TO HIS Persian Inscriptions 'AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY.) BY HERBERT GUSHING TOLMAN, Ph. D. (YALE) PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT, ACTING PROFESSOR OF GREEK, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. FOREIGN MEM- BER OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. California gional sility First Issue. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1894. SOME CRITICAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES TO HIS Guide to Old Persian Inscriptions BY HERBERT cr'SIUXG TOLMAX\ Ph. I). UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. INTRODUCTION. Constant reference shouM be made to the Median and Assyrian translations. For this end the author recom- mends the folio wing", (i.) Die Achaemeniden-fttschrif- ten. Transscription des babylonischen Textcs nebst Uebersetzung-, textkritischen Anmerkung-en und-einem Worter-und Eig"ennamcnverzeichniss von Carl Bezold. Mit dem Keilschrifttexte der kleineren Achameniden-In- chriften autographirt von Paul Hawpt, Leipzig-, 1882. 24 M. (2.) Die Achaemeniclenhischriften Zweiter Art. Entzifferung- des Syllabars mit Schrifttafel, Abriss der Grammatik, Texte in lateinischer Umschrift mit gegen- iiberstehender deutscher Uebersetzung-, Commentar und textkritische Anmerkung-en, Worterbuch, Keilschrif- texte in Autographic von F. H. WeissbacH, Leipzig-, 1890. 30 M. For the best critical edition of the original Old Persian text, the following-; Die Altpersischen Keil- ittschrifteit herausg-eg-eben von F. H. Weissbach und W. Bang, Leipzig 1 , 1893-4. Frequent reference has been made to this edition in these -notes under the abbrevia- tion W. & B. UNIVERSITY OK NORTH CAROLINA, March, 1894. 189 I. THE INSCRIPTION OF CYRUS, p. 53. Cf. statement p. 117. W\ &. B. remark, " ob die Inschrift de in ifrvsscii A'vros oder dem Brndcr dcs . \ rtarxcrxcs Miic- mon zuzusprechen sei ist noch nicht vollig klar," giving- the title "Kyros der Jiingere." Kossowicz, "Breviuscu- lam hanc inscriptionem Cyri sepulchralis monumeiiti nonnulli doctorum virorum putant esse." Spiegel, "Ich sche daher keineii Grund dem alten Kyrus dieses Denk- mal abzusprechen." Saj-ce, Herodotos, p. 75, "The tomb of Kyrus at Murg-hab cannot belong- to the founder of the Persian empire on account of its architectural ornamentation, and probably belongs to the brother of Xerxes, the satrap of Kgypt, who is called Akhaemenes by Ktesias." II. THE INSCRIPTION OF DARIUS. THE BEHISTAN INSCRIPTION. 2. Ctfishpaish, So Spiegel. W. & B., Cishpaish. 3. Amata, Cf. note p. 118. W. &B., "erprobt." 4. Duvitatrntfm. W. & B.. "in zwei Reihen." Spie- gel, "gesondert." Oppert, "en deux branches." 5. Agata, Doubtful word; it has long been considered a false reading. Cf. note p. 119. W. & B., Daushta. See vocabulary. Spiegel, Agrrta, with remark "falsche Lesung." 5. Ariktf. W. &B.,Arik. Spiegel, Araika, adding", "man kann indessen auch Arika lesen." 190 S. Athrthy. See p. 29 45, n. 4; p. 30, 50, n. W. & B., Athrthy#. So Spiegel. 11. Mahya XIV rtfuc^bish thakata. ah yadiy. W. & B.. "am 14 tage war es, als. 11. (H)uvamarshiyush. See Translation. So W. & B., "durch Selbstmord." 12. Ayrtsta uvaipsliiyni akuta. See Translation. So W. & B., "handelte nach seinem eigenen Willen." 13. Patiyavahaiy. Oppert considered this a demonina- tive from noun avh. Speigel following- Kern gives a root vah "preisen." 