/C i iv Introduction. portion of the earth's inhabitants have allowed their minds to partake lavishly of all the knowledge contained in history, and it refuses to give the proper nutriment for the soul when well digested within the in- tellect. And when the soul is unable to gain a supply from the intellect, it seeks to obtain a reason, (for as soon as the soul gains strength and wisdom from the intellect, it possesses reasoning powers ;) and to satisfy the cravings of the soul, the intellect returns to the study of both an- cient and modern history, with a prayerful thought and desire that God would open their minds with wisdom, that they might see and compre- hend the true channel within the writings of antiquity that corre- sponds with the progression of the present age. In the generations of Abram, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Mosses, they received their inspira- tions through' susceptible temperaments, and the knowledge they re- ceived was considered worthy of an investigation. Also, in later years, there were very many susceptible temperaments who received the title of prophets ; and wherever they prophesied, they established wisdom and civilization in the midst of all grades and classes. But after the temporal desires gained power over spiritual investiga- tion, they looked back upon the inspiration of antiquity, saying, Pro- phets were necessary in former years to develop literature for the plea- sure of coming generations. But those prophets were not highly edu- cated, like those that have read their written manuscripts, therefore are not considered an equal companion in thought with those that aspire to learning. Very true ; the most able writers have been self- educated, and that self-education emanated from an inspiration from their spirit-guides, who possessed the strength and ability to see the in- ward susceptibility that would enable them to educate the desiring mind and give literature to the earth's inhabitants. Some minds are inspired to write, others are inspired to go forth in the different forms of charity, and perform, as near as they are able to discern, the desires of their heavenly Father. Historians who have been endeavoring to illustrate the temporal channels of earth instead of the spiritual law of God, (that governs all portions of His universe,) have been inspired by their guardian spirits that exist in the same sphere of mind, and were not capable of giving many new ideas for the necessary progression of earth. But having a desire to advance from the lower spheres, they have been striving to ac- complish the work of educating their earthly brethren. But before they were progressed to understand the true channel in nature, they were Introduction. v swallowed up in death. Thus the different educated generations have passed from earth unable to discern the true channel in nature. But within the last century God has commanded all the spirits of the higher spheres to cast their wisdom within the midst of the earth's inhabitants, that they may be impressed to see the true channel that will carry them safely through the abyss called death. Having a willingness to comply with His commands, the historians have all become united in develop- ing one principle. And by working studiously with that united love, we have been able to discern the true channel in nature. And as we have gained the knowledge, it is a joy and happiness to our soul, and we desire our brethren living in the body should partake of the same healing balm, that it may produce peace and happiness one with an- other. At first it will produce disturbance, as the different grades of mind will not be ready to comprehend the knowledge we are prepared to give them. The convocation of spirits who are now controlling and w T riting through the susceptible temperament of the present medium have been connected with the theological schools of earth. But as we have passed from those temporal laws and societies, we have sought to mend the broken link we found at the time our spirit separated from the body. But we were unable to give the whole history of the earth until the spi- rits within the higher spheres became united to one thought and princi- ple ; and as soon as they all became united, it gave an opportunity for every mind to search into past antiquity if they possessed a desire. This was accomplished by coming in connection with minds of past generations. When God commanded all the spiritual spheres to connect into one magnetical channel, we were able to read the book of life that exist- ed within the seven spheres. As soon as we gained the knowledge that was required for the progression of future generations, we formed a bat- tery containing twelve spirits of the same temperament, and then were unable to write or give a communication until we could find a medium that was susceptible in temperament with the magnetical battery. But by searching among the inhabitants of earth, we found our present me- dium in close proximity with our spiritual temperament. And by mag- netizing the natural organization, we shall have power to use the spi- ritual organs in unison with the arm, to communicate by writing the knowledge we have gained within the seven spheres. It will not be ne- cessary to give our earthly names, as it will be sufficient for the investi- gating minds to know that we are God's worthy messengers, which they vi Introduction. will confess after they investigate nature's laws in connection with the true formation of the earth and planets, as we shall illustrate within this volume ; also the growth of the earth, as God hath guided, from the mineral to the vegetable, the vegetable to the animal, and the animal to the human, with His commandment to bring the human to a state of perfection of body and mind without pain or affliction. Man's disobedience unto God's commands, and the evil it brought upon the human family up to the present time — in connection with this channel we shall give the explanations of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation, showing the guidance from God's spirit-messen- gers, within every generation, that developed the divine law of affinity with love and affection, so that susceptible temperaments could be born as a channel for communication with the higher spheres. Every gene- ration that sought knowledge and guidance for the purpose of progres- sion has received it in some form. But the nations that despise pro- gression, yet seek to obtain it for the purpose of gaining riches and building up pride and vanity, will soon crumble away into equality, which is fast penetrating through the iron doors of aristocracy. For the earth, in her progressive channels, is in advance of her inhabitants. And as she throws off her electric powers into the atmosphere, it will affect the human system until they will be obliged to search into the laws of nature to learn the causes of the changes ; also a remedy to prevent pain and death before the time and years God hath allotted to man. Knowing this to be the condition of earth and her inhabitants, we have obtained the requisite knowledge that will cause the inquiring minds to understand the natural and physical laws of nature. We could not have given this knowledge to the earth's inhabitants in this advanced condition of nature, if we had not been studious scholars while living in our earthly bodies ; for it has given us light and power in the spirit. And if this generation will read and investigate the know- ledge given them, with the same love and diligence that we possess while obtaining it, they will be able to enter the spiritual spheres with their mind well stored with wisdom, that will shine forth as the illumi- nation of the sun, to guide their pathway through the channel leading from death into life again. But as we are obliged to place this knowledge within the midst of ignorance and superstition, we do not expect that it will find a ready reception within the decorated halls of aristocracy, as they will be look- ing for something different from simple nature to guide honored minds, that have received their education through the classic societies of earth. Introduction. vii But these classic societies will remain a few years longer, and then they will pass away into simple nature. For the minds of earth are rapidly changing from year to year, and they will soon become aroused from their long night of darkness to see and comprehend the truths of dawning eternity. When once aroused from their superstitious slumbers, they will all search for knowledge that will prepare their mind for the change that is sure to come unto man at some period of his existence. All we ask is for our earthly brethren to give our work an investi- gation thoroughly contrasting it with natural laws, and we shall have no fears of its being cast aside. For it contains the wisdom half the earth's inhabitants have been searching for within the writings of antiquity. And as yet, all appears a mystery to the investigating minds, as they compare it with natural laws before them. The written manuscripts of later years, either historical, theological, or spiritual, have not filled the vacancy, as they have only been extracts from nature's laws, or mystified versions of the Bible, not connected with the changes of nature, as was made manifest in the beginning of time. Many of the earth's inhabitants have been, and are at the pre- sent time, inclined to believe in spiritual manifestation. But if they are not prepared to tell or reveal all the mysteries of heaven and earth in one week after they pass into the spirit, the inquiring minds pronounce it a false humbug, without looking into the principle, which would show them that a man, woman, or child, passing into the spirit, without the knowledge of electricity and magnetism, could not give a communication until they study .d learn, the same as while in the body. A man, passing into the spirit without the knowledge of natural laws, can give his desires to a convocation of spirits that possess a magnetical battery, and they can pass it through the mind of a susceptible temperament to the friend upon earth, but would be unable to control a medium until they possess strength and knowledge. We will admit that there are many mediums, or persons possessing a susceptible temperament, who are somewhat given to avariciousness ; but as soon as the spirit-messengers see that they seek a principle for the purpose of making riches, they withdraw their magnetical power, and leave them to their own consciousness. A vast accumulation of riches is not necessary for the progression of the mind. In accumu- lating riches very many become selfish and avaricious ; and those prin- viii Introduction. ciplcs destroy all pure affection man should give unto his heavenly Father. Within this book we shall give the most minute particles belonging to natural laws ; and will endeavor to express the workings of this nature in the most plain and simple language, that all grades of educa- tion may read and comprehend the necessity of preparing the mind for the approaching change, without being obliged to call upon the uncha- ritable educated men to explain the condition of their soul ; for the souls of past generations have been greatly deceived by superfluous societies of earth. God desires but one society. And within that so- ciety love and charity should exist, by helping and progressing one another, without the desire of gaining riches. Every human being should cultivate the feeling of love ; for without that feeling penetrating through every nerve, it is impossible to enter the higher spheres of hap- piness, as it is the highest attribute that connects man's soul with God, as we will distinctly illustrate if the reader will consent to follow our explanations from page to page, while we unlock the door of hidden mysteries, which have been accumulating since the beginning of time. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. The guiding hand of God, as seen by the investigating minds existing within the seven spheres — The hand pointing out the electric channels within the condensed atmo- sphere — The sun, moon, and stars, with attractive affinity to produce light and heat, . 17 CHAPTER II. The earth's formation ; its increase of electric powers to consume the mineral into soil — The sun, moon, and stars shedding magnetical rays upon the new-born earth, producing light and heat, or morning and evening — The growth of vegetation — The revolutions of the earth producing the four changes of the seasons, 20 CHAPTER III. The investigating minds admiring the grandeur of earth, with a desire of knowing for what purpose the All-wise Creator had forfeited life and growth to nature — A voice giving instructions concerning the apparent lifeless mineral — The formation of beasts, birds, fowls, and fishes, also small insects — The clouds, wind, and gases, . . 23 CHAPTER IV. The magnetical powers of salt and fresh water — The formation of man and woman — God gives them affinity within His own channel, and commands them to keep His law — Man's organization in connection with every particle of nature — God's voice vibra- ting upon the channels of affinity, giving them speech, sight, and hearing, that they may love one another, 26 CHAPTER V. God's children multiplying within the channels of affinity — The cultivation of the four and twenty organs within gross nature — The evils of changing the affinity-channels by passion and avariciousness against the will of God, 29 CHAPTER VI. Growth of electric channels producing heat, and the destruction of vegetation — The erup- tion of earth's magnets — God warns His children of the danger — Their disobedience, and death of one individual — Their great terror at the sight of death — God speaks to their troubled minds, warning them from disobedience, knowing their inability to com- prehend the working of nature without the cultivation of intellect — As fear passes away, they renew their desire of evil, one with another, 34 2 Contents. PAGE CHAPTER VII. Famine, or scarcity of food, in different parts of the garden— A desire to gain knowledge from their God concerning food — He impresses the organs of those that remain within His channel, that they may gain food and the knowledge of good and evil, . yj CHAPTER VIII. Listening to the voice of God, they are able to see their disobedience and the cause for unhappiness-Hearing his words of love, they fall upon their faces with shame — A con- scientious feeling prompts them to seek for wisdom — The affinity-channel passes into the spiritual spheres^The next generation seek for wisdom and teach their children concerning the wisdom they received — God, knowing the necessity of knowledge upon earth, teaches the spirits of His first-born to bring wisdom to those in the body — Giving them understanding, He returns to primitive nature and the mixture of affini- ties, 40 CHAPTER IX. The seven spheres given to the spiritual development — The spirits magnetizing and im- pressing the minds of those living in the body as God gives instruction — The know- ledge given to the susceptible minds produced a feeling of jealousy with the unsuscep- tible — As jealousy arose, they abandoned giving knowledge excepting of the eruptions of the earth's magnets — But secretly impressed the minds to learn the power they pos- sessed over the animal creation, . . . 46 CHAPTER X. As each nation of susceptible minds were bringing forth children, the spirits impressed them to become active while young — One male child they found very susceptible, and they impressed him to catch the sheep — From thence he received the name of Aram, and became their guide— He receives the first knowledge of expressing human ideas upon soft stone in character— He gives the knowledge to every nation or family— They also adopt the covenant of sacrifice, 49 CHAPTER XL Abram receives the knowledge of building a house— He is impressed by his spirit to select a companion of affinity— When his wife learns that she is barren, she persuades Abram to bring forth a child by her hand-maid— Abram's wife conceives and brings forth a male child— The spirits give Abram knowledge concerning the creation of earth and man, also the signs of the atmosphere— He receives the knowledge of a famine, or the scarcity of vegetation — Jealousy produces unhappiness within the nations — Abram gives his son as a peace-offering — Disobedience and division of the people, . . . . 54 CHAPTER XII. Signing the new covenant forbidding spiritual communication— Stealing the children and possessions from Abram's covenant— The mark of circumcision is given to prevent their children from being stolen— The art of mechanism being given to those of the new covenant for the purpose of subduing their evil— Noah receiving mechanical instructions from the spirits — Noah's vision of an ark, and floods to deluge the earth — Noah and family escaping destruction, 62 CHAPTER XIII. A famine producing scarcity of water— Sickness prevailing within every family— Abram receives instruction where to dig for water— Jealousy again arising, produces another division with Abram's covenant, °9 Contents. 3 PACE CHAPTER XIV. Spirit-guides visiting Lot with a vision showing him the destruction of Sodom, or their evil minds — Lot's wife turns to a pillar of salt — Isaac at mature age selects a conge- nial companion — Isaac's wife, Rebecca, gives birth to twin sons — The different tempera- ment and organization of the twin children, producing great disturbance concerning their birthright and possession, 73 CHAPTER XV. After Abram's death all nations became displeased with Isaac — Jacob's grief at the dis- pleasure of his brother Esau — Jacob is impressed to take a wife with a susceptible tem- perament — He receives a vision concerning the trouble he will have in getting his true companion — Jacob is forced to take to wife Leah and Rachel, bearing to him children — Joseph, Rachel's first-born, has a dream while sleeping — The dream causes jealousy with his brother — Joseph sold and carried into Egypt as a slave — His imprisonment and release by an interpretation of dreams, . . . . .... 82 CHAPTER XVI. Joseph receives the office as governor, and collector of vegetation, preparatory to the coming famine, prophesied before Pharaoh — In time of famine all nations were obliged to plead with Egypt to gain subsistence for life — Joseph receives his brethren and kin- dred with kindness ; gives his father and brethren a home in Egypt — Death and burial of Jacob, 93 CHAPTER XVII. Joseph takes a wife of affinity, and she bears him a son of affinity, possessing a passive temperament, and is called Ephraim, a teacher of Egypt — Ephraim takes a wife, and she bears Levi, signifying a child of God — Joseph gives Levi his blessing, and guidance over Egypt, and then passes into the spirit — King Pharaoh, overpowered with grief, also passes into the spirit — Pharaoh the Second takes the ruling power, and places the tribes of Israel in bondage — Destroys all male children born of the Hebrew women — The women study stratagem to save the children they believe possess a passive tem- perament — Pharaoh takes a wife ; she bears him many children ; they die while young; only one daughter is spared to him — Aaron born and carried away by an Egyptian woman — Mosses born and saved by Pharaoh's daughter — Mosses impressed to visit the land of his forefathers — While there a voice speaks to his mind ; gives sounds as if coming from a burning bush — The voice telling him to free his people from bondage, Mosses returns to King Pharaoh with miracles — Pharaoh's anger and resistance to all principles of knowledge, . 102 CHAPTER XVIII. Mosses giving the ten plagues before Pharaoh and officers — Pharaoh acknowledges his power, but refuses to free the children of Israel, as the visions pass from his sight — Also hardens his mind against all spiritual instruction — A continuation of miracles before Pharaoh causes him to free the children of Israel — Their departure and safety in crossing the Red Sea — Pharaoh and his host follow after them in anger — Are over- whelmed by the sea and destroyed — The children of Israel guided and supplied with food, by the guidance of spirit-power — Division of time into days, months, and years — The division of families into tribes, 113 CHAPTER XIX. The number of men, women, and children — The law of cleanliness given for health and pro- gression — Name given to the spiritual guides — Mosses giving spiritual demonstrations Contents. PAGB upon Mount Sinai— The ten commandments and the picture of a tabernacle given to Mosses — Disobedience to the law by making a golden calf to worship as a god— Mos- ses, being enraged with anger, causes a destruction of many thousands of those that participated, 122 CHAPTER XX. As the people became submissive, Mosses returned to the Mount with a mind of penitence for his past evil — The spirits, seeing his penitent mind, again impressed him to write the commandments in picture form — The election of teachers and departure from the mount — Contention about food — A desire to get to the promised land producing great disturbance — In time of confusion they have a scarcity of food — Mosses returns to the forest to gather the birds for food — Eating the quail without being cooked creates sick- ness and death— Death of Aaron, the high-priest, 132 CHAPTER XXI. The kings of Canaan counseling with Balaam, their guide, concerning the children of Is- rael — Mosses feels death coming upon him — Selects Joshua as spiritual guide — Mosses dies and is buried in Moab — Joshua guides the people into war and gains power over the land of Canaan, takes possession, and divides with the children of Israel — Joshua counsels with his people — Receives death and passes into the spirit, .... 140 CHAPTER XXII. The children of Israel uniting with other nations — Different instructions increase their ava- riciousness — Wars become their chief delight — Continue fighting until subdued and placed in bondage as slaves — In their distress and tribulation call loudly for spirit guid- ance — The spirits, having compassion, come to their relief by giving visions and strength to one of their number, who afterward received the name of Samson — The capture and death of Samson to free the children in captivity — The children of Israel being freed, choose Samuel king — As he becomes well stricken in years, he gives the blessing of guidance to Saul, 150 CHAPTER XXIII. The people become dissatisfied with Saul — Desire Samuel to select another passive mind to guide them — Samuel gives the blessing of guidance to David, son of Jesse — The spirits gathering around him to impress his mind with knowledge, preparatory to the time of need, caused jealousy with his friends and brethren — David tortured in mind and body — His patience is afterward called Job, signifying a mind tortured for the pro- gression of others — The guiding-spirits promised to give strength and wisdom to over- come and confound the evil-doers, 161 CHAPTER XXIV. Zilpah, the high-priest, commands his brethren to refrain from listening to the wickedness manifested by David — David (or Job) answers to their reproach — His power of speech creates jealousy with all the teachers — They advise with his father, saying it would be well for the children of Israel that they secretly take his life, 172 CHAPTER XXV. The spirits, seeing their determined will to destroy their Job, formed a magnetical battery and gave sounds upon their ears as if it came from the clouds — The voice from the clouds caused the people to repent to submission and receive David as their spiritual instructor, 176 Contents. 