r The Sage Family Coat of Arms granted by William the Conquerer, A.D. 1066 Genealogical Record of the Decendants of DAVID SAGE A Native of Wales; Born 1639, and one of the First Settlers of Middletown, Connecticut 1652. Carefully Prepared and Revised by 1515 ELISHA'L. SAGE"in 1878 from Authentic Records. Brought to Date (1919) by 232 CHARLES H. SAGE CHARLES H SAGE, Puklisht BATAVIA, N. Y. 1919 -: Introduction The work of collecting the History and Genealogical Record of the family of David Sage, has been several times attempted, and as often given up, for reasons at first not clearly understood but since made plain to me while pursuing the object I had in view ; and in a work of this kind it may not be the least interesting part of the history to relate the cause of this effort, the difficulties encountered, the mode pursued to carry it forward, the discouragement met with and obstacles overcome, and encouragement received from time to time, which led me forward step by step, until it has brought to its present state, however imperfect it may prove to be. It has been a generally received opinion that nearly all bearing the name of Sage throughout the United States were related in nearer or more remote degree, and the result of this work, proves the correctness of the opinion. It being as- certained that about 94 of 100 of this name now living in the United States are the lineal descendants of David Sage, the small percentage not belonging thereto being for most part of recent migration . (Appendix, Note A.) Being laid aside by infirmity from the active life I had been accustomed to follow, I commenced this work as pastime for unoccupied hours, scarcely thinking of prosecuting it to its present extent, and had only the gratification of myself and a few near friends in view. But once engaged thereon I found a strange fascination leading me forward; I sup- pose, like that felt by the archaelogist in searching among the buried cities and remains of antiquity, each discovery only led forward with greater zeal and new and increasing interest to other discoveries long hid from the knowledge of mankind. And this feeling was strengthened by words 6 of cheer received by letters from distant friends, and those near at hand coupled with the urgent entreaty to "Go For- ward !" Thus, led along step by step, receiving words of cheer on the one hand and neglect and indifference on the other, I still pursued "the even tenor of my way," from pastime to severe mental labor, until I have collected material for this work, however imperfect it may prove to be, but if errors are found I ask that they may be attributed to the true cause, which arises not from want of effort upon my part to get at the facts, but from the neglect of many to whom I have written, to reply, thus leaving me to seek other sources of information to enable me to collect statistics, which, a little attention on their part and a little of the courtesy we ought to extend to each other, would have en- tirely obviated. The records of the Congregational Church in Cromwell, with which the family of David Sage was connected from its first organization, 1715, contained record of baptism of mem- bers of this family entire, fos at 713 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 1 daughter, Marion Rodgers, 1904. 36 37 300 Daniel, 1727 (3) (son of 135 Benoni) 1 son, 301 Miles, about 1758. 301 Miles, 1758 (4) Hannah _._ , (Appendix, Note F) (son of 300 Daniel) 8 sons, 302 Isaac, 1782; 308 Benjamin, 1784; 310 Joshua, 1786; 313 John, 1788; David. 6 daughter*. 302 Isaac, 1782 (5) (son of 301 Miles) 4 sons, 303 Miles, 1820; 304 Benjamin F. 1824; 305 Robert, 1827; 306 Isaac, 1832. 2 daughters, Ada- line, 1822; Abigal, 1835. 303 Miles, 1820 (6) Atlantic City, X. J. (son of 302 Isaac). 2 sons, Charles F. 1854; Lewis C. 1861. 3 daughters, Lydia, 1843; Mary, 1847; Ella, 1856; *Ida. 304 Benjamin F. 1824 (6) Beverly, X. J. (son of 302 Isaac) 2 sons, David, 1855; George, 1862; 2 daughters, Melinda, 1863; Charlotte, 1869. 305 Robert, 1827 (6) Dorrence, 111. (son of 302 Isaac) 2 sons, Bernard and William. 306 Isaac, 1832 (6) Camden, N. J. (son of 302 Isaac). 2 sons, 307; Theo- dore, 1852; Francis H. 1858. 1 daughter, Emily M. 1S62. 307 Theodore, 1852 (7) Philadelphia (son of 306 Isaac). 1 son, Marther, 1872. 1 daughter. Mary, 1875. 308 Benjamin, 1784 (5) Philadelphia (son of 301 Miles) 1 son, 309 Ben- jamin V, 1830. 309 Benjamin V. 1830 (6) Philadelphia (son of 308 Benjamin). 310 Joshua, 1786 (5) died 1817, Elizabeth _...._ _..., son of 301 Miles) 7 children, 311 Elijah, 1810; John, Abigail, 1812. 311 Elijah, 1810 (6) Chews Landing, X. J. (son of 310 Joshua) 5 sons, 312 Miles, 1845; *John, 1849; "Jesse, 1857; 'Joseph, 1860; *Samuel; Josiah, 1862. 3 daughters, Elizabeth, 1847; ^Patience, 1850; Hannah, 1852. 312 Miles, 1845 (7) Camden, X. J. (son of 311 Elijah). 313 John, 1788 (5) (son of 301 Miles). 1 son, 314 John. 314 John (5) (son of 313 John) 1 son, John. 315 Carlton L. D. 1860 (6) (son of 43 William L. P.) m. Mar. 8, 1882, Alice C. Smith, b. 1860, Linden, Mich. 2 sons, Russe.ll L. b. Feb. 17, 1885. Guy L. b. Aug. 8. 1889. 4 daughters, Mabelle A. b. Mar. 13, 1883. Helen M. b. Xbv. li, 1887. Florence X. b. Aug. 1, 1891. Ernestine M. b. Nov. 4, 1893. 316 Russell L. 1885 (7) (son of 315 Carlton D.) m. 1916, Minnie C. Walsh, Linden, Mich. 1 daughter, Madeline A b. Sept. 19, 1918. 317 Guy L. 1889 (7) (son of 315 Carlton D.) m. 1915, Ruth C. Miller, 225 Madison Ave., Lansini*. Mich. 1 daughter, Margaret A. b. Oct. 4, 1917. 38 39 350 Allen, 1730 (3) Abigail Willard, Berlin Ct. (son of 135 Benoni). 3 sons, 351 Daniel, 1756; 385 Selah, 1760; 386 James, 1770; 1 daughter, Abigail, 1754. 351 Daniel, 1756 (4) m. Annie Jones (son of 350 Allen) 5 sons, 352 Ransom, 1779; 362 Amos, 1784; 377 Jonathan W. 1785; 382 Daniel, 1795; 384 William F. 1802. 3 daughters, Electa, Fanny, Sally. 352 Ransom, 1779 (5) Polly West, Lebanom, N. Y. (son of 351 Daniel) 6 sons, 353 William, 1800; 355 Napoleon B. 1807; 356 Daniel, 1809; 359 Amos, 1811; *Erastus, 1814; 361 Alonzo, 1817. 3 daughters, Freelove, 1803: Ann, 1805; Caroline, 1820. 253 William, 1800 (6) Jonia, N Y. (son of 352 Ransom) 1 son, 354 Henry, 1824. 4 daughters, Betsey, 1825; Lucy, 1827; Jane, 1829; Marianna, 1835. 354 Henry, 1824 (7) (son of 353 William) 3 sons, Arthur, 1855; Azol, 1869; William, 1872. 4 daughters, Guinelda, 1849; Ida, 1852; Clara, 1862; Marita, 1865. 355 Napoleon B. 1807 (6) (son of 352 Ransom) 1 son, *Plowdon. 2 daughters, * Amanda, Eliza. 356 Daniel, 1809 (6) Eli/a Wood, Romeo, Mich, (son of 352 Ransom). 3 sons, 357 Franklin, 1843; 358 Harry W. 1847; Moses F. 1852. 2 daugh- ters; Elnora. 1841; Bertha, 1845. 357 Franklin, 1843 (7) Minerva Ketchum (son of 356 Daniel). 1 son, Miles K. 1867. 358 Harry W. 1847 (7) Sarah Hifford (son of 356 Daniel). 1 daughter, Leora, 1872. 359 Amos, 1811 (6) Rockford, Til (son of 352 Ransom) 4 sons, "David B. 1839; 360 George A. 1843; Carlton H. 1846; Ransom N. B. 1853. 1 daughter, Carrie E. 1841. 360 Geoige A. 1843 (7) (Son of 359 Amos) 2 sons, "Frank C. 1871; Lewis E. 1875. 1 daughter, "Mary M. 1869. 361 Alonzo, 1817 (6) Miller's Corners, N. Y. (son of 352 Ransom) 1 daughter, Tmogene, 1841. 362 Amos, 1784 (5) (son of 351 Daniel) 7 sons, 363 Solo A. 1805; 364 John, 1808; 365 George, 1810; 368 Willard W. 1812; "Allen, 1816; 373 Amos, 1825; 375 William, 1831; 3 daughters, Anna, 1818; Almira, 1822; Emily, 1834. 363 Solo A. 1805 (6) (son of 362 Amos). 364 John, 1808 (6) (son of 362 Amos) 1 son, "John A. 1 daughter, Sarah. 365 George, 1810 (6) 'Binghamton, N. Y. (son of 362 Amos) 3 sons, 388 Amos; 367 George; *Lavelle, 1863. 3 daughters, Harriet, Ann, Julia. 366 Amos (7) (son of 365 George). 367 George (7) (son of 365 George) 1 child. 368 Willard W. 1812 (6) Norwich, N. Y. (son of 362 Amos). 2 sons, 369 James H. b. Jan. f>, 1837; 372 William A. 1844. 1 daughter, Emily, 1834. 40 369 Rev. James H. 1837 (7) Lucy J. Shapley, b. 1842, 7 Bank St. White Plains, N. Y. (son of 368 Willard W.) 2 sons, 370 Frederick W. b. Oct. 12, 1868; William J. b. Oct. 22, 1878. 1 daughter, Amelia L. b. May 9, 1873, m. 1898, Charles E. Tarbell, 58 Maple Ave., White Plains, N. Y. 370 Frederick W. 1868 (8) m. 1889, Althea Green, b. 1870, 193 Corwin Road, Rochester, N. Y. (son of 369, Rev. Jas. H.) 2 sons, 371 James R. Feb. 25, 1891. Frederick D. Nov. 12, 1905. 2 daughters, Lilliam G. Aug. 25, 1893; Lucy L. June 4, 1896. 371 Jas. R. b. Feb. 25, 1891 (9) m. June, 1916, Ruth Merritt (son of 370 Frederick W.) reside at 616 Garson Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 1 son, Douglas M. Aug. 7, 1917. 372 William A. 1844 (7) Norwich, N. Y. (son of 368 Willard W.) 1 daughter, LaBelle, 1868. 373 Amos, 1825 (6) Charlotte Ross, Limestone Station, N. Y. (son of 362 Amos). 2 sons, 374 Amos, 1848; Edwin A. 1853. 2 daughters, Amelia E. 1851; Mary, 1862. 374 Amos, 1848 (7) (son of 373 Amos) 2 sons, Egbert, William. 2 daughters, Nettie, Flora. 375 Capt. William, 1831 (6) (son of 362 Amos). 1 son, 376 Franklin M. 1854. 376 Franklin M. 1854 (7) (son of 375 William) 1 child. 377 Jonathan W. 1785 (5) (son of 351 Daniel). 3 sons, 'Philander W. L. 1809; 378 Edward, 1818; 380 John D. 1820. 5 daughters, Mary A. 1811; Juliett, 1813; Susan, 1816; Jane, 1818; Sarah, 1823 (Enos). 378 Edward, 1818 (6) (son of o77 Johnathan W.) 1 son, 379 George D. 1842. 379 Geoige D. 1842 (7)-^Kate Fishack, Baltimore, Md. (son of 378 Ed- ward) 2 sons; Edward A. 1865; David W. 1870. 380 John D. 1820, Bridgeport Mills, 111. (6) (son of 377, Johnathan W.) 2 sons. Henry D. 1842; 381 George E. 1844. 1 daughter, Lizzie M. 1849. 381 George E. 1844 (7) U. S. Army (son of 380 John D.) 382 Daniel, 1795, Rio, Wis. (5) (son of 351 Daniel). 1 son, 383 George W. 1830 7 daughters, Electa A. 1817; Rebecca W. 1821; Mary Y. 1822; Adelia M. 1825; Ann E. 1828; Sally J. 1834; Martha L. 1838. 383 George W. 1830 (6) Doyleston, Wis. (son of 382 Daniel). 1 son, Lester, 1864; 1 daughter, Martha, 1855. 384 William F. 1802 (5) Troy, N. Y. (son of 351 Daniel). 4 children, * * * Sarah E., 1836 fEnos). 385 Selah, 1760 (4) Bloomfield, N. Y. (son of 350 Allen). 4 sons, Joseph, David, Selah, Lyman. 1 daughter, Mary. 386 James, 1770, (4) died 1815. Catherine Emmons, Bloomfield, N. Y. (son of 350 Allen). 6 sons. 387 Sylvanus, 1800; 388 Daniel, 1802; 389 James, 1804; 390 Hiram, 1808; 392" Alvah, 1810; 393 Willard, 1814. 2 daughters, Hannah, 1806; Mary, 1812. 887 Sylvenus, 1800 (5) (son of 386 James). 1 son. 388 Daniel, 1802 (5) >Cson of 386 James) 2 sons, 3 daughters. 41 389 James, 1804 (5) (son of 336 James) 2 sons, 2 daughters. 390 Hiram, 1808 (5) (son of 386 James). 1 son, 391 Edwin James; 2 daughters, Lydia, Olean 391 Edwin J. (6) Philadelphia, Pa. (son of 390 Hiram). Has family, but c&n get no record. 392 Alvah, 1810 (5) Novi, Mich, (son of 386 Jamea) 1 son, 398 James, 1841; 1 daughter, Caroline, 1839. 393 Willard, 1814 (5) d. 1876, Love M. Sheldon, Canandaigua, X. Y. (son of 386 James) 4 sons, 394 George B. 1839; 395 James W., 1841; Oscar F. 1843; Edward M. 1848. 4 daughters, Sarah A. 1837; Phebe E. 1845; Silvia M. 1849; Carrie E. 1856. 394 George B. 1839 (6) Maggie Bell, East Bloomfield, X. Y. (son of 393 Willard). 1 son, George 0. 1866; 2 daughters, Lizzie B. 1864; Lillie J. 1871. 395 James W. 1841 (6) Perry Center, N. Y. (son of 393 Willard). 6 sons, Charles E. 1868; Frank S. 1869; 396 William J. 1871; Freddie A. 1872; Burt C. 1882; 397 Phillip H. b. Dec. 12, 1884. 4 daughters, Annie A. 1866; Flora M. 1875; Lena B. 1878, d. 1913; Mabel A. 1880. 396 William J. 1871 (7) Mary H. Eugert, Perry, N. Y. (son of 395 James W.) 2 sons, Charles W. 1904; Jesse A. 1907. 