'vi;i I'l'ifi-''';' 'ill R T R =0F T H E==rr-=:=rr=;=:--r OF HARTFORD CHARTER OF THE: CITY OF HARTFORD • " : !•: CHARTER OF THE CITY OF HARTFORD. Section i. The territorial limits of the corporation of the City of Hartford shall hereafter include all the land and territory now situated with- in the limits of the town of Hartford, and all lands and territory which are now held or may hereafter be acquired by said City of Hartford in any man- ner and for any purpose whatsoever. Sec. 2. All electors of this State dwelling within said limits are hereby declared to be and shall forever continue to be a body politic and corporate, in fact and in name, by the name of The City of Hartford, and by that name they and their successors shall have perpetual succession, and be a person in law, capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all suits of what nature whatsoever, and shall have power to acquire, own, hold, and convey any estate, real and personal ; and may have a common seal, and may alter the same at pleasure, and by virtue of this act shall be vested with, possess and enjoy all the estate, real and personal, rights, privileges, and im- munities which have become vested in the inhabitants of said city in their corporate capacity since the original incorporation thereof, and whereof said city has never been lawfully divested hitherto; and said city shall have juris- diction in civil and commercial matters on the Connecticut River opposite the said city, and constables of said town of Hartford and police officers of said city shall have authority to execute legal process on said river opposite said city ; it being provided that said city shall in no manner regulate or in- terfere with the navigation thereof, or impose any tax, toll, or duty on the commerce upon said river, except as hereinafter expressly provided. Sec. 3. Said city shall remain divided into ten wards, as follows : FIRST WARD. Beginning at a point on Main Street opposite the center of Charter Oak Street, thence running easterly through the center of Charter Oak Street to the Connecticut River, thence northerly along the west bank of the Connecti- cut River to a point opposite the center of Talcott Street, thence westerly through the center of Talcott Street to the center of Main Street, thence southerlv through the center of Main Street to the place of beginning. SECOND WARD. Beginning at a point in the center of Main Street opposite Talcott Street, ihence running easterly through the center of Talcott Street to the Connecti- cut River, thence northerly by the Connecticut River to the City line, thence westerly by the northern boundary line of the City to a point where the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad crosses, thence southerly along the center of the track of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to the center of Canton Street, thence westerly through the center of Canton Street to the center of Windsor A. venue, thence southerly through the center of Windsor Avenue to the center of Main Street, thence southerly through the center of Main Street to the place of beginning. 22^392 THIRD WARD. Beginning at a point on Windsor Avenue opposite Canton Street, thence running easterly through the center of Canton Street to the center of the track of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, thence northerly along the center of the track of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to the northern boundary line of the City, thence westerly by the northern boundary line of the City, to a point opposite the center of Vine Street, thence southerly in a straight line coincident with Vine Street pro- duced to the center of Vine Street ; thence southerly through the center of Vine Street to the center of Albany Avenue, thence easterly through the center of Albany Avenue to the center of Belden Street, thence easterly through the center of Belden Street to the center of Windsor Avenue, thence northerly through the center of Windsor Avenue to the place of beginning. FOURTH WARD. Beginning at a point on Little River opposite the center of Union Place, thence running northerly through the center of Union Place to the center of Church Street, thence easterly through the center of Church Street to the center of High Street, thence northerly through the center of High Street to the center of Windsor Avenue, thence northerly through the center of Windsor Avenue to the center of Belden Street, thence westerly through the center of Belden Street to the center of Albany Avenue, thence westerly through the center of Albany Avenue to the center of Vine Street, thence northerly through the center of Vine Street to Holcomb Street, thence northerly in a straight line coincident with Vine Street produced to the north- ern boundary line of the city, thence westerly on the northern boundary line of the city to the western boundary line of the city, thence southerly on the western boundary line of the city to the center of Asylum Avenue, thence easterly through the center of Asylum Avenue to the center of Woodland Street, thence northerly through the center of Woodland Street to the center of Collins Street, thence easterly through the center of Collins Street to the center of Garden Street, thence southerly through the center of Garden Street to the center of Asylum Street, thence easterly through the center of Asylum Street to the center of Union Place, thence southerly in a straight line to the place of beginning. FIFTH WARD. Beginning at a point on Main Street opposite Mulberry Street, thence running westerly through the center of Mulberry Street to the center of Little River, thence westerly by the Little River to a point opposite the cen- ter of Union Place, thence northerly through the center of Lliion Place to the center of Church Street, thence easterly through the center of Church Street to the center of High Street, thence northerly through the center of High Street to the center of Main Street, thence southerly through the center of Main Street to the place of beginning. SIXTH WARD. Beginning at a point on Main Street opposite Mulberry Street, thence westerly through the center of Mulberry Street to the center of Little River, thence westerly by the center of Little River to a point opposite the center of Hungerford Street, thence southerly through the center of Hungerford Street to the center of Park Street, thence easterly through the center of Park Street to the center of Main Street, thence northerly through the center of Main Street to the place of beginning. SEVENTH WARD. Beginning at a point on Main Street opposite the center of Charter Oak Street, thence easterly through the center of Charter Oak Street to the Con- necticut River, thence southerly by the Connecticut River to the southern boundary line of the City, thence westerly by the southern boundary line of the City to the center of Maple Avenue, thence northerly through the center of Maple Avenue to the center of Webster Street, thence northerly through the center of Webster Street to the center of Washington Street, thence northerly through the center of Washington Street to the center of Park Street, thence easterly through the center of Park Street to the center of Main Street, thence northerly through the center of Main Street to the place of beginning. EIGHTH WARD. Beginning at a point on Park Street opposite the center of Washington Street, thence southerly through the center of Washington Street to the center of Webster Street, thence southerly through the center of Webster Street to the center of Maple A.venue, thence southerly through the center of Maple Avenue to the southern boundary line of the City, thence westerly by the southern boundary line of the City to the western boundary line of the City, thence northerly by the western boundary line of the City to a point where the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad crosses, thence northerly along the center of the track of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to the center of Park Street, thence easterly through the center of Park 'Street to the place of beginning. NINTH WARD. Beginning at a point on Little River opposite the center of Union Place, thence running northerly to the center of Asylum Street, thence westerly through the center of Asylum Street to the center of Garden Street, thence northerly through the" center of Garden Street to the center of Collins Street, thence westerly through the center of Collins Street to the center of Sigour- ney Street, thence southerly through the center of Sigourney Street to Little River, thence southerly in a straight line coincident with Sigourney Street produced to the center of Park Street, thence easterly through the center of Park Street to the center of Hungerford Street, thence northerly through the center of Hungerford Street to the Little River, thence easterly along the center of Little River to the place of beginning. TENTH WARD. Beginning at a point on Sigourney Street opposite the center of Collins Street, thence running westerly through the center of ColKus Street to the center of Woodland Street, thence southerly through the center of Woodland Street to the center of Asylum Avenue, thence westerly through the center of Asylum Avenue to the western boundary line of the City, thence southerly along the western boundary line of the City to a point where the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad crosses, thence northerly through the center of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad track to the center of Park Street, thence easterly through the center of Park Street to a point opposite the center of Sigourney Street, thence northerly in a straight line coincident with Sigourney Street produced to the center of Sigourney Street, thence northerly through the center of Sigourney Street to the place of beginning. ELECTIONS. Section i. Every elector of this State having the qualifications and complying with the requirements prescribed by law, entitling him to vote at any city meeting, in said city for the election of officers thereof, shall be a freeman of said city. All elections hereafter held within the City and Town of Hartford shall be held pursuant to the provisions of the statute laws of this State relating to elections. Sec. 2. At the several elections held within the City and Town of Hart- ford for the choice of city officers, those only shall vote who are registered on the corrected lists of voters last before completed, including those added on the day of election ; provided, that no person shall vote in any ward meeting held for the choice of city officers unless he shall have resided in such ward sixty days next preceding the day of said ward meeting. If such person otherwise qualified to vote in said city meeting shall have removed from one ward to another within said sixty days, he shall be entitled to vote in the ward in which he last resided before his removal. Sec. 3. Meetings of said City shall be held annually on the first Mon- day of April for the choice of officers and such other proper business as shall be specified in the warning of such meeting and shall be warned by the Mayor in such manner and held at such places within the several wards as shall be prescribed by the ordinances and by-laws of said City; and in each ward in said City the ballot boxes shall be opened at six o'clo(;k in the forenoon and remain open until five o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. Special meetings of said city may be called and held in such manner as the ordi- nances and by-laws of said City shall prescribe and may be adjourned from time to time ; and all questions before any such meeting shall be determined by a major vote of the legal voters present and voting. Sec. 4. At the meeting of said city on the first Monday of April, 1906, and biennially thereafter, the freemen of said city shall elect from among their number by a plurality vote, a Mayor who shall hold office for two years and until his successor is chosen and qualified; a Town and City Clerk, a Collector, a Controller, a Treasurer, a Corporation Counsel and a City Sheriff, each of whom shall hold office for two years from and after the first day of May next succeeding his election and until his successor is chosen and qualified. Sec. 5. At the annual meeting of said city holden next after this act shall take effect, to wit: On the first Monday of April, 1905, and annually thereafter for the choice of officers and other proper business, there shall be chosen by a plurality vote in each ward from among the electors entitled to vote therein, one Alderman and four Common Councilmen ; the Alderman to hold office for two years and the Councilmen for one year and until their suc- cessors are chosen and qualified. Sec. 6. At any city meeting held in the Town and City of Hartford, the vote of the electors for the candidates for any office or for any proposition acted upon at such meeting may be taken upon any of the voting machines authorized by the General Statutes to be used in city elections. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE MAYOR. Section i. The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city. He shall have been a legal resident and an elector of the city for the five years immediately preceding his election, and shall reside in the city during his term of office. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of Mayor, or whenever the Mayor shall be prevented by absence from the city, by ill- ness, or by any other cause, from attending to the duties of his office, the president of the Board of Aldermen, or, if said president shall be absent or disabled, the president of the Board of Councilmen, shall act as Mayor until the Mayor is again able to assume the duties of his office or until the vacancy shall be filled by election, and said acting Mayor shall have all the rights, powers and duties of said Mayor, except the powers of appointment and re- moval, until the vacancy is filled or the Mayor is again able to act. It shall be the duty of the Mayor : 1 . To cause the laws and ordinances to be executed and enforced, to in- form the prosecuting attorney of all violations of law brought to his atten- tion, and to conserve the peace within said city. He shall be responsible for the good order and efficient government of said city. 2. To fill by appointment vacancies in office in all cases in which he is given by law the power to appoint. 3. To communicate to the Court of Common Council during the month of May next succeeding his election, and semi-annually thereafter, or oftener if he shall deem necessary, a general statement of the condition of the city in relation to its government, finances, public improvements, and affairs, with such recommendations as he may deem proper. 4. To call special meetings of the Court of Common Council when he may deem it expedient. 5. To sign all bonds and deeds and all written contracts of the city made either by the Court of Common Council or any officer of the City in accordance with authority conferred upon them by this charter or the ordi- nances. 6. To either approve or disapprove, in writing, every vote, resolution, order, or ordinance passed by the Court of Common Council. If he approve it or fail to take action within ten days after the passage thereof, such vote, resolution, order, or ordinance shall become operative and effectual. In case the Mayor shall fail to take action upon any vote, resolution, order, or ordi- nance passed by the Court of Common Council, within ten days after the passage thereof, the City Clerk shall endorse the fact upon the vote, resolution, order or ordinance. If he disapprove it he shall notify the City Clerk of that fact within said period of ten days, and he shall transmit in writing his rea- sons for such disapproval to the body in which it originated at its next meet- ing, and such vote, resolution, order, or ordinance shall not become operative and effectual unless passed over his veto by an affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of each Board of the Court of Common Council, present and absent. The Mayor may also approve or disapprove any part of any vote, order, ordinance, or resolution, and the part of the vote, order, ordi- nance, or resolution approved shall become operative and effectual, and the part disapproved shall be void, unless passed over his veto in the manner aforesaid. The Mayor shall have power : I. To assume the entire control and direction of the police and fire forces of the City, or either of them, for a period not exceeding five days, at his discretion in case of emergency, and to exercise all of the powers con- ferred upon the fire and police departments in relation thereto. 2. To exercise, whenever necessary in order to suppress tumults, riots, or unlawful assemblies, within the limits of said city, all the powers given by law to sheriffs in relation to riotous assemblages ; and, at all times, when necessary, to require the aid of any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or policeman, or any or all of them together, to assist him in executing the laws within the limits of said City. 3. To make requisition for the several companies of the Connecticut National Guard and the divisions of naval reserve, or any of them, when- ever he shall have reason to believe that great opposition will be made to the exercise of his authority, and to exert all the force necessary to enable him to execute the laws within the limits of said City. 4. To call together, for consultation and advice upon the affairs of the City, the Street Commissioner, the Water Commissioner, the Commis- sioner of Public Safety, the Charity Commissioner, the President of the Board of Park Commissioners, the Corporation Counsel, the City Treasurer, the Controller, and such other executive and administrative officers as he may deem best ; and at such meetings he may call on any of said officers for such reports as to the matters under their management as he may deem proper. 5. To appoint, whenever he may deem it best to do so, three compe- tent, disinterested persons, no more than two of whom shall be of the same political party, to examine without notice the affairs of any department, offi- cer, or employe of said City, and submit the results of said examination to him. 6. The Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of any four mem- bers of the Board of Aldermen, may remove from office any person appointed by him or any of his predecessors, for cause. 