■J! T " III. AMERICAN EXPLORERS SERIES, ©n tbe Urail of a Spanlsb pioneer. VOL. L ON THE TRAIL OF A SPANISH PIONEER THE DIARY AND ITINERARY OF FRANCISCO GARCES (Missionary Priest) IN HIS TRAVELS THROUGH SONORA, ARIZONA, AND CALIFORNIA (775-1776 TRANSLATED FROM AN OFFICIAL CONTEMPORANEOUS COPY OF THE ORIGINAL SPANISH MANUSCRIPT, AND EDITED, WITH COPIOUS CRITICAL NOTES BY ELLIOTT COUES Editor of Lewis and Clark, of Pike, of Henry and Thompson, Fowler Journal, Larpenteur, etc., etc. ■2-/3 &4 EIGHTEEN MAPS, VIEWS, AND FACSIMILES IN TWO VOLUMES Vol. I NEW YORK FRANCIS P. HARPER 1900 Copyright, iqoc, by FRANCIS P. HARPER. 3Eottlon XtmlteD to 950 Copies. W o.-.^.31..... F i9bo TO MAJOR JOHN WESLEY POWELL EX-DIRECTOR OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, WHO FIRST EXPLORED THE CANON OF THE GREAT RIVER ON TI1K BANKS OF WHICH GARCES LAST SAW THE LIGHT, THESE VOLUMES ARE CORDIALLY DeOicateD. PUBLISHER'S NOTE. It is with the deepest regret we announce that Dr. Elliott Coues, the author and editor of the various works on Western Exploration which it has been our privilege to publish, passed away to his final resting place December 25, 1899. Though suffering great pain, he with cheerful courage revised the last proofs and wrote the Introduction to this his final work. We have not to do here with his place as a student and historian of Western history and the Western country, nor of the value of the fifteen volumes of which he was the author-editor; but we deem it a duty and a pleasure publicly to testify our appreciation of him from a publisher's point of view. Our acquaintance with Dr. Coues commenced in 1892, when we suggested his revising and editing a new edition of " Lewis and Clark Expedition." From that time until his death we have been almost in daily communication with him, and never had a single mis- understanding of any kind. While jealous of his rights as author, still we always found him willing to make any correction or addition that we could explain Vlll PUBLISHER S NOTE. would be for the success and best interest of the work in hand. He had a capacity for work that was almost beyond belief; and was always prompt and business- like in his methods. He was a firm and trustworthy friend and an ideal author for a publisher to have busi- ness relations with. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction, xiii BlOGRArHY of Garces, I The Four Entradas of Garces, 1768-74, . . . 25 First Entrada, to the Gila, 1768 25 Second Entrada, to the Gila, 1770, .... 26 Third Entrada, to the Gila and Colorado, 1771, . 30 Fourth Entrada, to the Gila, Colorado, and San Gabriel in California, 1774, 3$ CHAPTER I. Officialities and Other Preliminaries, to October 21, 1775 47 CHAPTER II. From Tubac to Casas Grandes on Rio Gii.a, October 23-31, 1775, 63 CHAPTER III. Down Rio Gila to Yuma, November, 1775, . . .102 x CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PAGE Down Rio Colorado from Yuma to the Gulf and Re- turn, December, 1775, 154 CHAPTER V. Up Rio Colorado from Yuma to Mojave, January and Febuary, 1776 200 CHAPTER VI. From Mojave to San Gabriel, March-April 8, 1776, . 234 CHAPTER VII. From San Gabriel through the Tulares to Mojave, April 9-May, 1776, 265 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. VOL. I. Pedro Font's Map of 1777 Frontispiece Facsimile ok Bucareli Autograph, . . Facing page 56 Facsimile ok Proclamation Expelling Jesuits by Marques de Croix, .... "58 Church of San Xavier del Bac, ... "78 Ground Plan ok Casa Grande (after Minde- lekf), "94 View of Casa Grande in 1890, ... " 100 Section of Ives' Map of the Lower Colorado, " " 192 Mission of San Diego, " 207 Mission ok San Gabriel, .... " 249 INTRODUCTION. Garces was a Spanish priest and Franciscan friar who traveled extensively in Sonora, Arizona, and Cali- fornia in the years 1768-81 as a missionary to various Indian tribes. In the earlier of these years he was the resident minister at San Xavier del Bac, then in Sonora. now in Arizona, on the Rio Santa Cruz. From this post of duty he made several expeditions, mainly for ecclesiastical purposes, i. e., to bring In- dians under the catechism of the church and the vas- salage of the King of Spain, but also in part to dis- cover a means of communication between the widely separated settlements of New Mexico and California, and thus for geographical purposes. The first two of these expeditions, respectively of 1768 and 1770, were of comparatively little consequence. The third one, of 1 77 1, extended along Rio Gila and down Rio Colo- rado nearly if not quite to the mouth of the latter, being thus a considerable enterprise, though not notable in its results. On his fourth expedition, in 1774, he ac- companied Captain J. B. de Anza to the California!! mission of San Gabriel, on the return from which he took a turn on his own account to one of the Yuman XIV INTRODUCTION. tribes on the Colorado. These four " entradas," as they were called., are presented with sufficient particu- larity in the present volume; but this work is devoted mainly to the Fifth Entrada of our good missionary, performed in 1775-76; in the former of which years Garces started with Anza's celebrated expedition for the establishment of a mission and colony at San Fran- cisco in California, thus laying the foundation for that great city, but separated from the main party at Yuma, at the junctioa of the Gila and Colorado, then went to the mouth of the latter river, returned, went up the Colorado to Mojave, thence across California to San Gabriel, thence by way of Tulare Valley back to Mo- jave, thence to Moqui and back again to Mojave, thence down river to Yuma, and so on up the Gila to his post at Bac. The Diario y Derrotero, or Diary and Itinerary, which the indefatigable padre kept on his long, ardu- ous, and somewhat perilous journey, was fully written out by him at the Sonoran mission of Tubutama, in January, 1777. The original holograph should be extant; but I know nothing about that. Three differ- ent copies or versions of the original are in my hands, two in manuscript and one in print; I will call them A, B, C, and characterize them as follows: A. Diario del Padre Fray Francisco Garces. Manu- script, folio, size of ordinary foolscap, 11% X 8^?, INTRODUCTION. XV 211 pages, including title leaf backed blank, excluding blank page 212 and one blank leaf. In Library of the Bureau of American Ethnology at Washington, No. 7415, received in 1897 from Dr. Nicolas Leon of Guadalupe Hidalgo, D. F., Mexico. This copy lacks the map which should, or once did accompany it, or at any rate belonged with the original; it is otherwise perfect. The handwriting is not known; but it is beautifully firm, regular, and characteristic of some professional scribe or clerk who made the copy, pre- sumably from Garces' own writing, for archive pur- poses. The manuscript is therefore official and genuine, but not authentic. The date of the writing is closely ascertainable by internal evidence, as follows : The original having been finished, dated, and signed by Garces at Tubutama in January, 1777, this copy was made before August 4, 1785. For, all through at intervals, it is annotated in the margin in a different handwriting, and the same handwriting of the scholiast appears in a note at the end. on pages 210, 211, signed Miguel Valero Olea, and dated August 4, 1785. Olea was then in the viceregal secretary's office at the City of Mexico. Through the kind offices of Mr. F. W. Hodge, of the Bureau above said, this manuscript was placed in my hands April 30, 1898, with permission to make any use of it I might think proper; and I have translated it to form the basis of the present work. XVI INTRODUCTION. B. Diario del P. Garces. Manuscript, small 4to, 8-Hj X 6y$, pp. 60 or leaves 30, preceded by a leaf bear- ing in Dr. Leon's hand a supplied title and some other data; from which it appears that this copy was made in or for the archives of the Convento de la Cruz de Queretaro by Padre Fray Pablo de la Purisima Con- ception Beaumont, who died in 1779. It was there- fore made Avithin a year or two of Garces' original and is authentic and genuine, if not official. The hand- writing is plain enough, but cramped and scratchy, and so small that some 55 lines go to each page. This manuscript belongs (1899) to Dr. Leon, being only temporarily in the custody of Mr. Hodge, and in my hands for examination. C. Diario y derrotero que siguio el M. R. | P. Fr. Francisco Garces en su viaje he- \ cho desde Octubre de 1775 hasta 17 de \ Setiembre de 1776, al Rio Colo- rado pa- I ra reconocer las naciones que habit an \ sus nuir genes, y d los pueblos del Mo- \ qui del Nuevo- Me.vico. I Being article iv., pp. 225-374, of vol. I of the second series of the work entitled : Documentos para la Historia de Mexico, i2mo, Mexico, imprenta dc F. Escalante y Comp., calle de Cadena N. 13, 1854. This collection of printed documents is well known to scholars, extending to four series, altogether some 20 volumes : but none of them are common now, and the second series is quite rare; I was more than INTRODUCTION. XV11 a year in laying hands on the copy now before me, with exceptional facilities for procuring it. This is the only form in which Garces' Diario has ever ap- peared in print; and it has never before been translated into English. It has thus remained until now prac- tically inaccessible. This document, as printed from some manuscript copy of the original unknown to me, is genuine, but neither authentic nor official, as we do not know by whom the manuscript that is printed was made, nor for what purpose. The print on very poor paper is clear and open, but the composition of the types was careless; it bristles with typographical errors, and exhibits all those eccentric frailties of punc- tuation and accentuation, and perversions of proper names of persons and places, for which Mexican litera- ture is so justly celebrated. It is of course better known than either of the other two forms of the Diary here described, and is that form in which Garces has usually been quoted, as by Bandelier, Bancroft, and other late writers on the history of Sonora, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Comparison of the three forms in which Garces has thus reached me -.shows such variants in the verbiage that they may almost be considered as three different versions of the same story. The difference is so great that I have no doubt Garces himself made, or caused to be made, more than one " original " account of his XV111 INTRODUCTION. journey of 1775-76. There must have been at least two such origines, one from which my copy A was made, and the other the source of the Beaumont manu- script B, and the printed C — for B and C are much closer in language to each other than either of them is to A. In fact, B and C may almost be said to be para- phrases of A. Nevertheless, all three versions are genuine; they all tell the identical story with substan- tial accuracy, and agree in all material particulars — barring their respective lapses in transcription of names, dates, etc., or in case of C, its errors of the types. It is the exception rather than the rule that all three spell Indian names alike, and indeed each of them has its own special variants in handling these troublesome terms. Each of the three, furthermore, has many clauses, even some sentences or paragraphs, not found in either of the other two. Thus they are mutually corroborative, amplificative, or corrective. Under these circumstances, in turning Garces into English, it was of course necessary to follow one of the versions to the exclusion of the others, and for this purpose I selected A, for various reasons: It was the first which came into my hands — in fact, I had trans- lated it before I saw either of the others. It is some- what fuller or more elaborate than either of the others, the persons who prepared each of the latter seem to have been more intent upon saying the same thing in INTRODUCTION. XIX fewer and often in plainer words, than in " following copy " punctually. Copy A is thus the most perfect one we possess, besides being the official or archival one, and the one which nobody has hitherto utilized for any purpose. I note here with pleasure the very close concordance of all three copies in the matter of dates, and in fact wherever figures are concerned. Yet in one notable date, all three differ. This is the date of completion of an original manuscript. Copy A has as colophon " Tu- butama y Enero 3 de 1777 — Fray Francisco Garzes." Beaumont (B) has: "En Tubutama. I. de henero de 1777. Fr. Franc Garces." The printed C has, p. 394: " Tabutama y Enero 30 de 1777. — Fray Fran- cisco Garces." Hence we have three different dates and three variants of the author's name. Again, the initial date of Garces' Diario differs in copy A, which gives October 1, 1776, as the date on which the author went to Tubac to join the expedition; both B and C having October 21. I think the latter is correct, as the next date in all three copies is October 22. But to pursue the subject of these variants exhaust- ively would take me almost into their every paragraph, and it could be completely shown up only by means of the " deadly parallel " in triple column. Let me simply repeat the statement that in translating Garces / have followed copy A, only bringing up in my notes XX INTRODUCTION. certain discrepancies which seemed to require atten- tion, and in a very few places bracketing in the text some insertions from B or C of certain entries which the scribe of copy A accidentally omitted. With regard to the principles upon which I have done the Spanish into English, a few words may be expected of me. Bearing acutely in mind the Italian saying that the translator is the traducer, I have tried my best to prove an exception to that rule. Where I have wished to abuse my gentle and most lovable author for his fanaticism, his bigotry, his ecclesiasti- cism (as they seem to me), I have done it in my notes; in my text always holding his words themselves in a sort of superstitious awe of my own, just as he did his holy religion. My aim has been to translate Garces literally, punctually, even with scrupulosity; to trans- late his every word by its nearest English equivalent, and to give this word-for-word revision as nearly in the order in which the Spanish words run as English idiom will admit. The result is, that my translation makes pretty rough English, of more use than beauty. But it is sound, grammatical English for all that; and to my notion more desirable in a case like this than the most elegant paraphrase would be. I knew that if I once gave myself a loose rein in this matter, I should never have known where to stop; and Couesian Eng- lish of 1899, however nice I might make it, would fit INTRODUCTION. XXI Garces of 1775-6 as well as a modern swallow-tail coat on a seedy friar of more than a century ago. If some of the words I have deliberately chosen are obsolete, quaint, or otherwise objectionable, from a certain point of view — well, so is Garces obsolete, and his figure a quaint one, and his appearance in the ragged robe he wore would be objectionable on the score of anach- ronism. I think I have sometimes strained English idiom almost to the point of rupture in my strenuous efforts to give a word-for-word version; but tours de force in the way of twisting phraseology are less objec- tionable than negligently wrenching the sense of the original by too free a paraphrase. Some will doubtless demur to the numerous Spanish phrases which I have left in the text in parentheses. But I have some excuses to offer for that ; sometimes I wished to support my translation in this way; some- times I wished to show that I was obliged by English idiom to turn the phraseology slightly; in some rare instances I felt a little dubious of myself and wished to give the reader a chance to judge whether I trans- lated correctly or otherwise; besides, I desired to give him a great many examples of my author's own ver- biage. Some will find occasion to demur that I have not always translated my author — that I have left too many Spanish words untranslated, like rancheria, pueblo, laguna, pozo, arroyo, rio, caxon, canada, XX11 INTRODUCTION. mesa, cerro, picacho, sierra, entrada. To such a de- murrer I have no reply to make, for it is not worth my while to mind such things. There is one point about my work with which any critic who desires may find as much fault as he pleases; that is, my apparent attitude of indifference to niceties of Spanish punctuation; for he will do well if he can find at my pen's point more irregularity or discrepancy or indifference than I can show him in the manuscript upon which I worked, or than exists, in fact, in most Spanish documents, printed or handwritten, of Garces' time. To my limited vision the use of accents in Spanish seems a freakish thing, and very largely an affair of grammatical superero- gation; it is al'most al'ways a mat'ter of in'dicating enuncia'tion or stress of voice, not pronunciation, as in the sentences I have just penned, and ordinarily quite as superfluous, as few things in this changeable world are less variable than the actual quality of Spanish vowels. Most of my apparent sinning in this respect will be found, on sufficient examination, to be due to the singular fidelity with which I reproduce the Spanish texts which I have occasion to quote; and therefore, a criticaster would waste his time in abusing me for not being holier than the Pope. There is another point in which I pride myself on being scrupulous even to scrupulosity, and that is, the rendering of all proper names, whether of persons or INTRODUCTION. , XXlll places, precisely as they occur in the Spanish. I think that translation of such terms is bad — very bad, repre- hensible, and a nuisance. I should not like to figure at the hands of some Spaniard yet unborn as Elioto Vacas or Bacas, and why should I take such a liberty? So if Garces chooses to call a place the Laguna de Santa Olaya or Pueblo de la Purisima Concepcion de la Virgen Santisima, such is the name of such place, and it is none of our business to call it Saint Eulalie's lagoon or the Village of the Immaculate Concep- tion of the Most Holy Virgin. Once more: if our author comes to a place which he calls Oraibe, Oraibi, Oraybe, Oraive, Oreyve, etc., with cheerful indiffer- ence, why are we restricted to one of these terms? There was no fixed spelling in his day, all these forms are equally serviceable, and I follow copy in my own use of them. Garces' own name reaches us in five forms or more, if we count the accent or its absence as determining a form; and though I have selected the one of these for my own use which he seems to have used himself, yet in quoting his biographer, Arricivita, I use Garzes. One who should take exception to any of the points above mooted would betray to anyone familiar with the vagaries of Spanish documentary history the fact that he knew nothing about them. Of the high historical value of the Diary of Garces XXIV INTRODUCTION. there can be no adverse opinions among those qualified to judge of such matters; and this narrative of adven- ture will have all the charm of novelty to most per- sons, to whom even the Spanish print is inaccessible for the double reason of its foreign tongue and its scarceness, while the manuscripts are unknown except to special students. Therefore the desirability of this readily available English version is obvious. Yet the Diary without amplification, explanation, and illustra- tion would be a riddle solvable only by one who would be more able and willing than most readers to give heed to it. Garces requires to be interpreted to a generation which wots not of this martyr missionary, and has no adequate notion of his time, place, and cir- cumstance. The longest known corner of the United States seems to me to be the least generally known of all. To most persons Arizona is a vague name of a place in which there is a great chasm called the Grand Canon of the Colorado, and where some strange In- dians live like ants in a hill in places called pueblos. Again, what of California to the average person, over the Sierra Nevada, away from the populous parts? Nothing — and in fact there is little but a howling wilderness to-day in the parts adjoining Arizona; though this desert is traversed by two railroads, it has not otherwise changed much in the last century. As for Sonora, nobody seems to know much about it, INTRODUCTION. XXV though a considerable slice of what was Sonora in Garces' time now belongs to the United States, being all that portion of Arizona which lies south of the Gila. There could hardly be a better introduction to a con- siderable amount of United States history than such a knowledge of its southwestern corner as the Diary of Garces affords. In 1775-76, when our author traveled so far in all the regions just said, all that part of Arizona which was not Sonora was New Mexico. There was not a white man in Arizona, excepting two or three hand- fuls of them in some Spanish forts or mines along what is now its southern border; Tubac and Tucson were the uttermost white settlements. Over most of the land roamed the Apache, the terror of all whites and of most Indians in all that country. In the region of the Gila, where slender crops could be raised, were the sedentary tribes of the Pimas, Papagoes and Mari- copas, not very different from what they are to-day. All along the Colorado, from the head of the Gulf of California to the Grand Canon, were a series of tribes of Yuman stock, and a little one of them lived as it does to-day, apart at the bottom of that hole in the ground now known as Cataract Canon. Nearest these last, eastward, were the Hopis or Moquis in their sev- eral pueblos on adjacent mesas, almost identical with their present positions. Beyond them on the east XXVI INTRODUCTION. and a little to the south, just over the border of Ari- zona in modern New Mexico, were the Zunis, in the very pueblo and on the identical spot they now occupy. All beyond these Moquis to the north was the still un- fathomed Northern Mystery of which only short glimpses had been had till Escalante in the same year pushed on from Santa Fe to discover Utah Lake, and swung around home across the Grand Canon, then first traversed, although not first seen, by a white man. And what of our California on the west of Arizona? There was not a white man in it, aside from the five missions thus far established (1769-72) on or near the coast, unless it were some fugitive soldier who had deserted his post. The purpose of Anza's expedition which now journeyed thither was to add one to these missionary settlements, and it was added, — the germ of the present metropolis at the Golden Gate of the Pacific. Garces had been the year before across the California desert as far as San Gabriel, and what he saw seemed to influence his zeal for the salvation of souls, as well as to inspire his mind with a desire to achieve the more practical result of opening a way between Santa Fe on the Rio Grande del Norte and