1 daughter, Doris M. 1906. 397 Philip H. 1884 (7) m. Nov. 12, 1912, Florence J. Rose, b. May 28, 1892, Perry, N. Y. (son of 395 James W.) 1 daughter, Phyllis M. b. June 7, 1914. 398 James, 1841 (6) (son of 392 Alvah) 2 sons, Alvak, 1864; Pierre, 1863. 42 43 450 Nathaniel, 1707 (2) <1. 1780. m. Rebecca Hart, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 3 John) 4 sons, 451 Samuel, 1732; 575 Jedediah, 1734; 750 Heeekiah, 1752; 850 Nathaniel, 1755. 5 daughters, Lucia, 1737; Rebecca, 1739; Thank- ful, 1742; Hepz ibah, 1745. Hannah, 1747. 451 Samuel 1732 (3) Prudence Hurlbut (son of 450 Nathaniel) 3 sons, 452 Enos, 1757; 476 Elias, 1759: 506 Samuel, 1763; 5 daughters, Prudence, 1755; Mary, 1761; Thankful, 1767; Chloe, 1769; Rebecca, 1775. 452 Enos, 1757 (4) Colebrook, Conn, (son of 451 Samuel) 12 sona; 453 Joel, 1781; 456 Enos, 1783; 459 Elisha, 1785; 463 Alpha, 1787; 464 Daniel, 1789; "Stephen, 1791; 466 Calvin, 1793; 468 Jason, 1798; 469 Hiram, 1804; Samuel, 1806; 471 Lorenzo N. 1808; 474 Enos, 1817; Rebecca, 1794; Eunice A 1813: Rhoda M. 1813. Eunice A. 1813, d. 1902 (daughter of 452 Enos) in. Mar. 30, 1836, Daniel M. Eno at Colebrook, Conn. Both died at Honesdale, Pa., where they had resided since 1838. Children, John S. b. Jan. 14, 1838, resides at Brew- stars, N. Y. Eunice M. b. Mar. 8 1839; Susan A. b. Feb. 27, 1841. Laura E. b. Feb. 17, 1844; * Frederick I), b. Apr. 1. 1846; Edward Saire. 1,. Muv 26, 1848; Alfred W. b. June 19, 1851; *Geo. B. b. July 31, 1853; Lillian G. b. Jan. 23, 1855; Charlotte E. b. Feb. 8, 1858. 453 Joel, 1781 (5) d. 1839, Colebrook, Conn, (son of 452 Enos). I sons, 454 Sidney A. 1806; 455 Stephen H. 1818. 454 Sidney A. 1806 (6) d. Mar. 13, 1869, m. Susan Whitney, who d. 1857. 2nd m. Feb. 8, 1859, Harriett M. Foster, who d. Sept. 24, 1898. Racine, Wis. (son of 453 Joel). 1 son, Sidney A. b. Dec. 26, 1852, Lisbon, No. Dakota. 4 daughters, Helen B. b. Aug. 14, 1851, d. Sept. 1969; Frances A. b. Nov. 24, 1853; Susan W. b. Aug. 8, 1857; Mary E. b. Aug. 19, 1862. Frances A. 1853 (daughter of 454 Sidney) m. Sept. 2, 1874, H. Kirke Adams, 4901 Fremont Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. 2 sons, Bertram Sage, b. Nov. 10, 1875, m. Vida Brugger, Hibbing, Minn; Willis Sage, b. Apr. 27, 1886, m. Gladys Taylor, Lisbon, No. Dakota. 2 daughters, Cora May, May 27, 1877, *Lois H. b. July 19, 1882. Mary E. 1862 (daughter 454 Sidney) m. Nov. 13, 1888. William G. Parmelee, 257 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo. N. Y. 2 sons, James G. b. May 25, 1891. Moscow, Idaho, Foster, b. May 15, 1897. (Ensign in U. S. N. R.) Susan W. 1857, d. Dec. 30, 1910 (daughter 454 Sidney) m. Rush S. Adams, Pres 1st Nat. Bank, Lisbon, No. Dakota. 2 sons, Sidney D. 1877, Lisbon, N. D. ; "Arthur B. : Gertrude Loiuse, 1880, m. John B. Kiunet, Aber- deen, Wash 455 Stephen H. 1818 (6) Racine, Wis. (son of 453 Joel) 2 daughters, Emma Mi, 1858; Fanny B. 1860. 456 Enos, 1783 (5) d. 1814, Mercy Shepherd (son of 452 Enos) 2 sons, 'William, 1807; 457 Frederick S. 1809*; 3 daughters. 457 Frederick S. 1809 (6) Dayton, O. (son of 456 Enos) 3 sons, 458 Wil- liam H. 1837; *Andrew, 1843; Sidney H. 1845; 3 daughters, Frances M. 1836; Sarah E. 1840; Emma L. 1848. 458 William H. 1837 (7) (son of 457 Frederick S.) 1 son, "Richard W. 1869. 1 daughter, Clara M. 1865. 459 Elisha, 1785 (5) Hartford, Conn, (son of 452 Enos). 1 son, 460 Elisha E. 1819. 460 Elisha E. b. 1819 (6) d. Sept. 3, 1871, m. Olive Deming, b. 1818, d. Feb. 16, 1898 (son of 459 Elisha) 3 sons, 461 Edwin W. 1851; "Charles 44 1854; Henry D. 1861. 4 daughters, Anna E. 1842; Sarah F. 1843, d. Apr. 25, 1902; Harriett L. 1845, d. May, 1917; Olive F. 1847. 461 Edwin W. 1851 (7) d. Aug. 23, 1916, Clara T. Phillips (son of 460 Elisha E.) 2 sons, William P. 1875, d. Jan. 29, 1915. Edwin E. 1885; 1 daughter, Olive Kate, 1877, d. July 28, 1896. 462 Edwin E. 1885 (8)-^Mary G. Harvey, 12 So. Highland St. Hartford, Conn, (son of 461 Edwin W.) 1 son, Edwin E. Jr. 1917. 1 daughter, Marion H. 1918. 463 Alpha, 1787 (5) Hartford, Conn, (son of 452 Enos) 1 son, *Burrill, 1813. 464 Daniel, 1789 (5) (son of 452 Enos) 4 sons, 'Gilbert, 1815; 465 Stephen W. 1820; *Henry B. 1821; *Charles J. 1825; 1 daughter, Laura B. 1824. 465 Stephen W. 1820 (6) (son of 464 Daniel) 2 sons, Henry G. 1850; Willie P. 1856; 2 daughters, Ida M. 1854; Harriet L. 1861. 466 Calvin, 1793 (5) (son of 452 Enos) 1 son, 467 Samuel W. 1841. 467 Samuel W. 1841 (6) West Norfolk, Conn, (son of 466 Calvin). 468 Jason, 1798 (5) d. 1874, Hartford, Conn, (son of 452 Enos) 2 daughters. 469 Hiram, 1804 (5) d. 1876, m. Lucy Judd, who d. 1859. Colebrook, Conn, (son of 452 Enos). 4 sons, 470 Albert B. 1845; *Edward H. 1847; 523 Charles H. 1853; 523 B. Franklin, 1855; 8 daughters, Eliza J. 1838: Rebecca N. 1839; Elvira A. 1841; Rhoda M. 1843; d. 1848; Lucia M. 1849; Eunice E. 1851; Charlotte L. 1856; Susan L. 1858. Rebecca N. 1839 (daughter 469 Hiram) m. 1866 Henry Whiting, who d. 1900, Fosteria, Cal. 3 sons, A. Lincoln, 1868, d. 1905, m. Elizabeth Gorman, Boonville, Cal. Alfred H. 1873, 730 Sonora St. Stockton, Cal.; Herbert F. 1880, R. D. Box 48 lone, Amador Co. Cal. 2 daughters, Laura E. 1869, m. Edward Hart ; Gait, Cal.; Clara, 1877, m. J. D. Schrack, Fosteria, Cal. Eliza J. 1838 (daughter 469 Hiram) m. 1862 James L. Bragg, who d. 1865. Lucia m. 1847 (daughter 469 Hiram) m. 1869 John Bliss, Ashley, Ind. Eunice F. 1851, d. 1908 (daughter 469 Hiram) m. 1880, Henry F. Marsh. 1 son, Howard Sage, 1885. (First Lieutenant A. E. F. World War) 1 daughter, Bessie E. 1881, m. 1902 Stuart Bronson, Winchester, Conn. 2 sons, Bird&ey M. 1903; Wjnthrop T. 1904. 1 daughter, Katharine E. 1916. Charlotte L. 1856 (daughter 469 Hiram) m. Oct. 27, 1879. Charles L. Hewett, 93 High St., Winsted, Conn. 1 son, Frank L. b. Apr. 9, 1882. 1 daughter, Eveline R. b. Oct. 17, 1886. Susan I.. 1858 (daughter 469 Hiram) m. 1885, William Knoblock, who d. 1886. 2nd m. 1887, Watson Messinger. 1 son, William, 1886 (who name was changed to Messinger). Elvira A. 1841. d, 1912 (daughter 469 Hiram) m. 1873 Samuel S. But- ler b. 1829, Los Gates. Cal. 3 sons, Edward S. 1876; Eureka, Cal. F. E. 1881; Los Gatos, Cal. A. C. 1887. 470 Albert B. 1845 (6) d. 1882, m. Myra Barnard, who d. 1871 m. 2nd, 1874 Jessie Corbin, who died 1882. (son of 469 Hiram) 1 son, Frederick C. 1875, killed by automobile. 1917. 1 daughter, Mabel C. 1877, m. Arthur W. Gordon. 2 daughters, Ethel J. 1899 (Mrs. Albert V. Gifoy) ; Florence E. 1901, Needham, Mass. 45 471 Lorenzo N. 1808 (5) d. 1887 m. Juliet Wilcox, b. 1806, d. 1887, Collinsville, Conn, (son of 452 Enos). 3 sons, 472 Enos A. 1834; 478 Calvin X. 1838; Edward B. 1840, killed in army 1864; 1 daughter, Mary G. 1844. Mary ft. 1844 (daughter of 471 Lorenzo) m. 1873 in Collinsville, Conn. Herman H. Hurd, b. 1831, d. 1915, Raymond, Neb. Children, Laura M. 1874, m. 1895 Bern D. Hotchki&s; Edwin F. 1878, 1414 Dorcas St. Omaha, Neb.; *Amy J. 1876; Marion L. 1879, m. 1906, J. Albert Carlson; Lewis H. 1882. 472 Enos A. 1834 (6) Harriet L. Potter, New Britian, Conn, (son of 471 Lorenzo N.) (See Appendix Not* K.) 2 sons, Edward B. 1869; 525 John L. 1871; 4 daughters, Ella M. 1859, d. 1892; 'Katie, 1861; Matie A. 1875; Eunice A. 1880. Mattie A. 1875 (daughter 472 Enos A. m. Wm. A.Gunn, New Haven, Conn. Eunice A. 1880 (daughter 472 Enos A.) m. Albert H. Drake, Stamford, Conn. 473 Calvin N. 1838 d. 1916 (8) m. 1873, Cora S. Thompson, b. 1855, Col- linsville, Conn, removed to Unionville, Conn. 1919 (See Appendix Note R.) (eon of 471 Lorenzo) 1 son, *Edw. T. 1875; 2 daughters, Louise M. 1882; Mildred E. 1885, Unionville, Conn. Louise M. 1882, m. 1906 Birdsey E. Case, 18 Cone St. Hartford, Conn, (daughter of 473 Calvin N.) 2 sons, "Emerson W. 1911. Cedric W., 1914. 474 Enos, 1817 (5) (son of 452 Enos) 1 son, 475 Louis E. 1851. 475 Louis E. 1851 (6) eo Lenox Ave., Bridgeport, Conn, (son of 474 Enos). 1 son, 526 Alfred H. 1877. 476 Elias, 1759 (4) Sandisfield, Mass, (son of 451 Samuel) 8 sons, 477 Martin, 1784; 480 Roswell, 1786; 487 Bernard, 1788; 480 Harvey, 1794; 495 Elias, 1799; 496 Norton. 1804; 498 Wesley, 1806; 499 J. William D. F. 1809; 4 daughters, Sally, 1782; Hannah, 1790; Elizabeth, 1796; Rhoda, 1800. 477 Martin, 1784 (5) (son of 476 Elias) 2 sons, 478 Lawrence, 1810; William J. 1815. 478 Lawrence, 1810 (S) Alliean, Mich, (son of 477 Martin) 3 sons, Charles W. 1848; Louis M. 1852: Willie, 1858. 479 Louis M. 1852 (7) i(son of 478 Lawrence) 1 son; Louis, 1875. 480 Roswell, 1786 (5) d, 1848, Nancy Jewett (son of 476 Elias) 3 sons: Lyman J. 1815; 481 Seymour N. 1824;' 482 J. Wesley, 1829; 5 daughters, Caroline, 1817; Sarah M. 1822 (Curtis); Rhoda, 181*9; Eleanor A. 1826; Harriet E. 1832. 481 Seymour N. 1824 (6) Hannah Miller, Chicago, Junction, Ohio, (son of 480 Roswell) 1 son; Frankie J. 1868; 3 daughters, Elizabeth J. 1854 (Willoughby) ; Evaline N. 1857; Marietta A. 1865. 482 John Wesley, 1829 (6)- Catharine M. Miller, Attica, 0. (son of 480 Roswell) 2 sons, 483 William S. 1859; 484 Charles W. b. May 3, 1861; 2 daughters, Julia A. 1856; Mary A. 1867. 483 William S. 1859 (7) Esther Balmer, Hoytville, Ohio, (son of 482 John W.) 1 daughter, Frances E. m. J. Calvin Steiner, 1917. 484 Charles W. 1861 (7) m. Mar. 4, 1887, Carrie A. Dellinger, Attica, Ohio (son of 482 John W.) 3 sons, 485 Glenn R. 1887; 486 Karl D. 1890; Haleton W. 1901; 1 daughter, *Velva, 1888. 46 485 Glenn R. 1887 (8) Elta Jackson, Willard, Ohio, (son of 484 Charles W.) 2 sons. Charles D. b. Dec. 2, 1911; Paul R. b. Dec. 18, 1914. 486 Karl D. 1890 (8) m. 1913, Lelah V. Fink, Willard, Ohio, (son of 484 Charles W.; 1 son, Scott F. b. Aug. 23, 1916; 1 daughter, Emma L. b. Mar. 16, 1914. 487 Bernard, 1788 (5) d 1874 (son of 476 Elias) 2 sons, 488 Chauneey E. 1817; *Luther B. 1836; 3 daughters, Nancy, 1812; Olive, 1814; Amanda, 1819. 488 Chauncey E. 1817 (6) d. 1877, Emily Rumble, b. 1835, d. 1914. (son of 487 Bernard) 2 sons, 522 Luther B. 1870; Harvey 0. 1873. 489 Harvey, 1794 (5) (son of 476 Elia&) 4 sons, "Warren, 1814; 490 Bernard, 1816; 491 Henry, 1818; 492 Elias, 1820. 490 Bernard, 1816 (6) (son of 489 Harvey) 2 daughters, Emma, 1849; (Cady); Cora, 1851 (Hatch). 491 Henry, 1818 (6) (son of 489 Harvey) 1 daughter, Eunice M. 492 Elias 1820 (6) Plattsmouth, Neb. (son of 489 Harvey) 2 sons, 493 Eugene H. 1842; 494 Harvey D. 1846; 1 daughter, Amelia, 1844. 493 Eugene H. 1842 (7) (son of 492 Elias) 1 son, Albert E. 1 daughter, Emma. 494 Harvey D. 1846 (7) (son of 492 Elias) 4 sons, Harvey 1868; William, 1870; Gay, 1872; Wright, 1874. 495 Col. Elias, 1799 (5) Copenhagen, N. Y. (son of 476 Elias (2 daugh- ters, Martha J., 1848; Emily G. 1850. 496 Norton, 1804 (5) Green Valley, 111. (son of 476 Elias) 1 son, 497 Albert N.; 2 daughters, Anna, Mary L. 497 Albert N. (6) (son of 496 Norton) No children. 498 Wesley, 1806 (5) Watertown, N. Y. (son of 476 Elias) 2 son*, *Frank W. 1850; George N. 1354; 3 daughters, Cornelia, 1833; Lavisa, 1834; Clara R. 1845. 499 William D. F. 1809 (5) Dundee, N. Y. (son of 476 Elias) 3 sons, 500 Julius C. b. Sept. 15, 1838; 505 Norton A. 1843; Harmon L. 1848; 3 daughters, Gustie C. 1833; Abbie F. 1836; Lizzie, 1840. 500 Julius C. 1838 (6) m. Harriet Fowler, b. Apr. 10, 1842, Dundee, N. Y. (son of 499 J. William D. F.) 4 sons, 501 Mayard, 1867; 592 William F. 1872; 503 Fowler, b. May 14, 1876; 504 Truman L. 1881; 2 daughters, Lilian, 1?70, (Steered d. 1899: Inez F. 1884. 501 Mayard, 1867 (7) Dundee, N. Y. (son of 500 Julius C.) 1 daughter, Ruth H. 1901. 502 William F. 1872 (7) Newark. N. Y. Florence (son of 500 Julius) No children, 1919. 