English Drama. A Working Basis. Wellesley College, 1896. LIBRA.RY OF THE University of California. Received Accession No. Riiglish Drama, A Working Basis, Ka tha rine Lee Ba tes. Department of Rngli^h L,iteraturc. L tdia B oker G odere r, Librar-ian. Department of Bibliography. ^4^ Of ram^' FItIRSIIY] Wellesle y Colle ge. iSg6, Copyright, i8g6^ by Katharine Lcc Bates, Wellesley College. • • • PRESS OF S. Q. ROBINSON, BOSTON. AlTTnORS, PL5T5 AXD REFERENCES, for Pre-Elizabethan Drama. Elizabethan Dr^^a^ ^ . Jacobean Drama. Restoration Drama. Eighteenth Century Drama. The Reformed Drama. The New Comedy. Playwrights, Adapters and Triflers Nineteenth Century Drama. Georgian. Victorian. HOOFvS OF GENERAL REFERENCE.^ 1. Bibliographical. 2. Dramatic History and Criticism. 3. History of the English Theatre. 4. Stage Polemics. ^^ Of THM *« 'TTFI7BRSIT7] A, oar Cof>yrighi, iSgb^ by Katharine Lee Bates, Wellesley College. • • • • • • PRESS OF S. Q. ROBINSON, BOSTON. CONTENTS. COLLECTIONS OF OLD PLAYS. (Chronologically arranged, with alphabetical index). GENERAL INDEX TO COLLECTIONS. (By titles of plays alphabetically arranged). AUTHORS, PLAYS AND REFERENCES, for Pre-Elizabethan Drama. Elizabethan Dma^a^ , , Restoration Drama. Eighteenth Century Drama. The Reformed Drama. The New Comedy. Playwrights, Adapters and Triflers. Nineteenth Century Drama. Georgian. Victorian. BOOFvS OF GENERAL REFERENCE.^ 1. Bibliographical. 2. Dramatic History and Criticism. 3. History of the English Theatre. 4. Stage Polemics. nirivsRsiTTl ^' - >-?'i Note. The English drama as here handled comprises only what may be termed secular drama. The bibliography of the old religious drama of England, exclusive of Moralities, is thoroughly treated by Prof. Francis H. Stoddard in his References for Students of Miracle Plays and 31ysteries, Library Bulletin, No. 8, University of California. (See also my English Religions Drama, Appendix, Macmillan) . It is hoped that the work under the tirst two divisions is tolerably com- plete. The rest is necessarily done on the selective principle. Where, under the third division, a book is noted by author and title only, — as is the case with books several times cited— full data may be found in the fourth division, where the book occurs under its appropriate heading. Authorities on the general subject, as Ward and Collier, are not ordinarily given in individual cases, and, except for special reason, the obvious works of reference, as the Dictionary of National Biography and the Encyclopiedia Britannica, are taken for granted. K. L. B. TJlSriVBRSITYl COLLECTIONS OF OLD PLAYS. Note.— Compilations of " Beauties of the Stage, " and the like, are not included here, nor the later collections of acting plays. Of these the most voluminous is Lacy's Acting Edition, continued by French. A partial list of the plays so issued, mostly modern, may be found in the card catalogue of the Boston Athenteum Library. Other collections not indexed here, because not accessible to the compilers, are Collection of New Plays. London, 1774. Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre. London, 1807. Gait's New British Theatre. 4 vols. 1814— '15. Sinnett's Family Drama. Hamburg, 1834. Dicks' Standard Plays. London. 1883. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Ancient British drama. Scott. 1810.^ Bell. British theatre. 1797, and supplement, n. d. Best English plays. 1710 — '21 . l?ritish drama. 1853. B 11 lien. Old English plays. 18S2. Biillen. Old English plays. New series. 1887. -^ " Chetvvood. Collection of old plays. 1750. .<-- Child. Four old plays. 1848. Collier. Five old plays. 1883. Cumberland. British theatre. 1829. Cumberland. Minor theati'e. n. d. Dilke. Old English plays. 1814 — '15. A supplement to Dodsley, Dodsley. Old plays. 1744. ^ Dodsley. Keed*s edition. 1780. Dodsley. Collier's edition. 1825 — '27. Dodsley. Hazlitt's editipn. 1874 — '76. Farces. 1792. Fitzgibbon. Famous Elizabethan plays. 1889. Gratiie theatrales. 1G62. Hawkins. Origin of the English drama. 1773. j - Inchbald. British theatre. 1808. Inchbald. Farces. 1809. Inchbald. Modern theatre. 1811. Keltic. Works of the British dramatists. 1870. London stage. 1^24 — '27. London theatre. Dibdhi. 1815 — '25. Maidment and Logan. Dramatists of the Restoration. 1872 — '79. Modern British drama. Scott. 1811. New English theatre. 1776 — '77. Old English drama. 1825. Old plays. 1816. See Dilke, Old English plays. 1814 — '15. z^" Oxberry. New English drama. 1818 — '25. Scott. Ancient British drama. 1810. Scott. Modern British drama. Ibll. 6 English Drama. — A Wor/cinr/ Basis. Simpson. School of Shakspere. 1878. Six old plays. Published by J. Nichols. 1779. '^"^^ Tauchnitz. Doubtful plays of Shakespeare. 1869. Thayer. Best Elizabethan plays. 1890. White. Old English drama. 1860. ,/' COLLECTIONS. ( Chronologically arranged J. Gratite theatrales : or, a choice ternary of English plays, composed upon especial occasions, by several ingenious persons. Lond. 1662. A collection of the best Euglish plays. 10 vols. 1710 — '21. Dodsley, R. A select collection of old plays. 12 vols. Lond. 1744. Chetwrood, William Rufus. A select collection of old plays. Dublin. 1750. Hawkins, T. Origin of the English drama, illustrated l)y specimens. 3 vols. Oxford. 1773. The new^ English theatre. 12 vols. Lond. 1776 — '77. Containing the most valuable plays which have been acted on the London stage. / Six old plays on which Shakespeare founded his Measure for measure. Comedy of errors. Taming of the shrew, King John, King Henry Y., King Henry VI., King Lear. 2 vols, in 1. Lond. 1779. /--^ Dodsley's old plays. (Reed's Dodsley.) 12 vols. 1780. The second edition, corrected and collated with the old copies, with notes critical and explanatory, by Isaac Reed. A collection of the most esteemed farces. Ediub. 1792. 6 vols. Bell's British theatre. Consisting of the most esteemed English plays. 34 vols. Lond. 1797. Supplement to Bell's British theatre. 6 vols., n. d. Consisting of the most esteemed farces and entertainments now performing on the British stage. / The British theatre; or, A collection of plays which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket. Printed under the authority of the managers for the prompt book, with biographical and critical remarks by Mrs. Elizabeth Inchbald. 25 vols. Lond. Long- mans. 1808. A collection of farces and other afterpieces, which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden and Haymarket. Printed under the authority of the managers from the prompt book. Selected by Mrs. Elizabeth Inchbald. 7 vols. Lond. Longmans. 1809. Scott, Sir W. The ancient British drama. 3 vols. Lond. _W. MHler. 1810.1 */ Scott, Sir W. Modem British drama. 5 vols. L<5nd. W.Miller. 1811. "* V Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth. 10 vols. The modern theatre ; a collection of success- ful modern plays, as acted at the Theatres Royal, London. Printed from the prompt books under the authority of the managers. 1811. Dilke, C. W. Old English plays ; being a selection from the early dramatic writers. (A continuation of Dodsley's collection). 6 vols. Lond. Rodwell. 1814 — '15. ^ The Loudon theatre. A collection of the most celebrated dramatic pieces cor- rectly given, from copies used in the theatres. By Thomas Dibdin of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. 12 vols. 1816 — '25. English Drama.— A Working Basis. 7 Oxberry, W. The new British drama; with prefatory remarks, biographical sketches, and notes, critical and explanatory. Being the only edition existing which is faithfully marked with the stage business and stage directions, as performed at the Theatres lloyal. 22 vols. Lond. Simp- kin. 181S — '25. " The London stage. A collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo-dramas, farces and interludes. Accurately printed from acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, and carefully collated and revised. 4 vols. Lond. Sherwood. 1824 — '27. The old English drama. A selection of plays from the old English dramatists. 2 vols. Lond. Baldwyn, 1824. llurat, Kobinson & Co. 1825. ' Dodsley's Old plays. (Collier's Dodsley). A new edition, with additional notes % and corrections, by the late Isaac Heed, Octavius Gilchrist, and J. P. Collier. 12 vols. Lond. S. Prowett. 1825 — '27. Cumberland, John. (Pub.) British theatre. With remarks, biographical and critical, by George Daniel. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Theatres lioyal. 41 vols. Lond. 1829. For contents, see Vey^io^\\' Institute Library Catalogue. Baltimore, 1883. Part 1., pp. 848, 849. /Cumberland, John. (Pub.) Minor theatre. With remarks, biographical and critical, by George Daniel. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the metropolitan minor theatres. 15 vols. Lond. n. d. For con- tents, see Peabody Institute Library Catalogue. Baltimore. 1883. Part I., pp. 849, 850. White, Thomas. Old English drama. 4 vols. Lond. 1830. Hurst. 2 vols. 1830. Collier, J. P. Five old plays, forming a supplement to the collections of Dodsley and others. Edin. and Lond. Roxburghe Club. 1833. Child, Francis J. Four old plays. Cambridge, Mass. 1848. v/ British drama : a collection of tragedies, comedies, operas and farces. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1853. Doubtful plays of W. Shakespeare. Tauchnitz edition. Leipzig. 1869. Keltic, John S. Works of the British dramatists. Edin. 1870. Lond. Simpkin. Maidment and Logan, Dramatists of the Restoration. 14 vols. Edin. and Lond. Sotheran. 1872 — '79. ]/ Dodsley's Old plays. (Hazlitt's Dodsley). Xow first chronologically arranged, revised and enlarged, with the notes of all the commentators, and new notes by W. Carew Ilazlitt. 15 vols. Lond. Reeves and Turner. 1874— '76. 157/6. Simpson, R. School of Shakspere. 2 vols. Lond. Chatto. 1878. BuUen, A. H. Old P^nglish plays. 4 vols. Lond. Nimmo. 1882. Builen,A. H. Old English plays. New series. 3 vols. Lond. Nimmo. 1887. Fitzgibbou,II. M. Famous Elizabethan plays. Lond. W.H.Allen. 1889. Thayer, William Roscoe. The best Elizabethan plays. 1 vol. Boston. Ginn. 1890. ^TJHIVBRSITT GENERAL INDEX TO COLLECTIONS. (BY TITLES OF PLAYS). Abra-mule. Best Eug. plays, *5. Abroad and at home, London stage, 4. Absent man. Farces, 1792, 6. 'Action and Diana. Chetwood. Adopted child. Inchbald, Farces, 6. Loudon stage, 1. Adventures of five hours. Best Eug. plays, 8; Dodsley, 1744, 12; Doddey, 1780, 12; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 3; Collier's Dodsley, 12; Uazlitt's Dodsley, 15. Albertus Wallenstein. Old Eug. dr., 2. Albina. Bell, 1797, 29. Albion queens. Bell, 1797, 22. Albovine. Maidment and L., Davenant, 1. Albumazar, Dodsley, 1744, 9; Dodsley, 1780, 7; Scott, Auc. Br. dr., 2; Collier's Dodsley, 7; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 11. Alchymist, Bell, 1797, 1 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; Keltic, 1870; Thayer, 1890. Alexander and Campaspe. ISee Campaspe. Alexander the Great. Inchbald, Br. th., 6; Lond. th., 1; Oxberry,3; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. All fools. Dodsley, 1780, 4; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2; Collier's Dodsley, 4. All for love. Best Eng. plays, 3; New Eug. th., 8; Bell, 1797, 16; Inchbald, Br. th., 6; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1; London th., 1; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. All in the wrong. Bell, 1797, 12; Inchbald, Br. th., 15; London th., 1; Oxberry, 20 ; London stage, 2. All mistaken. Dodsley, 1744, 12 ; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 15. All the world's a stage. Bell's suppl., 4; Inchbald, Farces, 4; Loudon stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 2; Farces, 1792, 4. Alzira. Bell, 1797, 7; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Ambitious statesman. Maidment and L., Crowne, 3. Ambitious step-mother. Bell, 1797, 25. Amends for ladies. White, Old Eug. dr., 2; Five old plays, (Collier's); Haz- litt's Dodsley, 11. Amintas. Farces, 1792, 6. -Amphitryon. Best Eng. plays, 4; New Eng. th., 9; Bell, 1797, 21. Anatomist. Bell's suppl., 1 ; Farces, 1792, 1. Andromana. Dodsley, 1744, 11; Dodsley, 1780, 11; Scott, Auc. Br. dr., 3; Haz- litt's Dodsley, 14. Andronicus Comnenius. Maidment and L., Wilson. Animal magnetism. Loudon stage, 4. Antiquary. Dodsley, 1744, 7; Dodsley, 1780, 10; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 3; Collier's Dodsley, 10; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 13; Maidment and L., Marmion. Antonio and Mellida. Dilke, Old Eng. plays, 2; Keltic, 1870. Antonio's revenge. Keltic, 1870. Antony and Cleopatra. Inchbald, Br. th., 4. Appearance is against them. London stage, 4. * The final number denotes the vol. of the collection. ^PBe * English Drama.— A Working Basis. 9 Appiusand Virgiuia. Dilke, Old Eng.pl., 5; Collier's Dodsley, 12; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 4. Apprentice. Bell's suppl., 1; Inchbald, Farces, 3; Scott, Mod. Br., dr., 5; London th., 1; London stage, 4; Brit, dr., 1853, 1; Farces, 1792, 1. Arden of Feversham. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Artaxerxes. Oxberry, 22. As you like it. Inchbald, Br. th., 3; Oxberry, 7. Aurenge-zebe. Best Eng. plays, 3. Author. Bell's suppl., 3; Inchbald, Farces, 7; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Farces, . 1792, 3. Ball. Old Eng. dr., 1. Bank note. Inchbald, Mod. th., 9. Barbarossa. New Eng. th., 8; Bell, 1797, 26; Inchbald, Br. th., 15; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London stage, 2; British dr., 1853, 1. Barnaby Brittle. Farces, 1792, 5. Bashful man. London stage, 4. Battle of Hastings. Bell, 1797, 0. Battle of Hexham. Inchbald, Br. th., 20. Beaux' stratagem. Best Eng. plays, 10; New Eng. th., 5; Bell, 1797, 10; Inch- bald, Br. th.,8; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 1; Oxberry, 7; London stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Beggar's opera. Bell, 1797, 11; Inchbald, Br. th., 12; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., 1; Oxberry, 2; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Belles' stratagem. Inchbald, Br. th., 19; London th., 1; Oxberry, 6; London stage, 2; Br. dr., 1853,1. Iphegor. Maidment and L., Wilson. Bertram. Oxberry, 22. Bethsabe. Keltic, 1870. Better late than never. London stage, 3. Bird in a cage. Dodsley, 1744, 9; Dodsley, 1780, 8; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1. Birth-day. Inchbald, Farces, 2. Birth of Merlin. Doubtful plays. Tauchnitz. Blind boy. Inchbald, Farces, 1. Blue beard. Oxberry, 21. Blue devils. Oxberry, 15. Blurt, master constable. Chetwood. Boadicea. Bell, 1797, 2; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Boarding school. Farces, 1792, 5. Bold stroke for a husband. Inchbald, Br. th., 19; London stage, 3. Bold stroke for a wife. New Eng. th., 1; Bell, 1797, 12; Inchbald, Br. th., 11; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th.,2; Oxberry, 7; London stage, 1; Brit. dr., 1853, 1. Bondman. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1. Bon ton; or high life above stairs. Bell's suppl., 4; Inchbald, Farces, 5; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 6 : Oxberry, 15 ; London stage, 3 ; Brit, dr., 1853, 1 ; Farces, 1792, 4. Bonduca. Bell, 1797, 33; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1. Box lobby challenge. Inchbald, Mod. th., 5. Braganza. London stage, 4; Inchbald, Mod. th.,G. Bride. Bullen, n. s., 2. Britannia triumphans. Maidment and L., Davenant, 2. liroken heart. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1 ; White, Old Eng. dr., 2. 10 English Drama.— A Working Basu. Brothers. Keltie, 1870. By Shirley. Brothers. By Young. Boll, 1797, 30; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Brothers. New. Eng. th., 12 (?); Bell, 1797,12, (Cumberland); Inchbald, Br. th., 18, (Cumberland); Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4, (Cumberland); Lond. th., 1; Loudon stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853,2. Bucks have at ye all. Bell's suppl., 4; Farces, 1792, 4. Busiris. Bell, 1797, 29. Bussy d'Ambois. Dilke, Old Kng. pi., 3. Busy body. New Eng. th., 1; Bell, 1797, KJ: Inchbald, Br. th., 11; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 2; Oxberry, G; London stage, 2. Caligula. Maidment and L., Crowue, 4. Calisto. Maidment and L., Crowne, 1. ■ Calisto and Meliboea. riazlitt's Dodsley, 1. Cambises. Hawkins, 1; Uazlitt's Dodsley, 4. Campaspe. Dodsley, 1744, 2; Dodsley, 1780, 2; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1; Collier's. Dodsley, 2; Keltie, 1S70. Candlemas day. Hawkins, L Captain. (Heywood). Bullen, 1882, 4. Captain O'Blunder. Bell's suppl., 3; Farces, 1792, 3. Captain T. Stukely. Simpson's School, 1. Captain Underwit. Bullen, 1882, 2. Caractacus. Bell, 1797, 31 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Careless husband. Best. Eng. plays, 9; New Eng. th., 7: Bell, 1797, 8; Inch- bald, Br. th., 9; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853,2. f Carmelite. Bell, 1797, IG; London stage, 4; Inchbald, Mod. th., 5. ( ^ Castle of Andalusia. Inchbald, Br. th., 22. '' Castle of Sorrento. London stage, 4. '^Castle spectre. Oxberry, 4; London stage, 1. Cato. New Eng. th., 10; Bell, 1797, 3; Inchbald, Br. th., 8; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1; London th., 3; Oxljerry, 17; London stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Challenge for beauty. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., G. Chances. Best Eng. plays, G; New Eng. th., 11; Bell, 1797, 11; Inchbald, Br. th., G; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London stage, 4; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Changeling. Dilke, Old Eng. plays, 4. Chaplet. Bell's suppl., 1 ; Farces, 1792, 1. Chapter of accidents. Bell, 1797, 34; London th., 2; Oxberry, 18; London stage, 2; Inchbald, Mod. th.,9. Charles I. Bell, 1797, 19; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Charles VIII. of France. Maidment and L., Crowne, 1. Cheats. Maidment and L., Wilson. Cheats of Scapin. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London stage, 4. Chiehevache and Bycome. Collier's Dodsley, 12. Child of nature. Inchbald, Farces, 1 ; London stage, 2. Choleric man. Bell, 1797, 4. Chrononhotonthologos. Bell's suppl., 2; Farces, 1792,2; Loudon stage, 3; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5. Citizen. Bell's suppl., 3; Inchbald, Farces, 4; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., 2; Oxberry, 11; London stage, 1; Farces, 1792,3. City madam. Dodsley, 1744,8. City match. Dodsley, 1744, 10; Dodsley, 1780, 9; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2; Col- lier's Dodsley, 9; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 13. City nightcap. Dodsley, 1744,9; Dodsley, 1780, 11; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 3; Collier's Dodsley, 11; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 13; Bullen, n. s., 3. EiKjUsh Dravia.—A Wnrkimj Basis. JI City politicks. Maidment and L., Growue, 2. City wives' confederacy. Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Clandestine marriaj^e. Bell, 1797, 14; Inchbahl, Br. th., 16; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 2; Oxherry, 5; London staj?e, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Cleone. Bell, 1797, 5; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Cleouice. Bell, 1797,24. Comedy of errors. Inchbald, Br. th., 1. Commissary. Bell's suppl., 4; ScoLt, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Farces, 1792, 4. Committee. New En^^ th., 5; Bell, 1797, 20; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3. (omns. Bell, 1797, 1; Bell's suppl.,4, (Coleman's) ; Inchbald, Farces, 7, (Cole- man's); Scott, 3Iod. Br. dr., 5, (Coleman's); Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2, (Milton's); London th., 2, (Coleman's); London stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853,2; Farces, 1792,4. ( onlederacy. New Eng. th., 11; Bell, 1797, 22; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London th., 2; Oxberry, 12; London stage, 3. Conllict of conscience. Hazlitt's Dodsley, H. Conscious lovers. New Eng. th., 1; Bell, 1797, 13; Inchbald, Br. th., 12; Scott, 3Iod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 2; London stage, 2. Constant couple. Best Eng. plays, 10; New Eng. th., 9; Bell, 1797, 16; Inchbald, Br. th., 8; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 3; London stage, 2. Contention betw. lil^erality and prodigality. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 8. Contrivances. Bell's snppl., 4; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London stage, 4 ; Farces, 1792, 4. ( ooper. Farces, 1792, 6. Coriolanus. Inchbald, Br. th.,5; Oxberry, 8. Cornelia. Dodsley, 1744, 11; Dodsley, 1780, 2; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 5. ( ostlie whore. Bullen, 1882, 4. Count of Narbonne. Inchbald, Br. th., 20; London th., 3; London stage, 3. Countess of Salisbury. Bell, 1797, 18; Inchbald, Br. th., 16; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Country girl. Bell, 1797, 13; Inchbald, Br. th., 16; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London th., 3; Oxberry, 8; London stage, 1 ; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. ( ounti-y lasses. Bell, 1797, 9. < ountry wife. New Eng. th., 11. ( ountry wit. Maidnient and L., Crowne, 3. Covent garden. Bullen, n. s., 1. -Creusa. Bell, 1797, 34. Critic. Inchbald, Farces, 3; Scotty'Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., 3; Oxberry, 9; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Cross purposes. London stage, 2; Farces, 1792, 6. ( rowne for a conquerour. Bullen, n. s., 3. < ruel l)rother. Maidment and L., Davenant, 1. Cunning man. Bell's suppl., 2; Farces, 1792, 2. ( ure for the heart. Inchbald, Br. th., 25. < urf ew. London stage, 4. < ymbeliue. Inchbald, Br. th., 4; Oxl)erry, 12. < ymon. Bell, 1797, 23; Bell's suppl., 3; London th.,3; London stage, 3; Farces, 1792, 3. ( yrus. Bell, 1797, 24. Damon and Phillida. Farces, 1792, 5. Damon and Pithias. Dodsley, 1744, 1; Dodsley, 1780, 1; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley, 1; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 4. Daphne and Amintor. Farces, 1792, 5. 12 English Drama.— A Working Basis. Darius. Maidment and L., Crowne, 3. David and Bethsabe. Hawkins, 2. De Montfort. Inchbald, Br. th., 24. Deaf and dumb. Oxberry, 6; London stage, 1. Deaf lover. London stage, 3. Death of Robert, Earl of Huntington. Five old plays, (Collier) ; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 8. Delinquent. Inchbald, Mod. th., 2. Desert Island. Farces, 1792, 5. Deserted daughter. Inchbald, Br. th., 24; London stage, 3. Deserter. Bell's suppl., 4; Inchbald, Farces, 2; Oxberry, 11; London stage, 1 ; Farces, 1792, 4. Destruction of Jerusalem, Parts 1 and 2. Maidment and L., Crowne, 2. Deuce is in him. Bell's suppl., 1; Inchbald, Farces, 6; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 1; Farces, 1792, 1. Devil to pay. Bell's suppl., 2; Inchbald, Farces, 5; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Lon- don th., 3; Oxberry, 21; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853,1; Farces, 1792, 2. Devil upon two sticks. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5. Dick of Devonshire. BuUen, 1882, 2. Dido, queen of Carthage. Old Eng. dr., 2. Discovery. Bell, 1797, 5. Disobedient child. Hazlitt's "Dodsley, 2. Distracted emperor. Bullen, 1882, 3. Distracted state. Maidment and L., Tatham. Distresses. Maidment and L., Davenant, 4. Distrest mother. New Eng. th.,6; Bell, 1797, 6; Inchbald, Br. th., 7; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1; London th., 4; Oxberry, 5; London stage, 4; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Doctor and the apothecary. Inchbald, Farces, 6; London stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Doctor Faustus. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., 1 ; White, Old Eng. dr., 4. {See also Faustus). Dr. Last in his chariot. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Farces, 1792, 5. Don Sebastian. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1. Double dealer. Best Eng. plays, 7; New Eng. th., 9; Bell, 1797, 28; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London th., 3; London stage, 4. Double gallant. New Eng. th., 9; Bell, 1797, 10; London th., 3. Douglas. New Eng. th., 10; Bell, 1797, 3; Inchbald, Br. th., 16; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London th., 4; Oxberry, 12; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Downfall of the Earl of Huntington. Five old plays, (Collier's) ; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 8. Dragon of Wantley. London stage, 2 ; Farces, 1792, 5. Dramatist. Inchbald, Br. th., 20. Drummer. New Eng. th., 7; Bell, 1797, 22; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; Br. dr., 1853, 2. Duchess of Malfi. Keltic, 1870 ; Thayer, 1890. Duenna. Inchbald, Br. th., 19; Oxberry, 2; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Duke and no duke. Farces, 1792, 5. Duke of Milan. London th., 4; London stage, 2, Keltic, 1870. Dumb knight. Dodsley, 1744, 6; Dodsley, 1780, 4; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2; Col- lier's Dodsley, 4; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 10. Dumb lady. Maidment and L., Lacy. I English Drama.— A Working Basis. 13 Duplicity. London stage, 4; Inchhuld, Mod. th., 4. Karl of Essex. New Eng. th., 8 ; Bell, 1797, ; Inchbald, Br. th., 22 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London th., 4; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Karl of Warwick. Bell, 1797, 17; Inchbald, Br. th., 19; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London th., 4; London stage, 3. Eastward hoe. Dodsley, 1744, 4; Dodsley, 1780, 4; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2; Col- lier's Dodsley, 4. Edgar and Emmeliue. Bell's suppl., 4; Inchbald, Farces, 6; Farces, 1792, 4. Edward and Eleonora. Bell, 1797, 32. Edward I. Collier's Dodsley, 11 ; White, Old Eng. dr., 4. Edward II. Dodsley, 1744, 2; Dodsley, 1780, 2; Scott, An. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley, 2; Keltic, 1870. • Edward HI. Doubtful plays. Tauchnitz. Edward lY. Heywood. Sh. soc, '42. Edward the Black Prince. Bell, 1797,9; Inchbald, Br. th., 14; London th., 4; London stage, 4. Elfrida. Bell, 1797, 34; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Ella Rosenburg. Inchbald, Farces, 1. Elvira. Dodsley, 1744, 12 ; Dodsley, 1780, 12; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 3; Collier's Dodsley, 12; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 15. Endymion ; or the Man in the moon. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., 2. England preserved. Inchbald, Mod. th., 8. English friar. Maidment and L., Crovvne,4. English merchant. Inchbald, Mod. th., 9. English traveller. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., 6. Englishman in Paris. Bell's suppl., 3; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Farces, 1792, 3. Englishman returned from Paris. Bell's suppl., 3 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5 ; Farces, 1792, 3. Englishmen for my money. White, Old Eng. dr., 1; HazHtt's Dodsley, 10. Entertainment at Rutland house. Maidment and L., Davenant, 3. Ephesian matron. Farce's, 1792, 6. Eurydice. Bell, 1797, 26. Evadne. Oxberry, 14. ~^ Everie woman in her humor. Bullen, 1882, 4. Everyman. Hawkins, 1: Hazlitt's Dodsley, 1. • Everyman in his humour. New Eng. th., 5; Bell, 1797, 4; Inchbald, Br. th., 5; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London th., 4; Oxberry, 16; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 2; Keltic, 18>70. Every one has his fault. Inchbald, Br. th., 23; Oxberry, 16; Loudon stage, 2. Fair Apostate. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Fair Em. Chetvvood; Simpson's school, 2. Fair favorite. 3Iaidment and L., Davenant, 4. Fair penitent. New Eng. th., 2; Bell, 1797, 3; Inchbald, Br. th.j 10; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1; London th., 5; Oxberry, 21; London stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Fair quaker of Deal. Bell, 1797, 14. Fall of man. jSee State of innocence. False delicacy. Bell, 1797, 30. False impressions. London stage, 4; Inchbald, Mod. th., 5. False one. Scott, Mod. Br., dr. 1. Falsta^s wedding. Bell, 1797, 31 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4. .JTarm house. Inchbald, Farces, 6; London stage, 2. ■ ""riVBRSITT' r«i«i9 14 English Drama.— A Workinfj Basis. Farmer. Inchbakl, Farces, 2. Farmer's wife. London th., 5; London stage, 4. Fashional)le levities. Incbbald, Mod. th., 10. Fashionable lover. Bell, 1797, 18; Loudon th., 4; London stage, 2. Fatal Curiosity. Bell, 1797, 23; Incbbald, Br. th., 11; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London stage, 3; Br. dr., 1853, 1. Fatal dowry. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1. Faustus. (Marlowe). Keltic, 1870. Ferrex and Porrex. DodsJey, 1744, 2; Hawkins, 2; Dodsley, 1780, 1; Scott, Auc. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley, 1. Fine Companion. Maidment and L., Marmion. First floor. Inchbald, Farces, 6; London stage, 3; Br. dr., 1853, 2. First love. Inchbald, Br. th'., 18; London stage, 3. Flora; or Hob in the well. Bell's suppl., 4; Inchbald, Farces, 5; Farces, 1792, 4. Florizel and Perdita. Bell's suppl., 1; Farces, 1792, 1. Follies of a day. Oxberry, 13; London stage, 2. Folly as it flies. Inchbald, Mod. th., 2. Fountainbleau. Inchbald, Br. th., 22. Fortune's fool. Inchbald, Mod. th., 2. Fortune's frolic. London th.,5; Oxberry, 13; London stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Foundling. Bell, 1797, 11; Inchbald, Br. th., 14; Loudon stage, 8. FourP's. Dodsley, 1744, 1 ; Dodsley, 1780, 1 ; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley,!; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 1. Four prentises of London. Dodsley, 1780, 6 ; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 3; Collier's Dodsley, 6. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. Collier's Dodsley, 8; Keltic, 1870. Fugitive. Inchbald, 3Iod. th., 8. Fuimus Troes. Dodsley, 1744, 3; Dodsley, 1780, 7; Collier's Dodsley, 7. Funeral. Best Eng. plays, 10; New Eng. th., 7; Bell, 1797, 27; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4. Gamester. Dodsley, 1744, 9; New Eug. th., 4; Dodsley, 1780, 9; Bell, 1797, 10; Inchbald, Br. th., 14, (Moore) ; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2, (Shirley) ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2, (Moore) ; London th., 5, (Moore) ; Oxberry, 18, (Moore) ; London stage, 1 ; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Gamesters. Bell, 1797,6. Gammer Gurton's needle. Dodsley, 1744, 1; Hawkins, 1; Dodsley, 1780, 2; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley, 2; White, Old Eng. dr., 1; Haz- litt's Dodsley, 3. Gentle shepherd. Bell, 1797, 25. George a Green. Dodsley, 1744, 1; Dodsley, 1780, 3; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley, 3. George Barnwell. New Eng. th., 6; Bell, 1797, 14; Inchlnild, Br. th., 11 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; Oxberry, 17; London stage, 2; Br. dr., 1853, 1. Ghost, fr. Mrs. Centlivre's • Man bewitched.' Farces, 1792, G. Giovanni in London. London stage, 3. Goblins. Dodsley, 1744, 7; Dodsley, 1780, 10; Collier's Dodsley, 10. God's promises. Dodsley, 1744, 1 ; Dodsley, 1780, 1; Collier's Dodsley, 1; Haz- litt's Dodsley, 1. Golden pippin. Bell's suppl., 3; Farces, 1792, 3. Good-natured man. Bell, 1797, 17; Inchbald, Br. th., 17; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 5; Loudon stage, 2. Gorboduc. &'ee Ferrex and Porrex. English Drama.— A Working Basis. 16 Great mogul. ISee Aurenge-zehe. Grecian daughter. New Eng. tb., 12; Bell, 1797, 4; Inchhald, Br. tb., 15; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London th., 5; Oxberry, 14; London stage, 3; Br. dr., 1H53, 1. Green's Tu quoque. Dodsley, 1744, 3; Dodsley, 1780,7; Scott, Auc. Br. dr., 2; ^ Collier's Dodsley, 7; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 11. Grim, the collier of Croydon. Gratiae th., Dodsley, 1744, 5; Dodsley, 1780,11; Scott, Auc. lir. dr., 3; Colliers Dodsley, 11; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 8. Guardian. Dodsley, 1744, 8; Bell's suppl., 1; Inchbald, Farces, 4; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., 5; Loudon stage, 3; Br. dr., 1853, 1; Farces, 1792, 1. Gustavus Vasa. Bell, 1797, 32; Inchlrald, Br. th., 7; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Guy Mannering, Oxberry, 12. Hamlet. Best Eng. plays, 1; Inchbald, Br. th., 1; Oxberry, 3. Hanuil)al and Scipio. Bullen, n. s., 1. Hartford bridge. Inchbald, Farces, 3. Haunted tower. Loudon stage, 2. He's much to blame. London stage, 4; Inchbald, Mod. th., 4. He would be a soldier. London stage, 3; Br. dr., 1853, 2; Inchbald, Mod. th., 8. He would if he could. Farces, 1792, 5. Heir. Dodsley, 1744, 7; Dodsley, 1780, 8; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley, 8; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 11. Heir at law. Inchbald, Br. th., 21. Heiress. Inchbald, Br. th., 22; London stage, 3. Henry II. Bell, 1797, 28; Inchbald, Mod. th., 9. Henry IV. Pt. 1. Best Eng. plays, 2; Inchbald, Br. th., 2; Oxberry, 14. Henry IV. Part 2. Inchbald, Br. th., 2. Henry V. Six old plays, 2; Inchbald, Br. th., 2; Oxberry, 18. Henry VIII. Inchl>ald, Br. th., 3; Oxberry, 19. Hero and Leander. London stage, 3; Br. dr., 1853, 1. Hickscorner. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 1. {See Hycke-scorner) . High life below stairs. Bell's suppl., 1 : Inchbald, Farces, 5 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th.,(); Oxberry, 15; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 2; Farces, 1792, 1. Highland reel. Inchbald, Farces, 2. Histrio-mastix. Simpson's school, 2. Hit or miss. London th., 6. Hog hath'lost its pearl. Dodsley, 1744, 3; Dodsley, 1780, 6; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 3; Collier's Dodsley, 6; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 11. Holland's leaguer. Maidment and L., Marmion. Honest thieves. Oxberry, 9; London stage, 1. Honest whore. Dodsley, 1744, 3; Dodsley, 1780, 3; Scott, Auc. Br. dr., 1; Col- lier's Dodsley, 3. Honey moon. Inchbald, Br. th., 25. Horace, Prologue to. Maidment and L., Crowne, 1. How a man may choose a good wife fr. a bad. Old Eng. dr., 1; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 9. How to grow rich. Inchbald, Mod. th., 1. Hycke-scorner. Hawkins,!. (/S'e*? Hickscorner). Hypocrite. Bell, 1797, 21 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 5; Oxberrj', 1; I^ondon stage, 1 ; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. 16 English Drama,— A Working Basis. I'll tell you what. luchbakl, Mod. th., 7. Imposters. luchbakl, Mod. th., 6. lucoustaut. New Eng. th., 9; Bell, 1797,32; luchbakl, Br. th., 8; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; Londou th.,6; Oxberry,10; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Indian emperor. Best Eng. plays, 4. Inkle and Yariko. luchbakl, Br. th., 20; Br. dr., 1853, 2. Interlude of youth. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 2. Interludes of the four elements. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 1. Intriguing chambermaid. Bell's suppi.,3; 8cott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Brit, dr., 1853, 2 ; Farces, 1792, 3. Irene. Bell, 1797, 25; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Irish widow. luchbakl. Farces, 5; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., G; Lon- don stage, 3; Br. dr., 1853, 1 ; Far. Medea. New Eng. th., 12; Bell, 1797, «. Menaecmi. Six old plays, 1. P. 1JX\ V^j-^-^^ AhfvJ^ Einjlish DnniK/.- A WartiUHj Ihisin. \\) Merchiiut of Bruge?-. London th., 7; London ^tiige, L 31erfhjint of Venic-e. Inchbald, IJr. th., 2; Oxlierry, 10. Merope. New Eng. th., 4; Hell, 17!>7, "i;). Merry devil of Edmonton. Dodsley, 1744, 11; Dodrsley, 1780, .">; Scott, Anc. lir. dr., 2; Collier's Dodsley, 5; Hazlitt's Dodisley, 10. Merry wives of Windsor. Best Eng. plays, 2; Inchbald, Br. th., 3; Oxberry, 8. Microcosmus. Dodsley, 1744,5; Dodsley, 1780, 9; Scott, Ane. Br. dr., 2; Col- lier's Dodsley, t); Bnllon, n. s., 2. Midas. BelTs suppl., 2; Inchhald, Farces, 7; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Dilke, Old Eng. pi., 1; London th., S; Oxberry, 15; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1S53, 1 ; Farces, 1702, 2. Midnight hour. Inchbald, Farces, 1; Oxberry, 18; London stage, 1. Miller of Manstield. BelPs suppl., 8; Tnchbald, Farces, 7; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London stage, 4; Farces, 1792, 3. Minor. Xew Eng. th., 11; Bell, 1797, 2; Inchbald, Farces, 5; Scott, Mod. l?r. dr., 5; Farces, 1792, 5. Miser. New Eng. th., 1 ; Bell, 1797, 11 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th.,S; Oxberry, 11; London stage, 1. Miseries of inforst marriage. Dodsley, 1780, 5; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2; Collier's Dodsley, 5; llazlitt's Dodsley, 9. Misfortunes of Arthur. Five old plays, (Collier); Hazlitt's Dodsley, 4. Miss in her teens. Bell's suppl., 1 ; Inchbald, Farces, 4; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5: Loudon th., 8; London stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1858, 2; Farces, 1792, 1. Mistake. Bell, 1797, 2o; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3. Mock doctor. Bell's suppl., 1; Inchliald, Farces, 5; Scott, Mod. Br. r, S; Hell, 1797, 28; Scott, Mod. Hr. dr., 3. Platonic lovers. Maidment and I.., Davenant, 2. Play house to be let. Maidment and L., Davenjint, 4. Point of honour. Inchhald, Br. th., 24. Polly Iloneycomho. BelTs suppl., 3; London th., 5); London stage, 2; Farces, 1792,3. Poor gentleman. Inchbald, Br. th., 21. Poor soldier. Inchbald, Farces, 2. Prince d' Amour. Maidment and L., Davenant, 1. Prisoner at large. Inchbald, Farces, 2. Prodigal Son. Simpson's School, 2. Projectors. Maidment and L., Wilson. Promos and Cassandra. Six old plays, 1. l^rovoked husband. New Eng. th., 7; Bell, 1797, IS; Inchbald, Br. th., 9; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London th.,9; Oxberry, 5; London stage, 2; Br. dr., 1853, 2. Provoked wife. Best Eiig. plays, 9; New Eng. th., 3; Bell, 1797, 27; Inchbald, Br. th., 9; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Puritan. Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1. Purse. London stage, 4. Quaker. Inchbald, Farces, 4; London th., 9; Oxberry, 11; London stage,!; Br. dr., 1853,1. Queen of Arragon. Dodsley, 1744,10; Dodsley, 1780, 9: Collier's Dodsley, 9; Ilazlitt's Dodsley, 13. Rage. Inchbald, Mod. th., 1. Raising the wind. Inchbald, Farces, 1. Ralph Royster Doyster. White, Old Eng. tlr., 1; Ilazlitt's Dodsley, 3. Ram alley ; or Merry tricks. Dodsley, 1780, 5 ; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2; Collier's Dodsley, 5 ; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 10. Ramah Droog. Inchbald, Mod. th., (5. Rape of Lucrece. Old Eng. dr., 1. Rare triumphs of love and fortune. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 6. Rebellion. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 14. Recruiting officer. Best Eng. plays, 10 ; New Eng. th., 3 ; Bell, 1797, 13 ; Inchbald , Br. th., 8; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 10; Oxberry, (>; London stage; Br. dr., 1853,2. Recruiting sergeant. London th., 10; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 1; Farces, 1792, 6. Refusal. Bell, 1797, 2; London th.,9. Register-office. Bell's suppl., 3; Inchbald, Farces, 3; London stage, 4; Farces, 1792, 3. Regulus. Maidment and L., Crowne, 4. Rehearsal. Best. Eng. plays, G; Bell, 1797, 29; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; Farces 1792, 6. Relapse. Bell, 1797,26. Reprisal. Bell's suppl., 2 ; Farces, 1792, 2. Return fr. Parnassus. Hawkins, 3; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1; Ilazlitt's Dodsley, 9. Revenge. (Young.) Inchbald, Br. th., 12; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London th., 9; London stage, 1; Br. dr., 1853, 1. 22 Enylish Dnnna.—A Worki/iu/ Basis. lleveuge, or Match iu Newgate. Dodsley, 1744, 12 ; New Eng. th., 2 ; Bell, 1797, N. Revenger'8 tragedy. Dodsley, 1744,4; Docl.sley, 17S0, 4; .Scott, Anc Br. dr., 2; Collier's Dodsley, 4; Ilazlitt's Dodisley, 10. Review. Oxberry, 13. Rich and poor. Oxberry, 19. Richard Coeiir de Lion. Inchbald, Farce.s, G; London th., 10; Loudon stjige, o. Richard IIL (King). Inchbald, Br. th., 1; Oxberry, 3. Rival candidates. Bell's suppl., 4; Farces, 1792, 4. Rivals. Inchbald, Br. th., 19; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th.,9; Oxberry. 1; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Rivals. Maidment and L., Daveuant, 5. Rival queens. New Eug. th., 4; Bell, 1797, 1; Scott, Mod. Br. dr.,1. Road to ruin. Inchbald, Br. th., 24; Oxberry, 7; London stage, 1. Roaring girl, or Moll Cut-purse. Dodsley, 1780, 0; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2; Col- lier's Dodsley, 6. Rob Roy. Oxberry, 10. Roland for an Oliver. Oxberry, 22. Roman father. NevvEng. th.,'l2; Bell, 1797, 3; Inchbald, Br. th., 14; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; Loudon th., 9; London stage, 3: Brit, dr., 18')3, 2. Romance of an hour. Farces, 1792, 5. Romeo and Juliet. Inchbald, Br. th., 1 ; Oxberry, (i. Romp. London stage, 4; Farces, 1792, 6. Rosina. Inchbald, Farces, 3; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., 9: Oxberry. 9 ; London stage, 2. Royal convert. Bell, 1797, 27. Royal king and loyal subject. Dilke, Old Eug. pi., 6. Rugautino. Oxberry, 9. Rule a wife and have a wife. New Eng. th., 3; Bell, 1797, S: Inchbald, lir. th., 6; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London th., 10; Oxberry, 10; London stage. 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Rump. Maidment and L., Tatham ; (also, Character of the Rump). St. Patrick for Ireland. Chetwood. Salmacida Spolia. Chetwood; Maidment and L., Davenant, 2. ^Samson Agonistes. Bell, 1797, 34. Satiro-mastix. Hawkins, 3. Sauny the Scot. Maidment and L., Lacy. Scape-goat. London stage, 4. School for arrogance. London stage, 4 ; Inchbald, Mod. tb., 4. School for authors. Inchbald, Farces, 7. School for guardians. Bell, 1797, 33. School for lovers. Bell, 1797, 7. School for prejudice. Inchbald, Mod. th., 4. School for rakes. Bell, 1797, 30. School for scandal. London stage, 4; Brit, dr., 1853,2. School for wives. Bell, 1797, 7; London stage, 4; Inchbald, :Mod. Ih. School of reform. Inchbald, Br. th., 25. Scotch figgaries. Maidment and L., Tatham. Second maiden's tragedy. Old Eng. dr., 1; Ilazlitt's Dodsley. 10. Secrets worth knowing. Inchbald, Mod. th., 3. Seduction. London stage, 4; Inchbald, Mod. th., 4. Seven champions of Christendom. White, Old Eug. dr., 3. English Drama.— xi Working Bdsis. 23 She stoops to coiKiiuT. Bell, 1797, 9; Inehbakl, Br. th., 17; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 10; Ox berry, 4; London stage, 1. She wouM and slie wou'd not. Hell, 1797, 5; Inchbald, Br. th., 9; Scott, Mod. Br. dr.,o; London th., 10; London stage, 3. She wou'd if she cou'd. Best Eng. plays, (J. Shepherd's holiday. Dodsley, 1744, 7; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 12. Shipwreck. Oxberry, 9. Shoemaker's holiday. Fitzgil)bon, 1889. Siege. Maidment and L., Davenant, 4. Siege of Belgrade. London stage, 4. Siege of Damascus. New Eng. th., 10; Bell, 1797, 12; Inchbald, Br. th., 10; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1; London th., 10; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Siege of Rhodes. Maidment and L., Davenant, 3. Silent woman. White, Old En^. dr., 3; Keltie, 1870; Fitzgibbon, 1889. Sir Courtly Nice. Maidment and L., Crowue, 3. Sir Gyles Goosecappe. Bullen, 1882, 3. Sir Harry Wildair. Bell, 1797, 31 ; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4. Sir Hercules IJuttbon. Maidment and L., Lacy. Sir John Cockle at court. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., o. Sir John Oldcastle. Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1. Sir John Van Olden. Barnwell ; Bullen, 1882, 2. Soldier's daughter. Oxberry, 5; London stage, 1. Soliman and Perseda. Hawkins, 2; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 5. Spanish fryar. Best Eug. plays, 3; New Eng. th., 3; Bell, 1797, 2; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3. Spanish gipsy. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., 4. Spanish tragedy. Dodsley, 1744, 2; Hawkins, 2; Dodsley, 1780, 3; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley, 3; Hazlitts' Dodsley, 5. Speculation. Inchbald, Mod. th., 2. Speed the plough. Inchl)ald, Br. th., 25. Spirit of contradiction. Bell's suppl., 4; Farces, 1792,4. Spoiled child. Oxberry, 15; London stage, 4. Spring's glory. Bullen, n. s., 2. "" State of innocence. Best Eng. plays, 4. Stranger. Inchbald, Br. th., 24; London stage, 3. Such things are. Inchbald, Br. th., 23; London stage, 1. Sultan. Bell's suppl., 1; Inchbald, Farces, 3; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., 10; London stage, 3; Farces, 1792, 1. Summer's last will and testament. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 8. Supposes. Hawkins, 3. Surrender of Calais. Inchbald, Br. th., 20. Suspicious husband. New Eug. th., 1 ; Bell, 1797, 4; Inchbald, Br. th., 13; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 10; Oxberry, 8; London stage, 2; Br. dr., 1853, 1. Sylvester Daggerwood. Oxberry, 21. Tailors. London stage, 4. Tale of mystery. London stage, 2. Tamerlane. New Eng. th.,G; Bell, 1797,22; Inchbald, Br. th., 10; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1; London th., 11; Oxberry, 20; Loudon stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. ' ^^^Ot TOM ^^ ^^ {uiri7BIlSIT7] 24 English Drama.— A Working Basis. Taming of u shrew. Six old play8, 1. Tancretl aud Gismunda. Dodsley, 1744, 11 ; Dodsley, 1780, 2; Collier's Dodsley, 2; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 7. Taucred and Sigismimde. New Eug. th., 2; Bell, 1797, 14; Inchbald, Br. th.. 13; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; London th., 11; London stage, 4; Brit. dr.. 1853, 1. Taste. Bell's suppl., 1; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Farces, 1792, 1. Tempest. Best Eng. plays, 2; Inchbald, Br. th., 5; Oxberry, 17; Maidnieut and L., Daveuant, 5. Temple of love. Maidment and L., Davenaut, 1. Tender husband. Bell, 1797, 20; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; Lon. th., 11; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853,2. Theatrical candidates. Farces, 1792, G. Theodosius. Xevv Eng. th., 10; Bell, 1797, 10; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1. -Thersites. Child, Four old plays; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 1; Roxburghe clul). Thierry and Theodoret. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1. Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Doubtful plays of Sh. Tauchuitz. Thomas and Sally. Bell's suppl., 2; London stage, 4; Farces, 1792, 2. -Thracian wonder. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., G. Three ladies of Loudon. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 6. Three lords and ladies of London. Hazlitt's Dodsley, G. Three weeks after marriage. Bell's suppl., 4; Inchbald, Farces, 4; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., 11; Oxberry, 9; London stage, 1: Br. dr., 1853, 1; Farces, 1792, 4. Thyestes. Maidment and L., Crowne, 2. Timanthes. Bell, 1797, 34. Time's a tell-tale. Inchbald, Mod. th., 10. Timon of Athens. Best Eng. plays, 2. 'Tis a pity she's a whore. Dodsley, 1744, 5; Dodsley, 1780, 8; White, Old Eng. dr., 2. Tobacconist. London th., 11; Oxberry, 13; Loudon stage, 2. To marry or not to marry. Inchbald, Br. th., 23. Tom Thumb. Inchbald, Farces, G; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London stage, 2; Br. dr., 1853, 1. Too late to call back yesterday. Bullen, u. s., 3. Totenham court. Bullen, u. s., 1. Toyshop. Bell'ssuppl., 3; Farces, 1792,3. Traitor. Keltie, 1870. Trappolin. Maidment and L., Cokayne. Travellers. Oxberry, 17. Trial of treasure. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 3. Trick to catch the old one. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., 5; White, Old Eng. dr., 3. Trick you trick. Farces, 1792, 5. ^ Trip to Scotland. Farces, 1792, 6. Trip to Scarl)orough. London th., 11 ; Oxberry, 20; London stage, 2; Inchbald, Mod. th., 7. True Trojans. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 12. Tryall of chevalry. Bullen, 1882, 3. Turnpike gate. Inchbald, Farces, 3. Twelfth night. Inchbald, Br. th., 5; Oxberry, 12. Twenty per cent. London th., 11. Twin rivals. Bell, 1797, 32. 'Twins. Bell's suppl., 4; Farces, 1792,4. Two angry women of Abington. Hazlitt's Dodsley, 7. Enylish Drama.— A Workimj Basis. 25 Two gentlemen of Verona. Oxberry, 17. Two misers. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; London th., 11 ; London stage, 3. Two noble kinsmen. Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1 ; Fitzgibbon, 1889; Thayer, 1890. Two strings to your l)ovv. Inchbald, Farces, 2; London stage, 3. Unfortunate lovers. Maidment and L., Davenant, 3. Unfortunate mother. Bullen, n. s., 2. Unnatural combat. Dodsley, 1744, 8. Upholsterer. Bell's suppl., 1; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 5; Farces, 1792, Venice preserved. Best Eng. pi., 5; New Eng. th., 6; Bell, 1797, 15; Inch- bald, Br. th., 12; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 1; London th., 11; Oxberry, 4; London stage, 2. Village lawyer. London stage, 4. Virgin unmask'd. Bell's suppl., 2; Loudon th., 11; Farces, 1792, 2. Virgin-martyr. Keltie, 1870. Vision unmasked. London stage, 3. Volpone. Best Eng. plays, 4; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; White, Old Eng. dr., 1. Votary of wealth. London stage, 4; Inchbald, Mod. th., 3. AVallace. Oxberry, 18. Warning for faire women. Simpson's school, 2. Waterman. Inchbald, Farces, 7; London stage, 4; Farces, 1792, 6. Way of the world. Best Eng. pi., 7; New Eng. th., 5; Bell, 1797, 33; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 3; London th., 12; London stage, 4. Way to get married. Inchbald, Br. th., 25. Way to keep him. Bell, 1797, 17; Inchbald, Br. th., 15; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 12; Oxberry, 3; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Way to pay old debts. Dodsley, 1744, 8. Ways and means. Inchbald, Farces, 7; London stage, 3; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Wedding day. Inchbald, Farces, 1; Oxberry, 21 ; London stage, 2. Werter. Inchbald, Mod. th., 3. West Indian. Bell, 1797, 19; Inchbald, Br. th., 18; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; London th., 12 ; Oxberry, 1 ; London stage, 1 ; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. What d'ye call it? Farces, 1792, 5. What is she? Inchbald, Mod. th., 10. What next? London th., 12; London stage, 4. What you will. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., 2. Wheel of fortune. Inchbald, Br. th., 18 ; London stage, 1. Which is the man? London th., 12; London stage, 2; Inchbald, Mod. th., 10. White devil. Dodsley, 1744, 3; Dodsley, 1780,6; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 3; Col- lier's Dodsley, 6. Who's the dupe? Inchbald, Farces, 1; Oxberry, 11; London stage, 1; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Who wants a guina? Inchbald, Mod. th., 3. Widow. Dodsley, 1744, 6; Dodsley, 1780, 12; Collier's Dodsley, 12. Widow's tears. Dodsley, 1744, 4; Dodsley, 1780, (»; Collier's Dodsley, G. Wife of two husbands. Inchbald, Mod. th., 6. AVild oats. Inchbald, Br. th., 22. 'ill. Inchbald, Mod. th., 1. 26 English Drama.— xi Working Basis. Will Summer's last will and testament. Collier's Dodsley, 0. See also Snmmer*s last will, etc. Wily beguiled. Hawkins, 3; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 0. Winter's tale. Inehbald, Br. th., 3; Oxherry, 10. Wisdom of Dr. Dodypoll. lUillen, 1882, 3. Wise man of the east. Inehbald, Mod. th., T. Wits. Dodsley, 1780, 8; Scott, An. Br. dr., 1; Collier's Dodsley, 8; Maidment and L., Davenant,2. Wives as they were. Inchltald, Br. th., 23; Loudon stage, 2. Woman is a weathercock. White, Old Eng. dr., 2: Five old plays. (Collier's) ; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 11. Woman killed with kindness. Dodsley, 1744,4; Dodsley, 1780, 7; Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 2; Collier's Dodsley, 7; Iveltie, 1870. Women beware women. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., o; White, Old Eng. dr., 3. Wonder. New Eng. th., 11; Bell, 1797, 21; Inehbald, Br. th., 11; Seott, Mod. Br. dr., 4; Oxberry, 4; Loudon stage, 2; Brit, dr., 1853, 1. Wonder, a woman keeps a secret. London th., 12. AVonder of a kingdom. Dilke, Old Eng. pi., 3. Wood daemon. Oxberry, 19. Woodman. London stage, 4. Woodman's hut. Oxberry, 4. Word to the wise. Bell, 1797, 30. Worlde and the chylde. Collier's Dodsley, 12; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 1. AVounds of civil war. Collier's Dodsley, 8; Hazlitt's Dodsley, 7. Ximina. Bell, 1797, 15; Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Yarringtou's Two tragedies in one. Bullen, 1882, 4. Yorkshire tragedy. Scott, Anc. Br. dr., 1 ; Doubtful plays of Sh. Tauehnitz. Zara. New Eng. th., 10; Bell, 1797, 17; Inehbald, 'Br. th., 7; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2; Loudon th., 12; London stage, 4: Brit, dr., 1853, 2. Zeuobia. Bell, 1797, 33; Scott, Mod. Br. dr., 2. Zorinski, Inehbald, Mod. th., 3, ^^-jf5;::r^__ AUTHORS, PLAYS, AND REFERENCES. Pl^E-KLIZABKTHAN DRA3IA. DRAMATISTS. Auonyinous. Bale. Heywooi), John. Ly lid say. Medwall Red ford Skelton. Wever. XOTK.— The plan of arrangemeut is, in general, to group under an author's name, tirst, plays in chronological order; second, accessible publications contain- ing them; third, critical references. The second 8: 603; 1(577; 80: G40. Jonson, Ben. Fortunate Isles. Jusserand. Le Thi'fitre en Angleterre. (Ch. 3). Monday, Anthony. Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon. Quart. Rev. 1844; 73: 510. Retro. Rev. 1882; (5: 337. Wever, J{. Temp. Edward VI. *Lusty Juventus. t Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors. ELIZABETHAN DRAMA. DRAMATISTS. Anonymous. Barclay. Brandon. Chettle. Dkkkek. Drayton. Edwardes. Fulwell. -Oascoigne. Golding. Gosson. Greene. Hathway. Haughton. Heywood, Jasper. Hughes. Ingelend. Kempe. Kyd. Legge. Lylv. Lodge. Lupton. Marlowe. Marston. Monday. Xash. Seville, Alex. Newton. Norton. Nuce. Peele. Percy. Porter. Preston. Sackville. SHAKESPEARE. Sidney. Smith, Went worth. Still. Studley. Tarlton. Udall. Wager. Wapul. Whetstone. Wilmot. Wilson, Robt. (Senior). Wilson, Robt. (Junior). Woodes. ?Yarriugton. ody and Somebody. Pr. 1606. Probably Elizabethan. Gosse: Jacobean Poets. Orestes. Acted circ. 1568. Pelopidarum Secunda. MS. (ilarl. 5110). *Pilgriniasre to Parnassus, with the two parts of Return from Parnassus. 1597— 160L Oxford. Clar. Press. 1886. 8/6. ♦Rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune. Acted 1582. Pr. 1589. ♦Return from Parnassus. Acted 1602. Pr. 1606. (Arl)er Reprint). Richard' II. 1591? 11 copies pr. l)y Ilalliwell. (Eg. MS. 1994). True Tragedy of Richard, Duke of York. Circ. 1590. Hazlitt's Sh. Libr. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1844. Robin Conscience. Pr. 1573. True History of (xeorge Scanderbage. Acted 1600 V First Part of the Tragical Reign of Selimus. 1594. Swinburne. Study of Shakespeare, pp. 30, 31. Seven Deadly Sins. 2 pts. (Fleay identifies with the Five Plays in One and The Three Plays in One. 1585). Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes. Circ. 1570. Pr. in Bullen's Peele. *Sir John Oldcastle. 1600. Sir Thomas More. 1596. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1844. Ed. Dyce. *Spanish Moor's Tragedy. {See Lust's Dominion). Sylla Dictator. (Catiline). Acted 1588. Taming of a Shrew. 1594. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1841. *Tancred and Gisnuinda. Acted 1568. Pr. 1592. Tell Tale. MS. (Dulwich MSS.) *Three Ladies of London. By R. W. (Fleay conjectures^ Rob. Wilson). Pr. 1584. *Three Lords and Ladies of London. By R. W. Pr. 1590. Tom Tiler and his Wife. Pr. 1563. *Timon. 1601. Repr. Dyce. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1842. *Trial of Treasure. Pr. 1566. Percy Soc. 28. PJd. Halliwoll. ♦Troublesome Reign of King John. 2 pts. Pr. 1591. Hazlitt's Sh. Libr. *True Chronicle Hist, of King Leir and His Three Daughters. 1593. ♦Warning for Fair Women. Pr. 1599. -lusserand. Le Th6atre en Angle- terre. (Ch. 7). Weakest goeth to the Wall. S. R. 1600. Whimsies of Senor Hidalgo. MS. (Harl. 5152). ♦Wily Beguiled. Circ. 1597. Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Dr. ♦Wisdom of Doctor Doddypol. Pr. 1600. Wizzard. MS. (Brit. Mus. MSS. Addit. 10, 306). Barclay, (Sir) William. 1677. ♦The Lost Lady. Pr. 1638. I Brandon, Samuel. 16th Century Virtuous Octavia. 1598. Diet. Nat. Biog. Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Dr. Jusseraud. Le Theatre en Angleterre. (Ch. 6). 32 English Drama. — ^1 Workiny Basis. Chettle, Henry. 1562—1605/ Flays tor. by Chettle alone. Woman's Tragedy. July, 1598. 'Tis No Deceit to Deceive the Deceiver. Nov., 1598. Troy's Eevenge, with the Tragedy of Polyphemus. Feb., 1599. Sir Placidas. Apr., 1599. Damou and Pythias. Feb., Mar., Apr., 1600. Wooing of Death. May, 1600. All is not Gold that Glisters. Mar., Apr., 1601. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. June, July, Aug., 1601. Tobias. May, June, 1602. Danish Tragedy. July, 1602. Robin Goodfellow. Sept., 1602. (Forgery?) Tragedy of Hoffman. Dec, 1602. Jan., 1603. London Florentine, pt 2. Mar., 1603. (Of the above only Tragedy of Hoffman is extant). Wr. in collaboration. Second Part of Robin Hood. Feb., 1598. (With Monday). " A book w^herein is a part of a Welshman." Mar., 1598. (With Drayton). Famous Wars of Henry 1. Mar., 1598. (With Drayton and Dekker). Earl Goodwin and his Three Sons, pt. 1. Mar., 1598. (With Drayton, Dekker and Wilsou). Pierce of Exton. Apr., 1598. (AV^ith Drayton, Dekker and Wilson). Earl Goodwin and his Three Sous, pt. 2. Apr., 1598. (With Drayton, Dekker and Wilson) . Black Batman of the North, pt. 1. May, 1598. (With Drayton, Dekker and Wilson). Black Batman of the North, pt. 2. June, 1598. (With Wilson) . Richard Cordelion's Funeral. June, 1598. (With Monday, Drayton and Wilson). Conquest-e-f-'Brute, with First Finding of the Bath. July, Aug., Sept., 1598. (With Day). Hot Anger Soon Cold. Aug., 1598. (With Jonson and Porter). Chance Medley. Aug., 1598. (With Drayton, Monday and Wilson). Catiline's Conspiracy. Aug., 1598. (With Wilson). First Part of Robin Hood. Nov., 1598. (Wr. by Monday. "Mended" by Chettle). Spencers. Mar., 1599. (With Porter) . Troilus and Cressida. Apr., 1599. (With Dekker). Agamemnon. May, 1599. (With Dekker). Stepmother's Tragedy. July, 1599. (With Dekker). RobertlL, King of Scots. Sept., 1599. (With Dekker, Jonson and "Other Jentellman)." Orphans' Tragedy. Nov., 1599. (With Day and Haughton). Patient Grisel. Dec, 1599. (With Dekker and Haughton) . Arcadian Virgin. Dec, 1599. (With Haughton). Seven Wise Masters. Mar., 1600. (With Dekker, Haughton and Day). Golden Ass and Cupid and Psyche. Apr., 1600. (With Dekker and Day). Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green. 3Lay, 1600. (With Day). Sebastian, King of Portugal. Apr., May, 1601. (With Dekker). First Part of Cardinal Wolsey. Oct., Nov., 1601. (With Drayton, Monday and Smith). , English Drama.— A Working Basis. 33 Too Good to he True. Nov., IGOl. Jan., 1602. (With Hathway and Smith). Proud Woman of Antwerp. Jan., 1(502. (Wr. by Ilaughton and Day; "Mended" by Chettle). Love parts Friendship. May, 1(502. (With Wentworth Smith). Femelanco. Sept., 1(502. (With llolnnson). Lady Jane, pt. 1. 0<.'t., 1(502. (AVith Dekker, Hey wood, Smith and Webster). Christmas comes but once a Year. Nov., 1602. (With Dekker, Ueywood, and Webster) . London Florentine, pt. 1. Dec, 1602. (With Heywood). Shore's Wife. May, 1603. (With Day). rc)f tlie above only the two parts of Robin Hood, Patient Grisel and Blind Beggar of lU'tiinal Green are extant; but for Lady eJane,see Webster's Sir Tliomas Wyatj. ■^ *l)ownfall of Kobert, Earl of Huntington (=First Part of Eobiu Hood). Loud. 1601. *Death of Robert, Earl of Huntington (=Second Part of Robin Hood). Lond. 1601. Pleasant Comedie of Patient Grissill. Lond. 1603. Repr. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1841; ed. Herm. Yernhagen. Erlangen. Junge. 1893. 2 m. Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green. Lond. 1659. Repr. in Bullen's Day. 1880. Kind-Hart's Dreame. Lond. 1593. Ed. Edw. F. Rimbault. Lond. 1841. Percy Soc, 5. 1842. Ingleby. Sh. Allusion Books. 1874. Pierce Plainnes' Seaven Yere's Prentiship. 1595. (Unique copy in Bodleian Libr.) England's Mourning Garment. Lond. 1603. Harl. Misc. 1744. Ingleby. Sh. Allusion Books. 1874. Englande'8 Mourning Garment. Somes, J. "Baron Somes." Order and Proceedings at the Funerall of Eliz. Apr. 28, 1603. Third Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, 1. 1751. Tragedy of Hoffman; or, A Revenge for a Father. 1631. Repr., w. emen- dations, by H. B(arrett) L(eonard). 1851. Tragedy of Hoffman, hrsg. v. R. Ackermann (after Brit. Mus. 1631 ed.) Bambg. Uhleuhuth. 1894. 1 m. Mad Pranks and Merry Jests of Robin Goodfellow. Repr. fr. ed. of 1628. W. introd. by Collier. Lond. 1841. Percy Soc, 2. t Delius. Chettle's Hoffman u. Sh.'s Hamlet. Sh. Jahrbuch 9, 1874. Harvey, Gabriel. Pierce's Supererogation. 1593. Repr. 1814. (Brydges. Archaica, 2). Henslowe. Diary. ^ Ingleby. Sh. Allusion Books, pt. 1., pp. 7— 21. Wk Nash, Th. Have with you to Saffron Walden. 1596. B Dekkkk, Thomas. 1567?— 1632? ^Kliassed witli Elizabetlians ratlier llian Jacolieans , because his style is of the earlier period). ^^tant Plays, with pub. dotes. ^ *Shoemaker's Holiday. 1600. *01d Fortunatus. 1600. k*Satiro-ma8tix ; or. The Untrussing of the Humorous Poet. [Ben Jonson]. 1602. Patient Grisel. {See Chettie). ♦Magnificent P^ntertainment given to King James. Masque. 1604. ♦Honest Whore. 1604. ♦Second Part of the Honest Whore. 1(530, Westward Ho. 1607. ;U English Drama.— A Working Basis. Northward Ho. 1607. Whore of Babylou. 1607. *Roaring Girl. 1611. (With Mitldleton). If it be uot Good, the Devil is in it. 1612. Troia Nova Triumphant. Pageant. 1612. ♦Virgin Martyr. 1622. (With Massinger). Britannia'8 Honor. Pageant. 1628. London's Tempe. Pageant. 1629. Match Me in London. 1631. *NobIe Spanish Soldier. 1634. (/Vee Samuel Kowley). *Wonder of a Kingdom. 1636. Sun's Darling. " Moral Masque.'' 1634. (With Ford). Witch of Edmonton. \cm. (With Ford and Kovvley). (For Dekker's lost plays and non-drani. works, see Bullen's article in Diet. Nat. Bio^. and Fleay's Biog. Clirou.) >J< Dram. Works now first collected, w. illus. notes and memoir. 4 v. Lond. Pearson. 1873. 73/6. a ^^J^Lj^y^o Works; ed. Bullen. 4 v. Lond. Nimmo. 1887. -W- ^^^aT^??^. Selections; ed. w. introd. and notes, E. Ilhys. Lond. Vizetelly. 1887. 2/6. (Mermaid Series). Patient Grissil; a comedy. Repr. fr. the black lettered, of 1603, w. introd. and notes. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1841. Troiu-nova Triumphans. London Triumphing; London Tempe, or the Field of Happiness. (Percy Soc, 10). Fairholt. Lord Mayor's Pageants. Grosart. Huth Libr. Non-Dram. Works. Seven Deadly Sins of London. 1606. Lond. 1879. Arber. Eng. Scholar's Libr., 7. Collier. Illustr. of Old Eng. Lit., 2. Dreams. Kepr. fr. the ed. of 1620; ed. Halliwell. Loud. 1860. Gull's Hornbook. Lond. 1609. Kepr. w. illus. notes by Dr. John Nott. Bristol. 1812. (Hindley, C. Old Book Collectors' Miscel., 2). Knight's Conjuring: Done in Earnest, Discovered in Jest. Ed. E. F. Kim- bault. Lond. 1842. (Percy Soc, 5). t Bodenstedt. Shakespeare's Zeitgenossen. Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Hazlitt. Dram. Lit. of the Age of Eli/. Henslowe. Diary. Jonson, Ben. Poetaster. (Demetrius=Dekker). Jusserand. Eng. Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. * Kuplpa, P. LTeber den Dramatischei^ers T. Dekker's. Halle diss. 1893. Retro. Rev. 11. 1825. Shakspere and Jonson. Dramatic, versus Wit-Combats. Auxiliary Forces. Appendix. 1864. Swinburne. Nineteenth Cent. Jan., 1887. Study of Shakespeare, p. 143. Symonds, J. A. Acad. 3o : 137. Whipple. Essays and Reviews. Dhaytox, Michael. 1563—1631. This distinguished poet wrote for Henslowe's theatres twenty-four plays, usually working in collaboration (with Chettle, Dekker, Hathway, Mider Keprint). GOLDLNG, Arthuu. 1536?— 1605? (Translator of Ovid's Metamorphoses). Beza's Tragedy of Abraham's Sacrifice. Translation. 1575. t Diet. Xat. Biog. GossoN, Stephen. 1555—1624. Catiline's Conspiracies. Captain Mario. Praise at Parting. [Tliese plays, non-extant, were written before 1580]. School of Abuse, containing a pleasant Invective against Poets, Pipers. Players, Jesters, and such like Caterpillars of a Commonwealth. 157i». Kepr. in Somes' Tracts. 1810, 8: 552—74. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1841, ed. Collier. Arber Reprints. 1868. Plays confuted in Five Actions, proving they are not to be suflered in a Christian Commonweal by the way both the Cavils of Thomas Lodge and the •' Play of Plays " written in their Defence and other Objections of Players' Friends are truly set down and directly answered. 1582. AVv^ Hazlitt. Stage under Tudor and Stuart Princes. 1869. t Jusserand. Le Thc^fitre en Angleterre. (Ch. 6). Tarlton. Horse-load of Fools, (q. v.) (Goose' Son=Gossou). Greene, Robert. 1560?— '92. Alphonsus, King of Arragon. (Perhaps earliest written). Pr. 1599. Orlando Furioso. Pr. 1594. Looking Glass for London and England. (With Lodge). Pr. 1594. *Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. Pr. 1594. James the Fourth. S. R. 1594. *George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield. Pr. 1595. Kon-Dram. Works. Mamillia. 1583. Mirror of Modesty. 1584. Gividonius, the Card of Fancy. 1584. Arbasto, the Anatomy of Fortune. 1584. Morando, the Tritameron of Love. 1584. Planetomachia. 1585. Farewell to Folly. S. R. 1587. Penelope's Web. 1587. Euphues, his Censure to Philautus. 15S7. Perimedes the Blacksmith. 1588. Pandosto, the Triumph of Time. 1588. Alcida, Greene's Metamorphosis. S. R. 1588. The Spanish Masquerade. 1589. Menaphon. 1589. Ciceronis Amor. 1589. Greene's Orpharion. 1590. Kinjlish JJr2. Nascimur pro Patria. 1592. Black Book's Messenger. 1592. Philomela. 1592. Quip for an Upstart Courtier. 1592. Groatsworth of Wit, bought with a Million of Repentance. 1592. Repentance of Itobert Greene. 1592. Greene's Vision, written at the instant of his Death an'^ Engtish Draino.—A Work-intj Basis. Rowlands, Samuel. -Tiss Merrie when Gossips Meete. 1602. (Preface). Simpson. School of Shakespeare. 2: oo!>. ("Mr. Simpson's account of Robert Greene and his prose works is the best I know." — Furnival). Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors in the Eng. Drama, pp. 540 — 563. Thom. Eng. Prose Romances. Famous Hist, of Friar Bacon. Thynu. Introd. to Debate between Pride and Lowliness. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1841. Hath WAY, Richahd. F1. 1600, Life and Death of Arthur. 1508. Valentine and Orson. 1598. (With Monday). *Sir John Oldcastle, 2 pts. 159«). (With Drayton, Monday, Wilson). Owen Tudor. 1600. (AVith Drayton, Monday, Wilson). Fair Constance of Rome, pt. 1. 1600. (With Drayton, 3Ionday, Wilson). Fair Constance of Rome, pt. 2. 1600. (With Chettle and Day). *Hannibal and Scipio. 1601. (With Rankens). Scogan and Skelton. 1601. (With Rankens). Conquest of Spain by John a Gaunt. 1601. (With Rankens). Six Clothiers, pt. 1. 1601. (With Haughton and Smith). Six Clothiers, pt. 2. 1601. (With Haughton and Smith). Too Good to be True; or, the Northern Man. 1601. (With Chettle :ind Smith). As Merry as May Be. 1602. (With Day and Smith). Bosse of Billingsgate. 1603. (With Day). Black Dog of Newgate, pt. 1. 1602. (AVith Day, Smith, etc.) Unfortunate General. 1603. (AVith Day, Smith, etc.) Black Dog of Newgate, pt. 2. 1603. (AA^ith Day, Smith, etc.) fOf Hathway's plajs only the first part of Sir John Oldcastle is known to be extant]. t Bodenham. Belvid(5re. 1600. (Commend. Verses). Halliwell-Phillips. Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. Tth ed. 2: 188. Henslowe. Diary. Haughton, AA^illiam. F1. 1598. (Harton, Haulton, Hawton, " Yonge Horton.)'* ♦Englishmen for my Money; or, A AVoman will have her AVill. Acted 1598. Pr. 1616. Poor Man's Paradise. Wr. 1599. Patient Grissell. AVr. 1599. (AVith Chettle and Dekker). Cox of Collumptou. AVr. 1599. (AVith Day). Tragedy of Merry. AVr. 1599. (AVith Day). Spanish Moor's Tragedy. AVr. 1600. (AVith Dekker and Day). (Perhaps identical with Lust's Dominion). Seven AVise Masters. AVr. 1600. (With Chettle, Dekker, Day). Devil and his Dame. Wr. 1600. English Fugitives. AVr. 1600. Strange News out of Poland. AVr. 1600. (AVith " Pett.") Indies. AVr. 1600. Robin Hood's Pen'orths. Wr. 1600. Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green , pts. 2 and 3. 1601 . (AAlth Day and Chettle) . Conquest of the AA^est Indies. 1601. (AVith Day and AVentworth Smith). Six Yeomen of the AVest. 1601. (With Day). English Drama.— A Workiiifj Basis. 39 Proud Woman of Antwerp. 1601. Second Part of Thomas Dough. 1001. (With Day). Six Clothiers, pt. 1 and 2. 1601. (With Hathway). Cartwright. 1602. As Merry as May Be. 1602. (With Day, Ilathway, Smith). [Of Haughton's Independent plays only tlie first Is known to be extant; of his plays in col- laboration, only Patient Gfissell and Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green— see under Cliettle and Day]. t Alleyn Papers, pp. XXVII., 23, 25. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1843. Bullen. Day's Dram. Worlis. Preface. {See Day). Diet. Nat. Biog. (Bullen). Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. Heuslowe. Diary. Swinburne. Study of Shakespeare, p. 127. IIEYWOOD, Jasper. 1535— '1)8. Seneca's Tragedies. (Translations). Troas. 1559. *Thyestes. 1560. Hercules Furens. 1561. »i«Xewtou, Th. Seneca's Tragedies. 1581:1591. t Diet. Nat. Biog. Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors. Ward. Eng. Dr. Lit. Hughes, Thomas. F1. 1587. ♦Misfortunes of Arthur. 1587. t Klein. Geschichte des Englischen Drama's. INGELEND, TH. F1. 1550. ♦Disobedient Child. Acted 1560. .i«Percy Soc. 23,1848. (Ed. Ilalliwell). t" Jusserand. Le Th(?5Ure en Angleterre. (Ch. 3). Kempe, William. Fl. 1600. Nine Dales Wonder. 1600. (Dedication to Anne Fitton). Ed. Dyce. Camden Soc. Arber Reprints. U Actor. Romeo and Juliet. (^2(1599). Qs (1609). Act4:Scene5. (Kempe as Peter). Much Ado about Nothing. Q. (1600). F. (1623). Act 4: Scene 2. (Kempe as Dogberry), pt Academy, July 5, 1884. An Almond for a Parrot. 1589. (Dedication to Kempe). Collier. 3Iemoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1848. pp. 89—119. Day. Travels of the Three Eng. Brothers, (|. v. Diet. Nat. Biog. I Fleay. Biog. (!hron. Eng. Drama. ^ (Jriffiths. Evenings with Shakspere. I 40 English Drama. — A Workunj Basis. lleywood. Apology for Actors. Jahrbuch. (Sh.),22. 1887. Knack to Know a Knave. See Index. Xichol.souj B. Kemps and the Play of Hamlet. 8b. Soc. Trans-., 1: 1. 1880— '82. Return from Parnassus. Arber Reprint. Sat. Rev. April IT, 188G. Tyler, Th. Shakespeare's Sonnets, pp. TO— 78. Loud. Nutt. 1890. Wily Beguiled. See Index. (AV^ill Cricket perhaps=Kempe. See Fleay : Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama under Peele). Kyd, Thomas. 1557?— '95? ♦Spanish Tragedy. S. K. 1592. *Jeronymo. pt. 1. Pr. 1605. *Oorne'lia. (Tr. fr. French of Gamier) . S. R. 1593. Truethe of the most wicked and secret Murthering of John Brewen, Gold- smith, of London, committed by his owne wife. (Pamphlet). 8. R. 1592. Repr. in Collier's Illustrations of Early Eng. Popular Lit. 1863. t Boas. Shakspere and his Predecessors. Diet. Nat. Biog. (Sidney Lee). Fleay. Biog. Chron. J]ng. Drama. lOein. Geschichte des Englischen Drama's. Lamb. Specimens of Eng. Dram. Poets. Markschetfel, K. T. Kyd's Tragodieu. Jahresb. d. realgymu. zu. Weimar, 1886— '87. Progr. (Max. Koch, Engl. Studien, 15 : 120—21). Ritzenfeldt. Der Gel)rauch des Pronomens, Artikels u. Verbs bei Th. Kyd im Yergleiche zu dem Gebrauch bei Shakespeare. Kiel. 1889. Sarrazin, G. Die entstehung Hamlet tragodie, 1. Shakespeare's Hamlet u. T. Kyd. (Anglia, 12 : 143—157). Der Corambus— Hamlet u. T. Kyd. (Anglia, 13 : 117-124). Die Modemisierung der Sage. (Anglia, 14 : 322—345). Der Verfasser von Soliman and Perseda. (Engl. Studien, 15: 250 — 63). T. Kyd u. sein Kreis, Berlin. E. Felber. 1892. (E. Koeppel. Engl. Studien, 18: 125—133). Worp. Die Fabel der Spanish Tragedy. ' Sh. Jahrbuch, 29 ; 30. 1894. Lkgge, Thomas. 1535—1607. Destruction of Jerusalem. 1577. (Not extant). Richardus Tertius. (Latin). 1579. Ed. Barron Field. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1844. Ed. Hazlitt, Sh.'s Libr., 5. 1875. t Nash. Have with you to Saffron Walden. 159(5. Nichols. Progresses of Queen Eliz. Lodge, Thomas. 1558?— 1625. ♦Wounds of Civil War. 1587? Looking-glass for London and England. Before 1590. (With Greene). Repr. in Greene's Dram. Works; ed. Dyce. 1831. Non-Dram. Works. Defence of Stage Plays. 1580. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1853. (In reply to Gosson's School of Al)U8e, 1579). English Drama.