"" PLAT REPKESENTING THE THREE SPECIES OF MANKIND. Fiu. 61. THE CYLINDU1CAL PILED. THE (IVAL PILED. THE EUOENTRICALLY-ELLII'TICAL PILK1>. TRICHOLOGIA MAMMALIUM : A TREATISE ON THE ORGANIZATION, PROPERTIES AND USES OF HAIR AND WOOL; TOGETHER WITH AN ESSAY UPON THE RAISING AND BREEDING OF SHEEP. PETER A. BROWNE, L. L. D., OF rHILADELl'IIIA. "DUCIT AMOR PATRICE." PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA: J. H. JONES, PRINTER, NO. 34 CARTER'S ALLEY. 1853. TO THE HONORABLE THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, THIS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY ITS AUTHOK. ;v.. . ''j .- *J : v *.,?. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by PETER A. BROWNE, L. L. D., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. NATURAL HISTORY includes all the works of the Mighty Creator; her votaries, with the aid of the telescope, measure the parallax of the most distant stars, and, with the microscope, scrutinize the minutest portion of the smallest infusoria, plant, or crystal. Nothing for them is too large, nothing too small for examination, which God has placed within their reach. If the Deity has not deemed it beneath His dignity to create an object, surely it would be presumptive in man to consider it too insignificant for his study. Then let no one marvel that we have devoted so much time to ascertain the organization, properties and uses of hair and wool. To the unreflecting, this department of knowledge may, at first view, appear to be trifling; but, with each successive advance, it will acquire more importance. The Science which relates to Pile may be called TRICHOLOGY, (from Trix, a hair ;) its descriptive part is TRICHOGRAPHY. It is a branch of Zoology, or rather of Mammo- logy; and, so far, it is connected with Physiology, Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy. Some of its discoveries shed new light upon the ethnological problem of the unity of the human species, and others will be found to be intimately connected with those branches of agricultural industry, which relate to the raising of Sheep and producing of wool, and the raising of Swine for the bristles. It embraces a large field of inquiry, many parts of which are yet only partially explored. In our progress we have endured considerable mental labor and encountered some unexpected difficulties; but, cheered by the countenance and aided by a few scientific friends, we have pursued a steady course, and have, at length, brought our examinations to a tolerably successful termination. It will be recollected that we were obliged, in the first instance, to collect the materials; and, after years of untiring exertions, we have at length the largest and the most valuable known cabinet of pile. In the meantime we attended lectures on Physiology and Anatomy. We have made use of none but superior instruments, and some of these are entirely new either in themselves or their application to this study. We have availed ourselves of the researches of those who have gone over the ground before us, at all times acknowledging their truthfulness and pointing out their errors. We have carefully preserved the specimens from which our drawings are made, for future re-examination, if desirable. Upon a theme so extensive, and comparatively so novel, we do not expect to have escaped error; but we trust that when pointed out, we shall ever be found ready to acknowledge and correct them. P. A. BROWNE, Philadelphia. 356999 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PART I Of the word " Pile," page 7. The Definition of Pile, 7. The Description of Pile, 7. The most important Division of Pile, 8. Of Fleece, 9. Pile and Feathers have I een confounded, 9. Description of a Feather, 9. The difference between a Hair and a Feather, 10. The Tegumentary Appendages of the Ostrich, 11. The Down of young Birds, 11. The Eye-Lashes of the Ostrich, 11. The Beard of the Turkey, and Whalebone, 11. The Pile of the Ornithoryncbus, 12. PART II. The Mantle and Hair-like Processes of the Armadillo, 14. Description of the Hair-Like Pro- cesses, 14. Of Scales, 15. The Scales of the Pangolin, &c., 15. Particular Description of them, 15. Scales of Prehensile Tails, 16. The Scales of the Tail of the Possum, 16. Scales of the Tail of the Muskrat, 16. Scales of the Tail of the Field-Mouse, 16. Scales of the Tails of some Monkeys, 16. Remarks on the Scales of Prehensile Tails, 17. Of Fibrous Protuberances resembling Horn, 17. Their Comparison with true Horn, 17. The Horn of the Rhinoceros, 18. The Hair of the Ear of the same, 18. Of Spines, 18. The Spines of the Porcupine, 18. The Spines of the Pecary, 19. Of Whiskers, 19. The Whiskers of the Rabbit, 20. The Whiskers of the Irish Hare, 20. The Whiskers of the Possum, 21. Of Bristles, 21. The Bristles of the Russian Wild Boar, 22. Comparison of Dimensions of Bristles, 22. Comparison of Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity of the same, 22. Of Mane Hair, 23. The Mane of the Lion, 24. The Mane of the Horse, 24. Mane of the Cervus Canadensis, 24. Mane of the Cameleopard, 24. Of Tail Hairs, 24. The Tail Hairs of the Hippopotamus, 25. The Tail Hairs of the Zebra, 25. The Tail Hairs of the Cervus, 25. The Tail Hairs of the Arabian Bull, 25. The Tail Hairs of the Elephant, 25. CHAPTER II. How Pile grows, 26. Of the different parts of a Filament of Pile, 26. Of the Button, 27. The Cells of the Button, 27. The Normal Shape of the Button of the Head of one of the Oval- Haired Species, 27. The Shaft, drawn out of the Button, 27. Buttons of Hairs that/// out, 28. Hairs with no Button, 28. The Button of the Cylindrical-Haired Species, 28. The Button of the Eccentrically Elliptical-Piled Species, 28. Buttons on other Hairs of the Body, &c., 28. Of the Ear, 29. Of the Eye-Brow, 29. Of the Eye-Lashes. 29. Of the Nose, 30. Of the Common Whiskers of Man, 30. Of the Beard, 30. Three Shafts growing out of one Button, 30. The Fashions of wearing the Hair and Beard, 30. Button of the Hair of the Arm-pit, 31. Of the Pubes, 32. A Remarkable Case, 32. Of the Button of the Hair of the Limbs, 33. Of the Body, 33. General Remarks upon Buttons, 33. Of thr Buttons of the Hairs of the Lower Animals. 34. Of the Apex of Pile, 34. Of Dichophy, 35. Of vi TABLE OF CONTEXTS. its Cause, 3G. Of Branched Pile, 36. Of the Cortex of Pile, 36. Of the Scales of the Cortex, 37. Their Use, 37. Of Ribbons of Cortex, 37. Of the Paved Cortex, 37. Examples of the same, 37. Of the Hair of the Stag, 38. Of that of the Elk, 39. Th;it of the Dicranoceros Americanus, 39. That of the Sloth, 40. Of the Fibres of Pile, 41. A Crushed Hair, 41. The Use of Fibres, 42. Of the Centre of Pile, 42. Of the Pile of the Dog-Faced Monkey, 42. Of the Coloring Matter in the Hair of the Bat, 43. An Optical Deception, 43. The Coloring Matter of Pile in general, 44. Of the Follicle of Pile, 46. Where the Follicle is found, 46. How it is formed, 47. Of Pile without a Follicle, 48. Examples of Follicles of the three Species of Men, 49. The Follicle of the Hair of Hybrids, 49. Of the Vitality of Pile, 49. Of Vessels of Pile, 50. Of the Secretion of Pile, 50. CHAPTER III Of a Perfect Hair, 51. Characteristics of Pile of the Head of Man, 51. Examples of three General Forms, 51. Of Particular Forms, 51. To whom these forms belong, 52. Of the Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity of Pile, 53. The Essential Properties of Pile, 53. The Endurance of these Properties, 54. Of Contractibility, 55. Table of the Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity of Pile, 56. Of the Trichometer, 57. Modus Operand!, 57. Of the Direction of Pile, 57. The Laws of Direction of Pile, 57. The Reasons of the Laws, 57. The Proofs, 58. The Consequences, 58. Of the General Inclination of Pile, 58. Of Particular Inclinations, 58. On the Body and Members, 59. Of the Incli- nation of the Pile of the Lower Animals, 59. The Classification of Pile of the Human Head, 59. The Classification of Mankind by the Pile of their Heads, 59. The Pile of the present American Indians' Head, 59. The Pile of the Mound and Mummy American Indian, 59. The Peculiarities and Affinities of these Piles, 63. Of the Pile of the Chinese, 63. Of the Pile of the Oval-Haired Species, 63. The Pile of Egyptian and Thebes Mummies, 64. Of the Pile of the Eccentrically Elliptical Species, 65. Of the Bushman Boy, 65. The Description of his Wool, 66. The Wool of Congo Billy, 66. Inferences from the foregoing, 66. Of Hybrids, 67. The Division and Nomenclature of Hybrids, 67. Examples of the same, 67. Tables of Simple Hybrids, 68. Tables of Compound Hybrids, 70. Of the Covering of the Heads of Hybrids, 73. Some Examples of the same of Simple Hybrids, 74; and of the Compound Hybrids, 74. Of the Classification of the Lower Animals by their Pile, 76. CHAPTER IV. Of the Color of Pi!e, 77. Of Black Hair, 77. Of the Original Color of Hair, 77. Blackness in Hair no sign of Strength, 78. The Variance between the Color of the Hair and that of the Eyes of Man, 78. Brown Hair, 78. Red Hair, 79. Yellow Hair, 79. White Hair, 79. The Pile of the Albino, 79. The Examination of the Pile of the White Albino, 80. The same of the Black Albino, 8 1 . Of Albinos among the Eccentrically Elliptical Species, 83. Inferences from the foregoing Examinations, 83. Change of Color of Pile at the Period of Puberty, 84. Of Monochromatic and Polychromatic Pile, 84. Of the Changes of the Color of Pile other than at the Period of Puberty, 85. Of Athipilie, 86. Of Pile of Man losing its Color, 86. Several Interesting Cases, 86. An Experiment, 87. The Cause of the Sudden Loss of Color of Pile, 88. Of the Gradual Loss of Color in Pile, 88. Of the Cause of this Gradual Loss, 88. Of the American Indian turning Grey, 88. Of the Rete Mucosum, 89. How it is with the Lower Animals, 90. Whether the Color of Pile is Influenced by External Causes, 90. Of the Polarization of Light by Pile, 91. Of Dyeing Pile, 92. TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER V. Pile belongs to the Dennis, 93. Where Pile not usually found in the Dermis, 93. Of Pile of the Scalp, 94. Of Climactric Pile, 94. When Pile first makes its appearance, 95. Its first appear- ance on the young Possum, 95. Of the three Varieties of Pile of the Head of the Oval-Haired Species, 95. Of Accidental Pile, 96. The Hair found in Ovaries, 96. Their Examination and Description, 97. Pile from the Uterus, 98. From the Stomach, 99. Of Pile which appears to grow on the Interior of the Skin of some of the Lower Animals, 99. CHAPTER VI. Of the Dimensions of Pile, 101 . The Comparative Length of the Pile of some of the Lower Animals, 101. The best manner of ascertaining the Diameter of Pile, 102. Of Hypertrophy, 103. Of Depilation, 103. The Discotome, 103. Of Tapering Pile, 104. Of Pile Manipulations, 105. The Exuberance of Pile, 105. Of Pile growing in Tufts, 106. The Rapid Growth of Pile, 106. The Regeneration of Pile, 106. Gradual and Periodical Decidence of Pile, 107. The Restoration of Pile, &c., 108. The Endurance of Pile, 109. The Transplanting of Pile, 110. The Effect of Diseases of the Body upon Pile, 110. The Diseases of Pile, 110. Of Pile in Plica Polonica, 110. An Incipient Case, 111. Of Pile in Tinea Capitis, 112. Of Pile in Softening of the Brain, 113. In Coxalgia, 114. In Scrofula, 114. In Phthisis, 114. In Phthisis Cavernis, 115. In Chronic Pleurisy, 115. In African Fever, 115. In Intermittent, 116. In Acute Rheumatism, 116. In Albuminurea, 116. In Scrofula, 116. In Typhoid Fever, 116. In Intermittent, 117. In Anomia, 117. In Phthisis Tuberculosis, 117. In Syphilis, 117 and 118.' In Chronic Bronchitis, 118. In Pregnancy, 118. In Acute Rheumatism, 118. In Neu- ralgia, 118. In Amenorrhcea, 119. In Albuminuria;, 119. In Typhoid Fever, 119. Of the Pile of Lunatics, 119. Pile from the Pennsylvania Hospital, 119. From the Frankford Hospital, 119. Recapitu- lation in Tabular form, 121. The Pennsylvania Hospital Cases examined, 122. The Decay and Death of Pile, 123. Of Baldness, 124. Of Pile Growing after Death, 125. The Examination of the same, 125. CHAPTER VII. Of Hair separated from the Body acquiring a New Life, 127. The Electricity of Pile, 127. Pile as a Conductor of Caloric, 128. The Effect of Climate and Seasons upon Pile, 128. The Effect of the Skin upon Pile, 128. The Specific Gravity of Pile, 129. Fossilized Pile, 131. The Hygroscopic Property of Pile, 131. The Analysis of Pile, 131. Pile Dyed, Melted and Distilled, 132. The Ele- ments of Pile in Blood and Milk, 132. The Examination of Pile, 132. The Hair Revolver ai d Stretcher, 133. Of Describing Pile, 133. CHAPTER VIII. The Beauty of Pile, 135. The Uses of Pile to the Animal, 135. Its Uses in Manu- factures and the Arts, 139. The Wool of the Sheep, 139. Of the Mountain Sheep, 140. Of the Goat, 141 . The Goat of Thibet, 141. The Angora Goat, 141. The Goat of Kirguis, 142. The Introduction of these Goats into the United States, 142. The Manama, 143. The Pile of the Common Goat, 144. The Camel, 144. The Lama, 146. The Vicunia, 147. The Paca or Alpaca, 147. Of Staple, 148. Of Stapling, 148. The Strength of Pile, 149. Of the Fineness of Fleece, 150. Softness of Staple, 151. Of Breeding and Raising Swine for the Bristles, 151. CHAPTER IX. -Of Raising and Breeding of Sheep, 153. Of Felts and Feltinq-, 154. The Felting Property, 154. The Scales upon the Cortex, 155. Their Shape and Position, 156. Of Fulling, 156. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS. Spiral Curls, 156. Of the Fleece for Manufacturing Articles that will not Shrink, 157. Of Sheep, 157. The Two Species of Sheep, 158. The Golden Rule in Sheep Breeding, 158. Two Questions pro- pounded, 158. The Definition of Species, 158. The Rev. Thomas Smith's Definition, 158. Those of Van Amringe and Mills, 159. The application of the former to our Subject, 159. That of the latter, 160. The Principles of Agassis, 161. The True Criterion of Species, 161. Some Examples, 161. Of the Ass, 162. Of Goat and Sheep Intermixing, 163. Mr. Youatt's Account of an attempt to Amalgamate two Species of Sheep, 164. Dr. Robert Knox's Opinion, 164. Col. Randall's Opinion, 164. The Abhorrence of Animals to Amalgamate, 165. Van Amringe's Opinion in regard to Mulattoes, 166. The Admission of Dr. Prichard, 167. An Answer to a supposed Objection, 167. Col. Smith's Notion of a White Person, 169. Prof. Wagner's Definition of Species, 170. Our Position supported by Scripture, 170. Answer to an anticipated Objection, 171. Example of the Woolly Sheep Species, 171. Example of the Hairy Sheep Species, 172. Of Worsted Manufactories in the United States, Conclusion, 173. CHAPTER I. PLATE I. Fy.2. TiyA-i. Fiy. 6-e. e Fjgr_8. Tly.t Kg.10. b (1) PLATE II. -_ ___ FiaUb fm. 12 2. Tljtt i Fia.127. " -:*>* s Tra IS. (2) TRICHOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; OR , A TREATISE ON PILE. CHAPTER I . PART I. OF THE WORD PILE. There is no English term, in common use, which includes hair and wool; we have, therefore, adopted the word "Pile."* It is true that there are some animals, (belonging partly to the Carnaria, and partly to the Rodentia,) upon whose bodies are found both hair and wool, that are called "the/wr-bearing animals," from which some might infer that "fur" is a generic term, including both these integuments; but there are other animals, upon whose bodies are found both hair and wool, that are not so denominated, wherefore it would have been improper to have placed the word "fur" at the head of this Chapter. OF THE DEFINITION OF PILE. We have never seen an accurate definition, nor even an exact description, of pile, hair or wool. A definition, to be logical, should furnish a general idea of the nature of the genus of the object defined, with all the essential specific differences. To do this we are not, at present, prepared. But a description may pass examination, if it contains the most remarka- ble properties of the object described. This we shall attempt to make with the word pile. OF THE DESCRIPTION OF PILE. (See fig. 1.) We describe pile to be a filamentous appendage of the dermis of the mammalia, formed of gelatine and proteine, emanating from cells, growing at its lower extremity only, consisting of, first a follicle, which is, for the most part, imbedded in the dermis ; though sometimes found partly in the adipose tissue, connected with vessels and nerves ; and, secondly, an insensible protruding shaft, terminating at its inferior extremity in a button, and at its superior one in a point. This shaft is composed of, 1st, a squamose and imbricated or paved cortex; 2dly, a fibrous inter- mediate substance, and 3dly, a coloring matter. Pile possesses great ductility, flexibility, elasticity and tenacity, being highly electric, polarizing light in an eminent degree; is of great endurance, having but little hygroscopic property; very little power to conduct * From "pili/s," a hair. . --. .' - ' . TIUCIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM ; caloric; a very Icnv specific gravity; no contractibility, and is of gradual and periodical decidence.* THE MOST IMPORTANT DIVISION OF PILE. Pile is divided into hair and wool. (See fig. 2.) Hair and wool differ, one from the other, as follows: 1st. In shape, hair being either cylindrical, cylindroidal, oval or ovoid al, while wool is eccentrically elliptical. 2d. In uniformity of shape of the same filament, hair being generally the same shape throughout the filament, while wool is less uniform in this particular. 3d. In the formation of the cortex, the scales of which upon hair are less numerous, less pointed, and more depressed, while those upon wool are more numerous, more pointed, and less depressed. 4th. In direction, hair being either straight, flowing, or curled, while wool is crisped and frizzled, and sometimes spirally curled. (See Frontispiece.) * EXPLANATION OF TERMS. Every part of the above description will, in its turn, in the succeeding page?, become a subject of discussion; wherefore, all that is here required, is to explain, briefly, some of the terms. " Filamentus," from (filamentum,} a fine slender thread; used synonymously with "fibre," (fibra;) but we prefer the use of the word" filamentous, reserving the words fibre and fibril, (a small fibre,) for the description of the intermediate sub- stance of the shaft. "Appendage." Something that, being less than the principal, is annexed or added to it. " Dermis." The cutaneous system is divided into an external, including the dcrmis and epidermis, and an internal or mucous membrane. Pile belongs to the dermis, but sometimes penetrates to the adipose tissue. We have not made an extensive microscopic examination of the skin ; and will therefore content ourselves with giving the description of it found in the books. It is represented as consisting of four principal portions, viz: 1st. The epidermis, or cuticle, which forms the outermost layer. This is of membranous structure, and is devoid of vessels and nerves, and of course insensible. It is pierced with minute oblique holes, for the passage of hairs, and for the orifices of exhalent and absorbent vessels. The cuticle exfoliates, in the form of scales, from the head, and also from the body after certain cutaneous diseases. 2d. The rete mucosum, the appareil pigmental of Flourens, (see Anat. Gen'l. de la Peau, &c., p. 34,) of the colored race. Some are of opinion that in the white race this is entirely wanting; others suppose it exists, but is of a red color. 3d. The corpus papillare. It consists of a collection of small papilla;, formed by the extremities of nerves and vessels passing the corium which is beneath. Flourens considers these papilUc as prolongations of the true skin, and not as a separate layer. 4th, and lastly, comes the derma, corium, cutis-vera, or true skin; in which, principally, pile is set. Beneath all these is the adipose tissue. " Mammalia." We confine pile to this, notwithstanding the teachings of some physiologists that it is extended to other classes of animals, and even to vegetables. "Quadrupedia corpus pilosum." (Lin.) "The bodies of all quadruped animals are covered with hair." (Goldsmith.) "Les inamiferes sont les scul animaux dont le corps est gouvert de poil." (Elem. de Zoo. 232.,) &c. "Follicle," the sac, in which the button of the hair is generally found, is most commonly, but improperly, called the "root," which tends to mislead by suggesting a too intimate relation to a plant. We call it the "Follicle." The word "follicle" is generally applied, in anatomy, to excretory organs; but there is nothing in its derivation or termi- nology to prevent us from using it in the sense here notified. Follicle, from the Latin "folliculus," (which is a diminutive of "follis," a bag, purse or script,) is a small bag, purse or script, only, without limiting the use to which it is applied; and in Botany, where it has been introduced, means, "a seed vessel, husk, or cover. It is so used by the French, also, by whom " follicle" is defined, in Botany, to be "1" envelope membraneuse, dans la quelle sont contenue les graines des plantes." We therefore use the word follicle to designate the little sac in which the posterior termination of the shaft, with its button, is contained, when the pile is perfect and has come to maturity. "Insensible." Possessing no feeling, yet not deprived of all the properties of life. OR, A TREATISE OX PILK. {) 5th. In inclination, hair issuing out of the epidermis, at an acute angle thereto, while tvool issues out of the epidermis at a right angle thereto. 6th. In color, hair often assuming a variety of colors, while wool is generally white, brown, or black. 7th. In uniformity of color in a single filament; each separate filament of wool being mono-chromatic; while that of the hair of some of the lower animals is often poly-chro- matic. 8th. In dimensions, hair being, generally, longer, and of a greater diameter than wool. 9th. In exuberance, wool being produced, generally, in greater profusion, upon a given area of skin, than hair. 10th. In the apex, that of hair being less pointed, in proportion to the diameter. 1 1th. In the disposition of the coloring matter of a perfect hair, being in a central canal, which is not found in wool. (See fig. 2, a hair and b wool, contrasted.) OF FLEECE. The covering of sheep is called "fleece," from the Saxon "flys." It is either hair, or wool, or a mixture of both.* PILE AND FEATHERS HAVE BEEN CONFOUNDED. Dr. Ure (in his Philos. of Manufac.) says, "wool is a filamentous substance, which covers the skin of sheep and some other animals, as the beaver, the ostrich, the lama, the goat of Thibet and Cashmere," &c., &c. Eble (in Die Lehre von der Haaren,) writes of the hair of birds. He says, "onlyym' Mrds possess stiff bristles and corneous hair, which we find more frequently with the mammalia; and it seems undetermined whether we are to count the fine down, which covers the body of a young bird before the formation of the real feathers, as hair or feathers." In Goodrich's Geography, p. 444, it is said that "the Rhea, or American Ostrich, has black eye-lashes." And in Agasie's and Gould's Principles of Zoology, p. 151, it is asserted, that the "chicken completely changes its covering from down to feathers " Eble also states, that "the male turkey has a tuft of stiff hair on his neck." To judge of the value of the above assertions, we must understand what is a feather. DESCRIPTION OF A FEATHER. (See fig. 3.) A feather consists of, 1st, a cylinder, at the inferior extremity of which is a sheath, which connects it with the skin, but it has no follicle. The cylinder is horny, is always of a circumference greater than that of its stalk ; is transparent, or translucent, and terminates in a point more or less abrupt, which is pierced at the posterior extremity. This orifice is called the "inferior navel," to dis- tinguish it from another situated on the internal face, at the point where the cylinder unites with the stalk, which latter is called the "superior navel." Inside of the cylinder is a series of capsules, fitting one in another, and sometimes united by a central stalk, forming a spire or chain. This series is called the "heart" of the feather. * There in no good reason for not extending it to that of the r/nat. JO TIUCJIOLOr.IA MAMMALIFM; 2d. A stalk, situated anteriorly to the cylinder, the shape of which inclines more or less to square, being slightly curved on one side. It gradually diminishes in circumference, from the superior navel to the anterior extremity. The face inside of the curve is called the internal face, and that on the opposite side, the external face. These two faces are united by a horny matter, somewhat resembling that of the cylinder; but generally less transparent. In the interior of it is a white opaque, soft, elastic substance, called the "pith" or "sponge" of the feather. The surface of the external face is smooth, and forms the segment of a circle, being sometimes longitudinally striated. The internal face is, generally, for its whole length, divided into two equal parts or sections, by a longitudinal canal. Occasionally, instead of the canal, there is a projection of the same dimensions. 3d. On each side of the stalk is a beard and a steno beard. The fibrils of the steno- beard are generally crooked, giving them a tendency to entangle and adhere. 4th. A feather possesses flexibility and tenacity, but no ductility nor elasticity. By comparing this description of a feather with the previous one of a hair, we will readily perceive the differences between these two integuments. OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HAIR AND A FEATHER. (Compare figs. 1 and 3.) A feather and a hair differ in these particulars : 1st. A feather, at the inferior extremity of the cylinder, has a perforation, but no button ; a hair, at the same extremity of the shaft, has a button, but no perforation. 2d. A hair is set in a follicle ; but a feather has none. 3d. A feather has, at the point where the cylinder unites with the stalk, a superior navel; a hair has no such perforation. 4th. The stalk of a feather has two different faces, an external and an internal one; a hair is the same for its whole contour. 5th. A feather has, in its cylinder, a series or chain of capsules, which, in a hair, is entirely wanting, except in one solitary instance, which will be presently noticed. 6th. The stalk of a feather is provided with a pith or sponge ; which in a hair is entirely wanting. 7th. The stalk of a feather has, on its interior face, a canal; which, in a hair, is entirely wanting. 8th. A perfect hair has, in its centre, a canal, in which the coloring matter, when pre- sent, flows ; a feather has none. 9th. The exterior of the shaft of a feather is smooth, and the steno-beard is generally hooked ; the cortex of the shaft of a hair is squamose. 10th. The stalk of a feather is furnished with a beard and a steno-beard; a hair has neither. llth. The stalk of a feather gradually diminishes in diameter anteriorally ; but a hair is, generally, of the same diameter throughout. (There are exceptions.) 