorem edite. Incipiunt feliciter. [Col.] Istud opus presens fabricatum est. Diligenter correctum. Impressum p -^T-nandum de worde apvd Westmonasteriun. Anno millessimo quad- ringenti[s]imo nonagesimo nono die deci- ma quinta Aprilis. Sm. 8*^, A— S in eights, S 8 with the mark only. Lamheth. Prouinciale sen Costitutiones Anglie : Cu summarijs/ . . . Venales labentur London apud bibliopolas In Cimiterio sancti Pauli : in signo sanctissime Trini- tatis et sancte Anne matris marie. [1505.] Folio, printed in two columns, in red and black inks. A — C in sixes : a — z in eights : % 9 leaves : »^, 4 leaves : 2 ^J^, 6 leaves: A — K 5 in eights. At the end of the first portion occurs the colophon : Im- pressum : vna cum annotationibus de- bitis. . . . Impesis vero et sumptibus honesti mercatoris London. Wilhelmi Bretton. Anno salutis nostre Millessimo quinguetessimo quinto. xxiij. Martij. LINDSAY, ROBERT, of Pitscothe. The History of Scotland ; From 21 Feb- ruary, 1436, to March, 1565. In which are contained Account of many remark- able Passages altogether differing from our other Historians, and many Facts are related, either concealed by some, or omitted by others. Done from the most authentick and correct Manuscripts. To which is added, A Continuation, l)y another Hand, till August 1604. Edin- Imrgh, . . . MDCCXXViii, Folio, a— d, 2 leaves each : e, 1 leaf: A — Ooo, 2 leaves each. LING, NICHOLAS. Politeuphuia. . . . London, Printed by R. Young for J. Smothwicke. . . . 1641. 12°, A— Rin tAvelves. Politeuphuia, Wits Common-Wealth. . . . Newly Corrected and Enlarged. Lon- don, Printed by J. H. for W. Freeman . . . 1707. 12°. A, 8 leaves : B— in sixes, 6 blank. LINGHAM, JOHN. A Trve Relation of all svche Englishe Captaines and Lieuetenants, as haue beene slaine in the lowe Countries of Flaunders, together with those nowliuing, as also of such as are fled to the Enimie, Collected by lohn Lingham, Clarke to Captain e William Martin Seruitore there this 8. of lulv, 1584. Imprinted at Lon- don, by Roger Warde, . . . 1584. 8°, A — B 2 in eights. Lamheth. LINTON, ANTHONY, of Worth, co. Sussex. Newes of the Complement of the Art of Navigation. And of the Mightie Empire of Cataia. Together with the Straits of Anian. By A. L. ... At London, Im- printed by Felix Kyngstou, 1609. 4°, A — F in fours, F 4 blank. LIPEAT, THOMAS. A True Ministery Anatomized. Where it is clearly proved by Scripture, I. What a true Ministery is, and what a Ministery God set in the Church. II. A Ministery not so set, is not the Ministery of Christ. III. Our Ministers of England have not the gift of Tongues. IV. Truth is not obtained by Studie. By Thomas Lipeat, not the Author, but the Actor. London, Printed by J. C. ... 1651 [April 15.] 8°. A, 4 leaves : B, 8 leaves, B 7-8 blank. Br. M. LIPSIUS, JUSTUS. A Direction for Trauailers. Taken ovt of Ivstvs Lipsius, and enlarged for the behoofe of the right honorable Lord, the yong Earle of Bedford, being now ready to trauell. They that go domne into the Sea in Shi2)pes, see the great wonders of the Lord. Imprinted at London by R. B. for Cutbert Burbie, . . . 1592. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, D 2 with the colophon. Sixe Bookes of Politickes Or civil Doc- trine, written in Latine by lustus Lip- sius : which doe especially concerne Principalitie. Done into English by William lones Gentleman. [Quot. from Vegetius.] At London, Printed by Rich- ard Field for William Ponsonby. 1594. 4°. A, 6 leaves : B— Dd in fours. Dedi- cated to Sir John Puckering, War and Peace Reconciled ; Or, a Dis- course of Constanc}' in Inconstant Times. Containing Matter of Direction and Con- solation against Publick Calamities. Writ- LITANY. 353 LIVES. ten Originally in a Foreign Language [by Justus Lipsius] and translated for the benefit of the Gentrie of this Nation. Lon- don, Printed, and sold by E. Koyston, . . . 1672. 8^ *, 8 leaves: A— Tin eights. Dedicated by N. Wanley to John Hare- well of the Middle Temple. LITANY. The Loyal Subjects Littany. London, Printed in the year 1680. A folio leaf in verse. A Letany for S. Omers, Part H. From the same Hand, and to the same tune. London : Printed for W. Kichard. 1682. A sheet in verse. LISTER, MARTIN, F.R.S. Martin Lister, F. S, R. Lond. De Fonti- bus medicatis Anglise, Exercitatio Nova, & Prior . . . Eboraci, Sumptibus Autoris : MDCLXXXii. 8vo, A — I in fours, besides a folding plate, and an extra leaf after I 4. LITHGOW, W. The Totall Discourse, of the Rare Aduen- tures, and painefuU Peregrinations of long nineteene Yeares Trauayles, from Scotland, to the most Famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica. Perfited by three deare bought Voyages, . . . Wherein is Contayned, an exact Relation of the Lawes, Religion, Policies, and Gouernment of all their Princes, Poten- tates, and People. Together T^'itli the grieuous Tortures he suffered by the In- quisition of Malaga in Spaine, his mira- culous Discouery and Deliuery thence : And of his last and late Returne from tbe Northerne lies. Imprinted at London by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Nicholas Fussell and Humphery Mosley, . . . 1632. 4^, A— Vvv in fours. The Totall Discourse, Of the rare Adven- tures, and painefuU Peregrinations of long nineteene Yeares Travailes from Scotland. . . . Imprinted at London by L Okes, 1640. 4^, Aa— li in eights, including the woodcut frontispiece : Kk, 6 leaves : LI, 4 leaves. The Present Svrveigh of London and Englands State. Containing a Topo- graphicall description of all the particu- lar Forts, Redoubts, Breast-works, and Trenches newly erected round about the Citie on both sides of the River, . . . By William Lithgow. London, Printed by J. 0. 1643. 4*^, A— € in fours. A True Experimentall and Exact Rela- tion upon That famous and renowned Siege of Newcastle, The diverse conflicts and occurrences fell out there during the time of ten weeks and odde dayes : And of that mightie and marveilous storming thereof, with Power, Policie, and prudent plots of Warre. Together with a succinct commentarie upon the Battell of Bowdou Hill, . . . By him who was an eye-wit- ness to the siege of Newcastle, William Lithgow. Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Bryson. 1645. Cum Privilegio. 4% A — D in fours. LITTLETON, ADAM, o/ Christ-Church, Oxford, and Rector of Chelsea. Linguae Latinoe Liber Dictiouarius Quad- ripartitus. A Latine Dictionary, In Four Parts. I. An English-Latine. II. A Latine-Classical. III. A Latine-Proper. IV. A Latine- Barbarous. Wherein, The Latine and English are adjusted, with what care might be, both as to Stock of Words, and Proprieties of Speech. . . . Opera & Studio Adami Littleton, S. T. D. Capellani Palatini. London, Printed, for T. Basset, ... J. Wright . . . and R. Chiswell . . . 1678. 4*^. Frontispiece by White and printed title, 2 leaves : Dedication to Charles II. ; ' "" " leaves : A — Ffffff in fours. LITURGY. La Litvrgie Angloise. Ov Le Livre des Prieres Pvbliqves, de TAdministration des Sacremens, . . . Nouuellement tra- duite en Frangois par I'Ordonnance de sa Maiestie de la Grande Bretagne. A Londres, Par lehan Bill . . . mdcxvi. ... 4°. A — E in fours : A (repeated) — Rr in fours, Rr 4 having the title to the Psalms : the Psalras, A — Z in fours, Z 4 blank. In the preface are some curious obser- vations upon ritualistic practices. A Petition for Peace : With the Refor- mation of the Liturgy. As it was Pre- sented to the Right Reverend Bishops, By the Divines Appointed by His Majes- ties Commission to treat with them about the alteration of it. London, Printed, Anno Dom. mdclxi. 4°. A, 2 leaves, A 1 blank : B— in fours. LIVELIE, EDWARD, Reader of the holy tongues in Cambridge. A Trve Chronologic of the Times of the Persian Mouarchie, and after to the de- struction of lerusalem by the Romanes. ... At London Printed by Felix King- ston for Thomas Man, John Porter, and Rafe lacson. 1597. 8^, A— Cc in eights. LIVES. The Lives of Roger Mortimer, Earl of March, And of Robert, Earl of Oxford, Z LIVINGSTON. 354 LLOYD. &c. Prime Ministers in the Eeigns of Edward the Second, and Eichard tlie Second. London, Printed for A. Bald- win . . . 1711. 8'\ A— F in fours. LIVINGSTON", MICHAEL. Angustis ac Pra?potentibus Heroibus Jacobo & Mariie, AlbaniiB & Eboraci Ducibus, Poema Streneticuni Amaeraium Gratulabundus vovet M[ichael] L[iving- ston. 1680.] 8^, 6 leaves. Patronus redux : Or, Our Protectour is return'd safe again. An Historicall Poem ; Containing the Earl of Calanders Departure, his stay in England, and the Elfects thereof upon the Town of Falkirk : Congratulating his Eeturn ; . . . Edin- burgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . Anno Dom. 1682. 4°, A — I 2 in fours. LIVINGSTON, W. The Conflict in Conscience of a deare Christian, named Bessie Charksone in the Parish of Lanerk, which shee lay vnder three yeare & an halfe. With the confer- ence that past betwixt her Pastor and her at diuerse times. Newly corrected and amended. Edinbvrgh Printed by lohn Wreittoun. 1631. 12°, A— B in twelves, first and last leaves blank. LIVIUS, TITUS. The Eomane Historic Written by T. Livivs of Padva. Also, the Breviaries of , S. Florus : With a Clironologie to the whole Historic : and the Topographic of Kome in old time. Translated out of Latine into English, by Philemon Hol- land, Doctor in Physicke. London, Printed by Adam Islip. 1600. Folio, A— 6 F in sixes, first leaf blank. Dedi- cated to Queen Elizabeth. The Eomane Historic written by T. Livius. ... To wliich is now added, A Supplement of the Second Decad of Livy (which was lost.) Lately written in Latine by I. Freinshemivs, and now newly Translated into English. London, Printed by W. Hunt, for Joshua Kirton. . . . 1659. Folio. B— Fffff4 in sixes: the Sujii^Unieni^ M'ith a new title, A — N 2 in fours, besides the title and dedication by Freinshemius to Christina, Queen of Sweden, 4 leaves. The Eoman History Written in Latine by Titus Livius . . . Faithfully done into English. London, Printed for Awnsham Churchill, . . . mdclxxxvi. Folio. Fron- tispiece and title, 2 leaves : A, 4 leaves : A (repeated) — 6 D in fuurs : E— 6 S in twos, and a leaf of 6 T. With a plate. LLEWELLYN, MAETIN, M.B. An Elegie on the Death of the most Illustrious Prince, Henry Duke of Glo- cester. By Martin LLuelyn D^ in Pli. Sworn Phy: to His Majesty : Principall of S. M. Hall Oxon. and Fellow of the Coll. of Phv. London. Oxford, Printed by Hen. Hall . . . 1660. Folio, 4 leaves. LLOYD, DAVID, Bean of St. Asaph. The Legend of Captain Jones, . . . Lon- don, Printed for E. Okes and Francis Haley . . . 1671. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B — G 4 in eights. With the same frontis- piece. The first leaf of A has only the Expla- nation of the print. The Second Part has a separate title dated 1670. LLOYD, DAVID, M.A., of Oriel College, Oxford. Memoires of the Lives, Actions, Suffer- ings & Deaths of those Noble, Eeverend, and Excellent Personages, that Suffered by Death, Sequestration, Decimation, or Otherwise, for the Protestant Eeligion, And the great Principle thereof. Alle- giance to their Soveraigne, in our late Intestine Wars, From tlie Year 1637, to the Year 1660, and from thence continued to 1666. With the Life and j\Iartyrdoju of King Charles I. By Da: Lloyd, A.M. sometime of Oriel - Colledge in Oxon. London : Printed for Samuel Speed . . . MDCCXViii. Folio. Frontispiece and title, 2 leaves : Table, 4 leaves : Dedication to Sir Henry Bennet, Lord Arlington, 2 leaves : C — Yyyy in fours. The States-men and Favourites of Eng- land since the Eeformation their Prudence and Policies, Successes and Miscarriages, Advancements and Falls ; During the Eeigns of King Henry viii, . . . King Charles I. London : Printed by J. C. for Samuel Speed . . . 1665. 8^ A— Hhh 4 in eights. With a frontispiece of portraits. LLOYD, JOHN, A.M., of Wadham College, Oxford. Shir ha Shirim Or The Song of Songs ; Being a Paraphrase upon the most Excel- lent Canticles of Solomon in a Pindarick Poem, By John Lloyd, A.M., Vicar of Holy Eoods in Southampton, formerly in Wadham Colledge in Oxon. To which is Annext another late Pindarick Ode, being an Ilymn on the Works of the Six Days, by the same Author. . . . London, Printed bv H. H. for Henry Faithorne, and John^Kersey, . . . 1682. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — F 4 in eights. Dedicated to the Lady Ann Newlaud, wife of Sir Benjamin Newlaud. LLOYD. 355 LOGGAN. LLOYD, LODOWICK. The First part of the Diall of Daies, Con- taining 320. Eomane triumphes, besides the triumphant Obelisks and Pyramydes of the Aegyptiaus, the Fillers, Arches, and Trophies triumphant, of the Graecians. ... By Lodowick Lloid Esquire. , . . London Printed for Koger Ward dwelling at the signe of the Purse in the little old Bailie. 1590. 4°, B— Bb in fours, a leaf of Cc, and the titlepage. The Triplicitie of Triumphes. Contain- ing. The order, solempnitie, and ponipe, of the Feastes, Sacrifices, Vowes, Games, and Triimiphes : vsed vpon the Natiuities of Emperours. . . . Wherein is also men- tioned, the three most happy, ioyfull and triumphant dales, in September, Nouem- ber and January, by the name of Triplicia Festa. With a briefe rehearsall of the Funerall Solempnities of some Emperors, . . . By LodoM'ike Lloyd, Esquire. Im- printed at London, by Richard Ihones, at the Rose and Crowne, neere Holborne Bridge. January, 1591. 4°, black letter, B — i in fours, I 4 blank, and the title. In prose. A Briefe Conference of Divers Lawes. Diuided into certain e Regiments. By Lodowick Lloyd Esquier, one of her Maiesties Serieants at Armes. [Quot. from Eccl. 21.] London Printed by Thomas Creede, 1602. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — V in fours, V 4 blank. Roman letter. Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. Linceus Spectacles. Esa. 6. Videntes vide- litis, 71011 videhitis. Written by Lodo- wicke Lloid Esquire. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, dwelling neere Hol- borne bridge. 1607. 4*^, A— K 2 in fours. Dedicated to King James. LLOYD, NICHOLAS, of Wadkam College, Oxford. Dictionarium Historicnm. Geographicum, Poeticum : . . . Editio Novissima . . . Londini : . . . 1686. Folio. Founded on Charles Stephaniis. LOARTE, CASPAR, D.D., of the Society of Jesus. Instrvctions and Advertisements, how to meditate the Misteries of the Rosarie of the most holy Virgin Mary . . . newly translated into English. No place, &c. [Circa 1620.] 8^. Prefixes, 4 leaves : A — Q in eights. With cuts. LOCK, MATTHEW. The English Opera; Or The Vocal Musick in Psyche, With the Instrumental therein Intermix'd. To which is Adjoyned The Instrumental Musick in the Tempest. By Matthew Lock, Composer in Ordinary to His Majesty, and Organist to the Queen. London, Printed by T. Ratclift', and N. Thompson, for the Author . . . mdclxxv. 4'^. Prefixes, 4 leaves, and pp. 1-74, but pp. 71-2 in duplicate. LOCKE, JOHN. An Essay Concerning Humane Under- standing. In Four Books. Quam helium est . . . Cic. de Natur. Deor. 1. ]. London : Printed by Eliz. Holt for Thomas Basset . . . MDCXC. Folio, A — Ccc in fours, and [a], 2 leaves. Dedicated to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest, and Raising the Value of Money. In a Letter to a Member of Parliament. London, Printed for Awn sham and John Churchill, . . . 1692. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A 4 with Errata: B — N in eights. LODGE, THOMAS, J/.Z). An epitaphe of the lady Anne Lodge by T. Lodge. Licensed to Edward White, 23 December, 1579. LOE, WHLLIAM, D.D. A booke called A still voice to the three estates of Parliament written by William Loe, Doctor of Diuinitie, and Chaplaine to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie. Licensed to John Teage,12 March, 1620-1. LOFTUS, DUDLEY, LL.D. Digamias Adikia : Or, The first Marriage of Katherine Fitzgerald, (Now Lady Decies) Contracted in Facie Ecclesice with John Power, now Lord of Decies, Assert- ed, By Dudly Loftus, D. LL. and Judge of the Prerogative Court in Ireland. . . . London, Printed in the Year, mdclxxvii. 4°, A — D in fours, and a leaf of E. Dedi- cated to Arthur Earl of Anglesey. LOGGAN, DAVID. Oxonia Illustrata. Sive Omnium Celeber- riniEe illius Universitatis Collegiorum, Aularum, Bibliothecte Bodleiaute, Scho- larum Publicarum, Theatri Sheldoniani : Nee non Urbis Totius Scenographia. De- lineavit & Sculpsit Dav: Loggan Univ. Oxon. Chalcographus. Oxonia3 E Theatro Sheldoniano London Printed & Sold by H: Overton at y® White Horse Without Newgate. [Circa 1690.] Folio. Title, Table, &c., 10 leaves: and 40 plates num- bered as described in Table. Cantabrigia Illustrata. Sive Omnium Celeberrimoe istius Universitatis Colle- giorum Aularum Bibliotheca? Academicse Scholarum Publicarum Sacellee Coll: Re- LOGIC. 356 LONDON. galis nee non Totius Oi)pidi Ichnograpliia Delineatore & Sculptore Dav: Loggan Utriusque Academise Calcographo. Qiiam Proprijs Sumptibus Typis mandavit & Impressit Cantabrigise. [1690?] Folio. Title, dedication to William and Mary, and To the Reader, 3 leaves : views of Cambridge, and map, 2 leaves : Index, 1 leaf : 28 leaves of engraved views. LOGIC. Fasciculus Prseceptorvm Logicorum . ._. Editio tertia. Oxonioe, Excudebat Gui- lielmus Turner, An. Dom. 1637. 8°. Title, &c., 4 leaves: A — insights. LOMATIUS, PAUL. A Tracte Containing tlie Artes of curious Paintinge Caruinge Buildinge. Written first in Italian by Paul Lomatius painter of Milan And Englished by R. H. Student inPhysik. [Col.] Printed at Oxford by loseph Barnes for R. H. Anno Domini, M.D.xc.viii. Folio. % 6 leaves : * € leaves: A — Rr in sixes: Ss in eights, Ss 8 having only the colophon. Dedicated by Richard Haydocke to Thomas Bodley, Esquire. The title is en- graved, and in the bottom centre has a portrait of the translator. LONDON. The declaraciO made at Poules Crosse iij the Cytye of London / the foLirth sonday of Aduent / by Alexander Seyton / and mayster Willyam Tolwyn / persone of S. Anthonynes in the sayd cytye of London, the yere of our lord god M.D.XLJ. Newly corrected & ameded. [Col.] Imprinted at London in saynt Sepulchres parysshe / in the Olde Bayly / by Rychard Lant. Ad imprimendum solum. 8^, 8 leaves. Lamheili. A proclamation for the Seale of vyttles sett out by the lorde maiour. Licensed to John Day in 1557-8. A proclamation for beer and alefrometh^ lorde maiour. Licensed to John Day in 1557-8. The Carde of London. Licensed to Giles Godet in 1562-3. A ballett intitukd the plage that late was in London. Licensed to J. AUde in 1563-4. The complaynte of a mayde in London Declarynge hyr trubbles to over i)ass the pryntes lyfc, and atfyrniyng the same by her vngentle Rewardes. A ballad. Li- censed to T. Col well in 1563-4. The answere of the mistress agaynste the causeles complaynt of the prentes and mayd servant. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1503-4. London hath no pere — a. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering, 4 Sept. 1564. The lamentation of a yonge man beynge presoner in y® Counter in the Pultrye in London. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1565-6. A Reply e agaynste that sedicious and papesticall wretten ballet late caste abrode in the stretes of the Cetie of Loudon. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566. A mery metynge of maydes in London. Licensed to H. Denhani in 1567. The effect of the declaration made in the Guildhall by M. Recorder of London, concerning the late attemptes of the Queues Maiesties euill, seditious, and disobedient subiectes. Imprinted at Lon- don by lohn Daye dwelling ouer Alders- gate. [1570.] 8^, black letter, A— C in fours, A ballad Intituled Looke, London, looke, to be warned, &c. Licensed to H. Kyrk- ham, 17 July, 1578. Jone came ouer London bridge and told me all this geer, A ballad. Licensed to H. Carre, 18 Sept. 1579. A ballad of an ernest admonycon to re- pentance vnto England especially to Lon- don. Licensed to R. Jones, in April, 1580. Alarm for London and Londoners settings forthe the thunderinge peales of Gods niercye andiustyce offered vnto vs by the comfortable preachinge of the Woord and Last byfixtraordynarie signes and tokens. Licensed to John Allde, April, 1580. A godly newe ballat moving us to repent by ye example of ye erthquake happened in London ye 6. of Aprill 1580. Licensed to AVilliam Barthlet, 7 April, 1580. A true report of this earthquake in Lon- don. Licensed to John AUde, 8 April, 1580. A fatherly admonicon and lovinge warn- ynge to England but especially to London by the reason of a moost fearfull earth quake which he sent as a fay re token of his spedie commynge to Judgement : the vjtii of April 1580. Licensed to H. Kyrk- ham, 8 April, 1580. The Common €rie of London. A ballad (?). Licensed to H. Carre, 21 Nov. 1580. A Joyfull Songe of the worthie Shootinge in London on the xixtli of September 1581. Licensed to R. Jones, 25 Sept. 1581. Thexhortacon of London vnto her chil- dren and servantes to submission and LONDON. 357 LONDON. obedience. Licensed to R. Jones, 10 July, 1581. A fancie on the fall of the Dagger in Cheape. Licensed to John Wolie, 23 July, 1582. A ballad Intituled A Londoner from London hath sente his newe yeres guifte That euerie one niuste needes mende one, there is no other shifte. Licensed to R. Jones, 31 Dec. 1582. A moumefuU dyttie towchinge a robberie commytted vppon certaine Carriers of London. Licensed to R. Jones, 5 Aug. 1583. An exhortation to London to turne in tyme to the Lord by thexample of tier seene ouer the same 2° Septembris 1583. A new ballad. Licensed to Edward White, 6 April, 1583. A strange example of A maydenchild borne vpon Sonday the third of Januarij. 1584. in the Mynoryes without AUgate of London. A ballad. Licensed to Walter Venge, 7 Jan. 1584-5. A ioyfull songe made by a citizen of Lon- don in the behalf of all her maiesties sub- iectes touchinge the ioye for the takinge of the traitours. Licensed to R. Jones, 27 Aug. 1586. A ballad of Bartholomews Baylye, &c. late hanged at Sainct Thomas Watering, &c. Licensed to Edward White, 6 March, 1586-7. A newe ballad briefelie sheweinge the harde hap of a prentice of London beinge a Souldier. Licensed to John Wolfe, 15 May, 1588. A Joyefull Songe or Sonnett of the royall receavinge of the queenes maiestye into the cyttye of London on Sonday e the 24tii of November 1588 all alonge Flete Streete to the Cathedrall churche of Sainct Paule. Licensed to T. Orwin, 25 Nov. 1588. The Amies of all the Companyes of the worshipfull cyttye of London. Licensed to H. Denham, 1 Dec. 1589. The Tectonica of Finsbury feildes. Li- censed to John Perin, 19 Nov. 1590. The Abstractes and Copies of all suche Briefes and Lettres Testymoniall as the saide Bisshopp [of London] shall here after subscrybe or sealle for the gather- inge of the devotions of her maiesties lovinge Subiectes, for the relief of anye person or persons that shall happen to fall in decaye by losses or Casvalties. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot, 11 Dec. 1590. A sorowfull songe of Londons lamentacon for the losse of the terme. Licensed to R. Jones, 2 Oct. 1593. An epitaphe of the life and deathe of Sir William Rowe Knighte late Lorde Maior of the Cittie of London. Licensed to Thomas Creede, 24 Oct. 1593. A newe songe of Londons Joyfull well- come to the Nobilitie, gentelemen, and commonaltie to Hillarye Terme. Licensed to R. Jones, 22 Jan. 1593-4. The wofull lamentacon of Richard Banks executed at Tyborne the 6 of December 1594. A ballad. Licensed to T. Gosson and W. Blackwall, 6 Dec. 1594. Whites lamentacon with his owne hand made in the Dungeon at Newgate the night before his death. A ballad. Li- censed to John Danter, 6 Dec. 1594. A Narration of the Strange throughinge of Stones, &c. in Chicke Lane, &c. Li- censed conditionally to Francis Burton, 16 Sept. 1605. Wofull newes of the burninge of certen houses at the Swan in the Strand of one Nicholas Blonts Inkeper and other neigh- bors adioininge to the said Inne, and of the hnrtes and dammagesthat cam through the same tier. Licensed to John Bayly, 25 March, 1607. The apprehension, Arraynement and exe- cucon of Elizabeth Seabrook alias Abbot for the murder of mistress Killingwoth in Sainct Katherine Chrischurch London. As also the arraynement, conviction and execucon of George Jarvis priest after thorder of Sainct Benedict both which suffered Death on monday 8 Aprilis 1608. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 15 April, 1608. On the same day Gosson entered a ballad on the same subject. A sorowfull Complaint of one John Rice for the Murder of his Master : beinge exe- cuted for the same in Holborne 21 Feb- ruarij 1608. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 3 March, 1608-9. A mirror for London. Licensed to Robert Wilson, 3 December, 1610. Londons Lottry. Licensed to Henry Roberts, 30 July, 1612. A true report of the most lamentable and bloody murther committed on the body of John Tournour late master of defence on Munday the 11th of May 1612. betwene the houres of 6. and 7. in the afternoone LONDON. 358 LONDON. in the White Fryers in London, by Ro- bert Carlisle a Scotish borderer, and one James Lewinge an English borderer beinge in his Companie. Licensed to Master [Roger] Jackson, 15 May, 1612. The Nyne wonders of London : beinge the pleasant hystory of Nyne straunge men and women in the old tyme in this Citty. Licensed to William Wright, 12 April, 1613. A Ballad called the vntymely end of mas- ter Page a vintener in London who was Mnrthered by a mayde servante of his house. Licensed to John White, 8 Sep- tember, 1613. A Ballad being the second parte of the murder of master Page by his mayd, and of her execucon by burniuge in Smith- field for that fact 11 Septembris 1613. Licensed to John White, 11th September, 1613. Orders established and agreed vnto by the societye of Amies Citizens of London, dated 23 of July 1616. Licensed to Adam Islip, 5 October, 1616. A Booke of the liuely portraictures, with a Breviary of the lines of Certaine selected Citizens of London. Licensed to Henry Holland, 30 September 1619. A Penny for your thought or the Country Satyr's progresse through London. A poem. Licensed to Edward Blackmore, 4 Feb. 1631-2. By the Mayor. Rates and prices of all sorts of Poultry, set down by the right honourable Ralph Freeman, Lord Mayor ... to be observed and kept by all and euery the Poulterers and other person and persons whatsoeuer, . . . and rated at the Guild-hall, the seventh day of January 1633. . . . Printed by Robert Young. A sheet. Forster Coll. An Elegy vpon the death of the right honorable Raph Freeman late Lord ^Mayor of the Citty of London [? by John Sictor]. Licensed to Robert Raworth, 8 April, 1634. [A Proclamation by the Lord Mayor re- specting the prices paid for poultry.] Printed by Robert Young, Printer to the Honourable Citie of London. [1C34.] A sheet in black letter. Forster Coll. Londons Mourning garment or Observa- tions merry and witty, &c. Licensed to Francis Smith, 17 June 1636. The First and Large Petition of the Citie of London and other Inhabitants tliere- abouts : For a Reformation in Church- government. . . . Printed Anno Dum. 1641. 4*^, A— C 2 in fours, first leaf blank. To the Right Honovrable The Lords and Commons . . . The humble Petition of the well affected Youngmen, Apprentices, and others of the City of London, and Liberties thereof. [1641 ?] A sheet. To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, in the Commons Hovse of Parliament now assembled. The humble Petition of 15000. poore labouring men, known by the name of Porters, and the lowest Members of the Citie of London. London, Printed by R. Oulton and G. Dexter, for John Bull, 1641. A sheet. To the right Honourable the House of Lords now assembled in Parliament. Tl)e humble petition of the Young men. Ap- prentices and Seamen, in, and about the City of London. London, Printed for S. N. at the Signe of the Bible in Popes- Head Alley, 1641. A sheet. A true Coppy of the Petition of the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and the rest of the Common Councell of London, presented to both Houses of Parliament, March 18. 1641. To vindicate the Honour of the City against a False, Scandalous, and Se- ditious Petition, Printed, and pretented to be exhibited to the Parliament in Feb- ruary last, as Tlie Petition of the Citizens of London, against the present disposall of the Militia . . , Printed by R. Oulton, and G. Dexter, 1641. A sheet. The Petition of the Citizens of London to Both Houses of Parliament, wherein is a Demonstration of their Grievances, . . . [1641 ?] A sheet. The imprint is cut off. The petition pur- ports to have been signed by 200,000 persona of good position. A True Copie of the Petition of the Gentlewomen, and Tradesmens-wives, in and about the City of London . . . Toge- ther, with their severall Reasons why their sex ought thus to petition, as well as the Men . . . Likewise the Answer. . . . London, Printed by R. O. & G. D. for John Bull, 1641. 4*^, 4 leaves. In prose. To the Kings most excellent Maiestie in the Parliament now assembled. The humble petition of the Apprentices, and those whose time of Apprentishijis are lately expired in and about the Citie of London. [23 December, 1641.] A sheet. A Common Councell, Held atGuild-IIall, In the City of London, the 31. of Decem- ber. 1641. London : Printed by Robert liarker, . . . MDCXLI. 4*^, 8 leaves, the first blank. LONDON. LONDON. To the Eight Honorable, the high Court of Parliament ; The Humble Petition of many hundreds of distressed Women, Trades-mens Wives, and Widdowes. Lon- don, printed for lohn Hammond. 1642. A sheet. B. M. A Catalogue of sundrie Knights, Alder- men, Doctors : Ministers and Citizens, who denying to contribute Money for the publicke safety, and other misdemeanors, are in custody in Gresham Colledge, Crosby House, and other places in and about the Cities of London and West- minster, by authority from the Parlia- ment. Printed for lohn lackson, G. Green, and F. Smith, and are to be sold in the Old Baily, 1642. Novemb. 7. A sheet. A Trve Copy of the Petition of the Gentle- women, & Trades-men wives in, and about the City of London. Delivered to the Honourable the Knights . . . assem- bled in Parliament, Feb. 4, 1641. Toge- ther with their severall reasons, why their Sex ought thus to Petition, as well as the Men . . . Likewise the Answer which the Honourable Assembly sent to them by Mr. Pym, as they stood at the House doore. London, Printed for J. Wright. 1642. 4^ 4 leaves. To the Kings most Excellent Maiesty : The humble Petition of the Major, Alder- men, and Common-Councell of the City of London. Printed in the yeer 1642. A sheet. To the Plight Honourable the Lords and Commons . . . The Humble Petition of the well-affected Prentices and Young- men of the City of London and Suburbs. London Printed for John Johnson, in the yeere. 1642. A sheet. The Cities Propositions, and the Parlia- ments Answer. Printed at London by Ptichard Cotes . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Articles of Impeachment by the Commons assembled in Parliament, in the Name of themselves and all the Commons in England : Against Sir Thomas Gardiner, Eecorder of the City of London, for seve- rall great Crimes and Misdemeanours committed bv him. London, Printed for Tho : Walkley. May 23, 1642. 4«, 4 leaves. M. Deputy Recorders Speech at the Chequer Barr to Baron Trever at the Lord Majors taking his oath on Thursday the 18. day of August 1642. With the said Barons reply, with the Lord Majors Oath, and the last Declaration from the House of Parliament. London Printed for Daniel Bradley, 1642. August the 20. A sheet. To the Honovrable The Hovse of Com- mons . . . The humble Petition of many thousand poore people, in and about the Citie of London. Printed for Will. Larner and T. B. this 31. of January, 1642. For the use of the Petitioners who are to meet this present day in More Fields, and from thence to go to the House of Parliament with it in their hands. A sheet. Propositions Agreed upon at a Court of Common Councell, In Guild Hall Lon- don. Feb. 21, 1642. Printed at London by Richard Cotes . . . 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. Ordonnance Du Parlement dAngleterre, par laquelle est enjoint a tons les habi- tans de la ville de Londres de fermer leurs Boutiques & prendre les Amies pour la seurete de la dite YiJle. Surl'imprime a Paris, en ITsle du Palais. Et a Orleans . . . 1642. 8°, 4 leaves. The Cities Waming-Peece, in the Malig- nants description and Conversion : Or, The Round-Head turn'd Poet. Where a Feast of Prose and Yerse invites Curiosity to be nibling. Written long since, but Printed in the Yeere That every knave and foole turn'd Cavaleere. [Feb. 27, 1642.] 4*^, 4 leaves. Br. M. To the honourable the Knights ... of the House of Commons . . . The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the Pa- rishes, of Stepney, Shoreditch, Whit- chappell and Algate, the Chappelry of Wapping, the Precinct of St. Katherins, and the Parish of St. Peter Advincula, adjacent to the Tower, and within the liberties of London. Printed at London, and are to be sold by William Larner, 1643. A sheet. The Hvmble Petition of the Major, Alder- men, and Commons of the Citie of Lon- don to His Majestie ; With His Maiesties Gracious Answer thereunto. London, Printed for Henry Turkey, 1643. Pub- lished by His Maiesties Command. 4*^, 4 leaves. I. London's Warning-Peece, being the Common - Prayers Complaint. Yorke : Printed by Stephen Buckley, 1643. Three poems on a sheet. Ouvrij Cat. No. 147. La Reqveste Presentee au Parlemet d'An- gleterre par quarante mille Gentilshomes & Bourgeois de Londres, Sur Timprimo a Paris . . . 1643. 8°, 4 leaves. Peace and Plenty comming unto us, if we be willing to entertain them, and will bid LONDON, 360 LONDON. them welcome : Manifested in some Ob- servations upon the Motion lately made by certain persons sitting usually at Salters Hall in Bread-street London, and there imployed about raising of new Re- giments of Horse and Foot ; Viz. That all well-affected Families and Persons would forbear one Meal in a Week, and give the value thereof for, and toward, the Raising and Maintaining of the said Regiments. . . . London, Printed for John Rothwell . . . MDCXLiii. 4°, 4 leaves. A Declaration and Motive of the Persons trusted, usually meeting at Salters Hall in Breadstreet, to all well affected persons in the severall Parishes within London, and the parts adjacent, for Contributing the value of a Meale weekly, towards the forming of some Regiments of Voluntiers, to be payed during these times of Danger. London, Printed by R. Oulton and G. Dexter for John Wright in the Old-Baily, May 6. 1643. A sheet. A true and exact Relation of the March- ings of the Two Regiments of the Trained- Bands jf the City of London, Being the Red & blew Regiments, As also of the three Regiments of the Auxiliary forces, the Blew, Red, and Orange, who marched forth for the reliefe of the City of Glo- cester from August 23 to Sep. 28. . . . As also a true description of the severall battells and Skirmishes had against the Enemy at Stow the old Sept. 4 at Aburne Chase September 18 and at Newbery Sep- tem. 20. . . . By Henry Foster, quondam Serjeant to Cap. George Mosse. . . . Lon- don. Printed for Benjamin Allen . . . Octob. 2 1643. 4^, A— B in fours. The City. Oxford : Printed for William Web, 1643. A sheet, in verse. Ouvr'ij Cat. No. 148. An Order for the sixe Regiments to ad- vance towards Reading. By the Lord ]\Iayor, and the rest af the Committee for the Militia of London. [October 7, 1643.] A sheet. To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor. . . . The Humble Petition of many well- affected Free-men, and Covenant ingaged Citizens of the City of London. A sheet. [1644.] To the Right Honourable the Lord Major, the Right WorshipfuU the Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, . . . The humble Petition of divers well affected Citizens and Freemen of London, . . . London, Printed by Richard Cotes, . . . 1646. A sheet. To the Honourable the House of Com- mons, Assembled in High Court of Par- liament, The Humble Remonstrance and Petition of the Lord Mayor, ... in Common-Counsell assembled. London, Printed by Richard Cotes. 1646. 4°, 4 leaves. The Answer of the Right Honourable the Lord ]\[ajor, ... to a Letter sent vnto them from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, . . . With the Answer of the Commons in Parliament assembled, to the Committee of Aldermen. . . . Printed by Richard Cotes. . . . 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. The humble Petition of the Lord Major, i ... To the Right Honourable the Lords 1 and Commons . . . Whereunto is an- nexed. Two Petitions ; The one Entituled, The humble Petition of divers well- affected Citizens . . . The other Enti- tuled, The humble Petition of divers Young-men, Citizens, and Apprentices of this Honourable City. Printed by Rich- ard Cotes, ... 1647. 4^, 4 leaves. The Cities thankes to Southwarke, for giving the Army entrance. We tlianke you more then we will say, But tis the cleaue contrary way. [Sept. 1, 1647.] A sheet of verses. Br.M. On the back of this copy is printed the piece entitled, Prattle your Pleasure^ &c. 1647. Strange and Terrible Newes from Moor Fields. Being A true & ful Relation of the great Meeting that happened in Moor- Fields upon Sunday last. . . . London, Printed March 24. 1647. 4^, 4 leaves. A Generall Bill of Mortalit}^, of the Cler- gie of London, which have beene defunct by nieanes of the Contagious breath of the Sectaries of that City, from the yeere 1641. to this present yeere 1647. With the severall Casualties of the same. Or, A briefe Martyrologie and Catalogue of the Learned, Grave, Religious and pain- full Ministers of the City of London, who have been Imprisoned, Plundered, . . . [1647.] A sheet. A Mode : The Cities profound Policie, in delivering themselves, their City, their Works and Ammunition, into the protec- tion of the Army. Printed in the Yeere 1647. A sheet of verses. Vniversall Madnesse : Or, A new merry Letany. Composed for the City of Lon- don, and may generally serve for the use of the whole Kingdom. The merry Doctor Archee well doth say, Would'st thou live long, then cast all care away. LOXDON. 361 LONDON. London, Printed for W. Ley. 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. I thanke tou twice : Or, The City Courting their owne mine, Thank the Parliament twice, for their treble undoing. Mr. Finis. Mr. An, Dom. 1647. A sheet. On the back of this copy is printed The Dagonizing of Bartholomew Fair. The City -Law. Or, The course and prac- tice in all manner of juridicall proceed- ings in the Hustings in Guild-Hall, London, Englished, Out of an ancient French Manuscript. Also, An Alphabet of the Offices disposed and given by the Lord Mayor of London. London : Printed bv B. Alsop, for L. Chapman, and L. Blacklocke . . . 1647. 4°, A— K in fours, K 4 blank. This appears to be a translation of the old Register called Dunthorne. The City Law, . . . London, Printed by T. R. for Timothy Twyford, . . . 1658. h^. A, 4 leaves : B — I in eights. The Rising and Routing of the Mutiniers in the City of London : On Sunday and Munday the 9*1^ and 10*^ of April, 1648. Their fight at the Lord Mayors, breaking open the Armory, and taking the Money and Plate. Took two Gates, and the Keves of the City. . . . London, Printed for^H. Becke, . ." . 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. A Paire of Spectacles for the Citie. Printed in the Yeare, mdcxlyiii. 4°, A — B in fours. A Case for the City Spectacles. "When we were well at ease and could not see't, But sought I know not what, I think 'tis meet Our Noses should be Spectacled to make's see better, And read our troubles in a larger Letter : Now Gentlemen take it not in disgrace, • If I do put your Spectacles in a Case ; For if they fall, you'l breake them ten to one, And then you must buy new of Turlington : As for the homes they'l serve for nothing after, But to show Fenton's fortune and more laughter. Both well preserv'd help our dim purblind eyes To see afresh our printed miseries. Printed in the Yeere 1648, 4^, 8 leaves. A curious tract, with a remarkable pas- sage about Cromwell, the " Devil's groom." An Eye-Salve for the City of London : Discovering unto them the great Engage- ment that lies upon them in point of Duty and Interest to joyne speedily with the Kingdome for the restoring of His Majesty, and the re-setling of the lawful Government and Peace of this Nation By a Lover of Peace and Truth. . . . Printed in the yeare, 1648. 4°, 10 leaves. The Hearty Concurrence of Divers Citi- zens and Inhabitants of the City of Lon- don. . . . Reprinted at Edinburgh by- Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4*^, 4 leaves. The Humble Petition of the Lord Major ... to the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons . . . Printed by Richard Cotes . . . 1648. 4'^, A— B 2 in fours. Londons Xew Colours displaid : Or, The Snake in the Cities grasse-green Petition discovered. For preventing the horrid mischiefs thereby intended, against the Army, and all the well affected peojde in City "and Countrey. [July 19, 1648.] 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. A Vindication of the Ministers^ of the Gospel, in, and about London, . . . Printed at London, and Reprinted at Edinburgh . . . 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. London's Liberties ; Or A Learned Argv- ment of Law & Reason, upon Saturday, December 14, 1650. Before the Lord Mayor . . . between Mr. Maynard, Mr. Hales & Mr. Wilde, of Counc*^ell for the Companies of London. And Major John Wildman and Mr. John Price, of Councell for the Freemen of London. Wherein the Freedom of the Citizens of London at their Elections of their chief Officers, is fully debated. . . . London, Printed by Ja. Cottrel for Gyles Calvert . . . 1651. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. To tbe Parliament of the Commonwealth of England : The humble Petition of divers Citizens and inhabitants in and about London. [Sept. 8, 1654,] A sheet. B. M. The Humble Petition of many Inhabi- tants in and about the City of Londo^. Presented to the Parliament by Mr. Sam. Moyer and others. May 12. ^659. To- gether with the Answer of the Parlia- ment, thereunto. London, Printed for Tho. Brewster & Live well Chapman, 1659. 4P, 4 leaves. The Out-Cry of the London Prentices for Justice to be Executed upon John Lord Hewson ; With their desires and Pro- posals touching his Arraignment, As also A Hue-and-cry, or Proclamation. London Printed for Gustavus Adolphus, 1659. 4*^, 4 leaves. The Hue-and-Cry is in verse. A Declaration and Vindication of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of LONDON. 362 LONDON. the City of London in Common-counceil assembled. Printed by James Fleslier, Printer to the Honourable City of Lon- don, 1660. 4P, A— D 2 in fours. A Declaration of the Nobility and Gentry That adhered to the late Kinf,^ now re- siding in and about the City of London. London, Printed by Roger Norton, 1660. A folio leaf. Black letter. A Dialogue between the Two Giants in Guildhall, Colebrond and Brandamore, Concerning the late Election of Citizens to Serve in Parliament for the City of London. . . . London, Printed for the Authors. 1661. 4^, 8 leaves. A True and Exact Relation of the Araignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Tho. Tongue, Geo. Philips, James Hind, Francis Stubbs, John Sallows, Nathaniel Gibbs. For High Treason : At the Sessions-Hovse in the Old-Baily on Thursday the W^^ of December 1662. Being a full discovery of the whole Plot. London, Printed in the Year 1662. 4°, 11 leaves, or A — C 3 in fours. A generall Bill for this present year, ending the 19 of December 1665. accord- ing to the Report made to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. By the Com- pany of Parish Clerks of London, &c. A sheet. [1665.] Londons Flames Discovered by Infor- mations taken before the Committee appointed to Enquire after the Burning of the City of London. And after the Insolency of the Papists, &c. London, Printed in the Year, 1667. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. The Tryals of such Persons as under the Notion of London-Apprentices were Tu- multuously Assembled in Moore-Fields, and other Places, on Easter Holidays last, under Colour of pulling down Bawdy- houses. Taken at the Sessions in the Old-Bailey, on Saturday April 4. 1668. With Allowance. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet . . . 1668. 4^ A— D in fours. A true Narrative of the Proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old- Bayly, at a Sessions there held on March 7, 167y. Setting forth the exact Tryals of Tho. Sadler, Will. Johnson, and Tho. Rcnnin- gar, Condemned for Stealing the Lord Chancellor's Mace and Purses. . . . Lon- don : Printed in the year 167^. 4'^, 4 leaves. The Tryals of William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, and John Grove ; For Con- spiring to Murder the King : Who upon Full Evidence were found Guilty of High I Treason, At the Sessions-House in the ' Old-Baily, December the 11^^ 1678. And received Sentence accordingly. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet . . . 1678. Folio, A — Y, two leaves each, A 1 with the Imjirimatur. A true Narrative of the Proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old-Bayly, February 27, '2S, &c. 167|. Setting forth The Facts and Tryals of several Prisoners for Murders, . . . With a particular Account of the Tryal of four Persons indicted as Accessaries to the late Escape |i of Mr. Chavenor : . . . And likewise the '' Tryal of that notorious Thief that Robb'd , the House of one Mr. Butler in Cheap- , side, on Sunday the 17^1^ of Februarv, 167|. . . . London : Printed for D. M. 1678. 4^, 4 leaves. A true Narrative of the Proceedings at the Sessions -house in the Old-Bavly, April 11, 12, & 13. 1678. . . . With a particular Account of the Tryal and Condemnation of Two Women for High Treason, Clipping the Kings Coyn, who are Sentenced to be Burnt to Ashes. . . . London : Printed for D. M. 1678. 4% 4 leaves. The True Narrative of the Proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old-Bayly, for London and Middlesex. Begun on Wednesday the 16**^ day of October, 1678. . . . London : Printed for L. C. 1678. 4°, 4 leaves. The Execution of Henry Bury, one of the Murderers of Sir Edmund - Bury Godfrey, February 28. 167f. With a particular Account of his Behaviour in Prison, and at the Place of Execution. To which is premised. An Exact Narra- tive of the Proceedings of the Sessions, Febr. 26 and 27. . . . London : Printed for L. C. 167IJ-. 4«, 4 leaves. The true Narrative of the Proceedings at the Sessions for London and Middlesex, Begun April the 30**, 1679. Giving An exact Account of the Tryal of a Popish Priest, Condemn'd for High - Treason : A Maid tryed for Firing her Masters House, . . . London : Printed in the year 1679. 4°, 4 leaves. Some Account of the Tryals and Con- demnation of the Five Notorious Jesuits, Po])ish Priests, and Traytors, Viz. Thomas AVhite ^ John Gavern alias rt/irtsAVhitebread, f Gawen ; William Harcourt, I and John Fenwick, ) Anthony Turner. LONDON. 363 LONDON. As also of Mr. Langhorn the Counsellor. Found Guilty of High-Treason for con- spiring to Murther the King . . . June 13 & 14. 1679. London : Printed in the year 1679. 4*^, 4 leaves. A Warning to London in Particular. Wherein the "Wickedness thereof is Pte- proved . . . Printed in the Year 1679. 4°, A— B in fours. The Humble Petition of the Right Hon- ourable the Lord ]\Layor ... in Com- mon-Council assembled, on the Thir- teenth of January, 1680. To the King's most Excellent Majesty, for the Sitting of the present Parliament Prorogu'd to the Twentieth Instant. Together with the Resolutions . . . London, Printed by Samuel Eoy croft, . . . 1680. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. A Vindication of the Honourable the Sheriffs & Recorder of London, from those impudent Reflections cast upon them in Fitzharris's Libel, Entituled His Confession, &c. London : Printed by Richard Baldwin. [1681.] Folio. A tingle leaf. To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, The Humble Petition and Address of the Lord Mayor ... of the City of London. London, Printed for Francis Smith, . . . MDCLXXX. A folio leaf. A True Narrative of the Proceedings at Guild-Hal], London, The Fourth of this Instant February, in their Unanimous Election of their Four Members to serve in Parliament. With their Thanks to them, and to the Petitioning Lords. [Col.] London, Printed for Francis Smith, . . . 1681. A folio leaf. Vive le Roy : Or London's Joy. A New Song on the Instalment of the present Lord Mayor of London. To the Tune of St. George for England. London, Printed for Allen Banks. [1681.] A folio sheet of verses. The Answer to the Letter from Legorn, Answered : In a Third Letter to a Mer- chant in London. [Col.] London, Printed for T. Davies, 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. The Tryal and Condemnation of Several notorious Malefactors, at a Sessions of Oyer and Terminer which began at the Sessions House in the Old Baily, with the Names of those who received Sen- tence of Death, Burnt in the Hand, Transported, and to be Whipt. And most remarkably of John Sadler, who Whipt the Child to Death at Ratcliffe. London, Printed for T. Davies. 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. The Manner of the Execution of Eleven Notorious Offenders who received sen- tence of death at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, on the 8^^ of this Instant December, . . . London, Printed for Langley Curtis. [1682.] Folio, 2 leaves. A Poem to the Right Honourable Sir J. B. Knight &c. London, Printed for T. S. in the Year 1682. A folio leaf. The Charter ; A Comical Satyr. Writ- ten by an Unknown Hand. Mumpatur quisqiu's . . . Mart. Epig. London : Printed for Alex. Banks, Anno Domini 1682. [3 August in cojitemjJ. MS.] 4°, A — B in fours. In verse. The Priviledges of the Citizens of Lon- don : Contained in the Charters granted to them by the several Kings of this Realm, and confirmed by sundry Parlia- ments. Comprehending the whole Char- ter, only Words of Form left out. Now seasonably Publisht for general Informa- tion, upon the occasion of the Quo War- ranto brought against the said City. London, Printed for the Translator of it, and Published by Langley Curtiss . . . MDCLXXxii. 4^, A — L 2 in fours. Short Instructions for the Executors and Administrators of Free-Men, in Exhibit- ing an Inventory securing Orphans Por- tions, &c. With Several Orders of the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen re- lating thereunto. London, Printed by Samuel Roycroft, . . . 1682. 8°, A— B in eights. A Poem to the Right Honourable Sir John Moor, Knight, On His well Admi- nistration in the Office of Lord ]\Iayor of London. London, Printed for T. 'P. in the Year 16S2. A folio leaf. The True Narrative of the Proceedings at the Session-House in the Old-Bayiy which began on Fryday the 13^^^ of this instant October, and ended on Saturday the 14tii following. London Printed for L. Curtiss. [1682.] Folio, 2 leaves. An Humble Address to the Livery-Men of London, relating to the Election of Sheriffs, by a Lover of his King and Country. London Printed for J. Bavly. 1682. A folio leaf. A Paper Presented by divers Citizens of the City of London, Sept. 5. 1682. To the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen. London, Printed for E. Smith . . . 1682. A folio leaf. To the Right Honourable Sir John Moore LONDON. 364 LONDON. Kt. Lord Mayor . . . The Humble Peti- tion and Address of the Citizens of Lon- don. . . . London, Printed for BeDJ. Tooke, . . . 1682. A folio leaf. A Fourth , Paper Presented by divers Citizens of the City of London, Sept. 12. 1682 To the Eight Honourable the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen. London, Printed for E. Smith . . . 1682. A folio leaf. Loyalty Triumphant, On the Confirmation of Mr. North and Mr. Eich, Sheriffs of London and Middlesex. As it was Sung at the Sheriffs Feast at Guild-hall, Satur- day Septem^ber 30. 1682. ... To the Tune of, Joy to the Bridegroom. London: Printed for Nath. Thompson, 1682.^ A folio leaf of verses, with a bar of music. Londons Liberties : Or, A Learned Argu- ment of Law and Eeason, Before the Lord Mayor, ... at Guild-HalL Between Mr. Mayiiard, . . . Mr. Hales . . . Mr. Wilde ... of Council for the Livery- Men of London. And Mayor John Williams, and Mr. John Price, of Council for the Freemen of London. London, Printed for E. Eead. 1682. Folio, A — I in twos. The Lord Mayor's Eight of Electing a Sheriff Asserted against the Pretensions of a Popular Faction. Printed for Joanna Brome, 1682. Folio, 4 leaves. The Case between the L*- Mayor & Commons of London Concerning the Election of Sheriffs for the Year ensuing, clearly Stated. And the Sense of some Learned Gentlemen of the Gown concern- ing it, by way of Answer to several Ques- tions truly and fully represented. Lon- don, Printed for E. Eead. 1682. Folio, 4 leaves. A Paper delivered to the Lord Major and Court of Aldermen, purporting the Ee- port made by three worthy Citizens ap- pointed to make a Scrutiny of tlie Pole taken for Lord Major, on the behalf of Sir Thomas Goukl and Alderman Cor- nish, Octol). 24. 1682. London Printed for Ab. Green 1682. A folio leaf. The Account of the Proceedings at Guild- Hall on the 19"' Instant, 1682. For the Election of a Sheriff to stand with I\Ir. North for the Insuing Year ; by the Livery of the several Companies of the City of London. . . . London : Printed for J. Heathcote, 1682. A folio leaf. A New Poem on the Lord Mayor. Lon- don, Printed for J. K. 1682. A folio leaf. Massinello : Or, A Satyr against the As- sociation, And the Guild-hall-Eiot. . . . London : Printed for James Norris . . . 1683. 4°, A— D in fours, A blank. The Citizens Loss, when the Charter of London is Forfeited, or given up. Lon- don, Printed for Francis Smith Senior, . . . 1683. Folio, 2 leaves. The Humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, ... As it was Presented to His Majesty in Council at Windsor, upon Monday the 18tii of June 1683. Together with the Lord Keepers Speech. . . . London : . . . 1683. Folio, 6 leaves, the last blank. The last Speech, Confession, And Execu- tion of the two Prisoners at Tyburn, on Friday the 23^ of this Instant May, 1684. [Printed] By E. M. in Blackhorse Alley in Fleet Street . . . 1684. Folio, 2 leaves. A True Eelation of the Execution of John Smith, alias Ashburnham, (For Murder) At Stamford-hill, near Tottenham, where he was also Hang'd in Chains, on Monday the 26tii of May, 1684. And of Edward Jackson, Executed the same Day at Ty- burne, for High-Treason. . . . London, Printed by Geo. Croom, . . . 1684. Folio, 2 leaves. The Presentment of the Grand Jury, at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayly. Ad Gene- ral' Session' Pacis. . by George Croom, sheet. London's Lamentation : Or, An Excellent New Song on the Losse of London's Charter. To the Tune of, Fackington^s Found. Printed by N. T. at the Entrance into the Old- Spring-Garden. [About 1684.] A folio leaf. Printed in two columns. A True Account of a Bloody Murther Committed by three Foot-Padders, in Fig- Lane, near S* Pancrass-Church, on the wife of Phillip Stanton, as she was come- ing with her Husband out of the Country on Tuesday the 2'^ of March Instant. [Col.] London, Printed by George Croom, at the Blue- Ball m Thames-street, near Baynard's-Castle. 168^-. Folio, 2 leaves. The True Narrative of the Proceedings at the Sessions House in the Old-Baily, which began on Wednesday the 6. of this Instant December, and ended the 8. fol- lowing. London, Printed for Laugley Curtis. [1688.] Folio, 2 leaves. The Triennial Mayor : Or, The New Eaparees. A Poem. London, Printed for W. Grimts. 1691. 4«, B— D in fours : E — F, 2 leaves each, no sign. A. . London, Printed . 1684. A foUo LONDON. 36= LOOKING-GLASS. Troy-Novant must not be burnt ; or, an exhortation to the city to preserve them- selves. A sheet. Ouvrij Cat. 184. The Ladies of London's Petition : or, their Humble Address to the Parliament of old. Women for Husbands : Sign'd by threescore thousand. Hands, and. never a crakt Maiden-head, nor widow amongst them. To the tune of Let Mary live long. Printed for Josiah Blare, . . . A ballad. Ouvry Cat., Nos. 65 and 77. A Journey to London, In the Year, 1698. After the Ingenuous Method of that made by Dr. Martin Lyster to Paris, in the same Year, &c. Written Originally in French, by Monsieur Sorbiere, and Newly Truuslated into English. London., Printed and sold by A. Baldwin, . . . 1698. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A with half-title : B — D 2 in eights. Raree Show, Pretty-Show : Or, The City Feast. London, Printed in the year, 1698. A folio leaf in verse. A Black List of the Names, or Reputed Names, of Seven Hundred Fifty Two Lewd and Scandalous Persons, who, by the Endeavours of a Society set up for the promoting a Reformation of Manners in the City of London, and Suburbs thereof, have been Legally Prosecuted and Convicted, as Keepers of Houses of Bawdry and Disorder, . . . London, Printed, Anno Domini, sldcxcviii. A large sheet. The Duke of Shoreditch ; Or, Barlow's Ghost. London : Printed for J. Asperne, . . . [Circa 1700.] A sheet. The Restauration ; Or, A .Change for the Better. Being A Paper of Verses in Memory of the Citizens of London's Gra- titude in Chusing Sir William Pritchard, Sir John Fleet, Sir Francis Child, and Gilbert Heathcot, Esq; For their Mem- bers to serve in Parliament. London, Printed for D. B. in Flset-street, 1702. A folio leaf. An Account of the Corporation for the Poor of London ; Shewing the Nature, Usefulness, and Management of the Work- House in Bishopsgate-Street. . . . Lon- don : Printed in the Year, mdccxliv. 8*^. Title and To the Reader, 2 leaves : pp. 1-20. LONDON, WILLIAM. A Catalogue of the most vendible Books in England, Orderly and Alphabetically Digested . . . [as before] London, Printed in the Year 1657. 4*^, A — Hh in fours, first leaf blank, and a leaf of I i. LONG, J. An Epitaph on the late deceased, that truely-Noble and Renowned Lady Eliza- beth Cromwel, (Mother to His Highness the Lo. Protector . . . ) who lived to the age of 89, and died Nov. 16, 1654, and lieth buried in Westminster- Abbey. Lon- don, Printed by James Cottrel. 1655. A sheet subscribed J. L. LONGINUS, DIONYSIUS. Dionysius Longinus of the Height of Eloquence. Rendred out of the Original!. By J. H. Esquire. London, Printed by Roger Daniel for Francis Eaglesfield . . . 1652. 8°, A— H 2 in eights, title on A 2. Dedicated by the translator (? James Howell) "To my Lord, the Lord Commis- sioner, Whitelock." LONGUS. The Pastoral Amours of Daphnis and Chloe. Written originally in Greek, by Longvs, and Translated into English. Adorn'd with Cutts. The Second Edi- tion. London : Printed, and Sold by T. Jauncy ... 1720. 12°. Title and pre- face, 4 leaves : A — K 4 in twelves. With a frontispiece and six other engravings. LONGLOND, JOHN. Sermones loannis Longlondi Theologie professoris, dfii gratia Lincoln Episcopi habiti cora illustrissimi regis Henrici octaui . . . Anno do. M.D.xviii. [on back of folio 52 occurs :] Impress, per me Richardum Pynsofi. Folio, A — Mm in sixes, except A, K, T — V, which are in foursu The title-])age is in a fine woodcut border. Lamheth. loannis Longlondi . . . tres condones reue- rendissimo Domino, do. Waramo Can- tuarensi Archiepiscopo . . . [Col.] Im- pressum per Richardum Pynson. Folio. A, 4 leaves : B — F in sixes : G, 4 leaves : H — I in sixes : K — L in fours : M — T in sixes : Y — X in fours. Lambeth. A Sermonde made before the Kynge, his maiestye at grenewiche, vpon good Frydaye. The yere of our Lorde God. M.D.xxxviij. By John Longlonde,busshop of Lincolne. . . . [Col.] Imprynted at London in Paules Churche yearde at the sygne of the maydens heed by Thomas Petyt. 4"^, A — I in fours, and K, 6 leaves, the 6*^ blank. Lamheth. LOOKING-GLASS. A Looking-Glas.-e For, Or An Awakening Word to the Superiour and Inferiour Officers, with all others, belonging to the Armies of England, Scotland, and Ire- LORD. 366 LOVE. land : more especially to those, avIio have the least Spark of grace or Principles of true honesty remaininor ,in them. No place, &c. [London, 1654]] 4°, A— P 2 in fours. Without a regular title. LOKD. The Lord of Lome and the false Steward. A ballad. Licensed to Master Waley, 6 Oct. 1580. A Delectable Little History in Metre : of a Lord and his Three Sons. . . . Edin- burgh, Printed in the year, 1698. S"", A — B 4 in eights. D. Laing, July 1880, in No. 1544. LOEEDANO, GIO. FRANCESCO. Dianea: An Excellent New Eomance. Written in Italian by Gio. Francesco Loredano, A Noble Venetian. In Foure Books. Translated into English by Sir Aston Cokaine. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley . . . 1654. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B — Aa in eights. Dedicated to the Lady Mary Cokaine, Vice-Countess Cullen. Alfredb JVallis, Esq. The Nassau, Freeling and Lyte copy. Academical Discourses. Vpon several Choice and Pleasant Subjects. Written Originally in Italian, by the Learned and Famous Loredano. Englished by J. B. Gent. London : Printed by Tho. Mabb, for John Play fere . . . 1664. 8^ A— H in eights and a leaf of I. LORRAINE, CHARLES, Duhe of. The Life of that most Illustrious Prince, Charles V. Late Duke of Lorraine and Bar, Generalissimo of the Imperial Armies. Rendred into English from the Copy lately Printed at Vienna, Written by a Person of Quality, and a Great Officer in the Imperial Army. Dedicated to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. Printed by Edw. Jones ; . . . M.DC.xcr. 8^. A, 2 leaves : B — Aaa 6 in eights. Dedi- cated by Wilson (I the translator) to the King. LORT, ROGER. Epigrammatum Rogeri Lort Armigeri, Cambro - Britanni, Oxoniensis, Collegii dim Wadhamensis, nuper De Societate Medii Templi. Liber primus. . . . Lon- dini, Typis R. A. suuiptibus Johannis Wright. . . . 1646. 4^, A— B in fours. B.M. LOUDOUN, HENRY HASTINGS, Earl 0/(1604-43). The Lord Lowden His Learned and wise Speech in the Vppcr House of Parlia- ment in Scotland, September 9. 1641. Declaring the great grievances of that Kingdome, and the cause that moved them to take up Armes against England. . . . London, Printed for lohn Thomas, 1641. 4^, 4 leaves. LOVE. A ballett of Love. Licensed to John Sampson in 1560-1. A ballett intituled of lyngerynge Love. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. I myghte have loved meryly morralysed. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564. The Dyscription of the varyete of love. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566. The frutes of love and falshod of Women. A ballad. Licensed to J. AUde in 1567. The godes of Love. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1567. Love me a lyttle and love me longe. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1569-70. A ballad with a similar title is given by Collier from a MS. (Old Ballads and Songs, 1869, p. 47). An excellente Ballad intituled Love ichie haste thovj lefte vs soe ? Licensed to Henry Carre, the last of Feb. 1580-1. The ymage of Love. Licensed to J. Charlwood, 28 November, 1586. A ballad of a yonge man that went a wooyng, &c. Licensed to Thomas Gosson conditionally, 7 March, 1590-1, but event- ually suppressed for its indelicacy. A newe Ballad of John wooinge of Jone. Licensed to Henry Kyrkham, 18 Jan. 1591-2. [The Theatre?] Of Loues Complain[ts.] With the Legend of Orpheus and Euri- dice. At London Printed by I. R. for Humfrey Lownes, and are to bee solde at the West doore of Paules. 1597. Sm. S"", A — E in eights, title on A 2. With head and tail pieces, two stanzas on a page. Britwell. The top of the title in this copy has been torn off, and two words appear to have been lost. I do not observe any entry of the work in Arber's Transcript. Timor Amoris, or Loves feare, a Poem Licensed to Ralph Blower, 4 April, 1605. A booke Called Loves progresse Roy all. Licensed to N. Butter, 9 July, 1625. Love's Lamentable Tragedy. To a plea- sant new })lay liouse tune. A ballad. Oavry Gat, No. 72. Two Essays of Love and Marriage. Being A Letter written by a Gentleman to his Friend, to disswade him from Love. ! LOVE, 3^7 LOVED AY And an Answer thereunto by another Gentleman. Together with some Charac- ters and other Passages of Wit. "Written \)j Private Gentlemen for recreation. SI quando gravahere curis, Has lege, jpi'o mcestce medicamine mentis Habeto. London, Printed for Henrv Brome, . . . 1657. 12''. A, 2 leaves : B— G 2 in twelves. The Art of Making Love : Or, Rules for the Conduct of Ladies and Gallants in their Amours. Non solum faciem, . . . London : Printed by J. Cotterel, for Richard Tonson, . . . 1676. 12^. A, 6 leaves : B — H in twelves : I, 6 leave.s. With a fronti.-^piece. The Tryall of True love to you I will recite, Between a fair young lady and a cour- teous knight. The tune is, Daintv, come thou to me. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbert- son. A sheet in black letter. Ouvry Cat., No. 39. The Love-sick Serving-Man ; shewing how lie was wounded with the Charms of a Young Lady, but did not care to reveal his Mind. Printed and Sold in Aldermary Church Yard ... A ballad, with cuts. Ouvry Cat., No. 98, Love given o're : Or, A Satyr against the Pride, Lust, and Inconstancy, &c. of Woman. London, Printed for Langley Curtis, MDCLXxxiii. 4°. A — B in fours, A 1 blank. In verse. LOVE, CHRISTOPHER. Loves Nine Lives : Or, A Publication of divers Petitions presented by Mistris Love to the Parliament, in behalf of her Hus- band. With Severall Letters that inter- changeably pass'd between them a little before his death. As also One Letter ■written to Mr. Love by Mr. Jaquel, one of the Witnesses against him. . . . Lon- don, Printed in the Yeer 1651. 4^ A, 2 leaves : B — C in fours. The Whole Triall of Mr. Love, Before the High Court of Justice in Westminster Hall. Containing, The Charge of High Treason against him. Debates between the Court and him before his pleading to the Charge. The Councel for the Com- monwealth stating the matter of fact. The severall Depositions of the Witnesses. Mr. Love's Defence to the Charge and Evidence. The Reply of the Councel for the Commonwealth to his Defence. Mr. Hales his Plea against the Charge and Evidence. And the Sentence. With the Relation of his Suffering, and his Speech and Prayer at his Death. Printed hy exact Copies, of those who took it in Short-hand. All published for Publick Satisfaction. Printed in the Year, 1652. 4°, A— R in fours, and a leaf of S. The Naturall Mans Case stated : Or, An Exact Map of the Little World Man, Considered in both his Capacities, either in the state of Nature or Grace . . . By Mr. Christopher Love, Pastor of Laurence Jury, London. Whereunto is annexed The Saints Triumph over Death, Being his Funeral Sermon ... By Mr. Tho. Manton, Minister of the Gospell at Stok-Newington near London. London, Printed bv E. Cotes, for George Evers- den, . . . ^658. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B— X in eights. A Cleare and Necessary Vindication of the Principles and Practices of Mr. Chris- topher Love, Since my Tryall before, and Condemnation by, the High Court of Jus- tice, whereby It is manifested That a close Prison, a long Sword, a High Court, and a bloody Scaffold, have not in the least altered my judgment. . . . Written by Mr. Christopher Love, Master of Arts, . . . Printed by Me the eighth of August, fourteen days before my Death. London, Printed in the Year 1651 [December.] 4°, A — F 2 in fours, besides title and dedication. LOVE, RICHARD, B.D. Oratio Habita in Academia Cantabri- giensi. . . . Per Reverendum virum D.D. Richardum Love. . . . Secunda Editio. Cui adjungitur Oratiuncula qua prsedic- tus Dr. Love Augustissimum Regem allo- cutus est. . . . Cantabrigise, Excudebat Johannes Field . . . 1660. 4^, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. LOYEDAY, ROBERT. Lovedays Letters Domestick andForrein. To Sever il Persons, occasionally distri- buted in Subjects Philosophical!, Histo- ricall & Morall. By R. Loveday Gent, the late Translator of the three first parts of Cleopatra. . . . London, Printed hy J. G. for Nath. Brook, . . . 1659. 8^ A — T in eights. With a portrait. Dedi- cated to his honoured cousins Mr. William Crow of London,' and Mr. Anthony Love- day of Cheston, and in a distinct address to his friend Mr. A. L[oveday] by J. Pettus. Loveday's Letters . . . The Fifth Im- pression. London, Printed by E. Tyler and R. Holt, . . . 1673. 8^, A— T in eights, title on A 2. With a portrait. LOVELL. 368 LOVER. LOVELL, EGBERT, of Co-qms Christi College, Oxford, Panzoologicomineralogia. Or a Compleat History of Animals and Minerals. . . . Oxford, Printed by Hen: Hall, for Jos: Goodwin. 1661. 8"^, a— f in eights : A— Kk 4 in eights : Aaa — Ccc in eights : the History of Minerals, with a blank before it, 2 leaves : a — g 4 in eights. Dedicated to Charles IL Pambotanologia. Sive, Enchiridion Bo- tanicum. Or, A Compleat Herball. . . . The Second Edition, with many Addi- tions mentioned at the end of the Preface. By Robert Lovell. . . . Oxford : Printed by W. H. for Ric. Davis. 1665. 8°. A, 12 leaves : b— d 6 in twelves : A— Ee in twelves. LOVER. A ballett of the lover and the byrde. Licensed to John Waley and the Widow Toy in 1557-8. This reads like a version of Feylde's well- known poem, the Controversy hetioeen a Lover and a jay. The answere to the iiij*^ ballett made to the godes of love. A ballad. Licensed to W. Gritfith in 1562-3. A newe tragicall historye of too Lovers. Licensed to Alexander Lacy in 1563-4. It is somewhat difficult to say whether this is an earlier edition of Garter's book, which professes to refer to an incident of 1563, or a different narrative. Compare Collections and Notes, 1876, p. 179. A ballett intituled of a Lover blaymynge hyr fortune by Dedo and Eneas for thayre vntruth. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1564. The Rewardes of Vngodly Lovers. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564-5. Tlie complaynte of the Restles lover. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1564-5. A ballad. Yf lovers lenger at the worste. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1565-6. A communycation betwene a yonge man and a mayde, who greatly lamenteth the losse of hyr love. A ballad. Licensed to R. Serrl in 1565-6. A ballett intituled of a pleasande Woo- yer. With an other, lett me do all that ever I can. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. A mooste tru happy lover bewaylying hyr losse of liyr chefe Joye. A ballad. Licensed to W. How in 1565-6. A lover complanyng the lesse wytt re- manes / the more he lamenteth, the less she complaneth. A ballad. Licensed to Richard Hudson in 1566. The Jove of ij lovers. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1566-7. A heave-harted man beynge a stadfaste Lover. A ballad. Licensed to T. Col- well in 1567-8. Pamphilus the Lover / and Maria the Woman beloved. Licensed to H. Den- ham in 1567-8. A tragecall Dyscourse of ij englesshe lovers. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1568. The complaynt of a lover. A ballad. Licensed to Robert Hackforth in 1569. m The Restles lover. A ballad. Licensed I to Robert Hackforth in 1569. 1 A songe of ij hard harted lovers. Licensed 1 to A. Lacy in 1569-70. A looking glasse for Lovers. Licensed to John Charlwood, 6 August, 1576. A ballad. I The Jocund ioy of the metinge of ij. Lovers. A ballad, printed by R. Jones without license, for which he was fined 30 August, 1578, it being an "vndecent" ballad. A liallad wherein twoo lovers exclayme against Fortune for the losse of their ladyes with the ladies comfortable answere / Licensed to H. Carre, 15 April, 1590. A pleasaunt songe of Twoo stamering lovers Which plainely dothe vnto your sighte bewraye Their pleasant meetings on Saint Valen- tines daie- Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 16 May, 1591. The Lovers lamentacon. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 19 Oct. 1593. The maydens witty e answere to the same. A ballad. Licensed to J. Danter, 19 Oct. 1593. The Rufling woer. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 11 June, 1594. A looking glasse for Disdaynefull lovers. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 11 June 1594. A Pamphlett intituled The Loners School, &e. Licensed to Francis Smith, 22 March, 1633-4. The Inconstant-Lover : f An Excellent Romance. Translated out of French. London, Printed for Tho. Dring, . . . 1671. Q"". A, 3 leaves: B— P 4 in eights. The Illustrious Lovers, Or Princely Ad- ventures in the Courts of England and France. Containing Sundry Transactions relating to Love-Intrigues, . . . Written Origiiial[ly] in French, and now Done into English. London, Printed forWilliam LOWE. 369 LUCIA N. Whitwood, . . . 1686. 8°, B— R 6 in eights, and tlie title. The Skillfull Lover. Inscrib'd to ye Cun- dum Ladies. An engraved folio leaf of verses, with the music. At the foot, Cross sciilp. The Constant Lover. To a Northerne tune called Shall the absence of my Mis- tresse. London: Printed for Henry Gosson, In two parts. Black letter. A sheet sub- scribed P. L. Ouvrij Cat. No. 13. The true Lovers Knot untyed ; being the right path, whereby to advise Princely Virgins how to behave themselves, by the example of the renowned Princess, the Lady Arabella, and the second Son to the Lord Seymore, late Earl of Hertford. To the tune of Frogs Galiards. London : Printed by and for C. Brown. ... A sheet in verse. Ouvri/ Cat., Nos. 50-1. A pleasant new Ballad of two Loners. To a pleasant new tune. Printed by the Assignes of Thomas Symcock. Black letter. A sheet. Ouvry Cat., No. 11. LOWE, HENRY, M.D. An almanacke of master Henry Lowe his doinge. Licensed to Thomas Marshe in 1557-8. A pronostication of master Henry Lowe. Licensed to T. Marshe in 1557-8. A. new Almanacke & Prognostication, for the yeare of our Lorde God, 1569. Prac- tised in Salesbury, neareto the close gate by Maister Henry Low Doctoure in Physike. Imprinted at London in Flete- streate neare vnto saint Dunstones Churche by Thomas Marshe. 8«, A— B in eights : The Prognostication, 8 leaves. Black letter. Bodleian. LUCANUS, M. A. Lvcans Pharsalia. . . Englished by Thomas May . . . 1627. A dedication was originally attached to each book, except the last which, as there is no gap in the signatures, seems never to have had one. In a copy before me there are the nine following dedications: — 1. William Earl of Devonshire (preceding the work) ; 2. William Earl of Pembroke ; 3. Edward Earl of Mowbray ; 4. Robert Earl of Essex and Ewe ; 5. Robert Earl of Lind- sey ; 6. "William Earl of Devon ; 7. Sir Horatio Vere, Baron of Tilbury ; 8. Theo- philus Earl of Lincoln ; 9. Robert Earl of Warwick. All are in verse, except the first. Lucans Pharsalia : . . . The fourth Edi- tion, corrected, and the Annotations in- larged by the Author. London, Printed by 'William Bentlev, for William Shears. . . . 1650. 12°, A— M 6 in twelves, the first leaf occupied by a bust of Lucan engraved by Cross. Dedicated to the Earl of Devonshire. Lvcans Pharsalia . . . London, Printed for William Shears . . . 1659. 8''. A, 8 leaves, the first having the descriptiun of the frontispiece : A — T 2 in eights. The copy here employed had not the engraved titles, though it possessed the two descriptions of them in verse. It had the bust of Lucan from the same plate as in the edition of 1650. A Continuation of Lvcans Historicall Poem till the Death of Ivlivs Caisar . . . Printed for William Sheares . . . 1650. 12*^. A, 6 leaves, besides the engraved title : B — F in twelves, last leaf blank. Dedicated to the King (as before). LUCAR, CYPRIAN. A Treatise Named Lucars Solace Devided into Fower Bookes, which in part are collected out of diuerse authors in diuerse languages, and in part deuised by Cyprian Lvcar Gentleman. . . . Imprinted at Lon- don by Richard Field for lohn Harrison, . . . 1590. 4°, A— Y in fours, besides 3 folded plates at C, X, and Y. Woodcuts. Dedicated to his brother in law, William Roe Esquire, Alderman of the City of London. LUCIAN. Lepidissimvm Luciani opusculu poludup- sadon, Henrico BuUoco interprete. Oratio eiusdem, cum annotatioibus marginalbus. Ex praedara academia Cantabrigiensi. Anno M.D. XXI. 4*^, A— D in fours. Ro- man letter. [Colophon :] Impressum est hoc opusculum Cantabrigite, per Joannem Siberch, Anno m.d.xxi. Dedicated to Nicholas, Bishop of Ely. Grenv. Coll. and Lambeth (a fragment only). On B 4 verso is an epigram by Bullock on the visit of Wolsey to Cambridge. The title is within a copperplate compartment. Complvres Lvciani Dialogi a Desiderio Erasmo Roterodamo ... in Latin um couersi . . . Wynkyn de Worde, 15 Cal. July, 1528. 8°, A— D 4 in eights. Br. Museum. D 4 verso is occupied by the printer's device. Part of Lucian Made English from the Originall. In the Yeare 1638. By lasper Mayne then Master of Arts, and one of the Students of Christ Church. To which are adjoyned those other Dialogues of Lucian as they were formerly translated by Mt. Francis Hicks. Oxford, Printed by H. Hall for R. Davis. 1663. Folio. A, 8 leaves : B — 4 E in fours, 4 E 4 blank. Dedicated by the Author from Christ- 2a LU-CRETIUS. 370 LUPTON. church, Oxford, August 19, 1663, to Wil- liam Marquis of Newcastle. With a frontispiece by Faithorne. Some copies are dated 1664. Burlesque upon Burlesque : Or, The Scoiier Scoft. Being some of Lucians I)iuh:)gues Newly put into English Fus- tian. For the Consolation of those who had rather Laugh and be Merry, then l)e Merry and Wise. London, Printetl for Henry Brome, . . . 1675. 8", A — N in eights. With a portrait of Lucian. LUCRETIUS CARUS, T. An Essay on the First Book of T. Lvcre- tivs Carvs De Rerum Natura. Inter- preted and made English verse by J: Evelyn Esq; [Quot. from Ovid Amor.] London : Printed for Gabriel Bedle, and Thomas Collins . . . 1656. 8°,A— Min eights, last two leaves blank. With a frontispiece by W. Hollar from a design by Mrs. Evelyn. "With compHmentary verses by Sir Rich- ard Browne, Edmund Waller, Christopher Wase, and a letter from the translator's relative, Sir Eichard Fanshawe, dated from Tankersley, 27 Dec. 1653. The copious notes at the end are introduced by an ex- planation by one of the publishers, who says that it was Evelyn's desire that they should be suppressed altogether, but that (partly because the printer thought the volume too small without them) he had taken the responsibility of inserting them. Evelyn's reason, perhaps, was that the " Animadvei'sions," as they are called, were of a cast which might be unpalatable to his clerical friends. T. Lucretius Cams the Epicurean Philo- sopher, His Six Books De JSatura Rerum. Done into English Verse, wdth Notes. . . . Oxford, Printed by L. Lichfield, Printer to the University for Anthony Stephens Bookseller near the Theatre 1682. 8°. Frontispiece and Title, 2 leaves : verses, 1 leaf : Dedication by Thomas Creech to George Pit Jun. of Strathfeld-Sea, Esquire, 2 leaves : Life of Lucretius, 3 leaves : Preface, 3 leaves : A — Ee in fours : Notes, (a)— (f) in fours, (f 4) blank. Titus Lucretius Cams His Six Books . . . The Third Edition . . . London, Printed for Thomas Sawbridge . . . and Anthony Stephens . . . 1683. 8°. Frontispiece, title and dedication, 6 leaves : [A] — [D] in fours : IT, 2 leaves : A — Ee and (a) — (i 2) in fours. This edition contains several additional verses before the book. LUDLOW. Ludlowes prayers. Licensed to W. Powell in 1562-3. Ludlowes prayers. Licensed to W. Powell in 1565-6. LUDLOW, EDMUND. A Letter from General Ludlow to Dr. Hollingworth . . . Defending his former Letter to Sir E. S. which compared the Tyranny of the First Four Years of King Charles the Martyr, with the Tyranny of the Four Years of the late Abdicated King. . . . Amsterdam, Printed Anno Dom. 1692. 4°, A— K in fours. ]\Iemoirs of Edmund Ludlow, Esq; Lieu- tenant General of the Horse, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Ireland, One of the Council of State, and a Member of the Parliament which began on November 3, 1640. In Two Volumes. Switzerland, Printed at Vevay in the Canton of Bern, MDCXCViii. 8*^. With a portrait. Title, 1 leaf : A, 4 leaves : B— Kkk in eights, Kkk 8 and Ee 8 blank, and the half title to vol. ii. on Ff. Dedicated to the Lords of the Council for the Canton of Berne, who accorded to Ludlow a powerful and effectual protection against the designs of the English Koyalists. Memoirs of Lieutenant General Ludlow. The Third and Last Part. With a Col- lection of Original Papers, serving to confirm and illustrate many important Passages of this and the preceding volumes. To which is added, A Table to the whole Work. Switzerland, Printed at Vevay in the Canton of Bern, 1699. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — Gg 5 in eights, Gg 5 having the Errata. LUMINALIA. Lvminalia, Or The Festivall of Light. Personated in a Masque at Court, By the Queenes Majestie, and her Ladies. On Shrovetuesday Night, 1637. Londou, Printed by lohn Haviland for Thomas Walkley, . . . 1637. 4°, A— C 3 in fours, and the title. LUMLEY, LADY. An epitaphe of the lady Lomley. Licensed to John Charlwood, 18 August, 1578. An Epitaph vpon the ladie Lomney [Lumley.] Licensed to Walter Whitney, 20 Aug. 1578. LUPSET, THOMAS. There occurred some years ago a beauti- ful volume of Lupset's pieces, bound in the original scarlet velvet, aiul in the finest possible condition ; it had belonged to Queeu Katberine Parr, and had her MSS. notes. LUPTON, DONALD. Obiectorvm Redvctio : Or, Daily Imploy- ment for the Soule. In Occasional! Medi- LUPTON 371 LYE. tations upon severall Subjects. By Donald Lupton. 1 Tim. 4. 14. Despise not the giUft that is in thee. London, Printed by lolin Norton, for lohn Rothwell . . . 1634. 8'^. A— L in eights, first and last leaves blank. Dedi- cated to George, Earl of Rutland. In prose. Emblems of Rarities : Or Choice Ob- servations out of Worthy Histories of many remarkable passages, and renowned actions of divers Princes and severall Nations. With Exquisite Variety, and speciall Collections of the natures of most sorts of Creatures : delightful! and pro- fitable to the Minde. . . . Collected by D. L. London : Printed by N. Okes. 1636. 12^, A— X in twelves, last leaf blank. Dedicated by the author to Captain Nicholas Crips, Captain James Slade, and Captain Samuel Caiieton. LUPTON, THOMAS. A Thousand Notable things, of sundry sortes. Wher of some are wonderfull, some straunge, some pleasant, diuers necessary, a great sort profitable : and many veiy \ precious. [Here follow 12 lines of verse.] Imprinted at London by lohn Charle- wood, for Hughe Spooner, dwelling in Lumbardstreete at the signe of the Cradle. [1579.] 4^, black letter, A — Ss in fours. Dedicated to Margaret, Countess of Derby. A Thousand Notable things of sundry sortes. ... At London Printed for Edward White, dwelling at the little North doore of Paules Church at the signe of the Gun. 4*^, black letter, A — Hh in fours. Sivqila. Too good to be true : Amen, Though so at a vewe, Yet all that I tolde you, Is true, I vpholde you : Now cease to aske why? For I can not lye. Herein is shewed by way of Dialogue, the wonderful maners of the people of Mauqsun, with other talke not friuolous. Seen and allowed. . . . Printed at London by H. Bynneman, dwelling in Thames Streate, neare vnto Baynards Castell. Anno Domini. 1580. Cum Priuilegio, . . . 4'\ A, 3 leaves : B— Zi in fours. Black letter. Dedicated to Sir C. Hatton, whose arms are on the back of the title. LUTHER, MARTIN. Dris Martini Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia : Or, D'' Martin Luther's Divine Discourses at his Table, &c. Which in his lite Time bee held with divers Learned Men (such as were Philip Melancthon. . . . ) Con- teining Questions and Answers touching Religion, and other main Points of Doc- trine, as also many notable Histories, . . . Collected first together by D'" Antonius Lauterbach, and afterward disposed into certain Common places by Jacob Auri- faber D^ in Divinitie. Translated out of the high Germane into the English Tongue by Capt. Henrie Bell. . . . London, Printed by William Du-Gard, dwelling in Suftolk-lane, near London- Stone. 1652. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: A, 4 leav^es : a, 4 leaves : B — Bbb in sixes, last leaf blank. With a very fine large portrait of Luther with his swan by W. Trevethen. Prefixed to this book is Captain Bell's narrative of the way in which he saved the original work, from which he translated, from destruction. Several Choice Prophecyes of the Incom- parable and Famous D^ Martin Luther, As also. The Remarkable Prophecy of the Learned and Reverend D^ Musculus. Collected bv R. C. M.A. London, Printed for Edward Thomas, . . . 1666. 4°, B— G in fours, and the title. LUTING. The scyence of lutynge. Licensed to J. AUde in 1565-6. LYDGATE, JOHN, Monk of Bury. This boke is compyled by Dan John, Lydgate monke of Bury / at the excitation & styrynge of the noble and victorious prynce / Kynge Henry the fyfthe / i the honoure glorie & reeuerence of the byrthe of our moste blessed Lady / mayde / Wyfe / & mother of our lorde Jesu Christe / Chapitred as foloweth by this Table. [Col.] Imprynted at London in the Fletestrete by me Robert Redman / dwellynge in saynt Dunstones parysshe / next y^ churche. In the yere of our lorde god. M.ccccc.xxxj. The fyrste daye of the moneth of Nouembre. 4'^, A — Gg in fours, Hh in sixes, Hh 6 with the device on its verso and a woodcut on the recto. Grenv. Coll. LYE, THOMAS. A New Spelling-Book : Or, Reading and Spelling English made Easie. Wherein all the "Words of our English Bible are set down in an Alphabetical Order, and divided into their Distinct Syllables. . . . The Fourth Edition. By Thomas Lye, Philanrdus. London, Printed for Thomas Parkhurst . . . 16 . . 8^ A — K 4 in eights, the last four leaves of A occupied by cuts. LYLY. 372 LYTTLETON. The last two figures of the date have dropped out in the copy used. LYLY, JOHN. Eyphves. The Anatomy of Wit. ... At London, Printed for William Leake. . . . 1613. 4*^, black letter. A— U in fours. Evplives. The Anatomy of Wit. . . . Printed at London by John Haviland 1636. 4*^, black letter, A— K in eights. Evphves, and his England. . . . At Lon- don. Printed for William Leake, dwell- ing in Pauls church-yard, at the signe of the Holy-ghost. 1613. 4°, black letter, A — Ee in fours. Evphves and his England. . . . Printed at London by lohn Haviland 1636. 4^, black letter, L— Aa in eights (signatures continued from the Eu2ohues of 1636). LYNDSAY, SIR DAVID. Ane Dialog betuLx Experience and ane Courtiour, Off the Miserabyll Estait of the Warld. Compylit be Schir Dauid Lyndesay of ye Mont Knycht alias, Lyone Kyng of Armes. And is Deuidit in Foure Partis, As efter FoUowis. And Imprentit at the Command and Expensis off Doctor, Machabevs, In Copmahoum. Ahsit Gloriari . . . [St. Andrews, by John Scot.] 4^. Title and two following leaves (A 1 having been probably blank) : B, 4 leaves : C— F in eights : G, 4 leaves : H — R 1 in eights. Britwell. On R 1 verso the book ends with " Quod Lyndesay, 1552;" but I am disposed to think that the date here given refers, not to the completion of the poem, but to its publication by Scot. A Dialoge betwexte the experyence and a Couurtiour of the myserable eastate of the worlde. Licensed to Richard Serll in 1563-4. The Workes . . , Edinbvrgh. Printed by Thomas Finlason. 1610. With the K. M. Licence. 4^, A — Bb in fours. Britwell (Heber's copy). To this copy is appended the edition of the History of Squire Meldrum, 1610. The Works of the Famous and Worthy Knight, Sir David Lindsay, . . . Glas- gow, Printed by Robert Sanders. . . . 1683. 12^, black letter, A— L 8 in twelves. The Historie of a Noble and Valiant Sqvyer William Meldrvm. . . . The Tes- tament of the said AVilliam. . . . Edin- bvrgh Printed for Richard Lawsou 1610. With Licence. 4^, A — G in fours. Black letter. D. Laing, December, 1879, No. 1872. It is to be remarked that the editions of Lyudsay after 15G8 are of very slight cri- tical value, and even in that of. 1568, of which Lord Mostjn has a copy, there are corruptions and alterations, always for the worse. The Anglicised version printed in 1566 (and afterwards) is of course almost worthless ; it would have been, perhaps, more curious, if the publisher had issued it, as he apparently intended originally to do, in English and Scotish; but he only gave the former, and indeed in all the later Scotish editions of the poet many Angli- cisms are interpolated. The 1568 impression is not, strictly speak- ing, a collected edition of the Poet at all, as it contains very little not found in those of Jascuy and Scot. Those which came after it are all said to be " newly corrected and augmented ; " but each is more inaccu- rate, corrupt, and good-for-nothing than its predecessor. LYNDE, SIR HUMPHREY. Via Devia : The By- Way ; Mis-leading the weake and vnstable into dangerous paths of Error, by colourable shewes of Apocryphall Scriptures, . . . Discovered by Hvmfrey Lynde, Knight. The second Edition reuised and corrected by the Author. London, Printed by Aug. Ma- th ewes for Robert Milbourne, . . . 1632. 12«. A, 11 leaves : a, 12 leaves : C— Ff in twelves. LYSIMACHUS NICANOR. The Epistle Congratulatorie of Lysima- chus Nicanor of the Societie of Jesu, to the Covenanters in Scotland. Wherein is paralleled our sweet Harmony and Cor- respondences in divers materiall points of Doctrine and Practice. [Quotations from Judges, v. 23, and Jer. i. 10.] Anno Domini m.dc.xl. 4^, A — K in fours This epistle is dated "from my study at Basiliopolis [? Kingston] The first of Jan- uary, 1640." The Epistle Congratulatory of Lysima- chus Nicanor. . . . Oxford, Printed by Leon. Lichfield, . . . 1684. 4^ A— K in fours, and a — b in fours. £. M. LYTTLETON, SIR THOMAS. Tenores nouelli. [Cob] Expliciunt Te- nores nouelli Impressi per me Wilhelnui de machlinia in opulentissima Ciuitate Londoniarf iuxta ponte qui vulgariter dicitur Flete brigge. Folio. Table, 1 leaf : a — g in eights : h and i in sixes. Ik. Museum. [Lyttleton's Tenures. No place, &c. W. de Machlinia, circd 1480.] Folio, a— i in eights, including a leaf of Table in a. Br. Museum. [Tenore^ nouelli. iThe colophon is :] Ex])liciunt Tenores nouelli Impressi per me Wilhelmii le tailleur in opulentissima ciuitate Rothomagensi iuxta prioratum M. C. V2> M. M. sancti laudi ad instantiam Richardi pyn- son. Folio. A, 7 leaves : B — G 3 in sixes. Script type. "Without any title and catchwords. Inner Temple Library. Les Tenvres de Lyttelton novelment Im- primes, . . . [Col.] Imprynted at London by me Robert Redman. Cum gratia . . . Folio, printed in two columns, A — N 3 in fours, and the titlepage. Les Tenures de Monsieur Littleton : . . . Et cy vn foits pluis admonetes al request des Gentilhommes Students en la ley d'Engleterre. London, Printed by the Assignes of John More Esquire. Cum priuilegio. 1639. 8^, A— Aa in eights. Littletons Tenures in English. Lately perused and amended. Imprinted at London by Thomas Wight. 1600. Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. S'^, black letter, A — S in eii^hts. M, M. Ch. A Myrrhine Posie of the Bitter Dolovrs of Christ His Passion, and of the Seaven Words He spake on the Crosse, Composed by Ch. M. . . . Printed at Doway by L. Kellam, Anno 1639. 8°. Title and dedi- cation to Henrietta Maria, 4 leaves : Pre- face, 3 leaves: Contents, 2 leaves: A — Dd 2 in fours. M. E. A Sermon of Thanksgiving for the Happy Delivery of Charles the Second King of England, &c. From the Conspiracy of 1683. Preached the ninth of September 1683. in Thomas-Town in the County of Kilkenny. Rotterdam, Printed for P. K. and are to be Sold by William Weston in Christ-Church-Lane Dublin. 4^, A — B in fours, B 4 blank. Dedicated by E. M. to James, Yiscouut Ikixryn. M. J. A Christian Almanacke. Needefvll and Trve for all Countryes, Persons and times. Faithfully Calculated by the course of Holy Scripture . . . London Printed for John Budge, . . . 1612. 8°. Bagford Papers. M. J. The Ranters Last Sermon. With the manner of their Meetings, Ceremonies and Actions, also their Damnable, Blas- phemous and Diabolicall Tenents, . . . Written by J. M. (a deluded Brother) lately escaped out of their Snare. London, Printed by J. C. in the Year, 1654. 4P, 4 leaves. B. M. M. J. A Letter from Berwick The Head Quar- ters of the Army, Under the Conduct of General Monck, Commander in Chief of the Parliaments Forces in England and Scotland, ... To a Merchant in London. London: Printed in the Year, 1659. 4*^, 4 leaves. The initials J. M. are at the end. M. J. Letters to a Sick Friend, Containing such Observations as may Render the Use of Remedies Effectual towards the Removal of Sickness, and Preservation of Health. By J. M. London, Printed by J. A. for Thomas Parkhurst . . . 1682. 8°. A, 3 leaves: B — L in eights. M. J. Hfliocrene A Poem in Latin and English: On the Chalybeate Well at Sunning Hill in Windsor Forest. [Quot. from the Greek Anthologij.] Excudebat D. Kiimier, Tvpographus Readingensis. Anno Dom. 1725. 4^, 9 leaves. Dedicated to John Baber, Esq., of Sun- ning Hill. Pp. 7-8 are repeated, and there are no pp. 9-10. M. M. A Song of Sion. Written by a Citizen thereof, whose outward Habitation is in Virginia ; and being sent over to some of his Friends in England, the same is found fitting to be Published, for to warn the Seed of Evil-doers. . . . With an Ad- ditional Post-Script from another Hand, Printed in the Year,- 1662. 4"*, 6 leaves. In verse. [CoL] Printed for Robert Wilson, 1662. The tract is anonymous; but the addition is subscribed 31. 31. M. M. Gulielmo Augusto, Britanniarum Regi Potentissimo . . . Adveneris omne se- cundo, O ! et Pr^esidium, et Dulce Decus Nostrum ! . . . Htcc, Yeduti Paululum M. P. 374 MACHIAVELLL Lymphse Regi Fel. Reduci Hunilime otferebat . . . M. M. Londini, Exciide- bat G. Groom, . . . 1696. A folio leaf. M. P. The Gimmerian Matron, To which is added, The Mysteries and Miracles of Love. In the Savoy: Printed for Henry Herringman . . . 1668. 8*^. Title and two following leaves : B — M in eights, B repeated. M. R. Newes of S'" Walter Rauleigh. With the true Description of Gviaiia : As also a Relation of the excellent Goiiernment, and much hope of the prosperity of the Voyage. Sent from a Gentleman of his Fleet, to a most especiall Friend of his in London. From the Riuer of Galiana, on the coast of Guiana, Nouemb. 17. 1617. London, Printed for H. G. and are to be sold by I. Wright, at the signe of the Bible without Newgate. 1618. 4«, A— G in fours, G 4 blank. With a portrait on the titlepage. B. M. M. R. Micrologia . . . 1629. Licensed to M. Sparkes, 22 December, 1628, as "Rodes' Characters." See Arber, iv. 173. R. M. may be the initials of the author reversed. M.T. The English Hellicon and Witts delight or the Muses Recreation conteyning Ge- nethliacons, Epitalamies, Eligies and Epi- grams, collected by T. M. Licensed to Benjamin Fisher, 20 Aug. 1636. M. S. W., Gentleman. Caledons Complaint against infamous Libells. [Circa 1641.] V, 4 leaves. In verse. My late respected acquaintance, Mr. David Laing of Edinburgh, inserted this piece in his Fwiitive Scotish Poetry, 1825, as the work of Sir "Wilham Mure of Rowal- lane ; but I feel sure that he did so on insufficient authority. There is another edition with a longer title. ]\I. w. The Queens Closet Opened. Incompar- able Secrets in Physick, Chirurgery, Pre- serving, Candying, and Cookery ; As they were ])resented to the Queen. By the most Experienced Persons of our times, many whereof were honoured with her own practice, when she pleased to descend to these more private Recreations. Never before published. Transcribed I'rom the true Copies of her Majesties own Receipt- Books, by W. M. one of her late servants. Printed for Nathaniel Brook, . . . 1655. 12^, A— P 6 in twelves, P 5-6 blank: Q, 12 leaves. With a portrait by Faithorne. The Queens Closet Opened . . . Corrected and Revised, with many new and large Additions : together with three exact Tables. London, Printed for Obadiah Blagrave . . . 1683. 12mo, A— T 10 in twelves. With a portrait. MACE, THOMAS. Musick's Monument; Or, a Remembrancer of the best Practical Musick, both Divine, and Civil, that has ever been known to have been in the World. Divided into Three Parts. . . . By Tho. Mace, one of the Clerks of Trinity Colledge, in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. London, Printed by T. Ratcliife, and N. Thompson, for the Author, . . . 1676. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 leaves; a — d, 2 leaves each: B — Mm in fours. With a portrait by W. Faithorne. MACHIAVELLI, NICOLO. The Works of the Famous Nicolas Ma- chiavel, Citizen and Secretary of Florence. Written Originally in Italian, and from thence newly and faithfully Translated into English. London, Printed for J. S. and are to be sold by Robert Boulter, . . . 1675. Folio. Title, Preface, and Con- tents, 4 leaves : (**), 2 leaves : (***), 4 leaves : b — d in twos : A — 3 Z in fours. The Arte of warre, written first in Italia by Nicholas Machiauell, and set forthe in Englishe by Peter Whitehorne, stud lent at Graies Inne : with an addicio of other like Marcialle feates and experimentes, . . . Anno. M.D.LX. Mens. lulij. [London, Nicholas England] 4°. a, 4 leaves : A — Hh 2 in fours, Hh 2 blank. The Arte of Warre, . . . An. m.d.lxxiii. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Paules Churchy arde, by W. Williamson for lohn AVight. Anno . 1574. 4°. a, 4 leaves: A — Gg in fours : Certaine wayes for the ordering of Souldiours in battelray, with a new title, A — N in fours : Most Briefe Tables, d-c, with a third title, A — H in fours, and a leaf of I. The Arte of Warre, . . . Newly imprinted with other additions. 1588. [Col] Im- printed at London, by Thomas East for lohn Wight. 1588. 4°. a, 4 leaves: A — Gg in fours : Certaine Waies, A — N in fours, N 4 blank : 3/ost Briefe Tables^ A — H in fours, and a leaf of I. The Florentine Historie. Written in the Italian Tongve, By Nicholo Macchiauelli, Citizen and Secretarie of Florence. And translated into English, By T. B. Esquire. MACHRIE. 375 MACKENZIE. London Printed by T. C. for \V. P. 1595. Folio, A — V 5 in sixes. Dedicated to Sir Christopher Hatton bv Thomas Beding- field, from the Court, 8 April, 1588. [Cul.] London Printed by Thomas Creede, lor William Ponsouby. 1595. Machiavels Discovrses. upon the first Decade of T. Livius translated out of the Italian ; With some marginall animad- versions noting and taxing his errours. By E. D. London. Printed by Tliomas Paine for William Hills and Daniel Pake- man, . . . 1636, 12*^, A — Ee in twelves, and (a) 12 leaves. Dedicated by Edward Dacres to James Duke of Lenox. Machiavel's Discourses . . . The Second Edition much corrected & amended. Lon- don, Printed for Charles Harper . . . and John Amery . . . m.dc.lxxiv. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B — Xx in eights. Dedicated by Edward Dacres, the trans- lator, to James Duke of Lenox. MACHRIE, WILLIAM, Fencimj-masUr in Edinhurgh. An Essay upon the Royal Recreation and Art of Cocking. Edinbvrgh : Printed by James Watson . . . 17U5. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B — E in eights. MACKAILE, MATTHEW. Fons Mofi'etensis : Seu Descriptio Topo- graphico-Spagyrica Fontium Mineralium M(jffetensiuni in Annandia Scotiaj. . . . Edinbvrgi, Excudebat Christophorus Hig- gins, pro Roberto Brown, . . . Anno Dom. 1659. 8°, A— D in eights. MACKENZIE, SIR GEORGE. Aretina ; Or, The Serious Romance. Written originally in English. Part First. Edinbvrgh, Printed for Robert Broun, at the sign of the Sun, on the North side of the Street, 1660. 8°, A— Ff 4 in eights. Dedicated to all the Ladies of the Nation. With a copy of verses to Mackenzie. Religio Stoici. With a Friendly Ad- dresse to the Phanaticks of all Sects and Sorts. [Quotation from Acts, i. 11.] Edenburgii. Printed for R. Brow^n, and! are to be sold by Booksellers in London. 1665. 8°, A— L 4 in eights. A Moral Essay, Preferring Solitude to Publick Employment, And all it's Appan- ages ; such as Fame, Command, Riches, Pleasure, Conversation, &c. [Quot. from 2 Kings, iv. 13.] By Mr. George M'^Ken- zie, Advocat. Edinbvrgh, Printed for Ro- bert Brown, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Sign of the Sun, on the North side of the Street, over against the Cross, 1666. 8". A, 4 leaves : B— H in eights. Dedicated to John, Earl of Craw- ford. A Moral Essay, . . . Edinbvr[g]h, Printed for Robert Browni, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Sign of the Sun, on the North side of the Street, over against the Cross. 8^. A, 4 leaves: B — H in eights. Dedicated to the Earl of Crawford. A Moral Essay, . . . London, Printed by W. AV. and are to be sold bv II. Saw- bridge . . . 1685. 8"^, A— L 4 m eights. Moral Gallantry. A Discourse, Wherein the Author endeavours to prove. That Point of Honour (abstracting from all other tyes) obliges Men to be Vertuous. And that there is nothing so mean (or unworthy of a Gentleman) as Vice. By Sir George Mackenzie . , . Printed at Edenburgh, and Re-printed at London, by J. Streater, 1669. 8° or 12*^, A— M 6 in tw^elves. Observations upon the 28. Act, 23. Pari. K. James VI. Against Dispositions made in defraud of Creditors, &c. By Sir George M'^Kenzie of Rosehaugh. Edinburgh, Printed by His Majesties Printers : Anno Dom. 1675. 8"^. A, blank : Title and Preface, 3 leaves: B — in eights. Observations upon the Laws and Customs of Nations, as to Precedency. By Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . Anno Domini, ii.DC.LXXX. Folio. With a portrait by Vanderbanc. A, 4 leaves : a, 2 leaves : * . *, 2 leaves : A — Aa, 2 leaves each, and an Advertise- ment, 1 leaf. The Science of Herauldry, Treated as a ]>art of the Civil Law, and Law of Nations: Wherein Reasons are given for its Prin- ciples, and Etymologies for its harder Terms. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . Anno Domini, M.DC.LXXX. Folio. Frontispiece, 1 leaf: printed title, 1 leaf : To my Countrey- men, 1 leaf: Heads of the Chapters, 2 leaves: B — Cc, 2 leaves each : Dd, 1 leaf: Ee, 3 leaves. With plates of arms at pp. 1, 15, 24, 28, 34, 36, 38, 40, 44, 48, 50, 52, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 80, 85, 87, 88, 91, 95, 97 (2), 99, 101. Jvs Regivm : Or, The Just, and Solid Foundations of Monarchy in General, and more especially of the Monarchy of Scot- land : Maintain'd against Buchannan, Naphthali, Dolman, Milton, &c. By Sir George Mackenzie, His Majesties Advo- cat. . . . Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson . . . Anno Dom. MACKENZIE. yi^ MAID. 1684 8°. A, 2 leaves : B, 4 leaves ; C, 2 leaves : D — H 2 in fours : F (repeated) — 3 in fours : The Right of the Succession Defended, A — G in fours, but 6 leaves in C, besides a title and leaf following with an extract from the Basilihon Down. A Defence of tlie Antiquity of the Koyal Line of Scotland : With a true account when the Scots were Govern'd by Kings in the Isle of Britain. In Answer to the Bishop of St. Asaph. By Sir George M^Kenzie of Kosehaugh, His Majesties Advocat . . . Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson . . . Anno Dom. 1685. 8*^. A, 4 leaves: [a], 4 leaves: [aa], 4 leaves : IT, 2 leaves : [*], 1 leaf : B — Bb in fours. Dedicated to the King. A Defence of the Antiquity . . . London : Printed for Richard Chiswell, . . . MDCLXXXV. 8^^. A, 4 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B — 6 in eights. Dedicated to the King. There are coijies on thick paper. The Institutions of the Laws of Scotland. By Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugli, His late Maje.^ty's Advocate. With an Alphabetical Explanation of the most difficult Scots Words. London, Printed for Andrew Bell and Jonas Luntley, at the Pestle and Mortar over against the Horse- Shoe-Tavern in Chancery-Lane. 1694. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B— S in eights. MACKENZIE, PATRICK. King Charles His Birthright. Ecclesiastes x. xvii. Blessed art thou Zand, ivhen thy King is the Sonne of Kohles. By P. M. Gentleman. Edinbvrgh, Printed by lohn Wreittoun. 1633. 4^^, 4 leaves. In verse. B. M. MADDOX, JAMES. [An Advertisement by James Maddox respecting the preservation of corpses, &c. staling that he was to be spoken with at the Sugar loaf and Coffin in Old-Jewry.] A folio leaf. [Circd 1682.] MAFFiEUS, JOHN PETER, of the Society of Jesus. Fvga Sa)cvli Or The Holy Hatred of the world. Concerning the Lines of 17. Holy Confessours of Clirist, Selected out of sundry Authors . . . translated into Eng- lish by H[enry] H[awkins.] Printed at Paris. M.DC.xxxil. 4°. Engraved title, 1 leaf : a and e, 4 leaves each : A — 4 D in fours. Dedicated by the Translator "To the Noble and Most Worthy Knight Syr B. B." The Preface la in verse, as well as the Argu- ment to each Life. MAGANASSES, FERDINANDO. The voyadge of Ferdinando Maganasses vnto the Malucos. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot, 26 Sept. 1580. MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD. Praxis Grammatica: Vervm et Genvinrm Declinationum & Conjugationum usum liquido indicans ... In usum Schol. Magd. Oxon. [? by John Clarke.] Lon- dini, Excudebat Johan . Haviland, im- pensis Tho. Pavier. mdcxxiii. 8^, A — D in eights. Br. M. MAGNA CARTA. The boke of Magna Carta / with diners other statutes / whose names appere in the nexte lefe folowynge / translated into Englishe. Facessat calumnia. Anno Dui. 1534. [Col.] Thus endyth the boke called Magna Carta, translated out of Latyn & Frenshe / into Englyshe, by George Ferrerz. Imprynted at London in Flete strete, by me Robert Redman, dwellyng at the sygn of the George, nexte to Saynt Dunstones church. Cum Priui- legio Regali. 8*^, A — Bb in eights. Magna Carta in f. wherunto is added more statutp than euer was imprynted in any one boke before this tynie / with an Alminacke & a Calender to know the mootes. Necessarye for all yong studiers of the lawe. Amio Domini. M.cccccxx[x]ix. Agenda form. Title and Calendar, 8 leaves, the last blank : A — T in twelves : Table, 2 leaves. [Col.] Here endeth Magna Carta with diners other statutes. Imprynted at Lond in Flete- strete / by me Robert Redman dwellynge at the sygne of the George / nexte to saynt Dunstones Churche. Anno dni, M,CCCCC.XXXIX. The Almanac for 21 years begins at 1540. Magna Charta, cum statutis, . . . Anno Domini. 1587. Cum Priuilegio . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London, ... by Richard Tottell, Anno Do. 1587. 8°. 1J, 8 leaves, the last blank : A — li 3 in eights, last leaf with colophon. Brief Collections out of Magna Charta : Or, The Knowne good old Lawes of Eng- land. Which sheweth, that the Law is the highest Inheritance the King hath . . . By which it appeares: That the King by his Charter may not alter the Nature of the Law . . . Printed at London for George Lindsey . . . 1643. 4", 8 leaves. MAID. Yf ever I marry e I will marrye a mayd. A ballad. ^ " ' ■ Sept. 1564. MAID. 377 MAINWARING. Yf ever I mary I will mary a mayde. A ballad. Licensed to John Waiey and the Widow Toy in 1557-8. A ballad beginning with these words, and entitled Ma ides and Widoices, is given by Collier (Old Ballads and Songs, 1869, p. 43) from a MS. A ballett of the talke betwene ij maydes. Licensed to John Waley and the Widow Toy in 1557-8. A ballett of a mayde forsakynge hyr lover to mary with a servyngman. Licensed to John Tisdale in 1562-3. Was this a reprint of Emley's ballad ? Mawken was a Country mayde moralysed. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1563-4. A ballett intituled the lamentation of an olde man for maryinge of a yonge mayde. Licensed to W. Copland in 1563-4. A prety new ballett wherby you may knowe. How maydes of the Countrye in fayre- rynge do shewe. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564-5. A ballett intituled, howe a mayde shoulde swepe vour bowses cleane. Licensed to J. Allde in 1564-5. The Reporte of the wytty answeres of a beloved mayden. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564-5. A ballett intituled to all vnchaste maydes and wyves. Licensed to T. Purfoot in 1565-6. An exortation to all maydes for to leve vertusly. Licensed to R. Jones in 1568. The lamentinge of a yonge mayde, Who by grace ys fully stayde. A ballad. Licensed to John Walley in 1566-7. How maydes shulde penne the Dore. A ballad. Entered to John Allde in 1569-70. Mayde, Will you mary ? moralyzed. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1570. A myrror of maydes. A ballad. Licensed to H. Kyrkham in 1570. A ballad of the lamentacon of a modeste maiden beinge deceiptfullie forsaken and vnworthelie rejected by hir vnconstant and faithles frende. Licensed to H. Carre, 1 Aug. 1581. A news ballad deciphering the vaine expense of fond feloes vpon fickel maidens. Licensed to J. Wolf, 14 Nov. 1588. A ballad intytuled a warninge for maydes to keepe their good maner. Licensed to R. Jones, 11 Nov. 1590. A pleasant newe ballad Called the maydens chovce. Licensed to John Dan- ter, 26 August, 1591. The Coy maidens case sent to her kind companions. Licensed to John Danter, 23 July, 1592. A maydes lamentacon for lack of a fayr- inge. A ballad. Licensed to John Dan- ter, 26 June, 1594. To the Right Hono\Table the Ladies ordinary and extraordinary, assembled in Parliament, now Sitting in Spring Gar- den. The Hvmble Petition of many thousand Country Mayds : presented by us, whose names are here subscribed. Gilian, the Gentlewoman. Anne, the Inklemaker. Abominable Besse, the Butchers daughter. . . . Printed in the Yeare 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. MAIERUS, MICHAEL. Themis Avrea. The Laws of the Frater- nity of the Rosie Crosse. Written in Latin by Count Michael Maierus, And now in English for the Information of those who seek after the Knowledge of that Honourable and mysterious Society of wise and renowned Philosophers. Qu(E non fecimus ijosi Vix ea nostra voco. Whereto is annexed an Epistle to the Fraternity in Latine, from some here in England. London, Printed for N. Brooke at the Angel in Cornhill. 1656. 8*^. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B — K 4 in eights. MAILLARD, MARY. A True Relation of the Wonderful Cure of Mary Maillard, (Lame almost ever since she was Born) on Sunday the 26*^ of Nov. 1693. With the Affidavits and Certificates of the Girl. ... To which is added, A Letter from Dr. Welwood to the Right Honourable the Lady Mayoress, upon that Subject. London : Printed for Richard Baldwin. . . . 1694. 8"^, A — F in fours. MAINWARING, SIR HENRY, KnigU. The Sea-mans Dictionary : Or An Expo- sition and Demonstration of all the Parts and Things belonging to a Shippe : To- gether with an Explanation of all the Ternies and Phrases used in the Practique of Navigation. Composed by that able and experienced Sea-man S'' Henry Main- way ring Knight : and by him presented to the late Duke of Buckingham, the then Lord High Admirall of England. . . . London, Printed by G. M. for John Bel- lamy, . . . 1644. 4°, A— R in fours. MAINWARING. 378 MALL. The Sea- Mans Dictionary. . . . London, Printed by W. Godbid for Benjamin Hiirlock, . . . Anno Dom. 1670. 4^, A — Q in fours. MAINWAEING, SIR THOMAS, of Peover^ Baronet. A Defence of Amicia, Daughter of Hvgli Cyveliok, Earl of Chester. Wherein it is proved, That Sir Peter Leicester Baronet, In his Book, Entituled, Historical Anti- quities, . . . hath without any just Grounds declared the said Amicia to be a Bastard. By Sir Thomas Mainwaring of Peover in Cheshire, Baronet. London, Printed for Sam. Lowndes, . . . 1675. 8'^, A— F in eights. Dedicated by the author from Baddeley to Sir P. Leicester, whom he terms his most affectionate kinsman. The Legitimacy of Amicia, Daughter of Hvgh Cyveliok, Earl of Chester, Clearly Proved. With Full Answers to all Objections that have at any time been made against the same. By Sir Thomas Mainwaring of Peover in Cheshire, Baro- net. London, Printed for Sam. Lowndes, . . . 1679. 8", A— L in eights : M, 4 leaves : N, 2 leaves, and the title. MAITLAND, JAMES. A Fvnerall Sermon, Preached at the buriall of the Lady lane Maitland, daugh- ter to the Right Noble Earle, lohn Earle of Lauderdail, at Hadington the 19. of December, 1631. By Mr. I. M. Together with diverse Epitaphs, as well Latine, as English, written by sundry Authors. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Printers to the Kings most excellent Majestie. 1633. 4^, A— G 2 in fours, G 2 blank. MAJESTAS. Majestas Intemerata, Or, The Immorta- lity of the King. . . . Printed in the Year 1689. 4*^, A— H in fours. MA.LBY, NICHOLAS. •A plaine and easie way to remedie a Horse that is foundered in his Feete : By whiche vsing tliis remedie (within . xxiiii. howres after his instant foundering) you maye within . xxiiij howres after the cure vsed, trauell yoiu* Horse, and iourney him at your pleasure, as if he had not beene foundered at aU. Set out by Nicholas Malbie Gentleman, seruaunt to the Queenes moste excellent Maiestie. Im- printed at London V)y Thomas Purfoote, dwelling in Paules Church- Yarde, at the signeoftheLucrece. 1576. 4^, bhick letter, 4 leaves. With two cuts. Br. Museum. On the back of the title occurs a dedica- tion to Master Edward Fitzgerald Es(iuire, Lieutenant of the Gentlemen Pensioners, from which it appears that Malby, on his return out of Ireland, was induced to print his instructions, the experiments having been made on a horse belonging to Fitz- gerald. This epistle is dated April 1, 1576. A plaine and easie way . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Purfoote. 1583. 4°, black letter, 4 leaves. With the same cuts. Br. Museum (Corser's copy). This copy is bound up with an imperfect one of the next work — the Remedies. A plaine and easie way to remedie a Horse . . . Imprinted at London, by Thomas Purfoote. 1586. 4*^, 4 leaves. With two cuts. A plaine and easie way ... IT Imprinted at London, by Thomas Purfoot, 1594. 4*^, 4 leaves. Br. Museum (Jolley's copy). Remedies for diseases in Horses. Ap- proued and allowed by diuers very aun- cient learned Mareschals. Imprinted at London, by Thomas Purfoote. 1586. 4°, black letter, A — D 2 in fours. MAKEBATES. A ballad intituled / Howe makebates abused a man and his wife. Licensed to Timothy Rider, 12 Dec. 1586 (no sum stated). MALIGNANTS. The Malign ants Conventicle : Or, A learned Speech spoken by M. Web, A Citizen, to the rest of his Society, which did consist of Citizens, Malignants, Pa- pists, Piiests, Apprentices, Wenches. At their common Tavern meeting-house in Lincolnes Inne-fields. . . . London, Printed for Anti-Dam-mee, in Tell-troth Lane, at the signe of the Holly-wand. 1643 [Jan. 24, 1642-3.] 4^, 4 leaves. With a cut on title. B. M. MALL, THOMAS, M.A. A Cloud of Witnesses ; Or, The Sufferers Mirrour, Made up of the Swanlike-Songs, and other Choice Passages of several Mar- tyrs and Confessors of the Sixteenth Century, . . . London, Printed for the Author, . . . 1665. 8°, A— R in eights, and a leaf of S, A 2 with Errata. A Cloud of Witnesses ; . . . Tlie second Part. . . . London, Printed for the Author, . . . 1665. 8*^. a, 4 leaves : A— U in eights, U 8 blank. A Cloud of Witnesses ; . . . The third and last Part. . . . London, Printed for the Author, . . . 1665. BP.i A— P 4 in eights, Init only 7 printed leaves in A : P 4 with a notice to the Reader. An Offer of Farther Help to Suffering Saints ; Or, The best Work in the worst MALTSTERS. 379 MAN. Times. . . . London, Printed for the Author, . . . 1665, b°, A — I in eights, I 8 bhank. This forms a fourth Part of the Cloud of Witnesses. MALTSTERS. A Prochimation touching common Mault- sters and Brewers. [9 July, 1637.] Im- printed at London by Kobert Barker, . . . 1637. Forster Coll. MALTA. Certayn and tru good nues, fro the syege of the Isle Malta, wyth the goodly vyc- torie wyche the Christenmen, by the fauour of God, haue ther latlye obtayned, agaynst the Turks, before the forteresse of saint Elmo. Translat owt of Frenche yn to Englysh. And null, prented yn Gaunt, the 27. of August, ii. ccccc. Lxv. 8*^, 4 leaves. Lambeth. The true Copye of the laste advertismente that cam from Malta. Licensed to T. Marshe in 1565-6. The murtherous life and terrible death of the riche Jew of Malta. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 16 May, 1594. MALVEZZI, YERGILIO, The Marquis. II Davide Ferseguitato. David perse- cuted. Written in Italian by the Marques Yirgilio Malvezzi : And done into Eng- lish by Robert Ashley Gentleman. Lon- don, Printed by lohn Haviland for Thomas Knight, . . . 1637. 12*^, A— L 10 in twelves, and the title. Discovrses upon Cornelius Tacitus, Writ- ten in Italian by the Learned Marquesse Virgilio Malvezzi, . . . Translated into English, by Sir Richard Baker, Knight. London, Printed bv E, G, for R, Whitaker. and Tho, Whitaker, . . . 1642, Folio. A^ 6 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — li in sixes : j Kk in fours. Dedicated by the publisher I to Lord Say and Seale. i The Pourtract of the Politicke Christian- I Favourite, Originally drawn from some ' of the actions of the Lord Duke of St. ' Lucar ... By Marquesse Yirgilio Mal- vezzi. [Translated into English.] Lon- I don, Printed for M. Meighen and G. Bedell . . . 1647. 12^ A, 12 leaves, first blank : a, 12 leaves : B — F in twelves, F 12 blank. Considerations upon the Lives of Alci- biades and Coriolanus. By Marques Yir- gilio Malvezzi, One of the Supreme Coun- cell of Warre, to His Catholick Majestie. Dedicated to the King, his Master. Englished by Robert Gentilis, Gent. London, Printed by William Wilson for Humphrey Moseley . . . 1650. 12"^, A— N 2 in twelves. MAN. The vnconstant state and tyme of mans lyfe. A ballad. Licensed to T, Duxsell in 1561-2. A Dyscription betwene man and woman. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1567-8. A vewe of mans estate. Licensed to Lucas Harrison and George Bishop in 1570-1. This sillie poore man. A ballad. Licensed to Master Walley, 6 Oct. 1580. A setting foorth of the variety of mens mindes esteaminge rather welth with a wanton wife then vertue in a modeste mayde. A ballad. Licensed to John Wolfe, 1 June, 1582. The daylie exercise of the comen sort of men. A ballad. Licensed to E. Allde, 1 Aug, 1586. The Xew Man Or, A Svpplication from an Ynknowne Person, a Roman Catholike vnto lames, the Monarche of Great Brit- taine, . . . Touching the causes and rea- sons that will argue a necessity of a Generall Councell to be forthwith assem- bled against him that now vsurj^s the papall Chaire vnder the name of Paul the fifth. . . . Translated into English by William Crashaw, Batchelour in Diuinity, according to the Latine Copy, sent from Rome into England. London,' Printed by Bernard Alsop, for George Norton, . . . 1622. 4°, A— K 2 in fours, besides the title and dedication to the Marqnis of Buckingham, 3 leaves more. The Temperate Man, Or The Right Way of Preserving Life and Health, Together with Soundness of the Senses, Judgment, and Memory unto extreani Old Age. In Three Treatises. The First written by the Learned Leonardus Lessius. The Second by Lodowick Cornaro, a Noble Gentle- man of Yenice. The Third by a Famous Italian. Faithfully Englished. London, Printed bv J. R. for John Starkev, . . . 1678. 12^ A— H in twelves, and a, 6 leaves. The Age of Man : Or, Mans Beginning and Last End, Described in a Legible Character of Life and Death. Setting forth the Yncertainty and Brevity of Man's Life. . . . Printed for Tho. Passin- ger, at the Three Bibles, on London- bridge. 8°, black letter, A in eights (?). The copy seen ended on A 5 imperfectly. The Age of Man, displayed in Ten differ- ent Stages of Life. Printed and Sold in MANILIUS. 380 MANSFELDT. Aldermary Church Yard, Bow-Lane, Lon- don. A ballad, with cuts. Ouvry Cat. No. 95. Divine Fancies or the Beginning, Pro- gress, and End of Man : . . . London, Printed for and Sold by John Smith . . . \Circa 1780.] A sheet with woodcuts. In verse. MANILIUS, MARCUS. The Sphere of Marcus Manilius made an English Poem : With Annotations and an Astronomical Appendix. By Edward Sherburne, Esquire. London, Printed for Nathanael Brooke, . . . mdclxxv. Large folio. A, 2 leaves : a — c in twos : B — S in twos : Afpendix^ half-title, 1 leaf : A, 3 leaves : B — Lll, 2 leaves each. With two large folded plates at Ss — Tt, and a series of plates numbered A(?) — L. Dedi- cated to Charles the Second. The dedication-copy to the King on large pajDer, in old morocco binding, is said to have been in a bookseller's catalogue some years ago at £10, 10s. The one employed had no plates A — F. MANASSES. The history of Manasses Kynge of Juda. A ballad. Licensed to Robert Hackforth in 1569. MANCHESTER. A Ballad Intituled The Millers daughter of Maunchester. Licensed to Henry Carre, 2 March, 1580-1. A true and faithfull Relation of the be- sieging of the Towne of Manchester in Lancashire upon Saturday the 24. of Sep- tember. Together with the manner of the severall Skirmishes and Passages be- twixt the Earle of Derby the besieger witli his 4500 men, and the Souldiers in the Town being only 1000. or thereabout. Also a Declaration of the Lords and Com- mons in Parliament to the Inhabitants of the said Towne. And lastlj^, the manner of the raising of the said Siege, being con- tinued untill Saturday the 2. of October, ... No place, &c. [1642.] 4«, 4 leaves. Manchesters Joy, for Derbies Overthrow, Or An exact Relation of a Famous vic- tory obtained by the Manchester Forces, against the Lord Strange, Earle of Derby: At Warrington in Lancashire : . . . Printed for Bernard llavward, 1642. [April 15.] 4", 4 leaves. B. M. The Miraculous Child : Or, Wonderful News from Manchester. A most true and certain Account, how one Charles Bennet, a Child but Three years old . . . doth speak Latine, Greek and Hebrew. . . . Reprinted, 1679. 4°, 4 leaves. MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. The boke of Johan Mandeuyll . . . 1503. See Nichols' Literary Illustrations, v. 359, 362, from which it may appear that a notice of this edition by De Worde was communicated to Ames by F. Peck in 1740. The Voyages & Travels of Sir John Man- devile. . . . London, Printed for Rich. Chiswell . . . 1696. 4^, black letter, A — S in fours. With cuts. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight: . . . London: Printed for R. Chiswell, . . . 1704. 4^ A— S 2 in fours. Woodcuts. Forster Coll. The Voyages and Travels. . . . London : Printed by A. Wilde. . . .1722. 4«, A — R in fours. With cuts. The Voiage and Travaile . . . London : . . . 1727. Royal 8^. Pp. xvi -f 8 pp. of Tables -j- 384 pp. of text -|- 8 pp. of Index. This is the same text as that of 1725. MANLEY, R. Commentariorum de Rebellione Angli- cana ab Anno 1640. Usque ad Annum 1685. Pars Prima. Autore R. M. Eq. Aur. Londini, Impensis L. Meredith . . . & T. Newborough , . . mdclxxxvi. 8°, A — R in eights. Dedicated to James II. MANLEY, THOMAS. A Short View of the Lives of those illus- trious Princes, Henry Duke of Glovcester, and Mary Princess of Orange Deceased : Late Brother and Sister to his Majestv the King of Great Brittain. Collected by T. M. Esq; To whom the same will serve a Rule k Pattern. . , . London, Printed for Henry Brome ... 1661. 8''. A, 4 leaves : B — H in eights, E — E 2 repeated. Dedicated to Sir Robert and Lady Bolles. With a frontispiece, containing small full- lengths of the Duke and Princess. B. M. MANNING, F. Greenwich-Hill. A Poem. By Mr. Man- ning. Quod superest, ultrd sacris largire Camoenis. Lord Coke. London, Printed by Tho. Warren, for Francis Saunders, . . . 1697. Folio, A— D in twos. IMANNING, . England's Conversion and Reformation Compared Or, The Young Gentleman directed in the Choice of his Religion . . . Divided into four Dialogues. . . . Ant- werp : Printed for R. C. and C. F. 1725. 8^*, A— Y 5 in eights. MANSFELDT, COUNT. Covnt Mansiields ]3irections of Warre. Given to all His OlUcers and souldiers in generall. London, Printed by Edw: Allde MANTUAN. 381 MARIGOLD. for Richard Whittaker, ... 1624. 4"^, A— H in fours. Dedicated by W. G. to Charles Prince of Wales. MANTUAN, BAPTIST. The Bucolicks of Baptist Mantuan in Ten Eclogues. Translated out of Latine into English, By Tho: Harvey Gent. Hor. de Art. Poet. Nee verhumi verbo. . . . London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1656 [30 Nov. 1655.] 8^, A— G in eights. Dedicated to the Lady Urania, and in a second Epistle to Sir Marmaduke Lloyd, Knight. MANUAL. The manuell in hande and harte. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1562-3. MANUALS. [Manuale ad nsum Ecclesiae Sarum. Co- loi3hon.] Huic volumini Richardus Pyn- son Finem imponere iubet ad intersigniuni sancti Georgii in fletstrete commoras penes ecclesia scti Dilstani Anno dni. M.ccccc.vi. Folio. A, 8 leaves : B — V in sixes. Corjms Christi College, Cambridge (on vellum). This copy is very imperfect. There should be 122 leaves ; but there are 108 only. No other copy seems to be known in any state. MANWOOD, JOHN. The Laws of the Forest . . . 1598. In 1696, an abridgment of Manwood, and of all the Acts relating to the subject, was appended to The Gentleman's Recreation. MANZINIE. Manzinie His Exquisite Academicall Dis- courses, Upon Severall Subjects. Turned into French by Scuderie, And into Eng- lish by a Lady. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, mdcliv. 4°, A — V in fours, last leaf blank. MAPLET, JOHN. Tlie Diall of Destiny. A Booke Very Delectable and Pleasaunt : wherein may be seene the continuall and customable course, disposition, qualities, effects, and influence of the Seuen Planet[s] . . . kyndes of Creatures . . . seuerall and sundry . , . Countryes and Kingdomes. Compiled and discussed Briefly, aswell Astrologically, as Poetically, and Philoso- phically by lolm Maplet Maister of Arte. Imprinted at London in Fleetstreat neere vnto Sainte Dun stones Churcli by Tho- mas Marsha. 1581. 8°, black letter. Title, &c., 8 leaves : A — K 3 in eights, K 2-3 occupied by a description of happy and unhappy days. Dedicated to Sir C. Hatton from Northall by the author. H. Pyne, Esq. (title imperfect), MARGARET, Queen of Scotland. LTdee d'vne Reine Parfaite en la Vie de S. Margverite Reine D'Escosse. Auec les Eloges de ses enfans Dauid & Matilda. A Dovay, . . . I'An. 1660. 4°. a, 4 leaves: *, 2 leaves : A 2— K 2 in fours. Dedi- cated to Charles II. The Idsea of a Perfect Princesse, In The Life of St Margaret Queen of Scotland. With Elogiums on her Children, David, and Mathilda Queen of England. Written Originally in French, and now Englished. Whereunto is annexed a Postscript, clearly proving, against the false pretences of the Phanaticks, his Majesties full right and title to the Crown of England . . . Never before published. Paris Anno 1661. 8^, A, 10 leaves : B— H 2 in eights. Dedi- cated by J. R. to Lady Arundel. MARGARET OF VALOIS, Queen of Navarre. The Queene of Navarraes Tales conteyn- ynge very pleasant Discourses of fortunate loners. Licensed to Felix Norton, 1st September, 1600. Perhaps an entry of the complete Rep- tameroa. Le Tonibeav De Margverite de Valois Royne de Navarre. Faict premierement en Disticques Latins par les trois soeurs Princesses en Angleterre. Depuis tra- duicte en Grec, Italie, & Frangois par plu- sieurs des excellentz Poetes de la Frace. Auecques plusieurs Odes, Hymnes, Can- tiques, Epitaphes, sur le mesme subiect. A Paris . . . 1551. 8^, A— N in eights. MARIANA, JUAN DE. The General History of Spain. From the first Peopling of it by Tubal, till the Death of King Ferdinand, who United the Crowns of Castile and Aragon. With a Continuation to the Death of King Philip III. Written in Spanish, By the R. F. F. John de Mariana. To which are added, Two Supplements, The First By F. Ferdinand Camargoy Salcedo, the other by F. Basil Varen de Sobo, bringing it down to the present Reign. The whole Translated from the Spanish By Cap*. John Stevens. London : Printed for Richard Sare . . . 1699. Folio. A, 4 leaves : a — b in twos : c, 1 leaf : B — 4 C in fours : Su]}'plement, A — M in fours : N — P in twos. Dedicated to the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. MARIGOLD. In the prayse of the mary golde. A bal- lad. Licensed to W. Griflith in 1569-70, Compare Handbook, 1867, p. 208, art, Forrest, MARINER. 382 MARLOWE. MARINER, VINCENT, 0/ Vahncia. Panegyris. Ad Serenissimvm Carolum Stuhardiim Vvallioe Principem, Magnaj Britannise Hseredem. Cvm Licentia. Matriti, . . . m.dc.xxiii. ^. t, 4 leaves: A— H m fours. B. M. MARINI, GIO. BATTISTA. The Slaughter of the Innocents By Herod. Written in Italian By the Famous Poet the Cavalier Marino. In Four Books. Newly Englished. London, Printed by Andrew Clark, for Samuel Mearne . . . 