— A Working Basis. 41 Ahinmi against Usurers. 1584. 8h. Soc. Pub. 1853. (In reply U> (iossou's Plays confuted in live Actions. 1582). Delectable Ilistorie of Forbonius and Prisceria. (Komance). 1584. Kepr. 8h. Soc. Pnl). 1858. Scillaes Metamorphosis. (Poem). 1589. Kepr. 8. W. Singer. Chiswick. 1819. Uosalynde. (Komaiice). 1590. Kepr. Waldron, 1802; in Collier's Sh. Libr. 1843; in Ilazlitt's Sh. Libr. 1875; in Cassell's Nat. Libr. 1886; in Halli- well's fo. ed. Sh. v. 6. History of Kobert, Duke of Normandy. (Hist. Komance). 1591. Catharos. ( Prose d i scu ssion ) . " 1591 . Euphues Shadow. 1592. Phillis. (Poem). 1593. Life and Death of William Lougbeard. (Hist. Komance). 1593. Kepr. in Collier's lllus. Old Eng. Lit. 2. 18G0. A Fig for Momus. (Satires, eclogues and epistles). 1595. Kepr. Sir Alex. Boswell at Auchinleck Press, 1817. Divil Conjured. (Moral Conference). 159G. Margarite of America. (Komance). 1590. Wits Miserie and World's Madnesse. (Essay). 159G. Prosopopd'ia. (Kelig. tract). 1596. Josephus' Works. Translation. 1602. Treatise of the Plague. (Medical). 1603. Seneca's Works. Translation. 1614. The Poor Man's Talent. (Popular medical treatise). Wr. circ. 1622. First pr. 1881. (Hunterian Club). Du Bartas. Translation. 1625. Works, (exc. trans, of Josephus, Seneca and Du Bartas). Kepr. Hunterian Club, Glasgow, 1878— '82. Arber. English Garner. Boas. Shakspere and his T*redecessors. Buckhan,J. Poet-Lore, 3 : 601. Carl, K. Ueber T. Lodge's Leben u. Werke. Eine kritische Untersuchung im Anschluss an Davis Laing. (Anglia, 10: 235-288). Halle. 1887. Delius, N. Lodge's Kosalynde and Shakespeare's As You Like It. Jahr- buch,6:226— 249. England's Helicon. 1600. Kepr. Bullen. Loud. Nimmo. 1887. 30/. Gosse. Seventeenth Cent. Studies. 40 pp. (Introd. to Hunterian ed. of Lodge's Works). Ingleby, C. M. Was Thomas Lodge an Actor? 1868. Notes and Queries, 6th ser., 11 : 107, 415. Jusserand. Eng. Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. Klein. Geschichte des Englischen Drama's. Notes and Queries. 3d ser., 1 : 202 ; 5th ser., 1 : 21—23. Saintsbury. Elizabethan Literature. B Stone, W. G. Shakspere's As You Like It and Lodge's Kosalynde com- pared. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1884. 1:277—293. Symonds. Predecessors ol Shakspere. Lyly, (Lilly) John. 1554?— 160(). lexander and Campaspe. Pr. 1584. Sapho and Phao. Pr. 1584. lEiidimion. Pr. 1591. 42 English Drama.— A Workiiuj Basi.s. Giillathea. Pr. 1592. *Mydas. Pr. 1592. *Mother Boinbie. Pr. 1594. Woman in the Mooue. Pr. 1597. Love's Metamorphosis. I'r. 1001. Non-Dram. Works. Euphiie.s. 1579. Arber Reprints. Lond. 1S()8. Kd. J^audmaun. Ileil- bronu. 1887. Pap with a Hatchet. 1589. Kepr. Petheram. Puritan Discipline Tracts. 1844. 8aiutsbury. Eliz. and Jac. Pamphlets. »i< Six Court Comedies. (Endimion, Campaspe, Sapho and Phao, (iallathea, Mydas, Mother Bombie). 1()82. Dram. Works; ed. Fairholt. 2 v. Lond. Smith. 1858. Endimion ; ed. Geo. P. Baker, w. introd. and bibliog. N. Y. Holt. 1894. 85c. t Arber Reprints. Eng. Scholar's Libr. 8. (List of Martin Marprelate books). Boas. Shakspere and his Predecessors. Bodenstedt. Shakespeare's Zeitgenossen. Child, C. G. John J^yly and Euphuism. Leipzig. Deichert. 1894. 2 m. Fleay. Blog. Chron. Eng. Drama. (Also Sh. Soc. Pub. 4. 1887). Furiere. Projets de Mariage de la Heine Elizabeth. Paris. Levy. 1882. Goodlet, John. Engl. Studien, 5. (Shakspere's Debt to John Lilly). Ilalpin, N. J. Oberon's Vision in 3Iid. Night's Dream, illus. by comp. w. Lyly's Endimion. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1848. Hart, J. M. Euphuism. Hepr. fr. Trans, of Ohio Colleges, 1889. Hazlitt. Dram. Lit. of the Age of Eiiz. Hense. Lilly u. Sh. in iliren Verhidtniss zum klansischen Alterthum. Sh. Jahrbuch, 7. 1872. John Lilly u. Sh. Jahrbuch, 8. 1878. Jusserand. Eng. Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. Klein. Geschichte des Englischen Drama's. Landmaun. Shakspere and Euphuism. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1880 — *85. Pt. 2; pp. 241—70. Der Euphuism us. Diss. Giessen. 1881. Lee, Sidney. Huou of Bordeaux. Early Eng. Text Soc. 1888— '88. Pt. 4; pp. 785 sq. Morley. Quart. Kev. Apr., 1801. (Euphuism). Raleigh, Walter. Eng. Novel. N. Y. Scribner, 1890. $1.25. Rushton. Shakespeare's Euphuism. Lond. Longmans. 1871. Sat. Rev. May 29, 18(59. Steiuhiiuser, Karl. John Lyly als Dramatiker. Halle diss. 1884. Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors. LupTON, Thomas. F1. 1575. All for Money. Pr. 1577. Repr. in Colliei-'s Lit. of Sixteenth and Seven- teenth Centuries Illustrated. 1851. Marlowe, Chhi.stoi'HKU. 1564— '93. *Tamburlaine. 2 parts. 1587? (^s. 1590; 1592; 1605— 6. *Dr. Faustus. 1588? (^s. 1004; 1009; 1011; 1010; 1019; 1020; 1024; 1631; 1668. *Je\v of Malta. Before 1588. Q. 1038. (Ed. Th. Hey wood). *Eaward [L 1591? Qs. 1594; 1598; 1604; 1012; 1022. Massacre at Paris. 1593? Q. n. d. *Dido. Q. 1594? (With Nash). b Eiujlisli Dr^? Meres. Palladis Taraia. Middleton. Triumphs of Truth. 1()13. Nichols. Progresses of James I. Nichols, J. Gough. Lord 3Iayor's Pageants, p. 102. Notes and Queries. (For specific references, see Diet. Nat. Biog.) (Pound, Thomas)? True Report of the Death and Martyrdom of M. Cam- pion. 1581. (Cf. Monday's Brief Answer, 1582). Simpson, Richard. Edmund Campion. A Biography. Loud. 1S67. Wehl)e. Discourse of Eng. Poetry. 1586. Arl)er Reprints. Nash, ThoMas. 1567—1601. ♦Dido. Acted 1501. Pr. 1594. (With Marlowe). ♦Summer's Last Will and Testament. Acted 1592. Isle of Dogs. 1597. (Not extant). I'ose Works. Anatomy of Absurdities. 1588. Address to the (Jentlemen Students of both Universities. (Prefixed to (ireeue's Menaphon). 1589. Pas(iuil of England ; A Countercuttfor Martin Junior. Aug., 1589. Pasquil of England; His Return and fleeting with Marforius. Oct., 1589. yMirror for Martinists. Dec, 1589. I'asquil's Apology. July, 1590. Astrological Prognostications for 1591 by Thomas Scarlet. 1590. Address before Sidney's Astrophel and Stella. 1591. Pierce Penniless, his Supplication to the Devil. 1592. Apology of Pierce Penniless; or, Strange News of the Interceptiug Certain Letters. 1592. Christ's Tears over Jerusalem. 1593. Terrors of the Night; or, A Discourse of Apparitions. 1593. Unfortunate Traveller; or, the Life of Jack Wilton. 1593. Have with you to SaflVon WaUlen. Pr. 1596. Nash's Lenten Sturt". (I'raise of the Red Herring). 159!>. »i* Complete Works; ed. (irosart. 6 v. Loud. 1883— '85. (Huth Libr.) Anatomy of Absurdity, liepr. Collier; Illus. of Old Eng. IJt., v. 3., 1866. Pierce Penniless, his Supplication to the Devil. Repr. Collier. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1842. .l/.sv> /« A /.s Misc. Tracts. 6. 18(>8. Apology of Pierce J'enniless; or. Strange News of the Intercepting Certain Letters. Repr. Collier. Misc. Tracts, 2. Christ's Tears over Jerusalem. Repr. Bridges. Archaica, 1. 1815. Unfortunate Traveller; or. The Life of Jack AV^ilton; ed. Gosse. Cheswick Press Reprints. 1892. Have with you to Satlrou Walden. Repr. Collier. Misc. Tracts, 9. Nash's Lenten Stuff. Itepr. Harl. Misc. Also ed. C. Hindley, Old Book Collect. Misc., 1. Anon. Return of the Knight of the Post from'Hell with the Devil's Answer to the Supplication of Piers Penniless. 160(>. (('f. Dekker's News from Hell brought by the Devil's Carrier. 1606). 48 Emjlish Drama.— A Working Basis. Arber. Eug. Garner, 1 : 4(j7. Arber, Edward. Introductory Sketch to the Martin Marprelate Contro- versy. 1588— '90. (Arber Reprint.^). C. H. (Henry Chettle) y Piers Plainness' Seven Years Preuticeship. 15i)5. Clerke, Wm. Polimanteia. 1595. Dekker. News from Hell. 1606. Diet. Nat. Biog. (Sidney Lee). (Cf. arts, on Greene, Gal)riel Harvey, Richard Harvey, Lyly and Marlowe). Disraeli. Calamities of Authors. Quarrels of Authors. Dowland. Second Book of Songs. 1600. ''If floods of tears could cleanse my follies past." (See Sh. Soc. Pub., 1 : 76—9; 2: 62—4). Eel. Mo., 30: 224. Fitzgeffrey, Chas. Attaniae. 1601. (Ceuotaphia). Fleay. Shakspere and Puritanism. Anglia, 7 : 223. Grosart. Harvey's Works, 3 : 43. (Portrait of Nash). Harvey, Gabriel. Works; ed. Grosart. 3 v. 1884— 5. (Huth Lil)r). Four Letters and Certain Sonnets touching R. (xreene, 1592. New Letters of Notable Contents. 1593. Trimming of Th. Nash. 1597. Herford. Lit. Relations of Eug. aud Germany. Herman, E. Sh. wider Greene, Marlowe u. Nash. (In his Sh. Studien, 2). Jusserand. Eng. Novel in Time of Eliz. Henslowe. Diary. Maskell, William. Martin Marprelate Controversy. Loud. 1845. Meres. Palladis Tamia. Notes and Queries. 2ndser., 4: 320. Raleigh, Walter. Eng. Novel. N. Y. Scribner. 1896. |1.25. Retro. Rev. 1828; 1853. Return from Parnassus. iSee Index. Scott, T. J. Poems attr. to Nash, in Dowland Ayres, 1600. Sh. Soc. Trans., 2. 1845. Taylor, John. (The Water-Poet). Differing AVorships * * or Tom Nash his Ghost (the old Martin queller) newly roused. 1640. Crop-ear Cur- ried ; or, Tom Nash his Ghost. 1644. Neville, Alex. 1544—1614. *Trans. of Seneca's CEdipus. 1560. (>S'ee Newton), t Gascoigne. Flowers of Poesy. 1572. Googe, Barnabe. Eclogues and Sonnets. 1563. (Commend. Verses by Neville). Notes and Queries. 1st ser., 5: 442; 3rd ser., 3: 114, 117. Newton, Thomas. 1542?— 1607. Seneca his Ten Tragedies tr. into English. 1581, (ed. Newton, who himself tr. only the Thebais. See Jasper Hey wood, Alex. Neville, Nuce aud Studley). t Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors. Norton, Thomas. 1532—1584. *Gorbodoc; or, Ferrex and Porrex. (First three acts). See Sackville. Acted 1562. Pr. 1565. Repr. W. D. Cooper. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1847. Lucy Toulmin Smith in .Vollmoller's Englische Sprach — und Literaturdenk- male. 1883. t Klein. Geschichte des Englischeu Drama's. English Th'ama. — J Workinr/ Baais. 49 NucK, Thomas. — 1(>17. Tniii.x. of Senecii'.s Octuvia. laGl? {iSce Newton). t Stiulley, John. Tnin.s. of .Seneca's Agamemnon. loGl. (I'ref. Verses by Nuce). Feklk, G?X)KGE. 15r)8?— 15J)7? Arraignment of Paris. 1581 V Hunting of Ciipitl. S. K. loOl. (Not extant, exc. fragments ed. Dyce). *Ed\varcl I. Pr. 1593. IJattle of Alcazar. Pr. 1594. OlO Wives' Tale. Pr. 1595. ♦David and Bethsabe. Pr. 1599. Fageants. Pageant for Lord Mayor. 1585. Descensus Astraeae. (Lord Mayor). 1591. Speeches to Queen Ellz. at Theobalds. 1591. Miscellaneous Writings. ■ Lines to Thomas AV'atsoii. 1582. Farewell to Norris and Drake. 1589. Fall of Troy. 1589. Eclogue Gratulatory to the Earl of Essex. 1589. Polyhymnia. 1590. Honour of the (iarter. 1593. ■ Praise of Chastity. (Phoenix Nest, 1593). Anglorum Feriae. 1595. •I* AVorks; ed. Dyce. 3 V. Lond. Pickering. 1838. 31/6. Peele and Greene. Works; ed. Dyce. Lond. and N. Y. Routledge. 1801. I Plays and Poems; ed. Morley. Lond. Koutledge. 1887. 1/. (Morley's Univ. Libr.) AVorks; ed. Bullen. 2 v. Lond. Nimnio. 1888. ea. 7/G. Boas. Shakspere and his Predecessors. Fairholt. Lord Mayors' Pageants. Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Dram. Ilenslowe. Diary. Klein. Geschichte des Englischen Drama's. Lammerhirt, R. Untersuchungeu iiber sein Leben u. seine AV^erke. Kostock. 1882. 68 pp. (E. Einenkel. Anglia, 7: 3, 4). Lond. Mag. 10: 61. Mery Conceited Jests. (Ilindley, C. Old book collect, miscel., 1. ILizlitt, IAV. C. Shakespeare Jest-books, 2). Penner, E. Metrische Untersuchungen zu G. Peele. Halle diss. 1890. 44 pp. (AV^. AVilke, Engl. Studien, 16 : 297—99). Schelling. Modern Language Notes. Apr., 1893. Segar. Honour, Military and Civil. 1602. Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors. Pki{02. M.S. Country's Traj^edy in Yacuniani; or Cupid's Sacrifice. 1G02. MS. Xecroniantes ; or, The Two Supposed Heads. Acted by the children of St. Paul's. Circ. 1602. MS. Sonnets to the fairest Celia. 1594. (Kepr. Brydges,1818; (Jrosart, Occasional Issues, 1877; Arber, Eng, Garner, 0: 135—50). t Barnes, Barnabe. Partheuophil. 1593. (Ded. to Percy). Henry Portkk. F1. 1598. Hot Anger Soon Cold. 1598. (With Chettle and Johnson. Not extant). *Two Angry Women of Abington. 1598. Pr. 1599. Spencers. 1599. (With Chettle. Xot extant). tJT. (^s. ir)!l7,ir)!>.S, 1(508 (2), ^■Richard II. (Wr. ir)92-'l)4y) S. R. Aii^. 21>, 1507. Qs. 1507, 1598, IfiOS (2), *' *Romeo and Juliet. (Terhaps \vr. circ. 1500 and revised circ. 1505). Qs. 1507, 1.500, 1(500, n. d., 1(>:m. *KingJohn. (\Vr. circ. 1505?) *Mftrchant of Venice. (Wr. 1594— 'OG?) S. K. July 22, 150S. (^s. 1(500 (2), 1(587, 1(552. ' laming of the Shrew. (Wr. 1506— '07?) Original authorship unknown. Revision probably by 8h. *1 Henry IT. (Wr. 150O-'O7?) S. R. Feb. 25, 1598. Qs. 1598, 1590, 1(504, §1008, una, 1(522. Henry \\ . (Wr. 159(5—^)7?) S. R. Aug. 23, 1(500. i^ 1000. erry Wives of Windsor. (Wr. 1507— '98?) S. R. Jan. 18, 1(M)2. Qs. 1(502. ' IHIO. *IIcnry V. ( Wr. 1598—00?) S. R. Aug. 4, 1600. Qs. 1(500, 1(502, 1608. *Mucli Ado about Nothing. ( Wr. circ. 1590?) 8. R. Aug. 4, lf500. Q. 1600. *As Vou Like It. (Wr. 1590—1(500?) S. R. Aug. 4, 1(500. fTwelfth Night. (Wr. circ. 1600?) Passionate Pilgrim]. Lyric Miscellany, including sonnets, etc., by 8h. Pr. 1.500. unets. (Wr. 1505— 1(505?) S. R. May 20, 1601>. Q. 1600. uliusCa-sar. (Wr. 1600— 1601?) 's Well that Ends Well. (Wr. circ. 1601?) amlet. (First draft perhaps as early as 1589. Revision 1601—1603?) 8. R. July 2(5, 1(302. Qs. 1603, 1604, 1605, 1611. easure for jNIeasure. (AYr. 1602—1(504?) Troilus and Cressida. (Wr. 1602— 1609?) S. R. Feb. 7, 1603. Qs. 1609 (2). ♦Othello. (Wr. circ. 1(504?) S. R. Oct. 6, 1(>21. Q. 1622. *King Lear. (Wr. circ. 1605?) S. R. Nov. 2(5, 1607. Qs. 1608 (2). ♦Macbeth. (Wr. circ. 1606?) ♦Antony and Cleopatra. (Wr. circ. 1607?) S. R. May 20, 1608. ♦Coriolanus. (Wr. 1(507—1(308?) ♦Timon. (Wr. 1607—1608?) Sh.'s only in part. *Pericles. (Wr. 1607—1608?) Sh.'s only in part. S. R. May 20, 1608. Qs. 1609, 1611, 1619. (;yml)eline. (Wr. 1(>08— '10?) ♦Winter's Tale. (Wr. circ. 1610?) ♦Tempest. (Wr. 1610-'12?) ♦?Tvvo Xoble Kinsmen. (Wr. circ. 1612? With Fletcher). ♦?IIenry VriL (Wr. circ. 1613? With Fletcher and possii)ly Massinger). Important Editions. First Folio, 1623, ed. Heminge and Condell. (Containing all the al)ove plays exc. Pericles). Repr. 1807; Booth, 18(34, 52/6; reprod. in exact fac- simile, ed. H. Staunton. Day, 1866, 12(5/; reprod. in reduce. (Includes the doubtful plays). Kepr., 8 v., 1714. Dramatic Works; ed. Alex. Pope, w. textual emendations, (> v., 1725. (Rejects the doubtful plays). Kepr. 1728, 1731, 1735, 176(5, 1768. Works; *ed. Lewis Theobald, w. textual emendations, 7 v., 1733. (The basis of subsequent editions). Kepr. 1740, 1752, 1757, 1762, 1767, 1772, 1773. Works ; ed. (Sir) Th. Hanmer, 6 v., 1744. Repr. 1747, 1750— '51 , 1760, 1770— '71. Works; ed. Wm. Warburton, 8 v., 1747. Repr. 1747. Works; ed. (Dr.) Samuel Johnson, 8 v., 1765. Repr. 1768. Twenty Plays; pr. from original Quartos; Geo. Steevens, 4 v., 1766. Works; ed. p]dward Capell, 10 v., 1767. (3 v. of :N^otes added in 1781). Plays; w. notes by Johnson and Steevens, 10 v., 1773. Repr. 1778; repr. Isaac Reed, 1785; repr. Steevens, 15 v., 1793, w. glossary by Reed and essays by Farmer and Malone; repr. Reed, 21 v., 1803, 1813. Plays and Poems; ed. Edmond Malone, 10 v., 1790. Works, w. illustrations; pub. John Boydell,9 v.fo.,1802. Bickers, 1873. 63/. Works; ed. Alex. Chalmers, 9 v., 1805, 1809, 1823. ■1821 Variorum; " or "Boswell's Malone." (Works, w. collation of texts; ed. Malone and Jas. Boswell). 21 v., 1821. Works; ed. Wm. Harness, 8 v., 1825. " Aldine Edition ; " ed. S. W. Singer, 10 v., 1826. Lond. Bell. 1875— '77. ea. 2/6. Works; ed. A. J. Valpy, 15 v., 1832— '34. •Pictorial Edition;" ed. Chas. Knight, w. illus. by Harvey, 1843. Lond. Virtue. 1888— '89; ea. 6/. " National Edition ; " ed. Chas. Knight. 6 v., 1851— '52. ea. 6/. AV^orks ; ed. J. P. Collier, 8 v., 1842— '44. Repr. 6 v., 1858; repr. 8 v., 1875— '78. £25. Works; ed. (Prof.) H. N. Hudson, 3 v., 1851— '56; "Expurgated Shakes- peare," 23 v., Bost. 1879— '81, ea. 50c.; " Harvard Edition," 20 v. or 10 v., Bost. 1880, $25 or $20. Works; ed. Alex. Dyce, 6 v., 1857; " Library Edition," 10 v. Lond. Son- nenschein, 1885— '86. ea. 9/. New ed. 1891. "Hlustrated Edition;" ed. Howard Staunton, w. 824 illus. by Sir John Gil- bert, 3 v., 1858— '60, Routledge, 1868, 42/; "Library Edition;" 6 v., Routledge, 1889,42/; " Edition de Luxe ; " 15 v., Routledge, 1881, £6, 10/. Works; ed. Chas. and Mary Cowden-Clarke, 4 v., 1864. Works; ed. J. O. Halliwell, 16 v. fo., 1853— '65. Works ; ed. Richard Grant White, 12 v., 1866. Lond. Low, 1883, 3 v., 36/ ; 6v., 63/. Boston, Houghton, 6 v., $10. Works; ed. (Prof.) N. Delius, (w. notes in English). 2 v. Elberfeld, 1859— '60. 1882. 16/. " Cambridge Edition ; " ed. Clark and Wright, 9 v., Macmillan, 1863— '66, £9 ; Xew ed., 9 v., Macmillan, 1891— '93, ea. 10/6, $3 ; " Edition de Luxe," 40 v., ea. 6/, $2 ; " Globe Edition," Macmillan, 3/6, $1 ; Select Plays (15) , Clarendon Press, 1/ to 2/6 ea. Lithographic Fac-similes of the Early Quartos, Lithog. E. W. Ashbee. 48 v., 1866— '71. £60. "New Variorum;" ed. (Dr.)H.H. Furness. Phil. Lippincott. 1871— '96, in prog., ea. $4. (Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet (2), Lear, Othello, Merchant ofv Venice, As You Like It, Tempest, Midsummer Night's Dream, now ready). English Drama.— A Working Basis. 58 I rii'iully Edition; " ed. (Dr.) W. A. Holfe. 40 v. N. V. Iljirper. 187(;— '84, ea. .MJc. pold Edition;" liti.sed on Text of Deliu^i w. introd. by (Dr.) F. J. Fiiniivall. Lond. Cassell. 1880, 1889. 3/G. Quarto Fac-similejs ; lithog. Grings and Praetorius. 43 v. Lond. (^uaritch. 1881— '00. £15,' 15/. '*' Irving Edition;" ed. Henry Irving and F. A. Marshall. 8 v. Lond. Blackie. 1887— '00. ea. 10/6. "Edition de Luxe," ea. 31/0. " Bankside Edition ; -' cd. Appleton 3Iorgan. 20 v. N. Y. Sh. Soc. 1888— '91. ea. #2.50. Select riays (20); ed. K. Deightou. (Eng. Classics). Lond. and N. Y. Macinillan. 1890— '94. ea. l/i\ to 2/G. 40c. "Oxford Edition;" ed. W. J. ('raig. Clarendon Press. N. Y. Nelson. 1891. India Paper, 10/6, $3.75. Ordinary Paper, 3/6, #1.75. " Oxford Miniature Edition." 6 v. 21/. $8. "Temple Edition; "ed. Israel Gollancz. Lond. Dent. N. Y^. Macmillan. 1894: in prog., ea. 1/, 45c. Poems; W'. memoir by Dyce. Lond. Bell. 1/6. Songs and Sonnets; w. notes by F. F. Palgrave. Lond. Macmillan. 1879. 4/6. Sonnets; ed. (Prof.) E. Dowden. Lond. Paul. 1881. 6/. Sonnets; ed. T. Tyler. Loud. Nutt. 1890. 12/. (For fulU'r lists of editions of complete works, of separate plays aud poems, of foreigu editions aud translations use the references Immediately below). Bihliography. Cohn, (Dr.) Albert. Sh.-Bibiiographie. Fub. annually in Jahrbuch,fSh. J Ilalliwell, J. O. Brief Handlist of Books, MSS., etc., illustrative of the Life and Writings of Sh. 1859. Catalogue of the Sh.-Study Books in his Own Library. 1876. Collection of Sh. Karities. (Calendar; ed. p]. E. Baker). N. Y. Longmans. 1891. 10/6. List of Works illustr. of the iife and Writings of Sh. 1867. Shakesperiana. A Catalogue of the fEarly Editions of Sh.'s Plays. 1841. Lowndes, W. T. Bibliog. of Sh. 115 pp. {In his Bibliographer's Manual. 1863). Hubbard, J. M. Catalogue of the Works of Sh., orig. aud trans., together with the Shakesperiana embraced in the Barton Collection of the Boston Public Library. 1880. Lenox Library. Contributions to a Catalogue. No. 5. Works of Sh., etc. 1880. Morgan, A. Digest Shakspeareanae, 2 pts. (Down to 1887). N. Y. Sh. Soc. 1887. 15/. Thimm, F. Shakespearian a fr. 1564 to 1871. (England, Germany and France). 1872. (Continued in Sh. Soc. Pub. Lond.) Winsor, Justin. Bibliog. of orig. Quartos and Folios of Sh., with particular reference to Copies in America. 1876. Sh.'s Poems. Bibliog. of the Earlier Editions. 9 pp. (Harvard Coll. Library, Bibliog. Contrib. 1, 2). Wyman, W. H. Bibliog. of the Bacon-Sh. Controversy. 1884. Linguistics, etc. Abbott, (Dr.) E. A. Sh. Grammar. Lond. Macmillan. 1873. 6/. ^^ Adams, W. H. D. Concordance to the Plays of Sh. Lond. Uoutledge. ^m 1886. 10/6. ^B Bartlett, John. New and Complete Concordance to Dram. Works (and H[ Poems) of Sh. Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan. 1894. 42/. |]4.00. ^B New ed. #7.50. •■)+ English Dnnna. — A WorkiiKj Basis. Browne, Geo. H. Notes on 8b. \s \'ersiHcation. liostou. 18.S4. Covvden-Cltirke, Chas. and Mary. The Sh. Key, iinlockinu' the Treasure;^ of his Style. 1870. CowdeQ-Clarke, Mary, (oniplete Coiicordaiu^o to Sh. Loiul. Bickers. 1888. 2o/. Craik, G. L. The English of Sh. 1857. Dyce, Alex. Glossary to Sh. 1881. (Works; ed. Dyce, v. 10). Ellis, A. J. Early English Pronunciation, w. especial reference to Sh. and (Chaucer. Early Eng. Text So<% 18()!>— '75. 1889. Fleay, F. G. Sh. Manual. Lond. Macmillan. ]87('>. 4/(5. Furness, (Mrs.) II. II. Concordance to Sh.'s Poems. Phil. Lippincott. 1874. $4. Tlalliwell, J. O. Sh. (Glossary. {Jn his Diet, of Ar(;hai<' and Provincial Words, 2 V.) Lond. Smith. 1887. 15/. Mackay, (Dr.) ('has. New Glossary of Obscure Words and Phrases in Sh. and his Contemp. Lond. Low. 1887. 21/. Nares, A. K. Sh. Glossary. {In his Glossary of Words, Phrases, etc., illust. Eng. Authors; ed. Halliwell and Wright. 2 v. Lond. Reeves and Turner. 1888. 21/.) O'Connor, Evangeline. Analytical Index to the Works of Sh. Lond. Paul. 1887. 5/. Schmidt, (Dr.) Alex. Sh. Lexicon. 2 v. Berlin. 1880. ?.l/0. Siddons, J. H. The Sh. lleferee. A\^ashington. 1S8G. !^2. Walker, W. S. Crit. Exam, of the Text of Sh., with remarks on the Lan- guage. 1800. ]iio(fraphy. Baynes, (Prof.) Th. Spencer. Sh. Studies. (What Sh. learned at School). Lond. Longmans. 1894. 7/0. Beisley, Sidney. Sh.'s Garden. Lond. 1804. Bucknill, (Dr.) J. C. The Medical Knowledge of Sh. Lond. Longmans. 1080. 7/0. Campbell, John (Lord). Sh.'s Legal Acquirements Considered. Lond. Murray. 1859. .5/. Drake, N. Sh. and his Times. 2 v. Lond. 1817. 30/. Dyer, J. F. T. The Folk-lore of Sh. J.ond. Griffith. 1884. 14/. Ellacombe, Henry N. Plant-lore and Garden-craft of Sh. Exeter. Pollard. 1884. 0/0. Elze, (Dr.) Karl. William Shakespeare, a Literary Biography, trans, Dora Schmitz. Lond. Bell. 1888. 6/. Farmer, Richard. An Essay on the Learning of Sh. Lond. 1821. Fleay, F. G. Chron. Hist, of Life and Work of Sh. Loud. Xiinmo. 1880. 15/. French, G. R. Shakspeareana Genealogica. Lond. 18(>9. Goadby, Edwin. The England of Sh. Lond. Cassell. 1889. 2 c. (ruizot, F. P. G. Sh. and His Times. Lond. 1855. Halliwell, J. O. Hist. Ace. of New Place, Stratford. (00 ill.) Lond. Smith. 1870. 03/. Outlines of the Life of Sh. 2 v. London. Longmans. 1889. 21/. Harrison, AV. Description of England in Sh.'s Youth. (1577). Ed. F.J. Furnivall. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1877; 78; 81; 87. Lond. Scott. 1.S87. 1/. Harting, J. E. Ornithology of Sh. Van Voorst. 1871. 12/0. Kingsley, Chas. Miscellaneous. (Sir Walter Raleigh and his Times). Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan. 1890. 3/0. 1 English Drama,— A Working Basis. 55 Lee, Sidney. Stratford on Avon. Lond. 1890. Neil, S. Crit. liioi^raphy of Sh. Lond. Iloulston. LSOH. 1/. Xorris, J. Purker. I'ortnuts of Sh. Phil. Lindsay. 1SS5. ;|I(). Phipson, E. Animal Lore of Sh.'s Time. London. Paul. iNSo. !>/• Rolfe, (Dr.) W. J. Sh. the Boy. N. Y. Harper. 189(5. Knshton, AVm. L. Sh. a Lawyer. Lond. 1858. Rye, W. H. Euj^fland as seen by Foreigners in days of Kliz. iind .]',\>. \. Loud. Smith. 18(55. 15/. Smith, Koach. Rural Life of Sh. Lond. Hell. 2/6. Stafford, W. Compendious or Briefe Examination of certayue Complaints of divers of our Countrymen in these our Daves, A. D. 1781. Sh. Soo. Pul). 187(5. Stul>l)es, Philip.^ Anatomie of the Abuses in Eng. in Sh.'s Youth. (158o). Sh. Soc. Pul*. 1871, 1871). Thornbury, (t. AV. Sh.'s England. 2 v. Lond. Longmans. 1856. 15/. Viles, E., (and Furnivall, F. J.) The Kogues and Vagabonds of Sh.'s Youth. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1880. U^alter, Jas. Sh.'s FTofiie and Rural Life. Lond. Longmans. 1874. Wheler, R. Hist, and Descriptive Ace. of liirthplace of Sh. Stratford-on- Avon. 18(53. Wilder, Daniel AV. Life of Sh. Host. 181);). Williams, (Dr.) J. L. Home and Haunts of Sh. Lond. Low. 1898. £15. X. \. Scribner. 1898. ^87.50. Winter, W. Sh.'s England. Bost. Houghton. $1. liost. Ticknor. 1888. 5()c. Wise, John R. Shakespeare; his Birthplace and its Neighborhood. Lond. Smith. 3/6. Wordsworth, (Bishop) C. Sh.'s Knowledge and I'se of the Bilde. Lond. Smith. 1880. 7/(5. (Jritk'ism. Anglia. {See Contents). Hoas, F. S. Shaksperc and his Predecessors. N. Y. Scribner. 181K>. ^1.50. Brink, (Prof.) Hern. ten. Shakspere: Fiinf Vorlesungen. Strassburg. Triibner. 