the new establishments on the Pacific coast. He was not to go to San Fran- cisco, but to wander elsewhere, covering several hun- dred leagues without a white companion, relying upon INTRODUCTION. XXV11 Indians to show him the way he wished or was obliged to go. His peregrinations extended farther than those of any other missionary of his day who went unat- tended. His loneliness reached a pathetic climax at Moqui, his farthermost point, where those he loved and had come so far to save from perdition would have none of him or his religion, gave him nothing to eat or a place to lay his head, and turned him out of town between two days. If we follow Garces in his adventures we shall learn much, and among other things to love the char- acter of the man. Garces was a true soldier of the cross, neither greater nor lesser than thousands of other children of the church, seeking the bubble of sal- vation at the price of the martyr's crown; his was not his own life, but that of God who gave it. Better than all that, perhaps, this humble priest, like Abou ben Adhem, was one who loved his fellow men. It made him sick at heart to see so many of them going to hell for lack of the three drops of water he would sprinkle over them if they would let him do so. I repeat it — Garces, like Jesus, so loved his fellow men that he was ready to die for them. What more could a man do — and what were danger, suffering, hardship, privation, in comparison with the glorious reward of labor in the vineyard of the Lord? This is true religion, of what- ever sect or denomination, called by whatever name. XXviii INTRODUCTION. So Garces followed the example of his master whither- soever it led him, in these years of 1775-76, and there- after till 1781, when some of those he loved and sought to save fell upon him with clubs and beat him to death. It is a sad story; all the sadder does it seem to us now, when we can see how utterly senseless were the methods employed for the most noble and holy pur- poses, how utterly futile the results. But it does not lessen our respect for the man, that he, like his Indians, was the victim of the most pernicious, most immoral, and most detestable system of iniquity the world has ever seen — that Spanish combination of misionero and conquistador which had for its avowed and vaunted end the reduction of Indian tribes to the catechism of the church and the vassalage of the throne. But I should not preach a sermon by way of preface to these new volumes of the American Explorer Series. Those who are interested in stories of adventure, in historical materials such as these, will read the book, and form their own opinion both of the author and his editor, and of the scenes of the former's life-work. I think such things are worth doing, therefore I do them, to the best of my knowledge and ability, sparing nothing to set them forth in their clearest light. If I could venture to agree even a little with some of my most partial friends, who think I have any genius, I should think that, if so, it is simply the genius of hard INTRODUCTION. XXIX work — which I suppose amounts to an ability to hold clown the chair at my desk for long periods and capacity for taking great pains with every detail of the work I have in hand. The general character of the commentary or annotation I have put upon Garces is the same as that in my previous works, which are now so many that little requires to be said; but I may add that in this instance I have very special interest in the subject-matter, having resided in Arizona at three widely separated intervals (1864-65, 1880-81, 1892), traveled over most of the territory, especially off the present lines of rails, and trailed nearly all of Garces' routes, both in Arizona and California. I am there- fore exceptionally familiar with his lines of travel and the scenes he witnessed. In this matter of anno- tating my author I have had the valued and valuable assistance of Mr. F. W. Hodge of the Bureau of American Ethnology, who has placed his knowledge of Indian tribes at my service, and to whom I have practically turned over the ethnological as distin- guished from the geographical and historical aspects of the subject in hand. His numerous notes bear his initials, and I am sure add much to the interest these volumes may be found to possess. I am further in- debted to Mr. Hodge for much bibliographical infor- mation, and he has read the proof-sheets with me, so that I have had the benefit of his intelligent scrutiny XXX INTRODUCTION. throughout. I have also to thank Col. F. F. Hilder of the same Bureau, Mr. Will. M. Tipton and Mr. H. O. Flipper of the United States Court of Private Land Claims at Santa Fe, and Mr. Jose Segura, ex-librarian of the Territory of New Mexico, whose familiarity with the Spanish language is greater or at any rate more workable than my own, for aid in any case in which I felt a doubt that I had rendered my author with entire fidelity. Under these circumstances, it is hoped that errors of fact may be few ; though no work of this kind can be quite free from them. I notice in the editorial Introduction to the Docu- ment os already cited a paragraph so apt to the present case that I will transcribe it, in conclusion : " La generalidad de los lectores encontrara estas paginas f rias y enfadosas : asi es la verdad ; pero, pre- ferimos al deleite pasajero, el provecho que de aqui podra sacar para cosas de importancia." Elliott Coues. Washington, D. C. November, i8gq. BIOGRAPHY OF GARCES. The work entitled: Cronica Serafica y Apostolica del Colegio de Propaganda Fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro en la Nueva Espana, escrita por el P. Fr. Juan Domingo Arricivita, Secunda Parte, en Mexico, ano de 1792, Libro Quarto, Capitulo xvi, pp. 540- 574, " Gloriosa muerte con que el P. Fr. Francisco Garzes corono sus apostolicas tareas, muriendo a manos de los barbaros que con grandes trabajos tenia conqvistados," furnishes the data for our biographical purposes, though it is rather a eulogy of the martyr than the life of a man, besides being too theological for practical consideration, and thus requiring abridgment in the following free translation which I make: Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of the just, for it is not the lot of all, derived from our first father, Adam, but a very glorious gift of divine love, like unto that which our Redeemer Jesus Christ suffered for the love of man. Wherefore whenever 2 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCES. incomprehensible Providence predestines anyone to the exalted function of the salvation of souls, him doth He adorn with the qualities which from the be- ginning of his life carry him on to the end, that his death may be precious in the divine presence. Thus appeared to be directed the life of Padre Fray Fran- cisco Garzes, for from his earliest years he gave con- stant proofs of the ardent love he bore to God and of the fervid zeal with which he solicited the welfare of souls. He was born in the Villa de Morata del Conde, in the Reyno de Aragon, on the 12th of April, 1738, and baptized next day, receiving the names of Francisco Tomas Hermenegildo, of which he acquitted himself in his life and in his death, since he was a disciple of San Francisco professing his rule, imitated Santo Tomas in entering the Indias to promulgate the Holy Evangel, and died like San Hermenegildo in giving up his life for Jesucristo. His parents were Juan Garzes and Antonia Maestro; but seeing the inclina- tion of the child for sacred things, his early education was intrusted to an uncle, named Mosen Domingo Garzes, curate of the same city; profiting by whose example and teaching, he had hardly completed his fifteenth year when he sought holy orders in the saintly and conventual Province of Aragon, where he made his profession with the approbation of the Re- HIS EARLY LIFE. 3 ligious. The prelates soon set him to his studies, and having been approved in philosophy he was sent to the convent of the Ciudad de Calatayud to study sacred theology. In this he reaped fruits not only to his own advantage, but also to that of those about him; and there began to scintillate the rays which divine love kindled in his heart of that zeal with which he was to announce in this new world and to every creature the Holy Evangel. It was customary in this convent to take the stu- dents walking in the fields for freedom of debate, and in these outings Padre Garzes would leave his con- disciples to seek poor laborers, and with the suavity natural to his genius and with smooth words would he propound and explain to them the divine mys- teries and catholic truths. Among others who had the benefit of this was a poor potter who made tiles, and was pleased to listen to the student as if he were an oracle. The potter fell seriously sick, and being told to prepare himself to receive the holy sacraments, said that he would confess to no one but Padre Garzes. . . Having finished his studies, and been ordained in the priesthood, at 25 years of age, his heart was moved by the desire to be of use to others; so that he begged with insistency to be admitted among the number of the missionaries who were just then being 4 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCES. collected for the Colegio de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro and its missions to the infidels. No sooner had he received his commission and shown it to his prelates than he went on foot to Madrid, rely- ing on divine providence for his daily bread. There came with him Padre Fray Juan Crysostomo Gil, who was also listed for this mission, and their hearts were one in making their spiritual devotions, Garzes re- maining in all things obedient to the directions of Gil, under which he gave himself up with great fervor to prayer, mortification, and seclusion from the world, persevering in this holy union until his arrival at the college. Padre Garzes entered therein in 1763, at the age of 28 [sic]. From the first he was diligent in the ser- vice of the choir and other offices of the community, and in such other tasks as he could perform in fulfill- ment of the apostolic ministry. As he could not con- fess women on account of his youth, he was inde- fatigable in the claustrum with continual confessions of men, dedicating himself with particular application to those of boys. . . Such notable zeal pointed the padre out as fit for graver things for which the Lord destined him in teaching rude and ignorant gentiles; and for this purpose was he one of the first mission- aries who in 1767 begged the prelate of the college for the missions of Sonora. He obediently went with HE GOES TO SAN XAVIER DEL BAC. 5 the others to Tepique, and there applied himself to apostolic ministry during the three months they awaited transportation by boat. On Jan. 20, 1768, they embarked at the Puerto de San Bias, and pres- ently the sea gave them sensible proofs of its bitter- ness; the waves rose, the winds blew furiously, and the navigators were put in fear of immediate shipwreck. Three and a half stormy months passed, and though some ports were made, Padre Garzes never lost cour- age, but stayed on the ship till he reached the Puerto de Guaymas. All the missionaries together went to the Presidio de Horcasitas, and in the distributions of missions which the governor made Padre Garzes was assigned to San Xavier del Bac, distant 20 leagues from the Presidio de Tubac; 1 this was the northernmost, and consequently least defended against the continual 1 Garces arrived at Bac on June 30, 1768. This date is given in the first one of four letters which he wrote from Bac in 1768- 69, and which are printed in Documentos para la Historia de Mexico, 4th series, vol. ii, pp. 365-377 (Mexico, 1856). They contain nothing remarkable, but may be here noted: 1. Letter dated July 29, 1768, to Sr. D. Juan Bautista de Anza; in this Garces' arrival at Bac is given, as just said. 2. Letter to Sr. Gobernador Don Juan de Pineda, of same date. 3. Letter to the same, dated Feb. 21, 1769. 4. Letter to the same, dated July 23, 1769. A full descriptive and historical note on Bac, and one on Tubac, are given beyond. The distance between these two places is nothing like the 20 leagues said by Arricivita. 6 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCfeS. cruel incursions of the Apaches on the frontier. Not less hostile to health and life are the natural condi- tions of climate, for the water is alkaline and the air is constipating, so that all who go there to live are subject to very severe chills and fevers, of which many die, and those who survive are reduced to skeletons; consequently the Indians flee for refuge to the mis- sion. Nor was the extreme poverty in which the padre found the mission less forbidding, for there was nothing in it for him to get along with even in penury. Yet nothing daunted the spirit of the new missionary; for in self-forgetfulness he sought only the spiritual welfare of those neophytes and gentiles, thinking nothing of perils, toils, and sicknesses. Such zeal was the admiration of the Indians. . . All those of Pimeria Alta venerated him as an oracle, and his fame reached the neighboring gentiles, called Papagos, . . . who extended it to the Pimas of the Gila, to whom he had sent many loving messages, in consequence of which the principal chiefs came to make his acquaintance. He showed them how highly he appreciated their visit, did all he could for them, and informed them of his desire to go to their lands and communicate with their people. Pleased with this, they promised to speak to their whole nation, and send guides to conduct him thither. In fact they did send four, with whom, without any escort or sup- HIS EARLY ENTRADAS. 7 ply of food, he left his mission in August, 1768, and entering the largest rancherias announced peace with God, telling them of the divine mysteries and attri- butes, and peace with the king our lord, who wished to confer many benefits upon them, if they would be- come Christians. On this first entrada 2 he estab- tablished friendly relations with the innumerable In- dians who inhabit both banks of the Gila. The following year of 1769, at the time of the Apache campaign, he entered their country, and ob- served various nations, of whom there were not a few in his village. The visitador general reported upon the means of preventing the bloody irruptions of those barbarians. In 1770 God sent an epidemic of diarrhea and measles to the rancherias of the Gila, of which many died, especially children; and the padre, being advised that among the sick there was an Indian woman, determined to go to her assist- ance and to gratify the Indians who importuned him to baptize their little ones. This was a journey of 90 leagues (GarceY second entrada). In 1771, believing that the founding of missions had already been decreed, he undertook to go to pre- pare the Indians for this, and reached the Rio Colo- rado, where the Yumas received him with joy. 1 For GarceY first, second, third, and fourth entradas see in further detail beyond. 8 BIOGRAPHY OF GARC^S. Thence he descended to the disemboguement of the river in the sea and to the lands of the Quiquimas, crossed the river on rafts, and visited many peoples, making peace among them, and in two months and 20 days traveled more than 300 leagues (Garces' third entrada). On Jan. 2 [read 8], 1774, he left Tubac with the expedition which was to open communication be- tween Sonora and Monterey, and having reached the mission of San Gabriel returned to the Colorado river to search the minds of the Indians and discover a way to New Mexico; for which purpose he visited many nations, and did not return to his mission till toward the end of September (Garces' fourth en- trada). In September, 1775, 3 he went to join the new expe- dition to the Puerto de San Francisco, from which he separated on Dec. 5, and alone visited the nations of the Rio Colorado down to its disemboguement in the sea, until Jan. 3, 1776. On Feb. 14 he started north [from Yuma], and with incredible difficulty went through very barbarous nations until he reached the Noches. Thence he proceeded to Moqui, and hav- ing come back through the Pimas reached his mission ' This brings us to Garces' fifth entrada, which forms the main body of the present work. Nevertheless, I present Arricivita's summary here. His " September" is one month out: see p. 63. HIS LATER ENTRADAS. 9 of Bac Sept. 17, 1776, having been gone altogether eleven months and four days [read 10 months and 27 days], in which he traveled upward of 900 leagues, and saw more than 25,000 Indians [?]. About the end of August, 1779, he went by order of the comandante general to the Colorado. Find- ing the Indians much changed, he counseled them in their inquietude, and advised them what was neces- sary to avert evil consequences. But his advice was rejected, and when he took some unusual means of bringing them to vassalage, they raised the war cry and all was lost. From the moment that the padre arrived he knew that the rebels had urged upon the others to kill the priests; and in the ten months dur- ing which the uprising was delayed, and whilst he was aware that the rebellion was daily becoming more serious, he might have avoided death justifiably by escaping from the incessant danger in which he was placed. But his life was Christ, and to die was to be his reward. Life and death he regarded as equally good for his soul. For, if his life should be spared in the revolt of the Indians, with his life would he pay the debt he owed to the Lord; if he should die therein, in this way would he go to his reward, shedding his sacrificial blood; so he neither feared death nor sought to save his life. If the Master should not per- mit them to kill him, his whole life was to be em- 10 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCES. ployed in his apostolic ministry and in preaching the Gospel; if it were His holy will that he should lose his life, he would go straight to glory (de repcnte lograri-a verle en la Gloria), and be freed from all the calamities of this life. . . The remainder of Arricivita's eulogy proceeds in similar vein, with merely a reference to the tragedy of July 17-19, 1781, in which Garces and three other priests were slain, together with almost all the other white men of the two mission-colonies which had been established on the Colorado, one at Yuma, and the other a few miles lower down. For details of the massacre we turn to Arricivita's chap. ix. of the same Fourth Book, entitled: Furiosa rebelion de los Yu- mas : matan a los quatro Padres, Soldados y Pobla- dores, y cautivan a sus hijos y mugeres. This I will give in part, in so far as relates to the actual event. But first for some of the circumstances leading up to the catastrophe which so soon followed upon the founding of these two settlements, mainly derived from Arricivita's two preceding chapters. The missions of Pimeria Alta were in a sad state in 1776; but the viceroy, Bucareli, had made arrange- ments for the founding of missions on the Gila and Colorado, under the protection of the presidios of Buena Vista and Horcasitas, which were to be trans- PALMA APPEARS ON THE SCENE. II ferred to those rivers. It was to this end that during Anza's expedition of 1775-76 Garces and his com- panion Eisarc were left on the Colorado to try the temper of the natives for the catechism and vassalage of the king. When Anza was again on the Colorado, in May, 1776, he found Eisarc well fixed at Yuma, but could learn nothing of Garces — very naturally, as the latter was just then afar in California. Anza returned to Horcasitas June 1, 1776. He was ac- companied by Eisarc, who drops out of the story at this point; and also by the Yuma chief, one Captain Palma, together with a brother of his, one Captain Pablo, a son of the latter, and a Cajuenche Indian. These four Indians Anza took on to the City of Mex- ico, where they were handsomely entertained, etc., as elsewhere narrated. Palma in particular was so impressed that he sought holy baptism and received it under the name of San Salvador; and he also begged that padres might be sent to his nation to instruct them in Christian doctrine. Bucareli ap- pears to have been not less pleased with Palma's un- equivocal evidences of sincerity, and all things seemed highly promising. Garces was still off on his peregrinations, not re- turning to Bac till Sept. 17, 1776, and being unable to send to His Excellency the desired reports, including ing his diary and Font's map, till January, 1777. He 12 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCES. favored the project of establishing the new missions, but it was brought to a standstill by some new ar- rangements the King of Spain had ordered for the government of the Provincias Internas, by the crea- tion of a comandante general independent of the viceroy. Don Teodoro de Croix received this ap- pointment, and affairs of the provinces passed into the hands of new officials who were ignorant in the most important particulars. Palma was still in Mexico when the new command- ing general arrived. Anza was soon appointed governor of New Mexico, and thus the services of this sagacious and experienced officer were lost to the particular matter with which we are here con- cerned. Bucareli commended Palma to Croix, and some understanding between the viceroy and the new general was reached, whereby Croix gave Palma his word that he would soon arrange for padres and other Spaniards to settle among the Yumas, and macle some other promises which aftenvard gave the padres much trouble. Whereupon Palma departed much pleased, as already said. Among the diaries and other documents, there was delivered, by order of His Excellency, to the com- manding general a letter of Garces'. 4 To this the 4 Evidently relating to his disagreeable experiences with the commanding officer of Monterey, as fully set forth in his Diary at date of Mar. 24, 1776, which see, beyond. CROIX IN COMMAND. 