7. To administer oaths within said city. If any person shall hinder, obstruct, resist, or abuse the Mayor in the execution of his office, or when ordered to render assistance to the Mayor (being of sufficient age and ability) shall refuse or neglect to do so, such offender, being thereof duly convicted, shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the court having cognizance of the offense. Every commissioned officer and soldier, when called into service by the Mayor, as aforesaid, shall have the same pay, and in case of disobedience be subject to the same penalties, as if called into service by the sheriff of the County. CORPORATION COUNSEL. Section i. There shall be in said City a Corporation Counsel, to be chosen by the electors of said City and to hold office for two years from the first day of May following his election and until his successor is chosen and qualified. At the time of his election, he shall have been an attorney and counselor at law of this State, for not less than ten years. He shall hold no other office in the city government during his term. Sec. 2. He shall be the legal adviser of the City and its departments, and it shall be his duty to represent said City in all civil actions in any court wherein said City is interested (except as otherwise provided), and to give his written opinion upon any legal question which may be submitted to him by the Mayor, or by the Common Council, or by any department, or by any city official with the written consent of \he pA^jaff^ AV[ opinions so given by him shall be recorded in an indexed booklvwtich'jfetj^l^^all J^e kept in his office, and shall be the property of the City^Smj^JsSeL^f^nion?, as the Mayor may direct shall be published in the year book issued next after such opin- ions are given. He shall, when so directed by the Mayor or Common Coun- cil, represent the City in all matters pending before the General Assembly affecting the interests of said City; and he shall perform all other legal services which may be required of him by the Common Council, or by law or ordinance. He shall annually, during the month of April, make a written report to the Court of Common Council of his doings for the year next pre- ceding, also showing the condition of all unfinished business in his hands. Sec. 3. His office shall be kept open during such hours as the Common Council may by ordinance direct. He shall be allowed his actual clerical ex- penses, and a reasonable allowance to be made for the preparation of real estate titles as hereinafter provided. He may employ such additional counsel to aid in any legal proceedings as shall be approved by the Board of Public Works. CONTROLLER. Section i. The City Controller shall keep, in books provided for that purpose, accounts with each of the city departments, with such of the city officers as may be designated by the Board of Finance, and such other ac- counts as the City Ordinances, or said Board of Finance, may direct. Sec. 2. He" shall prescribe the form of all accounts and of all reports to be rendered, and have the inspection and supervision of the accounts of all other departments and officers and may administer oaths. Sec. 3. He shall audit, or cause to be audited, the accounts of the sev- eral departments and of all city officers, at least once in every six months; and shall submit to the Common Council on or before the tenth day of June, and on or before the tenth day of each third month thereafter, a report of the condition of each of said accounts, together with a summary of all ac- counts of the city, exhibiting the revenues, receipts, and expenditures, the sources from which the revenues and funds are derived, in what manner the same have been disbursed, and the amount drawn against each item of the appropriations. Sec. 4. He shall keep a separate account for each specific item of the appropriations, and shall require all warrants to state specifically against which of said items the warrant is drawn. Each account shall be accom- panied by a detailed statement in a separate column, of unpaid contracts and outstanding orders charged against it. Sec. 5. He shall not suffer any appropriation to be overdrawn, or the appropriation for one item of expense to be drawn upon for any other pur- pose, or by any department other than that for which the appropriation was specifically made, except in case of transfers made as hereinafter provided. Sec. 6. Each claim or account against the city excepting claims for salaries, shall be first verified by the oath or affirmation of the claimant or his authorized agent, if required by the Controller, then certified to be cor- rect and justly due by the officer or board by whom, or under whose authority the same was contracted. Pay-rolls for labor may be audited as one claim, but individual receipts must be taken by the representative of the depart- ment who shall pay the laborers. Such claim or account shall then be trans- mitted to the Controller, who shall examine and compute each bill rendered, and, on finding it correct, said Controller shall number the various claims. and enter them in books kept by him for that purpose ; and when said claims are so numbered and entered, he shall draw his order on the City Treasurer for the several amounts due, and prepare and fill out receipts in accordance therewith; provided, that for any sums for which the city becomes legally liable upon its bonds or notes, the City Clerk may draw his order upon the Treasurer, upon which, when countersigned by the Mayor and Controller, said sums shall be paid. In case of the absence, inability, or disability of the Controller, the Mayor shall have power to appoint some person to perform his duties temporarily. Sec. 7. The Controller shall give bonds to the city in the amount of twenty thousand dollars. He shall have an office provided by the city, and shall keep the same open during such hours as the Common Council by ordinance may direct. Sec. 8. The Controller shall, at the end of each fiscal year, or oftener if so required by the Mayor, and also upon the death, resignation, removal, or the expiration of the term of any officer, audit or cause to be audited, ex- amine, and settle the accounts of such officer, and if he shall be found in- debted to the city, the Controller shall state an account and file the same with the Corporation Counsel, together with a copy of the official bond of such officer, if any, and give notice thereof to him or his legal representatives ;. and the Corporation Counsel shall forthwith proceed to collect such balance from such officer or his sureties. Notice of the audit shall be given by the Controller to the officer or his legal representatives, before the final state- ment of the account ; and if desired by such officer or his legal representa- tives, opportunity shall be given for a hearing. A copy of such notice, with a certificate of the fact of service thereof, shall be filed with the statement of account, as evidence of service of notice. TREASURER. Section i. The Treasurer shall have the same power and authority as Town Treasurers have, and shall be accountable to said city. He shall have the custody and disbursement of all funds belonging to the city, and he shall be treasurer of the Town Deposit Fund, which fund is vested in the City of Hartford. He shall have an office provided by the city, which shall be kept open during such hours as may be by ordinance prescribed. He shall be al- lowed his actual office and clerical expenses. He shall give bonds to the city in the amount of fifty thousand dollars. Sec. 2. All city funds shall be deposited in such banks and trust compa- nies as shall be designated by the Board of Finance. Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall pay all orders drawn on him by the Con- troller in the order in which they shall be presented to him. The Treasurer shall report to the Board of Finance on the first Monday of each month the amount of money belonging to said city in his hands, also the sources of his last month's receipts, and shall present to said board, each month, his ac- counts for the month next preceding, properly audited and certified by the Controller. Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall countersign all bonds and notes of the city. COLLECTOR. Section i. The City Collector shall have all of the powers, and be sub- ject to all the duties imposed by law upon collectors of town taxes, and specially conferred on the Collector of city taxes for Hartford. He shall re- ceive and collect all taxes due to said city, and no discount shall be allowed thereon. All taxes shall be due on the first day of July, and on all taxes re- maining due and unpaid after the first day of August, next after the same are laid, one-half of one per cent, shall be added and made collectible as a part of such tax, and a further sum of one half of one per cent, shall be in like manner added and made collectible on the first day of each succeeding month thereafter until such tax is paid. He shall receive and collect all assessments of every kind made by said city and all license fees payable to said city. All licenses issued by any city department or officer shall be presented to the City Collector, or his authorized agent, in the Collector's office, who shall re- ceive the fee prescribed therefor, and shall countersign each license before the same shall be in effect. He shall cause a record of each license, so count- ersigned, to be kept in his office. The Mayor, or in his absence, the acting mayor, shall have power to issue a warrant for the collection of any of said taxes or assessments. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Collector to report to the corporation counsel, on the first Monday of September- in each year, ail taxes and as- sessments upon real property, which have not been abated according to law, and which have been due and unpaid for the period of ilii-ee years; and all taxes assessed on personal property which have not been abated, according to law, and which have been due and unpaid for a period of one year ; and it shall be the duty of the corporation counsel to proceed forthwith to collect the same, bringing suit where necessary. Whenever any tax due to said city is abated, the authority making the abatement shall cause notice thereof to be given forthwith to the Collector. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Collector to collect all poll and mili- tary taxes from persons liable to pay the same, and to report to the Common Council in the month of January in each year the names and addresses of all persons who, being liable to pay such taxes on the first day of July next pre- ceding, have neglected to pay the same. Sec. 4. Said Collector shall, on each business day, deposit with the Treasurer of said city all moneys collected by him during the twenty-four hours then ended, and shall take the Treasurer's receipt for the same in dupli- cate, one copy of which he shall file in the Controller's office forthwith. Sec. 5. The Collector may employ such clerical assistance as the Com- mon Council shall by ordinance provide, and said Council shall limit the com- pensation of such clerks. Sec. 6. Said Collector shall give bonds to the city in the amount of fifty thousand dollars. CLERK OF THE TOWN AND CITY. The Town and City Clerk of said town and city of Hartford, chosen as hereinbefore provided, shall continue to discharge all the duties required of Town Clerks by law and all the duties of City Clerk of said city. He shall be Registrar of Vital Statistics and shall index all records without extra compensation therefor. On the first week-day of each month said Town Clerk shall make report to the Controller of all fees collected by him during the preceding month and shall pay the amount of the same to the City Treas- urer. On or before the fifteenth day of April in each year, beginning in 1907, he shall submit to the Mayor an account of his doings and the doings of his office for the preceding year ending March thirty-first, which shall contain a statement of all moneys received and expended during said year. As City Clerk he shall be clerk of the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Finance, and shall record their doings. He shall send, immediately after it takes ef- fect, a copy of any ordinance, resolution, or order of the Common Council, and any resolution or order of any board or committee of which he is clerk, to each department or officer affected thereby. He shall perform such other clerical duties as may be required by the ordinances of the city. He shall publish all city ordinances as soon as the same are enacted, and record the fact and date of such publication. He shall make, upon the records of said city, entries of his own acts in serving and publishing notices of orders passed by the Common Council. Said Clerk shall devote his entire time to the service of the city, and shall have no other occupation during his term of office, and he shall keep his office open during such hours of each business day as the ordi- nances of the city shall direct. Said Clerk may appoint one or more depu- ties, who, after having taken the oath or affirmation provided by law for Town and City Clerk, shall assist said Clerk, and when acting in the discharge of their clerical duties shall have all the powers and duties of said Clerk. All acts of said deputies and all records kept by them shall have the same validity and effect as acts and records of said Clerk. Said deputies may be removed by the said Clerk at any time. The salary of said Town and City Clerk and the salaries of his deputies shall be fixed by the Common Council and paid by said city, and said salaries shall be in lieu of all other com- pensation for the services of said Clerk and his deputies. The office expenses of said Clerk, when approved by the Common Council, shall be paid by said city. All records hitherto kept, or which may hereafter be kept, by any Clerk or Deput^^ Clerk of said city, shall have the same validity as the records of Town Clerks, and shall be in all courts prima facie evidence of the truth of the matters therein recorded. Of any official records hitherto kept, or whi"ch may hereafter be kept, by the Clerk of said city, or by any Deputy Clerk thereof, a copy certified under the hand of any such recording officer shall be received in all courts as evidence, in the same manner as the original record would be received. CITY SHERIFF. On the first Monday of April, 1906, there shall be elected a City Sheriflf, who shall have within said city the powers of Constables of towns. He shall notify, when so directed by the Mayor, the Court of Common Council of any meeting of either body or any committee thereof ; he may serve any civil pro- cess returnable to or issued by either of said courts or any committee of the same, and shall serve all notices issued by any committee or department. He shall perform all duties required of him by law and the ordinances of the city. After the passage of this act no City Marshal shall be elected. BUILDING INSPECTOR. The Maypr shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen, a Building Inspector and a Deputy Building Inspector, who shall hold their offices for two years from the first day of January next succeeding their appointment, and until their successors are chosen and qualified. Said Building Inspector shall be Fire Marshal and shall have all the powers and perform all the duties reposed in and required of said officers by the statutes of the State and the ordinances of the city. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Section i. The Court of Common Council shall biennially elect a Sealer of Weights and Measures, to serve two years from the first day of June following his appointment. It shall be his duty to compare all scales, weights and measures with the United States and standard weights and measures belonging to the" city of Hartford. Said Sealer of Weights and Measures may appoint an assistant, whose acts shall have equal authority with his own. He may also remove said assistant. He shall perform all other duties required of him by the ordinances of the city or imposed upon 12 such officers by the Statute Laws of this State now existing or hereafter en- acted ; and it shall be his duty to cause to be enforced within said city the Statute Laws of the State and the ordinances of the city respecting weights and measures. All fees paid to him shall be paid by him to the Treasurer monthly and an account thereof rendered by him monthly to the Controller. His salary shall be fixed by the Court of Common Council. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. There shall be in said city a Department of Finance, which shall be un- der the control of a board consisting of the -Mayor, who shall be its presiding officer, the Treasurer, the Controller, and three citizens, none of whom shall hold any other office in said city government, and to be appointed as herein- after provided. The necessary expenses of said board shall be paid by the city, but no member of the board shall be paid for his services as a member thereof. Meetings of said Board of Finance shall be held when called by the Mayor, and reasonable personal notice of said meetings shall be given to the members thereof, or written or printed notice shall be sent to the residence of each member, or mailed to him by the clerk of said board at least twenty- four hours before the time of holding such meeting. The City Clerk shall be ex officio clerk of said Board of Finance. During the month of April, 1905, the Mayor shall appoint three citizen members of said board — one to hold office for one year, one to hold office for two years and one to hold office for three years — and in each April thereafter the Mayor shall appoint one member of said Board of Finance for a terni of three years from the first day of May next succeeding. Said Board of Finance shall have direction over and control of the sink- ing fund of said city, and shall direct where the same shall be deposited and how the same shall be invested. Said sinking fund shall be paid by the Col- lector to the City Treasurer and deposited in some bank or banks as directed by said Board of Finance, in the name of the city of Hartford, subject to draft by the City Treasurer upon the counter-signature of the Mayor, and no part of the funds so deposited as a part of the sinking fund of said city shall be drawn upon or invested, except as ordered by said Board of Finance. Said Board of Finance shall designate the depositories in which all city funds shall be kept, and may designate the method and manner in which the Controller shall keep the accounts of the various city departments and the ac- counts of said city with its various officers. Whenever it becomes necessary for said city to borrow money either upon its notes or by the issuance of bonds, or to refund any of its existing indebt- edness, the Court of Common Council, before acting thereon, shall first sub- mit the matter to the Board of Finance for its investigation, recommendation and report. Said Board of Finance and the Ways and Means Committee of the Court of Common Council, acting jointly, shall in the month of February in each year, make estimates of the moneys necessary to be appropriated for the ex- penses of said city for the year next ensuing, beginning April first, and of the rate of taxation required to meet the same, and shall classify' the said ex- penses under appropriate heads and departments. At all such meetings the Mayor shall preside, and in his absence the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee shall preside. In the preparation of said estimates said Joint Committee shall give notice to each board or department of a definite time and place where they will meet to consider the needs of such board or department, and said body shall recommend such tax upon the polls and ratable estates within the limits of said city as it shall deem necessary to meet such expenses. Said estimates and the rate of taxation recommended shall be submitted to the Court of Common Council at its first regular meeting in the month of March next suc- ceeding, and during said month of March said court shall proceed to con- sider and act upon said estimates and said appropriations and rate- of taxa- tion so reported by said Board of Finance and Ways and Means Committee and approved by the Court of Common Council shall be final, and the Court of Common Council of said city for the year ensuing shall not make any ap- propriation or authorize the expenditure of any sum in excess of the esti- mates made as aforesaid, excepting upon a two-thirds vote of said Court of Common Council, nor shall any of the departments of said city expend any sum in excess of said estimates except the same be authorized by a two-thirds vote of said Court of Common Council. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Section i. There shall be in said city a Board of Public Works, which shall consist of the Mayor, who shall be its presiding officer, and the Com- missioner of Streets, the Commissioner of Charities, the Commissioner of Public Safety and the Water Commissioner. The necessary expenses of said department shall be paid by said city. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said board to hold a regular bi-weekly meeting on some week-day to be fixed by said board, and said board may hold a special meeting at any time on personal notice to the members thereof or on notice mailed to each member by the 'clerk of said board at least twenty-four hours before the time of holding such meeting. Such special meetings shall be called by the Mayor or may be called by any two members in case of the absence or disability of the Mayor. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of said board to care for and keep in repair the public buildings belonging to said city ; to confer upon the afifairs and conduct of the several departments composing said Board of Public Works, and no expenditure of the funds appropriated to either of the Departments of Streets, Charities, Public Safety or Water, except those specifically appro- priated for a particular purpose in the annual report of the Board of Finance and Ways and Means Committee, shall be made by any of the said depart- ments except upon the affirmative vote of the Board of Public Works. Sec. 4. Said board shall perform such other duties as are imposed upon it by the provisions of this resolution and such duties as the Court of Com- mon Council may hereafter by ordinance provide. Sec. 5. Said board shall act as a Board of Contract and Supply, and it shall be its duty, after public notice and in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by general ordinance of the Court of Common Council, to let to the lowest bidder, who shall give adequate security for the performance of his contract, all contracts for the performance of any work or for the sup- ply of any materials for the use of any department of the city, in all cases where such work and materials will cost to exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars, unless by a resolution passed by a two-thirds vote of each branch of the Court of Common Council, it is determined to be impracticable to pro- cure such work or materials by contract, or that the interests of the city re- quire that such work or materials be procured otherwise, or unless in case of accident or other injury by which the heating or plumbing system of any public building, or by which any of the fire engines or hook and ladder trucks or any of the pumps, engines, or boilers used in connection with the water works of said city shall become disabled, in which emergency the Com- missioner of the appropriate department shall cause such repairs thereto to be made upon the filing with the clerk of the Board of Public Works a certi- ficate approved by the Mayor showing such emergency and the necessary repairs. Said board shall have the power to reject any and all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING. There shall be in said city a Department of Engineering, the head of which shall be called the City Engineer, and shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen, and shall hold his office during good behavior or until removed for cause as hereinbefore provided for other appointees of the Mayor. Said Department of Engineering, under the direction of the Board of Public Works or of the Court of Common Council, shall make all surveys, maps, plans, drawings, specifications and estimates relating to the work of said Department of Public Works, or any bureau or division thereof ; or for the Court of Common Council or any committee thereof, or for the Board of Assessors ; shall superintend the construction of all public works of the city of Hartford or any department thereof not specially entrusted to other offi- cers, and do any other engineering work which said board may require ; and shall perform such other duties as may be designated by said Board of Public Works or by the Court of Common Council. He shall also furnish to the Corporation Counsel a copy of any map or drawing or memoranda in his pos- session, which said Corporation Counsel may require for the trial of any case or for the preparation of any opinion. The City Engineer shall have the custody of all maps of the city of Hartford or any department thereof not especially entrusted to other city officials by the General Statutes. All employes in the Engineering Department shall be appointed and may be removed by the City Engineer. The salaries of all employes in said department exceeding $ioo.(30 per month shall be fixed by the Board of Public Works upon the recommendation of the City Engineer. The sala- ries of all employes of said department not exceeding said amount shall be fixed by the City Engineer, provided that the whole expense of administer- ing said department shall not exceed the sum appropriated therefor by the Court of Common Council of said city. DEPARTMENT OF STREETS. Section i. There shall be a Department of Streets, which shall be under the care and control of a Commissioner, to be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen. Said Com- missioner shall hold office during good behavior, or until removed for cause as hereinbefore provided for other appointees of the Mayor. The Street Commissioner when appointed shall be responsible for the care and control of all streets, avenues, highways, bridges, sidewalks, and all public ways and grounds whose care is not expressly devolved upon other departments, and for improving and repairing and cleaning the same. He shall have control of the repairing, cleaning and maintenance of all sewers, drains, culverts, sluiceways and catch-basins, and of the location and regulation within the highway limits of all poles, wires, street railway tracks, electric, telegraph and telephone appliances, and of all conduits, subject to the provisions of 15 special and general laws. He shall make all suitable rules and regulations in regard to said department and the conduct of its business. Said commis- sioner shall devote his entire time to the service of the city, and shall have no other occupation during his term of office, and he shall keep his office open during such hours of each business day as the ordinances of the city shall direct. His compensation shall be fixed by ordinance. Sec. 2. He shall appoint all officers and employes of said department and shall fix their compensation, except as herein otherwise provided. By written order giving the reasons therefor, he may remove or suspend any officer or employe of such department appointed by him, provided such writ- ten order shall be recorded in the records of the department. Sec. 3. He shall have power and it shall be his duty to cause to be exe- cuted all orders of the Court of Common Council for the lay-out, construc- tion, alteration or discontinuance of highways, streets, gutters, sidewalks, curbs and crosswalks, the exchange or sale of highways, the establishrnent of building lines, the erection of street lamps, the raising, filling up or drain- ing of low lands, and all other orders of said court for the construction, alter- ation or repair of other public works not expressly ordered to be executed or superintended by other officers or persons. He shall cause the prompt com- pletion of all necessary repairs of streets, highways, sewers, and public works within the limits of the streets, highways and thoroughfares of the city other than public buildings, and shall keep all public places, streets, and highways clear of obstructions and nuisances ; shall cause the prompt removal of all filth, encroachments, encumbrances, and obstructions, and shall require all persons to conform to the city ordinances in the use of said streets, highways, and pubHc places; shall co-operate with the Health and Police Departments in their orders and rules relative to the disposition of garbage, ashes, and rubbish ; shall superintend and provide, subject to the provisions hereinbefore made, for the lighting of the streets, and in general may do all acts necessary or proper in the execution of the powers arid duties aforesaid. The Court of Common Council shall pass no vote laying out, establishing or ordering to be constructed any new street, sidewalk, curb, gutter, sewer, street, building or veranda lines, or any alteration, discontinuance of, or improvement relating to streets and sewers until such vote or the petition for the passage of such vote, shall have been referred to said Street Commissioner for investigation. Sec. 4. The Street Commissioner shall appoint a clerk, whose salary shall be limited by the Court of Common Council. It shall be the duty of said clerk to perform the clerical work of said department and to preserve for the use of -the department and for the use of all officers of said city, such state- ment of titles to real estate to be furnished by the Corporation Counsel as may facilitate the work of said department or the work of any other depart- ment or officer of said city which may be designated by the Mayor. Said clerk shall keep a record of the acts and proceedings of said department and an account of expenditures and receipts, which shall be open to the inspec- tion of any member of the Court of Common Council. Said clerk shall be ex officio clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sec. 5. Said Street Commissioner shall, as of the thirty-first day of March in each year, make a report to the Court of Common Council of said city of all receipts and from what sources, and of all expenditures, and for what purpose, which have been received and expended during the previous year, and shall also specify what orders of said court have been complied with and what orders have not been carried out and the reasons for the same, and shall present said report with such recommendations as he may deem 16 best concerning the management of his department to said Court of Com- mon Council at its first regular meeting after said thirty-first day of Marcli. Sec. 6. The Street Commissioner may order the owner or owners of any land fronting on any highway or street in said city to construct or re- pair sidewalks, curbs, or gutters within the highway adjacent to said land in the manner and within the time specified in such order, at such grade as said city may have constructed in said highway. Notice of such order shall be given by said Commissioner to the property owner afifected by said order in the manner prescribed by ordinance. If any owner shall neglect or re- fuse to comply with such order, or to remove snow, ice, sleet, dirt, or rub- bish from the sidewalk adjacent to his land in the highway required by or- dinance, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets, at the expense of the city, to perform the things required by such order or ordinance, and the expense so incurred shall, from the time when such Superintendent be- gins to act and make expense in the premises, be and continue a lien and real encumbrance in favor of said city upon such land. Such amount may also be recovered in an action in the name of said city. Sec. 7. There shall be the following bureaus in said department : 1st. A Bureau of Streets, the head of which shall be appointed by the Street Commissioner, and shall be called the Superintendent of Streets. Said Superintendent may appoint and remove his own subordinates, except as herein provided, subject to the approval of the Street Commissioner. He shall have charge, under said Commissioner, of the opening of all new streets and the improvement, repair, and cleaning of all streets, avenues, highways, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, gutters and public grounds under the charge of said department. The salary of said Superintendent shall be limited by ordinance and fixed by the Street Commissioner. 2d. A Bureau of Sewers, the head of which shall be appointed by the Street Commissioner and shall be called the Superintendent of Sewers, and which office may be filled by the Superintendent of Streets or otherwise, or if approved by the Board of Public Works, by the City Engineer. Said Superintendent shall appoint, and may remove, subject to the approval of the Street Commissioner, his own subordinates, except as herein provided. Said officer shall be charged under said Commissioner with the repair, cleaning and general maintenance of all sewers, drains, sluiceways, culverts and catch-basins, and with such other duties as may be designated by the Street Commissioner or by ordinance of the Court of Common Council. The salary of said Superintendent, unless he be the City Engineer, shall be lim- ited by ordinance and fixed by the Street Commissioner. 3d. A Bureau of Engineering, the head of which shall -be the City Engineer, which shall make all surveys, maps, plans, drawings, specifications and estimates relating to the work of said department ; shall superintend the construction of sewers, bridges and improved pavements, and do any other engineering work required by the department, and shall care for and pre- serve all maps, drawings, surveys, estimates, papers and books of said bureau. 4th. A Bureau of A.ssessment, which shall consist of the Board of Assessors of the city of Hartford. Sec. 8. Said Bureau of Assessment shall act as a court for the assess- ment of betterments and appraisals of damages, and whenever any public work, including dykes, shall have been lawfully laid out or altered by the Court of Common Council, said Bureau of Assessment may assess the whole or any part of the expense of laying out, altering and making such public 17 work (including highways, streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, sewers, parks, public walks, openings between buildings, the establishment of street, building and veranda lines, sidewalks and cross-walks, draining low lands, or filling up the same) upon the persons whose property is, in the judgment of said Bureau of Assessment, specially benefited thereby, whether the land of such person or persons abuts upon such public work or not, and estimate the pro- portion of such expense, which said persons shall respectively defray, and enforce the collection of the same ; or may,- if it deems proi)er, assess the expense of any such public work directly upon the land benefited thereby, describing said land in said assessments by metes and bounds, specifying the amounts assessed on each piece so described respectively, which said land, on default of payment of said assessment within six months after public notice thereof shall have been given, shall be liable to be sold for the pay- ment of the same, and the Court of Common Council shall prescribe by 'ordi- nance the manner of proceeding in such assessment and appraisal and the manner of giving notice of said assessment, and the time, manner and place of sale of any lands so assessed, provided always that before taking any land or private property for any of the public uses aforesaid, said bureau shall agree with the owner or owners thereof as to the damage done thereby, or shall cause to be made a fair appraisal of s^ich damage, which shall be the actual damage done to the property of such owner or owners, by taking said land or private property without deducting therefrom any benefits on ac- count of such public work, and shall pay to or deposit the same for the bene- fit of such owner or owners. And provided further, that it shall be the duty of the Court of Common Council to enact ordinances containing suitable pro- vision for giving notice to all persons interested in any property so taken of the proceedings of said court, in that behalf and of the appraisal of damages. The City Engineer and Corporation Counsel shall attend all hearings given by the Bureau of Assessment upon the assessment of benefits or appraisals of damages and render such assistance in the interest of the city as may be required of them in said proceedings. Sec. 9. Before any public work or improvement, for the cost of which the city of Hartford under its charter may assess benefits, shall be laid out or constructed, the cost of the same, including damages to be paid, shall be .ascertained by the Court of Common Council of said city, and all benefits to be paid by the persons benefited thereby shall be ascertained as follows : The vote or resolution proposing the layout or construction of such work or im- provement shall be by said Court of Common Council referred to the Street Commissioner, who shall first estimate the cost of the construction of such work or improvement. It shall then be referred to the Bureau of Assess- ment, which shall appraise the damages to be paid to any person for land or any interest therein taken for such improvement, and shall also assess the said cost of construction and the amount of such damages upon the per- sons benefited thereby as hereinbefore provided, subject to the right of ap- peal. Upon the completion of such proceedings, the Bureau of Assessment shall report the same to said Court of Common Council with its recommen- dations, and said Court of Common Council may thereupon direct the lay- out or construction of such work or improvement at its discretion. Sec. 10. Appeals may be taken from the assessment of benefits only, but if taken from the appraisal of damages shall be from the said appraisal and also from the assessment of benefits made at the same time and for the same public w^ork. Such appeals shall be taken from the action of the Bureau of Assessment to the judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hartford, and shall be taken within ten days after public notice shall be given of such appraisal or assessment, and shall be by suitable peti- tion in writing setting forth the whole of said assessment or appraisal and assessment appealed from, and asking for a reappraisal and reassessment, or for a re-assessment only, with a citation attached thereto signed by any authority authorized to sign writs and returnable before said judge at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the day three weeks subsequent to the day on which public notice of said appraisal shall have been given, and said cita- tion shall be served upon the Clerk of said city at least six days before the return day thereof. Sec. II. As many of the parties interested as may choose to do so niay join in such appeal, and when separate appeals are taken by different parties from one assessment and appraisal, all such appeals shall be heard and tried as one cause. Sec. 12. Such appeals may be heard by said judge, but shall, upon the motion of any party thereto, or person interested therein, be referred to a committee for hearing. Sec. 13. If, upon the hearing of any appeal, the judge or committee shall find cause to alter said appraisal and assessment, or assessment of benefits only, then said .judge or committee shall proceed to re-apportion the whole amount of the damages and benefits, or benefits only, upon the per- sons or land specially benefited. Sec. 14. If the judge or committee hearing said appeal shall be of opinion that persons other than those who appear upon the record are inter- ested in the subject matter of said appeal, said judge or committee shall cause the appellants to give notice of the pendency of the proceedings to such other persons, which notice shall be by publication in one or more news- papers published in said city for such time and in such form as said judge or committee shall direct. Sec. 15. Said judge shall have, for the purpose of disposing of said appeal, all the power of the Superior Court, and may render judgment there- on and mav tax costs in favor of either party and issue execution for said costs to be taxed as upon civil process in the Superior Court. Sec. 16. Said judge shall, when the proceedings in any case arising un- der this act are closed, return all the papers connected with the case to the Clerk of said city, to be kept by him on file, and all appeals wdiich may here- after be taken from any appraisal of damages or assessments of benefits made by the Bureau of Assessment of the city of Hartford to the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hartford, and which shall be l^ending at the time of the completion of the term of service of said Judge, shall be heard and disposed of as fully and completely by the successor of such Judge as said appeals might have been by the Judge to whom the\' were originally taken, and nothing in this act shall affect any appeal from the Board of Street Commissioners now pending. Sec. 17. Upon the final layout or completion of the construction of any such public work the Street Commissioner shall give notice thereof, and that said benefits are due and payable, by publication twice in two daily newspapers published in said city, and all benefits assessed therefor shall be immediately due and payable. If the actual cost of the construction of any public work shall be less than the sum estimated by the Street Com- missioner and assessed upon the parties benefitc^d, each of the parties so as- sessed shall be entitled to a proportionate deduction from his assessment. Said benefits shall be a lien upon the land on account of which they were as- 19 sessed, which said Hen shall CGmmence and attach to said land from the tinie of the passage by the Court of Common Council of the vote laying out or ordering the construction of said work, provided that the same shall not re- main a lien thereon for a longer period than three months from the date of the last publication provided for in this section, unless the Street Commis- sioner shall within that time lodge with the Town Clerk of the town of Hartford for record a certificate signed by him describing the premises, the amount assessed and the improvement for which it was assessed. Sec. 1 8. In all cases in which the Court of Common Council shall have agreed upon with or appraised to any person or persons damages for taking any land or private property for any public work in said city, and shall also have assessed betterments on account of the same jiublic work upon the owner or owners of such land or ])rivate property, or upon such land or pri- vate property, the amount of such assessment shall l)e an offset against such damages, and the City Treasurer mav credit such owner or owners with the amount of such assessment so assessed upon or payable by him or them, and the entry of such credit upon the books of said Treasurer shall