5 PACK CHAPTER XXVI. David restored to happiness with his brethren— He gives them knowledge concerning the Philistines, who were coming upon them with great power — David goes to battle with the Philistines and puts them to flight — Then gives praise to God upon his harp — He receives Saul's daughter as his wife — Saul again proves treacherous, and has a desire to take his life — Jonathan (Saul's son) forms great attachment for David, and reveals all his father's secret anger — Saul's stratagem to take David's life — David escapes, and is guided into another part of the country until his people should require his assistance — Saul while in trouble calls for the spirit of Samuel to give assistance — His desire being for an evil purpose, he could not gain assistance from Samuel, and his enemies soon destroyed his life, 1 80 CHAPTER XXVII. David anointed king, with a promise to lead the people onward with knowledge — He gives them a prayer upon his harp — The spirits speak to the house of Israel — David's labors — The excuse of the people — David's reply in prayer and song — The tabernacle formed in the name of Zion church or New Jerusalem uniting all minds in one sphere, contrary to the laws of Mosses — The spirits, seeing their condition, give him a vision of a temple, to illustrate the different grades of mind — David obeys the vision, divides the minds into classes — Is interrupted, the Philistines coming upon them with great power — David subdues them — The evil of uniting with different nations — Many chil- dren are born unto David — Absalom, his eldest son, seeks to take his life — David is secreted until after Absalom's death — David's lamentation on hearing the death of his son, 18S CHAPTER XXVIII. David restored to consciousness, and again calls his people together for instruction — He divides the minds into classes, and elects teachers to guide them — David, overcome by the labor, sees death coming upon him — Calls unto him the people and confesses all his labor— Blesses his son Solomon for their future guide, giving him the picture or pat- tern he had painted from his vision, representing the division of minds — David prays with his people until death, log CHAPTER XXIX. Solomon answers to his father in song — The spirits impress him with the knowledge as far as his young mind admits — Kings from other countries entice him to evil — They per- suade him to give them the pattern of the temple — To have it made of wood and stone, 206 CHAPTER XXX. Solomon at first refuses, but a long persuasion entices his young mind to yield — His con- sciousness tells him he has committed a great evil, but to hide from his guilt he drinks of the wine— Whenever the spirits find him in a passive condition, they tell him he has disobeyed his father David in building a temple of wood and stone— God sends him word that He will not inhabit temples except they are within the mind, as all other tem- ples crumble to the dust— With this assurance the guiding-spirits give him instructions to build the second story, and as soon as completed he dedicates it to the living God- Takes a wife from Egypt to bring forth a susceptible mind for the next generation, .212 CHAPTER XXXI. Solomon gives a song before his people, comparing the principles he is about to establish to the lilies of the valley, and the happiness he receives when happily united with his Contents. PAGK people — In his third song he confesses his unhappinese in disobeying God's com- mand — He entreats his brethren to look upon his evils with compassion, as his young mind has been allured away by evil nations — Hearing his confession, they believed he was sincere, and united in giving songs and sacrifice in the new temple, . . .219 CHAPTER XXXII. After Solomon has given sacrifice, he divides the minds into different classes — He continues firm to his work for some length of time — He is persuaded to visit other kings — They compel him to accept presents of many handsome women as concubines — Accepts of them, thinking to change their faith to his church — The women soon led his mind to evil passions and idolatry — His people soon dissatisfied, and read to him the vows he made to the covenant — As he saw they were dissatisfied with his evil, he con- tinues his dissipation until death — His son Rehoboam was crowned king without sacri- fice — This caused trouble, and Jeroboam, his friend, became jealous and created war in their midst — Rehoboam ruled with a tyrannical power until death — Then came his son Abijam, walking in wickedness until death — Then came his son Asa, who made a covenant with God, and lived in peace with his people until death — Jehoshaphat his son in his stead, and gave strength to Israel — After his death his son Jehoram took the ruling power, but destroyed the good teachings of his father until they compelled him to leave the throne — Then came many vowing an heir to the throne — Hezekiah was made king, and made a covenant with God while he lived — Manasseh then took the throne, and tortured the people — The spirits impressed the people of Assyria to place him in bondage until he repented — This they did, and he became submissive — After his death Jehoahaz was placed in his stead, bringing trouble to the people, . . . 225 CHAPTER XXXIII. The spirits, seeing great trouble coming, impressed Isaiah the prophet to speak to the peo- ple of Jerusalem — After this, they influenced him to retire to the mountains while they were carried away captives to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar — He put them in bond- age instead of progressing their minds, as the spirits had influenced him — The spirits waited until they prayed from repentance and recalled the words of Isaiah — Elisha, Jeremiah, and Isaiah liberated from the caves by spirit-power to give wisdom to the children of Israel, 231 CHAPTER XXXIV. God, seeing the children crying for help, sends His spirit-messengers to impress Cyrus, King of Persia, to go free and give them instruction — Jeremiah gives them a long pro- phecy concerning their condition of mind — Cyrus accepts the work of liberating the children in bondage for progression, but afterward builds a temple of wood and stone — Elijah transfigured before Elisha — Daniel gives an interpretation of the writing upon the wall before the king, also his dreams, which liberated his brethren and dethroned the king — Daniel's vision and sight of the fall of Babylon, 238 CHAPTER XXXV. The interpretation of Daniel's dream — Belshazzar's feast — The hand and writing upon the wall — Daniel gives the interpretation and is made prince, as King Darius comes upon Belshazzar and carries him away captive — Darius makes Daniel one of the governors — Jealousy arises, and the evil of treachery throws Daniel into the lions' den, (or into the hands of kings) — The angels protect and liberate him from the evil-doers, and place him as ruler over Assyria — Darius sends the children of Israel back to Jerusalem, to dedicate and give sacrifice to the temple erected by Cyrus — Vision given to Esdras of the evils about to fall upon the Israelites to destroy their idolatry — Alexander sent by Contents. 7 PAGB spirit-power to subdue them — Alexander takes the power, and establishes good princi- ples and unity with all — Alexander receives a vision of other nations, and marches to their relief, 250 CHAPTER XXXVI. After Alexander's death, Ptolemy is made king over the greater part of Asia, Philadel- phus — Demetrius is made governor over Egypt, and put the Jews in bondage — Ptole- my, desiring learning, collects all writing, both good and evil — Demetrius tells Ptolemy concerning the Jewish manuscripts, but they can not be obtained until they are freed — The king gives them their freedom and presents to get the interpretation of the manu- scripts written in Greek — The Israelites again brought to war and driven into the forest — Demetrius warring against Ptolemy — After Demetrius's death, Hyrcanus be- came king — Taking the jewels from David's and Solomon's tomb created trouble and war — These wars were to persecute the Jews — After Antipater went to Rome and gave a successful description of his tyranny over the Jews, the king made his two sons commanders over the borders of Jerusalem, where they sought to persecute the Jews — Herod, the youngest son, filled with evil revenge, soon kills Hyrcanus, the king, his wife's father — Afterward kills his wife and children to get the throne — His increase of evil produced insanity, and he went to the forest to get relief— Here he had good care from the Jews he had persecuted — Through the guidance of spirits he is restored to health — Hearing there is to be a famine, he liberates the persecuted Jews — John is brought forth as a spiritual adviser— John reveals the coming of Christ— And they all marveled at his teaching, being young, 264 CHAPTER XXXVII. Herod's fear and jealousy as John came forth to teach and heal the sick — Also teaching the birth of Christ within their midst — Jealousy causing Herod to build a temple for the reception of the Christ that was to be born — Gains assistance from the king of Rome — Herod has a desire to know the time the Christ will be born, that he may have his temple in readiness — Hastens his men with work, that he may destroy their minds from the teaching of John — John, seeing the evil mind of Herod, became fearful, and went into the forest — Asking the spirits to reveal to him the consequences of Herod's evil — The spirits impress John with a vision to see the channels of Christ and the light of the different spheres of knowledge — John receives the spiritual keys of know- ledge of the past, present, and future — John receives a vision of heaven — The throne and twenty-four pillars with adoration, 280 CHAPTER XXXVIII. John receives a vision, showing of whom the Christ is to be born, and how he is to be pro- tected by spirit-power from the hand of Herod — The red dragon is to represent King Herod — The war in heaven — Michael fighting the dragon — The wise men going out to search for the Christ — When John learned that the Christ was to be born of his own kindred, he doubted the truth of his vision — The spirit-guides give another vision, showing that the Christ would be able to reveal the mysteries of the several spheres by opening or breaking the seven seals of the book of knowledge to the people of earth — These visions gave John renewed courage and desire to work for the progres- sion of the world — The wise men searching for the Christ— Herod desires