13 general replied from Mexico in March, 1777, saying that he ordered the commandant of Monterey to treat kindly any Indians who might come to those estab- lishments from the Rio Colorado. The treatment which had been ordered in such cases was a matter which had moved Garces to protest, and excited fears amply justified by the event; for it seems to have been one of the factors in the insurrection of the Yumas and the dreadful massacre in which it ended. The commanding general also said in his reply that as to the projected transfer of the garrisons of Buena Vista and Horcasitas to the Colorado and Gila he would see about that. By this letter Garces first learned of the promotion of Croix to be commanding general, and sent him his compliments, together with Font's map of the expedition of 1775-76, when Font went as far as San Francisco and Garces to the Moquis. To all of this the commanding general replied with thanks, manifesting a great desire to proceed to So- nora, to carry into effect his plan of going in person to the Colorado and thence to Monterey. This would have been of great advantage to those prov- inces and to all the nations who were to be subju- gated; but though Croix so proposed, God so dis- posed that he was long detained by sickness at Chihuahua. By this time, early in 1777, the King of Spain had 14 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCfs. received word of Palma's visit to Mexico, and seen the memorial in which the latter begged to be bap- tized, as well as the reports of the expeditions of 1775-76. By letter dated Feb. 14, 1777, he ordered Croix to concede to Palma the promised missions and presidios, together with other things which, had they been attended to, would have facilitated the reduc- tion of so great a gentilism, and missions could have been founded with that solidarity so necessary in those remote and risky regions. The king was also graciously pleased to cause to be conveyed to Garces the royal approbation of his peregrinations of 1775-76, etc., as appears by a letter Garces received, dated Mexico, Aug. 9, 1777. It was in March, 1778, that Palma, seeing no sign of fulfillment of the promises which had been made to him, went to Altar to find out what was the matter. The officer in command there was much embarrassed at Palma's importunities, but put him off by saying that the commanding general was disposed to go to the Colorado with priests and other Spaniards, but meanwhile was visiting some of the eastern presidios, on his return from which he would come to found missions and presidios on the Colorado. This quieted the anxiety of Palma, who went home to await the fulfillment of these promises. Time passed, the year ended, nothing was done, and Palma's peo- YUMA MISSIONS TO BE FOUNDED. 1 5 pie taunted him, saying that he had been stuffed with lies. Being thus put to the blush, he made another journey to Altar, whose captain, Don Pedro Tueros, was then in command at Horcasitas. Palma also went there, and represented to the captain the reasons for his repeated importunities. The captain reported the whole case to the commanding general, who was still in Chihuahua. The king's order, which Croix had received, the promises made to Palma, and the reasonableness of the latter's insistence, determined the general to send padres to Yuma. On Feb. 5, 1779, he wrote to the president of missions, and also to Garces, informing them of Palma's representa- tions; in consequence of which it was resolved that Garces, accompanied by another religious, should soon go to the Colorado to console the Yumas, and begin the catechism and baptism of those infidels. At the same time the Sonoran authorities were or- dered to furnish the necessary outfit of men and sup- plies. The padre presidente explored the mind of Padre Fray Juan Diaz, who had already been on the Colorado in 1774 with Anza and Garces, and this priest was selected to accompany Garces on the new enterprise. The political governor, Don Pedro Cor- balan, soon issued the necessary warrant. The mili- tary governor, Don Pedro Tueros, could not refrain from showing lukewarmness in detailing an escort, as 1 6 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCES. his soldiers were few for the defense of the province, in which the Indians were rebellious, committing rob- beries and bloody outrages on every hand; however, he answered the letter in which he was asked for an ample escort by saying that Garces might pick out the smallest number of soldiers that would answer the purpose, as he could get along better with a few good ones than with many bad ones; but he did not desig- nate a certain number for the journey. This reserve was to justify his conduct, under the circumstances that there had arrived at the Presidio de Altar four Yumas, with the complaint that four Papagos had killed one of the former nation; whence it was feared that the expedition would find it difficult to pass through one of these nations to the other. This whole enterprise was a weighty matter requir- ing serious consideration; and from the first confer- ence which the president of missions had with Padres Diaz and Garces concerning the order of the general for them to go to the Colorado, natural reason urged that the padres should be ready to start as soon as the required outfit could be secured, but not before. The experienced padres realized the difficulties and dangers of establishing so distant a mission; at the same time they wished no delay, and were con- fident that the desired presidio would soon be estab- lished. But the discussion of ways and means was PROGRESS OF THE AFFAIR. I 7 a long, tedious one, reaching the viceroy and the col- lege. Arricivita devotes several columns to the sub- ject, going into details hardly to be followed in the present slight sketch. The intended transfer of the forces from Buena Vista and Horcasitas was finally vetoed, in view of disturbances on all hands in Sonora. Garces was content to ask for no more than 15 soldiers and a ser- geant, whom he selected from the presidios of Tucson and Altar; but, in fact, 12 were all he received. The period from February through July, 1779, was con- sumed in preparations for the journey, and on Aug. 1 Garces, with Diaz and their slender retinue, started for their destination via Sonoita, which place they reached in a few days, and left on the 10th for the Colorado, but were obliged to return for lack of water. Diaz remained while Garces started again to travel light, with two soldiers and one other. He reached Yuma late in the month, and on Sept. 3 sent the soldiers back to Diaz with information of the trouble he was already having through turbulency and dissensions among the Yumas and Jalchedunes. The soldiers reached Diaz at Sonoita, and at the same time a Papago reported that some of his nation had revolted and were disposed to attack the expedition en route; whereupon the handful of men with Diaz were inclined to abscond. The case reached the 1 8 BIOGRAPHY OF GARC&S. higher authorities, and the padres were advised to postpone further operations. But they were firm, and in fact under orders of the commanding general to persevere. Diaz succeeded in joining Garces at Yuma on Oct. 2, with perhaps a dozen men. There was trouble from the start, owing to the wide discrepancy be- tween what Palma's people had been led to expect in the way of lavish gifts, and the beggarly kit which a couple of seedy friars had to divide among so many — to say nothing of the indigence of the priests and soldiers themselves, who almost lacked means of sub- sistence. Early in November Garces reported their necessitous condition. On the 3d the commanding general, who had recovered his health, arrived at Arizpe, where he received Garces' letter, and soon afterward Diaz reported to him in person. At this juncture Padre Fray Juan Antonio Barraneche (or Barrenche) was sent to Garces' assistance. During that winter of discontent, with Palma's dis- affection, many Indians in revolt, and everything hanging by the eyelids, much red tape was wound about the usual circumlocution; but it was finally de- termined to establish two foundations on the Colo- rado, formal orders for which were issued Mar. 20, 1780. The scheme was a novel one — one so novel that Arricivita styles its author, Croix, " an artificer TWO MISSIONS ESTABLISHED. IO, of death " (artifice de morir). The plan was for neither a presidio, a mission, nor a pueblo, each of which was intelligible to a Spaniard, but a mongrel affair nobody could manage, combining features of all three such establishments; and there were to be two such mongrels. For the first of these were de- tailed a corporal, nine soldiers, ten colonists, and six laborers; for the second, a corporal, eight soldiers, ten colonists, and six laborers. Such were the two presidio-pueblo-missions established on the Colo- rado; the one at Puerto de la Purisima Concepcion, identical in site with modern Fort Yuma, and the other perhaps eight miles lower down the river, at a place called San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner, near the site of modern Fort Defiance (Pilot Knob). The logic of events showed the whole business to be crim- inal stupidity, ending in a bloody catastrophe. The victims of this nuevo modo de conquistar, de- vised by politicos arbitristas unversed in such affairs, against the protests of the priests and the warnings of such an experienced officer as Anza, arrived at their appointed posts in the autumn of 1780. Arri- civita's census is: 20 families of settlers or colonists; 12 of laborers, and 21 of soldiers; " all brought their wives and plenty of children." One padre, Matias Moreno, had meanwhile been added to the three al- ready mentioned; the non-commissioned officers were 20 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCES. Ensign Santiago de las Islas, in whose charge the people came; Sergeant Jose (or Juan) de la Vega; Corporal Juan Miguel Palomino; and Corporal Pas- cual Rivera. To make bad matters worse, if possi- ble, with the Indians, the little horde of invaders pro- ceeded coolly to appropriate the best lands of the Yumas, whose milpas their horses and cattle soon damaged or destroyed. No wonder the savage abo- riginal proprietors of this demesne were ripe for treason, stratagem, and spoils by the time such char- acteristically Spanish arrangements for the temporali- ties had been completed, with Padres Garces and Bar- raneche in charge of the spiritualities at Concepcion, while Padres Juan Diaz and Matias Moreno under- took the cure of inflamed souls at Bicuner. This brings us back to Arricivita's ninth chapter, on the " furious rebellion of the Yumas," with which we started roundabout the sad story. We may imag- ine how the winter of their discontent on both sides wore on, but have no consecutive record of the rest of 1780 and the early months of 1781. But in June there arrived at Yuma Captain Fernando Xavier de Rivera y Moncada, then lieutenant governor of Lower California, who had before been commandant of the new establishments of Monterey, having come into that country in 1769. At this time he was from Sonora, with some soldiers and about 40 recruits for THE STORM BURSTS. 21 the Californian settlements. Some of his people he sent back to Sonora, others he sent on to California, whilst he remained to his death with about a dozen men, in camp at the mouth of the Gila, directly op- posite Concepcion (Yuma). Thus the outraged and outrageous Yumas had three separate groups of Spaniards to massacre. The storm burst on Tuesday, July 17, 1781. At Concepcion Garces was saying mass to some of the people, mostly women, the rest of the settlers being scattered in the fields, excepting Ensign Islas and Corporal Baylon, the latter being on guard. Garces had just passed from the missal to the gospel of the day when a tumult arose, and the Indians besieged the church and other houses. Service was instantly sus- pended. Islas, who was in command, had hardly called to arms when he was clubbed to death and his body thrown in the river. Both padres survived the first outbreak, whilst the Indians were butchering right and left, and looting the houses; both heard con- fessions and administered the sacraments to some in the agony of death. The day passed, and fuc 'la noche triste ' at Concepcion. More effectual still was the havoc wrought that same day at Bicuner, the at- tack upon which had been simultaneous. There, Padres Diaz and Moreno were preparing to say mass and administer the viaticum when they were set upon 22 BIOGRAPHY OF GARCES. furiously and both killed, as were Sergeant Vega and most of the soldiers, in the first onslaught. Only five men survived this day at Bicuiier, all the women and children were made captives, and the settlement was entirely destroyed. At Concepcion, where hostilities seem to have been suspended on the 17th after the first outrages, the assault was renewed on the after- noon of the 1 8th, about three o'clock, when the sav- ages returned from their attack upon Rivera's camp across the river, where the massacre had been com- plete — not a man escaped death. Concepcion was sacked and burned, and most of the men killed; but both priests were still spared, having found refuge with some of the Indians who remained their friends. It is related that Palma himself favored them, saying they were good men, who had done no harm, and should not be put to death. But on the 19th, at the instigation of a certain Nifora Indian, " vile slave and infamous apostate," who cried out, " If these are left alive, all is lost — they are the worst of all!" both Garces and Barraneche were beaten to death. Thus began in blunder and ended in blood, after enduring a few months, the only missions there ever were upon the Colorado. All four of the priests re- ceived the crown of martyrdom. The victims of the massacre were nearly or about 50 in number. Among the names of 20 soldiers and 14 settlers which have AFTER THE YUMA MASSACRE. 23 reached us, there were the following- survivors: Jose Reyes Pacheco, Pedro Solares, Miguel Antonio Ro- mero, soldiers; Matias de Castro, Juan Jose Miranda, Jose Ignacio Bengachea, Jose Urrea, settlers. Two of the most remarkable features of the catastrophe are, that the victims were all, or nearly all, clubbed to death; and that all the women and children were spared — captured and enslaved, but not outraged. I do not know where to find the exact parallel of this in the annals of Indian massacre. The fame of so atrocious an affair flew on the wings of the four winds and soon reached the Span- ish authorities. Meanwhile, Ensign Limon, Rivera y Moncada's officer, who had escorted some of the latter's people to San Gabriel, returned from his trip with nine men, on Aug. 21st. He was attacked and repulsed with some loss, and hastened back with the news to San Gabriel, whence Governor Neve sent him by a different route with a report to Croix dated Sept. 1 st. In the other direction word was carried by the Pimas to Tucson, and by one of the survivors to Altar, reaching Croix in August. An expedition was soon on foot for the scene of the disaster, for the special purpose, it would seem, of recovering the bodies of the four priests; but punishment of the rebel apostates, and ransom of the captives, were among its objects. 24 CONCLUSION OF BIOGRAPHY. There is no need here to protract the dismal story, either of operations in the field or of the long legal depositions which were taken and official reports which were made. The remains of the four martyrs were recovered, and finally laid to rest forever in one coffin in the church at Tubutama. But a few words concerning GarceY fellow laborers in so sadly watered a vineyard of the Lord may not be out of place. Bar- raneche, whose first work as a missionary ended at his death at the early age of 32 years, was born in 1749 in the town of Lacazor, bishopric of Pamplona, and Kingdom of Navarre. He was in Cuba as a child, joined the Franciscans in 1768, and came to the college of Queretaro in 1773. Moreno's life as a missionary also began on the scene of his death. He was the son of Matias Moreno and Maria Catalina Gil, born at Almarza, in the jurisdiction of Soria and bishopric of Osma, and baptized May 24, 1744; he took his holy orders in 1762, and came to Mexico in 1769. Diaz was a native of Alaxar in the bishopric of Seville, born in May, 1736. His real name was not Diaz, as he was son of Juan Marcelo and Feliciana Basquez, named Alonzo Diaz at his confirmation, and Juan Marcelo Diaz on taking holy orders. He came to the college of Queretaro in 1763; in 1768 he was assigned to the mission of Caborca in Pimeria Alta, and in 1774 was with Garces on Anza's expedition to San Gabriel. THE FOUR ENTRADAS OF GARCES. (1768-74-) In order to inform the reader fully of the condi- tions under which Garces undertook the journey of 1775-76 which forms the body of the present work, it will be well to glance at his previous entradas of 1768, 1770, 1 77 1, and 1774. I derive the following- data mainly from Arricivita's Cronica, which will also be found digested in Bancroft's Ariz, and N. M. I. GARCES' FIRST ENTRADA, TO THE GILA, 1 768. Arricivita's Chronicle, Mexico, 1792, devotes capi- tulo xiii, pp. 394-399, to the Entrada de los Misio- neros en Sonora, these Franciscans having left San Bias Jan. 20 and reached Guaymas May 9, 1768. His next chapter, pp. 400-404, treats of the Nuevos Tra- bajos de los Misioneros, etc., and here we find the record of Garces' First Entrada, pp. 403. 404, of which I give a brief summary: At this time Garces was the minister of San Xavier del Bac, bent on reaping a crop of souls for God and the King of Spain. He had sent messages to ran- cherias of the gentiles, was determined to visit them, 26 FIRST AND SECOND ENTRADAS. and four Indians came to guide him. Hearing of this, a military officer sought to stop him, with the information that the Papagos, through whose lands Garces was to pass, had revolted. But the padre well knew this was a false manifest, and so left Bac on Aug. 29, 1768, with only one Indian of his mission and the four already said. He traveled about 80 leagues west, north, and southeast, among many Papago rancherias, including a very large one on the Gila. This is about all we know of the journey; for the chronicler's chapter is mostly theological. Gar- ces appears to have been back in his mission of Bac by October, and fell sick with what is called an apo- plexy. Nevertheless, the report of the entrada of the missionary soon spread through all the rancherias of the gentiles who lived on the Gila; and, attracted by the sweet savor {bien olor) of Christ, whose faith and gospel Garces had announced, they were all rejoiced, especially at the prospect that he would come again to visit them. 2. GARCES' SECOND ENTRADA, TO THE GILA, 1770. But various things, including Apaches and Seris, delayed Garces' return till late in 1770. We have a fuller account of this entrada in Arricivita, pp. 416, 417, in substance as follows: In October of this year there was an epidemic of SECOND ENTRADA. 27 measles, fever, and diarrheas throughout the prov- ince, of which diseases many died. A married wo- man fled from Bac; the Pimas Gilenos sent word to Garces that a converted Indian was very sick; and so, to retake the first, help the second, and comfort everybody, Garces left Bac Oct. 18, equipped only with charity and apostolic zeal, intending to return in five days. Traveling northwest, across a valley different from those of the Papagos, he inspected the rancherias of Cuitoat, Oapars, and Tubasa, some of whose inhabitants were at his mission, though he could not gather them all in, through their fear of speedy death. On the 19th he went westward in search of the sick man, among various rancherias, in- cluding Aquitun; on one roundabout he found a gen- tile, very old and very sick, whom he catechised and baptized with great gusto, and who presently died. On the 20th he reached the Gila, where the natives of Pitac received him joyfully, and there he baptized the sick children who were in greatest danger. 21st, he reached the spot where he had been in 1768, and where the governor assured him that they all wanted a padre to teach them; here he baptized 22, and was almost detained by force, but managed to break away, and went on down river where there were good crops and many rancherias, among them one on the other side named Napeut. The padre said mass, baptized 28 SECOND ENTRADA. two aggravated cases of sickness, saw many people and good land, and was told that he was near the Opas, a nation who spoke the language of the Yumas and Cocomaricopas. Leaving the Indians who had accompanied him, he set out with only one of those of the Gila, who had a little pinole and jerked meat, and passing the pueblo of Sutaquison, and another large one lower down, he reached a saline on the 23d ; w r hence traveling northwest he arrived that night at the Opas whom he sought. The padre, being already pretty well up in Pima, talked to them in that idiom; they received him very well, and he could preach to them, because there were among them some old individuals who understood it. These Indians were quite curious, especially about Garces' dress, asking him whether he was a man or a woman, whether he was married or single, and other imper- tinent questions. These people and others of the same language extend along the Gila and Colorado, and also along the rivers Azul, Verde, Salado, and others which enter the Colorado; on which latter there are other nations who come down to trade with those said. Thinking of his mission of Bac, left without a min- ister, Garces inspected no more rancherias on the Gila, from which he turned away southward through a sierra which bordered on the river. On the after- SECOND ENTRADA. 29 noon of a day not said he halted in a hut (xacal) where there seemed to be but few people, though more ap- peared that night. They gave him various reports through a Piman, who told him that in a pueblo of Opas there had been seen whites who had come to barter through Moquis. On the 28th he passed by various rancherias, accompanied by many men and boys, and halted in the house of a Pima of Sutaquison. There he saw six Indians from the Rio Colorado, whom he treated to pinole, and determined to keep on eastward, sick at heart (arrancandosele el corazon) to leave those people, some of whom were dying of measles, and only baptizing one child whom he found almost dead. After three days [Oct. 29-31] through a deserted region he arrived at the already known Papago rancherias, where he was told that most of the children and the old woman he had baptized were dead. Ninety leagues was the good padre's estimate of this journey, and he highly praised the fidelity of the only Indian who accompanied him the whole way. All those nations wondered at his coming to visit them otherwise unattended, and at discovering that he sought only to save their souls, and to preach heaven and hell to them, and explain to them God, of whom they were totally ignorant; for though they had some notion of a supreme power, said to be invoked at 30 THIRD ENTRADA. sowing-time, or when they fell sick, he felt sure that their gods were the sun and moon, even in the rancherias most immediate to missions. Of all this excursion and apostolic foray did Padre Garces make a report and a prolix diary for the padre guardian and venerable elders in council, who placed it in the hands of Padre Presidente Fray Mariano. The report went its way through official channels to the Senor Visitador Don Jose de Galvez, who ap- proved it; and the upshot of much deliberation over plans for the founding of missions on the Gila was Garces' next entrada. . ■u) 3. GARCES' THIRD ENTRADA, TO THE GILA AND COLORADO, 1771. " Nuevo Viage que hizo el Padre Garzes a los rios Colorado y Gila en el aiio siguente de setenta y uno " is the title of Arricivita's chap, xvii, pp. 418-426. It opens with reference to the difficulties and dangers of this entrada, including a long extract from Garces' own diary on the subject. Packing on horseback the apparatus for saying mass, and accompanied by a very respectable Papago, Garces left San Xavier del Bac Aug. 8, 1771. Hold- ing westward he visited various rancherias, preached the gospel, and baptized those who needed it in their extremities — as for example, on the nth, a woman I111RD ENTRADA. 