5430 E47 A^ .^__ c= Al m — I^— —1 i ^ ^^^ m = JO » = ^= 3D 3 = ^^ o : ^ / ^^ ^B^ ; 9 = 6 — 5^ ^ 8 — 4 — ^^2 1 — Ellis aNmLPHmBETICmLTmBLE OF CONTENTS TO SHELl£Y'S POETICmL WORKS MIVERSITY OF CALU -...* UBRARY ^O- ANGELES. CAUF. A TABLE OF CONTENTS TO SHELLEY'S POETICAL WORKS L Of this Book Five Ilutidred copies have been f tinted L » ■ AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS TO SHELLEY'S POETICAL WORKS ADAPTED TO T/ie Editioti in 3 vols. Edited by W. M. Rossetti, Esq. The 2 volume Editioji of H. B. Forman, Esq. The 4 volume Ediiioti 0/ H. B, Forman, Esq. BY FREDERICK S. ELLIS \ ILontron PUBLISHED FOR THE SHELLEY SOCIETY BY REEVES AND TURNER 196 STRAND 1888 OK c c t C C Vc 543^ 6 NOTE. While engaged in the compilation of the Concordance to Shelley's Poetry I have frequently lost much time and found not a little vexation in hunting through the Table of Contents, or through the volumes themselves, for one of the minor poems or fragments. As it seemed to me pro- bable that other students of the poet's works had often experienced the same difficulty, I judged that an alphabeti- cal Table of Contents adapted to the three most important editions would not be otherwise than acceptable. Several of the fragments I have deemed it advisable to enter under two heads, for while Mr. Forman has, most ingeniously, and I venture to think most happily, adapted titles to nearly all the fragments, Mr. Rossetti has given them as they were found without other distinction in the Table of Contents than the first line. These will be found under both headings ; e.g:, the fragment to which Mr. Forman gives the title of " Love the Universe " is in Mr. Rossetti's Table under the heading, "And who feels discord now"; and a student who had been used to one edition would hardly recognise the poem under the title to which he was unac- customed. It is possible my well-meant endeavour will be less useful than I think ; at least it will be but one more square in the oft-referred-to tesselated pavement. ^ F. S. Ellis. Torquay, December i6, 1887. 1- TABLE OF CONTENTS. Adonais, 1 82 1 Alastor, 1815 Allegory, An, 1820 " And WHERE IS Truth ?" i8i9[F. "Dead BUT NOT forgotten"] "And who feels discord now" 18 19 [F. "Love THE Universe"] . . . . Apollo, Hymn of, 1820 Arabic, Imitation, 1821 ....... . Arethusa, 1820 "As the Sunrise to the Night," 1819 [F. "To Italy"] "At the Creation," [F. "Birth of Pleasure"] Autumn; A Dirge, 1820 . AzioLA, 1821 Bigotry's Victim, 181 1 Bion's Elegy, 1818 (?) Birth of Pleasure, 1819 Boat on the Serchio, 1821 Bridal Song, 1821 Buona Notte, 1820 Calderon, Magico Prodigioso, 1822 . . CiSMA de Inglaterra [M Edwin's] . Castlereagh Administration, 1819 . . ii. 369 i- 253 Hi. 157 iii. 231 in. 91 iii. 62 iii. 234 iii. 229 iii. 82 iii. 99 iii. 362 iii. 294 iii. 229 iii. 171 iii. 103 iii. 390 iii. 301 iii. 386 iii. 40 F. 2V. i. 514 i- 3 ii. 226 ii. 195 iii. 228 i ii. 194 iii. 65 i ii. 204 11. 