have the same effect as the payment to such owner or owners so credited in whole or part payment, as the case may be, of the sum appraised for such damages, but the Court of Common Council may, in any indivi4ual case where they see fit, pay the whole of such damages and collect the assessments of better- ments as heretofore. Sec. 19. Whenever it shall be necessary for the proper construction of any bridge, sewer, culvert, highway, embankment or other public work or improvement in the city* of Hartford, or for the protection and security of any such public work already constructed, it shall be lawful for the Court of Common Council of said city to direct and for the Street Commissioner to cause any stream or water course not navigable within the limits of said citv to be changed and diverted from its natural or ])resent channel, into a new or different channel. ^' Sec. 20. Before causing any stream or water course to be diverted as provided in the preceding section, the said Street Commissioner shall agree with the owner or owners of any property or franchise which may be re- quired for the said purpose as to the amount of compensation or damage to be paid to the said owner or owners *fcr the same, and in case of disagree- ment between said commissioner and any such owner or owners as to the amount of such damage or compensation, then the same shall be appraised in the same manner hereinbefore provided for the appraisal of damages for the laying out of highways, and any pers.ui aggrieved by said appraisal shall have the same right of appeal as parties aggrieved by the appraisal of dam- ages in laying out highways. This act, however, shall not be so construed as to impose any new liability for damages lipon said city for any change in any water course indirectly or necessarily resulting from the legal layout and construction of any public work already built or hereafter to be built. Sec. 21. The Court of Common Council of the city of Hartford is hereby authorized whenever in its opinion the public health or proper sewer- age of said city requires such action, to take, occupy, and appropriate in such manner as they shall from time to time deem expedient, any stream or part of a stream, natural or artificial, running in or through said city, and to straighten, deepen, or lower the same, or lower, alter, or remove any or all walls, dams, flumes or other obstruction toi the free and healthy flow of such stream or part of a stream, or raise any of said dams, or build and maintain other dams where the public health or convenience miay require, or to cover any such stream or part thereof, by arches, culverts, or other struc- tures, or to divert the w^ater from such stream or part thereof, and cause it to flow through a sewer or other aqueduct built in and lipon the bed of such stream, or laid in the earth in or near either bank thereof, or to re- move or cause to be removed, or alter any or all structures which at any sea- son of the year cause the accumulation of stagnant water or interrupt in any manner the free and healthy flow of any part of said stream. Sec. 22. Whenever said Common Council shall take action under the foregoing power, the vote or resolution proposing said improvement shall be referred to the Street Commissioner of said city, who shall cause to be prepared a descriptive survey of the improvement proposed, with a careful estimate of the cost of completing the same, and agree if possible with the parties interested upon the damages and special benefits on account of such improvement. He shall give notice ten days prior to the time appointed in said notice for said hearing in two daily newspapers published in said city, of a time and place for meeting all parties interested in said improvement, and if at such meeting no agreement can be made, said city may proceed in the manner provided in the next succeeding section. But if such agreement shall be made by said Commissioner and ratified by said Common Council, the sums agreed upon having been paid to the parties entitled thereto, or deposited to their credit in the City Treasury, said city may proceed with and complete said improvement, and do all things necessary or convenient for that purpose without further liability. Sfx. 23. If said Street Commissioner shall be unable to agree with the parties interested upon the damages or benefits to be paid on account of such improvement; the Superior Court for Hartford county may, on application of said city, after causing such notice to be given of the pendency of such application as said court shall order, appoint three judicious and disinter- ested freeholders of the county of Hartford to estimate the damages and benefits resulting from said improvement ; and said committee having been duly sworn, and having given notice of the time and place of their meeting for the purpose aforesaid, by publishing the same not less than three times in each of two newspapers published daily in said city at least ten days prior to said meeting, shall meet at the time and place designated, and, having heard all parties in interest who shall appear before them, shall determine what parties will be damaged by said improvement in excess of special bene- fits and the amount thereof ; also what parties owning or interested in lands, easements, or franchises within a reasonable distance of said improvement will receive special benefit over all damage and the amount thereof ; and also what parties will receive an equal amount of damage and benefit ; and there- upon said committee shall report in writing to said court, which may con- firm, correct, alter, or set aside said report and decide all questions that may be raised in the proceedings. If said report shall be set aside, said com- mittee, or a new one to be appointed by said court, shall proceed as before, and their report being finally accepted by such court shall be confirmed by the order or decree of said court ; and said report and order or decree shall be recorded by the Clerk of the Superior Court for Hartford county, and the award of damages and benefits therein contained shall be final between the parties, and said damages being paid or deposited as before provided, said city may proceed with and complete said public improvement, and do all acts necessary or convenient for that purpose without further liability. Sec. 24. All amounts due to said city as special benefits under the pre- ceding sections, whether reached by agreement or assessment, may be col- lected by warrant under the hand of the Mayor or Acting Mayor of said city, directed to the Collector thereof, who shall enforce the same in the same manner as tax warrants are served and enforced. Every such amount shall also be and remain a lien upon the land or other property on account of which it was assessed, which said lien shall commence and attach to said land from the time the Common Council shall take action, laying out or ordering said improvement ; provided, that the same shall not remain a lien thereon for a longer period than three months after the final completion and ac- ceptance of said work or improvement, unless the Street Commissioner shall within that time lodge with the Town Clerk of the town of Hartford, for record, a certificate signed by the Street Commissioner, describing the prem- ises, the amount assessed, and the improvement for which it was assessed. Sec. 25. Upon the completion of said work or improvement, the said Street Commissioner shall give notice thereof, and that said benefits are due and payable, by publication twice in two daily newspapers published in said city, and all benefits assessed thereon shall be immediate!/ due and pay- able. If the actual cost of the construction of such improvement or public work shall be less than the sum assessed upon the parties benefited, each of the parties so assessed shall be entitled to a proportionate deduction from his assessment. WATER DEPARTMENT. Section i. There shall be a Department of Water, which shall be un- der the care and control of a Commissioner to be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen. Said Com- missioner shall hold office during good behavior or until removed for cause as hereinbefore provided for other appointees of the Mayor. He shall de- vote his whole time and attention to the construction, extension, supervision, care and management of the water works. His salary shall be fixed by city ordinance. He shall have power to appoint a secretary, who shall keep full and accurate records of the department and shall file and preserve all papers belonging to the department; a cashier, who shall give bonds to the city in the sum of $20,000, and also necessary superintendents of the works, to act under his instructions ; and may also employ such other laborers, servants and agents, as may be necessary for the prosecution of the business entrusted to his charge, and may remove the same at pleasure ; and may fix the com- pensation of said clerk, superintendent or employes, subject to the approval of the Board of Finance. Sec. 2. He shall have the care, control and management of all prop- erty connected with the water works of the city of Hartford, and shall pro- vide for the proper preservation and maintenance thereof. He shall cause the prompt completion of all repairs thereon, and the extension of service pipes as the same shall be needed. The proceeds of all bonds issued by the city for construction expenditures in its Water Department shall be ex- pended only upon the requisition of the Board of Finance. Sec. 3. He shall establish the rates for the use of water, subject to the approval of the Common Council ; and whenever any rent shall remain un- paid after the time prescribed and limited for payment by the rules of said Commissioner, it shall be lawful for said city to charge and receive addi- tional percentage for collecting the same ; provided, the conditions of said percentage be published in the same manner as the by-laws made by said city for the preservation of said water works. Sec. 4. He shall collect all sums due for the use of water, including all percentages for delayed payment, and shall pay over to the City Treas- urer each day the money so collected. Sec. 5. The Common Council shall pass no vote or resolution ordering or establishing new mains, or any alteration in said water works, until such vote, or petition asking for the passage of such vote, shall have been re- ferred to the Commissioner for investigation. Any claim or debt due for the use of the water or for service pipes shall be and constitute a lien upon the land, building, tenement or premises, upon or in connection with which said water or pipe are used, against the owner of the same, his heirs or as- signs, until such claim or debt is fully paid ; but the same shall not remain a lien for a Jpnger period than three months after the same becomes due, un- less a certificate shall be lodged by the said Commissioner with the Town Clerk of the town of Hartford, and signed by him or his secretary, describ- ing the premises and the amount claimed under said lien. And said lien may be foreclosed in the name of said city at any time after said debt or claim is due and payable, before the Court of Common Pleas for Hartford County, in the same manner as a mortgage is foreclosed, or may be collected of the person or persons liable therefor in an action before the said court. Sec. 6. The city of Hartford by said Water Commissioner, is hereby empowered to take and convey from the Connecticut river and from any water source or supply in the towns of Hartford, West Hartford, Avon, Farmington and Bloomfield such supply of water as the convenience or necessity of the inhabitants of said city or the inhabitants of any of said towns who Hve upon the line of the main pipe carrying such water supply may require, and may also extend and continue said water main from the north line of the town of Wethersfield through the highway to the Con- necticut State Prison, and to such other points in the town of Wethersfield as may have been or may hereafter be agreed upon between said Commis- sioner or said city and the Selectmen of said town of Wethersfield. And said city of Hartford is empowered to take and hold, and said Commissioner to acquire, lands and other estate in said city or towns necessary for the con- struction of any canals, aqueducts, reservoir and other works for conveying or containing water, or for laying any pipes or conductors for conveying water into or through said city or towns, or to secure or maintain any por- tion of the water works of said city, and in general to do any act necessary or convenient for accomplishing the purpose of supplying said city and the aforesaid inhabitants of said towns with water, and to distribute said water in said city and towns. Sec. 7. The city of Hartford and the Water Commissioner thereof, for the purpose of improving and increasing the water supply of said city, are hereby authorized and empowered to take and hold the stream known as the south or west branch of Salmon brook, a stream entering the Farming- ton river at or near Tariffville, Connecticut, together with the streams and water sources connecting with said south or west branch of said Salmon brook, above a point on said stream three thousand feet northeasterly from the point where the highway leading from Bushy Hill Corners southward between the Barn Door Hills, so-called, into the town of Simsbury crosses said stream. And said city and the Water Commissioner thereof are further empowered to take and hold any lands which may be necessary or con- venient for constructing aqueducts and reservoirs for the purpose of utiliz- ing such water supply and conveying the same to the city of Hartford, under the provisions of this charter ; provided, however, that no authority is hereby given to take water from the Farmington river or any of the ponds and 23 streams tributary thereto, which He to the northward of and flow through the southern boundary of the town of Canton ; and further provided, that no authority is hereby given to take water from the stream from which the town of Granby now receives its supply of water for domestic purposes, or from any other tributaries of said Salmon brook which enter said brook or any of its branches below the point on said stream above described. Sec. 8. Before any highway is overflowed by reason of a dam erected under the authority given by this resolution, said city and Water Commis- sioner thereof, if they cannot agree with the Selectmen of any town inter- ested in the layout, grading or alteration of such highway, as to the change in the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway, a^id as to the payment of the cost of the construction thereof, shall prefer its application to the Superior Court of the county in which such highway is located, ac- companied by a summons signed by proper authority to be served, in the same manner as civil process, on one of such Selectmen to appear and be heard thereon, and unless the parties shall agree as to the judgment to be rendered, said application shall be heard and decided by a committee of three disinterested persons to be appointed by the court. Upon such hearing said committee shall make such alterations in such highway as it may judge to be necessary, survey and lay out the same, and, having given three days' notice to the owner or owners of all the land affected by such alteration, per- sonally or by leaving a written notice at their respective places of abode, if residents of this state, or if non-residents, by like notice to the persons hav- ing charge of the land of the time and place of their meeting for this pur- pose, shall under oath estimate the damages sustained by or the special benefits accruing to each person by such change in the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway, and report in writing their doings to said court. All persons and parties interested in the alteration of such highway may appear before said court and remonstrate against the acceptance of said report for any irregularity or improper conduct on the part of the committee, and for that cause the court may set aside said report. And if the court shall be of the opinion that said report ought to be accepted the court shall accept it, and the damages so assessed with the costs of the application shall be paid by the town, and the amount assessed for special benefits shall be paid to the town by the persons upon whom they were assessed, and all assessments of benefits may be collected in the same manner as town taxes. Said com- mittee shall also estimate the cost of the construction of said new highway by reason of the change in the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway as determined by said committee ; and when said city and Water Commissioner thereof shall have paid to said town the amount of damages paid by said town to the persons found to be specially damaged by the change of the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway, less the amount of special benefits assessed against persons found by said committee to be specially benefited by said change in the layout, grading, or other alter- ation of said highway, together with the costs of such application and esti- mated cost of the construction of the change in the layout, grading, or other alteration of said highway, such payment shall be in full of any and all claims on the part of any person, individual or corporation against said city and Water Commissioner thereof on account of damages to such highway by reason of the erection of said dam. Sec. 9. If said city and its Water Commissioner thereof shall intro- duce water into said city under the authority given under Section 7 of this resolution, it shall be lawful and shall be the duty of said city to supply said 24 water to the inhabitants of said town of Granby upon the same terms and conditions that water is now supplied to the inhabitants of the town of West Hartford. Sec. io. If said city and its Water Commissioner thereof shall intro- duce water into said city under the authority given by this resolution, it shall be lawful, and shall be the duty of said city to supply said water to the inhabitants of any of the towns through which the line of main pipes con- ducting said water to the city of Hartford shall pass, who live within one- half of a mile of said line of main pipes, upon the same terms and conditions that water is now supplied to the inhabitants of the town of West Hartford. Sec. II. The city of Hartford is hereby authorized and empowered to extend its water mains from the Hartford and Bloomficld town line through the highway known as Blue Hills Avenue northerly into the town of Bloom- field, and to the second or main entrance to Mount St. Benedict's cemetery, and thence to such other points in the town of Bloomfield as may be agreed upon by said city and Water Commissioner thereof and the Selectmen of the town of Bloomfield. Said city and Water Commissioner thereof shall have control of said water mains and of the connections thereto, and shall have the same rights and be subject to the same duties and obligations in re- spect thereto and to the laying and the repair thereof, as though the same were within the limits of the city of Hartford. Sec. 12. It shall be lawful and it shall be the duty of said city and Water Commissioner thereof to supply water from such extended mains to any of the inhabitants of said town of Bloomfield living within one-half of a mile of said line of main pipes, so extended, upon the same terms and conditions under which water is now^ supplied to inhabitants of the town of West Hart- ford. Sec. 13. Said city, by its Water Commissioner, is hereby authorized to enter in or upon any land or water for the purpose of making surveys, and to agree with the owner or owners of any property or franchise which may be required for the purposes of this act, as to the amount of compensation to be paid to such owner or owners for the same, and in case of disagreement between said city and any owner or owners as to such compen- sation, or as to the amount of damages which ought to be awarded to any per- son claiming to be injured in his estate by the doings of said city, or in case any such owmer shall be an infant, married woman or insane, or absent from this State, or unknown, or the owner of a contingent or uncertain interest, any Judge of the Superior Court may, on the application of either party, cause such notice to be given of said application as said Judge shall see fit to pre- scribe, and after proof thereof may appoint three disinterested persons to ex- amine the property proposed to be taken for or