31 who seemed to be more than a hundred years old, whom he catechised to her great relief. On the 12th he was at the pueblo of Ati; on the 15th, at a place called Cubac, where he preached, but had trouble through the infidelity of the interpreter. On the 1 6th he announced to the governor of Sonoi [So- noita] his intention of going to the Yumas, and begged for guides; but that night, in the council or junta which he convened to propound to them Cath- olic truth and ineffable mysteries, the old men raised such insuperable objections that, if the governor had not been so good, and the padre so inflexible, the scheme would have miscarried. He continued west- ward until he could go no further for want of water, and consequently turned by way of the volcano of Santa Clara toward the Gila, which river was reached on the 22d, at an uninhabited place where there were such fine cottonwoods that the water was hidden from view. At a little distance was discovered another run- ning river, conjectured to be the Rio Azul, a branch of the Gila. After traveling all day, a little before sundown GarceV party were discovered by some In- dians named Noraguas, who lived on the other side of the river, and the padre wished to pass the night with them; but the Piman guides turned back, telling him that those were not good people, for they would steal all they could if he stayed with them. On the 32 THIRD ENTRADA. 23d many persons came across the river to see the padre, and there was another discussion of his inten- tion to proceed to the Yumas, against which all sorts of objections were urged by the governor of the Pi- mas: it was very far; they were not friendly; the road was risky on account of the Quiquimas; those Yumas knew nobody, and would take their scalps, etc. Thereupon the governor called his people together, and that night they sang and danced till daylight. All this was simply to detain the padre; but for two days he persisted in seeking the Colorado. No such river was found; the governor told him that thence- forward there were no good people, and went back to his rancheria. The Indian guides, persuaded by the other Pimas, refused to follow the padre. He delayed a day in hope of guides from Sonoitac; but none appeared, and he went on with some nine young fellows, as well as he could, on the way down to the Yumas, till they dared to go no further. He kept on alone all day, thinking it could not be much further, met with difficulties, and retraced his steps. He was again dissuaded by the Pimas, but was firm in his re- solve, and as no Sonoitac guides appeared, he once more set forth alone. Traveling southwest for two days, on the 30th his horse mired down twice, and he found himself in such a fix that he was obliged to re- turn to the rancherias. This was on or about Sept. I. THIRD ENTRADA. 33 On the 8th, having procured a guide and baptized an adult and a child in articulo mortis, he set forth with some preparation for the journey; but the In- dian purposely broke the calabash of water, and said they could not proceed without it. The padre said they could keep near the Gila; but at noon the guide .took a horse and started back, expecting that the padre, finding himself alone, would do the same. Not so, however; for Garces continued for two days, and finding some tracks, with great difficulty reached the people who live in the woods or among the lagunas along the river. Great was their wonder to see him alone, and equal were the concourse and the courtesy with which they supplied him with all that they had. He passed on among various rancherias and many people. On the 12th he saw other ran- cherias, whose inhabitants were sorry that he would not stay with them, and the padre was grieved to see their affliction, many having been wounded and hav- ing had their houses burned, in a cruel assault their opponents the Quiquimas had made upon them. But having no fear of the Quiquimas, feeling sure he could recommend himself to these Indians as well as to others, he proceeded, and slept that night very close to the river. Next day, the 13th, he followed a trail and saw smoke on the other bank; but being unable to cross he continued down river westward, 34 THIRD ENTRADA. nearly to the junction of the Gila with the Colorado, till the lagunas and tulares prevented his reaching that point, and he turned southward. At this date Garces was in the vicinity of Yuma, for the first time in his life. His course down the Gila is easy to trail as a whole, but not in detail. Now that he turns south, we have more difficulty in trac- ing his movements from the imperfect and somewhat confusing record in Arricivita. On the 14th, having passed a handsome plain, he found some brackish pools, and being unable to reach the Colorado, on account of the lagunas, he entered upon an extended strand. Here, going somewhat eastward in search of water, he found nothing but some skulls and skeletons of Indians; and seeing that neither water, nor grass, nor seeds, nor quelites were to be found, he turned northward, having traveled most of the night, and at dawn sought to rest a while ; whereupon his horse ran away with the saddle on. Being now unable to return the way he had come, he thought best to go westward, and thus came upon a great river which seemed to him larger than the Gila, though he thought it smaller than the Colorado. Here in dismay he knew not which way to turn, for there was nothing to eat on that bank of the river except a certain herb resembling hemp; so he re- solved to turn to the right-about, without looking for THIRD ENTRADA. 35 his horse, which lie gave up for lost. Passing by lagunas and tulares all day of the 15th, he found his horse, which had come by a different route through the tulares and mud puddles. On the 1 6th he concluded that he could reach the mouth of the river on a direct south course, and find the Quiquimas. At a matter of two leagues he found a melon patch, and having refreshed himself, there arrived fourteen armed Indians, surprised to see the padre. By signs they asked him whence he came and where he was going. Then they gave him to under- stand that the Quiquimas were their enemies; that if he would go with them they would give him some- thing to eat; and they presently offered him some fish. Having turned back with them, he found 35 Yumas fishing; he dined with them, and says in his diary that one could learn humanity, politeness, and attention from these Indians; they joyfully took him to their village, and were at the trouble to make two rafts to cross him over the river; they also entertained him with singing and dancing in such fashion that he got no sleep, for they kept it up till morning. On the 17th none of them were willing to go further down river with him, and he could only per- suade one old man to accompany him to the junction of the rivers. They started, but something happened which made the old man desert, and the padre, after 36 THIRD ENTRADA. floundering about on the 18th, in the marshes and puddles, returned on the 19th to the rancheria he had left, where the Indians came in troops to see him. It would scarcely be profitable, even were it possi- ble, to trace Garces' wanderings west of the Colorado and below the Gila. They were very devious, through the fitful refusals of Indians to take him where he wished to go, and his own inability to travel alone. He seems constantly turning about, gives few dis- tances, and is loose in his compass points; nor do I find him once at an identifiable locality. He seems not to have continued among the Yumas only, for he speaks of various others nations, including two called Niforas and Macueques. He also speaks of hearing from the Yumas of the padres of San Diego and of New Mexico. On the 22d he was at some rancherias where he heard the sweet names of Jesus and Mary pronounced Mensus and Marria, usually with the word Azan added to the first of these names; he made the Indians the sign of the cross, and they did the same. This seems to be a reminiscence of Kino, who was among these Indians nearly three-quarters of a century before Garces. On the 28th Garces ap- pears to have been near the mouth of the river, or at any rate near tide-water; for at dawn next day he dis- covered the Sierra Madre, and saw " a very large gap or opening in the mountains, which he thought was THIRD ENTRADA. 37 the entrance of the Rio Colorado into the sea."" Exactly how far down river he pushed will probably never be known; but in his Diary of Dec. 20, 1775 (see the date, beyond), he speaks of a place he called Rancheria de las Llagas in 1771, when he was there, the same being, he was convinced, the last rancheria down river, not now identifiable with any known spot. When and where on his return he recrossed the Col- orado from west to east is not clear. On the 7th of October we find him bearing eastward to seek the Gila. He was detained until the 12th by funeral ceremonies among the Yumas, eleven of whom had been killed in a fight with the Cocomaricopas and Pimas Gileiios. Oct. 12, the Indians offered to take the padre in four days' journey to the Indians of Cujant or to Zuniga, and he chose the former direct route to> Sonoitac. On the 13th, the text says, he recrossed (repaso) the Gila on a raft — a statement not clear, as we do not see how he could recross a river he had never once crossed, nor do we know how he can be supposed to have been anywhere north of the Gila; perhaps this statement should be taken to indicate his otherwise unsaid crossing of the Colorado from west to east, at the place where he had first crossed it, not far below the mouth of the Gila. However this may be, we find him on the 15th on the usual route to 38 FOURTH ENTRADA. Caborca (por las jomadas acostumbradas se dirigio el Padre d Caborca). His diary ends Oct. 27, in the following pleasant manner: " Poco a poco comiendo pitahallas regaladisimas, llegue a Caborca ceiiido con el panuelo de narizes, pues habiendose acabado la reata, hube de valerme del cordon, y este como viejo tambien se acabo: quando sali al viage estaba malo y se me hinchaban las piernas, y pensaba en salir a curarme, y ahora estoy hasta la presente, gracias a Dios, sin novedad chica ni grande, y asi aunque no hubiera otro motivo, basta para estos viages el ser proficuos para vivir en San Xavier." 4. GARCES' FOURTH ENTRADA, TO THE GILA, COLO- RADO, AND MISSION OF SAN GABRIEL IN CALI- FORNIA, 1774. ( With Padre Juan Diaz, under Capitan J. B. de Anza.) Arricivita's Libro Quarto, Capitulo Primero, pp. 450-456, entitled Expedicion que se mando hacer para la comunicacion de la Sonora con los nuevos establecimientos de Monterey, records this notable entrada at some length. The best account is said to be Anza's own MS., entitled Descubrimiento de Sonora a Californias, aiio de 1774. Anza's expedition, consisting of himself, Garces, FOURTH ENTRADA. 39 and Diaz, an Indian guide named Sebastian, 34 men in all, with 65 cattle and 140 horses, left the Pre- sidio de Tubac Jan. 8, 1774. By way of Caborca the journey continued to the mission de San Mar- celo de Sonoytac on the 28th. Arricivita is very curt along here, but from other sources the route can be traced pretty closely. From Tubac one league to ford of San Ignacio, Jan. 8th; valley of Arivac, 9th; Agua Escondida, 10th; to Saric, 13th; La Estancia, 14th; Ati, 15th; Oquitoa, 16th; Presidio de Altar, 17th; Pitic, 19th; and Caborca next day. Then, to a place named San Ildefonso at this date, 22d; Aribaipa or San Eduardo, 23d; San Juan de Mata, a water pool, 24th; Quitobac or San Luis Bacapa, a rancheria, 26th; whence to Sonoita on the 28th. Greater than before was the difficulty with which the party kept on through grassless and waterless deserts past places two of which were Carrizal and Purificacion, till Feb. 5, when they reached a scanty aguage hidden in a profound arroyo, and hence called Agua Escondida, duplicating a name. They there found a Papago who had come from the Yumas. From him they learned of natives who were wavering in their allegiance to the Yuman captain Palma, unfriendly toward the whites, and disposed to loot the whole outfit. This news gave them great uneasiness, and they determined to dispatch the Papago with a message to 40 FOURTH ENTRADA. Palma, to see what could be done to pacify the mal- contents. He returned in a day or two, accompanied by some Papagos and Yumas, with demonstrations of joy, minimizing the former report, and saying that the only reason why Palma himself did not come was his absence from home. Anza and the padres, seeing that they were welcome to these Indians and others that continually arrived, determined to halt not till they reached the Gila and camped on its banks. Palma soon arrived, with many others of his nation, mostly on horseback; all were jubilant over the com- ing of the Spanish captain and priests. Palma con- tinued to give such unequivocal proofs of ability and loyalty that Anza confirmed his chieftainship and hung about his neck a silver medal with a bust of his Catholic majesty, advising him to be an obedient vas- sal of the king, and faithful to the allegiance he owed to the Spaniards. In the place where the expedition was on Feb. 7, the Gila joined a small arm of the Colorado given off a few leagues higher up, thus forming an island large enough for the residence of Palma and a part of his Yumas. (This island is the one which became known as Isla de la Trinidad: practically the site of Kino's San Dionisio of 1700, and directly across the Colorado from the Mision de la Concepcion of 1780- 81.) One day, apparently Feb. 8 (or two days, Feb. FOURTH ENTRADA. 4 1 8 and 9), the expedition crossed the united Gila and Colorado by a good though devious ford, guided and aided by the natives, and camped in the vicinity, where Anza took his geodetic observations. Here is the initial point of the entrada into California. — " It is impossible to trace the route henceforth from Arricivita with requisite precision; but coupling the old chronicler's account with data derived from An- za's MS. diary, as digested in Bancroft's Hist. Cal. i, pp. 222, 223, we can follow the expedition approxi- mately. In three or four days, Feb. 10-12 or 9-13, the ex- pedition went to or was at a place called Laguna de Santa Olaya, 9! leagues about S. W., formed by the Colorado in times of overflow. The name appears to have been bestowed on this occasion. Palma went part way and then turned back, amidst tears and other amotions, because Santa Olaya belonged to the Cajuenches. Feb. 13 or 14, the expedition plunged into the desert beyond, only to be forced back to Santa Olaya on the 19th, and to remain there till Mar. 2. The interval was employed by the priests in their holy functions, and Garces alone made a six days' tour among the rancherias, getting back to camp Mar. 1. ' On the 2d, Anza left most of his baggage, horses, and cattle in charge of Paima, starting for the new 42 FOURTH ENTRADA. establishments of Monterey with only the most neces- sary supplies. That day they traveled through Cajuenche rancherias, which Garces had visited in 1 771; they all cried Jesus Maria, and delivered up to Garces four idols, three of which he smashed with great gusto, while the soldiers kept the other one. This day's camp was at a spot called Laguna del Predicador (Preacher's lagoon). Mar. 3-5, westerly, with a sierra on the left, and over hills, to some waterholes called Pozos de San Eusebio. Mar. 6, to Santo Tomas, in the sierra. Mar. 7, 8, northerly, to Pozos de Santa Rosa de las Lajas (Wells of St. Rose of the Flat Rocks). At this point the expedition was supposed to have ad- vanced 18 leagues in air line from Santa Olaya. Mar. 0, 10, north 11 leagues to a large cienega in the Cajuenche country, called San Sebastian Peregrino. Mar. 11, continuing along the same cienega. Mar. 12, six leagues westnorthwest to San Gregorio. Mar. 14, six leagues to Santa Catarina. Next day, apparently, six leagues northerly to Puerto de San Carlos, about where ended the widespread Cajuenche nation, and began another which on his former jour- ney Garces called los Danzarines, the Dancers, on ac- count of the violent movements of the hands and feet they made when they talked. Mar. 16, 17, to La- guna de San Patricio, supposed to be eight leagues FOURTH ENTRADA. 43 direct from Santa Catarina. Mar. 18, to Valle de San Jose, on a fine stream, observed as in lat. 33 46'. Mar. 19, to Laguna de San Antonio de Bucareli. Mar. 20, to Rio de Santa Ana. Mar. 21, to Arroyo de los Osos, or de los Alisos, Bear or Alder gulch. Mar. 2.2, the expedition arrived at the Mision del Gloriosisimo Principe San Gabriel — that is, the still existent and well-known San Gabriel mission, in the vicinity of present Los Angeles, Cal. It was then taken to be 40 leagues from San Diego, and 120 from Monterey. The whole distance actually traveled from Caborca was set down at 240 leagues, reducible to about 200 by avoiding detours. Having reached San Gabriel out of everything, Anza determined to travel light to Monterey, to re- plenish his outfit. At the same time the R. P. F. Junipero Serra, later on the most famous Californian missionary, arrived at San Gabriel from San Diego, where he left a religious with requisite instruments for geodesy; and Padre Diaz went there for him. Garces, under orders received from Anza, left with an outfit for the Colorado, where he was to await the re- turn of the expedition. He made this return trip in 12 days and a half (at dates not said, and without in- cident, except the discovery of some rascality of the Danzarines). On May 1 Anza reached Monterey, which he left 44 FOURTH ENTRADA. in three days with Paclre Diaz; and traveling in Garces' tracks for eight days, a distance supposed to be 80 leagues, they arrived at the junction of the Gila and Colorado, where they were received by Palma and his Yumas with grand jubilation and all possible obsequy. The Indians made a raft and ferried them over to the place where Garces had his camp. There he found that the soldiers and muleteers who had been left to guard the convoy had fled to Caborca, having become panic-struck at a rumor that his party and himself had been massacred. On May 15 Anza and Diaz resumed their march, accompanied by Garces, until the 21st; and happily arrived at the Presidio de Tubac on the 26th. This is nearly all Arricivita has to say about it; but from other sources we trace their route briefly, as follows : Started up the south bank of the Gila, May 15; passed San Pascual, 17th; to first Cocomaricopa rancheria, called San Bernardino, 18th; continuing, passed through Upasoitac, or San Simon y Judas, 21st; to Piman rancheria of Sutaquison, 22d; to Tutiritucar (Uturituc, or San Juan Capistrano), 23d; to near Casas Grandes, 24th; turning south away from river, to Tucson, 25th; through Bac, to Tubac, 26th. But Garces, who had been specially charged by high authority to investigate the feasibility of open- ing communication between Monterey and New FOURTH ENTRADA. 45 Mexico, was left on the Gila without an escort — with nobody but one of Anza's servants. From the Pueblo de Oparsoitac, which had been named that of San Simon y Judas, he sought to reach the Yabi- pais or Niforas, but the Indians would not permit this, on account of existing hostilities. Two Jalche- dunes of the Rio Colorado, informed of the affair, said that they were friends of the Yabipais, who went to pueblos where there were padres. So Garces de- termined to go with these Jalchedunes to their lands; but Anza's servant took fright and Garces left him in charge of the Pimas. Confiding in divine providence and trusting to the good will of the Indians, Garces traveled about 30 leagues to a large laguna inhabited by Jalchedunes. Further on among these Indians he saw very many of them, and large crops of wheat; he went to their con- fines, and named some Rancherias de San Antonio (as we are told beyond, at date of Aug. 6-8, 1776), but no further up the Colorado, for next came .the Quilmurs, their cruel enemies. He sought what in- formation he could regarding the Moquis, whom he was very anxious to visit; but finding it impossible to go there, he turned back with one Jalchedun chosen as his guide, who carried a pot of water on his head, in one hand a firebrand, and in the other a stick with which to stimulate the jaded horse; notwith- 46 FOURTH ENTRADA. standing which impedimenta, whenever the padre needed it the Indian would make him a porridge of wheat flour, their only provision for the journey. In such plight he reached the Cocomaricopas, who passed him on to the Pimas Gilenos. The latter had returned from a campaign against the Apaches, and their horses were worn out; so Garces was detained among them for some days, for which he was con- soled by finding them well inclined to christianism. Garces did not thence regain his mission of San Xavier del Bac by the route the expedition had taken, but by way of some wells by which in the driest sea- son the route is practicable from the Gila. His long, arduous peregrination ended on July 10, 1774, when he entered his mission, having seen in all those terri- tories, according to the prudent estimate he made of their population, about 24,000 gentiles. The foregoing brings Garces up to the date of his Fifth Entrada, 1775-76, which forms the subject of the work now before us. DIARY OF GARC^S. 1775-76. CHAPTER I. OFFICIALITIES AND OTHER PRELIMINARIES, TO OCTOBER 21, 1775.* Diary kept by Padre Fray Francisco Garces, son of the College of the Holy Cross of Queretaro, 1 on the journey that he made in the year 1775 [and 1776] by command of the Most Excellent Senor Don Fr. Antonio Maria Bucareli y Vrsua, 2 lieutenant-general, viceroy, governor, and captain-general of this New Spain, made known by his letter of 26 of January of the same year, determined in the council of war held at Mexico on the 28th of November of the preceding year, and likewise ordered by the Reverend Padre Fray Romualdo Cartagena, guardian of said college, by letter of 20th of January of '75, and by his suc- cessor the Reverend Padre Fray Diego Ximenez by * The notes to this chapter are too long to be set on the pages where they belong. They will be found at the end of the chapter. 48 OFFICIALITIES. letter of 17th of February of the same year; in which I am ordered, together with another religious, to join Lieutenant-Colonel Don Juan Bautista de Ansa 3 and the Reverend Padre Fray Pedro Font, 4 who go to the Puerto de San Francisco; and accompanying them to the Rio Colorado, there to wait their return with the companion that I may have with me; and in the meanwhile to examine the country, treat with the neighboring nations, and investigate the animus and adaptability (el ammo y disposition) of the natives for the catechism and vassalage of our sovereign. 