231 ii. 201 ii. 193 ii. 193 ii. 32 ii. 238 ii. 415 ii. 340 ii. 193 ii. 260 ii. 243 ii. 218 ii. 347 000 ii. 185 F. 4 v. iii. 9 i. 21 iv. 61 iv. 17 iv. 16 iv. 34 iv. 72 iv. 29 iv. 15 iv. 16 iii. 153 iv. 81 iv. 356 iv. 232 iv. 16 iv. 112 iv. 89 iv. 50 iv. 249 iv. 283 iv. 3 lO TABLE OF CONTENTS. Cat, Verses on a [1800] Cavalcanti's Sonnet, 1820 Cenci, 1819 Charles the First, 1821-2 Circumstance Cloud, The, 1820 Coleridge [1816] " Come, thou awakener of the spirit's ocean," 1821 Constantia, 1817 constantia, singing, 1817 Couplets. "And that I walk," 1821 . Critic, Lines to a, 1817 Cyclops of Euripides, 1819 D^MON of the World. Pt. i. [1815] . D^MON OF the World. Pt. 2. [1815] . Dante, Convito, 1820 Dante's Sonnet to Cavalcanti, 1816 . Dante, Stanza froiM, 1821 Dante, Ugolino Dante Vita Nuova. Fr Death: a dialogue, 18 10 Death [They die—], 1817 Death, 1820 Death of Napoleon, 1821 Death vanquished, 1810 Devil's Walk, 1812 Dirge, 1822 Dirge for the Year, 1821 Edward V/illiams, 1821 Emilia Viviani, 1821 Epipsychidion, 1821 Epitaph, 1822 R. F. 2 V. F. 4 V. iii- 337 ii. 389 iv. 313 iii. 300 ii- 347 iv. 248 ii. 156 i. 258 ii. 19 iii. 185 ii. no iii. 289 iii. 292 ii- 339 iv. 231 iii. 68 i. 446 ii. 29s 111. I i. 22 i. 49 iii. 240 ii. 265 iv. 119 iii. 225 ii. 161 iii- 393 iii. 23 ii. 160 iii. 391 000 ii. 266 iv. 121 iii. 30 ii. 170 iii. 406 iii. 272 ii- 312 iv. 189 iii. 377, i- 30 i. 61 iii. 378 i. 38 iii- 367 111. 297 ii- 343 iv. 239 111. 297 i. 29 i- 57 11. 350 i. 490 ii. 366 iii. 386 — iv. 244 iii. 297 ii. 346 iv. 247 111- 347 ii. 392 iv. 320 111. 24 ii. 29 iii. 149 iii. 147 ii. 28 iii. 147 iii. 96 i. 571 iii. 99 111- 349 ii- 393 iv. 321 111. 371 ii. 425 iv. 371 iii. 115 ii. 280 iv. 145 iii. 88 ii. 229 iv. 69 iii. 100 ii- 239 iv. 84 111. 91 11. 231 iv. 73 11- 351 i. 491 ii. 369 111. 117 ii. 283 iv. 150 TABLE OF CONTENTS. II Epitaphium [Gray's Elegy] .... Epithalamium, 1 82 1 EuGANEAN Hills, 1818 Evening : Ponte a Mare, Pisa, 1821 Exhortation, 1819 Eyes, 1812 Faded Violet, Song, 181 8 "Faint WITH Love," 1 82 1 . . • .... Fall of Bonaparte, Feelings of a Republican on the, 1816 Fanny Godwin, 18 17 Far, far AWAY, 1821 FtTE at Carlton House, 1 81 1 .... FioRDiSPiNA, 1820 "Followtothe deep wood's weeds," 1819 [F. " Fragment of an Invitation "] Fragment; A Face, 1820 Fr. "A gentle story of two lovers YOUNG," 1819 Fr. " a soul known," 1819 Fr. An unfinished tale, 1819 .... Fr. Calm thoughts, 1819 Fr. Consequence, 1820 ... • . . . . Fr. Dead but not forgotten, 1 8 19 . . Fr. Fitful rain, 