1675. 8'', A— I 3 in eights. There is no pi-eliminary matter, and the transhitor's name does not appear. Major Pearson, in 1788, Charles the Second's copy, in red morocco, with the crowns and interlaced C's. 9s., bought by Bindley. MARK. A Dozain mark. A Sizain marke. A Jew marke. Licensed to Master Ralph Bowes Esquire, as " markes to bynd vp Cardes in," 12 Jan. 1590-1. MARKET. The Experienced Market Man and Woman : Or, Profitable Instructions, to all Masters and Mistresses of Families, Servants and others. To know the Good- ness of all sorts of Provisions, . . . Edin- burgh, Printed and Sold by James Watson, . . . 1699. 8*^, 8 leaves. MARKHAM, GERVASE. A Discovrce of Horsmanshippe. Wherein the breeding and ryding of Horses for seruice, in a breefe manner is more me- thodically sette S'^. Allans Grammar School (a fragment). [Horae ad usum Sarum. Third Edition. W. Caxton, circa 1490.] S'^. Br. Museum (a fragment of 12 leaves). Hora3 B. V. M. [4th edit. W. Caxton, circa 1490.] 8°. Br. Museum (a frag- ment). Hore beatissime virginis Marie ad con- suetudine insignis ecclie Sar. . . . Im- presse Lodoniis per me Winadum de Worde [in the fletestrete] ad signu soils C^morante. 4°. Printed in black and red inks, with woodcuts. Lambeth (im- perfect). This copy has the whole of the text, and ends incompletely in the table on fob 186. Hore beatissime virginis Marie ad legi- timii Sarisburiensis ecclesie ritum : dili- gentissime accuratissimeq; impresse / cum multis orationibus pulcherrimis et indul- gentiis iam vltimo de nouo adiectis. . . . Venduntur London. Apud bibliopolas in cimiterio sancti Pauli 1514. 4*^. With cuts. A, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves : C, 8 leaves : (apparently) a — z in eights, then 12 leaves or a sheet and a half of eight, concluding with the colophon : Hore bea- tissime virginis marie secudum vsum Sarum totaliter ad longum ... in alma Parhisiorum Academia / impensis et sumptibus prestantissimi mercatorisFran- cisci byrckman ciuis Colonieu impresse. Anno domini Millessimo cccccxiiij. Die vero. xij. Julij. 2b MARY, 386 MARY. Puttick & Simpson, Dec. 3, 1878, No. 241, imperfect and wrongly bound up. Hore beate virginis Marie : secundii vsuia Sarum . . . Parisiis opa ac arte Nicolai hygma. Impensis honesti viri Symonis vostre : . . . [1520.] 8*^, a— p in eights, the last sheet of eight occupied by the Rosarium Virginis. With a series of whole-page engravings, and printed within borders. Bodleian (a leaf of Calendar deficient). Quaritch's Catalogue, 1879, No. 12677, sheet p wanting, printed on vellum. Hore beatissime virginis Marie ad legi- timuin Sarisburiesis Ecclesie ritum / . . . Ventidant Parisiis a Fracisco Kegnault. . . . [ ] Folio. A, 8 leaves, with title, calendar, &c. : A (repeated) — U in eights. With a series of large engravings. Hore beate Marie ad vsum ecclesie Saris- buriensis. Anno, M. ccccc. xxx. Venun- datur Parisiis apud Franciscu Regnault. . . . [Col.] Expliciut Hore beate Marie. . . . Impresse Parisiis . . . Anno domini millessimoquingentessimo trigessimo. Die vltima Aprilis. 4°, A — Z in eights, fol- lowed by two sheets of eight leaves marked ~^ cfcc. : Aa, 6 leaves : Bb, 4 leaves. Hore beatissime virginis Marie. . . . Venudat Parisiis a Fracisco Regnault . . . [Col.] Impresse Parrhisiis per Fracis- cum Regnault . . . Anno domini milles- simo quingentessimo tricessimo sexto. Die vero. xxv. Maij. Folio. Title, Ca- lendar, &c., 10 leaves : A — X 4 in eights. With woodcuts. [Horse Beatse Marise. Col.] Expliciunt hore beatissime virginis Marie / secundii vsii Sarum. . . , Impresse per Joanne Leprest / impensis honestissimi viri Ro- berti valentin . . . m.d.lv. 8°, A — S in eights. [Servitium tie Visitatione Beatse MarijB Virginis. W. Caxtou, circoL 1480-3.] 4'', 8 leaves, the last blank. Br. Museum (first leaf wanting). Here after Folowith the boke callyd the IVIyrroure of Cure Lady very necessary For all relygyoiis persones. [This is the whole of the title, over a woodcut occu- pying the rest of the page, and repeated on the verso. At the end of the Second Part occurs the colophon ,:] Here Endeth the Secojide parte of oiire Ladyes IMyr- ro.ure Very necessary for all relygyous persones and other good deiioute people Fynysshed and lmpryi)[ted] in the suburbes of the Famous Cytye of Lodon Withoute temple barre by me Richardc Fawkes. dwellynge in Duresme rentes or else in Powles churcheyerde at the sygne of the. A. B. C. The fourthe day of the moneth of Nouember. [On the verso occurs the printer's large mark within a border ; the following leaf is blank ; and then commences a new head-line within a large page-woodcut :] Here begynneth the thyrde parte of oure Ladyes Myrroure . that ys of youre Masses. [The colophon to this portion is :] Here endeth the boke that ys called oure Ladyes Myrroure. Folio, black letter. A — Y in sixes : A — E in sixes, E repeated : G, 4 leaves, G 4 blank : the third ]jart, a — d in sixes. La7nbeth. The Rosarie of our Ladie. Otherwise called our Ladies Psalter. With other godlie exercises mentioned in the Preface. Antwerpiie. Apud loannem Keerber- gium. Anno m.d.c. 8°, A — F 4 in eights. With engravings. Lambeth (2 copies) and Bodleian. MARY MAGDALEN. Mary Magdalens Lamentations for the losse of her Maister Jesvs. At London, Printed by I. R. for Thomas Clarke, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the AngelL 1604. 4°, A— H in fours, A, blank. In 6-line stanzas. Br. Museum (Caldecott's copy) and Lord Bute (the B. A. P. copy). The only prefix consists of some lines in English Ad Autorem, subscribed W[illiam] F[ennor?J. MARY I., Queen of England. [A Proclamation concerning books.] By the Kynge and the Queue. . . . Geuen at our manor of Saynt Jameses the. vi. day of June. God saue the Kyng and the Quene. Excvsvm Londini in ^dibiis Johannis Cawodi typographi regioB maiestatis. Anno, m.d.lviii. Cumpriui- legio ... A broadside. Soc. of Antiq. MARY II., Queen of Great Britain. Ujania. A Funeral Elegy, on the Death of Our Gracious Queen of ever Blessed Memory. London, Printed for John Graves, . . . 1695. 4*^, 4 leaves. The Mourning Poets : Or, An Account of the Poems on the Death of the Queen. In a Letter to a Friend . . . London, Printed for J. Whitlock, . . . 1695. Folio, 6 leaves. In verse. This forms one tract in a volume devoted to a collection of the elegies written and published on this occasion by Congreve, Dennis, Tutchin, &c. PietasUniversitatis Oxoniensis In Obitum . . . ilegina) Marian. Oxouii, E Theatro MARY. 3S7 MASS. Sheldoniano, An. Dom. mdcxcv. Folio, A — Kk in twos, besides the frontispiece. Three Elegies upon the Much Lamented Loss of our Late most Gracious Queen Mary. The Words of the two First by Mr. Herbert. The latter out of the Ox- ford Verse ; And Set to Musick by Dr. Blow and Mr. Henry Purcell. London, Printed by J. Heptiustall, for Henry Playford, . . . 1695. Folio, B— E, 2 leaves each, and the title. MARY [STUART,] Queen of Scots. Histoire de Marie Royne d'Escosse, Tovchant la conjuration faicte contre le Roy, & I'adultere commis auec le Comte de Bothwel, histoire vrayement tragique, traduicte de Latin en Fran9ois. A Edim- bourg, Par Thomas Vvaltem. 1572. 8°, A — Y in fours. Printed abroad, probably at Liege. ] II Compassiouevole et Memorabil Caso della Morte della Regina di Scotia, Moglie di Francesco II. Re di Francia. Con licenza de Superiori. In Parma, . . . M.D.LXXXVII. 4P, 4 leaves. An excellent dyttye made as a generall reioycinge for the cuttinge of the Scot- tishe queene. Licensed to E. White, 27 Feb. 1586-7. Kurizer vund griindelicher vericht / wie die Edel vund from Konigin ausz Schot- landt / Fraw ^laria Stuarda . . . Gedrucht in Miinchen . . . Anno M.D.LXXXVII. 4°, 4 leaves. MASCALL, LEONARD. • A boke intituled graffijn 'playntynge, Licensed to John Wight in 1568-9, A Booke of the Arte and maner, howe to plant and gratfe all sortes of trees, liowe to set stones, and sowe Repines to make "wylde trees to graffe on, as also remedies and medicines. With diuers other newe practise[s,] by one of the Abbey of Saint Vincent in Fraunce, practised with his owne handes, deuided into seauen Chap- ters . . . With an Addition in the ende of this booke, of certaine Dutch practises, set forth and Englished by Leonard. Mas- call. Imprinted at London by Henri e Denham, for lojin Wight, [1572.] 4°, A — Q 2 in fours. With cuts. Dedicated to Sir John Paulet, Viscount St. John. A Booke of the Arte and maner . . . Imprinted at London, for lohn Wight. 1575. 4^. A— P in fours. With cuts. Dedicated to Sir John Paulet, Lord St. John. A Booke of the Arte . . . Imprinted at London by T. Este, for Thomas Wight- 1590. 4'', A— P in fours, P 4 blank. A Booke of the Arte . . . Imprinted at London. 1596. 4°, A— P in fours, P 4 blank. The first Booke of Cattell. Wherein is shewed, the gouernement of Oxen, Kine, Calues, and howe to vse Bulles and other cattell to the yoake, and fell. With diuers approued remedies, to helpe most diseases among cattell : . . . Gathered and set foorth by Leonard Mascall. Thou Herdsman, keeper of thy beastes, when any beast is sickly : Search herein, and thou shalt find, approued remedies quickly. London Printed by lohn Wolfe, and are to bee sold by lohn Harrison the elder, . . . 1596. 4^ A— V 4 in eights. MASON, ABRAHAM. A Strange and Wonderful (yet True) Re- lation of the Cursed and Hellish Design of Abraham Mason, a Pretended Quaker, to give himself to the Devil, with the manner how he would ha^-e done it ; and how strangely he was prevented. Also an Account of his behaviour afterwards, and of his Stranc^^e Death. London, Printed for R. Lee. \Circd 1683.] A folio leaf. MASON, HENRY. The Cure of Cares or a short Discourse Declaring the Condicion of worldlye Cares with some remedyes appropriated vnto them, by Henry Mason. Licensed to John Clarke, 25 Aug. 1627. MASON, JOHN. An Excellent Tragedy of Mulleasses the Tvrke, and Borgias Governour of Flo- rence. . , . Written by lohn Mason, Maister of Arts. London, Printed by T. P. for Francis Falkner. . . . 1632. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — K 2 in fours. MASON, THOMAS, Preacher of GocVs Word. Christs Victorie over Satans Tyrannic. AVherin is contained A Catalogve of all Christs Faithfvll Sovldiers . . . With all the Poysoned Doctrines where-with that great Redde Dragon hath made drunken the Kings and Inhabitants of the Earth. . . . Together with all his Trayterovs Practises and Designes against all Christian Princes. , . . Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of Martyrs, and divers other Books. Lon- don, Printed by George Eld and Ralph Blower. 1615. Folio. Title, &c., 6 leaves : A — Fff in fours : Ggg — Hhh in sixes. MASS. A new Dialoge Called The Endightment MASS A CHUSETTS, 388 MATTHEW. agaynste mother Messe. Mathew the vi. Entry tre . . . [Col.] Imprynted at Lon- dou By Wyllyam Hyll, And Wyllaym Seres, Dwelling in Paules Church yeard At the signe of the grene Hyll. Anno. M.D.XLViil. The . xvii. day of Septenibre. Cum Gratia. ... 8°, A— € in eights, C 7-8 blank. Lambeth. The Popish Mass Displayed ; Or, The Superstitions and Fopperies of the Ptomish Church Discovered : In which is shew'd the several Antick Jestures, and Profane Prayers, used by the Popish Priest, when he comes to the Celebration at the Altar. AVritten by one that was formerly a Priest of that Church. Wednesday April the 20. 1681. London, Printed for Isaac Cleave at the Star in Chancery Lane. 1671 [sic.]. A eheet in verse. MASSACHUSETTS BAY. [An Order in Council, wdth a warrant, 20^^ and 26*^ of July, 1683, respecting the Colony of Massachusetts Bay.] Lon- don, . , , 1683. Folio, 2 leaves. MASSEY, GENERAL. A Letter from Maj, General Massey to an Honourable Person in London. London : Printed for Thomas Bateman, 1659. 4^, 4 leaves. MASSINGER, PHILIP. The Virgin Martyr . . . London, Printed by B. A. andT. F. for Thomas lones 1631. 4**, B— L in fours, and the title. The Virgin-Martyr. . . . London, Printed by B. A. MDCLL 4°, A — K in fours. MASTERS, SAMUEL, B.D., Preacher at Bridewell. A Discourse of Friendship, Preached at tlie Wiltshire Feast, in St. Mary Le-Bow- Church December the l^t 1684. . . . London, Printed by T. R. for Marm. Foster and Awnsham Churchill . . . mdclxxxv. 40^ A— D in fours : V:, 1 leaf : F, 1 leaf, followed by two blanks. Dedicated to the Stewards at the Feast. Tlie paging and signatures in this copy are irregular. The leaf marked F appears to be merely a cancel for £. MASTERSON, TH0:MAS. Thomas Masterson His First [and Second] Booke of Arithmeticke. Shewing tlie in- genious inuentions, and figuratiue opera- tions, by Avhich to calculate the true solution or answere of Arithmetical! ques- tions : after a mf)re ])erfect, plaine, briefe, well ordered Arithniel.icall way, then any other heretofore published : Aerie neces- sarie for all men. Nothing v.iithont lahour. Alt things with reason. Imprinted at Lon- don by Richard Field, . . . 1592. 4°, ^ A — Aa 2 in fours, the first leaf of A blank. Dedicated to Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. I Thomas Masterson His Third Booke of Arithmeticke. . . . Imprinted at London by Richard Field. 1595. 4P, A— K 2 in fours, K 2 misprinted K 3. Dedicated to Sir John Puckering. MATHER, COTTON. The Life and Death of the Renown'd Mr. John Eliot, . . . The Second Edition carefully corrected. London : Printed for John Dunton, . . . mdcxci. 8^, A — I in eights. The Wonders of the Invisible World : . . . Printed first, at Boston in New England ; and Reprinted at London, for John Dun- ton, . . . 1693. 4^, A— K in fours, be- sides title : L — Q, 2 leaves each, and R, 1 leaf. MATHER, INCREASE. A Brief History of the War with the Indians. . . . London, Printed for Richard Chiswell . . . according to the Original Copy Printed in New-England. 1676. 4°. a, 4 leaves : A — H 2 in fours. The first leaf has the half-title. De Successu Evangelij Apud Indos in Nova-Anglia Epistola. Ad CL virum D. Johannem Lensdenum ... A Cres- centio Mathero . . . Londini, Typis J. G. 1688. 8^, 8 leaves. MATHER, SAMUEL. Irenicum : Or An Essay for Union. Wherein Are Humbly Tender'd some proposals in order to some nearer Union amongst the Godly of diflerent Judgments. By Mr. Samuel Mather, Lately Pastor of a Church of Christ in Dublin. . . . Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Snowden. . . . 1680. 4^, A— C in fours, C 4 blank, and a small slip of Errata. MATHERS, VATUICK, Arch-Beadle to the University of St. Andrews. The Great and New Art of Weighing Vanity : Or A Discovery of the Ignorance and Arrogance of the great and new Artist, in his Pseudo - Philoso])liical Writings. Glasgow, By Robert Sanders . . . 1672. 8^ A— G in eights: H, 1 leaf: a, 4 leaves. MATTHEW, FRANCIS. Of the Opening of Rivers for Navigation the Benefit exemplified, By the Two Avons of Salisbury and Bristol. With a MediJtej'ija^ean Passage by Water for I'.il- landers uf Thij'ty TiiJJ, between Bristol MATHEWS. 389 MAY, and London. Witli the Results. Lon- don, Printed by G. Dawson, 1656. 4°. Title and dedication to the Protector, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : B— C in fours. MATHEWS, SIR TOBY. A Collection of Letters, made by S^ Tobie Mathews K* with a Character of the most Excellent Lady, Lucy, Countesse of Car- leile : By the same Author. To which are added many Letters of his own, to severall Persons of Honour, who were Contemporary with him. London, Printed fur Henry Herringman, . . . 1660. 8°, A — Bb 3 m eights, besides the title and a portrait by Gammon. Edited by the younger Donne, and dedi- cated by him to Lady Carlisle. MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER. Flores Historiarvm per Matthsevm West- monasteriensem Collecti. Prsecipu^ de rebus Britannicis ab Exordio Mvndi Absque ad Annum Domini. 1307. Londini Ex officina Thomas Marshij. Anno Domini. 1573. Folio. Title, &c., 5 leaves : A — 4 Q in sixes, 4 Q 6 blank : Tables, 10 leaves. In the colophon the date is 1570. MATRONS. Hannors for matrons. A ballad. Li- censed to W. Norton in 1561-2. MAUNSELL, ANDREW, Stationer. The First Part of the Catalogue of Englisli printed Bookes : Which concerneth such matters of Diuinitie, as haue bin either •written in our owne Tongue, or translated out of anie other language : And haue bin published, to the glory of God, and edification of the Church of Christ in England. Gathered into Alphabet, and such Method as it is, by Andrew Maun- sell, Bookeseller. Vnumquodqiie p'o-pter quid. London, Printed by lohn Windet for Andrew Maun sell, dwelling in Loth- burie. 1595. Folio. Title, dedication to the Queen, &c., 4 leaves : A — L 2 in sixes. (ii.) The Seconde parte of the Catalogue of English printed Bookes : Eyther written in our owne tongue, or translated out of any other language : which concerneth the Sciences Mathematicall, as Arith- metick, Genmetrie, ... At London, Printed by lames Roberts, for Andrew Maunsell, dwelling in Lothburie. 1595. Folio. Title, dedication to the Earl of Essex, &c., 3 leaves : A — D 2 in fours. No more was ever published. Maunsell's preliminary remarks are interesting. MAXWELL, JAMES. Admirable and Notable Prophesies, vtter- ed in former times bv 24. famous Romain- Catholickes, concerning tlie Church of Ronies defection, Tribulation, and refor- mation. Written first in Latine, & now published in the English tongue, both by lames Maxwell A Researcher of Anti- quities. London, Printed by Ed: Allde for Clement Knight, . . . Anno Dom. 1615. 4°, A— C 2 in fours : C (repeated) — Z in fours, Z 4 with the Errata. Bod- leian and Lamheth. MAXWELL, JOHN, Bi^iop of Ross. An Answer By Letter to a Worthy Gentle- man who desired of a Divine some reasons by which it might appeare how Incon- sistent Presbyteriall Government is with Monarchy. . . . Printed [at Oxford.] Anno 1644. 4^, A— K in fours. "From the account given of this rare Tract by Eobert Baillie in his Vindication of the Church of Scotland it appears that after a very few copies had been given to the Author's friends the entire impression was destroyed by a fire at the printing office, and this, in Baillie's opinion, was a just judgment of God on such a prophane misrepresentation of Presbytery." — Note in, David Laing^s Catalogue. MAY. A mery milde may, Wherin ys vnsiphored how all thynges decay. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569-70. A Ballad, beginninge, As I did lieare sale. In the merrie month of maye. Licensed to W. Wright, 3 June, 1581. MAY, ILWlsWl^ of Amsterdam. XXX. Christian and Politick Reasons wherefore England and the Low-Countries may not have Warre with each other. . . . London : Printed by M. S. and R. I. in the Year 1652. [June 15.] 4^, 4 leaves. B.M. MAY, ROBERT. The Accomplisht Cook, Or The Art and Mystery of Cookery Wherein the whole Art is revealed in a more easie and perfect Method, then hath been publisht in any Language. Expert and ready wayes for the Dressing of all sorts of Flesh, Fowl, and Fish ; the Raising of Pastes ; the best Directions for all manner of Kick- shaws, and the most Poinant Sauces ; with the Tearms of Carving and Sewing. An exact Account of all Dishes for the Season ; with other A la mode Curiosities. To- gether with the lively Illustrations of such necessary Figures as are referred to Practice. Approved by the Fifty Years Experience and Industry of Robert May MAY, 390 MA VO. in his Attendance on several Persons of Honour. London, Printed by R. W. for Natli. Brooke, . . . 1660. &", A— Hh in eights, title on A 2. With a portrait. B. M. Dedicated " To the Right Honourable my Lord Lumley, and my Lord Lovelace ; and to the Right Worshipful Sir William Paston, Sir Kenelme Digby, and Sir Frederick Corn- wallis, so well known to the Nation for their admired Hospitalities," from Sholeby, in Leicestershire, Jan. 24, 1659[-60.] The Acconiplisht Cook. . . . The Fifth Edition, with large Additions throughout the whole work : besides two hundred figures of several Forms for all manner of bakM Meats, . . . Approved by the fifty five Years Experience . . . London, Printed for Obadiah Blagrave . . . 1685. S"", A— li in eights, besides two large folded leaves at R and S. With woodcuts and a por- trait. Br. Museum. In this edition the author dedicates the book from Solely, Sept. 29, 1684, to Lord Montagu, Lord Lumley, and Lord Dormer, and to Sir Kenelm Digby. MAY, THOMAS. The Tragedy of Antigone, The Theban Princesse. Written by T. M. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for Beniamin Fisher, . . . 1631. 8^, A— E 6 in eights, E 6 with the colophon only, and only 7 leaves in A. Br. Museum and Bodleian (Malone). Dedicated "To the most "Worthily Hon- ovred, Endymion Porter Esquire one of his Maiesties Bedchamber." Historise Parliamenti Angliae Breviarium. . . . Authore T. M[av.] Juxta E[xe]m- plar, Londini . . . 1651. 12^, A— K 4 in twelves. A Breviary of the History of the Parlia- ment of England. Expressed in three Parts : 1. The Causes and Beginning of the Civil War of England. 2. A short mention of the Progress of that Civil War. 3. A compendious Relation of the Ori- ginal and Progress of the Second Civil War. Written in Latine by T. M. and for the general good translated out of the Latine into English. London, Printed by Rob. White, for Thomas Brewster and Gregory Moule . . . 1650. 8°, B— P 4 in eights, besides the title and Imprimatur. An Epitomy of English History, Wherein Arbitrary Government is Display'd to the Life. . . . Illustrated with Copper Plates. By Tho. May Esq; . . . The Tliird Edi- tion. Printed for N. Boddington. . . . 1690. 12", A— I in twelves, besides the two frontispieces, and two plates in four compartments at pp. 25 and 200. MAYERES, RANDOLPH. Mayeres His Travels : Containing a true Recapitulation of all the remarkable pas- sages which befell in the Author's Pere- grination and Voyages, as namely in these Imployments following : viz. his 1. Voyage for the wars in Ireland in Queen E. R. 2. At Breda, under one of the four Eng- lish Colonell Regiments. 3. With Count Mansfield. 4. To Cales. 5. To the He of Rhee. Whereunto is added a speech the Author held with great King Hunger in his journey over the Alpes. Collected and written by him who was both an actor, and an eye witnesse in the above named severall imployments, the space of forty yeares, R. M. S. Gent. Published with License and Authority. London, Printed by T. H. for Richard Harper: . . . [1638.] 8^, A — D in eights, first leaf and last page occupied by woodcuts only. In prose and verse. With complementary poems by Tho. Heywood, &c. Grenv. Coll. Dedicated to John Potham, Knight and Baronet. The date is cut off in this copy ; but the Imprimatur is dated May 12, 1638. MAYNARD, JOHN. XII. Wonders of the World . . . 1611. 24 leaves. Dedicated to the Lady Jane Thynne of Cause-Castle, Shropshire, to whom May- nard wishes Nestor's years on earth, and angels' happiness in Heaven. MAYNE, JASPER. The Amorovs Warre. A Tragi-Comoedy. Printed in the Yeare 1648. 4^, A— L in fours, L 4 blank. Two Plaies The City Match. A Co- moedy. And the Amorovs Warre A Tragy-Comoedy. Both long since written, By J. M. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. Oxford Re-Printed by Hen. Hall, for Ric. Davis, 1658. 4^, A— I in fours, a leaf with the Epilogue at Black-Friars, and the title : the Amorous War, with a new title, dated 1650, A — L in fours, last leaf with adver- tisements. MAYO, JOHN. Tlie Popes Parliament, Containing A Pleasant and Delightfvl Historic, Wherin are throughly deliuered and brightly blazed out the paltry trash and trum- peries of him and his i)elting Prelats, their mutinies, discord, and dissentions, their Btomacke and malice of Pope loane, their MAZARIN. 391 MELVILLE. shifting and foisting of matters for de- fence of her, and their Antichristian prac- tices, for maintenance of their pomp and auarice. Whereunto is annexed an Ana- tomie of Pope loane, more apparently opening her whole life and storie. Writ- ten by lohn Mayo. Imprinted at Lon- don by Richard Field. . . . 1594. 4°, A — E 'in fours, E 4 blank. Dedicated to Sir George Trenchard, Captain of Wey- mouth Castle, and Deputy Lieutenant of Dorsetshire. With verses by J. 0. and Robert Ford. MAZARIN, DUCHESS OF. The Memoires of the Dutchess of Maza- rine. Written in French by her Own Hand, And Done into English by P. Porter, Esq ; Together with the Reasons of her Coming into England. Likewise, A Letter containing a True Character of her Person and Conversation. London Printed, and are to be sold by William Cademan, . . . 1676. 8°, A— I 4 in eights, Ai with Imprimatur and I 4 with jEkrata. Memoirs of the Dutchess of ]\razarin. Written in Her Xame By the Abbot of St. Real. With a Letter Containing A True Character of Her Person and Con- versation. To which are added. Some Pieces attributed to Monsieur de St. Evre* mond, and by him approved. Printed in the Year, 1713. 8^, A— N in eights, and a leaf of Contents. MEDAL. The Loyal Medal Vindicated. A Poem. Crescit sub pondere virtus. London : Printed for R. Janeway . . . 1682. Folio, A— E in twos. MEDITATION. A forme of medy[a]tion verymeyte to be dayly vsed of housholders. Licensed to Alexander Lacy in 1563-4. MEDLEY. A newe merrye medley procuringe de- lighte, which nowe verye latelye is comme vnto sighte, to pleasure eche person at everye good season, that hath sucalde delights in ryme with- out reason. A ballad. Licensed to John Wolf, 26 April, 1588. MEDOWS, SIR PHILIP, Kyiight. Observations concerning the Dominion and Sovereignty of the Seas : Being an Abstract of the Marine Affairs of Eng- land. In the Savoy : Printed, and sold by Edward Jones, mdclxxxix. 4°, A — H in fours. MEENE, JOSHUA, Vicar of JFymond- ham in Norfolk. A Liberall Maintenance is manifestly dve to the Ministers of the Gospell, London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for Lawrence Chapman, and William Certain, . . . 1638. 4^ A— K in fours, and a leaf of L. MEDUSA. A mirror meete for wanton and insolent Dames by example of Medusa King Phor- cius daughter. A ballad licensed to R. Jones, 14 Feb. 1577-8. MEG OF WESTMINSTER. The life of longe Megg of Westminster. Licensed to Thomas Gubbins and Thomas Newman, 10 Aug, 1590. A Ballad of longe Meg of Westminster. Licensed to Roger Ward, 27 Aug. 1590. MELPOMENE. Melpomene : Or, The Mvses Delight. Being New Poems And Songs. Written by several of the great Wits of our pre- sent Age, as LD. T.F. S.W. T.S. CO. LB. &c. Collected together, and now Printed. London, Printed for H. Rogers at the Bible in Westminster-Hall, against the Court of Common Pleas, 1678. 8°. A — K in eights. In verse. Malo?ie Coll. MELYILL, ELIZABETH, Ladij Culros. A Godly Dream Compyled.by Elizabeth MelviL . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heirs of Andrew Anderson, in the Year, 1680. 8°, black letter. A— B 3 in eights. A Godly Dream. . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed in the Year, 169 [8]. 8°, A— B 4 in eights, B 4 blank. D. Laing, July, 1880, in No. 1541. The last figure of the date was cut off ; but the date 1698 was given by Dr. Laing. MELVILL, JAMES. A Spiritvall Propine of a Pastour to his People. [Quotations.] Edinbvrgh Printed by Robert Walde-graue Printer to the Kings Majestie. 1589. Cum Privilegio Regio. 4*^, A — Y in fours. The sermon or discourse ends on H 3. On H 4 occurs a new title : A Morning Vision : Or, Poems for the Practise of Pietie, in Devotion, Faith and Repentance . . . which in fact constitutes a series of compositions in verse under various heads. D. Laing, Dec. 1879, No. 2338. MELVILL, SIR J A^LES, of If alhill. The Memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal-Hill ; Containing An Impartial Ac- count of the most Remarkable Affairs of State during the last Age, not mention'd by other Historians more particularly MELVIN. 392 MERCURIUS, relating to the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, Under the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, and King James. In ail which Transactions the Author Avas Personally and Publickly concern'd. Now published from the Ori- ginal Manuscript. By George Scott, Gent. London, Printed by E. H. for Robert Boulter. . . . 1683. Folio, a — bin fours: B — Gg in fours. MELVIN, ANDREW. Carmen Mosis, Ex Devteron. Cap. xxxii. quod ipse moriens Israeli tradidit. . . . Andrea Melvino Scoto Avctore. Basileae M.D.LXXiiii. 8°, 8 leaves. In Latin verse. MENTET DE SALMONET, ROBERT. Histoire des Trovbles de la Grand Bre- tagne [1633-46.] ... A Paris, . . . M.DC.LXi. . . . Folio. With a portrait. At the end, with separate signatures and title, occurs: "Relation Des Veritables Cavses et des Couionctvres Favorables, Qvi ont contribve av Kestablissement dv Eoy de la Grand Bretagne." " Very rare. Lowndes only mentions the English Translation. Monteth's Father was a Salmon Fisher in Stirling Borough Mea- dow, and when he found that without a territorial handle to his name he could not get entrance into the higher circles or ob- tain the situation under Government offered him by Cardinal Richelieu, he adopted Sal- monet as his title. This auecdote W. Anderson in his Scottish Nation has vainly attempted to prove incorrect by stating there was ONCE a place in Stirlingshire called Salmonet, but has neglected to point out its present site." — Note in David Laing's Catalogue. MERCER, W. [Edinburgh's Vertues. . . . Edinburgh, 1632.] 8^. Collation: A — D in eights, D 8 blank. Partly black letter. MERCATOR. Historia Mundi : Or Mercators Atlas. Containing His Cosmographicall Descrip- tion of the Fabricke and Figure of the World. Lately rectified in divers places, as also beautified and enlarged with new Mappes and Tables ; By the studious in- dustry of Ivdocvs Hondy. Englislied by W. S. Generosus & Coll. Regin. Oxonia). . . . London Printed by T. Cotes, for Michael Sparke and Samuel Cartwright. 1635. Folio. Frontispiece and leaf of ex- planatory verses, 2 leaves : A, 6 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — 4 N 4 in sixes. Dedicated by Wye Saltonstall to Sir II. Marten. In a second copy before mo the date on the frontispiece has been altered to 1G37, and a small map of Virginia, with C. R. and the Roy;il Arms of Kngland, engraved l)y Kalph Hull iu 1G3G, has boon added. Though this is called on the engraved title Second Edition, and the imprint varies, it is in all other respects identical with the copies of 1635. MERCHANTS. The booke of merchants. . . . 1547. This is, it seems, a translation from Le Livre des marchds, a satire originally j^ub- lished in 1533, and of which a copy is pre- served in the public library at Zurich. Brunet (last edit. iii. 1124) notices later editions. Referring to the first edition of Neuf- chatel, 1533, Brunet observes that tbe knowledge of Rabelais's Pantagruel pro- bably induced the author to make Sir Fan- tapole, the supposed writer's nom de plume, ' ' i^rochain voysin du seigneur Pantagruel ; " but in the subsequent impressions this was omitted as unj^alatable to the licensing authorities. Billes for the Shippinge of Marchantes goodes. Licensed to Nicholas Ling, 12 Oct. 1682. The wofuU spectacle of the iust Judg- ment of God shewed vppon a merchautes servant for his cruelty toward his owne master beinge in poverty. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 26 June, 1594. To the Honorable House of Commons, now assembled in Parliament. The humble Petition of certain Merchants. [1641 1] A sheet. The Merchants Advocate, A Poem, In an Imitation of Juvenals xiii. Satyr. Lon- don, Printed and Sold by most of the Booksellers. . . . [Circ^ 1700.J Folio, A — F, 2 leaves each. MERCURIUS. Mercvrivs Anti-Melancholicus. Or,Newe3 from Westminster, and all other Parts. From Saturday September 18 to Friday the 24. 1647. Printed where I was, and where I will be. 1647. 4"^, 4 leaves. Mercurius Anti-Pragmaticvs. Communi- cating some remarkable Intelligence. From Tuesday Octob. 12. to Tuesday Octob. 19. 1647. [London, 1647.] 4°, 4 leaves. [Col.] Printed for William Ley, 1647. Mercvrivs Aulicus, A Divrnall, Commu- nicating tlie Intelligence, and afiaires of the Court to tlie rest of the Kingdome. Oxford, Printed by H. Hall, for W.^Vebb. Ann. Dom. m.dc.xlii. 4°, A — 5 K in fours, and the title. Mercurius Clericus. Or, Newes from the Assembly of their iiii. Last yeares in the Holy Convocation at Westminster. To- gether with Jockey's Farewell, Death, and Epitaph, to all the_Presbyteriau Fac- MERCURIUS. 393 MERLYNNIUS. tion. Printed for S. F. in the Yeer. 1647. 4*^, 4 leaves. Mercurius Democritus Or, The Merry Nocturnal Communicating many strange "Wonders out of the World in tlie Moon, The Antipods, Magy-land, Fary-land Green-land, Tenebris and other parts adjacent. Published for the right under- sUinding of all the Mad-merry People of Great-Bedlam. [Col.] London, Printed for J. J. . . . 1661. 4°. Published in numbers, I have seen only six. Each number consisted of four leaves. Mercurius Fumigosus, Or, The Snioaking Nocturnal Communicating many Strange ' Wonders out of the World in the Moon, \ the Antipodes, Tenebris, Magy-lan>i, | Greenland, Farvland, and other adjacent i parts. [Aug. 1, 1660.] 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. Mercurius Heraclitus, Or, The Weeping Philosopher, Sadly bemoaning the Dis- tractions of the Times : Communicating True News from Wet Eyes, Sad Hearts, and Perplexed Minds, concerning the Agrievances of the People. Beginning Monday June 28. 1652. [14 lines of verse.] London : Printed by J. C. and D. W. dwelling at the Three-Foxes in Long-Lane. 1652. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. Mercurius Melancholicus : Or, Newes from Westminster and other Parts. Printed in the Yeere, 1647. 4*^. 16 numbers from August 27 (not marked) to December 19, 1647, each of four leaves. Mercvrivs Pragmaticvs. Communicating Intelligence from all parts, touching all Affaires, Designes, Humours, and Condi- tions, throughout the Kingdome. Espe- cially from Westminster, and the Head- Quarters. [No place, or printer's name, but London, Sept. 14 to Dec. 21, 1647.] 4°, A — in fours, C misprinted B. The Levellers levell'd. Or, The Inde- pendents Conspiracie to rout out Monar- chic, An Interlude : Written by Mercu- rius Pragmaticus. Printed in the Yeere 1647. 4°, A — B in fours. In prose and verse. Mercurius Yendicus : Or, True Informa- tions, of Speciall and Remarkable Pas- sages, from both Houses of Parliament ; And severall Counties of the Kingdome. . . . [CoL] London, Printed by Bernard Alsop, according to Order. [1645.] 4*^. I have before me sign. R, being number 17 for the week ending 11 Aug. 1045. A Wonder. A Mercurv without a Lye in 's Mouth. [July 6, 1648.] 4«, 4 leaves. La Mercvre Anglois, Ov Recveil Succinct des Affaires d'Angleterre. Traduit par lAngo, luterprete des Langues Angloise & Escossoise. louxte la copie imprimee a Londres par R. Leybourne. A Paris louxte la copie imprimee a RoUen, . . . M.DC.XLix. ... 4°, A— C in twos. The Mercury-Gallant : Containing Many True and Pleasant Relations of what haih passed at Paris, From the First of January 1672. Till the Kings Departure thence. Translated from the French. London Printed by T. R. and N. T. for Dorman Newman. . . . 1673. 8^ A, 8 leaves, Ai blank : *, 4 leaves : B — L in eights. Dedicated by J. D[avies of Kidwelly?] to his much honoured friend, George Bower- man Esquire. MERITON, GEORGE. The Touchstone of Wills, Testaments, and Administrations ... By G. ]\Ieriton, Gent. Third Edition. London, Printed for W. Leake, . . . 1674. 12°, A— M 6 in twelves. A York-shire Dialogue, In its pure Na- tural Dialect : As it is now commonly Spoken in the North parts of York-Shire. Being a Miscellaneous discourse, or Hotchpotch of several Country Affaires, begun by a Daughter and her 3Iother, and continued by the Father, Son, Uncle, Neese, and Land-Lord. . . . York, Printed by John White, and are to be sold by Richard Lambert, at the Crown at the Minster-gate. 1683. 4°, A— E, 2 leaves each. In verse. MERITON, THOMAS. Love and War, A Tragedy. Written by Tho. Meriton, Gent. Demosthen. ex Orat. Belluni gloriosum, 'pace turpi opta- hilius est. London, Printed for Charles W^ebb . . . 1658. 4°. A, 2 leaves :B— K in fours. Dedicated by the author to his brother, Mr. George Meriton. MERLIN. Prophetia Anglicana, Merlini Ambrosii Britanni, . , . Vaticinia & prsedictiones : a Galfredo Monnmetensi Latine conversse: una cum Septem Libris Explanationvni . . . Opvs Nvnc Prinwm Pvblici juris factum, . . . Francofvrti, . . . iiDCiii. 8vo. )(, 8 leaves : A — R in eights. MERLYNNIUS REDIVIVUS. Yerses made upon the Several Festivals of November, And Remarkable Days in the Whiggish-Calender, By Way of Re- membrance to all Loyalists, and Caution to all Turks, Infidels, Jews, and other Dissenters. By Merlynnius Redivivus. Printed in the Year 1685. Folio, 2 leaves. MERRETT. 394 MIDDLESEX, MERRETT, CHRISTOPHER. A Short View of the Fravds, and abvses committed by Apothecaries ... By Christopher Merrett . . . The Second Edition more correct. London, Printed for James Allestry, . . . 1670. 4°, A— K in fours, A and K 4 blank. MERVIN, SIR AUDLEY. A Speech made before the Lords in the Vpper Hovse of Parliament in Ireland, by Captaine Avdley Mervin. March the 4*^ 1640. At the Impeachment of Sir Richard Bolton Knight, L. Chancellour ; John L. Bishop of Derry ; Sir Gerrard Lowther Knight, Lo. Chiefe Justice of his Maiesties Court of Common Pleas, and Sir George Ratcliffe Knight, of High Treason. By the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Commons House of Par- liament . . . Printed in the Yeare of our Lord, 1641. 4*^, A— D in foursj last leaf blank. Captaine Andley Marvins Speech : De- livered in the Vpper Hovse to the Lords in Parliament, 24. May, 1641. Concern- ing the Judicature of the High Court of Parliament. Dvblin. Printed Anno Dom. 1641. 4^, 9 leaves. A — B in fours, and a leaf of C. Forster Coll. Captaine Audley Mervin's Speech, De- livered in the Upper House to the Lords in Parliament, May 24, 1641. Concern- ing the Judicature of the High Court of Parliament. London, Printed for R. Roy- ston. Anno 1641. 4*^, A — C 2 in fours. A Speech made by Sir Audley Mervyn his Majesties Prime Serjeant at Law . . . Printed at Dublin, by William Bladen, by special Order, and re-printed at Lon- don 1661. 4*^, A— B in fours. The Speech of Sir Audley Mervyn, Knight ; His Majesties Prime Serjeant at Law, . . . Delivered to his Grace James Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the 13 day of February, 1662. in the Presence-Chamber in the Castle of Dublin. Containing the Sum of Allairs in Ireland ; But more especially the In- terest of Adventurers and Souldiers. Dublin, Printed for William Bladen, 1663. 4°, A— E in fours. MEXIA, PEDRO. The Historic of all the Romane Emperors, Beginning witli Caivs Ivlivs Ca'sar . . . First collected in Spanish by Pedro Mexia, since enlarged in Italian by Lodo- vico Dolce and Girolamo Bardi, and now englished by W. T[raheron.] London Printed for Matthew Lownes. 1604. Folio, A — Ffff in sixes. Dedicated to Colonel Horatio Vere. Traheron appears to have been a spldier in Holland, probably under Vere, and to have left the service through ill-health. The Imperial Historic : Or The Lives of the Emperovrs, from Ivlivs Ctesar, . . . Vnto this present Yeere : Containing their Lines and Actions . . . First writ- ten in Spanish by Pedro Mexia : and since continued by some others, to the death of Maximilian the Second ; Trans- lated into English by W. T. : and now Corrected, amplified and continued to these times by Edward Grimeston Ser- geant at Armes. London, Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes, . . . 1623. Folio, A — Cccc in sixes : Dddd in eights, be- sides the engraved title. Dedicated to Lionel, Earl of Middlesex. The Treasvrie of Avncient and Moderns Times. Containing the Learned Collec- tions, Judicious Readings, and Memorable Obseruations : Not onely Diuine, Morall and Phylosophicall, But also Poeticall, Martiall, Politicall . . . Translated out of that Worthy Spanish Gentleman, Pedro Mexia. And M. Francesco Sansouius . . . As also, of those Honourable Frenchmen, Anthoine de Verdier, . . . London, Printed by W. Jaggard, 1613. Folio. Times Store-Hovse Containing theLearned Collections, Juditious Readings and me- morable Obseruations of sundry worthy Personages . . . London, Printed by William laggard. 1619. Folio. A — Oooo in sixes, but 8 leaves in last sheet, the last blank, besides an engraved title. The translator's initials are A. M. MICHEL, W. Epitaphs. . . . 1634. Collation : A— F in fours, F 4 blank. MIDAS. The mesyrable state of Kynge Medas. Licensed to Robert Hackforth in 1569. MIDDLESEX. The Free Cvstomes, Benefits and Privi- ledges of the Copyhold Tennents of the Mannors of Ste])ny and Hackny. . . . At London printed by William lones, 1617. 4'', A— L in fours, last leaf blank. The Free Customs, Benefits and Privi- 1 edges of the Copy -hold Tenants of the Manors of Stepny and Hackny. . . . London, Printed for Henry Twyford, 1675. 4«, A— H in fours. An Additionall Ordinance of the Lords and Commons ... To a former Ordi- nance of the 19. of February last past, granted to divers persons of the County MIDDLETON. 395 MILES, of Middlesex, Therein named, for putting the said County into a Posture of Defence, by the better regulating of the Trained Bands, And Raising other Forces of Horse and Foot, for the preservation, defence, and safety of the said County. London : Printed for Edw. Husbands, October 29. 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. Epistola Medio-Saxonica, Or, Middlesex first Letter to his Excellency, the Lord General Cromwell : Together with their Petition concerning Tithes and Copy- holds of Inheritance, presented to the Supreme Authority, the Parliament of England. . . . The second Edition ; To which is added a Reply, Styl'd, Tithes totally routed hy Magna Charta. London, Printed by F. L. for William Lamer, . . . 1659. 4°!^ A— C 2 in fours : the Reply , 4 leaves, with a separate title. Strange Xews from Hicks's Hall, Or, An Order of some of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, in the last Quarter-Sessions, for the Bailiffs of Liber- ties to return Juries. . . . London, Printed for R. Harbottle. 1681. Folio, 4 leaves. An Account of the General Nursery, Or Colledg of Infants, Set up by the Jus- tices of Peace for the County of Middle- sex, With the Constitutions and Ends thereof. London : Printed by R. Roberts. 1686. 4to, A— B in fours. MIDDLETOX, RICHARD. The Carde and Compasse of Life. Con- taining many Passages, Fit for these times. And directirig all men in a True, Christian, Godly and Ciuill course, to arriue at the blessed and glorious harbour of Heauen. [Quot.] London, Printed bv W. S. for Walter Burre, ... 1613. 8°, A— Q in eights, Q 8 blank. Dedicated to Prince Charles. MIDDLETOX, THOMAS. A Fair Quarrell . . . Printed at London by A, M. for Thomas Dewe, . . . 1622. 4«. A, 4 leaves : B, 2 leaves : C— K in fours. Woodcut on title. The Spanish Gipsie. As it was Acted (with great Applause) at the Privat House in Drury-Lane, and Salisbury Court. Written by Thomas Midleton, and William Rowley. Gent. Never Printed before. London, Printed by I. G, for Richard Marriot . . . 1653. 4"^. A, 2 leaves : B — K 2 in fours. The Spanish Gipsie. . . . The Second Impression. London, Printed by T. C. and L. P. for Robert Crofts . . . 1661. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— K 2 in fours. The Changeling : As it was Acted (with great Applause) at the Privat house in Drury Lane, and Salisbury Court. Writ- ten by Thomas Midleton, and William Rowley. Gent. Never Printed before. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1653. 4°, B-I in fours, last leaf blank, and the titlepage. The Mayor of Quinborough : A Comedy. As it hath been often Acted with much Applause in Black Fryars, By His Majes- ties Servants. Written by Tho. Middle- ton. London, Printed for Henrv Herring- man. . . . 1661. ^'\ A— K 2"'in fours. There is a curious, though short, preface, apparently by the pubhsher. MIDDLETON, SIR THOMAS. A Declaration Published by Sir Thomas Middleton Knight, Seijeant-Major-Geue- rall, and Yice-Admirall for the sixe Counties of North- Wales. Setting forth the Illegality and Incongruity of a per- nicious Oath and Protestation, imposed upon many peaceable Subjects within the said Counties. . . . And likewise. Setting forth the use and intentions of the Forces raised for the Service of the King and Parliament, under the Command of the said Sir Thomas Middleton. . . . Lon- don, Printed for lo. Thomas, 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. With a rough woodcut on the back of the title, purporting to represent Middleton on horseback. MIDDLETON, WILLIAM, B.D., Minis- ttr of Hardwicke in Camhridgeshire. Papisto-Mastix, Or The Protestant Reli- gion Defended. Shewing briefely when the great compound heresie of Poperie first sprange ; how it grew peece by peece . . . and when it shall be cut downe and withered ... At London, Printed by T. P. for Arthur lohnson, . . . 1606. 4'', A — Dd 2 in fours, and %4 leaves. The last page has two copies of Latin verses by the author. MIDWIYES. The Mid- Wives just Petition : Or, A complaint of divers good Gentlewomen of that faculty. Shewing to the whole Christian World their just causes of their sufterings in these distracted Times, for their want of Trading. Which said com- plaint was tendered to the House on Mon- day last, being the 23. of Ian. 1643. With some other notes worthy of observation. Printed at London, 1643. 4*^, 4 leaves. MILES GLORIOSUS. The Heroicall Acts of Miles Gloriosus, or the Thrasonicall Spanish Bragadochio, Translated into English by James Wadess- MILITARY. 396 MILTON. Avortli. Licensed to Robert Bostock, 12 April, 1630. MILITARY DISCIPLINE. An Abridgment of the English Military Discipline. Printed by Especial Com- mand, For the Use of His Majesties Forces. London, . . . 1686. 8"^, A— R in eights. MILITIA. Divers Questions npon His Majesties last Answer, concerning the Militia, Resolved upon by both Houses of Parliament. March 1. London, Printed for loseph Hunscott. 1641. A sheet. Militia Old and New. One thousand six hundred forty-two. Read All or None, And then Censure. London, Printed 18 of August. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. His Majesties Message to Both Houses of Parliament, April 28. 1642. Concerning his Refusall to passe the Bill for the Militia. London : Printed by Robert Barker, . . . And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1642. 4"^, 4 leaves. A Declaration of Both Houses of Parlia- ment, in Answer to His Majesties last Message, Concerning the Militia. Pub- lished by Command. May 5. Printed for Joseph Hunscott. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. An Ordinance from His Majesty, And both Houses of Parliament : For the ordering of the Militia of the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales. Also for setting the same in a posture of AVar. Feb. 10. London, Printed for John Wright, 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. Argvments, Proving that we ought not to part with the Militia, to the King, nor indeed to any other, but the Honourable House of Commons. London, June [13.] 1646. A sheet. B. M. New Presbyterian Light springing out of Independent Darkness. Or VI. important new Qveries proposed to the Army, And their Friends and Party of the Houses ; concerning the late Ordinance for Repeal of the New Militia of London, setled by an Ordinance of both Houses, . . . Dis- covering the dangerous consequences of repealing Ordinances and Votes . . . London, Printed in the Year, 1647. 4*^, B — C 2 in fours, besides title and a leaf with a woodcut. A Discourse of Government with relation to Militia's. Edinburgh ; Printed in the Year mdcxcviii. 8'', A— D 2 in eights. MILKMAID. A Defence of mylke maydes agaynste the terme of Mawken. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. MILLER. A ballett of a mylner. Licensed to John Waley and the Widow Toy in 1557-8. A myller I am. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering, 4 Sept. 1564. MILLES, THOMAS. The Mysterie of Iniqvitie. Plainely layd open by a Lay-Christian, no protect Diuine, out of Trvth in Humanity, and Rules of Naturall Reason. Whereby the World may See, Read and Vnder- stand. The Proud and Vaine Comparison of a Cardinalls Red-Hat, and a Kings Golden Crowne. Alwayes prouided, in Reading, Read all, or Read nothing at all. Noplace or printer's name. 1611. Folio. A — 0, 2 leaves each, reckoning a blank before the title : P, 4 leaves. With mar- ginal notes pasted on (in this copy). The name of Thomas Milles occurs at the end. MILTON, JOHN. The Ivdgement of Martin Bucer, Con- cerning JJivorce, Written to Edward the sixt, in his second Book of the Kingdom of Christ. And now Englisht. Wherin a late Book restoring the Doctrine, and DisciiMne of Divorce, is here confirm'd and justify 'd by the authoritie of Martin Bucer. To the Parlament of England. . . . Pub- lisht by Authoritie. London, Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1644. 4°, A— E in fours : A Post-Script, 1 leaf. The Preface or Address To the Parlia- ment is signed by Milton. Joannis Miltonl Angli Pro Se Defensio contra Alexandrum Morum Ecclesiasten, Libelli famosi, cui titulus, Regis sangui- nis clamor ad coelum . . . authorem rect^ dictum. Londini, Typis Neucomianis. 1655. [August 8.] 8^, A— 6 in eights. The History of Britain, That part espe- cially now call'd England. From the first Traditional Beginning, continu'd to the Norman Conqvest. Collected out of the antientest and best Authours thereof by John Milton, London, Printed by J. M. for James AUestry . . . mdclxx. 4", B — Aaa 2 in fours, besides the title and portrait by Faithorue, an. set. 52, 1670. Poems, &c. Upon Several Occasions. By Mr. John Milton. Both English and Latin, &c. Composed at Several Times. AVith a Small Tractate of Education to ]\Ir. Hartlib. London, Printed for Tho. Dring 1673. 8^. Title, &c., 4 leaves : A — S in eights. Literoo Pseudo-Seuatils Anglicani, Crom- ^ MIXADOJ. 397 MIRROR. ■\vellii, Reliquoriimque Perduellium no- mine ac jussLi conscriptae A Joanne Mil- tono. Impressse Anno 1676. 12°. * 2 leaves : A — K 8 in twelves. Mr John Miltons Character of the Long Parliament and Assembly of Divines in MDCXLi. Omitted in his other "Works, and never before Printed, And very sea- sonable for these times. London, Printed for Henry Brome, . . . 1681. 4'', 8 leaves. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Authour John Miltun. The Fourth Edition, Adorn'd with Sculptures. Lon- don, Printed by Miles Flesher, for Richard Bentley, . . . and Jacob Tonson . . . MDCLXXXYiii. Folio. Title and The Verse, 2 leaves : B, 2 leaves : C — Xx in fours : Yy — Aa, 2 leaves each. With a portrait by White and plates. The first folio and first illustrated edition. At the end occurs a list of the subscribers. The book was published by the encourage- ment of Lord Somers and Bishop Atter- bury. Paraphrasis Poetica in tria Johannis Mil- toni, Viri Clarissimi, Poemata, viz. Para- disum Amissum . . . Autore Gvlielmo Hogaeo. Londini, . . . mdcxc. 8°. A, 7 leaves : a, 7 leaves ; b, 2 leaves : sepa- rate title : B— Kk in eights, Kk 8 blank. MINADOI, JOHN THOMAS. The History of the Warres betweene the Tvrkes and the Persians. Written in Italian by John Thomas Minadoi, and translated into English by Abraham Hartvell. . . . Imprinted at London by lohn Wolfe 1595. 4°, A— lii in fours, but 5 leaves in S. Roman letter. Br. Museum. MINE ADVENTURE. A Familiar Discourse Or Dialogue con- cerning the Mine-Adventure. . . . The Second Edition. London : Printed for F. Collins. . . . 1701. [Price sticht 6d.] 8'^. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves : large folded leaf : B — M in eights. A List of all the Adventurers in the Mine Adventure. May the First, 1700. London : Printed by F. Collins, in the Old-Bailey. 1700. Folio, 2 leaves. MINSHEU, JOHN. Ductor in Linguas, The Gvide into Tongves, Cum illarum harmonia . . . The Guide into the tongues. With their agreement and consent one with another, as also their Etymologies, that is, the Reasons and Deriuations of all or the most part of wordes, in these eleuen lan- guages, viz. 1. English. 2. British or Welsh. 3. Low Dutch. 4. High Dutch. 5. French. 6. Italian. 7. Spanish. 8. Portuguez. 9. Latine. 10. Greeke. 11. Hebrew, &c. ... By the Industrie, Studie, Labour, and at the charges of lohn Minsheu Published and Printed Anno 1617. Cum Gratia ... & vendi- biles extant Londini, apud loanneni Browne . . . And are to be sold at lohn Brownes Shop a Booke-seller in little Brittaine in London. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : A, 6 leaves : A (re- peated)— Zz 4 in sixes : A (with the Anglo-Latin-Spanish vocabulary) —Q 2 in sixes. Minshsei Emendatio, vel a mendis Ex- purgatio ._. . The Guide into the Tongues. With their agreement and consent . . . The second Edition. London, Printed by lohn Haviland, and are to be sold at his House in the little Old-Baily in Eliots Court. M.DC. XXVII. Folio, A— li 4 in sixes, besides the title and dedication (in this reprint) to John Bishop of Lincoln. This edition omits the Welsh and Portu- guese languages, and has only nine tongues. MIRROR. [The Mirror of the World. Second Edi- tion. Colophon :] Caxton me fieri fecit. [Circa 1490.] Folio, 88 leaves, the first blank. Without title, folios, and catch- words. Publ. Lib. Cambridge, Fejnjsian, Baptist College Bristol, Duke of Dtvon- shire, Althorp, &c. The mirroure of golde for the SynfuU soule. [The rest of the page has wood- cuts only, the portcullis crowned, &c. The colophon is : ] Here endeth the Myrroure of Golde. Imprynted at Lon- don in the Fletestrete / at'^the sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn de Worde. The yere of our lorde."^ M."^D. xxvi. The. xxx. daye of Maye. 4*^, black letter. A— I 5 in sixes (I 6 having perhaps had the mark). Larabeth. The myrrour of pollice, a Worke no lesse profitable then necessary e for all mon- arckes Kynges prences lordes maigestrates and other Rulers of the common Welth. Licensed to H. Denham in 1565-6. The myrror of tru fryndshyppe. A l)al- lad. Licensed to J. Charlwood in 1569- 70. A myrror for all men from moste to the Leaste By this mery morisdaunce at the Birdes [bride's] feaste. Licensed to R. Jones, 20 Nov. 1577. MISCELLANIES. 398 MOD ERA TOR. A myrror most true to beholde Howe frendship in Kynred ys waxen full colde. A ballad licensed to R. Jones, 25 Jan. 1577-8. A myrrour of Gods mercye, Declaringe his fatherly care ouer our sin- full cuntry. A ballad. Licensed to W. Barthlet, 11 April, 1580. A myrrour to all that love to followe the warres / Wherevnto is added the Beseig- inge of Berghen vppon Zomme. Licensed to J. Wolf, 20 Jan. 1588-9. MISCELLANIES. Miscellanies Historical and Philological : Being a Curious Collection of Private Papers Found in the Study of a Noble- man Lately Deceas'd [Charles, Marquis of Halifax.] London : Printed for J. T. . . . 1703. 8°. A, 5 leaves, including half-title : B— P 2 in eights. MISCELLANY. Miscellany, Being a Collection of Poems by Several Hands. Together with Re- flections on Morality, or Seneca un- masqued. London]: Printed for J. Hind- marsh, . . . 1685. 8^. A, 4 leaves : a, 3 leaves : B — Dd 2 in eights. Dedicated to Sir William Clifton by Mrs. Behn. Seneca Unmasqned is in prose, in the form of a series of maxims. MISOPHONUS. De Caede et Interitv Gallorvm Regis, Henrici Tertii, Valesiorum Vltimi, Epi- grammata. Oxonise. Ex officina losephi Barnesii, . . . 1589. 4**, 4 leaves. Lam- beth. MISSALE. Missale advsu insignis ecclesie Saru : . . . [Gul.] Impressu Rothomagi per Magistru Martinu Morin, . . . Anno dfii. Mil. ccccc.vi. die vero. xij. mesis maij. 4°. Missale ad vsum insignis ac preclare ecclesie Sar . . . cosummatu in alma Parisiorum academia. Anno domini . . . M.ccccc.xix. [Col.] Impressum Parisiis per Nicolaum higman . . . sump- tibus . . . Fracisci regnault . . . et Fran- cisci Byrckman . . . Anno dui Millessimo quingentessinio decimononoDie vo. xxix. Octobris. Folio. »^ 8 leaves : a— x 7 in eights : A (with a new title, Froprimn festivitatum sanctorum ojficium) — K in eights : the Ollice of the Saints not having special days, with a new title, A— II in eights. Missale ad usum insignis ecclesie Sarum : in quo quidem et illi / quos dicta ecclesia obseruat ritus / consuetudiuesq; / debito compilantur ordine. . . . 1527. Venun- dantur apud Franciscum byrckman. Folio. *i*, 8 leaves : a — x in eights : [Ordinarium misse] A — C in sixes : [In vigilia scti andree apo,] A — I in eights : [In vigi. vni9 apo. sine euage.] A — G in eights, and H, 4 leaves. With woodcuts and music. Missale ad vsum ecclesie Sarisburiensis. M.D.xsxiiij. [Paris, F. Regnault.] Folio. r5^, 8 leaves : a — x in eights : [Ordinarium misse,] A — C in sixes : [In vigilia scti Andree apli.] A — I in eights : In vigi. vui-f apo. siue euage.] A — G in eights : H,, 4 leaves. With woodcuts and music. Missale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Saris- buriensis nunc recens typis elegantioribus exaratum . . . Parisijs Apud Guillel- mum Merlin . . . 1555. Folio, r^n, 8 leaves : A — U 6 in eights (t 4 — 5 printed on vellum in this copy) ; the Offices of Saints' Hays, A — I in eights : the Of&ces of the Apostles or Evangelists, A — K 6 in eights. With woodcuts. MITCHELL, JAMES. Mr. James Mitchell's Tragedie. [January M.DC.LXXVIII.] A broadside description in verse printed from a contemporary MS. by Laing. MITCHELL, JOHN, 3LA. The Way to True Honour and Happiness. A Friendly Address to all Parents, Ma^^- ters of Families, and Landlords, ... To which is added, A Memorandum for Mothers. Loudon, . . . 1697. S'^, A— F in fours. MOCKET, RICHARD, B.B. Doctrinia, Et Politia Ecclesiae Angli- can aj, A Beatissima^ Memoria3 Principibvs Edovardo Sexto, Regina Elizabetha Sta- bilitoD, et a Religiosissimo, & Potentissimo Monarcha lacobo, . . . continuata?. Qvi- bvsEivsdeni Ecclesia) Apologia pra)figitur . . . Londini, Apud loannem Billivm. 1616. 4^, A— Z in eights, A 1 and 8 and Z 8 blank. Br. Museum. Reprinted in 1617 and (with additions) in 1688. This first edition is said to have been suppressed. MODERATOR. The Moderator expecting Svdden Peace, or Certaine Ruine. Directed by Reason, arising out of the Consideration of what hath already happened, Our present Con- dition, and the most likely Consequences of These. London, Printed Anno Do- mini, 1642. 4°, A— D 3 in lours. This tract contains a phrase reproduced MOFFAT. 399 MONEY. by Lord Beacousfield in 1878 — " If the one side cries out for, Peace with Honour and the other, Peace with Truth ; and scorn to entertain Peace unless they may have so much of both as they demand ; surely this unhappy Nation betwixt these their great Champions is likely to lose its Peace, Truth, and Honour." MOFFAT, THOMAS, M.D. Healths Improvement : Or Rules Com- prizing the Discovering the Nature, Method and Manner of Preparing all sorts of Food Used in this Nation. "Written by that ever Famous Thomas Muffett, Doctor in Physick. Corrected and Enlarged by Christopher Bennet, Doctor in Physick . . . London, Printed by Tho. Xewcomb for Samuel Thomson . '. . 1655. 4^, A— Pp in fours. MOHUX, CHARLES, LORD. The Tryal of Charles Lord Mohun, Before the House of Peers in Parliament, For the Murder of William Mountford ; W^hicb began the 31 of January 1692. And Con-- tinued by several Adjournments till the Fourth of February following ; The Most Honourable the Lord Marquis of Carmar- then, Lord President of Their Majesties Council, Being Lord High Steward -pro hac vice. Together with the Questions in Points of Law, Put by their Lordships to the Judges ; with the Arguments of my Lord Mohim's Counsel, And the Opinions of the Judges upon the said Questions. Publishd by Command of the House of Peers. Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy; . . . iiDCiCiii. Folio, A — P, 2 leaves each. MOLIERE, J. B. DE POQUELIX, cUt The Metamorphosis : Or, The Old Lover Out-witted. A Farce As it is now Acted at the New Theatre in Lincolns-Inn- Fields. Written Originally by the Famous Moliere. London : Printed for Bernard Lintott . . . 1704. 4°, A— H in fours. Dedicated by John Cory to Clayton Mil- bourn, Esq. MOLLIER, M. A. The Happy Virgin. A Faithfull Narra- tive of one Maria Anna Mollier, . . . Aged 13 Years, who being Lame from her Cradle, was Restor'd to her Limbs again after a most strange and miraculous Man- ner. . . . Printed for T. Pvke in Fleet- street. [1694.] 8"^, 4 leave's. MOLYNEUX, WILLIAM, F.R.S. Sciothericum Telescopicum ; Or, A New Contrivance of Adapting a Telescope to a Horizontal Dial. . . . Dvblin, Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham, . . . 1686. 4''. Title, &c., 5 leaves : B— N 2 in fours, besides the separate title to the Tables and a folded leaf between H and I MOLYNEUX, W^ILLIAM. Ireland's Case Briefly Stated : Or, A Sum- mary Account of the most Remarkable Transactions in that Kin,L:dom since the Reformation. The First Part. By a True Lover of his King and Country. . . . Printed in the year 1695. 8^. a, 4 leaves: e, 2 leaves : A — Y in fours and twos alternately. The second part commences on sign. L. Printed abroad. MONARDUS, N. loyfvU Newes ovt of the newe founde worlde, wherein is declared the rare and singuler vertues of diuerse and sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Plantes, and Stones, with their aplications aswell for Phisicke as Chirurgerie, the saied beyng well applied bryngeth stiche present remedie for all diseases, as male seme altogether in- credible : notwithstandyng by practize founde out, to bee true : Also the por- trature of the saied Hearbes, very aptly discribed : Englished by Jhon Framptou Marchaunt. Imprinted at London in Poules Churche-yarde, by Willyam Nor- ton. Anno Domini. 1577. 4°. Black letter. Title and dedication to Maister Edwarde Dier Esquire, dated from Lon- don, October 1, 1577, 3 leaves : A — Yy in fours. With cuts. The Continuation commences with a new title dated 1580, and a second epistle to Dyer, dated 15 June, 1580, on sign. Ee 3. loyfvll Newes out of the newfound world. . . . Newly corrected as by conference with the old copies may appeare. Where- vnto are added three other bookes treating of the Bezuar stone, the herbe Escuer- conera, the properties of yron and Steele, in Medicine and the treatise of snowe. Imprinted at London, in Paules Church- yard, at the signe of the Queues Armes, by William Norton. 1580. 4°, black letter. * 4 leaves, title on * 2, and A — Zz 2 in fours. Dedicated by Frampton to Master Edward Dier Esquire. loyfvll Newes Out of the New-found Worlde. . . . London, Printed by E. Allde, by the assiirne of Bonham Norton. 1596. 4P, black letter. Title and dedi- cation, 3 leaves : A — Yy in fours, first leaf probably blank. MONEY. The act and Proclamatioun anent the vni- uersale course of the new markit money, lames Regent. At Halyruidhous the last day of May. m.d.lxxV. Imprentit at MONIERS. 400 MONK. Edinburgh be me lohne Ros. Cvm Privi- legio Regali. A sheet in black letter. D. Laing, 1879, No. 2738. A booke called the death and buriall of Mistris Money by . Licensed to Francis Grove, and the author's name omitted, 22 February, 1630-1. A Letter of Advice to a Friend About tlie Currency of Clipt Money. . . . London, Printed for A. and J. Churchill . . . 1696. 8°, A— D in fours. A Review of the Universal Remedy for all Diseases Incident to Coin. "With Application to our present Circumstances. In a Letter to Mr. Locke. London, Printed for A. and J. Churchill . . . 1696. 8^, A — D in eights. MONIERS. The Answer of the Corporation of Moniers in the Mint, at the Tower of London, to two false and scandalous Libells printed at London, and lately come forthe with- out date. The First Intituled, The humble Representation of Peter Blondeau. . . . The Second Intituled, A most humble memorandum from Peter Blondeau. . . . Printed for the Corporation of Moniers. 1653. Folio, A — L, 2 leaves each. MONIPENNIE, JOHN. The abridgement or Summarie of the Scots Chronicles, with a short description of their originall, from the comming of Gathelvs tlieir first Progenitor out of Groecia into Egypt. And tlieir comming into Portingall and Spaine, and of their Kings and Gouernours in Spaine, Ireland, and Albion, now called Scotland. ... By lohn Monipennie. Printed at Brittaines Bursse by lohn Budge. 1612. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— 2 in fours. Dedicated to the King. MONK, GEORGE, Duke of Albemarle. The Pedigree and Descent of His Excel- lency, General George Monck. Setting forth how He is descended from King Edward the Third, by a Branch and Slip of the White Rose, The House of York. And likewise, His Extraction from Rich- ard King of the Romans. . . . London, Printed for W. Godbid, . . . 1659. 4^ 8 leaves. The Speech and Declaration of His Excel- lency the Lord Generall Monck Delivered at White-hall upon Tuesday the 21. of February 1659. To the IMembers of Par- liament at tlieir meeting there, before the Readmission of the formerly - secluded jy^embers into the Parliament House. . . . London, Printed by S. Grifiin for John Playford . . . 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. A Letter of General George Moncks, Dated at Leicester 23 Ian. and directed unto Mr. Rolle to be communicated unto the rest of the Gentry of Devon : occa- sioned by a late Letter from the Gentry of Devon dated at Exceter 14 Jan. and sent by Mr. Bampfield to the Speaker to be communicated unto the Parliament. London, Printed by lohn Redmayne in Lovels Court in Pater noster row. 1660. 4*^, 4 leaves. The Lord General Monck His Speech Delivered by Him in the Parliament on Munday, Feb. 6. 1659. London : Printed by John Macock. 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. A Collection of several Letters and Decla- rations sent by General Monck unto the Lord Lambert, the Lord Fleetwood, and the rest of the General Council of Officers of the Army, as also to that part of the Parliament called the Rump. . . . Lon- don, Printed in the Year 1660. 4**, A— F 2 in fours. This copy has on the title an old auto- graph, " George Monck G* cosin to y Gene- ral," and ou the half-title, in the same handwriting, "Evil (I mean deceit) may be done and good may come of it." A Letter from the Lord Gen. Monck, to Major General Overton : Together with Major Gen. Overtons Answer thereunto. London, Printed by James Cottrel. 1660. 4^, 4 leaves. A Letter from His Excellencie the Lord General Monck, and the Officers under his Command, to the Parliament ; In the Name of themselves, and the Souldiefs under them. London : Printed by John Macock. 1660. 4«, A— B in fours. To His Excellency The Lord General Monck, Capt. General of all the Armies and Forces in England, . . . and one of the Generals at Sea,Tlie humble Address of the Officers of your Excellencies Army, in the name of Themselves and their Brethren, as it was presented to his Excellency the 2d day of May, 1660. By us whose names are Subscribed. London, Printed bv William Godbid for John Playford. [1660.] A folio leaf. On the Death of His Grace the Duke of Albemarle. London, Printed in the Year M.DC.LXX. A folio leaf of verses. Observations upon Military & Political Affairs. Written by the Most Honour- able George Duke of Albemarle, &c. Pub- lished by Authority. London, Printed MONMOUTH. 401 MONTANUS. by A. C. for Henry Mortlocke, . . . and James Collins, . . . 1671. Folio, A— Y 2 in fours. Dedicated by John Heath to Charles II. MONMOUTH, JAMES SCOTT, Duke of. A Congratulatory Poem on the Sale Arrival of His Grace James Duke of Monmouth at Utretch, on Saturday Sept. 27. ]679. London, Printed by Nat. Thompson at the Cross Keys in Fetter- lane. MDCLXXix. A folio leaf. Jemmy Returned : Or, The Nations Joy. A Pleasant New Ballad. To the Tune of, Let Traytors Plot on. Printed for . J. Conyers : and are to be sold at the Black Raven in Duck Lane. A folio leaf of verses. Young Jemmy. An Excellent New Ballad. To an Excellent New Tune. London : Printed for Alexander Banks, 1681. A folio sheet. Monmovth and Bvclevgh's Welcom from the North : Or the Loyal Protestants Joy for his Happy Return. To the Tune of Yoi'k and Albany's Welcome to England. [Circa 1684.] A sheet in verse. An Account of what passed at the Exe- cution of the late Duke of Monmouth, on Wednesday, the 2b^^ of July, 1685. On Tower-hill. Together with a Paper Signed by Himself that morning in the Tower. . . . And also, The Copy of His Letter to His Majesty, after he was taken. Dated at Ringwood in Hantshire, the 8*^ of July. [Col.] London, Printed for Robert Home, . . . 1685. Fulio, 2 leaves. MONRO, ROBERT. Monro His Expedition with the Worthy Scots Regiment (Called Mac-Keyes Regi- ment) levied in August 1626 by S^ Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, Colonell for his ^Majesties service of Denmark, and reduced after the Battaile of Nerling, to one Com- pany in September 1634. at Wormes in the Paltz. Discharged in severall Duties and Observations of service ; first under the magnanimous King of Denmark, during his warres against the Emperuur ; afterward, under the Invincible King of Sweden, during his Majesties life time ; and since, under the Directour-Generall, the Rex-chancellor Oxensteme and his Generalls. Collected and gathered to- gether at spare-houres, by Colonell Robert Monro, at first Lievetenant under the said Regiment, to the Noble and worthy Captaine, Thomas Mac-Kenyre, of Kil- don, Esq. after to the noble Lord, the Lord Earle of Seafort : ... To which is annexed the Abridgement of Exercise, . . . London, Printed by William Jones in Red-Crosse streete. 1637. Folio. Title, &c., 4 leaves : A — 3 H 1 in fours. Dedi- cated to the Prince Elector. D. Laing, 1879, No. 2368, large paper, King Charles the First's copy in old black gilt morocco. MONSTER. A strange monster which came oute of the sea, and was slayne in the Judea. Licensed to Edmund Halley in 1565-6. A thinge beinge A Monster which he vndertaketh to print of his own perill. Licensed to R. Jones, 4 Nov. 1583. The Trve Portritvre of a Prodigiovs Mon- ster Taken in the Mountaines of Zardana. [With a description and large copperplate engraving.] Sould by Willm Faithorne at the Shipp within Temple Bare. MONTAIGNE, MICHEL EYQUEM, Seigneur de. Essayes Written in French By Michael Lord of Montaigne. . . . London : Printed by Melch. Bradwood for Edward Blovnt and William Barret. 1613. Folio. A, 5 leaves : B — lii in sixes : Kkk, 4 leaves, the last blank. With a portrait of Florio by W. Hole. The print is from the same plate as that attached to Florio '3 Dictionary', IGll. See a note in Mr. Huth's Catalogue upon the differences between the folios of 1603 and 1613. In this edition the translator prefixes a notice to the Eeader, in which he mentions his ignorance, and almost implies his indif- ference, whether the printer has attended to the list of Errata, with which he had suppUed'him, apologising for his inattention by saying that he had an engagement at Court, which absorbed all his time. The verses ascribed to Shakespeare are here printed for the first time. Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne. ... To which is added a Short Character of the Author and Translator, by way of Letter ; Written by a Person of Honour. . . . London, Printed for T. Bassett . . . 1693. 8°. 3 vols. Portrait. Vol. 1, A— Nn in eights, Nn 7-8 with advertisements : vol. 2, A (3 leaves only) — Aaa 4 in eights : vol. 3, A, 2 leaves : B — Nn in eights. MONTANUS, ARNOLDUS. Atlas Japannensis : Being Remarkable Addresses by way of Embassy from the East-India Company of the United Pro- vinces, To the Emperor of Japan. Con- taining a Description of their Several Territories, Cities, Temples, and Fort- resses ; Their Religions, Laws, and Cus- toms ; Their Prodigious Wealth, and 2g MONTANUS. 402 MOORE. Gorgeous Habits ; . . . Englisli'J, and Adorn'd with above a hundred several Sculptures, by John Ogilby Esq ; . . . London, Printed by Tho. Johnson lor the Author, and are to be had at his House in White Fryers. m,dc,lxx. Folio, B — Qq in fours, besides frontispiece, title, and dedication. With engravings chiefly with the text. There are folded plates at pp. 94 (map), 100, 138, 266, 274, 382, 384, 388, 404, 472. MONTANUS, JOHANNES FABlil- CIUS. An Oration of Ihon Fabritius Montanus. Whereby he teacheth that Christian men cannot resorte to the Councel of Trent, without committing an havnous offence. Englyshed by L. A. Anno.'l.5.62, [Col.] Imprynted at London in Powles Church- yard by Humfrie Toye, dwellynge at the sygne of tlie Helmet. Cum priuilegio ... 8°, black letter, A — D in eights. With the title in John Cawood's compart- ment. MONTANUS, JOANNES FERRA- RI US. A Woorke . . . touchynge the good orderynge of a common weale : wherein aswell magistrates, as priuate persones, bee put in remembraunce of their dueties, not as the Philosophers in their vaine traditions haue deuised, but according to the godlie institutions and sounde doc- trine of christianitie. Englished by Wil- liam Bauande. 1559. Imprinted at London by Jhon Kingston, for Jhon Wight, dwellyng in Poules Churchyarde. 4*^, black letter. (|2, 4 leaves: A — Ggg in fours : Table, 2 leaves : Errata^ 1 leaf. Dedicated to Q. Elizabeth. The translator appears to have been of the Middle Temple. MONTANUS, REGINALDUS GON- SALVIUS. A Discovery and playne Declaration of sundry subtill practises of the Holy In- qvisition of Spayne. Certaine speciall examples set aparte by them selues, be- sides others that are here and there dis- persed in their most conuenient places, wherein a man may see the forsaid prac- tises of the Inquisition, as they be prac- tised and exercised very liuely described. Set forth in Lutine, by Reginaldus Gon- saluius Montanus, and now newly Trans- lated. [Quot. from Psaliu 74.] Im- printed at London, by Ihon Day . . . And are to be solde at his shop vnder the gate. 1568. 4^, black letter. A— Dd in fours, Dd 4 blank, and sign. B re- peated twice = 12 leaves. A Discoveiy . . . lately Translated . . . Imprinted at London bv lohn Day, . . . 1569. 4^. A, 4 leaves: TF, 3 leaves: IF B, 4 leaves : * B, 4 leaves : B — Ee in fours, Ee 4 with the colophon. Dedicated in this edition by Y. Skinner to Archbishop Parker, from Lincoln's Inn, 7 February, [1568-9.] MONTGOMERY, ALEXANDER. The Cherrie and the Slae . . . 1597. The Author appears to speak of it as composed at leisure intervals during more arduous occupations. In Watson's Collec- tion it is said to have been written in 1590. The Cherrie and the Slae . . . Glasgow, Printed by Robert Sanders, and are to be sold at his Shop, 1668. 12°, white letter. A, S : B, 4 : C, 8 : D— E, 4 : F, 2. Cerasum et Sylvestre Prunum . . . Ed- inburgi, Excudebant Haeredes & Succes- sores Andrese Anderson, . . . Anno Dom. 1696. 8°, A— F in fours. The Flyting betwixt Montgomerie and Polwart. Newlv corrected and amended. Printed in the Year 1679. 12°, A— B 4 in eights. MOONE, PETER. A short treaty se of certayne thinges abused In the Popysh Church, longe used : But now abolyshed, to our consolation, And Gods word aduanced, the lyght of our saluation [Four scriptural quotations.] Cum priui- legio ad imprimendum solum. [Colo- phon :] Imprinted at Ippvswvche by me Ihon Oswen. [1548.] 4°, A— B in fours. Black letter. In verse. Corser's Collec- tanea, part 9, p. 27. MOORE, JOHN, Minuter of Knaptoft, Co. Leicester. The Crying Sin of England, Of not caring for the Poor. Wherein Inclosure, viz. Such as doth unpeople Townes, and un- corn Fields, is Arraigned . . . Being the chief Heads of two Sermons, Preached at the Lecture at Lutterworth in Leicester- Shire in May last . . . London, Printed by T. M. for Antonv Williamson . . . 1653. 4^*. A, 2 leaves : B— E in fours, last leaf blank. [Considerations Concerning Common Fields and Inclosvres, Dialogvewise, Digested into a deliberative Discourse between two supposed Friends, Philopeu- stus and Parrhesiastes. And tending partly to state and determine the question of lawfulnesse or unlawfulnesse between Inclosures, and Common Fields, Partly to answer some passages, which may be thought to make against Inclosure in MOORE. 403 MORE. genercal, in another discourse lately pub- lished by Mr. John Moore, under this Title, The Crying Sinne of England, of not caring for the poor. . . . London, Printed for Abel Eoper, . . . 1654. 4", A — F in fours.] MOORE, SIR JONAS. A Mapp of y^ Great Levell of y^ Fenns extending into ye Countves of North- aniton, Norfolk, Suifulke, Lyncolue, Canibridge & Huntington & the Isle of Ely, as it is now drained, by S^ Jonas Moore Suruey^ Gen^i- Printed and Sold by Christop^ Browne at the Globe near the west end of St, Pauls Church London. 1685. 16 folio sheets. MOORE, MARY. AVonderfuU News from the North. Or, A True Relation of the Sad and Grievovs Torments, Inflicted upon the Bodies of three Children of Mr. George Muschamp, late of the County of Northumberland, by Witch-craft : And how miraculously it pleased God to strength them, and to deliver them : As also the prosecution of the sayd Witches, . . . London, Printed by T. H. and are to be sold by Richard Harper, at his shop in Smithfield, 1650. 4«, A, 2 leaves : B— E 2 in fours. B. M. MOORE, PHILIP. The hope of Health wherin is conteined a goodlie regimente of life : as medicine, good diet and the goodlie vertues of son- derie Herbes, doen by Philip Moore. Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston. Maii, Anno salutis, M.D.lxiiii. 8°, black letter. * 8 leaves : ** 8 leaves : A— H in eights. MOORE, THOMAS. A Brief Discourse about Baptisme. By Thomas Moore, For his Friends. Lon- don, Printed by Geo. Dawson, for Tho: Brewster and G. Moult . . . 1649. 4P. A, 2 leaves : B — G 2 in fours. MORDAUNT, HENRY, Second Earl of Peterborough. Succinct Genealogies of the Noble and Ancient Houses of Alno or de Alneto. Broc of Shephale. Latiner of Dimtish. Drayton of Drayton. Mauduit of Wer- minster. Greene of Drayton. Vere of Addington. Fitz-Lewes of Westhorneden. Howard of Effingham, And Mordaunt of Turvey. Justified by Publick Records, Ancient and Extant Charters, Histories and other Authentick Proofs, and En- riched with divers Sculptures of Tombs, Images, Seals, and other Curiosities. By Robert Halstead. London, Printed in the Year of Our Lord, mdclxxxv. Folio. Collation : Title and Halstead's dedica- tion to Lord Peterborough, 2 leaves : Pre- face, 2 leaves : C, 2 leaves : D, 1 leaf : Effigy and Arms of Alno, 2 leaves : half-title to Proofs, 1 leaf : E— H in twos : I, 1 leaf : Arms, &c., of Broc, 2 leaves : half-title to Proofs, 1 leaf : K — O in twos : Arms, &c., of Latimer, 2 leaves : P — Z in twos : Arms, &c., of Vere, 2 leaves : 2 A— 2 M in twos, 3 leaves with Arms, &c., of Mauduit in 2 L, and 2 L 2 with half-title : 2 N— 2 S in twos : 2 T, 1 leaf : Arms, kc, of Greene, 3 leaves: 2 V — 3Rin twos: Arms of DeVere, 3 leaves: .3 S— 4 N in twos : 4 O, 1 leaf : 4 P, 2 leaves: 4 Q, 2 leaves, besides 3 othei^s with Arms, &c., of Fitz-Lewes : 4 11—4 Z in twos, be- sides 3 leaves in 4 Z with Arms of Howard: 5 A— 5 Z in twos, besides 4 leaves in 5 Z "with Mordaunt Arms : 6 A — 8 Z in twos, Chap. 17 in 8 K left blank : Collateral Branches of Mordaunt, a half-title, a leaf of text, and 9 of Arms. "With numerous engravings accompanying the letterpress. Several blank spaces are left for matter to be supplied, but not forthcoming. Printed at the cost of Lord Peterborough, and, it is said, only 24 copies taken off. In compiling it he had the assistance of his chaplain, the Vicar of Turvey, Co, Bedford. The name of Halstead is considered ficti- tious, but perhaps on insufficient grounds. If such were the case, however, it is to be presumed that the Rev, Mr, Kane, Lord Peterborough's coadjutor, adopted that pseudonym. In the Grenville Collection is Lord Peter- borough's own copy ; a second, from the Towneley sale, is in the King's Library, B, M, MORALIST. The Moralist : Or, A Satyr upon the Sects, Shewing some Disputing Passages by way of Dialogue, between a Well- Principled Lay-Man, and a Professor of Theology, ... By the Author of the Weesils. London, Printed in the Year, MDCXCI. 4*^, A — T, 2 leaves each. In verse, except the Postscript. MORE, HENRY, M.A., of Christ's College, Cambridge. Psychodia Platonica : Or A Platonicall Song of the Soul, Consisting of fours severall Poems ; viz. Psychanexia. Anti- psychanexia Antimonopsychia. Hereto is added a Paraphrasticall Interpretation of the answer of Apollo consulted by Aurelius, about Plotinus soul departed this life. By H. M. Master of Arts, and Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. . . . Cambridge Printed by Roger Daniel, . . . 1642. 8"", A— Q in eights. Philosophicall Poems, By Henry More : Master of Arts, and Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. Cambridge, MORE. 404 MORE. Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the University. 1647. 8^. General title, 1 leaf : A, 3 leaves : B — Hk in eights, the last leaf with the Errata. Dedicated to his dear father, Alexander More, Esq. A Collection of several Philosophical Writings of Dr. Henry More Fellow of Christ's Colledge in Cambridge . . . The second Edition more correct and much enlarged. London, Printed by James Flesher, for William Morden Book-seller in Cambridge, mdclxii. Folio. MOEE, JOHN, Preacher at Norwich. A Table from the Beginning of the world to this dav. . . . Printed by lohn Legate ... 1599. 8"", A (repeated)— R 4 in eights. MORE, SIR THOMAS, Knight, Lord Chancellor of England. Thomce Mori Angli, Viri Ervditionis pariter, ac virtvtis nomine clarissimi, Anglioeqve olim Cancellarii. Omnia quse hucusque ad manus nostras peruene- runt, Latina Opera, quorum aliqua nunc primum in lucem prodeunt, reliqua vero multo quam antea castigatiora. Horvm Omnivm Elenchvm Pagina duodecima commonstrabit. Lovanii, Apud loannem Bogardum sub Biblijs Aureis, Anno 1566. Folio. Prefixes, 6 leaves marked A : A (repeated) — Y in sixes : Z, 4 leaves. De Optimo Reip. Statv, Deqve noua in- sula Vtopia, libellus uere aureus, nee minus salutaris quam festiuus, clarissimi disertissimiq; uiri Thomae Mori inclytae ciuitatis Londinensis ciuis & vicecomitis. Epigrammata clarissimi disertissimiq; uiri Thomae mori, pleraq; e Graecis uersa. Epigrammata, Des. Erasmi Ro- terodami. Apud inclytam Basileam. [Col.] Basileae Apvd lo. Frobenivm Mense Decembri. An. m.d.xviii. 4*^, a — z in fours : A — T in fours : V in sixes. With several woodcut initials and headpieces designed by Holbein. De Optimo Reip. Statv. . . . Epigram- mata . . . Apud inclytam Basileam. [Col.] Basileae, Apvd loannem Fro- benivm, Mense Martio. An. m.d.xviii. 4°, a — s in fours : t — u in sixes : the Epigrammata, with a new title, x — z in fours : A — I in fours : K in sixes. Lam- beth. ThomeB Mori Utopia, A Mendis vindi- cata. Oxonii, Typis W. Hall . . . 1663. 12°, A— L in twelves. A frutefuU pleasaunt, & wittie Avorke . . . Imprinted at London, by Abraham Veale . . . [Col.] Imprinted at Londo in Paules Churche yarde, at the signe of the Lambe, by Abraham Veale. m.d.cvi. 8°, black letter, A — K in eights. A Most pleasant, fruitfull, and wittie worke, . . . And now this third Edition, newly corrected and amended. London Printed by Thomas Creede. 1597. 4°, black letter, A — T in fours. In this edition Robinson is described as "sometime of Corpus Christi College, Ox- ford." The Common- Wealth of Vtopia : Con- taining a Learned and pleasant Discourse of the best state of a Publike Weale, as it is found in the Government of the new He called Vtopia. Written by the Right Honourable, Sir Thomas jNIoore, Lord Chancellour of England. London, Printed by B. Alsop & T. Fawcet, and are to be sold by Wil: Sheares . . . 1639. 12*^. Printed and engraved titles, 2 leaves : dedicated by B, Alsop to Cresacre Moore, of Moore place, North Mimes, co. of Hertford, next of kin to the Chancellor. Utopia : Written in Latin by Sir Thomas More, Chancellor of England: Translated into English [by Gilbert Burnet.] Lon- don ; Printed for Richard ChisM'ell, . . . MDCLXXXiv. 8°, A— P 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank. Epigrammata Clarissimi disertissimiq; uiri Thomae Mori . . . Apvd Inclytam Basileam. [Col.] Basileae Apvd loannem Frobenivm Mense Decembri. Anno. M. D. XX. 4°, a — n in fours : o, 6 leaves. A dyaloge of syr Thomas More knyghte : one of the counsayll of oure souerayne lorde the kyng & chauncellour of hys duchy of Lancaster wherein he treatyd dyuers maters / as of the veneration & worshyp of ymagys & relyques / praying to sayntys & goyng 5 pylgrymage. Wyth many othere thyngys touchyiig the pes- tylent sect of Luther and Tyndale / by the tone bygone in Saxony / and by the tother laboryd to be brought in to Eng- lond. [Col.] Enpryntyd at London at the sygne of the meremayd at Powlys gate next to chepe syde in the monetli of June the yere of our lord. M. v. C. xxix. Cum priuilegio Regali. Folio, black let- ter, printed in two columns. A, 4 leaves : ]j — V in sixes : X, 8 leaves, the colophon on X 8 vo'so : Errata, folhnved by a blank, 2 leaves more. Guildhall Library. This copy has a marginal note pasted on Q 3 verso. The cOfutacyon of Tyndales answcre made by syr Thomas More knyght lorde chau- MORELL. 405 MO R LAND. celloiir of Englonde. Prentyd at London by wyllyam Eastell. 1532. Cvni Privi- legio. Folio, black letter, Aa — Ee in fours ; a — v in fours : x, 6 leaves : A — S in fours : T, 6 leaves, T 6 with the Errata. Lambeth. Expositio Fidelis De Morte D. Thomse Mori & quorundam aliorti insignium uirorum in Anglia. Anno, m.d.xxxv. 4P, romau letter, A — C in fours. Beschreyvung des vrtheyls vnd todts / ^veiland des Grosz Canzlers in Engen- lande / heren Thomas Morus / , . . . No place, printer's name, or date, [1534.] 4°, black letter, 4 leaves. More has some Iambic verses, addressed "Ad Candidum," at sign. M ii. of a book called " De Generibus Ebreosorum," 4^", 1515; they are intended to show " Qualis uxor diligenda." MORELL, WILLIAM. Verborvm Latinorvm Cvm Graecis An- glicisqve Conivnctorum, locupletissimi Conimentarij : Ad Elaboratvm Gvilielmi Morelii . . . Archetypum accuratissime excusi. . . . Londini, In aedibus Henrici Bynnemani, per assignationem Richardi Huttoni. Cum Priuilegio . . . F(dio. Title, dedication by Hutton to Dudley, Earl of Leicester, lines by Abraham Flem- ing Zo7i(ii?i2y/ena to Morelius,&c., 4 leaves : A — 5 E in sixes. MORESYNE, RICHARD. Apomaxis Calvmniarvm, Convitiorvmqve, quibus loaunes Cocleus homo theologus exiguus artiu professor, scurra procax, Henrici octaui, serenissimi regis Anglise famam impetere, nome obscurare, rerum gestaru gloriam Icedare, nuper edita, non tam ad rege, q in regis invidia, epistola studuit. Autiiore Ricardo Morysino An- glo. [Col.] Londini In AEdibvs Thomae Bertheleti . . . An. m.d.xxxvii. ... 4°, A, 4 leaves : A — Z in fours : a — c in fours, c 4 with the colophon. Dedicated to Thomas Cromwell. An Invective agenste the great and de- testable vice, treason, wherein the secrete practises, and traiterous workinges of theym, that suffrid of late are disclosed, made by RychardeMorisyne. [Col.] Lon- dini in sedibus Thomae Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio ad imprimen- dum solum. Anno. M. D. xxxix. 8*^, black letter, a, 8 leaves, a 7-8 blank : A — F 4 in eights. An Exhortation to styrre all Englyshe men to the defence of theyr countreye, made by Richarde Morysine. [Col.] Londini in eedibus Thome Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio. . . . Anno. M.D. XXXIX. 8*^, black letter, A — D in eights. MORGAN, JOHN. A most bloody vnnaturall and vnmatch- able murther Comitted in Whitechap- pell by Nathanaell Tindall vpon his owne mother. Licensed to John Trundle and Richard Hodgkin[son] 16 Sept. 1624. MORGAN, SHINKIN AP, pseud. See Wales. MORGAN, SYLYANUS. London, King Charles His Augusta, Or City Royal. Of the Founders, the Names, and oldest Honours of the City. An His- torical and Antiquarian Work, Written first in Heroicall Latin Verse . . . and now translated into English Couplete, with Annotations. . . . London. Printed for William Leybourn, 1648. 4^, A— C 2 in fours. MORISON, ROBERT, M.D., Professor of Botany. Plantarum Umbelliferarum Distributio Nova, Per Tabulas Cognationis et Affini- tatis Ex Libro Natures Observata & de- tecta. . . . Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniano. Anno Domini m.dc.lxxii. Folio. Title and two dedications, 3 leaves : Preface, 2 leaves : A — Z, 2 leaves each : eight leaves of tables : Tabula Generalis, 2 leaves : plates (12). MORLAND, SAMUEL. The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont Containing a a most exact Geographical Description of the Place, and a faithfull Account of the Doctrine, Life, and Persecution of the Ancient Inhabitants. Together with a most naked and punctual Relation of the late Bloody Massacre. 1655. And a Nar- rative of all the following Transactions, to the Year of our Lord, 1658. All which are justified, partly by divers Ancient Manuscripts written many hundred Years before Calvin or Luther, and partly by other most Authentick Attestations. . . . London. Printed by Henry Hills . . . for Adoniram By field. . . . 1658. Folio. With a portrait of Morland by Lombart and a folded map. A, 6 leaves : [b], 2 sheets of four : [c] — [h] in fours, but [f ] omitted : B — Xxxx in fours ; no Mmm 4, There are some curious engravings on the letterpress ; but they appear to have been used for another purpose, and at any rate have a strong resemblance to those in Cranford's book. Morland was Cromwell's Commissioner at Geneva to inquire into the wrongs of the Waidenses; the volume is MO RLE V. 406 MORTON. dedicated to the Protector. IMorland was afterwards knighted. The print of him attached to this book was engraved from his portrait by Lely. The Description and Use of Two Aritb- inetick Instruments. Together witli a Short Treatise, explaining and Demon- strating the Ordinary Operations of Arith- metick. As likewise, A Perpetual Alma- nack, And several Useful Tables. Pre- sented to His Most Excellent Majesty Charles II. . . . By S. Morland. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt . . . 1673. 8", A— G 2 in eights: the Almanack, &c., 30 leaves, the last blank, besides a folded leaf, all irregularly marked and paged. With a portrait. A Specimen of a Dictionary English and Latin, Compil'd by the late Mr. S. Mor- land F.R.S. As Propos'd to be Publish'd by his Son S. Morland F.R.S. London, . . . MDCcxxiir. 4*^, 8 leaves. B. M. MORLEY, HENRY PARKER, Zord The Exposition and declaration of the Psalme, Deus ultimum Doniinus, made by syr Henry Parker Knight, lord Mor- ley, dedicated to the Kinges highnes. [Col.] Londini in aedibus Thome Ber- theleti . . . Anno, m.d.xxxix. 8*^, A — C in eights, C 7-8 blank. Lambeth. MORLEY, THOMAS. A Plaine and Easie Introdvction to Prac- ticall Mvsicke. Set dow^ne in forme of a dialogue. Deuided into three partes. The first teacheth to sing with all things necessary for the knowledge of prickesong. Tlie second treateth of descante . . . The tliird and last part entreateth of compo- sition of three, foure, five or more parts. ... By Thomas Morley, Batcheler of musick, & one of the gent, of her Maiesties Royall ChappeU. Imprinted at London by Peter Short . . . 1597. Folio. Title M'ithin broad woodcut border and dedica- tion to Master William Bird, 2 leaves : B — Bb in fours : 2 leaves engraved : Annotations, 1", 4 leaves : *, 4 leaves : (.-.) 4 leaves. A Plaine and Easie Introdvction. . . . Imprinted at London by Humfrey Lownes . . . 1608. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : B — Bb in fours, &,c. (as before.) The First Booke of Consort Lessons, made by diners exquisite Authors, for six Instruments to play together, the Treble Lute, the Pandora, the Cittern, the Base- Viol 1, the Flute & Treble- Viol 1. Newly set forth at the coast & charges of a Gentle-man, for his priuate jileasure, and for diuers others his frendes which de- light in Musicke. Printed at London in Little Saint Helens by William Barley, the Assigne of Thomas Morley, and are to be solde at his shop in Gratious-streete. Cvm Privilegio Ad Imprimendum solum, 1599. Folio, A — C in fours. Bodleian (Douce). "To the right honorable, Sir Stephen Some, Knight, Lord Mayor of the citty of London and to the right worshipfvl the Aldermen of the same, Thomas Morley Gent, of her Maiesties Chappell, wisheth ■ long health and feUcitie." j The First Booke of Consort Lessons, ... * Collected by Thomas Morley Gentleman, and now newly corrected and enlarged. London : Printed by Thomas Snodham for I olin Browne, . . . 1611, Folio, A — B in fours. Dedicated to Sir Stephen Some, Lord Mayor of London. This is the treble viol portion only. Rimbault, August, 1877, No. 1191, MORPETH, MARY. To the Most Illustrious John, Earle of Lauderdale, &c. His Majesties High Commissioner for the Kingdom of Scot- land, His Grace, A Congratulatory wel- come of an Heart-well-wishing Quill : Hecatombe. A folio sheet. In verse. [1670.] To the Right Honourable James Earl of Perth, Lord Drummond, and Stow-hall, &c. Lord High Chancellour of His Maies- ties most Ancient Kingdom of Scutland. The Congratulatory Welcome of an Ob- liged Quill. [1684.] A poetical broad- side. These two pieces are assigned to Mary Morpeth. MORTON, THOMAS, Bislwp of Durham.. Episcopos Apostolokos, Or The Episco- pacy of the Church of England Justified to be Apostolical, From the Authority of the Antient Primitive Church : ... By . . . Thomas Morton, late Lord Bishop of Duresme. Before which is Prefixed A Preface to the Reader concerning this Subject : By Sir Henry Yelverton Baro- net. . . . London, Printed for J, Ctdlins . . . 1670. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B— Q 4 in eights, Q 4 blank. With a portrait of the Bishop. MORTON, ANN DOUGLAS, Countess of. The Countess of Morton's Daily Exercise ; Or A Book of Praiers, and Rules How to spend the Time in the Service and Plea- sure of Almighty God. London, Printed for R. Royston, Bookseller to His most Sacred Majesty. 1666. 12^, A— F in twelves, including a frontispiece, in which MOSSE. 407 MUNDA V. a lady (perhaps the authoress) is repre- sented kneeling in prayer. Dedicated by M. G. to Anne Countess of Mareshall, and to the memory of her mother, Anne, Countess of Morton. Br. Museum. The Imprimatur is dated March 28, 1665 [-6.] MOSSE, MILES, B.D., Pastor of Comhes. Scotlands Welcome. A Sermon Preached at Xeedham in the Countie of Suff. on Tuesday, April 5, 1603. ... By Miles Mosse, Pastor of the Church of God in Combes, and Doctor of Diuinity. With some notes and. allegations then omitted by reason of the time, and the capacitie of the audience. London, Printed by Melchisedech Bradwood for Thomas Man. 1603. S"", A— F 4 in eights, F 4 blank. Dedicated to John Earl of Mar. MOSSOM, R., Preacher at St. Peter's, Paul's Uliarf, London. Englunds Gratulation for the King and his Subjects Happy Union. First Preacht on the Day of Publique Thanksgiving, appointed by the Parliament, May the 10^^ 1660. Since Publisht as a Common Tribute to Csesar, at his so much long'd for Arrival. . . . London, Printed by Tho. Xewcomb, for William Grantham, . . . 1660. 4^, A— F in fours, first leaf blank. With a portrait of the King. MOTTEUX, PETER. The Gentleman's Journal : Or The Monthly Miscellany. By way of Letter to a Gentleman in the Country. Con- sisting of News, History, Poetry, Musick, Translations, &c. . . . London, Printed ; and are to be sold by R. Baldwin, . . . 1692-4. 4°. Three volumes or 36 num- bers, each number separately signatured and titled. The dedications are signed P. M. or Peter Motteux. Love's a Jest. A Comedy, As it is Acted at the New Theatre in Little-Lincolns Inn-Fields. By his Majesties Servants. Written by Mr. Motteux. London, . . . MDCXCVi. 4°. A, 4 leaves : (a) 2 leaves : B — L 2 in fours. Dedicated to Charles, Lord Clifford of Lanesborough. MOULTON, THOMAS. The Myrrour or Glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in that wyll kepe iheyr body from the seke- nes of the Pestylence. And it sheweth howe the Pianettes reygne in euery houre of the daye and the nyght with the natures and Exposycyons of the .xii. Sygnes, deuyded by the .xii. Monthes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes, for many dyuers Infyrmytes and dyseases that hurteth the body of Man. [Col.] Thus endeth the Myrrour or Glasse of Helthe. Imprynted at London in Flete- strete at the sygne of the George by Wyllyam Mydd"elton dwellynge nexte to Saynte Dunstones Churche. [Circa 1540.] 8*^, black letter. A— H 4 in eights. MOXON, JOSEPH. Mechanick Dyalling : . . . The Third Edition. By Joseph Moxon. . . . Lon- don, Printed for James Moxon, . . . 1697. 4^, A — G in fours. With diagrams. MUCEDORUS. A Most Pleasant Comedie of Mucedorus. ... At London, Printed for John Wright . . . 1618. 4^, A— F in fours, first and last leaves blank. MUGGLETON, L. The Blasphemer Tryed and Cast : Or a more full Narrative of the Tryal of Lodo- wick Muggleton, on Wednesday tlie 17*^ of this Instant January, at the Sessions- House in the Old-Bayly. With a Rela- tion of the Charges delivered to the Jewry, and the Sentence passed upon him . . . [London, 1676.] 4", 12 leaves. The imprint in this copy was cut off. MUN, THOMAS. A Discovrse of Trade, From England vnto the East- Indies : Answering to diuerse Obiections which are vsually made against the same. By T. M. London. Printed by Nicholas Okes for John Pvper. 1621. 4'', A— H 2 in fours, A 1 and H 2 blank, besides (d), 4 leaves. England's Treasure by Forraign Trade. . . . London, Printed bv J. Flesher for Robert Home . . . 1669. 8°, A— N 4 in eights. MUNDAY, ANTHONY. A Discouerie of Edmund Campion, and his Confederates, their most horrible and traitorous practises, against her Maiesties most royall person, and the Realme. Wherein may be seene, how thorowe the whole course of their Araignement : they were notably conuicted of euery cau-e. Whereto is added, the Execution of Ed- mund Campion, Ralphe Sherwin, and Alexander Brian, executed at Tiborne the 1. of December. Published by A. M. sometime the Popes Scholler, allowed in the Seminarie at Roome amongst them : a Discourse needefull to be read of euery man, to beware how they deale with such secret seducers. Seene and allowed. Im- printed at London for Edward White . . . MURDER. 408 MURRELL. the 29. of Janua. 1582. 8°, A— G in eights, A 8 and G 8 blank. Dedicated to Sir Edward Bromley, Knight, and others. A Brief e Chronicle, of the Successe of Times, from the Creation of the World to this instant. Containing the Original 1 & lines of onr ancient Fore-Fathers, before and after the Flood ; As also, of all the Monarchs, Euiperonrs, Kinges ... in most Nations of this Worlde : And how in alteration, or succession, they have continued to this day. Printed by W. laggard, Printer to the Honourable Citty of London, and are to be sold at his house in Barbican. 1611. 8°, chiefly black letter, A — B 4 in eights : C — Ss 2 in eights. Dedicated (1) to Sir William Cravon, Lord Mayor, Sir Henry IMontague, King's Ser- jeant, &c., and (2) to the Merchant Taylors' Company. In the latter address there is an interesting account of Sir Thomas White and his benefactions. MURDER. The murder Donne by Anne Harrison alias Myddelton. Licensed to Thomas East, 24 Feb. 1579-80. A brief discourse of Fonre cruell murders, &c. A ballad. Licensed to Thomas Nel- son, 2 Nov. 1584. A booke intituled The murder of murders. Licensed to John Kyd, 24 July, 1591. A Collection of murders committed in England, with many of their strange and miraculous revealinges. Licensed to George Eld, 15 June, 1609. The inhumane, bloodie and cruell murder committed by one William HoUis vpou Hounslowe Heathe with his arraynement and execucon. Licensed to Joseph Hunt, 16 January, 1612-13. A ballett of a murder done vpon one master Noble at Montague house by one Francis Rubye a stranger. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 12 July, 1614. The Lawes and Statutes of God, Concern- ing the punishment to be inflicted upon wilfuU murderers. . . . London, Printed for Matthew Simmons, . . . 1646. 4'', A — B in fours, B 4 blank. Murther will out. Or, Honest-men look to yourselves. Or, A brief Discourse shewing all Loyall Subjects what good they can exspect from a Perfidious City, a Perjured Parliament, and a Bloudy Army. [14linesofver.se.] Printed, Anno Domini, 1648. 4^, 4 leaves. Murther upon Murther : Or A True and Faithful Relation, of Six Horrid and Bloody Cruelties, And Barbarous and ■, Unheard of Murthers, And Tragical Vil- lauies, Lately Committed in Several Counties of England. . . . London, Printed by W. D. for J. Conyers at the Black- Raven in Duck-Lane, 1684. 4*^, 4 leaves, B.M. The counties are Cambridgeshire, Kent, Essex, Surrey, Middlesex, and Yorkshire. MURE, OR MOORE, SIR WILLIAM, of Roicallan^ Knight. The Trve Crvcitixe for True Catholickes Or The Way for true Catholickes to have the true Crucifixe. By St William Moore, Yo: of Rovvallane, Knight. . . . Edin- bvrgh. Printed by lohn Wreittoun, and are to bee sold at his shop, a litle beneath the Salt-Trone. 1629. 8''. * 8 leaves : A — Q 4 in eights, Q 4 blank. In verse. With commendatory verses by W. Drum- niond, John Adamson, &c. B. M. The Cry of Blood, And of a Broken Cove- nant. Written out at first on the sad Relation of our late Soveraignes most treacherous and inhumane Murther. Most humbly dedicated, and (then) propos'd to have been Published and Presented to the Kings most Excellent Majestie, if so Pro- vidence had dispensed. And now, how late soever, (all obstructions being re- moved) adventured upon his ]\lajesties gracious acceptance and favour of all herein concernd : ... By Sir William Moore of Rowallane Knight. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heires of George Ander- son, 1650. 4°, A — D 2 in fours. Inverse. B. M. MURRAY, SIR DAVID, 0/ Goriluj. Sophonisba. . . . 1611. Collation : A — E in eights. MURRAY, WILLIAM. A Short Treatise of Death in Sixe Chap- ters. Together with the ^Enigmatick description of old age and death written Ecclesiastes 12. Chap, exponed and para- phrased in English Meeter. Written by Mr. William Morray, Minister of Gods Word. . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by lohn Wreittoun, Anno Dom. 1631. 8*^, A— C in eights, C 8 blank. Dedicated to the Lady Agnes Morray, Mistress of Stor- mont. A Short Treatise of Death. . . . Edin- bvrgh. Printed by lohn Wreittoun, 1633. 8^ Title, &c., 4 leaves : A— C in eights, C 8 blank. A verbatim reprint of 1G31. MURRELL, JOHN. The Ladies practise, or a plaine and easie direction for ladies and gentlemen, by MUSEUM. 409 MUSIC. John Murrill. Licensed to John Browne, 29 April, 1617. A Delightfull daily exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen. ^Thereby is set foorth the secrete niisteries of the purest pre- seruings in Glasse and other Confriction- ! aries, as making of Breads, Pastes, Pre- j serues, Suckets, Marmalates, Tartstiiffes, ' rongh Candies, with many other things neuer before in Print, Whereto is added a Booke of Cookery. By lohn Murrell Professor thereof. London, Printed for Tho: Dewe, and are to be sold at his Shoppe in St, Dunstons Church-yard in Fleete-Street. 1621. 12^. The Exercise, A — G 4 in twelves : the Booh of Cookery, A. 8 leaves : B, 12 leaves : C, 5 leaves. Printed between borders. Br. M. Mvrrels two bookes of cookerie and carv- ing. Tlie fifth time printed, with new Additions. London, Printed bv M. F. for lohn Marriot, . . . 1641. 8°, black letter, A — X in eights. Douce Coll. A secoud title reads : A New Book of Cookerie. "\r\"herein is set forth a most per- fect direction to furnish an extraordinary, or ordinary feast, either in Summer or "Winter. Also a Bill of Fare for Fisli-dayes. Fasting-daies, Ember-weekes, or Lent. And likewise the most commendable fashion of Dressing, or Sowcing, either Flesh, Fish, or Fowle : for making of Gellies, and other Made-dishes for service, to beautifie either Koblemans or Gentlemans Table. Together with the best and newest Art of Carving and Sewing. All set forth according to the now new English and French fashion : By lohn Mvrrell. The first portion is dedicated "to the vertvovs and well accomplished Gentle- woman M"^ Martha Hayes. Daughter to the honorable S? Thomas Hayes Knight, late Lord Maior of the City of London," from London, July 20, 1630. The second book is said to be the sixth impression, and is dedicated to Lady Brown, wife to the right worsliipful Sir John Brown. MUSEUM MINERVA. The First Lecture being an Introduction to the Military Architecture, or Fortifica- tions. Eead Public|uely at S*. Balthazar Gerbiers Academy . . . Printed at Lon- don for Robert Ibbitson dwelling in Smithfield neer Hosier Lane, 1650. 4!^, A — C in fours. The Art of well speaking, being a Lecture Read Publiquely at S^. Balthazar Gerbiers Academy. Printed at London for Robert Ibbitson . . . 1650. 4*^, A— E 2 in fours. MUSCOVY. A New and Exact Description of Mos- cow, Containing its State Ancient and Modern ... The whole containing All that is necessary to be known concerning that Vast Empire. London, Printed for R. Baldvnn . . . 1698. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— E 2 in fours. MUSGRAVE. Musgraues Motiues or his Reasons for his Cessacon from the Doctrine of the Church of Rome. Licensed to Richard More, 6 March, 1620-1. MUSHROOM. The Mushroom : Or, A Satyr against Libelling Tories and Prelatical Tantivies: In Answer to a Satyr against Sedition called the Meddal. " By the Author of Absalom and Achitophel. And here answered by the Author of the Black Nonconformist ; The next day after the Publication of the Meddal ; To help the Sale thereof. Nitimur invetitum . Quousque? London, Printed for Fra: Smith Jun. . . . MDCLXXXIL Folio, A— E, 2 leaves each. MUSIC. A boke of musyke. Licensed to Thomas YautroUier in 1570-1. A .Alusicall Banquet, Set forth in three choice Varieties of Mvsick. The first Part presents you with Excellent new Lessons for the Lira Yiol, set to severall New Tunings. The second a Collection of New and Choyce Allmans, Corants, and Sarabands for one Treble and Basse Yiol, composed by Mr. William Lawes, and other Excellent Authours. The third Part containes New and Choyce Catches or Rounds for three or foure Yoyces. To which is added some few Rules and Di- rections for such as learne to sing, or to play on the Yiol. London, Printed by T. H. for John Benson, and John Play- ford, and are to be sold at their Shops In Dunstans Church-Yard, and in the Inner Temple, neare the Church Doore, 1651. Oldong 4°, A — D in fours. Dedicated " To all Lovers of the Art of Musick," by J(din Playford. Douce Coll. Musick and Mirth, Presented In a choice Collection of Rounds or Catches for three Yoyces : Composed by severall Excellent Authours, and published for the Civill Recreation of all Lovers of Musick. Lon- don, Printed by T. H, for John Benson, and John Playford, and are to be sold at their Shops in Dunstans Church-Yard, and in the Inner Temple, neare tlie Church Doore, Anno Domini. 1651. Oblong 4", pp. 12. Bodleian. Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogves, For MUSIC, 410 MUSSELL. one and two Voyces, to sing to the Theorbo, Lute, or Basse YioU. Com- posed by John Wilson, Charles Colman, Doctours of Musick. Henry Lawes, Wil- liam Webb, Gentlemen, To which is added some few short Ayres or Songs for three Voyces, to an Instrument. London, Printed for John PlayforJ, . . . Anno Domini, 1652. Folio. A — M, 2 leaves each. (ii.) The Second Booke of Ayres, Con- taining Pastorall Dialogues for two Voyces, to sing either to the Theorbo, Harpsicore, or Basse- Violl. Also short Ayres for three Voyces, with a thorow Basse. Composed by many Excellent Masters in Musick, now living. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, fur John Playford, . . . 1652. Folio. I, 2 leaves : Aa — Gg, 2 leaves each. Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues, In Three Bookes. . . . London, Printed by T. H. for John Playford, . . . 1653. Folio. Book First, A — K, 2 leaves each: Book Second, Aa — Dd, 2 leaves each : Book Third, Ee— Hh, 2 leaves, and a leaf ofli. Select Ayres and Dialogues for One, Two, and Three Voyces ; to the Theorbo-Lute or Basse-Viol. Composed by John Wil- son Charles Colman Doctors in Musick. Henry Lawes William Lawes Nicholas Laneare William Webb Gentlemen and Servants to his late Majesty in his Pub- lick and Private Musick. And other Ex- cellent Masters of Musick. London, Printed by W. Godbid for John Playford, . . . 1659. Folio. A— Ff, 2 leaves each. Choice Ayres, Songs, & Dialogues . . . Newly Re-printed with large Additions. London, Printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold by John Playford . . . 1676- 84. Folio. Book I., A — Bb, 2 leaves each: Book II., dated 1679, A— O, 2 leaves each: Book III., dated 1681, A— O, 2 leaves each : Book IV., dated 1683, A— Z, 2 leaves each : Book V., dated 1684, A — K, 2 leaves each, Musicks Hand-maid : New Lessons and Instrvctions for the Virginals or Har[)si- chord. London, Printed for J. Playford, . . . 1678, 8^, A, 8 leaves : B— K in fours : Second Part, B — G in fours, be- sides title and following leaf. A Vade Mecnm For the Lovers of IMusick, Shewing the E.xcellency of the Kechorder: With some Rules and Directions for the same. Also, Some New Ayres never be- fore Published. London, Printed by N. Thompson for John Hudgebut at the Sign of the Golden Harp and Hoe-boy in Chancery - lane near Fleet - street, MDCLXxix. Oblong 4^, A — D in sixes. Douce Coll. The Banquet of Musick : Or, A Collec- tion of the newest and best Songs sung at Court, and at Publick Theatres, With a Thorow-Bass for the Theorbo-Lute, Bass- Viol, Harpsichord, or Organ. Com- posed by several of the best Masters. The Words by the Ingenious Wits of the Age. In the Savoy : Printed by E, Jones for Henry Playford . . . 1688. Folio. First Book, A — IST, 2 leaves each : Second, A — M, 2 leaves each : Third, A with the title, B— G in twos, and a leaf of H ; Fourth, B — I in twos, and the title. Delicise Musicse : Being a collection of the newest and best Songs Sung at Court and at the Publick Theatres most of them within the Compass of the Flute, With a Thorow-Bass, for the Theorbo-Lute, Bass- Viol, Harpsichord, or Organ, Com- posed by several of the Best Authors, . . . London, Printed by J. Heptin stall for Henry Playford . , . 1695-6. Folio. First Book, A — I, 2 leaves each ; Second Book, A— G, 2 leaves each ; Vol. 2, Book 1, 10 leaves ; Vol. 2, Book 2, 12 leaves ; Book 3, 12 leaves ; Book 4, 10 leaves. Each has a separate title. Mercurius Musicus : Or, The Monthly Collection of New Teaching Songs, (For the Year, 1700.) Compos'd for, and Sung at the Theatres, and other Publick Places. With an Addition of Two Part Songs, and a Thorough Bass to each Song, . . . London : Printed by W. Pearson, . . . for D, Browne . . . 1700, Folio. I have seen only the numbers from March to December, 1700. The Monthly Mask of Vocal Music, or tlie Newest Songs Made for the Theatres & other Occasions . . . London Printed for and sold by I. Walsh and I. Hare . . . 1703-7. Folio. Each part consists, so far as I have ex- amined them, of four leaves and a prettily engraved titlepage, A Short Explication of such Foreign Words, as are made use of in Musick- Books. London, Printed for J, Brother- ton 172{ 12*^. A mere reissue of Walsh's edition, with a new titlepage, MUSSELL, FRANCIS, Good Newes for all true hearted Subjects, Videlicet, The Parliament goes on. Writ- ten by Francis Mussell, Vintner, Printed with License, by R, H, for T. B. and are to l)e sold at his shop in the Old Bayly. 1641. A broadside in verse, with a MUSSONIUS, 411 NABOTH, woodcut of a figure in costume bearing a banner, on which is Soli Deo Gloria. vlUSSONIUS, EOBERTUS. A briefe Treatise, Concerning the vse and abuse of dauncing. Collected oute of the learned workes of the most excellent Deuine Doctour, Peter Martyr, by Maister Eob. Mussonius : And translated into English by I. K. . . . Imprinted at Lon- don by lohn lugge, dwellyng at the North doore of Ponies. 8°, i3lack letter, A — D 4 in eights, D 4 blank. Dedicated to Dr. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's. B. J/. MYSTERY OF INIQUITY. Tiie Weekly Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity: In the Rise, Growth, Methods, and Ends of the late Unnatural Rebellion in England, Anno 1641. London, Printed for Benj. Tooke, 1681. Folio, [Feb. 5— Aug. 27, 1681,] 30 single leaves. The Weekly Discoverer Strip'd Naked : Or, Jest and Earnest Expos'd to Publick View in his Proper Colours. London: Printed for Benjamin Harris, . . . 1681. 1:^. N. C. The Unfortunate Politique [Herod.] First written in French by C. N. En- glished by G[eorge] P[igot.] Oxford, Printed by L. Lichfield for loseph God- win An. Dom. 1638. 8*^. +, 4 leaves : A — 5 in eights. On the title, in an early, and perhaps coeval, hand, not impossibly that of the translator, is written in the copy here used: "George Pigot, 1640," and the ini- tials G. P. are enlarged into G. Pigot. Again, 8°, Oxford, 1639. N. N. A Narrative of all the Proceedings in the Draining of the Great Level of the Fens, Extending into the Counties of North- ampton, Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cam- bridge, and Huntingdon ; and the Isle of Ely : From the time of Queen Eliza- beth, until this present May, 1661. For the Information of all concerned. By N. N. London, Printed by A. W. for the use of the Author, 1661. 4*^, 4 leaves. N. N. Romes Follies, Or the Amorous Fryars, A Comedy. As it was lately Acted at a Person of Quality's House. London Printed for N. Nowell, 1681. 4^, A— I 2 in fours. Dedicated by N. N. to Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury, and William Lord Howard of Escrick. N. 0., Catholic. The Roman- Chvrch's Devotions Vindi- cated from Doctour Stillingfleet's mis- representations. . . . M.DC.LXXII. 8°, A — P in fours, and a leaf of Q. N. S. Aula Lucis, Or, The House of Light : A Discourse written in the year 1651. By S, N. a Modern Speculator. London, Printed for William Leake, . . . 1652 [Jan. 14, 1651-2.] 8'^, A— C in eights, C 8 blank. Dedicated to his noblest friend Seleucus Abantiades, from Helio- polis. B. M. N. S., Gent. Certain Queries humbly proposed in order to a quiet and Christian Submission to His Highness the Lord Protector and to the present Government. . . . London, Printed for P. L. . . . 1658. 4«, A— B 2 in fours. N. W. Barley - breake. Or, A Warning for Wantons. Written by AV. N. Gent. Printed at London by Simon Stafford, dwelling in the Cloth-fayre, neere the red Lyon. 1607. 4^, 16 leaves. In verse. Dedicated " To the Vertvovs and chaste maiden, Mistresse Eliz. C. daughter to the Worshipfull Kob. C. Esquire." This tract has been attributed, entirely (as it seems) without authority, to Nicholas Breton. A copy is in the Bridgewater Library, and one or two others are known. The descrip- tion of the game called barlc>/-hreak, which occurs here, is reprinted in Popular Anti- quities of Great Britain, 1870, ii. 293. NAAMAN. The historic of Naaman the Assyryan. A ballad. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. NABOTH. Naboth's Vinyard : Or, the Innocent NAILOUR. 412 NEEDHAM. Traytor : Copied from the Original of Holy Scripture, In Heroick Verse. . . . London, Printed for C. E. 1679. Folio, B — E, 2 leaves each, a leaf of F, and the title. Naboth's Vinvard : . . . London, Printed for C. K. 1679. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. KAILOUE, WILLIAM. A Commenioration Sermon, Preached at Derby, Feb. 18, 1674. Fur the Honour- able Colonel Charles Cavendish, Slain in the Service of King Charles tlie First, before Gainsborough in the Year 1643. . . . Londun, Printed by Andrew Clark, for Henry Brome . . . 1675. 4°, A — D in fours, A with the Imiirimatur. With a plate of arms on the title. Dedicated to the Colonel's brother, Wil- liam, Earl of Devonshire, from Southamp- ton House. Nailour calls it his first work. NALSON, JOHN, LL.D. An Impartial Collection of the Great Alffairs of State, From the Beginning of the Scotch Rebellion in the Year MDCXXXix. To the Murther of King Charles 1. Wherein the first Occasions, and the whole Series of the late Troubles in England, Scotland & Ireland, are faith- fully represented. Taken from Authen- tick Records and Methodically Digested. London . . . 1682-3. Folio. 2 vols. With a frontispiece to each. K ANI, BAPTISTA, Cavalier and Procu- rator of St. Mark. The History of the Affairs of Europe in this present Age, But more particularly of the Republick of Venice. Englished by Sir Robert Honywood, Knight. Lon- don, Printed by J. M. for John Starkey . . . MDCLXXiii. Folio. Title and Im- prir)iatur, 2 leaves : a — b, 2 leaves each : B— 4 D in fours : 4 E— 4 H, 2 leaves each, 4 H repeated with advertisements. Dedicated by the translator to Sir Walter Vane, Knight, Colonel of His Majesty's Holland-Regiment. NARRATIONES [REPORTS.] noue narrationes. [This is a headline on a ii, a i being blank.] No place, &c. [London, R. Pynson.] Folio, a, 8 leaves, a 1 blank : b — e in sixes. Inner Temple Library. Noue narrationes [This is the whole title. No place, printer's name, or date. R. Pynson, Londoii, circa 1510.] Folio. Table, 2 leaves : A — F in sixes, F 6 blank. Norman-French. Unseen by Herbert, who quotes the Ilar- leiau Catalogue for it. NAUDEUS, GABRIEL. Instructions Concerning Erecting of a Library : Presented to my Lord the Pre- sident de Mesme. By Gabriel Naudeus, P. And now Interpreted by Jo. Evelyn, Esquire. London, Printed for G. Bedle, and T. Collins, . . . 1661. 8^, A— G in eights. Dedicated to Edward Earl of Clarendon, by Evelyn. NAUNTON, SIR ROBERT. Fragmenta Regalia, Ou Le Caractere Ve- ! ritable D'Elisabeth Reyne D'Angleterre, | et de ses Favoris. Traduit de I'Anglois . . . Par Jean Le Pelletier. A Rouen, ' . . . M.DC.LXxxiii. ... 8°. a and e in sixes, a with half-title : A — Q 4 in sixes. NAVY. The Declaration and Engagement of the Commanders, Officers, and Seamen in the Shippes, under the Command of the Right Honourable the Earle of Warwicke in the Downes. declaring their free con- currence in the Remonstrance of the Lord l Fairfax, and the Army under his Com- mand. Also, A Representation of the Forces under the Command of the Honourable Sir Michaell Livesey, Com- mander in Chiefe in the County of Kent: Declaring their free Concurrence . . . London, Printed for lohn Playford . . . Decem. 28. 1648. 4*^, 4 leaves, including one before the title. The Resolution And Remonstrance of the Navie, to the supreme power of England, The Commons assembled in Parliament, and to his Excellency, the Lord Generall Fairfax ; with the Honourable Councell of the Army. Declaring their reall affec- tions and ardent desires for the publique good of the Kingdom, . . . Brought to the Pari, by Cupt, Richard Brookes. . . . London Printed for George Roberts. 1049 [Feb. 19, 1648-9.] 4^, A— B iu fours. B. M. A List of the Common- wealth of Englands Navie at Sea, in their Expedition in May, 1653. Under the Command of the Right Honourable Col: Richard Deane, and Col: George Monke, Esquires, Generals and Admirals. . . . London : Printed by M. Simmons, and are to be sould at his house in Aldersgate-street, and by Tho. Jenner . . . 1653. A large sheet. NEEDHAM, MARCHAMONT. The Case of the Kingdom Stated, Accord- ing to the proper Interests of the severall Parties ingaged. ... A peece of rare Observation and Contexture, wherein all men are equally concerned. The second NENNA. 413 NETHERLANDS. Edition, with Additions by the Author M. N. . . . London, Printed Anno Dom. 1647. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. The Case of the Common- Wealth of Eng- land Stated : Or, The Equity, Utility, and Necessity, of a Submission to the present Government ; Cleared out of Monuments both Sacred and Civill, . . . Two Parts. With a Discourse of the Excellencie of a Free-State, above a Kingly- Government. By Marchamont Nedham, Gent. London, Printed for E. Blackmore, and R. Lowndes, [1650 X\ 4°, A— N in fours, N 4 blank. The Case of the Common-Wealth of Eng- land stated. . . . The second Edition, with Additions ... By Marchamont Nedham, Gent. . . . London, Printed for E. Blackmore and R. Lowndes. 1650. 4^, A— P in fours. NENNA, J. BAPTISTA, o/5«n. A Discovrse whether a Nobleman by Birth or a Gentleman by desert is greater in Nobilitie. At London Printed by Peter Short, and are to be solde in Paules Churchvard at the Sitjne of the blacke Beare. "1600. 4°, B— Dd 2 in fours, and the titlepage. A reissue of the former edition, with the preliminaries omitted. NERO. The Tragedy of Nero. Newly written. London Printed by Aug. Mathewes, for Thomas lones . . . 1633. 4°, A— I in fours, first and last leaves blank. NETHERLANDS. A briefe request or declaracion presented vnto Madame the Duchesse of Parma, &;c. Regente of the lowe Countrie of Flanders : By the Lordes and Nobilitie of the same Countrie, with the Answere and Replie, and other writynges. Englished by AV. F. 1566. Imprinted at London by Ihon Kyngston, for Thomas Humble, dwellyng at the signe of the George in Lumbord- streate. 8°, A— B in eights, B 8 blank. Lambeth. A copye of the treates of the confedera- tion made betM-ene ye prences and the lordes of the Lowe Country of Flanders. Licensed to John Allde in 1566. An admonytion or fore-Warnyng to the Rulers and states of the iiij^e head boroughes or townes of the Countrye of Brabant. Licensed to Thomas Humble in 1566. The Cruell Inquysetion and plaquett which the papestes wolde brynge into Antiwarpe and other Townes in the Lowe Countreys of Brabaunt Holand and Flaunders. Licensed to John Sampson in 1566. A brief and true rehersall of the noble victory and ouerthrow, which (by the grace of God) the Protestantes o"^f the north partes of Holland had against the Duke of Alba his ships of Amsterdam, with the taking of the Earle of Bossu, and their Admirall Bophuysen, with diuers other gentlemen the xij. of October. 1573. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fleetestreat, at the signe of the Faucnn, by Heurie Middelton, . . . 1573. No- uemb. 2. 8*^, 8 leaves, the last blank. Lambeth. An Answer And true discourse to a cer- tain Letter lately sent by the Duke of Alba (in maner of a pardon) to those of Amsterdam, to be by them conueyed and distributed vnto the other townes in Hol- lande. Set forth by certayn true loners of their natiue Country, manely desirous to line vnder the due obeysance of the king of Spayne, . . . Imprinted at Lon- don by Henry Middleton. [1573.] 8^^, black letter, A — F in fours. Lambeth. A supplication to the Kinges Maiestie of Spayne, Made by the Prince of Orange, the states of Holland and Zeland, with all other his faithfull subiectes of the low Countreys, presently suppressed by the tyranny of the Duke of Alba and Spaniards. By which is declared the originall beginning of all the commotions & troubles happened in the sayd low Countrie : to the relief wherof, they re- quire his Maiesties speedy redresse and remedie. Faithfully translated out of Duytsch into English, by T. W. [Quota- tion.] Imprinted at London, bv Henry Middleton. 1573. 8°, black letter, A— F in fours or half sheets, F 4 blank. Certayne Newes of the whole discription, ayde, and helpe of the Christian Princes and Nobles, the which for the comfort and deliueraunce of the poore Christians in the low Countries, are gathered toge- ther, and are nowe with their armies in the fielde. Drawen and Copied out of a letter, sent vnto vs out of the same Campe. [Quot. from Apoc. 18. v. 5.] Printed at Dordrecht. 1574. IF Translated out of Dutche into English, the 12. of April, 8°, black letter, A — B in fours, first leaf blank. Lambeth. Middleborow, A briefe Rehersall of the Accorde and agreement, that the Cap- taynes, Burgises, and Armie of Middle- borow and Ar[ne]mew : haue made, in NETHERLANDS. 414 NETHERLANDS. yelding tlieselues to the riufht high and excellent Prince, the Lorde William Prince of Orrange, Countie of Nassau, &c. With a lamentable Discourse of the calamities, great hunger & extreame mise- ries that they sustayned, before they yelded vp the sayd Townes. Translated out of the ducthe Coppy, printed at Dor- drecht. Anno 1574. Imprinted at Lon- don, by Richarde Jhones. 8*^, black letter, 8 leaves. Lambeth. A iustification or cleering of the Prince of Orendge agaynst the false sclaunders, wherwith his il willers goe about to charge him wrongfully. [Quotations.] Imprinted at London by lohn Day, dwell- yng ouer Aldersgate. Feb. 24, These bookes are to be sold at his long shop at the West doore of Paules. [1575.] 8°, A — M in eights, first two and last two leaves blank. Certein Letters Wherin is set forth a Discourse of the Peace that was attempted and sought to haue bin put in effecte by the Lords and States of Holland and Zelande in the yeare of oure Lorde 1574. Also a Svpplication put vp by the saide States of Hollande and Zeland, and other places of the Low Countryes to the King : together with the aunswere and a Reply vppon the same, and diuers other parti- cularities. [Quot. from Psalm 28.] Im- printed at London in FJeete-streate by Thomas Marshe. Anno 1576. 8^, italic letter, A — E in eights, and the title, fol- lowed by an Epistle " To his very friend E. B. esquier affectionate friend and de- uotiste seruant vnto the fayre and ver- tuous Lady the Comtesse of Culenberghe," a — b in eights. Lambeth. Tydynges of a Huge and Ougly Childe borne at Arneheiui in Gelderland. Li- censed to H. Kirkham, 31 Dec. 1576. The Aduise and answer of my Lord y^ Prince of Orenge, Coiitie Nassau &c. and of ye States of Holland and Zeland, made by the Estates Generall on this side, vpon the Articles coteined and after concluded and accorded in fauour of a pertuall Edict between Lord Don lohn Duke of Austrich ... of the part and in the name of the Catholick King of Spaine of the one partie / and the said generall Estates of the other. Translated out of Dutch into English. Imprinted at Lon- don by lohn lugge and lohn AUde. [1577.] 8°, 8 leaves. Lambeth. A warnynge songe to Cities all To beware by Andwerps fall. Licensed to Richard Jones and John Charlwood, 25 Jan. 1577. Query, by Ralph Norris. newes out of the Lowe Cuntrey. Printed by John Charlwood without license, for which he was fined, 20 Sept. 1578. Certen newes of the prynce of Parma. Licensed to R. Jones (by way of fine), 15 June, 1579. A Report of an assalt against Mastricht the .26. of Aprill 1579. Licensed to Richard Adams, 26 June, 1579. A true declaracon of y^ greate valiancye ' of ye noble towne of Mastricht. Licensed to John Charlwood, 21 July, 1579. A declaracon of the prince of Orange exhibited vnto the deputies of the generall estates the ix*^ of January 1580. Licensed to William Ponsonby, 9 Febr. 1579-80. A thinge of Gaunt. Licensed to Richard Day, 11 April, 1580. ij thinges of newes in the Lowe Coun- treyes and in Frizelande. Licensed to T. Dawson, 27 June, 1580. A true Copy of a Letter sent by the Prince of Parma to the generall States of the lowe Countries, assembled at Antwerpe. With their Aunsvere to the same the xii. day of March. 1579. Translated out of French into Dutch, and from the Dutch into English. According to the Dutch Copye, printed at Antwerpe by Chris- topher Plantyn, Printer to the Kings Maiestie. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Richard Ihones. 8'^, A in eights, A 8 blank. Lambeth. The Apologie Or Defence, of the most Noble Prince William, by the grace of God, Prince of Orange, . . . Against the Proclamation and Edict, published by the King of Spaine, by which he proscribetli the saide Lorde Prince. . . . Presented to my Lords the Estates generall of the lowe Countrie. Together w^ith the saide Pro- clamation or Proscription. Printed in French and in all other languages. At Delft. 1581. 4^, A— R in fours. The Apologie or Defence. ... At Delft. 1582. 4^, A— R in fours. This was licensed also to Thomas Marsh, 8 Feb. 1581-2, but not printed. A Dolefull Discourse of a Diitche gentle- woman distraughte of hir wittes, To the which is added the harde Happe of Twoo Norfolke gentlewomen. Licensed to R. Jones, 1 July, 1581. A discourse of the Estate of Cambray duringe the Siege. Licensed to R. AValde- grave, 13 Oct. 1581. NETHERLANDS. 41 NETHERLANDS. A brief reporte of the Treed to John Wolfe, 2 March, 1590-1. Newes from Rome, Spaine, Palermo, Geneuae, and France. With the miser- able state of the Citty of Paris, and the late yeelding vppe of sundrie Towns of great strength, vnto the King. Trans- lated out of Italian and French into English. London Printed for Thomas Nelson, and are to be sold bv William Wright. 1590. 