ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Pubiisiiou by Order of the Common Counci COMIMl HALL & OSBORNE, ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. V. i.. ii \\i-'i >i;i>. r 1880. S^LA University of California Berkeley THE PETER AND ROSELL HARVEY MEMORIAL FUND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Published by Order of the Common Council. Compiled by HALL & OSBORNE, ATTO RNE YS- AT-L A W . NOTK This volume contains all the Ordinances of the City of Seattle in force at this date, together with a memorandum of all Ordinances passed by said city MIICI; its organization. This volume is not a revision, but a compilation, in which each Ordinance ap- pears in the exact language of the original Ordinance as the same appears ;>i tt-cord in the "Record of Ordinances." Seattle, A ugusr '20th 1880. HALL & SEATTLE: A. E. HANFORD, PRINTER. 1880. FIRST COUNCIL. Mayor, - H. A. Atkins. Couneilmen: S. G CalbouD, Jobn Collins, Frank Matthias, L. V. Wyekoff, Amo Brown, C. P. Stone, A. S. Pinkham. Recorder, - - - I. M. Hall. Clerk : - Gk N. McConaha. Treasurer. - C. H. Burnett. Marshal, - - - - John T. Jordan. ORDINANCES PASSED BY THK FIRST COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. I. FOR THE PEVENTION OF DRUNKENNESS, INDECENT OR LY CONDUCT IN THE CITY OF SEATTLE- Approved Dec -2-J, IHW. 7 he City of Secvttk ordains as follows : THAT any person who may hereafter be guilty of drunkenness, indecent or disorderly conduct in any street, road, lane, alley or any public place within the limits of the City of Seattle, shall be arrested by the City Marshal, or upon the complaint of any citi'/en, and taken before the City Recorder of the said City of Seattle for examination, and if deemed guilty of violating this Ordinance, said City Recorder may fine the person so arrested in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, and in default of payment of said fine, the person so offending shall be com- mitted to the custody of the said City Marshal under whose supervision he may be put at work on any road or street and work out said fine and costs, being al- lowed for said work at the rate of one dollar per day until paid. ORDINANCE NO. 2. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SWINE. Approved Dec. 22, 186U. (Super ceded by Ordinance No. 171.) ORDINANCE NO. 3. AN ORDINANCE REGLUATING STOVEPIPES, AC. Approved Dec. 22, 186!). (Superceded by Ordinance No. 186.) ORDINANCE NO. 4. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE FEES OF THE CITY RECORDER AND CITY MARSHAL. Approved Dec. 22, 1869. (This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 5. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DOGS. Approved Dec 23, 1869. (This ordinance has been repealed.} ORDINANCE NO. 0. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THEATRICALS, SHOWS, CONCERTS, AO. Approved Dec. 23, 1869. (This ordinance has been repealed.} ORDINANCE NO. 7. AN ORDINANCK b'Ott THE PREVENTION OF REOKLEHS AND FAT DRIVING THROUGH THK STREETS AND UPON SIDEWALKS WITHIN THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved Dec. *{, 1HW. 2he City of Seattle doe* ordain as follows; SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance if any person or persons shall willfully ride any horse, or drive any horse or other animal attach- ed to any carriage, wagon, cart or other vehicle what- soever at a reckless or immoderate gait through the streets, lanes or alleys of the said City of Seattle, the person or persons so offending shall for each and every such offense forfeit and pay a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, SEC. 2. -That if any person or persons shall un- necessarily ride, drive or lead any horse upon any sidewalk within the said City of Seattle, he or they shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars. SEC. 3. Persons violating the foregoing sections may be apprehended by the Marshal if seen in the act; or arrested upon a warrant to be issued by the City Recorder on the complaint of any citizen. SEC. 4. Fines and penalties under this Ordinance shall be paid over by the City Recorder into the city treasury. 6 ORDINANCE NO. 8. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FINEH AND PENALTIES. Approved Dec. 23, 1869. (This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 9. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DISCHARGE OF KIKE AKMrt WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE, *0. Approved Jan. 13, 1870. (This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 10. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO CLOSING SALOONS AND PLACED OP BUSINESS. Approved Jan. 22, 1870. ( This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 11. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO NUISANCJSrf. Approved Feb. 2, 1870. (This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 12. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE REPORT OF THE CITY RE- CORDER. \ Approved Feb. 23, 1S70. (This ordinance Jias become obsolete.) .; ORDINANCE NO. 13. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO BONDS BEING REQUIRED; TO BE GIVEN BY THE OFFICERS OP SAID CITY. Approved Feb. 23, 1870. 'Ike City of Seattle does ordain as folloivs: That the officers of said city be required to file with the Clerk bonds for the performance of their duties as follows: Treasurer, Assessor and Collector, in the sum of two thousand dollars. The Recorder, Clerk and Mar- shal in the sum of five hundred dollars each. This ordinance to be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE ISO. 14. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY OFFICERS. Approved Feb. 23, 1870. (This ordinance has been repealed.') ORDINANCE NO. 15. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE CEMETERY GROUND. Approved April 7, 1870. (This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 16. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO HORSES AND MULES RUNNING AT LARGE WITHIN THE CITY. Approved April 21, 1870. (This ordinance has been repealed.) 8 ORDINANCE NO. 17. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE CITX TAXES. Approved May 28, 1870. (This ordinance has been repealed.) SECOND COUNCIL. mayor Councilmen. Amos Brown, C. P. Stone. Frank Matthias, J. T. Jordan, D. N. Hyde, O. C. Shorey, Josiah Settle. Recorder L. B. Andrewi, Clerk G. N. McConaha. Treasurer C. H. Burnett. Marshal L. V. Wyckoff. ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE SECOND COUNC1 L. ORDINANCE NO. 18. AN "UWN NCE IN RELATION TO CITY TAXES. Approved Aug. 9, 1S70. (Thi.f ordinance has been repealed. ) ORDINANCE NO. 19. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO 811) WALKS. Approved Aug 9, 1870 (Thi* is a local ordinance which has become obsolete-) ORDINANCE NO. 20. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIRES. Approved Aug. 19, 1870. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : That at every dwelling, shop, stable or other building, occupied for business, there shall be one or more casks of water of not less than forty gallons, in some acceptable place to be used in case of fire ; and it is hereby made the duty of the City Marshal to see that this is enforced; and it'anv persons shall refuse to provide anil k""-) - i conviction- Vwfo re. the City Recorder pay a lino .{' ;-1. (i, 1S;0. '/'///.>< /s ' utnncc which />"* beconn obsolt-te.) iiHNANOE No. 22. .AN .>M'J\ N.'i.-lX :.-.:. A < IN T ' CLOVlNU SALOONS o'J si M)AVrs. Approved Jan ft, 1871. T'H' ('it'.i of S&tttfo does ordain as foli.oir* / That the front entrances, either direct or in- ifvct, to all saloons and drinking houses shall )>.. aii.l ; -main closed on Sunday. Any person guilty of violating this ordinance shall, >n conviction, be fined in a sum of not loss than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and e\erv offense. All ordinane.es or parts of ordinanc.es h rot >foi-e passed in conflict with this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. This ordin nice to take etloct from and after its pa>- WltfC. 12 ORDINANCE NO. 23. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS- ApproTed Feb. 2, 1871. (This is a local ordinance which has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 24. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Appeared Feb. 2. 1871. (This is a local ordinance which has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 25. IN RELATION TO TAXES. Approved June 1, 1871. (This ordinance has been repealed.) THIRD COUNCIL. Mayor C. P Stone, Amos Brown, L. B. Andrews, Recorder Clerk Treasurer Marshal Assessor Councilmen S. P. Andrews. .1. T. Jordan. Prank Matthian, C. W. Moore, S. F. Coombs, C. C. Perkins. (T. JSJ. McConalia. C. H. Burnett. L. V. Wyokotf. L. V. Wyckoff. 14 ORDINANCE NO. 26. THE PUNISHMENT OF MISDEMEANORS. Approved Oct. 6, 1871. The 0>'ty of Seattle does ordain as foflows : Th-it any person within the corporate limits of sai I city who may commit a misdemeanor as defined by mi act of the Legislative Asse nbly of Washington Territory entitled u An act relative t- criin- s and punishments and proceedings in criminal cases." shall be arrested by the City Marshal, or upon co * plaint of any resident of said city, and taken before the Ciiy Recorder for examination, when, ir found guilty -f such misdemeanor, the person so offending sha i be fined according to the provisions of said act-: and in default of payment of such tine together with the costs of arrest and conviction, shall be committed to the custody of said City Marshal, and by him, and under his supervision, be kept at work on the roads or streets of said city until such tine and costs shall have been worked out at the rate of one dollar per day. ORDINANCE NO 27. AN ORDINANCE IN KELATION TO STREETS Approved M i.v ?, 1872. 'Ike (Jit n of Seattle does ordain as folimcs : SEC. I --That any and all persons are hereby pro- hibited from obstructing or filling up Commercial or Mill streets with saw dust without the permission of 15 the Street Commissioner. SKC. 2. That any person or persons found guilty of such offenses shall be fined in the sum of not less tlitin ten nor more than twenty dollars. ORDINANCE NO. 28. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved May 2, 1872. (This is a local ordinance and has become obsolete ) ORDINANCE NO. 29. IN HELATJON TO THK DISCHARGE OF BALLAST, ETC. Approved May 2, 1872. (This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 30. IN RELATION TO CITY TAXES. Approved June 6, 1872. ( This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 31. HEALTH (ORDINANCE. Approved July 2, 1872. ( This ordinance has been, repealed.) FOURTH COUNCIL. Mayor -. C. P. Stone. Councilmen. Frank Matthias, M. R. Maddocks, S. F. Coombs, J. M. Lyon, Bailey Gatzert, J. T. Jordan, L. B. Andrews. Recorder - - - 0. C. Perkins, Clerk . Gr. N. McConaba. Treasurer - C. H. Burnett. Marshal - - - L. V. Wyckoff. Assessor - L. V. Wyckoff. ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE FOURTH COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 32. FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF VAGRANTS. Approved Nov. 14, 1872. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : That any person able to work and support himself in any honest or respectable calling, not having the wherewith to maintain himself, who shall be found loitering or strolling about in any street, alley or common or any public or private place, within the city, or who shall be an idle, dissolute person, or who shall go about begging, not having any regular lawful business, or who shall occupy for the purpose of lodging or any other purpose, any barn, shed, shop, vessel or place other than such [as] is [are] kept for that purpose, without permission from the owner or party entitled to the possession thereof, or who shall lead an idle, immoral or profligate course of life, shall be deemed a vagrant, and upon conviction thereof, be- fore the city Recorder, shall be fined in a sum of not less than five dollars nor over one hundred dollar*, and as a part of said judgment, unless said fine be paid, shall be committed to hard labor for the use of the city at the city prison until such fine be paid by due course of law. This ordinance to take effect from and after its pas- sage. ORDINANCE NO. 33. Approved Nov. 14. 1ST.'. The City of Scuttle does ordain as fallows : SEC. 1. Every person who shall deal at the game of carls called faro or monte or other banking games, or'shc,,!! set up, keep or exhibit an E. 0. or Roulette table, shu fife 1 board, bagatelle, playing cards or any other instrument for the purpose of gaming, or shall have in his possession to be used for such purposes any gaming device whatever, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding one hun- dred dollars. SEC. 2. Every person who shall suffer any gam- ing table or gambling device, prohibited in this ordinance, to be kept, exhibited or used for the purpose of gaming in any house, building, steam boat, raft, or other water craft, lot, yar 1, or garden to him belonging or bv him occupied or over which he h:i> O O J L 10 control, shall on conviction thereof be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. SBC. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal or city policemen to enter any gambling house or room, with force if necessary, and to arrest with or without a warrant, all suspicious persons therein, or arrest any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 4.* Any person who may be guilty here- after of violating any o( the provisions of this ordi- nance, shall be arrested as provided in the preceding section, or by a warrant issued by any Justice of the Peace, upon a complaint being filed by any citizen, as provided by law in other criminal cases, and shall be taken before any Justice of the Peace for Seattle precinct in King county for examination ; and such pro- ceedings shall thereupon be had before such Justice of the Peace as provided by law in other criminal cases ; and if the person accused be found guilty of the offence charged, such Justice of the Peace shall im- pose a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars and costs, and in case of default being made in payment of any such fine and cost, the person so offending shall be committed to the custody of the City Marshal, un- der whose supervision he may be put at work on any road, street or public improvement to work out such fine and costs at the rate of one dollar per day, *.\s anu-ndrd by Ordinance No. 80. 20 This ordinance to take effect from and after its pas- sage. Approved Nov. 14, 1872. ORDINANCE NO 34. RELATIVE TO THE DUTIES OF THE CITY MARSHAL. Ike City of Seattle does ordain as follows ; SEC. 1 That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to enforce all City Ordinances heretofore passed without special complaint. SEC. 2 It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to take notice of all violations of the several City Ordinances and bring parties offending before the proper tribunal to be dealt with according to law. This Ordinance to take effect from and after its passage. Approved Nov. 14, 1872. ORDINANCE NO. 35. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. A-)provjJ Ds- 5. 1872. ( This is a local ordinance which ha* become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO 36. AN ORDINANCE CjNCEBNlNG SEATTLE CEMETERY ASD CITY SEXTON. Approved J;n. 3, 1873. Ike City of Seattle does ordain a* fullers : ' SEC. I. That all the following described lot. piece or parcel of land, to- wit: Beginning at the quarter 21 section post between sections 80 and 31 in township 25, north of range 4 east of the Willamette meridian, thence east, varying 20 degrees 30 minutes east. 10.36 chains, which point is also 29. 64 chains west of the post to sections 29, 30, 31 and 32 in said township, varying 21 degrees and 30 min- utes east, 4 chains to the south line of David T. Den- ny's donation claim, [here is set a post for the south- west corner of the premises] thence north varying 21 degrees 20 minutes east, 7.07 chains to a post for the northeast corner of said premises, thence south vary- ing 21 degrees 20 minutes east, 7.07 chains to the place Of beginning, containing five (5) acres, be the same more or less, is hereby set apart for the burial of the dead, and shall be known and distinguished as the " Seattle Cemetery." All moneys arising from the sale of lots therein shall be kept a distinct fund, and be exclusively expended in adding to or ornamenting and improving the cemetery. SEC. 2. The city surveyor, when directed by the council, shall survey such portions of the cemetery into lots as may be deemed necessary from time to time for immediate use. Plats of the survey shall be prepared by the surveyor and duly certified and re- corded in the office of the auditor of King County, W. T., and filed and recorded in the office of the city clerk. The lots shall be represented thereon and numbered, but no two in the cemetery shall hereafter be numbered alike. SEC. 3. The Mayor shall s'jt a value on every I;>t so surveyed before the same shall be subject to sale, He shall likewise re-appraise the unsold lots from time to time, and no lots shall be sold for less than the ap- praisal, nor shall the appraisal be less than $10. SEC. 4. A portion of the cemetery shall be sur- veyed and set apart as a " Potter's Field," in which all strangers and inhabitants of the city, other than the owners of lots, may be buried: Provided, that the Mayor may in special cases grant permission in writing to bury any stranger or inhabitant as afore said, in lots which may be reserved for that purpose. SEC. 5. The City Clerk shall keep a record in which shall be recorded the number of every lot here- to ore or hereafter surveyed in the cemetery, begin- ning with No. l,with columns ruled therein for the name of purchaser, the appraisal, price sold for, and date of sale. Columns shall also be ruled there- in for any re-appraisal which may be hereafter made. On the sale of any lot. he shall cause a proper entry to be made and for a neglect of this duty in any case, shall be subject to a penalty of $10. He shall like- wise open a cemetery account in which shall be enter- ed all moneys received or expended on account of the cemetery, and all orders drawn on the Treasury for such purposes shall be designated in red ink on the face: ** Payable out of the Cemetery Fund." SEC. 6. The Common Council shall annually ap- 23 point a City Sexton, who shall have charge of the cemetery arid keep the grounds, walks and avenues in order and free from obstruction. It shall be his duty to enforce the ordinances concerning the cemetery and report violations to the May >r or City Attorney for prosecution. He shall have power to arrest all per- sons who shall be found discharging fire-arms, or tres- passing in any t.ther n. aimer, in the cemetery; also, to direct how and where any dt-ad body, not belonging to the owner of any lot, shall be buried, and to pre- vent the deposit of any body in any unsold lots or in any lot the property of another, without the own- er's consent. He, under the direction of the Mayor, shall cause all dead bodies which may have been or may hereafter be interred without permission in any unsold lot of the city, or in any lot the property of any individual or society, to be removed to the u Pot- ter's Field," and the person or persons so interring or causing such interment shall be liable for the expenses of such removal which may be recovered in any action brought for the recovery of the penalty hereinafter prescribed. S c 7. All applications for lots in the cemetery shall be made to the City Rexton, and it shall be his duty to give such information to persons desirous of purchasing the same as they may request. He shall be piovided with a cemetery plat, on which all lots which have been or may be disposed of shall be do- 24 signaled by coloring. He shall also be provided with a book containing a list of the unsold lots, with their numbers and the valuation of each, together with columns ruled for the entry of the name of the appli- cant, and if sold, a memorandum of the sale. At the request of ary person he shall grant a certificate to the Treasurer under his own hand, which may be in the following form : SEXTON'S CERTIFICATE. OFFICE OF CI1Y SEXTON, I SEATTLE ,18... \ I do certify that lot., numbered iu the Seattle Cemetery is unsold, and that the same is appraised at Dollars: That is desirous of purchasing the same. J*ow it the said shall within 10 days from the date hereof, pav the said sxim of m >uey to the City Treasurer, obtain his receipt thereof on the back hereof and make application for a deed to the ciry Clerk, by the presentation of this Certificate, he shall be entitled to such lot. .; but if he fail to pay such money within the time aforesaid, he shall forfeit all right thereto, and to any money which he shall have paid thereon. , City Sexton. The certificate of the Treasurer on the back of such certificate may be as follows: OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER, ) SEATTLE .. 