1819 Fr. "Flourishing Vine," 1818 .... Fr. "Hark! the Owlet flaps his Wings," 1807 Fr. Insecurity, 1821 Fr. " Is not to-day enough ? " 1819 . . Fr. Love's Atmosphere, 1819 Fr. Love THE Universe, 1 8 19 Fr. Milton's spirit, 1820 Fr. " My Head is heavy," 1820 .... ] R. iii. 338 iii. 388 ii. 36 iii. 170 iii. 50 iii. 376 iii. 33 iii. 240 iii. 6 iii. 30 iii. 90 iii. 365 iii. 154 iii. 228 iii. 236 iii. 229 iii. 233 iii. 231 iii. 229 iii. 236 iii. 231 iii. 233 iii. 228 iii. 338 iii. 239 iii. 234 iii. 232 iii. 228 iii. 236 iii. 234 F. 2 V. F. 4 V. ii. 390 iv. 315 ii. 243 IV. 90 i. 237 i. 358 ii. 260 iv. Ill i. 442 ii. 289 ii. 423 iv. 368 ii. 30 iii. 150 ii. 26s iv. 119 i. 27 i.56 ii. 166 iii. 401 ii. 232 iv. 74 ii. 417 iv. 359 ii. 222 iv. 56 ii. 193 iv. 15 ii. 228 iv. 64 ii. 195 iv. 18 ii. 192 iv. 14 ii. 196 iv. 19 ii. 194 iv. 17 ii. 227 iv. 64 ii. 195 iv. 17 ii. 197 iv. 20 ii. 178 iii. 421 ii. 390 iv. 315 ii. 266 iv. 120 ii. 192 iv. 14 ii. 197 iv. 20 ii. 194 iv. 16 ii. 228 iv. 64 ii. 228 iv. 65 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Fragment "My Head is wild with WEEPING," 1818 Fr. " O THAT A Chariot of Cloud," 1817 Fr. OP A Dream, 1821 Fr. of a Satire on Satire, 1820 . . . Fr. OF AN Address TO Byron,i8i8 . . . Fr. of an Incantation, 1819 Fr. OF AN Invitation, 1819 Fr. Peace FIRST and LAST, 1 82 1 . . . . Fr. Poetry AND Music, 1819 Fr. Questions, 1 819 Fr. Rome and Nature, 1819 Fr. Satan loose, 1817 Fr. The Desarts of Sleep, 1820 .... Fr."The Fierce Beasts of the Woods," 1818 Fr. The Roman's Chamber, 18 19 ... Fr. the Serpent, 1819 Fr. Thoughts, 1817 Fr. To a Friend leaving Prison, 1817 . Fr. To Italy, 1819 Fr. To one singing, 1817 Fr. to Silence, 1818 Fr. To the Moon, 1822 Fr. To the People of England, 1819 . Fr. Unrisen Splendour, 1820 .... Fr. Unsatisfied Desires, 1817 .... Fr. Wandering, 1821 Fr. Wine of Eglantine, 1819 Fugitives, The, 1821 Ghost Story, 1816 Ginevra, 1821 Godwin, W., Lines to Goethe's Faust, 1822 R. iii. 228 iii. 224 iii. 237 000 iii. 227 iii. 239 iii. 228 iii. 238 iii. 232 iii. 234 iii. 233 iii. 224 iii. 236 iii. 228 ' iii. 231 iii. 233 iii. 226 iii. 168 iii. 234 iii. 382 iii. 227 iii. 241 iii. 232 iii. 236 iii. 225 iii. 238 iii. 230 iii. 92 iii. 223 iii. 164 000 iii. 320 F. 2 V. ii. 178 ii. 168 ii. 266 ii. 210 ii. 177 ii. 195 ii. 193 ii. 253 ii. 196 ii. 193 ii. 196 ii. 168 ii. 227 ii. 178 ii. 196 ii. 197 ii. 170 ii. 168 ii. 193 ii. 162 ii. 177 ii. 283 ii. 188 ii. 229 ii. 169 ii. 254 ii. 194 ii. 233 ii. 15s ii. 254 ii. 162 ii. 370 F. 4 V. iii. 421 iii. 403 iv. 120 000 iii. 420 iv. 18 iv. 15 iv. 103 iv. 19 iv. .15 iv. 19 iii. 404 iv. 64 iii. 421 iv. 19 iv. 20 iii. 406 iii. 403 iv. 15 iii- 394 iii. 420 iv. 149 iv. 7 iv. 66 iii. 405 iv. 103 iv. 17 iv. 