503 Fowler, 1876 (7) m. 1910, C. Adah Zinmeister, 1035 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. (son of 500 Julius C.) No children, 1919. 504 Truman L. 1881 (7) Nona Bellis, Morris Run, Pa. (son of 500 Julius G.) 4 sons, Warren F. 1906; Lowell R. 1908; *Norman H. 1910; "Truman L. Jr. 1915; 1 daughter, Jean A. 1918. 47 505 Norton A. 1843 (6) (son ot 499 J. William D. F.) 1 son, Bertie, 1871; 1 daughter, Nina, 1874. 506 Samuel, 1763 (4) Mary Aryault (son of 451 Samuel) 4 sons, 507 George, 1788; *Allen, 1793; 'Chester, 1795; 518 Lewis, 1799; 6 daughters, Mary L. 1789; Fanny E., 1791: Sarah, 1797; Marian, 1802; Philena, 1805; Abigail L. 1807. 507 George, 1788 (5) died 1860 (son of Samuel 506) 5 sons, *Hiram, 1812; 508 Samuel G. 1818; 510 Lewis, 1822; 514 James. 1825; 516 George, 1828. 3 daughters, Mary L. 1814; Fanny, 1816; Aura, 1820. 508 Samuel G. 1818 (6) Caton, X. Y. (son of 507 George) 1 son, 509 John R. 1838; 1 daughter, Sarah C. 1846. 509 John R. 1838 (7) (son of 508 Samuel) daughters. 510 Lewis, 1822 (6) d. Xov. 28. 1892. m. Precilla Sidnay, b. 1825, d. 1908. Caton X. Y. (son of 507 George); 2 sons, Hiram G. 1852; 511 William S. b. Mar. 1, 1860; Madora E. 1850;' Mary P. 1851; Alice F. 1857. 511 William S. 1860 (7) m. Aug. 25, 1883, Lillie M. Seibold, d. Apr. 20, 1913, m. 1918. Li/./ie . terrain. 1007 Penna. Ave.. Elmira, X. Y. (son of 510 Lewis) 3 sons, 512 Lewis J. b. Feb. 18, 1884; 513 Harry M. (M. D.) 1888; Frank H. b. Xov. 26, 1890, d. June 19, 1907; 2 daughters, May E. b. Xov. 14. 1886: Harriet F. b. Oct. 1897. Xow living (1919) with her sister. 512 Lewis J. 1884 (8) m. 1918, Marie W. Bliss, 4 Eustice St., Wolliston, Mass, (son of 511 William S.) 513 Lieut. Harry M. (M. D.) 1888 (8) m. Dec. 28, 1916, Lilliam M. Taft, 1898 Xo. High St.. Columbus. Ohio, (son of 511 William S.) 1 son, Harry M. Jr. Dec. 24. 191 S; 1 daughter, Harriet M. b. Jan. 27, 1919, at East Lansing. Mich. May E. 1886 (daughter of 511 William S.) m. Aug. 18, 1909, Frank C. Densberger. now resides at 82 Tremaine Ave, Kenmore, N. Y. 1 son, Richard Sage. 1). Jan. 30, 1915 at Middleport, X. Y. 1 daughter, Elizabeth May, b. Jan 16, 1911, at Waterloo, X. Y. Madora E. 1850 (7) (daughter 510 Lewis) m. Xov. 20, 1873, Alonzo L. Gulliver, b. Sept. 17, 1848; R. F. D. Corning. X. Y. 2 daughters, *May F. b. May 20, 18S.5; Ella L. b. Aug. 25, 1889. 2 sons, "Lewis L. b. Mar. 5. 1880; Herbert E. b. Mar. 25, 1883, in. 1909, Anna B. Hunt. 514 James, 1825 (6) d. 1877 (son of 507 George) 2 sons, 515 Hiram, 1851; Alonzon, 1854. 1 daughter, Amelia, 1848. 515 Hiram, 1851 (7) (son of 514 James). Xo children. 516 George, 1828 (6) m. Orpha J. Jennings, b. 1826, d. 1902, Caton, X. Y. (son of 507 George). 3 son?. 517 Morris L. 1850; 'Eugene D. 1852; 521 Chester A. 1850. 2 daughters, Lorilla and Elizabeth. 517 Morris L. 1850 (7) Corning, N. Y. (son of 516 George) 1 son; Her- bert M. 1876. 518 Lewis, 1799 (5) (son of 500 Samuel 3 sons, 519 Henry L. 1832; 520 Allen A. 1834; *Byran G. 1836. 1 daughter. Isabel, 184X. 519 Henry L. 1832 (6) Alexandria. Minn, (son of 518 Lewis) 5 sons, Clyde M. 1859; Elmer E. 1862: Francis A. 1865; Irving C. 1867; Ralph A. 1870. 2 daughters. Carrie F. 1858; Maud L. 1874. 48 520 Allen A. 1834 (6) (son of 518 Lewis) 2 sons, Herbert, 1857; Willie, 1869. 521 Chester A. 1854 (7) m. 1881, Addie A. Holly, 317 E. Mill St. Ithaca, N. Y. (son of 516 George). No children. 522 Luther B. 1870 (7) m. 1896, Daisy Chase ( &on of 488 Chancey E.) Ava, Oneida Co., N. Y. 1 son, Lloyd C. I. 1902. 3 daughters, Audrey J. 1896; *Eleanor M. 1900; Gladys L.' 1898, m. Emory J. Gookins, Boonville, N. Y. 523 Charles H. 1853 (6) m. 1880, Mary C. Burr, E. Canaan, Conn, (son of 469 Hiram) No children. 524 B. Franklin, 1855 (6) m. 1890 Minnie Hollister. No children. 525 John L. 1871 (7) m. Margaret Burns, New Britain, Conn. 3 sons, John, Howard, Enos. 1 daughter, Gertrude. 526 Alfred H. 1877 (7) m. Emma Meachen, 51 Quimby Ave., White Plains, N. Y. (son of 415 Louis E.) 49 50 575 Jedediah, 1734 (3) died 1798, Lucy Smith, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 450 Nathaniel) 7 sons, *Elisha, 1756; 576 Abiel, 1758; 682 David, 1760; Amos, 1762: Simeon, 1763; Sylvester. 1765; Jedediah, 1766. 4 daughters, Sarah, 1769; Jerusha, 1771; Mary, 1773; Diantha, 1775. 576 Capt. Abiel, 1758 (4) died 1827, Tryphenia Turrill, Sandisfield, Mass, (son of 575 Jedediah) 6 sons, 577 Amos, 1782; 580 Lewis, 1784; 589 Ros- well, 1789; 660 Abiel, 1792; 662 Lyman, 1794; 667 Chaunoey, 1799. 2 daughters; Tryphenia, 1787; *Sally, 1787. 577 Amos, 1782 (5) died 1832, Snow, Sandisfield, Mass, (son of 576 Abiel). 3 sons, 578 Daniel, 1807; *Roswell, 1809; 579 Hiram, 1813. 3 daugh- ters, Tryphenia (Davis), 1811; Mary, 1818 (Merill) ; Phebe, 1827 (Babcock). 578 Daniel, 1807 (6) (son of 577 Amos) 1 son, Egbert. 2 daughters, Louisa, Elizabeth. 579 Hiram, 1813 (6) Stewarts ville, Minn, (son of 577 Amos) 1 son, Roswell D. 1846. 2 daughters, Mary, Luella. 580 Lewis, 1784 (5) died 1815, Miss Smith (son of 576 Abiel). 2 sons, 581 Lewis, 1805; 587 Abie! G. 1814. 3 daughters, Polly, 1809; Susan, 1811. 581 Capt. Lewis T, 1805 (6) died 1834 (son of 580 Lewis). 4 sons, 582 De Loss, 1830; 583 Herbert D. 1836; 584 Newton J. 1841; 585 Lewis, 1843. 582 L. De Loss, 1830 (7) Hot Springs, Ark. (son of 581 Lewis). No children. 583 Herbert D. 1836 (6) Storm Lake, Iowa, (son of 581 Lewis). 3 sons, *Charles L. 1867; Harry, 1868; Sdgar H. 1876. 1 daughter, Ellen V. 1877. 584 Newton J. 1841 (6) Mass, (son of 1335 Simeon). 1 daughter, Susan A. 1845 (Curtiss). 88 89 1360 Solomon, 1762 (3) Anna Williams, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1305 Solomon); 4 sons, 1361 Eber, 1790; 13G4 Ezra, 1796; Solomon, 1802; 1369 Luther W. 1803. 4 daughters, Roxy, 1791 (White); Anna, 1792 (Russell); Emily, 1798 (Ball); Laura, 1799 (Post). 1361 Eber, 1790 (4) Acsah Ely, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1360 Solomon). 3 sons, 1362 Francis, 1S16: 1363 Ferdinand, 1821; Frederick, 1823. 2 daughters, Elvira Jane, 1817 (McWilliams) ; Cornelia, 1818. 1362 Francis, 1816 (5) Mary Welsher, St. Helena, Cal. (son of 1361 Eber). 1 son, Junius A. 1^48. 3 daughters, Elvira A. 1840; Cornelia A. 1842; Mary F. 1844. 1363 Ferdinand, 1821 (5) Rocky Hill, Conn, (son of 1361 Eber). 1 daughter. 1364 Ezra, 1796 (4) Bathsheba M. Wilcox, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1360 Solomon). 6 sons, 1365 Henry W. 1821; 13(56 Ezra S. 1829; 1368 John N. 1837; *Frederick B. 1834; 1367 Edward W. 1832; Albert P. 1851. 6 daughters, Anna M. 1819 (Norton); Eliza E. 1823 (Butler); *Bathsheba, 1826; Marion ; 1829, (Belden) ; Emma L. 1848; Ella F. 1849. 1365 Henry W. 1821 (5) Rocky Hill, Conn, (son of 1364 Ezra). 1 daugh- ter, Adella, 1848. 1366 Ezra S. 1829 (5) Providence, R. 1. (son of 1364 Ezra) 2 daughters, Lottie, Carrie. 1367 Edward W. 1832 (5) (son of 1364 Ezra) 2 sons, Edward, 1866; Frederick, 1868. 2 daughters. 1368 John N. 1837 (5) Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1364 Ezra). Died of disease contracted in army. 1 son, Frederick, 1861. 1369 Luther W. 1803 (4) Elizabeth White, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1360 Solomon). 2 sons, 1370 Charles L. 1831, 1371 Frank A. 1839. 4 daughters, Elizabeth A. 1829; *Emily B. 1833; *Sarah A. 1840; Georgia A. 1848. 1370 Charles L. 1831 (6) Higgaman, Conn, (son of 1369 Luther W.) 4 sons, *Charles H. 1862; *Frank H. 1864; Herbert F. 1870; Willie E. 1872. 4 daughters, Ida F. 1855; "Nellie F. 1857: Rosa E. 1859; Sarah E. 1867. 1371 Frank A. 1839 (6) Meriden, Conn, (son of 1369 Luther W.) 1 son, Burton L. 1874. 1372 Amos, 1722 (2) d. 1759, m. Rebecca Wilcox, Cromwell, Conn, (son og 1200 Timothy). 5 sons, 1373 Amos, 1747; 1375 William, 1748; 1500 Hezekiah. 1750; 1510 Xathan, 1752: 1511 Elisha, 1755. 3 daughters, Rebecca, 1754, (Riley); Abigail, 1756 (Swift); Submit, 1759 (Willitts). 1373 Amos, 1747 (3) Mary Lewis, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1372 Amos). 2 sons, *Sylvester, 1781; 1374 Silas, 1779. 2 daughters, Anna M. 1787 (Doud); *Sybil, 1777. 1374 Silas, 1779 (4) m. Margaret Jennings, Cromwell (son of 1373 Amos). 7 sons, "Sylvester, 1804; "Joseph J. 1808; "Bernard, 1810; "Arthur M. 1813; "Silas, 1815; Amos, 1817; Bernard, 1818. 2 daughters, "Mary L. 1806; Margaret, 1812 (Talcot). 1375 Capt. William, 1748 (3) Bathsheba Hollister, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1372 Amos). Appendix Note K.) 9 sons, 1376 William, 1768; 1390 Josiah, 1770; 1393 George, 1772; "Roswell, 1778: 1408 Isaac. 1786; "Nathan, 1788; 1409 Orrin, 1791. 5 daughters, Betty, 1769 (G. Butler); Sally, 1780 (Deming); Clarissa, 1785 (J. Butler): "Sophy 1794; Susan, 1795 (White). 90 1376 William, 1768 (4) d. 1307. m. Elizabeth Cook, Middletown, Conn, (son of 1375 William). 5 sons, *William, 1787; *Henry, 1791; 1377 Charles, 1795; 1385 James, 1797; 1386 Hiram, 1799. 3 daughters, Eliza, 1793 (Win- ship); Sarah, 1801; Abigail, (Lee). 1377 Charles, 1795 (5) d. 1838, m. Sally Williams, Ithaca, N. Y. (son of 1376 William). Shipwrecked on Florida and killed by Indians. 2 sons, 1378 Henry W. 1814: *Charles C. 1825. 5 daughters, Julia A. 1815; Eliza- beth C. 1817; Lucy A. 1819; 'Caroline B. 1821; Caroline B. 1823. 1378 Henry W. 1814 (6) d. 1897, Brooklyn, N. Y. (son of 1377 Charles). Appendix Note. L.). 2 sons, 1379 Dean, 1841; 1381 William H. b. Jan. 8, 1844. 1379 Dean, 1841 (7) d. 1902, m. Sarah A. Manning, b. 1841, d. 1915, Brooklyn, N. Y. (son of 1378 Henry W.) 2 sons, Henry M. 1868; 1380 Dean, 1875. 3 daughters, Susan Lynn, b. Oct. 1, 1866; Sarah Porter, b. June 8, 1874; Elizabeth Manning, b. Mar 27, 1878. 1380 Dean, 1875 (8) >m. 1900, Anna Parker, Bernardsville, N. J. (son of 1379 Dean). 1 son, Dean, Jr. 1908. 2 daughters, Cornelia. 1901; Sarah, 1902. Susan Linn, 1866 (daughter of 1379 Dean) m. 1891 James Fennimore Cooper, Cooperstown, N. Y. 4 sons, James Fennimore, b. 1892, d. 3918; Henry Sage Fennimore, 1895; Paul Fennimore, 1899; Lynn Fennimore, 1899. Sarah Porter, 1874 (daughter of 1379 Dean) m. 1903 Edwin O| Holter, Mount Kisco, N. Y. 3 daughters, Sarah Manning, 1904; Elizabeth Sage, 1906; Mary Francis, 1911. 1 son, Edwin O. Jr. 1908. Elizabeth Manning, 1878 (daughter of 1379 Dean), m. Walter L. Good- win, d. 1913. 4 sons, Walter L. 1902; Henry Sage, 1904; Grenville, 1907; John B. L. 1912. m. 2nd 19:16 Meredith Hare, Huntington, Long Island, resides at 177 East 71st St. N. Y. City. 1 son, David, 1917. 1381 William H. 1844 (7) m. 1869, Jane Gregg Curtin, who d. Nov. 22, 1893, m. 2nd Apr. 9, 1898. Isabel Whitney, Menands Iload, Albany, N. Y. (son of 1378 Henry W.) 4 sons. 1382; Henry Williams, 1872; Andrew Gregg Curtin, 1873, unmarried, 31 West 58th Street, New York City. DeWitt Linn, 1875, d. 1901 ; * William H. 1900. 1 daughter, Katharine C. b. 1870. Katherine Curtin, 1870 (daughter of 1381 William H.) m. Oct. 16, 1895, Ernest Tngersoll White at Ithaca, N. Y. resides at 1025 James St., Syracuse, N. Y. Children, Jane Sage, b. Apr. 29, 1897; Marian Strong, b. Aug. 4, 1898. Katherine Curtin, b. Aug. 12, 1903. 1382 Henry W. 1872 (8) m. May 10, 1899, Marjory Lowrie at Philadelphia, Pa. now resides at 33 State Street, Albany, N. Y. (son of 1381 William H.) 2 sons, Henry W. b. June 19, 1902. DeWitt L. b. Aug. 15, 1905. 1 daughter, Marjorie Lowrie, b. Mar. 24, 1900. 91 92 1385 James, 1797 (5) Ohio (son of 1376 William). 3 sons, Henry, Charles, Alvin. 1 daughter, Lucy, Trace lost. 1386 Hiram, 1799 (5) Sally Rowley, Ogden, N. Y. (son of 1376 William). 3 sons. 1387 Charles H. 1825; 1388 Henry R. 1830; 1389 James A. 1835. 1387 Charles H. 1825 (6) \Hannah Teachout, Memphis, Mich, (son of 1386 Hiram). 