4°, black letter. A— B in fours. With woodcuts. Lambeth. Newes from Rome, Venice, and Vienna, touching the present proceedings of the Turkes against the Christians in Austria, Hungarie, and Heluetia, other-^ise called Seuenbergh. Also the true Copie of a Lamentable Petition exhibited in the names of the afflicted Christians in those parts, to the Christian Kingdomes in the West. Printed at London by lohn Dan- ter, for Thomas Gosson, and are to be sold at his shop adioyning to London Bridge Gate. 1595. 4*^, A — C in fours, first and last leaves blank. With two common cuts. Lambeth. The sacke full of newes. Licensed to Henry Bell by assignment from Ralph Blower, 26 August, 1617. Newes from forraigne parts for the last two weekes past ; very fitting for this State to take notice of in this time of division and distraction. . . . Printed at London for Nath: Butter, March 5. 1641. 4°, A— B in fours. Terrible News from Yorke : Hull, and Newcastle, Concerning the Kings Majes- ties intent to take up Arms against the Parliament. Together with three votes of both Houses concerning the Kings Standard betwixt York and Hull, May 20. . . . With His Majesties threatnings to imprison the Lord Fairfax, Sir Philip Stapleton, and the rest of the Committee appointed by the Parliament to sit at York. . . . May 24. Printed for loh. Greensmeth. An. Cov. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Bloudy Newse from the North, And the Ranting Adamites Declaration concerning the King of Scotland, With their new League, Covenant, and Protestation ; their denying the great God of heaven, and burning his sacred word and Bible ; the name of a new God by them chosen, and his Speech and promise unto them ; . . . Published according to Order. Lon- don, Printed by J. C. 1650 [Jan. 20, 1650-1.] 4°, 4 leaves. With a woodcut on title. B. M. A Cruel Tragedy : Or, Strange and Won- derful News from Swan-alley in Golden- lane, in the Parish of St. Giles Cripple- gate. Being a perfect and true Relation how one Mr J. A. a Master Glover, slaved his six [female] Prentices . . . After a most barbarous and inhumane manner. . . . London, Printed for Absalom Cham- berlain, a Running Bookseller, 1684. A broadside. Great News from St Johns-street, of a Stone-Cutter that \^'hipped his Wife after a most Barbarous and Inhuman manner, that the like hath been scarcely Parallel'd in our latter Age. London, Printed for Absalom Chamberlain, and Sold by the Runnmg Booksellers in every Street, 1685. A broadside. NEWTON, ROBERT. The Coimtesse of Montgomeries Eusebia, written by Robert Newton. Licensed to Master Gilmyn, 9 November, 1620. NEWTON, THOMAS, of Cheshire. A Notable Historie of the Saracens. Briefly and faithfully descry bing the ori- ginall beginning, continuaunce and suc- cesse aswell of the Saracens, as also of Turkes, Souldans, Mamalukes, Assassines, Tartarians and Sophians. With a dis- course of their Aflaires and Actes from the byrthe of Mahomet their first peeuish Prophet and founder for 700 yeeres space. Wherunto is annexed a Compendious Chronycle . . . Drawen out of Augustine Curio and sundry other good Authours by Thomas Newton. Imprinted at Lon- don by William How, for Abraham Veale. 1575. 4*^, A— Pp 2 in fours, title on A 2. Dedicated to Lord Howard of Eflingham. NEWTON, THOMAS, the Younger. A pleasant new History . . . 1604. I suppose this to be the work entered to William Jones, 4 June, 1604, as "Three flowers gathered by Narcissus Anglicanus whose leaues first florished in his bart, and at last withered in his hand, called Three Roses pulled in Blay." See Arber, iii. 263. NEWTON, WILLIAM. The Copy of a Letter Written by Mr. William Newton, one of the Gentlemen Ushers unto the Lady Elizabeth, unto his NICHOLAS, 424 NICHOLS. Brother Francis Newton, Esquire, one of the four Squires of the Body unto His Maiestie. From the Hague, March 18. New stile, 1641. A sheet. NICHOLAS, HENRY, of the Family of Love. Docunientall Sentences : eauen - as those - same were spoken - fourth by H. N. and writen - vp out of the Woordes of his Mouth. And are by him pervsed and more - diffinetlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne. [Quotations.] No place, printer's name, or date. 8^, A — F in eights, F 8 blank. NICHOLAS, JEROME. News Certain and Terrible from the Kingdom of Poland, Being The Copie of a Letter, sent by Jerome Nicholas to a friend of his, dwelling at Gravesend. Relating how the Turke hath past the Confines of the Kingdom, . . . London : Printed for Andrew Coe. 1642. 4^^, 4 leaves. NICHOLAY, NICHOLAS. The Nauigations, peregrinations and voyages, made into Turkic by Nicholas Nicholay daulphinois. Lord of Arseuile, Chamberlaine and Geographer ordinarie to the King of Fraunce : conteining sundrie singularities which the Authour hath there seene and obserued : Deuided into foure Bookes. With threescore figures, naturally set forth as well of men as women, according to the diuersitie of nations, their port, intreatie, apparrell, lawes, religion and maner of lining, aswel in time of warre as peace : With diners faire and memorable histories, happened in our time. Translated out of the French by T. Washington the younger. Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson. 1585. 4°. U, 4 leaves : A, 4 leaves : B— Y 2 in eights, the plates counting in the sheets. Dedicated to Sir Henry Sidney by John Stell. Stell does not say whether this was a posthumous book; but he refers to it as "the commendaible labours of an adven- turous and skilful travelled gentleman." The engravings are copies of those found in the French. NICHOLES, ALEXANDER. A Discovrse, Of Marriage and Wiving : And Of the greatest Mystery tlierein con- tained : how to chuse a good Wife from a bad. An Argument of the dearest vse, but the deepest cunning that man may erre in : which is, to cut by a thrid between the greatest good or euill in the world. Pertinent to both Sexes, and Conditions, as well those already gone before, as shortly to enter this honest society. Amare (h sapere vix Bijo conceditur. By Alex. Nicholes, Batchelour in the Art he neuer yet put in practise. . . . London, Printed by G. Eld, for Leonard Becket, and are to be sold at his Shop in the Temple. 1620. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— I in fours. Chiefly black letter. In prose and verse. NICHOLL, JOHN. An Houre Glasse of Indian Newes. Or A true and tragicall discourse, shewing the most lamentable miseries, and dis- tressed Calamities indured by 67 English- men, which were sent for a supply to the planting in Guiana in the yeare. 1605. Who not finding the saide place, were for want of victuall, left a shore in Saint Lucia, an Island of Caniballs, or Men- eaters in the West-Indyes, vnder the con- duct of Captain Sen-Iohns, of all which said number, onely all. are supposed to be still lining, whereof 4. are lately returned into England. Written by lohn Nicholl, one of the aforesaid Company. Homo est humani nil a te alienum puto. London Printed for Nathaniell Butter, . . . 1607. 4P, black letter, A — F 2 in fours, A i occu- pied by a common woodcut of a ship. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Smith, Governor of the East India Co. of Merchants in London. NICHOLS OE NICCOLS, JOHN. lohn Niccols Pilgrimage, wlierein is dis- plaied the lines of the proude Popes, am- bitious Cardinals, lecherous Bishops, fat bellied Monkes,andhypocriticall lesuites. [Two quotations.] Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson, for Thomas Butter, and Godfrey Isaac. 1581. 8"*, black letter. A — M in eights : N, 6 leaves : — R in eights ; besides the prefixes, 8 leaves marked *. A declaration of the recantation of lohn Nichols (for the space almost of two yeres the Popes Scholer in the English Semi- narie or Colledge at Rome) which desireth to be reconciled and receiued as a member into the true Church of Christ in Eng- land. [Quotations.] Imprinted at Lon- don by Christopher Barker . . . Anno. 1581. Februarii. 14. 8°, black letter, A — N 2 in eights. Dedicated to Sir Owen Hopton, Lieutenant of the Tower. A Trve Report of the late Apprehension and Imprisonment, of lohn Nicols Mini- ster at Roan, and his confession and answers made in the time of his durance there. Wherevnto is added the satisfac- tion of certaine, tliat of feare or frailtie NICHOLSON 425 NIGHT-WALKER. haue latlv fallen in England. Printed at Ehemes/Bv lohn Fogny. 1583. S'', A — F 2 in eights, the last two leaves occu- pied by an Admonition. B. M. NICHOLSON, FRANCIS. The Confession of Francis Nicholson, (who committed that most barbarous Murther upon the Body of John Dim- bledy, Servant to ]\[r. Marriot) at the Place of Execution, which was upon the Green over against Hampton- Court, and near the Place where he did the murther, on Wednesday last, it being the 21^^ of October 1680, who was afterwards carried to Hounslow-Heath, and there hang'd up in Chains. Printed, and are to be Sold by Richard Jane way . . . 16S0. Folio, 2 leaves. NICOLLS, FERDINAND. The Life and Death of 3Ir. Ignatius Jur- dain, one of the Aldermen of the City of Exeter ; Who departed this Life July 15tii 1640. . Drawn up and published by Ferd. Nicolls, Minister of the Gospel at Mary Arches, Exon. London, Printed for Tho. Newberry, . . . 1654. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : a, 4 leaves : B — D in fours, D 4 blank. NICODEMUS. Nichodemus gospell [This title is in white letters on a black ground over a series of small blocks. At the end occurs :] Thus endet nychodemus gospelL En- prynted at London in the fletestrete at the sygne of the Sonne by -wynkyn de "worde. In ye yere of our lord god . m . ccccc . x^lii. the . X. daye of Marche. 4*^, black letter, with cuts. A, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves : C, 8 leaves : D, 6 leaves. Br. M. (slightly imperfect.) This formerly made the first of 14 tracts bound together. The original contents in a hand coeval with the publication are pre- served in a flyleaf. [Nychodemus gospelL The colophon at the end is :] Q Thus endeth Nychodemus gospell. Imprynted at London in Poules chyrche yarde by me John Skot. In the yere of our lorde god . m . ccccc . xxix. the.Yi. day of Apriell. 4P, A— E in fours. Douce Coll. (A 1 — 2 wanting.) NICOLAS, PHILIP. A Prophesie of Doomesday of the high illuminate Doctor Phil. Nicolas, lib. 2. de regno Christi. Shortly collected and augmented by Niels Nithelstone. . . . Newly translated out of the German . . . by David Forbes. . . . The second Edi- tion. Edinburgh. Printed by lohn Wreittoun. 1631. 8^ A— G 3 in eights. Dedicated to the Provost, &c., of Edin- burgh. NICOLLS, PHILIP. The copie of a letter sente to one maister Chrispyne chanon of Exceter for that he denied y® scripture to be the touche stone or trial of al other doctrines wherunto is added an appologie and a bulworke, in defence of the same letter. [Col.] Writ- ten the . vii. of Nouembre Ajtino Domini . M . D . xlvii. P. N. Imprinted at London by John Day and Wvllyam Seres . . . 8°, black letter. A— E in eights : F, 10 leaves. Dedicated by Nicolls to Sir Peter Carew, Knight. Lambeth. Here begynueth a godly newe story of. xii. men that moyses (by the Comaund- dement of god) sent to spye owt the land of canaan : of whiche . xii. onely Josua and Caleb, wer found faythful messengers. [Col.] Imprented at London the Tenthe daye of Maye : Anno dominice incarna- tionis ii c XL viii [sic for 1548.] By wil- liam hill remaynyng at the Signe of the hill in Paules Churche Yarde : and be there by him to be solde. 8°, black letter, A— G 4 in eights, G 4 blank. The History of the xij. men that were sent to spye out the Land of Canaan. . . . Imprinted at London by John AUde for J. Hariso. 8*^, black letter, A— E in eights, E 8 blank. Lamheth, NICOLS, _ THOMAS, of Jesus College, Cambridge. A Lapidary Or, The History of Pretious Stones : with cautions for the undeceiv- ing of all those that deal with Pretious Stones. . . . Cambridge : Printed by Tho- mas Buck. . . . 1652. 4^. A, 4 leaves, first marked A : B, 2 leaves : a folding leaf : C — li in fours. j NIGER, F. P., of CrefnoTuz. \ Franc. Petreii Nigri Cremonen. A Se- ■ cretis Senatvs Mediolanen, Britannicar. Nvptiar. Libri Tres. Mediolani, Ex Ty- pographia Moscheniana. M. d. lix. 4°, A — H in fours, H 4 blank. Italic letter. With portraits of Philip and Mary on the title. In verse. NIGHTINGALE. The nightingales good nightt. A ballad. Licensed to Henry Kyrkham, 28 July, 1592. NIGHT-WALKER. The Night-Walker : Or, Evening Ram- bles in Search after Lewd Women. With the Conferences held with them, &c. Dedicated to the Whore-Masters of Lou- NINEVEH. 426 NORDEN. don and Westminster. London, Printed for James Orme, . . . 1696-7. 4''. This edifying periodical runs from Sep- tember, 1696, to March, 1697. No. 1, A— E 2 in fours : No. 2, A— D in fours, and a leaf of E : No. 3, A— D in fours, and a leaf of Advertisements: No. 4, A— D in fours, and a leaf of E : Vol. II. No. 1, A— D in fours : No. 2, A— D in fours, and a leaf of E : No. 3, A— D 3 in fours. NINEVEH. The Repentaunce of y^ Nenyvetes. Li- censed to John Allde in 1569. Newes from Nenyvye to Englonde by the profeett Jonas. A ballad. Licensed to Ilemy Denham in 1569-70. A ballad of nowe haue with ye to Ninive being a sonnet of Repentaunce. Licensed to R. Jones, 5 Sept. 1586. NINUS AND SEMIRAMIS. The tragedie of Ninus and Semiramis, the first Monarchs of the world. Licensed to John Hardy, 10 May, 1595. NIXON, ANTHONY. The Three English Brothers. Sir Thomas Sherley his Trauels, with his three yeares imprisonment in Tiirkie ; his Inlarge- ment by his Maiesties Letters to the great Turke : and lastly, his safe return e into England this present yeare, 1607. Sir Anthony Sherley his Embassage to the Christian Princes. Master Robert Sherley his wars agahist the Turkes, with his marriage to the Emperour of Persia his Neece. London Printed, and are to be sold by John Hodgets in Paules Ctmrch-yard. 1607. 4^, A— K in fours, A 1 with a common woodcut of a ship. Dedicated by Nixon to the Earl of Suf- folk, Lord Chamberlain. Grenv. Coll. Londons Dove : Or A Memoriall of the life and death of Maister Robert Done, Citizen and Marchant-Taylor of London, and of his severall Almesdeeds and large bountie to the poore, in his life time. He departed this life, on Saterday the 2. day of this instant Moneth of May, 1612. London Printed by Thomas Creede, for Joseph Hunt, and are to be sold bv Edward Marchant, . . . 1612. 4°, A— D In fours, first leaf blank. Chiefly black letter. Dedicated by Nixon to Sir John Swinnerton, Knight. Br. M. NOBBES, ROBERT, M.A. The Compleat Troller, Or, The Art of Trolling. With A Description of all the Utensils, Instruments, Tackling, and Materials requisite thereto : With Rules and Directions how to use them. As also A Brief Account of most of the Prin- cipal Rivers in England. By a Lover of the Sport. Trahit sua quemq; voliqjtas, London, Printed by T. James for Tho. Helder . . . 1682. 8°, A— G 2 in eights. With a few cuts. Dedicated to James Tryon, Esq., of Bullwick, co. North- ampton. With two or three copies of complimentary verses, and two poems by the author, 1. On the Antiquity and In- vention of Fishing j 2. The Fisherman's Wish. NOBODY. Nobodies Complaint. A ballad. Licen- sed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. NON-RESIDENT. A Remonstrance' against the Non-Re- sidents of Great-Brittaine : Or Non- Residency condemned by Scripture, by strength of Arguments, . . . London, Printed by T. Badger, for Rich. Royston, . . . 1642. 4^. ):(, 4 leaves, the first occupied by a printed leaf before the title : A — G in fours. With a curious engraving on the title of the Careless Non- Resident. NORDEN, JOHN, M.A. The Mirror of Honor : Wherein euerie professor of amies, from the Generall, Chieftains, and high Commanders, to the priuate ofiBcer and inferiour souldier, may see the necessitie of the feare and seruice of God, and the vse of all diuine vertues, both in commaunding and obeying, prac- tising and proceeding to the most honour- able aflayres of warre. A treatise most necessarie. . . . Printed at London by the Widowe Orwin for Thomas Man. 1597. 4°, A — N in fours. Dedicated by Norden to Robert Earl of Essex. The Popes Anatomye and Elizas glorye wrytten by John Norden Esquier. Epistle not vnto One but all, I write in generall. Licensed to Edmund Bollifant, 9*^ July, 1597. NORDEN, JOHN, Topoffrapher. 1598. Specvli Britanie Pars. The dis- cription of Hartfordshire. By John Norden. 4*^. %, 4 leaves, including the engraved title and a leaf with the Queen's arms : A — D in fours. With a folded map. The Surueyors Dialogue. Diuided into fine Bookes : very profitable for all men to peruse, that haue to do with the re- uenues of Land, or the manurance, vse, or occupation thereof, both Lords and Tenants ; as also and especially for such as indeuor to be scene in the faculty of surueying of Lands, Mannors, Tenements, NORFOLK. 427 NOR THA MP TONS HIRE. &c. By I. N. . . . London, Printed for Hugh Astley, dwelling at S. Magnus corner. 1607. 4°, A — R in eights, first and last two leaves blank. Dedicated by Norden from his house at Hendon, 1 January, 1607, to Lord Salis- bury. NORFOLK. A Forme to bee vsed in Common praier euery Wednesdaie and Fridaie, within the Citie and Dioces of Norwiche : to excite all godlie people to praie vnto God for the deliuerie of those christians, that are now inuaded by the Turke. Im- printed at London, by Ihon Waley. [1565.] 4**, 4 leaves. Lambeth. A ballat of the Receyvinge of the Quenes maiestie into Xorwiche. Licensed to John Charlwood, 24 March, 1578-9. A pleasant sonnet of the Joyfull Re- ceyvinge of ys Quenes maiestye into Nor- wyche with the Dolor of the same at hir departure. Licensed to R. Jones, 31 March, 1579. A ballad concerninge y^ plag[ue] at Nor- wich beinge a manner of ballat peticon. Licensed to R. Jones, 24 July, 1579. The complaint of Norwich. Licensed to H. Carre, 4 Sept. 1579. The ioyfuUe and harty thankes gyvinge [given] of Norwyche to God for the Re- coueringe of hir health and ceasinge of hir grievous plages. Licensed to H. Carre, 1 March, 1579-80. A ballad. A lamentable Discourse of the Burninge of Est Durham in Xorfolke 1581. Licensed to R. Hollins, 9 October, 1581. The lamentable confession of mistres James for consentinge with Lowe her servante to the deatiie of her husband. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 8*^ Ju.ly, 1609. A ballett of the arraignement of John Floder for burneing the towne of Wind- ham in Norfolke. Licensed to John Trundle, 26 September, 1615. Articles to be Enqvired of, in the Dio- cesse of Norwich. In the ordinarie Visitation of the Reuerend Father in God, Francis, Lord Bishop of Norwich. Anno Domini 1629. Imprinted at Lon- don by lohn Bill. 1629. 4°, 8 leaves. To his Highness, Oliver, Lord Protector of the Common-Wealth ... is Humbly Presented A Mediterranean Passage by Water between the Two Sea Towns Lynn & Yarmovth, Upon the Two Rivers "the Little Owse, and Waveney. With farther Results. Producing the Passage from Yarmouth to York. London : Printed by Gertrude Dawson, 1656. 4*^, A— B in fours. A Full Relation of a Barbarous Murther, Committed upon the Body of Esq: Beddingfield, On Sunday the 20^^ day of July, 1684. By Mr. Barney : As also The further Account of the Tryal and Conviction of the said Mr. Barney, who is to be Executed for the same, at the Market-Cross in Norwich, on Friday, the First day of August, 1684. London, Printed by George Croom, . . . 1684. A folio leaf. NORFOLK, Duchess of. The Epytaphe of the Deathe of the Wor- thye prynces Margrete late Duches of Norfolke. Licensed to T. Col well in 1563-4. An Epytaph vpon the Duches of Nor- folke. Licensed to Richard Hudson in 1567-8. NORRIS, CAPTAIN, afterwards SIR JOHN. The Conqueste atchived by Captaine Norrice generall Colonell in the Campe in Friesland the ix*^ of Julie 1581. Licensed to J. Charlwood and E. White, 4 Aug. 1581. NORTH, FRANCIS DUDLEY, fourth Lord. A Narrative of some Passages in or rela- ting to the Long Parliament. [Quot. from Eccles. 10, 20, and 1 Sam. 15, 23.] By a Person of Honor. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet, . . . 1670, 8°, A— H 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank, and A 2 having only the Imprimatur. There is an interesting Preface, setting forth the author's object in publishing a tract, which, we are to infer, had been written some years before. Lord North was a member of the Long Parliament. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. The Witches of Northampton-Shire. Agnes Browne \ Arthur Bill \ loane Vaughan ( Hellen lenkenson J. Witches. Mary Barber. J Who were all executed at Northampton the 22. of luly last. 1612. London, Printed by Tho: Purfoot, for Arthur lohnson. 1612. 4°, A— D in fours, A 1 and D 4 blank. With a cut on the title. B.M. Articles to be Enqvired of Throvghovt the whole Diocesse of Peterborovgh : In the first Visitation of the Right Reverent Father in God, Francis by Gods provi- dence Bisliop of Peterborough. Anno Dom. 1634, & consecrationis suae primo. NORTHAMPTON. NOR TH UMBERLA ND. Printed at London by Nicholas Okes. 1634. 4°, A— B in fours. Articles to be enquired of witbin tlie Diocese of Peterburgb. In the first Visitation of the Keverend Fatlier in God John Lord Bisbop of Peterburgb. Printed by Thomas Buck, one of the printers to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1639. 4°. A, 3 leaves : B— D iu fours. The true Kelation of the Entertainment of my Lord of Essex at Northampton. With the just number of horse and foot that flocke from Neighburing Countries to assist His Person. Also the Relation of 4. Holland Ships that purposely ar- rived thither for to help his Excellency. . . . Here is likewise the true Relation of Captaine Legs discoueries, who being taken by our men upon condition of free pardon did divulge all the Cavaleers pro- jects and intentions. Shewing how many of them were sent to the He of Wyght and the He of Man, to take away and seize upon the money pretended for the relife of our poore Brethren in Ireland. Also the manner of my Lord of Hollands taking a seminary Priest. London, printed for Tho. Bankes. Septem. 21. [1642 ?] 4°, 4 leaves. The Copy of a Letter Written from Nor- thampton : Containing A true Relation of the Souldier's Preaching, and murder- ing a Woman : Which are very grosly misreported by the Diurnal, and Moderate Intelligencer. Together wdth some more New-Light from Mr. Dell, the Chaplain to the Army. As also, the Quarter the Souldiers give to the Country where they are Quartered. London, Printed for Ralph Smith, . . . 1646. 4^, 4 leaves. The Speech of Robert Clerk, Esq; Deputy- Recorder of Northampton to the Mayor-Elect For the Year ensuing, 1684. London, Printed for Rob. Cliown, 1684. A single folio leaf. NORTHAMPTON, HENRY HOWARD, Earl of. A Defensative against the poyson of sup- posed Prophecies. . . . Printed by lohn Charlewood, . . , and reprinted by W. laggard, and to be sold by Mathew Lownes . . . 1620. Folio. A, 8 leaves : B— Tt in fours, Tt 4 blank. NORTHUMBERLAND. The praise of bonny Newcastle. A ballad. Licensed to Thomas Lambert, 14 June, 1634. A Trve Relation of the Scots taking of Cocker Hand : where they have taken the Garisou, . . . And of their proceed- ings at the siege at Newcastle, and their propositions sent to Col. Glenham, to deliver, up Newcastle to them, and Col. Glenhams answer to it. With other pas- sages concerning the Sheelds and Tin- mouth Castle. . . . London Printed for Andrew Coe, ... m DC xliv. 4°, 4 leaves. A Full Relation of the Scots march from Berwicke to Newcastle, with Eighteen thousand Foot, three thousand Horse, five hundred Dragoons, . . . Also, their Message to the Governour of Newcastle, and their Propositions to the Cavaliers, and their several Answers about the sur- rendring of New^castle. Together, with a Relation of 11. of the Earle of Warwicks Ships appointed to fall upon 7. Ships which lay at Newcastle, ... By a Mes- senger from the Scots Armie. London, Printed by Andrew Coe, . . . 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. NORTHUMBERLAND, HENRY PERCY, Earl of. A true and Summarie reporte of the de- claration of some part of the Earle of Northumberlands Treasons, deliuered pabliquelie in the Court at the Starre- Chamber by the Lord Chauncellour and others of her Maiesties most Honourable priuie Counsell, and Counsell learned, by her Maiesties speciall commandement, together with the examinations & de- positions of sundrie persons touching the maner of his most wicked and violent murder conmiitted vpon him selfe with his owne hand, in the Tower of London, the 20. day of lune, 1585. In ?edibus C. Barker. 4^, black letter, A, 3 leaves : B— D in fours, D 4 blank. The fall of therle of Northumberland yt killed himself in ye Tower. A ballad. Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. NORTHUMBERLAND, ROBERT DUDLEY, Buhe of Deir Arcano Del Mare di D. Rvberto Dvdleo Dvca di Northvmbria, e Conte di Warvick, Libri Sei ; ... In Firenze, . . . 1646-7. Folio. 2 vols. Wiih dia- grams and charts. Arcano del Mare . . . Impressione Se- conda. Corretta, »& accrescinta, ... In Fiorenza, mdclxi. . . . Folio. 2 vols. With diagrams, &c. This great work is of singiilar import- ance to the American collector. The Maps and Charts, which it contains, are all tlie result of lonj? and profound study, and judicious criticism. Dudley was himself a jiractical mariner and scientific man, as well as a great noble, who spent forty years of his NOR THUMBERLA AD. 429 NOSTRADAMUS. life, and the treasures of a vast income, upon the accumulation of authentic material for the illustration of his cherished subjects — Hydrography and Navigation. The Ar- cano comprises Portolani and Charts by English and other pilots, which were never published elsewhere ; and it seems curious that the book should have hitherto escaped tlie notice of most American collectors, when we consider some of its points of in- terest. The maps which depict Virginia, Kew Netherlands, and New England, are amongst the most important of these : they are fuller and upon a larger scale than, ■while at the same time, they are totally distinct from, those of Laet, Jansson, Mer- cator, Visscher, the Beschryviug of 1651, Tan Loon, and Donckers. It is very strange, upon this account, that the Arcano is omitted by Asher in his Biographical Essay, and that the attention of so pains- taking a student should not have been drawn to Dudley's work. The above second edition was prepared from the author's corrected copy of the first ; and as he died in 1639, his maps of those parts of America must be considered to take precedence of all those mentioned by Asher, except the 1630 edition of Laet. In fact, it is uncertain whether they might not claim priority even over Laet ; for the engraver Luoini mentions that he himself had been kept secluded in an obscure vil- lage of Tuscany for twelve years, working incessantly at the plates. Asher's Essay, so elaborate in its description of the various early maps and charts, their variations, and their mutual dependence or independence, becomes very defective through its omis- sion of the Arcano. Again the large scale of the maps of California and New Albion, and the number of names which crowd the coast line below and above Cape Mendo- cino, with the marginal observation upon the errors of latitude made by previous writers, show conclusively the scientific character and importance of Dudley's work. A simUai' remark will apply to the delineations of the newly discovered lands of Australia, and the northern coasts of New Holland (which he mistakenly calls New Guinea, while leaving to that island its other name Papua). | One of the Portolans is by Abraham ' Kendal, the master of Dudley's flag-ship, when the latter (just before Kaleigh made his similar attempt) fitted out an expedi- tion in 1594-05 to explore the land of Eldo- rado ; during which he visited Trinidad and some other islands, Guyana, the issues of the Orinoco, &c. He took some useful notes, made lists of native words, thrashed some Si:)anish ships, and escaped some great dangers in this expedition, a daring one for a young man of 21 — but returned without booty. The numerous Vocabu- laries of savage languages which the Arcano contains are of considerable interest. Abra- ham Kenda], whose name is unknown to the book-makers, died at Portobello, in Central America, in 1597, in Drake's ser- vice, leaving behind Mm the plans and papers of which Dudley made good use. Dudley was the legitimate son of the Earl of Leicester, and acknowledged as such during his father's life, but the hatred of his step-mother and the enmity which his aspiring and ambitious character created for him, damaged his prospects at court. He claimed the Dukedom of Northumber- land, which had fallen into abeyance on the execution of his grandfather, the setter-up of Queen Jane Gray ; but soon left England (where he was more likely to receive indignities than rewards), and went to travel on the Continent, from which he never returned. He obtained, however, from the Grand Duke of Tuscany honours and employment ; and received from Ferdinand II. a patent by which the title of Duke of Northumberland and Earl of AVarwick was secured to himself and his children throughout the Empire, with the title of Duchess for the lady he took with him from England and married in Italy. Charles I. conferred the same title upon the wife whom Dudley had left with four children in England behind him. — Note in Quaritdts Catalogue. XORTOX, JOHX. Abel being Dead yet speaketh. Or, The Life & Death of that deservedly Famous Man of God, Mr. John Cotton, Late Teacher of the Church of Christ, at Bos- ton in Xew-England. Bj John Norton, Teacher of the same Church. . . . Lon- don, Printed by Tho. Xewcomb forLodo- wick Llovd, . . . 1658. 4*^. A— G in fours, G 3-4 with Advertisements. A warning agaynst the dangerous prac- tises of Papistes. . . . Written by Thomas Xorton, and newly perused and encreased. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by lohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate. 8^, black letter, A — O in fours. XOEWOOD, RICHAED. A Plott or Maj)p of Bermudas or the summer Islands. Licensed to Xathanael Xewbery, 19 Jan. 1621-2. XOSTEADAMUS, M. The pronostication of master Xostro- damus and also his almanacke for the same yere. Licensed to Lucas Harrison in 1558-9. A pronostication of Xosterdamus. Printed by William Copland without license in 1558-9. An Excelent treates made by Xoster- damus. Printed by lohn Day without license in 1558-9. An Almanacke and prodigious prognosti- cation, made for the yeare of grace. 1566. By Mi, Xostradamus. . . . Imprinted at Londonby Henry Denham. S*'. Bacjfonl Papers (orig. title). NOTHING. 430 NYMPH, The True Prophecies or Prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, Physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. Kings of France, and one of the best Astronomers that ever were. A Work full of Curiosity and Learning. Trans- lated and Commented by Theophilvs de Garencieres, Doctor in Physick Colleg. London. London, Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, and Nathaniel Thompson, . . . 1672. Folio. Title and dedication to Nathaniel Parker, of Gray's Inn, 2 leaves : To the Reader and verses, 2 leaves : b, 2 leaves : c — e in fours : B — 3 V in fours : Xxx, 1 leaf. With a frontispiece in compartments, containing a portrait of Parker. The True Prophecies or Prognostications of Michael Nostradamus. . . . London, Printed, and are to be sold by John Salus- bury . . . 1685. Folio. Frontispiece, title, and dedication, 3 leaves : b — e in fours : B— 3 X 2 in fours, 3X2 blank. NOTHING. I will say nothyng. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564-5. He that nothynge hath nothynge shalb[e] sett by. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in Oct. 1564. NOTTINGHAM, HEXEAGE FINCH, Earl of, Lord Chancellor. The Arguments of the Right Honourable the late Lord Chancellor Nottingham, Upon which he made the Decree in the Cause between the Honourable Charles Howard, Esq; Plaintiff; Henry late Duke of Norfolk, Henry Lord Mowbrey his Son, Henry Marquess of Dorchester, and Richard Marriott, Esq; Defendants. Wherein the several Wayes and Methods of limiting the Trust of a Term for Years, are fully debated. London, Printed for George Tatarshall, Esq; of Finch hamsted in the County of Berks, mdclxxxv. Folio, A — I, 2 leaves each. NOURSE, THOMAS, Gentleman. A Discourse upon the Nature and Facul- ties of Man, in Several Essayes : . . . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1686. 8°, A— Bb in eights. With a frontispiece. NOVATUS, HIERONYMUS. Hieronymi Novati Mediulanen. Advocati Pro Serenissima D. Catlierina dc Castiglia de Aragonia Anglioc Regina Allegationes. [Col.] Impressum Rumae apud Anto- nium Badiuni Asulanum. [1532.] 4° A — Z in fours, followed by 14 leaves irregularly signed with c&, &c. NOVEL. A strange petyfull novell Dyscoursynge of a noble Lorde and his lady with the tragicall ende of tliem and thayre ij cheldren executed by a blacke morryon. Licensed to Richard Jones in 1569-70. NOVELTIES. The nomber of novelties. A. M. auc- thore. Licensed to John Danter, 16 March. 1593-4. NOWELL, ALEXANDER. A Catechisme, or Institution of Christian Religion, to bee learned of all youth next after the little Catechisme : appointed in the booke of common Prayer. At Lon- don Printed by lohn Daye . . . Cum priuilegio . . . An. 1572. 8*^, A — G in eights, and H, 10 leaves. Lambeth. A Catechisme, or Institution of Christian Religion, to be learned of all youth, next after the little Catechisme appoynted in the booke of Common Prayer. London, Printed by Aug. M. for the Company of Stationers. 1633. 8°, A— G in eights, G 8 blank. NYE, NATHANAEL, Mathematician, Master Gunner of the City of Worcester. The Art of Gunnery. Wherein is de- scribed the true way to make all sorts of Gunpowder, Gun-match, the Art of shoot- ing in great and small Ordnance : Excel- lent ways to take Heights, ... to draw the Map or Plot of any City, Town, Castle, ... To make divers sorts of Artificiall Fire-works, both for War and Recreation, . . , This Treatise is composed for the help of all such Gunners and others, that have charge of Artillery, . . . Loudon, Printed for William Leak, . . . 1648. 8*^. A, 8 leaves, title on A 2 : -|-, 4 leaves : B — G 4 in eights : a — g 4 in eights, g 4 blank. With a portrait by Hollar, 1644. ait. 20, and numerous plates on the letter- press, besides separate ones at sign. F 3, b 3, c 2 — 3, and d 2, all probably by Hollar. NYMPH. The Constant Nymph : Or, The Rambling Shepheard. A Pastoral. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theater. Written by a Person of Quality. London, Printed for Langley Curtis . . . 1678. 4^, A— G in fours. O. D. 431 OA TES. o. 0. D. A Perswasion to Loyalty, or the Svbiects Dvtie : Wherein is proved that resisting or deiDosing of Kings (under what specious pretences soever couched) is utterly un- lawfull. Collected by D. O. Dedicated to all dutifull Subjects. London, Printed. 1642. 4^, A— E 2 in fours. O'S, THE FIFTEEN. [The Fifteen O's and other Prayers. Colo- phon :] Thiese prayers tofore wreton ben enprited bi the comandementes of the moste hye & vertuous pryncesse our liege ladi Elizabeth by the grace of god Queue of Englonde & of France. & also of the right hye & most noble pryncesse Mar- garete Moder vnto our souerayn lorde the Kyng / ... By their most humble subget and seruaut William Caxton. [1490.] 4^, 22 leaves. Without title, folios, and catchwords. Printed within borders of pieces. Br. Museum. GATES, TITUS, D.D. A Trufi Narrative of the Horrid Plot and Conspiracy of the Popish Party Against the Life of His Sacred Majesty, the Go- vernment, and the Protestant Eeligion. With a List of such Noblemen, Gentle- men, and others, as were the Conspira- tors : And the Head-OfEcers both Civil and Military that were to affect it. Pub- lished by the Order of . . . Parliament . . . Humbly Presented to Plis Most Excellent Majesty, By Titus Otes, D.D. London : Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, and Thomas Cockerill, . . . mdclxxix. Folio. Title and Imprimatur, 2 leaves : (a) — (b), in twos : B — S in twos. The Popes Ware-house, or The Merchan- dise of the Whore of Rome Published for Common Good. By Titus Gates, D.D. London, Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, . . . 1679. 4^, A— S 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Shaftesbury. An Exact Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity As it is now in Practice amongst the Jesuits and others their Emissaries. With a particular Account of their Anti- christian and Devilish Policy. Composed in the Italian Tongue by Gne of the Romish Religion, Translated into Eng- lish, and now newly Published by Titus Gates D.D. . . . Licensed and Entred according to Order, London, Printed by Tho. James for Benj. Harris . . . 1679. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. England Bought and Sold : Or, A Dis- covery of a Horrid Designe to destroy the Antient Liberty of all the Free- Holders in England, in the Choice of Members to serve in the Honourable House of Commons in Parliament. By a Late Libel Entituled, The Certain Way to save England, d;c. London : Printed for T[itusj 0[ates.] 1681. Folio, B— D, 2 leaves each, and the title. Gates's Manifesto ; Or, The Complaint of Titus Gates against the Salamanca Doc- tor ; And, The same Doctor against Titus Gates : Comprized in a Dialogue between the said Parties, On occasion'of some In- consistent Evidence given about the Horrid and Damnable Popish Plot. Be Ore tuo Te Judico. London, Printed for R. L. Anno Dom. mdclxxxiii. Folio, B— H in twos, a leaf of I, and the title. The Tryals, Convictions & Sentence of Titus Otes, upon two Indictments for Willful, Malicious, and Corrupt Perjury : At the Kings-Bench-Barr at Westminster, before the Right Honourable George Lord Jeffreys, . . . Upon Friday the 8th and Saturday the 9*^1 days of May, Anno Domini, 1685 .. . London, Printed for R. Sare, . . . 1685. Folio, A— Aa in twos, Aa 2 blank, besides title and im- primatur, and d, 1 leaf between D and E. Die Sabbati 9^ Maij, Anno Domini, 1685. In Banco Regis. Dominus Rex versus Gats. [London, 1685.] Folio, A— P in twos, without a regular title. Gates his Degrees. Being advanced to y^ Pillory, Debased to ye Carte Arse, and expected by his old friend to higher pre- ferment. Sold by R. Palmer against Somerset house. A large engraving, re- presenting Gates in the pillory on the left-liand side, and being whipped at the cart's-tail on the right, with a gallows in the background. A Song of the Light of the three Nations turn'd into Darknes Or Otes made Free nian of AVhitington's Coll edge, for Per- jury, Scandalum Magnatum^ and some- thing like Treason. London Printed for J. Dean, Bookseller in Cranborn-street near Newport House in Leicester-Fields. 1 684. A folio sheet. In verse. OATHS. 432 OGILBY. Eikon Brotoloigoi: Or, The Picture of Titus Gates . . . The Second Edition, with Additions. London : Printed . . . MDCXGVii. 4^, A — D 2 in fours. OATHS. The Book of Oaths, And the severall forms thereof, both Antient and Modern. FaithfuUy Collected out of sundry Au- thentike Books and Records, not hereto- fore extant, compiled in one Volume. . . . Printed at London for W. Lee, . . . 1649. 12°. A, 6 leaves ; B— S 6 in twelves. OBERNDORFF, JOHN. The Anatomyes of the True Phvsition, and Counterfeit Mounte-banke : Wherein both of them, are graphically described, and set out in their Right, and Orient Colours. Published in Latin by lohn Oberndorff, a Learned German : and Translated into Euglish by F. H. Fellow of the Coll. of Physitions in London. Herevnto is annexed: A short Discourse, or, Discouery of certaine Stratagems, whereby our London Emperickes, haue bene obserued strongly to oppugne, and oft times to expugne their Poore Patients Purses. London Printed for Arthur lohnson, . . . 1602. 4^ A, 4 leaves : IF, 2 leaves : B — G 2 in fours. OBSERVATOR. The Observator Prov'd a Trimmer : Or Truth and Justice Vindicated, in the History of the Murther of Sir Edmond- bury Godfrey, and the Several Popish Shams since made use of to amuse the World about it. Being a Full Answer to certain late Pamphlets, Intituled, Obser- vators ; . . . London : Printed for J. Allen, . . . 1685. Folio, A— M in twos. An attack on Sir Roger Le Strange's peri- odical by an anonymous hand. There was a later Observator by John Tutchin [1702- 12]. OCHINUS, BERNARDINUS. A Dialogue of Polygamy, Written origin- ally in Italian [by Bernardinus Ochinus :] Rendred into English by a Person of Quality ; and Dedicated to the Author of that well-known Treatise call'd, Advice to a Son. London, Printed for John Gar- field . . . 1657. 12°, A—H 4 in twelves, first leaf blank. OFFELEN, HENRI, Le Sienr. Devises et Eniblemes ... en Latin . . . en Anglois. ... A Amsterdam 1696. 4°, A — N 2 in fours. Published by Daniel de la Feuille. The descriptions are given in seven languai;es, in all of which tl»e above-named Olfelen is described as being a professor at Amster- dam at this time. The book is merely noticed, in consequence of one of the lan- guages being Enghsh. .» OGILBY, JOHN. ^ The Entertainment of His Most Excel- lent Majestie Charles II. in His Passage through the City of London to His Coro- nation : Containing an exact Accompt of the whole Solemnity ; the Triumphal Arches, and Cavalcade, delineated in Sculpture ; the Speeches and Impresses illustrated from Antiquity. To these is Added, A Brief Narrative of His Majes- tie's Solemn Coronation : With His Mag- nificent Proceeding, and Royal Feast in Westminster Hall. By John Ogilby. London, Printed by Tho: Roy croft, and are to be had at the Authors House. . . . MDCLXXii. Folio. With a portrait of the King, frontispiece, and plates. Thei'e are copies on large paper, with proof impressions of the portraits. Frontis- piece by W. Hollar, 1 leaf : title, 1 leaf : large folding portrait of the King : dedica- tion to the King, 1 leaf : the Calvacade on five sheets : Trophea, 2 leaves : B — C, 2 leaves each : Triumphal Arch : D — Dd 2 in fours. With other plates at pp. 42, 111, 139, 166 (2), the last beiug a large view of the ceremonial in Westminster Hall. Africa : Being an Accurate Description of the Regions of ^Egypt, Barbary, Lybia, Billedugerid, the Land of Negroes, Guinea, Ethiopia, and the Abyssines, with all the Adjacent Islands, either in the Medi- terranean, Atlantick, Southern, or Ori- ental Sea, belonging thereunto. With the several Denominations of their Coasts, Harbours, . . . Their Customs, Modes, and Manners, . . . With their Govern- ments and Policy, variety of Trade and Barter, And also of their Wonderful Plants, Beasts, Birds, and Serpents. Col- lected and Translated from most Authen- tick Authors, And Augmented with later Observations ; Illustrated with Notes, and Adorn'd with peculiar Maps, and proper Sculptures, By John Ogilby Esq; Master of His Majesties Revels in the Kingdom of Ireland. London, Printed for the Author, and are to be liad at his House in White Fryers, m. dc. lxx. Folio. Dedicated to the King. With a frontis- piece and plates, some on the text, and a large folded map of Africa. America : Being the Latest, and most Accurate Descri}ition of the New World ; Containing The Original of the Inhabi- tants, and the Remarkable Voyages thither. The Conquest of the Vast Em- pires of Mexico an(l Peru, , . . With the Several European Plantations. . . . With OGILVIE. 433 OLDMIXON. an Appendix, containing, besides several other considerable Additions, a brief Sur- vey of what liath been discover'd of tlie Unknown South-Land and the Arctick Region. Collected . . . Augmented witli later Observations, and Adorn'd with Maps and Sculptures, by John Ogilby Esq; . . . London, Printed by the Author, . . . M, DC, Lxxi. Folio, A — 3 P 4 in fours, last leaf blank, besides a frontis- piece, folded map, and other maps and engravings separate from the text. Asia, The First Part, Being An Accurate Description of Persia, And the Several Provinces thereof. The Vast Em])ire of the Great Mogol, and other Parts of India : And their Several Kingdoms and Re- gions : Collected and Translated, . . . and Adorn'd with peculiar Maps and pro- per Sculptures, By John Ogilby Esq; . . . London, Printed by the Author at his House in White - Friers, m.dc.lxxiii. Folio, A — Mm in fours, besides frontis- piece, title, dedication, and folded map of Asia. With other maps and engravings. Itinerarium Anglise : Or, A Book of Roads, Wherein are Contained the Principal Road-Ways of His Majesty's Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales : Ac- tually Admeasured and Delineated in a Century of Whole-Sheet Copper-Sculps. And Illustrated with the Ichnography of the several Cities and Capital Towns. By John Ogilby Esq; His Majesty's Cosmo- grapher, and Master of His Majesty's Revels in the Kingdom of Ireland. Lon- don, Printed by the Author at his House in White -Fryers, m. dc. lxxv. Folio. The titlepage and other prefixes occupy five leaves. OGILVIE, SIR GEORGE, oj Barms, Kt. and Baronet. A True Account of the Preservation of the Regalia of Scotland, Viz; Crown, Sword and Scepter, From falling into the Hands of the English Vsurpers, Be Sir George Ogilvie . . . AVith the Blazon of that Family. Edinburgh, Printed in the Year mdcci. 4^, A — B in fours, and the frontispiece. A Clear Vindication and Just Defence for Publishing of the Foregoing Account. With other Remarkable Instances, and Observable Passages, Relating to, and Confirming the Truth of it. [Edinburgh, 17021] 4**, 15 leaves. OGILVY, JOHN, Jesuit. A Trve Relation of tlie Proceedings against lohn Ogilvie, a lesuit, executed at Glasgow, the last of Februarie, anno 1615. Containing Sundrie Speeclies vt- tered by him at his Arraignment, and others, that affected the Commissioners deputed for his triall : With all that passed at his execution. [Quotations.] Edinbvrgh, Printed by Andro Hart, Anno 1615. 4«, A— E 2 in fours. Relatio Incarcerationis, et Martyrii P. loannis Ogilbei Natione Scoti e Societate lesv Presbyteri Duaci prirao excusa. Nvnc denvo Recusa. . . . Ingoklstadii, . . . Anno Domini m.dc.xvi. Small 12°, A— F 6 in twelves, F 6 blank. OLAUS MAGNUS. A Compendious History of the Goths, Swedes, & Vandals, and other Northern Nations. Written by Olaus Magnus, Arch-Bishop of Upsall, and Metropolitan of Sweden. London : Printed by J. Streater, and are to be sold by Humphrey Mosely, . . . 1658. Folio. Title and dedication to Bulstrode Whitelocke by J. S. 2 leaves : A — Hh in fours. OLDCASTLE, SIR JOHN. The first part of . . . Sir John Oldcastle. . . . 1600. A second part of this drama was licensed with the first, August 11, 1600 (Arber, iii. 169); but it does not seem to have been printed. OLDHAM, JOHN. The Works of Mr. John Oldham. To- gether with his Remains. London : Printed for Nathaniel Rolls, at his Auc- tion-house in Petty-Canons-Hall, near the North Side of St. Paul's Church, mdcxcv. 8^. Title and Contents, 2 leaves : Satyrs, A — L 2 in eights, but only 2 leaves in A : Poems and Translations, A — I 4 In eights, besides title and 2 leaves of Pre- face : Poems and Translations (2nd Se- ries), B — P 4 in eights, besides title, advertisement, and contents : Remains, A — I in eights. Satyrs upon the Jesuits : . . . The Second Edition more corrected. London: Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh . . . ]682. 8"*. A, 4 leaves : B — L 2 in eights : Some New Pieces, A — I 5 in eights. OLDMIXON, JOHN. The Grove, Or Love's Paradice. An Opera, Represented at the Theatre Royal in Drury-lane. Aid famam sequere, . . . Hor. Art. Poet. Written by Mr. Old- mixon. London, Printed for Richard Parker . . . 1700. 4*^, A— G in fours Dedicated to Mr. Freeman. The Governour of Cyprus : A Tragedy I UNIVL. V ^ oi OLEARIUS. 434 ORMONDE. Little Liucoliis-Iun-Fields. By Her Ma- jesties Servants. By Mr. Oldmixon, . . . London, Printed by R,. Tookey, for Rich. Parker, . . . 1703. 4^, A — G in fours, and a, 2 leaves. Dedicated to the Duchess of Boiton. OLEARIUS, ADAM. The Voyages & Travels of Ambassadors Sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to tlie Great Duke of Muscovy, and the King of Persia. Begun in the year M.DC.xxxiii. and finish'd in m.dc.xxxix. Containing a Compleat History of Mus- covy, Tartary, Persia, and other adjacent 0(uintries. With several Publick Trans- lations reaching neer the Present Times ; In VII. Books. Whereto are added The Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo, . . . from Persia, into the East- Indies, ... In III. Books. Written Originally Ly Adam Olearius, Secretary to the Em- bas.sy. Faithfully rendered into English, by John Davies, of Kidwelly. London, Printed for Thomas Dring, and John Starkey . . . m.dc.lxii. Folio. General title, 1 leaf : A, 4 leaves : (b) — (e) in twos : B — 5 P in fours. With a frontis- piece of portraits and several folded plates and maps. OU-HI, HART. Trodden Down Strength, By the God of Strength, Or, Mrs. Drake Revived, Shew- ing Her strange and rare Case, great and many uncouth Afflictions, for tenne yeares togetlier : Together with the strange and wunderfull manner how the Lord revealed liimselfe unto her, a few dayes before her death. Related by her sometime un- worthy friend, Hart Ou-Hi . . . London, Printed by R. Bishop for Stephen Pil- kington . . . 1647. 8°, A— N 4 in eights, first leaf blank and second having the licence. ONSLOW. An Epytaph of master Oneslowe. Li- censed to W. Griffith in 1570-1. OPIOLOGIA. Oi)iologia, A treatise concerninge the nature, properties, true preparac(m, and safe vse and administracon of Opium, translated by Tiiomas Bretnor. Licensed to Nicholas Okes (conditionally), 26 August, 1617. ORDER. An order / whych a Pry nee in battayll muste obserue, and ke})e, yf he entende to subdewe, or pa>;so thoroughe liis ene- iiiyes landes. [Cul.] Imprinted at Lon- do in saynt Andrews paryshe besyde Baynards castell bv Thomas Ravnald and Wylliam Hyll. 8°, black lette^'r. A— C 4 in eights, C 4 with the colophon. B. M. ORDINANCE. This is a true copy of the ordinaunce made in the tyme of the reygne of Kynge Henry the. vi. to be obserued in the Kynges Eschequier / by the offycers and clerkes of the same / for takyng of fees of the kynges accomptes in the same courte. [Col.] Imprynted at London, by me Robert Rednuin. Svo, A in eights, A 8 with the mark. ORIGEN. A Letter of Resolution Concerning Origen and the chief of his Opinions. Written to the Learned and most Ingenious C. L. Esquire ; and by him published. Lon- don, Printed in the year mdclxi. 4^, A — S in fours. ORLEANS. La Parthenie Orleanoise, ou I'Histoire memorable de la ville d'Orleans assie_ par les anglois & delittree par vne Viei_ enuoyee de Dieu. Tiree de I'histoire d'Orleans de M. Symphorien Guyon Prestre Orleannois. A Orleans. . . . M.DC.Liv. Svo. §, 4 leaves : §§,4 leaves : §§§,1 leaf : A — Kk in fours. ORMONDE, JAMES BUTLER, DuJce of, Lord Deputy of Ireland. Harangve de Monseignevr Le Marqvis D'Ormond Vice-Roy d'lrlande, Dans I'assemblee des Catholiques de ce Ro- yaume-la, Svr la Conclvsion de levr paix, & leur vnion pour venger la mort de leur defunt Roy, d asseurer le nouueau dans ses Estats. Prononcee d Kilkenny en Irlande. A Paris, . . . m.dc.xlix. 4*^, 4 leaves. A True Account of the whole Proceedings betwixt his Grace James Duke of Ormond, and the Right Honor. Arthvr Earl of Anglesey late Lord Privy-Seal. , . . London, Printed for Thomas Fox . . . 1681. Folio, A — H in twos and the title. A Letter from his Grace James Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, In answer to the Right Honourable Arthur Earl of Anglesey Lord Privy-Seal, His Observations and Rellections upon the Earl of Castlehaven's Memoires concern- ing the Rebellion of Ireland. Printed from the Original, with an Answer to it, by the Right Honourable the Earl of Anglesey. London, Printed for N. P. ORPHAXS. 435 ORTUS. MDCLXXXii. Folio, 6 leaves, each part having its titlepage aud signatures. OEPHANS. Orders taken, and enacted, for Orphanes & their poreions. 1551. [CoL] Im- printed at London, in Powles Cliurche- yard, by lohn Cawood Printer to the Quenes Maiestie. Cum Priuilegio. . . . 8*^, A— B 4 in eights, B 4 blank. Lambeth. ORPHEUS. Orpheus and his wyf. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. ORRERY, ROGER BOYLE, Earl of. The History of Henry the Fifth. And the Traged}"- of Mustapha, Son of Soly- man the Magnificent. As they were Acted at his Highness the Duke of York's Theater. Written by the Right Honour- able the Earl of Orrery. London, Printed for H. Herringman, . . . 1668. Folio, A — li, 2 leaves each. The History of Henry the Fifth. And the Tragedy of Mustapha, Sou of Soly- man the Magnificent As they were Acted at his Highness the Duke of York's Theater. Written by the Right Honour- able the Earl of Orrery. London, Printed for H. Hemngman. " . .. 1669. Folio, A — Ee, 2 leaves each. Two New Tragedies : The Black Prince, and Tryphon : The first Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majestie's Ser- vants ; the other by his Highness the Duke of York's Servants. Both Written by the Right Honourable the Earl of Orrery. London Printed by T. N. for H. Herringman, . . . 1669. Folio. A — R, 2 leaves each, and A — Q, 2 leaves each, Q 2 with the Errata for both dramas. Herod the Great. A Tragedy. Written by the Right Honourable the Earl of Orrery. London, Printed by T. Warren for F. Saunders . . . 1694. Folio, A — M, 2 leaves each : Guzman. A Comedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, with a new title, dated 1693 ; the title, 1 leaf, and B — 0, 2 leaves each. Altemira. A Tragedy. As it is now Acted at the New-Theatre in Lin coin s- Inn-Fields. By His Majesty's Servants. Written by the Right Honourable Roger Late Earl of Orrery, and Revis'd by the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq; Lon- don : Printed for John Nutt . . . 1702. 4^^, A— H in fours. Dedicated by Francis Manning to Lionel, Earl of Orrery. ORTELIUS. An Epitome of Ortelivs His Theatre of the World ... At London, Printed by lohn Norton. Oblong 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B — R 7 in eights. Dedicated in this edition to Mr. Richard Gargrave. ORTUS VOCABULORUM. Ortus Vocabulorum. [Col.] Adest iste studiosissime lector opusculi finis quod no minus preceptorib^ vt vocabulorp sig- nificationes memorie comendat q. scoUis- ticis ceterisq5 studiosis eas igiiorautib^ conducet oim eni vocabulorp significa- tiones que in Catholicon Breuiloquio Cor- nucopia aut Medulla gramatice ponuntp pertinet. quuni igitur summa diligentia sit collectu vigilantiq^, studio correctii vt niagis in luceni prodiret ij)sri a viris studiosis i^reparandum esse constat. Per viru laudabilemciuem prouidum magistrti Winandii de worde prope celeberrimii monasterium quod Westmynstre appella- tiir. Anno incarnaciois dominice. m. ccccc. impressum. Folio, A — F in eights: G — O in sixes : P — X in eights : AA — EE in eights : FF — II in sixes : KK — NN in eights : 00, 6 leaves : PP, 8 : QQ, 6. Printed in two columns, the last page blank. Grenv. Coll. Ortus vocabuloru Alphabetico ordine fere omia que in Catholicon : Breuiloquio : Cornucopia : . . . Uenundatur London, in vico nucupato Fletestrete : sub inter- signio sancti Georgii : ab Richardo Pyn- son Impressore Regio. [CoL] Adest studiosissimi lectores opusculi finis : . . . Impressum London. j)er Richardu Pyn- son . . . Anno incarnationis Dominice M. ccccc. IX. vindecimo kaledas Septebris. 4°, A — Z in eights : then 3 sheets of eight irregularly marked : AA — BB in eights : CC— DD in sixes. Br. M. Ortus vocabulorp Alphabetico ordine fere omnia que in Catholico . . . cotinens Impressus Lodoniis p Wynandu de Worde ... [in the colophon is added] M. ccccc. xi. die vero. xii. Augusti. 4°, A — Z in eights and fours, followed by 12 leaves, or two gatherings of 4 and 8 : then AA — EE in fours and eights : FF, 8 : GG, 6. Ortus vocabuloru Alphabetico ordine fere omnia que in Catholico / Breuiloquio / Cornucopia / Gemma vocabulor / atq5 Medulla gramatice ponunt / cii perpul- chris additionibus. Ascesi. & vernacule lingue Anglicane continens. Londini impressus p Wynandu de Worde / ac in vrbe in parrochia sancte Brigide (in the flete-strete) ad signu solis mora trahen- OSSOLINSKL 436 OTIVA Y. leiu. [The rest of the titlepage is occu- pied by the device. The colophon is :] Adest studiosissimi lectores opusculi finis. . . . Impressu London, per uynan- dum de Avorde . . . Anno incarnacionis Domiiiice M.ccccc.xiiij. die vero. xv. Feb- ruarij. 4*^, bhick letter, printed in two columns, A — LI in eights and fours, ex- cept that in the last sheet are 6 leaves. Br. M. Ortus vocabuloril . . . [Col.] Adest . . . opusculi finis. . . . Impressu London, per Mvnandum de worde . . . Anno incar- nacionis Dominice. M.ccccc.xviii. xvii, niensis Octobrii. 4°, A — LI in eights and fours, except LI in sixes. Ortus vocabuloril Alphabetico ordine fere omnia que in Catholico Breuiloquio Cornucopia. . . . Impressum London, per wynandum de worde commoranteni in vico nuncupato (the fletestrete) sub inter- signio Solis. anno incarnationis Dominice M.ccccc.xxviij. die vero prima Aprilis. 4^, black letter, printed in two columns. A — Hh in eights and fours : li, 4 leaves: Kk, 8 leaves : LI, 6 leaves. For a notice of the edition printed at Eouen in 1517 for a stationer there, of which copies were sold to John Gachet of Hereford, see Way's Promptorium, 1865, p. Ixi. OSSOLINSKI, GEORGE, Count Palatine of Temizyn, d;c. A Trve Copy of the Latin e Oration . . . As it was pronounced to his Maiestie at White-Hall by the said Embassadour. on Sunday the 11 of March. 1620. With the Translation of the same into English. Commanded by his Maiestie to be pub- lished in print. London : Printed for William Lee, . . . 1621. 4^, A— C 2 in fours, first leaf blank. OSORIUS, HIERONYMUS. Epistola Hieronymi Osorii ad Serenis- simam Elisabetam, Anglioe Reginam. Venetiis, m d lxiii. ... 4*^, A — F in fours, F 4 blank. O'SULLIVAN, PHILIP. Historije Catholicic Ibernise Compendivm. Domino Philippe Avstriaco II 1 1. His- paniorum . . . regi Catholico, . . . dicatum. A. D. Philippo OsuUeuano liearro Iberno. Cum facultate S. Inquisitionis . . . Vlyssippone excusum . . . 1621. 4*^. Title, licence, and dedication, 4 leaves : A — NN in eights, the last leaf with the Errata. OTWAY, THOMAS, ofTrotton, Co. Sussex Titus and Berenice, A Tragedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. With a Farcy culled the Cheats of Scapin. By Tho: Otway. . . . London: Printed for Richard Tonson . . . 1677. 4", A — I in fours. Dedicated to John, Earl of Rochester. Friendship in Fashion. A Comedy, As it is Acted at his Royal Highness the Dukes Theatre. Written by Thomas Otway. Archilochum Rabies armavit lamho. Lon- don, Printed by E. F. for Richard Ton- son, . . . 167S. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B— K in fours. Dedicated to Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. Venice Preserv'd, Or, A Plot Discover'd. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Thomas Otway. London, Printed for Jos. Hindmarsh, . . . 1682. 4°, A— K in fours. Dedicated to the Duchess of Portsmouth. Founded on the Spanish conspiracy of 1618. Don Carlos Prince of Spain. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. . . . The Third Edition Corrected . . . Lon- don, Printed . . . 1686. 4°, A— I in fours. Alcibiades. A Tragedy, Acted at the Theatre Royal, By their Majesties Ser- vants. Written by Tho. Otway. [Quot. from Horat.] London, Printed lor R. Bentley, and S. Magnes, . . . 1687. 4°, A — H in fours. Dedicated to Charles, Earl of Middlesex. The Souldiers Fortune. A Comedy. Acted by their Majesties Servants at the Theatre Royal. Written by Thomas Otway. . . . London, Printed for R. Bentley, and S. Magnes, . . . 1687. 4*^, A, 2 leaves: B — K 2 in fours. Dedicated to the publisher Bentley. The Atheist : Or The Second Part of the Souldiers Fortune. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Tho. Otway. Lon- don, Printed for R. Bentley, and J. Ton- son, . . . MDCLXXXiv. 4°, A — L 2 in fours. Dedicated to the eldest son of Lord Halifax. The Orphan Or, The Unhappy Marriage: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Written by Tiio. Otway. London, Printed for R. Bentley, at the Posl-House, in Russel- street, in Coven t-garden. 1691. 4*^, A — I in fours. Dedicated to the Ducliess of York. The History and Fall of Caius Marius. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. By Thon)as Otway . . . London, Printed for R. Bentley, . . . 1692. 4", A— I in fours. Dedicated to Viscount Falkland. OVERBURY. 437 OVERTON. The Poets Complaint to his Muse ; Or, A Satyr against Libel Is. A Poem. By Thomas Otway. 8i quid hahent veri vatti.m 2or(Esagia, vivam. London, Printed for Thomas Norman . . . 1680. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — D in fours. Dedicated to Thomas, Earl of Ossory. Windsor Castle, In a Monument to our Late Sovereign K. Charles II. Of ever Blessed Memory. A Poem By Tho. Otway. Ihim Juga Montis Apes. . . . London, Printed for Charles Brome, . . . 1685. 4^, A— D in fours, and a leaf of E. OVERBURY, SIR THOMAS. The portrature of Sir Thomas Overbury. Licensed to Laurence Lisle, 20 January, 1615-16. A Wife now the Widdow of Sir Thomas Overburye. Being a most exquisite and singular Poem of the choice of a Wife. Whereunto are added manye witty Char- acters and conceited Newes, written by himselfe and other learned Gentlemen his friends. London Printed for Lawrence Lisle, ... 1614. 4°, A— H in fours. The first edition with the Characters and Neivs, which were probably not written by Overbury. Sir Thomas Overbury His Wife. With Additions of New Characters, . . . The eleventh Impression. London, Printed for LaA^-rence Lisle, . . . 1622. 8*^, A— V in eights. Sir Thomas Ouerbury His Wife . . . The Twelfth Impression. London, Printed by I. L. for Robert Swayne, . . . 1627. 8^ A— V in eights. Sir Thomas Overbury His Wife ... The fifteenth Impression. London, Printed bv R. B. for Robert Allot, . . . 1632. 8'', A— V in eights. Sir Thomas Overbury his Wife . . . The sixteenth Impression. London, Printed bv lohn Haviland, for A. Crooke, . . . 1638. 8°, A— V in eights. Sir Thomas Overbury his Wife . . . Lon- don. Printed for William Shears at the Bible in St. Paul's Church yard, neer the little North doore, 1655. 8^, A— V in eights. Observations Upon the Provinces United. And on the Stale of France. Written by S^ Thomas Overbury. London. Printed by T. Maxey for Richard Marriot, . . . 1651. 8^ A — F 4 in eights, title on A3. A True and Historical Relation of the Poysoning of SirTliomas Overbury. With the Severall Arraignments and Speeches of those that were executed thereupon. Also, all the passages concerning the Divorce between Robert late Earle'nf Essex, and the Lady Frances Howard : with King James's and other large Speeches. Collected out of the Papers of Sir Francis Bacon, the Kings Attorney- Generall. London, Printed by T. M. & A. C. for John Benson and John Plavford, . . . 1651. 8°, B— H in eights, F 7-8 blank, and the title. OVERTON, RICHARD, PuUisher. Man's Mortalitie Or A Treatise wherein 'tis proved, both Theologically and Phy- solophically, that whole Man, (as a ra- tionall Creature) is a compound wholly mortall, . . . By R. 0. . . . Amsterdam Printed by John Canne ; Anno Dom. 1643. 4°, A — G in fours, besides frontis- piece, title, preface, and verses by N. C. and S. R. [The Immortality of Mans Soule, Proved both by Scripture and Religion. Contrary to the Fancies of R. O. in his Book In- tituled Mans Mortality; . . . London, Printed by Peter Cole . . . 1645. 4^, B — G 3 in fours, and the title. The Prerogative of Man : Or, His Soules Immortality, and high perfection de- fended, and explained against the rash and rude conceptions of a late Authour who hath so inconsiderately adventured to impugne it. Printed in the yeare 1645. 4*^. A, 2 leaves : B — G in fours.] The Commoners Complaint: Or, A Dread- fvl Warning from Newgate, to the Com- mons of England. Presented to the Honourable Committee for consideration of the Commoners Liberties. Wherein, as in a Glasse, every Free-man of England may clearly behold his own imminent in- sufferable bondage and slavery under the Norman-Prerogative Men of this King- dom, represented by the present sufferings of Richard Overton, . . . Printed Anno Dom. 1646. [Feb. 10.] 4°, 4 leaves. B.M. An Arrow against all Tyrants and Ty- ranny, shot from the Prison of New-gate into the Prerogative Bowels of the Arbi- trary House of Lords, and all other Usur- pers and Tyrants whatsoever . . . By Richard Overton Prerogative Archer to the Arbitrary House of Lords, . . . sent by way of a Letter from him to Mr. Henry Martin, a Member of the House of Com- mons . . . Printed at the backside of the Cyclopian Mountains, by Martin Claw- OVID. 43S OVID. Cler^v, Printer to the Reverend Assembly of Divines, . . . 1646. 4«, A— C 2 in fours. Overton's Defyance of the Act of Pardon: Or, The Copy of a Letter to the Citizens •usually meeting at the Whale-Bone in Lothbury behinde the Royal Exchange ; And others commonly (though unjustly) Styled Levellers. Written by Richard Overton Close prisoner in the Tower of London. [Quotations.] Imprinted at London, 1649. 4P, 4 leaves. B. M. The Baiting. of the Great Bvll of Bashan unfolded. And Presented to the Affecters and approvers of the Petition of the 11 Sept. 1648. Especially, to the Citizens of London usually meeting at the Whale- bone in Lothbury behind the Royal Ex- change, Commonly (though unjustly) styled Levellers. By Richard Overton Close-prisoner in the Tower of London. [Quotations.] Imprinted at London, 1649. 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Metamorphosis Ouidiana Moraliter a Ma- gistro Thoma waleys Anglico de profes- sione predicatorum sub sanctissimo patre dominico : explanata. [Col.]_ Fiuiuntur moralitates . . . Impssu e aut hoc op9 in edib9 Francisci Regnault 1515. xxv. mensis Martij. 8^. A, 8 leaves : B, 6 leaves : a— u 6 in eights. Six Bookes of Metamorphoseos in whyche ben conteyned The Fables of Ovyde. Translated out of Frensshe into Eng- lysshe By William Caxton. An imj)erfect MS. in the Pepysian Lib- rary, printed for the Roxburghe Clnb, 4°, 1819, with some cuts from a French ver- sion. In the Prologue to his edition of the Golden Lcjend, 1483, Caxton refers to his completed translation of the fifteen books of Metamorphoses, and some of our earlier bibliographers seem to have felt themselves authorized to quote the book as actually printed by Caxton in 1479. No cojiy, how- ever, has so far been discovered. The Fyrst Fewer Bookes of P. Ouidius Nasos worke, intitled Metamorphosis, translated oute of Latin into Englishe meter l)y Arthur Golding Gent. A woorke very pleasant and delectable. With sJcill, hcede, and iudr/ement, thys woorke must bee red, For els too the reader it stands in small stead. Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres. Anno. 1565. 4", black letter. "*, 4 leaves: The First Boole, A — C in fours : The Second, A — D 2 in fours : The Third, A— C in fours : The Fourth, A— C in fours. Dedicated to Robert, Earl of Lei- cester, from Cecil House, 23 Dec. 1564. The . XV. Bookes of P. Ouidius Naso . . . 1575. Imprinted at London, by Willyam Seres. 4"^, black letter, A — Cc in eights. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres, dwelling at the west end of Paules church, at the signe of the Hedgehogge. 1575. Wisdoms Conqvest Or, An Explanation and Grammaticall Translation of the Thirteenth Book of Ovids Metamor- phoses, containing that curious and Rhe- torical! contest between Ajax and Vlysses, for Achilles armour ; . . . [By Thomas Hall.] London, Printed for Philemon Stephens, . . . mdcli. 8*^. A, 6 leaves : B— H 2 in eights. The Heroycall Epistles . . . Printed at London by Simon Stafford, dwelling on Adling hill, neere Carter lane. 1600. 8°, black letter, A — X in eights, title on A 2. Ovid's Heroical Epistles. Englished by W. S. . . . London, Printed for William Whit wood, . . . 1686. 8°, A— N in eights, including a frontispiece. Ovid's Invective or Curse against Ibis, Faithfully and familiarly Translated into English verse. And the Histories therein contained, being in number two hundred and fifty (at the end) briefly explained, one by one ; with Natural, Moral, Poeti- cal, Political, Mathematical, and some few Theological Applications. ... By John Jones M.A. Teacher of a private School in the City of Hereford . . . Printed by J. G. for Ric. Davis in Oxon. 1658. 8^, A — N 2 in eights. Ovid De Ponto . . . The second Edition. Printed at London by T. Cotes, for Michael Sparke, . . . 1640. 8^^. A, 2 leaves: B — I in eights. Ovids Remedy of Love. Directing Lovers how they may by Reason suppresse the passion of Love. Nunc ego mitibus Mutare queer tristia. Hor. Ode 16. Lib. 1. [Translated by John Cari>enter.] London, Printed for Francis Smith, and are to be sold at his Shop neare Holborne Conduit, at the signe of the Sunne. 1636. 8'*. A, 7 leaves : B, 8 leaves: C, 5 leaves. In verse. See Arber's Transcript, iv. 3G4, The Three Books of Publius Ovidius Naso, De Arte Amandi. Translated, with OWEN. 439 OXFORD. Historical, Poetical, and Toporrraphical Annotations. By Francis "Wolferston, of the Inner-Temple, Gent. Et prodesse volet, ct delectare. London, Printed for Joseph Cranford, at the Castle and Lion in St. Pauls Cliurch-jard. 1661. 8°, A— H 4 in eights. Dedicated to Major Gene- ral Randolph Egerton, Lieutenant to His Majesty's Guard. Ovid De Arte Aniandi, And the Remedy of Love Englished. As also the Loves of Hero and Leander : A mock Poem. To- gether with Choice Poems, and Rare Pieces of Drollery. London, Printed in the Year, mdcci. 12^, A— G 6 in twelves. With a portrait of Ovid. Ovid's Walnvt-Tree transplanted. Lon- don, Printed for Robert Milbourne 1627. 12*^, A in twelves, or 12 leaves, the first (marked A) and the last blank. Dedi- cated by Richard Hatton, from Lambeth, 1 Jan. 1624[-5] to his mother, the Lady Mary Hatton. Br. Museum (Dr. Ban- dinel's copy) and Britwell (Bright's copy.) A translation of the iJseudo-Ovidian Elegy entitled Nux. OWEN, DANID, of Anglesey. Anti-Parievs : sine Determiuatio de lure Regio habita Cantabrigi?e in Scholia Theologica, 19. April. 1619. contra Da- videm Parsevm. ... Ex Officina Can- trelli Legge . . . 1622. 8^. Title, &c., 8 leaves, the first blank : A — H 4 in eights. OWEN, JOHN. Epigrammatum loan. Oweni . . . Editio postrema . . . Amsterodami . . . 1647. 12*^. A, 4 leaves : B — E in sixes, besides 2 leaves with the title and portrait. Epigrammatum Joannis Audoeni. . . . Ediiionova, . . . Londnii, . . . m.dc.lxviii. 12°, a, 4 leaves : A— H in twelves. With a frontispiece. OWEN, LEWIS. The Key of the Spanish Tongve, Or A plaine and easie Introduction whereby a man may in very short time attaine to the knowledge and perfection of that Language. By Lewis Owen. Ovid. iVe- scio qua natale . . . London Imprinted by T. C. for W. Welby . . . 1605. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B — M 4 in twelves. Dedicated to Sir Eoger Owen, Justice of of the Peace for Salop, Sir Thomas Middle- ton, Alderman of London, and John Lloyd, of the Inner Temple. On the last page of the copy here used occurs the old signature of Maurice Ov:en. OWEN, SHON AP. See Wales. OWSOLD, WALTER. A booke called varietie of memoralde and worthie matters. Licensed to Jeflrey Charlton, 10th April, 1605. OXFORD, COUNTESS OF. An epitaphe vpon the life and Death of the Countesse of Oxon. Licensed to John Charlwood, 25 June, 1588. OXFORD, CITY OF. Catalogus Plantarum Horti Medici Oxon- iensis ... Excudebat Henricus Hall [Oxonifie] 1648. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B— D 2 in eiglits : the same in English an- nexed, A — D 4 in eights, D 3-4 blank. A Wonder of Wonders. Being A faith- ful Narrative and true Relation, of one Anne Green, Servant to Sir Tho. Read in Oxfordshire, who being got with Child by a Gentleman, her Child falling from her in the house of Olfice, . . . was con- demned on the 14. of December last, and hanged in the Castle-yard in Oxford, for the space of half an hour, receiving many great and heavy blowes on the brests, by the but end of the Souldiers Muskets, and being pul'd down by the leggs, and was afterwards beg'd for an Anatomy, by the Physitians, and carried to Mr. Clarkes house, an Apothecary, where in the pre- sence of many learned Chyrurgians, she breathed, and began to stir; . . . [Jan. 14, 1650-1.] 4°,' 4 leaves. B. M. (im- print cut off). Catalogus Horti Botanici Oxoniensis . . . Cura & opera socia Philippi Stephani, M.D. Et Gvlielmi Brovnei A.M. . . . Oxonii. . . . 1658. 8^. % 8 leaves : A — 4 in eights. Catalogus Impressorum Librorum Biblio- thecEG Bodleianse in Academia Oxoniensi. Cura & Opera Thomse Hyde e Coll. Re- giuce Oxon. Protobibliothecarii. Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniano. m.dc.lxxiv. Folio. *, 4 leaves : A — Ooo in fours, 3 O 4 blank : A — Mm 2 in fours. Dedicated by Hyde to Gilbert Sheldon, Archbishoj) of Canterbury. The real compiler, according to Hearne, was Emanuel Pritchard. Ralph and Nell's Ramble to Oxford. Printed and Sold in Aldermary Church- Yard, Bow Lane, London. A ballad, with cuts. Ouvry Cat. No. 93 and 94 (2 different editions). OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. His Majesties Two Letters One to the Yice-chancellour and Convocation of the University of Oxford : The other to the OXFORD. 440 OXFORDSHIRE. High Sheriff of the County, and to the Major of the City of Oxford. Published for the satisfying of all his Majesties lov- ing Subjects"! . . . London, Printed for Richard Lownds. 1642. August 2. 4°, 4 leaves. A Letter sent from the Provost Yice- Chancellour of Oxford, To the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke Lord Chancellour of Oxford. Together with his Lordships Answer to the said Letter. September 13. 1642. London, Printed by I. N. for E. Husbands and J. Franck, . . . 4*^, 4 leaves. Reasons of the present judgement of the Vniversity of Oxford, Concerning the Solemne League and Covenant. The Negative Oath. The Ordinances concern- ing Discipline and Worship. Approved by generall consent in a full Convocation, 1. Jan. 1647. And Presented to Conside- ration. Printed in the Yeare, 1647. 4°, A — F 2 in fours. Rustica Academise Oxoniensis nuper Re- formatae Descriptio : una cum Comitiis ibidem a.d. 1648. habitis, & reliquis notatu non indignis. A leaf of verses. Sundry things from Severall Hands Con- cerning the University of Oxford : Viz. I. A Petition from some Well-affected therein. IL A Model for a Colledge Reformation. HI. Queries concerning the said University, and severall persons therein. London, Printed by Thomas Creake. 1659. 4*^, 6 leaves. A Defence of the Rights and Priviledges of the University of Oxford : Containing, 1. An Answer to the Petition of the City of Oxford, 1649. 2. The Case of the University of Oxford, presented to the Honourable House of Commons, Jan. 24, 16§g-. Oxford, Printed at the Theater, 1690. 4^. *, 4 leaves : A — G in fours. OXFORD, JOHN. The Merchants Daily Companion : Or, Tlie Sliopkee])ers Speculum, For the Year 1700: Being Leap- Year. Wherein is contained, all useful! and necessary Mat- ter for a daily Kal lender ; as also a very true, exact, and perfect Account of all tiie Carriers, Waggoners, Stage-Coaches, &c. that come to London, Westminster and Southwark, ... By John Oxford, Stu- dent in Physick and Astrology, for these Forty Years. London, Printed for the Author, in the Year 1700. A large sheet. Br. Museum (Bagford). OXFORDSHIRE. A Discourse of certen wonderfull Acci- dentes happened in the house of master George Lei<:h of North Aston in the countie of Oxon. Licensed to John Kyd, 21 July, 1592. The Brownist Haeresies Confvted Their Knavery Anatomized, and their fleshly spirits painted at full, in a true history of one Mistris Sarah Miller of Banbury in Oxfordshire. Wherein is contained the Preaching of a Barber, his zeale to- wards this new sister, how the spirit of the flesh moved him, how shee granted, . . . Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. His Majesties Speech to the Gentlemen, Clergy, Free-holders, and Inhabitants of the County of Oxon. at Oxford the second day of November 1642. A small sheet. [A Proclamation for contributions of horses from the Countv of Oxford. Ox- ford, 1643 ?] A broadside. A Declaration of the Agreement of the 11. of Janvary Betwixt His Majesty and the Inhabitants of the County of Oxon. For Provisions for His Majesties Horses Billited in this County. Printed by His ]\Iajesties Command, At Oxford, Januarv 16. By Leonard Lichfield . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. The Woodstock Scuffle. Or, Most Dread- full- Aparitions that were lately seene in the Manor-House of Woodstock, neere Oxford, to the great Terror and wonder- full Amazement of all there, that diARSOXS, ROBERT. i An Epistle of the Persecvtion of Catho- 'lickes in EnglanJe. Translated ovte of frenche into Englishe, and conferred with the Latyne copie, by G. T. To whiche there is added an epistle by the translator to the right honorable Lordes of her maiesties preeuie councell towch- ynge the same mutter. [Two quotations.] Imprynted at Douay in Artois. 8°, roman letter, A — M 4 in eights. The Copie of a Letter, Writen by a Master of Arte of Cambrige, To his Friend in London, concerning some talke past of late betwen two worshipful and great men, about the present state, and some proceedings of the Erie of Leycester and his friendes in England. Conceyved, Spoken and publyshed, wyth most earnest protestation of a I duetyful good wyl and affection, towardes her most excellent Ma. and the Realm, for whose good onely it is made common to many. [Quota- tions.] Anno M.D.LXXXim. 8°, A — N6 in eights. Following the title occurs : "The Epistle Directorie To M. G. M. in Gratiovs Street in London." Leycesters Common-wealth : Conceived, Spoken, and published with most earnest protestation of all dutifull good will and affection towards this Realme ; For w^hose good onely it is made common to many, lob 22. 17. The heavens . . . Printed, 1641. 8^ A— M in eights. With a por- trait by W. Marshall. Leicester's Common -wealth. ... By Robert Parsons Jesuite. Whereunto is Added Leicesters-Ghost. [Quot. from Job.] London, Printed Anno Dom. MDCXLI. 8*"^ The Comriio7iv:ealth, A — M in eights : the Ghost, A — C 2 in eights, A i occupied by the separate title as fol- lows : Leicester's Ghost. Printed Anno Domini, mdcxli. A Temperate Ward-Word, To the Tvr- bvlent and Seditiovs Watch-word of Sir Francis Hastinges Knight, who inde- uoreth to slander the whole Catholique cause, & all professors therof, both at home and abrode. . . . By N. D. . . . | Imprinted with Licence. Anno m.d.xcix. 4«. Title, preface, &c., 3 leaves : A— Q in fours : R, 1 leaf. An Answere to the Fifth Part of Re- portes Lately set forth by Syr Edward Cooke Knight . . . Concerning the ancient & moderne Municipall lawes of England, which do apperteyne to Spirituall Power & Jurisdiction ... By a Catholicke Ueuyne. Imprinted with licence. Anno Domini 1606. 4°. a— u, 4 leaves each : aa— 00, 4 leaves each : A — Ddd in fours. A Booke of Christian Exercise ... By R. P. Perused by Edmund Bunny. Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Harper/ and are to be sold by I. Waterson . . . 1640. 12°, A— X, and A— V, in twelves, the first and last leaves of part 2 blank. A Treatise Concerning the Broken Suc- cession of the Crown of England : Incul- cated, about the later end of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Not impertinent for the better Compleating of the General information intended. London : Printed Anno Dom. 1655. 4°, A — X in fours. This purports to be an altered text by a Popish priest of Parsons's book, and was published as a warning to posterity at a time when the inauguration of the Protec- torate had rendered the future succession doubtful, as in 1594. A Conference about the Xext Succession to the Crown of England . . . Re-Printed at N. with License, mdclxxxi. 8*^, A — Bb in eights. PARTHENIA. Parthenia Or The Maydenhead of the first musicke that euer was printed for the Virginalls. Compcsed by those famous Masters William Byrde Dr. John Bull & Orlando Gibbons Gentlemen of hir Maties most Illustriovs Chappell. In- grauen by William Hole. Lond : print, for Mris. Dor. Euans Cvm priuilegio. Are to be sould by G. Lowe print'' in Louthbury. [1612.] Folio, 21 leaves, in- cluding the title with a beautiful engrav- ing on it and a dedication by W. Hole to Frederic Prince Palatine and his be- trothed lady, the Princess Elizabeth. Parthenia, . . . Printed for John Clarke, at the lower end of Cheapeside, entring into Mercers Chappell, 1659. Cum Priuilegio. Folio, 29 leaves. With a diflferent engraving on the title. This appears to be a reissue from the original plates. PARTRIDGE, JOHX. Twelve Astrological Predictions of this present Year 1685. Wherein are fore- PARUTA. 464 PA PERSON. told the most considerable Events and Monthly Mutations in Great-Britain, France, ... By J. P. Student of the said Science, [Col.] London, Printed by George Groom, ... 4°, 4 leaves. Lamheth. Annvs Mirabilis Or Strange and Won- derful Predictions and Observations Gathered out of Mr. J. Partridges Alma- nack 1688. AVith some Remarks also, out of his Almanack 1687. Both of them Printed in Holland. . . . London, Prin- ted, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, 1689. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— E in fours. In prose and verse. Lamheth. Nebulo Anglicanns : Or, The First Part of the Black Life of John Gadbury. It is the same John Gadbury that was in the Popish Plot to murther Charles II. in the Year 1678. It is the same John Gadbury that was accused of being in another Plot, to dethrone and destroy King William, in the Year 1690. It is the same John Gadbury that at this time is so strait-lac'd in conscience that he cannot take the Oaths to their Present Majesties. Together with an Answer to a Late Pamphlet of His. By J. Partridge. London : Printed, . . . 1693. 4^, A— E 2 in fours, first leaf blank. An Elegy upon the Death of the Famous Dr. John Partridgd [sic] the great Astro- loger, who departed this Life (according to Esq. Biggerstaff's Prediction) this morn- ing between the Hours of One and Two a Clock, being the 29^^ of March, at his House near Covent-Garden. London : Printed in the Year 1708. A sheet, with a cut. Ouvry Cat. 170. PARUTA, PAOLO. Politick Discourses ; Written in Italian by Paolo Paruta A Noble Venetian, Cavalier and Procurator of St. Mark. Whereunto is added, A sliort Solilo(|uy, In which the Author briefly examines the whole Course of his Life. Rendred into English By the Riglit Honorable, Henry Earl of Monmovth. London, Printed for H. Moseley, . . . 1657. Folio. Title and portrait : b — c in fours : B— Dd 2 in fours. PASCAL, BLAISE. Les Provinciales, Or, The Mystery of lesvitisme . . . The second Edition cor- rected ; with large Additions. Sicut Ser- jJentes — London, Printed for Richard Royston and are to be sold by Robert Clavell, . . . 1658. 12", A— (J 6 in twelves. With a folded plate containing portraits of LoyoLa, &c. PASKE, DR. The Copy of a Letter sent to an Honour able Lord, by Doctor Paske, Subdeane of Canterbury. London printed, September 9. 1642. 4", 4 leaves. f [PASQUIER, ETIEXNE.] The Jesuits Catechism, according to S* Ignatius Loyola, For the Instructing and Strengthning of all those which are weake in that faith. Wherein the Impiety of their Principles, Pernitiousness of their Doctrines, and Iniquity of their Prac- tices are declared. . . . London, Printed for Robert Harford, . . . 1679. 4^. A, 4 leaves, the first blank : a, 4 leaves : B — G in fours. With a portrait of Loyola. The dedication to Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, is subscribed A. H. The Jesuits Catechism . . . Second Edi- tion. London, Printed for Robert Har- ford ... 1681. 4°, A— G in fours, and a, 4 leaves. With the same print. PASTORALS. Pastoralles and Eglogues, Odes and Mad- rigalles. Licensed to John Bayly, 28 May, 1602. PATE, ROBERT, M.A. A Complete Syntax of the Latin Tongue, Compar'd with the English. In Three Parts. . . . With an Appendix of the Elegant Use of the Prepositions, Princi- pally design'd for the Use of Norwich School. By Robert Pate, M.A. Master of the said school. Norwich. Printed by J. Collins. 1713. 8*^, a — c in fours, and A — Aa in fours. The copy employed appeared to want A — E in second alphabet, if those signa- tures were ever with the book, which seems likely, however, as sign. F com- mences with p. 41. PATERNOSTER. A Divine Pater-noster (by way of reply to a scandalous Ode, or Pamphlet made by a namelesse Author, who had more wit then honesty). . . . A sheet of verses. [Circa 1648.] PATERSON, NINIAN. Epigrammatum Libri Octo. Cum aliquot Psalmorum Paraphrasi Poetica. Auclore Niniano Patersono Glascuensi. . . . Edin- bvrgi, Excudebant Thomas Brown, & Jacobus Glen. Anno Dom. 1678. 8", A — Y 4 in eights. A Panegyrick to the Right Honourable Thomas Kennedie, Lord Provost of Edin- burgh, Anno 1685. . . . Edinburgh, Printed by John Colmau and Laurence PAUL. 465 PA YNE. Gimter, at Heriot's-Bridge, Anno Doin. ' 1685. 4^, 4 leaves. In verse. ' Upon the Birth of the Most Serene and High-Born-Prince Prince and Stewart of Scotland, Duke of Eothsav, Earl of Car- rick, . . . [1688.] A sheet in verse, sub- scribed N. Paterson. PAUL OF ST. MAGDALEN, FATHER. Soliloquies Or The Documents of Chris- tian Perfection . . . Faithfully Translated. ... At Do way in the Year, 1674. Per- missu Superiorum, 12^. Portrait and title : Preface with Life of the author, 41 leaves : A 2 — P 12 in twelves. PATRICIUS, F., Bishop of Gaieta. A Moral Methode of ciuile Policie. Con- tayninge a learned and fruictful discourse of the institution, state and gouernment of a common Weale. Abridged oute of the Comentaries of the Reuerende and famous clerke, Franciscus Patricius, By shop of Gaieta in Italye. Done out of Latine into English e, by Rycharde Robinson, Citezen of London. Seene and allowed, &c. Anno Domini. 1576. Imprinted at London ... by Thomas Marsh. 4*^. Title, dedication to Alderman Sir Wil- liam Allen, and verses by T. Newton, 4 leaves : A — Z in fours : Certaine Notes, 2 leaves. PATRICK, NATHANAEL. Souges of sundry natures, whereof somme ar Divine / some are madrigalles, and the rest psalmes and hymnes in Latin composed for 5 and 6 voyces and one for 8 voyces / by Nathanaell Patrick sometyme master of the Children of the Cathedrall Church of Worcester an*! Organist of the same. Licensed to T. East, 22 October, 1597. PATRICK, SIMON. Advice to a Friend. . . . London, Printed for R. Royston, . . . mdclxxiii. S^. A, 6 leaves : B — Q 6 in twelves. PAULE, SIR GEORGE. The Life of the Most Reverend and Reli- giovs Prelate John Whitgift, Lord Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Written by Sir George Paule Knight, Comptroller of his Graces Householde. . . . London: Printed by Thomas Snodham. 1612. 4°, A— N in fours, first and last leaves blank. With a woodcut portrait of Whitgift on the back of the title. PAULICIUS, SIMEON. A New Method of Physick : Or, A Short View of Paracelsus and Galen's Practice ; In 3 Treatises . . . Written in Latin by Simeon Paulicius, Philosopher, and Phy- sitian in Germany. Translated into English. By Nicholas Culjieper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrologie, Dwelling on the East-side of Spittle- fields, neer London. . . . London, Printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, . . . 1654. 8*^, a — c in fours: D — Ee 6 in eights. PAUL'S CHURCH, ST., LONDON. Brief Discovrs de la Tempeste et Fovldre Advenve en la Cite de Londres en Ang- leterre, sur le grand temple & clocher nomme de sainct Paul, le quatriesme luin. A Paris, Pour Christophe Rover, tenant sa boutique deuant le College de Boucourt, [1561,] 8°, A— B in four>^. With some verses at the end. Woodcut on title, A Diolige [dialogue] of the RufuU burnynge of Powles. A ballad. Licensed to John Charlwood in 1562-3. Whan yonge Powlis steple, olde Powlies steples chylde, &c, A ballad. Licensed to John Charlwood in 1562-3. The incorragen all kynde of men To ye Reedyfinge and buyldynge Powles steple agayne. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1564. A Turne in Pawles by Tyme and Death, Licensed to Walter Dight, 18 December, 1603, A true report of the ij severall dayes execucons at Paules Churchyard on Thursday the 30*^ and at the Parliament House on Friday y^ 31^* of January 1605, briefly delivering such confessions as were there uttered and other matters as occasion serued. Licensed to William Leake, IQtii February 1605-6. Powles Walkes, or a Gallant Dism asked. Licensed to Richard Serger and John Trundle, 8 January, 1607-8, [A Brief for Rebuilding St. Paul's Church. London, 1678.] Folio, 2 leaves, [List of the Prebendaries of St Paul's, with the order in which they have arranged to preach on certain holy days.] London, Printed for William Abington. 1684. A small sheet. PAUL'S SCHOOL, ST. Totius Rhetoricae Adumbratio, In usum Paulinae Scholse Londinensis, Editio tertia. Londini, Ex Officina Rogeri Danielis, 1659. 8^, 8 leaves. Br. M. [PAYNE, NEVIL.] The Morning Ramble, Or, the Town- Humoars : A Comedy. Acted at the 2 G PEACE. 466 PEMBROKE. Duke's Theatre. London, Printed for Thomas Dring . . . 1G73. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B-.-L in fours. The Siege of Constantinople ; A Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. London, Printed for Tho. Dring . . . 1675. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — M 2 in fours. PEACE. The defence of peace : lately translated out of laten in to englysshe. With the kynges nioste gracyous priuilege. [Col.] Prynted Ly nie Roljert Wj^er / for Wyll- yam marsh all / and fynysshed in the moneth of July in the yere of our Lorde god a.M.ccccc.xxxv. . . . With the priui- lege of our moste gracious soueraygne Lorde for sixe yeres. Folio, black letter. a, 7 leaves : b — z in sixes : ^, 4 leaves, the fourth with a shield of arms on either side. In prose, except six lines on the back of the title : The louer of trouths, speketh to the hohe. Lambeth. PEACHAM, HENRY, the Elder. The Garden of Eloqvence, . . . Corrected and augmented by the first Author. H. P. London Printed by E. F. for H. lackson dwelling in Fleetstrete. 1593. 4°, A — Dd in fours, but A — B under one signature. PEACl^AM, HENRY, the Younger. The Truth of our Times : Revealed out of one Mans Experience, by way of Essay. Written by Henry Peach am, London : Printed by N. O. for lames Becket, and are to be sold at his shoppe at tlie middle Temple gate. 1638. 12°. A, 6 leaves, first blank : B— K 6 in twelves, K 6 blank. In prose. Dedicated to Mr. Henry Barnwell of Turrington, in Marshland, near King's Lynn, Co. Norfolk. The Worth of a Penny, Or, A Caution to keep Money. . . . London, Printed by B. Grifiin, for William Lee . . . 1669. 4°, A, 2 leaves : B— F 2 in fours. The Worth of a Penny: . . . Now newly Re])rinted . . . with a Catalogue ol" the Bills of Mortality, from the year of our Lord 1642, unto 1676. London, Printed by S. and B. G. for Thomas Lee . . . 1677. 4^ A, 2 leaves : B— F in fours. PEDLAR. The pedler and his ])acke. A ballad. Licensed to W. Pickering in 156H-9. The pedler. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1570. PEDON, ALEXANDER. A Most Strange and Wonderful Prophecio in the Year 1684. By Mr. Alexander Pedon late Minister of the Gospel in the West of Scotland. No place, &c. [? about 1700.] 8°, 4 leaves. PEDRO, DON, Prince of Portugal. The Travailes of Don Pedro Pry nee of Portingale. Licensed to Henry Rocket, 1 July, 1608. ! PEETER, WILLIAM. A booke to be printed when it is further , authorised called, A funerall Elegy e in ; memory of the late virtuous master j William Peeter of Whipton neere Exe- | tour. Licensed in this form to Thomas Thorpe, 13 Feb. 1612. PEMBLE, WILLIAM, M. A., of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. A Briefe Introduction to Geography. Containing a Description of the Grovnds, and General Parts thereof . . . Oxford Printed by lohn Lichfield . . . for Edward Forrest Ann. Dom. 1630. 4"*, A — K in fours. PEMBROKE, PHILIP HERBERT, Earl of. The Earle of Pembrokes Speech in the House of Peeres when the Seven Lords were accused of High-Treason. Copia vera Mic : 01dswor[t]h. Printed in the Yeare 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. The Earle of Pembrokes Speech In the House of Peeres, Upon debate of the Ci tie's Petition for a Personall Treaty, to be had with his Majesty in London. And also upon debate of those Reasons given by their Lordships unto the Com- mons, for not sending the three Proposi- tions before a Treaty. Printed in the yeare, 1648. 4*^, A — B in fours. This composition seems to have been seriously intended ; but it is of the most ludicrous character. The Speech (without an Oath) of Philip Herbert, Late Earl of Pembrooke, At his Admittance (as a Member) Into the Honorable House of Commons in Parlia- ment Assembled, April the 6*^, 1649. After he had been duely elected a Bur- gess lor Bark-shire, instead of Sir Francis Pile, lately deceased. Taken verbatim by Michael Oldisworth. Printed in the year 1649. Folio, 2 leaves. The first part of the last Will & Testa- ment of Philip Earle of Pembrooke and Montgomery, Lord of Saint Quintin, kc. Now Knight of Berk-Shire, Dictated by his own mouth, and took by Mr. Michael Oldswoith sometime his Ldps Secretary, . . . The second part to the same tune, PEN AND PENCIL. 467 PENRI. Avill speedily be exhibited to publique view, as soon as it can be possibly Trans- cribed ; By his Lps most Devoted Honour' Mercurius Elenticns. Printed in the Year, 1649. 4*^, 4 leaves. PEX AND PENX'IL. The Excellency of the Pen and Pencil, Exemplifyinj:^ the Uses of them in the most Exquisite and Mysterious Arts of Drawin.i:, Etching, Engraving, . . . Also the way to cleanse any Oil Painting, and Preserve the Colours. Collected from the writings of the ablest Masters both Ancient and Modern, as Albert Durer . . . Furnished with divers Cuts in Cop- per. . . . London : Printed for Dorman Newman, . . , mdclxxxviii. 8*^, A — H in eights, besides the frontispiece, title. &c., 7 leaves more. PENA. PETRUS, and DE LOBEL, ma:tthias. Stirpivm Adversaria Nova . . . Lon- dini, 1570. [Col.] Londini. 1571. Ca- lendis lanuarijs, excudebat prelum Thomse Purfoetij, ad Lncreti^ sym- bolum. Cum gratia Priuilegij. Folio. Engraved title, 1 leaf : dedication, &c., 3 leaves : A — Oo in sixes : Pp, 7 leaves : table, 6 leaves. PENN, WILLIAM, of Pennsylvania. No Cross, no Crown : Or several Sober Reasons Against Hat-Honour, Titular- Respects, You to a single Person, with the Apparel and Recreations of the Times : Being inconsistent with Scrip- ture, Reason, and the Practice, as well of the best Heathens, as the holy Men and Women of all Generations ; ... By W. Penn j. An humble Disciple, and patient Bt^arer of the Cross of Jesus. . . . Printed in the Year, 1669. 4^, A— P in fours, and (A), 1 leaf. The Quakers Elegy on the Death of Charles Late King of England. Written by W. P. a sincere Lover of Charles and James. London, Printed bv J. P. for Henry Play ford, . . . 1685. Folio, 2 leaves. Three Considerations proposed to Mr. William Penn concerning the Validity and Security of his New Magna Charta for Liberty of Conscience, by A Baptist; which may be worthy the Consideration of all the Quakers and of all my Dissent- ing Brethren also that have Votes in the Choice of Parliament- Men. 4'', 2 leaves. An Account of W. Penn's Travails in Holland and Germany, Anno mdclxxvii. For the Service of the Gospel of Christ, by way of Journal. Containing also Divers Letters and Epistles writ to seve- ral Great and Eminent Persons whilst there. London, Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, . . . 1694. 8". A, 4 leaves : B— U 4 in eights. An Account of William Penn's Travels . . . The Third Impression, Corrected by theAuthors own Copy, . . . London, 1714. ... 12°. A, 5 leaves : B — L in twelves: A — C 4 in twelves. [PENNECUIK, ALEXANDER.] Caledonia Triumphans : A Panegyrick to the King. By a Lover of Caledonia and the Muses. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1699. A poetical broad- side in three columns. PENNYMAN, JOHN. A Short Account of the Life of Mr. John Pennyman . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed in the Yeer 1703[6]. 8°. Title and preface, 2 leaves : pp. 1 — 300 -f pp. 1—16. PENNYWISE. Penny wise, Povnd Foolish . . . 1631. Licensed to E. Blackmore, 17 December, 1630, as the work of T. Decker. Arber, iv. 212. [PENRI, JOHN.] Certaine ]\Iinerall and Metaphisicall Sehoolpoints to be defended by the reuerende Bishops / and the rest of my cleargie masters of the Conuocation house / against both the Vniuersities / and all the reformed Churches in Chris- tendome. Wlierin is layd open the very Quintessence of all catercorner diuinitie. And with all to the preuent- ing of the Canals of these wrangling Puritans / the persons by whom /and the places where these misteries are eo wor- thely maintayned / are for the most part plainly set downe to the view of all men / and that to theternall prayse of the most reuerend Fathers. No place, &c. [Co- ventry, February, 1589.] Black letter. A sheet. Lambeth. Hay any worke for Cooper : Or, A Briefe Pistle Directed by way of an Hublication to the Reverend Byshops, counselling them if they will needes bee Barrelled up, for feare of smelling in the nostrills of his Majesty, and the state, that they would vse the advise of Reverend Martin, for the providing of their Order, because the Reverend T. C. (by which mysticall Letters is understood, either the bounsing Parson of Eastnieane, or Tom Coakes his Chaplaine) to be an unskilful! and a De- PENRI. 468 PERKINS, ceitfuU Tub-trimmer. Wherein Worthy Martin Qvits Himselfe like a Man I war- rant you, in the learned defence of his selfe and his learned Pistles, and maketh the Coopers hoopes to flye off, and the Bishops tubs to leake out of all cry. Penned and Compiled by Martin the Metropolitan. Printed in Europe, not farre from some of the Bounsing Priests. \Oirm 1605.] 4°, A— H 2 in fours. Th' Appellation of lohn Penri, vnto the Highe Court of Parliament, from the bad and injurious dealing of th' Arch, of Canterb. and other of his colleagues of the high commission : Wherin the com- plainant, humbly submitting himselfe and his case vnto the determination of this honoraljle assembly : craueth nothing els, but either release from trouble and persecution, or just tryall. [Rochelle, by Robert Waldegrave,] Anno Dom. 1589. Mar. 7. S'', 26 leaves. PENRI, JOHN, AND JOB THROK- MORTON. The iust censure and reproofe of Martin lunior. Wherein the rash and vndis- creete headines of the foolish youth, is sharply mette with, and the boy hath his lesson taught him, I warrant you, by his reuerend and elder brother, Martin Senior, sonne and heire vnto the re- nowmed Martin Mar-prelate the Great. Where also, least the Springall shold be vtterly discouraged in his good meaning, you shall finde, that hee is not bereaved of his due commendations. 8'*, roman letter. A— D in fours, D 4 blank. Chiefly in prose. Martin Mouths minde. That is, A certain report, and true description of the Death, and Funeralls, of olde Martin Marre- prelate, the great makebate of England, and father of the Factious. Conteyning the cause of his death, the manner of his buriall, and the right copies both of his Will, and of sucli Epitaphs, as by sundrie his dearest friends, and other of his well willers, were framed lor him. Martin the Ape, the dronke, and the madde, The three Martins are, whose workes we have had ; If Martin the fourth come, after Martins so euill, Nor man, nor beast comes, but Martin the deuill. 1589. 4", A— n in fours. The preface is subscribed Mar-phoreus. Tlie Protestatyon of Martin Marprelat Wherein not withstanding the surprizing of the printer, he maketh it known vnto the world that he feareth, neither proud priest, Antichristian pope, tiranous prel- late, nor godlesse catercap : but defiethe all the race of them by these presents and offereth conditionelly, as is farthere expressed hearin by open disputation to apear in the defence of his cans against them and theirs. Which chaleng if they dare not maintaine against him : then doth he alsoe publishe that he never meaneth by the ' assi[s]taunce of god to leaue the a flayling of them and theire generation vntill they be vtterly extin- guised out of our church. Published by the worthie gentleman D, martin mar- prelat D. in all the faculties primat and metropolitan. [Haseley, September, 1589.] Small 8°, roman letter, A— D in fours. Lamheth. PERERIUS, BENEDICTUS. The Astrologer Anatomized : Or, The Vanity of [the] Star-Gazing Art Dis- covered, By Benedictus Pererius. And rendered into English by Percy Ender- bie, Gent. London, Printed by Ralph Wood, and are to be sold by M. Wright, . . . 1661. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B— I in eights, I 8 blank. Dedicated by Enderbie to Sir Francis Petre, Baronet. PERFQMER. The French Perfumer. Teaching the several ways of Extracting the Odours of Drugs and Flowers, and Making all the Compositions of Perfumes for Powder, Wash-balls, Essences, Oyls, Wax, Poma- tum, Paste, Queen of Pluugary's Rosa Salis, and other Sweet Waters. The Maimer of preparing Sweet Toilets, . . . Done into English from the Original Printed at Paris. London, Printed for Sam. Buckley, . . . 1696. 8^, A— G 3 in eights. [PERKINS, JOHN.] Castamia. The Amorous Passions of twoo gentlemen. A flatterer and a true lover &c. Licensed to W. Wright, 5 Oct. 1590. A profitable Booke of Master Jolin Per- kins &c. Apud Richardum Tottell. Cum priuilegio. [Col,] Imju-inted at London in Fletestrete within Temple Barre, at the signe of the hande and starre by Rycharde Tottil. 1567. Sm. 8", A— C 4 in eights and A — Y in eights. Black letter. A Profitable Booke . . . Londini, in icdibus Thomai Wight. Cum Priuilegio. 1601. 8°, black letter, A— P in twelves, B repeated. PERKINS. 469 PETERS. PERKINS, JOS. Elegia in Obitum Celsissimi . . . Henrici Duels de Beaufort . . . Bristolia^, Excu- debat G. Bouny. 1701. 4°, 4 leaves. PERKINS, WILLIAM. A Reformed Catholike : Or, A Declara- tion shewing how neere we have come to the present Church of Rome in sundrie points of Religion : and wherein we must [ for euer depart from them : with an Ad- vertisement to all fauourers of the Romane religion, . . . Printed by John Leijat, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cam- bridge. 1598. 8°. ^, 4 leaves : A— Aa 4 in eights. Dedicated to Sir William Bowes Knight. A DiscovTse of the Damned Art of Witch- craft ; so farre forth as it is reuealed in the Scriptures, and manifest by true ex- perience. Framed and Delivered by M. William Perkins, in his ordinarie course of Preaching, and now published by Tho. Pickering 13atchelour of Diuinitie, and Minster of Finchingfield in Essex. . . . Printed bv Cantrel Legge, Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. 1608. 8°. IF, 8 leaves : IF^, 4 leaves : A — Q in eights, and a leaf of R. Dedicated by Pickering from Finching- field, October 26, 1608, to Sir Edward Coke. On the flyleaf of the copy used occurs, perhaps in the editor's hand, "For ]\Ir. Kempe." The Fovndation of Christian Religion, gathered into Sixe Principles. And it is to bee learned of ignorant People, that they may bee fit to heare sermons with profit, and to receive the Lords Supper with comfort. London, Printed by lohn Legate, and are to bee sold by Robert Allot, . . . 1635. 8^, A— C in eights. PERREAUD, F. The Divell of Mascon. Or, A true Rela- tion of the chief things which an Unclean Spirit did and said at Mascon in Bur- gundy, in the House of one Mr. Francis Pereaud, Minister of the Reformed Church in the same Town. Published in French lately by himselfe, and now made Eng- lish by one that hath a particular know- ledge "^of the trueth of the Story. The fifth Edition. Oxford, Printed by Hen: Hall Printer to the Vniversitv, for Ric: Davis. 1679. 8*^, A— B in eights, or 16 leaves. On the back of the title is a letter " To my Reverend and Learned Friend Doctor Peter du Moulin,"' from Robert Boyle, fol- lowed by a second from Du 3Iouliu to Boyle. PERPOYNT, WILLIAM, MP. The true Copie of a Speech Delivered by the Honorable William Perpoynt second Son to the ri-ht Honoralde the Earle of Kingstone, against S^ Robert Berkley Knight, one of the Justices of the Kings Bench, in maintenance of their accusation of high Treason, anil other great misde- meanors. At a Conference of both Houses in the Painted Chamber, July 6. 1641. London, Printed for Henrie Hood. 1641 4°, A— B 2 in fours, B 2 blank. PERSECUTION. Proper Persecution, or the sandy Foun- dation of a Generall Toleration, Dis- covered and Portrayd in its proper Colors. . . . London, Printed for Joseph Pitts, ... 1646. [Dec. 22, 1646.] A sheet, with an engraving (used for other purposes). B. M. (2 edits.) PERSUASION. A Perswasion to godlie purposes. Li- censed to W. Ponsonby, 9 May, 1583. This may possibly point to*^ the original entry of A Motive to Guod Workes, by Philip Stubbes. PERSUASIVE. A Pious and Seasonable Perswasive to the Sonnes of Zion Soveraignely usefull for Composing their Unbrotherly Devi- sion. London Printed for Henry Over- ton, 1647 [March 11, 1646-7.] A sheet, with an emblematical engraving. B. M. PETER, JOHN, Esqidre. A Treatise of Lewisham (But Vulgarly called Dulwich) Wells in Kent. Shew- ing the Time and Manner of their Dis- covery, the Minerals with which they are Impregnated, the several Diseases Experience hath found them good for ; with Directions for the Vse of them, &c. London, Printed by Tho. James for Sam. Tidmarsh at the Kings-head in Cornhill. 1681. 12°, A— F 6 in twelves. Dedicated to John, Bishop of Rochester. Dr. Peters Judgment, Of Dullidge or Lewisham Water. A broadside printed in two columns, ^ine nlla notd. PETERS, NICHOLAUS, of Deventer. The Pathway to Knowledge. Conteyning -certaine briefe Tables of English waights, and Measures, . . . How to cast accompt with Counters, and with Pen, both in whole, and broken numbers. With the Rules of Cossicke, Surd, . . . Written in Dutch, and translated into English, by W. P. Printed at London for William Barley . . . 1596. 4^ A, 4 leaves: A (repeated) — B in fours : C, a folding leaf PETITION. 470 PETTUS. only : D — Ee iu fours, irregularly marked. There is an extra sheet between X and Y. Dedicated to Sir Stephen Slany, Knight, Lord Mayor of London. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, 31 May, 1592. The original author is mentioned iu the entry. PETITION. To the Right Honourable the Commons of England Assembled in Parliament : The humble Petition of many thousands of well affected People. [1641?] A sheet. To the Honourable The Knights, Citizens and Burgesses in this present Parliament assembled. The humble Petition of Clement Walker, and William Prynne, Esquires. [1646-7 %\ A sheet. Gold tried in the fire Or The burnt Peti- tions revived. A Preface. [CoL] By a well-wisher to truth and peace. Printed in the yeere 1647. 4^, 2 leaves. PETOWE, HENRY. A description of the Countie of Surrey, containing a geographical account of the said countrey or shyre, with other things thereunto apertaining. Collected and written by Henry Pattowe. 1611. 4°. A MS. cited by Mr. Corser [Collect, ix. 147). PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Phisicke against Fortune, as well pros- perous, as aduerse, conteyned in two Bookes. Whereby men are instructed, with lyke indifi'erance to remedie their atfections, as well in tyme of the bryght shynyng sunne of prosperitie, as also of the foule lowryng stormes of aduersitie. Expedient for all men, but most neces- sary for such as be subiect to any notable insult of eyther extremitie. Written in Latine by Frauncis Petrarch, a most famous Poet, and Oratour. And now first EnglishedM)y Thomas Twyne. At London, printed by Richard watkvns. An. Dom. 1579. 4°, blaok letter. A, 8 leaves : A, 4 leaves : B — 3 B 4 in eights. [CoL] Imprinted at London in Panics Churchyarde, by Rychard Watkins. 1579. Dedicated to Richard Bertie, Esquire. PETRE, FATHER. Father Peter's Birth, Character, and Last Will. Quo tcneam nodo mutantem Protea mdtwm ? A folio leaf of verses subscribed L. Martin of the Inner Temple. [Circa 1688.] A Dialogue between Father P[ete]rs and William P[e]n. 4«, 2 leaves. The Jesuite in the Pound : Or, Father Petero in Disguise, Taken by Vice Ad- miral Herbert. London, Printed for S. M. 1688. A sheet. PETRIE, ALEXANDER, Minister of the Scots Kirk at Eotterdam. Chilio-mastix. Or, The Prophecies in the Old and New Testament Concerning the Kingdome of Our Saviour ... At Roterdame, Printed by Isaak Waesbergen, at the signe of Fame on the Steiger, 1644. 4*^. *, 4 leaves : A— I in fours, I 4 blank. PETRUCHIO, LUDOVICO. The life and Conuersion of Lodouicke Petruchio, with his Emblemes, a frontis- piece in brasse and 12 other copper plates, together with 68 peces in woode. Licensed to Richard Meighen and William Arun- dell, 7 March, 1616-17. PETRUS CARMELIANUS. Sex Perelegantissima3 Epistolae Per Pe- trum Carmelianum Emendatoe. Impresse per willelmum Caxton, et diligenter emendate per Petrum Carmelianil Poeta9 Laureatum in Westmonasterio. [1483.] 4'^, 24 leaves, a i blank. Halherstadt. PETT, JOHN, Gentleman. The great Cicle of Easter Containing A short Rule To Knowe vppon what day of the month Easter day will fall . . . 1583. . . . Imprinted at London by I. C. for Thomas Butter. 8"^, A— D 3 in eights. Dedicated to Master William Koe, Alder- man of London. PETT, MASTER. A ballad called the Wonderfull deliuer- ance of master Pett sayler in these last tempestes. Licensed to William Barley, 12 January 1612-13. PETTUS, SIR JOHN. Volatiles from the History of Adam and Eve : Containing many unquestioned Truths, and allowable Notions of several Natures. London, Printed for T, Basset. . . . 1674. 8°, A— Bb in fours. The Constitution of Parliaments in Eng- land, Deduced from the time of King Edward the Second. Illustrated by King Charles the Second in his Parliament Sunimon'd the 18 of February 166^, and dissolved tlie 24 of January 167;^, with an Appendix of its Sessions Observed by Sir John Pettus of Sufiblk, Knight. London, Printed for the Author, . . . 1680. 8° A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves : % 8 leaves : B — Dd in eights. Fleta Minor. The Laws of Art and Mature, In Knowing, Judging, Assaying, Fining, Refilling and Inlarging the Bodies PETTY. 471 THILIPOTT. of confiii'd Metals. In Two Parts. . . . Illustrated with 44 Sculptures. London, Printed for and Sold by Stephen Bate- nian . . , mdclxxxvi. Folio. .With a portrait and engravings. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : B— C, 2 leaves each : A (repeated), 2 leaves : [a] — [g], 2 leaves each : B — Ssss, 2 leaves each : Tttt, 1 leaf: the Second Part, [A]— [Mm], 2 leaves each : [Nn], 1 leaf. PETTY, SIR WILLIAM, F.R.^. Political Arithmetick, Or A Discourse Concerning the Extent and Value of Lands, People, Buildings ; Husbandry, Manufacture, Commerce, Fishery, . . . London, Printed for Robert Clavel, . . . 1690. 8°. Impriiaatur, title, and dedi- cation, 4 leaves : a, 8 leaves, a 8 with Errata : B — I 4 in eights. PETYT, W., of the Inner Temple. The Antient Right of the Commons of England Asserted ; Or, A Discourse prov- ing by Records and the best Historians, that the Commons of England were ever an Essential part of Parliament. By William Petyt of the Inner-Temple, Esq; . . . London, Printed for F. Smith, . . . 1680. 8"^. A, 8 leaves : * 4 leaves with the dedication to Arthur Capel Earl of Essex : a — d in eights : B— N 4 in eights. PHAETOX. The Unfortunate Phaeton, Or the Fall of Ambition, An Heroick Poem. Written bv a Person of Qualitv. London, Printed for S. Xorris . . . 1G86. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each, PHALARIS. The Epistles of Phalaris, Translated into English from the Original Greek. By J. S, Together with an Appendix of some other Epistles lately Discovered in a French MS, London , Printed for Daniel Brown . , . 1699, 8°, A— P in eights. PHILAXTHROPOS. A boke i'ntituled phalantropose. Li- censed to Thomas Hacket in 1561-2. PHILANTHROPUS PHILAGATHUS, An Humble Remonstrance to the King k Parliament in the Behalf of Many De- cayed and Decaying Citizens and Fami- lies of London, Occasioned solely by the Dreadful Fire of that City, And Some concurring Calamitous Events of Provi- dence since. [Quot. from Job 19 21.] Per Philanthropus Philagathus, Printed at London, 1675, 4'', 4 leaves. PHILARGERY. A boke Called Philergerv. Licensed to W. Copland, 31 Aug, 1560, Apparently a reprint of Crowley's edi- tion of 1551. PHILEMON, Pliilamoue, his fygure of fancy. Licensed to E, Agga=, 13 Jan, 1587-8. PHILADELPHE, EJJ S>E?.i:, pseud. Le Reveille-Matin des Francois, et de levrs Voisins. "Compose par Eusebe Pliiladelphe Cosmopolite, en forme de Dialogue. A Edimbo\Tg, De I'imprimerie (le laques lames. Auec permission. 1574. b*^. a, 8 leaves : b, 10 leaves, last blank: A — K in eights : Seconde partie, a — m in eights. PHILANAX, A Tory Plot : Or The Discovery of a Design carried on by our late Addressers and Abhorrers, to alter the Constitution of the Government, and to betray the Protestant Religion. By Philanax"^ Mis- opappos, London, Printed for N, L. , , . 1682. 4° A, 2 leaves : B— F 2 in fours, F 2 blank : Part 2 ; A, 2 leaves : B— E in fours : The Charge of a Tory Plot main- tained, A, 2 leaves, B — F 2 in fours. PHILAXGLUS. Britannia Languens, Or A Discourse of Trade : Shewing the Grounds and Rea- sons of the Increase and Decay of Land- Rents, National Wealth and" Strength. With Application to the late and present State and Condition of England, France, and the United Provinces. London, Printed for Tho, Dring, , , . 1680. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B — X 4 in eights. Probably by James Howell. PHILLIDA. Filida was a favre mavden. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564-5, "' PHILIP, BARTHOLOMEW. The Covnseller A Treatise of Counsels and Counsellers of Princes, written in Spanish by Bartholomew Phillip, Doctor of the Ciuill and Common lawe, Eng- lished by I, T. Graduate in Oxford. Lon- don Printed by lohn Wolfe. 1589. 4°, black letter. A, 6 leaves : A (repeated) — Aa in fours. Dedicated by John Thorins to Mr. John Fortescue Master of the Queen's Wardrobe, and a privy coun- cillor, PHILIPOTT. JOHN, Somerset Herald, AND THOMAS PHILIPOTT. Till are Cantianum : Or Kent Surveyed and Illustrated Being an exact Descrip- tion of all the Parishes Burroughs, Vil- lages, and other respective Mannors in- cluded in the County of Kent, And, the PHILIPOTT. 472 PHILIPS. Orit^inal aud Intermedial Possession of them, even vntill these Times. Drawn out of Charters . . . By Thomas Philipott Esq; formerly of Clare-Hall in Cam- bridc^e. To which is added An Histori- cal Catalogue of the High-Sheriffs of Kent : Collected by John Piiilipott Esq ; Father to the Author. London Printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold at his House over against the Anchor Inne in Little Brittain. m.dc.lix. Folio, a, 6 leaves wnth title, &c : A, 2 leaves : B— Ddd in fours : Eee, 5 leaves. With a large map and engravings on the text. ■Dedicated to the Nobility and Gentry of Kent. Hasted, in the Introduction to his History of Kent, 8^° edit., states his view that the younger Philipott did little more than ar- range his father's MSS. papers. Hasted further suggests that Thomas Philipott printed the material without much, if any, editorial recension. PHILIPOTT, THOMAS. The Cities Advocate, In this Case Or Qvestion of Honor and Amies ; Whether Apprentiship extinguisheth Gentry? Con- taining a cleare Refutation of the perni- cious errour assuming it, sw^allowed by Erasmus of Eotterdam, Sir Thomas Smith in his Common-weale, Sir lohn Fern in his Blazon, Raphe Broke Yorke Herald, and others. With the Copies or Trans- cripts of three Letters which gave occa- sion of this worke . . . London, Printed for William Lee, . 1629. 4°. A, 4 leaves : a, 3 leaves : B 2— K 2 in fours. With a plate on B 4 verso. In the copy used the leaf marked K fol- lowed a 3. A Brief Historical discourse of the Ori- ginal and Growth of Heraldry, Demon - Btrating upon what rational Foundations that Noble and Heroick Science is esta- ])lished. By Thomas Philipot, Master of Art ; and formerly of Clare-Hall in Cam- bridge. London, Printed for E. Tyler and R. Holt, and are to be sold by Tho. Passenger . . . 1672. 8'^, A— K in eights. Dedicated to John, Earl of Bridgewater. PHILIPS, DOROTHY. The notorious cousenages of Dorothie Phillips otherwise called Doll Pope. Li- censed to J. Parnell on the '2.b^^ Feb. 1594-5. PHILIPS. ^ .. . Phillips his gigg of the slvppers. Licensed to Ralph Hancock, 26 May, 1595. PHILIPS, EDWARD. The New World of English Words : Or, a General Dictionary : Containing the Interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other Languages ; . . . To- gether with all those Terms that relate to the Arts and Sciences. ... To wdiich are added the signification of Proper Names . . . Collected and published by E. P. . . . London, Printed by E. Tyler for Nath. Brooke . . . 1658. Folio, (a)— (b) in fours : (c) in sixes : A— Ss in fours. The New World of English Words . . . Collected and Published by E. P. For the greater honour of those Learned Gentle- men, and Artists, that have been assistant in the most Practical Sciences ; . . . Lon- don, Printed for Nath. Brook, . . . 1663. Folio, (a) — (c) in fours : An Advertise- ment, 2 leaves : A — Ss in fours. Dedi- cated to the two Universities. The New World of Words The third Edition Containing a supply of above two Thousand words. Collected and Published by E. P. London, Printed for Nath. Brook, . . . 1671. Folio. Frontispiece, title, and dedication, 3 leaves : Preface, 6 leaves : Names of Contributors, 1 leaf : A — 3 A in fours. Among the helpers are enumerated, for Fishing terms, Colonel Venables and Isaak Walton, and for other branches of learning Dugdale, Evelyn, Ashmole, &c. The New World of words ... The Fourth Edition. Containing besides an Addition of several thousand words . . . a brief view of the most Eminent Persons of the Ancients, . . . Collected and Pub- lished by E. P, London, Printed by W. R. for Obadiah Blagrave . . . 1678. Folio. Frontispiece, title, and two dedi- cations, 4 leaves : a — b 2, 6 leaves : A — 3 F in fours. Tractatulus de Modo & Ratione Formandi Voces Derivitivas Lingu?e Latin?e ; Cui Accedunt quaedam Observationes de Com- positis & Decompositis. Opera Edvardi Philippi Londinensis. Auspiciis Claris- simi & Ornatissimi Viri Gulielmi Bassetti Equitis Aurati Ex Clavestouia in Agro Somersetensi. Londini Anno Domini MDCLXXXii. 4*^, 6 leaves. B. M. PHILIPS, FABIAN. The Last Newes from Ireland Being a Relation of the Hostile and bloody pro- ceedings of the Rebellious Papists there at this present. . . . London, Printed foi John Tliomas, 1641. 4^ 4 leaves. At the end occurs in coeval writing Fab. Phillips. The Copie of a Letter sent from the Lord Chiefe Jvstices and Privie CouncellouD PHILIPS. 473 PHILIPS. \\\ Ireland, to the Lords assembled m Parliument here in England, bearing Date the 25. of Octob. 1641. Together with a true Discoverie of the Plot, and the man- ner thereof to have beene efl'ected there. London, Printed 1641. 4*^, 4 leaves, A 4 blank. The Forster copy is subscribed in a coeval h an d i^a 6 ; Ph ill ips. Veritas Inconcussa, Or, A most certain Truth asserted, that King Charles the First, was no Man of Blood, but a Martyr for His People. ... By Fabian Philipps Esq ; [Quot.from Seneca.] London, Printed by Eichard Hodgkinson, in the Year 1649, and reprinted by Thomas Kewcomb . . . 1660. 8^. a— b in eights, title on a 2 : B— Q in eights, Q 8 blank. Tenenda non Tollenda, Or The Necessity of Preserving Tenures in Capite and by Knight-Service, "Which according to their first Institution were, and are yet, a great part of the Salus Populi. ... By Fabian Philipps, Esq; . . . London, Printed by Thomas Leach for the Author, . . . 1662. 4''. Title, 1 leaf : A, 6 leaves : B— N in fours, N 4 blank. Dedicated to Lord Chancellor Hyde. Defensio Legis : Or, The "Whole State of England Inquisited and Defended for General Satisfaction. By a Person of Honour. Hsec pro Quietse Coronse, Non occnitavi. Qui secundum legem vivere recusant, Merito sine Lege perire debent. M. London, Printed for, and are to be sold by George Savile . . . mdclxxiv. 8*^, A — V 2 in eights, but A 2 repeated. A curious work, full of remarkable phrase- ology. PHILIPS, H. A Treatise Enumerating the most Illus- trious Families of England, "Who have been raised to Honour and '\Yealth by the Profession of the Law. Together with tlie Names of all the Lord Chief Justices of each Court, and Barons of the Exche- quer, from their first Institution. Lon- don, Printed for Arthur Jones, . . . MDCLXXxvi. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B — T in eights. Dedicated to Francis, Lord Guilford. PHILIPS, JOHN, Student in Divinity. The Rudimentes of Reason gathered out of the preceptes of the worthie and learned philosopher Periander by Jhon Philips student in Divinitie 1578. Licensed to Stephen Peele, 26 April, 1578. PHILIPS, JOHN. Tlie Religion of the Hypocritical Presby- terians in Meeter. [Two quotations from Juvenal.] London Printed in the Year 1661. 4°, A— C in fours. A Satyr against Hypocrites. . . . Lon- don, Printed for Nathaniel Brooks, . . . 1661. 4*^, A— C in fours. A Satyr against Hypocrites. . . . London, Printed for 0. B. and R. H. 1677. 4°. A — D 2 in fours. Jockeys Downfall : A Poem on the late Total Defeat given to the Scotish Cove- nanters, near Hamilton Park, June 22, 1679, by His Majesties Forces, under the Command of His Highness the Duke of Monmouth, &c. "Written by the Author of the Satyr against Hypocrites. London, Printed in the year 1679. A folio leaf in verse. Dr. Oates's Narrative of the Popish Plot vindicated: In an Answer to a Scurrilous and Treasonable Libel, Call'd, A Vindi- cation of the English Catholicks. . . . By J. P[hilips] Gent. Humbly presented to both Houses of Parliament. London : Printed for Thomas Cockerill, . . . 1680. Folio, A — 0, 2 leaves each. PHILIPS, JUDITH. A trew Disco verye of ij notable villanyes practised by One Judith Phillips the wyfe of John Phillips of Crowne Allye in Bishopsgate strete. Licensed to Josias Parnell, 25 Feb. 1594-5. PHILIPS, KATHERINE. Poems By the most deservedly Admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, . . . London, Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringmati . . . 1678. Folio. Portrait and title, 2 leaves : A, 4 leaves : a — c in fours : B — Uu 2 in fours, last leaf blank. The portrait is signed by "W. Faithorne. Letters from Orinda [Mrs. K. Phillips] to Poliarchus [Sir Charles CotterelL] Lon- don : Printed bv W. B. for Bernard Lintott . . . 1705. 8°, A— R in eights, title on A 2. "With a portrait taken from the folio edition of the Poems. This is a series of familiar letters on literary and other subjects, written be- tween the years 16G1-4. PHILIPS, T. The Low Dutch character'd, Their Butter- Box Opened, And their Juggles Appre- hended and Reproved. London, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Francis Cossinet . . . 1658. 4", 4 leaves. In verse. PHILLPOTT. 474 PHILPOTT. PHILLPOTT, NICHOLAS, of New Inn. Reasons & Proposals for a Registry or Remembrancer of all Deeds and Incum- brances of Real Estates, to be had in every County, most necessary and advan- tageous, as well for Sellers and Borrowers, as Purchasers and Lenders. To the Ad- vance of Credit, and the General Good, Avithout Prejudice to any Honest minded Person. Most humbly offered to Consi- deration. Oxford, Printed by W. Hall, for Ric. Davis, 1671. 4^, A— B 2 in fours. PHILO-CALEDON. A Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien. With an Answer to the Spanish Memorial, against it. And Arguments to prove, That it is the interest of England to join with the Scots, and protect it. To which is added A Description of the Countrey, and a particular Account of the Scots Colony. Printed in the Year, M.DC.xc.ix. 4*^. A, 2 leaves : B, 4 leaves: C — P, 2 leaves each. PHILOMATH, T., Ilastcr of a Free School. A Practical Grammar, Or, The Easiest and Shortest Way to initiate Young Children in the Latin Tongue. By the Help whereof a Child of Seven Years old may learn more of the Grounds of that Language in Three Months than is ordi- narily learnt in an Year's space by those of greater Age in Common Grammar Schools. . . . London: Printed by Henry Hills for Thomas Cockerill . . . 1682. 8^, A— F in eights, F 8 blank. PHILOPHILUS. Enthusiasmus Triumphatus, Or, A Dis- course of the Nature, Causes, Kinds, and Cure, of Enthusiasme ; Written by Philo- philus Parresiastes, and prefixed to Ala- zonomastix His Observations and Reply: Whereunto is added a Letter of his to a private Friend. . . . London, Printed by J. Flesher, and are to be sold by W. Morden Bookseller in Cambridge, MDCLVI. 8°, A — X in eights. PHILOPATER IREN^US, pseud. Vindiciarvm Catholicarvm Hibernian. AvthorePhilopatroIreiiaioadAlitophilvm Libri duo, quorum Primvs Rerum in Hi- bernia gestarum ab anno 1641, ad annum 1649 verissimam & actorum publicorum tide muiiitam synopsim, Secvndvs Libelli famosi in Catholicos Hibernia; Proceres, . . . accusatani confutationem coutinet. . . . Parisiis, . . . m.dc.l. Cvm Per- missione. 8*^. a, 8 leaves : c, 4 leaves : -f , 5 leaves : A, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves : * C — Aaa in eights and fours : a — u ij in eights and fours. PHILOPATRIS. The Trve Lawe of Free Monarchies . . At London Printed by T. C. according to the copie Printed at Edenburgh. 1603. 8''. A, 4 leaves : B— E 4 in eights. A 1 is blank. PHILOPATRIS. The Plot in a Dream: Or, The Discoverer in Masquerade. In a Succinct Discourse and Narrative of the late and present Designs of the Papists against the King and Government. Illustrated with Cop- per Plates. Loudon, Printed by T. Snow- den for John Hancock and Enoch Prosser . . . 1681. 12«. A 6 leaves : B— N in twelves, the last leaf blank. With a folded frontispiece and two other plates. PHILOPROTEST. The Protestant Almanack for the Yeer from the Incarnation of Jesus Christ 1668. Our deliverance from Popery, by Queen Eliz. 109. Being the Bissextile or Leap-year. Wherein the bloody As- pects, pernicious Conjunctions, and fatal Oppositions of the Papacy against the Lord Christ, and the Lords Anointed, are described. Calculated according to Art, fur the Meridian of Babylon . . . By Philoprotest. . . . London, Printed for the Company of Stationers . . . 1668. 8°, A — I) in eights. PHILOS AND LICIA. A work so called was registered by Wil- liam Aspley, 2 October, 1606. PHILOSOPHER. Good Counssell and Saynges of y® philo- sypher[s.] A ballad. Licensed to J. Kingston in 1564-5. PHILOSTRATUS. The Two First Books of Philostratus, Concerning the Life of Apollonius Ty- ana^us : written originally in Greek, And now Published in English : Together Avith Philological Notes upon each Chapter. By Charles Blount, Gent. London, Printed for Nathaniel Thompson, . . . Anno Domini, 1680. Folio, A — Gg in fours ; Hh, 6 leaves. PHILOTUS. Philotus . . . 1603 and 1612. This poem is taken from the story of Philotus and Emilia in Kich's Faretirll to MUitarn Profession, 1581. See Domestic Annals of Scotland, by Chambers, 2nd edit. i. 374. PHILPOTT, JOHN. An Epytapheof JohnPhilpotte. Licensed to W. Pickering iu 1564. PHIORAVANTE. 475 riERREVILLE. HIORAVANTE, LEONARDO, M.D. Ia Compendium of the ratioiiall Secreies, of the worthie Knight tind moste excel- lent Doctour of Phisicke and Chiruigeiie, Leonardo Phiorauante. . . . Imprinted at London by Jhon Kyngstoii lor George Pen, and J. H. 1582. 8^ black letter. *, 8 leaves, and A— R in eights, R 8 occu- pied by a leaf headed The vertue of this Balme. Dedicated to Richard Garth, Ksfiuire, one of the Clerks of the Petty Bags in Chancery, by J. Hester. A Discourse vpon Chyrurgery : Written by that Famous Doctor and Knight, Sig- nior Leonardo Phiorauauti, Bolognese. With a declaration of many wonderfull matters necessary to be knowne ; with most notable secrets found out by the said Authour. Translated out of Italian by lohn Hester, and now newly pub- lished and augmented, for the benefite oi this Country : By Richard Booth, Gent. London, Printed by Edward Allde dwell- ing neere vnto Christ-Church. 1626. 4^° black letter. A, 2 leaves : B— Q in fours, last leaf blank. B. M. PHISTON, WILLIAM. The :Schoole of good Manners : Or, A new Schoole of Vertue. Teaching Chil- dren and Youth how they ought to be- haue themselues in all companies. Also the manner of seruiug and taking vp a Table: with diuers godly Prayers for Mornings and Euenings, and certaine new Graces : very necessarie to be vsed both of old and young. Newly corrected and augmented, 'Bv W. F. Imprinted at London by W. W. for William lones, and are to be sold at his house at the signe of the Gunne neare Holborne Conduict. 