74 iii. 382 iv. 104 000 iv. 249 TABLE OF CONTENTS. *> Good Night, 1820 " Great Spirit whom the Sea of boundless thought," 1 82 1 [f. two Fragments of Invocation"] . . . Harriet, To, 1813 Hate-song, 1817 "He wanders, like a day-appearing Dream," 1821 Hellas, 1821 His Face was like a Snake's, 1820 [F. "Fr. Aface"] Home, Fragment on, 1816 Homer's Hymn to Castor and Pollux, 1818 Homer's Hymn to the Earth, 1818 . . Homer's Hymn to Mercury, 1818 . . . Homer's Hymn to Minerva, 1818 . . . Homer's Hymn to the Moon, 181 8 . . Homer's Hymn to the Sun, 181 8 ... Homer's Hymn to Venus, 1 818 . . . . Hope, Fear, and Doubt, 1820 HoROLOGiUM, 1809 " How sweet it is to sit and read the tales," 1 819 [F. Fr. "Poetry AND Music"] Hymn to Intellectual Beauty, 1816 . "I AM AS A Spirit," 1819 [F. Fr. "A soul known "] " I AM DRUNK with THE HONEY WINE," 1819 [F.Fr. "Wine of Eglantine"] "I DREAMED THAT MILTON'S SPIRIT ROSE," 1820 [F. Fr. "Milton's Spirit"] . . R. iii. 84 111. 239 1. 155 iii. 382 iii. 238 ii. 386 iii. 236 iii. 222 iii. 267 iii. 270 iii. 242 iii. 268 iii. 269 iii. 266 iii. 235 iii. 346 111. 232 iii. 10 iii. 233 iii. 230 iii. 236 F. 2 V. ii. 217 ii. 267 11. 430 ii. 170 ii. 254 i- 535 ii. 228 ii. 155 ii. 306 ii. 308 ii. 284 ii. 309 ii. 307 ii. 308 ii. 310 ii. 228 ii. 391 ii. 196 i. 247 11. 192 ii. 194 ii. 228 F. 4v. iv. 49 IV. 122 iv. 383 iii. 406 IV. 103 iii. 47 iv. 64 iii. 382 iv. 182 iv. 185 iv. 153 iv. 186 iv. 183 iv. 184 iv. 187 iv. 65 iv. 316 IV. 19 i- 371 IV. 14 iv. 17 iv. 64 H TABLE OF CONTENTS. " I Faint, I perish with my love ! " 1821 [F. " Two FRAGMENTS ON LOVE "] . " I FEAR THY KISSES, GENTLE MAIDEN," 1820 "I WENT INTO THE DESARTS OF DIM Sleep," 1820 [F. "The Desarts of Sleep"] " I WOULD NOT be A King," i 821 ... . " In the Cave which wild weeds COVER," 1819 [F. " Fr. The Roman's Chamber"] Indian Serenade, 1819 Invocation to Misery, 1818 Ireland, 1812 " Is it that in some brighter sphere," 1819 [F. "Fr. Questions"] . . . . Isle, The, 1822 Jane, The Invitation, 1822 Jane, " The keen stars were twink- ling," 1822 Jane, The Recollection, 1822 Jane, with A Guitar, 1822 Julian and Maddalo, 181 8 Keats, Fragment on, 1821 Kissing Helena Lament, 1821 Laon and Cythna, 1817 Lerici, Lines written in the Bay of, 1822 Letter TO Maria Gisborne, 1820 . . . Liberty, 1820 Lord Chancellor, 181 7 R. iii. 239 iii. 74 iii. 236 iii. 164 111. 231 iii. 51 iii. 36 iii. 371 iii. 234 iii. 241 iii, 108 iii. 115 iii. no iii. 112 ii. 47 iii. 237 iii. 292 iii. 99 i. 281 iii. 116 ii. 317 iii. 83 iii. 25 F. 2 V. ii. 265 ii. 207 11. 