THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES b - Tb hb - Bh hhhh - A - Db FAVORITE SONGS AND HYMNS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME CONTAINING FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY OF THE WORLD'S BEST SONGS AND HYMNS, INCLUDING NATIONAL SONGS AND MANY SONGS OF DAYS ; ALSO, THE ELEMENTS OP MUSIC AND TWENTY-FIVE RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURAL READINGS. EDITED BY J. P. McCASKEY, Compiler of the " Franklin Square Song Collection." Music softens and subdues the rebellious disposition, refines and soothes the wayward, turbulent passions, nerves the heart to deeds of valor and heroism, gives joy and consolation in the hour of affliction, carries the soul captive across the rough and stormy sea of life, and stands beyond the vale of Time te welcome with angelic voice the wandering spirit to its final home. John Hall. NEW YORK : CINCINNATI : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Time wrecks the proudest piles we raise, The towers, the domes, the temples fall ; The fortress crumbles and decays, One breath of song outlasts them all. Oliver Wendell Holme*. TO Rev. 8. P. Smith. Author of " My Country, Tteof Thee." One of my keenest musical impressions is connected with that marvellous show, the first World's Fair, held in London, and known as the Crystal Palace Exhibition. I shall never aee such another. As I stood in the gallery of the great crystal transept and looked down upon a spectacle such as has been witnessed since, but had never before been seen, a feeling of intoxication there is no other word for it came over me. I remember perfectly well falling into a kind of dream as I leaned over the painted iron balcony and looked down on the splendid vista. The silver-bell-like tones of an Erard it was the loooguinea piano- pierced through the human hum and noise of splashing waters, but it was a long way off. Suddenly, in the adjoining gallery, the large organ broke out with a blare of trumpets that thrilled and riveted me with an inconceivable emotion. I knew not then what those open- ing bars were. Evidently something martial, festal, jubilant and full of triumph. I listened and held my breath to hear Mendelssohn's " Wedding March " for the first time, and not know it I To hear it when half the people present had never heard of Mendelssohn, three years after his death, and when not one in a hundred could have told me what was being played, that is an experience I shall never forget. As successive waves of fresh inex- haustible inspiration flowed on, vibrating through the building without a check or a pause, the peculiar Mendelssohnian spaces of cantabile melody alternating as they do in that march with the passionate and almost fierce decision of the chief processional theme, I stood riveted, bathed in the sound as in an element. I felt ready to melt into those har- monious yet turbulent waves and float away upon the tides of "Music's golden sea setting toward Eternity." The angel of Tennyson's Vision might have stood by me whispering, "And thou listenest the lordly music flowing from the illimitable years." Some one called me, so I was told afterward, but I did not hear. They supposed that I was following ; they went on, and were soon lost in the crowd. Presently one came back and touched me, but I did not feel. I could not be roused, my soul was living apart from my body. When the music ceased the spell slowly dissolved, and I was led away still half in dreamland. For long years afterward the " Wedding March " affected me strangely. Haweisf Musical Memories. The Franklin Square Song Collection, comprising Eight numbers, has sold Its hundreds of thousands. The present Supplementary Number, which is more than twice the size of any that has Dreaded it, is issued in response to the wish of many who have enjoyed the series. Our purpose has been to make this final number the best book of its kind in the world. It is made up from all that hav t preceded it ; and contains some favorite songs not found in any of them. In its 400 pages there are 450 songs and hymns, with much additional matter of interest and value. When we consider the influence of a song or hymn sung by generations and beloved of millions, the pleasure it has af- forded, the hojpe it has inspired, the love it has breathed, the courage it has aroused, stirring the depths of feeling and enriching life with experiences and memories ; when we think of hundreds of such heart-songs of home and country, each with its history of deepest interest, could it be writ- ten ; when we know that the Franklin Square Collection, made up largely of such songs, is a book known and prized, used and enjoyed, in perhaps a hundred thousand schools and homes in and be- yond the United States, when we consider all this, and what it means, we are almost ready to say that nothing has been published within a generation, either in America or in Europe, that we would rather have given to the world. These books reach so many people of fine sensibility ; are referred to with pleased interest so often and so widely ; are enjoyed, alone and with others, by day and by night, on land and sea, with voice and musical instruments of every kind ; and grow in favor, as they become better known, with young and old. rich and poor, learned and unlearned. Blessings on the dear old songs and those who made them I All the merit of the book is theirs. The Compiler is simply glad and grateful that it has been his privilege to contribute to the enjoyment of so many good people, so widely scattered, yet everywhere recognizing the " one touch of nature " that makes the whole world kin." To Prof. Carl Matz, and to publishers who have kindly permitted the use of their copyrighted songs, he is under special obligations. Copyright, 1899, by J. P. McCaskcy. Music Library Cable of Contents. A Spring Song, ... C. Pinsuti. A Soldier in the Village Street, W. Hutchinson. A Song for the Oak, . H. F. Charley. A Song for Our Banner, . W. V. Wallace. csAbide with Me, . . Wm. H. Monk. Adeste Fideles, . . . Anonymous. After, ..... Louis Diehl. A Greenness Light and Tender, . Folksong. Ah ! For Wings to Soar, . . Jullien. Ah ! I Have Sighed to Rest Me, . G. Verdi. Ah! 'Tis a Dream, . . E. Lassen. A Hundred Years to Come, . W. C. Brown. ~ A Life on the Ocean Wave, . Henry Russell. A Little Word in Kindness Said, . Anonymous. " f ~~ Mice, Where Art Thou? . . J. Ascher. All Among the Barley, . Elizabeth Stirling. "T" All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, E. Perronet. All's Well, ..../. Braham. All the Saints Adore Thee, . /. B. Dykes. All Together, . . . Geo. F. Root. All is Still, in Sweetest Rest, . F. Kuchen. Alleluia ! Alleluia ! . . Easter Carol. Alpine Horn, The, . . E. J. Loder. merica, .... 7^ Dwight. Amid the Greenwood, ... Thalberg. Andreas Hofer, . . . Folksong. Angelic Songs are Swelling, . F. W. Faber. Angry Words, . . . Anonymous. Laurie, . . Lady John Scott. Chorus, The, .' . . . G. Verdi. Ark of Freedom, Glory's Dwelling, J. Haydn. T 5\.rt Thou Weary ? . . . St. Stephanos. + 1=^.3 a Little Child, . C. M. Von Weber. As the Wind Blows, . Richard Genee. Ask Me Not Why My Heart, . Charles Jeffrey. At Dawn Aurora Gaily Breaks, . Wm. Jones. At Evening Time, . . M. J. Sporle. Auld Lang Syne, . . Robert Burns. Aunt Jemima's Plaster, . . Anonymous. ^nAutumn Leaves, ... Charles Dickens. Away, Away, . . D. F. E. Auber. Ave Sanctissima, . . Felicia Hemans. Awake, My Soul, and With the Sun, Thos. Ken. Away with Melancholy, . . W. Mozart. Baby Bye, Here's a Fly, . Theodore Tilton. Baby is a Sailor Boy, . George Cooper. Baby's Nighf, . . . Anonymous. Baloo, Baloo, My Wee, Wee Thing, Lullaby. Battle Hymn of Republic, . Julia Ward Howe. Beautiful Bells, ... E. O. Lyte. Beautiful Day, The, . . D. Hime. -^SkBeautiful Faces, . . . David Swing. Beautiful Spring Time, . . Guiseppe Verdi. Believe Me if All Those Endearing, T. Moore, Ben Bolt, . . . T. D. English. Be Thou, O God, Exalted High, . W. Franc. f- Beulah Land, . . J. R. Sweeny. 277 Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond, . Anonymous. 342 218 Bonnie Charlie, . . . Lady Nairne. 364 25 1 --Bonnie Doon, . . . Robert Burns. 248 293 Brave Old Oak, . . . E. J. Loder. 251 121 Bridal Chorus, . . . R. Wagner. 268 Bride Bells, The, . . . /. L. Roeckel. 232 Brightly, .... Michael Haydn. 16 Bright, Rosy Morning, . . Anonymous. 114 Buttercup Test, . . Childhood Songs. 185 Buy My Strawberries, . . . C. Howard. 125 236 266 99 226 193 108 146 267 370 315 19 "5 294 138 78 96 81 133 203 241 186 130 128 152 133 97 69 242 224 37 215 256 . . . 136 -By Killarney's Lakes and Fells, M. W. Balfe. 43 88 273 263 94 62 362 105 85 280 Call John, Calm Was the Night, . Carol, Brothers, Carol, . Castles in Spain, . . Chapel, The Chatterbox, The, . . Cheer, Boys, Cheer, . Cheerily the Bugle Sounds, Chide Mildly the Erring, . Child, is Life Bright Alone, Child of Earth with Golden Hair, Child of the Regiment, . Children's Songs, . . Chime Again, Beautiful Bells, Christ is Born in Bethlehem, Christ is Born of Maiden Fair, Christmas As It Comes, . Christmas Carol, . . Christmas Hymn, . . Christmas is Coming, Christmas is Here, . W. M. Thackeray. Christmasse of Olde, . . . Anonymous. Christmas Song, . . . A. Adam. Christmas Time is Come Again, . Anonymous. Christ was Born on Christmas Day, J. M. Neale. Church Militant, . . H. S. Cutler. Columbia, God Preserve Thee Free, J. Haydn. Wm. B. Bradbury. Arthur Sullivan. W. A. Muhlenberg. . V. Bellini. Uhland. . Jane Taylor. Charles Mackay. . J. H. Hewitt. W. H. Bradbury. W. H. Emra. C. E. Horn. G. Donizetti. . 135, 271, . H. R. Bishop. . Anonymous. . Gauntlet. . Anonymous. Thomas Helmore. . Henry Dielman. J. P. McCaskey. W. M. 346 --Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean, D. T. Shaw. 147 Come, All Ye Faithful, . . J.Reading. Come, Boys, and Sound Your A, W. Wetmore. 213 Come, Cheerful Companions, . French Air. 305 Come, Come Quickly Away, . Anonymous. 149 Come, let us Join in Merry Chorus, Offenbach. 148 Come, let us Learn to Sing, . Anonymous. 231 Come, My Gallant Soldier, 225 -Come, Oh, Come With Me, Come Out, 'tis Now September, Come, Swell the Strain, . . Come to the Old Oak Tree, Come to the Sparkling Fountain, 285 SCorne, Thou Almighty King, Birdie Sweet, Bird's Nest, The, . Birds Are in the Woodland, Birds Sleeping Gently, The, On, My Roses, Blossom Time, . . * Blue Alsatian Mountains, Blushing Maple Tree, . Boatman's Return, The, """Boat Song, Childhood Songs. , Helen Thomas. . Anonymous. . . J. Ascher. > F. H. Cowen. Mary E. Dodge. Stephen Adams. Hamilton Aide. M. J. Sporle. C. M. Von Weber. 254 350 299 61 19 147 287 35 37 129 137 139 249 127 H. R. Bishop. Italian Air. . E. Sterling. Charles Jarvis. . English. Anonymous. Charles Wesley. Come Where Flowers are Flinging, Von Flotow. Come with the Gipsy Bride, . M. W. Balfe. 2Come, Ye Disconsolate, Corn Song, The, . . Coronation, . . . Cousin Jedediah, . . Cradle Hymn, . . Cradle Song of Soldier's Wife, Cradle Song of Virgin,. . Dawn of Day, The, . . Dearest Native Land, 45 SDearest Spot, The, Samuel Webbe. Godfrey Marks. Oliver Holden. H. S. Thompson. J. J. Rousseau. T. T. Barker. Joseph Barnby. Samuel Reay. . . H. Proch. W. T. Wrighton. Dear Father, Drink No More, . Temperance. Deck the Hall Welsh Air. Deserted by the Waning Moon, . J. Braham. 302 54 247 124 48 66 224 301 174 159 253 195 262 267 329 324 198 27 158 262 107 133 155 125 90 58 272 283 301 239 64 315 337 131 109 35 252 246 142 - 316 19 250 118 285 199 349 154 I 5 6 60 300 "5 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Ding, Dong, I Love the Song, . Poniatowski. Dip, Boys, Dip the Oar, . . F. Sarona. Distant Drum, The, . . Anonymous. Down in a Coal Mine, . J. P. Geoghegan. Down the Stream So Cheerily, . Anonymous. Do They Think of Me at Home? C. W. Glover. Dream Faces, . . W. M. Hutchinson. Drift, My Bark, . . . F. Kucken. Ehren on the Rhine, Wm. M. Hutchinson. Elements of Music, One Hundred Points, . Emmanuel W. C. Dix. Ere the Twilight Bat was Flitting, B. Covert. Evening Hymn, . . Felicia Hemans. Evening Hymn, . . f. Mendelssohn. *-Ever of Thee, . . . Foley Hall. Ever to the Right,. Anonymous. Eve's Lamentation, . . . M. P. King. Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy, . H. Bonar. /ading, Still Fading, . Portuguese. Fair Luna, . . . J. Barnby. Faithful Little Bird, . . D. M. Craik. Far Away, . . . . M. Lindsay. Far Out on Desolate Billow, R. W. Raymond. ~Farewell is a Lonely Sound, J. C Englebrecht. Farewell to the Woods, . . German. Farmer, The, ... Kindergarten. Father Joe, . . . F. Von Flotow. Fisherman's Chorus, . D. F. E. Auber. Flag of Our Union Forever, . Ceo. P. Morris. ^Flag of the Free, . . J. P. McCaskey. f- -Flee As a Bird, . . Mary S. B. Dana. -rFlow Gently, Sweet Afton, . Robert Burns. Flowrets Blooming, . . F. Schubert. - - -Flowers for the Brave, . E. W. Chapman. Flow, Rio Verde, . . Anonymous. Follow Me, Full of Glee, . Movement Song. Forever and Forever, . C. C. Converse. ^Fourth of July Hymn, . T. Hastings. Fox and Goose, . . Childhood Song. Freedom's Flag, . . John J. Hood. Gentle Annie, . . Stephen C. Foster. German Lullaby, . . Slumber Song. Give Me Jesus, ... Slave Hymn. ~ ^Gloria Patri, .... Anonymous. Glory and Love to the Men of Old, C. F. Gounod. God Bless Our Native Land, . T. Dwight. God Rest You, Chrysten Gentilmen, Swiss Air. God Shall Charge His Angel Legions, . . Golden Rule, . . . Anonymous. Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eyes, . Lullaby. Golden Stars for Me are Shining, . H. Proch. Good- Bye . . J. C. Engelbrecht. Good Cheer, .... Anonymous. 100 203 313 87 291 36 326 I/O 218 372 336 103 213 49 77 ^ 275 : rHome 40 1 JH 145 2, I 7 6 32 275 297 200 "S 264 157 293 295 50 53 327 144 13 270 169 267 3<>3 46 140 320 39 97 368 133 198 29 187 225 154 297 211 211 249 85 337 172 141 273 2 Good Night, . . . Franz Abt. Good Night (Round), ... Anonymous. Good Night, Ladies, . . Serenade. Good Three Bells, . . Charles Jarvis. "Go to Sleep, Lena Darling, . J. K. Emmet. .^Greenwood Tree, The, . Sidney Nelson. ^_Guadeamus Igitur, . . College Song. ^uide Me, Great Jehovah, . F. Herold. =Hail and Farewell, . Mrs. C. Barnard. Hail Columbia, . . F. Hopkinson. Hail Columbia, New, . O. W. Holmes. Hail to the Brightness, . Thos. Hastings. Hail, Thou Most Sacred One, Felicia Hemans. 213 Hallelujah Chorus, . , G. F. Handel. 112 Happy and Light, . . M. W. Balfe. 180 Happy Are We To-night, . M. S. Pike. 221 Hard Times, Come Again No More, S. C. Foster. 342 --Hark ! I Hear an Angel Sing, R. G. Shrival. IOI Hark ! the Herald Angels Sing, Chas. Wesley. Hark ! the Vesper Hymn is Stealing, T. Moore. Harp that Once through Tara's Halls, T. Moore. Heart Bowed Down, The, . M. W. Ealfe. Hearts and Homes, . . John Blockley. Heaven is My Home, . A. S. Sullivan. 3Ieavens Are Telling, The, . L. Beethoven. Heavily Wears the Day, . . German Heirs of Unending Life, . . . Beddome. "Herdsman's Mountain Home, . Volkslied. Here under the Leafy Greenwood Tree, Nelson. He's the Lily of Valley, . Slave Hymn. Ho, Ho, Vacation Days are Here, /. C.Johnson. Holy, Holy, . . J. B. Dykes. Holy Night (Heilige Nacht) . Michael Haydn. ome Again, . . . M. S. Pike. Home, Can I Forget Thee ? . . German. of the Soul, . . Philip Phillips. Home's Not Merely Four Square Walls, Rossini. ome, Sweet Home, . John Howard Payne. How Dear to My Heart, S. Woodworth. Slow Gentle God's Commands, . H. G. Nageli. Humpty Dumpty, . . Mother Goose. Hush, My Babe, Lie Still and Slumber, Watts. I Have Fruit, I Have Flowers, . J. A. Wade. I Have Heard the Mavis Singing, . S. Nelson. I Have Roamed Over Mountain, W. Bradbury. I Know a Bank, . . Charles E. Horn. I Love the Merry Sunshine, . Stephen Glover. 1 Love Thy Kingdom, Lord, . T. Dwight. I Sat Beneath the Maples Old, . C. Pinsuti. I Want Forty Dozen of Fine Waxen Dolls, . If Ever I See, on Bush or Tree, . Little Folks. Image of the Rose, . . G. Reichardt. I'm a Forester Free, . . E. Reyhff. I'm a Shepherd of the Valley, . F. G. Klaner. I'm Glad I am a Farmer, . Anonymous. In Excelsis Gloria, . . . Welsh Air. In Flakes of a Feathery White, W. O. Bourne. In Heavenly Love Abiding, . F. Mendelssohn. In Merry Chorus, . . J. Offenbach. In Shadowland, . . C. Pinsuti. In the Quarries Should You Toil, Anonymous. In the Starlight, . . Stephen Glover. In the West the Sun Declining, . Franz Abt. In the Wild Chamois Track, . Malibran. Ingleside, The, . . T. F. Weisenthal. Innisfail, . E. C. Phelps. Integer Vita, . . . College Song. Into the Woods My Master Went, S. Lanier. It's Rare to See the Morning Bleeze, H. Ainslee. It is Better to Laugh than Be Sighing, Donizetti. I've Been Roaming, . Charles E. Horn. I've Reached the Land of Corn and Wine, 59+i 153 -Ivy Green, The, I Will Sing You a Song, I Would That My Love, -Jamie's on the Stormy Sea, Jem, the Carter Lad,. . the Golden, 237 Jerusalem Henry Russell. G. H. Gates. F. Mendelssohn. . Bernard Covert. . J. S. Baker. Alexander Ewing. Jerusalem, My Happy Home, . Latin Hymn. esus is Mine, . . . Horatius Bonar. Jesus Lives, . . . C. F. Gellert. ~esus, the Very Thought of Thee, . G. Rossini. "f J-.ennette and Jaennot, Johnny Schmoker, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, . Joy, Joy, Freedom To-day, Joy to the World, . -juanita, .... Kathleen, . Charles W. Glover. . . German. Anonymous. . Anonymous. Isaac Watts Caroline Norton W. Williams 3. F. E. Auber. Not in Halls of Regal Splendor, . Welsh. Now All the Bells, . . Easter Carol. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, . H. F. Allen. Now Thank We All Our God, Martin Rinkert. Nursery Songs, Nymphs of Air and Sea, O Come, Come Away, . O Could Our Thoughts, Fair Dove, O Fond Dove, O I'm a Happy Creature, 32, 303, Henry Smart. W. E. Hickson. . Anne Steele. Jean Ingelow. Spanish. O That I Never More Might See, G. Donizetti. O Thou Joyful Day, O What Can You Tell, . Oft in Danger, Oft in Woe, Johannes Falk. R. W. Raymond. . H. K. White. John Stevenson. Stephen C. Foster. 261 30h, For a Thousand Tongues, Charles Wesley. Oh, Gladly Now We Hail Thee, . V. Bellini. Oh, How Cold the Winter Weather, Anonymons. Oh, Lord, Keep Me from Sinking Down, Slave. Oh, Mary, Call the Cattle Home, Chas. Kingsley. Oh, My Bravest and Best, . V. Bellini. Oh, the Sports of Childhood, O. R. Barrowes. Oh, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast, Robert Burns. Oh, What is the Matter with Robin ? Little Folks. Old Cottage Clock, The, 334 201 324 307 351 55 228 3" 74 ,_ 323 '"Old Dog Tray, Old Easy Chair by the Fire, Old Familiar Place, The, :Old Folks at Home, Old Gaelic Lullaby, . Old Hundred, J. L. Molloy. Stephen C. Foster. . Jas. C. Beckel. . C. W. Glover. Stephen C. Foster. J. G. Whittier. W. Frane. Stephen C. Foster. Samuel Woodworth. . John Read. One by One the Sands are Flowing, V. Bellini. Once Again the Flowers We Gather, Chapman. One Summer Eve, in Pensive Thought, Cherry. On Yonder Rock Reclining, D. F. E. Auber. On the Mountain Steep and Hoary, Anonymous. Our Country's Flag, O Emblem Dear, _/../. Hood. 37 "Old Kentucky Home, 10 fOld Oaken Bucket, Old Santa Claus, Our Father in Heaven s Our Flag O'er Us Waving, Our Songs of Joy and Gladness, Out in a Beautiful Field, . Out of the Window, . Over the Dark Blue Sea, Over There, 361 4-Over the Stars There is Rest, S. J. Hale. G. Verdi. . Meyerbeer. Anonymous. J.Norton. Swiss Air. T. C. O'Kane. Franz Abt. . G. Verdi. Over the Summer Sea, J'alms, The /. Faure. Peace on Earth, . . . G. Donizetti. Playtime Songs, . . Little Folks. 330, Pleasure Climbs to Every Mountain, Gollmick. Poor Tho' My Cot May Be, - G. Donizetti. Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, . 75 293 193 f 3 167 288 293 9 T 275 I2J ( 371 244 -4- 310 4 8 233 132 96 274 7* 321 188 356 255 208 228 205 33* 278 31 I6S 163 97 "I 161 123 3*1 306 284 223 205 317 314 165 343 i6a 320 61 167 206 365 214 144 14 243 122 4 6 59 152 178 149 281 238 21 210 -/- 220 190 28 3 33 20O 357 6l FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Praise Ye Jehovah's Name, . Anonymous. ^ Praise to God, . . Sebastian Bach. Prayer from Freischutz, . C. M. Von Weber. Pretty Pear Tree, . . . Anonymous. Pull Away, Brave Boys, . G. Rossini. Rain upon the Roo . . G. Clifford. Raise Your Hands, ... Anonymous. Rise, Crowned with Light, . . A. Lyoff. Robinson Crusoe, . . Rogue's March. Rosy Crown, The, . C M. Von Weber. Row, Row, Cheerily Row, . D. M. Muloch. Sands o' Dee, The, . . Francis Booth. Saw Ye Never in the Twilight, C. F. Alexander. ^Scenes That Are Brighest, . W. V. Wallace. Scout, The, . . . Fabio Campana. Scotch Cradle Song, . . Old Lullaby. Sea Gulls, The, . . . Anonymous. Search Thro' the Wide World, . G. Donizetti. See At Your Feat, . . M. W. Balfe. See the Proud Banner of Liberty, . G. Verdi. See the Sun's First Gleam, . . German. See Yon Chapel on the Hill, . Uhland. Shall We Meet Beyond the River, E. S. Rice. She Wore a Wreath of Roses, . T. H. Bayly. "Shells of Ocean, . . . J. W. Cherry. Should Auld Acquaintance, . Robert Burns. I Shout the Glad Tidings, . W. A. Muhlenberg. "f* ^Silent Night, . . . Michael Haydn. Silently Falling Snow, . Wm. O. Bourne. Silver Chimes, . . . Mrs. C. Barnard. Sing Glad Songs for Him, . J. P. McCaskey. ---Sing, Smile, Slumber, . . C, F. Gounod. Slave Hymns, . . . Anonymous. Sleep, Sleep, My Darling, . . Lullaby. Slumber, Dearest, . C. M. Von Flotow. Slumber Song, The, . . F. Kucken. Slumber Songs, ... Anonymous. Snow Bird, The, . . F. C. Woodworth. Softly Now the Light of Day, G. W. Doane. Soft Music is Stealing, . M. S. B. Dana. Soft O'er the Fountain, . . Caroline Norton. Soldiers' Chorus f" Faust'*) . C. F. Gounod. ' Soldiers' Farewell, . . . J. Kinkel. Somewhere, . . F* Campana. Song of Night, .... German. Song of Parting, . . . . F. Abt. Songs, Revealing Sacred Feeling, . Von Weber. Sons of Men, Beheld From Far, Chas. Wesley. Sound Our Voices Long and Sweet. Bohemian. 305 Tell Me, Beautiful Maiden, . Charlet Gounod. 207 51 The Morn of Life is Past, . S. C. Foster. 165 359 The Son of God Goes Forth to War, R. Heber. 107 149 -ffThe World is Full of Beauty, . G. Donizetti. 230 47 :^Then You'll Remember Me, . M. W. Balfe. 334 33 There is a Happy Land, . Andrew Young. 333 187 There is Beauty in the Forest, . G. Donizetti. 230 51 There's a Wedding in Orchard, M. E. Dodge. 137 56 Thine Eyes so Blue and Dreaming, . Lassen. 216 -Those Endearing Young Charms, . T. Moore. 350 Thou 'rt Like Unto a Flower, A. Rubinstein. 282 Thou Wilt Come No More, . Thoughts of Wonder, . Three Children Sliding, . Three Fishers, . . Three Kings of Orient, . "Time of the Singing of Birds, Touch Not the Cup, Touch us Gently, Time, . Trees and the Master, . 'Twas in Fifty-five, on a Winter's Night, Adams. Twickenham Ferry, . . Theo. Marzials. g 306 198 '43 234 362 241 217 104 152 328 62 79 82 '4 256 73 '73 352 22 '34 95 320 229 78 320 347 107 127 44 368 355 24 229 359 '73 Sound Your A, Sparkling and Bright, Speed Away, . . Speak Gently, . . Spider and the Fly, . Spring, Gentle Spring, Spring Song, A, . . Spring Time Once Again, Star Spangled Banner, . Stars Trembling O'er Us, -Steal Away, .... Stranger Star, The, . C. Strawberries Grow in the Mowing, Strike the Cymbal, W. B. Bradbury. Chas. F. Hoffman. I. B. Woodbury. W. V. Wallace. . O. H. Normino. /. Riviere. Ciro Pinsuti. . John Logan. , Francis S. Key. D. M. Mulo'ck. . Slave Hymn. F. Alexander. Anonymous. Pucitta. Summer Days are Coming, . Charles Jeffreys. Sweet and Low, J, Barnby. S^Sweeter than the Breath of Morning, Meyerbeer. Swing, Cradle, Swing, . George Cooper. Swinging ' Neath the Old Apple Tree, Barrowes. -Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, . Slave Hymn. Tara's Harp, . . . Thomas Moore. Tea in the Arbor, . , . /. Beultr. . S. C. foster. 140 , Anonymous. 339 Old Ditty. 63 Charles Kingsley. 204 Old Carol. 195 . Geo. Barker. 276 Jos. H. Aikman. 338 Barry Cornwall. 80 Sidney Lanier. 360 39 41 Twilight is Falling, . . B.C. Unseld. 59 Twinkle Brightly, Stars of Night, Anonymous. 225 Under the Shade of the Trees, . M. J. Preston. 30 Upon the Height, . . . Folksong. 181 Verdant Grove, Farewell to Thee, . Folksong. 200 Vesper Hymn, . . . Thomas Moore. 25 Waking or Sleeping, . . J. V. Blake. 109 SSiVatch and Ward, . . . /. Montgomery. 29 Watch on the Rhine, . . Carl Wilkelm. 290 'Way Down upon the Swanee River, S. C. Foster. 1 66 Wear a Bright Smile, . . . G. Verdi. 102 We are Happy and Free, . Anonymous. 238 We'd Better Bide a Wee, . . Claribel. 335 We May Roam the Wide World Over, Glover. 69 Welcome, Pretty Primrose, Welcome to Morning, . What is Home ? . . What Fairy Like Music, What Means This Glory, What Pleasure Folks Feel, What Will You Do, Love? What Song Does the Cricket Sing, 209 JSVhen All the World is Young, . ' When at Twilight So Softly, Ciro Pinsuti. 183 J. Offenbach, llf Charles Swain. 62 Jos. De Pinna. 116 G. Donizetti. 283 /. Beuler. IIO Samuel Lover. Ill /. Strauss. 126 C. Kingsley. 89 Victor Hugo. 95 94 84 56 When I was a Beggarly Boy, . J. R. Lowell. When I Come, .... Folksong. When I was a Lad, . . Anonymous. 90 When Shall We Meet Again ? . Lowell Mason. 341 6 1 When the Green Leaves, . Anonymous. 103 298 When the Humid Showers Gather, G. Clifford. 33 20 When on the World's First Harvest Day, Aide. 139 279 -When the Swallows Homeward Fly, . F. Abt. II 15 -Where is Now the Merry Party , . M. Lindsay. 32 277 Where Will Be the Birds that Sing, W. Brown. 108 312 While the Morning Bells. . Sicilian Hymn. 79 Who is He Plants for Days to Come, Gounod. 134 35 Who is Sylvia? . - . Franz Schubert. 104 308 Why Do Summer Roses Fade? George Barker. 1 8 198 Will You Walk into My Parlor? O. Normino. 279 68- -Willie, We Have Missed You, S. C. Foster. 164 363 Winkum, Winkum, . . . Nursery Song. 271 40 With this Humble Stock in Store, C. Howard. 136 34 Woodman, Spare That Tree, . Geo. P. Morris 227 191 Yankee Doodle, . . . Anonymous. 2 231 Ye Banks and Braes, . . Robert Burns. 248 223 Ye Sons of France, Awake to Glory, De Lisle. 323 309 Yeoman's Wedding Song, . . Poniatowski loo 83 You are Going Far Away, ;. Charles Jeffreys. 248 no FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. -Rational Songs. America, .... T. Dwight. 133 Andreas Hofer, . . . Folksong. 241 Ark of Freedom, Glory's Dwelling, /. Haydn. 133 Battle Hymn of Republic, Julia Ward Howe. 105 By Killarney's Lakes and Fells, M. W. Balfe. 43 Columbia, God Preserve Thee Free, J. Haydn. 133 Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean, D. T. Shaw. 155 Dearest Native Land, . . H. Proch. 154 Flag o Our Union Forever, . Geo. P. Morris. 293 Flag of the Free, . . R. Wagner. 295 Flowers for the Brave, . . E. W. Chapman. 144 Fourth of July Hymn, . . T. Hastings. 267 Freedom's Flag, . . John J. Hood. 46 God Bless Our Native Land, . T. Dwight. 133 Hail Columbia, . . F. Hopkinson. 153 Let Erin Remember, . Thomas Moore. 1 60 Marseilles Hymn, . . Rouget de Lisle. 323 My Country, 'Tis of Thee, . S. F. Smith. 293 My Normandy, . . Frederic Berat. 23 My Own Native Land, . W. B. Bradbury. 288 National Hymn, The, . . S. F. Smith. 293 New Hail Columbia, . O. W. Holmes. 371 Now Thank We All Our God, . M. Rinkart. 71 Our Flag O'er Us Waving, . G. Verdi. 152 Star Spangled Banner, . Francis S. Key. 151 Soldiers' Chorus, . . . C. F. Gounod. 368 Watch on the Rhine, . . Carl Wilhelm. 290 Yankee Doodle, . ... Anonymous. 289 Brbor Songs. A Greenness Light and Tender, . Folksong. 266 All Among the Barley, . Elizabeth Stirling. 315 Amid the Greenwood, . . Thalberg. 203 Autumn Leaves, . . Charles Dickens. 147 Beautiful Spring Time, . . G. Verdi. 254 Bloom On, My Roses, . . F. H. Cowen. 129 Blossom Time, . . . Mary E. Dodge. 137 Blushing Maple Tree, . Hamilton Aide. 139 Brave Old Oak, The, . . E. J. Loder. 251 Brightly Gleam the Sparking Rills, M. Haydn. 16 Bright Rosy Morning, . . Anonymous. 114 Buy My Strawberries, . . . C. Howard. 136 Come to the Old Oak Tree, . Anonymous. 131 Come Where Flowers are Flinging, Von Flotow. 252 Day on the Mountain, Beautiful Day, D. Hime. 280 Farewell to the Woods, . . German. 200 Flowrets Blooming, . . F. Schubert. 327 Greenwood Tree, . . Sidney Nelson. 141 Hark ! I Hear an Angel Sing, R. G. Shrival. loi I Have Fruit, I Have Flowers, J. A. Wade. 192 I Know a Bank, . . Chas. E. Horn. 98 I'm a Forester Free, . . . E. Reyloff. 91 I've Been Roaming, . . Charles E. Horn. 52 Last Rose of Summer, . . Thomas Moore. 322 Leaves Around Me Falling, . Greek Air. 31 Little Cherry Blossom, . . Anonymous. 185 Longing for Spring, ... German. 123 Love and Mirth, . . . . J. Strauss. 126 Lovely May, .... Little Folks. 261 May Queen, The, . . A. Tennyson. 296 Mill May, .... Anonymous. 68 Monarch of the Woods, . J. W. Cherry. 269 Pleasure Climbs to Every Mountain, Gollmick. 260 Pretty Pear Tree, . . . Anonymous. 149 Rosy Crown, The, . . C. M. Von Weber. 63 Sing Glad Songs for Him, . C. F. Gounod. 134 Spring Song, A, ... Giro Pinsuti. 277 Spring, Gentle Spring, , . . J. Riviere. 15 Spring Time Once Again, . . John Logan. 312 Summer Days are Coming, . Charles Jeffreys. 40 Swinging 'Neath the Old Apple Tree, Borrows. 223 Time of the Singing of Birds, . George Barker. 276 Verdant Grove, Farewell to Thee, . Folksong. 200 Welcome, Pretty Primrose, . Giro Pinsuti. 183 When I Come, . . Suabian Folksong. 84 When the Green Leaves, . Anonymous. 103 When the Swallows Homeward Fly, Franz Abt. n Why Do Summer Roses Fade, George Barker. 18 Woodman, Spare that Tree, . Geo. P. Morris. 227 Cbrtstmas Sonoe. Adeste Fideles, . . . Anonymous. 125 Baby's Night, ... Anonymous. 225 Calm was the Night, . . . A. Sullivan. 273 Carol, Brothers, Carol, . W. A. Muhlenberg. 263 Christ is Born in Bethlehem, . Anonymous. 159 Christ is Born of Maiden Fair, .. Gauntlet. 253 Christmas as it Comes, . . Anonymous. 195 Christmas Carol, . . . Thomas Helmore. 262 Christmas Hymn, . . Henry Deilman. 267 Christmas is Coming, . J. P. McCaskey. 329 Christmasse of Olde, . . . Anonymous. 198 Christmas Song, . . . . A. Adam. 2^ Christmas Time is Come Again, . Anonymous. 158 Christ was Born on Christmas Day, J. M. Neale. 262 Come, All Ye Faithful, . . /. Reading. 125 Cradle Song of Virgin, . Joseph Barnby. 199 Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly, Welsh. 300 Emmanuel, . . . W. C. Dix. 336 In Excelsis Gloria, . . Welsh Air. 132 Jolly Old St. Nicholas, . . Anonymous. 300 Joy to the World, . . Isaac Watts. 72 Mahogany Tree, The, . W. M. Thackeray. 324 O Thou Joyful Day, . . German. 336 Peace on Earth, ... (7. Donizetti. 283 Saw Ye Never in the Twilight, C. F. Alexander. 198 Silent Night! Holy Night! . Michael Haydn. 173 Three Kings of Orient, . . Old Carol. 195 Cbil&ren's Songs. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, . . Alphabet Song. 303 Ah, Why will My Child be So Cross ? . .302 Baby Bye, Here's a Fly, . Theodore Tilton. 148 Baby is a Sailor Boyj . . George Cooper. 231 Beautiful Sea, Foaming and Free, . . 135 Children Go to and fro, in a Merry, Pretty Row, 270 Cricket : Chirp, Chirp, Chirp, . . . .271 Ding, Dong, Bell, Pussy's in the Well, . . 321 Gay Dances Bibabutzaman, .... 303 Hare and Hunter: As the Moon Shone Bright, 287 Here Cometh Rosalind Chasing the Bee, . . 135 Hobby Horse : Hop, Hop, Nimble as a Top, . 361 Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall, ... 32! I'm Glad I Am a Farmer, .... 13$ Johnny had a Little Dog, Bingo was His Name, 331 Little Busy Bee Abroad Doth Roam, . . 271 Little Jack Homer Sat in a Corner, . . 321 Little Miss Muffet Sat on a Tuflfet, . . .321 Out of the Window, Over the Way, . . .281 O Pretty Polly, Don't You Cry, . . .331 O Wild is thy Joy, My Affectionate Boy, . 301 Ring around a Rosy, Sit upon a Posy, . 330 There is a Happy Land, . Andrew Young. 333 There was One, Little Jack, . Jane Taylor. 302 Twinkle Brightly, Stars of Night, . . .225 Wake, Happy Children, in the Dewy Mom, 109 We Come to See Miss Jennie Jones, . . 330 Wiegenlied : Brother, Thou and I, . . 320 What Care We for Gold or Silver? . . 331 Which Way Does the Wind Blow? . . .135 Winkum, Winkum, Shut Your Eye, . . 271 s SAVOR 1TE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Abide with Me, . . Wm. II. Monk. 121 Adeste Fideles, . . . Anonymous. 125 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, E. Perronet. 19 All the Saints Adore Thee, . J. B. Dykes. 294 Alleluia! Alleluia 1 . . Easter Carol. 96 Angelic Songs are Swelling, . F. IV. Faber. 186 Art Thou Weary? . . . St. Stephanos. 97 As a Little Child, . C M. Von Weber. 69 Ave Sanctissima, . . Felicia Hemans. 213 Awake, My Soul, and With the Sun, Tkos. Ken. 305 Battle Hymn of Republic, . Julia Ward Howe. 105 Be Thou, O God, Exalted High, . W. Franc. 6l Beulah Land, . . . J. R. Sweeny. 19 Calm Was the Night, . Arthur Sullivan. 273 Carol, Brothers, Carol, . W. A. Muhlenberg. 263 Christ is Born in Bethlehem, . Anonymous. 159 Christ is Born of Maiden Fair, . Gauntlet. 253 Christmas Carol, . . Thomas Helmore. 262 Christmas Hymn, . . Henry Dielman. 267 Christmas Song, . . . A. Adam. 27 Christmas Time b Come Again, . Anonymous. I$8 Christ was Bora on Christmas Day, J. M. Neale. 262 Church Militant, . . H. S. Cutler. 107 Columbia, God Preserve Thee Free, /. Haydn. 133 Come, All Ye Faithful, . . ^ J. Reading. 125 Come, Thou Almighty King, Come, Ye Disconsolate, . Coronation, . . . Cradle Hymn, . . Cradle Song of Virgin, . Evening Hymn, . . Evening Hymn, . . Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy, Fading, Still Fading, Flee As a Bird, . . Fourth of July Hymn, Claries Wesley. 305 Samuel Webbe, 142 , Oliver Holden. 19 J. J. Rousseau. Il8 Joseph Barnby. 199 Felicia Hemans. 213 F. Mendelssohn. 305 H. Bonar. 275 Portuguese. 145 Mary S. B. Dana. 50 T. Hastings. 267 Give Me Jesus, . . Slave Hymn. 309 Gloria Patri, .... Anonymous. 97 God Bless Our Native Land, . T. Dwight. 133 God Shall Charge His Angel Legions, . . 29 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, F. Herold. 273 Hail to the Brightness, . Thos. Hastings. 351 Hail, Thou Most Sacred One, Felicia Hemans. 213 Hallelujah Chorus, . . _ G. F. Handel. 112 Hark t the Herald Angels Singj Chas. Wesley. 304 Hark I the Vesper Hymn is Stealing, T. Moore. 25 Heaven is My Home, Heavens Are Telling, The, He's the Lily of the Valley, Holy, Holy, Holy, Home of the Soul, . . How Gentle God's Commands, A. S. Sullivan. 331 L. Beethoven. 28 . Slave Hymn. 311 /. B. Dykes. 294 Philip Phillips. I2O H. G. Nageli. 119 Hush, My Babe, Lie Still and Slumber, -Watts. Il8 I Love Thy Kingdom, Locd, . T. Dwight. 245 U Excelsis Gloria, . . . IVeUk Air. 132 In Heavenly Love Abiding, . F. Mendelssohn, Jerusalem the Golden, . Alexander Ewing. Jerusalem, My Happy Home, . Latin Hymn. Jesus is Mine, . . Horatius Bonar. Jesus Lives, . . . C. F. Gellert. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee, . G. Rossini. Joy to the World, . . . Isaac Watts. Lead, Kindly Light, . J. H. Newman. Lord, Dismiss us with Thy Blessing, W. Shirley. Lord's Prayer, The, . . S. J. Hale. Lord, in this Thy Mercy's Day, . W. H, Monk. Many Thousand Gone, . . Slave Hymn. May the Grace of Christ, Our Saviour, Doxology. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, Julia W. Howe. My Country, 'Tis of Thee, . S. F. Smith. Nearer, My God, to Thee, . Sarah F. Adams. Never Alone, . . R. W. Raymond. Ninety and Nine, . . . Ira D. Sankey. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen, Slave. Not in Halls of Regal Splendor, . Welsh. Now All the Bells, . . Easter Carol. Now Thank We All Our God, Martin Rinkert. O Could Our Thoughts, . . Anne Steele. O Thou Joyful Day, . Johannes Falk. Oft in Danger, Oft in Woe, . //. K. White. Oh, For a Thousand Tongues, Charles Wesley. Old Hundred, W. Frane. Our Father in Heaven, . . S. J. Hale. Over There, . . . T. C. O' Kane. Palms, The . . . . . J. Faure. Peace on Earth, . . , G. Donizetti. Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, . Praise Ye Jehovah's Name, . Anonymous. Praise to God, . . Sebastian Bach. Prayer from Freischutz, . C. M. Von Weber. Rise, Crowned with Light, . . A. Lyojf. Saw Ye Never in the Twilight, C. F. Alexander. Shall We Meet Beyond the River, E. S. Rice. Shout the Glad Tidings, . W. A. Muhlenberg. Silent Night, Holy Night, . Michael Haydn. Slave Hymns, ... Anonymous. Softly Now the Light of Day, G. W. Doane. Songs, Revealing Sacred Feeling, . Von Weber. Sons of Men, Beheld From Far, Chas. Wesley. Steal Away, .... Slave Hymn. Stranger Star, The, . C. F. Alexander. Strike the Cymbal, . . . Pucitta. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, . Slave Hymn. The Son of God Goes Forth to War, R. Heber. There is a Happy Land, . Andrew Young. Trees and the Master, Twilight is Falling, . . Vesper Hymn, . . What Means This Glory, When Shall We Meet Again? Sidney Lanier. B. C. Unseld. Thomas Moore. G. Donizetti. Lowell Mason. 26 353 143 275 121 341 72 29 34C 59 359 3" 79 105 293 119 275 244 310 132 96 7 25 336 31 59 21 190 28 3 61 305 5 359 5i 198 79 73 173 3" 107 359 198 363 39 107 333 360 59 5 5 283 341 -QUECriON. HOME AGAIN. fc MARSHALL S. PIK. Per. OLIVER DITSON & Co. 1. Home a -gain, home a -gain, From a for-eign shore! And oh, it fills my soul with 2. Hap - py hearts, hap- py hearts, With mine have laughed in glee, But oh, the friends I loved in 3. Mu - sic sweet, mu - sic soft, Lin - gers round the place, And oh, I feel the childhood ~&- i i =& joy, To meet my friends once more. Here I dropped the parting tear, To cross the o - cean's youth Seem hap-pi - er to me ; And if my guide should be the fate, Which bids me longer charm That time cannot ef - face. Then give me but my homestead roof, I'll ask no pal - ace K SI foam, But now I'm once again with those Who kindly greet me home. Home again, Home again, roam, But death a - lone can break the tie That binds my heart to home. Home again, Home again, dome, For I can live a hap-py life With those I love at home. Home again, Home again, 5*: k k i m .*-* ^ -IS- g g S 9- *d from a foreign shore, And oh, it fills my soul with joy, To meet my friends once more, from a foreign shore, And oh, it fills my soul with joy, To meet my friends once more, from a foreign shore, And oh, it fills my soul with joy, To meet my friends once more. m & ^=t^ tt* 10 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Music AT HOME. We have great faith in the hu- manizing power of music, and especially of music in the house and the home. Even in a moral point of view it is thoroughly harmonizing in its influence. To see a family grouped round the piano- forte in an even- ing, blending their voices together in the strains of Haydn or Mozart, or in the better known and loved melodies of our native land, is a beautiful sight a graceful and joyous picture of domestic happiness. The mother takes the piano-forte accompaniment, the father leads with a violin or flute, or supports (he met ody with the bass, while the young group furnish ths soprano and alto parts. What is more likely to mako home attractive, or to cause children to grow up ii> love with domestic life, than such a practice as this I The young ought to be sedulously taught music, se- that, when they grow up, no youth, no operative, no man, nor woman, may be without the solace of song Let a taste for home music be cultivated in the rising generation, and we shall answer for the good effects. MELODIES OF MANY LANDS. Moderate Time. C W. GLOVBX. 1. The mel - o 2. Its words I 3. It told me in dies well of ma ny lands Ere -while have charmed mine ear, re - mem-ber now, Were fraught with precepts old, the hour of need To seek a sol - ace there, Yet And Where there's but one a-mong them all Which still my heart holds dear; I heard it first from ev - 'ry line a max - im held, Of far more worth than gold ; A les - son 'twas, though en hearts could find Sweet answer to their prayer; Ah! much I owe that on - ly strick A J. . <*. - . JLJLjf *- ^ * . ^_ .*. ^LJ.^ fc):fl * * 1* *- .* * i*. _.H 4_ U .-1 + ^ hi 1 ^-. '-K 1 Eg-u. k=t: t* =k k I = tt--J =T-1 1- -fr r s P. h V-k^ r _") 1 ^ r S PS 1 K - L ^ k i k- 1 h i ^ K s 1 * f* ISTS ijt^i *i 1st TTi^n-^r g SEE* EjEaEEiE J> ^ : gj_H_ J_ -S-S-5-^-S- -j * f^-S- * 'k F ' "t lips I loved, My tears it then be - guiled, simply taught, That can-not pass a - way; gentle voice, Whose words my tears beguiled, It was the song my moth-er sang When It is my guid - ing star by night, My That song of songs my moth-er sang, When u I was but a child, It was the song my mother sang, When I was but a child, comfort in the day ; It is my guid-ing star by night, My comfort in the day. I was but a child ; That song of songs my mother sang When I was but a child. r-"-r-r-r-pp r " But I have no voice," says one ; " I have no ear for music," says another. Could you read before you learned to do so ? Could you write without traveling the crooked path of pot-hooks ? You can speak, be- cause you learned to do so. And you can sing, pro- vided you learn how. But you can no more sing without learning than the Irishman could play the fid- dle who had " never tried. " Every human being pos- sesses the faculty of music to a greater or less extent, hot the gift must be cultivated, and not allowed to " rust in us unused." It was doubtless conferred on man for a wise purpose ; and, like all our other facul- ties, intended to be exercised for our pleasure and well-being. In our schemes of education, this divina gift of song has been almost entirely overlooked. Very rarely, indeed, does the school-master dream ol the necessity for cultivating it, and so the gift lie* waste. In Germany music and singing form a part of the school education of almost every child ; hence the homes of Germany arc musical and temperate. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. II SOUND. Sound is occasioned by the vibration of flome sonorous body which is communicated to the air. This motion of the air is transferred to the tym- panum of the ear, and thence, by m^ans of most ex- quisite mechanical contrivances, through the auditory nerve to the brain. A wave of sound goes out from the sonorous centre in a spherical form, consisting of alternate condensations and rarefactions, something in the same way as a wave of water goes out from the the centre of disturbance in a circular form, consist- ing of alternate ridges and depressions. The differ- ence between a sound and a musical note is not a dif- ference/ PAI M 1. 'Mid pleas 2. I gaze 3. An ex - ures and pal . a - ces though we may roam, on the moon as I tread the drear wild, ile from home, splendor daz zles in vain; $M -& hum-ble, there's no place like home ; A charm from the skies seems to hal - low us" moth - er now thinks of her child; As she looks on that moon from our own cot-tage low - ly thatch'd cot tage a gain; The birds sing-ing jjaily, that came at my there, Which, seek thro' the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere. Home, home, door, Thro' the wood-bine whose fragrance shall cheer me no more. Home, home, call; Give me them, and that peace of mind, dear er than all. Home, home, i -^-S- sweet, sweet home, There's no place like home, Oh, there's no ^ : ^ place like home. leading or mathematics been as superficially taught in the past as music, the results would have been no bet- ter. Happily, however, the value of a musical training is now recognized by our best educators, and music is being placed on a correct basis. Among large cities, the schools of Boston have already become justly famous for results in this direction, and other cities are turning their attention to this important matter. THREE VERSES. We insert this best of songs as a sweet-voiced mother sang it, more than fifty years ago, by fireside and cradle. It is not Home, Sweet Home to us without the familiar second verse which, as a friend says, * belongs there." The homeless author, John Howard Payne, needs nothing besides to rescue his name from oblivion. To have written this little song, which the world has taken to its heart because of its simplicity and tenderness, is infinitely more wor- thy a human being than to have wielded the sceptre of Augustus Caesar or of the first Napoleon! An old book lies before us, in which the song appears in five stanzas. It may have originally been so written, the author afterwards retaining but two of the favorite verses ; at all events our mothers sang it thus when " Home, Sweet Home " was new, so many years ago. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE Quake* : as a sect, it is known, do not favor music; they think it to be a profitless amusement, in- dulged in by the world's people. George Thompson, the famous English abolitionist, while lecturing in Eng- land on the abolition of slavery in the British Prov- inces, stopped one night with a Quaker family. He was a great lover of music, and at that time was a good singer. During the evening he sang " Oft in the Stilly Night," which was listened to with the closest attention. In the morning the lady of the house, after Mr. Thomp- son came from his room, appeared quite uneasy. She wanted to hear the song again, but it would hardly do for her, a Quakeress, to request its repetition. At last, so goes the pleasant little story, her desire getting the better of her, she ventured to say: " George, will thes repeat the words of last evening in thy usual manner ? " THERE can be no doubt that music has a great in* fluence in imparting those delightful sensations which tend to sweeten and prolong life. That this fact is often recognized is testified by the immense number of those who devote themselves entirely to the manufac ture and sale of musical instruments. It is, however, ao> FLOW, RIO VERDE. 1. Flow, Ri-o Ver - de, 2. Bear her lone spir - it 3. Dark, glassy wa - ter, Qi in mel - o - dy flow; a - far on the sound, so crim - soned of yore, Win her that weep - eth to Back to her childhood, her Voi - ces of sor - row are jQt slum - life's known ^ ber from woe. Bid " thy wave's mu - sic roll ' thro' her dreams, Grief ev - er fairy ground. Pass like the whis - per of love that is gone, Pass like the to thy shore. Thou shouldst have echoes for grief's deepest tone, Thou shouldst have -p-r.-r- ^*^ -P--P-. -p- .fo lov - eth the whis - per of ech - oes for kind voice of streams; Flow, Ri-o love that is gone. Flow, Ri-o grief's deep - est tone. Flow, Ri-o r'p C"C if \f<> \ J- ? ? z \ Ver - de, Ver - de, Ver - de, r E ~~H*^ in s=\ mel - TJ - dy soft - ly flow soft - ly flow -, i- h ta- R^ *~ i u ' r r ^ ^ ^ ' U i *- H* " 1 1 p x k - ^ J knowledged h rotighout the world, that the human voice has no equal for the production of sweet, elevating, enchanting sounds that delight the ear and give tone and coloring to the words of the poet. Hence, of all kinds of music, vocal music should claim the especial attention of all earnest and progressive educators, for singing is known to improve the enunciation, refine the taste, elevate the morals, confirm the health, strengthen the social feeling, and add much to the pleasure of all. The consideration of health is one to which too much attention cannot be given. Singing is beneficial, indirectly, by increasing the flow of spirits, and dispelling weariness and despondency; and directly by the exercise which it gives to the lungs and the vital organs. We cannot sing without increased action of the lungs, and this causes the heart and all the organs of digestion and nutrition to act with renewed vigor. The singer brings a greater quantity of air into contact with the blood, and hence the blood is better purified and vitalized. Healthful and highly oxygenized blood gives energy to the brain, and thus the mind as well as the body shares the benefit of this delightful exercise. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HANDEL was one of the most humorous of mor- tals, and at the same time one of the most irritable. His best jokes were perpetrated frequently during his most violent bursts of passion. Having occasion to bring out one of his oratorios in a provincial town of England, he began to look about for such material to complete his orchestra and chorus as the place might afford. One and another was recommended, is usual, as being a splendid singer, a great player, and so on. After a while these were gathered to- gether in a room, and, after preliminaries, Handel made his appearance, puffing, both arms full of man- uscripts. "Gentlemen," quoth he, "you all read manuscripts?" "Yes, yes." responded from all parts at the room. " We play in the church," added an old man behind a violoncello. "Very well, play dis," said Handel, distributing the parts. This done, and a few explanations delivered, Handel retired to a distant part of the room to enjoy the effect The stumbling, fumbling and blundering that ensued is said to have been indescribable. Handel's sensitive ear and impetuous spirit could not long brook the insult, and clapping his hands to his ears, he ran to the old gentleman of the violoncello, and shaking his fist furiously at the terrified man and the instru- ment, said, '* You blay in de church ! very well you may blay in de church for we read, De Lord is long suffering, of great kindness, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin ; you sal blay in de church, but you sal not blay for me 1" and snatching together his manuscripts, he rushed out of the room, leaving his astonished performers to draw their own conclusions. SHELLS OF OCEAN. J. W. CHEERY. C. MATZ Air. Exprtttion. 1. One sum-mer eve, with pen- sive thought, I wan-der'd on the sea -beat 2. I stoop' d up - on the peb - bly strand, To cull the toys that round me shore.Where oft, in heed-less in - fant sport, I gather'd shells in days be- fore, I gath-er*d lay, But, as I took them in my hand, I threw them one by one a - way, I threw them shells in days be fore: The plashing waves like mus - ic fell, Re-spon-sive one by one a - way: Oh, thus, I said, in ev-'ry stage, By toys our to my fan-cy wild; A dream came o'er me like a spell, Ithoughtlwas a-gain a fan - cy is be - guiled; We gather shells from youth to age, And then we leave them, like a Child, A dream came o'er me like a spell, I thought I was a-gain, a-gain a child, child, We gath-er shells from youth to age, And then we leave them, leave them, like a child. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HO MB. SPRING, GENTLE SPRING. J. RlVIKRK. J. R. PLANCHB. ^ 35 P 1. Spring! Spring! gen - tie Spring ! Young - est sea - son of the year, Hith - er 2. Spring! Spring! gen - tie Spring! Gust - y March be -fore thee flies, Gloom - y i r r haste, and with thee bring A - pril with her smile and tear; Hand in hand with Win - ter ban - ish-ing; Clear - ing for thy path the skies. Flocks and herds, and m i i J.I9 j\- joe - und May, Bent on keep - ing ho - li - day. With thy dai - sy di - a - meads and bow'rs, For thy gra - cious pres-ence long ! Come and fill the fields with &L MUi-ii- m : i t r r dem, And thy robe of bright - est green, We will wel - come thee and them, flow'rs, Come and fill the woods with song. We will wel - come thee and them, = rrr ^ dlfi-tff m ^^ As ye've ev - er welcomed been. Spring! Spring! gen - tie Spring ! Young- est sea- son :- J J J. ^ I ,,- J-JCM I at* of the year, , Life and joy to na - ture bring! Na - ture's dar - ling, haste thee here. ^* I J 16 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. NURSERY RHYMES. Many of these productions have a very curious history, but cannot always be fully traced. Some of them probably owe their origin to names distinguished in our literature; as Oliver Goldsmith, for instance, is believed in his earlier days to have written such compositions. Dr. E. F. Rimbault gives us the following particulars as to some well-known favorites : " Sing a Song of Six- pence" is as old as the sixteenth century. " Three Blind Mice" is found in a music-book dated 1609. "The Frog and the Mouse" was licensed in 1580. "Three Children Sliding on the Ice" dates from 1633. "London Bridge is Broken Down" is of tmfat homed antiquity. "Girls and Boys, Come out to Play " is certainly as old as the reign of Charles II.; as is also " Lucy Locket lost her Pocket," to th tune of which the American song of " Yankee Doo- dle ' ' was written. " Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, where hare you been?" is of the age oi vjueen Bess. "Little Jonny Horner " is older than the seventeenth century. "The Old Woman Tossed in a Blanket" is of the reign of James II., to whom it is supposed to allude. WESLEY saw a difference between loud talking and screaming. To a screamer he once said : " Scream no more at the peril of your soul. God now warns you by me, whom he has set over you. Speak as earnestly as you can, but do not scream. Speak with all your heart, but with a, moderate voice. It was said of our Lord, ' He shall not cry :' the word properly translated means, ' He shall not scream.' " BRIGHTLY. Allegretto. HAYDN'S "SEASONS. 1. Bright - ly, bright - ly gleam the sparkling rills; Sum- mer, sum- mer 2. O - dors, o - dors load the sum - mer air, Mus - ic, mus - ic 3. Faint - ly, faint - ly sounds the dis - tant fall; Light - ly, light - ly sleeps on ver - dant hills, A -mid the shades we ram - bling stray, Where cooling fountains sweet - ly ech - oes there ; And bright-est maids, with soft est glance, Then join the song and wood - land ech - oes call, And in their voice we seem to hear The tones of friends once sport - ive play. lead the dance. \ Peal - ing, peal ing come the laugh and shout; While gay and dear. i- l r) Sj=g ^r ^r gai - ly we sing till the old for - ests ring, While gai - ly we sing till the f f f I Llil Ul' i t& -*-- J ft_M J pg-4-3-3- ^- + + * * ^ S-S old for-ests ring With the joy of our mer -ly rout, With the joy of our mer -ry rout FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME, SOUND OUR VOICES LONG AND SWEET. BOHSMIAW MBLODT. -gK HE 33 1 . Sound our voices long and sweet, And roll the stirring drum ; Friends and neighbors round us meet, And 2. Now the ro - sy morn is come, Of merry, gladsome May, With birds that carol, bees that hum A -- to our greeting come : Come where music float - eth oft, On soft and balmy air : welcome, hap-py day. Wild flowers now in fair - y nooks are shedding sweet per-fume, The Ye whose hearts by grief are stirred, And ye whose skies are fair. | T , . , Spring makes glad the mossy brooks, And all the meadows bloom, j ra JU la la la " i" P Ig s I^KfcE* Ms fiES y^i r 3* r C g d ^ % la la la la la la la la, Tra la la la la la la k la la la la. g- : Fg- : F. : f : fy^.-r-T^-g-i^ i*- ftr -P- ,-g gl : u fe bfe M^"cH a> ~^1tr^ K r Ir V ^fu <^b v uixuiup^ ijg-^ u u ip C r Sound our voices long and sweet, And roll the stirring drum ; Friends and neighbors round us meet, And r'T.l^T'g'lS' s=i IFT f ?f ggfl to our greeting glad-ly come, To our greeting glad-ly come, To our greeting come. 3 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE EAR. The sound-wave passes first into the auditory canal, about an inch in length, and striking against the tympanum, or ear-drum, which closes the orifice of the external ear, it throws this mem- brane into vibration. Next, a series of small bones, called respectively, from their peculiar form, the hammer, anvil, and stirrup, conduct to the inner ar, which is termed, from its complicated stucture, the labyrinth. This is filled with liquid, and con- tains semi-circular canals, and the cochlea (snail- shell) which receive the vibrations and transmit them to the auditory nerve, the fine filaments of which are spread out to catch every pulsation of the sound-wave. The middle ear, which contains the chain of small bones, is a simple cavity about half an inch in diameter, filled with air. It communicates with the mouth by means of the Eustachian tube. Within the labyrinth are also fine, elastic hair-bristles and crystalline particles among the nerve-fibres, won- derfully fitted, the one to receive and the other to prolong the vibrations ; and lastly, a lute of 3,000 microscopic strings, so stretched as to vibrate in uni- WHY DO SUMMER ROSES FADE? GBOHGB BARKB* fete i p Wh ly do sum -mer ros - es Then while sum - mer ros - es But though sum - mer ros - es fade? If dot to show how fleet - last, Oh, let's be friends to - geth - er, die, And love gives place to rea - son, All things bright and fair are made, To bloom awhile as half a - fraid To join our sum - mer Sum - mer time will soon be past, With au - tumn leaves around us cast, And then comes win-try Friendship pass without a sigh, And all on earth pass coldly by; 'Tis but a win - try greet ing? weath - er. sea - son, Or do they on - ly bloom to tell, How brief a sea - son Sure - ly as the sum mer's day, Friend -ship, too, will And friendship, love and ros - es too, The spring - time shall a - I 1 1 m i t love may dwell, Or do they on - ly bloom to tell, How brief a sea - son love may dwell? pass a ( -way, Sure- ly as the sum -mer's day, Friendship too will pass a -way. gain re - new, And friendship, love and ros - es too, The spring-time shall a - gain re - new, SE 5= son with any sound. The Eustachian tube is gener- ally closed, thus cutting off the air in the inner cavity from the external air. If at any time the pressure of the atmosphere without becomes greater or less than that within, the tympanum feels the strain. A forci- ble blow upon the ear may produce in this way tem- porary deafness. In the act of swallowing, the tube is opened and the equilibrium restored. We may force air into the cavity of the ear by closing our mouth and nose, and forcibly expiring the air from our Tnis will render us insensible to low sounds, while we can hear the higher ones as usual. Steele. A tired bee hums in E ; while in pursuit of honey it hums contentedly in A. The common horse fly, when held captive, moves its wings 335 times a sec- ond; a honey-bee, 190 times. Youmans says it is marvelous how slight an impulse throws a vast amount of air into motion. We can easily hear the song of a bird 500 feet above us. For its mel- ody to reach us it must have filled with wave-pulsa- tions a sphere of air, one thousand feet in diameter, or set in motion eighteen tons of the atmosphere. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. BEULAH LAND. EDGAR PAGE. J. R. SWENRY, by per. 1. I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its rich-es freely mine; Here shines undimm'd one 2. The Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we ; He genc-ly leads me 3. A sweet per -fume up- on the breeze Is borne from ever - ver-nal trees, And flow'rs that never 4. The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of heaven's mel-o- dy, As an - gels with the j_ J*-..tL*L iff f fc $ f * H-i ^r-Jr 15& \ :*= s= 4 =*- ^ ^^ m ^-J-+*- -j:i jm -f- - J + * ' m 9> bliss - ful day, For all my night has pass'd a -way. .. with His hand, For this is Heaven's bor-derland. |^, fad -ing grow Where streams of life for - ev-er flow. | ' white-robed throng, Join in the sweet redemption song. *:**^ -T*-'- - ^ -^.- - Beu-lah land, sweet Beulah land, As -f-^"f -r^-^-r-- - fr):s- V F -r m P V >* - 9 L-X. r -_K__p =g_J*_! -lr * \ -gill w ^ 5* 1 ^ * l^ V* 1 p3iauij?,./j b FJgi on thy highest mount I stand, I look a -way a - cross the sea, Where mansions are pre- -J ^febj^^j j i j^ijj j i j : jj j iji^a pared for me, And view the shin-ing glo-ry shore, My heav'n, my home, for-ev - er-more. i L,LLTP U^ ' sw ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS' NAME. o. ai!5S IJf &^Tm .- I. All hail the power of Je-sus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal di - a - dem, And 2. Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall, Go, spread your trophies at His feet, And 3. Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe, On this ter-res-trial ball, To Him all ma-jes - ty as - cribe, And =LJ i P^ m P- -+m P < T 2 ' r IP V I* "rTflfr p f ip . 1 i crown Him Lord of all; Bring forth the royal di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of all. crown Him Lord of all; Go, spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all. crown Him Lord of all; To Him all ma-jes- ty as-cribe And crown HimLord of all. J. H 20 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. MUSICAL HEREDITY. Heredity shows itself more markedly, it would seem, in the arts than in the sciences. Taking music we find some remarkable instances. The Bach family, which took its rise about 1550 and became extinct in 1800, presents an un- broken series of musicians for nearly two centuries. The head of the family was a baker of Presburg, his two sons were the first who were musicians by profes- sion. Their descendants " overran Thuringia, Sax- ony, and Franconia," says Fapillon. "They were all organists, church singers, or what is called in Germany, 'city musicians.' When they became too numerous to live all together, and the members of this family were scattered abroad, they resolved to meet once a year, on a stated day, with a view to maintaining a sort of patriarchal bond of union. This custom was kept up until nearly the middle of the eighteenth century, and oftentimes more than a 100 persons bearing the name of Bach men, women, and children were to be seen assembled. In the family are reckoned twenty-nine eminent musicians, and twenty-eight of a lower grade." Rossini's family SPEAK GENTLY. WALLACE. BATES. 1. Speak gen - tly it is bet - ter far 2. Speak gen - tly to the young for they 3. Speak gen - tly to the err - ing, know Ix To rule by love than Will have e - nough to They must have toiled in fear; bear; vain; Speak Pass Per- i i : E OT ^ ; frp -!- ^fpP I L* gen - tly let no harsh word mar through this life as best they may, chance unkindness made them so; The good we may do here. 'Tis full of anx - ious care. Oh, win them back a - gain. Speak gen -tly to the Speak gen -tly to the Speak gen -tly, 'tis a lit - tie child ! Its love be sure to gain ; Teach it in ac-cents soft and mild, ag - ed one, Grieve not the care - worn heart, Whose sands of life are near- ly run ; Let lit - tie thing Dropped in the heart's deep well; The good, the joy, that it may bring, E- may not long re- main, Teach it in accents soft and mild, It may not long re-main, such in peace de-part, Whose sands of life are nearly run, Let such in peace de-part. ter - ni- ty shall tell, The good, the joy, that it may bring, E - ter - ni - ty shall tell. Pi often played music at fairs; Beethoven's father and grandfather were musicians; Mozart's father was Capellmeister to the Bishop of Saltzburg. Cornhill. IT is night now, and here is home. Gathered under the quiet TOof, elders and children lie, alike at rest. In the midst of a great calm the stars look out from the heavens. The silence is peopled with the past sorrowful remorse for sins and short-com- ings, memories of passionate joys and griefs rise out of their graves, both now alike calm and sad. Eyes, as I shut mine, look at me that have long since ceased to shine. The town and the fair landscape sleep under the starlight, wreathed under the Autumn mist Twinkling among the houses, a light keeps watch here and there, in what may be a sick cham- ber or two. The clock tolls sweetly in the silent air. Here is night and rest. An awful sense of thanks makes the heart swell and the head bow, as I pass to my room through the sleeping house, and feol as though a hushed blessing were upon it. Thackeray. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 21 THI skill of the painter and sculptor, which comes in aid of the memory and imagination, is, in its highest degree, one of the rarest, as it is one of the most exquisite, accomplishments within our at- tainment. In its perfection it is as seldom witnessed as in speech or music. The plastic hand must be moved by the same ethereal instinct as the eloquent lips or the recording pen. The number of those who can discern the finished statue in the heart of the shapeless block, and bid it start into artistic life who are endowed with the exquisite gift of moulding the rigid bronze or the lifeless marble into graceful, majestic, and expressive forms is not greater than the number of those who are able with equal majesty, grace and expressiveness to make the spiritual es- sence, the finest shades of thought and feeling, sen- sible to the mind through the eye and the ear in the mysterious embodiment of the written and the spoken word. If Athens in her palmiest days had but one Pericles, she had also but one Phidias. Everett. ov E R r . m El ^E. i L \ s D. W. C. HUNTING-TON. T. C. O'KANK, by per. J JU T. A I. Oh, 2. Oh, 3- m think of a home o think of the friends o soon be at home o . .] ^ * m ? -i -' -; . i '^L g 'J *- * s J- J ' ver there, By the side of the riv - er of ver there, Who be - fore us the jour - ney have ver there, For the end of my jour - ney I EnJLi 1 1 ^ |^_ *\ * + * ' J k-i^-J i *=*= St light, trod, see; WTiere the saints all im- mor - tal and Of the songs that they breathe on the Ma - ny dear to my heart o - ver fair, air, there, Are In their Are robed in their gar - ments of white, home in the pal - ace of God. watch - ing and wait - ing for me. - J '/ i^'p^-"-^ 1 1 ' ver there, o - ver there, o - ver there. p *=* * p T r^r X P I tt* * ^ p- ^ p i U ^ i there, o - ver there, Oh, think of a home o - ver there, o - ver there; O- ver PE =F=^ 1 ie there, o - ver there, o - ver, there, o - ver there, Oh, think of a home o - ver there. -*( E= -g-tf- 22 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. SILVER CHIMES. CLAKIBBI.. They are chiming gai - ly now, as they chimed so long a - go, Sil - ver tones that we loved so ^rr^-r^- h K well; And what is it that they say To our in - ner thoughts to -day? And &-T- * 1- -p ^ -1 I t 3S2 what is the tale that they tell ? f x - -{ 2. I. 3- hey whisper first of all, In that qui - et e - ven Of a waking up to life, Of a long and bit - ter Of a peaceful life at last, Of a sense of per - il fg. ^ j j J j i j j ^j ^=^rr^ fall, Of the hap - py days of childhood that we passed; When each strife, Of a rest - less spir - it fret - ting in its pain; Of a past, Of a fu - ture left in saf - er hands than ours ; Of a P t tn ^ gar - land that we made, Seem' d too beau- ti - ful to fade; And each but - ter - fly more sea - son when the bells On - ly racked us with then: spells, On - ly mocked us with old sweet, re -fresh -ing dew, Fall - ing on our lives a - new, As the rain -drops fall and $ m f t /> 5 Q; After last stanza. % m ^ ra - diant than the last, the last, mem- o - ries a - gain, a - gain, sat - is - fy the flowers, the flowers / st. ) in. \ wers. J i They are chiming gai - ly now, As they +- & "r FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. i chimed so long a ( go, Sil ver tones that we loved so well. X Like a M3L IT a ?rn;-nJ nV. jT S^ sto - ry that is told, Seem those memories of old, Haunting still with a mag - ic spell, magic spell. MY NORMANDY. Ftannoc BOAS. _ 1. When hope her cheering smile supplies, And win-ter fliea far, far a -way; Be - 2. I've seenHel-ve - tia's flow -cry fields, Its cot- tag - es, its i - cy hills; And 3. There is an age in all our lives, When ev - ry dream must lose its spell ; An A r r 4 L IL neath, dear France, thy beauteous skies, When spring becomes more sweet and gay; When I - ta - ly, thy sky so clear! And Yen -ice, with her gon - do -Her. In age in which the soul re -calls The scenes o'er which it loved to dwell ; Whem i &m , The na- hire's dressed a - gain in green, The swal-low to re - turn greet - ing thus each for - eign part, There's still one land most near e'en my muse shall si - lent prove, Per - haps de - spise these songs s my of seen ; heart, love, I A 'Tis fet m love a - gain the land to see, Which gave me, gave me birth, my Nor - marT- dy. land most cherished, loved by me, My na - tive, na - live land, my Nor-man- dy. then I hope the land to see, Which gave me, gave me birth, my Nor - man - dy. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE training of the voice and the study of elementary principles should be commenced in early youth. After one has reached maturity his inclinations lead usually to that which directly contributes to his business or his favorite pursuits He soon tires of the essentials in learning to sing, and if nature has not endowed him with a voice fully equipped and ready to meet practical demands on short notice, he is quite apt to give up the undertaking before it is fairly begun. The public school can be made to furnish an elementary musical and sing- tog practice to the rich and poor alike, and with very little expense in money or time. What a grand thing it would be for us all, as a people, if the children could grow up in the atmosphere of song in the school-room ! It would enable many a heart to attune itself to love, duty, hope and benevolence, that must otherwise be listless and dumb. The wonderful utility and influence for good that well-regulated music has in the school- room is not usually understood by school boards and the public. Its sanitary effects, its softening influence, its recreative tendencies, its power to quicken the inertia of the school, are things understood only by wise teach- ers and others whose privilege it is to observe carefully the bearings and results of school work. W. T. Giffe. SOMEWHERE. F. CAMPANA. ALFRED C. SHA 44- &- --- -^T ~ i i ^H j ^-* t. f^H J J i & + igitg Con esjress. I. " Somewhere the wind is blowing," said I, and toiled a - long 2. Somewhere the twilight gathers And weary men lay by In torrid heat of noon - tide- The burden of the day - time, ..+ . ^ -**1f The fancy made me strong. Somewhere the wind is blowing,Tho' where I gasp and sigh No breath of air is And wrapped in slumber lie. Somewhere the day is breaking, And gloom and darkness flee ; Tho' storms [our bark are K m \-m- -^ * F stir - ring, Nor cloud in burning sky. Somewhere the thing we long for Is on this earth's wide bound, toss - ing, Somewhere's a placid sea. And thus, I thought, 'tis always In this mysterious life, *--! I \ -I i- - , -+'+-&- -K-33 |^ i ?. S. Somewhere the things that try us Shall all have passed away, 1 ^ i I S: Somewhere the sun is shining When winter locks the ground. Somewhere the flow'rs are springing, There's always gladness somewhere Spite of its pain and strife, Somewhere the sin and sor - row 1 r- And doubt and fear no longer Hinder the perfect day. Oh, brother, tho' the dark - ness D. S. after id verst. *** ia i i i Somewhere the corn is brown, Ready un - to the har - vest To feed the hungry town. Of earth are known no more, Somewhere our weary spirits Shall find a peaceful shore. P2- ^m FF Over thy soul be cast, The earth is rolling sun -ward, And light shall come at last. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LIFE LET US CHERISH. Allegro. Life let us cher ish While yet the ta- per glows, And the fresh flow - 'ret Pluck ere Pluck ere Pluck ere Pluck ere it close. it close. it close. it close. Why are we food of toil and care, Why choose the rank When clouds ob - scnre the atmosphere, And fork - ed light - The gen - ial sea - sons soon are o'er; Then let us, ere A - way with ev - 'ry toil and care, And cease the rank - J"j -ling nings we ling thorn to wear, And heed - less by the lil - y stray, Which blossoms oa our rend the air, The sun resumes his sil - ver crest, And smiles a - dorn the quit this shore, Contentment seek; it is life's zest, The sun -shine of the thorn to wear, With man -ful hearts life's conflict meet, Till death sounds the re VESPER HYMN. MotUrato. THOMAS MOOBI. 1. Hark ! the ves-per hymn is steal-ing O'er the wa-ters, soft and clear; Near-er yet and 2. Now like moonlight waves retreat-ing To the shore, it dies a- long; Now, like an- gry near - er peal - ing, Soft it breaks up - on the ear, Ju - bi - la - te, Ju-bi-la-te, surg - es meet- ing, Breaks the mingled tide of Fong. Ju-bi-la-te, Ju - bi - la - te, Ju-bi-la-te, A* -men. Far-ther now, now farther stealing, Soft it fades up -on the ear. Ju-bi-la-te, A -men. Hark! again, like waves retreating To the shore, it dies a -long. f Pronounce a* in At or /a FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. It was the great organ uttering the low first notes of the closing hymn. The music began soft and faint. It rose and swelled into a wave of tender melody. Then it died away, soon the sound poured from the church again, swelling, rolling, then sinking to a sigh. When it came again voices were mingled with it, chanting a hymn. At its fullness the blended harmony seemed to fill the whole air to drop from the leaves, from the mysterious stars. The solemn roll of the organ, the clear, tender chanting of the voices, swelled into a billow of peace and resignation. There was grief in it the chastened grief of perfect faith. There was joy in it also the exalted joy of adoration. It touched the girl like a hand of !or; it thrilled het like the voice of hope. As she listened she trembled, and her head slowly sank until her hands covered her face, she sobbed so that her whole frame shook ; and the music, now faint, now deep and strong, poured a balm of melody upon her wounds. And as it soothed and comforted her, she lifted her face to the stars whence this hymn of peace seemed to come. She made the sign of the cross upon he^ breast and her lips moved. Soon she was crying again, but softly. When the last note of the hymn trembled and ceased, she arose and went slowly away. Her head was bent, but in her step was to be seen the firmness of hope. IN HEAVENLY LOVE ABIDING. FELIX MENDELSSOHN. Indante non lento. J I I I I u 1. In heavenly love a - bid - 2. Wher - ever He may guide 3. Green pastures are be - fore ing, No change my heart shall fear, me, No want shall turn me back; me, Which yet I have not seen ; And safe in such con- My Shepherd is be- Bright skies will soon be The storm His wis > My hope may roar with - out dom ev - er wak I can - not meas me, eth, ure, igEEE 3= *. fid ing, For noth ing changes here. The storm may side me, And noth - ing can I lack. His wis - dom o'er me, Where darkest clouds have been. My hope I roar ev can with - out me, er wak - eth, not meas ure, J: The storm may roar without me, His wis - dom ev er wak -eth, My hope I can - not measure, 3 i SOL -J-3-S- -^a jj * heart may low be sight is nev er path to life is laid, But God is round a - bout dim ; He knows the way He tak free, My Saviour has my treas me, And can I be dis- eth, And I will walk with ure, And He will walk with =J^= mayed? him; me; But God is round a - He knows the way He My Saviour has my bout me, And can tak - eth, And I treas - ure, And He I be dismayed? will walk with Him. will walk with me. -+L *- -, N * l ff J Ufej- r God is round a - bout knows the way He tak Saviour has my trcw me, eth, ure. And can I And I will And He will be walk walk dis - mayed T with Him. with me. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CHRISTMAS SONG. Andante Maestoso. A. ADAH. CANTIQUB DE NOBL." 1. Oh, sol - emn hour! when hearts were lowly bending, And all the world seem'd enshrouded in 2. Oh, love - ly hour ! when light first faintly gleaming, And hearts were fill'd with a rapture di - 3. Oh, what delight ! to hearts bowed down with sorrow, When cheering words o'er our sad spirits * 0^*' + t-E-^1 := til -*-*-+ M night ; When pleading prayers to Heaven were as - cend - ing, Above the gloom smiled a spur-it of vine ; Led by the star whose rays were brightly beam - ing, Came eastern sa - ges round that ho-ly fall ; Tho' dark the night, still comes a bright to - mor-row, When trusting hearts on their dear Saviour I tefc P I i i -*-** f light ; 'Twas Hope's bright form they saw so bright-ly shin - ing In robes un - fad - ing shrine; While there they saw the King of Glo - ry sleep - ing, Our Friend, Pro- tec - tor, call; Then let each voice in grate - ful notes as -cend -ing, Ex - tol His name, the \ \ greet their tear ful eyes; Beau - ti - ful Hope! in a manger laid; Their hearts were glad, bond, the slave, the free, All shout His praise, no Ion - ger hearts re-pin - ing, As and sad eyes ceased their weeping, For in love and concord blending, In ~ k c i > k ^ i love and joy on wings of faith a -rise, As love and joy on wings of faith a -rise. Faith was twin - ing wreaths that never fade, For Faith was twin-ing wreaths that never fade, songs of faith and im - mor-tal - i - ty ! In songs of faith and im - mor - tal - i - ty ! FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. The pupil accustomed to reading from the treble or G clef staff will of course need more or less practice to become familiar with the bass staff; somewhat for the same reason many find it a little confusing at first to keep the mind fixed upon the key-tone, or Tonic's place, when changing into the different keys. We find but little trouble, provided pupils are not kept too long reading in any one key. When drilling upon let- ter names of degrees of both staffs we sometimes use this plan, viz : Draw a staff of eleven long lines ; let the class look at it a few moments, to see how cumber- some it is; tell them the first lower line is named G, second B, and so on to the eleventh, inclusive, space below F, etc. Then erase the middle (sixth) line, except a short portion in the middle of it, when we see the two staffs, with the C ( middle C ) line half way be- tween no letter names changed. Pupils may be told that when they read from the bass staff they are mere- ly working in the lower part of what was once ( for a few moments j our eleven-line or "great staff," also, that the first line of bass staff bears the same name as the second line of treble, second same as third ; spaces same way. Repeated practice does the chief import- ant work. Little devices attract and interest the youn- ger pupils; such as building an "eleven board fence" and finding it too much work to climb; "cut it down, about half," or build a log house, give each log a name, etc. It pays to interest. We find no success without it. If you can thoroughly interest your younger pupils without the aid of any devices, well and good. If you belong to that class, who consider themselves " above such trifling things," so much the worse for your pupils. THE HEAVENS ARE TELLING. Maestoso. = | - ^ BKBTHOVBN. The heav'nsare tell - ing His praise with de-vo - tion; Their voice proclaims for - e'er the Lord: He'sprais'd by the earth and prais'd by the o cean; Re-ceive, O man, their &i ^ i r^J -& r r r r-r-r-r^f -J^N-j -^-j-- god -like word. Who holds the heavens' in - num - 'ra - ble stars? Who leads the I - 4=d: * ^ 3 13 r^ son its path a - long? It comes all smil - ing and lights them from far And its course a he - ro strong, And runs its course a he ro strong. I I ^ /^^ _i~-\_ Pf FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EAD KINDLY LIGHT. RKV. J. B. _ JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, 1833. i ffji I fj. -^rzy- 1. Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on; The night is 2. I was not ev-er thus, nor pray'd that Thou Shouldst lead me on ; I lov'd to 2. So long Thy pow'r has blest me, sure it still "Will lead, me on O'er moor and dark, and I am far from home, choose and see my path ; but now fen, o'er crag and torrent, till Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet ; I Lead Thou me on. I lov'd the gar - Ish The night is gone, And with the morn those do not ask to day ; and, spite of an - gel fac - es see fears, smile, The dis - tant scene ; one step e - nough for me. Pride rul'd my will : remember not past years. Which I have lov'd long since, and lost a - while. C_L: frF 1 WATCH AND WARD. J. MONTGOMERY. MENDELSSOHN, " TRUST." 3t5C . 1. God shall charge His an - gel le - gions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep; 2. On the li - on vain - ly roar - ing, On his young, thy foot shall tread; 3. Since, with pure and firm af - fee - tion, Thou on God hast set thy love, 4. Thou shall call on Him in trou - ble, He will heark-en, He will save; Though thou walk through hos-tile re-gions, Though in des - ert wilds thou sleep A^ *T, ^rarr-rm'e Hpn PX - lor - inp. Thou shalt bruise the ser-nent's head, And, the drag-on's den ex - plor - ing, Thou shalt bruise the ser-pent's head. With the wings of His pro - tec - tion He will shield thee from a - bove. Here for grief re - ward thee dou - ble, Crown with life be - yond the grave. A men. v-t 2 - FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. In the pla at St. Augustine, Florida, there stands monument erected to the memory of the Confeder- ate soldiers of that place who fell during the late war. Their names are given, mostly Spanish names. But it was the inscription, so unusual and so beautiful, that stayed our steps, and took us back again to the place to make sure that there might be no mistake in recall- ing it. We had never seen or heard it, and did not know it to be an adaptation of the last words of " Stonewall " Jackson as he sank to death on the field of Chancellorsville : " They have crossed over the river and rest under the shade of the trees." We were sim- ply impressed and attracted by its beauty and appro- priateness. A brief extract from Sarah Nicholas Ran- dolph's life of Gen. Thomas J. Jackson ("Stonewall * Jackson) published in 1876, will be read with interest in this connection : " A few minutes before he died, he cried out in his delirium, Order A. P. Hill to prepare for action; pass the infantry to the front; tell Major Hawks ' then stopped, leaving the sentence unfin- ished. Presently a smile of ineffable sweetness spread itself over his pale face, and he said, quietly and with an expression as of relief, ' Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees.' And then, without pain or the least struggle, his spirit passed from earth to the God who gave it." A foot-note upon the page states that the account here given of the death of this distinguished officer was written by Dr. McGuire, UNDER THE SHADE OF THE TREES. Moderate con express. E. O. LYTB. M. J. PRKSTOM. K 1. What are the thoughts that are stirring his breast? What is the mys-ti - cal vis -ion he sees? 2. Has he grown sick of his toils and his tasks ? Sighs the worn spir- it for res - pite or ease? 3. Is it the far Shenan- do -ah, whose rush Oft-time had come to him borne on the breeze, 4. Nay, though the rasp of the flesh was so sore, Faith that had yearnings far keener than these, r-r-r-r-r-r^g=g-r-r , ir- * ~ N - m 10 =5- fine. k-=N fc.~~ls~| |i=~t u I -H P- i M-^r^M **- I i-g-^-J-ryJ ii " Let - us pass o - ver the riv - er, and rest Un - der the shade of thft trees ? " Is it a moment's cool halt that he asks, Un - der the shade of the trees ? O - ver his tent, as he lay in the hush, Un - der the shade of the trees? Saw the soft sheen of the Thither - ward Shore. Un - der the shade of the trees ? D. S. " Let us pass o - ver the riv - er, and Chorus. ret Un - der the shade of the trees." -I- D.S. Un - der the shade, Un - der the shade, -r r r_ g: >TT > i/ i r r Un - der the shade of the JL trees; fcptr ^3=P^E: Caught the high psalms of ecstatic delight, Heard the harps harping like soundings of seas, Saw earth's pure-hearted ones walking in white Under the shade of the trees. Cho. Un-der the shade, the shade of the trees; Surely for him it was well, it was best, War-worn, yet asking no furlough of ease, There to pass over the river, and rest Under the shade of the trees. Cho. and is taken from the " Battle-Fields of Virginia." The beautiful lines which are here set to music are from an ode written by Mrs. Margaret J. Preston, of Lexing- ton, Virginia, at the request of the authorities of the Virginia Military Institute, to celebrate its semi-cen- tennial anniversary. This lady is one of the noted female writers of America, Though written by request this ode is far from being written to order. It is full of genuine inspiration ; a'nd these verses, their burden the dying words of a heroic soul passing from the storm of battle into a dream of sylvan rest, fasten themselves upon the memory and linger like music in our ears. There are vears in them but they are not tears born of despair. THE aching head may well cease to throb when laid upon that softest pillow for human pain " God knows ! " The sleep that falls like heavenly dew to the music of the lullaby " All things work together for good to them that love God," and " Fear not ! I am with thee! " brings strength and renewal of youth, with balm for present ills. Your " shadowy future " is definite and distinct to Him. Whatever of seem- ing disaster it may hold for you be assured that it is only in seeming; that His purposes toward you must, from the necessities of His own nature, be all love and goodness. Be patient, yet hopeful, in await- ing the development of His will. Marion HarlantL FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LEAVES AROUND ME FALLING. GRBBK MELODY. ttS 3EgE leaves a-round me fall - ing, Are preaching of de - cay; light my path surround - ing, The loves to which I cling, friends, gone there before me, Are call - ing from on high; hear the in - vi - ta - tion, And fain would rise and come, Th ie hoi-low winds are The hopes within me And joy-ous an -gels A sin - ner to sal - call - ing, " Come, pil-grim, come a- way!" The day, in night de - clin - ing, Says bound - ing; The joys that round me wing, All melt, like stars of ev - en, Be - o'er me Tempt sweetly to the sky. "Why wait," they say, " and with - er 'Mid va - tion, An ex - ile to his home ; But, while I here must lin - ger, Thus, g?3H> f 1 SEgEgE gH E f-F->-fc- -^ * ^-f- ^ r t? \j P- -t *m !* !*~ 1 1 i 1 r ' 1 i I i r I must, too, de - cline; The year, its life re-sign- ing, Its lot foreshadows mine, fore the morning's ray, Pass up-ward in - to heav - en, And chide at my de - lay. scenes of death and sin? Oh, rise to glo - ry, hith - er, And find true life be - gin." thus let all I see Point on, with faithful fin - ger, To heaven, O Lord, and Thee. & OFT IN DANGER, OFT IN WOE. rf iii, i H. K. Wi ! 1 IITB, 1806. | *1 * "s J 1 r 1 1 m H r ' ?r: l t(\\ " \ j i 1 1 m 4 2 1 1 a t m m ^ m m J i. Oft in dan - ger, oft in woe, On - ward, Chris-tians, on - ward go; 2. On - ward, Chris- tians, on - ward go, Join the war, and face the foe; 3. Let your droop -ing hearts be glad; March in heaven -ly ar - mor clad; -* - J -- T- +- -&- -*- -*-+**-+- & ~Ti w -* F i H p * i r'^ F ' r~r t* ^ U* L-5- - -r i 1 1 ' i S 1 ta? life. power? song. the Will ye Fight, nor fight, main - tain the flee in dan - ger's think the bat - tie strife, Strengthen'd with the bread of hour? Know ye not your Cap -tain's long, Vict'ry soon shall tune your s ^ ^ i*: 4. Let not sorrow dim your eye, Soon shall every tear be dry; Let not tears your course impede, Great your strength, if great your need. 5. Onward then in battle move, More than conquerors ye shall prore; Though opposed by many a foe, Christian soldiers, onward go. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EARLY STEPS. There will be found in all dis- tricts some persons not friendly to instruction in music in the schools, and one or more that are bit- terly opposed to it. These persons should be handled with gloves; reasoned with and persuaded. As among bad boys, if one is won to the teacher's cause, he will do much toward making the others behave ; so by making an ally of one of the original oppo- nents of music, the others may be weakened in their opposition. At any rate, let not the teacher who loves music and desires to have its refining influence in his school let not such be afraid to approach the enemies of musical instruction, whether tua hostility has its origin in penuriousness or prejudice. The blacksmith instructs his apprentice to keep close to the horse to avoid being hurt in the event of an acci- dent. It will surely not be denied that if tact and persuasion are the only instruments, " the end justi- fies the means." Begin by getting an opinion in favor of music from the patrons; proceed by getting a similar opinion from the school. When singing has been introduced, make it as general as possible, FAR AWAY. M. LINDSAY. i 9=& 1 . WTiere is now the mer - ry par - ty, I remem - ber long a - go ; Laughing 2. Some have gone to lands far dis - tant, And with strangers made their home ; Some up- 3. There are still some few re - main - ing, Who remind us of the past, But they round the Christmas fire-side, Brighten'd by its rud - dy glow : Or in summer's balm on the world of wa - ters All their lives are forced to roam ; Some are gone from us change as all things change here, Nothing in this world can last ; Years roll on and pass J*^ - y for- for- m ij-y r m r^T" 1 !' eve - nings, In the field up - on the hay? They have all dispers'd, and wander'd Far a- ev - er, Longer here they might not stay, They have reached a fair -er re - gion Far a- ev - er, What is coming, who can say ? Ere this clos - es ma - ny may be Far a- way, . .far a - way, They have all dispers'd, and wander'd Far a - way, far a - way. way, . .far a - way, They have reached a fairer re - gion Far a - way, far a - way. way, . .far a - way, Ere this clos - es ma- ny may be Far a - way, far a - way. but, should a pupil desire not to sing (make it im- possible for him to refuse), let him be excused on apparently good grounds. Let not boys from twelve to sixteen be urged to sing. If their voices are rough, or breaking, advise them not to sing; and if pupils cannot sing in tune, do not permit them to sing at least, not with the more tuneful children. Children with chronic sore-throat, or bad colds, and young ladies who say it tires them, should not be urged to sing, since great oare should be taken of the voices of children. What children shall study is not generally in the power of the teacher to decide, the directors usually claiming that authority. Let music be treated in the same manner. Give all a chance to join in the exercise, but because a few re- fuse to take part, do not give up in despair. To bring about the introduction of music, do not call a town-meeting. Such a course gives rise to a division of opinion and argument contrary to the movement on foot, and when a person has once taken a stand publicly on a measure, he seldom leaves the position chosen, Look; therefore, to early steps. Blackman. 33 RAIN UPON THE ROOF. Lively. G. CLIFFORD, from " SONG CROWN." Per. F. J. HUNTINGDON. I t- ----+- La k k la k k k k k k k la k la la la la la la la k i 1. When the humid showers gather O-ver all the star-ry spheres, And themel-an- 2. Ev' - ry tin - kle on the shingles Has an ech - o in the heart, And a thousand 3. There is naught in art's bra -vu-ras, That can work with such a spell, In the spir-it's jvjjjij- 4. 4 J i 4 H * K La la la la la k k k la k k la la k f f f f t t i cres - k ;gggiggggiEgwg k k k k k k k k la la la. gg * cho - ly darkness Gently weeps in , rain - y tears, 'Tis a joy to press the pil-low Of a dream -y fan-cies In - to bus-y be -ing start ; And a thousand re - col- lectionsWeave their pure, deep fountains, Whence the holy passions swell, As that mel - o - dy of nature, That sub- .JJJJIJJ la la la k k la la la. La k k k i cottage chamber bed, And to lis- ten to the pat-ter Of the soft rain o-ver-head. bright hues in-to woof, As I lis- ten to the pat-ter Of the soft rain on the roof, dued, subduing strain, Which is pky'd upon the shingles By the patter of the rain. k k k k k la la k k la k la k la la. NOTE. Instead of singing the " la la " accompaniment and chorus, the words only may be sung, repeating, with exprev sion, the last four lines of each verse. It is usually sung without this accompaniment and is always a favorite with school*. 34 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Music IN SCHOOLS. Controversy in reference to the introduction of the study of music in public schipls is not uncommon. Those who oppose, hold that music is a specialty, that there is no general necessity for its culture, because its use is only for the few. A little observation will show the opposite of this to be the truth. What, indeed, is more common than music? It follows us from the cradle to the grave. The infant is cradled with a lullaby. Every ingleside blossoms with song. Every service of the sanctuary is strengthened by it. Every emotion ot our human nature utters itself through it. Every convention is enlivened by it. Almost every town has its band, and every hamlet its instrument, and every hedge and grove their warblers. It is com- mon almost as the air we breathe. The very fact of its use makes it useful, and shows its need. But it is said, How can a science so difficult and so hard SWEET AND LOW, Larghetto. J. BARNBY. ALFRED TENNYSON. sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of the west - ern sea ; Low, low, 2. Sleep and rest, sleep and rest, Fa - ther will come totheesoon; Rest, rest on breathe and blow, Wind of the west ern sea; moth er*s breast, Fa - ther will come to thee soon; O - v^r the roll - O - - ver Fa- ther will come to fa - ther ng the his will m P =-& -- go, Come from the dy go, Come from nest, Sil ver sails babe, Sil ver sails -I s wa - ters wa ters babe in the come to his ing moon and blow, Blow him a - gain to the moon and blow, all out of the west, Un - der the sil - ver out of the west, me, While my lit - tie one, while my pret - ty one sleeps. moon Sleep, my lit tie one, sleep, my pret - ty one, sleep >.L *fcfi m m to master, be introduced into our common schools ? No one expects the science to be mastered in the common schools. We have grammar; but who sup- poses that the common schools will exhaust the study, and send out accomplished philologists? We have reading and writing; but who supposes that the common schools are to turn out finished scholars in belles-lettres ? What is desired is simply this, that Ihe presence and power of music shall be felt in the , common schools. That the children shall be able to sing. That the teachers shall so far master the fun- damental principles of the science, as to be able to guide the children in the culture of this department of art. The mother needs it in the family. Our manhood needs its refining and hallowing power, Our churches demand it. Our very nature by divine providence craves it, and no primary or secondary in- struction can be complete without it. E. E. ffigbee* FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 35 STARS TREMBLING O'ER US. Andantt. D. M. MUUOCH. i 1. Stars trembling o'er us, And sun - set be -fore us, Moon - tain in shad - ow and 2. Come not, pale Sor - row, Flee, flee till to - mor-row, Rest soft-ly fall - ing o'er 3. As the waves cov - er The depths we glide o - ver, So let the past in for - 4. Heav'n shines a - bove us, Bless all that love us, All that we love, in thy (( m & i i for eye get ten- est a - sleep, x fiJ-mTss sp ; [ DownUiedim nv-wWe float on for - ev - er, Speak not, ah, der-ness keep, ' iHgi s rit. breathe not ! there's peace on the deep, Speak not, ah, breathe not 1 there's peace on the deep. mm &fc m BIRDS ARE IN THE WOODLAND. KlHDKRGARTKK. 1. Birds are in the wood-land, birds are on the tree, 2. Fruits are ripe in Au - tumn, leaves are sere and red, Mer - ry Spring is com - ing, Then we glean the corn-fields. =* ypr- -*r- -^- -9- -jj- glad of heart are we, Then come sport - ive breez - es, fields with flow'rs are gay, thank-ing God for bread, Then at last comes Win - ter, fields are cold and Tom J^ In the woods we're singing, thro' the Summer day, In the woods we're singing, thro" the Summer day. Bat there's happy Christmas, when our Lord was bom, Then there's happy Christmas, when our Lord wat FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CARE OF THE VOICE. Mr. Eichberg, Supervisor of Music in the public schools of Boston, gave the following caution, which is well worth heeding. He says: The age of most of the pupils in the high schools renders extreme caution in the treat- ment of their voices a duty and a sacred obligation. The common belief that boys' voices alone require especial care during the period of transition has led to much loss of voice and of health. Just as im- portant, if less striking, changes occur in the nature and 'timbre' of the female voice. I am convinced that the voice of a girl from twelve to seventeen years of age requires all the more careful manage- ment from the very fact that, not suffering, like a boy, from an almost absolute impossibility to sing, she is likely to over-exert herself, to the lasting in- jury of both health and voice. When teachers are better acquainted with these physiological facts, they will understand the necessity of not sacrificing such young such temporarily " diseased " voices to th DO THEY THINK OF ME' AT HOME? J. E. CARPENTER. CHAS. W, GLOVKR. Do they think of me at home, Do they ev - er think of me ? I who Do they think of me at eve? Of the songs I used to sing? Is the Do they think of how I loved In my hap - py, ear - ly days ? Do they shared their ev-'ry grief, I who min-gled in their glee? Have their hearts grown cold and harp I struck untouch'd, Does a stranger wake the string? Will no kind for-giv-ing think of him who came, But could nev - er via their praise ? I am hap - py by his strange To the one now doom'd to roam, word Come a-cross the rag - ing foam? side, And from mine he'll nev - er roam, I would give the world to know, "Do they Shall I nev - er cease to sigh, " Do they But my heart will sad - ly ask, " Do they think of me at home ?" I would give the world to know, " Do they think of me at home ?" think of me at home ?" Shall I nev - er cease to sigh, " Do they think of me at home ?" think of me at home ?" But my heart will sad - ly ask, " Do they think of me at home ?" m i desire of exhibiting and showing off their classes. Another frightful cause of injury proceeds from the desire of many female pupils always to sing the highest part the first soprano. It is with them "Aut Gzsar, aut nullw." Periodical examination of the pupils' voices, by the teacher, has seemed to me the only safe course in order to remedy this evil. In Jenny Lind's younger days, it is related that she applied "for instructions to Garcia, the great teacher of vocal music in Paris, He heard her sing, and then told her her voice was gone, that she must not sing a note for a year, and return to him at the end of that time, and in the meantime im- prove her health. She faithfully complied with these directions, and came back to Garcia at the appointed time. Rest at a critical period, had re- stored her voice, to her own delight and to the gratification of her master. From that moment a grand career was open before her, which has made her name a "household word" in two continents. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 37 THE MELLOW HORN. Lively.] * . | fS . , . WM JOMBS. 1. At dawn Auro - ra gai - ly breaks, In all her proud attire, Ma -jes -tic o'er the glassy lake, Re - 2. At eve when gloomy shades obscure The tranquil snepherd's cot,When tinkling bells are heard no more. And Pr i f fleet -ing li- quid fire; All na -ture smiles to ush - er in The blushing queen of morn, And dai - ly toil for - got, 'Tis then the sweet enchanting note On zephyrs gent-ly borne, With. J^*- -^-- -r*-r*- ^ ^ i ~ > ^ < it ~ m ^ ^ ^ ' _ J hunts-men with the day be-gin To wind the mel - low horn. The mel - low horn, The witch-ing ca - dence seems to float A- round the mel - low horn. The mel - low horn, The r ere * $u- J N h ^ 1 -^ J * =j jf4 r^ S ^K ^ 1 r lines in sight, When up comes a lit - tie Mid - ship - mite, heard us, shout, As the Middy cried,"Now,my lads, put about." mind for me ! ""We '11 take 'ee . . . back,sir, or die," says we, Cheerily, my lads, yo Cheerily, my lads, yo Cheerily, my lads, yo b=*=frc=f=*= ^=r~r ho! " Who '11 go ashore to- night," says he, " An' spike their guns a - long wi'me ? " "Why, ho! " We madefortheguns,an'we ramm'd them tight.But the musket shots came left and right, An 5 ho! " So we hoisted him in, in a terrible plight, An' we pull'd.ev'ry man with all his might, An' rf : E-E-JL-jLpE=E=* =*e*tf bless 'ee, sir, come along !" says we, Cheerily, my lads, yo - ho! down drops the poor little Midshipmite, Cheerily, my lads, yo ho! sav'd the poor little Midshipmite, Cheer-i - ly, my Cheer-i - ly, my Cheerily, my lads, yo - ho! Cheer-i - ly, my .k=2jfrt f *- *" -i | -i+jcjaq fcJizSibibsi^ lads, yo - ho! . . . With a long, long pull, An' astrong.strongpull, Gaily, boys, make her !-=- -^- -*-'-*- ^-3 m ~P- ., 1&- -1 ^=z^E=tti^Eir^=fc:^=te={trt= go! An' we'll drink to-night To the Midshipmite, Singing cheer - i - ly, lads, yo-ho! r d*3^c V- 1 r -PTT t^=% MUSICAL TRASH. I wish to express my unfeigned disgust at the flood of musical trash that is annually poured from our music publishing houses in the shape of new tune-books. Every fresh book must contain new and original music. The old tunes must be mangled past recognition, and the compiler must rack his brains to invent new and more dreadful abortions, labeled with astounding names, and called tunes. If all the organists in the country were to meet in con- vention, and then vote on the best and most useful chorals, they would blot out of existence nine-tenths of these tunes, and give us a list of not over one hun- dred congregational tunes of real merit. There are at least twenty-four hundred pages of new ttmes pub- lished every year. Of these how many are worth the paper they are printed upon ? Perhaps a dozen tunes. Taking all the civilized people in the world together, it is found that only one man in a million is a musi- cal composer of real genius. Plenty of people can pick out a tune on the piano. They are not com- posers. We have in the United States a few men, like Zundel and Tuckerman, who can write a choral. The music they give us will live. As for the rest, to the trunk-maker with it ! A poor tune-book will make good kindling. To the fire with the rubbish, and let the smoke rise as incense to pure art. Barnard. SUMMER DAYS ARE COMING. Spirited. fr CHARLES JEFFREYS. ry o r fm A K i K R r* i I 1 * Pi N J =i FT * p 4 p i p . 