18... $ Received of , the sum of Dollars, in full of the amount mentioned in the within Certificate. , City Treasurer. SEC. 8. On the payment by the purchaser of the sum of money named in the Sexton's Certificate, a receipt shall be endorsed thereon, by the Treasurer; and it shall thereupon be the purchaser's duty to make application for a deed to Mie City Clerk within 1 days, by filing such certificate in the Clerk's office. On filing the same the Clerk shall cause an entry of the sale to be made, and grant a deed of such lot to C 25 the purchaser, signed and acknowledged by the Mayor under the corporate seal, which deed may be in the following form : The < ity ol' Seattle, in consideration of the sum of Dollars, I', s. (Jold Coin, to the said City paid by , doth hereby, in conformity with the < 'ity < )rdi- nance of the Common Council of said city in such case made and provided, jrive, -rant, bargain, -ell and convey to him, the said Lot. .No a- marked on flic Cetuetery I'lat and recorded in the C'evk's ollice in said City, Territory of \Va-hinjxton : To have and to hold the .-nine with its appurtenances to .-aid bfe heirs and asbigns forever, foi-the pnrpooeof burying therein his dead, and for no other ii-e. intent or purpose wha'cver: Subject nevertheless to such rule- and regulations a- tlie Common Council of .-aid City mav from time to time enact. And the .-aid City of Seattle hereby covenants with the said hi- heirs and a**sijrns that the premi-e- designated as the Seattle Cemetery, .-hall forever be kept as a place for the burial of the dead of said Cit\ . In witness whereof, the Mayor of said City has -et his signature and cau-ed the Seal of said City to be affixed this ...:, day of , A. D., 18.. Witne--: Mayor. TERRITORY OF \V ASHINiiTON, ) COTNTY OF KlNfi. ^ Personally ..appeared before me -..., City Clerk, , well-k-iown to me to be the Mayor of -aid City and the individual who subscribed the above instru- ment, and who acknowledged the same to he the free act and deed of said City. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and atlixed the Seal of .-aid City the day and year first above written. , City Clerk. SEC. 9. No lot for which any certificate may be granted by the Sexton, shall be for sale more than ten days. All lots shall be deemed to be unsold for which applications for deeds have not been filed in the City Clerk's office as aforesaid, although the pur- chase money may have been paid, but the person so neglectingto make his application shall nevertheless be entitled to a deed after the lapse of ten days, as afore- said, if no previous deed shall have been made to another purchaser. No deed shall in any case be made for any lot previously deeded, and in all cases when subsequent certificates shall be granted for the same lot or lots, in such cases shall be refunded the 26 purchase morioy if paid by him, arid he shall have ap- plied for a certificate within the tune aforesaid: Pro- vided the City of Seattle shall in no case be liable for damages on any certificate so granted. SEC. 10. No person to whom a Sexton's Certifi- cate shall be granted in pursuance of this. Ordinance, shall bury any dead body in any lots described in said certificate until the price of said lot be paid to the City Treasurer and an application has been filed in the City Clerk's office fora deed in accordance with said Ordinance. Any person who shall bury, or at- tempt to bury, in any lots until as aforesaid, shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in said Ordinance f->r burying in unsold lots, and it is hereby made the duty of the City Sexton to prevent such burials, and to enforce penalties whenever any shall be incurred. SEC. 11. --The City Treasurer shall keep a Ceme- tery account, in which all moneys received or paid on account of the Cemetery shall be entered. The entry shall comprise the date, lot, price and the name of the purchaser. The Treasurer shall in no case receive payment for the same lot a second time, although ten days shall have elapsed, without in the first place re- quiring the subsequent purchaser to procure from the City Clerk a statement on the back of the Sex- ton's Certificate, that an application for a deed has not been made by the first purchaser; which certificate of the Clerk shall only be received on the day it bears Hate, and not thereafter. If any officer olher than tlie Treasurer, shall receive any money on account of any Cemetery lot, he shall he subject to a penalty of $'25.00 in each case. SEC. 12 If the City Sexton or any other Sexton or person shall bury, or attempt to bury, any dead in any uns -11 lots or in any lot belonging to another without permission in writing, or if any person shall resist the City Sexton in the execution of any duty, or refuse or neglect to obey his lawful directions, or be found in discharging fire-arms, hunting or in trespas- sing in any other manner in the Cemetery, or shall injure, deface or destroy any tree, tombstone, stake, post, fence, monument, vault or other fixture, build- ing or thing of value or ornament in the Cemetery, or trespass upon any grave in the Cemetery, he or they shall be severally subjected to a fine of not less than $10 nor exceeding $100, and the court or magistrate in its discretion may, in any aggravated case, cause the offender to be imprisoned for a period not exceed- ing thirty days in addition to the fine. SEC. 13 The Treasurer arid Clerk shall report to the Common Council on the first day of every month, a true statement in brief of the several accounts kept by them. The Sexton shall likewise report at the same time the number of certificates granted by him with a description of the lots, the name of the person to whom granted, and the date of each. Such reports 28 shall be referred to the appropriate committee and care- fully examined. SEC. 14. It shall be the duty of the City Sexton on the appointment and qualification of his successor in office, to deliver to him the r cords, maps and pro- perty pertaining to his office, and for a neglect or re- fusal to surrender the same or a part thereof, he shall be subject to a penalty of not less than $10 nor exceed- ing $100 and costs of suit. ORDINANCE NO. 37. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING VEHICLES. Approved May -2, 17I5. (This ordinance has been repealed) ORDINANCE NO. 38. AX ORDINANCE LV RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved May '2, 187:>. (This is a local ordinance and has become obsolete ) ORDINANCE NO. 39. AUTHORIZING and empowering Dexter Horton, A. A. Denny, John ivollms and Charles E. Buivows and their associates, assigns, successors or executors, to erect and nuiintain Gas Works, and to lay down pipe for the supply and distribu- tion of illuminating (las in the City of tSeuttle, Washing- ton Territory. Approved June (i, 187.'J. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That Dexter Horton, A. A. Denny. John Collins and Charles E. Barrows and their associates. 20 successors, assigns or executors be and they are here- by authorized and empowered to erect, establish and have in operation within the corporate limits of the City of Seattle. W. T., on a suitable place or site to be hereafter selected by them, subjectto the approval of the Common Council or a committee thereof, a Manufac- tory of Gas, with all the necessary buildings, apparatus, machinery and fixtures, within the space of one year from the date of the passage of this ordinance, sufficient for the illumination of the said City of Seattle, and at their option to lay down gas pipes and extend the service of gas throughout the said City of Seattle, and throughout any additions that may here[afterj be made to the said City of Seattle. SEC. 2. That the said Dexter Ilorton, A. A. Den- ny, John Collins. Chas. K. Burrows and their assigns, successors or executors, shall have the exclusive use to lay and extend gas pipes aud apparatus for the con- vevance of gas throughout the said City of Seattle, and they shall with as little delay as possible, repair all damages done to the streets, alleys and public places, and leave them in as good condition as they were previous to the laying of said pipes and appara- tus; nor shall any person or persons, company or cor- porations, have the right to lay pipe for any purpose within two and a half (2i) feet of the center of the gas pipe, except when necessary to cross the same, without the consent of the said Dexter Horton, A. A. 30 Denny, John Collins, Charles E. Burrows and their assigns, successors or executors. SEC. 3. That the said Dexter Morton. A. \. Denny, John Collins, Charles E. Burrows, am! their assigns, successors or executors shall, upon requirement of the corporate authorities of the said City of Seattle, sup- ply gas to all the street lamps that may be erected by the said City of' Seattle upon the line of pipe at a rate not to exceed the sum of seven (7) dollars pel- month for each lamp so supplied (said lamp to be lighted on schedule time when there is not suffi- cient natural light), and they shall, as required by the said corporate authorities, light with gas such public places as the said city may require, when located upon the line of the pipe, at such price as may be agreed upon from time to time, not to exceed that paid by private consumers for like service. SEC. 4. No other person or persons, company or corporations, shall be permitted, directly or indirectly, to erect, build, establish or maintain any other gas work or works, manufactory 'or apparatus for lighting the streets, alleys or public places of said City of Se- attle or supplying the inhabitants thereof with gas during the term of twenty-five (25) years from the date of the passage of this ordinance: Provided that the said Dexter Hortori, A. A. Denny, John Collins, Charles E. Burrows, their assigns, successors or exec- utors shall furnish a sufficient supply of gas to meet 31 the requirements of the said City of Seattle and the inhabitants thereof. SEC. 5. That if the said gas works are not in op- eration within the time specified in Section 1 of this ordinance, and unless the said Dexter Horton, A. A. Denny, John Collins, Charles K. Burrows, their as- signs, successors or executors, can show good and sufficient reason for such delay, then this ordinance shall be void ard of no effect. SEC. 6. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from arid after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 40. RELATIVE TO CITY TAXES. Approved June 6, 1873. ( This ordinance has become obsolete.^) ORDINANCE NO 41. RELATIVE TO HIDEWALK8. Approved June 30, 1873. (This is a local ordinance which has become obsolete.) FIFTH COUNCIL. Mayor John Leary, Kobt. A brains, J. 8. Anderson, Recorder Clerk Treasurer Marshal Assessor Councilman Stuart Cricliton. John Collins. Isaiah Waddell, Jus McKinley, \Vm. Mcydenbauer, E. W. Blake. E. II. Brown. I). T. Wheeler. F. A. Afinick. E. W. Blake. D ORDINANCES PASSKI) BY TIIK FIFTH COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 42. RELATIVE TO INDIAN WOMEN. Approved Aug. 14, 1873. 7 }.s <) local ordinance which has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 71. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved March 12, 187f>. (This is >t local ordinance which has become obsolete. ) ORDINANCE NO. 72. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE ENTRY OF LAND* WITHIN THM CITY LIMITS. Approved May 15, 1875. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : That the Mayor of said City of Seattle be and he is hereby authorized to enter Jn the name of the said City of Seattle all Government lands within the cor- porate limits of said city, subject to entry under the laws of the United States by the corporate authorities or inhabitants of said City of Seattle, arid that he em- ploy such means as necessary in the premises. ORDINANCE NO. 73. AN ORDINANCE DIVIDING THE CITY OP SEATTLE INTO WARDS. Approved May 29, 1875. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That the said City of Seattle shall be 44 and by this ordinance is now divided into three elec- toral wards as follows: All that part of the said City lying south of Mill street shall be Ward No. One; that part of the said city lying between the said Mill street on the south and Seneca street on the north, shall be Ward No. Two ; and all that part of the said city lying north of said Seneca street, shall be Ward No. Three. SEC. 2 That the said Ward No. One shall be entitled to elect two; the said Ward No Two, shall be entitled to elect three; and the said Ward No. Three shall be entitled to elect two members of the City Council. SEC. 3. That each of the Councilmen shall be elected from the Ward in which he is registered and shall be elected by the legal voters of only that Ward. SEC. 4. --That voters shall register with the City Recorder from the Wards in which they reside, and not elsewhere. SEC. 5. That polls shall be open arid held open as required by law, in each one of the ward&, at such places and time as the City Council shall see fit to direct that judges and clerks shall be appointed by the Council to attend at such places upon any city elec- tion, and returns shall be made to the City Council of all elections held in any of the said Wards as re- quired by the Charter of said city. This Ordinance to be in- force from and after its passage. 45 ORDINANCE NO. 74. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Appioved Juoe 22, 1875. ,i K:;M\(; ;>KKK\SKS AND I A|)|n-!i\ f, ls7(>. The City of Seattle does ordain as folloics ; SECTION 1. That any person or persons who shall be guilty of an} 7 violent, riotous or disorderly conduct, or who shall use any profane, abusive or obscene lan- guage in any street, house or place whereby the peace or quiet of the city is or may be disturbed, or who shall be guilty of any indiscreet or immoral act or practice, shall, on conviction thereof before any Justice of the Peace, be subject to a penalty of not loss than five nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC 2. That any person or persons who shall fire any pistol, gun or rifle, or other species of fire-arms within the following limits: Cedar Street .on the north to Jud kins' Addition on the south, and Tenth Street on the east between said limits on the bay, shall on con- viction thereof before any Justice of the Peace, be subject to a penalty of not less Mian five nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisonment at the [discretion of the] Justice of the Peace before whom he, she or they may be arraigned, not exceeding twenty days: Provided, that the City Marshal may permit upon the national holidays and other days of public celebration any ap- propriate display of firearms and other instruments named in this section. SEC. 3. That any person or persons who shall be guilty of any assault or assault and battery within the 60 corporate limits of the City, shall, on conviction there- of, be subject to a penalty of not less than five (5) nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment at the discretion of the Justice of the Peace not exceed- ing twenty days. SEC. 4. Any person who shall draw any species of fire arms or any dirk, dagger or knife or other deadly weapon upon the person of another within the limits of the City of Seattle, shall, on conviction thereof be- fore any Justice of the Peace, be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, and may be imprisoned for any period not exceeding twenty days. SEC. 5. Any person or persons who shall resist any peace officer or who shall refuse to assist him in the discharge of his duties, or who shall by any means whatever aid or assist any person, in custody upon charge of the violation of the City Ordinance, in his en- deavor to escape from such custody, whether such escape be effected or not, shall on conviction, be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be imprisoned not less than five nor more than twenty days. SEC. 6. That any person who shall falsely assume to be a Deputy Marshal or other officer of this city, and shall take upon himself to act as such, such per- son upon conviction thereof before any Justice of the Peace, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. 61 7. No person or persons shall ride or drive uny horse or horses, mule or mules, or any beast <>f burthen within the corporate limits of this city at a greater speed than six miles an hour under a penalty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. SRC. 8. Xo person shall throw or deposit in any street or sidewalk or foot-path of the City of Seattle, any broken glass, bottles, crockery, nails or other substance whatever whereby the feet of horses or other beasts of burthen may be injured, under penalty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 9 Xo person shall suffer or permit to go or shall lead, drive or ride airy horse, mule or other beast of burthen upon any sidewalk within the corporate limits, under a penalty of not less than five nor more than thirty dollars. SEC. 10. In all cases of conviction for any of the offenses mentioned in this Ordinance the Court shall adjudge the offender to pay the cost of the prosecu- tion, and shall in default of payment of fines and costs commit the offender to the city jail for a term of im- prisonment no-t exceeding twenty days. SEC. 11. If any person shall willfully cut. remove, deface or in any manner injure any fence, gate or enclosure or part thereof, placed around the public squares of said City or erected by the authority of the City Council or by direction of the Street Commis- sioner upon any bridge or across any street of said 62 City, he shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or may be imprisoned in the city jail for not more than twenty days, at the discretion of the Justice of the Peace. SEC. 12. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SEC. 13. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after the date of its publication. ORDINANCE NO. 98. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved March II, ]S7(>. ( This is a local ordinance which has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 99. RELATIVE TO HARBOR DUES. Approved March 1, 1*7(5. (This ordinance has been repealed.} ORDINANCE NO. 100. OEFININ*. I UK IH'TIES AND COMPENSATION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Approved March 7, 187(1. (This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 101. TO IMI'O^K AND i:E<;tT.ATE A LICENSE ON HOTEL Kl'XNEK* IN THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved March 13, 1876. (This ordinance has been repealed.) 63 ORDINANCE NO. 102. FIXING THE < -OMPENSATION OFTIIK HARIJOIt MASTER OF TIIK CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved March 7, 187<>. (This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 103. HKI. \TING TO PROCEEDINGS IN* CASES OF VIOLATIONS OF CITY ORDINAN- ( K< PA**EI> P,Y TIIK COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved March 15, 1876. ( This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 104. RELATING TO COMPENSATION OF CITY SURVEYOR FOR MAKING CERTAIN SURVEYS. Approve! Aor.l 13, 1876. (This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 105. REPEALING A PART OF PART EIGHT (8) OF SECTION NINE (9) OF ORDI- NANCE NUMIJER NINETY-FIVE (95). Approved April 13, 1876. ( This ordinance has been repealed.} ORDINANCE NO. 106. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved April 13, 1S7C. (This is a local ordinance which has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 107. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved April 1:5, lS7(i. (This is a local ordinance which Juts become obsolete.) 64 ORDINANCE NO. 108, IN KKLATION TO TAXES FOIt THK YKAK 17 Approved April IS, ls7(i. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 109, CHANGING NUMBERS OP CERTAIN STREETS. Approved Apr, 15, I87(i. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That in Bell & Denny's plat of the Town of Seattle, recorded in Plat Book, vol. 1st, page 29, 1st Addition to Bell & Denny's plat to the Town of Seattle, recorded in Plat Book, vol. 1st, page 61 , and 2nd Addition to Bell & Denny's plat to the Town of Seattle, recorded in Plat Book, vol. 1st, page 71 ; that the names of certain streets shall be changed as follows, to-wit: Change Broadway to Lake Averue Street. Front St. ' Water " 2nd " " West " 3rd " " Front 4th >k 2nd 6th ' 4th and drop the name of Water Street as it now appears on the Plat. SEC. 2. That in Terry's First Addition to the Town of Seattle, recorded in Plat Book, vol. 1st, page 49, arid in Terry's Second Addition to the Town of Seattle, recorded in Plat Book, vol. 1, page 87, the 65 name of Pine Street, as it appears upon the Plat, is hereby changed to Terrace Street. SEC. 3. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 110. ESTABLISHING GRADES IN THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved May 20, 1876. (Repealed, by Ordinance No. 138.) ORDINANCE NO. 111. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR FILING PLAT OF AND IMPROVING CITY PROPERTY. Approved May 16, 1876. 7 he City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That the map of the City of Seattle, Washington Territory, showing its additions and the "Walla Walla Railroad," drawn by S.C. Harris, in 1875, and lithographed by Britton, Ray & Co. of San Fran- cisco, California, be and the same is hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed by the City of Seattle so far as the laying off and plating of lots seven (1), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), of Section four (4); lots six (6), seven (7), eight (8) and nine (9), of Section five (5) ; lot five (5), of Section eight (8) and lot seven (7) and eight (8) of Section nine (9), all in Township num- ber (24) twenty-four north, of Range four (4) east of the Willamette meridian with a park and blocks and lots; and the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized 66 and directed to cause a copy of said map embracing said Park, blocks and lots to be duly acknowledged as a true plat, and filed for record with the Auditor of King County, Washington Territory, and to cause all needed improvements to be made in, upon or about said park not to exceed the sum of five hundred dol- lars. SEC. 