12th. A feather has flexibility and tenacity, but no ductility nor elasticity ; a hair has ductility, flexibility, elasticity and tenacity. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 11 These discrepancies being once clearly pointed out, no one need be at a loss to decide upon all the cases above mentioned. TJJE TEGUMENTARY APPENDAGES OF THE OSTRICH ARE FEATHERS. (See fig. 4, and compare it with 1 and 3.) 1. The inferior extremity is cylindrical, and has no button. 2. The stalk has a smooth surface, no scales, but a beard and a steno-beard on a part of it.* OF THE DOWN OF YOUNG BIRDS. We examined the down plucked from a chicken, immediately after it emerged from the egg, and some taken on four succeeding days; and discovered no change take place, except an enlargement of the parts. They all have a minute cylindrical termination, which is transparent, and an inferior navel, but no button ; and, issuing from the shaft, is a beard and steno-beard. We have also examined the eider-down, and find it to be feathers. THE EYE-LASHES OF THE OSTRICH. (See fig. 5.) We have examined the eye-lashes of both the American and African Ostrich, and find them to be feathers. The length of one of these is - of an inch, the length of the cylinder being --$, and the width - 9 %. From the termination of the cylinder to that of the most distant beard, f f . On the lower half of this shaft are five long beards, then three short ones ; which are succeeded by two long and two short ones. OF THE TURKEY'S BEARD, AND OF WHALEBONE. There is a tuft of dark-colored, angu- lar fibres, pending from the neck of the turkey, (Meleagris gallopavo,) which is generally denominated his "beard." We submitted one inch of a fibre of it, of the width of gig-th of an inch, to the trichometer; with 470 grains, it stretched ^ths of an inch; but as it was originally xindulated, this elongation may have been caused by the act of straightening. From that weight to 2100 grains, gradually and increasingly applied, it showed no duc- tility whatever; and it finally parted with the last mentioned weight. We therefore determined, inasmuch as ductility is one of the inseparable properties of pile, that this is not hair. There is also a fibrous, horny substance, with which the mouth of the whale, (Balaena * But it differs from ordinary feathers in these particulars: 1st. It is smaller in proportion. 2d. The cylindrical form is less perfect. 3d. It terminates in a single flat projection. 4th. Both the faces of the stalk are convex no canal in either. 5th. The stalk is partly naked and partly invested with a beard and a steno-beard. A transverse section of one, from the S. casuarius, exhibits, under the microscope, 1st, a black exterior; 2d, a white intermediate, and 3d, a central porous matter. One inch of the same, with 1,770 grains, stretched ^ of an inch, elasticity entire. " 4,766 " " ^ " " " " 5,566 " " Jy " " " " 5,866 " " T 4 ff " minus ^ " 10,758 " broke. 12 TRICHOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; mystecetus,) is furnished, which is sometimes called his "beard" and, at others, his "whiskers;" it is ihefanon of the French Naturalists, and the whalebone of commerce and manufactures. We selected one of the natural fibres of this substance, of the diameter of fa of an inch, and upon subjecting one ineh of it to the trichometer, it stretched about T | u of an inch; which we supposed would be required to straighten it. We added to this weight ten grains at a time, till it arrived at 373 grains, when, without obtaining any further elongation, it broke. We therefore pronounce this article not to be hair. OF THE PILE OF THE ORNITHORYNCHUS. The animal whose pile bears the strongest resemblance to a feather, is the Platypus Ornithorynchus. (See fig 6.) This animal belongs to the Order Monotremata. The specimen we examined was pre- sented by H. Wheatland, Esq., of Salem, Massachusetts.* General appearance, upon first view, coarse, dark brown, and very lustrous ; but when the external filaments are raised or separated, that of an exuberant, plumbeous colored wool. The skin (in ours, which is a dried specimen,) is coarse, thick and rough, on the inner side. The pile is set in the der- mis in tufts. The integument is of two kinds, one of a finer quality, closely impacted, and covering the epidermis like the wool of the fur-bearing animals; the other, which is longer, having at its lower extremity a similar fine fibre which, near the centre, becomes broad and flat, and lies loosely over, hiding the fine woolly portion. It resembles the ante- rior termination of the ostrich feather. The length of the long hair is about ^ of an inch, the inferior half of this integument has a diameter of ^^ of an inch; is composed 1st, of a white cortex, marked with dark-colored, transverse, varying lines; 2d, a transparent white substance, enclosing a multitude of black rings, of the diameter of T -fa-$ of an inch, with interstices of the same dimensions. These black rings being too minute to be discerned, separately, with the naked eye, blend color with the white interstices, and cause this portion of the pile to appear to be plumbeous. Between this part and the one next to be described, is a neck of the length of T J^, and diameter of ^-fa-jf of an inch; it is white, and encloses a dark coloring matter in elongated spots. From this neck the shaft gradually widens to the -$%$ of an inch, and then gradually tapers again to the apex, where it is only -j-aW of an inch. This portion is dark brown colored, and very lustrous; it is composed of a white cortex, with a disseminated coloring matter. In the centre is a darker colored spire, composed of a series of capsules, resem- bling those found in the interior of the cylinder of a feather. Their diameter is yaVo f an inch. They do not continue the whole length of this broad portion of the shaft ; but commence at the distance of -gfa of an inch from the neck, and terminate at about T ^ T5 - from the apex. This last portion is colorless. Shape of the fine portion, cylindrical ; that of the flat and coarse part, lenticular, $%-% by y^-g of an inch in diameter. There is no button, but there is a shaft to this pile. The second kind of pile upon this animal resembles the posterior portion of the first one, * See note marked a, at the end of Chapter I., Part I. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 13 above described ; it is j\ of an inch in length, and has a diameter of ^^ f an contains the same kind of black rings with white interstices, but this pile is destitute of the flat portion found in the kind first described. Remarks. 1st. The plumbeous color, formed by blending the color of the black rings with that of the white interstices, is not peculiar to this pile, but may be seen in the wool of many of the fur-bearing animals, and in the beard of some feathers. 2d. The same filament having its inferior extremity fine and resembling wool, and its superior one broader and somewhat resembling the feather found upon the head of the Toucan and on the Ostrich, although uncommon, is not peculiar to this pile; it may be witnessed in that of the Ferret, the Mink, and some others of the fur-bearing animals, and also in the pile of the Sloth. 3d. It is very unusual to find in the same filament, the coloring matter so variously distributed and disposed as it is in this pile. 4th. The peculiarities of this pile are the spires or capsules, resembling those found in the cylinder of a feather, and the absence of a button. a " The mouth of this quadruped, (says J. Rymer Jones,) resembles that of a Duck, whence the common name ' Duck-Sill.' It has, moreover, a distinct furcular bone in addition to what would seem to be the ordinary clavicle ; but, in reality, these are the coracoid bones, still largely developed. Moreover, the anterior or sternal ribs are ossified, and a spur is attached to the hind foot of the male ; not remotely resembling that of a cock. This last appendage is perforated by a duct, and has a gland connected with it, situated on the inner side of the thigh, by which a poisoned secretion was formerly supposed to be elaborated." From Professor Owen we learn that the ovaria of the female ornithorynchus exhibit all the essential characters of the mammiferous type of structure ; that the eggs have no connection with the walls of the uterus, and that each ovum has an albumen and a yolk. For these, and other reasons, he infers that it is a viviparous animal. But, in some other respects, the ovum differs from an ordinary egg ; and there is no analogy to the bird in the disposition of its pubic bones, which seems to confirm the view that the animal is produced alive. Some, however, to get rid of this difficulty, conjecture that it is ova-viviparous. There is no reason to believe that a placenta exists ; neither is there any marsupial pouch, in which to carry the young, if prematurely born. In a very young specimen, examined by Professor Owen, the stomach was filled with milk, but there was no trace of an umbilical cicatrix. The animal is dull and inactive in confinement and can live a month without food, in which respect it resembles reptiles. 14 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; CHAPTER I. PART II. OF THE MANTLE AND HAIR-LIKE PROCESSES OF THE ARMADILLO. This animal, instead of being covered with pile, has his body protected by a mantle, out of the divisions of which issue hair-like processes. This mantle we have heretofore particularly described,* but it will be necessary to recur briefly to the buckler. This is composed of unequal sided hexagons and parallelo- grams, the internal structure of the latter of which is represented in figure 7, where it will be seen that the main arterial trunk, A., lies horizontally, communicating with the interior of the armor by a foramen situated near the end of the parallelogram towards the hexagons. This main trunk divides, successively, into five horizontal limbs ; four of which, viz : 1, 2, 3 and 4, after anastomosing, terminate near the other end of the parallelo- gram in as many fusiform follicles, B., from each of which emerges, horizontally, a hair, or hair-like process, C. The fifth limb, No. 5, inclines abruptly to one side of the parallelogram, and after a much shorter course, comparatively, terminates in an orbicular capsule, D., from which, through a foramen communicating with the anterior surface, iss\ies, vertically, another hair, or hair-like process, invested with a sheath, e. Besides these five limbs, there are six branches. Four of these, i. e. two on each side, issue out of the main trunk, below its first limb-fork. These subdivide into numerous twigs, which do not anastomose. From limb No. 4, about half way beyond its fork, is another and the largest branch of all, 7. This anastomoses with the limb, and divides into numerous twigs, but does not terminate in either a follicle or capsule. The limb on the opposite side, No. 1, above its fork, has four branches, 8, which do not anastomose or terminate in either follicle or capsule, but divides into numerous twigs. Between limbs Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, are three interfolical vessels, 9. These anastomose with the follicles, and open out at the end of the parallelogram. Some of the anastomosing vessels empty into culs de sac, o, approaching, in dimensions, almost to that of the main trunk. These are generally situated at, or near, the root of a follicle, and may be reservoirs. Each of the above mentioned vessels may be, and probably is, accompanied by an artery and vein ; for the animal possesses the power of repairing and re-producing injured or lost plates ; we have examined a specimen of an Apara that bears the marks of that operation having been performed. Description of the hairs and hair-like processes. Greatest length 2 inches and T V Shapes, cylindrical and oval. Diameters, some T | T , others T {^ by Jj, ^-^ by -Jj, and others again T ^ by ^. Color, corneus. Lustre, feeble. Direction at an acute angle. Inclination, straight. * In a pamphlet published in 1848. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 15 Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. With 1,750 grains, one inch stretched Jj of an inch, elasticity entire. 2,000 " -jjV 2,500 " broke. Button, none ; the posterior terminating in a navel resembling that of a feather, and of whiskers. Shaft, bright yellow and lustrous. Cortex so thin that its presence cannot always be detected. Interior a mass of white fibres with a central opening. Apices often ruptured. Very difficult to crush ; when it does, separating the fibres. OF SCALES. These tegumontary appendages belong (among reptiles) to the Saurians and Ophidians, and to fishes; but they are sometimes found upon the mammalia. OF THE PANGOLIN OR MANIS SCALES, AND HAIR-LIKE PROCESSES THAT GROW BETWEEN AND BENEATH THEM. This animal belongs to the Order Edentata. For a general descrip- tion of it see Elemens de Zoologie, p. 384. It is found in Asia and Africa, and a specimen may be seen in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The number of scales are as follows: Upon the head, 64; neck, 14; body, 122; tail, 160; legs, 136=496. There are a few hairs, or hair-like processes, issuing from between these scales, but none from the scales themselves. Particular Description of the Scales. Form, nearly flat; slightly convex on the superior and slightly concave on the inferior surface. Outline, sub-quadrilateral; the inferior extremity, that connected with the skin, ovoidal at the angles ; the superior extremity inclining to semi-circular. Color brown, opaque, dull. To the touch smooth, when the fingers are passed longitudinally; but, when passed in an opposite direction, slightly rugose. No ductility nor elasticity. Structure. Composed of two plates, an inferior and a superior one. The inferior one, (which is the smallest,) at its inferior extremity, is bounded by two straight lines, which respectively commence at the inferior angle of the sides of the scale, and meet at right angles. At its superior outline it is semi-circular. This superior extre- mity of this inferior plate is soldered to the superior one, with an opening in the form of a pouch. The superior plate, (which is the largest,) is divided by a slightly curved midrib, into two nearly equal triangular portions. The posterior portions of each of these triangles, from their inferior outlines to points opposite to the pouch, are again divided by ribs run- ning nearly parallel with the midrib. The lateral edges of this plate, where they corres- pond with those of the inferior one, are turned over and felled. Nearly the whole interior between these plates, is filled with muscle ; and with it the midrib and ribs, which also are muscular, communicate; thus enabling the animal to raise its scales, and, perhaps, allowing it to communicate to them a slight lateral motion. 4 16 TKICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM : Composition. No earthy matter can be detected in these scales, either by incineration or treatment with diluted h\dro-ch!oric acid. The hair-like processes, issuing from between and under the scales. Fig. 8 represents one of them. The shaft is oval, diameter ^ T by ^ , color corneous, with irregularly shaped lines and dots. On one side a wart-like protuberance. No button. Disks exhibit a white corneous mass, with a small central crack. OF THE SCALES OF PREHENSILE TAILS OF SOME OF THE LOWER ANIMALS, AND THE HAIRS ACCOMPANYING THE SAME. Scales are found upon the tails of some of the lower animals. They may, possibly, be considered as hairs only partially developed ; the matter which forms the ordinary scales of the cortex being in abundance, while that which forms the fibres is deficient. Their study may therefore prove interesting, both in themselves and on account of their connection with hair-scales and wool-scales, which are the subject of a separate part of this work. The Scales upon the Tail of the Possum. (See fig. 9.) These scales are, in general, oval and sub-oval, depressed upon the side of the attachment to the epidermis ; diameter about T f 7 by T |^ of an inch. They are the same color as the epidermis, which they cover. Hairs never issue out of these scales, but always from between them. They also partake of the color of the skin, whether that be black or white. They are in length about f of an inch ; diameter ^| T by ^^ of an inch, gradually narrowing to ^^ at the apex. Cortex corneous, diameter j^-g- of an inch; the remainder of the interior oval and white. When the scales are removed, the inferior termination of the hairs, which they overlay, may be seen in the dermis. The Muskrat (Fiber Zibethicus of Lin.) has a tail f the length of its body; com- pressed, convex on the sides, thickest in the middle, tapering to a point; covered rvith small scales and thinly scattered hairs. The Field-Mouse (Agricola Pennsylvania of Ord) has a tail which is cylindrical, scaly, and slightly covered with hair. OF SCALES UPON THE TAILS OF MONKEYS. Of the Monkeys of the Old World there are said to be 54 species, and of these only one is found in Europe, 36 in Asia, 16 in Africa, and 2 whose country is unknown. One of the distinguishing features of the Monkey of South America, is the having of a tail ; but we observe that a species of Lemur is found in Madagascar, possessing a very long tail, peculiarly adapted to climbing. Of the South American Monkeys, that have tails, all are not prehensile. Those with these strong, muscular, scaly tails, are called " Sapajous," and those with feeble, useless tails, are called " Sagoins." Of both these there are several varieties. Of the first, the Coati (Atelesater) has no thumb, and consequently but four fingers on the two fore-paws, but the defect is supplied by the tail, with which this animal slings himself from tree to tree. Of the Sagoins, or Monkeys which do not hold by the tails, is the Samari, or Aurora. (Sanguinas sciureas.) OH, A TREATISE OX PILE. 17 The Saki, or Cagui, (Pittecia,) is remarkable for the length of the hair on its tail, and is often called, for that reason, theyb.r-tailed monkey. The Wistiti, or striated Monkey, (Jacchus,) has an annulated tail. The Marikina (Midas rosalia) has a bunch of hair at the end of the tail, like the lion. The Mico (Jacchus argeniatus) has a tail with deep brown hair, while that on the body is silver color. Remarks of Tail Scales. The scales upon the tails that are prehensile are intended, no doubt, to prevent them from slipping when an object is grasped. Some reptiles obtain a progressive movement by means of scales. OF FIBROUS PROTUBERANCES RESEMBLING HORN, BUT wnicn ARE NOT TRUE HORN. These processes are found upon the nose of the Rhinoceros. This animal belongs to the order " pachydermata," the family "ordinary pachydermas," and forms the genus "Rhinoceros," (so named from the Creek word "rin," the nose; in the genitive case "rinos," and " keras" a horn.) There are two species, viz: 1, R. cornu unico conico, and 2, R. cornibus duobus cuneiformibus. (Lin: 0. 5 Jumenta, No. 25, Rhinoceros.) This animal is large, heavy, strong-limbed and thick-skinned, nearly hairless, (a few being found in the ear;) the bones of the nose, which are very stout, are united, forming a vault, supporting upon its median line this solid, horn-like projection, which is uncon- nected with the bone, but is buried in and adheres to the skin. It is truly said to be com- posed of agglutinated fibres, which are thought to be hairs. Specimen of the animal in the Zoological Institute, Philadelphia, and of the horn in the Academy of Natural Science, of this city. Fig. 10 a is a representation of a transverse section of this horn, where the ends of two hairs, and a part of the third, may be seen. Fig. 10 b is a longitudinal section, showing the hairs. Comparison with Real Horns. This (so called) horn of the Rhinoceros, will be best understood by a comparison of its formation and growth with real horns, of which there are the following varieties : 1. Those which are composed entirely of bony matter, and 2, those which are composed of an inferior osseous portion, covered -with an exterior corneous matter. The first species is sub-divided into those that are perishable and renewable, and those that are persistant. The antlers of the stag are solid and osseous, are rapidly produced by powerful blood- vessels, but. after a time, they perish and fall, and are renewed in like manner. The short, solid, bony processes of the cameleopard, are formed in the same manner, but they are persistant. And the hollow horns of the ox, sheep, &c., are composed of two distinct substances, viz : an interior one of phosphate of lime, and an exterior one of horn. These two substances appear to be simultaneously produced from the two sides, respectively, of a vascular membrane; and they are nourished in different modes; that of the bony interior from vessels belonging to the general system, but the exterior one is destitute of vessels ; and is, consequently, when once formed, removed from the influence of vital powers. On the other hand, the (so called) horns of the Rhinoceros, (both of the one and the two- 18 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM ; horned species,) grow from the tegument covering the nose, to which they adhere without having any connexion with the subjacent bones. They have a sub-pyramidal shape, and are composed of parallel hairs, agglutinated together into a solid mass by a material which acts as a cement. This fibrous structure is most distinctly seen at the base of the horn, where the ends of the fibres project from the surface like those of a brush. When these horns are divided transversely, as in fig. 10 a, and examined with the microscope, a great number of orifices are seen, marking the empty spaces that intervene between the hairs ; and if the section be made in a longitudinal direction, as in fig. 10 b, the same spaces give rise to the appearance of parallel grooves. These (so called) horns are not deciduous, like those of the stag ; but continue to adhere to the skin, and to grow from the root, in propor- tion as they are worn at the extremity. (See Roget An. and Veg. Phys. 356.) THE HORN OF THE RHINOCEROS, IN THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADEL- PHIA. Examination and description of the horn of a two-horned Rhinoceros in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Length, from the base to the point, 15 inches and T V Of this 1 inch and T \ appears to have been buried in the skin. Circumference at the base, 14 inches -fa. Diameters, 4 T \ by 4 ^ . The inferior termination calyx shaped ; depth of calyx, 2 inches. Circumference, at the former junction with the epidermis, 12 inches ; apex oval ; diameter, T ^ by ^ of an inch. The surface in the interior of the calyx rugous and deeply fissured. The exterior striated longitudinally. The main body corneous and solid, except some slight longitudinal fissures. Examination of the Hair of the Ear of the Rhinoceros. Length, T % of an inch ; shape, cylindrical ; diameter, 2-| T , gradually tapering to j^Yo of an inch. Color; brown. Button resembles a mere swelling of the posterior portion of the shaft, slightly curved and pointed. When crushed, fibres are exhibited of the diameter of ^ ^ of an inch. Shaft undulating ; apex rounded, sometimes furcated. OF SPINES. The word is from " Spina," a thorn or prickle. A few animals only have spines ; such as the porcupine, the hedgehog and the pecary. THE SPINES OF THE PORCUPINE. The Porcupine (Hystrix Dorsata, see Aud. and Back. Quadru., 1 vol., 277.) Pile, at the roots yellowish-white, tipped with black. Head, cheeks and sides of the neck, grayish ; legs, of dark brown. A whitish band two inches broad from the top of the shoulder on each side, towards the lower part of the neck. The long hairs on the dorsal line are so broadly tipped with black, that the animal, on these parts, appears of a blackish color ; along the sides, however, the alternate annulations are so conspicuous that it has a deep gray or grizzled appearance. On the chest, outer surface of the shoulders and thighs, it is of a darker color than on the sides. Immediately behind the lightish collar on the shoulders, the hairs are dark, rendering the collar or band more conspicuous. The young have a uniform shade of red. A spine now before us measures in length OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 19 S inches ; diameter, \ of an inch. Thickest in the centre and tapering to both extremities ; apex pointed. Fig. 11, represents a transverse section of one of these spines. OF THE SPINE OF THE PECARY. Gen. Dycotyles of Cuv., from "dis," double, and " Kotule," a cavity, or navel. There are two species, D. torquatus of F. Cuv., and D. labiatis, (white lipped, see And. and Back. Quad. 1 v., 233.) It somewhat resembles a hog, but has no tail, and the canine teeth do not extend beyond the margin of the lips. Found in South America. The spine we are about to describe came from a full grown male, exhibited in Phila- delphia, at the Zoological Institute in the winter of 1847-8. Length of the button, -jf^ of an inch ; of the neck, T ^, and of the shaft, 4 inches and J^=4 inches and -^-fa . Diameter of the button T -J 7 , of the neck -^, of the shaft T f 7 by i^f. Shape, oval ; colors, horny white, brown and black, in clouds and patches. Weight, i of a grain. Surface, smooth. Direction, at an acute angle. Inclination, straight, except slightly undulated. See fig. 12, where No. 1 represents the button, neck and a small portion of the shaft. No. 2, a transverse section of the button. Nos. 3 and 4, transverse sections of the shaft. No. 5, a longitudinal section of the cortex. No. 6, the termination of the shaft, and No. 7, a longitudinal section of the stellated figure represented in No. 4. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. There was no extension under 6,298 grains. With 6,298 grains the extension was T | 7 of an inch, the shrinking upon removal of the weight complete. " " 7,173 " 7,653 " 8,133 " " 8,613 " " 9,093 " " 9,798 " " 10,226 " " 10,673 " <( tt a it tt tt tt n it it tt -fa Minus of an inch. or \\ Ibs. " " " H,633 " " 12,H3 " " 14,173 "or 2 Ibs. " 14,653 " " or i of the whole. the spine parted. OF WHISKERS. Roget (Animal and Vegetable Physig. p. 25,) says that the whiskers of the feline, and of some other animals, are supplied with vessels and nerves, andar e thus converted into organs of touch*. * In Illust. of Nat Hist. 355, whiskers are said to increase the sense of smell. (!) 