damaged by said city ; ,and they, being duly sworn to a faithful discharge of their duty, shall estimate the amount of compensation which said owners shall receive, and report the same in writing to said Judge, who may thereupon confirm the doings of said ap- praisers and direct whether said city shall pay the same in full compensation for the property taken or the injury done the property by said city. Said Judge shall prescribe the manner and time of such payment, and upon com- pliance with such order, said city may proceed with the construction of said work w^ithout any liability to any further claim for compensation or dam- ages. Said Judge shall lodge the application, and all the papers in any such proceeding after its final disposition, with the clerk of the Superior Court for Hartford county, to be by him kept on file, and to be recorded in a book 2i provided for the purpose. All property held for the water purposes of the city, wherever situated, shall be exempt from taxation. Sec. 14. Said city shall have control of all the mains and connections lying and being in said towns as fully as if the same were located in said city of Hartford, and is empowered to make use of the ground or soil under any road, railroad, highway, street, private way, land or alley, the same to be restored to its usual condition and damages done thereto to be repaired, and all special damages thereby maintained by any person or corporation to be paid to such person or corporation. The Commissioner may make by-laws and regulations for the protection, preservation or management of said water works, and the same may be enforced by suitable penalties, to be fixed by ordinance. Sec. 15. All property now held in the -name of the Board of Water Commissioners of said city, and all rights of action vested in, or that have ac- crued to said board, shall by this act be vested in said city of Hartford, and said city shall have the right in its own name to collect all moneys due for the use of water, including all fines and penalties and additions, and to foreclose all liens that have been filed in the name of said Water Board, and to en- force all contracts made with them or their predecessors, and it is hereby made the duty of the present Board of Water Commissioners to execute all necessary papers to perfect the title of said property in said city. Sec. 16. If any person shall maliciously and wilfully corrupt the water of any reservoir, cistern, hydrant, conductor, engine, pipe, or any portion of the water works of the city of Hartford, or destroy or injure any work, ma- chinery, materials, or property erected, constructed, usecl or designed to be used within the city of Hartford or elsewhere for the purpose of procuring and keeping a supply of water, the city Police Court shall have jurisdiction of the offense, and shall punish the oft'ender by a fine not exceeding two hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by such fine and imprisonment both, and said offender shall also be liable for treble the actual damage in a civil action brought therefor in the name of the said city before the Court of Common Pleas for Hartford county. Sec. 17. All lands under the control of this department and used for its purposes, including its park and driveways about its reservoirs, shall be for all purposes included within the water works property of the city. Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of the city of Hartford and the Water Commissioner thereof, to lay connecting pipes and furnish water to any of the residents of the town of West Hartford or to owners of land or buildings in said West Hartford who may apply. to them for the same, from the pipes which conduct water through said town to the city of Hartford, whenever such residents or owners will guarantee that ten per centum of the cost of the additional necessary connecting pipes and of the expenses of laying the same shall be annually paid to said city as water rents or otherwise ; and any of such residents or owners shall be furnished with water by said board whenever such owners or residents shall themselves lay the pipes for that purpose; and the rates so paid for water so furnished as above shall be the same as are from time to time established by said commission and approved by the Common Council of said city for the inhabitants of said city. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Section i. There shall be a Department of Public Safety, which shall be under the care and control of a Commissioner to be appointed by the 26 Mayor and confirmed by the Board of Aldermen. Such Commissioner shall hold office during good behavior or until removed for cause as hereinbefore provided for other appointees of the Mayor. He shall devote his entire time to the service of the city, and shall have no other occupation during his term of office, and he shall keep his office open during such hours of each business day as the ordinances of the city shall direct. His compensation shall be fixed by ordinance. Sec. 2. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have charge and supervision over (a) the police department; (b) the fire department; (c) the health department, and shall have the powers conferred by statute on Police Commissioners, Fire Commissioners, Health" Officers and Health Commissioners. Sec. 3. The Commissioner shall appoint a secretary, to hold office dur- ing his pleasure. \t shall be the duty of the secretary to attend at the of- fice of the Commissioner and keep, under his direction, first, all records and papers relating to the police department ; second, all records and papers re- lating to the fire department ; third, all records and papers belonging to the health department. The Commissioner shall also cause a record to be kept of all his official acts and all such records and papers must at all times be open to the inspection of the Mayor, and on the written order of the Mayor, to the inspection of any resident of the city. Sec. 4. The Commissioner shall make rules and regulations not in- consistent with the provisions of this charter, the other laws of the State, or the ordinances of the city for the government, direction, management and discipline of the police department, the fire department and the health de- partment. He shall have control of all the property of the city used for and by said departments and shall, subject to the limitations contained in the duties and obligations devolving on the Board of Public Works, purchase all supplies used by said department, and shall provide for the heating, lighting and repairs of all buildings used by said departments. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Section i. The Police Department shall as to its component parts re- main as now constituted until the same shall be changed by the action of the Common Council, which has power at all times by ordinance to determine the number of members of the Police Department and the classes or grades into which they shall be divided. Sec. 2. The Commissioner has authority to appoint as vacancies in the police force occur or as the ordinances of the Common Council may require, all the officers and members of the police force (except, however, that when he shall appoint a chief of police, such appointment shall be with the written approval of the Mayor), and at all times to classify and distribute them into grades to conform to such ordinances, and under such ordinances he may appoint and assign to duty, temporary or special members of the police force for such time of service and upon such terms and conditions as such ordi- nances may specify, and wdth the same powers as the regular members of the police force, except as limited in such ordinances. All members of the regular police force shall be appointed from the supernumerary force; but no one shall be permanently appointed until he shall have performed active police service as supernumerary for at least one year. Sec. 3. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have power for caus<', after a hearing on charges preferred by himself or otherwise, to re- 27 move, reduce in rank, or suspend without pay, any officer or employe in the police department that he has power to appoint. No removal, reduction in rank, or suspension shall be made for political reasons. Charges against any officer or employe shall be preferred by serving upon the person accused at least forty-eight hours before the time fixed for a hearing, a copy of the charges so preferred against said officer or employe. Sec. 4. In addition to the supernumerary and regular police force of the city of Hartford, there shall be an honorary grade, known as the veteran reserve, to which the Commissioner of Public Safety may, at his discretion and subject to the written approval of the Mayor, transfer any member^! the regular force, who shall through age or physical disabilities incurred in the discharge of perilous duty ui in long and faithful service, become per- manently disqualified for the more active duties oi the regular grade ; and said Commissioner of Public Safety may, at his discretion and subject to the written approval of the Mayor, as a reward for conspicuously meritorious- service, retire permanently from duty any member of the veteran reserve after twenty years of continuous service in the department, upon the certifi- cate of the surgeon of the department or of a board of surgeons, to be desig- nated by said Commissioner of Public Safety, showing that said member is permanently disabled, physically or mentally, so as to be unfit for any police duty ; provided, that such surgeon or board of surgeons shall further certify that in his or its opinion said disability is due to injury received or exposure endured in the performance of duty in sai'd department ; and such member so retired shall be entitled to receive from the policemen's relief fund of the department, during his life-time, unless said vote is annulled by said Com- missioner, with the approval of the Mayor, an annual sum, payable monthly, not exceeding one-half, nor less than one-third, of his previous compensa- tion per annum. Sec. 5. Said Commissioner of Public Safety shall permanently retire from duty any member of the veteran reserve upon his written request ; pro- vided, such member has served thirty years of continuous duty in the de partment, and shall through age or physical disabilities incurred in the dis- charge of perilous duty, or in long and faithful service, become permanently disqualified for the more active duties of the regular grade, and provided, that the surgeon of the department, or a board of surgeons to be designated by said Commissioner of Public Safety, shall certify that in his or its opinion said disability is due to injury received or exposure endured in the perform- ance of duty in said department ; and such member so retired shall be enti- tled to receive from the policemen's relief fund of the department, during his life-time, an annual sum, payable monthly, equal to one-half of his previous compensation per annum. Sec. 6. The Common Council shall by ordinance fix the pay or com- pensation of all active members of the department. Sec. 7. The provisions of Chapter 124 of the General Statutes of Con- necticut relating to the police benefit fund shall apply to the Police Depart- ment of the city of Hartford, and the Mayor of the city, the Commissioner of Public Safety and the Controller shall be the trustees of said fund. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall be president of said board of trustees and shall draw all orders upon said fund, which shall be countersigned by the secretary of said board of trustees, who shall be designated by the board. All the duties devolving under said chapter of the General Statutes upon the Police Commissioners or Police Committee are hereby devolved upon the Commissioner of Public Safety. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section i. The Fire Department shall as to its component parts re- main as now constituted until the same shall be changed by the action of the Common Council, which has power at all times by ordinance to determme the number of members of the Fire Department and the classes or grades into which they shall be divided. Sec. 2. The Commissioner of Public Safety has authority to appoint as vacancies in the Fire Department occur, or as the ordinances of the Com- mon Council may require, all the officers and members of the Fire Depart- ment (except, however, that when he shall appoint a chief of the Fire De- partment, such appointment shall be with the written approval of the Mayor), and at all times to classify and distribute them into grades to con- form to such ordinances. Sec. 3. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have power for cause, after a hearing on charges preferred by himself or otherwise, to re- move, reduce in rank, or suspend without pay any officer or employe in the Fire Department that he has power to appoint. No removal, reduction in rank or suspension shall be made for political reasons. Charges against any officer or employe shall be preferred by serving upon the person accused at least forty-eight hours before the time fixed for a hearing, a co])y of the charges so preferred against said officer or employe. FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND. Section i. There shall be in the city of Hartford a fund known as and called The Firemen's Relief Fund, which shall consist of moneys re- ceived from the following sources : First : All bequests or donations to the department from private or public sources for the purposes for which this fund is constituted. Second : ^lonthly assessments on the salaries of mem- bers of the department, not exceeding two per centum thereof, as the trus- tees of said relief fund shall from time to time determine ; provided, the as- sessment upon permanent men shall not exceed one-half the rate of assess- ment made upon the call men. Third : Five per centum of all fees collected on account of licenses issued to sell spirituous or intoxicating liquors within the limits of the town of Hartford, and such sums as the Court of Common Council may see fit to appropriate from time to time. Sec. 2. Said relief fund shall be under the general charge of the Mayor, the Commissioner of Public Safety and the Controller, who shall be a board of trustees for this purpose, and shall have discretionary power to make and change investments. The Commissioner of Public Safety, the Chief of the Fire Department and the Treasurer of the city of Hartford, by virtue of their offices, shall be, respectively, the president, the secretary and the treasurer of said board of trustees. All orders drawn against said relief fund shall be signed by the ])resident and countersigned by the secre- tary of said board. Sec. 3. From this relief fund said board of trustees by a majority vote may appropriate and cause to be paid such sums and at such times as they may deem advisable, to the following persons and for the following pur- poses : First : Any member of said department who shall be permanently disabled for the performance of ordinary duty as the result of injury received or exposure endured in the performance of duty, upon such medical exam- ination, as sai'd board of trustees may prescribe. Second : Any member who, after twenty years of meritorious service, shall have been retired from ordi- nary duty or detailed for some special duty, or, if a call man of said depart- ment, shall be entitled when retired to a yearly amount not to exceed the yearly amount he received in service before retirement, and if a permanent tireman, he shall be entitled to a yearly amount not exceeding one-half the regular yearly compensation received in service before retirement. Sec. 4. The secretary of the board of trustees shall record all proceed- ings and votes taken by said trustees in reference to said fund and said pay- ments, stating the name and vote of each member of said board of trustees on any matter relating thereto. An itemized report of the condition of said relief fund and of all receipts and disbursements in connection therewith shall be submitted by said board of trustees to the Court of Common Coun- cil in the month of March in each year. Sec. 5. Any person who shall neglect or refuse to pay whatever as- sessments may be laid shall not be entitled to any benefits from this fund. Sec. 6. The board of trustees shall have power to make all rules and regulations necessary to carry the foregoing into effect. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall appoint, with the written ap- proval of the Mayor, a Health Officer for the city of Hartford, who shall have and exercise under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety, throughout the city of Hartford and over the Connecticut river adjacent thereto, all the jurisdiction, powers, privileges and duties now by law vested in and imposed upon town health officers in this State in their re- spective towns and all the powers now vested in the Board of Health of said city. Said Health Officer may from time to time make such by-laws, rules, regulations and orders as in his judgment the preservation of the public health shall require, provided the same be not inconsistent with the constitu- tion or laws of this State or the United States or with the charter or ordi- nances of said city, and shall cause to be executed and enforced the health ordinances of said city and generally shall do and cause to be done whatever now is or may hereafter be prescribed by the ordinances of «aid city or by the Court of Common Council to preserve the health of said city, and said Health Officer shall have, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety and subject to the ordinances of said city, and the orders of the Court of Common Council, jurisdiction over the matter of the removal and disposi- tion of garbage, the establishment and management of garbage plants and the establishment and management of any agencies for the production of remedies tending to the preservation of the public health of said city. CHARITY DEPARTMENT. Section i. There shall be a Department of Charity, which shall be under the care and control of a Commissioner to be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen. Said Com- missioner shall hold office during good behavior or until removed for cause as hereinbefore provided for other appointees of the ]\Iayor. He shall have all the powers and duties heretofore vested in the Board of Selectmen of the 30 town of Hartford and now vested in the Board of Charity Commissioners of the city of Hartford, or which shall hereafter be vested by law in the Se- lectmen of the several towns of this State, in relation to soldiers' orphans, the support of paupers, licenses for the sale of spirituous and intoxicating liquors, the care of the insane and indigent, the adoption of children, the commitment of imbecile children to proper institutions, the indenture of ap- prentices, the appointment of overseers and conservators, and duties relative to the deaf, dumb and blind, and concerning all other matters aiTecting the defective and dependent classes. He shall devote his entire time to the ser- vice of the city, and shall have no other occupation during his term of office, and he shall keep his office open during such hours of each business day as the ordinances of the city shall direct. Sec. 2. Said^ Commissioner shall appoint a clerk, and a superintendent of charities, and such assistants or other employes as may be authorized by the Common Council, whose compensation shall be limited by city ordinance or by vote of the Common Council. Notices to the Commissioner of Chari- ties, in the manner provided by law, concerning any pauper claimed to be chargeable to said city, shall be valid and sufficient notice to bind said city as towns are bound by a notice to a Selectman thereof, and notice to the Se- lectmen of the town of Hartford shall also be sufficient notice to said city, and it shall be the duty of said Selectmen to forthwith transmit to the said Commissioner of Charities all such notices received by them, and the said Commissioner shall act in connection with the Justices of the Peace upon all questions concerning which Selectmen of towns with such Justices now have authority. Sec. 3. All powers relating to the establishment of workhouses which would at any time except for this resolution belong to said town shall con- tinue to be conferred upon said city. All workhouses of said city, and their inmates, shall be maintained and controlled by said Commissioner of Char- ities, and said city shall have the use and benefit of the labor of