1609. S"", partly black letter, A— E in eights. Dedicated to Edward, son of JcTrues Harrington of Ridlington, co. Rut- land, by William Fiston. The schoole of good manners. Assigned to John Wright by the widow of William Jones, 17 September, 1618. PHYROLOGIA. Phyrologia Britannica, Natales exhibens Indigenarum stirpium sponte emergen- tium. Londini, Typis Ric. Coles, . . . 1650. 8'', B— K 4 ill eights, and the title. i'HYSIOGNOMY. A mooste pleasant worke of the hole arte of physiogme. Licensed to Edward Sutton in 1566. PICA. [An Advertisement by Caxton respecting picas of Salisbury use". W. Caxton, circa 1480.] Long 8°. A single leaf. Bod- leian and Altkorp. PICKERING, WILLIAM, Merchant Ad- venturer. The Marrow of the Mathematicks, . . . After a New, Compendious, Easie Method . . . The Second Edition, with Additions . . London, Printed for Eben. Tracy, 1699. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B—T Sin twelves, besides a folded leaf at S. With diagrams. PICTURE. The Picture of Twoo pernicious varieties Called Prig Pickthaiike and Clem Claw- backe, discribed by a peevishe painter. Licensed to R. Jones, 6 Oct. 1581. The pictures of a yonge man and a nurse. Entered to John' Wolf in English and French, 11 Sept. 1587. A picture of the fat monster and the leane, the one called Butcher, and the other Thingut. grauen by Reynold Elstrak. Licensed to AVilliam Butier, 10 July, 1620. (Taylor.) PIEDMONT. The true and naturall proportion of a monstrous Childe borne in Chieri in Piemonte. Licensed to John Charlwood, 6 Dec. 1580. The History of the Persecution of the Valleys of Piedmont. Containing an Ac- count of what hath passed in the Dissipa- tion of the Churches and the Inhabitants of the Valleys, which happened in the Year 1686. "London: Printed for Tlio. Newborough, . . . mdclxxxviii. 4", B — G in fours and the title. PIERCE, ROBERT, M.D. Bath Memoirs : Or, Observations in Three and Forty Years Practice, at the Baih, what Cures have been there wrought, (both by Bathing and Drinking these Waters) by God's Blessing, on the Direc- tions of Robert Pierce, Dr. in Physick and Fellow of the College of Physicians in London, a constant Inhabitant in Bath, from the Year 1653, to this present Year 1697. Bristol: Printed for R. Hammond, Bookseller in Bath, and the Devizes ; . . . 1697. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a — c in fours : B— Cc in eights. With a folded plan of Bath. PIERREVILLE, G., Secretary to thcKinfJs Minister at Copenh.onen. The Present State of Denmark, And Re- flections upon the Ancient State thereof Together with a particular Account of the Birth of . . . Prince George . . . London, Printed . . . 1683. S^. A, 4 leaves: B— PIERS. 476 PIX. H 2 in eights. Dedicated to the Duke of Somerset. With a portrait of Prince George. PIERS. I playne Piers which can not jflatter A plane man men me call My speche is fowlle / yet marke the matter Howe thyiiges may hap to fall. No place, &c., black letter, A— F 4 in eights. In prose. Lambeth. PIMLICO. A ballad called Have with you to Pimlico. Licensed to John Busby, 24^^ April, 1609, PIGMALION. Pygmalyn. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1568-9. PILL AND SKILL. A booke called Captaine Pill in his humerous fitt. Captaine Skill in his temperate Judgement discoiirsinge of great matters to little purpose. Licensed to Jeffrey Charlton, 21 May, 1604. PILGRIM. The Third booke of the painefull pilgrim. Licensed to R. Jones, 6 Jan. 1579-80. A Pleasant description of the fortunate Ilandes, called the Hands of Canaria, Avith their straunge fruits and commodi- ties. Verie Delectable to read to the praise of God. Composed by the poore Pilgrime. Imprinted at London by Thomas East. 1583. 8°, black letter. A, 2 leaves : B — C in fours : D, 2 leaves. Dedicated to John WooUey Esquire, one of the Queen's Secretaries. B. iM. PINNELL, HENRY. A Word of Prophesy, Concerning the Parliament, General!, and the Army With a little of the first Adam. . . . Printed for George AVhittington and Giles Calvert, . . .' [1643, Dec. 5. J 8*^, A — F 6 in eights, and a, 2 leaves. At the end occurs " Risly in Derby-shire Octob. 14 1G48," which seems to tlirow doubt on the dute given in old MS. on the title. PIRATES. An Exact Narrative of the Tryals of the Pyrats : and all the Proceedings at the late Goal-Delivery of the Admiralty held in the Old-Bayly, on Thursday and Sa- turday, the 7*^ and 9^^^ of June, 167i. . . . Printed in the Year, 1G75. 4*^, 4 leaves. PISMIRE. A booke intituled the lief of the pismarre moralized. Licensed to Richard Jona 15 Oct. 1576. I PITMAN, HENRY. 1 A Relation of the Great Sufferings an- 1 Strange Adventures of Henry Pitmai Chyrurgion to the late Duke of Mon mouth, containing an Account ; 1, Of th occasion of his being engaged in th . Duke's service. 2. Of his Tryal, Con' demnation, and Transportation to Barba does, . . . London, Printed by Andrev Sowle : And are to be Sold by lohn Tay lor, . . . 1689. 4°, A— E in fours. PITS (OR PITSEUS), JOHN. j loannis Pitsei Angli, S. Theologife Doc toris, Liverdvni in Lotharingia, Decani Relationvm Historicarvm de Rebu Anglicis Tomvs Primvs Quatuor Parte complectens, . . . Parisiis . . . m.dc.xix' 4°. a and e, 4 leaves each : A — P ii fours, last leaf blank. PITT, MOSES. The Cry of the Oppressed. Being A Tru« and Tragical Account of the UnparallelV Sufferings of Multitudes of poor Im- prisoned Debtors, in most of the Gaols ii Eugland, under the Tyranny of th(, Gaolers, and other Oppressors, lately dis- covered upon the occasion of this presen- Act of Grace, For the Release of pooi Prisoners for Debt, or Damages, ... To- gether with the Case of the Publisher Illustrated with Copper- Plates. London Printed for Moses Pitt ; . . . 1691. Sm. 8vo. A, 12 leaves: (a), 8 leaves : B— 1 l in twelves. With a frontispiece and plates at pp. 4, 7, 12, 22, 26, 27, 41, 48. 62,63,81. J > > - PITTENWEEM. A True and Full Relation of the Witches at Pittenw^eem. To which is added by way of Preface, An Essay for proving the Existence of Good and Evil Spirits, . . . Edinburgh. Printed by John Reid Junior, . . . 1704. 8«, 8 leaves, the last blank. PIX, MARY. Il)rahim, The Thirteenth (sic) Eniperour of the Turks : A Tragedy. As it is Acted By His Majesties Servants. By Mrs. Mary Pix. London, Printed for John Harding . . . and Richard Wilkin, . . . 1696. 4", A— F in fours, and a leaf of G. Dedi- cated to Richard Minchall of Bourton Esquire. The Spanish Wives. A Farce, As it was Acted by His Majesty's Servants, at the Theatre in Dorset- Garden. London: Printed for R. Wellington, . . . 1696. PLACID us. 477 PLAGUE. 4°, A — G in fours. Dedicated to Colonel ripping of Whitfield. The Innocent Mistress. A Comedy. As, t was Acted, by His Majesty's Servants it the Theatre in Little-Lincolns-Inn- Fields. Written by Mrs. Mary Fix. Lon- don, Printed by J. Orme, for R. Basset, 1697. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— H 2 in fours. Queen Catharine : Or, The Ruines of Love. A Tragedy, As it is Acted at the New Theatre in Little -Lincolns- Inn- Field, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mrs. Fix. London, Printed for William Turner, . . . and Richard Basset, . . . MDCXCViii. 4^, A— H 2 in fours. Dedi- cated to the Honourable Mrs. Cook [Coke] of Norfolk. The Deceiver Deceived : A Comedy, As it is now Acted by His Majesty's Servants, at the Theatre "^ in Little -Lincolns -Inn Fields. Loudon, Printed for R. Basset, . . . 1698. 4°, A — G in fours, G 4 blank. Dedicated by Mary Pix to Sir Robert Marsham. The False Friend, Or, The Fate of Dis- obedience. A Tragedy : As it is Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns- Inn-Fields. Written by Mrs. Pix. Lon- don : Printed for Richard Basset, . . . 1G99. 4"^, A— I 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Countess of Burlington. The Double Distress. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mrs. M. Pix. Lon- don, Printed for R. Wellington . . . and B. Bernard {&i6) Lintott ... 1701. f, A — H in fours. Dedicated to John Vis- count Fitz- Harding. The Adventures in Madrid. A Comedy, As it is Acted at the Queens Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Her Majesty's Ser- vants. London : Printed for William Turner . . . [1706.] 4^, A— K in fours, A 1 blank. Dedicated to Sir Jacob Banks. PLACIDUS, D., De Tiii&&, of Perusino, Olivetano. Tables of Primum Mobile with Theses added to the Theory & Cannons to the Practice which for Demonstration are set forth in the Following Examples of Thirty Excellent Nativities Computed by the Author D. Placidus. . . . mdclujj. Printed by Paul Frambot Book Seller by the Permition of Superiors. 8^. Sotheby's, June 5, 1877, No. 102. Not printed. PLAGUE. Certayne medecyne[s] for the ]»lage. Li- censed to Henry Rocheforth in 1 502-3. A comfortable Drynke or medysen for tlie plage or pestelence to be taken and vsed at all tymes. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1563-4. A preseruityue for the plage with also a medvcene for the same. Licensed to Hugh Fleming in 1563-4. Good Councell against the plague. Shew- ing sundry present preseruatiues for the same, by wholsome fumes, drinks, vomits, and other inward receits : as also, the per- fect cure (by emplaysture) of any that are therewith affected. Nowe necessary to be obserued of euery Housholder, . . . Written by a learned Phisition, for the health of his Countrey. At London, Printed by lohn Charlwood, for Thomas Nelson. 1592. 4^, black letter, A— B in fours, A 1 and B 4 blank. The progresse of the plag[ue.] Licensed to R. Jones, 24 March, 1578-9. Orders, Thovght Meete. . . . Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, . . . An. Do. 1592. 4°, black letter, A — B in fours. An approued medicin against the deserued plague. Licensed to T. East, 30 Julv, 159^3. Orders, thought meete by her Maiestie, and her priuie Councell, to be executed throughout the Counties of this Realme, in such Townes, Villages, and other places, as are, or may be hereafter infected with the plague, for the stay of furtlier increase of the same. Also, an aduise set downe \'pon her Maiesties expresse com- mandement, by the best learned in Phy- sicke within this Realme, contayning sundry good rules and easie medicines, . . . Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker . . . [1593 l] 4^ A— D in fours, first and last two leaves blank. Black letter. The billes, briefes, notes and larges gyven out for the sicknes weekely or otherwise. Licensed to John AVolf, 14 July, 1593. A short forme of Thankesgiuing to God, for staying the contagious sickenes of the Plague : To be vsed in Common Prayer, on Sundayes, Wednesdayes, and Fridayes. Set forth" by Authoritie. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . Anno 1604. 4P, A — B in fours. Lambeth. A short forme of Thankesgiuing to God for staying the contagious sicknesse of the PLA TINA. 478 PLA TT, \ Plai^ue : To be vsed in Common prayer, on Sundayes, Wednesdayes, and Frydayes: Set forth by Authority. Imprinted at London by Bonhara Norton and lohn Bill . . . Anno 1625. 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. Lavibeth. Certain necessary Directions, as well for the Cure of the Plague, as for preuenting the Infection; . . . Imprinted at Lon- don by Robert Barker . . . And by the Assignes of lohn Bill. 1636. 4^, A— S in fours, first leaf blank. BLack letter. A Proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure touching Orders to be obserued for preuention of dispersing the Plague. [22 April, 1636.] Imprinted at London bv Robert Barker, . . . 1636. Forster Coll. PLATINA, BATTISTA, of Cremona. The Lives of the Popes, From the time of our Saviour Jesus Christ, To the Reign of Sixtus IV. Written Originally in Latine by Baptista Platina Native of Cremona, and Translated into English. And the same History continued from the Year 1671. to this present time ; . . . By Paul Rycaut, Esq; London : . . . 1685. Folio. A, 2 leaves : (a)— (d 2) in fours : B— 6 D in fours : 6 E in sixes. With a portrait of Rycaut by White. PLATO. Platoes Cap, Cast at this yeere 1604, being Leap-yeere. Printed for Jeffrey Charlton. 1604. 4P, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. Black letter. In prose. /S^r G. Isham. This copy begins on sign. B with the text. The titlepage is amoug Bagford's col- lections. It is at present uncertain of how many leaves sheet A consisted. Marked in Osborne's Catalogue of Harleian Pamphlets, No. 1, 365, at 1/6. PLATT, SIR HUGH. A Discoverie of Certaine English wants, which are royally supplyed in this treatise by H. Piatt of Lincolnes Inne Esquier. Nunc Tuba nunc litiivs . . . Ovid. Printed at London by P. S. for William Ponsonby. 1595. 4^, A— B 2 in fours. Br. Museum. The new and admirable Arte of setting of Come : With all the necessarie Tooles and other Circumstances belonging to the same : the particular titles whereof, are set down in the Page following Marinus JDeus in minimis. Imprinted at London by Peter Short, dwelling at the signe of the Starre on Bredstreet hill. 1600. 4", A — D in fours. Delirrhtes for Ladies, to ado»ne tliuir persons, Tables, closets, and distillatories With, Bewties, banquets, perfumes anc Waters, Read, practise, and censure. A: i London, Printed by Peter Short. 12** A — H in twelves, H 12 blank. Printed' within engraved borders. Black letter, i Grenv. Coll. Following the title is "To all true louen of Arte and Knowledge," 4 pages of vers( subscribed H. Flat. A new, cheape and delicate Fire of Cole- balles, wherein Seacole is by the mixture of other combustible bodies, both sweet- ened and multiplied. Also a speedie waj for the winning of any Breach : witt some other new and serviceable luuen-j tions answerable to the time Regium est cum fecerit bene, audire viale. S. Ha. Imprinted at London by Peter Short: dwelling at the signe of the Starre on: Bredstreet-hill. 1603. 4^ A— D in fours, I A 1 blank. With a cut of the invention i on the title. I Floraes Paradise, Beautified and adorned with sundry sorts of delicate fruites and flowers. By the industrious labour of H. P. Knight : With an ofier of an English Antidote, (beeing a present, easie, and pleasing remedy in violent Feevers, and intermitting Agues) as also of some other rare inventions, fitting the time. Hiji fruere, db eo;pecta meliora. At London, Printed bv H. L. for William Leake, . .". 1608. 8«; A— P 4 in eights, A 1 blank. In prose. Br. Museum. The address to the reader is dated from " Bednall-greene, neere London, this 2. of July. 1608." The Jewel House of Art and Nature: . . . Whereunto is added, A rare and excellent Discourse of Minerals, Stones, Gems, and Resins ; with the vertues and use thereof, London : Printed by 1653. 4«, A— Gg. D. B. Gent. Bernard Alsop, in fours. The Garden of Eden. Or, An accurate Descrijition of all Flowers and Fruits now growing in England, with particular Rules how to advance their Nature and Growth, as well in Seeds and Herbs, as the secret ordering of Trees and Plants. By that learned and great Observer, Sir Hugh Plat, Knight. And now pub- lished by the Authors own I\[anuscri])t. London, Printed for William Leake, . . . 1653 [1652, Dec. 4.] 8°, A— K in eights, but A repeated. Br. Mus. Dedicated by Charles Bellingham to that ]ierfect gentleman, Francis Fiucli, of the Inner TeTn])le, which is foUowed by the author'tj Epistle or Pre face " To all Gentle- PLA TTES. 479 PLA YFORD. men. Ladies, and all others delighting in God's Vegetable Creatures." The Garden of Eden. Or, An accurate Description of all Flowers and Fruits now growincr in England, with particular Rules how lo advance their Nature and Growth . . . By that learned and great Observer. Sir Hugh Plat, Knight. The Fourth Edition. London, Printed for William Leake . . . 1605. S*", A— K in eights, A repeated, I The Second Part of the Garden of Eden. : Or An accurate Description of all Flowers i and Fruits growing in England ; With I Particular Rules how to advance their ! Nature and Growth, as well in Seeds and Herhs, as the secret ordering of Trees and Plants. By that Learned and great Ob- server, Sir Hugh Plat Knight. Never before Printed. London Printed for Wil- liam Leak, . . . 1660. [Nov. 1659.] 8°, A— L in eights. B. M. PLATTES, GABRIEL. A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure, viz. Of all manner of Mines and Mine- rails, from the Gold to the Coale ; with plaine Directions and Rules for the find- ing of them in all Kingdomes and Coun- tries. And also the Art of Melting, Re- fining, and Assaying of them is plainly declared, . . . Imprinted at London, by J. Okes, for Jasper Emery, . . . mdcxxxix. 4^, B — K 2 in fours, and^he title. Dedi- cated by G. Plattes to William Englebert E>f[uire. PLAY. A ballet intituled Conime from the plaie, comme from the playe : The house will fall, so people saye : The earth quakes, lett vs haste awaye. Licensed to H. Carre, 8 April, 15 SO. A Ringinge Retraite Couragiouslie sound- ea, A^ herein Plaies and Players are fytlie confounded. A ballad (?). Licensed to Edward White, 10 Nov. 1580. PLAYERS. The ouelye ympryntinge of all maner of Billes for players. Licensed to John Charlwood, SO'Oct. 1587. PLAYFORD, JOHN. A Breefe Introduction to the Skill of Musick for Song & VioU by J, P. London Printed 1654. Sould by Jo. Playford at his shop in the Inner Temple. 8"^, pp. 34, and title and dedication, 4 more. The title is engraved. A Brief Introduction to the Skill of Musick. In two Books. The First con- tains the Grounds and Rules of Musick. The Second, Instructions for the Yiol and also for the Treble- Yiolin. By John Playford, Philo-Musicte. To which is added a Third Book, entituled, The Art of Setting . . . London, Printed for J. Playford and are sold at his Shop in the Temple in Fleetstreet. 1662. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B — K 4 in eights. With a pur- trait. A Brief Introduction . . . The Fourth Edition, much Enlarged. London, Printed by William Godbid for John Plavford, . . . 1664. 8"^, A— L in eights, besides title and portrait. A Brief Introduction to the Skill of Musick : In Three Books. The First : The Grounds and Rules of Musick, . . . The Second : Instructions for the Bass- Yiol, and also for the Treble-Violin : With Lessons for Becjinners. Bv John Playford, Philo - Musicse. The Third : The Art of Descant, or Composing Musick in Parts. By Dr. Tho. Campion. With Annotations thereon, by Mr. Chr. Simp- son. London, Printed bv William God- bid for John Playford, \ . . 1670. 8"^ A — K 4 in eights, besides the portrait, title, and dedication, 3 leaves. On E 8 is an engraving of a performer on the Bass-viol, perhaps a portrait. An Introduction . . . The Sixt Edition Corrected and Enlarged. London, Printed Ijy W. Godbid for J. Playford . . . 1672. 8% A — L in eights. With a portrait. An Introduction . . . The Seventh Edi- tion, Corrected and Enlaro;ed. London, Printed bv W. Godbid for J. Plavford ...1674."' 8'V\—M in eights. With a portrait. Musick's Delight on the Cithren, Restored and Refined to a morg Easie and Pleasant ]\lanner of Playing than formerly ; And .=;et forth with Lessons A la Mode . . . To which is added several New Songs and ayres to sing to the Cithren. By John Playford Philo-Musicne. London, Printed by W. G. and are sold bv J. Plav- ford . . . 1666. Obi. 8°, A— G in eights. With a frontispiece representing a per- former on the cithern. The Musical Companion, In Two Books. The First Book containing Catches and Rovnds for Three Voyces. The Second Book containing Dialogves, Glees, Ayres and Songs for Two, Three and Four voyces. Collected and Published by John Playford Practitioner in Mvsick. Lun- PLINY. 480 PLUTARCH. don, Printed by W. Godbid, for John Playford, at his Shop in the Temple near the Church, 1673. 4°, A— Ff in fours, except that P has 6 leaves. The Whole Book of Psalms : With the usual Hymns and Spiritual Songs. . . . Compos'd in Three Parts, Cantus, Medius & Bassus : In a more Plain and Useful Method than hath been formerly pub- lished. By John Playford. London, Printed by W. Godbid for the Company of Stationers, . . . 1677. 8^, A— Pp in fours, and the title. The Second Book of the Pleasant Musical Companion : . . . The Second Edition, Corrected and much Enlarged. London, Printed for John Playford, . . . 1687. Obi. 4*^, A — M in fours, first and last leaves blank. A Compendium of Practical Musick . . . The Third Edition. London, Printed by M. C. for Henry Brome, . . . mdclxxviii. 8°, A — N in eights. With a portrait. The Divine Companion : . . . The Third Edition, with large Additions. London: Printed by William Pearson, . . . 1715. 8^, A — Aa in fours. PLINY. The Somary of Plinie. Licensed to Thomas Hacket in 1566. The Secrets and wonders of the world. A Booke right rare and straunge, con- taining many excellent properties, giuen to Man, Beasts, Foules, Fishes and Ser- pents, Trees, & Plants. Abstracted out of that excellent naturall Historiographer Plinie. Translated out of French into English. At London Printed for Thomas Hacket, and are to be solde at his shop in Lumberd Streete, Vnder the Popes head. 1585. 4°, black letter. A, 2 leaves: B — H in fours : I, 1 leaf. Dedicated by the publisher to his very- good friend, Master Richard Candler. The Historic of the World. Commonly called, The Natvrall Historie of C. Plinivs Secvndvs. Translated into Eng- lish by Philemon Holland Doctor in Pliysicke. London, Printed by Adam Islip, 1601. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: dedi- cation to Sir Robert Cecil, 1 leaf : Pre- face and Errata, 3 leaves : % 4 leaves : a — b in sixes : A, 8 leaves : B — 3 I in sixes : 3 K, 4 leaves : The Second Tome, with a new title, A the Errata, 1 leaf. The Historie of the World : Commonly called, The Natvrall Historie ofC. Plinivs Secvndvs. . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip. 1634. Folio. Title, &c., 5 leave- IT, 4 leaves : a — b in sixes : A, 8 leaves B — Ppp in sixes, and an extra leaf at end with "An Advertisement." PLOT. A Machavillian Plot, Or, A Caution for England, Presented in a time when Prin- ces were so Pious, and ludges durst bee Valiant to declare against Vnhonest' Slaverie. London, Printed Anno Dom, 1642. 4^, 8 leaves. B.M. PLOT, ROBERT, LL.B. The Natural History of Oxford-shire. Being an Essay toward the Natural His- tory of England. By Robert Plot, Doc- tor of Laws . . . Printed at the Theater' in Oxford. . . . 1677. Folio. Title And' Imprimatur, 2 leaves : b, 4 leaves : fold- ing map : A — Bbb 2 in fours, Yy 4 with : the Errata, and last leaf blank. With plates at pp. 16, 92, 100, 104, 110, 126. 130, 142, 146, 212, 237, 244, 272, 274. 328, and 356. The Natural History of Oxford-Shire . By Robert Plot, L.L.D. Late Keeper oi' the Ashmolean Museum, and Professor; of Chymistry in the University of Ox- ford. The Second Edition, with Large Additions and Corrections : To which is prefix'd a short Account of the Author, &c. Oxford : . 1705. Folio. Title, dedication, to the Reader, &c., 6 leaves folding map : A — 3 A in fours. With plates as before. Both editions are inscribed to Charles II. PLUNKET, OLIVER. The Last Speech of Mr. Oliver Plunket, Titular Primate of Ireland, Who was Executed at Tyburn on Friday the l^t of this instant July, 1681. London. Printed by N. Thompson, 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. PLURALITIES. A Purge for Pluralities, Shewing the un- lawfulnesse of men to have two Livings. Or The Downe-fall of Double Benefices. Being in the Clymactericall and fatall yeare of the proud Prelates. But the yeare of lubilee to all poore hunger- pinch'd Schollers. London, Printed for F. Coules, T. Bates, and T. Banks. 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. With a curious cut on the title. PLUTARCH. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and| Romanes, compared together by that graue learned Philosopher, and Historio- grapher, Plutarke of Chperonsea : Trans- lated out of Greeke into French by lames Ariiyot, Abbot of Bellozane, Bishop of PLUTARCH. 481 PLYMOUTH. [Auxerre, one of the Kings privy counsel, and great Amner of France, and out of JFreuch into Englishe, by Thomas North. [Imprinted at London by Thomas Vau- [troullier and lohn Wight. 1579. [Col.] mprinted at London by Thomas Vau- trollier, dwelling^ in the Blacke Friers by Ludgate. Folio. *, 6 leaves : A — 5 F in sixes. Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. [The Lives of the Noble Grecians and jEomanes. . . . Imprinted at London bv iRicbard Field for Thomas Wight. 1595. |Folio. *, 7 leaves : A— Hhhhh 4 in Isixes. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romaines. . . . London, Printed bv Richard Field. 1612. Folio. A, 8 leaves : B — 0^ in sixes : P^ in eights. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Remains, . . . London, Printed bv George Miller, . . . 1631. Folio. A, 8 leaves : B — Goooo in sixes : 5 P, 8 leaves. The Lives of the Noble Grecians & [Romans. . . . And now also in this [Edition are further added, The Lives of JTwenty Selected Eminent Persons, of JAncient and later times ; Translated out jof the Work of that famous Historio- grapher to the King of France and Po- land ; Andrew Thevet. . . . London, Printed by Abraham Miller, and are to I be sold by William Lee . . . M. DC. l. vii. i Folio, A — 4 H 4 in sixes, including fron- jtispiece and explanation : new title and dedication, 2 leaves : 4 I — 4 S in sixes, I besides the title : 4 T, 4 leaves : 4 U, 16 leaves: the new Lives, 5 A — 5 K 3 jin fours : i^) — (**#) in sixes, last leaf j blank. With portraits. I The Lives of the Noble Grecians and i Romans . . . Cambridge. . . . mdclxxvi. Folio, A — Uuuu 2 in sixes, besides the [engraved title and explanation : Adxli- \tion(xl Lives from Thevet, a, 2 leaves : I A — G in sixes : H, 4 leaves: Table, 17 i leaves. With cuts and engravings, includ- ing a portrait of John Guttenberg the printer. This is considered the best edition, but in fact it includes several more modern biographies, not belonging to the original work. Plutarchs Lives. Translated from the Greek by Several Hands. To which is prefixt the Life of Plutarch. London, Printed for Jacob Ton son, . . . 1683- 1700. 8^. 5 vols. With frontispieces and plates. The Philosophie, commonlie called, Tlie Morals Written by the learned Philoso- pher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke into English, and conferred with the Latine translations and the French, by Philemon Holland of Coven- trie, Doctor in Physicke. . . . At London Printed by Arnold Hatfield. 1603. Folio. ?r, 4 leaves : A — 6 F in sixes. Dedicated to James I. PLUTO. Grand Plvtoes Remonstrance, Or, The Devill Horn-mad at Roundheads and Brownists. Wherein his Hellish Maiestie (by advice of his great Counsell, Eacus, Minos & Radamanthus, . . . ) is pleased to declare. 1. How far he differs from Roundhead, Rattle-head, or Pricke-eare. 2. His Cojiulation with a Holy Sister. 3. His deere affection to Romish Catho- likes, and hate to Protestants. 4. His Oration to the Rebells. Printed for the Catticuchlania, in the yeere 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. With a cut on title. PLYMOUTH. The prowde mayde of Plymouth e. A ballad licensed to William JBlackwall, 15 Oct. 1595. Joyfvll Newes from Plymouth, Being An exact Relation of a great Victory obtained against the Cornish Cavaliers, by the Parliament Forces in those parts, . . . Whereunto is annexed an Abstract of severall Letters . . . London, Printed for Edward Smith, 1643. 4^, 4 leaves. A Continvation of the Trve Narration of the Most observable Passages in and about Plymouth, from January 26. 1643. till this present ; Wherein you may observe how the Lord doth alwaies work, for that poore, and remote Garrison. Together with the Letter of Sir Richard Greenvile, with the Answer to it, as also the burning of a booke inclosed in his Letter by the hands of the Hangman, the Book being intituled. The Iniquity of the Covenant. With the discovery of a shee Traytor to- gether with the Articles proved on oath against her at a Councell of Warre. Pub- lished by Authority. London, Printed bv I. D. for Francis Eudesfield, . . . May 10. 1644. 4^, A— B 2 in fours. PLYMOUTH, NEW. A Relation or lournall . . . 1622. Compare Hunter's Tract on New Ply- mouth, 8°, 1849, p. 3-5, &c., from which it would appear almost that the initials R. C. are for Richard Clifton. At any rate, R. G. do not seem to represent the name of any person concerned in the business. A Sermon Preached at Plimmoth in New- England December 9. 1621, In an assem- 2 II POCKLINGTON. 482 POMPOKIUS. \ blie of his Maiesties faithfull Subiects, there inhabiting. Wherein is shewed the danger of selfe-loue, and the sweetnesse of true Friendship. Together with a Preface, Shewing the state of the Country, and Condition of the Savages. . . . Writ- ten in the yeare 1621. London: Printed by I. D. for lohn Bellamin . . . 1622. 4^, A— D 2 in fours. POCKLINGTON, JOHN, D.B, The Petition and Articles Exhibited in Parliament against lohn Pocklington, Doctor in Divinity, Parson of Yelden in Bedfordshire. Anno 1641. Imprinted at London. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. With a large cut on the title. B. M. POEM. A New Poem, to console the going away of his Excellency the Ambassador, from the Emperour of Fez and Morocco, to liis own Countrey. By a person of Quality. ... A sheet. Oiivry Cat. 161. Poems, Upon several Occasions, And, to several Persons. By the Author, of the Censure, of the Rota. London : Printed by Andr. Clark for William Henzman, . . . MDCLXXV. 8^. A, 2 leaves: B— K 2 in eights. A Collection of 86 Loyal Poems, All of them written upon the Two late Plots, viz. The Horrid Salamanca Plot in 1678. And the Present Fanatical Con- spiracy in 1683. To which is added, Advice to the Carver, Written on the Death of the late L. Stafford with Several Poems on their Majesties Coronation, Never before Published. Collected by N[athaniel] T[hompson.] Printed by N. T. . . . 1685. 8**, A— Bb in eights. A Collection of Poems By Several Hands. Most of them Written by Persons of Emi- nent Quality. [Quotation from Lord Roscommon's Essay on Translated verse.] London, Printed by T. Warren, for Fran- cis Saunders, . . . 1693. S'', A— T 4 in eights. POETS. lUvstrivm Poctarvm Flores. . . . 1598. See Hazlitt's Warton, 1871, iv. 208. The Session of tlie Poets, Holden at the Foot of Parnassus-Hill, July the 9*^, 1696. London, Priiited for E. Whitlock, 1696. A — D 2 in eights, besides the frontispiece. POLAND. A battaile foughte in Poland the xxv** of December 1587. Licensed to E. Aggas, 1 March, 1587-8. A Declaration, Or Letters Patents of the Election of this present King of Poland John the Third, Elected on the 22opes hull in Dutche v:ith the ansicere thereto to be translated, and that noe person shall prynte any parte or parcell thereof to his hindrance, aucthorised vnder the Lord Threasurers hand and both the •wardens . . . {no sum stated\ '' The Popes armye conducted by the Erie Hercules discomfited, the takinge of Sainct Esprvte, &c. Licensed to John Wolf, 21 Nov. 1591. Martine Mar-Sixtus. A second replie against the defensory and Apology of Sixtus the fift late Pope of Rome, de- fending tlie execrable fact of the lacobite Frier, vpon the person of Henry the third, late King of France ... At London Printed for Thomas Woodcock . . . 1592. 4°, black letter, A — F in fours, but three leaves in A. The dedication to Master Edmond Bow- yer Esquire is subscribed B. W. To the Chvrch of Rome. . . . London Printed by John Wolfe. 1599. 8°, A— D in eights, besides 2 leaves before the title To the Reader. Lambeth. An Exact Discoverie of Romish Doctrine in the Case of Conspiracie and Rebellion, by pregnant obseruations : Collected (not without direction from our Superiours) out of the expresse dogmatical principles of Popish Priests and Doctors. At Lon- don Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for C. B. and E. W. . . . 1605. 4^ A, 2 leaves : B — H in fours, H 4 blank. A iust and moderate Answer to a most iniurious, and seditious Pamphlet, inti- tuled. An exact Discouery of Romish doctrine in case of Conspiracie and Re- bellion. Wherein the innocency of Ca- tholike religion is proued, . . . With licence of Superior. 4°. A, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B— P, 2 leaves each, P 2 with the Errata. Dedicated to James I. No parliament powder but shott and powder for the pope and his cardinalls. Licensed to Jeffrey Charlton, 1 Decem- ber, 1608. The Anatomie of the Roman Clergie : Or A Discoverie of the Abvses thereof. Written in Latine by sundrie Authors of their owne profession. And Translated into English Verse by G[eorge] L[auder.] London, Printed by Richard Field for Robert Mylbourne, . . . 1623. 4°, A— E in fours, A 1 blank. Dedicated to Viscountess Annan. The Weather-cocke of Romes Religion : With Her Severall Changes. Or : The World Tvrn'd Topsie-Tvrvie by Papists. London: Printed by George Purslowe for lohn Marriot, . . . 1625. 4°, A— B in fours. A Proclamation restraining the with- drawing His Maiesties Subjects from the Church of England, and giving scandall in resorting to Masses. [20 Dec. 1637.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1637. ForsterColL Britaine and Irelands last adew To Rome and Babels cursed crew. [1639.] A broadside in verse. Adv. Lib. Edinb. Reprinted by Maidment {Scotish Pas- quils, 1868, p. xvii.) A Proclamation commanding Popish Re- cusants to repair to their own dwellings, and not afterwards to come to Court, or within ten miles of London, without spe- ciall License: And for disarming of them, as the Law requireth. [11 Nov. 1640.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1640. Forster Coll. The Copie of a Letter Sent from Pope Vrban the 8. unto the King of France, Jan. 28. 1641. . . . Wherein he informes the King, that he understands by his Nuntio lately returned out of England, what and how great persecutions and pressures the Cath cliques suffer, since the sitting of the Parliament there . . . Trans- lated out of the Latine Copie, by J. S. London, Printed for lohn Thomas, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. Hells Hvrlie-Bvrlie. Or, A Fierce Con- tention betwixt the Pope and the Devill. Wherein the Pope strives for Superioritie. Vpbraides Lvcifer with insufhciencie, and pleedes his own right and abilitie. To govern th' Inf email Helvetian Monarcliie. Newes is also brought thither from Eng- land, by a company of Cavaliers and others, that seems (for the present) to make the Prince of Darknesse a little lightsome Besides, a Relation of the POPERY. 486 POPERY. Duke of Backingham's last Voyage, . . . Printed according to Order, for G. Bishop. Octob. 5. 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. With a cut on title. B. M. The Lineage of Locusts or the Popes Pedegre Beginning with his prime ances- tor the Divell plainely set forth to be noted of all good Christians and true Ca- tholicks, for the avoiding of those subtill snares continually layd for them by his insinuating Agents, i^ine ulld notd. A broadside, with two cuts. B. If. The Popes Pedigree : Or, the twineing of a Wlieelband. Showing the rise and first Pedigrees of Mortals inhabiting the Moon. Being a most pleasant new song. A broadside, with two cuts. B. M. Fair-Warning : Or, xxv. Reasons against Toleration and Indulgence of Popery ; with the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's Letter to the King. . . . London, Printed for S. U, N. T. F. S. 1663. 4^. A, 4 leaves: A — F in fours : Second Part, A — F in fours, besides title and Imprimatur. More News from Eome Or Magna Charta, Discoursed of between a Poor Man & his Wife. As also a New Font erected in the Cathedral-Cliurch at Gloucester, in Octo- ber, 1663, and consecrated by the Rev- erend moderate Bishop, Dr. William Nicholson, Angel of the said Church, ac- cording to the account of that infamously famous Man, Dr. Lee. As also. An asser- tion of Dr. William Warmstrey, Dean of Worcester, wherein he affirmeth, that it is a lesser sin for a man to kill his father than to come to the Divine Service esta- blished in the Church of England. The one was the killing of a particular Per- son, The other made a breach in the Mys- tical Body of Christ. The Members of the Mystical Body discoursed on, By the said Poor Man and his Wife. Imprinted at London for the Author, for the only benefit of his Wife and Children, Anno 1666, when time shall come. 4°, A — F in fours. The Epistle is subscribed Sil. Aivl. Room for a Ballad, Or, A Ballad for Rome. Being a Continuation of the Ca- tholick Ballad inviting to Popery ; Upon the best Grounds and Reasons, that could ever yet be produced. To an Excellent Tune, called. The Powder Plot. Printed for Benjamin Harris . . . [Circa 1668.] Folio, 2 leaves. In two parts, with a cut. Rome's Glory ; Or, A Collection of divers Miracles Wrought by Popish Saints, Both during their Lives, and after their Deaths. Collected out of their own Authors, for Information of all true-hearted Protest- ants. Together with a Prefatory Dis- course, declaring the Impossibility and Folly of such evil Impostures. London: Printed, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt, ... 167 . . 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— K 4 in eights. The Grand Designs of the Papists, in the Reign of our late Sovereign Charles the I. And now carried on against His Pre- sent Majesty, His Government, and the Protestant Religion. London, Printed by Henry Hills, Anno 1678. 4°, A— E in fours. The Tryals of William Ireland, Thomas! Pickering, and John Grove ; For Con- spiracy to Murder the King : Who upon Full Evidence were found Guilty of High Treason, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, December the 17*^ 1678. And received Sentence accordingly. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet . . . 1678. Folio, A — Y, 2 leaves each. The Catholick Cause ; Or, The Horrid Practice of Murdering Kings, Justified | and Commended by the Pope, In a Speech' to his Cardinals, upon the barbarous As- sassination of Henry the Third of France, • who was stabb'd by Jaques Clement, a Dominican Frvar. . . . London, Printed for Walter Kettilby . . . 1678. 4'^, A— C in fours. Engl, and Latin. The horrid Popish Plot Happily Dis- cover'd : Or, The English Protestants Re- membrancer. A Poem on the Never-to- be-Forgotten Powder-Treason, And late Burning of several Cart-loads of Popish: Books at the Royal-Exchange. London : Printed for R. G. 1678. A folio leaf. A True and perfect Relation, of the wicked and Bloody Plot, that was conspired against his Majesty, and the Alteration' of the Protestant Religion, with the names of those persons that has suffer'd already about the Plot. Also the Murder of that never to be forgotten Master Sir Edmund Bury Godfrey, one of his Majesties Jus- tices of the Peace. With an Exact Ac- count in what manner he was kill'd . . . As also Mr. Bedlow's Confession, . . . London, Printed for Lawrance White in White-crosse-Street, 1679. With allow- ance. 4°, 4 leaves. A Narrative of the Horrid, Hellish, and Damnable Popish-Plot ; Or The Wick- edness of the Roman-Catholicks Laid open to the view of all the Protestants ot England, Scotland, & Ireland. Wherein is Discovered when the Plot began ; and how from time to time it was carried on: POPERY. 487 POPERY with the names of the Chief Actors : and all their ways and Methods of pro- ceedings, both at S^ Omer?, Rome, and many other foreign places as well as in England. As also an Account of their Damnable Doctrine, who make those Saints that Murder Kings, and give Pardons to such as Massacre the People. ;Quotations.] By Mr. T. 0. Mr. W. B. and Mr. P. Printed for C. Passinger at the ■Seven Stars in the New-buildings, on London-Bridge. 1679. 12mo, 8 leaves. Black letter. )A True Narrative and Discovery of seve- ral very Piemarkable Passages Relating to the Horrid Popish Plot : As they fell within the Knowledge of Mr. Allies Prance of Covent-Garden, Goldsmith. Viz. I. His Depositions concerning the Plot in General, ... II. The whole Pro- ceedings touching the Murther of Sir Edmvndbvry Godfrey, . . . III. A Con- spiracy to murther the . . . Earl of Shafts- bury. lY. The Traiterous Intrigues and Iimnoralities of divers Popish Priests. Published by Authority. London, Printed for Dorman Newman, . . . 1679. Folio, A — L in twos, besides the title and Im- jirimatur. The Tryals and Condemnation of Thomas "SMiite, alias Whitebread, Provincial of the Jesuits in England, William Har- court, Pretended Rector of London, John Fenwick, Procurator for the Jesuits in England, John Gavan alias Gawen, And Anthony Turner, All Jesuits and Priests ; For High Treason in conspiring the Death of the King ... at the Sessions in the Old-Bailey ... the \^^^ and 14S^ of June 1679. Published by Authoritv. London, Printed for H. Hills, . . . 1679. Folio, A — Cc in twos, A 1 blank. The Second Part to the same Tune ; Or, An Answer to the Lady of Qualities Popish Ballad of the Popish Plot. [1679.] A folio leaf. In verse. A Tale of the Tubbs or Romes Master Piece Defeated. Printed for the Loyal Protestant, at the Sign of the True Eng- lishman in Great Britain, Nov. 11, 1679. A folio leaf, with a large engraving and verses. The New Plot of the Papists to transform Traitors into Martyrs. Faithfully Ex- posed to Publick View. Ex ore tuo te Judico. London, Printed 1679. 4^, A — B in fours. Turbulent Conspiracies : Or, The Roman Catholiques Enormities against the Me- tropolitans of England. As is made ap- parent by their Wicked Plots against our Soveraign Lord the King, (whom God preserve.) As also it is manifest by the Murder of Sir Edmond-bury- Godfrey, by the Popish party. . . . Printed by "Ann Purslow, and Thomas Haly, in the Year, 1679. 4*^, 4 leaves. A True Narrative of the Late Design of the Papists to charge their Horrid Plot upon the Protestants. By endeavouring to corrupt Captain Bury and Alderman. Brooks of Dublin, and to take off the Evidence of Mr. Oats and Mr. Bedlow, *S:c. . . . Publislied for General Informa- tion. London : Printed for Dorman New- man . . . 1679. Folio, A— E in twos. Faux's Ghost : Or, Advice to Papists Novemb. 5. 1680. London . Printed fur Mr. Benskin, in Green-Rents near Fleet- Bridge. [1680.] Folio, 2 leaves. In verse. A Dialogue between the Pope and a Phanatick Concerning Affairs in England. By a hearty Lover of his Prince and Countrv. London : Printed in the Year 1680. >, A— C in fours, and a leaf of D. The Papists Exaltation. On his High- ness the Prince of Orange his Arrival! in London. [1688.] An engraved leaf with music. In verse. The Popes Letter to the Lords in the Tower ; Concerning the Death of the late Lord Stafford. London, Printed for T. B. in Green's Rents, near Fleet-Bridge, 1681. A sheet. The Popes Dreadfull Curse. Being the Form of an Excommunication to the Church of Rome. Taken out of the Leger-Book of the Church of Rochester now in the Cust(»dy of the Dean and Chapter there. "Writ by Ernulfus the Bishop. [Col.] London, Printed and are to be sold by L. C. on Ludgate-Hiil. 1681. A folio leaf. The whole Series of all that hath been Transacted in the House of Peers, con- cerning the Popish Plot, wherein is con- tained, the most Material Passages in both Houses of Parliament Relating to the full Discovery thereof. London Printed 1681. 8*^, B— N 2 in eights, and the title : second part, B — P i in eights, except that B has only 6 leaves. No Popery : Or, A Catechism against Popery. Wherein tlie Heretical Doctrines, Idolatrous Worship, and the Supersti- tious Practices of the Roman-Church, are Briefly, yet Plainly Refuted: And the POP HAM. PORTER. Protestant Discipline Proved. . . . By a Minister of the Gospel. . . . Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1683. 8^ A— G 6 in eights. The True Spirit of Popery : Or The Treachery and Cruelty of the Papists Exercis'd against the Protestants in All Ages and Countries where Popery has had the Upper-hand. Publish'd to Con- vince the Nation of the Fatal Conse- quences, attending Popish Tyranny. Lon- don : Printed for Richard Baldwin, . . . MDCLXXXViii. 4°, B — G in fours and the title. An Exact Abridgment of all the Trials (not omitting any Material Passage there- in) which have been published since the Year 1678 ; Relating to the Popish, and pretended Protestant-Plots, in the Reigns of King Charles the 2^, and King James the 2d. London, Printed by J. D. for Jonathan Robinson . . . mdcxc. 8°, A — Gg in eights. POPHAM, SIR JOHN. A Dyttie of the Commons complaint for the Death of the right honorable Sir John Popham Lord Chief Justice of Eng- land. Licensed to William Blackwall and William Ferbrand, 23 June, 1607. POPE, WALTER. The Catholick Ballad : Or An Invitation to Popery, Upon Considerable Grounds and Reasons. To the Tune of '88. Lon- don : Printed for Henry Bronie . . . MDCLXXiv. A folio leaf. Black letter. [Reflections upon the Catholick Ballad. London, Printed for E. T. . . . 1675. A folio leaf in verse.] Canticum Catholicum, Sive Invitatio ad Religioneni Romanam. Fundata Rationi- ])us Ponderosis. Latine reddita & Anglico- metris pariter & rythmis juste respondens SS. Londini Excusa . . . 1675. A folio leaf. POPLAR. A Particular and Exact Account of the Trial of Mary Compton, the Bloody and most Cruel Midwife of Poplar: As also of her Maid, Mary Compton the Younger, who were both Arraigned in one Indict- ment for Felony and Murder, Starving to Death, and Famishing several Poor Infant Bal)es : As also Ann Davis as Accessary, London : Printed for Ricliard Baldwin . . . 1693. A folio leaf. PORDAGE, SAMUEL. Herod and Mariamne. A Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Siulta est de- mentia . . . Juven. London, Printed for William Cademan, . . . 1673. 4^ A, 3 leaves : B — I 4 in fours, followed by an extra leaf. Dedicated by Elkanah Settle to Elizabeth Duchess of Albemarle. Settle does not refer to the author. The Siege of Babylon : As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. Written by Samvel Pordage, of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; Author of the Tragedy of Herod and Mariamne. . . . London, Printed for Richard Tonson . . . MDCLXXViii. 4°, A — I in fours, and a leaf of K. Dedicated to her Royal Highness the Duchess. PORTA, GIO. BATTl^TA, of Naples. Natural Magick ... In Twenty Books : Wherein are set forth all the Riches and. Delights of the Natural Sciences. Lon- don, Printed for Thomas Young, and Samuel Speed, . . . 1658. Folio, C— 3 I in fours, besides title and frontispiece, no A — B in copy used. PORTER, HIEROME. The Flowers of the Lives of the Most Renowned Saincts of the Three King- doms England Scotland, and Ireland written and collected out of the best authours and manuscripts of our nation, and distributed according to their feasts in the Calendar. By the R. Father Hie- rome Porter Priest and monke of the holy order of Sainct Benedict, of the Congre- gation of England. The First Tome. Printed at Doway with licence, and appro- bation of the Ordinary. M.DC. XXXII. 4®. a — in fours, including a frontispiece : A— 4 F in fours : 4 G, 6 : 4 H, 4. Dedi- cated to Thomas Lord Windsor. With engravings on the text. PORTER, THOMAS. Alphabetical Tables of all the Towns in that new and exact Map of England, i Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, called the t Plain Mans Map, . . . Printed, and are to be sold by Robert Walters Printer and Stationer at the Globe and Compasses, on the North side of St. Pauls, 1660. . . . Small 8^. Title, preface, &c., 4 leaves : ui Key to the Maps, 2 leaves : Alphabetical Tables, 10 leaves : Tables of Roads, 8 leaves : Second Part, 15 leaves, besides two others folded, and the large folding Map. In three of the four corners are views of Edinburgh, Oxford, and London. A Witty Combat : Or, The Female Victor. A Tragi-Comedy. As it was Acted by Persons of Quality in Whitson-week with great ajiplause. Written by T. P. Gent. PORTSMOUTH. 489 POSTIL. London, Printed for Tho. Roberts . . . 1663. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— F 2 in fours. PORTSMOUTH. True Kewes from Portsmouth. Being, Colonell Goring his Speech, delivered to the Soldiers in Portsmouth, before his ohutting up the Gates ; . . . Also, the Information of a Coachman, given into the House, concerning his carrying down many Gentlemen and moneyes to Ports- mouth. With the discovery of the Earl of Portland, and Sir Kenelm Digby, and Mr. Weston his Brother as Agents and Actors in the betraying, and delivering np of the said Town of Portsmouth. Lon- don : Printed for John Cave. August 13. 1642. 4", 4 leaves. B. M. A Trve Report of the Occvrrences at Portsmovth from a speciall hand pre- sented to an Honorable person in London. August 13. London : Printed by T. P. and M. S. for H. Blunden. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. The Kings Resolvtion, Concerning Ports- mouth, and Colonell Goring. Wherein is declared His intention to send in forces to the said Towne. . . . London, Printed for T. Rider, Aug. 13. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. An Uprore at Portsmouth : Being an Advertizement to all Captaines and others, that are halting betwene two opinions. Shewing how Captaine Wiles, who was sent forth for the defence of the King- dome did Tyrannize over his Souldiers, and how hee did re volte to His Majestie. . . . London, Printed for Richard Balden. August 18. 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. The Copy of a Letter Presented by a Member of the Commons House of Par- liament ; Concerning Divers Passages at Portsmouth. Read in the said House, the 17*^ day of August, 1642. London, Printed by L. N. and I. F. for Edward Husbands and John Franck, . . . August 19. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. A Relation from Portsmouth, Wherein is declared, the manner how the Castle was taken on Saturday night last ; as it was sent in a Letter by one there present. Sep. 6. 1642 : Likewise Sixteen Propo- sitions, Presented at the Generall meeting of the Gentry of the City of Gloucester, the 25. and 26. of August, 1642. London, Printed for Henry Overton . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A True Relation of the Passages which happened at the Town of Portsmouth at the late Siege, which began the 12 day of August last, and was surrendered on the 7*^ day of September following, 1642. Written by one that w\as employed in that Service. London, Printed for Joseph Hunscot. Septemb.21.1642. 4°, 4 leaves, the last blank. A New Discovery of a Designe of the French : Who are lately arrived at Ports- movth, to the number of Five Thousand, with Ammunition and Amies under the Command of the Lord Goring, who have beseiged Portsmouth to aide and assist the King against the Parliament. Lon- don Printed for Joseph Watson. 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. PORTUGAL. Newes from Lisbone. Licensed to Abel Jefles, 29 April, 1591. A short and true Relation, of what hath hapned in Portugal since the 23. of March 1641, since the Coronation of the illus- trious King lohn the fourth, Duke of Braganza, solemnized the 15. of Decem- ber, 1641. Together with the reason that hath mooved the Portugals to cast off the King of Spaine, and to free themselves by force of Amies from his power. London, Printed for Na. Butter. 1641. A sheet, with a portrait of John IV. and engraved views of the Coronation, &c. Br. Museitm. POST. The Diverting-Post, for the Entertain- ment of Town and Country. Vol. I. For the Year 1705. London : Printed for H. Playford, . . . 1706. Folio. Title and preface, 2 leaves : 36 leaves, each leaf containing a Number : then the two monthly parts for January -February, 1706, 6 leaves each, including title.] The Address " to those Gentlemen and Ladies, who have been Assistants in this First Volume, "is signed H[enry]P[layford,] At the end of the February number is a series of very curious advertisements. We have not seen any more of the Post. Num- bers 25-36 are described as forming part of a second volume in the left top corner of each leaf. POST-OFFICE. A Proclamation for the setling of the Letter Office of Ensjland and Scotland. [31 July, 1635.] Black letter. Forsttr Coll. Probably the earliest public act concern- ing the Post-OflBce. It mentions Thomas Witherings, Esquire, as His Majesty's Post- master of England. POSTIL. Postilla siue expositio epystolarum & euangeliorum dominicalium necnon de Sanctis et eorum couiuia: vna cum feri- POTTER. 490 FOYER. alibus tarn de toto tempore anni q etiam eorundem sanctorum. Impressum per egregium Julianiim Notarium Impres- sorem commorante extra temple barre sub lutersignio sanctorum trium regum. [Anno salutis n're M.ccccc.ix. die vero. X. Nouembris.] 8'^, black letter, printed in two columns, a — z in eights : [^ , 8 leaves : A— M in eights. The title printed in red and black. The matter between brackets occurs in the colophon at end. POTTER, TOBY. The pitifull Complaint of Toby Potter. A ballad. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 22 July, 1608. POVERTY. The complaint of pouertie for Lacke of frendship. A ballad. Licensed to John Charlwood, 20 Oct. 1578. POVEY, CHARLES. The Unhappiness of England, As to its Trade by Sea and Land truly Stated. Also a lively Representation of the Mise- ries of the Poor, the pernicious conse- quence of wearing Swords, and the ill Presidents acted at the two Theaters ; with eJBfectual means to redress these growing Evils ; and several other remark- able Particulars. To which is added, An Essay of the Happiness of Man in observ- ing the Rules of Morality. London, Printed for the Author, living near Exe- cution-Dock in Wapping, ... 1701. S"", A— K in eights, K 8 blank. Dedicated to William III. POWELL, GABRIEL. The Catholikes Svpplication vnto the Kings Maiestie ; For Toleration of Catiiolike Religion in England : With Short Notes or Animaduersions in the margine. Whereunto is annexed Parallel- Avise, a SupplicatorieCounterpoyse of the Protestants, vnto the same most excellent Maiesties. Together with the reasons of both sides, for and against toleration of diners Religions. At London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Edmund Weauei . . . 1603. 4°, A— E in fours, first leaf blank. A Refvtation of an Ei)istle Apologeticall Avritten by a Puritan-Papist to perswade the Permission of the promiscuous Vse and Profession of all Sects and Heresies: Wherein tlie Vnlawfulnesse and clanger of such wicked Licence is fully declared by auctoritie of Scrii)tures. . . . London Printed by Arnold llatlield for Thonuis Man lunior . . . 1C05. 4". *, 4 leaves : A — Q 2 in fours. The address from London-House, 18 May, 1605, is signed Gabriel Powell. POWELL, ROBERT, 0/ Wells, and of New- Inn. The Life of Alfred, or, Alvred : The first Institutor of subordinate government in this Kingdome, and Refounder of the Vniversity of Oxford. Together with a Parallel of our Soveraigne Lord, K. Charles untill this yeare, 1634. Printed by Richard Badger for Thomas Alchorn, . . . 1634. 12^. A, 12 leaves, first blank: a, 6 leaves : B — H 6 in twelves, H 6 blank. Dedicated to Walter, Bishop of Winchester. A Treatise of the Antiquity, Authority, Vses and lurisdiction of the Ancient Courts of Leet, or view of Franck- Pledge, . . . Together with Additions and altera- tions of the Moderne Lawes and Statutes inquirable at those Courts, untill this present Yeare, 1642. . . . Published by Robert Powell of New Inne Gent. Lon- don Printed by Richard Badger 1642. 4"^, A — Kk 2 in fours, and (c) 4 leaves. POWELL, WALTER, M,A., Vicar of StandisK Newes for Newters : Or, The i Check ] < Cause > of Halting (Cure ) . . . Delivered in a Sermon November 27. 1644: in the Colledge of Glocester, before . . . Colonell Massey, . . . Lon- don, Printed by Matthew Simmons. 1648. 4°, A — H 2 in fours, besides an extra leaf of dedication between A and B. POWNDE, THOMAS. An Aunswer to sixe Reasons, that Thomas Pownde, Gentleman, and Prisoner in the Marshalsey, at the commandement of her Maiesties Commissioners for causes Eccle- siasticall : required to be aunswered. Be- cause these Reasons do mooue him to think, that controuersies and doubts in Religion may not be Judged by the Scrip- tures, but that the Scriptures must be Judged by the Catholicke Church, . . . Imprinted at London by lohnCharlewood. 1581. 4^ A— E in fours. Dedicated by Robert Crowley Clerk " To all the Pope his Catholicques, in England or else where." POYER, COLONEL. A Short Comment upon the Grounds and Reasons of Poyers taking up Annes in these second Insurrections, which Rea- sons are most falsly and abusively repre- sented to the great advantage of the said A POLYTZ. 491 PRA YER. Poyer, and to the dishonour and preju- dice of the well-affected Gentry of the County of Pembrooke, who have alwaies stood firnie, and right to the Parliament and Army. Published to no other end but to undeceive the Reader, and to de- clare the truth in the vindication of the wel-affected Gentry herein mentioned. And a word in his Character. [April, 1649.] 4°, 4 leaves. POINTZ, ADPJAX. Adryan Pointz His collections in Alka- mve. Licensed to John Wolf, 29 May, 1592. POIXTZ, JOHX. The Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of Tobago : With a De- scription of the Situation, Growth, Fer- tility and Manufacture of the said Island. To which is Added, Proposals for the Encouragement of all those that are minded to settle there. By Captain John Pointz. London: Printed by George Lar- kin for the Author, . . . 1683. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B — G in fours. The Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of Tobago ... By Captain John Poyntz. The Second Edition. London, Printed by John Astwood for the Author, . . . 1695. 4°, A — G in fours. Dedicated to Sir Joseph Heme. POIXTZ, MAJOR-GEXEEAL. Major Gen: Poyntz's Letter to the Hon- orable William Lenthal Esq ; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons : Or, A true Relation of the Storming and Taking of all the Works and Stables of Belvoir-Castle. Together with a Letter from Adjutant Gen: Sandys, concerning j the same Fight, wherein the Enemy had i no Quarter granted them. . . . London, I Printed for Edw. Husband . , . November I 25, 1645. 4°, 4 leaves, the last blank. | POZZO, ANDREA, o/f/ie^oci-e^?/o/J"e^5. Rules and Examples of Perspective Pro- per for Painters and Architects, &c. in English and Latin. Containing a most easie and expeditious Method to delineate in Perspective all designs relating to Architecture after a New Manner, wholly free from the Confusion of Occult Lines. . . . Done into English ... by Mr. John James of Greenwich. London . . . [Circa 1705.] Folio. Dedicated by John Sturt to Queen Anne. With a frontispiece and engravings by Sturt. PRATT, WILLIAM. The Arithmeticall Jewell Containinge the vse of A Small Table, Invented by William Pratt. Licensed to John Beale, 21 June, 1617. PRAYER. This prayer of Salisbury vse is set out a long w'out ony serchyng / with many prayers and goodly pyctures in the kalen- der / in the matyns of our lady / in the houres of the crosse / in the .vii. psalmes / and in the dyryge. And be newly en- prynted at Parys. [Col.] Parisiis per Franciscum Regnault [1530.] 8*^, A— Y in eights, Y 8 with the printer's device. Grenv. Coll. (On vellum.) A godly and s[h]orte forme of prayer for sarvantes and other laborynge men. ' Licensed to J. Sampson in 1564. A Fourme to be vsed in Common prayer twice a weeke, and also an order of pub- lique fast, to be vsed euery Wednesday in the weeke, during this tyme of mor- talitie, and other afflictions . . . Set foorth by the Queenes Maiesties speciall commandement, . . . xxx. Julij. 1563. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Powles Churcheyard, by Richard lugge and lohn Cawood, ... 4°, A — F in fours, C 4 blank. Lamheth. Contratenor. Mornyng and Euenyng prayer and Communion, set forth in foure partes, to be sung in churches, both for men and children, wyth other godly prayers & Anthems, of sundry mens doynges. Imprinted at London by John Day, . . . 1565. Cum gratia . . . Folio, A — T, 2 leaves each. The prayer of a mayde to God on bye. A ballad or broadside. Licensed to J. AUdein 1567. A fourme of common prayer to be vsed, and so commaunded by aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie, and necessarie for the present tyme and state. 1572. 27. Octob. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Poules Churchyarde, by Richarde lugge printer to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regias Maiestatis. 4°, black letter. A— C 2 in fours, C 2 blank. A godlie and pithie praier with a Decla- racon of the life that too manie lead in theis our dangerous dales. A ballad. Li- censed to E. White, 21 Nov. 1580. A prayer or thankesgyvyngemade by the prysoners of Ludgate in the 29. yere of the queues Reign. Licensed to T. Nelson, 21 Dec. 1586. An order of prayer and thankesgiuing for the preseruation of her Maiestie and the Realme, from the traiterous and bloodie practises of the Pope, and his adherents : PR A YER. 492 PRA VERS. to "be vsed at times appointed in the Pre- face. . . . Imprinted at London by Chris- topher Barker . . .^1586. 4°, black letter, A — B in fours. A praj^er and thanksgiuing fit for this present : and to be vsed in the time of Common praver. Imprinted at London by Christopller Barker . . . 1587. 4°, 4 leaves, the last blank. Lambeth. A fourme of Prayer, necessary for the present time and state. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker . . . 1588. 4^, black letter, A— C in fours. A prayer againste the Enemyes of Gods truthe. Licensed to W. Norton, 28 May, 1589. A fourm of Prayer, necessarie for the pre- sent time and state. Imprinted at Lon- don by the Deputies of Christopher Barker . . . 1590. 4P, A — D in fours. Lambeth. A fourme of praier with thankes giuing, to be vsed euery yeere, the 17. of Nouem- ber, . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by Christopher Barkar, dwelling in Pater noster rowe, at the signe of the Tygres head. Cum priuilegio ... 4^, A— B 2 in fours. Lambeth. An Order of Prayer and Thankes-giuing (necessary to be vsed in these dangerous times) for the safetie and preseruation of her Maiestie and this realme. Set forth by Authoritie. London Printed by the Deputies of Christopher Barker . . . 1594. 4^, A — C in fours, Lambeth. A Fourme of Prayer with Thankesgiuing, to be vsed by all the Kings Maiesties louing Subiects euery yeere the lift of August : Being the day of his Highnesse happy deliuerance from the traiterous and bloody attempt of the Earle of Gowry and his brother, with their Adherents. Set foorth by Authoritie. Imprinted at London by Eobert Barker, . . . Anno Dom. 1603. ... 4°, A— G in fours, G 4 blank. Lambeth. The Booke of Common Prayer, and Ad- ministration of the Sacraments, And other Kites and Ceremonies of the Clnirch of England. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . Anno 1604. Cum priuilegio. Folio, black letter. A, 12 leaves: B, 8 leaves: A (re])eated), 8 leaves: B, 10 leaves: C — N in eights: 0,10 leaves: P, 8 leaves: Q, 6 leaves: The Psalter, with a new title. A— K in eights. Pickering & Co. 's Cat. for June. 1878, p. 1. With this copy was bound up the Psalms by Sternhold and Hopkins, same date and size. A Forme of Praier to be vsed in London, and elsewhere in this time of Drought. Set forth by Authoritie. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker ... 1611. 4^, A — B in fours, A 1 and B 4 blank. Lam- beth. To a Vertuous and Judicious Lady, who (ibr the exercise of her Devotion) built a Closet, wherein to secure the most Sacred Booke of Common-Prayer, from the view and violence of the Enemies thereof, the Sectaries and Schismatiques of this King- dome. Written by a most Orthodox, Moderate, and Judicious Divine, A ban- ished Minister of this miseralde King- dome. [1649.] A sheet of verses. A Prayer for the Condemned Lords, D. Hamilton, E. of Holland, E. of Norwich, Lord Capell, Sir John Owen. [1649.] A sheet. PRAYERS. [Deathbed Prayers. W. Caxton, circd 1484.] A broadside. Althorp. [Prayers. On the recto of the last leaf occurs:] Thyse forsayd prayers as the. xv. oes in englysshe & y^ other folowyng ben enprynted by y^ comandemetys of y^ moost hye & vertuous prsnicesse our lyege lady Elyzabeth by the grace of god queue of englond & of frauce / & also of the ryght hye & moost noble pryncesse Margarete mod"^ to our souerayn lord y® kyng. There is no printer's name, but on the last leaf verso is a cut of the Annun- ciation with one of Wynkyn de Worde's smaller marks beneath it. 4°, black let- ter, printed within borders, with occa- sional woodcuts. Laynbeth. Probably printed in 1496 or 1497, but at all events in or before 1503, in which year Elizabeth of York died. There is no title- leaf. Collation : Calendar, 6 leaves under a : b — t in eights : v, 6 leaves. The Fifteen Oes commence on R 6, and appear to be a reprint of Caxton's edition. On vi verso we have a curious and very unusual prayer to the reigning sovereign : Sequitiir oracio de heato rege henrico, which is described in the Table as A prayer to holy kyng henry. The present copy is printed on vellum, and no other in any state is known to me. Some of the cuts and borders have been unfortunately painted. Prayers of the Byble take out of the olde testament and the newe, as olde holy fathers bothe men and women were wont to pray in tyme of tribulation / deuyded in iv. partes. An exposicyo v])6 the psalme of Miserere / and vpon the Psalme of In te domine speraui / made by frere Hierom. Sauonarole of Ferrarie / with dyuers other good meditations very ne- PR A VERS. 493 PRA VERS. cessarie for al good true christen people. CuinpriuilegioRegalj. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Fletestrete next to suynt Duustones clmrche at the sygne of the George. Cum priuilegio Regali. In the name of the Father . . . The Pater noster in Englyshe. [Col.] Imprynted in Flete- strete by me Robert Redman. Cum priuilegio Regali. S'', black letter. The Prayers, A — I 4 in eights: A Consolation, &c. A — E 4 in eights: A Meditation, kc. A, 8 leaves, B, 10 : The Crede, A— B 6 in eights: the, Paternoster, A — E 4 in eights. Lamheth. Geneua. The forme of common praiers vsed in the churches of Geneua : The mynystration of the sacramentes, of Bap- tisme and the Lordes supper : The vysi- tacion of the sycke: And the Cathechisme of Geneua: made by master lohn Caluyne. In the ende are certaine other Godly prayers priuately to be vsed : translated out of frenche into Englyshe By William Huyche. Certayne graces be added in the ende, to the prayse of God, to l^e sayde before or after meate. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Edward Whitchurch e, the. vii. dave of tune 1550. Cum priuilegio. 8"^, black letter. Title, 1 leaf : Thomas Broke to the Reader, 7 leaves : A — Dd ii in eights. Grenv. Coll. In Lambeth Library is what seems to be a fragment of another edition of this work, printed by "Whitchurch in 1551, 8°. See Maitland, p. 257-8. Le Livre des Prieres Communes, De I'ad- ministration des Sacremens & autres Ceremonies en I'Eglise d'Angleterre. Traduit en Francoys par Francoys Philippe, serviteur de Monsieur le grand Chancelier d'Angleterre. De llmprimerie de Thomas Gaultier, Imprimeur du Roy en la langne Francoise, pour les Isles de sa Mageste. Auec le priuilege general dudit Seigneur. 1553. 4*^, a — f 2 in fours, and A — Zz in fours. Dedicated by Phil- ippe to Thomas Goodrick, Bishop of Ely. Lamheth. Certen prayers of the trenyte. Licensed to John Day in 1557-8. Devote prayers. Licensed to Richard Harvye in 1557-8. The Compendious treates or manvall of pravers. Licensed to John Judson in 1558-9. A compendious forme of prayers for the hole estate of Christes Churche. Licensed to H. Sanderson in 1564-5. Sertyn prayers to be vsed in scholles. Licensed to H. Denham in 15C7-8. Cristian praiers & godly meditations vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes, briefly conteyninge the summe of euery Chapiter orderly, . . , Imprinted at Lon- don by Wylliam Gryffith. [Col.] Im- printed at London in Fleetestrete, at the signe of the Faulcon by Wylliam Grythth, . . . 1569. 8'-', black letter, printed within borders, A — F in eights. Larabeth. Christian Prayers and Meditations in English French, Italian, Spanish, Greeke, and Latine. Imprinted at London, by lohn Daye. An. 1569. 4°, a — p in four.s: A— Q q 2 in fours, the last leaf occupied by a cut of tlie Royal arms crowned and gartered enclosed in a woodcut border. Lambeth. First Edition of " Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book."' The text is in black letter, and is sur- rounded by a woodcut border consistiug of pieces of a scriptural or allegorical character in the style of Holbein. Some of the prayers are in the tirst person. luside the cover of this copy, in which the woodcuts have been tinluckily coloured, occurs, in an 18th century [Elizabeth Cot- trell's] hand, " This Book had from Queene Elizabeth's dayes remained in the ^Vard- rope at White Hall till the time of Crom- well, -when it was reserved by Mr. Jollife one of the Keepers of y« Wardrope, who some time after gave it to the Wife of Mr. Lodowick Carlyle, by whome it was given to Mr. Burrell : by whose direction it was taken out of the old cover .k thus bouud." Ou the opposite flyleaf is written: "Qween Elizabeth her owne Prayer Booke," and "Elizabeth Cottrell giuen me by my Most kind Mother Mi« Frances Burwell." The volume is in richly ornamented and tooled old blue morocco. A Booke of Christian Praiers, ... At London, Printed for the Company of Sta- tioners. 1608. 4^. % 4leaves: A— Oo in fours. With the same borders. Certaine prayers and other godly exer- cises, for the seuenteenth of Nouember : Wherein we solemnize the Idessed reigne of our gracious Soueraigne Lady Eliza- beth . . . Imprinted at London by Chris- topher Barker . . . 1580. 4^. A. 2 leaves: a folded table : B— E in fours. Dedicated by Edmund Bunny to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Lam beth. The volume concludes with an anthem. The date seems to have been altered with the pen to 1586. A Manvall of Praiers, Newly gathered ovt of many and diners famous Authors, . . . [?Antwerp. Cum Privileji/io. 8^, A — Nn 4 in eights, and a, 4 leaves. Lam- beth (title imperfect). Certaine Praiers to be vsed at this present PR A VERS. 494 PRECEPTS. time for the good successe of the French King, against the enemies of Gods true religion and his State. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker . . . Anno Domini, 1590. 4^, 4 leaves. Lambeth. Certaine Praiers collected out of a fourme of godly Meditations, set foorth by her Maiesties authoritie, in the great Mor- talitie, in the first yeere of her High- nesse reigne . . . July, 1593. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker. A^\ black letter. A— B in fours. A Manuell of Christian praiers. [This is the headline. The colophon is :] London Printed by Peter Short for the assignes of William Seres. 1594. 8^, black letter, A— Y in eights. Printed within wood- cut borders. H. Pyne Esq (title and all before A 8 wanting). A Manvall of Praiers, Gathered ovt of many famous & good authors, as well auncient, as of the time present. Distri- buted according to the daies of the Weeke. Whereunto is added a newe Calender . . . Printed at Calice 1599. 12^ ^, 12 leaves: C — 4 in twelves. Lambeth. Certaine Prayers fit for the time. Set foorth by anthoritie. Imprinted at Lon- don by Robert Barker, . . . Anno Dom. 1600. 4^, A— B in fours, A 1 blank. Lambeth. Certaine Prayers collected out of a forme of godly Meditations, set forth by his Maiesties Anthoritie: And most necessary to be vsed at this time in the present visitation of Gods heauy hand for our manifold sinnes. . . . Imprinted at Lon- don by Robert Barker, . . . Anno 1603. 4*^, A — D in fours. Prayers appointed to be vsed in the Church at Morning and Euening Prayer by euery Minister, For the Queenes safe deliuerance. Set foorth and inioyned by Authoritie. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker . . . Anno Dom. 1605. 4^, 4 leaves. Lambeth. Prayers appointed to be vsed in the Church at Morning and Euening Prayers by euery Minister, For the Queenes safe deliuerance. Set forth and inioyned by Authority. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker . . . 1606. 4", black let- ter, 4 leaves. The Use of Daily Pvblick Prayers, in three Positions. London, Printed for lohn Maynard. 1641. 4^, A— D in fours, first leaf blank. A Manval of Godly Praiers, And Litanies newly Annexed, Taken ovt of many famous Authours and distributed accord- ing to the daies of the weeke. "With a large and ample exercise for the Morning and Euening. Wherevnto are added the Hymnes and Praiers for the principal Feastes of the yeare. With a briefe forme of Confession and the order to helpe at Masse. To Antworpe, By the Widowe of lohn Gnobbart For James Thompson. 1650. 12°, A— Xx 4 in twelves, first and last leaves blank, Xx 3 with the colo- phon. With cuts. A Manuall of Godly Prayers & Litanies. Taken out of many famous Authors, and distributed according to the Dayes of the Week. With an ample Exercise for the Morning and Evening . . . Whereunto are added the new Hymns for the prin- cipal! Feasts of the Year : With an Exact Kalendar, &c. S. Omers, Permissu Supe- riorum. m.dc.lii. 12°, A — Yin twelves: Devoid and Godly Petitions, A — B in twelves. PREACHERS. A Copie of a Lettre sent to Preachers. [Col.] Imprinted in London, the first daie of lune in the second yere of the reigne of our souereigne lorde kyng Ed- ward the VI: by Richard Grafton . . . MDXLViii. Cvm'Privilegio ... 8°. A in eights, A 7 with the colophon, and A 8 blank. Lambeth. Tub-preachers overturn'd or Indepen- dency to be abandoned and abhor'd as destructive to the Majestracy and Mini- stery, of the Church and Common-wealth of England. Proved in a satisfactory Answer to a Lybellous Pamphlet, Intitu- led A Letter to Mr. TJiomas Edicards, ivith an infamous Dedication. Shewing the Vanity, folly, madness of the deboyst Buff-coate, Mechanick Frize-coat, Lay illiterate men and women, to usurpe the IMinistery . . . Reader, I cannot inform thee of their christen names, because 'tis questionable whether they have any . . . London, Printed for George Lindsey . . . 1647. 4°, A— B in fours. Among the tub-preachers is mentioned *' Gates a buttoumaker." [Directions concerning Preachers. A Letter from the King to the Primate, &c.] London: Printed by John Bill . . . 1662. Folio, 6 leaves, the last blank. PRECEPTS. Certayne preceptes or Directions for the ordering and gouerning of a mans house, left by a father to his sonne and a man PREDICTIOXS. 495 PRICE. of eminent note in this Kingdome. Li- censed to Leonard Becker, 3 May, 1615. Arber, iii. 566. This appears to be the •work to which a sequel appeared iu 1616. Precepts, Or, Directions for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life, . . . In two Bookes. London, Printed for Thomas lones, . . . 1637. 8°, A— K in eights, first and last leaves blank. With a portrait. PREDICTIO^sS. New Predictions of the Fate of all the Princes and States of the World. Trans- lated from the Italian, by C. L, D, Printed in the Year, 1688. 8°, A— E in fours. PRESBYTERY. An Answer by Letter to a Worthy Gentle- man who desired of a Divine some reasons by which it might appeare how Incon- sistent Presbyteriall Government is with Monarchy. . . . Printed, Anno 1644. 4°, A — K in fours. A Looking-Glas for the Presbitary Go- vernment, Establishing in the Church of England. Or, A Declaration of the Re- volution of the times, pithily composed and seasonably recommended to the view of all sorts of people, but principally to the Judicious Reformers of the Church and State. [8 Hues of verse.] London, Printed by B. A. 1645. 4", A— B in fours. Dictated Thovghts Vpon the Presbyte- rians late petitions for compleat and uni- versall power (in Divine Ordinances) to be conferred upon the Presenters by Humane Authority. [London, April 14, 1646.] A sheet, with a small engraving in the right-hand lower corner. B, M. The Scottish politike Presbyter, Slaine by an English Independent. Or, The Independent Victory over the Presbyte- rian Army. The rigour of the Scotch Government, their conniving and bribing: the lewdnesse and debaucherie of Elders in secret. A Tragi-Comedie. Diruo cfc JSdifico, muto quadrata rotundis. Printed in the Yeere. 1647. 4°, 8 leaves. The Presbiterian Catechisme. [Quota- tions.] London, Printed for Richard Burton. 1647. 8^, black letter, 8 leaves. B.M. A Letter from a Presbyterian of Qvalitie, To His Friend in the Country, concern- ing An Engagement in this New Warre. London, Printed in the Year, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. Presbytery Truly Display'd : Or An Im- partial Character of the Presbyterian : Being a Vindication of that Sanctified Party from the Virulent Calumnies of some Foul-mouth'd Detractors in this Modern Age. To which is annexed The Ballad of the Cloak. London, Printed for the Author, and sold by W. L. at the Crown in Cornhill. 1681. Folio, 4 leaves, and the Ballad, with its music, 1 leaf. The tract itself is iu prose. A short Account of the late Presbyterian and Shaftsburian Plot, seasonably dis- covered, and now published for the satis- faction of all inquisitive and impartial Reders. London: Printed for Rich. Bald- wyn, 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. Presbyterian Inquisition ; As it was lately Practised against the Professors of the Colledge of Edinburgh. August and September. 1690. . . . London, Printed for J. Hindmarsh . . . 1691. 4^, A— N in fours, a leaf of 0, and the title. PRESERVATIVE. A godlye and holesome preseruatyue against desperatio at all times necessarye for the soule : but then chiefly to be vsed and ministred when the deuill doth as- sault vs moost fiersely, and deih approch- eth neest. . . . [CuL] Imprinted at Lon- don by James Burrel, dwellying without the Northe gate of Paules in the corner house of Pater noster rowe openinge in to chepesyde. Cum priuilegio . . . 8°, black letter, A — E in eights, E 8 with the colo- phon. PRICE, DANIEL. Lamentations for the death of the late Illustrious Prince Henry: And the disso- lution of his religious Familie. Two Sermons . . . London : Printed by Tho. Snodham, for Roger lackson . . . 1613. 4*^, A— G 2 in fours. Spiritval Odovrs to the Memory of Prince Henr}^ [Four Sermons.] ... At Oxford Printed by loseph Barnes. . . . 1613. 4°, A — P 2 in fours, besides title and dedica- tion, 2 leaves. Prince Henry His First Anniversary. Heb. II. 38. Of vhom the world was not worthy. By Daniel Price Doctor in Divi- nity, one of his Highnesse Chaplaines. At Oxford, Printed by Joseph Barnes. 1613. 4°. *, 2 leaves : A— D in fours. Prince Henry His Second Anniversary ... At Oxford, Printed by loseph Barnes . . . 1614. 4^. *, 2 leaves: A— F2 in fours. PRICE, SIR JOHN. Historiae Brytannicae Defensio, loanne Priseo Eqvestris Ordinis Brytanno PRICE. 496 PRICE. Avthore. Londini, Impressum in aedi- bus H. Byrmeman typographi, impensis Humfredi Toy. Anno. 1573. 4°. IT, 4 leaves : *, &c, 13 leaves : A — Cc 2 in fours. With a dedication to Lord Bur- leigh and several sets of commendatory verses, &c. A Description of Wales By S'' John Prise Knight. Oxford, Printed by William Hall Anno Salutis m.dc.lxiii. 4°. IT — 3 ^ 2 in fours: A — Q in fours. Grenv. Coll. (Hearne's copy.) With a MS. note by Hearne, as to this edition ha\-ing been left incomplete after p. 128. It is the copy referred to in his Diary. PRICE, SIR JOHN. The Indictment and Arraignment of John Price Esquire, Late Receiver-General in Ireland. With a Hundred and one other Protestants, at Wicklow, before John Keating Esq ; Chief Justice of the Com- mon Pleas a Protestant, and Henry Lynch Knight Baron of the Exchequer, a Papist: With variety of Arguments between the Judges and Councel, and the Lord Chief Justice Keatings Charge to the Jury. A Letter sent to and Read by the Judges in the Court, for a Loane for the Popish Armies Subsistence. With an Account of the Seizing and Condenmation of Sir Thomas Southwell and Two Hundred other Protestant Gentlemen at Gallaway. Sir Laurence Parsons and several others at Birr and Maryborough in the King and Queens County in Ireland, and the Barbarous Execution of some of them. Collected by a Person that was present, and took the same in Writing. London: Printed for Robert Clavel . . . 1689. 4*^, A — E 2 in fours. PRICE, LAURENCE. Great Britaines time of Triumph. Or, The Solid Subiects observation, Shewing in what a magnificent manner, the Citi- zens of London entertained the Kings most excellent majestie, and how the honourable Lord Mayor of London, with the worthie Artillery men in their glit- tering armour, gave his Majestie a Mar- tiall-like welcome ; also how they pre- sented to his grace a most rich and costly gift, in token of their loyalty to their Sovereign. Afterward how they solem- nized a stately feast, to the which came both the Kings majestie, Ids gracious Queene Mary, and his Royal sonne, . . . AVritten in English prose by Lawrence Price. London, Printed for R. Burton, . . . 1641. 4°, 4 leaves, the last blank. B.M. A New Dialogue between Dick of Kent, And Wat the Welch-man. Filled up with many pretty Conceits, written and Printed on purpose to make folks merry in time of sadnesse. By Lavrence Price. [Here follow 8 lines of verse.] London, Printed for John Andrews at the White Lyon in the Old-Baily. 1654. 8°, 8 leaves. In prose. With a frontispiece occupying A 1. B. M. A ready way to prevent Svdden Death : Being a brief and true Relation of many sad misfortunes which have happened unto Men, Women, and Children both in the Citie of London, and in diners parts of the Nation of England, . . . This Book was written by Laurence Price, this pre- sent year 1655. London printed for William Gilbertson in Gilt-spur street. 1655. 8°, 8 leaves. In prose. B. M. A Map of Merry Conceites. Wherein is Contained much mirth which may yeeld pleasure to the Reader, delight to the Hearer, content to the Buyer, profit to the Seller, and liindrance to no man. The Book All you that doe spie me, Come quickly & buy me, If once you doe try me, You will not deny me. By Laurence Price. London, Printed by E. C. for Francis Grove, and are to be sold at his shop on Snow-hill neer the Sarazens head, 1656. 8°, chiefly black letter, A in eights. With a song at the end, To the tune of Last Christmas tivas mij chance, and a rough cut on title. B.M. Licensed to F. Grove, 11 March, 1638-9. Englands Golden Legacy : Or, A brief description of the manifold mercies and blessings which the Lord hath bestowed upon our sinful Nation . . . Written by Laurence Price. 1656. London, Printed for Tho. Jenkins next door to the Eagle & Child in Giltspur-street. 8*^, black letter, 8 leaves. With woodcuts on front and back of title. In prose. Br. M. A famous City turned into Stone. Or, A Fearfull example for England to take warning by : In which is contained all the full and whole Description of a famous City in Barbary, that was for their Re- bellion against God (in the twinkling of an eye) both Men, Women, and Children, with all the Cattle, Houses, and materials therein turned into Stone. . . . Written by Laurence Price. London, Printed for Tho. Vere at the Angell without Newgate. 1657. 8^, 8 leave.'*, A 1 occupied by a frontispiece. Black letter and prose. B.M. I PRICE. 497 PRIMER. Here's Jack in a Box, That will Coniure the Fox. Or, A new List of tlje new Fashions now used in London. [Here follow 12 lines of verse.] This new merry Book was newly Invented, But never before this time Imprinted. "Written by Laurence Price in the Moneth of October. 1656. Entered according to Order. London, Printed for Tho. Vere at the Angel without Newgate. 1657. 8°, black letter, 8 leaves. In prose. A 1 has the frontispiece. B. J/. PRICE, PHILIP. A Sonnett on the death of Philip Price who murdered Edmunde Gale Serieant. Licensed to John AUde, 13 June, 1582. PRIDE. Agaynste the moste horrable vice of pryde. A ballad. Licensed to John Arnold in 1569. The first parte of the Divelles holdinge of a parliament in hell for the provydinge of statutes against pride. A ballad. Li- censed to Abel Jeffes, 30 Jan. 1594-5. PRIDE, THOMAS. The last Words of Thomas Lord Pride, Taken in Short-hand by T. S. late Clerk to his Lordships Brew-house. 4°, 4 leaves. PRIDEAUX, MATHIAS, M.A. of Exeter College., Oxford. An Easy and Compendious Introdvction For Reading all sorts of Histories : . . . The Fourth Edition, In which is added a Synopsis of Covncels by John Prideaux, late Regius Professor of Divinity at Ox- ford, and Bishop of Worcester : . . . Ox- ford, Printed for A. & L. Lichfield, . . . 1664. 4^, A— 3 C 2 in fours, besides the title, &c., 4 leaves : Synopsis, A — H in fours. Dedicated to Sir Thomas and Lady Katharine Keynell, PRIESTCRAFT. The Folly of Priest-Craft. A Comedy. Simulata Sanctitas Duplex Iniquitas. Scene, St. James's, or the Savoy. Lon- don, Printed for Richard Baldwin, . . . MDCXC. 4°, A — I in fours. PRIMAUDAYE, PIERRE DE LA. The French Academie. . . . The second Edition. Londini. Impensis Georg. Bishop. 1589. 4^, A— 3 D 6 in eights. The French Academie ... the third Edi- tion. Londini, Impensis Geor. Bishop. 1594. 4°, A— Ddd in eights. The French Academie . . . The fift Edi- tion, Printed for Thomas Adams. 1614. 4«, A— Ddd 2 in eights. The Second Part of the French Academie, Wherein, as it were by a naturall historic of the bodie and soule of man, the crea- tion, matter, composition, forme, nature, profite and vse of all the partes of the frame of man are handled, with the naturall causes of all aft'ections, vertues and vices, and chiefly the nature, powers, workes, and immortalitie of the Soule. By Peter de la Primavdaye, Esquier, Lord of the same place and of Barre. And translated out of the second Edition, which was reuiewed and augmented by the Author. At London Printed by G. B. R. N. R. B. 1594. 4°, a— b in eights, and A — Mm in eights. Dedicated by T. B. to Sir John Puckering. The Second Part of the French Academie. . . . Loudinij impensis Geor. Bishop. 1603. 4*^. A— B 4 in eights : A (re- peated) — Ff 4 in eights. The Third Volvme of the French Acade- mies : Contayning a notable description of the whole world, and of all the princi- pall parts and contents thereof : As namely, of Angels both good and euill : of the Celestiall Spheres ... of the fower elements, and all things in them, or of them consisting . . . And likewise of fowles, fishes, beasts, serpents. . . . Englished by R. Dolman. Londini, Im- pensis Geor. Bishop. 1601. 4°, A— Ff 4 in eights. Dedicated to Sir William Mounson Knight. Prefixed is a copy of verses to the Reader by Dolman. PRIMER. Thys prymer off salysburye vse. is set owght along wythowght ony serchyng. . . . M. D. xxxiii. [Col.] Expliciunt hore beatissime virginis Marie secudum vsum Sarum / . . . Impresse Parisiis / . . *. Anno dfii. M. D. xxxii. Mense Augusto. 8*^, black letter, printed in red and black, with very fine woodcuts, a — z in eights : A — N in eights. Sothebys, Feb. 15, 1881, No. 433. [A Goodly Prymer in Englyshe] At the end : Imprynted at London in Fletestrete by John Byddell dwellynge at the signe of the Sonne nexte to the cundite for Wylliam Marshall, the yere of our lorde god M. D. XXXV. the xvi. day of June. 4°, A — E in fours : A— R in fours : A — T in fouis. Puttick & Simpson, Dec. 3, 1878, Ko. 243, wanting all before B i in first alphabet. Compare Herbert, p. 485-G. 2i PRIMER. PRIMER This is the Prymer in Englysh set out a louge / with dyuers Additions. [Col.] Im- prynted at London by Rycharde Kele dwellynge at the longe shop in the poultrie vnder S. Mvldredes churche. [1542.] 8^, black letter, A— U in eights. The prymer in Englysh and latyn, after the vse of Sarum set out at length with manye goodly prayers, with the expo- sicyon vpon the Psalnie called Miserere mei deus, and in te domine speraui, with the Epystles and Gospels. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in Paules church yarde at the svgne of tlie maydens heed, by Thomas Petyt. [1543.] 4^ black letter, printed in black and red, with woodcuts. A, 4 leaves, with title and Calendar : B — in eights : P, 4 leaves : the Exposition., A — E 5 in eights : the Eindles and Gospels, A — G 7 in eights. The Primer, in Englishe and Latyn, set foorth by the Kynges maiestie and his Clergie to be taught learned and read : and none other to be vsed throughout all his dominions. Imprinted at London within the precinct of the late dissolued house of the Gray friers by Richard Graf- ton Printer to the Princes grace, the .vi. daye of Septembre, the yeare of our lorde. M.D.XLV. Cum priuilegio. ... 4°, black letter. Title, calendar, and almanac, 8 leaves, B, C, 4 leaves each : a — v in eights, V 7 with the colophon. This Prymer of Sarysbury vse is set out a long without any serchyng. . . . And be newly emprynted at Pouen. Venun- dantur Eothomagi . . . m.d.lv. 8°, A — U in eights : Here hegijnneth the Pystels and Gospels (with a new title), A — K 4 in eights. The coloplion at the end of this part is : Imprynted at Pouen / by Ihon prest / for Roberte Valentin / d welly nge / be our Lady churche. With woodcuts. The Primer in Englishe and Latine, set out along, after the vse of Sar: with many godlie and deuoute praiers . . . Imprinted at London, by Ihon kyngston, and Henry Sutton. 1557. Cum priuilegio ... 4*^. Title, 1 leaf: ^, 8 leaves: A— R in eights : the Epistles and Gospels, A — R in fours. The Primer and Catecliisme, set forth at '\arge, witli many godly Prayers, necessary for al faythful Christians io reade. [Lon- don, John Cawood, 1558-9 ?] 8", A— T 4 in eights, black letter, besides title and Calenchir, 8 leaves. Sothebys, Feb. 16, 1881, No. 4;U, want- ing a leaf in calendar, and probably T 4 with a colophon. C A Prymmer or boke of priuate prayer nedeful to be vsed of al faythful! Chris- tianes, Whiche boke is auctorysed and set fourth by the Kinges maiestie, to be taughte, learned, redde and vsed of al hys louynge subiectes. Continue in prayer. Rom. 12. Londini ex officina Wilhelmi Seres typographi. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. [At the end is added :] CI These bookes are to be solde, at the weste ende of Paules towarde Lud- gate, at the svgne of the Hedgehogge. 1553. 8°, A— X in eights. Black letter. Douce Coll. A Primer or Boke of priuate praier nede- ful to be vsed of all faythfuU Christians. Whyche booke is to be vsed of all our louyng subiectes. Roma. xii. Continue in prayer. Londini ex officina Wilhelmi Seres typographi. Cum priuilegio . . . 1560. "S"*. A, 8 leaves : b, 7 leaves : a — c in eights : B — Y in eights. Grenv. Coll. An vniforme and Catholyke Prymer in Latin and Englishe, with many godly and deuout prayers, newly set forth by certayne of the cleargye with the assente of the moste reuerende father in god tlie Lorde Cardinall Pole hys grace : to be only vsed (al other sette a parte) of al the Kyng and Queues maiesties louinge sub- iectes throughe oute all their realms and dominions, according to the Queues hygh- nes letters patentes in that behalf geuen. Imprinted at London, by John Waylande the .iiii. daye of June. Anno domiui. M.D.L.v. Cum priuilegio per septennium. 4°. Title and Calendar, 4 leaves : *, 4 : leaves: (J^, 4 leaves: (), 4 leaves: (.t.), 4 leaves : A — Dd in fours. Lambeth. A Primer and a Catechisme, and also the notable fayres in the Kalender set forth by the Queues maiesty to be taught vnto children. Imprinted at London by Thomas Purfoote, assigned by William Seres. Cum priuilegio. Small 8°. Bag- ford Papers (orig. title). The Primer Or, Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary in English : Exactly Re- ^ vised, and the New Hymns and Prayers \ added, according to the Reformation of Pope Urban's. Printed at Antwerp for T. D. 1685. 12*^. A, 12 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — Aa in twelves : Bb, 8 leaves : Cc, 12 leaves. With copper plates at pp. 1, 132, 333, 327 (wrongly marked), 339, 369, and 392, as well as a vignette on the title. The plates in the cojiy employed seem to have been inserted. PRIMROSE. 499 PROGNOSTICA TION. PEIMROSE, GILBERT. La Tronipette de Sion : Ov Exhortation A Repeutance & a lusne. Par Gilbert Primerose Ministre de la parole de Dieu en I'eglise de Bordeavx. ... A Bergerac. Par Gilbert Vernoj. m.dc.x. 8°. (•)— 3 (■) 4 in eights : A — 3 P in eights. Adversvs Declamativncvlam L M. I. V. D. Gilberti Primrosij Ecclesiae Biirdiga- lensis Pastoris. Apologia. Secvnda Editio. Rvpellse ; M. DC. xiiii. 8"^, A — H 2 in fours. PRINCE. The Wanderynge prynce. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1564-5. The ■v\'anderynge prynce moralyzed. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1568-9. PRINTERS. To all Printers, Booke-sellers, Booke- binders, Freemen of the Company of Sta- tioners. [13 June, 1645.] A small sheet on a slip. B. 2^1. To all Printers, Booke-sellers, Booke- binders. Freemen of the Company of Stationers. [21 June, 1645.] A small sheet. B. J/. PRIOR, MATTHEW. An English Ballad : In Answer to Mr. Despreaux'sPindariqueOde on the Taking of Xamure. Bulc^ est desipere in loco. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . MDCxcv. Folio, A — D in twos. Engl, and Latin. PRISONERS. The lamentation of the presoners in New- gate and other goles. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwellin 1565-6. Counter newes, "What talk poore prisoners vse. A ballad. Licensed to John Allde, 13 Oct. 1579. A poore mans peticon in y® behalf of poore prisoners. Licensed to R. Jones, 15 April, 1579. A newe ballad of a prisoner brought home in a Coffen to paie his creditors with thepitaphe to it. Licensed to T. Or win, 13 Jan. 1588-9. A paterne for prisoners beinge the Com- playnte of a yonge gent, who with one Clement Slye a gallant of London for breakinge of prison and many other offences was executed neere Newgate the 14*^ of Marche last. Licensed to John Wright, 16 March, 1611-12. The petition of the poore prisoners in the Gaile of the fleete. Licensed to William Jones, 14 April, 1617. All Billes and peticions for the poore prisoners of the Gatehouse in Westmin- ster, Ludgate, Newgate, both the Coun- ters in London : the Counter in South- warke : the Clinke : the marshalsea : the Kinges bench, and White Lyon. Entered to George Eld and Miles Flesher, 14 March, 1617-18. A true and perfect Relation of the Try all, Condemning, and executing of the 24. Prisoners, who suffered for severall Rob- beries and Burglaries at Tyburn on Fryday last, which was the 29. of this instant lune, 1649. . . . London, Printed for G. R. in the Year 1649. 4«, 4 leaves. With a cut on title. B. M. The Confession and. Execution of the Five Prisoners suffering at Tyburn on Fryday the 16*^ of March, 1676-7. Viz. Thomas Sadler and William Johnson . . . London : Printed for D. M. 1677. 4°, 4 leaves. Act of Privy Council, Ordering Probation and Information to be sent in with Pub- lick Prisoners. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson . . . Anno Dom. 1688. A sheet. PROCOPIUS OF C^SAREA. The History of the Warres of the Em- perour Justinian in Eight Books. Of the Persian. II. Vandal, 11. Gothicke, IV. Written in Greek by Procopivs of Caesa- rea. And Englished by Henry Holcroft, Knight. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley . . . 1653. Folio. A, 6 leaves": *a, 2 leaves : B — Ss in fours : Tt in PROCTER, THOMAS. A Gorgeous Gallery. . . . 1578. This book was licensed to Jones, 5 June, 1577, as follows: "Receaued of him for his licence to imprints a handefull of hid- den Secretes conteigninge therein certaiue Sonetes and other pleasante Devises pickt out of the Closet of sundrie wortbie writers and collected together by R. Williams." See Arber, ii. 140. PROCTOR, THOMAS. The Right of Kings, Conteyning a De- fence of their Supremacy, over all per- sons, and in all causes, aswell ecclesias- ticall as civill, within their severall Dominions. . . . Printed. 1621. 4«, A — E 2 in fours. PROGNOSTICATION. Perpetvall and Natvrall Prognostications Of The change of weather. Gathered out of diners ancient and late writers, and placed in order for the common good of all men. Newly translated out of PROMPTORIUM. 500 PROTESTANT. Italian into English by I. F. [Woodcut] London. Printed by lobn Wolfe, and are to bee sold at his Shop oner against the great South dore of S. Paul, 1591. Small 8°. A — C in eights, black letter. BodXdan. PROMPTOPvIUM. Proniptoriu paruulorum clericorum quod apud nos Medulla gramatice appellatur Scolasticis q maxie necessariu. [Col,] Impressum per egregium Julian um nota- rium Impressorem commorante [sic] ex- tra temple barre sub intersignio sancto- rum trium regum . . . Anno domini millesimo ccccc. Octauo xii die augusti. 4*^, a — m in sixes, n in fours. Printed in two columns, with a large cut on title, and the printer's device occupying the last page. Grenv. Coll. Promptuarium paruuloru clericor? : . . . Impressum Londoniis per Wynadii de Worde hac in vrbe in parochia sancte Brigide (in the fletestrete) ad signii solis comorate. [Col.] Impressum Londoniis per wynadu de worde . . . Anno dni. M. ccccc. xvi. die vo. v. mesis Septe. 4^, A — K in eights and fours : L, 6 leaves : M, 4. Printed in two columns. With the printer's device on the title. Grenv. Coll. Promptuarium paruuloru . . . [Col.] Im- pressum Londoniis per Wynadu de Worde , . . Anno dni. M.ccccc.xxviij. die vo. xiij mensis Maij. 4^. A — K in eights and fours: L, 6: M, 4. Grenv. Coll. PROPHECY. A Prophesie both wounderfull and Strange which shall happen in the yere 1581, Licensed to John Allde, 31 Dec. 1580, A Prophecie for Eight yeres yet to comme. Licensed to John Wolf, 3 April, 1592. Prophesie, Which hath been in a Manu- script, in the Lord Powis's Family Sixty Years, A sheet in verse, [Circa 1700.] A New Ballad, Called, The Protestants Prophesie, Wherein is plainly set forth the Difficulty of Clearing our Native Country, of those that Infest us, cailed Papists. To the Tune of, When Covet- ousness out of England will run. Lon- don, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J, Clarke, A broadside with three cuts. B. M. PROPRIA QU^ MARIBUS. A booke entituled, Propi'ia que MarihiLs construed, and alsoe as in fresenti. Li- censed provisionally to Robert Dexter, 30 Dec. 1591. PROTESTANT. A Complaint to the House of Commons, and Resolution taken up by the free Pro- testant Subjects of the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Counties adja- cent, Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lich- field , , , 1642. 4«, A— C in fours. The Protestants Congratulation to the City for their Excellent Choice of Mem- bers to serve in Parliament, October 7, 1679. London, Printed for Benjamin Harris . . . 1679. A folio leaf. Inverse. The True Protestant Subject, Or, The Nature and Rights of Sovereignty Dis- cuss'd, and Stated. Address'd to the Good People of England, London : Printed in the Year 1680. 4°, B— F in fours, and the title, A Specimen of a Bill, for uniting the Protestants : Being a rough draught of such Terms, as seem equal for the Con- formist to grant, and the Non-conformist to yield to, for peace sake; [Col.] Printed for Richard Jane way, . . . [1680.] Folio, 2 leaves. A Defence of True Protestants, Abused for the Service of Popery, under the name of Presbyterians. In a Dialogue between A. and L. two Sons of the Church. Where it is Debated, whether Dissenting Presby- terians be as Bad or Worse than Papists ; and other Popish Assertions are Detected. London, Printed for N. P. . , . 1680, 4°, A — D in fours, and the title, [An Order in Council touching the dis- tressed Protestants abroad, July 28, 1681.] London, . . . 1681, Folio, 2 leaves. The Case of Protestants in England under a Popish Prince, if any shall happen to wear the Imperial Crown, London : Printed for Richard Jane way . . . 1681. 4*^, A— E 2 in fours. The True Protestants Appeal to the City and Countrey. [Col.] London, Printed, 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. An Apology for the Protestants : Being a full Justification of their Departure from the Church of Rome, with Fair and Prac- ticable Proposals for a Re-Vnion. Done out of French into English by Roger L'Estrange. London : Printed by T.' B, for Henry Brome . , . 1681, 4°, A— V in fours, and a leaf of X. A Apology for the Protestants of France, in reference to the Persecutions they are under at this day ; In Six Letters . . . London, Printed for John Holford, at th^ Crown, in the Pall-^lall, 1683. 4°, A— N in fours, and To the Reader, 2 leaves. PROVIXCIAL. 501 PRYNNE. An Account of the Persecutions and Op- pressions of the Protestants in France. Printed in the Year 1686. 4^, A— F in fours, and the title. PROVIXCIAL LETTEES. An Answer to the Provinciall Letters Published by the Jansenists, Under the Name of Lewis Montalt, Against the Doc- trine of the Jesuits and School-Divines : Made by some Fathers of the Society in France . . . Printed at Paris, in the Year, 1659. 8^ A, 6 leaves: a— d 2 in sixes : B — Yy 3 in sixes. PRYXNE, WILLIAM. Healthes-Sickenesse. Or, A Compendiovs and briefe Discourse ; prouing, the Drink- ing, and Pledging of Healthes, to be Sin- full, and vtterly Vnlawfull vnto Chris- tians ; ... By William Pr\-nne Gent. Hospitii Lincolniensis . . . Printed in London. 1628. 4^, A— H in eights. A Breviate of the Prelates intollerable usurpations, both upon the Kings Prero- gative Roy all, and the Subjects Liberties . . . Published by W. Hvntley, Esquier. Edition .3. much enlarged. In the Yeare 1637. 4"^, A — Ss in fours, and T, 2 leaves. , The Antipathic of the English Lordly Prelacie, both to Eegall Monarchy, and Civill Unity ... By "William Prynne . . . London, Printed bv Authority for Michael Sparke senior. An." 1641. 4°." Two Parts. Reasons why the Hierarchy or Governe- ment of the Chvrch by Arch- Bishops, Lord Bishops, Deanes, Arch-Deacons, Chancelors and their Officers, exercising Sole or Superiour Authoritie in Ordina- tions and Jurisdictions may and ought to be removed. Printed Anno 1641. 4^, 4 leaves. Newes from Ipswich : . . . First printed at Ipswich, and now reprinted for T. Bates, 1641. 4'', 4 leaves. A Pleasant Pvrge for a Roman Catholike, To evacuate his Evill Hvmovrs. Con- sisting of a Century of Polemicall Epi- grams ; wherein divers Grosse Errors, and Corruptions of the Church of Rome are discovered . . . By William Prynne, an Ytter-Barrester of Lincolnes-Inne ; who composed these Poems, to solace himselfe, in his late tedious Imprison- ments . . . Printed at London by R. C. for Michael Sparke Senior . . . 1642. 4°, A — Aa in fours, first leaf blank, and be- tween A 2 and A 3, four leaves, marked **. Dedicated to Charles, Prince of Wales. The Opening of the Great Scale of Eng- land, Containing certain Brief Historical! and Legall Observations, touching the Original! . . . of the Great Seal ... By AVilliam Prynne . . . London, Printed for Michael Spark Senior. 1643. 4°, B— E in fours, and the titlepage. A Fresh Discovery of some Prodigious New Wandring-Blasing-Stars & Fire- brands, Stiling themselves Xew-Lights, Firing our Church and State into New Combustions. Divided into Ten Sections, . . . Published for the Common good By William Prynne . . . London : Printed by John Macock, for Michael Spark senior, . . . 1645. 4*^, A — H 2 in fours, but title and following leaf not included in A : " A Transcript of a Letter lately written from the Summer Islands to Wil- liam Prynne, . . . relating the Schismati- call, Tyranicall, and Seditious Proceed- ings of the Independents there . . . ," A — D 2 in fours. The Falsehood of Mr. William Pryns Trcfh Trivmphing^ In the Antiquity of Popish Princes and Parliaments. To which. He attributes a Sole, Sovereigne, Legislative, Coercive power in all matters of Religion ; discovered to be full of ab- surdities, contradictions, sacriledge, and to make more in favour of Rome and Antichrist, than all the bookes and pam- phlets which were ever published, . . . With Twelve Queries, Eight whereof visit Mr. Pryn the second time, because they could not be satisfied at the first. Printed in London, 1645. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. Canterburies Doome. Or The First Part of a Compleat History of the Commit- ment, Charge, Tryall, Condemnation, Execution of William Lavd Late Arch- Bishop of Canterbury ... By William Prynne, of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire ; Spe- cially deputed to this publike Service, by the House of Commons Order ; Dated 4 Martii. 1644. . . . London, Printed by John Macock, for Michael Spark senior, . . . 1646. Folio. Title and frontis- piece, 2 leaves : a — 4 b in fours : 4 c, 6 leaves: Table, B, 2 leaves: C in fours: D, 1 leaf. Mr. Prynnes Letter to the Generall The third of January 1648. Demanding what kind of Prisoner he is : And whose Pri- soner ? with an appearance to his Action of false imprisonment, which he Resolves to prosecitte against those who have im- prisoned him, for the publick interest and freedome of the Members and Sub- jects. [1648.] A sheet. PRYNNE. 502 PSALTER. i Irenarches Redivivvs. Or, A briefe Col- lection of Sundry usefull and necessary Statutes and Petitions in Parliament (not hitherto published in Print, but extant onely in the Parliament Rolls) concern- ing the Necessity Vtility . . . and against the causelesse, clandestine dis-commis- sioning of Justices of Peace. . . . To- gether with a full Refutation of Sir Edward Cooks assertion, and the com- monly received Erronious opinion, of a Difference between Ordinances and Acts of Parliament. . . . Published for the common good, by William Prynne of Lincolns-Inne, Esq. London : Printed for Michael Spark . . . 1648. 4^, A— F in fours. A Legall Vindication of the Liberties of England, Against Illegal Taxes And pre- tended Acts of Parliament Lately enforced on the People : Or, Reasons assigned by William Prynne of Swainswick in the County of Sommerset, Esquire, why he can neither in Conscience, Law, nor Prudence submit to the New Illegall Tax or Contribution of Ninety Thousand pounds the Month ; Lately imposed on the Kingdom by a pretended Act of some Commons in (or rather out of) Par- liament. [Quotations.] London, Printed for Robert Hedges, and are to be sold by him, 1649. 4^, B— H in fours, and the title. B. M. A Declaration and Protestation against the Illegal, Detestable, Oft-condemned New Tax and Extortion of Excise in General ; and for Hops (a Native incer- tain commodity) in Particular. By Wil- liam Prynne of Swainswick, Esq. [Quo- tations.] London; Printed for the Author, . . . 1654. 4^, A— D in fours. The Republicans and Others Superious [Spurious] Good Old Cause, Briefly and truly anatomized. To preserve our native country, kingdom, lega[l] government, Church, parliaments, ... By William Prynne. . . . Printed in the year of our Lord, 1659. 4*^, A— C 2 in fours. Concordia Discors, Or the Dissonant Har- mony of Sacred Publique Oathes, Protes- tations, Leagues, Covenants, Ingagements, lately taken by many Time-Serving Saints, Officers, without scrnple of con- sciense, ... By William Prynne Esc^; . . . London, Printed for Edward Thomas . . . 1659. 4°, A— F in fours. The Signal Loyalty and Devotion of God's True Saints and Pious Christians, especially in this our Island toward their King ... In Two Parts. By William Prynne Esq; late Bencher, and Reader of Lincolns-Inne. London, Printed for Edward Thomas . . . [1660.] 4«, A--Tt 2 in fours, besides 8 leaves between title and A 2. The Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus, and of the Angel of the Church of Ephe- sus. . . . Reprinted for publike good and satisfaction. Anno 1660. ... 4^, B— R in fours, and the title. Aurum Reginee ; Or A Compendious Tractate, and Chronological Collection of Records in the Tower, and Court of Exchequer concerning Queen-Gold. . . . By William Prynne Esq; . . . London, Printed for the Author by Thomas Rat- cliffe . . . 1668. 4^, A— T 2 in fours : the Additional Appendix, A — F 2 in fours, besides the title and dedication. PSALTER. Psalterium. [W. Caxton, circa 1480.] 4^. Br. Museum (imperfect). Psalterium ex madato victoriosissimi An- glie regis Henrici septimi cum psalmorii virtute Feliciter incipit [This title occurs on the 22d leaf of the book after the calen- dar, &c. The colophon is :] Finit feliciter psens Psalterium igenioseimpressvi est atq5 copletum. In celeberrima urbe Lon- don, per Guillielmii Faq5 Regium imps- sorem. Anno dni. M d iiij. Septima Februarij. 8°. Frontispiece, 1 leaf : A — C 4 in eights, with the Calendar, &c., A 1 having W. Faques the printer's mark: a — u 8 in eights. Emmanuel College Cambridge (on vellum) and Grenv. Coll. An imperfect copy is in the Douce Col- lection. Thekynges and queues psalmes sett fourth by kynge Henry the viu*^^ and queue Katheryn. Licensed to John Judson in 1557-8. The psalter in viij^. Licensed to An- thony Smyth in 1558-9. The kynges psalms and the queues prayers. Licensed to Henry Wykes in 1566. The Psalter Or Psalmes of Dauid, after the translation of the great Byble, Poynted as it shalbe sayde or song in Churches. 1566. [Col.] Imprinted at London ... by Richard lugge and lohn Cawood. ... 4*^, black letter, A — N in eights. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid : Cor- rected and pointed as it shall be said or soong in Churches after the translation of the great Bible, with certain additions of collects and other the ordinarie seruice. PSALTER. 503 PULES TON. gathered out of the booke of Common praier : Confirmed by act of Parliament, in the first yeare of the reigne of our souereigne Ladie Qveene Elizabeth. Prin- ted by the assignes of "W. Seres. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Henrie Den- ham, . . . [1584.] 4°, black letter. Title and Almanac, 6 leaves : Table, Proper Lessons, &c. 4 leaves : A — D 4 in eights : [new title] The Psalter, &c,, dated 1583, A — P in eights. The Psalter, or Psalmes of Dauid, after the translation of the great Byble, poynted as it shall be said or sung in Churches. With the Addition of Morning and Euen- ing Prayer. Imprinted at London for the Company of Stationers. 1617. 8*^. Title and Calendar, 8 leaves : A — R 4 in eights, R 4 blank. The Psalmes of David in Metre, With Divers Notes, and Tunes augmented to them. [Quot. from lames, v.] Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrollier dwell- ing in the Blackfriers. Cum Priuilegio. An. M.D.Lxxxvij. 8^, T — Ss in eights, and S (repeated), 8 leaves. This appears to belong to an edition of the Common Prayer, but was perhaps sold separately, as the Lambeth copy is in the original binding. The Whole Booke of Psalmes : With the Hymnes Evangelicall, . . . Newly cor- rected and enlarged by Tho. Rauenscroft Bachelar of Musicke. London : Printed by Thomas Harper for the Company of Stationers, 1633. 8''. First title, &c., 4 leaves, the first blank : [second title] A — S in eights, first and last leaves blank. The Whole Booke of Psalmes Faithfully Translated into English Metre. Where- unto is prefixed a discourse declaring not only the lawfullnes, but also the necessity of the Heavenly Ordinance of Singing Scripture Psalmes in the Churches of God. [Quot. from Coll. iii. and James v.] Imprinted 1640. 4°. * and **, 4 leaves each : A— LI in fours. BocUeian. This version, usually known as the Bay Psalra Book, was translated by John Eliot, Thomas Welde, &c. and was printed by Stephen Daye at Cambridge, N.E. The Psalms of David in English Meeter. London, Printed by Miles Flesher, for the Company of Stationers. 1646. 12°. a, 4 leaves, first blank : A — M 8 in twelves. The Whole Book of Psalms, As they are now sung in the Churches, with the Sing- ing Notes of Time and Tune set to every Syllable. . . . Never before done in Eng- land. London, . . . 1688. 8", a— c, and A — Mm in sixes. Dedicated by T. ^L to the Honourable Robert Boyle. The Svmme, or Pith of the. 150. P.-almes of Dauid, reduced in to a forme of pravers and meditations, Avith certayne other godlye orysons, very necessary for all scjrtes of people to say dayly, translated by Richard Taverner. Cum Priuilegio Ad imprimendu solum. [Col.] Ini- piynted at London in Flet-strete, at the signe of the Sonne by Jhon Byddell. The. V. daye of Apryll. m. d. xxxix. 8°, a — b in eights : A — R 4 in eights. Lamheth (imperfect). A jjsalme of qui habitat. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot in 1563-4. A psalme to be songe as a tlianksegy vinge on the xvijt^ of November 1584. for the Queenes happie Reigne, &c. Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 11th November, 1584. A Psalme and Collect of thankesgiuing, not vnmeet for this present time : to be said or sung in Churches. At London Printed by the Deputies of Christopher Barker . . . 1588. 4°, 4 leaves. Black letter. [Psalm Tunes to four voices.] Aberdene, Printed by lohn Forbes, and are to be sold at his"' Shop. 1666. Obi. 8°, 8 leaves. D. Laing, 1879, No. 2977, described as ■unique. PUCCINI, YINCENTIO. The Life of the Holy and Venerable Mother Suor Maria Maddalena de Patsi, A Florentine Lady, & Religious of the Order of the Carmelites. Written in Italian . . . And now translated into English. . . . Published by allowance of Superiours. Anno M. DC. xix. 8°. *_***** 2 in eights : A— T in eights. Dedicated by G. B. from Cologne to the Eight Honourable and most Eeverend Lady, the Lady Mary Percy, Lady Abbess of the Benedictine Abbey at our Lady of the Assumption, Brussels. PrCKLE, JAMES. The Club : Or, A Dialogue between Father and Son. In Vino Veritas. Lon- don, Printed for the Author . . . 1711. 12°, A — I in sixes. With a portrait. Dedicated to Micajah Perry, Esq., to the memory of Thomas Lane, Esq., and to Mr. Richard Perry, merchants of London. The Club : In a Dialogue . . . London : Printed for the Author, James Pnckle. 1713. 12°, A— G in sixes. With the same print. PULESTON, H., 3I.A. Historical Essaies & Observations proving PUR CELL. 504 PURCHAS. God's Especial Providence over the Eng- lish Monarchy, and more particularly over that Family which enjoys the same. Printed for tlie Anthor, and are to be sold by Ric: Davis in Oxon, 1664. 4*^. Title, 1 leaf : Catalogue of books, 1 leaf : B — F in fours : an extra leaf unsigned. PURCELL, HENRY. Sonnata's of III Parts : Two Viollins And Basse. To the Organ or Harpsecord. Composed by Henry Purcell, Composer in Ordinary to his most Sacred Majesty, and Organist of his Chappell Royall. London, Printed for the Author, . . . 1683. 4^. With a portrait of Purcell set. 24. The title of each part engraved by T. Cross, Jr. VioUino Primo, portrait, title, dedication, and preface, 4 leaves : A (with the title re- peated)— C in fours, followed by a leaf unmarked : VioUino Secondo, the title and AA — CC in fours, and an extra leaf after CO 4 : Basso, 11 leaves with the title : Organo, AAAA — CCCC in fours, and an extra leaf after 4 C 4. Sonnata's of III Parts : Two Viollins and Basse. To the Organ and Harpse- cord, Composed by Henry Purcell . , . The Second Eddition. London, Printed for the Author . . . 1684. Folio. A Collection of Ayres, Compos'd For the Theatre, and upon other Occasions. By tlie late Mr. Henry Purcell, London, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Frances Purcell, Executrix of the Author ; . . . 1697. Folio. Dedicated to Charles, Duke of Somerset. Violino Primo, A — N, 2 leaves each : Vio- lino Secundo, B — N, 2 leaves each, and the title : Tcnnor, B — L, 2 leaves each, and title, Bcissus, the same, Orphevs Britannicvs. A Collection of all the Choicest Songs for One, Two and Three Voices. Compos'd by Mr. Henry PurcelL Togetlier with such Symphonies for Violins or Flutes, as were by him design'd for any of them ; and a Through- Bass to each Song ; Figur'd for, the Organ, Harpsichord, or Theorbo-Lute, All which are placed in their several Keys accord- ing to the Order of the Gamut. London, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Henry Play ford . . . mdcxcviii. Folio. Title and dedication to Lady Howard, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves ; Table, 1 leaf : B — Rrr, 2 leaves each. With a portrait by R. White. Orphevs Britannicvs . . . The Second Book, which renders the First Compleat. London : Printed by William Pearson, for Henry Playford, . . . 1702. Folio, Portrait. Title, 1 leaf : dedication to Lord Halifax and Preface, 1 leaf : (a), 2 | leaves : B — Yy, 2 leaves each. I Orphevs Britannicvs. . . . The Second Edition with Large Editions. . , , Lon- j don : Printed by William Pearson, and ' Sold by John Young, , , , mdccvi. Folio. ■ With the same portrait. Title and dedi- cation, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : Table, 1 leaf : B — Dddd in twos, last leaf blank, and (Ccc) an extra leaf. Orphevs Britannicvs. . . . The Second ! Book . . . The Second Edition with Additions. . . . London : Printed by Wil- liam Pearson for S. H. Sold by J. Young . , . 1711, Folio, Title, dedication, and Elegies, 3 leaves : B— 3 F, 2 leaves each, 3 F 2 blank, Orphevs Britannicvs. , , , The Second Edition with Large Additions; and placed in their several Keys according to the Order of the Gamvt, Sould by J, Walsh Musicall Instrument maker in Ordinary to hir Majesty, . , . Folio. Portrait by White, Title, 1 leaf : pp, I— VIII : B— 4 D, 2 leaves each. In the copy used the original imprint has been pasted over with that here given, Orpheus Britannicus. A Collection of Choice Songs for One, Two, and Three Voices with a Through Bass for the Harp- sichord Compos'd by Mr. Henry Purcell. London. Printed for I. Walsh, , . . [Circa 1720.] Folio, pp. 120, besides the tide and Table. This is an entirely different edition from that merely with Walsh's imprint attached. Mr. Hen^ Purcell's Favourite Songs out of his most celebrated Orpheus Britanni- cus and the rest of his Works the whole fairly Engraven and carefully corrected. , London Printed for & sold by Ino. Walsh. . . . FoKo, pp. 62 and the Table. The Vocal and Instrumental Musick of the Prophetess, Or The History of Dio- clesian. Composed by Henry Purcell. . . . London, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for the Author . . . mdcxci. Folio. Title and dedication to Duke of Somer- set, 2 leaves : pp, 1-173. PURCHAS, SAMUEL. Pvrchas his Pilgrimage. Or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all Ages and places discouered. ... In foure Partes. This First containeth a Theologicall and Geographicall Historic of Asia, Africa, and America, with the Islands Adiacent. . . . With briefe De- scriptions of the Countries, Nations, . . . By Samvel Pvrchas, Minister at Estwood in Essex. Vnus Deus, vna Veritas. Lon- PYLBEROUGH. 50! QUARLES. don, Printed by "William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, . . . 1613. Folio. *r. 6 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B, 4 leaves : C — Vvv in sixes, last leaf blank. Dedicated to George, Archbishop of Can- terburj. Prrchas His Pilgrimage, . . , The third Edition, much enlarged with Additions i through the whole "\Yorke ; . . . London, i Printed by AVilliam Stansby for Henry ! Fetherstone, . . . 1617. Folio. IF and I mr, six leaves each : A, 8 leaves : B — ! 6 C in sixes, 6 D, 4 leaves. j The Kings Tower and Triumphant Arch of London, written by Samuell Purchas. I Licensed to W. Stansby, 5 May, 1623. IPYLBEROUGH, JOHN. I A Commemoration of the Inestimable I Graces and Benefites of God, infvsed I throvgh the bryght lyght of the know- j lege of his holy word, to our moste dradde soueraygne lorde Henry the eyght. . . . I Anno. M.D.XL. [CoL] Londini in gedibus i Thomse Bertheleti. ... 4°, black letter, I A — C in fours, D, 6 leaves. Dedicated j by John Pylberough to Thomas Lord I Cromwell. Lambeth. ,PYM, JOHN, M.F. \ The Declaration of John Pym Esquire, I Vpon the whole Matter of the Charge of i High Treason, against Thomas Earle of ' Strafford, April 12, 1641. With an Argu- ment of Law . . . Both Published by I Order of the Commons House. Printed I at London for lohn Bartlet . . . 1641. I 4°. The Speech, A — D in fours, with I separate title ; the Argument, as sepa- rately ; and a general title preceded by a blank. A Speech delivered at a Conference with the Lords, January, xxv. mdcxli. By occasion of the Petitions from the Citie of London, and the Counties of Middle- sex, Essex, and Hertford. By lohn Pym, Esquire. Published l^y Order of the House of Commons. Whereto are annexed two Orders of the said House. The one. Containing the Thankes of the Hovse, given to those of Hertfordshire. The other, for punishing of those who printed a false Copie of that Petition, and other libellous Pamphlets. Printed at London by R. Oulton. and G. Dexter, for John Roth well . . .' 1641. 4°, A— C in fours. The Speech or Declaration of John Pymm, Esq. To the Lords of the upper House, upon the delivery of the Articles of the Commons assembled in Parlia- ment, against William Lavd, Archbishop of Canterbury, in maintenance of their Accusation, whereby he stands charged of High Treason. Together with a true Copie of the said Articles. London, Printed for Ralph Mabb. 1641. 4*^, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. Two Speeches made by lohn Pymm Esquire ; the one after the Articles of the Charge against the Earle of Strafford were read. The other, after the Articles of the Charge against Sir George Ratcliffe were read. London, Printed for lohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the gilt Cup, neere St. Austins gate. 1641. 4°, A — B 2 in fours, first leaf blank. An Answer to a Letter Written out of the country, to Master John Pym, Esquire, one of the worthy Members of the House of Commons. London Printed Ann, Dom. 1643 [Feb. 23, 1642.] 4«, 4 leaves. B. M. Q. QUAKERS. A Brief Relation of the Persecution and Cruelties that have been acted upon the People called Quakers In and about the City of London, since the beginning of the 7th Month last, til this present time. With a general Relation of Affairs, signi- fying the state of the People through the Land, London, Printed in the Year 1662. 4°, A— C in fours. The Quaker's Art of Courtship : Or, The Yea-and-Nay Academy of Compliments, Containing Several Curious Discourses, by Way of Dialogues, Letters, and Songs, betweene Brethren and Green-Apron Sisters ... By the Author of Teagueland Jests. London, Printed, and are to be sold by most Booksellers. 1710. Price Bound One Shilling. 12'^, A— G in twelves, in- cluding a curious woodcut frontispiece. QUARLES, FRAXCIS. The Incomparable History, of Argalvs QUARLES. 506 QUATERMAYNE. and Parthenia . . . London, Printed by M. F. for I. M. and are to be sold by John Stafford . . . 1651. 4«, A— U in fours, besides the frontispiece and a leaf of ex- planation. Argalus and Parthenia. Written by Fra. Q varies. London, Printed for M. E. . . . Anno Dom. 1687. Sm. S'', A— S in fours. Boanerges and Barnabas : Judgment and Mercy, Or, Wine and Oyle for Wounded and Afflicted Souls. ... The fifth Edi- tion. London, Printed for R. Boyston, . . . 1660. 12^, A— L in twelves. Divine Poems : Containing lonah. The History of { Ester. Job. Sonets. Sions Elecries. An Elegie on Dr. Ailmer, not formerly printed. Written by Fra. Qvarles. Lon- don, Printed for lohn Marriott, . . . 1630. 8°, A — Bb in eights, A i ^Yith leaf of ex- planation. With a frontispiece by Cecil not included in the sheets. Dedicated to the King. Divine Poems . . . Written, and newly augmented. By Fra: Quarks. London, Printed for J. Marriot, . . . 1642. 8^, A — LI in eights, besides the frontispiece dated 1643. A i has the leaf of metrical explanation. Divine Poems, . . . Written and Aug- mented by Fr. Quarles. Now Illustrated with Sculptures to the several Histories, not iu the former Editions. London, Printed for Tho. Sawbridge, . . . 1674. 8°, A— Hh 4 in eights, including the frontispiece, but exclusively of six plates in four compartments. Divine Poems . . . Written and Aug- mented by Francis Quarles. The Fifth Edition. Now Illustrated with Sculp- tures . . . London: Printed for Jeremiah Batley . . . 1717. 12°, A— T 6 in twelves. Divine Fancies: . . . London, Printed by G. D. for Richard Marriot, and are to be sold by William Sheares, . . . 1652. 12°. A, 6 leaves, the first having only Sheares's device: B — L 5 in twelves. With a por- trait and frontispiece. Divine Fancies . . . The Seventh Edition, Corrected, London, Printed by T. D. for John Williams, . . . 1675, 8°, A, 4 leaves: B, 6 leaves, B 6 with Errata: C — N 4 in eights. Emblemes By Fra: Quarles Cambridge, Printed by R, D. for Francis Egglesfield. and are to be sold at the signe of the Marigold in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1643. 8°, A— Bb 4 in eights. With the engraved title. Emblemes . . . London, Printed for J. W. & F. E. and are to be sold at the Crowne and at the Marigold in St. Paules Churchyard. 1669. 8°, A— Bb 4 in eights. With an engraved title after Marshall. Emblems, By Fra, Quarles ; With the Hieroglyphicks : All the Cuts Being newly Illustrated. London, Printed for M. G. and W. F. . . . 1696. 8°, A— Aa in eights. The Loyall Convert. [Quot. from Virgil & Homer.] Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, . . . 1644. 4°, A— C in fours. The Virgin Widow. A Comedie. Writ- ten by Fra. Quarles . . . The second Edition. London, Printed for R. Royston . . . 1656. 4°, A— I 2 in fours. In the stationer's preface we are told that this interlude is offered "to sweeten the brackish distempers of a deluded age," and that it had been privately acted at Chelsea "with good approvement" by a company of young gentlemen, QUARLES, JOHN. Fons Lachrymarum: . . . The Third Edi- tion. London, Printed for Obadiah Bla- grave . . . 1677. 8°, A— M in eights, including a frontispiece. Gods Love and Mans Vn worthiness : Whereunto is annexed a Discourse be- tween the Soul & Satan, With several Divine Ejaculations. Written by John Quarles. London, Printed for John Staf- ford, and are to be sold at his house in St. Brides Church yard, and by Hum- phrey Moseley . . . 1651. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves, not including the frontispiece : B — L in eights, but only 7 leaves in H. At p. 101 is an engraved plate. Dedi- cated to Edward Benlowes. The History of the most Vile Dimagoras who by Treachery and Poison blasted the incomparable Beauty of Divine Parthenia: Inter- woven with the History of Amor- onzo and Celania. By John Quarles. London, Printed by J. M, for John Staf- ford . . . And H. Cripps . . . 1658. 8°. Portrait and frontispiece, 2 leaves : title, 1 leaf : Epistle to the Reader, and dedication to the author's honoured friend, Richard Culme, of Canalee, co. Devon, Esq. 4 leaves : B — N 4 in eights, B ap- parently misprinted C. QUATERMAYNE, ROGER, Qvatermayu's Conqvest over Canterbvries QUEEN. 507 QUINAULT. :)ovrt. Or A Briefe Declaration of seve- al Passages between him and the Arch- .ishop of Canterbury, Avith other Com- aissioners of the High Commission Court As also his imprisonment by vertue if a* Warrant from the Lords of the Couu- il, ... As also his tryall three severall >es3ions . . . And lastly, a Prayer, and Hianksgiving, in an acknowledgement of jods mercy in his Deliverance. London Printed by Tho. Paine, for Roger Quater- nayue . . . 1642. 4^. A, 4 leaves: a, 4 t eaves: B—G in fours. lUEEN. The Queen, Or the Excellency of her Sex. An Excellent old Play. Found out by a Person of Honour, and given to the Pub- lisher, Alexander Goughe. [Quotations.] London, Printed by T. N. for Thomas Heath . . . 1653. 4«, A— F in fours. Printed in two columns. Dedicated by Goughe "To the Vertu- ously Noble and Truly Honorable Lady, The Lady Catherine Mohun, Wife to the Lord Warwick Mohun, Baron of Okehamp- ton, my highly honored Lord." "With three copies of compUmentary verses. QUERIES. Certain Queries lovingly propounded to 'Mr. William Prynne, to be by him in- Igenuously resolved, from his large Trea- jtise, entituled. The Soveraigne Power of ^Parliaments . . . Bonum est omnia scire. It is good to know all things. Printed in the year of Liberty, 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. |A Legal Resolution of two Important iQuseres of general present Concernment. iClearly demonstrating, from our Statute, j Common and Canon Laws, the bounden jduty of Ministers, & Vicars of Parish 'Churches, to administer the Sacraments, 'as well as to Preach to their Parishioners '. . . London, Printed bv F. L. in the lYeare, 1656. 4'', A— D 2 in fours. I Eighteen New Court-Quajries Humbly {Offered to the serious consideration and ■mature deliberation of all the good honest hearted people of the Three Nations :_ of great concernment towards the stopping our Breaches, and the making up of the Divisions amongst us. By several well- wishers to our Settlement. London, Printed in the year mdclix. 