20 TRICHOLOGIA MAMMALTCM: Dr. Gross (in Elem. Path, and Anat., p. 327,) assures us that on the African Lion he has traced filaments of the fifth pair of nerves to the bulbs (follicles) of whiskers. Rtidolphi had previously announced the same discovery in regard to the whiskers of the Seal; and, at a still earlier period, Gaultier had asserted that these tegumentary append- ages were supplied with vessels and nerves. Besides which, Malpighi found blood in the long hairs drawn from the lip of the horse, and Gurlt discovered the same fluid between the follicle and sheath of a moustache, (but of what animal, or under what circumstances, he has not informed us.) And lastly, Eble considers the whiskers as the most perfect hair. Mr. Broughton made some experiments with a kitten, who, while blind-folded, could thread her way out of a labyrinth by means of her whiskers, but, when deprived of those tegumentary appendages, was unable to do so. OF THE WHISKERS OF THE RABBIT. Examination and Description of the Whiskers of the Rabbit. Specimen, common Rabbit, found wild near Philadelphia. Length, from 1^ to 2 inches; diameter, J^ of an inch. Shape, shaft cylindrical, gradually tapering to a very fine point; direction, undulated. The shaft, (with its sheath,) descend- ing to the posterior extremity of the interior of the follicle, where it either ends abruptly, or swells slightly, and again contracts, with a fibrous appearance. Fibres intermediate; a central canal; no button. The fibres, upon being ruptured, evince great elasticity, contracting and spreading outward. Transverse sections or disks, taken from the portion of the shaft covered with the sheath, show a central canal, in which are specks of a blood- red color; immediately anterior to the sheath is a canal, containing a substance which is either white or slightly colored red; anterior, still, to this point, is a void canal, and near the apex are white rings. The white matter is cubic or cuneiform. Sheath, length, JQ of an inch; when dry, closely adhering to the shaft, but separating from it easily after a slight maceration. Color, white, or slightly stained red. Follicle, length, -|$ of an inch; diameter, g%th; color, red; shape, turbinate. Vessels are seen projecting from the exterior of the posterior extremity of the follicle, immediately beneath the perforation of the shaft. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. One inch of a whisker, with 2270 grains, was deprived of its undulation only. With 7770 grains, it stretched ^ 2 6 ths of an inch, and broke. Fracture the cortex was ruptured, and fibres projected from one portion. Three transverse dark marks, and one white, longitudinal furrow on the cortex. A portion of the follicle was bleached, when the vessels pending from its lower extremity were plainly seen. OF THE WHISKERS OF THE IRISH HARE. Examination and Description of the Whiskers of the Irish Hare. (Lepus Hibernicus.) June 16, 1849. Specimen in the Academy of Nat. Sci. of Phila. Length, 3 inches and T Vhs; greatest diameter, y i u of an inch; gradual tapering to a point. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 21 Shaft, color underneath the sheath, white; from the sheath for i 8 ths of an inch, black; for T %ths, white; slightly colored for ^th; then white for T ^ths; and dark brown 1 inch to the apex; the inferior termination quill shaped, surface squamose, perforated; no button. Sheath length, T |_ ; diameter, ^ 3 of an inch ; color, dark brown ; easily removed from the shaft with the fingers, after a slight maceration. Disks one cut from beneath the sheath has, 1st, a fibrous cortex; 2d, a large, black, solid substance; 3d, a small white circle, or ring; 4th, a perforation in the centre. Another disk, cut from the black portion above described, has, 1st, a white fibrous cortex; 2d, a solid black substance; and 3d, a centre of solid white. In cutting this disk, a white fibre of the cortex is left pendant. A disk from the white shows, 1st, a white substance; 2d, a centre whitish. A fourth cut from the portion which was slightly colored, shows, 1st, a white substance; 2d, a dark cloudy substance; 3d, a perforated white centre. Apex pointed, sometimes furcated. Inferences. The substance of the cortex is fibrous, but it may have a squamose exterior; the coloring matter is disseminated in the cortex and intermediate substance. The central canal is sometimes void, and sometimes filled with a white substance. Note. These whiskers were drawn out of a dried specimen, which accounts for our having no follicle to examine and seeing no vessels, they being left behind. OF THE WHISKERS OF THE POSSUM. (Didelphis virginica.) Sepecimen, the common Possum, found wild near Philadelphia. Length, from 2 T ^ to 3 inches; diameter, ^ of an inch. Stalk, cylindrical, gradually tapering to a point, unless, (which often happens,) it is furcated. Direction, undulated; posterior extremity perforated; no button. Incurs, (which is a dried specimen,) blood- red central grains. Disks, one exhibited a light cortex, a white substance, a compressed dark-colored ring, and a central canal. Another shows a white cortex, a dotted substance, a compressed dark ring, and a central canal. (See fig. 13, a and b, for a representation of the stalk 13, c and d, for the disks.) Remarks on Whiskers. The differences between whiskers and common hairs are: 1st. An ordinary hair has a button, but a whisker has none. 2d. The posterior extremity of a whisker is perforated, that of a hair is not. 3d. The lower extremity of the shaft of a whisker is sometimes colored blood-red, which is not the case with that of an ordinary hair. 4th. There is a great ductility and tenacity in a whisker, compared with an ordinary hair. 5th. The vessels of a whisker are more apparent than in an ordinary hair. 6th. The cubic or cuneiform white matter, seen in the canal of a whisker, has not been detected in ordinary hairs. OF BRISTLES. The word is from the Saxon "bristl," and means the strong, stiff hairs that are found upon the back of the boar. Cuvier says they are chamfered* their whole length, by 20 or more furrows, formed * Chamfer is from the French " ehambrcr," a furrow or hollow in a column. 22 TIUCHOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; by the union of as many filaments. We find them chamfered, but that they are formed by the union of 20 or more filaments, we are unable to confirm, and yet would not like positively to deny. We made many transverse sections, which were examined under the microscope, with the view of ascertaining if any such union exists. Sometimes, especially where the section is made in the neighborhood of the furcation, separate portions of the shaft may be seen ; but they are not homogeneous in shape, as it seems to us they ought to be if they were an union of filaments ; but, on the contrary, have the appearance of the fibres of other furcated pile. We separated one bristle throughout, into as many portions as there were furcations. Upon exposing these to view under the microscope, the sides that had been exterior could easily be detected by their smooth appearance, while those that were originally the interior were covered with ruptured fibrils. (See fig. 14.) Cuvier says, also, that each bristle has two canals, one for the marrow and the other a humor. We could not find them. EXAMINATION AND DESCRIPTION OF A BRISTLE OF A RUSSIAN WILD BOAR. Length 9^ inches ; diameter -fa of an inch. Color of the button, brown ; of the shaft, white, and transparent for the distance of 3 inches, and opaque for the rest. Button in length, T ^ T of an inch ; diameter, ^ ; posterior termination, quill shaped ; shaft, chamfered. Apex very much furcated. COMPARISON OF DIMENSIONS OF ELEVEN VARIETIES OF BRISTLES, SELECTED FROM OUR COLLECTION. No. 1, French, black. Length, 11 ft inches. Diameter, -fa of an inch. white. " 13 ft " " ^ " " 2, 9ft ft " 3, Ohio, 6 T V & " 4, Russian, " 6 ft " " ^ " 11 5, German, " 5 ft " 6, " " 5 " 7, Ohio, " 4 ft " " r " 8, French, " 4 ft " " ^ " 9, Flanders,* " 3 ft " " T | T " 10, Wild Boar of Russia, " 9 " " ^ "11, Okakla of " " 5 ft " " From the above it appears that the French bristle is the longest, but that of Ohio is the stoutest. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity of six Varieties. No. 1. One inch submitted to the trichometer May 28th, 1749. With 1,070 grains it stretched Jg- of an inch, elasticity entire. " 4,466 " -> " 9,000 " ft " " " 10,000 " ft * Very much esteemed for paint brushes. " " " OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 23 With 11,362 grains it stretched fa of an inch, elasticity entire. " 13,000 " " fa " minus " fa " 15,038 " " ft " .1 ^ " 16,000 " " || " " l " 17,000 " it broke. Fracture very rugged. No. 2. One inch examined, e. d. With 11,362 grains it stretched fa of an inch, elasticity entire. " 18,354 " " fa " " " " 21,413 " " fa " 24,909 " i " " " " 28,405 " " ^ " minus fa " 31,901 " 1 " 35,397 " it broke. Fracture abrupt on one side, with the filament disrupted and displaced on the other. No. 3. Two experiments, e. d. Experiment No. 1. With 21,874 grains it stretched fa of an inch, elasticity entire. " 27,124 " " fa " " " " 28,874 " " fa " " " " 31,061 " it broke. Experiment No. 2. With 23,624 grains it stretched fa of an inch, elasticity entire. " 27,124 " " fa '" " " " 28,874 " " fa " " " " 34,124 " " fa " " " " 35,874 " it broke. No. 4. e. d. With 7,866 grains it stretched fa of an inch, elasticity entire. " 11,362 " " fa " " " " 14,858 " " fa " " " " 18,354 " it broke. No. 6. e. d. With 1,070 grains it stretched fa of an inch, elasticity entire. 3,518 " " fa " " " 3,666 " " fa " " " " 4,266 " " fa " " " " 5,576 " it broke. OF MANE HAIRS. The word mane, (Maene Belg.,) designates the long hair which hangs from the neck of certain animals. The French call it "crin;" but they call the hair of the tail by the same name. 6 24 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIOM; The Mane of the Lion. The female of this species has no mane, and the male is born without it. Examination and Description of the Mane of the Lion, exhibited in Philadelphia in 1849. Length, about 12 inches; shape, cylindrical ; diameter, ^ of an inch; color, black, white and corneous ; lustre, feeble. Button, club-shaped and hooked ; direction, flowing ; inclination, at an acute angle. Shaft, cortex ; diameter, ^-$ of an inch ; color, black ; fibres, white ; diameter, ^-^ o f an inch. One white shaft has a corneous cortex, and white fibres. Some of the shapes are polychromatic. Apices, furcated. Two hairs were found in one follicle. Of the Mane of the Horse. Examination of the Mane of the celebrated running mare Fashion. Length, about 12 inches ; diameter, from -j^to J u of an inch. Button, globose, contorted, hooked, black, or white and not hooked. Sheath seldom met with, and when it occurs, very thin, white, opaque. Follicle, had none to examine. Shaft, cylindrical and cylindroidal, black and brownish yellow. Transverse sections, (or disks,) show a brown compact ring, with a small white centre, in which the ends of the fibres can be seen. With 3,766 grains, one inch stretched 1$ of an inch, and upon removing the weight, recovered its original length. With 3,766 grains it broke. Fracture, angular transverse. The Mane of the Cervus Canadensis. Length, 6 inches; shape, oval and ovoidal ; diameter, -%%-$ by T |^- of an inch. Black and rusty brown; no lustre; direction, nearly straight; inclination, at an acute angle. Shaft, cortex; diameter, ^^^ of an inch; color, corneous; fibres, dirty white color, loosely compacted, the end of them upon a vertical section shrivelled, and not well denned; diameter, -5-^-5 of an inch, solid and heterogeneous in form. The Cameleopard, or Giraffe, has a rr\ane which commences between the horns; it con- sists of short and almost straight hair, and continues over the neck and on to the withers, (lllus. of Nat. Hist. 215.) We have none of this integumen in our cabinet. OF TAIL HAIRS. Examination of the Tail Hair of the celebrated running mare "Fashion." Length, 9 to 12 inches; diameter, -g^th of an inch; black, brownish yellow, or white; the black predominating. Button, irregularly shaped; mostly hooked and contorted. Sheath, thin, white, opaque, embracing the button closely ; shaft, cylindrical or cylindroidal ; transverse sections or disks of the black, solid, dark-colored, with a small point of a lighter color in the centre ; of the brownish yellow, solid yellow, with a white spot in the centre, and of the white, solid, dirty -white, opaque, with a lighter speck in the centre. Trial with the trichometer : Bar. 29; Ther. 80; Dew-point, 69. With 3,766 grains, it stretched V n f an inch; upon removing the weight, recovered its original length. With 4,266 grains, it stretched \ths,'and elasticity entire " 4,766 " " ^.ths, " " 5,266 " " ^ths, " minus " 5,766 " " lAfhs, " " ' 6,266 " it broke; fracture abrupt. OH, A TREATISE ON PILE. 25 A shaving taken from the exterior of the black hair was dark-colored, and one from the brownish yellow, was brownish yellow; showing that the coloring matter was in the cortex.* Remarks. The delicate dimensions and lustre, smallness of the button, thinness of the sheath, and, above all, large number of the vessels of this hair of the body, show the thorough breeding of the mare ; but the deficiency in ductility and tenacity of the hair of the mane, would not indicate much vital power. Tail of the Hippopotamus. This tail is ovoidal; diameter, at the posterior extremity, T | u of an inch; at the anterior, T f 7 ; color, black; disks exhibit the termination of small, irregularly shaped fibres. Fig. 16 represents a transverse section. Tail of the Zebra. This hair is cylindrical and oval; diameter, T | r of an inch; color, black, except a minute white central spot. Tail of the Cerous. This hair is oval; diameter, ^-5 by T | T , tapering to T }g by j^^. Tail of the Arabian Bull. This hair is cylindrical; diameter, T -J-g- of an inch; cortex, black, solid ; diameter, ^^ ; centre sometimes a void canal, and, at others, partly filled with a white scaly substance Fig. 16 2 represents the disk of the tail of the Elephant. * HAIR OF THE BODY. Length, from ^ths to fgSu of an inch; greatest diameter, j^ s of an inch; button, quill- gliapcd, white, opaque. Sheath, none; or, if any, adhering so closely to the button as to be undistinguishable. Follicle, had none to examine. Vessels, numerous, fibrous, divergent from the lower extremity of the button. Shaft, oval, brownish-yellow or white, lustrous. Cortex, transversely striated, indicating minute scales. Transverse sections, (or disks,) show a solid yellow ring, with a white centre. Apex, pointed. 26 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIFM; CHAPTER II. PILE is an animal apparatus, consisting of several organs, distinguishable by different membranes, but acting unitedly to accomplish destined ends. It possesses, per se, no sensation nor power of voluntary motion ; but is connected with a tissue rich in vessels and nerves. That Pile is not vegetable, as was anciently supposed, is proved by The manner in which the Shaft elongates. Hair does not grow by additions to its points, like the roots of vegetables ; nor by a simultaneous elongation of the whole shaft, like their stems ; but by additions at the LOWER EXTREMITY, so that the newly produced portions are continually forcing the old ones forward. This is the reason why no injuries, such as splitting at the apex; nor any losses, such as a deprivation of the point of pile, can ever be repaired. If the natural point of a hair (which is the first part of the stalk that is produced) be, accidentally or intentionally, removed, it is never repaired. This is also the reason why hair, which has been dyed, shows its undyed color first nearest to the skin ; and why marks, made upon the fleece of sheep, become, in time, obliterated, beginning to blanche near the body of the animal. This property of growing by additions at the lower extremity, only, distinguishes pile from vegetables, and is capable of being made use of as one of the tests of a true hair. OF THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF PILE. Pile, when in a normal and healthy condition, and fully developed, has the following parts: A shaft, at the inferior extremity of which is a button, and at the superior one & point. This shaft has a cortex, which is either squamose or paved, intermediate fibres, which are divisible into fibrils, and a centre, which is either solid or has a canal. The canal (when present) either contains a granulated substance and pigment cells, or a granulated substance and no pigment cells or, the canal is void. The button, with the lower extremity of the shaft, is set in a follicle, which has a double lining membrane, called a sheath. Recapitulation : 1. SHAFT. 1. Button. 2. Point. 3. Cortex. 1. Squamose. 2. Paved. 4. Intermediate fibres and fibrils. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 27 5. Centre. 1. Solid. 2. Canal. 1. Granulated substance and pigment cells. 2. " " without " " 3. Void. 2. FOLLICLE. 1. Sheath. 2. Vessels, &c. Of the Button. When a hair is drawn out of the head, there is generally found, at its lower extremity, a swelling ; this is the button. It is spheroidal, ovoidal, spindle, pestle, or club-shaped, or amorphous; is generally white and translucent, but sometimes dark- colored and opaque. This part had (in common with the follicle) been called the "bulb;" but Henle (who has o-iven an elaborate account of it) 'has conferred the name of button. O / Of the Cells of the Button. We drew a fully developed hair from the head of an oval- haired lad of 14, who was in good health, and, placing it immediately under the micro- scope, saw in the button numerous globular cells, imbedded in a white translucent substance. Fig. 16 a represents this object. The length of this button is T 3 7 4 g- of a milli- meter ; the diameter, -j^ , while that of the shaft is T | T . The cells do not exceed in diameter the ^-J-g- of a millimeter. Upon recurring to this object again, after the lapse of a few days, those previously well- defined cells had disappeared, leaving irregularly shaped lines and shadows, as represented in Fig. 16 b. Another button, drawn from the same head, and examined immediately, had no cells, but bore the appearance represented in Fig. 17. Of the Normal Shape of a Button. From numerous examinations, we are of opinion that the hair of the head of the oval-haired species, when the subject is in health, and the integximent is in a normal condition, and fully developed, is well represented by figures 16 a-, 16 b, and 17. But we must not expect to find it always to conform to this outline, from which it varies in very many instances, sometimes to a considerable degree, as will be shown in the progress of this work. As to the color of the button, Henle represents it, when belonging to healthy hairs that are colored, to be, for the most part, colored also, and when found upon grey (colorless) hairs, to be white. But, according to our experience, the button of a healthy hair is very apt to be white and translucent, even when the hair is colored. But this translucency diminished when the hair had been long drawn. Note. Care must be taken not to confound the button with the follicle, which will be hereinafter described. The follicle never draws out of the head of the oval-haired species. It must be dissected out or obtained by maceration. But the shaft often draws out, leaving the button in the follicle. Fig. 18 represents one of these, from the head of His Excel- 7 28 TRICHOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; lency Governor Johnson. The whole length is one millimeter; diameter, T T of a milli- meter; that of the shaft being T $ T . It is easy to remove the button from the end of a shaft, immediately after it is drawn out, when the same appearance, as in Fig. 18, is represented. Buttons are often found upon the ends of hairs ihat fall out. Fig. 19 represents one of these, from a hair of the head of His Excellency James Madison, combed out, in his life- time, and presented to us by Mrs. Madison since his death. Henle is of opinion, that the difference in appearance is owing to these fallen hairs having arrived at fuller maturity. Of Hairs without a Button. From what has been said in regard to the cells seen in the button, it is inferable that the shaft is generated by the button. Nevertheless, we occa- sionally find hairs without a bxitton. This subject will be resumed and explained, under title "Follicle." Of the Button of the Hair of the Htad of the cylindrical-piled Man. Generally, these buttons are not so regularly shaped as those of the oval-haired species. Fig. 21, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, represent the buttons of three of these, all from the heads of pure American Indians, viz: No. 1, is from the head of Bish-e-ki-se-quau, a female, aged 30, a pure Sac, a descendant of Black Hawk, sent to us by the Rev. Mr. Symington, of Independence, Missouri. No. 2, is from the head of Tuh-dxih-guh-mah-ke, a male, of about 25, whose father was a pure Ottowa, and his mother a pure Chippewa. Sent by the Rev. Mr. P. Dougherty, of Grand Traverse, Michigan. No. 3, is from the head of South Wind, a male, aged 17, a pure Iowa. Sent by the Rev. Mr. William Hamilton, of St. Joseph's, Missouri. It is not pretended that these three buttons furnish the types of all those of the cylin- drical-piled man, but only some examples, selected from those in our cabinet, where the greatest variety in shape may be seen, to show the general outline. The button of the pile of the head of the pure eccentrical, elliptical species, comes next under examination. Of this pile we have, in our cabinet, one specimen, presented by Dr. Hering, of this city; one from Delaware, and several from the Southern States; but our principal supply is from Africa, obtained through the kindness of our missionaries. Fig. 22 represents the button, or hair, of the head of a pure African. The buttons, like the hairs of the heads of Hybrids, resemble, sometimes, those of one parent or ancestor, and sometimes those of the other parent or ancestor ; therefore, it would be useless to describe those hairs or buttons. Hitherto we have considered the button found upon the hair of the head ; we must next speak of those found upon other parts of the human skin. They comprise the following, viz : 1, the pavilion of the external ear; 2, the eye-brows; 3, the eye-lids; 4, the nasal fossse : 5, the whisker hairs of man; 6, the beard; 7, the arm-pits; 8, the pubes; 9 the limbs, and 10, the downy hairs of the body generally. Each of these different varieties are possessed of definite characters, which we will endeavor to point out ; but we warn the reader, in advance, that he must not expect to OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 29 pluck out one of his own or his neighbor's hairs and to find it agree, in every particular, with our description or drawing ; for pile, from the same region of different individuals, and even from the same individual, varies like leaves from the same species of tree or same tree. 1. Of the Hairs of the Pavilion of the External Ear and its Button. This pavilion is fibro-cartilaginous, thin and expanded. It has five eminences and three depressions, which are described in Dungl. Hum. Physi., 1 v., p. 147-8. The hairs upon these parts differ somewhat one from another ; they vary in length, from three to five-quarters of an inch. Shape, cylindroidal ; diameter, from T ^ to ^ T of an inch, different specimens. Button, some- times club-shaped, at others amorphous ; length of one of the latter -fo of an inch ; diameter, T |^ ; that of the shaft being ^-5- ; shaft, transversely striated ; intermediate fibres, white, opaqiie, lustrous, easily separated ; one of them measured j^V^ of an inch ; apex, pointed ; diameter, ^^\ T7 of an inch ; none furcated. These hairs are tough. Fig 24, Nos. 1 and 2, represent two of these hairs from a tuft that surrounded the meatus auditorius externus. 2. Of the Hair of the Eye-Brows, (super cilium,) audits Button. Goldsmith remarks that next to the eyes, the features which give a character to the face, are the eye-brows. And Le Brun, in giving a painter directions in regard to delineating the passions, places the principle expression of the face on the eye-brows. The Chinese bestow great atten- tion to these hairs. They are in length from a half to a whole inch, and sometimes even longer. Inclination, towards the outer angle of the eye. The hairs of the eye-brows of Prof. James McClin- tock, M. D., measure one inch and ^ ; have a diameter of T ^ of an inch ; are angular, curved ; light brown colored at the posterior extremity, and light at the apex. This pile has generally a diameter of about -ig- of an inch. Fig. 25, No. 1, represents one of these hairs and buttons, drawn from the brow of a very fat person, where a is a part of the shaft, b the button, c a part of the follicle, and d a part of the tissue disrupted and drawn out with the hair. Vidal (Traitee de Path., v. 3, p. 579,) says that persons have been known who never had any eye-brows, but we have not witnessed this phenomenon. 3. Of the Eye-Lashes or Hairs of the Eye-Lids, (cilium,) and their Buttons. Anciently the word cilium was applied to the utmost edge of the eye-lid, and the hair issuing therefrom. (See Plin. 2 Gels.) It is now confined to the hair. It is said that persons have existed who had a double row of eye-lashes, which, in Burk's Greek derivative dictionary, is called "dystichia;" from "duo," two, and "stikos" a row. But we have not seen any such persons. According to Goldsmith, man and apes are the only animals who have eye-lashes upon both the upper and lower lids of the eye. The eye-lashes of the Rhea, or American Ostrich, referred to in Goodrich's Geography, p. 444, are feathers. (See Ante., Chapter 1.) It is generally thought that eye-lashes contribute to the expression of the eye, particularly when they are long, close and black. They have the greatest diameter near the centre, tapering both ways, which forms, of each particular hair, a bow. This simple, but beautiful arrangement of these hairs is the 30 TRICIIOLOOIA MAMMALIUM; best possible that can be imagined, for forming, when the lids are partly closed, a com- plete obstruction to the admission of insects, &c., and yet when the lids are open, no way shutting out the light. Fig 26 a represents an eye-lash of a lad of fourteen years, belonging to the oval-haired species, where may be seen a well-shaped button, a neck, a swelled part, and another portion gradually tapering to a point. No. 26 b represents another hair from the same place, where the shaft is drawn out of the button, with a small piece of the tissue adhering. 4. Hairs of the Nasal Fosses, (Vibrissee,) with their Buttons. Whole length, from \ to \ an inch ; shape, oval ; diameter, -^ T by ^ T ; button, club-shaped, with sometimes a neck between it and the shaft. Length of button, y^ ; diameter, ^| T of an inch ; shaft, gradually tapering, greatest diameter, | T ; apex, rounded; diameter, y^Vir of an inch ; disk exhibits a minute central white speck of the diameter of -g| T , that of the shaft being -%\^ of an inch. Figure 27 represents one of these hairs, where may be seen the button sub-oval, a short neck which appears to have been twisted; a, shaft with its t-~ Averse striae, and a trace of coloring matter. 