6 sons, *Frank H. 1850; *Mark L. 1851; *George M. 1853; Charles A. 1857; James L. 1859: Franklin, 1867. 1388 Henry R. 1830 (6) Milwaukee, Wis. (son of 1386 Hiram). 1 son, *Charles A. 1855. 1389 James A. 1835 (6) Tona, Mich, (son of 1386 Hiram). 2 daughters, Lottie M. 1864; *Minnie B. 1866 1390 CoL Josiah, 1770 (4)- Sarah Savage, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1375 William). 1 son, 1391 Linnus P. 1798. 2 daughters, Sally 1799; Julia, 1801. 1391 Linus P. 1798 (5) Caroline Sage, Brooklyn, N. Y. (son of 1390 Josiah). 3 sons, 1392 Edward, 1824; Charles N. 1842; Robert, 1835. 5 daughters, Carolina, 1827; Virginia, 1833; Sarah, 1838; Margaret Augusta, 1840; Fredrica, 1844. 1392 Edward, 1824 (6) A Portuguese Lady, China, (son of 1391 Linus P.) 2 children. 1393 George, 1772 (4) d. 1808, m. Harriet Edwards, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1375 William). 2 sons, 1394 George, 1801; 1403 Roswell, 1809. 2 daughters, Lucinda, 1805, (Fanning) ; Lucretia, 1807. 1394 George, 1801 (5) d. 1840 m. Lucy Davis, (son of 1393 George). 6 sons, 1395 William G. 1822; 1396 Edwin R. and 1399 Edward R. 1825; 1400 Orrin W. 1829; 1402 Charles J. 1836; * James M. 1838. 3 daughters, Harriet M. 1827 (Parker); Elizabeth J. 1831 (Gould); Louisa, 1834. 1395 William G. 1822 (6) Huron, O. (son of 1394 George). 1 son, George J. 1859. 2 daughters, Maria A. 1851 (Groat); Bessie D. 1870. 1396 Edwin R. M. D. 1825 (6) Prairie Depot, O. Sarah Yant (son of 1394 George). 1 son, 1397 Edward, b. July 16, 1873; 1 daughter, Rose D. 1864. 1397 Edward R. 1873 (7) m. 1896 Evelyn Wingar, 611 Rennsalaer St Bucyrus, O. (son of 1396 Edwin R.) 2 sons. 1398 Dean W. 1896; *Edward R. 1907. 2 daughters, Ruth S. 1898, d. 1908; Maxine R., 1912. 1398 Dean W. 1896 (8) m. 1916, Sada M. Henderson, 7702 Home Court, Cleveland, 'O. (son of 1397 Edward R.) 1399 Edward R. 1825 (6) d. 1900 m. Caroline Yant, b. 1828 d. 1910, Prairie Depot, O. (son of 1394 George). 4 sons, *Roswell, 1853; John B. 1858; 1412 Charles S. 1860; William E. 1866. 1 daughter, Lucy D. 1854. 1400 Orrin W. 1829 (6) died in Salsbury Prison, N. C. 1865. (son of 1394 George). 1 son, 1401 Orrin, O. 1862. 1 daughter, Ida O. 1853. 1401 Orrin 0. 1862 (7) Bradner, O. (son of 1400 Orrin W.) 3sons, Ralph, 1888, d. at Tulsa, Okla. 1915; *Orrin D. 1891 at Prairie Depot, 0.; 1410 Harold A. 1894. 2 daughters, Leo, 1881, m. A. F. Irons, Dunkirk, N. Y.; Naomi D. m. Ralph Burger, Prairie Depot, O. 93 1402 Charles J. 1836 (6) Prairie Depot, O. (son of 1394 George). 1 son, 1411, Charles B. 1876. 1 daughter, Celia L. 1871, m. Dr. Isaac V. Wirebaugh, Prairie Depot, O. 1403 Roswell, 1809 (5) m. Minerva Hawley, Freedom, 0. (son of 1393 George). 6 sons, 1404 Harvey H. 1833; 1405 Charles R. 1835; 1406 Dwight R. 1839; 1407 Roswell G. 1841; Clarence H. 1850; George L. 1857. 4 daugh- ters, Harriet M. 1830; Olivia A. 1833; Theodosia R. 1852; Flora J. 1855. 1404 Harvey H. 1833 (6) Gainesville, Fla. (son of 1403 Roswell). No children. 1405 Charles R. 1835 (6) xShalersville, O. (son of 1403 Roswell). No children. 1406 Dwight R. 1839 (6) Berrien Springs, Mich, (son of 1403 Roswell). 2 daughters, Katie, 1867; Minnie, 1869. 1407 Rosville G. 1841 (6) Canton, 0. (son of 1403 Roswell). 3 sons, Charles R. 1874; Francis R. 1876; Harry W. 1877. 1408 Dea. Isaac, 1786 (4) Harriet Sage, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1375 William). 7 daughters, Lucy E. 1813 (Tuttle) ; Harriet, 1814 (Merril) ; Bathsheba W. 18J6; Jane E. '1818 (Doolittle) ; *Marrian, Clarissa, *Almira. 1409 Hon. Orrin, 1791 (4) Wiare, Mass, (son of 1375 William) (Appen- dix Note M.) 2 daughters, Harriet, 1818 (Hyde); Sarah. 1410 Harold A. 1894 (8) m. 1913 Mabel Bichtol, Prairie Depot, 0. (son of 1401 Orrin). 1 son, Richard, 1918. 1 daughter, Donna Rose, 1915. 1411 Charles B. 1876 m. Jan. 11, 1898, Myra Howard at Bradford, Pa. (son of 1402 Charles J.) Present address, 316 Erie St., Toledo, Ohio. No issue. 1412 Charles S. 1860 (7) m. 1886 Jessie Belle Shepler. (son of 1399 Ed- ward R.) Prairie Depot, O. 2 sons, Raymond R. 18S8, C'ebu Cebu Island, P. I. Robert E. M. 1894 (Stationed at Camp Taylor and honorably discharged 1919). 94 96 1500 Hezekiah, 1750 (3) Salem, Mass, (son of 1372 Amos.) 1 son, 1501 William, 1787. 1501 William, 1787 (4) Elizabeth Tngalls, Salem, Mass, (son of William), (son of 1500 Hezekiah). 2 sons, 1502 William, 1815; 1503 Thomas, 1817. 1502 William, 1815 (5) Roxbury, Mass, (son of 1501 William). 3 sons, 'William W. 1843; *Francis 0. 1846; William F. 1849. 3 daughters; Abby M. 1837 (Richardson); Lizzie J. 1840; Sarah C. 1841. 1503 Thomas, 1817 (5) Lowell, Mass, (son of 1501 William). 3 sons, William A. 1850; Henry L. 1857; Weston, 1861. 1 daughter, Phebe A. 1852. 1510 Nathan, 1752 (3) d. 1833 Huldah Ranney, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1372 Amos). (Appendix, Note N.) 2 sons, *Amos, 1773; "Nathan, 1780. 1 daughter, Hiildah, 1778, (Knox). 1511 Elisba, 1755 (3) Martha Montague, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1372 Amos). 6 sons, 1512 Rufus, 1777; 1527 Elisha, 1779; 1537 Barzilla, 1782; 1552 Amos, 1791; 1557 Calvin, 1793: *Cyprian, 1801. 6 daughters, "Martha, 1781; *Fanny, 1784; *Molly, 1785; Mary. 1787 (Woodworth) ; Lorinda, 1789, (Garfield); Wealthy, 1795 (Merwin). 1512 Rufus, 1777 (4) d. 1826 Jerusha Butler, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1511 Elisha) 4 sons; 1513 Edmund, 1804; 1515 Elisha L. 1809; 1521 Ben- jamin, 1814: 1524 Rufus B. 1817. 4 daughters, Jerusha, 1806 (H. Gear)); Martha, 1808 (A. S. Gear); *Fanny, 1811; "Frances, 1812. 1513 Edmund, 1804 Rhoda Merwin, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1512 Rufus). 3 sons, *Lewis E. 1826; 1514 Charles E. 1838; *Henry M. 1841. 3 daugh- ters, 'Elizabeth W. 1830; "Frances, 1832; *Martha M. 1834. 1514 Charles E. 1838 (6) Newark, N. J. (son of 1513 Edmund). 3 sons, Walter M. 1869; Edmund D. 1871; Frederick H. 1874. 1515 Capt. Elisha L. 1809 (5) Elizabeth B. Hubbard, Cromwell, Conn. (son of 1512 Rufus). Author of 1878 Edition. (Appendix Note O.) 5 sons, 1516 Orrin B. 1829; 1517 George H. 1834; an infant, 1837; "Elisha W. 1839; 1520 Elisha T. 1843; *Frank B. 1854. 2 daughters, *Martha A. 1830; Elizabeth M. 1832, (Smith). 1516 Orrin B. 1829 (6) d. 1876 m. Frances A. Weeks, Cromwell, (son of 1515 Elisha L.) 1 son, "Herbert S. 1866. 4 daughters, Mary W. 1860; *Edith L. 1863; "Lizzie H. 1869; Nettie E. 1874. 1517 George H. 1834 (7) d. 1907, Laura Arnold, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1515 Elisha L.) 2 sons, 1518 Arthur T. 1861; Fred S. 1885; d. 1889. 1 daughter, Laura C. 1883, m. Fred Crosby, Orange, Conn. 1518 Arthur T. 1861 (7) Josephine Brown, Orange, Conn, (son of 1517, George H.) 2 sons, "Frederick G. 1885. 1519, Edward W. 1895. 1519 Edward W. 1895 (8) m 1917 Olive White, Orange, Conn, (son of 1518 Arthur T.) 2 sons, Howard A. 1918; George F. 1919. 1520 Elisha T. 1843 (6) m. Martha Waterman, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1515 Elisha L.) 2 sons, Frank J. 186&; "Robert, 1867. 2 daughters, "Lillie E. 1869; Alice, 1871. 1521 Benjamin, 1814 (5) d. 1847, Elizabeth Brooks, Bristol, Conn, (son of 1512 Rufus). 1 son, 1522 James H. 1841. 2 daughters, Laura, 1840; Amelia B. 1845. 1522 James H. 1841 (6) Leora A. Mildrum, d. 1905, Middletown, Conn, (son of 1521 Benjamin). 5 sons, 1523 Harry J. 1869; Herbert M. 1872; 97 Archie B. 1874; Frederick L. 1875; Clifford S. 1880 1 daughter, Julia E. 1877. 1523 Hariy J. 1869 (6) Charlotte B. Day, d. 1919, Aahville, X. C. (son of 1522 James H.) No chi Idren (1919). 1524 Rufus B. 1317 (5) m. Harriett Miller, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1512 Rufus). 3 sons, 1525 Winnit R. 1855; *Theson, 1859; d. 1916; *Sted- \\orth, 1864, d. 1916. 2 daughters, Emmeda, 1867; *Lona, 1870. 1525 Winnit R. 1855 (6) m. Belie Botell, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1524 Rufus B.) 1 son, 1526 Preston R. 1894. 3 daughters, Lottie M. 1884, d. Feb. 1, 1919. Ethel B. 1892; Helen E. 1897. 1526 Preston R. 1894 (7) m. 1916 Alice P. Xemcomb. (son of 1525 Win- nit R. Xo children (1919). 1527 Elisha 1779 (4) d. 1854. Prudence Risley, Oneida. X. Y. (son of 1.->11 Elisha). 5 sons, 1528 Henry R. 1805; 1531 Elisha M. and 1533 Elizur \V. b. Apr. 13, 1812; 1334 William C. 181 1; 1536 Russell, 1816. 2 daugh- ters, Sally, 1807; Fannie, 1809 (ChapinV 1528 Heniy R. 1805 d. 1850 Catharine Smith, (son of 1527 Elisha). 2 sons, 1529 Rufus H. 1834; 1530 Russell, 1839. 2 daughters, Sarah, 1832; *Lorinda. 1529 Rufus H. 1834 (6) Milwaukee, Wis. (son of 1528 Henry R) 1530 Russell, 1839 (6) Milwaukee. Wis. (son of 1528 Henry R.) 1531 Elisha M. 1812 (5) d. 1874 m. Jemima K. Way (son of 1527 Elisha). 3 sons, 1532 Charles R 1836; *Reuben, 1845; *Daniel, 1839. 3 daughters, Henrietta, 1835; Martha A. 1842; Alfretta, 1845. 1532 Charles R. 1S36 (6) Troy, X. Y. (son of 1531 Elisha M.) 5 sons, William E. 1860; Charles R. 1864; Sealewis, 1869; Benjamin, 1872; Samuel, 1876. 2 daughters, Lydia, 1806; Jennie, 1874. 1533 Elizur W. 1812 (5) -d. Feb. 9, 1884, m.1834 Mary M, Willard, m. 2nd. 1859, Sabina Eaton, Channhan. Til. (son of 1527 Elisha). 3 sons, 1603 Eli/ur b. Apr. 28, 1849, Rufus A. b. Sept. 24, 1866, d. Oct. 20, 1888: Olin A. b. Jan. 5, 1971. 6 daughters, Mary J. !>. Oct. 16, 1837, d. Jan. 1, 1919. Emily. May 20. 1813; Leni b. Doc. ' 22, 1851; Harriet b. Aug. 19, 1860; Helen S. b.' Feb. 25, 1862; Fanny fi. b. June 7, 1864. Emily, 1843 ''daughter of 1533 Elizur W.) in. Henry Chadwick, Joliet, 111. Children/ Fred. 1868: Ross, 1871; Russell, 1873: Kate, 1875, deceased. Leni, 1851 (daughter of 1533 Elizur W.I m. M. Schoonmaker, Crete, 111. Children, Mary, 1871: Hattie, 1872. d. 1897; Jennie, 1874; Elsie, 1879; Dale, 1880. Harriet, 1860 (daughter of 15?3 Elizur W.) m. Wilbur Davis, Joliet, III. Children, Ralph, 1890 Rufus, 1895; Ina, 1883; Bertha, 1889. Helen S. 1862 (daughter of 153.'! Elizur W.) m. Stanley H. Holbrook, Park Ridge, 111. Children, Helen R. 1888: Elsie L. 1890; Francis E. 1892; Cora W. 1900; Rufus Sage, 1897; George L. 1902. Fannv E. 1864 (daughter of 1533 Elizur W.) m. A. V. Cristler, Glen Elleyn, 111. Children!, Alice and Francis (twins) 1894; Kathryn, 1898; Amey, 1903. Mary Jane. 1837 (daughter of 1533 Elizur W.) m. Chas. Wignall. Chil- dren. Oeoree, 1856; Fred, 1859; Leni, 1866. 1534 William C. 1814 (5) Lucretia Jones, Troy. X. Y. (son of 1527 Elisha). 2 s,m*: Henry J. 1840; 1535 Albert H. 1848; 3 daughters, Sarah M. 1835; Julia, 1838; Elizabeth. 1844. 98 1535 Albert H. 1848 (6) Troy, N. Y. (son of 1534 William C.) 3 sons, Walter H. 1867; Albert H. 1870; George, 1872. 1 daughter, Altah F. 1876. 1536 Hon. Russell, 1816 d. 1912, Maria Henrie d. 1918. New York, (son of 1527 Elisha) (Appendix Note P.) No children. 1537 Barzillia, 1782 (4) d. 1854. Eunice Doud, Middletown, Conn, (son of 1511 Elisha). 10 sons, 1538 Barzillia D. 1806; 1544 Cornwell, 1807; 1546 Frederick; 1810; *Alfred, 1812; 1547 Timothy, 1813; 1548 Titus, 1815; 1549 Dennis E. 1817; 1550 Chester, 1819; 1551 Phillip, 1822. 2 daughters, Eunice, 1809 (Tngham) j Jane, 1825 (Bradley). 1538 Barzillia D. 1806 (5) d. 1853 Elizabeth P. Yale, Middletown, Conn, (son of 1537 Barzillia). 5 sons, 1539 Barzillia Y. 1832; 1540 De Witt C. 1836; 1541 Frank J. 1839; i542 Ira Y. 1848; 1543 John C. 1852. 2 daughters, Char- lotte, 1834 (Hubbard); "Virginia, 1844. 1539 Barzillia Y. 1832 (6) Middletown, Conn, (son of 1538 Barzillia D.) 1 son, 'Frederick. 2 daughters, Fannie, Carrie. 1540 DeWitt C. 1836 (6) Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1538 Barzillia D.) 2 sons, 'Walter, 1871; Walter, 1876. 