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its publication. ORDINANCE NO. 112. TO PROVIDE FOR THE GRADING OF FRONT STREET. Approved June 8, 1876. (This is the ordinance under which Front street was graded.} ORDINANCE NO. 113. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved June 10, 1876. (Thin /* a local ordinance which has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 114. RELATIVE TO 1>KO< I KING EARTH FOR THE GRADING OF FRONT STREET. Approved July 8, 1876. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 115. AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 114. Approved July 17, 1876. ( This ordinance has become obsolete.) 67 ORDINANCE NO. 116. 10 PROVIDE FOR THE PARTIAL GRADING OF MILL STREET UETWKKN FIFTH AND EIGHTH STREETS, OF MAYNARD'S PLAT. Approved July 18, 1876. {This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 117. PRESCRIBING THE MODE IN WHICH CHARGES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE ASSESSED AND COLLECTED. Approved July 13, 1876, (This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 118. <;RKATING A FUND TO BE KNOWN AS THE STREET IMPROVEMENT FCNI> Approved July 13, 1876. {This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 119. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved July 13, 1876. ( This is a local ordinance which has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 120. IN RELATION TO SIDEWALKS. Approved July 13, 1876. (This is a local ordinance which has become obsolete.} EIGHTH COUNCIL. Mayor, - - G. A. Weed. Councilmen: Thos. Clancy, John Leary, W. W. Barker, Geo. W. Hall, Sam'l Kenney, W. N. Bell, C. W. Moore. Marshal, - - K. H. Turnbull. Clerk, - - W. A. Inman. City Attorney, - - D. P. Jenkins. Treasurer. ' - H. W. Rowland. Surveyor, - R. L. Thome. Assessor, - - W. H. Shoudy. Chief of Police, R. H. Turnbull. Policemen, - - E. A. Thorndike and Wm. Sibley. Sexton, - - Thos. S. Russell, ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE EIGHTH COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 121. AMENDING SECTIONS UAND 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. 117. Approved July 24, 1876. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 122. IN RELATION TO BUILDING A SIDEWALK ON THE NORTH SIDE JACKSON STREET BETWEEN COMMERCIAL AND SECOND STREETS. Approved Sept. 1, 187H. (This is a local ordinance ivhich has become obsolete*) ORDINANCE NO. 123. TO I'AY GEORGE EDWARDS FOR REBUILDING THE CRIBBING AND THh NECESSARY EARTH-WORK DONE BY HIM ON FRONT STREET BE- TWEEN COLUMBIA AND MARION STREETS, Approved Sept. 14, 187H. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) 70 ORDINANCE NO. 124. FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY CLERK. Approved Sept. 14, 1876. (This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 125. TO PROVIDE FOR BUILDING A SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE OF FRONT STREET FROM JAMES TO PIKE STREET. Approved Sept. 23, 187H. (This is a local ordinance which has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 126. PROVIDING FOR A GRADE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF COLUMBIA STREET AND PARTIAL GRA7 E OF ALLEY BETWEEN FRONT AND SECOND STREETS AND FROM COLUMBIA TO MARION STREETS. Approved Sept. 23, 1876. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 127. TO ESTABLISH A GRADE ON SENECA STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF FRONT STREET AND A PARTIAL GRA,DE ON SENECA STREET. Approved Sept. 23, 1876. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 128. RELATING TO THE POLICE AND THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES AND OTHER PERSONS MAKING ARRESTS. Approved Nor. 23, 1876. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That all police officers of the City of Seattle, shall have power, within said city, to make 71 arrests without as well as with warrants for any viola- tions of or offences against any Ordinance of said city, for which an arrest is authorized. SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of all persons making arrests in said city, to bring the person or persons as soon as practicable before some court having jurisdiction of the offence charged within said city, and make a proper complaint, so as to vest said court with jurisdiction to hear and determine said cause. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of all police officers of said city whenever they have reasonable cause to suspect that any Ordinance of said city has been or is being violated by any person or persons, to investi- gate the matter without delay, and if the evidence renders it probable that some one or more persons are guilty of having violated one or more of the Ordinan- ces of said city which provide for punishment on arrest, it shall be the duty of said officer having such intormation, to arrest, or cause the arrest of such sus- pected person without delay, and bring them [him] before the proper court for investigation or trial, and to make and enter proper complaints in such cases. SEC. 4. No police officer shall be or become an active partizan in politics, nor in any way meddle with the private concerns of citizens outside of the line of his duties ,s such officer. SEC. 5. No police officer shall receive directly or 72 indirectly, any money or other property or thing of value, for services of any kind rendered by him while a member of the police force of the City of Seattle, except his regular monthly pay and such fees as are allowed by law, and which may be actually paid in in money by parties adjudged to pay costs for violation of city Ordinances: Provided, nevertheless, the Mayor may give any officer a written permit to receive money or other property or thing of value while on the police force; and if the officer shall have such permit before he receives any such money or other property or thing of value, he shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section to the extent granted by such permit. SEC. 6. No police officer shall make use of any threatening or provoking language, or be guilty of any threatening or provoking acts towards any person or property within said city, beyond what may be requir- ed or proper in the exercise of his official duties. SEC. 7. Any person violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance, on conviction thereof before any court having jurisdiction thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, and stand com- mitted until the fine and costs are paid or they [he] be otherwise discharged according to law. SEC. 8. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after five days from the date of its first publication. I 73 ORDINANCE XO. 129. DELATING TO FIRE WARDEN HIS POWERS AND DUTIES. Approved Nov. 23, 1876. Tht City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. The office of Fire Warden i& hereby established for the City of Seattle, and the Common Council shall, at some regular meeting, appoint a suitable person to fill said office, and, when duly ap- pointed, he shall before entering upon his duties, take an an oath in writing, to fairly, faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office, and which said oath may be taken before any one authorized to administer oath?, and said oath when so taken, shall be delivered to the City Clerk and be by him filed and preserved. SEC. 2. Said Warden, when so qualified, shall hold his office during the pleasure of the City Coun- cil, and receive such compensation for his services as the City Council may determine. SEC. 3. The duties of the Fire Warden shall be to attend to the enforcement of all Ordinances now in force, or which may hereafter come in force, in re- lation to fires and subjects connected therewith, and [hej shall have the care, custody and control of all pro- perty belonging to the city, intended to be used in extinguishing fires. SEC. 4. The Fire Warden is hereby charged with a general supervision over the city with respect to the subject of fires, and places that are, or may become 74 dangerous, on account of the liability or probability tiiat fires will be started und r such circumstances as to heroine dangerous to the prosperity and welfare of the citizens. Sir. 5 The said Fire Warden shall be diligent in the discharge of his duties, and visit and inspect all suspected places coining to his knowledge, and on dis- covering places of unusual danger from fire, it shall be- his duty at once to give such orders and directions for doing away with such danger an i rendering the place safe as in his judgment may be necessary, and which orders or directions he shall communicate to the own- ers, or their agents, of the places where such dangers exist, as to the occupants of said places, and require such danger to be removed within such time as he may think proper; but the time given not to exceed ten days from the time of giving such notice, and if such danger is not remedied or removed within the time giv- er, then the said Fire Warden may enter upon the prem- ises and remedy or remove such danger, and the owner of such property shall bj liable to the City of Seattle for the cost of the work a id m.iterial, and also be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor if he had received the notice provided for in this section, and may on conviction before any court having jurisdiction, be fined in any sum not less than five or more than fifty dollars. SEC. G. On any dangerous fire breaking out, it shall be the duty of the Fire Warden to go at once 75 (Superceded by Ordinance No. 179.) ORDINANCE NO. 140. AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 138, ENTITLED "ORDINANCE NO. 138; AMEND- ING ORDINANCE NO. 110, ESTABLISHING GRADES IN THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved July 2, 1877. 7he City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION I. That a base or datum line to which the grades of the City shall be referred is hereby established at an elevation of nine feet and six tenths of a foot (9 6-10) below the level of the top of the granite step in the doorway of Dexter Horton & Co.'s stone bank building on Commercial street at the corner of Wash- ington street. SEC. 2. That the grades for the streets of the City shall be at the following elevations above datum: '. 84 On Mill Street: At Commercial Street 8% feet. " Second " 15 " " the point midway between Second and Third Streets, 20 " ' Third Street 34> " ' ' Fourth " 56 % " ' ' the point midway between Fourth and Fifth Streets. . . 61 " Filth Street ...... 75> "Sixth " 117 " Seventh " 155)< " Eighth 194 On Washington Street: At Commercial Street 8^ teet . " Second ' :. 10 " " Third 12 1 ' Fourth ' 25 " " Fifth ' 47 " Sixth ' 85 " Seventh ' 123# " " Eighth 162 " On Main Street: At Commercial Street .* 12 feet. " Second " .. 15 "Third " 10 " Fourth " 12 " Filth " 25 " Sixth 56 " Seventh 94>j " Eighth " 133 On Jackson Street: At Commercial Street ................................... 11 feet. Second .................................... 15 " Third ..................................... 10 "Fourth .................................. 10 " Fifth .................................... 10 ' ' the point midway between Fifth and Sixth Streets ... 11 "Sixth Str et .................................. 20 " Seventh .................................... 58> "Eighth .................................... 97 On King Street: At Commercial Street 10 feet. " Second " 10 sixth " 10 ' the point midway between Sixth and Seventh Streets. 11>$ ' "Seventh Street 22X " " Eighth " 61 On Weller Street: At Seventh Street 10 feet. ' ' the point midway between Seventh and Eighth Streets 24 " Eighth Street 43 On Lane Street: At Seventh Street 10 feet. ' the point midway between Seventh and Eighth Streets 10 ' Eighth Street 25 " 85 On Alder Street: \t Sixth Street ....... ITS feet. N Seventh " 250 " On Terrace Street: At Fifth Street .............. ...121 *' Sixth ' ................... ., ..................... 190 ' Seventh" .. .................................... 280 On Jefferson Street: On James Street: On Cherry Street: On Columbia Street: On Marion Street: At Third Street .............................. , ........... ttl feeU " Fourth ' .......................... ...... ......... S6# M ' Fifth " .................................. ......... 127 " ' Sixth .......................................... 175# " ' Seventh 4 ' ................................ , ..... 2H1 " At the point midway between Front and Second Streets 16 feek " Second Street .............................. ... .. 25 " Third " .................................. . ..... 87* " "Fourth " ..................... , ............. _____ 112* " "Fifth " ........................................ 140 " Sixth " . ... ............................ . ...... 1654 " " Seventh " .............. ........ 217 At Front Street 20 feet. Second " ....41 Third " 70* " Fourth " 122i " Fifth " 172^ " Sixth " 180 Seventh " ..205 At Front Street 20 feet. " Second " 52i " Third " 86 " Fourth " 124* " Fifth " 175| " Sixtli " 216i M Scventli " 2114 At Front Street " Second " - Third " Fourtli " Fifth " Sixtli " Seventh . . 23 feet. ..65 . . 1054 " .132i " ..183 ..234 . 240 On Madison Street: At Front st.iv-t 25 feet. " Sec-ond " 68i " " Third " 1194 " " Fourth " 156" " " Fifth " 183 11 Sixth " 229 " Seventh " 240 On Spring Street: At Front Street 34 feet. " Second " 80 " Third " 130 " Fourth " 163A " " Fifth " ml " " Sixth " 225 " Seventh " 225J " On Seneca Street: At West Street . . 10 feet. "Front ** 48 "Second " 80 "Third " 125A " "Fourth " 170 " Fifth " 192 " "Sixth " 213 " Seventh " 203 On University Street: At West Street 10 feet. " Front 60 " Second " 85j " " Third " 120 " " a point one hundred and fifty-three feet east of the middle of Third Street 132 " a point one hundred and fifty- three feet west of the middle of Sixth Street 175 " Sixth Street 175 " Seventh " 170 " On Union Street: At West Street 15 feet. " Front 94] Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh On Pike Street: 115 .125^ .140 .135 At West Street ....................................... 45 feet. " Front " ............ .... ............... ........... 107 " Second ' ....................................... Ill " " Third " .......................................... 115 " " Fourth " ........................................ 115A " "Fifth " ......................................... iw " " Sixth ......................................... 119 " Seventh " ......................................... 136 On Pine Street: At West Street ..................................... 65 feet " Front " .... .................. . ................... 138 " a point midway between Front and Second Streets. .160 " Second Street ................ ... .................. ____ 158 " Third .......................................... 132 " " Fourth " ............ ............. .............. 115 " Fifth " ...................... .................... 95 " " Sixth " .......................................... 95 " Seventh " .......... . ............................... 106 87 SEC. 3. That the area made by the intersection of any two streets shall be level, excepting where the streets of that part of the city lying north of Mill street intersects Mill street. SEC. 4. That there- shall be a uniforn and contin- uous rate of grade in the streets between each and every two adjacent streets, intersections or points named in section two of this Ordinance: Provided, hoivever, that no grade-line is established on the fol- lowing streets, viz: On Alder street between Sixth and Seventh streets. On Terrace street between Fifth and Sixth streets. On Terrace street between Sixth and Seventh streets. On Jefferson street between Sixth and Seventh streets. On Union street between West and Front streets. On Pike street between West and Front streets. On Pine street between West and Front streets. SEC. 5. That the said Ordinance No. J 38, hereby amended, is also hereby repealed. SEC. 6. This Ordinance to take elfect from and after five days after its publication. ORDINANCE NO. 141. IN RELATION TO TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1877. Approved July 13, 1877. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 142. FIXIN } TH5 LIMITS WITHIN WHICH PROPERTY SHALL BE SUBJECT TO SPECIAL TAX FOR GAs-LlOHT PURPOSES FOR THE YE*R 1877. Approved July 19, 1<<77. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) NINTH COUNCIL. Mayor, A A. Denny, Bailey Gatzert, Sam'l Kenney, Marshal^ - City Attorney, Clerk, - Treasurer, Health Officer, Surveyor, Harbor Master, Assessor and Collector ', Chief of Police, Policeman, Judicial Officer, - Fire Warden, Street Commissioner, Couneilmen A. W. Piper. G. A. Weed. Frank Matthias, Geo. W. Hall, Benj. Murphy, E. A. Thorndike. J. J. McGilvra. D. T. Wheeler. H. W. Rowland. Dr. G. A. Weed. P. G. Eastwick. E A. Thorndike. W. H. Shoudy. K. A. Thorndike. W. F. Jordan. Roswell Scott. Geo. W. Hall. Wm. Blackman. K ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE NINTH COUNCIL. ORDINANCE NO. 143. AMENDING SECl'TON 6 OF ORDINANCE No. 136, ENTITLED "SUBSTITUTE FOR OR- DINANCE No. 135, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES " Approved Aug. 2, 1877. ( This ordinance has been repealed.) ORDINANCE NO. 144. IN RELA1ION TO TAXFS FOR THE YEAR 1878. Approved June 15, 1878. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 145. AMENDING SECTION 6 OP ORDINANCE No. 136, ENTITLED "SUBSTITUTE FOR OB- DINANOE No. 135, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. Approved June. 15, 1878. (This ordinance has been repealed.) 90 ORDINANCE NO. 146. [NO TITLE.] Approved June 15, 178. The Citif of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That in all that portion of the City of Seattle, south of Columbia street and west of Fourth street, in both Maynard and Boren's plat, the roofs of all buildings or structures of any kind shall be kept free and clear of moss and other inflammable substance or material. SEC. 2. That within ten days from the time this Ordinance shall go into effect, the owners of all build- ings or structures within that portion of the City of Seattle described in section one of this ordinance, shall remove from the roofs of said buildings or struc- tures, all rnoss or other inflammable substance or ma- terial, and shall thereafter keep such roofs free and clear from such accumulations. SEC. 3. That* it shall be the duty of the Fire Warden of said city to inspect the roofs of all build- ings or structures within the limits described in section one of this Ordinance immediately upon this Ordinance taking effect, and annually thereafter on the first Monday of May, or as soon thereafter as practicable. SEC. 4. That said Fire Warden shall notify the owners or occupants of any building or structure up- on the roof of which any moss or other inflammable substance or material shall have accumulated, forth- with to remove the same; and if such owner or occu- 91 pant shall not remove the same within forty-eight hours after such notification, then said Fire Warden shall cause the same to be removed and the expense thereof shall be charged to the owner or occupant of such building or structure so notified as aforesaid, and may be recovered by the City of Seattle in a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction. SEC. 5. That the owner or occupant of any such building or structure, who shall after such notification fail to remove such moss or other inflammable sub- stance or material from such roof or roofs within forty- eight hours after such notification, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars in addition to the remedy by civil action provided for in section four hereof. SBC. 6. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after five days after its publication. ORDINANCE NO. 147. FIXING THK LIMITS WITHIN WHICH PROPERTY SHALL UK SUBJECT TO A SPECIAL TAX FOR GAS-LIGHT PURPOSES. Approved June 15, 1878. ( This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE XO. 148. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE DEPOSIT OF KUBBIS1I ON THE STREETS. Approved June '22, 1878. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows ; SECTION 1. Any person who shall deposit or burn 92 or cause to be deposited or burned in any street or alley that is opened to travel within the limits of the City of Seattle, any hay, straw, paper, wood, boards, boxes, manure or other rubbish or material, without a special permit from the Mayor or Common Council, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on con- viction thereof be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution. SEC. 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after five days after its publication. TENTH COUNCIL. Mayor, A. A. Denny, A. S. Miller, S. Baxter, Marshal, City Attorney, Clerk, - Treasurer. - Health Officer, Surveyor, - Street Commissioner, Harbor Master, Assessor and Collector, Judicial Officer \ Chief of Police, - Poiicemen, Councilmen: Robert Abratns. - Beriab Brown Benjamin Murphy, Thomas Clancy, Andrew Chilberg, E. A. Thorndike. W. H. White. D. T. Wheeler. - John M. Blanchard. Dr. F. W. Sparling. - P. G. Eastwick. M. J. Costello. V. Quimby. - Hillory Butler. Roswell Scott. F. A. Minick. James Welch and Frank Robinson. ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE TENTH COUNCIL. ORDINANCE NO. 149. AN ORDINANCE TO CONTROL AND REGULATE THE CONDUCT OF RUNNERS FOR HOTELS, INNS, TAVERNS AND BOARDING HOUSES. Approved Aug. 8, 1878. 