1898. 2 m. Carlyle, Th. Heroes and Hero Worship. Lond. Chapman. (1841). 1887. I/"- Chasles, Philarcte. Etudes sur Sh. Paris. ISol. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Lectures on Sh. Lond. Bell. 3/6. Courtenay, T. P. Commentaries on the Hist. Plays of Sh. 2 v. Lond. 1840. Daniel, P. A. Time Analysis of Sh.'s Plays. Sh. Soc. Trans. 1877— '79. De (^uincey, Th. Biographical and Historical Essays. Bost. Houghton. $1.50. " Dowden, (Prof.) E. Development of Sh.'s Mind and Art. Lond. Paul. 1880. 12/. Intro, to Sh. Lond. Blackie. 1893. 2/6. N. Y. Scril)- ner. 1893. $L Shakspere Prinn'r. Lond. and X. Y. Macmillan. 1877. 1/. Elze, (Dr.) Karl. Essays on Sh. Lond. and X. Y. Macmillan. 1874. 12/. $4. Emerson, Ralph W. Representative 3Ien. Bost. Houghton. $1. Englische Studien. (See Contents). Faucit, Helen. (Lady Martin). Some of Sh.'s Female Characters. Lond. Blackwood. 1888. 7/6. Furnivall, (Dr.) F. J. The Succession of Sh.'s Works. Lond. Smith. 1874. 56 English Drama.— A Working Basis. Gerviiius, G. G. Sh. Commentaries, trans. F. E. P.unnett. 2 v. I.ond. Smith. 1887. 14/. llazlitt, Wm. Characters of Sh.'s Plays. Lond. Bohn. 1888. 1/. Hudson, (Prof.) H. N. Shakspere: his Life, Art and Characters. 2 v. liost. 1883. $1. Hugo, Victor. William Shakespeare; trans. M. B. Anderson. Chicago. 1887. $2. Ingleby, C. M. Sh. Allusion Books. Centurie of Prayse. (The above, ed. Lucy Toulmin Smith). Jahrbuch (Sh.) 30 v. 1865 to date. (.S'ee Contents). Jameson, (Mrs.) Anna. Characteristics of Sh.'s A\^omen. Lond. Bohn. (1832) 1879. 3/6. Bost. Houghton. $1.25. Kemble, Frances A. Notes upon some of Sh.'s Plays. Loud. Bentley. 1882. 7/6. ] Kreyssig, Fr. Vorlesungen iiber Sh. Berlin. 1877. Shakespeare-Fragen. Leipzig. 1891. Lewes, L. The Women of Sh. ; trans, fr. the German by Helen Zimmern. N. Y. Putnam. 1894. |2.50. Lloyd, Watkins. Essays on Sh. Lond. Bell. 1876. 2/6. Lowell, Jas. Russell. Among my Books. Second Ser. Boston. Houghton. $2. Moulton, Richard G. Sh. as a Dram. Artist. (Merchant of Venice, Rich. III., Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Lear, Tempest). Clar. Press. 1889. 6/. N. Y. Macmillan. $1.50. Pater, Walter. Appreciations. Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan. 1889. 8/6. Ransome, (Prof.) (yril. Short Studies of Sh.'s Plots. (Hamlet, Cicsar, Macbeth, Lear, Richard II., Othello, Coriolanus, Tempest). Rotscher, H. F. Sh. in seinen hochsten Charactergebilden. Dresden. 1864. Riimelin, Gustav. Shakespeare Studien. Stuttgart. 1866. Rymer, Th. The Tragedies of the last Age considered and examined. 1678. Short View of Tragedy. 1693. Schlegel, A. W. Lectures on Dram. Art. and Lit. Lond. Bohn. 1846. 3/6. Shakespeare Soc. (Lond.) Pul)lications, 1841— '53. 40 nos. (Succeeded by New Sh. Soc. Publications. 1874— '8(). 47 v. Simrock, Karl. Die Quellen d. Sh. in Novellen, Miirchen u. Sagen, 2 v. Bonn. 1870. 8/. On the Plots of Sh.'s Plays; (trans.) ed. J. O. Ilalli- well. Sh. Soc. 5/. Snider, Denton J. System of Sh.'s Dramas. 2 v. St. Louis. 1877. Stapfer, Paul. Sh. and Classical Antiquity. Trans. E. J. Carey. Lond. Paul. 1880. Stokes, Henry Paine. Chronological Order of Sh.'s Plays. Lond. 1878. Swinburne, A. C. A Study of Sh. Loud. Chatto. 1880. 8/. Ulrici, (Dr.) H. The Dram. Art of Sh. 2 v. Lond. Bohn. 1876. 3/6. Warner, B. E. Eng. Hist, in Sh.'s Plays; w. bibliog., chronol. tables and index. Lond. and N. Y. Longmans. 1894. 6/. Wendell, (Prof.) Barrett. William Shakspere. N. Y. Scribner. 1894. $1.75. White, Richard Grant. Studies in Sh. Lond. Low. 1885. 10/6. Miscellaneous. Bacon, Delia. Philosophy of Sh.'s Plays ITnfolded. Lond. 1857. Boaden, Jas. An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Various Pictures and Prints— so-called Portraits of Sh. Lond. 1824. Cohn, Albert. Sh. in (Jermany in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Cent, Lond. 1865, I English Drama.— A Workiny Basis. 57 Collier, J. Payne. Notes and Emendations to Sh.'s riays, fr. early MS. corrections in 1032 ed. (Forgery).. Lond. Whittaker. 1853. 12/. (Ed.) Sh.'.s Library. 2 v. Lond. 1843. 25/. Donnelly, Ignatius. Sh.'s Great Cryptogram. 2 v. Loud. J^ovv. 1888. 30/. Douce, Francis. Illustrations of Sh. Loud. Tegg. 1839. 0/. Green, H. Sh. and the Em)>lem Writers. Triibner. 1870. 31/G. Griffith, L. M. Evenings with Sh. Kristol. 1889. Hazlitt, W. C. Sh. Jest Books. Lond. Sotheran. 1881. 7/6. Sh. Library. V. Lond. Reeves and Turner. 1875. 42/. lugleby, (Dr.) C. M. Complete View of the (Collier) Sh. Controversy. Loud. Nattali aud Bond. 1801. 0/0. Ireland, W. H. Misc. Papers and Legal Instruments under Hand and Seal of Sh. (Forgery). Lond. 1790. Confessions; w. particulars of his Sh. Fabrications, w. iutrod. R. G. AVhite. N. Y. 1874. $2. Lamb, Chas. and Mary. Tales from Sh. Lond. Macmillan. (1807) 1878. 4/0. Bost. Houghton. :j^l. Leo, (Prof.) F. A. (Ed.) Four Chapters of North's Plutarch. (Photo- graphed fr. ed. 1595). Triibner. 1878. 31/0. Maloue, Edw. Inquiry into Authenticity of Papers, etc., attrib. (I)y Ireland) to Sh. Lond. 1790. Norris, J. Parker. Portraits of Sh. Phil. Lindsay. 1885. Sidney, (Sir) Philip. 1554— '80. dy of the May. Masque. Presented to Eliz. 1578. Pr. with Arcadia, 3rd ed., 1098; repr. Nichols, Progresses of Elizabeth, 2: 94. efense of Poesy. (Apology for Poetry). 1583? Arber Reprint. 1808. Ed. Shuckburgh, Evelyn S. Camb. Press. 1890. 3/. N. Y. Macmillan. 1890. 90c. Ed. Cook, (Prof.) Alb. S., w. introd. and notes. Bost. Ginn. 1890. 90c. isc. Works; ed. Wm. Gray. Lond. Gibbiugs. 1893. 12/0. oume, H. R. Fox. Sir Philip Sidney and the Chivalry of England. (Heroes of the Nations). N. Y. Putnam. |1.50. Jusserand. Eng. Novel in the time of Eliz. Le Theatre en Angleterre. (Ch. 0). Raleigh, Walter. Eng. Novel. N. Y. Scribner. 1890. $1.25. Symonds. Sir Philip Sidney. (Eng. Men of Letters). Lond. Macmillan. 11890. 1/. onquest of the West Indies. 1001. (With Day and Haughton). Rising of Cardinal W^olsey. 1001. (With Chettle, Drayton, Monday). Six Clothiers. 2 pts. 1001. (With Hath way and Haughton). Too Good to be True. (With Chettle and Hathway). Love parts Friendship. 1002. (With Chettle). .8 Merry as May Be. 1002. (With Day aud Hathway). IbertGalles. 1002. (With Hey wood), [arshal Osric. 1002. (With Hey wood) ^ 'wo (Three) Brothers. 1002. Ldy Jane. 1002. (With Chettle, Dekker, Hey wood, Webster). Smith, Wentworth. F1. 1000. 58 English Drama.— A Working Basis, Black Doj,' of Newgate. 2 pts. 1(302— '3. {With Day, llathway and " the other poet"). Uufortunate General. KiOS. Italian Tragedy. 1603. [The above plays are not extant, unless Hey wood's Koyal Kiujj and Loyal Sultject is a recast of Marshal Osric. See Fleay : Biog. Ciuon. Eng. Drama under Heyvvood. It has been suggested that VVentworth Smith may be the W. S. to whom the authorship of Locrine, Thomas Lord Cromwell and the Puritan was attributed]. t Collier. Hist. Eng. Dram. Poetry. 3: 98, 9!>. Fleay. Biog. Ohrou. Eng. Drama. Henslowe. Diary. Jahrbuch. (Sh.)' 27: 148. Still, John. 1543—1607. *Gammer Giirton's Xeedle. Wr. 1561? Acted 1566. Apparently pr. as Dyceon of Bedlam. 1575. (Authorship not certain). t Boas. Shakspere and his Predecessors, p. 21—2. Fleay. Hist, of the Stage, p. 58. Klein. Geschichte des Euglischen Drama's. Swinburne. Study of Shakespeare, p. 24, 28. Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors, p. 205—208. Ward. Eng. Dram. Lit. 1:142,143. Studley, John. F1. 1560. Seneca's Tragedies. (Trans.) *Medea. Agamemnon. *Phiedra. Hercules on OEta. (/S'eeTh. Newton). Tarlton, Richard. —1588. Seven Deadly Sins. {See references below under Fleay). Ballad on the Floods. 1570. Repr. Collier. I'ercy Soc, 1840; «Z*o, Sh. Soc. Pub. 1844. p. 78—84. Horse-load of Fools. (Jig). Before 1583. Repr. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1844. (In HalliwelPs Introd.) (Player Fool=Himself). t Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. 2: 259; Hist, of the Stage, p. 67, 83— 85; Life of Shakespeare, p. 27, 264, 296. Fuller. Worthies of England; ed. 1811. 2:311—12. Halliwell, J. O. Account of Life. (Introd. to Tarlton's Jests, and News out of Purgatory. Repr. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1844). Harvey, Gabriel. Four Letters. 1592, passim. Repr. Brydges, x\rchaica, 2, and Grosart, Harvey's Works, 1. (Huth Libr.) Nash. Pierce Penniless. 1592. Collier ed., p. 36. Udall, Nicholas. 1506— '64. *Ralph Roister Doister. Wr. before 1553? Repr. F. Marshall, 1821; W. D. Cooper, Sh. Soc. Pub. 1847; Arber Reprints, 1869. {See Index). t Arber. Eng. Garner. Boas. Shakspere and his Predecessors. Fleay. Hist, of the Stage, p. 59. Hales, J. W. The Date of the First Eng. Comedy. (Ralph Roister Doister). Engl. Studien, 18: 408—421). Entjlifih Dr<(ma.—A Workintj IJ((sis. o9 .):ihrl)iirli. (Sh.) 15: mS; 17: 274. Jussenind. Le Thtatro en Aiijileterre. (Ch. 0). Klein. Ge.schichte des Knglischen Dranui's. Swinburne. Study of Shakespeare, p. 27, 28. Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors. Wager, W. FI. 1575. The Lou*i,er Thou Live«t the more Fool Thou Art. Pr. 1571— '7(5. t Collier. Eng. Dram. Lit. 2: 832—38. Wapul, Gkokge. F1. 1575. Tide Tarryeth no Man. Pr. 1576. t Collier. Illustrations of Early f^ng. Lit. 1868. v. 2. Jusserand. Le TW'fitre en Angleterre. WnETSTOKK, George. F1. 1575. ♦Promos and Cassandra. Pr. 1578. (Used by Sh. in Measure for Measure). (See Index). t Jahrbuch. (Sh.) 18: 1(58. WiLMOT, Robert. F1. 1568. *Tancred and Gismunda. Presented before Eliz., 1568. Pr. 1592. Wilson, Robert. (Senior). Fl. 1574. *?Three Ladies of Loudon. 1583? Pr. 1592. *?Three Lords and Three Ladies of London. 1588? Pr. 1590. Cobbler's Prophecy. Pr. 1594. (See Index, and Collier, Hist. Eng. Dram. Lit. 3: 247,248). t Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Dram. Jahrbuch. (Sh.) 29/30: 310. Wilson, Robert. (Junior). —1600. Earl Godwin, 2 pts. 1598. (With Chettle, Dekker, Drayton). Piers of Exton. 1598. (With Chettle, Dekker, Drayton). Black Batman of the North. 1598. (Pt. 1 with Chettle, Dekker, Drayton ; pt. 2 with Chettle). Richard Coeur de Lion's Funeral. 1598. (With Chettle, Drayton, Monday). Madman's Morris. 1598. (With Dekker, Drayton). Hannibal and Hermes. 1598. (With Dekker, Drayton). Piers of Winchester. 1598. (With Dekker, Drayton). Chance Medley. 1598. (With Dekker, Monday). Catiline's Conspiracy. 1598. (With Chettle). *Sir John Oldcastle, 2 pts. 1598. (With Drayton, Hathway, Monday). [Of the above plays only the first part of Sir John Oldcastle Is extant. See Index]. t Henslowe. Diary. WooDEs, Nathaniel. Fl. 1581. ♦Conflict of Conscience. Pr. 1581. »IrES. Shirley, Henry. ?Smith, William. Squire. Stephens. Strode. Suckling. Swinhoe. Tailor. Taylor. Tomkins. TOURNEUR. Townsend. Webster. White. Wilkins. Wilson, Arthur. English Drama,— A Workim/ Basis. fil Ai.KXAXDKU, WiiM-iAM. Kliirl ol Stirling. (1507? — 1(J40). *Darius. 1()04. Croesus. 1604. The Alexaiidniean. lOOo. * Julius Ca'sar. KJOT. »I« Works, coutaining the Monurehic Tragedies. Edin. 1003. Lond. 1604, 1607, 1616. Poetical Works. 8 v. Lond. Sotheran. 1872. 30/. Glasgow. 1870. t Anderson. Scottish Nation. 3 v. FuUarton. Edin. 1877. 60/. Chalmers. Eng. Poets, v. 5. Rogers. Chas. Memorials of the Earl of Stirling and the House of Alexander. 2v. Lond. FToulston. 1877. 63/. Walpole. Catalogue of lloyal and Noble Authors. 5 v. Lond. 1758. Eepr. 1806. Anonymous. Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany. Pr. 1654. Acted at Blackfriars (revival) 1636. Att. by Moseley to Chapman and by Fleay to Peele. *Audromana. After 1642. By "J. S." (Founded on Sidney's Arcadia). Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. 2:173. Barnavelt. Acted 1619. Bastard. Pr. 1652. (Probably Jacobean). Bloody Banquet. "By T. D." Pr. 1630. ♦Captain Underwit. Acted 1639. Pr. by Bullen as Shirley's, but held by Fleay as identical with Cavendish's Country Captain. *Costly Whore. 1633. Cruel War. Pr. 1643. *Dick of Devonshire. Claimed by Fleay for Shirley, whose Brothers was licensed in 1626, but assigned by Bullen to Hey wood. Entertainment of James I. from Edinburgh to London. T. M. 1603. Arber Reprints. Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan. *Every Woman in her Humor. 1609. Exchange Ware at Second Hand ; viz. Band, Ruff, and Cuff. 1615. Fair Maid of Bristow. S. R. 1605. Fair Maid of the Exchange. 1607. See Gosse : Jacobean Poets. Faithful Friends. Acted 1614? S. R. 1660. Pr. 1812. Fatal Marriage; or, A Second Lucretia. MS. (Eg. MSS. 1994). General. 1638? *Gho8t. Wr. 1640. Pr. 1653. Honest Lawyer. S. R. 1615. By "S. S." See Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. 2 : 173, 174. *Lingua; or, The Combat of the Tongue and the five Senses for Superiority. 1607. (Assigned by Daniel, Fleay and Furnivall to Tomkins). See Gosse : Jacobean Poets. ♦London Chanticleers. Acted 1637? Pr. 1659. ♦London Prodigal. 1605. Marcus Tullius Cicero, that famous Roman Orator, his Tragedy. Pr. 1651. ♦Merry Devil of Edmonton. Pr. 1608. ♦(Stately Tragedy of Claudius Tiberius) Nero. 1607. (Tragedy of) Nero. 1624. Ed. H. P. Home, Mermaid Series. iftTee Gosse; Jacobean Poets. <>2 English Drama.— A, Working Basis. ^'ews out of the West; or, The ( ;hanicter of u Mountebank. Pr. 1(547. Parricide; or, Itevenge for Ilonoui-. 1054. (Chiimed for (ihipthorne and again for Chapman). rathomachia ; or, The Battle of the Atfections, Shadowed by a feigned Siege of the City Pathopolis. (Running Title, Love's Lodestone). I(>o0. Petronius Maximus. 1(519. l?y ^'W. S,'' jSee Edinb. Mag. July, 1821. v. 88. *Puritan ; or, the Widow of AVatling Street. Pr. 1607. Queen; or, The Excellency of her Sex. Pr. 1653. Revenge for Honour. iSee Parricide. Second Maiden's Tragedy. Wr. 1611. tSee Gosse : Jacobean Poets. Sight and Search. Dated 1(548. MS. *Sir Giles Goosecap, Knight. 1606. Swetnam the Woman-hater arraigned by Women. 1(520. (Swetnam's Arraign- ment of Women. 1(>15). /S'ee Gosse: Jacobean Poets. *Thracian Wonder. Acted 1(517? Pr. 1661. Assigned by Kirkmaii to Web- ster and Rowley, by Fleay to Hey wood. *Trial of Chivalry. 1605. Two Noble Ladies; or, The Converted Conjuror. 1611)— '22. Two Wise Men and all the Rest Fools. 1(519. Unfortunate Usurper. Temp. Charles I. Pr. 1668. Usurping Tyrant. (The Second Maiden's Tragedy). Licensed 1611. Valiant Scot. (Sir Wm. Wallace). 1637. "By J. W. gent." Welsh Ambassador. MS. 1623. Wit of Woman. Pr. 1604. Work for Cutlers; or, A Merry Dialogue between Sword, Rapier, and Dagger. 1615. Reprinted, Harl. Misc. X. * Yorkshire Tragedy. Pr. 1608. Armin, Robert. (Reign of Jas. I.) Two Maids of Moreclacke. 1609. Valiant Welshman. 1615. Nest of iSTinuies. 1608. (Prose tract of autob. interest). Re-pr. fr. ed. 1608. Lond. 1842. Sh. Soc. Pub. Italian Tailor and his Boy. 1609. (Prose tract of autob. interest). .J« Works. 1615— '19; ed. Grosart. 1800. t Davies, John. Scourge of Folly. (Circ. 1611). Tarlton. Jests and News out of Purgatory. 1611. "How Tarlton made Armin his adopted son to succeed him." Sh. Soc. Pub. 1844. Barnes, Barnaby. (1669?— 1609). Divil's Charter; a Tragicdie conteining the Life and Death of Pope Alexander the Sixt. 1607. Parthenophil and Parthenophe. Sonnets, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes. 1593. Arber Reprints. Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan. t Bell. Lit. and Sci. Men. 2 : 150. 1839. Dowden. Academy. Sept. 2, 1876. Barry, Lodowick. (Reign of James I.) *Ram Alley. 1611. English Drama.— A Working Basis. 63 Hkai MONT, Francis. 1586—1616, and Fletcher, John. 1570—1625. [List of works, with dates (often conjectural) of first productions, and autlmrsliip (some- times conjectural) after Fleay. Woman Hater. KiOT. Beaumont. Faithful Shepherdess. 1(108. Both. Four Plays in One. 1608. Both. Love's Cure. 1608. Both, revised by Massinger. Scornful Lady. 1600. Both. *Knight of the Burning Pestle. 1610. Both. Coxc'omI). 1(510. Both, revised by Massinger. Cupid's Revenge. 1610. Both, revised perhaps by Massinger, perhaps Field, perhaps Daborne. *Philaster. 1610. Both. *A King and No King. 1(»1J. (Pub. 1608). Both. *The Maid's Tragedy. 1612. Both. Mask of the Inner Temple and Gray's Inn. 1613. Beaumont. »J47. Fifty Comeilies and Tragedies. KJTO. Works, nil. Works; ed. Theobald, Seward and Sympson. 1750. Dramatick AVorks. 1778. Dramatic AV'orks. 1811. Works. (Weber's ed.) Edin. 1812. Works. (Darley's ed.) 1839. Works; with new collation of texts, notes and life by Dyce. 11 v. Loud. Moxom. 1843— '46. Works. (Darley's new ed.) 2 v. Lond. Routledge. 1866. ea. 10/6. Works, ed. Bullen. Loud. Nimmo. In prep. ea. 7/6. Best Plays, ed. w. introd. and notes by J. St. Loe Strachy. 2 v. (Mermaid Series). Lond. Vizetelly. 1877. ea. 2/6. Selected Plays, w. introd. by J. S. Fletcher. (Canterbury Poets). Lond. Scott. 1887. 1/. t Bibliography by A. C. Potter. No. 39 of the Harvard Lib. Bib. Contributions. Cambridge, Mass., 1890. Boyle, R. Beaumont, Fletcher and Massinger. Engl. Studien, o: 74—96; 7: 6()-87; 8: 39—61; 9: 209—39; 10: 383—412. C. J. A note on Cervantes and Beaumont aud Fletcher. Fraser'.s Mag., May, 1875. 91: 592—7. Colby, J. Rose. Some ICtliical Aspects of Later Elizabethan Tragedy. (Beaumont and Fletcher). Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. of Mich. Ann Arbor, 1886. Coleridge. Lectures on Shakespeare and Other Dramatists. Donne, AVm. Bod ham. Essays ou the Drama. Lond. 1863. p. 34—66. Also in Eraser's Mag. Mar., 1850. 41 : 321—32. Dryden, John. The Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy. (In answer to Rymer). Dryden's Works, ed. Scott. Loud. 1808. 6:243—66. Fleay. On Metrical Tests as applied to Dramatic Poetry. Part. II. Fletcher. Beaumont, ^lassinger. New Sh. Soc.'s Trans. 1874. p. 51—84. Also in Fleay's Sh. ^Manual. Loud. 1876. Eraser's Mag. 41 : 321—32. Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Hazlitt. Lectures ou the Dram. Lit. of the Age of Eliz. 04 English Drama.— A Working Basis. Hunt, Leigh. Beauties of Beauniout and Fletcher, "with opinions of distin- guished critics, notes and preface." 1855. 2nd ed. Lond. 18G2. Bohn. 3/0. Leonhardt, B. Ueber Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning PestJe. Anuaberg. 1885. (Rev. by Max Koch in Engl. Studien, 1885— '86. 9: 361—63. Reply to Max Koch in Eng. Studien, 1888. 12: 307—313). Ueber Beziehung von Beaumont and Fletcher's Fhilaster, or Love lies a-Bleeding zu Shakespeare's Hamlet u. Cymbeline. (Angha, 8:424— 47). Lowell. Old Eng. dramatists. 1892. Macaulay, G. C. Francis Beaumont. A Critical Study. Lond. Paul. 1883. 5/. Mason. Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. 1798. Oliphant, E. F. Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. (Engl. Studien, 14 : 53— 94; 15 : 321—60; 16 : 180—200. Also 17 : 171—75 ; 18 : 292—96. [R. Boyle] .) Saiutsbury. Hist, of Eliz. Lit. Schlegel. Lectures on Dram. Art and Lit. Scriblerus. Explanations of some Passages in the Text of Beaumont and Fletcher. 1814. Sh. Soc. Trans. 1880— '86. p. 579—628. Shakspere and Jonson. Dramatic, versus Wit Comlnits. Auxiliary Forces. Beaumont, etc. 1864. Swinburne. Beaumont and Fletcher. Ency. Brit., 9th ed. 3:469 — 74. Ward. Hist, of Eng. Dram. Lit. Whipple, E. P. Beaumont and Fletcher. Atlantic; Monthly. 1886. 21: 176-185. Lit. of the Age of Eliz. Breton, Nicholas. 1545?— 1626? An Olde Man's Lesson and a Young Man's Love. 1605. "An interlude, ed. Breton." Fleay. Bower of Delights; ed. Grosart. Lond. Stock. 1893. 3/6. (Eliz. Libr.) See Peabody Cat. t Diet. Nat. Biog. (6 p.) Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Grosart. Chertsey Worthies Libr. 2 v. 1877. Brewer, Anthony. F1. 1650. *Country Girl. 1647. (Signed T. B., taken by Kirkman, Baker, Halliwell and Fleay for Tony Brewer. Bullen suggests the tract writer, Thomas Brewer). *Love-sick King. 1655. t Diet. Nat. Biog. Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Dram. Brome, Alex. 1620?— 1666. Cunning Lovers. Acted before 1639; pr. 1654. Beaumont and Fletcher. Works. 1647. Commend. A^erses. t Chalmer, A. Eng. Poets, 6. Diet. Nat. Biog. Hazlitt, Handbook. Walton. Angler. 2nd ed. English Drama.— A Workiny Ihisis. 05 Bkome, KiciiAKL). (—1652). (Dates largely conjectural). Fault in Friendship. Licensed 1623. Lovesick Maid. Licensed 1629. Lovesick Court. ? City Wit. 1629. Damoiselle.? Northern Lass. 1681. Queen's Exchange. KJol or '82. *Covent Garden AVeeded. 1682. Novella. 1083. Last Lancashire Witches. 1684. (Brome's alteration of Hey wood's play). New Academy, y Queen and Concubine.? Sparagus Garden. 1635. Mad Couple well Matched. 1636. English Moor.? Antipodes. ? Cou rt Beggar. KJIO 'i * Jovial Crew ; or, The Merry Beggars. 1641. »I86. Siege; or, Love's Convert. 16JJT. 4«Playi« and Poems. Coll. II. Moseley. 1 v. 1051. (50 copies of conimenrt. verses prefixed). Chalmers. Eng. Poets, v. 6. t Choate. Wells of English. Evelyn. Diary, ed. 1850. 1 : 421. Dunham. Lit. and Sci. Men. v. 2. Mo. Rev. 110 : 235. Life and CJorresp. lletro. Rev. 9 : 100. I'lays and Poems. Ward. Eng. Poets, v. 2. Chapman, (xKO. 1551)?— 1034. (Dates somewhat conjectural). Blind Beggar of Alexandria. 1590. Comedy of Humours. (Humorous Day's Mirth). 1597. *A1I Fools. 1599. *May Day. 1001. Gentleman Usher. 100 L Chabot. (Re-v^'r. by Shirley). 1004? *Monsieur D'Olive. 1004. *Bussy d'Ambois. 1004. *Eastward Ho. (With Jonson and Marston). 1005. ♦Widow's Tears. 1005. *(Revenge of) Bussy d'Ambois. 1006. Byron's Conspiracy. 1007. Byron's Tragedy. 1608. Caisar and Pompey. 1008? Mask of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn. 1613. »Iy Th. Hey wood). t Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Daborne, (Rev.) KoBEKT. (— 1628). Christian turned Turk. 1610— '12. Poor Man's Comfort. 1610— '12. Machiavell and the Devil. 1613. Arraignment of London. 1613. (AVith Tourneur). Bellman of London. 1613. Owl. 1613. Faithful Friends. 1614. She Saint. 1614. (The last six not published). [For plays in collaboration, see Field and Masslnger]. Christopher Brook. Ghost of King Richard the Third. Lond. 161'). Com- mend. Verses by Daborne. Sermon on Zach. 11: 7. Lond. 1618. t Collier. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, Sh. Soc. Pub., 1841, p. 120—1. New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare, Sh. Soc. Pub., 1835, p. 40. Correspondence with Henslowe. Variorum Sh. (Malone). Vol.21. Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. (9 p.) Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Henslowe. Diary. Daniel, Samuel. (1562—1619). Cleopatra. (Never acted). 1594. Vision of the Twelve Goddesses. (Presented at Hampton Court). Pr. 1604. Philotas. (Acted by the Children of the Queen's Revels). Pr. 1605 and 1607. The Queen's Arcadia. (Presented to the Queen in Christ's Church, Oxford). Pr. 1605. Tethy's Festival; or. The Queen's Wake. (Presented at Whitehall). Pr. 1610. Hymen's Triumph. (Presented at Somerset House at the Nuptials of Lord Roxburghe). Pr. 1615. Panegyrike Congratulatory, with a Defence of Ryme. 1602. (In reply to Campion). »i«Whole Workes in poetrie. 1623. Poetical Works, w. memoir. 1718. Works, ed. Grosart. Repr. in Huth Library, t Anderson. British Poets, v. 4. Arber. English Garner. Austin and Ralph. Poets-Laureate. Chalmers. Eng. Poets, v. 3. Choate. Wells of English. Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. 15 p. Fuller. Worthies of England. Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Hazlitt. Dram. Lit. of the Age of Eliz. Jameson, Mrs. Loves of the Poets. Jonson. Conversations with Drummond of Havvthornden. Cynthia's Revels. (Fleay identifies Hedon with Daniel). •aRIVBI English Drama. —A Working Sf^WF^^*^ Jusserand. Le Th(^atre eii Angleterre. (Ch. G). Macmillaa's iMag. GS: 433. I8!);j. Meres. Palladis Taniia. Morley. En^. Writers. 10 : 208. Nasb. Piers Peuuiless. Return from Parnassus. 1601. Arber Reprint. Saiutsl)iiry. Daniel's Trai^^edies. Grrosart's ed. of Daniel, v. 3. Spenser. " Colin Clouts come home again." Davenport, Robert. F1. 1623. *City Nightcap. Licensed 1624. Pr. 1661. *Xew Trick to cheat the Devil. Pr. 1639. *King John and Matilda. Pr. 1655; 1662. t Dunham. Lit. and Sci. Men, v. 2. Retro. Rev. 4: 87—100. (Rev. of King John and Matilda). Swinburne. Fortn. Rev. 54 : 774. Day, John. F1. 1606. lie of Guls. Pr. 1606. Travailes of the three English Brothers, Sir Thomas, Sir Anthony, Mr. Robert Sherley. Pr. 1607. (MS. in Athen.) Law-Trickes; or. Who vv^ould have thought it. Pr. 1608. Humour out of Breath. Pr. 1608. 1860 (Ed. Halliwell). Parliament of Bees. Pr. 1641. Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green. 1659. »J« Works. (1607— '59), ed. Bullen, w. introd. and notes. Chiswick Press, 1881. £3, 5/. Best Plays, ed. Arthur Symons. Lond. Vizetelly. 