3 daughters, Virginia, 1865; Anna, 1867; Bertha, 1874. 1541 Frank Y. 1839 (6) Wethersfield, Conn, (son of 1538 Barzillia D.) 1 son, Clarence S. 1861. 2 daughters, Emma E. 1859; Jennie S. 1863. 1542 Ira Y. 1848 (6) Atlanta, Ga. (son of 1538 Barzillia D.) 1 son, Ira A. 1874. 1543 John C. 1852 (6) Atlanta, Ga. (son of 1538 Barzillia D.) 1544 Capt. Cornwell, 1807 (5) d. 1870, Sarah Merriman, Middletown, Conn, (son of 1537 Barzillia). 7 sons, 1545 Timothy K. 1845; *John R. C. 1836; *George H. 1839; *Samuel H. 1842; 'Charles H. 1843; 'Cornwell D. 1851; *Barzillia, 1854. 2 daughters, 'Sarah E. 1843; Edith S. 1853. 1545 Timothy K. 1845 (6) Louisa J. Stone, St. Louis, Mo. (son of 1544 Cornwell). 1 daughter, Edith S. 1876. 1546 Capt. Fredrick, 1810 (5) Middletown, Conn, (son of 1537 Barzillia). 2 sons, 'Walter F. 1834; *John C. 1837. 2 daughters, Mary, 1840; Ellen, 1843. 1547 Timothy, 1813 (5) Benecia, Cal. (son of 1537 Barzillia). 5 sons, Edgar T. 1854; Henry A. 1856; Charles P. 1857; Nelson B. 1860; William H. 1861. 1 daughter, Lillie P. 1864. 1548 Titus, 1815 (5) Abigail Treat, Middletown. Conn, (son of 1537 Bar- zillia). 2 sons, George B. 1856; William E. S. 1861. 3 daughters, Leantine E. 1849 (Kingsland); Joseiphine J. 1850; Florence A. 1854. 1549 Dennis E. b. Aug. 21, 1817, d. July 26, 1897 (5) m. Lucy W. Rogeirs, b. Mar. 17, 1839, d. Mar. 23, 1914, Sharon, Mass, (son of 1537 Barzillia). 2 sons, 1602 Charles D. b. Feb. 14, 1866; 1604 Ernest L. b. May 4, 1868. 2 daughters, Katherine S. b. July 30, 1864; Isabel, b. Aug. 13, 1872. Katherine S. 1864 (daughter of 1549 Dennis E. )m Oct. 8, 1891. Ed- ward E. Jameson. 53 Beach St., Wollaston, Mass. 1 son, Gordon R. 1892, resides at 48 Whitney Road, Quincy, Mass. Isabel, 1872 (daughter of 1549 Dennis E.) m. Oct. 10. 1894, Frederick H. Sloan, 51 Lorraine St., Hartford, Conn. 1 daughter, Lucy Sage, 1896, died 1910. 99 1550 Chester, 1819 (5) Sarah Turner, Middletown, Conn, (son of 1537 Barzillia). 1 daughter * 1551 Philip, 1822 (5) California (son of 1537 Barzillia). 1 son, Henry P. 1849. 1552 Amos, 1791 (4) d. 1856, Caroline Fox, Fredonia, N. Y. (son of 1511 Elisha). 4 sons: 1533 Adison, 1820; 1554 Rosalvo, 1822; 1555 Orris, 1834; 1556 Frank, 1837. 5 daughters. Martha P. 1816 (Marsh); Nancy N. 1817 (Tuttle); Sarah. 1826 (Risley); Annette, 1830 (Lewis; Lorinda, 1814 (Smith). 1553 Adison, 1820 (5) Sacramento, Cal. (son of 1552 Amos. 1554 Rosalvo, 1822 (5) Towa (son of 155? Amos). 2 sons, *Edgar, 1852; Frank, 1857. 1555 Orris, 1834 (5) Pomfret, N. Y. (aon of 1552 Amos). 2 sons, Theo- dore, 1860; Frederick, 1865. 1556 Frank, 1837 (5) Milford, N. Y. (son of 1552 Amos). 2 daughters, Elizabeth, Louese. 1557 Calvin, 1793 (4) Hartford, Conn, (son of 1511 Elisha). 5 sons, 1558 Lewis P. 1822: 1822; 1560 William M. 1824: *Charles T. 1826; 1561 Henry F. 1834; 1562 Wilbur H. 1838. 3 daughters, Elizabeth A. 1828 (Etowe); *Patten, 1831; Frances L. 1836 (Bissell). 1558 Lewis P. 1822 (5) San Francisco, Cal. (son of 1557 Alvin). 3 sons, 1559 Lewis A. 1848; *Charles F. 1850; Frederick H. 1852. 1559 Lewis A. 1848, Saratoga, Cal (son- of 1558 Lewis P.) 1560 William M. 1824 (5) Charlston. S. C. (son of 1557 Alvin). 1 son, * William P. 18^4. 1 daughter, Elizabeth C. 1863. 1561 Henry F. 1834 (5) Jeffersonville, Ind. (son of 1557 Alvin) 2 sons, James R. 1869, *Harrie T. 1872. 1562 Wilbur H. 1838 (5) Columbus, 0. (son of 1557 Alvin). 2 sons, John A. 1862; Lewis F. 1871. 2 daughters, Harriet E. 1864; Fannie H. 1871. 100 101 1600 Charles H. 1859 (6) 1902 m. 1889 Helen Shields, Berlin, Conn, (son of 126 William). 1 son, Charles IT. 1391. 1601 Charles H. 1891 (7) m. , 208 So. LaSalle St., Chi- cago, 111. 1 son, Charles H. 1602 Charles D. 1866 (6) (son of 1549 Dennis E.) m. 1893 Josephine A. Robinson, d. 1895, m. 2nd, Oct. 12, 1898, Kate A. Duncklee, 2 daughters, Jose- phine B. 1895; Helen D. 1906, resides at 21 Tarleton St., Newton Center, Mass. 1603 Elizer 1849 (6) m. Letta Bull (son of 1533 Elizer W.) 1604 Ernest L. 1868 (6) (son of 1549 Dennis E.) m. 1903, Florence Cold- well, resides at 138 Charles Bank Road, Newton, Mass. No issue. 1605 Charles H. 1891 (7) (son of 1600 Charles H.) m. 1914, Lyda E. Pynn. (Suite 1942) 208 So. LaSallo St., Chicago, 111. 1 son, Robert S., 1916. 1 daughter, Jeanne E. 1918. 102 103 104 Appendix (The town of Middletown, originally comprised the present towns of Cromwell, Chatham, Portland and Middle- field, and a large part of Berlin, which explains why the names of residence is given here under these different names of towns. All were in the town of Middletown originally). NOTE A. The earlist appearance of the name of David Sage upon any document or record yet discovered is found in a court document preserved in the State Library in Hartford, and is as follows : "Quarter Court in Hartford 1st Thursday in Decem- ber, A. D., 1655. Samuel Wells, plaintiff, contra John White, David Sage, Richard Warren, in an action of the case of debeyning of swyne not according to lawe, in the damage of 40 shillings." The case was found for the defendants. The following extract from a letter from one of the descendants of David Sage gives a possible interpretation to the relationship between David Sage and the family of John Kirby : "A John Kirby came over in the Hopewell in 1635, aged 12 years, and I see no reason why he may not have been the John Kirby of Hartford, Wethersueld and Middletown. The latter had a wife, Elizabeth, and a daughter Elizabeth, who was born, as stated above (p. 11) in Hartford, Sept. 18, 1645. He died in 1677, leaving a widow, Elizabeth and the following children: Mary (Ruck) aged 32; Hannah (An- drews), 27; Esther (Stone), 25; Sarah (Hubbard), 23; Joseph, 21; Bethia, 18; Susana (afterwards Cmttenden), 13, and Abigail, 11. The Wethersfield records speak of one child born in 1649 and twins in 1651. "By the Dorchester (Mass.) records Abraham Randall married Elizabeth Kirby Oct. 21, 1681. Randall afterwards lived in Windsor. Conn. 106 "The only evidence that I find that John Kirby had two wives each named Elizabeth is, 1st, the entry quoted above (p. 11), which speaks of Mary being born in 1653 of Eliza- beth Randall. The date conflicts with that implied by the will of John Kirby, and I suspect that the entry was made after 1681; 2nd, David Sage calls Elizabeth Randall his mother, and not mother-in-law. "To the contrary, is the coincidence of name of John Kirby's wives, if there were two, and the consecution of the ages of his children born after 1650 ; that is, Hannah, Esther, Sarah, Joseph, Bethia, etc. "I will only add that Mary Sage must, I think, have been the daughter of David Sage's second wife. Elizabeth Kirby, his first wife, appears to have died in 1670." Query: Is it not possible that there were two John Kirby's? (Author). NOTE B. Will of David Sage, and Inventory of his property, copied from Probate Records of the year 1703, Hartford, Conn. I, David Sage, Senior, of Middletown, being much weak- ened in my body by sickness, but having my understanding yet perfect, do make this as my last Will and Testament, re- voking all former: In the first place, I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of the Lord my maker, hoping for everlasting salva- tion through Our Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior and Re- deemer ; and my body I bequeath to be decently buried. And for my worldly estate, I do will and order as follows: And first, I give and bequeath to my eldest son, David, that lot whereon is the frame of a house, called David's lot, that one and one-half acre lot of boggy meadow which I bought of mother, and the one- fourth of my boggy meadow in Goose Delight, and my great wood lot on the east side of great river. Item I give my son John the lot whereon he hath built and doth now inhabit, with my upper lot at Pistol Point, where it butts on Scovil, and the one fourth of my Goose Delight Meadow, and my great wood lot next Weather- fields bounds. Item My two daughters, Bull and Johnson, 107 thirty pounds in pay to each of them to be paid at my widow's decease. Item I give my daughter Mercy 50 pounds in pay 20 pounds paid as she needs it, the other 30 at her mother's decease. Item The rest of my estate, per- sonal and real, I leave with my wife, to be managed by my sons Johnathan and Timothy, so that she have a comfort- able maintenance her natural life, and at her decease to be shared by said Johnathan and Timothy, debts and legacies paid. It is my will, further, that my son John should have my two lots in' Round Meadow. To this I have set my hand and seal this 27th day of March, A. D., 1703. DAVID SAGE, Senior. Witness: John Stow, John Arnold, Alexander Rollo. INVENTORY L. s. d. Personal Estate 128 10 01 House at Neux, L50; 57^ acres of land, L164 07s., 5d 214 07 06 13 acres Pistol Point, L40; 4% acres Long Meadow, L20 60 00 00 8% acres Goose Delight, L35; Q l /2 acres Fur Neck, L6 41 00 00 150 acres Northwest Quarter, L30; l 1 /^ acres Boggy Meadow, L10 40 00 00 43 acres of Round Meadow, L10 ; 1 acre, 15 rods, Round Meadow Swamp, L2 12 00 00 213 acres west part of town, LI 2; 90 rods up- land at Stony Point, 5s 12 05 00 10 acres Bruch Swamp, L20, 2 acres near cold spring, LI 21 00 00 6 l /2 acres by John's house, L26 ; upper lot at Pistol Point, with Swamp, L20 46 00 00 David's house and 5 l / 2 acres at Pistol Point, L33 ; 2 acres Wangum Meadow, L6 42 00 00 255 acres east of Great River, L18 ; V 2 m ile lot Mansion house, and other property, L72 . . 90 00 00 acres Homestead 52 00 00 Total L759 02 07 108 NOTE C. 26 Dea. Orrin Sage is a worthy example of what energy and a fixed purpose can achieve under adverse circumstances. At the early age of six years he was left fatherless, to meet the vicisitudes of life, in such poverty as prevented him from having the least educational advantages; for we learn that, at the age of twenty, he borrowed from the one to whom he was bound as an apprentice (at the age of four- teen), one month's time for the purpose of attending school, which he paid for by working that length of time after he became of age. He first settled at Ballston Springs, and com- menced the manufacture of boots and shoes. He afterwards removed to Rochester, N. Y. where, in company with an- other, he built up a flourishing business, in which he was engaged at the time of his death in 1866, in the 79th year of his age. But it was not his successful business career that we admire so much as his life of usefulness wherever he was placed, his exceeding great interest in the building up of Christian and benevolent institutions, and sustain- ing them. It was, in a great measure, owing to his personal efforts that the Rochester University was built up and put in successful operation. In this, and other kindred institu- tions, he ever manifested a warm interest, and also gave his personal attention. His Christian character shone with unusual luster, and it may truly be said of him, the world was benefitted by his example and useful life; and his spirit still lives in his sons, William N. and Edwin O. Sage, of Rochester, N. Y., who follow the path he pointed out and trod, being honored and useful members of society where they reside. NOTE Dl. 63 Phineas Sage, M. D., graduated with the highest honors at college, Cincinnati, Ohio. He adopted the medical profession with marked success; some of his remedies were purchased by other parties, and by their sale have gained wide reputation. During the civil war he held honorable positions in the service of the government. He has con- tributed to the columns of various literary and medical journals. He is also a ready speaker, debator, andlecturer^ 109 But the great work of his life has been the writing of a work on anthropology, or laws governing man in this life, a w r ork of great originality and interest, which will be published in due time. In his profession he makes it a rule to respond to the needs of the poor as well as of the rich, and the blessing of the poor is his reward for his continued atten- tion and sympathy. His home and family are his greatest earthly comforts, finding there enjoyments found nowhere else. NOTE D2. 