they should give knowledge, that he may worship the child— Mary, the mother of Christ, receives a vision to protect the child from death— Herod's displeasure— He kills all the male chil- dren—John receives a vision, that he may see the destruction of Herod— Also a change in the government, 290 Contents. CHAPTER XXXIX. John's fear about the destruction of Christ and his followers — To quiet his fear he receives another vision, showing the work to be accomplished to prevent their destruction — The visionary reed of wisdom was given to John to measure the minds — Another vision, showing his work and death in connection with the works of Christ — As this vision produces jealousy within his bosom, the spirits give him another vision, showing the difference in their temperaments to receive an impression through God's channels, and the different effect they will have upon the people as the unknown wisdom is revealed to the minds of earth with love and sympathy, 300 CHAPTER XL. John talks with the spirits, and they show him the great whore, or the mystery of Babylon — Also its destruction — The weeping and wailing it will cause as the people of earth see her crumbling away — After the fall of Babylon he is able to see the changes of pro- gression — The happiness of those that follow God's wisdom — Also the darkness and disappointment of those who do not follow God's law and guidance — As John looked into God's channels, he saw tabernacles built up with progression of purity, but not the emanation of one built of wood and stone — All those emanations remain on the earth where they belong, and are called evil-doers, 314 CHAPTER XLI. These visions were given to John that he might see the work that must be performed to make all perfect as he had seen in the mansion of wisdom — The lights and colors of horses were to illustrate the different grades of wisdom as the spirits are operating upon different development of minds upon earth — Seeing the great work that must be accomplished, he asked his heavenly Father if he could not do the work — God shows him a book sealed with seven seals, saying, If he is able to break the seals, he will be able to do the work — John is unable to break the seals ; neither is he able to see any one upon earth or heaven that is able to break the seals — This gives him trouble of mind — He has another sight, and is able to see Christ, (or a lamb, as it were, slain,) and he is able to come forth and unlock the seals with wisdom — The first seal (or white horse) illustrates pure principles — The second, (or red horse,) power of principle — The third seal, (the black horse, the rider having a pair of balances in his hand,) signi- fies weight and measure of purity — The fourth seal, (or pale horse,) showing his wis- dom must be given, if the effect brings wars or tribulations — The fifth seal will give more wisdom — And they will be more able to understand, and it will not have the ap- pearance of being connected with the beasts of earth — The sixth seal as miracles of healing and raising the dead— The seventh seal will show his power to reveal their secrets, their life, and resurrection— The angels will then sound while Christ is pass- ing through the troubles and tribulations of earth, 323 CHAPTER XLII. John receives another vision as a cloud, and upon it the Son of man, having a sharp sickle of knowledge, gathering the good minds to his own association — The fall of Ba- bylon — The power of Rome coming upon the Jews— In the confusion the Roman priests gain power by prophecy — The influence of spirits upon the human mind will be likened to hail— The spirits' illustration of the mother of harlots— The signs of the bridegroom coming upon earth — The new heaven as seen by John in his vision — The spirits desire John to keep all the visions a secret from Herod, 342 Contents. q CHAPTER XLIII. WGE John, being fearful of forgetting some of his visions, wrote them in a figurative form as he had seen them in his vision, secreting them for his own use — The birth of Christ Herod's anger— He sends armies to destroy all the male children— Herod's sickness and death— Herod's son, Archelaus, takes the reins of government— Trouble about the rightful heir to the throne— The spirits tell Mary and Joseph to return to their native country, but not to divulge the secret of the child— Christ talking to the doctors and elders in the temple— Mary reprimands him for disobedience— From thence he taught within the poorer classes— At mature age he selects twelve men near his affinity, and went into the cities teaching— John's fear to teach with Christ, but teaches the people to prepare their mind to meet him— As John is baptizing, Christ goes forth to receive bap- tism according to their law— John cast into prison— John's doubt concerning the pow- er of Christ— Sends his disciples to inquire of the power he had seen in a vision, . 355 CHAPTER XLIV. Christ unable to give any more testimony than what he had received, as he was not able to change the mental organization, John's mind returned to reason, and he confessed before the king that this was the Christ spoken of by the prophets— Christ tempted by the evil minds of earth— John beheaded for revealing secrets— After John's death Christ went into the country— Christ breaking the bread and fishes and feeding many thousands— Afterward gave them an exhortation for the good of their souls, . . 367 CHAPTER XLV. God desires men should do good one to another— And beware of false prophets— He ex- horts them to build their mind upon a firm foundation«The people, not being able to com- prehend Christ's teaching, followed him, asking many questions— He heals the centu- rion—Also many hundreds— A scribe desiring to follow Christ— He stills the wind and waves by magnetical power— Christ casting the devil into the swine— The Pharisees reprimanding Christ for eating with publicans and sinners— The difference between Christ's power over his disciples and that of John's, as regards fasting for knowledge- Christ giving names to his disciples, that every one should know them from John's disciples— Christ sends his disciples forth to teach the poor and depressed in spirit —Also not to fear those that would treat them indifferently, 377 CHAPTER XLVI. Christ, seeing his disciples hunger for food, went with them to gather corn upon the Sab- bath day— The people reprimand him— He gives knowledge of the seventh day, and heals all their sick— They accuse Christ of casting out devils through the prince of devils— Jonas three days and three nights in the whale's belly— Christ speaking with his mother and brethren concerning the pure condition of the mind— The parable of the tares— The parable of a mustard seed— A parable of the leaven a woman hid in three measures of meal, g CHAPTER XLVII. As Christ journeyed, the evil-minded Pharisees followed after him desiring a sign— But he was unable to give them any other than the miracles of healing and doing good works —Christ, meeting with his disciples, inquires what the people say of him— They answer, Some say you are the spirit of John the Baptist ; others, that you are Elias, or Jere- m.ah— Christ gives Peter the keys of the kingdom-He also tells them that he is to be crucified by his enemies— This they disbelieved— Christ transfigured before Peter, James, and John— Christ telling them of the spiritual temperament, and that, after he passes io C "on tents. PAGE into the spirit, he will be with them — They desire Christ to show them their heavenly Father, when they are not able to comprehend the affinity of the Son — After Christ told his disciples of his death, they became fearful, and desired an army to protect him, 397 CHAPTER XLVIII. The multitude following after Christ, he healed them of their infirmities, and gave them wisdom of life and death — Christ besought them to lay aside their earthly desires and assist him in the great cause of progression — The parable of the vineyard — Peter desiring to know if parables are for the disciples, 407 CHAPTER XLIX. Christ blessing little children — A ruler of Jerusalem asketh of Christ what he should do to be saved — Christ tells him the way to gain eternal life — He tells his disciples that one of their number is to betray him — Christ exhorts his disciples to be firm and steadfast in mind — In journeying he comes to Jacob's well, and asks for a drink — The woman standing by refuses because he was not a Samaritan — He answereth, If you were to ask of me, I would give you water from the well, from whence you would never thirst — Christ givetJi her wisdom — And she proclaimeth it to all the people — They bring the sick and he heals them — The Jews cast stones after him — He opens the eyes of the bliind, yet they seek to take his life, 413 CHAPTER L. Christ continues his journey to Bethany, where John taught concerning his coming — And he taught them with love and wisdom — Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, causing many to believe in his name, and seek the way of eternal life — As he came to Jerusalem, the priests and elders sought his life — Others desired him to tell from whence he received his power — He saith to them, If ye tell me from whence came the baptism of John, I will tell you from whence I received my power — This they refused — And according to promise, he would not reveal his power to men of deception — The corner-stone rejected by the Jews — The parable of a marriage a certain man made for his son — Christ's explanation of his parable, 425 CHAPTER LI. The chief priests and rulers listened to the explanation of his parable, and became greatly enraged — And sought means to entangle him in his conversation, that they might accuse him before the law — Nicodemus, being overpowered with his wisdom, secretly sought Christ to learn wisdom — Christ explains all he desires, as regards baptism and the re- surrection, 435 CHAPTER LIE Nicodemus saith, Good master, why is not wisdom given to every man ? — Christ explains to him the different channels of affinity, by giving him a parable of a rich man giving trea- sures to his servants before his departure into a far country — Nicodemus being pleased with the knowledge he received, wished to know if man must sell all his possessions to gain eternal life — Christ explains to him the different articles contained in Abram's possessions, and the reason he used it to gain eternal life — Christ gave him the para- ble of Lazarus and the rich man — Nicodemus also desires to know concerning marriages in heaven — Christ tells him they are as angels of affinity in heaven, .... 444 CHAPTER LIII. Christ departed with his disciples to the Mount of Olives — Looking down upon the city of Jerusalem, Peter asked his master if the temples were of man, or from the wisdom Contents. 