5 Preliminary Remarks. This Diary is accompanied by a map, which P. F. Pedro Font has made with the greatest care, I being present to give him at least all those notes from the Diary which could serve to the end that it should prove correct. The observations, courses, and dis- tances that I give, as far as Laguna de Santa Olalla, 8 are the same as those that are given in his diary and map by the said Font, in whose company I went to the Rio Colorado, and whom I met again at said laguna. The rest I made with the quadrant fur- nished me by said padre; but through my lack of practice they cannot come out exact. On the map is found the route marked with dots, with numbers of PRELIMINARIES. 49 the jornadas for greater clearness; as also are con- spicuous the nations, and the names thereof, with smaller dots, in order that may be better understood their location and the direction in which it extends; though it is true that this is to some extent based only on prudent estimates. Having seen such a variety of nations, their respective friendships, hostilities, and commerces, though not at one and the same time; and inasmuch as, through what was said to me in some of them and what I saw in others, I learned in one nation what had not been told me in another; it has seemed to me proper to give separate notices of them all at the end of the diary; and, by bringing to- gether all the information acquired, to show the con- nection of every nation with all the others — which are the dominant ones, which are friendly, which are hos- tile; their commerces, and the extent of such; and finally, as a consequence of all this, to set forth the means which experience has shown me to be the best to the end of entirely subduing the Apache nation and of facilitating the communication of Monte-Rey and of New Mexico with these Provinces. 7 Agreeably to orders, Padre Fray Tomas Eisarc 9 was designated as my companion. Foreseeing that I could not explain myself better to the Indians than with images of the kind most familiar to their sight, I determined to carry a linen print of Maria Santisima 50 QUERETARO. with Nino Dios in her arms, having on the other side the picture of a lost soul. 9 In all the entradas 10 I have made among the gentiles I have observed that the divine crucifix which I wore on my breast caused their devotion; they adored it, and confessed to me that it was a good thing, as will be seen beyond. Notes. 1 Queretaro is at present a flourishing place, the capital of the Mexican State of the same name, situated in a valley some 1 10-120 miles N. W. of Mexico; it has a pop. approx. of 40,000. Among its notabilia are the numerous churches and other eccle- siastical edifices, manufacturing establishments, and especially the fine aqueduct built at the expense of the Marques de Villar del Aquila, whose statue stands in one of the plazas. Late his- torical matters are principally two: The ratification here of peace between the United States and Mexico by the Guadalupe- Hidalgo treaty of 1848; and the capture and execution in 1867 of the estimable gentleman who would be emperor — for Maxi- milian took refuge here in February of that year, was captured on May 15 by the force under General Escobedo, and on June 19 was shot, with his Generals Miramon and Mejia, on the Cerro de las Campanas, or Hill of the Bells, overlooking the town. But the history of Queretaro goes back to the ancient period when it was an Indian pueblo whose site had been captured by Spanish allies. It became a city in 1655, and has always been one of the soundest strongholds of Spanish ecclesiasticism in Mexico, since the foundation of the College of the Holy Cross, of which our author was a " son." The first official chronicle of this college was written by the R. P. Fr. Isidro Felis (or Felix) de Espinosa, and published at Mexico in the year 1746. It makes a folio volume, the major part of the title of which is: quer£taro. 51 Chronica Apostolica, y Seraphica de Todos los Colegios de Propaganda Fide de esta Nueva-Espana, de Missioneros Frau- ciscanos Observantes: erigidos con autoridad pontifica, y regia, para la reformacion de los Fieles, y Conversion de los Gentile^ Consagrada a la Milagrosa Cruz de Piedra, que como titular se venera en su primer Colegio de Propaganda Fide de la muy Ilustre Ciudad de San-Tiago de Queretaro. The chronicler, Espinosa, who was ex-guardian, etc., of said college, brings his work down to date, in what was designed to be a Parte Primera of the whole history of the institution, and which proved in fact to be such when the story was resumed in a com- panion volume published in 1792, as Segunda Parte, by Arri- civita, whom I have already so extensively quoted regarding the biography and previous entradas of Garces. Espinosa's work is a faithful and valuable chronicle, in all material facts; but the author was an adept in the superstitious bigotry of his day and generation, and dwells with true sacerdotal unction upon the miraculous. The record ostensibly begins with the year 1445, in Espi- nosa's first chapter, treating of the foundation of the Pueblo de Queretaro in the time of Mothecusuma Ilhuicamina, " first of that name." Chapter ii gives the origin v.T the most holy cross of stone with heavenly portents and other prodigies, and tells how it was planted on the very spot where it continued to be venerated from 1531 for the 210 years thence to 1741, when Espinosa wrote his book. Chapter iii establishes with greater firmness what went before, says who were the first ministers, describes Queretaro, etc. Chapter iv describes the cult of the most holy cross, and how it grew apace. In chapter v our miraculous stone cross manifests its strange tremors and other movements; in chapter vi we have the portent of the growth of the cross " experimentally authenticated." Chapter vii de- scribes the miracles which the cross worked upon its devotees; and yet other miracles operated in Espinosa's own time are given in chapter viii. All of which ia rattier curious than edify- 52 QUERETARO. ing; but after thus setting his stage with the usual theological properties the author proceeds to sober history, which may be used with confidence that it is the best chronicle we possess regarding the foundation and early history of the Queretaronian College of the Holy Cross of which Garces speaks. It appears from Espinosa, and from other authorities accessi- ble to me, or digested by Bancroft in Hist. Mex., ii, p. 539, seq., that the 25th of July, 1522 or 1531, was the date of a battle which may be considered as opening the present case. In those years Aztec civilization extended little beyond the valley of Mexico, and wild tribes of the mountain fastnesses had the col- lective name of Chichimecos. The first expedition against them seems to have been undertaken not by the Spaniards, but by their Mexican and Otomi allies. We hear of a certain christianized Otomi cacique named in Spanish Nicolas de San Luis de Montanez, who with the cacique called Fernando de Tapia raised a force to fight the Chichimecos on that July 25. The enemy, to the alleged number of 25,000 (!), were posted on a hill near Queretaro, afterward called Cerrito Colorado or Sangre Mai; so they had the advantage of position, while the allies had the offsetting advantage of Spanish weapons of war. The heroics of the situation, just before the fight began, have come down to us in this shape: " O you brave men, perched on a hill," cries San Luis, " come down and fight, if you are not afraid! " " Very fine, no doubt, you renegade dogs of the Span- iards," says the Chichimec chieftain called Coyote; "lay aside your borrowed weapons and we will come down." " Unman- nerly and beastly Chichimecos that you are," says San Luis, "we can whip you with no weapons. See! we lay them all aside; heap yours on them, put a guard over all, and come on! " So they went at it tooth and nail, like fighting cocks (d puneles y patadas y a mordidas camo gallos, says one chronicler). Well, the allies whipped the Chichimecos, some of the latter were baptized later by one Padre Juan Bautista, and thus the scene opens on Queretaro, in 1522 or 1531 — the latter date being QUERETARO. 53 assigned by most chroniclers, the former by San Luis himself, who adds to his story the interesting statement that the sun stood still during the battle, and the Virgin Mary, the apostle St. James, and St. Francis appeared upon the scene. Espinosa draws it more mildly, being content with the apparition of St. James standing by the side of a bright red-and-white cross which was visible through the smoke of the arquebuses, and which decided the contest. The Chichimecos would seem to have experienced not only a reverse in war, but a speedy and total change of heart; nothing would satisfy them but the erec- tion of a real cross of stone, to commemorate the apparition of the heavenly one on the very spot — a cross which should be everlasting (para siempre jamas). So a stone-cutter who hap- pened to be conveniently at hand, and was appropriately named Juan de la Cruz, was miraculously guided to a quarry of red, white, and blue stone, out of which he shaped the required object, three varas tall, in the course of 24 hours. " Se formo de cinco piedras blancas y roxas milagrosamente halladas." Other miracles followed in due course; for example, San Luis says, " Parece que estabamos en la gloria, se aparecio alii una nube blanca, tan hermosa, sombreando a la santa cruz y tenien- dola cuatro angeles; luego el olor que olia tan hermoso que todos lo vimos que luego hizo milagro la santa cruz." While they were thus in glory with four angels in sight, and things were smelling so sweet, it would seem that some practical per- son had ground measured around the holy cross for a church, and made certain land grants; but we hear of no settlement of Queretaro till the time assigned for its becoming a town or city, about 1555, as above said. The cross not only enjoyed voluntary motion, but in due time grew exactly one vara bigger than it had been at first. " The first Franciscans in Queretaro lived in the small straw convent where the holy cross was sub- sequently kept; afterward they moved to the principal convent, which about 1566 was placed by the Santo Evangelio under the province of Michoacan," Bancroft, I. c. Espinosa's statement 54 QUERETARO. to like effect is in these words, cap. iv, p. n: " Consta de testi- monies autenticos, que tengo a la vista, averse colocado nuestra Cruz, al tiempo de la Conquista de Queretaro: y que entonces se le formo Hermita de materiales campestres, y se hicieron Celdas pajizas para los Religiosos pocos que avia, y una vivienda contigua, que sirvio de Hospital para curacion de los Naturales. Este fue en aquellos principios el primer Convento, y la primera Iglesia que huvo en Queretaro para administrar los Santos Sacrametos; y podemos con razon affirmar aver sido la primitiva Parroquia, pues en ella se bautizaban, casaban, y enterraban los que se convirtieron del Gentilismo." The name Queretaro is given as a Tarascan word meaning a game of ball, or a place where the game is played, and as equivalent in this sense to a Mexican word Taxco or Tlacho, also sometimes used as the name of the same settlement. On desiring Mr. Hodge to look up this matter, I am favored with the following: Simeon, Diet, de la Langue Nahuatl, gives, under tlachochololtiliztli, " action de lancer, de jeter une balle." Under chololiztli I find: " fuite, saut, chute, courant." Antonio Pena- fiel, in his Nombres Geograficos de Mexico, gives Tlachco: " En el juego de pelota," de tlachtli y co, que designa lugar. Dice el P. Baltasar de Medina en la Cronica de la Provincia de San Diego (fol. 250, aho de 1682) : ' El nombre de Tlacho, que es su propia voz, quiere decir: jugadero de pelota; entretenimi- ento que usaron con varias ceremonias los indios llamando al lugar donde jugaban Tlachco, como refiere Torquemada. No ha faltado quien juzgue que esta voz Tazco que prevalece hoy, es imposcion de los Espanoles, con memoria de la que refiere Plinio, describiendo una tierra blanca, semejante a la arcilla, a proposito para formar de ella crisoles y hornazas: calidades de aquel suelo en algunas partes.' Simeon, above cited, gives under Tlachtli: " Jeu de balle, sorte de jeu de paume, dispose ordinairement dans une salle basse, longue et etroite. Une raie, que Ton nommait tlecotl, etait tracee au milieu du jeu; on y faisait usage de balles en ullin ou caoutchouc." Regarding the BUCARELI. 55 word Queretaro Mr. Hodge notes the following in Orozco y Berra, Geografia de las Lenguas, 1864, p. 259: " En aquella sazon retorno Bocanegra con el religioso prometido: ambji fueron cordialmente recibidos, y otomies y chichimecas tunda- ron la ciudad Queretaro, nombre que vino, de que en la primera visita de Hernan Perez, los tarascos que le acompaha- ban llamaron al lugar Querenda (pefia), de donde derivo decir a la poblacion Querendaro (pueblo de peiia), y corrompido el vocablo se dijo Queretaro. Conni recibio en el bautismo el nombre de D. Hernando de Tapia, muriendo hacia el afio de 1571: la relacion de prodiga muchas alabanzas, atribuyendo'.e grandes virtudes y los adelantos de la poblacion." ! El Bailio Fr. D. Antonio Maria de Bucareli y Ursua, Hene- strosa, Laso de la Vega, Villacis y Cordova, Caballero Gran Cruz, y Comendador de la Bobeda de Toro (or de la Tocina) en el orden de San Juan, Gentil Hombre de la Camara de su Ma- gestad con Entrada, Teniente General de los Reales Exercitos, Virrey, Gobernador y Capitan General del Reyno de Nueva Espafia, Presidente de su Real Audiencia, Superintendente Gen- eral de Real Hacienda, Presidente de la Junta de Tabaco, Juez Conservador de este Ramo, y Subdelegado General de la Renta de Correos Maritimos en el mismo Reyno, etc. Otherwise Sir Anthony M. Bucareli, etc., Grand Cross Knight Commander of the Vault of the Bull (or of the Tocina— what- ever that may be) in the Order of St. John of Malta, Gentleman of His Majesty's chamber with right of entrance, Lieutenant- General of the Royal Armies, Viceroy, Governor and Captain- General of the Kingdom of New Spain, President of its Royal Audience, Superintendent General of the Royal Exchequer, President of the Tobacco Commission, Judge Advocate of that Branch, and Subdelegate General of Marine Mail Revenue in the same Kingdom, etc. — at a salary of $60,000 to $80,000 a year, was nevertheless a truly good as well as a very great man, and the forty-sixth viceroy of New Spain, now commonly and con- veniently called Bucareli for short. 56 BUCARELI. It has been said that probably his right of way in the king's chamber was not granted till after 1776; but I find this title on a printed document bearing his autograph signature of date Mar. 9, 1776 (see accompanying plate). All of his many auto- graphs I have inspected are written " Bucarely," but the last letter is really a flourished i, not to be printed y. He was a native of Seville, related to noble families of Spain and Italy, and descended on the paternal side from a Florentine family which included popes, cardinals, and other dignitaries, while the Ursuas, on his mother's side, were related to dukes of Albur- querque, Lerma, Denia, Alba, Arcos, etc. His portrait, by Fran- cisco Antonio Vallejo, 1772, hangs in the Museo Nacional of Mexico, and a print is inserted on p. 852 of Mexico a T raves de los Siglos. A promenade in the City of Mexico bears some of his name. This nobleman had served with distinction in various military and high civil capacities and was governor of Cuba when he received from Carlos III. the viceroyalty of New Spain. He left Habana Aug. 14, 1771, reached Vera Cruz 23d, and was met at the Pueblo de San Cristobal Ecatepec by an official deputation on Sept. 2, then and there receiving the viceregal baton from his predecessor, Marques de Croix. His entry into the capital next day, the 3d, was triumphal: and he took oath of office as viceroy, governor, captain-general, president of the Real Audiencia, etc., which he held until his untimely death on Apr. 9, 1779. His administration was wise, strong, beneficent, and happy; he made an ideal ruler, beloved and honored by all. His eulogists were many: one of them says that his period may be called " an epoch of uninterrupted felicity for New Spain. Divine Providence would seem to have rewarded his virtues by visiting every sort of prosperity upon the country over which he ruled." The body lay in state at the palace till the 13th, was that day deposited in the convent of San Francisco, and the remains were finally interred in the colegiata of Guadalupe on Oct. 29, after the heart and other viscera had been divided as -(*)> " EL BAILIO F R .D. ANTONIO MARIA BUCARELI Y URSUA, Enedrofa, Lafo.de la Vega, Villacisy Cdrdova, Caballcro Gran Cruz y Comendidor de la B6beda dc Toro en el Orden de S. Juan, Gentil I lombre de Camara de S M, con entrada, Teniente General de loi Reales ExeVcitos, Virrey Gobernador y Capital! General del Reyno de Nueva Efpana, Prefidente de fu Real Audiencia, Superinten- dente General de Real I iacienda y Ramo del Tabaco, Juez Confervador de efte, Prefi* dente de fujunta, y Subdelegado General de la Rcnta dc Correos en el mifmo Reyno. lOncedo libre y feguro Pafaporte a ( t'/i&wi y/ejtrwuj \ ' r v '' ' n . / r t / Y los Jufticlas, Govcrhadores de Indios, Ducfios, 6 Adminlftradores de Hacienda, Ranchos, 6 Cafas, le facilitaran el alojamiento correfpondicnte, y los vagages refpcclivos, pagandolcs anticipado medio real por la legua dc cada vagagc defde aqui a toda ticrra dentro; y desde efta Capital & Veracruz, Pucbla, u otros Parages de Oaxaca, pagaran a razon de un real por legua franqueandolc tambien los demas auxilios que pucdan convcnirlcs para fu viagc, y fines de fu dcfiino, y el que ah no lo cxccutarc, fera rigorofaracntc caftigado. pario en Mexico a" rru&re. dc ^ apart from the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and including Nueba Viscaya (practically equivalent to modern Chihuahua and Durango), Coahuila, Texas, Nuebo Mexico, Sinaloa, So- nora, and Las Californias; capital Arizpe in Sonora; Real Audiencia, that of Guadalaxara; civil and military government vested in one person. Independence of the viceroy was discon- tinued in 1786, and 1787-93; at the latter date of final separation, California was attached to Mexico. Of " these provinces." the one with which we have here to do mainly was Sonora. The Sonora of Garces' time was not very different in extent and position from the present Mexican State of the same name; but it reached further north, overlapping our Territory of Arizona to the Gila river and thus including most of our Gadsden Pur- chase of 1853, and did not extend quite so far south as present Sonora does, being limited by writers of the period to the Yaqui river or valley in that direction. Thus the author of the Rudo Ensayo, 1763, describes his Sonora as the northernmost one of six provinces (Chametla, Copala, Culiacan, Zinaloa, Ostimuri, Sonora), politically under the government of Zinaloa, in the diocese of Durango, in the kingdom of New Galicia, in the viceroyalty of New Spain; bounded on the west by the Gulf of California from the mouth of the Yaqui to that of the Tomo- satzi (our Colorado river), and by the latter up to the Gila; on the south by the Yaqui river and its brAich, Rio Chico; on the east by the Sierra Madre, separating Sonora from Taraumara (New Biscay, including Chihuahua); on the north by the Gila 60 SONORA. river up to the San Pedro and thence obliquely along the latter to the Sierra Madre — this northeastern boundary not well de- fined, any more than the southeastern, but taking in the Base- . raca mission, the presidios of Terrenate, Fronteras, etc., as the southeastern did certain missions beyond the Yaqui. In fewest • words, we may say that Sonora was bounded on the north by the Gila, on the south by the Yaqui, on the east by the Con- tinental Divide, on the west by the Gulf of California and Col- orado river. This was the fullest comprehension of the name. — " Sonora " being sometimes restricted to the valley of Rio de Sonora, and to the river itself. The Province of Sonora was- also divided — not politically or definitely, but descriptively — into Pimeria Baxa or Baja, in the region of Rios Yaqui and- Sonora, home of the Southern or Low Pima Indians; and Pimeria Alta, where lived the Northern or High Pimas, in the region of Rio Altar and northward; this portion of Pimeria shading off on the north and northwest into Papagueria, home- of the Papagos, and on the north and northeast into Apacheria, where roamed the outlawed Apaches. On the east, the country is mostly mountainous, on the west mostly a flat desert, except- ing in both cases the watercourses. These, besides the Colo- rado and Gila, are mainly: Rio Papago, insignificant, north- westernmost; Rio Altar and Rio Magdalena or San Ignacio, small; Rio Sonora or Ures, with Rio Horcasitas or San Miguel,' large; Rio Matape or San Jose, rather small; and Rio Yaqui or Hiaqui, etc., sometimes called Rio Grande, largest, whose prin- cipal branches are Rios Moctezuma and Bavispe: all flowing on west, southwest, or south courses to or toward the Gulf. To these add Rios Santa Cruz and San Pedro, flowing northerly; toward or into the Gila. By far the greater number of settle- ments, native or Spanish, that Sonora has, or ever had, are or were on the rivers named and their lesser affluents; all of them were and most of them still are, very small places — rancherias,- haciendas, minas, misiones, pueblos, presidios; but such have been extremely numerous — there had been hundreds of them by RUDO ENSAYO. 6l Garces' time. The Rudo Ensayo records 29 missions for 1763; 73 Indian villages and several rancherias; 22 inhabited Spanish towns or mines, including the 5 presidios of Tubac, Terrenate, Fronteras, Altar, and San Miguel de Horcasitas; 48 uninhab- ited Spanish settlements, mostly abandoned mines; 2 inhabited Spanish ranches, and 126 uninhabited ditto — figures whim show how nearly the Apache came to being monarch of everything in sight. In a note in the Appendix to this work I will give a complete list of the 29 missions with their respective visitas, existent in 1763. The tract above cited, entitled Rudo Ensayo, etc., was written by a Jesuit priest, name unknown: perhaps John Mentuig. vig, or Nentoig, missionary to the Opatas of Sonora, and ministro cura at Guasavas for eleven years, 1751-62. The ostensible date of this "Rough Essay" is 1763; from internal evidence it appears that it was penned in 1761 and to Nov. 27, 1762. Of the original MS. we only know from a note in the Historia de la Compania de Jesus en Nueva-Espaha, pub. Mex- ico, 1842, in which the editor, Carlos M. Bustamente, says that it was to be found among the unpublished papers of Padre Vega in the library of the Convent of San Francisco. The author of the Historia cited, Padre Francisco Javier Alegre, uses the Rudo Ensayo extensively, as for example, regarding the Casas Grandes of the Gila. It is among the Documentos collected in Nueva Espana by royal order of 1779, during the viceroyalty of Revilla Gigedo; the collection being in the Department of State of Mexico, and a duplicate in the Royal Academy of His- tory at Madrid. It was first printed, in Spanish, in an edition of 150 or 160 copies, from an authentic MS., by Buckingham Smith, in 1863. It was first translated into English by Eusebio Guiteras, and in this form was published by the Amer. Cath. Hist. Soc, vol. v, No. 2, June, 1894. PP- 109-264, preceded, pp. 99-108, by a biographical sketch and portrait of the trans- lator, b. Matanzas, Cuba. Mar. 5, 1823. d. Philada., Pa.. Dec. 24, 1893. I shall have frequent occasion to cite the Rudo Ensayo. 