72 Hon. Philander S. Sage, M. D., being left mother- less at the early age of nine months, was given to a family of entire strangers. In childhood and early youth he was the subject of harsh and cruel treatment, which was carried to such extent that, at the age of fifteen, he left the family in which he lived (by the advice of those cognizant of the facts), clothed in rags and penniless to meet the vicissitudes of life; but in no ways daunted, he succeeded in gaining a fair education by his own exertions, entered the medical pro- fession, and rose from adversity to take rank as an honorable and useful member of society, being chosen to act for his fellow citizens in various ways in public life. He held, for several years, the honorable position of Senator in the Legis- lature of Indiana, and at this time, 1877, enjoys the con- fidence and esteem of his fellow citizens; thus proving that adverse circumstances can be overcome by energetic resolu- tion, and none need be discouraged thereat, ever bearing in mind it is ourselves, and not our surroundings, that make or hinder our obtaining an honorable position among the community. NOTE E. 137 Benjamin, 1754. and 176 Daniel, 1756 (sons of Benjamin, 1725) were with Arnold in the Quebec expedi- tion, and endured untold suffering in the retreat from Can- ada. They were also with Gates at the time of Burgoyne's surrender. An interesting relation is sent me showing that not the men alone possessed all the patriotism or endured the suffering of those times of trial. A sister of Benjamin 110 and Daniel, named Elsie, married a Mr. Clark, also in the army, but sick at Saratoga at that time. She left home to nurse him at a time when she required care and attention herself, but she felt it to be her place beside the sick bed of her husband. While there, she was taken in travail, suc- ceeded in getting a little ways out of camp, and under an appletree gave birth to twins (boys). The officers, hear- ing thereof, had her taken care of, and named the boys Gates and Arnold. Her husband died, but the boys lived to grow up, and were living but a few years since. NOTE F. 301 Miles Sage, 1758 (son of Daniel, 1725). Was a soldier in the War of Independence. The following incident is related of him in a work by Hon. John Clements, entitled "Revolutionary Reminiscences of Camden County, N. J." As a vidette in a regiment commanded by Col. Ellis, he was often placed on duty to watch the movements of the enemy. The regiment to which he belonged was stationed at Had- donfleld, N. J. The British planned a night attack thereon, with the view of its capture or destruction. Sage, with an- other soldier, was watching their movements, and at once proceeded to give the alarm. His companion, taking a shorter route, succeeded in giving timely notice, and thus prevented its surprise and capture. After his regiment had left, Sage rode up, and to his great surprise found that he was in the midst of the British troops, who at the same time noticed that he was an Amer- ican. He at once put spurs to his horse and escaped in the darkness until he had gained some distance, when his horse was wounded and fell. Before he could disengage himself from his horse he was attacked and stabbed in various places and left for dead. By order of a Scotch officer, he was re- moved to a place near by and attended by a surgeon. On examination, he was found to have several severe bayonet wounds. These were carefully dressed, and he was left to the care of the women at that time, and soon after to the care of his mother, by whose careful nursing he finally recovered. The State of New Jersey paid the expenses, his mother be Ill ing unable to do so. He lived to see the liberties of his coun- try achieved and long thereafter. NOTE Gl. 765 Sparrow S. Sage. 1781. During the War of 1812 he met with the following adventure. During a short ab- sence from home an Indian entered his house and took his wife captive, and with another woman whom he also cap- tured hastily left with his prisoners for Fort Niagara, then in possession of the Britlfcsli. He, returning home, at once saw the situation, and being armed only with an axe, im- mediately started in pursuit. Se soon overtook the Indian, and attacked him at once. The Indian attempted to shoot him on his approach, but his gun missed fire. Sage struck him with his axe, wounding him severely. He dropped his gun and tomahawk and turned to escape, but was followed so closely that he very soon received a second blow from the axe, which caused his death in a short time. The victor returned home with his rescued captives in triumph, and the Indian's gun and tomahawk as trophies, which are still in possession of the family. But the fright and excitement was so great as to cause the death of his wife, which occurred shortly afterward. NOTE G2. 778 Col. Hezkiah Sage, 1790. A distinguished citizen of Hamilton County, N. Y. The county town was named Sageville in his honor. Amid the stiring scenes of the pres- ent time, (1877) in the far West, it would not be out of place to make note of the life and adventures of Luther Sage Kelly, grandson of Hezekiah, and son of his daughter, Mrs. Manet E. Kelly; who, led by a romantic desire for a hunter's life in the wilds of the Yellowstone country, has spent 11 years in those wild, romantic regions, until his habits and tastes have become so fixed that civilization has less charms to him than the wild, stormy life he has led for so long a time. He is known among the Indians as Lone Wolf, from being so much by himself; also as The-man-that-never-lays-down- his-gun, for the fact that it is always ready for any emer- gency that may arise: but among the frontiersmen as Yel- 112 lowstone Kelly. Gen. Miles, in his pursuit of the Indians, felt the need of a trusty scout. Having heard of Kelly, he sent a messenger to him requesting an interview. By a co- incidence, he (Kelly) had taken a liking to Gen. Miles, and was on his way to headquarters. Meeting the messenger sent for him upon the way, he sent his card to the General on his arrival, in the shape of a claw of a grizzly bear of large size (1,400 Ibs), which he had killed on the way. The sin- gularity of this idea pleased the General very much, and he holds the card thus sent in high esteem. In his intercourse with General Miles they met on terms of equality, requir- ing no orderly to admit him to the presence of the General, who holds him in high esteem, and gives his opinion of him that he is the most unexceptionable combination of the hunt- er, soldier and gentleman that he ever met. His reticence is such that even those most intimate with him rarely hear his speak of his adventures, and a person may pass the whole day with him without farther conversation than is neces- sary under the circumstances. He has lived alone so much that he finds nature more a companion to his taste than mankind. He does not boast of his exploits in the least de- gree. When once asked the number of Sioux he had passed to the happy hunting grounds, he replied, that he kept no, record; being still pressed, he was asked if as many as 20; he replied, with a nod, "maybe." He has had so many hair- breadth escapes that he thinks he has grown superstitious, and believes there is a Providence that carries him through the greatest emergenc; but he does not rely on the idea so as to let down Ms care and watchfulness, or self-reliance. His many adventures would form an interesting book of itself, and are too long to be related in this brief sketch. At this rime (1877) he is with the army, hunting down the Sioux Indians that have caused so much trouble in the West- ern Territories. NOTE H. 852 Comfort Saare, born 1731, held the commission of Colonel in the War of Independence. It appears that Tie was a person of wealth and influence in the town of Middle- town, being often elected to the public offices, which places 113 he filled with honor to himself and benefit to the community. This family is the only one in the famliy of David Sage that was the owner of slaves. Of these they held several before slavery was abolished in Connecticut. Some of these were known to the author, and many anecdotes are told of them and their doings. In the records of Middletown is this en- try : "Record of births of children of Gen. Comfort Sage and his negroes." "Record of births of children of Ebenezer Sage's negroes." I have been informed by a friend that he has met persons of African descent bearing the name of Sage. This will explain why this is so. It was a custom for these persons to assume the surname of their owners. I will not say masters, for these were often the masters, judging by their conduct. NOTE I. 1101 Moses Sage, 1783 (son of 1100 Hezekiah, 1745). Was impressed by the British and was several years on board their fleet. Attempting to escape therefrom, he was sen- tenced to be whipped through the fleet. The night before the sentence was to be executed he suceeded in lowering himself through one of the port holes, and swimming to the French coast, about three miles distant, thus escaped. NOTE J. 1125 Moses Sage, 1754. Removed to Bennington, Vt., 1755-6. where he engaged largely in the tanning business, employing many persons therein. To such an extent was this business carried on, that North Bennington bore the name of Sage's City. He was at the battle of Bennington. NOTE K. 1375 William Sage, 1748. He was in the War of Inde- pendence. Immediately after the massacre at Lexington of the Americans by British soldiers, an event that roused the country to arms, he, like thousands of others, left family and business, hastened to the scene of conflict, and was at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was afterwards in other places in this State, when the citizens were called upon to 114 resist invasion of the enemy. He died in 1831, lamented and respected by all who knew him. NOTE L. 1378 Henry W. Sage was a prominent and highly es- teemed citizen of Brooklyn, N. Y. He was extensively en- gaged in the lumber business, having large establishments for manufacturing the same located in several different States, and is noted for the interest he took in the benevolent and educational enterprises of the day, contributing largely to their support. NOTE M. 1409 Hon. Orrin Sage, a resident of Ware, Mass., was highly esteemed for his many virtues, and held many offices of honor and trust from the hands of his fellow citizens. The town of Sage, Mitchell county. Iowa, derives its name from him, he being a large owner of land situated therein. He ever manifested a warm interest in its properity, contribut- ing largely to the erection of churches and the founding of a public library; and, by his aid and effort, giving an im- petus to its prosperity. At his death, in 1875, a gloom was spread over the community. Memorial services were held, and business entirely suspended, all classes uniting in pay- ing tribute to his worth and respect to his memory. NOTE N. 1510 Capt. Nathan Sage, 1752, was in privateering ser- vice, the only navy of the colonies in the War of Independ- ence. He distinguished himself by the capture of an Eng- lish transport vessel laden with powder, an article much needed by Americans at that time, and succeeded in bring- ing his prize safely into New London, although closely pur- sued by the British, for which he was admitted to the floor of Congress. He was a party in the Holland purchase, in Western New York, and took up his residence there, where he filled the office of judge and other important situations. At the time of his death, which was A. D. 1833, he held the position of collector of the port of Oswego, N. Y. 115 NOTE O. 1515 Capt Elisha L. Sage, 1809, the author of the orig- inal work, was endowed with characteristics necessary to the prosecution of this work, in a prominent degree. 