5. The common Whisker Hair of Man and its Button. This word is sometimes confined to the hair of the face from the temple to the chin, and at others includes that which grows upon the upper lip, also called the moustaches. They belong to the category of the beard, and must be carefully distinguished from the whiskers of some of the lower animals ; which, as we have shown in chapter 1, are organs of tact. . 6. Of the Beard and its Button. This portion of the pile of man is important, as it is made, by some writers, one of the distinguishing characteristics of the oval-haired species. Mr. Smith, for instance, describes " the bearded intermediate or Caucasian type," and tells us it is so named because neither of the two other typical forms is distinguished by a well- grown beard. (See Nat. Hist, of the Human Species, p. 368.) But the American Indian plucks out his beard. Description of a Filament of Beard of the Hon. R****** F****. Length, 16 to 17 inches; shape, eccentrically elliptical; diameter, T |-g- by %%-$ of an inch. Button, club- shaped, white, opaque ; length, fa ; diameter, ^- I , that of the shaft being ^\-$. Shaft, white, opaque ; apex, pointed and sometimes furcated ; shaft, cortex, easily removed ; intermediate fibres, white ; diameter, %fa ~o f an i ncn - Centre, white, J-g- of an inch in diameter. Figure 28 represents three shafts of beard of Dr. Burr, growing out of one button. It was drawn from a small papula that made its appearance upon his chin, and when it was drawn out, was succeeded by two more hairs similarly united. Of the Fashions of Wearing the Hair and Beard. Upon the different habits and fashions of wearing the hair and beard, Goldsmith remarks : " That some, and among others the Turks, cut the hair off their heads and let their beards grow. Europeans, on the contrary, shave their beards and wear their hair. The negroes shave their heads in figures; at one time in stars, at another in the manner of friars; and still more commonly in alternate stripes ; and their little boys are shaved in the same manner. The Talapoins OH, A TREATISE ON PILE. 31 of Siam shave the heads and the eye-brows of such children as are committed to their care. Every nation seems to have entertained diiferent prejudices, at different times in favor of one part or another of the beard. Some have admired the hair upon the cheeks on each side, as we see with some young men among ourselves Some like the hair lower down ; some choose it curled; and others like it straight. Some have it cut into a peak, and others shave all but the whisker. This particular part of the beard was highly prized among the Spaniards ; 'till of late, a man, without whiskers was considered as unfit for company ; and where nature had denied them, art took care to supply the deficiency. We are told of a Spanish general, who, when he borrowed a large sum of money from the Venetians, panned his whiskers ; which he afterwards took proper care to redeem. Kingson assures us that a considerable part of the religion of the Tartars, consists in the management of their whiskers : and that they waged a long and bloody war with the Persians, declaring them infidels, merely because they would not (jive their whiskers the orthodox cut. The kings of Persia wore their whiskers matted with gold thread ; and even the kings of France of the first races, had them knotted and buttoned with gold. But of all nations, the Americans [American Indians] take the greatest pains in cutting their hair and plucking their beards; so that some have supposed them to have no beard naturally; and even Linnaeus has fall en into that mistake. The hair is cut into bands, and no small care is employed in adjusting the whisker." To the above we would add that the ancient Hebrews wore a beard upon the chin, but not on the upper lip, and were divinely forbidden to cut their beards like the heathen Egyptians, who left only a tuft of hair on the chin. Neglecting to trim the hair and beard was expressive of great mourning. (See Isa., xv. 2. Jer., xli. 5, &c.) To forcibly shave the beard of any one was considered an insult. (2 Sam. x., 4, 5.) The first Indians seen by Columbus at San Salvador, are described as entirely naked, their black hair long and uncurled upon their shoulders, with no beards, and every part of the body perfectly smooth. Mr. Jefferson remarks that " it has been said that the [North American] Indians have less hair than the whites, except on the head ; but this is a fact of which fair proof can hardly be had. With them it is disgraceful to have hairs on the body, they say it likens themjto hogs; they therefore pluck it out as fast as it appears. But the traders who marry their women, and prevail on them to discontinue this practice, say, that nature is the same with them as with the whites. Nor if the fact [assertion] be true, is the consequence necessary which has been drawn from it; negroes have notoriously less hair than the whites, yet they are more ardent." In many African kingdoms, rank is estimated by the length and thickness of the beard. (Duncan's Travels in Western Africa, 2 v., p. 5.) The Miaou-tse, who are supposed to be the aborigines of China, cut off the forelocks and spread the hair behind. (Latham.) Some Tapuans, of the New Guinea Coast, dress their pile in long, narrow, pipe-like curls, smeared with red ochre and grease, with a band round the forehead. (Latham Hist, of Races, &c., 214.) Others use wigs. (Ibid, 215.) 7. Of the Hairs of the Arm-pit, (axilla,) and its Button. This cavity, beneath the 8 32 TIUCIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; junction of the arm with the shoulder, is covered with hair, contains much cellular mem- brane, lymphatic ganglions, important vessels and nerves, and numerous sebaceous follicles, furnishing an odorous secretion. The button of this hair often draws out with its follicle. Figure 29 a is one of these, upon which may be seen the button, sub-oval shaped, the follicle, with parts of two disrupted vessels ; also a portion of the shaft, with its transverse striae Figure 29 b represents a section of the skin of a male of 25, and the hair set therein. These hairs are, in general, in length from one inch to an inch and a half ; shape, oval ; diameter, T {^ by ^-| T , gradually tapering to ygV~5 a ^ tne apex; color, rather lighter than that of the head ; lustre, feeble ; button, sometimes sub-oval, and at others double cone- shaped ; length, T ^ ; diameter, 5 | 7 , that of the shaft, at the junction, being -^fa, others club-shaped ; sheath small, white, opaque ; intermediate fibres, white ; centre, white, interrupted; apices, pointed; none furcated. Disks show a minute central spot. 8. The Hair of the Pubes, or Hypogastric Hair, and its Button. Called " pubes," because this part of the hypogastric region is, in both sexes, at the time of puberty, covered with pile. In some books this pile is called " Pubes lanugo Pudendorum," and in others the word pubes is used to denote the parts, and the hair that grows thereabouts. These hairs belong to the same category as tho^e of the beard. Examination and Description of these Hairs, from the body of a Male, oval-haired person of sixty years of age. Length, about three inches ; shape, eccentrically elliptical; greatest diameter, -%fa ; smallest, T | T of an inch; crisped; color, brown, translucent; button, spindle-shaped, or tubular, and pointed at the inferior extremity, or rounded. It has sometimes vessels. Sheath, white, opaque, investing the button; occasionally two sheaths adhering, sometimes there is a neck between the button and the shaft; cortex, transversely striated; centre, white, interrupted; apex, striated and dotted, rounded ; disk, with a central oval spot. Hypogastric pile is generally of a lighter shade of color than the hair of the head of the individual. Figure 30 represents one of these hairs with its button and follicle, and a large portion of the neighboring tissue; " #," the button; "b," a part of the follicle; " c," the shaft; " d," the tissue disrupted and torn out of the soft sebaceous skin. Remarkable Case. Observing, in a recent number of a Medical Journal, a report of Robert King Stone, M. D., of Washington City, of a lad only eight years of age having hypogastric hair, I wrote for a specimen, and the Doctor kindly sent me a lock, accom- panied by one of the boy's head. They are dark colored, while that of his head is light; length, ly^- of an inch; diameter, T ^ y to %$$. With 220 grains one inch stretched -^ of an inch, elasticity minus -^ " 570 " " 670 " " 720 " " 770 " " 820 " " " " " " " " " " " " OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 33 With 870 grains one inch stretched i-jj- of an inch, elasticity minus -/ ff " 920 " " if " " " ^ '< Q7O " " 2 i " " " 1A y/u 90 97 " 1,020 " |f If " 1,070 " ff " " if " 1,120 " |f " " " if " J,170 " ". f " " " f " 1 OOO " " 4.0. " " ' 23 i,**W 90 ^0" " 1,270 " it broke. 9. Hairs of the Limbs and their Button. These buttons vary much in length on different individuals. Figure 31 a represents one of the forearm; where "a," is the button; ">," portions of the follicle; "c," the shaft with its transverse stria?; " d," a portion of a disrupted vessel ; "e," a part of the tissue torn out. A hair from the back of the hand has a length of 2 an inch; is in shape eccentrically elliptical; greatest diameter, ^| T ; smallest, T i^; button, club-shaped; sometimes they are somewhat hamate; the shaft tapers gradually, and in the centre is an interrupted, dark, coloring matter; disk, exhibits an oval, white central spot. Of the downy Hairs of the body, (lanugo,) and their Buttons. The word "down " is from the Danish "dunn," and means soft wool, or tender hair. Lanugo has the same meaning. These downy hairs bear the same relation to larger hairs that down does to feathers. They are of various lengths on different individuals. The buttons are sometimes club- shaped, and at others pestle-shaped. It is probable that the button of pile is more perishable than the shaft; for, upon a lock of Mexican mummy hair, which is otherwise in good preservation, not a vestige of a button is to be seen. Fig. 32 a represents one of these hairs, and attention is called to the singular shape of its posterior termination. On a hair belonging to a lock of a Peruvian mummy, which is represented in Fig. 32 b, there is no button. In a lock of hair, expelled from the uterus, presented by Dr. Frost, of Charleston, South Carolina, we could find no hair with a button. We have a lock of ovarian hair, presented by Professor Paul B. Goddard, M. D., of this city. We found only two buttons; "and upon another lock of ovarian hair, presented by Professor William E. Homer, M. D., late of this city, no button could be found. We have several hair-balls, found in the stomachs of Ruminants, the buttons upon the hairs of which are few in number, and are generally diminutive in size, and distorted. Fig. 33 represents the ovarian hair first mentioned, where "a," is the button; "/;," the shaft, exhibiting the scales of the cortex; "c," a white substance, which is probably the remains of the sheath, with which it is invested. We have dwelt upon the button of pile, but not more than the importance of its study demands, as will be made manifest in different parts of this work. Some general remarks as regards Buttons. 1. To have a button, is characteristic of an ordinary hair of a healthy subject, and when it has arrived at maturity. 34 TIUCIIOLOOIA MAMMALIUM; 2. That the presence of a button, upon such a hair, distinguishes it from hair-like pro- cesses, which have no buttons. 3. That each variety of hair has its peculiarly shaped button, by which the hairs of that variety may be known. 4. But that this shape is liable to variation, owing to either a variation in that of the shaft, to which it belongs, to disease of the hair, or disease in the tissue in which it is imbedded. 5. That the dimensions of the button differ; but, generally, it is of greater diameter than that of the shaft. 6. That hairs, not fully developed, are found with no biitton. 7. That it is probable that there is a connection, through the follicle, between the button and the vessels found in the tissue which surrounds the follicle. 8. That in combing and dressing the hair of the head, care should be taken not to disturb this connection. 9. That a separation of the button from these vessels converts the hair into effete matter, causes it to fall out. 10. That the coloring matter of hair is not elaborated in the button ; for hair of the head often loses its color, yet the button retains its integrity. 11. That the button is the most perishable part of pile. It remains to notice the buttons of the hairs of some of the lower animals. If we were not limited in regard to space, we would like to describe and depict the buttons of the pile of the principal part of the lower animals, as they are exhibited in our extensive collection of hair and wool. We feel confident that, at some day, not very remote, the lower animals will be classified by their pile, and that, in so doing, the buttons will be found to be valuable indices of species. All that we can do, at present, will be to present the reader with a few of these interest- ing objects. Fig. 34 represents these in outline: A, the Quadrumana, Troglodyte gorilla; B, the Horse, (drawn from a hair of the famous running mare Fashion;) C, the Zebra; D, the Cow; E, the Arabian bull-calf Holmes, belonging to ; F, the Gnou, or Horned-Horse, (this is believed to be a whisker;) G, the Rocky Mountain, American, or Long-Horned Antelope; H, the Elk; J, the Lama; K, the Dasyprocta Nigra; L, the Kan- garoo Rat. OF THE APEX, OR POINT OF THE SHAFT. These terms have been used indiscriminately, to designate the superior termination of pile, but it would be better to confine ourselves to the first; for, although every hair has an apex, all hairs are not pointed; nor are any hairs pointed that have been cut or fractured. When viewed under the microscope, these latter are perceived to be more or less abrupt; some are even rounded, or inclined. When pile has been left in its natural state, it is generally pointed at the apex. Some writers are of opinion, that the obtuseness of the apex of pile is the result of constant friction. (See Hassal's Micros. Anat., p. 9.) We have seen instances of even OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 35 the shaft of hair being fractured from friction. Fig. 36 represents the hair of the eye- brow of an oval-haired person, fractured in the shaft so much, that some of the interme- diate fibres are obtruding. The places to study the apex of hair is among the unshorn locks of the foetus, or of young children, whose hair has never been cut; or the young hairs of adults, which are continually produced to supply the places of those that are continually falling out. In all these cases we find the apex more or less pointed. Of the pile of the lower animals, the apex of some are pointed; as, for instance, the Mouse, the Ground-Squirrel, the Mole, the Jumping-Mouse, of Canada, the Muskrat, and many others; while the anterior extremity of the hair of the Goat, the Lama, &c., &c., are more abrupt. M. Mandl is of opinion, that "with individuals who have had their hair recently cut, each hair preserves its diameter to its free end, [anterior extremity,] which presents a truncated extremity, where the eye may determine this distinction; but that if those same hairs are examined, after a long interval, each hair is found to be terminated by a pointed extremity, more or less long." M. Mandl considers this change to be the result of a vital process. (See Comptes rend us, 1845.) We believe that this learned gentleman has mistaken for renewed points on old hairs, the natural and original points of new hairs, which succeed those that fall out, during the "long interval," to which he has alluded. OF DlCHOPHY,* AND GROWING DOUBLE OF HAIRS AND FURCATED PlLE. Hairs furcated, or their fibres divided at the superior extremity, are not uncommon. Fig. 37 a represents a hair' of the head of a young lady of North Carolina, kindly presented to us by her physician, as a great curiosity. She is reported to be in health, yet nearly every filament of her hair is furcated. The hairs of the lock sent us, do not exceed five inches in length. We have examined the hair of the head of a young married lady, of this city, who is supposed to be laboring under pulmonary consumption, and found nearly one-fourth of the filaments furcated. We have also examined the hair of her father, mother, and two of her children, none of which are furcated. Fig. 37 b represents the wool of Congo Billy, a pure negro, and will be seen to be furcated. Figs. 38 a and 38 b represent two hairs of a full-blooded male Choctaw Indian; the specimen presented by Dr. J. O. Nott, of Mobile. The hairs are sixteen inches long, and they are, respectively, tri-furcated and quadra-furcated. Sometimes the fibres of a hair are so much divided, at the superior termination, as to resemble a brush. (See fig. 39.) Furcated hairs are found in the locks of the Chinese. In our collection of ancient hairs, few are found that are furcated; only one in the hair of the head of a Mexican mummy, and none in those of a Peruvian mummy. * Dichophy, from " dicha," double, and "phyo," to grow. 36 TRICHOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; They are also scarce in our collection of the hairs of lunatics, as will appear by the following Table : Pennsylvania Hospital. Asylum for Lunatics, at Frankford, Pa. Western Virginia Asy- lum. Ohio Asylum, No. 1. Ohio Asylum, No. 2. g ~ . of. QO "S | 2 1-d " < o "o "S 9 CL ST OQ <~ c e E P. 00 B 15 s "g-tj 1 '3 o &l t*-i CJ o fl CO 1 tn OJ X E 'S^ to 1^ o to to to 1 to O to ^l" 3 22 21 1 6 4 16 2 21 1 From the above exposition, we feel warranted in concluding that dichophy is not one of the effects of madness upon the hair. The hairs of the lower animals are seldom found furcated. The bristles of the hog are, however, notable exceptions; they are always furcated. Of the cause of Dichophy. Some writers attribute the furcation of pile to disease, of either the animal or of the integument. The hairs of lepers are said always to be furcated. (Diet, de Sci. Med., v. 43, p. 489 ; and see Lib. of Useful Knowledge, of 1S41, p. 55.) Furcation may be owing, sometimes, to a deficiency of nutriment to support hair allowed to grow very long. According to the French physicians, pile is nourished and increased in length by a portion, only, of the fluid that enters into the stalk, the residue being con- stantly thrown off. (See Nou. Treat, sur la laine par lotemps and Fabry.) This would account for the hair of the Chinese and of some American Indians, being furcated ; for I have Chinese hair four feet long, and several specimens of American Indians that measure two feet in length, all furcated. Bichat notices the occasional splitting of hairs, but is silent as to the cause. And Bakewell, whose experience in regard to fleece was great, speaks of wool sometimes bi-furcating, but does not say why it does so. Far be it from us to discourage cleanliness; but we cannot help thinking that too frequent washing the hair of the head, especially if soap is used, will make it harsh, and cause its ends to furcate. Perhaps it would be as well, after bathing, to substitute a small quantity of castor oil for the natural fatty matter of the hair, which the soap decomposes. OF BRANCHED PILE. A medical friend residing in the interior of this state, sent us some (so called) "branched hair." As it is as fair a specimen of this variety of pile as we ever expect to possess, we procured the following drawing to be made. (See fig. 40.) "o." represents the posterior extremity, where " J" and "c" appear to be two separate shafts, emerging from one common button ; " J," a branch from "Z;" and " e," a branch from "c." We placed the specimen in tepid water, when it separated into four distinct shafts, and explained the phenomenon. Of the Cortex of Pile. There is a squamose or paved covering upon each filament of of pile, called the cortex. The scales of the squamose varying very much in number, shape, size and degree of adhesion to the fibrous portion of the shaft, and often exercising a very great influence upon the integument. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 37 Fourcoy first remarked that a hair, when rolled between the fingers, always passes from the button to the apex; this he attributed to the presence of scales, which had not then been seen.* Mr. Youatt first saw these scales upon wool, and Dr. Goring first saw them upon the hair of the head of man. So far as we know, Prof. Dungleson is the only one in the United States, (except ourselves,) who has seen these hair scales. Of the Scales. The study of the scales is very interesting in a scientific point of view; and, since it has been demonstrated, that on wool they are the main cause of the felting and fulling property, they have become still more so in an economical one. Figure 2 represents these scales as they are found upon hair and wool ; and figure 42 shows a portion of the cortex that has no scales, but is paved ; these ought to be examined and compared by those who wish to understand the nature of the cortex. Of the Uses of the Scales on Pile to the Animal. It is probable that the scales on the cortex of pile, by polarizing the rays of light, may contribute to the variation in the color or shade of the coats of some of the lower animals. By their form and number they are nicely adapted to admit to the interior of the filament just as much air and moisture as is necessary for the growth of pile, excluding the remainder which might prove injurious. In this latter respect they may be to the cortex what stomatee are to the cuticle of plants ; and, like them, they may be endowed with the power of opening and closing, according to circumstances ; but we acknowledge that we have not been able to detect such a motion.! Ribbons of scaly cortex may be artificially separated from the body of the pile, to be viewed as transparent objects under the microscope. Figure 43 represents one of these from the spine of the pecary. The scales may be detached from the cortex by concentrated sulphuric acid. The cortex is sometimes the seat of the coloring matter, as will be explained under that head. Of the Paved Cortex. We use this word "paved," in the description of this variety of cortex upon the authority of Prof. Dungleson, who, in describing Epithelium, introduces the words, " paved and tesselated." (See p. 108 of Hum. Phys., fig. 23.) We prefer the word " paved," because " tesselated," from its derivation, might imply that the divisions are all squares, whereas some of them are pentag'ons, hexagons and polygons. They are not scales do not lap one over the other ; but are mere divisions of the cortex, into angular portions like a paved or tesselated floor. See fig. 44, for an illustration. Examples of the Paved Cortex. (See. fig. 34.) In the order " Ruminantia," in the Section ' Horned," the Tribe " Solid and deciduous horns," is found one single genus, the " Stag," (Cervus,) which is divided into five species, viz: * This experiment may be best repeated by rolling two hairs between the fingers in opposite directions. t Roget, (in his Anat. Veg. Physi., 1 v., p. 68,) says that it is evident from the functions the stomatse perform, that they must occasionally open and close ; but the minuteness of their size precludes any accurate observation as to the nature of the apparatus, &c. 38 TRICHOLOGIA MAMMALIUM ; 1. Stag or Deer, Cervus elephus. French: Cerf common C. de Canada. 2. Fallow Deer, Cervus dama. " le daim. 3. Roe Buck, Cervus capreolus. " le chevreuil. 4. Elk or Moose Deer, Cervus alces. 1'elan. 5. Reindeer, Cervus tarandus " " le renrie. fElem. de Zoology.} Goodrich, in his Geography, enumerates the following species in the United States, viz: 1. The American Elk, or Wapiti, C. Strongyloceros. 2. The Moose, C. alces Americanus. 3. The Caribou, or American Reindeer, C. tarandus. 4. Common Deer, C. Virginianus. 5. The long-tailed Deer, C. leucurus. 6. The black-tailed or Mule Deer, C. macrotis. The tegumentary appendages of all these species, so far as we have had an opportunity to examine them, have a great sameness of structure ; sufficiently so to connect them into one group. The cortex is, paved, the divisions have the shape of compressed pentagons, octagons and polygons ; the coloring matter lies immediately beneath the cortex, the centre- being colorless, and the shaft having no canal ; the button is spindle-shaped, succeeded by a slender neck, the shaft is feebly flexible, bending at right angles; the ductility very considerable, but accompanied with little elasticity or tenacity.* We will now give a particular description of a hair of one of the species. 1. The Stag or Deer, Cervus elephus. Specimen from the Western part of the State. Hair. Length, about 2 inches; greatest diameter, fa, and least diameter, T ^ of an inch ; button, spindle-shaped ; length, fa of an inch, and diameter, T |^ of an inch. Neck. Length, fa of an inch; diameter, %%-$ of an inch, gradually widening to a stalk. f Apex, gradually tapering to a point ; color, for one inch and -fa white, opaque, gradually darken- ing for -J&0- of an inch, succeeded by light brown or fawn color, and terminating in black at the apex. The whole stalk is undulated, the highest waves of which are in the centre. The interstices between the paved portions, darker colored than that of the pavement ; flexibility feeble, bends at right angles, and remains bent. No central canal. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. May llth, 1849. One inch with 170 grains was deprived of its undulations. Upon removing this weight the undulations returned. With 180 grains it stretched -fa of an inch, elasticity entire. 230 " " -fa " " " " 240 " fa minus fa tt 250 tt tt _^ tt tt tt -"III " " 9 " TT TO * Perhaps a large portion of the animal vitality conveyed to the exterior is expended on the horns. t When the part that widens is observed on its flat sides, the paved cortex is seen on it; while on the elipsoids the cortex appears plain. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 39 With 320 grains it stretched J-g- of an inch, minus ^ o30 (J| y ,,,, " 340 " ^ 11 " 350 " " I-; " " ft ' 360 " " ff " " f# u oyn <. (i :i : " so. ' u 90 9~ " '3WO " " 4 " " n 8 0U y H'J I ii A ~> " < ! 