13. Kamanaibish. The Assyrian and Median trans- lations render "few." See vocabulary. W. &B., Km- ntfibish, "mit wenigen Mannern." Spiegel, " Dass nicht Kanitfiirt sondern Kamn zu lesen sei sowie dass das Wort wenig, sparlich bedeute wie auch np. kam, ist jetzt durch die Uebersetzung-en sicher g-estellt," Bertin, Cuneiform Grammar, 1888, p. 116, ktfmtfnaibish "with faithful men." So Kossowicz and Rawlinson. 14. Grtthva, Cf. note p. 57. W. & B., Gathva. 14. Ayrtdtfna - v(i) thibishca. See Translation p. 121. W. & B., "Die Tempel, welche Gaumata, der Mager zerstort hatte, stellte ich wieder her, fur das Volk die Hilfsmittel, die Herden und das Wohnen in den Hau- sern. (?) 16. Up<7dm(n)mhya. So Spiegel. W. & B., Up- 16. Naditabira. So Spiegel. W. & B., Ndi(n)t- 16. Anrzi-hya. W. & B., Aina(ira)hya. 16. Nr/bunitahya. So Spiegel. W. & B., Nabunai- tr.'hya. 18. Mtfkauva. So Spiegel. W. & B., M(dy)kauva "(teilte ich mein Heer) in 2 Teile(?)." 18. Dashtfbarim. So Kern and Spieg-el . W. & B., Ushtfbarim " auf Kamele." So Oppert. Kern remarks, Dflshtfbari ist deutlich genug die rechte Hand emporhc- betid," translating 1 , "ich zwangdenFeindzurUebergabe" (1869). Oppert, " Alteram camelis gestam feci, alteri equos suppeditavi " (1859). Spiegel, "Ich machte eineri Theil von dasha-getragen " (1881). 18. Ashm - amzyam, W. &B., As(pa patiy)a- nayam "fiihrte ich Rosse zu." 19. Apiya- -h- -a. W. &B., Apiya (a)ha(n)- (jtft)a "ward nis Wasser getrieben." 19. (H)ufrat#uva. The first member of the compound is (H)u "well"; the second member may be connected with rt. fra, cf. Herod. I. 194; or with the Avestan peretu "bridge": the "well bridged" stream. 19. Athiy Babirum yatha - - ayam. W. & B., A(b)iy Babirum y#(tha naiy up)aym. II. 1. Asbaribish or asbaribish. See vocabulary. W. & B., Asbaribish. So Spiegel, who observes that the euphonic combination would be zb, not sb. 3. Cicikhraish. W. &. B., Ci(n)cikhraish. 4. Htfcama . W. &B., (atrsa). 4. Ashnaiy ahm abiy (H)uvrtjam. See translation. \V. & B., "(Damals) war ich Susiana befreundet." 5. (H)uvkhsh#trahya. So Spiegel. W. & B., Uvtfkhshtrrthya. 5. Hya v(i)thaptiy. See translation. W. & B., "Welches im Palaste war." 6. Ma - -. W. & B., Ma(rush). f. Htfuv - - km#mzmciy niy adary. W. & B., Hauv - niy adarrzyrt "dieser hielt nicht (Stand). 6. VI. Raucflbiah. Spiegel, VI(?) Ructfbish. W. & B., XXVII Rtfucrtbish. 7. - - naimz. So W. & B. ,7. Hfltnitriyam aj. W. & B., H. 193 HI. 3. Margvzyrtbish. W. & B., Margy^bish. 5. Hrtca ydaya fratarta, " departed from duty." See translation. W. & B., liess die Ehrfurcht (?). 7. Hyaprtram, "again." W. & B., " ein anderes Mai." 8. Uvadflidtfya. W. & B., Uvadicya, following- the Median. 13. Hn(?)ditffhy0. See note p. 130. W. & B., Hl- ditrthyrt. So Spieg-el. 13. Duban(?)0. See note p. 130. W. & B., Dubaltf. 14. - --aptftiy asriy#ta. Doubtful word. Spiegel, zerbrechen" (?) adding- " wol falsche Lesart." W. & B., (uzmy)aptiy akriya(n)tam " g-epfahlt werden." But cf. note 3 45, p. 29. 14. We know from the translations that the concluding- portion of the column gives an account of the execution of Arakha and his allies. The phraseolog-y would be somewhat similar to that describing- the executions in II. 13, 14. IV. 2. Hamahyaya thrda, "wholly in (my) way." Sec note p. 132. ' W. & B., "allerwegen." 4. Ytftha mam kam, "as desire (moved) me." See translation. W. & B., "wie es mein Wunsch (war)." 4. Di - -. W. & B., Di(sh akunvm). f>. Varnvtam thuvam maty durujiyahy, "let it convince thee do not deceive thyself-" W. & B., " er- scheine dir g-laubwiirdig-, strafe es nicht Lug-en." 7. Auramazda. tiyiy. W. & B., Aurmz(diyr/) i