227 ii. 253 ii. 196 ii. 190 ii. 172 ii. 423 ii. 193 ii. 282 ii. 272 ii. 279 ii. 274 ii. 277 ii. 2 ii. 266 ii- 339 ii. 238 i. 62 ii. 280 ii. 74 ii. 216 ii. 162 F. 4 V. iv. 119 iv. 37 iv. 64 iv. 103 IV. 19 iv. 10 iii. 413 iv. 367 iv. 15 iv. 148 iv. 133 iv. 144 iv. 136 iv. 140 iii. 107 iv. 120 iv. 230 iv. 82 i. 109 iv. 146 iii. 227 iv. 48 iii- 394 * Love, i8ii Love, Hope, Desire, and Fear, 1821 Love's Philosophy, 1820 Love's Rose, 181 i TABLE OF CONTENTS. R. iii. 363 iii. 157 iii. 54 iii. 366 Magnetic Lady, 1822 Marenghi, 1818 Margaret Nicholson, Posthumous fragments of, 1810 Marianne's Dream, 1817 Mary, To, " O Mary dear, that you WERE here!" 1818 Mary, To, who died in this opinion, 1811 Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, 1814 . Mask OF Anarchy, 1819 Matilda gathering Flowers, 1820 . . Medusa of Leonardo da Vinci, 1819 . *' Methought I was a Billow," 1821 [F. " Fragment of a dream "] . . . Mexican Revolution, 1812 Mont Blanc, 1816 Moon, The, 1820 Moonbeam, To the, 1811 Moschus' Elegy on Bion, 1817 .... Moschus, Sonnet from, 1816 Mother and Son, 1812 Music, " I pant for the music," 1821 . Music, "When soft voices die," 1821 Mutability, 1816 Mutability, "The Flower that smiles TO-DAY," 1821 " My dearest Mary, wherefore hast THOU GONE," 1 819 [F. "Two FRAG- MENTS TO Mary "] iii. 106 iii. 135 iii. 351-60 iii. 18 iii. 227 iii. 367 iii. 123 ii. 261 iii. 299 iii. 141 iii. 237 iii. 370 iii. 13 iii. 235 iii. 364 iii. 293 iii. 367 iii. 174 iii. 94 iii. 3 iii. 97 111. 231 F. 2 V. ii. 414 ii. 245 ii. 200 ii. 418 ii. 270 ii. 180 ii. 402-11 ii. 156 ii. 175 ii. 418 ii. 152 ii. 33 ii. 345 ii. 199 ii. 266 ii. 421 i. 47 ii. 225 ii. 416 ii. 341 i. 29 ii. 419 ii. 264 ii. 235 i. 24 ii. 236 ii. 198 15 F. 4 V. iv. 355 iv. 92 iv. 24 iv. 360 iv. 129 iii. 425 iv. 339-52 iii. 385 iii. 417 iv. 361 iii. 364 iii. 157 iv. 241 iv. 22 iv. 120 iv. 366 i. 73 iv. 61 iv. 357 iv. 235 i. 58 iv. 363 iv. 117 iv. V i. 52 iv. 79 IV. 22 i6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. National Anthem, 1819 . . Nile, Sonnet to the, 181 8 " O thou Immortal Deity," 1821 [F. " Two Fragments of Invocation"] " O thou whose dear love gleamed," 1811 Ode [written October, 1819, before the Spaniards had recovered THEIR liberty,] 1819 Ode TO Heaven, 1819 Ode to Liberty, 1820 Ode to Naples, 1820 Ode to the West Wind, 1819 CEdipus Tyrannus, 1820 " One sung of thee who left the TALE untold," 1819 [F. "FRAG- MENT: An unfinished tale"] . . . "One word is too often profaned," 1821 Orpheus, 1820 Otho, 1817 Ozymandias, 1 817 Pan, Echo, and the Satyr Pan, Hymn of, 1820 Passage OF THE Apennines, 1818 . . . Past, The, 1818 Peter Bell, 1819 Pine Forest of the Cascine, 1822 . . . Prince Athanase, 1817 Prologue to Hellas, 1 82 1 Prometheus Unbound, 1819 Proserpine, Song of, 1820 R. iii. 43 iii. 24 iii. 237 iii. 365 111. 45 iii. 46 iii. 54 iii. 77 iii. 48 ii. 277 111. 