5 4bU ,, U " 4-Sfl " " r ' " " 4 " ~~5 90 " 490 " OF THE PAVED CORTEX OF THE ELK. (See fig. 44.) Of the Hairs of the Elk, or Moose Deer. (C. alces.) Specimen from the Zoological Institute, of Philadelphia. The Elk has three varieties of pile: 1st. The Hairs of the Breast. Length, 6 to 65 inches; diameter, from -J^- to T |^ths of an inch; undulated; highest waves in the centre of the stalk; number of waves, 25; flexibility, feeble; when bent forms a right angle, and remains in that position; button, spindle-shaped, succeeded by a tapering neck; both transparent ; shaft, opaque, commencing at the inferior extremity with light stone color, which, after continuing for an inch, becomes light brown, gradually darker to the apex; cortex, paved; compressed pentagons, of a light shade, with darker interstices; apex, pointed. 2d. Hairs of the Body. Length, 2 inches; diameter, J T of an inch to -j^ of an inch; undulated ; color, white, opaque, passing into stone-color, and ending, at the apex, in light brown; flexibility, feeble; when bent forms a right angle, and remains in that position; button, spindle-shaped, succeeded by a narrow neck, both of which are transparent; cortex, paved ; compressed pentagons, with interstices of a darker shade. Sometimes the coloring matter may be seen through the cortex, but it is not in a central canal, but in confused masses of various shades. The wool of this pile seems to be formed of distinct sections ; apex, pointed. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. It took 270 grains to deprive it of its undulation. With 670 grains it stretched -J^th of an inch, elasticity entire. " 840 " " 2 " " 870 " " / tf " " 970 " " -g-% " " " 1,170 " broke. This hair is, by this experiment, much changed in shape. THE PILE OF THE DICRANOCERUS AMERICANUS, ROCKY MOUNTAIN, AMERICAN, OR LONG- HORNED ANTELOPE. Specimen presented by Prof Samuel S. Haldeman. Hair of the Flank. Length, about 3 inches; shape, imperfect, oval* ; color, white; * Care must be taken in fixing this hair so as to cut a perfect disk, as the filament is so flexible that it can be pressed into artificial shapes. 10 10 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM: lustre, considerable; direction, straight; undulated; button, spindle-shaped, succeeded by a neck; shaft, cortex paved, divided into compressed pentagons, not well defined. Exception. The cortex of the hair of the Sloth, does not appear to be either scaly or paved. DESCRIPTION OF THE HAIR OF THE THREE-TOED SLOTH, (Bradypus tridactylis.) Specimen in the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia. Length, 2 inches and j^ths of an inch; color, dirty whitish-br wn stone color, which, when viewed under the microscope, is found to be a mechanical mixture of irregular portions of the cortex, some of which are dirty white, and others brown color. Button, white, transparent, spindle- shaped ; length, T j of an inch; diameter, ^ of an inch; sheath, white, opaque, encompassing and adhering to the button ; shaft, neck, cylindrical, naked, white, opaque and translucent; length, ^ths of an inch; diameter, ^- ff of an inch, gradually tapering from the centre both ways. Body, length, 1 inch T 9 oths ; flat; greatest diameter, (which is at the distance of 1 inch and -j^ths from the neck,) J ff th of an inch, gradually tapering both ways to a diameter of T ^o tn f an ' ncn - Tn cortex, of the color above stated, of irregular, inelastic, brittle pieces, separated by dark lines, which sometimes open into cracks or fissures, extending to the central portion of the hair. When the cortex is removed, the cylindrical, elastic, central portion is seen of a diameter of ^y^ths of an inch; sometimes a portion of the cortex may be removed, leaving the remainder adhering to the central portion, and presenting a rugged outline. At others, the central portion obtrudes from beneath the cortex, exhibiting their fibrous texture. The cortex will not divide into fibrils, but may be broken into irregular pieces of white and brown colors. The central part is divisible into fibrils. Apex, length, -^th of an inch, naked, cylindrical, transparent and pointed. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. One inch of the above hair, July 4th, 1849, Bar. 30, Ther. 76, Dew-point, 66. With 170 grains it stretched J^ of an inch, elasticity entire. ISO " " 190 " " -fa " " minus ^ < 900 u u 10 u a u 3 ""0" "9*0" " 220 " " U " " ' Wv " 24 " " -B " " " TO " 250 " broke. While the hair was under the stretching operation, the sides of the cracks and fissures of the cortex separated; and they closed when the weight was removed, which shows that the central substance is ductile and elastic. The Wool of the same animal. The wool, when drawn out of the skin, is connected in tufts of 5, 7, or 9 filaments, held together by small portions of epidermis, below which a button is seen, and sometimes a button and sheath. Length, from 1 inch to 1$; OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 41 diameter, y^ 1 ^ of an inch; button, white, transparent, quill-shaped; shra'h, white, opaque; apex, rounded; cortex, is divided by dark lines; central portion, yellow. See fig. 45, where No. 1 represents the cortex and the interior, where ihe cortex has been removed; No. 2, the fissure in the cortex; No. 3, grains of cortex removed from the stalk; No. 4, a disk; No. 5, tufts of the wool. OF THE INTERMEDIATE FIBROUS PART OF PILE. Between the cortex and the central portion of a perfect hair, and in the interior of an imperfect one, is found a fibrous substance, constituting the strength of the pile, 'which next demands our attention. Sometimes, when the cortex is sufficiently translucent, these fibres may be seen through it, in longitudinal strife, extending nearly the whole length of the shaft; they are then most apparent near the button, and vanish asyoti approach the apex; which may, possibly, be owing to their greater attenuation at the latter place. In an imperfect hair they extend to the centre of the shaft. Fig. 46 a represents a hair of the Hon. Henry Clay, artificially deprived of the cortex, except a small portion, left purposely, for comparison. For the most part, the fibres are seen in fasciculus; and the few narrow strips of the cortex are identified by their trans- verse striae. Their diameter is ^-gV shows the fibres of an American Indian's hair. A disk of a hair of the Hybrid Eieu Choate, is seen at fig. 48 c ; and fig. 48 d represents a similar section of the hair of the head of the late Mr. Elias Hicks. OF THE CENTRAL PORTION OF A PERFECT HAIR. This portion of the stalk of a perfect hair, exhibits one of the three following appearances: 1. A central canal, containing a granulated substance and pigment cells. 2. A granulated substance, and no pigment cells. 3. A void canal. (Henle.) An imperfect hair has no central canal. The granulated substance consists of very small, brilliant globules, conglomerated into clots; they are oftentimes piled in series upon series; and at others, when less depressed, appear in distinct masses, with void spaces between. (Henle.) Fig. 49 a represents the hair of one of the oval-haired species, which has been made transparent, in order to show the coloring matter in a central canal. Fig. 49 b is a hair of one of the cylindrical-piled species, which has undergone the same operation, but which is not made transparent, because, as it is believed, the coloring matter is in the cortex, or in the cortex and fibres. Some examples of the disposition of the coloring matter of Pile. One of the most interesting studies in regard to pile, consists in the way in which the coloring matter is disposed. The examination and description of the Hair of the Dog-Faced Monkey, 0. 2. Quadru- mana Tribe, Monkeys of the Old World, (Mandril.) (Elem. de Zool., 274.) Specimen alive in the Philadelphia Zoological Menagerie. Length, 2 inches and ^ths; greatest diameter, ^J 7 of an inch; least, r jL_ o f an inch. Button shape, conical, with the largest part of the cone towards the posterior extremity of the hair, and very abrupt, or spindle- shaped; color, white; length, T '| 7 of an inch; diameter, -^^ of an inch. Sheath, invest- ing loosely the button and lower extremity of the shaft; color, white, opaque ; length, T ^ of an inch, and diameter, -^-^ of an inch. Follicle had none to examine. Shaft shape, oval ; cortex, color, variegated, commencing at the button, dirty-brown, passing into OH, A TREATISE ON PILE. 43 dark-brown, nearly black, then wax-yellow, and finally, black at the apex; the whole ornamented with minute ochreons-colored dots and lines; the shade of darkness of tl.e filament depending upon the number of these dots and lines. Transverse striae, minute and irregular. Intermediate fibres, white and transparent, but marked with dots and lines like the cortex. The centre, solid and white; no canal. A disk or tranverse section shows an oval, dark-yellow figure, with a small, solid, white centre. Apex, abrupt, and often furcated. The characteristics of this hair are : 1st, the variety of color upon the same filament; 2d, its peculiar formation, by the coloring matter being in the cortex and jibrom interme- diate substance, and being disposed in dots and lines ; 3d, the absence of a central canal, and central coloring matter. (See fig. 50 a and 50 b.) EXAMPLE OF THE COLORING MATTER OE THE PILE OF THE BAT. Examination and De- scription of the Hair of the Bat: Vesper tilio Noveborensis ; order, Chiroptera; family, Vesper- tilionidae; tribe, Bat. Specimen sent from Massachusetts, by Dr. H. Wheatland, of Salem. Length, ^ to -^ of an inch; diameter, 1 of an inch; button, a slight swelling of the lower extremity of the shaft only, with a pointed termination ; sheath, none discovered ; follicle, none perceptible, after a rigid search. For the purpose of detecting it the dermis was separated from the epidermis. The texture of the dermis is lined, that of the epider- mis plain. Sheath, cortex, squamose ; scales, of that peculiar shape, that the shaft appears like a succession or series of minute crucibles, nestled one in another ; coloring matter, indistinct black ; bands at the superior surface of each crucible-shaped figure. (See fig. 50 c.) Sometimes the coloring matter is interrupted, arid at others it is entirely wanting. This last variety occurs near the superior termination of the stalk, which is the cause that the fur there is, to the naked eye, of a lighter color than at the root of the filament. Apex, generally very pointed, when in its natural state, but often appears to have been broken. N. B. We have a specimen of hair from Paris, marked " Foil de Chauve-sourie," which does not materially differ from the above described. There is a]so a specimen of a bat in the Academy of Natural Science, of Philadelphia, called the African Bat, in which the scales of the cortex are shaped more like those of a fish. The coloring matter is represented in figure 50 d. The characteristics of the hair of the Bat, (except the African,) so far as the above limit- ed examinations and descriptions show, are, 1st, a variety of color in the same filament ; 2d, the peculiar arrangement of the coloring matter in the cortex and fibrous matter being disposed of in borders to the crucible-shaped scales or rings; 3d, the absence of a central canal and central coloring matter. The disposition of the coloring matter of some of the lower animals in dots, lines, rings, &c., is often the cause of optical deception; the hair, to the natural eye, appears of one uniform color, whereas, when placed under the microscope, it appears distinctly to be two. For instance, the hair of a grey rabbit, when so examined, is found to be composed of black rings with white interstices ; but they are of so small a diameter that they blend 11 44 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMA LIUM; together and appear to be grey to the unassisted vision. Figure 50 e shows some of these dispositions of the coloring matter: a, the Mouse; b, the Pouched Rat of Kentucky; c, the Otter; d, the Irish Ermine ; e, the Ermine. OF THE COLORING MATTER OF PILE. Prof. Robert Hare remarks that ' None of the operations of nature are more inscrutable, than those by which organic substances are endowed with the immense variety of colors with which vegetables and animals are adorned. The chemist," he says, "may know how to elaborate dyes, to fix them, by the interposition of mordants, to vary their hues; but. excepting the influence of transparent media, or crystalline structure, in dispersing refracted or polarized rays, he is still quite ignorant of the differences in the arrangement of particles which give rise to diversity of color, or the mode in which chemical combinations cause the various colors of the precipi- tates." (Compen. 419.) Moreover, R as pail informs us, that " The coloring matter of vegetables, (which acts such a prominent part in their organization,) has been classed, sometimes, among fatty matters ; but that it is, in fact, a variety of max." (New Syst. of Org. Chem., p. 462.) Henle still considers the coloring matter of pile as a fat. This learned philosopher, after deploring that we do not possess a better analysis of hair, in which regard should be paid to the three substances which compose its stalk, adds that, "According to those we possess, hair is a combination of fat and a horny substance ; the first belonging to the centre, and the last to the cortex and intermediate substance. The fat," he says, "maybe extracted by boiling the hair in alcohol; that it is, ordinarily, acids, viz : the margaric and the oleic." It has, (he avers,) a Mood-red tinge in red hair, greenish grey in brown hair, and, (according to Jahns, Der. Haarcortz, t. 1., p. 49,) white hair has a limpid oil. He concludes that after the extraction of the fat, brown hair becomes greenish yellow. L'Heritier analyzed the hair of an albino, and found that it contains a colorless liquid and a solid white fat. (Traite. de Chem. Path., 616.) It would seem from the foregoing quotations, that this portion of our subject is fraught with intrinsic difficulties. Commencing under such unfavorable circumstances, shall we be able to trace this unknown to so small a particle of matter as the coloring of a hair. The names given to coloring matter are " Chromule and Chlorophyl." In vegetables the prevailing color is green, and a combination of the black oxide of manganese and potash, (which is white,) gives to water a green color. Now manganese and iron both enter into the composition of pile ; so that if hair was green, we would experience little difficulty in attributing its color to the iron and manganese. But the green color imparted to water by the manganese and potash, passes gradually through all the shades of the prism, and eventually becomes colorless after throwing down the black oxide ; which shows that the manganese may enter into the basis of the coloring matter of pile, notwithstand- ing it is not green. How is it in regard to plants? Their chlorophyl, (or coloring matter,) although it imparts to the leaves, a green color, furnishes to the Jlowers, all those various tints, which, in those beautiful objects, so much delight the eye; and even in the leaves, the green color, at certain seasons, or under peculiar circumstances, turn yelLw, red and brown, the very colors found in hair. So Berzelius mentions two substances which color OR, A TREATISE ON T PILE. 45 bile ; oae of which, found in the bile of the ox, is of a brownish-green color.* We know that long continuance in the dark will bleach vegetables, which were previously colored ; and we have the authority of Rayer, (in Diseases of the Skin, p. 337,) for saying that it will have the same effect upon hair. Should w r e feel disposed, in accordance with this reasoning, to attribute the colors if hair to chromule, it will not be necessary to say with Berzclius, that there are three kinds of it; for we know that, in the inorganic world, different colors are displayed by the same matter, according to the different degrees of oxygen and light that are present. For instance, a piece of iron, by merely heating it, (i. e. by causing it to absorb oxygen and generate light,) becomes first yellow, then red and finally white, colors which are all found in pile. A writer in the Boston Journal of Science, (v. 1, p. 97,) says that he mixed lime, alumine, silica, soda and boracic acid, and upon exposing the compound to a strong heat, had a white product; this he ground and sub- mitted to a red heat, when it turned of that color ; upon increasing the heat it became white again. These changes were produced by heat and light. Chlorophyl has been found to be a coloring material of some of the lower animals of a green color. f From the whole of the above we may fairly infer that chlorophyl is not restricted to any form of matter, but belongs, in common, to inorganic and organic, to the animal as well as the vegetable commonwealth. Vegetables borrow it from minerals and loan it to animals. We every day appropriate a quantity of it in our food, one portion colors the blood, another the bile, and a third dyes the hair.J A large quantity is not required, for, according to Berzelius, it is so potent that all the foliage of a large tree contains but ten grains! If it should be objected that the analogy between vegetable matter and pile is imperfect, inas- much as vegetables have various secreting organs, corresponding with the different colors, while a perfect hair has but one, we would answer that all the coloring matter, however various the tints, of the shell of a mollusc, is deposited by the same mantle. If we are correct in supposing that the variegated colors of the golden mole, (Chryso- chloris,) are caused by the polarization of light, that which is called white hair is merely colorless, and black hair is opaque, the tints of hair are reduced to three ; and, what is remarkable, these three belong to the modifications of the three colors the least dispersed of the solar spectrum, viz : red, orange and yellow. It is, therefore, not unphilosophical to * If to the fluid which contains the yellow coloring matter of bile, we gradually add nitric acid, it turns first blue, then green, then violet, then red, and then yellow or yellowish-brown. t See the remarks on the green monkey. J Bakewell says that in some parts of Gloucestershire the wool acquires an orange color, in Hertfordshire and Warwick- shire it is of a brownish red, and in the fens of Lincoln and Cambridge, a dark blue tint ; each corresponding with the color of the soil. (Essay on Sheep, p. 31.) ? The color of what is called the green monkey is a modification of yellow. Mr. Bennit says, the color is greenish- yellow above, arising from the rinying of the hairs with various shades of yellow and black, but assumes more of a dark grizzled appearance on the sides of the body, and outer sides of the limbs, which become gradually darker towards the hands. The face, ears, and naked part of the hand are jet black; the former is of a triangular shape, bounded above the eyes by a straight line of stiff black hairs, and on the sides by spreading tufts of light hairs with a yellowish tinge, meeting, in a point, beneath the chin. The neck and chest are white ; the under parts of the body have a yellowish tinge ; and the inside of the limbs are grey. (See Nat. Lib. Mam., v. 1, Monkeys, p. 141.) We also read of the blue goat of the Capo of Good Hope. (See Gold. Hist, of Man, &c., 200.) 46 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; suppose that the basis of the coloring matter of all pile is the saint substance differently modified. OF THE SHEATH. The cellular tissue, situated within the follicle and enveloping the button and a part of the shaft, at its posterior extremity, is called the "sheath." Accord- ing to Henle, it consists of two layers, between which is a fatty matter. This part is not said to be formed by the sinking down of the dermis, as the follicle is said to be. The sheath generally terminates at the epidermis, but may sometimes, in diseased hairs, be seen obtruding upon the shaft of the hair, above the epidermis, as in fig. 51. OF THE FOLLICLE OF PILE. The word "follicle," is derived from the Latin "folliculus" (which is a diminutive of "follis," a bag, purse or script,) and therefore means "a little sac." In Anatomy it is defined to be "a secreting cavity." (See Diet, of Med. Terms, by Hoblyn.) Prof. Dunglison (in Hum. Phys., 41,) says: "Follicles, or crypts, are secretory organs, shaped like membranous ampullfB, or vesicles, always seated in the substance of one of the outer membranes of the body, the skin, or the mucous surfaces, and secreting a fluid intended to lubricate them." (See also Dung. Med. Diet., title "Crypta.") In Botany, "follicle" means a seed-vessel, husk, or cover. " L'envelope membraneuse dans laquelle sont contenue les graines des plantes " (Diet, of the French Academy.) There is nothing in its derivation or terminology to prevent us from using this word as we here do, to mean "a little sac, in which the posterior portion of the shaft of pile, with its button, is found, when the pile has come to maturity;" without interfering with the questions whether it is secretory or excretory. This part of pile has, sometimes, but very improperly, been called the "bulb;" for that term, (from bulbus,) in Botany, is applied to the solid roots of plants that have many coats or peels; and in Anatomy, it is applied to parts that have the outward shape of bulbous roots. The word "root" has sometimes been, by analogy, but very improperly, applied to this part of pile. At other times the button is considered to be the root; as, for example, in Dunglison's Hum. Phys., 103, it is said, that " the roots of the hair are in the form of bulbs, taking their origin in small follicles or open sacs," &c. It would be better to discontinue the use of the word "root" altogether, as regards pile; as it leads, insensibly, to error. Where the follicle is found. Professor Dunglison says, that the consideration of the hair belongs, naturally, to that of the skin; and this integument he describes as consisting of four parts, viz: the cuticle, rete mncosum, corpus papillare, and corium. He copies from Wilson's Hum. Anat, 493, a diagram in which all these, with the adipose tissue (which underlays them all) are depicted; wherein there are seen two hairs, the follicle of one is represented as being in the adipose tissue, and the other below it, And that this did not arise from mere inattention in Wilson, we have a right to infer from the circum- stance that in the explanatory notes it is observed, that in regard to these two hairs, enclosed in their follicles, their relative depth in the skin is preserved. On the other hand, Cazenave (in Traite des Mai. de cuir chevelu, 1850, p. 41,) describes the follicle as a little sac lodged in the dermis, having beneath it a coniqxie papilla, which is OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 47 (he says) sometimes called the pulpe of the hair. But this papillae in Wilson's plate, above referred to, is situated above the deeper layer of the cutis the corium. Such is the state of uncertainty as to even the locality of the follicle. Through the politeness of Dr. George Hevvston, of this city, we obtained a suit of specimens of skins from different parts of the human head, body and limbs. We have made numerous horizontal and transverse sections, exhibiting the hair follicles in their natural positions, from which we infer that they are, for the most part, situated in the dermis, although occasionally the posterior termination of them reaches the adipose tissue. Horv the Follicle is formed. Prof. Dunglison* says, that the follicle is formed "by the inversion of the cutis, and is lined by a reflection of the epidermis." In his Medical Dictionary he makes the word " cutis" synonymous with "skin;" which, as we have seen above, he describes as constituted of four distinct layers; but we presume that he here means by cutis, the cutis vera or corium ; since he says that the follicle is lined by the epidermis. That the follicle is formed by this inward turning of the cutis, is a very general opinion; even Henle asserts, that "it is a true inward turning (renversement) of the dermis, form- ing a cul de sac, to receive the button." But we believe this to be a popular error, and shall endeavor to prove it so to be. In the first place, we would inquire, if the follicle is formed in the dermis, how can it invert it? It seems to us that, in order to form this inversion, it should be formed above the dermis ; but no one pretends that the follicle is formed in the epidermis. To invert (from inverto) means to change or reverse the natural order of things ; and what reason can be given why a follicle, formed in the body of the dermis, should be made to change the natural order of this integument? Is it not much more reasonable to suppose, that if the follicle belongs to the dermis, and is formed therein, that it should be formed like glands and ducts, without any inversion ? But the difficulty is increased by the assertion that the follicle is not only formed by an inward turning of the dermis, but that it is lined by a refection of the epidermis. How the epidermis, which is represented to be a dry, scaly structure, can be reflected or inwardly turned into each particular follicle of the hundreds and thousands! that are found in the dermis, is very difficult to conceive. What is it that causes this reflection ? Is it the button? Then the button ought to be formed above, or at least in, the epidermis. If the follicle is formed ajter the button, how does it pass that portion of pile so as to invert it, as it is represented to do? And lastly, the epidermis is depicted (p. 100 of Dunglison's Hum. Phys.) with oblique pores, for the passage of the hair ; and that this diagram is so far correct, any one may satisfy himself by ocular demonstration. Let him examine his forearm, and among the hairs he will discover innumerable small black specks; * Prof. Dunglison's Human Physiology, comprised in two octavo volumes of nearly 1,350 pages, is full of valuable infor- mation, as we have a right to expect from a gentleman of his talents and learning. All that he says upon pile is comprised in less than four pages, and the principal part of that is copied from others. t A laborious German has taken the pains to count the hairs upon the human head, and finds the following, viz : blonde, 140,400; brown, 109,440; black, 102,962; red, 88,740. 12 48 TKICHOLOGIA MAMMALIUJI; let him pick one of these with a needle, and the end of a hair (the body of which lies under the epidermis) will obtrude. With a pair of tweezers, this new hair maybe drawn out to a considerable length. In a section of the skin these young hairs may be detected, partly coiled, the apices seeking their way, as it were, through the epidermis, by one of these pores. But all this is entirely at variance with the notion that the follicle is formed by an inward turning of the cutis and is lined by a reflection of the epidermis. Of Pile without a Follicle. But it can be demonstrated that the idea of the follicle being formed by the turning inwardly of 1he dermis is chimerical : 1st. By the hair of the head of the foetus. We have, in our cabinet, a foetus of three months, upon whose head is no hair; we have another of five months, upon whose head there are hairs, but none of them have either button or follicle.