1st, the courage to undertake a work beset with so many difficulties, that seemed a hopeless and impossible task ; 2d, the patience to meet disappointment, and often neglect from those that might, by trifling assistance have lightened the labor, with- out faltering in his purpose; 3d, perseverence to pursue the work in hand in spite of difficultes that seemed insurmount- able, until success crowned the effort, and 4th, actuated by the true spirit of the family motto, Non Sibi (not for our- selves), the folly to have the results printed for the benefit of others at his own pecuniary loss, but he trusts that a large majority of the family will appreciate the motive, and be grateful that the work has been accomplished and placed in the hands of this numerous family. NOTE O2. 1524 Rufus B. Sage, possessing a romantic and adven- turous disposition, following the bent of his inclinations, in the year 1841, left in company with five others, for the Rocky Mountain region to try the charms of a hunter's life. He was the only one that reached that locality. After spend- ing about three years in this romantic life, a large portion thereof entirely alone, and having many perilous adventures, he returned home and published an interesting account of has adventures, entitled, "Scenes in the Rocky Mountains/' which met with such success as to call forth several editions. Being satisfied with his experience, he remained at home, often indulging in remeniscences of past scenes, but not wishing to try them again. NOTE O3. 673 Albert D., 1835, with his wife and two small chil- dren, on May 6th, 1863, left their old home in Delivan, Wis., in a prairie schooner, taking up a homestead in Beatrice, Nebr., where he resided until his death. He was one of the 116 founders of the city, and very active in religious and edu- cational enterprises. lie helped build the first church there. NOTE P. 1536 Hon. Russell Sage, 1816, is another example of what energy and enterprise may achieve under adverse cir- cumstances. Having in childhood and early youth to suffer the deprivations incident to indigence and want, he has risen, by his own resources to the position of Member of Congress, and was one of the largest railroad owners in the United States. He died in 1912, leaving an immense estate to his wife, who founded the Sage Foundation and left the entire estate to public benefactions. NOTE Q. 751 Asahel, 1775, served in the Revolutionary War as Brigadier General, and on his tombstone in the cemetery at Lewiston, N. Y., is the following inscription : "Here lies the pilot and guide who conducted the Amer- ican Army to Qfueenston Heights in the battle on the morn- ing of the 13th, October, 1812. NOTE R. 472 Enos A. 1834, enlisted in the Civil War in 1861, served 3 years and re-enlisted serving until the end of the war. He was in the Battle of the Wilderness, Lookout Mountain and many others and went with Sherman to the Sea. NOTE Rl. 473 Calvin N. 1838, enlisted in the Civil War in 1861 for 3 months; re-enlisted in 1863. He was in the battle of Bull Run and seige of Vicksburg. NOTE S. Susanna Jaycox, wife of 187 Jewett, was a daughter of John of Holmesville, N. Y., and descendant of Francis Jaycox who came from England in 1839 and settled first 117 at Milford, Ct., and whose descendants later were numerous in the Hudson Valley. NOTE SI. Deborah Holmes, wife of 182 Simeon (Jedediah, Jabez, Nathaniel, John, John, John) was a descendant of John Holmes of Plymouth, Mass., 1632, and has eight original Mayflower passengers among her lineal ancestors. Sybel Jewett, wife of 176 Daniel (Caleb, Eleazer, Jer- miah, Joseph) was a descendant of Joseph Jewett, who came from Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng., 1638, where he was born 1580. He is said to have been the wealthiest man in the colonies at the time of his death. He and his brother Maximilian were original founders of Rowley, Mass. NOTE S3. Adelia A. Sergeant, wife of 385 Gilbert, was daughter of Hiram, son of Samuel of South New Berlin and grand- son of Samuel of Boston and his wife, Bethany Smalledge. Adelia's mother was Miranda Bailey, daughter of Charles of South New Berlin, and his wife, Chloe Cummins, daughter of Caleb Cummins. Charles was son of Lieut. Samuel Bailey, a soldier of the Revolution. NOTE T. Evaline Corwin (wife of 1129 George R., who was a Federal Judge in Southern Ohio) was the daughter of Hon. Thos. Corwin. who was Governor of Ohio, served 7 terms in the U. S. Senate, Secretary of The Treasury under Pres- ident Filmore and was U. S. Minister to Mexico in the 60's. The following is a list of those that are known to have been in the War of Independence. Willet M. Sage, 1756 ( son of Lewis Samuel ) . Died in the sendee. Hosea Sage, 1761 Cson of 75 Solomon). Died at West Point. 118 137 Benjamin, 1754, and 176 Daniel, 1756 (son of 136 Benjamin). With Arnold at Quejbec and Saratoga. 301 Miles Sage, 1758 (son of Daniel). 452 Enos Sage, 1757, and 476 Elias Sage, 1759 (sons of 451 Samuel). 576 Abiel Sage, 1758 (son of Jedediah). 852 Col. Comfort Sage, 1731 (son of Ebenezer). 853 Ebenezer Sage, 1754 (son of Col. Comfort). 857 Gideon Sage, J739 (son of 856 Gideon). 1204 Eppaphras Sage, 1757 (son of 1201 Timothy). David Sage, 1747 (son of 1250 Deacon David). Was wounded at Quebec, and died of his wounds. 1301 Abner Sage, 1758 (son of 1250 Deacon David. 1319 Abner Sage, 1752 and 1335 Simeon Sage, 175i> (sons of Solomon). Three years in the service. 1375 W r illiam Sage, 1748 (son of 1372 Amos). At Bun- ker Hill. 1510 Nathan Sage, 1752 (son of 1372 Amos). In pri- vateer service. 1511 Elisha Sage, 1755 (son of 1372 Amos). 1125 Moses Sage, 1754 (son of 1001 Johnathan). At Bennington. The whole number, between 16 and 45 years (includ- ing those exempted by disability), was 64. Of these, 20 are known to have been in the War of Independence, and doubtless some others of whom no record of service has been given. A very large number were in the army in the late Civil War. The number cannot be ascertained. The following lost their lives in service, and probably a still larger num- ber, as by inadvertence no mention was made of the fact when the record of their family was given. 73 James A. Sage, 1835, Indiana (son of 72 Dr. Phil- ander S.) Robert W. Sage, 1842, Jacksonville, N. Y. (son of 158 John R.) Oscar F. Sage, 1843, Canandaigua (son of 399 Willard). Dudley Sage, 1843, Missouri (son of 209 Selah). Elihu Sage, 1849. Xenia, Neb. (son of 215 Harleigh). 119 Edward B. Sage, 1841, Collinsville, Conn, (son of 471 Lorenzo N.) Elisha Sage. 1824, Sandisfield, Mass, (son of 702 Cal- vin). 1149 Sarg't. Marshall Sage, 1838, Cincinnati, O. (son of 1128 Rev. Orrin N.) 1868 John N. Sage, 1837, Cromwell, Conn, (son of 1364 Ezra). 1400 Orrin W. Sage, 1829, Prairie Depot, O. (son of 1394 George. Lewis Ef. Sage, 1814, Copenhagen (son of 587 Abiel G.) John W. Sage, 1836, Hinsdale, N. Y. (son of 781 Willis). 472 Enos A. Sage, 3833, Collinsville, Conn. 473 Calvin N. Sage, 1838, Collinsville, Conn. Edward B. Sage, 1840, Collinsville, Conn, (son of 471 Lorenzo N.) killed at seige of Richmond, 1864. 120 Index (A) Abraham 1754 (49) Alsop 1808 (58) Abram 1793 (66) Andrew J. 1840 (110) Alonzo 1819 (118) Aimer P. 1824 (164) Ainenzo 1835 (168) Alfred 1829 (173) Amos 1831 (174) Alonzo H. 1816 (181) Adolphus H. 1859 (186) Andrew J. 1829 (195) Augustus 1843 (200) Alison R. 1851 (214) Albert K. 1869 (234) Alvah 1836 (250) Allen 1803 (254) Allen 1730 (350) Amos 1811 (359) Alonzo 1817 (361) Amos 1784 (362) Ames 1825 (373) Amos 1848 (374) Alvah 1810 (392) Alpha 1787 (463) Albert B. 1845 (470) Allen A. 1834 (520) Alfred H. 1877 (526) Abiel 1758 (576) Amos 1782 (577) Abel G. 1814 (587) Abiel 1792 (660) Albert D. 1835 (673) Alfred A. 18S1 (674) Albert P. 1867 (675) Albert A 1894 (676) Arthur F. 1869 (679) Alonzo A. 1832 (689) Abiol 1805 (696 1 ) Asahel 1775 (751) Asahel 1829 (754) Amasa 1783 (772) Albert O. 1821 (779) Albert 1861 (792) Alfred R. 1828 (1007) Almond B. 1834 (1010) Albert A. 1840 (1011) Adonirum J. 1835 (1133) Asa 1768 (1203) Alexander 1784 (1258) Abner 1758 (1301) Allen 1782 (1307) Allen 1837 (1309) Amos 1722 (1372) Amos 1747 (1373) Arthur T. 1861 (1518) Albert H. 1848 (1535) Amos 1791 (1552) Adison 1820 (1553) (B) Benjamin R. 1842 (13) Benoni 1703 (135) Benjamin 1725 (136) Benjamin 1754 (137) Benjamin 1774 (138) Benjamin 1805 (145) Benjamin A. 1834 (147) Benjamin 1811 (167) Burton E. 1865 (266) Benjamin F. 1824 (304) Benjamin 1784 (308) Benjamin V. 1830 (309) Bernard 1788 (487) Bernard 1816 (490) B. Franklin 1855 (524) Benjamin F. 1873 (681) Benjamin 1808 (755) Benjamin 1814 (1521) Barzillia 1782 (1537) Barzillia D. 1806 (1538) Barzillia Y. 1832 (1539) (C) Carlton L. 1822 (44) Charles H. 1840 (74) Calvin 1763 (80) Charles L. 1822 (82) Calvin 1834 (86) Charles W. 1828 (90) Charles R. 1802 (102) Charles R. 1822 (103) Charles S. 1845 (125) Charles W. 1828 (146) Charles J. 1808 (157) Clarence H. 1855 (161) Charles S. 1854 (184) Charles H. 1863 (232) Calvin W. 1810 (257) Carlton L. D. 1860 (315) Calvin 1793 (466) Charles W. 1861 (484) 122 Chaunoey E. 1817 (488) Chester A. 1854 (521) Charles H. 1853 (523) Chauncey S. 1816 (650) Chauncey S. 1881 (653) Chauncey 1799 (667) Charles A. 1854 (669) Chauncey L. 1828 (672) Calvin 1790 (702) Cleaveland H. 1849 (756) Charles F. 1855 (769) Clinton H. 1825 (780) Charles 1870 (793) Corfort 1731 (852) Charlas H. 1841 (895) Charles F. 1838 (909) Charles L. 1883 (918) Chandler F. 1845 (1036) Corwin B. 1859 (1130) Charles T. 1812 (1138) Charles P. 1829 (1209) Charles L. 1797 (1259) Charles H. 1816 (1263) Cyrus H. 1822 (1316) Charles H. 1845 (1326) Coldin H. 1846 (1330) Charles 1800 (1340) Charles D. 1849 (1341) Charles L. 1831 (1370) Charles 1795 (1377) Charles H. 1825 (1387) Charles J. 1836 (1402) Charles "R. 1835 (1405) Charles B. 1876 (1411) Charles S. 1860 (1412) Charles E. 1838 (1514) Charlee K. 1836 (1532) Cornwell 1807 (1544) Chester 1819 (1550) Calvin 1793 (1557) Charles H. 1859 (1600) Charles H. 1891 (1601) Charles D. 1866 (1602) Charles H. 1891 (1605) David 1639 (1) David 1665 (2) David 1703 (47) David 1732 (48) David 1778 (70) Daniel W. 1833 (117) Daniel W. 1832 (142) Daniel 1816 (163) Daniel 1783 (166) Daniel D. T. 1815 (171) Daniel 1756 (176) Daniel 1793 (196) David W. 1849 (213) David C. 1837 (223) Daniel 1727 (300) Daniel 1756 (351) Daniel 1809 (356) Daniel 1795 (382) Daniel 1802 (388) Daniel 1789 (464) Daniel 1807 (578) David 1760 (682) Daniel 1785 (684) David 1795 (690) David H. 1865 (698) David 1774 (859) David B. 1818 (861) David S. 1852 (902) David C. 1807 (1136) Donald H. 1893 (1150) David 1718 (1250) Dennis 1794 (1332) Dean 1841 (1379) Dean 1875 (1380) Dean W. 1896 (1398) Dwight R. 1839 (1406) DeWitt C. 1836 (1540) Dennis E. 1817 (1549) (E) Edwin O. 1832 (34) Ebenexer 1788 (35) Edward E. 1855 (56) Enos 1808 (78) Erastus 