9 =_i *) -$-*- 1. The sum - mer days are / I BTTT com - ing, The ** * 4 /' bios - soms deck the 1 -J- ~L 1 bough, The 2. The min - strel of the moon- light, The love - lorn night - in - gale, Hath 3. We'll rise and hail thee ear - ly, Be - fore the sun haih dried The bees are gai - ly humming, And the birds are sing -ing now. We've had our May -day sung his month of mu - sic, To the rose queen of the vale ; And what though he be dewdrops that will spar - kle On the green hedge by our side ; And when the blaze of r gar-lands, We have crown'd our May-day queen With a cor - o- net of ro - ses Set si- lent? As the night comes slowly on, We will trip a - long the green-sward To noonday Shines up - on the thirst - y flowers, We will seek the wel-come cov - ert Of k - ^D- in sweet our the leaves of bright-est green, But her reign is al-most o- ver, The spring is on the mu - sic of our own. Oh, the sum-mer days are com - ing, And sum-mer nights more jas - mine shad- ed bowers. Oh, the sum-mer days are com - ing, The spring is on the flf f if iff -ha k* * * >*- c f wane, dear ; wane ; Oh, Oh,_ Oh, haste haste haste thee, gen - tie Sum - mer, To our pleas - ant land a - gain, thee, gen - tie Sum - mer, For there's joy when thou art near, thee, gen - tie Sum - mer, To our pleas - ant land a - gain. nf^^ fe). r ^F FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. TWICKENHAM FERRY. T^MA^^CA.^^. y Not too fast. 1. O- hoi-yehoj Hoyeho, Who's for the ferry ? The briar'sinthe bud, and thesun'sgoingdown, And I'll 2. O-hoi - ye-ho,Hoyeho,"I'mforthe ferry, The briar'sin the bud,andthesun'sgoing down, And it's 3. Ohoiyeho, Ho ! you're too late forthe ferry, The briar's in the bud, and the sun's going down, And he's + - '- -rf f: " H H 1 I 1 -r < * h- ^P V V V v ?-? -\ 5^ row ye so quick, and I'll row ye so steady, And 'tis but a penny to Twickenham town. The late as it is, and I have-n't a penny r And how shall I get me to Twickenham town ?"She'd not rowing quick and he's not rowing steady, You'd think 'twas a journey to Twickenham town. "O ^.^iV ferryman's slim and he ferryman's young, And he's just a soft twang in the turn of his tongue, And he's a rose in her bonnet, and oh I shelook'd sweet As the little pink flower that grows in the wheat.With her hoi, and O - ho," you may call as you will, The moon is a-ris - ing on Petersham Hill. And with EE t e r- titf r _ 1^ *j K K u u u u fresh as a pip - pin and brown as a berry, And 'tis but a pen - ny to Twick - en - ham town, cheeks like a rose and her lips like a cherry, "And sure and you're welcome to Twickenham town." love like a. rose in the stern of the wherry, There's danger in cross-ing to Twick- en -ham town. -^4 JLLgj-tf ' f iifeE=i= /< y v- Chorus. ^^tmm-m s^ H? ^ ^ The ferryman's slim, and the ferryman's young, and he's just a soft twang in the turn of his tongue ; And he's [ fresh as a pippin, and r fy y-l * v * IS U \ ]S iS i* **-*],' '^- ' * ], ^ < JTj ' ' - CODA. After lost verse. *-=- * brown as a beny, And 'tis but a penny to Twickenham town. Ohoiyeho, Hoyeho, Ho- ye-ho, Ho ! -^0- FA VORJTE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EARLY GENIUS. Gounod, the musical composer, early manifested his talent. How he secured liberty to follow the bent of his genius, is told in the follow- ing incident: It seems that when a boy at college, every effort was made to destroy his musical genius. His professor, M. Poirson, was in despair. His par- ents intended him for the ecole normals. On its being announced to him that he was to go up for the necessary examination, the boy burst into tears, and steadily refused to continue his classical studies. His mother appealed to M. Poirson, and implored him to recall her boy to what she considered to be his duty. The stern professor accordingly sent for him, and, in a tone more threatening than encouraging, said to him : " So you wish to be a musician ?" " Yes, sir," replied the terrified boy. "But that is not a pro- fession." "What, sir; the pnrfession of Beethoven, of Mozart, of Gluck, is not a profession ?" " But, re- member that Mozart at your age had composed music worth publishing, whereas you have only scribbled notes on paper. However, here is your last chance ; if you really are a musician, you can set words to music." The old man copied out the poem, "Joseph," "A peine au sortir de Ten France." The boy humed to his school desk, and after studying the subject, wrote an air and accompaniment, which he brought MARY OF ARGYLE. Moderate. S. NELSON. * 1. I have heard the mavis sifiging His love-song to the morn ; I have seen the dew-drops clinging To the 2. Though thy voice may lose its sweetness, And thine eye its brightness, too, Though thy step may lack its [fleetness, And thy rose just new-ly born ; But a sweeter song has cheer'd me At the evening's gentle close, And I've hair its sun - ny hue, Still to me wilt thou be dearer Than all the world shall own ; I have ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ A A . .< A . ^ ft* ^ ^ ^ ^ - seen an eye still brighter Than the dew-drop on the rose ; 'Twas thy voice, my gentle Mary, And thine loved thee for thy beauty, But not for that a -lone. I have watch'd thy heart, dear Mary, And its art-less, winning smile, That made this world an E - den, Bon - ny Ma - ry of Ar-gyle. goodness was the wile That has made thee mine forever, Bon - ny Ma - ry of Ar-gyle. back to his professor, and showed to him, pale with | phasized every word, and roared " Oh, how I love my emotion. He felt that on his judgment his future career depended. He sang it to the old man, who listened in amazement, and led him to his drawing room, where he made him play the accompaniment on a piano. Those present were enraptured by the beauty of the composition, and it was at once de- cided that young Gounod must follow the bent of the undoubted genius with which he was gifted. PASSING by one the city schools yesterday, we lis- tened to the scholars singing: "Oh, bow I love my teacher deal !" There was one boy, with a voice like a tornado, who was so enthusiastic that he em- teacher dear J" with a vim that left no possible doubt ot his affection. Ten minutes later, that boy had been compelled to stand on the floor for putting shoe- maker's wax on his teacher's chair, got three demerit marks for drawing a picture of her with red chalk on the back of an atlas, been well shaken for putting a bent pin on another boy's chair, scolded for whistling out loud, sentenced to stay after school for drawing ink moustaches on his face, and blacking the end of another boy's nose, and soundly whipped for throwing nine spit-balls against the ceiling. You can't believe more than half a boy says when he sings. Ha-wkeye. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 43 KI LLAR N EY. M. W. BAIFS-S LAST SOKG. a=i Moderate. 1. By Kil-lar - ney 's 2. In - nis- fal - len's 3. No place else can 4. Mu - sic there for ^ v^^ | lakes and fells, Em'-rald isles and wind-ing bays, Mountain paths and ruin - ed shrine May suggest a pass- ing sigh ; But man's faith can charm the eye With such bright and va - ried tints, Ev' - ry rock that e - cho dwells, Makes each sound a har - mo - ny ; Ma - ny- voiced the m ?=it woodland dells, Mem -'ry ev - er fond - ly strays, Boun-teous na-ture loves all lands, ne'er de- cline Such God's wond - ers float - ing by; Cas - tie Lough and Glena bay; you pass by, Ver-dure broid - ers or besprints, Vir - gin there the green grass grows, cho- rus swells, 'Till it faints in ec - sta-sy. With the charmful tints be- low, Beau - ty wan - ders ev - 'ry - where, Foot-prints leaves on ma - ny strands, Moun - tains Tore and Ea - gle's Nest; Still at Mu- cross you must pray Ev - 'ry morn springs na - tal day, Bright-hued ber - ries daff the snows, Seems the heav'n a - bove to vie, All rich col - ors that we know, But her home is Tho' the monks are Smil - ing win - ter's sure - ly now at frown a Tinge the cloud- wreaths in that there ! An - gels fold their wings and rest, In that E - den rest. An - gels won - der not that man There would fain pro- way. An - gels oft- en pausing there, Doubt if E - den sky. Wings of an - gels so might shine, Glancing back soft of the West, Beau- ty's home, Kil-lar - long life's span, Beau -ty's home, Kit - lar - were more fair, Beau -ty's home, Kil - lar light di - vine, Beau -ty's home, Kil - lar - - ney, Ev - er fair Kil - lar - ney. - ney, Ev - er fair Kil - lar - ney. - ney, Ev - er fair Kil - lar - ney. - ney, Ev er fair Kil - lar - ney. ^ 44 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LIFE-SOUNDS. We think for a moment of life- sounds, of which there are so many around us. Do you know why we hear a buzzing, as the gnat, the bee, or the cockchafer fly past? Not by the beating of their wings against the air, as many people imagine, and as is really the case with humming birds, but by the scraping of the under-part of their hard wings against the edges of their hind-legs, which are toothed like a saw. The more rapidly their wings are put in motion the stronger this grating sound becomes. Some insects, like the drone-fly, force the air through the tiny air-passages in their sides, and as these pas- sages are closed by little plates, the plates vibrate to and fro and make sound-waves. All these life- sounds are made by creatures which do not sing or speak ; but the sweetest sounds of all in the woods are the voices of the birds. All voice-sounds are made by two elastic bands or cushions, called vocal chords, stretched across the end of the tube or windpipe through which we breathe, and as we send the air through them we tighten or loosen them as we will, and so make them vibrate quickly or slowly and make sound-waves of different lengths. But if you will try some day in the woods you will find that a bird can JUANITA. SPANISH MHLODY. Words by MRS. NORTOM. $s N s &-^MM f 'f 1. Soft o'er the fountain, Ling'ring falls the south-ern moon; Far o'er the mountain 2. When in thy dreaming, Moons like these shall shine a - gain, And daylight beaming, T^-^g g ig r^if r r ' r ig' f> y i.k-*^ k _ ... x ' .. _ ._W... . J . .. -g^ i . - Breaks the day too soon! In thy dark eye's splendor, Where the warm light loves to dwell, Prove thy dreams are vain. Wilt thou not, re - lent-ing, For thine ab - sent lov - er sigh, Wea-ry looks, yet ten-der, Speak their fond fare -well! Ni - ta! Jua - ni - ta! * In thy heart con -sent -ing To a prayer gone by? Ni - ta! Jua - ni - ta! Tenderly, rit. Ask thy soul if we should part ! Ni - ta! Jua - ni - ta! Lean thou on my heart. Let me lin - ger by thy side ! Ni - ta ! Jua - ni - ta ! Be my own fair bride ! s r-r-*- iffff Bl SE Wah-ne-U. surpass you over and over again in the length of his note ; when you are out of breath and forced to stop he will go on with his merry trill as fresh and clear as if he had only just begun. This is because birds can draw air into the whole of their body, and they have a large stock laid up in the folds of their wind- pipe, and besides this the air-chamber behind their elastic bands or vocal chords has two compartments where we have only one, and the second compart- ment has special muscles by which they can open and shut it, and so prolong the trill. Only think what a rajjid succession of waves must er thrrwfrh the air as a tiny bird agitates his little throat and pours forth a volume of song! The next time you can do so, spend half-an-hour listening to him, or to the canary bird as he swings in his cage, and try to picture to yourself how that little being is moving all the atmos- phere around him. Then dream for a little while about Sound, what it is, how marvelously it works outside in the world, and inside in your ear and brain ; and then, when you go back to work again, you will hardly deny that it is well worth while to listen sometimes to the voices of Nature and ponder h,v it is that we hear them. Miss A. R, Buckley. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 45 BLUE ALSATIAN MOUNTAINS. PTRI-HKH ADAMS. Cuuuwu.. C. MATZ,AIT. f^ I . i ill \j t / f i i PI | Jx-J p x\" p k ' 1 J ^ + 4 s~ F ) J J 1 v?{ -J- a J- L [f) ^~~ =-< ! 9- -S* *- i y r i -^ .___ J-; ;-J- "~$i i I \-9- -&* 0- ^=2 F i. By the blue Al 2. By the blue Al 3. By the blue Al - ^ i - f ~^ r *" * " i i - sa - tian mountains Dwelt a maiden young and fair, Like the careless - flow - ing - sa - tian mountains Came a stranger in the Spring, And he lin-ger'd by the - sa - tian mountains Many spring-times bloom' d and pass'd, And the maiden by th -&- -&-i -&- -*- -*-^J Z~ m - m m^- / ^'m m * T~ ~ - x "9r_ 1 ' r ' ! r * t^~ * . i P*' w P-/"I !/ fj 1 i ' p v \ S3 * r E9 - f H H*- f^ 'P -F ^-^-(7-4 i -i -+- I- 1_ j^ -*-- h 1 1 ' as foun-tains Were the rip - pies of her hair, Were the rip - pies of her hair; An-gel foun-tains Just to hear the maid-en sing, Just to hear the maid-en sing; Just to foun-tains, Saw she lost her hopes at last, She lost her hopes at last. And she mild her eyes so win-ning, Angel bright her hap- py smile, Whenbe-neath the fountains spin- whis-per in the moonlight,Words the sweetest she had known, Just to charm a- way the hours, withered like a flow - er That is wait -ing for the rain, She will never seethe stranger, m ^ m ning,You could hear her song the while. Till her heart was all his own. Where the fountains fall a gain. A-d6, A-d6, A -de, A-de, A-de, A- de, A-de, A-de, A-de, Such songs will pass away, Such dreams may pass away, The years have passed away, r j |i4ij 1 1 3-313-H j j WH ^3t| Tho' the blue Al-sa-tian moun-tains Seem to watch and wait al way. But the blue Al - sa-tian moun-tains Seem to watch and wait al way. > A-d6, A-d6, A But the blue Al - sa-tian moun-tains Seem to watch and wait alwaj . J [A- - day,] Such songs will pass away, Tho' the blue Alsa-tian mountains Seem to watch and wait alway. 1?b)g- FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. AMERICA, it is said, is the only country where the music in divine worship is committed exclusively to two men, two women, and an organist in the gallery. The rector of each church should insist upon the con- gregation taking part in the music. He should adopt a book, drill the congregation in simple hymns and chants, and have the choir lead the singing, instead of monopolizing it. If this were done, there would soon be a great change in the character of church music, and the Psalmist's injunction would be carried out, " Let all the people praise thee, O God. M Ther should also be musical instruction in the divinity schools ; a little time might profitably be taken from the Calvinistic and Arminian controversy, and like theological subtleties, and given to teaching the can- didate for holy orders how to read, how to preach, and how to sing. Music is among the most power- ful of religious influences, and, in the past and pres- ent, has done much to carry forward all great relig- ious movements by heartily rousing the multitude. FREEDOM'S FLAG. Allegro maestoso. ADAM GEIBKL. JOHN J . HOOD, by per. ir country's flag ! O em-blem dear Of all the soul loves best, What glo . ries in thy 2. Beneath thy rays our fa- there bled In freedom'slK>-ly cause; Where'er to heav'n thy 3. Proud banner of the no-ble free I Emblazon'd from, on high 1 Long may thy folds un- ^__ folds ap-pear Let no- ble deeds at-test:Thypres-ence on the field of strife r.n- folds outspread, Pre- vail sweet Freedom's laws. Prosper . i - ty bas marked thy course O'er soil'd re -fleet The glo ries of the skyl Longmay thy land be Free- dona's land, Thy .. _ _ ^ ^ N* . 3 * _l ^ r"^~- Icin-dles val. or's flame; A-round thee, in thebour of peace, We-twine our nation's fame. all the land and sea; Thy favor'd sons in dis-tant climes, Still fondly look to thee. lomes with, vir tue bright, Thy sons a brave, u- ni- ted band, For God, for Truth, and Rightl PFi ff Chorus. j i F r : g Then bur -rah, bur -rah, for Free -dom's Flag 1 We bail, with ring - ing cheers, Its m ^ j r glow ing bars and dus - t'rhig stars, That bave braved a bun - dred years. ^ m _ ^ ^ FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 47 PULL AWAY, BRAVE BOYS. Animate. 'S" 1. Pull a -way, pull a -way, pull a - way, brave boys, Pull a -way, pull a - way, our hearts are 2. Pull a - way, pull a -way, pull a - way, brave boys, Pull a -way, pull a- way, to the bending EP s h Fine. gay ; Pull a - way, pull a - way thro" the dash - ing spray, On this glo oar; Pull a -way, pull a -way, let us heed no more, The mu rious sum - mer day. sic from the shore. ::* ^ g_L_g_^ Jg *= Pull a- way, pull a -way, while with joy we' re singing, And our hearts beathigh with glee; Pull a Pull a- way, pull a- way, while our pulse is danc- ing, And our hearts are light and free; Pull a g=^^ X Ppl)X iX X 1 X 1 X 1 ix =3x tr-tr fi ^ & way, pull a- way, while our songs are ring - ing, Gay- ly o'er the sound -ing sea. way, pull a- way, thro' the wa - ters glanc-aig, Swift we go o'er the sound -ing sea. ? ' V O'er the sea, o'er the sea, re-sound-ing, re - sound-ing, re-sound-ing, O'er the the sound - ir sea, the sea re - sound-ing. S t 1 sea, o'er the sea, re - sound-ing, re - sound-ing, re - sound-ing, Pull a - ^ ^=* m the sound - ing sea, the sound - ing sea. THE MOONLIGHT SONATA. The Wide-Awake Magazine tells a pretty story of the way that Bee- thoven composed this beautiful piece of music. He was going by a small house one evening and heard some one playing his Symphony in F on the Piano. He stopped to listen, and heard a voice say : " What would I not give to hear that piece played by some one who could do it justice." The great composer opened the door and entered. "Pardon me," said Beethoven, somewhat embarrassed ; " pardon me, but I heard music, and was tempted to enter. I am a musician!" The girl blushed, and the young man assumed a grave, almost severe manner. ' I heard also some of your words," continued Beethoven. " You wish to hear, that is, you would like in short, would you like me to play to yon?" There was something so strange, so comical in the whole affair, and something so agreeable and eccentric in Bee- thoven's manner, that we all involuntarily smiled, " Thank you," said the young shoemaker; "but our piano is bad, and then we have no music." "No music?" repeated Beethoven, " how, then, did ma- demoiselle ." He stopped and colored, for the young gicl had just turned towards him, and by her sad, veiled eyes he saw that she was blind. " I en- treat you to pardon me," stammered he : " but I did not remark at first. You play, then, from memory ?" " Entirely !" " And where have you heard this mu- sic before?" " Never, excepting the music in the streets." She seemed frightened, so Beethoven did not NONE CAN TELL. rit. W. H. EMRA. G. B. AH.B*. 1. Child, is life bright a - lone? None can tell. 2. Youth, is she tru - ly thine? None can tell. 3. Bride, is there joy for thee? None can tell. Al - ways laugh - ter, Will love's light e - Or will blue skies fe 1 g I ^FF f* fl rit. >sf>ress. m m nev - er moan? None can tell. ter - nal shine ? None can tell. cloud-ed be ? None can tell. Will spring flow'rets bloom as sweet, Un - der care-less Will the sun make glad thy day, Or will black clouds Will the bright dream ne'er depart, Or will grief, with m - - - rov - ing feet, Or lie with-er'd with the heat? None can tell, None can tell, hide his ray, And love's ten - der beams de - cay ? None can tell, None can tell, last - ing smart, Keep a dull grasp on thy heart ? None can tell, None can tell. 42_ r add another word, but seated himself at the instru- ment and began to play. He had not touched many notes when I guessed, says the narrator, who accom- panied him, what would follow, and how sublime he would be that evening. I was not deceived. Never, during the many years I knew him, did I hear him play as on this occasion for the blind girl and her brother on that old dilapidated piano. At last the shoemaker rose, approached him, and said in a low voice : " Wonderful man, who are you then ?" Beethoven raised his head, as if he had not comprehended. The young man repeated the ques- tion. The composer smiled as only he could smile. " Listen," said he ; and he played the first move- ment in the F Symphony. A cry of joy escaped from the lips of the brother and sister. They recog- nized the player and cried: "You are, then, Bee- thoven !" He rose to go, but they detained him. " Play for us once more, just once more," they said. He allowed himself to be led back to the instrument. The brilliant rays of the moon entered the curtain- less windows and lighted up his broad, earnest, and expressive forehead. "I am going to improvise a sonata to the moonlight," he said, playfully. He contemplated for some moments the sky sparkling with stars; then his fingers rested on the piano, and he began to play in a low, sad, but wondrously sweet strain. The harmony issued from the instrument as sweet and even as the br.pht rays of the beauti- ful moonlight spread over the shadows on the ground. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EVER OF THEE. 49 G. LlNLKT. FOLBY HALL. Moderate. 1. Ev - er 2. Ev - er of thee I'm fond - ly dream - ing. Thy gen - tie voice my of thee, when sad and lone - ly, Wand -'ring a - far my ^-ftj. / J -' -' spa soul - it can cheer ; Thou art the star that, mild - ly beam - ing, Shone o'er my path when ioy'd to dwell ; Ah ! then I felt I loved thee on - ly, All seemed to fade be- I h M h jMJ-HJ : i i i=E m ^T > r i i H-J J.JU NT- <- 5S S^S: ^=^ "Tl Can Can I for-get how dear thou art to me : Morn, noon and night, where'er I maybe, I for-get how dear thou art to me : Morn, noon and night, where'er I maybe, -g-a-g-^-^ \^ g-g-g--^rf r~~ -tx - ad lib. g Fond Fond ^ -9- **~ ly I'm dream-ing ev - er of thee ; Fond - ly I'm dream-ing ev - er of thee. - ly I'm dream-ing ev - er of thee; Fond- ly I'm dream-ing ev - er of thee. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HYMN WRITERS. We have sought for hymns in the books of every denomination of Christians. There re certain hymns of the sacrifice of Christ, of utter and almost soul-dissolving yearning for the benefits of His mediation, which none could write so well as a devout Roman Catholic. Some of the most touch- ing and truly evangelical hymns in the Plymouth Col- lection we have gathered from this source. We have obtained many exquisite hymns from the Moravian collections, developing the most tender and loving views of Christ, of His personal presence, and gentle companionship. We know of no hymn-writers that equal their faith and fervor for Christ as present with his people. Nor can any one conversant with these fail to recognize the fountain in which the incom- parable Charles Wesley was baptized. His hymns are only Moravian hymns re-sung. Not alone are the favorite expressions used and the dpithets which they loved, but, like them, he beholds all Christian truths. through the medium of confiding love. The love- element of this school has never been surpassed. To- say that we have sought for hymns expressing the deepest religious feeling, and particularly the senti- ments of love, and trust, and divine courage, ani FLEE AS A BIRD. SPANISH MELODY. MARY S. B. DANA, 1840. hot Expression. \ 1. Fjee as a bird to your mouh 2. He* will protect thee for - ev tain, Thou who art wea - ry of sin; . . cr, Wipe ev-e-ry fall -ing tear; . . 9 ' m m ^T agitato. to the clear-flowing foun tain, Where you may wash and be clean; Fly, forth' a-venger is He will forsake thee, Oh, nev er, Sheltered so ten-der- ly there 1 Haste then, the hours are bear thee; Oh.thouwhaartwea- ry of sin, Oh, thou who art wea - ry of sin. cry - ing, The Sav-iour will wipe ev-'ry tear, The Sav -iour will wipe ev-'ry tear, tt^ f r hopefulness, is only to say that we have drawn largely from the best Methodist hymns. The contributions of the Wesleys to hymnology have been so rich as to leave the Christian world under an obligation which cannot be paid as long as there is a struggling Christian brotherhood to sing and be comforted amid the trials of this world. Charles Wesley was pecul- iarly happy in making the Scriptures illustrate Chris- tian experience, and personal experience throw light upon the deep places of the Bible. Some of his efiu- sions have never been surpassed. Nor are there any hymns that could more nobly express the whole ecstasy of the apostolic writings in view of death and heaven. Cowper, Stennet, Newton, Doddridge, and many other familiar authors, will be found in every collection that aspires to usefulness. With whatever partiality to Dr. Watts we may have begun our work, a compar- ison of his psalms and hymns with the best effusions of the best hymn-writers has only served to increase our admiration, and our conviction that he stands above all other English writers. Nor do we believe any other man, in any department, has contributed so great a share of enjoyment, edification, and inspiration to- struggling Christians as Dr. Watts. Jf, W. Betchcr,. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. PRAISE TO GOD. ANNA L. BAHsAitt.n, 1773. SEBASTIAN BACH. " NUREMBERG. 1. Praise to God, im - mor - tal praise, For the love that crowns our days; 2. Flocks that whit - en all the plain, Yel - low sheaves of ri - pened grain, 3. All that spring, with boun-teous hand, Scat - ters o'er the smil - ing land; 4. Lord, for these our souls shall raise Grate - ful vows and sol - emn praise : f m m ^ i Boun - teous source of ev - 'ry joy ! Let Thy praise our tongues em - ploy. Clouds that drop their fattening dews, Suns that tern - perate warmth dif - fuse. All that lib - eral au - tumn pours From her rich, o'er -flow - ing stores: And, when ev - 'ry bles - sing's flown, Love Thee for Thy - self a - lone. ^ r r RISE, CROWNED WITH LIGHT. ALEXANDER POPE. ALEXIS LVOFF. " RUSSIAN HYMN.' 3 s|=: W-*9 I. Rise, crown'd with 2. See a long 3. See barbarous 4. The seas shall light, . . im - pe - rial Sa - lem, race . . . thy spa - cious courts a - na . . . tions at thy gates at - waste, . . the skies to smoke de - i: r * a if ' r r * \ rise; dorn, tend, cay, Ex - See Walk Rocks alt thy fu - ture in thy fall to ir erf' L L k I \E=\ JJr? ... . 7- . J2 J L i r i i P f r 1 I ' r-0-s ff\ * J r J w^r "Z -JT~^ ~\ -d iM *- Jf 9: 9 g *g _L_<22 flgs L-*t L gfS -i3 H r f : 9 4 *~ tow'r - ing head and lift thine eyes; See Heav'n its spark - ling por - tals sons, and daugh-ters yet un - born, In crowding ranks on ev - 'ry light, and in thy tern - pie bend: See thy bright al - tars throng'd wit dust, and mountains melt a - way; But fix'd His word, His sav - ing' ^ I wide ... dis - play, And break up - on thee in a flood of day. side ... a - rise, De - mand-ing life, im - pa - tient for the skies. pros ... trate kings, While ev - 'ry land its joy - ous tri - bate brings. pow'r ... re - mains, Thy realm shall last, thy own Mes si - ah reign. 5V ^^^""^ -^ . i i B \-& C It ~ g P | g? ^ [^ II r & P^ ^ h M :s pEi FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. INFLUENCE OF Music. Man is as much a child of the beautiful as he is of wisdom or genius, Na- ture never drives us if she can avoid it; she prefers to allure us. She makes all things charming. She paints the fields and the woods that we may go to them, led by affection. She makes the face of youth beautiful, throws color on the cheek, and makes the lines of smiles and laughter come and go, and she sends the soul into the eyes, that young years may build up everlasting frienship. Yielding to his Di- vine Master's guidance, man follows the beautiful, and to the idea of home or temple or garden or city, he comes with both hands full of ornament. He claims for his house and his dress what God gives to the peach, or the leaf, or the rose. In this deep philosophy music comes as the decoration of a thought. Man submits his truths to several steps of this ennobling work. He found them in prose and he asks Milton or Dante, or Tennyson or Long- fellow to frame them into poetry, but not yet satisfied I'VE BEEN ROAMING. N f i > t CHAS. E. HORJ. , Lively. 1. I've been roam - ing, I've been roam - ing Where the mea-dow dew is 2. I've been roam -ing, I've been roam -ing By the rose and lil - y 3. I've been roam - ing, I've been roam -ing Where the hon - ey - sue - kle creeps; 4. I've been roam - ing, I've been roam -ing O - ver hill and o - ver plain; And I'm com - ing, and I'm com - ing With its pearls up on my feet, j And I'm com - ing, and I'm com - ing With their blos-soms in my hair, > I've been And I'm com - ing, and I'm com - ing With its greet - ing on my lips, > And I'm com - ing, and I'm com - ing To my bow - er back a - gain, O - ver _ H fr " f-' f- * * J -& -P U-^ -P--S C- iff - -t- *? TV Itf D p--P P tf> -\ 1* *~h ^J P 1^ ^ x ix ^ wf L* 4* ^ \0 V X IX Kfo J-L-d d 4 2 -f h~ ^=J- y f j j j * * * J roam - ing, I've been roam - ing (4) hill, and o - ver plain, M* t f - - - Where the mea - dow dew is sweet, To my bow - er back a - gain, toy. f t - M i fe i r k * ; 1 ^ ' ix 5 X ^ (4) And I'm com - ing, and I'm com - ing With its pearls up - on my feet. And I'm com - ing, and I'm com - ing To my bow - er back a - gain J _h -^ M -.<- he takes the thought to the great musician and asks Mozart or Weber or Schubert to pour still more color on the blessed thought. It was not enough for the Greeks that some of their truth took the poetic form of the drama, it must also be sung on the stage, so that between the uplifted hands of both Poetry and Music all might see how sorrowful was CEdipus or how sweet Antigone. Thus all through its history, music has ever been the final decoration of a sentiment. Poetry has done much when it has gathered up some of the pensive meditations of man when he draws near his long home and has called this rhythmical arrangement a poem. Even read to us, its flow of harmonious feet is impressive; but when Mozart goes further, and wreathes those words with his composition into a requiem, then is the cup of our realization full, and all the pomp and splendor of earth sink like the summer sun. S-udag. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 53 ' FLOW GENTLY, SWEET AFTON. J. E. SPIUCAH. Wordi by ROBBKT Buxm. Mi\ . i I *EEg 1. Flow gent-ly, sweet Af - ton, a - mang thy green braes; Flow gent-ly, 111 sing thee a 2. How loft- ty, sweet Af -ton, thy neighbor-ing hills, Far marked with the courses of 3. Thy crys-tal stream, Af- ton, howlove-ly it glides, And winds by the cot where my song in thy praise; My Ma- ry's a - sleep by thy murmur- ing stream, Flow gent-ly, sweet clear-winding rills ; There dai - ly I wan-der, as mornris-es high, My flocks and my Ma - ry re sides ! How wan-ton thy wa-tersher mow-y feet lave, As gath'ring sweet Af-ton, dis- tnrb not her dream. Thon stock-dove, whose e - cho re -sounds from the Ma -ry's sweet cot in my eye. How pleas- ant thy banks and green val - leys be - flowerets,she stems thy dear wave! Flow gent-ly, sweet Af-ton, a - mang thy green X F A*: r hill, Ye wild whistling black-birds in yon thom-y low, Where wild in the woodlands the prinvros - es braes, Flow gent-ly, sweet riv-er, the theme of my den, Thon green-crest - ed blow! There oft, as mild lays: My Ma - ry's a- A. - r r Ir r r Ir r r M lap-wing, thy screaming for -bear, I charge you, dis - tnrb not my slum - her - ing fair. evening creeps o - ver the lea, The sweet-scented birk shades my Ma - ry and me. sleep by thy mnr-mnr-ing stream, Flow gent-ly, sweet Af-ton, dis - turb not her dream. r r c \ 54 fAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CH EER, BOYS, Cl 1 1 1 M HEER. F CHAI [. R ILKS SSBLL. MACKAY ^) b( ' i f r^ *- I. Cheer, boys, cheer, no 2. Cheer, boys, cheer, the f-*- -* - more of i - die sor - row, stead - y breeze is blow - ing, hfCll f-f^ 1- Courage ! true hearts shall To float us free - ly 1 H* 1*- 5 5 & a, _ r* ' p W V * W "i - H m p. 1 f 1 U- i i ^ ^ bear us on our way; Hope points be -fore and shows the bright to - mor - row; o'er the o - cean's breast ; The world shall fol - low in the track we're go - ing, t m m 1 -w- Let us for - gei the dark - ness of to - day. So fare - well, England, The star of Em - pire glit - ters in the West. Here we had toil and P ^ m S2 ^=*: much as we a-dore thee, We'll dry the tears lit - tie to re - ward it, But there shall plen that we have shed be -fore; ty smile up on our pain; i i H a*! Why should we weep to sail in search of for tune? So fare - well, England ! fare - And ours shall be the prai - rie and the for - est, And bound -less meadows ripe, t lii well for - ev - er - more. Cheer, boys, cheer for coun -try, moth-er coun - try ripe with gol -den grain. Cheer, boys, cheer for England, moth-er Eng - land, & FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 55 Cheer, boys, cheer Cheer, boys, cheer, the will - ing strong right hand, u - nit - ed heart and hand, Cheer, boys, cheer, there's Cheer, boys, cheer, there's wealth for hon - est la - bor, Cheer, boys, cheer for the new and hap - py land ! MAKE YOUR MARK. A& 1. In the quar- ries should you toil, Make your mark ! Make your mark ! Do you delve up - 2. Would you seek for treasures rare, Make your mark ! Make your mark ! Wealth that will with 3. Life is fleet - ing as a shade, Make your mark ! Make your mark ! Marks of some kind > _h J on gold must the soil, Make your mark! Make your mark! com -pare, Make your mark ! Make your mark! be made, Make your mark ! Make your mark! h 1 In what - ev - er While the light is Make it while the path you go, in thine eye, arm is strong, m At V cres. In what-ev - er place you stand, Mov -ing swift or mov -ing slow, With a firm and While the bloom is on thy cheek, Ere the toils and cares of life, Make the res- o - In the gol - den hours of youth, Nev - er, nev - er make it wrong, Make it with the hon - est hand, Make your mark, lu - tion weak, Make your mark, stamp of truth, Make your mark, Make your mark, Make your mark, Make your mark, Make, make Make, make Make, make i your mark ! your mark ! your mark ! FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. GOOD TEACHERS. Not every one who is a good player is for that reason a good teacher. The best player may be the (poorest teacher. To be a good musician is one thing, to be a good teacher is another. There are many who possess a great amount of in- formation, but who can impart little or nothing. There are others who attempt to be guides, but who do not know the road. There are not a few who at- tempt to teach, who were never properly taught. Teachers are not made, they are born. It is diffi- cult to judge of a good teacher. Inquire before you engage one. The fact that parents have no full ap- preciation of the importance of a child's education, accounts for the indifference which they show in the selection of teachers. Many parents engage poor teachers for beginners. A sadder mistake was never made in the process of education. As well may you lay a foundation of soft brick, consoling yourself with the idea that you will finish the house with grey stone. The first teacher is very likely the one who will make ormar the musicalfuture of your child. Men. Music is the only one of the fine arts in which both man and all other animals have a common property mice and elephants, spiders and birds. Richter. ROBINSON CRUSOE. Spirited. Air" ROGUE'S MARCH." *~ ! "^ m ) "fl-g =*=* 1. When I was a lad, I had cause to 2. But he saved from a -board an old gun and 3. His hut was a match for um - brel - la be sad, A ver - y good friend I did a sword, And another odd mat -ter or of thatch, And his clothes were too old to be lose, O! I war-rantyou,Dan,youhaveheardofthisman, Hisname it was Rob-m - son two, so That by dint of his thrift he just managed to shift, And keep a - live Rob-in - son new, so That his parrot at last would cry out as he passed, '^Hurrah for old Rob-in - sott Chorus. r-r-r- PP ff Cru - soe. Cru - soe. Cru - soe. Oh, Rob -in -son Cru .soe! Oh, Rob-in-son Cru - soe I Oh, Rob-in-son Cm -soe I u* m ^ Oh, poor Robin-son Cru - soe! He Oh, poor Robin-son Cru - soe ! Whether Oh, poor Robin-son Cru - soe ! His went off to sea and be-tweenyou and me, Old Neptune wreck'd Robinson Cru . soe. tempest or Turk, or wild man or work, No mat - ter to Rob-in - son Cru - soe. par - rot is dead, and his goats have all fled The home of old Rob-in - son Cru - soe. sfe4-E4MJ4C The cannibals came to his island one day, To feast, for all cannibals do so, But Friday, their man, jumped out of the pan, And ran off to Robinson Crusoe. Oh, Robinson Crusoe! Oh, poor Robinson Crusoe! He fired off his gun, and then there was fun For lonely old Robinson Crusoe. But he never lost hope, and he never would mope, And he always had faith, as should you, so That come as it might, it always was right With honest old Robinson Crusoe. Oh, Robinson Crusoe! Good old Robinson Crusoe! Where can school-boy be found to stop at a round " Hurrah for old Robinson Crusoe! " 57 THE MOON IS BEAMING O'ER THE LAKE. JOHJf BtOCKLET. ^s 1. Tlie moon is beam -ing o'er the lake, Come sail in our light ca - noe; Sweet 2. The ves - per bell is peal - ing, From yon - der lone - ly tower; Its ^^_ - i sounds of mu - sic we'll a -wake, As we glide o'er the wa - ters blue, tones now gen - tly steal - ing, Pro - claim the ves per hour. In out Sweet & X- . " I ' light ca-noe, As mer-ry we row, O - ver the rip pling sil - ver tide; While sounds a -rise, To the tran - quil skies, Like one of earth's sweetest mel - o- dies; Now X free from care, Our spir - its are, As a - way we mer - ri - ly glide, , sad, now gay, As it floats a- way, On the wings of th'e summer breeze, Nil X 1 X ^^ ^~_ The The ^ V V V > IS I * I moon moon is beam is beam ng ing o'er o'er the lake, Come sail in our light ca - noe; Sweet the lake, Come sail in our light ca - noe; Sweet 23^ -m \- sounds sounds of mu of mu sc sic we'll we'll a - wake, As we glide o'er the wa - ters blue, a - wake, As we glide o'er the wa - ters blue. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE following tribute to the memory of the late Matthew Arbuckle, whose magic cornet made his name a household word with millions, will doubtless waken a responsive echo in the heart of every one who was privileged to know that brilliant artist and kindly, courteous gentleman : " Half-a-dozen years ago," writes a lady, one of his pupils, " an old cornet hung upon the wall of my home, and it somehow happened that I tried it 'to see how it would go.' By a little per- sistence I got a tone, and finally became fascin- ated with the noise I could produce, and, working -away as much as the neighborhood would endure without complaints to the police, I got some mastery. The performance was horrible, of course, but one April day I appeared at Mr. Arbuckle's door in New York, a petitioner for lessons. I remember how kindly he received me; how he gave me courage at once by commending my poor attempt at ' Robin Adair,' so that he could know what I could do and where to be- gin with me. I remember the next three months of his helpfulness, his patience, his encouragement, his hopefulness ; how he put no limit to the ' hour's lesson' we had bargained for, and often entertained and helped me a whole afternoon, sometimes taking his cornet, and, forgetting all the world else, giving me his won- derful rendering of delightful airs and ballads. I re- COME, CHEERFUL COMPANIONS. := VlVB LA COMPAGNIB. 1. Come, cheerful companions, u - nite in our song, Here's to the 2. And first, the dear pa-rents who watch o'er our youth, They are the 3. Next, think of the ab-sent to all of us dear, They are the 4. And here's to the good, and the wise, and the true, They are the friends we love! friends we love! friends we love! friends we love! tt fi=T: & W-TJ w i jj^w jfi* ' '& " * * V -& May boun-ti - ful Heav-en their sweet lives prolong ! Here's to the friends we And next are the teachers who tell us of truth, They are the friends we Oh, would they were with us, we would they were here ! They are the friends we Their beau-ti - ful lives are for me and for you, They are the friends we. JL love! love ! love ! love! Oh, sym-pa - thy deepens whenev - er we sing; Friendship's the mys-ti - cal word in our ring; LKrH 3=3=! Here's to our friends ! Here's to our friends ! Here's to the friends we love ! ! =3- member, too, his comical running to the corner of the Toom and hiding his face when I had my lesson poorly, and how he would look over his shoulder laughing at me and shouting : ' Try it again/ and when the work was done to his satisfaction, how proud and glad and happy he seemed. He was every inch a gentleman; in every fibre a musician. He gave me music arranged by his own hand; he selected and tested a cornet for me, and all the ' crooks ' and mutes ' and mouthpieces, and every other appliance of a cornelist's outfit, and there was nothing he could do, by instruction and ad- vice, that he left undone. - A country girl of fourteen, alone in the great city so far as kindred were concerned, he bade me welcome to his home. His wife was almost* mother to me, his daughter a friend indeed. I want to say how good he was, how true to his art, how kind, sweet- tempered, big-hearted a noble man in every thing. CHRISTOPHER NORTH, a lover of nature, never said atrueror awiserthingthanthis,in his Soliloquy on the Seasons :'' Turn from the oracles of man, still dim even j in their clearest response to the oracles of God, which are never dark. Buryall your books when you feel the night of skepticism gathering around you; bury them all, powerful though you may have deemed then- spell to illuminate the unfathomable; open your Bible, and all the spiritual world will be as bright as the day." FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 59 TWILIGHT IS FALLING. A. S. KBXPFSR. B. C. UNSHLD. From " TKMPLK STAX." a- -; 1. Twi- light is steal -ing O - ver the sea; Shad-ows are fall -ing Dark on the lea; 2. Voic - es of lov'dones! Songs of the past! Still lin - ger round me, While life shall last; 3. Come in the twi- light, Come, come to me I Bring-ing some mes-sage, O - ver the sea, Borne on the night winds, Voi - ces of yore, Come from the far off shore. Lone - ly I wan - der, Sad - ly I roam, Seek - ing that far - off home. Cheer - ing my path - way, While here I roam, Seek - ing that far - off home. ?. S. Gleameth a man - sion fill'd with de -light, Sweet, hap - py home so bright. CHORUS. v N < < I >.S. Far a way be - yond the star- lit skies, Where the love- light nev - er, nev - er dies. THE LORD'S PRAYER. Mis. S. J. HALX. 1. Our Fa ther in Hea-ven, we hal - low Thy name; 2. For give our trans- gres- sions, and teach us to know May Thy Kingdom, all That hum-ble com- lo-ly, on earth be the same: O give to pas sion that par dons each foe : Save us from us da\ - ly cur- temp -ta - tion, front por-tion of bread; It is from Thy bounty that all weakness and sin ; And Thine be the glo - ry, for - ev must be fed. er A MEN. k k- 6o FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LOOK NOT UPON THE WINE. R. S. WILLIS. dffi 3 XI i. / t Ik p^ h: c iJTTr PM-J =f- ^S pNh 1 * g> (| v bJ^ g:jj. gl3: ih 9P i fr54:*' 1. Look not upon the wine when it Is red with - in the cup! Stay not for pleasure 2. They say 'tis pleasant on the lip, Andmer - ry on the brain; They say it stirs the 3. Its ros - y light will turn tofire, Its cool - ness change to thirst; And, by itsmirth,up- 4. Then dash the brimming cup aside, Quaffnot its pur- pie wine; Takenot its madness whenshefills Her tempt - ing beak - er up! Though clear its depths, and rich its glow A sluggish blood, And dulls the tooth of pain. Ay ! but with-in its glow- ing deeps A on the brain, A sleep - less worm is nursed. There's not a bub-ble at the brim That to thy lip Let not its curse be thine. 'Tis red and rich, but grief and woe Are spell of mad- ness lurks below; Tho' clear its depths and rich itsglow, There's madness lurks below, dead-ly ser - pent unseen sleeps ; Ay ! but within its glowing deeps A dead- ly ser-pent sleeps, does not car - ry food to him ; There's not a bub - ble at the brim But car-riesfood to him. in those ro - sy depths below; 'Tis red andrich.but grief and woe Are in those depths below. *3 i=f fafi DEAR FATHER, DRINK NO MORE. Slow. 1. Dear fath-er! drink no more, I ^ray, It makes you look so sad, Come home, and drink no 2. Dear fath-er! think how sick you've been, What aches and pains you know! Oh! drink no more, ami 3. Dear falh-er! think of moth - er's tears, How oft and sad they flow, Oh! drink no more, the 4. Dear fath-er! think what would become Of me, were you to die! With -out a fath-er g more, I say, 'Twill make dear moth-er glad, then you'll find A home where'er you go. will her grief No long - er rack her so. friend or home, Be - neath the chil - ly sky. &* -* m- ^*: 1 Dear father, drink no more, I pray, It makes you look so sad, Come home, and drink no more, I say, 'Twill make that home so glad. Thus spake, in tenderness, the child, The drunkard's heart was moved, He signed the pledge ; he wept, he smiled* And kissed the boy he loved. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND ffOME. 61 SPARKLING AND BRIGHT. TmraANCx Soito. I . 1. Sparkling and bright, in its li - quid light, Is the wa - ter in our glass - 2. Bet - ter than gold is the wa - ter cold, From the crys - tal foun-tain flow - ing; 3. Sor - row has fled from hearts that bled, Of the weep - ing wife and moth - er, 'Twill give you health, 'Twill give you wealth, Ye lads and ro - sy lass A calm de - light, both day and night, To hap - py homes be - stow - They have given up the poi - son'd cup, Son, bus - band, daughter, broth - r -^ ' es! ing? & i* f r Chorus. i 2 l J Oh, then re - sign your m - by wine, Each smil - ing son and dangh - g : g g I QHH- f 3 There's noth-ing so good for the youth- ful blood, Or sweet as the sparkling ter. OLD HUNDRED. 3 iS43- I. Be Thou, O God, ex - alt - ed high, And as thy glo - ry fills a. With one con- sent let all the earth To God their cheer- fol voi 3. For He's the Lord, su - preme- ly good; His mer - cy is for - er - CCS er sky, raise; sure; Doxology: Praise God, from whom all bless-ings flow, Praise Him, all crea- tores here be - low; I So let it be on earth dia- played, Till Thou art here, as there, o Glad horn - age pay with aw - ful mirth, And ting be - fore Him songs of His troth, which at -ways firm- ly stood, To end -less a - ges shall e: beyed. praise. dure. w Praise Him a - bove, ye heavenly host; Praise Fa - ther, Son, and Ho - ly Ghost 62 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. WHAT IS HOME? CHAS. SWAIN. AIR FROM ROSSIMI. 1. Home's not mere - ly 2. Home's not mere ly four square walls, Though with pic - tures hung and gild - ed ; roof and room, Needs it some-thing to en - dear it ; -J- Pn'fFFiF Home is where af - fee - tion calls Filled with shrines the heart hath build - ed. Home is where the heart can bloom; Where there's some kind lip to cheer it i i m Home ! go, watch the faith - ful dove, Sail - ing 'neath the heaven a - bove us ; What is home with none to meet? None to wel - come none to greet us? Home is where there's one to love, Home is where there's one to love us. Home is sweet and on - ly sweat Where there's one we love to meet us. J- FFFFlF F Mrrg jjdal is tt m Home is where there's one to love, Home is where there's one to love us. Home is sweet and on - ly sweet Where there's one we love, to meet us. THE CHAPEL. ^ Words by UHLAND. Z eJ* r~T r r f f 1. See yon chap - el on the hill, 2. Sad - ly chants the choir a - long ; 3. Those who once had smiled in joy, Y f r T Calm it looks o'er all the pi; Sad - ly sounds the chap - el bell ; To the bur - ial there they bring; * r r the plain ; f r'rTT"? Sings the shep - herd boy his strain. And he lis - tens in the dell. O'er thee too they yet will sing. r b Cheer - ful - ly by mead and rill, Hush'd is now the shep-herd's song, Shep - herd boy ! Oh, shep - herd boy ! FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 6 J. THE ROSY CROWN. CM.VOW. tea r nr 1. A ro - sy crown we twine for thee, Of Flo - ra's rich-est treas 2. The myr - tie, thyme, and eg < Ian - tine, One blend - ed wreath dis - clo ure, We ses; And lead thee forth to dance and glee, To mirth and youthful pleas - ure.) Take Q bid their frangrant breath combine With these em-blushing ro - ses. f l ' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' - 1 i- ro - sy, the ro- sy crown, Take, O take the ro - sy, the ro - sy crown. We bade the fairest flowers that grow, Their varied tribute render, To shine above that brow of snow, In all their sunny splendor. Take, O take, etc. Then deign to wear the wreath we twine* Thy beauteous ringlets shading ; And be its charms a type of thine, In all except their fading. Take, O take, etc. THREE CHILDREN SLIDING. A. D. 1633. Not too Fast. 1. Three child - ren slid- ing on the ice, All on a sum-me'r's day, As 2. Now had these chil - dren been at home, Or slid - ing on dry ground, Ten 3. You pa - rents all that chil - dren have, And you, too, that have none, If "To" " ^ tit'-t f f ^ it fell out they all fell in, The rest they ran a way thous - and pounds to pen - By one, They had not all been drown'd you would have them safe a - broad, Pray keep them safe at home. ^ JL P r r ..! Grace notes in Chorus are the original music in opera of "Der Freischutz," from which Jois is taiwa. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EDUCATION. When a boy I was very fond of mu- ric, and am so now ; and it so happened that I had the opportunity of hearing much good music. Among other things I had abundant opportunities of hearing that great old master, Sebastian Bach. I remember perfectly well though I knew nothing about music then, and, I may add, know nothing whatever about it now the intense satisfaction and delight which I had in listening by the hour together to Bach's fugues. It is a pleasure which remains with me, I am glad to think, but of late years I have tried to find out the why and wherefore, and it has often occurred to me that the pleasure in musical compositions of this kind is essen- tially of the same nature as that which is derived from pursuits which are commonly regarded as purely intel- lectual. I mean that the source of pleasure is exactly the same as in most of my problems in morphology that you have the theme in one of the old master's works followed out in all its endless variations, always appearing and always reminding you of unity in variety. So in painting; what is called truth to nature is the intellectual element coming in, and truth to nature de- pends entirely upon the intellectual culture of the per- son to whom art is addressed. If you are in Austra- lia, you may get the credit for being a good artist I mean among the natives if you can draw a kangaroo after a fashion. But among men of higher civilization the intellectual knowledge we possess brings its criti- cism into our appreciation of works of art, and we are obliged to satisfy it as well as the mere sense of beauty COME, OH, COME WITH ME. ITALIAN MELODY. Come, O come with me, the moon is beam - ing, Come, O come with 2. My skiff is by the shore, she's light and free, To ply the feathered -* - I f. j* * m- 5 -v V- P 5 i me; oar ==*: the stars are gleam -ing; All a -round, a - bove, with beau - ty is joy to me ; And while we glide a - long, o'er the dark blue teem sea, ing; Moon - light hours have joys for me. We'll sing our sweet - est rnel - o - dy. Tra la la * la Tra la la la I 1 k- f i 1 j j ]a la la la la la, Tra la la la la la la la la. 1 in color and in outline. And so the higher the culture and information of those whom art addresses, the more exact and precise must be what we call its " truth to nature." If we turn to literature the same thing is true, and you find works of literature which may be said to be pure art. A little song of Shakespeare or of Goethe is pure art, although its intellectual content may be nothing. A series of pictures is made to pass before your minds by the meaning of words, and the effect is a melody of ideas. And if you will let me for a moment speak of the very highest forms of litera- ture, do we not regard them as highest simply because the more we know the truer they seem, and the more competent we are to appreciate beauty the more beau- tiful they are 1 No man ever understands Shakespeare until he is old, though the youngest may admire him; the reason being that he satisfies the artistic instinct of the youngest and harmonizes with the ripest and rich- est experience of the oldest. It is not a question whether one order of study or another should pre- dominate, but rather of what topics of education you shall select, combining all the needful elements in such due proportion as to give the greatest amount of food and support and encouragement to those faculties which enable us to appreciate truth, and to profit by those sources of innocent happiness which are open to us, and at the same time to avoid that which is bad and coarse and ugly, and to keep clear of the multitude of pitfalls and dangers which beset those who break through the natural or moral laws. TAos. H. Huxley. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LISTEN TO THE MOCKING BIRD. Moderate. ALIO HAWTHORN*. 1. I'm dreaming now of Hal - lie, 2. Ah ! well I yet re - mem-ber, 3. When the charms of spring awaken, sweet Hal - lie, re - mem-ber, a - wak - en, sweet Hal - lie, I'm dreaming now of re - mem-ber, Ah! well I yet re- a - waken, When the charms of spring a- r=: **% g,1*T> IPS fr Hal - lie, For the thought of her is one that nev - er dies ; She's sleep - rng in the mem - ber, When we gathered in the cot - ton side by side ; 'Twas in the mild Sep wak - en, And the mocking bird is sing - ing on the bough, I feel like one for ' r^-r-r PP v * FE t=tf val - ley, tern - ber, sak - en, Sep - tern -ber, for - sak - en, the val - ley, She's sleeping in the val - ley, And the Sep - tern - ber, 'Twas in the mild Sep - tern - ber, And the for - sak- en, I feel like one for - sak - en, Since my mocking bird is singing where she lies. mocking bird was singing far and wide. Hal - lie is no longer with me now. Listen to the mocking bird. Listen to the Listen to the mocking bird, Listen to the Listen to the mocking bird, Listen to the mock -ing bird, The mock -ing bird still sing -ing o'er her grave; Lis-ten to the -T~~F m F^ =jgz^g=gbn ^ ^ ^ *-3 -X-g-g-tf g- - * J r* tr-simi ^ -+-+J- mocking bird, Listen to the mocking bird, Still singing where the weeping willows wave. h h :N=t: x : 66 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CHILD OF EARTH. CAS. E. HO**. -k 't * r> Alltgro con anima. ^ 1. Child of earth with the gold - en hair, Thy soul's too pure and thy 2. I'll rob of its sweets the hon - ey bee, I'll crush the wine from the face cow too fair, To dwell with the crea - tures of mor - tal mould, Whose slip tree, I'll pull thee br - ries, I'll heap thy bed Of lips down are warm as their hearts are cold. Roam, foam to our fai - ry home. - y moss and the pop - pies red. Roam, roam to our fai - ry home. * *=z i m f JS Child Child ? "*" & of earth with the gold - en hair, Thou shall dance with the fai - ry queen Thro' of earth with the gold - en hair, Dim sleep shall woo thee, dar - ling boy, In her sum - mer nights on the moon - lit green, To mu - sic mur - mur-ing mild - est mood, with dreams of joy, And when with the morn - ing sweet ends er her Fg^g * V V m n* * 1- es far reign, Than ev - er was heard 'neath the morn - ing Pleas -ure shall bid thee wel - - come a star. gain. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Animate. I ' \ '.! 'i N ^ b 1 Roam, roam to our fai - ry home, Child of earth with the gold - en hair, MERRILY EVERY BOSOM BOUNDETH. t H GERMAN Anu 1. Mer-ri- ly ev - 'ry bo - som bound-eth, Mer-ri-ly, oh! mer-ri- ly, 2. Wea-ri - ly ev - 'ry bo -som sigh - eth,* Wea-ri - ly, oh! wea-ri - ly, 3. Cheer-i - ly, then, from hill and val - ley, Cheer -i-ly, oh! cheer -i-ly, oh! oh! oh! Where the song of Free-dom sound -eth, Mer-ri-ly, oh! When the dove of Peace, it fli - eth, Wea- ri - ly, oh ! As when lake and zephyr dal - ly, Cheer -i-ly, oh ! 13 -- ^ r l \ I mer-ri - ly, oh! wea-ri - ly, oh! cheer -i - ly, oh! >. w r 1 ***& There the gathering smiles of Peace are beaming, Where the star- ry flag is gai - ly streaming, There no cheerful songs of Free-dom greeting, Childhood's happy smile how quickly fleet-ing, While the children shout in gladsome manner Where they wave the nation's star- ry ban-ner, v \f w- ^ * l~ &m K K S Ev - e - ry joy the land re-sonnd - eth, Mer-ri - ly, oh! Ev - e - ry flow-er of h'fe then dieth, Wea-ri - ly, oh! Round the flag of Free - dom ral - ly, Cheer-i- ly, oh! s -&- ' -0- i*- 3 m oh! oh! oh! T~ *The minor is used in this verse with effect, where there is an instrument to guide, by substituting flat for E, 68 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. The very worst specimens of musical incompetency whicf may be heard in drawing-rooms are due to the want of perception and the vanity of those who ex- hibit them, ^ There are many men and women who might sing or play agreeably if they would confine themselves to things within their powers ; but vault- ing ambition carries them pell-mell into the dangers of difficult music which can only be encountered success- fully after years of study and practice, and makes of the struggles, which, it is to be hoped, are more pain- ful to their hearers than themselves, a terrible warning. When one has been present at one or two performances of this kind, he can understand the feelings of a pro* fessor of music who was gifted with a very lender con- science besides a great talent, and, being asked Hie reason of an unusual fit of gloom, replied : "Well I am just thinking whether I ought to go on teaching these amateurs. They come and learn, but they understand nothing ; and they mostly have voices not unlike liMle cats." No less dreadful than the amateur who has no talent for music is he who has a good deal of talent and so much enthusiasm that his mind is incapable of tak- ing thought for anything else that is excellent For him the big world has nothing at all outside of moac. MILL MAY. 35 *-N " FIRST STEPS IN Music." Per. I vison, Blakeman, Taylor & Ca* 1 9 i :-^-S- 1. The straw- ber-ries grow in the mowing, Mill May, And the bob - o - link sings on tne 2. Come, come ere the sea - son is o - ver, Mill May, To the fields where the strawberries 3. The sun slant -ing un - der your bon-net, Mill May, Will soon bring a soft glow to you* r r p -m m m m * j* ~f * v U U "U U U~ Hi t~ * P-PI SsJ * tree ; On tne knolls the red clo - ver is grow - ing, Mill May ; Then. grow; While the thick -grow- ing stems and the clo -ver. Mill May, Shalt face; And your lip the straw- ber - ries leave on it, Mill May, A 1 CHOKUS. 35=*: come to the meadow with me. Yes, come, the ripe clusters a-mong the thick grass, Well meet us wher-ev - er we go. Yes, come, the ripe clusters a-mong the thick grass, We'll tint that the sea-shell would grace. Yes, come, the ripe clusters a-mong the thick grass, Well r g * * i*T r r i IP ^iciri&EaF^P t= ft 1 N |_JS-*-j^ Pg g^^gz^b pick in the mowing, Mill May, Mill May; And the long afternoon to -gethcr we'll pass, Where the do -ver is growing, Mill May, Mi Where the clover is growing, Mill May. f ^^ FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. OLD FAMILIAR PLACE. C W. GLOVHU p-m r 1. We may rove the wide world o'er, But we ne'er shall find a trace Of the home we loved of 2. We may sail o'er ev - ery sea, But we still shall fail to find An - y spot so dear to yore, Of the old fa - mil-iar place; Other scenes may be as bright, But we miss, 'neath alien be As the one we left be - hind ; Words of comfort we may hear, But they can -not touch the skies, Both the welcome and the light Of the old, kind, loving eyes. Home is home, of this be- heart, Like the tones to memory dear, Of the friends from whom we part. Home is home, the wanderer ' T ^ ^ I . . reft, Mem' ry loves a - gain to trace All the forms of those we left In the old fa -mil-iar place, longs All the scenes of youth to trace, And to hear the old home songs In the old fa -mil-iar place. &- *~ Si i *=*=*: -t^-* AS A LITTLE CHILD. Moderate. i C. M. Vow WEBB*. 1. As a lit tie child re - lies On a care be - yond its own, 2. So let me, a child, re - ceive What to - day Thou shalt pro - vide, 3. Qui et, Lord, my fro - ward heart, Make me lov - ing, meek and mild; t Knows be neath its fa - ther's eyes It is nev - 'er left a lone, Calm - ly to Thy wis - dom leave What to - mor - row may be tide. Up right, sim - pie, free from art, Make me as a lit - tie child. i FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN. mf mf mf mf S N F. W. N. CROUCH. t A+iJ^+t + m *F I ^ Andante. 1. Kath -leen Mavourneen, the grey dawn is break - ing The horn of the him - ter is 2. Kath - leen Mavourneen, a- wake from thy slum- bers; The blue mountains glow in the I ^ r f\r r=g= Small notes to be sung to the znd verse. I/' heard on the hill; The lark from her light wing the bright dew is shak - ng; sun's golden light; Ah! where is the spell that once hung on my num - bers? A - j^ p T-fK C- FFF r U ^ f= 4^UA^ Kathleen Ma - vour - neen, what! slum - b'ring still? Kath rise in thy beau - ty, thou star of my night; A - rise leen Ma - in thy r-Tfr -U 10 ' m-*- -4- pai i = cow amort affette. N J bl J t I ^: vourneen, what ! slum beau - ty, thou star ^J^ b'ring still! Or hast thou for - got of my night t Ma - vour - neen, Ma - vour ten how neen, my I m r tr-p- m/ i^ 45 soon sad we must sev-er? Oh! hast thou lor - got - ten this tears are falling, To think that from E - rin and day thee we must I must part? part! may be for years, and it may be for - ev - er; Then It may be for years, and it may be for - ev - er; Then why why ft art thou art thou P 7i sewplice. tnf r r si - lent, thou voice of my heart? It may be for years, and it 1^* ____ _ ^ ^ B at may be for - ev - er; Then why art thou si - lent, Kathleen Mavourneen? 2?: i ? NOW THANK WE ALL OUR GOD. [NUN BANKET ALLE GOTT.j M MARTIN RINKART, 1644. C. WINKWORTH, Tr. 1858. J. CRAGBR. m tt 1. Now thank we all our God, With heart and hands and 2. O may this bounteous God, Through all our life be 3. All praise and thanks to God, The Fa - ther, now be voi near giv ces. us, en, P *- J: 33 f Mi Who wondrous things hath done, In whom His earth re With ev - er joy - ful hearts, And bless - ed peace to The Son and Him who reigns, With them in J r joi ces: cheer us, high - est Heav - en; fear- i Who from our moth - ers' arms Hath blessed us on our way And keep us in His grace And guide us when per - plexed, The one e - ter nal God, Whom earth and Heav - en adore; With count - less And free us For thus it gifts of from all Wcis is love, ills, now, And In And still is ours to - day. this world and the next shall be ev - er - morel i FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IN his very valuable work upon the authorship and history of English hymns, Rev. Samuel W. Outfield makes special mention of no less than one hundred and fifteen hymns and metrical versions of psalms by Isaac Watts. This voluminous hymn-writer came of sturdy stock. He was the grandson of Thomas Watts, a naval officer, who blew up his ship during the Dutch War in 1656, perishing with all on board. His father, Isaac Watts, inherited the family traits of courage and resolute purpose. He was a deacon in a Congrega- tional Church at Southampton, in what were stormy days for the nonconformists. During this time of agita- tion his son Isaac, the oldest of nine children, was born July 17, 1674. The deacon and his pastor were im- prisoned for nonconformity, and the child, then a babe at the breast, was often taken by his mother to the jail door, where she was accustomed to sit upon a stone near the entrance, with him in her arms. In 1683, his father was again imprisoned for six months for the old offence, and on his release was forced to "live privately in London for two years." Meanwhile Isaac had gone on with his studies. About this time he had the op- portunity of a free education if he would give up non- conformity but, being a staunch little Dissenter, he de- clined the offer, and went to London where he continued his studies under Mr. Thomas Rowe until 1694. Here he became attached to Miss Elizabeth Singer and pro- posed marriage, which she declined. This lady after- wards married his instructor, Mr. Rowe. He always remained a bachelor. His earliest hymn was occasioned JOY TO THE WORLD. ^ ISAAC WATTS, 1709. G. F. HANDEL. "ANTIOCH." ? 1. Joy 2. Joy to the world, the Lord is come ! Let earth re - ceive her King ; Let to the world, the Sav - iour reigns, Let men their songs em - ploy ; While and heart pre - pare floods rocks, hills room, plains And Heav'n and nature sing, Re - peat the sounding joy, And Re- nd Heav'n and na - ture Re - peat the sounding sing, And Heav'n and na - ture joy, Re - peat the sounding 3- No more let sin and sorrow grow, Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found. He rules the world with troth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. by a dislike of the verses sung in the meeting-house at Southampton. In 1696, he became tutor in a family at Newington. Here, for the children, he wrote of the ' little busy bee," " the dogs that delight to bark and bite," "the voice of the sluggard," as well as that best of cradle-songs, " Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber." It was at this time that he wrote the " Divine and Moral Songs." He entered the ministry in 1698, preaching his first sermon at Mark Lane, London, but physical infirmity interfered much with this work. In I7T3, after one of his distressing attacks of fever and neural- gia, Sir Thomas Abney took him to his own home. Long afterwards he said to Lady Huntingdon : " This day thirty years I came hither to the house of my good friend, Sir Thomas Abney, intending to spend but one single week under his friendly roof, and I have ex- tended my visit to the length of exactly thirty years." He published his hymns and psalms from time to tune, in book form, and so widely known are many of them in the Christian Church that they are to be found in almost every hymn book. He died Nov. 25, 1748, at the age of seventy-five. In person Dr. Watts was of spare habit, and hardly more than five feet in stature, so that he was known as " the little doctor." He was an able writer and a good speaker, with an unusually fine voice. If it be a greater thing to write a noble hymn, that is sung throughout the world, than to rule a nation wisely, then is he one of the world's great benefactors I FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 73 FROM the time when medical knowledge was first embodied in rules of practice, and probably from a much earlier period, music has held a recognized place in the treatment of disease. In no class of diseases, however, are we likely to derive so much benefit from the use of so pleasant a remedy as in those affecting the mind itself. In melancholia and allied states of depression its value is generally admitted in our own day. Ancient practitioners were also cognizant of its usefulness in this respect. We must all have felt how suitable is its infinite variety and facility of expression to the changing moods of the sane, and it is therefore the less difficult to understand how straying minds are pleased and settled by its charm. Certain it is that its beneficial effect is in this case considerable, and our readers, though possibly unable to acquire a knowledge of the art, should at least possess, and, if needful, assert in practice, a sense of its therapeutic value. Lancet. The poets and sages are no more agreed in their answers to the question, " What is music?" than they were, and are, on Pilate's pathetic question, " What is truth ?" or on that which has been asked almost as frequently, " What is time ? " Plato, with godlike calm, says, " The whole universe is music, for everything in it is order and harmony." Fuller holds that music is the poetry of sounds, as poetry is the music of words. According to Wagner's theory, it is the art of singing words, and of speaking in sounds which express that which is otherwise inexpressible. Schopenhauer's defi- nition is unique : " Music is arithmetic come to life." SHOUT THE GLAD TIDINGS. W. A. MUHLKNBURG, Shout the glad tidings, ex - ult-ing - ly sing, Je - ru - salem triumphs, Messi - ah is King ! - * * aH j 1. Si - on the marvelous sto - ry be telling, The Son of the Highest, how lowly His birth ! The 2. Tell how He cometh ; from nation to nation, The heart-cheering news let the earth echo round : How 3. Mortals, your homage be grate- ful-ly bringing, And sweet let the gladsome Hosanna a - rise; Ye brightest archangel in glo - ry ex - celling, He stoops to redeem thee, He reigns upon earth : free to the faithful He of - fers sal - vation ; His people with joy ever - last - ing are crowned : an - gels, the full Al-le - lu - ia be singing; One chorus resound thro' the earth and the skies : \JTJ . * J * J -FT Je - ru - sa - lem triumphs, Mes - Shout the glad tidings, ex - ult - ing - ly sing, tt* I I -I 1 J- - is Kin. si - ah is King, Mes - si - ah is King, Mes - si - ah g. A - men. 3 FF=F S3E -& m- t^T^r F= 74 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. AN OLD SINGER. It is in his translation of the Gospel of St. John, completed A. D. 735, that the ven- erable Bede appears to us as the first writer of English vernacular prose. The story of the writing of this first prose book in the English language, as related by Cuth- bert, one of Bede's pupils, is full of pathetic interest : As the season of Easter was drawing near, the zealous scholar and teacher began to feel symptoms of approach- ing death. But he continued faithfully the performance of his daily duties, and suffered nothing to distract his attention from his accustomed labor or to abate his usual cheerfulness and good humor. Now and then, while in the midst of his labors, with his pupils all around him, he would sing some verses of an song " rude rhymes that told how before the need, fare, Death's stern ' must go,' none can enough be- think him what is to be his doom for good or ill. We never read without weeping," writes Cuthbert. And so the anxious days passed, and Ascension week drew near, and both master and pupils toiled with increased zeal to finish, if possible, the work in hand the trans- lation of St. John's Gospel. " Learn with what speed you may," said the dying man; " for I know not how long I may last. I do noi want my scholars to read a lie or to work to no purpose when I am gone." The last day came, and his pupils stood around him. "There MARCHING SONG. From the GERMAN. 1. "March on, March on, our way a -long, While gai - ly beats the drum, dum di dum! 2. March on, March on, my comrades brave, With mus - kets flash - ing bright, dum di dum! 3. March on, March on, our steps are light, Our hearts from fear are free, dum di dum! With stead The stars For free - 3 - y tramp and ring - ing song The way and stripes a - bove us wave, And flaunt dom's sa - cred cause we fight, For law will short be - the morn -ing and li - ber come, light, - ty, dum di dum di dum di dum! dum ! dum ! Tra la la la la dum! Tra la la la la dum! La la la la la la la, dum di dum ! P P J. r ~f : l^JJJ.1 J With stead - y tramp and ring - ing song The way will short be - come, dum di dum ! js still one chapter wanting," said the scribe, seeing the master's increased weakness. " It is easily done," said Bede ; " take thy p*en and write quickly." They wrote until eventide drew on. Then the scribe spoke again : " There is yet but one sentence to be written, dear master." "Write it quickly," was the response of the dying man. "It is finished now," at length said the youth. "Thou hast well said," faintly replied the master, "all is finished now." The sorrowing pupils supported him tenderly in their arms while he chanted the solemn " Glory to God," and with the last words of the song his breathing ceased. Such is the story of the beginning of our literature. The humble transla- tion of the Gospel of St. John, completed under cir- cumstances of such painful anxiety, and amid the gathering shadows of death, was the vanguard, so to speak, of that long procession of noble works which, for a thousand years, has been contributing to the devel- opment and glory of the English nation. Baldwin. Music is too often looked upon as nothing but a mere passing enjoyment something only for the moment, to be heard and perhaps little regarded as simply a concord of sounds agreeable to the ear : but true art occupies a much higher sphere than this; and to be able to truly appreciate and enjoy it, we must know something of the laws by which it is governed. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. I LOVE THE MERRY SUNSHINE. J. W. LAKB. STEPHEN GLOVER. 1. I love the mer-ry, mer-ry sunshine, It makes the heart so gay, To hear the sweet birds 2. I love the mer-ry, mer-ry sunshine, Thro' the dewy morning's show'r, \Vithitsro-sy smiles ad - ^ =Pt=P * i sing -ing On their summer hoi- i - day, With their wild-wood notes of du - ty, From vane -ing, Like a beau-ty from her bower! It charms the soul in sad - ness, It i^f m hawthorn bush and tree; Oh, the sunshine is all beau-ty, Oh, the mer - ry, mer - ry sun for sets the spir - it free; Oh, the sunshine is all gladness, Oh, the mer-ry, mer- ry sun for P (J P P P J J J 1*"!*"^ "Tv , me. I love the mer-ry, mer-ry sunshine, It makes the heart so gay, To hear the sweet birds ' ~~ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ MJ^^^^fgas B) ^ S 3: J ! in sing - ing On their summer hoi - i-day, The mer-ry, mer-ry sun, the mer - ry, mer - ry, merry, merry sun for me, The merry, merry sun, the merry sun, The mer-ry, mer-ry sun for me. A FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE influence of music upon a pure mind cannot be understood in this life, much less expressed. The teacher who introduces music into the school as a reg- ular exercise, will have better discipline and will him- self be better. It quickens thought in the students and relieves the monotony of routine, Teach the student to read by note, if possible. If you have no books, use the fingers for notes. Take a given pitch as C, as a standard. Tell your pupils that to sing they must put into action a vocal reed organ, with lungs as bellows, the wind-pipe as pipe, vocal chords as reeds, tongue as the bridge, the roof of the mouth as sounding board. Ask them to define a tone, allowing them to express their own ideas. Illustrate by means of a piece of rubber stretched and vibrated ; thus teach them tlat sound is vibration collected and reflected from an>thig that produces sound. Illustrate lines, spaces, rests, ad so on through the fundamental principles. Inform yourselves thoroughly here. Be not like soldiers on a long march with rations for only a fe\y days. Be true to your calling. It is said that Michael Angelo, while at his work, wore fastened to the forepieceof his artist's cap a lighted candle that no shadow of himself might fall upon his work. This custom spoke a more elo- quent lesson than he knew. How often the shadows fall upon our work falling from ourselves ! Russel. LONG WEARY DAY. (DEN LIEBEN LANGEN TAG.) Allegretto Moderate. SOABIAN VOLK3LIKD. rit. N S=tS=^-N ^ S-^j. ^JV 1 - Be thy sleep se - rene - ry blest! D'rum mein Kind so tchlaf auck dut Let them like two rose - lets lie; Lass tie wie rwei A'nos - pen sein I Winds are moan - ing o'er the wild, Dram-sen sSu self nur jder Wind, And when par - plingmonf shall glow, Mor gen wenn die Sonn' er ^r^_> Lol - la - by, sleep on, my Su, su, sut ichlaf ein, mein Still as rose - lets fresh - ly Sind tit vie die Blunt er child; Kind: blow, 6lukt, I id^lT i B t^ i _ F% I = *Juj *LJ J i t~i I i Jr. ^4 Eh p "} --4 r ~) f .. _ j - IrJ 1 -rl 1 a i r= S \j Lul - la - Su, su, Still as Sind tie ^- -*^ r r " i i r by, sleep on, my child, La, lul - la - by, sleep on, my su t ichlaf ein, mein Kind; Su, su, su, su 1 tchlaf ein, mem rose - lets fresh - ly blow; La, ltd - la - by, sleep on, my ttrif die Blum 1 er - Mfi/i/, Su, su, su, sut sehlaf ein, mein I ^ r~i r s r~t r E C~T ^ ^ i/ & |* i f* "~ i i i -F^ F-r- i 1 1 ; MI,I i; 1,1 HI child; May an Kind: Su, su, gel gleams Per - vade su, sut I thy dreams 1 ter RuKI S X There are singers who have voices of remarkable power, range and flexibility, who can never be great because, either by nature or from bad and ineradica- ble habit, they cannot attain this pure and free deliv- ery of the voice. Theii tone is guttural, or it is nasal, or it is rough, or it is unsteady, or something else ; it may be merely constrained ; in any case, the fault is more or less destructive. There may be great singing without great power, without remarkable flexibility, without the ability to execute a roulade or trill ; but there can be no singing really great without this free, pure delivery of the voice. A singer who can go through the whole range of his voice, from low to high, swelling out the tone and diminishing it with the vowel sound of broad a (ah), preserving, that sound pure, and uniting with it perfect intona- tion through crescendo and diminuendo, has con- quered much more than half the difficulties of the- art of vocalization. All the rest, almost without exception, are mere "limbs and outward flourishes.'" FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 79 SHALL WE MEET BEYOND THE RIVER? H. L. HASTINGS. ELIHU S. RICH, 1866. 1. Shall we meet be-yond the riv - er, Where the sur - ges cease to roll? 2. Shall we meet in that blest har-bor, When our storm - y voyage is o'er 3. Shall we meet in yon - der ci - ty, Where the tow'rs of crys - tal shine ? 4. Shall we meet with Christ, our Sav-iour, When He comes to claim His own? we meet, shall we meet, Shall we meet be - yond the riv - er? ~ ^ ^J T- -S - m ~ * fr be - yond the riv - er, Where the sur - ges cease to roll ? 9 ' +' r i r + i WHILE THE MORNING BELLS. SICILIAN HVMN." % 1. While the morn - ing bells are ring -ing, We to Thee our songs would raise, 2. When the night was fold - ed o'er us, Heav - y dark - ness shut us in ; 3. Thanks to Thee, O heaven - ly Fath - er, For Thine all - pro - tect - ing arm ; Thanking Thee for Thy pro- tec- tiou, Lift - ing to Thee notes of praise. But we slept in peace -ful qui - et, Thou our night- ly guard hast been. Thro' the day, we pray thee, keep us Free from e - vil, safe from harm. May the grace of Christ, our Saviour, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest uoon us from above ! DOXOLOGY. Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, Toys that earth can ne'er afford. 8o FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE popular ballad, " Listen to the Mocking Bird," was written and first published in 1855, by Septimus Winner, of Philadelphia, under the nom de plume of " Alice Hawthorne," his mother's maiden name. It was suggested incidentally by listening to a colored man, Dick Milburn, known as " Whistling Dick," who wan- dered about the city whistling in imitation of a mocking bird, at the same time strumming an accompaniment upon a guitar. Struck by his remarkable performance as a warbler, Mr. W. said to him one day, half in jest, "Dick, I'll write you a song for your mocking bird." The compass of the negro's voice was hardly an octave, and, as will be observed, the melody was made very simple, so as not to be beyond his reach. The words, " Listen to the Mocking Bird," which run higher, were to be spoken by him, not sung, except where they came within his compass, followed by the whistler's marvelous imitation of the bird. The man was a very good-natnred fellow, but of so little intellectual capacity that, though he came to Mr. Winner's music store night after night to learn the words of the song, he was never able to master more than one verse of it. Such, however, was his sense of the comic, and such his facility in improvis- ing lines to the music, suggesting ridiculous fancies to attract the laughing crowd, that his " Mocking Bird " soon added greatly to Dick's local reputation. The song was published in ballad form and at once became very popular, and such is its hold upon the public fancy that, although it has been sung and whistled and played the country over for an average lifetime, it still retains its place as a song of national reputation. It was sold by Mr. Winner to the firm of Lee and Walker for a trifling sum. The profits from its sale have exceeded one hundred thousand dollars, perhaps the largest TOUCH US GENTLY, TIME. BRYAN WALLKR PROCTK*. (BARRY CORNWALL.) * i i i y i i 1. Touch us gen - tly, gently, Time! Let us glide a - down thy stream. Gently as we sometimes 2. Touch us gen - tly, gently, Time! We' ve not proud nor soaring wings; Our am- bi-tion, our con- *li j 0} fcrfcri glide Thro' a quiet, quiet dream ; Humble voyagers are we, Husband, wife, and children three, One Is tent, Lies in simple, simple things ; Humble voyagers are we O'er life's dim, unsounded sea, Seeking tt 55 '3 -<- rrrrrr lost an an -gel fled To the a - zure overhead, Touch us gently, O gentle Time! on - ly some calm clime ; Touch us gen - tly, gentle Time, Touch us gently, O gentle Time ! amount ever realized from any musical composition of its class. There have been published upwards of fifty different arrangements, with variations, each differing from every other in some musical peculiarity, making it one of the most widely known of all airs and ballads ; and yet the composer, during the twenty -eight years of the first copyright, never received upon the song any- thing beyond the price at which it was originally sold. This song at once gave him a reputation which opened the market everywhere to his efforts. It was followed, as it had been preceded, by others in different veins, humorous and pathetic. His first song, " How Sweet are the Roses," was published in 1850; his last, a merry " Party at the Zoo," a tuneful bit of humor, has just appeared ( 1888) in one of the magazines- Be- tween these dates he has written a hundred or more songs, both words and music, many of which have sold by tens of thousands and are very widely known, among them, "What is Home without a Mother?" " Let us Live with a Hope," " I'll Sail the Seas over," etc., besides a large number of instruction books upon different instruments. Some of these songs which, at the time of writing them, he sold for a few dollars each, have netted their publishers full as many thousands, and he laughs pleasantly as he recalls the mistake of these low figures. His songs have had a very large sale also in Great Britain, more than sixty of them having been republished in England. His numerous instruc- tion books have been published under his own name, but his songs under various noms deplume, among (hem " Alice Hawthorne," the most familiar, giving name to the " Hawthorne ballads " ; " Aspley Street," from the street in which he lived; "Mark Mason," a degree of the Masonic order to which he belongs, and others. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Si THE ALPINE HORN. / MAUMUMT. 3d*=z 1 . In the wild chamois track, At the breaking of morn.With the hunter's pride.O'er the mountau side, 2. I have cross'd the proud Alps,I have sail'ddown the Rhone.And there isnospotLikethesimjiecot, I Sf_ *-* * We are led by the sound of the Al- pine horn, Tra la la la la la la la la. And the hill and the val - ley I call my own, Tra la la la la la la la la. f=5 O that voice to me is a voice of glee, Where-ev-er my footsteps roam; And I Theretheskiesarebright,andourheartsarelight,Our bosoms without a fear; Forour * m m H m o I _ I T* /rvjf Chorus. *-\ 21 long to bound.Whenl hear that sound, Again to my mountain home.In the wild chamois the toil is play,And our sport, the fray With themountain roe or deer. Chorus. breaking of morn,With a hunter's pride, O'er the mountain side, We are led by the sound of the fip Echo. Al- pine horn; Tra la la la la la la la la, Tra la la la la la la la la U. hv K r * f -fl i 82 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. A WRITER In a late art journal says : " How many composers in the country, native or foreign born, can, without the aid of an instrument, sit down at their home or while riding in the cars, or while walking along the street, and write out such musical ideas as they may, in inspired moments, conceive ; and more, how many Americans can write an acceptable harmony to these melodic ideas either with or without the aid of an instrument ? A composer must be able to realize the effect of chord connection, inversions, suspensions, sequences, doubling or omitting of notes according to circumstances, progression of individual parts, nature and characteristic peculiarities of the voices or instru- ments to be employed, etc., all this in his head clearly, besides a practical conception of the effect of the legato and staccato, in any kind of phrase or passage in the duophonic, triphonic, tetraphonic, or polyphonic ar- rangements. Then he must be a person of originality, both in melodic and harmonic ideas. The music must be correct in every particular, which means perfection SHE WORE A WREATH OF ROSES. T. H. BAYLY. Jos. P. KNIGHT. 1. She wore a wreath of ro - ses The first time that we met, Her lovely face was smiling Be- 2. A wreath of orange blossoms When next we met she wore; The look upon her features Was more 3. And once again I see that brow, No bridal wreath is there, The widow's sombre cap conceals Her neath her curls of jet, Her foot-step had the light - ness, Her voice the joyous tone, The thoughtful than before; And standing by her side was one Who strove, and not in vain, To once lux - u riant hah"; She weeps in si - lent sol - itude, And there is no one near, To - J*. J - -""- - -m- *=* I* K K S- SLJ-^JI * * ?*t ^t^f ?=& *=*=* v ' '% \ * to - kens of a youthful heart Where sorrow is unknown; I saw her but a moment, Yet me sootheherleavingthatdearhomeShene'ermightviewagain; I saw her but a moment, Yet me- press her hand within his own, And wipe a -way the tear; I see her broken - hearted ! Yet me - ^ ^ ^ m *-1*-p:^ -JF** f now, With the wreath of summer flowers Up - on her snowy brow. now, With the wreath of orange blossoms Up - on her snowy brow. now, In the pride of youth and beauty, With a garland on her brow! e m m m ' - XX in form, phrasing, counterpoint, proper distribution of expression marks, proper marking of the tempos, good taste in the use of any of the embellishments, such as the tirata, direct, inverted or full turn, also the turn after any kind of note or dotted note, the prepared or unprepared trill,spring or mordent, simple or compound appoggiaturas, after-notes and harmonics, and withal an eye for the fitness of things for which the composition is intended, as well as a good knowledge of dramatic effect. Now, sir, I hope that any American who thinks be can compose according to the above conditions, will quietly set to work for his own satisfaction, and each year compose an overture, sonata, concerto, symphony, song without words, fugue, poetry, and music enough for a half hour's performance. Study harmony at least three months each year at the end of two or more years to revise these pieces, and those which are as good in his estimation as when written to bepJayed over before inti- mate friends; if they are satisfied with them other folks- will be ; if not, the compositions should be destroyed."' FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE INGLE SIDE. HEW AINSLBK. T. F. WBISKNTHAL, 1836. si 1. It's rare to see the morning bleeze, Like a bonfire frae the sea; It's fair to see the 2. Glens may be gilt wi' gowans rare, The birds may fill the tree, And meadows hae the L . r fv r i p /. r i i* . i* & ~ : F ** F -- : -H * m- r~ w- bur - nie kiss The lip o' the flow'ry lea ; An' fine it is on green hillside/Where scented ware That sim - mer growth can gie ; But the canty hearth where cronies meet, An' th . - J ' hums the bonnie bee, But rarer, fairer, fin - er far Is the In - gle side for me. dar-ling o' our e'e, That makes to us a warP complete, O, the In - gle side for me. TARA'S HARP. With Feeling. MOORB'S MELODIES. TV" 9- $=& 1. The harp that once thro' Ta-ra's halls The soul of mu - sic shed; Now hangs as mute on 2. No more to chiefs and ladies bright The harp of Ta-ra swells; The chord a - lone that j j. /i r ^j P K * I* k Ta - ra's walls As tho' that soul were fled. So sleeps the pride of former days, So breaks at night Its tale of ru - in tells. Thus Free-dom now so seldom wakes; The KI^=> if- g -i=f^. ^ .-=^ glo-ry's thrill is o'er, And hearts that once beat high for praise Now feel that pulse no more, on - ly throb she gives Is when some heart, in-dignant, breaks, To show that still she lives. '*- FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. I REMEMBER once asking a distinguished Polish lady, herself a notable musician and pupil of the great Chopin, whether she ever played Hungarian music. " No," she answered, " I cannot play it; there is some- thing in that music which I have not got something which is wanting in me." What was wanting I came to understand later, when I became familiar with Hungarian music as rendered by the Tzigane players. It was the training of a gipsy's whole life which was wanting here a training which alone teaches the secret of deciphering those wild strains which seen borrowed from the voice of the tempest or stolen from whispering reeds. In order to have played th< Hungarian music aright she would have required t have slept on mountain tops during a score of years, to have been awakened by fallen dews, to have shared the food of eagles and squirrels, and have been o* equally familiar terms with stags and creeping things conditions which unfortunately lie altogether ou| of the reach of delicate Polish ladies. Blackwood. WHEN I COME. SUABIAN FOLK-SONG. a tempo. 1. Must I then, must I then leave my hap-py lit - tie town, 2. Ah, thy tears ! ah, thy tears ! they are fall - ing like the rain, 3. In a year, in a year, when the lit- tie ber-ries ripe, I. Muss I denn, muss I derm zum Stad - te - le 'naus, hap-py lit - tie town, And fall - ing like the rain, Sweet lit - tie ber - ries ripe, I'll Stad - te - le 'naus, Und *._._._ (^P ^ ' : A rf^* m * * * fm\*rt I * p^u** / i m ZZXZZKZG P. ! ' 1* -5* I* t M ( B ^-tfJLU.. i i r c * B L* ! t U L* -^ * ! b A tt # El k u ' w | fc k. fc > ^ ^ cs. ^^ """^ IK JuL& -1 1 K-N 1 KJ5U hj- J ^ p 4^-4- E K-H fa* d J (-; fc P _i- -'=3--= \J J J g i i f- **Jta -2 2 Z^ S-4 * i=sd thou, my love, bide here ? When I come,when I come,when I come back again, come back again,Then with love, so dear to me ; In the world, in the world, there are many fair beside, many fair beside, But come a- gain to thee, And if then, oh, if then thou dost truly love me still, truly love me still, My du mein Schatz bleibst hier ? Wenn I komm,wenn I komm, wenn I wiedrum komm, wiedrum komm, Kehr' I ^ ^ I I X ^ ^ thee I'll stay, my dear. If now with thee I cannot re -main, My love for thee's the same. When I I'll be true to thee ! Think not an - oth - er when I see, This heart will faithless be. In the dar-ling wife fhou'lt be. In that brief year I'll have served my time, And thou canst call me thine ! And if ein, mein Schatz, bei dir. Kann I gleich nit all-weil bei dir sein, Han I doch mein' Freud' an dir ; Wenn I x-s ^ II -<*- -^-. ***. ^^J J-jg-g-y.-F - m - rr ^EuU i* FFFr i r H L^^P^S a. tempo. come, when I come, when I come back again, come back again, Then with thee I'll stay, my dear ! world, in the world, there are many fair beside, many fair beside, But I'll be true to thee. then, oh, if then thou dost truly love me still, truly love me still, My darling wife thou'lt be. komm, wenn I komm, wenn I wiedrum komm, wiedrum komm, Kehr' I ein, mein Schatz, bei dir. * Wie du weinst, wiedu weinst, dass I |: wandere muss :| Wie wenn d' Lieb' jetzt wir' vorbei ; Sind au drauss, sind au drauss der |: Madele viel :| Lieber Schatz, I bleib' dir treu. Denk' du net, wenn I 'ne And're seh', No sei mei Lieb' vorbei : Sind au drauss, sind au drauss der |: Madele viel, :| Lieber Schatz, I bleib' dir treu. o- Uebers Jahr, iibers Jahr wenn me |:Traubele schneidt,.-], Stell' I hier mi wiedrum ein; Bin I dann, bin I dann dein |: Schatzele noch, :| So soil die Hochzeit sein. Uebers Jahr da ist mein' Zeit vorbei, Do g'hor I mein und dein; Bin I dann, bin I dann dein j: Schatzele noch, :|j So soil die Hochzeit sein. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. BEAUTIFUL BELLS. Moderato. . O. LYTX. m I. 2. Ring a - gain, Ring a - gain, Beauti -ful bells, r r beau - ti - ful bellsj 1 Ring - ing, King - ing, Ring - ing, ' Ring - ing, <^ **BfCf* rr r~r Ring \^ a - gain, Ring a gain, Beau - ti - ful bells, beau - ti - ful bells. ^_ Ring - ing. Ring - ing, Ring - ing, ing ing. I 1. On 2. As the breeze of ev' - ning steal - ing, Hark ! the bells are slow - ly peal - ing, Wak - ing the toil of day is end - ing, Thro' the vales the bells are send - ing Tones with I v 9- ev ev 'ry ten - der feel - ing, Beautiful bells, beauti - ful bells, bells, beautiful bells, 'ry mur-mur blending, Beautiful bells, beauti- ful bells, bells, beautiful bells. = ^ PM =*==== p. I".. 1 .. . | >j i ^_ Bast. ^ ' ** _J" ^ 1^ ^ "> I. Come, Basso, let's be - gin; 2. Of joys for - ev er Sown, 1 h- ! 1 1 ~- : h n. -* r- And Fond ~~l 1 I. Come, 2. We'll |_|< 5_J toys, and sound your sine of days gone rJ A^ T" m ^ v ^ * J J. Jane shall join our iends that ear - ly P? lay, die, . While by, Off __ _j ^ -* -*i _T i* J r~T~ pg ' r_j y g J ^ E-r~* ' Fan and Kate chime in. i - dols o - ver - thrown. =8fr J Breathe Joy's ^ T " ^ ^ o'er the song a - ro - ses cease to b gain, When loom, Hope's r ""^n y ^JTd * w * 1 ' L, 1 tin. CHORUS. * r r~?=^ ix i^ ^ n =E Tre bles both u - nite To join the joy - ous strain. Then come, boys, sound your A, Come, Basso, cheering, glowing beam Shines brightly thro' the gloom. Then come, boys, sound your A, Come, Basso, let's begin, While Jane shall join our lay, And Fan and Kate chime in, La la la la la f- V- *^ 1 m ' la la la, la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, Come, sound your A. -hj-*- f lt= FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. I'M A FORESTER FREE. Allegro con spirito. E. RBYLOFP. U *" * r E. I'm a For- es-ter free and bold, And hunt the wild wolf to his hold, I care for nei - ther monarch's board has bet - ter fare, A fat deer's haunch each day is there, And costs me noth - ing, :S=S=F *^W=J5 1*1 \ *$ \ heat nor cold, I've rent and tax - es free, I've rent I de-clare; No pay they get from me, No pay - - * -* ** -S-r^^-r ^ -~~~\*~n*"lL . I i * h*- 1 *^r~i ^ I ri and tax - es, I've rent and lax - es they get, No pay they get from - w- . i -*- *4*-O P w^ -*- + + * ^-EdEd^id *- * * - *^ :S=r N I ^R=? --*F-i ~ jc^=^=^=fS= 5= S = Jr-^f = tfc- fcr^ At morning light I track the roe, Thro' brier and brake in chase I go, Of rag - ing I laugh at those who toil for gold, Their freedom's bought, their hearts are sold, So I'll be =)=; / *r r 1 L i c i v-s^r i r i i* i * \ > ^ -?- ^ v r storms no fear I know; At morning light, I track the roe, Thro' brier and brake in chase I go, Of king of the greenwood bold, I laugh at those, who toil for gold, their freedom's bought, their hearts are sold, So J__L_ rs ^^lk-feA_j-^i^J-j * fr *k * =E= F^-r-fe7TF ' ^^-FS - fca^ t-Pl -.*-; ^=P: l^V :J=i ing storms no fear I know. A For - ester's life for me, A Forester's life for be king of the greenwood bold. A For - ester's life for me, A Forester's life for y^s. t~ m- :JBI:JB=JB=JB: >'/ * I :t: *-*-*-*- trnft=t=: fB x ix f 1 ^H l SE5S r r r y . i es - ter's life for me, A For - es ter's life for me. 2. No es - ter's life for me, A For - es - ter's life for me. -U-* p-L^_^_^_jJg^=a^ X ^ ^ FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. A curious account of the effect of various kinds of music on different animals is given by a writer in The Spectator. The general order of the experiments, based upon the supposition that animal nerves are not un- like our own, was so arranged that the attention of the animals should be first arrested by a low and grad- ually increasing volume of sound, in those melodious minor keys which experience showed them to prefer. The piccolo was then to follow in shrill and high- pitched contrast ; after which the flute was to be played to soothe the feelings ruffled by that instrument. Pleasure and dislike were often most strongly shown where least expected ; and the last experiment indica- ted stronger dislikes, if not stronger preferences, in the musical scale, ; in the tiger than in the most intelli- gent anthropoid apes. With "Jack," a six-months-old red orang-outang, " as the sounds of the violin began, he suspended himself against the bars, and then, with one hand above his head dropped the other to hU side and listened with grave attention. He then crept away on all fours, looking back over his shoulder, like a frightened baby," and covered himself with his piece of carpet. Then his fear gave place to pleasure, and he sat down, with smoothed hair and listened to the music. The piccolo at first frightened him, but he soon held out his hand for the instrument and was allowed to examine it. " The flute did not interest him, but the bagpipe, reproduced on the violin, achieved a triumph." The capuchins were busy eating their break- fast; " but the violin soon attracted an audience. They dropped their food and clung to the bars, listening, with their heads on one side, with great attention. At the first sounds of the flute the macaques ran away; and the piccolo excited loud and angry screams from all sides." When the flute was played to the elephant, he stood listening with deep attention, one foot raised Andante con GIRL, DON'T YOU CRY. It w GERMAN. Ttndtrly. 1. Ah, lit - tie girl, don't you cry, don't you cry ! 2. Ah, lit - tie girl, don't you cry, don't you cry ! lit - tie girl, don't you cry, don't you cry ! -2.- Ah, Bro - ken your doll is Bro - ken your slate is Bro - ken your heart is know, yes, I know, know, yes, I know, know, yes, I know. Gone is your playhouse, your playmates gone too, Gone your old schoolmates, your school days all o'er, Gone the bright vision of girlhood's sweet dreams, None left to play now but me, dear, and you. Glad, wild or sad, they will come back no more. Fad - ed ere nightfall your sun's golden beams. T , ^, r-, . J r ^iT *-- *. *- -^-. -P- 1 *~\ i ^^ -*** *+r r-^i. 8gff U-L M i 1 >---iH * i*- t ~ r P i i i i r^ t =h= m ' U * ~m ' MI^Kl 1*= ^^ B- i i f M>~I- 4 V i H I tr 'S L* L* "h 5 ^ i ix l^~~l^ "*~T 1 ^- ^ w "r i 1 PT X 1. 1" s s >. V i i ix rit. N -) Ita- H r-1- h K h r i FTT^~*~ i ~*~ i t 5~*t ! _^1^ :^S ^ B^^ ( ^ ~r~ V 33 - ^ -1 f 3 %*- e ^ r 3^3 T/fl i -JV- : pfrVl 'isj f ej ^i g )- 0=j-i^t jytH^^at, ft^S^ < : JjJJj ji Ere night -fall Each hunt - er sighs for home and rest Oh, hunt - er, hon - or must be won. thine's the life for me. Tra la la la la la Tra la la la m k fe, la la la la la la, Tralalaklala la, la, la, Tralalalaiala la, la la la la b la. Tralalalalala la, la, la. 94 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THERE are clear indications that up to the time of the Reformation music was in continual progress in England. But, unfortunately, the Wars of the Roses and the ruthless destruction which accompanied the suppression of the monasteries, the only homes of art of all kinds in those rough, savage days, have obliterated all but the rarest indications. But it is certain, not only from the treatises and compositions of the four- teenth and fifteenth centuries that have survived, but from the splendor of the English school, when we again encounter it about 1520, that hi the interval our music had been growing and flourishing, as everything in England grows and flourishes when it really seizes hold of the English people. Palestrina ( from 1 550 to 1 600) no doubt wrote more nobly than any of his contem- poraries, including our own Tallis and Byrd; but it is not too much to say that the English predecessors of Tallis and Byrd Edwards, Redford, Shepperd, Tye, White, Johnson and Marbecke, who date from 1503 to 1550, were much in advance of any of the prede- cessors of Palestrina on the Continent. For they were their equals in science and they far surpass them in tunefulness and what I may call the common sense of their music. Their compositions display a "sweet CASTLES IN SPAIN. [ALADDIN.] V. BELLINI. JAMBS RUSSKLL LOWELL. 1. When 2. Since I was a beg - gar - ly boy, then I have toiled day and night, I IT- I W W And lived in a eel - lar I have mon - ey and power, a good - damp, I had not a friend, nor a toy, But I had Al - lad' - din's store, But I'd give all my lamps sil - ver bright, For one that is mine no lamp; When I could not sleep for cold, more; Take, Fortune, whatev - er you choose, I had fire e - nough in my You gave and may snatch it a- brain gain; And builded, with roofs of gold, I have nothing 'twould pain me to lose, My beau - ti - ful cas For I own no more cas ties in Spain! ties in Spain! 