all inmates of its workhouses. All g-eneral laws concerning town workhouses, so far as they are consistent with this resolution, shall apply to said city. COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL. There shall be a Court of Common Council in said city, consisting of a Board of Aldermen, which shall include all of the Aldermen, and a Board of Councilmen, which shall include all of the Councilmen, which boards shall meet separately, except in the cases hereinafter specified, and in whom shall be vested the govenment, control and management of said city, its property and its affairs, subject to the exceptions hereinafter set forth. Each branch of said court shall he final judge of the election returns, and validity of elec- tions and qualifications of its own members. At the beginning of each municipal year, each of said boards of the Court of Common Council shall elect, from among its own members, a presi- dent, who shall preside at the meetings of said boards respectively, and a president pro tempore, who shall act in the absence of the president. Regular meetings of said boards shall be held at such times as may be fixed by the city ordinances ; and said boards may be speciall\- convened at any time by the Mayor, and, upon a petition of four Aldermen and eight Councilmen, in writing, filed with the Mayor, a meeting of such boards shall be called. Each board may determine the rules of its proceedings, in con- formity with the general principles of parliamentary law, punish its mem- 31 bers for disorderly behavior, and, by vote of three-fourths of its members, expel a member for due cause. A majority of all of the members of each of said boards shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the vote upon any question shall be taken by yeas and nays at the request of one- fifth of the members present. Whenever any meeting of either of said boards shall have been regularly called and no quorum shall be present, those members present may, by vote, request the Mayor of said city, or the presiding officer of said board to is- sue, and upon said request, the said Mayor or presiding officer shall issue a warrant signed by him, directed to the City Sheriff of said city, or to the Sheriff of Hartford county, or some one of his deputies, to arrest and bring into such meeting such members of said board as will, together with those present, constitute a quorum ; and, at any meeting of said board, those mem- bers present shall have the power to make any orders to compel the attend- ance of other members, and any one of the officers above mentioned shall obey such orders, upon request, and summon such assistance as may be nec- essary to carry such orders into effect. No by-law or ordinance shall be put upon its passage until it shall have been printed for examination, and no by-law or ordinance shall be put upon its passage until it shall have been referred to a suitable committee and re- ported by said committee after opportunity for a public hearing has been given. No vote or resolution of said Court of Common Council ordering a pub- lic work or improvement which shall require an expenditure of more than $10,000 shall be obligatory on said city, unless approved by a majority vote of a city meeting, duly warned and holden for that purpose, which vote shall be by ballot, or by voting machine authorized by law to be used for voting at city meetings. All elections to any office or position within the gift of said court or either of said boards shall be made by viva voce vote, except as herein other- wise provided. The presiding officers of the Board of Aldermen, Board of Councilmen and of the several committees of said boards, shall respectively have power to compel the attendance and testimony of witnesses before their respective boards and committees over which they preside, by the issue of subpoenas for that purpose, and shall have power to administer oaths in the manner and according to the rules governing the same in courts of justice ; and when it shall be necessary to secure the attendance or testimony of witnesses before said boards or committees, such presiding officers shall have the right to apply to the Court of Common Pleas, or to the Superior Court for Hartford county, for an order compelling any witness so summoned before them to tes- tify, which courts shall have the power to issue subpoenas and to enforce the presence and testimony of all witnesses summoned, in the same way and to the same extent as they now have power to enforce and compel the presence and testimony of witnesses in each of said courts. The Court of Common Council of the city of Hartford shall have exclu- sive power to lay out, make and establish, within said city, new highways, streets, public parks and walks, whenever they deem it for the public good to do so, or to alter the lines and location of those already laid out, and dis- continue the same and exchange highways for highways, or sell highways for the purpose of purchasing other highways, to establish street, building, veranda and step lines on the land of proprietors adjoining any street, high- way, alley, park or walk, within said city, between which and such street, 33 highway, alley, park or walk, no building or part of a building, or appur- tenance thereof, shall be set up or erected. Also, to order and establish openings between buildings for the purpose of free circulation of air for the benefit of the public health ; to cause low grounds where water at any time becomes stagnant, to be raised, filled up, or drained. Also to lay out, con- struct and alter public sewers through the highways, streets (including turn- pike roads), alleys and public grounds within said city, and also through the private enclosures within the same ; to order and construct and alter side- walks, curbs, gutters and crosswalks, in and upon all highways, streets (in- cluding turnpike roads), alleys and public grounds within said city, accord- ing to the grade and plan and of such materials as shall be designated by said court. Also to establish and designate districts of said city, within which it shall not be lawful to erect, enlarge or elevate, or into or within which it shall not be lawful to remove any wooden building, except by license of said court. Also, to cause to be made, and repaired, and altered, highways, streets, parks and public grounds within said city, and sidewalks, and crosswalks upon said highways, streets or public grounds ; to assume for said city the duty of making and repairing any part of any turnpike company's road with- in said city. Also to lay taxes on the polls and ratable estate within said city, sufficient to defray all lawful expenses incurred by said city, according to the corporate powers hereby granted or recognized. But no street, highway or alley in the city of Hartford shall hereafter be opened to the public by dedi- cation or otherwise by any person or private corporation unless such street, highway or alley be at least 40 feet in width and so laid as to connect to ex- isting highways. The Court of Common Council shall have power, by a majority of the members present and absent, subject to the approval or disapproval of the Mayor as aforesaid, to make, alter and repeal ordinances for the following purposes : To provide for the choice of such officers of the Court of Common Council as by the charter of the city are to be chosen by that body : to pre- scribe their duties and the method and manner of choosing them, subject to the provisions of this act. To provide for additional voting districts in any of the wards in said city in which there are more than 2,500 electors, bv divid- ing each of such wards into two or more such districts, provided, that no dis- trict so established shall contain less than one thousand electors. To provide for the method and manner of warning city and town meet- ings, and meetings of the Court of Common Council, and the times and places of holding the same. To regulate the conduct of elections, and provide for, the canvass of votes cast and the declaration of the result, subject to the provisions of the statute laws of the State relating to elections pursuant to which all city elections shall be held. To provide forms of oaths for officers or agents of said city. To prescribe the salaries and compensation of all officers and employes of said city, and their duties, except as herein otherwise provided. To provide for the removal or expulsion of any city officer on account of corruption, incompetence, inability, refusal to obey anv lawful order, or misfeasance or malfeasance in any office. To provide for the filling of vacancies which may occur in any office appertaining to said city, or may be existing in consequence of a tie at any city election, for the unexpired term of such office ; to pro- vide for bonds and sureties of any officer elected by said Court of Common 2>Z Council, and penalties for the refusal of any such officer to serve ; to pre- scribe the duties of a Sealer of Weights and Measures ; to provide for the election and prescribe the duties of Port Wardens, Public Weighers and In- spectors of any kind of produce brought to said city for sale or exhibition, and such other functionaries, including the duties heretofore performed by Selectmen and not by this resolution or the Constitution of the State other- wise provided for as may be deemed by the Court of Common Council nec- essary, convenient or proper for the administration of the affairs of said city, and the proper regulation of the finances, health, police, trade and commerce thereof. To regulate the mode of taxation for city purposes and to appoint a rate maker. To provide for the publication of such matters and things, including or- dinances as are required by law to be published, and prescribe the method and manner and the duration of such publication. Te regulate trade, markets and commerce, and regulate weights and measures in conforrnity with the lawful standard thereof within the limits of said city. To manage, regulate and control the finances and property, real and per- sonal, of the city, and regulate the borrowing of money by' the city for any purposes for which said Court of Common Council is authorized to lay taxes under the restrictions of law ; to provide for the due authentication, execu- tion and delivery of deeds, grants, releases of city property, and evidences of debt issued by said city. To provide for the issuing of bonds of said city from time to time, to take up and pay bonds of said city already outstanding, and liquidate and discharge all debts, payments and obligations that may be incurred from time to time for any and all public works and improvements of every character, name and nature, and to pay for any and all property to which the city may acquire title. To provide for the appropriation, at its discretion, from time to time, of sums of money for the purpose of defraying the expenses of public cele- brations and receptions within said city ; said sums of money so appropriated not to exceed the amount of $500.00 for any one public celebration or re- ception. To prescribe the time and places of holding the courts of said city. To provide for the laying out, altering, establishing and making high- ways and streets, public grounds and walks, openings for the circulation of air, street, building, veranda atid step lines, drains and sewers ; to regulate the width of streets, highways and alleys and public places within said city ; to drain and raise low lands ; to make, repair, purify, light and keep open and safe for public use and travel, and free from encroachment and obstruction, the streets, highways, passways, and public grounds and places in said city, which is hereby constituted a highway district by itself ; to appraise damages and assess betterments for public works and improvements upon any and all real estate in said city in the judgment of the Bureau of Assessments spec- ially damaged or benefited thereby; to offset benefits against damages in such cases, and generally to prescribe the method and manner of making all such appraisals and assessments subject to such right of appeal as is pro- vided by law. To provide that assessments of benefits for any public work shall be a lien upon the land or real estate on account of which such assessments are made ; which lien may be foreclosed at the suit of the city in the same man- 34 ner as a mortgage incumbrance. Also to extend, not beyond a period of five years, the time for collection of such liens and for the rate of interest such liens shall bear. To regulate the planting, protection and removal of trees and the set- ting and protection of other ornaments in public places, streets and pleasure grounds ; to regulate the excavation or opening of streets, highways, and pub- lic grounds for public or private purposes, and the location of any work or thing therein, whether temporary or permanent, upon or under the surface thereof, and the removal of buildings upon or through the same ; to keep the same quiet and orderly and free from undue noise upon the Lord's day ; and to protect the City Hall square in said city, and any and all things appertain- ing thereto. To prohibit or regulate the building of fires in the streets or highways of said city and fix a penalty for the violation of such ordinances. To provide for watering the streets of said city, and prescribe the mode in which the expense of the same shall be assessed upon the persons or the land specially benefited thereby, and also the mode in which the said ex- pense shall be collected or secured by lien upon the land specially benefited. To provide whenever it shall be necessary for the proper construction of any public work or improvement, for causing any stream or water-course not navigable, to be changed and diverted from its natural or present chan- nel into a new or^if erent channel, and for the taking, occupying and appro- priating in the interest of public health or the proper sewerage of the city, any stream or part thereof, natural or artificial, running in or through said city, and to straighten, deepen or lower the same, or lower, alter, or re- move any or all walls, dams, flumes or other obstructions to the free and healthy flow of such stream or part thereof, or raise any such dams, or build and maintain other dams where public health or convenience may require, or to cover any such stream or part thereof by arches, culverts or other structures, to divert the water from such stream or part thereof and cause it to flow through a sewer or other aqueduct built in and upon the bed of such stream, or laid in the earth in or near either bank thereof; or to re- move or cause to be removed or altered any or all structures which at any season of the year cause the accumulation of stagnant water, or interrupt in any manner the free and healthy flow of any part of such stream, but the proceedings for any such diverting, taking, occupation or appropriation shall be in accordance with the provisions of law relating to this subject otherwise set forth in this act. To provide for pfacing underground electrical wires and conduits of every character whatsoever ; to provide that the whole or any part of the ex- pense of building conduits shall be borne by the parties in interest, or by the city ; to establish and regulate, in case the city shall own such underground conduits, suitable rentals and' regulations for the same, and to govern the issuing of permits for occupying the same. The Court of Common Council may, whenever in their opinion the proper sewerage or drainage of any portion of said city shall require such action, construct any structure, mechanical appliance or apparatus to arti- ficially or mechanically sewer or drain the same^ and may maintain and operate such means of drainage, and for said purposes said Court of Com- mon Council may take any land which may be needed therefor. The proceedings under any resolution to construct such means of sewer- age or drainage shall be the same as those provided by the charter and or- dinances of said city for the layout and construction of sewers by said city, 35 • and the cost of constructing the same, including the damages by reason of any property taken therefor, may be assessed upon the persons or property specially benefited thereby, in the same manner as is provided by said char- ter and ordinances for the assessments of benefits for other public improve- ments. The cost of maintaining such means of sewerage or drainage shall be the same as those provided by the charter and ordinances of said city for the layout and construction of sewers by said city, and the cost of constructing the same, including the damages by reason of any property taken therefor, may be assessed upon the persons or property specially benefited thereby, in the same manner as is provided by said charter and ordinances for the as- sessments of benefits for other public improvements. The cost of maintaining such means of sewerage or drainage may at any time after the same is incurred, and whenever said Court of Common Council shall judge proper, be assessed upon the persons or property specially benefited thereby upon a resolution directing such assessment, which shall be referred to the Bureau of Assessments of said city for said assessment, which shall be made in the same manner as is provided by the charter and ordinances of said city for the assessment of benefits by reason of public im- provements. Any assessment for the cost of constructing or maintaining such means of sewerage or drainage shall be collectible* and shall be a lien upon the land on account of which it was assessed, and may be continued and enforced as such lien, in the same manner as assessments for benefits by reason of other public works. Said Court of Common Council shall h^ve power in the manner afore- said : To provide annually for improving the navigation of the Connecticut river by the appropriation of a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars in each year therefor. To provide for the support of a free public library ; and the city of Hart- ford is authorized and empowered to appropriate by vote of the Court of Common Council of said city, and to pay over to the Wadsworth Athenaeum annually a sum not exceeding one-half of one mill upon the grand list of said city last made and perfected, for the purpose of supporting and maintaining a free public library and art gallery, with their appurtenances, and of furnish- ing needed accommodations therefor. To regulate building, rebuilding and the mode of building, and the ma- terial used for building or altering buildings within said city or any part thereof, and. the mode of using any buildings therein whenever such regula- tion shall seem expedient for the purpose of preserving said city from the dangers of fire, and for conserving the safety, health and well-being of the inhabitants thereof. To prevent the erection of unsafe buildings and the unsafe alteration or extension of any buildmg within the limits of said city ; to provide for the examination of all plans and specifications of proposed buildings and of pro- posed alterations and extensions of existing buildings ; to provide for the inspection of all buildings in process of erection, and of all buildings under- going alterations or extensions : to make general rules and provide for par- ticular directions regarding the materials to be used in building, and the strength and manner of using the same ; to prohibit the erection and the al- teration and extension of any building not in conformity with such rules and directions, or the plans and specifications of which have not been examined 36 or approved, in accordance with such ordinances ; and to compel such changes in the location of and in the plans and specifications for proposed buildings and for proposed alterations and extensions of buildings, and in the manner of construction and in the matter of materials used therefor, as may be necessary to secure safety from the dangers of fire, collapse, explo- sion or disease ; to provide for the safe and sanitary construction of build- ings, for the prevention of the construction of dark or otherwise unwhole- some living and sleeping rooms and for the reasonable limitation of the pro- portion of a building lot which may be covered by a tenement building. To prescribe the powers and duties of the Building Inspector and Deputy Building Inspector, and provide for the punishment of any viola- tion of such ordinance by fine or imprisonment, or both. To provide such ordinances as it may deem expedient respecting the removal and treatment of garbage within said city. To provide for prohibiting and regulating