* (See fig. 52 a.) We have a third specimen of hairs from a full-grown foetus, which was taken, dead, from the body of a female obtained for dis- section. Upon these hairs, also, there are no traces of either button or follicle. (See fig. 52 b.) These are specimens of imperfect hairs, and seem to prove that pile does not "take its origin in a follicle." We also call attention to fig. 53 c, which represents a curious con- nection of three hairs of the horse " Diligence," viz : one mane hair that has come to maturity, and two smnllerones, one of which appears to be an imperfect hair, probably never having had a button or follicle. But the suit of skin-specimens, above referred to, explains this subject completely, and puts this matter entirely at rest. In ihe various sections we have made of these, the yoiing hairs that have not yet pierced the epidermis may be traced through every stage, from the cells to their development. First is discovered, in the dermis, a collection of dark-colored dots, granules, or cyto- blasts, the precursors and origin of the forthcoming hair. (See fig. 53 "a,") Secondly, (immediately alongside,) is another collection of granules, partly enclosed in the faint outlines of a forming hair. Here we see some of the granules passing gradually into lines or fibres. (See fig. 53 " b.") No button or follicle is yet to be seen. Thirdly, fig. 53 c shows the button just forming ; the inferior extremity of it a faint outline, while the granules have ascended and condensed in the superior portion of the button and the inferior extremity of the shaft; but no follicle yet appears. Fourthly, fig. 53 d represents a button formed, except that the lower extremity is not yet closed ; but no follicle is yet seen. * Examination and Description of ihe hair of the head of a five months fetus, of one of the oval-haired species. Specimen presented by Dr. Joseph Leidy, llth of April, 1850. Length, about 2 millimeters; shape, oval; diameter, 2 O f a milli- meter; color, very light, translucent; not much lustre; direction, flowing; inclination, at an acute angle to the epidermis ; button, sheath and follicle, none. The shaft terminates in the dermis in a slight swelling, which exceeds, by J, the diameter of the shaft; truncated at the posterior extremity, and around which arc assembled dark-colored dots or grains, in groups of various shapes and sizes, but generally extending laterally from the end of the shaft, and rarely measuring more than -i of a millimeter. Shaft cortex, squamose, more than 200 scales upon the length of a millimeter. Intermediate fibres, minute; one measured the ^1^ of a millimeter. Centre no central canal; the coloring matter disseminated throughout the shaft in lines too minute for measurement. Apex generally pointed, but occasionally abrupt; none fur- cated; diameter of the point, the T7 'o7r of a OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 49 Fifthly, fig. 53 e shows the button fully developed, and the follicle just commencing to form around it. Sixthly, fig. 5'3f is an instance where the follicle is beginning to form before the button is entirdij developed. Seventhly, fig. 53 g shows the button and follicle, both formed ; this hair having come to maturity. In this specimen the follicle was white, but opaque ; and, in order to make it transparent, it was necessary to crush it, which has altered the original shapeof the follicle; for which the reader will make allowance. The same of fig. 53/1 Some Examples of Follicles of the Pile of the three Species of Men. Figure 54 a repre- sents the follicle of pile of the oval-haired species, where " a," is the button; " i," the follicle, and " c," a portion of the shaft, with the cortex removed, to expose the fibres. Figure 54 b is a hair of the cylindrical-piled man; " a," is the button ; " b," the follicle ; " c," a part of the shaft, and "d," a portion of the tissue disrupted and drawn out. Figure 54 c shows the pile of an eccentrically elliptical piled man, where " a," is the button; "b," the follicle; "c," a piece of the shaft; "d," a portion of the tissue, and " e," a vessel. All these hairs have arrived at their full development. The Follicles of the Hairs of Hybrids. Figure 55 a represents the hair of a Hybrid, a tetra dimestisin. OF THE VITALITY OF PILE. The learned do not agree in regard to the vitality of pile. Bichat divides a hair into two parts, viz : an exterior envelope, and an interior substance. The former he considers to be lifeless and insensible, and the latter to enjoy real vitality. In the Lond. and Edin. Journ. of Med. Science, for 1841, p. 595, it is said that the vitality of hair itself, appears to be proved by the fact, that in a majority of cases of a plica polinica, the matted hair tufts do not extend to the surface of the scalp, but consist of groups of hairs, which are healthy at the base, and are implanted in healthy bulbs [follicles.] But our examination of the hair of the head of Annette Engles, (who was laboring under incipient plica polinica,) shows that the button also is diseased.* It has also been asserted that if the shaft of the hair, in plica polinica, is cut, it will bleed. But both Mechel and Halle r deny this assertion, and I'Heretier, (who analysed the substance which oozes out of this diseased hair,) found it to be only an ammoniacal soap.-\ (See Trait, de Chem. Path., p 616.) Ellisten (in Hum. Phys., p. 277,) states, that in the disease Phrenitis, the hair is sensible to the slightest touch. But this might be, were the hair itself insensible, but were connected, (through its follicle,) with delicate nerves. A friend of ours sometimes suffers from severe attacks of Neuralgia in the scalp : and in the intervals of these attacks, the See Charleston Med. Rev. and Jour., v. vi., 307. t See Youatt in Essay upon Sheep, Lib. of Usf. Know., p. CO, and Luccock on Sheep, p. 81, and An. do Cliem. An., xi., No. 141. 50 THICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; slightest touch of the hair is often sufficient to cause violent pain, which seems to be in the hair itself, but the sufferer, (who is very intelligent,) has no doubt of its being confined to the scalp. OF VESSELS. In the course of our pile manipulations we have often encountered small threads, which may be vessels or nerves, but which are too small to be identified under the microscope ; some of these are attached to the posterior portion of the button, when drawn out, and others upon the same part of the follicles, obtained by dissection or maceration. Figure 56 represents a hair of the oval-haired species, with a button somewhat deviating from the normal shape, but with small portions of four threads disrupted in the drawing. Figure 24, which represents a hair of the pavilion of the external ear, shows threads. So does figure 29, which represents a hair of the axillae. Figure 31, which represents the hair of the forearm, exhibits a thread, (see "a.") The same may be said of figure 55, "e." Note. In the drawings of hairs, in Wilson's Human Physiology, it is represented that each filament has two sebaceous glands opening by short ducts, one on each side thereof; but we have not found them in place. From all which, we agree with Henle that common hairs, (by which term he excludes the whiskers of the lower animals,) although insensible themselves, because they are desti- tute of nerves, are in connection, through their roots, with a tissue rich in nerves and sanguiferous vessels. (See Gen. Anat., v. 1., ch. iv., p. 300.*) As the hair subsists from vessels, so they are influenced by the vital force and health of the individual ; so that when we see a head thickly covered with strong, richly colored, lustrous hair, we may predict, that the person is in good health; but when the hair is weak, sparse, dull shades of color and devoid of lustre, we may as surely pronounce, that there exists some bodily infirmity, or that there is a diseased state of the system. OF THE SECRETION OF PILE. Admitting that there is no vitality in the shaft of a common hair, still it may be an organ of secretion. The pile of a healthy person is almost always annointed, as it were, with an oleagenous substance ; which is believed to be of that character. In that dreadful disease, milk sickness, the hair sometimes drops out, and in proof that the virus enters into the body of the filament, Bowyer assures us that it has been detected in hair and wool, ajter they have been cleansed, in the usual manner, and have been woven into cloth. Prof. John K. Mitchell, M. D., is of opinion that this class of diseases is caused by poisonous fungi, one variety of which resides inside of the follicle, between its walls and the button, and that it ascends to the epidermis. (See Mitchell on Fevers, p. 65 to 67.) And Mr. Youatt says that what is termed the yolk of sheep's wool, is a secretion. * See Youatt in Essay on Sheep, Lib. of Usf. Know. CHAPTER II. Fiy.25 Fiy. 25-2 FJa. F10.Z7. (3) PLATE II. Fitf.30. Fiqr 33 Fia.3t-l F-iy.tf-a,. FiqZl.b PLATE III. Fig. 'J&-a. Fitt.Xt < (5) PLATE IV. (6) OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 51 CHAPTER III. OF A PERFECT HAIR. Eble is of opinion that the most perfect hair is the whisker of some of the lower animals, such as the seal, the lion, the rabbit, &c. ; but we (considering these whiskers as organs of touch) place the hair of the scalp of the white man, as regards perfection, at the head of the list of piles. OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PILE OF THE HUMAN HEAD. These are the shape or form, the ductility, elasticity and tenacity, the direction, and the inclination, &c., &c. Of the Shape or Form of Pile of the Human Bead. The greatest number that have come under our notice, are either cylindrical, oval or eccentrically elliptical ; we therefore call these the general forms of these piles. Explanation of these Terms. A cylinder, (from Kulindreo,) is a body formed by the rotation of a parallelogram about its own sides. If a cylinder be cut by a plane parallel to its base, the section will be a circle, equal to the base. When a transverse section of a filament of pile presents this circle, we call the pile " cylindrical." An oval, from ovum, an egg, is a curvilinear oblong figure. When a transverse section of a filament of pile presents a curvilinear oblong figure, the greatest diameter of which is \ more than its smallest, we call the pile " oval " When a transverse section of a filament of pile presents a curvilinear oblong figure, the greatest diameter of which is f more than its smallest, we call the pile " eccentrically elliptical ." EXAMPLES OF THE THREE GENERAL FORMS. Fig. 57. C Of the Particular Forms. But there are other shapes, less frequently met with, viz: the cylmdroidal, the lesser ovoidal, the greater ovoidal, and the eccentrically elliptoidal, to which we give the name of " the particular forms of pile." 13 TRICIIOLOQIA MAMMALIUM; Fig. 58. In this figure, A, B and C, represent, respectively, the cylindrical, the oval, and the eccentrically elliptical, as in the previous one. "a," marks a line half way between the cylinder and the oval. The pile belonging to this space, called " cylindroidal" have a form where one diameter exceeds the other by less than |. All pile belonging to the other half of the distance between the cylinder and the oval, viz : whose greatest diameter exceeds that of its smallest ^, but does not reach the f, are called the "lesser ovoidal.'''' " b," marks a line equi-distant between the oval and the eccentrically elliptical. All pile on the oval side of this line, having its greatest diameter more than f of its smallest, but less than f, we call "greater ovoidal ;" and all pile on the other side of that line, where the greatest diameter exceeds its smallest by more than f , but by less than |, we call eccentrically elliptoidal. These dimensions have been explained, because they include all those known to belong to the hair of the human head. For practical purposes, it is not often necessary to regard any more than the three general forms; throwing the " oidals" into the classes from which they are derived. To whom they belong. The next step is to show to whom piles of these dimensions belong. A is a representation of the shape of a hair of the head of a full-blood Choctaw Indian of 60 years of age, specimen presented by Dr. Nott, of Mobile. The original is black, straight, lank, and has a diameter of ^{ T of an inch. B is a representation of the shape of a hair of the head of his Excellency General George Washington ; the original is colorless and flowing, and has for its greatest diameter -{2, and its least, %%-$ of an inch. C is a representation of the shape of a filament of wool of the head of a pure negro; the original is black, crisped and frizzled and spirally curled, and has for its greatest diameter 3-| , and for its least, ^^ of an inch. The principal reason why hairs have been misrepresented in regard to shape, is the diffi- culty of ascertaining it in the way they have hitherto been examined. A hair is placed horizontally between two pieces of glass and examined under the microscope; bxit it is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to determine whether it is cylindrical or oval. Even if it is found that the diameters, in different parts, differ, you are at a loss to attribute this discrepancy to the shaft being oval or to tapering. But we have a machine with OU, A TREATISE ON PILE. 53 which we cut transverse sectioiis or disks of pile, thereby completely obviating the diffi- culty. Transverse Sections. Figure 57 A is a representation of such a transverse section of the hair of the head of the Choctau- Indian. Figure 57 B is a representation of such a transverse section of the hair of the head of his Excellency General Washington. The same difficulty does not exist to the same extent, in examining pile that is eccentrically elliptical; for if a spiral curl of this description is placed between two pieces of glass, and moderately pressed, a part of it will exhibit, under the microscope, the thin edge of the ellipse, and another portion will represent one of the flattened sides. Figure 58 is a representation of a single filament of a spiral curl of a pure negro head. OF DUCTILITY, FLEXIBILITY, ELASTICITY AND TENACITY OF PILE. Ductility is that property of matter which allows of its being stretched or extended in length, iipon the appli- cation of force or power, whether mechanically or chemically applied. Flexibility is that which allows of its being bent, or moved in a lateral direction. Flexibility is always accompanied by ductility on one side of the thing bent, and elasticity on the other side. Elasticity is the spontaneous returning to its original dimensions and juxtaposition of its particles, after the thing stretched or bent has been relieved from the force or chemical action. It depends upon a law in regard to the natural arrangement of the particles of matter, under which they exert a tendency to return to their normal juxtaposition, after having been partially separated ; a tendency which pre-eminently distinguishes solids from fluids; which latter, conform to no such law. Elasticity does not belong, exclusively, to vitality; for it is traced to some minerals, as the elastic bitumen, &c., &c. It is found in the fibres of some plants, and remains there after their vitality has been destroyed. Tenacity is the adherence of the particles of matter, constituting strength. Tenacity may be accompanied by ductility, flexibility and elasticity, or it may not. When it is, the substance is said to be tough, when it is not, it is brittle. Essential Properties. Ductility, flexibility, elasticity and tenacity are the properties of pile, with such few (if any) exceptions, that they are deemed to be essential. Of some supposed exceptions to the Rule. The properties of ductility, elasticity and tenacity, are in the Jibrous portion of the filament of pile, as we stated in a previous Chapter. It has been supposed that the hair of the three-toed Sloth (Brady pus tridactilis) is destitute of ductility and elasticity, but it is so only in a degree; for one inch of the hair of this animal, with 240 grains, stretched -! of an inch, showed a loss of elasticity of -^ with 240 grains, and was fractured with a weight of 250 grains. The cortex is irregular and inelastic ; separates into amorphous brittle pieces, but will not divide into fibrils. Sometimes the shaft has deep fissures. The central portion is fibrous, the fibres having a diameter of -%fa of an inch. (See ante, fig. 45.) The hairs of those animals that have a paved cortex bend at a right angle, remain in that position, and also tie in a closed knot, (which is not the case with common hairs,) but 54 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; they are not brittle. One of these (Cervus elephns) has hair which stretches | f of an inch with a weight of 480 grains; retains its entire elasticity after stretching -/^ with 230 grains; loses $ with 480 grains, and fractures with 490 grains. The hair of the Mnsk (Moschus pigmseus of Lin.) is said to be brittle. (See Elem. de Zool., p. 463.) We have no specimen in our cabinet. Dr. Gross tells of a lady, the hair of whose head, without any assignable cause, became so brittle that it broke off in locks, about a quarter of an inch beyond the epidermis. Of the endurance of the essential properties of Pile. Long separation from the head or body of an animal may impair, but does not destroy, ductility, elasticity and tenacity of pile. We have a lock of hair of the head of Prof. Benjamin Silliman, cut when he was twenty years of age, and another cut when he was over seventy. The greatest that one inch of a hair of the former stretches is (with 1,320 grains) ffths of an inch. The latter (with 1,770 grains) stretches |fths. The former retains its entire elasticity at ff, with 1,120 grains. The latter retains its entire elasticity at ^, with 970 grains. The former loses |^ of its elasticity with 1,770 grains. The latter loses if- of its elasticity with 1,320 grains. The former breaks with 1,320 grains, and the latter with 1,820. The hair of His Excellency Gen. Washington had been upwards of fifty years severed from his head when examined, yet it stretched |f with 933 grains, and broke with 1,123. The hair of the Hon. John Sergeant has been cut thirty years and more, yet it stretches |f with 710 grains, and breaks with 720. The Peruvian, Mexican and Brazilian mummy hairs (which are supposed to be from 2,500 to 3,000 years old) stretch and bear considerable weight. (See Table.) And lastly, we have some of the hair of the Mammoth, found enveloped in ice near the mouth of the river Lena, in Siberia, which, with 4,029 grains, stretched -/$ of an inch, and broke with 4,669.* * An Examination of the Hair of the Siberian Mammoth, found enveloped in ice, near the mouth of the river Lena, in Siberia. Specimen presented by Eobert W. Gibbs, M. D., of Columbia, South Carolina. Our readers will recollect that the latter part of the summer of 1799, a native fisherman of Tungusia, who was in the habit of collecting tusks from among the blocks of ice and rubbish which fell from the cliffs, and were found on the banks of Lake Oncoul, near the mouth of the river Lena, saw, projecting from a great height, a mass of unusual form, but of shapeless appearance. The year after, proceeding to his usual haunt, he noticed that this lump was somewhat disengaged and had two projecting parts; and, towards the summer of 1801, when he again looked at it, he found that it consisted of the whole side of a gigantic animal, having large tusks, one of which projected from the ice. But so slowly do changes take place in this ice-bound district, that the next summer being rather colder than the preceding, no material alteration was noticed. In 1803, a part of the ice between the earth and this monster was somewhat more melted, and at length the whole mass fell, by its own gravity, upon a bank of sand. Next year, in the month of March, the fisherman cut off the tusks, which he disposed of for fifty roubles, equal to about $40 of our money. Two years after this, and the seventh after the first discovery, these distant and deserted regions were traversed by Mr. Adams, an employee of the Court of Russia, and his account of the sequel is sufficiently interesting to be given without abridgement. He states that he found the mammoth in the position last indicated, but shockingly mutilated. It seems that some sick- ness which the Tungusian had experienced, had been attributed to this bad omen, by his prejudiced countrymen; but with his recovery this prejudice had been dissipated, and no obstacle to approach the carcass remained. The first discoverer was contented with his share of the profit arising from the sale of the tusks, and the Jakritski of the OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 50 Of Contractibility. We must be careful not to confound the property of elasticity with contractibility, which belongs exclusively to vitality; elasticity, as we have said, is the spontaneous returning to its original dimensions and juxtaposition of its particles, and never exceeds the action of stretching ; but contractibility is not subject to any such law. neighborhood had proceeded to cut off the flesh to feed their dogs, and sundry wild beasts, such as white bears, wolves, wolverines and foxes, must have partaken of it, as their footsteps were found abundantly in the surrounding sand. By this means the skeleton had been almost entirely cleared of its flesh, but the bones were all there except one fore-leg, which was nowhere to be found. The head was covered with a dry skin, and one of the ears was well preserved, and was furnished with a tuft of hair. But it is to be regretted that these parts have been injured by transporting them to St. Petersburg, a distance of 7,330 miles. The eyes were preserved, and the pupil of one can yet be distinguished. This mammoth was a male, and had a long mane on his neck. The tail and proboscis are unfortunately wanting. The skin, of which (says Mr. Adams) I possess three fourths, is of a dark grey color, and is covered with reddish wool and Uwk hair; but the dampness of the spot where it had so long lain had, in some degree, destroyed (injured) the hair. Tho entire carcass, of which I collected the bones, was 10 feet 4 inches long, and 9 feet 4 inches high. The tusks (not included in the above length) measured feet 6 inches along the curve. The distance from the base or root of the tusk to the point, was 3 feet 7 inches. The two tusks weighed 300 Ibs., and the head 414 Ibs. The skin was of such a weight that it required ten persons to transport it to the shore. Upwards of 30 Ibs. of hair and wool were collected, and much more had been trodden into the sand by wild beasts. The integuments onsisted of common hair, bristles and wool. The first was of different varieties, in regard to length and thickness. That remaining on the skin was thick-set and crisply curled, interspersed with a few bristles about 3 inches long, and of a dark reddish color. Some of the hair was about 4 inches long, and was more red than the short ones. Some of the bristles were nearly black, and much thicker than horse hair, and from 12 to 18 inches in length. From the above narrative, it is not easy to determine from what part of the body of the animal the four hairs were taken, which arc the subject of the following description. No. 1, is in length 6 inches and a half. It is cylindrical, and at the inferior extremity has a diameter of -jrV tn f an inch, but gradually diminishes towards the superior extremity, where it has a diameter of T ^9 2d. Of the. inclination of the Hairs of the Body and Members. Hypogastric hairs h:i\r no determinate inclination ; the hair of the navel inclines towards it ; those anterior to the breasts and of the back descend ; those of the neck incline upwards, while those of the members, generally, incline downwards ; with the exception of those of the forearm, most of which incline towards the elbow. Inclination of the Hair of the lower Animals. A Treatise upon Milch Cows, recently published by M. Francis Guenen, wherein the quality and quantity of the milk they will give, &c., is said to be determined by certain natural marks, contains some very curious remarks in respect to the inclination of their hair. THE CLASSIFICATION OF PILE OF THE HEAD. By the application of the foregoing laws, we will find no difficulty in separating pile of the head into three distinct classes, viz : 1. Hair that is in shape cylindrical, in direction straight and lank, and in inclination at an acute angle. 2. Hair that is in shape oi>al, in direction flowing or curling, and in inclination at an acute angle. 3. Wool that is in shape eccentrically elliptical, in direction crisp or frizzled, and in inclination at a right angle. OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF MAN BY THE PILE OF THE HEAD. Having shown that there are three distinct species of pile of the head, if we can prove that there are three portions of men who now exist, and who from time immemorial have existed, the covering of whose heads, respectively, do, and have, uniformly, corresponded with these three species of pile, there will be no difficulty in pronouncing that (judging from the pile of their heads) they belong to three distinct species of men. 1st. Of the Pile of the present American Indians. We have, in our cabinet of national pile, the largest number and most carefully collected specimens in existence of hair of the head of the present American Indians of the pure blood, these we have examined with the. utmost care and attention, and find them to be cylindrical. 2d. We invoke the aid of the law above laid down, viz: "that a hair that is cylindri- cal hangs straightly and lankly from the head, and that hair that hangs straightly and lankly must be cylindrical." This being admitted, enables us from the numerous descrip- tions of the American Indian hair, from the earliest discovery of this Continent, (all of which represent them as having straight, lank hair,) to pronounce that they have, for all that time, been cylindrical. 