1 *3EEE reasonableness," a human feeling, a suitability to the words and a determination to be something more than a mere scientific and mechanical puzzle, which few, if anv, of the Continental composers before 1550 can be Said to exhibit. I have only to mention the familiar title of the charming madrigal, " In going to my lonely bed," to convince many of this truth. Such was our position in the first half of the sixteenth cen- tury ; and the half century following is the splendid time of English music, in which the illustrious names f Morley, Weekes, Wilbye, Ford, Dowland and Orlando Gibbons shine like stars. These names may- be unknown to some of you, but the men existed and. their works live live not alone by reason of their science, their pure part-writing and rich harmonies, but by the stream of beautiful melody which flows thi^ugh all their works melody which is ear-haunting even to our modern and jaded natures and which has no parallel elsewhere. Those of yon who have heard such works as the " Silver Swan," by Gibbons, and " Since first I saw your face," by Ford, will, I am sure, endorse my favorable opinion. Arthur Sullivan. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. SING, SMILE, SLUMBER. [CANTI, RIDI, DORMI.] 95. VICTOR HOGO. CHARLES GOUNOD. 1. When at twi - light so softly thy voice breaks into song, 2. When the smile on thy lip chases doubt far from my breast, 3. In the silence of night when mine eye, vigil doth keep, I. Quandtu chan-tes ber-ce-e Le soir entre mes bras, Can'st thou tell the sweet mem'ries of All my gloom is dispelled and for And thy lips murmur softly of Entends tu ma pen-se-e Qui *SiF**S* Mgt VvV^ ' sgyy k k old that round me throng, ev - er in light I rest, love, e'en in thy sleep, te_ repond tout bas. All the dear happy days then return to me, hallowed by thee. In thy sweet smile confiding, 'tis innocence only I see. Ah ! the sight of thy beauty my soul with rapture doth fill. Ton doux chant me rappelle les plus beaux de mes jours ; At! Ah I Ah! Ah! then sing, ah ! sing for - ev then smile, ah ! smile forev then slumber on my fair Chantez, chantez, ma bel er, then sing, ah ! sing to me, Then sing, ah ! sing for- er, then smile, ah ! smile on me, Then smile, ah ! smile for- one, ah ! slumber, slumber still, Then slum - ber fair one,, le, chantez, chantez tou - jours, chantez, chantez, ma ever, sing still to me. Ah ! ever, smile still on me. Ah ! slum -ber, slumber still, Then belle, chantez tou - jours, chan sing smile for ev-er, still ev-er, still ma belle, chan - tez tou jours. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ST. STEPHANOS, the Sabaite, was a monk of the mon- astery of Sabas, where he was placed by his uncle, St. John Damascene. Here he found St. Cosmos, who contributed not a little to form his style a thing not difficult, for Stephen entered the monastery as a boy of ten. He remained within these walls fifty-nine years. Dr. Neale speaks of the Latin stanzas of "Art Thou Wea- ry" as being "very sweet" but his own rendering is quitefree. The original is of the eighth century. Stephen was born in 725 and died in 794, and this is the finest of his hymns. Miss Sally Pratt McLean has used this familiar hymn in her story of " Cape Cod Folks." It is the duet which George Qlver and Benny Cradlebow sing together as they are mending the boat juit before Cradlebow's heroic death. Captain Arkell tells of it thus : " By and by, him and George Olver struck up a song. I've heern 'em sing it before, them two. As nigh as I calc'late, it's about findin' rest in Jesus, and one a askin* questions, all far and squar', to know the way and whether it's a goin' to lead thar straight or not, and the other answerin'. And he he was a tink- erin', 'way up on the foremast. George Olver and the NOW ALL THE BELLS. i^ejj^lz^i^fr^l^J I ! pUJ EASTKR CAROL. r 1. Al-le-lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! 2. Al-le-lu - ia! Al-le- lu - ia! Al-le-lu - ia! 3. Al-le-lu - ia! Al-le- lu - ia! Al-le - lu - ia! T- =t fg- Now all the bells are ring - ing, O has -ten we to meet him, Still, Je - sus ! we a - dore thee JL To welcome Easter Day, And we with joy are sing - ing Our car - ol sweet and gay, With our companions dear, With love and awe to greet him, As he is draw -ing near; With faith which may not fail; Still as we kneel be- fore thee, We hear thee say " All hail J " l== For Je - sus hath a - ris - en From Joseph' Of old his friends were bidden To haste to Thou, who art now de - scending To raise us s rocky Gal - i up to cave, Hath burst his three days' pris - on, - lee: Still in his Church, all glo-rious, thee, An East - er - tide un - end - ing fi tt 1 h I 1 1 _ _ d^ ' V*V 1 m m ^J r r P rl 1 r m "H /L yr ml m - pK * 9 1 4 ' m * ' mf * _& ' r MP WB ^B j ?"^y iW JB* \u) | p m m T*yr-& -r^-- He breaks the power of reigning sin, :He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean; His blood availed for me. Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come; And leap, ye lame, for joy. ART THOU WEARY? ST. STEPHANOS, 780. J. H. HOPKINS. " 1. Art thou 2. Hath He 3. Is there .2. wea marks di - ry, to a - art thou Ian lead me to dem, as Mon guid, Him, arch, Art If That thou sore dis - tressed? He be my Guide? His brow a - dorns? "Come to Me," saith One, "and com - ing, "In His feet and hands are wound-prints, 'Yea, a crown, in ve - ry sure - ty, '>&&. Be And But at rest." His side." of thorns." men. \ If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here? " Many a sorrow, many a labor, Many a tear." If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last? 'Sorrow vanquished, labor ended, Jordan passed." GLORIA PATRP. If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay ? " Not till earth, and not till Heaven Pass away." Finding, following, keeping, struggling, Is He sure to bless ? " Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs, Answer, Yes." Amen. Glory to be to the Father, and to As it was in the beginning, is now, and ev the Son, And to the er shall be, World without Ho - Ty Ghost; end, A - men. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOMZ. I KNOW A BANK. Allegretto. I" J f>.h SHAXSPBXBS. CHAS. . Hour. 1 . I know a bank whereon the wild Chyme grows, I know a bank whereon the wild thyme grows.Where 2. I know a bank whereon the wild thyme grows, With sweet musk roses and with eglantine ; There 4 g r\r P 33t=a * * -- P * 1 TT* :**J f U-ft "Sf=t*=f ox - lips, and the nodding violet blows, Where ox-lips and the nodding vio - let blows, I Sleeps Ti - tan - ia sometime of the night, Lulled in these fiow'rs with dances and delight, I j *! 1*5 F * = -r 1 i r Soprano Solo, obligate. Allegretto. \ r ir J^ g g- g? R^43=ffii nV. know a bank whereon the wild thyme grows, The wild thyme grows. There sleeps the fairy queen, ==ij La, a, la, la, la, la, la, la, $m^ 3 J: f rrr 5* ere sleeps sometime of the night, Lulled in their flowers With dances and de - m -fe I ta I W - r h i^ h'r r. 1= la, la, la, la, la, la, la, III y~:^y I aau-*TgBac 'PPFT t ( , Ja, la, la, la, ia, la, La, la, la, la, la, i i t5rffc ^- ..-j i^Si* 1 -^- * -zrfV ! J J h JsJ ir P-I*IFI*"~T^ !^-~J^J* P M* r f~^ ^^jEsEH^Ei^Eiir tfur TI T r i r r i r rrr . i^ light. There sleeps the fai - ry queen, There sleeps sometime of the night, S ***** -> ^ J~] * T_ ^ --&=ni- ggggr T ^ r ir KI ^-M^M^ la, la, la, la, la, la, Ia, la, la, k, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, ia, With . ,ulled in their flowers, With dances and de - With dan-ces and de< FA VOR1TE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. dan - ces and de - light. With dan - ces and de . Hght, ^ <-p _ i 99 > > light, With dan -ces and de- light," and de - light, With dan ces and de - light. With dances and de - light, with dances and de - I I* + + + i&'rd* i a m <' * ify ^-r-S-S-p-'-f- >f _ i ./=a r a 1 1 S: <*Z _ c= ^__. _ i*-, AH, FOR WINGS TO SOAR. . PRIM A DONNA WALTZ. f) Espression. 1. Ah ! for wings to soar 2. Ah! for one sweet word, 3. Ah ! for one bright smile, O'er the dark blue sea, Whispered in mine ear, Full of love's sweet art, Speed-ing from this Stir - ring, as it Strong to cheer and ::=: f LU^-U. f t^I tin Fine. ^ f &E M ex - ik shore, To live in peace with thee. The years seem bright when hope's so ft star Shone oft hath stirred. My heart with mem'ries dear. The years roll on, and hope once strong Grows charmed to wik' Each sor - row from the heart. No stranger's words can comfort bring, No t :-3:-1 *: i out in light a - cross our way, And ev - 'ry hill and vale a - far Was gladden'd by its ray. faint and wea - ry with de lay Ah, me! how earnest -ly I long To thee to fly a - way! stranger's smile give joy to me ; Oh : for some sea-bird's buoyant wing To bear me home to thee ! ^ I & I* ' 100 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. YEOMAN'S WEDDING SONG. PRTNCB PONTATOWSKI. Words by MARIA X. HAYK. * ' --* ^jaiTTjTfi Allegretto giojoso. 1. Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, I love the song, For it is my wedding morn - ing, 2. Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, my steed, hie on, For the church will soon be fill - ing, They ?3 fc -J V gi m ^ i And the bride so gay in fine ar - ray, For the day will be now a- must not wait, they must not wait, For were we late, they'd deem the groom un- fcfc E brio. r dorn will ing. ing. Tho' I've little wealth but sov'reign health, The sun is high in the morning sky, And the pB^ Ed5 P 1 i*ta And am but a yeoman free, lark o'er our heads doth sing, When heart joins hand, there's none in the A bri - dal song as we gal - lop a- m% PPflpcplpijLa 65 P-S-^F r r-' I 1^-1 j ,j Kjj-jyujtg: pVfJ ^ ^4=4 y^X r u =3=-ah-^+3=j = ^-J-h^h ^ r land long, Can be rich - er in joys than we. Ding dong, ding dong, we'll gallop a- Keep -ing time to the bells as they ring. Ding dong, ding dong, we'll gallop a- -r^3 long. All fears and doubting scorning, Ding dong, we'll gallop along, All fears and doubting $ S T u FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. K S -L. ^r 101 the valley we'll haste, for we ve no time to waste, HARK! I HEAR AN ANGEL SING. W. C. BAKKR. R. G. SHRIYAL. Andante. 1. Hark! I hear an angel sing, Angels now are on the wing, And their voices ringing clear,, 2. Just beyond yon cliff of snow, Sil- ver rivers brightly flow; Smiling woods and fields are seen, 3. Look ! eh, look, the southern sky Mirrors fiow'rs of ev'ry dye, Children tripping o'er the plain, Tell us that the Spring is near. Dost thou hear them, gentle one, Dost thou see the glorious sun Mantled in a robe of green; Birds and bees and brooks and flow' rs, Tell us all of vernal hours; Spring is coming back again, Spring is coming, shouts of glee, Singing birds on bush and tree, p-*-m- + * * M ify ri Mil i rS> *-&- Ris - ing higher in the sky. As each day, as each day it passes by ? Hark ! I hear an angel sing, There the birds are weaving lays For the happy, the happy Springtime days. Just beyond yon cliff of snow, And the bee it merry hums, For the Springtime comes, it comes, it comes. Hark 1 1 hear an angel sing, rrr Angels now are on the wing, And their voices singing clear, Tell us that the Spring is near. Sil - ver rivers brightly flow, Smiling woods and fields are seen, Mantled in a robe of green. Angels now are on the wing, And their voices singing clear, Tell us that the Spring is near. By permission Oliver Ditson Company, owners of copyright. An Arbor Day Song. 102 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. WHY are certain violins of more value than others? Accurate judgment is a matter which depends on the union of so many qualities that it is rare indeed to find two opinions completely alike. Nevertheless there are a few instruments which, by universal consent, have become the standard of taste. An appeal to these famous violins must decide what is that tone which confers the immense value which some violins have realized, the distinguishing characteristics of tone of the violins made by Nicholas Amati, Stradivarius, and Guarnerius, the Raphaels, Titians, and Claudes of the musical world. In some violins there is ap- parent power under the ear, arising from coarseness. This is a species of power which is observable chiefly by the player. The listener, especially if at a little distance, does not hear this power. The tone ia clogged and thickened with the resinous panicles that have remained in the wood, and which, perhaps, from its nature, may never leave it altogether, and the vibration is not therefore perfect. Another cause of false power is a certain imperfect build wherein the parts are not properly calculated, as in the fine Cre- mona instruments. What is real power ? It is simply musical tone, divested of all adventitious qualities. When tone of this class is heard near, the effect is charming to the ear. When heard afar off, it seems to swell out, becoming grand, glorious! Who that has heard a great player on a fine instrument, has not been astonished at the immense quantity of tone which arises from this exceedingly fine quality? Pearce. WEAR A BRIGHT SMILE. ) Andante. G. VKRDI. Wear a bright smile, tho' the dark cloud of sorrow Dim for a while Hope's bright, sunny ray;' ear a bright smile, for per- haps by to-mor-row, The grief that oppresses will van-ish a - way. 1 . Wear a bright smile, forget grief and sighing, Ban - ish each canker that preys on the heart: 2. Wear a bright smile, for sad - ness is o - ver, Let us en -joy ev-'ry mo-mentthat flies, lope, smiling hope, tho' the moments are fly-ing, O'er fading dreams will a ha-lo im -part; Hearts will not al - ter but e'er will dis -co v-er A charm in the rose though it withers and dies; M_S4^ glfrUfr g|f i F r i H -H i h_ lope, smiling hope, tho'"the moments are fly -ing, O'er fading dreams will a ha-lo im-part. Love will not al - ter, but e'er will dis- cov -er A charm in the rose though it withers and dies. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 103 JAMIE'S ON THE STORMY SEA. BERNARD CorWtT. 1. Ere the twilight bat was flitting, In tEe sun -set, at her knitting, Sang a lone - ly 2. Warmly shone the sunset glowing; Sweetly breath'd the young flow'rs blowing; Earth with beauty 3. Cur - few bells re - motely ringing Mingled with that sweet voice singing, And the last red 4. How could I but list, and lin-ger, To the song, and near the sin - ger, Sweetly woo - ing maid en, sit -ting Un - derneath her threshold tree; And, ere daylight died be-fore us, o - ver- flow-ing, Seemed the home of love to be, As those an -gel tones as-cending, ray seemed clinging, Lin-geringly to tower and tree; Near-er as I came, and nearer, Heav'n to bring her Ja - mie from the storm - y sea; And while yet her lips did name me, -* I* *-rr* ^p-i P i I* . * + i + O-^f 1 - Ix ' ' ix * And the vesper stars shone o'er us, Fit-ful rose her tender chorus, " Jamie's on the stormy sea." With the scene and season blending, Ever had the same low ending, " Jamie's on the stormy sea." Finer rose the notes, and clearer ! Oh ! 'twas Heaven itself to hear her, " Jamie's on the stormy sea !" Forth I sprang, my heart o'ercame me ; "Grieve no more, love, I am Jamie, Home returned to love and thee," * -=^^ :: = 1 i-\ WHEN THE GREEN LEAVES. *^ 1. When the green leaves come again, my love, When the green leavescome again, Why put on a dark and 2. Ah ! the spring will still be like the last, Of its prom - ise false and vain, And' the summer die in 3. So the seasons pass, and so our lives, Yet I nev - er will complain; But I sigh, while yet I |E|Egg| w \o-\- H i m >- -m- ~-&-^ -\m~i-Tam~ ' ^ * ,_L^ m e-0 1 1-4-2 1-3 1 tH -t * t^- 1*T-P -^1i ^-^-p 4 ;x 1*~*~t -I ?-V-?-5 y-\& i^ i^a*- ^ ix->- hx IX IX HS l-Pr f 1 M w *-&* S IX r^- ^ * =*- ^ U r-J h r y r~> h SgESEB U _ i- --_ -\ m , I + J^-^k -* *i- J ^!~ cloud - y face, When the green leaves, When the green leaves, When the green leaves come again ? win-ter'sarms, Ere the green leaves, Ere the green leaves, Ere the green leaves come a-gain. know not why, When the green leaves, When the green leaves, When the green leaves come again. Nay, lift up your thankful eyes, my level Thinking less of grief or pain ; .For as long as Jiill -and vale shall last, Will the green leaves come again. Sure as earth lives under winter's snow, Sure as love lives under pain, It is good to sing with every thing, When the green leaves come again* 104 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. SEE AT YOUR FEET. M. W. BALFB. From " BOHEMIAN GIRI." -*^a 1. See at your feet a suppliant one, Whose place should be your heart; 2. Oh! do not spurn the only friend On whom she could de - pend; Behold the on - ly I was the on - ly liv - ing thing Towhichshe had to cling, liv - ing thing To which she had to cling: And saved her life,watch'd o'er her years, And saved her hfe,watch'd o'er her years, With all the fondness faith endears, And her affection With all the fondness faith endears, And her affection I won. Rend not such ties a - part. won. Rend not such ties a - part. 1. Who is Syl via? 2. Is she kind as 3. Then to Syl - via what is she. she is fair? let as sing, That all our swains commend For beau - ty lives with kind That Syl - via is ex - eel - U her? ness. ling: Ho - ly, fair, To her eyes She ex eels and wise is love doth re pair, each mor - tal thing The heav'nssnch grace did lend her To help him of his blind ness, Up on the dull earth dwell ing, fci ^fijr=i=lzjzzJ5^| n^ ^^f^n^~^^^ That a - dor ed she might And, being heal'd, he there doth Gar lands to her let as be, dwell, bring, That a - dor - ed she might be. And, being heal'd, he there doth dwell. Gar - lands to her let as bring. * F FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 105 BATTLE-HYMN OF REPUBLIC. Allegretto. w I JULIA WARD HOWR. i S 1. Mine eyes have seen the glo - ry of the com ing of the Lord; He is 2. I have seen Him in the watch - fires of a hun - dredcir- cling camps; They have 3. I have read a fie - ry gos - pel, writ in bur - nished rows of steel; "As ye 4. He has sound-ed forth the trum - pet that shall nev - er call re -treat; He is 5. In the beau - ty of the lil - ies, Christ was born a - cross the sea, With a m p tramp - ling out the vin - tage where the grapes of wrath are stored ; He hath build - ed Him an al - tar in the eve - ning dews and damps; I can deal with my con - tern - ners, so with you my grace shall deal; sift - ing out the hearts of men be - fore his judg - ment seat; his bos - om that trans - fig - ures you and me; ' H glo ry \ JL Let the Oh, be As He ^^ ^r~ J5> 7^=*? e loosed the fate - ful light-ning of His ter - ri-ble swift sword. His truth is marching read His righteous sen- tence by the dim and flar - ing lamps. His day is marching He - ro, born of worn - an, crush the ser- pent with his heel, Since God is marching swift, my soul, to an - swer Him ! be ju - bi-lant, my feet! Our God is marching died to make men ho- ly, let us die to make men free, While God is marching Glo - ry! glo - ry! Hal - le - lu - jah! Glo - ry! glo - ry! Hal - le - lu - jah! ~ . ~ J N its i @ P Glo - ry! glo - ry! Hal - le - lu jah! His truth is march-ing on. I m & __ . 1^' f 106 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THK meet farwrable period in the whole school life for laying a solid foundation for the intelligent ren- dering of music is the first three years, and here is where we must make a more sensible and intelligent beginning. We need first to appreciate the ability of the little child to learn the elements of music. This we shall never know till we learn better how to pre- sent these elements in their.' simplicity, in accordance with the mental laws, by which the mind acquires a knowledge of all subjects. The supposition has been that little children could not be taught to read music intelligently, simply because it had not been generally and successfully accomplished. The failure has not been on account of inability on the part of the chil- dren to learn music, nor on account of the notation by which it is represented, as some would have us to believe, but on account of a lack of knowledge among those employed in the teaching of this subject. Holt. INNISFAIL. E. C. PHELPS. THOMAS C. LATTO. te I h ! Jl Andante con moto express. ^ -9-1 -y -J- 1 . O land of saints, of streams and song, And sorrow wild as Benshee's wail, The hundred harps of 2. The glo-ry of a thousand years Is not to van - ish like a dream, We swear it by the Ta - ra long To swell the cry of In - nis- fail, Whose modest maidens watch and pray For quenchless tears That o'er the grave of Emmet stream; Green flag be foremost as of yore; Thy ' help that comes from Heav'n alone ; Whose stalwart sons sus - tain the sway In ev - 'ry em - pire * pri - mal strength, lov'd islo, renew ; Thy honors bright' ning more and more, Long as a shamrock Chorus. save their own. O In - nis-fail, my own dear isle, Tho' ling'ring years of wrong be thine, The drinks the dew. O In - nis-fail, my own dear isle, Tho' ling'ring years of wrong be thine, The] f Z :Bfc sunburst thro' the storm shall smile ; The day has dawn' d, thy light shall shine. O Innisfail ! O Innisfail I FA VORITE SC^fGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 107 CHURCH MILITANT. REGINALD HEBBR, 1827 H. S. CUTLER. "ALL SAINTS. 1. The Son of God goes forth to war, A kingly crown to gain; 2. The mar - tyr first, whose eagle eye Could pierce beyond the grave, 3. A glorious band, the chos - en few, On whom the Spirit came : 4. A no - ble army, men and boys, The matron and the maid, His blood-red banner Who saw his Master Twelve valiant saints, their Around the Saviour's S*i rrcrrr =St streams a - far, Who follows in His train? Who best can drink his cup of woe, Tri- in the sky, And called on Him to save: Like Him, with pardon on his tongue, In hope they knew, And mocked the cross and flame: They met the tyrant's brandished steel, The throne rejoice, In robes of light ar - rayed : They climbed the steep ascent of Heav'n Thro' +.JL4*. m umphant o ver pain ; midst of mor - tal pain, li - on's go - ry mane; per - il, toil, and pain: Who pa - tient bears his cross below, He follows in His train. He prayed for them that did the wrong : Who follows in His train ? They bowed their necks the death to feel : Who follows in their train? O God! to us may grace be given To follow in their train! "SOFTLY NOW THE LIGHT OF DAY. p DONIZETTI. 1. Soft - ly now the light of day Fades up - on my sight a - way; Free from care, from 2. Soon for me the light of day Shall for - ev er pass a - way ; Then, from sin and 3 m i da-=M la - bor free, Lord, I would commune with Thee. Thou, whose all - per - va - ding eye sor - row free, Take me, Lord, to dwell with Thee. Thou who, sin - less, yet hast known ^fr i ' ^ i ~ h=t=-j i F 5; ^ -2 n era. | Til. Naught escapes, without, within, Pardon each in - firm - i - ty, O - pen fault, and se-cret sin. All of man's in- finn-i-ty, Then, from Thine e - ter - nal throne, Jesus, look with pitying eye. , ,1 - \F piKr rrir-Jixirr J J Tr^^ 108 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. PRESENTLY George came to the door of the sick room, and begged her to go down and sing to him. Of course, in the house of a dean's widow no music ex- cept sacred must be heard on a Sunday; but to have Helen sing it, George would condescend even to a hymn tune; and there was Handel, for whom he pro- fessed a great admiration ! . . . Although she had often sung from Handel for his pleasure, content to reproduce the bare sounds which both they and the words repre- sented, she positively refused this evening to gratify him. She would sing from "The Creation" if he liked, but nothing out of " The Messiah" would she or could she sing. Perhaps she could herself hardly have told why, but George perceived the lingering influence of the morning's sermon, and, more vexed than he had ever yet been with her, for he could not endure her to cherish the least prejudice in favor of what he despised, he said he would overtake his aunt, and left the house. The moment he was gone, she went to the piano, and began to sing " Comfort ye." When she came to " Come un- to me," she broke down. But with sudden resolution she rose, and having opened every door between it A HUNDRED YEARS TO COME. W. C. BROWN. dfe 1 4= 4= I 1 h i J i -h- 9 |5S;-E=^-. * 9 m- : j -t 9 * : t ^ ~ i ^^ ^^ -^ I. Where, where will be the birds that sing, A hun - dred years to come? The 2. Who'll press for gold this crowd - ed street, A hun - dred years to come? Who'] 3. We all with -in our graves shall sleep, A hun - dred years to come! No Icy3*jj. *- --> i > <^ <^ - > >* F F-- H ^ 1 I ' _(_: |K_: P- 1 -i 1 * J - * "1 I ' -) J^- flowers that now in beau - ty spring, A tread yon church with will - ing feet, A liv - ing soul for us will weep, A > ^ hun - dred years to come? hun - dred years to come? hun - dred years to come ! The ro - sy lip, Pale, trembling age, But oth - er men the and our lof - ty brow, The heart that beats fie - ry youth, And child-hood with lands will till, And oth - ers then so gai - ly now? Oh, where will be love's its heart of truth, The rich, the poor, on our streets will fill; While oth - er birds will r * r r m beam - ing eye, Joy's pleas - ant smile, and sor - row's sigh, A land and sea, Where will the might -y mil - lions be, A sing as gay, As bright the sun shine as to - day, A hun -dred years to come? hun - dred years to come? hun - dred years to come ! and her brother, raised the top of the piano, and then ang "Come unto me" as she had never sung in her life, nor did she stop there. At the distance of six of the wide standing houses, her aunt and cousin heard her singing " Thou didst not leave," with the tone and expression of a prophetess of a Maenad, George said. She was still singing when he opened the door, but when they reached the drawing-room she was gone. She was kneeling beside her brother. Macdonald. THE profane never hear music; the holy ever hear it It is God's voice, the divine breath audible. When it is heard then is a Sabbath. It is omnipotent. All things obey music as they obey virtue. . . . Woe to him who wants a companion, for he is unfit to be a companion even of himself. We inspire friendship in our fellow-men when we have, contracted friendship with the gods. . . . The wood-thrush launches forth his evening strain from the midst of the pines. I admire the moderation of this master. There is nothing tumultuous in his song. There is as great an interval between the thrasher and the wood-thrush as between Thomson's "Seasons" and Homer. H. D. Tkoreax, FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 109 COME TO THE SPARKLING FOUNTAIN. CHILDHOOD SONGS. 1. Come, oh, come with me where the sparkling fountain Flows at the foot of for-est-clad 2. Come, oh, come, the stream is gushing free, Drink where wa - ter gleams, so cool to 3. Come, oh, come with me to springs the fair -est, Drink, oh, drink with me of nee - tar fg)3t SI ^ mountain ; While we dwell be-low our song shall be " Pure, bright water, no drink but thee ! " see; Hill and val- ley through, the glens a - round, Bless -ings glad on water a-bound. ' rar - est ; Nev - er shall it cause thee woe or wailing, Ev - er a blessing un - fail - ing. + +.-*s* 1 m - -9-1 V V rr ^=$ ^ Tra la la la la la la la la la, Tra la la la la la la la la. m 9 9 J#M + \9 J\9' 9 9- 9 ,9 9 -pflfr sff=gy=gi^vPpgEE > P'-P'-P'P I ii WAKING OR SLEEPING. Solo. J.V. BLAKH. 1 2 1. Wake, hap - py children, In the dew -y morn, Wake when the birds sing For the ro - sy 2. Play, hap -py children, In the gold -en noon, Soon day is end- ed And the night comes 3. Sleep, hap - py children, In the ho - ly night, Gone is the day-beam, But the stars are 4. Morn, noon and night-time, God your soul shall keep, Wak - ing or play -ing, Or in qui - et dawn. Wake at dawn, wake at dawn. Oh,.. soon. Play at noon, play at noon. Oh, bright. Sleep at night, sleep at night. Oh,.... sleep, Safe shall keep, safe shall keep. Oh,. wake in the rosy dawn, Starry night is gone, play in the golden noon, It will fade too soon, sleep in the holy night,When the stars are bright, waking or sleep-ing, God our souls shall keep. m 9-99 1 - m t=^ 110 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. TEA IN THE ARBOR. Andante nan trepfw. J. 1. What pleasure folks feel, when they lire oat of town, In the culture of turnips and a. I de-dine aa I can, when oft they in - vite, For of rn-ral de-lights I'm no 3. I had on thin shoes and the gray - el was damp, The thought of it made me quite 4. Of lit - tie green flies on my dress came a host, And a bee put me all in a ^ flow - ers, And getting a friend, now and then, to come down To look at their walks and their lov - er; Of insects and rep-tiles I can't bear the right, They make me to shudder all ner vous, From a cold, or a fit of the gout, or the cramp, I said to myself, " Oh ! pre flut ten A 87 eat dad-dy-long-legs stuck fast on my toast, And left one of k his limbs in the bow - en, And such is the taste of some dear friends of mine, Mister, Mistress, and Miss Ma -ry o ver. How - ever, last Monday I went there to dine: "I am glad you are come," said Miss- serve us!" And when we got there a great frog made me jump, Which was excellent fun to Miss- but - ter. In rath - er bad temper I homeward did jog, And next morning I wrote to Miss Bar - ber, Who will oft have me come to their ril - la to dine, A"nd then to take tea in the Bar - ber, " I know yon will like it, the weather's so fine, And we all will take tea in the Bar - ber; Then there was a long cat- er - pil-lar fell plump In my first cup of tea in the Bar ber, That here in my pock - et, I found the great frog, Which frighten'd me first in the bar ; Where there are sweet willies and daf-fy-down-dil-lies, Per-fumes like the shop of a bor." Sweet lillies and willies and daf-fy-down-dil-lies, Pcr-fumes like the shop of a bor. Sweet lil-lles and willies and daf-fy-down-dil-lies, Per-fumes like the shop of a bor. M And though there be lillies and daf-fy-down-dil-lies," Said I, in my note to Mist frfEFgige^ FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Ill bar-ber, And ro - ses and posies to scent up your noses ; Then come and take tea in the ar - bor. bar-ber, And ro - ses and posies to scent up your noses ; Then come and take tea in the ar - bor. bar-ber, And ro - ses and posies to scent up your noses ; Did you ever take tea in the ar - bor? Barber," And ro- ses perfuming, excuse from com - ing A - gain to take tea in the ar - bor! r-r~r=g '- -m ' k p WHAT WILL YOU DO, LOVE? SAMUEI. LOVER,, 184*. * 7 g 1. "What wiH yoa do, love, when I am go-ing, With white sail flow - ing, the seas De- 2. " What will you do, love, if distant tid-ings Thy fond con - fid - ings should un - der- 3. "What would you do, love, when home re-turn-ing, With high hopes burning, with wealth for fp* E^ttj-WVJtgtii i yond ? What will you do, love, when waves divide ns, And friends may chide us for be - ing mine; And I a - bid - ing 'neath sultry skies, Should think other eyes more bright than you, If my bark, which bounded o'er foreign foam, Were lost near home, ah ! what would yoa }z=fc r r-r i=P f v- fe 5& ? fond ?""Tho' waves divide us, and friends be chiding, In faith, a - bid ing, thine?" "Oh, name it not, tho' brand of shame Were on thy name, do?" " So thou wert spared, I'd bless the mor - row, In want and sor-row, I'll still I'd still that left be true; be true; me you; ^^ ' And I'll pray for thee on the stormy o - cean, In deep de - vo-tion ; that's what I'll do." But that heart of thine, should an-oth-er share it, I could not bear it, what would I do?" And I'd welcome thee from the wasting billow, This heart thy pillow; that's what I'd do." -f-r- & i -<# * ^ 3=* 112 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HALLELUJAH CHORUS. G-P-HA^EU i ! i AlltgrotnatttotO. i fr fr fc w w fr i i 'I w h w f\Sl I i 1 Hal - le - lu-jah ! Hal - le - lu-jah ! Halle - lu-jah ! Halle-lu-jah ! Hal-le tn~- lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah! F* ^ =^=t: Hal-le-lu-jah! Halle-lu-jah! Halle-lu-jah! Hal-le - lu -jah! For the Lord God Omnipotent ft MS fcfcJh fcjji* ?*3t reigneth! Hal-le - lu-jah! Halle -lujah! Halle - lu-jah ! Halle - lu -jah ! For the Lord God Omnipotent EJ 1 ! J =ji L fc&-&-t f ^^ ^g-^-jg-^>ig_p | * [ ^ gg_y_^i&=f :=:;!g ii - "88 i N N fcfr N N iiau-fljiaaa r reign - eth! Hal-le - lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah! Halle - lu - jah! Hal-le-Iu- jah! The v-^ 8 kingdom of this world I is Be - come the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ, and of his i! Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever, King of kings. Halle -lu- jah ! Halle i for-ev-er and ev-er, FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. and Lord 1 >of lords lu-jah! for-ev-er and ev-er, Halle -lu-jah I Halle -lujah! King of kings, and Lords of j_^ -4*--r- ^-<^ , -i p" < ^ I F- -*-**- T F -<9- While the mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry horn hun - ter Fresh charms for the night. ) * * U Calls, your slum-bers, And hail the new day." itirrup at the end of the chain. This stirrup rests upon a curious body, which looks like a snail-shell with tubes coming out of it. This body, which is called the labyrinth, is made of bone, but it has two little windows in it, one covered only by a mem- brane, while the other has the head of the stirrup resting upon it. Now you will readily understand that when the air in the auditory canal shakes the drumhead to and fro, this membrane must drag the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup. Each time the drum goes in, the hammer will hit the anvil, and drive the stirrup against the little window; every time it goes out it will draw the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup out again, ready for another blow. Thus the stirrup is always playing upon this little window. Meanwhile, inside the bony labyrinth there is a fluid like water, and along the little pas- sages are very fine hairs, which wave to and fro like reeds; and whenever the stirrup hits at the little window, the fluid moves these hairs to and fro, and they irritate the ends of a nerve, and this nerve car- ries the message to the brain. There are also some curious little stones called otoliths, lying in some parts of this fluid, and they, by their rolling to and fro, probably keep up the motion and prolong the sound. You must not imagine we have explained here the many intricacies which occur in the ear. We can only hope to give you a faint idea of it, so that you may picture to yourselves the air-waves- moving backwards and forward in the canal of your ear, then the tympanum vibrating to and fro. the hammer hitting the anvil, the stirrup knocking at the little window, the fluid waving the fine hairs and rolling the tiny stones, the end of the nerve quiv- ering, and then in some marvelous way ( haw we- know not ) the brain hearing the message. Buckley,. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ALL'S WELL. J. BRAHAM. ^~* J. tSRAHAM- ft Anda*te. ^ , -^ f t t ^ ^^ ^^___j _ S M 1. De-sert-ed by the wa - ning moon, When skies proclaim night's cheerless noon On 2. Or sail - ing on the mid night deep, Wnile wea - ry messmates soundly sleep, The ^ttKb ^^v4 m ^ A . -^- -^- -+- > m o> m "^ ^^ "^ * ^^ 4" -^-^ ^" "^" ag jr[f g=pp^r=f^^-~^T p E=pE=!=FiE=p=r ! F=nrii 5 gfilH-THF-^e==p==^S=fe==C44-^fc^^^^f= tow - er, fort, or tented ground, The sentry walks his lonely round,The sen - try walks his careful watch patrols the deck, To guard the ship from foes or wreck,To guard the ship from- 3 ^^ 1^^ 1^ I * \ ^ lone - ly round, The sen - try walks his lone - ly round. And should a footstep foes or wreck, To guard the ship from foes or wreck. And while his_ thoughts_of t [Who goes haply stray Where caution marks the guarded way.Where caution marks the guarded way.the guarded way, homeward veer.Some friendly voice salutes his'ear.Some well-known voice salutes his ear,salutes his ear, J o [What z!y . A. r^ P-^ \st I 2nd. 1st \ /-v znd Ada e to - n ii KT ' N 1 ' i r~N .^^ i ; 1 r-iy 1^^ i |X ^1 there ? Stranger, quickly tell! A friend. The word ? Good-night. All's . . well, All's. . . cheer ? Brother, quickly tell ! A -bove. Be - low ? Good-night. All 's . . well, All 's . . . T 2,fid \\ o ^^^rt x^ 'Zftd A IX well. The word,Good-night ? All.all 's well, well, A bove, Be - low, All, all's well *= The effect is better when the voices answer each other in duet in the last braces as indicated. n6 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ABOUT the worst nse a congregation can make of a thoir is to leave it to do the singing for the people. To say nothing of human worship by proxy, the con- gregation which leaves the choir to do all the singing misses many advantages. Yet this is too often the case, and in some quarters increasingly so. In too many places of worship the work of the choir is be- coming a separate and independent performance, and the body of the congregation look on with indifference or listen with interest, as the case may be. You may call it a Sunday concert in the House of God, but never call it congregational worship when the people pay little heed to the singing, and take little personal part in it. Either the congregations should take more part and interest in the Tocal worship, or letre it to the choir altogether, merely following them, programme in hand, as at an oratorio. Few congre- gations are prepared for such a decision as would exclude them altogether from the singing part *f worship except as listeners. Then, if they would not give up their right to sing, let them show their appre- ciation of the privilege by more skillful and hearty singing. Good congregational singing is not to be had without toil and cost. If it could come by merely wishing for it, then many congregations would sing much .better than they do. They n-ed to inform themselves what really is good congregational singing, and then lay themselves out for it accordingly. A WHAT FAIRY-LIKE MUSIC. p Grazioso. JOS. DnPlNNA. - J- -}- "^ 1. \Vhat fai . ry 2. The winds are like mu sic steals all hush' d, and the o ver the sea, wa ters at rest; sen- ses with charm'dmel-o-dy ? 'Tis the voice of the mer- maid, that floats o'er the passions in in fan cy's breast; Till storms shall un - chain them from out their dark main, Asshemin-gle3 her song with the gon- do- lier's strain! 'Tis the voice of the cave. And break the re - pose of the shore and the wave. Till storms shall un - ^ 3* * L-4M- el * > to. g-jS-flr-rn! g gj *i*p jj *! ] n _ r *j I m, - j mermaid, that floats o'er the main, As she mingles her song with the gon - do - lier's strain, chain them from out their dark cave, And break the re - pose of the shore and the wave. & i minister cannot from the pulpit give much advice about singing. The congregation needs at times to be tailed together apart from worship, and. solely for practice and instruction in the vocal art. A skillful and judicious teacher can soon point out the usual faults and lead them on by intelligent practice to better work.' Occasional practice in congregational singing is indispensable, and there is no first-class work done without it The exercises for the produc- tion of the voice should be gone through, as also exercises in the different intervals and through various keys. A month's practice of this kind will be of more use for improvement than the singing of a hundred tunes. Those who take part in the psalmody of the congregation should be encouraged to practice the exercises at home. The unison practice has many ad- vantages, but it does not supersede private practice. The defects of the voice may be pointed out very clearly in the singing class, where more or less indi- vidual instruction may be given, but they can be most effectually corrected by private practice; and those who will persevere in private for only half an hour a day will soon be able to make a better public contribution to the general worship of song. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. WELCOME TO MORNING. 117 J. OFFENBACH. 8 1. The sun is ris - ing o'er the o - cean, The smil - ing wa - ters greet the day, 2. The birds flit o'er the dew - y mead-ows; They car - ol sweet in branches high: ' 3. Oh, come, let clouds of grief and sad -ness, Fly swift as shades of night a - way; m r \P 1 ^ And joy - ous winds to danc - ing mo - tion, Wake the bil - lows of the day. While down the vales the fright- ed shad - ows Hast - en from the dawn to day. Let all our hearts, like birds of glad - ness, Wei - come hi the glad new day, m .Trio. See, where the clouds roll up the moun-tains; Night has her mis - ty ban- ner furled; Rocked on the wa - ter's pla - cid bo - som, Pure - ly the wa - ter - HI - ies gleam, Bright flow'rs, a.nd streams, and birds of heaven, In - cense and prais- es waft a - bove ; ^m ^=* 5^ And spring-ing from a thousand fountains, Light and joy o'er - flow the world. While willow branch and bending bios -som, Bid good- mor - row to the stream, from hearts and voic- es now be giv - en, Songs of praise, and joy, and love. *-r-* IS ^^^ Full Chorus. ] Sunbeams of splendor the world are a-dorn-ing, Join m the chorus, the earth and ocean sing, Welcome the glory, the sunlight, the morning, And make the joyous, joyous echoes ring. By permission Oliver Ditson Company. 118 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LULLABIES. A recent writer, says: The subject of lullabies, or '-sleep songs," as my little ones are fond of calling them, is by no means a common one, and until my attention was called to it by an article en- titled, "Wanted A Lullaby." I imagined there could be no lack of them in the English language. Having a number of these "sleep" or dream songs in my collection in French and German, as well as in the English language, I have never been at a loss for one to soothe a restless child, or comfort a fretful babe. To me the perfection of a slumber song, or lullaby, is the "Cradle Hymn,'* by good old Dr. Watts. The tune, as weU as the words, has de- scended to me, being the same to which my weary eyes responded in baby sleep, and by which my fret- ful distress was soothed in restlessness or pain. I have ever used it with my children, and no matter what may be sung at the commencement of the sleepy time concert, the last of all is sure to be, "Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber." When in my own early child- hood, the last lines of the second verse were sung, the impression made upon my almost infant mind, as CRADLE HYMN. ISAAC WATTS. J- J. ROUSSEAO. 1. Hush, my 2. Soft and 3. Hush, my babe, lie still and slum - ber, Ho - ly an - gels guard thy bed. ea - sy is thy era - die, Coarse and hard thy Sa - viour lay : child, I did not chide thee, Though my song may seem so hard : bless-ings with - out num - ber, Gent - ly birthplace was a sta - ble And his moth- er sits be . side thee, And her Hcav'n-ly When His 'Tis thy fall - ing on soft - est bed arms shall be How much bet - ter thou'rt at - tend Oh, to tell the won - drous sto May'stthou learn to know and fear ed, Than the Son of God could be; ry, How his foes a - bused their King; Him, Love and serve Him all thy days; r T r When from heav - en He de - scend - ed, And be - came a child like thee. How they killed the Lord of glo ry, Makes me an gry while I sing. Then to dwell for - ev - er near Him, Tell his love and sing His praise. L - ^5 PfT-- * f= f- r^n nr - - ff. ;-j . - -3J3 g-W| (K>- 1 ! dm -* i i rrrr-: L* [ -i 1 1 HI 1 lay in my little trundle bed, was one that can never be effaced. Often I was so affected as to beg that fhey should be sung softly, and that the next verse should be more loud and clear, to dispel in a degree ibis feeling of sadness. The closing lines of the last verse have ever seemed a blessing descending on the youthful head. The air to which this " song of songs" to myself and children is wedded, is a soft and plain- tire one, well adapted to the words. It has long been m favorite lullaby in English-speaking homes the wide world over. Next to this, which is sacred to me from association, and the appropriateness of the words as the evening song of a Christian mother to her babe and younger children, is that gem of Gottschalk's "Slumber on, baby dear." In the German we have the "Schlummerlied" of Kucken, in which the lullaby, as a refrain, has a solemn, impressive sound which, combined with the beauty of the words in the original, makes it a favorite wherever heard. In the Italian and Spanish there are several of these cradle -song*. FA VOR1TE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 119 NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE. Reverently. LOWELL MASON. " BETHANY." SARAH F. ADAMS, 1848. , to' Thee, Near - er to Thee'i E'en thouj 1. Near - er, my God, to' Thee, Near - er to Thee\ E'en though a cross it be' 2. Though like a wan-der_- er, The sun gone down, Dark-ness be o - ver me, -)p-r i^ .S. Near- er, my God, to Thee, D.S. That rais- eth me, Still all my song shall be, ) ., _ ~ , , My rest a stone) Yet in my dreLs I'd be } Near ' er ' my God ' tO Near - er to There let the way appear Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou sendest me, In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me J: Nearer, my God, to Thee,:| Nearer to Thee I " Then with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise; So by my woes to be J: Nearer, my God, to Thee,:[ Nearer to Thee! " Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot^ Upward I fly, Still all my song shall be, ': Nearer, my God, to Thee,sj Nearer to Thee. HOW GENTLE:GOD'S 1. How gen tie 2. Be neath His 3. Why should this 4. His good - ness God's watch anx - stands Jry m com ful ious ap mands! How kind His pre eye, His saints se - cure load Press down your wea proved Through each sue - ceed cepts ly ry ing are! dwell: mind? day; J-j J zr^ h (,- | J hr-r ."} It !-. ^ KJ JU i J l~h" m^ 4 . . 33 F* - p!E3 -J 2- 1 ^ r; * gff-j-j: ziS: -^- Come, cast your bur - dens on the Lord, And trust His con - stant care. That hand which bears ere -a - tion up, Shall guard His chil - dren well. Haste to your Heavenly Fa ther's throne, And sweet re - fresh - ment find. I'll drop my bur - den at His feet And bear a song a - way. Tis He that works to will, 'Tis He that works to do; His is the power by which we act, His be the glory too. Beddome, 1795. Heirs of unending life, While yet we sojourn here, O let us our salvation work With trembling and with fear. [Or this Hymn.] God will support our hearts With might before unknown ; The work to be performed is ours, The strength is all His own. 120 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Rom or Tint SOUL. Now, I saw in my dream, (hat these two men went in at the gate ; and, lo 1 as they entered, they were transfigured, and they had .raiment put on that shone like gold. There was also that met them with harps and crowns, and gave them to them ; the harps to praise withal, and the crowns in token of honour. Then I heard in my dream, that all the bells in the city rang again for joy, and that it was said unto them, ' Enter ye into the joy of your Lord.' I also heard the men themselves, fhaf they sang with a loud voice, saying, < Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sit- teth upon the throne, and onto the Lamb, for ever and ever.' Now, just as the gates were opened to let in the men, I looked in after them, and, behold, the city shone like the sun; the streets also were paved with gold ; and in them walked many men, with crowns on their heads, palms in their hands, and golden harps to sing praises withal. There were also of them that had wings, and they answered one another without intermission, saving, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lordl' And after these things they shut up the gates of the city ; which, when I had seen, I wished myself among them." Pilgrim's Progress. > HOME OF THE SOUL. From "SINGING PILGRIM." Mrs. G. H. GATES. Per. PHILIP PHILLIPS. 1. I will sing you a song 2. Oh, that home of the soul, 3. Oh, how sweet it will be 4. There the great trees of life of that beau - ti-ful land, The far a- way in my vis - ions and dreams, Its bright jasper in that beau -ti-ful land, So free from all in their beau - ty do grow, And the riv - er of home of the soul, Where no storms ev-er beat on the glit -ter-ing strand, While tho walls I can see; Till I fan - cy but dim- ly the veil in-ter-venes Be- sor - row and pain; With songs on our lips, and with harps in our hands. To life floweth by; For no death ev-er en - ters that ci - ty, you know, And years of e tween that fair meet one an - noth -ing that ^"^ ^0 *x i^ ter - ni-ty roll, Whiletoe years ofe-ter-ni-ty roll; Where no ci - ty and me, Be - tween that fair ci - ty and me, Till I oth - er a - gain, To meet one an - oth - er a - gain, With maketh a tie, And nothing that mak - eth a lie, For no storms ev-er beat on the glit - ter-i fan - cy but dun - lythe veil in- songs on our lips, and with harps in o death ev-er en - ters that ci - ty, y IfefeJZ g : sEir'il ng strand, Whiletheyears of e - ter - ni-ty tervenes Be - tween that fair cit - y and ur hands, To meet one an- oth- er a - ou know, And noth - ing that mak-eth a - g 1.1: Cjfc=--; roll. me. gain, lie. jtq x -I iti -| E a uun ui ^ Si J L THE building of the wall of it was of jasper, and the city was pure gold like unto clear glass God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain : for the former things are passed away And 1 heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps, and they sang,as it were a new song before the throne He shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal. In the street of it, and on either side of the river was the tree of life, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations There shall in no wise enterintoit anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie. Revelations. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 121 ABIDE WITH ME. Reverently, W. H. MONK. J. F. LYTB. f[ U u_/ * . _ . /"-J-. -j--j J r _.. __! 1 t=3= Bvi_P XZZS I. A - bide with 2. Swift to its 3. I need Thy 4. Hold thou Thy r 3 "~ J . g j n j a r J me, fast falls the ev en close ebbs out life's lit tie pres ence ev* - ry pass - ing cross be - fore my clos ing tide ; The dark-ness day; Earth's joys grow hour; What but Thy eyes; Shine through the =4= F= I -f^ r^z .4 r i t ' ry ~r^ =** F ^H -* - m ' -H 1 ~&~ =' L ' =N= =p-f -j i^b-tr <^i cj- r^ 4 J tw -f-d i 1 1 j ^ 1 KJ) (.j -j * ^ * Cm i g s ^^ i deep - ens ; Lord, with me a - bide ; When oth . er help ers dim, its glo-ries pass a way; Change and de - cay in grace can foil the tempt- er's power? Who, like Thy. self, my gloom, and point me to the skies; Heav'n's morn -ing breaks, and i i i fail, and com all a -round guide and stay earth's vain shad forts flee, I see; can be? ows flee ; Help of the help less, oh, a bide with me. Oh, Thou whochang-est not, a - bide with me. Thro' cloud and sun -shine, Lord, a bide with me. In life, in death, O Lord, a - bide with me. fnr JESUS LIVES. F. E. Cox tr. " ST. AI.BINUS." CH. FURCHTBGOTT GELLEKT, 1757- & 1. Jesus lives! no Ion- ger now Can thy terrors, Death, ap 2. Jesus lives ! henceforth is death But the gate of life im 3. Jesus lives ! for us He died ; Then, alone to Je - sus 4. Jesus lives ! to Him the throne O - ver all the world is pall us; mor - tal ; liv - ing, giv - en: Je - sus lives! by This shall calm our Pure m heart may May we go where this we know Thou, O Grave, canst not enthrall us. Al - le - lu - ia! trembling breath, When we pass its gloomy por - tal. Al - le - lu - ia! we a - bide, Glo - ry to our Saviour giv - ing. Al - le - lu - ia! He is gone, Rest and reign with Him in Heav - en. Al - le - lu - ia! A - men. 122 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. I HAVE often seen piano-forte players and singers make such strange motions over instrument or song book, that I have wanted to laugh at them. " Where did our friend pick up these fine ecstatic airs?" I would say to myself. Then I would remember my lady in " marriage a la mode," and amuse myself thinking an affectation was the same thing in Hogarth's time as in our own. But one day I bought me a canary bird and hung it up in a cage at my window. By-and-by he found himself at home, and began to pipe his little tunes ; and Jiere he was, sure enough, swimming and waving about, with all the droopings and liftings, languishing side-turnings of the head that I had laughed at. And now I should like to ask uho taught him all this? and me, through him, that the foolish head was not the one swinging itself from side to side and bowing and nodding over the music, but that other which was passing its shallow and self-satisfied judgment on a creature made of finer clay than the stalwart frame which has so very long 'HERDSMAN'S MOUNTAIN HOME. (DER SCHWEIZERBUE.) CARL MATZ Arr. 1 . On the mountain, steep and hoary, Sounds the herdsman's evening song ; Where the clouds, in golden 2. Where the Alpine rose is blowing, Where the herdsman builds his home ; From his couch at morning glo - ry, Float the am-bient tide a - long, Where the clouds, in gold-en glo - ry, Float the go - ing, With the lark he loves to roam ! From his couch at morning go - ing, With the ambient tide a - long. La la la la la la la la la la la la la la lark he loves to roam ! La la la la la la la la la la la la la la 'I* ^ I ' ' f V V * l la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. carried that same critical head upon its shoulders? YOUR former conversation has made me think re- peatedly what a number of beautiful words there are of which we never think of estimating the value, as there are of blessings. How carelessly, for example, do we (not we, but people) say "I am delighted to hear from you." No other language has this beautiful ex- pression, which, like some of the most lovely flowers, loses its charm for want of close inspection. When I consider the deep sense of these very simple and very common words, I seem to hear a voice coming from afar through the air, intrusted to the care of the elements, for the nurture of my sympathy. Landor, WE often hear that this or that " is not worth an old song." Alas! how few things are! What pre- cious recollections do some of them awaken ! Whal pleasurable tears do they excite ! They purify the streams of life; they can delay it in its shelves and rapids ; they can turn it back again to the soft cool moss amidst which its sources issue. Landor. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 123 NEVER SAY FAIL. SCHOOL-DAY SINGH*. 1. Keep work-ing, 'tis wis-er than sit -ting a -side; Nev-er, oh, nev-er say fail! 2. In life's ros - y morn-ing, in manhood's fair pride, Nev - er, oh, nev - er say fail ! P m * I ^ m And dreaming, and sigh-ing, and wait- ing the tide; Nev-er, oh, nev-er say Let this be your mot -to, your foot-steps to guide, Nev-er, oh, nev-er say fail! In life's earn - est bat - tie they on - ly pre - vail, Who dai - ly march on In storm and in sun -shine what- ev - er as- sail, Push on - ward and con - ward - quer, and and nev-er say fail ! Nev- er say fail ! Nev-er say fail! Nev-er, oh, nev - er say nev-er say fail! Nev-er say fail! Nev-er say fail! Nev-er, oh, nev - er say fail! faU! LONGING FOR SPRING. GERMAN. CARL MATZ, arr, I. Oh, how cold the Win - ter weath er, All is sor - row - ful and 2. Could I hast - en to the moun- tains, Could I see the val - ley 3. Quick -ly come in all thy beau - ty, Love- ly Spring - time, come a- 4. Yes, O Spring, we love thee tru - ly, Come in all thy bright ar- ro ^ f . a> m - P r-sf m HP** m * m m m jt^Sj^-ti i- 5*- - m 19 1 - r L Ffi F F F F * . -fc 1* I *\p L -t F k- x ' Lj r j r ^-^ -t- P * 1- f> L* X 1 drear, And the North wind whistles rude - ly, No bright sun - beam shin- eth near, green, I would lie down 'mid the flow - ers, While the sun peep'd in be - tween. gain ! Bring us flow - ers, shade, and sing - ing, Brighten ev' - ry hill and plain. ray ; Bring us soon thy love and glo - ry, Song and pleas - ure, dance and play. -*-/. , *- *- ' f |p=3J5dzfe 124 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE BLACKBOARD. Lessons in musfc written on the blackboard the moment they are wanted are al- ways more interesting to pupils than such as are con* tained in a book. The teacher should accustom him* self to write with ease and rapidity, and should de- pend more upon the blackboard lessons than upon any others. The board should have the lines of the staff painted upon it, so as to save the time of the teacher. The staff, without clefs, should also be so cut into the slates of the pupils that it may always be ready for use when they are called upon to write what is sung, as well as to sing what is written. The time which is occupied in writing a lesson is not lost in a well-regulated school, for the pupils will watch the movements of the teacher with interest, and will ex- amine each note and character as it is written. It may also at times be desirable for the teacher to have his pupils name the tones as he writes them. No written lessons can possibly do away with the neces- sity for the blackboard. If all the teachers in the world should set themselves to writing lessons, and all the printers in the world should be employed to print them, and all the shops should be full of the books containing them, and all the pupils in the world should have all the money in the world with which to purchase all the books of printed lessons in the world, and every pupil should be furnished with a copy of every book that was ever printed, still the necessity for the blackboard would remain. It might indeed be superseded in part by a sufficiency of printed lessons, so far as practical vocal exercises are concerned ; but yet for these it can never be given up by a good teacher; but even if it were given up for these, it would still be needed constantly for the illustration of such subjects as will be constantly com. ing up in teaching. The idea of giving up the black* CHIDE MILDLY THE ERRING. W. B. BRADBUXV. dide mildly the erring, Kindlanguageendears, Grief followsthe sinful, Add not to their tears; Glide mildly the err -ing, Jeer not at their fall, If strength be buthuman, How weakwerewealll Chide mildly the erring, Entreat them with care,Their natures are mortal,They need not despair, l-void with re-preach -es Fresh pain to be - stow. What mar- vel that foot- steps Should wan - der a - stray. We all have some frail -ty, We all are an - wise, The heart which is stricken When tempests so shadow The grace which redeems us '< JJ* 91 E Needs never a blow; The heart which is stricken Needs never a Life's wearisome way ? When tempests so shadow Life's wearisome low. way, Must come from the skies j The grace which re-deems us Must come from the skies. 1. J'J'Ji |- r f I [- j. board is preposterous; and any one who entertains the thought of doing without one, proves almost con- clusively that he cannot be a good practical teacher. Perhaps our language on this point may appear to be strong, but surely there is no subject on which we feel a greater degree of certainty than this. That the black-board is an indispensable requisite in every well-furnished school-room, whatever be the subject taught, is the concurrent testimony of all good teachers in all parts of the world, in all departments of school- teaching. It is needed, too, from the beginning to the end of a course ; it is not to be used for a Tew of the first lessons, and then to be given up ; its use is never to be wholly discontinuec 1 . T. F. Seward. DoN*T DRAG How should the congregation sing ? With animation and pleasure, as if they liked it. Let the tune be announced in a clear, emphatic, and per- haps lively manner, and let the people take it up boldly and quickly. " Push things." There is more danger of dying of dullness than galloping into an unseemly canter. In a plain choral the time may be quite rapid, if the last note of each line is held slightly. Most peo- ple cannot hold a long breath, and unless they sing fast cannot sing at all. Rather than drag the psalm out in- to the dreary funeral-procession pace commonly heard, we had better be a little too gay. It is the slow and heavy style of performance that has brought church music into certain disrepute that it doe* not dserm FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 125 COME, ALL YE FAITHFUL. i I I J. READING, d. 1692. := ^---f- 1. O come, all ye faith - ful, Joy -ful and tri - umphant, O coine ye, O come ye to 2. Sing al - le - lu - ia, All ye choirs of an- gels ;O sing, all ye bliss - ful ones of 3. Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, Born this hap - py morning ; Je sus, to Thee be the : in .,J- A des - te, fi - de - les, L.X - ti tri - um-phan - tes, Ve - ni - te, ve - ni - te ii I I, 14. ^ ^-*- ^-- - -* *_J_*- Beth - le-hem. Come and be -hold Him, Mon - arch of An - gels !O come, let us a Heav'n a-bove. GIo - ry to God In the highest, glo-ry! O come, let us a glo - rygiv'n; Word of the Fa - ther, Now in flesh ap - pear - ing, O come, let us a tfti Beth le - hem, Na - turn vi -de - te, Regem an - ge lo - rum, Ve - ni - te, a-do II 9 ^ '*^ & *^ * Him, dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Him, O come, let us a - dore Christ the Lord. =. J- _ pc re -mus,Ve-ni-te, a - do - re-mus,Ve-ni-te, a-do-re mus. Do - mi num. THE FARMER. * r+- E5*'- 1 *'- I. Shall I show you how the farmer, shall I show you how the farmer, Snail I show you how the r-r- m^t&fcJL \ i L r -i i Eg brf L^ I. >-> ^ 1 1? > IX- -*^-fc* s ^ J-^^ 3? : farm - er bar- ley and wheat? Look, 'tis so, so that the farm-er, look, 'tis &-- 1 1-4-4-4 U* U* I so, so that the farm - er, Look, 'tis so, so that the farm- er sows his* bar -ley and wheat i F 1 M * For 2d verse, sing " mows his " ; 3d, " brings in " ; 4th, " threshes " thiis making four verse*- 126 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. MEMORY BELLS. On the fifth day of my journey across the Syrian desert the air above lay dead, and -all the whole earth that I could reach with my utmost sight and keenest listening was still and lifeless as some dispeopled and forgotten world that rolls round and round in the heavens through wasted floods of light The sun, growing fiercer, shone down more mightily now than ever on me he shone before, and as I drooped my head under his fire and, dosing my eyes against the glare that surrounded me, slowly fell asleep, for how many minutes or moments, I cannot tell, but after awhile I was gently awakened by a peal of church bells my native bells the innocent bells of Marlen, that never before sent forth their music beyond the Blaygon hills ! My first idea naturally was, that I still remained fast under the power of a dream. I roused myself, and drew aside the silk that covered my eyes, and plunged my bare face into the light. Then at least I was well enough wakened, but still those old Marlen bells rang on, not ringing for joy, but properly^ LOVE AND MIRTH. Afogrttto J. STRAUSS. BADEN POLKA. 1. What song doth the crick -et sing? What news doth the 2. Mark the morn when first she springs Up - ward on her 3. With the leaves tbe ap - pies wres tie, In the grass the a. Is it mirth ? then why will man Mar the sweet song swal - low bring? gold - en wings; dai - sies nes-tle, all he can? What doth Hark! the And the Bid him laughing child -hood tell? soar- ing, soar - ing lark, sun smiles on the wall, rath - er aye re - joice, What And Tell With calls out the echo - as, What's a kind the marriage bell? ing for - est hark I the cause of all? and mer - ry voice, What say What say "Mirth and Bid him all? "Love and mirth, they? "Love and mirth, love, Love and mirth, sing, "Love and mirth, In the In the In the In the air and air and ah* and air and in the earth ; in the earth; in the earth; in the earth; prosily, steadily, merrily ringing for " church." After a while the sound died away slowly; it happened that neither I nor any of my party had a watch by which to measure the exact time of its lasting, but it seemed to me that about ten minutes had passed before the bells ceased. I attributed the effect to the great heat of the son, the perfect dryness of the clear air through' which I moved, and the deep stillness of all around me; it teemed to me that these causes, by occasioning a great tension, and consequent susceptibility of the hearing organs, had rendered them liable to tingle under the passing touch of some mere memory, that must have swept across my brain in a moment of sleep. Since my return to England, it has been told me that like sounds have been heard at sea, and that a sailor becalmed under a vertical sun, in the midst of the wide ocean, has listened in trembling wonder to the chime of his own village bells Kinglakft Eothen. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE BOAT SONG. Moderate, . C M. VON WBBEX. ==T we are float ing in sun - shine and shad ow, Soft are the Light - ly our boat on the wa ter is swing - ing, On - ward she Com-rades, sing on, while the ech . oes, a wak ing, Join in your Soon will the man tie of ev' . ning fall o'er us, Soon will the i fcfezfiitor*: & f fr-- - :fe=2: r~ as we go, oars we ply, py re frain, from the sky, tip pies that sing floats while the swift nro sic with hap day light fade out Soft Gay Sing Then ly they break are our hearts while the waves with the thought on the as the on the of a edge of the mea - dow, Woo ing the grass es with mel o-dies low. songs we are sing - ing, Bright are our hopes as the ra di -ant sky. sun ny banks break ing, An swer your ca dence with mu - sic a - gain. wel - come be -fora us, Back thro' the twi- light we'll cheer - ful-ly hie. SOFT MUSIC IS STEALING. Andante. CERM AN Anu MARY S. B. DANA. ^3 1. Soft, soft mu-sic is steal - ing, Sweet, sweet lingers the strain : Loud, loud now it is 2. Join, join, children of sad - ness, Send, send sor-row a - way ; Now, now changing to 3. Sweet, sweet mel - o- dy's num- bers, HarkI hark! gently they swell, Deep, deep, wak-ing from & p peal - ing, Waking the ech - oes a- gain. ( ") Waking the echoes a - gain. glad-ness, War-ble a beau-ti- ful lay. -I Yes, yes, yes, yes, [-Warble a beau-ti-ful lay. slumbers Thoughts in the bosom that dwall. [ ) Thoughts in the bosom that dwell * 128 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EARLY VOCAL TRAINING. It is a good sign of the times that the study of music is slowly creeping into our schools, and being recognized by teachers and school committees. Still, the movement in this direc- tion is halting and feeble. The cultivation of sing- ing among children will, it is believed, insure a rich, resonant chest-tone, will break the shrill head-tone, will banish the nasal twang, and make our national speech melodious. To do this implies, of course, that the exercise of singing shall not be crowded into a mere fraction of a school session, but that, like reading and spelling, it be brought into the front and made honorable. Practical men can understand the advantage of this; men who do not care for music can see this thing as clearly as the best trained musi- cians; and we ask them to think of it and act upon it. Another point : All children sing. They sing al- most as surely as they talk. The want of " ear " may make here and there an exception, but it will be so rarely found that it need not be estimated Not all adults sing, can sing, or can be taught to sing Dis- use of the vocal chords in childhood will, doubtless, incapacitate an adult for singing, and his throat will be like a withered arm, beyond recovery for actual use. MEMORY. The sight of a faded flower pressed in a book brings back, with a little shock of feeling, the hand that gathered it, or the distant hills upon which it once bloomed years ago. The touch of satin or fine hair is also capable of reviving the recollec- tion of scenes, and places, and persons. But for ANNIE LAURIE. LADY JOHW SCOTT. * > ^- I ^ Max - welton's braes are bon-nie, Where ear-ly fa's the dew, And 'twas there that An-nie Her brow is like the snawdrift, Her throat is like the swan; Her face it is the Like dew on th' gowan ly - ing Is th' fa' o' her fairy feet, And like winds in summer Lau-rie Gave me her promise true, Gave me her promise true, Which ne'er for-got will fair - est That e'er the sun shone on, That e'er the sun shone on, And dark blue is her sigh -ing, Her voice is low and sweet, Her voice is low and sweet, And she's a' the world to P- I*","*- ^ ! $ __j ^B Y^* \* ! ! i i LP ^ 9 'I i 'i "t~~ be, ) e'e, v And for bon-nie An - nie Lau - rie, I'd lay me down and dee. me, j -& -+- - -m- -+-' -*-' + -&- j^ m ft i freshness and suddenness, and power over memory, all the senses must yield to the sense of hearing. When memory is concerned, music is no longer it- self; it ceases to have any proper plane of feeling ; it surrenders itself wholly, with all its rights, to memory, to be the patient, stern and terrible exponent of that recording angel. What is it? Only a few trivial bars of an old piano-forte piece, " Murmures du Rhone" or " Pluie des Perles." The drawing-room window is open, the children are playing on the lawn, the warm morning air is charged with the scent of the lilac blossoms. Then the ring at the bell, the confusion in the hall. The girl at the piano stops, and one is lifted in dying or dead. Years, years ago I but passing through the streets, a bar or two of the " Murmuret dn Rhone " brings the whole scene up before the girl, now no longer a girl but a middle aged woman look- ing back to one fatal summer morning. The enthu- siastic old men, who invariably turned up when Madame Grisi was advertised to sing in her last days, seemed always deeply affected. Yet it could hardly be at what they actually heard no, the few notes recalled the most superb soprano of the age in her best days ; recalled also the scenes of youth quenched in the grey mists of the dull, declining years. It was worth any money to hear even the hollow echo of a voice which had power to bring back, if only for a moment, the "tender grace of a day that was dead." FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. BLOOM ON, MY Allegretto grazioso. F. H. COWEN. R. E. FRANCILLON. 1. Bloom on,bloom on, my roses, more brightly than be - fore, For un - to you, my 2. I go to flower in s un - shine More bright than summer weaves, To drink of pur - er r r ^-5- ros - es, Re -turn I nev - er more. I go, the rose to gath - er Whose fra-grance fills the dew-drops Than glit-ter on your leaves, To float on gales more fragrant Than e'en the ros - es 3f i $ i=s 3 *=tt er S3 skies, That fades not e'en in win-ter,Nor dies when summer dies, Nor dies when summer dies. Bloom move, To pluck the rose of Heaven,That blooms on earth as love,That blooms on earth as love.Bloom =ror r i E i N i . . . N i M \j j j-* -f ' j j" i fr pq ^- j^> j f+T^^t-^ L 3-S-^z^. J i \j=j^fcij^J 3 VS=3=3. +-T- *^x f=* on.bloom on, my ros - es, More brightly than be- fore, For un -to you, my ros -es, Re on,bloom on, my ros es, More brightly than be - fore, Bloom on.bloom on, my ros - es, I p=g=e % g iT g ir i *=M: i i foco ^r cen , n JcJu ji j jih^ i tslSLcrs^ 33 -ft-U ^ ~& ; a tempo. *~ ^-- ^x ' -* turn I nev- er more, Return I nev - er more, Return, . .re - turn I nev - er - more. need your bloom no more, I need your bloom no more, Your bloom, your bloom,your bloom no more. :p^c f^Tg^FT^E zjgqgi-^gU^^ -r^'xjsh ^ >-=-- a temfo. Bloom on, bloom on, Bloom on,bloom on, bloom on,bloom on, bloom on, bloom on. . . . m *E+L 130 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE school-room with its inmates is like an organ with many stops and keys, and he who plays it must decide what the music of its pipes shall be. If his hand is skillful and his ear well-trained, the psalm with which the day begins, will lose none of its sweet- ness or of its strength as the hours advance. Con- scious of the importance of his mission and the re- sponsibility reposed in him, there will steal from under his tuneful fingers a strain of such wondrous melody, that they who hear can never resist its power. Still will the keys be pressed, still will the harmony go on, and still from every stop and key there will come its unpretending part, always in its own good time and always bearing upon its bars the purest lessons which government can teach. Sometimes, indeed, a discord will be heard, sometimes a note be struck not quite in tune, but the heedful ear of the master will detect the complaining key, the firm hand will gently remove the hidden cause, and the harshness be soon forgotten in the sweeter song that follows. These in- fluences are never lost. They may seem to be unheard, uncared-for and unknown; but by-and-by they will come softly back, and the echoes, faintly though they call, still tell that they were listened to and loved, still tell that the gentleness and affection which are carried away from pleasant school-rooms do sometimes live ' long after the days of school are dead, do sometimes t oftentimes carry with them the burden of a song that will never be hushed again, and furnish with their dy- ing cadences convincing proof that only that school-* room government which springs from genuine affec- tion will stand the test of time. R. M. Streeter. IF you ask me wherefore song was made a part of worship, the answer must be because music is the fit ANGRY WORDS. CHILDHOOD SONGS. An-gry words are lightly spoken In a rash and thoughtless hour; Brightest links of life are Poi-son-drops of care and sor - row, Bit-ter poi - sou-drops are they, Weaving for the coming Love is much too pure and ho - ly, Friendship is too sa - cred far, For a moment's reckless bro-ken mor-row fol - ly, By their fell in - sid - ious power. Hearts inspired by warm - est feel - ing, Ne'er be Saddest mem'ries of to - day. An-gry words ! oh, let them nev - er From the Thus to des o late and mar. An-gry words are light - ly spo - ken, Bitt'rest fore by an- ger stirred, Oft are rent past human heal-ing By a sin - gle an-gry word.* tongue un - guarded slip ; May the heart's best impulse ev - er Check them ere they pass the lip. thoughts are rashly stirred ; Brightest links of life are oro-ken By a sin - gle an-gry word. I I 1 -I k i* k ' i j language of a service of love. No man sings when he is angry. The notes of accordant voices speak of amity and fellowship. As music is said to consist of the harmony of sweet sounds, and as sounds without harmony become mere noise, so the strains of the psalm or hymn are at once the type and sign of the commun- ion of saints. Where they are heard we know that souls are met who are without variance. They are the signal of the presence of the peace of Christ and of God. And as the chords of human hearts should thrill together in glad unison when they come before God, whenever they find expression in such singing they tend to do so. Music is the tamer of evil passions. We cannot hate each other when we sing together. The fable of Orpheus charming the beasts with his lyre represents a reality; and the Christians of the Catacombs were right when they chose Orpheus as an emblem of Christ, and carved him over their tombs. Among all the numberless things men can do with their varied faculties, song is asked of them, to be- offered before God, that they may stand before His mercy-seat in unity, and turn from His preseuce better prepared to live in charity and peace. Surinnerton. * A clergyman, whose family was noted for amiability and mutual affection, was asked the secret of his suc- cessful training. "I call," said he, "the influence of music to my aid. If I see any of my little ones seeming to be angry, I say, 'Sing, children, sing!' and before the strain is ended every unpleasant feeling disappears, and harmony again prevails." May it not be well for parents and teachers to profit by this hint? The above melody, to the accompanying words, has been suggested by one who has often seen its happy influence in the school-room among the children. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. COME TO THE OLD OAK TREE. a*=q: 1. Come to the old oak - tree, By the light of the pale moon's glance ; O 2. Spring, with its ear ly leaves, And the Sum -mer, with all its flowers. Hen :p=pc *=*: fe: > f I- *=St 1*1 X 1 Come with a foot step free, Art in her beau - ty weaves And join in the gyp - sies' dance. Bright wreaths in fair Na - ture's bowers. B -y- a -x = f DUET OR SEMI-CHORUS. A - round us, a - bove us, Pure mel - o - dy floats, And voi - ces that No storm - clouds are dark-ling The haunts of the free, But all here is A -P. J- ^^^E^==m=^==^^^^S=^^i^^=^^=^^ -*- Tf^^-ir v love us Re - peat the soft notes. Then come to the old oak - tree, By the sparkling In beau - ty for thee. Then come to the old oak - tree. By the light of the pale moon's glance, Oh, come with a foot - step free, And join in the gyp - sies* dance ; Then dance, then dance where the light - est of light feet dance ! 1 tr m 1 X 1 ! to 132 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IN EXCELSIS GLORIA. Allegretto. . | , 1 | WELSH AIR. 1. Not in halls of reg-al splendor, Not to princes of the earth, Did the her -aid 2. Not by world - ly wealth or wisdom, Not by power of law or sword, But by ser - vice 3. Bid the new-born Monarch welcome ; Pay him homage, ev - 'ry heart ! Hal - le - lu - jah ! an -gels ren-der Tid-ings of His birth. to win freedom, Ser-vice of the Lord. let His Idngdom Come and ne'er de - part. Not to statesman, priest, or sage, Born to pov - er - ty and pain, Jus - tice hath on Mer - cy smiled, r r: W They proclaimed the golden age 'Twas the poor man's heritage ! In ex - eel Born to die and thus to reign, Freeing men from death's domain, In excel God and men are recon - ciled Thro' Emmanuel, wondrous Child. In excel sis glo sis glo sis glo n ri ri - igf TT .-I & For on. shepherds low - ly Lo! from earth as Heaven Blend we then our voices. Burst the an - them ho - lyl Praise shall aye be giv-en: Earth with Heaven rejoic es, In ex eel sis In ex - eel - sis In ex eel sis tf^ : =t= glo - ri-al War and blood -shed cease, Selfishness its slaves re - lease, Love shall reign and white-robed Peace ! In excelsis glo-ri-a! In ex -eel -sis glo - ri - a! p_j p -j I FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. COLUMBIA, GOD PRESERVE THEE FREE! 133 4=4 OSEPH HAYDN. * s 1. Ark of Free-dom! Glo-ry's dwelling! Columbia, God pre-serve thee free! When the 2. Land of high, he - ro - ic glo- ry : Land whose touch bids slav'ry flee: Land whose 3. Vain - ly 'gainst thine arm con - tend- ing, Ty - rants know thy might, and flee. Free - dom's * -* *- -p- J^, i t m r -r storms are round thee swelling, Let thy heart be strong in thee, God is with thee, wrong re- name is writ in sto - ry, Rock and ref-uge of the free: Ours thy greatness ours thy Cause on earth de - fend-ing, Man has set his hope on thee; Widening glo - ry peace un- i E i t 5 pell-ing : He a - lone thy champion be. j glo - ry; We will e'er be true to thee. > end-ing Thy re-ward and por-tion be. ) i r i i Ark of Free-dom ! Glo-ry's dwelling ! Columbia, r T God preserve thee free! Ark of Freedom! Glory's dwelling ! Columbia, God preserve thee free! tWriFrnj ^FF AMERICA. T. DWIGHT. ^^^jy=^^^^^^ 1. God bless our na -tive land! Firm may she ever stand, Through storm and night; When the wild 2. For her our pray'rs shall rise To God a - bove the skies, On him we wait ; Thou who art P * ^E*tito r tempests rave, Rul - er of wind and wave, Do Thou our coun - try save By Thy great might t ev - er nigh, Guarding with watchful eye, To Thee a - loud we cry, God save the State I *- t v I 134 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IT would be a good test of the breadth and richness of the faith of any sect to manifest how much of the whole amplitude of the organ, from its rumbling ground- tier of pipes to the softest lute- vibrations it would call into play. No sect can command the whole chromatic gamut which the Gospel sweeps. Here is the contin- ual call for charity and humility and joy in the compre- hensiveness of Christianity. It needs the full choir of churches for its expression. It cannot spare any stop in the organ-growth of history. Each new sect that endures is a new range of pipes taking up a slighted sentiment, or working up some more delicate tone of elaborate variation into the symphony of grace. We shall drop our intellectual differences about trinity and unity, free-will and constraining grace, when we reach Heaven. But we shall still be ranged, there as here, by the sentiments we most naturally give utterance to. We shall see then, doubtless, what need there is of the utmost power of every party to celebrate the circle ol the Divine glory, how deep is the justice, how high the love, how wide the providence, that are twined into the pure harmony of the heavenly hallelujah. Starr King. GLAD SONGS FOR HIM. Spirited. 1 N C. F. GOUNOD. CLARA MORTON. ' - Who is he plants for the days to come ! Crown him with lau-rel, nor po - et be dumb ! Sing of him, shout for him, tell it round, The good he hath done, the praise he hath won! Let f f grrrfrf-^-f-trjfc ^ Plum, pear, ap-ple and vine Lol we but be - gin: Fruit, shade, beauty the sign Bird - notes thro' the woods run, E - den dream for him; Bees hum, "What hath hs done !" Leaves that rus-tle in play, Sing your song for him! Buds fast swelling to - day, Of royal soul with - in. Praia - es teem for him Sing your song for him im. v im. J To all he hath been*fond lover, I ween, Then sing glad songs for him. D.C. ix^lxlx * Pronounced " bin. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 135 CHILDREN'S SONGS. k Which way does the wind blow, And where does he go ? He rides o'er the water, And over the snow 1 O'er wood and o'er valley, And over the height, Where goats cannot traverse, He tak - eth his flight. He rages and tosses When bare is the tree, As, when you look upwards, You plainly may see. But whither he cometh, Or whither he goes, There's no one cantell you, There's no one that knows. =: ix ^ i* BEAUTIFUL SEA. Allegretto. I__J p_4 gPP 3^-*- I Beau - ti - ful sea, Foaming and free, O - ver the deep O - ver the deep beau - ti - ful sea, foaming and free, stormy winds sweep, fierce - ly they leap, Oh, how I love on thy bo - som to roam, There is my rest - ing-place, there is my home. Fly - ing a - way o'er the foam - crested wave. But in our good ship the dan - ger we'll brave. -V \ ROSALIND. Here Cometh Ros-a-lind, chasing the bee, Bright as the sunshine up -on the blue sea. " Ros - a - lind, Ros - a - lind, where have you been ?" " O - ver the meadow, and over the green." " Whom are your flowers for ? where did they grow ? Some like the blue sky, and some like the snow." " Down by the merry brook, there's where they grew ; And I have brought them, dear sister, for you." OH, BROAD LAND. Maestoso. Oh, broad land, oh, fair land, Oh, land that gave us birth, Oh, near land, oh, dear land, Our home of all the earth ; We honor and praise thee, Oh realm enrich'd by heav'n.We love thee.we bless thee, For priceless blessings giv'n. For freedom, for knowledge, Alike to great and small, For care and protection, And equal rights to all. I I'm glad I am a fanner, the sturdy plough to wield , Or reap and bind the ripen'd grain that waves in yonder field. I'm glad I am a farmer, his heart is always gay As merrily his song rings out amid the new-mown hay. O happy is the farmer, for when the day is o'er, The ev'ning shadows gather round, that he may work no more. How peacefully around him , soft sleep her curtain throws, There's nothing half so tranquil as the laborer's re - 136 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. BOOK OF NATURE. All children should settle in their own minds whether they will be Eyes or No Eyes ; whether they will see for themselves, or let other people look for them, or pretend to look and dupe them and lead them about the blind leading the blind, till both fall into the ditch. God has given you eyes and it is your duty to use them. If your parents tried to teach you in the most agreeable way by beautiful picture- books, would it not be ungrateful and wrong to shut your eyes and refuse to learn ? Then is it not alto- gether wrong to refuse to learn from your Father in Heaven, the great God, who made all things, when he offers to teach you all day long by the most beautiful and wonderful of all picture-books, which is simply all things that you can see, hear and touch, from the sun and stars above your head to the mosses and insects at your feet ? It is your duty to learn His lessons. God's Book, which la the Universe, and the reading of God's Book, which is Science, can do nothing but good, and teach you nothing but truth and wisdom. God did not put this wondrous world about your young souls to tempt or mislead them. So, use your eyes, your senses and your brains, and learn what God is trying to teacli you by them. I do not mean that you must stop there and learn nothing more. There are things which neither your senses nor your brains can tell you ; and they are not only more glorious, but actually more true and more real than any things which you can see or touch. But you must begin at the beginning, and the more you try to understand things the more you will be able here- after to understand men, and that which is above men. You begin to find out that truly Divine mystery that you have a mother on earth, simply by lying soft and warm upon her bosom : and so it is by watching the common BUY MY STRAWBERRIES. Allegretto. HOWARD. With this hum-ble stock in store, Cheered by wo- man's kind - ly face, Let a lit - tie maid-en's prayer, Void of Which is not mine Aid - ed by her I your pa-tron- In the bus - y Reach the sym - pa - age im market thet-ic plore, For the sad place, Here pray let me ear, Move the friend - ly lone; stand, heart; List to lit - tie Ju - lia's cry, Buy my And beseech those pass-ing nigh, Flow'rs and List to lit - tie Ju - lia's cry, Buy my her -ries, her -ries, ber-ries, come and buy; List to lit -tie Ju- lia's cry, Buy my ber-ries. come and buy I come and buy ; And beseech those passing nigh, Flow'rs and ber - ries, come and buy. come and buy; List to lit -tie Ju- lia's cry, Buy my ber-ries, come and buy. natural things around you, and considering the lilies how they grow, that you will begin at least to learn that far Diviner mystery that you have a Father in Heaven. So you will be deli vered out of the tyranny of darkness and fear, into God's free kingdom of light and faith and love ; and will be safe from the venom of that tree which was planted long ago, and grows in all lands and climes, whose name is the Tree of Unreason, whose roots are conceit and ignorance and its juices folly and death. It drops its venom into the finest brains, making them call sense nonsense. It drops its venom into tenderest hearts, and makes them call wrong right, and love cruelty; but any little child who will use the faculties God has given him, may find an antidote to all its poison in the meanest herb beneath his feet. Charles Kingsley. MOZART and Haydn being at a party, the former laid a wager with the latter that he could not play at sight a piece of music which he (Mozart) would compose. Haydn accepted the challenge, and Mozart speedily wrote down a few notes and presented them to Haydn, who, having played a prelude, exclaimed, : " How do you think I can play that ? My hands are at each ex- tremity of the piano, and there is at the same time a note in the middle." " Does that stop you ?" said Mozart; " well, you shall see me do it." On coming to the diffi- cult passage, Mozart, without stopping, struck the note in the middle of the piano with his nose ; and every one naturally burst out laughing. What made the act more ridiculous was that Haydn had a flat nose, while that of Mozart was prominent, well adapted for such notes. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 137 BLOSSOM TIME. Lively. MARY E. DODGE. gnra sa--r:i a r j 1 -j> ^ _-^ j r (m^-Jg-t-g-g-g-g-i-g 3 3-r-HP ? g s I. There's a wedding in the orchard, dear, I know it by the flowers ; They're weathed on ev'ry a. While whispers rang a - mong the boughs of prom - is - es and praise, And play - ful, lov - ing h |L ^ H U U &g u> T E 'u bough and branch, or falling down in showers. The air is in a mist, I think, and scarce knows which to mes sages sped through the leaf-lit ways. And just beyond the wreathed aisles that end against the rr-r-r-r. j%. ...+ \ ic be 1 ^ 9 Wheth - er all fragrance, cling-ing close, or bird - song, wild and free. And blue, The rai -merit of the wedding -choir and priest came shi - ning through. And -* J- apuS: count-less wedding jew -els shine, and gold, en gifts of grace; I though I saw no wedding-guest, nor groom, nor gen tie bride, I nev - er saw such know that ho - ly ^ V V V S ^ wealth of sun in an y sha-dy pace. things were asked, and holy love re plied. It seemed I heard the flutt'ring robes of And something thro' the sunlight said: "Let .t i ^ Therfsa wed -ding in the orchard, N h % maidens clad in white, The clasp-ing of a thousand hands in ten der - est de - light all who love be blest! The earth is wedded to the spring, and God, He knoweth best." I/ V V V know it by the flowers ; They 1 re wreathed on ev'ry bough and branch, or falling down in showers. I 3 8 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. WORDS AND Music In the teaching of music, great attention should be given not only to the read- ing of exercises at sight, but also to the manner and method of singing songs. It should never be for- gotten hat music is a mighty power for good or evil, and for that reason the character of the music, as well as the words, is a matter of the highest impor- tance. Profanity, sometimes blasphemy, is encour- aged by the setting of sacred words to music that is most frivolous. What Herder, the great German philosopher, has said, in speaking of the influence of poetry upon the mind of a child is equally applica- ble here: "How dry and sterile some men imagine the human mind, the child's mind, to be ! And what a great, excellent ideal world it would be to me, if I ever should attempt to write songs for it! To fill the whole youthful, child-like soul; to put songs into it, which will generally remain in it through life and give it its tone ; which will be to it lasting voices, encouraging to generous deeds and noble fame, to virtue and consolation, like the heroic ballads and stirring war songs of the ancient nations; what a great aim, what a glorious work would this be ! " THE DOXOLOGY. Wherever the English language is spoken, the stanza most frequently on the lips of Christian congregations, is the long- metre doxology. It was written by Thomas Ken, a celebrated English prelate, born in 1637. He was a man of devoted piety, broad and generous benevolence, and great firmness and loftiness of character, united with ten- ALL TOGETHER. J/ocferato. k. GEORGE F. ROOT. Permission JOHN CHURCH & COMPANY. 2. All to-geth-er, all Friend-ship's link is still While the ab-sent we Since the present, full to - geth - er, Once, once a - gain ; un - broken, Bright is its chain ; are greeting, Let us for - get, of gladness, Bids us be gay, ( When the warning we must sever Comes once a- gain, *' \ Oft shall mem'ry breathing o'er us, Sweet friend-ship's strain, Hearts and voic - es Where the part - ing In this hour of Ban - ish ev' - ry Yet in feel - ing Bring this hap - py -r-r-r -= *- CHORUS. 2d time toft light as ev- er, Glad-ly join the welcome word was spoken, Now in smiles we meet a - ( so - cial meeting, Ev' - ry thought of past re \ cloud of sadness, And be hap - py while we true as ev - er, Shall our faithful hearts re - time be - fore us, Till we all shall meet a - strain, gain, gret. may. main, gain. O could we er - er O could we ev er, etc. O could we ev - er, etc. & gy ^_j Dwell in so - cial pleasure here, No more to sev - er From the friends we love so dear ! .ff F F F p m. &=&=.^ y U=P ^ p p F F- fr & v v- -r 4=1 derness of spirit. He was one of the seven Bishops committed to the Tower for disobedience by James II., but proved his loyalty by refusing to take th<. oaths to William and Mary, and was consequently deprived of his bishopric. He was regarded with the highest esteem even by his enemies, and Queen Anne, upon her accession to the throne granted him a pension. He was the author of several volumes of elaborate sermons, and of many poetical produc- tions of a religious character. Hi? morning and evening hymns are still repeated in thousands of English families. The doxology is the closing stanza Of a morning hymn beginning with the familiar line, " Awake, my soul, and with the sun." We owe a debt of gratitude to any man who has put the thought and aspirations of humanity into words that lingei in our memories or voice them- selves in the popular heart, and we cannot but feel that we are rearing a monument of song in honor to the author of our peerless doxology every time we join in the grand and solemn hymn of praise, Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all creatures here below, Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. . THE effect of good music is not caused by its novelty. On the contrary, it strikes us all the more forcibly the more familiar we are with it. Goethe* FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. '39 THE BLUSHING MAPLE TREE. HAMILTON Aioi. B it 1. When on the world's first har - vest day, The for - est trees be - fore the Lord Laid 2. There ran thro' all the leaf - y wood A mur - mur and a scorn - ful smile, But 3. And there be - fore the for - est trees, All blushing, pale, by turns she stood; In down their au - tumn of fer - ings si -lent still the Ma - pie stood ev 'ry leaf, now red and gold, Of fruit in sun - shine stored, The Ma - pie And looked to God the while. And then, while She knew the kiss of God, And still, when on ly, of them all, Be - fore fell on earth a hush, So great comes the au - tumn time, And on the world's great har -vest King, With emp - ty hands and it seemed like death to be, From His white throne the the hills the har - vest lies, The blushing Ma - pie- H9-S ' 1 1 I I 1^ 1 1 1 molto. \ \ \ 1 u- r'^'T-T^ ' . r j/ - ff 1 rfh ^ ^ =t a N J^L4W- *%* 4- J^-^ *Km j&i r ki-*4 -3 1* : l 1* I i *r- *f- -^ 3 ' r-^= fM ' & .J i* -^* -i p- b b, TpHH 3 - ... ix-ix ^- rM=* 1 1 5 ^-^.V ^ zW - vi ^ J ^ates ^ ^ i y ^ *^- mj -^ N ~ t tdfc* 'G^ 1* f J MP-* * * J J ^;'- ._. 25 ^ ^* ^ f ~*h-r- s T^~ f- t * SEE tombs of fall -en he -roes Float the stars and stripes to - day. From the mountain, hill, and trib-ute we are bringing 'Tis the na - lion's joy to give. Bring we here the gold and in the green-clad val -ley, Low and peace-ful is their rest. Earth to them was full ef val- iant brave in - creas-es, And more dear each no - ble name. Bring the flow'rs the grave to val -ley, pur-pie, promise, garland, Is - sued forth a no - ble throng, With he- ro - ic val - or fight - ing Till was Scarlet, blue, and lil - y white, Tas-sels from the sil - ver birch - es And the Home and friends and life were dear, But when loud the war-cry ech - oed, Quick the Let the sweetest mu-sic rise, Let the stars and stripes be wav - ing, O'er their heard the tu - lips an - swer, gen'rous gay We tor's song. With he- ro - ic val -or fighting Till was heard the vic-tor"s song, and bright. Tas-sels from the sil -ver birches And the tu- lips gay and bright, are here." But when loud the war-cry echoed, Quick the answer, "We are here." ri - fice. Let the stars and stripes be waving O'er their gen'rous sac- ri fice. -^>-p^-.-is^>-r , *a-i-i. ^-r-Ti* ^ w w wji Mil FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CHARM OF VOICE. Amidst the gay life, the beau- tiful forms, the brilliant colors of an Athenian multi- tude, and an Athenian street, the repulsive features, the unwieldy figure, the naked feet, the rough thread- bare attire of the philosopher Socrates must have excited every sentiment of astonishment and ridicule which strong contrast can produce. It was (so his disciples described it ) as if one of the marble satyrs, which sat in grotesque attitudes with pipe or flute in the sculptors' shops of Athens, had left his seat of stone and walked into the plane-tree avenue or the gymnastic colonnade. Gradually the crowd gathered round him. At first he spoke of those plying their trades about him ; and they shouted with laughter as he poured forth his homely jokes. But soon the magic charm of his voice made itself felt The peculiar sweetness of its tone had an effect which even the thunder of Pericles failed to produce. The laughter ceased the crowd thickened the gay youth, whom nothing else could tame, stood transfixed and awe- struck in his presence there was a solemn thrill in his words, such as his hearers could compare to noth- ing but the mysterious sensation produced by the clash of drum and cymbal in the worship of the great mother of the gods : the head swam the heart leaped at the sound tears rushed from their eyes, and they felt that, unless they tore themselves speedily away from that fascinated circle, they should ere long sit down at his feet and grow old in listening to the marvelous music of this second Marsyas. Athenaum* FADING, STILL FADING. PORTUGUESE. si P :^=*t 1. Fad 2. Fa - ing, still ther in fad heav >^-~ ^ - ing, the last beam is shi - ning, Fa - ther in heav - en ! the en ! oh, hear when we call ! Hear, for Christ's sake, who is -p r r r-r =g: &-. *> P r r P -<&- f J J J .J j day Sav is de iour of - clin all; ing, Safe - ty and in - no - cence fly with the light, Temp- Fee - ble and faint - ing we trust in Thy might, In w p r r & 1S- ^- -^ r & ta - tion and dan - ger walk forth with the night : From the fall of the shade till the doubting and dark - ness Thy love be our light ; Let us sleep on Thy breast while the morning - bells chime, Shield me from danger, save me from crime. Fa-ther, have mer - cy, night ta - per burns, Wake in Thy arms when morn - ing re - turns. Fa-ther, have mer - cy, is>ts>- \_ i p 3=m= mer-cy, Fa-ther,] Fa - ther, have mer - cy, Fa - ther, have mer-cy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Fa - ther, have mer - cy, Fa - ther, have mer-cy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A ' men. f f 2- r 10 146 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. A LIFE ON THE OCEAN WAVE. Allegro. K-K EPF.S SARGENT. HENRY RUSSELL. i f 1. A life on the o- cean wave, A home on the roll - ing deep, Where the scattered waters 2. Once more on the deck I stand Of my own swift-gliding craft, Set sail ! fare-well to the 3- The land is no longer in view, The clouds have begun to frown, But with a stout vessel and ^ rave, And the winds their rev - els keep ! Like an ea - gle caged, I pine On this land, The gale fol - lows far a - baft : We shoot thro' the sparkling foam, Like an crew, We'll say, let the storm come down ! And the song of our heart shall be, While the m -j k- J i -ft -N 1> X- ypTj^s ^=* 19 * *> a> *- i dull, unchanging shore; Oh, give me the flashing brine, The spray and the tempest roar! A o - cean bird set free ; Like the o - cean bird, our home We'll find far out on the sea ! A winds and the waters rave, A life on the heaving sea, A home on the bounding wave ! A - " v ^ j^- & zcSrzJfc -r-r -fr-frr ^ ife on the o - cean wave, A home on the roll - ing deep ! Where the scattered wa - ters i i P?f rave; And the winds their rev - els keep! The winds, the winds, the -l^-l K t st JJi^^JJ-^fiJ. JJi JJJJg -n-s- winds their revels keep, the winds, the winds, the winds their revels keep. i 1 f i i * The part after asterisk, frequently omitted, is sung after each verse, after last verse, or not at all, as preferred. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. AUTUMN LEAVES. 147 P 33* Andante affettuoso. IN i^U-i- mi CHARLES DICKHNS. 3-4- -?-*-* ,S -^ _ .- v^Tg. -ji .g: 1. Au-tumn leaves, autumn leaves Lie strewn around me here; Autumn leaves, autumn leaves, How 2. Withered leaves, withered leaves, That fly be -fore the gale; Withered leaves, withered leaves, To .Tr-g-r-r.T-g-^ ^ ^ :p^=p: % M ' - fc u"""^ iKUjCZfe S ^: m F9=^jj of childhood's day, Thi sad, how cold, how drear ! How like the hopes of childhood's day, Thick-clust'ring on the bough ; How tell a mournful tale Of love once true, and friends once kind, And happy moments fled, Dis - i &-* - - asfc ^~JK- ^4 :$g ^ -pc-f. like those hopes is their decay, How faded are they now! Au-tumn leaves, autumn leaves Lie pelled by every breath of wind, For - got-ten, changed, or dead. Au-tumn leaves, autumn leaves Lie W=P- --=- ? *^ -P-^-^*- 5 - - W -i 3 ^ L^ ^ <* -j P 1 $ ^: ^ ^ * r^r strewn a -round me here; Au - tumn leaves, autumn leaves, How sad, how cold, how drear! ^ ffir Cho. Egg in the nest, Nest on the bough, Bough on the branch, Branch on the tree, Tree in the ground. Out in, &c. 5. What is there in the egg? A very pretty bird. Cho. Bird in the egg, Egg in the nest, Nest on the bough, Bough on the branch, Branch on the tree, Tree in the ground. Out in, Ac. ISO FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. This beautiful and pa- triotic national song was composed by Francis Scott Key, of Baltimore, at the time of the bombardment f Fort McHenry, in 1814, when that stronghold was successfully defended from the attack of the British fleet " The scene which he describes," says Chief Justice Taney, "and the warm spirit of patriotism which breathes in the song, were not the offspring of mere fancy or poetic imagination. He tells us what he actually saw, what he felt while witnessing the conflict, and what he felt when the battle was over and the victory won by his countrymen. Every word came warm from his heart, and for that reason, even more than from its poetical merit, it never fails to find a response in the hearts of those who hear it." By authority of President Madison, Mr. Key had gone to the British fleet under a flag of trace to se- cure the release of his friend, Dr. Beanes, who had been captured by the enemy and was detained on board the flagship, on the charge of violating his parole. He met General Ross and Admirals Cock- burn and Cochrane, and with difficulty secured from them a promise of the gentleman's release, but was at the same time informed that they would not be permitted to leave the fleet until after the proposed attack on Fort McHenry, which the admiral boasted he would carry in a few hours. The ship on which himself, his friend and the commissioner who accom- panied the flag of truce, were detained, came up the bay and was anchored at the mouth of the Patapsco, within full view of Fort McHenry. They watched the flag of the fort through the entire day with aa THE MILLER OF THE DEE. CHAS. MACKAY. 