1888. 2/6. (Mermai<] Series), t Gosse. Works of Day. Acad. 21:21. Jacobean Poets. Roxburghe Club. Sherley Brothers: Lives of Sirs Thomas, Anthony, and Robert Sherley, Knts. Ed. E. P. Shirley. 1848. Travailes of the three English Brothers. 1607. Reviewed in Fry's Bibliogr. memor. 1816. p. 345—50. Denham, (Sir) John. 1615— '69. Sophy. Acted 1641. Pr. 1642. »i«Collected Works. 1668; 1671; 1676; 1684; 1709. Repr. in Johnson's (1779), Anderson's (1793), Park's (1808), and Chalmers' (1810) Collections of Eng. Poets. Poems and Translations : with the Sophy, a tragedy. Lond. 1709. t Aubrey, J. Lives of Eminent Men. (In Letters written by Eminent Persons. 1813). Gosse. Shakespeare to Pope. Johnson. Lives of the Poets. Marvel]. Works. Ed. Grosart. Notes and Queries. 4th Ser. 1: 532; 10: 249. Pepys. Diary, passim. 70 'Rnglish Drama. — A Workinr/ Basis. Drue, Thomas. FI. 1631. Life of the Duchess of Snttolk. 1629. t Diet. Nat. Biog. (BuUen) . Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. DUGDALK, G. Fl. 1603. Time Triumphant. Kiug James's Coronation at Westminster, July 25, 1603; and Coronation Procession (delayed by the Plague), March 15,1604. ( Arber Reprints) . Field, Nathaniel. 1587—1633. *Woman is a Weathercock. Pr. 1612. White's Old Eng. Drama, v. 2; ed. Collier, 1829; ed. Verity, 1888. (Mermaid Series). *Amends for Ladies. Pr. 1618. White's Old Eng. Drama, v. 2; ed. Collier, 1829; ed. Verity, 1888. (Mermaid Series). *Fatal Dowry. 1632. (^'ee Massinger and Fletcher). Remonstrance of N. F. addressed to a Preacher in Southwark, who had l)een arraigning against the Players of the Globe Theatre, in the year 1616. First ed. fr. the orig. MS. (Halliwell). Lond. 1865. t Collier. Hist. Eng. Dram. Poetry. Memoirs of Alleyn, and AUeyn Papers. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1841. Dunham. Lit. and Sci. Men. v. 2. Fleay. Field's Career. (Engl. Studien, 13: 28). Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Henslowe. Diary. Fisher, Jasper. Fl. 1639. *Fuimus Troes, the True Trojans. 1633. t Diet. Nat. Biog. Fletcher, John. 1579—1625. {iSee Beaumont and Fletcher). Also (by Fletcher apai't from Beaumont, with dates of production, often conjectural). Monsieur Thomas. Circ. 1609. *Two Noble Kinsmen. Circ. 1611. (With unknown collaborator, perhaps Shakespeare) . Love's Pilgrimage. 1612. (First three acts apparently by Fletcher). *Captain. 1613. (In part). Honest Man's Fortune. 1613. (Perhaps with Daborne, Field, and Massinger). Nice Valor; or. The Passionate Madman. 1613. (In part). Nightwalker ; or. The Little Thief . Before 1615. (In part). Wit without Money. 1614. Woman's Prize ; or, The Tamer Tamed. 1615? Beggars' Bush. Circ. 1615. (With Massinger). *Chances. 1615. Faithful Friends. 1616. (Perhaps mainly by Daborne). Jeweller of Amsterdam ; or. The Hague. 1616. (With Field and Massinger. Not extant) . ♦Bonduca. 1616. (Possibly with Field) . English Drama.— A Working Basis. 71 Valentioian. 1616. The Bloody Brother. Circ. 1616. (With Massinger and others). ♦Thierry and Theodoret. 1617? (With Massinger and others). ♦Henry VIIL. See Shakespeare. Knight of Malta. 1617? (With Massinger and another). Queen of Corinth. 1(518? (With Massinger and perhaps Field). Mad L-over. Circ. 161S. Loyal Subject. 1618. Humorous Lieutenant. 1615). *8ir John van Olden Barnaveldt. 1619. (With Massinger). Custom of the Country. 1619? (With Massinger). Double Marriage. Circ. 1620. (With Massinger). Little French Lawyer. Circ. Ki'iO. (With Massinger) . *False()ne. Circ. 1620. (With Massinger). Woman Pleased. Circ. 1620. Island Princess. 1621. Pilgrim. 1621. Wildgoose Chase. 1621. Prophetess. 1<)22. (With Massinger). Sea Voyage. 1(522. (With Massinger). Spanish Curate. 1(522. (With Massinger). *Maid in the Mill. 1(^23. (With W. Rowley). Devil of Dowgate. 1623. (Perhaps mainly by Rowley). Wandering Lovers. 162:]. (Revised by Massinger, 1634, as The Lovers' Progress). A Wife for a Month. 1621. *Rule a Wife and have a Wife. 1624. Elder Brother. 1(}25. (Revised by Massinger, 1635, as The Orator). Fair Maid of the Inn. 1626. (With Massinger and another). No!)le Gentleman. 1626. A Very Woman. 1628? (Revised by Massinger. Circ. 1634). [For bil)liography, see Beaumont]. Also t Creasy, Sir E. S. Eminent Etonians. Delius. On the Ascription of the Two Noble Kinsmen to Sh. and Fletcher. Sh. Jahrbuch, 13. Fleay. On the Chronology of the Plays of Fletcher and Massinger. (Engl. Studieu, 9: 12 — 5^). Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. Hazlitt. Dram. Lit. of Age of Eliz. Lee. Athemeum. 1884. Jan. 19. (On Sir John van Olden Barnaveldt). Lowell. Beaumont and Fletcher. Harper, 85 : 757. Simson, J. Eminent Men of Kent. G., J. & P. Fletcher. Swinburne. Study of Shakespeare. 73; 75, 76; 82— 94. Symonds, J. A. In the Key of Blue and Other Prose Essays. (Some Notes on Fletcher's Valeutiniun). Lond. Mathews. 1893. 8/6. Also in Fortn. Rev. Sept., 1886, p. 46. Littell's Living Age : Oct., 1886, p. 71. Flktcher, Phineas. 1582—1650. Sicelides. 1631. MS. (Brit. Mus. MS. Addit. 4453). »{ : 462—87. (Criticism of Priu. Dram. Works). Spec. 62: 482. (Best Plays). Swinburne. Essays and Studies. Thompson, Sylvanus. Memorials of John Ford. Whipple. F>says and Iteviews. Lit. of the Age of Eliz. Wolff, Max. J. Ford eiunachahmer Shakespeare's. Heidel. diss. Heidelberg. .1. Horning. 1880. 41pp. (Kolbing, E. Engl. Studieu, 4: 479— 80). FoKDK, Thomas. F1. 1660. l^ove's Labyrinth; or, The Royal Shepherdess. Pr. 1660. t Bailey. Life of Thomas Fuller. 1874. p. 585—6; 759. Fhkeman, Sir Ralph. F1. 1610— '55. Imperiale. Pr. 1630. Glaptiiouxk, Henry. F1. 1639. *Lady Mother. Licensed 1(>;?5. (Pr. for the tirst time in Bullen's Old Eng. Plays. V. 2. 1883). Hollander. Wr. circ. 1(535. *Ladies Privilege. Wr. rirc. 1636. Argalus and I'arthenia. (Founded on Sidney's Arcadia). Acted circ. 1638. Wit in a Oonstalde. Wr. 1639. Duchess of Feruaudina. S. R. 1660. (Not extant). *Albertus Wallenstein. 1639? »J«Plays and Poems, w. illustr. notes and a memoir. Lond. Pearson. 1874. 2v. 21/. (Retro. Rev. 1824. 10: 122). \ IJullen. Collection of Old Eng. Plays. 2: 101—102. Zwickert, Max. Henry Glapthorne. (Inaug. Diss.) Halle. (iOFFK, Thomas. 1591—1629. Raging Turk; or Bajazet, the Second. Wr. J 615— 1623. Pr. 1632. ( ourageous Turk ; or, Amurath the First. Wr. 1615—1623. Pr. 1633. Orestes. Wr. 1615—1623. Pr. 1633. < "areless Shepherdess. Acted circ. 1629. »jvrhree Excellent Tragedies (Bajazet, Amurath, Orestes). Coll. by Richard !>[eigheu. Lond. 165(5. t Gosse. Jacobean Poets. 74 English Drama.— A Working Basis. GOMERSAL, KonKin. lOOo:''— 1()4(;:' Ludovick 8tor.sa, Duke of Milan. Pr. l(>2.s. (Included in) PoeiHr?. 1()33. Gough, J. Fl. 1040. Strange Discovery. liVU). GHKViLLE, (Sir) FiLKE. (First Loi'd Brookc). l.)54— 1(528. *Mustapba. Pr. 1(509. Alaham. Pr. 1(538. Life of the renowned Sir Philip Sidney. 1(552. (Autoltiographieal values). »I«Certaiu Learned and Elegant Works of the Jtight Honorable Fulke, Lord Brooke, written in his youth and familiar exercise with Sir Philip Sidney. Kioo. AV'orks, ed. w. memoir, introd. critical essays, etc. Orosart. Fuller Worthies' Libr. 4 v. 1870. t Bolton, Edmund. Hypercritica. 1(522. (Praises Mustapha). Davison. Poetical Khapsody. 1(502. (irosse. Jacobean Poets. Hazlitt. Table Talk. ILviUNGTox, WiijjA.M. I(j05— "54. *Queene of Arragon. Acted 1G40. (Revised at the Restoration, Sanniel lUitler contributing prologue and epilogue). Non-Dram a t ic Wo rks . Poems to Castara (his wife) 1(534. History of Edward IV. 1640. Observations on History. 1(>41. »J32. t Huth. luedited Poetical Miscellanies. 1870. (Critical verses on Hausted's comedy. Masson. Life of Milton. 1 : 214, 218—19. Hawkins, AVillia.m, —1(537. Apollo Shroviug. A Lyrical Drama. Lond. I(i27. t Diet. Nat. Biog. Engliah I)rtim:»'2. (Ilcinminj^c)- < onrsin- of tlie Marc : or, The Madcap. Acted KKW. (Notextuut). Kiitiil ('ontra<-t. I*r. H'M. ( Altered I»y Settle to Love and Itevenjre). Jew's Trauedv. l»r. 1()(»'J. llKVWiMU), IJIOMAS. — KioO. *Koiir Prentices of Loudon, with 'I'he ( V>n<|nestof Jerusaloni. I'r. Kll.'i. ( Acted lo or 20 years earlier). *l<:dward ly. 2 pts. KiOO. If you know not me, you know nobody : or, The Troiildes of (^ueen Eliza- beth. 2 pts. KiO.')— (i. *l{oyal Kinir and Loyal Subject. l*r. UWT. (Acted 1()02'0. *Wonian Killed witli Kindness. Acted Km. Vr. 1(507. Fair Maid of the Kxchan<:;e. Vr. 1(507. *Rape of Lucrece. Pr. 1()08. (Jolden Age. Pr. KUL Silver Age. Acted 1()12. lira/en Age. Pr. 1(518. Fair Maid of the West. 2 pts. Acted 1(J17. Pr. 1(581. Captives ; or, The Lost Recovered. 1(524. Iron Age. Pr. 1(532. *English Traveller. Pr. 1(>:J8. Maidenhead Well Lost. 1(5.84. * Love's Mistress; or, The Queen's Mas(|ne. !(>.%. *( 'halleuge for Beauty. 1(58(5. Wise Woman of Hogsdon. 163S. Fortune by Land and Sea. (With Wm. Rowley). Pr. l(5rM. (Wr. some 50 yrs. earlier). Late Lancashire Witches. 1(584. (With Richanl Brome). Lost Plays. War without Blows. 1598? Joan as Good as my Lady. loOO? The Blind eat many a Fly. 1602? How to Learn of a Woman to Woo. Acted 1(505. Love's Masterpiece. S. K. 1640. "Alberte Galles." (With Wentworth Smith). 1602? Marshal Osrick. (With Wentworth Smith). 1602? London Florentine. (With Chettle). 1602? Like Quits Like. (With Chettle). 1602? Christmas comes but once a Year. (AVith Chettle, Dekker anlo; ed. Collier. Percy Soc., v. 6. IM'J. England's Elizabeth; her J^ife and I'roubleis during- her Minority from the Cradle to the Crown. 1(531. Harl. Misc. 10. 1808. •I(),s. Hue aiul (rv after Cupid. (With Inij^o .luiie.s). JCOS. Queens. (AVitb Inigo Jone.x). I(i09. Speeche.s at Prince Henry's Barriers. Kilo. Oberou the Fairy Prince. 1011. Love freed from Tunorance and Folly. 101 1. Challenge at Tilt at a Marriage. lOlo. Irish Masque. 1013. Mercury Vindicated from the Alchemists. 1()15. Golden Age Kest-ored. 1010. Christmas. 1610. Lovers made Men. 1617. For the Honor of Wales. 1018. News from the New AVorld discoveres. v. 2. Dekker. Satiro-Mastix. (lu answer to Jouson's Poetaster). Disrueli. Amenities of Lit. Curiosities of Lit. Quarrels of Authors. Dryden. Plssay of Dram. I'oetry. Duuhaui. Lit. anVith Wm. Sampson). Sacred Poems. (Lamentations of St. John, 1600; Marie ^Magdalene's Lament- ations, 1601) ; ed. Grosart w. memoir. 1871. ^lARMION, SlIAC'KKKLEV. 1603— '39. *Hollaud's Leaguer. 1632. *Fine Companion. 1(533. *Antiquary. 1640. »J37. llepr. Singer. 1820. t Heywood, Thomas. Pleasant Dialogues and Dramas. 1(537. (Commend. Verses). Jousouus Virbius. 1638. (A Funeral Sacritice to the Sacred Jlemory of his thrice-honoured Father, Ben Jonson). Mason, John. F1. 1606. Turk. 1609. t Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. Massinger, Philip. 1583—1640. *Duke of Milan. 1(518? (Revived at Drury Lane, 1816). *l'nnatural Combat. 1619? *Bondman. Licensed 1623. (llevived 1661; 1719; 1799). Kenegado. Licensed 1624. Parliament of Love. Licensed 1624. *New Way to Pay Old Debts. 1625? (Thirteen revivals. 1748—1827). Roman Actor. Licensed 1626. (Revived 1722; 1796; 1822). ?Maid of Honour. (Revived 1785). Great Duke of Florence. Licensed 1(527. *Picture. Licensed 1(529. (Revived 1783). Emperor of the East. Licensed 1631. Believe as You List. (Refused license 1(531). *City Madam. Licensed 1(532. (Revived 1783). *Guardian. Licensed 1633. Bashful Lover. Licensed 1(J3(5. (Revived 1798). Eniilixli Drama.— A Workimj Basis. 81 1)1 Collahoralion. ♦Second Maiden's Tra.Lcedy. Licensed Kill. (With Tourneiir?) Honest Man's Fortune. 16i;J. (With Fletcher, Field, Daltorne). *Thierry and Theodoret. IClo-' (With Fletcher, Field, AVilkinsy) Bloody Brother. IGin? (With Fletcher, Field, Wilkinsy) Knight of Malta. U>W'f (With Flet<;her). Queen of Corinth. 1(!17? (With Fletcher). *Fatal Dowry. Before KJIU? (With Field). (Cf. Howe's Fair Penitent). ?Virgin Martyr. Licensed 1()20. (With Dekker). Custom of the Country. Date? (With Fletcher). Double Marriage. lG20y (With Fletcher). *False()ne. 1620? (With Fletcher). Little French Lawyer. 1020? (With Fletcher). Sea Voyage. Licensed 1022.' (With Fletcher). Beggar's Bush. 1022? (With Fletcher). Prophetess. Licensed 1022. (With Fletcher). Spanish Curate. Licensed 1022. (With Fletcher). Fair Maid of the Tun. Licensed 1020. (With Fletcher). ?A Very Woman; or. The Prince of Tarant. Licensed 10o4. (With Fletcher). Lovers' Progress. Licensed 1084. (AVith Fletcher). [For aUeged lost plays by Massinjier see Diet. Nat. Biog.] »}«I)ram. Works; ed. Coxeter. 4 v. 1759; re-issued w. introd. I >y Da vies. ITOL Dram. Works; ed. J. Monck Mason. 4 v. 1779. Plays; ed. Wm. (Jittbrd. 4 v. 1805; 1818. (Edin. Rev. 1808; 12: 99). Expurgated Plays; ed. If arness. 3 v. 1830 — '31. Massinger and Ford. Dram. Works, w. introd. Hartley Coleridge. 1 v. 1810. Loud. Boutledge. 1865. 10/0. Plays; ed. Cunningham fr. t«xt of Gittbrd (1813). (w. add. of Believe as You List). Lond. Chatto. 1867; 1872. 6/. (Lit. Li v. Age. 100: 206). Selected Plays ; ed. A. Symons. 2 v. (Mermaid Series). Lond. Vizetelly. 1889. 'ea. 2/6. A New Way to Pay Old Debts; ed. Deighton, w. introd. and notes. (Eng. Classics). Lond. Bell. 1894. 2/0. Believe as You List; ed. T. C. Croker. Percy Soc. 1848. Lafond, E. Contemporains de Sh. (Fr. trans.) Paris. 18(54. t Balser,'J. E. Acad. 37: 430. Boyle, K. Beaumont, Fletcher and Massinger. Engl. Studieu, 5: 74; 7: 00; 8 : 39 ; 9 : 299 ; 10 : 383. Choate. Wells of English. (Joleridge. Literary llemains. Fleay. Biog. Chron. P]ng. Dram. ( Lender Fletc-her). Gardiner, S. R. The Political Element in Massinger. Sh. Soc. Trans. 1875— '70. (Conteinp. Rev. Aug., 1876; 28:495, a>-^. John Fletcher). Gaspary, Alfred. Allgemeine Ausspriiche in den Dramen Philip Massinger. Marburg, 1890. IJazlitt. Dram. Lit. of Age of Eliz. Lamb. Specimens of Dram. Poets. F^owell. Massinger and Ford. Harper's, 85 : 942. ^4Zso Old Eng. Dramatists. Macaulay, G. C. Francis Beaumont. A Crit. Study. Lond. Paul. 18;J3. 5/. On the Time-Poets. Phclan, Jas. On I'hilip Massinger. Halle diss. 1S78. Anglia, 2 : 1, 44, 504. Stephen, L. Cornh. Mag. 36: 440. (Same in Eel. Mo. 89: (588, and Lit. Liv. Ai:o, i;5:):22S). Hours in a rjbrarv,2: 141—70. 82 Enfflish Drama. — ^-l Workinrj Basis. Swinburne. Fortn. Rev. 52 : 1. Ward. Eng. Dram. Lit. Whipple. Essays and Reviews. Lit. of tlie Aj^e of Eliz. May, Thomas. 151)5— 1050. *01d Couple. 1620-' *Heir. Acted 1620. Cleopatra. Acted 1620. Julia Agrippina. Acted 1028. Antigone. Pr. 1631. Julius Ciesar. (Latin). MS. [For Poems, Translations und I'rose Works, sei- Did. Nal. Biu.u'.J t Dunham. Lives of Lit. and Sci. Men, 2. Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Mayne, Jaspeh. 1004— '72. City Watch. Acted 1039. (Revised by Bromfield, 1755, as The Schemers, and by Planch6, 1S28, as the Merchant's Wedding). Amorous War. Pr. 1648. [For Poems, Translations and Prose Works, see Diet. Nat. Biojr.J »iiTwo Plays. By J. M. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. 1058. t Pepys. biaH^ Sept. 28, 1668. Walker, John. Suft'erings of the Clergy. Lend. 1714. Mead, Robert. 1(516— '53. Cond>at of Love and Friendship. (Univ.) circ. 1636. t Cowley, Abraham. Poetical Blossoms. 1633. (Commend. Verses by Mead). Jonsonus Virbius. 1838. MiDDLETON, Thomas. 1.570 V— 1627. Old Law. 1599? (With Rowley and Massinger V) .*Blurt, blaster Constable ; or, The Spaniard's Nightw^alk. l(i()(». C.Tsar's Fail. 1002. (With Dekker, Drayton, Monday, AVebster. Not extant). Two Harpies. 1602. (With Dekker, Drayton, Monday, Webster. Not extant). Chester Tragedy ; or, Randolph, Earl of Chester. 1602. . (Not extant). *Mayor of Quinl>orough. 1602? *?IIonest Whore, pt. 1. 1604. (With Dekker). Michaelmas Term. 1604? Phanix. 1606? *Trick to catch the Old One. 160(). *A Mad World, My Masters. 1606? *?Puritan ; or, The Widow of Watling Street. 1()0(>. Family of Love. 1607? Five Gallants. (Five Witty Gallants). 1607. *Roaring Girl. 1608— '11? (With Dekker). Chaste Maid in Cheapside. 1611— '13? Xo Wit, No Help, like a Woman's. 1013? *Women Beware Women. 1(»13? Fair Quarrel. 1616? (With Wm. KowU y ). ♦Changeling. 1621. (AMth Wm. Rowley). English Dnww.—A Work in ff Basis. 88 ♦More Dissemblers besides Women. 1622? ♦Spanish Gipsy. l(;2a? (With Wm. Rowley?) Anything for a (^uiet Life. 162:?? Game at Chess. 1624. yWidow. Pr. 1652. (Witli Joiison and Fletcher?) yWitch. Pr. ITTS. I'df/t'dJltS. Entertainment to Kinj^ James. 1604. (With Dekker). Triumphs of Truth. (Lord Mayor). 1618. Lordship's Entertainment at the Opening of the New River. 161:1. Mask of Cupid. (Merchant Taylors. Xot extant). 1614. Civitatis Amor. (AVhitehall). 1616. Triumphs of Honor. (Lord Mayor). 1617. Inner Temple Masque ; or, Masque of Heroes. 1618. Triumphs of Love. (Lord Mayor). 1619. World Tost at Tennis. " Courtly Masque." 1620. Sun in Aries. 1621. Invention (for the Lord Mayor, at an entertainment in his house). 1622. Triumphs of Honor and Virtue. (Lord Mayor). 1622. Triumphs of Integrity. (Lord Mayor). 1623, Triumphs of Health and Prosperity. (Lord Mayor). 1626. Honorable Entertainments composed for the Service of this Noble City. (Ten minor masques). Pr. 1621. {/See Atheu. Oct. 2, 1886). [For misc. works iu verse jiiid prose ascribed to Middleton see Diet. Nat. Biog. (Herford)]. »J*Works; ed. Dyce. 5 v. Lond. Lumley. 1840. Works; ed. Bullen. 8 v. Lond. Nimmo. 1885— '86. ea. T/6. (Ath., 1886, 1 : 625. Atlantic, 56 : 853. Sat. Rev., 61 : 305). Selected Works; ed. Ellis, w. introd. by Swinburne. 2 v, (Mermaid Series). Lond. Vizetelly. 1887— '90. ea. 2/6. t Arnheim. Herrig's Archiv. 78:1; 129; 369. Choate. Wells of English. __ Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Hazlitt. Dram. Lit. of the Age of Eli/. Ilenslowe. Diary. Ilolthausen, F. Zii Middleton's No Wit, No Help, like a AVoman's. (Angliii, 12:526—527). Hornby, T. Game of Chess. Sli. Soc. Trans. 2. 1845. Jonsou. Conversations with Drummond. Staple of News, 3:1. Pearson, Jas. L. Repr. of an unknown Pageant, Triumphs of Honor and Virtue, w. introd. Sh. Soc. Trans. 2. 1845. Pepys. Diary. Feb. 23, 1661. (The Changeling). Retro. Rev. 1823. 8: 125. Spalding. On the Witch-Scenes in Macbeth. Sh.^oc. Trans. 1877— '79. Swinburne. Nineteenth Cent. Jan., 1886. 19:138. {Same. Ed. Mo. 106: 335). Webster. Duchess of Malfi. 1623. (Commend. Verses by Middleton). Milton, John. 1608— '74. Arcades, Masque, presented before the Countess Dowagei* of Derby. 1633? *Comus. Masque, presented at Ludlow Castle. 1634. *Samson Agonistes. 1671. 84 English Drarim. — A Working Basis. »J«Work!s in Verse and Prose; ed. w. life, J. Mitlurd. 8 v. Lond. 18G7. Poetical AVorks; ed. w. life aud notes, D. Massou. 3 v. Lond. JNlacmillan. 1874. Globe ed. Loud. Macmillan. 1877. 3/6. I'oetical AVorks; ed. w. life, introd. l)il)liog., etc., Jno. PradshaAV. 2 v. Lond. Bell. 1893. ea. 2/G. N. Y. Macmillan. LS93. ea. 75c. Arcades and Comus; ed. vv. introd. and notes, A. W. Verity. Lond. (ami). Press. 1891. 3/. N. Y. ]Nracmillan. 1891. 90c. ( -omus; ed. w. introd. and notes, Bell. (Eng. Classics). Lond. Matniillan. 1890. 1/6. X. Y. Macmillan. 1890. 40c. Illustrations to Comus, by Wm. HIake. (IJeprod. of the 8 orig. drawings). Lond. Quaritch. 1890. 42/. (;omus, adapted to the stage. Altered by J. Dalton. Lond. 1738. (Bell's Br. th., 1; Br. dr., 2; Dibdin's Lond. th., 10; Mod. Br. dr., 2). Comus. Altered by G. Colman. As performed in Covent Garden. Lond. 1772. (Bell's Br. th., 9; Br. dr., 12; Inchbald's Farces, 7; Lond. stage, 2; Mod. Br. dr., 5). Samson Agouistes; ed. Jerram. Lond. Rivington. 1890. 2/. ed. Percival. (Eng. Classics). Lond. Macmillan. 1890. 1/6. N. Y. Macmillan. 1890. 40c. ed. J. Churtou Collins. Oxf. Clar. Press. 1/. X. Y. Macmillan. 25c. ed. A. W. Verity, w. introd. and notes. Camb. Press. 1892. 2/6. N. Y. 3Iacmillan. 1892. 70c. Samson. Adapted as oratorio by X. Hamilton. Oxford. 1749. Samson. Set to music by Handel. Lond. 17(52. Handel's Oratorio, Samson. Words chiefly fr. ^Milton. Compiled ])y T. Morell. Lond. 1840. t Arnold. Essays in Criticism. Bagehot. Lit. Studies. Birrill. Obiter Dicta. Bridges, Rob. Milton's Prosody. Clar. Press. 1893. 8/6. X. Y. Macmillan. ' 1893. $3.00. Brooke, Stopford A. Milton. Lond. Macmillan. 1879. 1/6. Cleveland, C. D. Concordance to 3Iilton's Poetical Works. Lond. Low. 1867. 6/. Coleridge. Seven Lectures on Sh. and 3IiIton. DeQuincey. Works. (1883). 6: 311— 25; 10: 79— 98. Dowden. Transcripts and Studies. Lond. 1888. Elze. Ein Gegenbild zu Sh. Sh. Jahrbuch, 12. 1877. Garnett, Richard. Life of John Milton. (Bibliog. by Anderson). Lond. Scott. 1890. 2/6. Lowell. Among My Books. Macaulay, Th. B. Crit. and Hist. Essays. 2 v. Lond. 1854. 1:1—28. Masson, D. Essays. Cambridge. 1856. Life of John Milton. Cambridge. 1859— '80. 8v. (New ed. 1881). Pattison, Mark. Milton. . (Eng. Men of Letters). Lond. 1879. Rossetti, Wm. Michael. Lives of Famous Poets. Lond. 1878. Scherer. Essays on Eng. Lit. Montague, Walter. 1603?— '77. Shepherd's Paradise. 1633. t Clarendon. Hist, of the Rebellion. Diet. Nat. Biog. Prynne. Histrio-mastix. Suckling. Session of the Poets. . Englisk Drararf. — A Worklnfj JhisiH. 85 Xaui'.ks, Thomas, V\. 1(;.","». *Coveiit (iiinlen. 1033. *'rottenliam Court. 1033. *Hannihal and Scipio. ir;;>.'). *Brl3S. »J«Spriug's Glory, a Maske. Together with sundry Po« ins, Epigranis, Elegies, and Epithalamiums. 1630. Bullen, A. 11. Collection of Old Eng. Plays. New Series. 1887. ( Vols. ] and 2. Xahbes' Coll. Works, w. introd. I>y Bullen). t Bridges. Censura Literaria and Restituta. Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. Nevile, Koijert. —1(51)4. Poor Scholar. 1(573. t Not«s and Queries. 1st ser. 11 : 3()7, 430; 3rd ser. 1 : 80. NiCCOLs, RiciiAUi). 1584— 1()I(). Twins' Tragedy. 1012. (Not extant, unless identical with " Twins," pul». as by Wni. Rider. 10o5. {See Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama). Xon Dram. Workfi. Kpicedium. A Funeral Oration upon the Death of Elizabeth. Wr. by Infelice Academico Ignoto. 1003. Cuckow; 1007. Sack ville's Mirror for Magistrates, re-ed. w. continuations by Xiceols in 1619. (6^ee Hasle wood's ed. 1815). Three Sisters' Tears, shed at the Funerals of Prince Henry. I(il3. Epigrams. 1614. (llarl. Misc. 10: 1). Monodia. 1615. (Harl. Misc. 10: 11). London's Artillery. 1010. Sir Thomas Overbury's Vision. 1016. (Harl. Misc. 7 : 178. Ilunterian club. Glasgow, 1853). Phillti's, (Philips) Ambrose. 1071—1740. *Distrest Mother. (Tr. of Racine's Andromaque). t Spectator, 290. (JUARLES, FRA^X'rs. 1592—1044. Virgin Widow. 1649. Emblems: Divine and Moral. [For complete list of works see T.owiules' Bihiiogmplier's Muiiiia]]. t Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Randolph, Thomas. 1005— '35. Aristippus; or, The Jovial Philosopher. Pr. 1(530. Conceited Pedlar. Pr. 1030. '*>f> English Drama.— A Working Basiti. Jealous Lover.s. Acted 1632. *?Aniyntas. Pr. 1638. *Muses' Looking-glasf^. Pr. 1638. ?PJiitophthalmia Plutogamia. ('ornelianum Doliiim. Pr. 1638. Prodigal Scholar. 8. R. 1660. »JiPoet. and Dram. Works; ed. w. memoir and notes, \V. ( . Ilazlitt. I.ond. Reeves and Turner. 1875. 15/. t (hoate. Wells of f:nglish. Gosse. Jacobean Poets. Masson. Life of Milton. 1 : 218. Itetro. Rev. 6: 61. Shirley. Faithful Servant. (Verses by Randolph prefixed). Ward' Eng. Dram. Lit. 1 : XLIY.— XLVL Rawlins, Thomas. — 1670'' ♦Rebellion. Pr. 1639. Richards, Nathaniel. F1. 1640. Messalina. Pr. 1640. 4*Sacred and Satirical Poems. 16.'}0. 1641. RowLKY, Samuel. F1. 1605. *^Henry VIII. ; or, When you see me you know me. Pr. 1605. Spanish Soldier. Pr. 1634. (-SV/? Fleay. Ring. Chron. Eng. Dram:!. niKh^r Dekker). Lost Plays. Judas. 1601. (AVith Bourne). Joshua. 1602. Hymen's Holiday; or, Cupid's Vagaries. Acted 1612. (Perhaps by Wm. Rowley. See Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama). Richard III. ; or. The English Profit. 1623. (>S'ee Fleay. Biog. ("hron. Eng. Drama). Hard Shift for Husbands; or, Bilbo's Best Blade. 1623. »i«nenry VIII. ; or. When you see me you know me; ed. w. introd. and notes, by K. Elze. Dessau and Lond. 1874. t Henslowe. Diary. Ward. Eng. Dram. Lit. Rowley, William. F1. 1610. Travels of Three English Brothers. 1607? (With Day and A\ ilkins). *Match at Midnight. " 1607? A Shoemaker's a Gentleman. 160iJ? Hymen's Holiday; or, Cupid's Vagaries. (Not extant. See Samuel Rowley). Fortune by Land and Sea. 1609? (With Heywood, ed. Barron Field. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1845). Old Law; or, A Xew Way to Please You. 1615? (With :Middleton and per- haps Massinger). Fair Quarrel. 1616? (With Middleton). Cure for a Cuckold. 1618? (With Webster? Cf. Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama. 2: 98 — 99; and Gosse. Seventeenth Cent. Studies, John AYebster, 66— 67). English Drama.— A Workiny Basis. 87 ♦Changt'ling. 1021. (With Middleton). AlPs Lost l.y Lust. 1022. *Mtii(l of the Mill. 162.3. (With FleU-her). Witch of Edmonton. 1023':' (With Dekker and Ford). ^Spanish (Jipsy. 1023/' (AV^ith Middleton!'' S<'.e Flcay. IJiog. Chion. Kng. Drama). New Wonder; or, A Woman never Vext. Pr. 1032. *l{irthof Merlin; or, The Child has lost a Father. Pr. 1002. (Ascribed on title-page to Shakespeare and Kovvley). t liodeustedt. Shakespeare's Zeitgenossen. 1. lUillen, in jiref. to 7* i« Day's Dram. Works. Chisvviek Press. ISSl. £3,5/. (iosse. Jacobean Poets. 1 lazlitt. Dram. Lit. of the Age of Eliz. Iiaml>. Specimens Eng. Dram. Poets. liiTiTER, Joseph. F1. 1035. *Shepherd"s Holiday. Pr. 1035. Cid. 2 pts. (Tr. fr. Corneille). I "r. 1038. t^ Jonson, Shepherd's Holiday, ('omniend. Verses. Underwoods, 22. Jonsonus YirlMus. Sampson, William. F1. 1625. Herod and Autipater. Pr. 1022. Widow's Prize. 1025? (Xot extant). Vow Breaker; or. The Fair Maid of Clifton. Pr. K530. I-'Sanillk, J. Fl. 1003. King James's Entertainment at Theoltalds and his Welcome to Lond. 1003. (Arber Keprints). Lond. and N. Y. Macmillau. (But .see Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama, 2: 175). Shakpk, Lewis. Fl. 1040. Noble stranger. Pr. 1040. SnAijpHAM, Edward. FI. 100(>. Fleire. 1000? Cupid's Whirligig. 1007? (Founded on Bo<*caccio's Decameron, 7: 0). Shirley, Jamks. 1500—1000. (Dates usually of license). School of Compliment. 1025. Maid's Revenge. 1020. Wedding. 1620? *Brothers. 1020. (,.SVe Fleay. Hiog. Chron. Fng. Drama). AVitty Fair One. 1028. Faithful Servant. l(?2i>. .,--Tr:=r=r->v^ *Traitor. 1031. r'^<>X-^^' Duke. 16.3L ..■ O^ 'O? THB^^ ^ Love's Cruelty. 1631. , r— •^ r ^v «« V% ^ V mi ••I Changes ; or, Love in a Maze. 1(532. (i U Si I V B R i^LT 1 } 88 English Drama.— A Workinr/ Basis. Hyde Park. 1632. Contention for Honor ami lliclKs. s. |{. 16."»2. *Ball. 1632. (AYith Chapman). Arcadia. Acted 1632? Beauties. 1()33. Nightwalker. 1633. (Wr. I>y Fletcher; re-modelled l»y Shirley). Young Admiral. 1633. *Gamester. 1633. Triumphs of Peace. Presented at Whitehall. 1633. (With Iniyo Jones). Example. 1634. Opportunity. 1634. Coronation. 1635. (With Fletcher? *S'ee Fleay. IJioj:. (hjun. Fug. Drnma. 2: 241). Chabot. 1635. (W^ith Chapman). Lady of Pleasure. 1635. Duke's Mistress. 1635. *Saint Patrick for Ireland. Acted (at Dublin) 1636—7. Constant Maid. Acted 1637? Koyal Master. Acted 1637. Politician. Acted 1637— '39? (/Vce Fleay. Biog. Chrun. Fug. Driima). Gentleman of Venice. 1639. ?General. Acted 1636— '38? (Pr. Hallivvell, 1853). Triumph of Beauty. 1640? Kosania. 1640. Imposture. 1640. Politic Father. 1641. Cardinal. 1641. Sisters. 1642. Court Secret. Wr. 1642. Cupid and Death. Acted 1653. Contention of Ajax and Achilles. Pr. 1659. »J. Stki'Hens, John. Fl. 1G13. Cynthia's llevenge. l*r. 1613. (^SV^f^ Fleay. liiog. Chron. Eng. Drama). STiioi>i:, William. 151)9—1044. Floating Island. Acted by Christ Church students before Charles I. s*t Oxford, 1636. Suckling, (Sir) John. 16()0— '41? Aglaura. Acted 1637? *Gob]ius. Acted 1638'' IJrennoralt; or, Discontented Colonel. AVr. liyod^ Sad One. (Unfinished). Wr. 1040:' »I« Works. 2 V. Lond. 1770. Poems, Plays and other Kemaius, ed. W. C. Hazlitt. 2 v. Lond. liceves and Turner. 1892. 8/. Selected AVorks; vv. memoir, A Suckling. Lond. 1836. f- Anderson. Brit. Poets, 3. Hazlitt. Fng. Comic AVriters. Ketro. Rev. 9 : 19. 1824. Wotton. AVord Portraits. SVVINIIOK, (ilLIJKUT. Fl. 1650. Unhappy Fair Irene, Pr. 1658. (Founded on Painter: Palace of I'leasure. Nov. 40). Tail<)1{, KoiJKjn. Fl. 1614. *Hog hath lost his Pearl. Pr. 1614. t Fleay. Biog. Chron. Eng. Drama, 2 : 256—7. Taylor, John. 1580—1654. 'I'liumphs of Fame and Honor. (Lord Mayor). 1634. Ovatio Caroli. lUl. »I«\Vorks. 1630. (Folio ed.) Kepr. Spenser Soc. Manchester. 18(59. Works not in 1(530 Folio, llepr. Spenser Soc. 1870 — '78. I'^'irlv Prose and Poet. >>'()rks, Morison. Olasgow. 1888. 5/. 90 English Drama.— A Working Basis. ToMKiNS, John. F1. Kilo, *AJl)um!izj«r. Acted 1615. TouHXEi'i? Crurner) OviMf.. Fl. K'.IO, Atheist's Tragedy. 1603-' Pr. 1(511. *lleveDger'.s Tragedy. Pr, 1607. Npn-Dram . Wo rks. Transformed Metamorphosis. Pr. 1600. Funeral Poem on the Death of Sir Francis V'ere. Pr. 160!>. (irief on the Death of Prince Henry. Wr. 1612. Pr. 16i:>. »J. Hazlitt. Age of Eliz. Lecture 3. Henley. Views and Reviews. Jahrbuch. (Sh.) 23: 132. Lamb. Specimens of the Eng. Drama. Poets. Retro. Rev. 1823. 7 : 331—52. Swinburne. Nineteenth Ceut. 1887. 21: 415—27. {IS07!' *Appius and Virginia. 1600? Devil's Law Case. 1610? *I)uchess of Malti. 1612? ?Late Murther of the Son upon the Mother. Licensed 1621 as a '' new tragedy." (With Ford), ^[onuments of Honour. ( Lord 3Iayoi). 1624. ?Cure for a Cuckold. Pr. 1661. (Cf. Fleay : iiiog. Chron. VA^i^. Drama, and Gosse: Seventeenth Cent. Studies). ►J«Works; ed. w. memoir and notes, Dyce. 4 v. Lond. 1830. Dram. Works: ed. Hazlitt. 4 v. Lond. Smith. 1857. 20/. White Devil, and Duchess of Malli; ed. w. introd, and notes, Symond-. L(»iid. Vizetelly. 1888, 2/6. (Mermaid Ser.) \% Kn(jli.s/i Di'umd.—A Workintj Basis. 91 t Acad. 42: ;r,5». liliickwooil's. 2 : (loO. (Duchess of Mjilfi). :'.: OoG, (White Devil). IJodenstodt. Sh.'s Zeitj^euosseii, 1. (losse. Seveiiteoiith Cotjt. Studies. Ilazlitt. Drjini. Lit. of the A<;e of YAv/., Litml).* Speeiniens'of Enji;. Dram. I'oetry. Lowell. Old Kn;;-. Dnmiatists. Meiners, M. JMetrist-he rntersiichimgen den Drainatiker .7, Wef)ster. Ilalle diss. 189:$. Ketro. Rev. 1823. 7 : ST. Swinburne. Nineteenth (^'ent. June, 1886. 19:801. ^SYrme, Eel. Mo. 107:227. Same, Littell's Liv. Age. 170: 07. Synionds. Italian By-ways. (Vittoria Aecoramboni). J^ond. Smith and Elder. 188:5. 10/fi. White, Uobkkt. El. 1B17. Cupid's Hanishment. Masque. 1017. t Nichols. L'ro<-resses of James 1.3: 283. WlLKINS, (^KOUGE. FI. 1607. *Miseries of inforced Marriage. 1607. ♦Travels of the Three English Brothers. 1607. (With Day and W. Rowley). t Fleay : Biog. (Jhron. P'ng. Drama. Jahrhuch. (Sh.) 3: 169; 23: i:i2; 27:14:^,15.5. WiL.s<^)x, Arthur. 1595— 16o2. *Inconstan1jf*^Hdyt (Also known as Better Late than Never). Pr. 1814. RESTORATION DRAMA. DRAMATISTS. Behn, Mrs. Hetterton. Boyle. (Orrery). Cavendish, Margaret. Cavendish, VVm. Chamberlayne. Cokayne. CONGREVE. Crowne. D'A\^i:NANT. Digby. Drydex. ElHERECiE. Farquitar. Hopkins. Howard, Edw. Howard, (Sir) Robt. Killigrew, Th. Killigrew, Th., the Younger, Killigrew, (Sir) Win. Lacy. hee. Lower. Mountford. Otway. Fix, (Mrs.) Sedlcy. Settle. Shadwell. Stapylton. Tate. Tatham. Tuke. Vanbrugfi. Villiers. Wilson. Wycherlev. English Drama.— A Working Basis. Be UN , (Mrs.) AriiRA. 1640-89. Forc'd Marriiige. 1071. Amorous Prince. 1671. Dutch Lover. 1673. Abdelazar. 1G76. Kover. Parti. 1677. Debauchee. 1677. Town Fop. 1677. Sir Patient Fancy. 167S. (From Molicre's Malade Tmatiina'ire). Ptover. Part 2. Um. Poundheads. 1682. City Heiress. 1682. False Count. 1682. Youna- Kino-. 1683. Lucky Chance. 1687. Emperor ol the Moon. 1687. Widow Ranter. Pub. 1690. Younger Brother. Pub. 1696. »ISame. Eel. Mag. 103 : 400. Robertson. Eng. Poetesses. Williams. Literary Women. Bktterton, Thomas. 1635 (?)— 1710. Roman Virgin; or, The Unjust Judge. 1670. (1679). (Alterati()n of Web- ster's Appius and Virginia). Prophetess; or, The History of Diocletian. 1690. (Founded on The Prophet- ess of Beaumont and Fletcher). *King Henry IV., with the Humours of Sir John Falstaft". 1700. (Sh.'s ]Ienry IV. with omissions). Amorous Widow; or. The Wanton Wife. 1706. (Adaptation of (ieorges Daudin). *Bondman ; or. Love and Liberty. 1719. (Altered from Massinger). Woman made a Justice. *Revenge; or, A Match in Newgate. 1680. (Alteration of Marston's Malcon- content). Assigned by Langbaine to Mrs. Behn. t Anonymous. The Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton. 1710. Austin and Ralph. Poets-laureate. Baker. Eng. Actors. 1 : 50. Betterton and his Associates. Enr/lish Drama.— A Workbuj Basis. 93 Cibber, Oolley. Apoloi^y. 1740. Dihdin. Hist, of the Sta<,^e. Doran. Amials of the Sta|;-e. 1. Fitzgerald. New Hist, of the Enu". Stage. 1. (ialt. Lives of IMayers. 1. Life and Times of Mettertoji : by the editorof "Life of (^iiiii." Loud. I{e:ider. IHNH. 7/(). Kussell, W. IJep. Actors. Tatler. I, 2, and +. 1V)YLE, RoOKii. Baron TJrogln'll and rirst Ear! of Orrery. I(i2l— '7S>. *IIenry V. 1G64. *>rustaplia, the Son of Solyman the ^ragniiieent. 1005. Bhieli Prince. 1007. Guzman. 1009. Tryphon. 1072. Mr. Anthony. 1090. Herod the Great. (1094). Altemira. (1702). »J«The Complete Dram. Works of the Earl of Orrery. (Without Mr. Anthony). 174.S. t yr^larendon. Hist, of the Jie))ellion. Evelyn. Diary. Morriee, T. Life of the Earl of Orrery. 100 p. {Tn Boyle, Jl. I'Jarl of Orrery. Collection of State Letters, v. 1. Dublin. 1743). Pepys. Diary. ?Ware. Writers of Ireland. yWhiteloeke. Memorials. Cavendish, Margaret. Duchess of Xewcastle. 1(»24 (?)— '74. Love's Adventures. Second Part of Love's Adventures. Several Wits. youth's Glory and Death's lianquet. Second Part of Youth's Glory and Death's Banquet. Lady Contemplation. Part T. Lady Contemplation. Part IL Wit's Cabal. Part I. Wit's Cabal. Part IT. rnnatural Tragedy. Pul>lic Wooing. ^Nfatrimonial Trouble. Part 1. Matrimonial Trouble. Part IT. Nature's Three Daughters, Beauty, Love and Wit. Part 1. Nature's Three Daughters. Part 11. Religions. Comical Hash. Bell in Campo. Part T. P>ell in Campo. PartlL Apocryphal Ladies. Female Academy. [The altovo plays woro print«'rargaret("avendisli, Duchess of Xewcastle, written by Herself. 1814. t Badard. Memories of British Ladle-*. 1775. Blackwood's. (Notice of Poems and Plays. "5 p.) 4:o00. 1818. Blackwood's. (On the "Worhl's 01io.'» 4p.)5:.30. 1819. Connoisseur. 2; 205. ed. 1774. JeatFerson. Novels and Novelists. 1. Letters and Poems In Honour of the incomparable Princess Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, Written by several Persons of Honoui- and Learning. Tn the Savoy. 1G76. Life; w. a Selection from her Poems, Opinions, Orations and Letters. Kd. PMward Jenkins. Macmillan. 1872. 4/6. Pepys. Diary. 30 3Iarch, 1667. 12 April, 1667. Ketro. Kev. 1. 1853. Walpole. Royal and Noble Authors. Cavendish, -William. Duke of Newcastle. 1592— 167<». Country Captain. 1649. Variety. 1649. Humorous Lovers. 1677. Triumphant Widow : or, The Medley of Humours. 1677. t Cavendish, William and Mary. Joint Lives; ed. M. A. Lower. Library of Old Authors. Lond. Smith. 1872. Ed. C. H. Firth. 1886. Life of the Duke of Newcastle, by the Duchess. Lond. 1667. Repr. of tirst ed. M. A. Low^er. Library of Old Authors. 1872. 5/. Another ed., w. notes and illus. papers, by C. H. Firth. Lond. NImmo. 1886. 21/. Chambei{Layne, Willlvm. 1620— '89. Jove's Victory. Pub. 1658. (Acted in 1678 under title of Wits led by the Nose; or, A Poet's Revenge), t Retro. Rev. 1, pt. 2 : 258. 1820. (Rev. of Love's Victory). Cokayne, (COKAiN) (Sir) Aston. 1608— '84. ^Obstinate Lady. 1657. *Trappolln supposed a Prince. 1658. Mask at Bretbie. 1658. *0vid'8 Tragedy. 1669. »I«Small Poems of Divers Sorts. Lond. 1658. (Contains "Obstinate Lady,'? "Trappolin,'' etc. Some copies are entitled," A Chaine of Golden Poems"). Poems; vv. Obstinate Lady, Trappolin, and Tragedy of Ovid, 1662. Plays. 1669. Dram. Works. Lond. Sotheran. 1872. 10/6. t British Bibliographer. 2 : 450— f>3. English Drama.— A Working Basis. 95 ('oN(;i{i:\ i:. >Vii-LiA>r. 1072 — 1T2.S. *()I<1 liiulii'lor. l()!t;{. *I)(>ul)le-I)e!iU'r. 1()!);5. *Lovi' for Love. l()J)o. *Mouinin,ii- Kritle. lfiJ>T. *Wiiy of the AYorkl. 1700. JiKliiinent of Paris, 3Ias(jiic\ Seiiiele. Opera. ►I^Drain. Works. I)iil)liii. 1781. Dram. Works; w. l)io«i;. and crit. notices l»y Leigh Hunt. ]>(»n(l. Konlledgc. 18f)5. 10/(!. Plays; ed. Jos. Knight. Lawrence and linllen. In prrp. Best Plays. (Mermaid Series). Lond. Vi/.etelly. 1887. -i/O. Letters: written l)y and between Dryden, Wycherley, Congreve, and Dennis. Lond. KJIKJ. Another ed. Select works of A. Dennis, v. 2. Lond. 1718. See also references under IV., Stage Palemirs. t Cibber. Lives of the Poets. (Josse, K. Life of Congreve. Lond. Scott. 1888. 1/. (Great Writers). liibliog. by Anderson. Ilazlitt, W. View of the Eng. Stage. Lond. 1818. "Love for Love," p. 220—29. Eng. Comic Writers. Johnson. Lives of the Poets. L'Estrange, A. O. Hist, of Eng. Humour. 2 v. Lond. 1878. Congreve, 1 : 355—58. Macaulay. Comic Dramatists of the Jiestoration. (Crit. and Hist. Essays). Swinburne. Miscellanies. Thackeray. Eng. Humourists. Thompson, Jas. Poem to the Memorie of Congreve. ¥A. Cunningham. Percy Soc. it. 1844. Ckovvnk, JuiiN. — 1708y *Juliana; or. The Princess of Poland. 1(571. *Charles the Eighth. 1072. *Calisto; or. The Chaste Nymph. Court Masiiue. 1075. ^Country Wit. 1075. *Destruetion of Jerusalem. Two parts. 1677. *Ambitious Statesman ; or, The Loyal Favorite. 167l>. Misery of Civil War. 1080. (Founded on the Second Part of Henry Vl.) Henry the Sixth, First part. 1081. *Thyestes. 1081. (Founded on Seneca). *City Politiques. 1683^ *Sir Courtly Nice; or, It Cannot lie. 1()85. (Taken from the Spanish). *L)arius, King of Persia. 1088. *English Frier; or, The Town Sharks. 10!)0. *Regulus. 101)4. ♦Married TJeau: or, 'I'lie Curious hnpertinent. 10M4. (Taken from Don Quixote). *Caligula. 1098. »J«Drani. Works: w. i)ref., memoir and notes. Edinl). lS7i{— *74. 4 v. Sotheran. 42/. t Dunham. liit. and Sci. Men. 96 Enijlish Drama.— A tVarkinff Basis. Fitzgerald. New Hist, of tlie Ent i>riiil(le Kinsmen). *Tempest; or, The Enchanted Island. (With Dryden). 1670. (Alteration of The Tempest) . *Mac])eth. 1667? (Alteration of Macbeth). *Man's the Master. 1069. Also *Nevvs from Plymouth. *Fair Favorite. *Distresses. (Spanish Lovers). *Siege. »I«Plays. Folio Ed. 1673. Collected Dramas; vv. memoir. 5 v. ed. Laing and Maidment. Edinb. Solheran. 1872— '74. t Austin and Ralph. Lives of the Poets-laureate. Clarendon. Hist, of the Rebellion. Delius. Sh.'s Macbeth u. Davenant's Macbeth. Jahrlmch, (Sh.) 20, 1885. Disraeli. Quarrels of Authors. Dunham. Lives of Lit. and Sci. Men. 3. Elze, Karl. "Sir William Davenant." (Sh. Jahrl). 4. 1809). Fischer, H. Gil)t es einen von Dryden und Davenant bearbeileten .lulius Casar? (Anglia, 8: 415— 18). Gosse. Shakspere to Pope. Hogarth. Dramas of Davenant. Memor. of the Opera. 1:72. M:ilone. Hist. Account of the Eng. Stage. Morgan, A. Shakespeare's Literary Executor. Mag. Am. Hist. H! :.')!(;. Pepys' Diary. Robinson, Vj. Retrosp. Rev. n. s. 2. 1854. Whitelocke. Memorials. For Davenant's "Gondibert " and its reviews, s^e Pealiudv C at. Enijlish Draiiui. — A Working Basis. 97 DiGiJY, Geouge, Secoud Karl of Bristol. 1G12— '77. *Klvirji; or, The Worst not always True. A Comedy Written by a Person of Quality. Loud. 1607. ^y Ad ventures of Five Hours. loo;>. (With Sir Samuel Tuke). t Cunningham. Lives of Eminent and Illustrious Englishmen. ]8;{7. ;>: 29—32. ( larendou. Hist, of the Kebellion. Lodge. Portraits. lS.-)0. G: 28—39. J)HY1>E.\, John. ](;;5l— 170<». Wild (iallant, 1(;().*5. Itival Ladies. im?u Indian Queen. (Witii Sir Hobert Howard). IGGL ^ Indian Emperor. 1(5(55. Secret Love: or, The INIaiden (^ueen. 1(5(57. Sir Martin Mar-all. 16(57. (Founded on the Duke of Newcastle's translation of Moliere's L'Etourdi). *Tempest. (With D'Avenant). 1(5(57. (Altered from Shakespeare). Evening's Love; or, The Mock Astrologer. 16(5S. Tyrannic Love; or, The Royal Martyr. 16(59. Conquest of (irenada. 2 pts. 1670. 1(572. Marriage a la Mode. 1672. Assignation; or. Love in a Nunnery. 1(572. Amboyna : or, The Cruelties of the Dutch to the English 3Ierchanls. l(i7o. *State of Innocence. An Opera. Not Acted. 1(574. (Founded upon Milton's Paradise Lost, pub. 1(5(59). *Aurcngzebe; or, The Great Mogul. 1(57"). All for Love. 1677— '7S. Kind Keeper; or, Mr. Limberham. 1(578. *(Edipus. (Acts I. and TIL The rest by Lee). 1(579. Troilus and Cressida. 1(579. (Ailapted from Shakespeare). *Spanish Friar; or, The Doulde Discovery. 1(581. Duke of Guise. (With Lee). 1682. Albion and Albanius. An Opera. l(5.s."). *Don Sebastian. 1(590. ♦Amphitryon. 1(590. King Arthur. 1(591. (Sequel to All)ion and All>anius). Cleomenes. (Finished by Suutherue). I(i92. I^ove Triumphant. 1694. *Hehcarsal. 1(571. (Satiric drama ridiculing the heroic tragedies of the day and especially, under the name of Payes, Dryden. Written ostensibly by the Duke of Jiuckingham, with possible help from Putler. Sprat and others). Essay on Dram. Poesy. 1(568. (Neander=Dryden). Essay on Heroic Plays. 1(570. Essay on Dram. Poetry of the Last Age. 1672. (See also refertrnrcs viKh^r IV., Starje Polehiics). »Ji Works; ed. Sir W. Scott; re-ed. G. Suintsbury. 18 v. Lond. Paterson. 1889. Ea. 10/(5. Works; ed. Peter Cunningham. Lond. 1854. .\urengzebe; ed. K. Deighton, with biog. introd. and notes. Lond. Constable, 1892. (5/. Lssavs; Selected and cd. C. D. Voniic. Lonieur Hjujfiion. Ififi4? Wrl. *Sn\viiy the Scot. l(i()7. KiOS. *l)iiml) Lady. IWl). ITT-J. *.Sir llenules liuftVKHi; or, The Poetical Squire. 10S4. »I«Draiiuitic Works; with Pref., Memoirs and Notes. F.oiid. Sothcrnii. 1S7'». 10/6. t Aubrey. Letters by Eminent Persons, isia. Doran. Annals of the Stage. Dul>. Univ. 45 : 278. Mem. of Lacy Family. Pepys. Diary. Note. Not to be coi)fnxed with Lacy. Tli. Hallos, (1,S(«— 73) ed. Lacy's Actiug Kdition of Plays. 1848— 187;^. !«tv. J,485 plays. Ketired in sprinji of 1873, wlicn Ills business was trans- fi'rre <;en. Theatre Fund. Made such plays as Pickwickians, Marlin (liu/./lewit, ("laiissa Ilar- lowc; and translations from theFreneh. Lkk, Xatjianikl. IGo'j?— "D-i. *Xero. lf)75. Gloriana; or, The Court of Aujiustus Ca-sar. 1()76. Sophonisbii ; or, Hannibal's Overthrow. 1676. *Kival Queens; or, The Death of Alexander the (Jreat. 1077. Mithridates, King of Pontus. 1678. *Vorks. Lond. 1722. ;} v. Dramatick Works. Lond. 1734— ';{5. 3 v. t Addison. The Spectator. 3J). Beljame's I^e Public et les Hommes de Lettres. 1660—1744. Gibber. Lives of the Poets. Dunham. Lives of Lit. and Sci. Men. 3. Mosen. Engl. Studien, 2 : 41(5. lletro. Rev. 3 : 240-()8. 1821. Wotton, M. E. Theatre. 2 : 76. 1886. LowKH, (Sir) William. lOOOt"— '62. Phcinix in lier Flames. 1630. Polyeuctes; or. The Martyr. 1655. (From Corneille). Iloratius. 1656. (From Corneille). Three Dorothies. 1657. (MS.) (From Scarron). Don Japhet of Armenia. 1657. (MS.) (From Scarron). Amorous Fantasme. 1659. (From Quinault). Xoble Ingratitude. 1661. Enchanted Lovers. 1661. Pastoral, t Diet. Nat. Biog. 102 Englii88. Life and Death of T)r. Faustus. ]697. (Taken from Marlowe). Succe.s.sful Strangers. 1600. (Founded on a novel by Scarron). King- Edward the Third. 1001. Geeenwieh Park. 1(501. Zehnane. Pr. 1720. »J*Six Plays written by Mr. Mountford, ed. IJancroft. Lond. 1720. t Oil»lier. Lives of the Poets. Doran. Their Majesties' Servants. Gait. Lives of the Phivers. Otway, Tho:\ias. 16,51— '85. Alcibiades. 1675. Don Carlos. 1676. Titus and Berenice. 1677. (Taken from Eaciue). *(;heats of Scapiu. 1677. (Taken from Moliere). Friendship in Fashion. 1678. History and Fall of Caius Marius. 1680. *Orphan ; or, The Unhappy Marriage. 1680. Soldier's Fortune. 1681. *Venice Preserved ; or, A Plot Discovered. 1682. Atheist; or, The Second Part of the Soldier's Fortune. 1684. »J«Works; w. a sketch of his life, enlarged from that written ])y Di. JohuMHi. Lond. 1812. 2 v. Works; w. crit. and explan. and a life of the author l)y T. I'hornton. Lond. 1813. 3 v. Selections; ed. IL Xoel, with introd. and notes. Lond. Scott. 1888. 2/(). (Mermaid Ser.) Letters. ISee Wilmot, J. Second Earl of liochester, and others. Familiar Letters, t Barante, A. G. P. B. de. {In his Melanges Historiques, 3). Dunham. Lives of Lit. and Sci. Men. Gosse. Seventeenth Cent. Studies. Johnson, Samuel. Life of Otway. {In Chalmers' Eug. Poets, 8). Mosen, R. Ueber T. Otway's Leiden u. AVerke. (Engl. Studien, 1 : 425—56). Periodicals. Cornh. 36 : 670. Tempi. Bar. 57 : 05. Same. Appleton, 22 : 302. Spec. 62 : 645. Ward. Eng. Dram. Lit. Pix, (Mrs.) Mary. Keign of Wm. Til Spanish Wives. 1696. Ibrahim the Thirteenth. 1606. Innocent Mistress. 1697. Deceiver Deceived. 1698. Queen Catherine. 1698. False Friend. 1690. Beau Defeated, n. d. English Drama.— A WoHing Basis. 103 ('z:a-ol Muscovy. 1701. Double Distress. 1701. ('(uuiin'st of Spiiiii. 17(1."). Atlveutures in Madrid, ii. d. (KliUfuk'd, witli Mrs. Mauley and Mrs. Cockhiirii, in i-i.iiK'dy of Tliu FeiiiaU! Wits). 8KDLEY, (Sir) CiiAiJLES, 1(}89?— 1728? ]Miill)erry (iarden. 16t;8. (Partly fouuded on Molirre's L'Ecole dos Claris). *Antliony and Cleopatra. 1(577. (Reprinted in 1702 as Beauty the Concpieror or, The Death of Mark Antony). Bellamira; or, The Mistress. 1687. (Founded on the Eunuclius s— 1724. Camliyses, King- of Persia. 1671. Empress of 3Ioi-occo. 1673. Love and Revenge. 1675. Conquest of China l)y the Tartars. 1676. Ibrahim, the Illustrious Bassa. 1677. Pastor Fido; or, The Faithful Shepherd. 1(577. Fatal Love; or. The Forced Inconstancy. 1680. Female Prelate, being- the History of the Life and Death of Poi»e Joan. 1(580. Heir of Morocco. 1(582. Distressed Innocence; or, The Princess of Persia. 1601. Xew Athenian Comedy. 1(503. Ambitious Slave; or, A Generous Revenge. 1(504. Philaster; or, Love lies a Bleeding. 1695. World in the Moon. 1697. Virgin Prophetess; or, The Fate of Troy. An Opera. 1701. Siege of Troy. 1707. City Ramble; or. The I'layhouse Wedding. J 711. Lady's Triumph. 1718. Triumphs for the Inauguration of the Lord Mayor. Drolls for Bartholomew Fair, t Dryden. Absalom and Adiitophel. Second Part. (Doeg=Settle). Duntou,J. Life anr()liere's L'Avare). Humourists. 1(571. 104 Enrjlish Drama.— A Working Basis. Psyche. (Opera). 1674. Epsom Wells. IGTo. Airtuoso. 16T(). Libertine. 1670. (Founded on Moliere's Le Festin de Pierre). The History of Tinion of Athens, the 3fan-TIater. 1678. (Taken from Shakes- peare) . True Widow. 1679. Wonjan-Captain. 1680. Lancashire Witches, and Tegue O'Divelly, the Irish Priest. 1681. Squire of Alsatia. 1688. Bury-Fair. 1689. Amorous Bigot, with the Secontl Part of Tegue O'Divelly. 1(>90. Volunteers; or the Stock-Jol)l>ers. 1692. Scourers. 1693. [For Controversy witli Drydeii. see Sliaihvell: Tlie Medal of .John Haves, ami Drvden: Sec- (»ad Part of Ahsoloin and Acliitopliel, ^lae Flecknoe]. »J«Dramatic Works. 4 v. Lond. 1720. Selections; ed. w. introd. and notes. G. Saintsburv. Lond. Yizetellv. 1890. 2/6. t Austin. Poets-laureate. Dunham. Lives of Lit. and Sci. Men. o. Ketro. Rev. 2 : 55. 1828. Stapyltox, (Sir) RoHKirr. — 1(>69. Slighted Maid. 1663. Stepmother. 1664. *Hero and Leander. 1669. Tatk, Naiium. 1652—1715. Brutus of Alba. 1678. Loyal General. 1680. King Lear. (Altered from Shakespeare). 1681. Richard II. 1681. Ingratitude of a Conmionwealth : or, The F'all of Coriolanus. 1(>S2. Cuckolds* Haven. 1685. *Duke and No Duke. (Altered from Cokayne's Trappolin). J()85. Island Princess. 1687. Injured Love. 1707. Dido and ^Eueas. t Austin. Poets-laureate. Baker. Biographia Dramatica. Tatiiam, Jorrx. (City Poet lo (has. 1.) *Love(Jrowns the End. 1640. *Distracted State. 1651. *Scots Figaries. 1652. *Rump. 1660. Pageants for 1(557, 1<>58, 1('m9, 1660, 1661, 1662, KKJo, 16(;4. »I*Dram. Works. Lond. Sotheran. 1879. 10/6. Tike, (Sir) Sa^fukl. ^ —1673. *Adventures of Five Hours. 1662. (Adapted from Calderon). English, Drama.— A Working Basis. 105 Vanbukgii, (Sir) John. Circ. 1666—1726. ♦Relap.se; or, Virtue in Danger. 1697. (Sequel to Gibber's Love's Last Shift). ♦Provoked Wife. 1697. False Friend. 1702. ♦Confederacy. 170*"). ♦Mistake. 1705. Country House. 1705. A Journey to London. (4 acts). (Fifth Act added by Colley Gibber, who produced the play as *The Provoked Husband. 1728). »J«I)rain. Works; w. I>iog. and crit. notices by L. Hunt. Lond. Routledge. 1865. 10/6. (With Wycherley, Dram. Works). Plays; ed. W. C. Ward. 2 v. Lond. Lawrence and Bullen. 1893. 25/. Selections; ed. w. introd. and notes, W. C. Ward. Lond. Vizetelly. 1890. 2/6. (Mermaid Ser.) lielapse; an adaptation of, by K. W. Buchanan. Theatre, 24: 256. Letters. Alhen. 1890. 2 : 289, 321. (See also references under IV., Stage Polemics). t Birrell, Augustine. Essays about Men, Women and Books. Cunningham, A. Sir J. Vanbrugh. {In his Lives of British Painters, v. 4). Dunham. Lives of Lit. and Sci. Men. Fitzgerald. Hist, of the Eug. Stage. I. : 337. IT. : 328—29. Hazlitt. Eng. Comic Writers. Macaulay. Comic Dramatists of the Restoration. Thackeray. Eng. Humourists. Ward. Eng. Dram. Lit. ViLLiERS, George, Duke of Buckingham. 