7 he Oity of Seattle does ordain as foUov:s : SECTION 1. That any person who upon the public streets, or on any dock, wharf or vessel, within the limits of the City of Seattle, shall in any manner solicit custom for any inn, tavern, hotel or boarding- house, shall be deemed to be a hotel-runner, and shall be required to take out a license for the exercise of such calling or business, for which he shall pay the sum of seven and a half dollars quarterly; such license to be for any period not less than one quarter or three months. SEC. 2. That any person acting as such runner without having first taking [taken] out a license from 95 said city, or who shall act as such hotel runrer after the expiration of such license, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, to which may be added, in the discretion of the court, imprisonment in the city or county jail not exceeding twenty days. SEC. 3. That every runner licensed under this Ordinance shall wear upon his hat while engaged such business, a suitable badge bearing the name of the inn, tavern, hotel or boarding-house for which he is solicit- ing custom, and a failure so to do shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, [he] shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. SEC. 4. All previous Ordinances on the subject matter of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SEC. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after it has been published. ORDINANCE NO. 150. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE PAY, FEES AND COMPENSATION OF THE CITY OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved Aug. 22, 1878. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. The Justice of the Peace of the City of Seattle, shall receive for his services the same fees and compensation that he receives for similar services from the Territory of Washington. 96 SEC. 2. The City Marshal shall receive for his services the same fees and compensation that the Sheriff of King County receives for similar services from the Territory of Washington. SEC. 3. [As amended by Ordinance No. 183.] The Clerk of the City of Seattle shall receive $300 per an- num, payable quarterly, for his ordinary services. In addition thereto he shall receive the sum of $100 for preparing and making out the Tax Roll for said city, payable upon the completion of the same, and no other or greater fee or compensation shall be allowed him in- any instance. SEC. 4. The City Attorney of the City of Seattle, shall receive three hundred dollars per annum, paya- ble quarterly, for his services, and no other fee or compensation shall be allowed to him in any instance whatever. SEC. 5. [As amended by Ordinance No. 192.] That the City Treasurer shall receive for his services three (3) per cent, on all moneys coming into his hands, to-wit: One and one-half per cent, for collec- tion and one arid one-half per cent, for disburse- ments, retaining for his said services said three per cent: out of the respective funds to which said collec- tion may belong. SEC. 6. The Health Officer shall receive such compensation for services actually rendered as the City Council may at any regular meeting order. 97 SEC. 7. The City Surveyor shall receive not less, than fifty dollars per annum, payable quarterly, but the City Council shall have power at any time to in- crease his compensation in cases where extraordinary services are required of him. SEC. 8. The Street Commissioner shall receive a compensation at the rate of three dollars per day for each day's service performed by him under the direc- tion of the City Council or the Street Committee thereof, but before receiving any pay, said Street Commissioner shall file with the Clerk an itemized account of his services showing to a reasonable cer- tainty where the work was done, arid by whose direc- tion; and said account must be verified by himself. He shall received his pay trorn time to time as direct- ed by the Council. SEC. 9. The Harbor Master shall receive such compensation for services actually rendered as the City Council may at any regular meeting order. SEC. 10. The Assessor and Collector shall receive three hundred dollars per annum, payable semi-annu- al ly, for his services, aud no other fee or compensation shall be allowed to him in any instance. SEC. 11. The Chief of Police shall receive a com- pensation of one hundred dollars per month, payable monthly, and no other or greater fees or compensation shall be allowed to him in any instance. SEC 12. The police officers of the City of Seattle, 98 shall receive seventy dollars per month, payable monthly, and no other or greater fee shall be allowed them in any instance. SEC. 1 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after it has been published. SEC. 14. All Ordinances heretofore passed on the Bubject matter of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. ORDINANCE NO. 151. AN ORtflWANCE TO PROVIDE A STEAM FIRE ENGINE FOR THE CITY OF SEATTLE Approved Aug. 23, 1878. {This is the ordinance under which the Steam Fire Engine " Seattle No. 1," was purchased.') ORDINANCE NO. 152. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A STEAM FIRE ENGINE. Approved Aug. 23, 1878. (This ordinance provides for the payment for Steam Fire Engine " Seattle No. 1.") ORDINANCE NO. 153. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE GRADING OF PART OF COM- MERCIAL STREET. Approved Sept. 5, 1878. (This is the ordinance under which Commercial Street ivas graded.) ORDINANCE NO. 154. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 95. Approved Sept. 5, 1878. ( TMs ordinance simply repeals ordinance No. 95.) ORDINANCE NO. 155. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE, LICENSE AND TAX CARTS, WAGONS, DRAYS, COACHES, OMNIBUSES AND OTHER CARRIAGES. Approved Sept. 5, 1878. 7fo City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. All carts, wagons, drays, coaches, or other description of carriage which shall be kept for hire within the City of Seattle, shall be licensed and taxed as follows: All of such carts or other vehicles drawn by one horse shall be taxed at the rate of ten dollars per annum, and all of such carts or other vehi- cles drawn by two or more horses shall be taxed at the rate of fifteen dollars per annum. SEC. 2. Upon the payment to the City Treasurer of the amount of any such tax and the production to the City Clerk of a certificate of such payment, the said Clerk shall issue to the owner of any such cart or other vehicle a license authorizing said owner or his agent to use said cart or other vehicle for hire for the term of one year, or for a period not less than three months. SEC. 3. Every such license shall be numbered by the City Clerk, and such number shall be conspicu- 100 ously painted upon the cart or other vehicle so li- censed. SEC. 4. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to the keepers of livery stabled so far as concerns the ordinary business of said stables. SEC. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall for each offense be fined in any sum not exceeding fifteen dollars. ORDINANCE NO. 15t>. AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE, TAX AND REGULATE THEATRICALS, SHOWS AND OTHER EXHIBITIONS AND PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Approved Sept. 5, 1878. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows ; SECTION 1. All theatres, shows and other exhibi- tions and public amusements, shall be licensed arid taxed as follows: Every theatre for each day, five dollars, Every circus for each day, twenty dollars. Every concert for each day, five dollars, and all other shows and other exhibitions and public amusements for hire at the rate of five dollars for each and every day. SEC. 2. Upon the payment to the City Treasurer of the amount of any such tax, and the production to the City Clerk of a certificate of such payment, the said Clerk shall issue to the proprietor or agent of any such exhibition, a license authorizing the perfor- mance thereof. 101 SEC. 3. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall for each olfence be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. ORDINANCE NO. 157. AN OSDINANCH TO LICENCE, TAX AND REGULATE AUCTIONEER*, HAWKBfcS [ANDj PEDDLERS. Approved Sept 5, 1878. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. All auctioneers, hawkers and peddlers, shall be licensed and taxed as follows: Every auctioneer for each year, at the rate of twen- ty dollars, Every hawker or peddler, for each year, at the rate of twenty-five dollars. SEC. 2. Upon the payment to the City Treasurer of the amount of such tax, and the production to the City Clerk of a certificate of such payment, said Clerk shall issue to such auctioneer, hawker, [or] peddler, a license authorizing the carrying on of such business for the term of one year, or for a period not less than three months. SEC. 3. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. 102 ORDINANCE NO. 158. AN ORDINANCE TO CABBY INTO EFFECT THE PROVISIONS OF ORDI- NANCE NO. 150. Approved Sept. 6, 1878. (This ordinance Juts become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 159. AN ORDINANCE TO PBOVIDE FOB THE PAYMENT OF THE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES FOB THE YEAR ENDING JULY 1ST, 1879. Approved Sept. 5, 1878. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 160. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOB THE PUBLIC PRINTING OF THB CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved Sept. 11, 1878. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 196.) ORDINANCE NO. 161. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDE- WALK FROM THE EAST SIDE OF FRONT STREET ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF MADISON STREET TO THE WEST SIDE OF SIXTH STREET. Approved Sept. 19, 1878. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 172.) l 103 ORDINANCE NO. 162. AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE, TAX, REGULATE AND RESTRAIN THE KEEPING OF DOGS, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DISTRAINING, IMPOUNDING, SALE AND DESTRUCTION OF THE SAME. Approved Sept. 26, 1878. 7ke City of Seattk does ordain as fottovis : SECTION 1. The keeping of dogs within the limits of said city is hereby forbidden, unless the owners thereof shall procure a license for each dog or dogs as hereinafter provided for. SEC. 2. An annual tax to commence on the first Monday in October, is hereby levied as follows: On each male dog, $2.50; on each bitch, $2.50. SEC. 3. On the payment to the City Treasurer of the amount of any such tax, and the production of a certificate thereof to the City Clerk, it shall be the duty of said clerk to issue a license, numbered in the order of said issue, to the person applying for the same, and the person receiving such license shall cause to be placed upon the neck of his dog so li- censed, a collar on which shall be plainly marked the number of such license. SEC. 4. [As amended by Ordinance No. 168.] All dogs found running at large without having on such marked collar are declared to be public nuisan- ces, and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, or of some suitable person to be by him appointed, to dis- train and impound said dog or dogs, for which service 104 he shall be entitled to a fee of $1, to be collected from the owner or owners of such dog or dogs togeth- er with the sum of 50 cents for every day each of said dog or dogs shall be kept in custody: Provided, That no dog shall be so kept over forty-eight hours, at the expiration of which time it shall be the duty of said Chief of Police or of his deputy, to offer each of said dogs for sale for the payment of the tax, cost and ex- penses due, and in case of failure to obtain a purchas- er for the full amount of said tax, cost and expenses, it shall be the auty of said Chief of Police or of his deputy, to cause the destruction of said dog. SEC. 5. [As amended by Ordinance No. 168.] The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to secure a suitable pound for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance. SEC. 6. If any person, the owner of any dog, shall permit said dog to wear the collar contemplated by the [this] Ordinance without said tax having been paid and license procured, he shall be liable to a penalty of $25, to be collected according to law in the name of said city. SEC. 7. If any person owning the same shall knowingly permit any bitch to run at large while in heat, notwithstanding such person may have a license for such bitch as herein provided, such person shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars the same to be collected as other fines. 105 ORDINANCE NO. 163. AN ORDINANCE CREATING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO PAY FOR GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT OF FRONT STREET BETWEEN JAMES AND PIKE STREETS, WHICH GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT WAS DONE UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 112, AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO. Approved Sept. 26, 1878. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 173.) ORDINANCE NO. 164. CREATING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO PAY FOR GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT OF MARION STREET BETWEEN FRONT AND THIRD STREETS. Aproved Sept. 26, 1878. (This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 165. CREATING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO PAY FOR GRADING AND IMPOVEMENT OF CHERRY &TRKET BETWEEN J-RONT AND SECOND STREETS Approved Sept. 26, 1878. (This ordinance has become obsolete.} ORDINANCE NO. 166. CREATING >N ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO PAY FOR GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT OF MADISON STREET BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. Approved Sept. 26, 1878. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) 106 ORDINANCE NO. 167. T) P.IOV1DB FJK THE LEVfTNJ AND COLLECTING A SPECIAL TAX FOK THE (ill APING AND IMPROVEMENT OF COMMERCIAL STREET. Approved Oct. 4, 1878. ( This ordinance levies a special tax on Commercial street property to pay for the grading thereof.) ORDINANCE NO. 168. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 162. Approved Oct. 4, 1878. (See Ordinance No. 162.) ORDINANCE NO. 169. TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP A SIDEWALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF PART OF COMMERCIAL STREET. Approved Oct. 17, 1878. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 170. TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP A SIDEWALK ON THF BAST SIDE 0' PAR- OF COMMERCIAL SFREET. Approved Oct. 17, 187a (^ This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 171. TO PREVENT I1ORSK8, MULES, GOATS, HOGS AND HORNED OR NEAT CATTLE FROM RUNNING AT LARGE. Approved Oct, 17, 1878, (Repealed by Ordinance No. 200.) 107 ORDINANCE NO. 172. TO REPEAL ORDINANCE NO. 161. Aporored Oct. 17, 1878. {This ordinance simply repeals Ordinance No. 161.) ORDINANCE NO. 173. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 163. Approred Dec. 5, 1878. (Tkis ordinance simply repeals Ordinance No. 163.) ORDINANCE NO. 174. AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE FORMS OP ASSESSMENT ROLLS AND THE BULB FOR ASCERTAINING THE OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY, AND IN WHOSE NAMB THE SAME SHALL BE ASSESSED FOR THE GRADING, CONSTRUC- TION AND IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS, ALLEYS AND SID WALKS IN THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved Dec. 14, 1878. Tlie City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That the form of assessment rolls and the rule for ascertaining the ownership of property, and in whose name the same shall be assessed, shall be as prescribed in an act entitled "An act to provide u for the assessing and collecting of County and Terri- " torial revenue," passed by the Legislative Assembly of Washington Territory and approved November 9th, 1877: Provided, however, that said assessment shall be made and said roll shall be prepared in accordance with sections 16, 17 and 18 of said act, and said as- sessor shall strictly comply with the provisions of said sections 16, 17 and 18. The rule for ascertaining 108 the ownership of property and in whose name it shall be assessed, shall be according to the provisions of the said act of the Legislative Assembly of Washington Territory, approved November 9th, J877, and the time of making any assessment under any Ordinance for the improvement or grading of any street or side- walk within the City of Seattle, shall be within ,ten days after the passage of said Ordinance, and within five days thereafter any person who may feel himself aggrieved by the assessment on said lots, land and property, may apply to the Council of the City of Seattle for a revision thereof; Provided, however, that the return of any assessment roll under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be made and filed with the City Clerk of Seattle within ten days after the passage of any Ordinance directing any assessment as in this Ordinance provided. ORDINANCE NO. 1 75. AN ORDINANCE CREATING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO PAY FOR THE GRADING AND THE IM- PROVEMENT OF FRONT STREET BETWEEN JAMES AND PIKE STREETS, WHICH GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT WAS DONE UN- DER ORDINANCE NO. 112 AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO. Approved Dec. 14, 1878. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 211.) 109 ORDINANCE NO. 176. TO PROVIDE FOR THE LEVYING AND COLLECTION OF A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT OF FRONT STREET. Approved Jan. 2, 1879. ( This ordinance has been repealed.} ORDINANCE NO. 177. AN QRDINANCE TO REGULATE AND PREVENT THE DISCHARGE OP BALLAST AND OTHER MATERIAL IN THE WATERS OF THE HARBOR OP EILUMT'3 BA7, FRONTING THE CITY OP SEATTLE, AND WITHIN THE INCORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY. Approved March 6, 1879. T/ie City of Seattle does ordain as folbws : SECTION 1. No substance that will sink or form an obstruction to navigation shall be deposited in the waters or on the shores of the harbor of Elliott's Bay, fronting the City of Seattle and within the incorpor- ate limits of said city, without first obtaining permis- sion from the City Council of said city. SEC. 2. Any person who shall violate or cause to be violated section one of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense against the laws of the City of Seattle, and shall forfeit and pay to said city a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every violation of said section one of this Ordinance. SEC. 3. In all suits, actions and proceedings to 110 enforce this Ordinance, the City of Seattle shall be plaintiff and the person accused shall be defendant. Before any warrant, writ or other process shall be issued in any such suit, action or proceeeding against any person accused of violating the provisions of this Ordinance, a complaint in writing and under oath shall be made and filed with the Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction, particularly charging the violation of this Ordinance and stating the facts constituting the violation of the same. Such complaint may be made by any officer of the City of Seattle, including the Harbor Master and Chief of Police, and may be made on information and belief. SEC, 4. Section four (4) of Ordinance N"o. 87, entitled " Rules and Regulations of the Harbor of the City of Seattle," enacted by the Common Council of said city, and published January 22d, 1876, and re- corded on pages 99, 100 and 101 of the Book of Ordi- nances of said City of Seattle, be and the same are [is] now hereby repealed. ORDINANCE NO. 178. TO PROVIDE FOR ASSESSING, LEVYING AND COLLECTING THE CITY REVENUE OP THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved April 12, 1879. (Repealed by ordinance No. 210.) Ill ORDINANCE NO. 179. TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATE THE DEPOSITING OF BALLAST IN ELLIOTT'S BAY WITHIN THE INCORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved June 5, 1879. (Repealed by Ordinance Wo. 215." ORDINANCE NO. 180. TO PROVIDE FOR LIGHTING THE STREETS AND FURNISHING THE CITY OF SEATTLE WITH GAS-LIGHT WITHIN FIXED LIMITS. Approved June 16, 1879. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 181. FIXING THE AMOUNT AND KIND OF TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1879. Approved June 16, 1879. (This ordinance has become obsolete.) ORDINANCE NO. 182. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT FALSE FIRE ALARMS. Approved June 16, 1879. 7 he City of Seattk does ordain as follows : SECTION l.--Any person who shall knowingly cause any false alarm of fire shall be deemed to be guilty of violating the peace of the City of Seattle, and shall be subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment not exceeding thirty days: Provided, that this shall not apply to the Fire Warden of the 112 City of Seattle when he deems such alarm necessary. This Ordinance to take effect from and after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 183. TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 150. Approved July 31, 1879. (See Ordinance No. 150.) ELEVENTH COUNCIL. Mayor, Councilmen; H. B Bagley, W. C. Hawthorne, A. 8. Miller, G. W. Stetson. Marshal^ Clerk, City Attorney, Treasurer. - Health Officer, Street Commissioner, Surveyor, - Harbor Master, Assessor and Collector, Chief of Police, First Asst. Police, Second Asst. Police, Fire Warden^ City Sexton, Judicial Officer, Orange Jacobs. Thomas Clancy, A. H. King, John Nation, E. A. Thorndike. E. S. Osborne. I. M. Hall. John M. Blanchard. Dr. H. B. Bagley. M. J. Costcllo. F. H. Whitworth. I. Waddell. Frank Seidel. E. A. Thorndike. 