1. There dwelt a mil- ler, hale and bold, Be - side the riv - er Dee; He wrought and sang from 2. "Thou'rt wrong, my friend! "said old king Hal, "As wrong aswrong can be; For could my heart be 3. The mil-ler smiled and doffed his cap : "I earn my bread," quoth he ; "I love my wife, I 4. "Good friend," said Hal, and sighed the while, "Farewell 1 and happy be; But say no more, if morn till night, No lark more blithe than he ; light as thine, I'd glad - ly change with thee. love my friend, I love my chil - dren three, thou'dst be true, That no one en - vies thee ; I And this the bur - oen of his song For - And tell me now whatmakes thee sing With I owe no one I can - not pay, I Thy mea - ly cap is worth my crown; Thy s i N j \+. JL&: \ ev - er used to be, "I en - vy no one no, not I! And no one en -vies me! voice so loud and free While I am sad, though I'm the King, Be - side the riv- er Dee?" thank the riv - er Dee, That turns the mill that grinds the corn To feed my babes and me I " mill my kingdom's fee! Such men as thouare England's boast, Oh, mil - ler of the Dee" J: anxiety that can better be felt than described, until night prevented them from seeing it. During the night they remained on deck, noting every shell from the moment it was fired until it fell. While the bom- bardment continued, it was evidence that tne fort had not surrendered, but it suddenly ceased some time before day, and, as they had no communication with any of the enemy's ships, they did not know whether the fort had surrendered or the attack been abandoned. They paced the deck for the rest of the night in pain- ful suspense, watching with intense anxiety for the return of the day. As soon as it dawned, their glasses were turned to the fort, and, with a thrill of delight, they saw that "our flag was still there !" The song W*B begun on the deck of the vessel, in the fervor of Ae moment when he saw the enemy hastily retreating to their ships, and looked upon the proud flag he had watched for so anxiously as the morning opened. He had written, on the back of a letter, some lines, or brief notes that would aid him in recalling them, and for some of the lines as he proceeded he had to rely on his memory. He finished it in the boat on his way to the shore, and wrote it out as it now stands immediately upon reaching Baltimore. In an hour after it was placed in the hands of the printer, it was on the streets hailed with enthusiasm, and at once took its place as a national song. The music of the Star Span- gled Banner, to which it was at once adapted, is an old French air, long known in England as" Anacreon," and afterwards in America as "Adams and Liberty." Mr. Key died in 1846. At San Francisco, a monu- ment costing f 1 50,000 has been erected to his memory. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. Solo or Quartette. FRANCIS SCOTT KBY. 1814. w -4- ! f Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the On the shore dim-ly seen thro' the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread And where is that band who so vauntingly swore, That the hav-oc of war and the Oh, thus be it ev-erwhen freemen shall stand Be-tween their loved home and wild s V V r twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we si - lence re - pos -es, What is that which the breeze, o'er the tower-ing steep, As it fit - ful- ly bat tie's con-fu-sion, A . . home and a country should leave us no more ? Their blood has wash'd war's des - o-lation ; Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the pow'r that hath ^ f=re f >u= u i pi j watch'd, were so gal-lant-ly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave blows, half conceals, half dis- clos- es ? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full out their foul footsteps' pol- lu-tion. No re-fuge could save the hireling and slave From the made and preserv'd us a nation 1 Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And r proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. Oh,. . say, does that star- span - gled glo - ry re - fleet - ed, now shines on the stream : 'Tis the star-span - gled ban - ner : oh, ter - ror of flight or the gloom of the grave : And the star-span - gled ban - ner in this be our mot -to: "In God is our trust !" And the star-span - gled ban - ner in ban long tri tri ner yet may it umph doth umph shall wave wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. 152 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. AN extraordinary feature of the musical world of the present day is the enormous orchestras which can be produced on special occasions. A chorus of sev- eral thousand voices supported by hundreds of instru- ments may now be heard, rendering the immortal compositions of the greatest masters of the divine art, in the People's Palace at Sydenham and else- where. These orchestras are chiefly selected from the ranks of the people, of whom the artisan is the chief element. The reduction in the cost of instru- ments and the adoption of what may be called the joint-stock principle are tending still further to en- large the boundaries of the practical musical world. At any time and for any purpose it is now easy to secure a band and chorus sufficient in numbers and executive power to render in an efficient and power- ful manner, the glorious productions of Beethoven. Mozart, Handel, and other great masters. On all these occasions, the violin bears a most important part. It is the leading instrument in these great performances, as it is, after the voice, the most powerful medium of expression in solo. It is also the people's instrument. The labors of many eminent violin-makers, following in the steps of the great masters, have so immensely improved the art, that a good instrument may now be possessed by any one. And it may be said that with its improvement has arisen also the extensive and wide-spread practice of music generally. An ear accustomed to the fine tone of a good violin will not now tolerate a bad piano forte. OUR FLAG O'ER US WAVING. I i G. VERDI. Air Anvil Chorus " II Trovatore.' >r *-* * \ Spirited. 1. See the proud banner of Lib- er -ty streaming, Its bright starry folds o'er us ra - diant - ly 2. Bright starry ban- ner ! thy fame we will cher-ish, And shield thee and save thee, or no - bly we'll ^ z gleaming ; Hear the loud trumpet its war note re - peating, The roll of the drums where brave armies are per - ish : Proudly our ea - gles are floating a - bove thee, Columbia, for ev - er we bless thee and rg,|fCr1*g =P [ T meet-ing, brave armies meeting, are meeting! love thee! bless thee and love thee, and love thee! -*- -*"- -- - On, on to glo-ry's field, our proud flag o'er us On, on to vie - to - ry ! our country now and &.f?*L* 3=7= wav-ing! Marching to conquest, ev-'ry dan- ger no -bly brav-ing. March, march, march on to ev - er, Palsied the trai-tor hand our Union that would sever: Hail! hail! hail! land of tuttaforz T. vie - to - ry! March on! March on! on! March on! March on! on! March onto victo - ry! Lib - er - ty ! Hail ! noble land, hail ! Hail ! noble land, hail ! Hail ! land of lib - er - ty ! FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 153 HAIL COLUMBIA. F. HOPKINSON, ITO8. Tune " PRESIDENT'S MARCH. 1. Hail, Co-lum-bia! hap- py land, Hail, ye heroes, heav'n-born band, Who fought and bled in 2. Immortal patriots, rise once more, Defend your rights, defend your shore ! Let no rude foe, with 3. Behold the chief who now commands, Once more to serve his country stands The rock on which the PP freedom's cause, Who fought and bled in freedom's cause, And when the storm of war was gone En im - pious hand, Let no rude foe, with impious hand, Invade the shrine where sacred lies Of storm will beat, The rock on which the storm will beat, But armed in vir - tue . firm and true, His -f"--*- ^ ^-> -m---i+- 4 1 H*- - -*- -* J- W*4f f joy'd the peace your val -or won. Let in - de-pendence be our boast, Ev - er mind-ful toil and blood, the well-earn'd prize. While off'ring peace, sincere and just, In Heav'n we place a hopes are fixed on Heav'n and you. When hope was sinking in dismay, When glooms obscur'd Co- j.j; iijjj ii f*-E- what it cost; Ev - er grate -ful for the prize, Let its al tar reach the skies, man-ly trust, Thattruthandjus-tice will pre -vail, And ev' - ry scheme of bondage fail, lumbia's day, His stead-y mind, from chan-ges free, Resolved on death or lib - er ty. F Chorus. ' w~t *a Firm, u - m - 1, let us be, Ral ly - ing round our lib - er - ty, * f=2- 4= J33 I i As a band of ft* T J Toth-ers join'd, Peace and safe - ty we shall find. 154 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IT is stated that the late Dr. Ray Palmer originally wrote his most famous hymn on a leaf of a pocket diary. There it remained for a year and a half. Its author then met Dr. Mason on the street hi Boston. The ex- istence of the hymn was discovered by Dr. Mason's inquiry for new materials for a hymn and tune book which he was then compiling. He took the hymn and in a few days returned it with the tune " Olivet," which he had composed for it. His sagacious judgment of it was expressed in saying to the author, " You may live many years and do many good things. But I think you will be best known to posterity as the author of * My faith looks up to Thee.' " It was one of those fleeting conjunctions of circumstances and of men by which God often sets forward to their fulfillment his eternal decrees. The doctor of music and the future doctor of theology are thrown together in the roaring thoroughfare of commerce for a brief interview, scarcely more than enough for a morning salutation, and the blessed result to mankind is the publication of a Christian lyric which is to be sung around the world. Music stands nearest to divinity. I would not give the little I know for all the treasures of the world ! It is my shield in combat and adversity, my friend and com- panion in moments of joy, my comforter and refuge in those of despondency and solitude. Martin Luther. DEAREST NATIVE LAND. Audantino. H. PROCH. 1. Gold -en stars for me are shin -ing Here by zephyrs fanned ; But for thee, dear land, I'm 2. On a for - eign shore I languish Weary and a - lone,Where no friend can soothe mine pin -ing, Dear-est native land! Comes the tho't of those who love me In my na - tive home, anguish, None can heed its moan ! Oh, the deep, the ardent longings, In my breast that burn, LL*^J) * *,-|*-p , Now a far I roan What hath power alike to move me, As my thoughts with heart o'erflowing, Back to thee re roam? What hath power a- turn, As my thoughts with J. like to move me, Now a - far I roam? Golden stars for me are shin - ing, heart o'er-flow - ing, Back to thee re - turn. Golden stars for me are shin - ing, er Here by zephyrs fanned, But for thee, dear land, I'm pining, Dear - est na - tive land. m m FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ^COLUMBIA, GEM OF THE OCEAN. 155 D. T. SHAW. 1. Oh, Co - ium-bia, the gem of the ocean, The home of the brave and the free, Tha 2. When war wing'd its wide des-o - la-tion, And threaten'd the land to de - form, The 3. The star-spangled banner bring hither, O'er Columbia's true sons let it wave ; May the -r-r I V V * XX!- shrine of each pa-triot's de - vo-tion, ark then of freedom's foun - da-tion, wreaths they have won nev- er wither, A world of-fers horn-age to thee, Thy Co - lum-bia, rode safe thro* the storm: With the Nor its stars cease to shine on the brave. May the teKgJf p p j j * M p ^ ^ ^ F r F 1 <<** K" K 3BZ5 Sip 1 EHT .rj-P j - c~~' J leLJe! ^ J ^_x_x_p_ mandates make he - roes as - sem-ble, When Lib - er-ty's form stands in view ; Thy garlands of vie - "try a-round her, When so proudly she bore her brave crew, With her ser - vice u - ni - ted ne'er sev-er, But hold to their colors so true; The g * E -fnta J J 1 L T F * F- 5 banners make tyr - an - ny tremble, When borne by the red, white and blue, When flag proudly float- ing be - fore her, The boast of the red, white and blue, The ar - my and na - vy for - ev - er, Three cheers for the red, white and blue, Three ^ ^- ^ tt ft 1 w w . ^ ^ i _^ i K u. v ^ h i n, y 'oc B m J, ^ *^ m i- n I flUJt J g ^ ' 1 ' -J i J ~\ *\ x x J*-^ v&-^ * * 9 *> + , * -4 * V 5 ^ ^~ borne by the red, white and blue, When borne by the red, white and blue, Thy boast of the red, white and blue, The boast of the red, white and blue, With her cheers for the red, white and blue, Three cheers for the red, white and blue, The ., . c m Bser3EE * 1 f r r ' f~ r r r r T r Wx* s 1 . S i i ^ f=4 W=- ji 1 Lj k U 1 k k 1 banners make tyr - an - ny tremble, flag proud-ly floating be fore her, ar - my and na - vy for - ev - er, When borne by the red, white and blue. The boast of the red, white and blue. Three cheers for the red, white and blue. m m V I 5 6 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EVENINGS AT HOME. There is nothing that con- tributes more to the pleasure of evenings at home than music in families. To cultivate a love of music ( among children, creates and fosters a refined senti- ment that is not forgotten when they arrive at ma- turity. Music engenders and promotes good feeling. The blending of the voices of parents and children in song strengthens the ties that bind them together, and the love that centres about the home fireside. It renders home attractive, interesting, and beautiful ; and in every home circle where it is tolerated and cultivated, there will be found a greater freedom from all those discords and inharmonious conten- tions, that render so many parents miserable and their children anxious to find a more congenial atmos- phere elsewhere. Music is not an unmanly or effemi- nate way of spending one's time, as many unrefined parents aver when they proscribe even the coveted fid- dle their sons enjoy scraping in the attic. Every home should have a musical instrument in it that can be used as an accompaniment to the family voices. It will give employment and amusement lo the children in thei* otherwise unoccupied hours. It will keep them a' home, and very often out of bad influences elsewhere. THE DEAREST SPOT. W. T. WRIGHTON , The dear-est spot of earth to me, Is home, sweet home, The fairy land I've longed to see. Is I've taught my heart the way to prize My home, sweet home, I've learned to look with lover's eyes, On home, sweet home. There how charmed the - ise of hearing, There where hearts are so endearing home, sweet home. There where vows are truly plighted, There where hearts are so u - ni - ted, All the world is not so cheer - ing, As home, sweet home. The dear - est spot of All the world be sides I've slighted, For home, sweet home, The dear* est spot of earth to me, is home, sweet home ; The fair - y land I've longed to see, Is home, sweet home. K-rg'rrr m What an auxiliary is music to the teacher, bright- ening up dull faces, inspiring cheerfulness that be- comes an impetp<; to labor, softening and soothing nervous irritation often so difficult to contend against, which has been excited by the crowded school im- patient under the restraint and monotony of position and occupation! Think, too, of each child frequently going home at night, like the honey-laden bee, with a gay little song to charm the work-wearied father's heart ; a lullaby which, sung over the baby's cradle, shall soothe the mother's spirit while it closes baby's eyes; holy hymns that shall make the very roof tree a better shelter for the hearts beneath it Thus the influence of the public school goes out blessing and blest; and we gather sheaves of joy to hold close to humble hearts,thankful that we may be permitted to aid in making the world happier and better,as well as wiser; that we, too, amid the silent, unseen influences, are serving our country and our God, and at the same time learning the useful lesson of how to labor and to wait. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE wonder of the English skylark's song is its Copiousness and sustained strength. There is no theme, BO beginning or end, like most of the best bird-songs, and a perfect swarm of notes pouring out like bees from a hive. We have many more melodious songsters ; the bobolink in the meadows, the vesper sparrow in the pastures, the purple finch in the groves, the winter wren, or any of the thrushes in the woods, or the wood wagtail. But our birds all stop where the English sky- lark has only just begun. Away he goes on quivering Wing, inflating his throat fuller and fuller, mounting Vid mounting, and turning to all points of the compass as if to embrace the whole landscape In his song, the notes still raining upon you as distinct as ever, after you have left him far behind. The English skylark also sings long after all the other birds are silent as if he had perpetual spring in his heart. John Burroughs. IT would, of course, be more amusing to recite con- nected than unconnected words, as it is more amusing to sing passages than single notes; but as no singing voice ever yet was formed by the exclusive utterance of anything that could be called music, so no speaking voice will ever be formed by the exclusive utterance of anything that can be spoken of as literature. Hullah. FISHERMEN'S CHORUS. -_ - D. F. E. AUBBR. From " MASANIBLLO.** 1. Be hold how brightly breaks the morning, 2. A - way, no cloud is lowering o'er us, Tho' bleak our lot Free - ly now . our hearts are warm, we'll stem the wave, :fi: To toil Hoist, hoist inured, all dan - ger scorn - ing, all sail, while full be - fore us, We'll hail the breeze Hope's beacon shines brave the storm, Put off, put off, our course we know ; Take heed, whisper low ; Look out and spread your cheer the brave, Put off, put off, our course we know ; Take heed, whisper low ; Look out and spread your I ^=fo^ e. r r. p ip i-ri- > > x U k- v J I f net with care ; Take heed, whisper low ; The prey we seek we'll soon, we'll soon en - snare ; The tt=Z -ix-tx- V I IX Fine. f) D.S. S ~nr sd, whisper Ion prey we seek we'll soon, we'll soon ensnare; Take heed, whisper low; take heed I iJ^JW I "k "C" iff^l^f-rf 158 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. FORM. Nothing is more common than to hear it aid that Mozart is a great master of form ; that Beethoven's form is at times obscure, and so forth. Of course what is meant is, that in the arrangement and development of the musical phrases, there is a greater or less fitness of proportion, producing an effect of unity or incoherence as the case may be. But the idea of musical form can be made intelligible to any one who will take the trouble to glance at so simple a melody as " The Blue Bells of Scotland." That air Consists of four phrases, each of which is divided into an elation and depression. The first two phrases art repeated ; the third and fourth occur in the middle ; and the first two recur at the close. Thus music ap- pears visibly to the eye to possess all the essential properties of emotion. May we not, therefore, say that the secret of its power consists in this, that it alone is capable of giving to the simplest, the sub tlest, and the most complex emotions alike, that fuK and satisfactory expression through sound, which hitherto it has been found impossible to give to many of them in any other way ? Music and Morals. CHRISTMAS TIME IS Wot too Slow. COME AGAIN. -3 S j_ CHRISTMAS CAROL. H J^ J 1 ^ E m^-4-4 : fT g-^-fi- - B-T-gh^ r- K J ' f : 9- -* : *~ I. Christ -mas time is come a - gain, Christ-mas plea sures bring - ing ; 2. An gels sang, let men re - ply, And chil-dren join. their voi-ces; - Ezte3E p_p 1=^44 * 5 ^ 1 m. w \ri =F : -F F 1 * k | :; r * ^ 5 I u L / ^ B . Let us join our voic-es now, And Christmas songs be singing. Raise the cho - rus loud and high, Earth, and heav'n re - joic - es. Years a - go, one When we reach that g-f : g|C!-ir*frrP-P ^~^ ' g-B-p^r^-y star- ry night, Thus the sto ry's giv . en, hap -py place Joy - ous prais es bringing, An gel bands o'er Bethlehem's plains. Then, be - fore our Father's face. fff- mm Sang the songs of We shall still be I s * be to God on high I Peace, goodwill to p- . r mor-tals I Christ, the Lord, is born to-night, Heav'n throws wide its por - tals. s g i r-p I* FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 159. CHRIST IS BORN IN BETHLEHEM. CHRISTMAS ^ 1 Lo ! descending, the heavens rending, Messengers from God to men, Angels winging, tidings 2, Dearest Saviour, grant Thy fa-vor, While in these Thy courts we stay, Thy rich blessing on us r* , _ . . - . - ^ bringing, Christ is born in Beth -le- hem; Come with gladness, and ban - ish sadness, Children, rest - ing, On this hap - py fes-tive day, Bells are ring- ing, and birds are sing-ing, Woods an F F F F ii P ^ ^ fca~-tX i -N-L S* sweet-ly tune your voices, Sing a -loud while Heaven rejoices; Hal-le - lu-jah! Hal-le- fields their trib-ute bringing, Back the hills the ech - o flinging ; Let our voi-ces, swell the * *BS ferfPfjg-SifE t^ig- l~ y F jjljjjjjj 3;** lu -jah!'' Peace on earth, good will to men. "Lift aloud a loft- y strain, God is reconciled to man; chorus In a grateful song of praise ; Joyful come before Him now, Humbly in His presence bow, F'! m 1*71*1 Glo - ,ry to our Sav - iour King, Heaven and earth with glory ring. Praise Him, praise Him, the Now to Him our trib - ute bring, Lord of lords and King of Kings. Praise Him, praise Him, ye ; c g gic g ^ ir-r- r-r- X U IX 5" -(-*- -FP Lord Je -ho-vah praise. Praise Him, praise Him, the Lord Jehovah praise. Hosanna ! Ho-san - na! grateful children, praise. PraiseHim, praise Him, ye grateful children, praise. Hosan-na ! Hosanna ! . I s I s F FF F ^ 1 F i6o FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Two easily distinguishable mental influences seem to belong to music, according as it is heard by those of musical sensibility who really appreciate it, or by others who are unable to do so. To the former it opens a book of poetry which they follow, word for word, after the performer, as if he read it to thejp ; thinking the thoughts of the composer in succession wiih scarcely greater uncertainty or vagueness than if they were expressed in verbal language of a slightly mystical description. To the latter the book is closed; but though the listener's own thoughts unroll them- selves uninterrupted by the composer's ideas, they are very considerably colored thereby. "1 delight Is music," said once a great man of science ; I am always able to think out my work better while it is going on." As a matter of fact he resumed at the moment a disquisition concerning the date of the glacial period at the precise point at which it had been interrupted by the performance of a symphony of Beethoven, having evidently mastered in the inter- val an intricate astronomical knot To ordinary mortals, with similar defic ; ency of musical sense, harmonious sound seems to spread a halo like that of light, causing every subject of contemplation to LET ERIN REMEMBER. f Animated. T. MOOKK. Arranged by U ay'd her; Wh 1. Let E - rin remember the days of old, Ere her faithless sons be -tray'd her; When 2. On Lough Neagh's bank as the fisherman strays, When the clear cold eve's declin ing, He sfe J 9 * ' ^ s Ma - lachi wore the col-lar of gold, Which he -won from the proud in -va der ; When her sees the round towers of oth er days, In the wave be - neath him shin - ing, Thus shall kings, with standard of green unfurl'd, Led the Red-Branch Knights to dan - ger ; Ere the mem'ry oft -en, in dreams sublime. Catch a glimpse of the days that are o - ver;Thus, iry em'rald gem of the west -em world "Was set in the brow of a. stran - ger. fighing, look thro' the waves of time, For the long-faded glo ties they cov er. i eem glorified as a landscape appears in a dewy sunrise. Old memories rise to the mind and seem infinitely more affecting than at other times; still living affections grow doubly tender j new beauties appear in the picture or the landscape before our eyes, and passages of remembered prose or poetry float through our brain in majestic cadence. In a word, the sense of the beautiful, the tender, the sublime, is vividly aroused, and the atmosphere of familiarity and com- monplace, wlierewith the real beauty and sweet- ness of life are too often veiled, is lifted for the hour. ^As in a camera-obscura, or mirror, the very trees and grass which we had looked on a thousand times are seen to possess unexpected loveliness. Bui all this can only happen to the non-musical soul when the harmony to which it listens is really har- monious, and when it comes at an appropriate time, when the surrounding conditions permit and incline the man to surrender himself to its influences ; in a word, when nothing else demands his attention. AN excellent mother, who had learned the lesson of life, writing to her son on the birth of his eldest child, says : "Give him education, that his life may be nsefoi \ teach him religion that his death may be happy." FA VORITE SONGS FOh SCHOOL AND HOME. OH I GLADLY NOW WE HAILJTHEE. ' " g I. Oh! glad - ly now we hail thee, Dear friends of ear - ly time! / 2. The trees a - round our dwell ing, Where ear - ly friendships met, i ,^ The same old love we cher ish As in our ear The riv er and the fount ain, Our hearts can ne'er ^ pme; get: r=r? i i a v i. tt-s=* = r 3 F As na - ture nev - er chang es Our hearts are still the same, There hearts and homes were lov ing, And round the hearth at even, 1 ^ And still on friend-ship's al Our hum - ble prayers as - cend tar As bright -ly burns love's flame. ed On wings of love to heaven* ^3t f Oh ! glad - ly now we hail thee, Dear friends of ear - iy timel rr~rrT r -s-r-r The same old love we cher ish As in our ear r r prime, rr~rr 162 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Stephen Collins Foster was bom in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, on the 4th of July, 1826. He was the youngest child of William B. Foster, a merchant of Pittsburg, and mayor of his native city, member of the State legislature, and a Federal officer under President Buchanan. His sister was the wife of Rev. Edward Y. Buchanan, a brother of the President. The com- piler of the Franklin Square Collection recalls his keen enjoyment of the organ of the Episcopal church at Par- adise, a country parish in Lancaster county, Pennsyl- vania, of which Mr. Buchanan was for many years the rector. Mrs. Buchanan always played at the Sunday morning service, and since we have learned to enjoy the songs of her brother, none of which had then been written, we seem to understand more the spell under which the music of this gentle, gifted lady brought and held us as a child. She too had inherited " a dou- ble portion of the divine gift of music." For the facts in the sketch here given we are indebted to an article by Mr. Robert P. Nevin, of Pittsburg, who says : The ^ MASSA'S IN THE COLD GROUND. Rather Slow, with Feeling. STEPHEN C. FOSTER. X ^ - -'** 1. Round de meadows am a - ring - ing, De darkies' mournful song, While de mocking-bird am singing, 2. When de autumn leaves are fall-ing, When de days are cold, 'Twas hard to hear old massa call-ing, 3. Mas - sa make de darkeys love him, Cayse he was so kind, Now, dey sadly weep a - bove him, Hap- py as tie day am long. Where de i - vy am a -creep -ing O'er the grassy mound, Cayse he was so weak and old. Now de orange trees am blooming On de sand - y shore, Mourning cayse he leave dem behind. I can - not work before to-morrow, Cayse de tear-drop flow, I Dare old massa am a - sleep - ing, Sleeping in de cold, cold ground. \ Now de summer days am com - ing, Massa nebber calls no more, y Down in de corn-field, try to drive away my sor - row, Pickin' on de old ban jo. J ^ ^ Hear dat mournful sound : All de darkies am a - weep - ing, Massa's in de cold, cold ground. evidences of a musical capacity of no common order were apparent in Stephen at an early period. Going Into a shop one day, when about seven years old, he picked up a flageolet, the first he had ever seen, and comprehending, after an experiment or two, the order of the scale on the instrument, was able in a few min- utes, uninstructed, to play any of the simple tunes within the octave with which he was acquainted. He Was a boy of delicate constitution, not addicted to the active sports or any of the mere f igorcns habits of boys. A recluse, owning and soliciting no guidance but that of his text-book, in the quiet of the woods, or, if that were inaccessible, the retirement of his chamber, he de- voted himself to music. At the age of seventeen he went to Cincinnati into the office of his brother, discharging the duties of his place with faithfulness and ability. His spare hours were still devoted to his favorite pursuit although his productions were chiefly preserved in FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 163 manuscript, and kept for the private entertainment of his friends. At that time a Mr. Andrews, of Pittsburg, offered a silver cup for the best original negro song, Mr. Morrison Foster sent to his brother Stephen a copy of the advertisement announcing the fact, with a letter urging him to become a competitor for the prize. He finally yielded, and in due time forwarded a melody entitled, " Way down South, whar de Corn grows." When the eventful night came, the various pieces in competiton were rendered to the audience by Nelson Kneass to his own accompaniment on the piano. The audience expressed by their applause a decided pre- ference for Stephen's melody; but the committee de- cided in favor of some one else. This experiment of Foster's served a profitable purpose, for it led him to a critical investigation of the school of music to which it belonged. This had been, and was yet, unques- tionably popular. To what, then, was it indebted for its captivating points? It was to its truth to Nature in her simplest and most childlike mood. Settled as to OH, BOYS, CARRY ME 'LONG. STEPHEN C. FOSTER. Moderate. 1. Oh! carry me 'long, 2. All o - ber de land 3. Farewell to de boys, 4. Farewell to de hills, der's no more trouble for me ; I've wandered many a day, wid hearts so happy and light, de meadows covered wid green, I's gwine to roam in a .happy home,Where To blow de horn and mind de corn, And Dey sing a song de whole day long, And Old brindle Boss, and de old grey boss, All all de darkies am free, keep de possum a - way. dance de ju - ba at night, beat-en, broken and lean. I've worked long in de fields; I've handled many a hoe; I'll No use for me now, So, darkies, bury me low ; My Fare-well to de fields Ob cotton, 'bacco, and all; I's Fare-well to de dog Dat always followed me round ; Old _fc-fr->-fr4MjJ-?.k=t I " ^ r V turn my eye, be - fore I die, And see de sugar-cane grow, horn is dry, and I must lie, Wha de possum nebber can go. gwine to hoe, in a bress- ed row, Wha de corn grows mellow and tall. Sancho'll wail, and droop his tail, When I am under de ground. Oh! boys, carry me 'long; Oh! boys, carry me 'long; Oh! boys, carry me 'long; Oh! boys, carry me 'long; Carry me down to de buryin' groun', Old Massa, don't you cry. theory, Foster applied himself to its exemplification. The Presidential campaign of 1844 was distinguished by political song-singing. Clubs for that purpose were organized in all the cities and towns and hamlets. So enthusiastic became the popular feeling in this direc- tion, that, when the November crisis was come and gone, these clubs lived on. Among them was one, composed of a half-dozen young men, Foster home again, and a link once more in the circle of his inti- mates at its head. One night he laid before them a song entitled " Louisiana Belle." It elicited unani- mous applause, and in the course of a few nights the song was sung very widely in Pittsburg. Foster then brought to light his portfolio specimens, since univer- sally known as "Uncle Ned" and " O Susanna!" The favor with which these latter were received far surpassed even that of " Louisiana Belle." Their fame spread far and wide, until from the drawing-rooms of 16 4 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Cincinnati they were introduced into its concert halls, and there became known to W. C. Peters, who at once requested copies for publication. These were cheer- fully furnished by the author. He did not look for remuneration. For " Uncle Ned," which appeared in 1 847, he received none; "O Susanna! " soon followed, and "imagine my delight," he writes, "in receiving one hundred dollars in cash ! Though this song was not successful," he continues; "yet the two fifty-dollar bills 1 received for it had the effect of starting me on my present vocation of song- writer." In pursuance of this decision, he set himself to work, and began to poor out his productions with astonishing rapidity. Out ol the list, embracing about one hundred and fifty of his songs, the most flatteringly received among his negro melodies were those already enumerated, followed by "Nelly was a Lady," in 1849; "My Old Kentucky Home," and "Camptown Races," in 1850; "Old Folks at Home" in 1851; "Massa's in the Cold Ground," in 1852; "Oh, Boys, Carry me 'long," IB WILLIE, WE HAVE MISSED YOU. STEPHEN C. FOSTER. 1. Oh! Wil - lie, is it you, dear, Safe, safe at home? They did not tell me true, dear; They 2. We've longed to see you night- ly, But this night of all ; The fire was blazing bright - ly And 3. The days were sad without you, The nights long and drear; My dreams have been about you. Oh ! m said you would not come, I heard you at the gate, And it made my heart rejoice ; For I lights were in the hall. The lit - tie ones were up 'TilFtwasten o 'clock and past, Then their wel-come, Wil - lie dearl Last night I wept and watched By the moonlight's cheerless ray, 'Till I -T--1* -*-' -**- T^T^ ii_ . r: i - i =*- - E -t m- s \, \, '' -tt ftj h :J==J: knew that welcome footstep And that dear, fa -mil- iar voice, Making music on my ear In the eyes began to twinkle, And they've gone to sleep at last ; But they listened for your voice Till they thought I heard your footstep, Then I wiped my tears a- way ; But my heart grew sad again When I lone - ly mid -night gloom: Oh! thought you'd never come ; Oh ! found you had not come; Oh! -*=fe v Wil - lie, we have missed you ; Wil - lie, we have missed you ; Wil - lie, we have missed you ; come, wel - come, wel - come, wel - * EEt 1853; "Hard Times come again no more," in 1854; "Old Black Joe," in 1860. In all these compositions Poster adheres scrupulously to his theory adopted at the outset. His verses are distinguished by a nalvett characteristic and appropriate, but consistent at the same time with common sense. Enough of the negro dialect is retained to preserve distinction, but not to offend. The sentiment is given in plain phrase, under homely illustration ; but it is a sentiment nevertheless. The melodies are of twin birth, literally with the ver- ses, for Foster thought in tune as he traced in rhyme, and traced in rhyme as he thought in tune. That he had struck upon the true way to the common heart, the successes attending his efforts surely demonstrate. His songs had an unparalled circulation. Artists of the highest distinction favored him with their friendship. Herz and Sivori, Ole Bull and Thalberg, were alike ready to approve his genius, and to testify that approval in the choice of his melodies as themes about which to weave their witcheries of embellishment. CompUmeip- FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. I6 5 tary letters from men of literary note poured in upon him ; among others, one full of generous encourage- ment from Washington Irving, dearly prized and care- fully treasured to the day of Foster's death. Similar missives reached him from across the seas from stran- gers and from travellers in lands far remote ; and he learned that, while " O Susanna," was the familiar song of the cottager of the Clyde, " Uncle Ned " was known to the dweller in tents among the Pyramids. Of his sentimental songs, ' Maggie by my Side," " Jennie with the Light-brown Hair," "Willie, we have missed you," " Come where my love lies dreaming," and others, are among the leading favorites. The verses to most of these airs were all of his own composition. Indeed, he could seldom satisfy himself in his " set- tings " of the stanzas of others. The last three years of his life he passed in New York. During all that time his efforts, with perhaps one exception, were lim- ited to the production of songs of a pensive character. He died after a brief illness, January I3th, 1864. His OLD DOG TRAY STEPHEN C. FOSTER. 1. The morn of life is past, And ev-'ning comes at last, It brings me a dream of a 2. The forms I called my own, Have vanished one by one, The loved ones, the dear ones have 3. When thoughts recall the past, His eyes are on me cast ; I know that he feels what my * =C 3 ) f^ g Cg-^ P f * gi ^ }? t U once hap - py day, Of mer - ry forms I've seen Up - on the vil - lage green, all passed a - way, Their hap - py smiles have flown,Their gen - tie voic - es gone ; I've break-ing heart would say: Although he can - not speak, I'll vain - ly, vain - ly seek, A ^^-^jr-r ^ ^ brf b* & i K Sport-ing with my old dog Tray. ") noth- ing left but old dog Tray. [ Old dog Tray's ev-er faith ful, Grief cannot drive him a bet - ter friend than old dog Tray. J way, He's gen-tie, he is kind; I'll nev- er, nev- er find A bet ter friend than old dog Tray. remains reached Pittsburg a few days later, and were conveyed to Trinity Church, where, on the day follow- ing, in the presence of a large assembly, appropriate and impressive ceremonies took place, the choral ser- vices being sustained by a company of his former friends and associates. His body was then carried to the Alle- gheny Cemetery, and, to the music of " Old Folks at Home," finally committed to the grave. Mr. Foster was below medium height, and of slight, well-propor- tioned frame. His shoulders were marked by a slight droop the result of a habit of walking with his eyes upon the ground a pace or two in advance of his feet. He nearly always when he went out, which was not often, walked alone. Arrived at the street-crossings, he would frequently pause, raise himself, cast a glance at the surroundings, and if he saw an acquaintance nod to him in token of recognition, and then, relapsing into the old posture, resume his way. For his study he se- lected a room in the topmost story of his house, farthest removed from the street, and was careful to have the 106 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. floor of the apartment and the avenues'of approach to it thickly carpeted, to exclude as effectually as possible all noises, inside as well as outside of his own premises. The furniture of this room consisted of a chair, a lounge, a table, a music-rack, and a piano. From the sanctum so chosen, seldom opened to others, and never allowed upon any pretence to be disarranged, came his choicest compositions. If Mr. Foster's art embodied no higher idea than the vulgar notion of the negro as a man-mon- key then it might have proved a tolerable catch- penny affair, and commanded an admiration among the boys of various growths until its novelty wore oft But the art in his hands teemed with a nobler signifi- cance. It dealt, in its simplicity, with universal sym- pathies, and taught us all to feel with the slaves the lowly joys and sorrows it celebrated. May the time be far in the future ere the lips fail to move to its mu- sic, or sympathetic hearts to respond to its influence; and may we, who owe him so much, preserve gratefully the memory of the rare master, Stephen Collins Foster. 7^ OLD FOLKS AT HOME. Con espressionc. STEPHEN C. FOSTER. 'Way down up - on de Sv - nee river, Far, far a way, Dere's wha my heart is All roun' de lit - tie farm I wandered When I was young, Den ma - ny hap - py One lit - tie hut among de bushes, One that I love, Still sad - ly to my turning ev - er, Dere's wha de old folks stay, days I squander'd, Ma ny de songs I sung, mem'ry rushes, No mat - ter where I rove. All up and down de whole crea - tion, When I was playing with my brother, When will I see de bees a -humming, Sad - ly I roam, Still longing for de old planta-tion, And for de old folks at home. Hap-py was I, Oh ! take me to my kind old mother, There let me live and die. All roun' de comb? When will I hear de banjo tumming, Down in my good old home? I Oh ! darkies, how my heart grows wea - ry, Far from de old folks at home. =* FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME. IS ^ N f 1 > b 167 Rather flow. J l STBFRKN C. FOSTER. ^3 1. The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home, 'Tis summer, the darkies are gay; The 2. They hunt no more for the possum and the coon, On the meadow, the hill, and the shore, They 3. The head must bow and the back will have to bend, Wher - ev - er the darkey may go ; A WTZsfur - \J 'U- 5Ez* *=*==& ftf-g ., g irp^^T-qjFF WB- corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom,While the birds make music all the .... sing no more by the glimmer of the moon, On the . . . . bench by the old cabin few more days, and the trouble all will end In the 3^ day. The young folks roll on the lit - tie cab - in floor, All door. The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart, With field where the su- gar-canes grow; A few more days for to tote the wea-ry load, No it: :*=*: := 4L_V ESS^S3323 -* PTJJ- 2: p- p ^r mer-ry, all happy and bright, By'm-by, hard times comes a knocking at the door, Then, my sorrow where all was de - light; The time has come when the darkies have to part, Then, my matter, 'twill never be light, A few more days till we tot-ter on the road, Then, mj Chorus. -i h-4- S2: 32=r? ^-^t ^ i i^ old Kentucky home, good night ! Weep no more, my la - dy, Oh ! weep no more to-day ! We will a t > n~F~ -ass-ljzz *_JLjZ lEdK-Kdi S H i i sing one song for the old Kentucky home, For the old Kentucky home, far a - way. 168 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Echo was a very beautiful nymph, fond of the woods and hills, where she devoted herself to wood, land sports. She was a favorite of Diana, and attended her in the chase. But Echo had one Jailing; she was fond of talking, and, whether in chat or argument, would have the last word. Juno, having discovered that some deception had been practiced by Echo, passed sentence upon her in these words : " You shall forfeit the use of that tongue with which you have cheated me, except for the one purpose you are so fond of 'reply. You shall still have the last word, but no power to speak first" This nymph saw Nar- cissus, a beautiful youth, as he pursued the chase upon the mountains. How she longed to address him in the softest accents, and win him to conversation, but it was not in her power. She waited with impatience for him to speak first, and had her answer ready. One day, the youth, being separated from his companions, shouted aloud, " Who's here ?" Echo replied, "Here." Narcissus, looking around but seeing no one, called x" OFT IN THE STILLY NIGHT. STKVENSON. MOORE'S MELODIES. 1. Oft in the still - y night, ere slum-ber's chain hath bound 2. When I re - mem - ber all the friends so link'd to geth me, er m ^FH* i m D.C. Thus, in the still y night, ere slum-ber's chain hath bound me, dim. A i i w Fond mem' - ry brings the light of oth - er days a round me, I've seen a round me fall, like leaves in win - try wea ther, & m = =& Sad mem* ry brings the light of oth er days a round me. The smiles, the tears of childhood's years, the words of love then spok - en, The I feel like ons who treads a - lone some ban - quet hall de sert ed, Whose eyes that shone, now dimm'd and gone, the cheer - ful hearts now bro ken : lights are fled, whose gar - lands dead, and all but him de part ed. out, " Come." Echo answered, " Come." As no one came, Narcissus called again, "Why do you shun me ?" Echo asked the same question. " Let us join one another," said the youth. The maid answered with all her heart in the same words, and hastened to the spot. He started back, exclaiming, " Hands off? I would rather die than you should have me." " Have me," said slie, but it was all in rain. He left her, od she went to hide her blushes in the recesses of the woods. From that time forth she lived in caves and among mountain cliffs. Her form faded with grief, till, at last, all her flesh had shrunk away, her bones had changed into rocks, and there was nothing left of her but her voice. With that she is still ready to reply to any one who calls her, and always keeps up her old habit of having the last word. jtge cf Fable. There is something in the very shape of harps, as though they had been made by music Bailey. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 169 IT IS wtll to remember, in connection with the symbolism of the organ, that only those elements of the faith and life of every church which can pass up into noble anthems, chants, and hymns, which can be set to music, are its worthy and enduring elements. You can not put proofs of the trinity or controversial supports of the unity of God, the arguments of Bishop Bull, or the arguments of Professor Norton, into hymns. You can not chant rubrics, and thirty-nine articles, and damnatory clauses of the Athanasian formula. But reverence for God, devout prostration before the law which "the Father" represents, love for the pity and sacrifice which "the Son" interprets, joy in the ever-present grace, and prayer for the quick- ening life, which "the Spirit" symbolizes, adoration of Infinite holiness, submission to Infinite sovereignty, grateful trust in Infinite love sentiments in which Trinitarian and Unitarian, Calvinist and Arnnnian, Partialist and Universalist, come at once into fellow- shipthese fly to music for expression. Starr King. FOREVER AND * N FOREVER. CHAS. C. CONVERSE. " > 1. A maid reclined beside a stream At fall of summer day, And half awake, and half a - 2. The twilight past, the moon at last Rose broadly o'er the night ; Each ripple gleams beneath her dream, She watch'd the rip - pies play, She mark'd the wa - ters fall and heave, The beams As, wrought in sil - ver bright, The heav - ing wa - ters glide a - long, But *^. * deep'ning shadows throng, And heard, as darken'd down the eve, The riv-er's babbling song. And mingling with their voice, The nightingale now pours his song, And makes the shades rejoice. And thus it sung with tink- ling tongue, That rip - pling, shad - 'wy riv - er, "Youth's thus he sung with tune- ful tongue, That bird be- side the riv - er, "When bright - est day will fade a - way, For ev er and for - ev er." youth is gone, true love shines on, For' ev - er and for ev er." is i-* 9 -t By permission J. STARR HALLOWAY, proprietor of copyright. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. DRIFT, MY BARK. Comodo. P. KUCKKH. W. J. WKTMOR* I. Drift, my bark, while stars are beaming In the cloudless evening sky; D. C. bark, my bark, while stars are beaming In the cloudless evening sky ; Rock me while my love lies Rock me while my love lies p*m O'er the wave sweet music dreaming, dreaming, I i ^^ Sparkling billows, peacefully. O'er the wave sweet mu - sic floats, Sweet as s v ling billows, floats, Sweet as siren's witching notes, O'erthewavethewitchingnotes.thesiren'switchinjr l* p^girffif *& si - ren's witching notes, O'er the wave sweet music floats, sweet as siren's, as the siren's tsfress. notes, Drift my Sparkling billows, peace -ful-ly. O'er the wave sweet music floats, O'er the * * * \1 ** * si - ren's witching notes, -J=^ X* X* * wave sweet mu - sic floats, As the si - ren's witching notes, As the si - ren's witching FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 171 Soon to reach our native shore. P more; O'er the rocking, rocking billows rid- ing, ^ ggggg Drifting on - ward, swift we're at on - ward, swift we're gliding, h O'er the rock ing billows glid - ing, Loving friends to meet, Loving friends to meet, to meet once more, Loving friends to meet once more, [friends to f ^ rid - ing, meet once more, Loving friends to meet once more. Drift, my Sparkling billows, peacefully. O'er the O'er the bil-Iovr Sweet as si-ren's, as the wave sweet music floats, O'er the wave sweet music floats, Sweet as si-ren's witching notes as the i 15 JJ. i i nJ i r*s- : si - ren's witching notes. O'er the wave sweet musk, floats, Sweet as si - ren's witching notes, O'er the i^^r-^Ajx.^jv^M^^rrrrrrH *^i LTr ITr-E ^-M^-i-*T^ ! ^r LLf 1 7n ULT <^ r t^T I L r 1=?=^^=^^=^ N^ r ~s . -S- ' f * ' ~\ -2 wave sweet music floats, Sweet as si - ren's witching notes, sweet music floats. r*- *. rrr \ m *\ 172 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. f 'GO TO SLEEP, LENA DARLING. i J. K. EMMET. LULLABY IN " FRITZ." 1. Close your eyes, Le - na, my darling, While I sing your lul - la - by ; Fear thou no danger, Lena, 2. Bright be de morn-ing, my darling, Ven you ope your eyes Sunbeams glow all 'round you, Lena, +r<& P 3fei *=*=5t Move not, dear Le na, my dar-ling, For your brooder watches nigh you, Le - na dear. Peace be with thee, love, my dar-ling, Blue and cloudless be the sky for Le - na dear. Angels guide thee, Lena dear, my darling, Noth- ing e - vil can come near; Brightest flow- ers Birds sing their bright songs for thee, my darling, Full of sweetest mel o - dy. An -gels ev - er blow for thee, Dar - ling sis - ter, dear to me. Go to sleep, go to sleep, my hov er near, Dar - ling sis - ter, dear to me. Go to sleep, go to sleep, my by; Go to sleep, my ba by, my ba by, my ba FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 173 MICHAEL HAYDN. SILENT NIGHT. 1. Si 2. Si 3. Si lent night! lent night! lent night! Ho ly night! Ho - ly night! Ho - ly night 1 J J 1 i All is calm, "all is bright Shep - herds quake at the sight! Son of God, love's pure light, F=S Round yon vir gin moth er and Child ! Glo ries stream from Heav - en a far, Ra - diant beams from Thy ho - ly face, 1 1 _ Ho - ly In - fant, so ten - derand mild, Heav'n - ly hosts sing Al - le - lu - ia, With the dawn of re - deem - ing grace, Sleep in heav - en - ly peace, Christ, the Sav iour, is born ! Je sus, Lord, at Thy birth, Sleep in heav - en - ly peace. Christ, the Sav - iour, is born! Je - sus, Lord, at Thy birth. ' | h h fc K i * . * ^ .J-^ T*- T 5 SONS C )F MEN, BEHUL i. J ^ J J i D. THIBATTT, 1*54. CHARLES WESLEY, 1739. 1 H 1 1 1 1 > *' I ' 3 -S * J mf- 1. Sons of men, be hold from 2. Mild it shines on all be - n 3. Na - tions all, re - mote and Ife^iu g : f i J M^i far, Hail the long ex - pect ed Star; eath, Pierc ing thro' the shades of death, icar, Haste to see your God ap - pear; 'F J **i*--r* r , :5 r- 8 --* ' - EH i f\tt ft _ "i- 1 i ^ ' i i J ! I 1 ^_ ' | \ ' I"" * y *v tt 1 * *^ j j . l 3 ^ * o i h- | J 1 T) M ^ ^3 * F 1 j . 4 ~ % f * 3 tJ 1 5 ^ \ r * - 1 r Ja - cob' Scat t'rin t'ring er - ror's wide -spread night, Haste, for Him your hearts pre - pare, Kind - ling dark -ness in - to light. Meet Him man - i - fest - ed there. gfg-ft f ' * ' * S* ' 1*^ * * ' * ' * T*" r* ^ i ,*3 n fi^j^-J r i ^ -A ^ m* T ) ! PH 1 ^3 1 &- r L L. u i ^ ' i kLj j ^-> , ^^ p r j - There behold the Day-Spring rise, Pouring light upon your eyes ; See it chase the shades away, Shining to the perfect day. Sing, ye morning stars, again, God descends on earth to reign, Deigns for man His life t'employ : Shout, ye sons of God, for joy. 174 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LITTLE BY LITTLE. MRS. CHAS. BARNARD. HHf-w ffip-S-^ J J is 1 S- ~M -f- -) * 1 ! -^ *-m ' S- MT-X--IP *P "4 4 i. Lit - tie 2. Lit - tie 3. Lit - tie yti- fi P ^~ ~ y %Sl S" 1 by lit - tie the by lit - tie the by lit - tie the -T* ^ * *~1 g 1 1 t=3 m-9 f ' jl jL * * * L - L f L - day goes by, The day so dark or fair; skies grow clear, Spring-buds come smil ing out; world grows strong, Up - borne by the good in men, r-m !* r* * i r T i* (-rt r ! ! r "F--^ ^w^^F Kg *-u- 1 1 1 1*-1 JCJ 1 ^ I k. W -ft-h r* ^ K=P df <&- ^1 - m =r F*^ ~" p -f T=P =p ~W \5 v 1 ^i ^ -i *i i i 353E -[ - * ~l*~^~ -ta-1-r -f ^^ -p h ^ * p., 1 E i - u T^//. = jj h K == S 5 a ^ 1 tempo. N S E 1 t> i M S. P=| N R ^|- i== s- 14-5-J -Z- 1 -^ ~- M T M 1 ^ P 5 R !h^! i pi 3 5-J-" (- .J.-^.IL.J. g| note I heard, It had been there so long. I never listened to its la win-try blast, The lit - tie bird sang on. And when I droop'd with grief oppi t , r ,_M-* ^,, M <* * ,^ *B li J* I. frj, frfe-fr *< !- ! ~ L -f ~ -g ~ iT* i* i* ^ *i i- -* t -**9--*- f, A-mid my essed,Thelit-de ts*h^f- *-^b h i 1 P_2_V =t=t ? t^? t i; '> =u- *- v-t -iW-^- ^ Jei- 33 * $'/> , / t *^ i i> bow'r ofros-es gay, Yet all day long, be-side my door, The lit -tie bird sang ev-er- bird flew in my breast; Now all day long, be-side my door, The lit -tie bird sings ev-er- m + + I* I* I" ad lib. D.S. Softly. I more; more; All sum-mer long, All win-ter long, be- side my door, The lit - tie bird sang ev- er - more, be- side my door, The lit -tie bird sings ev-er -more. DCZ work, re-created by the love which has given form to the thought in its first inception, and developed under the brooding meditation and patient study by which every thought worth the having is perfected. But even here the work is not creative. We see the paint- er reaching forth, by his genius, taking the evanes- cent beauty which is lying around him, and making it permanent, bringing this far-away loveliness down to our household and every-day uses. The sculptor, too, crystallizes by his art into permanent forms the fleeting beauty around him. Poetry, which is more nearly akin to music than any other of the arts, and which undoubtedly stands higher in the scale, differs from it widely in this respect. The world of imagina- tion from which the poet draws must be present to him in order that he may reproduce it, or he will be a versifier, not a poet. But music stands apart from these ; it seems a distinct creation, for it really reproduces nothing which previously existed either in the world of sense or of thought. Mrs. Herrifk. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HELMHOLTZ fixes the lowest limit of nmsical Bounds at sixteen vibrations per second, and the high- est at 38,000. Below this number the pulsations cease to link themselves together, and become dis tinct sounds. The range of the ear is thus about eleven octaves. The practical range of music is, however, only about seven octaves. The capacity to hear the higher tones varies in different persons. A sound which is entirely audible to one may be utter silence to another. Some ears cannot distinguish the squeak of a bat or the chirp of a cricket, while others an acutely sensitive to these shrill sounds. Indeed, the auditory nerve seems generally more alive to the short, quick vibrations than to the long, slow ones. The whirr of a locust is much more noticeable than the sighing of the wind through the trees. A con- tinuous blast of air has no effect to produce sound. The rush of the grand aerial rivers above us we never hear. They flow on ceaselessly but silently in the upper regions of the air. A whirlwind is noise- less. Let, however, the great billows strike a tree and wrench it violently from the ground, and w can hear the secondary shorter waves which set out from the struggling limbs and from the tossing leaves. THE HEART BOWED DOWN. M. W. BALFH From "BOHEMIAN Gnu.". r* 1. The heart-bow'd down by weight of woe, To weak-est hopes will cling, 2. The mind will in its worst de-spair. Still pon-der o'er the past, o- To On thought and im pulse while they flow, That can no com mo - ments of de - light that were Too beau-ti - ful fort bring, that can, that to last, that were too m- _^ j*_ -T" . I -%?" -f- caa no com fort tring; To those ex - cit ing scenes will blend, O'er beau - ti - ful to last; To long de part - ed years ex - tend, Its . , T" ..r" r- , g +-& m y--F F p*- 3^Sf ^=4^=^* *-m*r?3 h ~^~ ^ ~T ; But mem'ry is the on - ly fri pleasure's path way thrown; B\:t mem'ry is the on - fy friend That grief can call its vis -ions with them flown; For mem'ry is the on - ly iriend That grief can call its own, That grief can call its own , That grief can call its wn. ^?- -r, J J-2-,- H* ! 178 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME, OUR SONGS OF JOY AND GLADNESS. MEYERBEER. Conspirito. X 1 W iX 1. Our songs of joy, our songs of joy and glad-ness, We'll sing.we'll sing, we'll sing in cheerful 2. Awake, awake! awake sweet notes of pleasure.In song, in song, in full and joyous lay, No note of pain, no note of pain or sad - ness Shall greet, shall song, Move on, move on, move on in grace - ful meas - ure, To speed, to SE3 &=. greet.shall greet this joyous d? y, Yes, then hail this joy ous day. speed* to speed the hours ak'jg, Speed the hours, the hours a - long *= S Yes, then hail, this joy - ous Speed the hours, the hours a - Our songs of joy, our songs of joy and gladness, We '11 sing, we '11 sing, we '11 sing in cheerful Awake, awake! awake sweet notesof pleasure, In song, in song, in full and joyous lay; No note of pain, no note of pain or sadness Shall greet.shall greet shall greet this joyous son?; Move on, move on, move on in graceful measure, To speed, to speed, to speed the hours a - - - ff - day. This joy - ous day, All hail this joy-ous day, All hail, all hail, all hail this joy -ous long. This joy - ous day, All hail this joy-ous day, All hail, all hail, all hail this joy-ous !=?^S=ff > tx tx ^ ix 'i FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 179 day, all hail day, all hail ix i ix ix x all hail this day, this mer ry.mer ry, mer - ry, this day, all hail this day, this hap - py.hap py, hap - py, mer - ry, mer - ry mer - ry, mer - ry, day. Our songs, our songs, our songs of joy and hap py, hap - py hap - py, hap - py, day. Awake, awake 1 awake, sweet notes of X 1 -9- -4- & X 1 glad - ness, We '11 sing, we '11 sing, we '11 sing in cheer - ful lay ,- No note of pleas ure, In full, in full, in full and joy- ous song, Move on, move = -t^. K~ wi _i h E J fe,-j ft ^ rv i* * ^'-H^J^-p ^i~--* - j = atz*= pain, no note of pain or sadness, Shall greet, shall greet, shall greet this happy day. on, move on, in graceful measure, To speed, to speed, to speed the hours along. === -t V V = -* P- T^tr **-*._* * I- I 1 I l_- IA- EVER TO THE RIGHT. ^ *^ 1. Ev er to the right, boys, Ev - er to the 2. Ev - er to the right, boys, Ev - er to the 3. Ev - er to the right, boys, Ev-er to the right! Give a ready right; Nev - er let your right; To ev - 'ry stu - dy J A A - hand and teach - er well at -tend, To true say, 1- -r-- To the work you have to do, Ev - er "Why my wish - es dis - o - bey?" Ev - er ev - 'ry schoolmate be a friend: Ev - er to the right, Ev - er to the right, Ev - er to the right, Ev - er to the to the to the right. right. riglrt I So FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HAPPY AND LIGHT. M. W. BALFK. From " BOHEMIAN GIRI..** 3 S ! -h=*1 - Happy and light of heart are those, Ves, Happy and light of heart are those who in each other faith repose, '^d*^\j ILi'-iL"r' 8 r WUlX >> > :fc=frrjB=3K 2^ time. -3- er faith repose, Hap . py and light, and light of heart are those, fcs-r-H"- FP -=1 i M L. - L > =J= -3 MS g- J J J ^ Who faith re - pose, in each oth - er faith repose, ah, Hap - py and light of T1-. fc ==" ^ftg iSEt ^J-T.JJ. JVj^Nnfl S- 2 -^-^^ ^ -Kg-f-{-qf !bl|j ga:' heart are those, who in each oth - er faith repose. Who in each oth - er, Who in each ^=fcf: P ^ W rp p p r ^r E- *-t^ M 1- P^P :*m i i . U Ix U*'* ^ ^^'l k>-l? ^ k ix- other, Who in each oth - er faith re -pose, Happy and light of heart are those, Who ^+-. aaczni ( iJ J I s fl i in each oth - er faith repose, Who in each oth - er faith repose, repose, yes, Hap - py and b. ^ ~, ^iqg--p--r i IT ^=^1 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. f i8r -^ \ ^-* \ ^ light of heart are those, Who hi each oth - er faith repose, Happy and light, Happy and i ^9 K. -r*r-- light, Who in each oth er faith re - pose, Their faith re - pose. UPON THE HEIGHT. GERMAN FOLK-SONG. j k Up The And on the height I lit - tie flow - ers in re -pose they -mi he sun be - Their eye - lids Who call a gan by cot to de their set, grees, own I And They -1 tr- Hung evening's gold- ea net. Un - ruf - fled by the breeze. Who rove the world a - lone. saw how o'er the wood ey - 'ry bil - low flows, dream of home and sigli, *** The dew from Heaven The golden bee - tie A long -ing fills my fell, rocks breast, Peace o'er the earth a - rose, With sound of eve-ning bell Sank Its era - die is the rose, The shepherd and his flocks Re - Oh, how I fain would fly, And seek e - ter - nal rest, In ft: Ja - ture to re - pose, tir - ing to re - pose, yon far home on high, Sank Na - ture to re - pose. Re - tir - ing to re - pose. In yon far home on high. * ,-E: it ami -t &- JS2 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. A choir of twenty or thirty full-voiced singers concentrating their vocal energies mainly upon the melody, and singing with clear, distinct articula- tion, with bold, commanding tone, and with firm, steady movement, may set before the congregation such a plain and inviting path of song, and inspire with such confidence all who have ability to sing, that the result will be a successful, and even admir- able illustration of the people's chorus. A hundred little rivulets, no one of which could find ite way I* the sea alone, may join the river that passes near them, and be wafted safely to the ocean ; but the stream that conveys them owes much of its grandeur to these little tributaries. In the production of this great, melodic chorus, a strong lead of men's voices upon the "air" is indispensable. Men's voices are valuable for dignity and impressiveness; but in the chorus of which we speak, their chief value is their strength. Furber. I'M A SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY. GERMAN SONG. i m 1. I'm a shep-herd of the val - ley, La la la k la, La la k 2. In the fresh and dew-y morn -ing, La la la la la, La la la k k^ 3. Free from en - vy ev-er liv - ing, La k la la k, La la la k la; -^- I* 1 - m . - ^ 1. Joy! Joy! freedom to-day ! Care! care! drive itaway! Youth, health and vigor our senses o'er-power; 2. Ring ! ring ! merrily, bells ! Swing ! swing ! onward your swells ! Telling of hope, love and joy to the world. Trouble ! count it for naught ! Banish, banish the thought. Pleasure and mirth shall rule o'er this hour. Triumph proud ye proclaim ! Freedom ! what can we name Fairer than Fatherland flag here unfurled ? H H- ! F rP^P-i F PPi 1 ^.| ^-i W F^F i P * **-<* m *nr ^n 33s Joy to - day ! joy, joy to - day ! and care, care, drive it far a - way ! Joy to - day ! joy, through which h is made to reach in upon the soul, is in itself almost spiritual viz., sound; and this is the chief medium through which the infinitude and in- definiteness of feeling can come to an expression. Therefore, we may say, in brief, that music is the utterance, under sound forms of sense, of the beautiful in those sentiments and aspirations which fill the heart, and thence gush forth like crystal waters from deep hidden springs. It is the outflowing of the feeling heart. While giving body to emotion and sentiment, with their power made tangible, as it were, it penetrates the soul, awakening depths of feeling and affection slumbering there, and leading the whole engrasped spirit into sad or joyful communings with itself, or into wondrous and visionary excursions into the vast past of its hopes, and loves, or into the vaster future that lies before it like a far- off landscape in the evening twilight. E. E. Higbee. Let us meet our gracious God with cheerful songs. Give him warm welcome to our hearts and homes. Yield him, O yield him, the honors due to his holy name. Praise him for His goodness, now and for- ever in time, as you are able ; in eternity, with sweet- voiced, perfect praise. " Blessed be the Lord God of Israel ; for He hath visited and redeemed His people." FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. I8 S LITTLE CHERRY BLOSSOM. t w_ LITTLE ONES. 1. Lit - tie Cher - ry Bios - som 2. But one sun - ny morn - ing, 3. Blossom would not lis - ten, 4. Bye -and -bye the sun -shine 5. Ah! poor Cher - ry Bios - som! Lived up in a tree, Think - ing it was May, For the sky was bright, Fad - ed from her view; She in fool - ish pride And a ve - ry " I'll not wear," said And she wished to How poor Bloesom Changed her proper E -IX- i ^ ^ 3 *> s- hap - py Lit - tie thing was she. Bios -som, "This old dress to - day." flis - ten In her robe of white. shivered As it cold - er grew ; clothing, Took a cold and died. Clad all thro' the win - ter Mis - ter Breeze this hear - ing, So she let the brown one Oh, for that warm wrap - per All ye lit - tie Blossoms, -r r- In a dress of brown, Ve ry kindly said, Drop and blow a - way, Ly - ing on the ground: Hear me and take care, IX Warm she was tho' liv-ing "Do be careful, Blossom, Leaving her the white one Now Jack Frost will nip her- Go not clad too lightly, In a northern town. Win -ter is not fled.' All so fine and gay. He is prowling round. And of pride be - ware. 7=fr THE BUTTERCUP TEST. A ECHOES OP CHILDHOOD. -JV Allegretto. -9- IX IX I. Butter -cups ev-'ry one Bright like the summer sun, Looking and smiling so bon - ny, a. If I can slip you in, Close under Johnny's chin ; If you can there shine so clear - ly, 3. Chasing the dragon - fly, Johnny with shout and cry Tramples the fair meadows o - ver, 4. Stirring you thro' and thro', How the winds play with you, Putting you all in a flut - ter; V Some of Tho' he While I Tell me you come with me, Something I want to see, Want to find out about John may own it not, We shall the truth have got, Johnny loves butter most dear string lilac bells, Or in the grassy dells, Hunt for the four-leav-ed clo , oh, butter -cup! Thro' the grass peeping up, Tell me, does Johnny like but T-^.P r-T.-r-p ny. ver. ter? IX IX 186 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Music as written is divided into small, equal por- -tions, called measures. These may be indicated to the ear by counting the parts as " one, two ; " one, two ;" or to the eye, by motions of the hand, called beats, or beating time. Measures are represented by spaces between perpendicular lines across the staff. The lines dividing music into measures are called bars. There may be different kinds of notes in the measure, but there must be an equal amount in every measure, that is, one measure must contain as much in the aggregate as any other. Parts of measures are represented by notes and rests. Four kinds of measure are in general use, viz.: Double, composed of two parts and indicated by two counts or beats; Triple, indicated by three beats; Quadruple, four beats; and Sextuple, six counts or beats. Figures at the beginning of the music indicate these measures. INFLUENCE. Music, in its capacity of doing good, comes next to the sacred influence of the pulpit Its power is as yet a thing undeveloped. Consider, for instance, what the general impression was as to the availability of music in the Sunday-school thirty or forty years ago, and compare the Sunday-schools of to-day with those of that period. What would these schools be if we should drop the music out of them bodily ? They would almost dissolve and vanish. It is the invisible chain which holds them together and animates them. There is, besides, a power in music to reach, to direct, to comfort the Christian's heart, which is, comparatively speaking, yet undreamed of. ANGELIC SONGS ARE SWELLING. RKV. F W. FABKR, 1850. J M. ARMSTRONG arr. r J. Hark! hark! my soul, an- gel- ic songs are swell-ing O'er earth's green fields and 2. On - ward we go, for still we hear them sing-ing, "Come wea - ry souls, for 3. Far, far a - way, like bells at ev* - ning peal-ing, The voice of Je sus i o-cean's wave-beat shore. Je - sus bids you come 1" sounds o'er land and sea; How sweet the truth those bless-ed strains are tell - ing And, through the dark, its ech-oes sweet -ly ring-ing, And la. - den souls by thou-sands meek-ly steal-ing, m F* dim. t * T Of that new life when The mu - sic of the Kind Shep-herd, turn their sin shall be no more, "j Chorus. gos - pel leads us home. > An wea-ry steps to thee. J gels of Je sus, * p r F raff. ^ 1^* An - gels of light, Sing - ing to wel - come the pil - grims of the night. H^3 f r I r 35: Rest comes at length ; tho' life be long and dreary, The day must dawn, and darksome night be past; All journeys end in welcome to the weary, And heaven, the heart's true home, will come at last. Angels, sing on ! your faithful watches keeping; Sing us sweet fragments of the songs above ; Till morning's joy shall end the night of weeping, And life's long shadows break in cloudless love. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. i8 7 RAISE YOUR HANDS. r . ^^^ J ii SCHOOL SOMCS. IEI 1. Raise your hands, if they are clean, By your teacher to be seen ; Hands and faces, clean and bright, 2. Al - most see the pur pie tide All a - long our fingers glide ; Oh, how healthy we must be, 3. Brush your clothes, and comb your hair , Wash your face and hands with care ; Sparkle, sparkle,water pure, m U" ry*tt " ffK is r ! K- fs N fc-q- i s ^ s ^ -< i Ni f< h" h ^ g2 9 - * 9 if g g L g g g .^ '* if f f ^ i How they will our hearts de- light! Raise them high, and turn them so; Oh, they're almost When the blood can flow so free ! Hid with dirt we should not know There are pret - ty Dirt - y hands we can't en - dure. Washing's pleasant, we are sure; Spar-kle, spar-kle, ---- f -*- -P- --- --*--* ?-*-+-- f&& F F P-H -{ m * sr -r r- r (* -p i *H- p&VH ^ fe- k p r r r ^ =ff r r H i * ^- 9 1 t=H s ^ w w i** ^ \* V * ' S t. white as snow ! Hold them ve - ry still a - gain Teacher, don't you see each vein ? veins be - lov ; All that glad - ly come to school, All must learn the clean - ly rale, wa - ter pure; Washing's pleas -ant, we are sure, Spar - kle, sparkle, wa - ter pure I THE GOLDEN RULE. SCHOOL Some. 1. To do to others as I would That they should do to me, Will make me honest, kind and good, As 2. We never should behave amiss, Nor need be doubtful long ; As we may always tell by this, If 3. I know I should not steal, or use The smallest thingl see, Which I should never like to lose, If children ought to be, Will make me hon-est, kind and good, As children ought to be. things are right or wrong, As we may al-ways tell by this, If things are right or wrong, it be - longed to me, Which I should never like to lose, If it belonged to me. Kor others should I treat with spite, Or strike an angry blow; Because I would not think it right, If they should serve me so. But any kindness they may need, I'lldo, whate'critbe; As I am very glad, indeed, When they are kind to me. Then let me ne'er at home, at school, In action or in word, Appear not to have learned thfa rale, Of the dear Christ, the Lord, 188 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Archbishop Whately cured a person of shyness by Saying : " You are shy because you are thinking of the impression you are making. Think only of the plea- sure you can give to others and not of yourself." In speaking of bashfulness he says : " Let both the ex- temporary speaker and the reader of his own com- positions study to avoid, as far as possible, all thoughts of self, earnestly fixing the mind on the matter of what b delivered; and the one will feel the less of that embarassment which arises from the thought of what opinion the hearers will form of him, while the other will appear to be speaking, because he actually will be speaking, the sentiments, not indeed which at that time first arise in his own mind, but which are then really present to his mind, and occupy his thought." The quickness of perception with regard to all sounds, but those especially which are faint or distant, is much improved by exercise or culture. Hemey. NYMPHS OF AIR AND SEA. HBNRT SMART. Lo! these plumes. Tunes that lull, cr Andante. 1. Nymphs of air and ancient sea, Such the gifts we bring to thee; 2. Take these shells, approach them near ; They shall murmur in thine ear Lo ! these plumes of Tunes that lull the ar-'sr HH>jg 1 xir ^ Plucked from birds More than mer i * of Par - a - disc, maid's har - mo - ny. TI a 5 rich de - vice, slumb'ring sea w w r r Plucked from birds of Par- a - disc. Lo ! these drops of essence More than mermaid's har - mo - ny. Take these pearls, no diving ^ ^f - I * *M*t Shook from wand'ring me - teor*s hair. Drags their like from o cean's cave. JJJI* J Lo! these drops of es-sence rare, Take these pearls, no div - ing slave Shook from wand'ring me - teor's Drags their like from o - cean's Nymphs of air and an cient sea; v dim. i & - - -j - ^ - ^ T hair. Nymphs of an - cient sea, cave. Nymphs of an - cient Such the gifts we bring to thee; Nymphs of Such the gifts we bring to thee; Nymphs of air and an - cient sea _^-_J* ^ Such the gifts we bring -F-*. .F- *L *- ^ . 1r 1r t: r g r r- ee. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 189 I WOULD THAT MY LOVE. MENDELSSOHN. l f Allegretto con tnoto. 1. I would that my love could si - lent - ly flow in a sin - gle word; I'd 2. To thee on their wings, my fairest, that soul - felt word they would bear, Should'st *r*+ < * < ^-f* LjpJf =51^3=3= give it the merry breezes, They'd waft it away in sport, I'd give it the merry breeze, They'd hear it at ev'ry moment, And hear it ev'ry where, Should'st hear it at ev'ry moment, And. W * w * spiral ft i/>. 11 xi ^=*=^ * .s ^i* waft it away in sport, away in sport, away in sport, they'd waft it away in sport. 3. At hear it ev'ry where, and ev'ry where, and ev'ry-where, and hear it ev'ry-where. night, when thine eyelids in slumber have closed those bright heav'nly beams, Still there, my love, it will iEE haunt thee, e'en in thy deepest dreams, Still there, my love, it will haunt thee, e'en in thy deepest 4, A dim. ~=X ^g^ dreams, e'en in thy deepest, thy deepest dreams, E'en in thy deepest, deep - est dreams. I I fc 1 sfc gl~L~t~ This Charming Song of Mendelssohn's may be sung as a Duet, as in the original. 190 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. My chief interest is in the music of the Bible. Tho Bible, like a great harp with innumerable strings, swept, by the fingers of inspiration, trembles with it. So far back as the fourth chapter of Genesis you find the first organist and harper, Jubal. So far back as the thirty-first chapter of Genesis you find the first choir. All up and down the Bible you find sacred music at weddings, at inaugurations, at the treading of the wine-press. Can you imagine the harmony when those white-robed Levites, before the symbols of God's presence, and by the smoking altars, and the candlesticks that sprang upward and branched out like trees of gold, and under the wings of the cheru- bim, chanted the one hundred and thirty-ninth Psalm of David? You know how it was done. One part of that great choir stood up and chanted, " Oh ! give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good!" Then the other part of the choir, standing in some other part of the temple, would come in with the response: " For His mercy endureth forever." Then the first part would take up the song again, and say, " Unto Him who only doeth great wonders." The other 'THE PALMS. J. FAUKB. I 1. Let the palms wave on this most happy day I 2. His gentle voice pervades the mighty throng. 3. Rejoice, rejoice, Je-ru - sa -lem the holy! Greetings they bear to us of joy and gladness. 'Tis He who freedom gives o'er land and sea ; Loud let thy joyous notes in praise ascending. Je - sus is come to take all grief a - way, He comes to banish gloom and sad - ness. 'Tis He who gives in darkest night a song, Gives light, O Lord, that we may come to Thee! Laud Him, the Child of Bethlehem the lowly, All hearts a - flame, in song all voices blending. People and tongues shall chant His praise; Tune every voice, His name be glad - ly singing. Ho- s I san - na ! Glory to God ! Glory to Him who comes bringing sal-va don! part of the choir would come in with the overwhelm- ing response, " For His mercy endureth forever," until in the latter part of the song, the music floating back- ward and forward, harmony in accord with harmony, every trumpet sounding, every bosom heaving, one part of this great white-robed choir would lift the anthem, "Oh! give thanks unto the God of heaven," and the other part of the Levite choir would come in with the response : " For His mercy endureth forever." How are we to decide what is appropriate, especially for church music ? There may be a great many differ- ences of opinion. In some of the churches they prefej a trained choir; in others, the old style precentor. In some places they prefer the melodeon, the harp, the cornet, the organ; in other places they think these things are the invention of the devil. Some would have a musical instrument played so loud you cannot stand it, others would have it played so low you cannot hear it. But, while there may be great varieties of opin- ion in regard to music, it seems to me that the general spirit of the Word of God indicates what ought to be the great characteristic of church music. Talmagc. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. SWEETER THAN THE BREATH OF MORNING. Andantine. MEYERBEEH. From " HUGUENOTS.' I. Sweet -er than the breath of morn - ng 1. No - bti don- no. e fan to o ne sta, 2. When a-round some joys da cay - ing x Fresh- wing' d from the balmy west, Or Che far lie - to un re po tria, Tint - ed by the clouds of years, lil - y with the gold-en dawn - ing, Messagie-re qui nfin - vi - fa, Let thy smile be o'er it play - ing, lush -ing o'er its snow-white breast; Ca - va- Her, per un di voi. Grief will then for - get its tears. Thy look is sun - bhine, and ev - er Sen-za no mor lo, sirendad'o Of all the mu - sic youth ev er seems Like fai - ry vis - ions we form in nor a chi fu de gno di tanto a - made Thy faint - est mur - mur far sweeter dreams. Tho* time may steal the leaves from gladness, mor. No bil 'donna e tan -too- ne sta, play'd. Oh ! light as zephyrs wing' d with glad -ness, Hope's bright wings may clouded be, Che far lie - to un re po tria, May thy path of sun - shine be ! ^B I * Oh! A Oh! life should leave all free from me ere - de te, Mai niun life should leave aJl free from :|h-fc=frfc sad si sad ness, Days all bright and fair gnor. A tanta gloria fue- letto ness, Days all bright and fair for an for thee, all bright cor, a tan thee, all fair for thee, ta glo ria, for tnee, all e all aright for thee. let -to an cor. fair for thee. X 1--X- 192 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME, I HAVE FRUIT, I HAVE FLOWERS. Allegretto. \ \ J. A. WAD.. f I : r^ I have fruit, I have flowers, That were gathered in the bowers, Amid the blooming hills so in the f IX IX 'I **- v v v ^ y v ^ trr-Pi-^ J high, so high, I have fruit, I have flowers, The daughters of the showers, Of the 4 (. 1^ , iv-h [* N tW=3 ^=E*=i r - *- f-g: dews and the rills, Will you buy ? I've a young nightingale That by moonlight in the vale So - * i*- r-r-rr ^=g=g: r -r H 1 \ I 1 I !=}: ? : ^T fondly to a rose his love did sigh, I stole within their bower, Caught the silly bird and flower, Will you -*-*,. F -T-Tr rrrrr r: ^ K~I^- - > i -_ i f*-M ^nd tintt. J I ^^=j=feErf buy the pretty lovers ? Will you buy ? Will you buy? Will you buy, buy, buy ? Will you J *- buy ? Will you buy, buy, buy ? I have fruit, I have flowers, The daughters of the showers, Of the ! x FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 193 dews an< ~N L*53^J ews and the rills, Will you buy ? I have fruit, I have flowers, Will you buy ? Will fc-bM 1 fr" I. a|yy= {*[* t-fl i tggzsrr f= buy? Will you buy? Will you buy? Will you buy? I have fruit, I have flowers. rr*- Will you buy? Will you, will, will ~ ,r-hs you f=F 5=5t^ M buy? Will you buy? Will you buy, buy, buy? Will you buy? Will you buy? Will you buy? -m-r& m ' g . p -* = Z-'C353| AH, TIS A DREAM. Andante expression*. E. LASSBM. f= g g-gi g- ^=*C 1. My na - tive land a - gain it meets mine eye, The old oaks raise their boughs on 2. I feel the kiss that was in youth so dear, The words,"! love!" fall on mine 3. And now when far in dis - tant lands I roam My heart will wan - der to my +- -P- *> -P- *- * * m Vifrz r & r &g= re): cu P H* W- ? ft J high, The vi o lets greet - ing seem, ear, I see thine eyes' soft beam! home, But while these fan cies teem, Ah! 'tis a dream. Ah! 'tis a dream. Ah! 'tis a dream. 194 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IT is all very well to analyze vocalization, and to school and develop the organs of speech ; but if the expression be lifeless, or hypocritical, there exists a want that no skill whatsoever can supply. We express ourselves in our actions ; but there is no tell-tale of the soul like the voice. Encourage sweetness of temper, and the voice will catch the cadences of persuasiveness. The laugh is very expressive. It may be merry, scorn- ful, encouraging, or the reverse. It may be empty, or very full of significance; hearty or affected. Explosive, loud laughter, like all inordinate laughter, in fact, is proof of no very good breeding. A spirit that has been long subjected to ennobling occupations, when merriment is in order, is not overpowered by the sud- den emotion. Those who " burst out laughing " on slight provocation should school their inclinations, and certainly not laugh in a repulsive voice. It is not affectation to improve the tone of the voice. It is the simplicity of good nature. So also of speech. Who is willing to offend ? No one who is worthy of respect ; no one who respects himself. As social beings, we are under obligation to make ourselves as agreeable as possible to those around us, and as few things are more annoying to a sensitive ear than an unpleasant voice either in laughter, in speech, or in singing, all should endeavor to use this marvelous organ in its best tones. KATHLEEN. W. WILLIAMS. 1. Oh! leave not your Kathleen, there's no one can cheer her; A -lone in the wide world un- 2. Oh ! leave not the land, the sweet land of your childhood, Where joyous - ly passed the first pit - ied she'll sigh; And scenes that were loveliest when thouwert but near her, Re- call the sad days of our youth ! Where gai-ly we wandered 'mid val -ley and wildwood, Oh! those were the li affett^ vis ion of days long gone by. 'Tis vain that you tell me you'll never for - bright days of in - no - cent truth. 'Tis vain that you tell me you'll never for - land of the sham - rock you'll ne'er re - turn more; Far a - way from your sight you will cease to re - gret me, You'll soon for-get Kathleen and E - rin - go - Bragh. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. '95 THREE KINGS OF ORIENT. 1. We three kings of Orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse far Field and fountain, moor and 2. Born a babe on Bethlehem's plain, Gold we bring to crown Him again; King for ever ceasing 3. Frankincense to offer have I; Incense owns a . De - i - ty nigh ; Prayer and praising all men 4. Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gath'ring gloom; Sorrowing, sighing, bleed ing, 5. Glorious now behold Him rise, King and God and Sac-rifice; Heaven sings " Hallelujah I " mountain, Folio wing yonder Star, never Over us all to reign, raising, Worship Him, God on high, dying, Seal'd in the stone-cold tomb. Hal - le - lu - jah ! " earth replies, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, star star star star star of wonder, star of might, Star with roy - al of wonder, star of might, Star with roy - al of wonder, star of might, Star with roy - al of wonder, star of might, Star with roy - al of wonder, star- of might, Star with roy - al *= ir beau - ty bright, Westward lead - ing, still proceed - ing, Guide us to the perfect light. - ! *1 - 9 |g~ -M i_,_ -L 1_;_ Z^ (_,_ H 1 . 1 1 1- -m m i I t~ The last three verses may be sung each by a different voice, to represent the Wise Men. CHRISTMAS AS IT COMES. Moderato. L* m * ** i^ 1. Hail, all hail, each happy season, Christmas as it comes, Christmas as it comes! Bringing with it 2. Friends that have for long been parted, Christmas brings again, Christmas brings again; Each to oth - er 3. Old men with their locks of silver,Young men in their prime, Young men in their prime ; Mothers,children, 4. Birth - days of our friends are honored, Days we greet with zest, Days we greet with zest ; But that birthday & deeper gladness To our happy homes; Bringing with it deeper gladness To our happy homes, tells his sto - ry, Be it joy or pain ; Each to oth - er tells his sto - ry, Be it joy or pain, all expectant, Welcome Christmas time ; Mothers, children, all expectant,Welcome Christmastime, in Ju - de - a Is of all days best, But that birthday in Ju - de - a Is of all days best. m v v v 196 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. MERMAID'S EVENING SONG. GlOVER. --; ,. ! ,--! f \ | ! 3^pE*EJ t/ Moderate. Hark ! what mystic sounds are those, Stealing soft - ly o'er the sea? \Vhence that music soft and lc" D. C. List, a - gain the sound draws near, Falling sweetly on the ear ; Borne up - on the breeze along, - i m Sound - ing as the billows flow ? 'Tis the Mermaid's song,'Tis the Mermaid's song, Borne upon the breeze a* 'Tis the Mermaid's evening song.'Tis the Mermaid's song.'Tis the Mermaid's song, Borne upon the breeze a- :== ** Hark! hark! Hark! hark! 'Tis the A V i long, 'Tis the.Mermaid's song, 'Tis the Mermaid's song, 'Tis the Mermaid's evening song. gfcrf^-g Mermaid's song, *~%~ g f=r:== fai =fi V fr-Ft* fr ^-FrH ite Hark! hark! Hark! hark! 'Tis the Mermaid's evening song. ist time. Allegro. -j S I 8 ^> ^*Szfc Who would not a Mermaid be, Dwelling 'neath the restless sea ! Down among its mystic forms, Cradled by the '-H =fc=u= i j. dim. 3c* -*-^i * r^ K nb&=?5*l^ " i rising storms.Where the dolphins play and leap, In a coral cave to sleep ! In a coral cave, In a t tF D.C. Chorus. ^^TP^j 43-N d^=d^ ^P^ -j*y~f^ ^-^ LJ p^^ -rJJl*^*Cr:^FgS:M -^M-9- W* ^H: tt\ -i n -m-**a*+- -v I IP I I coral cave, In a coral cave to steep ! In a coral cave, In a coral cave, In a coral cave to sleep ! FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 197 I td timt. Allegro. fc I would be a Mermaid fair, Wreathing pearls a -mid my hair; Pillowed on the billow's crest, Bl fff IX <#>. a^ /#. a tempo. * 7* * ** Ocean gems upon my breast ; Lull'd by ev'ry wave that flows, Singing strains as sweet as those, Singing, - -(-( *=* H 1 1 1 &-* sing - ing strains as sweet as those, Singing, singing strains as sweet, as sweet as those I a tent fro. List ! the sound now fainter grows, As the Mermaid seeks repose ; On the night- wind borne along, Is the [ Mermaid's *+ * Hark! hark! hark! fciA^ g^^-r^-^^rjH^ryrr^^ 1 -. *jL0g'*r0\j *^*= j.*\m* \ ig8 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CHRISTMASSE OF OLDE. Swiss AIR EUOBNK FlBLD. 1. God rest you, Chrysten gen -til 2. Last night ye shepherds in ye 3. God rest you, Chrysten gen - til 4. 'But thinking on ye gen - til men, Wher- ey - er you may be, wher - ev er east Saw many a wondrous thing, saw many a men, Far - ing where'er you may, far - ing wher- Lord That died up - on ye tree, that died up- you may be, God rest you all in fielde or wondrous thing; Ye sky last night flamed passing e'er you may; In noblesse court do thou no on ye tree. Let troublings cease and deeds of hall, bright sport, peace Or on Whiles that In tour - A - bound ye stormy ye stars did nament no in Chrystan - ::*- - ~ ? z ' ^t^r^* sea; For on this morn, this morn, our Chryst is born, That saveth you and me, that saveth, saveth, sing, And angels came to bless, to bless ye name Of Jesus Chryst, our Kyng, our Kyng, Of Jesus playe, In Paynim land hyld thou thy hand, thy hand, From bloudy works this daye, this daye, From bloudy tie For on this morn, this morn, ye Chryst is born, That saveth you and me, that saveth, saveth, you and me, For on this morn our Chryst was born, That sav Chryst, our Kyng, For on this morn our Chryst was born, That sav works this daye, For on this morn our Chryst was born, That sav you and me, For on this morn our Chryst was born, That sav " I eth you and me, eth you and me. eth you and me. eth you and me. i F=e V IX THE STRANGER STAR. C. F. ALEXANDER. 1. Saw ye nev - er 2. Heard ye nev - er 3. Know ye not that in of low the twi - light, When the sun had left the skies, the sto - ry, How they crossed the des ert wild, ly Ba - by Was . the bright and Morn - ing Star, (V.I* g-Hg-^-*-r - It , f- FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 199 Up in heaven the clear stars shin - ing Thro' the gloom like lov Journeyed on by plain and mountain, Till they found (he Ho He who came to light the Gen tiles, And the darkened isjes ing . ly a eyes? Child? -far? So How And of old the wise men, they o - pen'd all their we too may seek His -*- r^ 4. r \*=$z 3E2Ez3i watch - ing, Saw a blaz - ing stran - ger star, treas - ure, Kneel - ing to that In - fant King, era - die, There our hearts' best treas - ures bring, - a fjjrr i %i^* And they knew the King was giv - en, And they fol - lowed it from far. Gave the gold and Love andj^faith and fra - grant true de - in - cense, Gave the myrrh in of - fer - ing ? vo - tion, For our Sa - viour, God, and King. 4 r-r P P * * r-^ J - * f* 2 m m \ 1 r ,^^ lid' ^1 Ut^f B * ^R r -i r P ' 11 . P "T^ * if I 1 ^ ^ -1 1 -! ^ U F CRADLE SONG OF VIRGIN. Allegrttto non troppa. JOSEPH BARNBY. Words from OLD LATIN. 1. The Virgin stills the crying Of Jesus sleepless ly - ing; And singing for His pleas - ure Thus 2. O Lamb, my love in- vit - ing, O Star, my soul delighting, O Flower of mine own bear - ing, O 3. My Child, of might indwelling, My Sweet, all sweets excelling, Of Bliss the Fountain flow - ing, The 4. Say, would'st Thou heavenly sweetness, Or love of answering meetness ? Or is fit music wanting ? Ho ! a^s Jj! F=^^H -i- >' g calls upon her Treas Jew - el past com - par Day-spring ever glow Angels, raise your chant ure, ing! ing. ing! Darling, do not weep, My je - su,* sleep! Darling, do not weep, My Je - su, sleep! Darling, do not weep, My Je - su, sleep! Darling, do not weep, My Je - su, sleep! My , My Darling, My My *Je-eoa. a beautiful use of the Latin vocative, for English nominative. 200 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. MENDELSSOHN, Bartholdy Felix, was the son of a lich merchant and banker of Hamburg, and was born in that city A. D. 1809. The early development of ihe musical faculty in him forces him into compan- ion with the precocious Mozart, but his more fortunate position saved him from the premature drudgery of public display. His earliest musical instructor was the natural guardian of his infancy, his mother. At eight years of age he was esteemed a prodigy, and not with- out reason. He could then play at sight the most intri- cate scores of Bach, and, without premeditation, trans- pose most difficult exercises into all sorts of keys. He also evinced a wonderful faculty in extemporizing upon a given theme. At this period he was put un- der the care of the severe bat methodical Zelter, man not disposed to give way to fervid impressions yet warmly devoted to his "glorious boy." Zel- ter, writing to Goethe, in 1821, tells him, "I desire to show your face to my favorite pupil before I die." Upon the circle which surrounded Goethe as its cen- tre, the young musician made a profound impression, winning, at the same time, the affection of all. Be- fore his father would allow him to devote himself to music as his profession, he took him to Paris to consult the then aged Cherubini. The ordeal proposed by that consummate musician to test theproficiency of the aspirant was the composition of a Kyrie for chorus and full orchestra, which was accomplished to the FAREWELL TO THE WOODS. Moderate Time. GERMAN AIR. 1. Ver- dant grove, farewell to thee, Clad in ver - nal beauty; Thine my parting 2. What delight to lin-gerhere, 'Mid the sha - dy bowers; From the sil - ver 3. But the night for- bids my stay, I must leave in sor-row;To your rest, ye song shall be, Tis a sa - cred du - ty; Let thy warbler's tuneful throng foun- tain clear, Cull-ing fra - grant flow- ers; Would I might with garlands crowned, birds, a- way, And dream of the mor-row. Fare ye well, ye sha - dy bow'rs, Bear the echoes of my song, Far o'er hill and val ley, Far o'er hill and valley. Breathing odors sweet around, Tar -ry with thee long - er, Tar-ry with thee longer. With your blooming, fragrant flow'rs, Till an-oth-er meet - ing, Till an- oth-er meeting. perfect satisfaction of the renowned judge. Through- out the period of his celebrity, he was not only dis- tinguished for his composition, but still more as a performer. Language was exhausted in the attempt to describe his excellence as a pianist, and the churches were invaded by crowds, who always thronged the aisles when he was expected to play on the organ. In a word, the only thing he could not do on the organ was to "play the people out." The more effectively he played, the more fixed the congregation remained, and an instance is on record how once at St. Paul's cathedral, the vergers managed to check the energy of the performer by stopping the bellows of the in- strument. In 1846,116 completed, and himself con- ducted, at Birmingham, the oratorio of Elijah, the reception of which left his warmest admirers nothing to des.ire, but it was in the decrees of that unsearchable Providence which often shows us the highly gifted " To mock our fond pursuits, And teach our humbled hopes that life Is vain," that this star, the cynosure of all observers, should sink to the horizon before it had reached its culmina- ting point. The honors which accumulated upon him were oppressive to the constant sense of fatigue that possessed him. To a young friend who begged him to play after the triumphant conclusion of the Birmingham festival, he replied mournfully that he could not. The abiding shadow of the unseen world was settling upon him. In 1837, he had accepted the post of director of the concerts at Leipsic. In this city he continued to reside till his death, which happened in 1847* at the age of thirty-eight years. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LOVE THY MOTHER, LITTLE ONE. 201 Ant: "To ALEXIS." m Allegretto grazioso. 1. Love thy Moth-er, lit - tie one, Kiss and clasp her neck a - gain, Thoumay'st 2. Press her lips the while they glow With the love they've never told; Thoumay'st g - L Mif f ?E 3==5?3=* I one day be a son, That shall mourn her loss iu vain. 1 . , ., , ,, , , ., one day press in woe^ Kissing till thine own are cold. } Ah > *' love th ? Mother ' v v r f ' " T^V* roll. bears! fill Death divide she will ca-ress thee, And night and morn her ! .H P . lov i ing arms shall press thee. Mir ror then her love for thee, Gazing in her tender =*: ^-T^ a m j j eyes; Thou one day wilt, sad-ly sigh - ing, Have no an - swer to thy cry- ing, Have no an - swer to thy cry. ing; Love thy Mother, lit -tie one! F *- f=k I r i t t 202 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. The teacher while he is giving instruction in vocal mu.Mc, should be careful to avoid singing too much with his pupils. When they sing he should usually listen, and when he sings they should listen; this will enable them to imitate his example, and him the better to observe their faults. His example is of the utmost importance in singing, as in all other things, and good taste or good style can here be com- municated in no other way. When he wishes to correct a fault, let him give an illustration of it, or contrast a bad example with a better one. The bad example may perhaps be caricatured, to render the contrast stronger, in which case it may safely be left to the pupils to choose which of the two examples they should imitate. It is the duty of the teacher to correct faults from the beginning. In speaking to his pupils he should be careful to distinguish between the tones themselves, the names of the tones, the syllables that are applied to tones, and the notes representing the tones. Also, between singing by syllables, by words, by rote, and by note. We sing by rote when we catch the tone by ear ; we sing by THE MINSTREL BOY. Lively. T. MOORB. Arranged by BALFS. 1. The 2. The min - strel boy to the war is gone, In the ranks of death youll min - strel fell, but the foe - man's chain Could not bring that proud soul find him : His fa - ther' . ther's sword he hath gird - ed on, And his wild harp slung be- un - der ; The harp he loved ne'er spoke a - gain, For he tore its chords a- hind him. "Land of song!" said the war -rior bard, "Tho* all the world be- sun - der, And said, " No chain shall sul - ly thee, Thou soul of love and I trays thee, One sword at least thy rights shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee." bra- very 1 Thy songs were made for the pure and free, They shall never sound in sla - very." m \'~~F II I!*' I *r-t note when we interpret the notes, or sing from the written characters. Taste, style, and appropriate expression, both as relates to tones and words, should always receive careful attention. Never introduce into a children's class, or any other class, low, doggerel verse. Let the words selected be mainly of a cheer- ful character, always such as will interest, and often such as must elevate the tone of the pupil's thought Shut out entirely from the school all that partakes of buffoonery, waggery, and low, vulgar merriment One Sunday, after the choir at Oberlin College had sung without distinctly pronouncing the words, President Finney, in his prayer, alluded to their work; as follows : " O Lord, we have sung an anthem to Thy praise. Thou knowest the words but we do not We do pray Thee that those that lead us may open their mouths, that we may know what they say, that we may join in Thy praise. May they not sing to be heard of men ; nor mock Thee, and offend Thy people or the house of God, by displaying themselves. 1 * FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. AMID THE GREENWOOD. 203 THALBBRG. Andante, -with expression. 1. A - mid the green-wood smiling, Once stood a love-ly cot: A huntsman's blooming 2. The huntsman hath de - part - ed, The maid - en, too, is gone, The cot, in ru - ins ^EfL i :p*TO ^=4: daughter Gave beau - ty to the spot; And when a- broad she wander 'd, Then fall - ing, Is des - o - late and lone; A wil - low shall be plant -ed Up - r / I was ev - er nigh ; When friendly I address'd her, Full sweet was her re - ply. on this orphan ground. Oh, tree Imay'stthou still nourish, Shed bloom and freshness round! * ' * m &' w- ^-^ y "]i^" -=W u u DIP, BOYS, DIP THE OAR. SARONA. ; She Allegretto. 1. 'Tis moonlight on the sea, boys, Our boat is on the strand; She 2. The zeph-yrs woo the spray, boys, Their laugh -ter fills the air; We'll 3. What tho' the dark rocks frown, boys, Their home is on the shore; When , tm * ^ ^ * f ,f? *. i Chorus. si bids us all be free, boys, And seek a fair - er land. "J bid them wake our song, boys, And steal a - way our care. V fair - er lands ap - pear, boys, Our dangers will be o'er. ) r* Dip, boys, dip the oar, ; i&=fcji^B=il= s i i j *E I ^ ^: Bid farewell to the dusk-y shore ; Free - dom ours shall be, As we cross the deep blue sea. f 20 4 fA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. WHILE word-music appeals to our intellect through its force of representation, instrumental music appeals directly to the emotions. The former ap- pears clad in shadowy generalities, and the latter arises in its primitive life-giving power. Music is of a lyrical nature, and therefore remains all-powerful where the expression of poetry ceases. Music can be an aid to poetry and can increase its effect on the ear and heart by means of melody, but it can also act independently, forming its theme from its own re- sources. In the former case it is hampered by the text and must conform itself to the pace of the stream of words. Its compass of tone is prescribed and its liberty restricted thereby. Instrumental music stands alone in its unapproachable sovereignty. In its lyric nature it unfolds the most tender, mysterious feelings hidden in the inmost depths of the human heart. The orchestral instruments are the highest means through which the composer expresses his genius, as well as the purest utterances of his soul in tender or powerful strains, representing the same hi the form of a sym- phony. While in the opera the combination of song, THREE FISHERS. JOHN HULLAH. CHARLES KINGSLBY. iM'WW Andcmtino. 