1 1 PAGK of God — Christ answereth, From man, as God refuseth the decoration of one stone above another in honor of His name — It is not the stones that defile His principles, but the vanity that follows with them — And in that every temple shall be demolished, not one stone left above another — Christ tells his disciples that they will soon be brought before the judges of Jerusalem for his sake, and there will be desolation throughout all the land — He entreats them to be of good cheer, as God's holy power will be with them — These tribulations will be ecpial to earthquakes, as the soil will be shaken — And the people will be like the ten virgins, going to meet the bridegroom — Hearing of these tribulations, sorrow comes to their mind — Christ tells them that he will return to them as soon as he separates from the body — Christ entreats them to love one another, . .455 CHAPTER LIV. The disciples marveled at the sayings of Christ, as they could not understand why he should be put to death — Christ again entreated them not to feel sorrowful — For the time had come when they should be separated — And he prayed with them, that they should know that he would intercede with his heavenly Father for them — Christ is asked to accuse a woman found in adultery — As the Pharisees are unable to accuse her, he heals her of all infirmities, and commands her to sin no more — The Pharisees bribe Judas, one of the disciples, to point out Christ, that they may take him before the rulers — Judas, not knowing the evil intrigue, was to kiss Ids master before them — Christ eating the last passover with his disciples — When he tells them that is the last, they are unable to believe — They desire an army to protect him — He refuses to destroy life — And as his time is come, he gives no resistance — Christ tells his disciples they will all be offended with him — Also deny him — Peter wishes to die with his master, . . 467 CHAPTER LV. After the passover, they went upon the bank of a river — Christ began to feel sorrowful, thinking of separating from his disciples, for he knew the enemy was near by — Judas betrayeth his master with a kiss — Christ gives himself into the hands of the enemy — They lead him forth to the rulers — Peter enraged, but followeth after his master — The disciples were scattered in different directions, to hide away from sight — The rulers asked him many questions, but he refused to answer — They covered his head and smote him, saying if he would tell who smote him, they would release him — Christ saith, After death you will see me sitting at the right hand of the Father — They rent his gar- ments, and sent him to Pilate — Christ spake with Pilate, knowing the condition of his mind — Pilate testified that Christ was not guilty — Christ taken before King Herod — He endeavored to make him perform miracles before the people — Christ made no an- swer to their entreaties — The council found guilt wordiy of death — Pijate wept because of their evil — He endeavored to persuade the people to let him go free — The people declared that he should be crucified, and his blood should be upon the people — Christ was led forth-, and Barabbas released — Many wept as they saw their master nailed to the cross — Christ saith, Cry not for me ; for they know not what they do, while they are ignorant, 477 CHAPTER LVI. When they heard his words, they had fear for their evil — They parted his garments with the rulers — They placed a crown of thorns upon his head — The guilty men on each side desired Christ to give them place, on his right and on his left, in the kingdom— Christ said he would remember them, as they passed from darkness to light — The sky was darkened, and a fearful storm came upon them — As his friends gathered around, as they came on the feast-day, they were astonished at seeing their master upon the cross— He spake to them with his last breath— They put vinegar to his lips to 12 Contents. FACB drink, but his life had passed — The storm increased — All became terrified — They pierced the hearts of those hanging upon the cross, to kill them and take them from the storm — They found Christ dead — They were greatly disappointed, as they had a desire to see the action of the body when the breath departed — In their terror they left the body of Christ hanging — His disciples took it down, and laid it in the sepulchre — Pi- late put ointment upon the body, in token of his love — As he was to rise the third day, they set a watch over his body, to witness the change — The guard was placed in a trance, and they knew not when the body disappeared — While in a trance, Peter and John took the body and placed it in ground beyond the city — This was done to give strength to progression — On the third day his spiritual body was seen by many, as he had promised them — He was seen near the sepulchre — Again by the apostles — And they heard his voice saying, Peace be unto you — They saw the hole in his side, where he was pierced— Saying, Go forth, and teach through all parts of Judea and Jerusalem, and I will be with you — While they were eating, he sat with them, as in former days, that they might testify to his body and voice — The twelve united and conversed about their master, his sayings and works upon earth, and by so doing gained wisdom, . . 489 CHAPTER LVII. Christ gave knowledge, but none appreciated it until he separated from their sight— His words and wisdom then took deep root— Occasionally they were fearful that he would fulfill his word, and selected Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to write what they could remember of their Master's teachings— Christ did not object, as he knew they required some reference to quiet their mind — Christ impressed their mind to catch fish when they were hungry— Then, for the first time, they felt thankful— This created thought- fulness in their bosom— And they went forth to do his work— Christ was obliged to keep from writing, that ignorance might see wisdom coming from simple nature— The disciples were unable to read the law of Mosses, but were able to repeat through in- spiration—The disciples were able to perform miracles by electric power— The priests and rulers, hearing of their power, commanded them to be driven from their cities, saying, They are drunken with wine— The officers that were to take them were unable to approach— Peter arose and defended the cause of wisdom, and Christ crucified, . 501 CHAPTER LVIII. The disciples put in prison— Their escape— Preaching again in the city— Plans to scourge and drive them from the city— They select a man by the name of Stephen to fill the place of Judas in their battery— He speaks with great power to the people concerning the channel of Abram, to the death of Christ— For this knowledge they pelted him with stones until he died, 5*3 CHAPTER LIX. Jerusalem called her armies together, to destroy every man, or woman, or child who should be found advocating Christ— Saul elected commander— While in pursuit of the Christians, he hears a voice, and is made blind by an unseen power— Fear coming upon his army, they flee for life— Saul is taken to Damascus, and restored to sight— This creates great alarm at Jerusalem, fearing Christ was still alive — Saul made to be- lieve in Christ crucified— His name changed to Paul— The disciples fear he is an im- postor, trying to gain power to destroy them— Peter receives a vision concerning Paul, and all who should become believers in the true principle— Peter submits to the vision and receives all nations— Peter gave an exhortation by inspired power, seeing they re- quired baptism from the teaching of John— He administered baptism— Cornelius and Paul receive an inspiration to speak with great learning— Herod sends another army, compelling them to leave all his cities— Many Christians killed— Peter taken prisoner Contents. 1 3 PAGE — Peter makes his escape from prison — King Herod had his officers put to death for letting Peter escape — When he saw the displeasure of the people, for destroying the officers without a council, a fear of the Roman king came upon his nervous system, causing his death — Pilate received the ruling power, giving the Christians their liberty for a time — Many people were impressed to proclaim wisdom — The spirits, knowing Paul to be a Roman, placed power upon him to gain a channel, 5 21 CHAPTER LX. With this power he went forth, reasoning with all grades of mind and tongues, telling them the evil of worshiping idols — All nations became attracted to him, until he preached to them of the resurrection — As he saw they did not appreciate the life of the resurrection, he passed into Corinth, where he found many that believed on Christ — He related to them the life and death of Christ— Paul established the covenant of Christ within many churches — Then journeyed for Jerusalem — His brethren endea- vored to persuade him from the thoughts of Jerusalem, as they knew his life would be in danger — But the prophets and wise men had no influence over him — As he was im- pressed, he was obliged to do his work, if they crucified him — As he arrived in Jerusa- lem, he went into the temples, preaching Christ crucified — The rulers soon arrested and put him in prison, with the intention of killing him without a hearing in the coun- cil — This caused great fear, as they had already committed themselves before the Roman government — Paul, being well versed in the Roman law, had no fears of con- , fessing all his experience in the Christian faith— Paul stated that he had disobeyed the law, but preached concerning the resurrection — The Pharisees took sides with Paul, and condemned the Sadducees — After seeing the wrongs they had committed, they would gladly release him — But he secretly applied to the king of Rome, and they were obliged to send him — The council sent him to Festus, the governor — While there they found no guilt in him, 53 1 CHAPTER LXI. But as they came from Cilicia, they accused him of being a pestilence in their country — The governor gave Paul the opportunity of defending himself— Paul arose and con- fessed all — The accusers were unable to prove their accusation — Paul then appeared before King Agrippa, confessing all his work of good and evil, from his childhood to the present — Agrippa, overpowered by the wisdom he spake, was inclined to be a fol- lower of Christ — As Paul ceased speaking, they all decided he had done nothing wor- thy of punishment — King Agrippa sent Paul to Rome— While at sea a storm arises— His spirit-guides quiet his fears, as all should be saved — Paul came before the king with courage, confessing all, the same as before Agrippa — After the king heard his confession, he commanded his officers to release him, giving him the liberty to teach in all parts of Rome — Paul went forth with power, and established churches in the name of Christ, teaching his wisdom to every creed and thought, concerning the wis- dom God gave in the beginning of time, with His children, 54 1 CHAPTER LXI I. After evil came to their mind, they knew God's warning voice, and fled from the sound as it came upon their ears — God asketh why they fear His wisdom — They answer, because they are naked — Sin maketh them naked — Seeing their Father seeth their nakedness, they confess all — God giveth them the law, and commands also the knowledge of good and evil, by showing the true channel of affinity — Paul gives the knowledge of circumcision — Also the life of the Jews from the time of Abram, substan- tiating the good work of Abram within the time of ignorance, and showing wherein the generations would have been progressed with a spiritual knowledge if they had allowed 14 Contents. PAGE the good teachings of Abram to overcome the evils of their earthly desires — God wills that every particle of man's organization should be saved by progression — All are a particle of God, and He sends wisdom to all — Paul teaches when man once gains light he never desires a change into darkness, and that man should not always work for his own pleasure — Paul tells the people the king has given him liberty to select teachers, and establish the church of Christ throughout all his dominions, and desires all sects to adopt the living God to worship instead of idols, 550 CHAPTER LXIII. After Paul had given the required instruction to those he had selected for teachers, he sent them forth into all parts of Rome — They had great trouble to persuade the people to adopt the teachings of wisdom, although the king had given the command — They wrote to the Jewish council, telling them the command of the king, and required assistance to put down the law — The Jews feared the Romans, but asked the Roman king to deliver to them all Jewish subjects — The king, hearing their threats, compelled all the idolaters and Jews to come before him, and listen to the law and life of Christ ■ — Paul writes to the different churches, giving them instruction and spiritual advice concerning brotherly love — Also, of spiritual sight, how to obtain it by good works in accumulating love for their heavenly Father, 563 CHAPTER LXIV. Paul wrote a letter to his brethren in Corinth concerning their spiritual progression — The teachers gave the knowledge to their hearers as wisdom coming from Paul, causing them to place their affections upon Paul as being their God — This love did not cause them to progress as if they had placed their affectionate thoughts upon their heavenly Father, as Paul's mind could reciprocate to their feelings— The desire of riches pre- vents the people in Corinth from gaining wisdom — The ministers again write to Paul to know what they can do to increase their love for God — Paul tells them to increase manifestations of good works, that others may be inspired with the same feeling — Re- nounce all the hidden things of dishonesty, and you will fear not when God is your Judge ; have patience with the ignorant — Paul warns them of boasting when they do a good deed — Speak boldly concerning the laws of God — Think not you are perfect because you have wisdom — God forbids that we boast of our future, .... 576 CHAPTER LXV. The ministers of Ephesus write to Paul, beseeching him to write them a letter — Paul im- mediately replies in love, beseeching them to follow the channel Christ laid down for them, and that they must all work together in spirit and truth, thereby be able to work a salvation for all nations — To do the work of Christ, we unite and work for a principle, and, above all, place our mind upon one God — He will assist in filling our minds with wisdom — Let not your minds be partakers of words and desires — Paul com- mands them not to provoke their children, but to guide them with kindness and deci- sion—Paul tells them of his labors and the good he is trying to accomplish with the hing of Rome and his subjects — Do not fear to do your duty — God will give you strength— Paul exhorts them to keep sober, also patient and charitable— Teaching the women to be kind to their husbands, and husbands to their wives, and follow strictly the laws of the government, 5^5 CHAPTER LXVI. Paul writes to the Hebrews, giving them knowledge of the work to be done if they receive eternal resurrection — He gives them knowledge of past generations — The ark given to Mosses — Building the ark — The faith of David in giving his vision to his son Solo- Contents. *5 PAGB mon— Solomon gives a promise to David — Disobedience and death— The affinity- channels coming together, bring forth John as a passive temperament — John gives knowledge of a famine — Herod liberates the poor Jews from the forest where he per- secuted them — John baptizing to heal diseases — His faith in good works — For his good work all became attached to him — Herod's jealousy — He gives his men presents to gain their love from John — Herod sought to destroy the Christ — His disappointment caused his sickness and death — The Roman government placed Archelaus Herod in his stead — Through his counsel they destroyed our master, 594 CHAPTER LXVII. After the Hebrew priests read Paul's letter, they send their officers to Rome to secretly de- stroy his life— At the same time send out men to destroy the Christians — Paul informs the king of Rome, who places close restriction upon them — The Jews followed Paul until they destroyed his life — After Paul's death, the priests united the Mosaic, Roman, and Christian forms of worship, giving ft the title of the Roman Catholic creed — All Romans were sworn to adopt the Catholic creed — After this was accomplished, he gathered his armies and went against Jerusalem— The Christians fled to the north to escape persecution — They find nations that separated from Abram after the great famine — The earth not being equalized, found great tribulations — The Christians unite with them — The Roman war continues many years — The priests, attending to the law, gain power over the government — The Romans gain power over the Jews — The Ro- man Catholic creed established with tyranny— Going north, they find what were termed the Gauls— A descendant from Esau— The Roman war with the Gauls lasted many years — The Gauls conquering — The adoption of seven kings — Disturbance reduced their law to one king — The desire for mechanical arts — The nations endeavor to excel each other, creating jealousy — The beginning of the great monster, as was figuratively given to John— Studying into the different arts gave knowledge— The Catholic creed, that extended its power, increased its tyranny — Many rose in power against the creed, adopting a new religion with less restrictions— The art of making clothing adopted — Vessels are built for the ocean— Navigators search for land — Spirits secretly impressing minds to cross the ocean— Columbus sails across the ocean, and finds land— Colonies soon follow— Find a colored people — Treat them with cruelty — Britain desires the governing power within her kingdom — The colonies refuse— War follows — American people conquer— A free government established — The spirit-messengers again make themselves known, 605 CHAPTER LXVIII. Seeing fear coming upon the people, they work secretly for a time— Electricity is brought forth to the minds— Spiritual manifestations again before the people, in writing and explaining the condition of the spirits— War comes again upon the people— Destruc- tion of shivery — A change in government principles is required to keep peace— God's power firmly implanted upon earth, never more to be crushed by the evil of man, for He is to destroy the evils of jealousy and pride— All earthly creeds are to be destroyed by progression, as the kingdoms crumble away into the unity of minds— The know- ledge of the different electric gases and their use will be known— The progression of the human to pass into the spiritual without death— The changes of the material earth into the eternal mansion, uniting with all other planets until all are as one, containing God's great and mighty power, progressing His children onward to all eternity, . . 620 HISTORY OF THE EARTH'S FORMATION. CHAPTER I. i. My kind reader, as we have found your mind partially in a passive condition, having a desire to learn and investigate God's natural law from the beginning of the earth's formation, we will, with your permis- sion, carry your mind for a time far beyond the reach of mortal eye. 2. On, onward, to the abyss of earth, and yet farther, which will appear as chaos or nothingness, as you view the condensed atmosphere that surrounds you. 3. And as you gaze from north to south, east to west, you will exclaim with the psalmist, O God! Thy works are mighty, and past finding out. 4. But we, as spirits, have not found it so ; for we have traversed the immensity of space, and with the assistance of the electrical and magnet- ical laws of nature, we have examined studiously all the philosophical and astronomical portions of the universe. 5. And have passed on still farther than the imaginary mind of the great poets, or learned philosophers, who have exalted the mind of man to the highest extent of joy and ecstacy.then carrying it down into dark despair, until it is lost in deep reverie ; soliloquizing as if speaking to the God of wisdom, desiring an explanation concerning the philosophy that surrounds and intersperses all portions of the earth. 6. But we are thankful to the progressive power that has carried us beyond the reverie of dark thoughts, as we can speak to the God of wis- dom, and see that His glorious works are not imaginary, but perfect in their construction. 1 8 History of the Earth's Formation. 7. Which we will now leave in its natural form, and, with the per- mission of the same guiding Hand, carry you into the immensity of space, to learn concerning the beginning or foundation. 8. As we walk forth upon the condensed atmosphere, darkness sur- rounds us; but onward we move, as if drawn by some magical power, strengthening us to behold a light in the distance, and, as we approach near and nearer, we feel a happiness permeating our soul, an out-burst- ing of mortal coil, and the inner man appears ; our spiritual eyes are opened, and as we gaze forth upon the light, there appear innumerable colors, and our eyes are dazzled by the brightness. We look again. Ah ! behold, it is the hand of God that is to point out and instruct us in the formation of the earth. 9. Behold! the Hand moveth and the immensity of space is shaken; the heavens are opened, and with a glorious light appear the sun, moon, and innumerable stars. 10. As their bright rays fall upon us, we feel a new revelation of wisdom entering our soul, and while gazing upon the picturesque scen- ery around us, we have a desire to sing with the psalmist, Oh! for a thousand tongues to sing our Maker's praise. 11. The guiding Hand now pointing upward to the mighty work above, tells us to investigate; and while examining the magnetical powers each orb contains, we learn that they were formed one after the other, as they became perfect in natural law, and were brought to perfection by the electrical and magnetical properties which every one contains. 12. And were so formed in the immensity of space, that they would produce light and heat for each other, as they turned upon their axes, to bring their magnetical properties on a parallel line, so as to produce a friction. 1 3. Light and heat are produced by a friction from different magnets; the friction of heat expands and penetrates into different magnets that are buried deep in the interior of the planets. 14. But as soon as the heat from the different planets meet, they pass into a light to illuminate the atmosphere that is existing between the planets, and is termed the sky or heavens. 1 5. By examination, we find an equal space separates each orb in the heavens; and as they turn upon their magnetical axes, so as to bring their magnets in contact, they give the light of the sun, moon, and stars, for each other. 16. The magnets that are in the interior of the orbs, being larger, possess more power than those near the north and south poles, or axes History of the Earth's Formation. I 9 on which they turn, consequently they throw off more friction to produce light and heat. 1 7. The yearly revolutions of the planets produce the changes, as termed spring, summer, autumn, and winter. 18. Each orb receiving strength from its neighboring planet, they are able to furnish their inhabitants with all that is requisite and neces- sary for bodily assistance. As they are all inhabited, they require the same magnetical power to keep them in existence. 