1627— '88. ♦Rehearsal. 1672. ( A rber Reprint). »I«Works. 2 V. 3d ed. Lond. 1715. t Brown, T. Some Memoirs on G. Gate, Duke of Buckingham. (Villiers, G., etc. Works, v. 1). -^ Disraeli. Curiosities of Lit. Dohler, E. Der Angriff George Villiers auf die heroischen Dramen, u. Dichter Englands in 17 Jahrh. (Anglia, 10: 38— 75). Lodge, i]. Portraits. Menzies, S. Royal Favorites. Thomson, K. B. and J. G. Wits and Beaux of Society, v. 1. Wilson, John. —1666. ♦Cheats. 1662. ♦Projectors. 1664. ♦Andronicus Gomnenius. 1664. ♦Belphegor; or, The Marriage of the Devil. 1691. ►J«Dram. Works; ed. w. memoir, Maidment and Logan. Lond. Sotheran. 1874. 10/6. Wychkulkv, William. 1640—1715. Love in a Wood ; or, St. James Park. 1672. Gentleman Dancing Master. 1672. ♦Country Wife. 1673. 106 English Drama.— A Working Basis. *Plain Dealer. 1674. »Ie Moufort. Tragedy on Hatred. (Staged by Kemble and Mrs. Siddons and, later, by Kean). 1802. Election. Comedy on Hatred. (Produced with music at Eng. Opera House). Ethwald. Tragedy on Ambition. (Two Parts). Second Marriage. Comedy on Ambition. 1812. Orra. Tragedy on Fear. Dream. Tragedy on Fear. Siege. Comedy on Fear. Beacon. Musical Drama on Hope. 112 English Drama.— A Working Basis. 1836. Romiero. Tragedy on Jealousy. Alienated Manor. Comedy on Jealousy. Henriquez. Tragedy on Remorse. (Produced at Drury Lane). Miscellaneous Flays. 1804. Rayner. Tragedy. Country Inn. Comedy. Constantine Paleologus; or, The Last of the Cjesars. (Produced at Edinb. and at Drury Lane). 1810. Family Legend. Tragedy. (Produced in Edinb. and at Urury Lane). 1826. Martyr. Drama. 1836. Separation. Tragedy. (Produced at Covent Garden). Stripling. Tragedy. Phantom. Musical Drama. Enthusiasm. Comedy. Witchcraft. Tragedy. Homicide. Tragedy. Bride. Drama. Match. Comedy. »iond. Reeves. 1890. 6/. Letters; ed. S. Colviu. Macmillan. 1888. 6/. t Caine, T. Hall. Cobwebs of Criticism, p. 158—190. Colvin, S. Keats. Lond. Macmillan. 1890. 1/. (Eng. Men of Letters). Courthope, W. J. Liberal Movement in Eng. Lit. p. 159—194, Coleridge and Keats. Hodgkins, L. M. Nineteenth Cent. Authors. Bibliography, Lowell. Among my Books. 2nd Series, p. 303—327. English Drama.— A Working Basis. 115 Masson. Wonlswortli, Shelley, Keats. Loud. Macmillan. 1874 and '81. 5/. p. 143—191. Rossetti, W. M. Keats. Lond. Scott. 1887. Bibliog. by Anderson. (Great Writers). Lives of Famous Poets, p. 349— 61. Lamh, Charles. 1775—1834. John AVoodvil. 1802. Mr. H 1806. (Pawnbroker's Daughter). •I^Works; ed. C. Kent. N. Y. Routledjie. 1890. $1.50. Poems, Plays, and Misc. Essays. Notes by A. Ainger. N. Y. Armstrong. 1885. $1.50. Same ed. Loud. Macmillan. 1884. 5/. Plays; (and Dram. Essays) ed. w. iutrod.Kud. Dircks. Lond. Scott. 1893. 1/6. Letters, arranged by A. Ainger. 2 v. Loud. Macmillan. 3888. 10/. t Ainger, A. C. Lamb. Lond. Macmillan. 1888. l/(i. Chancellor, E. Beresford. Lit. Types. Edin. Rev. Apr., 1803. Fitzgerald, P. Life, Letters and Writings. New ed. 6 v. Loud. Stark. 1886. 21/. Hodgkius, L. M. Nineteenth Cent. Authors. Bibliography. Martin, B. E. In the Footprints of C. Lamb. p. 147—193, Bibliog. by E. D. North. N. Y. Scribner. 1800. $2.50. Marston, John Westland. 1819— '90. Patrician's Daughter. 1841. Borough Politics. 1846. Heart and the World. 1847. Strathmore. 1849. Philip of France. 1850. Anne Blake. 1852. Life's Ransom. 1857. - — Hard Struggle. 1858. Wife's Portrait. 1862. Pure Gold. 1863. Donna Diana. 1863. Favorite of Fortune. 1866. Hero of Romance. 1867. Life for Life. 1869. Broken Spells. 1873. Put to the Test. Under Fire. 1885. Not Published. Montezuma. At Bay. Charlotte Cord ay. »I«Dram. and Poet. Works. 2 v. Lond. Chatto. 1876. 18/. For Anne Blake, Hard Struggle, Life's Ransom and Patrician's Daughter, see Spencer, W. V., Bost. Theatre, v. 8, 21, 14 and 5. t Athenwum. 1890. Jan. p. 57. Home. New Spirit of the Age. Rob. Browning and J. W. Marston. Miles. Poets and Poetry of the Century. Powell. Living Authors of England. U6 English Drama.— A Working Basis. MiTFOKD, Mary Russell. 1787—1856. Julian. 1823. (Produced by Macready at Covent Garden). Foscari. 1826. (Produced at Covent Garden). Rienzi. 1828. (Produced at Drury Lane). ♦Charles I. 1834. (Produced at Victoria Theatre). »i«Dram. Works. 2 v. Lond. Hurst and B. 1854.21/. (Autobiog. introduction). See also Cumberland's Brit. Theatre: Rienzi, v. 32; Julian, v. 38; Foscari, v. 24. Dramatic Scenes, Sonnets, and other Poems. Lond. 1827. Recollections of my Literary Life. Lond. Bentley. 1888. G/. t Adams, W. H. D. Celebrated Enji;lishwomen of the Victorian Era. Browning, Eliz. B. Letters to R. H. Home. Chorley. Authors of England. L'Estrange, A. Friendships of,— as told in Letters to her. 2 v. Lond. Hurst. 1882. 21/. Life as told in her letters. 1st ser. 3 v. Lond. Bentley. 1870. 31/6. 2nd ser. ed. H. Chorley. 2 v. Lond. Bentley. 1872. 21/. Martineau, H. Biog. Sketches. Robertson. English Poetesses. Wotton. Word Portraits. Shkllp]y, Percy Bysshe. 1792—1822. Prometheus Unbound. 1820. Cenci. 1820. CEdipus Tyrannus. 1820. Hellas. 1822. Dram. Fragments. Charles the First. Of an Unfinished Drama. Dram. Translations. Cyclops of Euripides. From Calderon's Magico Prodigioso. From Goethe's Faust. »irt. Dictionary of the Drama. Lond. Chatto. 1883. 12/6. Allibone, S. a. Dictionary of English Literature. 3 v. Phil. Lippincott. 1888. $22.50. Supplement by J. F. Kirk. 2 v. Phil. Lippincott. 1801. |15. Anderson, J. P. (Brit. Museum). Bibliographies in Great AVriters Series. (Dramatists); Browning, Byron, Coleridge, Congreve, George Eliot, Gold- smith, Keats, Milton, Shelley, Sheridan. Lond. Scott. In prog. ea. 1/6. Arber, (Prof.) E. Transcript of Registers of Stationers' Company. 5 v. and Index. (1554— 1640). Lond. Arl)er. 1875— '77. Barker, J. List of Plays to 1814. Lond. Barker. 1814. Brewer, E. C. Authors and their Works, with Dates. Loud. Chatto. 1884. 2/. British Museum. Catalogue of Books in English Language printed up to 1640. 3 v. 1884. 30/ • Chapman, J. K. Complete List of Theatrical Entertainments, Dramas, Masques, etc., from the time of Henry VIII. to the present day. Collier, J. Payne. Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Barest Books in the English Lan- guage. 4v. N. Y. Scribner. 1866. $12. 2 v. Lond. Lilly. 1865.40/. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company, 1557— 1570, .1570 '- 1587, w, notes and illustrutlons. Sh. Soc, Pub. 1848, 1849. 130 English Drama.— A Working Basis. Foster, F. W. Title list of Catalogues of English Plays, Xotes and Queries, 5th ser. 12 : 203. 204, 261, 262, 381, 382. (Additions to the list are suggested by J. Brander Matthews, 6th ser. 1 : 154), IIalliwell-Phillips, J. O. Dictionary of Old English Plays. (To end of 17th Cent.) Lond. Smith. 1860. 12/. Hazlitt, W. C. Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain to the Restoration. Lond. Smith. 1807— '68 31/6. Bibliographical Collections and Notes. Lond. Quaritch. 1876, '82, '86. Ser. 1,24/; 2,36/; 3,24/. Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays. Lond. Picker- ing and Chatto. 1892. 21/. Henslowe, Philip. Diary. 1591— 1609; ed. Collier. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1845. IfoDGKiNS, Louise M. Guide to the Study of Nineteenth Century Authors. (Dramatists; Arnold, M., Browning, Eliz., Browning, R., Coleridge, Geo. Eliot, Keats, Lamb, Shelley, Tennyson, Wordsworth). Boston. Heath. 1890. |1. DfGLIS, R. Dramatic Writers of Scotland. Glasgow. Mackellar. 1868. KiRKMAis^, Francis. Exact Catalogue of all the English Stage Plays. (App. to John Dancer's tr. of Corneille's Nicomede, 1671). KORTING, (Dr.) GUSTAV. Grundriss der Geschichte der Englischen Literatur. Miiuster, 1887. 4/. Lowe, R. W. Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature. Lond. Nimmo. 1888. 18/. N. Y. Bouton. 1887. |5. Lowndes, W. T. The Bibliographer's Manual. 10 pts. (Pt. XL : Publications of Learned Soci- eties and Private Presses, 5/.) Lond. Bohn. 1864. ea. 3/6. Mears, W. "A compleat cat. of all the plays that were ever yet printed in the Eng. lan- guage. Containing the dates and number of plays written by every part, author; an ace. of what plays were acted with applause, and of those wh. were never acted ; and also the authors now living. In two sepa- rate alphabets. Cout. to the present year, 1726." MoRLEY, Henry. English Writers. Cited in full under II. (See the hihliog. appendices^ espe- cially to V. llj. Nichols, J. Gough. Bibliographical List of Lord Mayor's Pageants, Lond. 1831. English Drama.— A Working Basis. 131 Pascoe, C. E. Dramatic List, 1879. Ryland, Fred. Chronological Outljues of Enojlish Literature. Loud, and N. Y. Macmillan. 1890. $L40. SONNEXSCIIEIX, \V. S. Best Books. Lond. Sonnenschein. 189L 21/. N. Y. Putnam. LS9L $o. First Supplement; Readers' Guide to Contemporary Literature. N. Y. Putnam. 189"). $1.50. Watt, (Dr.) R. Bibliotheca Britannica. 4 v. Edin. 1819— '24. £5. Whincop, Th. Scanderbeg. (List of English Dramatic poets affixed). Lond. 1747. II. DRA3IATIC HISTORY AND CRITICISM. Adams, W. H. D. Celebrated Englishwomen of the Victorian Era. 2 v. Lond. White. 1884. 12/. Aiken, Lucy. Memoirs of the Court of Queen p]lizabeth. 2 v. Lond. 1819. New ed. Lond. Ward. 1875. 3/6 and 2/. 2 v. in 1. N. Y. Putnam. 1868. $2. Anderson, Robert. Works of the British Poets, w. memoirs and criticisms. 13 v. LoUd. 1795. AXGLIA. Ed. Wiilker, Trautmann, Fliigel, Schinnir. Ilalle. Bi prog. ea. v. 20/. (Anon.) On the Time-Poets. (In Choice Drollery, Songs and Sonnets, KioO; repr. Halliwell, Sh. Soc. Trans, v. 3, 1847. (Anon.) Shakspere and Johnson. Dramatic, versus Wit-Combats. Lond. 1864. Arber, (Prof.) E. An English Garner. Ingatherings from our History and Literature. 3 v. Lond. 1877 -'80. Arcuiv fur das Studium der neuren Spjiaciien. Ed. L. Herrig. Brunswick. In prog. 1840— ea. v. 6/. Aristotle. The Poetic of Aristotle, tr. by T. Buckley. Lond. Bohn. 5/. (Bound w. his Treatise on Rhetoric). Poetics; text and trans, by E. R. Wharton. Lond. Parker. 1883. 2/6. 132 English Drama.— A Working Basis. Arnold, Matthew. Essays iu Criticism. 2nd. ser. Lond. and X. Y. Maemillan. 1888. 7/6. Arreat, L. La Morale dans le Drame,l'Epop(^e et le lloman. Paris. 1884. Alcan. 2 fr. 50c. AuBiGNAC, Francois Hedelix, Abbe d'. Practique du Theatre. 2 v. Amsterdam. 1715. Austin, W. S. and Ralph J. Poets-laureate. Lond. 1853. Bagehot, Walter. Literary Studies; ed. R. H. Hutton. 2 v. Lond. Longmans. 1879. 28/. Baker, David Erskine. Biographia Dramatica. (Comp. by Baker to 1704, by Isaac Reed on to 1782, and by Stephen Jones on to 1811). 3 v. in 4. Lond. 1812. Bayne, Peter. Essays in Biography and Criticism. Boston. 1871. B., G. S. A Study of the Prologue and Epilogue in English Literature fr. Shakespeare to Dryden. Lond. Paul. 1884. Beljame, Alex. Histoire du Public et des Hommes de Lettres au Dixhuiti^me Si^cle. 1660— 1744. Pari,s. 1881. BiRRELL, Augustine. Obiter Dicta. Ser. 1. Obiter Dicta. Ser. 2. Res Judicata^. Essays about Men, Women and Books. Lond. Stock. 1892. ea. 5/. N. Y. Scrib- ner. 1892. ea. |1. Blackwood's Magazine. Greek and Romantic Drama. 59 : 54. Boas, F. S. Shakspere and his Predecessors. (Univ. J^xtens. Manuals). Lond. Murray. 1890. 6/. N. Y. Scribner. 1890. $1.50. BODENSTEDT, F. M. Shakespeare's Zeitgenossen und ihre Werke. (Ford, Greene, Lily, Marlowe, Webster). 3 v. Berlin. 1858— '60. BcjkHTZ, Aug. W. Tdee des Tragischen. Gottingen. 1836. BOSSUET, J. B. Maxims et Reflexions sur la Com^die. Paris. 1881. (ffiuvres completes 10 V. I'aris. 1877. Contant-Laguerre). Boyle, G. English and American Poets and Dramatists of the Victorian Age, w. biog. notices. Frankfurt. Gestewitz. 1886. mk. 3.60. English I)rama.~A Working Basis. 133 (Encyclopcedia) Buitanxica. Niuth Edition. BKYDGE8, (Sir) Samukl Euektox. Arcbaica. Reprint of Prose Tracts. (Braithvvait, Breton, Greene, Harvey, Xasb, Southwell). 2 v. Lond. 1815. Ceusura Literaria and Hestituta. Titles, abstracts and opinions of old Englisb books. 10 V. in 9. Lond. Longmans. 1805—9. BULLEN, Alex. TL Editions of Eliz. and Jacob. Dramatists, w. introd. and notes. Beaumont and Fletcher. (In prep.) Dekker, 4 v. ISST. Marlowe, 3 v. 188S. Mars- ton. 3 V. 1887. Middleton, 8 v. 1885— '8«. Peele, 2 v. 1888. Old English Plays, 4 v. 1882. New Ser., 3 v. 1887. Lond. Niramo. ea. , V. 7/(5. Day, 188L Chiswick Press. £3, 5/. ^IJUTCIIEK, S. IL Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. (With crit. text and trans, of the Poetics). Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan. 1894. |3.25. Campbell, T., (and others). Lives of British Dramatists. 2 v. Phil. 1846. Chalmers, A. Works (w. memoirs) of the English Poets fr. Chaucer to Cowper. 21 v. Lond. 1810. Chancellor, E. Beresford. Literary Types. N. Y. Macmillan. 1895. |1.50. Choate, J. B. Wells of English. Bost. Roberts Brothers. 1892. fl.50. Chorley, H. F. Authors of England. Lond. 1801. ^— Cibrer, T. Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland. 5 v. Loud. 1753. Colby, J. Rose. Some Ethical Aspects of Later Elizabethan Tragedy. Ann Arbor. 1880. Coleridge, Hartley. Essays and Marginalia. (Sh. and his contemporaries, 1 : 353— 60). Lond. 1851. Coleridge, S. T. Lectures on Shakespeare and other Dramatists; ed. T.Ashe. Lond. Bohn. 1888. 3/0. Bost. Little, Brown. !j!;L40. X. Y. Scribuer. ^lAO. Miscellanies. Lond. Bohn. 1888. 3/0. Collier, J. P. History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare, and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 v. Lond. Bell. 1879. 70/. Collins, John Churton. Essays and Studies. " The Predecessors of Shakspere." Lond. and N. Y. MaemUlan. 1895. 9/. 134 English Drama.— A Working Basis. CoRNEiLLE, Pierre. CEuvres. 12 v. (Vol. 1). Paris. 1862— '68. OOURTHORPE, W. J. Liberal Movement in English Literature. (Byron, Coleridge, Keats, Scott, Shelley, Wordsworth). Lond. Murray. 1886. 6/. Crawford, Oswald J. F. (Ed.) English Comic Dramatists. (Selections w. brief Criticisms). Lond. Paul. 1884. 6/. N. Y. Appleton. 1884. fl.25. Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth. Lond. and N. Y. Longmans. 1876. 2/6. N. Y. Scribner. 1876. ^1. CuNLiFFE, (Dr.) John W. Tbe Inlluenee of Seneca on Elizabethan Tragedy. Lond. Macmillan. 1893. V. Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. L. Stephen and S. Lee. Lond. Smith and Elder. 1885— ea. v. 15/. N. Y. Macmillan. 1885— ea. v. $3.75. Diderot, Denis. De la Poesie Dramatique. (/ri /< is (Euvres de Theatre). Paris. 1763. Disraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature. 3 v. 1791—1823. Calamities and Quarrels of Authors. 1812— '14. Amenities of Literature. 1841. Miscellanies of Literature. 1841. Lond. Houtledge. 1881— '84. ea. v. 3/6. Donne, W. B. Essays on the Drama. Lond. Tinsley. 1862. 5/. DowDEN, (Prof.) Edward. Studies in Literature. Lond. Paul. 1878. 12/. Transcripts and Studies. Lond. Paul. 1887. 12/. Dryden, J. Essay of Dramatic Poesy; ed. Thos. Arnold, w. notes. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1890. 3/6. Du Meril, E. Historie de la Com6die. Paris, 1864. Dunham, S. A. Lives of British Dramatists. 2 v. Lond. Longmans. 1847. 7/. Lives of the most eminent Literary and Scientitic Men of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 v. Lond. 1836— "38. Dyce, Alex. Editions of Eliz. and Jacob. Dramatists, w. introd. and notes. Beaumont and Fletcher, 11 v. Loud. Moxom. 1843— '46. £8. Greene and Peele. (1828, 31). 1886. Lond. Houtledge. 7/6. Marlowe. (1850). 1884. Lond. Houtledge. 7/6. Middleton. 5 v. 1840. Loud. Lumley. 42/. Shirley. (Ed. w. Gifford). 6 v. 1833. Lond, £0. Webster. (1840). 1885. Lond. Routledge. 7/6. mt!^ English Drama.— A Working Basis. ISo Elzk, Kahl. Note.s on Eliz. Dnimatists \v. conjectural emendations of the text. Halle. 1880. 5/. Englische Studien. Ed. E. Kolbing. -{In prog.) 1877— ea. v. 15/. Everett, C. C. Poetry, Comedy and Duty, liost. Houghton. 1888. $1.50. Fairiiolt, F. W. Lord 3Iayors' PageantH. Percy Soc. 1843. FARgUHAR, G. Works, (v. 1, p. 81 — 107, Discourse upon Comedy). Loud. 1742. Fitzgerald, Percy. Principles of Comedy and Dram. p]ftect. Lond. Tinsley. 1870. 12/. Fleay, F. G. Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama. Lond. Ueeves and Turner. -*- 1891. 30/. Form an, H. B. Our Living Poets. Lond. Tinsley. 1871. 12/. Freytag, G. Die Technik des Dramas. Leipzig. 1881. Hirzel. mk. 5. Trans. E. J. MacEwan. Chicago. Griggs. 1894. $1.50. Fuller, 8. M. Papers on Literature and Art. (Pt. 2: 100—151, The Modern Drama). N. Y. 1848. (tErvinus, Georg Gottfried. Shakespeare Commentaries. Trans. F. E. Bunnett. Lond. Smith and Elder. 1877. 14/. N. Y. Scribner. 1877. $5.25. GiLFiLLAN, George. Specimens with Memoirs of the less known British Poets. f]din. and Lond. 1800. GiRARDiN, Saint-Marc. Cours de Litt«?rature Dramati/. 2 v. N. Y. Dodd. 1892. $3.50. Moore, Thomas. Life of Sheridan. (1751—1816). Lond. Longmans. 1825. MoRLEY, (Prof.) Henry. Journal of a London Play-goer. Lond. Routledge. 1866. 5/. Morris, Mowbray. Essays in Theatrical Criticism. Lond. Remington. 1882. 6/. Murdoch, J. E. The Stage; or, Recollections of Actors and Acting. Phil. Stoddart. 1880. $2.50. Neville, Hf^ry. The Stage : its past and present history in relation to tine art. Lond. Bentley. 1875. 5/. Ordish, T. Fairman. Early London Theatres. (In the Fields). Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan. y 1894. (Camden Lil)r.) Lond. Stock. 1894. 6/. I OULTON, W. C. ^ Hist, of the Theatres of London from 1771 to 1795. 3 v. 1818. Hist, of the ' Theatres of London from 1795 to 1817. 3 v. 1818. Parry, Edward A. Charles Macklin. (1690?— 1797). , (Eminent Actor Series). Lond. Paul. 1891. 2/6. N. Y. Longmans. 1891. $1. Pascoe, C. E. The Dramatic List. (Record of living actors). Lond. Allen. 1879. 3/6. Bost. Roberts. 1879. $5.00. "I7BKSITYi 148 English Drama.— A Working Basis. Pembert, T. E. Memoirs of Edward Aiken Southern. (1830— '89). Lond. Bentley. 1889. 16/. Reader, Arthur. (Pub.) Dramatic Publications. Lives of the Phiyers. (Mrs. Abington, Mrs. Gibber, Mrs. Jordan, Quin). Russell, W. C. Representative Actors. (Chandos Libr.) Lond. Warne. 1875. 1/6. Smith, W. H. Bacon and Shakespeare. An Inquiry touching Players, Play-houses and Play- writers in the Days of Elizabeth. Lond. Smith. 1857. 5/. Stirling, E. Old Drury Lane: fifty years' recollections. 2 v. Lond. lientley. 1881. 21/. 2 V. N. Y. Scribner & Welford. 1881. :|6.00. The Thespian Dictionary, Or, Dramatic Biography of the I]ighteenth Cent. ; cont. sketches of the lives, productions, etc., of all the principal managers, dramatists, composers, commentators, actors and actresses of the United Kingdom. Victor, Ben.jamin. History of the theati-es of London and Dublin from 1730 to present time. (With an annual register of all plays, etc., performed at the Theatres Royal in London from 1712). Lond. T. Davies. 1761. From 1760 to the present time, being a continuation of the Annual Register, etc. Lond. T. Becket. 1771. Williams, M. Some London Theatres. Lond. Low. 1883. 7/6. Winter, AV^illiam. Life and Art of Edwin Booth. N. Y. Macmillan. 1893. $2.25. Lond. Unwin. 1893. 10/6. Wright, J. The Second Generation of English Actors, 1625—1670. (This includes some valuable information respecting London Theatres during this period). Arber Reprints. Lond. and N.Y. Macmillan. (/S'eeHistoriaHlstrionica). IV. STAGE POLEMICS. (Chronological). Wyclifite (?). Sermon against Miracle Plays. p]nd of Fourteenth Cent. Reliquas Antiquae; ed. Wright and Halliwell. 2 v. Lond. 1841— '48. Northbrooke, John. Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays and Interludes, 1577; ed. Collier, Sh. Soc. Pub. 1843. Enylish Drama.— A Working Basis. 149 Gossojs', Stephen. School of Abuse contaiiiiuf? a Pleasant luvective against Poets, Pipers, Players, Jesters and such like Caterpillars of a Commonwealth. July, 1579. Repr. Somers' Tracts, LslO. 3:552. ed. Collier, Sh. Soc. Pub. 1841. Arber Reprints. 1868. Anox. (In answer to Gosson). Strange News out of Affrik. Oct., 1579. {Not extant), GossoN, Stephen. (In answer to Strange News out of Affrik). A Short Apology of the School of Abuse. Dec, 1579. Arber Reprints. 1868. Lodge, Thomas. (In answer to Gosson). Defence of Poetry, Music and the Stage. 1580. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1853. Anon. Second and Thinl Blast of Retreat from Plays and Theatres. 1580. Sidney, Sir Philip. An Apology for Poetry. Wr. 1580? Pr. 1595. Arber Reprints. 1868. See also. IT. (rO880N, Stephen. (In answer to Lodge). Plays Confuted in Five Actions. 1582. Repr. Hazlitt, W. C. English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes. Roxburghe lAhr. 1869. Stuhbs, Philip. Anatomy of Abuses. " Of Stage-Plays and Interludes, with their wickedness." 1583. Ed. Furnivall. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1877— '82. Lodge, Thomas. (In ansvA-er to Gosson). Alarum against Usurers. (Preface). 1584. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1858. Whetstone, George. Touchstone for the Time. (Appended to Mirror for Magistrates of Cities). 1584. Rankins, William. Mirror of Monsters. 1587. Rainolds, (Dr.) Overthrow of Stage-plays. 1599. Anon. Histrio-mastix. Platj. (Marston? 1599?) Pr. 1610. Heywood, Thomas. An Apology for Actors. 1612. The Actors' Vindication. (2nd. ed. of above). 1658. Repr. Somers* Second Collection of Scarce * * Tracts. V. 1. 1750. Ed. Collier. Sh. Soc. Pub. 1841. J. G. Refutation of the Apology for Actors. 1615. Pkynne, William. Histrio-mastix. Treatise. 1633. Dryden, John. The Rival Ladies. (Dedicatory epistle, advocating the use of rhyme in drama). 1664. 150 English Drama.— A Working Basis. Howard, (Sir) Robert. (In answer to Drydeu). Four New Plays. (Preface, advocating blank verse). Ifi65. Dryden, John. (In answer to Howard). Essay of Dramatic Poesy. 1668. Howard, (Sir) Robert. (In answer to Dryden). Great Favorite; or, The Duke of Lerma. (Preface). 1668. Dryden, John. (In answer to Howard). Defence of an Essay. (Prefixed to second edition of the Indian Emperor. 1668). Baker, (Sir) Richard. Theatrum Triumphans. (Attack on Prynne). 1670. Blackmore, (Sir) Richard. King Arthur. (Preface). 1697. Merriton, G. Immorality, Debauchery and Profaneness. 1698. Collier, Jeremy. A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage. March, 1698. Axon. (In answer to Collier). A Vindication of the Stage. (By Wycherley?) May 17, 1698. FiLMER, Edward. (In answer to Collier.) A Defence of Dramatic Poetry. May 26, 1698. Dennis, John. (In answer to Collier). The Usefulness of the Stage to the Happiness of Mankind, to Government, and to Religion. June 6, 1698. Vanbrugh, John. (In answer to Collier). A Short Vindication of the Relapse and the Provok'd Wife, by the Author June 8, 1698. FiLMER, Edward. (In further answer to Collier). A Further Defence of Dramatic Poetry. June 23, 1698. Congreve, William. (In answer to Collier). Amendment of Mr. Collier's False and Imperfect Citations. July 25, 1698. Anon. (In answer to Congreve). A Letter to Mr. Congreve on his Pretended Amendments). Sept. 2, 1698. Anon. (In answer to Congreve). Animadversions on Congreve's Amendments. Sept. 8, 1698. Anon. (In support of Collier). The Stage Condemu'd. Sept. 16, 1698. Collier, Jeremy. (In answer to Congreve and Vanbrugh). A Defence of the Short View. Nov. 10, 1698. Anon. (In answer to Collier). Some Remarks on Collier's Defence. Dec. 6, 1698. English Drama.— A Working Basis. 151 Dhakk, Jamks. (In answer to C'ollier). The Ancient and Modern Stajijes Reviewed. 1700. CoLLiKK, Jeremy. (In answer to Drake). A Second Defence of the Short View. 1700. Collier, Jeremy. (In answer to Dennis). A Dissuasive from the Play-liouse, by way of a Letter to a I'erson of Quality. 170;J. Dennls, Joiix. (In answer to Collier). The Person of Quality's Answer to Mr. Collier, containing a Defence of a Uo<,mlar Stage. 1703. Anon. (In support of Collier). A Representation of the Impiety and Immorality of the English Stage. 1704. Anon. Some Thoughts concerning the Stage in a Letter to a Lady. 1704. Collier, Jeremy. A Letter to a Lady concerning the New Play-house. 1706. Fn.MER, Edward. A Defence of Plays. 1707. Collier, Jeremy. (In answer to Filmer). A Further Vindication of the Short View. 1708. Bedford, Arthur. A Serious Remonstrance in behalf of the Christian Religion against the Horrid Blasphemies and Impieties which are still used in the English Play- houses. 1719. The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainments fully demonstrated. 1726. Dennis, John. (In answer to Law). The Stage Defended. 1726. ^ 0? THK*^^ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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