1. Three fish-ers went sail -ing out 2. Three wives sat up in the 3. Three corpses lay out on the lay ~~ to the west, T)uF in - to the west as the light-house tow'r, And they trimm'd the lamps as the shin - ing sands, In the morn - ing gleam, as the sun went down ; Each tho't on the woman who lov'd him the best, And the children stood watching them sun went down ; They look' d at the squall and they look' d at the show'r, And the night rack came rolling up, tidewentdown;Andthe women are weeping and wringing their hands, For those who will never come out of the town; For men must work, and women must weep, And'there's little to ragged and brown; But men must work, and women must weep, Tho' storms be back to the town; For men must work, and women must weep, And the sooner it's earn, sudden ov-er, and and the ma-ny wa sooner to keep; Tho' the har ters deep; And the har to sleep; And good-bye to bor bar be bor bar be the bar and its moan moan moan ing. ing. ing. D. S. to last verse. poetry, decoration, acting, costumes, and orchestral effects produce an impression on the listener, and through their union take possession of the senses by their representations of the outer world, it is the sphere of pure instrumental music, of the symphony itself, to enter the recesses of the heart, and find an echo there where love, joy, friendship, sorrow, hope, and earnest striving reign supreme. M. Steinhert. THE author of " Three Fishers " was a noted poet, preacher and novelist of England. He was professor of modern history at Cambridge, afterwards Canon of Westminster and chaplain to the Queen. He died in 1875. During his boyhood his father was rector of a small parish on the sea-coast, from which he had often seen the herring fleet put out to sea. On these occasions it was customary to hold a short but impressive religious service on the quay, at which not only the fishermen, but also their wives, sweethearts and children were pre- sent. Recalling this scene vividly, at the close of a weary day, he wrote this touching poem, whose beauty is enhanced by the plaintive air to which it has been set by John 1 lullah, an English composer of reputation. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 205 OH, WERT THOU IN THE CAULD BLAST. Ardante. t ^^ | ^ N Ik I I ROBERT BURNS. F. MENDELSSOHN. P V V 1. Oh, wertthouinthe cauld blast, On yonderlea, On yonder lea, My plai-die to the an-gry 2. Oh, were I in the wildest waste, Sae black and bare, Sae black and bare, The desert were a Para - >:**>-?- .$:*-$: i&~: $ if'f f f f * ^b^E^^a^^zao^^i^ i V l/ ^UMirkk airt, disc, I'd shel - ter thee, I'd shel - ter thee. Or did mis - for-tune's bit - ter storms A - If thou wert there, If thou wert there, Or were I mon-arch of the globe, W ith round thee blaw, A - round thee blaw,Thyshieldshouldbemybosom,Toshareita', To share it a', thee to reign, With th ee to reign, The brightest jewel in my crown Wad be my queen, Wad be my queen. yf II 1 Ir 1 1 b* r i LW: -" OH! THAT I NEVER MORE MIGHT SEE. DONIZHTTT. 'ANNA BOLENA. 1. O that I never more might see The smile that hides a sor - row, Better 'twould be that mise-ry 2. He who beholds thee pensively, Thinks of thy maiden pleas - ure, And gazing alone, alone on thee, ' From tears some poor relief might bor - row. Tears, like refreshing show-ers, Falling on drooping Beholds so near his heart's fond trea sure. O that for empty splendor, Hearts should then- peace sur- flow-ers, Bear from the lone heart half its pain, Bidding it bloom a - gain, ren der! Poor is the triumph pomp may claim O'er ruined heart and blighted fame. 206 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IN some communities the want of an appreciation of music is made very apparent. Selfishness, impo- Bteness and clownishness, are often manifested to an unpardonable degree when a young lady is called to the piano. The first note struck is taken by the rest of the company as a signal for loud conversation and uproarious laughter. When she has finished, it would often be difficult for many of the company to tell whether she had played the "Danube Waltzes" or Yankee Doodle." Common civility should, in the parlor or in the concert hall, require at least respectful attention. We are aware that the number of third and even tenth-rate musicians in the world is large. Many young ladies who consider themselves adepts in the art of music seem to regard a discord as satis- factory as a chord. How many " proficients " in music would be speechless from ignorance if called upon to define gamut ! how many wonld almost swoon if called upon to run it! And yet, notwithstanding all this, impoliteness or rudeness is quite inexcusable. THE difference in musical taste is sometimes due to- a peculiarly nervous constitution, or to the depressed or elated condition of the mind. Grief is often soonest solaced by a lively air; hilarity best controlled by a plaintive one. But, after all, that which influences, musical taste, or any kind of taste, most is education. Teach children to admire the sublime and the beau- tiful in nature. At the home fireside and in th school-room, everywhere, children should be instruc ted in music. Correct taste in music flings wide the gate to the highway of all that is beautiful, noble and good. Among the fine arts it stands foremost. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. E. KAILLMARK. SAMUEL WOODWORTH. \ - fe . f How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood, When fond rec - ol - " \ The or chard, the mead - ow, the deep - tangled wildwood, And ev - 'ry loved W-*JS-1L *EJ: JJlgEll IT lee - tion pre-sents them to view ! 1 f The wide-spreading pond, and the mill spot which my in fan - cy knew, J \ The cot of my fa - ther, the dai - r h r* r> that stood ry - house h it, The bridge and the rock where the cat a - ract fell. ) The old u nigh it, And e'en the rude buck - et that hung in the well oak - en buck-et; the i - ron-bound bucket, The moss -covered buck-et that hung in the If-frr -- That moss-covered bucket I hailed as a treasure, For often at noon, when returned from the field, I found it the source of an exquisite pleasure, The purest and sweetest that nature can yield. How ardent I seized it, with hands that were glowing, And quick to the white-pebbled bottom it fell, Then soon, with the emblem of truth overflowing, And dripping with coolness, it rose from the well. The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket arose from the well. How sweet from the green, mossy brim to receive it. As, poised on the curb, it inclined to my lips! Not a full-blushing goblet could tempt me to leave it Tho' filled with the nectar that Jupiter sips. And now, far removed from the loved habitation, The tear of regret will intrusively swell, As fancy reverts to my father's plantation, And sighs for the bucket that hung in the well; The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket which hanes in the welL FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 2O? CBASLBS Gotm_i TELL ME, BEAUTIFUL MAIDEN. [ BARCAROLLE.] e-^ Movimento di Barcarola. Tell me, beautiful maiden, Tell me, where will you go? Fair sails o - ver us swaying, Di - tes, la jeunebel-le, Ou voulezvous al - ler? La voile ou-vre son ai - le, Lightly the breezes La bri - se va souf - fler Light - ly the breezes blow. La bri-se va souf - fler. ^ ^ i i. 1. At our prow Hope is smiling, Fond hearts gently beguiling Far o'er the crys - tal bay, 2. To the South-land fast flying Ere yon fair moon be dying, Tell me, love, shall we go? 3. " Let us go," said the maiden, " To that glorious Aidenn, Where love, true love, never dies! I. L'a-vi-ronest d'i-voi-re, Le pavilion de moi-re, Le gouver-nail d'or fin, Silken sail softly fall - ing, Sea-nymphs tenderly calling, " Come away, love, a - way!" Or with speed of the wind, love, 'Till our Eden we find, love, Tell me, love, shall we go? Of that land and its glo - ry, Few, ah ! few tell the sto - ry ! Few, ah ! few find the prize ! J'ai pour lest une oran - ge, Pour voile une aile d'an - ge, Pour mousse un se-ra - phin. S 2E m After last verse. I I 1 ^ES Tell me, beautiful maiden, Teil me, where will you go ? Fair sails o-ver us swaying, Di - tes, la jeune belle, ou voulezvous al - ler ? La voile ou-vre son ai - le, Lightly the breezes blow La brise va souf - fler, Light - ly, light La brise va ly blow, souf - fler. 208 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. O FAIR DOVE, O FOND DOVE. Alltgro moderate. JEAN INGELOW. A. S. GATTY. C. MATZ arr. P 1. Me - thought the stars were blink -ing bright, And the old brig-sails un- furled: I 2. My true - love fares on this great hUl, Feed - ing his sheep for - aye : I WHr ^ ^ ^^ S '3 said I will sail to my love this night, At the oth - er side of the world. I look' din his hut, but all was still, My love was gone a - way. I 1= r Jfr .. r E \ =v t t t ui C r ' r i mf j n 1 n j H * v wm k ^ -5^^-ir 1*- p* p^j; stepp'd a - board, we sail'd so fast, The sun shot up from the bourne; But a went to gaze in the for - est creek, And the dove mourned on a -pace; No t fife w -q S 5 ! !" i lento con molto espnss. ^=2 dove thatperch'dup-on the mast Did mourn, and mourn, and mourn. O fair dove! O flame did flash, nor fair blue reek Rose up to show me his place. O last love ! O p^ . fond dove ! And dove with the white, white breast ! Let me a-lone, the dream is my own, And the first love ! My love with the true, true heart ! To think I have come to this your home, And I gp:g r* F 1 ^\[ V* fr j N, 4- nJ-J-j 4^ i yet^W! are a, f - Jart! }* My love, he stood at my right hand, His eyes were grave and sweet, Me - ^ FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. f*lPJ. mJ! i w , w m f it 4 4 209 m *-*-+- I thought he said, In this far land, O is it thus we meet? Ah, maid most dear, I r.-=t 3= :P=^P -iT-g-l I mf ^P=p-4: 4F== 22. X- 3=0t 4-*ii-*]- 3S3E 11 i i am not here, I have no place, no part, No dwelling more, by sea or shore, But -m w r^~ \i0 i-fS> n0 p .#m . M rP P~^^ P r -p * P =-r H i ..r r rfr ^ p-rr r ap- ; -p- i r r ^=Nd?N~ n k tH^r S 1 ^ -1-ha a g= ^p^r^r^ fatJJ-jL^^ f on - ly in thy heart, O fair dove ! O fond dove ! till night rose o - ver the pie ff i dim e rail. 01 *li 1 f r bourne The dove on the mast, as we sail' d fast, Did mourn, and mourn, and mourn A fr^ * ^- - 1 * i* *<> rT: S* -tat 5 f ran 1 SONG OF NIGHT. N h GERMAN. ^ 5=t3 r 1. Now night's dark shades ap - pear *(dark shades appear,) I to my couch re - pair; And safe in qui - et rest ( in qui - et rest,) My dreamings all are blest. 2. Yes, while I sleep and dream (I sleep and dream,) Bright forms around me gleam; To guard my slumbers still (my slumbers still,) From all approach of ill. =* 1 -D.C. i i There an - gels are keep - ing Their watch while I'm From Heav'n they're de scend - ing, And o'er me are sleep - ing, bend - ing, m * The small notes may be played or sung as an echo. z 210 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. No other form of stage performance is so thoroughly unnatural as the average opera. It is conceived and executed from a standpoint as purely imaginary as a fairy tale. To begin with, we have the chorus. The idea of a party of male and female individuals shouting their unanimous opinions and expressions in four-part music is essentially absurd. Then we have the chorus brought on in the queerest and most impossible situ- ations. A party of conspirators will steal upon an unsuspecting victim, singing their threats and inten- tions in tones loud enough to warn him even if he were the inmate of a deaf and dumb asylum, while the aforesaid victim announces, in a lusty tenor, that he has not the least idea of the impending calamity. In Fra Diavolo we have two or three villains about to attack a young girl. They sing from their place concealment; but she is temporarily deaf and 3 not hear them. In Lucia and Hamlet the heroines go mad and sing their most brilliant numbers under Jhe influence of their delirium. In Lucia also, while the unhappy heroine is getting more and more hopelessly insane under the influence of her own vocal pyrotech- nics, the male chorus, clad as Scotchmen, stand around in a semi-circle and sing an acccompaniment to her crazy act, instead of sending for the doctor. In Faust, when Valentine dies, the soldiers and villagers sing him to death most inconsiderately. Margaret gets off her sick bed to sing a trio with Faust and Mephistophiles, and the chorus is very noisy while paralyzing Mephisto with the hilts of their swords in the form of a cross. -r OVER THE STARS THERE IS REST. FRANZ ABT. T. T. BARKER. Andante. 1. O - ver the stars there is 2. O - ver the stars there is rest! rest! O - ver the stars there is rest! O - ver the stars there is Suf-fer, in Bear up, to pa - tience con - fid life's ills re - sign r r- Life with its tri - al and chid There, where the sun is still shi ing; Th ere peace e - ning, Comes neither m r r m* 3 ter - nal, a - bid grief nor re - pin ing, Makes the de - light of the blest. . . . ing, There are re - lieved the op - prest. . . . Dark tho* to - day be with On -ward with courage re sor viv row, Hope gilds more brightly the mor . row, ing, Ev - er still pa- dent -ly striv ing, FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. GOOD NIGHT. 211 FBAMZ tun. ^ 1. In the west the sun de-clin- ing, Sinks beneath the mountain height, Tints the clouds with 2. Bleak - er winds the flow'rs be - numbing, On the hearth the crick - et sings ; Home the k - den 3. lu the wind the grass is bending, Flow'rs now slumber in the shade ; Birds to seek their 4. Man now seeks his peace-ful dwelling, Cir - cles round the rud - dy blaze; Of the sweets of f*--^-* ^ ** 4*- m -P- ' *- * ?CTflHz4lTfE=Tfayi1 i* y-rj =^g. Esig=^^^E^E^Jf g4^ U brf-J I > b*- 1 H \* * p. -X- & i^i -r^r gold-en lin-ing, Sets the hills with ru-bies shining, Then bids all the world goodnight, bee flies humming, And the drow-sy bat is coming, Dart -ing on his leath - ern wings, nests are wending, Flocks in fold the shepherds tending, Homeward flies the mountain maid. k bor tell - ing, Till his heart with rapture swelling, Grate - ful gives his Mak - er praise. &- -ft- -&-&- -+- .1 I , -r * , m l ~T- T Good, eight, Good night I Good night, Good night 1 Good night, Good night I GOOD CHEER. Lively. I. There's much good cheer in youth -ful days, When fair - y scenes the heart en - gage, *. The Sum - mer"s smile we ev er greet, We love its ber - ries fresh and sweet, When all is sun ny, clear, and bright, And pleas - ures reign from morn till night. And Au - tumn comes with welcome glee, O yes, its fruits we long to see. who like us is free from care? Oh, who in sports has And all the year 'tis filled with good, To us who sail on [ | ~j m r^ 1 1 Pr J M-4 f half our share ? We bound like roe - bucks o'er the plain, And ev - er fresh and free re - main, youth's bright flood, We let our pleasures take the wing, And ev - er, ev- er, ev - er sing. | ,rf. I'Hcf. La k k k la k k k k la k k k k k la la la. 212 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CABINET ORGAN. The piano now has a rival in the United States in that fine instrument which has grown from the melodeon into the cabinet organ. It seems to us peculiarly the instrument for men. We trust the time is at hand when it will be seen that it is not less desirable for boys to learn to play upon an instrument ; and how much more a little skill in per- forming may do for a man than for a woman ! A boy can hardly be a perfect savage, nor a man a mere money-maker, who has acquired sufficient command of an instrument to play upon it with pleasure. How often, when we have been listening to the swelling music of the cabinet organs at the warerooms of Mason and H 1. Hail, thou most sa cred One, We lift our souls to Thee; Hear Thou our 2. Je sus, most gra-cious One, We trust Thy ten - der care ; We give our I ifi: f=5 4 ^=* even - ing song, 'Tis night - fall on the sea. hearts to Thee, Hear Thou our hum - ble prayer. : Watch us while shad - ows lie Oh, Thou whose love doth shine Far o'er the wa - ters spread, Hear Thou the heart's lone sigh, Thine too hath. Match less for ev er - more, Come and each thought re - fine, Come, we im- bled. Thou who hast tast - ed death, Aid us when death is near, Whis-per of plore. Save Thou our souls from ill, Guard Thou our lives from fear; Our hearts with. 1 t a tempo. ?= ppp teav'n to faith, Blest Sa - viour, Blest Sa - viour, hear, com - fort fill, Blest Sa - viour, Blest Sa - viour, hear. Sa - viour, most gra - cious, Oh, Sa - viour, most gra - cious, Oh, take us to thy care, take us to thy care. Je - sus, we be - seech Thee, Hear Thou our prayer. Je sus, we be - seech Thee, Hear Thou our prayer. I U W/J 214 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ONE BY ONE. Allegro Moderate, $ VINCKNZO BELLINI. ADELAIDE ANNE PROCTOE. 1. One by one the sands are flow - ing, One by one the mo - ments fall ; 2. Ev - 'ry hour that fleets so slow - ly, Has its task to do or bear : Some are La - mi- wjpy&iMi**s com-ing, some are go - ing, nous the crown and ho - ly, Do not strive, ah ! do not strive to grasp them all ! One by If thou set each, if thou set each gem with care. Do not one thy du-ties wait thee, Let thy whole strength go to each; look at life's long sor - row, Sfte how small each mo - ment's pain; Let no God will _. [gifts from fu- ture dreams elate thee, Learn thou first what these can teach, what these can teach , One by one, bright help thee for to - morrow, Ev-'rydaybe- gin a- gain, be-gin a- gain, Do not linger with re- fr-fr- ^f-^^-E-r>-s r r r r ift^'FTf 1 v=g gi E E-E 1 i v c^TT '* "" i^ @& ic rrtt ** ^&*m P-fS tt Lento. IS* i ^ ^ ^* k ' \ Heaven, Joys are sent thee here below ; Take them readily when given, Ready too to let them go. gretting, Or for passion's hour despond ; Nor, the daily toil forgetting, Look too eagerly be -yond. JL m f=fi & W-i Ft~V 'all. UH t=R: 5s=S: S" V A ^ > K ^sizs: One by one thy griefs shall meet thee, Do not fear an arm - ed band ; One will fade while others Hours are golden links, God's token, Reaching Heav'n, but one by one Take them lest the chain be -L^^^- u u u u * !* FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 215 greet thee, Shadows passing thro' the land. One by one thy griefs shall meet thee, Do not fear an armed brok - en Ere the pilgrimage be done. Hours are golden links, God's token, Reaching Heav'n, but one by flHHH* Lento. =z:3r -M-l* is s-ds M band; One will fade while others greet thee, Shadows passing thro' the land; One will one, Take them lest the chain be brok-en Ere the pil-grim-age be done ; Hours are _ ., .A ^, ^ ^ m f^~ ^-\ *-*-+-*- & fade gold 42- 4 *= while oth - ers meet thee, Shadows pass - ing thro' the land, One by one. en links, God's tok - en, Reaching Heav-en one by one, One by one. + AT EVENING-TIME. SPORLB. C. M. STBADMAK. 1. The lights fade out of calm -ed sea, Dark shadows seam its breast; Flush' d like to pet - al 2. Rest comes at last! o'er pur- pie hills The sheep- bell tin- kles clear. And slow the low-ing 3. Rest comes at last! oh, wea-ry heart, Fever' d and faint with care, And toil-ing 'neath thine of a flow'r, The sail fades in the west. Far o'er the blue the weary winds Have gone, and swells no kine descend The paths, and on the ear Ring joy-ous ech-oes from a - far, The sic-kles keen laid earthly cross, Too great for man to bear : Take courage, faint not, but endure ! Soon shall the day be more The waves' sad mu - sic, or the break Of rip - pies on the shore, by; Then all sound dies, and earth and sea Sleep calm 'neath si - lent sky. past! At ev - en -tide the end shall come, And bring thee rest at last. 2l6 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE hymn, w From all that dwell below the skies," is Isaac Watts's version of the one hundred and seven- teenth psalm. It is a brief rendering of the shortest chapter in the Bible, yet it is full of force and fervor. There is a charm in poetry and music which can never be exhausted, but by some it is not even realized. "An instance of this was witnessed," says G. J. Stev- enson, " in a large school of poor children located at Lambeth Green, London. The day's work was done, the usual singing and prayer were over, and three bun dred boys were expecting in a moment to be free from authority and at play. This psalm by Dr. Watts had been sung to the tune of the ' Portuguese Hymn.' The master made a few remarks about the pleasure music produces and asked the children to try to sing the hymn again. They did so; it was done with care and much feeling. Again the request was preferred would they like to sing it again? The reply from hundreds of voices was a simultaneous ' Yes.' It was repeated, if possible with increased delight to the boys. Then followed a few remarks about the music of Heaven, and how sweet it must be there, and the boys were asked if they had not felt more happy in that singing than if they had been at play. Another unanimous ' Yes,' and again they repeated the song until hymn and tune may have been fixed in their memories for life." THINE EYES SO BLUE AND DREAMI1 ... Very slow, with deep feeling. . |^~* NG. l E. LASSBN. RICHARD FIELD rit. fe X X fair blue sea of fan - cies Takes from my heart all care. er - er hold me cap - rive, Un - to the si - lent tomb. poi son they have brought me, How filled my heart with woe? Meer von blau - en Ge - dan - ken Er - giesst sirh ii - ber mein Herz. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 217 SEARCH THRO' THE WIDE WORLD. DONIZETTI. " DAUGHTER OF REGIMENT.' Maestoso. 1. Search thro' the wide world, Where can ye find He -roes so dar-ing, Com-radesso 2. Brave sons of bat -tie, Hear the de - cree, Live ye but long enough, Gen'rals ye'll I* - corps ! War sounds the trump, to your standard ye fly, Vic - to- ry's wreath must be yours, or ye die ! ^^ ^i* H i* 1r? 218 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EHREN ON THE RHINE. Tempt di Marcia. A I- WM. M. HCTCHINSO. d-lN i 1. A sol - dier stood in the vil - lage street, And bade his love a - dieu, His 2. Theymarch'da- way, down the vil - lage street, The ban - ners float - ing gay. The ): / ig- 'H? * /- F" ^T" f t V *=*=^H gun and knap - sack at his feet, His com-pa-ny in view. With tears she kiss' d him children cheer'd for th tramping feet, That went to war a -way. But one a-mongthem ^=1^ L ittl p J'*'*- N j ' /?P i I w . , P eres - | | i N j jtd J: Jl J: J-^-JlJ;" 1 JU -J "a J II J J:^i once a - gain, Then turn'd a - way her head, He could but whis -per in his pain, And turn'd him round, To look but once a - gain. And tho' his lips gave out no sound, His td=t Si. this is what he said: "Oh, love, true, This heart is on - ly thine, When the heart sigh' d this refrain: "Oh, love, dear love, be true, This heart is on - ly thine, When the f J JJ J'. 13 war is o'er We'll part no more At Eh-ren on the Rhine, Oh, love, dear love, be true, This [A-ren. ] ==* -) I*- heart is on - ly thine, When the war is o'er, We'll part no more, At Eh-ren on the Rhine." m - + -r FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Andante. Con esfressitne. -fc-fe 2I 9 3 i m *=*= s=s *=3: On the bat - tie field, the pale cold moon Is shed-ding her peace - ful light : And is I s 3 m shin -ing down on a soul that soon Will speed its e-ter-nal flight: A - mid the dy- ing, the i -^=H- sol-dier lay, A com-rade was close at hand, And he said "When I am far a -way, And r roll, ad lib. (Muck slower than the previous refrains.) HHlfr^ you in our na-tive land, And you in our na-tive land; Oh, say to my love, "Be i 5^j j J| & true, be on - ly, on - ly mine, My life is o'er, We'll meet no more At 1* - F j Jj jw jy ^M^ * > * |J. j Vl* * * " I", M J Eh - ren on the Rhine, At Eh - ren on the Rhine, At Eh - ren ~ on the Rhine." rvrrc 220 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EARLY BEGINNINGS. Nearly all the great masters were precocious in their abilities. Haydn began his career at the age of eight. When fifteen he nad al- ready developed much of the skill and independence for which he became famous. At that age he hap- pened to hear of a vacancy in the choir of the church at Tell, and circumstances made him anxious to ob- tain the post. The choir-master, however, on receiv- ing his application, refused to allow him to join the choir. Nevertheless, on the following Sunday, Haydn managed to smuggle himself into the choir, and sit next to the principal soloist. Just as this soloist rose to de- liver himself of the solo, Haydn snatched the from his hand, and at once began to sing it himself at sight. The church authorities were so electrified that they gave him a good sum of money as soon as the service was over. Beethoven, at fifteen, was one of the chief musicians under the Elector of Cologne. At four, Mozart could play freely on the harpsichord ; at six he not only composed, but began to travel as a virtuoso. The Archbishop of Salzburg, a few years afterwards, would not believe that a child so young could of himself accomplish all he was accredited with. Accordingly, he shut him up in a cell with OVER THE SUMMER SEA. -ft VBRDI. JNW^ r* p- i-6- 3SK *=*= ftF=fV W=9 i " sum-mer sea, With light hearts gay and free, Join'd by glad minstrel - sy, roun-de - lay As we glide on our way ; Ne'er will my love de - cay, bird on high, Far in yon a - zure sky, Fling - ing sweet mel - o - dy, Allegretto. 1. O - ver the 2. List, to my 3. Hark,there's a I Gay - ly we're roam - ing ; Swift flows the rippling tide ; Light - ly the zephyrs glide ; Ne'er will I leave thee; While o'er the wa-ters deep; Now our oars gai-ly sweep, Each heart to glad - den ; And its song seems to say, " Ban - ish dull care a - way ; Round us, on True in the Nev - er let ev' - ry side, Bright crests are foam - ing. Fond hearts, en - twin - ing, time they keep, What can grieve thee? Fond hearts, en - twin - ing, sor - row stay, Brief joys to sad - den." Fond hearts, en - twin - ing, p g B * Cease all re pin - ing ; Near us is shin - ing Beau - ty's bright smile. cres, f)fi IIP f ' ^ pen, ink, paper, and the words for a mass. Within a week the young prisoner produced a complete score for the inspection of the incredulous archbishop. The result of its performance was that the mass became a stock piece at the Salzburg Cathedral, while Mozart became the prelate's consert-meister, at the age of twelve. Mendelssohn was a noted improviser on the pianoforte at the age of eight. Schumann, as a school-boy, could at any time gather a knot of com- panions, who eagerly listened as he described their characters on the piano. Chopin did a still more wonderful thing, when a boy in his father's school. Sonntag thought him such a miracle at ten, that she gave him a valuable gold watch as a token of admir- ation. At nine he was asked to assist at a public concert for the poor. He selected as his subject a difficult concerto, and was dressed by his mother like a little dandy for the occasion. After a great suc- cess, he went home to his mother, who asked him as she embraced him, what the public liked best "Oh, mamma," said the unconscious young geniu\ "nobody could look at anything but my collar!" FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HAPPY ARE WE TO-NIGHT. 221 1. Hap-py are we 2. Man - y will be 3. Wear-y we may to - night, boys, Hap-py, hap-py are we; the mile, boys, Man - y, man - y the mile, re -turn, boys, Wear-y, wear-y at last; The hearts that we de That we shall rove and But mem - o - ry will light, smile, learn, boys, boys, boys, With us may hap - py be. With those we ne'er be - guile To love the hap - py past. Friends may laugh with those who laugh, The voi - ces we have oft - en heard, Age may bring us gloom - y hours, And And And sigh for those in fa - ces we have time may make us pain; The most of us have met be-fore, And now we meet a -gain, met, Like tones of sweet-est mel - o - dy, We nev - er can for - get. sad; But we to - night are free from care, And all our hearts are glad. f -i i MURMUR, GENTLE LYRE. m -K 4- 1. Mur - mur, gen - tie lyre, 2. Though the tones of sorrow 3. Hark, the quiv'ring breezes! 4. Earth be - low is sleeping, Thro' the lone - ly night; Let thy Min - gle in thy strain, Yet my List, the silv- ' ry sound ; Ev'ry tu - Mead-ow, hill and grove; Angel stars t EE trembling heart can mult ceas are keep ^=\ 9 = +=^ P Wak - en pure de - light. row Pleas - ure from the pain. Si - lence reigns a - round. Si lent watch a - bove. MUP - mur, gen - tie lyre, Mur - mur, gen - tie lyre, Mur - mur, gen - tie lyre, Mur - mur, gen - de lyre, ^ 3 *=S the lone-ly night; Let thy trembling wire, Wak -en pure de - light rr j | 222 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. We heard from a bright woman the other day the expression "a musical snob,"and asked what it meant. "A musical snob, my dear, is one of the most insuf- ferable of all snobs. I mean by it an imperfectly-ed- ucated amateur, a person who can perhaps play fairly well on some musical instrument, or can possibly sing without serious faults the ordinary run of songs one hears in the parlor or at an amateur concert. When such meagerly educated musicians claim 'to know all,' though they really know little more than nothing ; when they profess to have no interest in popular music,' but dote on ' the classical ;' when such self-satisfied persons criticise every musician, affect U discover faults where others more competent to gire an opinion are free to award credit why, they are musical snobs, my dear, and the laughing stock of everybody who loves music. Such shallow frauds find fault with the programmes at the summer con- certs because they are too light ; such meretricious musicians affect to dislike Gericke, to sneer at Thomas, and to dote on Seidl. They can't bear to hear an Italian opera ; they must have 'Varkner' or nothing. They like Von Bulow, but 'can't bear' Krebs, and regard Carreno as a mere ' amateur.' They are wild JOHNNY SCHMOKER. Johnny Schmoker, Johnny Schmoker, kann'st du sin - gen? Kann'stdu spielen? Ich kann f _ _ _ V V 1^ spielen auf der Trom - mel. Rub a dub a dub, das ist die Trommel. T\ Witty witty wink, das ist die Fi - fey. / "" *" k ix Rub a dub a dub, das ist die Trommel, Mein m % D.C. yd time. 1 * S * % f :5 -i a *~A ^fftt^*-*-^ Rub a dub a dub, Mein wit-ty wit -ty wink, das ist die Fi - fey. : Triangle. 3d time. Triangle. /(|:Ting ting ting, das ist Triangle. :|] p Witty witty wink, das ist die Fifey. f Rub a dub a dub, das ist die Trommel. f Mein rub a dub a dub, mein witty witty wink, p Mein ting ting ting, das ist Triangle. ( D. C. Johnny Schmoker, for 4th time.) 4th time. Trombone. f || : Boom boom boom, das ist die Trombone. :| 5th time. Cymbal. flrZim zim zim, das ist die Cymbal. :|| 6th time. Viol. /||: Voom voom voom, das ist die Viol. :|| 7th time. Doodelsack. ( Bagpipe.) || : Twack twack twack, das ist der Doodelsack. : about the ' chello.' If they hear the ' crowd ' praising a singer they immediately pounce on his or her 'style,' or ' phrasing,' or ' tones ' anything at all to make pre- cious little knowledge pass as the dictum of an artist, a critic, or a lover of the ' best music.' A musical snob, my dear, is one of the most repulsive of its spe- cies, for it persists in pushing its snobbishness upon the sight and hearing of an abused and disgusted public. Be patient with the creature ; may be it can't help it." IN the old humorous song here given, sing to first D. C. then repeat from the beginning, omitting the part marked ist time, passing to part marked 2d time, continue on to D. C. of this (second part ) then repeat again from the beginning, omitting both first and sec- ond time parts, passing to third time, or new part, and so on. Observe that the motions are made only when the words describing the instruments are sung, as for example, at " Rub-a-dub," the roll of the drum is imitated, before and after which the arms and hands are motionless. At every D. C. let the arms fall. It rep- resents a lively old fellow, a German musician, who is telling his friend Johnny Schmoker about the in- FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 22$ struments upon which he can play, describing them by motions while he sings. When performed by a chorus, especially of men, the movements being in exact time and all together, the effect produced is unique and entertaining. The motions are made only when the words describing the instruments are sung, as for example at " Rub-a-dub-a-dub " the roll of the drum is imitated, beginning in the case of all the instruments with the first and ending exactly with the last word; of "Witty witty wink," the hands are placed as if playing the fife and the fingers only move ; of " Ting ting ting," the right hand strikes three times under the left as if playing the triangle; of "Boom boom boom," the hand is moved forward and back as if playing the trombone; and so on to the last, which is imitated by crooking both arms and striking with them against the sides as if playing the bagpipe. Observe that the singing in the case of some of the instruments is loud and of others soft; also, that the phrase where each instrument is first mentioned is repeated, and that the first movement which is sung when each instrument is introduced is ( to save room ) printed but once. The effect of this song with a com- pany of children is highly amusing and greatly enjoyed. SWINGING 'NEATH THE APPLE-TREE. O. R. BARKOWBS. Per. BIGLOW & MAIN. 1. Oh, the sports of child - hood ! Roaming thro' the wild - wood, Running o'er the mead ows, 2. Swaying in the sun - beams, Floating in the shad ow, Sail - ing on the breez - es, 3. Oh, the sports of child - hood I Roaming thro' the wild - wood, Sing -ing o'er the mead - ows, hap py and free; But my heart's a beat - ing For the old time greet - ing, hap - py and free; Chas - ing all our sad ness, Shout - ing in our glad - ness, hap - py and free; How my heart's a - beat ing, Think - ing ot the greet - ing, p- I*-*- -p- . i* -r- < * T*- ! *- -! -^- i*- -p^te^to^to^to. fe -hz Us hs K5 1 r Chorus. n..... p _j^ K 1 * I -1^ R-, I -n d H d=i m 3: J S-T-* S__j , -H ^ i "] *^ i to J to 3-H Swing ing 'neath th Swing ing 'neath th Swing ing 'neath th< } - * - Z e old j old | : old i ^ -^*- H ip pie ip pie ip - pie *-' tree, tree, tree. < ^ to ' Swing - ing, swing - ing, Swing - ing, swing - ing, Swing - ing, swing - ing, (*)' * ^* P r IB * a j ^ 1 -8 !wi U tf U * $ h 3 " h- 3 Swin Swing - ing, swing - ing, Lull ing care to test 'neath the old ap - pie tree, Swing ing, Swing 4 ing 'neath the Swinging, swinging, swinging, swinging, swing- ing 'neath the old ap pie tree. Swing ing, Swing Swing - ing 'neath the old ap - pie tree. 224 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CHILD OF THE REGIMENT. DONIZETTI. CHAS. J BPFKKYS. Andante con moto. 1. Ask me not why my heart with fond e - mo - tion Beats for the bn,ve companions of my 2. Chide me no more ! Were I de - void of feel - ing, Would my m - grat-i - tude not wake thy youth! Had they not tend-ed me with love's devotion, I had not lived, a - las, to prove my fears ? Worthless would be this moment's fond reveal-ing, If I could cast a - side the ties of long, long L> 1> truth: years. P JP fa* A help - less babe Thou hast my love; *& up - on the field I lay, thine is a mother's claim; And but for To them for . -F- q~ -^T them my life had passed a - way, get not that thou ow'st the name, My life had passed a - way : Ere I for - My mother, my moth - er dear, Ere I can r: rrrrr r- I i=Bi= F -F ' F ms get them, all their loving kindness, Bring o'er my heart ob-livion of the past: But when you cease to think of all their kindness, Bring o'er my heart ob - livion of the past : But when you l==f=^-^P^ i?= win for me that fa - tal blindness, In mer-cy let that moment, that moment, be my last -p-p- FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 22$ LULLABY OF 17 CENTURY. GOLDEN SLUMBERS. Smoothly. ^ . 1. Gold- en slum- bers kiss your eyes, Smiles a- wake you when you rise; 2. Care is heav - y, there - fore sleep; You are care, and care must keep; r r ig g g ' I 1 "I* W-: i r=t a ^ Sleep, pret - ty wan - tons, do not cry, And I will sing a lul - la - by, Sleep, pret - ty wan - tons, do not cry, And I will sing a lul - la - by, ** l i * * r *g i ( i* + I i"T" !* ( f-TirTr pigp FFiFrp lul - la - by, lul la - by. P BABY'S NIGHT. 1. Twin - kle bright - ly, 2. Dar - ling, raise your 3. You, so near, in 4. Ah, my prec - ious! stars of light, Christ - mas Eve is soft blue eyes, To the brill - iance robe of white, To the spir - its I can see Ser - aphs look - ing Ba - by's night; of the skies; clothed in light; out at me, -fc*- Sweet my dar - ling, Can you see the You whose gen - tie Ev - ery time the God is good, Thus to hon - or an - gel-throng? Can you hear their soul might be Tuned to high - est im - pulse bids Ba - by lift its ba - by- hood. won - drous song? min - strel - sy. droop - ing lids. f Heavenly music I can hear Falling on my raptured ear, When my baby's cooing voice, Makes the mother's heart rejoice. 15 . Since the Lord of Glory shares Such a form as baby wears, Every little child should be Vested with new sanctity. Twinkle brightly, stars of light, Christmas Eve is Baby's night; Sweet my darling, God is good* Thus to honor babyhood. 226 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. AH! I HAVE SIGHED TO REST ME. Andante Sosttnuto. n ! G. VKKDI. " IL TKOVATOM." i h K h. & SB sa^sM j"j dolci. 1. Ah! I havesighedto rest me 2. Out of the love I bear thee, Deep Yield in the qui - et I my life for :<>:, F =: f P grave, sigh'd to rest me, But all in vain I crave, thee; Wilt thou not think, Wilt thou not think of me? O fare thee O think of m V V U k k 1 p:pEip:fl i i ^T F^ N S * m * * * + ig ' well, my Le-o-no - ra, fare -thee -well! Ah! I have sigh'd for rest, Yet all in vain do I crave, O fare - thee -well, my Le - o - no ra, fare -thee -well! * PTPf n -^-^a tempo, me, my Le o - no - ra, fare - thee -well! Out of the love I Non ti scordai di me I FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 227 3^ m me, my Le - o - no - ra, fare-thee-well! Tho' I no more be - hold thee, t=f ^^ %E T-* F . J J J J.-r 4J^-lJ-d-4j= Yet is thy name a spell, Yet is thy name, yet is thy name a spell, & f If: T ^^^ pp F t t do. Cheering my last lone hour, Le - o - no ra, fare - well! ~j^*j 1 X l WOODMAN, SPARE THAT TREE. " J*J H : 9 ?'.*\ HKNRT RUSSELL. GEORGE P. MORRIS. 1. Wood - man, spare that tree! Touch not a sin - gle bough; In youth it shel-tered 2. That old fa - mil - iar tree, Its glo - ry and re - nown Are spread o'er land and 3. When but an i - die boy, I sought its grateful shade ; In all their gush - ing 4. My heart-stringsround thee cling, Close as thy bark, old friend I Here shall the wild - bird i -to-v me, sea, joy, sing, And I'll pro-tect it now; 'Twas my fore -fa - ther"s hand, That And would' st thou hew it down? Woodman, for - bear thy stroke! Cut Here, too, my sis - ters played; My moth - er kissed me here; My And still thy branches bend. Old tree, the storm thou'lt brave, And, P f r P * i * H- f Tr placed it near his cot, There, woodman, let it stand, Thy axe shall harm it not! not its earth-bound ties ; Oh ! spare that a - ged oak, Now tow - 'ring to the skies, fa - ther pressed my hand, For - give this fool - ish tear, But let that old oak stand! woodman, leave the spot; While I've a hand to save, Thy axe shall harm it not. 228 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IT is stated on what seems very good authority that stringed instruments were unknown among the Amer- ican Indians and among the ancient Mexicans. The mandolin, which was introduced here by the Tipaldisa few years ago, has taken firm hold upon the affections of music-loving people of some localities, and many amateur clubs have been formed for the purpose of becoming efficient performers on this beautiful little instrument. Many people regard it as a very inferior instrument, but Beethoven did not think it beneath him to compose music for it. Only two varieties of mandolins have as yet been brought to this country, the Milanese and the Neapolitan, having eight string although they are also made in Germany. The string* are of wire and are twanged with a plectrum, or pick, or tortoise shell, and it is said that it is not difficult to learn to play well on this instrument. The guitar seems to stand between the wooden sounds of the banjo and the tinkling of the mandolin, while its sweet sadness suggests more than any other instrument its appropriateness as an accompaniment while the voice sings love songs. The mandolin " craze " is regarded as a passing fancy, but the demand for guitars is con- stant and steady, and to-day, as it was nearly fifty years THE MANDOLIN SONG. SrANlSH. MANDOLINATA." 1. O I'm a hap- py crea-ture, 2. Tho' cloudy be the morn - ing, 3. I wish there were no fight - ing, W~9T V Merry from morn till night; I love a gay and Sunny may be the noon ; But mu - sic ne'er can Never a speck of war, That weak and strong could joy - ous day, And song is my de - light : The world is all be - fore me, Nev - er a care I charm the ear, If strings be out of tune. Then sing in cheerful measure, Mer-ri -ly all the right all wrong Without a wound or scar ; I wish there were no sor - row, Nev- er a cause of gig =F* / r v know, Then why should I despond or sigh, When pleasures freely flow ? O sing in cheerful measure, day ; And with a smile for - get awhile Your sorrows while you may. O sing in cheerful measure, woe, If on - ly men could all agree, How glad the days would go ! O sing in cheerful measure, Mer - ri - ly all the day, And with a smile for - get awhile Your sorrows while you may. *go, the btst instruction book is that written by Carulli. Another excellent one is by Carcassi, these two being the best published. The zither is fast becoming a dangerous rival to the above-named stringed instru- ments. Not so difficult as the harp, perhaps, but more difficult to play well than the banjo, mandolin, or guitar, the zither is so delightful when well played that the performer feels more than repaid for the time spent in practicing. This instrument was formerly supposed to have been invented by the ancient Greeks, but it is now generally conceded that it originated in the Tyrolese Alps or else in Southern Germany, where it is very common. The name cithara has been applied to several stringed instruments of various forms, and was known as early as the ninth century in Ger- many. In its present form it is shaped not unlike a harp, has from thirty-one to forty-four strings, and, being laid on a properly constructed table, is played with both hands, a shield being worn on the thumb of the right hand. The zither embraces almost six octaves, and consequently is nearly equal to the piano in scope. The instrument which has forty-four string* is generally preferred by professional players, while amateurs use those having & less number. Karl Mtn. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 229 SONG OF PARTING^ Andante sostcnuto. \ ^= ~~ FRANZ ABT. FOR GRADUATION DAT. 1. Sweet songs our voices blending, Make glad this promised day,But minor strains as-cend-ing Our 2. When years are onward go - ing We'll backward look to thee, O Al - ma Ma-ter, show-ing Our 3. Our part-ing trib-ute rais-ing,We turn at last a - way, Down future vis-tas gaz - ingWhere part-ing still de - lay, In time to come will meet-ing Bring with it earn-est greet-ing:With hearts can grateful be, While thro' the wel-kin ring- ing Comes Mem'ry treasure bringing: With Hope, in fair ar - ray, Shows ra-diant light il - lum- ing The am - a-ranth's utir blooming : With. ^- *-* -*- !-* -*- / .-.--- -.--cjg-. -y- -up- d= -J--- 33 ar- dor true our band, Rove we o'er sea, o'er land, Join hand in hand, Join hand in hand. SLUMBER, DEAREST. C. M. VON FLOTOW. 1. Slumber, dearest, while a-bove thee, Angel eyes are bending now; And their starry pinions waving, 2. Deep-er now the mid-night shadows Gather in the val-ley fair ; Softly thro' the lat - tice stealing. i I -jg L-T i i i i -4J hi H i i 1 i4-! - ac= z=c ' vJ *& m 5 - 2 ^^* J. =t *Hft ts>- Lightly fan thy placid brow ; All is hushed and still around thee, While my lonely watch I keep ; Comes the cool, refreshing air; Till the ro - sy light of morn-ing Spangles o'er the crystal deep, _J Thou art dreaming, sweetly dreaming, Sleepon, darling, peaceful sleep, Darling, peaceful be thy sleep. Till the birds their songs a - wak-en, Sleepon, darling,peacefulsleep,Darling, peaceful bethysleep. Fi -^- _ > -*- ^ 230 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. MENDELSSOHN delighted in the open air and beau- tiful scenery. When he was twenty, he staid some time at Chester, in England. He loved afterward to tell of the charm which the meadow and brook, the trees and grass, had for him there. He spent much time sketching and painting; but his head was full of music, and everything suggested a musical ide? to him. He was very fond of carnations, and he set a bunch of them to music in the album of a daughter of his host, with a drawing of the flowers over the notes; not forgetting to set some delicate arpeggio* in the music for the scent of the flowers. On seeing the younger sister with some bell-shaped flowers LJ her hair, he said that the fairies might dance on the trumpets, and he set them to a capriccio. He never tired of merry-making, and one afternoon towards dusk, he, with a number of young people, was one of a happy young company that was picnick- ing in a thicket. Some one gaily proposed a fire; and all began to drag the boughs and twigs into place, 7 THE WORLD IS FULL OF BEAUTY. DONIZETTI. 1. There is beau - ty 2. There is beau - ty 3. There is beau - ty 4. There is beau - ty n in in in the the the the for - est, Where the trees are foun - tain, Toss - ing gai ly moon-light When it falls up - on bright-ness Beam- ing from a lov green and its the ing fair, play, sea, eye, There is beau While the rain While the blue In the warm ty in the bow hues are foam-crest - ed blush of af mead - ow Where wild flowers scent the air; glit - t'ring On its sil - v'ry - shin - ing spray, bil - lows Dance and frol - ic joyous - ly; fee - tion, In the tear of sym - pa - thy! m ^ t $ m There is beau - ty in the sun - light, And the soft blue beams a There is beau - ty in the stream - let, Murm'ring soft - ly through the There is beau - ty in the light'ning gleam That fit ful shines a In the sweet low voice whose ac - cents The spir - it's glad - ness - bove. grove. bove. prove. Oh ! the world is full of beau - ty When the heart is full, the heart is full of love. ?=& so that they soon had a fine bonfire. While still lin- gering around it, Mendelssohn began to ask for some music, but nothing could be found save a worn-out fiddle of the gardener's. Mendelssohn, all undis- mayed, began to play, shouting with laughter at his performance; but soon there was a hush in the chat r.nd sport, and the "whole party sat spell-bound at the music which he drew from even that despised fiddle. He would sit for hours improvising dance-tunes, and liked nothing better than to entertain his friends with his music. He always looked back on this visit to Chester as one of the brightest spots in a bright life. IMMORTALITY! This master thought which should be most in our minds, ever present with us, is one to which millions seem never to give a passing moment of serious reflection. They are as their dogs and their horses. Of all human beings, the clergy not excepted, those in the educational work should ponder most this sublime truth, and make it familiar as their native air to the youth who are passing through the schools. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HEARTS AND HOMES. 23! :fe 1. Hearts and homes, sweet words of pleas-ure, Mus - ic breath - ing as ye fall; Male -ing 2. Hearts and homes, sweet words re -veal-ing, All most good and fair to see; Fit - ting ff: iff: iff: -&~ "P" y [x Ix If- urn ri, LL Fine. each the oth - er's trea - sure, Once di - vid - ed, los - ing all. Homes, ye shrines for pur - est feel - ing, Tern - pies meet to bend the knee. In - fant may be high or low - ly, Hearts a - lone can make you ho - ly; Be the hands bright gar - lands wreathing, Hap - py voi - ces in - cense breathing, Em - blems dwell-ing e'er so small, Hav - ing love, it boast - eth alL fair of realms a - bove, For love is heav'n, and heav'n is love. D.C. SWING, CRADLE, SWING. Smoothly. GEORGE COOPER. ^& *^tf 1. Ba - by is a sail -or boy, Swing, cradle, swing; Sailing is the sailor's joy, Swing, cradle, 2. Snowy sails and precious freight, Swing, cradle, swing ; Baby's captain, mother's mate, Swing, cradle, 3. Never fear, the watch is set, Swing, cradle, swing; Stonny gales are never met, Swing, cradle, 4. Little eyelids downward creep, Swing, cradle, swing ; Now he's in the cove of sleep, Swing, cradle, w^r- rrt i swing. Swing, cradle, Swing, cradle, Swing, cradle, swing ; Swing, cradle, Swing, cradle.Swing, cradle, N [swing. 332 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE BRIDE BELLS. *" ^ ,|J I ! R=E m j j j & Alltgrttto. I. Maid El -sie roams by lane and lea, Her heartbeats low and sad, Her thoughts are far a- 3. A year by seas, a year by lands, A year since then has died, And El - sie at the & pea m 0\ H-fl =\ > *:? 9. bJ id J J * H ' ^^*' ^^ r way at sea, With her bon-nie sai - lor lad, With her bon - nie sai - lor lad. But al - tar stands, Her sai - lor at her side, Her sai - lor at her side, While m Kling, lang, ling, She seems to hear her bride bells ring, Kling, lang, ling, Kling, lang, ling, Their bonnie bride bells gai - ly ring, Kling, lang, ling, -S: FINK. Kling, lang, ling, Kling, lang, ling, She seems to hear her bride bells ring, her bride bells ring ! Their bon-nie bride bells gai - ly ring, their bride bells ring ! *=$T *" rftHT-fe h-i-i ~J J H-n- i iTT-^ ' r wKKf- _i f(t> " i 3 id r 1 ^- . d: f T|-^= 2 ht S&L * "- ** y = ft^ '-0 1 ~i f * 2. That night her lov - er's good ship rode The fu - rious Bis - cay _ ^ -*> -r*- ^. ^.^u m . j= r 14 - 5 Ht-^ b Jig y p p_ f. r . r i r r . i i 1 1 1 T r E^ ' r I u a ^ foam, And as the stream ing deck trod. f r r r C 1C C He FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. moltorit. 233 ^ S thought of her at home, He thought of her at 19 ~ tempo imo. i a-T^ J I I-C5 & 4- *-e} SZ L. home ; While Kling, lang, ling, He seem'd to hear his home bells ring ! Kling, lang, Ff i * ling, Kling, lang, ling, He seem'd to hear his home bells ring, his home bells ring! f THE NOONTIDE RAY. AUBBR. FAIRIES' SONG. 'V -3^-g-S- I. The mid-day sun i mid-day sun is pour-ing His scorching beams a - long the sky, No more the birds are 2. The herds in shade are panting, The leaves hang drooping on the bough ; No more her sweet song 3. The wa-ters bright are shining, Re - fleet-ing back the noon - tide ray ; The vales and hills seem soar - ing, The flow'rets droop and die chant - ing, The thrush is si - lent now pin ing Be - neath the burning day Fly, then, sis - ter spir - its, Hide, then, sis - ter spir - its, Rest, then, sis - ter spir - its, fly, hide rest, The The The mid-day sun is pour - ing His beams a - long the sky. herds in shade are pant - ing, The leaves droop on the bough. wa-ters bright are shin - ing, Be - neath the noon-tide ray. ft r ft 234 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE SCOUT. f -j tay- H. B. FAKNTB. FA BIO CAMPANA. "XUi i*^*-* ! i ^ * i ! TI tim i ^i |~J 1| LjLgl*.* l-Efcrf Con irw. Come! boor, your "Little blue."* I war not, friend, with you! 'Twas for this can a bold Uhlan* His rfrFf w-H^ E S^ bri- die drew: Merely a pet-rel I, Telling the storm is nigh. Clink we a glass, so H N M- J- J.-tfJj q ! i x i ^i ; j ^-J H 1 3 g a * ^ i^ m m jj j r=: i^ may it pass Your homestead by! Lurking in brake by day, Reading by stars my way, N N J ^r. -tv 4 i 3> 3 f ^^ Clattering fast thro' hamlet old, O'er lonely wold, Maidens pale at my glance, Peasants cow' r 'neath my J: k i* )P f-jg-irr-f -r s V ^ \ ^ \ ^ \ ^ 3 lance. Mis-er-lysoulshidefasttheirgoldFrom Uh-lan bold! Yet his the risk, not theirs. P f / x -* ^ Thousand and more to one, Lit-tle for odds he cares, Rather too many than none ! Ha ! ha ! ha I * I* W *" Petit blue" Small country wine. *Uh-/a, light cavalry, of Tartar origin, armed with lance, pistol and sabre. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. f a tttnpo deciso. J 1^ g m-tm 235 -*>- ^ ->>>- 4JM- -S w J*1X^i- ^ J'^ I J-W con brio. Come, boor, your" Little blue!" I war not, friend, with you. 'Twas for this can abold Uhlan His bridle drew. f& WVfflr W+\ V ** Fine. S=*t? Merely a petrel I, Telling the storm is nigh, Clink we a glass, so may it pass Your homestead by. r^ - n Cantabile espressivo. i -erg* 1 Such a home I've left far a - way, Lov'dones there for me now are sighing, HMtp-*H 1-+ t~i r^^r \ 1 LJ 1 trf-L ^=f=* *lj3i J J"J S-^ t I can see the moon's placid ray On roof and tree and pale face ly-ing! sn tf a tempo. ro express. I I N W Ah! Give thy hand, good peasant, to me, Hearts are hearts the weary world all over. |Ktt=Jfe ry|F >-U. ran. firKirisr"^^ SfeS3 Peace still dwell with thine and thee! So now pray -eth the war-worn ro-ver! ~~' + * SB sJ 1 F JZll 236 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IF we take this central image of Song, and ask why it is used to describe Heaven, the future of regenerated humanity, the answer would be because of its fitness. If this final condition were defined in bare words, it would be as follows: Obedience, Sympathy, Feel- ing or Emotion, and Adoration. These, in a sense, constitute Heaven, or the state of regenerated hu- manity. By the consent of all ages, Heaven has been represented under a conception of music, and will be in all ages to come. It is subjected to many sneers, but the sneer is very shallow. The human mind must have some form under which it can think of its destiny. It is not content to leave it in vagueness. It is a real world we are in, and we are real men and women in it. We dwell in mystery and within lim- tations, but over and above the mystery and the limi- tation is an indestructible sense of reality. I am, and I know that I am. Standing on this solid rock, I find reality about me, nor can I be persuaded that other beings and things are dreams or shadows. It is in my very nature to believe in reality, and so I demand definite conceptions, nor can I rest in vagueness or be content with formless visions and their abstractions. ' Thus the human mind has always worked and thus it always will work leaving behind it the logicians and plodders in science, in the free exercise of the logic AFTER. c^ .0. _^. : i LOUIS DlEHl.. 1m t Andante con esfress.\ 1. Af-ter showers, the tran-quil sun; Af - ter snow, the em - 'raid leaves ; Sil - ver 2. Af-ter knell, the wed -ding bells; Af - ter bud, the ra - diant rose; Joy - ful JT3 stars when day is done; Af - ter har - vest, gold - en sheaves ; Af - ter greet - ings from fare -wells; Af ter weep - ing, sweet re - pose; Af - ter clouds, the bur - dea, ia PP ^ vio - let sky; Af - tet tarn - pest, lull of waves; Qui - et bliss - ful meed; Af ter flight, the down-y nest; Af - ter woods for when row, winds go by; Af - ter bat-tie, peaceful graves ; Af - ter bat-tie, peaceful wak-ing seed; Af - ter shadowy riv-er rest, Af ter shadowy riv er- graves. rest. SEE pf human nature. I do not absolutely know what sort of a world this will be when it is regenerated, but [ must have some conception of it I do not abso- lutely know what Heaven is like it will be like only to itself but if I think of it at all, I must do so under some present definite conception. The highest forms under which we can now think are art-forms the proportion of statuary and architecture, color of paint- ing, and music. The former are limited and address a mere sense of beauty, but music addresses the heart and has its vocation amongst the feelings and covers their whole range. Hence music has been chosen to hold and express our conception of moral perfection. Nor is it an arbitrary choice, but it is made for the reasons that music is the utterance of the heart, it is an expression of morality, and it is an infinite language. Before the sneer at Heaven as a piace of endless song can prevail, it must undo all this stout logic of the human heart. We so represent it because when we frame our conception of Heaven or moral perfection, w find certain things, and when we look into the nature and operations of music, we find again the same things, namely: Obedience, Sympathy, Emotion, Adoration. Rev. T. T. Munger. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 237 GAUDEAMUS IGITUR. _h- COLLXGB SONG. m tt 1. Gau-de-a-mus i - gi-tur, Ju-ve-nesdum su-mus; Gau-de-a-mus i - gi-tur, 2. U - bi sunt qui an - te nos In mundo fu - e - re ? U bi sunt qui an - te nos 3. Vi - ta no - stra bre - vis est, Bre - vi fi - ni - e - tur, Vi - ta no - stra bre - vis est, Ju - ve - nes dum su - mus ; In mun-do fu - e - re? Bre - vi fi - ni - e - tur, Post ju - cun - dam ju - ven - tu - tem, Post mo - les - tarn Va - di - te ad su pe - ros, Tran - si - te ad Ve - nit mors ve - lo - ci - ter, Ra - pit nos a- se - nee - tu - tem, Nos ha - be - bit hu in fe - ros, U - bi jam fu e tro ci - ter, Ne - mi - ni par ce mus, Nos ha - be - bit ha mus. re, U bi jam fu e - re. tur, Ne - mi - ni par - ce - tur. Vivat academia, Vivant professores, Vivat membrum quodlibet, Vivant membra quaelibet, Semper sint in nore. Quis confluxus hodie Academicorum ? E longinquo convenernnt Protinusque successerunt In commune forum. Alma mater floreat, Quse nos educavit, Caros et commilitones, Dissitas in regiones Sparsos, congregavit. Vivat et respublica Et qui illam regit, Vivat nostra ci vitas, Msecenarum caritas, Quae nos INTEGER VITAE. Andante. ODE OF HORACE. FOR MALE QUARTHTTM. ? r- 1. In- te-ger vi - \SK sce-le-ris-que pu - rus non e - get Mau 2. Si - ve per Syr - tes i - ter aas - tu - o - sas, Si - ve fac - tu - 3. Po - ne me, pi gris n - bi mil - la cam - pis Ar - bor ass - ti - 4. Po - ne sub cur - ru nim - i - um pro - pin - quo So - lis, in ter - ris jac - u - lis nee rus per in-hos-pi- va re - ere - a - tur ra dom - i - bus ne - ar - cu, nee ve - ne - na - tis gra - vi - da sa - git - tis, Fus ta - lem Cau - ca-sum vel quae lo - ca fab - u - lo - sus Lam au - ra ; Quod la - tus mun - di ne - bu - lae ma - lus - que Ju - ga - ta; Dul-ce ri den - tem La -la -gen a ma - bo, Dul- ! I _ I I T w. I I l_ i |_ ce, pha - re tra ; bit Hy - das - pes. pi - ter ur get. ce lo quen - tem. f I 238 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. OVER THE DARK BLUE SEA. Solo. C. MATI Air. ALPINB MELODY. 1. We are hap-py and free 2. Come a - way then with me, 3. On our ves - sel we'll ride as a crew can o'er the dark blue with the wind and the be7 sea, tide, 1 .V While our And a O'er the bark is sail - ing o'er the sea; gal-lant sail - or you shall be; heaving o - cean swift -ly glide; Our sails we heave at the call of the I'll leave my home on the waters to Should wild winds roar, with each man to his eb I ttttT la la la la brave, roam, oar, For we love the home For I love to bound We will safe-ly land of the o - cean wave. o'er the sparkling foam. on our des - lined shore. BASS Sob. O our hearts O what joy Then, from toils do burn with glee, it is to me, and per-ils free, As we sail Thus to sail And the dan ff As we hearts joy toils do burn with glee, it is to me, and per - ils free, we sail Thus to sail And the dan o'er the rolling o'er the rolling gers of the m o'er the rolling sea ; o'er the rolling sea; gers of the sea, Let us all Loud we'll raise We will all umte in love, our merry strain, unite in iove, Trusting in As we sail Praising him sea; sea; sea, Let us all Loud we'll raise We will all unite in love, our merry strain, unite in lore. Trusting in the God a - As we sail o'er the foaming. Praising Him who rules a- FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 239 D n Chorus, ist. timtfid. timtf. TjJlJH J U J I J t J i~i* S B i i*' . ] in. >Mer-ri e. J the God a-bove. the foaming main. [-Mer-ri - ly now we row a - long, row a - long, row a - long, who rules above. JU5JU* ~ H 1 h bove. main. bove "I" Mer - ri - ly now we row a - long, row a - long, row a - long, N N e. j in. V e. ) J J> ~^W ^1 3EE3 Mer - ri - ly now we row a - long, O - ver the dark blue sea. m COME, MY GALLANT SOLDIER, COME. Allegretto marzial. H. R. BISHOP. ** * i m '* ' 9 ' X X , Shrilly fife and rolling drum, 1. Come' my gal-lant soldier, come, Leave the proud embattled field, 2. In thy na - live val-ley find, Far away from pomp and pow'r, Constant love and peace of mind. mr^-rr g-g i '*r r ff i 1 TB b ^, \ ^ . *=Ttf All the pleasures war can yield, Quickly come again, behold the happy land ATiere thou wert born, And Here in bright affection's bow'r, Quickly come again, behold the happy land Where thou wert ^.orn, And la la la la f^-a ^ * ig I g-y-LJ^ hear its mu - sic sweet and wild, The mer-ry mountain horn. La la la la la la la la ^i?=^ te g-^'g^ > ^ la la la la la la a la kUU'rr'.rrr la la la la la la la la Tr-g-.-f-f- - f^f- f- J- H 1 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha- la, The mer - ry mountain horn. x 240 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HYMNS arc the exponents of the inmost piety of the Church. They are crystalline tears, or blossoms of joy, or holy prayers, or incarnated raptures. They are the jewels which the church has worn, the precious stones formed into amulets, more potent against sorrow and sadness than the most famous charms of wizard and magician, and he who knows the way that hymns flowed knows where the blood of piety ran. I do net know of any steps now left on earth by which one iwy so soon rise above trouble or weariness as the verses and music of a hymn ; and if the angels that Jacob saw sang when they appeared, then 1 know that tht ladder he beheld- was but the scale of divine music let down from Heaven to the earth. H. IV. Beecher. FAIR LUNA. i. Fair Luna forth U shed - ding Her beams upon the sea, a. The nightingale is sing - ing Her plaintive ev'ning song, J. BARNBT. 1. Fair Luna forth is shedding Her beams upon the sea, 2. The nightingale is singing. Her plaintive ev'ning song, N I ~ the sea, And spreading silv'ry her song, Whose warblings now come J JV- up - on the sea, her plaintive song, lustre O'er mountain, grove, and lea, O'ermountain,grove,and lea; Then come, let us be straying, winging The gentle breeze a - long, The gen -tie breeze a - long; The balmy air is laden With, O'er mountain, grove, and The gentle breeze a all around is bright, And breathe out notes of pleasure, To hail the Queen of night, To perfume from the brier, Then with such charms invit - ing, We'll tune the golden lyre, We'll .f f-r r\t the Queen the gold cen I - I do. of night. lyre. dim. Fair Luna forth is shed - ding Her ~ m hail the Queen of night, To hail the Queen of night. Fair Luna forth' is shedding Her beams upon the tune the golden lyre, We'll tune the golden lyre. Fair Luna forth is shedding Her beams upon the m r^r* Z,WJ> *-*- -=*-*- uii i the Oueen of **^ f \* f * To hafl the Queen of night. We'll tune the gold - en lyre. beams upon the sa, rail. I *~r r^/ i V I I 'I -*f! [and lea. sea, the sea, Andspreadingsilv'rylus - tre O'er mountain, grove, and lea, O'er mountain, , grove, FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 241 ANDREAS HOFER. Moderate. I. In Man-tu-a in fet - ters, The faithful Hofer lay, In Man - tu-a the hostile hordes Took 2. With hands fast bound behind him, He marched with steady pace ; With courage still unflinching To 3. The drummer now no long - er His faithful drum doth beat, As Andreas Hofer march - es Be- ^ m * ^ - ^ ~&-~^~ m \ ' rr his brave life a - way, With grief his comrades' tears now flow, All Germany is plunged in woe, And meet death face to face, From I - selberg he oft had sent That winged death to which he went In neath the gloomy gate; Although in fetters he is free, Up - on the bastion form is he, The mourn'd the lovinghand, Thro'out his Tyrol-land, And mourn'd the loving hand, Thro'out his Tyrol-land, his own Ty - rol - land, His faithful Tyrol-land, In his own Tyrol -laud, His faithful Tyrol - land, man of Ty - rol - land, The man of Tyrol-land, The man of Tyrol - land, The man of Tyrol - land. *'J J f *s t +*-*- ff ttf THE SEA GULLS. ECHOSS o CHILDHOOD. ffot too slow. ^^~ 1. Far a- bove the deep blue sea, On the breez - es fresh and free, Sea - gulls float - ing, 2. Would that I could al - so fly, O - ver cliffs so dark and high, Up - ward to the 3. Fall - ing now, a - gain they rise, Fill the air with startling cries, Dart - ing downward 31 r^-- t ft | 1^ ? -C nr t ^T^ fr-fr: U=k: With varied expressw. f one, two, three, Flap their white wings laz - i - bright blue sky, In the sun - shine dreami - on a prize, Has - ten homeward speed - i Flap their white wings laz - i - ly. In the sun -shine dream -i - ly. Has - ten homeward speed - i ly. To the bare and rocky home, Where, above the wavelets' foam, While the old birds seaward roam, live the young gulls merrily. 'Hark !" the old birds say, "beware, For we think there's danger near." Smoke and thunder fill the air, And the gulls cry piteously. When the smoke has cleared away, "Are our darlings safe?" they say. "Ah, not one is hurt to-day I" Cry the sea-gulls joyously. 342 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. AS THE WIND BLOWS. Alltgretto no* troppo. RICHARD Getnx. [blow,. 1. The wind blows north, the wind blows south, The wind blows east and west ; No matter how the free wind 2. " Oh, wind," I said, " why dost thou blow, And out to ocean roar, When I would steer my little bark H=tp i Some ship will find it best. Out on the wide sea, the wide sea, the wide sea, To- ward some pleasant shore?" "Out on the deep sea, the deep sea, the deep sea, One shouts with happy air, "Trim all the sails, the wind is blow - ing fah"." One ship is safl-ing a- Op- pose my will no more ; When I blow shoreward, turn thou to the shore, Yet if thy will with I plpp down the west While winds are fair, and waves at rest, See. all her white sails are gai - ly set; Home - mine must strive, Against my might set all thy skill; Do thou the best that a mor-talcan, And speed -ing bark, Hope smil - eth yet! One ship is toil-ing far to the east, With masts all bare, thro' fight mebrave-ly like a man; Stand by thy wheel, and on -ward go, Keep watch around, a - fi qg: :>: I r -P I - : + m m r r~^ -+<9- *** foam- ing yeast, Strug-gle all fierce, and stern, and wild, By wind and wave op- pressed. bove, be-low; Such hearte will make the ports they seek What-ev-er wind may blow," I & FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ON YONDER ROCK RECLINING. Allegretto. n n 243 From " FRA DIAVOLO." NT [=S: T* p. I . On yon - der rock re - clin - ing, That fierce and swarthy form behold ! Fast his hands his 2. On strength and skill re - ly - ing, He's fearless of the treach'rous dart, From his face, with lit:: fcfc ^ r r-: ti mf * 3EEgEE: rr*T~*T carbine hold, 'Tis his best friend of old ! This way his steps in - clining, His scarlet plume waves hurried steps, Dangerous foes de - part. But to the kind and gentle, A milder spir - it 5=!i=S P fr|g K f- RFi v i - -c -**- o'er his brow, And his vel-vet cloak hangs low, Playing in grace ful flow! doth he know, From his lips, in man - ly tones, _ Tender - est ac - cents flow. _ -M- ,1-j-y. + -L" ^ i Trem- ble! E'en while the storm is beat -ing, A - far hear ech-o re - peat - ing His ^ f beat ing, I I I A far hear ech o re - peat ing His name, Di a vo - lo! - 244 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ANOTHER grand voice of nature is the thunder. Ignorant people often have a vague idea that thunder is produced "by the clouds knocking together, which is very absurd, if you remember that clouds are but water- dust. The most probable explanation of thunder is much more beautiful than this. Heat forces the air-atoms apart. Now, when a flash of lightning crosses the sky, it suddenly expands the air all round it as it passes, so that globe after globe of sound-waves is formed at every point across which the lightning travels. Light travels so rapidly (192,000 miles in a second) that a flash of lightning is seen by us and is over in a second, even when it is two or three miles long. But sound comes slowly, taking five seconds to travel a mile, and so all the sound-waves at each point of the two orthree miles fallen our ear one after the other, and make the rolling thunder. Sometimes the roll is made even longer by the echo, as the sound-waves are reflected to and fro by the cloudson their way; and in the mountains we know how the peals echo and re-echo until they die away. THE NINETY AND NINE. :==*: I \NE, 1863. EE 1. There were ninety and nine that safe ly lay In the shel - ter of the 2. ' Lord, Thou hast here Thy nine - ty and nine ; Are they not e - nough for 3. But none of the ran - somed ev - er knew How deep were the wa - ters 4. But all thro' the mountains, thunder - riv - en, And up from the rock - y f f f &-* r* h i fold, Thee?" cross' d; steep, But But the Nor how There * one was out on the Shepherd made an - swer: dark was the night that the rose a cry to the hills a - way, Far "Tis of Mine Has Lord pass'd thro', Ere Gate of Heaven, " Re t off from the gates of gold wan - dered away from Me; He found His sheep that was lost; joice! I have found My sheep! A - way on the mountains wild and bare, A And although the * road be rough and steep, I Out in the des - ert He heard its cry 'Twas And the an - gels echoed a- round the throne, "Re- way from the ten - der Shepherd's care, A way from the ten - der Shepherd's care. go to the desert to find My sheep, I go to the desert to find My sheep." help -less and sick, and ready to die, 'Twas helpless and sick, and ready to die. joice, for the Lord brings back His own ! Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own ! '* "WE have selected music," says Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, in his preface to the Plymouth Collection, " with reference to the wants of families, of social meet- ings, and of the lecture-room, as well as of the great congregation. But the tunes are chiefly for congrega- tional singing. We have gathered up whatever we could find of merit, in old or new music, that seemed fitted for this end. Not the least excellent are the pop- ular revival melodies, which, though they have been often excluded from classic collections of music, have never been driven out from among the people. These have been gathered up, and fitly arranged, having already performed most excellent service. They are now set forth with the best of all testimonials the affection and admiration of thousands who have experienced their inspiration. Because they are home-bred and popular, rather than foreign and stately, we like them none the less. And we cannot doubt that many of them will carry up to heaven the devout fervor of God's people until the millennial day." FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 245 LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS. FELICIA HHMANS. 1. The breaking waves dashed high On a stern and rock-bound coast, And the woods against a 2. Not as the conqueror comes, They, the true-heart - ed, came ; Not with the roll of 3. A - midst the storm they sang, And the stars heard, and the sea! And the sounding aisles of the 4. What sought they thus a - far? Bright jew - els of the^ mine? The wealth of the seas, the SL - w ' m- storm - y sky Their gi - ant branches tossed ; And the heav - y night hung dark The stir - ring drums, And the trumpet that sings of fame ; Not as the fly - ing come, In. dim woods rang To the an - them of the free. The spoils of war? They sought a faith's pure shrine; Ay, J o - cean ea - gle soared From his call it ho - ly ground, The hills and wa - ters o'er, When a band of exiles moored their bark On the wild New England shore. si - lence and in fear; They shook the depths of the desert gloom With their hymns of lofty cheer, nest by the white wave's foam, And the rocking pines of the forest roared,This was their welcome home ! soil where first they trod ! They have left unstained what there they found, Freedom to worship God. J^- f^-f-- =Pt I LOVE THY KINGDOM, LORD. TIMOTHY DWIGHT. G. F. HANDEL. " ST. THOMAS." m - v i MUSICAL ALPHABET. CHILDHOOD SOKGS. *3E * n 2=3t=5f w Tiat I Come, dear mother, hear me say What I can of A B C: A B C D E F G, Now, my Al-pha-bet is through, Will you hear dear sis - ter too? A B C D E F G, * mz J K L M N She has said them all to P; Q R S and T U V, W(dou-ble-you) and me; Q R S and T U V, W (dou-ble-you) and -I 1 =*=* *^ X Y Z. Now you've heard my ABC, Tell me what you think of me. X Y Z. Now we've said our ABC, Let us have a kiss from thee. 1 (ROUND.) 2 bflv^ - r^i 22 -7=1 J J 3 E Kip * * ~ ! -rl ^ -f^ ; -ff r^. 1 1 ~^D " " & - -4-^, si- Good night, Slum - ber sound, In peace profound, 'Till morning's light. 250 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THERE is no subject taught to which the principles of objective teaching can be more easily or more success-- fully applied than that of music. The actual objects of thought are always at hand. Sounds must be as clearly presented and named to the mind as colors. Music stands sadly in need of teaching-power. In our schools music should be taught in its simplicity as an art, and not in its complexity as a science. It can be so simplified and symmetrically arranged that the teaching ability of the regular teacher, who knows little of it as a science, can be employed. Skillful supervision will always be in demand ; but while music is regarded as a special study, to be taught only by spe- cial teachers, the best results will not be obtained. In training children to think sounds in pitch, we must work with the real sounds continually. If we would train children to sing in time, we must first teach them to think and feel the rhythm accurately. The real ob- jects of thought in rhythm are pulsations or accents that must be felt and cannot be conveyed to the mind thro* the eye. Pulsations and the different combinations of lengths of sounds must be indicated to the mind thro* the senses of hearing and feeling, and there is no other way. The quality of musical food given to children to develop a true musical taste is important. They should become familiar with all harmonies by singing them. COUSIN JEDEDIAH. K H. S. THOMPSON. 1 . Oh ! Ja - cob, get the cows home and put them in the pen, For the cousins are a - com - ing to 2. Now, O-bed wash your face, boy, and tallow up your shoes, While I go to see Aunt Bet- ty, and 3. And, Job, you peel the onions, and wash and fix the 'taters, We'll have them on the table in those 4. Tell Josh to put the colt in the double-seated chaise, Let him just card down the cattle, give Cf t ft I E r i . r r TTl ^ * 3 i^ m- ^3=3 f see us all a gain, The dowdy's in the pan, and the tur-key's on the fire, And we tell her all the news, And, Kit- ty, slick your hair, and put on your Sunday gown, For shin-y painted waiters, Put on your bran new boots, and those trousers with the straps, Aunt So- them a lit - tie hay, I'll wear my nice new bell-crown I bought of old U ri - ah, And I all must get reed -y for Cous-in Jed-e di - ah. Cousin Jed-e-dl-ah comes right' from Boston town, phia'll take a shine to you, if you look real slick, per - haps, guess we'll as - ton - ish our Cous - in Jed - e - di - ah. Cous-in Jed e-di-ah, There's ^WJT^ ? -^a rrr UUU J And Azariah, And Aunt Sophia. All coming here to tea, Oh ! won't we have a ill 3 PPf Andjed-e-di-ah, I ^ ^ fc h N N Hez-e-kiah, h K m N ^ r T< j L jol-lytime,Oh! won't we have a jol-ly time! Je - ru-sha, put theket-tle on, We'll all take tea. -r-r^ Permission, Oliver Ditson Company owners of copyright. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 251 THE BRAVE OLD OAK. I fr. fc ! E fc. J3 1^ _1 ^^ , E.T. LOOK*. H. F. CHORLEY. 1. A song for the oak, the brave old oak, Who hath ruled in the greenwood long, Here's 2. He saw the rare times, when the Christmas chimes Were a mer - ry sound to hear, And the W + + + i _ / * s* health and re-nown to his broad green crown, And his fif - ty arms so strong. squire's wide hall, and the cot - tage small, Were full of Christmas cheer. 1 1 r M * f *^rF ^ ~V P~i F F ^ f*J nr^ g There is fear in his frown when the sun goes down, And the fire in the west fades out ; And he And all the day to the re -beck gay, They carol' d with gladsome swains. They are m :*=*: i A 1- ? f show-eth his might on a wild midnight, When the storms through his branches shout. Then gone, they are dead, in the church-yard laid, But the brave tree, he still re - mains. Then J: r*^N >-^ h h sing to the oak, the brave old oak, Who hath stood in hit pride so long; And m + i still flour - ish he, a hale green tree, When a hun - dred years are gone, *t 252 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. COME WHERE FLOWERS ARE FLINGING. JtL. VON FLOTOW. " From " MARTHA." *- I f Come where flowers are fling-ing Beau - ty o'er the meadows gay, Where glad birds are sing-ing, X Come where skies are smil - ing, Where the mer - ry foun-tains play, Come, thy care be - guil - ing, j- l'. 1 ?! ^jWherethro'lightandshadow.Streamletsgen-Tle mur-mur ! - i i 9 1 9 * * s=f . . as they stray, O - ver field and mead - ow Fai - ry foot - steps gai - ly lead the way ^^^^^^^^>^ ^ h 9 9 9 9^9 * W 9 S N f Come, come, thy care be - guil - ing, Keep with na - ture hoi - i - day, O\ e w -.. \ Come, come, where pleasure fond - ly lin - gers, Where the gen - tie woodland J ^ vveaves Wlttt N w i ii m > J ! b mag - ic fin - gers Wreaths to crown the brow of May, to crown the brow of May, lovely May, love -ly *_JL P $ If. ^i ,M { j ("Then a - way to the woods, where the wild flowers bloom, While the breez - es are \Withourfeetlightas fai-ries, and hearts full of glee, We will sing with the -P -1* f *F ^ U U I tm?- rr FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. * w N fc 253 ^ ^ la -,; ^ Whl i SWCet " e l P erfume ' } bee, O come a . way. O'er sun-ny bank and meadows wild bird, and roam with the J gay, And keep with na-ture hoi - i - day, Come where plea -sure lin-gers, F F >~F- V 9> \* Where the gen - tie woodland fay, Weaves with mag - ic fingers wreaths to crown the brow of May. ' f=f r F \r f ir f ir H^-H^ rf-H 'P F 'FTP =* Wreaths to crown the brow of May, O come a - way, O come a * way, a - way * H F F F CHRIST IS BORN OF MAIDEN FAIR. DR. GAUKTI.KT. ^5 ^ 1. Christ is bom of maid - en fair; Hark the her - aids in the air, Thus a- 2. Shep-herds saw those an - gels bright, Caroll-ing in glo - ri - ous light; "God the 2, Christ is come to save man- kind; As in ho - ly page we find; There-fore dor - ing hear them there, " In ex eel - sis Son is born to - night, In ex - eel sis sing with rev' rent mind, " In ex - eel - sis glo glo glo rT- a!" ri - a!" ri - a! 1 * 254 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. BEAUTIFUL SPRING-TIME. VBHDI. s -+- 1*- -*-->- -+- -*--+--*- .xprtision. ^ ^ I. Beau- ti - ful Spring-time ! bright, blooming ro - ses, When hope with pleas - ure 2. Beau - ti - ful Spring-time ! sea - son de part - ed, When birds were sing ing E I r r sweet - ly re po - ses, Dream - ing of glad - ness when day - light do - ses, gay and light - heart - ed, Tell - ing of joys when our ear - ly life start - ed, X IX i N *- H-g-J^STg 1^ Dreams of the heart when no sor - row was near, Oh ! hap - py days ! we can nev - er for Oh ! how those mo-ments have fad-ed a - way ! Oh ! blissful hours ! we shall ev er re ^: pc v-v get thee, Life was too sweet, ev - 'ry moment was dear ! We wandered at even-ing o'er mem - ber; Sweet was our young life too sweet to de - cay! We hear the bells chim-ing, when m w val-ley and foun-tain, Thro' for-est and dell, by the swift-gliding stream : We roamed with light peaceful - ly dreaming Of past hap-py hours of our loved happy band; Tho' Time spreads his % i $ step to the mur-mur-ing foun-tain, 'Twas long, long a - go, but it seems a sweet pin -ions with ra - di ant seem-ing, He leads us at last to the beau - ti - ful U 'u Lr FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 255. m f ^ i dream, Sweet dream, sweet dream, beau - ti ful dream, Sweet dream, sweet dream, land ! Bright land, bright land, beau - ti - ful land, Bright land, bright land, = 1 1 |fo p t a m - n- -^ *l *4- i 1 1 -< tfm - =y J i i - tT beau - beau -f- m ^ LK L-^ ^ i 1 w, T I_K ti - fill dream, Beau - ti - ful dream, beau - ti - ful land, Beau - ti - ful land, beau - ti - ti <*- ful ful dream, land. wO- ^-F m L~~ 1* = T~ -t^ ._ ^ f *-^ Piil 1 k k IE E E=J 9 S * v 1 OH, COULD OUR THOUGHTS. ^ GERMAN. ANNE STBELB, 1764. Hi &E H hr- m 1. Oh, could our thoughts and wish - es fly A - bove these gloom- y shades, To 2. Lord, send a beam of light di - vine, To guide our up - ward aim ! With -g--S- u F / CE those bright worlds beyond the sky, Which sor - row ne'er in - vades ! There joys, un- seen by one re - viv - ing touch of Thine, Our Ian - guid hearts inflame, Then shall, on faith's sub- P 5 a. mor -tal eyes, Or reason's fee-ble ray, In ev - er- blooming prospect rise, Un- lim - est wing, Our ardent wishes rise To those bright scenes where pleasures spring, Im- con mor scous - tal of de - cay, Un - con - scious of in the skies, Im - mor - tal in de the cay. skies. r c 256 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ORIENTAL Music. The music of the ancient Egyptians has survived by tradition, as has also their language many of the words and phrases which are carved in phonetic hieroglyphics still being heard in the mouths of the Copts, and even borrowed by their Arab conquerors. Hebrew music could have no other source than from the music of Egypt. The present practitioners of music in the East have no musical notation, and even express astonishment at the idea of musical notes being represented on paper. They are ignorant, and their profession is held in much dis- credit. The use of music is forbidden by the Koran, although, as if in defiance of its own precept, the Koran itself is chanted. The history of Arabian music has its marvels and its miracles, like that o! all ancient nations. Such is the enthusiasm of the nations of the East for music, that, to give an idea of its power, they have all had recourse to fiction yet the profession of musician is considered disgraceful amongst the Arabs. Eminent musicians have seized with avidity every opportunity of endeavoring to make themselves practically and experimentally acquainted with the insurmountable difficulties of the Eastern music, and have labored, without much success, to represent it by the intervals of our scale. The singularity of their music consists principally in this, that each note is divided into three parts : that is, the progression is by intervals equal each to about AULD LANG SYNE. ^S H^-*i- * ' ROBERT BURNS. fc Should auld acquaintance be for -got, And nev -er brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance We twa ha'e run a - boot the braes, And pu'dthe gow-ans fine; But we've wander'dmony a We twa ha'e sported i' the burn Frae mornin' sun till dine, But seas between us And here's a hand, my trus - tyfrien',And gie's a hand o' thine; We'll tak' a cup o* be for -got, And days of auld lang syne? wea - ry foot, Sin' auld lang syne. braid ha'e roared Sin' auld lang syne. kindness yet, For auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my dear, For k -*T*^ * auld lang syne; We' 11 tak' a cup* -o' kind -ness yet For auld lang syne, *-*- -+--+-*--*--**- -*-' -*- *--*--+. \ one-third of a diatonic interval in our scale, so that the octave consists of eighteen notes instead of thirteen. The running up their scale has no other effect upon a western ear than that of a slide of the voice, or such an effect as is produced by sliding the finger along a violin string. M. Fetis speaks of the music of the Arabs as the most singular, the least rational, which exists in respect to the formation of the musical scale. A French musician, he tells us, discovered that the disagreeable sensation which he experienced from the song of an Arab proceeded from this cause, namely, that the division of the scale of sounds had no analogy with that to which he was accustomed.. This scale, o singular and eccentric to us, so natural to the car of the inhabitants of a great part of Africa and Asia, is divided into thirds of tones, in such a man- ner that instead of containing the usual sounds in the extent of an octave, it admits eighteen. It is certain that these people have no idea of harmony; they know nothing whatever beyond the rude melody. " I knew in Paris," says the writer just quoted, " an Arab who was passionately fond of the Marseillaise, and who often asked me to play that air for him on the piano; but when I attempted to play it with its harmony, he stopped my left hand and said, No, not that air; only the other;' my bass was to his ear a second air, which prevented his hearing the Marseillaise. Such is the effect of education on the organs of sense." Moore. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 257 IT IS BETTER TO LAUGH THAN BE SIGHING. Allegretto non troppo. p 1. It is bet-ter to laugh than be sigh - ing, When we think how life's moments are 2. In the world we some be - ings dis - cov er, Far too frig - id for friend or for fly - ing; For each sorrow fate ev - er is bring lov - er; Souls unblest and for - ev - er re - pin ing, There's a pleasure in store for us ing, Tho' good fortune around them be -mm N V m -&-* h N h. ft ^=4: -Ml- * 3 --J-^-J- spring - ing. Tho' our joys, like the wave in the sunshine, Gleam a while then be lost to the shin- ing. It were well if such hearts we could banish To some plan - et far dis-tantfrom Hiii m sight ; Yet for each sparkling ray, That so passes a - way, Comes another as brilliant and light, ours, They're the dark spots we trace On this earth's favor' d space, They are weeds that choke up the N S S . w w [fairflow'rs ^9=W i ix ix Then 'tis bet-ter to laugh than be sigh - ing, They are wise who resolve to be ad lib. gay, When we think how life's moments are fly - ing, Oh ! en-joy pleasure's gifts while we may. V 258 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ALL true arts are expressive, but they are diversely so. Take music ; it is, without contradiction, the most penetrating, the profoundest, the most intimate art. There is, physically and morally, between a sound and the soul a marvellous relation. It seems as though the soul were an echo in which the sound takes a new power. Extraordinary things are recounted of the ancient music, and it must not be believed that the greatness of effect supposes here very complicated means. No, the less noise music makes the more it touches. Give some notes to Pergolese, give him especially some pure and sweet voices, and he returns a celestial charm, bears you away into infinite spaces, plunges you into ineffable reveries. The peculiar power of music is to open to the imagination a limit- less career, to lend itself with astonishing facility to all the moods of each one, to arouse or calm, with the sounds of the simplest melody, our accustomed senti- ments, our favorite affections. In this respect music is an. art without a rival, tho' not the first of arts. V. Cousin, LOVING VOICES. I S CHARLES W. GLOVMU -r 1. Lov-ing voi-ces sweet - ly min - gle Like the mur-mur of a prayer, In gay childhood's 2. When the heart is sad and heav - y, Soft - ly as the sum - mer rain, Lov-ing voi - ces. 3. Blest and blessing in all td - al, Sooth ing all my griefs and fears, Ev - er near, in F-lPtf-FT m o i _p i i y ! J ! i m K I i I /" H * H H M n 1 * v fc N ! ,. i KB 1 j 3 3 ^ ^ -J n 1 1 . fai - ry fan-cies, low and ten-der, joy or sadness, ^s . r .. In youth's visions rich Tell up -on the spir - Changeless thro' the lapse E: a ".! ^^^ =^ airy JL ' ' ' ^L g JL ' ^ ^ ^ ^ v and rare, There are mel - o - dies of Na - ture it's pain, O'er life's pathway clouds may gath-er of years, Oh! more ho - ly and more ten-der ** r g c g w p P* r^ ^ 1 r * 1 M s~ ^ ^ r r- r r r r r L^ p p p r r I U 9 ..^. P P -^ . L P Pi ' ^H i ' 1 t 1 " * ft ' Ris - ing o - ver land and sea; But the shad - ows ev - er flee ; Than of yore they seem to be, But like mu - sic in For like sun-light in Like to an -gels in our dwelling Lov-ing voi - ces our dwelling Lov-ing voi - ces our dwelling Lov-ing voi - ces are are are to to to me, me, me, Bnt like mu - sic For like sun-light Like to an - gels our dwelling our dwelling our dwelling Lov-ing voi-ces Lov-ing voi-ces Lov-ing voi-ces are are are to to to me. me. me. Music pays for the immense power that has been given it; it awakens more than any other art the sentiment of the infinite, because it is vague, obscure, indeterminate in its effects. It is just the opposite art to sculpture, which bears less towards the infinite, because everything in it is fixed with the last degree f precision. Such is the force, and at the same time the feebleness, of music, that it expresses everything and expresses nothing in particular. Sculpture, on the contrary, scarcely gives rise to any reverie, for it dearly represents such a thing, and not such another. Music does not paint; it touches; it puts in motion imagination not the imagination that reproduces images, but that which makes the heart beat, for it is absurd to limit imagination to the domain of images. The heart, once touched, moves all the rest of our being; thus music, indirectly, and to a certain point, can recall images and ideas ; but its direct and natural power is neither on the representative imagination nor is it upon the intelligence ; it is on the heart, and that is an advantage sufficiently beautiful. Victor Cousin. Music, the medicine of the breaking heart. Hunt, FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. HAIL AND "FAREWELL! 259 PARTING SONG. MRS. CHAS. BAKNARD. fcft 3T'f S f -+-*>--*- ^ =- - JV J J 1-5-3-3 r ---- ([Son, the 1. Christ was born on Christmas day .Wreathe the holly, twine the bay, Light and life and joy is He, The Babe, the 2. He is born to set us tree; He is born our Lord to be; Carol, Christians, joyfully; The God, the Lord, by 3. Let the bright red berries glow Ev'ry where in goodly show, Light and life and joy is he, The Babe, the Son, the I IX I J? k i k i M , fl^fld^ Ibj d J jl 4 K- ^-*J h- Holy One of Ma - ry. ") all adored for ev-er. v Christian men, rejoice and sing; 'Tis the birth-day of our King. Carol, Christians, Holy One of Ma - ry. J f 1 joyfully ; The God, the Lord, By all adored For-ev- er. Night of sadness, Morn of gladness Evermore : ^ 1 =5t r Ev-er, Ev-er, Af ter many troubles sore, Morn of gladness ever -more, and ever -more. - fcp: ^^L^^^i^^ K -*-*- Midnight scarcely passed and over, Drawing to the holy morn; Very 'early, Very early, Christ was born r m m \0 * *= PJK /?^. a tempo 1 ibli * ; Sing out with bliss, His name is this: Emmanuel! As 'twas foretold, In days of old, By Gabriel. \ V \ *- -V- FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 26$ CAR OL, BROTHERS, CAROL. Semi- Chorus. Ca - rol, brothers, ca - rol, Ca - rol joy-ful - ly, Ca - rol the good tidings, Ca - rol mer - ri - ly. IX X 1 IX Chorus (forte) Animated. S * Ca-rol, brothers, ca-rol, Ca - rol joy-ful - ly, Ca - rol the good tidings, Ca-rol mer-ri - ly; And pray a gladsome Christmas For all good Christian men, Carol, brothers, ca-rol, Christmas day a - gain. 1. Ca 2. At 3. List 4. Let - rol, but in glad ness, Not in songs of earth, On the Saviour's the mer - ry ta - ble Think of those who've none, The orphan and 'ning an - gel mu - sic, Dis - cord sure must cease, Who dare hate his our hearts re - spond - ing, To the ser - aph band, Wish this morning's J u birth - day, Hal - lowed be the widow Hun - gry and broth - er, On this day sun - shine Bright in ev our mirth; While a thous-and bless - ings a - lone; Boun - ti - ful your off - 'rings of peace ? While the heav'ns are tell - ing 'ry land ; Word and deed and pray - er BE D.C.Ckorut. Fill our hearts with glee, Christmas day will keep The feast of char - i - ty. To the al - tar bring, Let the poor and need - y Christmas ca - rols sing. To man - kind good-will, On - ly love and kind - ness Ev - 'ry bo - som fill. Speed the grate - ful sound, Wish - ing "Mer - ry Christmas!" All the world a - round. Ifc_ i * 264 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Boys and girls, both young and older grown, do not miss this secret of happiness for yourselves and others : Be kind and show your love now! Do not wait until some late to-morrow ; or until the eclipse of death has come to eyes that now beam with a light clear and bright and tender. One day I met my father on the road to town. " I wish you would take this package to the village for me, Jim," he said hesitatingly. Now, I was a boy of twelve, not fond of work, and just out of the hay-field, tired and hungry. It was two miles into town. I wanted to get my supper and to dress for singing class. My first impulse was to refuse and to do it harshly, for I was vexed that he should ask me after my long day's work. If I did refuse, he would go himself. He was a gentle, patient old man. But something stopped me one of God's good angels, I think. " Of course, father, I'll take it," I said heartily, giving my scythe to one of the men. He gave me the package. "Thank you, Jim," he said; "I was going myself, but somehow I don't feel very strong to-day." He walked with me to the road that turned off to town, and as he left he put his hand on my arm saying, " Thank you, my son. You've always been a good boy to me, Jim." I hurried into town and back again. When I came near the house, I saw a crowd of farm- hands at the door. One of them came to me, the tears rolling down his face. "Your father! " he said. " He fell dead just as he reached the house. The last words he spoke were to you." I am an old man, now, but I have thanked God over and over again, in all the years that have passed since that hour ; and those last words were, " You've always been a good boy to me." FATHER JOE." FRIEDRICH VON FLOTOW. _ h L . ' ^ * o m I - i. 1 1 - i 1. Gliding 'mid the poor and low- ly, With his voice so sad and low, On a mission pure and ho - ly 2. Tho' the life ebb fast and fast - er, Tho' the Reaper Death be nigh, Still he whispers of his Mas - ter 3. I have seen him earnest pleading Till his winning voice did fail; And the lost sheep gently leading, 4. I have seen him tired returning Thro' the lonely midnight way, I have known him till the morning I I V2 ! -~N I ! Goes, contented, Father Joe. When the sunbeams gild the river. When the clouds are black with rain, Ever watching from the sky, And the crown that waits in Heaven "Come, my brother, ere too late!" Tho' his cheek was wan and pale. " God shall raise the meek. in spirit, He the haughty shall bring low, Seek and guide, and toil and pray. Oh ! God grant that where the fountains Of His mercy ev - er flow, _ I * r$*~.'f 2 3?~-~f 2 ' T_U _J^\m 1?.'i* . ~T- r> J Of i i "" i !_"! _'i I i _ i _l ^ ~ i 9 J^-r b^i i <&-i rr^-. Sits he by the couch of fever, By the weary bed of pain, By the wea - ry bed of Till the sin - ner stands forgiven At the bright, eter - nal gate, At the bright, e - ter - nal And the poor rich joys inherit !" Hear our loving Father Joe, Hear our lov - ing Father Far beyond the distant mountains I may meet dear Father Joe, I may meet dear Father pain, gate. Joe. Toe. The hands are such dear hands; they are so full; they turn at our demands so often ; they reach out, with trifles scarcely thought about, so many times ; they do so very many things for me, for you if their fond wills mistake we may well bend, not break. They are such fond, frail lips that speak to us. Pray, if love strips them of discretion many times, or if they speak too slow or quick, such things we may pass by ; for we may see days not far off when those small words may be held not as slow, or quick, or out of place, but dear, because the lips are no more here. They are such dear, familiar feet that go along the path with ours feet fast or slow, and trying to keep pace if they mistake, or tread upon some flower that we would take upon our breast, or bruise some reed or crush poor Hope until it bleed, we may be mute, not turning quickly to impute grave fault : for they and we have such a little way to go can be together such a little while along the way we will be patient while we may. So many little faults we find; we see them, for not blind is Love. We see them; but if you and I perhaps remember them some by-and-by they will not be faults then grave faults to you and me, but just odd ways mistakes, or even less remembrances to bless. Days change so many things yes, hours ; We see so differently in suns and showers. Mistaken works to-night May be so cherished by to-morrow's light, We may be patient : for we know There's such a little way to go. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 265 IN SHADOWLAND. Con espress. :fs GIRO PINSUTI. -R- 1. She sits alone all thro' the day, And reads or knits her time away, But when the qui - et 2. There's Nellie with her golden hair, Time cannot make her face less fair! And Willie's voice is 3. She thinks they love her still, and wait, As long ago if she were late They'd wait and call her Pr f jm J* F -f ? IT anintando e crescendo. A^U night is nigh, She folds her work and lays it by, And sees a gain a -round her stand, Her still as sweet, As when they two so loved to meet, She hears his step, and clasps his hand, Now by her name, Nor were content until she came, And gladly would she join their band, And F M ^ V-fr-n " U U U ^L-i^* p ^n^mp^j^ ritenuto. i c*- 1 loved and lost in Shadowland, Her loved and lost, her loved and lost in Shadow - land ! In once again in Shadowland, Now once again, now once again in Shadow -land! In journey on thro' Shadowland, And journey on, and journey on thro' Shadow - land ! In F'F -IP- IP ' 3=fc: r-rr-r- ^- -*~*v f * Shadowland, in Shadowland, She meets them all in Shadow -land, In f^P lx u v ^- * u> =sd ^a F*^f X I Sha - dowland, in Shadowland, She meets them all in Sha - dow - land, She sr-F- -i r r I" y P t> t V -^m k- F- g I E- i ist and znd verses, e molto rail. tempo} *, yd verse, lentamente. > - J y-^- H=^^ = : meets them all in Sha -dow land! meets them all in Shadowland ! 4^ F r- ==&=% V ? FT 266 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. A FALSE view of life is our radical defect. Our political problems always hinge on some money problem, our educational system looks primarily to the fitting of men for money-getting, for our young men even success means riches, and our very worship implies that the poor are unfit for the kingdom of Heaven. Thus we lose sight of man and think only of money ; increase our wealth, while faith and hope and love and intelligence diminish. We build great cities to be inhabited by little men, are keen to drive a bargain and slow to recognize a noble man. We Lave eyes for bank notes, and move dumb and un- raised beneath the starlit heavens. If it were possible that a great philosopher or poet should arise among us, some foreigner would have to point him out to us; but we know our own, our men of boundless wealth, whom we envy and despite. So long as our whole national life-struggle continues to be carried on around this single point of finance, what hope is there of avoiding fatal conflicts ? The rich will worship their god Mammon alone, and the poor will plot and scheme to shatter the idol ; and mechanical contrivances, such as arbitration boards and legis- lative enactments, will leave the root ot the evil un- touched. It is essential that we should know that the real and final test of a government, as of a religion, is the kind of man, and not the amount of money, it produces. We must return to the ideals of our forefathers, who preferred freedom, intelli- gence and strength to wealth. Bishop Spaulding. A GREENNESS LIGHT AND TENDER. GERMAN FOLK-SONG. f) Grazioso. . 