62 " A BANNER WITH THE STRANGE DEVICE."" which is the best natural, civil, and ecclesiastical history and description of Sonora we possess for the years immediately pre- ceding the expulsion of the Jesuits and the appearance of the Franciscans upon the scene — Fathers Garces and Font among them. I use the convenient though not wholly unexceptionable English translation just cited, no copy of Buckingham Smith's Spanish edition being conveniently accessible to me. * So here: elsewhere variously Eixarc, Eixarch, Eirarch, Eyzarch, Eichasch, etc. Font has Eixarch. In Hinton's Hand- book, p. 393, the three priests of this expedition figure as " Fathers Pedro, Garcia, and Elrach " — a fine example of the way in which names are sometimes treated in the course of alleged history. * Un lienzo de Maria SSma con el Nino Dios en los brazos y en su respaldo la figura de un Condenado. This object was a large piece of cloth with the Virgin and Child printed in colors on one side, and on the other a person burning in hell, used by the priests to impress the Indians, on the principle of the St. Veronica handkerchiefs. Garces would hold it up, and when thej T had sufficiently admired the mother and infant, he would turn it around to let them see what they might expect if they did not mind what he said, as he tells us beyond. 10 Entrada — entrance, entry, act of entering, but in a formal or official manner: a term almost technically used of the descent of conquistadores, temporal or spiritual, upon their intended native subjects or converts. CHAPTER II. FROM TUBAC TO CASAS GRANDES ON RIO GILA, OCTOBER 21-31, 1775.* Oct. 2 1. 1 Went to the Presidio de Tubac 2 with my companion Eisarc and Padre Font, in order to join the comandante of the expedition, Lieutenant-Colo- nel Don Juan Bautista de Ansa. Oct. 22. z Mass was said to Maria de Guadalupe as patroness of the expedition, and I celebrated it in honor of Senor San Pedro Apostol, my special advo- cate on this and antecedent entradas to the gentiles. Padre Font observed the latitude of this presidio in 3i° 43'- Oct. 2 j.* We left the Presidio de Tubac and halted in the place called Canoa, 5 whither we went five leagues northnortheast. Oct. 24. Left Canoa and halted at the Point of the Plains, 8 having traveled 3 leagues northnorth- east. Oct. 25? We arrived at my mission 8 of San * The notes to this chapter are too long to be set where they be long. They will be found at the end of the chapter. 63 64 APPROACHING RIO GILA. Xavier del Bac, 9 having traveled 6 leagues north £ east. Oct. 26 . 10 We arrived at a laguna near {fuera de) the pueblo de Tucson, 11 a visita of my administra- tion, 12 and the last christianized pueblo in this direc- tion, having traveled 4 leagues about north (rumbo quasi al norte). Oct. 27. Padre Font observed this place in 32 22'. We departed from it in the afternoon, and halted in a plain within sight of the sierra called Frente Negra, 13 having traveled 5 leagues — 2 northnorth- west and 3 northwest. Oct. 28.™ We halted at some rain-pools (lagunas llovedizas) which the Indians call Oytapars, 15 whose situation was a pueblo of Papagos, 16 depopulated a few years ago by the hostilities of the Apaches; hav- ing traveled fully 6 leagues westnorthwest with some deviations westward. 17 Oct. 29. We approached Rancheria 18 Quitoac, 19 inhabited at times by the Papagos, and halted near a picacho 20 which the Indians call the Cerro de Tacca; 21 having traveled 2 leagues northwest and 3 northnorthwest. This very day a runner was dis- patched to the Pimas Gilenos 22 informing them of our arrival; and the senor comandante resolved op- portunely to publish a proclamation (vando) com- manding that all persons should behave in such RIO GILA AT CAMANI. 65 manner that the gentiles should be set no bad exam- ple by the Espaholes, nor that these should offend them by deed or word in the very least (en lo mas minimo), under pain of rigorous punishment for dis- obedience. Oct. 50. We approached the Rio Gila and halted at a laguna [Camani], having traveled 12 leagues — 6 northwest, 3 northnorthwest, and 3 north. 23 Although on this road we saw no grass (zacatc) 24 yet is it certain that at a little distance on one and the other side it is found abundantly and in years of much rain still more so. As a result of the message sent yesterday to the Pimas Gilenos, there came out to receive us at this place the governor of the ran- cherias called Equituni 25 and Quitoa, 26 the governor of Vturituc, 27 a pueblo of the Rio Gila, its alcalde, the governor of Sutaquison, 28 with many other Indians, all on horseback; who dismounted to salute us, and gave to the soldiers two scalps (cabclleras) of Apaches killed a few days before in the wars which they wage with them. 29 They remounted and accompanied us to their place of residence, asking repeatedly if we were going to baptize them and live with them; an evident sign of the great disposition that there is in these peoples to be catechised. All showed great joy upon our arrival. Oct. 31. The senor comandante determined to 66 CASA GRANDE. our party; and in consequence of this I had an opportunity of going to see the Casa Grande that they call de Moctezuma. 30 We [Garces and Font] traveled about 3 leagues southeast, and arrived at the whose position is found in latitude 33 03' 30". For the present condition of this casa I refer to the description thereof that Padre Font has given; and in the end will speak of that which I have been enabled to conjecture from what I saw and learned at Moqui. Notes. 1 The MS. we follow gives this date as " dia 1 de Octubre," evidently by error of the scribe. The Beaumont MS. and the pub. Doc. both have "dia 21," and so I make the required cor- rection. In order to bring the whole case up to this date of Oct. 21, I will cite Font's Diary of the expedition for antecedent events. This expedition of 1775-76 was determined upon in conse- quence of the journey of 1774, which Anza had made by way of the Colorado to Monterey, accompanied by Garces and Diaz. On the present occasion he was to conduct 30 families of settlers to the bay of San Francisco and there found a colony. The heads of the families were all to be married soldiers, of whom the lieutenant, sergeant, and eight privates were to be veterans from various Sonoran presidios, and the other 20 recruits from Culiacan and Sinaloa. This party was made up in the Presidio de San Miguel de Orcasitas, having passed through the Mision de San Joseph de Pimas, where Font was the minister, May 26, 1775- Anza arrived there May 23; on June 1 Font turned over his mission to Padre Fray Joachin Belarde, and went by way PREVIOUS ROUTE. 67 of San Marcial to Orcasitas, where he arrived Aug 2. As there was still time to spare, Font went to Ures, 6th; on Sept. 16 he was sent for by Anza, and he came to Orcasitas that day. He was not in good health, and enjoyed few well days on the whole trip. The outfit made up at Orcasitas was as follows: Lieutenant-colonel Juan Bautista Anza, command- ing officer, 1 Father Pedro Font, chaplain, 1 Don Mariano Vidal, purveyor, 1 Lieutenant Joseph Joachin Moraga, 1 Veteran soldiers, as escort, 10 Recruits, 20 Women, children, and other persons, . . . 106 Muleteers of the three pack-trains, .... 20 Families of settlers, etc., 17 Total personnel 177 To which add three children born en route, subtract one woman who died, and make other changes at Tubac, as given beyond. The material of the outfit was: Pack-mules of baggage, provisions, munitions of war, and articles for presents to Indians, divided into 3 pack-trains, 120 Pack-mules of Anza's baggage and mess, . . 20 Public and private horses, some saddle-mules, etc., 450 Total materiel 590 This outfit being mustered and inspected at Orcasitas, the expedition was ready to move on San Miguel's day. The route to Tubac was: Sept. 29. From Orcasitas one league to a place on the Rio San Miguel. (Font's leagues were Mexican, of 5000 varas.) Sept. 30. Four leagues to a place called Chupisonora, the ranch of a militia captain named Mesa. Remained Oct. 1. Oct. 2. Five leagues to camp at a place called Palma. Oct. 3. Six leagues to Charco del Canelo. TO TUBAC. Oct. -/. Six full leagues to Puerto de los Conejos, passing (Juerobabi halfway. Oct. 5. Seven full leagues to Charco de Guana, a place be- two others called Piriguita and Baxajita. Oct. 6. Six leagues to Pueblo de Santa Ana. (Thus the ;tion has come up river along the line of the present ad which runs down to Guaymas.) Remained 7th. Took observation of lat. 30 38' 30". Oct. S. Six leagues to Santa Maria Magdalena. (Now Mag- dalena. and the principal place in that region.) Oct. 0. Two leagues to the mission of San Ignacio, where Padre Fray Francisco Zufiiga was in charge. Lat. 30 47' 30". Remained 10th. Oct. 11. Four leagues to a place on Rio Magdalena near the Pueblo de Imuris. Oct. 12. Four leagues to Guambiit (a place on the railroad, before entering the canon; vicinity of modern Casita). Oct. 13. Four leagues north to Sibuta (apparently modern Cibita, on the railroad). Oct. 14. Eight full leagues to Las Lagunas. (Bringing the expedition just over the boundary between Sonora and Arizona, at or near the well-known modern Los Nogales.) Oct. 13. Eight leagues to Presidio de Tubac (passing site of modern old Fort Mason). Font himself went with four soldiers to say mass to the Pueblo de Calabazas, two leagues from last camp, and a little off the road. In this pueblo, which was a visita of the Tumacacori mission, and had been a visita of Huevavi (or Guevavi), Font found Padre Fray Pedro Arre- quivar. After mass he joined the expedition en route, and went as far as Tumacacori, one league short of Tubac. At Tumaca- cori he found both Garces and Eixarch, who were to be his companion? on the expedition; and he put up at this mission with them and Arrequivar and Fray Felix Gamarra, till the expedition was ready to start from Tubac, the priests making meanwhile several trips back and forth between the two neigh- TUBAC. 69 boring places. Anza and the troops of course took up their station in Tubac. 3 From tu, , and bac, house, adobe house, also ruined house, ruins, etc. (the word occurring also in San Xavier del Bac, Quitobac, Bamachi, Bacuanchos, and other names of Piman settlements). This was a settlement of Pima, Papago, and pos- sibly Sobaipuri Indians, at which a presidio and mission were established in 1752, on the W. bank of Rio Santa Cruz, at the site of the present town of the same name, about 45 m. S. of Tucson, Ariz.; pop. in 1754-57, 411, including the garrison of 50. In 1776 the presidio was transferred to Tuscon (it so appears on Font's map of next year), after which, but prior to 1784, a company of Pima allies was stationed there, and in 1824 a garrison was again established. In 1842-43 a rancheria of friendly Apache lived there. In 1848 the population was 249. The presidial name of Tubac was San Ignacio, applied also to a mission further south, in Sonora. — F. W. H. Tubac has hardly any history back of 1752. The name is said to be given on a map of the 17th century, but does not appear on Kino's of 1701, though that good father had been on the spot more than once by that time. Ortega, in Apost. Afanes, p. 266, says that on Jan. 19, 1697, Father Kino left his mission of Dolores in Sonora for San Cayetano de Tumacacori and San Xavier del Bac, which he visited and returned; he must there- fore have twice passed the site of Tubac; but as there is no mention of such a place, probably no settlement then existed. The Rudo Ensayo, p. 254, speaks of the Presidio de Tubaca, as about 7 1. n.n.w. of Guevavi, on the spot where the Piman town of the same name stood prior to the revolt of Nov. 20, 1751; it was then a visita of Guevavi for mission purposes. This uprising caused the founding of Presidio Tubac in 1752, as above said. In 1762, when the Ensayo was being written, the natives of Tubac had moved S. to Tumacacori, the next place up river. At the same time there was another depopulated rancheria called Sopori, 2 1. or more N. From 1764 for some years the 70 TUB AC. Presidio de Tubac was under the command of J. B. de Anza. A glimpse of Tubac in 1852 is given in Bartlett's Narr., ii, pp. 302-304, as a presidio or garrison, consisting of a collection of dilapidated buildings and huts, about half of which were ten- antless, and an equally ruinous church. " Captain Gomez, who commanded at Fronteras at the time of my visit there with Colonel Craig in 1851, was in command here . . . but as for this God-forsaken place, when I have said that it contains a few dilapidated buildings and an old church, with a miserable popu- lation, I have said about all. It was established as a presidio almost a century and a half ago [just 100 years — in 1752] and usually maintained a population of 400 souls. It was abandoned a year before our arrival, but had since been repopulated and might have comprised at the time of our visit a hundred souls." In 1858-60 the restored ruins of old Tubac were occupied by a small mixed population of Americans and Mexicans, with a temporary camp of 100 Papagos; and in those years was pub- lished the Weekly Arizonian, the first newspaper of the future Territory. The place was of some little consequence as only about 10 m. W. of the hacienda of the noted Santa Rita mines. The same distance N. of Tubac was then a place called Reven- ton, the fortified ranch of an American named William Rhodes, whose exploit in standing off single-handed a party of Apaches may be read in late popular books. This occurred near Reven- ton; see, for example, Pumpelly, pp. 47, 48. The Sabino Otero claim adjoins Tubac on the N. The latitude of Tubac is 31 40': longitude very near 34 W. from Washington. ' Oct. 22, Sunday. Good Father Font was an orotund and unctuous preacher who dearly loved to lay down the law, and must have been a tremendous smooth-bore to such a man as Anza. This time he drew his text from the gospel of the day, Nolite timere, fiusillus grex ("Don't be afraid, little flock"), exhorted his hearers to perseverance and endurance, and drew a fine parallel between the passage of this expedition across the Colorado to San Francisco and the " transito del Pueblo de ROSTER OF THE EXPEDITION. 'J I Israel a la Tierra de Promission por el Mar Bermejo"; an- nounced the castigation God had in store for them if they scandalized the gentiles en route; assured them that the most holy Virgin of Guadalupe would be to them as a tower of strength the whole way, if they behaved like good Christians, etc. What is more to the point, however, Font's Diary gives the complete roster and inventory of the expedition which started next day, as follows: Individuals. In the 1st place, the Sehor Theniente Coronel de Cavalleria, y Comandante de la Expedicion, Don Juan Bautista de Ansa, i Padre Capellan de Propaganda fide del Colegio de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro, Fray Pedro Font, . i Padres Fray Francisco Garces y Fray Thomas Eixarch: these were destined to remain on the Colorado, 2 Proveedor de la Expedicion Don Mariano Vidal, r Theniente Don Joseph Joachin Moraga, who, though married, did not bring his family because his wife was sick at Terrenate, 1 Sargento Juan Pablo Grijalba, 1 Eight veteran soldiers from the presidios of Sonora, 8 Twenty soldiers, recruits for Monterey, . . 20 Ten veteran soldiers from the Presidio de Tubac as escort, 10 Twenty-nine wives belonging to the sergeant and 28 soldiers, 29 One hundred and thirty-six persons of both sexes pertaining to the foregoing soldiers, etc., . . 136 Twenty muleteers of the three pack-trains, etc., . 20 Three herders of the beef-cattle, .... 3 Three servants of the three padres, to which add - 2 OUTFIT OF THE EXPEDITION. one other who stayed with the two padres on the Colorado, 4 Three Indian interpreters of the three nations, Yuma, Cajuenche, and Jalchedun, ... 3 Total, 240 Including in this number the woman who afterward died on the road. Baggage. There were taken one hundred and forty mules loaded with provisions, munitions of war, and equipments of the sehor comandante of the ex- pedition, and other effects of the latter, and pres- ents in the name of His Majesty for the gentiles of the transit, 140 Item: About twenty-five loads of private baggage of the troops, 25 Item: Horses belonging to the expedition, with some private ones and some saddle-mules, . 500 Item: Some thirty mares, colts, and asses, . . 30 Total of the horse-herd, etc., . . . 695 Cattle. Item: Three hundred and twenty-five head of cattle for the subsistence of the expedition on the road, and the rest to start a herd in the new settle- ment and missions of the bay of San Francisco, 325 Item: About thirty private cattle, .... 30 355 I think I would have been willing to hear Father Font preach for the sake of having such a tabular exhibit of this expedition, which we see was an extensive outfit — 240 persons and 1050 beasts. The father notes that it was reduced en route by death, straying, and barter. He further notes that the regular order HOW THEY MARCHED. 73 of march was this: At the proper hour in the morning the order was given to round up the cavallada and mulada, the soldiers and servants going for the horses and the packers for the mules. While these people were packing and saddling he used to say mass, as there was plenty of time. As soon as the three pack-trains were ready to start, the commanding officer gave the order to mount — Vayan subiendo! and they all mounted, forming a column in this wise: Four soldiers went ahead as scouts. Anza led off with the van guard. Font came next, and after him came men, women, and children, escorted by soldiers; then the lieutenant brought up the rear guard. Behind these followed the three pack-trains, with the loose horses, and last of all the beef-herd. As soon as they started Font would strike up a hymn, the Alabado, to which all the people responded. The column, as may be easily seen, was a very long one, even when well closed up. On making camp, when they had dis- mounted, the lieutenant came to report to the commanding officer whether they were all up, or any had been left behind, and receive his orders. At night the people recited their beads, each family by itself, and finishing by singing the Alabado or Salve, or something of that sort, everyone for himself, and Font remarks that the variety had a very pleasing effect. There were so many people that when they camped it looked like a regular settlement, with the shelters that the soldiers made with their cloaks and blankets on boughs, and with the 13 tents of the company — nine for the soldiers, one for the lieutenant, one for Garces and Eixarch, one for Font, and a big circular one for the senor comandante. * I shall continue to check and amplify Garces' Diary by Font's, during the time the two priests keep together. — This night a soldier's wife gave birth to a fine child, but the labor was difficult, the birth was feet foremost, and the woman died at dawn. She was taken to be buried at Bac next evening, and interred on the 25th by Garces, who went ahead with the body. J4 ON TO BAC. 'After bending about the Santa Rita mts. N. of Tubac, the valley of Rio Santa Cruz widens into a plain rising to these mountains on the E., and to the Tinajita mts. on the W. ; pass Santa Rita peak and Mt. Hopkins on right, and Sopori cr. on left, somewhat more than halfway between Tubac and Canoa. The distance between these places is 14 m. by road, 12 in air line; at 10 m. by road was Reventon. Canoa will be found on modern maps, in this Spanish form; it means "canoe," though why so applied does not appear, unless it be in the literal sense: one of my maps marks the place " Canoe Crossg." The place is situated in tp. 19 of range 3 E. of the 2d guide meridian, and is included 'in the still unconfirmed San Ignacio de la Canoa private land claim. It was primarily a rancheria, doubtless of Papago Indians; in 1860-61 it consisted of a single stockade, available as an inn, and the latter year was the scene of a massacre in which a Papago and two Americans, one of them named Tarbox, were killed: Pumpelly, pp. 45-48. * Punta de los Llanos, otherwise called Llano Grande in an- other itinerary of this journey. This camp would be on the river, at or near the N. end of the Canoa claim, directly be- tween Mt Fagan on the E. and Samaniego peak on the W., each distant some 12-15 m -; nearest named place is Olive, 5 m. to the left. " In the evening Eixarch baptized the infant born on the night of the 23d. Font further notes that Bac was a pueblo of the Pimas Sobaypuris, once very populous but now much reduced by the incursions of the Apaches, and also on account of the unwholesomeness of the water, which was so thick and alka- line that a Jesuit once found that a single jugful left two ounces of alkali and other impurities. ' According to p. 5 of " A Brief Sketch of the Mission of San Xavier del Bac, with a Description of its Church, written by a missionary of Arizona" [Rev. J. B. Salpointe,], 2 eds., Tucson • d San Francisco, 1880, 8vo, pp. 20, Garces was one of 14 priests sent by the guardian of the Franciscan college of Santa SAN XAVIER DEL BAC. 75 Cruz de Queretaro at the request of the viceroy, Marques de Croix, in the name of the king (Charles III.). These priests landed at Guaymas Mar. 27, 1768, proceeding thence to San Miguel de Horcasitas, where they established headquarters. Of these missionaries, Garces was assigned to San Xavier del Bac in June, 1768.— F. W. H. * Bac, house, adobe house (as in Tubac, etc.), probably so called from the remains of numerous ancient adobe pueblos in the vicinity. Bac was a rancheria of the Sobaipuri, a Piman tribe closely related to the Papago, with whom those who were not captured by the Apache were consolidated. The settlement was situated on Rio Santa Cruz, 9 m. S. of Tucson in the N. E. corner of what is now the Papago Reservation by executive order of July 1, 1874. The rancheria, Bac, was visited by Father Eusebio Kino in 1697, and no doubt as early as 1692, the church (still standing) having been begun in 1699. In 1697 San Xavier del Bac contained 830 persons in 176 houses, mak- ing it the largest rancheria in the entire Pimeria, as the Pima country was called. In 1751 (during the revolt which con- tinued at intervals until late in 1753), it was plundered by the natives and abandoned, but was reoccupied two years later as a mission under the protection of the Tubac presidio. In 1760-64 the population was 399; but in 1772 it had dwindled to 270. Little is known of its history from Garces' time to 1828, when it was practically abandoned as a mission. In 1865 it contained 80 Papago families, and in 1869 was entirely under the control of that tribe.