1783 (121) Edwin 1820 (131) Erastus 1784 (177) Eugene A. 1846 (189) Ezra C. 1820 (202) Edward C. 1846 (203) Eli 1825 (219) Eli 1851 (222) Edwin E. 1846 (262) Elijah 1810 (311) Edward 1818 (378) Edwin J. (391) Enos 1757 (452) Enos 1783 (456) Elisha 1785 (459) Elisha E. 1819 (460) Edwin W. 1851 (461) Edwin E. 1855 (462) Enos A. 1834 (472) Enos 1817 (474) Elias 1759 (476) Elias 1820 (492) Eugene H. 1842 (493) Elias 1799 (495) Edwin P. 1856 (590) Edwin A. 1825 (665) Edward 1825 (671) Emory A. 1837 (694) 123 Ebenezer 1819 (705) Edward D. 1840 (714) Eugene K. 1840 (771) Edwin S. 1829 (784) Ebenezer 1709 (851) Ebenezer 1754 (853) Ebenezer 1734 (854) Elizur 1771 (858) Elizur 1812 (860) Eager W. 1851 (863) Ebenezer 1759 (864) Edwin B. 1845 (885) Elijah F. 1822 (903) Edwin G. 1827 (907) Elmer F. 1868 (910) Edward C. 1859 (914) Earl W. 1885 (1035) Emory S. 1823 (1041) Ernest A. 1860 (1042) Edmund B. 1822 (1117) Edward M. 1847 (1135) Eugene G. 1837 (1139) Eben C. 1855 (1152) Eppaphras 1757 (1204) Eppaphras 1793 (1208) Enoch 1752 (1257) Enoch 1814 (1262) Ebenezer 1755 (1300) Edward 1816 (1304) Edwin R. 1870 (1342) Eber 1790 (1361) Ezra 1796 (1364) Ezra S. 1829 (1366) Edward W. 1832 (1367) Edward 1824 (1392) Edwin R. 1825 (1396) Edward R. 1873 (1397) Edward R, 1825 (1399) Elisha 1755 (1511) Edmund 1804 (1513) Elisha L. 1809 (1515) Edward W. 1895 (1519) Elisha T. 1843 (1520) Elisha 1779 (1527) Elisha M. 1812 (1531) Elizur W. 1812 (1533) Ernest L. 1868 (1604) (F) Francis 1754 (8) Francis P. 1807 (10) Francis P. 1838 (11) Franklin H. 1848 (83) Frederick E. 1851 (129) Fred E. 1884 (160) Frank T. 1873 (235) Franklin 1843 (357) Frederick .W 15*68 C370) Franklin M. 1854 (376) Frederick S. 1809 (457) Fowler 1876 (503) Frederick M. 1882 (591) Francis 1843 (704) Frank 1863 (762) Franklin C. 1827 (766) Frank L. 1867 (767) Ferdinand E. 1851 (785) Francis C. 1810 (908) Franklin S. 1865 (919) Frank 1847 (1039) Frank A. 1860 (1148) Frank W. 1846 (1151) Franklin (1254) Francis 1816 (1362) Ferdinand 1821 (1363) Frank A. 1839 (1371) Frank Y. 1839 (1541) Frank 1837 (1556) (G) Giles 1742 (24) Giles 1785 (25) George E. 1807 (51) Gardner A. 1813 (53) Gardner A. 1847 (54) George R. 1809 (91) George S. (92) George 1808 (122) George W. 1853 (130) Georse E. 1864 (132) Gilbert D. 1853 (155) Glenn A. 1876 (162) Gilbert 1836 (185) George 1823 (188) George W. 1838 (198) Gideon 1797 (218) George 1833 (221) George 1804 (225) Geonre H. 1864 (264) George B. 1872 (267) Gejorge A. 1843 (360) George 1810 (365) George D. 1842 (379) George E. 1844 (381) George W. 1830 (383) Geonre B. 1839 (394) Glenn R. 1887 (485) George 1788 (507) George 1828 (516) Geor Harvev 1796 (710) Hozekiah 1752 (750) Hiram A. 1841 (761) Hiram A. 1S20 (764) Hezekiah 1826 (776) Hezokiah 1790 (778) Hiram 1795 (791) Henry 1799 (894^1 Harold S. 1882 (901) Henry F. 1836 (912) Henry M. 1857 (915) Henry J. 1842 (1032) Harvey P. 1876 (1034) Hezckiah 1745 (1100) Henry W. 1812 (1114) Henry W. 1849 (1115) Henry W. 1830 (1131) Henry W. 1866 (1132) Henry L. 1831 (1210) Henry E. 1797 (1302) Henry 1820 (1303) Herbert R. 1849 (1314) Hiram H. 1811 (1325) Hiram A. 1811 (1328) Henry W. 1821 (1365) Henry W. 1814 (1378) Henry W. 1872 (1382) Hiram 1799 (1386) Henry R. 1830 (1383) Harvey H. 1833 (1404) Harold A. 1894 (1410) Hezekiah 1750 (1500) Harry J. 1869 (1523) Henry R. 1805 (1528) Henry F. 1834 (1561) (T) Tra F. 1834 (37) Isaac 1775 (101) Isaac 1807 (112) Ira C. 1828 (114) Isaac 1782 (302) Isaac 1832 (306) Isaac 1771 (1126) Isaac 1786 (1408) Tra Y. 1848 (1542) (-T) John 1668 (3) John 1696 (4) Joseph 1796 (18) John 1805 (20) John B. 1832 (22) John L. 1841 (31) John W. 1841 (38) James 1790 (39) Judson C. 1834 (46) James 1780 (57) Johnathan 1761 (69) James E. 1812 (71) James A. 1835 (73) Joseph 1772 (95) Julius M. 1827 (113) Jedediah 1739 (119) J. Hoadley 1833 (123) Joseph C. 1828 (141) John W. 1803 (151) 125 John R. 1731 (156) John 11. 1810 (158) John R. 1847 (159) Jasper A. 1831 (165) John R. 1832 (175) Joseph E. 1842 (179) Jewett 1793 (187) Jewett P. 1867 (192) Jay 1839 (194) John 1835 (217) John S. 1839 (224) John 1770 (227) John 1806 (256) John H. 1838 (258) John 1837 (261) John R. 1892 (265) Joshua 1786 (310) John 1808 (364) James H. 1837 (369) James R. 1891 (371) Johnathan W. 1785 (377) John D. 1820 (380) James 1770 (386) James 1804 (389) James W. 1841 (395) James 1841 (398) Joel 1781 (453) Jason 1798 (468) John Wesley 1S29 (482) Julius C. 1838 (500) John R. 1838 (509) James 1825 (514) John L. 1871 (525) ledediah 1734 (575) John L. 1848 (652) James H. 1840 (677) James H. 1872 (680) Jerome E. 1850 (699) Jedediah 1767 (701) John H. 1825 (711) Josiah 1830 (712) Jedediah 1801 (713) Joel M. 1840 (700) Joseph 1829 (777) John W. 1858 (783) Joseph 1757 (855) John 1727 (877) James 1773 (879) John 1761 (889) John 1795 (890) Jacob C. 1829 (892) John 1792 (898) John Melvin 1819 (899) Joseph B. 1842 (900) John S. 1841 (911) John F. 1848 (913) Joel G. 1848 (917) John W. 1859 (920) John C. 1863 (921) Johnathan 1674 (1000) Johnathan 1711 (1001) Johnathan 1739 (1002) Johnathan 1768 (1003) Johnathan R. 1801 (1004) John P. 1832 (1008) James 177? (1012) Jesse 1807 (1014) Joseph W. 1845 (1018) Joseph W, 1817 (1019) James 1819 (1020) Jesse 1776 (1021) Josiah 1782 (1022) Joel 1778 (1023) James 1807 (1024) Jared 1780 (1025) John M. 1845 (1027) Jared J. 1848 (1028) Jared 1811 (1029) Josiah 1812 (1030) John B. 1815 (1031) John B. 1842 (1033) Jesse 1817 (1037) John A. 1874 (1044) Joseph 1747 (1110) Joseph T. 1782 (1111) John (1112) John S. 1784 (1113) John C. 1817 (1116) John E. 1877 (1134) Jacob 1779 (1140) Justus 1782 (1205) Justus K. 1814 (1206) John L. 1843 (1211) Joseph 1748 (1251) James L. 1820 (1260) John H. 1847 (1264) Jeffrey 1791 (1315) John C. 1837 (1318) Jasper D. 1823 (1323) Josiah 179S (1333) John N. 1837 (1368) Jnmes 1797 (1385) James A. 1835 (1389) Josiah 1770 (1390) James H. 1841 (1522) John C. 1852 (1543) (K) Karl D. 1890 (486) Lewis R. 1728 (6) Lemuel 1752 (7) Leverett H. 1795 (14) Leveret t H. 1820 (15) T..-wi* Samuel 1765 (17) Lewis 1824 (19) Linus 1?10 (59) 126 Levi 1812 (60) Linus 1792 (81) Luther 1825 (85) Luther M. 1827 (105) Lorenzo D. 1846 (144) Leonard B. 1837 (148) Lorenzo N. 1808 (471) Louis E. 1851 (475) Lawrence 1810 (478) Louis M. 1852 (479) Lewis 1822 (510) Lewis J. 1884 (512) Lewis 1799 (518) Luther B. 1870 (522) Lewis 1784 (580) Lewis T. 1805 (581) L. DeLoss 1830 (582) Lewis 1843 (585) Lewis E. 1813 (661) Lyman 1794 (662) Lewis G. 1823 (663) Lyman B. 1833 (666) Levi 1792 (683) Lorenzo 1837 (697) Lewis 1822 (775) Luther 1778 (876) Luther E. 1816 (884) Luther 1778 (886) Levi A. 1807 (1026) Lyman D. 1842 (1038) Luther W. 18*03 (1369) Linus P. 1798 (1391) Lewis P. 1822 (1558) Lewis A. 1848 (1559) (M) Morris 1818 (67) Martin S. 1798 (84) Melvin R. 1847 (98) Marquis L. 1842 (111) Martin 1854 (115) Melvin 1837 (169) M. Jay 1877 (236) Miles 1758 (301) Miles 1820 (303) Miles 1845 (312) Martin 1784 (477) Mayard 1867 (501) Morris L. 1850 (517) Merton W. 1884 (788) Miles W. 1825 (1006) Mason A. 1821 (1040) Moses 1783 (1101) Moses 1754 (1125) Moses 1788 (1145) Martin G. 1817 (1146) Marshall W. 1840 (1149) Marcus 1784 (1312) Martin 1793 (228) (N) Nelson 1812 (30) Nathaniel S. 1837 (99) Nelson 1836 (191) Nathan 1800 (201) Napoleon B. 1807 (355) Nathaniel 1707 (450) Norton 1804 (496) Norton A. 1843 (505) Newton J. 1841 (584) Nathaniel 1755 (850) Noah R. 1804 (1009) Noah 1774 (1013) Noah 1809 (1016) Nathan F. 1802 (1127) Norman 1819 (1147) Nehemiah K. 1816 (1207) Noah 1750 (1256) Nathan 1752 (1510) (O.) Orrin 1787 (26) Orrin 1829 (40) Oliver 1767 (87) Oliver 1807 (88) Oliver F. 1838 (89) Orrin W. 1813 (94) Oliver F. 1881 (263) Ormal L. 1878 (586) Omar C. 1834 (686) Omar V. 1834 (687) Orrin C. 1835 (692) Orrin 1801 (896) Oel N. 1845 (1015) Orrin N. 1805 (1128) Orrin W. 1829 (1400) Orrin O. 1862 (1401) Orrin 1791 (1409) Orrin B. 1829 (1516) Orris 1834 (1555) Philo S. 1783 (9) Phineas 1819 (63) Philander S. 1815 (72) Philo O. 1835 (143) Philo B. 1843 (154) Philo B. 1847 (170} Philo D. 1824 (172) Philip H. 1884 (397) Philip H. 1848 (588) Philo J. (1142) Philip 1786 (12611 Philomem 1781 M321) Preston R. 1894 (1526) Philip 1822 (1551) 127 (R) Robert F. 1823 (16) Reuben M. 1833 (36) Reuben W. 1833 (41) Ralph 1816 (124) Ransom 1820 (183) Richard 1832 (197) Roswell 1820 (212) Robert 1827 (305) Ransom 1779 (352) Roswell 1789 (589) Robert H. 1884 (670) Ralph V. 1867 (759) Raymond E. 1882 (789) Ransom E. 1833 (790) Reuben 1748 (878) Russell 1807 (880) Reuben P. 1814 (883) Russell 1784 (887) Richard (888) Russell S. 1885 (916) Ransom A. 1843 (1137) Reuben C. 1804 (1143) Rodrick (1255) Rodney 1807 (1343) Roswell 1809 (1403) Rosville G. 1841 (1407) Rufus B. 1817 (1524) Rufus H. 1834 (1529) Russell 1839 (1530) Russell 1816 (1536) Rosalvo 1822 (1554) (S) Sherman P. 1840 (12) Spencer L. 1848 (64) Seth 1823 (68) Solomon 1737 (75) Samuel L. 1826 (97) Sidney M. 1828 (106) Seymour S. 1830 (107) Sylvester F. 1834 (108) Sylvester 1766 (120) Samuel B. 1800 (139) Salmon B. 1840 (149) Simeon 1789 (182) Se-lah 1768 (207) Selah 1817 (209) Silas 1849 (211) Stephen L. 1831 (220) Sylvenus C. 1840 (251) Simeon 1834 (260) Solo A. 1805 (363) Selah 1760 (385) Sylvenus 1800 (387) Samuel 1732 (451) Sidney A. 1806 (454) Stephen H. 1818 (455) Stephen W. 1820 (465) Samuel W. 1841 (467) Seymour N. 1824 (481) Samuel 1763 (506) Samuel G. 1818 (508) Sylvester B. 1836 (688) Simeon 1802 (695) Sparrow S. 1806 (752) Sparrow S. 1787 (765) Silas 1815 (773) Samuel D. 1826 (782) Sylvester 1809 (881) Simeon 1764 (897) Simeon 1797 (905) Sylvenus 1802 (1141) Solomon 1720 (1305) Samuel 1746 (1306) Samuel 1810 (1308) Seth 1747 (1311) Silas S. 1813 (1313) Stephen 1752 (1319) Silas 1788 (1320) Solomon S. 1813 (1322) Solomon 1783 (1324) Stephen G. 1786 (1327) Stephen W. 1835 (1329) Stephen G. 1813 (1331) Simeon 1759 (1335) Simeon 1811 (1344) Solomon 1762 (1360) Silas 1779 (1374) (T) Theodore A. 1845 (128) Theodore 1852 (307) Truman L. 1881 (504) Theodore F. 1843 (678) Thomas 1807 (753) Theodore 1817 (774) Theodore B. 1834 (1144) Truman Bartlett 1886 (1153) Timothy 1678 (1200) Timothy 1714 (1201) Timothy 1743 (1202) Thomas 1817 (1503) Timothy K. 1845 (1545) Timothy 1813 (1547) Titus 1815 (1548) (U) Udelpho V. 1856 (787) (V) Volney A. 1839 (255) (W) William L. 1834 (23) William N. 1819 (32) William L. 1844 (33) William 1792 (42) 128 William L. P. 1820 (43) William H. 1809 (52) Warren B. 1816 (55) William H. 1816 (61) William H. 1844 (62) Willis F. (93) William H. 1840 (99) Warren J. 1825 (104) William 1818 (126) Walter F. 1843 (127) Wesley M. 1823 (140) William H. 1841 (153) William D. 1813 (178) William 1834 (216) William 1821 (229) Wilmer E. 1865 (233) Walter W. 1892 (239) Warren 1797 (252) William 1800 (353) Willard W. 1812 (368) William A. 1844 (372) William 1831 (375) William F. 1802 (384) Willard 1814 (393) William J. 1871 (396) William H. 1837 (458) William S. 1859 (483) Wesley 1S06 (498) William D. F. 1809 (499) William F. 1872 (502) William S. 1860 (511) William X. 1872 (693) William H. 1816 (703) William K. 1838 (758) William H. 1829 (768) Willis 1793 (781) Wilfred H. 1853 (786) William 1826 (891) William H. 1829 (904) Wulliam O. 1870 (922) William H. 1832 (1017) Walter (1252) William H. 1845 (1310) William R. 1829 (1317) William H. 1825 (1334) William 1748 (1375) William 1768 (1376) William H. 1844 (1381) William G. 1822 (1395) William 1787 (1501) William 1815 (1502) William C. 1814 (1534) William M. 1824 (1560) Wilbur H. 1838 (1562) (Z) Zadock, 1748 (134) This edition is limited and can be obtained from the publisher Charles H. Sage, Batavia, New York. Price $3.00 per copy. A 000109338