1). L. McCowan. John H. McGraw. S. P. Andrews. T. S. Eussoll. Boswell Scott. ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE ELEVENTH COUNCIL. ORDINANCE NO. 184. AK ORDINANCE FIXING THE BAY FOR THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved Aug. 5, 1878. r ihe City of Seattle does ordain as follows, to-wit : SECTION 1.-= That the first regular meeting of the Common Council of said City of Seattle shall be on Friday evening, August 8th, 1879, and from thence on the regular meetings of said Council shall be on the first Friday in each month. ORDINANCE NO. 185. To ESTABLISH FIRE LIMITS IN THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved Aug. 8, 1879. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That the fire limits of the City of Se- attle shall be bounded as follows: By King street on 115 the south, Madison street on the north, the west side ot Third street on the east, and the city limits on the west. SEC. 2* All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after it has been published. ORDINANCE NO. 186. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIRE3 AND THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY ENDANGERED THEREBY. Approved Aug. 8, 1879. The City of Seattk does ordain as follows, to-wit ; SECTION 1. [As amended by Ordinance No. 199.] All buildings hereafter erected within the said fire limits, except manufacturing establishments, livery- stables, ware-houses, carpenter shops and blacksmith shops, shall be lathed and plastered with good lime mortar on all ceilings, inside walls and partitions; and all roofs of all buildings hereafter erected within said fire limits, shall be covered with good shingles or tin, and shall be painted with good fire-proof paint. The term building, as used in this section^ shall not include privies. SEC. 2. All repairs to buildings constructed of wood or other combustible material, shall be made to conform to this Ordinance. 116 SEC. 3. No wooden building within the said fire limits shall be altered or changed without a written permission of the Fire Warden, approved by the Com- mittee on Fire, which permit shall specify fully the alteration or change required, and no such permit shall be given if any increase will be made by the pro- posed change or alteration in the size of any wooded building within the said fire limits, unless such in- crease shall comply with the provisions of this Ordi- nance. A copy of each of such permits shall be kept on file in the clerk's office of the City of Seattle. SEC. 4. [As amended by Ordinance No. 188.] That any person or persons, owner or owners of any building within the fire limits, may move the same from one lot to another lot in the same block where such building was erected, but no building shall be removed from one block to any other block within the fire limits, but may be removed to a point outside of the fire limits, and all buildings so removed shall be made to comply with all the provisions of Ordinance No. 18(>, except when moved outside the fire limits. SEC. 5. Whenever any building shall be by any reason o much injured as to be, in the judgment of tke Mre Warden and Committee on Fire, a dangerous nu- isance, or when any wooden building within the fire limits shall, in the judgment of [the] Fire Warden and Committee on Fire, be damaged by fire to the extent of one-half or more of its actual value, the Fire Ward- en shall immediately caused to be served upon the 117 owner or person having control thereof, a notice re- quiring such person to remove the same forthwith; and the person receiving such notice shall within ten days after receiving such notice comply with the re- quirements thereof. SEC. 6. That any chimney or flue hereafter built within the fire limits of the City oF Seattle shall have walls at least four inches iii thickness and shall be constructed of brick of the first quality and laid in good lime mortar. They shall be well secured and shall extend at least four feet above the roof of the build- ing to which it belongs, measuring from the point where each chimney passes througn such roof, and shall extend at least two feet below the ceiling of the first story of such building, so as to afford space for stove-pipes to enter such chimney without endanger- ing the ceiling and where any stov-epipeor flue passes through any ceiling, the said pipe or flue shall be protected by a tin cylinder or safe. SEC. 7. That it shall be unlawful for the owners or occupant of any building within the fire limits of the city, to allow, to place or permit to have placed any stove-pipe through any window, side roof or ceil- ing of such building; and all persons using fire in stoves, shall cause to have placed under such stovea zinc or sheet iron, sufficient to protect the floors; and where any such stove shall stand within two feet of any wooden wall or partition, such wall or partition 118 shall be protected by sheet metal as will be full pro- tection against fire from such stove; and where any stove-pipe is made to pass through any partition in any building, such stove-pipe shall pass through and be surrounded by brick or tin cylinder so as to be at least three inches from any wood-work; and the Fire Warden shall immediately after .the passage of this Ordinance notify all property holders within the fire limits, where stoves are used, to have removed all stove pipes that extend through the roof or side of any building in the fire limits of the city, and the Fire Warden shall have built or caused to be built at the expense of the property holder good brick flues with- in ten days after such notice. SEC. 8. ^That it shall be unlawful for the owner or pccupants of any building where fire is kept to allow any hay, straw or other combustible matter to remain in or adjacent to such building except car- penter-shops and manufacturing establishments; and from such place shavings or such like combustible material shall be removed at least once every day. SEC. 9. That the Fire Warden of the city shall at all times have the right to enter any building within the fire limits for the purpose of discovering or ascer- taining any violation of this Ordinance. SEC. 10. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof 119 before the City Magistrate, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty ($20^ dollars, nor more than one hundred ($JOO) dollars, and costs of prose- cution, and imprisonment may be added in the dis- cretion of the court, and each day of maintaining or continuing such violation shall be deemed a new olfense and punished accordingly. SEC. 11. The fire Warden and Chief of Police are required to see that the provisions of this Ordinance are enforced , and to make complaints before the City Magistrate of the City of Seattle for violation thereof, SEC. 12.- This Ordinance to take effect and be in force five days after the same shall have been pub- lished. ORDINANCE NO. 187. TO AMEND SECTION THREE OP ORDINANCE NO. 179. Approved Aug. 15, 1879. ( This ordinance has been repealed.} ORDINANCE NO. 188. TO AMEND SECTION FOUR OF ORDINANCE NO. 186. Approved Aug. 15, 1879. (See Ordinance No. 186.) 120 ORDINANCE NO. 189. AIT ORDINANCE DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. A proved Sept. 5, 1879. 37ie City of Seattle does ordain as follows, io-wit : SECTION 1. The City Attorney shall report in writ- ing to the City Council at their first regular meeting in each and every month, the condition of any and all law suits in which the city may be a party, and all other matters that may come under his observation per- taining to the city; and he shall always be in attend- ance at the regular monthly meetings of the Council. SEC. 2. The Health Officer shall report in writing to the Council at their first regular meeting in each and every month, in relation to the health and sani- tary condition of the city. SEC. 3. The Fire Warden shall report in writing to the Council at their first regular meeting in each and every month, in relation to the labor he may have performed in guarding against the destruction of pro- perty by fire, and in his first report after the qualification of the new officers of the city appointed by the Coun- cil, he shall render to the Council a list of all pro- perty belonging to the city in the possession of the Fire Department, and he shall in like manner report to the Council immediately after any fire all property of the city that may have been damaged or lost by such fire. 121 SEC. 4. The Harbor Master shall report in writing to the Council at their first regular meeting in each ami every month, the labor he may have performed in connection with the duties of his office, and also all monies collected as ballast dues. SEC. 5. The Chief of Police shall at no time ab- sent himself from the city without the consent of the Mayor, and he shall not be allowed to employ a sub- stitute in any event without the like consent of the Mayor, and in case of a violation of any of the pro- sions of this section, he shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars rior more than twenty dollars on conviction thereof, and any citizen may make com- plaint before the Judicial Officer of the city or before the Council for any violation of the provisions of this section. SCE. 6. The Treasurer shall report in writing to the Council at their first regular meeting in each and every month, of the condition of the different funds, the amount of taxes collected and placed to the credit of each fund, and the amount of cash on hand in each fund. SEC. 7 That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinan- ces in conflict with any of the provisions of this Or- dinance, be and the same hereby are repealed. SEC. 8. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after the same shall have been published. 122 ORDINANCE NO. 190. CHEATING THE OFFICE OF STEWARD OF THE ENGINE HOUSE, DEFIN- ING HIS DUTIES AND FIXING HIS COMPENSATION. Approved Sept, 5, 1879. 7 he City of Seattk does ordain as follov's : SECTION 1. The office of Steward of the Engine House is hereby created. SEC. 2. The salary of the Steward shall be $45.00 per month, payable in scrip drawn on the Fire Fund 7 and no greater fee or salary shall be allowed. SEC. 3. The Steward of the Engine House shall at no time be allowed to leave the Engine House either day or night except to go to his meals and on Sundays, without a special permision from the Fore- man of the Fire Company; and for any violation of this section it is hereby made the duty of the Fore- man of the Fire Company to discharge such Steward. SEC. 4. The Foreman of the Fire Company shall have full power at any time to hire and discharge the Steward of the Engine House. SEC. 5. The Steward shall not be permitted to make any purchases for the Engines or Engine House, without a written order from the Foreman of the Fire Company. SEC. 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after the same shall have been published. 123 ORDINANCE NO. 191. AN ORDINANCE DIVIDING THE CITY OF SEATTLE INTO POLICE DIS- TRICTS AND DESIGNATING AND ASSIGNING THE OFFICERS OF THE POLICE FORCE TO THE SAMK. Approved Sept. 5, 1879. Tfie City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. -That the City of Seattle be and here- by is divided into two Police Districts bounded and designated as follows, to-wit: All that portion of the city lying south of Mill Street, shall comprise and be designated the First Police District; all that por- tion of the city lying north of Mill Street, shall com- prise and be designated the Second Police District. SEC. 2. [As amended by Ordinance No. 206.] That Policeman J. H. McGraw be and he hereby is assigned as Policeman for the First Police District, until further ordered by the Common Council. SEC. 3. [As amended by Ordinance No. 206.] That Policeman David L. McCowan be and he hereby is assigned as Policeman for the Second Police Dis- trict, until further ordered by the Common Council. SEC. 4.- -That said Policemen shall not be allowed to go from one Police District to the other while up- on duty except in case of an emergency, or upon call from a police whistle. SEC. 5. That it shall be unlawful for any Police- man while on duty to remain in any saloon or hotel or other house for a longer time than fifteen minutes, 124 unless a preservation of the peace, the suppression of riot or the arrest of an offender shall require him so to do. SEC. 6. Any Policeman violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty dollars on convic- tion thereof, and any citizen may make complaint for the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance before the Judicial Officer of the city, or be- fore the Common Council. SEC. 7. Ail Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SEC. 8. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 192. TO AMEND SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 150. Approved Sep'. 5, 1879. (See Ordinance No. 150.) ORDINANCE NO. 193. TO PROVIDE FOR THE GRADING OF A PART OF MAIN STREET. Approved Oct. 6, 1879. (Repealed by ordinance No. 203.) 125 ORDINANCE NO. 194. TO POVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDEWALK FROM SIXTH STREET ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF PIKE STREET TO EIGHTH STREET AND THENCE ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF EIGHT STREET TO PINE STREET. Approved Oct. 6, 1879. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 200.) ORDINANCE NO. 195. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING AND PUNISHING THE LAYING OUT OK POISON IN CERTAIN CASES. Approved Oct. 6, 1879. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful for any per- son to lay out or expose any kind of poison on the premises of another or in any street, alley, highway or uninclosed place whatsoever, within the corporate limits of the City of Seattle; neither shall it be law- ful for any person to leave exposed on the premises of another or in any street, alley, highway or unin- closed place whatsoever within the corporate limits of the City of Seattle, any poisoned food or drink for man or beast, or any substance or fluid whatsoever withon or in which there is or shall be deposited or mingled any kind of poison or poisonous or deadly substance or fluid whatsoever; and the doing of each and every one of the acts and things above mention- ed are hereby prohibited. 1 2f> SEC. 2. That any person who shall violate any of the provisions of section one of this Ordinance or cause or procue any such violation or aid, abet, en- courage or assist in any such violation shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall for each and every such offense, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, to which may be added imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. SEC. 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 196. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLIC PRINTING OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Aproved Oct. 6, 1879. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That the publication of all ordinances and legal notices required to be published by law on the order of the Common Council shall be published in the Intelligencer j a newspaper published in the City of Seattle. SEC. 2. That the Intelligencer Publishing Com- pany is hereby awarded the public printing of the City of Seattle upon the bid of Thomas W. Prosch, its business manager, dated September 5th, 1879, and the explanatory statement dated September 12th y 1879. SEC. 3. That the said Intelligencer Publishing 127 Company shall receive for the publication of ordinan- ces and legal notices at the rate of one dollar per square of one inch for the first insertion and fifty cents per square for each subsequent insertion. For publishing the minutes of the proceedings of the Council, it shall receive nothing. No fee or compen- sation shall be paid said Publishing Company, other than herein provided, and its compensation shall be paid out of the fund for general municipal purposes. SEC. 4. That Ordinance No. 160, entitled: "An u Ordinance to provide for the public printing of the " City of Seattle," passed September llth, 1878, be and the same is hereby repealed. ORDINANCE NO. 197. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LANDING OP FREIGHT AND PROPERTY AT THE CITY'S LANDING PLACE AT THE FOOT OF WASHINGTON STREET AND FIXING THE RATES OF WHARF- AGE TO BE CHARGED AT SAID LANDING PLACE. Approved Oct. 6, 1879. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful to land any freight or property at the City's Landing Place at the foot of Washington Street in this city without first procuring permission so to do from the Harbor Master, and paying to said Harbor Afaster wharfage according to the rates hereinafter prescribed ; and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be 128 deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall for each and every such offence, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, to which may be added imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. SEC. 2. That the rates of wharfage to be charged and collected for landing freight and property at said landing place shall be as follows, to-wit: Fifty cents per ton for merchandise, produce and property of all kinds whatsoever. Fifty cents per thousand for brick. Fifty cents per thousand feet for lumber and build- ing material. Twenty-five cents per head for horses, mules and horned cattle. Five cents per head for sheep, hogs and all other live animals whatsoever. Passengers and their baggage free of charge. In cases not herein provided for, such rates and charges as the Harbor Master shall deem reasonable. SEC 3 That it shall be the duty of the Harbor Master to have and exercise control over said Land- ing Place. He* shall post up conspiciously at said Landing Place the rates of wharfage hereby prescribed andalsoanoticegivingwarningto thepublicof the pun- ishment prescribed for violations of section one of this Ordinance. He shall collect the wharfage prescribed in section two of this Ordinance, and it shall be his P 129 especial duty to make complaint for any and all viola- tions of section one of this Ordinance. SEC. 4. That the money collected by said Harbor Master for wharfage, shall go into the fund for gene- ral municipal purposes. On the first Monday of each and every month, the Harbor Master shall pay to the City Treasurer all moneys collected by him under the provisions of this Ordinance, less ten per cent, there- of/ which said Harbor Master is hereby authorized to retain for his compensation for services under the provisions of this Ordinance, and he shall receive no other or further compensation whatsoever for such services. The Harbor Master shall take duplicate re- ceipts from the Treasurer for all moneys paid to such Treasurer under the provisions of this Ordinance, one of which receipts such Harbor Master shall forthwith file with the City Clerk, who shall charge the Treasur- er with the amount thereof. SEC! 5. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 198. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERA- TION OF STREET RAILWAYS IN THE CITY OP SEATTLE. Approved Oct. 6, 1879. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That there be and hereby is granted 130 unto Irving Ballard, the right and privilege to lay down and maintain an iron railroad track or tracks within the City oi Seattle as follows, viz: Along Commercial Street, Mill Street, Front Street. Second Street and Third Street, and to operate and run cars thereon to be drawn as hereinafter provided ? and to convey for hire, passengers and their baggage thereon. SEC. 2. [As amended by Ordinance No, 213.] That said Irving Ballard or his assigns shall plank, pave or macadamize that portion of the street or streets, along which their said railway shall be laid, the whole length of said railway, between the rails and for a width of one foot on each side of the track, of the same material used by and whenever said city shall plank, pave or macadamize said street and keep the same in repair. The said Railway Company is to plank, pave or macadamize that portiop of the street occupied by said railway, and one foot in width on each side of the track at all street crossings before operation of said railway. SEC. 3. The tracks of said railways in those streets where double tracks shall be laid shall not be more than five feet apart between the rails, and shall be laid as nearly as possible in the middle of the street and flush with the pavement, &o as to offer as little ob- struction as possible to the crossing of vehicles; and where the lines crossing each other intersect, the rails 131 shall be out so as to permit the passage of cars, and to offer no obstruction to the free use of the street by the public. SEC. 4. For the purpose of laying down or re- pairing such railway no street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than the length of one block at any one time, nor for a longer period than ten working days, except that in case of excessive bad weather the Common Council may extend the time aforesaid at its discretion. SBC. 5. [As amended by Ordinance No. 213.] The cars to be used upon said railway shall be im- proved enclosed cars and shall be provided with brakes and other necessary appliances tor stopping the same when required. The cars shall be drawn by horses or mules only; the rate of speed shall not ex- ceed eight miles per hour, and any case of violation of this clause shall subject the owner or owners of the said railway to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offence, on conviction before the Justice of the Peace of the City. The rails to be used for the railway shall be of good iron and must be a T rail; the cars shall be run at all convenient hours of the day and night, for the accommodation of the public. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to obstruct the railway herein provided for either during the construction or operation of the same, and any person or persons, carelessly or willful- 132 ly violating the forgoing provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the Justice of the Peace of the City, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or by im- prisonment not exceeding twenty-five days or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offence. Any conductor or other employee on the railroad herein provided for, any passenger thereon, or other person on or about the cars belonging thereto, who shall by offensive, indecent, opprobri- ous or abusive language, insult, abuse or maltreat any passenger on the said cars, shall on .conviction thereof before the Justice of the Peace of the City, be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment not ex- ceeding twenty days, or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every such olfence. SEC. 7 The construction ol the railways herein provided for shall be commenced within sixteen months from the 1st day of October, 1879, and the same shall be completed as follows: The railway on Commercial Street and along Mill Street from the intersection of Commercial to the in- tersection of Front Street and along Front Street as the same shall be graded, shall be completed within twenty-three months from said 1st day of October, 1879, or so soon thereafter as said streets or parts of streets shall be graded. The railways upon at least 133 one street herein named, shall be completed each year thereafter, until the railways upon all the streets named herein shall be completed: Provided, that on or before the first day of July, A. D. 1880, the said Irving Ballard or his assigns shall give notice to the Common Council naming the streets upon which it is intended to construct railways as herein provided during the year next ensuing the date of such notice, and the railway on such street or streets so designated shall be completed within the said ensuing year, so far as the same shall be graded, and on the first day of July of each succeeding year thereafter a like notice shall be given to the Common Council designa- ting the street or streets upon which the railway is to be constructed the next ensuing year as before, until the entire system of railways provided for herein shall be completed: Provided further, that said railway when laid down and completed upon any streeet or streets herein named and as herein provided, shall be extended upon such street or streets whenever the graded portion of such street or streets shall be ex- tended; such extension of railway upon any street to correspond and to progress with the street improve- ments on said street. SEC. 8. The said Irving Ballard, his associates or assigns, shall forfeit their right or privilege accru- ing by virtue hereof as follows: On failing to com- mence the said railway within the time herein provid- 134 ed, or failing to complete the railway within the times herein before specified on the streets named as pro- vided for in section seven, he or they shall forfeit all privileges granted on such particular streets, but none others. SEC. 9. Nothing in this Ordinance nor any privi- lege granted hereby, shall be construed to prevent the proper officers of the city from grading, paving, sew- ering, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over or upon which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this Ordinance, or upon which any railway may be con- structed under its provisions, but all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of the cars, and the owner or owners of such railway shall have the privilege of raising or shifting the rails, so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction, during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. SEC. 10. [As amended by Ordinance No. 213.] The owners of said railway shall pay annually to the City of Seattle as a license upon each car in use by them on said railways such sum not exceeding fifty dollars as shall be fixed by Ordinance of the Common Council. Provided haivever, that said license shall not be collected by the city for the first two years and six months said road is operated. SEC. 11. The City of Seattle shall have the right 135 by Ordinance of the Common Council, to regulate the rate of fare to be charged in any railway constructed under the provisions hereof: Provided, that the rate to be charged shall not be reduced below six and one- fourth cents per mile, or fractional part of a mile, within the five years next ensuing the completion of the railway on the first streets as named and provided for herein, nor shall it ever be reduced below five cents on any route beginning and ending on any one street, or fractional part thereof; and for the purposes hereof the railway on any street running parallel with Elliott's Bay shall be deemed one route from the northern boundary of the city to the southern bound- ary thereof; and in any street running at right angles to the Bay, the railway from Front Street to the eastern boundary of the city shall be termed one route. SEC. 12. There shall be no double track railway laid under this Ordinance upon any street that is less than eighty feet wide ; and in operating such railways as shall be constructed under this Ordinance, no car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain still upon any intersection of streets, and any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owner or owners of said railway to a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for every offence upon conviction thereof before the Justice of the Peace for the city. 136 SEC. 13. The said Irving Ballard and his assigns shall forfeit and be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges conferred by this Ordinance, un- less they shall within thirty days after the approval of this Ordinance, file in the office of the City Clerk their written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions herein contained. SEC. 14. All the rights and privileges hereby granted shall expire at the end of twenty-five years from the date of the approval of this Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 199. TO AMEND SECTION ONE OF ORDINANCE NO. 186. Approved Oct. 10, 1879. (See Ordinance No. 186.) ORDINANCE NO. 200. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT HORSES, MULES, GOATS, HOGS AND HORNED O1 NEAT CATTLE FEOM RUNNING AT LARGE. Approved Oct. 10, 1879. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows; SECTION 1. Horses, mules, goats and hogs are prohibited from running at large in the public streets. SEC 3. Horned or neat cattle are prohibited from running at large in the \ public streets between the hours of nine o'clock in the evening and five o'clock in the morning. Q 137 SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of any police officer and of the City Marshal to arrest and impound any animals found upon the public streets in violation of this Ordinance; and for each day or part of a day that any such animal shall bo so impounded, the owner thereof shall pay to the officer arresting such animal, for the care and keeping thereof, fifty cents, and also the further sum of $2.50 for making such arrest. SEC. 4. If at the expiration ot two days, the amount so due shall not be paid, the City Marshal shall proceed to give at least five days notice, by pub- lication in the official newspaper of the city, of the time and place when arid where he will expose the said animal or animals to sale by public auction, at which time and place he shall at public auction ex- pose the said animal or animals to sale, and out of the proceeds shall pay all the expenses aforesaid and all other necessary expenses and pay the residue to the City Treasurer; the said notice shall describe the said animal or animals with reasonable certainty and shall state to whom, if any one, the Marshal supposes said animal or animals to belong, and if such owner's name is wholly unknown to the Marshal, that fact shall be stated in said notice. If such owner shall be known to the Marshal and can be found within the city, a copy of said notice shall be served upon him at least one day prior to the sale. SEC. 5. The Marshal shall file with the City Clerk 138 within five days after any such sale a report in writ- ing, setting forth all the above matters touching any such sale, and such report shall be signed by him and as affecting the validity of any such sale shall be ab- solutely conclusive of the facts therein stated. SEC. 6. For all services not provided for in this Ordinance, the Marshal shall be allowed the usual fee!* for similar services, payable .out of the proceeds of sale. SEC. 7. The owner of any such animal or an- imals may have the same delivered to him at any time before the sale, by paying all accrued expenses; and at any time after such sale on application to the City Council, such owner shall be entitled to a war- rant on the Treasurer for any surplus of such sale paid to saM Treasurer, without interest. SEC. 8. The owner of any such animal or animals may redeem the same at any time within thirty days after the sale, by paying to the purchaser the amonnt paid by him for snch animal and in addition thereto, one per cent, per month thereon. SEC. 9. Ordinance No. 171 entitled: a An Ordi- " nance to prevent horses, mules, goats, hogs and " horned or neat cattle from running at large," ap- proved October 17th, 1878, is hereby repealed; and all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting in any manner with the provisions of this Ordinance, are also repealed. 139 SEC. 10. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 201. TO REPEAL ORDINANCE NO. l4. Approved Oct. 22, 1879. (This ordinance simply repeals Ordinance No. 194.) ORDINANCE NO. 202. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS, ALLEYS AND HIGHWAYS. Approved Nov. 15, 1879. r lhe City of Seattk does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That hereafter it shall not be lawful for any person to break up, dig up, cut, excavate or fill in any street, alley or highway, or construct any sidewalk, crosswalk, plank gutter, plank roadway, or do any work in or upon any of the public streets, al- leys or highways within the city limits, except as in this Ordinance provided. SEC. 2. That any person or persons wishing to grade, lay sidewalks, cross-walks, plank gutters, plank roadways, or make any kind of improvement in or upon any street, alley or highway within the city limits, shall before commencing the same, procure from the Chairman of the Street Committee a permit specifying the number of lots and blocks, in front of or through which the work is proposed to be perform- 340 ed r the name of the street, alley or highway, a parti- cular description of the proposed improvement and the length of time allowed for the completion thereof. And any such person procuring such permit and commencing the proposed improvement and failing to complete the same within the time allowed by such permit, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, to. which may be ad- ded imprisonment not exceeding thirty day: Provided however, that the Chairman of the Street .Committee may extend the time for the completion of such im- provement. SEC 3. That all work done under any such permit, shall be done under the supervision of the Chairman of the Street Committee, who after the com- pletion thereof, shall grant a certificate to the person or persons making such improvement, that the work has been done in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, if such is the Tact, which shall be con- clusive of the facts therein stated. SEC. 4. That all sidewalks hereafter laid , shall correspond to the provisions of this section, unless otherwise ordered by the Common Council ; and no permit shall be granted for the construction of any other or different sidewalk than such as are provided for in this section, without express permission from the Common Council: 141 (1st.) The width of all sidewalks hereafter con- structed or re-laid upon the following named streets, to-wit: Commercial, Front, and all sidewalks running east and west or nearly so, on King, Main, Wash- ington and Mill, a* far east as Third Street, and on James, Cherry, Columbia, Marion and Madison, as far east as Second Street, shall be twelve feet in width. (2d.) The width of all other sidewalks hereafter constructed or re-laid, shall be eight feet in width. (3d.) The sills under all sidewalks shall be not less than sixteen feet in length and not less than four by six inches in thickness, resting on solid, safe and secure foundation with posts or other solid support not more than eight feet apart, and the planking of each sidewalk shall rest upon at least three sills in an eight foot sidewalk and four sills in a twelve foot side- walk, running parallel with the line of the adjacent lot and parallel with each other and equal distances apart. And the outside sills on each side of the side- walk shall not be more than two inches from the ends of the planking. (4th.) The covering shall be at least two inches thick, laid at right angles with the sills, and each and every plank shall be securely spiked to such sills by two thirty-penny nails to each sill. (5th) The planking and timbers used in the COD- struction of any sidewalk shall be sound and substan- tial, and no decayed or defective or unsound planks 142 or timbers whatsoever shall be used in any sidewalk. SEC. 5. That any person violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinonoe shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof, shall for each and every such offense be fined in any sum not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars, to which may be added imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. SEC. 6 In no case shall the city pay or be held liable for any improvement whatsoever done under any permit granted in pursuance of this Ordinance, nor shall any bill for any such improvement or work done thereon ever be allowed by the Common Coun- cil. SEC. 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 203. TO BEPEAL ORDINANCE NO. 193. Approved Nov. 15, 1879. (This ordi'iKince simply repeals Ordinance No. 193 ) ORDINANCE NO. 204. AN OKI>INANCE IN BELATION LICENSES. Approved Dec. 12, 1879. The City of Seattle does ordmn as follows; SECTION 1. If any person shall sell or dispose of 143 any spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines in any quantity less than one gallon, without first ob- taining a license therefor, every such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall for each and every such offense be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than fifty dol- lars with costs of prosecution. SEC. 2. [As amended by Ordinance No. 205.] Any person desiring to keep a drinking-house or saloon within the corporate limits of the City of Seattle, at which spirituous, malt and fermented liquors and wines may be sold in less quantities than one gallon, may apply to the Common Council at any regular session, and on due proof of good moral character, said Common Council may grant to such person such license to be called a retail license. No such license shall be granted until such person shall have first paid to the City Treasurer the sum of three hundred dollars for one year's license, or one hun- dred and fifty dollars for six months' license, or seven- ty-five dollars for three months' license, and no license shall be granted for a shorter period than three months; nor shall such license be granted until such person shall have executed a good and sufficient bond with surety executed to the City of Seattle in the sum of one thousand dollars, to be approved by said Common Council, conditioned that such person will keep such drinking-house or saloon in a quiet, peace- 144 able and orderly manner: Provided, however, that if such person shall desire a license to retail lager beer and other malt liquors only, the Common Council may grant such license on payment of one hundred dollars for one year's license or fifty dollars for six months' license or twenty-five dollars for three months' license, and no such license shall be granted for a shorter period than three months; and such license shall be called a grocery license. And provided fur- ther, that the bond for a grocery license be and the same hereby is fixed at two hundred dollars and no greater bond shall be required from any person taking out such grocery license. SEC. 3. If any person having a grocery license only, shall sell or dispose of spirituous liquors or wines in any quantity less than one gallon, such per- son shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof, .shall for each and every such offense be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, with costs of prosecution; the Common Council may also in case of such conviction revoke such grocery license and such person shall for- feit the sum paid for such grocery license and no gro- cery or retail license shall be granted to such person for the period of one year next following any such conviction. SEC. 4. No license granted under any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance, shall be used in more than one place at the same time. R 145 SEC, 5. Licenses to sell spirituous liquors and wines in greater quantities than one gallon, to be called wholesale licenses, shall be granted by the Common Council upon payment into the City Trea- sury oi the sum of one hundred dollars per annum by each and every person desiring such license: Pro- vided however, that such license may be granted for six months for fifty dollars, and for three months for twenty-five dollars; but no such license shall be granted for a period less than three months. SEC. 6. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be so construed as to require any person to take out any license to stll any wine made from fruit produced by such person's own labor in this Territory. SEC. 7. Any persoa desiring a license to keep one or more bowling alleys, billiard tables, pigeon-hole tables, Jenny Lind tables or other gaming tables for hire, within the corporate limits of the City of Seattle, shall apply to the Common Council at any regular session, and such license shall be granted by said Common Council upon the payment first made to the City Treasurer of twenty-five dollars per an- num, or twelve and 50-100 dollars for six months or six and 25-100 dollars for three months for each and every bowling alley or billiard table kept for hire within the corporate limits of said city, and one- half the said rates for each and 146 every pigeon-hole table. Jenny Lind table or other gaming table kept for hire within the corpo- rate limits of said city by such person, and giving bond to the said City of Seattle in the sum of two hundred dollars with surety to be approved by the Common Council conditioned that such person will keep a quiet, peaceable and orderly house: Provided, however, that no person taking out a retail or grocery license and giving the bond required therefor, shall be required to give the bond mentioned in this sec- tion; and provided further, that no license granted in pursuance of this section shall be for a shorter period than three months. SEC. 8. Any person who shall sell spirituous liquors or wines in greater quantities than one gallon, or shall retail lager beer or keep one or more bow- ling alleys, billiard tables, pigeon-hole tables, Jenny Lind tables or other gaming tables for hire, within the corporate limits of the City of Seattle, without first taking out a license therefor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall for each and every such offense be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars nor less than five dol- lars, with costs of prosecution. SEC 9. Any person who shall keep any billiard table, bowling alley, pigeon-hole table, Jenny Lind table or other gaming table in a drinking-saloon or house, or in a room or building adjoining or attached 147 thereto, and shall allow the same to be used by two or more persons to determine by play thereon which of the persons so playing shall pay for drinks, cigars or other articles for sale in such saloon or drinking house, shall within the meaning of this Ordinance, be deemed to be keeping the same for hire and shall be subject to license as in this Ordinance provided. SEC. 10. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be so construed as to restrict the sale by apothecaries or druggists of spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wine for medicinal purposes upon the prescription of a practicing physician, and no license shall be required therefor. SEC. 11. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be so construed as to affect or impair the validity of licenses heretofore granted by the Board of County Commis- sioners of King County, and not yet expired. SEC. 12. It is hereby made the duty of the City Marshal, Chief of Police and all police officers to make complaint against any person whom they know or suspect of violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance. SEC. 13. Every person to whom any license is granted under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall keep the same posted up in a conspicious place in his place of business where the business authorized by such license is carried on; and in any prosecution for 148 a violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance in not taking out license as required, such license shall be no defense or protection to the person ac- cused unless such person shall produce such license and prove by competent evidence that he kept the same posted as required by this section continuously from and after the granting of such license. SEC. 14. All licenses granted under the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall be issued by the City Clerk signed by him in his official capacity with the seal of the city affixed ; and for each and every such license so issued by such City Clerk, he (said clerk) shall be entitled to charge and collect from the per- son obtaining such license, the sum of one dollar. SEC. 15. This Ordinance shall be published more than five days prior to the first day of January, A. D. 1880, and shall take effect and be in force from and after said 1st day 01 January, 1880. ORDINANCE NO. 205. TO AMEND SECTION TWO OF ORDINANCE NO. 204. Approved Jan. 3, 1880. (See Ordinance No. 204.) ORDINANCE NO. 206. TO AMEND SECTIONS TWO AND THREE OF ORDINANCE NO. 191. Approved Feb. 12, 1880. (See Ordinance No. 191.) 149 ORDINANCE NO. 207. AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING A SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved March 5, 1880. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That W. H. Warren be and he is here- by appointed a special police officer for the City of Seattle. SEC. 2. The said special police officer shall have the same power to make arrest within the city limits for the violation of city Ordinances or for the commission of other offences as the regular police of said city. SEC. 3. The said special officer may be removed at any time by the Council when they shall deem the same necessary, and shall at all times be under the supervision of the officer having charge over the or- dinary police officers of said city.' SEC. 4. The said city shall in no event be liable for any fees or compensation to said special officer or for services rendered by him as such special police officer. ORDINANCE NO. 208. AN ORDINANCE TO ELECT WHAT PORTION OF THE LANDS INSIDE THK CORPORATE LIMITS OP THE CITY OP SEATTLE, THE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES OF SAID CITY DESIRE SHALL BE WITHKLD FROM PRE-EMPTION AND HOMESTEAD AND OTHFIl ENTRY. Approved March 12, 1880. 2he City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That all that portion of land within the 150 corporate limits of the City of Seattle, embraced within sections five (5) and six (6), and the west half of sec- tion four (4), in township twenty-four (24), north of range four (4) east of the Willamette meridian, and sections thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32^ and the west half of section thirty-three () in township twenty-five (25) north of range four (4) east of the Willamette meridian all which sections and parts of sections are within the corporate limits of the City of Seattle, and contain about nineteen hundred and forty- six (} 946) acres of land and embrace the actual site of the municipal corporation, occupation and im- provement- -be and the same is hereby elected as that portion of the lands inside the corporate limits of said City of Seattle, which the corporate authori- ties of said city desire shall be withheld from pre- emption, homestead and other entry. SEC. 2. The City Attorney is hereby instructed to take such action in behalf of the city as shall carry into effect the provisions of this Ordinance. SEC. 3. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be so construed as to abridge or in any manner affect the corporate limits of the City of Seattle for general municipal purposes or for any other purpose whatso- ever other than the simple witholding from pre-emp- tion, homestead and other entry of public lands with- in the corporate limits of the City of Seattle. SEC. 4. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordi- 151 nances in any manner conflicting with any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five () days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 209. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THK CITY TREASURER IN CERTAIN CASES TO PURCHASE FOR THE CITY REAL PROPERTY WHEN SOLD FOR TAXES. Approved March 12, 1880. Tke City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That hereafter whenever any valua- ble real property upon which any city taxes shall be due and delinquent, shall be offered for sale for any taxes, it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer and he is hereby authorized to bid in such real property in the name and for the benefit of the city whenever in his descretion it shall appear to be profitable to the city to do so; and this section shall apply to all tax sales whatsoever as well for County, School, Ter- ritorial or other taxes, as for city taxes: Provided however, that in any case where the amount of all tax- es, costs, expenses and all charges can be realized through any other bidder, then and in that case such City Treasurer shall not bid, but shall give way to such other bidder, it being the intention hereby to provide solely for cases where the property will re- main unsold or be bid in by the County. S 152 SBC. 2. That the City Treasurer shall pay for all real property so bid in by him out of any moneys in his hands belonging to the general fund, and shall take from the County Treasurer duplicate receipts therefor, one of which the City Treasurer shall file with the City Clerk who shall credit him with the amount thereof; arid the said Cit} r Treasurer shall in like manner pay the taxes on all property so bid in by him and remaining unredeemed as soon as such taxes shall become due and shall in like manner take duplicate receipts therefor, one of which he shall file with the City Clerk, who shall credit the said City Treasurer with the amount thereof. SEC. 3 That the City Treasurer shall take all certificates of purchase for the real property so bid in by him in the name of the city and shall forthwith deliver the same to the City Clerk, who shall preserve the same, and shall at the proper time procure the proper deeds for such real property and have such deeds properly recorded. SEC. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 210. AW ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOB ASSESSING*, LEVYING AWD COL- LECTING THE CITY REVENUE OP THE CITY OF SEATTLE- Approved A pi* 10, 1880. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : , SECTION 1. The Assessor of the City of Seattle 153 shall annually ascertain by dilligent inquiry, between the first Monday in April and the first Monday in July in every year, the names of all persons liable to taxation for city purposes within the limits of said city, and also all the personal property and all real estate within said limits or owned by persons inhabit- ing said city taxable for city purposes, with the names of the owners thereof, as far as he can find out; and he shall cause to be made out an assessment roll of all such taxable persons and property as herein pro- vided, and he shall certify and return the same to the clerk of said city on or before the first Monday of July in each year. All assessments of property as contemplated in this Ordinance shall be made with reference to the first Monday of April at 12 o'clock meridian, next preceeding any such assessment, and all property shall be assessed to the persons who own or claim the same on the next preceeding first Mon- day of April at 12 o'clock meridian. SEC. 2. The Assessor shall require as far as he has knowledge, any person liable to pay a tax for city purposes, to furnish to him a list of all his real and personal property liable to taxation for said purposes, stating the same in detail, and he shall require such person to make an oath, that to the best of his know- ledge and belief, such list contains a full and true account of all his property liable to be taxed for city purposes, and if any person refuse to furnish such list 154 or to swear to the' same when required so to do by said Assessor, such person shall forfeit and pay to the City of Seattle for the use of said city, the sum of seventy-five dollars, to be collected as other penalties for the use of said city are collected. SEC. 3. From the information obtained as afore- said, or from any other reliable information, the As- sessor shall proceed to make up a correct list of all persons and property subject to taxation by the City of Seattle, in which shall be included the valua- tion of such property. He shall enter therein the names of all such persons alphabetically arranged and opposite the name of each person, in separate columns, the subject of taxation with which he is chargeable, that is to say : The names of male inhabitants of the city between twenty-one and fifty years of age (except persons that are a public charge) liable to pay a road poll-tax. The names of persons owning or otherwise having control of real and personal property subject to tax- ation. A description of each tract or parcel of land, and when divided into lots and blocks, then the number of the lot and block, and plat or addition to said city in which the same are situated. The full cash value of the improvements upon each lot or parcel of land assessed. 155 The full cash value of each lot or parcel of land assessed. The number of horses, mules, asses and jennets, And the value thereof. The number of cattle and the value thereof. The number of hogs and the value thereof. The value of garden and farming utensils and im- plements and agricultural products and products of animals and bees. The number of carriages, carryalls, gigs, buggies., coaches, hacks, wagons, carts, drays, trucks and other vehicles, and the value thereof, not including those constituting part of the stock of a merchant or man- ufacturer, or those included as farming utensils. The value of harness, saddles and bridles, not in* eluding those constituting part of the stock of a mer- chant or manufacturer, or those included as farming utensils. The number of watches and clocks and the value thereof, not including those constituting part of the stock of a merchant or manufacturer. The number of piano-fortes, organs, melodeons and other musical instruments and the value thereof n.pt including those constituting part of the stock of a merchant or manufacturer, or articles before enume- rated. The value of household furniture exceeding ,QUe 156 hundred dollars, not including articles before enume- rated. The value of goods, wares and merchandise kept for sale in the city; and of all capital and machinery employed in any branch of manufactures or other business within the city by any corporation, firm or individual, not including property or articles before enumerated or capital invested in real-estate. The value of any interest in a boat or vessel owned by an inhabitant of the city, when such boat or ves- sel is engaged in navigation wholly within the waters of Washington Territory. The value of all debts due or to become due from solvent debtors over and above liabilities. The value of all moneys and gold dust in hand or on deposit. The value of all gold and silver plate and jewelry not including articles constituting the stock of a merchant or manufacturer, or articles before enume- rated. The value of all public stocks, and stocks or shares in all incorporated companies, not including stocks in incorporated companies which are taxed on their capital. The value of all professional and private libraries. The value of all other personal property not before enumerated and not exempt from taxation nor other- wise assessed. 157 The total valuation of all personal property. The total valuation of all real property. The total valuation of all property assessed, real and personal. SEC. 4. When any person is assessed as trustee, guardian, executor or administrator, a designation of his representative character shall be added to his name and such assessment shall be entered in a sepa- rate line from his individual assessment. SEC. 5. Initial letters, abbreviations and figures may be used to designate townships, ranges, sections or parts of sections, lots and blocks in either the as- sessment or tax-roll. SEC. 6. Unoccupied lots or land liable to taxa- tion when the name ol the owner is unknown, shall be listed under the name '* unknown owner," and they shall be assessed in the same manner as lands of known owners are assessed. SEC. 7. Partners in merchantile or other business may be jointly assessed for the partnership property, or. they may be severaly assessed for their individual shares in such property. SEC. 8. Before the Assessor returns the assess- ineut-roll as provided in section one 01 this Ordinance, he shall append thereto his oath, to the effect that the said roll contains the names of all persons liable tor any tax and a complete, true and perfect list and description of all property within the City of Seattle, 158 subject to taxation for city purposes as faras he could, by diligent inquiry ascertain the same, and that the valua- tion of property therein is true and just according to his best judgment. Ssc. 9. The City Council shall on the second Monday in July in each year, hold a meeting for the revision of any erroneous assessment in such assess- ment-roll, and at such meeting such roll shall be re- vised as provided by law. Such meeting may be adjourned from day to day, not exceeding five days, in order to complete such re- vision. SEC. 10. On the second Monday in July in each year the City Council shall proceed to assess and levy the taxes for the ensuing year to such an amount as they may deem necessary and so far as they are au- thorized so to do by sections three, four, five, six seven and sixteen, of the City Charter. SEC. 11. All taxes levied and assessed as provid- ed in section ten of this Ordinance, must be paid to the City Treasurer on or before the 31st day of De- cember, in each year, save that levied and assessed under section seven of said charter, which is due arid payable as provided in section eighty-one of said charter. SEC. 12. When tht taxes are levied and assessed ad provided in section ten of this Ordinance, the clerk shall forthwith make out a tax-roll, and it must 159 be alphabetically arranged as in said assessment-roll, and it shall also contain a description of the real-es- tate as in said assessment-roll, and it shall also con- tain a column showing the total valuation of real-es- tate and a column showing the total valuation of all personal property, and also columns showing the amountand character of tax opposite each person's name on said tax-roll levied and assessed as hereinbefore pro- vided to be collected from such persons. And it shall also contain columns showing the aggregate amount of all taxes charged on the valuation of real-estate, and the aggregate amount of all taxes charged on the valuation of personal property, and the aggregate amount of all taxes charged on the valuation of alj property assessed to each person named in the assess- ment-roll. When said tax-roll is completed, the clerk shall certify the same, and he must deliver it forth- with to the City Treasurer and charge said Treasurer with the amount of tax due on said tax-roll, and thereafter, until said taxes shall become delinquent, the same may be paid to the City Treasurer as pro- vided by law: Provided, however, that no tax thall be satisfied and paid otherwise than by payment of the same in lawful money of the United States. SEC. 13 In construing this Ordinance words used in the masculine gender indicate the feminine and neuter, and the word person, includes a corpora- tion as well as a natural person. 160 SEC. 14. The following Ordinances on the sub- ject matter of this Ordinance are now hereby repealed : that is to say: Ordinances numbered eighty-two, ninety-two, one hundred and thirty-five, one hundred and thirty-six, one hundred and forty-three, one hund- red and forty-five, one hundred and seventy-eight and all other Ordinances and parts of Ordinances on the said subject matter of this Ordinance or in any manner conflicting with any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance: Provided, however, that the repeal of said Ordinances shall not affect any tax levied and assessed, or any act done, or forfeiture incurred, or any right established, accrued or accru- ing under any of said Ordinances hereby repealed, or any suit or other proceeding pending to. collect or en- force the payment of any tax levied and assessed un- der any Ordinance hereby repealed. SEC. 15. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 211. AN ORDINANCE CREATING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO PAY FOR THE GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT OP FRONT STREET BETWEEN JAMES AND PIKE STREETS, WHICH GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT WAS DONE UN- DER ORDINANCE NO. 112 AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO. Approved Apr. 10, 1880. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows; SECTION 1. That in order to provide funds to pay T 161 for the grading and the improvement of Front Street between James and Pike Streets, which grading and improvement was done under Ordinance No. 112 and the amendments thereto, an assessment district be and the same is now hereby established as follows , to- wit: Commencing at a point on the centre line of Front Street where the said line intersects the north- ern boundary line of James Street; thence in a north- easterly direction along said boundary line of James Street a distance of 1(1 feet; thence in a north-west- erly direction along a line parallel to the centre line of Front Street to the southern boundary line of Pike Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along said southern boundary line of Pike Street a distance of 322 feet; thence in a south-easterly direction along a lioe parallel to the centre line of Front Street to the north boundary line of Mill Street; thence east along said north boundry line of Mill Street to a point where the said line intersects the northern boundary line of James Street; thence in a north-easterly di- rection along said northern boundary line of James Street to the place of beginning. SBC. 2. All lots and parcels of land within the district hereby created, except streets and alleys, shall be assessed and taxed to pay for said grading and im- provement, done under Ordinance No. 112 and the amendments thereto. SEC. 3. The Assessor of Seattle is hereby direct- 162 ed to make an immediate assessment of all real estate included within said assessment district except streets and alleys, and file his assessment roll of such assess- ment with the City Clerk within ten days after this Ordinance shall take effect. SEC. 4. On such assessment being made and filed, the City Clerk shall cause notice thereof to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Se- attle, which notice shall state the fact of such assess- ment having been made and filed, and that the same is open to the inspection of all persons whomsoever, at some certain place in the City of Seattle, to be de- signated in said notice, and that any person feeling himself aggrieved in any manner by such assessment, may apply to have the same corrected at the next regular meeting of the Common Council to be held at their Council Chamber on Columbia Street in the City of Seattle, on Friday evening, May 7th, 1880, at 7 o'clock P. M. At the time and place designated in said no- tice, the Common Council shall proceed to hear all complaints touching said assessment and shall correct the same in a just and equitable manner and may ad- journ from day to day or from time to time, until the business is completed, and they may with or without complaint revise and correct said assessment roll by increasing or diminishing the valuation of property or by adding to or striking out of said assessment roll as may be proper : Provided, however, that no proper- 163 ty shall be added to the roll or any valuation increas- ed without at least one day's written notice to the person affected thereby or his agent, and an opportu- nity given to such person or his agent to appear before the Council and be heard in that behalf and witnesses may be produced and examined in behalf of such per- son and iii behalf of the city. SEC. 5. That as soon as may be after the assess- ment roll is made and the assessment is corrected and approved by the Common Council, a special tax suffi- cient to pay for said grading and improvement shall be levied on the real estate in the assessment district herein provided for; and the Common Council shall proceed by Ordinance to fix the amouut of such special tax and to provide for the collection of the same: Provided, that all money paid under any prior assess- ment or tax for said grading and improvement, shall be credited to the persons paying the same or to his or their grantee, and shall be an offset to the extent of the sum so paid against the amount levied on the real estate for which the same was so paid. SEC. 6. That Ordinance, No. 175 entitled, " An " Ordinance creating an assessment district in order " to provide funds to pay for the grading and 'the im- " provement of Front Street between James and Pike " Streets, which grading and improvement was done "under Ordinance No. 112, and the amendments "thereto," approved December 14th, J878, together 164 with all other Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in any manner whatsoever conflicting with any of the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. SEC. 