3d. Of Mound and Mummy American Indian Pile. But we are enabled to trace this character to a much earlier date. We have, in our cabinet, the finest known collection of American mound and mummy hair, to which we call particular attention, as they establish the antiquity and uniformity of this species of men. No. 1. Examination and Description of hair and a portion of scalp from the skull of a young American Indian, supposed to be a female of about ten years old, from Pachacamack, Temple of the Sun, five leagues from Lima, South America. This cemetery has not been 15 60 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; used since the Spanish Conquest, previously to which (according to Herrera) it was kept sacred for the nobles and other dignitaries of Peru. Specimen presented by Prof. S. Pancoast, M. D., of Philadelphia. General Appearance. Of the scalp, that of old tanned sheep-skin. The hair has a dead, dry appearance. Length, (natural,) about 2 inches; shape, cylindrical; diameter, ^isr f an i ncn ; color, dark brown; no lustre; direction, straight; inclination, at an acute angle with the epidermis; ductility, with 470 grains one inch stretched -fa of an inch; elasticity, entire; tenacity, broke with 520 grains; fracture, the fibres drawn out of the cortex; button, when free, spindle-shaped, and split at the posterior extremity; sheath, none; follicle, none; the posterior termination of the hair in the scalp, club-shaped and black; length, ^{^ ; diameter, | ; while the diameter of the shaft is -gfa of an inch; shaft, brown color; no lustre; coloring matter, apparently in the cortex, in lines; inter- mediate fibres, white; diameter of one, y^Va" f an i ncn ; apex, mostly pointed; some few abrupt; no furcations; disk, of one uniform color. No. 2. Examination and Description of hair and a small portion of scalp from a slaill from Pachacamack, Peru, South America. Specimen presented by Prof. S. G. Morton, M. D., of Philadelphia, being taken from a skull in the Academy of Natural Science, of Philadelphia. General Appearance. Of the scalp, of a light brown tanned sheep-skin ; that of the hair, of dry, dead hair; length, (artificial,) eight inches; shape, cylindrical; diameter, SYS- of an inch; color, dark brown; no lustre; direction, straight and lank; inclination, at an acute angle with the epidermis ; ductility, with 170 grains one inch stretched J T of an inch, and with 320 grains -fa ; elasticity, entire ; tenacity, broke with 720 grains ; fracture, the cortex disrupted, and the fibres drawn out; button, spindle-shaped, dark colored, particularly at the posterior extremity ; length, T |-g ; diameter, ^^ ; the diameter of the shaft being ^^ of an inch ; sheath, none ; follicle, none. Of Hairs imbedded in the partly decayed Scalp. The posterior portion of a grown hair is spindle-shaped, with a ragged lower outline, below which is a mass of coloring matter, and under that again three or more vessels. The spindle is, in length, T -J^, and diameter, T {^ ; that of the shaft being u |^ of an inch. The mass of coloring matter is of the length of 2-^-g-, and of the diameter of T {^ of an inch. The vessels have a diameter of ^-sVjr of an inch. Alongside of this grown hair is a young one, which is now set in the dermis at its posterior extremity, and free at its anterior one ; but which has, between these two extremities, adhering to it, three separate pieces of decayed scalp, making it probable that, at the lime of the death of this person, this hair had not pierced the epidermis. It has a diameter of only -j^V^ of an inch, is spindle-shaped at its posterior extremity, and is devoid of biitton, sheath and follicle, the coloring matter being smaller in quantity, but located like that of the grown hair. Throughout the whole portion of scalp are spots of coloring matter, some of them too small for exact measurement. Shaft cortex, transversely striated, the scales easily removed by rolling the hair between two pieces of glass ; intermediate fibres, white, easily separated by crushing a hair; coloring matter in the cortex; apex, abrupt and pointed; disk, having a minute white central spot. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 61 No. 3. Examination and Description of hair from a skull from Arica, Peru, South America. Specimen presented by Prof. S. G. Morton, M. D., of Philadelphia. General Appearance, that of dead, dried, black hair; length, (artificial,) 3 inches; shape, cylindrical ; diameter, from | to ^ T of an inch, i. e. of different filaments ; color, very dark brown ; no lustre ; direction, straight and lank ; inclination, unknown ; ductility, with 420 grains one inch stretched -Jfr of an inch ; elasticity, minus -^ ; tenacity, broke with 470 grains ; button, spindle-shaped, dark colored ; length, T - J 7 ; diameter, J-^-Q ; while that of the shaft is - 5 -J- $ of an inch ; sheath, none ; follicle, none ; shaft cortex, dark colored, the scales easily disengaged; intermediate fibres, white, translucent; diameter, from 2-sVo to j^Vf of an inch; easily separated by crushing the hair; apex, pointed and abrupt ; one filament has a remarkable natural bifurcation ; disks, uniformly colored ; no central dot. No. 4. Examination and Description of a portion of the scalp and hair from a skull from Pisco, Peru, South America. Specimen presented by Prof. S. G. Morton, M. D., of Philadelphia. General Appearance. The scalp is of a dark brown color, and resembles ancient tanned leather. It divides into layers, viz: layer immediately beneath that in which the hair is imbedded, and that in which the hair is imbedded. The arrangement is in tufts, with interstices. Length, (artificial,) 3s inches; shape, cylindrical; diameter, T ^ of an inch ; color, dark brown, inclining to black ; no lustre ; direction, straight and lank ; inclination, at an acute angle with the epidermis ; ductility, with 370 grains one inch stretched || of an inch; elasticity, with 370 grains one inch lost ff of its length; tenacity, broke with 420 grains*; button, spindle, club and crook-shaped; sheath, none; follicle, none ; shaft cortex easily fractured ; intermediate fibres, white, translucent ; apex, abrupt and pointed ; the point minute ; disk, with a small central spot. No. 5. Examination and Description of hair and portions of scalp from a skull of an Aztec, found in Mexico, North America. Specimen presented by Prof. S. G. Morton, M. D., of Philadelphia, from a skull in the Academy of Natural Science, of Philadelphia. General Appearance. Of the scalp, that of dandruff; length, (artificial,) 3 inches ; shape, cylindrical; diameter, ^ of an inch; color, dark brown; no lustre; direction, straight and lank ; inclination, unknown ; ductility, with 470 grains one inch stretched -$$ of an inch ; elasticity when the weight was removed, it had lost none of its elasticity ; * Grains. Stretched. Elasticity. 170 tfff entire. 225 & it 270 tt minus \^ 320 37 Tff \\ 370 4! \l 420 broke. 62 TRICHOLOGIA MAMMALICM ; tenacity, broke with 820 grains ;* button, sometimes a mere swelling of the posterior extremity of the shaft, at others spindle or slightly hooked, and cracked at the lower extremity ; sheath, none ; follicle, none ; shaft cortex, friable ; intermediate fibres, white ; fibrils, very minute; one measured less than the -^oW f an inch; apex, pointed and abrupt; no furcations; disk, has a central white spot. No. 6. Examination and Description of hair and a portion of scalp of the skull of another Aztec, from Mexico, North America. Specimen presented by Prof. S. G. Morton, M. D., of Philadelphia, being taken from a skull in the Academy of Natural Science, of Philadelphia. General Appearance of the scalp, is that of dark colored, dried dirt; when rendered translucent, found to be set with hair in tufts; length, (artificial,) 1 inch; shape, cylin- drical; diameter, 7 | of an inch; color, dark brown; no lustre; button, spindle-shaped, dark colored, and divided in the centre; length, T ^; diameter, ^^ ; that of the shaft being T -|-^ of an inch; the button, of a young hair, measured in length, ^3-5 ; in diameter, J^Y ; that of the shaft being ^^ of an inch; sheath, none; follicle, none; shaft cortex, friable, easily removed; intermediate fibres, white; fibrils, very minute; one was less than the -j-j^-j- of an inch ; apex, pointed and abrupt ; no furcation ; disk, uniform color. No. 7. Examination and Description of hair and a portion of the scalp of an ancient Indian, from a skull found in the interior of Brazil, South America. Specimen presented by Prof. S. G. Morton, M. D., of Philadelphia. General Appearance. Of the scalp, that of granulated, black soil ; of the pile, in tufts of coarse, black, dead hair; length, (artificial,) 5 inches; shape, cylindrical; diameter, Tj-J-j of an inch; button, none or a mere swelling of the posterior extremity of the shaft fractured; color, black; no lustre; sheath, none; follicle, none; shaft cortex, black, opaque ; direction and inclination, unknown ; ductility, with 520 grains one inch stretched ^5- of an inch; elasticity, entire; tenacity, broke with 620 grains; intermediate fibres, discolored. In one tuft the hairs were held together, at their posterior extremity, by small portions of decayed scalp, and a confused mass of young hairs, fibrils, vessels, and minute pieces of a feather. The diameter of the young hairs, fibrils and vessels, vary from ^V^o to ^V ~o> and smaller ; one portion of feather measured, in length, ^j, and in diameter, | T of an inch. A thin piece of scalp, which is rendered transparent, is composed of several layers of various thicknesses, and several shades of yellowish-brown color. It has, imbedded in it, young hairs, fibres, fibrils, and minute objects resembling the scales of the lepisma saccha- rina; one of these is in length, y^, and in diameter, ^-^ f an inch, and is marked longitudinally with minute parallel lines. * Grains. Stretched. Elasticity. 170 sV entire. 370 2 sir " 470 3 " 820 broke. Oil, A TREATISE ON P1LK. V 63 Among the hair is found a fragment of a feather, of a yellow color, and considerable lustre ; in length, -fa ; diameter, ^ 7 , gradually tapering to r T of an inch the beard upon which varies in length from ^\ to 5 ^ T of an inch, and diameter, ^ T . There is also found among the hair an insect. Peculiarities and Affinities. The peculiarities of this hair are its cylindrical shape, its straight and lank direction, its inclination at an acute angle, to the epidermis, its coloring matter in the cortex, and as these constitute its affinities with the hair of the Choctaw, Cherokee and other tribes of existing American Indians, they determine all these nations to belong to one species, viz: "xuii CYLINURICAL-IIAIKEU MAN." From the uniformity of brown color in these six specimens, in their present faded con- dition, and the black color of the seventh, it is probable that they were all originally black) like the hair of the present Indians. The want of the usual ductility, elasticity and tenacity is attributable to their partial state of decay ; and their discrepancy in this respect is probably owing to the different periods that they have been inhumed. The total absence of sheath, and the distorted and disrupted state of the button, show that those parts are most liable to decay, and even the membranous intermediate fibres which are found more perfect, have parted with a portion of their essential properties by lapse of time. The pointed apices to many of the filaments, are due to the constant supply of new hairs to make up the deficiency of those that are continually falling, and the abrupt termi- nation of others, show that it was the practice then, as it is now, to cut the hair, The nit which is found on one of these hairs, is proof of the antiquity of the Aptera, of which they are the embryo. It is probable that the white centre, which is noticed in the disk of Nos-. 2, 4 and 5, is common to them all ; but, being interrupted, is not seen in the rest. OF CHINESE PILE. Our collection of Chinese pile, although very respectable, is not equal to that of the American Indians; it is, however, ample for the determination that this numerous people belong to the cylindrical-haired species; and it is worthy of remark that the Chinese, in their earliest records, describe those who belong to this category by the term " le min," or "black-haired people," as contfadistinguished from the "Yeechi,'' or foreign races with red or fair hair. OF THE OVAL-HAIRED SPECIES. We have examined and measured countless numbers of hairs of the heads of Americans and Europeans, and have found them to be oval or ovoidal, with as few exceptions as are encountered to any other general rule in natural history. And here again, we invoke the description of the flowing and curling locks of our ancestors, with which history and poetry are overflowing. Hair, which was the chief riches of mythology, was one of the attributes of Heathen Divinity. Phidias being asked by whom he had been inspired to make his statue of Jupiter Olympus, replied "that it was Homer;" and it requires one to be acquainted with the poet to "understand the sculptor. That terrible head of curling hair, the single movement of which made Olympus tremble. T H,?cai, xvavsyaiv en btyi-Gi vsixss KpomjK dfifipoGiau 6' ctpa XaiTcu JTta'p'paKTavTo dvaxrog 16 xparos an 'dSavdrow (ifyav fretehit-ev 'OXi^Tiov. Homeri llias, Book I , line 528. 64 TKICIiOLOOIA MAMMALIUM; In this respect we are still heathens. What painter, even of the present day, would venture to depict the father of the gods with straight, lank hair? What poet would sing of Phoebus without his long, gold-reflecting locks? We could not understand Venus without her flowing tresses, the only veil to cover her charms. Shall we deprive Isis of her portion of these fully developed integuments, or rob the muses of the name given by Simonides of " Kallikomai ?"* Achilles, who is represented as of Divine origin, and who by his beauty and audacity was almost a heathen god, is depicted as having an abundant head of hair ; and when he flies, the wind agitates his brilliant golden locks, the rich curls of which seem to transform the head of the hero into a circle of glory. All these descriptions, although designed for a different purpose, are so many proofs of the antiquity of flawing, curling and conse- quently of oval hair. OF EGYPTIAN AND THEBES MUMMY HAIR. To which we will add that our cabinet of pile is enriched with two specimens (a male and female) of Ancient Egyptian Mummy hair, presented by Professor John K. Mitchell, M. D., of this city, and one specimen of Ancient Egyptian Mummy hair, of probably the Roman period, presented by George R. Gliddon, Esq., and another from the temple of Aman, at Thebes, from the same gentle- man, all of which are oval. This last is worthy of being particularly described. Examination and Description of the Hair of the head of the Mummy Got-mut-as-anch ; the daughter of Got-har-as-anch, Priest and Scribe of the Sacred Signet in the Temple of Aman, at Thebes, who lived between the 21 st and 26th dynasties, i. e. between the 650 and 1,000 before Christ; or about the time of the Babylonian captivity and the time of Solomon, say about 2,700 years ago. This interesting lock of ancient pile contains nineteen hairs, their lengths varying from 2^ to 2 T ^ of an inch. But this length must be considered as artificial, for the anterior extremities of the filaments are all abrupt; showing that her hair had been cut, probably in her lifetime ; for if the length had been the natural one, that termination of some of the filaments would have been pointed. The shape of this hair is oval ; the diameter, | T by ^g of an inch; showing that the lady belonged to the oval-haired species ; color, light brown ; lustre, metallic ; but both the color and the lustre may have been changed by time and the substances used in embalming. This hair has no ductility nor elasticity, and its tenacity is very low, for it breaks with 320 grains !f The fracture is abrupt, the fibres slightly obtruding beyond the cortex. There is not on any hair the slightest appearance of a button, sheath or follicle ; all of which, being less durable than the shaft, having been destroyed by time and the materials used in embalm- ing. The cortex is plainly distinguishable from the fibres, and is in diameter the -JOTT f an inch. The terminations of the fibres are dark colored and appear to occupy the whole interior of the shaft, except a central white spot. Many of the shafts are bent, some of them fractured, but none are furcated. * Beautiful locks. t A sound hair of that diameter would have stretched i of its length, and sustained some 800 grains. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 05 When artificially rendered transparent, the whole surface of the shaft is seen marked with longitudinal strice, here and there interrupted, and of a dark color. This dry hair is easily crushed, when it becomes bright red, breaks into portions and separates into fibrils of extreme fineness. Conclusion. We do not apprehend that any one will deny that we have proven that the cylindrical and oval-haired species have existed for twenty-seven centuries. OF THE ECCENTRICALLY ELLIPTICAL SPECIES. It might easily be supposed that in a city like Philadelphia, abounding in black faces, no difficulty would be encountered in procuring pure negro hair. It is quite the contrary, with great exertions we have been able to obtain the following only : 1. Hair of the head of a negro, born in Congo, Africa, the manumitted slave of Colonel S. B. Davis, of Wilmington, Delaware ; whom we call Congo Billy. 2. The Bushman boy from South Africa. 3. Pure negro wool, presented by Dr. Herring. 4. Pure negro wool from Wilmington, N. Carolina, presented by P. A. Marstellen, Esq., of Arrellton, Prince William County, Virginia, 5. Pure negro wool of Tom, and the same of Jenny, slaves belonging to Samuel Hodge, Little Pedee river, Marion District, South Carolina, presented by Mr. James Mullens. 6. Pure negro wool of a slave brought from Africa to Charleston, many years ago, now residing in Louisiana, presented by Dr. Marcus Taylor, of West Point, Georgia. " 7. Pure African wool, presented by Dr. J. B. Baily, of Oxford, Georgia. 8 to 15. Eight specimens of pure negro wool from the Rev. Mr. Jno. S. Brooks, of Mendi Mission, Africa. Upon a careful examination, all these have been found to be eccentrically elliptical, and to be spirally curled. We will notice more particularly some of these specimens. 1. The Bushman Boy. The following is a description of this person from the pen of William F. Van Amringe, Esq., the author of the Natural History of Man. " Accidentally hearing that a Bushman boy was in the Colored Orphan Asylum of New York, I visited the institution to see him. He is supposed to be about 18 years of age; but is not taller than our children of 9 or 10, thick set, and well formed, without any indi- cation of dwarfish peculiarities; that is, his developments are natural, not stunted. His complexion is light mullatto; eyes, deep set; cheek bones very prominent and projecting laterally; forehead low, very narrow, but not receding; comparison full, but causality deficient; caution very largely developed; combativeness full; his posterior or animal region of the skull was, I thought, disproportionably small, at which I was somewhat sur- prised. His pile is remarkably peculiar; each tuft on the head 'is perfectly isolated, exhibiting a distinct circle of yellow cuticle, or line of division from every other tuft. The tufts are remarkably small, arid the hairs of each of them so lightly interwoven that each hair appears to be tightly drawn to a common centre." MS. The following brief sketch of his history is from the same talented gentleman : " Six years ago a trader from ihe Cape Colony was on an expedition in the Bushman 66 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; Country, where he found this boy in a wretched condition ; his parents having been killed by the Caffirs. He took the child with him to the Cape, and his business calling him again to the interior, he left him in charge of the American Consul. He did not return, and is supposed to have died. The Consul brought him to the United States and placed him in the Asylum. He learned to speak English at the Cape, and he has since learned to read and write, and appears to possess at least ordinary capacity. His habits are mild and his spirit bold and fearless. His features are of an exaggerated negro type, and his chest is remarkably full and deep." MS. Description of the. Wool of the Bushman Boy. Length, natural, when extended 1 inch T L ; shape, eccentrically elliptical ; diameter, -^ by ~s\g f an inch, another ^fa by fa o f an inch ; color, black ; button, sheath and follicle, had none to examine ; direction very closely spirally curled ; curl, ^\ of an inch in diameter ; shaft, cortex, colored by minute longitudinal lines, the lines interrupted and the darkness of the shade depending upon their number and contiguity. Intermediate fibrous substance, white, with a white opaque or translucent ground upon which are a few minute longitudinal lines ; no central canal nor central coloring matter. Transverse sections or disks show a continuous dark color. The Wool of Congo Billy. Description of the wool of a Congo negro. Specimen, of a negro called Billy, the manumitted slave of Colonel Samuel B. Davis, of Wilmington, Delaware, aged 80 years, called by us Cong-o Billy. Length, 1 inch and T 2 7 when extended ; shaft, eccentrically elliptical ; greatest diameter, ^1-$ of an inch ; smallest, T 2Vff of an inch ; button, sheath and follicle had none to examine ; spirally curled ; color, black ; shaft cortex, transversely striated, the coloring matter disseminated in it by means of interrupted lines of various diameters. Intermediate fibrous substance, white, translucent or semi-transparent, the fibres when separated show dark, transverse divi- sions. There are a very few deep red hairs, which readily divide into fibrils that are very lustrous ; i\p central canal or central coloring matter ; apex, abrupt and often furcated. Inferences. We have thus shown, by the pile of the head, that there are three distinct species of human beings inhabiting this globe, and whose ancestors have been its inhabi- tants for at least from 2,700 to 3,000 year& probably from the first creation of man. These ave : 1. The Man with cylindrical or ci/lindroidal hair. This pile is straight and lank ; black ; generally long; pierces the epidermis at an acute angle; has the coloring matter dissemi- nated in the cortex and fibres ; the scales are few in number, rounded at their anterior extremity, and invest closely the shaft. 2. The Man with oval or woidal hair. This pile is either flowing or curling; of many shades of color ; sometimes long; pierces the epidermis at an acute angle; has the coloring matter in a central canal; and the scales few in number, rounded at the anterior extremity, and invest the shaft closely. 3. The Man with eccentrically elliptical or elliptoidal wool. This pile is crisped and frizzled, and sometimes spirally curled; black; short; pierces the epidermis at right angles; has the coloring matter disseminated in the cortex and fibres, and the scales nume- OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 67 rous; sharp at the anterior extremity, and not investing so closely the shaft. (See title page.) OF HYBRIDS. A hybrid is an animal whose parents, respectively, belong to different species ; and if we have succeeded in showing that in the human family there are three distinct species, it follows that, by the union of any two or more of them, a hybrid will be produced. Of the division of Hybrids, Hybrids are divisible into two classes, viz : Simple, being the product of the, crossing of two of the three species only, and Compound, being the product of the crossings of the three species. Of the nomenclature of Hybrids. The following tables of nomenclature relate to simple hybrids. A, No. 1, shows the crossings of the two species, white and black. A, No. 2, shows the crossings of black and Indian. A, No. 3, shows the crossings of Indian and white. A, No. 4, contains, in a condensed form, all that is contained in Nos. 1, 2 and 3. We preserve the names " white," "black" and "Indian," because they are short and familiar, giving notice that by white, we mean the oval-haired species; by Mack, the eccentrically elliptical-piled species; and by "Indian," the cylindrical-haired species. By the term " mullatin," we distinguish all the mixtures of white and black ; by " costing all the mixtures of black and Indian; and by "mestisin" all the mixtures of Indian and white. By the prefixes to be found in the third column, we distinguish the mixtures of the species, showing the degree of amalgamation; hepta, (from epta, seven,) being'a mixture of seven; hexa, (from ex, six,) being a mixture of six; penta, (from penta, five,) being a mixture of five; tetra, (four,) being a mixture of four; tria, (from treis, three,) being a mixture of three; di, (from dis, two-fold,) being a mixture of two; and mono, (from monos, single,) representing one. The dots (...) on the lines and within brackets in the first column of table A, No. 4, represent the degree of mixture, whilst the termination of the brackets show the original sources.* Examples. " Hepta-Mulattin " is a two-fold mixture, only of white and black, in the proportions of || of the former, and T 2 ? of the latter. "Hexa costin" is a two-fold mixture, only of black and Indian, in the proportions of \l of the former, and T \ of the latter. " Penta mestisin" is a two-fold mixture only, of Indian and white; in the proportions of { of the former, and T \ of the latter. * These tables way be adapted to express the crossings of animals inferior to man ; proper names being substituted. 17 68 White. TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM ; TABLE A, No. 1. SIMPLE HYBRIDS WHITE TO BLACK. Ilopta Mulattin. Ilcxa Mulattin. Di Mulattin Mono Mulattin Totra Mulattin. Black. Black. TABLE A, No. 2. SIMPLE HYBRIDS BLACK TO INDIAN. Ilopta Costin. Hoxa Costin. Di Costin. Mono Costin Tctra Costin. Indian. Indian. 10 14 10 .0 10 12 14 1C Husii, Mcstisin. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. TABLE A, No. 3. SIMPLE HYBRIDS INDIAN TO WHITE. Hopta Mcstisin. Pcnta Mcstisin. Di Mostisin. Mono Mestisin . Tetra Mestisin. AVhite. TABLE A, No. 4. Being a condensed table of Simple Hybrids, viz: white, black and Indian; showing the various crossings of which any two of them, only, are susceptible. It includes Tables A, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 16 White. Black. Indian. r { 14X 2 Hepta- Mulattin. Costin. Mestisin. ... 12X 4 Hexa- Mulattin. Costin. Mestisin. 1 { 10X 6 Penta- Mulattin. Costin. Mestisin. 8x 8 Tetra- Mulattin. Costin. Mestisin. r { 6x10 Tria- Mulattin. Costin. Mestisin. \ ... 4xi2 Di- Mulattin. Costin. Mestisin. \ { 2X14 Mono- Mulattin. Costin. Mestisin. . 16 Black. Indian. White. 70 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIDM ; White. 10 14 12 10 TABLE B, No. 1. COMPOUND HYBRIDS WHITE TO TETRA-MULATT1N. Hepta-hypo-mono-mulattin. Hexa-mono-mulatti n . ' Penta-hyper-mono-mulattin. i)i-tria-mulattin. Mono-hyper-tria-mulattin. Tetra-mulattin. Totra-di-raulattin. White. 10 14 12 10 TABLE B, No. 2. COMPOUND HYBRIDS WHITE TO TETRA-COSTIN. II epta-hyper-mono-costin . Ilexa-mono-costin. Di-tria-costin. Mono-hypcr-tria-costin Tetra-di-costin. Tctra-costin. "White.' 