231 iii. 102 iii. 148 iii. 226 iii. 25 iii. 293 iii. 66 iii- 33 iii. 34 ii. 229 000 iii. 124 iii. 159 ii. 67 iii. 75 F. 2 V. ii. 189 ii. 171 ii. 267 ii. 417 445 440 452 211 443 462 ii. 196 . 242 . 219 . 167 . 250 ■ 342 . 206 • 171 . 172 •47 000 ii. 19 ii. 247 i- 345 ii. 209 F. 4 V. iv. 8 iii. 41 1 IV. 122 IV. 359 11. 294 ii. 287 ii. 305 iv. 42 ii. 290 ii. 323 IV. 19 iv. ^7 iv. 52 iii. 401 iii- 375 iv. 236 iv. 36 iii. 412 iii. 412 iii. 187 iv. 133 iii. 133 iv. 94 ii. 149 iv. 40 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 17 r>. Queen Mab, 1813 . . Queen of my heart Question, The, 1820 Remembrance, 1821 Reviewer, Lines to a, 1820 '' Rome has fallen, ye see it lying," 1819 [F. "Fragment: Rome and Nature" Rosalind and Helen, 1818 St. Irvyne, Poems from, 1809 Sensitive Plant, 1820 Similes for two political charac- ters OF 1819 Skylark, To a, 1820 Solitary, 1810 Song, " Rarely, rarely, comest thou," 1821 Song to the Men of England, 1819 . . Sonnet: England in 1819 Sonnet, " Lift not the painted veil," 1818 Sonnet, Political Greatness, 1821 . . Sonnet to Byron, 1821 Sonnet, " Ye hasten to the grave ! " 1820 Sophia [Miss Stagey], 1819 Spirit of Plato Stanzas: April, 1814 Stanzas written in dejection near Naples, 1818 Star, To a, 1 811 Stella R. F. 2 V. F. 4 V. i. 156 ii- 431 iv. 385 000 ii. 423 iv. 369 iii. 67 ii. 203 iv. 32 iii. 100 ii. 239 iv. 82 iii. 81 ii. 210 iv. 41 iii. 233 ii. 196 iv. 19 ii. 2 i. 202 i-3iS i- 339-46 ii. 394-400 iv. 323-31 ii- 303 i. 426 ii. 267 iii. 43 ii. 188 iv. 6 iii. 71 i. 449 ii. 299 iii- 347 11. 391 IV. 319 iii- 94 ii. 235 iv. 77 iii. 41 ii. 186 iv. 4 iii. 42 ii. 187 iv. 6 iii. 34 ii. 172 iii. 413 iii. 98 ii- 237 iv. 80 iii. 240 ii. 264 iv. 118 iii. 85 ii. 227 iv. 63 iii. 52 11. 191 iv. 12 iii. 292 ii- 339 iv. 231 iii. 2 1.23 i. 50 iii- 35 ii. 30 iii. 151 iii. 365 ii- 417 iv. 360 iii. 292 ii- 338 iv. 230 l8 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Studies for Epipsychidion [R." To his Genius"] " Such hope, as is the sick despair of GOOD," 1820 [F. "Hope, Fear, and Doubt"] Summer and Winter, 1820 Summer-Evening Churchyard, Lech- lade, 1815 Sunset, 1816 Superstition, 1813 "Tasso," Scene FROM, 1818 "Tasso," Song FOR, 1818 Tear, The, 1811 Terza RiMA, Fragment OF, 1821 . . . . "That time IS DEAD FOR ever," 1 8 17 . . " The babe is at peace," 1821 [F. " Frag- ment : Peace first and last "] . . " The cold earth slept below," 181 5 . The fitful alternations of the rain, 1819 [F. " Fragment : Fitful rain "] "The gentleness of rain," 1821 . . . . "The rude wind is singing," 1821 . . . The viewless and invisible conse- quence," 1820 [F. " Fragment : Con- sequence"] " There is a warm and gentle atmo- sphere," 1 8 1 9 [F." Fragment : Love's Atmosphere"] "There IS no WORK," &c., 1816 "They die— the dead return not," 1817 [F. "Death"] "Thy DEWY LOOKS," 1 814 . • Time, 1821 Time long past, 1S20 R. iii. 151 111. 