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at tht expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 212. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE COMPILATION, PRINTING AND PUBLISHING IN PAMPHLET FORM OP THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved April 10, 1880. Ike City of Seattle does ordain as follows: SECTION 1.- That the Ordinances of the City of Seattle be compiled, printed and published in pam- phlet form with a suitable index for convenient refer- ence. SEC. 2. That said pamphlet shall contain the same sized pages and be printed in the same type as, and shall conform as near as practicable to, the com- pilation of the Ordinances of the City of Portland , of the year 1879, a copy of which was presented to the City of Seattle by the City of Portland, with the following endorsement in gilt letters: " City of Port- land to City of Seattle," save and except that the binding thereof shall be in pamphlet form. SEC. 3. That the law firm of Hall & Osborne is 165 hereby employed to compile the Ordinances of the City of Seattle, and to prepare the copy thereof for the printer, to read the proof-sheets thereof and to prepare a suitable index thereof and to procure the printing thereof to be done in a neat and workman- like manner, SEC. 4. That for their services in compiling the said Ordinances, preparing the copy for the printer, reading the proof-sheets, preparing the index and superintending the work, the said Hall & Osborne shall be allowed and paid by the City of Seattle the sum of two hundred dollars in city scrip, to be drawn on the proper fund, and they shall not be allowed any other or further compensation whatsoever therefor. SEC. 5. That of the said compilation there shall be printed and published 250 copies, and the expense of printing shallin no event exceed one dollar per page for the whole number of pages contained in the pamphlet when completed and the copies thereof delivered to the City Clerk as hereinafter provided, payable in city scrip at the par value thereof, to be drawn on the proper fund. SEC. 6. That when completed the said copies shall be delivered to the City Clerk, who shall deliver to each officer of the city one copy thereof, and such officer shall carefully preserve the same and deliver the same to his successor in office. The remainder of 166 said copies shall be disposed of as provided in the next section. SEC 7. That the remainder of said copies shall be carefully preserved by the clerk and shall not be exhibited or loaned to any person whomsoever, and any person wishing to purchase a copy of the said compila- tion may apply to the City Treasurer and on payment to such Treasurer of the sum ol one dollar, such Treasurer shall give the applicant a certificate therefor, and on presentation of such certificate to the City Clerk such clerk shall deliver one copy to such applicant and shall charge the Treasurer with the amount so received by him which amount shall be paid into and become a part of the general fund of the city. SEC. 8. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 213. TO AMEND SECTIONS TWO, FIVE AND TEN OF ORDINANCE NO. 198- Approved April 21, 1880. (See. Ordinance No. 198.) ORDINANCE NO. 214. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT AND PUNISH THE PLAYINO AT BALL OR THROWING OF BALLS OR OTHER SUBSTANCES TO AND FRO WITHIN THE FIRE LIMITS OF THE ClTT OF SEATTLE. Approved May 9, 1880. . The City of Seattle dofe ordain as follows : SECTION 1. It shall not hereafter be lawful for any 167 person or persons to play at foot-ball or other game of ball, or to throw to and fro any ball or other sub- stance in any street of this city within the fire limits thereof. SEC. 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of " this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall on conviction thereof, for each and every such offense, be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars and the costs of prosecution and shall be committed to jail until such fine and costs are paid or the party shall be otherwise lawfully discharged from custody. SEC. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 215. AN ORDINANCE TO RESTRAIN AND REGULATE THE DEPOSITING OF BALLAST IN ELLIOTT^ BAY AND UPON WHARVES AND OTHEK STRUCTURES THEREIN WITHIN THE INCORPORATE LIMITS OP THE CITY OP SEATTLE. Approved May. 15, 1880. The City of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION l.-^No master of any vessel or other per- son shall deposit, dischage or throw into or cause to be deposited, discharged or thrown into Elliott's Bay within the incorporate limits of the City of Seattle below high water mark, any ballast whatsoever, 168 at any place or places whatsoever except as in this Ordinance otherwise especially providded ; nor shall any such master or other person dis- charge, deposit or place, or cause to be discharged, deposited or placed within such incorporate limits upon any wharf or other structure whatsoever built or extended into or over the waters of said Elliott's Bay, any ballast whatsoever except as in this Ordi- nance otherwise especially provided. SEC. 2. Any such master or other person desir- ing to deposit, discharge or place any ballast in Elli- ott's Bay below high water mark and within the in- corporate limits of the City of Seattle, or upon any wharf or other structure built or extended into or over the waters of said Elliott's Bay and within such corporate limits, shall make an application in writing to the Common Council of said city, designating the ves- sel from which such ballast is to be taken, the time when the same is to be so taken, and the place, wharf or other structure which is to receive the same, and the number of days required to discharge such ballast not exceeding twenty days. SEC. 3. Such Common Council ,at the same or any subsequent meeting on consideration of such ap- plication may make such order in the premises as they may deem proper, and may grant a permit to such applicant authorizing him to discharge or deposit such ballast at a place to be designated in such permit, on U 169 such terms, conditions and restrictions, and on pay- ment of such sums pf money as such Common Coun- cil shall deem proper, to prescribe. SEC. 4. Such permit shall be- issued by. the Har- bor Master, in the manner following, that is to say: The person in whose favor such permit is ordered shall first pay to the City Treasurer the sum of money required by the order allowing such permit and shall deliver such Treasurer's receipt to the Harbor Master who shall thereupon deposit such receipt with the City Clerk, who shall charge the Treasurer with the amount thereof. The Harbor Master shall there- upon issue such permit. SEC. ,5. Such permit shall be dated and signed by such Harbor Master and countersigned by the City Clerk and sealed with the corporate seal of the city. It shall set forth the name of the vessel from which the ballast is to be taken and designate the place where the same is to be deposited with reasonable certainty and the name of the person in whose favor the same is issued, and shall set forth all the terms, conditions and restrictions prescribed in the order of the Common Council granting the same. It shall also set forth the length of time (not exceeding twenty days) during which it shall remain in force. No per- mit shall allow more than the discharge of ballast from one vessel on. a single voyage, nor remain in force longer than twenty days from the date thereof; 170 and all permits granted or issued in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance or allowing other or different privileges than are contemplated by the provisions of thi^ Ordinance r shall be utterly null and void. SRC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Harbor Master to make complaint against any person violating any of the provisions of section one of this Ordinance and to exercise surveillance over every person in whose favor any such permit is granted so far as to see that the terms, conditions and restrictions of such permit are not violated and to make complaint in all cases of such violation. SEC. 7. [As amended by Ordinance No. 22].] For every such permit issued by such Harbor Master he shall charge and collect from the per- son to whom such per nit is issued the sum of five dollars, which sum he shall forthwith pay over to the City Treasurer, taking bis receipt therefor; which re- ceipt he shall tile with the City Clerk, who shall charge the Treasurer with the amount thereof. For countersigning and sealing any such permit, the City Clerk shall be entitled to charge and collect from the person in whose favor such permit is issued the sum of one dollar. SEC. 8. Any person violating any of the provis- ions of section on3 of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction there- of for each and every such offence be fined in any 171 sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and the costs <>l prosecution, and shall be committed to jail until such fine and costs be paid or the party is otherwise lawfully discharged from custody; to which punish- ment may be added imprisonment not exceeding thir- ty days. SEC. 9. Any person violating any of the terms, conditions or restriction* of xny permit granted in pursuance of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall on conviction thereof for each arid every such offense be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars and the costs of prosecution, and shall be committed to jail until such fine and costs be paid or the party is otherwise lawfully dis- charged from custody; to which punishment may be added not exceeding thirty days. SEC. 10. That Ordinance N r o. 179, entitled, 41 An Ordinance to provide for and regulate the de- positing of ballast in Elliott's Bay within the incor- porate limits of the City of Seattle," approved June 5th, 1879, and all Ordinances amendatory thereof, and all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances what- soever in any manner conflicting with any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance be arid the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 11. This Ordinance shall Uke effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. 172 ORDINANCE NO. 216. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE LEVYING AND COLLECTING OF A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE GRADING AND IMPROVMEXT OF FRONT STREET. Approved June 4, 1880. The City of Seattle' does ordain as follows; SECTION 1. A special' tax of Sixty-five and four- fiflhs (65 4-5) 'mills per dollar is hereby ordered and levied upon all property assessed in "special assess- ment district created by Ordinance No. two hundred arid eleven (211) for the purpose of paying for the grading and improvement therein 'mentioned. SEC. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make out a list of all 'taxes hereby levied, certified by him under the seal of the city, and to deliver such list iso certified to the City Treasurer for collection, which said taxes 1 shall be diiie and payable on or be- fore the 15th day of July/ 1880. SEC. 3. Upon receiving such tax' list the City Treasurer shall give notice thereof by advertisement published in the official newspaper of the city, which notice shall designate the time when said taxes are to be paid; and all such taxes not paid on or prior to the said 15th day of July, 1880, shall be deemed de- linquent, and the City 'Attorney is hereby instructed to proceed to 'collect such delinquent taxes by action. SEC. 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be 173 in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 217. FOR AN APPROPRIATION OF MONEY FoR TUK FOURTH K JliY CELEBRATION, 1'n^srt.l .June 11, Hi> (This ordinance has become obsolete.)" ORDINANCE NO. 218. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR LIGHTING THE STRKKTS ANl> FURNISHING THE CITY OF SEATTLE WITH LIGHTS WITH IN FIXED LIMITS. Approved July 16, ItfSO. 77ie City of Seattle does ordain as fottoavs : SECTION 1. -That the following shall be the limits within which property shall be subject to a special tax for lighting the streets and in which the city shall furnish lights, to-wit: All that part of the City of Seattle lying west of the west line of Fifth Street in Maynard's Additon to the town (now city) of Seattle,' and all west of the west line of Fifth Street in C. D. Boreri's Addition to the town (now cityJ of Seattle, and running on aline on the south side of Columbia Street to EMliott's Bay. SEC. 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. 174 ORDINANCE NO. 219. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE AMOUNT AND KIND OF TAXES FOB THE YEAR 1880, AUTHORIZED TO BE LEVIED AM) ASSESSED UNDER CHAP- TER TWO (2) OF AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF SEATTLE, AP- PROVED DECEMBER 2, 1869," WHICH ACT WAS PASSED BY THE LEG- ISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF WASHINGTON TERRITORY AND APRROVED NOVEMBER 12TH, 1875, AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO PASSED BY SAID ASSEMBLY AND APPROVED NOVEMBER 5>TH, 1877. Approved July 16, 1880. The City of Seattle does ordain as folloi/'s : SECTION 1. Tlhe taxes for the City of Seattle for the year 1880 shall be and they are now hereby fixed and levied as follows, viz : For general municipal purposes at the rate of four mills on the dollar on the assessed valuation as returned by the City Assessor in the year 1880. For special taxes for fire purposes at the rate of two mills on the dollar on the assessed valuation as re- turned by the City Assessor in the year 1880. For special taxes for furnishing the city with lights at the rate of two mills on the dollar on the assessed valuation as returned by the City Assessor in the vear 1880, to be levied and assessed on the property included in Ordinance No. 218. For special taxes for road purposes at the rate of three mills on the dollar on the assessed valuation as returned by the City Assessor in the year 1880; and in addition a road poll tax of four dollars on every male inhabitant liable for the same. For special taxes for cemetery purposes at the rate of one-fourth of a mill on the dollar on the assessed 175 valuation as returned by the City Assessor in the year 1880. SEC. 2. The taxes as fixed, levied and assessed in section 1 of this Ordinance, are levied and assessed on all property, both real and personal, within the City of Seattle, as shown by the City Assessor's re- turn of assessments for the year 1880 as corrected and approved by the Common Council. SEC. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of five days after the same shall have been published. ORDINANCE NO. 220. AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING A SPECIAL POLICE OFFICFR FOB THB CITY OF SEATTLE. Approved Aug. 6, 1880. 'Ike Ctty of Seattle does ordain as follows : SECTION 1. That David Sires be and he is hereby appointed a Special Police Officer for the City of Se- attle. SEC. 2. That the said Special Police Officer shall have the same power to make arrests within the city limits for the violation of City Ordinances or for the commission of other offenses as the regular police of said city. SEC. 3. That the said Special Officer may be re- moved, suspended or superceeded at any time by the Common Council whenever they shall deem proper, and 176 shall at all times be under the supervision of the officer having charge qver the ordinary police officers of said city. SEC. 4. The said city : shall in no event be liable for any fees or compensation to said Special Officer, or for services rendered; by, him as sach Special Police Officer. INDEX. ALLEYS Relative to improvement of 139 AMUSEMENTS License of 100 ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR-Salary of 97 ASSESSMENT ROLLS Forms of 107 ASSESSMENT FOR TAXES-Relative to ... 152 ASSAULT AND BATTERY -Punishment of :>S> ATTORNEY Salary of 1W Duties of 120 AUCTIONEERS License of 101 BALL Prohibiting the playing at 166 BALLAST In relation to discharge of 109 Regulating discharge of 17 BEER Relative to sale of 144 BILLIARD TABLES License of 145 BOWLING ALLEYS License of i> BONDS Of Assessor and Collector 7 Clerk & Marshal 7 Treasurer... "l BULLS Relative to running at large 34 CARTS License of... 99 CARRIAGES License of 99 CATTLE To prevent running at large 136 CEMETERY In relation to 20 CEMETERY FUND Rate of taxation for 174 CELLAR WAYS In relation to 48 11. (in OK SEATTLE- Wards of 43 Map of 65 Dividing into Police Districts 123 Certain lands within, to be withheld from entry at Land Office 149 CITY'S LANDING PLACE In relation to 127 CITY FUND Rates of taxation for 174 CIRCUSES License of IQQ CLERK Duties of 52 Bond of 53 Salary of 90 ( 'OWS In relation to 40 Bells on 41 COACHES License of 99 ( CONCERTS License of 100 COUNCIL Regular meetings of 114 DISORDERLY CONDUCT Punishment of 3 In relation to 59 Discharging fire-arms 59 Assault and Battery 59 Drawing deadly weapon on another 60 Fast driving 5-61 Resisting officer 60 Falsely assuming to be a Peace officer 60 Throwing glass in the streets 61 Driving horse on sidewalk 61 Defacing property 61 Gambling 18 Drunkeimess 3 Vagrants 17-33 Prostitutes 36 Indian women 33 DOGS Regulating the keeping of 103 License of 103 |>K( XKENNESS Punishment of 3 DRAYS License of 99 DRIVING Punishment for 5-61 EXHIBITIONS License of 100 FALSE FIRE ALARMS To prevent Ill KI RES Prevention of. 10-115 F 1 R E- A RMS Discharge of 59 111. FIRE WARDEN -Duties of , 73-120 FIRE LIMITS Establishment of 114 FIRE FUND Rate of taxation for 174 FREIGHT Regulating the landing of at City's landing place 127 FRONT STREET Assessment District to pay for grading on 160 Levying of taxes for grading thereon 171 GAMBLING Punishment of.... 18 GAMING TABLE&-Lieense of 145 GAS WORKS Authorizing construction of 28 GAS FUND Rate of taxation for 174 GOATS To prevent running at large 136 GRADES Establishment of 83 Assessment District to pay for on Front street ... 160 HARBOR Rules governing 50 HARBOR MASTER Salary of 97 Duties of 121 HAWKERS License of 101 HEALTH In relation to 76 HEALTH OFFICER-Duties of 76-120 Salary of <*; HIGHWAYS Relative to improvement of 139 HOTEL RUNNERS In relation to 94 License of 94 HOGS To prevent running at large 136 HORSES To prevent running at large 136 JENNY LIND TABLES License of 14o LANDS Authorizing Mayor to enter certain 43 To elect certain to be withheld from entry at Land Office. 149 LANDING PLACE OF CITY-In relation to 127 LAGER BEER-Relative to sale of 144 LICENSES Of female in saloons 57 Hotel runners 94 Vehicles 99 Public amusements 100 Auctioneers 101 Hawkers 101 Peddlers 101 Dogs 103 IV. Retail liquor 143 Grocery 144 Wholesale liquor 145 Gaming tables 14f> L1QUOKS Illative sale of 143 LIGHTS- Establishing limits for 173 Kate of taxation for 174 MARSHAL Duties of 20 Salary of 96 MISDEMEANORS Punishment of 14 MOSS Removal of from roofs 90 MULES To prevent running at large. 132 OFFICERS- Duties of Attorney . . 120 Health Officer 120 Fire Warden 120 Harbor Master 121 Chief of Police.... 70-80-07-121 Policemen 70 Special Police Officer 149 Treasurer 121 Steward of Engine House 126 Street Commissioner 97 OMNIBUSES License of 99 ORDINANCES To provide for printing of .. ... 164 PEDDLERS License of 101 PIGEON-HOLE TABLES License of 145 POISON Prohibiting the laying out of 125 POLICEMEN Duties of Chief of Police and Policemen 70-97-121 Salary 121 Chief of Police in relation to health of City 80 Special Police Officer 149 POLICE DISTRICTS Dividing City into 123 POWDER Regulating the keeping of 4S PRINTING Of Ordinances in pamphlet form 161 PUBLIC PRINTING Providing for 126 PROSTITUTES In relation to 36 PROPERTY Destruction of by boys 39 Improving City property 65 RAILWAYS Authorizing construction of 129 V. REVENUE Levying taxes for.. I.V2 HOOKS To prevent the collection of moss on 90 KOAI) FUND Hate* of taxation for 171 SALARIES OK OFFICERS: Justice ot' the Peace !;> Marshal % Clerk 96 Attorney 9rt Treasurer 96 Health Officer <*; Surveyor 97 Street Commissioner 97 Harbor Master ... 97 Assessor and Collector 97 Policemen 97 Steward of Engine House 122 SALOONS Closing of on Sundays 11 S. & W. W. R. R, & T. CO.-Deeding tide flats to : SHOWS License of 100 SMOKE HOUSE In relation to 81 SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER Appointment of 149 STREETS To prevent the placing of saw-dust in 14 Obstruction of 17 Rubbish in 91 Changing names of &l Improvement of 139 Creating Assessment District to pay for Front St. grade. 160 STREET COMMISSIONER Salary of 97 Duties of 97 STREET RAILWAYS Authorizing construction of 129 STEWARD OF ENGINE HOUSE Duties of li Salary of l*f SURVEYOR Salary of 97 TAXES Treasurer to purchase land in payment of 151 Assessment and collection of 152 Special levy of, to pay for Front St. grade 171 Levy of, for year 1880 17.1 THEATRES License of 100 TREASURER Duties of .">M21 Bond of 54 Salary of % VI. To purchase land in payment of (axes I,~>I VAGRANTS Punishment of .. . 17 VAGRANCY Definition of 17 Punishment of Indian women for 33 VEHICLES License of 99 WAGONS License of 99 WHARF Landing of freight on 127 WOMEN In relation to Indian women 33 a 3