4*^, 4 leaves. Ten Quaeres, Upon Ten New Command- jments of the General Council of the Ofii- icers of the Armies Decemb. 22. 1659. 4^, 4 leaves. i Twelve Qveries humbly proposed to the , Consideration of. the Parliament & Army L . . London: Printed mdclix. 4°, 4 1 leaves. XXV. Queries : Modestly and Humbly, And yet sadly and seriously propounded, to the People of England, and their Re- presentatives : And likewise to the Army in this Juncture of Aifairs. . . . London: Printed for L. Chapman . . . 1659. 4^, 6 leaves. Part. III. Select City Queries. By Mer- curius Philalethes. Bidentem dicere verum. Quis vetat t London, Printed in the Year 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. A Few Sober Queries upon the late Pro- clamation, for enforcing the Laws against Conventicles, &c. and the late Vote of the House of Commons for Renewing the said Act for three years more. ... By One that earnestly desires the Prosperity of England. London, Printed in the Year, 1668. 4'', A— B in fours, B 4 blank. Some Seasonable and Serious Queries upon the late Act against Conventicles. Tending to discover how much it is against the express Word of God, the positive Law of the Nation, the Law & Light of Nature, and Principles of Pru- dence & Policy. ... By a Friend to Truth and Peace. "Printed in the year 1670. 4°, A — B in fours. QUERSITANUS, JOSEPHUS, Doctor of Physic. The Practise of Chymicall, and Herme- ticall Physicke, for the preseruation of health . . . Translated into English, by Thomas Timme, Minister. London. Printed by Thomas Creede. 1605. 4^, A — Cc 2 in fours, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to Sir Charles Blunt, Earl of Devonshire. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Short questions, and answeares, contayn- ing the Summe of Christian Religion . . . London Printed by Mary Dawson. 1635. 8^, black letter, A— C 4 in eights. QUIN, WALTER, of Dublin. Corona Virtvtvm ; . . . Lvgd. Bat. . . . cioicxxxiv. Sm. 8*^. 8 preL leaves : A— in eights : P, 9 leaves. QUINAULT, M. Agrippa King of Alba : Or, The False Tiberinus. As it was several times Acted with great Applause before his Grace the Duke of Ormond then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, at the Theatre Royal in Dub- lin. From the French of Monsieur Qui- nault. Loudon : Printed by J. C. for Nich. Cox, neer Castle- Yard in Holbourn. 1675. 4". A, 3 leaves : B— I in fours, I 4 blank. Dedicated by J. D. to the QUIXOTE. 508 RABISHA. Lady Mary Cavendish, daughter of the Duke of Ormond. QUIXOTE. The Delightful History of Don Quixot The most Renowned Baron of Manciia . . . Also The Comical Humours of his Facetious Squire Sancho Pancha . London, Printed for Beiij. Crayle at 1 Peacock and Bible at the West end of ; Pauls, 1689. 8^, A— S in sixes. De Gated by F. S. to his beloved consort t Lady S. H R. J. D., French Minister. The Earth twice shaken wonderfully : Or, An Analogical Discourse of Earth- quakes, its Natural Causes, Kinds, and manifold Effects ; Translated into Eng- lish ; With Reference to that universal One, that happened in Queen Elizabeth's Reign ... 8*11 of September 1602. . . . London : Printed for the Author. . . . 1693. 4*^, A— G in fours. R. O. An Easie entraunce into the chiefe poynts of Christian Religion: Gathered, and in a briefe order digested by a Minister, for the better discharge of his duetie towards Gods people committed to his charge . . . A New years-gii'te ; very necessary both for them and all other to knowe, that would be Christians in deede. Seene and allowed. Printed by Robert Waldegraue. 8°, 8 leaves, the last blank. Lambeth. At the end are the initials O. R. R. R. The House holders helpe for Domesticall discipline. Licensed to John Budge, 30 October, 1615. R. T., Esquire. An Essay upon the Third Punique War. Lib, I. and II. To which are added Theo- dosius's Advice to his Son. And the Phenix; Out of Claudian. By T. R. Esquire ... In the Savoy, Printed by T. N. for William Nott at the Queens Arms in the Pall-mall, mdclxxi. 8^. A, 2 leaves : B — E in eights. Dedicated to James Duke of Monmouth. In verse. R. W., M.D. A New and Needful Treatise of Wind offending Mans Body. In which is de- scribed the Nature, Causes, and Symptoms of wind. Together with its Speedy and easie Remedy. London. Printed for Benjamin Billingsley, . . . 1676. S*'. A, 4 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — I 2 in eights. R. W., 31A. The Christmas Ordinary, A Private Sho Wherein is expressed the Jovial Freedc of that Festival. As it was Acted at Gentleman's House among other Reve By W. R. Master of Arts. Londc Printed for James Courtnev, at the Gold Horse-Shoo, on Saffron Hill, 1682. A — D in fours, D 4 blank. The preface is dated by "W. E. frc Helmdon, Octob. 18, 1682. RABELAIS, F. The Works of F. Rabelais, M.D Do out of French by Sir Tho. Urchard, I and Others. With a large Account of t Life and Works of the Author, partic larly an Explanation of the most diffici Passages in them. Never before PublisI in any Language. London, Printed f Richard Baldwin, . . . 1694. 12°. 4vo With a portrait of Rabelais. Gargantua his prophesie. Licensed John Wolf, 6 April, 1592. A booke entytuled, Gargantua. Licens to some one, name not given, 16 Jul 1592, and entry cancelled. The historic of Gargantua. conditionally to John Danter 1594. RABISHA, WILL. The whole Body of Cookery Dissecte Taught, and fully manifested, Methot cally. Artificially, and according to tl] best Tradition of the English,' Frenc. Italian, Dutch, &c. Or, A Sympathie . all varieties in Naturall Compounds : that Mysterie. Wherein is contained ce tain Bills of Fare for the Seasons of tl' year, for Feasts and Common Diet' Whereunto is annexed a Second Part Rare Receipts of Cookery: With ccrta' useful Traditions. With a Book of Pr serving, Conserving and Candying, aft the most Exquisite and Newest manne: LicenS' 4 D( RACSTER. 509 RALEIGH, •electable for Ladies and Gentlewomen, ondon, Printed by R. W. for Giles Cal- ert at the si^n of the black Spread :acrie, at the West end of Pauls, 1661. i^ A— S in eights. Bodleian. Dedicated to the Dutchess Dowager of Richmoud and Lenox, the Dutchess of Buckingham, and the Lady Jane Lane, the Lady Mary Tufton, and the Lady Agnes Walker. At the end occurs: "A great Feast made by George Nevill Chancellor of I England, and Arch-Bishop of York,^ in the i dayes of Edward the Fourth, 1468." JA^CSTER, JOHN. y Booke of the Seven Planets, Or, Seuen jrandring Motiues, of William Alablasters vit, {Aut mentiiuitur papistcB.) Retro- graded or remoued, bv John Racster. kelius est daudicare in via quam currere xtraviam. August. At London, Printed )y Peter Short for Andrew Wise, . . . .598. 4*^, A— M in fours, M 4 blank. Dedicated to the Earl of Essex, w^hose irms are on the back of the title. On A 4 occur 4 lines of verse headed *• Ad Lectorem Epigramma Authoris." iADCLIFFE, ALEXANDER. The Works of Capt. Alex. Radcliffe m bne Volume. ... The Third Edition Augmented. London, Printed for Richard iWellington, . . . MDCXCVI. 8^, A— I in bights, and A— I in eights, besides the igeneral title. Ilhe Ramble : An Anti-Heroick Poem. Together w^ith Some Terrestrial and iCarnal Ejaculations. By Alexander Rad- icliffe, of Greys Inn, Esq. ! Semel insanivimus omnes. London, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold bv Walter Davis in Amen Corner. 1682. 8^, A— I in eights, first leaf blank. Dedicated to Lord Annesley. lAINOLDE, RICHARD. [A booke called the Eoundacion of Rhe- jtorike, because all other partes of Rhe- Itorike are grounded therevpon, euery ■parte sette forthe in an Oracion vpon iquestions verie profitable to bee knowne 'and redde ; made by Richard Rainolde jMaister of Arte of the Uniuersitie of Cambridge. 1563. Mens. Marcij. vij. Imprinted at London, by Ihon Kingston. 4°, black letter. A, 4 leaves : A— Q 2 m fours. Dedicated to Robert Dudley, Earl I of Leicester. tlALEIGH. GEORGE. I Albania : Or, Certaine Concernments ot Great Britanny. With an Explication of I the present state thereof ; Truely repre- i sented under the faigned Person oi Alba- .nia. By George Raleigh. London, Printed for John Sweeting . . . 1641. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B — I 2 in fours. RALEIGH, SIR WALTER. The Historie of the World . . . [Col.] London Printed by William laggard for Walter Burre . . . 1621. Folio. Title and leaf of verses, 2 leaves: A — 5 Z in sixes : 11—2 IT, 6 leaves each : *_**, 6 leaves each. The History of the World. London printed for Sam: Cartwright at y^ hand & Bible in Ducke lane R: Best at Graies Inn gate & I. Place at Furnivalls Inn gate in Holborne. 1652. Folio. Mind of the frontispiece, 1 leaf : engraved and printed titles, 2 leaves : A— B in sixes: C, 4 leaves : Contents, a in sixes and b, 8 leaves : the History, A— S in sixes: T, 4 leaves: V, 4 leaves : Aa— LI in sixes : Mm, 8 leaves: Nn, 4 leaves: Oo—Uuuu in sixes: no X — Z: Aaaaa— Zzzzz in sixes: Chronolo- gical Table, and Alphabetical Table, a, 6 leaves : aa, 6 leaves : (*), 6 leaves : (**), 8 leaves. AYith the eight maps. The History of the World . . . London Printed for R. White I : Place & G. Dawes. 1666. Folio, A — 7 K in fours, besides portrait, engraved and printed titles, and " The Mind of the Front.," 4 leaves more. The History of the World, . . . The Eleventh Edition, printed from a Copy revis'd by Himself. To which is prefix'd, The Life of the Author, newly compil'd, from Materials more ample and autheii- tick than have yet been publish'd ; By Mr. Oldys . . . London: . . . mdccxxxvi. Folio. Tw^o vols. Portrait by Vertue. Sir Walter Rawleighs Ghost, Or Englands Forewarner. Discouering a secret Con- sultation, newly holden in the Court_ of Spaine. Together, with his tormenting of Count de Gondomar, and his strange affrightment. Confession and publique re- cantation : laying open many treacheries intended for the subuersion of England. Cresce, Cruor Sanguis satietur sanguine cresce, Quod spero sitio, rah sitio, sitio. . . . Vtricht, Printed by John Schollem. 1626. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. Sir Walter Raleighs Instrvctions to his Sonne : and to Posteritie. The second Edition, Corrected and enlarged accord- ing to the Authors owne Coppy. Lon- don : Printed by Beuiamin Fisher, . . . 1632. 8^. A, 6 leaves, title on A 2: B— D 6 in eights. With a portrait. The Life and Death of ]Mahomet, The Conquest of Spaine together with the Rysing and Ruine of the Sarazen Empire. Written by S^ Walter Rakigh Rt. Lon- RALEIGH. 510 RAM. don, Printed by R. H. for Daniel Frere . . . Anno Dom. 1637. 12^. A, 6 leaves, including a portrait : B — N 6 in twelves. Dedicated by the publisher to Carew Raleigh, Esq. The P[r]erogative of Parliaments in Eng- land. Proved in a Dialogve betweene a Covnsellovr of State, and a Ivstice of Peace : Written by the worthy Knight, Sir Walter Raleigh. Dedicated to the Kings Majesty, and to the House of Par- liament now assembled. Preserved to be now happily (in these distracted Times) Published And Printed 1640. 4°, A— I in fours, and a leaf after I 4 unmarked. The Prince. Or Maxims of State. Writ- ten by Sir Walter Rawley, and presented to Prince Henry. London, Printed MDCXLii. 4^, A — G in fours, first and last leaves blank. The Arraignment and Conviction of S^ Walter Rawleigh, at the Kings Bench- Barre at Winchester, on the 17. of Nouem- ber. 1603. Before the right Honorable the Earle of Suffolke, Lord Chamberline, the Earle of Devonshire, Lord Henry Howard, Lord Cecill, Lord Wotton, Sir John Stanhope Lord Chiefe Justice of the Common-Pleas, Popham and Andrewes, Justice Gaudy, Justice Warberton, Sir William Wade, Commissioners. Coppied by Sir Tho: Overbvry. London, Printed by William Wilson, for Abel Roper . . . Anno Dom. 1648. 4°, A— E in fours. Judicious and Select Essayes and Obser- vations. By that Renowned and Learned Knight, Sir Walter Raleigh. Upon The first Invention of Shipping, The Misery of Invasive Warre. The Navy-Royall and Sea-Service. With His Apologie for his voyage to Guiana. [Quot. from Horace — Virtus re- cludens, &c.] London, Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1650. 8°. A, 6 leaves, A 6 blank: A— G in eights, G 8 blank : Excellent Observations, &c. (a new title), A, 4 leaves: B — D 4 in eights : The Apology, A— E 4 in eights. With a por- trait by R. Vaughan. The Marrow of Historie, Or an Epitome of all Historical Passages from the Crea- tion, to the end of the last Macedonian War. First set out at large by Sir Wal- ter Rawleigh, And now Abreviated by A. R[osse.] . . . London, Printed by W. Du-gard, for John Stephenson, . . . 1050. 12^, A— Bb in twelves, last leaf blank. With a portrait. Dedicated by Rosse to the Earl of Thanet. The Cabinet-Council : Containing tb. Cheif Arts of Empire, and INIysteries State ; Dis-Cabineted in Political anc Polemical Aphorisms, grounded on Autho rity, and Experience ; And illustratet with the choicest Examples and Histori cal Observations. By the Ever-renowne( Knight, Sir Walter Raleigh; Publishe( by John Milton, Esq ; Quis Martem tunia tectum . . . London, Printed by Tho Newcombe, for Tho. Johnson . . . 1658 8°. A, 4 leaves: B— 4 in eights. Wit! the common portrait by R. Vaughan. With a short preface by Milton, in whicl he states that the MS. had been some tim> by him, and that, finding it among othe: papers, he thought it an injury to tlw author to withhold it any longer from th< public. The Secrets of Government, And Mis teries of State, Plainly laid open, in al the several Forms of Government in th« Christian World. Published by Johi Milton, Esq ; Printed in the Year, 1697 8^. A, 4 leaves : B— Q in eights. With the preface signed John Milton where it is said that this tract by Raieigl was found by him among his papers. Remains of S'' Walter Raleigh ; . . . Lon don : Printed by lohn Redmayne foi Margaret Sheares . . . 1664. 12^. A- M 6 in twelves : the Prerogative of Far liaments, A — F 6 in twelves. Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh . . . Wit! the Addition of some Letters nevei Printed before. London, Printed foi Henry Mortlock . . . mdccii. 12°. A. 4 leaves: B — in twelves. With a por-; trait. An Introduction to a Breviary of tht History of England With the Reign oV King William the I. Entitled the'Con-; queror. Written by Sir Walter Raleigh. Kt. And Dedicated to the then Earl o\ Salisbury. London, Printed for Sam Keble . . . 1693. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A with a portrait of Raleigh : B — F ir eights. An Essay on the Ways and Means tc Maintain the Honour and Safety of Eng- land, to encrease Trade, Merchandize, Navigation, Shipping, Marriners and Sea- Men, in War or Peace: Written bv Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt. With Useful Re- marks and Observations on our Harbours, Ports, and Havens, Principally those 01 Kent : By Sir Henry Sheers. London : i'rinted in the Year, 1701. Price G^. 4**, 10 leaves. RAM, WILLIAM. Rams little Dodeon. A briefe Epitome RAMS A V. 511 RANDOLPH. of the new Herbal, or History of Plants Wherein is contayned the Disposition and true declaration of the Phisike helpes of all sortes of herbes and Plants, under their names and operations, . . . Collected out of the most exquisite newe Herball, or History of Plants, first set forth in the Dutch or Almayne tongue, by . . . Reim- bert Dodeon . . . And lately translated into English by Henry Lyte, Esquire : ; And now collected and abridged by Wil- ! liam Ram, Gent. Fandit Oliua suos Ramos. Imprinted at London by Simon , Stattbrd, dwelling in the Cloth-Fayre, at I the signe of the three Crownes. 16U6. 4°, black letter, A — C in fours : D — R in eights: S, 4 leaves. £r. Museum. RAMSAY, ANDREW. A Warning to come ovt of Babylon, In a Sermon preached by Master Andrew Ramsay, Minister at Edinburgh ; At the receiving of Mr. Thomas Abernethie, sometime Jesuite, into the societie of the truely reformed Church of Scotland. [Quot. from Luke xv. 10.] Printed at Ed- inburgh, in King James his College, by George Anderson. 1638. . 4*^, A— F 3 in fours, and the title. RAMSAY, JAMES, Merchant of Am- hoyna. Bloudy Newes from the East-Indies : Being a true Relation, and perfect Ab- stract of the cruel, barbarous, and inhu- mane proceedings of the Dutch-men against the English at Amboyna : With a Discovery of the Hollanders pretended- plot : . . . London, Printed for George Horton, 1651. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. RAMSAY, WILLIAM. Astrologia Restaurata, Or, Astrologie Re- stored : Being an Introdvction to the General and Chief part of the Language of the Stars. In Four Books. ... By William Ramesey, Gent. Student in As- trologie, Physick, and the most Heavenly and Sublime Sciences. Published by Authority. London, Printed for Robert White, 1653. Folio. Title, &c., 4 leaves: a — d in fours : B — 2 S in fours : 2 T in sixes. With a frontispiece. Mans Dignity and Perfection vindicated. Being some serious thoughts on that Commonly Received Errour touching the Infusion of the Soule of Man, ... By William Ramesey . . . London, Printed for Samuel Brookes, ... 1661. 8^ A, 4 leaves : B — H 4 in eights. Dedicated to Edraond Wilde Esq?, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, with an epistle prefixed from Ferdinando Gorges. RAMUS, PETER, of Vermandois. The Logike of the Most Excellent Philo- sopher P. Ramvs Martyr : Newly trans- lated, and in diners places corrected, after the minde of the Author. Per M. Roll. Makylmangeum Scotum, rogatu viri honestissimi, M. ^gidij Hamlini. Im- printed at London by Thomas Yautrollier dwelling in the Blackefrieres. 1581. Cum Priuilegio. 8°, A— G 3 in eights. Dedi- cated to Mr. Robert Wykes of Donington, CO. Gloucester, Esquire. The Arte of Arethmetike written in Latin by Peter Ramus and translated into Eng- lishe by William Kempe. Licensed to Robert Dexter, 17 Jan. 1591-2. RANDALL, R. AND T. A Avofull and sorrowfuU complaint of Robert Randall and Thomas Randall his son who were executed at Sainct Thomas of Wateringes the xxjtii of Februarij 1593 [-4.] Licensed to John Danter, 23 Feb. 1593-4. RANDOLPH, BERNARD. The Present State of the Morea, called Anciently Peloponesus. Which hath been near Two Hundred Years under the Turks Dominion ; and is now very much Depo- pulated. After several Years Observa- tion, from 1671, to 1679, Faithfully De- scrib'd. By Ber. Randolph. Printed at Oxford, 1686. 4«, A— C in fours. RANDOLPH, THOMAS. Certaine verses or a songe in Prayse of a Pott of good Ale. Licensed to Richard Badger, 22 June, 1629. The Ex-ale-tation of Ale, The anciant Lickquor of this Realme. Or, A cleare definition of its efficacious opperation in severall Pates, Arts, and Professions. London, Printed by T. Badger, 1646. 8°, A in eights, A 8 blank. B. M. Aristippvs, Or The louiall Philosopher : Domonstrativelie proouing, that Quartes, Pintes, and Pottles, Are sometimes neces- sary Authours in a Scholers Library. Presented in a priuate Shew. To which is added. The Conceited Pedlar. Omnis A7-istippum decuit color d- status tfc res. Semel insaniuimvs. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for lohn Marriot, and are to be sold by Richard Mynne, at his shop in Little Britayne, at the signe of Saint Paul. M.DC.xxx. 4*^, A — F in fours, F 4 blank. Sotheby's, June 1, 1877, Xo. 690. Aristippus Or The loviall Philosopher : Demonstratively prooving ... To Avhich is added The Conceited Pedlar. Omnis RANTERS. 51: RATE. Aristippum . . . Dvblin, Printed by the Society of Stationers, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 4°, A — E in fours. BANTERS. The Ranters Religion. Or, A faithfull and infallible Narrative of their damnable and diabolical opinions, with their detest- able lives & actions. With a true dis- covery of some of their prodigious pranks, and unparalleld deportments, with a paper of most blasphemous Verses found in one of their pockets, against the Ma- jesty of Almighty God, and the most sacred Scriptures, rendred verbatim. Pub- lished by Authority. London, Printed for R. H. 1650 [Dec. 11.] 4^, 4 leaves. Woodcut on title. B. 31. The Ranters Ranting : With the appre- hending, examinations, and confession of lohn Collins, I. Shakespear, Tho. Wiber- ton, and five more which are to answer the next Sessions . . . Set forth for the farther discovery of the ungodly crew. London Printed by B. Alsop, 1650. 4°, 4 leaves. With a cut on the title. B. M. The Arraignment and Tryall With a De- claration of the Ranters. Also, several Sentences proceeding at the Sessions in the Old Baily, and Councel of War; their protestations and the hanging of one up by the Thumbs ; with divers Penalties to be inflicted upon others. The dancing and revelling of Dr. Buckeridge and his Wife, and other Gent, dancing all in white, in Berkshire, and their Christmas Carol. . . . Printed by B. A. and pub- lished according to order. 1650. 4^, 4 leaves. With a large cut on title. B. M. The Rovting of the Ranters Being A full Relation of their uncivill carriages, and blasphemous words and actions at their mad meetings, their several kind of musick, dances, and ryotings, and their belief and opinions concerning heaven and hell. With their examinations. . . . Published by Authority, and Printed by B. A. [Nov. 19, 1650.] 4*^, 4 leaves. With an engraving on title. B. M. The Ranters Declaration, With their new Oath and Protestation ; their strange Votes, and a new way to get money ; their Proclamation and Summons ; their new way of Ranting, never l)efore heard of; tlieir dancing of the Hay naked at the White Lyon in Peticoat-lane ; . . . Imprinted at London, ])y J. C. mdcl. 4°, 4 leaves. With u large cut on the title. B.M. The Ranters Recantation ; And their Sermon Delivered at a Meeting on Tues- day last, in White-Chappel, being tlie 17 of this instant December. . . . Likewise, The apprehending of some of them ; their Tr3^al, . . . London, Printed for G. H. MDCL. A^, 4 leaves. B. M. The Ranters Bible. Or, Seven several Religions by them held and maintained. With the full particulers of their Strange Sects and Societies ; Published by Mr. Gilbert Roulston, a late Fellow-Ranter. London, Printed by J. C. and are to be sold in (Jornhil, near the Exchange, and at Temple-Bar, 1650 [Dec. 9.] 4°, 4 leaves. B.M. RAPHAEL, D. Determinatio D. Raphaelis Comensis Canonici Regularis, facta super contractu matrimonial! Clementiss. Henrici An- glorum Regis Octaui, Qui contraxit cum Fratrissa, de mente Theologorum. [Col.] Impressum, & ab eodem recog- nitum, emedatum, & ampliatum. Die. 18. Octobris. m.d.xxx. 4"^, A — E in fours. B.M. RATCLIFFE. A Radcliffe maides Resolucion. Licensed to John Wright Junior, 14 October, 1639. The True Relation of the Tryals at the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, ... of Elizabeth Wigenton for Whipping a Girl to Death at Ratcliffe. And John Peetly, for shooting a Gentleman in Queen-street. Also the Account of the Proceedings with one John Bully a Popish Priest. . . [1680.] Folio, 2 leaves. RATCLIFFE, THOMAS. A Short Svmme of the Whole Catechisme.: . . . First gethered by Mr. Thomas Rat- liffe Minister of Gods Mord in Saint Saueries in Southwarke. London Printed' by Edw: AU-de for Henry Gosson . 1620. S"", A— C 4 in eights. Black 1 letter. RATE. The Rates of the Custome howse. Li- censed to John Allde in 1561-2. The Rates of His Maiesties, Customes, As the same are now established by His Majesty, . . . Together witli the Act of Parliament, concerning Custom and E.x- cise, and Imposition on Tar and Iron ; . . . And the Act concerning Bullion. Edinburgh. Printed by Andrew Ander- son, Anno Dom. 1670. ... 8**. A, 3 leaves : B — H 4 in eights. A Rate for expences. Licensed condi- tionally to John Allde, 26 Nov. 1582. RATHBONE. 513 RA WLET, RATHBONE, AARON. The Svrveyor in Foure bookes. London Printed by W. Stansby for W. Burre. 1616. Folio, A — X 3 in sixes, including the portraits of the author and Prince Charles. Dedicated to Prince Charles, after which comes a preface dated from the a\;thor's lodging at the house of Mr. Koger Burgis, against SaUsbury House gate in the Strand, Nov. 6, 1616. RATSEY, GAMALIEL. Twoo Ballets of Gamaliell Ratsey and Snell his Companie \pic\ who were exe- cuted at Bedford. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 2 May, 1605. RAUNCE, JOHN, 0/ CUiiinng-Norton. Astrologia accusata pariter & Condem- nata. Or The Diabolical Art of Judicial Astrologie, Receiving the Definitive Sen- tence of Final Condemnation : ... By John Raunce, Sometime a practitioner of Astrologie, and Student in the Magick Art, London, Printed by J. Clowes, for W. Learner, at the Blackmore in Bishops- gate-streete. 1650. 4°, A— F 2 in fours, F 2 blank. B. M. RAVEN. Calendarium Londinense Yerum or Ra- vens Almanack for. y® Year 1683. An engraved sheet in compartments. Bag- ford Papers (a fragment). The Right Ravens for ye Year 1699. An engraved sheet. Bagford Papers. RAYENSCROFT, EDWARD. The Careless Lovers : A Comedy Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Edward Ravenscrofte, Gent. London, Printed for William Cademan . . . 1673. 4", A — L in fours. ^Rlamamouchi, Or the Citizen turn'd Gen- tleman. A Comedy Acted at the Duke's Tlieatre. By Edw. Ravenscroft, Gent. London, Printed for Thomas Driug . . . 1675. 4°, A — K in fours. Dedicated to Prince Rupert. King Edgar And Alfreda. A Tragi- comedy, Acted at the Theatre - Royal. AVritten by Edward Ravenscroft, Gent. . . . London, Printed for M. Turner . . . M.DC.LXXVii. 4*^, A — K in fours, and a, 2 leaves. The Wrangling Lovers : Or, The Invisible Mistress. A Comedy Acted at the Dvkes- Theatre. Written by Edward Ravens- croft Gent. . . . London, Printed for William Crook . . . 1677. 4°, B— L in I fours, and the title. j. Tom Essence : Or, The Modish Wife. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. London, Printed by T. M. for W. Cademan ... 1677. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — K 2 in fours. The English Lawyer ; A Comedy : Acted at the Royal Theatre. Written by Edward Ravenscroft, Gent. London, Printed by J. M. for James Vade . . . 1678. 4". A, 2 leaves : B — K in fours, K 4 blank. Dame Dobson : Or, The Cunning Woman. A Comedy As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. By Edward Ravenscroft, Gent. London, Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh, Bookseller to His Royal Highness . . . 1684. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— K in fours. Titus Andronicus, Or The Rape of La- vinia. Acted at the Theatre Royall, A Tragedy, Alter'd from Mr. Shakespear's Works, By Mr. Edw. Ravenscroft. Lon- don, Printed by J. B. for J. Hindmarsh, . . . 1687. 4<^, A— H in fours. The London Cuckolds. A Comedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. By Edward Ravenscroft, Gent. London, Printed for Jos. Hindmarsh . . . 1688. 4°, A— K in fours. The Canterbury Guests : Or, A Bargain Broken. A Comedy. Acted at the Theatre- Royal. Written by Edward Ravenscroft. London, Printed for Daniel Brown . . . 1695. 4^. A, 2 leaves: B— I in fours. Dedicated to Rowland Eyre Esq. The Anatomist : Or, The Sham Doctor. Written by Mr. Ravenscroft. With The Loves of Mars and Yenus. A Play set to IMusick. Written by Mr. Motteux. As they are Acted together at the New Theatre, in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. London, Printed, and are to be Sold by R. Baldwin, . . . 1697. 4°. Title and dedication to Thomas Ravenscroft, High Sheriff of Flintshire, 2 leaves : a* 2 leaves : B* — L* 2 in fours : Motteux's play, A — H 2 in fours, and a, 2 leaves with a dedication to Colonel Codrington. The Italian Husband. A Tragedy, Acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-lnn-Fields. By Mr. Edw. Ravenscroft. London, Printed for Isaac Cleave, . . . mdcxcviii. 4'-', A — H in fours, H 4 blank, and the title. Dedicated to Mr. Henry Conyers. RAWLET, JOHN, B.D. Poetick Miscellanies of Mr. John Rawlet, B.D. And late Lecturer of S. Nicholas Church in the Town and County of New- Castle upon Tine. . . . London, Printed for Samuel Tidmarsh . . . 1687. 8°. Portrait by R. ^\'hite, 1 leaf : title, Epi- 2k RA WLINS. 514 RECORDE. Licensed to George Eld, 10 taph, and Contents, 3 leaves : B — T in ^ fours, A posthumous publication. Some of tlie pieces are of biographical interest. RAWLINS, PAUL. A booke called, a man or a monster dis- coueringe tlie most inhumane Conspi- racye of one Paule Rawlins a Butcher in Whitechappell agaj^nst the lyfe of . . . his apprentice reuealed by a miraculous accident. " ' " ' September, 1613. RAY, JOHN, F.R.^. A Collection of English Words Not Gene- rally used, with their Significations and Originals, in two Alphabetical Catalogues. The one of such as are proper to the Nor- thern, the other to the Southern Counties. With Catalogues of English Birds and Fishes : And an Account of the preparing and refining such Metals and Minerals as are gotten in England. London, Printed by H. Bruges, for Tho. Burrel . . . 1674. 8*^, A — L 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to the author's friend Peter Courthope of Danny in Sussex Esquire. Nomenclator Classicus, Sive Dictionario- lum Trilinguis. ... A Classical Nomen- clator, with the Gender and Declension of each Word, and the Quantities of the Syllables. By John Ray, M.A. ... The Eighth Edition. . . . For the Use of Schools. London, Printed by T. Wood, . . . M.DCC.xxxvi. S*^, A — L in fours. RAYMOND, JOHN, Gentleman. An Itinerary Contayning A Voyage Made through Italy, In the yeare 1646, and 1647. Illustrated with divers figures of Antiquities. Never before Published. London, Printed for Humphrey Moselev, . . . 1648. S'^. A, 16 leaves : a, 6 leaves : B— N in twelves, N 12 blank. With a frontispiece and engravings on the text. Dedicated to Prince Charles. READING. The Last ioyfull Intelligence from His Excellency His Quarters in Reading : Wherein is contained, the Propositions of agreement, vpon which the town was de- livered, . . . London, Printed for Thomas A7atson. 1643. [April 20.] 4", 4 leaves. B.M. Victory Proclaymed, In an Exact Rela- tion of the Valiant proceedings of the Parliament Forces in their Seige before Reading, From Aprill 15. to 27. . . . London : Printed for Benjamin Allen, in Popes-head- Alley. April! 29. 1643. 4'\ 4 leaves. B. J/. Mercurius Bellicus. The fourth Intelli- gence from Reading. Dated from His Excellency His Quarters in Reading, April the last, at five a clock at night. Wherein is the certain Relation of the taking of Hereford by Sir William Waller London, Printed for Samuel Gellibraml. May 1. 1643. 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. READING, JOHN, D.D., Freleml of Con- tcrhurij. A Sermon Lately delivered in the Catlie- (Iral Church of Canterbury, Concernin. Church-Musick. London: Printed in Tho.Newcomb. 1663. 4«, A— C in fours C 4 blank. READING, SIMON. A true reporte of the wicked practise; and devillishe proceedinges of Symoi Readinge in his abusinge and cozeningt of Diuerse people in the citye of Londoi with the true Discours of his coniunnj. in Sainct Georges feildes. Licensed U Martin Clerk, IV^ March, 1606-7. REBEL. A Solemne songe of the Rebelles State. To whome the Popes blessinge Cannm somewhat to late. Licensed to H. Carre, 20 Dec. 1580. The Rebels Doom : Or, an Historica Account of the Most Remarkable Relxd lions from Edward the Confessor's Rei-;i to His Present Majesties Happy Restau ration. With the Fatal Consequn. that have always attended such Disl Violations of Allegiance. . . . London Printed by T. B. for Robert Clavel . . \ 1684. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— 2 in foursj RECORDE, ROBERT. j The groud of artes teachyng the work'! and practise of Arithmeticke, much neces sary for all states of men. After a mor easyer & exacter sorte, then any lyk' hath hytherto ben set forth : with dyuer newe additions, as by the table dothpartl; appeare. Robert Recorde. [Col prynted at London in Powls chur at the sygne of the Brasen serpent Wolfe. In the yeare of our Lord Chris M.D.xliii. in October. 8", black lettei Title, 1 leaf: Table, 1 leaf: dedication b; the author to Richard Whalley Esquire 5 leaves : Fifjures of number, 1 leaf : th work, A — T "in eights, T 8 blank. Grem Coll. On tho back of the title occurs. The loky vcrdictc, 4 lines of verse. In tliis copy, the spare leaf at tlie end, we have in a Italian Elizabethan hand, "Sum liarnarc hampton eiusq. amicor." The Grovnd of Arts. . . . London, Priute Ji tiyuer ^- ith partV 1 ol.] Imj t'ch vard | nit by E I RECOVERY. REID. 8", black 'I by lohn Harison . . . 1605. f letter, A — Mm in eights. Tlie Castle of Knowled.gre. [Col.] Im- printed at London Lv Reginald Wolfe, Anno Domini, 1556. Folio. A, 8 leaves : A (repeated) — S in sixes. 'With, -svood- cuts. The pathewaie to knowledge, . . . 1574. [Col.] Imprinted at London, by Ibon Harrison. Anno Domini. 1574. 4*^, black letter. * 4 leaves : **, 4 leaves : A — M 2 i!i fours, M 2 ^vith the colophon. "With cuts. The Urinal of Phvsick. . . . London. Printed by G. D. 1665. 8*^, A— R 3 in eights. At the end is annexed Cotta's Detection of Unskilful Physicians, with a separate title dated 1662. RECOVERY. The Recoverv. A sheet in verse. [Circd 1688.J RECREATIOX. A plesaunt recreacon for an indifferent mynde. Licensed to John Allde, 18 May, 1582. RECUSANT. To the Honovrable the Knights, Citizens and Bvrgesses of the Commons Hovse. . . . The humble Petition of the Lay-Catholiques Recusants of England. Printed, 1641. A sheet. A Trve Coppy of a bold and most peremp- tory Letter, sent to the Honourable Earle of Salisbury, By A. B. C. &c. To mitti- gate his prosecuting of Recusants. Lon- don, Printed by B. Alsop . . . 1641. 4*^, 4 leaves. REDINGSTOXE, JOHN. Plain English To the Parliament and Army and to the rest of the People. To convince the Obstinate. Undeceive the simple. Vindicate the innocent. Settle the -wavering. . . . London, Printed by Henry Hils, . . . m.dc.xlix. 4*^, 4 leaves. REES, JOHN DAVID, of Anglesey. Cambrobrytannicce Cymraecse-ve Lingvae Institvtiones et Rvdimenta accurate, & (quantum iieri potuit) succinte & com- ]>endiose conscripta a Joanne Dauide Rhseso Monensi Lannaethlay Cambro- brytauno, Medico Senensi Ad Illust. virum Edouardum Stradlingum Equestris ordinis Cambrobrytannum : . . . Londini Excudebat Thomas Orwinus. 1592. Folio. * — "**, 4 leaves each: A — Pp in fours, Pp 4 blank, besides two folded leaves be- tween A 2—3 and 1 3 — 4. REFLECTIONS. Occasional Reflections upon Several Sub- jects, Whereto is preniis'd A Discourse about such kind of Thoughts. [Quot. from Seneca Nat. Qucest,] London, Prin- ted by W. Wilson for Henry Herring- man, . . . MDCLXV. 8*^. Title and fol- lowing leaf : a, 8 leaves : b, 3 leaves : B — Pp in eights. The copy here described has By Isaac Walton written on the title. REFORMATION. A Trve, Modest, and Ivst Defence of the Petition for Reformation, exliibited to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. Con- taining an Answere to the Confutation published under the names of some of the Vniversitie of Oxford. . . . Imprinted 1618. 8°. A, 8 leaves: a, 8 leaves: *, 8 leaves: **, 2 leaves: B— Q in eights. Reformation no Enemie. Or a true Dis- covrse, betweene the Bishops and the Desirers of Reformation : Wherein is plainely laid open the present corrupt Government of the Church, and the desired forme of Government plainely proved by the w-ord of God. . . . Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4", A— H 2 in fours. REGIMEN SALERNI. Regimen Sanitatis Salerni. . . . translated . . . int^o Englishe by Thomas Paynell . . . 1575. Imprynted at London by Wyllyam How for' Abraham Veale. 8*^, black letter. A, 8 leaves: * 8 leaves: B — P in eights. Regimen Sanitatis Salerni : Or, The Schoole of Salernes Regiment of Health . . . London. Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet . . . 1634. 4«, A— Gg in fours, first leaf blank. REGIUS, URBANUS. A lytle treatise after the maner of an Epystle Wryten by the famous clerk Doctor urbanus Regius vnto a specyall frende of his, wherin he declareth "the cause of the great cotrouersy that hath bene & is yet at this day in the chrysten relygyon and also the dyuersyte betsvene the ryght worshyppyng"'& seruice of God, and the ceremonis inueuted by mannis institucion, very fruteful and profytable. [Col.] Imprinted by me Gwalter Lynne, dwellyng vpon Somers Kaye, by"^ Byl- lynges gate. In the yeare of our Lorde God. M.D.XLviij ... 8*^, black letter, A — D 4 in eiglits. REID, JOHN. The Scots Gard'ner In two Parts. The First of Contriving and Planting Gardens, RELATION. 516 REMEDY. Orcliards, Avenues, Groves . . . The Second of tlie Propagation & Improve- ment of Forrest, and Fruit- Trees, Kitchen- Hearbes, Roots and Fruits: . . . Wliere- unto is annexed Tlie Gard'ners Kalendar. Published for the Climate of Scotland By John Reid Gard'ner. Edinburgh, Printed by David Lindsay, and his Part- ners, at the foot of Heriots Bridge, 1683. 4°, A— E. in fours: the Calendar, A— B 3 in fours. With four leaves of plans. RELATION. A True relation of the faction begun at Wisbich, by Fa. Edmvnds, alias Weston, a lesuite, 1595, and continued since by Fa. Walley, alias Garnet, the Prouincial of the lesuits in England, and by Fa. Parsons in Rome, with their adherents : Against vs the Secular Priests their brethren and fellow Prisoners, that dis- liked of nouelties, and thought it dis- honourable to the auncient Ecclesiasticall Discipliue of the Catholicke Chuich, that Secular Priests should be gouerted by lesuits. Newly Imprinted. 1601. 4^, A— N 2 in fours, N 2 blank. A Relation of All Matters Passed, espe- cially in France and the Low-Countries, touching the causes of the warre now in Cleueland. Together with svch occur- rences of Note as have happened in Spaine, Italic, England, Germany, . . . since March last to this present, 1614, Translated according to the Originall of Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus. London, Im- printed for William Welby, . . . 1614. 4^. A, 2 leaves, with title and dedica- tion by Robert Booth the translator to William Booth, Esquire, son and heir of Sir George Booth. Booth styles himself the other's kinsman. This appears to be the only portion of the Mercurius Gcdlo-Behjlcus ever published in English. The original French makes, in the British Museum copy, eighteen volumes octavo, and extends from 1588 to 1G32. Jonson, in the Poetaster, IGOl, speaks of "Gallo-Belgic phrases," but whether, as Gififord supposes, in reference to this peri- odical, or not, I cannot quite say. A True and Joyful Relation of two Famous Battels fought against the Lord Marquesse of Plartlord, . . . Together with the Earl of Pembrokes Proceedings in the County of Wiltshire . . . Printed for R. Watkins August 27. 1642. 4", 4 leaves. The first parliamentary victory obtained was by the combined forces of the Earls of Pembroke and Bedford, near Sherborne- Hill ; the second, against the Cavaliers near Norwich. A Relation or Remonstrance of what was negotiated by the Remonstrant, in the name of this Commonwealth, at the Court of Savoy. No place, printer's name, or date [1652.] 4^, A— D in fours, D 4 blank, and I) 3 with the Errata. A Full and True Relation As well of the Blowing-Up of the Ann Frigat As also of the Examination, Tryal, and Condemna- tion of John Adams the Gunner There- unto Belonging: As the Occasioning that Accident by His Default. For which he was on the 24*^ of this instant December, Sentenced by a Councel of War to be Hang'd. With Allowance. Printed by A. Purslow in the Year, 1673. 4^, 4 leaves. A True Relation of the late Transactions at Rensborough, Between His Majesty the King of Denmark, and His Highness the Duke of Holstein Gottorse. Com- municated by a Letter from a Gentleman of Holstein, to a Friend of his in London, dated at Keel the 12. of Feb. 167|. In Answer to a Scandalous Paper, pretended to be written by a Gentleman of Holstein, . . . London, Printed in the Year 1676. _ Folio, 4 leaves. A Relation of the Adventures of a Chris- tian-Ship at Alexandria in Egypt. De- livered in a Letter to a Person of Honour, from Tunis in Barbary. [1680.] Folio, 2 leaves. A True and Exact Relation of the Great Victory Obtained by General Schults over Count Teckely in the Upper Hun- garia, on the 20^^ of Septemb. 1684. Together with an account of the Battle between the Duke of Lorraine and the Serasquier Bassa before Buda. London, Printed by Thomas Snowden, Anno Dom. 1684. A folio leaf. RELIGIO. Religio Clerici. [Quotations from Epic- tetus and 1 Tim. 4. 16.] London: Prin- ted for Plenry Bronie, ... 1681. 12"^. A, 6 leaves : B — L in twelves. With a irontispiece on A i. REMEDY. The remedy ayenst the troubles of tcmp- tacyons. [Col.J Impryntcd at London in Flete strete at the ssygnu of y sone. By Wynkyn de Worde. The yere of our lorde M.ccccc.xix. the. xxi. daye of Janu- arius. 4°, A— C in sixes, D in eights. With the title on a ribbon over a wood- cut of the portcullis, &c. With two cuts. Orenv. Coll. REMNANT. 517 REYNOLDS. REMNANT, RICHARD. A Discourse or history of Bees. Licensed to Thomas Slater, 12 May, 1637. REPLY. A Reply to Dictated thoughtes By a more Proper Emblem. [December 7, 1646.] A small sheet Avitli the emblem, beneath which are merely 12 engrayed lines. B.M. REPORT. A Report of certen travelers touchinge the age and captiyytie of a grecian borne in Candia, &c. Licensed to Henry Kyrk- ham, 17 Oct. 1580. The true reporte of a greate Gali that was broughte to Rochell on the Sixte of Februarye last. Licensed to John Wolf, 28 Feb. 1591-2. Comical Remarks on the Publick Re- ports. London : Printed ... 1690. A sheet. REVERSE. The Reverse: Or, The Tables Turn'd. A Poem Written in Answer, Paragraph by Paragraph, to a late Scurrilous and Malicious Medly of Rhimes called the Foreigners. London, Printed and Sold by John Nutt . . . 1700. Folio, 6 leaves. In verse. REVETT, ELDRED. Poems, By Eldred Revett, Horat. Ep. lib. 2. Ad August. — Quia nil rectum . . . London, Printed by E. T. for the Author. Anno Dom. 1657. 8°. A, 8 leaves : B — I 2 in twelves. Dedicated "To tlie best "Worthy of Hon- our, his Xoble Kinsenian, Robert Henley E.squire," under date of October 19, 1647. With verses by R. Lovelace, B. H., and Wilham Revett the writer's brother. At p. 6 occurs a copy of verses "To his Honoured Friend, Cob R. L. upon his second failing," and at p. 34 a second set "To my honoured Friend, Coll. Richard Lovelace on his second Poems." At p. 46 is the Elegy on Lovelace. REVOLTER. The Revolter. A Trage-Comedy Acted between the Hind and Panther, and Re- ligio Laici. London, Printed in the Year 1687. 4°. A, 4 leaves : B, 2 leaves : C— D in fours : E, 3 leaves. REYNARD THE FOX. Raynolde the foxe. Licensed to William Powell, 30 November, 1560. The most Delectable History of Reynard the Fox. . . . London : Printed by A. ]\I. and R. R. for Edward Brewster ... 1681. 40, A— U in fours. With cuts. The Most Pleasant and Delightful His- tory of Reynard the Fox. The Second Part. Containing much Matter of Plea- sure and Content Written for the De- light of young men. Pleasure of the Aged, and Profit of all. To which is added many excellent Morals. . . . London, Printed by A. M. and R. R. for Edward Brewster ." . . 1681. 4^, A— in fours. With cuts. The Shifts of Reynardine the Son of Reynard the Fox, Or A Pleasant History of his Life and Death, Full of Variety, &c. And may fitly be applied to the Late Times. Now Published for the Reformation of Mens Manners. . . . Lon- don, Printed by T. J. for Edward Brew- ster . . . and Thomas Passenger. . . . 1684. 4°, A— X in fours. The Most Delightful History of Reynard the Fox : In Heroic Verse. Much Illus- trated and Adorned with Alegorical Phrases, and Refined English, containing much Wisdom and Policies of State. . . . The like never Published to the World before. London, Printed for Thomas Passinger . . . and Charles Passin^er . . . 1681. ^4«, A— in fours, A 1 "blank. With cuts and an engraved title. Tlie only introductory matter is a Preface by John Shirley. The Crafty Courtier: Or The Fable of Reinard the Fox : Newly done into Eng- lish verse, from the Antient Latin Iam- bics of Hartm. Schopperus. . . . London : Printed for John Nutt, near Stationers- Hall, 1706. 8°, A— X 4 in eights, in- cluding a half-title. A has only 4 leaves. REYNELL, CAREW. The Fortunate Change : Being a Pane- gyrick to His Sacred Maiesty, King Charls the Second, Immediately on his Coronation, being the 23. of Aprill 1661. By Carew Reynell, Esq; London, Printed for Henry Herringman, . . . 1661. Folio, 4 leaves. In verse. Br. Museum. Reprinted in Hazlitt's Fugitive Tracts^ 1875, 2d Series. REYNOLDS, JOHN. The Trivmphs of Gods Revenege, against the crying, and execrable Sinne of Mur- ther : Or His Miraculous discoueries and seuere punishments thereof: In thirty seuerall Tragicall Histories (digested in sixe Bookes) acted in diners Countries beyond the Seas, and never till now pub- lished, or imprinted in any Language. . . . Written by lohn Reynolds . . . London, Printed by Felix Kyngston for William Lee, . . . 1621. 4«. RHt, 518 RICH. Book I. ^, 4 leaves, with title and dedi- cation to the Marquis of Buckingham, and A— Bb 2 in fours, Bb 2 with Errata : Book II. A— Ff 2 in fours, and f , 2 leaves : Book III. A— Hh in fours, Hh 4 blank, and (a) 1 leaf. Book 2 is dated 1622, Book 3, 1624. The fourtlie booke of Gods revenoje . . . by John Keynolds. Licensed to W. Lee, 19 Dec. 1633. The fift booke or parte of Gods revenge . . . Licensed to W. Lee, 14 June, 1634. The sixt booke . . . Licensed to W. Lee, 20 Aug. 1634. The Triumphs of Gods Revenge . . . The Sixth Edition, very Carefully Corrected. To which is Added, Gods Revenge against the Abominable Sin of Adultery, Con- taining Ten Several Histories, Never Printed before. Illustrated with New Sculptures. London, Printed by J. Ben- net, for Thomas Lee . . . 1679. Folio. Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : a, 6 leaves : b, 4 leaves : B — Ooo in fours : the second portion, with a separate title, A, 2 leaves : B — N 2 in fours : Aa— Mm in fours, Mm 4 blank. The Flower of Fidelitj^ . . . London, Printed for Robert Home, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Turks head in Corn-hill near the Royal Ex- change. 1660. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B— N in eights, N 8 blank. RHE, ISLE OF. L'Entiere Deffiiite des Anglois Et Levr Hontevse Fvite de ITsle de Re, par I'Armee du Roy, commandee par Mon- sieur le Mareschal de Schomberg . . . ou il a este tue quatre mille Anglois, & huict cens prisonniers, outre quatre grands Milors, auec le grand Colonnel Morgant, ... A Lyon, . . . m.dc.xxvii. Avec Permission. 8^ The copy used ended imperfectly on A 4 ; probably there should be A in eights. RHODES, JOHN. The Spy Discovering the Danger of Ar- minian Heresie and Spanish Trecherie : Written by L R. Possihile est Satyras non scrihei-e ? . . . Printed at Strasburgh 1628. 4^. Title and Epistle "To all zealous Professors, and true-hearted Patriots in Great Britaine," from Strasburgh, Aug. 23, 2 leaves : A— G 2 in fours, G 2 'blank. With a large folded engraving, of which there is a long metrical explanation com- mencing at sign. A 3. In verse. RHYME. A mery Ryme Consernynge butchers graysers schole maisters and tankerde bearers. Licensed to John Tisdale in 1562-3. RIBAULD, CAPTAIN. The Whole and true discouerye of Terra Florida, (englished the Florishing lande) Conteyningaswellthewonderi'uUstraunge natures and maners of the people, with the merueylous comodities and treasures of the country : As also the pleasaunt Fortes, Hauens, and wayes therevnto. Neuer founde out before the last yere 1562. Written in Frenche by Captaine Ribauld the fyrst that whollye discouered the same. And now newly set forthe in Englishe the xxx of May, 1563. Prynted at London by Rouland Hall, for Thomas Ilacket. 8°, A— C in eights, C 8 blank, besides the dedication of Hacket to Sir Martin Bowes. Lambeth. RICH, JEREMIAH. The Pens Dexterity Invented and Taught by Jeremiah Rich. . . . The whole com- pleted in this Fifth Edition, with many necessary and delightful Additions. Lon- don, Printed for William Leach, . . . 1680. 8°, A— D 2 in eights. With a portrait. The Pen's Dexterity ; . . . London : Printed for John Marshall, . . . [1705.] 8°. Title and Directions, 2 leaves : En- graved plates, 9 leaves. RICH, ROBERT, Earl of TVanvick The Earl of Warwicks Letter From aboard His Majesties Ship, called the James, in the Downs, to an Honorable Lord in Par- liament ; Dated July 4. 1642. Concern- ing His calling a Councell of AVar, and how His Rear-Admirall, and four other Captains refused to obey his Lordships Summons. With many other passages of great consequence. Also, Another Letter from aboard the same Ship to Master Nichols a Member of the House of Com- mons ; Dated July 5. 1642. With many Remarkable Passages amongst the Cap- tains and Officers. London, Printed by Luke Norton and lohn Field, for Edward Husbands and lohn Frank. July 7. 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. The Remonstrance and Declaration of His Excellencie Robert E. of Warwick, Lord High Admirall of England, Con- cerning tiie King, Parliament, Army, and Kingdome. . . . Also, A Letter and Decla- ration from the Navy, to the Apprentices of the City of London, and the Marines and Water-men upon the River of Tliames. . . . London, Printed for John Woolridge, 1G48. 4*^, 4 leaves. RICHARDSON. 519 ROBBERIES. RICHARDSON, ALEXANDER. The Logitians Sclioolemaster. Licensed to John Bellamy, 7 December, 1622. RICHARDSON, ROBERT. A godly medicene which hath done mooste good, by Roberte Rychardson. Licensed to William Norton in 1567-8. RICmVORTH, WILLIAM. Rushworth's Dialogues. Or The Judg- ment. . . . Last Edition, Corrected and enlarg'd by Thomas White, Gent. [Quot, from Isaiah, 35, 8.] A Paris. Chez lean Billaine . . . 1654. 12*^. ^, 7 leaves: ^*^, 8 leaves : ** 4 leaves : B— P 4 in twelves. The Pi-eface gives a very interesting account of Rushworth or Richworth, a native of Lincolnshire, who died in 1637, and who wrote under the name of Robin- son, besides living and engaging in official duties in France under the name of Charles Rosse. RICRAFT, JOSIAH. A Perfect Table of Three hundred fourty three Victories obtained since the Kings attempt to enter into Hull at the begin- ning of these Wars, July 26. 1642. to Septemb. 14. 1646. by their Excellencies the Earl of Essex, and Sir Thomas Fair- fax, Captains Generals of the Parliaments Forces. Printed for William Ley. [1646.] A large broadside with portraits of Essex and Fairfax and smaller prints of Crom- well, &:c. RIDDLES. A Booke of merry riddles. Assigned by Ralph Blower, 26 August, 1617. The Age of Riddles : Or, A true List of certain extraordinary Positions, formerly called Contradictions, but now distin- guish'd by no Name at all. Faithfully extracted from several Modern Doctrines and Practices. A sheet. [Circa 1700.] RIDER, MR. Mr. Rider's Case [rebating to a Conduit- Wharf, &c., on the beach at New- Deal.] A broadside. [Circa 1700.] Mr. Warner's Answer to Mr. Rider's Case. A broadside. RIDLEY, NICHOLAS, ^Moj9 of London. A Frendly Farewel, which Mester Doctor Ridley, late Bishop of London did write beinge prisoner in Oxeforde, vnto all his true Loners and frendes in God, a little before that he suffred for the testimony of the truthe of Clirist his Gospell. Newly set forth and allowed . . . Imprinted at London by Jhon Day . . . 1559. The. 10. of Nouembre. Cum gratia, ... 8°, black letter, A — F in eights, first and last leaves blank, besides a title and the preface by John Fox. Lambeth. A Pitvovs Lamentation of the Miserable Estate of the Chvrche of Christ in Eng- lande, in the time of the late reuolt from the gospel, . . . wrytten by . . . Nicolas Rydley, late Byshoppe of London. Neuer before this tyme imprynted. wherevnto are also annexed certayne letters of John Careless, written in the tyme of his im- prisonment. Pervsed and allowed. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by Willyam Powell, dwelling in Fletestrete, at the signe of the George, nere to Sainct Dunstons Church. [1566.] 8°, A— G in eights. Lambeth. The date is on the title to the second portion. RIDLEY, SIR THOMAS, Knight, D.C.L. A View of the Civile and Ecclesiasticall Law : And wherein the Practice of them is straitnecl, and may be relieved within, this Land. The second Edition, by 1. G. M^ of Arts. Oxford, Printed by William Turner. . . . 1634. Cum Privilegio. 4°. *, 4 leaves : ** 2 leaves : A — Qqq in fours, last leaf blank. RIVE, EDMUND. Ten Grammaticall Chapters, with Latino, Construed and Parsed according to them, For to Introduct vnto the vnderstanding of Lillies Grammar. By Edmund Riue, Instructer in the Originall Languages ; Dwelling neere Christ-Church in London. London Printed by Authority. 1620. 4*^, black letter, A — H in fours. RIVET, ANDREW. The Last Houers, Of the Right Reverend Father in God Andrew Rivet, On his life time D^. And Professour Honorable of Divinity, in the Universitie of Leyden, Tutor to the late High and Mightie P. William . . . Prince of Orange. . . . Faitlifully Collected. . . . Translated by G. L. Hagh, Printed by Samuel Broun English Bookeseller. 1652. 8°, A— F in eights, F 7-8 and A 1 blank. With a portrait of Rivett, Translated by George Lauder, who has a copy of verses to the memory of Rivet on the back of the title. ROBBERIES. A Discovery of many, great, and Bloudy Roberies : Committed of late by Dissolvte and Evill affected Troopers, In severall places of this Kingdome, but chiefly about the City of London. Since tlie late dis- banding of the Army in the North. . . . Wherein is inserted the Description of ROBERT III. 520 ROCHESTER. a bloudy Combate, fought betwene 9 Troopers and 6 Butchers. . . . Printed at London for John Thomas, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. EGBERT III., King of Scotland. Robert the III King of Scotland, His Answer to a Summonds sent by Henry the IV of England, to do Homage for the Crown of Scotland. Edinburgh, Printed in the Year, m.dcc. 8°, 4 leaves. ROBERTS, JOHN. The Compleate Cannoneire, or the Gun- ner's Art. Licensed to John Okes, 25 Jan. 1636-7. ROBERTS, LEWES. The Merchants Map of Commerce : . . . The Fourth Edition, carefully Corrected, and Enlarg'd. . , . London : Printed for Thomas Home, . . . 1700. Folio. ROBERTSON, W., A.M. Phraseologia Generalis ; . . . A Full, Large, and General Phrase Book ; Com- prehending, Whatsoever is Necessary and most Usefull ; in all other Phraseological Books ... By William Robertson, A.M. Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes . . . 1681. . . . and are to be sold by George Sawbridge ... 8^. A, 4 leaves: B— Ssss 4 in eights. ROBIN. Poor Robins Character of France : Or, France Painted to the Life. In a Brief Dialogue of the Description of that Nation, their Manners, Customs, Complements, Language, Discourse, &c. As also, An Exact Character of the City of Paris, of their Gentry, Peasants, Women, &c. By Poor Robin, Knight of the Burnt-Island, a Well wilier to the French Taylors. London, Printed in the Year 1666. 4°, A — D in fours. Poor Robins Perambulation from Saffron- Walden to London: Performed this Month of July, 1678. London. Printed for T. E. and are to be sold bv the General As- sembly of Hawkers, 1678. 4", A— C in fours. In verse. ROBIN REDBREAST. Lettell Robyn Red breaste. A ballad. Licensed to W. Copland in 1562-3. ROBINSON, BARTHOLOMEW. Adagia Latten and English, being a treatise contayning 500 proverbs for the vse of those who aspire to the furtlier perfection of the Latten tongue. Col- lected by Bartholomew Robinson. Li- censed to Bernard Alsop, 23 August, 1621. ROBINSON, CLEMENT. Very pleasante Sonettes and storyes in myter by Clement Robynson. Licensed to R. Jones in 1565-6. ROBINSON, JOHN, Pilgrim Father. A Ivst and Necessarie Apologie of Cer- tain Christians, no lesse contumeliously then commonly called Brownists or Bar- rowists. By Mr, lohn Robinson, Pastor of the English Church at Leyden, first published in Latin in his and the Churches name over which he Avas set ; after translated into English by himself, and now republished for the speciall and common good of our owm Countrimen. Printed in the yeare of our Lord m.dc.xxv. 4^, A — I in fours. ROCHE, THOMAS. Ad Eruditissimos, Clarissimos, & Eximios Academiae Oxoniensis Doctores. Ox- oniam jam depulsis e Gru-cia Musis, Liberalium Artium Sedem, Et Nutricem existere. [Circa 1700.] A folio leaf of Latin verses. ROCHEFORTH, HENRY. Almanacke and pronostication of Henry Rocheforlhe. Licensed to Owen Rogers in 1560. An almanacke and a pronostication of his own makynge for the yere of our lorde god 1565. Licensed to Henry Roche- forth in 1564. ROCHESTER, JOHN WILMOT, Earl of. Poems on Several Occasions. Written by a late Person of Honour [Wilniot, Earl of Rochester.] London, Printed for A. Thorncome . . . 1685. 8^, A— H in eights. The Works of John Earl of Rochester. Containing Poems, On Several Occasions: His Lordships Letters to Mr. Savil and Mrs. * * With Valentinian, A Tragedy. Never before Publish'd together. Lon- don : Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . MDCCXiv. 12°, A — in twelves; with a portrait, a Preface by Rymer, and Old- ham's Pastoral on Rochester's death. The Works of the Earls of Rochester, Roscomon, and Dorset ; The Dukes of Devonshire, Ijuckinghamshire, &c. With Memoirs of their Lives. In Two Volumes. Adorned with Cuts. London : Printed in the Year m.dcc.xxxi. Price 5/. 12^ A, 12 leaves: [a]— [b] in twelves : B— H in twelves. Vol. 2 — A, 5 leaves : a, 13 leaves : B — H in twelves : I — K 6 in twelves. Tlie plates are at pp. i, xh", 1 (of text), 20, 113 ; vol. 2, pp. i, 184. ROGERS. 521 ROSENCREUTZ. The Works of the Earls of Eochester, Eoscomon . . . In Two Volumes, With Additions, and Adorned with Cuts. Lon- don : Printed in the Year m.dcc.lii. Sm. 8^. Valentinian : A Tragedy. As tis Alter'd Ly the late Earl of Eochester, and Acted at the Theatre-Eoyal. Together -with a Preface concerning the Author and his Writings. By one of his Friends. Lon- don: Printed'for Timothy Goodwin . . . 16S5. 4*^. A, 4 leaves: a— c in fours: B — M 2 in fours. EOGEES, JOHN. To His Excellency the Lord-General Cromwell, A few Proposals, Eelating to Civil-Government. Htimbly offered by John Eogers, an unworthy Servant of Christ, and Preacher of the Gospel now at Tho. Apostles, London. [April 25, 1653.] A sheet. EOGUES. The manner of the Eogges, A ballad. Licensed to Alexander Lacy in 1563-4. EOLLE, EICHAED. Eycharde Eolle hermyte of Hampull in his contemplacyons of the drede and lotie of god. With other dyiierse tytles as it sheweth in his table. [CoL] Deo Gratias. Enprynted at London in Fletestrete at y sygne of the sonne By Wyiikyn de Worde. Anno dni. MCCCCC.vi. 4^, black letter, with a woodcut on the title. A, 8: B, 4: C, 8: D, 4: E, 8: E, 4, F 4 with the device on the verso and a cut on the recto. Grenv. Coll. EOLLE, SAMUEL, Minister of the Word, and sometime of Tiiaity CUlege, Cam- bridge. The Burning of London in the Year 1666. Commemorated and improved in CX. Dis- courses, Meditations, and Contemplations . . . London, Printed by E. I. for Natha- niel Eanew, and Jonathan Eobiuson 1667. 8^. In four parts, each with separate title, &c. EOLFE, ALICE. To the chosen and betrusted Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses . . . The humble Petition of Alice Eolph, wife to Major Edmond Eolph, close prisoner in the Gate-house Westminster, &c. Presented to the Honorable House of Commons, luly 10, 1648. A sheet. EOMAX EMPEEOES. The Lives of all the Eoman Emperors, being exactly collected from lulius Ctesar, unto the now reigning Ferdinand the second. [Translated by E. B(asset) G(entleman).] London Printed by K. and I. Okes, and are to be sold bv George Hutton . . . 1636. 8^^, A— Bb in eights. With a frontispiece by Marshall. The name of the translator is ascertained from the Stationers' Registers. EOME. See Italy and Popery. EOMULUS. Eomulus and Hersilia : Or, The Sabine War. A Tragedy Acted at the Dukes Theatre. [Qiiot. from Ovid,] London, Printed for D. Brown, . . . and T. Ben- skin . . . 1683. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— I in fours. EOOKWOOD, AMBEOSE. A True Copy of the Paper Delivered l)y Brigadier Eookwood, To the Sheriff, at Tyburn, the Place of Execution, April 29. 1696. London, Printed in the Year 1696. A folio leaf. True Copies of the Papers which Briga- dier Eookwood, and Major Lowick, de- livered to the Sheriffs of London and :\Iiddlesex, at Tyburn, April 29. 1696. Published by Authority. London: Prin- ted for John Lawrence, and WEEam Eogers, . . . 1696. A folio leaf. EOSAEY. The Mystik sweet Eosary of the faythful soule : garnished rownde aboute / as it were with fresshe fragraunt flowers / according to the trwthe of the Gospel : with fyftye pagens of the hole lyfe and passion of our lorde Jesu Cryst, with cer- tain placis of the holy scripture corre- sponding euery pagen : vnto eche place added a deuoute prayer. Q Also vnto euery saynge or facte of Cryst / ther is correspondent a fayer picture : that the inwarde mynde might sauour the thinge that the vtwarde eye beholdeth, (][ Prynted in Anwerpe at Martyne Em- prowers, m,d, &. xxxiij. Small 8*^. A — G in eights. Black letter. JJouce Coll. EOSE AND MAEIGOLD. The prayse of the Eose and the mary- golde. A ballad. Licensed to Henry Kyrkham in 1569-70. EOSENCEEUTZ, CHEISTIAN. The HermetickEomance : Or The Chymi- cal Wedding. Written in high Dutch by Christian Eosencreutz. Translated by H. Foxcreft, late Fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge . . . Printed by A. Sowle . . . 1690. 8^, A— M in eights, last leaf with the Errata. There are no prefixes. ROSEWELL. 522 ROSS. ROSEWELL, T. The Causes & Cure of the Pestilence : Or, A Brief Collection of those provoking Sins, ... for ^Yhich the Lord hath usually sent the sore destroying Pestilence or Plague . . . London, Printed in the Year, MDCLXV. 8^, A— R in eights. ROSIER, JAMES. A Trve Relation of the most prosperous voyage made this present yeere 1605, by Captaine George Waymouth, in the Dis- couery of the land of Virginia : where he discouered 80 miles vp a most excellent Riuer ; together with a most fertile land. Written by lames Rosier, a Gentleman employed in the voyage. Londini Im- pensis" Geor. Bishop. 1605. 4«, A— E in fours. Black letter. Grenville Coll. ROSS, ALEXANDER. The lirst booke of questions and answers vpon Genesis by Alexander Rosse. Li- censed to F. Constable, 6 May, 1620. Tonsor ad cutem rasus ; qui Forsiculis, pectine, radulis, . . . onustus ; Ex In- golstadiana Tonstrina Britannos toudendi ergo emissus . . . Opera A. R. Tonsoris Al3erdonensis . . . Londini, Excudebat Miles Flesher, . . . 1627. 8", A— F 4 in eights. Commentvm De Terrre Motv Circular! : . . . Opera, Alexandri Rossaei, Aberdo- nensis . . . Londini, Apud Thouiam Har- perum. m.dc.xxxiv. 4P, A— I in fours. Virgilivs Evangelisans. Sive Historia Domini & Salvatoris nostri lesu Christi, . . . Opera Alexandri Rossoei. Londini Per Johanneni Legatum, pro Richardo Thrale, m.dc.xxxiiii. 8^, A— E in eights, E 8 blank. Dedicated to Charles I. in verse. Virgilii Evangelisantis Christiados Libri Xlfl. . . . Londini. Pro Richardo Thrale . . . 1638. 8*^, A— X 4 in eights, and a, 2 leaves, besides the frontispiece by W. Marshall. The Philosophical! Touch-Stone : Or Ob- servations upon Sir Kenelm Digbie's Dis- courses of the nature of Bodies, and of the reasonable Souls. In which his erro- neous Paradoxes are refuted. ... By Alexander Ross . . . London, Printed for James Young, and are to be sold by Charles Green . . . 1645. 4", a, 4 leaves : A — S 2 in fours. Dedicated to John, Earl of Rutland. The New Phmet no Planet: Or, The Earth no wandring Star ; Except in the wandring lieads of Galileans. . . . By Alexander Rosse. In answer to a Dis- course, that the Earth may be a Planet . . . London, Printed by J. Young, and are to be sold by Mercy Meighen, and Gabriel Bedell, . . . 1646. 4«, A— Q in fours, Q 4 blank. Dedicated to George, Lord Berklej^ Mystagogvs Poeticvs, Or, The Muses In- terpreter : Explaining the historicall Mysteries, and mysticall Histories of the ancient Greek and Latine Poets. . . . ... By Alexander Ross . . . London, Printed for Richard Whitaker, . . . M.DC.XLVii. 8^, A — V in eights, A and V 8 blank, and A 8 with Errata. Dedi- cated to Sir Edward Banister. Gnomologicum Poeticum : hoc est, sen- tentioe veterum Poetarum insigniores, in ordinem Alphabeticum digestse. In usum Puerorum. Per Alexandrum Rossseum. Londini, Typis Thompe Brudenelli, . . . Anno Domini m.dc.xlvii. 8°, A — C in eights. B. M. Alexandri Rossaei Isagoge Grammatica, In Gratiam illorum qui nolunt menio- riam multis & longis regulis gravari, con- cinuata. . . . Londini, Typis Guil. Du- gard : impensis Jehos. Kirton, . . . 1648. 8^, A— C 4 in eights. Br. M. Som Animadversions And Observations upon S^' Walter Raleigh's Historie of the World. Wherein his mistakes are noted, and some doubtful passages cleered. By Alexander Ross. London, Printed by William Du-gard for Richard Royston, . . . [Circa i650.] 12°. *, 5 leaves, title on * 2 : a — c in twelves. Arcana Microcosmi : Or, The hid Secrets of Man's Body discovered ; In an Ana- tomical Duel between Aristotle and Galen concerning the Parts thereof : As also, By a Discovery of the strange and mar- vellous Diseases Symptomes & Accidents of Mans Body. With a Refutation of Doctor Brown's Vulgar Errors, The Lord Bacon's Natural History, and Doctor Harvy's Book De Generatione, Come- nius, and Others. Whereto is annexed a Letter from Doctor Pr[imrose] to the Author, and his Answer thereto, touching Doctor Harvy's Book De Generatione. By A. R. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to bee sold by John Clark . . . 1652. dP, A— T 4 in eights. Dedicated to Edward Watson, Esq., son and heir to Lord Kockin.nhani. An Appen- dix has a separate inscription to Andrew Henley, Esq. Pansel)eia : Or, A View of all Religions . . . The Third Edition, Enlarged and perfected, by Alexander Ross. To which J^OSSE. 523 ROWLANDS. are annexed, The Lives, Actions, and Ends of certain Notorious" Hereticks. ^Vitli their Effigies in Copper- Plates. . . . Printed for John Saywell, . . . 1658. 8°, A — 3 F in eights, and a, 8 leaves. "With a portrait of the author. ROSSE, LORD. The Case of Divorce and Re-]\Iarriage thereupon Discussed. By a Reverend Prelate of the Church of England and a private Gentleman [Sir Charles Wolse- ley]. Occasioned by the late Act of Par- liament for the Divorce of the Lord Rosse. London, Printed for Xevill Simmons . . . 1673. 12°, A— G in twelves, title on A3. ROSSETER, PHILIP. For the Flute. Lessons for Consort : Made by sundry Excellent Authors, and set to sixe seuerall instruments : Xamelv, the Treble Lute, Treble Yioll, Bass Yioll, Bandora, Citterne, and the Flute. Now newly set forth by Philip Rosseter, one of his Maiesties Musitions. London : Printed by Tho. Este alias Snodham, for lohn Browne, . . . 1609. 4°, A— B in fours. Dedicated to Sir William Gascoyne of Sedbury. Eimbault, August, 1877, Xo. 1280, the Flute part only. ElOSSO, GIULIO RAVIGLIO. I Svccessi D'Inghilterra dopo la Morte di Odoardo Sesto Fino alia Givnta in qvel Regno Del Sereniss. Don Filippo D Aus- tria Principe di Spagna. Sciitte volgar- mente daGivlio Raviglio Rosso da Ferrara. Con Alcvne Annotationi a maggiore in- telligenza di quelli. Et vna Oratione di M. Alberto Lollio nel ritorno di detto Regno all' obedienza della Sede Apos- tolica a Principi di quel Consiglio. In Ferrara Appresso Francesco di Rossi da Yalenza m.d.lx. 4°. A, 4 leaves : -f and ++> 4 leaves each : B— li 2 in fours. ROTE. The rote or myrrour of consolacyon and coforte. [Col.] Thus endeth the Rote or myrrour of consolacyon and conforte. Lately imprynted and amended in many places where ony faute was / by Wynkyn de Worde / dwellynge in Flete Strete / at the sygne of the Sonne. M.ccccc.xxx. the .xxiii. dave of Marche. 4°. A — B in sixes : C, 4 :" D, 6 : E, 4 : F, 6 : G, 4 : H, 6 : I, 4 : K, 6. ROUNDHEADS. Twenty Lookes over all the Rovnd-Heads that ever lived in the world . . . 1643 [Jan. 19, 1642-3.] 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. A New Anatomie, Or Character of a Christian, or Round-head. Expressing His Description, Excellencie, Happiness, and Innocencie. Wherein may appear how far this blind World is mistaken in their unjust Censures of Him. [Quota- tions.] London, Printed for Robert Ley- bourn, ... 1645 [October 17.] 8°, 8 leaves. B. M. ROUS, FRANCIS. Oile of Scorpions. The Miseries of these Times turned into Medicines and Curing themselues. By Francis Rous. Cypr. Epist. 8. Dm& vtiq, . . . London Printed by W. Stansby for John Parker, . . . 1624. 12*^. A, 8 leaves, title on A 2 : B — P 3 in twelves. In prose. Dedicated "To my Deare Covntry, and especially to the dearest part of it, my Country-men of Heauen." Treatises and Meditations Dedicated to the Saints, and to the Excellent through- out the three Nations. By F. Rous Esq ; . . . London, Printed by Robert White, and are to be sold by"^ J. Wright . . . 1657. Folio, A — 5 B in fours, including an engraved title in compartments. ROWLAND. The Firste parte of Rowlands godson moralized. A ballad. Licensed to John Wolf, 18 April, 1592. The Seconde parte of Rowlands god sonne moralised. A ballad. Licensed to John Wolf, 29 April, 1592. The Seconde parte of the gigge betwene Rowland and the Sexton. Licensed to T. Nelson, 16 Dec. 1591. ROWLAND, JONAS. Apostacy Punish'd : Or, A New Poem on the Deserved Death of Jonas Row- land, the Renegade, Lately Executed at Morocco. Printed by T. H. for the Author. 1682. A folio leaf. ROWLANDS, SAMUEL. The Betraying of Christ . . . 1598. For a copious account of this tract, and its two differing editions in the same year, see Corser's Collectanea, part 9, p. 199 et seqq. The Letting of Hvmovrs Blood . . . 1600. Of the three copies in the Bodleian, one exhibits a text corrected in some places. See Mr. Smith's Preface to the Hunteriaa Club edition of the Works. The IMalone copy wants A 3, while the Crynes copy has a leaf of verses to the author's friend, Master Hugh Lee, not in the other two. A Theatre of Delightful Recreation . . . 1605. This is, no doubt, the work licensed to Arthur Johnson, 8 October, 1605, as A ROWLANDSON. 524 RUMP. Theatre of divine Recreation, &c. See Arber, iii. 303. The History of Guy Earl of Warwick [1608.] As this piece was not registered till the 23rd June, 1608, by W. Ferbrand, it is not likely to have been printed till that year. The Hunterian Club, in their reprint, adduced an edition of 1607, printed by Elizabeth Allde, in the British Museum. But that copy is dated 1632, and indeed Elizabeth Allde issued nothing before 1628. Some one has dated the book 1607 in MS. on the title, although 1632 is at the end. A Poeme Intituled the Bride, \vritteii by Samuell Eowlands. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 22 May, 1617. A Pair of Spy-Knaves. 4^. [1620.] This tract was licensed to Philip Birch, 6 December, 1619, and assigned by him to Kobert Bird, 7 Feb. 1622-3. We cannot tell whether the Collier fragment belongs to Birch's original issue, or a reprint by Bird. Doctor Meryman the second parte. Li- censed to Francis Coules, 4 July, 1626. ROWLANDSON, MAEY. The Sovereignty & Goodness of God, Together, with the Faithfulness of His Promises Displayed ; being a Narrative of the Captivity and Eestauration of I\Irs. Mary Rowlandson. Commended by her, to all that desires to know the Lords doings to, and dealings with her. Espe- cially to her dear Children and Rela- tions. The Second Edition Corrected and amended. Written by Her own Hand for Her private Use, . . . Cambridge. Printed by Samuel Green, 1682. 8"^, A— E in eights. Grenv. Coll. ROWLEY, A. A rich purchase for the poore and vn- learned. By Alexander Rowley of Glos- ter Hall in Oxford. Licensed to John Okes, 3 October, 1634. The Learners Help : The first Part By which yee may presently tinde out the Root of any Hebrew Word in the Bible. Never don by any before. London, Printed by William Du-Gard, . . . 1650. 8*^, A — F 2 in fours. ROWZEE, L., M.n. The Queens Welles. ... By Lodwick Rowzee . . . London, Imprinted by Ger- trude Dawson. 1656. 8". A, 4 leaves: B— F in eights. The Queens Wells. ... By Lodwick Rowzee . . . London, Printed for Robert Boulter, . . . 1678. 8*'. A, 4 leaves : R_F in eights. RUDYERD, SIR BENJAIMIN, M.P. The Speeches of S"" Benjamin Rvdyer in the high Court of Parliament. Printec for Thomas Walkly. 1641. 4°, A— C in fours, first and last leaves blank. La Harangve dv Cheualier Benjamair Rudyert faite ou Parlemet d'Angleterrc pour I'envoy des propositions de paix a sc Majeste Britanniqne. A Orleans, Pai ]\Iaria Paris, . . . M. DC. XLiii. 8°, ^ leaves. This and other French translations o}' contemporary English tracts are not les! curious than rare. RUDDOKE, THOMAS. A Remembraunce for the maintenauncf of the liuynge of ministers and preachers, nowe notably decayed, exhibited vntc the right reuerend father in god Thomas byshop of Elye, synguler patron of a! good lernynge. Anno dui. 1551, Im- printed at London by Wylliam Seres dwellynge at Peter Colledge. S'^, A— D S in eights. Lamheth. RUGGLE, GEORGE. Ignoramus . . . Editio Tertia, locis sex- centis emendatior. . . . Londini. Ex Officina R. D. An. 1658. 12^. *, 11 leaves, inclnding the frontispiece : A — G 5 in twelves. Licensed to Walter Burre, 18 April, 1615. Ignoramus . . . Editio Quarta . . . Londini. Ex Officina J. S. An. 1663, 12^. * 12 leaves: A-G 6 in twelves, last leaf blank. Notwithstanding the date on the title^ the colo]ihon reads in this copy : Excudebat J. R. 1670. RUMP. The Rvmps Last Will & Testament wliicli the Executors herein named (being out of hopes of the Monsters Recovery) have thought good to publish and exhibite; London, Printed by John Tailor, 1660. 4^^, 4 leaves. The Rumps Looking-Glasse Or, A Collec- tion of such Peices of Drollery as were prepared by severall Wits to purge the Rump. London ; Printed, and are to be sold at the Royal Exchange and at [West- minster Hall. 1660?] 4", A— C 2 in fours, or 10 leaves. The words between brackets were cut ofl in the copy used. Ratts Rhinied to Death. Or, The Rump- Parliament llang'd u]) in the Shambles. London, Printed in the Year 1660. 8**. A, 3 leaves : B — H 5 in eights. The Proceedings, Votes, Resolves, and Acts of the late Half-quarter Parliament, called the Rump : As it was taken out ot their own Journal-Books, and Printed RUMSEY, 525 RUSSELL. for the general Satisfaction of tlie Nation. London, Printed for Jolin Tlioruason. 1660. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each. The Rump Carbonadod, or, a Xew Ballad. To the tune of the Black-siuith. A sheet. [1660.] Omnj Cat. No. 26. :iUMSEY, WA. Judge Eamsey's [sic] Instrument to cleanse the Stomach. As also, Divers new Experiments of the Vertue of To- bacco and Coffee ; how much they con- duce to preserve Humane Health. Re- commended to Publick View by Sir Henry Blount, Mr. James Howell. The third Edition with new Additions. Ex- •perto credo. London : Printed for S. Speed . . . 1664. 8*^, A— F in eights, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to the Marquis of Dorchester, ■with an introductory letter from the author to Sir Henry Blount and Blount's reply, and a second letter to Eumsey from Howell, lUPERT, PRINCE. Prince Roberts Declaration to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, October 11. 1642. Decharing His Resolution to leave tlje Kings Army here in England, and witli all expedition to go for Holland, hav- ing seriously considered of the present differences betwixt His Majesty and his two Houses of Parliament. Also The proceedings of the Lord Willoughby of Parham, and Sir William Balfoure, who have joyned their Forces with his Excel- lency. With the proceedings of botli Armies neer Shrewsbury, from the 8. of October to the 13. London, Printed for Th. Thompson. October 13. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. An Answer to Prince Rvperts Declara- tion. Printed in the Yeare, 1643. Feb- ruary 16. 4*^, 4 leaves. A Dialogve, Or, Rather a Parley between Prince Ruperts Dogge whose name is Pvddle, and Tobies Dog whose name is Pepper, &c. Whereunto is added the Clialleng which Prince Griffins Dogg called Towzer, hath sent to Prince Ru- perts Dogg Puddle, in the behalf of honest Pepper Tobies Dog. Moreover the said Prince Griihn is newly gone to Oxford to lay the wager, and to make up the Match. Printed at London for R. Smith, 1643 [Feb. 23, 1642.] 4*^, 4 leaves. With a cut on title. B. M. A True Relation of Prince Rvperts Bar- barous Cruelty against the Towne of Bir- mingham. To which place on Monday Apr. 3. 1643. he marcht with 2000 horse and foote . . . London, Printed for John Wriglit April 12. 1643. 4^^, 4 leaves. B. M. Prince Rvperts Burning love to England : Discovered in Birminghams Flames. Or A more Exact and true Narration of Bir- mingham's Calamities, under the barbar- ous and inhumane Cruelties of P. Rupert's forces . . . Published at the request of the Committee at Coventry, . . . Lon- don : Printed for Thomas Vnderhill. 1643 [May 1.] 4*^, 4 leaves. B. M. Ruperts Sumpter, and Private Cabinet riffed. And a Discovery of a Pack of his Jewels. By way of Dialogue between Mercurius Britannicus and Mercurius Au- licus. London, Printed by J. Coe, Anno Doni. MDCXLiv. [July 20.] 4^, 4 leaves. With a large cut on title. His Highness Prince Ruperts Letter to the Earl of Arlington . . . From on board the Royal Charles off' the Osterbank, the xxixtii of May, 1673. Distant from East Capel Seven Leagues, at One of the Clock Afternoon, the Wind S.S.W. Published hj Authority. In the Savoy : Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1673. Folio, 2 leaves. His Highness Prince Ruperts Letter to the Earl of Arlington, His Majesties Principal Secretary of State. From on board the Soveraign Now under Sail, June 5. About Seven Leagues off" Last- oif [Lowestoft,] at Nine in the Morning, the Wind at E.N.E. Published by AuthS- rity. In the Savoy : Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1673. Folio, 2 leaves. RUSH. The History of Frier Rush, How hee came to a House of Religion to seek a service, . . . London, Printed by Jane BeU, and are to be sold by her at the East end of Christ-Chmch. 1659. 4°, A — E in fours. With cuts. RUSH WORTH, JOHN, Clerh- Assistant to the House of Commons. Historical Collections of Private Passages of State. Weighty Matters in Law. Re- markable Proceedings in Five Parlia- ments. Beginning the Sixteenth Year of King James, Anno 1618. And ending the Fifth Year of King Charls, Anno 1629. Digested in Order of Time, And now Published, By John Rushworth of Lincolns-lnn, Esq ; London, . . . 1659 [-1701.] Folio. 7 volumes. The second volume of part 4 carries the collections down to the death of Charles I. The Trial of the Earl of Strafford generally forms an 8th volume of this series. RUSSELL, JOHN, Doctor in Decrees. Propositio Clarissimi Oratoris. Magistri RUSSELL. RYCAUT. Johannis Eussell decretoruin doctoris ac adtunc Ambassiatoris christianissimi Re- gis Edwardi . . . [W. Caxton, circa 1479.] 4°, 4 leaves. Althorp and Holkham. Russell was one of four persons sent bv Edward IV. in 1469-70 to invest the Duke of Burgundy with the insignia of the Garter, and this was the address delivered on the occasion. RUSSELL, LORD "WILLIAM. The Last Speech & Behaviour of Wil- liam late Lord Russel, Upon the Scaffold in Lincolns-Iiine-Fields, a little before his Execution, on Saturday, July 21. 1683. Being Condemned for High-Treason . . . Together with the Paper delivered by him to the Sheriffs, and signed with his own Hand. Also the last Speeches, Behaviour, and Prayers of Capt. Thomas Walcot, John Rovse Gent. & William Hone Joyner. A little before their Exe- cution at Tyljurn, on Friday the 20^^ of July 1683. \ . . London : Printed by E. C. and J. C. for Thomas Fox . . . 1683. Folio, A — E in twos, and the title. Animadversions upon a Paper, Intituled, The Speech of the Late Lord Russell, &c. [Col.] London, Printed for Thomas Uring, . . . 1683. Folio, 2 leaves. RUSSIA. The Reporte of a bloudie and terrible Massacre in the Citty of Mosco, with the fearefuU and tragicall end of Demetrius the last Duke, before him raigning at this present. At London Printed by Val. Sims, for Samuel Macham, and Mathew Cooke, . . . 1607. 4*^, black letter. A— D 2 in fours. B. M. RUSTERS. Agaynste the abuse of a company e of Rusters. A ballad. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1569-70. RUSTICUS ET SAPIENS. Rusticus and Sapyence. A ballad. Li- censed to J. Allde iu 1561-2. RUTHERFORD, S. Lex, Rex : The Law and the Prince. A Dispute for the past Prerogative of King and People. Containing the Reasons and ( Causes of the most necessary Defensive AVars of the Kingdom of Scothand, and of their Expedition for the ayd and help of their dear Brethren of England. In which their Innocency is asserted, and a full Answer is given to a Seditious Pam- phlet, Intituled, Sacro-sancta Regum Majestas . . . Under the Name of J. A. But penned by Jo: Maxwell the Excom- municate P. Prelate. . . . London: Prin- ted for lohn Field, . . . Octob. 7. 1644. 4*^. A, 4 leaves, A 1 occupied by a quota- tion from Seneca's Octavia : a — d in fours : B— 3 2 in fours. Mr. Rutherfoords Letters, The Third Edition Now divided in three Parts. . . . Printed in the Year 1675. 8°. *, 4 leaves: B — Ss in eights, F and Ff re- peated. RYCAUT, SIR PAUL. The Capitvlations and Articles of peace betweene the Maiestie of the King of England, . . . And the Svltan of tie Ottoman Empire, as tliey haue bee augmented, & altered in the times euery Embassadour : And as now latr in the City of Adrianople in the moii ^ of January 1661 they haue beene aug- mented, renewed, & amplifyed with diuerse additionall articles, & priuiledges, which serue towards the maintenance of a well grounded Peace, & securitie of the trade, & trafficke of his Maiesties subiects in the Leuaut, by his Excellency Heneage [Finch] Earle of Winchilsea, . . . Set forth, & Published by Pavl Ricavt Esquire Secretary to his Excellencie the Lord Embassadour. Licensed by his Excel- lencies speciall Order. Printed in Con- stantinople bv Abraham Gabai chafnahat in the yeare of our Lord 1663. 4^. Title, 1 leaf : dedication to Sir Andrew Riccard and the Company of Levant Merchants, 2 leaves : A — C in fours, C 4 blank. Grenv. Coll. The Present / State / of the / Ottoman Empire. / Containing the Maxims of the / Turkish Politie, / The most material Points of the / Mahometan Religion, / Their Sects and Heresies, their Convents and / Religious Votaries, / Their / Mili- tary Discipline, / With an exact Compu- tation of their / Forces both by Land and Sea. / Illustrated with divers Pieces of Sculpture, representing the variety of/ Habits amongst the Turks. / In Three Books. / By Paul Rycaut Esq ; / Secre- tary to his Excellency the Earl of JFin- chllsea, Embassadour Extra-/ ordinary for His Majesty Charles the Second, cCr. to Saltan Mahomet / Han the Fourth, Em- perour of the Turks. / London,/ Printed for John /StarJceij and Henry Brome, at the Mitre between the / Middle-Temple-Gate and Temiile-Bar in Fleet-Street, and the / Gun in Ivy-Lane. 1667. //Folio. Collation ; The Epistle Dedicatory, 2 loaves. The Epistle to the Header, 1 leaf. The Contents of the several Oliapters, 2 leaves. Tlie Maximes of the Turkisli Policie (2 books), pp. 1-1G8. Signatures B— V.X. Y in fours. The Third Book (separately RYMER. 527 RYVIUS. paged) pp. 1-50. Signatures Aa— Gg 1. The other three leaves of Gg contain lists of books printed for and sold by John Starkey and Henry Brome respectively. At the end of the volume, on a separate leaf, is a coloured plate containing "A true Representation of / The Grand Yisir's Standard taken at Vienna, / by y^ most In- vincible John ye Hid King of Poland, / And by his Majesty sent to his Holyness Innocent y* XI." Tliis cojjy belonged to Samuel Pepys, and is now with the rest of his Library in Magdalene College, Cambridge, No. 2372. He mentions it in his Diary under the date 8 April 1667 (ed. Bright, vol. iv. p. 297) as one of six copies in which the plates are coloured. At the back of the title is the following MS. note: "Aprill. 8. 1667. Eeceiued then of Mr. Pepys for my Maister Mr. Starky for this Booke by mee . . . ffifty fiue Shillings. John fford. Sold before y= fire { ^^ as'this & coloured for 2?-." [The present article was drawn up for me by Mr W. Aldis Wright.] Tlie History of the Turkish Empire . . . By Paul Kycaiit Esq; late Consul of Smyrna. London, Printed by J. M. for John Starkey . . . mdclxxx. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : B, 2 leaves : a — ], 4 leaves each : ni, 1 leaf : B (repeated) — Uu in fours : Xx — Aaa, 2 leaves each. AVitli portraits of the Author, and of the Sultans Amurath and Ibrahim, the latter at sign. B, p. 1. RYMER, THOMAS. The English Monarch : An Heroick Tra- gedy. Written by Tho : Rymer, Esq; London: Printed for James Kimpton . . . 1691. 4^, A— I in fours, first leaf blank. Dedicated to the King. A drama on the life of Edgar. The Tragedies of the last Age, Consider'd and Examin'd By the Practice of the Ancients, and By the Common Sense of all Ages in a Letter to Fleetwood Shep- heard. Esq; by Mr. Rymer Servant to their Majesties. Part I. The Second Edition . . . London, Printed and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin, . . . 1692. 8°, A— K in eights. A Short View of Tragedy ; It's Original, Excellency, and Corruption. With some Reflections on Shakespear, and other Practitioners for the Stage. By ]\Ir. Rymer . . . London, Printed and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin, . . . 1693. S'^, A— N 4 in eights, first leaf blank. Dedicated to Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. RYVES, BRUNO, B.B., Dean of Chiches- ter, and aftervmrds of Windsor. Mercurius liusticus : Or, The Countries Complaint of the barbarous Out-rages Committed by the Sectaries of this late flourishing Kingdome. Together with a briefe Chronologie of the Battails, Sieges, Conflicts, and other most remarkable pas- sages from the beginning of this unna- turall Warre, to the 25. of March, 1646. [Quot. from Jer. 15, 13. Oxford :] Prin- ted in the yeere, 1646. 8°. A— P in eights : [a new title : Querela Cantabri- giensis, &c.] A — B in eights: C, 4 leaves: 1), 6 leaves: [new title], Mercurius Bel- gicus, &c., title and preface, 2 leaves; B — C, 8 leaves each : D, 6 leaves : E, 8 leaves. With this copy are bound up two leaves, one being apparently the titlepage and pre- face of an intended Oxford edition or issue in 1645 of the Chronology of Events, called in the other Mercurius Belgicus, and re- ferred to in the first title. In this other Oxford title it runs : " Englands Iliads in a Nvt-Shell. Or, A briefe Chronologie, &c. Oxford, Printed in the Yeare, 1645." Prefixed is an engraved frontispiece in compartments. ^lercurivs Rusticus . . . [Then follows the printed title :] Anglise Ruina : Or, Englands Ruine, Represented in the Bar- barous, and Sacrilegious Outrages of the Sectaries of this Kingdome, Committed upon the Lives, Consciences, and Estates of all His Maj: Loyal Subjects in gene- rail ; but more particularly upon the Churches, CoUedges, Clergie, and Scholars of the same. Containing two briefe Cata- logues of such Heads and Fellowes of Colledges in the University of Cambridge, and other Learned and Pious Divines, within the City of London, as have been ejected . . . Whereunto is added, A Chronologie . . . Anno 1647. 8^. En- graved title in compartments, 1 leaf: A, 7 leaves: a, 8 leaves: B— S in eights, S 8 blank: Querela Cantabrigiensis, A — C in eights: Micro-clironicon, A, 2 leaves, B— H 5 in eights. Mercurius Rusticus : Or, The Countries Complaint . . . London: Printed for Richard Green, Bookseller in Cambridge. 1685. 8"^, A— Cc in eights, first leaf with the engraved title and the last blank. RYYIUS OR RYYE, THOMAS. Regiminis Anglicani In Hibernia Defen- sio, Adversus Analecten. Libri Tres. Avtore Tho: Ryvio I. C. Regis Advocato. [Quot. from Isaiah.] Londini, Excus. juo lohanne Bartlet. Ann. Dom. 1624. 4". A — K 2 in fours: A — H in fours: A — L i in fours. Dedicated to Prince Charles. The author, in an address to the Reader, states that the work had lain by him since 1617. s. c. 5' S.7. Historia Navalis Antiqva, Libri quatuor. Autore Tlio. Kivio, Regis in Anglia Aduo- cato. . . . Londini Apud Robertvin Barker, . . . Et Hsered. Jo. Billii. Anno 1633. 8^ A, 4 leaves: B — li 7 in eights. Dedicated to tlie King. With a folded leaf of engravings. Historian Kavalis Mediae Libri Tres. Autore Tho: Rivio, Regis in Anglia Ad- vocato. Londini, Apud Ricliardum Hodgkinsonne, . . . Anno Domini, mdcxl. 8'^ A, 4 leaves, A i blank: B— V 6 in eights. S S. C. Sacrae Heptades, Or Seaven Problems Concerning Antichrist. 1. Of his Place. 2. Of his State. 3. Of his Names. 4. Of his Rising. 5. Of his Reigne. 6. Of his words and actions. 7. Of his sinnes. ISTecessarie to be read and knowne of all men, who professe Christ lesus, and hope to be saved by no other Name. By C. S. [Quot. from Mai. 4. 5. 6. and 2 Thess. 2. 3. 4.] Printed [abroad] in the yeare M.DC.xxv. 4°. Title, Preface, and Svm- me, 10 leaves: A — Dd in fours. S. E. De Rebus Gestis Britanniae . . . Ham- burgi Apud Theodosium Wolacrum . . . 1598. 8°, A— 1 4 in eights. S. G. A Letter from an Ejected Member of the House of Commons, To Sir Jo: Evelyn: Shewing, the Constitution of that Coun- cell, and the Intiuence it hath had on the present Times, with a judgement of future Events. Printed in the yeare, 1648. 4*^, A— D 2 in fours. S. J. A Newe Reuenge for an olde Grudge. Lately sette forth by J. S. Imprinted at London by Henry "Wykes, for Frances Coldocke. 8*^, A— B 6 in eiglits. Lambeth. S. J., of the Society of Jesus. S. Mary Magdalens Pilgrimage to Para- dise Wherein are liuely imprinted the foote-steps of her excellent Vertues, for Sinners to follow, who desire to accom- ])any her thitlier. By L S. of the So- ciety of lesvs. Permissu Supcriorum. M.DC.xvii. 8^, A — I in eights, 1 8 blank. In prose and verse. Jlr. Museum. Tlie Triall of the Protestant Private Spirit. Wlierein their Doctrine, making the sayd Spirit the sole ground & meanes of their Beliefe, is confuted . . . Permissu Superiorum. M.DC.XXX. 4". Br.MiiseiLm (Part 2 only). Collation: * and ** iu fours: A— o D in fours. S.J. Malignancy Un-Masked. With a Plea for the Publique Fayth. Briefely and Promiscuously Disputed, by J. S. Gent. Qui monet, amat, ave, cave, vale. London, Printed for lohn Wright, January 26. 1642. 4«, A— B in fours. A Letter from Edinburgh, Concerning the difference of the Proceedings of the well affected in Scotland, from the pro- ceedings of the Army in England. [1648.] 4°, 4 leaves, subscribed I. S. A Shield against the Parthian Dart, Or, A Word to the Purpose, Shot into Wal- lingford-House. Answered in Defence of the present Actions of State here in England, that produced the late Cliange of Government. Printed in the Year, 1659. 4«, A— C in fours. The Jesuite Discovered ; Or, A Brief Discourse of the Policies of the Church of Rome, in Preserving it Self, and Di- viding of Protestant States and King- domes . . . London, Printed, 1659. 4^. A, 2 leaves: B — D 2 in fours. The Preface is subscribed J. S. A Continuation of this Session of Parlia- ment, Justiiied ; And the Action of the Army touching that Affair Defended : And Objections to botli answered ; accord- ing to the best Rules of Law, Reason, and just preserving Policie. By J. S. Lon- don, Printed, mdclix. 4", A — B iu fours. [ Mon archie, Aristocracie Oligarchie, is. And Dcmocracie^ With a Brief Model of the Government of the Common- Wealth, Or, Free-State of Ragouse. Fit for View at this present Juncture of Settlement. By J. S. Lou- don, Printed MDCLIX. 4**, 4 leaves. Government Described: Viz. What 5. 7. 529 S. R. The Perfect Politician : Or, A Full View of the Life and Actions (Military and Civil) of O. Cromwel. Whereunto is added His Character; And a Compleat Catalogue of all the Honours conferr'd by him on several Persons. Qui nescit dissimulare^ nescit Regnare. London : Printed bv J. Cottrel, for William Ray- bould . . /l660. 8*^. A, 4 leaves: B— Aa 4 in eights. With a portrait. \ J., a Lover of all laudable Arts and Sciences. The Starr-Prophet Anatomiz'd & Dis- sected : Or, Judicial Astrologie, And the Astro-Mancers, With their Mago- Romantical, Mago-Physical, and Mago- Diabolical Divinations of the future Events of Secular Affairs, exploded by the sacred Scriptures and force of Reason . . . London, Printed for M. D. Anno Domini, 1675. 4*^, A— F 2 in fours. This tract also deals with wizards and fortune-tellers. The Store-House of Nature Expos'd to View: Or, The Discription and Physical vertues of such Herbs and Plants as are commonly found in this Nation. Lon- don, Printed for William Firder : 1684. 4*^, 6 leaves. With cuts. Br. Museum. Devotions. First Part: In the Ancient Way of Offices. With Psalms, Hymns, and Prayers ; for every day in the Wek, and every Holiday in the Year. Third Edition : Corrected and Augmented. Roan, MDCLxxxiv. 12*^, A — Bb in twelves. Of Devotion. By J. S. Printed in the Year, 1678. 8*^. A, 6 leaves: a, 4 leaves: B— H 7 in twelves. Dedicated to the Countess of Kinnoul. 5. J. Scotch Politics : In a Letter to a Friend. London Printed for Richard Janeway, 1682. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each. Victoriae Anglican8e: Being an Historical Collection of all the Memorable and Stn- pendious Victories Obtain'd by the Eng- lish against the French, Both by Sea and Land, since the Norman Conquest . . . London : Printed for Richard Baldwin . . . 1691. 12*^. A, 8 leaves: B— G 4 in twelves, besides the frontispiece of por- traits. A Poem to the Memory of His Late Ma- jesty William the Third. . . London, Printed for D. Brown . . . mdccii. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. 3. J. Englands Merry Jester : Or, Court, City and Country Jests, New, and suitable to the Humours of the Times ; Witty and Familiar for the Encrease of Merriment, and Improvement of Friendly Conversa- tion, As they are used among the Wits of the Age. To which are added, in a Second Part, Bulls, Banters, Quibbles, Repartees, Pleasant Stories, and Poems ; The Qualifications of an Expert Town- Wheedle ; With the Art and Mystery of Wheedling. . . . Done by a Lover of Merriment. London, Printed bv J. Wilde, for N. Boddington, . . . 1693." 12°. A, 6 leaves : B — I 6 in twelves, besides the frontispiece. B. M. Englands Merry Jester: . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed by J. Wilde, . . . 1694. 12''. With the same frontis- piece. B. M. A new title only. S. L. Natures Dowrie : Or The Peoples Native Liberty Asserted. [Quotations.] London, Printed for W. R. at the signe of the Vnicorn in Pauls Church-Yard, 1652. [June 29.] 4°, A— H in fours. B. M. S. M. To His Highness the Prince of Orange : A Poem. By M. S. Published by Au- thority. London: Printed, and are to be Sold by most Booksellers . . . mdclxxxix. 4°. A, 5 leaves : B — C in fours : D, 3. S. R. The Covnter Scvffle. Whereunto is added, the Covnter-Ratt. Written by R. S. London, Printed by William Stansby, 1635. 4°, A— G in fours, G 4 blank. With two engravings. B. M. The Counter Scuffle . . . London, Printed by R. B. and are to be sold by lohn Staf- ford. 1647. 4°, A— G in fours, G4 blank. The Counter Scuffle . . . London, Printed for R. Sco Chiswell. 1680. S. R. A Jovial Garland. Or, Variety of Songs, full of Mirth and Plea- sure, For Young-Men and Maids to read at their leisure. [This is a headline on A 4.] 8'', A — G in eights, G 8 blank. Black letter. Dedi- cated by R. S. to Sir Richard Mangie. The copy here used had no title, and commenced with dedication on A 2. Pro- bably printed for Thomas Passinger, as it is among the books advertised by him at the end of au early edition of the Loyal Gar- land. 2l S. R. 530 SADLER. S. E. A Defence of Tlieir Majesties King Wil- liam and Queen Mary, Against an In- famous and Jesuitical Libel, Entituled, A True Portraicture of William Henry Prince of Nassau, cDc . . . Latrant, seel non Loquuntur. London, Printed for John Taylor . . . mdclxxxix. 4*^. Title, and halftitle, 2 leaves: A, 2 leaves: B — I in fours, I 4 blank. Dedicated to Fre- derick, Duke of Schomberg. S. S. The Loyal and Impartial Satyrist : Con- taining Eight Miscellany Poems, . . . London, Printed for Richard Baldwin, . . . 1694. 4^, A— G 2 in fours. Edited by S. S., who dedicates them to George Lucy, Esq. S. T. Love a la Mode. A Comedy. As it was lately Acted with great Applause at Middlesex-House. Written by a Person of Honour. London, Printed by J. C. for John Daniel, . . . 1663. 4^, A— M in fours. The preface to the Reader is subscribed T.S. S. T. The Second Part of the Pilgrims Progress, Prom This present World of Wickedness and Misery, to an Eternity of Holiness and Felicity ; Exactly Described under the Similitude of a Dream, Relating the Manner and Occasion of his setting out from, and difhcult and dangerous Journey through the World ; and his Arrival at last to Eternal Happiness. . . . London, Printed for Tho. Malthus at the Sun in the Poultry, 1683. 12°. Title and fron- tispiece, 2 leaves: Explanation of the Em- blem, in verse by R. B., and verses by him to the Author, 3 leaves : The Author's Apology, 3 leaves : the Dedication, 2 leaves: A 4 — I 6 in twelves. The Second Part of the Pilgrims Progress, . . . Edinburgh, Printed loy the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1684. 12*^, A — G in twelves, G 12 blank. Youth's Comedy, Or The Souls Tryals and Trivmph: A Dramatick Poem. With Divers Meditations intermixt upon seve- ral Subjects. Set forth to Help and En- courage those that are seeking a Heavenly Countrey. By the Author of Yovth's Tragedy, . . . London, Printed for Nath. Ponder . . . 1680. 8". A, 4 leaves: B — I in eights, I 8 with the Contents. S. W. The Proceedings of the English Colonic in Virginia since their lirst buLdnninii from England in the yeare of our Lord 1606 tiirthis present 1612, with all theii accidents that befell them in their lour- nies and Discoueries. Also the Salvages discourses, orations and relations of the bordering neighbours, and how they be- came subiect to the English. . . . per- used and confirmed by diverse now resi- dent in England that were actors in this business. By W. S. At Oxford, Printed by Joseph Barnes. 1612. 4°, A— P 2 in fours, P 2 blank. S. W., a Lover of Art. Polygraphice : Or The Art of Drawing. Engraving, Etching, Limning, Painting, Washing, Varnishing, Colouring and Dying. In Three Books. . . . London, Printed by E. T. and R. H. for Richard Janeway . . . [1671.] 8^^. A, 4 leaves besides a frontispiece: B — V 4 in eights, V 4 blank. SAAVEDRA FAXADO, DON DIEGO. The Royal Politician Represented in One Hundred Emblems . . . With a large Preface, . . . Done into English from the Original. By Sir Ja. Astry. London . . MDCC. 8°. 2 vols. With a portrait 0: William Duke of Gloucester and plates. S— CY, ED. The Coimtry Gentleman's Yade Mecum Or His Companion for the ToAvn. Ii Eighteen Letters, from a Gentleman u London, to his Friend in the Country Wherein he jDassionately diswades hin from coming to London. . . . London Printed for John Harris . . . 1669. 8*^; A, 8 leaves: a, 4 leaves, the fourth blank' B — L 4 in eights, including 2 leaves witl '. the Country Gentleman's Reply (in verse; and 2 more of advertisements. Dedicated to Lord Beaumont, Deput, Lieutenant of Leicestershire. SACKFUL. A sackfuU of neAves being an old copie Licensed to E. White, 5 Sept. 1586. SACKVILLE, SIR WILLIAM. A Commemoration of the most valian and worthie Knight Sir William Sach vill slayne in the Warrcs of Fraunc( Licensed to John Wolf, 19 July, 1592. SADLER, ANTHONY. Mercy in a Miracle. Shewing, The D( liverance, and the Duty, of the King, an the People. In a Sermon Preached s Mitcham in Surry, June 28. 1660 for Solemne Congratulation for the RestoK lion of his Maiesty to his Royal Thron( By Anthonie Sadler, late Chaplain, to th Right Honourable Letitia, Lady Paget SADLER. 531 SAINTS. Dowager, Deceased. London, Printed by T. C. for L. Sadler, 1660. 4". A— D 2 in fours, including a fine frontispiece by Vaughan and a leaf of metrical explana- tion. Dedicated to the King. SADLER, THO:\IAS. Sadler's Memoirs : Or, The History of the Life and Death of that Famous Thief Thomas Sadler. Giving a True Account of his being Fifteen times in the Goal of Newgate, and a Relation of his most Notorious Pranks in City and Countrey. "With a particular Description of the manner of his Robbing the Lord High Chancellour of England ; For which he was Condemned to Dye, and Executed at Tyburn on Fryday the Sixteenth of March, 1677. Printed for P. Brooksby, in AVestsmithfield. 4'^, A — C 2 in fours. B. M. SAINTBARB, RICHARD. Certaine Points of Christian Relicrion. [London, 1589 X\ 8'', chiefly black letter, A — M in eights, A 1 and 8 blank. Dedi- cated to Sir Francis Walsingham, and to the Lady Ursula his wife, from the author's house at Kingswood in "Wilts, the 1^^ of September, 1589. The copy employed -wants the titlepage. Compare Herbert, pp. 1357-S. SAINT-DEDIER, M. DE. The City and Republick of Venice. In Three Parts. Originally written in French by Monsieur De S. Desdier. [Translated by Fra. Terne.] London : Printed for Char. Brome . . . 1699. 8°. a, 8 leaves: A — 3 G 4 in eights. ST. HELENA. A Relation of the Re-taking of the Island of Sta Helena, And Three Dutch East- India Ships. Published by Authority. In the Savoy, Printed by Thomas New- comb. M.DC.LXXiii. Folio, 2 leaves. B.M. ST. JOHN, OLIVER, M.-p. Mr. S*- John's Speech to the Lords in the Vpper house of Parliament lauuary 7, 1640. Concerning Ship-Money. Printed Anno Domini, 1640. 4°, A — ^F in fours. An Argument of Law concerning the Bill of Attainder of High Treason of Thomas Earle of Strafford : At a Con- ference in a Committee of both Houses of Parliament. By Mr. St. John Ids Ma- jesties Solicitor Generall. Published by order of the Commons House London, Printed Anno Domini, 1641. 4'^, A — K in fours. ST. LO, GEORGE. England's Safety : Or, A Bridle to the French King. Proposing a Sure Method for Encouraging Navigation, and Raising Qualified Seamen for the well Manning their Majesties Fleet on any Occasion, in a Months time, without Impressing, And a Competent Provision for all such as shall be Wounded in Service against the Enemy . , . Also an Insight into the Advantages may be had by the Herring and other Fisheries . . . By Captain George S* Lo. London: Printed for "W. Miller, at the Gilded Acorn in PauVs Church-yard . . . 1693. 4° A— F in fours, including a curious emblematical woodcut frontispiece. England's Safety: . . . By Captain George St. Lo. The Second Edition with Addi- tions. London: Printed for W^ Miller, . . . 1693. 4*^, A— G in fours, A 1 with a woodcut frontispiece and G 4 blank. England's Interest ; Or, A Discipline for Seamen : W^herein is Proposed, A Sure Method for Raising Seamen, for the well manning their Majesties Fleet on all Occasions. ... By Captain George St. Lo. London: Printed for Robert Clavell, . . . MDCXCIY. 4*^, A — M, 2 leaves each, and a*, 2 leaves. Dedicated to the Com- missioners of the Great Seal. ST. PETER. Saint Peters Teares. . . . London Printed for W^illiam lones, . . . 1602. 4", A— C in fours, A 1 and C 4 blank. ST. SERFE, THOMAS. Tarugo's Wiles : Or, The Coffee-House. A Comedy. As it was Acted at his High- ness's, the Duke of York's Theater. "Writ- ten by Tho. S*- Serfe, Gent. London, Printed by Henry Herringman . . . 1668. 4^, A — H in fours. Dedicated to George, Marquis of Huntly. SAINTS. The Parliaments Kalender of Black Saints : Or a New Discovery of tlie Plots & Treasons, against our Religion, Lawes, and Lives, by the Popish Faction, . . . London, Printed for G. Bishop, August 24. 1644. 4«, 4 leaves. The tract, which is quaintly and smartly written, ends with a short account of the victories of Essex, Cromwell, ka. A Nest of Perfidious Vipers: Or, The Second Part of the Parliaments Kalender of Black Saints. Pictured forth in a second Arraignment or Jayl-Delivery of Malignants . . . London, Printed accord- ing to Order, for G. Bishop. Septemb. 21. 1644. 4*^, 4 leaves. SALESBURY. 532 SALTMARSH. SALESBURY, HENRY, of DenUgh. _ Grammatica Britannica in usum ejus linguae, studiosorum succincta methodo & perspicuitate facili conscripta ; & nunc primum in lucem edita ; Henrico Sales- burio Denbigliensi Autore. [Quotation from Quintilian,] Londini, Excudebat Thomas Salesburius. 1593. 8^. *, 2 leaves: **, 4 leaves: A — K in fours. De- dicated to Heniy Earl of Pembroke from Denbigh, the third of the Nones of February, 1593, bj H. Salesburv. Lam- heth. SALESBURY, WILLIAM. A Dictionary in Englyshe and Welshe moche necessary to all suche Welshemen as wil spedly learne the englyshe togue thought vnto the kyuges maiestie very mete to be sette forth e to the vse of his graces subiectes in Wales: wherevnto is pfixed a litle treatyse of the englyshe proniiciacion of the letters, by Wyllyam Salesbury. [Col.] Imprynted at Lon- don in Foster lane, by me John Waley. (1547). Cum priuilegio ... 4*^, A — C in fours, C 4 blank: A (repeated) — S in fours, S 4 blank. Dedicated to Henry VIII. Reprinted for the Cymmrodorion Society, 4°, 1877. SALISBURY, ROBERT CECIL, ^arZ of. Brittaynes Generall teares shedd for ye greate losse it hadd by the death of the righte noble and worthy Robert Erie of Salisbury lord high threasurer of Eng- land. Licensed to Ralph Blower, 27 May, 1612. The State and Dignitie of a Secretarie of Estates Place, with the care and perill thereof. Written by the Right Honour- able Robert Late Earle of Salisbvry, With His Excellent Instructions to the late Earle of Bedford, for the Government of Barwick. A work worthy of memory. London, Printed in the yeare 1642. 4.^, A — C in fours, C 4 blank. The Instructions to Lord Bedford are subscribed by Williavi Cecil, Viscount Wimbledon, from his house at that place. However, at A 3, they are described as his "requested" instructions. SALKELD, JOHN. A Treatise of Paradise. And the Princi- pall contents thereof : Especially of the greatnesse, situation, beautie, and other properties of that place : of the trees of life, good and euill ; of the Serpent, Cherubim, fiery Sword, . . . Collected out of the holy Scri]Hures, . . . London, Printed by Edward Griffin for Nathaniel Bvtter. 1617. 8^, A— Z in eights, Z 8 blank. Dedicated to Sir F. Bacon. SALL, ANDREW. True Catholic and Apostolic Faith main- tain'd in the Church of England By Andrew Sail, Doctor in Divinity . . . Printed at the Theater in Oxford, 1676. 8°. * — 4 * in sixes : A — Q in sixes, title to part 2 on Q 6: part 2, A — U 3 in sixes. SALLUSTIUS, C. C. The Conspiracie of Catiline, written by Constantius, Felicius, Durantinus, and translated by Thomas Paynell : with the historye of Jugurth, writen by the famous Romaine Salust, and translated into Eng- 13'she by Alexander Barcklaye. [Col.] Thus endeth the conspiracy of Catiline. Imprinted at London in Foster lane by John Waley. A — Yin fours, (ii.) Here begynneth the famous Cronicle of Warre . . . Newely Imprinted in the yere of oure Lorde God M.D.L.vij. [Col,] Im- printed at London in Foster lane by Jhon Waley. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : a — z in fours, and Aa — Hh in fours. 4^, black letter. The two most worthy and Notable His- tories . . . 1608. Collation: title and dedication, &c., 3 leaves : ^ and ^ ^ in fours, last leaf blank: B — Pp in fours, Pp 4 with Errata. The Workes of Caius Crispus Salustius Contayning the Conspiracie of Cateline. The Warre of lugurth. V. Bookes of Historicall fragments. II. Orations to Ccesar . . . [Translated by William Crosse.] Are to be Sould at the Eagle and Child in Brittaines Burse by The. Walkley. 1629. 12°. A, 6 leaves, with engraved title by Vaughan, dedication to the Marquis of Hamilton, and verses by Sir F. Wortley, &c. B— 2 G 10 in 1 twelves. SALLEE. Newes from Sally: Of A Strange Delivery of Foure English Captives from the slavery of the Turkes. Printed in thc' yeare. 1642. 4'', 4 leaves. B. M. SALTMARSH, JOHN. Wonderfull Predictions Declared in a Message, as from the Lord, to his Excel- lency S'" Thomas Fairfax and the Coun- cell of his Army. By John Saltmarsli Preacher of the Gospell. His severall speeches, and the manner of his Death. Printed at London by Robert Ibbitson, in Smithfield, neer the Queens-head Tavern, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. With two cuts on title. SALTONSTALL. 533 SANDYS. SALTONSTALL, WYE. Picturae Loqueiites, Or Pictvres drawne forth in Cliaracters. With a Poeme of a Maid. . . . The second Edition inhirged. London, Printed by Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by William Hope, . . . lG3o. 12°, A— H 6 in twelves. This edition has 38, instead of 26, charac- ters. SALTPETEE. By the King, A Proclamation for pre- seruation of Grounds for making of Salt- peter, and to restore such grounds as are now destroyed, and to command Assist- ance to be giuen to His Maiesties Salt- peter-Makers. 14 March, 1633[-4.] Im- printed at London by Eobert Barker, . . . 1634. Forster Coll. SAMMES, AYLET, of Christ's College, Cambridge, and of the Inner Temple. Britannia Antiqua Illustrata: Or, The Antiquities of Ancient Britain, Derived from the Phcenicians : Wherein the Ori- ginal Trade of this Island is discovered, the Names of Places, Offices, Dignities, as likewise the Idolatry, Language, and Customs of the Primitive Inhabitants are clearly demonstrated from that Nation, . . . London, Printed by Tho. Roycroft for the Author, mdclxxvi. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : A, 4 leaves: B — C, 2 leaves each: D, 4 leaves: Afaj) : E — 4 F in fours. De- dicated to Lord Finch, Lord Chancellor. With plates on the letterpress. SAMPSON. Sampson the story Doth shewe by Dalyda falslye he was over throwen. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1563-4. An history of Sampson. Licensed to Lucas Harrison in 1565-6. A Dittye of Sampson Judge of Israeli. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. SAMPSON, THOMAS. A letter to the trew professors of Christes Gospell / inhabitinge in the Parishe off Allhallowes / in Bredstrete in London / made by Thomas Sampson / sometyme their Pastore. [Quot. from 2 Cor. 6.] Imprynted at Strasburgh in Elsas at the signe of the golde Bibell / in the moneth of Auguste, the yeare of our Lord. 1554. S*', black letter, A— B in eights, B 7-8 blank. Lambeth. SANCTORIUS, of Padua. Medicina Statica : Or, Rules of Health, In Eight Sections of Aphorisms. Ori- ginally Written by Sanctorius Chief Pro- fessor of Physick at Padua. English'd by J. D. London, Printed for John Starkey, . . . mdclxxvi. 12°. A, 6 leaves: B— I 6 in twelves. With a fron- tispiece of the Weighing Chair. Dedi- cated by the translator to W. Witherings, Esfi. SANDER, NICOLAS, D.D. A Brieie Treatise of Vsvrie, made by Nicolas Sander D. of Diuinitie. [Quot. from Luke 6.] Lovanii, Apud loannem Foulerum, An. 1568. Cum Priuilegio . . . 8°. A — I in eights, I 7 with the colophoD, and I 8 blank. SANDERSON, ROBERT. Logicae et Physic?e Artis Compendivm. Authore Rob. Sanderson, . . . Oxonise, Excudebat Hen. Hall, . . . 1672. 8°, title, &c., 4 leaves: A — X in eights. A second title describes this as the 8th edition. SANDERSON, WILLIAM. A Compleat History of the Lives and Eeigms of Mary Queen of Scotland, And of her Son and Successor, James the Sixth . . . Reconciling several Opinions, In Testimony of Her, and Confuting others, in Vindication of Him, against two scan- dalous Authors, 1. The Court and Cha- racter of King James. 2. The History of Great Britain. . . . By William San- derson, Esq; London, Printed for Hum- phrey Moseley, Richard Tomlins, and George Sawbridge, . . . mdclvi. Folio. A,. 4 leaves: a — ^b 2 in fours: four leaves of Particular Passages : B — 4 I in fours : 4 K, 1 leaf. With portraits of Q. Mary and K. James, and a separate title to the History of the latter. A Compleat History of the Life and Raigne of King Charles from his Cradle to his Grave. Collected and written by William Sanderson Esq. London, Prin- ted for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1658. Folio, A — 6 I 2 in fours, ancl [B] 4 leaves. With a portrait of the King and an epistle to the author by James Howell. SANDYS, EDWIN. A Declaration of Coll: Edwyn Sandys, In Vindication of himself from those calum- nious Aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Falkland and Secretary Nicholas : Published and subscribed with his own hand at the Randevouze at Worcester, Octob. 11. 1642 . . . Printed for E. Hus- bands and J. Franck, Octob. 17. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. SANDYS, GEORGE. A Relation of a lourney begun An: Dom: 1610. Fovre Bookes. Containing a de- scription of the Turkish Empire, of SANDYS. 534 SATIRE. ^gypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote parts of Italy, and Hands adioyning. London. Printed for W. Barrett. 1615. Folio. Engraved title and dedication to the Prince, 2 leaves : B — Dd in sixes, Dd 6 blank. With a map and numerous plates, Sandys Travailes : Containing a History of the Origiuall and present State of the Turkish Empire . . . Ilhistrated with Eifty Graven Maps and Figures. The Fift Edition. London, Printed by Richard Cotes, and are to be sold by John Sweet- ing . . . 1652. Folio. Engraved title, 1 leaf : printed title, 1 leaf : Preface, 1 leaf : B — X in sixes. SANDYS, SIR MILES. A Relation of the State of Religion : and with what Hopes and Policies it hath beene framed, and is maintained in the severall states of these westerne parts of the world. London, Printed for Simon Waterson dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Crowne. 1605. 4°, A — Z in fours, title on A 2. On flyleaf at beginning occurs : " March 16: 1720: E Dono Edoardi Richards Arm : " and at end there is this memo- randum : "At the returns of this booke 4s gd by niee Ed: Southerne Servant to Francis Hill." The latter is in a coeval hand. Evropse Specvlvm, Or A View Or Svrvey of the State of Religion in the Westerne parts of the World. Wherein the Romane Religion, and the pregnant policies of the Church of Rome to support the same, are notably displayed . . . Haga3-Comitis. 1629. 4^ IF, 4 leaves: HIT, 2 leaves: a— bb in fours. At the end occurs : ' ' From Paris, ix° Aprill, 1599. Copied out by the Authors originall, and finished. 2 Octob. An. M.DC.XVIII." Evropse Specvlvm . . . London, Printed by T. Cotes, for Michael Sparke, . . . 1637. 4^. ^, 4 leaves : a— hh in fours. SANFORD, ROBERT. Surinam Justice. In the Case of several persons proscribed l)y certain Usurpers of Power in that Colony. Being A Pub- lication of that perfect Relation of the Beginning, Continuance, and End of the late Disturbances in the Colony of Suri- nam, set forth under that Title, by Wil- liam Byam Esq. (sometime Rightfull) Governour of that Colony. And the Vindication of those Gentlemen, sullerers by his injustice, from the Calumnies : wherewith he asperseth them in that Re- lation. Couched in the Answer there- unto by Robert Sanford Neither least in Innocence no^ in Sufferings. London, Printed for the Authour . . . 1662. 4^, A — G in fours. SANNAZARO, J. A Shadowe of Sannazar the Noble Nea- politan. Licensed to John Perrin, 2 Aug. 1581. SARDANAPALUS. A ballett intituled shewyng of the myse- rable vnhappy fall of a vecyous Kynge Called syr Danapall. Licensed to T. Col- well in 1565-6. SARPI, PAOLO. The Historie of the Covncel of Trent. Conteining eight Bookes. In which (be- sides the ordinarie Actes of the Couucell) are declared many notable occurrences, which happened in Christendome, during the space of fourtie yeeres and more. . . . Written in Italian by Pietro Soaue Polano, and faithfully translated into English by Nathanael Brent. London Printed by Robert Barker, and lohn Bill, . . . Anno Dom. m.dc.xx. Folio. IF, 8 leaves, the first blank : A — 3 Z in sixes : 4 A, 8 leaves, 4 A 7 with the colophon, and 4 A 8 blank. The Life of the Most Learned Father Paul, of the Order of the Servie. Covn- cellour of State to the most Serene Re- publicke of Venice. And Authour of the History of the Covnsell of Trent. Tran- slated out of Italian by a person of Quality. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and Richard Marriot ... 1651. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — P in eights. With a por- trait by Lombart. SATAN. The conflict betwen Sathan and y® peni- tent sinner. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 23 July, 1592. SATIRE. A Satyr against Vertue. London, Printed in the Year, 1679. 4^^, A— B in fours. In verse. SATIRE MENIPPEE. A Pleasant Satyre or Poesie : Wherein is discouered the Catholicon of Spayne, and the chiefe leaders of the League. Finelie Fetcht over, and laide open in their colours. Newly turned out of French into English. Proverbs 10. 25. Smite a scoimer, and the foolish will be warie, d-c. At London, Printed by the Widdow Orwin for Thomas Man, dwelling in Pater-noster rowe at the signe of the Tal- SA UNDERSON. 535 SCAR RON. hot. 1595. 4'', A — Cc in fours, Cc 4 blank. "U'ith a good deal of poetry interspersed. This is a translation of the Satyre Menippee, and the headline throughout is "ASatyre Menippized."' SAUXDERSOX, THOMAS. A Eovall Loyall Poem. London, Printed for W. Place, and are to be sold at his Shop at Grayes-Inne Gate in Holborne. 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. SAYILL, J. Rights of the People : Or, Customs of our Ancestors. Touching the Duty, Power, Election, or Succession of our Kings and Parliaments, Our True Liberty, due Alle- giance, three Estates, their Legislative Power, Original, Judicial, and Executive ; with the Militia. Freely discussed through the Britisli, Saxon, Xorman Laws and Histories. "With an occasional Discourse of Great Changes yet expected in the "World. London : Printed for J. Kidgell. 1682. 4^, A— Ss in fours, and a, 2 leaves. SAVOEAXOLA, HTEPv., of Ferrara. An exposityon after the maner of a con- templacion, vpon the Psalme called Mise- rere mei dens whiche Hierome of ferrary made, at the latter ende of hys dayes. [Col.] Printed at London in Aldersgate strete by John Herforde, for Robert Toye. 4°, A — H in fours. Printed without a regular title. Sotheby's, February, 1881, No. 531. This is usually attached to the editions of the Primer and Epistles and Gospels, and was probably printed to accompany them. SAVORSAXO, ALOXSO DE CAS- TILLO. La Picara, Or, The Triumphs of Female Subtilty, Display'd in the Artifices and Impostures of a Beautiful W^oman, who Trepanned the, most experienc'd Rogues, j and made all those unhappy who thought her handsome : Originally, A Spanish Relation, Enriched with three Pleasant Xovels. Render'd into English, with some Alterations and Additions, By John Davies of Kidwelly. London, Printed by \^. TV. for John Starkey, at the Mitre witliin Temple-Bar. 1665. S*". A, 4 leaves : B — U in eights. Dedicated by Davies to Sir John Birken- head. Three Ingenious Spanish Xovels : . . . The Second Edition. London : Printed for E. Tracy, ... 1712. 12*^, A— G in twelves, including a woodcut frontispiece. SAVOY. Discours veritable des horribles meurtres et massacres comis et perpetrez de sang froid, par les troupes de Due de Savov conduictes par Dom Amedee bastard de la dicte Savoy, sur les paures paisans Dv Baillage De Gap,/ Licensed to John Wolf, probably to be printed in English, 26 Sept. 1590. The overthrowe of the Duke of Savoye. the IS of September 1591. Licensed to W. Wright, 2 Oct. 1591. SAWTRY, JAMES. The defence of the Mariage of Preistes : Agenst Steuen Gardiner bisshop of Wyn- chester / Wylliam Reyse bisshop of Xor- wiche / and agenst all the bisshops and preistes of that false popish secte / with a confutacion of their vnaduysed vowes vnaduysedly diffined : whereby they haue so ^vykedly separated them whom God cowpled in lawfuU mariage. Made by James Sawtry. . . . [Col.] Prynted at Auryk by Jan Troost. m.d.xl.j. in August, 8°, A— D 4 in eights. Black letter. Grenv. Coll. SAXTOX, CHRISTOPHER. [A Collection of thirty-five maps of Eng- land and "Vi^'ales. 1575-9.] Folio, 39 leaves = 35 maps and four preliminary leaves. Copies vary in the contents ; the maps are usually coloured. See Herbert's Ames, iii. 1649-52. A copy on vellum, slightly imperfect, was sold among D. Laing's books. The prefixes generally consist of a fron- tispiece containing a portrait of Queen Elizabeth seated on her throne, a leaf of arms (84 shields), a Table of particulars respecting the Counties, and a tripartite Index, 1 leaf. The whole is engraved. The Grenville copy has a titlepage, con- taining a seated portrait of Elizabeth under an arch, supported by two figures, and with verses underneath, an Index to the 35 maps, a leaf of arms, and a Catalogue of the Cities, &c., in each county, 1 leaf : it has also the Quarter-master's map by HoUar, and many others, added at the end. SCARGILL, DAXIEL. The Recantation of Daniel Scargill, Pub- lickly made before the University of Cambridge, in Great St. Maries, July 25, 1669. Printed by the Printers to the University of Cambridge. 1669. 4°, 4 leaves. SCARROX, PAUL. Scarron's Comical Romance : Or, a Face- tious History of a Company of Strowling Stage-Players. Interwoven with Divers Choice Xovels, Rare Adventures, and Amorous Intrigues. "Written originally in French By the Famous and Witty SCHOOLMASTER. 536 SCOT. Poet Scarron, And now turn'd into Eng- lish. London : Printed by J. C. for Wil- liam Crooke, . . . 1676. Folio. Frontis- piece, title, and Contents, 3 leaves : B — Kk 2 in fours. SCHOOLMASTER The English, Latyn, French, and Dutch schoolemaster. Licensed to M. Sparke, 19 November, 1636. SCHOUTEN, CORNELISON. The Relation of a Wonderfull Voiage made by William Cornelison Schovten of Hirne. Shewing how South from the Straights of Magelan, in Terra Del-fuego : he found and discouered a newe passage through the great South Sea, and that way sayled round about the world. De- scribing what Islands, Countries, People, and Strange Aduentures he found in his saide Passage. London Imprinted by T. D. for Nathanaell Newbery, . . . 1619. 4°, A — K in fours, besides title and Epistle. With a woodcut chart on the title. Dedicated to Sir T. Smith, Gover- nor of the East-India Company by W. P. the translator. SCHOUTEN, HENRY. The Hairy-Giants : Or, A Description of Two Islands in the South Sea, Called by the name of Benganga and Coma : Dis- covered by Henry Schovten of Harlem; In a Voyage begun January 1669, and finished October 1671. . . . Englished by P. M. Gent. London, Printed by A. Maxwell, for John Watson, . . . 1671. 4°. A, 3 : B— C in fours : D, 2. SCOBELL, HENRY, Esquire, Clerk of Parliament. Memorials of the Method and Maner of Proceedings in Parliament in passing Bills. Together with several Rules and Customs . . . Gathered by Observation, . . . By H. S. E. C. P. London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness. 1G56. 8^, A— H 4 in eights. SCORY, JOHN, Bishop of Chichester. An Epistle wiytten by John Scory the late bishope of Chichester vnto all the faythfull that be in ])ryson in Englande, or in any other troble for the defence of Godds truthe : wherin he dotlie as well by the promises of mercy as also l)y thensamples of diuerse holy martyres, comfort, encorrage & strengtliO them paciently fur christcs sake to sulfer the manifolde cruelland moste tyrfinous per- secutios of ye Antichristian tormen tours. . . . Anno. 1555. 8^ A— B in eights. SCOT, REGINALD or REYNOLD. A Perfite platforme of a Hoppe Garden, and necessarie Instructions for the mak- ing and mayntenaunce thereof, with notes and rules for reformation of all abuses, commonly practised therein, very neces- sary and expedient for all men to haue, which in any wise haue to doe with Hops. Made by Reynolde Scot. . . . Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham . . . 1574 ... 4*^, A— I in fours, A 1 blank. Dedi- cated to Serjeant Lovelace. A Perfite platforme . . . Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham . . . 1578 ... 4°, A — K in fours, K 4 blank. Scots Discovery of Witchcraft : Proving the common opinions of Witches con- tracting with Divels, Spirits, or Fami- liars ; and their power to kill, torment and consume the bodies of men, women, and children, or other creatures by dis- eases or otherwise ; their flying in the Air, &c. To be but imaginary Erronious conceptions and novelties ; . . . Printed bv R. C. and are to be sold by Giles Calvert. ... 1651. 4«. Title, 1 leaf: A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B— Aa in fours : *, 4 leaves : *'^, 4 leaves : ft, 2 leaves : Bb — Gg in fours : *, 2 leaves with cuts : Hh — Eee in fours. With a woodcut frontispiece. SCOT, THOMAS, of Utrecht. Vox Popvli. Or Newes from Spayne, translated according to the Spanish coppie. Which may serue to forwarne both Eng- land and the Vnited Prouinces how farre to trust to Spanish pretences. Imprinted in the yeare 1620. 4*^, A— D 2 in fours. De Adiaphoris. Scoti ton tuchontos Aphorismi. Anno Domini 1622. 8*^, A — B 4 in eights. In prose, Newes from Pernassvs. The Politicall Touchstone, Taken from Mount Per- nassus : Whereon the Governments of the greatest Monarchies of the World are touclied. Printed at Helicon. 1622. 4^, A — M in fours. Aphorismes of State : Or Certaine secret Articles for the re-edifying of the Romish Chvrch agreed v])on and approued in Councell, by the CoUedge of Cardinalls in Rome. . . . AVhereunto is annexed a censure vpon the chief points of that which the Cardinalls had concluded. By Tho. Scott. Very needfuU and profitable for all those, who are desirous to vnder- stand the euent of the restitution of the Palatinate, . . . Faithfully Translated according to the Latine, and Netherland- SCOTCHMAN. 537 SCOTLAND. ish Dutch, into English. Printed at Vtrech. 1624. 4^, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. Yotivas Anglios : Or, The Desires and Wishes of England. Contained in a Patheticall Discourse, presented to the King on New-yeares Day last. . . . Against the Treacherovs Ysvrpations, and formidable Ambition and Power of the Emperour, the King of Spaine, and the Duke of Bavaria . . . Together with some Aphorismes returned (with a Large interest) to the Pope in Answer of his. Written by S. R. N. I. Printed at Vtrecht. mdcxxiiii. 4^ *, 4 leaves : a — e 2 in fours, a repeated, and no b. In prose. Dedicated to Prince Charles. JCOTCHMAX. A Trve Relation of a Scotchman, Who comniing into the Church of St. Olaves in the Old lury in London, at such time as the people were receiving the Commu- nion, did much disturb them, and by force tore the Service-book in peeces, on Sunday Septemb. 5. 1641. . . . London printed by Thomas Harper. 1641. With licence. 4°, 4 leaves. ;COTLAXD. The late expedicion in Scotlande. made by the Kynges hyghnys armye, vnder the conduit of the ryght honorable the Erie of Hertforde, the yere of our Lorde God 1544. Londini. Cum priuilegio. . . . [Col.] Imprynted at London in Powls churchyarde by Reynolde Wolfe, at the sygne of y Brasen serpent. Anno. 1544, Cum priuilegio ... 8*^, black letter, A — D in fours. Grenv. Coll. (the Rox- burghe copy.) The Complainte of Scotlande, vyth ane Exortatione to the thre Estaits to be viijilante in the Deffens of their Public Ye'il. [Paris, Samuel Jascuy, 1549 ?] 16°. See Mr. Murray's new edition, 1872, xvi. et seqq. The Confession of the fayht and doctrin beleued and professed by the Protestantes of the Realme of Scotland exhibited to the estates of the sam in parliament and by thare publict votes authorised as a doctrin grounded vpon the infallible wourd of God. Matth. 24. And this glaid hjdinges . . . Imprinted at Edinburgh, be Robert Lekprewik. Cum priuilegio. 1561. 8°, black letter, a— c in eights. Lamheth. The Confession of the faythe in Skott- lande. Licensed to Rowland Hall in 1561-2. The Ordovre of Excommvnicatiovnand of Pvblick Repentance, vsed in the Church of Scotland, and commanded to be prented by the generall Asserablie of the same in the Moneth of lunij. 1569. Prentid at Edinbvrgh be Robert Lekprevik. Anno. 1569. 8", A — E 4 in eights. Lambeth. The Deploraction of the Cniell murther of the lorde James erle of Marry Regente of Skottlande. Licensed to John Awde- lay in 1570. An intended reprint of Lekprevik's edi- tion. Ane Admonitiovn Direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the Kingis Grace Authoritie, M. G. B. Imprentit at Striviling be Robert Lekprevik. Anno Do. M.D.LXXT. 8*^, A — B in eights. Lam- beth. Ane Discovrse tviching the Estait Present in October Anno Domini 1571. Impren- tit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpreuik. Anno Do. m.d.lxxii. S*^, A— B in eights. Lambeth. The Ordovre and Doctrine of the Generall Fast, appointed be the Generall Assemblie of the Kirkes of Scotland. Halden at Edinburgh the 25. day of December. 