1. A greenness light and ten - der Is seen on field and plain, It is the new year's 2. The grass springs in the val - ley, The hill -side clothes a - main, The bird - song from the ESEEEt^* ' -K-J- m f f gladness Re - turn -ing once a - gain. Re - turn -ing once a - gain. It is the spring so bushes Of nest -ing tells a - gain. Of nest - ing tells a - gain. It is the spring so wel-come Suc-ceeds chiH winter's sway, That bids each sorrow van- ish, And ev-ery heart be :frc I too a -wake from dreaming, For oh! I look on thee! So is mywin-ter o - ver, And spring re - vives in me, . I*" I*" * *""* ^^^* _ ~^ *t "" ~ta~ ^A And spring re vives in me. ^ FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 26 7 A CHRISTMAS HYMN. i i . i i i i DUANS STREET." ELEANOR A. HUNTER. ^34 5*=3 1. From ev - 'ry spire on Christmas Eve, The Christmas blls ring clearly out Their message of good- 2. A thousand blessed mem'ries throng, The stars are ho - ly signs to them, And from the eyes of 3. To whom that sto - ry, old and sweet, Is but a fa - ble at the best, The Christmas music That they, at last, may see the light Which shines from Bethlehem, and unfold For Christ the treasures will and peace, With many a call and sil - ver shout. For faithful hearts, the angels' song Still echoes ev - 'ry child Looks forth the Babe of Bethlehem ; But there are others, not like these,Whose brows are mocks their ears, And life has naught of joy or rest. Oh ! for an angel's voice to pierce The clouds of of their hearts, Richer than spi - cer - y or gold. Hope of the ages, draw Thou near, 'Till all the |J* ^rr in the frost - y ah", And by the al - tar low they bow, In ad - o - ra - tion and in prayer. sad,whose hopes are cross'd,To whom the season brings no cheer, And life's most gracious charm is lost, grief that o'er them rise, The mists of doubt and un- belief, That veil the blue of Christmas skies, earth shall own Thy sway, And when Thou reign' st in ev'ry heart It will, indeed, be Christmas day. j J ^ m r FOURTH OF JULY HYMN. " ORTONVII.I.K." THOMAS HASTINGS. ^-- 1. To Thee, our Fa - ther and our Friend Our hymn to - day shall 2. While thro' our land fair free - dom's song Our fa - thers raise to 3. The past with bless-ings from Thy hand, Was rich - ly scat - tered 4. Oh, may the fu - ture be as bright, Nor be Thy fa - vors ig=ng:=ig=S2=an^':=g=g r cgz=g_P |- rse; Thee; o'er; less Our As Re- from Thy heavenly courts descend, And bless the sac- ri - fice^ And bless the sac - ri - fice! ac- cents shall the notes prolong; We children, too, are free, We children, too, are free! numerous as the countless sand That spreads the ocean shore, That spreads the ocean shore, splendent with the glorious light Of peace and happi - ness, Of peace and hap - pi - ness. 1 - 1 F it I. A little word in kindness said, A motion or a tear, [sad, Has often healed the heart that's And made a friend sincere. A word, a look, has crushed to earth, Full many a budding flower ; Which, had a smile but own'd its birth, Would bless life's darkest hour, Then deem it not an idle thing, A pleasant word to speak ; The face you wear, the tho'ts you A heart may heal or break, [bring, 268 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. T BRIDAL CHORUS. RICHARD WAGNU. From " LOHENGRIN." I 1. Guid - ed by us, thrice happy pair, Enter this doorway.'tis love that invites; All that is brave, 2. Home joys divine, home joys so pure, Love ev-er faithful and love ev - er sure; All that is brave, f* ^ I i. / J .. m U >*-+-+-* all that is fair, Love now triumphant forev-er unites. Champion of virtue, boldly advance, Flower of ... J. * ^m ftd-tttclJ J 3t P1-PP "nw beau-ty, gen -fly ad-vance; Now the loud mirth of rev'lingis end -ed, Night bringing peace and fe^L ^7 ~ f 9^%- V V UJjj J8AJ IF E E'T i4 rrrn FT bliss has descended, Fann'd by the breath of hap-piness, rest, Clos'd to the world, by love on - ly blest ! :f-.f r-f . .(J J/.. J n g f a t f ^~ t4 Guid -ed by us, thrice happy pair, En -ter this doorway, 'tis love that invites; All that is brave, Home joys divine, home joys so pure, Love ev-er faithful and love ev-er sure; All that is brave. fitJU^W M-^ all that is fair, Love now triumphant for-ev er unites, for-ev - er u - nites. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 269 MONARCH OF THE WOODS. J.W.CH ER *Y. Bold. 1. Behold the monarch of the woods ! The mighty old oak tree; He braves the raging of the 2. How oft the monarch of the woods, Upon a summer's day, Has seen the merry children -U-T-*- ^ $ =3-*- *=& storm, On land or roll -ing sea; He waves his branches deck'd with green, In summer's golden sport, And 'neath its shadow play ; From youth to manhood they spring up, And old age comes at I agyr=? i *'* H 1 1 h rail. slow. SI :J=t -^- I -^- ~W ' ~W ~W~ ~9~ ~^" -"T "CT glow, And i - vy clothes his leaf - less form Thro' win - ter's frost and snow : King last, Then green grass waves up - on their graves, And all life's dreams are past! Yet *=t f =- r i i i tempo coiCspirito. Time, the conqueror of all, He bold - ly doth de - fy, For green and hearty will he stronger grows the mighty tree, In hale and heart - y prime, And stands the monarch of the i I* I 1^ l^^-t & & E & 5 3 stand When a - ges have gone by. woods, De fy - ing age and time. Green and heart - y, green and heart - y, Stands the mon - arch of the woods, the J: J=M=^ f^P^ff I U i T^ 9 i_ pZ f> * heart - y will he stand, When a - ges have gone by, When a - ges have gone by. mon-arch of the woods, De fy - ing age and time, De - fy - ing age and time. + if 1 - 1 270 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. EAKLY IMPRESSIONS. Much stress should be laid opon the fact that the youthful memory, being ex- ceedingly tenacious, impressions made upon the child {are likely to be indelible. The great incidents in the history of the Israelites were woven into song, and these eucharistic epics were required to be dili- gently taught to their children. So, in the present day, the simple doctrines and thrilling events of Christianity should be wrought into verse and im- pressed upon the mind of the teacher by the power of music. Truths thus inculcated will cling to the Ml forever. We all know that cherished memories of home and friends are ours with such enduring vividness that the record can never be effaced. But in all the reminiscences of days gone by there is nothing that so haunts the spirit as the songs to which we were accustomed in childhood. The sweet tones of a mother's voice will live and speak in the heart long after the voice has been hushedfto silence. The- recollection of the hymns which were first heard amid the throng of worshipers in the city, or in the- embowered country church, will remain in morning freshness long after the sanctuary has mouldered into- ruins. We may cross oceans, and wander in foreign FOLLOW ME, FULL OF GLEE. MOVEMENT SONG. I te ^ 1. Chil-drengo, to and fro, In a mer - ry, pret -ty row: Footsteps light, fa- ces bright, 2. Birds are free, so are we, And we live as hap -pi - ly ; Work we do, stud-y, too, 3. Work is done, play's be- gun, Now we have our laugh and fun : Hap-py days, pret- ty plays, JC^UM *Tis a hap-py, hap- py sight ; Swiftly turn-ing round and round, Do not look up- on the ground; Learning dai-ly something new ; Then we laugh, and dance, and sing, Gay as birds or an- y - thing. And no naughty, naughty ways. H elding fast each oth- er's hand, We're a hap- py, cheerful band ; Fol-low me, full of glee, Sing -ing mer-ri- ly.} Fol-low me, full of glee, Sing - ing mer - ri- ly. > Sing-ing mer-ri-ly, mer-ri- ly, mer-ri- ly, Fol-low me, full of glee, Sing - ing mer - ri- ly. ) k. W * i fc-S SLg-SLgLg-g P Sing-ing mer-ri- ly, mer-ri- ly, mer-ri- ly. Follow me, full of glee, Sing - ing mer - ri - ly, 1 tlimes; the erect frame may be bowed with the weight of years, and raven ringlets may be changed to locks of snowy whiteness; but the old home- songs heard in the distance in the still morning, or lung by ourselves in some calm hour of reflection, or by the home-circle on a winter's evening, will bring around us the friends and the scenes of other days and of far-off lands; and while the dim eye of age sparkles with unwonted brilliancy, the heart trill beat with the buoyancy of early youth. It is not kt all improbable that the songs learned in the nur- sery, or around the fireside, will be used by the Holy- Spirit in after years as the means of conversion to a better life, it may be, to our final salvation from end- less ruin. On the contrary, bacchanalian or ribald songs, which are apt to be learned and used by those who are unaccustomed to religious melodies, are, in the hands of the Destroyer, a potent means of ruin. Shall we quietly allow this tremendous power to pass into- the hands of the enemy, or shall we not eagerly seize: upon it as our lawful right, and wield it for the good of our race and the glory of our God? Service of Soup FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CHILDREN'S SONGS. 271 1. Winkum, Winkum, shut your eye, Sweet my ba - by, lul - la - by, For the dews are falling soft, 2. Chickens long have gone to rest, Birds lie snug with - in their nest, And my birdie soon will be =* Lights are flick'ring up a - loft, And the head-light's peeping over Yonder hill -top capp'd with clover. Sleeping like a chick- a- dee; For with on - ly half a try, Winkum, Winkum shuts her eye. m: ^-t-"^ ^-i f\W P|~a^ pir i ip I iyn ->- THE LITTLE BEE. IT =M 1. The lit - tie busy bee Abroad doth roam thro' all the day, On airy wing thro' meadows gay, To 2. Who taught it thus to roam Amid the riches of the field ? And from the flowers that sweets do yield, To 3. It learned from God alone, He put the sweets within the flower, He sends the bee to drain its store, And N _ _tf-> M^-*L. -*__. S bring its honey home, To bring its honey home, To bring its hon - ey home. *L ^ In thethicka - CU * CMIR chbpl Little cricket In the thicket, Chirp, chirp, chirp, Cricket in the thicket. Chirp, chirp, chirp ! 272 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. FAITH and hope and love are the only eternal things. These are the three eternal elements of man's being. Cultivate kindness of heart here and there. You must do this in reference to the good time com- ing. You must always be looking forward to some- thing better. If we do not look forward, we fail in one of the requisites of immortal being. Hope and love and faith must be trained, or no man can come into closer relations with God. We must not keep religion for Sunday, and ignore it the other six days. We must saturate ourselves and our work with religion. God's children we are all the time. You can pull a boat, or practice at a piano, or take the baby to ride, with that same spirit with which an archangel goes to his duties. We should make life a joy, moving and being in God and for God. I have not spoken to you as students, but as children of a common Father, who gives us strength, and leads us, one step at a time, forward if we will, to the empire of perfect life. Rev. Edward Everett Hale. COME, COME QUICKLY AWAY. T Allegretto e Staccato. _ ^ ^ 1. Come, come quickly a- way ! Soft winds chide our de-lay; Night's call let us o - bey, Come a - 2. All, all, circled in rest, On earth's boun-ti - ful breast, Our soft slumbers be blest, While we 3. Then shall beam on our sight, Morn, morn, dewy and bright, Our hearts, hap-py and light, Hail the =^EEE=?S=2==EE \ be; Come, come, hap-py and free, way; Night, night, welcome 'to thee; Our sleep gen -tie shall be; dream. Shad -ows dark'ningthe plain, Moonbeams kissing the main, Till comes morning a- gain, day! Flow'rs a - dorn-ing the green, No dark cloud intervene, While we're crowning our queen, f -p- .^^-^r^-r-r-r- -f L -r~- r * i * P * . 8^1 t * F y 1 "1i~ m - L r f- t C f- i C-'h r^ L* L LJ P B 35 r L dp ^ IX IX r ! . L LJ P j* r \ n f *>Pf . 1 h n. V f \ ix t i " 1 1 . w. r k 1 ix * i * ^ Jf L ! 1 r k- P n_ ^ -*h- -\ \ _L_ P -P- -PN H ff\\ \ m =g j_ ~*~ j fi -* j- atar- - g 2=i - IklJ m ' ^ 2 1 9 \ p P t/ 9 m Cornea- way! Hark ! hark! soft -ly and clear, Come a - With bright beam. Hark .' hark ! soft - ly and clear, Come a - Queen of May. Hark .' hark ! soft - ly and clear. Come a - ^L ^ --*- +-*-*-^- -p-Jp- n way! Sweet sounds steal on the ear: way! Sweet sounds steal on the ear: way! Sweet sounds steal on the ear: f 2 - -!*- -f*- -r*- -f*- -r*- i*- f*\* r 1 p5 1. i & : h k L =F-K- ^4.- i 4 >- -s - i - r-r->- ^ Come a - way! Come quickly a - way, quickly a - way, quickly a - way! Come, come JB f ! ^ ~ rm i quickly a -way! Soft winds chide our de- lay; Night's call let us o- bey; Come a- way! ( i ^M m tnr FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 273 GUIDE ME, GREAT JEHOVAH. F. HEROLD. Prayer from " /AMPA." '-*- (' i i O Thou great Je - ho - vah ! Pil - grim through this bar ren now the crys - tal fountain, Whence the heal - ing wa - ters tread the verge 01 Jor - dan, Bid my anx - ious fears sub JS,* .,* tfJjfl 1. Guide 2. Op - 3. When I am weak, but Thou art might- y, Hold me with Let the fier - y, cloud - y pil - lar Lead me all Bear me through the swell - ing cur - rent, Land me safe my on power - ful hand : jour - ney through: Ca - naan's side : Bread of Heav - en, Bread of He^v - en, Feed me now and ev - er - more. Strong De - liv - 'rer, Strong De liv - 'rer, Be Thou still my strength and shield. Songs of ] -!*- fe^i~b-te *m i~ >rais - es, S< mgs of j r * >rais - es, J-J. I will F* *~l ev er { * ^ jive to Thee. Ci'U \J> I \1 1 | i 3 [ CALM WAS THE NIGHT , I- A. S. SULLIVAW. CHARLOTTE ELLIOTT. - 1. Calm was the hallowed night ! Dis - cord al - lay'd, Valley and mountain height Slumber'd in shade. 2. Sud - den-ly round them shone, Far thro' the night, Dazzling to look up - on, Splendors of light; Roofed by Heav'n's azure fair, Making their flocks their care, Shepherds in open air, Tranquilly stayed. Then drew an angel near, And to al - lay their fear, Poured on their ravished ear Words of de- light. 221 Ne'er since the world began Angels of God Music so sweet to man Sounded abroad; On that auspicious morn, Changing ou-i state forlorn, Christ as a babe was born, Jesus the Lord! Well might the tidings told, Chorns unseen, Waken your harps of gold, Wondrous their sheen ! Sweet rang your minstrelsy, "Glory to God on high!" " Peace on earth," amnesty, "Good- will towards men ! " Well might the Shepherds hastf\ Eager as we, Ere yet the night was past, This sight to see ; Where light the meteor shed, Well might the Magi tread, Joyful, the path that led, Saviour, to Thee! 274 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. The Toice glides on at its own sweet will in speak- ing, obeying no rule whatever, whilst in song it springs or drops from one tone to the next over strictly measured gaps. In singing, short syllables are lengthened out and cease in fact to be short, and, except in certain kinds of dramatic singing and in recitative, the accent naturally falls on the vowels and not on the consonants. In speaking, only the lower third of the voice is em- ployed as a rule, whilst in singing the greatest effect is generally produced, except in the case of contraltos and basses, by the use of the tipper and middle notes. In speech the range of tone, even in the most excitable persons, hardly ever exceeds half an octave ; in singing the average compass is two octaves. Singing tends to preserve purity of language, the rules which govern the utterance of every note also affecting the articulate element combined with it and keeping the words cast in fixed forms a stereotype of sound, if I may venture the metaphor. Speech, on the other hand, like hand- writing, is always changing. Sir Morell Mackenzie* NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP. Andante con molto espressione. -I PS- HENRY R. ALLEN. * ^: W- ^ t=5 S > x * 1. Near the camp-fire's flick'ring light, 2. Sad - ly sings the whip-poor-will 3. 'Mid those stars one face I see 4. Fainter grows the flick'ring light, f= In my blanket bed I lie, In the boughs of yonder tree, One the Saviour called away As each ember slowly dies; Gazing thro' the shades of Laughingly the dancing Moth - er, who in infan- Plain - lively the birds of night rill ft-Kal : s p=^ r 4- rzacx~T =s r 1 M N ^* ^jVj 1 fe-fegj tsdfliM v+*=* 1 I R- 35 ^^ y^si^s^ti Far out on the des - o - late bil - low, The sail - or sails the sea ; Alone with the night and the Far down in the earth's dark bosom, The min - er mines the ore; Death lurks in the dark be- Forth in -to the dread -ful bat -tie The steadfast sol - dier goes; No kiss when he lies a- Lord, grant as we sail life's ocean, Or delve in its mines of woe; Or fight in its ter-ri-ble ' "^ "h h es -H- V-fr Chorus. =*=fc 9-^-4* temp- est, Where countless dan- gers be; hind him, And hides in the rock be - fore; dy - ing No hand, his eyes to close; con - flict, This com - fort all to know, Yet nev-er a -lone is the Christian, Who Yet nev-er a -lone is the Christian, Who Yet nev-er a -lone is the Christian, Who That nev-er a -lone is the Christian, Who ^^jj-Jjjzgg 3 lives by faith and prayer; For God is a friend un - fail - ing, And God is ev - 'ry - where. JESUS IS MINE. i T. E. PERKINS. HORATIUS BONAX. Tenderly. 1. Fade, fade each earthly joy, Je - sus is mine! Break ev-'ry ten-der ' tie, Je sus is mine! 2. Tempt not my soul away, Je - sus is mine ! Here would I ev - er stay, Je - sus is mine ! 3. Farewell, mortal - i - ty, Je - sus is mine! Welcome, e - ter - ni - ty, Je - sus is mine! T? m Dark is the wilderness, Earth hath no resting place, Je - sus a - lone can bless, Je - sus is mine t Per - isli - ing things of clay, Born but for one brief day, Pass from my heart away, Je - sus is mine I Welcome, O loved and blest,Welcome, sweet scenes of rest, Welcome, my Savior's breast, Jesus is mine I 276 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE Dark Angel of Death was standing outside the musician's door, for little Anita, Maestro Nar- ditti's child, was fading away ; no tears, no prayers, could avail, not even Carissima's lovely voice. Ca- rissima's voice was hushed; the Maestro had no heart to take up his dearly-loved violin and play to soothe his sorrow, as he had done many years ago when his wife died and left this little one behind. Heaven had given him the divine gift of genius and had bidden him call aloud to the world. So Caris- sima and he had played aloud together through sickness, through sorrow and success, and through all the changing scenes of life they had been faitn- ful friends. They had just come back from the crowded hall ; the people said that never before had the Maestro played so beautifully, and that never be- fore had the violin's voice sounded so mournful and pathetic. Well, you see, they did not know the reason, but we do ; for both were thinking of the little dying girl, and how could their thoughts be anything but sorrowful, or the outward expression of those thoughts be anything but mournful ? The father was THE TIME OF THE SINGING OF BIRDS. GEORGE BARKER. 1. The time of the sing-ing of birds is come, The trees are robed in green; The 2. A - way in wood - lands wide and deep The shad - owy grass bends low, Be-fore 3. But not o'er meadow and wood a - lone Doth their spell of beau-ty steal ; There are fiow'rs un - fold their tints of gold, And the fair pink maybe seen; O'er winds that creep where daisies sleep, And the dainty wind-flo w'rs blow. And hu - man hearts whose bit- ter smarts Its smile hath power to heal. The all the land doth a deep in the heart of th# time of the singing of prom - ise lie, The her - aid of Sum-mer's reign ; dim old woods The sun -beams fair have strayed; birds is come, And we pause inourwea-ry way, At the gold -en beat of her Like shafts of light they have While the sad hearts thrill and the lj=t -te H I yd ve = l * . fly - ing feet The old Earth smiles a - gain, pierced the night By the arch - ing bran - ches made, sad eyes fill At the breath of the scented May. fc* weeping by his child's bedside. But she said, " Do not weep, sing to me sing me to sleep, for I am so weary, dear father, and the evening has been so long without thee." Then he rose and he played to her, and she closed her eyes and listened happily to Ca- rissima's voice. It sang a song without words the music alone told the tale of a pure young life, too pure for earth, and therefore to be taken away to that fair land where only the good and pure and true dwell. Yet it was hard to leave the earth, harder still to leave the dear ones behind, and to know that they would be desolate ; and here the violin's voice sobbed and trembled as if from sorrow, and the melody came sadder and softer, as describing the very parting which was soon to take place ; then the lingering notes died away, and the Maestro's hand was still. " Is that all ?" murmured the child; "oh, play again." Once more, and the air resounded with a psalm of triumph the same melody, but no longer soft or sad, for the gates of that Fair Land were opened wide, and amidst this jubilant strain the child had passed away with the Angel of Death. Btlgravia* FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 277 A SPRING SONG. A llegretto maderato. " tiac. GIRO PINSUTI. P=S= t*-^ -+>-*-* -jpf- -f-^ -S- ~ -^r- -pr sat be-neath the ma - pies old, The meads were shot with green and gold, And 2. The bus - y bab - bling wa - ter - fall Me - lo - dious ly kept time to all, The 3.0 love - ly, love - ly, love - ly spring! O robed in sunbeams ! bridegroom, king ! Breathe V >. un pocorall. un - der-neath my feet there rolled The lit - tie sil - v'ry Gad; The cuck-oo and the rich May mu - sic mys - ti - cal, Toned to the fresh-'ning air; Each rip - 'ning bud that on my heart and bid me sing, Or rath- er praise and pray; For em - blems are these thrush were sing - ing, singing, singing, The sheep bells on the hills were ringing, ringing, O - pen, fresh - ly o - pen flies, Seemed gasping with a gay sur - prise, a gay sur - sun - ny, bright and sunny hours, Thesegoldenmeadsandstreamandflow'rs.andstreamand ^ ^ ^ ring-ing, All life was gay and glad, all life was gay and glad, All life was gay and prise To greet a world so fair, to greet a world so fair, To greet a world so flowers, Of ev - er - last - ing May, of ev - er - last - ing May, Of ev - er - last - ing ,/ .re. glad! fair! May! Was gay and glad, all life was gay, To greet a world so fair, to greet Of ev - er - last - ing May, of ev was gay and glad ! a world so fair! er - last - ing May I 278 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. WE are inclined to think that all the great violins of the famous makers are well known. Most of the celebrated instruments are given names of distinction, such as the Yellow Stradivarius, the Blood Red Knight Guarnerius, the De Beriot Magini, the Gen- eral Kidd Stradivarius Violoncello, the Servais Stra- divarius Violoncello, and others. The reason why Italian instruments are so superior to all others must be ascribed to their exquisite make, the careful adjust- ment of the various thicknesses of wood and th* varnish, the secret of which appears gone for ever. Perhaps another reason may be named in the wood being so ripe and dry as to permit free vibration. The Cremonese obtained their color in oil. The modems get it in spirit, which imparts a hardness to the tone. Compare a Cremona with the German and other imitations. The former is mellow and rich the latter too often flinty and harsh. This arises no doubt O WHAT CAN YOU TELL? J. C. LOWRY, 1820. ROSSITHR W. RAYMOND by per. 1. O 2. O 3. O 4. O what can you tell, lit - tie peb-ble, lit - tie peb-ble, O what can you tell, what can you tell, lit - tie flow-er, lit - tie flow-er, O what can you tell, what can you tell, lit - tie bird, lit - tie bird, O what can you tell, what can you tell, lit - tie child, lit - tie child, O what can you tell, J I I =P r lit - tie lit - tie lit - tie lit - tie J l J%&-J J * ff 8P~~ ~~^"** ' " i * pebble by the sea ? The flower on the lea? The bird up-on the tree ? The child upon my knee ? The se - cret of your si - lent life, Now whisper it to se - cret of your sweet perfume, Now whisper it to . se - cret of your joy- ous song, Now whisper it to se-cret of your hap- py smile, Now whisper it to me ! me ! me ! me! ^ it M // Chorus. ^?. w- ? *? * r God in Heav'n, The God who made both It is the love of r f=f D.S. Thus to the love of God in Heav'n, The God who made both D. S. after last verse. * 5 r and and and and r~ you you you you me, me, me, me, And ev' - ry day I think his praise In si- lence by the sea. And ev' - ry day I breathe his praise In fragrance on the lea. And ev' - ry day I sing his praise Up - on the sum- mer tree. And ev' - ry day I seek his face Up - on my bend -ed knee. and I l ' The praise of all things here is giv'n ! And ev - er- more shall be ! from the varnish, which, including the color, it seems impossible to imitate. None of the famous makers seem to have adhered to one color only. Now a fine violin appears of a deep, rich yellow, almost approach- ing orange; another is a fine red, having something of a most lovely light cherry tint; again, these colors are mixed by the best makers with amber varnish of the purest and dearest consistency, and both colors and varnish are perfectly free from that clouded ap- pearance which so often disfigures modern instruments. The effect is that of perfect transparency. You look at a clear, perfect, rich color, as it were, through the purest crystal. This is one of the certain indications of a genuine instrument. The moderns, as has been said, seem unfortunately to have lost the secret of making this lovely, transparent, clear-colored varnish. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 79 THE SPIDER AND THE FLY. O. U. NORMINO. Q h N N * N -+- fH _4U*j-f "1 r 1 ^ N V I I. S^-s! 1 ^ ^-st 33 HHlE E?^- -f~ M r i ^3 ^a ^ i. "Will 2. "Will 3. "For 4. Now you walk in - to you grant me one the last time, now all young folks, take iff: iff: iffi iff:' i ,-11 1 my parlor ?" sweet kiss ?" I ask you, warn-ing, -*- iff: 1 1 _, 1 y p said the Spi - der to the said the Spi - der to the Will you walk in, Mis -ter by this fool - ish lit - tie -^>- ^ -p- ^ -m- -f- H H r 1 1 1 1 Fly, Fly, Fly?" Fly, iff: i The To "No! For iff: i r BfeJ-*EE*E -i - t Sm -f Sm -Jp "~ p p -to vr W-n i i - . M - r , -d pret - tiest lit - tie par - lor that ev er you did spy:" taste your charm -ing lips, I've a cu - ri - os - i - ty;" if I do, may I be shot: I'm off, so now good-bye!" pleas - ur3 is the spi - der's web, to catch you it will try ; *: ^=^t^^I^i You "But Then And iffi 1 have on - ly got to pop if, perchance, our lips up he springs, but both though you may now think iff: :ffi iff: iff:* iff: It your head just in - side of the door. should meet, a wa - ger I would lay, his wings were in the web caught fast ; that my ad - vice you want no more. iffiiffiiffiiffiiffiiffiiffiiffi You'll Of The You're Iffi f- tfc=t?=ztz: :* E-Hg: :tz=tz:=g: 1 =g=g=g=j=J|^g=g=; ma - ny cu - rious things you nev - er saw be - one, you would not af ter let them come a - laugh'd^'Ha! ha! my boy, I've caught you safe at you stand par - ley - ing out - side of Pleasure's fore." way." last!" door. ^ 1 will will you, will you, will you, will you walk in, Mis - ter you, will you, will you, will you walk out, Mis - ter Fly? Fly ? A 1 * k Oh, will you, will you, will you, will you walk in, Oh, will you, will you, will you, will you keep out, * ^ _N j*. -- Mis - ter Fly? Mis ter Fly? L. ^ U 7 28o FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE BEAUTIFUL DAY. Allegretto. 1. Day on the mountain, the beau - ti - ful day 1 And the tor - rents leap forth in the 2. Day in the val ley, the riv - u - let rolls Cloud - less and calm as the pride of his ray ; The chamois* a - wakes from his wild for - est dream, And home of our souls ; The har - vest is wav - ing, and fountain and flower, Are X ""~"" X I ^x 1 x 1 x 1 v w bounds in the gladness and life of his beam, And the horn of the hun-ter is sparkling and sweet as the ra di - ant hour ; And the song of the reap -ers, the J X iX^J sound ing a way ! lark's sun - ny lay, Light.light on the hills I 't is the beau - ti - ful day ! Proclaim thro' the val - ley day, beau - ti - ful day I Pro - L Light.light on the hills 1 't is the beau - ti - ful, claim thro' the val - ley day,beau-ti - ful, beautiful day ! beautiful day I T* r =* lento. Ix tx E^=S ^=S=3=t=^fcF=P , i -fT i *1 L-^,- r .1 sH ^ ^ cJ .f. Oh, -TJ.^-T j- cf*- itti 4- %> * *t^>*3. ^ sol - emn and sad his far S* *^^ 1 k- V k. ^g set - ing ap HH- j r ri ^=^-5 t pears, When the ^*^ last ray de - FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME, mf 28l ^>- dines, and the flowers are in tears, When the sha - dows of eve - ning like death banners i t r^ix-u fr-^-p-*- Tempo fritno. wave, And darkness en -clos - es the world like a grave; Yet the sun like the -r^r-r=e= ^ J=* soul shall a - rise from de - cay, And again light the world with day, beau - ti - ful "^~~*~ "*"' ~*~ ~*~ "*" F~*~^" -ix- 1? i si i E ,j 3- ;s= day ; And a - gain light the world with day, beau -ti - ful, beautiful day ! JL -+ ^~ OUT OF THE WINDOW. T MO . NORTON. OTION SONG. ~-i- 36S 1. Out of the win dow, o - ver the way, Saw I a cob - bier mending to - day ; 2. Out of the win - dow, o - ver the way, Saw I a tail - or sewing to - day ; 3. Out of the win - dow, o - ver the way, Saw I the chil - dren in school to - day ; 4. Out of the win dow, o - ver the way, Soon will be clos - ing the gates of the day, 8 -b? f -* P- =fc at ji *| ji i Thump went the hammer on Sal - lie's shoe," Humph,"said the cobbler," I guess you will do." How did he do it? Why to and fro, Ran his great nee - die through the i What were they do -ing? Why, don't you know? Writing straight let - ters on pages of snow. Then will the children in robes of white, Sleepily mur - mur, "Good-night,all, good-night.' J PP 4 & * tX- 282 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE matinee programme was made up of quiet things from Schumann, " Songs without words " from Mendelssohn, and like selections. But two names ap- peared upon it those of Von Bulow and a singer un- known to us. " Thou'rt like unto a flower " was the one song announced we can almost see the programme and when it came it was but a single verse. But what a verse, as Lizzie Cronyn sang it to Von Bulow's ac- companiment ! Again and again three times she sang it, until a sense of courtesy compelled the large audience to forbear further calls upon the singer. Twice after- wards we went a long distance to the great pianist's concerts, in the hope of again hearing this one song. Each time she sang it again and again, to the delight of an appreciative audience. It is one of the perfect bits of work we recall, in a long experience of the con- cert and operatic stage, taking rank in our enjoyment on first hearing it, and the pleasure with which we have since remembered it along with Nilsson's " Angels ever bright and fair," Patti's " Home, sweet home," Scalchi's " It is better to laugh than be sighing," " The last rose of summer," as an Italian prima donna once sang it, and some other things, the memory of which is always pleasure unalloyed, a delight pure and simple. THOU'RT LIKE UNTO A FLOWER. H. HEINE. ANTON RuBINSTEIN . Moderate. Thou'rt like un - to flow - er, As fair, as pure, as bright, Blu ' me so hold und schon und rein, I gaze on ich scAau' dick ^S=F ** 3=r thee, and sad - ness steals o'er my heart's de - light, I long on those golden tres an, und Weh - mutkschleicht mir iris Herzhin - ein mir ist, als ob ich die Han \\ V -r" -I w^ ' 3t * ses My folded hands to lay, de auf'sHauptdir le gen solft Prayingthat Heav'n may preserve thee So fair, so be- tend, das Gott dich er-hal - te So rein, und a^ ^V r ^ pure al schon und way, Pray- ing that Heav'n may preserve thee, So fair, so pure hold, Be - tend, das Gott dich er - hal te, So rein, und schon, al - und 9-9-9 ^8* way, hold, Praying that Heav'n may preserve thee, So fair, so pure al -way. Be-tend, das Gott dich er hal- te, So rein, und schon, und hold. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 283 PEACE ON EARTH. Moderate. DONIZETTI. J. R. LOWELL. 1 . "What means this glory round our feet," The Magi mused, "more bright than morn !" And voices chanted 2. 'Tis eighteen hundred years, and more, Since those sweet oracles were dumb; We wait for Him, like 3. All round a bout our feet shall shine A light like that the wise men saw, If we our lov - ing .48 f m .+ * * *,.< f < 1 , f < i t U I $ l*=t I: i *=* f=**=9&%jEs M clear and sweet, "To-day the Prince of Peace is born !" "What means this star," the shepherds said, ' them of yore; A - las! He seems so slow to come 1 But it was said, in words of gold, wills in-cline To that sweet Life which is the Law. So shall we learn to un - derstand That No The brightens thro' the rocky glen ?" And angels answering, overhead, Sang, Peace on earth, good-will to men ! time or sorrow e'er shall dim, That lit - tie children might be bold, In perfect trust to come to Him. simple faith of shepherds, then, And kindly clasping hand in hand, Sing, Peace on earth, good-will to men ! IN MERRY CHORUS. J. OFFENBACH. t-T Lively. Lively. * ? * 1. Come,letus join in mer-ry cho - rus, Our hearts and voices light and gay; The sun of 2. Oh, there is mu - sic on the mountain, When winds are whistling wild and free; Tho' frozen 3. Now let our hearts, with pleasure beating, Join in our grateful, joy -ous lays; We ev - er i ^ ^ 5l I brf -^ *- 5l BSl - -* hd 1- ~- ~- i Chorus. * ^ joy shines brightly o'er us, For 'tis the happy Christmas day : Tra la, la, Tra, la, la, be each stream and fountain, Wide rolls the song from sea to sea. Tra la, la, Tra, la, la, look for kind- ly greet-ing These glad-return -ing, hap- py days. Tra la, la, Tra, la, la, ftr-tr .fine. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, , a, nn 284 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE mistake has been made in teaching music, that the names of the characters representing music have been taught first, instead of music itself. To little children, and even to children of a larger growth, it thus becomes dry and uninteresting ; but if we reverse the process and teach music first and the names of characters incidentally, the work may be a constant de- light and much valuable time will be saved. Mr. Holt does not claim to have invented anything, but simply to have discovered that the educational principles which underlie the true teaching of any other subject can be applied to music. He has discovered a method of pre- sentation according to such principles that any one having teaching ability can successfully lead even the little child of five years to a surprising knowledge of music, provided only that the teacher has at the outset the musical ability to sing the scale. In order to be- come a musical nation we must have music taught in the public schools, and the daily work must be done by the regular teachers with special supervision at cer- tain intervals. The only rote lesson in the whole course is the first the teaching of the scale, which is taken OH, MY BRAVEST AND BEST. Adantt. | .g,. m' *T^= !-^-J VINCENZO BELLINI. 'MoNTECCHi E CAPULKTTI.' 1. Oh! my brav - est and best, I 2. To thy wish had I breathed a re-signthee, de - ni - al, My heart will be des - o - late I know thou wouldst meekly o - fcZfc g r ^ V V now; And the lau - rels that fame will entwine thee, bey; Ah, then think how severe is the tri - al, I nev-er shall see on thy To her who now sends thee a - brow ; Thou art called, and to pause were an er way; Had she cherished the thought to re - fuse ror, thee, Which naught could here-af - ter ef Few scarcely would ven - ture to (> r:r r i i 1 i face, Tho' I think of thy danger with terror, blame, And 'twere better, far bet -ter to lose thee, Less could I en-dure thy disgrace. Than feel I had darkened thy fame. as the unit of thought in tune. Aside from this there is no imitation. It is a system of much thinking. Time and tune are taught separately, the whole measure being taken as the unit in tune. He has taught what not to teach, and has stripped music of the technicalities and enigmas which have been a bugbear to so many. He has shown what has been proved in many schools that it is as easy for children to read in one key as in another. There are no difficulties in the representation of music. One strong point is that practically but one Kale is taught in different positions. The syllables are used simply as a means to an end, and are soon dropped. They are valuable in elementary work if used within certain limits. It can only be said that their use is better than none, since they bring up quickly the characteristic quality of the intervals. All music is written upon the basis of tone relation and these syllables aid the mind somewhat to grasp the idea of this relation of sounds. THE musical tones which can be used with advan- tage, and have clearly distinguishable pitch, have be- tween forty and four thousand vibrations in a second, extending over a range of seven octaves. ffelmholt*. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ^ ^-BEAUTIFUL FACES. 285 DAVID SWING. 1- 1. Beau- ti - ful fa - ces are those that wear, It mat - ters lit - tie, if dark or fair, 2. Beau - ti - ful eyes are those that show Like crys - tal panes where hearth-fires glow, 3. Beau - ti - ful lips are those whose words Leap from the heart like songs of birds, m - m- X I 1 K- . * I n & S fr in B K , i . J^-J^HrjrfJJ-fJlj J * ^ ~jj~ " & w * & - + & * i y =^& Whole-souled hones - ty print - ed there. Beauti - ful thoughts that burn Yet whose ut - 1' ranee pru-dence girds ed there, ") be - low. > ence girds. J Beau- ti -ful, beau- ti- ful, beau - ti - ful, r' it f f I* r r-* u u > tcf. HP U 1 g IX ^-^ i^ ' ^ ^ J Beau - ti- ful, beau- ti- ful, beau - ti - ful, Beau - ti - ful, beau-ti - ful, beau - ti - ful. \f k F Beautiful hands are those that do Work that's earnest and brave and true. Moment by moment the long day through. Beautiful feet are those that go On kind ministry to and fro, Down lowliest ways if God wills it so. Beautiful shoulders are those that bear Ceaseless burdens of homely care, With patient grace and daily prayer. Beautiful lives are those that bless Sweet, silent rivers of happiness, Whose hidden fountains but few may guess. CRADLE SONG OF SOLDIER'S WIFE. T. BARKBR. , ' * 1. Ba-by, sleep! shadows creep Down the hill-sides dark and long! Slum-ber 2. Ba - by, sleep ! low I weep, Lest I wake thee in my woe ! Where the 3. Ba-by, sleep! an - gels keep Ho - ly vig - ils o'er thy head! And thy soft - ly, camp-fires moth-er's "EWi L F- -^ I ! 1*? 1 1 H -I ;5 -I 1 -! ! T i i I > i I ^ and thy dreaming May perchance have brighter seeming, For thy mother's era -die song! gleam and quiv - er, Far a - way be - side the riv - er, Fa - ther thinks of thee, I know ! life seems sweeter, Griefs grow dim, and joys com-plet - er, Singing by thy era -die bed! -r-r :*=: m& rr rrrr 286 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Besides indifference there is no doubt that music has had to suffer much from the lofty contempt with which she and her votaries have been treated by those who professed to have a claim to distinction in other walks. True, since the days of that offensive and priggish noble- man, Lord Chesterfield, things have greatly changed. Eton, Harrow, Rugby all the great schools have now their masters for music on the same footing as the other instructors. Go into the officers' quarter in bar- racks, and you will find pianofortes, violins and violon- cellos, and lying about there will be good music. Amateur societies flourish, which bring rich and poor together. The Duke of Edinburg told me that he had a complete string quartet among the officers on his ship all these things point a great reaction in the feelings of the professional classes towards music. But much of the old leaven remains, arid one of the most objectionable developments is a curious affectation of ignorance on the part of many men of position in the political and scientific world, as if music were too trivial a matter for their lofty intellects to take notice of. At any great meeting on the subject of music, archbishops, judges, politicians, financiers each one who rises to speak will deprecate any knowledge of music with a smug satisfaction, like a man disowning poor relations. I am not here to explain why music should be cultivated, nor to apologize to superior-minded persons for its exist- ence, nor to speak humbly and with bated breath of its merits ; but I claim for it boldly and proudly its place amongst the great things and the great influences in the world ; and can but express pity for those ignorant and stupid enough to deny its importance in the world and in history, and to look upon it as a mere family pastime fit only for women and children. Arthur Sullivan. LAUGHING GLEE. _k. MARTINI. Come sing this round with me, And if we all agree, We'll laugh right merri - ly, Ha f fl -^ h J*. JL+L -F grf:-- ?-""= m \m m m - rm \m~r^-^- 1TT* ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, We'll laugh right merrily. Come sing this round with me, And if we all a- gree, We'll sing right merri - ly, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Ha ha ha ha ha ha, Come y sing this round with me, And if we all agree, t We'll laugh right merrily, Ha ha ha ha ha igTf-ff-p-r-ry-raHi*- i^g*i-* Ha ha, Ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha, Ha ha, FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 287 THE BIRD'S NEST. HnsN THOMAS. A briery lane where wild-birds sing All thro' the summer day, A beech tree old whose branches Four lit -tie eggs that pearl-like lie Beneath two brooding wings, A mate that hovers watch -ful A mournful note of plaint and woe Rings out on qui - et air, And little eggs lie crushed be- The mother bird on gladsome wing Returns to it no more, Her mate that loved to sit and _J* *^ fling Long shadows o'er the way, A nest a- mid the rustling boughs Lined so ft with moss so by, Or sits a - near and sings ; A thoughtless boy whose cruel heart Cares not for lov - ing low On beech roots old and bare ! And still 'mid boughs of old beech tree, 'Mid rustling spray of sing, His summer songs are o'er! Ah, what can bring a hap-py past When light and love are n u k I H K ^ ' * * w 1 V UK S r*h **~\ ) XL ft K * hW i f GPJ v p * *| j-j^j m . IfTv m ** ^ ' ** 2 MB -& * 2 * 1 - 1 ^F dV J ^ * ^ Then the Moon her brightness veiled : 'Neath the clouds which o'er her sailed; Gathered clouds both great and small Turning light to darkness all. Little hare then went to bed, Coat and shoes placed by his head, Laid him down in moss so bright, Soundly slept till morning light. 288 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. A GRAND mistake of the old reasoners in their argu- ing for the goodness of God, was that they tried to prove that in the world there is more evidence of de- sign for happiness than there is of design for pain. Now that position can not be maintained. There is just as much evidence of a design to produce pain as to produce pleasure. For every adaptation of pleasure that you will show me I will undertake to show you one for pain. This life is clearly rudimentary. Men are here to be hammered into something of worth in the next state of existence. Pleasure is to be desired, or expected, but as incidental. Earth is not the place for pleasure. It is the place where men are fashioned for eternity. A piano factory is not the place to go in order to hear music. Suppose a man were to start for some great piano manufactory with the expectation of being enchanted when there by innumerable Thalocrgs. He goes along dreaming of the divine harmonies which will greet him when he approaches the place where these sweet-toned instruments are made. He antici- pates as much more of delight than Thalberg had given him, as there are more instruments in the factory than were on the boards of the concert hall. " I am going to the place where all those pianos are made," he says, as he hastens on. " They turn out hundreds of them in a day. Oh ! how will all sweet, bewildering sounds entrance my senses when I draw near. Hymns and songs of never-wearying melody will sing out to me from every door and window." He comes in sight of the building, and instead of hymns and choral melo- dies, he hears harsh noises. There are heavy pound- ings, gratings, sawings, and raspings. There are legs, MY OWN NATIVE LAND. WM. 8. BRADBURY. I.I have roamed o-ver mountain, I've crossed o - ver flood, I've traversed the wave - roll'- ing 2. The right hand of friendship how oft have I grasped, And bright eyes have smiled and looked 3. Then hail, dear Co - lum - bia, the land that we love, Where flour-ish - es Lib - er - ty's p=f^S ^u i ix u strand; bland; tree ; Tho' the Yet 'Tis the fields were as hap - pi - er birth - place of green, and the far were the free - dom our moon shone as hours that I own na - tive bright, Yet k passed In the home; 'Tis the I ^ ^ FINB - M 3m ^!=* ^F^r was not my own native land. West, in my own native land. land, 'tis the land of the free. No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. r^=* uncouth and clumsy to be worked into proper size and gracefulness. There are strings to be tried, and sepa- rate parts to be fitted and knocked together; there are great, heavy packing-boxes to be made, and various other awkward and noisy work to be done. Tools are thumping about ; cords and tackling rattling; plenty of confounding noises, but no music. The man stands and sees the workmen ply the hammer, and saw, and file, and punch, and chisel and auger; he sees dust, boards, and shavings flying in all directions. Clatter and clatter surround him. From the windows come broken bits of board, wire and iron ; also all the dif- ferent notes of racket and din ; but he hears no sweet melody. Then the man says in astonishment, " Do they call this a piano manufactory -this confused place, full of all jangling noises? "No, no; this is no piano- producing establishment. This is only a dusty and noisy workshop." Yes, it is a workshop, where are being fashioned the instruments which, when touched by skillful fingers, have power to enchant the world. But it is not the platform on which they are to be played. Not there are they to give forth their sweet harmonies. We are in the workshop of humanity. We see evi- dences of this, turn which way we will. We must feel the mallet and the saw ; the punch and the bore. We must be split and ground and worked smooth. The pumice and the sand-paper are for us, also, as well as for the things we fashion ; and at last , when we are all set to- gether, polished, and attuned, we shall be played upoa by the music- waking influences of Heaven,- et(ktr. FA VORITE SONGS FOK SCHOOL AND HOME. 289 IT may be laid down as a general rule that smoking is a bad habit for the singer, male or female for there are females who are proud of being able to smoke cigarettes nowadays ! With many instances of great singers before us, who have also been great smokers, it is impossible to say decidedly that singers must not smoke; but the habit is one to be very cautiously in- dulged in. If smoking in any case induces expecto- ration, it should at once be given up, for the habit of spitting, to which some smokers allow themselves to give way, is in reality, perhaps the great evil of smok- ing; it weakens the throat, lungs and chest. Avoid late hours. You require, not only a certain amount of sleep, but to take that sleep before the body and mind are at all overtaxed. From many causes, it is well known, that the human frame is always at its lowest vital energy from about 2 a.m. till 5 a.m. and the nearer you approach these hours in going to bed, the less able are you to derive all the benefit which you require from sleep. Twelve o'clock is late enough for any one. Another reason why late hours are bad is connected not with physical facts so much as with morals. It is true, you may come to no actual harm, or get into no positive evil, by being out late at night, but you place yourself in a position of risk risk of .cold, over-fatigue, inhaling vitiated atmosphere, etc., as well as risk to moral character, which latter, in its way as delicate as the voice, is injured not only by actual violation of right, but by all society, conversa- tion, and literature which tend at all to mar its purity. YANKEE DOODLE. g 8^ NATIONAL AIR. i i--^ i m 1. Father and I went down to camp, A - long with 2. And there we see a thou - sand men, As rich as 3. And there was Cap - tain Wash-ing - ton Up - on a 4. And then the feath - ers on his hat, They looked so Cap - tain Good - 'in, And Squire Da - vid; And slap - ping stall - ion, A - ver - y fine, ah! I rr-- frczic ^T !- -K- V -JL ty pud - din*. be sav - ed. a mill - ion. Je - mi - ma. there we saw the men and boys As what they wast - ed ev - 'ry day, I giv - ing or - ders to his men; I wan - ted pesk - i - ly to get To thick as has wish it could guess there was give to my Yan - kee doo - die keep it up, Yan - kee doo - die dan - dy, ' c c 1 1 z=z-t:~I ' r r nJ I f 3 Mind the mu - sic and the step, And with the girls be han - dy. SE r -P And there I see a swamping gun, Large as a log of maple, Upon a mighty little cart ; A load for father's cattle. And every time they fired it off, It took a horn of powder; It made a noise like father's gun, Only a nation louder. IQ And there I see a little keg, Its heads all made of leather, They knocked upon't with little To call the folks together, [sticks, And Cap'n Davis had a gun, He kind o' clapt his hand on 't, And stuck a crooked stabbing iron Upon the little end on 't. The troopers, too, would gallop up^ And fire right in our faces ; It scared me almost half to death To see them run such races. It scared me so I hooked it off, Nor stopped, as I remember, Nor turned about till I got home, Locked up in mother's chamber, 290 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. When American educators visited Europe, some forty years ago, for the purpose of studying school systems, they found that instruction in vocal music was almost universal in the schools of Germany, and some other continental countries. Prior to that time juvenile class instruction in singing was comparatively unknown in this country. It now has its recognized place in the list of studies in the public schools of almost every city in the land. The time approaches when instruction in the elements of vocal music will become very general in our schools. Already school officers are asking candidates for positions as teachers, Can you give instruction in singing? and other quali- fications being equal, those who can teach children to sing are preferred to those who cannot. Tillinghast. It is told of Daniel Webster that he cultivated the eye in reading to such an extent that he would look through a whole printed page while reading alouc one-half of it, and then pronounce the remaining hal. with the book shut. This habit of looking ahead is quite as necessary in the reading of music, and should be cultivated in children from the beginning. It is best acquired by reading from printed music those exer- cises and songs which are familiar. L. W. Mason. WATCH ON THE RHINE. Words by MAX SCHNBCKBNBUKGKK. Music by CAKL WILMELM. i. {A voice resounds like thun - der peal, 'Mid dash -ing ware and clang of steel; "The Es braust ein Ruf wit Don - ner-hall, Wie Schwertge - klirr und Wo gen-prall; Zum ( They stand a hun - dred thou - sand strong, Quick to a - venge their country's wrong; With \DurckHun-dert-tau-sendzuckt es schnell, Und Al - Ur Au ~ gen blit ten kell; Der i f Rhine, the Rhine, the German Rhine! Who guards to-day my stream di -vine?" 1 RAein, eum Rhein, sum deutschen Rhein ! Wer -will des Stro - mes Hu - ter tein t fil - ial love their bo-soms swell; They'll guard the sa - cred land - mark well. Deut sche, bie-der, fromm und stark, Be - schuttt die htil' - ge Lan - des - mark. Dear Lieb 1 Fa - therland ! no dan - ger thine, Dear Father- land ! no dan - ger thine; Firm stand thy Va - derland, magst ru-hig sein, Lieb Va - derland, magst ru-higsein; Fest ttcht und sons treu to watch, to watch the Rhine, Firm stand thy sons to watch, to watch the Rhine. die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein ! Fest steht und treu die IVacht, die Wacht am Rhein ! 3. While flows one drop of German blood, Or sword remains to guard thy flood, While rifle rests in patriot's hand, No foe shall tread thy sacred strand ! CAo. 3. So lang' ein Tropfen Blut noch gluht, Noch eine Faust den Degen zieht, Und noch ein Arm die Buchse spannt, Betritt kein Feind hier deinen Strand. Cho. 4. Our oath resounds, the river flows, In golden Ifght our banner glows, Our hearts will guard thy stream divine, The Rhine, the Rhine the German Rhine ! Cko 4. Der Schwur erschallt, die Woge rinnt, Die Fahnen flattern hoch im Wind : Am Rhein, am Rhein, am deutschen Rheia. Wir alle wollen Huter sein ! Cho. fA VUKlllL tUR SCHOOL AND HOME. 291 THE MILLER'S DAUGHTER. Lively, C. MATZ. ARR. BOHEMIAN MELODY. 1 . Down the stream so cheer -i-ly Be - side the mill we row, Where the echoes mer - ri - ly Their 2. When we call, oh, read -i-ly She answers us a -gain, And stops the wheel right steadily, To 3. Part- ing then, re - gret-ful-ly, We turn the dark'ning hill, With "Pretty maid, adieu," And tic-tac, *"r t fttit ittrr' it: m i ,,.^-f HE ^ jy .ttriaajEaja play-ful cho-rus throw; Down the stream so cheer -i-ly Be - side the mill we hear our homeward strain, When we call, oh, read -i-ly She answers us a - tic - tac goes the mill, Part - ing then, re - gret-ful-ly, We turn the dark'ning row, gain, hill, And With Where the ech-oes mer- ri - ly Their play-ful cho- rus throw, i stops the wheel right stead-i -ly, To hear our homeward strain. > Tra la la la, "Pret- ty maid, a - dieu," And tic-tic, tic-tac goes the mill.* la la la J J J To the pret - ty Nat - a - lie A pass-ing draught we fill, Sweet-ly sing-ing there, Where T 1 1?' "Tf If i fr fr-f^-1*' "g" r* m ^u. tic-tac, tic-tac goes the mill, tic-tac, tic-tac goes the mill, tic-tac goes the mill. s^--^ 292 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IN THE STARLIGHT. STEPHEN' J. E. CARPENTER. C. MATZ, An. 1. In the starlight, in the star-light, let us wan-der gay and free, For there's nothing in the 2. In the starlight, in the star-light, at the day-light's dew- y close, When the nightin-gale is JgJV-r =& m tg ^ MM jjJH=j -fe f day-light half so dear to you and me. Like the fai - ries in the shad-ow of the sing -ing his last love -song to the rose; In the calm clear night of summer, when the woods we'll steal a - long, And our sweetest lays we'll war-ble, for the night was made for breez - es soft - ly play, From the glit - ter of our dwell-ing we will gen - tly steal a - rit. a tempo. m song; When none are by to lis - ten, or to chide us in our glee, In the way Where the silv'ry wa - tersmur-mur, by the mar -gin of the sea, In the star-light, in the starlight, let us wander gay and free, star-light, in the starlight, we will wander gay and free, In the starlight, in the starlight, let us In the starlight, in the starlight, we will crts. ^^^"^ > a tempo ^^ wan-der, let us wan-der, In the star-light, in the star-light, let us wander gay and free. - der, we will wander, In the star-light, in the star-light, we will wander gay and free. 1 tdE FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 293 THE FLAG OF OUR UNION FOREVER. GEO. P. MORRIS. WM. VINCENT WALIACB. g 1. A song for ourban-ner, the watch - word re-call, Which gave the Re-pub - lie her 2. What God in His in - fi - nite wis-dom designed, And armed with the weapons of * -r*-r- m -F -r- -m ' \0 m m- t % r r i 5=* sta - tion, " U nit - ed we stand, di - vid - ed we fall," It made and preserved us a thun-der, Not all the earth's despots or factions combined, Have the power tocon-queror f i Chorus. na - tion. The un - ion of lakes, the un - ion of lands, The un - ion of states none can sun - der. The un - ion of lakes, the un - ion of lands, The un - ion of states none cam * 4*-=- w fii >1l4*M sev - er, The un - ion of hearts , the un - ion of hands, And the flag of our Un - ion for - ev - er. I NATIONAL HYMN. fct REV. S. F. SMITH. America." " God Save the King." t ^+f-f=^ c3- ' I i i - *- 5E3 My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of lib - er - ty, Of thee I sing ; Land where my My na live conn - try thee, Land of the no - ble free, Thy name I love ; I love thy Let mu-sic swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees, Sweet freedom's song; Let mor tal Our fa - thers' God, to thee, Au - thor of lib er - ty, To thee we sing : Long may our fath - ers died, Land of the pil-grims' pride, From ev'ry mountainside Let free-dom ring! rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills Like that a - bove. tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake ; Let rocks their silence break, The sound pro - long, land be bright With freedom's ho -ly light; Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King! 294 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Sacred history declares that music and song were very frequently employed among the Hebrews on oc- casions of solemnity, in both their domestic and re- ligious life. Immense choirs, with their thousand voices, were retained in the Temple to celebrate their feasts and victories, and a great number of books and treatises have been written, but with little satisfaction, upon the music of the Jews. It is not, however, un- interesting to follow out or trace the history of religious song, as found in the sacred record, the Bible, and to notice the musical solemnities of which it makes men- tion. In Genesis, Jubal is named as being " the father of all such as handle the harp and organ," but not as the inventor of music, as many have supposed JT de- clared. Not until six hundred years after the deluge does the record again speak of music, which is at the time when Jacob is pursued by Laban : " Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me, and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret and with harp ?" Two hundred and forty-eight years after, at the passage of the Red Sea, the first religious song was intoned by Moses and the Hebrew people : " I will sing unto the Lord, for He hath triumphed glo- ALL THE SAINTS ADORE THEE. r-3 -1 l I I I Z-Si = : i i I ! ^ 3 z3 ' NlOBA." J. B. DYKES. R. Hni -t- I h i = R. M- M V a i i 1 I. Ho - ly, ho - ly, 2. Ho - ly, ho - ly, r rrr>-rr J -^ ? d r r ho ly! Lord God Al-migh-ty! Ear-ly in the ho - ly ! all the saints a - dore Thee, Cast - ing down their 3. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly! though the dark-ness hide Thee, Though the eye of 4. Ho - ly, ho-ly, ho- lyl Lord God Al - migh . tyl All thy works shall PFN 1 -Wff-fU Jgjt - f J ' i t d 3 1 1 : 1 r- n rr !r r? j g V 3 morn - ing our song shall golden crowns a round the sinful man Thy glo - ry praise Thy name in earth, and 71: j.'^ '^j. * ''^TrV rise to Thee. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, glas sy sea ; Cher - u - bim and Sera - phim may not see, On - ly Thou art ho - ly ! sky, and sea. Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly ! m ff f f mer ci ful and migh ty, God in three per sons, blessed Trin i ty 1 fall ing down be - fore Thee, Which wert, and art, and ev - er - more shalt be. there is none be - side Thee Per . feet in pow - er, in love, and pu ri ty. mer ci - ful and migh ty, God in three per sons, blessed Trin i ty t riously, the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea." Again, in Numbers, it speaks of trumpets, and the manner of blowing them on different occa- sions, as signals for assembling, departure, or alarm. The schofar, a wind instrument made from the horn of a ram, is reserved for the celebration of the first day of Tischri. After the death of Moses, the sacred writings preserve entire silence upon the subject of music, even to the time of the Judges, when is re- corded the second song sung by Deborah and Barak : " Praise the Lord for the avenging of Israel," and a hundred years later occurred the sad and tragic death of the daughter of Jephthah. After this event, even to the time of Samuel, there is no musical record in the sacred writings. He instituted a school of proph- ets, where song and music were, undoubtedly, an im- portant branch of education. Saul, soon after his coronation, encounters a troop of men inspired by the Holy Spirit, prophesying to the sound of instruments. At their approach ' he is seized with a divine inspira- tion and prophesies with them. Subsequently, be- coming a prey to melancholy, he calls the youthful David to his side, who, by his inspired songs, dissi- pates the dark torments that overshadowed his soul. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 295 The words of Hail Columbia were written by Joseph Hopkinson in Philadelphia, in 1798, for the President's March, then a very popular ai<-. The Star Spangled Banner was written in Baltimore in 1814 by Francis Scott Key, and adapted to an old French air long known in England as "Anacreon in Heaven," and later in America as " Adams and Liberty." My Country, tis of Thee, written in Boston in 1832 by Samuel F. Smith, was set by Lowell Mason to the music of the old tane God Save the Queen. The words of Flag of the Free, here given, go well to the Wedding March in Lohen- grin. There is always room for a new song that has in it anything to suggest the thought of country, to stir pride in the flag, to quicken the patriotic heart-beat. This music is distinctive in character and known throughout the world, and the song is already sung very widely. FLAG OF THE FREE. Steady Time. J. P. McCASKBT. March from LOHENGRIN. ^A \ m m. ^ ' ; ""T^T I^LZI j * vj _j i ^T JB :=3 -W *-' ' EJ J- g T>- l^j J . * ' * ^ '-^-'-^ I ---^~ I. Flag of the Free! fair-est to see! Borne thro' the strife and the tl lag ot the Free ! lair - est to see ! .Borne thro' the strife and the thunder of war, Ban - ner so 2. Flag of the Free! all turn to thee, Golden thy stars in the blue of their sky! Flag of the 3. Flag of the brave, long may it wave ! Chosen of God while His might we a - dore, High in the :i r-r^pg=g ^ ^^ r =1 0. Flag of the Free, all hail to thee! Floating the fair-est on o - cean or shore, Loud ring the bright with star - ry light, Float ev - er proudly from mountain to shore. \_Final ending. . ] brave ! foes let them rave, Crimson thy bars floating gai - ly on high ! van, for manhood of man, Symbol of Right thro' the years passing o'er; cry, ne'er let it die, Un - ion and Lib - er - ty f Omit. I ]now,ev - er-more!' Sa - ges of old thy com - ing fore-saw, Splendid thy sto - ry, might - y to save, Flower of the a - ges, promised of yore, __J__* ^_ Em - pire of jus - tice, em - pire Matchless thy beau - ty on land Flower of the a - ges, fade nev ] h Nj J wave, more ! -=L* Sv 1 !* ^ - J^-^3-g p Flag of our fa - thers! round all the Heroes have borne thee a-loft in the Emblem of Free - dom, " Ma - ny in world Blest of the millions wher-ev - er un - furled; fray, Foemen who scorned thee have all passed a -way; One," O'er thee thine ea - gle, bird of the sun; ^ EigEzifafcgfc^ =*=*-*-R^=i ^ x Ter - ror to ty - rants, hope to the slave, Spread thy fair folds to shield and to Pride of our coun- try, hailed from a - far, Ban - ner of Prom - ise, lose not a All hail, " Old Glory ! "hearts le?p to see How from the nations the world looks to m *L fcite: w=Z save, star, thee. rs -*-* m. $t 296 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE MAY QUEEN. JjJlJ JJ JiJ ALFRED THNNYSOW. WM. R. UEMPSTKK, 1845. 1. Yon must wake and call me ear - ly, call me ear - ly, moth - er dear; To - 2. Lit - tie Ef - fie shall go with me to -mor - row to the green, And 3. The night winds come and go, moth-er, up -on the mead-ow grass, And <,< n i T^i_^*"~ 1 mor - row will be the hap - pi - est time of all the glad New Year; Of you'll be there too, moth - - er, to see me made the Queen; The the hap - py stars a - bove them seem to bright - en as they pass; There j i F all shep will the glad New Year, moth - er, themad-dest, mer - ri - est "day: herd lads on ev - 'ry side will come from far a - way, not be a drop o' rain the whole o' the live - long day, For For For JlJldTl ^*-**-^*-^- -J- ' I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May. I I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May. All I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother, I'm to be Queen o' the May. So you must cfcrigEgFP ^ sleep so sound all night, moth - er, that I shall nev - er a - wake, " If you the val - ley, moth er, will be fresh and green and still, And the wake and call me ear - ly, call me ear - ly, moth-er dear, To f J J "* ; ^ J ' 3 * * do not call me loud when the day be - gins tc not call cow slip and mor - row'll be day the crow - foot are o the happiest time of all itT r.r ff gins to ver all the the glad New * ^ r break: hill, Year, But The To- FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 297 4 JL I must gath - er knots of flowers, and buds and gar - lands gay, For rivulet in the flow - 'ry dale will mer - ri - ly glance and play For morrow'll be of all the year, the mad - dest mer-ri-est yet, For ^> 111 *-f ^ I'm to be Queen o' the May, moth-er, I'm to be Queen o' the May. E i ^"GOOD-BYE. J' s s j f J tlj J t j ji* J. C. ENGKLBRHCHT. ft 1. Farewell, fare-well is a lone - ly sound And al - ways brings a sigh, But 2. Farewell, fare-well may do for the gay, When pleas-ure's throng is nigh, But give to me when loved ones part, That sweet old word, "good-bye," That give to me_ that bet - ter word, That comes from the heart/'good - bye," That sweet old word, "good-bye," That sweet old word "good-bye," comes from the heart, " good-bye," That comes from the heart, " good-bye," But But V 1 1*- 1 m& give to me, when loved ones part, That sweet old word, "good-bye." give to me^ that bet - ter word, That comes from the heart, "good-bye. ^ f^pg v I u- =K Farewell, farewell, is never heard, When the tear's in the mother's eye, Adieu, adieu, she speaks it not, But, " My love, good-bye, good-bye." Adieu, adieu we hear it oft With a tear, perhaps with a sigh, But the heart feels most when the lips move not, And the eye speaks the gentle "good-bye." 298 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. SPEECH AND SONG All boys and girls can sing, if it suits them to do so in the way of play. You never saw little boys and girls " beg off," when they want to sing together. In Germany, it has long been considered certain that all children can sing. They do not admit of exceptions, except in the case of the dumb. They not only argue from the general fre- quency of singing among children at play, but from the laws of music, as manifested in human language. Speech itself is but a kind of chant, and the voice always moves in musical intervals. The raising of the pitch a third, a fifth, an octare? that Is, from do to M* from do to sol, and from lower do to upper d f is by no means confined to singing and recitation; it u what we always do under the influence of the slight est excitement, and when we ask questions. Ou* voices always go up and down, following the musical intervals. All can sing, therefore; that is, all who can talk, and who raise their voice and let it fall ac. cording to the usual laws of speech. And yet we, in this country, assume that many children cannot leara to sing, and they grow up without this great blessing. SPEED AWAY. I. B. WOODBUKY. ^pv 1. Speed a - way! speed a - way! on thine er rand of light ! There's a young heart a- 2. And, oh ! wilt thou tell her, blest bird on the wing, That her moth - er hath 3. Go, bird of the sil - ver wing, fet - ter - less now, Stoop not thy bright g 8 wait - ing thy com - ing to - night ; She will fon - die thee close, she will ask for the loved ev er a sad song to sing ; That she standeth a - lone, in the still qui - et night, pin - ions on yon mountain's brow ; But hie thee a - way, o'er rock, riv - er, and glen, lJ m Who pine up - on earth since the " Day Star " has roved ; She will ask if we miss her so And her fond heart goes forth for the being of light, Who had slept in her bo - som, but And find our young " Day Star " ere night close again ; Up J on - ward ! let noth-ing thy 1 long is her stay; who would not stay? mis - sion de - lay : Speed a way! Speed a - wayl Speed a - way! m Before leaving Europe we undertook with resolute purpose the study of the English language, and bought one of the famous self-instructors called, " English without a Master; or, English in twelve Lessons." We studied the twelve lessons, but found on our arri- val in this country, that our English was poorly cal- culated to stand the test of familiar conversation. To learn music is, in some respects, much more difficult than to master a language. Should any be tempted to seek help in a M Piano without Master/' let us advise them not to do so. They will fail, spending their time and money in vain. While you are alone, your attainments may be satisfactory to yourself, but when you come in contact with musicians you will find, to your mortification, that you know nothing of music, just as we knew nothing of English. Karl Mer%. SPEED AWAY. It was a beautiful fancy among the Seneca Indians that a white dove let loose, at her grave, by the mother of the lost maiden would seek and find her waiting "Day Star" in the far-off Spirit Land. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 299 BEN BOLT. Setnplice. MBUON KNHASS. THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH. m 1. Oh ! don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt, Sweet Alice whose hair was so brown, Who 2. Un der the hick-o - ry tree, Ben Bolt, Which stood at the foot of the hill, To - 3. And don't you remember the school, Ben Bolt.'With the master so kind and so true, And the 4. There is change in the things I loved, Ben Bolt, They have changed from the old to the new; But I gjglg-g. ^>rr- !e * E wept with delight when you gave her a smile, And trembled with fear at your frown ? In the geth-er we've lain in the noon-day shade, And listened to Ap - pie -ton's mill. The mill- sha - ded nook by the running brook, Where the fairest wild flow'rs grew ? Grass feel in the depths of my spir - it the truth, There never was change in you. Twelve X" _il A -3 m m I**. ! ^. ! s-+. ^ .u. j -7J 2 : 1 >*. K N. N. ! cr s>-^-* ' '* m \ \ *\ 3^3 M_*L^a -4W X X 21 i flJ-'-^l - sr * * * * ' old church-yard, in the wheel has fall - en to grows on the master's months twen-ty have ^ .g. -g.-g.-* 1 - * ' ' - "-g -** ' val - ley, Ben Bolt, In a cor-ner ob-scureand a- pieces, Ben Bolt, The raft ers have turn - bled grave, Ben Bolt, The spring of the brook is past, Ben Bolt, Since first we were friends yet I . _ _ - lone, They have in, And a dry, And of hail Thy -# ^ . ^ i ^ < < * *>^+ i ^ i* P-. a, P^P f ^ ^^-, )$,(. ! I * :- L U S^ *F p-p \ s c^4 f K H Ha ^i -LH ba La W ^ r^ r r P- -T- u B ' >^x^.^ 1 ^_j_p u i PT ^ g ^ ' * * ^ br-p- s~ft h 1 K k. IS r^ N. i ~~i N i ^ isl i fe tf JJ=^a \=tt ^^9 P5 P ad/^^l 3=i J-^-itJb $ TxxJJ. ^ * f f-S *-- *brg ^'^ *= y i^-g-'^-^L'g *'* ' fit ted a slab of the granite so gray, And sweet Alice lies un - der the stone, They have qui - et that crawls round the walls as you gaze, Has followed the old - en din, And a all the boys \vho were schoolmates then, There are on - ly you and I, And of pres-ence a blessing, thy friendship a truth, Ben Bolt of the salt - sea gale, Thy ad K&itimt, F" fit - ted a slab of the granite so gray, And sweet Alice lies un - der the stone, qui - et that crawls round the walls as you gaze, Has fol - lowed the old - en din. all the boys who were schoolmates then, There are on - ly you and I. presence a bless - ing, thy friendship a truth, Ben Bolt, of the salt - sea gale I 300 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. JOLLY OLD SAINT NICHOLAS. h h fr "SCHOOL CHIMB. Per. S. UHAINARD'S SONS. 1. Jol - ly old Saint Nich - o - las, Lean your ear this way 1 Don't you tell a 2. When the clock is strik - ing twelve, When I'm fast a sleep, Down the chimney, 3. John - ny wants a pair of skates; Su - sy wants a dolly; Net ly wants a ^ X -&L. 3 \ J J J J fii Now, you dear old man, Whisper what you'll bring to me; Tell me if you can. Hanging in a row ; Mine will be the shortest one ; You'll be sure to know. Is - n't ve ry bright; Choose for me, Old San- ta Claus, What you think is right. ^ E2 DECK THE HALL. WELSH AIR. 1. Deck the hall with boughs of hoi - ly, ) 2. See the blaz - ing yule be - fore us, V Fa la la la la la la la la, a. Fast a -way the old year pass - es, I -^ - ,-r-r-r-r-r- * . * * & ' *Tis the sea-son to be jol - ly, 1 Strike th harp and join the chorus, VFalalalala la la Hail the new, ye lads and lasses ! J -*--*--*- ^ _-*--*-_ -i*--m*--*i*- * f Don we now our la la.-? Follow me in (_ Sing we j oy-ous * ap-par - el, Troll the ancient Christmas car - ol, ") - ry measure/While I tell of Christmas treasure, V Fa la la la la la la la la, to-geth - er, Heedless of the wind and weather. ) t r > -^-+- -*- -<*- ---* * -*- -+- ~ m * * . * m r r r^i r^ r^r^ f , * r- F5 .5. a a m=9^r Z house all round about. He whirls himself and twirls himself, And flings his bag behind himself. Gay un - serm Haus herum. Er rut-teltsichundschiitteltsicherwirftseinSackchenhintersich. Es FOX AND GOOSE. 1 . Fox, you've stolen my grey gander, Better bring him back, Better bring him back ! There's a hun - ter 2. Soon he will, his ri - fle showing, Shoot you in the head, Shoot you in the head ! Fast the red drops 3. Lit - tie fox, beware, there's danger, Thieving will not do, Thieving will not do ! Bet - ter be to *-*-<*-*- 1X X 1 IX IX X X X X" watching yonder, He is on your track, There's a hunter, watching yonder, He is on your track, will be flowing, You will then be dead, Fast the red drops will be flowing, You will then be dead, goose a stranger, Mouse is best for you, Bet - ter be to goose a stranger, Mouse is best for you. |f _ ^ m & *-*- Seine grosse lange Flinte, Schiesst auf dichden Schrot, Dass dich farbt die rothe Tinte, Und dann bist du todt. u u u u ix Ix ix I. Fuchs.du hast die Cans gestohlen, Gieb sie wieder her, Sonst wird sie der Jager holen, Mit dem Schiessgewehr. Liebes Fuchslein lass dir rathen, Sei doch nur kein Dieb : Nimm, du brauchst nicht, Ganse- Mit der Maus fiirlieb. [bratei 34 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. SlNCB the Church has been divided into many branches, each has had its sweet singers, whose music has gladdened all the rest. It was Toplady, a severe Cal vinist, who gave u " Rock of Ages." Men differ about the atonement; they almost call each other heretics and outcasts in their difference about it ; but, when that hymn is sung, every heart rests upon the one Redeemer. It was Charles Wesley, an Arminian , who sang "Jesus, Lover of my Soul." Side by side are Watts and Wesley, Church of England and Dis- senter. F. W. Faber, a devout Catholic, wrote that hymn which breathes the highest spirit of Christian submission, " I worship Thee, sweet Will of God." Madame Guion, an unquestioning Catholic, wrote "O Lord, how full of sweet content!" Francis Xavier, one of the founders of the Jesuit order, wrote " Thou, O my Jesus ! Thou didst me upon the Cross embrace." While the Church of England was con- vulsed by the greatest struggle it has known within this century, Keble, closely attached to one of the HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING. MENDELSSOHN. CHAS. WKSLBY, 1793. 1. Hark ! the her-ald an -gels sing, "Glo-ry to the new-born King! 2. Christ, by highest heav'n a - dored; Christ, the ev - er - last -ing Lord; 3. Hail ! the heav'n-born Prince of peace ! Hail ! the Son of Righteousness! f Peace on earth, and Late in time be- Light and life to m mer - cy mild, hold him come, all he brings, God and sin - ners re - con-ciled." Offspring of the favored one. Risen with healing in his wings. Joy- ful, all ye na-tions, rise, Veil'd in flesh, the Godhead see; Mild he lays his glo - ry by, Join the triumph of the skies; Hail th' incarnate De - i - ty: Born that man no more may die : With th'angel - ic host proclaim, Pleased, as man, with men to dwell, Born to raise the sons of earth, Christ is born Je - sus, our B orn to in Im- give them U4-I j j j J J j J-FW 3 d Beth-le - hem. man-u - el! se - cond birth :i Hark ! the herald an -gels sing, "Glo-ry to the new-born King I" -i i i W contending parties, wrote the Evening Hymn which the whole Church delights to sing. A Unitarian, Sarah F. Adams, gave us "Nearer, my God, to Thee." The controversies over the orthodoxy of that hymn are as dry and cold and dead as the stones Jacob took for his pillow; and, meanwhile, souls mount up by it toward heaven as did the angels on the ladder Jacob saw as he journeyed to Padan-aram. WE walk here, as it were, in the crypts of life : at times, from the great cathedral above us, we can hear the organ and the chanting choir; we can see the light stream through the open door, when some friend goes out before us; and shall we fear to mount the narrow staircase of the grave that leads us out of this uncertain twilight into eternal light? Longfellow. WHENEVER I think of God, I can only conceive of him as a Being infinitely great and infinitely good. This last quality of the divine nature inspires me with such confidence and with such joy that I could have written even a Miserere in tempo allegro. Haydn. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 305 COME, THOU ALMIGHTY KING. CHARLES WESLEY, 1757. "America." "Gad Save the King.' 2H a i i 1. Come, Thou Al -might -y King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise. Fa- ther all 2. Come, Thou e - ter - nal Lord, By Heaven and earth adored, Our prayer at-tend. Come, and Thy 3. Be Thou our com - for-ter; Thy sa-cred wit ness bear In this glad hour. Om - nip - o - glo - ri-ous, O'er all vie - to - ri - ous, Come and reign o - ver us, An - cient of days, children bless ; Give Thy good word success ; Make Thine own holi-ness On us de - scend. tent Thou art, O, rule in ev - ery heart, And ne'er from us de - part, Spir - it of power. ICZIBZK o Now let the trumpet raise Triumphant sounds of praise, Wide as His fame! There let the harps be found, Organs with solemn sound, Roll your deep notes around- Filled with His name. Praise ye Jehovah's name; Praise throughHis courts proclaim; Rise and adore. High o'er the Heavens above, Sound his great acts of love ; While His rich grace we prove, Vast as His power. While His high praise ye sing, Shake every sounding string; Sweet the accord ! He vital breath bestows Let every breath that flows, His noblest fame disclose; Praise ye the Lord. EVENING HYMN. i SCOTCH TUKB. -- WARD. 1. For- give me, Lord, thro' Thy dear Son, The ills that I 2. Teach me to live that I may dread The grave as lit 3. Be Thou myGuar-dian while I sleep; Thy watch-ful sta 4. Lord, let my heart for - ev - er share The bliss of Thy this day have done; tie as my bed; tion near me keep; pa - ter - nal care; z 5 That with the world, my - self, and Thee, I, ere I Teach me to die that so I may With joy be My heart with love ce - les - tial fill, And guard me 'Tis heaven on earth, 'tis heaven a - bove, To see Thy sleep, at peace may be. hold the judg - ment day. from ap-proach of ill. face and sing Thy love. Awake, my soul, and with the sun, Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise, To pay thy morning sacrifice. Lord, I my vows to Thee renew Scatter my sins like morning dew ; Guard my first springs of thought and And with Thyself my spirit fill, [will, Direct, control, suggest, this day, All I design, or do, or say, [might That all my powers, with all their In Thy sole glory may nnitf, 306 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. This touching song, "The Sands o' Dee," by Charles Kingsley, occurs in his novel of " Alton Locke." The hero says : *' After singing two or three songs, Lillian began fingering the keys, and struck into an old air, wild and plaintive, rising and falling like the swell of an yEolian harp upon a distant breeze. ' Ah ! now,' she said, 'if I could get words for that! What an exquisite lament somebody might write to it' . . My attention was caught by hearing two gentlemen, close to me, discuss a beautiful sketch by Copley Fielding, if I recollect rightly, which hung on the wall a wild waste of tidal sands, with here and there a line of stake-nets fluttering in the wind a gray shroud of rain sweeping up from the westward, through which low, red cliffs glowed dimly in the rays of the setting sun a train of horses and cattle splashing slowly through shallow, desolate pools and creeks, their wet, red and black hides glittering in one long line of level light. One of the gentlemen had seen the spot represented, at the mouth of the Dee, and began telling wild stories of salmon-fishing and wild-fowl shooting and then a tale of a girl, who, in bringing her father's cattle home across the sands, had been caught by a sudden flow of the tide upon the beach and was found next day a corpse hanging among the stake-nets far below. The tragedy, the art of the picture, the simple, dreary gran- deur of the scenery, took possession of me, and I stood gazing a long time, and fancying myself pacing the sands. . . As I lay castle-building, Lillian's wild air Still rang in my ears, and combined itself somehow with the picture of the Cheshire Sands, and the story of the drowned girl, till it shaped itself into a song." THE SANDS O' DEE 1. O Ma - ry, go and call the cat tie home, And call the cat - tie home, And 2. The creeping tide came up along the sand, And o'er and o'er the sand, And 3. Oh! is it weed, or fish, or float -ing hair! A tress o' gold -en hair! O J 4. They rowed her in across the roll - ing foam, The era el, crawl - ing foam, The J& 5-^-g- y&* 35Jt-4-- E fr i*^-k- S x Itjjj-jtjj call the cat -tie home, Across the sands o'Dee. round and round the sand, As far as eye could see; drown-ed maiden's hair, Above the nets at sea? cru el, hungry foam, To her grave beside the sea; The western wind was wild and dank, The Theblindingmistcamepouringdown.The Was never weed or fish that shone, Was But still the boatmen hear her call, But western wind was wild and danlc, Was wild and dank with foam; And all alone went she. blinding mist came pouring down, Came down and hid the land, And never home came she! never weed or fish that shone, That shone so fair Among the stakes on Dee! Still the boatmen heard her call, Call the cat - tie home, Across the sands o' Dee. m- -2=2= Architecture is one of the most fascinating arts, and its study has been to many a man a sublime life- work. Lincoln and York Cathedrals, St. Paul's and St. Peter's, the arch of Titus, Theban temple, Alham- bra, and Parthenon, are monuments to the genius of those who built them. But more wonderful than any arch they ever lifted, or any transept window they ever illumined, or any Corinthian column they ever crowned, or any Gothic cloister they ever elab- orated, is the human ear. Among the most skillful and assiduous physiologists of our tune have been those who have given their time to the examination of the ear, and the studying of its arches, its walls, its floor, its canals, its aqueducts, its galleries, its intricacies, its convolutions, its divine machinery; and yet, it will take another thousand years before the world comes to any adequate appreciation of what God did when He planned and executed the infinite and overmastering architecture of the human ear. The most of it is invisible, and the microscope breaks down in the attempt at exploration. The cartilage which we call the ear is only the storm-door of the great temple clear down out of sight, next door to the immor- tal soul. Such scientists as Helmholtz, and De Blain- ville, and Rank, and Buck, have attempted to walk the Appian Way of the human ear, but the mysterious pathway has never been fully trodden but by two feet the foot of sound and the foot of God. Talmage. Instruction by the living voice has this advantage over books, that as being more natural, it is also more* impressive. Hearing rouses the attention and keeps it ah've far more effectually than reading. Hamilton. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 307 MUSIC ON THE WAVES. *><&SS5i. m s The winds soft - ly sigh in their mys - ti cal caves, And the moon gilds the slum-ber - ing * =%8"C' v QfCr^*^^ rr r seas, The sound of sweet mu-sic comes o - ver the waves Like splr - it-voice borne on the :fc* ^ p-r-r & * X h K breeze. Faindy and low, soft-ly and slow, Heard o'er the waves as they Faintly and low, soft - ly and slow 1 1 + --* N I s -+ After \st D. C. pass to Alto Sofa fi= = :1\*:\4 JJIlarg ^*^ rip-pie and flow ; Faintly and low, soft-ly and slow, Heard o'er the waves as they ripple and flow. h^rj h r-pi SOANO SOLO. 3= Hv^^k Is it the song of the si rens that keep Re - vel be - low in their home of the deep ? Or front . D. C. yon dis-tant ship, far, far o'er the foam, The voice of the ab-sent ones sing - ing of home ? ALTO SOLO. No ! 'tis but fan - cy that gives to the breeze The music that steals through the murmuring seas : The D, . to Soprano Sole. Sweet song that sounds when the stars shine above, When nature is mu - sic, and mu - sic is love. 308 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. IN THE SCHOOLS. No one thing has done more for music in the past twenty years than its introduc- tion as an integral part of our common school education. In the large cities and suburban towns little seems left to desire in that direction. From the time children at the age of five enter the prima- ry school till at the age of sixteen or eighteen they graduate from the high or normal school, music is as much a part of their training as the multiplication table and spelling book. The next generation will see what we foresee, and reap the harvest this gen- eration is so wisely sowing. If, as we contend, music is in itself purifying and elevating, if it can displace and crowd out baser pleasures by giving innocent recreation and excitement to a people that must be amused, a people who must be busy for good or for evil, we can not have too much of it. It can not enter too largely or too deeply into the system of common-school education. In curious juxtapo- sition in an English paper a short time since was a* statement that Dean Stanley had no appreciation of music, and was averse to its introduction into state systems of education; in another column was a re- port of one of Dean Stanley's addresses on the condi- STEAL AWAY. SLAVE HYMN. wm %m f Slow. Steal a - way, steal a - way, steal a - way to Je - sus! < --*- * r 1* * 1 F-: F- c -- 3 rzV. Fine. r^ Steal a - way, steal a - way home, I've not got long to stay here. m -- ^ ^ ^: 1. My 2. Green 3. My Lord calls me, He calls me by the thun - der; The trees are bend - ing, Poor sin - ners stand tremb-ling; The Lord calls me, He calls me by the light -ning; The ^ fc N fc, N i r- . eS* --- \ - - S & hT-^-s^^^T H ** ^3 tion of the working classes, lamenting with an evident surprise that while so much had been done within the last twenty years to lessen intemperance among the gentry, so little comparatively had been effected among the laboring class. The inference is natural and not far-fetched which assumes a need among that very working class which had remained un- heeded, unsupplied. The gentleman has his elegant home, his intellectual entertainments; an atmosphere of grace and beauty surrounds him, or is easily at- tainable ; his craving for excitement, for a life apart from his labor, is gratified with scarcely an effort on his part. The man less fortunately situated needs recreation and stimulus even more than the other. Warmth, light, companionship, he must have. The gin-palace offers them, ruining body and soul, while it affects to comfort both. Tear down the rum-shop, turn the trades-union into a choral society, bring good music with attractive surroundings before him, educate his children to take part in grand old folk- songs, glees, and madrigals, and in a generation a strange revolution would be wrought. Ellis Gray. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 309 SWING LOW, SWEET CHARIOT. SU.HT. Swing low, sweet char - i - ot, Com-ing for to car - ry me home, Fine. Swing low, sweet char - i - ot, Com - ing for to car - ry me home. *-* -* g-'g % *, t 1. I looked o - ver Jor - dan, and what did I see, Com-ing for to car - ry me 2. If you get there be - fore I do, Com-ing for to car - ry me 3. The bright - est day that ev - er I saw, Com-ing for to car - ry me 4. I'm some - times up and some - times down, Com-ing for to car - ry me g 8 JS D.C. home? A band home, Tell all of an - gels com-ing af - tec me, my friends I'm com ing too, home, When Je - sus wash'd my sins home, But still my soul feels heav-en - ly Com-ing Com-ing way, Com-ing md, Com-ing r* me home. me home. me home. me home. GIVE ME JESUS. SLAVS HYMN. 1. Oh, when I come to die, Oh, when I come to die, Oh, when I come to die, Give me Je - 2. In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, Give me Je- 3. Dark midnight was my cry, Dar- midnight was my cry, Dark midnight was my cry, Give me Je - 4.1 heard the mourner say, I heard the mourner say, I heard the mourner say, Give me Je - "Tzr- j .. -js>- -f- sus, Give me Je - sus, Give me Je - sus, You may have all this world, Give me Je sus. - F *> \y F F FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOMK. THE origin of these Slave Songs is unique. They are never " composed " after the manner of ordinary music, but spring into life, ready made, from the white heat of religious fervor during some protracted meeting in church or camp. They come from no musical cultiva- tion whatever, but are the simple, ecstatic utterances of wholly untutored minds. From so unpromising a source we could reasonably expect only such a mass of crudi- ties as would be unendurable to the cultivated ear. On the contrary, however, the cultivated listener confesses to a new charm, and to a power, never before felt, at least in its kind. What can we infer from this but that the child-like, receptive minds of these unfortunates were wrought upon with a true inspiration, and that this gift was bestowed upon them by an ever-watchful Fa- ther, to quicken the pulses of life, and to keep them from the state of hopeless apathy into which they were in danger of falling. A technical analysis of these melodies shows some interesting facts. The first pecul- iarity that strikes the attention is in the rhythm. This is often complicated, and sometimes strikingly original, and it is remarkable that the effects are so satisfactory. Another noticeable feature of the songs is the entire ab- sence of triple time, or three-part measure among them. The reason for this is doubtless to be found in the beat- ing of the foot and the swaying of the body which are such frequent accompaniments of the singing. These motions are in even measure, and in perfect time ; and so it will be found that, however broken and seemingly irregular the movement of the music, it is always capa- ble of the most exact measurement. In other words, its irregularities invariably conform to the "higher law" of the perfect rhythmic flow. It is a coincidence worthy of note that more than half the melodies are in the same scale as that hi which Scottish music is written ; that is, with the fourth and seventh tones omitted. The fact NOBODY KNOWS THE TROUBLE I'VE SEEN. SLAVE HYMN. Oh, no -bod- y knows the trou - ble I've seen, No -bod- y knows but Je - sus! No-bod-y knows the trouble I've sen, Glo - ry Hal-le - lu - jah! { ^^^Pf^- No - bod - y knows the trouble I've seen, Glo - ry Hal-le - lu - iah!/O ne da X when J was \ I nev - er shall for- times I'm down, Oh yes, Lord, Sometimes I'm al - most to the ground, Oh yes, Lord, going along so, Oh yes, Lord, I have my tri - als here be - low, Oh yes, Lord. walk-ing along, Oh yes, Lord, The element opened, and the Love came down, Oh yes, Lord. 1 get that day, Oh yes, Lord, When Je - sus washed my sins a - way, Oh yes, Lord. / &>- ?- -<&-. -<=?- n ~. f*r\' __ I"""" te I i h^f [f , r^ ^ ^ m ^^> ! p^ wb \& ' * & to that the music of the ancient Greeks is also said to have been written in this scale, suggests an interesting in- quiry as to whether it may not be a peculiar language of nature, or a simpler alphabet than the ordinary dia- tonic scale, in which the uncultivated mind finds its easiest expression. The variety of forms presented hi these songs is truly surprising, when their origin is considered. This diversity is greater than the listener would at first be likely to suppose. The themes are also quite as distinct and varied as in the case of more pre- tentious compositions. The reader may feel assured t'.i? f the music as here given is entirely correct. It was taken down from the singingof the Jubilee band, during repeated interviews held for that purpose, and no line or phrase was introduced that did not receive full indorse- ment from these singers. Some of the phrases and turns in the melodies are so peculiar that the listener might suppose them to be incapable of exact representation by ordinary musical characters. It is found, however, that they all submit to the laws of musical language, and if sung or played exactly as written, all the charac- teristic effects will be reproduced. Theo. F. Snuard. The song given above, is a favorite on the Sea Is- lands, off the coast of South Carolina. Once, when ill- feeling was excited and trouble anticipated because of uncertain action of the Government in regard to the confiscated lands on those islands, Gen O. O. Howard was called upon to address the colored people. To prepare them to listen, he requested them to sing. At once an old woman on the outskirts of the meeting began," Nobody knows the trouble I've seen," and the whole audiencejoined in. The plaintive melody, and the apt refrain of the rude hymn, produced an effect that can never be forgotten by those who heard it sung. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 311 SLAVE HYMNS. ft .Sfew. < w . . ^ - - Si % I J* llr--- SJ^J^ 8 " I j -I* h. w^- Fine. f J J J J J 1. Oh, Lord, Oh, my Lord, Oh, my good Lord! Keep me from sinking down. I tell youwhat I mean 2. Oh, Lord, Oh, my Lord, Oh, my good Lord! Keep me from sinking down. I look up yonder and what 3. Oh, Lord, Oh, my Lord, Oh, my good Lord ! Keep me from sinking down. I bless the Lord I'm going WJt faster. v o do ; Keep me from sinking down ; I mean to go to Heaven too ; Keep me from sinking down, do I see ? Keep me from sinking down ; I seethe angels beck'ningto me ; Keep me from sinking down. to die; Keep me from sinking down; I'mgoingto judgment by and by; Keep me from sinking down. HE'S THE LILY OF THE VALLEY. igj gbcSi Fine. He's the li-ly of the val -ley, Oh! my Lord ; He's the li-ly of the val -ley, Oh! my Lord. 1. King Je-sus in His chariot rides, Oh! my Lord,Withfourwhitehorsessidebyside,Oh! my Lord. 2. What kind of shoes are those you wear, Oh! my Lord, That you can ride upon the air, Oh! my Lord? 3. These shoes I wear are gospel shoes,Oh ! my Lord, And you can wear them if you choose, Oh ! my Lord. MANY THOUSAND GONE. i* 1* f=e. I . No more auction block for me, No more, no more, No more auction block for me, Many thousand gone. 2. No more peck of corn for me, etc. 3. No more driver's lash for me, etc. 4. No more pint of salt for me, etc. GETTIl E*^ JG Ft READY =*=n TO DIE. 3=t=* = ^b 4 -^r- Jip i ' , i-^ Fine. \ rti m 2* Getting #*-J+ _~ ^U ready to +-^-T^ J J * W ^ * _-^ JL^^SU J J ', die, Getting ready to die, Getting ready to die, O Zi - on. y^y Zi- on. D.C. ^ J- I***^ 1 L,-,; *t::*= i-jr** * + j - 1 MNSE L-Htd U Jgj IU 1. When I set out I was but young, Zi- on, Zi- on, But now my race is almost run, Zi -on, Zi-en. 2. Re -ligion's like a blooming rose, Zi- on, Zion, And none but him that feels it knows, Zion, Zi-on. ^ 3. JThe Lord is waiting to receive, Zi - on, Zi - on, If sinners only would believe, Zi -on, Zi - on. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. SPRING-TIME ONCE AGAIN. P JOHN LOGAN. ARTHUR S. SULLIVAW. 1. Hail, beauteous stranger of the grove, Thou messen - ger of Spring! Now heaven repairs thy 2. The school-boy wand'ringthro' the wood, To pull the primrose gay, Starts thy thrice-welcome 3. Sweet bird! thy bow'r is ev - er green, Thy sky is ev - er clear; Thou hast no sor-row tj-rfr-fr-lp: -3^3- r^ ru - ral seat, And woods thy welcome sins:. Soon as the daisy decks the green, Thy certain voice we voice to hear, And im - i - tates thy lay. What time the pea puts on the bloom, Thou fliest thy vocal in thy song, No win ter in thy year! Oh, could I fly, I'd fly with thee! We'd make with joyful " ^d=m rail. 4^ hear; Hastthoua star to guide thy path, Or mark the roll - ing year? Glad, vale; An annual guest in oth-er lands, An - oth - er Spring to hail. Glad, whig; Our annual vis it o'er the globe, At - tendants on the Spring. Glad. J*J- f-f-&3 > i - r / WL jra J J Mat p-Wr^ spring-time once a - gain, Buds and blooming flowers ; Daisies 'mid the greensward, Bird-songs in the I * I \0 4f 1 1 1 m J: J: 5tSt I bow'rs ; Spring-time once a'- gain ; Buds and blooming flow - ers, Daisies 'mid the green - sward, pZ. TT],: s Bird-songsin the bow'rs; Bird-songs in the bow'rs; Bird songs, bird-songs in the bow'rs FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE DISTANT DRUM. 313 C. MATZ Arr. 1. Hark to the sound of the distant drum, Rap tap a ta, rap tap a ta, Beating in time with the pleasant hum 2. Hark to the sound of the distant drum, Rap tap a ta, rap tap a ta, Beating in time with the pleasant hum w j7 *_ ^ G ft <9 10 + it. m^M ^^j^Jr=^ll>JJ^33-^ trf B--B i 1 1 1 U a "i i "i -^- -i*- 5 - 1 * That so sweetly fills the air. Come, let us join some melo-dy, Its measured beat to mingle sweet; A- That so sweetly fills the air. And when these sounds have from us gone, In pleasant cheer t' wards home [we'll steer, And ;g j L non we in our e'll dance right merrily, And keep time with the drum and song. dreams repeat the dance, So gaily joined with drum and song. i* v Hark^o the sound of the distant drum, Hark to the sound of the distant drum, V V y ' t> " t- Rap tap a ta, rap tap a ta, Beating in time with the pleasant hum That so sweetly fills the air. l=frp=:i=gqfc g l^g I .. Mg ^ 1,: m m^-m- > fr 5> r-r . h jj s^^stssii ^^^ Hark ! the trumpet's shrilly note, As its tones toward us float, Tra la la la, Tra la la la, Tra .f- ,-T-. 5E . te k- fe r + * \s V V > ^ ' P U N ^ '&^ 3^ ^0r-*\ * J* M*i- ^ * * ^'fig^ 5 ^ la la la, Tra la la la la, Tra la la la, Tra la la la, Tra la la la la la la la. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE OLD COTTAGE CLOCK. T. L. MOLLOT. CHARLES SWAIN. 1. That old, old clock of the house-hold stock, Was the bright - est thing and 2. A friend - ly voice was that old, old clock, As it stood in the cor - ner m r r: neat smil -& est : The hands, though old, had a touch of gold, And its chimes sang still the ing, And blessed the time with a mer ry chime, All the win - try hours be sweet guil - -est,'Twas a mon-i- tor too, though its words were few, Yet they liv'd thro' na - tions ing, But a peev - ish old voice had that tiresome clock As it call'd at day - break * **.+- EHrrirlr - \ i* * i m =*=: QJI, in*N k I 0> pi ter'd, And its voice, still strong, warn'd old and young, When the voice of friendship falter'd. - ly, When the dawn look'd gray o'er the mist-y way, And the air blew ver - y cold - ly. r r-r ic c e c:gir r r Mrrr^gEg I Chorus. P s Tick, tick I it said ; Quick, quick to bed ! For ten I've giv en warn - ing, Up Tick, tick! it said; Quick, out of bed! For five I've giv- en warn -ing, You'll + f * fe ^ rff? fF quick-ly and go, or sure - ly you know, You'll nev - er rise soon in the morn ing. nev - er have health, you'll nev-er have wealth, Un - less you're up soon in the morn - ing. f* FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 315 ALL AMONG THE BARLEY. ELIZABETH STERLING. Cheerfully. 1. Come out, 'tis now September, The hunter's moon's begun, And thro' the wheaten stubble Is 2. The Spring, she is a young maid, That does not know her mind, The Summer is a ty - rant Of 3. The wheat is like a rich man, That's sleek and well to do, The oats are like a pack of girls, + r- -*- m fo '4- ix u / p SI ^ heard the fre - quent gun; Come out, 'tis now September, The hunter's moon's begun, And most un - right - eous kind, The Spring, she is a young maid, That does not know her mind, The Laughing and danc - ing too, The wheat is like a rich man, That's sleek and well to do, The ,< *r- & H- +-+- v p .0 + fr-fr- ? ^E* w f- -f-K- ^F^ *=&. ? > s V* Tj.r-ilr-1-rif fj-NUr^/Jni^^ thro' the wheaten stub-ble Is heard the frequent gun ; The leaves are paling Summer is a ty-rant Of most un - righteous kind; The Autumn is an oats are like a pack of girls, Laughing and dancing too; The rye is like a X-* "1 yel - low old friend Or , That That's W ! =& ^ s it. 3tZgZ5t ^ ^ S=S: kindling in - to red, And the ripe and gold-en bar - ley Is hang - ing down its head, loves one all he can, And that brings the hap-py bar -ley, To glad the heart of man. sulk - y, lean, and small, But the free and bearded bar - ley Is monarch of them all. All among the bar - ley, Who would not be blithe, When the free and hap-py bar - ley Is smil -ing on the scythe ? When the free and hap-py bar - ley Is smil -ing on the scythe? 316 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE CORN SONG; MART raBRBXKT. GODFREY MARKS. Con Spinto. 1. We sing the plant of prai - ried West, Where men grow strong on a - cres 2. The dog - wood's cup marks plant - ing - time, With finch on bough and blackbird 3. All sum mer long in bright ar - ray, It rust - ling waves its broad, keen 4. To barns now creak the la den wains, Whose wealth of treas - ure they must ^ ia r i ft* Wide, By plen - ty crown'd, by peace e'er bless'd, The Corn, the Corn, her gold - en near, The bee hums loud at bloom's fair prime, And ev' - ry wild-bird's note is blade, While zephyrs to it find their way, And elves and fays here seek the hold Safe housed from storm thefar-mer's gains More precious far than Oph - IT'S pride ;Ol-ive and grape, fit theme of po-et lays; For thee our harp be strung, oh, royal maize! clear : Thro' all the land who no-ble empire sways So broad and grand as green and glorious maize ? shade ; Oh ! glad the hearts of all that on it gaze, Un - til is gathered in the ripened maize, gold: To Him we raise our grateful song of praise For manna sent from Heav'n, the gen'rous maize. Then hail to the monarch high ! Hail to his wealth of cheer ! For we crown him King ; no rival need he fear. ' Swaying, swaying, billowy sea of maize ! The Corn he is King ; his sceptre bring ; and loud our song of praise ; Swaying, swaying, beautiful.wondrous maize! Blade, tassel and ear with floss so fair, thou bora of summer days ! IX I FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 317 OH, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH ROBIN? Lively. AUXT CLARA. From "THB NURSERY." it 3 |^** p-n*- w- I I ^ Oh, what is the matter with Robin, That makes her cry round here all day ? I think she must be in great He carried them home in his pocket ; I saw him, from up in this tree : Ah me! how my lit -tie heart Nor I!" said the birds in a cho-rus: "A cru-el and mischievous boy! I pit - y his fa-therand 4 i. 2. 