— F. W. H. Father Kino's first Arizona entrada was made with Father Juan Maria de Salvatierra in 1691. The padres were at Gue- vavi, Tumacacori and Suamca very early in that year. In the fall of 1692 Kino made his next visit to the Pimas, this being his second entrance into Arizona. The author of Apost. Afanes distinctly says that he started early in September of that year from his mission of Dolores, llego a San Xavier del Bac, y a Santa Maria Suamca, and returned to Dolores Dec. 11, 76 SAX XAVIER DEL BAC. 1692. This may be the opening of recognizable history of the place. In 1694. Mange calls the river on which it is situated Rio de San Xavier del Bac, noting the expedition to that river of Antonio Solis. Kino first reached the Gila in November. 1694, and said mass in Casa Grande; but we have no route, and only presume he passed through Bac. On Jan. 19, 1697, he started for Tumacacori and Bac, which he visited and returned to Dolores. The same year he again reached the Gila, by way of the Quiburi (San Pedro) river, and returned by way of the Santa Cruz, being at Bac Nov. 24 and 25; perhaps this is the year in which the name San Xavier was given to Bac, and it also figures as Batosda in the itinerary of this tour. Kino was next at Bac in 1699, with Fathers Antonio Leal, Antonio Gon- zalez and Captain Mange; the party left Dolores Oct. 24, and duly reached Bac by way of the Santa Cruz; Kino and Mange pushed on to a rancheria they called San Agustin (t. e., Tuc- son), returned, and the party left Bac Nov. 4. Next year, Kino was again at Bac, having left Dolores Apr. 21, and returned to it May 5, 1700. This is the occasion, says his biographer, Ortega, Apost. Afan., p. 284, when Kino founded the church: " abrio en San Xavier los cimientos a una nueva grande Iglesia. y tan capaz, que bastasse para la mucha gente — big enough for a large congregation; and he used much tuzontle, "a certain light porous stone, very suitable for building;" still it is quite possible that the structure may have been actually begun in 1699, and Kino have this time performed some corner-stone laying or other ceremony which was regarded as the first actual " foundation." The author of Rudo Ensayo says, p. 223: "This is the last [northernmost] mission among the Pimas . . . bounded on the west by the ranches of the Papagos who rove about this bleak wilderness; on the east by the Sobahipuris; and on the north ... by Casas Grandes and Pima of the Gila. At a distance of 3 leagues North . . . lies the Post of Tucson with sufficient people and conveniences to found another mission. Father SAN XAVIER DEL BAC. 'JJ Alphonsus [sic] Espinosa is [1762] the Minister of San Xavier, and he has to attend to more people than there are in all the other Missions. Many of the old people are new in the Faith, and he has to work hard with them to instruct them and keep them in obedience; for such is their character that the Opatas, when they are advised by the priest to be obedient and gentle, say: 'Are we perhaps Papagos?'" The church records of baptism, etc., 1720-67, are extant, and show that during this period Bac was successively administered by 22 Jesuit padres, the last of them being Alonso Espinosa, 1763-67. Garces arrived in 1768, and for 10 years — with inter- vals of travel — administered the mission, which he found in a sadly neglected state. The date " 1797," still legible over the door of the present church, is traditionally and reasonably sup- posed to be that of its completion, the building having gone on for 14 years from 1783. It is not the old Kino church of 1700, but its successor, built close by to replace the original one. Balthasar Cavillo appears on the books from May 22, 1780, to 1794, and Narciso Gutierres in 1794-99, so that no doubt it was finished under the administration of these padres. Each of them went to and died in Tumacacori; Gutierres shortly before Jan. 1, 1821. On Dec. 13, 1822, the bones of both were trans- ferred from an old to the new church, as we learn by the records. Owing to protection from the Presidio of Tucson, estab. in 1776, Bac flourished as a mission to 1810; it then went down, and ended on the expulsion of the Franciscans on the fall of the colonial government, Dec. 2, 1827. Bac had 16 post-Jesuit padres, either as residents or temporary incumbents. Bac was never quite abandoned, as it was put nominally under charge of the parish priest of Magdalena after 1827; but it merely struggled along till 1859, when Arizona was ecclesiasti- cally segregated to the diocese of Santa Fe, N. M., whose bishop was Right Rev. J. B. Lamy, who sent Very Rev. J. P. Mache- beuf to Bac. A description of Bac in 1852 is given by Bartlett, ii, p. 298: " A ride of nine miles [from Tucson] brought us to TUCSON. the mission of Son Xaiicr del Bac; truly a miserable place, con- sisting of from So to ioo huts, or wigwams, made of mud or straw, the sole occupants of which are Pimo Indians, though generally called Papagos. In the midst of these hovels stands the largest and most beautiful church in the State of Sonora. It is built of brick on the summit of a low hill, and has two towers and a dome. In a square, around and directly con- nected with the cnurch, are some adobe houses, which were occupied when the mission was in a flourishing state. All save one are now tenantless, and this, which adjoins the church, is occupied by the only Mexican family in the place." (Bartlett continues with a description of the church.) In 1864 Bac was administered by Rev. C. Mesea, S. J. In 1866 a school for Papagos was opened at Bac; and in 1873 another, the latter under A. R. Wilbur as Indian Agent, supported by the U. S. Government and administered by three Sisters of St. Joseph; closed Apr. I, 1876, when the Papagos were consolidated with the Piman Agency. A good description of the church as it -tands may be read in the pamphlet above cited, pp. 16-20, and ] here give a very recent photograph. 10 This date is notable for one of the miracles which often happened during the journey — at least in Font's diary thereof. He says it is a wonderful thing that they were never jumped by Apaches, nor did they ever see one; which should be attributed to the patronage of Santisima Virgen de Guadalupe, for, if the Apaches had jumped them, no doubt there would have been trouble — a statement of fact, whatever we may think of such simple logic. 11 From the Piman styuk-son, " dark or brown spring." Its settlement by Spaniards has been reputed to date from 1560, but there is little doubt that it became a Spanish settlement not earlier than 1776. Before that time it was a rancheria, probably of mixed Pima, Papago, and Sobaipuri, and from as early as 1763 was regularly visited, as San Jose de Tucson, by the missionary of San Xavier del Bac. In 1776 the presidio of J - * 1 • i * — TUCSON. 79 Tubac was transferred there and the name San Agustin de Tuc- son applied. The native population in 1760-67 was 331, and 200 families were settled there in 1772; but in 1774, when Anza visited the place, he found but 80 families of " Pimas." It was occupied as a presidio until the beginning of the Mexican war, 1846. The name appears in many forms in literature, among them being Fruson, Fucson, Lucson, Teuson, Toison, Tubso, Tubson, Tucsson, Tuczon, Tueson, Tugson, Tuguison, Tuison, Tulquson, Tuozon, Tuquison, Tuson, and Tuqulson; the last occurring on Font's map. — F. W. H. How long the site of Tucson had been a rancheria is un- known, but its alleged great antiquity as a Spanish settlement is a fable. There may have been a few whites there in Jesuit times, before 1767, but if so they had abandoned the place by 1763. The rubbish that has been written about Tucson's' sixteenth-century dates is only matched by the like Santa Fe myths: see for example Bancroft, Ariz, and N. M., p. 374, where some of these stories are ridiculed. We have the first definite knowledge of Tucson as a rancheria de visita of the Bac mission in 1763. Its foundation as a Spanish settlement was in 1776, when the Presidio de Tubac was moved to Tucson; and we know of a paper dated Nov. 24, 1777, asking to have it brought back from Tucson to Tubac. At this time the name was San Agustin de Tucson, and the little Indian village alongside the presidio was called San Agustin del Pueblito de Tucson; but the name San Agustin, as applied to the site or rancheria of Tucson, is very much older, appearing in the annals of Kino's entrada of October, 1699. These statements of the date of Tucson as a presidio are confirmed by Font's journal, which for to-day has: " This pueblo de Tuquison is more populous than that of San Xavier del Bac; and the following year of 1776 the presidio of Tubac was transferred hither, where it remains still, and is called the Presidio de San Agustin del Tuquison." From these beginnings the history of Tucson, though unbroken, is little notable down to modern times. In Sept., 1848, the pop. 80 TUCSON. was 760, increased in December by refugees from Tumacacori and Tubac after Apache troubles. A plate of Tucson as it was in 1852 faces p. 292 of Bartlett's Narr., vol. ii, giving a good idea of the entourage. This author says, p. 295: " Tucson is the most northern town in Mexico, and a very old place. It is found on the oldest maps, and is referred to by the early missionaries. It has always been, and is to this day, a presidio or garrison; but for which the place could not be sustained. In its best days it boasted a population of 1000 souls, now diminished to about one third that number. It stands on the plateau adjoin- ing the fertile valley watered by the Santa Cruz River, a small stream which rises ten miles north-east of the town of Santa Cruz, whence it flows south to that place. It then takes a west- erly direction for about 10 miles, after which it flows northward through Tubac and Tucson, and soon becomes lost in the desert. The lands near Tucson are very rich, and were once extensively cultivated; but the encroachments of the Apaches compelled the people to abandon their ranchos and seek safety within the town. The miserable population, confined to such narrow limits, barely gains a subsistence, and could not exist a year but for the protection from the troops. More than once the town has been invested by from one to two thousand Indians, and attempts made to take it, but thus far without success. . . The houses of Tucson are all of adobe, and the majority are in a state of ruin. No attention seems to be given to repair; but as soon as a dwelling becomes uninhabitable, it is deserted, the miserable tenants creeping into some other hovel where they may eke out their existence. We found 300 soldiers in the place, although the average number for some years past has not exceeded 20." Tucson was occupied by a garrison of the First Dragoons in 1856, when we took posses- sion of the Gadsden Purchase, and on Aug. 29 of that year a convention was held to take measures for a territorial organiza- tion of Arizona. In 1860-61, the Weekly Arizonian, a newspaper which had been started in Tubac, was published in Tucson. TUCSON. 8l On Apr. 2-5, i860, a convention adopted a constitution of the provisional government of the Territory of Arizona, and pub- lished its proceedings, umo, pp. 23. In Feb., 1862, Tucson was occupied by Confederate troops, but held only till May. Tuc- son was named as the capital in the Arizona bill of March, 1862, but eliminated from that which finally passed the U. S. Senate Feb. 20, 1863, and became a law on the 24th. The new capital was fixed at Prescott in 1864, but in 1867 it was re- moved to Tucson; it stayed there till 1877, when it was transferred back to Prescott, and there remained till Feb. 4, 1889. when it went to Phoenix. The railroad reached Tuc- son in 1880, and the land office of the Gila district was removed from Florence to Tucson in 1882. Among the notabilia of Tucson are the two masses of meteoric iron, which long served as anvils in a blacksmith's shop. The larger one was removed in i860, and is now in the Smithsonian Institution, known as the Ainsa meteorite, brought in 1735 from Sierra de la Madera by Don Juan Bautista de Ainsa (sic — apparently same name as Anza or Ansa). It is an irregular ring of iron, 38 to 49 inches in external and 23 to 26^ inches in internal diam- eter, weighing about 1600 lbs. The other meteorite was a slab, sent to San Francisco in 1862 by General J. H. Carleton; 4 feet long, 18 inches broad, 2 to 5 inches thick, weight 632 lbs. See Bartlett, ii, p. 297, and cut opp. p. 298; Whitney, Proc. Cala. Acad. Sci., iii, pp. 30 and 48; Pumpelly. Across Amer., p. 6. 1J Visita de mi administration. A visita was a clerical out- post visited or to be visited by a padre residing elsewhere, hav- ing no resident minister of its own. There were usually sev- eral such in the vicinity of the principal mission where resided the padre, and all were under his administration; all also were considered as one " mission " — the main one with its pueblos de visita. As Garces lived at Bac, Tucson was a visita of his administration. u Sierra llamada Frente Negra, literally Black Face. This is the range variously called Sierra de Tucson or Tucson range, 8J CONTINUING DOWN RIO SANTA CRUZ. lying directly W. of Tucson, extending N. W. and S. E. Two of its peaks are Nasson and Safford, the latter northernmost; the name " Nasson " appears to be a mistake for that of John Wasson, surveyor-general of Arizona, 1870-82; Safford was evi- dently named for Governor A. K. P. Safford, 1869-77. The journey has continued down Rio Santa Cruz past Rillito creek, practically along the present railroad, to camp near Point of Mountain or Rillito station, which is by rail 16 m. N. W. of Tucson. The Tortolita mts. are at a distance on the right. This locality is also called Llano del Azotado (azotado, one who has been flogged) and Tutuetac, in other itineraries of the jour- ney. Font tells the story which explains the name Azotado. He calls the place more fully Llano del Puerto del Azotado, the passage from the plain to the gap being made next day. On the 27th, before breaking camp, two muleteers hid away, in- tending to desert. Some Indians of Tucson were sent to find them, and at night eight came into camp with one of the de- serters. The runaway was put in custody and given twelve lashes; for which reason was the place called Llano del Azo- tado. 14 To-day occurred one of the spats which were almost inces- sant between Anza and his priests, but the only one in which Garces seems to have taken part. Font, on the other hand, was continually in hot water with his commanding officer, whom he abuses, expressly or implicitly, throughout his diary. He was not well, and some allowance may be made for our model journalist on that account; but he was peevish, fussy, meddlesome, truculent, and puffed up with his chaplaincy, to the continual annoyance of his reserved and haughty superior. When breaking camp this morning, Garces expostulated with Anza concerning some beasts he had asked for and been prom- ised; to which Anza replied that he could give him none be- cause he had none to spare. Whereupon Garces talked back pretty plainly (con alguna claridad), and what he said made the senor comandante so angry that though Font succeeded in PAPAGO INDIANS. 83 pacifying him, he would not speak to either of them all that day. 15 The meaning of this name is not known, but it seems to contain the element o-a, to deface, to obliterate, probably in allusion to the pueblo that had been destroyed by the Apache. It has also been called Oapars, as on Garces' journey of 1771 ; while Anza and Font record it under the names Ditt- pax, Oitapars, Oytapayts, Oytaparts, and Pueblo viejo. — F. W. H. 18 The derivation of the name of this important Piman tribe is involved in some doubt. It has been persistently stated by a number of writers that the word means " hair cut," or " bap- tized," the sign by which the " converted " Piman Indians were formerly distinguished. This is no doubt an error. More likely the term is a corruption of their own name Papab- ootam (ootatn signifying men, folk, Indians) or else derived from papavi-ootam, " bean people " (" Pimas Frijoleros ") be- cause their principal crop is beans. The latter derivation was suggested by Father Kino as early as 1699. The Papago are closely allied to the Pima Alta or Northern Pima, and in- habit the territory formerly and still limitedly known as the Papagueria. extending from the Gila southward into Sonora, and from Quitovaquito in the west to San Xavier del Bac in the east. In the 17th and 18th centuries they were less inclined to village life than the Pima, a fact doubtless due to the necessi- ties of their inhospitable habitat, where water is exceedingly scarce. They subsist by agriculture, but formerly conducted a considerable trade in salt from the inland saline lagoons. They also manufacture a syrup extracted from the pitahaya or giant cactus (Cereus giganteus). They are tall, dark-complexioned, and instead of wearing their hair in long braids or twists like their congeners the Pima, they cut it at a level with the shoul- ders. Their language varies little from that of the Pima, with whom they have intermarried from early times. They for- merly suffered considerably from Apache inroads. Pop. in 1897, 84 VARIOUS PLACES. 3.270 in Arizona, and probably as many more in Sonora. Other forms of the name are Papabi-ootam (1794), Papabi-Otawas, Papabos, Papabotas, Papaga, Papagi, Pa-Pagoe, Papagoose, Papahi-Ootam, Papahotas, Papalotes (1746), Papa-Otam (1764), Papapootam, Papavicotam, Papavo, Papawar, Papayos, Papelotes, Papigo, Piatos, Tono-Ootam (" Desert People," said to be one of their own names), etc. — F. W. H. ' 7 Passing Rillito, Desert Wells, and Naviska stations, and thus from Pima into Pinal county, making about 16 m. to camp in the vicinity of present Red Rock. " Ranchcria, any village, settlement, or place cultivated, espe- cially by Indians; equivalent to rancho or ranch, in the west meaning what farm does in the east. a Quitoac also appears in print as Quitcac, and another name of this rancheria is Bajio de Aquituno, or Aquituno flats, from the Anza and Font narratives of the same journey. This was evidently an insignificant Papago settlement on the Santa Cruz near the present so-called Picacho peak, and was occupied at intervals when this intermittent stream afforded a sufficient water supply for a few families. The meaning of the name is not known, although the elements kit or quit (wall) and bac or vac (house, ruin) seem to appear in the term. As this territory contains the remains of many prehistoric pueblo ruins it is not unlikely that the name was suggested by an ancient house wall standing above ground. Arricivita calls the place Aquitun. — F. VV. H. Quitoac can be located more closely by Font's journal than by GarceY. The former says it was only half a league from the camp of last night, and consisted of some 30 jacals, inhab- ited at times by the Papagos, who were just then on the Gila, as we find beyond. Font spells the name Cuitoa and Cuytoa, and says that a little further on was a laguna — the sink of the Rio del Tuquison y San Xavier, as he calls the Santa Cruz river. 20 Picacho, picache or peak, peak of a mountain, but more par- PIMAS GILENOS, ETC. 85 ticularly applied to any such isolated elevation in a plain as would be styled a butte in most parts of the west. 21 Cerro is properly a hill .r smooth rounded highland in any elevated rolling country, and is not well applied to this isolated picache or peak. Tacca also appears in print as Ttacca and Taceo (perhaps the Piman word ta-kju, meaning " iron "). This small mountain stands in the plain close to the railroad, on the left going north, between Red Rock and Picacho stations: there is another further off to the right, called Desert peak. The picacho is a conspicuous landmark in the Tucson desert; a cut of this formation, viewed from the south, is on p. 200 of Bartlett's Narr., vol. ii. As Garces is still traveling " by rail," as it were, it is easy to adjust his camps; his line of march is parallel with the rails, though a little west of them, as it is on the other (the left) side of Rio Santa Cruz, till to-day, as appears by Font's map. Besides is- suing the order of which Garces speaks, Anza to-day enforced discipline by directing 25 lashes to be given to the other mule- teer who had absconded and been brought in by Indians from Tucson. 22 These were not a distinct tribe of the Pima, the name being applied to the Pima, Sobaipuri, and also evidently some stray Papago settled along the Gila, whence the name is derived. Also called Cilenos and Xilenos. They of course have no con- nection with the Apaches Gilenos or Gileno Apache to the east- ward, who also were called Xilenos, Gilenos, etc. — F. W. H. The author of the Rudo Ensayo devotes his chap, vi, sec. 2, pp. 188-192, to the " High and Low Pimas," i. e., those of Pimeria Alta and Baxa. " The villages of the Low Pimas are like landmarks in this province [Sonora]; for from Taraitzi to Cumuripa, Onapa, Nuri, Movas, and Onabas, they form such towards the south, and from Cumuripa, Zuaqui [or Suaqui, a Nevome village], San Joseph of the Pimas, Santa Rosalia, Ures, and Nacomeri, towards the west, they form the border line with the Seris. . . The Pimas of the mountains [i. c, High Pimas] 86 PIMAN AND YUMAN FAMILIES. occupy all of the land from Cucurpe, through Santa Ana and Caborca to the sea, from east to west, and from south to north, all from said mission running through Dolores, Remedios, Co- cospera, the Terrenate fortress, and from there following the river San Pedro, called also Sobahipuris, as far as its junction with the Gila, and on both banks of the latter as far as the Colorado. . . The genuine Pimas of the mountains may be divided into four sections: the first comprehends those congre- gated in villages; the second, the Papagos already mentioned; the third, the Sobahipuris; and the fourth, those who live on the Gila river." i. e., the Gilefios mentioned in the text above. The Ensayo continues: "The Opas. Comaricopas, Hudcoa- dam, Yumas, Cuhuanas, Quiquimas and others beyond the Colorado river, may also be called Pimas and counted as so many tribes of this nation, for they all use the same language with merely a difference of dialect." But this last statement requires modification in order to recognize the Yumas, etc., as a distinct linguistic stock. The classification now accepted is: PIMAN FAMILY. YUMAN FAMILY. a) Northern. Cochimi. Opata. Cocopa. Papago. Cuchan (Yuma proper). Pima (proper). Diegueno. b) Southern. Havasupai. Cahita. Maricopa. Cora. Mojave. Tarahumara. Seri(?). Tepehuana. Waicuru. Walapai. Yavapai. " Bearing away from the Santa Cruz in the vicinity of present Picacho station, and proceeding little west of north for about 32 miles, Garces approaches the Gila at a point some 8 miles VARIOUS PLACES. 