19. Thus, investigation teaches us, that all the planets were formed one after the other, as they became perfect by magnetical attraction. 20. Now that we have been instructed in the outward form and attractions of the different orbs in the heavens, the guiding hand of wis- dom tells us that these bodies could not become perfect until the vapor and mist within the condensed atmosphere (or space that separated the planets) should be consumed. 21. And to consume it, and make a clear illuminous atmosphere, (or sky,) it requires another planet to absorb and give assistance, by supply- ing magnetical friction from a dark space in the atmosphere, apparently near us. 22. The guiding Hand is again moving, the space is shaken as with a great power; hark! we hear a voice whispering in our ears, saying, Open your intellectual powers, and ye shall see the earth's formation as in the beginning. 23. Now, for the want of wisdom, we will open our intellect, and endeavor to comprehend, as from the beginning, our world of mystery. 20 History of the Earth's Formation. CHAPTER II. i. As the Hand of God moveth to give the formation to His last planet, it extracts from all the magnetical properties that each planet contained, as the rock, iron, coal, all the substantial particles for the foundation; then interspersing the different particles, as gold, silver, and 'copper; then again the finer, which we will call granite, sapphire, rubies, pearls, diamonds; these particles were given for gravitation and beauti- fying the planet. 2. And as we look upon the different particles, as they congeal together for the foundation of a new planet, we see that they are emblem- atical of the Hand that is doing the work. 3. Now that the most substantial work has been completed, we see the Hand moving over its surface, as if to examine its perfectness. 4. But to our great astonishment we see it moving, as if it had received the breath of life ; and as the magnets received power to breathe, the electricity vibrated through the bowels of the earth, and electrified every vein and sinew with heat, which gradually consumes a portion of the different minerals contained in the congealed foundation. 5. This work continues many years, every function performing its own work, until the earth's surface has a thick covering, and as the heat penetrates through to the surface, it collects the moisture or vapor from the space between the planets. 6. Thus it continues attracting water until the whole surface is cov- ered. The guiding Hand now passes over the great deep, and a voice saying, Let the dry land appear, and behold ! it is as He commands. 7. The earth is now a formed body by itself, surrounded by a con- densed atmosphere like unto other planets we see in the heavens ; and as the voice passes over the deep, we see that it heaves to and fro, as if a great power had shaken it from its foundation — a loud sound, as if a tremendous crash, and the new planet begins to turn upon her magneti- cal axis. 8. The great body is opened and a portion of the water is swallowed up in the depths below; the dry land appears in hills and valleys; the History of the Earth's Formation. 2 1 remaining waters are divided into oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, and interspersed through different portions of land, as the different proper- ties require moisture. 9. A voice resounds through the earth again, saying, Let there be light; and as we look upon the heavenly bodies above, we see every pla- net shedding its magnetical rays upon its new-born neighbor. 10. As their magnetical properties penetrate through the atmosphere into the depths below, the electric powers come in contact, and vibrate forth into the atmosphere, producing light and heat, until the horizon is filled with magnificent rays, apparently of many colors. 1 1. This He calls day; but as the earth turns upon her axis in uni- son with other planets, they come in contact with particles that do not possess the power of friction. Every planet is equally interspersed with particles that produce friction, and those that do not vibrate with fric- tion ; and when the inactive particles come in contact, darkness pervades over certain parts of the planets, which He terms night ; and as they turn upon their axes, that they again receive friction, light then takes the place of darkness, and He calls it the second day. We learn that it is not the friction of one planet that gives light unto all the heavenly bod- ies, but that all the planets send forth friction to produce light. 12. The heavenly orbs are so formed within the condensed atmo- sphere, that they concentrate their magnetical friction upon some one of the planets, once in twelve hours. 13. Then, as they turn upon their axes, it falls obliquely upon anoth- er, producing half light in the same place, while the full force of friction gives light in another portion of the atmosphere, giving light and dark shades to the different portions of the planets at the same time. While they are turning upon their axes, giving their yearly revolutions, they vary in their friction, producing cold and heat, or the four changes, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. 14. As the earth revolves to give the four changes, vegetation begins to shoot forth from the soil that was formed from the consumed mine- rals, each particle sending forth its own substance, sweet, sour, poisonous, or palatable ; 15. All receiving their life-nutriment from the magnets in the inte- rior of the earth of the same affinity. As the earth revolves, some of the magnetical substance vibrates from one side of the earth to the other ; and when the life-nutriment leaves the roots of the grass, and small shrubs, the life substance all passes into the root, leaving the blade or stem to wither and die ; but as the electrical nutriment vibrates back 22 History of the Earth's Formation. with the revolutions of the earth, the root is again replenished with nutriment, renewing the old stem or sending forth shoots to the surface. 1 6. The trees and shrubs that receive their yearly nutriment from the substantial magnets retain their verdure through the changes of the four seasons. 17. As all the vegetation has germinated before our eyes, the hills and valleys covered with grass and bedecked with flowers, with here and there a tree or shrub rearing their heads in grandeur, we look with great amazement; and with breathless and silent thought, we ask our God to tell us why the earth is productive in the centre and all the remainder bleak and barren, apparently without friction. 18. Our eyes are instantly replenished with strength and wisdom, and we are able to see that the magnets which send forth heat are small and unable to send electric heat from the north to the south, suffi- cient to give growth for vegetation ; but as the earth rolled upon her axis the magnets would grow, and in time be able to give heat and veg- etation to the extreme north or south, the same as in the interior. 19. The growth of the magnets was soon brought to our view. While contemplating upon the impossibility of the magnetical heat passing through the solid rocks, we see it vibrating with great velocity, breaking the rock and sending its fragments over hill and valleys, giving it a chan- nel to pass to its neighboring magnet of the same substance. 20. Thus they passed from one to the other, increasing in size and strength, and as they increase in size, they send forth more heat and light to blend with the planets, in unison with her attraction. 21. While the revolutions of the earth are bringing the four seasons within the interior portions of the globe, the remainder is covered with a frozen substance, as termed ice and snow, formed from the mist or vapor passing between the planets. 22. But as fast as the magnets penetrate into the cold, lifeless parti- cles with heat, they will gradually pass into a temperature of heat, which will lessen the heat in the interior of the earth. History of the Earth's Formation. CHAPTER III. i. And as year after year passes away, we see the earth making the same revolutions : the magnets increasing in size and strength, vibra- ting with great power ; we see the hills increase in size until they become great mountains ; the valleys lowered into gulches, with streams of water gurgling through its untrodden soil. 2. Many of the trees grown to stately oaks, and a great variety of others striving to do their duty by sending forth their young branches covered with leaves and blossoms, for the purpose of multiplying its kind upon earth. 3. While looking upon the growth and grandeur before us, not pos- sessing the power of seeing into the workings of God's natural laws, without investigating and learning, we exclaim, For what purpose has God given this growth of earth and vegetation ? All is stillness, except- ing the gurgling of water. 4. Through the stillness vibrates a voice which echoes from shore to shore, saying, Open your mind and seek for wisdom, and it shall be given you. 5. When we heard the words, Seek for wisdom and it shall be given you, we cast aside all feeling of doubt, saying, Father, tell us what can come from these rocks and hills. 6. The same voice replies, saying, Investigate nature before you, as I draw it forth little by little, and it will speak volumes to the soul that language can not utter or make you appreciate. 7. The thoughts of volumes lying before us in perfect silence aroused us, and we looked forth upon nature, and a voice spake, saying Come forth, all ye pure particles. 8. And we behold the pure particles coming forth from the moun- tains, hills, and valleys — from the stately tree down to the smallest shrub and grass, 9. All working in unison at the moment of His bidding. As the particles came forth, He formed the beasts of the field one after the oth- er, the fishes of the sea, the fowls of the air; each one partaking more or less of every particle contained in the depth of the earth. 24 History of the Earth's Formation. 10. The minerals gave the particles for the bones, the nutriment or the soil of earth giving for the sinews, making a channel for the magnet- ical vibrations to pass over the bones or mineral substance, like the body of the earth ; the vegetation and different water for the blood ; the magnets, passing upon the sinews between the bones and blood, equal- ize the mineral and vegetable substance, and pass to the surface as flesh or covering. 1 1. When the body is formed to receive the magnetical vibration in connection with the earth, God's natural laws inflated the porous sinews with magnetical air, to give life and motion ; magnetical vibration gave sisdit and hearing: 12. As the organs of sight and hearing are put to usury, or when the body is made to exercise, to give force to the magnetical vibrations, they consume the blood or vegetation ; and as soon as the mucous substance is consumed, the magnetical vibration comes in connection with the mine- ral, which produces a gnawing sensation throughout the whole body. This organ of sensitiveness seeks for food that will work in unison with that which gave formation to the body. 1 3. If the body obtains it, the flesh will increase ; if not, the mineral will gain power over the vegetable substance, and the magnetical life will pass from the body. 14. But as God formed all the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, the fishes of the sea, from the substance of earth, she supplied food in abundance for the cravings of nature. 