3-" I - mtt ^ trou - ble," Said Swallow to lit-tle Blue Jay. "I think she must be flut - tered For fear he would come and rob me ! Ah me ! how my lit moth -er; He surely can't give them much joy; I pit - y his fa- in great - tie heart therand ^ -Or- Swallow to little Blue Jay. " I know why the Robin is cry -ing," Said Wren with a sob in her fear he would come and rob me ! "Oh, what little boy was so wick-ed ? " Said Swallow, beginning to surely can't give them much joy. I guess he forgot what a pleas-ure The dear lit-tle rob -ins all 5 ^ r u F ' i y * u ^ t r P P 6- U I guess he or-got that the rule is, To do as you would be done 3 ^. 3 breast, Cry ; bring, v A I In naugh - ty bold rob-ber has wouldn't be guil - ty of ear - ly spring-time and in stol - en, Three lit - tie blue eggs from her rob - bing A dear lit - tie bird's-nest not sum - mer, By beau - ti - ful songs that they by; I guess he for -got that from Heav - en There looks down an All -See -ing D.S.tolast; nest, A naugh - ty bold rob-ber has stol - en Three lit - tie blue eggs from her nest. I," I wouldn't be guil-ty of rob -bing A dear lit - tie bird's-nest not I." sing, In ear - ly spring-time and in sum - mer, By beau - ti - ful songs that they sing." m-- k > ^ i l -r-r- >v^^ Eye, I guess he for -got that from Heav -en There looks down an AU-See-ing Eye.'* FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE MARSEILLAISE. Richard Grant White, in his work on patriotic national songs, gives a graphic account of the circumstances under which this most stirring of all national airs was written. He says : " This remarkable hymn ' struck out in the white heat of unconscious inspiration, perfect in all its parts, and in six months adopted by the people, the army, the legislature and the whole nation, is a war-cry, a summons to instant battle. It has no inspiration but glory, and invokes no god but liberty. Rouget de Lisle, its author, was an accomplished officer, an enthusiast for liberty, but no less a champion for just- ice and an upholder of constitutional monarchy. He was at Strasburg in 1792. One day Deivnch, the Mayor of the town, who knew him well, aiked him to write a martial song, to be sung on the departure of six hundred volunteers to the Army of the Rhine. He consented, wrote the song that night the words sometimes coming before the music, sometimes the music before the words and gave it to Deitrich the next morning. As is not uncommon with authors, he was at first dissatisfied with the fruit of his sudden inspiration, and, as he handed the manuscript to the Mayor, he said, ' Here is what you asked for, but I AWAY, AWAY. D. F. E. AUBKR, A - way I a - way! the moon and stars are shining; We'll dance o'er hill and flow -JU _ v"^ m m - s -~ r^ -<&=-p-p3^+ \ green, With laugh eyes and heart that knows no pining; We'll make the night pay :g: g: jfc 4 J. _ homage to our queen. A - way! _ . .. a - way a - way, a way! ^ The fairy moonlight steaming Up - on the mountain height, ) Qf j d d _ u , As if the world were dreaming Of mu - sic and de - light, J ^T&^-^^f- -^- : ~ F I 1 I I 4 1 4 fear it is not very good.' But Deitrich looked, and knew better. They went to the harpsichord with Madame and sang it ; they gathered the band of the theatre together and rehearsed it ; it was sung in the public square, and excited such enthusiasm, that, instead of six hundred volunteers, nine hundred left Strasburg for the army. In the course of a few months it worked its way southward and became a favorite with the Marseillais, who carried it to Paris where the people, knowing nothing of its name, its author, or its original purpose, spoke of it simply as the ' soag of the Marseillais,' and as the Marseillaise it will be known forever, and forever be the rallying cry of France against tyianny. Its author, soon pro- scribed as a Royalist, fled from France and took refuge in the Alps. But the echoes of the chord that he had so unwittingly struck pursued him even to the mountain tops of Switzerland. ' What,' said he, to a peasant guide in the upper fastnesses of the bor- der range, ' is this song that I hear Allans, enfans de la patrie?' 'That? That is the Marseillaise.' And thus, suffering from the excesses that he had in- nocently stimulated, he first learned the name which his countrymen had given to the song he had written." FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE IVY GREEN. 319- HENRY RUSSELL. CHAKLKS DICKENS. 1. A dainty plant is the I - vy green, That creepeth o'er ru - ins old, 2. Fast he stealeth, tho' he wears no wings, And a staunch old heart has he, 3. Whole ages have fled, and their works decayed, And nations have scat - tered been, U*3* + right choice food are his meals, I ween, In his cell so lone and cold; The wall must be crumbled, the closely he twineth, how closely he clings To his friend, the huge oak tree ! And sly - ly he traileth a - stout old I - vy shall nev - er fade, From its hale and hearty green; The brave old plant in its jThi g yh"'hh h'Fi^r'M^'gin* *x x-x^g^- P-P-iC ^V-%- \ K S S N c r T^-J i ,. i. _fr j-^v i N cF* 1 *i*- t *- 1 y m *r- m & ^j i N j ist.-^ i : s- ^iSk=k ^ ^ stones decayed, To pleasure his dainty whim, And the moldering dust that years have made Is a long the ground, And his leaves he gently waves, As he joyously hugs and crowdeth round The lone - ly days, Shall fatten up - on the past; For the stateliest building man can raise Is the mer - ry meal for him Creeping where no life is seen, A rare old plant is the I - vy green, mold of dead men's graves Creeping where no life is seen, A rare old plant is the I - vy green, I - vy's food at last Creeping where no life is seen, A rare old plant is the I - vy green, Creeping where no life is seen, A rare old plant is the Ivy green, Creep - ing, creep - ing. Creep ing, creep-ing,, J. J. J | --*- ^ J J J- ===^rfl M ix * x i. e rare old plant is the I - vy green, Creeping where no life is seen, S5933 3 f=F f Creeping where no life is seen, Creep - ing, creep ing, A rare old plant is the Ivy green r 1 fil Fig rg-r^-^j _ J *V ~^~ C x 9 320 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. SLUMBER SONGS. FRENCH LULLABY. 1 1. Sleep, sleep, my darling, Sleep tranquilly. Mother is watching, Praying for thee, May holy an -gels 2. Sleep, sleep, my darling, Sleep tranquilly. Thy heav'nly Father Careth for thee. In thy soft era -die On wings of light, Bring to my ba - by, Dreams fair and bright. Dodo, my darling, peacefully sleep. Peacefully sleep ; While thou dost slumber Watch He will keep. Dodo, my darling, peacefully sleep. 1 rtr GERMAN LULLABY ( WIEGENLIED. ) K Not too SItnv. 1. Brother, thou and I, Brother, thou and I, We'll sing our lul - la - by. Hush thee, dear, sing 2. Brother, thou and I, Brother, thou and I, We'll sing our lul- la - by. Hush thee, darling, I. Bru-der, ich und du, Bru-der, ich und du, wir schla - fen im - mer zu. Still und still und sweet and low, Ba - by now to rest would go; Hush thee, hush thee, Sing -ing soft and low. have no fear, Lov - ing arms en-fold thee here; Hush thee, hush thee. Mother's watching near, im - mer still, weil mein Madchen schlafen will. Stil - le, stil - le, kein Gerausch gemacht. ff + fAJ* ^rCCifa^ OLD GAELIC LULLABY. WHITTIBR'S CHILD LIFE. k. S Tenderly. 1. Hush! 2. Hush! 3. Hush! the waves are roll - ing in, x White with foam. white with the winds roar hoarse and deep, On they come, on they the rain sweeps o'er the knowes, Where they roam, where they foam; Fa - ther toils a - mid the din, But come! Broth - er seeks the wand'ring sheep, But roam;" Sis - ter goes to seek the cows, But ba - by sleeps at home, ba - by sleeps at home, ba - by sleeps at home. P FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 3 2 * NURSERY SONGS. MOGOCO. 41 *:qv r w ** -rJ- *? Ding, dong, bell, Pussy's in the well ; Who put her in? Lit-tle Johnny Green; Whopull'dher out? ,i*-r-r i trV-WrV V ( * V V m r Big John Stout. What a naughty boy was that, To drown our lit - tie Pus - sy cat ! i T r r -i r U L u r-f-g- 2. i. Lit-tle Jack Hor - ner sat in a cor -ner, Eat- ing a Christmas pie, He -r-r-r-r-- H 1 E itzr * V V \ ^W '+'+'+{ W I. Lit-tle Miss Muf - fst Sat on a . tuf - fet, Eat-ing some curds and whey, There =!=& 3= ^5Ff^ put in his thumb, And pulled out a plum, And said," What a good boy am I." *= -t I \m * ^Ti^ ^ > Came a great spider, And sat down beside her, And frighten' d Miss Muffet a - way. 3. -t Hump - ty Dump - ty sat on a wall, Hump - ty Dump - ty had a great fall ; ih All the King's horses and all the King's men, Couldn't put Humpty to -geth-er a -gain. I > > > H 1 (- > i^ t^- =fc=^ FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. MARSEILLES HYMN. The authorship of this soul- stirring war song, so often prohibited by despotic rulers, and now the national air of France, the Marseillaise, as it is called, has frequently been disputed. In his recent work on Strasburg during the Revolution, M. Seingerlot, an authority upon these historical questions, has brought to light a number of old family papers of this era, from which it appears that Rouget de Lisle, at the time of writing these verses, was an army officer contributing occasionally to the columns of a leading newspaper of Strasburg, owned by the Mayor of the city. The wife of this gentleman, a lady of musical taste, regarded this poem a masterpiece, and urged that it be set to music by the author and published. It accordingly appeared in this form, probably in April, 1792, entitled, "A war song for the Army of the Rhine." In a letter yet extant, from Madame Deit- rich, the Mayor's wife, she says : The occupation of copying music has enabled me for some days to shut my ears to political wrangles. Politics only are now discussed here. To invent something new for the en- tertainment of our numerous guests, my husband has hit upon the expedient of having a song composed for the times, which embodies the patriotic feeling ol the town. A captain of engineers, Rouget de Lisle, who is a very amiable poet and composer, has rapidly done for him the song and the music. It is spirit- stirring (entrainmenf), and not wanting in originality. It is in the feeling of Gluck, but more lively and alert, and has been performed at our house to the satisfao THE LAST ROSE OF SUMMER. THOMAS MOORB. 1. 'Tis the last rose of summer, Left blooming a 2. I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, To pine on the 3. So soon may I fol-low, When friendships de IG..S; All her lovely com - stem, Since the lovely are cay, And from love's shining panions Are sleeping, Go tir-cle The fad sleep gems ed and thou with drop a - way; gone; them; Jo flow-er of her kindred, No Thus kind-ly I scatter Thy When true hearts lie withered, And c rose-bud is nigh, leaves o'er the bed, fond ones are Sown, To re -fleet back her blushes, Or give sigh for sigh. Where thy mates of the garden Lie scent * less and dead. Oh, who would in - hab-it This bleak world a- lone 1 ion of all who have heard it." Capt. Rouget de Lisle was asked to draw his inspiration from passing events and the dominant sentiment of the town, which was a frontier stronghold, and no doubt tremendously aroused by the news from Paris and by the declara- tion of war. Strasburg would probably have to bear the brunt of the invasion, and, in any case, would be the centre of military operations. Political discussion went on, therefore, to the exclusion of other topics. The fact that the Deitrichs kept the harpsichord going, and had Capt. Rouget de Lisle compose this new thing for it to create a diversion amid stirring politics, is a curious example of the power " that shapes our nds, rough-hew them how we will." It would be interesting to know how the song got to Marseilles without going through Paris. A regimental band may have taken it to the South. The first time it was heard in Paris was the day the Revolutionary depu- tation of Marseilles, which had come on foot, singing what was ever afterward to be known as their " hymn," entered the capital. It was caught up at once, and spread like wildfire through the nation. The entrain, which the Mayor's wife said was one of its character- istics, so roused the Parisians that nothing could with- stand their fury. Under the monarchical governments in France, the song has always been held seditious, because of its extraordinary influence upon the French people. The first time since the Revolution that it was not regarded treasonable by those in au- thority, was at the opening of the World's Fair, in 1878. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 323 MARSEILLES HYMN. RUGKT L, 177*. 9=932 ^ 1. Ye sons of France, awake to glo ry 1 Hark, hark ! what myriads bid you rise ! Your children* 2. With lux-u - ry and pride sur - rounded, The vile, in- sa-tiate des- pots dare, Their thirst for 3. Oh, Lib - er - ty J can man resign thee, Once having felt thy gen'rous name ? Can dungeons. wives, and grand-sires hoary : Behold their tears, and hear their cries, Behold their tears and hear their gold and pow - er unbounded, To mete and vend the light and air, To mete and vend the light and bolts and bars con -fine thee ? Or whips thy no- blespir- it tame? Or whips thy no-ble spir - it cries I Shall hateful tyrants mis -chief breed -ing, With hureling hosts, a rut - tian band, Af air. Like beasts of burden would they load us, Like gods would bid their slaves adore ; But tame? Too long the world has wept be - wail- ing That falsehood's dagger tyrants wield; But p j i x k fright and desolate the land, While peace and liberty lie bleeding ! To" arms, to arms, ye man is man, and who is more ? Thenishall they longer lash and goad us ? To arms, to arms ye freedom is our sword and shield, And all their arts are unavailing: To arms, to arms, ye brave I Th' avensr - ing sword unsheathe I f March on, ff: t^- r ' ii i Ssife all t. hearts re - solved On vie to - ry or death ! P r 324 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE MAHOGANY TREE. Cantabilc esfress t molto accentato. W. M. THACKBHAT. FABIO CAMPANA. ^ I 1. Christ-mas is here; Winds whistle shrill, I - cy and chill, Lit - tie care we; 2. Once on the boughs Birds of rare plume Sang, in its bloom: Night-birds are we; 3. Care, like a dun, Lurks at the gate; Let the dog wait; Hap -py we'll be! Lit - tie we fear Weather with - out, Sheltered a - bout The Ma - ho - ga - ny Tree. Here we carouse, Sing - ing like them, Perched round the stem Of the jol - ly old Tree. Pile up the coals ; While the song rolls Let us for - get, Round the old Tree. Eve-nings we know, Hap- py as this; Fa - ces we miss Pleas - ant Here let us sport, Boys, as we sit Laughter and wit Flash - ing Sor - rows, be - gone ! Life and its ills, Duns and their bills, Bid we to so to see. Kind hearts and true, Gen - tie and just, free. Life is but short, When we are gone, flee. Come with the dawn, En - vi - ous sprite; Peace to your dust! Let them sing on, Leave us to - night, FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 325 a tempo. I RJS-JFP K-fchgy We sing round the Tree. Round the old Tree. Round the old Tree ! Eve-nings we knew, Hap-py as g^-f! *#/ canto. Evenings we knew, / grazia. K- i u this; Fa-ces we miss Pleas -ant to see, Kind hearts and true, -r-r i=m TT .. Hap-py as this; Fa-ces we miss Pleasant to see, Kind hearts and f - : tempo. rail. eongrazut. \ ... i , .. i . /r I tstttmt. I id time. | ?Ht Gen -tie and just, Peace to your dust ! We sing round the tree. tree. true, Gen -tie and just, Peace to your dust! 326 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. DREAM FACES. Andante. ,*-_. H i U * q I r ' - j ^ ^** I gB|=* : fgE:* WM. M. HUTCHINSON. ==* 1. The shad - ows lie a - cross the dim old room, The fire - light glows and fades in - to the 2. Once more I see, a - cross the dis-tant years, A face long gone with all its smiles and = 1 -- I- HP* gloom, While mem'ry sails to childhood's distant shore, And dreams, and dreams of days that are no more. tears; Once more I press a ten - der lov-ing hand, And with my dar- ling 'neath the old oak stand. &3f: 7. Refrain. ft i t=*= t=r-rr^ S Sweet dream-land fa - ces, pass - ing to and fro, Bring back to mem' - r^-r P^Lfc I I . *---- _s).a ^^-. -r~t =to s^^a -i r" n I x days of long a - go, Mur - muring gent - ly thro' a mist of pain, " Hope on, dear f. : S :*jnt dd P After -$d verse go to Coda. Andante. 3 -N 1 ^ :JtJbit! loved one, we shall meet a - gain." 3. But all I loved are gone, And I a-lone in :r T* a* ^r^^f-r^-r "P~y PP cres i life, To wait, and wait, and wait, Till death shall end the strife; Un - til once more I fcd=i ^ VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. - - - r iL.lf >^ * N ~^~ * * ^ r^ -^1 N- ^ -H- -N 1 * j K *l r* qPHjjj.ggjg- u P 5 * ' * u & I. "I want for - ty doz - en of 2. "There's Malcolm, and Har-ry, and 3. "And wonder - ful pic - tures, books *--T r ^ &r fi)&-ft *- -* r . k ^'^f fine wax - en Clarence, and ,mu-sic, and i_ r r 7:j h ^'^:*-fe^fct dolls, And for - ty - four thousand be - John, Hope no end of hoi - i - day flowers, And birds singing gai-ly in igpk +-L+ r: r r r '^T i ^ ff fl~r~ -* -vF- 9 ? a =P=f L - 1 -= m ~ -K- *=? m- t^- tt=l iX ir ir ir Pi h h , E-g^gH-i J s I ix s i^ =M 1 \r =P=S I** =S IF 1^ =M=i iX s w W B >r-^ r W * \ ^ ==*=*: i^ ix h M -g 3J VL%rg-g=g-g= *-*- 1 J^-JL w ^w ^ j ggj k ' ^ U side them; I've a tel e - phone or -der for good bouncing balls, So ma-ny I nev-er can treas - ure, Of San-ta Claus' vis -it from evening till dawn They talk or they dream without ca - ges, Ten thousand good things to make happy the hours Of folks of all sta-tions and ^"^j^ ^. _ " ~ ~ \ \ ^> ^ ^. ____^._ fe4W J=fe -9 *- -- u u k * -^ ; =l ^F _(r_ ( ^ 4 1 t tt** fi -U- * U- 1 -tX iX p^ f V -i =k i ^ r ix ' m * -j M! P hide them! Toys needed by millions, and trumpets, and drums, With cargoes of candies as- meas - ure. There's Nellie, and Jennie, and Mary, and Bess.What rare things they'd have me go a - ges. Move lively, my lads, with full boxes and trays, Kind people will ev-'ry-where &e ( ( I P ft* 9^ y 1 %W- sfeafcaa K sort - ed, And oranges, almonds, and sweet su - gar plums, Quick pack them or have them im- hunt - ing! The darlings I love them, and always can guess Silks, ribbons, furs, jewels they're hail them, The time is fast speeding and it would a - maze If San - ta Claus ev-er should Jl ' 'V: J J iE port - ed. ^ want -ing. > For Christmas is coming, a week from to-morrow, And all must be read-y, be fail them. S lieve me ; If Santa Claus missed it, ah ! there would be sorrow, From blame none could ever relieve me." r r . g _ g ^ g 330 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. PLAY-TIME SONGS. K r- Lrm-B FOLKS. m * We come to see Miss Jen- nie Jones, Jen- nie Jones, Jennie Jones, We come to see Miss Jennie Jones, fi. She 2. She How is she to day? { 3. She s washing : "| s ironing: y We're right glad to hear it, To s sweeping : hear it, to hear it, We're right glad to hear it, And how is she to-day? hear it, to hear it, We're right sorry] to hear it, And how is she to-day? 2. ^._>._>. >, >..,K . Vr-^ K N 1 H % ' PI H ^ -* 1 ^-p S u fi J ~* * * m 2 J J J J E pr 4 d "T" f(t) A i m- 9 m m C m _f S S 9 J_ -^ 4 g 9 8 i -4- I. Come, all you young men, in your mer - ry ways, And use 2. The day is far spent, and the night's com-ing on, So give us well your time in your arm and we'll - -r -r -r -r ^^1 & 1* ~m HP v p gi w- 1 L L L L L~ ) P " i -t- t-' \y Q ]t -U 1^ 1^ fc^ 1? b^ Jf P P ML ~^- -V b^ IP* is b^ 4 U^^^-.^L your youthful days, That you may be happy, That you may be hap- py When you grow old. jour-ney a - long, That you may be happy, That you may be hap- py When you grow old. -- ^fe-h N h A 4u-pj-a n j 1 ) J =?P4^ ^ 'i^^^ < '-^-^-^ Ring around a ros-y, Sit up-on a pos-y, All the girls in our town Vote for Uncle Jo-sie FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. PLAY-TIME SONGS. 331 FOLKS. & <~f=f V What care we for gold or sil - ver ? What care we for house or land ? -9 -m to- ^ r r- I ML_*-*-d E2 What care we for ships on the o - cean, On -ward go - ing, hand in hand? i p^ ^3 O pret ty Pol - ly, you cry, You'll be hap - py by - and - ^ 1*-; *~ -*--+- 19- When becomes he'll dress in blue, That's the sign he'll mar - ry you. ^fr. m a !: v &=t 3. P :JE>aj John-ny had a lit - tie dog, And Bin -go was his name, sir. B-i-n-g-o go, . - H*- ^ *--)*-*- f- 3i=& PI r r . * * * * * * B-i-n g-o go, B - i - n g-o go, Bin - go was his name, sir. *=*= p* p :l r r 33-2 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE ROUGH MATERIAL. In music man does not reproduce any combination of sounds he has ever heard or could hear in the natural world, in the same sense that the painter transfers to his canvas the forms and tints he sees around him. The musicians seizes the rough element of sound and compels it to work his will, and having with infinite pains subjugated and tamed it, he is rewarded by discovering in it the most direct and perfect medium in all Nature for the ex- pression of his emotions. The painter's ert lies upon the surface of the world; its secrets are wiispered by the yellow cornfields spotted with crimson fire, and the dappled purple of heather upon the hills; but the musician's art lies beneath the surface. His rough material of sound may rather be compared to the dull diamond, earth-incrusted and buried in deep mines; it simply does not exist as a brilliant, and a thing of priceless beauty until it has been refined and made HO, HO, VACATION DAYS ARE HERE. Steady Time. J. C. JOHNSON. 1. Ho, ho, va - ca - tion days are here, Tra la, tra la, 2. Ho, ho, the hill, the wood, the dale, Tra la, tra la, 3. Ho, ho, ye song-sters of the shade, Tra la, tra la, 4. Ho, ho, the hours will quick -ly fly, Tra la, tra la, + tra tra tra tra ^ la! la! la! la! 3 E=E ^ to. fe 1 * P^ w ~ ^p J >. p> 1 a K! :-i i 1 Eft- i 3 j" r *| ^. ^ ^ *1 ( " *l i S) m 3 L -*! J t 9 J- We The A And -J- -f- -f- -i- *- wel-come them with right good cheer; Tra lake on which we used to sail, Tra mer - ry troop your haunts in - vade, Tra soon va ca - tion time be by, Tra _ * m m ^ ps ps__ fe_ la, tra la, tra la, tra la, tra la, tra la, tra la, tra la, tra 1 x s h -j. k! k! k! k! >| i ^-fr 5 ^ 4* / X |*_ -m m. . m .*) .m ~^ ^ * ^ -i " U 1 In wTs - dom's halls we love to be, But yet 'tis pleasant to be free. We greet thee all with right good cheer, In thought unchanged a - gain we're here. Be - ware, our songs of mer - ry glee, Shall fright ye from the greenwood tree. Ah, then we'll afl, in glad re- frain, Sing wel - come to our school a - gain, ^ Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, va - ca - tion days are here, the hill, the wood, the dale, ye songsters of the shade, the hours will quick - ly fly, ^ luminous by deliberate arrangement of glittering facets set in the splendor of chaste gold. Haweis. EARLY DEAD. In his early death Mendelssohn strikingly resembles Mozart, of whom it cannot be said that he died prematurely. His faculty was devel- oped with amazing rapidity; and from the very early age at which he began to hold a place in public esteem his artistic life was by no means short. Although a painful apprehension to the contrary embittered his last days, yet he lived long enough for fame. Not so Mendelssohn. However extended his mortal span might have been, his fine talent would have continued, in all probability, to unfold and discover fresh, beau- ties as long as his natural faculties were perfect. He died in his thirty-six year, in the period of full prom- ise, withered in the very spring-time of his genius. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 333 BEETHOVEN, born at Bonn, 1770, was equally great tn his intellect and his affections. How deep and tender was that noble heart those know who have read his letters to his abandoned nephew whom ne com- mits so earnestly to " God's holy keeping." There is no stain upon his life. His integrity spotless, his purity unblemished, his generosity boundless, his affections deep and lasting, his piety simple and sincere. " To- day happens to be Sunday," he writes to a friend in the most unaffected way, "so I will quote you some- thing from the Bible: " See that ye love one another." Beethoven was not only severely moral and deeply religious, but he has this further claim to the admira- tion and respect of the musical world, that 'his ideal of art was the highest, and that he was* true to his ideal, utterly and disinterestedly true to the end. Ifa-wcit. HOME, CAN I FORGET THEE? Andante. GERMAN MELODY. . . i * '* 1. Home, home, can I for - get thee, Dear, dear, dearly loved home? No, no, still I re- 2. Home, home, why did I leave thee? Dear, dear friends, do not mourn. Home, home, once more re- T 'HERE fr L Q , IS A HA -f Nr ,PPY LAN] 3. ~~M M HlNDO o MELODY. I. There 'is a 2. Bright in that 3. Come to that hap - py land, Far, far hap - py land, Beams ev' - hap - py land, Come, come p p m *- =g 1 jj 1 1 l=g= a - way, Where saints in ry eye; Kept by a a - way, Why will ye F- p 1 ( p M- -b-4 j- t 3 *- F p- -| * 3 H- p-^-t t glo - ry Fa - ther's doubt-ing stand, hand, stand, Bright, Love Why .. p . bright can - still as day ; not die. de - lay ? HV---^ Oh, Oh, Oh, how then, we 5- they sweet - to glo - shall hap - iy T py 5- sing, run; be, ^i-b ha &- | ~<* 1 h -| - b -tp - F~~c Wor - thy is our Saviour King, Loud let his prais - es ring, Praise, praise for Be a crown and kingdom won, And bright a - bove the sun, We'll reign for When from sin and sor - row free, Lord, we shall live with Thee, Blest, blest for ayet aye! p m ^ 334 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THEN YOU'LL REMEMBER ME. ' cnntabile. \ M. W. P 1. When oth - er lips and oth - er hearts Their tales of love shall tell, 2. When cold -ness or de - ceit shall slight The beau -ty now they prize, In And ttH Ian - guage whose ex - cess im - parts The pow'r they feel deem it but a fad - ed light Which beams with -in ~ f r r so well, Thei your eyes; ere When may, per - haps, in such a scene Some rec-ol- lee - tion be Of days that have as hoi - low hearts shall wear a mask 'Twill break your own to see : In such a moment _ Jl 1 - 1 - 1 hap - py been, And you'll re - member me, And you'll remember, you'll remember me. I but ask, That you'll re -member me, That you'll remember, you'll remember me. sqz: - LOVE'S GOLDEN DREAM. A =^- . == dim. LINDSAY LENNOX. S3 afcz^g=g=grhy y-*-g 1. I hear to-night the old bells chime Their sweetest, softest strain, They bring to me the olden 2. I look in - to your love-lit eyes, I hear your gen - tie voice, You come to me from Para- k-E*-* 4 1 1 h V-t-r time, In visions once again : Once more across the meadow land, Beside the flowing stream, We wander,, disc, And bid my heart rejoice, Sweet vision fade not from my sight, I would not wake to pain, But dream run w m-^- SCHOOL AND HOME. 335 darling, hand in hand, And dream love's golden dream: Love's golden dream is past, at the por - tals bright, I clasp your hand a - gain : Love's golden dream is past, Hidden by Hidden by =U_V-U-E= ^-- *- F* ==13 P irc^TTpz^ dint. P ^~ , ^ j s* t=* ^--* ^ ~ zrh rd ^ hi i- mists of pain, Yet shall we meet at last, mists of pain, Yet shall we meet at last, Never to part a gai. Never to part a gain. WE'D BETTER BIDE A WEE. CtAUIBRb. ^ I -g-'-g- 4* # 1. The puirauldfolk at hame, ye mind, Are frail and fail -ing sair, And weel I ken they'd 2. When first we told our sto - ry, lad. Their bless-ing fell sae free, They gave no thought to 3. I fear me, sair, they're failing baith, For when I sit a - part, They'll talk o'Heav'nsae -4^ i -|iy ^ L L L 1= p i* m- ii: J*-H- farr i i i^ Sf ^ miss me, lad, Gin I came hame nae mair. self at all, They did but think of me, earn-est - ly, It well-nigh breaks my heart! The grist is out, the times are hard, The But, lad - die, that's a time a - wa, And So, lad -die, din- na urge me mair, It BE P L L i ~ r--r-r^ r~g r b'r-E- i ^ w^ kine are on - ly three, mith - er's like to dee, sure - ly win - na be, I can - na leave the auld folk now, We'd bet-ter bide a f f ^~ *->- -V h -F P- ^ I can-na leave the auld folk now, We'd bet-ter bide a wee. PI H* .-^.- Pi * k r *-^ ^^ ir--V i 1 r r i ^ FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. O THOU JOYFUL DAY. (O DU FR6HLICHE.) B. M. SICUCXER. 1. O thou joyful day, O thou bless-ed day, Ho - ly, peace - ful Christmas - tide! O thou 2. O thou joyful day, O thou bless-ed day, Ho - ly, peace - ful Christmas - tide! O thou 3. O thou joyful day, O them bless-ed flay, Ho - ly, peace - ful Christmas - tide! O thou I 1 joyful joyful joyful day, day, day, O thou bless-ed O thou b!ess-ed O thou bless-ed day, day, day, Ho - ly, peace - ful Christmas - tide ! Earth's hopes a - Ho - ly, peace - ful Christmas - tide ! Christ's light is Ho - ly, . peace - ful Christmas - tide ! King of all wak - en, Christ life has tak - en, Laud Him, O laud Him an ev - 'ry side! beam - ing, Our souls re - deem - ing, Latid Him, O laud Him on ev - 'ry side! glo - ry, We bow be - fore Thee, Laud Him, O laud Him on ev - 'ry side! EMMANUEL. W. C. Drx. 1. Joy fills our in - most heart to-day, The Roy - al Child is 2. An - gels are thronging round thy bed, Thine in - fant grace to gel hosts in are pal - ing glad ar - ray His ad - vent keep this morn; For o'er Thy head, The Day -spring dawns with Thee; Tho :=: E^ I I i i world must lose ver - y light its charms Be - fore the man-ger shrine; When of light, En - light - en us, sweet Child, That :t: FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 337 fold - ed in Thy moth - er's arms, Thou sleep - est, Babe Di - vine, we may keep Thy birth - day bright With ser - vice un - de - filed. THE GOOD "THREE BELLS." J K-J r I k-4 K J CHARLES JARYIS. 1 \- Spirited. ^ f \^ ^ 1. Come swell the strain, the proud re-frain, That sings of no - ble deeds; H'OW 2. When storms came down with blackest frown, And woke the o - cean's wrath ; And 3. They worked by day, they worked al-way, As brave tars on - ly do; When d #4=4 ^ZjjfUjf. d F -*<- true men brave on o-cean's wave, Win fame's most worthy meeds ! And' high to - day, in one lost bark in tern - pest dark, Lay in the mad wind's path, Heav'n, pleased to prove how from the wave they strive to save, A sink - ing ves - sel's crew; A shout rose high, "All i F ^ r E ,r-H^F m J m \m * 1 ^y * m grate - ful lay, 'Mid mu - sic's witching spells, Let ev - 'ry lip bless that good ship, Brave hu - man love In Al - bi'n bosoms dwells, Turn'd to that wreck, that death-swept deck, Brave saved !" they cry ! Hark how the pae - an swells ! 'Till earth's far bound rings with the sound," God /a jg-LJgg ^ Crighton's ship, Three Bells. Crighton's ship, Three Bells bless the ship, Three Bells ! gi'g: ''. I Oh !J Oh! the good ship, Three Bells! Oh! the good ship, Three 3*-^- Three Bells! ^ SP *=* a Bells! With her srur - dy crew, And her cap "- tain true, That man the good Three Bells! ar ~^L_ ^ftireeJBeUs! r 333 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. RELIGION is reproached with not being progressive; it makes amends by being imperishable. The endur- ing element in our humanity is not in the doctrines which we concisely elaborate, bat in the faiths which unconsciously dispose of us, and never slumber but to wake again. What treatise on sin, what philosophy of retribution, isas fresh as the fifty-first Psalm ? What scientific theory has lasted like the Lord's Prayer ? It is an evidence of movement that in a library no books become sooner obsolete tlian books of science. It is no less a mark of stability that poetry and religious literature survive, and even ultimate philosophies seldom die but to rise again. These, and with them the kindred services of devotion, are the expressions of aspirations and faiths which forever cry out for in- terpreters and guides. And in proportion as you car- ry your appeal to those deepest seats of our nature, you not only reach the firmest ground, but touch ac- cordant notes in every human heart, so that, inevitably, the response turns out a harmony. Dr.Martineau. TOUCH NOT THE CUP. T. H. BAYLT. JAMBS H. AIKMAH. 1. Touch not the cup, k is death to thy soul; Touch not the cup, touch not the 2. Touch not the cup when the wine glistens bright; Touch not the cup, touch not the 3. Touch not the cup, young man, in thy pride; Touch not the cup, touch not the 4. Touch not the cup, oh, drink not a drop; Touch not the cup, touch not the cup; cup; cop; cup; : Pi i i .. U 1 bbtr'T-b Ma - ny I know who have quaffed from that bowl; Though like the ru - by it shines in the light; Hark to the warn -ing of thousands who've died; All that thon lov - est en - treat thee to stop; Touch Touch Touch Touch not the not the not the not the s-ThE i i Lit - tie they thought that the demon was there, Kindly they drank and were caught in the snare ; Fangs of the ser- pent are hid in the bowl, Deep-ly the poi - son may en - ter thy soul, Go to their lone - ly and des - o - late tomb, Tbinkof their death, of then* sorrow and gloom; Stop! for the home that to thee -s so dear, Stop ! for the friends that to thee are so near, Then of that death-dealing bowl, oh, be - ware; Touch not the cop, Soon will it plunge thee be - yond thy con - trol; Touch not the cup, Think that perhaps thoumay'st share in their doom; Touch not the cup, Stop! for thy conn - try, in trembling and fear, Touch not the cup, touch it not. touch it not touch it not touch it not m I FEEL sore at heart now. One of the noblest na- tures that used to sit in these seats, one I loved and who lored me ; whose hand was as large in its gener- osity as a prairie ; who had all the prospects of a noble and useful life, who cc i- .\d restrain himself and stop when he'd a mind to. But he has gone down to such a degree in intemperance that his friends have given him up in despair. How many of that kind have I seen ; and the time as it passed did not suffice for him, or for them. They say : " To be sure I smoke ; but only seven to ten cigars a day ; but it is not a necessity for me I can give it up." Or, *' I know I dnnk a little ; but it is not a necessity for me ; I can give it up to-day." But they don't ; and they don't next year, or the year after ; and when they hear the roar of the tide of perdition, over the verge of which they will plunge finally, they can't. The time when men ouphtto stop is when they first see the peril; when there is time enough for judgment, enough to bring the higher qualities of the mind to sit in judgment over the lower. Beecher*. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 339 J. J. ROUSSEAU. THOUGHTS OF WONDER. With, spirit. =W I 1 1 \ lE 1. Thoughts of won -der! O how migh-ty! How stu -pen-dous! how pro - found! 2. Thous - ands thro' the hours of darkness, Stud the con - cave of the sky : 3. Pause, my thoughts, lo! numerous be -ings Move on ev' - ry plan - et there; 3=F* All the stars that spar - kle Thousands, thousands hid from All for breath, and life, and yon-der, Roll in orbs of vast - ness round. science, Shine un - seen by mor - tal eye. guidance, Sub - ject to their Mak-er's care. -r r- r r ^3: -^j- -*,- ^r Thoughts of won - der ! O how might - y ! How stu - pen - dous ! how pro - found ! Thoughts of won- der! O how might -y! How stu pen-dous! how pro -found! 4. Every world has hills and valleys, And His hand formed every flower, Every golden-winged insect, Sporting in the fragrant bower. CHO. 5. Every little joy and sorrow, Every hope and every fear, Follow His supreme direction, Fully as some mighty sphere. CHO. HEAVEN IS MY HOME. T. B. TAYLOR. UR S. 1. I'm but a stranger here, Heaven is my home ; Earth is a desert drear, Heaven is my home. 2. What tho' the tempest rage, Heaven is my home; Short is my pilgrimage, Heaven is my home. 3. Thereat my Saviour's side, Heaven is my home; I shall be glor-i-fied, Heaven is my home. DangerandsorrowstandRoundmeon every hand, Heav'n is my father-land, Heav'nismyhome. Time's cold and wintry blast, Soon will be overpast I shall reach home at last, Heav'nismyhome. Tht.. x 2 are Cae good and blest, Those I loved most and best,There, too, I soon shall rest, Heav'n is my home. 34Q FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Hm in this book which I was reading when yon so kindly came to see me, are withered flowers, which I have gathered in my rambles and keep as friends and companions of pleasant places, streams and meadows, and of some who have been with me, and now are not There is one, this single yellow flower what is it, that, as I hold it, makes me think of it as I do ? Faded flowers have something, to me, miraculous and supernatural about them : though, in fact, it is nothing wonderful that the texture of a flower being dried survives. It is not in the flower, but in our immortal spirit that the miracle is. All these delightful thoughts that come into my mind when I look at this flowerthoughts and fan- cies, and memories what are they but the result of the alchemy of the immortal spirit, which takes all the pleasant , fragile things of life, and transmutes them into immortality in our own nature ! And if the poor spirit and intellect of man can do this, how much more may the supreme creative intellect mould and form all things, and bring the presence of the supernatural face to face with us in our daily walk! Earth becomes to s, if we thus think, nothing but the garden of the Lord, and every fellow-being we meet and see in it, a beautiful and invited guest ; and, as I think, I remember many of the heathen poets, after their manner, have said very fine things about this ; that we should rise cheerfully from this life, as a grateful guest rises from an abundant feast; and though doubtless they were very dark and mistaken, yet I confess they always seemed to me to have something of a dose and entire fellowship with the wants of men, which I think the Saviour would have approved. If you, sir, can receive this mystery, and go through the honorable path of life which lies before you, looking upon yourself as an immortal spirit walk- ing among supernatural things for the natural things of this life would be nothing were they not moved and LORD, DISMISS US WITH THY BLESSING. W. SMIKLKT, 1774. ' SICXUAX M AKINEKS' Hnot" 1. Lord, dis - miss us with Thy Mess - ing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us 2. Thanks we give, and ad - o - ra - tion, For the Gos- pel's joy - ful sound; May the , J^h I J.^.j , ra p .fa f^iQg i*"^ iggjg ^ i^.i <- |^p*iy[p k[^ [^ |[ J jp|r"^Jr r~t^ : TPi 2=3 ^ ^ each, Thy lore pos - ses* - ing, Triumph in re - deem-ing grace : O re - fruits of Thy sal - va - tion In our hearts and lives a - bound: Mty Thy fresh us, O pres - ence, May re Thy fresh us, Trav - cling through this wil - der - ness, pres - ence With us ev er - more be found. animated by the efficacy of that which is above nature I think you may find this doctrine a light which will guide your feet in dark places ; and it would seem, un- less I am mistaken, that this habit of mind is very likely to lead to the blessedness of the Beatific Vision of God, on the quest of which you have happily entered so young; for surely it should lead to that state to which this vision is promised the state of those who are Pure in Heart For if it be true, that the reason we see not God is the grossness of this tabernacle wherein the soul is incased, then the more and the oftener we recognize die supernatural in our ordinary life, and not only ex- pect and find it in those rare and short moments of de- votion and prayer, the more, surely, the rays of the Divine Light will shine through the dark glass of this tward form of life, and the more our own spirit will he enlightened and purified by it, until we come to that likeness to the Divine Nature, and that purity of heart to which a share of the Beatific Vision is promised, and which, as some teach, can be attained by being abstract from the body and the bodily life. As we see every day that the supernatural in some men gives a particular brightness of air to the countenance, and makes the face to shine with an inimitable lustre, and if it be true that in the life to come we shall have to see through a body and a glass however transparent, we may well practise our eyes by making this life spiritual, as we shall have also to strive to do in that to which we go. My pre- decessor, doubtless a very worthy man ( for I knew him not ), has left it recorded on his tombstone as I will show yom in the church that he was * full of cares and full of years, of neither weary, but fall of hope and of heaven." I should desire that it may be faithfully re- corded of c that I was the same I " FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 341 WHEN SHALL WE MEET AGAIN? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 1. When shall we meet a - gain, 2. When shall love free - ly flow 3. Up to that world of light 4. Soon shall we meet a - gain, -+ (* Meet ne'er to sev - er? Pure as life's riv - er? Take us, dear Sav - iour; Meet ne'er to sev er; When wffl peace When shall sweet May we all Soon shall peace wreathe her chain Round us for - ev - er ? Our hearts will Aiend-ship glow Change-less for . ev - er? Where joys ce - there a - nite, Bless - ed for - ev - er ; Where kin - dred wreathe her chain Round us for - ev - er ; Our hearts will ne'er les - spir then re - pose, tial thrill, its dwell, re - pose Safe Where Inert Se- iff: J from each blast that blows, In this dark vale of woes, bliss each heart shall fill, And fears of part - ing chill may our mu - sic swell, And time our joys dis - pel cure from world -ly woes; Our songs of praise shall close Nev. Nev. Nev. Nev. rit. er no, er no, er no, er no, nev nev nev nev er ! er! er ! er ! n ^ JESUS, THE VERY THOUGHT. " MAWOAH." BKRNAKO. Rossmt. sus, the ve ry thought of Thee With sweetness fills the 2. Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, Nor can the mem - ory 3. O Hope of ev* - ry con - trite heart, O Joy of all the J3- -^ ~ breast; find, metk, But sweet er far Thy face to see, And in Thy pres - ence rest. A sweet - er sound than Je - sus' Name, The Sav - iour of man - kind. To those who fall, how kind Thou art ! How good to those who seek ! r 4 But what to those who find ? Ah ! this Nor tongue nor pen can show ; The love of Jesus, what it is None but His loved ones know. 5 Jesus, our only joy be Thon, As Thou our prize wilt be ; In Thee be all our glory now, And through eternity. 342 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. LOCH LOMOND. Ou> SCOTCH Sow. 1. By yon bonnie banks, And by yon bonnie braes, Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lo-mond Where 2. 'Twas then that we parted In yoi . shady glen On the steep, steep side of Ben Lo - mond Where 3. The wee birdie sang And the wild flowers spring And in sunshine the waters are sleep -ing, But the me and my true love Were ever wont to gae On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. Oh ! in pur -pie hue The Highland hills we view And the moon coming out in the gloaming. Oh ! broken heart it kens Nae second Spring again Tho 'the waeful may cease frae their greet -ing. Oh! ye'll take the high road and I'll take the low road, And I'll be in Scot -land a - fore ye, But P w=\ F r r i &i me and my true love we'll never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lo - mond. ^P^P^P ' ^ U U ' ^ 1 * Ezfc ^ -t^v- V-tr 1 1 ' C ^ UtTpU' HARD TIMES. STEPHEN C. FOSTER. ^ -fr N fr P=f=R: * -IN N- r==3= Let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tears While we all sap sorrow with the While we seek mirth and beauty and music light and gay There are frail forms fainting at the There's a pale drooping maiden who toils her life away, With a worn heart whose better days are 'Tis a sigh that is wafted across the troubled wave, 'Tis a wail that is heard upon the poor : There's a song that will linger for - ev er in our ears ; Oh ! Hard Times, come again no more, door : Tho'their voices are silent, their pleading looks will say : Oh ! Hard Times, come again no more, o'er : Tho' her voice would be merry, 'tis sighing all the day : Oh ! Hard Times, come again no more, shore, 'Tis a dirge that is murmured around the lowly grave : Oh ! Hard Times, come again no more. -P P P P M. f -p-m j* g- 1 1 FAVORITE SONGS FOP SCHOOL AND HOME. 343 Cktmts. 'Tis the song, the sigh of the wea ry; Hard Times, Hard Times, come again no more : Many -0- i*- -F- +-+"& -*- -**--+- * &=$* i 1 1 it days you have lingered around my cabin door, Oh! Hard Tunes, come again no more. EgjrH*- MHE-P HE Ss I OLD EASY-CHAIR BY THE FIRE. Moderate esprtssivo. JAMBS C. BECKEU =tt 1. Tae days of my youth have all si - lent - ly sped, And my locks are now grown thin and 2. Oh, she was my guardian and guide all the day, And the angel that watched round my 3. How ho - ly the place, as we gathered at night Round the al tar where peace ev - er 4. The cot - tage is gone which my in - fan - cy knew, And the place is despoiled of its gray. My hopes like a dream in the morning have fled, And nothing remains but de - bed. Her voice in a murmur of prayer died away For blessings to rest on my dwelt, To join in an anthem of praise, and unite In thanks which our hearts truly charms; My friends are all gathered beneath the old yew, And slumber in Death's folded "P erF IF P F p F P-4-P F g^P^ Yet I seem but a child as I was long a - go, When I stood by the form of my Then I thought ne'er an angel that Heaven could know, Tho' trained 'n its own peerless In his sa - cred old seat, with his locks white as snow, Sat the ven - erable form of my But oft - en with rapture my bo - som doth glow, As i think of my home and my .B-^-e^SrJ&Sr-r 1 jBL*Jg4Z-^_frJ3 sire, choir, sire, sire, &- And my dear mother sang, as she rocked to and fro Could sing like my mother, who rocked to and fro While my dear mother sang as she rocked to and fro And the dearest of mothers, who sang long ago In the old easy-chair by the In the old easy-chair by the In the old easy-chair by the In an old easy-chair by the -& fire, fire, fire, fire! 344 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THK CHEERFUL VOICE The comfort and happi- ness of home and home intercourse, let us here say, depend very much upon the kindly and affectionate training of the voice. Trouble, care, and vexation will and must, of course, come ; but let them not creep into our voices. Let only our kindly and happier feelings be vocal in our homes. Let them be so, if for no other reason, for the little children's sake. Those sensitive little beings are exceedingly suscept- ible *o the tones. Let us have consideration for them. They near s\> much that we have forgotten to hear; for, as we advance in years, our life becomes more interior. We are abstracted from outward scenes and sounds. We think, we reflect, we begin gradu- ally to deal with the past, as we have formerly vividly lived in the present. Our ear grows dull to external sound ; it is turned inward and listens chiefly to the echoes of past voices. We catch no more the merry langhter of children. We hear no more the note of the morning bird. The brook that used to prattle so KIND WORDS CAN NEVER E)IE. ABBY HUTCHINSON. e 1. Kind words can nev - er die, Cherished and blest, God knows how deep they lie, 2. Child - hood can nev - er die Wrecks of the past Float o'er the mem - o - ry, 3. Sweet thoughts can nev - er die, Though, like the flow'rs, Their brightest hues may fly 4. Our souls can nev - er die, Though in the tomb We may all have to lie, ^ rail, tempo. i 3 i Lodged in the breast ; Like childhood's sim - pie rhymes, Said o'er a thousand times, Bright to the last. Man - y a hap - py thing, Man - y a dai - sy spring, In win -try hours. But when the gen - tie dew Gives them their charms a - new, Wrapt in its gloom. What though the flesh de - cay, Souls pass in peace a - way, fcSft - J J r^ ^ JT. J m m w~\ ^ r r r h. i ^T? j * V ix s ? > bride; You'll be tak - ing some proud la - dy, And be mak - ing her your bride, fight; Yes, let them who make the quar - rels Be the on - ly men to fight i : THE DAWN OF DAY. Allegro. r=-__JS_ *. > j! SAMUEL RKAT. rftt-f -i- $ yrw- *$& j vwf^ \s ^^ 9 ' * ' 9 *-&* J I. Come and watch the daylight dawning, O'er the mountain bleak and gray, Come and see the purple 2. Come, thy foot should ne'er be weary, Never tired thy wakeful eye, Earth should ne'er seem dark and 3. Come, the lark has left the meadow, Now he soars beyond our sight, Far away from mist and ^ Refeatp. m f dim. - *:! M ! ^f * I > 4 J iH- 8 ^ morning Tinge their summits far away. GailysoundsthevoiceofgladnessO'erthevaleandthro'the dreary, When the morning gilds the sky. Birds shall plume their wings beside thee, Gaily warbling over- shadow, Singing in a world of light. Come and see what forms of glory Spring to h'fe in morning's i *=e P r dim. dint. ff grove, Here no plaintive note of sadness Tells of aught but peace and love. Tra la la la, tra la la, head, Sunbeams thro' the green leaves guide thee, Where thy steps may safely tread. Tra la la la, tra lala, ray, Come and hear the joyful sto - ry Nature tells at dawn of day. Tra la la la, tra la la, m ^ F* I i I i tra la la la, la la, tra la la la, tra la la la, la, la la, tra la. -*^ -I 1 h I V |- IX I* 350 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Music, like other studies taught as a specialty in the schools, must prove unsatisfactory at the best. One or more special teachers of music giving lessons in the different schools of a city at fixed hours, cannot usually iio the efficient work that is needed. Rote singing may serve a good purpose in many ways. It disciplines the taste and the voice, and makes many children familiar with pleasant tunes to sing at home. It does not, however, give the pupil any useful ideas that can be applied to self-advancement. To accom- plish this, music should be taught as a graded study, on the basis of a uniform system for all schools. Teachers under the direction of competent instructors, who should be required to supervise aH instruction, may become very efficient in imparting the elements of music. By this method music in the school can. be made of great practical benefit. Music is allied to- art by poetical affinity and humanizing power. It is. the most elevating of all recreations, while at the same time it forms one of the most available means for the enlivening of toil and care. In teaching draw- ing, we do not propose to make artists ; so in teach- ing music, it is not proposed to make musicians; but we can make the time devoted to this study of so much practical benefit to the pupil, that he will always feel in it an intelligent personal interest. THOSE ENDEARING YOUNG CHARMS. I DAVBNANT. > 1. Be 2. It . WW V lieve me, if all those en - dear-ing young charms, Which I gaze on so fond - ly to is not while beauty and youth are thine own, And thy cheek's unprofaned by a fair y gifts fad - ing a - way, time will but make thee more dear, Thou wouldst still be a - dored as this Oh, the heart that has tru ly loved, mo-ment thou art: Let thy love - li -ness fade nev-er for -gets, But as tru - ly loves on it will, the closer ^ And a As the round the dear ru - in, each wish of my heart, Would entwine it - self ver - dandy still, sun flower turns on her god when he sets, The same look that she gave when he rose. r * M FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. AKE THE BEST OF IT. K w 35* 1. Life is but a fleet- ing dream, Care destroys the zest of it; Swift it gli-deth 2. If your friend has e'er a heart, There is something fine in him ; Cast a - way his 3. Hap - pi - ness des - pis - es state , Tho' 'tis no dis - par - agement When the man that's 4. Trust -ing in the Power a - bove, Which, sustaining all of us, In one common I m like dark wise bond a stream Mind you make the best of it Talk not er part, Cling to what's di - vine in him : Friendship and great Has both joy and mer - ri-ment. Rank is of love Bin - deth great and small of us, Then, what and of is not ev your our the - er wea best spell may -- ry woes, re -lief, re-fined, be - fall, Troubles, or the rest of it, Make no heartless jest of it, Mon-ey'snot the test of it, Sor - rows, or the rest of it, ::: If we have but brief re - pose, Let us make the best of it. It will brighten ev - 'ry grief If we make the best of it. But a calm, con -tent- ed mind That will make the best of it. We shall o - vercome them all, If we make the best of it. 4^- HAIL TO THE BRIGHTNESS THOS, HASTINGS. 1. Hail to the brightness of Zi-on's glad morning ! Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain ; 2. Hail to the brightness of Zi-on's glad morning! Long by the proph-ets of Is-rael fore -told; 3. Lo! in the des-ert rich flowers are springing, Streams ever co-pious are gliding a- long; 4. See, from all lands, from the isles of the o-cean, Praise to Je - ho - vah as-cending on high ; Hushed be the accents of sor-row and mourning, Zi - on in triumph begins her mild reign. Hail to the millions from bondage re-turn-ing, Gen-tiles and Jews the blest vis-ion be - hold. Loud from the mountain-tops echoes are ring-ing, Wastes rise in verdure, and mingle in song. Fall'n are the engines of war and com-mo - tion, Shouts of sal - va-tion are rend-ing the sky. 352 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Balfe was a good rocalist and a fine composer. He sang in New York in 1834. He acquired such musical reputation as few English singers or com- posers have ever done. Balfe was born in Ireland, and was first distinguished as a singer. His voice was a barytone of moderate power, but his style was most beautifully finished and full of feeling. He afterwards merged the singer into the composer. His sparkling and effective operas enjoy popularity, as also his arrangement of Moore's melodies and other songs. Looking at the uses of common sense in the school- room, they are legion. It may be said of teachers what an old Scotch elder said of ministers: " There be three things a mon needs to make him a success- ful minister, viz.: gude health, religion, and gude sense ; if he can have but one o' these, let it be gude sense ; for God can gie him health, and God can gie him grace, but naebody can gie him common sense. " Music is the fourth great want of our nature ; first food, then raiment, then shelter, then music. Bovet. SILENTLY FALLING SNOW GERMAN WM. ORLAND AIR. LGUKKH. Fast. 5 1. In 2. The 3- Oh, i flakes earth bap . of a feath - er - y white, 'Tis fall - ing so gent - ly is all cov - ered to day With man - tie of ra - di py the snow-birds I see, While hop -ping and flit -ting j* *=^ ^ J L fr- Tr slow; Oh, pleas -ant to me is the sight, When si - lent - ly fall- ing the show ; It sparkles and shines in the ray, In crys' - tals of glit - ter - ing go, They tell of a les - son to me, While feed - ing in beau - ti - ful i -J= vHE- Snow, snow, Snow, snow, Snow, snow, When si - lent - ly fall - ing the In crys - tals of glit - ter - ing While feed - ing in beau - ti - ful snow; snow ; snow ; Snow, snow, snow, Snow, snow, snow, Snow, snow, snow. When si - lent ly fall - ing the snow. In crys - tals of glit - ter - ing snow. While feed - ing in beau - ti - ful snow. How spotless it s^ms, and how pure, I would that my spirit were so ! Then, long as the soul shall endure, More brightly I'd shine than the snow. Snow, snow, snow, More brightly I'd shine than the snow; Snow, snow, snow,' More brightly T .'d shine than the snow. But soon with the breath of the spring, Down streamlets and rivers 'twill flow The season of summer will bring Bright flowers for silvery snow. Snow, snow, snow, Bright flowers for silvery snow | Snow, snow, snow, Bright flowers for silvery snow. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 353 THE MOWERS' SONG. , fc- 1 ^ , -i , 1 . When early morning's ruddy light Bids man to labor go ; We haste with scythes all sharp and brieht The 2. The cheerful lark sings sweet and clear, The black-bird chirps away,And all is lively^prightly here Like 3. The maidens come in gladsome train, And skip along their way, Rejoiced to tread the grassy plain And aa 'n ^ r~ i S -r-r meadow grass to mow. We mow - ers, dal de ral day, We cut the lil-iesand- mer-ry, mer-ry May. We mow - ers, dal de ral day, We roll the swaths of green- toss the new-mown hay. The maid-ens, dal de ral day, They rake the lil-iesand- j*.JL 4*. M. JL j*. J^^M. M. jm. J*. Jt. JL j*L l 1 4^-4. ?* ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! Hey, dey, dey, yes, hey, dey, dey, We cut the lil - ies and hay. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Hey, dey, dey, yes, hey, dey, dey, We roll the swaths of green hay. ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha ! ha 1 Hey, dey, dey, yes, hey, dey, dey, T hey rake the lil - ies and hay. 'I . y. I* I* THE MILL-WHEEL. Lively. ^ . KINDERGARTEN. S K 1. The mill-wheels are clapping; the brook turns them round, clip, clap ! By day and by night is the 2. How bu-sy the wheels are in turn-ing the stone, clip, clap 1 And grinding so fine-ly the . > ^^t jt.^.*. m & -19 m. i E grain be-ing ground, clip, clap ! The mill - er is jol - ly and ev - er a - lert, That grain we have grown, clip, clap! The bak-er the flour for the bak - ing will use, And O-l L fe t^T ' ' ' t U C S U IT we may have bread and be glad like a bird, clip, clap, clip, clap, clip, clap I make us a roll, or a cake if we choose, clip, clap, clip, c/ap, clip, clap! ZfctiB 23 351. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE IMAGE OF THE ROSE. Andante con tspressiont. G. REICHARDT. 1. In yonder val - ley calm 2. And thus o'ercome with fond 3. In dark and gloomy hours I. In ei - nem Tha - le fried ly blooming, e - mo - tion of sad - ness, lich stil - le, I saw a rose, its leaves un - I lingered, charmed by this sweet The form of that dear rose I Sah ei - ne Ro - se ich fold; flower; see, steh'n; Endowed with swaeter, brighter From it my soul a joy re - Then quickly grief gives place to be - gabt mit ho - her, Sch5nheits d . beau - ty ceiv - ing, gladness, Fill - le r^ Than I a - gain can e'er be - I ne'er had felt un - til that And care and strife de - part from Wie ich noch kei - ne je hold, hour. me. seh'n, By dew - y fra - grant moss sur - rounded, Still in my in - most heart re - maineth Yes,Heav'nboth'wealand woe de - creeing, In duf - tig an - ge - schwell - tern Moo - se, Shone forth the bud The cherished im - Con-trolsour life Erschien der Knos in full age of with se - - pe vol est that cret - le grace; rose, power, Pracht, A fair - er em - blem than And ev - er in the dis To cheer my lone - li ness Und schoner als in die this rose tant fu - ture and sor - row ser Ro se Of ho - ly Shall its dear To guide and Hat nie der 3=P 3z-- Ff a f piu moto. K S -1 1 r vir - tue none mem'ry find bless me gave Tu - gend Bild ' r shall trace, A fair - er em re - pose, And ev - er in this flower, To cheer my lone ge - lacht. Und schoner als i blem than this rose Of ho - ly the dis - tant fu - ture Shall its dear - li - ness and sor - row, To guide and in die - ser Ro - se, Hat nie der FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 355 CODA. Tempo imo,molto tsfrett. vir - tue none shall trace, Of ho - ly vir - tue none mem'ry find re - pose, Shall its dear mem'ry find bless me gave this flower, To guide and bless me gave Tu - gend Bild ge - lacht, Hat nie der Tu - gend Bild shall trace. re pose. this flower. ge lacht. Im - age most dear, Im - age most dear, Im - age most dear, Lieb - li - ches Bild, SOLDIER'S FAREWELL. J. KlNKEL. 7rVp-d h-ip h h IS J _ |_ I T- f. p _ J_ g> JLLu-J ^ 4 J-r J- -* * *> ^ r==- W/ jrieve me. But "old thee; In hronging; And kiis - sen.' Ich = I. Ah, love, how can I leave thee? The sad thought deep doth { 2. No more shall I be - hold thee, Or to my heart en - 3. I'll think of thee with long - ing, When thoughts with tears come I. Weh' dasz wir schei - den mils -sen! Lasz dich noch ein - mal know what e'er be - falls me war's on ar the ray field, r pear- ly - ing. ing, musz an Kai - ser's Sei- ten I go where hon - or calls me. The foe's stern hosts are near -ing. I'll breathe thy dear name, dy - ing. in's fal - sche Welsch-land rei - ten. n ^' 1t Fare - Fare - Fare - Fahr' well, fare - well ! My own wohl, Fahr' wohl, mein ar &- H- JL true love ! Farewell, fare - well, My own true love ! mes Lieb, fahr' wohl, fahr' wohl, mein ar - mes Lieb! t Ich werd' auf Maienauen Dich niemals wiederschauen, Der Feinde grimme Schaaren Sie kommen angefahren. Ich denk' an dich mil Sehnen, Gedenk' auch mein mit Thranenl Wenn meine Augen brechen, Will ich zuletzt noch fprechen; 356 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. CHORAL SINGING. -How should a choral be sung, *nd what tunes shall we select ? How shall we know good tune when we hear it ? In answering these questions, I shall try to make myself understood by the unmusical reader. A good tune, fit to be sung by the congregation, must answer Rossini's question : " Will it grind ? " For instance, ' America" is a very good hand-organ tune. It will grind first-rate. The tune known us Dundee is better still. It contains but two kinds of notes. The figures i and 2 represent its character. They are simple numbers, closely related. The tune Arlington has four kinds of notes, that may be represented by the figures I, 2, 2^, and 4. This, you see, is an irregular arrangement. Tunes contain- ing dotted notes are not the best, because the dotted Cote destroys that straight- forward, exact, and mechan- ical character that appeals so directly to the common idea of time and numbers. In brief, the best chorals contain notes related to each other by simple numljcrs, like Old Hundred, Dundee, Luther's Chant, Mission- ary Hymn, or related by such numbers as i, 2, and 3, as Balerma, Dennis, Olmutz, Boylston and others. Of course there are exceptions to this rule. Certain tunes possess a life and animation strong enough to carry them over any ordinary difficulties. Handel's Christmas and the Portuguese Hymn are notable ex- amples. If you take pains to examine the best Ger- man chorals, you will find, as a rule, they contain only two kinds of notes long and short ones, related as I to 2. Simple and exact, they are easily caught, and are produced, as we happen to know, with wonderful effect. Having seen that simplicity of form and me- chanical exactitude are the standards of a good choral, let us see what more they should have. First come* O COME, COME AWAY. ^ AlUgro. | S W. E. HICKSO* 1. O, come, come a - way, 2. From toil and from care, 3. While sweet Phil-o - mel, 4. The bright day is gone, From labor now re - pos - ing, Let bu - sy care a- On which the day is clos - ing, The hour of eve brings The weary trav'ler cheer - ing, With evening song her The moon and stars ap - pear - ing, With silv'ry light il- r r r r-r rP$nP=i * 1 ^ v I h 8 * i i Ul h h 1 Sq S N |*i gp * * < i-d while forbear, O sweet reprieve, O notes prolong, O ., * * ! f 1 ... J - , . . J 1 ^L V- V 1 V ' y ' * y y *'' come, come a way. Come, come, our social come, come a - way. O come where love will come, come a - way. In answ'ring song of -*-* joys renew, And smile on thee, And sym - pa -thy, We'll lume the night, O come, come a - way. We'll join in grateful songs of praise, To 5 there with trust and friendship, too, Let true hearts welcome you, 'O come, come a - way. round the heart will gladness be, And time fly mer-ri-ly, O come, come a - way. sing in tuneful har-mo-ny, Of hope, joy, lib - er-ty, O come, come a - way. Him who crowns our peaceful daysWith health, hope, hap - piness, O come, come a - way. N \J J* m association. Old Hundred has a rather dry, uninter- esting melody ; yet it will never die. It has become so bound up with our dearest thoughts, and connected with our most sacred occasions, that we sing it with tearful eyes, and wonder why we love such a dear, stupid old song. Association keeps alive many a psalm that should be happily forgotten. The tunes Mear and Marlow might well be expunged from our books, as too dreary for any cheerful and sensible Christian; yet there they are likely to stay as long as you and I live. Next, the tunes should always be pitched in low keys. I have listened to congrega- tional singing for many years, and I have never heard the people sing above of the scale with ease. The people men, women and children sing the melody, and I find this the limit of their average voices. They can go higher ; but it is strained and unpleasant, neither edifying nor agreeable. The tunes should have a simple and flowing movement. The intervals or steps between the notes should not be wide nor un- usual. "America " has a remarkably singing melody, confined within seven notes. The tune Ward keeps within six; and Naomi, one of the most beautiful melodies ever written, covers only five notes. Choral music is attracting increased attention every year. It is destined to grow and improve. Let us bid it God- speed. May the day soon come when we can say ; " Yea, let all the people praise the Lord 1 " Barnard. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. POOR THO' MY COT MAY BE. 3S* BHTLY. "= ha\ 1. Poor tho' my cot may be, Time pass-es gai - ly; Health, joy, and lib - er - ty Still h"ave"been 2. Join then the mountaineer, Leave care and sor-row ; Peace and contentment here Kind hearts may =F=3=fc f jg fe-fe ^ $: mine; Would you live mer-ri - ly, Fly from the val - ley; Roam-ing the mountain free, know; Pride must no pal -ace rear, Lest with the mor-row, En - vy be lurk-ing near, -A * *r ~- ~ -jT -pi- ^ *~ I * Wh -'---" i? o can re -pine? Sweet is our song when the day -beam is brealc-ing," Speed to the Pa rent of woe. Rich-es we need not, we're hap - py with - out them : What could the ?EE m 9~f mountain top, Hunter, speed on ! " " Speed to the mountain top, Hunter, speed on ! " Joy-ous the wealth of the world give us more "} What could the wealth of the world give us more t Care, too, so =& m &j& i 2 welcomes at' night-fall a - wak-ing," Homeward, come homeward, our sports are be - gun." oft - en will hov - er a - bout them, Bet - ter by far then be hap - py, though poor. ^ 4 m JUt. i Tra, * Y & r la, la, la, tra, la, la, la, tra, la, tra, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. S 35 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. It is not tmcommon for people more or less intelli- gent to speak of music and drawing as merely orna- mental branches as distinguished from other studies. In looking the world over, what branches do we find more useful or more practical than music and draw- ing? Into the pleasure of social, or even solitary life, what branch enters so largely as music? If the objective point of education is refinement, what agent or influence is more potent? As to drawing, it en* ters every branch of industry, from the digging of a ditch to the building of a steamship. The repre- sented line is the beginning of every constructed form. A master workman may have no stronger arm, no more skilful hand, than any of his toiling underlings; but, having an eye for distance and pro- portion, he is paid well for directing those who boast JERUSALEM THE GOLDEN. ST. BERNARD, A. D. 1150. ALEXANDER EWING. NEALE tr. 1. Je ru sa 2. They stand, those 3. And they who 4. Oh, sweet and lera the halls of with their bless - ed gold en I With milk Zi on, All ju Lead - er, Have con coun try, The home and hon ey blest, bi - lant with song, quered in the fight, of God's e - lectl P Be - neath thy con - tern pla tion Sink heart and voice op - press'd, And bright with many an an - gel, And all the mar - tyr throng. For - ev er, and for . ev - er, Are clad in robes of white. Oh, sweet and bless ed coun try. That ea ger hearts ex - pectl i yft 1 1 i -~i ~j m r-j -"enrrrt"' C s r-t-^H- -J -f-^5 11 j- 1 J r 'r 'I" b r Mr' I know not, oh, i know not, What joys a - wait me there, There is the throne of Da - vid, And there from toil re - leas'd, Oh, land that see'st no sor row! Oh, state that fear'st no strife! Je sus, in mer - cy bring us To that dear land of rest; d What ra - dian - cy of glo The shout of tkem that tri - Oh, roy - al land of flow - Who art, with God the Fath ry, What bliss be - yond com - pare, umph, The song of them that feast. ersl Oh, realm and home of life I', - er, And Spir -it ev - er blest. nothing but brawn. Omitting all mention of the artistic or aesthetic value of drawing, its practical utility is enough to place it in the front rank of solid studies. But why not consider, too, its artistic uses ? Is it not suggestive that nearly all our best artists and engravers are foreigners? Properly taught, drawing is a most interesting branch to children of any age. Placed against writing as a candidate for popular favor, it wins three-fourths of the hands in any well, regulated school-room. It pleases children in a double manner, for it allows them to do and to learn at the same time, and to combine these is the secret of the best training in the schools. Let us hear no more of music and drawing not being solid studies. ^ FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. PRAYER FROM FREISCHUTZ. 359 VON WEBER. rr P. C 1. Songs, 2. Low J re - veal ing sa - cred feel ing. Toward the shin -ing stars float ly bend - ing, Towards thee wend . ing, Lord, who hast no cause nor J * SF 2 VP th'e - ter .nal Fa - ther*! e ter nal sue - cor , IN THIS THY MERCY'S DAY. Momt. 1. Lord, in this Thy mer - cy's day, Ere the time shall pass a - way, 2. Ho - ly Je sus, grant us tears, Fill us with heart search ing fears, 3. Lord, on us Thy spir . it pour, Kneel - ing low - ly at Thy door, 4. By Thy night of a gon - y, By Thy sup - pli - cat ing cry, On our knees we fall and pray. Ere the hour of doom ap - pears. Ere it close for - er - er - more. By Thy will - ing - ness to die. 5. By Thy tears of bitter woe, For Jerusalem below, Let us not Thy love forego. 6. Judge and Saviour of our race, When we see Thee face to face, Grant us 'neath Thy wings a -(lac*. 7. On Thy love we rest uone, And that love will then be known By the pardoned round Thy throne, FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Music exists for the expression of varied emotion sadness, longing, hope, triumph, aspirations toward the unobtained or the indefinite, calm fulfilment of an artistic conception of fitness and beauty; and besides these, monotony, long spell of unbroken quiescence, mental perturbation even to a positive sense of physical discomfort, are absolutely essential to relieve and heighten the more ecstatic emotions of pleasure called forth by a musical composition. We cannot always be burning with passion and reciting dramatic duets or heading triumphal processions. We do not do so in real life. This is what the Italians have failed to recognize. Then- staggering tenors and palpitating sopranos rave together down by the prompter's box in an almost unintermittent frenzy of passion; a very parody of life bereft of many of its tranquil calms and minor impressions pleasurably painful, each having its own special effect and value by contrast in relation to the rest of our lives. It is not only vivid impressions that are interesting; these heaped up one upon another constitute a plethora of over-strained excitement that will jade and exhaust themost passionate nature. There are countless experiences in life which leave us in a tranquil condition of enjoyment ; and since these make up by far the greater portion of our existence, and are the vehicle of the most powerful emotions, are they not worthy of a prominent place in so comprehensive an index of human sentiment as is music ? Chambers. THE TREES AND THE MASTER. I K I N 4 SIDNEY LANIER. ^[ -IV- J 5 grg^g 1. In - to the woods my Master went, Clean forspent for -spent, In - to the woods my 2. Out of the woods my Master went And He was well con - tent; Out of the woods my 7-fr- *= F~>- rWrih -N 4 ^ sd K 1 ^J ^ i i w -H 01 ad H i - A , fZ K i i 1 =-4^ b^-s g g 5q H j q<^ =i ^-S-0M ^4*L^-^ =N W-*- er- "-' Mas - ter came Forspent with love and shame, For Mas ter came Content with death and shame, Con .f- r- T P 1* f- -T- -f-'^F i- r ^i^ - spent with love and shame. - tent with death and shame. ^ T -r . gTit - ^^l7 4 ^F= i* rr r~ "Is *~ F- Ti~^T __| 9f j- ^ ' But the olives they were not blind to Him; The lit - tie gray leaves were kind to Him; When Death and Shame would woo Him last, From under the trees they drew Him last, *- F f roll. dint. a mind to Him, they slew Him last, When in - to the woods He came, When out of the woods He came, : f^ Andante religioso. roll. (Jr* f-f^f When in - to the woods He came, When in - to the woods He came. When out of the woods He came, When out of the woods He came. i ^^. m FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 361 MOUNTAIN Allegra ).'S INVITATION. H. WBRHBH. THOMAS POWER. 1. Come, come, come, O'er the hills free from care, In my home true pleasures share, Blossoms sweet, 2. Come, come, come, Not a sigh, not a tear, E'er is found in sad -ness here, Mu- sic soft 3. Come, come, come, When the day's gently gone, Evening shad - ows com - ing on, Then, by lore .e ^ *> ^ ""' ^ *a *t ^i *m ^ flow'rs most rare, Come where joys are found. Here the sparkling dews of morn, Tree and shrub with breathing near, Charms a- way each care. Birds in joy-ous hours a-mong Hill and dale, with kind - ly won, Tru - est bliss be tiune. Ne'er was found a bliss so pure ; Ne - ver joys so J6ULJUU & PPP jg-%- Si gems a - dorn, Jew els bright, gai - ly worn, Beau-ty all a - round. Tra la la la grate-ful song, Dearest strains here pro -long, Vo - cal all the air. Tra la la la long en-dure i Who would not love se - cure? Who would joys de-cline? Tra la la la la la la, Tra la la, la la la la. Jew-els bright, gai-ly worn, Beauty all a - round, la la la, Tra la la, la la la la. Dearest strains here prolong, Vocal all the air. la la la, Tra la la, la la la la. Who would not love secure? Who would joys decline? S * V9 HOBBY-HORSE, t t KJKDBRG ARTDL I. Hop, hop, hop! Nim-ble as a top, Where 'tis smooth and where 'tis sto - ny, 2 Whoa, whoa, whoa! How like fun you go ! Ver - y well, my lit - tie po - ny, 3. Here, here, here! Yes, my po - ny dear; Now with oats and hay I'll treat you, M Trudge a - long, my lit - tie po - ny, Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop ! Nimble as a top. Safe's our jaunt tho' rough and sto-ny, Spare, spare, spare, spare, spare ! Sure enough we're there. And with smiles will ev - er greet you, Po - ny, po - ny dear! Yes, my po-ny dear. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. " SPEAK GENTLY." The following reminiscences of a popular song will interest those with whom it is a favorite : David Bates, the author of the poem " Speak Gently," was a Philadelphia broker. He was styled by the board of brokers it was their custom to nick- name each other " Old Mortality." Prominent liter- ary men of the day frequented his office on Third street. None of his other numerous poems obtained the popularity of " Speak Gently." This was written on the spur of the moment, and was called out by a trivial circumstance. He was writing at his desk, and his wife was sewing in the same room, while his son and a little playmate were basing a very spirited romp. The uproar they created greatly disturbed the good lady, and she requested them to be quieter. They sub- sided for a few moments, but soon there was as much commotion as before, and she reproved them again ; but the noise continued. Then she sprang to her feet, and, in no gentle tone, said, " I'll teach you to be quiet!" and both of the boys would have had their ears boxed, but they rushed very quickly for the door, and were out of sight before she could reach them. "Speak gently, wife speak gently," said Mr. Bates, and turning again to his desk, he took a fresh sheet of paper, and wrote the poem that bears this title. At the supper table that evening he handed it to his wife. She glanced at the title, and thinking it a second reproof, said she did not want to see it, and gave it back to him without reading it. The next day, at his office, one of his literary friends coming in, he showed it to him. " This is a good thing, Bates," said his friend; "you should have it published." And acting upon the suggestion, he sent it with a note to L. A. Godey, editor of Godey's Magazine, published SCOTCH CRADLE-SONG. ino. OLD LULLABY. t-*\M ^ {Ba - loo, Ba - loo, ba - loo, my wee, wee thing, O saft - ly close thy blink - in' e'e ; "> ba - loo, my wee, wee thing, For thou art doub - ly dear to me. / Thy Thy fa - ther now is far a - wa', A sail - or lad -die o'er the sea; But face is sim - pie, sweet and mild, Like o - ny sim-mer e'e - nin' fa', Thy but thy fa - ther's ab - sence lang Might break my dow - ie heart in twa' Wert hope spark tliou aye hechts his safe re -turn To you, my bon -nie lamb, an' me. -lin' e'e is bon - nie black, Thy neck is like the moun - tain snaw. na left a daw - tit pledge To steal the ee - rie hours a - wa'. D.G. in Philadelphia. Within a few days he received a check from Mr. Godey for one hundred dollars, with a note complimenting the poem. Mr. Bates looked at the check with amazement, and exclaimed, " Well, this is the biggest one hundred dollars I ever saw!" He kept it locked up in his desk for some time, and would occasionally take it out and look at it. The poem has been translated into many lane^uages, and is greatly admired by foreigners, especially by the cul- tured Brazilian Emperor. When Rev. J. C. Fletcher, the celebrated American missionary, was in Brazil, he visited Dona Pedro. During the call of the rever- end gentleman, the Emperor said, " I have something to show you, and shall be very glad if you can tell me the name of the author." He at once led the way into his private library, where one of the most prominent objects in the room was a large tablet reach- ing from the floor to the ceiling, on which appeared the familiar poem " Speak Gently," in both the English and the Portuguese languages." "Do you know who wrote this?" asked Dom Pedro. " Yes," replied Mr. Fletcher; "the writer was formerly a fellow-towns- man of mine, Mr. David Bates." "I consider it," said the Emperor, " the most beautiful poem of any language that I have ever read. I require all the members of my household to memorize it, and as far as possible, to follow its teachings." Upon Mr. Fletcher's return home, the Emperor sent by him a complimentary letter to the author, expressing his ap- preciation of the lines and his gratification at learning their authorship. This beautiful little poem, set to very appropriate music an air from " Mantana," by Wallace is found in the Franklin Square Song Collec- tion, No. 2, the vocal harmony arranged in four parts. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. STRIKE THE CYMBAL. 363 Chants. PUCTITA. Alltsro. f Strike the cymbal, roll the tymbal, Let the trump of triumph sound ; Powerful si inging ! Headlong \ From the riv-er, reject-ing quiver, Judah's hero takes the stone. Spread your banners ! Shout ho- ixV f a ' i bringing Proud Go-li - ath to the ground. 1 , . t , , , sannas I Bat - tie is the Lord's a . lone. } See ad ' vances Wlth **& and dances AU the & i f* i Chorus. band of Israel's daughters; Catch the sound, ye hills and waters, Spread your banners! Shout ho- 6 EE tr 1 - ^^ _ I > __ !_ _. , Solo. Slow. ^ 3? ^2*3^333 sannas! Bat-tie is the Lord's a-lone. What are haughty monarchs now? Lo! before Jehovah bow! :g|PFir f- : S rir-rT ^ *^ es m r Chorus. & fcM: i m m a- m \ * & ^5 3 Pride of princes, strength of kings, To the dust Je - ho - vah brings. Praise him ! praise him, ex - X =* Fine. 'F^F- W-^- Ji_jl 7^- r lx> ix Ix ult-ing nations, praise, Praise him, praise him, ex-ult-ing nations, praise, Hosan-na, Ho - san - na | s=z -tx-ix- 364 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. A correspondent of one of the leading reviews of Scotland makes a plea for good singing as follows : If the visit to this country of certain Americans interested in the introduction and improvement of church music, were to have no other result, it would still do great good by directing attention to that which should be an inte- gral and important part of the service, the only part of worship in many of our churches in which the people take an audible share. As the old woman excused herself for hearing Dr. Chalmers reading a discourse by saying, *Ay, but it was fell readin' that," so we may say of this, it's "fell" singing. Mr. Sankey has a magnificent voice clear, sweet and melodious-; and his feeling of the truth and beauty and solemnity of what he is singing communicates an indescribable pathos and tenderness to his utterance. Then he has learned what is so carefully attended to in some American schools and so little regarded here, distinct utterance. BONNIE CI A-4 i p 1ARLIE. FINLHY thn. LADY KAIKNK. fl> 4 j' J >~ e^ -* 1 - -* I. Bon - nie Char - 2. Ye trust - ed in 3. Eng lish bribes JBEj-*: : j8-^ 9 -U- ^=^ g ^--^-^-^ 1- lie's now a wa; Safe ly owre the your Hie - land men, They trust - ed you, dear were a' in vain, Tho' puir and puir - er friend ly main ; Char - lie ! we maun be tftr r r K J J* \ d TI ^ L M?^ i 4= K 9 4- +-r-d r H- 1 J sh j S_ in SP A A Mon - y They kent Sil - j^r -*r a your ler , *- 11 SL heart hid can =5F will ing - na *= JL^ g i ^^^gJ-jg-^4j' rr* gT ---*--. *|3-.J j-94. d i 3 -^i O - ver all the world a ranger, Ev'rywhere a welcome stranger, Speeds afar on Christmas eve ! 366 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. MOTHERS, think less of your furniture and more of the character of your children. A scratch upon the soul of your son is a far greater blemish than a scratch upon your piano. Rather your parlor carpet soiled than the reputation of your child. Let Home compete with club-house or saloon in attractiveness. Let into your windows the broad streams of light during the day, and let there be brightness and cheerfulness at night. Hang pictures on the wall, have flowers, have good books on the table, and musical instruments near by. Let song and the harmony of violin or flute, organ or piano, pleasant converse, innocent game* banish the demons of dullness and apathy. Stimulate* by means of the home, a love for the true and the beautiful, a love for higher aims and purer endeavors, and you will do for your children what no tune and no circumstances can undo. You have dowered them with life's truest treasures. In that " home " you have fitted them for noble and useful lives. " My office," says a distinguished clergyman, "brings me often to the resting place of the dead, and there are tombstones, many, and many laudatory inscriptions upon them, but LITTLE BOY BLUE. Dolce, J. E. SMITH. EUGENE FIELD. 1. The lit - tie toy dog 2. " Now, don't you go till 3. Ah, faithful to Lit -tie is covered with dust, But stur-dy and staunch he I come," he said, "And don't you make an - y Boy Blue they stand, Each in the same old stands ; And the noise!" So, place, A- EJS SSI r^ hands. Time toys: And face ; And they lit - tie toy soldier is tod - dling off to his waiting the touch of a red with rust, And his musket it moulds in his trun - die bed, He dreamed of the pret - ty lit - tie hand, The smile of a lit - tie was when the lit - tie toy dog was new, And the soldier was pass - ing as he was dreaming an an gel song A - wakened our Lit - tie Boy wonder, as wait - ing these long years thro' In the dust of that lit - tie fair, And Blue Oh, the chair, there was the time when our Lit-tle Boy Blue Kissed them and put them there, years are ma - ny, the years are long, But the lit tie toy friends are true. What has become of our Lit - tie Boy Blue, Since he kissed them and put them there. never yet have I read a higher tribute than that which a family of children inscribed upon one of them : ' Our Mother, she always made home happy.' I have little fear for such children. With such a remembrance of such a mother, in such a home, they cannot go wrong. Should they stray, that memory is sufficient to cause them to retrace their steps." A story is told of a num- ber of soldiers during the war, who gave themselves up one night to revelry, loud talk, indecent stories, and songs, of which some, at least, could only be condemned. Among them sat a young man who took no part hi their drunken carousal. His comrades taunted him;: made sport of his stupidity, as they called it, and at length prevailed on him to give a toast. He arose and said, " Comrades, I give you, ' Our Mothers and our Homes / " The effect was instantaneous no more revelry, no more indecent stories, no more ribald song that night. A solemn silence ensued. Tears rolled down many a hardened cheek. One after another they went to their tents, and prayers ascended that night, if never again, from hearts unused to pray. Such, is the magic of these simple wvcd&.~~Rcv.J.Krauskopf,. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THE MAID OF THE MILL. Andante graaioso. i w i HAMILTON AIDS. STEPHEN ADAMS. V-fc- $ Cantobile. > 1. Golden years a -go in a mill beside the sea, There dwelt a lit - tie maid - en, who 2. Leaden years have passed, grey-haired I look around; The earth has no such maidens now, such * plighted her faith to me; The mill-wheel now is si - lent, the maid's eyes clos-ed be ; And mill-wheels turn not round. But whene'er I think of Heav'n.and of what the an - gels be, I := Tempo di Valse, e con dolcezta. 3J P 3^ all that now remains of her, are the words she sang to me. " Do . not for - get me ! see a - gain that lit - tie maid, and hear her words to me. "Do not for - get me! . &+. pocopiu tnosso. f Do not for -get me! Think some - times of me still, I I When the morn breaks. ^=^= -&^*- f -=W frii r-p^i 4MK- if a -lone or last? And boast he was true, as coward might do, when per-il is past? ii 1] i r .*H p K IT f r ig tx Ix ix Ix ix 1> IX X* IX 1 T-^ ^rr* T7 Glo- ry and love to the men of old, Their sons may cop -y their vir-tues bold. IX * ix I kx FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 369 L -JJL^J Cour - age in heart, and a sword in hand, Read-y to fight for Fa - ther \* \f m m 10 m ' U"5 > ftra land. Now home a - gain, we come, the long and fie - ry strife of bat - tie -f=2^^L JLJL ^L FTf Cut g g C g Z-r r rcrgir grTrrrT tt fi l Jj > i > J i *i S r^r^ ^ o ver. Rest is pleasant af - ter toil, as hard as ours beneath a stranger 1 I* I I* ' I U 1 U'l ^-n 32: Ma - ny a maid-en fair 2." is wait-ing here to greet her tru - ant sol- dier F f F F F Fi i i ^ ^^=^=^ lov - er, And many a heart will fail, and brow grow pale to hear the tale of per - il he has 'f \T L"J p r r. r I~F ^=h r c r fep^ r ^-^^-^ seen. We are at home, we are at home, we are at home, we are at home. ^ S: i 1 i i F V l*-t v-^\ v -*-\ V-* t^-t- FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ALICE, WHERE ART THOU? -fc T. ASCHHR. *. GUERNSEY. Andantt con tsprcssicme. I. The birds sleeping gen -tly. Sweet Lu - na gleameth bright, Her rays tinge the for - est, And 8.Thesil-ver rain fall -ing Just as it fall-eth now; And all things sleep gen-tly ! Ah! *& all seem glad to night. The wind sighing by me, Cool - ing my fever'd brow; The Al ice, where art thou ? I've sought thee by lake-let, I've sought thee on the hill, And f-f- :S: B ^ -gN 2^ +-- + *w-* stream floors as ev - er, Yet, Al - ice, where art thou? One year back this e - ven, in the pleas - ant wildwood. When winds blew cold and chill ; I've sought thee in for - est; And I'm thou wert by my side, look ing heav'n - ward now, And thou wert by my side, I'm look ing heav'nward now, r I- *r t fed am Vow Oh! ing . there 'mid to love me; One year past the star-shine, I've sought thee tnis e - ven, And in for - est, I' a a& *j ji thou look wert by my side, Vow - ing to love me, Al - ice, what - e'er might be - tide, ing heav'nward now, Oh ! there a - mid the star-shine, Al - ice, I know, art thou. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 371 NEW HAIL COLUMBIA. ited F. HOPKINSON, 1798. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, 1887. ^=^ 1798 I 2 3 Hail, Co-lum-bia ! hap- py land, Hail, ye heroes, heav'n-born band, Who fonght and bled in Look our ransomed snores around, Peace and safe-ty we have found! Welcome, friends who Graven deep with edge of steel, Crowned with Victory's crimson seal, All the worll their Hail, Co-lum-bia ! strong and free, Throned in hearts from sea to sga ! Thy march th-uuiph ant 1- freedom's cause, Who fought and bled in freedom's cause, And when the storm of war was gone En - once were foes ! Welcome, friends who once were foes, To all the conquering years have gained, A. names shall read| All the world their names shall read, Enrolled with his, the Chief that led The Hill par - sue I Thy march triumphant still pur - sue With peaceful stride from zone to zone, Till joy'd the peace your val- or won. Let in - de-pendence be our boast, na - tion's rights, a race unchained ! Children of the day new-born, hosts, whose blood for us was shed. Pay our sires their children's debt, Free- dom finds the world her own! Blest in Union's ho - ly ties, Ev - er Mind-ful Love and Let our mind - ful of its hon - or,- grateful -L * *- what it cost; Ev - er grate -ful for the prize, Let its al - tar reach the skies, glorious morn, Let the pledge our Fath- ers signed, Heart to heart for -fev- er bind! nor for - get On - ly Un - ion's gold- en key Guards the ark of Lib - er - ty ! song a - rise, Ev - ery'voice its trib - ute lend, All in lov - ing cho - rus blend I g x g=g r r T t Chorus. 5 1798. Firm, u - ni - ted, let us be, Ral - ly - ing round our lib - er - ty, (1-3). While the stars of heaven shall burn, While the o-cean tides re - turn, As a band of broth - ers join'd, Peace and safe - ty we shall find. Ev - er may the circ - ling sun Find the Ma - ny still are One ! """ i JIL I J % I*- rW Written, by request, for Centennial of Constitution of United States at Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1887. 372 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. ELEMENTS OF MUSIC 1. A Musical Sound is called a Tone. 2. Every tone has the three properties of Length, Pitch, and Power. 3. There are, therefore, three departments in the Elements of Music : 1. Rhythmics, treating of the Length of Tones. 2. Melod'ics, treating of the Pitch of Tones. 3. Dynam'ics, treating of the Power of Tones. The word Rhythmics is derived from the Greek verb " rAeo," meaning to flow, as in the measured movement of poetic lines. Melod'ics is from the Greek " melod'eo" to sing harmoniously, or " me- lod'ia," a tune to which lyric poetry is set, a choral song, from ' mel'odos" musical or melodious. Dy- nam'ics is from the Greek "dun'amai" to be able, or " dun' amis" force, energy, power. Rhythmics comprehends all rhythmic things, or whatever may be derived from the primary fact that tones may be long or short It includes also the rhythmic structure of phrases, sections and periods. Melodies includes everything that may proceed from the primary distinction of low or high, or from the property of pitch. The word "melody," as com- monly used, is of much more limited signification, referring only to a pleasing succession of tones in rhythmic order or to an ordinary tune form. Dy- namics embraces not only the mere force of tones, but also their manner or form of delivery. RHYTHMICS : Length of Tones. NOTES AND RESTS. 4. Notes are characters used to designate two things: By their position on the staff they give the Pitch of the tone, and by their form they indicate its Length. The following are the notes in common use, the relative length of the tones which they represent being indicated by their names. WHOLE-NOTE. HALF-NOTE. QUARTER. EIGHTH. SIXTEENTH. rrce A character \a\ called a Breve, or Double-Note, is sometimes used. It represents a tone twice as long as that represented by a Whole Note. G. Kests are characters used to indicate silence. 7. The following are the Rests in common use; the relative length of the portions of time which they represent, corresponds to that of the notes; it is indi- cated by their names ; the whole rest may also rep- resent a whole measure rest without regard to the kind of time : WHOLE-REST. HALF-REST QUARTER. EIGHTH. SIXTEENTH. For brevity and convenience, we shall hereafter speak of the length of notes, meaning the length of the tones represented by them. 8. A Dot placed after a note or a rest increases its length one-half. A dotted whole note is equal to three halves; a dotted half to three quarters. The same is true of Rests. Thus : 9. Two Dots placed after a note or a rest in- crease its length three-fourths, the second dot adding one-half the length of the first. Thus : 10. The Figure 3 placed above or below threa equal notes reduces their length to two of the same land. Thus, f r f equals in length f . Notes written in this manner are called Triplets. 11. Two or more notes may represent a singl* tone by the use of a character called a Tie. ID vocal music the hooks attached to the notes may ba joined for the same purpose, and the notes should ba sung to one syllable. The Slur is used when tha notes differ in pitch, the Tie x when they are ol the same pitch. MEASURES AND PARTS. 12. Music is divided into Measures and Parts into Measures by single bars and into Parts by double bars. The time of each measure is tha same as that of every other measure in the part and is determined by the fraction placed at the beginning of each part If a part is to be repeated, dots, called Repeating Dots, precede the double bar. 13. Measures are again divided into certain parts, which may be indicated to the ear by Counting, as "one, two," "one two," etc.; or to the eye by motions of the hand, called Beats, or Beating Time. The length of notes may frequently be estimated, but in complicated movements, it must be indicated as above by some simple mediod of measurement 14. A Measure divided into two parts is called Double Measure; three parts, Triple Measure ; four parts, Quadruple Measure; six parts, Sextuple Measure. Thus: DOUBLE. TRIPLE. QUADRUPLE. SEXTUPLE MEASURE. irri irrri irrrri irrrrrri 15. Each kind of Measure may have several va rieties, depending upon the length of the notes which are expressed by the denominator of the fraction. Th following are some of the common varieties : DOUBLE. TRIPLE MEASURE. QUADRUPLE MEASUR% irrri nrrrrl irrrri' FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 373 The pupil should, of course, be taught that a Meas- ure may be filled with other notes than those used in the above examples. Let him fill the measures with notes of different lengths, rests, etc. As will be seen, a piece of music may begin on any part of a measure. When it begins on a fractional part, it ends on a frac- tional part; and the two parts thus formed equal a complete measure. 16. The Numerator of the Fraction at the beginning of the above examples indicates the num- ber of beats into which the measure is divided ; the Denominator indicates the kind of note which will fill each beat. Thus, ^ shows that there are three beats in the measure, and that a quarter note will fill each beat. 17. The limits or boundaries of Measures, as has been said, are marked by light vertical lines, called Bars, the end of a Part being marked by a heavy vertical line, or Double Bar. 18. The end of a line of poetry in hymnal music is also sometimes indicated by a heavy vertical line, or Double Bar, which can have no effect upon the measure. 1JJ. The end of a piece of music is indicated by P a character called a Close. 20. Beating Time is designating each part of a Measure by a motion of the hand. In Double Measure, the hand moves down, up; Triple Measure, down, left, up; Quadruple Measure, down, left, right, up; Sextuple MeasurejX&ww, /*/?, left, right,up,up; or in rapid movement, down, up. This may vary ac- cording to the taste of the instructor, each having his own method of indicating accent. 21. Counting Time is designating each part of a Measure by a number. In Double Measure, we count one, two; Triple Measure, one, two, three; Quadruple Measure, one, two, three, four; Sextuple Measure, one, two, three, four, five, six ; or one, two. The exercises of beating and counting time are very valuable, and should be practiced frequently. Beating time requires motions of the hand at exactly equal points of time; counting time requires counts at ex- actly equal points of time. It is common to speak of tones " as so many beats long," or " so many counts long." When the leader tells which way the hand is moving, he is said to be describing the time. Select melodies from the book for the purpose of affording variety of practice. Let the class be divided into parts, singing and counting or beating time altern- ately. Ability to count inaudibly should be acquired as soon as possible, for this is essential to success. 22. Accent is a stress given to certain parts of the Measure. In Double Measure, the first part is accented; in Triple Measure, \hefirst part; in Quad- ruple Measure, the first and third parts ; in Sextuple Measure, the first and fourth parts. In measures containing two accents, the first is the principal and therefore louder. The accents may fall away when followed by a rest, and may be changed when fol- lowed by a longer note, this note receiving the accent and being therefore called a Syncopated note. These rules are, however, becoming somewhat obsolete in vocal music, the accented syllables and emphatic words determining the parts to be accented. 23. A Syncopated Note, then, is one that begins on an unaccented part of a measure and con- tinues on an accented part. Thus, in the second is a Syncopated Note, or a Syncope, and should always be accented, that is, expressed forcibly, as if so iked. 24. The length of the beats in each Measure is indicated by certain Italian words, sometimes modi. fied by other words added thereto, of which the fol lowing are the most common : Adagio Very slow movement. Allegretto Cheerful, not so fast as Allegro. Allegro Quick, lively, vivacious. Andante Rather slow, gentle, distinct Andantino Somewhat quicker than Andante. Largo Very slow and solemn. Larghetto Less slow than Largo. Lento Slow. Moderate Moderate. Presto Very quick. Prestissimo With greatest rapidity. MELODICS : Pitch of Tones. THE STAFF. 25. The Staff is used to represent the relative pitch of Tones. It consists of five lines and four spaces, each line and space being called a degree. Thus the staff contains nine degreos and the sentence. " Name the degrees on which these notes are found," means " Name the lines and spaces on which these notes are found." 26. Added lines are used to represent tones which are too high or too low to be represented upon the Staff. They may be placed above and below the staff to any extent desired, as they are simply a con- tinuation of the staff, the note immediately above or below the Staff being in a Space. 27. The lines and spaces of the Staff are named from the lowest upwards, ist hne, ist space, 2d line t 2d space, etc. 28. The added lines and spaces are named from the first line, space below, ist line below, etc. ; and from the fifth line, space above, ist line above, etc. 3d space above. 1st line above. 5th line. 4th line. 3d line. 2d line. 1st line. 1st space above. 4th space. 3d space. 2d space. 1st line below. 1st space. 1st space below. 2d space below. 29. Each degree is designated by one of the first seven letters of the alphabet, the position of the letter never changing unless the Clef be changed. 30. Instead of placing a letter on the staff to show the abstract pitch, certain characters are used A called Clefs, which show how the letters 2S| -jr are applied. Thus, the Treble clef marks VE (ffiP the position of C on the staff, in the third ^^ \J space; and the Bass clef, marks the position CI.BK of C in the second space. 31 . In four-part songs the Soprano and Alto are written in the Treble, and the Tenor and Bass in the Bass Clef. There are other clefs used by cer- tain orchestral instruments, as the Alto clef, marking the position of C on the third line (viola), and the Tenor clef, marking the position of C on the fourth line (trombone). SOPRANO AND ALTO, The C on the first line below the Treble Staff, and the C on the first line above the Bass, represent the same tone. It is called Middle C. The tones of the 374 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME Fejnale voice are an octave higher than those of the Male, hence a Soprano solo sung by a Tenor sounds an octave lower than the notes in which it is written. 32. The different parts are commonly represented in music by two or more staves, united by a Brace, and called a Score. 33. The Absolute Pitch of Tones (the pitch independent of scale relationship), is designated by the letters namiug the degrees of the Staff; as, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. The position of these letters is fixed and unchangeable while the clef remains unchanged. 