235 iii. 82 iii. 5 iii. 9 111. 133 iii. 134 iii. 361 iii. 238 iii. 29 . iii. 238 iii. 7 iii. 233 iii. 237 iii. 238 iii. 236 111. 232 iii. 4 iii. 24 iii. 222 iii. 20 iii. 85 F. 2 V. i. 507 ii. 228 ii. 209 i. 26 ii. 154 i. 28 ii. 178 ii. 179 ii. 413 ii. 267 ii. 29 ii. 253 ii. 28 ii. 197 ii. 265 ii. 267 ii. 227 11. 197 i. 25 ii. 29 ii. 152 ii. 232 ii. 226 F. 4 V. ii. 389 iv. 65 iv. 40 i. 54 iii. 380 i. 56 iii. 422 iii. 424 iv. 353 iv. 121 iii. 148 iv. 103 iii. 146 iv. 20 iv. 119 iv. 121 iv. 64 IV. 20 i. 52 iii. 149 iii. 363 iv. 73 iv. 62 TABLE OF CONTENTS. R. 19 To HIS Genius [F. " Studies for Epi- psychidion"] To-morrow, 1821 To-night, 1821 Tower OF Famine, 1820 Tremble Kings, 1810 Triumph of Life, 1822 Two fragments of Invocation, 1821 . . Two fragments on Love, 1821 Two fragments to Mary, 1819 . . . . Two fragments to music, 1817 . . . . Two Spirits : An allegory, 1820 . . . Unfinished Drama, 1822 Virgil's Tenth Eclogue Vision of the Sea, 1820 . "Wake the serpent not," 1819 [F. "Fragment: The Serpent"] . . Wandering Jew, Passage from the, 1808 Waning Moon, 1820 " We meet not as we parted," 1822 . . Wealth and Love, 1817 "What art thou. Presumptuous," 1821 [F. "Fr, ofTerzaRima"] "When a lover clasps his fairest," 1819 [F. "Fragment of an Incan- tation"] " When passion's trance is overpast," 1821 = . . . "When the lamp is shattered," 1822 . iii. 151 iii, 98 iii. 89 iii. 84 iii. 366 iii. 208 iii. 237 iii. 239 iii. 231 iii. 224-5 iii. 75 iii. 178 iii. 295 iii. 142 111. 233 iii. 344 iii. 235 iii. 207 iii. 226 iii. 238 111. 239 iii. 103 iii. 107 F. 2V. 1.507 ii. 389 ii. 241 iv. 87 11. 230 iv. 70 ii, 224 * iv. 59 ii. 413 iv. 353 ii. 136 iii. 329 ii. 267 iv. 122 ii. 265 iv. 119 ii. 198 iv. 22 ii. 169 iii. 404 ii. 207 iv. 38 11. 103 11. 342 i. 436 11. 197 ii. 391 ii. 225 ii. 282 ii. 169 ii. 267 11. 195 11. 242 ii. 271 F. 4 V. 111. 275 iv. 238 ii. 281 IV. 20 iv. 317 iv. 60 iv. 148 iii. 405 iv. 121 iv. 18 iv. 88 iv. 131 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS. William Shelley, "My lost William," 1819 William Shelley, " The Billows " i 8 i 7 William Shelley, " Thy little foot- steps" 1819 Witch of Atlas, 1820 Woodman, The, and the Nightin- gale, 1 81 8 Wordsworth, Sonnet to, 1816 . . World's Wanderers, 1820 .... Yet look on me" i 814 ZuccA, 1822 R. iii. 140 iii. 28 iii. 230 ii. 328 iii. 131 iii. 6 iii. 147 iii. 222 iii. 175 F. 2 V. ii. 198 ii. 164 ii. 197 ii. 83 ii. 175 i. 27 ii. 218 ii- 153 ii. 268 F. 4 V. iv. 21 iii. 398 iv. 20 iii. 245 iii. 417 i- 55 iv. 51 iii. 366 i/. 125 -• A ^7 i\ K' i ■ Lomion : Printed By Richard Clay & Sons, B,ca"%mM