1565. [Quot, from loel 2.] Imprented at Edinbvrgh be Robert Lekpreuik. Anno. 1574. 8°, A— D in eights : E, 4 leaves : F, 2 leaves. Lambeth. A newe Scottishe song. Licensed to Edward White, 19 Feb. 1578-9. A Ballad of A Rade made into Lyddes- dale by certen Englishe Gentlemen of ye phenix and others against y^ Ellyottes for deadly fead, ye originall whereof be- gan by y« Elliottes beinge Scottes at Kyrke harle in Scotland for L. yeres past. Licensed to H. Carre, 3 Sept. 1580. Ane Declaratiovn of the iust and necessar causis, moving vs of the Xobillitie of Scotland & vthers y® Kings Maiesties Faithfvl Svbiectis to repair to his Hienes presence, and to reman e with him for resisting to the present daingeris appear- ing to Goddis trew religion and profes- sours thairof & to his Hienes awin person estait & troun & his faithful stibiectis that hee constantly continuis in his obedience, . . . Derectit from Striuiling with special! command and licence to be prentit. [Stirling.] Anno, m.d.lxxxil 8°, A— B in eights. Lambeth. Treason Pretended against tlie King of Scots, by certaine Lordes and Gentlemen, whose names hereafter followe. With a SCOTLAND. 538 SCOTLAND. Declaration of the Kinges Maiesties in- tention to his last Acts of Parliament : which openeth fully in effect all the saide conspiracy Out of Scottish into English. Imprinted at London for Thomas Nelson, and are to be solde at the West ende of Paulas. 1585. 8°, black letter, A— C in fours. Lamheth. Certaine Matters Composed together. The Genealogie of all the Kings of Scotland, . . . Arch-bishopricks, Bishopricks, . . . Knights of Scotland. Forme of the oath of a Duke, . . . Names of the Baronets, . . . Names of the principal} Clannes, . . . Description of whole Scotland, . . . Most rare and wonderfuU things in Scot- land. Edinbvrfjh, Printed by Robert Waldegraue, . . .\Circd 1612.] 4°, B— K in fours, and the title. Grenv. Coll. The Qvestions to be Resolvit at the Con- vention of the Estaits and Generall As- semblies, appointed to be at the Burgh of Perth the last day of Februarie next to come. Edinburgh Printed be Eobert Walde-graue, . , . Anno Dom. 1597. 4°, 5 leaves. Informations, Or A Protestation, and a Treatise from Scotland. Seconded with D. Reinoldes His Letter to Sir Fraiicis KnoUis. And Sir Francis Knollis his speach in Parliament. All Suggesting the vsurpation of Papal Bishops. [Quo- tations from 1 Cor. xii. 5, and Matth. xv. 13.] Imprinted. 1608. 8^. Title and Epistle, 3 leaves : A, 8 leaves : B— C in fours : D — E in eights : F, 4 leaves : G, 8 leaves : H, 4 leaves, H 4 blank. The Rates of Marchandizes as they are set down in the Booke of Rates for pay- ment of the Kings Majesties Customes, and Import of Wynes within the King- dome of Scotland : . . . Edinburgh, Prin- ted be Thomas Finlason. 1611 . . . 4*^, A — N 2 in fours, and the titlepage. A ballad of the Lord Sanquire called Bloodshedd reuenged. Licensed to Wil- liam Barley, 6 June, 1612. Qvaeres Concerning the state of the Chvrch of Scotland. Deut. 27. 18. Cursed is he . . . Printed Anno 1621. 8*^, 8 leaves, the last blank. Boanerges : Or The Hvmble Svpplication of the Ministers of Scotland, to the High Covrt of Parliament in England. [Quo- tation.] Printed in Edinburgh. 1624. 4*^, A— E 2 in lours. A relacion of the 4 sunnes scene at Edenborough the 15*1^ day of June. Li- censed to N. Butter, 28 July, 1626. A Proclamation and Declaration to inform ^' Our loving Subjects of Our Kingdom of England of the seditious practices of some in Scotland, seeking to overthrow Our Regall Power under the false pretences of Religion. [27 Feb. 1637-8.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1638. Forster Coll. [A Proclamation restraining the action of the Assembly of the Church of Scotland.] 29 Nov. 1638. Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Young, . . . Cvm Privilegio. Forster Coll. The Protestation of the Generall Assem- blies of the Chvrch of Scotland, and of the Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Bor- rowes, Ministers and Commons ; Sub- scribers of the Covenant, lately renewed, made in the high Kirk, and at the Mer- cate Crosse of Glasgow, the 28. and 29. of November 1638. Printed at Glasgow by George Anderson, in the Yeare of Grace, 1638. 4°, A— B in fours. D. Laing, part 4, No. 1024. This is said to be the first piece printed at Glasgow. The Declinatovr, And Protestation of the some some-times pretended Bishops, Presented in face of the last Assembly. Refuted and found Futile, but full of In- solent Reproaches, and False Assertions. Edinbvrgh, Printed by lames Bryson, Anno Dom. 1639. 4^, A— N 2 in fours. A Proclamation declaring those of Scot- land, who have entred, or shall enter this Kingdom in a Warlike manner, and their Adherents, to be Rebels [11 Aug. 1639.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1639. Forster Coll. [A Message and Declaration] From the Commissioners of Scotland, 24 February, 1640. [before coming to England, in order to contradict false reports.] No ]^lace or printer's name. [Edinburgh, 1639-40.] A broadside. Forster Coll. By the King. A Proclamation to those of Scotland, who have entred or shall enter this Kingdom in a Warlike manner, and their Adherents, to be Rebels and Traitours to His Majestie. Imprinted at London by Robert Biirker . . . And by the Assigncs of John Bill. 1640. A broadside. The Intentions of the Army of the King- dome of Scotland, Declared to their Brethren of England, By the Commis- sioners of the late Parliament, and by the Generall, Noblemen, Barons, and others, OlHcers of the Army. Printed in the yeare of our Lord, 1640. 4°, A — E 2 in fours. SCOTLAND. 539 SCOTLAND. The Passionate Remonstrance Made to his Holinesse in the Conclave at Eome : Upon the late proceedings, and great Covenant of Scotland, &c. With a reply of Cardinall De Barharismo m the name of the Roman Clergy. Together with a Letter of Intelligence from the Aposto- licke Xuntio (now residing in London) to Pope Urban the 8. Eidentem dicere xa'um nil vetat. Anno Domini. 1640. 4°, A— M in fours, last leaf blank, besides the frontispiece. The leaf after the title is marked A ; but there are only 3 leaves. A curious and scarce volume in prose and verse. At sign. D 2 are some lines by David Primrose. In the copy here used the date has been altered with a pen to 1646. A Proclamation against libellous and sedi- tious Pamphlets, and Discourses sent from Scotland. [30 March, 1640.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker. . . . 1640. Forster Coll. The Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland, with the Bond or Covenant subscribed unto by the whole Kingdome. London, Printed in the yeare 1641. A sheet. The Scotts Declaration, In Answer to the Declaration, sent unto them by their Commissioners now at London, Prom the Honourable Houses of Parliament of England : Expressing their Care to pre- vent the effusion of Christian Blood ; And their Affections to Reformation both to Kirk and State. Printed, for Edw. Husbands and John Francke, . . . Sep- tem. 1. 1641. 4^ 4 leaves. The Doctrine and Discipline of the Kirke of Scotland, as it was formerly set forth by publicke authority, and at this present commanded there to be practised in the said Kirke, Anno 1641. Together, with some Acts of general Assemblies clearing and confirming the same : As also an Act of Parliament by the King and three Estates of Scotland, for rectifying of the said Discipline. The First and Second Booke. Printed by Rob. Young his Majes- ties Printer for Scotland, and are to be sold by John Sweeting, . . . 1641. 4^ A, 4 leaves : B, 2 leaves : C— P 2 m fours. The Government and Order of the Chvrch of Scotland. Edinbrugh, Printed for lames Bryson, Anno mdcxli. 4°. IF, 2 leaves : A — I 2 in fours. A Thankesgiuing unto God, taken out of the Forme of Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments used in the Church of Scotland after their deliverance from the tvranny of the Frenchmen, by the Eng- lish : with prayers made for the con- tinuation of peace betweene the Realmes of England and Scotland. Printed at Edinburgh by Thomas Bassandyne, Anno Domini 1575. London, printed for Fran- cis Constable, Anno 1641. A sheet. Certaine Instrvctions Given by the L. Montrose, L. Nappier, Laird of Ker and Blackball. With a Trve Report of the Cominitte for this New Treason, that they had a three-fold Designe. Lon- don, Printed in the yeare. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. To the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, The humble Petition of the Commis- sioners of the Generall Assembly of the Kirke of Scotland, met at Edinborough, Januarv 4*^ 1642. And now lately pre- sented "to his Majestie, at Oxford. " Lon- don, Printed for Henry Overton, . . . 1642. 4P, 4 leaves. The Scots Scouts Discoveries : To their London Intelligencer. And presented to the Lords of the Covenant of Scotland. Anno Domini. 1639. London, Printed in the yeare 1642. 4P, 8 leaves. The Scots Scovts Discoveries. . . . Lon- don, Printed for William Sheares, 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. A Second Discovery by the Korthern Scovt : of the Chiefe Actions and attempts of the Malignant Party of Prelates and Papists, Proctors and Doctors, and Cava- liers That are now resident in the County of Yorke. London Printed for B. W. 1642. 4"^, 8 leaves. Attributed to Donald Lupton. The Petition of the Nobilitie, Gentrie, Burrowes, Ministers, and Commons of the Kingdom of Scotland, to the Lords of His Majesties most Honourable Privie Coun- cell. London : Printed by Robert Barker, . . . MDCXLii. 4°, 4 leaves. A Declaration of the Lords of the Secret- Councell, and of the Generall Assembly of the King-dome and Kirke of Scotland. Containing the principall heads of the doctrine of that Kirk, . . . Sent to their Commissioners in London, and by them presented to the Soveraigne high Court of Parliament. . . . London, Printed for lohn lohuson, Octob. 13. 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. The True Petition of the Entire Body of the Kingdome of Scotland. With an Act of the secret Councell of Scotland upon the same Petition. To the Right Honour- SCOTLAND. 540 SCOTLAND. able and truly Noble the Lords of his Majesties privy Councell for Scotland, shewing their obedience to his Majesty, and their hearty affection to his loyall & weldeserving Parliament. London, Printed for George Lindesay, and are to 1)6 sold by lohn Giles, at Davids Inne in Holborn. [1642.] A sheet. Two Speeches spoken at a Common Hall, Octob. 27, 1643. 1. By Sir Henry Vane. 2. By Master Marshall. Wherein is shewed the readinesse of the Scots to assist the Kingdome and Parliament of England to the utmost of their power. Edinburgh, Printed by Kobert Brvson. Anno Dom. 1643. 4^, A— B in fours. Declaration of the Lords of His Majesties Privie Councell, And Commissioners for conserving the Articles of the Treatie : For the Information of His Majesties good Subjects of this Kingdome. Edin- bvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. The Eemonstrance of the Commissioners of the General Assembly : To the Con- vention of Estates, at Edinburgh lune 1643. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . Anno 1643. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. An Order for the speedy raising of Money for the Advancing of the Scotch Army. [Oct. 7, 1643.] A sheet. The Proceedings of the Commissioners Appointed by the Kings Majestie and Parliament of Scotland, for conserving the Articles of the Treaty and Peace be- twixt the Kingdomes of Scotland and England. With Two Letters sent to His Majestie, by the Lords of His Privie Councel, wherein the Councell doth re- commend to His Majestie, the desires of the saids \8ic\ Commissioners : and the Petition of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly. Printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1643. Cvm Priuilegio. 4^, A— D in fours. A Short Declaration of the Kingdom of Scotland, For Information and Satisfac- tion to their Brethren of England, con- cerning the present Expedition into Eng- land. Printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler . . . 1643. A sheet subscribed Archibald Primrose. Reformation of Church-Government in Scotland, Cleered from some mistakes and Prejudices, by the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, now at London. Printed for Robert Bostock . . . 1644. 4°, B— D in fours, the titlepage, and a leaf of E. o — . tie-men, Buij ions of Scoa without ana A Solemne and Seasonable Warning to the Noble-men, Barons, Gentle-men, Bi rows. Ministers, and Commons land, As also to our Armies within this Kingdome : From the Gene- rall Assembly met at Edinburgh the 12. day of Februarv, 1645. Edinburgh : Printed by Evan Tyler, ... 1645, 4*^, A— C in fours. La Proclamation envoyee en Escosse, paT 1' ordre du Roy de la Grand' Bretagne, pour le licenciement de ces troupes & re- mises de ses places. A Orleans, . . . 1646. 8^, 4 leaves. A Solemne and Seasonable Warning to all' Estates and Degrees of Persons through- out the Land: For holding fast the League and Covenant with England, and avoid- ing everything that may prove a snare' and temptation to the breach thereof : By| the Commissioners of the Generall As- semblie. Edinburgh : Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1646. 4% 4 leaves. Some Papers of the Commissioners of; Scotland, Given in lately to the Houses; of Parliament, Concerning the Proposi- tions of Peace. London, Printed for Robert Bostock, . . . April 11. 1646. 4'^. A, 2 leaves: B— D in fours: E, 1 leaf. Scotlands Publick Acknowledgement of Gods Just Judgement upon their Nation For their frequent Breach of Faith, Leagves and Solemne Oathes . . . Printed at London for M. S. 1646. A sheet. B.M. Papers, Delivered in by the Commis- sioners of the Kingdome of Scotland at London, to the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England : Containing 1. their Answer upon the whole Proposi- tions of Peace. 2. Reasons touching the Militia. 3. The Citations of severall passages out of the Declaration of the Honourable Houses concerning the ]\Iili- tia, and Uniformity in Religion. 4. Rea- sons why the Result of the Committee of both Kingdoms at Edinburgh, 28 Novemb. 1643 is a Treaty. Printed at Edinburgh, By Order of the Committee of Estates, by Evan Tyler, His Maiesties Printer. 1646. 4*^, A— H in fours. The Scotch Souldiers Speech Concerning the Kings Coronation-Oath. Printed in the Yeare, 1647. 4*^, A— B in fours. A Declaration and Brotherly Exhortation of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, met at Edinburgh August 20. 1647. To their Brethren of England. Edinburgh: Printed bv Evan Tyler, . . . 1647. 4°. A— C in fours, C 4'blank. SCOTLAND. 541 SCOTLAND. Directions of the Generall Assembly Con- cerning Secret and Private Worship, and mutual edification, . . . With an Act for observing these Directions, and for cen- suring such as use to neglect Family Worship. And an Act against such as withdraw themselves from the Publick Worship in their own Congregations. Printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, . . . 1647. 4°, A— B in fours. A Declaration of the Kingdome of Scot- land, To the Parliament of England. . . . re-printed by Thomas AValkley. 1647. 4*', B— E in fours, and the title. The Answer of the Commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland, To both Houses of Parliament, Upon the New Proposi- tions of Peace, And the Eoure Bills to be sent to His Majestie. Edinburg, Ee- printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1647. 4«, A — E in fours. To the Right Honourable the Committee of Estates : The humble Eemonstrance of the Commissioners of the Generall As- sembly, met at Edinburgh the 13. of Oc- tober, 1647. Edinburgh : Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. A lustification of our Brethren of Scot- land. Vnder the JVilloio Tree. Anno 1647. A folio leaf. In verse. The Humble Representation of the Com- mission of the Generall Assembly, To the Honourable Estates of Parliament, upon their Declaration, lately communi- cate to us. Edinburgh, 28. Aprile 1648. Printed at London by Edward Griffin fur I. R 1648. 4^, A— D 2 in fours. Edinb. 6 lunii, 1648. The humble Vin- dication of the Commissioners of the General Assembly and their late Pro- ceedings, In Answer to the Letter of the High and Honourable Court of Parlia- ment, dated May 11. to the several Pres- byteries in the Kingdome. [1648.] 4^, 12 leaves. This includes the Advice and Petition of the Commission, 10 June, 1648. A Declaration and Exhortation of the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land to their Brethren of England Bear- ing date August the first 1648. . . . Lon- don, Printed for Ralph Smith, . . . 1648. 4", A — E in fours. A Declaration of the Committee of Estates of the Parliament of Scotland, To the Honourable Houses of the Parliament, And to all their Brothers of England, Concerning the Necessity, Grounds, and Ends of their Engagement . . . Edin- burgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4*^, 8 leaves, subscribed Arch. Frimerose. A Declaration of the Parliament of Scot- land, To all His jNIajesties good Subjects of this Kingdome, Concerning their Reso- lutions for Religion King & Kingdoms In pursuance of the Ends of the Cove- nant. Edinburgh Printed bv Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4°, A— Bin fours. A Declaration of the Commission of the Generall Assembly, to tliis whole Kirk and Kingdome, concerning the present publike proceedings towards an engage- ment in Warre, so far as Religion is therein concerned. [1648.] 4°, A — B in fours. God Save King Charles. Ane Informa- tion of the publick Proceedings of the Kingdom of Scotland, and their Armies. In pursuance of the most necessar and pious Engadgment for Religion, King, and Kingdome. [1648.] 4^, A— B in fours. Some Few Observations by the Commit- tee of Estates of Parliament, Upon the Declaration of the General Assembly of the last of luly. Edinbvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4^, 8 leaves. Articles Agreed on by the Commissioners Appointed by the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Burgesses who protested against the late Engagement, and are now in Arms in and about Edinburgh. And by the Commissioners Appointed by the Noble- men, Gentlemen and Officers of the Scot- tish and Irish Forces that prosecuted the Engagement, and are now in Arms in and about Stirling : And Subscribed in the name of those that entrusted them and their Adherents respectively. Edin- bvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. A Solemn Acknowledgment of Publick Sins And breaches of the Covenant, And a Solemn Engagement to all the Dttties contained therein . . . With Two Acts of the Commission of the General Assembly of the sixth of October, for renewing the Solemn League and Covenant. . . . Edin- burgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4^, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. A Short Declaration to the whole Kirk and Kingdom, Concerning present Dan- gers and Duties. Edinbvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4", 4 leaves. A Declaration of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly to the whole Kirk and Kingdome of Scotland, Concerning Present clangers and divties, relating to SCOTLAND. 542 SCOTLAND the Covenant, and Religion. Printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4°, A— C 2 in fours, C 2 blank. The History of the Kings Majesties Affaires in Scotland, Vnder the Conduct of the most Honourable James Marques of Montrose, Earl of Kincardin, &c. and Generall Governour of that Kingdome, In the Years, 1644, 1645, & 1646. Prin- ted in the Year, 1649. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B — N in eights. A Brotherly Exhortation from the Gene- ral Assembly of the Church of Scotland, To their Brethren in England. Edin- bvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1649. 4*^, 4 leaves. A Seasonable and Necessary Warning and Declaration, concerning Present and Imminent Dangers, and concerning Duties relating thereto from the Generall Assembly of the Kirk vnto all the Mem- bers thereof. Edinbvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1649. 4°, A— C in fours. A Seasonable and Necessary Warning . . . Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1650. 4^, A— B in fours. Act concerning the Receiving of Engagers in the Late Unlawfull Warre against England, to publick Satisfaction. Edin- bvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1649. 4'', 4 leaves. The Desires of the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland: that Both Houses of Parliament may sit in freedom for setling of Religion according to the Cove- nant, That King Charles the 11. (Upon just satisfaction given) may be admitted to the Government of these Kingdoms. Together with their Protestations against all proceedings to the contrary. Edin- bvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1649. 4*^, 6 leaves. A Declaration and Warning to all the Members of this Kirk from the Commis- sion of the General Assembly. Edin- bvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1649. 4", A— B 2 in fours. Apologie des Escossois et les veritables Raisons pour lesquelles ils ont eleu Charles Second Contre I'iniuste ])rocede des Anglois. A Paris, . . . m.dc.xlix. . . . 4", 4 leaves. The Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisme, First agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster . . . Amsterdam, Printed by Luice Fisher, for Andrew Wilson, and are to be sold at his shop in Edinburgh. 1649. 8". Th& Cuiijcssioa^ A — G in lours, G 4 blank : The Larger Catechism, A — L 2 in fours, L 2 blank, the Shorter Cate- chism commencing on sign. I. Edinb. 22. July. 1650. Sess. 17. A Short Reply unto A Declaration Intituled The Declaration of the Army of England, Upon their March into Scotland : By the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scot- land. Printed Anno. 1650. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. An Answere from the Committee of Estates, to a Printed Paper, directed to the people of Scotland, and signed in name of L. G. Cromwel, and his Officers. [Edinburgh, 1650.] 4^, 4 leaves. A Declaration of the Committee of Estates of the Parliament of Scotland, In Vindi- cation of their proceedings from the aspersions of a scandalous Pamphlet, pub- lished by that excommunicate Traytor, \ James Grahame. Under the title of a Declaration of James Marques of Mon- trosse, &c. . . . Together Avitli A Declara- tion and Warning unto all the Members of this Kirk and Kingdom . . .Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1650. 4«, A — C in fours, and the Declaration, 4 leaves more. A Declaration of the Committee of Estates of the Parliament of Scotland, In Answer to some Printed Papers, Intituled, The Declaration of the Parliament of England, . . . Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1650. 4*^, A— E in fours. A Declaration of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, In Answer to a Declaration, Intituled, A Declaration of the Parliament of England; . . . Edin- bvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1650. ' 4«, A— C 2 in fours, C 2 blank. The Answer of the Commission of the Generall Asseniblie, to the Quieree, Pro- l)ounded to them, from the Parliament. With an Answer of the Commission . . . to a letter, sent to them, from the Mini- sters of the Presbyterie of Sterline. Aber- dene. Printed by James Brown, 1651. 4'^ A — C 2 in fours. A Solemn Warning to all the Members of this Kirk, From the Commission of the Generall Asseniblie. . . . Aberdene. Im- printed by James Brown, Anno 1651. 4", A— C 2 in fours. The Humble Remonstrance of the Com- mission of the Generall Asseniblie, To the Kings Majestic, and Honorable Com- mittee of Estates, of the third, and twenty liftli of January, 1651. With the Answer ... of the sixth of Fcbruarie, 1651. SCOTLAND. 543 SCOTLAND. Aberdene, Printed by James Brown, I 1651. 4*^, 8 leaves. I Mercurius Scoticus. Or A True Character ! of Affaii's in England, Scotland, France, i and Ireland. Collected for Publique j Satisfaction. [Oct. 21-28, 1651.] 4«, 4 ' leaves. The present is No. 13. The False Brother, Or, A Xew Map of Scotland, Drav»n by an English Pencil ; Being A short History of the Political and Civil Transactions between these two Nations since their first Friendship : . . . The Grounds of the Entrance of our Army into Scotland cleared, . . . Humbly pre- sented to the Councel of State . . . Lon- don, Printed by R. "W. for Francis Tyton, ... 1651. 4°, A— H in fours. An Act and Overture of the Generall As- sembly, for the Peace and Union of the Kirk, With a Letter to the Nobility, Gentry, and all other wise and pious Persons in every Presbyterie, to promote the same. Printed Anno, 1652. 4°, 4 leaves. A Fight at Dunin in Scotland, between the Scots women, and the Presbyterian Kirkmen: And the pittiful Defeat the Women gave the Synod-men. With the particulars thereof. And their triumph Avith Clubs and Bagge-Pipes. And the Votes made in Counsell under protection of the Lord Friedland. Edenburgh, Anno Dom. iiDCHi. [June 22.] 4°, 4 leaves. B. 21. With a curious cut on the last page. The Piepresentation, Propositions, and Protestation of divers Ministers, Elders and Professors, for themselves, and in name of many others well-atfected Mini- sters, Elders, and People in Scotland. Presented ... to the Ministers and Elders met at Edinburgh Julv 21. 1652. Printed at Leith by Evan Tyler, 1652. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. The Protestation given in by the Dis- senting Brethren, to the General Assem- bly July 21. 1651. Reviewed and Eeiuted . . . Done by a Member of the General Assemblv. Printed, at Leith by Evan Tyler, 1652. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. A Letter from the Protesters, With an Answer thereunto, from an Asserter of the Authority of the two late General Assemblies, at Dundee and Edinburgh. Printed in the Year, 1653. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. An Ordinance of Pardon and Grace to the People of Scotland. Printed at Lon- don, and reprinted at Leith, 1654. A broadside. The Stable Trveths of the Kirk reqvire a svtable Behaviour. Holden forth by •way of Sermon ... by ]\Ir. William Dow- glas Professor of Divinity in Kings Col- ledge, in the University of Aberden, . . . Aberdene, Printed by J. B. in March, Ann. 1660. 4°, A — M, two leaves each, besides title and dedication. [Act of Privy Council respecting Episco- pacy in Scotland.] Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1661. A broadside. Mercurius Caledonius, Comprising The Affairs now in agitation in Scotland : With a Survey of Forreign Intelligence. [Col.] Edinburgh, Printed, Anno Dom. 1661. 4°. I have before me Xo. 9, 8 leaves, or R — S in fours, from March 15 to I^Earch 22, 1661. The Generall Demands, Of the reverend Doctors of Divinitie, and Ministers of the Gospel in Aberdene, Concerning the Late Covenant, in Scotland. Together, With the Answeres, Replyes, and Duplyes that followed thereupon, in the Year, 1638. Reprinted in one Book, by order of Par- liament Cum Priuilegio. Aberdene, Printed by John Forbes, Anno Dom. 1663. 4*^. General title preceded by a leaf with Royal Arms : A — Tt, 2 leaves each, besides 4 leaves between R and S with a separate tract : A 1 occupied by a duplicate general title dated 1662. The Speech of His Grace tlie Duke of Lauderdale, His Majesties High Com- missioner for the Kingdom of Scotland, To the Parliament there, The Twelfth of November, 1673. ... In the Savoy, Printed by Tho. Ne\Ycomb, 1673. Folio, 4 leaves. A Dialoge betwixt Hamiltoune and Lau- derdaill. In verse. [Circa 1675.] Printed by Laing from a contemporary- IMS, in Fug. Scot. Poetrij, 1853. An Accompt of Scotland's Grievances by reason of the D. of Lauderdales Ministrie, Humbly tendred to His Sacred Majesty. No place, &c. [1675-6.] 4^, A— E in fours. Some Particular Matter of Fact, relating to the Administration of Affairs in Scot- land under the Duke of Lauderdale. Humbly offered to His Majesties Con- sideration, in Obedience to His Royal Commands. Folio, 2 leaves. The battell of Bod well-bridge, Or, The Kings Cavileers Trivmph. To be sung with a pleasant New Tune. A broadside in verse. [1679.] SCOTLAND. 544 SCOTLAND. A Brieff Letanie in behalfe of that Serene Prince The Duke of Albanie. Anno 1680. In verse. Printed from a MS. attributing it to the Eev. AVilliam Gordon of Banchorie, in Laing's Fugitive Scotish Poetry, 1st series. The Loyal Scot. An Excellent New Song. To an Excellent New Scotch Tune. London : Printed for Alexander Banks, Anno Domini, M. . . . [rest of date cut off, circa 1680.] A sheet with the music. A True Narrative of the Eeception of their Royal Highnesses at their Arrival in Scotland. With the Councils Letter directed to the King upon that Occasion. Printed by Command of His Majesties Privy Council. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1680. Folio, 4 leaves. A Short Compend, Or, A Description of the Rebels in Scotland. In Anno 1679. By a well-wisher of His Majesty. Pub- lished by Authority. Edinburgh, Prin- ted in the Year, 1681. 8^, 8 leaves. In verse. The Last Speeches of the Two Ministers Mr. John King, and Mr. John Kid, at the Place of Execution at Edinburgh on the 2A^^ day of August, 1679. Printed in the Year, 1680. 4^. A, 2 leaves : B— E 3 in fours. The History of the late Proceedings of the Students of the Colledge at Eden- borough. Which hath occasioned the King's Proclamation for banishing them Fifteen miles from the said City. In three several letters to a worthy Citizen of London. London, Printed for Richard Janeway, . . . 1681. Folio, 5 leaves. A Modest Apology for the Students of Edenbrough burning a Pope December 25. 1680. Humbly rescuing the Actors from the Imputation of Disloyalty and Rebellion, with which they were charged in a Letter, &c. London : Printed for Richard Janeway, . . . 1681. Folio, A — E, 2 leaves each. A True Account of a New and Strange Sect now practising, and set up at Bur- rowstown, 15 Miles from Edenburrough, in Scotland. Who assemble and meet in the Night-time. London, Printed for J. Smith . . . 1681. A folio leaf. Scotlands good Wishes to His Roval Highness: Or, The Whigs Malice Dis- covered and Defeatetl. Being a most Pleasant New Song, to a New Tune. Printed for P. Brooksby, . . . 1682. A sheet, with the music. The Sett of the City of Edinburgh. Prin- ted in the Year 1683. [A second title :] The Sett, Or Decreet Arbitral of King | James the 6*^ of blessed Memory. De- ciding all Differences betwixt Merchants j and Trades, anent the Government of the I City of Edinburgh : As it is Registrat in the Books of Council and Session, . . . Together with the Acts of the Town Council, . . . Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1683. 8*^, A — C in eights, besides duplicate title and Table, together 3 leaves: D, 3 leaves: E, 2 leaves. Caledonia's Farewell to the most Honour- able James, Earl of Perth, &c. Lord High Chancellour ; and William, Duke of Queensberrie, &c. Lord High Thesaurer of Scotland, when called up by the King in March 1685. [Col.] Edinburgh, Prin- ted by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1685. A broadside in verse. To His Most Excellent Majesty William King of Great Brittain, &c. The Humble Address of the Regimented Cameronian Presbyterians lying at Montrose, and Adjacent Cities in Angus, December 12^'^^ 1689. A broadside in verse. The Account of the Pope's Procession at Aberdeene, the ll^li of January, 1689. which was delivered to the new Elected Magistrats and Council thereof, by the Students of Marishal- Colledge. With the Students Letter to the saids Magi- strats thereanent. Printed in the Year 1689. 4^, 4 leaves. In verse. Killychrankie To be sung with its own Tune. [And the Answer.] A poetical broadside [1689.] The Speech of His Grace the Earl of Melvil, His Majesties High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland. Edin- burgh, April 15. 1690. Published by Authority. Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, 1690. A folio leaf. A Brief and True Account of the Suffer- ings of the Church of Scotland, Occa- sioned by the Episcopalians since the Year 1660. Being a Vindication of their Majesties Government in that Kingdom, relating to the Proceedings against the Bishops and Clergy there. With some Animadversions upon a Libel Intituled The present State and Condition of t" -i^ Clergy and Church of Scotland. Lond( i^i^ Printed in the Year, 1690. 4*^, B— Eai^^ fours, and the titlepage. i'^* The Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence . . The Second Edition, with Additions.' SCOTLAND. 545 SCOTLAND. London, Printed for Eandal Taylor, . . . 1693. 4°, A— in fours. The Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence ; . . . The Second Edition, with Additions. London, Printed for Eandal Taylor . . . 1694. 4°, A— in fours. An Apology for the Church of Scotland, Chiefly oppos'd to the Censures, Caluni- *iiies, and Accusations of a late Presby- terian Vindicator, in a Letter to a Friend. Wherein his Vanity, Partiality, and So- phistry are modestly reprov'd, and the Legal Establishment of Episcopacy in that Kingdom from the beginning of the Keformation, is made evident from His- tory and the Records of Parliament, To- gether with a Postscript, relating to a Scandalous Pamphlet, Intituled, An An- swer to the Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence. . . . London: Printed for Jos. Hindmarsh, 1693. 4*^. A, 2 leaves: B— P in fours, P 4 blank. The Queries and Protestation of the Scots Episcopal Clergy against the Authority of the Presbyterian General Assemblies and Committees, given in to the Com- mittee of the General Assembly at Aber- deen, June 29^^, 1694. Together with the Committee's Answer and Proceed- ings; with Pieflections upon the Queries, (Sic. By a Layman of the Church of Scot- land . . . Loudon, Printed in the Year 1694. 4^ A, 2 leaves: B— E 2 in fours. Printed in two columns. A Relation of the Diabolical Practices of above Twenty Wizards and Witches of the SheriflVlom of Renfrew in the King- dom of Scotland, Contain'd in their Tryalls, Examinations, and Confessions ; And for which several of them have been Executed this Present Year, 1697. Lon- don, Printed for Hugh Newman . . . [1697.] 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— D 2 in fours. B. M. A True Narrative of the Sufiferings and Relief of A Young Girle, Strangely Mo- lested, By Evil Spirits and their Instru- ments, in the West : Collected from Au- thentick Testimonies thereanent. W^ith a Preface and Post-Script. Containing Reflections on what is most Material or Curious ; either in the History or Trial of the Seven Witches wlio were con- .emn'd to be Execute in that Countrey. ^^ . Edinburgh, Printed by John Watson, ?"^.. M.DC.xcviii. 8^ Tht Narrative, Q. — f ^ji fours, f 4 blank : the Postscript, A— C y'm fours. .'^ An account of this and the other oases of ■viT.tchcraft in Scotland is given in Cham- bers's Miscellany, No. 141. A Poem Upon the Undertaking of the Royal Company of Scotland. Trading to Africa and the Indies. Edinburgh, Printed for James Wardlaw, . . . 1697. 8*^, 8 leaves. The Recruits for Caledonia of the Rysing- Sun their Farewell to Old Scotland. . . . Edinburgh : Printed by James Watson . . . 1699. A broadside in verse. Letter from the Commission of the Gene- ral Assembly of the Church of Scotland to the Honourable Council and Inhabi- tants of the Scots Colony of Caledonia in America. Dated at Glasgow, July 21, 1699. Glasgow, Printed by Robert San- ders, One of His Majesties Printers, 1699. 4^, A— E, 2 leaves each, E 2 blank. The Gowlin ; or, a Pleasant Fancy for the Spring; being an Encounter betwixt a Scotch Leard & a buxome begger- wench. To a new Play-house tune ; or, See the Gowlin, »S:c. Printed for I. Wright, I. Clark, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger. A sheet, with cuts. Ouvry Cat. No. 40. The Dreedful Voice of Fire, Begun at Edinburgh, the ^^ of February 1700. A broadside in verse. John Highlandman's Remarks. A broad- side in verse. [Circa 1700.] Bothwell Lines. [By William Wilson ?] No place, printer's name, or date. [Circa 1700.] 8^, 8 leaves. In verse. There are several editions. The Emblem of our King, and of the Scots and English Parliaments. A Poem. Dulce et Decorum est . . . Horatius. By a well Wisher to King and Parlia- ment. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid 1700. 4^ 4 leaves. Caledonia's Complaint and Resolution, With the Answer to the Complaint. [1700.] A broadside in verse. The Causes of Scotland's Miseries. A Poem in Imitation of the VI. Ode of the Third Book of Horace. Edinburgh, Prin- ted by James Watson in Craig's Closs, 1700. 4P, 4 leaves. An Account of the Government of the Church of Scotland, As it is established by Law ; and of the Discipline and Wor- ship presently practised by that Church. To which is added, the Form of Process in the Several Judicatories thereof, with Relation to Scandals and Censures ; ap- prov'd by an Act of Assembly, now at Edinburgh, the Eighteenth of April, 1707. London, Printed for John Law- rence, . . . MDCCViii. 4°, A — H in fours. Dedicated to David, Earl of Glasgow, by C. M. 2m SCOTLAND. 546 SCOTLAND. Queries to the Scots Innovators in Divine Service, And particularl3^,to the Liturgical Party in the Shire of Angus and Places adjacent thereto. Being a Compendious Collection of the Choicest Arguments, against the present Innovations. . . . By a Lover of the Church of Scotland. Prin- ted, Anno MDCCXii. 4°, A — D in fours. The CL. Psalmes of David in Meter. With Prayers and Catechisme, according to the forme vsed in the Kirk of Scotland. With sundrie other things quhilk sal be declared in the Table . . . Edinburgh Printed be Eobert Charteris. 1596. Cum Priuilegio Regali. 8*^. Title and Calen- dar, 8 leaves: Table, 2 leaves: a — h in eights: A — Vv in eights, with the Psalms: The Ordoiir and Doctrine, A — G in eights. The Psalmes of David in J\leter. At Ed- inbvrgh Printed by Eobert Charteris. MDCiii. Cum Privilegio. 12^, A — M in twelves. Without the music. The Psalmes of David in Meetre, With diners Notes and Tunes augmented to them: Also with the Prose on the mar- gin . . . London Printed for the Com- panie of Stationers. 1605. 8^, A — Ee in eights. The CL. Psalmes of Dauid in Prose and Meeter. Wherevnto is added Prayers commonly vsed in the Kirke, . . . Edin- bvrgh. Printed by Andro Hart. 1611. Sm. 8^. Title and Calendar, 8 leaves : Prayers, 15 leaves : Order of Baptis7n, &c., 12 leaves: the Psalms, A — Dd 7 in eights. The Psalmes of David in Meeter, with the Prose Wherevnto is added Pra3"er3 . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by Andro Hart. 1611. Cum Privilegio . . . S"", A— N in eights, and a leaf of : The CL. Psalms, &c., with a new title, A — Ff 3 in eights : The Catechism, a — g 4 in eights. With the music. It should, perhaps, be noticed that in this impression Hart announces the book on the second title as on sale "at his oivn shop a Httle beneath the Cross." The CL. Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter. Newly corrected and amended. . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by Andro Hart. 1622. 8°. < 8 leaves: 11—4 IT in eights: A (with a second title) — Ff in eights. The CL. Psalmes of the Piincelie Pro- phet David, In English Metre. Accord- ing as they are sung in the Chvrch of Scotland. With manie Godlie Prayers, as well lor Morning and Evening, as also before and after Sermons, and the Holie Communion, and for everie person : with a perfect Table of the Psalms. . . . Printed in Aberdene, By Edward Raban, For Da^dd Melvill. Anno Domini 1629. 4°, A — L in fours. Printed in two columns, small type, without the music. The Psa[l]mes of David, In Prose and Metre ; According to the Church of Scot- land. ... In Aberdene, Imprinted by Edward Paban, for David Meivill, 1633. With Priviledge. 8^, A— Rr 4 in eights. With the music. Rimbault, August 1877, No. 1239, very imperfect. The Psalms of David, In Prose and Metre: . . . Aberdene, Printed by Edward Raban, 1633. For David Melvill. 8*^, A — RR in eights, RR 4 — 8 occupied by Prayers, and the title and Calendar, 7 leaves unmarked. Sotheby's, Feb. 18, 1879, No. 798. The Whole Book of Psalmes in Prose and Meeter . . . Edinburgh, Printed by James Bryson, . . . 1640. 8^, a— d in eights, d with music only : a new title and A — Gg in eights. With the music to each psalm. This, with the exception of the first four sheets, is the edition printed in 1634 by the heirs of Andrew Hart. The Psalmes of David in Meeter and Prose : . . . Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tjder, . . . 1644. "s'', a— b in eights : A — Ee in eights. With the music. The Psalms of David in Meeter. . . . Ed- inburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1682. 8^, A— G 6 in sixes. Printed in two columns, small type, without the music. The Booke of Common Prayer : And Ad' ministration of the Sacraments. And other parts of divine Service for the use of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh.' Printed by Robert Young, . . . m.dc.xxxvii Cvm Privilegio. Folio, a, and b, 6 leaves each : A — R 6 and Aa — Kk in eights, the last two leaves occupied with '• Certaine godly prayers to be used foi sundry purposes." Black letter. The Psalter has a new title, aa 1. The Certaine godly prayers^ 2 leaves, are usuallj deficient. >titutinunis of t> laid in Parliamei^.„ The Actis and Constitutinui Realme of Scotland ni haldin be the rycht excellent, hie i mychtie Princeis Kingis James the y'^\ Second, thrid, feird, Fyft, and in tynu"" ' Marie now Queue of Scottis, vise, c'\',' rectit, and extractit furtli of the Registti'; ot SCOTLAND. 547 SCOTLAND. be the Lordis depute be liir Maiesties Speciall Commissioun thairto. Aimo Do. . 1566. [Col.] Heir endis the actis . . . Cvm Privilegio ad Decennivni. Imprin- tet at Edinburgh be Eobert Lekpreuik, the. XV. day of October the 5eir of God ane thousand fjue hundreth thre scoir sax 3eiri3. Folio, black letter. * 4 leaves, last blank: a — c 3 in fours: A ii — Pp 5 in fours. Lambeth. The Lawes and Actes of Parliament maid be King lames the First, and His Svc- cessovrs Kinges of Scotland : Yisied, col- lected and extracted furth of the Register. The Contentes of this Bvik are expressed i in the leafe following. At Edinbvrgh, Imprented be Eobert Waldegraue, prenter to the Kinges Majestie. 15. Martii. Anno Dom. 1597. Folio. Leaf of verses by Tho. Craig, title, contents, and dedica- tion, 4 leaves: a — dd in sixes, e and n 2 blank: A (with tlie acts of James VI.) — Dd 3 in sixes: Ee— Gg in sixes: the Table, A — G 2 in fours, 5 leaves in E : Be verbo- rum significatione, An Ex.position of the Terraes and Difficile ^Tordts^ &c., by M. John Skene, H— T 4 in sixes : the 16*11 Parliament of James VI. (a headline). A, 4 leaves : B — H 2 in sixes. The xxj. Parliament of ovr most High and Dread Soveraine James, by the Grace of God, King of Scotland, England, . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed bee Thomas Finlason ... 1612. With Licence. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each, D, 4 leaves, and the title- page. Acts made in the First Parliament of our most High and Dread Soveraign Charles . . . Holden by Himself, present in per- son, with his three Estates, at Edinburgh, upon the 28 day of June, 1633. Edin- burgh, Printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1633. Folio. A— H in" fours: I,"'6 leaves, last blank. The Acts made in the Second Parliament of , . . Charles . . . Holden at Edinburgh in the severall Sessions thereof . . . Acts past and done in this present Session of Parliament, the eleventh of June 1640. Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Young and Evan Tyler . . . Anno 1641. Cum Privi- legio . . . Folio, A — P in sixes. The Acts Done and Past in the First Ses- sion of the Third Parliament of our Sove- raign Lord Charles . . . Holden at Edin- burgh, and beginning the fourth of June 1644, and ending the 29. day of July the same year 1644. . . . Edinburcrh, Printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1644. Cum Privi- legio. Folio, A — in fours. Acts Done and Past in the second, third, fourth & fifth Sessions of the First Trien- nal Parliament of . . . Charles . . . Holden at Edinburgh, Stirling, Pearth, and St. Andrews respective : Beginning at Edin- burgh the seventh day of January 1645, and ending at St. Andrews the 4. of February 1646. . . . Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1646. Cum Privi- legio. Folio, A — 2 in fours. Acts Done and Past in the Sixth Session . . . Holden at Edinburgh ; Beginning the third of November, 1646, and end- ing the twenty seventh of March 1647. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler . . . Anno 1647. Folio, A — L in fours. Acts Done and Past in the First Session of the Second Triennial Parliament . . . Holden at Edinburgh ; Beginning the second day of March, 1648, and ending the tenth of Junii, 1648. Edinburgh, printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1648. Folio, A — K in fours. Acts Done and Past in the Second Session of the second Triennal Parliament . . . And in the First Parliament of our Sove- raign Lord Charles the II. . , . Holden at Edinburgh, Beginning the 4. of Janu- ary, And ending the 16. of March 1649. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1649. Folio, A — Q 2 in fours, besides a large folded Table of consanguinity at p. 20. Acts Done and past in the Third Session of the second Triennall Parliament of our Soveraign Lord Charles the II. . . . Holden at Edinburgh, Beginning the twenty third of May, and ending the seventh day of August, 1649. Edin- burgh, Printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1649. Folio, A — H 2 in fours, but 6 leaves in C, pp. 21-3 being repeated. The Laws and Acts of Parliament, made by . . . James, . . . King of Great Britain, . . . Edinburgh, Re-Printed by AndreAV Anderson, . . . Anno Dom. 1674. Cum Privilegio. Folio. In the present copy the Acts of Charles the First are added, and also certain new- Acts relating to Scotland passed in the reign of Charles II. down to 1081, with separate titles. The Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King James the First, and his Royal Successors, Kings and Queens of Scotland In two Parts . . . Collected, and Extracted, from the Publick Records of the said Kingdom, by Sir Thomas Murray of Glendook, Knight, and Baronet . . . Edin- bvrgh, Printed by losua van Solingen SCOTT. 548 SEA. and lohn Colmes, for David Lindsay, and his Co-partners Anno Dom. MDC.LXXXii. Sm. 8^. 2 vols. The second volume is dated 1683. A volume, embracing the Acts of James the Seventh, down to Queen Anne, was pub- lished at Edinburgh, 12^ 1731. A True Copy of tlie whole printed Acts of the Generall Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, Beginning at the Assembly holden at Glasgow the 27. day of Novem- ber 1638; and ending at the Assembly, holden at Edinburgh the 6. day of Au- gust. 1649. . . . Printed in the Year 1682. 8^, A— Ii2 in eights, li 2 blank. SCOTT, PATRICK. A booke called Atheisme dismantled, by Patrick Scott Esquire. Licensed to Anne Griffin and John Haviland, 29 May, 1622. The Tillage of Light. Or, A Trve Dis" coverie of the Philosophicall Elixir, com- monly called the Philosophers Stone. Seruing, to enrich all true, noble and generous Spirits, as will aduenture some few labors in the tillage of such a light as is worthy the best obseruance of the most Wise. By Patrick Scot, Esquire. . . . London, Printed for William Lee, . . . 1623. 8^ A, 4 leaves, first blank : B— E 4 in eights, E 4 blank. SCOTT, ROMOALD. Svmmarivm Rationvm qvibvs Cancel- larivs Aiiglise et Prolocvtor Pvckeringius Elizabethse Anglite Regin^ persuaseruut occidendam esse . . . Mariam Stuartam. . . . Coloniae . . . Anno m.dc.xxvii. 8°, a — g in eights : Robert Turner of Barn- stable's Vindication^ with a separate title and new signatures, aa — cc 4 in eights, cc 4 with AjJj^rohatio. SCOTT, THOMAS. The Mock- Marriage. A Comedy, Acted at the Theatre in Dorset-Garden, By His Majesty's Servants. AYritten by Mr. Scott. Et Augusto recitantes mense Poetas. Juv. Sat. 3. London, Printed for H. Rhodes, ... J. Harris, . . . and S. Briscoe. . . . 1696. 4'', A — I 2 in fours. SCRIPTURE. [The Sum of the Holy Scripture. Trans- lated by Simon Fish of Gray's Inn. Printed abroad, Strasburgh, 1528.] 8°, A — N 3 in eights. Br. Ilaseum (no title- page). The Summe of the holy Scripture, and ordinarye of the Chrystian teachyiig, the true christian fayth, by the whichc we be all iustified. And of the vertu of Bap- tisme, after the teachynge of the Gospell and of the Apostles. With an informa- tion howe all estates shoulde lyue ac- cordyng to the Gospell very necessary for all Christian people to knowe. [Quot. from i Peter, iii. Chapiter.] Anno. M.d.xlviii. [Col.] Imprynted at Lon- don, at the signe of the Hvll, at the west dore of Paules. By Wyllyam Hill. And there to be sold. Anno. 1548. The 11 of Decembre. Cum Gratia. ... 8°, black letter. A— K 3 in eights. B. M. iiij storyes of the scripture in niyter. Li- censed to Henry Sutton in 1560-1. The threatenynge of y® scrij)tures shew- ynge what grevious plages are Redy to be poowred vpon vs excepte we spedely Re- pente. A ballad. Licensed to Alexander Lacy in 1564-5. SCROGGS, SIR AYILLIAM. A Speech of Sir AYilliam Scrogg, One of His Majesties Sergeants at Law, To the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor of England, at his Admission to the Place of One of His Majesties Justices of the Court of Common-Pleas. London : Printed for Samuel Lowndes, near Exeter- House in the Strand, m.dc.lxxvi. Folio, 4 leaves. The Lord Chief Justice Scroggs His Speech in the Kings-Bench The fii^st day of this present Michaelmas Term 1679. Occasion'd by the many Libellous Pam- phlets which are publisht against Law, to the Scandal of the Government, and Pub- lick Justice. Together with what was Declared at the same Time on the same Occasion, in open Court, by Mr. Justice Jones, and Mr. Justice Dolbin. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet . . . 1679. Folio, 6 leaves, including Imprimatur. The Lord Chief Justice Scroggs Hie' Speech to the Lord Chancellour. [1681.] A folio leaf. -j SEA. . il The great mysfortune lately Donne on the seeas where was lost syr Thonia? Fynslie and Dyvers gentlemen with others moo. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1562-3. Row well ye marynors moralyzed with ye story of Jonas. A ballad. Licensee to A. Lacy in 1567. Rowe well 3^e marynors moralyzed. Li censed to W. Pickering in 1566'-7 and t( John Allde in 1567-8. A ballad. Rowe well, Godes marynours. A ballad Licensed to A. Lacy in 1567-8. SEA. 549 SEA. Rowe well, ye Christes marynours. A ballad. Licensed to John AUde in 1567-8. Rowe well, ye marynours, for those that loke bygge. A ballad. Licensed to John Sampson in 1569. A ballad of the perilous paynes of poore maryners. Licensed to John AUde, 13 Oct. 1579. The saylers newe tantara. A ballad. Li- censed to Thomas Nelson, 19 July, 1584. A Trewe Saylers songe against Spanyshe pryde : Licensed to Thomas Orwin, 26 March, 1590. The fight on y^ sea. by 10. merchantes Shippes of London, against 12. Spanishe Gallies which assailed them in the straightes of Jabilitor [Gibraltar] where the Spaniardes with their gallies were spoyled, &c. with a Recitall of the newes of the Abraham and the Red Lyon with their fight against 10. Gallies whomme they mightely spoiled. Licensed to W. Wright, 24 July, 1590. A Dittye of the fight vppon the seas the 4 of June last in the straytes of Jabral- tare betwene the George and the Thomas Bonaventure. and viij Gallies with three Fregates. • Licensed to T. Nelson, 31 July, 1590. The Seamans CaroU / for the takinge of the greate Caracke. A ballad. Licensed to John Kyd, 19 Oct. 1592. The maryners guyde / set forthe in forme of a Dialogue. Licensed to Thomas East, 20 Dec. 1592. The seamans secrete?. Licensed to Thomas Dawson, 3 Sept. 1594. The Saylers ioye, to the tune of heigh ho hollidaie. A ballad. Licensed provi- sionally to Thomas Creede, 14 Jan. 1594-5. The Sea Fight in the Road of Gibraltar the 25. of Aprill last, betwixt the K. of Spaines Carackes and Gallions, and the Hollandish men of Warre, reported by j a letter written a-bourd the Hollands I Fleete, by a commaundar in the same, and faithfully translated into English. Lon- don printed for John Hardie, and are to be sold by Robert lackson, at the shop vnder the Roy all Exchaunge. 1607. 4^, A — B in fours, A 1 and B 4 blank. Woodcut on title. A brief relacon of the great Losses by Sea, by reason oi all the Late great tem- pestes this present yere 1612. Licensed to Joseph Hunt and Henry Gosson, 7 January, 1612-13. A ballad on the subject v/as entered by the same persons on the same clay. A ballad called, A noble newes of a most famous battaile fought at Sea betweene our noble friends of the two countryes Spaine and the Netherlands, where Eight Holland shippes in going to the East Indies gott the victory of xvij greate Spanish Shippes the first of Aprill 1613. Licensed (conditionallv) to Cuthbert Wright, 11 August, 1613. A true and faithful! relation of a wonder- full sea monster, A sea-man lately taken at sea, betweene Denmarke and Norway. Licensed conditionally to Joseph Browne, 18 May, 1621. The Seamans Kalender . . . The ninth Edition. Newly corrected and enlarged . . . London, Printed by Edw: Allde, for lohn Tap, . . . Anno Dom : 1625. 4*^, black letter, A — L in eights. Woodcuts. A Ballad called Rare newes from the Narrow Seas. Licensed to John Wright, Junior, 16 Sept. 1639. A second bloody sea-fight. Licensed to Francis Grove, 15 October, 1639. A ballad. The famous sea fightes betwixt the Hol- landers and Spaniards. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 15 October, 1639. A ballad. A lamentable relacion or second fearefull seafight. Licensed to Thomas Lambert, 15 October, 1639. A ballad. A Ballad called More Newes from the narrowe seas. Licensed to Richard Har- per, 15 October, 1639. To the Honorable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Commons, assem- bled in Parliament. The humble Peti- tion of the Marriners and Sea-men, Inha- bitants, in, and about the Ports of Lon- don, and tlie River of Thames. London Printed 1641. A sheet. An Ordinance Forthe better raysing and levying of Marinors, Saylors and others for the present guarding of the Seas, and necessary defence of the Realme, and other His Majesties Dominions. London, Printed for I. Wright in the Old baily, Feb[r]uary 4. 1642. A sheet. Sad News from the Seas. Being a true relation of the losse of that good Ship called the Merchant Royall, which was cast away ten leagues from the Lands end, on Thursday night, being the 23. of September last. 1641. having in her a world of treasure, as this story following doth truly relate. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4^, 4 leaves, A 4 blank. With a cut of the ship on the title. B. M. SEA. 550 SELDEN. A Declaration of the Officers and Com- pany of Sea-men abord His Majesties Ships, The Constant Beformation, the Convertine, the Sivallow, the Antelope, the Satisfaction, the Hynd, the Roe-buck, the Crescent, the Pellicon, the Blackmore Lady lately rescued for His Majesties service, with an Invitation to the rest of the Fleet, and their Brethren on Land to joyne with them in their just undertak- ings. Printed in Holland, and re-printed at London, 1648. A sheet. A Great Fight at Sea, Betwene the Eng- lish, French, Dutch, and Portugals, neer Gibralterre in the Streights: With the manner of their Engagement ; the particu- lars of the Fight ; . . . Also a bloudy Fight in Ireland between the Parliaments Forces, . . . and the Irish. . . . Imprin- ted at London, for G. Samuel, 1651. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. Another Bloudy Fight at Sea Upon the Coast of Cornwal, on Sunday the 13. of this instant June, between the Parlia- ment Fleet commanded by Sir George Ayscue ; and the French and Dutch Fleets commanded by the Lord Admiral Chastillon. . . . Also, the advance of Van-Trump towards the North, and Fifty of the Parliaments Men of War gone after to fight him: With the sinking of Captain Taylor ; and the number of English ships taken by Captain Bradshaw. London, Printed for George Horton, 1652. [June 24.] 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. Another Blovdy Fight at Sea between the English and the Dutch upon the Coast of Flanders. Sent in a Letter to the Parliament of England . . . London: Printed for G: Horton. 1652. 4P, 4 leaves. B. M. A Great and Blovdy Fight at Sea on Monday 16 August, neere IPlimouth: Be- tween Sir George Ayscue and the Holland Fleet. From one a Clock in the after- noone, untill eight a clock at night. With A List of the particulars of the losse on both sides. London, Printed for Ilobert Ibbitson . . . 1652. 4^, 4 leaves. The last great and terrible Sea-fight be- tween the English and the Dutch, on Tuesday and Wednesday last, upon the Western Sound neer Cornwal, continuing for the space of two and twenty houres. . . . London, Printed for G. Horton, and sold at the Royal Exchange in Cornhil. [Aug. 24, 1652.] 4«, 4 leaves. With a large cut on the title. B. M. A Description & Plat of the Sea-Coasts of England, from London, up all the River of Thames, all along the Coasts to Newcastle, and so to Edinburgh, all along Scotland, the Orchades, and Shitland, where the Dutch begin their Fishing. As Also: All those parts over against us, as Norway, . . . London : Printed by M. S. for Tho. Jenner . . . 1653. 4^^, A— G 2 in fours, besides two folded maps. Lighting Colom of the Midland- Sea, Con- taining a Description of all the Knowne Coasts, Islands, Sands, Depthes, and Roads, beginning from the narowest, of the Streats, unto Alexandrette in the Levant, at Amsterdam, Newly printed and published by Arnold Colom, vpon the Water, neer the new brige in the lighting Colom, Anno 1661. Folio, A — Q in fours, besides the maps, viz. Midland Sea, Coasts of Spain, Barbary, Valentia, Sardinia London, Printed by T. R. and N. T. for | Allen Banks . . . 1674. 8<^, A— K in eights, last two leaves blank. Dedicated by John "Wright to Bennet ' Lord Sherard. With a long copy of verses by 0[wen] Salasbury. Seneca's Morals By way of Abstract. Of Benefits, Part 1. The Fourth Edition. To which is added a Discourse, under the Title of an After-Thought. By Sir R. L'Estrange. London, Printed, . . . 1688. 8°. Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves: a — b in eights: B — Qq in eights: *, 7 leaves, m SEQUESTRATION. " An Humble Apologie for the Ministers of England : Plainly Shewing the Divine right of the Ministers of the Gospel to Tythes ; As also. The unwarrantableness of Committees forcing poor Plundred Ministers to pay the fifth part of their Maintenance to the Sequestred, and their Wives and Children, . . . London, Prin- ted by T. C 1659. 4'', A— H in fours. A Plea for Ministers in Sequestrations ; AVhereiu Mr. Mossom's Apology for the Sequestred Clergy is duly Considered and Discussed. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, . . . 166U. 4°, A— B in fours. SERARIUS, PETRUS. An Awakening Warning to the Wofull World, By a Voyce in three Nations ; Uttered in a brief Dissertation concerning that Fatal, and to be admired Conjunc- tion of all the Planets, in one, and the same Sign Sagitarius, the last of the fiery Triplicity, to come to passe the ^ of December, Anno 1662. . . . Autore Petro Serario. Amsterdam, mdclxii. 4°, B — F in fours, a leaf of G, and the title. With two diagrams. SERLY, SEBASTIAN. The first Booke of Architecture, made by Sebastian Serly, entreating of Geometrie. Translated out of Italian into Dutch, and out of Dutch into English. London [Printed for Robert Peake], and are to be sold at his shop neere Holborne conduit, next to the Sunne Tauerne. Anno Dom. 1611. Folio. Title, dedication by Robert Peake to Prince Henry, and "To the Loners of Architecture," 3 leaves : B — G. 2 leaves each: H, 1 leaf : The Second Boole, A— 0, 2 leaves each, P 2 blank : Third Booke, A— 0, 2 leaves each : P— Cc 2 in fours : Fourth Booke, A — S in fours : Fifth Booke, A— D in fours, D 4 blank, SERMONES. 553 SETTLE. [Col.] Printed at London by Simon Staf- ford. 1611. In the sale of David Laing's Drawings, at Edinburgh, December 22-3, 1879, lot 342, occurred a MS. of the 8th book of Serlio, said never to have been printed even in Italian. But I have only seen in English these five Books. SERMOXES. [Quatuor Sermones] Enprynted by wyl- liam Caxton at westmestre. Folio, 30 leaves. Br. Museum, St. John's Coll. Ox- ford, Lambeth, Althorp, and Imperial Library Vienna. [Quatuor Sermones. W. Caxton, 1491.] Folio, 34 leave.". Althorp. All the other known copies are imper- fect. SERVICE. A Discourse Concerning the Celebration of Divine Service in an Unknown Tongue. London, Printed for Richard Chiswell, . . . MDCLXXxv. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B — H in fours. SERYIXGMAN. The complaynte of a servyngenian of his Dystresse in Age. A ballad. Licensed toT. Cohvellin 1564-5. [SETON, W., ofPitmeddin.'] The Interest of Scotland in Three Essays Viz. I. Of the true Originall and Indif- ferency of Church-Government. II. Of the Union of Scotland and England into one Monarchy. III. Of the present State of Scotland. Printed in the Year 1700. 8*^, A — P in fours, and a leaf of Q. SETTLE, ELKANAH. Cambyses King of Persia: A Tragedy. Acted by His Highness the Duke of York's Servants. Written by Elkanah Settle, Gent. . . . London, Printed for William Cademan, . . . 1672. 4^, A— M in fours. Dedicated to Anne, Duchess of Buccleuch and Monmouth. Pastor Fido: Or, The Faithful Shepherd. A Pastoral As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre . . . London, Printed for William Cademan, ... 1677. 4^, A — K 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Lady Elizabeth Delaval. A Supplement to the Narrative. In Re- ply to the Dulness and Malice of two pretended Answers to the Pamphlet. Written by E. Settle . . . London, Prin- ted, and Sold by Thomas Graves for the Author. 1683. Folio, A— D in twos, a leaf of E, and the title. An Heroic Poem on the Coronation of the High and Mighty Monarch, James, II. King of England, &c by E. Settle. London, Printed by J. L. for Benjamin Needham, in Duck -Lane, mdclxxxv. Folio, 4 leaves. Reflections on Several of Mr. Dryden's Plays. Particularly, The First and Second Part of the Conquest of Granado. ... By E. Settle Gent. London, Printed for William Whitwood, in Duck-Lane, 1687. 4°. Advertisements, title and Preface, 3 leaves : B — Bb 2 in twos. • The Female Prelate : Being the History of the Life & Death of Pope Joan. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. Written by a Person of Quality. Facit Indignatio versus. Juven. London, Printed for W. C. . . . mdclxxxix. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B — I 2 in fours. The Triumphs of London, Performed on Thursday, Octob. 29. 1691. for the Enter- tainment of the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Stamp Kt . . . All set forth at the proper Costs and Charges of the Wor- shipful Company of Drapers. By E. S. London, Printed bv Alex. Milbourn, for Abel Roper ... "1691. 4^^. A— C, 2 leaves each: D, 3 leaves. The Triumphs of London. Performed on Saturday, Octob. 29, 1692. For the Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir John Fleet, Kt Lord Mayor . . . Con- taining a True Description of the Several Pageants ; with the Speeches spoken on each Pageant. All set forth, at the pro- per Costs and Charges of the Worsliipful Company of Grocers. Together, with An Exact Relation of the most Splendid En- tertainment prepared for the Reception of their Sacred Majesties. By E. S. Pub- lished by Authority. London, Printed by James Orme; . . . 1692. 4°, A— E, 2 leaves each. Ibrahim the Illustrious Bassa . . . London, Printed for Tho. Chapman, at the Golden Key, over against the Meuse, near Charing- Cross. 1694. 4°, A— I in fours. Dedi- cated to the Duchess of Albemarle. The World in the Moon ; An Opera. As it is Perform'd at the Theatre in Dorset- Garden, By His Majesty's Servants. By E. S. Tentanda via est. London: Prin- ted for Abel Roper, . . . mdcxcvii. 4*^, A — G in fours. Dedicated to Christopher Rich, Esq. Augusta Lacrimans. A Funeral Poem to the Memorv of the Honourable Sir Josiah Child, 'Kt. &c. By E. Settle. JWllum numen abest si sit Prudentia. Lon- don : Printed for A. Baldwin, . . . 1699. Folio, 6 leaves. Sacellum Honoris. A Congratulatory SEYMOUR. 554 SHAFTESBURY. Poem to the Rigtit Honourable the Mar- quis of Tavistock, on his Happy Return from Travel. By E. Settle . . . London : Printed for A. Baldwin . . . MDCC. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. Cassandra : Or, The Virgin Prophetess. An Opera, As it is now Perform'd at the Theatre Royal By His Majesty's Servants. The Musical Entertainments being in- serted in their proper places. London : Printed for A. Roper, . . . and R. Basset, . . . MDCCii. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — F in fours, and a leaf of G. The City-Ramble: Or, A Play-House Wedding. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By Her Majesty's Company of Comedians. Internum tamen (h Vocem Comoedia tollit. Hor. London : Printed for Bernard Lintott . . . and Egbert Sanger . . . [circa 1704.] 4^, A — K in fours. Dedicated to Henry Lord Coleraine. SEYMOUR, JANE, Queen of England. The Epytaphe of my lady Jane Semer. Licensed to T. Col well in 1564-5. SHAD WELL, THOMAS. The Humorists, A Comedy. Acted by his Royal Highness's Servants. Writ- ten by Tho. Shadwell of the Middle Temple . . . London, Printed for Henry Herringman, . . . 1671. 4*^. A, with title, dedication to Margaret, Duchess of New- castle, &c., 3 leaves : B — L in fours, and a — b in fours. In the copy here employed occurs in an old hand, on the back of the Dramatis PersoncE, "This is Anne Boothby's Favour- ite Play. T. Holdeu." Psyche : A Tragedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Tho. Shadwell. London, Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman ... 1675. 4^, A— K in fours, and (b), 2 leaves. Dedicated to James, Duke of Monmouth. Tlie Virtuoso. A Comedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Thomas Shadwell . . . London, Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman. . . . 1676. 4*^, A — 3 in fours, dedicated to the Duke of Newcastle. SHAFTESBURY, ANTHONY, Earl of. The Proceedings at the Sessions House in the Old-Baily, London, on Thursday the 24*^ day of November, 1681. Before His Majesties Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, Upon the Bill of Indictment for High-Treason against Antliony Earl of Shattsbury. London, Printed for Samuel Mearne and John Baker, 1681. Folio. B — N, 2 leaves each, and the title. A modest Vindication of the Earl of; S y : in a Letter to a Friend con-i cerning his being elected King of Poland. ' [Col.] London, Printed for ^— Smith, Bookseller in Chief to His Majesty Elect of Poland, 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. I Some modest Reflections upon the Com- 1 niitment of the Earl of Shaftsbury, I arising from the late Indictment against ; Mr. Stephen CoUedge. London, Printed \ for R. Baldwin, . . . July 12. 1681. | Folio, 2 leaves. \ Some Memoirs : Or, a Sober Essay for i A Just Vindication of the Right Honour- 1 able the Earl of Shaftsbury. Containing ! the most materiall Remarques and the! principal Passages of his publick Life, ' most memorably transacted hitherto, i Published for the satisfaction of all the ; seriously inquisitive. London, Printed i for Samuel Lee, 1681. Folio, 10 leaves, i A Brief Account of the Designs which; the Papists have had against the Earl of | Shaftsbury occasioned by his commit-' ment, July 2, 1681. Printed for R. Bald-ij win. 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. | A Modest Account of the Present Pos-| ture of Affairs in England, With Particu- \ lar Reference to the Earl of Shaftsbury's' Case : And a Vindication of him from the Pretended Letters of a Noble Peer, i By a Person of Quality. London, Prin- • ted for Richard Baldwin, mdclxxxilJ Folio, 9 leaves. I Great News from the King of Poland : Or An Intercepted Letter from Tony, the' first King of Poland, to the Reverend' Salamanca Doctor. London, Printed for A. G. 1682. A folio leaf. The King of Poland's Last Speech to His Country-Men. London, Printed for J. P. in the Year 1682. A sheet iu verse. The Last Will and Testament of Anthony King of Poland. [Col.] Printed for S. Ward, 1682. Folio, 2 leaves. In verse. Memoires of the Life of Anthony Late Earl of Shaftsbury ; With a Speech ot the English Consul at Amsterdam con- cerning him. And a Letter from a Burger there about his Death. Offered to the Consideration of the Protestant Dissenters. London, Printed for Walter Davis. 168f. Folio, A — C in twos. The King of Poland's Ghost ; or, a Dia- logue betwixt Pluto and Charon, upon his Reception. . . . London : Printed ibr Jos. Hindmarsh . . . 1683. A sheet in verse. Ouvry Cat. 158. A New Song iu praise of Old Anthony SHAKER AG. 555 S HELTON. that Noble Peer, whom Papist and Tory call Tony in a Jear. Long may he live a Subject true, both to his King and Country too. Written by way of Answer to two Scandalous Papers, one call'd Tony, the other Ignoramus. Tune of, Young Jemmy, or Philander. Printed for J. Conyers at the black Raven in Duck- lane. A sheet. An Elegy on the Plight Ilonourable Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury, who dyed t on the '21st of January 1683. (ii.) An Elegy on the Death of (the much to be lamented) Anthony K. of Poland. Lon- don : Printed Anno Domini mdclxxxiii. A folio sheet. Ouvry Cat. 159. A Congratulation of the Protestant- Joyner [Stephen College] to Anthony King of Poland, upon his Arrival in the Lower World. . . . London : Printed for N. Thompson, Anno Dom. 1683. A sheet in verse, Ouvry Cat. 157. The Compleat Statesman, Demonstrated in the Life, Actions, and Politicks, of that great Minister of State, Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury : Containing An His- torical Account of his Descent, his Ad- ministration of Affairs in the time of OUver Cromwell, his unwearied Endea- vours to restore His Most Sacred Majesty, . . . London, Printed for Benjamin Alsop, . . . 1683. 8*^. A, 2 leaves : B— L 4 in eights. With a portrait. A Copy of a Letter of the most Serene King of Poland to his Holiness. Lon- don : Printed for R. H. . . . 1684. A folio leaf in two columns, Engl, and Lat. SHAKERAG. Sir John Shakeragges high wave to hell ledd by his brother Totterdemallion. Licensed to Ralph Blower, 27 May, 1612. SHAKESPEAR, WILLIAM. The Rape Of Lvcrece. Newly Revised. London, Printed by R. B. for John Har- rison, and are to be sold at his shop at the golden Vnicorne in Paternoster Row. 1632. 8°, A— D 7 in eights. Cor2ms Christi College Oxford. Much adoe about Nothing . . . 1600. Tutet, 1786, No. 347, 12,6, bought by Malone. The Historic of Henry the Fourth . . . Newly corrected. By William Shake- speare. London, Printed by T. P. and are to be sold by Mathew Law, . . . 1622. 4°, A— K in fours. Macbeth, A Tragedy. With all the Al- terations, Amendments, Additions, and New Songs, As it is now Acted at the Dukes Theatre. London, Printed for P. Chetwin, , . . 1674. 4*'. Title and argument, 2 leaves : A— I in fours, and a leaf of K. SHAW, SAMUEL. Poikilo Phronesis: Or, The Different Humours of Men : Represented in an Interlude at a Country-School. Dec. 15. 1691. London, Printed, for Tho. Park- hurst . . . 1692. 8^ A— G in eights, A 1 blank and G 8 with Errata. Dedi- cated to Sir John Shaw, Baronet, Sir John More Knight, and Christopher Pack Esquire, from Ashby De la Zouch, Leices- tershire, June 30, 1692. SHARPHAM, EDWARD. The Fleire . . . London. Printed by B. A. and T. F. for Nath: Bvtter . . . 1631. 4°, A — H in fours, first and last leaves blank. SHE VENTURES. She Ventures, and He Wins. A Comedy, Acted at the New Theatre, in Little Lin- coln's-Inn-Fields, By His Majesty's Ser- vants. Written by a Young Lady. Lon- don. Printed for Hen. Rhodes, ... J. Harris, , , . and Sam. Briscoe, . , . 1696. 4°, A— G 2 in foui-s. SHELLEY, GEORGE. Natural Writing in all the Hands, with variety of ornament. By George Shelley, Master of the Writing School in Christ's Hospital. London, Printed and Sold by Thomas Bowles [circa 1720.] Oblong 4°. In two parts. G. Bickham Sculpsit. Part 1, 30 leaves, including a portrait of Shelley : Part 2, 34 leaves, including a different print, besides three leaves of letterpress. SHELTON, THOMAS. Tachygraphy The most exact and com- pendious methode of short and swift writing that hath euer yet beene pub- lished by any. Composed by Thomas Shelton Author and professor of the said Art. Approoued by both vnyuersi- ties, printed by the printer to the vniuer- sitie of Cambridg R D and are sold at the professors house in Old Fish streete . . . 1641. 8*". Engraved title by Ralph Hall and a leaf with arms and the Ar- ticles, &c., in short hand : A, 2 leaves with dedication " To the Worshipfull his very worthy Friend, Richard Knightley, Esquire ; " \heii A 3— C 7 in eights (C^S probably blank) : 10 engraved leaves with Letters of the Alphabet, &c. There are a few copies of complimentary verses. Zeiglographia or A New art of Short- SHEPHERD. 556 SHEPPARD. writing never before published. More easie, exact, short, and speedie then any heere tofore. Invented & composed bj Thomas Shelton Author and teacher of ye said Art Allowed by Authoritie. London Printed by M. S. and are sold at the Authors house in the Poultrie neer ye Church. 1650. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B — E 4 in eights, with the arms of the Commonwealth on E 4 verso, and the Lord's Prayer, &c., in shorthand. The title is engraved by Gaywood. The Art of Short-Writing According to Brachy-Graphy First Composed by Mr. Thomas Shelton, and approved by both Universities. In which variety of Ex- amples to each Eule are drawn. . . . Lon- don, Printed for W. Whitwood," . . . 1684. 8°, A— C 4 in eights, besides twelve en- graved leaves. SHEPHERD. A strange Dream of a shepherd. A ballad. Printed without license by Rich- ard Jones, in 1578. A ballat begynnynge Jolly sheidherd on i:iionhill. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. The Sheppherdes prattle. Licensed to John Wolf, 2lJan. 1594-5. The sheppardes Lamentacon. A ballad. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 19 Novem- ber, 1612. The Shepeherdes songe before Queene Anne in 4. partes complete Musical vpon the plavnes of Salisbury. Licensed to Walter Dight, 16 June, 1613. A ballatt called Shepard hay Shepard liee. Licensed to John White, 2 February, 1614-15. Shepherd Adonis ; or, the Contented Lovers. Aldermary Church Yard. A ballad, with cuts. Ouvry Cat. No. 101. SHEPHERDS. The Kalender of Shepeherdes [This title is on a scroll. The Colophon :] Thus endeth the Calender of Shepherdes newly translated out of frensshe in to Englysshe. Enprynted at London in ye Fletestrete at the sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn de Worde in the yere of our lorde. M. ccccc. viii. the. viii. day of December. The. xxiiii. yere of our moost redoubted & naturall lorde Kynge Henry the seue[n]th. 4°, black letter, with cuts. Title, Prologue of the translator. Table, &c., 6 leaves : A, 4 leaves : B, 8 : C, 8 : D, 4 : E, 8 : F, apparently, 6 : G, appa- rently, 4 : H, 8 : I, 4 : K, 8 : L, 4 : M, 8 : N, 4 : 0, 8 : and so P— V in fours and eights. On the last page is the device. Magdalen College Oxford. A reprint of the translation of 1506. This appears to be the second dated im- pression of Robert Copland's recension oi the origiual Auglo-Scoto-GalHc version, published at Paris in 1503, and the work, it appears, of a Scot. Compare Dibdin, ii. 265. It may be pointed out that a titleless copy of a late edition in the Bodleian has ■ been wrongly ascribed to Pynson's press. It is (c) of the Handbook, 1867. Here begynneth the kalender of Shep- ardes. Newely augmented and corrected. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Flete-i strete at the sygne of the George next to ' saynt Dunstones Churche by Wyllyam, Powell. Anno Domini. m.d.lvI. Folio, A — N in eights. With woodcuts, some of which are printed in red ink. Lam- heth. The Shepardes Kalender. Here Begin- neth The Kalender of Shepardes Newly ■ Augmented and Corrected. [Col.] Im- printed at London by Thomas Este for John Wally. Folio, black letter, A— N' in eights. With cuts. The Shepheards Kalender. Here Begin- neth the Kalender of Shepheards. Newly ': augmented and corrected. Printed at ' London by G. Elde for Thomas Adams- '. dwelling in Paules Church-yard at thei signe of the white Lion. 1604. Folio. : A, 8 : B, 4 : C, 8 : D, 4 : E, 8 : F— 4' in eights. With woodcuts. B. M. [SHEPPARD, SAMUEL.] The Joviall Crew, Or, The Devill turn'd Ranter : Being a Character of the Roaring Ranters of these Times. Represented in a Comedie, Containing A true Discovery of the cursed Conversations, prodigious. Pranks, monstrous Meetings, private Per- formances, rude Revel] ings, garrulous Greetings, impious and incorrigible De- portments of a Sect (lately sprung up amongst us) called Ranters. Their Names sorted to their severall Natures, and both lively presented in Action. London : Printed for W. Ley. 1651. [Jan. 6, 1650-1.] 4^ A— C 2 in fours, including a woodcut frontispiece. B. M. The Weepers : Or, The bed of Snakes broken. Wit vitiated, and made a Pander to Wickednesse ; Instanced in a Pack of Knaves (calling themselves Servants to the late King) worthy the Anger of the present Age, and the wonder and indig- nation of all Posterity. Six Cupping- Glasses clapt to the cloven Feet of the six Daemons, who Govern the times by turns from Munday to Saterday Annually. SHEPPARD. 557 SHIRLEY. . . . By S. S. London, Printed for Thomas" Bucknell, . . . 1652. [Septem- ber 13.] 4°, A — B in fours. In prose. B,M. SHEPPARD, THOMAS. The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel Break- ing forth upon the Indians in iSew-Eng- land. Or, An Historicall Narration of Gods TVonderfull Workings upon sundry of the Indians, . . . By Mr. Thomas Shepard Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Cambridge in New-England. . . . London, Printed by R. Cotes for John Bellamy . . . 164S. '4^ A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves: B — F 3 in fours. SHERIDAN, . Mr. Sheridan's Speech after his Exami- tion before the late House of Commons, on Wednesday the 15*^ of December 1680. Folio, 2 leaves. SHERINGHAM, ROBERT, M.A. !The King's Supremacy Asserted : Or A Remonstrance of the King's Right Against the Pretended Parliament. The Third . Edition, Corrected, Amended and En- j larged, by Robert Sheringham, M.A. And I late Fellow of Gonville, and Cains Col- [ lege in Cambridge ; The Author of Codex I Joma . . . London, Printed for Jonas Hart and Charles Morden in Cambridge. 1682. 4^, A— Q in fours. ' SHERRARD, ROBERT. The Countryman with his Household. By R. S. Preacher of the Word at Arley. London. Printed by Edward Grithn. 1620. S'', R in eights. " Partly black letter. SHERWOOD, ROBERT, Londoner. The French Tutour: By Way of Grammar Exactly and Fully Teaching all the most necessary Rules, for the attaining of the French tongaie. Whereunto are also an- nexed three Dialogues; and a touch of French Compliments; all for the further- ance and practice of Gentlemen, Schollers, and others desirous of the said Language. The second edition, carefully corrected and enlarged. London, Printed by Robert Young. M.DC.xxxiA-. 8°. Title and de- dication, 2 leaves: B— Q in eights, last leaf blank. The leaf of dedication is marked a 3. Sherwood edited the second and third im- pressions of Cotgrave's Dictionary, 1(332 and 1G50. SHIELDS, ALEXANDER. An Elegie upon The Death, of that Famous and FaithfuU Minister and Mar- tyr, Mr. James Renwick. Composed im- mediately after his Execution at Edin- burgh, 17 Feb. 1688. . . . Printed in the Year 1688. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. An Elegie . . . Re-printed 1690. 4°, A — B in fours. There are later editions. SHIFTING. The Arte of Shameles Shiftinge. Li- censed to E. White, 29 Aug. 1580. SHIP. Agaynste the shippe of fooles. A ballad. Licensed to W. Grifiith in 1567. A prayer book Intittiled th' shipp of salvacon. Licensed to John Wolf, 6 June, 1591. An Ould Ship Called An Exhortation to continue all Subjects in their due Obedi- ence, or .the reward of a faithfuil subject to his Prince . . . Now Rigd by a Well- wisher, to his Prince and Countrie, never more need to be set forth to Seu then in these distracted times. Printed in the Yeare 1648. 4^ A— B in fours. With a ■woodcut on title. In prose, except '• The Discription of Loyalty." SHIPMAN, THOMAS. Henry the Third of France, Stabb'd by a Fryer. With the Fall of the Guise. A Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal. By Thomas Shipman Esquire . . . Lon- don, Printed by B. G. for Sam. Heyrick . . . 1678. 4'', A— L 3 in fours, and a, 2 leaves, with a dedication to James, Duke of Monmoitth. On the back of the title of the present copy occurs: "Ex Dono Chariss: amici Tho: Shipman. Geo. Gregory." SHIP-MONEY. The Case of Ship Money briefly dis- coursed, According to the Grounds of Law, Policy, and Conscience, And most Hvmbly presented to the Censure and Correction of the High-Court of Parlia- ment, Nov. 3, 1640. Printed Anno Dom. 1640. 4°, A— G 2 in fours. A Proclamation for the leyv'ing and pay- ment of the SLip-Moneys in Arreare. [20 August, 1640.] Imprinted at Lon- don by Robert Barker, . . . 1640. Forster Coll. SHIRLEY, JAMES. A booke called Ecco and Narcissus the 2 ATifortunate Lotiers, written by Jeames Sherley. Licensed to Francis Constable, 4 January, 1617-18. The Schoole of Com2:)lement ... By I. S. London, Printed by I. H. for Francis Constable, . . . 1637. 4", A— K in fours. Love Tricks : Or, The School of Comple- ments ; As it is now Acted by His Royal SHORE. 55! SIB BALD. Highnesse the Duke of York's Servants at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn- Fields. By J. S. London, Printed by R. T, and sold by Thomas Dring Junior, . . . 1667. 4°, A— I 2 in fours. Love will finde out the Way. An Ex- cellent Comedy. By T. B. As it was Acted with great Applause, By Her Ma- jesties Servants, at the Phcenix in Drury Lane. London: Printed by Ja: Cottrel, for Samuel Speed . . . 1661. 4°, A— H in fours. The School of Compliment with an altered title. Six New Playes . . . 1653. 8^ Sharpe's sale at Sotheby's, June 9, 1877, No. 382, a copy of this volume occurred with the following inscription on the back of the portrait: "For the noble hands of S"" Edmund Boyer from his most humble servant, Ja. Shirley." Honoria and Mammon. Written by James Shirley. Auri sacra fames . . . London, Printed for the use of the Author. 8*^. A, 4 leaves, first blank : B— K 4 in eights, G 8 and K 4 blank. Portrait by Gaywood. On H 1 occurs a second title ; The Con- tention of Ajax and Ulysses, for the Armor of Achilles . . . London, Printed for John Crook . . . Honoria and Mammon. Written by James Shirly Gent. Scene Metropolis, or New- Troy. Whereunto is added the Contention of Ajax and Ulisses, for the Armour of Achilles, as it was represented . . . London, Printed for John Crook . . . 1659. 8°. With the same print. This is a different titlepage. In the copy before me the text begins after the title on B, and the Contention is deficient. The Honoria ends on G 6. SHORE, JANE. The Life and Character of Jane Shore, Collected from our best Historians, chietly from the Writings of Sir Thomas More, who was her Contemporary, and Per- sonally knew her Humbly ofFer'd to the Headers and Spectators of her Tragedy, written by Mr. Rowe. Inscribed to Mrs. Oldfield. The Tiiird Edition. London, . . . 1714. Small 8^, A— D in sixes, in- cluding a frontispiece by Lud. Du Guer- nicr. Kimbault, Aug. 7, 1877, No. 1945. SHORT, J. Soliloqvies Theologicall. lam alone, and yet I am not alone, for the Father is with 'iiie. [Numerous quotations.] By J. S. Gent. London Printed by G. Bishop, and R. AVhite, for Tho: Vnderhill, at the Bible in Woodstreete. 1641. 8°. A, 8 leaves, A 1 blank, and A 2 with a fron- tispiece by Glover : (a), 4 leaves: B — Q 4 in eights. SHOWER, JOHN. Practical Reflections on the late Earth-^i quakes in Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, &c. Anno 1690. With a Parti- ' cular. Historical Account of those, and divers other Earthquakes. By John Shower. London, Printed for John Salusbury . . . MDCXCii. 8°, A— m eights, O 8 with advertisements. SHROPSHIRE. JoyfuU and Welcome Newes from Shrews- bury: Declaring the Proceedings of both Armies neer Shrewsbury, with an exact ' Relation of a Battell fought before the Walls of the said Town, October 3, 1642. Also a true Relation of a Battell fought in Wiltshire . . . Likewise Prince Roberts Propositions to His Majesty concerning the Knighting of certain Officers under his Command. Printed for Th. Rider. October 7. 1642. 4*^, 4 leaves. The Execution of Mr. Rob. Foulks, Late Minister of Stanton-Lacy in Shropshire, ; With some Account of his most Penitent Behaviour, Confession, last Speech, &c. . . . London : Printed for R. G. 167|. ^ 4^, 4 leaves. An Alarme for Sinners : Containing the Confession, Prayers, Letters, and last words of Robert Poulkes, Late Minister of Stanton-Lacy in the County of Salop : who was Tryed, Convicted, and Sen- tenced, at the Sessions in the Old Bayly, London, January 16*^ 167f , and Executed the Spt following. Witli an Account of his Life. Published from the Original, Written with his own hand, during his Reprieve, and sent by him at his Death i to Dr. Lloyd, Dean of Bangor. . . . Lon- - don Printed for Langley Curtis, on Lud- gate-Hill, 1679. 4«, A— F 2 in fours. A Just Account of the Horrid Contri- vance of John Cupper, and Judith Brown his Servant, in poysoning his Wife. Who were Tryed at the Assizes held at Shrews- bury, the 2 1st tlay of July, 1684. Cupper to be Hang'd in Chains, and Judith Brown to be Burnt. Together with their Dying Confessions. Published by me AVilliam Smith, Rector of Bitterley, their Minister, to prevent false Reports. [Quot. from Juvenal, Sat. 6.] London, Printed for Edward Robinson, Bookseller in Lud- low. M.DCLXXxiv. 4^, 6 leaves. SIBBALD, SIR ROBERT, M.D. Memoria Balfovriana, Sive Historia Re- SIDNEY. 559 SILTUS. rum, pro Literis Promovendis, Gestarum A clarissimis Fratribus Balfouriis, D.D. Jacobo, Barone de Kiunaird, . . . Et D.D. Andrea, M.D. . . . Authore K. S. M.D. Equite Aurato. Edinbiirgi, . . . M.DC.XC.IX. 8°, A — N in fours, and a leaf of 0. SIDNEY, ALGERNON, il/.P. The Very Copy of a Paper Delivered to the Sheriffs upon the Scaffold on Tower- Hill, on Friday December 7. 1683. By Algernon Sidney, Esq; Before his Execu- tion there. London, Printed for R. H. J. B. and J. R. . . . mdclxxxiii. Folio, 2 leaves. The Arraignment, Tryal & Condemnation of Algernon Sidney, Esq; For High-Trea- son. For Conspiring the Death of the King, And Intending to raise a Rebellion in this Kingdom. Before the Right Hon- ourable Sir George Jeffreys, . . . London, Printed for Benj. Tooke, . . . 1684. Folio, A — S in twos. Reflections upon Coll. Sidney's Arcadia ; The Old Cause, Being some Observations upon his last Paper, given to the Sheriffs at his Execution. London, Printed for Thomas Dring . . . 1684. Folio, A— D in twos. SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. The Defence of Poesie. By Sir Phillip Sidnev, Knight. London Printed for William Ponsonby. 1595. 4*^, B— L 3 in fours, and the title. Apparently a reissue of the original edi- tion, with a fresh title and the prefixes omitted. Sotheby's, July 1, 1S81, No. 59, much cropped. The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia . . . Now the fift time published . . . Also a Supplement . . . Dvblin, Printed l)y the Societie of Stationers. 1621. Cum Privi- iegio. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : IF, 2 leaves : A— 3 B in sixes. B. M. The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia , . . Now the Sixt time Pvblished. London, Imprinted by H. L. for Simon Waterson. 1622. Folio. Title, dedication, and to the Reader, 3 leaves : A — 3 B in sixes, but only 2 leaves in Ee, and between Ee 1 — 2 nine leaves inserted, to supply the lacuna in the story. The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia . . . Now the Sixt Time Pvblished. London, Imprinted by H. L. for Matthew Lownes. 1623. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: IF, 2 leaves : A — Dd in sixes : Ee, 9 leaves : ee, 3 leaves : Ff — Bbb in sixes. Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, Moderniz'd by Mrs. Stanley. London : Printed in the Year mdccxxv. Folio. Title, dedi- cation to the Princess of Wales, preface, and list of subscribers, 6 leaves : B— 6 0, 2 leaves each. A book called Astrophell and Stella wrytten by the most noble knight Sir Philip Sydney. Licensed to W. Pon- sonby, 23 Oct. 1598. This registration was probably made for the purpose of incorporating the sonnets with the edition of the Arcadia published in 1598. A doleful! dyttie of the death of Sir P. Sydney. Licensed to H. Carre, 22 Feb. 1586-7. A ballad of the buriall of Sir Phillip Syd- nev. Licensed to William Bartlet, 27 Feb. 15b6-7. The Life and death of Sir Philip Sidney. Licensed to William Asplev, 2 October, 1606. SILESIO, MARIANO. The Arcadian Princesse ; or. The Triumph of lustice : Prescribing excellent rules of Physicke, for a sicke lustice. Digested into fowre Bookes, and Faithfully rendred to the originall Italian Copy, By Ri. Brathwait Esq. Vulnera clausa potius cruciant— Greg. London, Printed by Th. Harper for Robert Bostocke, . . . 1635. 8°. * 8 leaves, first and second blank : **, 8 leaves : A — Q in eights : Aa— Qq 9 in eights. With an engraved frontispiece by W. Marshall. SILIUS ITALICUS. The Second Punick War between Han- nibal and the Romanes ; Englished from the Latine of Silivs Italicvs By Thomas Ross. [The printed title adds :] With A Continuation from the Triumph of Scipio, To the Death of Hannibal. By Tho: Ross, Esq; Keeper of His Majestie's Librarie, and Groom of His most Honour- able Privy- Chamber. Aut Prodesse . . . London, Printed by Tho. Roycroft, and are to be sold by Jo. Martin, Ja. Allestry, and Tho. Dicas ... m DC lxi. Folio. Engraved title, printed one, and portrait of Charles II., 3 leaves : two dedications by Ross, the second in order dated Bruges, Nov. IS, 1657, 2 leaves : To the King, in verse, 2 leaves : C — D, 2 leaves each : E — 3 X 2 in fours : Continuation, title, and dedication to William, Earl of Strafford, 2 leaves : A — K in fours, K 4 with the Errata. In verse. To each of the books is attached a plate. SILVER. 560 SIMPSON. :! SILVER, GEORGE. Paradoxes of Defence. . . . 1599. The original MS. , beautifully written on paper, small folio, with the arms of Lord Essex emblazoned, was sold among Sir Samuel Kush Meyrick's books in 1870 for for £10, 15s. SILVESTER, JOSHUA. The Parliament of Vertues Royal : (Suni- moned in France ; but assembled in England) for Nomination, Creation, and Confirmation of the most Excellent Prince Panaretvs A Prresage of Pr. Dolphin : A Pourtrait of Pr. Henry A Promise of Pr. Charles, Translated & Dedicated to His Highnes, by losvah Sylvester. No place or prin- ter's name. [1614-15.] 8*^, A— F 4 in eights : Bethvlians Rescue, with a new title, G— P 2 in eights : Little Bartas, with a new title, Q— Y 4 in eights : >S'^. Leids the King, Aa— Cc 4 in eights, Cc 4 blank, and an extra leaf between Aa 2 — 3 marked' (? wrongly) Dd 3* : ^ Hymn of Alms, &c., Dd— Hh in eights, last two leaves of Ee, and last leaf of Gg, blank, and two extra leaves after Dd 2. The Second Session of the Parliament of Vertues Reall (Continued by Prorogation) For better Propagation of all true Pietie, & Vtter Extirpation of ( Atheisme, & Hypocrisie ; < AA^arice, & Crveltie ( Pride, & Lvxvrie. (From th' Originall) Transcribed, & In- scribed to the High-Hopefull Charles, Prince of Great Britaine. By losvah Sylvester. No place or printer's name. [1615.] 8°. Title and dedication, 4 leaves unmarked : B— N in eights. Jobe Triumphant in his tryall by Josuah Siluester. Licensed to Humfrey Lownes the elder, 23 Dec. 1615. Joshua Sylvester's 3Iicrocosmogra23hie, in the collected edition of his Works, 1G33, is stated to be a translation from Henry Smith's Latin Sapphics. SDIOTTA, GEORGE. A Theater of the Planetary Hovres for all dayes of the Yeare. Wherein may be gathered from the earth, vnder the CiL>les- tiall influences, divers sorts of liearbs, . . Translated out of Greeke, into French, and now into English, fitted to our CalcuKation. Printed at London by August. Matthewes, and are to be solde by George Baker, neere Charing-Crosse, at the signe of the White Lyon. 1631. 4*^, A— E in fours, A 1 and E 4 blank. Dedicated by Baker the translator to Sir Robert -^ton [Ayton], Secretary to the Queen. B. M. SIMPSON, CHRISTOPHER. The Division- Violist : Or An Introduc- tion to the Playing upon a Ground : Divided into two Parts. The First, Di- recting the Hand, with other Preparative Instructions. The Second, Laying open the Maner and Method of Playing Ex- tempore, or Composing Division to a Ground. To which are Added some Divisions made upon Grounds for the Practice of Learners. By Chr. Simpson. London, Printed by William Godbid. 1659. Folio. Title and portrait by W. Faithorne, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — T, 2 leaves each. Dedicated to Sir John Bolles, Bart. ■ Chelys, . . . The Division- Viol, Or, The i Art of Playing Extempore upon a Ground . . . Authore Christophoro Simpson. Editio Secvnda. London, Printed by W. Godbid for Henry Brome . . . m.dc.lxvil' Folio, A, 2 leaves : a — b in twos : B — T, 2 leaves each. With a portrait by: Faithorne. The Division- Violin: Containing a Choice I Collection of Divisions to a Ground forj the Treble- Violin. Being the first Mu-.; sicke of this kind ever Published. Lon- 1 don, Printed by J. P. and are sold by . John Playford, near the Temple-Church : | 1685, Oblong 4°, A— E in fours, besides, the title (with engraving on it) and Table (1 leaf). A Compendium of Practical Musick ini Five Parts. Teaching, by a New, and' easie Method, 1. The Rudiments of Song.: 2. The Principles of Composition. . . . By Christopher Simpson. London, Prin- ted by William Godbid for Henry Brome > in Little Britain. m. dc. lxvii. 8°, A — M in eights. With a portrait. A Compendium ... The Third Edition . . . London, Printed by M. C. for Henry Brome, . . . MDCLXXViil. 8°, A— N in eights. A Compendium . . . The Fifth Edition with Additions . . . London . . . 1714.* 8% A— K in eights, title on A 2. SIMPSON, W., 2V.D. Ilydrologia Chymica : Or, The Chymical Anatomy of the Scarbrovgli, And otlier Spaws in York-Shire. Wherein are In- : terspersed, Some Animadversions uponl Dr. AVittie's lately Published Treatise of | the Scarbrovgh-Spaw. Also, a short I Description of the Spaws at Malton and ' SINCLAIR. 561 SISTERS. Knarsbrough. And a Discourse con- cerning the Original of Hot- Springs and other Fountains ... By AY. Simpson, Philo-Chymico-Medicus, Ex, Aqua Om- nia. London, Printed by ^Y. G. for Richard Chiswel . . . 1669. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — Dd 4 in eights, Dd 4 blank, followed by two folded plates. Hydrological Essayes : Or, A Vindication of Hydrologia Chymica : Being a further Discovery of the Scarbrough Spaw, And of the right use thereof. And of the Sweet Spaw and Sulphur- Well at Knars- brough. With a brief Account of the Allom Works at Whitby. Together with a return to some Queries, propounded by the ingenious Dr. Dan. Foot, concerning Mineral Waters. To which is annexed. An Answer to Dr. Tunstal's Book con- cerning the Scarbrough Spaw. With an Appendix of the Anatomy of the German Spaw. ... By William Simpson, Dr. in Physick, and Practitioner at Wakefield in Yorkshire. London, Printed by J. D. for Richard Chiswel . . . 1670. 8^, a in eights, and A 2 — K 8 in eights. Zymologia Physica, Or a brief Philo- sophical Discourse of Fermentation, From a new Hypothesis of Acidum and Sul- phur. . . . With an additional Discourse of the Sulphvr-Bath at Knarsbrovgh. By W. Simpson, M.D. . . . London, Printed by T. R. & N. T. for W. Cooper . . . 1675. 8°, A— X 4 in eights. Philosophical Dialogues Concerning the Principles of Natvral Bodies : Wherein the Principles of the Old and Xew Philo- sophy are stated, ... By W. Simpson, M.D. London : Printed by T. Hodgkin, for Dorman Newman, . . . 1677. 12*^. A, 8 leaves : B — I 4 in twelves, I 4 blank. Dedicated to George Duke of Buckingham. The History of Scarbrough-Spaw, Or, A further Discovery of the excellent Y"er- tues thereof in the Cure of the Scurvy, . . . Also a Discourse of an Artificial Sulphur-Bath, . . . Together with a short account of other Rarities of Nature observable at Scarbrough. By W. Symp- son . . . London, Printed for Tho. Sim- mons . . . 1679. 8'', A— G 2 in eights. Dedicated to the Marquis of Winchester. SINCLAIR, GEORGE. Satans Invisible World Discovered ; Or, A choice Collection of Modern Relations, proving evidently against the Saducees and Atheists of this present Age, that there are Devils, Spirits, ... To all which is added that Marvellous History of Major Weir, and his Sister, ... By I\Ir, George Sinclar, late Professor of Philosophy, in the Colledge of Glasgow. . . . Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid. 1 685. 8^. Title and dedication, 7 leaves : A — in eights : IT and 1^, 7 leaves each. SINDERCOME, alias FISH, MILES. The Whole Business of Sindercome, From first to last. It being a Perfect Narrative of his Carriage, during the time of his Imprisonment in the Tower of London, As also of the several Passages and Pro- ceedings at the Tryal of the said Sinder- come, alias Fish, at the Upper-Bench, Westminster, Feb. 9, 1656. Before the Lord Chief Justice Glyn, and Mr. Justice Warburton ; AYith his Sentence. To- gether with the Discourse that past be- twixt him and the Ministers that visited him, and the manner of his Death in the said Tower, the night before the day ap- pointed for his Execution . . . London Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1657. 4°, A — C in fours. SIN. The conqueste of Synne Wherin is lamented the Synfull estate of this pre- sente age. Licensed to Thomas East in 1566. A Dyscription of vij pryncipall vices with y® Devyces of the same. Licensed to John Sampson in 1567. SINAN. A booke and a ballad intituled a news prophecie seene by the Yiceere Sinan Bassa at his Comminge into Hungarie. Licensed to E. White, 6 June, 1594, and only sixpence paid. SINOREX. Sinorex, Cania et Sinatus. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1569-70. See Hazhtf s TYarton, iv. 336. This production, no longer known, seems to go over the same gi'ound as Pettie's two novels, printed about six years later. SINNER. A comfortable answere to the lamentation of a synner. A ballad. Licensed to J. Allde in 1566-7. The Presumptuous Sinner. Printed and Sold in Aldermary Church-Yard ... A ballad, with cuts. Ouvry Cat. No. 106. SISTERS. The Sisters of the Scabards Holiday : Or, A Dialogue betwene two reverent and very vertuous Matrons, Mrs. Bloomes- bury, and Mrs. Long- Acre her neare 2n SK ELTON. 562 SLEIDAN. Neighbour. Wherein is Discoursed how terrible, and costly the Civill Law was to their Profession; and how they con- g[r]atulate the welcome Alteration. Prin- ted, 164[1.] 4^,4 leaves. With a cut on title. SKELTON, JOHN. Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton Poete Laureate. Nowe collected and newly published. Anno. 1568. Imprinted at London in Flete- streate, neare vnto saint Dunstones churche by Thomas ]\Iarshe. 8®, black letter. Title, verses by T. Churchyard (the editor ?) and list of books, 4 leaves : A — Aa 4 in eights. Ghrenv.lColl. Here after foloweth a litle boke whyche liathe to name, whye come ye not to Courte . . . [Col.] Imprynted at London in Ponies church yard at the syne of the Lamb by Abraham Veale. 8°, A — D in eights, D 8 with the colophon. SKENE, ALEXANDER. Memorialls for the Government of the Royall-Burghs in Scotland. With some Overtures laid before the Nobility and Gentry of the several Shyres in that Kingdom. As also, A Survey of the City of Aberdeen, with the Epigrams of Arthur lohnstoun Doctor of Medicin, upon some of our chief Burghs translated into English by I. B. By Philopoliticos, a Lover of the Publick well-fare. Aber- deen, Printed by John Forbes, . . . 1685. 8<^, A— S in eights. SKENE, Sm JOHN. An Exposition of certaine Difficult and obscure wordes, and Termes of the Lawes of this Realme, newly amended and aug- mented, both in French and English . . . At London Printed by Thomas Wight and Bonham Norton. 1598. Cam })riuilegio ... 8°, black and white letter, a, 4 leaves : A — Bb 5 in eights. Printed in two columns. SKEYNE, GILBERT, M.D, Aue Breue Descriptioun of the Pest, qhair in the causis, siguis, and sum speciall preseruatioun and cure thairof ar contenit. Set fuith be Maister Gilbert Skeyne, Doctour in Medicine. Impreiitit at Edinburgh be Robert Lelq)reuik. Anno Do. 1568. 4^, 24 leaves. Ane Brief Descriptioun of the qualiteis and efi'ectis of the well of the woman hill ])esyde Abirdene. [Edinburgh] Anno Do. 1580. 4°, 4 leaves. Attributed to Dr. Skene. Both pieces were reprinted by the Bannatyne Chib, 4°, 18G0. SKIPPON, PHILIP. A Salve for every Sore Or, A Collection of Promises out of the whole Book of God, and is the Christian Centurions In- fallible ground of Conscience ... By Phillip Skippon, Sarjent Major Generall &c. . . . London, Printed by E. G. for Samuel Enderby . . . 1643. 12^, A— P in twelves, A 1 with the licence. On A 3 occur two short copies of verses, and at the end we have the author's Solilo- quy with God, also in verse. One of the dedications is "To my Wife and Children;'' but it discloses nothing of interest. SLATYER, W. The Psalmes of David. . . . By W. S. London Printed by P. Stent . . . 1652. 8°. A, 6 leaves, and 28 leaves of en- graved letterpress. SLEIDAN, JOHN. A Famovse Cronicle of oure time, called Sleidanes Commentaries, concerning the state of Religion and common wealth, , during the raigne of the Emperour Charles the fift, . . . Translated out of' Latin into Englishe, by Ihon Daus. :; Here vnto is added also an Apology of ! the Authoure. [Col.] Imprinted ati London by Jhon Dale for Nicholas Eug- lande. m.d.lx. The, 26. dale of Sep-' tember. Cum priuilegio . . . Folio, black letter, A — 3 Q 3 in sixes, A 6 blank. Dedicated to the Earl of Bedford, after! which occurs: "The Translator to the' Booke," seven 4-line stanzas. ! A briefe Chronicle of the foure principal! (j Empyres, To witte, of Babilon, Persia,;^ Grecia, and Rome. Wherein, is compen-; diouslye conteyned the whole discourse.- of histories. Made by tlie famous and godly learned man lohn Sleidan, and englished by Stephan Withers. Printed at London by Rouland Hall, dwellyng in Gutter Lane, at the signe of the halfe Egle and the keye. 1563. 4^, blaci letter. Title, dedication to the Earl 0: Bedford, Table, and some verses to the Reader (by the translator ?), 6 leaves : h — Dd in fours. The Key of Historic : Or, A most Metho- dicall Abridgement of the foure chieft Monarchies . . . Written by . . . Johi Sleidan. London, Printed for Willi Sheares, . . . 1635. 12^ B— T in twelves] besides the frontispiece, no A. An Epitome of Frossard : Or, A Sum , marie Collection of the most memorabl* Histories contained in his Chronicle chiefly concerning the State of Englanc and France. AVherin the famous Warre' SMECTYMNUS. 563 SMITH. and Conquests of King Edward the third, with the honorable atchieuements of the Biacke Prince, and other his soimes, both in Frauuce, Spaine, and Portugall, are compendiously described. Entermixed with other historical! occurrents of those times, very worthy, and profitable to be had in remembrance. Compiled in Latine by lohn Sleydane, and translated into English, Bv P. Golding At London, Printed by'Tho: Purfoot, for Per. Gold- ing. 1608. Cam Priuilegio. 4°, B— Ee in fours, and the titlepage. Without prefixes. SMECTYMNUS. A Modest Confutation of A Slanderous and Scurrilous Libell, Eutitvled, Ani- madversions vpon the Eemonstrants De- fence against Smectymnuus. Printed in the veer M.DC.XLii. 4°, A — F in fours, A 1 blank. SMITH, HEXRY. Three Prayers, one for the Morning, an- other for the Euening : the third for a sick-man. Whereunto is annexed, a godly Letter to a sicke freend : and a comfort- able Speech of a Preacher vpon his death- bedde. Anno Dom. 1591. At London, Printed for Thomas Man. 1591. 8^, A— B 4 in eights. SMITH, H. The Princess of Parma. A Tragedy: As it is Acted at the Xew Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inne Fields. By H. Smith, Gent, i^emel Inmnivimus Omnes. Lon- don: Printed for Joseph Wilde, at the Elephant at Charing-Cross. mdcxcix. 4^. A, 3 leaves : B — G in fours. SMITH, HUMPHREY. A Collection of the several Writings and Faithful Testimonies of . . . Humphry Smith, who dyed a Prisoner for the Tes- timony of Jesus in Winchester Common- Goal, \\ie 4*^ day of the Z^"^ jMoneth, in the Year 1663. . . . London: Printed and Sold bv Andrew Sowle, . . . 1683. 4"', [a]— [d] in fours: [A]— [B] in fours : B— Xx 2 in fours. SMITH, CAPTAIN JOHN, Governor of Virginia. A Description of New England : Or The Observations, And discoueries, of Captain lohn Smith (Admirall of that Country) in the North of America, in the yeer of our Lord 1614 : with the successe of sixe Ships, that went the next yeare 1615 ; and the accidents befell him among the French men of warre : With the proofe of the present benefit this Countrey affoords: whither this present yeare, 1616, eight voluntary Ships are gone to make further tryall. At London Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Robert Gierke ; and are to be sould at his house called the Lodge, in Chancerv lane, ouer against Lincolnes Inne. 1616. 4*^. 1, 4 leaves : A— I in fours. Grenv. Coll. Dedicated to Prince Charles. With a map and verses by G. Wither, Eawly Croshaw, J. Davies of Hereford, X. Smith, J. Codrin- ton, Edw. Kobinson, Tho. Carlton, &c. There are also two dedications to the Council of New England and to the Adven- turers. At the end the volume puri^orts to have been prmted, 18 June, 1616. New Englands Trials. Declaring the successe of 80 Ships employed thither within these eight yeares ; and the bene- fit of that Cuuntrey by Sea and Land. With the present estate of that ha^Dpie Plantation, begun by but 60 weake men in the yeare 1620. And how to build a Fleete of good Shippes to make a little Nauie Royall. Written by Captaine lohn Smith. . . . The Second Edition. Lon- don, Printed by William lones. 1622. 4°, A — D in fours. Dedicated to Charles, Prince of Wales, and, in a second epistle, to the Adventurers. Grenv. Coll. Inserted in this copy is a map of New England, by S. Passe, with the portrait of Captain Smith in the top left-hand cor- ner ; it is the same which occurs in the Gremalle copy of the Advertisements, 1631, except that the printer's name is altered, and Robert Gierke excudit in the opposite corner are erased in the impression accom- panying the later book. Below the portrait are the verses by J. Davies of Hereford, This expensively executed map seems to have been successively the property of various persons. The present work was intended as a sort of sequel to the Description of New Eng' land, 1616. Advertisements for the inexperienced Planters of New-England, or any where. Or, The Path-way to experience to erect a Plantation. With the yearely proceed- ings of this Country in Fishing and Planting, since the yeare 1614. to the yeare 1630, and their present estate. Also how to prevent the greatest inconveni- ences, by their proceedings in Virginia, and other Plantations, by approved ex- amples. With the Countries Armes, a description of the Coast, Harbours, . . . By Captaine lohn Smith, . . . London, Printed by lohn Haviland, and are to be sold by Robert Milbovrne, . . . 1631. 4°, A — F in fours, and a leaf of Contents. With a map. Grenv. Coll. On the back of A 3 occurs a copy of verses headed, The Sea Marke. SMITH. 564 SMYTH. SMITH, CAPTAIN JOHN. England's IniiDrovenient Reviv'd : Di- gested into Six Books. By Captain John Smith. In the Savoy. Printed by Tho. Newcomb for the Author. An. Dom. 1670. 4°. A, 4 leaves: a, 2 leaves : A (repeated) — LI in fours, LI 4 blank. De- dicated to Viscount Broun cker. With a note on the book by Evelyn. SMITH, MATTHEW. Memoirs of Secret Service. By Matthew Smith of the Inner-Temple, Esq. Lon- don, Printed for K. Baldwin . . . 1699. 8^, A— M 4 in eights. SMITH, NICHOLAS. A Warning to the World, Being Sundry Strange Prophesies Eevealed to Nicholas Smith, living at Tillington neer Petworth in Sussex, Shoe-maker. . . . [April 1, 1653.] 4*^, 4 leaves. B. M. SMITH, SAMUEL, M,A. Aditvs ad Logicam . . . Autore Samuele Smith, Artium Magistro. Editio quinta. Oxonise, Excudebat Guil: Turner, ipsius impensis. 1639. Cum Privilegio. 8^, A — I 8 in twelves, besides 4 leaves after title, and a folding leaf. SMITH, THOMAS, of Berwicl-on-Tioeed. The Art of Gunnery, wherein is set forth a number of serviceable secrets, and prac- tical! conclusions, belonging to the Art of Gunnery, by Arithmetick skill to be accomplished. . . . London, Printed in the yeare 1643. 4°, A — Q in fours, be- sides folded leaves at pp. 32, 57, and 110. SMITH, SIR THOMAS. De recta & emendata Lingvse Anglicse Scriptione, Dialogus, Thoma Smitho Equestris ordinis Anglo authore. Lvtetite, Ex'officina Roberti Stephani . . . M.D.LXViii. ... 4°. *, 2 leaves, with title and Errata : a — 1 in fours: A — M in fours. De Repvblica Anglorvm. The maner of Gouernement or policie of the Realme of England, compiled by the Honorable man Thomas Smyth, Doctor of the ciuill lawes. Knight, and principall Secretarie vnto the two most worthie Princes, King Ed- warde the sixt, and Queene Elizabeth. Scene and allowed. At London, Printed by Henrie Midleton for Gregorie Seton. Anno Domini. 1583. 4°, black letter, A — Q in fours. In this work Smith expressly deprecates the employment of torture as un-English and practically unavailing ; but the same year saw the publication of Burleigh's Exe- cution of J ustice in England, a tract writ- ten to vindicate the use of it in the case of the Jesuits and Papists, and translated, no doubt at the instance of the Government, into Latin and French. The Common- Wealth of England, . . . At London, Printed by Valentine Simmes, for Gregorie Seton, . . . 1594, 4°, black letter, A, 2 leaves : B — T 2 in fours. The Common-Wealth of England . . . At London, Printed by lames Roberts, for Gregorie Seton . . . Anno. Dom. 1601. 4*^, black letter. A— T 2 in fours. The Common- Wealth of England . . . London Printed for lohn Smethwicke, . . . 1609. 4^, black letter, A— S in fours, S 4 blank. The Common Wealth of England . . . London, Printed by William Stansby for lohn Smethwicke . . . 1612. 4°, black letter, A — S in fours, first leaf blank. The Common-wealth of England . . . London Printed by William Stansbv for lohn Smethwick, . . . 1621. 4*^, A— K in fours, A and K 4 blank. The Common Wealth of England . . . London Printed by W. S. for lohn Smeth- wicke, . . . [1633.] 12^. A, 6 leaves.; besides the frontispiece: B — N in twelves, | N 12 with the colophon. ^ The Common- Wealth of England : . . . London, Printed by R. Young for J, Smethwicke, . . . 1640. 12°, A— M in twelves, including an engraved title, JM; 12 with the colophon. ! Thomse Smithi Angli De Repvblicr Anglorvm . . . Lvg. Batavor . . . 1641 Sm. 8°. * 8 leaves : A— Dd 4 in eights The title is engraved. SMITH, WILLIAM, M.A., late School master at Islington. Intrigues of the Popish Plot laid open With Depositions sworn before the Secre tary of State : Coica JVocentum Con ^ cilia ! — Statins. London, Printed for th' Author, . . . 1685. Folio, A— H ii twos, and a leaf of I. SMITHURST, BENJAMIN. Britain's Glory, and England's Bravery Wherein is Shewed the Degrees of Honou from the Prince to the Peasant with th Honour of the Nobles, and Privileges c tlie Commons ... To which is added Continuation of the Historian's Guide . . . Being the Collections and Observs tions of Benjamine Smithurst. Londoi Printed for William Crook, . . . 16" 8^ A, 6 leaves: B— K 6 in twelves. SMYTH, RICHARD. A Godly and FaythfuU Retractation mad and published at Paules crosse in Londoi SMYTH. 56: SOLDIER. the yeare of our Lorde God 1547. the 15. daye of May, by Mayster Richard Smyth Doctor of biuinitye, and reader of the Kynges Maiestyes lecture in Oxford. Keuokyng therin certeyn Errors and faultes by hym committyd in some of hys bookes. Londini, Anno Domini M.D.XLYii. Cum priuilegio. [Coh] Im- prented at London in Paules churchyarde at the sygne of the brasen serpent by Reynolde WoKe. 8^, A— D in fours. Lamheth. SMYTH, SIR JOHX. Certain Discourses. . . . 1590. * — *** in fovirs = 12 leaves : A — O 2 in fours. Certen Instructions, obseruations and orders Militarie, requisit for all Chief- taines, Captaines, and higher and lower men of charge, and Officers, to ynder- stand. Know and obserue. Composed by Sir lohn Smythe : Knight, 1591. And now first Imprinted, 1594. Imprinted at London, by Richard Johnes, . . . 1594. 4°, A, 6 leaves: B — Ee in fours, A i blank. Dedicated from the author's house at Badewe in Essex, May 1, 1594, in an Epistle much enlarged in. the impression of 1595. Instructions, Obseruations and Orders . . . 1595. A re-issue of the edition of 1594, -^vith a new title and an enlarged preface. Colla- tion : Title, 1 leaf : ^— 4 ^ in fours = 16 leaves : B — Ee in fours. SMYTHIES, WILLIAM, Curate of St. Giles, Cripplegate. Advice to Apprentices, And other Young Persons, To beware of Evil Company and Evil Courses ; And particularly of Theft. London: . . . 1687. h^, 12 leaves. SNOW. A True and Perfect Narrative of the Great and Dreadful Damages Susteyned in Several Parts of England, by the Late Extraordinary Snows : . . . Printed for P. Brooksby . . . [About 1680.] 4^, 4 leaves. Among the places mentioned are Langs- dale in Durham, Bath, kc. SOAP. By the King. A Proclamation concern- ing Soape and Soape- makers. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . M.DC. XXXIII. Black letter. Folio, 11 leaves. Forster Coll. A Proclamation for the well ordering and setling the Manufacture of Soape, vnder a Rule and Gouernment. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1634. [25 Jan. 1633-4.] A sheet cut into three leaves. Forster Coll, By the King. A Proclamation concern- ing the well-ordering the Trade of mak- ing and selling of Soape. [13 July, 1634.] Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1634. Black letter. Forster Coll. The Soap-Makers Complaint for the Losse of their Trade, by reason of a double Excise laid first upon the Mate- rials they make their Soap of ; and then secondly, by reason of an Excise of 4s 8d per Barrell laid upon the Soap after they have made it, which hath occasioned the spreading of their Trade into Holes and Corners in all parts of the Nation, . . . London, Printed in the year 1650. 4°, A — C 2 in fours, or 1 leaves. The Soap Makers Petition : Whipt and Stript : Or, a full and perfect Answer thereunto: Wherein is plainly and truly set forth, by an impartiall Pen, their en- deavours to perswade the Parliament, to lay an insupportable burthen on the Free- born people of this Common-wealth, as they did in the time of their monopolie . . . This Answer, as well as their Peti- tion, is humbly dedicated to be perused by the High Court of Parliament. Prin- ted in the year 1650. 4'^, 4 leaves. SOLDIER. How every christian souldiour sholde fyghte vnder his captayne Christe. A ballad. Licensed to J. Charlwood in 1569-70. A Sonnet betwene a Souldiour and his love. Licensed to W. Wright, 20 Aug. 1590. A Seamans coragious welcome to the Soldiers prepared for the voyage of Sir Frauncis Drake and Sir John Hawkins Knightes. A ballad (?) licensed to Ed- ward White, 14 June, 1595. A ballett of the Mustring of Souldiers in all sheires. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 27 September, 1614. A Trve Sovldiers Covncel. Anno 1624. No tegular title, place, or printer's name. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B— H 2 in fours, H 2 blank. A ballad called The Souldier and his Knapsack. Licensed to Francis Grove, 4 Nov. 1639. The Braggadocia Souldier : And the Civill Citizen. Printed for J. L. 1647 [Aug. 6.] A broadside in verse. With two cuts. B. M. The Brave English Souldiers Resolution. London, Printed in the Year 1666. A folio leaf in verse. SOLILOQUIES. 566 SOMERSETSHIRE. A Faithful souldier ; Or the speech of a Private Souldier concerning his Arrears. And putting the Captain to Death. De- dicated to Parson Peters's Servants, Smith, Care, Harris, Curtis, and to all the Crew. London, Printed in the Year 168f. A folio leaf. The Souldier's Farewel to his love ; being a Dialogue betwixt Thomas and Margaret, To a pleasant new tune. London: Printed for F. Coles ... A sheet in verse and black letter. Ouvry Cat. No. 41. The Souldiers sad complaint. A sheet. Ouvry Cat. 178. SOLILOQUIES. Early Soliloquies. Edinburgh Printed in the Year mdccxi. 4*^, 4 leaves. SOLINUS, JULIUS, Polyhistor. The excellent and pleasant worke of Julius Solinus Polyhistor. Contayning the noble actions of humaine creatures, the secretes & prouidence of nature, the description of Countries, the maners of the people : with many meruailous things and strange antiquities, seruing for the benefite and recreation of all sorts of persons. Translated out of Latin into English, by Arthur Golding Gent. At London, Printed by I. Charlewoode for Thomas Hacket. 1587. 4^, A— Gg 2 in fours. SOLOMON. Sayinges and sentences of Salomon. A ballad. Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. The Eewarde of Rebellion by example of Solimon. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1569-70. Queue Sabbe and Kynge Saloman. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1567-8. Solomon Emmetros, Sive Tres libri Solo- monis, scilicet, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica, Grseco carmine donati per Jaco- bam Duportum, Cantabrigiensem,G.L. P. Cantabrigioe . . . 1646. S"", A— Q in eights. With a frontispiece by W. Mar- shall. Ecclesiastes Solomonis. Auctore Joan. Viviano. Canticum Solomonis : Necnon Epigrammata Sacra, Per J. A. Duportum. Accedunt Georgii Herberti Musaj Eespon- sorise ad Andreae Melvini Anti-Tanii- Cami - Categoriam. Cantabrigice : Ex Officina Joannis Field, . . . 1662. 8^. Title and Preface, 3 leaves : A — I 4 in eights. The Verdict of the Wise : Or, tlie Opinion of David and Solomon, About the chief Happiness of Man ; . . . Printed in the Year, 1689. 8^, A— B 2 in fours = 6 leaves. In verse. An abstract in verse of Ecclesiastes by a Minister of the Gospel. The Song of Solomon Rendered into English Verse. By R. S. Edinburgh, Printed in the Year, mdcc. 8", A — C in fours. The Proverbs of Solomon, Newly trans- lated out of the Original Tongues ; Veiy necessary for the Use of Young Children. Aberdeen : Printed and Sold by James Chalmers. 1760. 8°, A— D in fours. SOMERSETSHIRE. The wonderful! sincking of certen grounde in the parishe of Worley in the Countie of Sounierset and other strange thinges worthy to be marked, &c. Li- censed to John Danter, 6 Nov. 1594. A Miracle, of Miracles. As fearefull as euer was seene or heard of in the memorie of Man. Which lately happened at Dichet in Sommersetsliire, and sent by diners credible witnesses to be published in London. Also a Prophesie reuealed by a poore Countrey Maide, who being dead the first of October last, 1613. 24. houres, reuiued againe, and lay fine dayes weeping, . , . and so died the 5. day following. Witnessed by M. Nicholas Faber, Parson of the Towne, and diners worthy Gentlemen of the same countrey, 1613. Withall, Lincolneshires Teares. For a great deluge, in which fine Villages were lamentalDly drowned this present month. At London printed for lohn Trundle : and are to be sold at Christ Church gate. 1614. 4*^, A — D in fours, A 1, blank. Black letter. With a large cut on the title. B. M. Lincolneshires Tcarcs commence on D 1 with a new title. Lilly's Catalogue for 1866, p. 43, £6, Gs., probably the same copy. The preface is subscribed by T. J. The Glory of the West ; or. The Virgins of Taunton Dean, who ript open their Silk-Petticoats, to make Colours for the late D[uke] of M[onmouth's] Army, when he came before the Town. A Song. To tlie tune of The Winchester Wedding. London : Printed for James Dean . . . 1685. A broadside in verse. Ouvnj Cat* No. 64. The Ancient Laws, Customs, and Orders of the Miners in the King's Forrest of Mendipp in the County of Somerset. Lon- don, Printed for William Cooper , . , 1687. 12'', 5 leaves. SOMMERS. 567 SONG. SOMMERS, WILLIAM. A Breife Narration of the possession, dis- possession, and repossession of William Sommers : and of some proceedings against Mr. John Dorrell preacher, with aunsweres to such obiections as are made to prove the pretended counterfeiting of the said Sommers. Together with certaine depositions taken at Notting- ham concerning the said matter. Anno M. D. xcYiiJ. 4°, black letter, A — E in fours, E 4 blank. A True Relation of the grievous handling of William Sommers of Nottingham, . . . Printed at London by Tho. Harper. 1641. 4^, 4 leaves. B. M. SOMNER, WILLIAM. The Antiquities of Canterbvry. Or A Svrvey of that Ancient Citie, witli the Svbvrbs, and Cathedrall. Containing principally matters of Antiquity in them all. Collected chiefly from old Manu- scripts, Lieger-bookes, and other like Records, for the most part, never as yet Printed. With an Appendix here an- nexed . . . London, Printed bv I. L. for Richard Thrale, . . . 1640. 4^ * and **, 4 leaves each : A — 3 V in fours. With a map. Dedicated by Somner to Arch- bishop Laud. The most Accurate History of the Ancient City, and Famous Cathedral of Canter- bury. . . . Published by William Somner. London, Printed by William Godbid for Richard Thrale, ... 1661. 4*^. A new (additional) title only. The Antiquities of Canterbury. ... The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by Nicholas Battely, M.A. Chartham-News : Or, A Brief Relation of some strange Bones there lately digged up. ... To which some Observations concerning the Roman Antiquities of Canterbury are added. . . . London : . . . mdcciii. Folio. View of Canterbury, title, dedication, and preface, 4 leaves : a — b, 2 leaves each : B — 3 0, 2 leaves each: An Account of the Chantries, &c. (with a plate), 2 leaves: *A — *X, 2 leaves each, the last misprinted (A 2) : Part 2, title and i^reface, 2 leaves : K— Yy, 2 leaves each : Zz, 1 leaf : Appendix, A — K, 2 leaves each : S, 1 leaf : Table, 2 leaves. With plates at pp. 24, and (part 2) pp. 1, 24, 30, 32 (3), 34 (3 , 87, and 161. Dictionarivm Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum Voces, Phrasesque Praicipuas Anglo-Saxo- nicas, E Libris, sive Mauuscriptis, sive Typis Excusis, Aliisque Monumentis, tum Publicis tum Privatis, Magna Diligentia Collectas; Cum Latina et AngHca Vocum Interpretatione Complectens. . . . Opera & Stvdio GvlieL Somneri Cantuarensis. Accesservnt ^Ifrici Abbatis Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, Cvm Glossario suo ejus- dem Generis. Oxonii, Excudebat Guliel. Hall pro Authore. . . . m.dc.lix. Folio. Title, dedication, verses, &c., 8 leaves : A — Xx in fours : Yy — Ttt, 2 leaves each. A Treatise of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent. By William Somner. Pub- lished by James Brome, M.A. Rector of Cheriton, and Chaplain to the Cinque- Ports. To which is prefixt the Life of Mr. Somner. Oxford, Printed at the Theater, 1695. 8^. a, 5 leaves : b — i 4 in eights : A — I 2 in eights. With a portrait. Dedicated to Henry, Viscount Sydney of Sheppey. SON. The Advise of a Sonne, now Professing the Religion Established in the present Church of England, to his deare Mother, yet a Roman Catholike. At Oxforde, Printed by loseph Barnes, ... 1616. 4"^, A — E in fours. A Pamphlett called the unfortunate sonne. Licensed to Richard Harper, 10 August, 1635. SONG. A songe Exortinge to the laude of God. Licensed to W. Seres in 1558-9. A ballett reprovynge all Reball [ribald] sonnges. Licensed to J. Charlwood in 1563-4. A songe or psalme for the Delyveraunce of his people from the handes of the Turke and all heathen inlideles, to the tune of the xix psalme. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1565-6. Tow lamentable songes of Pithias and Damon. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1565-6. A Songe how the Sentians [dissentients] seace thayre stryffe. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones in 1569-70. The kitchen boyes songe. Licensed to John Allde in 1570. A godlie newe songe declaringe thelovinge kindnes of the Lorde toAvarde them that feare him. Licensed to R. Jones, 20 Nov. 1577. A songe of reioycinge wherein male be scene How much little England is bound to our queue. Licensed to R. Jones, 9 April, 1578. Not to mans fautasie but where God is pleased there goeth the victorie. A song. Licensed to R. Jones, 9 April, 1578. SONG. 568 SORANZO. This songe the qualities of the worlde dothe shewe Howe all thinges Doo amend by ; in faythe, sir, no. Licensed to Edward White, 11 Sept. 1578. A merry songe of a kinge and a shepherd. Licensed to Richard Jones, 25 Sept. 1578. A pretie songe of the Judgement day when death shall fetche all awaie. Li- censed to Thomas Man, 15 Nov. 1578. A newe songe intituled Sicke sicke in graue I would I were, For griefe to see this wicked world y* will not mend, I feare. Licensed to R. Jones, 15 June, 1579. A ballad songe amongst y® souldiors. Li- censed to Henry Carre, 19 Aug. 1579. Deathes merry answere to the songe of the soldier. A ballad. Licensed to E. Jones, 29 July, 1583. A swete and courtly songe of the flowers that growe on Prymrose Hill. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A northerne songe of lU aivaie. Licensed to H. Carre, 15 Aug. 1586. A Sweete newe songe latelie made by a Souldier, and named it, The falle of foUye. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones, 24 April, 1588. An excellent newe songe of prayer and prowesse. Licensed to R. Jones, 3 Aug. 1588. A songe wherein is Conteyned the Trea- cherie of the wicked and is made to be songe on the Coronacon Daye or at any other tyme. Licensed to John Wolf, 4 Nov. 1588, but no sum named. A lamentable songe brieflie shewinge the miserable end of one John Randon and his associates sometymes guyder of the spittle house at Hiegate. Licensed to John Coxe. 30 Aug. 1589. A newe Northerne songe, intituled for the love of our towne. . . . Licensed to William Kyrkham, 24 March, 1595. A songe of a childe of th' age of 9 yeares called John Shute who was 2:)0ssessed with spirituall thoughtes. Licensed to John Wright, 23 July, 1612. The oyster wifes songe. Licensed to Cuth- bert Wright, 29 November, 1614. A Collection of One Hundred and Eighty Loyal Songs, all Written since 1678. And Intermixt with several New Love Songs. To which is added, The Notes set by Several Masters of Musick. With a Table to every Song. , , . The Fourth Edition with many Additions. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Richard Butt, in Princess-street in Covent-Garden. 1694. Price Bound 2/. 8^. a, 8 leaves : B — R 6 in twelves. With the music. The preface is signed with the initials of N. Thompson. One Hundred French Songs Set for a Voice, German Flute, Violin, Harpsi- chord, and Pandola. Dedicated to their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Prin- cess of Wales, By their most Obedient Humble Servant Nicolas Cloes. London. Printed for and Sold by John Walsh. . . . 4°. Title and contents, 2 leaves : pp. 1-108. A Song made upon a Gentleman sitting upon a Cremona Fiddle. An engraved folio leaf with verses and music. A Collection of State Songs, Poems, &c. that have been Publish'd since the Re- bellion : And Sung in the several Mug- Houses in the Cities of London and West- minster, &c. To be Publish'd Annually. London: ... 1716. 8^. A, 4 leaves: B — L 4 in eights. A Collection of English Songs, in Score for Three and Four Voices Composed about the Year 1500 Taken from MSS. of the same Age. Revised and Digested by John Stafford Smith. London . . . 