14 1:2 10 Ilexa-mono-mestisin. Pcnta-hypcr mono-mestisiu. OK, A TREATISE ON PILE. TABLE B, No. 3. COMPOUND HYBRIDS WHITE TO TETRA-MKST1S1.V ^ Hepta-hypo-mono-mestisin. 71 ^r> Tctra-ili-:M' Di tria-niestisin. Mono-hyper-tria-mestisiu. Tetra-mestisin. TABLE B, No. 4. Condensed table of Compound Hybrids, showing the crossings of the three species, from white, Indian and black, respectively, to tetra-costin, tetra-mulattin and tetra-mestisin, respectively. NOTE. This table includes Tables B, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 16 White. Black. Indian. r { ... 14 1 1 Hepta-hypo-mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 1 12 2 2 Hexa-mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. { 10 3 3 Penta-hyper-mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. ... . . . 8 4 4 Tetra-di- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. r { ... 6 5 5 Tria-hypo-tria- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. J ... 4 6 6 Di-tria- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. ( I 2 7 7 Mono-hyper-tria- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. Tetra-costin. Tetra-mulattin. Tetra-mestisin. 8 B. and 8 I. 8 W. and 8 B. 8 I. and 8 W. 18 72 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMAL1UM; TABLE C. Continuation of the condensed table of Compound Hybrids, showing all the crossings from tetra-costin, tetra-mulattin and tetra-mestisin. 16 White. Indian. Black. { 12 1 3 H exa-hy po-mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. ... 8 2 6 Tetra-mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. { 4 3 9 Di-hyper-mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 4 12 Di-costin. Di-Mulattin. Di-Mestisin. 16 White. Indian. Black. { 12 3 1 Hexa-hyper-mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. ... 8 6 2 Tetra-tria- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. { 4 9 3 Di-hypo-penta- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 12 14 Hexa-Costin. Hexa-mulattin. Hexa-Mestisin. 16 White. Indian. Black. { 8 1 7 Tetra-hy po-mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 2 14 Mono- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 16 White. Indian. Black. { 8 3 5 Tetra-hyper-di- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 6 10 Tria- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 16 White. Indian. Black. {... 8 5 3 Tetra-hypo-tria- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. Penta- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 16 White. Indian. Black. 8 7 1 Tetra-hyper-tria- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. 14 2 Hepta- Costin. Mulattin. Mestisin. Oil, A TREATISE ON PILE. 73 NOTE TO TABLES B, Nos. 1, 2, 3 AND 4. All the terms used in these tables, which were previously used in Tables A, have the meaning already explained. h h The word "hypo" (from upo, under,) and hyper (from uper, above,) are necessarily introduced into these tables, as they are based upon a division into 10 parts of blood ; these words bringing 8 parts into 16th. The whole nomenclature has been founded upon a division of eight, because it is not often desirable, or even practicable, to carry the division further. Examples. " Tetra-di-costin." The te.tr a means | or T ^ ; the di means f or T %, making together, if, the complement of which is, necessarily, j* ff , which, therefore, need not be expressed. Now, as "costin" means black and Indian, (not Indian and black,) the "di," (i. e., the | or T 4 6 -,) must refer to the black portions; the term "tetra," (i. e., the f or T \,) refers 1o the race mixed with the costin, and as this is black x Indian, the "tetra-di-costin" is a triple race in the proportions of 8 X4 X 4; i, e., 8 white, 4 black and 4 Indian NOTE TO TABLE G. All the terms used in this table have already been explained, and are used in the same senses. There is an advantage obtained by making each species primary in its turn, as is done in all these tables; for example, take the name "hexa-hypo mono," which is a mixture of three species in the proportion of 12X1x3, counting in 8fhs ; the if reads "hexa," the -Jg-, (being made from f or "mono,") preceded by "hypo," indicating that it is less than |, that is to say, ^, and the whole making " hexa-hypo-mono-costin." But if the order was from white to black, and also, from white to Indian, the third number would have to be indicated ; and then, instead of the word " hexa-hypo-mono," now used, it would be necessary to write " hexa-hypo-mono-hypo-mono," which would be unwieldy. It is believed that the tables, as now presented, indicate all the shades in a distinct manner ; and although some of the names may, at the first view, appear to be long, it is submitted that the same complicated idea cannot be expressed in any shorter manner. THE COVERING OF THE HEADS OF HYBRIDS. The pile of the head of human hybrids does not exhibit one uniform new variety, varying from that of both parents ; but gene- rally, perfect filaments which resemble that of the one parent, and other perfect filaments which resemble that of the other parent ; for example, the progeny of a white and a black will have some perfect oval hairs, and some perfect eccentrically elliptical wool ; so the progeny of a white and an Indian will have some perfect oval hairs and some perfect, cylindrical hairs, and the progeny of an Indian and a black will have some perfect cylin- drical hair, and some perfect eccentrically elliptical wool ; and, even further, one who has in his veins the blood of all these species will generally have in his head pile belonging to all three. Sometimes, however, where the constitutional energy of one parent outweighs that of the other, only one species of pile will be found. 74 TRICIIOLOCIA MAMMALIUM; This is in accordance with the general laws of hybridism, where the offsprings some- times hold an imperfect intermediate place between both species, and at others they pre- ponderate to one side. Where the progeny hold an intermediate place and they are bred together only, they gradually become less and less capable of reproduction, and after a few generations the race runs out. Where the constitutional energy of one parent outweighs that of the other, or the progeny is bred towards one side only, they pass over to that side, and the race becomes apparently extinct. Some Examples of the Hair of the Head of Hybrids, belonging to our Cabinet of Pile : 1. Of simple Hybrids. Variety 1. Mixture of white and black. 1, The hair of the head of a person represented to be an equal mixture of black and white,* some v fa by T fo, others ^ by ^. Variety 2. Mixture of black and Indian. 1. The hair of the head of Bar tola, the female Aztec dwarf, exhibited in New York, in February, !S52.f Specimen presented by Messrs. Kettel & Moore, of New York. Diameters of some hairs, T i^, others r | T by ^J^. Variety 3. Indian and white. Hair of the head of Lucy Chote, aged 11, Creek American Indian and white. J Speci- men presented by the Rev. R. M. Loughridge, of Tallahassee. Diameters of some hairs, TT and others T | T by ^. 2. Compound Hybrids. 1. Hair of the head of William Hinten, late hair-dresser, of Philadelphia, whose father was white, and whose mother was the progeny of an Indian and negress.^ Specimen presented by himself. Diameters of some hairs, ^^, others ^| T by |- , and others still vh by -sfa- 2. Hair of the head of Tuh-duh-guh-mak-ke, a male Ottawa Indian, mixture with negro and white. Specimen presented by the Rev. P. Dougherty, of Grand Traverse, Michi- gan. Diameters of some hairs, ^fa, others {^ by jfa , and others still -^^ by -%%-$. The hair of the head of Ellen Ferryman, who is white, ? Muskokee American Indian, and i black. Specimen presented by the same. Diameters of some hairs, T {g-, others Tie b y rhs> and others still -^ by 7 $ T . PILE OF COMPOUND HYBRIDS. Examination of the Hair of the Head of the Compound Hybrid, the late William Hinten, Hair-dresser, of Philadelphia. His grandfather was an Indian of nation, his grandmother was a negress and his father was a white man. Length, from 2 inches to 2 inches -fa ; shapes, some oval, others cylindrical, and others still eccentrically elliptical; diameters, {^ 2TT x Tir 2T x ^iU f an i ncn > directions, straight, undulated and curled ; button, sheath and follicle had none to examine ; colors, black, red and white (colorless) ; coloring matter, sometimes in the cortex, formed by means of minute gamphos, broken dark colored lines, which are divided * A tetra-mulattin. f A tctra-costin. J A tetra-mcstisin. i Tetra-di -mulattin. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 75 transversely by lines still darker; intermediate fibres, slightly colored; a coloring matter also at other times in the centre, interrupted. Trial with the Trichometer of one inch of an Oval Hair, April 1st, 1849. With 270 grains it stretched -fa of an inch, elasticity entire. " " " 11 330 (4 It 390 u 440 II 11 450 u 11 470 tt II 480 it 11 506 II 11 520 u 11 530 (1 11 540 " " 550 u 11 570 H 11 580 1* 600 " 1 i 610 <( 620 1 11 630 II If 650 " " 660 " " '670 It 11 730 II 11 740 u 11 760 u 11 780 u Tr -fa -fa -fa -fa -fa " " < " " " " " " " minus (i u u A 9^ s 'go .8. 11 and broke. Fracture fibrous. One inch of another hair from this specimen, which was cylindrical, was tried with the Trichometer immediately afterwards, with the following result: With 100 grains it stretched Jj- of an inch, elasticity entire. " 300 " " _ 2 - " " " " 400 " " -^. <' " " 550 " " _t^ it " " " " " " " 650 700 750 800 850 900 " u u (i 11 !< 11 11 II II II minus u u *_ 19 70 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM ; With 950 grains it stretched -|-{j of an inch, elasticity minus '* " 1,000 " " f$ " " " is. " 1,050 " " " " " i " 1,100 " " 1$ " " " " " 1 " " " II " 1,200 " " 11 '< " .2;; " 1,250 " " A|- " " " " 1,300 " " *% ' " " |f " 1,350 " broke. The peculiarity of these hairs is, that they separately partake of the characters of the three classes. The oval shape, the curled direction and central coloring matter, of the first class ; the cylindrical shape, straight direction, and colored cortex, of the second class, and the undulated direction, black and red mixture of colors and colored fibres, of the third class. The very great discrepancy in their ductility, elasticity and tenacity is also very striking, as will be seen by the two above tables. Of the Classification of the Lower Animals by their Pile. We have a considerable amount of matter upon this subject, collected, but have not here room for its insertion. (See titles " Button," and " Coloring Matter.") OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 77 CHAPTER IV. OF THE COLOR OF PILE. On the head of man there are various tints and shades of gradation from black to brown, red, yellow and white. OF MELANIC* OR BLACK HAIR. Dr. Prichard, who contends for the unity of mankind, describes three varieties, viz : the melanic, or black-haired, the Xanthous, or yellow-haired, and the Albino, or white-haired. But he is entirely mistaken, for black hair belongs to the cylindrical and the eccentrically elliptical-piled man, and is found with the oval-haired,f and the Albino is found in two if not all three of these species. (See post.) OF THE ORIGINAL COLOR OF HAIR. Dr. Prichard considers the Melanic the natural and original color of hair of the head of man.J Van Amringe, in answer, justly remarks, that the departure from the natural course of birth, among negroes, is always from black to white, so that, according to this theory, the red and yellow colors of hair are unaccounted for. Bulfon, with about as much reason, contended that white was the original color of pile, which (he says) has been varied by climate, food and manners, to yellow, red, brown and black. Other writers have imagined that originally there was but one colored fleece on sheep, and that was black; and, strange to say, they date the multiplication of colors to the time of the experiments of Jacob upon the sheep of Laban; overlooking the obvious objection, that the promise to give the ring-stroked and grizzled implies that such varieties at that time existed. A writer in an English annual of agriculture says that he has frequently had 12 to 14 black lambs in his flock, although he never kept a black ram or ewe , from which he draws the conclusion that the original color of sheep was black, and that art alone has produced white wool ; and he opines that were these animals turned wild they would return again to their original color. A much more reasonable conclusion is, that his sheep are hybrids, and that one ancestor, in a remote degree, was black. It is a well ascertained fact that there are at the present time wild sheep that are white. No farmer purposely plants red Indian corn (zea maize,) yet we have never seen a field of Indian corn where there were not some red spikes. It is not an uncommon occurrence for both parents of the oval-haired species, to have black hair, and for one of the children to have red hair. * From " Mclas," black or dark, neuter "melan." f Van Amringe is of opinion that , r ff ths of mankind have black pile. { This is not an original idea of this gentleman. 78 TKICHOLOGIA MAMMALIUM: BLACK HAIR NO MARK OF STREN T GTH. Among the last mentioned species it is generally supposed that black hair is indicative of strength ; but the strongest hairs we have found are brown. It took 1,323 grains to break the hair of the head of the Quaker giant who was exhibited in this city in 1848, and 1,373 to break his wife's. The brown hair of Mr. \Villiam Swain, took 1,573 grains to break it. OF THE VARIANCE IN COLOR BETWEEN THE HAIR AND EYES OF MAN. Others have supposed that, in the same species, a predisposition to madness is to be found among those who have dark hair, especially if at the same time they have light eyes. Dr. Benjamin Rush, (in Med. Enq. and Observ., upon the Diseases of the Mind,) says, " Mr. Halsam informs us that this was the case in 205 out of 265 patients in the Bethlehem Hospital. He intimates that it was possibly from their consisting chiefly of the natives of England, in whom that color of the hair is general; but the same connection between madness and dark colored hair has been discovered in the maniacs of the Pennsylvania Hospital, who consist of persons from three or four different countries, or" of descendants who inherit their various physical characters. Of nearly 70 patients who were examined at my request, by Dr. Van Dyke, in our Hospital, in the year 1810, with a reference to this fact, all except one had dark colored hair. In the month of April, 1812, I requested Dr. Van Dyke to direct his inquiries more particularly to the color of the eyes in the maniacal department of our Hospital. He executed my request with great care and correctness, and discovered that 56 out of 79 of them had light eyes, of which number but six had fair hair." Hoping to obtain some useful information upon this subject, we addressed a circular to the heads of the various Lunatic Asylums in the United States, but we have received but one answer, which we here introduce. "WESTERN ASYLUM, Va., June 15, 1850. My Dear Sir : Yours, without date, was received some weeks since, and not answered earlier because of my many engagements. I had not considered insanity in its connection with the color of the hair and eyes, and, of course, arn not prepared to express any opinion as to the correctness of the views of Dr. Hush, as contained in the extract furnished by you. In reply to your other queries I have to answer as follows : 1. Patients now in this Institution, 2G5 But that you might have a larger number, from whom to derive your inferences, I have, in order to answer your 2d and 3d questions, examined our register and find, that since the IGth day of April, 1840, there have been received into the Institution, (patients,) - . - 320 Of these, dark hair and dark ej'es, - 102 Dark hair and light eyes, - - 96 198 Light hair, - 128 In haste, and respectfully yours, FRANCIS T. STRIBLING. OF BROWN PILE. The English word brown, is from the Saxon, "bran," where it generally means the color produced upon the skin of a white man by the action of the sun. The French also call it "brun," and define it to be, " le colour tirans sur le noir." OK, A TUKATISE ON PILK. 79 Hair of some shades of this color is sometimes called " auburne," and at oilier times " chestnut." The black hair of the mound and mummy American Indians fades to brown. OF RED HAIR. Smith, (in Nat Hist, of the Human Species, p. 288, iii note,) says that "red hair belongs exclusively to Northern Asia and Europe. This color is not much esteemed, and the number of persons belonging to the oval-haired species who have it is probably less than that of any other color. Josephus tells us that the first man, Adam, was so called because he was made of red earth. It is quite as rational a conclusion that it was because he had red hair. Esau, we are told, was red all over, like a hairy garment, and it is probable that he was red haired. The ancient Germans were celebrated for their red hair and blue eyes. Bichat says that the dislike to red hair is not only that it generally accompanies an unhappy temperament, but because the only humor which it exsudes is fetid. OF YELLOW HAIR. The word yellow is derived from the Belgian " gheleuwe," where it means the color of gold. When yellow hair is very light it is called blonde or flaxen. An ancient painting found at Thebes, represents the shepherds or Hycksohos as having fair hair and blue eyes. The Celts, Ancient Saxons, Danes, Normans, Caledonians, and Gauls, had yellow and flaxen hair. The ancient Irish had fair hair ; so had the Scots of king Malcolm's time. The prevailing color of the hair of the Northern Russians is very fair. Penqueville speaks of the flaxen hair of the Spartan females, and of the blonde men. Blonde hair is generally (in adults) emblematic of feebleness and luxury. OF WHITE HAIR. There are two kinds of pile that is called " white," viz : that which has a white coloring matter, and that which is colorless. To the first of the above varieties belongs the pile of the Albinos, for 1'Heretier analysed this pile, and found in it two kinds of fat, (as he calls it,) one liquid and destitute of color, and the other solid and white, like strarine. The colorless pile is what is improperly called grey. OF ALBINO PILE. We have, in our cabinet, two varieties of the pile of the Albino; one of the oval-haired species, which is white with a very slight tinge of yellow; the other of the eccentrically elliptical species, which is dirty-white. The word " Albino" was originally applied to some individuals found upon the coast of Africa, who, though descendants of negroes, are said to have had a pale, pinkey, and unnatural tint of skin, soft white pile, rose-colored iris and red pupil.* It is now extended * " Albino." Negro blane, Homme extremement blanc, ne do parents noir. (Roquettc Diet. Portugais et Francais.) "Albino." A term applied to white people begotten by a white man and a negress or mulatrcss. (Spanish and English Dictionary.) " Albinos." Non donne par les Portugais a des homines qui au caractero de figure do negro joignent une blancheur blasarde et hidieuse. (French Dictionary of the Academy, 1814.) " Albino." Na adj. El quo dc padres ncgros 6 de casta do ellos nace miiy bianco y rubio. Ex nigra stirpe albus homo. Animal de pela bianco sobrc piel rojiza 6 blanca. Albincus. Especic de houibres de carnes y pelo enterimcnte blancos, y de vista muy dobil albicolor. (Diet of the Spanish Acad.) 20 80 T1UCI10LOGIA MAMMALIUM; to all persons of whatever nation or country who have silky, dirty or reddish- white colored pile, a pale reddish-white skin, red pupils and weak sight. The number of these indi- viduals is not great; Van Amringe* computes that they do not exceed one in a million of the inhabitants of this earth ; yet Dr. Prichard treats them as a distinct race. In his researches on the physical history of man, he divides the human family into the Melanic or black-haired, the Xanthus or yellow-haired, and the Albino or W 7 hite-h aired! No. 1. Examination and Description of the Pile of the head of the White Albino, Mary McWilliams, aged twenty-Jive, born in Ireland. Specimen presented by Dr. Klapp, of the Pennsylvania Hospital, in the city of Philadelphia, the 2d of March, 1849. Length, (artificial,) 4 inches; shape, oval, compressed, tapering; for example, a yoxing filament, one inch long, has for its diameter, at the posterior extremity, ^ by ^ 7 , in the centre, ^^ by |^, and at the apex, -5-^-$ of an inch; color, white, with a slight tinge of yellow; lustre, ^considerable ; direction, flowing; inclination, we had no means of ascer- taining. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. One inch of filament, (the Barometer being 39, the Thermometer being 72, and the Dew-point being 68,) With 170 grains stretched -^ of an inch, and when the weight was removed the elasticity was entire. " 220 " " 8 the mass of fibres divided into sections or nodes ; when the shaft is artificially crushed, these fibres are distinctly seen; they are white, lustrous, and partially separated; but no canal or coloring matter is to be observed through the interstices! ; centre, has a canal for the coloring * In Natural History of Man, p. 71. t The same experiment was tried upon the other specimens, and the same results ensued ; but when the wool of a pure negro, or the black wool of sheep, was similarly treated, the piles were black. OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 81 matter, which is greenish white, opaque and interrupted ; when the cortex and intermediate fibres are artificially made transparent, the coloring matter is seen collected in spires and tangled threads of a plumbeous color, interrupted by vacant spaces in the canal ; apex, very pointed none furcated ; disks or transverse sections, plumbeous colored, with some- times a minute central speck, which is white and opaque. No. 2. Examination and Description of the Pile of the head of the Albino of the while, species, James Spencer, Esq., of Philadelphia, aged twenty-one years, whose father had brown, and whose mother had black hair. Specimen presented by himself, in 1849. Length, (artificial,) 2^ inches; shape, oval, TT \ by r of an inch; tapering; for example, a young filament, 1 inch long, measured, at its lower extremity, ^\-$, in the centre, ^ T , and at the apex, ^Vo f an i ncn ', color, white, with a very slight tinge of straw color; lustre, considerable ; direction, flowing. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. The Barometer, Thermometer and' Dew-point being the same as before stated, one inch of filament With 170 grains stretched ^ of an inch, elasticity entire when the weight was removed. " 400 " " -fa " " " " " 520 " " ^ " " " " " 670 " " $x- " " " " " 725 " " J-$ " " minus -fa " 970 it broke. Fracture, abrupt, a small portion of the cortex being abraded ; button, sheath and follicle, none ; shaft, uneven, bulged, flattened and sunken ; cortex, transversely striated the length of the shaft, the striae numerous ; intermediate fibres having artificially removed the cortex, the intermediate fibres are exposed to view; they are divided transversely into sections or nodes, of the following lengths, viz: T | T , T ^ and T T of an inch; the inter- stices are bands which are originally white, but which, by exposure to the atmosphere, turn dark colored; central canal, upon artificially rendering the cortex and intermediate fibres transparent, the coloring matter is seen consisting of portions of unequal sizes of spires or threads, of a plumbeous color; the mass has a diameter of ^-^V^ of an inch, but the threads are too small for measurement ; disks or transverse sections, show a plumbeous color, either continuous or with a minute central speck. No. 3 Examination and Description of the Pile of the head of the Albino Boy, of the black race, ten years old, both of whose parents are black. Specimen presented by Doctor Nott, of Mobile, Alabama. Length, (natural,) 1 inch and two-tenths; shape, eccentrically elliptical; diameter, -^fa by g- of an inch; tapering; for instance, a young filament, measuring one inch and two- tenths, had the following diameters, viz : at the lower extremity, ^^, in the centre, -g| T , and at the apex, ijVff f an inch; color, dirty, reddish-white; lustre, none; direction, crisped and frizzled, and spirally curled; diameter of the curls, -^ of an inch; inclina- tion, we had no means of ascertaining. 82 TRICIIOLOGIA MAMMALIUM; Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. One inch of filament, the Barometer, Thermometer and Dew-point, being as above stated, With 160 grains stretched -fa of an inch, elasticity entire. " 470 " " g\ " 570 " " -3$ " 670 " " -fo " " " 820 " " Jfr " " " 870 " " -fo " 920 " " J-4 " " " 970 " " i " minus -^ of an inch. "1,020 " " i| " ^ " 1,070 " " f| " " |-a " 1,220 " it broke. Fracture, splintery; button, hooked, knotted, and otherwise distorted; one of them, besides the main body, had two others of smaller dimensions; sheath, large, white, opaque, and sometimes divided; follicle, have none to examine; shaft, uneven, bulged, flattened and sunken; cortex, striated, striae sometimes intersecting at right angles; intermediate fibres, white and lustrous ; diameter of one of the smallest, ^ -Jj-o f an i n h J central canal, with detached portions of plumbeous colored spires or threads of coloring matter ; the greatest dimensions of a mass, ^-gW of an inch ; the threads too minute for measure- ment ; apex, pointed, furcated, or bushy; disks, plumbeous color throughout. No. 4. Examination and Description of the Pile of the Head of the Albino Boy, of the Hack race, of Gape May, New Jersey, aged 12 years. Specimen presented by Mrs. Gar- wood. His father is black and his mother a dark mulatto; they have five children, of whom three, viz : two males and a female, are Albinos, the other two are black and have negroes' wool. Length, (natural,) 2 inches and -j^ ; shape, eccentrically elliptical with a diameter of ^ g- by -^| T of an inch, tapering ; for example, a young filament measuring 2 T ^ inches, had, as its inferior extremity, ^y, in the centre | T , and at the apex y^Vir f an inch ; color, dirty white ; lustre, none ; direction, frizzled and spirally curled ; diameter of the curls, Jj- of an inch; inclination, we have no means of ascertaining with certainty, but are informed that it is right-angled with the epidermis. Ductility, Elasticity and Tenacity. One inch of filament, the Barometer, Thermometer and Dew-point being as before stated, With 160 grains it stretched ^ of an inch, elasticity entire. < 220 " " 2 " " " " 270 " " JL " " " " 370 " " ^ " " " " 420 " " 5 " " " " 470 " " .g. " minus -^ " 52 " " U " " A " 570 " " |- " " 1|- " 620 " " o- ' S-A OR, A TREATISE ON PILE. 83 2 ft "90 With 670 grains it stretched || of an inch, minus " >7On " '< 4A " " 2i ' ^ ~9 0~ 90 <' *)"7n " " 48 " ". " *" "ij 9 It" " fiOn " " 6