the keeping, storing, selling or using of fireworks, torpedoes, fire-crackers, gunpowder, petroleum, nitro- glycerine, or any other explosive or inflammable substance or substances or materials in said city, or the conveyance of the same into, through or out of said city; for regulating the use of firearms and building of bonfires within said city; for preventing injuries to the fire alarm or telegraph or police telegraph or police telephone apparatus or property, and the unlaw- ful making, using or possession of keys to the alarm boxes of said telegraph or telephone. To regulate fireworks, shows, parades, and rendezvous, processions and music, the exhibition and speed of animals, the speed of vehicles and cars, the running at large of animals through or in any part of said city, and the impounding of the same ; to license and regulate public hacks, carriages, automobiles, express wagons, drays, trucks, and the charges of hackmen, expressmen, chaufifeurs, public drivers, cartmen and truckmen. To regulate the burial of the dead and provide for the registration and return of the deaths and burials in said city; and provide and establish a registry of births and marriages within the city limits. To prevent and secure the removal of all nuisances injurious to health or offensive to the public, at the expense of the owner of the premises where such nuisance exists, or otherwise ; to regulate and prohibit the ring- ing of bells and crying of goods in said city ; to restrain cruelty to animals and inhuman sports'. To provide rules and regulations covering all practices with dead bodies in medical institutes or elsewhere in said city, and, generally, to regu- late the conduct of citizens in relation to persons and premises with regard to matters of sanitation and decency. To regulate the location of stationary steam boilers, barns and out- houses, sinks and drains in said city, and to confer all necessary and con- venient powers upon the Commissioner of Public Safety or other sanitary officer or otBcers, and to regulate the exercise of such powers within said city. To prevent vice and immorality ; to preserve public peace and good or- der ; to prevent and quell riots and disorderly assemblages, suppress gam- bling houses and houses of ill-fame and disorderly houses, and to confer upon the Mayor and police officers of the city all powers necessary for such purposes; to prohibit, restrain, license and regulate all sports, exhibitions, public amusements and performances, and billiard and bowling saloons within said city. 37 To prohibit all gambling of every description, betting on horse races ; selling of pools, and any and all contracts, written or oral, or both, to be de- termined by the speed of horses or other animals, and of any game, hazard or risk wherein the speed of animals or the results of races or contests of any character are factors. To regulate or prohibit swimming or bathing in public or exposed places within said city, and .within any territory over which said municipality is by law granted jurisdiction or control ; to prevent and punish trespasses in gar- dens, cemeteries, enclosures, parks and public buildings and places. To confer upon the city policemen the powers of constables of towns, and such other prerogatives as the Court of Common Council may deem necessary or convenient for the public protection within the limits of said city ; and to punish the resistance or obstruction of police officers in the dis- charge of their duties. To provide for suppressing immoral, vicious and pernicious publica- tions and advertisements ; to regulate the distribution of hand-bills or other public advertising matter ; to prohibit and regulate the posting of bills or other advertising matter upon telegraph, telephone and other poles: to pro- vide for making a misdemeanor any violation of any rule or regulation of the Water Commissioner, the Street Commissioner, the Charity Commis- sioner, the Commissioner of Public Safety and the Board of Park Commis- sioners and such other commissioners and departments as may be created from time to time, duly established and published, and the prosecution of such offense before the City Police Court. The penalties to be inflicted by ordinance for such offenses shall, however, not exceed the jurisdiction of the City Police Court. To do all things necessary to make effectual the powers herein and by law conferred upon such city. Said Court of Common Council may by ordinance declare the violation of any ordinance enacted in conformity to this act to be a misdemeanor, and may impose a penalty or penalties of fine or imprisonment, or both, for .uch misdemeanors within the jurisdiction of said Police Court, and may also impose and inflict penalties and forfeitures of goods and chattels for the vio- lation of such ordinance, which penalties and forfeitures shall be recover- able by the City Attorney before the Court of Common Pleas or the Superior Court in an action of debt brought in the name of the city of Hartford for the use of the City Treasury. In addition to such penalties said Court of Common Council may by ordinance subject to four-fold taxation any building erected or added to, or removed, or located, or occupied in violation of any ordinance or by-law designed to preserve the health, safety, or morals of the inhabitants of said city, or to save said city from perils of fire, or to keep the streets or public places free from encroachment and obstructions. In all cases the ordinances, resolutions and legislation of said Court of Common Council. shall conform and be subject to the provisions of this char- ter relative to the powers and duties of the several commissioners, the Board of Public Works, the Board of Finance, and city officers, and to the other limitations of this act. PAVING. Section i. The Common Council shall have power to cause the streets of said city to be paved and repaved with paving material other than the macadam in general use ; and whenever the owners or proprietors of one- 38 half of the land abutting upon any street or portion of a street shall peti- tion for such paving or repaying thereof, specifying in said petition the street or ])ortion of a street to be paved or repaved, and the Common Council shall have before it the action of the Street Commissioner approving and ordering a pavement of the kind and style it may deem proper, said Com- mon Council shall have power to assess the whole cost of said paving or repaving, including that portion contiguous to lateral and intersecting streets, and excluding that portion of the street which, by law or contract, a street railway is under obligation to pave, one-third of such cost upon the said city of Hartford, which shall be paid out of the treasury of said city upon the order of the Common Council, and two-thirds of such cost upon the owmers of the property abutting on the line of such improvement, and shall have power to enforce the collection of such assessments in the manner pro- vided by the charter or ordinances of said city for the collection of assess- ments. On the completion of the work and assessment for the cost of the same, such assessment shall be final and conclusive on all parties in interest ; and said assessment shall be a lien upon the land on account of which it was assessed, in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided in the charter of said city in the case of assessment for benefits arising from other public works and improvements. Sec. 2. The city of Hartford may cause to be paved with granite, as- phalt, or other substantial pavement, other than the macadam in general use, not exceeding one-half mile of highway in each year, without petition there- for, in addition to the amount petitioned for by the property owners, and the Street Commissioner shall select the streets to be paved, and after due notice to the property owners interested, by publication in the daily newspapers of the city, and, so far as is practicable, by written or printed notice addressed to the property owners interested, at their last known place of abode, and deposited in the post office, postage paid, at least ten days before taking the action herein contemplated, he shall submit for its approval by the Common Council an order for such pavement and an assessment made as aforesaid of their share of the expense upon the abutting property owners. Sec. 3. The Street Commissioner may make reasonable regulations relative to pipes and conduits of all kinds which are in the streets to be paved with permanent pavement, and as a preliminary to such paving may order all such pipes and conduits to be relaid, renewed, repaired, placed, and located in such manner and to such extent as in his judgment w411 best protect such pavement, when laid, from being disturbed in the future, and will best se- cure the uninterrupted use of such streets as public highways. It shall be the duty of all persons, comrnissioners and corporations to obey and comply strictly with all such orders of the Street Commissioner within such time as the orders shall specify. Such orders shall be in writing, signed by the Street Commissioner, or by the clerk of such Commissioner under his au- thority, and attested copies of such orders shall be served upon such person or persons, commissioners or corporations at least forty-eight hours before the work specified therein shall be required to be begun. Should any per- son, commissioner or corporation neglect or refuse to obey and comply with any such order o^ said Commissioner, the Commissioner may apply in his own name to the Superior Court of Hartford county or to any Judge of the Superior Court in vacation, for a mandamus to enforce compliance with any such order or regulation provided for in this section. Sec. 4. The Common Council of said city is also further authorized and directed to provide by ordinance for the extension of time for and the 39 manner of payment of all assessments made for any public improvement not including taxes, and may issue and dispose of assessment certificates covering the amounts of any extended assessments, under such rules, regula- tions, and in such form as the Court of Common Council may by ordinance prescribe. Sec. 5. The foregoing sections shall not in any manner affect or apply to any work already ordered, or any proceeding, detail, or assessment relat- ing thereto, but all work heretofore ordered shall be proceeded with, as- sessed and paid for under the provisions of the law relating thereto as it existed before the passage of the foregoing amendments. Sec. 6. In making assessments of benefits and appraisals of damages for any public improvement, the city of Hartford is hereby authorized and empowered to assess such benefits or appraise such damages as it may deem just upon or in favor of the real estate belonging to the State of Connecti- cut, or to any school district situated within the limits of the city of Hart- ford and especially benefited or damaged by such public improvement, sub- ject to appeal by either party as provided by law in such cases, and in the case of assessments of benefits against or appraisals of damages in favor of the State it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to pay any and all as- sessments of benefits upon the certificate of the Clerk of said city that the same are due and payable, and he shall receive any damages assessed in favor of the State and give a receipt for the same upon a like certificate. Sec. 7. All assessments made for public improvements and street watering within the city of Hartford shall bear interest from the date when the same become due and payable, at such rate as the Court of Common Council of said city shall by ordinance prescribe. Sec. 8. Said city of Hartford is hereby authorized to order, construct, maintain and keep free from defects and obstructions all sidewalks, curbs and gutters in the town of West Hartford on the east side of Prospect Ave- nue between Farmington Avenue and New Park Avenue, and to assess the expense of such construction, maintenance and care upon adjoining lands and proprietors in the city of Hartford in the same manner and to the same extent as if said sidewalks, curbs and gutters were situated in the city of Hartford ; provided, that any order for the construction of such sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be approved by the Selectmen of the town of West Hartford. CITY POLICE COURT. Section i. There shall continue to be a City Police Court established and holden within and for said city, which shall have and exercise within the town and city of Hartford, and upon the eastern bank of the Connecticut river opposite said city, all the jurisdiction, authority and powers which Justices of the Peace in the several towns in said State now have and exer- cise, or shall hereafter by law have and exercise, also all jurisdiction and authority conferred by the General Statutes of this State upon said court, in all matters of a criminal nature, including criminal prosecutions for breach of city ordinances and the rules and regulations of any of the de- partments of the said city, the punishment whereof, inflicted by said court, shall not exceed a fine of two hundred dollars or imprisonment in a common jail or workhouse for six months, or both, notwithstanding any general statute to the contrary. Said court and the judges thereof shall have and exercise exclusive ju- risdiction within said city in all proceedings brought under Chapter 159 of 40 the General Statutes, or any amendments thereto, regarding the seizure of spirituous and intoxicating liquors, and shall have the power conferred by said chapter upon Justices of the Peace. No grand juror or prosecuting agent shall make complaint either to said court or to a Justice of the Peace of any criminal matter arising within the limits of the city of Hartford ; nor shall any Justice of the Peace take cognizance of any action or proceedings brought under Chapter 159 of the General Statutes regarding the seizure of spirituous or intoxicating liquors ; and the Prosecuting Attorney or the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney of the city of Hartford shall have within the jurisdiction of said court the powers conferred by Chapter 159 of the General Statutes upon prosecuting agents. Said court shall also have jurisdiction over all crimes and misdemeanors that shall be committed in that part of the town of West Hartford, in Hart- ford county, known as Charter Oak Park ; and of all crimes committed on the grounds of the Cedar Hill cemetery, and the breach of the reasonable rules and regulations of said Cedar Hill cemetery shall be held to be a breach of the public peace. All warrants on account of any offenses within the jurisdiction of said City Police Court shall require the offender to be brought before the said City Police Court, there to be dealt with according to law. Sec. 2. In all cases the person may appeal from the judgment of said court to the next criminal term of the Superior Court to be holden in the county of Hartford within and for said county, provided that he shall give such bond on appeal as such court shall order, payable to the Treasurer of Hartford county, conditioned for the appearance of the person convicted before the next criminal term of the Superior Court to answer concerning the offense of which he stands charged, and to abide the judgment that may be rendered by the court last aforesaid ; and on his failure to give such bond such court shall, order him to be committed to the jail in said county until the next session of said Superior Court, there to answer to said complaint and abide the order of the court thereon, or admitted to bail in the same manner as arc persons bound over to the Superior Court for trial. Sec. 3. There shall be appointed by the General Assembly of the State a Judge and an Assistant Judge of said City PoHce Court, who shall hold of- fice for the term of two years and until their successors are chosen and quali- fied. They shall, before entering upon their duties, take the oath pre- scribed by law for judicial officers, and shall receive such compensation as the ordinances may prescribe. In case of the absence of said Judge and Assistant Judge, or of the inability or disability of both to discharge the duties of said office, either may designate any Justice of the Peace resident within the city of Hartford to act as his substitute, and such justice while so acting shall have and exercise all the powers conferred upon the Judge and Assistant Judge of said court. Such justice shall receive a suitable compensation, to be prescribed by ordi- nance. Sec. 4. Said Judge shall appoint a Prosecuting Attorney and an As- sistant Prosecuting Attorney, who shall hold office during the pleasure of said Judge, and when the Prosecuting Attorney or Assistant Prosecuting Attorney shall be for any reason disqualified or unable to act, a special Pros- ecuting Attorney shall be appointed by said Judge, to act until such dis- qualification or inability is removed., Said Judge shall also appoint a Clerk of said Court. Said Prosecuting Attorney, Assistant and special Prosecuting Attorney, and Clerk, shall receive such compensation as the ordinances may determine. 41 The Prosecuting Attorney or the person acting as such shall have all the powers of a grand juror and all the powers of a prosecuting agent in presenting and prosecuting complaints and informations before the Police Court of said city, including powers conferred by Section i88 of the Gen- eral Statutes ; and it shall be his duty to prosecute before said court all crimes and misdemeanors, and violations of city ordinances, of which said court has jurisdiction. Sec. 5. The Prosecuting Attorney, Assistant and special Prosecuting Attorney shall each take the oath of office prescribed by law for grand jurors, and the clerk shall take the oath prescribed for clerks of courts in this State. Sec. 6. Said court shall proceed in all criminal cases without jury and may issue subpoenas and capias for witnesses in matters brought before it, warrants of arrest for criminal offenses, to be served in any part of this State and such process shall be signed by the court or clerk. Said court may adjourn any case to a future day for trial, and take bonds for the ap- pearance of the accused, and when said court has or may have final juris- diction thereof, the bonds shall be taken to said city, otherwise to the State. Sec. 7. Said court may suspend the rendition of judgment in the case of any person arraigned before it for drunkenness, vagrancy, assault and battery, breach of the peace or other petty offense, and in case of juvenile offenders who might otherwise be committed to the Connecticut School for Boys or the Connecticut Industrial School for Girls, whenever such court may deem such forbearance to be advisable by reason of the age of the ac- cused or the circumstances under which the offense was committed. Sec. 8. In all cases and proceedings of a criminal nature the following costs shall be taxed in said court : A court fee of three dollars, the officer's and witnesses' fees, and any reasonable and necessary expense incurred in securing an offender and in bringing him before said court and in enabling said court to intelligently dispose of the charge against him, may in the dis- cretion of said court be taxed, allowed and collected as a part of the costs. All copies in cases coming to the Superior Court by appeal, binding over or otherwise, shall be taxed the same as in similar cases coming in like man- ner from Justices of the Peace in case of conviction and judgment against the accused, the costs shall be paid by him and payment enforced, as in cases before the Superior Court, and all fees taxed as such costs by said court, but due to any individual, shall be paid by the clerk of the court, ex- cept as otherwise provided. Sec. 9. Criminal process issued by said City Police Court, or by the Judge or Clerk, or Prosecuting Attorney, or other person acting in the place of the Prosecuting Attorney thereof, may be served by any member of the police force of said city, or by any proper officer or indifferent person, when so directed, and may be served in any part of this State ; but before any member of the police force shall leave said city to serve such process, he shall be commissioned so to do by the acting chief of police of said city. Any officer or indifferent person, other than members of said police force, shall receive the same fees for such service allowed by law to constables in similar cases : and any extra expenses, necessarily or reasonably incurred in securing an offender and bringing him before said City Police Court. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the chief of police of said city, for the time being, to designate a suitable officer or officers of said force, who shall attend the sessions of said court and shall bring before it any person or per- sons in custody, for trial therein, take custody of any persons convicted or 43 bound over therein and deliver them over to the officer or other person proper to receive the same, and in general execute the orders of said court. Sec. II. The keepers of the county jail and workhouse of Hartford county, and of the Hartford workhouse, and of the Connecticut School for Boys, and of the Connecticut Industrial School for Girls, shall severally re- ceive any person committed by said court, and shall have and keep the cus- tody of such person as in other cases, according to law, until duly discharged. It shall be the duty of the keepers of said jail or workhouse respectively to render to the clerk of said court, at least once in each month, an account of all persons committedJ:o his custody by order of said court. Sec. 12. Said clerk shall keep the files and records of said City Police Court, and shall, within ten days after an appeal, or binding over in crim- inal cases in said court, deliver to the clerk of the court to which the appeal is taken or the person is bound over, a copy of the files and records of the case. He shall receive all fines and costs imposed by said court which are paid before commitment ; and all fines and costs paid for commitment. Said clerk shall also receive all sums taxed in the higher courts for costs before said City Police Court and for copies in cases coming from said City Police Court to said Superior Court by appeal, binding over, or otherwise. All moneys collected by the clerk of the City Police Court shall be paid to the Treasurer, and an account thereof rendered to the Controller monthly ; all fines paid after commitment shall be received by the keeper of the jail, workhouse or penitentiary where the offender shall be confined, and by such keeper paid to the City Treasurer within thirty days after the receipt thereof. The clerk of said court is hereby authorized to pay out of the money in his hands, to the persons entitled to receive them, the witness fees after they have been taxed and allowed by said court, and shall be allowed for such payments in the settlement of his accounts with the city. Said clerk shall give bonds in such sum as the ordinances shall provide. Sec. 13. Nothing contained in this act shall afifect the jurisdiction of said court over ofifenses committed or causes pending prior to and at the time this act shall take effect. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Section i. All officers and commissioners of said city, unless pre- vented by death, inability, suspension or removal, shall hold their respec- tive offices until their successors shall be chosen and shall have duly qualified. Sec. 2. Every officer of said city, chosen by the electors or appointed by the Mayor or by the Court of Common Council, shall be a resident elector of said city. / Sec. 3. Whenever any office in said city filled by appointment shall be- come vacant by reason of the death, resignation, inability or removal of the person appointed to fill the same, said vacancy may be filled by the authority which made the former appointment. If the said last incumbent was ap- pointed for a definite term, his successor shall be appointed for the unex- pired portion of said term. Sec. 4. No public improvement of any kind shall be ordered by the Court of Common Council or other authority having power to authorize the same imtil an appropriation for said improvements has been duly made, and no department shall expend or contract for any amount in excess of the appropriation for such department. Sec. 5. The bonds of all city officers shall be given to the city of Hart- ford, and shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of 43 the office according to law, and the Mayor shall be the custodian of said bonds. The form and sureties of each bond shall be to the satisfaction of the Mayor, and the form of each bond and the sufficiency of the sureties shall be annually examined and approved by the Mayor. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of every officer of said city, upon the expi- ration of his term or upon his removal from office, to deliver over to his suc- cessor in office all books, papers, vouchers and memoranda under his con- trol affecting the business of said city. Sec. 7. The city shall have power to accept gifts and trusts for all purposes for which said city is authorized or required to expend money, and for no others, except as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 8. All certificates of liens for city taxes shall be signed and filed for record in the land records by the Collector; all certificates for liens for assessments for streets, sewers and other claims within the jurisdiction of the Street Department shall be signed and filed by the Street Commissioner ; all certificates for liens for water bills and other claims within the jvirisdiction of the Water Commissioner shall be signed and filed by the Water Commis- sioner or his secretary, and said liens shall include and cover interest upon the claims for which said liens may be filed. Releases of all the above liens shall be signed and filed with the Town and City Clerk by the Collector. Sec. 9. No ordinance of said city shall be of force or effect until it shall have been published at least once in two or more daily papers published in said city, nor until one week after it is enacted. Sec. 10. All property which has been in any manner acquired or shall hereafter be acquired by any department of the city shall be deemed to be the property of the city, and all property hereafter acquired or purchased by any department shall be taken in the name of the city of Hartford and all property of the city shall be free from taxation. Sec. II. The Court of Common Council shall prescribe or limit the compensation of all officials and employes of the city except as specifically provided in this act. No fees shall be collected for the personal use of any officer of the city or town of Hartford, but all fees heretofore required to be paid to any town or city officer shall hereafter be collected by such officer or the person herein designated to receive the same and paid over to said city at such times and with such reports as the City Controller shall prescribe. Sec. 12. Where the interests of the city and economy demand it, any duties devolving on one department may be transferred to another depart- ment by the affirmative action of the Board of Public Works. Sec. 13. No person or corporation shall disturb the surface of any street or highway in the city of Hartford by digging or making excavation, or cause the same to be^so disturbed, without first giving notice to and ob- taining permission from* the Street Commissioner of said city, and said Street Commissioner shall have the power to supervise and direct any such digging or excavating, and may prescribe the manner in which the same shall be done and the condition to which said street or highway shall be re- stored ; provided, however, that no such person or corporation shall be com- pelled to do more than to restore said street or highway to its usual condi- tion. Sec. 14. If any person or corporation so disturbing or causing to be disturbed the surface of any street or highway as aforesaid, shall fail to com- ply -with the directions of said Street Commissioner in restoring the same to its usual condition, said Commissioner may, after reasonable notice to such person or corporation, if known, otherwise without notice, restore the same, 44 and collect and recover from such person or corporation double the cost of such restoration. Sec. 15. Any person or corporation who shall neglect to comply with the provisions of Section thirteen as to notice shall forfeit and pay to the city of Hartford, for the use of the City Treasury, a penalty of not less than five and not more than twenty-five dollars, the same to be recovered in an action brought in the name of said city in the manner provided in the charter of said city for the recovery of fines and penalties. Sec. 16. There shall continue to be elected five Selectmen, of whom no person shall vote for more than three. The Selectmen chosen in April, 1905, and in each year thereafter, shall hold office for one year from the first Monday of June next following their election. The powers and duties of said Selectmen shall continue to be limited to those powers vested in and those duties imposed upon them by the constitution and laws of the State in relation to the admission of persons to the privileges of electors in said town, and to the erasure from the registry list of the names of those who have forfeited the privileges of electors. No elector shall vote for more than three Selectmen in any election. The Selectmen shall be paid by the city for the time actually spent in the discharge of said duties, and their necessary ex- penses, and their compensation shall be fixed by ordinance. Sec. 17. Hereafter no town meeting shall be held in the town of Hart- ford except for the election of town officers, which shall continue to be held on the first Monday of April in each year when the town of Hartford shall elect no officers except its Selectmen, Town Clerk, Assessors, Registrars of Voters, High School Committee, Board of School Visitors and Constables ; and except also such officers as are by law voted for at the biennial electors' meeting in November. Sec. 18. Annual meetings of said town for the choice of town officers shall be held on the first Monday in April in each year at the same place pro- vided for holding the city meetings, which meeting of said town shall be warned and held in the same manner as is now provided for warning and holding meetings in the city of Hartford. At such meeting in 1905, and annually thereafter, there shall be chosen five Selectmen as hereinbefore pro- vided : five persons to constitute the High School Committee, of whom no person shall vote for more than three : three members of the Board of School Visitors, of whom no person shall vote for more than two ; seven Constables, of whom no person shall vote for more than four. At such meeting in 1906. and biennially thereafter, there shall be chosen a Town Clerk, who shall also be City Clerk as heretofore provided, and two Registrars of Voters, of whom no person shall vote for more than one. At such meeting, held in 1907, and triennially thereafter, there shall be chosen three Assessors, of whom no per- son shall vote for more than two. All said officers shall hold their several offices for terms of the same length as their respective terms would have been had this resolution not been passed, and each of said terms, except that of Town and City Clerk, shall begin on the first Monday of June next follow- ing their respective elections. All expenses of said town election shall be paid by said city. Sec. 19. There shall continue to be a Board of Relief of said city, with the same powers and duties which are conferred upon boards of relief of towns by the provisions of the General Statutes. Before the first day of June, 1905, the Mayor shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen, four members of the Board of Relief, only two of whom shall belong to the same political party, who shall hold office for two 45 years from the first day of June of the year of their appointment and until their successors are chosen and quaHfied. The clerk of the Board of Assessors shall be the clerk of said Board of Relief. The compensation of said Board of Relief shall be fixed by ordinance. Sec. 20. All other officers of said town of Hartford shall continue to be chosen by the Common Council of said city, in so far as said officers are nec- essary under the laws, and they shall have the same powers and be charged with the same duties that would otherwise devolve by law upon such officers in said town. Sec. 21. All the property and rights of action and all securities and liens therefor, including liens for taxes of the town of Hartford, shall con- tinue to be vested in said city of Hartford, and said city shall continue to be liable for all debts, dues, and obligations of every kind of said town of Hart- ford, now due or hereafter to become due, and shall perform all the duties and have and exercise all the rights of said town, and any person having any claim or right of action against the said town of Hartford may enforce the. claim against the said city of Hartford in the same man- ner as if said claim or right of action had originally accrued against said city of Hartford, and all sums of money, by whomsoever payable, which would otherwise be paid to the Town Treasurer, shall continue to be pay- able to and receivable by the Treasurer of the city of Hartford. Sec. 22. It shall hereafter be the duty of the Mayor and Common Council of the city of Hartford to cause the amount of any tax granted by the General Assembly and due from the town of Hartford to be paid into the treasury of the State ; and if the same shall not be paid within the time fixed by law, the Treasurer of the State shall issue execution against the estate of said Mayor and members of the Common Council for the amount due upon said tax, and they shall have the same remedies against the city of Hartford that the Selectmen of towns now have against their respective towns. Whenever a county tax is imposed in Hartford county, the clerk of the Superior Court in said county shall draw his order upon the city of Hart- ford for the part thereof which, but for the provisions of this resolution, would be assessed upon the town of Hartford, and all proceedings in relation to said tax shall be had against the said city, and the inhabitants thereof, in- stead of against the town of Hartford. Sec. 23. All the powers and duties relating to schools by any law of this State vested in towns and exercised in town meeting, shall, so f^r as the town of Hartford is concerned, continue to be vested in the city of Hartford, and shall be exercised by said city in a city meeting duly warned and held for that purpose. Sec. 24. All sums due or to become due to the town of Hartford for taxes, and all liens to secure the same, shall continue to belong to said city, and shall be payable to the City Collector, and liens for the security of said taxes may be filed and enforced, and every suit or proceeding for the col- lection or security of said taxes instituted in the name of said city. One ratebill shall hereafter continue to be made by the rate-maker of said city, and shall be delivered annually on or before the tenth day of June to the City Collector. The office of rate-maker of the town of Hartford is hereby abol- ished. The City Collector shall perform all other duties which but for the passage of this resolution the Town Collector would have' been required to perform. Sec. 2^. No tax exceeding six mills on a dollar of the grand list shall 46 be laid or levied by said city of Hartford upon any land used exclusively for farming purposes within its limits, unless said land has an assessed value of at least six hundred dollars per acre ; no tax exceeding said rate shall be laid or levied upon any land or the buildings thereon which was added to the limits of the city of Hartford by resolutions of the General Assembly, approved July ninth, 1873, and April fourteenth, 1881, so long as said land has an as- sessed value not exceeding six hundred dollars per acre exclusive of the buildings thereon, and all farming produce, and all stock used in farming, and all implements of husbandry belonging to persons residing on said ter- ritory so added, so long as they shall continue to reside thereon, shall be ex- empt in the same manner and to the same extent ; provided, that this resolu- tion shall not be so construed as to exempt from liability any property in- vested in business outside of said added territory ; no tax exceeding six mills on a dollar of the grand list shall be laid or levied by s'aid'city upon those meadow lands included in the addition made to said city by the Act of the General Assembly, approved July twenty-sixth, 1871, lying on the east side of Wethersfield Avenue and not protected by a dyke ; or upon that tract of land known as Hartford north meadows, the boundaries of which were es- tablished by a decree of the Superior Court for Hartford county, passed at its March term, 1868, upon the petition of Henry Drake and Samuel Mather, so long as the same shall remain a common field, and the roads thereon shall be kept and maintained by the proprietors of said meadows. All other lands within the limits of said city subject to taxation shall be liable to pay such tax as shall be levied thereon upon the grand list of said city. Sec. 26. This act shall in no manner impair or qualify the obligation of any bond, liability, note, contract or debt of said city or town, or evidences thereof, and said city shall continue to be liable thereon ; and nothing herein shall be construed to rescind any authority heretofore granted to issue bonds for any purpose for which they have been authorized. Sec. 27. Nothing herein contained shall in any way, affect any public or private acts relating to the Park Board of the city of Hartford or to the Connecticut river bridge and highway district. Sec. 28. Except as herein otherwise provided this resolution shall take efifect from and after the first day of April, 1905, ajid all of the officers of said city in office on the first day of April, 1905, aforesaid, are hereby in- vested with the powers conferred by this act so far as may be consistent here- with. All acts or part of acts, public or private, plainly inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed from and after said first day of April, 1905, but no acts hitherto repealed shall be revived by said repeal. No rights, privileges, or immunities, vested in said city or in any person against said city shall be deemed to be impaired by such repeal, and all ac- tions by or against said city, prosecutions for the breach of any law, ordi- nance or by-law, shall be proceeded with as though this resolution had not been passed. All offenses committed or penalties incurred, prior to said first day of April, 1905, shall be prosecuted as though this resolution had not been passed. Said repeal shall not affect any act done or right allowed unless by law otherwise provided. All lawful city ordinances and all regulations and by-laws of any citv department, in force on said first day of April, 1905. and not inconsistent herewith, are hereby continued in effect until the same shall be duly amended by competent authority; provided, that all such ordinances, regulations and by-laws shall be deemed to be and hereby are amended, so as to confer upon 47 the proper officers and boards, the power, authority and duties hereby con- ferred or imposed upon them. Sec. 29. On and after May i, 1905, the City Court of the city of Hart- ford is hereby discontinued and aboHshed and all actions pending therein at that time where the matter in demand exceeds five hundred dollars, may be transferred and entered on the docket of the Superior Court for Hartford county ; and all other causes then pending may be transferred to and entered on the docket of the Court of Common Pleas for Hartford county ; and said courts respectively shall proceed to hear and dispose of said cases in the same manner as if the same were originally brought to said court. Sec. 30. All the officers of said city elected pursuant to the terms of its former charter shall after the time of the taking effect of this act continue in the performance of their duties imposed by said former charter and the ordinances of said city, for the terms for which they were severally ap- pointed or elected, except the several members of the Boards of Street Com- missioners, Fire Commissioners, Police Commissioners, Water Commission- ers, Health Commissioners and Charity Commissioners, who. shall continue in the performance of their duties only until the first day of May, 1905, and until the successors of said boards of commissioners provided for by this resolution shall be chosen and qualified, at which time the terms of said boards of commissioners shall expire and said several boards shall deliver over to their successors all books, papers and property in their charge belong- ing to the city of Hartford. 48 14 DAY USE RETUKN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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