1779. Folio. Title, dedicatioi-, and subscribers' names, 3 leaves : Preface, &c., pp. 12, besides a plate : the Music, pp. 65. SONNET. A sonnet necessarye for this tyme of Gods visitacon aswell againste the exces- sive pride and abuse of apparell as other \ vices to warne the Citie and Countrey to returne to the Lorde. Licensed to John Charlwood, 18 November, 1577. A newe Scottyshe sonnett made betwene - a kynge and his love. Licensed to T. . Nelson, 23 ]\Iay, 1590. SORANZO, LAZARO. The Ottoman of Lazaro Soranzo. Wherein i is deliuered aswell a full and perfect re- port of the might and power of Mahamet the third. Great Emperour of the Turkes now raigning: together with the Interests and dealinges, which hee hath with sundrie other Princes, what he is Plotting against the State of Christen dome, and on the other side what we may practise and put in execution against him to his great ' damage and annoyance. As also a true Description of diuers peoples, Countries, Citties and Voyages, which are most necessarie to bee knowen ; especially at 30RB0NNE. S69 SOUTHWARK. this time of the present Wane in Hun- garie. Translated out of Italian into English, by Abraham Hartwell. London Imprinted by John Windet, 1603. 4^ If and HIT, 4 leaves each : A, 2 leaves : B — Eee 2 in fours. SORBONNE. A lettre from the Colledge of Sorbonee in Parris, to the Pope / Together with the geuerall confession of the pillers of the holly vnion / and certen Epigramms./ Licensed to J. Wolf, 29 July, 1590. SOREL, C. The Extravagant Shepherd. The Anti- Romance : Or, The History of the Shep- herd Lysis. Translated out of French. London, Printed for Thomas Heath, . . . 1653. Folio. Collation: Frontispiece (by Barlow), 1 leaf : title, 1 leaf : dedication by John Davies of Kidwelly, the translator, to Lady Winchelsea, 2 leaves : a — e 2 in fours : B — LI in fours : Aaa — Mmni in fours. With an engraving opposite p. 1 similar to that in Benlowes' Theophila of the Author conversing with a shepherd ; a second, also found in Benlowes, of the female head with the Cupid and globes (at p. 23) ; and a large folded etching at p, 53. The Extravagant Shepherd . . . London, Printed by T. iS'e^Ycomb for Thomas Heath . . . 1654. Folio. With the same plates. A reissue. SOUL. A View of the Soul, In Several Tracts. The First, being a Discourse of the Nature ... of the Soul of Man. The Second, a Cordial against Sorrow, . . . The Third consists of several Epistles to the Reverend John Tillotson, ... By a Person of Quality. . . . London, Printed for George Downes, . . . mdclxxxii. Folio. SOUTHERNE, LAWRENCE, o/Coi-e?ifr^. Fearefvll Newes from Coventry, Or A true Relation and Lamentable Story of one Thomas Holt of Coventry a Musitian: Who through Covetousnesse and Immode- rate love of money, sold himselfe to the Devill, with whom he had made a con- tract for certaiiie yeares. And also of his most Lamentable end and death, on the 16. of February, 1641. To the terror and Amazement of the Inhabitants there- abouts. London,Printed for lohn Thomas. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. SOUTHOUSE, THOMAS, of Grai/s-Inn. Monasticon Favershamiense In Agro Cantiano : Or A Surveigh of the Monas- tery of Faversham in the County of Kent. Wherein its Barony and Right to sit in Parliament is discovered. Together with its Antient and Modern estate described. As also its Founder and Benefactors Re- membred. To which is added an Appen- dix of the Descent of King Stephen, by Tho. Philipot Esq; London, Prmted for T. Passenger living at the sign of the three Bibles upon London bridge, 1671. 8°, a in eights, a 1 blank : A — L 4 in eights, A 1 with a duplicate title. Dedi- cated to Sir George Sonds, and accom- panied by complimentary verses by T. Philipot, &c. SOUTHWARK. A ballad of Agnes Bankyn that was burned in Sainct Georges feild. Licensed to R. Jones, 1 April, 1590. A Pleasant newe dittye called The cob- lers delighte or the merrye cobler of Southwarke. Licensed to Simon Stafford, 8 August, 1612. A Wonder Woorthy The Reading, Or A True and faithfull Relation of a Woman, now dwelling in Kentstreet, who, vpon Thursday, being the 21 of August last, was deliuered of a prodigious and Mon- strous, Child, in the presence of diners honest, and religious women to their wonderfuU feare and astonishment. Lon- don Imprinted by William lones dwelling in Red-crosse-streete 1617. 4°, black letter, 5 leaves. With a woodcut on the title, and two copies of verses to the Reader. B. M. A Lamentable ballad of a great fire in Southwarke in Saint Olaves parish. Li- censed to Francis Grove, 1 April, 1639. Bethel and Smith. Or a Sober Answer to a Tantivy Pamphlet, entitled How and Rick, d'C. By one of the Inhabitants of the Burrough of South wark, who is no Bromidijham Protest[ant.] London, Prin- ted for S. F. [1681.] A sheet. Warning for Servants : And a Caution to Protestants. Or, The Case of Margaret Clark, Lately Executed for Firing her Masters House in Sovthwark. Faith- fully Relating the Manner (as she affirmed to the last moment of her life) how she was draini in to that wicked act ; set forth under her own hand after Condem- nation. Her Penitent Behaviour in Pri- son. Her Christian Advice to visiters . . . Impartially published, with the Attesta- tions of persons of Worth, . . . London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, . . . and are to be sold by Joseph Collier at the Bible on London -bridge, under the Gate. 1680, 4°, A— E in fours, SOUTHWELL. 570 SPAIN. The Presentmeut of the Graud-Jury for the Town and Borough of Southwark in the County of Surrey, and divers other adjacent Places in the same County, at the General Sessions of the Peace holden ... at the Bridghouse-Hall within the said Borough, on Friday the 27*^ of June, in the Six and Thirtieth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second . . . Folio sheet. A Sermon Preached before the People called Quakers, in the Park of iSouth- wark : On the 27tii of the 9tii Month, called by some Nov. 1G87. By a Dearly beloved Sister, who came from Scotland, to rejoice with us for our Liberty of Con- science, . . . Edinburgh, Printed by J ohn Keid, MDCLXXXViii. 8"^, 8 leaves, the last blank. SOUTHWELL, EGBERT. A Short Rule of good life. To direct the deuout Christian in a regular and orderly course. Newly set forth according to the Authors direction before his death. [Quo- tations.] No place, «&;c. Small 8*^, A — E in twelves. Lamheth. Marie Magdalens Fvneral Teares. Jeremie. Cap, 6. Verse 26. Luctum vnigeniti fac tibi plan- ctum Amarum. London, Printed by I. W. for G. C. 1591. 8"", black letter, A— K 5 in eights, K 5 with the Errata. Dedicated by W. S. " To the worshipiull and vertuous Gentle- woman, Mistres D. A." A Fovre-Fovld Meditation, Of the four last things : Viz. of the Houre of Death. Day of ludgement. Paines of Hell. 4. ( ) loyes of Heauen. Shewing the estate of the Elect and Re- probate. Composed in a Diuine Poeme. By R: S. The author of S. Peters c(»m- plaint. Imprinted at Loudon by G. Eld: for Francis Burton. ICOG. 4". A, 2 leaves: B — G 2 in fours. Printed within borders. Dedicated by W. H. to Mathew Saunders, Esq; Sotheby's, July 1, 1881, in lot 132. SOROCOLD, THOMAS. The supplicacon of Saintes. Licensed to Henry Rocket and Nicholas Bourne, 24 Sept. 1G08, and assigned to AViiiiam Sheifard, 30 October 1G27. The earliest edition known seems to be that of 1012. SOROVIPHILUS. A book called Soroviphilus and Fraticola. Licensed to Ralph Blore, b^^ October, 1601. See Arber, iii. 74. SPAIN. The crueltie of y^ Spaniardes toward the Indians. A ballad. Licensed to E. AUde, 1 Aug. 1586. Orders, Set downe by the Duke of Medina, Lord general of the Kings Fleet, to be obserued in the voyage toward England. Translated out of French into English by T. P. Imprinted at London by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Gilbert, dwelling in Fleetstreete neere to the sign of the Castle. 1588. 4"*, black letter, A— B in fours. A Packe of Spanish Lyes, Sent abroad in the World : First printed in Spaine in the Spanish tongue, and translated out of the Originall. Now ripped vp, vnfolded, and by iust examination condemned, as conteyning false, corrupt, and detestable wares, worthy to be damned and burned, [Quot. from Psalm 5, ver. 6.] Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, . . . 1588. 4^, A— B in fours. Lamheth. The newes of a most certen victorie againste the Spanyardes by the helpe of God the 19 of November. 1588 by the Captaines of Holland. Licensed to John Charlwood, 24 Dec. 1588. The Coppie of the Anti-Spaniard, made at Paris by a French man, a Catholique. Wherein is directly proued how the Spanish King is the only cause of all the troubles in France. Translated out of French into English. London Printed ))y lohn Wolfe. 1590. 4^, black letter, A — F in fours, the first leaf blank. Apologia pro Rege Catholico Philippo II. Hispaniie, & cait. Rege. Contra varias & falsas accusationes Elisabethaj Angliie Reginffi, Per Edictum suum 18. Octobris Richemondio} datum, «Sc 20. Nouembris Loudini proclaniatum, publicala & ex- cussa. . . . Avthore Didymo Veridico Henfildano. Constantino, Apud Theodo- rumSamium. [1592-3. J S*'. *, 8 leaves: A — S in eights. The Present State of Spaine. Translated out of French. Imprinted at London l)y P. S. for Richard Serger. 1594. 4^, A — E in fours, Ee, 2 leaves, and the pub- lisher's dedication to Master Richard Sonds, son and heir to Michael Sonds Esquire, 1 leaf. A Treatise Para3netical, Tliat is to say : An Exhortation. Wherein is shewed by good and euident reasons, infallible argu- SPAIN. 571 SPAIN. ments, most true and certaine histories, and notable examples ; the right way & true meanes to resist the violence of the Castilian king : to breake the course of his desseignes : to beat downe his pride, and to ruinate his puissance. Dedicated to the Kings, Princes, Potentates and Commonweales of Christendome : and particularly to the most Christian King : By a Pilgrim Spaniard, beaten by time, and persecuted by fortune. Translated out of the Castilian tongue into the French, by I. D. Dralymont, Lord of Tarleme. And now Englished [by W. P.] London, Printed for William Ponsonby. 1598. 4^. *, 4 leaves : A— S in fours, S 4 blank. Dedicated by the translator to Master Fulk Grevil, Gentleman of the Queen's privy chamber. A true Coppie of the transportation of the Lowe Countries, Burguudie, and the Countie of Charrolois : Doone by the King of Spayne, for the Dowrie of his eldest Daughter. Giuen in marriage vnto the Cardinall Albert, Duke of Austria, ^Yith the Articles and Conditions of the same, signed bv the King in Madrid. Translated out of Dutch by H. W. Ko- uember. 1598. At London, Printed by I. K. for Paule Linley, . . . [1599.] 4°, black letter, A — D in fours, A 1 blank. Lambeth. Propulaion, or an entrance to the Span- ishe tongue. Licensed to Nathaniel Butter, 25 January, 1610-11. The Spanish scholemaster. Licensed to John Harison, 11 April, 1614. Newes from Spaine of the Ouerflowing of Riuers. Licensed to William Blackball, 1 March, 1617-18. A Eelation of certaine worthy things of Spaine, viz., The orders military, their knighthoodes, and reuenues, &c. Licen- sed to John Browne, 1 July, 1619. Newes from Spaine. A Relation of the Death of Don Piodrigo Calderon, Marqves of Seven Churches, &c. Faithfully trans- lated according to the Sj^anish Copy Printed at Madrid. By Fernando Manojb. From the Court. 1622. 4^, A— C in fours, first and last leaves blank. An Experimentall Discoverie of Spanish Practises Or The Covnsell of a well-wish- ing Souldier, for the good of his Prince and State. Wherein is manifested from known Experience, both the Cruelty, and Policy of the Spaniard, to effect his own ends. Chiefly swelling with multiplicity of glorious titles, as one of the greatest Monarchs of the earth, that being admired of all, his greatness might amaze all, and so by degrees seeking covertly to tyran- nize over all . . . Printed, Anno. 1623. 4^, A— G in fours, first leaf blank, and a leaf of H. This tract, it appears, was published durmg the writer's absence. A Proclamation for Reformation, Pub- lished and Commended (to be obserued as a Law) by the High and Mighty Philip the fourth, Kiug of Spaine, for the Go- uernment of his Kingdomes. Containing 23. seuerall Chapters . . . Faithfully translated out of the Originall Spanish Coppy Printed by his Maiesties Com- mand. London, Printed for Kathaniell Butter, Nicholas Bourne, and Thomas Archer. [1624.] A'\ A— M in fours, M 4 blank, and hrst leaf occupied only by a shield of arms. The copy used has the autograph of Fabian PhilUps, who accompanied. Prince Charles to jUadricl in 1623. He was not improbably the translator. The Spanish Pilgrime : Or, An Admir- able Discovery of a Romish Catholicke. Shewing how necessary and important it is, for the Protestant Kings, Princes, and Potentates of Europe, to make warre vpon the King of Spaines owne Countrey : Also where, and by what meanes, his Dominions may be inuaded and easily ruinated ; as the English heretofore going into Spaine did constraine the Kings of CastUe to demand peace in all humility. . . . London Printed by B. A., and are to be sold by Thomas Archer in his shop in Popes head Alley, ouer against the signe of the Horse-shooe, 1625. 4°, A, 2 leaves : B — T in fours, T 4 blank. A version from the French translation of a Spanish (?) originah The spyte of Spaine, Or A thankefull remembrance of Gods Mercie in Britanes deliuerie from the Sj)anish Armada. 1588. Also, An Admo[ni]tion to vs all in the like Danger. Psal. 12. Vers. 3. Our lielije is in the Name . . . Printed at Edin- burgh by the Heires of Andro Hart, 1628. 8°, black letter. In verse, D. Laing, April, 1880, No. 96, wanting all after the eighth leaf. A New Spanish Tragedy or the late fight betwixt the Spaniards and Hollanders. A ballad (?). Licensed to John Staflbrd, 15 October, 1639. Royall and Graciovs Priviledges, Granted by the High and Mighty Philip the Fourth King of Spaine, &c. March 19. 1645, Vnto the English Merchants Trad- SPARKE. 572 SPEED. ing within His Dominions. Translated out of Spanish, and Published for the Benefit of those, who desire Commerce in those parts. London, Printed lor Hum- phrey Moseley, . . . 1645. 4^, A— C in tours. The Case of Mainwaring, Hawes, Payne, and others. Concerning a Depredation made by the Spanish- West-Jndia Fleete, upon the Ship Elizabeth. Restitution sought in Spayne, Justice denied, and thereupon, according to Law, Justice Petitioned of the Honorable Houses of Parliament. . . . Printed Anno 1646. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— C in fours, C 4 blank, and the titlepage. An Exact and Faithful Journal of the Famous- Siege of Barcelona. London : Printed for Richard Sare . . . mdcxcviii. 4*^, A— D 2 in fours, first leaf with the half-title. A Geographical and Historical Account of the Principality of Catalonia, and Earl- dom of Barcelona. Containing the De- scription of that Country and City, . . . London : Printed for J. Nutt . . . 1705. 4°, A — H in fours. SPARKE, EDWARD. Scintilla Altaris. . . . The Fourth Edi- tion, with Additions npon the Three grand Solemnities last annexed to the Liturgy ; . . . London Printed by J. Flesher, for Hen. Brome, at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1666. 8°. A, 8 leaves, in- cluding a portrait : a, 8 leaves : *, 4 leaves'^: B — Rr 3 in eights. With small plates on the letterpress. SPARROW, ANTHONY, B.D. A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. By Anth. Sparrow B.D. Sometime Fellow of Queens Col. Cambr. London, Are to be sold by T. Garth wait . . . 1657. 8^ Engraved title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : title, Psalms, &c. and Preface, 4 leaves : portraits of Hooker, Andrews, and Overall by Hollar : *, 2 leaves : B— T 4 in eights. SPECULUM. Speculum Crape-Gownorum : Or A Look- ing-Glass for the Young Academicks, new Foyl'd. With Reliections on some of the late High-Flown Sermons. To which is added, An Essay towards a Sermon of the Newest Fashion, By a Guide to the Inferiour Clergie. London : Printed lor E. Rydal. 1682. 4'^ Part 1, pp. 34 and title : Part 2, pp. 40. SPEED, AD. Adam out of Eden : Or, An abstract of divers excellent Experiments touching the advancement of Husbandry. Shewing, Among very many other things, an Ap- rovement of Ground by Rabbits, from 200£ annual Rent, to 2000^. yearly profit, all charges deducted. London, Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1659. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B— N 2 in eights. A 3 is occupied by "A Digres- sion on the usage of divers Countries con- cerning the Tillage," in verse. SPEED, JOHN. The History of Great Britaine Under the Conquests of y^ Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. Their Originals, Manners, Warres, Coines & Seales with y^ Succes- sions, Lives, acts & Issues of the English monarchs from lulius Csesar, to our most gracious Soueraigne King lames. By lohn Speed. Imprinted at London Anno 1611. Cum Privilegio. And are to be solde by lohn Sudbury & Georg Humble, in Popes-head Alley at ye signe of y^ white Horse. Folio. The title engraved in com- partments. The History of Great Britaine . . . The Second Edition Reuised & Enlarged w% Sundry descents of y® Saxons Kings Their Mariages and Armes. By lohn Speed. Imprinted at London Anno 1627 Cum Privilegio Are to be sold by George Humble at the Whit horse in Popes-head Alley. Folio. IT, 4 leaves : A— 5 M in fours. With woodcuts and a portrait of Speed. The portrait in the copy here employed seems to have been an insertion, as it was dated 1629. The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine . . . W^ith many Additions never before Extant. London Printed for Tho- mas Bassett and Richard Chiswell. 1676. Folio. Leaf of arms and frontispiece, 2 leaves : printed title, dedication, &c., 3 leaves : B 2 — 4 E in twos : (*^*) and *^* 2, 2 leaves each : Tables of Roads, 5 leaves : Prospect of the Parts of the World, Avitli new title, A — 2 E in twos, and the title : Index to Theatre, 4 F and 4 G, 2 and 3 leaves. England Wales Scotland and Ireland Described. . . . Anno Cum priuile_i;io 1666. No ])lace or printer's name, oblong 8"^, A — Aa 4 in eights, besides a map of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland. A Prospect of the most Famous Parts of the AVorld. Viz. Asia, Africa, Europe, America. . . . London, Printed for Roger Rea, at the Gilded Cross in Westminster- street near Gresham - Colledge. 1668, SPEIDELL, 573 SPELMAX. Oblong 8°, A — N in eights, T\'itli the maps on the letterpress. An Epitome of Mr. John Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain and of the Prospect of the most Famous Parts of the World. . . . London, Printed for Tho. Basset. . . . 1676. Oblong 8«, A— Aa 4 in eights : the Prospect, with a new title, A — S 4 in eights. The first part has an engraved title and map, not reckoned in the sheets, and the second has the map of Yorkshire separate. SPEIDELL, JOHN, Professor of Mathe- matics at London. A Geometricall Extraction, Or A Com- pendiovs Collection of the Chiefe and Chojse Problemes, Collected out of the best, and latest Writers . . . London, Printed by Edward Allde, and are to be solde at the Authors house in the fields betweene Princes streete and the Cock- pit. 1616. 4*^, A— R in fours, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to Sir John Egerton. SPELMAN, CLEMENT. A Letter from Utercht {sic), to the Assem- bly of Divines at Westminster : Shewing the conversion of Church-Lands to Lay- uses, to be condemned by Luther, Calvin, Knox, and the whole Assemblies of Scotch Divines, as a detestable sacriledge before God, and provoking his heavy judgements. Sent in a Letter to Doctor Burges, in lune last, to be presented. A Copy whereof, comming accidentally to the hands of W. B. was by him com- mended to the Presse. . . . Printed in the yeare, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. SPELMAN, HENRY, third son of Sir Henry. Relation of Virginia. By Henry Spel- man. 1609. [Now first printed from the MS. 1872.] 12", pp. 60, besides a fron- tispiece. 100 copies printed. The MS. was sold among Dawson Turner's MSS. 1859, No. 444. SPELMAN, SIR HENRY. Reliquiae Spelmannianae. The Posthu- mous Works of Sir Henry Spelman K*. Relating to the Laws and Antiquities of England. Publish'd from the Original Manuscripts. With the Life of the Author. Sine duhio, domus Jurisconsulti est totius oraculum Civitatis. Cicero. Oxford, Printed at the Theater for A-wmsham and John Churchill . . . London. 1698. Folio. Title and dedication by Edmund Gibson the Editor to the Archbishop of Canter- bury, 2 leaves : a — d 2 in fours, besides a folded leaf of pedigree : A — Ee in fours, and a leaf of Ff, besides a folded leaf of the Lestrange pedigree. The EngUsh Works of Sir Henry Spel- man, K*. Published in his Life-time; Together with his Posthumous Works, Relating to the Laws and Antiquities of England ; First Published by the present Lord Bishop of Lincoln in the Year 1695, Together with the Life of the Author, now Revised by his Lordship To which are added. Two more Treatises of Sir Henry Spelman, never before Printed: One, of the Admiral-Jurisdiction, and the Officers thereof : The other, of Antient Deeds and Charters. With a Complete Index to the Whole. London : . . . M.DCC.xxiii. Folio. Title and portrait by R. White, 2 leaves : List of subscribers, 1 leaf : a — c in fours, besides the tree of the Spelmans : a (repeated) — c in fours : d, 1 leaf : A 2— E in fours : F— G, 1 leaf : H, 4 leaves : I— I 2, 2 leaves : *I— I 2, 2 leaves: K — Bb in fours: Cc — Xxx, 2 leaves each : Eeliquice Spelraanniaiue, title and dedication, 2 leaves : a — b 2 in fours : B — Kk in fours : LI — Qq, 2 leaves each, besides the folding tree of Lestrange. There are copies on large paper, published at £2, 8s. 6d to subscribers, the smaU-paper subscription being half. De non temerandis Ecclesiis. A Tract of the Rights and Respect dve vnto Churches. . . . The Second Edition en- larged with an Appendix. By St Henry Spelman Knight. At Loudon Imprinted by lohn Beale ... 1616. 8^ Title, Letter, and Preface, 5 leaves : B — 2 in eights. De non temerandis Ecclesiis. Chvrches not to be Violated. . . . The third Edition with a new Epistle. Oxford, Printed by Henry Hall . . . 1646. 4«, a— d in fours : B — F in fours. The Epistle is subscribed by Clement Spelman. Henrici Spelmanni Equit. Anglo-Brit. ArchsBologvs. In Modvm Glossarii ad rem antiquam posteriorem : Continentis Latino-Barbara, Peregrina, Obsoleta No- yatae Significatiouis Yocabvla, . . . Scho- liis et Commentariis Illustrata. . . . Lon- dini, Apud Johannem Beale 1626. Folio. Title and preface, 3 leaves : A— Pp 4 in sixes. Glossarium Archaiologicum : . . . Editio tertia auctior & correctior, cui pra^figitur amplissima Epistola de Vitis Moribusque, necnon de scriptis Oj)eribus celeberrimi Authoris. Londini, . . . mdclxxxvii. Folio. With a portrait by R. White. SPELMAN. 574 SPICER. Villare Anglicum . . . Published by the appointment of the Eminent Sir Henry Spelman, Knight . . . The second Edi- tion corrected and amended. . . . Lon- don, Printed by T. H. for Robert Pawlett, . . . 1678. 8^, A— Ff in eights, besides title and preface, 3 leaves. SPELMAN, JOHN. jElfredi Magni Angloriim Regis Invic- tissimi Vita Tribus Libris Comprehensa, A Clarissimo D^^o Johanne Spelman Hen- rici F. primum Anglice conscripta, dein Latine reddita, & Annotationibus illus- trata ab ^Ifredi in Collegio Magnse Aulse Universitatis Oxoniensis Alumnis. Ox- onii . . . 1678. Folio. SPEXCE. Lucky Spence's last Advice. A sheet in verse. [Girca 1700.] SPENCER, BENJAMIN, M.A. Vox Civitatis, Or, Londons Complaint against her Children in the Covntrie. . . . Taken from her own mouth, and written by Benjamin Spencer, ]\[aster in Arts. . . . London, Printed by E. P. for Wil- liam Hope, . . . 1636. 4'', A— E in fours, A 1 and E 4 blank. SPENCER, JOHN. Kania Kai Palaia. Things New and Old. Or, A Store-house of Similies, Sentences, Allegories, Apothegms, Adagies, Apo- logues, Divine, Morall, Politicall, &c. With their severall Applications. Col- lected and Observed from the Writings and Sayings of the Learned in all Ages to this present. By John Spencer, A lover of Learning and Learned Men. Dews n6bi& licec otia fecit. Virgil. Eclog. 1. London, Printed hy W. Wilson and J. Streater, for John Spencer, at Sion Col- ledge. MDCLViii. Folio. Title and dedi- cation, preceded by two Idanks, 4 leaves : Thomas Fuller to the Reader, 1 leaf: B— Qqqq in fours : (a) — (c) in sixes. SPENSER, EDMUND. The Works of that Famous English Poet, Mr. Edmond Spenser. . . . Whereunto is added, An Account of his Life ; With other new Additions, never before in Print. . . . London : Printed by Henry Hills for Jonathan Edwin . . . 1679. Folio. Plate of monument and title- page, 2 leaves : A— Zzz in fours : Aaa (repeated), 4 leaves : BbV)b— Hhhh 2 in fours : Aaaaa — Ccccc in iburs. This is much more complete than tlie earlier folio editions, as it includes tlie tract on Ireland and Bathurst's Caknda- Hum Pastorale, kc. There is also a short Glossary. The Faerie Qveene. Disposed into twelue bookes. Fashioning XII. Morall vertues. London Printed for William Ponsonbie. 1596. 4'', A— Oo in eights. The dedication to the Queen is on the back of the title, as in the fiist 4o. On Oo 8 recto occurs : "A Vision vpon the con- ceipt of the Faerii Queen e,'^ and " Another of the same," the latter signed with Raleigh's initials, but both by him ; and these are followed by six 6-line stanzas subscribed HvbynoU, and addressed To the learned Shepheard, which conclude the volunie. ■ (ii.) The Second Part of the Faerie Qveene. Containing the Fovrth, Fifth, and Sixth Bookes. By Ed. Spenser. Im- printed at London for William Ponsonby. 1596. 4«, A— Kk 4 in eights. Spencer Redivivus Containing the First Book of the Fairy Queen, His Essential Design preserv'd, but his obsolete Lan- guage and maner of Verse totally laid aside. Deliver'd in Heroic Numbers. By a Person of Quality. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Chapman, . . . 1687. 8°, A— Q 4 in eights, Q 4 blank. An Original Canto of Spencer : Design'd as Part of his Fairy Queen, but never Printed. Now made Publick, by Nestor Ironside, Esq; Ficta voluptatis causa sint proxima Veris. Hor. The Third Edition. London, Printed for James Roberts . . . m.dcc.xiv. (Price 6d.) 4^, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. By S. Croxall. Another Original Canto of Spencer : De- sign'd . . . Quanta rectius hoc . . . Hor. London ; Printed for James Roberts . . . M.DCC.XIV. 4^, A — D in fours. This second hoax, it is likely, did not prove so successful as the first. Spenser's imitator seems to liave been equally igno- rant of his style and his versification, or at least incapable of following either. SPICER, ALEXANDER. An Elegie on the Mvch Lamented Death of the Right Honorable Sir Artliur Chichester Knight, Lo. Baron of Belfast, Lo. high Treasurer of Ireland, one of the Lords of his Maiesties most Honorable Priuie Counsell, and of the Counsell of Warre. Honor scquitur fugientem. Yiy Alex. S])icer. Printed at Limdon by M. F. for Robert Bird, . . . 1625. 4^^, A— D in fours, first and last leaves blank. In verse. The whole of the tract, except the loaf of dedication to the Duke of Buckingliam, is within mourning borders. SPICER. 575 STAFFORDSHIRE. An Elegie on the Mvch. Lamented Death of the Eight Honovrable Sir Arthur Chi- chester , . . By Alex. Spicer. Aprilll2. Printed in the yeare of mourning. 1643. 4^, A— D in fours, title on A 3, A 2 and D 4 blank. B. M. A reissue of the unsold copies of 1625. SPICER, JOHN. The sale of Salt. Or The seasoning of Soules. Namely such, as for whom the chapmen here doe come, and whom the Author, which taketh the name of a Salter, is willing, what in him lieth, to season with the Salt of the Word, . . . written by lohn Spicer, Minister of the word of God at Leckhamstead in the County of Buckingham. . . . London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Paules Churchyard, 1611. 8*^, black and wliite letter. A, 4 leaves : B — Cc in eights. Interspersed with verse. Dedicated to Sir Anthony Greeneway, Sir Francis Cheyney, and Sir Eichard Ingoldsby, three of the Justices of the peace for Buckinghamshire. Br. Museum. SPON, ISAAC, M.D., Fellow of the College of Lyons. The History of the City and State of Geneva, From its First Foundation to this present Time, Faithfully Collected from several Manuscripts of Jacobus Gottofredus, Monsieur Chorier, and Others . . . London, Printed for Bernard White. MDCLXXXvii. Folio, A — Kk in fours, besides the title-page, except that A has only 2 leaves. With a frontis- piece, two views of Geneva, and a map of the country adjacent. SPEAT, THOMAS. The Plague of Athens, which hapned in the Second Year of the Peloponesian Warr. First described in Greek by Thucydides ; Then in Latin by Lucretius. Now attempted in English, By Tho. Sprat. London, Printed by E. C. for Henry Brome . . . 1667. 4°, A— E in fours, A 1 with imprimatur and E 4 with Advertisements. The Second Part of the Eelation of the late Wicked Contrivance against the Lives of several Persons, by forging an Association under their Hands : Being a farther Account of the said Forgery, and of the Two Authors of it, Stephen Black- head, and Eobert Young, . . . Written by the Bishop of Eochester. ... In the Savoy : Printed by Edward Jones. 1693, 4°. The copy used ended imperfectly on X 4. STAFFOED, EOBERT. A Geographicall and Anthologicall de- scription . . . London, Printed by N. O. for lohn Parker, . . . 1618. 4^ A— K in fours. ' STAFFOED THOMAS. Pacata Hibernia . . . 1633. In a copy of this volume on sale by Sotheran k Co. in 1879, the imprint pre- sented this curious variation : "London, Printed by A. M. and part of the impres- sion made over to be vented for the benefit of the children of John BIynshew, de- ceased." STAFFOED, WILLIAM, Viscount. The Speech of the Lord High Steward, in Westminster Hall, at the time of his pronouncing the Judgment of the House of Peers, against the Lord Viscount Staf- ford, The seventh of December, 1680. London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill, . . . 1680. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each, including a printed leaf before the title. The Speech of William Late Lord Vis- count Stafford, on the Scaffold on Tower- Hill, Immediately before his Execution, Wednesday, Decemb. 29, 1680. Printed by the Original Copy. London: Printed for W. Bailey, in the year 1680. Folio, A — B, 2 leaves each. Animadversions on the Last Speech of William Viscount Stafford who was be- headed on Tower- Hill for High-Treason in conspiring the Death of the King, &c. on Wednesday, December 29tti. 1680. [Col.] London, Printed for E. Baldwin, . . . 1680. Folio, 4 leaves. The Tryal of William Viscount Stafford for High Treason, In Conspiring the Death of the King, The Extirpation of the Protestant Eeligion, . . . Upon an Impeachment by the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses in Parliament ... In the Name of Themselves and of all the Com- mons of England: Begun in Westminster- Hall the SOtii day of November 1680, and continued until the 7*^^ of December fol- lowing, . . . Also the manner of his Exe- cution on the 29*11 of the same Month. London: Printed by the Assigns of John Bill . . . 168f. Folio, A~3 K in twos, first and last leaves blank. Strange and Wonderful News, from the Lords in the Tower, Or a Dialogue be- tween them and my Lord Staffbrds Ghost. London, Printed for T. B. 1681. A folio leaf. STAFFOEDSHIEE. Stafford-Shires Misery, Set Forth in A STAGE. 576 STANBRIDGE. true Relation of the Barbarous Cruelty of the Forces Raised against the Parlia- ment. Sent in a Letter from Stafford, by Captaine William Robinson, to a Gentleman in London, and to be pre- sented to Mr. Speaker. Published ac- cording to Order. London, Inly 20. Printed by G. Dexter, 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. The Battaile on Hopton-Heath in Staf- fordshire, Betweene His Majesties Forces under the Right Honourable the Earle of Northampton, and those of the Rebels, March 19. Together with A Letter from the Lord Compton now Earle of North- ampton. Printed by H. Hall, m.dcxliii. 40^ j^_B 2 in fours, B 2 blank. The Staffordshire Maid. Printed and sold in Alderuiary Church Yard London. A ballad, with cuts. Oiivrxj Cat. No. 92. STAGE. The Antient and Modern Stages survey'd. Or, Mr. Collier's View of the Immorality and Profaness of the English Stage set in a True Light. . . . London, Printed for Abel Roper, . . . 1699. 8«. A, 8 leaves: a, 8 leaves: B — Aa in eights. Dedicated to the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. STALBRIDGE, HENRY. The Epistel Exhortatorye of an Inglyshe Chrystian vnto his derely beloved coun- trey of Ingland, agaynst the pompouse popysh Bishops therof, as yet the true membres of theyre fylthye Father the great Antychryst of Rome. Made by Henry Stalbrydge. [Quot. from Jer. L.] No place, printer's name, or date. 8^, 36 leaves. Collier's B. G. ii. 384. STAMPE, WILLIAM. A Treatise of Spiritval Infatvation, Being the present visible Disease of the English Nation. Delivered in severall Sermons at the Hagve in Holland in the Yeare 1650. By William Stampe, D.D. the imprisoned, plundered, exilde Minister of Gods word at Stepney nere London . . . Ha^ve. Printed by Samuel Broun Eng- lish Bookeseller. 1650. 12^, A— N in twelves. There were two editions printed at the Hague, the other undated. STANBRIDGE, JOHN. Tlie longe accydence newly correcte. [This title is on a ribbon over a page-cut. The colophon is :] Thus endeth the accydence Enprynted at London By Wynkyn de Worde. 4^ A, 8 : B, 4. with the printer's large device on B 4 verso. Grenv. Coll. [The Accidence. At the end occurs :] Enprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the George by Rycharde Pynson prynter vnto the kynges noble grace. 4". A«, B^ C*. Grenv. Coll. "Wanting the fcitlepage on A L The Heber copy also wanted it. In the lower left-hand corner of several of the pages is the catchword Stain, accidence. Here begynneth the Accedence diligently correcte and poynted. [This is over a cut of a schoolmaster and nine pupils.] 4°. Lambeth (a fragment). Accidentia ex Stanbrigiana edition e nuper recognita & castigata lima Roberti Whitiiitoni Lichfeldiensis . . . [Col.] Im- prynted at Londo by me Wynkyn de Worde in Flete strete at the svgne of the Sonne. 4^ A^, B^, C*. Grenv. Coll. Paruulorum institutio ex Stambrigiana colectione. [Col.] Explicit. Impress, per me Richardum Pynson regium Im- pressorem. 4*^, A — B in sixes. With the greater part of the title occupied by a large common cut, which recurs on the back. Grenv. Coll. Paruulorum institutio ex Stabrigiana collectione. [This is on a ribbon over the common page-cut. At the end occurs :] Imprynted at London in Flete strete / at the sygne of the Sone by Wynkyn de Worde. The yere of our lorde. M.ccccc.xxi. 4*^. A^, B'*. Grenv. Coll. Uocabula magistri Stabrigi primu iam edita sua salte editione. [This is on a ribbon over a common page-cut. At the end we have :] Enprynted by Wynkyn de Worde / dwellynge at London in the Flete strete at the sygne of the sonne. The yere of our lorde god. M.ccccc. &. x. 4^. A», B\ C«, D*. With the last leaf occupied bv the large device. Grenv. Coll. Vocabula Magistri, Stabrigii, nuper emen- data ac edita. Cum ]iriuilegio ad impri- mendum solum. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Ponies churchyarde at the sjgne of the Lambe, by Aln-aham Vele. 4", A — E in fours. Grejiv. Coll. With a preface to the reader by Thomas Taynell. Vocabula Magistri Stanbrigii nuper emen- data ac edita. Licensed to Thomas East, 20 March, 1586-7. Stanbrigii Enibryon Relimatvm . . . Londcm, Sum])tibus Clement Knit^dit . . . An. D(nn. 1629. 4*^. Ilarl. MS. 5927 (the orig. title). STANDFAST. S77 STAR. Stanbrigii Embrion Eelimatvm, sev voca- bularium metricum olim a Johaniie Stan- brigio digestum, Ximc vero locupletatum, defaecatum, legitimo nee non rotundo ple- rumque carmine exultans, & in majorem Pueritiae balbutientis usum undequaque accommodatum, extrema opera & indus- tria loh. Brinslaei. London, Printed by T. TT. for Tho: Knight and are to be sold bv Humpliery Blunden . . . 1647. 4°, partly black letter, A — H in fours. Lat. and Engl. STANDFAST, RICHAED. A litle liaudfuU of Cordiall Comfortes, &c. bv Richard Standfast. Licensed to P. Stephens and C. Meredith, 26 Oct. 1638. Two Books, Vizt. A Little Handful of Cordial Comforts. And A Caveat against Seducers, "Whereunto are Annexed The Blind Mans Meditations. By Richard Standfast, . . . London, Printed by Tho- mas Mabb, for Edward Thomas, . . . 1665. 12°, A— D 6 in twelves, and A— D in twelves, besides the general title. STAXHOPE, MICHAEL. Cures without Care : Or A Svmmons to all svch who finde little or no helpe by the use of ordinary physick to repaire to the aSTortherne Spaw. Wherein by many precidents of a few late yeares, it is evi- denced to the world, that infirmities in their owne nature desperate and of long continuance have received perfect re- covery, By vertue of Minerall waters neare Knaresborow, in the West-riding of Yorkeshire. . . . Faithfully collected for the publique good by M. St. . . . London, Printed by "William Zones, dwell- ing in Red-crosse-street. 1632. 4°, A — E in fours. Dedicated to Thomas Lord Wentworth of Wentworth Woodhouse. STANLEY, SIR LEWIS. Tq the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. The humble petition and information of Sir Lewis Stanley, Knight, Yice-admi- rall of Deuon, touching his owne beha- uiour in the charge committed vnto him, for the bringing vp of Sir Walter Raleigh, and the scandalous aspersions cast vpon him for the same, [Cob] Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and lohn Bill . . . Anno 1618. 4°, A— C 2 in fours, A blank. Without any regular title. STANLEY, THOMAS, the Younger. The History of Philosophy, The First Part, Containing the Italick Sect. Lon- don, Printed for Humphrey Moseley and Thomas Dring. Anno Dom. 1660. Folio. k With a portrait of the author by Faithorne and prints of the philosophers separate from the letterpress. In four Parts. Parts 1 and 2, A (not marked)— Yy, 2 leaves each : Part 3, dated 1659, 3 A— 3 F, 2 leaves each : Part 4, also dated 1659, 4 A— 5 X, 2 leaves each. Part 3 has the ELeatic Sect and Part 4 the Sceptic. STANYHURST, RICHARD. Richardi Stanihursti Dubliniensis De Re- bvs In Hibernia Gestis, Libri Qvatvor, Ad carissimum suuni fratrem, clarissi- mumque virum, P. Plvnketvm, Donii- num Baronem Dunsaniae. Accessit his libris Hibernicarum rerum Appendix, ex Silvestro Giraldo Cambrensi peruetusto scriptore collecta. Ctim eiusdem Stani- hvrsti adnotationibus. Omnia nunc pri- mum in lucem edita. Antwerpise, Apud Christopliorum Plantinum. m.d.lxxxiiii. 4°, A — Z in fours : a — 1 in fours. Hebdomada Mariana, Ex Orthodoxis Ca- tholice Romane Ecclesise Patribus col- lecta : In memoriam septem festoruni Beatissimse Yirginis Mariae, per singulos hebdomadee dies distributa. Auctore Richardo Stanihursto Hiberno Serenissi- morum Principum Saeello. Antwerpise, . . . M.DC.ix. 8°, A — Q in eights. With woodcuts. Dedicated from Brussels to Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain. STAPLETON, THOMAS. A Fortresse of the Faith First "planted amonge vs englishmen, and continued hitherto in the vniuersall Church of Christ. The faith of which time Protes- tants call Papistry. By Thomas Staple- ton Student in Diuinite. . . . Imprinted at Antwerpe, by Ihon Laet, with Priui- lege. 1565. 4°, a — z in fours, and Aa — Ss in fours. Dedicated to the deceived Protestants of England, from Antwerp, 17 Oct. 1565. Tres Thomae. Sev De S. Thomas Apos- toli rebus gestis. De S. Thoma Archi- eiHscopo Cantuarensi & Martyre. D. Thomae Mori Angliae quondam Cancel- larij Yita. . . . Dvaci, Ex officina loannis Bogardi. 1588. 8^ A— M 4 in eights : a — s 4 in eights : t — v 2 in eights. The -works of Stapleton were published at Paris in a collected form, 1620, folio, 4 vols. STAR. A Christian coniecture of the newe blas- inge starre. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones, 16 Jan. 1577-8. A coniecture of all blazinge starres in generall. Licensed to Thomas Wood- cock, 1 July, 1578. 2o STARBUCKE. 578 STATUTES. A small Treatis of the Crinitall Starre which appeareth this present moneth of October. Licensed to R. Watkins, 1 Kov. 1580. An admonicon to Englande, by the blas- inge Starre. A baUud. Licensed to H. Kyrkham, 7 Dec. 1580.- STARBUCKE, WILLIA3I. A Spirituall Song of Comfort, or Inconr- agement to the Souldiers that now are gone forth in the Cause of Christ. Printed in the yeere wherein Antichrist is falling. A sheet subscribed ]yiiliam Starbucke. With four cuts. Ouvrij Cat. No. 23. STAR-CHAMBER. Star - Chamber Cases. Shewing what Cavses properly belong to the Cognizance of that Covrt. Collected for the most part out of Mr. Crompton,,his Booke, en- tituled Tlie lurisdiction of divers Courts. London, Printed for lohn Grove . ... 1630. 4^, A — H in fours, first and last leaves blank. STARKEY, GEORGE. Royal and other Innocent Blond crying aloud to Heaven for due vengeance. Humbly represented to the Right Hon- ourable' the Lords and Commons assem- bled in Parliament. And with all humble dutifull submission dedicated to the two High and Mighty Princes, James Duke of York and Henry Duke of Gloucester, his Sacred Majestyes Royal Brethren. London, Printed by A. Warren for Daniel White . . . 1660.' 4*^, A— F in fours. Starkey, who describes himself as a true honourer and faithful friend of his country, dates from St. Thomas Apostles, June 18» 16G0. STATIONERS' COMPANY. To the honourable House of Commons in this present Parliament assembled. The humble Petition of the Company of Sta- tioners of the City of London. [January, 1643.] A sheet J3. M. STATIUS, P. PAPINIUS. Pvblii Papinii Statii Sylvarum Libri v. Cum Notis ad marginem Commentarii vice. Quas undecunque collegit Thomas Stephens, ScholiS Bvriensis Moderator. Cantabrigia3, Apud Tliomam Buck ... . Anno Dom. mdcli. 8^, A — P in. eights, P 8 with the Errata. AVith commendatory verses hy J. Duport and others. On the flyleaf of the copy here used occurs, in a sm:ill and clear hand : Ex dono Editoris. On sign. M'4, with a new title, comes the Ackilleis. STATUTES. The great boke of statutes coteynyng all the Statutes made in the parlyamentes from the begynnynge of the fyrst yere of the raigne of kynge Edwarde the thyrde tyll the begynnyng of the xxxiiii. yere of the most gracyous raigne of our soueraigne lorde kyng Henry the .viii. [a large cut representing a king on his throne with sceptre, &c.] Cum priuilegio. [London, William Middleton, 1544?] Folio. Title and table, 6 leaves : A, 6 : B, 4 : GC, 4 : ^j 2 : A — U in sixes : X — Y, 4 each : A — Y in sixes (Statutes to Henry 6) : A — H in sixes, I — K in fours, with the colophon. on K 4 : Imprynted at London by Wyllyam Medelton Cum priuilegio Regali (Statutes to Rich. 3) : The Statutes of Henry VII., A — L in sixes. Sotheby's, July 26, 1881, No. 1803, want- ing Statutes of Henry VIII. This rare volume is not noticed by Her- bert, unless it is the same as that which he describes as " Year Books 12, 14, 19, Hen. VI." &c. at p. 576, in which case his copy must have been a mere fragment. A Colleccion of al the statutes (from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde, 1557) which were before that yere imprinted. ... In sedibus Pi^ichardi Tottelli. Cum priuilegio. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London . . . l)y Richard Tottyll. And finished the .16. day of October. Anno domini. 1557. Cum priuilegio. Folio. % 8 leaves : A — 3 Y in eights : Zzz, 4 leaves, and two leaves more marked T;. A Collection of all the statutes (from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde. (1557.) Whiche were before that yere imprinted. ... In sedi- bus Richardi Tottelli. 1559 Cum priui- legio. [Col.] Imprinted at London . . . by Richard Tottell ... 1559. 4°. 1, 6 leaves : A — 4 D 4 in eights. A Collection of all tlie Statutes, from the beginning of Magna charta, ^Tito this present yere of our Lorde God. 1574. In aidibus Richardi Tottelli. An. 1574. vi- cessimo sexto lulij. Cum priuilegio. Folio.. IF, 8 leaves : A— 4 Q in eights. Nona Statuta [from 5 Ed. 3 to 22 Edw. IV. No place, printer's name, or date. Gircd. 1485-90.] Folio. A— E in eights '. witli Tablfe or Index, but 9 leaves in A : ■ the text, a — z in eights : 3, &c. 16 leaves : \ aa — qq 5 in eights, kk 3 blank. Br. Museum and Inner Temple. De termino hillarii anno henrici sexti j xxxiii° [W. de Machlinia, circd 1480.] I Folio, a, 7 leaves : b — h in eights, but 1 two extra leaves in li. Br. Museum. ST A TUTES, 579 STATUTES, Termino sci Michls Anno. H. vi. xxxiiij. [Col.] Explicit p moy Willia Maclyn en Holborn [Circd 1480.] Folio, A— I in eights, A i blank : K, 6 leaves : L, 8 leaves : M, 6 leaves. Br. Museum. De termino Michaelis anno regni regis. h.vi.xxxv^ [W. de Machlinia, circd 1480.] Folio, a — g in eights : h, 7 leaves : i, 6 leaves. Br. M. Michaelis • xxxvi . Henrici sexti. [W. de Machlinia, circd 1480.] Folio, a — e in eights, e 8 blank. Br. Museum. [The Statutes of Henry VII. in English. W. Caxton, circd 1489.] Folio, 42 leaves, including 2 blanks. Br. Museum (Gren- ville), jjiner Temple, Althorp, and Na- tional French Library. Anno primo. Henrici viij. A Eeuocacion of an Acte made in a Parliamet holden at "Westmynster the .viii. yere of kyng Henry the .vi. for goynge in to Denmarke and Islande. Capitulo Primo. [Col,] Here endeth the Statutis holden at u est- mynster the .xxi. daye of January in the firste yere of y most noble reygne of Kynge Henry the .viii. Emprynted in London by his comaundement in Flet strete at the Sygne of the George / by Richarde Pynson / prynter vnto his noble grace. ... 4°, black letter, A — D in sixes and fours, the title-page a woodcut re- presenting the king surrounded by the judges, &c. See Nichols' Lit. Illustr. iv. 150. This volume is not mentioned by Her- bert. In the colophon Pynson announces an exclusive privilege for printing it for two years. Some of the heads are very curious : — For Penalties vpon accions popularis ; For entrynge of marchaundyses in to the Cus- tomers Bokes ; For Cocernynge jBrygge of Stanys; For Inquisicions by the procure- ment of Empson and Dudley ; for Ref or- macyon of apparell and Array :. for Reuok- ynge all Feof eament? made to Empson and Dudley. . . . De termino Michaelis Anno. xi. Regis Henrici quarti. No place, &c. [London, about 1520?] Folio, A— P in sixes. Black letter. Without any regular title. Lam- beth. De Termino Michaels Anno vi° Edvrardi iiii. [London, about 1520 X] Folio, A in sixes aud B in eights,. B 8 blank.. Lam- beth. Incipit Annus Primus E[dwardi], Quinti. Ko place, &c. [London, about 1520,] Folio, 8 leaves printed in a secretary type, With a large woodcut on the title of the Virgin attended by a knight and a bishop. Norman-French. Lambeth. Incipit annus Primus Ricardi tertij. [Loudon, about 1520.] Folio, 4 leaves. With a curious title-page. Lambeth. See Maitland, 1843, p. 252-3, The text is inj Norman-French, and the type sec- retary. Statutes made in the Parliamet, begun at Westmynster the .iiii. day of Nouembre. in ye hrst yere of the Reigne of . . . Edward the .VI. . . . and from theus continued to the .xxiiii. daye of Decem- ber then nexte ensuyng. . . . [Col.] God saue the Kyng. Excvsvm Londini, In ^dibvs Richardi Graftoni, . . . m.d.xlviii. Folio, A — F in sixes. Lambeth. Anno Secvndo et Tertio Edovardi Sexti. Actes made in the Session of this present Parliament, .... [Col.] Excusum Lon- dini in £edibua Richardi Graftoni Regij Impressoris, Mens,. Aprilis. M.D.xlix. . . . Folio, A — H. 3 in sixes, and a — d in sixes. The last 6 leaves, containing the 37th chapter, seems to haVe been added as an afterthought ; for on C 6 occurs Grafton's colophon, but undated. The Acts of the third year (1549-50) commence with a sepa- rata title, and run from A— F 4 in sixes. The colophon is dated February 1549-50. [Abridgment of the Statutes, arranged in alphabetical order. No place, printer's name, or date, but ? London, John Lettou and W. de Machlinia, circd 1480.] Folio. Tabula, 4 leaves : A — N in eights. Lat. and Norm, -French. Br. Museum. [An Abridgment of the Statutes, alpha- betically arranged or digested, as in the earlier editions.] Per me. R. pynson. [Circa lol£).J Folio, chiefly script type, a — y in eights : z, 6 leaves : 5, 6 leaves, and the Table before a, .2. leaves, recto of the first blank The printer's mark is on the last page, Herbert (edit, of Amas, p.. 284) points out that the mark at the end is that of William Tailleur of Pvheims, by whom the volume ■was probably printed' for Pynson, Magnum abbreuiamentti statutorum An- gle vsq ; ad annum .xv, H. viii. inclusiue. [Col,] Johanes Rastel imprimi me fecit 1. die Decembris / anno dni, M.cccc.xxviii. Cum priuilegio regali. 8°, black letter. Title, &c., 8 leaves : A— Z in eights : then 16 leaves : a — q in eights, with the printer's mark on q 8. The grete abbregement of the statutys of Englond vntyll the .xxij. yere of kyng Henry th-e .viij. Ciim priuilegio Regali .-. [Col.] Cvm Privilegio Regali. (ii.) The abregemet of the statutys made in the parlyamet holden in the .xvij. yere of the reyne of kynge Henry the eyght. [Col.] STATUTES. 580 STENO. Cum priuilegio. (iii.) The abregemet of tiie statutes made iu the parliamet holden in the .xxiii. & .xxiiii. yere of the rejn of kyiige Henry the eyghte. [Col.] Prynted by w. Ilastell in Fletestrete in saynt Brydys chyrch yarde. Anno a Christo nato. 1534. Cum priuilegio. S^, black letter. Title, preface by John Eastell, and Table, 8 leaves : a — z in eights : &, 8 leaves : A — O in eights : part 2, A — B iu eights : part 3, A — C in eights. Certaiiie StatvLes especially selected, and commanded by his Alaie.stie to be care- fully put in execution by all lustices, and other Otticers of the Peace throughout the Eealme ; with his Maiesties Prochimation for further direction for executing tlie same. Also certaine Orders thought meete by his Maiestie aud his Priuie Counsel!, to bee put in execution, together with sundry good Rules, Preseruatiues, and Medicines against the infectiou of the Plague, Set downe by the Colledge of the Physicians vpon his Maiesties speciall Command : As also a Decree of the Starre- Chamber, concerning Buildings and In- mates. London Printed by Robert Barker and lohn Bill. . . . Anno bom. m.dc.xxx. 4°. A, 4 leaves : A (repeated), 5 leaves : B— P 2 in fours. Black letter. A portion of this book appears to be made up of Orders originally issued in 1609. STATUTES AND ORDINANCES OF WAR. Hereafter ensue certayne Statutes and Ordinaimces of Warre, made, ordeyned, enacted, and establyshed, by the most noble, victoryous, and most Crysten Prynce, our moste dreade Sowerayne lorde kynge Henry the viu. [Beneath is a woodcut of the arms of England and France quarterly, supported by angels. The colophon :] Emprynted at the hyghe Comaundenient of our souerayne lorde the kynge Henry the .viij. By Rycharde Pynson prynter vnto his noble grace. The yere of our lorde. m.ccccc. and .xiij. 4°, black letter, A — C in fours. Loseley and Douce Coll. (imperfect). These statutes were published on occasion of the expedition to lioulogne. STAQNFORD, SIR WILLIAM. Les Plees del Coron : diuisees in plnsiours titles & common lieux, . . . Composees par le tresreuerend ludge Monsieur Cuil- liaulme Staunforde Clieuauler, . . . Anno domini . 1560. In aidibus Richardi Tot- telli. Cum priuilegio. 4*^. C!, 8 leaves : a, 6 leaves : A — Z in eights, followed by a sheet of ciLdit and a second of six. An Exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of lustice Fitzherbert : 1567. [CoL] Im- prynted at London ... by Rychard Tot- tel. An. 1567. 4°, A— L 6 in eights. Dedicated by the publisher to Sir Nicho- las Bacon, 15 November, [1567.] An Exposicion of the kinges prerogatiue collected out of the great abridgement of lustice Fitzherbert and other olde writers of the lawes of Englande, by the right worshipfull Sir William Staunford Knight, lately one of the Justices of the Queenes maiesties court of comon pleas : Whereunto is annexed the Proces to the same Prerogatitie appertaining. 1568. [Col.] Imprynted at London ... by Rychard Tottel, An. 1568. ... 4°, black letter, A — L 6 in eights. Dedicated by the printer to Sir Nicholas Bacon. STAWEL, SIR JOHN. An Answer of the Purchasers of the Lands, late of Sir John Stawel, By Act of Parlia- ment, Exposed to Sale for his Treason : To a Pamphlet, Intituled, The humble Remonstrance of Sir John Stawel : To- gether with the Answer of John Ashe Esquire, to divers Scandals mentioned in that Remonstrance. As also A Petition and several Reasons for establishment of Publick Sales ; Tendred by Wil. Law- rence Esq; one of the Judges in Scotland. London, Printed by Thomas Newcomb, . . . Anno Domini 1654. Folio, A — Q, 2 leaves each : Ashe's Answer^ A — G, 2 leaves each, and a leaf of H. STAYLEY, WILLIAM. The Tryal of William Stayley, Goldsmith; for speaking Treasonable Words against His Most Sacred Majesty : And upon full Evidence lound Guilty of High Treason, And received Sentence accordingly, on Thursday November the 21^^ 1678. Lon- don, Printed for Robert Pawlet, . . . 1678. Folio, A— C in twos. An Account of the Digging up of the Quarters of William Stayley, Lately Exe- cuted fur High Treason, For that liis Re- lations abused the Kings Mercy. London, Printed for Robert Pawlet . . . 1678. A broadside. STENO, NICOLO. Tlie Prodromus to a Dissertation Concern- ing Solids Naturally Contained within Solids Laying a Foundation for the Ren- dering a Rational Accompt both of the Frame, and the several Changes of the ]\Iasse of the Earth, as also of the various Productions in the same. Englished by STEPHENS. 581 STERNHOLD. H. 0. London, Printed by J. Winter, and are to be sold bv Moses Pitt . . . 1671. 8°, A— H in "eights, besides a folded plate, A 8 with Errata. STEPHENS, EDWARD, of Cherington, CO. Gloucester. Important Questions of State, Law, Jus- tice and Prudence, both Civil and Reli- gious, upon the late Revolutions and present State of these Nations. . . . By Socrates Christianus. London, Printed in the Year 1689. 4*^, A— B in fours. A very elaborate list of the small volumes printed by Stephens in very limited num- bers, either anonymously or under this nom deijlume, will be ionndi in Reliquice Hear- idance, ed. 1857, pp. 59-64. But the present tract is not included. A Plain Relation of the Late Action at Sea, between the English & Dtitch, and the French Fleets, From June 22, to July 5. last : With Reflections thereupon, and upon the present state of the Nation. Together with a Preparation for Death, and a Persuasive to Criminals to do right to their Countrey ; and a Specimen oi' a Bill for Reformation of Manners. . . . London, Printed for John Harris . . . MDCXC. 4°, A — I in fours. STEPNEY. A praitr Dayly vsed in Stepney parishe. Licensed to John Wolf, 1 Jtme, 1588. A True and Full Account, of the Strange and Wonderful Discovery of a Bloody and Barbarous Murther of a Young Gentlewoman who was found Mtirthered in an unusual Manner, in the Parish of Stepney on the 16*^ of this Instant March 1684. . . . [Col.] London, Printed for L. Curtiss, 1684. A broadside. STEPNEY, GEORGE. An Ei.'istle to Charles Montagtie, Esq; On His Majesty's Voyage to Holland. London, Printed for JFrancis Saunders, . . . 1691. Folio, 6 leaves. STERNHOLD, THOMAS, and Others. The Whole Boke of Psalmes, collected into English metre by Thomas Sternhold, J. Hopkins and others: conferred with the Ebrue, with apt Notes to synge them with all. Faithfully perused and alowed according to the order appoynted . . . Imprinted at London by John Day, . . . Ctim gratia . . . An. 1565. 4"^, A — Gg 4 in eights. With the music. Sothebys, Feb. 15, 1881, No. 533. The Whole Boke of Psalmes, collected into Englishe Metre . . . Imprinted at London by John Daye, . . . 1569. Cum priuilegio . . . Forbyddyng all others'. . . 4°, black letter, with the music. A, 4 : B, 2 : B (repeated)— Gg 4 in eights, with the date repeated at end. D. Laing, 1879, No. 2975. [The Psalms of David in metre, with the music. The colophon :] Imprinted at London by John Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate. Anno. 1570. Cum gratia . . . These bookes of Psalmes are to be solde at his shop vnder the gate. 8°, A — Gg in eights. Lambeth (no titlepage). The work is preceded by "A shorte In- troduction, into the Science of Musicke, made for such as are desirous to haue the knowledge thereof, for the singing of these Psalmes." The Whole Booke of Psalmes: . . . Lon- don Imprinted by John Day, 1583. Cum gratia ... 4°, A — P in fours. Printed in two columns, with the music. The Whole Booke of Psalmes ... At London. Printed by lohn Daye . . . 1583. 4^, black letter, with the mttsic. B — Ff in eights : Gg in fours, and the title. The colophon is dated 1584. The Whole Booke of Psalmes, . . . Lon- don Printed by lohn Windet, for the Assignes cf Richard Day. 1595. Folio, black letter, with the music. A — Q 3 in sixes. The Whole Booke of Psalmes, . . . Lon- don Printed for the Company of Station- ers. Cum priuilegio Regali, 1604. Folio, black letter. A, 4 leaves, and B — U in sixes. This edition seems to have been intended to bind up with the Book of Common Prayer^ folio, 1604. The Booke of Psalmes . . . London, Im- printed for the Companie of Stationers. 1614. Cum Priuilegio. 4«, A— H 7 in eights. Printed in two columns. With the music. The Whole Booke of Psalmes . . . Lon- don, Printed for the Company of Station- ers. 1618. FoLio, black letter, A— Q 4 in sixes. The Whole Booke of Psalmes: . . . Lon- don, Printed for the Companie of Sta- tioners . . . 1624. 12°, A— in twelves. With the music. The Whole Booke of Psalmes; . . . Lon- don, Printed for the Company of Sta- tioners . . . 1627. Sq. sm. 8°, A— Mm in eights, Mm 8 with the colophon. With the music. The Whole Book of Psahnes: . . . Printed bv Thomas and John Buck . . . Anno Dom. 1630. 4^ A— G 3 in eights. Black letter. With the music. S TERRY. 582 STIRLING. The Whole Book of Psalmes: . . . London, Printed for the Companie of Stationers. Cum Priuilegio . . . 1632. 8^, A— F in eights. Printed in two columns. With the music. The Whole Booke of Psalmes . . . Lon- don, Imprinted by F. K. for the Com- pany of Stationers. 1635. 8°, A— Ee 4 in eights, Ee 4 blank. The Whole Booke of Psalnies . . . Lon- don, Printed by L Xi. for the Company of Stationers. 1640. 12°, A— in twelves. With the music. The Whole Book of Psalmes . . . Lon- don, Printed by M. F. for the Company of Stationers, 1648. Cum Privilegio. 4"". Printed in small type in two columns. Without the music. In eights. The copy employed ended oa H i imper- fectly. The First part of the Psalmes of l)auid in English meter by T. Sternhold and others coferred with the El)rue, and the note to sing them ioyned withall. Newly set forth and alowed to be song in all Churches, of all the people together, be- fore and after Morninge and Euening prayer, . . . Whereunto is added the Cathechisme, and also the Letany and Suffrages. Imprinted at London oner Aldersgate beneath S. Martins by John Day, 1566. Cum gratia . . . Sm. 8^ Bagford jjapers (orig. title). Old John Hopkins, andTho. Sternhold's, Petition to the Parliament Against the New Version of the Psalms. London, Printed for John Wells, ... 1699. A sheet in verse. Bagford Papers. STERRY, PETER. England's Deliverance from the Northern Presbytery, Compared with its Deliver- ance from the Roman Papacy : By Peter Sterry, Once Fellow of Emmanuel Col- ledge in Cambridge, now Preacher to the Right Honorable the Councell of State, sitting at White-Hall. Printed at Leith by Evan Tyler, 1652. 4°, A— F in fours, A 1 and F 4 blank. A Discourse of the Freedom of the Will. By Peter Sterry, Sometimes Fellow of Emmanuel CoUedge in Cam bridge. Heb, 13. 2. Be vol forgetful . . . London: Prin- ted for John Starkey . . . 1675. Folio. Title and the Printer to the Reader, 2 leaves: a — d 3 in fours: B — li 3 in fours. STEVENS, CHARLES, and LIE- BAULT, JOHN, liaison Rustique, Or, The Covntrey Furuie . . . Now newly Reviewed, Cor- rected, and Augmented, with divers large Additions ... By Gervase Markham . . . London, Printed by Adam Islip for John Bill. 1616. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : Mark- ham's Dedication to Lord Willoughby, 1 leaf : Surflet's Dedication to the same, 3 leaves: Surflet to the Reader, 2 leaves : Table, 2 leaves : the work, B — Sss in sixes, last leaf blank. STILLINGFLEET, EDWARD, Bishop of Worcester. A lust Discharge to Dr. Stillingfleets vnjvst charge of Idolatry against the Church of Rome. AVith a Discovery of the Vanity of his late Defence, . . . Paris, Printed for Rend Guignard, . . . M DC Lxxvii. 8^^. a, 4 leaves: e, 2 leaves: A — Z^ 4. in eights. STIRLING, SIR WILLIAM ALEX- ANDER, Earl of The Monarchicke Tragedies ; Croesus, Darius, The Alexandra2an, lulius Caesar. Newly enlarged. By William Alexander, Gentleman of the Princes priuie Cham- ber. Carmine dij . . . London Printed by Valentine Simraes for Edward Blovnt. 1607. 4^. A, 4 leaves, the first blank : a, 2 leaves: B — N 2 in fours: then Darius, with a new title, A — K in fours, K 4 blank,: L, 2 leaves : the Alexandrian, with a new title, A — Dd. in fours, and a leaf of Ee. In this copy, and perhaps in others, the Darius belongs to the original issue of 1604. Monarchick Tragedies . . . 1616. D. Laing, 1879, No. 3219, with the por- trait. This print has no eugravers name ; it is a three-quarter length, and has at the top S. W. A., and at the foot the date 1616. At the sides are the motto : Art spero . Art Sperno. Only two other im- pressions are known, including the Cracher- ode one in the British Museum. The Tragedie of Darivs. By William Alexxinder of Menstrie. Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit vtile dulci. London Printed by G. Elde for Edward Blount. 1604, 4^ A— K in fours, K 4 blank: L, 2 leaves. Following the title, on A 2, occurs a son- net " In praise of the Author, and his Poeme," signed lo. Mrrrari ; after which comes a Sonnet by Walter Quin and an anagram on Alexander's name. The Argu- ment commences on A 8, and the play on B. The two leaves of L are occupied by two copies of verses, Darius terminating on K 3 verso. An Encouragement to Colonics. By Sir STIRRUP. ;83 STOW. "^Villiam Alexander, Knight . . . London Printed by William Stansby. 1625. 4°, A — G in fourSj first leaf blank. Br. 'M. The Map and Description of New-Eng- land . . . 1630. Collation : B — G in fours, the titlepage and the map. This is again the unsold stock of 1624, with a third title. STIRRUP, THOMAS. Horometria : Or, Tiie Compleat Diallist ... By Thomas Stirrup, Philomath . . . The Second Edition with Additions. London, Printed by R. & AY. Leybourn . . . 1659. 4°, A— S in fours, with a diagram on A i and others in the volume. STOCK, RICHARD. Certaine verses vpon the death of master Stocke preacher at All hallowes Bred- street, published by Master George Dun. Licensed to Xathanael Xewbery, 7 Mav, 1626. It does not appear quite clear whether Dun was the person instrumental in pub- lishing only, or the author. STOCKAVOOD, JOHN. A Short Cdtechisme for Househoulders, With Prayers to the same adicyning. Heerevnto are added vnder the Aunswer vnto euery Question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euerie point of the sayd Catechisme. Gathered by lohn Stock- wood Scholemaister of Tunbridge, . . . Imprinted at London by lohn Charle- wood. 1584. [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- don by lohn Charlewood, dwelling -in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Eagle and Key. 8^, black letter. * 8 leaves : §§, 8 leaves: A — M in eights. Dedicated to Mr. John Harte, one of the Sheriffs of London. The Treatise of the Figures at the end of the Rules of Construction in the Latin Grammar, Construed . . . By John Stock- wood sometime Schoolmaster of Tun- bridg. London, Printed by Roger Nor- ton. 1686. 8', A— C in eights. STOOP GALLANT. Stowpe gallante. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones, 9 July, 1580. STORIES. Certayne noble storyes contaynynge Rare and Worthy matter. Licensed to W. Seres in 1562-3. STORM. An Account of a Strange and Prodigious Storm of Thunder, Lightning & Hail, Which happened in and about London, on Tuesday the Eighteenth of this In- stant May, wherein there fell some Hail- stones as big as a Pullets Egg, . . . To- gether with An Account of an extraordi- nary Tempest that happened at Blois in France, . . . With an Account of the Noble and Magnificent Appearance of the first Going out of the Colonel's Company of the Orange, . . . London, Printed for N. L 1660. 4=, 4 leaves. STORY, JOHN, D.D. The new newes of Doctour Story. Li- censed to T. Col well in 1570-1. Possibly this may be the "copy of a letter " already noticed. The Welcomme home of Doctour Story e. Licensed to H. Bvnneman in 1570-1. A ballad. An admonyssion of Doctour Storye. Li- censed to John AUde in 1570-1. Doctour Storyes confession at his Death. Licensed to Richard Jugge in 1570-1. STOURMY, HUGH. The a b c of a preste Called Heugh Stour- my. A ballad. Licensed to John Waley and the widow Toy in 1557-8. STOW, JOHN.' The Chronicles of England, from Brute vnto this present Yeare of Christ 1580. Collected by lohn Stow Citizen of Lon- don. Printed at London by Ralphe Newberie, at the assignement of Henrie Bynneman. Cum Priuilegio ... 4^, black letter. IF, 4 leaves : A — 4 G in eights : 1 — 3 ^ in fours with the Table and Errata. Dedicated to Robert Dud- ley, Earl of Leicester. The Annales . . . 1615. On 4 L 5, with a new title, occurs : *'' The Third Yuiversitie of England. Or A Trea- tise of the Fovndations of all the CoUedges, Avncient Schooles of Learning, Priviledge, and of Hovses of Learning, and Liberal! Arts, within, and abovt the most Famovs Cittie of London. With a Briefe Eeport of the Sciences, Arts, . . . Together with the Blazon of the Armes, and Ensignes thereunto belonging. Gathered faithfully oat of the best Histories. ... by G[eorge] B[uc] Knight. Anno Domini, 1615." This is dedicated, after a Latin Zo/irfi/u' Elogiuniy to Sir Edward Coke, from the Office of the Eevels, at St. Peter's Hill, 24 Aug. 1612. Among those who had given help in this work are enumerated Sir Edward Coke, Sir Thomas Egerton, Sir Robert Cotton, the Heralds Camden, Segar, Brooke, and Tres- well, George Saltern of the Middle Temple, and sundry Churchmen. , A Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles, Conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein 'euery Kyng of this Real me of England began theyr reigne, howe long thev reigned : and what notable thynges STRACHAN. 584 STUART. hath, bene doone durynge theyr Eeygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the Baylyli'es, Gustos, niaiors, and slieriffes of the Citie of London, sens the Con- qiieste, dyligently Collected by lohn Stow citisen of London, in the yere of our Loide God 1565. Whervnto is added a Table in the end, conteynyng all the principal 1 matters of this Booke. Perused and allowed ... In eedibus Thomte Marslie. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestreeie, nygh vnto S. Dunstones churche, by Tlunnas Marshe. Anno Salutis. 1565. 8°, black letter. Title and Calendar, &c., 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves: A — Hh in eights : li, 11 leaves. Dedicated to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. K. Pyne^ Esq. A Summarie of our Englysh Chronicles Diligently Collected by" lolin Stowe, Citizen of London, In the yeare of oure Lorde, 1566. . . . Perused and allowed . . . Imprinted at London in Flete-strete, ... by Thomas Marshe. 8°, black letter. Title and Calendar, 8 leaves: a, 4 leaves : A — Mm in eights. A Summarie of the Chronicles of Eng- land . . . vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1575 . . . Imprinted at London by Richard Tottle and Henry Binne- man. 8°, A in eights : A (repeated) — Rr 2 in eights, Rr 2 with The 7. ages of the world. Neither Ames nor Herbert has drawn the necessary distinction between Stow's Summary and Stow's Summary Abridged, although these are entirely different works, the latter being always half the size of the former. Stow's Suiniuaries are here de- scribed as octavos, but they are as often called duodecimos, and in order to mark the diminutive size of the Summaries Abridged they are here entered as 24mos. Herbert, p. 853, has noticed the confusion in the sizes, without suspecting the reason for it.— Note ill Mr. H. Pyne's Catalogue. The Abridgement of the English Chro- nicles . . . Augmented ... by E. H. Gentleman . . . Imprinted at London for the Company of Stationers, 1618. 8°, chiefly black letter, A — Qq in eights, first and last leaves bLmk. Dedicated by Howes to Sir George Bolles Knight. STRACHAN, A. Panegyricvs Inavgvralis, quo Autores, Vindices, & Evergetso lilustris Vniversi- tatis Aberdonensis lustis elogiis ornaban- tur: ... 7. Kal. Sexlil 1630. Aber- doniis, Excudebat Edwardus RaV)anus, Anno Domini 1631. 4", A — E in fours, and a leaf of F. STRADA, FAMIANUS. De Bello Belgico. The History of the Low-Countrey Warres. AVritten in Latine by Famianvs Srrada ; In English by Sr Rob. Stapylton Kt. Illustrated with divers Figures. London Printed for Humphrey Mos: ley, . . . mdcl. Folio, A — 4 C in fonrs: lable, a — 1 in twos. Dedicated by Stapylton to Lord Dor- chester. There is the portrait of the translator by INIarshall, worked in folio, and a series of 13 portraits by Vaughan. STRANGE, JAMES, LORD. An Impeachment of High Treason Ex- hibited in Parliament, Against James, Lord Strange, Son and Heire apparant of William, Earle of Derby, . . . With an Order ... for the apprehending of the said Lord . . . Septemb. 17. London Printed for John Wright, 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. STRUTS, JOHN. The Perilous and most Unhappy Voyages of John Struys, through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Moscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other Places in Europe, Africa and Asia. . . . To which are added a Narrative sent from Capt. D. Butler, relating to the Taking in of Astrachan by the Cosacz. Illustrated with divers curious Plates, first designed and taken from the Life by the Author himself. Rendred out of Nether-dutch by John Morrison. Lon- don, Printed for Samuel Smith, . . . MDCLXXXiii. 4^^. -4", 6 leaves, the 6th blank, title on A 2 : * and ^*, 4 leaves each : [second title] A, 3 leaves: A (re- peated) — 3 C 2 in fours. With a frontis- piece, map, and plates, of which a list occurs on 4. The Notice to the Reader is dated by Morrison from St. Albans, July 30, 1G83. STUART. Discovrs sur le suiect de la mort du Seigneur Strnard Escossois, deca]iite deuant le Chasteau du Louure \ Paris. Le Lundy 27. de Feburier dernier. A Paris . . . M.DC.Xvii. 8°, 4 leaves. STUART, GEORGE. A Joco-Seriovs Discourse in Two Dia- logues, Between a Northumberland- Gentleman, and his Tenant a Scotchman, Both old Cavaliers. With an Anagram prelixt to them : Being some Miscella- neous Essays, Written upon several Occa- sions. By George Stnart. Omne tulit . . . London, Printed for Benjamin Tooke, . . . and John Story, in New-Castle, 1686. STUART. 585 STUBBES. 4P, A — L in fours, and a, 4 leaves. In verse. With the music to some of the songs. Dedicated to Sir Henry Brabant, Mayor of Newcastle on Tyne. Grenv. Coll. STUART, JOHX. De aduentu Henrici Yalesii Christian- issimi Francorum Regis in Metrupolini Regni sui Lutetiani Parisiorum Oratio habita a nobiiissimo & generosissimo imiene Joanne Stevarto Scoto, Nonis Julij. In gymnasio Prelleorum. Parisiis, . . . 1549. 4°, a — c in fours, c 4 blank. STUARTS. Vera Descriptio Avgvstissimse Stewarto- runi familise, in amplissimo Scotige regno Linialter & jure succedentium, vna cum veris ipsorum iconibus in sere ad vivum exculptis. [Col.] Anisterodami, sump- tibus Andrese Hart Bibliopolte Edinbur- gensis. Cum Previlegio regice Maiestatis. Folio, 11 leaves, including title. D. Laing, 1879, Xo. 3452. A Trewe Description of the nobill race of the Stewards : Svccedinge Lineallie to the Croun of Scotland vnto this day : Avith thair lywelie portraturs, declaring exactlie what tyme thay begane to raeigne, liowe lange thay reigned, and of what qualities thay were. Folio, 11 leaves. In this issue a letterpress description is attached to each print. D. Laing, 1879, No. 3453, imperfect. STUBBE, HENRY, of Christ - Church, Oxford. The Indian Nectar, Or A Discourse con- cerning Chocohita: Wherein The Nature of the Cacao-nut, and the other Ingre- dients of that Composition, is examined, and stated according to the Judgment and Experience of the Indians, and Spanish Writers, who lived in tiie Indies, and others ; . . . By Henry Stubbe for- merly of Ch: Ch: in Oxon. Physician for his Majesty, and the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Windsor in the Island of Jamaica in the West-Indies . . . London, Printed bv J. C. for Andrew Crook . . . 1662. 8"," A— N 4 in eights. The Miraculous Conformist : Or An ac- count of severall Marvailous Cures per- formed by the stroaking of the Hands of Mr. Yalentine Greatarick ; With a Physi- call Discourse thereupon, In a Letter to the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq ; With a Letter relating some other of His Mira- culous Cures, ... By Henry Stubbe, Physician at Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick. . . . Oxford, Printed bv H. Hall Printer to the Universitv, for Ptic: Davis, 1666. 4'', A— F in fours, F 4 blank. Dedicated to Dr. Thomas Willis. With a portrait. A Censvre upon Certaine Passages Con- tained in the History of the Royal So- ciety, as being Destructive to the Esta- bliblied Religion of the Church of Eng- land. . . . Oxford, Printed for Ric. Davis, A.D. 1670. 4«. A, 2 leaves: B— I in fours. Dedicated by H. Stubbe to Dr. Fell, Dean of Christ-Church. The Lord Bacons Relation of the Sweat- ing-Sickness Examined, in a Reply to George Thomson, Pretender to Physick and Chymistry ... By Henry Stubbe, Phvsician in Warwick. . . . London, Printed for Phil. Bri-s, . . . 1671. 4°, A — Mm in fours, besides title and dedi- cation to Sir Alexander Frasier, Physi- cian to the King, and " the Glory of his Profession." This volume includes an answer to the Calumnies of Glanvile, and a Relation of the symptoms attending the bite of au adder. A Justification of the Present War against the United Netherlands. Wherein The Declaration of His Majesty is Yindicated, and the War proved to be Just, Honour- able, and Necessary ; The Dominion of the Sea Explained, and His Majesties Rights thereunto Asserted ; The Obliga- tions of the Dutch to England, and Their Continual Ingratitude : Illustrated with Sculptures. In Answer to a Dutch Trea- tise Eutituled, Considerations upon the Present State of the United Netiierlands. By an English Man . . . London. Printed fur Henrv Hills and John Starkey, . . . 1672. 4^ A— L in fours. AVith folded plates at D 2 and 4 by Sherwin, ridicul- ing the English. A Further Justification of the Present War against the United Netherlands. Illustrated with several Sculptures By Henry Stubbe, a lover of the Honour and AVeliare of old England. . . . London, Printed for Henry Hills, and John Starkey, . . . mdclxxiii, 4^, A — C in fours, with the Preface: A (repeated;^ — G in fours: * — 4* in fours: H (with p. 57 repeated, and An Apolog}/, cL-c.) — R in fours. AYith a frontispiece representing the introduction of the Dutch aml»assa- dors to Thurlow by Hugh Peters, and folded plate (marked £) at p. 3, besides two leaves of engraved medals, marked C— D. and a plate at p. 134, marked E. STUBBES, PHILIP. The Anatomic of Abuses : Containing A Discouerie, or briefe Summarie of such STUBBES. 586 STURTEVANT. Notable Vices and Corruptions, as now raigne in many Christian Countreyes of the World e : but (especially) in the Countrey of Ailgna . . . And now newly reuised and recognized, and augmented the third time by the same Author. [Quot.] ^ Printed at London, by Richard lones 12. October. 1584. [Col.] At Lon- don Printed by Richard lones: dwellyng at the Signe of the Rose and the Crowne, neere vnto Holborne Bridge. 1584. 8**, A— R 4 in eights, R 4 with the colophon. Halliwell, in 1857, imperfect after Q 8, £2, 4s. A perfect copy iu the original vel- lum is in the possession of Mr. Alfred "VVallis of Derby. It has been said that Stubbes brought out two editions this year, a statement not unlikely in itself, especially as 1583 had exhausted two ; but the fact seems to be that, as the title of the 1584 copy lately discovered bears the month as well as the year, and the colophon the year only, the inspection by two different persons of two copies, one deficient of the beginning, the other of the end, might have favoured the growth of such a notion. The Anatomic of Abuses: . . . now newly reuised recognized, and augmented the third lime by the same Author. . . . Printed at London, by Richard lones 1585. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— R 4 in eights, R 4 with the colophon. A perfect Pathway to Felicitie, Contein- ing godly Meditations, and praiers, fit for all times, and necessarie to be practized of all good Christians. Imprinted at London by Richard Yardley for Humfrey Lownes. 1592. 8*^. ^, 8 leaves, the first blank : A — P 5 in eights. Printed within borders. Br. Museum (imperfect). Recently presented by Mr. Furnivall. It seems not unlikely that this is the same work as The Rosary of Prayers, 1583, of ■which no copy is at present known. A Motive to good Workes. Or rather, to true Christianitie indeede. Wherein by the waie is shewed, how farre wee are behinde, not onely our forefathers in good workes, but also many other crea- tures in the endes of our creation : with the difference betwixt the pretended good workes of the Antichristian Papist, and the good workes of the Christian Pro- testant. By Phillip Stubbes, Oenlleman. [Quot. from Matt, v, 16.] London, Prin- ted for Thomas Man, dwelling in Pater Noster-rowe, at the signe of the Talbot. 1593. 8^, 114 leaves. Li prose. Dedi- cated to the Lord Mayor. Emm. Coll. Camh. A Chrystal Glasse for Christian Women . . . Printed for John Wright, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of the Bible without Newgate. 1632. 4P, A— C in fours. Alfred Wallis Esq. of Derby. A Crystall Glasse, for Christian Women . . . London, Printed for William Gil- bertson . . . 1658. 4°, black letter, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. STUDLEY, PETER, 3LA., Minister at Shrewsbury. The Looking-Glasse of Schisme: Wherein by a briefe and true Narration of the exe- crable Murders, done by Enoch ap Evan, a downe-right Non-conformist, on the bodies of his Mother and Brother, with the cause moving him thereunto : The disobedience of that Sect, against Royall Majesty, and the Lawes of our Church is plainly set forth. The second Edition enlarged and Corrected . . . London, Printed by R. B. for Thomas Alchorne . . . 1635. S'^. A, 6 leaves: B— 11 in twelves, 11 blank: The Refutation of the Authoi'^s opyonents, with a fresh title, A, 6 leaves, the 6th blank : A — D in twelves. STURME, ROBERT. A ballad of the Lamentable lyfe and deathe of Roberte Sturme who suffered at Tyburne the 24th of Januarie. Licensed to Abel Jeffes, 27 Jan. 1593-4. STURTEVANT, SIMON. The Etymologist of ^sops Fables, Con- taining the construing of his Latine fables into English : Also The Etymolo- gist of Phsedrus fables, containing the construing of Phsedrus (a new found yet auncient Author) into English, verbatim. Both very necessarie helps for young schollers. Compiled by Symon Stvrte- vant. Lond(m, Printed by Richard Field for Robert Dexter, dwelling at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Paules Church- yard. 1602. Cvm Privilegio. 8^. A, 4 leaves : B — L in eights. Metallica. Or The Treatise of Metallica. Briefly comprehending the Doctrine of diuerse new Metallical Inuentions, but especially, how to neale, melt, and worke all kinde of mettle-oares, Irons and Steeles with Sea-coale, Pit-coale, Earth-coale and Brush-fewell. Also a Transcript of his Maiesties Letters Patients of Priuiledge, granted vnto Simon Sturteuant for the said JMetallicall businesses, for one and thirty yeares. Published in Print before the last day of this present Easter Terme, as the said Simon Sturteuant was by hi.s Highnesse inioyned. Imprinted at Lon- don by George Eld. Cum priuilegio. Anno. 1612. Mav 22. 4*^. Qf, 4 leaves: A, 3 leaves : B— P in fours. B. M. SUCK LI XG. 587 SUTCLIFFE. SUCKLING, SIR JOHN. Fragmenta Aurea . . . 1658. Revised Collation : Portrait and general title, 2 leaves : To the Header, 2 leaves : title to the Poems and 4 other leaves under A : Poems, Letters, and Plays, B — X in eights, X 8 blank: Last Remains, with a new title, 1 leaf : a, with the bookseller's dedication to the poet's sister. Lady South- cot, 1 leaf : To the Reader, 2 leaves : A 4— G in eights : Errata, 1 leaf. SUETONIUS TRAXQUILLUS, C. The Historie of Twelue Caesars Emperors of Eome. Written in Latine by C. Sue- tonius Tranquillus and newly translated into English By Philemon Holland Doc- tor in Phisick. Together with a Mar- ^dnall Glosse and other briefe Anotations there vpon. Printed at London for Ma- thew Lownes 1606. Folio, Title (en- graved; and other prefixes, 4 leaves : 3 — Aa 4 in sixes : Annotations, A — B in sixes : C, 8 leaves : Indexes and Errata, A — B in sixes. SUFFOLK. The holy & great Indulgence & pardon of plenary remissio a peiia & culpa granted by dyuerse popes / & newly contirmed with many amplyfications of . . . Leo. X. that nowe is vuto the holy hospytall of the holy ghost otherwyse called tlie hos- pytall of Seynt spiryte with in the holy cytte of Rome / at the comanndemet of our moost drede soueraygne lorde kyng Henry the. viii. ben examyned by the most reuerend father in god my lord archebysshop of Caunterbury prymat of all England & Legate of the see aposto- lyke of Rome / with dyuerse other doc- tours of both the lawes / is Institute / publysshed/ & erected iu the conveutuall liowse of the Graye Freres within the towne of ypswiche / In the which howse be deputed confessours lawfuU for the same. [London, 1517 ?] A small broad- side in octavo size, printed lengthwise. Black letter. Sotheby's, Jan. 31, 1881, No. 207. A Discourse vpon the death of Elias Thaker and John Copinge executed at Sainct Edmondes Bury. Licensed to E. White, 5 Aug. 1583. A True Report and exact discription of a mightie whale Cast A-p neare Harwich in Februarie Anno Domini 1616. Licensed to Henry Holland, 15 February, 1616-17. The Boon Companion ; or, the Merry Luyal Boys of Suffolk's Jovial Health. To the tune of Fond Bov. London : Printed for C. Burnet, 1696. A ballad with a bar of music. Ouvry Cat. No. 75. SULPITIUS, JOHANNES. Sjans puer ad mensam. Licensed to "W. Norton in 1561-2. SUMMER AND WINTER. The Debate and Strvfe betwene Somer and Wynter . . . [1530.] 4*^. I conclude this to be a translation by the English printer from the old French tract with a similar title, republished in Crape- let's Series of Poesies Gothiques Francoises (Debat de I'Hiver et de TEte). ' SURREY. The Case of the Inhabitants of the Town and Parish of Croydon, in the County of Surrey; concerning the Great Oppressions they ly under, by reason of the Unparal- lel'd Extortions, and violent illegal and unwarrantable Prosecutions of Doctor William Clewes, Yicar of the said Parish; Humbly Presented to the Consideration of Parliament. [London, 1672.J Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. A Warning for Bad Wives : Or The Man- ner of the Burning of Sarah Elston. Who was Burnt to death [at] a Stake on Keu- nington -Common neer South wark, on Wednesday the 24*^ of April 1678. For murdering her Husband Thomas Elston . . . And likewise the Execution and 'Confession of John Masters, and Gabriel Dean his Man, who were Executed for Robbing on the Highway. . . . London: Printed for D. M. 1678. 4", 4 leaves. SUSANNA. The Storye of Svsanna beinge the xiij*^ Chapter of Danyell. A ballad. Licensed to J. Wolf, 8 September, 1592. SUSSEX. Strange newes from Chichester of a mon- strous Childe borne ther the Fir>te of Februarie 1580. Tolerated to E. White, 14 Feb. 1580-1. The woofuU murther donne at Lewes in Sussex the 13*^ of January last, where Seaven innocent people lost their lives bv poyson. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 6' February, 1608-9. A ballett of the manner of the killing of the serpent in Sussex. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 5 September, 1614. SUSSEX, THOS. RATCLIFFE, Earl of. A Dytty Towchynge the Ryglite honor- able earle of Sussex Lorde Depute of Irelande of serten feates of Warre Donne in the north lies of Skottlande. Li- censed to T. Hacket in 1561-2. SUTCLIFFE, MATTHEW. An Answere to a Certaine Libel Svppli- catorie, Or Rather Difiamatory, and also to certaine Calumnious Articles, and In- SIVABIA. 588 SWETNAM. terrogatories, both printed and scattered ill se'cret corners, to the slaunder of the Ecclesiasticall state, and put forth vnder the name and stile of a Petition directed to her Maiestie : Wherein not onely the friiiolous discourse of the Petitioner is re- futed, but also the accusation against the Disciplinarians his clyents iustitied, and the skunderous caui'ls at the present gouernement disciphred by Mathew Sut- clilfe . . . Imprinted at London by the Depvties of Christopher Barker, . . . 1593. 4°, A— Ff in fours, Ff 4 with the Errata. Dedicated to Chief Justice Anderson. The Practice, Proceedings, and La\Yes of amies, described out of the doings of most valiant and expert Captaines, and confirmed both by ancient, and moderne examples, and precedents. By Matthew Svtclitfe. . . . Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, . . . 1593. 4°, black letter, A— Zz in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Essex. The Vnraasking of a Masse - monger. Who in the Covnterfeit Habit of S. Avgvstine hath cunningly crept into the Closets of many English Ladies. Or, The Vindication of Saint Avgvstines Confessions, from the false and malicious Calumniations of a late noted Apostate [Sir Toby Mathew.] By M. S[utcliffe] D. of Exeter. . . . London. Printed by B. A. and T. Fawcet, for Nich: Bovrne . . . 1626. 4°. T, 2 leaves: A— M 2 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Baptist and Lady Hicks. SWABIA. A ballad of vij dronkardes whome the evill spirit procured to Death at Ravens- purgh in Swaben. Licensed to John Charlwood, 26 June, 1579. SWALLOW, JOHN. Cinthias Revenge . . . 1613. CoUatum : A— S in fours. The couplet by F. C. ? Francis Crane, Jonson's " ])er- fect friend," seein.s to Vie tolerably conclu- sive as to the authorsliip : " One Swallow makes no Summer, most men say, But who (lisproucs that Prouerhe, made tliis Tliiy." The book is dedicated to the autlior's friend, Mr. John Dickinson, in an epistle signed /. S. SWAN, JOHN, of Trinity College, Cam- hridije. Specvlum Miindi. Or A Glasse Repre- senting the Face of the World ; Shewing both that it (lid begin, and must also end: The manner How, and timi^ When, being largely examined. WluMcunto is joyned the causes, continuance, and qualities of things in Nature . . . Printed by the Prin- ters to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1635. 4°. IT and HIT, 4 leaves each, first blank : A — 3 U in fours: XXx, 1 leaf. Dedicated by John Swan to James Duke of Lenox. SWEARING. A ballett of admonyssion to leave swer- vni:e. Licensed to John Waley and the widow Toy in 1557-8. A ballett persuadynge men from swer- ynge. Licensed to John Sampson (or Awdeley) in 1560-1. Leave of your swerjnge. A ballad. Li- censed to T. Hacket in 1562-3. The noughty vse of swerynge. A ballad. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1562-3. Agavnste Swervnge. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1569. A Ho^^efull way to Cure that horrid Sinne of Swearing . . . Also a Curb against Cursing. [Col.] London, Prin- ted by E. Cotes, 1652. 8°, 10 leaves. In prose. SWEDEN. A Short Svrvey of the Kingdome of Sweden Containing A Briefe Description of all the Provinces of this whole Domi- nion. As also the riches of this King- dome, the antiquitie, nature, and man- ners of this Nation . . . London, Printed for Michael Sparke, . . . 1632. 4°, A— in fours, and (a) 1 leaf. The Whole Proceedings of the Treaty Held at Roskild, between His Majesty the King of Sweden, And the King of Denmark. Together with the severall Mediations from France, England, and Holland, . . . Translated out of Latine into English. London, Printed bv J. M. for Daniel Pakeman, . . . 1659. 4'', B— Y in fours, and the title. His Majesty The King of Swedens Letter to the States General! of the United Pro- vinces. Printed Anno Domini 1675. 4^*, 4 leaves. SWETNAM, JOSEPH. The Araignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and vnconstant Women: . . . London : Printed for Thomas Archer, . . . 1619. 4°, A — I in fours. Br. Museum. The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Vnconstant Women: . . . Printed at Londou by T. C. and are to be sold by F. Grove, . . . 1634. 4°, A— I in fiuirs. With a large cut on the title. Br. M. The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women : Or, The Vanity SWINBURNE. 5S9 TABLE. of tliem. cliiise you uhetlier. With a Commendation of the Wise, Vertuous, and Honest Woman. Pleasant for Mar- ried Men, profitable for young-Men, and Imrtfuil to none. London, Printed by E. C. for F. Grove . . . 1662. 4°, A— I in fours. Woodcut on title. SWINBURNE, HENRY. A Treatise of Spousals or Matrimonial Contracts. Wherein all the Questions relating to this Subject are ingeniously Debated and Resolved. By the late Famous and Learned Mr. Henry Swin- burne, Author of the Treatise of Wills and Testaments. London . . . 1686. 4°, A — Hh in fours, and a, 4 leaves. At p. 192 is a curious reference to Robert Greene and his tracts on coueycatchers. SYMEONI, GABRIELLO. Messer Gabriello Symeoni his Metamor- foses d' Ovidio Abbreuiato : With other Stanzas concerning the Effect of the Moon : the Description of the Fountain of Overain: & his Apology generall. All by him dedicated to the most Illustrious Lady the Dutchese of Valentinois. Eng- lisht. Folio. 114 leaves. An unpublished ]\rs. Puttick k Simp- son, March 21, 1877, :No. 696. SYMMONS, EDWARD. A Vindication of King Charles: Or, A Loyal Subjects Duty. Manifested in vin- dicating his Soveraigne from those Asper- sions cast upon Him by certaine persons, In a scandalous Libel, Entituled, The Kings Cabinet Opened : And published (as they say) by Authority of Parliament. Whereunto is added, A true Parallel be- twixt the suflerings of our Saviour and our Soveraign, in divers particulars, &c. . . . Printed in the Yeere, 1648. 4°, A — Xx in fours. SYMONS, HENRY, M.A., Minister of Soiithjleet, Kent. The Lord Jesus His Commission (Under the Broad Seal of his Highnes the Royal & Real Lord Protector of Heaven and Earth) as Man, to be the alone Judge of Life and Death, in the Great and General Assize of the World ; Proved and Im- proved before the Reverend Judges at the Assize holden at Maidstone Slarch 17. 1655. For the County of Kent . . . London, Printed by J. H. and are to be sold by H. Crips . . . 1657. 4^, A— G 2 in fours. SYMSON, ANDREW. Rvdimenta Granimatices. Secunda Ton- sura: In gratiam Inuentutis Scoto-Bri- tannicas Conscripta. Authore M[agistro] A[ndrea] S[ymsono.] . . . Edinbvrgi, Ex- cudebat Thomas Finlason. Anno 1607. Cum priuilegio ... 4°, 4 leaves. D. Laing, 1879, No. 3637. Is'o earlier impression seems to be known ; this pro- fesses to be revised and augmented. Christes Testament vnfolded : Or, Seauen Godlie and learned Sermons, . . . By M[aster] A. Symson, Minister of the Gos- pel at Dalkeith. Printed at Edinbvrgh, by Edward Raban, dwelling at the Cow- gate Port, at the signe of ABC. 1620. With License. 8°, black letter. A— M in eights, M 8 blank. This is said to be the only book printed by Raban at Edinburgh. SYMSON, ANDREW. Unio Politico - Poetico - Joco - Serio. Writeniu the latter end of the year 1703: and afterwards, as occasion offered, very much enlarged, in severall Paragraphs. By the Author of Tripatriarchicon [An- drew Symson.] Edinburgh. Printed by the Author. 1706. 4*^, A— D in fours, and the title. In English verse. T T. M. The Flaming Hart Or The Life of the Gloriovs S. Teresa, Foundresse of the Reformation, of the Order of the All- Immaculate Virgin- Mother, our B. Lady, of Mount-Carmel. This History of her Life, was written by the Saint her selfe in Spanish; and is newly, now, Trans- lated into English, the yeare of our Lord God 1642 . . . Antwerpe Printed by lohannes Mevrsivs. Anno, m.dc.xlii. 8*^. #_^*** 4 in eights : A— Tt in eights, last leaf blank. TABLE. A table contaynynge many prety plea- saunte pastvnies. Licensed to Henry Denham in 1568-9. TABLE TALK. 590 TANGIER. A Table Collected of tlie yeres of our Lord God, and of the yeares of the Kings I of England . . . Imprinted at London bylohnWaley. m.d.lxxi. 8°, A — Lin eights. A Table Cidlected . . . Imprinted at London by lolin Waley. 1576. 8°, black letter, A — L in eights, and M, 2 leaves, with additions and a second colophon dated 1579. A Table of the postures both of the Mus- ketterian and the pikeman, wiih the seuerall partes of their Amies. Licensed to Tnomas Purfoot, 26 May, 1619. A Table Contayninge the Lordes prayer, the ten Comandementes and the beleife, in verse. Licensed to John Harriot, 18 September, 1619. Tables for Renewing & Purchasing of the Leases of Cathedral-Churches and Col- leges, Also Tables for Renewing and Pur- chasing of Lives . . . Cambridge, . . . 1686. 8^^, A— D in eights. A Royal Table of Time for y^ Year. 1709. Sold by J. Nutting next the Flower de luce in Little Carter lane ... A sheet engraved by Nutting. Bagford Papers. TABLE TALK. Table talke, or musique to a banquet of wine. Licensed to Leonard Becket, 16 Nov. 1620. I merely offer, as a suggestion, the idea that this entry refers to the little vork published by L. Becket in 1620 under the title of A Helj:) to Discourse. TABLET. ATablet for Ladyes and Gentlewomen. Licensed to Master Judson, 26 March, 1577. TACITUS, CORNELIUS. The Ead of Nero and Beginning of Galba. Fower Bookes of the Histories of Cornelivs Tacitvs. The Life of Agri- cola. M.D.LXXxxi. [Col.] Printed at Oxforde by loseph Barnes for Richard Wright. Cvm Privilegio. Folio, l (twice), 6 leaves each: A — Gg in sixes. l)edicated by Sir Henry Savile to the Queen. LamhetJi, B. 3/us., &c. Besides Savile's dedication, there is a Preface to the Reader by A. B. [Robert, Earl of Essex.] Tlie Annales of Cornelivs Tacitvs. The Description of Germanie. m.dc.xii. [Col.] Printed at London by Arnold Ilatfiekl for lohn Norton. Anno 1612. Folio, IT, 4 leaves, first blank : A — Y in sixes : Z, 4 leaves: Bud of NerOy &c., with a new title, IT, 6 leaves : A— V in sixes, V 6 blank. The Annales of^Cornelivs Tacitvs. The Description of Germanie. London, Prin- ted by I. L. for Richard Whitaker, . . . 1640. Folio. % 4 leaves, first blank : A— Z 4 in sixes. TAFFIN, JOHN. The markes of the children of God, and of their comforts in afilictions. To tlie faithfull of the Low-Countrie. By lohn Tafiin. Ouerseeue againe and augmented by the Author, and translated out of French by Anne Prowse. ... At Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Or win, for Thomas Man. 1590. 8°, A— Q in eights : R, 4 leaves : S, with verses on " the neces- sitie and benefite of afiliction," 2 leaves. Dedicated by the translator to the Coun- tess of Warwick. TAMERLANE. A ballad entituled the story e of Tambur- layne the greate, &c. Licensed to John Danter, 6 Nov. 1594. TANGIER. A Brief Relation of the Present State of Tangier, And of the Advantages which his Excellence the Earl of Tiveot hath obtained against Gayland. Edinburgh, Printed in the year, 1664. 4°, 4 leaves. Articles of Peace concluded and agreed between His Excellency the Lord Belle- syse His Majesties Governor of His City and Garison of Tangier in Afl'rica, &c. And Cidi Hamet Hader Ben Ali Gay- land, Prince of West-Barbary, &c. The Second of April, 1666. Printed by Com- mand. London : Printed by Tho. New- comb living over against Baynards Castle in Thames-street. 1666. Folio, 4 leaves. Divers Prospects in and about Tangier. Exactly delineated by W. Hollar his Mayties designer and by him afterwards to satisfie the curious etshed in Copper. And are to be Sold by lohn Overton at the White Horse without Newgate Lon- don. [1670.] Oblong 4*^, 12 leaves, in- cluding title. One of the plates is dated 1670. A Particular Relation of the Late Success of His Majesties Forces at Tangier against the Moors. Published bj^ Authority. In the Savoy: Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1680; Folio, 2 leaves. The Moores Bafiled : Being a Discourse C6ncerning Tangier, Especially'' when it was under the Earl of Teviot ; By which you may find what Methods and Govern- ment is M'isest to secure that place against the floors. In a Letter from a Learned person (long resident in that place) at the TANNER. 591 TATHAM. desire of a person of Quality, London: Printed for William Crooke, . . . 1681. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B— G in fours. TANNER, ROBERT, Practitioner in Astrology and Physic. A Mirror for Mathematiques : A Golden Gem for Geometricians: A sure safety for Saylers ; And an auncient Antiquary for Astronomers and Astrologiaiis. Contain- ing also an Order liowe to make an Astro- nomicall Instrument, called the Astrolab, with the vse thereof. Also a playne and most easie instruction for erection of a figure for the 12. houses of the heauens. A Work most profitable for all such as are studious in Astronomie . ... Imprinted at London by J. C and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard by Richard Watkins. 1587. 4°, A— in fours. Black letter. With woodcuts. Dedicated to Lord Howard of Effingham. The headHne throughout is: The Trauailers ioy and fellcitie. TAPSTER. The Tapsters Downfall And the Drunk- ards Joy, Or, A Dialogue between Lea- ther-beard the Tapster of the Sheaves, and Ruby-nose, one of his ancient ac- quaintance, who hath formerly eaten three stone of Rost Beefe on a Sunday morning ; but now (being debarred of that Priviledge) sleights him, and resolves to drinke wine altogether. Printed in the yeare, m.dc.xli. 4*^, 4' leaves. With a cut on title. TASSO, TORQUATO. Godfrey of Bovlogne:. Or The Recouerie of lervsalem. Done into English Heroi- call verse, by Edward Fairefax Gent. And now the second time Imprinted, and De- dicated to His Highnesse: Together with the life of the said Godfrev. London, Printed by lohn Bill . .. . 1624. Folio. % 4 leaves: )(, 4 leaves: A, 4 leaves: B — — Kk in sixes: LI, 4 leaves. With a por- trait of Godfrey by Pass.. There are copies described as large papen Aminta : The Famous PastoraL Written in Italian by Signer Torquato Tas.so. And Translated into English verse by John Dancer. Together with divers In- genious Poems. London, Printed for John Starkey . . . 1660. 8°, A— L in eights, first and last leaves blank (title marked A 2), and the leaves after L 3 occupied by advertisements. Dedicated to " My much Honoured, And Truly Noble Friend, Mr. R. B." Amintas. A Pastoral, Acted at the The- atre Royal. Made English out of Italian from the Aminta of Tasso, by Mr. Old- mixon. London, Printed for Rich. Parker . . . 1698. 4«, A— G in fours, and the title. TATE, NAHUM. Poems. By N. Tate. London, Printed by T. M. for Benj. Tooke at the Signe of the Ship in St. Pauls Church-vard. MDCLXxvii. 8^, A— K 4 in eiSt Albans Grammar School (both imperfect). This volume comprises "The good coim- ceyl of Chaucer," " Thenuoye of Chaucer to Skogan," &c. TENURES. Tenir per seruice de chiualer : . . . Tenir per graunt sergeanti. ... No place, &c. [London, about 1520.] Folio, A in sixes, Lambeth. TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. [Vulgaria Therentij. The colophon on the verso of the last leaf but one is : Vul- garia Therentij in anglicana lingua9 / traducta londonijs Impressa in abchirche lane / per me Guillelmu9 faques nor- manum. Folio. Without catchwords. Four sheets of 6 [the first and probably last deficient], 8, 6, and 4 = 26 leaves to a complete copy, but only b and c marked. The last leaf is blank. Gorims Cliristi College Cambridge. This is the copy referred to by Herbert, p. 310, as preserved among the MSS. It is still so; nor is any other, I believe, known. Communicated by BIr. "W. Aldia Wright. Flovres for Latine speakyng gathered oute of Terence, and the same translated into englysshe, together with the expo- sicion and settyng foorth as well of suche latine wordes, as were thought nedefull ... by Nicholas Vdall. Newly corrected and imprinted. Anno, m.d.lx. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete, in the house late Thomas Berthelettes. Cum priuilegio . . . Anno m.d.lx. 8°, black letter, A— B 4 in eights, and A— Aa in eights. H. Pyne, Esq. This and the other early editions contain selections only from three of the Comedies. The same is the case with that of 1568. Flowers or eloquent phrases of the Latin Speach, gathered out of all the sixe Comcedies of Terence : . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Mar[s]he. Anno, 1575. Cum Priuilegio. A (repeated) — Dd 2 in eights. The First Comedy of Pvb. Terentivs, Called Andria, Or, The Woman of Andros, English and Latine : Claused for such as would write or speake the pure Language of this Author, after any Method what- soeuer, but especially after the Method of Dr. Webbe. Priuiledged by Patent from his Maiestie. London, Printed by Felix Kyngston for Philip Waterhouse, . . . 1629. 4*^. IT, 4 leaves : %1, 4 leaves : A — Bb 2 in fours, first leaf blank, and last with Errata. The Second Comedie of Pvb. Terentivs, Called Evnvchvs, Or, The Eunuche, English and Latine : . . . The vses whereof the Reader may finde in the Epistle before the first Comedie. . . . London, Printed by A. I. and are to be A, 4 leaves : TERRA FLORIDA. 596 THOMAS. sold by Nicholas Bourne . . . 1629. 4°. IT, 4 leaves, including a duplicate title ; A — Gg in fours, Gg 4 blank. TERRA FLORIDA. A ballett made by one beyinge greatly impoverysshed by the viage prepared to Terra Floryday. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1564. THALIA. Thalia : Or the Spritely Muse, Poems on Several Occasions. Translations from Martial. Paraphrases on Ovid and Tibvl- Ivs ; and Burlesq^ue Verse on Diverting Subjects. By a Nobleman of Fifteen, who designs shortly to appear in Print. London : Printed by E. Tookey, and are to be sold by S. Malthus . . . mdccv. Folio. Title and Contents, 2 leaves : A — I, 2 leaves each. Several of the pieces relate to places and incidents in Ireland. THEMILTHORPE, NICHOLAS, ^s- qidre, of England. The Posie of Godlie Prayers. "With a devote Epistle before the Booke, and after the Booke a perfect Table. Im- printed in Aberdene, By Edward Eaban, 1636. 12°, A— Y in sixes. Printed within borders. THEOCRITUS. The Idylliums of Theocritus, with Rapin's Discourse of Pastorals. Done into Eng- lish. Hie igitur versus. , . . Oxford, Printed by L. Lichfield . . .for Anthony Stephens Bookseller near the Theatre. 1684. 8°. A, 4 leaves : (a)— (i 2) in fours : A (repeated) — U in fours. Dedicated to Arthur Chai-ley of Trinity College, Oxford, by Thomas Creech. THESES. Theses Philosophicae, Quas . . . Propug- nabunt Adolescentes Magisterii candi- dati, ex Academia lacobi Regis hoc Anno 1620. .. . Edinbvrgi, Excudebat Andreas Hart. Anno 1620. 4°, A— E 2 in fours, E 2 blank, besides title and dedication. Printed within borders. Illustrissimo Senatori Edinburgensi ac Clarissimis Dominis. D. Archibald© Mure, A Thorntoun, Equiti Aurato, . . . Necnon Ornatissimis & Colendissimis Dominis, Gulielmo Meinzies, . . . Servi vestri humilimi . . . [Here follows a long list of namesj Theses Philoso- phicoe. Ediuburgi, Excudebant Hreredes Andreas Anderson. . . . Anno Dom. M.DC.xcviii. A hirge sheet. D. Laing, 1879, No. 23G0, printed on satin, and richly decorated with armorial bearings, flowers, and devices iu gold and colours. This was, no doubt, the dedi- cation-copy to the Corporation. THETFORD, LANCELOT. The Perfect Horseman Or the Experienc'd Secrets of Mr. Markhams 50 Years Prac- tice. [The printed title adds :] Never Printed before. And now Published by Lancelot Thetford, Practitioner in the same Art for the space of Forty Years. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley . . . 1656. 8^, A— M in eights, including a woodcut frontispiece. THINNE, THOMAS, of Longleat. A True and Impartial Account of the cruel and bloody Murther, committed upon the Body of Thomas Thin, Esq; On Sunday last, being the 12*^ of this present February, 1682. betwene the Hours of Seaven and Eight at Night, who was barbarously and inhumanely Butcher'd in his own Coach, . . . Printed for J. Deacon, at the Rainbow, in Hol- bourn, 1682. 4*^, 4 leaves. THISTLEKEEPER. The Thisselkepers wealthe. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 21 Nov. 1593. THEWTOBOCUS. A Booke of a Giant called Thewtobocus. Licensed to Edward AUde, 8 February, 1614-15. THOMAS, GABRIEL, of the Society of Friends. An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensil- vania ; And of West - New - Jersey in America. The Richness of the Soil, the Sweetness of the Situation, the Whole- somness of the Air, . . . The strange Creatures, . . . The Natives, . . . The first Planters, ... As also a Touch upon George Keith's JVcio Religion, . . . With a Map of both Countries. By Gabriel Thomas, who resided there about Fifteen Years. London, Printed for, and sold by A. Baldwin, . . . 1698. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — E 4 in eights : The Accoimt of West- Neto-Jersey, with a new title, F — H in eights, H 8 blank. With a folded map. The first portion is dedicated to AV. Penn, the second, to the Proprietors of West-New- Jersey. THOMAS, THOMAS. Thomae Thomasii Dictionarivm svmma fide ac diligentia accvratissime emen- datvm, . . . Qvinta editio . . . Canta- brigine, Ex otlicina lohanuis Legati. 1596. Extant Londini, ad Insigne Solis in cce- miterio D. Pauli. 4^ IF, 4 leaves, first blank : A — Bbb 4 in eights. THOMAS, 597 THROCKMORTON. \ THOMAS, WILLIAM. The historie of Italie, a boke excedyng profitable to be redde : Because it in- treateth of the estate of many and diners common weales, liow thei bane ben, & now be gonerned. Anno Domini. M.D.XLix. 4^, black letter. A, 4 leaves, A 4 blank : 4 leaves marked 1-4 : A — 3 I in fours. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete in the Hovse of Thomas Berthelet. Cum priuilegio ad impri- mendum solum. Anno, m.d.xlix. Dedi- cated to John, Earl of Warwick. The Historye of Italye. . . . Imprinted at London in Flete-strete next to Saient Dunstons Church by Thomas Marshe. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Flete- strete next to Saincte Dunstons Churche by Thomas Marshe. Anno Domini. 1561. A, 3 leaves (A 4 blank) : Table, 4 leaves : A— 3 I in fours. 4*^. Principal Kvles of the Italian Grammer, . . . Londini, In eedibus H. Wykes. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Flete- strete by Henry wykes . . . Anno. M.D.LXVii. 4*^, A — Oo 2 in fours, besides title and dedication. THOMPSON, THOMAS. The English Rogue A New Comedy. As it was acted before several Persons of Honour with great applause. Written by T. T. Licensed according to Order. London, Printed for William Thackeray at the Golden Sugar-loaf and William Whitwood at the Golden Lyon in Duck- Lane, 1668. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— I in fours. Dedicated by Thomas Thompson to his honoured friend and patroness Mrs. Alice Barret. Thompson Tell-lyes. Or An Answer to Titus Tell-trvth. To the Tune of, Rcdl to the Mirtle Shades. London Printed for G. Parker. A sheet in verse. [Circa 1682.] THOMSON, GEORGE. De Antiqvitate Christianas Religionis apvd Scotos. Avthore Georgio Thomsono Scoto. Romae, . . . m.d.xciiii. , , 4°, 6 leaves. Italic letter. THOMSON, GEORGE, 3LD. Loimotomia : Or the Pest Anatomized in the following particulars, viz. 1. The Material Cause, 2. The Elhcient Cause. 3. The Subject Part. 4. The Signes of the Pest. . . . Together with the Authors Apology against the Calumnies of the Galenists : and a Word to Mr. Nath: Hodges, concerning his late Vindicm Medicince. London, Printed for Nath: Crouch, . . . 1666. 8*^, A— N in eights, besides the frontispiece. Dedicated to William, Earl of Craven. THORIUS, RAPHAEL. Hymnvs Tabaci, Avtore Raphaelc Thorio. Londini, Impensis'Johannis Watersofni.] 1626. 8*^, A— E 4 in twelves. THORNDIKE, HERBERT. An Epilogue to the Tragedy of the Church of England, . . . London, Printed by J. M. and T. R. for J. Martin ; . . . m.dc.lix. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : a— f, 2 leaves each : B — 5 P, 2 leaves each. THORNTON, JAMES. The ruefuU report of the desperate deathe of James Thornton. A ballad. Licensed to R. Jones, 9 July, 1580. THOROTON, ROBERT, M.D. The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, Ex- tracted out of Records, Original Evidences, Leiger Books, other Manuscripts, and Authentick Authorities. Beautified with Maps, Prospects, and Portraitures. . . . London, Printed by Robert White, for Henry Mortlock, . . . 1677. Folio. Printed title, 1 leaf : Dedications to Gil- bert, Archbishop of Canterbury, and W. Dugdale, 2 leaves : folded map of the county : (a) 4 leaves : B — Rrr in fours : Sss, 6 leaves. "With plates separate from letterpress at pp. 89, 99, 106, 165, 199, 223, 253, 281, 311 (2), 459, 489, 491, 499, 505, besides 4 leaves of Arms and an extra slip (sometimes wanting), and the Index, 18 leaves. THORPE, SERGEANT. Sergeant Thorpe Judge of Assize for the Northern Circvit His charge. As it was delivered to the Grand-Jury at Yorke Assizes the twentieth of March, 1648. Clearly epitomizing the statutes belong- ing to this Nation, which concerns (& as a golden rule, ought to regulate) the several! estates and conditions of men. And (being duly observed) do really pro- mote the Peace and Plenty of this Com- mon-wealth. London, Printed by T: W: for Matthew Walbancke, and Richard Best at Grayea-Inne Gate, 1649. 4°, A — D in fours. THRENODE. Threnode : Or, Euglands Passing-Bell. [Quot. from Psahn 80, 3, and Quarles Eleg.] London, Printed in the Year M.DC.LXXix. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. In verse. THROCKMORTON, FRANCIS. A discouerie of the treasons practised and attempted against the Queenes Maiestie THUCYDIDES. 598 TIXDALL. and tlie Realme by Francis Throckmorton, who was for the same arraigned and con- demned in Guyld Hall, in the Citie of London, the one and twentie day of May last past. 1584. No place or printer's name, 4°, A — D 2 in fours. Roman letter. The last two leaves are occupied by Prayers. A ballad of the traditor Fraimcis Throk- morton. Licensed to T. Nelson, 19 July, 1584. ABalletofThrokmorton. entitled. Comme after. Comme after, &c. Licensed to R. Jones, 6 Aug. 1584. THUCYDIDES. The hystory writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre, which was be- twene the Peloponesians and the Athe- nyans, translated oute of Frenche into the Englysh language by Thomas Nicolls Citezeine and Goldesmyth of London. Imprinted the xxv. day of July in the yeare of oure Lord God a Thousande, fyue hundredde and fyftye. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Flete-strete, at the signe of the Sunne, oner against the Counduite, by lohn Waylande, [1550.] Folio, black letter, A — Oo in sixes : Pp. 4 leaves, in- cluding the colophon. With three stanzas of 7 lines on the back of the title. Dedi- cated to Sir John Cheke. The colojjlion here given is taken from the titlepage preserved in Harl. MS. 5919. It is there pasted on to the foot of the leaf, and is in the same type as the rest. Her- bert places the book under Wayland. It seems to have been Bagford's practice, in many cases, to annex the colophon in this way. Eight Bookes of the Peloponesian Warre Written by Thvcydides the sonne of Olorvs Interpreted with Faith and Diligence Im- mediately out of the Greeke By Thomas Hobbes Secretary to ye late Earle of Deuonsliire. London Imprinted for Richard Mynne ... m DC xxx iv. Folio. Engraved title by T. Cecill, 1 leaf : A, 4 leaves : (a) — (c) in fours : a folded map : B — 3 Z in fours, but an extra leaf in 3 Z. Dedicated to the Earl of Devonshire. With three maps besides that mentioned above. TILENUS, DANIEL, Silesius. Paraenesis ad Scotos, Genevensis Doc- trinas Zelotas. Andreapoli, . . . cio.ci.c.xx. 8", A— E in eights, A blank. Herbert cites, I believe in error, an edi- tion of this in 1570. TILLESLEY, RICHARD, D.D., Arch- deacon of Rochester. Animaduersions vpon M. Seldens His- tory of Titles, And His Review thereof : , . . London, Printed by lohn Bill. M.DC.xix. 4°. IF, 4 leaves, first blank : a — e 2 in fours ; A — Gg 2 in fours. TIMBERLAKE, HENRY. A True and strange discourse of the trauailes of two*English Pilgrimes : what admirable accidents befell them in their iuurney to Jerusalem, Gaza, Grand Cayro, Alexandria, and other places. Also what rare Antiquities, Monuments, and notable memories. . . . they sawe in Terra Sancta^ ... A discourse of no lesse admiration, then well worth the regarding ; written by one of them ; on the behalf e of him- selfe, and his fellowe Pilgrime. Imprinted at London, for Thomas Archer, . . . 1603. 4°, black letter, A— D 2 in fours. Crrenv. Coll. Sir C. Isham, &c. A Trve and strange discourse. . . . Lon- don Printed for Thomas Archer, . . . 1608. 4^, A— F 2 in fours. Grenv. Coll. A Trve and straunge Discourse of the Trauailes of two English Pilgrimes : . , . London, Printed for Thomas Archer. . . . 1611. 4°, black letter. A— E in fours, first and last leaves blank. TIME. TemiJora lahmtur, otherwyse ye Image of tyme. Licensed to W. Griffith in 1566. Tyme tryeth all thinge. A ballad. Li- censed to John AUde in 1570. TIMES. The Times Dissected. Or, A Learned Discovrse of Severall Occvrrences Very worthy of Speciall Observation, To deter evill men, and incourage good. Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. TINDALL, SIR JOHN. A Trve Relation of the Grovnd, Occasion, and Circumstances, of that horrible Mur- ther committed by lohn Bartram, Gent, vpon the body of Sir lohn Tyndal of Lin- coln s Inne, Knight : One of the Masters of the Honorable Covrt of Chancery, the twelfth day of this instant Nouemb. Written by way of Letter from a Gentle- man to his Country friend. Together with the Examination of the said Bar- tram, taken before the right Honourable, Sir Fra. Bacon Knight, his Maiesties Atturney Generall : and Sir Henry Yel- verton Knight, his Maiesties SoUicitor General, according to speciall directions giuen by his Maiestie in that behalfe. London, Printed by lohn Beale. 1616. 4'', A— D in fours, first and last leaves blank. Br. Mnaeum. TINKER. 599 TOM TELL-TRUTH. A True Relation of a most desperate Murder, committed vpon the Body of Sir lohn Tindall Knight, one of the Maisters of the Chancery ; who with a Pistoll charged with 3. bullets, was slaine going into his Chamber within Lincolnes-Inne, the 22. day of Nouember, by one lohn Barterham Gent : which Barterham after- wards hanged himselfe in the Kinges- Bench in Southwarke, on Sunday being the 17. day following. 1616. London Printed by Edw: All-de, for L. L. dweU- ing in Pauls Church-yard, at the Signe of the Tygers Head. 1617. 4^ A— C in fours, first and last leaves blank. With three cuts. B. M, TINKER. The jolly Tinker. A ballad. Licensed to John Trundle, 22 March, 1615-16. TIRWHYTT, LADY ELIZABETH. Morning and Euening Prayer, with diuers Psalmes, Himmes, and Meditations. Made by the Lady Elizabeth Tir\\dt. Seene and allowed. Printed by H. Middelton, for Christopher Barker. [Col.] Imprinted at London, by Henrie Middelton, for Christopher Barker, 1574. Small 8°, A— M in eights, M 8 blank. The title is within a border. Licensed to C. Barker in 1569. TITUS. A Reioycynge of Tytus. A ballad. Li- censed to John Allde in 1568-9. Titus Tell-Trvth : Or, The Plot-Founder Confounded. A Pleasant New Song. To ;.the tune of,. Hail to the Myrtle SJiades. London : Printed for Allen Banks, 16S2. A sheet with verses and music. TITUS AXDRONICUS. A ballad of Titus Andronicus. Licensed to JohnDanter, 6 Feb. 1593-4. TOBIAS. A godly ballett taken out of y^ iiijt^ chapeter of Tobeas. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1568. TOBACCO. The ballett of Tobacco and the Fidlers Cach. Licensed (as one piece) to John White, 5 June, 1616. By the King. A Proclamation restrain- ing the abusive venting of Tobacco. Im- printed at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1633. [March 13, 1633-4.] Forster Coll. TOLAKD, JOHN. The Life of John Milton, Containing, be- sides the History of his Works, Several Extraordinary Characters of Men and Books, Sects, Parties, and Opinions. Victrix Causa Diis flacuit, scd victa Catoni. London, Printed by John Darby in Bar- tholomew Close. M.Dc.xc.ix. 8'', A — L 3 in eights. Dedicated to Thomas Rau- lins Esq of Kilraeg in Herefordshire. Amyntor: Or, A Defence "of Milton's Life. Containing I. A general Apology for all Writings of this kind. II. A Catalogue of Books attributed in the Primitive Times to Jesus Christ . . . III. A Com- plete History of the Book, Entituled, Icon Basilike . . . London, Printed, and are to be Sold by the Book-sellers of London and Westminster, m.dc.xc.ix. 8°. Title and Toland's Letter to a Friend, 2 leaves : B — N 2 in eights. TOLL, THOMAS. The Female Duel, Or, The Ladies Look- ing-Glass, Representing a Scripture Com- bate about business of Religion, fairly carried on, between a Roman Catholicke Lady, and the wife of a Dignified person in the Church of England . . . Now Pub- lished by Tho. Toll Gent. . . . London, Printed by H. Bell and P. Lillecrap, . . . 1661. 8"^, A— X 4 in eights, and a frontis- piece. Dedicated to the two Princesses of Great Britain. TOM. New Descriptions or Mad Toms mighty Travells. Licensed to John Wright Junior, as " a pamphlet/' 28 April, 1640. TOMALIN. A ballett of Thomalyn. Licensed to John Waley and the widow Toy in 1557-8. TOM TELL-TRUTH. A ballett intituled Tom TeU Truth. Li- censed to T. Colwell in 1564-5. Tom Tel-Trvths come to towne agame with his humors Vnder which Humour is contained these particulars; Viz. A Rope for a Parot. A Bable for a Foole. A Springe for a Woodcocke. And a Snare for a Fox. Collected and published to make honest and wise men merry, or fooles and knaves mad. Printed at London for Tho. Lam- bert neere the Red Crosse in Little Bri- taine. 1643. [April 12.] 4", 4 leaves. B.M. The Character of an Ordinance of Parlia- ment in generall. Written by Tho. Tel- troth, Clerk to the long-abused Commons in England, Scotland and Ireland. Prin- ted at Amsterdam 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. Printed without a titlepage. The Knaverv of Astrology Discovcr'd, In TOM TYLER. 600 TOSIER. observations upon Every Month of the Year 1680. Together with the Nature of the Seven Planets, &c. By Tom Tell- Troth, Star-gazer in Ordinary to the Great Mogul . . . London, Printed for T. B. and K E. 1680. 4'^, A— C 2 in fours. TOM TYLER. Tom Tyler. A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell in 1562-3. TOMBES, JOHN, B.D. Felo de Se. Or, Mr. Richard Baxters Self-destroying : Manifested in twenty Arguments against Infant-Baptism . . . London : Printed by Henry Hills . . . 1659. 4°, A—H in fours. TOMPSON, JO. A Garden of Delight, Deck'd with Choice Flowers, of English Poetry; Or, A Collec- tion of Humours, Fancies, Epigrams, and Satyrs, &c. Semel in Anno ridet Apollo. Mirth j)leaseth some, to others 'tis offence : Some plain conceits commend, some elo- quence : Some to hear follies told delight, some that Dislike ; and most affect they know not what : then he that would pleas 3 all and himself too, Takes more in hand than he is like to do. London, Printed by T. M. for Stephen Lewis and Thomas Lewis, and are to be sold at their Shop in Shoe-lane, at the signe of the Book binders, 1658. 8^, A— M in eights. BodUian. The Museum copy has been long mislaid. TONGUE, EZEKIEL, B.D. The New Design of the Papists Detected: Or, An Answer to the Last Speeches of the Five Jesuits lately Executed, viz. Tho. White alias Whitebread, William Harcourt alias Harison, John Gavan alias Gawen, Anthony Turner and John Fenwick. London, Printed for Robert Boulter, . . . 1679. Folio, A— B, 2 leaves each. TONSTALL, GEORGE, M.B. Scarbrovgh Spaw Spagyrically Anato- mized. By Geo. Tonstall, Doctor of Phy- , sick. London, Printed by J. M. for the Author. MDCLXX. 8°, A — N 4 in eights, A i occupied by the Imprimatur. TORQUEMADA, ANTHONIO DE. The Spanish Mandevile of Miracles . . . London, Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, by the Assigne of Richard Hawkins, . . . 1618. 4^ Title, 1 leaf : B— K in fours : L — Cc in eights. TORRIANO, GIO. Vocabolario Ilaliano & Inglesc: A Dic- tionary, Italian and Englislr . . . Now Reprinted, Revised and Corrected, by J. D. M.D. London, Printed by R. Holt and W. Horton . . . mdclxxxviii. Folio, A — Ddddd in fours, and a leaf of Eeeee. Dedicated by John Davies to Maria D'Este, Queen of England. TORRINGTON, ARTHUR, Earl of. An Impartial Account of some Remark- able Passages in the Life of Arthur Earl of Torrington: Together vdih. some mo- dest Remarks on his Tryall and Acquit- ment. London, Printed for Robert Fow- ler, 1689. 4^, A— E 2 in fours. TORY. The Tories Confession, Or, A merry song in Answer to The Whigs Exaltation : To the same Tune of Forty One. London ■Printed for T. H. mdclxxxii. A sheet of verses. A Looking-glass for a Tory ; Or the Bogg-Trotters Glory. To the Tune of Hey Boys up go we. Lon- don Printed for L. C. 1681. A sheet in verse. A Description of His Majesties True and Loyal Subjects, Scandalously called Toreys. London: Printed by J. Wallis for Randall Taylor, 1682. A folio leaf. The Character of a Through- Pac'd Tory, Ecclesiastical or Civil. London, . . . 1682. 4"^, A— B 2 in fours. A New- Years-Gift to the Tories : Or a few Sober Queries concerning them. By an Honest Trimmer. London, Printed for Francis Smith Sen. . , . 168|. A sheet. The Anatomy of a Jacobite-Tory : In a Dialogue between Whig and Tory, Occa- sioned by the Act for Recognizing King William and Queen Mary. Loudon : Printed for Richard Baldwin . . . 1690. 4«, A advertisements. A New- Years- Gift for the Tories, Alias Rapperees alias Petitioners of London. Representing, in a few particulars, a Com« parison of the Administration of some Publick Affairs (especially in the City) in the Mayoralty of Sir Thomas Pilking- ton . , , with the Administration in the Mayoralty of Sir John Moore . . . [1690.] A sheet. TOSIER, JOHN. A Letter from Captain John Tosier, Commander of His Majesties Ship the Hunter at Jamaica. With a Narration of his Embassy and Command in that Frigat to the Captain General andGover- D in fours, and the title, D 4 with TOTTENHAM. 60 1 TRADE, noux of Havannah, ta demand His Ma- jesty of Great Brittains Subjects kept Prisoners there : . . , Printed in the Year 1679. 4°, 4 leaves. TOTTENHAM. A ballett of Tottenham Crosse. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1560-1. TOUENEUK, CYEIL. The Atheist's Tragedie : . . . At LondoD, Printed for lohn Stepneth, and Richard Redmer, ... 1612. 4^, B— L 3 in fours, and the titlepage. The edition of 1611 reissued. TOWERSON, GABRIEL, D.D. A Sermon Concerning Vocal and Instru- mental Musick in the Church. As it "was Delivered in the Parish Church of St. Andrew Undershaft, Upon the 31*^ of May, 1696, being "Whit-Sunday, being the Day wherein the Organ there Erected was First made Use of. London, Printed for B. Aylmer, MDCXCVI. 4*^, A — D in fours, A with half-title, D 3 with a Hymn, and D 4 with Advertisements. TOWKSHEND, HEY WOOD, M.F. Historical Collections : Or, An exact Ac- count of the Proceedings of the Four last Parliaments of Q. Elizabeth . . . Wherein is contained the Compleat Journals . . . Faithfully and Laboriously Collected, By Heywood Townshend Esq; a Member in those Parliaments. The like never Ex- tant before. London: . . . 1680. Folio. A — Zzzz, two leaves each, and the Table, 5 leaves. TRACTS. ' Four Tracts. I. A Short Discourse about Divorce and its Causes, Fornication and Adultery. II. A Charge to Judges, Juries, and wit- nesses concerning Oaths. III. About Infant Baptism. IV. A Letter to a Lady, who hath for- saken the Protestant Religion for the Romish. [Quotations.] Inest sua gratia parvis. London, Printed for D. Brown, . . . and R. Smith, . . . 1699. 8°, A— Q in fours, and (the Letter) A — B in eights. TRACY, RICHARD. A supplycation to our moste soueraigne i lorde Kyuge henrj^ the eyght / Kynge of England of Fraimce and of Irelande / & moste ernest defender of Christes gospell / supreme heade vnder God here in erthe / next & immedyatly of his churches of Englande and Irelande. Matthei. ix. The harueste is greate . . . [Col.] En- pry nted in the years of our Lorde. M.ccccc.xliiii. in the muneth of Decem- bre. 8°, A— D in eights, D 7-8 blauk. Grenville Coll. and Lambeth. Puttick's, May 28, 1879, a Grenville dupli- cate in morocco, with the anna on sides, £3, 10s. Lowndes states that there are two editions of this book in the Grenville library — a statement occasioned by an error in the catalogue. A bryef & short declaracyon made, wher- bye euery chrysten man maye knowe, what is a sacrament. Of what partes a sacrament consysteth and is made, for what intent sacramentes were instituted, and what is the pryncypall effect of sacra- mentes, & finally of the abuse of the sacrament of chrystes body and bloud. Imprinted at London by Robert Stough- ton Dwellynge wythin Ludgate, at the sygne of the Bysshoppes Myter. [Col.] Compyled by Rychard Tracye. Finis. Anno. 1548. the. 20. of Nouember. 8°, black letter, A — B in eights, B 8 blank. TRACY, WILLIAM. The Testament of master Wylliam Tracie esquire expoimded both by William Tin- dall and Jh5 Frith. Wherin thou shalt perceyue with what charitie y chaunceler of Worcester Burned whan he toke vp the deed carkas and made asshes of hit after hit was buried, m.d.xxxv. [Col.] Thus endethe the Testament of M. Vvillia Tracie expounded by J. frith. [Printed abroad.] Black letter. 8°, A— C in eights, but B in fours, C 7-8 blank. £r. Museum (the Ickworth copy). TRADE. The mournfull Cryes of many thousand Poore Tradesmen, who are ready to famish through decay of Trade. Or, the warning Teares of the Oppressed. [1641 ?] A sheet. A Discourse consisting of Motives for the Enlargement and Freedome of Trade. Especially that of Cloth, and other Wool- len Manufactures, Engrossed at present contrary to the Law of Nature, the Law of Nations, and the Lawes of this King- dome. By a Company of private men who stile themselves Merchant-Adven- turers. The First Part. London, Printed by Richard Bishop for Stephen Bowtell . . . 1645. 4*^, A— G in fours, G 4 blank. The Trade of England Revived: And the Abuses thereof Rectified. In relation to WooU and Woollen-Cloth, Silk and Silk- Weavers, Hawkers, Bankrupts, Stage- Coaches, Shop-keepers, Companies, Mar- kets, Linnen-Cloath. Also what Statutes in force may be injurious to Trade and Tradesmen, with several Proposals. TRADESCANT. 602 TREASURE. Humbly offered to tMs present Parlia- ment. London : Printed for Dorman Newman . . . 1680. [8 Nov.] 4«, B— I in fours, and the title. The date has been altered by a coeval hand in this copy, apparently from 1G81. Trades Release : Or, Courage to the Scotch-Indian Company. Being an Ex- cellent new Ballad ; To the Tune of The Turks are all Confounded. A broadside in verse [1699-1700.] TRADESCANT, JOHN. Musaeum Tradescantianum : Or, A Collec- tion of Rarities Preserved at South-Lam- beth neer London By John Tradescant. London, Printed by John Grismond, . . . M.DC.LVi. 8^. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B— N 4 in eights. With two portraits and a shield of arms, all by W. Hollar. TRAHERON, BARTHOLOMEW. An Avnsvere made by Bar. Traheron to a Privie Papiste, which crepte in to the english congregation of christian exiles vnder the visor of a fauorer of the gospel, but at lenghth bewraied himselfe to be one of the popes asses, thorough his slouche eares, and than became a laugh- ing stocke to al the companie, whom he had amased before with his maske. Hereunto is added the subscription of the cheifest of the companie first, and after- ward the subscriptio of M. Ro. Watson alone . . . Imprinted Anno. 1558. 8^, A — D in eights. Lambeth. TRAITOR. A viewe to all Traytors to warne them from y^"^ wycked dealinge and liowe God shall prosper their prynce to their great Confusion. A ballad. Licensed to Henry Carre, 15 Oct. 1578. A ballad of the three laste Traytours that suffered at Tiborne the .8. of October 1586. Licensed to John Charlwood, 10 Nov. 1586. Londons gladd tydinges Or A comfortable reporte of the Array nement Condemnation and execution of Eight of the most prin- cipall Traitours that ever breathed Lyfe in any Kingdom who were Arrayned at AVestminster the 27 of January 1605[- 1606] and Executed the 30. and 31. of the same monetli. Licensed to Edward Allde, 31 January, 1605-6. A ballett called the Traytours Downfall Declaringe their Araignement condemp- [na]con and Execucons. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 1 February, 1605-6. A ballad Concerninge the Execucon of the 8. Traytors. Licensed to Ralph Blower, 3 February, 1605-6. The Traytors Tragedy: Or, their great Plot and Treasonable Design Discovered : With the Names of the Grand Conspira- tors, that are to be tryed for their Lives . . . London : Printed for R. Cotton, . . . 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. TRANSFIGURATION. [Servitium De Transfiguration e.] Octauo Idf Augusti fiat seruio" / de tnsfigu. [Col.] Caxton me fieri fecit. [Circa 1491.] 4*^, 10 leaves. £r. Museum. TRAVELLER. The Travellers Breviat, Or An historicall description of the most famous kingdomes in the World : Relating their situations, manners, customes, ciuill gouernment, and other memorable matters. Trans- lated into English. Imprinted at London by Edm. Bollifant, for lohn laggard. 1601. 4^, B— Aa 2 in fours, besides the title and dedication by Robert Johnson to Edward, Earl of Worcester. Br. M. 1 The Amorous Travellers, or, the Night Ad- 1 ventures. Written Originally in Spanish, by a Person of Honour. Translated into French bythe Exquisite Pen of the Sieur de Ganes : And into English by J. B. Advertised at the end of The Interest of England, by W. de Britaine, 4°, 1672. TRAYERS, WALTER. An Answere to a Svpplicatorie Epistle, of G. T. for the pretended Catholiqves : written to the right honorable Lordes of her Maiesties priuie Counsell. By Walter Travers Minister of the word of God. [Quotations.] Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier for Toby Smith. 1583. 8°. A, 7 leaves : B, 8 leaves : A — Bb 4 in eights, Bb 4 blank. TREASON. Treason Arraigned, In Answer to Plain English ; Being a Trayterous, and Phana- tique Pamphlet, which was condemned by the Counsel of State, Suppressed by Authority, and the Printer declared against by Proclamation . . . London, printed in the year, 1660. 4^, A— E 2 in fours. TREASURE. Here begynneth a good Booke of Mede- cines called, the treasure of poore men. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Flete- strete, beneath the Conduit : at the Signe of Saint lohn Euangelyste, by Thomas Colwell. 1565. 8°, black letter. C, 4 loaves : A — K in eiLrhts. TREASURY. 603 TREBY. TEEASUEY. The Treasviie of kiddeii Secrets. Com- monlie called, The good Huswiues Closet of prouisioD, for the health of her Hoiis- hold : Gathered out of sundry experi- ments, practised by men of great know- ledge : And now newly inlarged, . . . Printed at London by Eichard Ihones, . . . 1596. 4*^, A— I in fours. Black letter. With a j)reface by the printer, and a short copy of verses by the author, who does not, however, disclose himself. TREATISE. A Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle . . . W. de Worde. 4P. Annexed to the second edition of the Boole of St. Allans, 1496. The authorship is unknown, and is, no doubt, improperly given to Dame Barnes. A treatyse of the donation or gyfte and endowmet of possessyons / gyuen and granted vnto Syluester pope of Ehome / by Constantyne emperour of Eome / & what truth is in the same grant thou mayes se / and rede y iugement of cer- tayne great lerned men / whose names on : the other page of this leafe done appere. [Col.] Here endeth the donation of Constantine. Imprynted at London by Thomas Godfray. Cum priuilegio. Folio, black letter, A — L in sixes : M, 4 : IST, 3. Lamheth. A treatise declaring and shewing dyuers causes taken out of the holy scriptures, of the sentences of holy faders, and of the decres of deuout emperours, that pyctures and other ymages, which were wont to be worshiped, ar in no wise to be suffred in the temple and churches of christen men, &c. The authors of this little treatise ar the open preachers of Argenteyne. [So far Herbert. The colo- phon from the Museum copy :] Printed for W. Marshall "With the kynges moost gratiouse priuylege. 8°, black letter, A — F in eights. Br, Museum (the title wanting). The dedication : " All the whole copany of them which in Argentoratum do preche and teache Christ / vnto the good and godly reders do wyssh grace." A treatise cocernynge diners of the con- sticucyons prouynciall and legantines. Printed at London by Thomas Godfray. Cum priuilegio regali. 8°, black letter, A — G 6 in eights. A Treatise Concernynge generall coun- cilles, the Byshoppes of Eome, and the Clergy. [Col.] Londini in aedibus Thomee Bertheleti regii impressoris excus. Anno. M.D.xxxViiT. Cvm Privilegio. 8°, A— D in eights, and 2 leaves of Table. Lam- heth. A briefe treatise concerning the bumynge of Bucer and Phagius, at Cambrydge, in the tyme of Queue Mary, with theyr res- titution in the time of our moste gracious souerayne Lady that nowe is. Wherein is expressed the fantasticall and tirannous dealynges of the Eomishe Church, togither with the godly and modest regimet of the true Christian Church, most slaunder- ouslye diflamed in those dayes of heresye. Translated into Englyshe by Arthur Goldyng. Anno. 1562. Eeade and iudge indifferently accordiuge to the rule of Gods worde. Imprinted at London in Flete-strete nere to saynct Dunstans Churche by Thomas Marshe. 8*^, black letter. Title and to the Eeader, 4 leaves : A — M 4 in eights. A brief treatise conteinyng many proper Tables and easie rules, verie necessary and needeful, for the vse and commoditie of all people. . . . Xewly set foorth and allowed . . . Imprinted at London by Ihon Waley. 8°, black letter. A, 4 leaves : A (repeated) — H 2 in eights. With a few cuts. A treatise of play and gaming. Licensed to Eichard Stevenson, 12 Jime, 1640. A Treatise of the Xobilitie of the Eealme. Collected ovt of the Body of the Common Law, with mention of such Statutes as are incident hereunto, upon a debate of the Barony of Abergavenny. . . , Lon- don, Printed by A. N. for Mathew Wall- banke and Eichard Best . . . 1642. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B — Z in eights. A Treatise of Taxes & Contributions. Shewing the Nature and measures of Crown - Lands, Assessments, Customs, Poll-Moneys, . . . With several inter- sperst Discourses and Digressions con- cerning Warrs, The Church, Universities, Eents and Purchases, . . . The same being frequently applied to the present State and Affairs of Ireland. London, Printed for Nath. Brooke . . . 1667. 4<', A— K in fours, and (a) 4 leaves. TEEBY, SIE GEOEGE, Recorder of Z07ld07l. The Speech of the Honorable Sir George Treby, Knight, Eecorder of the City of London, upon the Presenting the honor- able Dudley North and Peter Eich Esquires, Sheriffs of the City of London and Coimty of Middlesex, in the Ex- chequer Chamber at Westminster, on the 30^^ of September, 1682. London, Printed for Jonas Hytlier, 1682. A folio leaf. TREWMAN. 604 TRY ON. TEEWMAN, JOHN. The Irish Martyr Or, A true Relation of the Lamentable Sufferings of Mr. John Trewman, who by the cruelty of that Tyrant, the Earle of Strafford, late Lord Lievtenant of Ireland, was hang'd, drawn and quarter'd at Carickfergus, for his expressions of love and good will to the Scots, in these late times of troubles. Expressed in an Information from the Wife of the said Martyr . . . London, Printed for F. C. & T. V. 1641. 4«, 4 leaves. TREGOO, W. A Pamphlet intituled Trigos Dreame or vision. Licensed to Henry Kyrkham, 19 April, 1577. TRIAL. The Tryals and Condemnation of Several Persons for Mui'ders, Felonies and Bur- glaries ; Which began on the 1&^ of this instant July 1679, and ended on Fryday the 18*^^, at the Sessions-house in the Old Bayly, .... As also, Of the Tryals of Sir George Wakeman, Mr. James Corker, William Rumley, and William Marshal : all which were Charged with High-Treason. Folio, 2 leaves. The Tryal of Lavrence Braddon and Hvgh Speke, Gent, upon an Information of High-misdemeanor, Subornation, and spreading false-Reports. Endeavouring thereby to raise a Belief in His Majesties Subjects, that the late Earl of Essex did not Murther himself in the Tower, con- trary to what was found by the Coroners Inquest. Before the Right Honourable Sir George Jeffreys, ... on Friday the 7'^ of February, 1683. London : Printed for Benjamin Tooke, . . . 1684. Folio, A — X, 2 leaves each, X 2 blank, A 1 with Imiwimatur. TRIBULATION. The boke of comfgrte agaynste all Tribu- lacions. . . . W. de Worde, 4*^. This appears to be a translation of Le Livret de consolation contre toutes tribula- tions, first printed at Paris, 8°, 1499. See Brunet, last edit., iii. 1132. TRIPOLI. A ballad of Tripoli. Licensed to E. White, 19 June, 1587. TRIPOS. Tripvs Avrevs, Hoc est, Tres Tractatvs Chymici Selectissimi, ... I. Basilii Valentini . . . Practica. II. Thomco Nortoni, Angli Philosophi Credo mild seu Ordinale, ante annos 140. ab authore Bcriptum . . . III. Cremeri cvivsdam Abbatis Westmonasteriensis AngU Testa- mentum, . . . Francofvrti . . . Anno M.DC.xviii. 4°, A — Bb in fours, Bb 4 blank. Edited by Michael Maier. With many fine and curious engravings. TROGUS POMPEIUS. Thabridgment of the Histories of Trogvs Pompeius, Collected and wrytten in the Laten tonge, by the famous Historiogra- pher lustiue, and translated into English by Arthur Goldyng : . . . Anno Domini. M.D.LXiiii. Mense Maii. Imprinted at London ... by Thomas Marshe. 4°, black letter. *, 8 leaves, the last blank : ■^* 8 leaves : A 2— Y in eights. Dedi- cated to Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Thabridgemente of the Histories of Trogus Pompeius, gathered and written in the Laten tung, by the famous His- toriographer lustine, and translated into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge : . . . Newlie conferred with the Latin Copye and cor- rected by the Translator. Anno Domini. 1570. Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe. 4°, black letter, A — Z in eights, A repeated. Dedicated to Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford. TROILUS. The history of Troilus whose throtes hath well bene tryed. A ballad. Licensed to Thomas Purfoot in 1565-6. A proper Ballad Dialoge wise betwene Troylus and Cressida. Licensed to E. White, 23 June, 1581. TRUSSEL, JOHN. A Continvation of the Collection of the History of England, Beginning where Samvell Daniell Esquire ended, with the Raigne of Edward the third, and ending where the honourable Vicount Saint Al- bones began, With the life of Henry the seventh, being a compleat History of the beginning and end of the dissention be- twixt the two houses of Yorke and Lan- caster. ... By I. T. Sequitnr cum pas- sibus cequis Ascanius — Virg. London, Printed by M. D. for Ephraim Dawson, . . . 1636. Folio. A, 4 leaves : B— Z 3 in sixes. Dedicated by John Trussel to Sir John Bramston, &c. A Continuation. . . . London, Printed by Richard Bishop for Daniel Pakeman ... 1641. Folio, A— Y in sixes and Z in fours. Dedicated to Sir John Bramston and others. This book is often appended to Daniel's book, edit. IGCO. TRYON, THOMAS. A Treatise of Cleanness in Meats and TRYON. 605 TRYON. Drinks, of the Preparation of Food, the Excellency of Good Airs, and the Benefits of Clean Sweet Beds. Also of the Gene- ration of Bugs, and their Cure, To which is added, A Short Discourse of the Pain in the Teeth ... By Tho. Tryon. Lon- don, Printed for the Author, and sold by L. Curtis near Fleet-Bridge. 1682. 4^ A — C in fours. The Way to make all People Rich : Or, Wisdoms Call to Temperance and Fru- gality in a Dialogue between Sophronia and Guloso ... By Philotheos Physio- logus, . . . Printed and Sold by Andrew Sowle . . . 1685. 8°, A— H in eights, a leaf of I, and 3 leaves between title and f A 2 with verses by Mrs. Behn and Con- tents. Pythagoras His Mystick Philosophy : Or, The Mystery of Dreams Unfolded, . . . To which is added, A Discourse of the Cause and Cure of Phrenesis, . . . Sold by G. C. at the Ring in Little-Britain. Price 2/. 8°, A— U in eights, U 7-8 with Advertisements. A New Art of Brewing Beer, Ale, and other sorts of Liquors. . . . Recommended to all Brewers, Gentlemen, and others that brew their own Drink. By the Author of Jthe Way to long Life. . . . London, Printed for Tlio. Salusbury . . . 1690. 12°, A— H 6 in twelves, besides the Contents. A New Art of Brewing Beer, Ale, and other Sorts of Liquors ; . . . The Second Edition. ... To which is added, The Art of making Maults, . . . London : Printed for Tho. Salusbury . . . 1691. 12°. A, 2 leaves : B— K in sixes : L, 9. Monthly Observations for the preserving of Health. . . . The Second Edition. With Allowance. Printed by Andrew Sowle, and Sold by Randal Taylor, . , . 1691. 8°, A— F in eights. The Way to Health, Long Life and Hap- piness : . . . The Second Edition, with Amendments. London : Printed by H. C. for R. Baldwin . . . 1691. 8°, A— LI 4 in eights. With a portrait. Wisdom's Dictates : Or, Aphorisms & Rules, Physical, Moral, and Divine ; For ^ Preserving the Health of the Body, and the Peace of the Mind, ... To which is added, A Bill of Fare of Seventy five Noble Dishes of Excellent Food, far ex- ceeding those made of Fish or Flesh, . . . By Tho. Tryon, . . . London, Printed for Tho. Salusbury, ... 1691. 12°. A, 3 leaves : B— L 6 in twelves. A Pocket-Companion. Containing Things Necessary to be Known, By all that values their Health and Happiness : . . . Col- lected from Tlie Good Housewife made a Doctor. . . . London, Printed for George Conyers, . . . 1693. 8°, A— B 4 in eights. This is the first issue of Notable Things. A Treatise of Dreams & Visions. ... By Tho. Tryon, Student in Physick. The Second Edition. London, Printed and sold by T. Sowle . . . 1695. 8°, A— U 6 in eights. The two leaves folio-wing the title are both marked A 3, but A has only 7 leaves. A Discourse of Waters. Shewing the particular Natures, various Uses, and wonderful Operations both in Food and Physick . . . With Something concern- ing Purging- Water, . . . London : Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, . . . 1696. 8°. A, 4 : B, 8 : and the title. Miscellania : Or, A Collection of Neces- sary, Useful, and Profitable Tracts on Variety of Subjects, Which for their Ex- cellency and Benefit of Mankind are Compiled in one Volume. . . . London : Printed and Sold by T. Sowle . . . 1696. 12°. Title, &c., 6 leaves: A— I 6 in twelves. The Way to save Wealth, and to procure Health and Happiness : Shewing, by several Approved Methods, 1. How a Man may live well and plentifully for Two Pence a day, . . . London, Printed for G. Conyers, . . . 1697. 12°, A in sixes. Tryon's Letters upon Several Occasions. Viz. 1. Of Hearing. 2. Of Smelling. 3. Of Tasting. 4. Of Seeing. 5. Of Feeling, 6. Of the Making of Coal-Fires. 7. Of the Making of Bricks, Tyles, &c. ... By Tho. Tryon, , . . London: Printed for Geo. Conyers, . . . 1700. 8°. A, 7 leaves : B — P in eights. A Rich Treasure, The Knowledge whereof is Vseful, Profitable, Pleasant and De- lightful. Treating, 1. Of the four Com- plexions. 2. Notable and approved Medi- cines. . . . Printed for Geo. Conyers, at the Ring in Little-Brittain. Price 2/. Sm. 8°, A— M in sixes. This is a comprehensive little manual, taking in such subjects as Bees, Poultry, Silkworms, Accounts, Names of Towns, Silent Language, AVeights and Measures, &c. It also instructs us how to save a quarter of cloth in cutting out a shift. A Brief History of Trade in England. Containing The manner of its Birth, Growth and Declension, ... By One TUDOR. 606 TUNSTALL. who hath been an Exporter and Importer Above Forty Years, . . . Loudon Printed, and Sold by K. Baldwin . . . 1702. 12°, A — L 6 in twelves, besides 3 leaves of Contents. The "Way to get Wealth : Or, A New and Easie Way to make Twenty Three sorts of Wine, equal to that of France ; with their Vertues. Also to make Cyder, Mead, Rum, Rack, Brandy, and Cordial Waters: Pickles, Vinegar, and the Mystery of Vintners. Also, divers Physical Re- ceipts to help a bad Memory. ... To make Cloaths keep out Rain. ... To which is added, A Help to Discourse, Giving an Account of Trade of all Countries, ... By the Antlior of Tlie Way to save Wealth. . . . London, Printed for G. Conyers, . . . 1702. 12°, A— K in sixes and A— F in sixes. The Way to get Wealth. Directing how to make 23 sorts of Wine. . . . The Second Edition Enlarged. London, Printed for G. Conyers . . . 1706. 8° or 12°, A— H 2 (misprinted G) in sixes, A 2-4 in duplicate. Some Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Tho. Tryon, Late of London, ^Merchant. Writ- ten by Himself : . . . London, Printed, by T. Sowle, . . . 1705. Sm. 8°, A, 8 : B, 4 : C, 17 : D, 4 : E, 8 : E (repeated) 4: noF: G, 8: H,4: 1,8: K, 4:L,4: E2ntaph, 1 leaf : List of Tryon's Works, 1 leaf. TUDOR, JASPER, DiiJie of Bedford, Uncle of King Henry VII. The Epitaffe of the Moste Noble and Valyaunt laspar Late Duke of Bedde- forde. [London, R. Pynson, 1495.] 4°, 10 leaves. With the printer's device on the last page. Pepysian. This poem has been ascribed to Skelton, TUKE, RICHARD. The Souls Warfare Comically digested into Scenes Acted between the Soul and her Enemies. Wherein she cometh off Victrix with an Angelical Plaudit. . . . London, Printed by S. G. for Allan Bancks, at the Signe of St. Peter . . . Anno Dom. 1672. 4°, A— E in fours, and an extra leaf after E 4 unmarked. Dedicated to Mary, Countess of War- wick. TUKE, SIR SAMUEL, of Cressimj- Temple, Essex. The Adventures of Five Hours. A Tragi- comedy. The Second Edition. . . . Lon- don, Printed for Henry Hcrriugman . . . 1664. 4°, A — P 2 in fours, and a, 4 leaves. With the dedication to Henry Howard of Norfolk and the complimentary verses. TUKE, THOMAS, Minister of St Giles's in the Fields. New Essayes : Meditations, and Vowes : Including in them the Chiefe Duties of a Christian, both for Faith, and Manners. London, Printed by N. 0. and are to be sold by WiUiam Bladon, . . . 1614. 12°. A, 7 leaves : B — 2 in twelves. Dedi- cated to Lady Alicia Audley. TUNDAL OF CASHEL. See "Wright's St. Patrick's Purgatory^ 1844, p. 32 et seqq. TUNES. The Comic Tunes &c. to the Celebrated Dances Perform'd at Both Theatres By Sig>^ & SigJ^a Fausan. Mons Desnoyer & Sigra Barberini. Mons & Madem Michel. For the Harpsicord, Violin, or German Flute. Compos'd by Sig'^ Hasse. &c. Price V. 6d. Books I— IIL _ London. Printed for J. Walsh, in Catherine Street, in the Strand, of whom may be had. Just Publish'd, the Aires in Orpheus & Euri- dice. Columbine Courtezan. Perseus & Andromeda. Rape of Proserpine. Apollo & Daphne. & Cephalus & Procris. also, select Minuets by Mr. Handel. Dr. Greene &c. Vol. isfc Ladies Banquet, a collection of Dance Tunes by Mr. Handel. 6 Books. Caledonian Country Dances for the Harp- sicord. 3 Books. Select Duets for 2 Ger- man Flutes. 3 Books. Forest Harmony for 2 Ger^ Flutes. 3 Books. British Musical Miscellany, a Coll" of 600 choice Scotch and English Songs, in 6 Volumes. Oblong 4°, pp.^69. Bouce Coll. TUNSTALL, CUTHBERT, Bishop of Durham. Cvtheberti Tonstalli, in Lavdem Matri- monii Oratio, Habita in Sponsalibvs Mariae Potentissimi Regis Angliae Hen- rici Octavi Filiae et Francisci Christianis- simi Francorvm Regis Primogeniti. [Col.] Basileae Apvd lo. Frobeuivm. Mense Febrvario. Anno m.d.xix. 4°. A, 4:B, 6. De Arte Svppvtandi Libri Qvattvor Cvtheberti Tonstalli. m.d.xxii. [Col.] Impress. Londini in Acdibvs Richardi Pynsoni, Anno Verbi Incarnati. m.d.xxii. Pridie Idvs Octobris. Cvm Privilegio a Rege Indvlto. Folio, roman letter. A — Z in fours : a, 4 leaves : ab, 6 leaves : b — z in fours : &, 4 leaves, & 4 with the colophon. The title is within a broad border of pieces engraved from Hol- bein's designs. Dedicated to Sir Thomas More. TURKEY. 607 TURKEY. TURKEY. The of spring of tlie house of Ottomano, and officers pertaining to the great Tiirkes Court. Wherennto is added Bartholo- meus Georgieniz Epitome of the costumes, Rytes, Ceremonies and Religion of the Turkes : with the miserable affliction of those Christians, whiche Hue vnder their captiuitie and bondage. In the ende also is adioyned the maner how Mustapha eldest Sonne of Soltan Soliman, twelfth Emperour of the Turkes, was murthered by his father in the yere of our Lorde 1553. All Englished by Hugh Goughe. Imprinted at London in Flete-streate, neare vnto saint Dunstones church by Thomas Marshe. [1565-70.] 8^, M 4 in eights, M 4 blank. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Gresham. Black letter. B. ill. In 1569 was licensed to Marsh a work called "The Turkes Cerymonyes." Letters of Sommons sente backe agayne by the greats Turke / Soltan Soliman to y^ Cetizens of the Cetye of Malta and also of the castell of Saynte Elme. Li- censed to H. Denham in 1565-6. A ballad of the Deliuery of 266 prisoners from the Turkes. Licensed to John Allde, 4 Sept. 1579. Certen newes of the Turk. Licensed to John Charlwood, 29 Oct. 1580. The Lamentacon of Morgan a captiue in Turkie. A ballad. Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. A letter sente by Amurathe the greate Turke to Christendom e. Licensed to John Wolfe, 9 Feb. 1593-4. A most great wonderfull and miraculous victorie obteyned by the Christians againste the Turkes in Hungarie, with the Copie of his Lettres sent to monsier De Baron de Billye gouernour of Lille Douay and Orchee. Licensed to William Holme, 20 April, 1594. The Policy of the Turkish Empire. The first Booke. London, Printed by lohn Windet for W. S. . . . 1597. 4°, A— Y 2 in fours. [Col.] London, Printed for William Stansby. 1597. Dedicated to Lord Hunsdon anonymously. B. M. The Mahumetane or Turkish Historie, containing three Bookes. . . . Herevnto haue I annexed a briefe discourse of the warres of Cypres, at what time Selimus the second, tooke from the Venetians the .possession of that Hand, . . . Translated from the French & Italian tongues, by R. Carr, of the middle Temple in Lon- don, Gentleman. Dedicated to the three worthy brothers Robert Carr, William Carr and Edward Carr [of Ashnerby] in the County of Lincolne, Esquiers. At London. Printed by Thomas Este, dwell- ing in Aldersgate streete. 1600. 4", A — li in fours. With some verses by J. S. C. S. and R. M. to the translator, and the rewlv of the latter to R. M. The relacon of the Death of Achmat late Emperour of the Turkes, with the Eleccon of Mustapha, the now Emperour. Li- censed to Samuel Nealand, 28 March 1618. ' Trve Copies of the Insolent, Crvell, Bar- barovs, and blasphemous Letter lately written by the Great Turke, for denounc- ing of Warre against the King of Poland : And of the Magnanimous, and most Chris- tian Answer made by the said King there- unto. With a short Preface, declaring the vniust Cause on which this Turkish Tyrant, and faithlesse enemy of Chris- ten dome, now layeth hold to inuade it. Published in Print by Authoritie, the 11. of lune. 1621. London, Printed for Wil- liam Lee:i. . . 1621. 4°, A— C 2 in fours, first leaf blank. A Vaunting, Daring, and a Menacing Letter, sent from Sultan Morat the great Turke, from his Court at Constantinople, by his Embassadour Gobam, to Vladislaus King of Poland, &c. . . . Whereunto is annexed a briefe Relation of the Tiu'kish present strength, both of Horse and Foote : With al the Victories the Turkes have prevailed against the Christians. . . . As also what glorious Victories the Chris- tians have wonne against the Turkes, till this present yeare. 1638. Published by Authority. London Printed by I. Okes, and are to be sold by I. Cowper at his Shop at the East-end of St. Pauls Church, at the Signe of the Holy Lambe. 1638. 4°, A — D in fours, A i blank. Newes from the Great Turke ... As it was sent to a Merchant of note in Lon- don. . . . All faithfully Translated out of the Italian and French Copies. Lon- don ; Printed for Jo. Handcock . . . 1645. 4°, 4 leaves. A Trve Relation of what passed in Con- stantinople, In August last, about the deposing of the Great Emperour Svltan Hibraim, And the Crowning of his Sonne Svltan Mehemet in his place. Printed in the Yeare, m.dc.xlix. 4°, 4 leaves. The Relation of the Conversion and Bap- tism of Isui the Turkish Chaous, named Richard Christophilus, in the presence of TURKEY. 608 TURNER. a full Congregation, Jan. 30, 1658, in Covent Garden, where Mr. Manton is Minister. London, Printed by S. Griffin, and are to be sold by Jobn Rothwell . . . 1658. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves, a 8 blank : B — G 4 in eights. With two prefaces, one by the author, John Durie, the other by Thomas White. Learne of a Tvrk, Or Instructions and Advise sent from the Turkish Army at Constantinople, to the English Army at London. Faithfully and Impartially communicated by M. B. one of the At- tendants of the English Agents there . . . London, Printed in the first moneth of the great Platonick year, Called anciently by some in English, As you were. 1660. 4to, A — C in fours, and a leaf of D. A New Survey of the Turkish Empire and Government, In A Brief History deduced to this present Time, and the Reign of the new Grand Seignior Maho- met the IV. . . . London, Printed for Henry Marsh . . . 1663. 12«. A, 7 leaves : B— G in twelves : H, 6. Dedi- cated by the publisher to Sir Andrew Riccard. With two plates. Prophecies of Christopher Kotterus, Chris- tiana Poniotovia, Nicholas Drabicius. Three Famous German Prophets, Fore- telling Forty years agoe this present In- vasion of the"^Turks into the Empire of Germany ; and the Events that will ensue. The miraculous Conversion of the Great Turk, and the Translating of the Bible into the Turkish Language. . . . Trans- lated out of the Latine by R. C. Gent. . . . The Second Edition Corrected and amended. London ; Printed for Robert Pawlet . . . 1664. 8^. A, 2 leaves : B — I 2 in eights. Dedicated by Robert Codrington to Prince Rupert. A Collection of all the Turkish Enter- prises and Designes upon Christendome, since the Year of our Lord 1430. And the Reign of Amurath the Second, till this Present Year 1664. Being Illustrated by the Description, Site, and Government of the several Provinces in which the War was managed. London, Printed by C. M. and are to be sold by Tho. Palmer . . . 1664. 8*^, A— Y in eights. With a por- trait of Mahomet IV. An Account of a Procession Enjoined by Mahomet IV. Emperor of the Turks, to be observed through the wliole Ottoman Empire. Translated out of a Turkish Copy. A folio leaf. A Great Vision ; seen in Turkic Land ; And a Wonderful Prophecic of a Tiu'kc, Concerning the Subversion of that Empire, the Downfall of Mahometism, . . . Lon- don Printed by J. R. and Edinburgh Re- printed, 1702. 8°, 4 leaves. A Provd and Blasphemovs challenge, given out in denunciation of warre, by Amurath the great Turk, against all Christendome. Coming with an Army of 1600000 men. A broadside in prose, with cuts. Ouvry Cat. No. 67. TURNBULL, CHARLES. A perfect and easie Treatise of the vse of the coelestiall Globe : written as well for an Introduction of such as bee yet vnskil- full in the studie of Astronomic : as the practise of our Countriemen which bee excerised in the Art of Nauigation. . . . Imprinted at London for Symon W^ater- son. [About 1585.] 8*^, black letter, A — D in eights, title on A 2. TURXEBUS, ADRIANUS. Epithalamivm Francisci Valesii, Illus- triss. Francise Delphini & Mariae Stuartoe, sereniss. Scotorum Reginse. Adr. Tur- nebo auctore. Parisiis, m.d.lviii. 8°, A — B 2 in eights. Italic letter. In verse. Panegyricvs Adrian! Tvrnebi De Calisio capto. Parisiis, . . . 1558. 8°, A— C in fours. Italic letter. In verse. TURNER. Turners Dreame of Sym Subtill and Susan the brokers Daughter. A ballad licensed to Thomas Pavier, 19 November, 1612. Turners disshe of wagtayles. A ballad licensed to T. Pavier, 19 November, 1612. Turners Pylgrjanage to the land of Ini- quitye. A ballad licensed to T. Pavier, 19 November, 1612. TURNER, ANNE. See Overhurij {Sh' TJiomas). This Mistress Turner was probably the widow of Dr. Peter Turner, who published in 1G03 a small pamphlet on Amulets. See Handbook, 1867, p. 617. TURNER, OR TURNOR, SIR EDWARD, Spealcer of the House of Commons. The several Speeches of Sr. Edward Tur- ner Kt. Speaker of the honourable House of Commons, to the King's most excellent Majesty, delivered on Fryday the tenth day of May, 1661. London, Printed for lohn Williams, . . . 1661. Folio, A- C in twos. The Speech of S'" Edw. Turnor, K^ Speaker of the Honorable House of Com- mons, to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, Delivered on Monday the Nineteenth day TURNER. 609 TURNER. of May, 1662. at the Prorogation of the Parliament. London. Printed by D. Maxwell for Henry Twyford, and are to be sold at his shop in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple. 1662. Folio, 6 leaves. The Speech of S^ Edw: Tiirnor K* . . . to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament, on February 9, 1664. At the Passing of the Act, en- tituled, An Act for granting a Eoyal Aid unto the Kings Majesty, of Twenty four hundred threescore and seventeen thou- sand and five hundred pounds, to be Raised, Levied, and Paid in the space of Three years. London : Printed by John Bill . . . 1664 . . . Folio, 4 leaves. The Speech of S^ Edw. Turnor, K* . . . To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, And both Houses of Parliament, Delivered at Oxford, on Tuesday the One and Thir- tieth day of October, 1665. at the Proro- gation of the Parliament. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, for John Bill . . . 1665. Folio, 4 leaves. The Speech of S^ Edw. Turnor, K^ . . . To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Delivered on Friday the Eighth Day of February 1666. Upon the Prorogation of the Parliament. London, Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe, for Robert Pawlet, . . . 1666. Folio, 6 leaves. TURNER, JAMES. The Life and Death of James Commonly called Collonel Turner, Executed at Lime- street end lanuar. the 21, 1663. For a Burglary and Fellony committed in the House of Mr. Francis Tryon of Lime- street, Merchant. Licensed and Entred. London, Printed for T. J. 1663. 4°, B— D in fours : E, 2 leaves : F, 4 leaves, and the titlepage. TURNER, JOHN. The History of the Whiggish-Plot : Or, A brief Historical Account of the Charge and Defence of William Lord Russel, Capt. Tho. Walcot, John Rouse, William Hone, Captain Blague, Algernoon Sid- ney Esq; Sir Sam, Barnardiston, John Hambden Esq; Lawrence Braddon, Hugh Speak Esq; Together with an Account of the Proceedings upon the Outlawry against James Holloway and Sir Thomas Armstrong. Not omitting any one mate- rial Passage in the whole Proceeding. Humbly Dedicated to his Royal High- ness. London, Printed by T. B. and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, . . . MDCLXXXiv. Folio, A— S, 2 leaves each, besides title and John Turner's dedication to the Duke of York. TURNER, ROBERT, of Barnstable. Roberti Turneri Deuonij Oratoris et Phi- losophi Ingoldstadiensis Panegyrici . . . Eiusdem Orationes . . . Ingoldstadii . . . Anno M.D.XCII. 8^ A— in eights : Orationes, a — Aa in eights, I conclude that it was Turner of Barn- stable who ^vl•ote under the name of Obcr- tus Barnestapolius, q. v. TURNER, WILLIAM, M.D. The Names of herbes, in Greke, Latin, Englishe, Duche, & Frenshe wyth the commune names the Herbaries and Apo- tecaries vse. Gathered by William Tur- ner. [Col,] Imprinted at London by John Day and Wyllyam Seres, . . . Cum gratia ... 8°, black letter, A — H 6 in eights. Dedicated to Edward Duke of Somerset from His Grace's house iu Sion, March 15, 1548-9. A new Herball, wherin are conteyned the names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Englysh, Duch, Frenche, and in the Potecaries and Herbaries Latin, with the properties degrees and naturall places of the same, gathered and made by Wylliam Turner, Phisicion vnto the Duke of Somersettes Grace. Imprinted at Loudon by Steven Mierdman. Anno 1551. Cum Priuilegio . . . And they are to be solde in Paules Churchyarde. [Col.] Imprinted at London / By Steuen Myerdman, and they are to be soolde in Paules church- yarde at the sygne of the sprede Egle by John Gybken. Folio, black letter. A, 6 leaves : B, 7 leaves : C — iu sixes : P, 8 leaves. With woodcuts. The seconde parte of Uuilliani Turners herball / . . . Here vnto is ioyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in England / and of the vertues of the same wyth diuerse other baths moste holsom and eftectuall/both in Almany and Euglande/ set furth by William Turner Doctor of Physik. Imprinted at CoUen by Arnold Birckman. In the yeare of our Lorde M.D.LXJj. Cum Gratia . . . Folio. A, 4 leaves, A 4 blank : A (repeated)— Ff iu sixes, Ff 5-6 with Errata : the Book of Baths, A, 4 leaves : B— D in sixes, D 6 blank. A preseruatiue, or triacle, agaynst the poyson of Pelagius, lately renued, & styrred vp agayn, by the famous secte of the Annabaptistes : deuysed by Wyllyam Turner, Doctor of Physick. [Col.] Im- printed at London, for Androw Hester dwellyng in Powles Churchyarde, at the wvte horsse next to Powles scole. An. ^ 2Q TURNER. 6io TWISS. 1551. The 30. of Januarij. Cum Priui- legio ... 8°, A — N in eights. Lambeth. Dedicated to Hugh Latimer. "With verses to Latimer by Nicholas Grimoald. Ad Nobilem Britannicum. Or An Ab- stract for Englands Koyall Peeres. By that worthie Gentleman M. W. Turner. D. of Physicke. Printed in the Yeare, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. TURNER, WILLIAM, M.A., vicar of JVarhleton, Sussex. A Compleat History of the most Remark- able Provddences, both of Judgment and Mercy, which have Hapned in this Pre- sent Age. Extracted from the Best Writers, the Author's own Observations, and the Numerous Relations sent him from divers Parts of the Three Kingdoms. . . London : Printed for John Dunton, at the Raven, in Jewen-street. M DC xc vii. Folio. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : (a)— (i), 2 leaves each : B— Xxx in fours: Yyy, 2 leaves : Aaaa— Ffff, 2 leaves each: the Wonders of Nature, with a fresh title ; title and preface, 2 leaves : A— K in fours, and a leaf of L : Curiosities of Art, with a new title— title and preface, and B— E in fours. TURNOR, THOMAS. The Case of the Bankers and their Credi- tors, more fully stated and Examined; and a second time printed, &c. By a true Lover of his King and Countrey, and Suf- ferer for Loyalty. Printed in the Year, 1675. 4to, A— H in fours. A "Postscript to the Letter" is signed *' Thomas Turnor;" on p. 54 is an initial letter "W," containing within the compass of a square inch recognisable full-length portraits of Charles I. and his Queen. The Case of the Bankers and their Cre- ditors, Stated and Examined . . . The Third Impression, with Additions amount- ing to a third part more than hath been at "any time before Printed. . . . London : Printed in the Year 1675. S"", A— K in eights. The Joyful News of opening the Ex- chequer to the Gold- Smiths of Lombard- street, and their Creditors. As it was celebrated in a Letter to the same Friends in the Countrey, to whom the Bankers Case was formerly sent. By the Author of tlie same Case . . . London, Printed by T. N. for William Place, . . . mdclxxvii. Folio, 5 leaves, subscribed The. Tumor. TUSSER, THOMAS. 16 10. Fine hundred points of good Hus- bandry. At London, Printed for the !: Company of Stationers. 4", black letter, A— L 2 in eights. Five Hvndred Points of Good Husbandry. ... At London, Printed for the Company of Stationers. An. Dom. 1630. 4°, black letter, A — L 2 in eights. Five Hundred points of good Husbandry. . . . London : Printed iDy I. 0. for the Company of Stationers. 1638. 4'', A — L 2 in eights. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry . . London, Printed by J. M. for the Company of Stationers. 1663 4^, black letter, A — L 2 in eights. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. . . . London, Printed by T. R. and M. 1). for the Company of Stationers. 1672. 4°, A— T in fours. A fair account of this valuable and in- teresting book, which passed through an unusually long series of impressions be- tween 1557 and 1672, and enjoyed a very wide popularity, will be found in Hazlitt's edition of Warton, iv. 220-9, with a sketch of the author's life and extracts. A new edition of the Husbandry has just been issued by the Dialect Society, from the 4° of 1580, 8°, 1879, but it is unluckily full of inaccuracies. TUTTELL, RICHARD. To the Parliament of the Common- wealth of England Scotland and Ireland The humble Petition of Richard Tuttell, Barbican London. [Sept. 1654.] A sheet. B.M. TUVILL, DANIEL. The Doues innocency and the Serpents subtilty &c. The first Part by D. T. Licensed to R. Badger, 15 June, 1637. TWINE, BRIAN, M.A. Antiqvitatis Acadeniioe Oxoniensis Apo- logia. In tres libros divisa. Avthore Brian Twyno in facultate Artium Ma- gistro, & Collegij Corporis Christi in eddem Academia Socio. Oxonise, Excu- debat losephus Barnesius. Anno Dom. 1608. 4''. H, 4 leaves : A— LI in fours. TWINS. A booke called Two twynnes. Licensed to George Norton, 15 November, 1613. This may possibly, or even probably, re- fer to the lost drama, called The Twinnes 2'ra{/cdi/, by Richard Niccols. TWISS, DR. A Briefe Catetheticall Exposition of Christian Doctrine. Diuided into foure Catechismes, Comprizing the Doctrine of the 1. Two Sacraments. 2. Lords Sup- per. 3. Ten Commandments. 4. And the Creed. [By Dr. Twisse.] London," Printed by I. iST. for Robert Bird, . . 1633. 8"", A— D in eights, D 8 blank. TWYNE. 6ii TYRANNY. TWYNE, THOMAS. A new Coimsell against tlie Pestilence, declaring what kinde of disease it is, of what cause it procedeth, the signes and tokens thereof : With the order of curing the same. Imprinted at London by lohn Charlewood for Andrew Maunsell, in Paules Church yard, at the signe of the Parrot. [1573.] 8°, black letter. A— I in fours. Dedicated by T. T[Avyne] to Sir James Hawes, Lord Mayor. TYBURN. A ballet of Tyborne tydinges of Watt Foole and his felloes, of the lamentable end they made at the galloes. [By W. Elderton.] Licensed to R. Jones, 4 July, 1581. TYE, PETER. The boke of wysedome by Peter Tye. Licensed to John Allde in 1562-3. TYLER, ALEXANDER. Signal Dangers and Deliverances both by Land and Sea. Comprehending a short Account of the Raising of the Siege of Vienna, one of the most Memorable in this last Age. Together with a Descrip- tion of a Violent Tempest on the Forth. In two Poems. Printed in the Year 1684. 8°, 8 leaves. D. Laing, part 4, No. 1213. Memoires of the Life and Actions of the Most Invincible and Triumphant Prince; Ihon the Great, Third of that Name, Pre- sent King of Poland : Containing A Suc- cinct Series of affairs from his Craddle to this present Day. . . . Done in Verse, (out of H. G.'s Historical Account of the said Prince's Life and Actions) . . . Edin- bvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson . . . Anno Dom. 1685. 4^. Title, preceded by a blank, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : (+), 2 leaves: (*), 3 leaves: (||), 3 leaves (1st and 2nd marked alike): B — Z 2 in fours : IT, 4 leaves. Dedicated (in separate epistles) to James II., Lord Strathmore, &c. TYLNEY, EDMUND. ' A briefe and pleasant discourse of duties in Mariage, called the Flower of Friend- ship. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, . . . Aimodomini 1577. Cum priuilegio. 8^, A — E in eights, E 8 blank. TYNDALE, WILLIAM. The Obediece of a Christen man . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletstrete by Wyllyam Coplande. 8°, A— Z 4 in eights. Black letter. [The Obedyence. . Col.] Imprinted at London by Thomas Rainalde and Wyl- lyam Hyll, and are to be solde at the north dore of Paules by Rychard Jugge at the sygne of the Byble. 8*^, black let- ter, A— Z 4 in eights. The only copy I have seen wanted the title. The Obedyence of a Christian man : . . . No place, printer's name, or date, [Init ? W. Hyll, London, circa 1550.] 4°, black letter. A, 4 leaves : B— S in eights, last two leaves blank. The monogram of the printer appears to have been cut out of the block at the hot- torn of the title, perhaps to favour the supposition that the volume was printed abroad. However, the edition printed by Hill of the Parahle has his name at end, and the title within the same border, with the vacant space at bottom. [The Parable of the wicked Mammon.] That fayth the mother of all good workes iustifieth vs / before we ca bringe forth anye good worke : . . . [on A 2 follows :] William Tyndale otherwise called hychins to the reader, [on A 5 verso occurs as a headline:] The parable of the wicked mammon. [The colophon is :] Printed at Malborowe in the londe oflf hesse / by Hans luft the. viii. day of May. Anno M.D.xxviij. 8°, A — I in eights, I 8 blank. Br. Museum. The parable of the Wycked Mammon. Imprynted at Lodon by Jhon daye dwell- yng in Sepulchres Parysshe at the signe of the Resurrectio, a litle aboue Holbourne Coduit. M.d.xlvii. 8^^, black letter, A— I 6 in eights. The parable of the wycked mammon . . . [Col.] Imprynted at London at the svgne of the hill by Wyllyam hill The. xv."' day of September. 4*^, black letter. A — B in fours : C, 8 leaves : D, 8 leaves : E— F, 8 leaves each : G, 8 leaves: H, 4 leaves: I, 8 leaves. The Parable of the Wicked Mammon. [Col.] Imprinted at London in the Vyn- tre vpon the thre krayned warfe by wyl- lyam Coplande. 8*^, black letter. A— I 6 in eights. TYPING, WILLIAM, Esq^iiire. The Preachers Plea : Or, A short Decla- ration touching the sad condition of our Clergy, in relation to the smalnesse of their maintenance, throughout tlie King- dome. London, Printed by W. Wilson, for Christopher Meredith, . . . 1646. 12°, A— B 6 in twelves. TYRANNY. A Display of Tvranny : Or Remarks upon the Illegal and Arbitrary Proceedings in UBALDINL 612 UNDERHILL. the Courts of Westminster, and Guild- Hail, London. From the Year 1678. To the Abdication of the late King James, in the Year 1688. In which time, the Rule was, Quoad Principi placuit, Lex esto. First Part. London, Printed, Anno Ang- lisB Salutis primo, 1689. ... 8°. A— S 2 in eights, and the title: Part II. (dated 1690)— B—C in fours : D— Cc 4 in eights, besides title. With a frontispiece. TJ. UBALDINI, PETRUCCIO, of Florence. Descrittione del Regno di Scotia, et delle Isole sve Adiacenti di Petruccio Vbaldini Cittadin Fiorentiuo . . . Anversa II Di Primo di Gennaio. M.D.LXXXViii. Folio. A, 4 leaves, A blank : B — E in sixes : F, 4 leaves. A Discovrse concernyng the Spanishe fleete inuadinge Englande in the yeare 1588 and ouertlirowne by her Matie^ Nauie vnder the conduction of the Right-hon- orable the Lorde Charles Howarde ^highe Admirall of Englande: written in Italian by Petruccio Vbaldino citizen of Florence, and translated for A. Rytter. vnto the which discourse are annexed certaine tables expressinge the seuerall exploites, and confiictes had with the said fleete. These bookes with the tables belonginge to them are to be solde at the shoppe of A. Rytter beinge a little from Leaden hall next to the signe of the Tower. [Col.] Imprinted at London, by A. Hatfield, and are to be sold at the shop of A. Ritter, . . . 1590. 4°. Engraved title and following leaf with arms and emblems, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves: B — E 2 in fours, besides the Tables, which are of a much larger size than the book. Dedicated by Rytter to Lord Charles Howard. There are two preliminary stanzas by T. H, On the 13th Oct. 1590, was licensed to John "Wolfe, to be printed in all the lan- guages usual in the case of official reports : "The tables and mappea of the Spaniardes pretendid Invasion, by Sea. / together with the discription thereof, by booke and other- wise in all languages," which reads very much like this work. Le Vite Delle Donne Illustri. Del Regno DTnghilterra, & del Regno di Scotia, & di quelle, clie d' altri paesi ne i due detti Regni sono stato maritate. Done si con- tengono tutte le cose degne di memoria da esse, 6 da altri per i rispetti loro state operate, tan to di fuori, quanto di dentro de i due Rcfaii. Scritta in lin-rua Ita- of the Church of Englande, liana da Petruccio Vbaldino Cittadin Fiorentino. Londra Appresso Giouanni Volfio. 1591. 4^, A— Q in fours, and % 3 leaves, with dedication to Q. Elizabeth. Rime di Petrvccio Vbaldino, Cittadin Fiorentino. 1596. [London, John Wolfe ?] 4*^, roman letter, A — E in fours. Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. UDALL, JOHN. The state laide open in a conference betweene Dio- trephes a Byshopp, Tertullus a Papiste, Demetrius an vsui-er, Pandochus an Inne- Keeper, and Paule a preacher of the worde of God. ... No place, &c. 8^, A — I 2 in eights. Lambeth. ULSTER. A Collection of Svch Orders and condi- tions, as are to be observed be the Vnder- takers, Vpon the distribution and Planta- tion of the Eschaeted Lands of Vlster. Edinbvrgh Printed be Thomas Finlason. 1609. Cum Privilegio ... 4°, A— B in fours. Conditions to be Observed by the Brittish Vndertakers of the Escheated Lands in Vlster, Consisting in three principall points. Viz. 1. What the British Vnder- takers shall haue of his Maiesties gift. 2. What the said Vndertakers shall for their parts performe. 3. In what maner the same performance shall be. Imprin- ted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1610. 4°, A— B in fours, A 1 blank. A reprint of the former article. UNDERHILL JOHN. Newes from America ; Or, A New and Experimental! Discoverie of New Eng- land ; Containing, A Trve Account of their War-like jn'oceedings these two yeares last past, with a Figure of the In- dian Fort or Palizado. Also a discovery of those places, that as yet have very few or no Inhabitants which vould yeeld speciall accommodation to such as will UNGRATEFUL. 613 USHER. plant there ... By Captaine lohn Under- hill, a Commander in the "VWirres there. London, Printed by J. D. for Peter Cole, and are to be sold at the signe of the Glove in Corne-hill neere the Eoyall Ex- change. 1638. 4"^, A— F in fours, A 1 blank, besides the folded plate. Grenv. Coll. UNGRATEFUL FAYOUEITE. The Ungrateful Favourite. A Tragedy. Written by a Person of Honour. Ficta, voluptatis causa, sintproxima veris. Horat. de Arte Poet. London : Printed by J. Cottrell, for Samuel Speed, . . . 1664, 4*^. A, 2 leaves : B — N in fours. The scene, Naples. UNION. The Cnion-Proverb : Viz. If Skiddaw has a Cap, Scruffell wots full of that. Setting forth, I. The Necessity of Unit- ing. 11. The good Consequences of Uniting. III. The happy Union of England and Scotland. In Case of a Foreign Invasion . . . London : Printed for George Savrbridge . . . 8*^. A, 4 leaves : a— c in fours : B — Z in eights : A — B 3 in fours. UPTON, NICHOLAS, Canon of Salishirnj and JFells, about 1441, and Others. Nicolai Vptoni De Stvdio Militari, Libri Quatuor. Iohan.de Badio Aureo, Tractatvs de Armis. Henrici Spelmanni Aspilogia. Edvardvs Bisssevs E Codicibus MSS. primus publici juris fecit, Notisque illus- travit. Londini, Typis Eogeri Norton, . . . 1654. Folio." A, 4 leaves : b, 2 leaves : B — D in fours : plates, 4 leaves: E — LI 2 in fours : Tractatus de Armis, A — F in fours, and the title : the Aspilo- gia, A, 3 leaves : B — li in fours, and Kk, 1 leaf, besides the portrait of Spelman. With plates on the letterpress. The Book of St. Albans, by Dame Juliana Bemers, 1486, includes a parai^hrase of the second portion of this work. URANO. A booke called The most famous and de- lightful! History of Vrauo otherwise called the Grene knight and the moste bewtifuU Princes Beroshia Daughter to Lucius Kinge of Brittaine. Licensed to Francis Burton, 12 September, 1605. URINES. Here begynneth the seyng of Urynes of all the coloures that Urynes be of / And the Medycynes annexed to euery Uryne : very necessary for euery man to knowe. [Col.] Here endeth the Boke / of seyiige of Waters. Imprynted by me Robert Wyer / dweUynge at the sygne of saynt John Euangelyst in saynt Martyns par- ysshe. 8*^, black letter, A— H in fours. URQUHART, SIR THOMAS, of Cro- mart]]. The Most Easy and Exact manner of Resolving all sorts of Triangles, whether Plain or Sphericall, . . . By T. U. Student in the Mathematick. London, Printed for William Hope, . . . 1650. 4"^. Title, &c., 3 leaves : A, 4 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B— P 2 in fours. With a full-length por- trait of the Author by Glover. Dedi- cated to the author's mother. Logopandecteision, Or An Introdvction to the Yniversal Langvage. ... By Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie, Knight. Now lately contrived and published both for his own utilitie, and that of all preg- nant and ingenious Spirits. London Printed, and are to be sold by Giles Cal- vert, . . . and Richard Tomlins . . , 1653. 4°, A — H in fours, besides the Errata. Dedicated to Nobody. With a frontispiece by Glover, representing Urquhart on a hill crowned by the Muses. The frontispiece to this work is the print of which so much was said in the BUas Catalogue. It was inserted in Dr. B.'s copy of the Epigrams of Urquhart, 4°, 1646. The portrait of the author, described as attached to the book on Triangles, is also found occasionally with the volume of Poems, 1641 or 1646; it occurs in two states. USHER, JAMES, Archbishop of Armarjh. Vox Hibernia3 Or Rather the voyce of the Lord from Ireland : A Sermon. . . . Wherein the miserable estate of the King- dome of Ireland at this present is laid open, ... By the laborious and reverend Doctor, lames Ysher Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland. . . . Printed at London for lohn Nicolson, . . . 1642. 4*^, 8 leaves. The Reduction of Episcopacie unto the Form of Synodical Government Received in the Antient Church: ... By Ja: Usher, Armachanus London, Printed by T. N. for G. B. and T. C. . . . 1656. 4", 4 leaves. The Prophecy of Bishop Usher. To which is added Two Letters touching the Designs of the Papists against King Charles the First. The second Edition more Corrected. London : Printed in the Year 1688. 4°, 4 leaves. USURY. 614 VALENTINE. USURY. A ballett agaynste vserers. Licensed to Hugh Singleton in 1562-3. A DreadefuU Dreame of vsery. A ballad. Licensed to John Awdeley in 1563-4. The markett or fayre of all vserers. Li- censed to W. Pickering in 1570-1. An example of vsurie. A ballad. Licen- sed to H. Kyrkham, 5 Dec. 1580. A ballad Intituled, Newes from vsurers Hall. Licensed to E. Jones, 20 March, 1580. A warninge to wordlinges Discoueringe the covetousnes of a vsurer and the libe- ralyty of his ape. Licensed to W. Wright, 9 April, 1591. The vserers rewarde. A ballad. Licen- sed to John Danter, 19 June, 1594. V V. G. L. Brittish Lightning Or Suddaine tumults, in England, Scotland and Ireland; to warne the united Provinces to understand the dangers, and the causes thereof: to defend those amongst us, from being par- takers of their plagues. . . Written first in lovve-dutch by G. L. V. and translated for the benefit of Brittaine. Printed [abroad, probably in Holland] in the yeare 1643. 4°, A— I in fours. V. J., Catholic. To Catholiko Stillingfleton. Or, An ac- count given to a Catholick Friend, of Dr. Stillingfleets late book against the Eoman Church. Together with a short Postil upon his Text. In three Letters. By I. V. C. Bruges, Printed by Luke Ker- chove. 1672. 8^, A— F in eights, and the title, or pp. 80 : A 2 (with To Catho- lico) — F 3 in fours : a new paging, (a) — (b) in eights : a new paging, with To Catholico. Fanaticism, A — G 4 in eights. V. J. D. The Translation of a letter written by a Frenche Gentilwoman to another Gentle- woman straunger, her frind, vpon the death of the most excellent and vertuous Ladye, Elenor of Roye, Princes of Conde, contaynyng her last wyll and Testament. Doone by Henry Myddelmore Gentylman at the request of the Ladye Anne Throk- morton. Imprinted at London by John Day, for Humfrye Toye, dwellyng in Paules Churchy arde. Cum priuilegio . . . 1564. 8^ black letter, A— D in eights. The initials /. D. V. occur at the end as those of the writer of the letter. The ori- ginal French appeared the same year. VAGABONDS. A ballett called the Description of vaka- boundes. Licensed to John Sampson (or Awdley) in 1560-1. Arber, i. 157. This appears to be the parent-production which suggested the sub- sequent preparation of the prose tract on the same subject. Whether the present ballad, which is no longer known, was written, as well as printed, by Awdley, I cannot determine. VALDESSO, JOHN. The Hundred and Ten Considerations of Signior lohn Yaldesso : Treating of those things which are most profitable, most necessary, and most perfect in our Chris- tian Profession . . . now translated out of the Italian Copy into English, with notes. . . . Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield . . . Anno Dom. 1638. 4°. ■^— ****, in fours : A— Rr in fours, and a leaf of Ss. VALENTINE AND ORSON. An enterlude of Valentyne and Orsson. Licensed to Ralph Hancock and Thomas Gosson, 23 May, 1595. Valentine and Orson : . . . Printed at London by Robert Ibbitson Anno Doni. MDCXLix. 4°, black letter, A — Gg in fours, first leaf with the frontispiece. Valentine and Orson, . . . London, Printed by J. R. for T. Passenger, . . . MDCLXXXViii. 4*^, black letter, A — Ee in fours. With cuts. Valentine and Orson, . . . Printed by A. M. for E. Tracy, ... 4°, A— Z in fours, including the frontispiece on A 1. With cuts. Valentine and Orson, . . . London, Printed by A. Purslow for T. Passiuger ... 4°, A — Gg in fours. With cuts. The Famous History of Valentine and Orson . . . The Sixteenth Edition. Newly VALERIAN. 615 VAN SHOETTEN. Corrected and Amended ; with New Cuts, lively Expressing the History. London : Printed for James Hodges . . . 1736. 12^, A — P in twelves. White letter. VALERIAN, JOHN. A Treatise Writen by lohan Valerian a greatte clerke of Italic, which is intitled in latin Pro Sacerdotum barbis translated into Englysshe. Londini In Aedibvs Tho. Bertheleti. m.d.xxxiii. Cvm Privilegio. 8°, A — C in eights. In prose. Black letter. Dedicated to the Cardinal Medici. Bodleian. VALERIUS MAXIMUS, QUINTUS. Romse Antiquae Descriptio. A View of the Religion, Laws, Customs, Manners, and Dispositions of the Ancient Romans, And Others : Comprehended in their most Illustrions Acts and Sayings Agreeable , to History. "Written in Latine by that ' famous Historian Quintus Valerius Maxi- mus : And now carefiiUy rendred into English. Together with the Life of the Author. . . . London : Printed by J. C. for Samuel Speed, . . . 1678. 8°. A, 4 leaves, besides title and frontispiece : A — Ff in eights. Dedicated to Heneage Finch, Baron of Daventry, Lord Chan- cellor. VANBRUGH, SIR JOHN. _ The Relapse ; Or, Virtue in Danger : Being the Sequel of the Fool in Fashion, A Comedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By the Author of a late Comedv, call'd, Tlxe Provoh\l Wife. Lon- don, Printed for S, B, and Sold by R. Wellington, . . . 1698. 4°, A— K in fours. VAN DANS, ADOLPH. Eliza. Sive de Laudibus Augustissimae & Serenissimte Principis Elizabethse, . . . Lvgd. Batav. [1619.] 8''. *, 6 leaves : A — E in sixes ; F, 8 leaves : G, 4 leaves. Partly in verse. The latter portion is occupied by a Life of the Queen. The date is in the colophon, VANE, SIR HENRY. The Retired Mans Meditations, Or The Mysterie and Power of Godlines Shining forth in the Living Word, ... In which Old Light is restored, and New Light justified, Being the Witness which is given to this Age, By Henry Vane, Knight. London, Printed by R. W. and are to be sold by T. Brewster . . . 1655. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : To the Reader, from Belleau, 20 April, 1655, signed H. V. 6 leaves : Table, 2 leaves : B— Sss 2 in fours. Ihe Life and Death of Sir Henry Vane, Kt. Or, A short Narrative of the main Passages of his Earthly Pilgrimage : To- gether with a true Account of his purely Christian, Peaceable, Spiritual, Gospel- Pnnciples, Doctrine, Life, and way of Worshipping God, for which he Suffered Contradiction and Reproach from all sorts ot bmners, and at last, a violent Death June 14, Anno, 1662. To which is added' His last Exhortation to his Children the day before his Death. Printed in' the Year, 1662. 4«, A— X 2 in fours. The Substance of what Sir Henry Vane intended to have spoken upon the Scaf- fold on Tower-Hill, at the time of his Execution, being the 14tii of June 1662. Published to prevent false Reports. Lon- don, Printed in the Year, 1662. 4° 6 leaves. ' VAN GALE, CHRISTOPHER BER- NARD. The Life and Actions of the late renowned Prelate & Souldier Christopher Bernard von Gale, Bishop of Munster, ... In which is an account of the most Consider- able Actions of Europe in his time. Lon- don : Printed for Benj. Tooke . . . 1680. 8°. A, 3 leaves : B— M in eights. With a portrait. VAN HERRING. From Aboard the Van-Herring, Being a full Relation of the present State and Sad Condition of that Ship. In a New Letter from Legorn, to a Merchant in London. [Col.] London, Printed Anno Dom. 1681. A folio leaf. Compare p. 346. VANITY. The Jollitie of ladye Vanitie. Licensed to R. Jones. 31 March, 1579. VAN SHOETTEN, CORNELIUS. A new and fui'ther Discovery of the Isle of Pines in a Letter from Cornelius Van Shoetten a Dutch-man (who first dis- covered the Same in the Year, 1667) to a Friend of his in London. With a Rela- tion of his Voyage to the East-Indies. Wherein is declared how he happened to come thither, the Scituation of the Country, the Temperature of the Climate, the manners and conditions of the people that inhabit it ; their Laws, Ordinances, and Ceremonies, their way of marrying, Burying, &c. the Longitude and Latitude of the Island, the pleasantness and felicity thereof, with other matters of concern. Licensed according to Order. London Printed for Allen Bankes and Charles Harper, . . . 1668. 4", A— C in fours. VAN TROMP. 6i6 VAUS. VAN TKOMP, ADMIRAL. A Declaration And full Narrative of the proceedings of Admii-al Vantrump With the Dutch Fleet at Sea ; his entring of Cales Bay : And the manner of the taking of ninety saile of the Hollanders ships by the English : with the proceedings of the French Fleet therupon. Also a Message to the English Consull at the City of Venice, and Vantrunips Letter to the Princes of Italy. Likewise, the Jesuits proceedings of the City of Genoa. . . . London, Printed for I. Clowes Anno Dom. 1651. [Novemb. 24.] 4^, 4 leaves. B.M. A Declaration of the L. Admiral Van- trump, Concerning the King of Scots, and the Parliament of England ; pub- lished by sound of Trumpet throughout his whole Navie. With his Protestation thereupon ; and his Preparations and Re- solution to fight the English Navie . . . Also, The last Engagement of the English and Dutch, . . . London : Printed for Sam: Cotton, 1652 [June 25.] 4^, 4 leaves. B.M. VARAMUNDUS, ERNESTUS, o^ Frus- land. De Fvroribvs Gallicis, horrenda & indigna Amirallij Castillionei, Nobilium atq; illustrium virorum csede, scelerata ac inaudita piorum strage passim edita per complures Galliae ciuitates, sine vllo dis- crimine generis, sexus, setatis & condi- tionis hominum ; Vera & simplex Nar- ratio. Ernesto Varamvndo Frisio Avctore. Vis consili exjjers mole ruit sua. Edim- bvrgi, Anno salutis humanae. 1573. 8^, A — 2 in eights. De Fvroribvs . . . Londini, Ex officina Henrici Bynneman. 1573. 8*^, A — 2 in eights. VASSALL, SAMUEL. To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. The humble Petition of Samuel Vassall Esq; [Sept. 1654.] A sheet. B. M. VAUGHAN, SIR JOHN. The Reports and Arguments of that Learned Judge Sir John Vavghan K* Late Chief Justice of His Majesties Court of Common Pleas. . . . Published by his Son Edward Vavghan Esq; London, Printed by Thomas Roycrofl for Richard Marriott, . . . mdclxxvii. Folio. Title and portrait by White, 2 leaves : A — B 2 in fours : B (repeated), 2 leaves ; C — 3 P in fours. VAUGHAN, LEWIS, ij almanackes and pronostication[s] of w\aghens. Licensed to Thomas Marsh in 1560. VAUGHAN, THOMAS. ' The Man-Mouse Taken in a Trap, and tortur'd to death for gnawing the Margins of Eugenius Philalethes. . . . Printed in London, and Sold at the Castle in Corn- hill. 1650. 8^. Title, 1 leaf : A, 5 leaves, with dedication to Mr. Mathew Harbert : B— I 4 in eights, I 3-4 blank, (ii.) The Second Wash : Or, The Moore Scour'd ; once more. Being A Charitable Cure for , the Distractions of Alazonomastix. By Eugenius Philalethes. Lori]jedem rectus ; derideat, AEthiopem Allies. London, Printed by T. W. and are to be sold at ' the Castle in Cornhill. 1651. 8°, A— N 6 in eights, and the title, besides a leaf with the Errata for this and the former part (the Man-Mouse, &c.) VAUGHAN, SIR WILLIAM. Natvrall and Artificiall Directions for , health, deriued from the best Philoso- ; pliers, as well moderns as auncient. Newly corrected, reuised, and enlarged by the former Authour. The third Edi- tion. At London Printed for Roger lackson, . . . 1608. 8^, A— G in eights. VAUS, JOHN, of Aberdeen, Grammarian. [Rudimenta Puerorum in Artem Gram- \ maticam et] in Primani doctrinalis Alex- | adrini de nominum ac verborum decli- nationibuB atque formationibus partem Ab Jodico Badio Ascensio recognitam Magistri Joannis Vans, natione Scoti et percelebris Abredonensium academiae grammatici : commentarii, ab eodem As- censio itidem recogniti atque impress!. [On the last leaf but one occurs :] Sub prelo Ascensiano Ad Idus Martias mdxxii. , [On the last leaf :] Parrhisiis ex coUegio . bonao curia3. Anno, 1522. 4^, a — m in eights, a 6 — 8 blank. Univ. Lib. Aber- deen. Rudimenta Puerorum in Artem Gram- maticam per Joannem Vans Scotum ex ■ variis collecta : in quibus tres praecipui ' sunt libelli. Primus de Octo partibus ! orationis fere ex Donato. Secundus de j earundem partium interpretatione lingua | vernacula. Tertius, de vulgari Scotis eruditione, . . . [Col. J Htrc Rudimenta Grammatices impressa sunt rursus prelo i Jodoci Badii Ascensii Scoticro linguae im- periti : proinde si quid in ea erratum est, minus est mirandum. Finem autem ac- cepcrunt VIII Calend, Novemb. 1531. I VAUX. 617 VERGIL. 4*^, aa — hh 6 in eights, lih 6 with the colo- phon and device. JJniv. Lib. Aberdeen. This appears to have been intended to form part of the first-quoted publication, though it is not of the same edition. Pro- bably both portions passed the press in 1522 and in 1531. Riidimenta Artis Grammaticae per Jo. Vans Scotum selecta et in duo divisa . . . Parisiis Ex officii a Eoberti Masselii]. 1553. 4*^, aa — ee 4 in eights : A — D in fours, A 4 blank. This and the two preceding works by Vans are bound together at King's College, Aberdeen. I have not met with them else- where, and have been thus led to describe them somewhat at length. There was evi- dently an earlier edition, not only of No. 2, but of No. 1. The words between brackets in the title of the latter are deficient in the Aberdeen copy, and are supplied from a very imperfect one sold among David Laing's books in December 1879, No. 3699. VAUX, JOHN, of St. Helen, Auckland. Vaux. 1625. A Prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God. 1625. Being the first from Leape-yeare. Calculated and especially referred to the latitude and Meridian of the Citie of Durham, . . . With diners prettie notes and pleasant obseruations fit for SchoUers. By lohn Vaux Curate of S. Hellen Awckland. London. Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1625. 8''. Bagford Papers (original title). VAUX, LAURENCE. A Catechisme or Christian Doctrine ne- cessarie for Children and ignorant people, briefly compiled by Laurence Vaux Bacheler of Diuinitie: . . . Cvm Privi- legio. 1583. 8^ Title and Printer to the Reader, 4 leaves : A — M in eights : A Brief Fovrrne of Confession, "with a new title, a — g 4 in eights. [VAUX, THOMAS, Lord Vo.ux of Ear- rov:den.] The Aged lover Renownceth love. A ballad. Licensed to R. Serrle in 1563-4. VEEL, RICHARD, Gentleman. New Court-Songs, And Poems. London, Printed for R. Paske at the Stationers Arms and Ink-Bottle in Lumbard-street, and W. Cademan in the Lower "Walk of the New-Exchange. 1672. 8°, A— Kin eights. Dedicated to his friend Mr. T[homa5] D"[urfey ?] VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. Velleius Paterculus, His Romane His- torie: In two Bookes. Exactly translated out of the Latine Edition supervised by lanus Gruterus. . . . And rendred Eng- lish By S"^ Robert Le Grya Ko*. Lon- don, Printed by M. F. for R. Swaine, in Britaines Burse at the Signe of the Bible. MDCXXXii. 12«, A— T 8 in twelves, A 1 with " The names of the Commenters" and T 8 with the Errata. Dedicated by Le Grys to Si Thomas Jarmyn Knight, Vice-Chamberlain. VENABLES, COLONEL ROBERT. The Experienc'd Angler ; Or, Angling Improv'd. Being A General Discource of Angling . . . The Third Edition much Enlarged. London, Printed for Richard Marriot, . . . 1668. 8'', A— H 4 in eights. H 4 blank. VENICE. A Declaration of the Variance betweene the Pope, and the Segniory of Venice, With the proceedings and present state thereof. Whereunto is annexed a De- fence of the Venetians, written by an Italian doctor of Diuinitie, Against the Censure of Paulus Quintus, . . . Anno Dom. 1606. 4°, A— M 2 in fours. VENNER, TOBIAS, M.D. Via Recta ad Vitam Longam . . . London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Richard Moore, . . . 1628. 4°. A, 4 leaves: a, 2 leaves : B — Ff in fours : The Baths of Bath, A— D 2 in fours. Via Recta ad Vitam Longam . . . much more enlarged than the former Impres- sions . . . London, Printed bv James Flesher, for Henry Hood, . . . 1650. 4", A (2 leaves) — Ddd 2 in fours, and a, 4 leaves. Via Recta ad Vitam Longam . . . The fourth Impression, amplified with many profitable Additions. . . . London, Prin- ted for Abel Roper . . . Anno 1660. 4°, A — Ggg 2 in fours, title on A 2. This edition is dated from Bath, 26 March, 1660[-1,] by the author. VERE, SIR FRANCIS. Extremities Vrging the Lord Generall . . . Printed for Thomas Pauyer. 1602. 4", black letter, A — C in fours, C 4 blank. This is a different titlepage from that noticed in CoU. and j\'ot€S, 1st Ser. p. 437 ; but the tract itself seems the same. There are one or two orthographical variations, as oidd Toune for olde Totcne. VERGIL, POLYDORE, of Urhino. The Works of the Famous Antiquary Polidore Virgil. Compendiou.sly Eng- lish'd by John Langley, late Master of Paul's School, London. Containing the Original of all Arts, ... A Work useful for all Divines, Historians, Lawyers, and all Artificers. London, Printed for Simon VERNON. 6i8 VICARS. Miller, . . . 1663. 8°, B— Y in eights, besides the title and a printed notice be- fore it. Polydore Virgils English History, Edited by Sir Henry Ellis from MSS. in the British Museum. Camden Soc. 1844-6. 4''. 2 vols. Unfortunately, this undertaking was left incomplete. Only vol. 1, embracing the period prior to the Conquest, and vol. 4, that of the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III., were printed. Two intermediate volumes are required te make the publication perfect. An abridgemente of the Notable worke of Polidore Virgile. Conteining the deuisers and fyrste fyneders oute as well of Antyquities, Artes, Ministeries, . . . Compendiouslye gathered and newlye perused by Thomas Langley. [Col.] Im- prynted at London by Jhon Tisdale dwellyng in Knight riders streate, neare to the Queues Wardrop. 8°, black letter, A in eights, and a — x in eights, x 7 with the device and x 8 blank. VERNON, GEORGE. The Life of the Learned and Reverend Dr. Peter Heylin, Chaplain to Charles I. «& Charles II. Monarchs of Great Britain. Written by George Vernon, Rector of Bourton on the Water in Gloucestershire. . . . London : Printed for C. H. and sold by Edward Vize, . . . 1682. 8°. A, 8 leaves: a, 5 leaves: B — V2 in eights. Dedicated to the author's friends, Henry Heylin, of Minster-Lovell, Esq. and Henry Heylin, Gentleman, son of Dr. Heylin. VERNULIUS, JOH., A.M. A Nomenclator of such Tracts and Ser- mons as have beene Printed, or Trans- lated into English upon any place, or Booke of Holy Scripture. Now to be had in the most Famous and Publique Library of S'" Thomas Bodley in Oxford. Editio secunda correctior, & duplo auctior. Ox- ford, Printed by Henry Hall, 1642. 12'\ A — K 6 in twelves. VERSES. A Copy of Verses Delivered to a Minister of the Church of England, -whilst he w^as Olhciating the Divine service of Thanks- giving, Appointed by His Majesty, Sep- tember the 9tJi 1683. London, Printed by J. Redmayne, for William Battersby . . . 1683. A folio leaf. VERSTEGAN, RICHARD. A Restitvtion of Decayed Intelligence : . . . London. Printed by lohn Norton, for loyce Norton, . . . 1634. 4°. *— 3* in fours: A— 2 X in four.-^, last leaf blank. A Restitution of Decayed InteUigenee . . . London, Printed by T. Newcomb for Joshua Kirton. . . . 1655. 8^A— T4in eights. Restitution of Decayed Intelligence . . . London : Printed for Samuel Mearne, John Martyn, and Henry Herringman. 1673. 8*^. *, 4 leaves : A— Cc 4 in eights. With engravings. VESEY, H. The Scope of the Scriptvre. Containing a Briefe Exposition of the Apostles Creed, the tenne Commandements, the Lords Prayer, and the Sacraments, by short Questions and Answers. Wherein the Ignorant are taught the sauing know- ledge of God and of themselues. By H. Vesey, late Minister of Gods Word at M. B. in Essex. . . . London, Printed by I. B. for Samuel Man, . . . 1639. 8°, A— E 4 in eights. VICARS, JOHN. Englands Remembrancer, Or, A thank- full acknowledgment of Parliamentary Mercies to our English-Nation. Wherein is contained a breife enumeration of all, or the most of God's free favours and choise Blessings multiplied on us since this Parliament first began. By lohn Vicars. London, Printed for Thomas Vnderhill, and are to be sold at the Bible in Wood-street, m.dc.xli. 4°, 4 leaves. In verse. With marginal notes through- out. A Looking-Glasse for Malignants : Or, Gods hand against God-haters. Contain- ing A most terrible yet true Relation of the many most fearefull personall exam- ples (in these present times, since the yeere, 1640.) of Gods most evident and immediate wrath against our malevolent Malignants. Together with a Caveat for Cowards and unworthy (either timorous or treacherous) Newters. Collected For Gods honour, and the ungodlies horrour. By John Vicars. . . . London, Printed for John Rothwell . . . 1643. 4*^, A— F in fours, Ai blank. Dedicated to Sir John and Lady AVoUaston. BabylonsBeautie: Or The Romish-Catho- licks Sweet-Heart. Containing a most lively and lovely Description of Romes Cardiuall Vertues and rarest Endow- ments, with her Apostolicall Benedictions of Kings and Kingdomes, under her ty- rannicall Subjection; briefly and bravely depainteil, in their Native-splendour. . . . By John Vicars. . . , London, Printed by G. M. for Ralph Rounthwait. m.dc.xliv. VICTOR. 619 VINCULUM. 4°, A — E iu fours, E 4 blank, and the title. Dedicated to Lady Rebeccali Wol- laston, Lady Mayoress. In prose. Jehovah-Jireh. God in the Movnt. Or, Englands Parliamentarie-Chronicle. Con- taining a most exact Narrative of all the most materiail Proceedings of this re- nowned and unparalel'd Parliament ; the Armies which have been or are in the severall parts of this Land; the manner of the Battails and Seiges of Keinton, Brainford, Stafford, Litchfeild, Cheshire, Lancashire, . . . from the yeare 1642. to this present moneth of October, 1643. Concluding with the late Covenant of Great Britain and Ireland. Collected and published . . . By . . . John Vicars. . . . London, Printed by T. Paine and M. Simmons, for J. Eothwell and T. Ynder- hill. 1644. 4°, A— 3 M in fours, 3 M 4 with some verses. Dedicated separately to the Parliament and the City. VICTOR OF UTICA. The Memorable, and Tragical History, of the Persecvtion in Africke : ^Tider Gen- sericke and Hvnricke, Arrian Kinges of the Vandals. Written in Latin by the blessed Bishop Victor of Vtica, who per- sonallie (as also S. Avgvstine the famous Doctor) endured his part thereof. With a Briefe Accomplishment of the same History, out of best Authors : togither with the life and acts of the holy Bishop Fulgentius, and his conflicts with the same Nation . . . Printed with Licence. 1605. S"", A— in eights. Grvenv. Coll. VIENNA. A True and Exact Relation of the Raising of the Siege of Vienna, And the Victory obtained over the Ottoman Army, the 12tii of September 1683. [Col.] Dublin, Printed by Joseph Ray, at Colledge- Green. 1683. 4^, 4 leaves. VILLAULT, THE SIEUR. A Relation of the Coasts of Africk called Guinee ; . . . Being Collected in a Voyage By the Sieur Villault, Escuyer, Sieur de Bellefond, in the years 1666, and 1667. . . . The Second Edition. London, Prin- ted for John Starkey . . . 1670. Sm. 8°. a, 4 leaves: A — M 8 in twelves. VILLIERS, GEORGE, Second DuJce of Buckingham. The Litany of the D. of B. [London, about 1675.] A folio sheet in verse. The Duke of Buckingham His Grace's Letter to the Unknown Author of a Paper, Entituled, A Short Ansiver . . . London, Printed by F. L. for Luke Mere- dith . . . 1685. Folio, 2 leaves. VINCENT, AUGUSTINE, Rovcjc-Croiz. A Discoverie of Errovrs In the tirst Edi- tion of the Catalogve of Nobility, Pvb- lished by Ralph Brooke, Yorke Herald, 1619. And Printed herewith word for word, according to that Edition. With A Continuance of the Successions, from 1619. vntill this present yeare, 1622. At the end whereof, is annexed a Review of a later Edition, by him stolue into the world. 1621. By Avgvstine Vincent Rouge-croix Pursuiuant of Armes. Pro captu Lectoris, habent sua fata lihelli. Tereut. Maurus. London, Printed by William laggard . . . M.DC.xxii. Folio. Title, 1 leat": dedica- tion to James the First, 1 leaf : dedica- tion to T. Howard, Earl of Arundel, 2 leaves : Aug. Vincent to Ralph Brooke, 3 leaves: T/te Prwi^er, 3 leaves: The Opi- nions & Ofiices, 1 leaf : verses, &c. pp. 10: John Selden's Epistle, 6 leaves: A — 5 X in fours, 5X4 blank. VINCENT, T. Gods Terrible Voice in the City . . . The sixth Edition Corrected ... By T. Vin- cent . . . London, Printed for George Calvert . . . 1668. 8°, A— P 4 in eights. Fire and Brimstone from Heaven, From Earth. In Hell. Or, Three Discourses I. Concerning the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah formerly. II. Concerning the burning of ^tna, or Mount Gibel more lately, III. Concerning the burning of the Wicked Eternally, By Fire and Brim- stone. By Thomas Vincent, sometime Minister of Maudlins Milk-street, London . . . London, Printed for George Calvert, and Samuel Sprint, . . . 1670. 8*", A, 2 leaves : B — K 6 in eights. Words whereby we may be saved. By Thomas Vincent, . . . London, Printed for the use of the Poor, . . . 166S. 8". A, 2 leaves: B— G 2 in eights. VINCENTIO AND MARGARET. A book called Vincentio and Margaret was licensed to Valentine Sims, 26 No- vember, 1605. VINCULUM. Vinculum Societatis, or the Tie of good Company. Being a Choice Collection of the Newest Songs now in Use. With Thorow Bass to each Song for the Harp- sichord, Theorbo, or Bass- Viol. London, Printed by F. Clark, T. Moore, and J. Hep- tinstall, . . . Anno Domini, 1687. Folio. With a dedication signed John Carre, VINTNERS. 620 VIRGILIUS. Book First, A — K, 2 leaves each: Book Second dated 1688, . . . ; Book Third, dated 1691, A— H, 2 leaves each, and (H) 2 leaves. VINTNERS. The Petition of the retailing Vintners of London, and their Propositions and De- maundes contrived and made amongst themselves at their Hall, in Novemb. 1637 Whereby it may appeare who pro- jected the penny a Quart on Wines. [1641 ?] A sheet. The Art and Mystery of Vintners and AVine - Coopers : containing Approved Directions for the Conserving and Curing all manner and sorts of Wines, whether Spanish, Greek, Italian, or French, . . . London : Printed for Will. Whitwood . . . 1682. 12°. A, 4 leaves: B— D in twelves : E, 8 leaves. VIOLET, THOMAS. A True Discoverie to the Commons of England, How they have been Cheated of almost all the Gold and Silver Coin of this Nation, which hath been, and is daily Transported into Forrain Parts. And, How the people of this Nation are, and have been abused by Light and Clipped English Monie. ... By Thomas Violet, a true lover of his Countrie. London, Printed by W. Du-Gard, in the Year 1651. Folio, M — Zz, 2 leaves each, but Ss in duplicate, 4 and 2. This in fact forms part of the Ansioer of the Corporation. Narrative of Som Remarkable Proceed- ings Concerning the Ships Samson, Sal- vador, and George, and several other Prize-ships depending in the High Court of Admiraltie : most humbly presented to tlie Parliament ... By Tho. Violet of London, Goldsmith . . . London, Printed by William Du-Gard, An. Dom. 1653. Folio. A — Cc, 2 leaves each: Dd, 1 leaf: (ee) — (ff), 2 leaves each : Ee, 2 leaves : (aa) — (bb), 2 leaves each. Sign. A has 3 leaves, there being two titlepages. Mysteries and Secrets of Trade and Mint- affairs : With several Reasons against transporting Treasure ; and w\aies set down for preventing the same : formerly presented to the Right Honorable the Lord Bradshaw (at whose desire I undertook this pains) . . . and now enlarged . . . Aug. 1653. By Tho. Violet of London, Goldsmith. London, Printed by AVilliam Du-Gard, Anno Dom. 1653. Folio. A, 2 leaves : (a)— (d), 2 leaves each : B— L, 2 leaves each. A True Narrative of the Proceedings in the Court of Admiraltie, Against the Ships Sampson Salvador, and George, their Silver and Lading. And An Ac- compt presented of what Silver M-as taken out of the said Ships, and coined in the Tower, (being above two hundred seventy- eight thousand pounds,) all which Silver the Commonwealth got by the chargeable Prosecution and Discovery of Tho. Violet, ... By Tho. Violet of London, Gold- smith. . . . London, Printed Anno Dom. 1659. 4°, A— V 2 in fours, and a, 4 leaves. With a frontispiece representing the three ships. VIQUES, CAPTAIN. Les Rodomontades Du Capitaine Viqves, and a letter of a Frenche gent to my lady Jaquet Clement. Licensed to John AVolf, to be printed in French and Eng- lish, 4 Nov. 1590. See my note in the Huth Catalogue, p. 1260-1. VIRGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. The Works of Pubiius Virgilius Maro. Translated by John Ogilby . . . London, Printed by T. R. and E. M. for John Crook. 1649. 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B— LI 4 in eights ; besides a portrait of Ogilby by W. Marshall and an engraved title by the same artist, containing a bust of Virgil. Dedicated to William Marquis of Hertford. The Works of Pubiius Virgilius Maro. Translated, adorned with Sculpture, and illustrated with Annotations. By John Ogilby . . . London, Printed by Thomas Warren for the Author, and are to be had at his House in Kings-head Court in Shoe- lane. 1654. Folio. Title and portrait of Ogilby by W. Faithorne, 2 leaves : dedication to the Marquis of Hertford, 3 leaves : B— 4 D in fours. With 111 page engravings by Hollar and Lombart, chiefly on the text. The Works of Pubiius Virgilius Maro. Translated by John Ogilby. . . . London, Printed for Andrew Crooke. . . . 1665. 8°, A — P in twelves, and R, 8 leaves, no Sign. Q, besides a portrait and engraved title. The AVorks of Pubiius Virgilius Maro Translated by John Ogilby."& Adorn'd w"i Sculpture. Sold by Tho: Guy at ye Oxford Arms on y® West side of the Roy all Exchange 1684. 8^ A— Cc 2 in eights. With the engravings sepa- rate. The Works of Virgil : Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and ^neis. Trans- VIRGINIA. 621 FIVES. lated into English Verse, by Mr. Diyden. Adorn'd with a Hundred Sculptures. Sequiturque Patrem non passihus jEquis. Virg. iEa. 2. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . MDCXCVir. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: A, 2 leaves : * and **, 4 leaves each : t, 2 leaves : tt, 3 leaves : f ft— ****** 2 leaves each : B— GGGG 2 in fours : Hhhh— Kkkk 2 in fours. The Thirteene Bookes of Aeneidos London Printed by Tho. Creede, dwelling in the Old Chaunge, at the Signe of the Eagle and Childe, neare Old Fish-streete. 1600. 4°, black letter, a, 4 leaves : A — X 3 in eights. The Thirteene Bookes of AEneidos. . . . London, Printed by Bernard Alsop, by the Assignement of Clement Knight. 1620. 4^, black letter. % 4 leaves, and A — X 3 in eights. Virgil's AEneis, Translated into Scottish Verse, By the Famous Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkeld. A new Edition. "Wherein the many Errors of the Former are corrected, and the Defects supply 'd, from an excellent Manuscript. To which is added A Large Glossary, . . . And to the whole is prefix'd An Exact Account of tlie Author's Life and Writings. . . . Edinburgh, . . . mdccx. Folio. Edited by the Eev. Jolin Sage. The Destruction of Troy, An Essay upon the Second Book of Virgils ^neis. Writ- ten in the year, 1636. [By Sir John Denham.] London : Printed for Hum- phrey Moseley ... 1656. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. Virgils AEneis : The . Third, Foiu^th, Fifth and Sixth Books. Translated by James Harrington. London : Printed by J. Cottrel, for Henry Fletcher, . . . 1659. 8°, A — F 4 in eights, title on A 2, and A 4-5 wrongly marked. The fourth booke of Virgills ^neids Englished by Robert Stapleton Esquire. Licensed to William Cooke, 11 Nov. 1634. -^naeas his Descent into Hell . . . 1661. a, 4 leaves : A — Gg in fours, Gg 4 blank. Dedicated to Sir Edward Hyde, Lord Chancellor. A booke called Deus nobis hcec otia fecit, or Dedo's death, Translated out of the best of Latine poets in English. To be printed in Latine and English togetlier. Licensed to W^alter Burre, 11 Dec. 1621. VIRGINIA. The Lottery for Virginea opened the xxixtii of June 1612 declaringe the names of suclie as haue prices or rewards. Li- censed to William Welby, 2 July, 1612. The Articles sett downe fur the second Lotter}^ Licensed to William Welby, 17 July, 1612. Apoeme on the late massacre in Virginia. Licensed to Robert Mylbourne, 11 Sept 1622. ^ ■ The Inconveniencies that have happened to some Persons which have transported themselves from England to Virginia, without prouisions to sustaine themselues, hath greatly hindred tlie Progresse of that noble Plantation : For preuention of the like disorders heereafter, that no man suffer, either through ignorance or mis- information, it is thought requisite to publish this short declaration. . . . [Here follows a list of necessaries for emigrants.] Imprinted at London by Felix Kyngston. 1622. A broadside. Grenv. Coll. Query, by Edward Waterhouse. A Perfect Description of Virginia : Being, A full and true ReLition of the present State of the Plantation, their Health, Peace, and Plenty : the number of people, with their abundance of Cattel, . . . Being sent from Virginia, at the request of a Gentleman of worthy note, who desired to know the true State of Virginia as it now stands. Also, A Narration of the Countrey, within a few dayes journey of Virginia, W^est and by South, . . . With the manner how the Emperor Nicho- rawance came to Sir W'illiam Berckley, attended with five petty Kings, . . . Lon- don, Prin[te]d for Richard Wodenoth . . . 1649. 4^ Title and leaf of royal arms, 2 leaves : B — D 2 in fours. The Lawes of Virginia Now in Force. Collected out of the Assembly Records, and Digested into one Volume. Revised and Confirmed by the Grand Assembly held at James-City, by Prorogation, the 23-^ of March 1661 London : Pritited by E. Cotes, for A. Seile . . . m.dc.lxii. Folio, A — X, 2 leaves each. Dedicated by Francis Moryson (one of the two Editors) to Sir William Berkeley. VIRTUE, HENRY. A Booke called A Plea for Peace. Li- censed to John Clarke, 11 October, 1637. VIVES, LUDOVICUS. An Introdvction to wysedome, made by Ludouicus Vines, and translated into Englyshe by Rycharde Morysine. [Col.] Londini in sedibus Thome Bertheleti typis impress. . . . Anno. M.D.XL. 8°, VOCABULARY. 622 VOX. — K in eights, and L, 10 leaves. The last leaf of A is blank. Dedicated to Master Gregory Cromwell. A Very Frvtefvl and Pleasant Booke Called the Instruction of a christen woman, made firste in latyne, by the right famous clerke mayster Lewes Vines, and tourned out of latyne into Englishe by Eycharde Hyrde. Londini. Anno M.D.LVii. [CoL] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete, by Henry Wykes. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 4°, black letter. A, 2 leaves : B— Nn in fours. The translator does not prefix any notice of his own. A very FruitfuU and pleasant booke, called the Instruction of a Christian Woman. ... At London, Printed by John Danter, . . . 1592. 8", black letter, A — Dd in eights, A blank. The office and duetie of an husband, made by the excellet Philosopher Lodouicus Vines, and translated into Englyshe by Thomas Paynell. Imprinted at London in Pouls Churcheyarde, by John Cawood, prynter vnto the Queues hyghnes ... 8^, black letter, A— Dd 4 in eights. Dedi- cated by the translator to Sir Anthony Browne Knight. VOCABULARY. Sex Lingvarvm, Latinse, Gallicae, His- panic£e, Italicae, Anglicse, & Teutonice ... A Vocabulary in six languages ._ . . M.D.XLviij [Col.] Gedruckt in Nurn- berg . . . 8^^, A— N 4 in eights, N 4 blank. Italion frynsshe englesshe and laten. Li- censed to Edward Sutton in 1567. Erynshe, englesshe and Duche. A book so called. Licensed to John Allde in 1568-9. VOILLERET, FRANCOIS, Le Preau des fleurs meslees, Contenant plusieurs et differeuds discourse, ensemble maintes sentences ditz notables des An- cients, et autres curieuses reserches. Li- censed, to be printed in English and French, on the English translation being approved, to George Fairbeard, 3 Feb. 1620-1. VORAGINE, JACOBUS DE. Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea That is to saye in Englysse the golden legende : For lyke aspasseth golde valewe all other metallys. So thys legende excelleth all other bookes. [A large woodcut occujues the remainder of this page. The coloplion is :] Thus endeth the legende . . . Wliyche Werke I dyde accomplysshe and fynysshe att Tempell baar the .xvi. daye of Feuerer. The yere of oure lorde a. Thousands, ccccc. iii. And in the .xix. yere of the reynge of kynge Henry the .vii. By me Julyan Notary. Folio. Printed in two columns, black letter. Title, prologue, and Table, 2 leaves : A— X in eights : A (repeated in a Gothic character)— K in eights, E repeated and no F, and L, 10 leaves, with the printer's mark occupying the whole of the last page in an enclosure of pieces. With woodcuts. Immedi?itely above the device occurs : Thys Emprynted at temple barre be me : Julyan Notary Dwellynge in saynt clemetys parysshe. [The Golden Legend. The colophon :] Thus endeth the legende named in latyn legende aurea that is to saye in englysshe the golden legende, . . . Wherin ben conteyned all the hygh and grete feestes of our lorde. The feestes of our blessyd lady. . . . Whiche Werke was fynysshed the fourth daye of Septembre. The yere of our lorde M. ccccc. & vii. Enprynted at Londo in Fletestrete in the sygne of the George. By RychardePynson. Folio, printed in two columns. A — G in eights, A 1 with a large page-cut only : Le- genda. sctor (a headline in white letters on a black ground) — the Table, 2 leaves : a second table, 2 leaves : a — z in eights : A — Z in eights : A — D in eights : E, 6 leaves. With cuts. Lambeth. Compare my edition of "Warton, 1871, i. 249. VORTIGERN. The lewde life of Vortiger kinge of Bryttaine and of the firste commynge of Hingeste and the Saxons into this Lande. Licensed to Stephen Peele, 10 May 1589. VOX. Vox Piscis : Or, The Book-Fish Contayn- ing Three Treatises which were found in the belly of a Cod-fish in Cambridge Market, on Midsummer eue last. Anno Domini 1626. London, Printed for lames Bolerand Robert Milbovrne. m.dc.xxvii. 12*^. A — B in twelves, A occupied by a woodcut of the fish : A (repeated) — L 6 in twelves, L 6 blank : a third tille. A— I 6 in twelves, I 6 blank : a fourth title, A — H 10 in twelves, the last three pages blank. The three tracts here reprinted are, 1. Tracy's Preparation to the Crosse ; 2. Frith's Book made, while he was in the Tower ; 3, The Treasure of Knowledge. Vox Plebis, Or, The Peoples Out-cry against Oppression, Injustice, and Ty- J WAGES. ir. G. ranny. "Wherein the Liberty of the Sub- ject is asserted, Magna Charta briefly but pithily expounded. Lieutenant Colonell Lilburnes Sentence published and re- futed. Committees arraigned, Goalers condemned, and remedies provided. London printed 1646. in the sitting of Parliament ... 4", A — I in fours. A new and true Eccho from old and bold Avthovrs Resonating regall-legall satis- factorily reflexing on the great contro- versies of the Times, and presented to every just Patriot ; bv Vox veridica preterea nihil. [July 14, 1648.] 4^, 4 leaves. B.M. Vox Veritatis. Anno m.dc.l. No place or printer, 4P, A — D in fours, and a leaf ofE. A tract evidently printed abroad, and full of curious allusions to persons and localities, including Cromwell and New- England. Vox Populi A'ox Dei Or, England's Gen- erall Lamentation for the Dissolution of the Parliament [Col] Printed for T. B. in the Year, 1681. A folio leaf. Vox Regni : Or, The Voice of the King- dom. Being a Dialogue between the City and Countrey. [1681.] Folio, 2 leaves. VOYAGES. " The Voyages and Travells of the Ambas- sadors sent by Frederick Duke of Hol- stein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy, and the King of Persia. Begun in the year M.DC.xxxiii. and finished in m.dc.xxxix. Containing a Compleat History of Mus- covy, Tartary, Persia, and other adiacent Countries. With several Publick Trans- actions reaching near the Present Times ; In VII. Books. Whereto are added The Travels of John Albert de Mandeslo . . . The Second Edition Corrected. London, Printed for John Starkey and Thomas Basset, . . . 1669. Folio. Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : A— B in twos : Table, 6 leaves : B— 3 I 2 in fours. Compare p. 4^. Relations Historiques et Curieuses de Voyages, en Allemagne, Angleterre, Hcl- lande, Suisse, &c. Par C. P. D. M. de la Faculte de Piiris. A Rouen, Chez Jacques Lucas, . . . M.DC.Lxxvi. 8''. Title, &c., 3 leaves : A — Aa 2 in eights. Voyages and Discoveries in South America. The First up the River of Amazon to Quito in Peru, ... By Christopher D'Acugna. The Second up the River of Plata, ... by Monsieur Acarete. The Third from Cayenne into Guiana, in search of the Lake of Parima, . . . by M. Grillet and Bechamel. Done into Eng- lish. . . . The whole illustrated witli Xotes and Maps. London, Printed for S. Buckley, . . . 1698. 8^ A, 4 leaves : B— Y 4 in eights, but Y 1-4 repeated. TVith two maps. Greav. Coll. A Collection of Original Voyages : Con- taining I. Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the Globe. II. Captain Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, . . . III. Capt. "Wood's Voyage thro' the Streights of Magellan. IV. Mr. Roberts's Adven- tures among the Corsairs of the Levant . . . Illustrated with several Maps and Draughts. Published by Capt William Hacke. London, Printed for James Knapton, . . . 1699. 8°. A— D 7 in eights : Aa— Ff 2 in eights : Aaa— Ddd 4 in eights. With a few cuts on the text and six maps and other engravings. VULCAN AND VENUS. A ballett intituled Volcan and Venus. Licensed to J. Awdelay in 1562-3. W W. F. Warm Beere, Or A Treatise wherein is declared by many reasons that Beere so qualified is farre more wholesome then that which is drunke cold. With a con- futation of such objections that are made against it, published for the preservation of health. Cambridge, Printed by R. D. for Henry Overton, And are to be sold at his shop entring into Popes-head Alley out of Lombard-street in London. 1641. 12°. ir, 12 leaves, the first blank : A— F in twelves. With a copy of verses "in commendation of warm beer" by W. B. W. G. Melius Inquirendum. Or A Sober In- quirie. Into the Reasonings of the Serious Inquirie : Wherein The Inquirers Cavils against the Principles, his Calumnie against the Preachings and practises of W. H. 624 w. w. the Nonconformists are Examined and repelled. . . . Printed, 1678. 12°, A— O 10 in twelves. W. H. Clasmata. [1636.] 4°, 21 leaves printed on one side only. Without signatures and catchwords. In verse. Britwell. On the 19th page, at the end of a poem on Lent, occurs:— "H. W. Etatis suae 76, 1636." W. J. Certaine Reasons why the Booke of Com- mon-Prayer being corrected shovld Con- tinue. By I. W. London, Printed by A. N. for Richard Lownds, . . . 1641. 4°, A— C 2 in fours, C 2 blank. W.J. The Taking of Winchester by the Parlia- ments Forces. As also the surrendring up of the Castle. Wherein they tooke two Regiments of the Cavalleres that were under the command of the Lord Grandison. By I. W. an eye witnesse. . . . London, Printed for the Authour. 1642. 4°, A — B 2 in fours. In verse. B,M. W. J., Gentleman. A strange speedy posting post with a packet of letters and their severall An- sweres. Licensed to William Sheares, 15 Jan. 1624-5. A speedie post with certaine new letters or The first fruites of New Conceits by J. W. Gent. Licensed to Francis Coules, 21 May, 1629. W. J. The Academy of True Wisdom : Or, The School of Vertue. Wherein, One is your Master even Christ. . . . Rotterdam, Printed for the Author, 1694. 8°. A, 8 leaves, title on A 2 : a, 8 leaves : B— Dd 6 in eights. Dedicated to Lord Car- ington. W. J., M.D. An Answer to the Late King James's Declaration to all His Pretended Subjects in tlie Kingdom of England, Dated at Dublin-Castle, May 8. 1689. Ordered by a Vote of the Right Honourable the House of Commons, to be burnt by the Common - Hangman. By J. W. M. D. Published according to Order. London, Printed for Dornian Newman, . . . MDCLXxxix. 4". Title and half-title, 2 leaves : B— E in fours. W. K. Confvsed Characters of Conceited Cox- combs, Or, A Dish of Trayterous Tyrants, dressed with verjuice and pickeled too Posterity. Together with their Camp- retinus and Fems Covert. By Verax Philobasileus. . . . London, Printed by T. M. for Typographus at the Signe of the World, 1661. 8°, A— K 6 in eights, and II, 2 leaves. In prose and verse. With verse to the author by L. G. [of] A. C. C. w. :m. Animadversions upon Generall ^lonck's Letter to the Gentry of Devon : Wherein his Arguments for Anarchy are con- sidered, and the weaknesse of his Har- ringtonian Principle is detected. By M. W. . . . Printed in the year 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. W. R. Technipolimogamia : Or, The Marriage of Armes and Arts, July 12. 1651. Being an Accompt of the Act at Oxon. to a Friend. By R. W. London, Printed by J. G. for R. Royston, . . . 1651. 4°, 4 leaves. In verse. B. M. W. T. r, of the Middle Temjjle. An Exact Character Or, Narrative of the late right Noble, and magnificent Lord, Oliver Cromwell, The Lord Protector of England, . . . Together with a brief Re- capitulation (or Declaration) of His many Miraculous Victories, Vertues, and Atchievements, throughout the three Nations. With His Decease on Friday, the 3d of Septemb. 1658. being above 60 years of Age ; And the Election of His eldest Son the Lord Richard, to be Lord Protector. . . . With the Proclaiming of His Highness on Saturday, (the 4*^ in- stant). . . . Written by t. 1' W. of the Middle Temple. . . . London, Printed for J. Jones, 1658. 4^, 4 leaves. W. T. The Optick Glasse of Ilvmors. . . . Ox- ford Printed by W. T. and are to be sold by M. S. at the Blue Bible in grcene arbor. 8^. Title and plate with view of Oxford and Cambridge, 2 leaves : % 8 leaves : A — L in eights, L 8 blank. In one copy examined was an extra leaf of dedication "To my worshippefull, good friend M. Carye." W. W. Physick for Families : Or, The new. Safe and powerful 1 way of Physick, upon con- stant proof Established. ... By W. W. Healths Student, At the Star in the Pos- tern by little Morefields. . . . London, Printed, by J. R. and are to be sold by Robert Horn . . . 1674. 8^, A— G in eights. IV. w. 625 WAGENAR. tV. "W., Gentleman. The N'ew Help to Discourse : ... By TV. W. Gent. The Second Edition. London, Printed by T. J. and sold by the Book- sellers of London and Westminster. 1672. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B— in twelves. WADSWORTH, JAMES. The English Spanish Pilgrime. Or, A New Discouerie of Spanish Popery, and lesviticall Stratagems. "With the estate of the English Pensioners and Fugitiues vnder the King of Spaines Dominions, and else where at this present. Also laying open the new Order of the lesnitrices and preaching Xunnes. Composed by James Wads worth Gentleman, newly connerted into his true mothers bosome, the Church of England, with the motiues why he left the Sea of Rome ; a late Pensioner to his Maiesty of Spaine, and nominated his Captaine in Flanders ; Sonne to Mr. lames Wadsworth, Bachelor of Diuinity, sometime of Emanuell Colledge in the Yniuersity of Cambridge, who was per- uerted in the yeere 1604, and late Tutor to Donia Maria Infanta of Spaine. Pub- lished by speciall License. Printed at London bv T. C. for Michael Sparke . . . 1629. 4°, A— N in fours, first leaf blank. The English Spanish Pilgrime. . . . Printed at London by T. C. for Michael Sparke . . . 1630. 4°, A— N in fours, A blank. Fvrther Observations of the English Spanish Pilgrime, Concerning Spaine. Being a second part of his former Booke, and containing these particulars : The description of a famous Monastery, or House of the King of Spaines, called the Escuriall, ... A briefe relation of cer- taine Daemoniacall stratagems of the Spanish Inquisition. . . . London Im- printed by Felix Kvngston for Robert Allot, . . . 1630. 4^ A— G 2 in fours, and the title. Dedicated to Henry, Earl of Holland. With several copies of intro- ductory verses. The Present Estate of Spayne, . . . Com- posed by lames Wadsworth, Gent. . . . Imprinted at London by A. M. for Richard Thrale and Ambrose Ritherden, . . . 1630. 4*^, A— M 2 in fours. WAFER, LIONEL. A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, Giving an Account of the Aiithor's Abode there, The Form and Make of the Countrv, the Coasts, Hills, Rivers, &c. Woods, Soil, Weather, &c ^Trees, Fruit, Beasts, Birds, Fish, &c. The Indian Inhabitants, their Features . . . With remarkable Occurrences in the South- Sea, and elsewhere. . . . Illustrated with several Copper -Plates. London: Printed for James Knapton, . . . 1G99. 8*^. A, 4 leaves : B-Q in eights, Q 8 with advertisements. With a map and plates at pp. 28, 122, 140. Dedicated to Henry Earl of Romney. WAGER, LEWIS. A new Enterlude, neuer before this tvme imprinted, entreating of the Life and''Re- peiitaunce of Marie Magdalene : not only godly, learned and fruitefull, but also well furnished with pleasaunt myrth and pastime, very delectable for those which shall heare or reade the same. Made by the learned clarke Lewis Wager. The names of the Players. . . . Imprinted at London, by lohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican, at the signe of the halfe Eagle and the Key. Anno. 1566. 4°, A — I in fours, I 4 "^blank. Black letter. Without prefixes. This la dated a year earlier than the Museum copy ; but it is probably the same impression. WAGENAR, LUKE, of Enchusen. The Mariners Mirrovr Wherin may playnly be seen the courses, heights, dis- tances, depths, soundings, flouds and ebs, risings of lands, rocks, sands and shoalds, with the marks for th'entrings of the Harboroughs, Havens, and Ports of the greatest part of Europe : their seueral traficks and commodities : Together w*^ the Rules and instrumets of Na-^^gation First made & set fourth in diners exact Sea Charts, by that famous Nauigator Lvke Wagenar of Enchusen. And now fitted with necessarie additions for the use of Englishmen by Anthony Ashley. Herein also may be understood the ex- ploits lately atchieved by the right Hon- orable the L. Admiral of Englad with her Mamies Nauie and some former seruices don by that worthy Knight S'^ Fra: Drake. No place, &c. [Printed in Hol- land. 1588.] Folio. CoUation : Title engraved by Theodore De Bry, 1 leaf : Arms of Sir C. Hat ton, with six Latin lines beneath them, 1 leaf : Dedication to Hatton, 1 leaf: the Author's Admonition to the Reader, and verses by Janus Dousa, &:c., 4 leaves on ■" : A, 6 leaves : B, 8 leaves : C, G leaves : A Descrip- tion and Fovrtmict, dr., 22 maps with letterpress, Numbers 1-22 : i)«nv> written by < John Webster. The third ) ( Tho. Heywood. London. Printed for William AVelbie. 1613. 4°. General title in white letters on black ground, 1 leaf: title to Tour- neur's Elegy and dedication to Mr. George Carie, 2 leaves: B — C in fours, C 4 blank: "Webster's Elegy, A — C 2 in fours : Hey- wood's Elegy, A — C in fours. B. M., &c. HERBAL. Here begynnyth a newe mater / the whiche sheweth and treateth of y vertues & proprytes of herbes ; the whiche is called an Herball. [Col.] Imprynted by me Rycharde Banckes / dwellynge in Lodo / a lytel fro y Stockes in y Pultry / y .xxv. day of Marche. The yere of our lorde. M.ccccc.&.xxv. 4°, A — I in fours. B. M. Apparently a translation from the Latin tract De Virtutibus Herbarum. The grete herball whiche geueth parfyt knowlege and vnderstandyng of all maner of herbes & there gracyous vertues Whiche god hath ordeyned for our prosperous Welfare and helth / for they hele & cure all maner of dyseases and sekenesses that fall or mysfortune to all maner of crea- toures of god created / practysed by many expert and wyse maysters as Auicenna & other. &c. Also it geueth full parfyte vnderstandynge of the booke lately pryntyd by me (Peter treueris) named the noble experiens of the vertuous hand Warke of surgery. [Col.] Imprentyd at London in Southwarke by me Peter Treueris ; dwellynge in the sygne of the Wodows. In the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxvi. the xxvii. day of July. Folio, black letter, printed in two columns. With cuts. H-i, 6 leaves, the sixth with a page-cut : A — Ee in sixes, Ee 6 with the large device and colophon enclosed in a border of pieces. B. M. A translation from the French. The grete herball . . . [Col.] Impryntyd at London in Southwarke by me Peter Treueris. In the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxix. the xvii. day of Marce. Folio, black letter, printed in two columns. With woodcuts, ►fi, 6 leaves (the 6th ap- parently deficient in B. M. copy) : A — Ee in sixes as in the edition of 1526, Ee 6 with the colophon, &c., in a border of diffe- rent pieces. B. M. This is a distinct impression, yet collates with that of 1526, and follows it with tolerable closeness. The greate Herball, which geueth parfyte knowledge & understandinge of al Maner of Herbes, and theyr gracious vertues, whiche God hath ordeyned for our pros- perous welfare and health, for they heale and cure all maner of diseases and seke- nesses, that fall or misfortune too all maner of creatures of God created, prac- tysed by many experte and wyse mays- ters, as Auicenna, Pandecta, and more other, &c. Newly corrected and dili- gently ouersene. In the yeare of our Lord God. m.ccccc.lxi. Folio. The collation, &c., in Collections aiul Notes, 1876, p. 209, is correct; but the particulars given above were there taken from a friend's copy with a MS. title. HERBERT, EDWARD, Lord Herbert of Cherhury. Expeditio in Ream Insulam, Authore Edovardo Domino Herbert, . . . Anno. MDcxxx. Quam publici Juris fecit Timo- theus Balduinus, L.L. Doctor e Coll. Oxon. Anim. apud Oxonienses, Socius. Londini, . . . 1656. 8°. a 7 leaves: b, 8 leaves: B— N 4 in eights, N 4 with the Errata. Eeprinted for the Philobiblon Society. HERMANNIDAS, RUTGERUS. Britannia Magna Sive Angliae, Scotiae, Hibernice & adjacentium Insularum Geo- graphico-Historica Descriptio. Amstelo- dami, . . . Anno m D c LXi. 12^. *, 12 leaves, reckoning an engraved title : **, 4 leaves : A — Ee in twelves : Ff, 8. With 32 maps. HERODIAN. The History of Herodian, a Greeke Authour, treating of the Romayne Em- jierors, after Marcus, translated" oute of Greeke into Latin, by Angelus Politianus, and out of Latin into Englyshe, by Ky- cholas Smyth. Whereunto are annexed, the Argumentes of euery Booke, . . . Cum gratia . . . William Coplande. [Col.] Imprynted at London, in Flete strete, by Wyllyam Coplande, at the Sygne of the Rose Garlande. Cum gratia. ... 4^, black letter. A, 2 leaves : B— Hh 2 in fours. Dedicated to William Earl of Pembroke. HERODOTUS OF HALICARNASSUS. The Famous Hystory of Herodotvs. Con- teyning the Discourse of dyuers Coun- treys, the succession of theyr Kings : the actes and exploytcs atchieued by them : the Lawes and customes of euery HERRING. 'JOT. HUBERINE. Nation : With the true description and Antiquitie of the same. Deuided into nine Bookes entituled with the names of the nine Muses. At London Printed by Thomas Marshe. 1584. 4°, black letter. A, 4 leaves : B— Q in eights, Q 8 blank. Dedicated by B. R. to Master Robert Dormer, son and heir of Sir William Dormer. Although the nine books are named in the title, the volume contains Clio and Euterpe only. HERRING, FRANCIS, M.D. Oertaine Rvles, Directions, Or Adver- tisements for this Time of Pestilentiall , Contagion. With A caueat to those that weare about their neckes impoisoned Amulets as a Preseruatiue from the Plague : . . . London Printed by Wil- liam lones. 1603. 4\ A— B in fours. Dedicated from the Author's house in Wood Street, London, 19 July, 1603, to the Sheriffs at London. HEYDON, SIR CHRISTOPHER. A Defence of Ivdiciall Astrologie, In Answer to a Treatise lately published by M. lohn Chamber. ... By Sir Chris- topher Heydon Knight. Scene and allowed. Printed by lohn Legat, Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1603. , , , 4\ IF— irnr, 4 leaves each, HIT 4 blank : A — 4 E in fours. HEYLIN, PETER. The History of . . . St. George of Cappa- docia. . . . London Printed for Henry Seyle . . . 1633. 4°. A, 4 leaves, in- cluding the frontispiece : B— Ff 5 in eights. The second edition, corrected and en- larged by the Author. At the end, before the Errata, Heylin gives an extract from an old English history of St. George, in the library of the Bishop of London. A Help to English History, Containing A succession of all the Kings of England, ... By P. Heylin, D.D. And since his Death continued to this present Year. 1669. London, Printed for T. Basset, . . . and Chr. Wilkinson, . . . 1670. 12«, B— Y 9 in twelves, besides 2 leaves with title and Advertisement as to authorship. There are later editions. HEYWOOD, THOMAS. An Apology for Actors. Containing three briete Treatises. 1. Their Antiquity. 2. Their ancient Dignity. 3. The true vse of their quality. Written by Thomas Heywood. Et irro- desse solent endant, ... In An- swer to a Deceitful Pamphlet, intituled, The Eminent Hand of God. . . . ByT. R. Printed in the Year, 1672. 4°, A— B in fours. RANDOLPH, BEENAPD. The Present State of tlie Islands in tlic Archipelago, (Or Arclies) Sea of Constan- tinople, and Gulph of Smyrna ; with the Islands of Candia, and Rhodes. Faith- fully Describ'd by Ber. Randolph . . . RA VENHILL. 7H SAVAGE. Printed at the Theater in Oxford, 1687. 4*^, A — P in fours. "With a map and plates. KAVENHILL, WILLIAM, Glerh of the Grocers^ Comijany. A Short Account of the Company of Grocers, From their Original. Together with their Case and Condition ... As also how their Revenue is settled, . . . London, Printed by Eliz. Holt, for the Company of Grocers, mdclxxxix. 4°, A — G in fours. EEFOEMATION. A true and perfect Picture of our present Reformation : Or, The Christians Pro- spective, to take a short view of the New Lights that have brake forth since Bishops went downe. Magna est Veritas . . . Printed in the first year of King Charles His Imprisonment. 1648. 4^, A— C 2 in fours. On the back of the title is a Catalogue of the New Lights. RELATION. A True and Perfect Relation of the Tak- ing of a Great Ship at Yarmouth, October 4. Sent from the Queen out of Holland . . . Also Her Majesties Letters to the King, . . . Likewise the manner of Master Hothams taking of Key wood Castle in , Yorkshire, . . . October 7. Printed for H. Blake, 1642. 4^, 4 leaves. RICH, ROBERT, Earl of Warwick. The Earle of Warwicks Svmmons to the Kings Fleet at Gowry, and Prince Charles his Answer. With His Lordships Reply. . . . Also the taking of the Lord Jermin his Ship, and another ship of the Irish Rebels, by the Earle of Warwicke. And a great Victory against the Scots. Lon- don Printed for R. Smithurst neer Pye- corner, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. RICHARD III. The True Tragedie . . . 1594. Collation .—A— I 2 in fours, A 1 blank. A fair copy of this drama occurred in a volume of plays sold at Manchester, August 30, 1881. The collection to which it be- longed came from North Wales, but the plays appear to have been formerly the property of Grifl&th Williams, Bishop of Ossory. RICHOME, LEWIS, Provincial of the Jesuits. Holy Pictvres of the mysticall Figures of the most holy Sacrifice and Sacrament of the Evcharist : Set forth in French . . . And Translated into English ... By C. A. Printed [at Paris] with Licence. 1619. 4°. 1, 4 leaves, first blank: A— Rr in fours. ROBERTS, MICHAEL, S. T.P., Oxon. Illustrissimi Ducis Albemarliae, Nobilis- simo Patemi Splendoris Hseredi Filio, & Posteris . . . Londini, . . . 1670. 4^, A — B in fours. A Latin poem in coup- lets. RYVE, THOMAS. Historia Navalis. Autore Tho. Rivio, Regis in Anglia Advocato . . . Londini: Typis Tho. Harperi. mdcxxix. 8**. A, 4 leaves : B — L 5 in eights, L 5 with Errata. Dedicated to the King. S. T. The Arminian Haltered, Who halting be- tweene two Religions, the Protestants and the Papists, fell headlong into dispair. Or The Wicked life and Tragi call Death of John Hobson Bachelor in Divinity, and late Prebend of Ely. Being one of the greatest Arminians in this Kingdome, who miserablely hanged himselfe, the twelfth of luly at Lyn in the County of Norfolke 1641. With a coppie of verses which he writ a little before his death. . . . Written by T. S. Printed Anno Domini. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. SALGADO, JAMES. . Symbiolis, Or The Intimate Converse of Pope and Devih Attended by A Cardinal and Buffoon. To which is annexed the Portrait of each, . . . London, Printed by Thomas Snowden. 1681. 12°. A, 6: B — C in twelves. With a folded leaf. SALUSTE, GUILLAUME, Seigneur du Bartas. Hadriani Dammanis A Bystervelt Dn. de Fair-Hill, Bartasias . . . Edinbvrgi Excv- debat Robertvs Walde-graue, . . . 1600. 8", A— Z in eights, Z 7-8 blank. SAMPSON, WILLIAM. The Vow Breaker. Or, The Faire Maide of Clifton. In Notinghamshire as it hath beene diuers times Acted by severall Companies with great applause. By Wil- liam Sampson. [Quot. from Virgil.] Lon- don, Printed by lohn Norton, and are to be sold by Roger Ball . . . 1636. 4^ A — K 2 in fours, including a woodcut frontispiece. Dedicated to Anne, daughter of Sir Henry Willoughby of Risley, Co. Derby. SAVAGE, HENRY, Master of Baliol College, Oxford. Balliofergvs, Or, A Commentary upon the Foundation, Founders, and Aftaires, of Balliol CoUedge, Gathered out of the Records thereof . . . Oxford, Printed by A. & L. Lichfield, . . . 1668. 4°. A, 5 leaves: B — S in fours. SCOT. 715 SYLVIA. SCOT, THOMAS, of Utrecht. The Belgick Sovldier : Dedicated to the Parliament ; or. War was a Blessincj. Printed at Doit. 1624. B — G 2 in fours. A Choice Narrative of Count Gondomor's Transactions During His Embassy in England. By . . . Sir Robert Cotton, . , . Exposed to publick Light, for the Benefit of the ^vhole Nation. By a Person of Honour. London, Printed for John Gar- field, . . . 1659. 4°, A— E in fours, first leaf blank. With a print of Gondomar after Pass, published by T. Jenner. The person of honour appears to have been John Rowland, Rector of Footscray in Kent, who dedicates the tract to Sir "Wilham Pastons. But he was not perhaps aware that it had been printed as early as 1620, under the title of Vox Popidi, &c., and was not by Cotton at all. SCOTT, JAMES, Buke of Monmouth. A Letter to a Person of Honour, concern- ing the Kings disavowing the having been Married to the D. of M[onmouth]s Mother. [1680.] 4°, A— C in fours. The letter is erroneously dated at end, June 10th, 1610. SELLER, JOHN. Atlas Minimus or A Book of Geography Shewing all the Empires ... By John Seller Hydrograph^ to the King. And are sold at his House at the Hermitage in Wapping. 12°. A series of fifty-three maps, with letter- press descriptions, and a frontispiece and title, the whole engraved. SHADWELL, THOMAS, of the Liner Temple. The Sullen Lovers : Or, The Imperti- nents. A Comedy Acted by his Highness the Duke of Yorkes Servants. Written by Tho. Shad well. [Quot. from Horace De Arte Poet. Num satis . . .] In the Savoy, Printed for Henry Herringman . . . 1668. 4°. A, 3 leaves : (a) 4 leaves : B — 2 in fours, 2 blank. Dedicated to the Duke of New^castle. Epsom Wells. A Comedy, As it is Acted by their Majesties Servants. Written by Tho. Shadwell . . . London, Printed for H. Herringman, 1693. 4"^. A— I in fours. Dedicated to the Duke of New- castle. STAFFORDSHIRE. A Wonder in Stafford- shire ; Or, A Staf- fordshire Wonder. Of a strange and hor- rible apparition of the Divell, appearing to one James Fisher a Phrenatick neare Brummingham late in the Night, in the shape of one of his Brethren : . . . Lon- don, Printed for Francis Coles, . . . 1661. 4°, 4 leaves. A true Relation of the Terrible Earth- quake at West-Brvmmidgc in Stafford- shire, and the places adjacent : on Tues- day the 4tii of this Instant January, 167,'* . . . And likewise a true Account* of the Terrour of the Earthquake at Kidder- minster . . . London: Printed for D. M. in the Year 1676. 4'^, 4 leaves. STANBRIDGE, JOHN. Vocabula . . . W. de Worde, 1010 and 1529. At Comerford's sale, Nov. 28, 1881, No. 3611, occvirred a copy of this book, purport- ing to be printed by W. de Worde without date ; but the first and last leaves were very suspicious. The collation agreed with lolQ and 1529. The book had been apparently made up for the purpose of sale. STEARNE, JOHN, of Law shall, near Bury St. Edmunds, formerly of Manninfjtree. A Confirmation and Discovery of Witch- craft, Containing these severall particu- lars ; That there are Witches called bad Witches, and Witches untruely called good and white Witches, and what man- ner of people they be, . . . Together with the Confessions of many of those executed since May 1645, . . . London, Printed bv William Wilson, . . . 1648. 4«, A— I 2 in fours. SHIPTON, MOTHER. A True Coppy of Mother Shiptons Last Prophesies : As they were taken from one loane Waller, In the Year of our Lord, 1625. AVho Died in March last, 1641. being ninety foure yeares of age . , . London, Printed for T. Y. 1644. ^4", 4 leaves. SWADON, WILLIA^I. Ypon the death of Queene Anne, wife of our Sovereigne lord King James. Fune- ral verses written by William Swadon, of New College in Oxford, Doctor (.f Divinity and Cliaplaine to Her Majesty. [1619.] A broadside. SYLVIA. Sylvia's Revenge, Or, A Satyr against ]\lan ; In Answer to tlie Satyr against Woman. Printed by Authority. Lon- don, Printed by Joseph Streater, . . . MDCLXXXViii. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank, A 1 with half-title. A Satyrical Epistle to the Female Autlior of a Poem, Call'd Silvia's Revenge, &c. By the Author of the Satyr against Woman. Mil. Par, Lost. — Rerciuje at first . . . London: Printed for 11. Beutley, TARTAGLIA. 716 UTOPIA. at the Post-House in Eussel-street in Covent-Garden, leaves. MDCXCI. 4°, 12 TAETAGLIA, NICOLO. Three Bookes of Colloqvies Concerning the Arte of Shooting in Great and Small Peeces of Artillerie, variable randges, measure, and waight of leaden, yron, and marble stone pellets, . . . translated into English by Cyprian Lvcar Gent. . . . Im- printed at London by lohn Harrison. 1588. _ Folio. .-.,4 leaves : A, 6 : B, 4 : C — R in sixes. With woodcuts and extra folded leaves at C 4, I 5, K 5, Q 3, Q 4, and R 4. Dedicated by the publisher to Robert Earl of Leicester. There are some preliminary verses by G. B. of Cambridge. ^ The greater part of the volume is occu- pied by the translator's Additions and Aji- pendix, TAYLOR, STEPHEN. A Whippe for Worldlings Or The Centre of Content [This is on a label over an engraving of St. Paul and the serpent, with the motto below, Vt Paulus Vipe- rum. Circa 1620.] 4°, Engraved title, 1 leaf : To the Reader, in verse, sub- scribed /Stephen Taylor, and a few lines in Latin by Michael Edmonds, 1 leaf : the Poem, B — C in fours. B. M. The imprint, if any, has been cut off; but no other copy with a title is known to me. Evidently printed after the death of Elizabeth; for the author refers to His Majesty; there are some curious allusions. He seems to speak of a daughter Doll, and of a deceased wife. THORNES, 'ED^KKD, of Melverley. Encomium Salopioe, Or The Description of the Pleasant Sitvation, Commendable Gouernement, and Rarities, of the ancient and famous Towne of Shrowesbvry. By Edward Thornes of Melverley Gent. Qui sibi natus, frustra natus. Et mihi, <£• patriae. London, Printed for Richard Meighen. 1615. 8^, A— B in eights, A 1 and B 7- 8 blank. Dedicated to " The Worship- full lohn Gardner, and Thomas Fawke- ner. Gentlemen Baylives of the Towne of Slirewesbvrie, from Bentstoue, 1 Jan 1615. B. M. A poem in G-line stanzas, with woodcut head and tail pieces. There are commen- datory lines by Kogcr Thornes, Kichard Montgomery, &c., and a copy of verses en- titled "The Author to his Pamphlet." Sunderland sale, 1881, Part I., in Lot 115'J. TITHES. The Decree for Tythes, to be payde in London. Anno m.d.lxxx. At London Printed for Gabriell Cawood. 1597. 8°, black letter, A in eights, A 8 blank. TONSTALL, GEORGE, M.D. A New- Years- Gift for Doctor Witty, Or The Dissector Anatomized : Which is a reply to the Discourse Intituled, An Answer . . . London, Printed by J. M. for the Author, mdclxxii. 8^, A — N 4 in eights, A 1 blank. TREATISE. The treaty se answerynge the boke of Berdes . . . R. Wyer, 4P. This may be a reply to John Valerian's book Pro Sacerdotuvi Barbis, 8°, 1533. See Handbook, 1867, p. 33, undBibL Coll., 1882, p. 615. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Tun bridge Wells Or A Days Courtship. A Comedy, As it is Acted at the Dukes- Theatre. Written by a Person of Quality, London, Printed, and are to be sold by Henry Rogers . . . 1678. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — H 2 in fours. With a curious large frontispiece by Faithorne. Attributed without apparent foundation to Thomas Eawlins. A Rod for Tunbridge Beaus, Bundl'd up at the Request of the Tunbridge Ladies. To Jirk Fools into more Wit, and Clowns into more Manners. A Burlesque Poem. . . . London, Printed, . . . 1701. Folio, A — H, 2 leaves each. TWYNE, JOHN. loannis Twini Bolingdvnensis, Angli, De Rebvs Albionicis, Britannicis atqve Anglicis, Commentariorum libri duo. Ad Thomam Twinvm filium . . . Londini, Excudebat Edm. BoUifantus, pro Richardo Watkins. 1590. 8^. Title, 1 leaf : Epis- tle, &c., 1 leaf, preceded by a blank leaf marked -f : B— M 2 in eights, M 2 blank. UNDERHILL, JOHN. Johannis Subtermontani Thermologia Bristoliensis, Or, Underhill's Short Ac- count of the Bristol Hot- Well- Water, Its Uses and Historical Cures. . . . Bristol, Printed and sold by W. Bonny, 1703. 8^, A— G 2 in fours, A 1 with an adver- tisement. UTOPIA. The King of Vto^na His Letter to tlic Citizens of Cosmopolis, the Metropolitan City of Vtopia. Together with the Citi- zens Answer thereunto. Translated out of the Vtopian Tongue, into broken Eng- lish by 'tis no matter who. Bvt Why broken English, Sir? what here's spoken. Imports that England is by th' English broken. VENABLES. 717 WILLIAM III. [Col.] Printed at Cosmopolis in the yeare 7461. And reprinted at London An: Dom. 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. In prose, ex- cept four stanzas at end. VENABLES, ROBERT. The Experienc'd Angler : . . . The Fifth Edition much Enlarged. London, Printed by B. W. for B. Tooke, . . . and Tho. Sawbridge . . . MDCLXXXiii. 8°, A— H 4 in eights, A 1 and H 4 blank ; with cuts. WEDYRALL, FRATER WILHELMUS. Frater Willelmus inter sacre theologie doctores minimus prior prouincialis ordis fratru Eremitarum scti Augustiniani Anglia / et in eadem . . . aplicp comis- sarius generalis . . . Datu in conuentu nro Londini. Anno dni romana copu- tatione M.D.xxvi. Die vero mensis [left blank.] Subscribed F. W. Wedyral pro- uincialis ut supra. A broadside (7 in,-j- 10 in.) in oblong 4° or small folio, black letter, ^vith a cut in the top left-hand corner of the tiara and cross-keys. Probably printed abroad, perhaps at Cologne. It was found pasted into the Sunderland copy of a Sarum Breviary, printed at Cologne in 1525 (Sale Cat., Part L, No. 1965). This plenary indulgence was directed to all the faithful penitents in England, Ire- land, Calais, and other places subject to the King of England. WELDOX, SIR AXTHOXY. The Court and Character of K. James. Written and taken by Sir A. W. being an Eye, and Ear "Witness . . . London, Printed and are to be Sold by R. Baldwin. 1689. 8''. A, 4 leaves : B— 4 in eights. With a portrait copied from that of 1651. WICKHAM, HUMPHREY. Diego Redivivus : Or The Last Will and Testament of the Pretended Humphrey Wickham, Esq; Alias William Morrel, Alias Bowyer, (fee. . . . With a Full Rela- tion of his Notorious Cheats and Impos- tures, . . . London, Printed for Abel Roper, . . . 1692. 4'^, A— B 2 in fours. WHEEL OF FORTUNE. The Wheel of Fortane : Or, Nothing for a Penny. Being Remarks on the drawing the Penny-Lottery, at the Theatre-Royal, in Dorset-Garden, with the Characters of some of the Honourable Trustees, and all the acknowledgments paid to his Honour the Undertaker. Momento Turhinis exit Marcus Davus, — Pers. Written by a Person who was cursed Mad he had not the Thousand pound Lot. London, Printed in the Year 1698. Price three pence. 4°, 6 leaves. In verse. WIGAND, JOHN. De Neutralibus & Medijs . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson, for Ed- ward White : . . . 1591. 8*^, A— N in eights, N 8 blank. Black letter. WILLIAM III. Anglia Grata : Or, A Hearty-English- Welcome to King William after a Suc- cessful Campaign. London : Printed, and are to be sold by J. Taylor, . . . 1695. 4*^, B — F 2 in fours, and the title. In prose. 2 Z Movks or Bbitions BY WILLIAM CAREJV HAZLITT OF THE INNER TEMPLE CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRAXGED 1858—1882. i. British Columbia and Vancouver's Island. Mai^. 12mo. 1858. 2. History of Venice. 2 vols. 8vo. 1858. 3. The Poems of Henry Constable, now first collected, with a Memoir. By W. C. Hazlitt, of the Inner Temple. 8vo. 1859. 4. History of the Venetian Republic ; Its Else, its Greatness, and its Civilization. With Maps and Illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo. ^mit\ Elder d- Co. 1860. No. 2 rewritten and continued. 5. The Gold Fields of Cariboo. iMap- l^mo. 1862. No. 1 reprinted with additions. G. Old English Jest-Books, 1525-1639. Edited with Intro- ductions and Notes. Facsimiles. 3 vo;s. 12mo. 1864. 7. Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England. With Introductions and Notes. 4 vols. 12mo. Woodcuts. 1864-6. ^. Sophy Laurie. A Xovel. 3 vols. Svo. 1865. 9. The Poems of Richard Lovelace. With ]\Iemoir. Flafes. 12mo. 1866. 10. Handbook to the Early Popular, Poetical, and Dra- matic Literature of Great Britain. Demy 8vo. Pj). TI4 in two columns. 1 867. ( 2 ) 11. Memoirs of William Hazlitt. With Portions of his Corre- spondence. Portraits after miniatures hy John Hazlitt. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867. 12. The Romance of Paris and Vienne. From the unique edition by Caxton, 1485. With an Introduction and Notes. Facsimile page. 4to. 1868. 13. Inedited Tracts. Illustrating the Manners, Opinions, and Occu- pations of Englishmen during the 16th and 17th Centuries. 1586-1618. With an Introduction and Notes. Facsimiles. 4to. 1868. U. The Whole Works of William Browne, author of Bri- tannia's Pastorals. Now first collected. With a Memoir and Notes. Facsimiles. 2 vols. 4to. 1868-9. 15. The Works of Charles Lamb. Now first collected, and entirely rearranged. With Notes. 4 vols. 8vo. E. Moxon db Co. 1868-9. Published without the real Editor's name. 16. English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. Arranged alphabetically and annotated. Medium 8vo. 1869. 17. Narrative of the Journey of an Irish Gentleman through England in 1751. From a MS. With Notes. 8vo. 1869. 18. The Whole Works of George Gascoigne. No^y first collected. With a Memoir and Notes. Plates and facsimiles. 2 vols. 4to. 1869-70. 19. The English Drama and Stage, mider the Tudor and Stuart Princes. 1547-1664. With an Introduction and Notes. 4to. 1869. A series of reprinted Documents and Treatises. 20. The Works of Robert Herrick. A new edition. Portrait and facsimile. 12mo. 1869. The Editor was responsible for the introductory matter and Appendix only. 21. Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. I. The Calendar. II. Customs and Ceremonies. III. Superstitions. 3 vols. Medium 8vo. 1870. Brand's Popular Antiquities, by Ellis, 1813, taken to pieces, recast, and enor- mously augmented. 22. Inedited Poetical Miscellanies. 1584-1700. Thick Svo. With Notes and liicsimiles. 50 copies privately printed. 1870. ( 3 ) 23. Warton's History of English Poetry. An entirely new edition, wiih Notes by Sir F. Ma.Meii, T. Wright, F. J. Furnivall, R. Morris, and others, and by the Editor. 4 vols. Medium 8vo. 1871. 24. The New London Jest Book. 12mo. 1871. 25. Anecdotes and Reminiscences. 12mo. 1873. 26. The Feudal Period. Illustrated by a Series of Tales (from Le Grand). 12mo. 1874. 27. Prefaces, Dedications, and Epistles. Prefixed to Early English Books. 1540-1701. Svo. 1874. 50 copies privately printed. 28. Blount's Jocular Tenures. Tenures of Land and Customs of Manors. Originally published by Thomas Blount of the Inner Temple in 1679. An entirely new and greatly enlarged edition by TV. Carew Hazlitt, of that Ilk. Medium 8vo. 1874. 29. Mary and Charles Lamb. Xew Facts and Inedited Remains. 8vo. Woodcuts and facsimiles. 1874. The groundwork of this volume was an Essay by the writer in Macmillan^s Magazine. 30. The Poems and other Remains of Sir John Suckhng. Kow first collected. With an elaborate Memoir, Notes, and Appendix of Illustrative Tracts. Fortrait and facsimile. 12uio. 1874. 31. Dodsley's Select Collection of Old Plays. A new edition, greatly enlarged, corrected throughout, and entirely rearranged. With a Glossary by Dr. Richard Morns. 15 vols. 8vo. 1874-6. 32. Fairy Tales, Legends, and Romances. Illustrating Shake- spear and other Early English Writers. 12nio. 1875. 33. Shakespear's Library : A Collection of the Novels, Plays, and other Material supposed to have been used by Shakespear. An entirely new edition. 6 vols. 12mo. 1875. 34. The Works of Thomas Randolph, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Now first collected. Portrait^ view of hirtlijdace, and facsimiles of writing. With a Memoir and Notes, 12mo. 1875. 35. Fugitive Tracts (written in verse) which illustrate the Condition of Religious and Political Feeling in England, and the State of Society there, during two centuries. 1493-1700. 2 vols. 4to. 50 copies privately printed. 1875. ( 4 ) 36. Bibliographical Collections and Notes. 1867-76. Medium 8vo. 1876. This volume comprises a full description of about 6000 early English books from the books themselves. It is a sequel and companion to No. 10. See also No. 43 infra. 37. Ritson's Antient Songs and Ballads. From the time of King Henry II. to the Revolution. A new and revised edition. 12mo. 1877. 38. Poetical Recreations. By W. C. Hazlitt. 50 copies printed. 12mo. 1877. A new edition, revised and very greatly enlarged, is in preparation. 39. The Baron's Daughter. A Ballad. 75 copies printed. 4to. 1877. 40. The Essays of Montaigne. Translated by C. Cotton. An entirely new edition, collated with the best French text. With a Memoir, and all the extant Letters. Portrait and Illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo. 1877. The only library edition. 41. Essays and Criticisms on the Fine Arts. By Thomas Griffiths Wainewright (Janus Weathercock). With a Memoir. Fac- simile of lor it ing. 12mo. 1880. 42. Catalogue of the Huth Library. [English portion.] 5 vols. Large 8vo. 1880. 200 copies printed. 43. Bibhographical Collections and Notes. Second Series. 1876-82. Medium 8vo. 1882. Uniform -with First Series. About 10,000 titles on the same principle as before. NOTE. During the last fifteen years the Author has been indefiUigable in collecting additional information for the Life of Hazlitt, 1867, in correcting errors, and in securing all the unpuhlished letters which have come into the market, some of great interest, with a view to a new and improved edition. '^ ;3 ye i^ 1 LIBRiRY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IIBRAR' ip\ 9 = ^^z^l^^i RSITV OF CUirORNIt 'i 'Py LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA /f5 LIBRARY LIBRARY v^^ii^^ /<<^^^;::[<^