15. Therefore they grow with power to multiply and replenish the earth at nature's bidding; and as they consumed the vegetation which had extracted a portion of the magnetical substance, it gave the surplus power to escape through the pores of the earth and pass into the atmo- sphere. 16. And as they vibrate from one to the other, the velocity produces a breeze or wind. When these magnets meet in the atmosphere, they pass and repass through each other, until they become porous. As they are made porous (and possess magnetical attraction) they extract particles of water from the seas, lakes, and rivers, as they pass over them. When they are filled with the magnetical water, they have the same attraction toward each other, and when coming in contact, and the magnets vibrate together, the friction is as fire through the air, to burn up the impure gases arising from decayed matter of the earth. 1 7. These porous magnets we will call clouds. The vibration, when fully charged with magnetical water, we will call lightning. When the History of the Earth's Formation. 25 electric power escapes from the porous magnets, they fall back to the hills, that they may gain power to rise again in the atmosphere, to refresh the surface with showers of water from the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. 1 8. The electric power that passes from the clouds unites and forms air or wind, within the atmosphere, forming roads or channels as far as their power extends, and then gradually dies away. 1 9. They are not connected with the wind or breeze that passes from north to south. The breezes that pass north and south are formed from the gases that pass off from the magnetical axes, or poles, and follow in unison with their attraction. 20. If a body or ball is raised into the atmosphere, for the purpose of passing around the globe, it must get into a channel, pass on to the extent of its power; then stop and inflate the ball with gases, at that place ; pass on to the next channel, so on, until the ball passes around the globe. The gases must be collected in different parts of the earth, if a ball is inflated to pass around the globe. 26 History of the Ear t lis Formation. CHAPTER IV. i . As we have investigated the most essential portion of earth's mag- nets, we will look into the different bodies of water. By examination we find every particle of water impregnated with magnetical power, in uni- son with the substance that surrounds the body of water, for the purpose of giving it proper equilibrium as the earth turns upon her axis. 2. The salt water contains more magnetical power than the fresh, and as we look into the depth of the ocean, the magnetical particles apparently congeal into one body; but as the magnetical rays from the different planets fall or penetrate into its depth, they separate and receive their power, which causes them to swell and rise to the surface until they change their power in another direction ; then the water recedes to its former position. 3. The swelling of the salt water appears at the change of the four seasons, as the planets send their rays through the mist and vapor that has not as yet been consumed by the pores of the earth. 4. But God's wisdom teaches us that the earth will gradually con- sume this vapor; and as it is being consumed, the planets will penetrate with more power and cause frequent swellings in the water, and rise to a greater depth than at the present time. 5. Now that the clouds are formed to supply the heated surface with gentle showers — the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, the fishes of the sea, all multiplying the earth in abundance, as was commanded, we exclaim again, For what purpose has God given this great and sub- lime structure ? 6. In answer, we hear a voice saying, The sublime grandeur before you has been given for the purpose of making and progressing man, which I shall make in mine own image. 7. As we look from north to south, from east to west, we see the generated particles coming forth at His bidding. 8. While the particles are coming from the depths of the earth, He forms an embryo from mother nature, which receives all the generated particles, from the highest mountain down to the lowest valley: the History of the Earth" s Formation. 27 highest tree down to the grass and creeping vine; from the largest beast down to the smallest creeping insect; the fishes of the sea and the fowls of the air, that had germinated, give up their pure particles for a supe- rior purpose. 9. The mineral substance is extracted from the vegetable and ani- mal for the bones; from the birds and fishes, for the sinews; the nutri- tious particles from the vegetable, for the blood and outward covering. 10. As we look into the embryo of mother nature, we see her mag- netical heat congealing the particles as they are dealt out to her, giving a beautiful formation. This formation being unlike any other upon earth, we will call human. And as we examine the embryo, we find six human forms ready to receive the breath of life. 11. And as God passes His hand over the embryo, they move with life, possessing the action of His soul beating through their brain, differ- ent from the other forms that had received life through the magnetical actions of nature. 1 2. This taught us that there was a difference and a great distinction between the animal and the human. As the breath of life passed through all portions of their bodies, we see a connecting link or sameness with the six bodies within the embryo. 13. And from the head of each form vibrated a beautiful light, far surpassing any thing we have seen in nature. This light connected with the great light and wisdom of the God that giveth them life. 14. At the reception of this light within the particles of earth, all nature begins to smile, the dreary look is changed; the animal, the fish, the fowls of both sexes, begin to feel the vibrations of love, calling them to care and protection of their own kindred. 15. As the vibration of love is smiling with happiness from all par- ticles of nature, God again calls forth the purity from it, and from the six human forms that lie sleeping in the embryo of nature. 16. With these particles impregnated with love, and the affinity of these six forms, He makes six forms in proportion, to act in unison of both mind and body with the former bodies. 17. And as they receive the breath of life, the functions of instinct, and with the same organization, their affinity attracts each form to its own companion, as He designs them. 18. As the six males and six females receive their full organization, He awakens them from their slumbering birth to know and love each other. 19. Being six positive males and six negative females, connected with 28 History of the EartJis Formation. His channel of wisdom, He forms a magnetical battery with their mind ; and as the vibration of His voice or thoughts falls upon their organ of hearing, they know His desires as regards their food and development. 20. He commands them to keep their affinity as they multiply and replenish the earth; and if they obey His commands, He will always come to them with the same still voice of instruction, whenever they shall have a desire for their thoughts to vibrate upon the magnetical channel with His spirit. 21. He also gives them the controlling power over every beast of the field, the creeping insects, the fishes of the sea, and the fowls, so that each one shall come and go at their bidding. 22. We look forth from shore to shore; all nature is smiling as she brings forth her flowers and fruit for man. The beasts, the fishes, the fowls, all seem to say, with an instinct, We love mankind because they are connected with the power that feeds and governs our vitality. 23. And while this feeling of unity and love exists, all is peace and happiness. The earth is heaving the rocks from the depth of its foun- dation ; the clouds are sending their rain in torrents, yet there is not one link broken. 24. And as we investigate each individualized form that is connected with the channel of wisdom, we see that each one contains twenty-four organs in connection with the acting function of the earth. These organs are all connected by a spiritual organ, which is in the centre of the head, and forms the magnetical battery with God. 25. And as each organ develops and passes into the spiritual, it increases the spiritual that carries thoughts and desires to the throne of God; and His love vibrates back in appreciation of their work. 26. But whenever their desires and love turn toward the beauties of the earth, their spiritual mind or battery loses its strength, and they are unable to communicate with their God. 2 7. Their twelve organs have great attraction for the beauties of the beast, fish, and fowl, also the grass and flowers, as they have them for their constant associates. 28. And as they have all they desire, they have no inclination to gain wisdom, or communicate with their God concerning the beauties before them; and whenever He tells them that it is their duty to learn, they refuse to obey, and remain in their indolent condition, collecting fruit in quantities to last from one season to another. Otherwise, time passed unheeded by them. History of the Earth's Formation. 29 CHAPTER V. 1. As years roll along, one after the other, their animal nature obeys the command of multiplying their kind; but their children are in the same condition of mind as the parents, because the parents have not sought to improve the twelve organs with the wisdom God gave them concerning the fruit, changes, and temperature of the seasons. 2. For the seasons could not always remain alike; the working of the magnets under the surface would send forth heat and prevent the vegetation from growing to supply them with food. 3. When they were made sensible of the wisdom He had given them, (by not having their usual fruit,) their minds began to be aroused, and they saw beauty and happiness in listening to the still small voice that pene- trated through the organs of every one of His children at the same time. Being all united with the same channel of love and affinity, they receive the same vibrating power of wisdom. 4. The children that are conceived by earthly parents receive the same organization as the children that received life within the embryo of mother nature. 5. While the body is forming, it extracts nutriment by the power of its own magnet, which it receives at the time of conception. 6. There are twelve primitive principles in nature, and these were given to man, as God gave them the breath of life. 7. These twelve organs are of God, not from the nutriment or ex- tracts of bone or sinew, but require the nutriment of bone and sinew to give them individuality. 8. When a child is conceived, (or extracted from nature,) its growth commences at the head, that being the spark of magnet that was formed from the magnetical substance of vegetable and mineral, consumed by the parents. 9. If it is formed from vegetable and mineral consumed by man, (and passes into the embryo of mother nature,) the conception produces a male child. If the magnet is from the vegetable and mineral con- 3