34. The difference of pitch between any two tones, as from A to B, from A to E, from C to G, etc., is called an Interval. A true knowledge of inter- vals can only be communicated through the Ear. The pupil must listen carefully to tones and compare them constantly. Without this practical acquaintance with the subject, names, definitions and illustrations are of little account 35. In the regular succession of the Natural Tones, there are two kinds of intervals, larger and smaller. The larger intervals are called Tones and the smaller Semi-Tones. The successive tones ot the aajoi scale, in all the keys, occur in the fol- lowing ordei: Between one and two, a tone; be- tween two and three, a tone ; between three and four, a semi-tone; between four and five, a tone; between five and six, a tone; between six and seven, a tone; and between seven and eight, a semi-tone. These two half-tones in the octave afford infinite variety in music. Were the eight natural sounds in the octave equi- distant one from another, there being no semi-tones, the keys would differ only in acuteness and not in quality, as now. Choose melodies from the book in the different keys and give the pupils exercise in read- ing these intervals of tones and semi-tones. 36. Between any two tones of the Staff having the interval of a step, another tone may be inserted, dividing the step into two half steps. Thus, a tone may be inserted between C and D, etc. Some sing ers of Southern Europe add a certain brilliancy ol effect by again dividing the half-step ; but ability to do this is not possessed by the people of Centra' o* Northern Europe, or of America. 37. The degrees of the Staff represent these in- serted tones by the aid of characters called Sharp* and Flats. Thus, a tone inserted between C and D, is named C sharp, or D flat. 38. A Sharp, $ , placed on a degree, raises tha pitch of a tone a half-step; a Flat, j?, placed on it, lowers the pitch of a tone a half-step below that named by the letter. 39. The power of a sharp or a flat may be can celled by a character called a Natural, tj. Range Of the Human "Voice. The compass of every human voice for singing must fall some- where within the wide range of notes given herewith. But, of course, no single voice has ever been equal to these thirty-one notes at any one period in life. The boy who sings a high soprano may take nearly all the upper notes, but when grown to manhood his voice " changes," and he has ability to sing only in the three lower octaves. As. to the range of notes here found, it requires a phenomenal Bass to reach the lowest (Great Doable C), and a Soprano only less remarkable to sing the highest (e") with confidence and musical effect. If the reader has not learned the compass of his own voice, it will be both interesting and satisfactory to test, with piano or organ, for its highest and lowest notes, as well as for those tones in which it is strong and full, o/ weak and uncertain. By intelligent practice the compass may be increased and the tones improved. t~f~i\ I r-t I 3* *-' ^ FG ABCD EFGA B cde fgabc'd'e'f g'a'b'c"d"e" DE The Staff in the Bass clef extends from G to A. Three notes intervene between this and the staff in the Treble, which, as will be seen, may be written in either clef, above the Bass or below the Treble. Of these, the middle note (c) is known as" Middle " C because midway between the two clefs. The treble clef extends from e to f . All the letters below G in the bass and e in the treble, occupy places in success- ive order downwards on the added lines and spaces below the staff; all above A in the bass and f in the treble on the added lines above the staff. "Middle C " (c) corresponds to the fourth note on the G string of the violin at ordinary concert pitch, or to Middle C on piano or organ. Great Double C, or Contra C, as it is called, having about thirty-three vibrations to the second, the next higher C doubles that number; and so on, each octave higher doubling the number of vi- brations of the octave next below it The entire range of the human voice in music from lowest Bass to highest Soprano may be reckoned from Ej? below the staff in the bass clef, four octaves, to Ep above the staff in the treble clef. Vocal sounds lower or higher than this seem to have little power of expression in any sense. Voices are usually consid- ered under three divisions for the male, and four for the female sex; Bass, Barytone, and Tenor; Con- tralto, Alto, Mezzo Soprano, and Soprano. The usual range of the Bass is from F or E below the bass clef, rarely lower, two octaves to f ; Barytone, from G, o first line of bass clef, two octaves, to g- ; Tenor, from C, two octaves, to c' ; Contralto, the deepest female voice, from F to c", being two and one-half octaves; Alto, two octaves, from F to f ; Mezzo Soprano, from A to a'; and Soprano from " Middle C " (c), two oc- taves to c", which is also indicated as c 2 - Middle C has about 132 vibrations to the second, and is pro- duced by sound waves from eight to nine feet apart. Waves at half that distance apart, produce a tone one octave higher, half that again the next higher octave, and so on. In large organs, C, an octave below Con- -tra C, with i6)4 vibrations per second, is reached, but the effect is imperfect. The piano reaches a 4 , with 3,520 vibrations per second, and sometimes c 5 , with 4,224 vibrations. The highest note taken in the or- chestra is probably d 5 , on the piccolo flute, with 4,752 vibrations. The practical range in music is from 40 to 4,000 vibrations per second, embracing seven oc- taves. The human ear is, however, able to compass eleven octaves, that is to say, it notes vibrations rang- ing from 1 6% up to 38,000 in m single second of tune. FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HCME. 375 40. A Double Sharp, 3K, is used on a degree affected by a sharp, to represent a tone a half-step above the one affected by the sharp ; its power may be cancelled by a sharp and natural, tijj. A Double Flat, yp> i s use d on a degree affected by a flat, to represent a tone a half-step below the one affected by a flat; it may be cancelled by a flat and natural, l?|l. 41. The Signature of a Staff is the part be- tween the clef and the fraction ; it is named from the number of sharps or flats which it contains. If there is no signature, the notes correspond with the white keys of piano or organ. 42. A sharp or a flat in the signature applies not only to the degree on which it stands, but also to all others which represent the same pitch. 43. A sharp, a flat, or a natural, placed outside the signature, is called an Accidental, appearing accidentally" in the measure and applies only to the degree on which it stands. 44. If not cancelled, as stated above, the signifi- cation of a signature extends to the end of the Staff, that of an accidental whether flat, sharp or natural extends no farther than the measure in which it appears, except when the last note of a measure is flat or sharp, and the first note ot the following measure is the same letter ; then, if it is syncopated, the influence of the accidental extends to that note. THE DIATONIC SCALE. 45. The Relative Pitch of tones is indicated by a Scale, or Tone Ladder. 46. The Diatonic Scale, generally called the Scale, consists of a regular succession of intervals from the key-note to the octave, 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or octave, it having been found most agreeable to join to the seven sounds of one group the first of the next higher, making eight in all. The key-note is the first note in the Scale. This Scale is also called the Major Scale, to distinguish it from another scale, having its semitones in different order, and called the Minor Scale. In the compass of the scale there are five whole tones or degrees and two semi-tones or half-degrees. Commencing on C, that is making C one of the scale, these semi-tones are found between the 3d and 4th and 7th and 8tll degrees. Here we find between the ist and 3d degrees two whole tones, making a " major " or greater third. All music written on the scale when so constructed is said to be in the major keys; and this scale can only be formed from the notes in their natural order by commencing on C. There is, however, another series of notes, equally well-fitted for expressing musical ideas, which is formed by commencing on A instead of C, and which, in the natural order of tones, can begin only on A. In this scale the semi-tones always fall between 2 and 3 and 5 and 6. Here between the i st and 3d degrees there are not two whole tones, but only a tone and a half, making the " minor " or lower third. All music written on the scale when so constructed is said to be in the minor keys, which are often most expressive. 47. The tones are named by Numbers and also by Syllables, the latter to afford greater variety of vowel sounds for practice, as well as to form an easy associa- tion of degree name and relative pitch of tone the same syllable being always used in singing the same tone. Do is always one, Re always two, and so on. The numbers and syllables are as follows: By numbers: i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. By syllables: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. {Pronounced Doe, Ray, Mee, Fan, Sole, Lah, See, Doe. ) The names of the notes, Do, Re, Mi, etc., vibrate throughout the scale, their places depending wholly upon the location of the Key-note, which is always called Do, and numbered one. 48. There' are, as has already been said, two kinds of intervals in the Diatonic scale: Steps, and Half- steps, the intervals between 3 and 4, and 7 and 8, being half-steps, while all the others are steps. The half-steps, or semi-tones, should always be suiig " sharp," the voice being slightly pressed or drivei above, rather than permitted to fall below the torn indicated by the note upon the staff. 49. In writing the Scale, any tone may be takei as one, or Do; when this is determined, the othen must follow in regular order In the examples below, one or Do is placed on C, as the intervals of the staff beginning with C, correspond with those of the scale All the steps in the key of C are therefore natural steps. Ab shown in the following examples, the seal* is extended upwards, by regarding eight, or the octavt above one, as one of an upper scale , and downward* by regarding one as eight of a lower scale. 50. The Scale, as written upon the staff, in tb/> key of C, in both clefs, is as follows : i. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Son, 2, 3. Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do, re, mi. 122: * 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Son, 5, 3, ior8. Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do, sol, mi, do. THE TONE LADDER. 51 The fact that these Eight Degrees include every possible distance except the none and deceme (ninth and tenth), at which musical tones can be placed from each other, was discovered some centuries ago in Italy. When sung consecutively the thought of ascending or descending a ladder was naturally suggested, and the term " Scale" (Italian word Sea la, meaning "ladder ") was adopted. The propriety of the name has caused it to be retained by musicians. The order of tones being a " ladder," the distances between them are naturally called steps. The tones of the Scale can only be learned by imitation. The Scale or Tone Ladder may be drawn or neatly painted on the blackboard for permanent use in the form here shown, six or eight inches wide and eigh- teen high, which will afford spaces three inches in height to represent tone intervals, and one and a-half inch spaces for the semi-tones. Let the scale names and numbers be given as here. The exercises should be written by the side of the scale in bold fig- ures. Commas may be used after the figures to in- dicate short notes, and the dash for notes prolonged. With the pointer, the teacher can direct the work of the class more readily, singing the exercises back- wards as well as forwards, by numbers, by syllables, by letters, and by simple vowel sounds. The following exercises which may be placed upon the board, as well as sung from the page, will afford much variety of useful practice. They may be greatly varied, and supplemented by others to almost any e- tent But it is advised that, at first, they be takem ha the order here presented, in short lessons, so that nodi* ing is passed that is not well learned. Let this drill exercise be pleasantly varied by rote singing at- tractive songs and familiar hymns being preferred* FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 37 6 all of which may afterwards be written in the numer- als. These figures can be so written as to represent three octaves, by placing a dash above those that fall below the statf, below those that are above the staff, and before and after those upon the s^aff the dash all the while representing the Staff. 1, 2- 2, 1- 1,2,3-3,2,1- 1, 2, 3, 4- 4, 3, 2, 1- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- Re 1, 3,3, 4,5,6-6, 5, 4,3, 2,1- Do 12345678-87654321- /s u 6 5 (1 2 1 no Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Do 1234 1423 1243 1432 1824 2134 1842 2148 I. 2314 3124 2 3-4 1 8142 2413 3214 2431 3241 II. 5678 6578 7568 8567 5687 6587 7586 8576 5768 6758 7658 8657 5786 6785 7685 8675 5867 6857 7856 8756 5876 6876 7865 8765 1858 1835 1885 1853 1538 8158 1683 3185 III. 3518 5138 3581 5183 3815 6318 8851 5381 3412 4213 3421 4231 4123 4312 4182 4321 135 153 315 351 513 531 5813 8315 6831 8351 8135 8513 8153 8531 IV. 1468 1846 4618 6148 6814 8416 1486 1864 4681 6184 6841 8461 1648 4168 4816 6418 8146 8614 1*84 4186 4861 6481 8164 8641 Y. 1, 2, 1, 8, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, 7, 1, 8- 8, 1, 7, 1, 6, 1, 5, 1, 4, 1, 8, 1, 2, 1- 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8- 8, *, 7, 5, 6, 4, 5, 8, 4, 2, 8, 1- VI. 1, 8, 5, 8, 7, 6, 5 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 8 8, 2, 1, 3, 5, 8, 55, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 1, 8, 1, 3, 5, 8, 5 6, 8, 7, 6, 5, 8, 5- 6, 8, 5, 6, 5, 8, 6 6, 8, 5, 4, 8, 2, 1 VII. ,2,1,3,5,8,5- 1,3,5,8,7,6,5- 1,1,3,3,4,2,1 *, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 6,6,6,5,4,3,2- 1,8,5,8,5,4,8 8,8,4,2,3,4,6- 2,3,4,2,3,4,5- 4,8,2,4,3,4,5 6,8,5,4,3,2,1- 6,6,6,4,3,2,1 VIII. $,8,3,2,8,4,5 1,1,8,8,7,6,5 8,7,6,5,6,7,8 6,8,1,3,5,4,2 8,1,2,8,4,8,2 8,3,3,2,3,4,5 2,5,1,5,6,7,8 4,2,8,1,4,2,8 6,7,8,1,3,2,1 8,1,5,4,3,2,1- 8,8,8,1,5,5,1 MELODIES IN FIGURES. 8,1,6,5,4,3,2- 8, 1, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5- 8,2,1,6,5,4,3- 8,8,5,3,3,2,1- 1,1,5,5,6,6,5 4,4,8,3,2,2,1- :5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 8,2: 1,1,5,6,6,6,5 4,4,8,1,2,8,1- 1, 8, 5, 8, 6, 8, 6 5,8,6,5, 4,8,2 4, 3, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8 8, 6,15,1, 8, 2,1 It is of prime importance that there should be a feeling of confidence and prompt readiness "sure touch " in passing from oTjp degree of the Scale to another. This can be acquired most readily, as ex- perience has shown, by frequent exercises upon the nu- merals, alternating with the names of notes, etc., and hence much of this practice is here condensed into little space. The Scale should be regarded as the unit in thinking sounds, and should be taught as a whole. The practice of the sounds as relative mental objects, should then form a part of each lesson until these relative sounds are familiar in every ordinary relation to each ether. Simple melodies and familiar tunes may be written on the blackboard in numerals, followed by commas or dashes, as the notes are short or long. Pupils may thus be familiarized with the third, fourth, fifth or other intervals, by associating them with like inter- vals in tunes with which they are perfectly familiar. This will be found a hint of much practical value. No other country gives so much attention to music as Germany, and this, with German teachers, is a favorite method of fixing in the mind certain scale intervals. Too little attention is directed to developing tone perception in the minds of pupils. The teacher who sings should frequently sound the key-note, then sing ah or la to any tone or tones in the scale, and have the pupils name the number and syllable, and (when the key is announced), the letter. The same training can be given by sounding the key-note, and having a part of the class sing the tones indicated by the pointer, while the rest of the class, with their backs turned, name the tones that have been sung. To know the name of the note is a very different matter from being able to sense the tone, and much less im- portant. This practical knowledge of tones is essential. The teacher should cultivate a soft, distinct, and pleasing quality of tone. A good style of singing can only be acquired by imitation, and that of the teacher should be worthy to be imitated. In these ex- ercises the numerals, or names of the sounds, may be sung first; then the syllables, Do, Re, Mi, etc. ; then the letters or the pitch of the sounds, and finally the syllable ah, or la, for each note., Be careful that every tone is sung with precision. Use D as one, throughout the above exercises, afterwards the scale of El?, E, and C. Be sure that the pitch is correct. Test frequently for correct pitch, with tuning fork, pitch- pipe, piano, or organ. The " scale " is sung by the Syllables ; the names of the successive sound inter- vals by the Numerals ; the pitch of the sounds (the key being known) by the Letters a distinction which will be of interest to intelligent pupils. This should be so well known to the class that there can be no mistake as to-^what is rneant when the teacher uses the terms, "ScSle" "Name" "Pitch" as words of command during the singing exercise. Teachers who are not familiar with the scale can, of themselves, by the aid of the organ or piano, readily master the succession of tones found in these exer- cises. The difficulty is not great, and the pleasure and profit to teacher and school will be positive and lasting each step forward giving courage for another. Observe the following directions for singing : i. Let the body be erect, avoiding stiffness or restraint. 2. Take breath easily and naturally, without raising the shoulders. 3. Let the mouth be well opened, taking care to avoid rigidity of the muscles of the throat and neck. 4. Aim at purity of tone, rather than mere power. 5. Practice frequently, singing the vowel a (ah), endeavoring to produce the sound in the front part of the mouth. It is recommended to preface the a (ah) with die vowels oo, ' o, singing them rapidly and uniting them with the a, and dwelling upon the a; thus, oo, o, a. This prevents the sound from being made too far back in the mouth. 6. Articulate FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME 3/7 , Gb, Cb. In singing a tune, the first thing to be done is tc find the Key-note as a starting point The order of the keys in the sharps may very easily be remembered from the initial letters in the sentence, " Good Deeds Are Ever-Blooming Flowers," the last key being Ft instead of F. The order of the keys in flats is had by reading the sentence backwards, the tirst key being F, and each of the others adding the flat (]?), as Bb Eb Ab Db. and Gb- In Minor tunes, the key-note is always a minor third, (three semi-tones), below the place named for Do in the above Major keys. That is, the key-note is major C or minor A; G major or E minor; D major or B minor, etc. " Next letter above last Sharp," is also a simple rule for getting the Key in sharps. One sharp being on F,the next letter above is G, the key-note ; two sharps, last sharp C, next letter above is D, the key-note ; and so on. In the flat keys, count four notes back, in- cluding the note made flat ; as B {?, back four notes to F, the key-note, and so on. INTERVALS. 56. An Interval is the difference ef pitch be- tween any two tones in the scale. Unisons are of the same pitch. A Major Second consists of a step ; a Minor Second of a half-step. A Major Third consists oftwo steps, a Minor Third of a step and a half- step. A Perfect Fourth consists of two steps and a half-step; an Augmented Fourth of three steps. A Perfect Fifth con- sists of three steps and a half-step ; a Diminished F'fth of two Steps and two half-steps. A Perfect Six'h consists of four steps and a half-step ; a Diminished Sixth of three steps and two half-steps. A Major Seventh consists of five steps and a half-step ; a Minor Seventh of four steps and two half-steps. A Perfect Octave consists of five steps and two half-steps. These are called Diatonic Intervals, as they are all found in the Diatonic Scale. Other intervals, called Chromatic Inter- vals, may be formed by the use of sharps and flats. When the lower note of the two representing an interval is placed an oc- tave higher, or the upper one an octave lower, the interval is said to b Inverted. The degrees of an interval are counted upwards, unless the opposite is stated; and the degrees occupied by the notes, as well as the ones between them, are counted. CHROMATIC SCALE. 57. The Chromatic Scale k a regular suc- cession of semi-tones. / 58. The tones of the Chromatic Scale are named // from the tones of the Diatonic Scale, or the letters of'' the staff; the intermediate ones taking their names from one or the other of the tones between which they occur, with the addition of the word " sharp " or " flat." Thus, the tone inserted between C and D, when named with respect to Absolute Pitch, is called C Sharp or D Flat; and with respect to Relative Pitch is called Sharp One, or Flat Two. This Scale is here given, both Ascending and Descending : ^^ Permanent names, C, Cf, D, D$, E, F, F{, G, Gt, A, At, B, C.etc. Syllable Names, Do, Di, Re, Ri, Mi, Fa, Fi, Sol, Si, La, Le, Si, Do. Pronounced, Do, Dee,?.ay,Ree,Mee,Fah, Fee,Sol,See,La,Lay^ee, Do. Numeral names, i, t*. 2, t= 3, 4, t4, 5, ts 6, t6, 7, 8, etc. A, Ajy, G, Gb, F, E, Eb,D,D[>,C, B, Bb.A. ., La, Le, Sol, Se, Fa, Mi, Me, Re, Ra, Do, De, Si, La, 6, b 6 > 5, \>S, 4, 3. t3 2b 2 ' etc. THE MINOR SCALE. 59. The Minor Scale is a Diatonic Scale, and is named from its third, which is a minor third ; the third of the Major Scale being a major third. The minor third is a semi-tone lower than a major third. 60. The Minor Scale has various forms. In the Natural Form the half-steps occur between two and three, and five and six. Hence, the Natural Minor Scale is formed from the Major Scale, by taking the last two notes above and placing them below. NATURAL MINOR SCALE. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La. 61. The Harmonic Form differs from the Natural form by the introduction of sharp-sewn. HARMONIC MINOR SCALE. i, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6. 7, La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Si, La. 62. The Melodic Form in ascending has sharp-six and sharp-seven, while it usually descends by the Natural form. 63. The Minor Scale, based upon six of the Major Scale, is called its relative minor ; and the Major Scale, based upon three of the Minor Scale, is called its relative major. The signature of a minor piece of music is the same as its relative major, the addi- tional sharps or flats being introduced before the proper notes in the piece. Thus, a minor piece in the key of E has the signature of G major, that is Fti; and DJ? is used instead of D. 37* FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 64. Transposition is changing from one key to another, that is, moving Do, or one the foot of the Tone Ladder to a higher or lower place on the Staff. 65. The Transposition of the Scale is changing it irom one pitch to another the entire scale being transposed the intervals between the tones, however, remaining the same. In order to keep the intervals of steps and half-steps in the same order as in the key of C represented by the white keys of Organ or Piano it is necessary to use flats or sharps repre- sented on the key-board by the black keys at each transposition, according as one or another degree of the staff is made one of the Scale. 66. All scales are, in a general sense, alike natural. "Whether the key is C, with neither flats or sharps, or E with its four sharps, the singer needs to have no consciousness of the fact. He simply sings the scale, with no change of thought or impression its intervals being the same in all the keys. It is upon this fact that the Tonic Sol- Fa system is based. METHOD OF TRANSPOSITION. 67. The Scale may be transposed from one pitch to any other. It is found to be simplest to transpose by fifths and fourths; that is, to change the key-note so that five or four of the old scale will become one of the new scale. 68. If one of the scale is placed on C, the inter- vals between the tones named by the letters corres- pond to those of the scale, as will be seen by the fol- lowing : Intervals marked by a /-^ are half-steps. C, D, G, A, B, C- if 2, 3, 4f 5 6 7. 8. The key of C therefore requires no sharps or flats, and is called the Natural key. 69. If, however, any other letter be taken as one of the scale, it will be seen that the intervals do not correspond. For example, beginning with G, which is the fifth of the key of C : G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. if 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. From this it will be seen that if one is placed on G, F, the fourth of the key of C is a half-step too low, and hence the intermediate tone between F and G, or Fit, must be taken, thus : G, A, fiTc, D, E, Ff, G. if 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The signature of the key of G is therefore FJL 70. Beginning with D, the fifth of the key of G, and substituting Fti for F: D, E, Ff, G, A, B, C, D. 8. I, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, It will be observed that C, the fourth of the key of G, is a half-step too low, and hence the tone a half- step higher, or C tt must be used, thus : D, E, Ff, G, A, Cf, D. 7, 8. B, If 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, The signature of key of D is therefore FJt and CJL 71 . From the above explanations, we may derive tfae following Rule for Transposition by Fifths : To transpose by Fifths, make the fifth of the old scale the key-note of the next scale, and use sharp- four in place of four of the old scale. This rule is briefly stated thus : Sharp-four transposes a fifth. 72. Again : placing one on F, which is the four (A of the key of C: F, G, A, D, 6, if 2, 3, 4, * 5, It will be found that B, the seventh of the key o! C, is a half-step too high, and hence the intermediate tone between B and A, or B]?, must be taken, thus : F, G, A, Bb C, D, TV, if 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & The signature of the key of F is therefore B|?. 73. Beginning with B|. the fourth of key of F, Bb C, D, E, F, A, Blr- G. If 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & It will be seen that E, the seventh of the key of F is a half-step too high, and hence the tone a half-step lower, or E|? must be used, thus: C, D, F, G. A, If 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The signature of key of B[? is therefore Bj? and EJfc 74. By an examination of the above explanations we may derive the following Rule for Transposition by Fourths: Make the fourth of the old scale the key-note of the new scale, and use fiat-seven in place of seven of the old scale. This rule is briefly stated thus: Flat-seven transposes a fourth. 75. In transposing by fifths, those keys are reached whose signatures are one or more sharps; in transpos- ing by fourths, those keys are reached whose signa- tures are one or more flats. MELODY. PASSING TONES, Etc. 76. A Melody is a single succession of tones. 77. Tones not essentially belonging to a melody, called Passing Tones, are often introduced. They are usually represented by small notes. 78. A passing tone that precedes an essential ton* on an accented part of a measure is called an A p- poggiatura ; one that follows an essential tone on an unaccented part of a measure, an After-Tone. 79. A rapid alternation of a tone with the one next above it is called a Trill or Shake. It is indicated by tr. SO. A tone sung in rapid succession with the tones next above and below it is called a Turn. It is indicated by e-w . The Trill and the Turn do not belong to chorus singing. 81. Dots placed across a staff before a bar are called a Repeat, and indicate that the preceding passage is to be repeated. The influence of a Repeat extends back to dots placed after a bar; or, if these are omitted, to the beginning. 82. Da Capo, or D. C., indicates a return to the beginning. Dal Segno, or D. S., indicatei a return to a character called a Sign, j 83. Fine indicates the place to end after a D. C or a D. S. 84. The Hold or Puuse, TS signifies that the sound should be prolonged, and the beating suspended until the singer is ready to proceed. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 379 85. If two or more tones of a melody are to be sung to one syllable, the notes representing them are generally connected by a character called a Slur. The Slur is also used to indicate a Legato movement. 86. If a syllable is to be sung to a tone repre- sented by two or more notes, these notes are usually connected by a Tie. (See Art n.) DYNAMICS : Power of Tones. 87. The power of tones may be indicated by the /allowing Italian words, marks, or abbreviations t Mezzo, .... m, ... medium. Piano, .... p, ... soft. Forte, .... f, ... loud. Pianissimo, . . pp, . . .very soft. Fortissimo, . . ff, . . . very loud. Mezzo Piano. . mp, . . moderately soft. Mezzo forte, . mf, . . moderately loud. Crescendo, . . cres., or =c, . gradual increase. Diminuendo, . dim., or > , . gradual decrease. Swell, . . . " ==: ~ , . increase and decrease. Sforzando, . - my sore ran in the night, and ceased not : my soul refused to be comforted. I remembered God, and was troubled : I com- plained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Thou boldest mine eyes waking: I am so troubled that I can not speak. I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times. I call to remembrance my song in the night : I commune with mine own heart : and my spirit made diligent search. Will the Lord cast off forever? and will He be favorable no more ? Is His mercy clean gone forever ? doth His promise fail for evermore ? 386 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath He in anger shut up His tender mercies ? And I said, This is my infirmity : but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the works of the Lord : surely I will remember Thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all Thy work, and talk of Thy doings. Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary : who is so great a God as our God ? Thou art the God that doest wonders i Thon hast declared Thy strength among the people. Thou hast with thine arm redeemed the peo- ple, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. The waters saw Thee, O God, the waters saw Thee ; they were afraid : the depths also were troubled. The clouds poured out water : the skies sent out a sound : thine arrows also went abroad. The voice of Thy thunder was in the heaven : the lightnings lightened the world i the earth trembled and shook. Thy way is in the sea, and Thy path In the great waters, and Thy footsteps are not known. Thou leddest Thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron. NUMBER XL Leader. O give thanks unto the Lord ; for He is good : because His mercy endureth forever. Response. Let Israel now say that His mercy endureth forever. L. Let the house of Aaron now say, that His merry endureth forever. R. Let them now that fear the Lord say, that His mercy endureth forever. I called upon the Lord in distress : the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place. The Lord is on my side; I wilt not fear: what can man do unto me ? It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. . It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. The Lord is my strength and song, and is be- come my salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous : the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. The right hand of the Lord is exalted * the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. The Lord hath chastened me sore: but He hath not given me over unto death. Open to me the gates of righteousness : I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord : This gate of the Lord, into which the right- eous shall enter. I will praise Thee : for Thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. The stone which the builders refused is be- come the head stone of the corner. This is the Lord's doing ; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord hath made ; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Save now, I beseech Thee, O Lord : O Lord, I beseech Thee, send now prosperity. Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the Lord : we have blessed You out of the house of the Lord. God is the Lord, which hath shewed us light : bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. Thou art my God, and I will praise Thee: Thou art my God, I will exalt Thee. O give thanks unto the Lord ; for He is good : for His mercy endureth forever. Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name ; worship the Lord in the beauty of holi- ness. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters : the God of glory thundereth : the Lord is upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful ; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of the Lord di vide th the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness : the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh. The Lord will give strength unto His people ; the Lord will bless His people with peace. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abom- inable works, there is none that doeth good. The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are altogether become filthy : there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Have all the workers of iniquity no knowl- edge? who eat up My people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord. There were they in great fear : for God is in the generation of the righteous. Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor, be- cause the Lord is his refuge. O that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion ! when the Lord bringethback the cap- tivity of His people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad. Why standest Thou afar off, O Lord? why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble ? The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor : let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the Lord ab- horreth. The wicked, through the pride of his counte- nance, will not seek after God : God is not in all his thoughts. His ways are always grievous; Thy judgments are far above out of his sight : as for all his ene- mies, he puffeth at them. He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved : for I shall never be in adversity. His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud : under his tongue is mischief and vanity. He sitteth in the lurking places of the vil- lages : in the secret places doth he murder the innocent : his eyes are privily set against the poor. He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den : he lieth in wait to catch the poor : he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 387 He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: He hideth His face ; He will never see it. Arise, O Lord ; O God, lift up Thine hand : forget not the humble. Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God ? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it. Thou hast seen it ; for Thou beholdest mis- chief and spite, to requite it with Thy hand : the poor committeth himself unto Thee ; Thou art the helper of the fatherless. Break'Thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till Thou find none. ^ The Lord is King for ever and ever : the hea- then are perished out of His land. Lord, Thou hast heard the desire of the hum- ble : Thou wilt prepare their heart, Thou wilt cause Thine ear to hear : To j udge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress. NUMBER XII. Leader. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness. Response. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. L. God is known in her palaces for a refuge. JR. For, lo, the kings were assembled, they passed by together. They saw it, and so they marveled ; they were troubled, and hasted away. Fear took hold upon them there, and pain, as of a woman in travail. Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind. As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God i God will establish it forever. We have thought of thy loving kindness, O God, in the midst of Thy temple. According to Thy name, O God, so is Thy praise unto the ends of the earth : Thy right Band is full of righteousness. Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of Thy judgments. Walk about Zion, and go around about her : tell the towers thereof. Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces ; that ye may tell it to the generation following. For this God is our God for ever and ever : He will be our guide even unto death. The Lord reigneth ; let the earth rejoice ; let the multitude of the isles be glad thereof. Clouds and darkness are around about Him : righteousness and judgment are the habitation of His throne. A fire goeth before Him, and burneth up his enemies round about. His lightnings enlightened the world : the earth saw and trembled. The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the people see His glory. Confounded be all they that serve graven im- ages, that boast themselves of idols : worship Him, all ye gods. Zion, heard, and was glad ; and the daughters of Judah rejoice because of thy judgments, O Lord. For thou, Lord, art high above all the earth : thou art exalted far above all gods. Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: He pre- serveth the souls of His saints ; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. Light is sown for the righteous ; and gladness for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous ; and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord,all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness : come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God : it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves ; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise ; be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good ; His mercy is everlast- ing ; and His truth endureth to all generations. O sing unto the Lord a new song; for He hath done marvelous things: His right hand, and His holy arm, hath gotten Him the victory. The Lord hath made known His salvation ; His righteousness hath He openly shewed in the sight of the heathen. He hath remembered His mercy and His truth toward the house of Israel : all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Make a joyful noise unto the^Lord, all the earth ; make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. Sing unto the Lord with the harp ; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm. With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. Let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof ; tha world, and they that dwell therein. Let the floods clap their hands : let the bills be joyful together Before the Lord ; for He cometh to judge th earth : with righteousness shall He judg the world, and the people with equity. NUMBER XIII. Leader. Bless the Lord, O my soul : and aQ that is within me, bless His holy name. Response. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and for* get not all His benefits : L. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities ; who healeth all thy diseases ; R. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies ; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things ; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord executeth righteousness and judg- ment for all that are oppressed. He made known His ways unto Moses, Hia acts unto the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide : neither will He keep His anger forever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins ; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, s great is His mercy toward them that fear Him, 388 FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. As far as the east is from the west, so far bath He removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame ; He remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass : as a flower of the field, so he flourish eth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone ; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children's children ; To such as keep His covenant, and to those that remember His commandments to do them. The Lord hath prepared His throne in the heavens ; and His kingdom ruleth over alL Bless the Lord, ye His angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, hearken- ing unto the voice of His word. Bless ye the Lord all ye His hosts ; ye minis* ters of His, that do His pleasure. Bless the Lord, all His works in all places of His dominion : bless the Lord, O my souL O Thou that hearest prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come. Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness ; and Thy paths drop fatness. They drop upon the pastures of the wilder- ness : and the little hills rejoice on every side. The pastures are clothed with flocks ; the valleys also are covered over with corn ; they shout for joy, they also sing. Now know I that the Lord saveth His an- ointed : He will hear him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand. Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands : Sing forth the honor of His name t make His praise glorious. Say unto God, how terrible art Thou in Thy works ! through the greatness of Thy power shall Thine enemies submit themselves unto Thee. All the earth shall worship Thee, and shall sing unto Thee ; they shall sing to Thy name. Come and see the works of God : He is ter- rible in His doing toward the children of men. He turned the sea into dry land : taey went through the flood on foot : there did we rejoice in Him. He ruleth by His power forever ; His eyes behold the nations : let not the rebellions exalt themselves. bless pur God, ye people, and make the voice of His praise to be heard : Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved. For thou, O God, hast proved us : Thou hast tried us, as silver is tried. Thou broughtest us into the net ; Thou laidst affliction upon our loins. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads ; we went through fire and through water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place. 1 will go into Thy house with burnt offerings : I will pay Thee my vows, Which my lips have uttered, and my month hath spoken, when I was in trouble. I will offer unto Thee burnt sacrifices of fat- lings, with the incense of rams: I will offer bullocks with goats. Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what He hath done for my souL Return, O Lord, deliver my soul : O save me for Thy mercies' sake. For in death there is no remembrance of Thee : in the grave who shall give Thee thauks ? I am weary with my groaning ; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears. Mine eye is consumed because of grief ; it waxeth old because of all mine enemies. Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity ; for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weep- ing. The Lord hath heard my supplication ; the Lord will receive my prayer. Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed : let them return and be ashamed sud- denly. ^ NUMBER XIV. Leader. O give thanks unto the Lord ; call upon His name : make known His deeds among the people. Response. Sing unto Him, sing psalms unto Him : talk ye of all His wondrous works. L. Glory ye in His holy name : let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. R. Seek the Lord, and His strength: seek His face evermore. Remember His marvelous works that He hath done ; His wonders and the judgments of His mouth; O ye seed of Abraham His servant, ye children of Jacob His chosen. He is the Lord our God : His judgments are in all the earth. He hath remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations. Which covenant He made with Abraham, and His oath unto Isaac ; And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant : Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance ; When they were but a few men in number ; yea, very few, and strangers in it. When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people ; He suffered no man to do them wrong ; yea, He reproved kings for their sakes ; Saying, touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm. Moreover He called for a famine upon the land : He brake the whole staff of bread. He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant : Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron : Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him. The king sent and loosed him ; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substances : To bind his princes at his pleasure ; and teach his senators wisdom . Israel also came into Egypt ; and Jacob so- journed in the land of Ham. And He increased His people greatly ; and made them stronger than their enemies. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 389 He turned their heart to hate His people, to deal subtilely with His servants. He sent Moses His servant ; and Aaron whom He had chosen. They shewed His signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham. He sent darkness, and made it dark ; and they rebelled not against His word. He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish. Their land brought forth frogs in abundance, in the chambers of their kings. He spake, and there came divers sort of flies, and lice in all their coasts. He gave them hail for rain, and flaming fire in their land. He smote their vines also and their fig-trees ; and brake the trees of their coasts. He spake, and the locust came, and cater- pillars, and that without number, And did eat np all the herbs in their land, and devoured the fruit of their ground. He smote also all the firstborn in their land, the chief of all their strength. He brought them forth also with silver and gold : and there was not one feeble person among their tribes. Egypt was glad when they departed : for the fear of them fell upon them. He spread a cloud for a covering ; and fire to give light in the night. NUMBER XV. Leader. When the Lord turned again the cap- tivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Response. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing : then said they among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them. L. The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad. R, Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the Streams in the south. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Lord, I cry unto Thee : make haste unto me ; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto Thee. Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as in- cense ; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth ; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work in- iquity : and let me not eat of then dainties. Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness : and let him reprove me ; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head : for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities. When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words ; for they are sweet. Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, ^s when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon tne earth. But mine eyes are unto Thee, O God the Lord : in Thee is my trust ; leave not my soul destitute. I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me : refuge failed me ; no man cared for my soul. I cried unto Thee, O Lord : I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. Attend unto my cry ; for I am brought very low : deliver me from my persecutors ; for they are stronger than I. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Thy name: the righteous shall compass me about ; for Thou shalt deal bountifully with me. NUMBER XVI. Leader. O come, let us sing unto the Lord : let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation. Response. Let ns come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms. L. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. R. In His hand are the deep places of the earth : the strength of the hills is His also. The sea is His, and He made it: and His hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down : let ns kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God ; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. O sing unto the Lord a new song : sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Sing unto the Lord, bless His name ; show forth His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people. For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised : He is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols : but the Lord made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before Him : strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name : bring an offering, and come into His courts. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness i fear before Him, all the earth. Say among the heathen that the Lord reign- eth : the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved : He shall judge the people righteously. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad ; let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof. , Let the fields be joyful, and all that is therein : then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice be- fore the Lord. For He cometh, for He cometh to judge the earth : He shall judge the world with righteous- ness, and the people with His truth. Praise ye the Lord, for it is good to sing praises unto our God ; for it is pleasant ; and praise is comely. The Lord doth build up Jerusalem : He gath- ereth together the outcasts of Israel. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He telleth the number of the stars ; He call- eth them all by their names. 390 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. Great is pur Lord, and of great power i Hit understanding is infinite. The Lord lifteth up the meek t He casteth the wicked down to the ground. Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving ; sing praise upon the harp unto our God. Who covereth the heaven with clouda, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow U pon the mountains. He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry. He delighteth not in the strength of the horse : He taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy. Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem ; praise thy God, O Zion. For He hath strengthened the bars of thy gates; He hath blessed thy children within thee. He maketh peace in thy borders^ and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat. He sendeth forth His commandment upon earth : His word runneth very swiftly. He giveth snow like wool : He scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes. He casteth forth His ice like morsels: who can stand before His cold ? He sendeth out His word, and melteth them : Hecauseth His wind to blow.and the waters flow. He sh. l ,ffeth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation : and as for His judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord. NUMBER XVIf. Leader. Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is ; that I may know how frail I am. Response. Behold Thou hast made my days as a hand-breadth ; and mine age is as nothing before Thee : verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity. L. Surely every man walketh in a vain show : surely they are disquieted in vain: he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them. R. And now, Lord, what wait I for ? my hope is in Thee. Deliver me from all my transgressions : make me not the reproach of the foolish. Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry ; hold not Thy peace at my tears for I am a stranger with Thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. O spare me, that I may recover strength, be- fore I go hence, and be no more. Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. Thou turnest man to destruction ; and sayest, Return, ye children of men. For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou earnest them away as with a flood ; they are as a sleep : in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. For we are consumed by Thine anger, and by Thy wrath are we troubled. Thou hast set our iniquities before Thee, our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance. For all our days are passed away in Thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are threescore years and ten ; and if by reason of strength they be four- score years, yet is their strength labor and sor- row ; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Who knoweth the power of Thine anger? even according to Thy fear, so is Thy wrath. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Return, O Lord, how long ? and let it repent Thee concerning Thy servants. O satisfy us early with Thy mercy ; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad according to the days wherein Thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. Let Thy work appear unto Thy servants, and Thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us : and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands, establish Thou it NUMBER XVIII. Leader. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Response. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the moun- tains be carried into the midst of the sea ; L. Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with th swelling thereof. R. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of th tabernacles of the Most High. God is in the midst of her ; she shall not be moved : God shall help her, and that right early. The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved : He uttered his voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us ; the God 01 Jacob is our refuge. Come, behold the works of the Lord, whal desolations He hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of tha earth ; He break eth the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder ; He burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God : I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us ; the God o! Jacob is our refuge. Be merciful unto me, O God, be mercifni unto me : for my soul trusteth in Thee : yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my re- fuge, until these calamities be overpast. I will cry unto God most high ; unto God that performeth all things for me. My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed : I will sing and give praise. Awake up, my glory ; awake, psaltery and harp : I myself will awake early. I will praise Thee, O Lord, among the people I will sing unto Thee among the nations. FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 391 For Thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and X hy truth unto the clouds. Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens ; let Thy glory be above all the earth. The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. His work is honorable and glorious : and His righteousness endurjth forever. He hath made His wond ^rful work to be re- membered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. He hath given meat unto them that fear Him t He will ever be mindful of His covenant. He hath shewed His people the power of His works, that He may give them the heritage of the heathen. The works of His hands are verity and judg- ment ; all His commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness. He sent redemption unto His people : He hath commanded His covenant forever: holy and reverend is His name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis- dom : a good understanding have all they that do His commandments : His praise eudureth forever. NUMBER XIX. Leader. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal : Response. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal : L. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. JR. The light of the body is the eye : if there- fore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that dark- ness ! No man can serve two masters : for either he will hate the one, and love the other ; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye can not serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink ; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment. Behold the fowls of the air : for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns ; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they ? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature ? And why take ye thought for raiment ? Con- sider the lilies of the field, how they grow ; they toil not, neither do they spin : And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. _ Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith ? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Whet* withal shall we be clothed ? (For after all these things do the Gentile* seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness ; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow t for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof! * * * * * Blessed are the poor in spirit! for thsirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn t for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek : for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall ob- tain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart : for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers : for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake : for theirs is the kingdom ofheaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad : for great is your reward in heaven : for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. NUMBER XX. Leader. I will bless the Lord at all times i His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Response. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord : the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. L. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. R. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto Him, and were lightened t and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. O taste and see that the Lord is good : blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. O fear the Lord, ye His saints : for there is no want to them that fear Him. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger : but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good ? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips that they speak no guile. Depart from evil, and do good ; seek peace, and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteoog, and His ears are open unto their cry. 392 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart ; and saveth such as be of a con- trite spirit Many are the afflictions of the righteous t but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. He keepeth all his bones : not one of them is broken. Evil shall slay the wicked : and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. The Lord redeemeth the soul of His servants : and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate. If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say ; If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us : Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us : Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul : Then the proud waters had gone over our soul. Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers : the snare is broken, and we are escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who jnade heaven and earth. Out of ihe depth have I cried unto Thee, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice : let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If Thoe, Ix>rd, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand ? But there is forgiveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning : I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Let Israel hope in the Lord : for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption. And He shall redeem Israel from all his sins. NUMBER XXL Leader. Now when Jesus was born in Bethle- fcem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Response. Saving, where is He that is born King of the Jews ? for we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. L. When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. R. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he de- manded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judea ; for thus it is written by the prophet. And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda : for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child ; and when ye have found Him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship Him also. When they had heard the king, they de- parted ; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary His mother, and fell down, and worshiped Him : and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts ; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, arise, and take the young child and His mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word : for Herod will seek the young child to destroy Him. When he arose, he took the young child and His mother by night, and departed into Egypt : And was there until the death of Herod : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, out of Egypt have I called my Son. And there were in the same country shep- herds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them ; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not : for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you ; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good- will toward men. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon His shoulder : and His name shall be called Won* derful, Counselor, The mighty God, The ever- lasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to es- tablish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him ; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life ; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness ; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 393 f the Light, that all men through Him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them* that believe on His name : Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. NUMBER XXII. Leader, Who hath believed our report ? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed ? Response. For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground : He hath no form nor comeliness ; and when we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him. L. He is despised and rejected of men ; a man of sorrows, aud acquainted with grief : and we hid as it were our faces from Him ; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. R. Surely He hath borne our griefs, and car- ried our sorrows : yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities : the chastise- ment of our peace was upon Him ; and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray ; we have turned every one to His own way ; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth : He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He openeth not His mouth. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon His head, and a reed in His right hand : and they bowed the knee before Him, aud mocked Him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews ! And they spit upon Him, and took the reed, and smote Him on the head. And after that they had mocked Him, they took the robe off from Him, and put His own rai- ment on Him, and led Him away to crucify Him. And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name : him they compelled to bear His cross. And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull, They gave Him vinegar to drink mingled with gall : and when He had tasted thereof, He would not drink. And they crucified Him, and parted His gar- ments, casting lots : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. And sitting down they watched Him there ; And set up over His head His accusation writ- ten. This is Jesus the King of the Jews. Then were there two thieves crucified with Him ; one on the right hand, and another on the left. And they that passed by reviled Him, wag ging their heads, And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save Thyself. If Thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. Likewise also the chief priests mocking Him, with the scribes and elders, said, He saved others ; Himself He can not save. If He be the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him. He trusted in God ; let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him : for He said, I am the Son of God. The thieves also, which were crucified with Him, cast the same in His teeth. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani ? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me ? Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias. And straitway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave Him to drink. The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save Him. Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom ; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent ; And the graves were opened ; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after His resurrec- tion, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. The first day of the week cometh Mary Mag- dalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid Him. Peter therefore went forth, and that other dis- ciple, and came to the sepulchre. So they ran both together : and the other dis- ciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre. And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying ; yet went he not in. Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about His head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped to- gether in a place by itself. Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and be- lieved. For as yet they knew not the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead. Then the disciples went away again unto their own home. But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping : and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre, And seeth two angels in white sitting, the on 394 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest them ? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and 1 know not where they have laid Him. And when she had thus said, she turned her- self back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou ? whom seekest thou? She, supposing Him to be the gardener, saith unto Him, Sir, if thou have borne Him hence, tell me where thou hast laid Him, and I will take Him away. Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned her- self, and saith unto Him, Rabboni ; which is to say, Master. Jesus saith unto her, Touch Me not ; for I am not yet ascended to My Father : but go to My "brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto My Father, and your Father ; and to My God, and your God. Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that He had spoken these things unto her. NUMBER XX I II. Leader. And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, Response. And said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. L. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. R. And whoso shall receive one such little child in My name, receiveth Me. That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth : That our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the similitude of a palace. For He hath strengthened the bars of thy gates; He hath blessed thy children within thee. Honor thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee : That it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother. For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck. Children, obey your parents in the I/oi-d ; for this is right. Come ye children, hearken unto Me ; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart ; And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sit- tesf in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest , down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayLigs ; and the years of thy life shall be many. I have taught thee in the way of wisdom ; I have led thee in right paths. Take fast hold of instruction ; let her not go ; keep her, for she is thy life. A wise son maketh a glad father : but a fool- ish son is the heaviness of his mother. Train up a child in the way he should go ; and when he is old he will not depart from it. And ye, fathers, provoke not your children to wrath ; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life ; But teach them to thy sons and thy son's sons ; that they may learn to fear Me all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children. And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them : And His disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it He was much displeased, And said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of God. And He took them up in His arms, put Hit hands upon them, and blessed them. NUMBER XXIV. Leader. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity ; I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. Response. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge ; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. L. And though I bestow^all My goods to feed the poor, and though I give My body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. R. Charity suffereth long, and is kind ; char- ity envieth not ; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, think eth no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, belie veth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth : but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail ; whether there be tongues, they shall cease ; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophecy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spaka as a child, I under- stood as a child, I thought as a child : but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly ; but then face to face : now I know in part ; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity these three ; but the greatest of these is charity. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God : therefore the world knoweth n not, because it knew Him not Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it FA VORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. 395 doth not yet appear what we shall be : but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him ; for we shall see Him as He is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads : They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sor- row and sighing shall flee away. In Thy presence is fullness of joy : at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. The gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness. Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law : for sin is the transgression of the law. And ye know that He was manifested to take away our sins ; and in Him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not ; who- soever sinneth hath not seen Him, neither known Him. Little children, let no man deceive you : he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil ; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this pur- pose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil : whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that ye should love one another. NUMBER XXV. Leader. My son, forget not my law ; but let thine heart keep my commandments : Response. For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. L. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck ; write them upon the table of thine heart : R. So shalt thou find favor and good under- standing in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart ; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes : fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first-fruits of all thine increase : So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord ; neither be weary of His correction : For whom the Lord loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding : For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies : and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand ; and in her left riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her : and happy is every one that retaineth her. The Lord by wisdom hath founded theearth ; by understanding hath He established the heavens. By His knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew. My son, let not them depart from thine eyes : keep sound wisdom and discretion : So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid : yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Remember now thy Greater in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years .draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them ; While the sun, or the light, or the moon, 01 the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds re- turn after the rain : In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened, And the doors shall be shut" in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and He shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low ; Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail : because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets : Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cis- tern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was : and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher ; all is vanity. And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, He still taught the people knowledge ; yea, He gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs. The Preacher sought to find out acceptable words : and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd. And further^ by these, My son, be admon- ished : of making many books there is no end ; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole mat- ter : fear God, and keep His commandments : for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judg- ment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. 596 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. THB Franklin Square Song Collection, compiled by J. P. McCASKEY, comprises Eight Numbers of 170 pageo each. Each book contains 200 favorite songs and hymns with much reading matter relating to music. The page affordso much space that a surprisingly large amount of music is given here in clear type. An old song is often wanted the figure after each title shows the Number of the Collection in which it is found. Abide With Me, i A Charge to Keep I Have, 5 A Daintv Plant is the Ivy, 8 Adeste Fideles, 6 Adieu, 6 Adieu, My Native Land, 3 A Dollar or Two, 3 Ae Pond Kiss, 8 A Farewell, 4 A Few More Years Sliall Roll, 5 After Many Roving Years, 3 Age of Progress, 8 A Glory Gilds the Page, 2 A Greenness Light and, 4 Ah, for Wings to Soar, 3 Ah, I have Sighed to Rest, 3 Ah, So Pure ! 3 A Hermit There Was, 5 A Hundred Years to Come, 3 Alas and Did My Saviour, I A Last Prayer, 8 Alice Gray, 6 Alice. Where Art Thou? 3 A Life on the Ocean W 3 All Among the Barley, All Around My Hat, 8 All by the Shady Greenwood, 5 All Glory, Laud and Honor, 6 All Hail the Power, 2 All's Well, 8 All That Glitters is Not Gold, 8 All the Saints Adore Thee, I All Things Love Thee, 8 'All Together, i Alphabet Song, 5 Alpine Horn, I A Man's a Man for a' That, 6 American Cradle Song, 3 Amid the Greenwood, 4 A Mighty Fortress, 2 . Andreas Hofer, 6 An Evening Song, 8 Angelic Songs are Swelling; I Angel of Peace, 4 Angels Ever Bright and Fair, 2 Angels from Realms of Glory, 6 Angry Words, 3 Angus Macdonald, 8 Anna Song, 5 Annie Laurie, i Annie's Tryst, 6 Answers, 6 Anvil Chorus, 5 A Poor Wayfaring Man, Araby's Daughter, 5 Arbor Day Song, 8 Are There Tidings ? 4 Are Ye Sleepin', Maggie? 5 Arms are Strong and Hearts, 4 Art Thou Weary ? 5 As a Little Child, i As I'd Nothing Else to Do, 5 A Soldier's Life, 2 As Pants the Wearied Hart, i A Spring Song, 5, As the Wind Blows, 8 As with Gladness Men of Old, 7 At Evening Time, 4 At the Ferry, 6 A Thousand^ Leagues Away, 6 Auf Wiedersehn, 2 Auld Lang Syne, i Auld Robin Gray, 3 Aunt Jemima's Plaster, 8 Austrian National Hymn, 3 Autumn Dreaming. 4 Ave Maria (Gounoa) 7 Ave Maria (Schubert), ^ Awake, My Soul, 3, 4 A Warrior Bold, 7 Away ! Away ! (Afassanfello), i Away Now, Joyful Riding, 4 Away to School, 2 Away to the Mountain, ? Away with Melancholy, 6 A Wet Sheet, a Flowing Sea, a Bright Star of Hope, 5 Baby Bye, Here's a Fly, i Baby's Skies, 8 Backward, Turn Backward, 4 Baloo, My Wee, Wee Thing, 3 Banks of Allan Water, 6 Banks of the Lee, 8 Barney Buntline, 8 Basseti, 6 Battle Eve, 4 Battle Hymn of Republic, 2 Battle Prayer, 5 Bay of Dublin, 2 Beats There a Heart Sincere, 4 Beautiful Bells, 6 Beautiful Day, 8 Beautiful Faces, 3 Beautiful Minka, L Beautiful Rhine, 7 Beautiful Sea, 3 Beautiful Spring Time, ' Beautiful Venice, 2 Because He Loved You So, 7. K Bedouin Love Song. 6 Behold How Brightly, 6 Be Hushed, My Dear, 6 Be Kind to the Loved Ones, 3 Bell is Ringing, a Bells of Aberdovey, 7 Bells of Shandon 3 Be Mine, 7 Ben Bolt, 5 Beside a Green Meadow, 8 Beside the Mill, I Better Land, 6 Better Wish. 2 Beulah Land, 1 Bibabutzeman, 5 Bid Me Good-Bye, 5 Billy Boy, 3 Birdie in the Cradle, J Birdie Sweet, 7 Bird Let Loose, i Bird of the Forest, 3 Bird of the Greenwood, 7 Bird of the Wilderness, 7 Birds in the Woodland, a Birds in the Night, 5 Bird Song, i Blackbird, 6 Bleib Bei Mir, 5 Blessed Country, 6 Blest be the Tie That Binds, 5 Blest Symbol of Blest Name, 3 Bloom On, My Roses, 8 Blossom Time, i Blue Alsatian Mountains, 3 Blue Bells of Scotland, I Blue Bird, i Blue-Eyed Mary, 2 Blue Juniata, 3 Blushing Maple Tree, 6 Boatman's Return, 3 Boat Song, i Boatswain's Story, 7 Bohemian Gipsy Song, 7 Bold be Your Stroke, 4 Bonnie Blue Flag, 6 Bonnie Charlie's Now Awa', I Bonnie Doon, I Bonnie Dundee, 6 Bonnie Hills of Heather, 3 Bonnie Lad andgentleLassie,3 Bounding Billows, 2 Bowld Sojer Boy, 7 Braes o' Balquither, 3 Braes o' Gleniffer, 7 Brahmin Love Song, 4 Brave Old Oak, 2 Bread of the World, 4 Break, Break, Break, 3 Bread to Pilgrims Given, 6 Breathings of Spring, 2 Breeze from Home, 3 Bridal Chorus (Lohengrin), 3 Bride Bells, 3 Bride's Farewell, 8 Brightest and Best, 3 Brightly, 2 Brightly Glows the Morning, 3 Bright, Rosy Morning, 2 Bright Morning, Hail, 4 Bring Flowers, 4 Broken Ring, 2 Brother and I, 5 Brother so Fine, '^ Buttercup Test, 7 But the Lord is Mindful. 2 Buy My Roses, 7 Buy My Strawberries, 4 By Cool Siloam's Shady Rill, i Bye-lo, Baby, Bye, 7 By the Blue Sea, 6 By Quiet Water Gleaming, 4 By the Sad Sea Waves, 2 By the Well Before the Door, 6 Caller Herrin, 3 Call Me Pet Names, 7 Call Me Thine Own, 5 Calm on the Listening Ear, I Calm O'er the Ocean Blue, 8 Campbells are Coming, 5 Canadian Boat Song, 4 Carol, Brothers, Carol, 3 Carol, Carol, Christians, 7 Carrier Dove, 2 Castanets are Sounding, 6 Castles in Spain, 6 Cast thy Bread on the Waters, 6 Cast thy Burden on the Lord, 6 Chapel, 2 Cheer, Boys, Cheer, 2 Cheerily, Cheerily, 4 Cheerily the Bugle Sounds, 3 Cherish Faith in one another, 6 Cherish Kindly Feelings, 3,, Cherries are Ripe, 8 Cherries Ripe, i Cherry Ripe (Horn), 8 Chide Mildly the Erring, i Child of Earth, 2 Child of the Regiment, 3 Children of Heavenly King,4 Children's Hpsanna, 6 Children's Kingdom, 6 Child's Hymn, i Chime Again, Beautiful Bells, 3 Chime On, Old Bells, 6 Chimes of Zurich, 8 Christ is Born in Bethlehem, 4 Christ is Born, 3, 7 Christmas Bells are Sound'g, 3 Christmas Day, 8 Christmas Hymn, 6, 7 Christmas is'Coming, 4 Christmas is Here, 4 Christmas Song, 5 Christmas Tree, 6 Christmas Time is Come, I Christ was Born on Xmas day.i Clang of the Wooden Sboon, 4 Claudine, 6 Clear the Way, 2 Clochette, 7 Clover So White, 8 Cock Robin and Jenny Wren, 5 Coid Water Song, 4 Columbia, God Preserve, 2 Columbia, Gem of the Ocean, i Come Again, 2 Come, All Ye Faithful, i Come, all ye Jolly Shepherds, 5 Come and See Me, Mary Ann, 2 Come Watch the Daylight 7 Come and Worship, 6 Come Away, Lads, to Labor, 6 Come Away to the Fields, 6 Come Back, Sweet May, 3 Come Back to Erin. 5 Come.Boor, Your Little Blue, 5 Come, Cheerful Companions, 2 Come, Come, Come, I Come, Come, Quickly Away, 4 Come, Girls, Come, 8 Come, Haste Away, 7 Come, Holy Ghost, 5 Come, Holy Spirit, i, 4 Come, Humble Sinner, 8 Come, Hunters, Come, 7 Come, Join in Merry Chorus, 5 Come, Join Our Ch'ful Songs, 5 Come, Let us Learn to Sing, 6 Come, Listen, Dear Child, 8 Come, Gallant Soldier, Come, 3 Come, O Come with Me, 2 Come out, tis now Sept'ber, 5 Come, Rest in This Bosom, 5 Come, Said Jesus' Voice, 4 Come, Sing That Air Again, 2 Come, Sing This Round, 7 Come, Sing to Me Again, 8 Come.Thou Almighty King,2,4 Come, Thou Fount, 3 , Come to the Forest, 8 ; Come to the Home, 3 ; Come to the Meadows, 5 Come to the Old Oak Tree, i Come to the Sea, 4 Come to Sparkl'g Fountain, 3 Come, Trembling Sinner, 4 Come unto Him, 4, 8 Come When the Twilight, 5 Come When Thou Wilt, 7 Come Where Flowers, 3 Come Where Aspens Quiver, 7 Come Where the Sunlight. 8 Come with the Gypsy Bride, I Come with Thy Lute, 2 Come, Ye Disconsolate, i Come, Ye Sinners, 4 Come Ye that Love the Lord, 8 Comin' Thro' the Rye, i Commit Thy Ways, 7 Confide Ye aye in Providence, 5 Coronation, 2 County Guy, 7 Cousin Jedediah, 7 Crabbed Age and Youth, 8 Cracovian Maid, 5 Cradled All Lowly, 6 Cradle Hymn, i Cradle Song, 8 Cradle Song of Soldier's Wife, $ Cradle Songs, i, 3 Crown Him with Crowns, 2 Cuckoo, 2, 6 Cuckoo, Welcome thy Song, I Cuddle Doon, 5 Cup of Joy, 7 Daddy, 7 Dance of the Fairies, 6 Dance On Forever, 5 Danube River, 2 Darby and Joan, 4 Dark Day of Horror, 6 Darling, Go to Rest, 8 J Dawn of Day, 7 Day is Gone, Night is Come, * Daylight Closes round us, 8 Dayl't Fades, Even'g Shades, 4 Daylight Slowly Fades, 6 Day of Wonder, 2 Day on the Mountain, 8 Days of Absence, 2 Deadly Cup, i Dearest Love, Remembet, 5 Dearest Native Land, 6 Dearest Spot, i Dear Father, Drink No More,* Dear Little Shamrock, 4 Dear Native Home, 6 Dear Santa Claus, 7 Dear Summer Morn, 8 Deck the Hall with Holly, i Deep are the Wounds, 4 Departed Days, 5 Departed Days (Roof), 6 Depth of Mercy, 5 Dermot Astore, 4 Der Rose Sendung, 3 Deserted by Waning Moon, Ding-Dong, 8 Dip, Boys, Dip the Oar, 4 Distant Dram, 4 Distant Shore, 5 Disturb Not His Slumbers, 6 Dolorous Ditty, 8 Don't Kill the Birds, 8 Don't Leave Mother, Tom, 5 Do They Miss Me at Home, 3 Do They Think of Me, 2 Douglas, Tender and True, 2 Down in a Coal Mine, 6 Down in the Neckar Vale, 8 Down the Burn, Davie, 6 Down the Stream Cheerily, 3 Do You Think of the Days, 6 Do You Think of the Days, 8 Draw the Sword, Scotland,^ Dream Faces, 5 Dreaming Golden Dreamland, 5 Dreams, 7 397 Dr-atn On, 3 Dream On, Young Heart*, 5 Dreams, 6 Drift, My Bark, 6 Drink to Me Only with Eye*, 7 Dry the Tear for Holy Eva, 7 Dublin Bay, 4 Dunois, the Brave, 6 Ehreu on the Rhine, 4 Eiapopeia, My Baby, Sleep, 3 I'Uleen Achora, 2 Embarrassment, 8 Enchanted Isle, 6 Ere the Twilight Bat, 6 Evangeline, 2 Evening Bells, 8 Eve'g Hymn, Ave Sanctiss., I Eve'ng Hymn (Mendelssohn), 3 Evening Hymn (ffatton), 6 Evening Shades are Palling, 8 Even Me, i Ever be Happy, 4 Ever of Thee, 2 Ever to the Right, 8 Every Inch a Sailor, 8 Eve's Lamentation, 5 Exile of Erin, 4 Eyes So Blue and Dreaming, 6 Faded Flowers, 6 Fade, Each Earthly Joy, 6 fading, Still Fading, 3 Faint a Lonely Rose Tree, 7 Faint and Wearily, 8 Faintly as Tolls the Chime, 4 Faintly Flow, Falling River, 3 Fair as the Morning, I Fairest Lord Jesus, 4 Fairies' Dance, 7 Fair L&nd of Hope, 8 Fair Land of Poland, $ Fair Luna, 6 Fairy Ring, i Faithful Johnnie, 3 Faithful Comrade, 8 Faithful Little Bird, i Fallen Thy Throne, O Israel, 4 Far Above the Deep Blue Sea, 6 Far Away, i Fare Thee Well. 8 Fareweel, Ye Streams, 6 Farewell, but Whenever, 8 Farewell Forever, 5 Farewell, Good Night, 8 Farewell, My Lovely Nancv, 8 Farewell, My Peaceful Vale, 5 Farewell.O Fare well to Thee, 5 Farewell, O Joyous Grove, i Farewell Those Happy Hours,5 Farewell to Lochaber, i Farewell to My Harp, 8 Farewell to the Woods, t Far, Far upon the Sea, 3 Farmer's Boy, 8 Far o'er Hill and Dell, 8 Far o'er the Sea, 7 Father, I Scarcely Dare, 8 Father Joe, 8 Father, on Thee I Call, 5 Father, Whate'er of Earthly, i Feast of Roses, 5 Fiddle-de-dee, 5 Fine Old English Gentleman, 5 Fire of Home, 4 First Christmas Gifts, i Fisher, if beside that Stream, 7 Fishermen's Chorus, 6 iPive O'clock in the Morning, 7 Dlag of the Free, i Flag of Our Union Forever, 3 Flee as a Bird, 2 Float Away, 2 Floating on the Wind, 3 Flowerets Blooming, 5 Flowers for the Brave, 4 Flowers of May, 7 Plow Gently, Sweet Aftoa, 2 Flow, Rio Verde, 8 Fly Away, Pretty Moth, 2 Fold Thy Hands, Little One, 8 Follow Me, Full of Glee, I Fondest Affections Cling, 4 Foot Traveler, 5 Foresters Bold, 7 Forever and Forever, x Forever and Forever, ( Tostf), 4 Vat Full Five Hund'd Years, 7 Itargive, thro' Thy Dear Son, 4 Forsaken Am I, 4 For Tenderness Formed, 7 Fourth of July Hymn, 7 Fox and Goose, 5 Fragrant Air, 6 Freedom's Flag, i Free from Slumber, 6 French Cradle Song, 4 French Patriotic Song, 8 Fresh and Strong, 7 Friends of Freedom, 7 Friends We Never Forget, 5 Fritz's Lullaby, 4 From All That Dwell, 7 From City Gate, 6 From Days of Old, 2 From Every Spire, 7 FromEveryStormy Wind,s From Greenland's Icy, 2 From Morning till Night, 6 From Merry Swiss Home,8 From the Desert I Come, 6 Full and Harmonious, 3 Full Far Away a City, i Funeral Dirge, 4 Gaily Our Boat Glides, 5 Gaily Sings the Lark, 5 Gaily the Troubadour, i Gaily Thro' Life Wander, 4 Gascon Vespers, 6 Gaudeamus Igitur, 6 Gentle Annie, 7 Gentle Breezes Sighing, 8 Gentle Ma ! den, 7 Gentle Mary, 4 Gentle Waves upon Deep, 8 Gentle Words, i Gentl} Rest ; Slumber, 4 Gently S'ghs Breeze, 4, 7 Geography Song, i Geraldin ,C Germam Cradle Song, 3 German Fatherland, 8 German Watchman Song,3 Girl I Left Behind Me, 2 Give Me Jesus, 3 Give to Winds Thy Fears, 7 Give Us Our Daily Bread, 7 Glad Christmas-Bells, i Gleam, O Silver Stream, 6 Gliding 'mid the Poor, 8 Gloomy Wintre's Awa', 8 Glorious Things Spoken, 6 Glory and Love, 4 Glory Begun Below, 8 Glory Gilds Sacred Page, 2 God Bless Native Land, i God for Us, 6 God Hath SentHis Angels ,5 God Moves in Mystenous,4 God of Our Fathers, 2 God Preserve the Kaiser, 3 God Rest Ye, 8 God Save Our Czar, 3 Go Down, Moses, 6 Go, Forget Me, I Going Home. Heimgang, 3 Going to Market, 5 Golden Days, 4 Golden Rule, i, 7 Golden Shore, 2, 5 Golden Slumbers Kiss, 2 Golden Stars are Shining, 6 Golden Years Ago, 6 Good-Bye, 2 Good-Bye at the Door, 5 Good-Bye to Summer, i Good-Bye, Sweetheart, 6 Good Cheer, i Good Night, i, 2, 4, 5 GoodNight.Good M'rn'g, 3 Good Night, Farewell, 7 Good Night, Lfdies, 6 Good Shepherd, 5 Go Thou and Dream, 6 Go to Sleep, Lena Darling, 4 Go Where Glory Waits, 3 Grace, a charming sound, 8 Grave of Bonaparte, 5 Grave of Washington, 6 Green Fields of America, 5 Green Grow Rashes O', 4 Greenwood Tree, 4 Groves of Blarney, 4 Guadalquiver, 2 Guardian Angel, 8 Guardian Mother* 7 Guide Me, Great Jehovah, i, 4 Gum-Tree Canoe, 5 Hail and Farewell, 3 Hail, Beauteous Stranger, 4 Hail Columbia, I Hail, Evening Bright, 3 Hail, Thou Glorious Scion, 3 Hail, Thou Long Expected, 7 Hail, Thou Most Sacred One, i Hail, Thou Once Despised, 5 Hail to the Brightness, 2 Hail to the Chief, 2 Hail to the Lord's Anointed, 8 Hallelujah Chorus, 5 Happy and Light, 8 Happy and Merry, 7 Happy Are We To-Night, 4 Happy Bayadere, 3 Happy Days Gone By, 2 Happy Greeting to All, 3 Happy Land, i Happy Summer, 8 Hare and Hunter, 7 Hark ! Hark ! My Soul, i Hark! Hark! the Lark, 8 Hark! I hear an Angel Sing, 7 Hark! O'er the Stilly Lake, 4 Hark! Ten Thousand Harps, 7 Hark! the Glad Sound, 7 Hark! the Herald Angels, 2, 7 Hark! Those Holy Voices, 6 Hark! 'Tis the Angelus, 5 Hark to the Shrill Trumpet, 6 Hark to the Distant Drum, 4 Hark! What Mystic Sounds, 8 Harp of My Country, 8 Hasten, Sinner, to be Wise, 2 Heartache for Home, 5 Hearts and Homes, 2 Hear the Birds of Summer, 4 Heaven is My Home, 4 Heavily Wears the Day, 4 Heilige Nacht, 7 Heirs of Unending Life, i He Giveth His Beloved, i, 2 He Never Said He Loved, 4 Her Bright Eyes Gleaming, 6 Her Bright Smile, 6 Her Eyes Like Clouded Stars, 8 Herdsman's Mount'n Home, 2 Here Awa', There Awa', 5 Here's a Health to All, 5 Here's the Bower, 8 Here Under the Greenwood, 4 Here we stand, Hand inHand, Hero's Serenade, 3 He Sailed o'er Ocean Spray, 7 He Was a Punchinello, 4 He Was Born of Low Degree, 8 Highland Mary, 6 Hoe Out Your "Row, 2 Ho! Ho ! Vacation Days, i Holly Wreath, 4 Holy Bible, Book Divine, 2 Holy, Holy, Holy, i Holy Spirit, Source of, 8 Home Again, 5 Home, Can I Forget Thee, 6 Home, Fare Thee Well,- 5 Home of My Childhood, 5 Home of the Soul, i Home's Not Merely, 2 Home So Blest, 8 Home, Sweet Home, i Homeward Bound, 3 Honor His Holy Name, 5 Hope Brightly Gleams, 8 Hot Cross Buns, 5 Ho, the Boating, 8 Hours There Were, 6 How Bright arid Fair, 5 How Can I Leave Thee, I How Dark and Drear, 8 How Fair Art Thou, 5 How Firm a Foundation, 4 How Gaily the Linnet Sings, 7 How Gaily Rows theG'dolier,7 How Happy is the Child, i How Happy We Have Been, 7 How Lovely Thy Note, 8 How Softly are Glancing, 2 How Sweet the Name, 4 How Tedious and Tasteless, 5 How the Wind Blows, 8 Hungarian Cradle Song, 3 Hunter's Farewell, a Hunter's Song, 2, 6 Hunting Song, i Hurdy-Gurdy, 7 Hush-a-By, IIush-a-By, 6 Hush. My Babe, i Hush, My Baby, Sleep, 4 Hush, My Darling, 8 Hush, the Waves are Roll'g, 5 I am Content, 3 I am Dreaming of Thee, 7 I am the Glad New Year, 7 I Built a Bridge of Fancies. 6 I Cannot Sing the Old Songs,} I Come from Alabama, 7 I Come, I Come, 4 I Dreamed a Dream, 8 I Dream of All Things Free, x I Dream of My Fatherland, 4 I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble, a I'd Offer Thee This Hand, 5 I'd Weep with Thee, 4 "If," 8 I Fain a Winning Tale, 8 If ever I see on Bush or Tree, 4 If I Were a Sunbeam, 8 If Thou HastCrush'dFlow'r,4 If Thou Wert by My Side, 2 If You be My May Margaret, 4 I Gave Her a Rose, 5 I Had a Bird, a Little Bird, I I Had Four Brothers, i I Had Gold, I Had Gems, 7 I Have Come from Mount'ns, 3 I Have Heard Sweet Music, 8 I Heard an Old Farmer , 8 I Heard a Red Robin, 7 I Heard the Wee Bird Sing, 3 I Hear Not a Footfall, 5 I Hear them o'er the Meadow,* I Hear Them Tell, 4 I Hear the Robin Sing, 6 I Hear To-night the Bells, 7 I Know a Bank, 6 I Know an Eye so Bright, 5 ,' I'll Do My Duty, 2 I'll Hang My Harp, 5 Ilka Blade of Grass, 5 I Lo'ed Ne'er a Laddie, 3 I'll Sing an Old Ballad, 5 I'll Weep with Thee, 8 I Love Little Pussy, 5 I Love My Love, 6 I Love the Merry Sunshine, * I Love the Song of Birds, x I Love the Spring, 6 I Love the Summer Time, 3 I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord, J I Love to Gaze on Smiling, 4 I Love to Sing, 6 I Love to Tell the Story, 2 I'm Afloat ! I'm Afloat ! 8 I'm a Merry Gypsy Maid ; 6 I'm a Merry Laughing Girl, 4 I'm a Pilgrim, 4 I'm a Shepherdwf the Valley, x I'm Dreaming Now of Hallie, 6 I Met My Love in a Dream, 8 I'm Glad I am a Farmer, 8 I'm Leaving Thee in Sorrow, 7 I'm Little Robin Redbreast, 7 I'm Not Myself at All, 5 I'm Saddest When I Sing, 6 I'm Sitting on the Stile, 7 I'm Very Fond of a Song, 4 In Carlma's Clime, 8 In Childhood, with Crown, 6 In Days of Old when Knights,} In Excelsis Gloria, 7, 8 In Flakes of a Feathery, x In Happy Moments, 3 In Mantua, in Fetters, 6 In Merry Chorus, 5 In My Swift Boat, 6 Ingleside, i Innisfail, 4 In Shadowland, 6 Integer Vitae, 6 In the Gloaming, 4 In the Golden Eventide, 5 In the Land of My Birth, 8 In the Starlight, 2 In the West the sun declining, x In the Wild Chamois Track, x In this Sheltered Dell, 7 Into the Silent Room, 8 Into the Woods My Master, 6 I Once Had a Comrade, 8 I Remember My Childh, 4 398 FAVORITE SONGS FOR SCHOOL AND HOME. I Remember a Sunny Vale, 5 Irish Kmigrant's Lament, 7 i Sat Beneath the Maples, 5 I Saw a Ship a-Sailing. 5 I See My Home in Twilight, 5 Isle of Beauty, 3 I Stood on the Bridge, 3 Italian Cradle Song, t It Came upon the Midnight, 6 I Think When I Read that Sweet Story of Old, a It is Better to Laugh, 3 It was a Breton Village, 6 It was the Noon of Night, 7 I've Been Roaming, 2 I've Been Thinking of Home, I I've Come Across the Sea, 5 I've Found a Joy in Sorrow, 3 I've Left Ballymornach, 7 Ivy Green, 8 I Walked and I Walked, 7 I Wandered by the Brookside ,4 I Was a Wandering Sheep, 5 I Was Seated at Thy Feet, 8 I Welcome Thee, 5 I Will be Happy Yet, 3 I Will Lay Me Down, 6 I Worship Thee, Sweet Will, 7 I Would I were a Boy Ag'n, 4, 7 I Would Not Die in Sp'gtime, 7 I Would Not Live Alway, I I Would That My Love, j "ack and Jill, 3 act at Sea, 7 Jamie ! Jamie ! 8 'amie's on the Stormy Sea, 6 tenet's Choice, i ] 'eannette and J cannot, a ', fenny Lind'a Bird Song, 5 Jenny Lind's Good Night, 3 erusalem, My Happy Home, I erusalem, the Golden, i Jessie, Flower of Dumblane, 5 Jesus is Mine, 6 Jesus, Lover of My Soul, i, * Jesus, My All, to Heaven, 5 ^ fesus, O'er the Grave, 7 esus, the Very Thought, I ock o' Hazeldean, 3 ohn Anderson, My Jo, I ohn Brown's Body, I Johnny Sands, i "ohnny Schmoker, 8 'oily Jester, 3 folly Old St. Nicholas, i Joseph Baxter is My Name, 3 ^oyfully, Joyfully, 7 toy in Sorrow, 3 toy, Joy, Freedom To-day, 8 Joyous Song, 6 Toys That We've Tasted, i toy to the World, 6 toy Wait on Thy Morrow, 2 uanita, 2 udith ! Our God Alone, 5 ust as I Am, 4 ust Touch the Harp Gently, 7 Kathleen, 7 Kathleen Aroon, 3 Kathleen Mavourueen, a Katy Darling, a Katy's Letter, i Keen Blaws the Wind, 7 Keep a Light Heart. 8 Keller's American Hymn, 4. Kelvin Grove, a Kerry Dance, 4 Killarney, a Kind Friends.We Meet Agata.8 Kindred Hearts, 2 Kind Words Can Never Die, I King of Love, i Kiss of a Little Child, S Kitty Tyrrell, 3 Laddie, 7 Lady Beatrice's Lament. 6 Land Ahead, i Landing of the Pilgrim*. Land of Dreams 5 Land of Memory, i Land o' the Leal, i Land of Our Fathers 8 Land Without a Storm, * Lang o' Com in', 6 Larboard Watch, 3 Last Greeting, 3 Uit night wtn ail wtlll,$ Last Rose of Summer, I Laughing Glee, 7 Lavender's Blue, 5 Lead. Kindly Light, i Let Erin Remember theDays.i Let Me Dream Again, 4 Let Not Grief Annoy, 8 Let Other* Dream, a Let the Palms Wave, 7 Let Us Sing Merrily, 3 Life Laid Down, a Life Let Us Cherish, i Light and Rosy thy Slumb'rs, 5 Light in the Window, a Light of Other Days, a Lightly Row, i, 4 Like the First Fresh Scent, 8 Linden Tree, 6 Listen to the Mocking Bird, 6 >fListen to the Water Mill, 3 List, 'Tis Music Stealing, 3 List to the Convent Bells, 3 Little BennieWas Our Darl'g.a Little Birdie in the Tree, i Little Bird on the GreenTree, a Little Boy Blue, 6 Little Brother, Darling Boy, i Little Cherry Blossom, 7 Little Children, Can you Tell,7 Little Children's Day, 4 Little Drops of Water, I Little Eva, 7 Little Gypsy Jane, 6 Little Lips, 8 Little Maggie May, 3 Little Orphan! Annie, 6 Little Sunbeam, 8 Little Tin Soldier, 7 Lochaber No More, 3 Lock! Lock! Ahoy! 7 Lo, the Heavens Rending, 4 Lone Starry Hours, 8 London Bndge, 5, 6 Longing for Spring, i Long, Long Ago, i Long, Weary Day, a Look in My Face, Dear, 4 Look Not Upon the Wine, 4 Lord, Dismiss Us, 3 Lord, Forever at Thy Side, 3 Lord , in this ThyMercy *s Day, i Lord, We Come Before Thee, 4 Lord, with Glowing Heart, a Lorena, 7 Lo, the Seal of Death, 5 Lotus Flower, 6 Loud the Sounding Strings, 3 Love and Mirth, a Love at Home, 3 Love, Hope, Happiness, i Love, I Will Love You Bver, 4 Lovely Mary Donnelly, 7 Lovely May, 4 Lovely Nancy, 8 Lovely Rose, I Love Not, 2 Love's Golden Dream, 7 Love Smiles No More, 3 Love's Ritonella, 3 Love's Young Dream, 3 Loving Voices, 4 Low- Backed Car, 4 Lucy's Flittin', 4 Lullaby from Krminie, 5 Lullaby, Lullaby, 6 Lurlalme, 4 Maggie's Secret, j Mara Elsie Roams, 3 Maiden and Rose, 7 Maid of Llangollea, 9 Maid of the Mill, 6 Majestic Sweetness, 5 Make Me No Gaudy Chaplet, 4 Make the Best of It, a Make Your Mark, 2 Maltese Boatman's Song, 6 Mamma's Love, 8 Mandolin Song, 6 Maple from the Wildwood, 3 March, March, 5 Marching Song, a March of the Cameron Men, 7 Marseilles Hymn, i Mary and Martha, 4 Maryland, My Maryland, 5 Mary Morrison, 5 Mary of Argyle, a Mary of the Wild Moor, 7 Mary's Tears, 7 axwelton's Brats, i May is Here, i May Margaret, 4 May Queen, a Meek and Lowly, i Meet Me by Moonlight, 5 Mellow Horn, 2 Mellow Notes of Horn, 7 Melodies of Many Lands, i Men of Harlech, 6 Mermaid's EveningSong.8 Merrily Every Bosom, a Merrily Greet the Morn, i Merrily, Merrily Sing, 3 Merry Hours of Youth, 6 Merry May, 7 Merry Swiss Boy, 3 Midnight Moon, 8 Mid Scenes ofConfusion.s Midshipmite, 8 'Mid Woods and Forest, 6 Miller of the Dee. 2 Miller's Daughter, 3 Mill May, i Mill Wheel, i Mine Own, 6 Minstrel Boy, I Mistress Santa Clans, 5 Monarch of the Woods, 5 Month of Apple Blossom, i Moon is Beaming, 3 Morning Red, i Mother, are there Angels, 3 Mother's Wish, i Mountain Boy, 5 Mountain Bugle, 3 Mountaineer's Farewell, 3 Mount' ii Maid's Invitat'n,! Mowers' Song, i Murmur, Gentle Lyre, 4 Murmuring Sea, 5 Musical Alphabet, 3 Music at Nightfall, 5 Music Everywhere * Music of Labor, 5 Music on the Waves, . MustI leave thee.Par'dise.s Must I Then Leave, 5 Must JesusBear theCross,5 My Am Countrie, a My Childhood's Love, 8 My Country, 'Tis of Thee, i My Friend is the Man, 8 My Heart and Lute, 4 My Heart is Light, 6 My Heart is Sair, 8 My Heart's in Highlands, i My Jamie's o'er the Sea, 6 My Jesus, as Thou Wilt, 4 My Laddie Far Away, 7 My Life is Like the Rose, 7 My Little Valley Home, 8 My Love Beyond the Sea, 8 My Mother Dear, 3 My Mother Loves MeNot, i My Mother's Bible, a My Mother's Song, 4 My Nannie's Awa', 4 My Native Land, 8 My Own Guiding Star, P My Own Native Land, 3 Nancy Lee, 2 National Hymn, i Nearer, MyGod.toThee.i, 4 Near the Lake, i Neva Boatman's Song, 4 Never Alone, 6 Nevei is MyHeartSoGay, 4 Never Say Fail, 2 New Hail Columbia, 5 Nice Young Girl, 6 Nice Young Man, 6 Nicodemus, the Slave, 3 Night and Day, Love, 7 Night is Fine, 4 Nigh to a Grave, 4 Night Sinks on the Wave,6 Ninety and Nine, 2 Nobody knows the Tr'ble.s None Can Tell, 2 Norah Darling, 8 Norah McShane, 7 Not a Sparrow Falleth, Not for Joseph, 3 NothingTrue bu tHeaven , 7 Not in Halls of Splendor ,8 Now All the Merry Bells, 5 Now Thank We All Our God, * Now the Day is Waning. 5 Now the Merry Spring, 6 Now to all a KmdGood-night.y Nun Dankett Alle Gott, a Nymphs of Air and Sea, 7 O Alien Brothers, 8 O Be Just, 8 O Boatman, Row Me O'er, f O Come, All Ye Faithful, I O Come, Come Away, i O Come, Emmanuel, 6 O Come, Maidens, Come, 4 October Gave a Party. 5 O Could Our Thoughts, a O County Guy, 7 Ode for Decoration Day, 8 O Dear Sixpence, 3 O'er the Sea in My FairyBoat,3 O Fair Dove, O Fond Dove, 4 OfAll the Busy People Round," Oft in Danger, Oft in Woe, 3 Oft in the Stilly Night, i Oh, Are Ye Sleepin', Maggie.j Oh, Broad Land. 8 Oh, but You've Been Lang, 6 Oh, Dearest Mae, 6 Oh, Don't You Remember, s Ohe, Mamma, 6 Oh, for a Thousand Tongues, 5, Oh, for a Heart to Praise, 7 Oh, Gaily thro' Life Wander, 4. Oh, Give Me My Arab Steed, y Oh, Gladly We Hail Thee, i Oh, Hope, Delusive Dream, 6 Oh, How Cold the Winter, x Oh, I Have Had Dreams, 6 Oh, I'm a Happy Creature, 6 Oh, Is It Thus We Part, 7 Oh, Jacob, Get the Cows, 7 Oh, Loved Italia, 5 Oh, Many a Time I'm Sad, f Oh, My Bravest and Best, 7 Oh, Pilot.'tis a Fearful Night, 4 Oh, Sister Dear, 5 Oh, Smile as ThouWertWont.j, Oh, Solemn Hour, 5 Oh, Susanna, 7 Oh, Sweet and Dim theLight. 7- Oh.TakeMe Back to Switz'l'd, Oh.Tell Me What it Meaneth, i Oh, That I Never More. 4 Oh, the Flowers in Oh, the Lone Starry Hours, 8 Oh, the Sailor Shall Sing, 6 Oh, Touch the Harp, 4 Oh.Touch Those Chords, 4 Oh, 'twas Sweet to Hear Her, 6 Oh Hush Thee, My Baby, 3 Oh.Wert thou in Cauld Blast, 4 Oh, What is the Matter, 4 Oh, Who So Gay and Free, 5 Oh.Why Does the White Man.r Oh.Why Left I My Hame, 3 O Jesu, Thou are Standing, I O Land of Saints, 4 Old Arm Chair, 3 Old and Young Marie, 7 Old Coltage Clock, i Old Easy Chair by the Fire, 8 Old Familiar Place, i Old Friends and Old Time*, ft Old Granite State, 3 Old Grimes, 2 Old House at Home, 3, 8 Old Hundred, i Old King Cole, 7 Old Oaken Bucket, i, 4 Old, Old Song, 5 Old Rosin the Bow, a Old Santa Claus. 6 Old Santa Claus in Christmas., 7 Old Tubal Cain, 4 O Mary.Call the CattleHome, 7 O Native Land, 8 Once Again, 5 Once Again, O Blessed Time, * Once Again the Flowers, 4 Once in Days of Golden, 4 Once 1 S&w a SweetbrierRose.i Once More, My Soul, 7 OnceThere was a Little Voice,! 1 One by One the Sands. 4 One Morning, Oh So Early, 8 One N)