87 N. W. of the Casa Grande, as we learn from what he says for Oct. 31. The laguna where the party camped is called Camani in another report of this expedition. This position is in the S. E. portion of the present Gila River Indian Reservation, not far from the present Indian village which is 12 m. due W. of Florence. The reservation is a large one, running broadly down both sides of the river to the confluence of Salt river, and has quite a long history: see Executive Orders of Aug. 31, 1876; Jan. 10 and June 14, 1879; May 5, 1882; Nov. 15, 1883. The Gila is the principal branch of the Colorado in Arizona, and thus the second largest river of the Territory; with its main fork, the Salado, it is the first in importance from an agricultural standpoint. A special note on this river will be found beyond. 24 Zacdte, more frequently sacate, from the Nahuatl gacatl, is the usual name for grass such as horses and cattle eat, also called indifferently by Garces pastos and pasturas, pasturage, forage, herbage. Such " grass " is distinguished from sacaton, the tall rank herbage, such as reeds, rushes, and the like, unfit for forage. 25 Equituni is the same as Aquituno or Aquituni, the names applied by Anza and Font on this journey to Garces' ran- cheria of Quitoac. So far as known this is the first and in- deed only time the name is given. There is a close similarity between the names Quitoac and Quitoa (following), but unless Garces became confused they were doubtless distinct rancherias. — F. W. H. 28 Cuitoa was a Papago village, the Papago also being loosely included with the Pimas Gilefios. See note 19 , p. 84. — F. W. H. " Vturituc was a Pima village on the Gila, 4 to 6 leagues west of Casa Grande ruin. Anza visited it in 1774, at which date it had 300 inhabitants. Font estimated the population at 1000. Its saint name was San Juan Capistrano, and it has been re- ferred to under the names San Juan Capistrans de Virtud, Ulurituc, Tutiritucar, Tutunitucan, Utilltuc, and Uturicut. — F. W. H. TROWESS OF THE PIMAS. * Sutaquison was a Pima settlement on the Gila between Casa Grande and a point 10 miles below. Kino first visited it in 1694, naming it Encarnacion. It is probably identical with the modern Sacaton or Zacaton. According to Font the population was 5000 in 1775, and although this may be an overestimate it was in all probability the most populous of all the Pima settle- ments. Also recorded as Sudacson, Sutaguison, etc. The name seems to have a derivation similar to that of Tucson (Styucson), previously noted. — F. W. H. The evidence that Kino visited Sutaquison and named it En- carnacion in 1694 is positive by Apost. Afan., p. 253, where it is said, in substance, that in Nov., 1694, he undertook a new jour- ney, and penetrated unto the Rio Gila, distant as it were 43 leagues from San Xavier del Bac, between north and west: "to the first rancheria which he encountered, composed of Piman people, he gave the name of Encarnacion; and to another, four leagues further on, that of San Andres." M The Pimas waged vigorous war against the Apaches whenever occasion offered, and there are still among the for- mer tribe many elderly men who bear wounds received during Apache campaigns. Had it not been for the friendly Pimas, many white settlements in southern Arizona would not have found it possible to exist. — F. W. H. The prowess of the Pimas was more than once felt by their oppressors the Spaniards. Three Jesuit missionaries and va- rious others were killed by them at different times. The tarliest victim was Father F. X. Saeta, murdered at Caborca on Apr. 2, 1695 (Apost. Afan., p. 257). The most notable uprising began on Nov. 21, 1751, on which day Fathers Tomas Tello at Caborca and Henry Ruen or Ruhen at Sonoita were killed; this revolt was not finally quelled till 1754. Another important insurrection occurred in 1761, and ran a year or two; this was of of Pimas Bajas and Seris. The Pimas, in fact, in spite of the eloquent protestations of their chief apostle Kino, were almost from the beginning regarded with suspicion by the Spaniards, MOTECUHZOMA. 89 and the logic of events frequently justified such suspicion; but it should be added that they were more than once outraged and of course incessantly oppressed. Since we have owned the country I do not think we have ever had trouble with either Pimas or Papagos in Arizona. " Moctezuma is a compromise between the proper name and our familiar corruption, Montezuma: thus Bandelier, Amer. Anthrop., Oct., 1892, p. 319, has: "There is no need of proving that the name of the Mexican ' Chief of Men ' (Tlaca-tecuhtli) who perished while in the custody of the Spaniards under Her- nando Cortes in 1520 was Mo-tecuh-zoma, literally ' Our Wrathy Chieftain.' Bernal Diez [Diaz] del Castillo, an eye- witness and the much-prejudiced author of the 'True History' of the Conquest, is responsible for the corruption into Montezuma, which has since become popular and most widely known. It is interesting how that misspelling has taken hold of the public mind, how it has completely supplanted the original true orthography and meaning. Meaning even is out of place here, for, while Motecnhsoma is a legitimate Nahuatl word with a very plain signification, and also a typical Indian personal name, Montezuma has no signification whatever; and yet, in Mexico, even the Nahuatl Indians — those who speak the Nahuatl lan- guage daily — know only Montezuma, and would hardly recog- nize the original name as applicable to him, whom they have been taught to call an ' emperor.' " Ruins of unknown origin became " Montezumas " — not only " houses of Montezuma," but Montezuma himself — in popular speech. " Casas de Montezuma " are mentioned by this name as early as 1664 by Francisco de Gorraez Beaumont and An- tonio de Oca Sarmiento, speaking of those then recently dis- covered in northwestern Chihuahua (Bandelier, /. c, p. 320). The most famous of all such edifices is still standing near the Gila, only about a mile and a half south of the river, some nine miles west by south by the road from Florence, in the S. W. J4 of section 16 of tp. 5 S. of the base line, range 8 E. of the Gila 90 DISCOVERY OF CASA GRANDE. and Salt river meridian; this is the one now visited by Font and Garces. Its position is almost on lat. 33°; so Father Font made a close observation on this Oct. 31, 1775. Its location is a reservation of about 54 square m., called by the name of the ruin, set aside from sale or settlement by Executive Order of June 22, 1892, in pursuance of Act of Congress of Mar. 2, 1889. Its literature is extensive; besides what I am about to cite, see Bandelier's Final Rep. in Arch. Inst. Papers, pt. ii, 1892, p. 439 (t scq., referring to early Spanish reports; Fewkes in Journ. Amer. Ethn. and Arch., 1892, pp. 177-193; and MindelefFs elab- orate papers in 13th and 15th Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Waiving what has been erroneously adduced of Spanish knowl- edge of this Casa Grande in the time of Friar Marcos and Coro- nado, 1539-42, I will note something of the discovery of these ruins by Kino in November, 1694, on the occasion of his first pushing an entrada in Arizona to the Gila. It appears from Apost. Afan., p. 252 et seq., that Kino had heard of the ruin in Nov., 1694, when he undertook a new journey and reached the Gila: " En este sitio se hallo una casa grande, y antigua, que aun ahora [1752] permanece, y se assegura, que es de quatro altos; alii cerca se veian otras, que sin duda davan indicio de Pobla- cion grande, que havia havido en otro tiempo. Anade en su relation el padre Kino, que en otras ocasiones havia oido dezir, y algunas vezes el mismo visto, que mas adelante por los mis- mos rumbos de Oriente, Poniente, y Norte havia otros vestigios, y ruinas de semejantes Poblaciones " — that is to say, freely, in that Gila locality there was found a house large and ancient, which was still standing when Ortega was writing, in 1752, and was certainly four stories high; that thereabouts were to be seen others which had formerly existed; that Father Kino added in his relation, that on other occasions he had heard it said, and sometimes had seen for himself, that further on in the same directions, east, west, and north, there were yet other remains and ruins of similar settlements. Ortega goes on to speak of the ancient traditions, received by all the historians of New KINO AT CASA GRANDE. 91 Spain, that through those interior parts came the ancient Mex- ican nation to seek lands in which to settle, and that this Gila locality was one of their stopping-places, in which they left those houses whose ruins were still recognized. Also, he says, there were existent between Presidio de Janos and Real de Che- guagua other casas grandes, having like relation to the peoples whose transmigration ended with the founding of the City of Mexico. Again, says Ortega, Father Kino is persuaded in his MSS. that this locality is the one which the venerable Padre Frai Marcos de Niza, who claims to have gone all through these lands, calls that of the Seven Cities (sc. of Cibola) in a volume he wrote about his peregrinations — which is, of course, a mistake, as that friar was never there. Kino is credited with having said mass in the casa in that autumn of 1694; he was again on the spot in November of 1697, and once more in the spring of 1699. On the occasion of his 1697 visit, his biog- rapher gives the following notice, Apost. Afan., p. 268: " Si- guiendo las orillas del mismo Rio Quiburi [now Rio San Pedro) llegaron a las del Gila, y caminando por tres dias rio abaxo . . . vinieron a la Casa grande, de cuya vista mucho se ale- graron los Cabos, y los Soldados; admiraronse, que distasse del rio Gila casi una legua en parage falto de agua: cesso en breve su admiracion, quando repararon en una Zanja de seis, 6 sieta varas de anchura con los bordos en una, y otra parte de tres varas de alto, que llegava hasta el rio Gila, y proveia de agua no solo las Casas, mas tambien con una gran buelta, que dava a una campina de muchas leguas de extension, en tierra liana, y pingue: indicava todo esto lo mucho, que anos pasados havia servido en dilatadas siembras, y las que en lo venidero se podian hazer alii " — that is to say, in substance, the soldiers wondered at the distance of the house from the Gila in such a dry place, but ceased to marvel when they found what a big ditch extended to the river, sufficing to irrigate all the country round about, etc. The diary of this expedition, by Juan Mateo Mange, who accompanied Kino, is printed in Doc. para Hist. 92 RUDO ENSAYO ON CASA GRANDE. Mex., 4th ser., i, 1856, pp. 274-291, with ref. to the Casas Grandes on pp. 282-284, for Nov. 18, 1697. This, no doubt, is what is quoted by Bartlett, Narr., ii, p. 265, with ref. to a MS. cited in Schoolcraft's Indian Tribes, iii, p. 301. Though Mange was also with Kino on the entrada of 1694, when the Casas Grandes were discovered by Kino, he did not share that discovery. But he has been repeatedly quoted as co-discoverer, as by Bartlett, p. 281, relying upon the notoriously inaccurate Schoolcraft, who even credits Mange, an army officer, with saying mass in the famous edifice! If we return to Mange's own diary of 1694, as pub. in the Docs, just cited, pp. 250-259, we find on p. 250 that the heading of Capitulo Tercero, devoted to Kino's third entrada, declares that " ejecuto por si (by himself) el dicho padre al descubrimiento de las Casas Grandes," etc.; while at the end of this chapter, p. 259, there is the follow- ing: " En el interin de esta campana mismo mes y ano [Novem- ber, 1694] salio por si el reverendo padre Francisco Eusebio Kino, a descubrir el rio [Gila] y casas grandes dentro de las cuales dijo misa " — went alone the Rev. Padre Kino to discover the Gila and Casas Grandes, in which latter he said mass. From the turn of the century, 1699-1700, we have little further information for about 60 years. Then the author of the Rudo Ensayo, writing in 1762, speaks as follows (I quote the English transl. first pub. June, 1894, in Am. Cath. Hist. Soc, v, No. 2, p. 127): "... the Gila leaves on its left, at the distance of one league, the Casa Grande, called the house of Moctezuma, because of a tradition current among the Indians and Spaniards, of this place having been one of the abodes in which the Mexicans rested on their long transmigrations. This great house is four stories high, still standing, with a roof made of beams of cedar or tlascal, and with most solid walls of a material that looks like the best cement. It is divided into many halls and rooms and might well lodge a travelling court. Three leagues distant and on the right bank of the river there is another similar house, but now much demolished, which, from the ruins, can be in- FONT ON CASA GRANDE. 93 ferred to have been of vaster size than the former. For some leagues around, in the neighborhood of these houses, wherever the earth is dug up, broken pieces of very fine and variously colored earthen-ware are found. Judging from a reservoir of vast extent and still open, which is found two leagues up the river, holding sufficient water to supply a city and to irrigate for many leagues the fruitful land of that beautiful plain, the residence of the Mexicans there must not have been a brief one." The foregoing fairly reflects what was known or believed concerning the Casas Grandes, down to the date of our author's visit to the ruins with Father Font. Font's original report, in Spanish, has never been published; but a French translation, from some clerical copy of Font's Diary, appeared in Ternaux- Compans, Voyages, etc., 8vo, Paris, 1838, vol. ix, appendix, art. vii, pp. 383-386, headed " Notice sur la Grande Maison Dite de Moctecuzoma." This appears to be the basis of the account in English in Bartlett's Narrative, etc. Ternaux-Compans was a careless if not an incompetent editor of Spanish; there is always a suspicion that what he sets forth in French is not exactly what his Spanish author says in the original. I made a careful translation of the French at Santa Fe, Sept. 4, 1898, but on comparing it with Font's Diary I find it a loose para- phrase. With Font's own handwriting before me, I give it in as close a translation as I can make — as nearly word for word as English idiom will admit. At date of Tuesday, Oct. 31, Font says: " Determined the senor comandante to-day to rest the people from the long journey of yesterday, and with this we had an opportunity of going to examine the Casa grande, that they call of Moctezuma, situated at one league from the river Gila, and distant from the place of the laguna [Camani, where they had camped] some three leagues to the eastsoutheast; to the which we went after mass, and returned after midday, accompanied by some Indians, and by the Governor of Uturituc, who on the way told us a history, and tradition, that the Pimas Gilenos 94 FONT ON CASA GRANDE. conserve from their ancestors concerning said Casa grande, which all reduces itself to fictions (patranas) mingled confusedly with some catholic truths, the which I will notice hereafter. I i bserved this place of the Casa grande, marked on the Map, which afterward I drew, with the letter A, and I found it with- out correction in 33." 11.' and with correction in 33.° 3.' J /2. [Ternaux-Compans has 33 30' by mistake — read 33 03' 30".] And thus I say: In the Casa grande of the river Gila, day 31 of October of 1775: meridional altitude of the lower limb of the sun: 42.° 25.' We examined with all care this edifice, and its \estiges, whose ichnographic plan is that which here I put [pen- and-ink ground plan of the Casa, oriented, 10% x 6}i inches, faces p. 20 of the bound MS.]: and for its better understanding 1 give the description and explication following: The Casa grande, or palace of Moctezuma will have from foundation some five hundred years according to the histories and scanty notices that there are of it, and the Indians give: because, as it appears, the Mexicans made this foundation when in their trans- migrations the devil took them through various lands until they iirrived at the promised land of Mexico, and in their sojourns, which were long, they formed settlement, and edifices. The site on which is found this Casa is level in all directions, and apart from the river Gila about one league, and the ruins of the houses which formed the settlement extend more than a league to the east and the rest of the winds; and all this ground is strewn with pieces of jars, pots, plates, &c, some plain, and others painted of various colors, white, blue, red, &c, an indica- tion that it was a large settlement, and of a distinct people from the Pimas Gilenos, since these know not to make such pottery. We made an exact inspection of the edifice, and of its situation, and we measured it with a lance for the nonce, which measure- ment I reduced afterward to geometrical feet, and a little more or less it h the following: The Casa is an oblong square iquadrilonga — mm carre long), and perfectly to the four cardinal winds, east, west, north, and south, and roundabout (al rededor) Contour Intervol. I. Foot. GROUND PLAN OF CASA GRANDE (AFTER MINDELEFF) FONT ON CASA GRANDE. 95 are some ruins, which indicate some enclosure or wall (ccrco 6 muralla), which surrounded the house and other buildings particularly at the corners (esquinas), where it seems there was some structure like an interior castle, or watch-tower, for in the corner which falls on the southwest there is a piece of groundwork with its divisions and an elevation (un pedazo en pie con sus divisiones, y un alto — remains of basement and wall). The exterior enclosure has from north to south 420. feet, and from east to west 260. The interior of the Casa is composed of five halls, the three equal in the middle, and one at each extremity larger. The three [middle] halls have from north to south 26. feet, and from east to west 10. The two halls of the extremities [one at each end] have from north to south 12. feet, and from east to west 38. The halls have of height some 11. feet, and all are equal [in this respect]. The doors of com- munication have of height 5. feet, and of width 2. and are all about equal, except the four first [outer ones] of the four entrances, which it appears were twice as wide (otro tanto anchas). The thickness of the interior walls [is] 4. feet, and they are well constructed (enjarradas) ; and of the exterior ones 6. feet. The Casa has on the outside from north to south 70. feet, and from east to west 50. The walls are sloped (escar- padas) on the outer side. In front of the door of the east, separated from the Casa, there is another building (pieza — piece), which has from north to south 26. feet, and from east to west 18. without [exclusive of] the thickness of the walls. The woodwork was of pine, apparently (por lo que se ve), and the sierra most near, which has pines, is distant some twenty and five leagues: and also has some mezquite. All the edifice is of earth, and according to the signs, it is a mud-wall made with boxes of various sizes (es tapia fabricada con caxones de varios tamanes, i. e., is built of puddled earth in blocks of various sizes). There comes from the river, and from quite afar, an acequia very large, with which was supplied with water the population, and it is now very blind (cegada, i.e., indistinct.) [Some translate 96 FONT ON CASA GRANDE. this "almost dry"!]. Finally, it is known that the edifice had three stories; and if is truth that which can be found out from the Indians, and according to the indications that are visible, it had four, the basement of the Casa deepening in the manner of a subterranean apartment. To give light to the apartments, there occurs no more than the doors, and some circular open- ings in the midst of the walls which face to the east and west, and the Indians said that through these openings (which are pretty large) looked out the Prince, whom they name El Hombre Amargo [lliomme deplaisant, the ' ugly man,' i. e., our wrathy chieftain Motecuhzoma] upon the sun when it rose, and set, to salute it. There are found no traces of staircases, from which we judged that they were of wood, and were de- stroyed in the conflagration which the edifice suffered from the Apaches." Thus far Font with his excellent description. He goes on with two and a half pages of the yarn which the governor of Uturituc spun for him in the Pima tongue, translated as they went along by one of Anza's servants. But this is dreary rubbish, which it would be neither entertaining nor edifying to set forth; and so I refrain. When Lt. Col. W. H. Emory came by in November, 1846, he found an Indian who told him the fact about these buildings: "We know, in truth, nothing of their origin. It is all enveloped in mystery " (Report, etc., p. 83; with a plate of the main Casa Grande and the two adjoin- ing buildings, from the sketch made by J. M. Stanley, artist of the expedition, whose many paintings, mostly Indian por- traits, were destroyed by the partial burning of the Smithsonian Institution, Jan. 24, 1865). Font's description has been repeatedly quoted or copied, some authors making the strange mistake of citing his dimen- sions of the exterior enclosure, 420 x 260 feet, as those of the house itself. Bartlett's Narr., ii, p. 280, notices this blunder, after giving a long extract from Font, as far as it goes sub- stantially the same as the above. He visited the spot on July 12, BARTLETT ON CASA GRANDE. 97 1852, and has left us a careful description of the ruins as they then were, in comparison with Font of 1775 and Kino of 1694, finding little change during the century and a half; his plate of the three principal ruins faces p. 274, and on p. 276 are the ground plans of two of them and two elevations. I think it well to transcribe his account (Narr., ii, pp. 272-yy): " The ' Casas Grandes,' or Great Houses, consist of three buildings, all included within a space of 150 yards. The prin- cipal and larger one is in the best state of preservation, its four exterior walls and most of the inner ones remaining. A con- siderable portion of the upper part of the walls has crumbled away and fallen inwards, as appears from the great quantity of rubbish and disintegrated adobe which fills the first story of the building. Three stories now stand and can plainly be made out by the ends of the beams remaining in the walls, or by the cavities which they occupied; but I think there must have been another story above, in order to account for the crumbling walls and rubbish within. The central portion or tower rising from the foundation, is some eight or ten feet higher than the outer walls, and may have been several feet, probably one story, higher when the building was complete. The walls at the base are between four and five feet in thickness; their pre- cise dimensions could not be ascertained, so much having crum- bled away. The inside is perpendicular, while the exterior face tapers towards the top, in a curved line. These walls, as well as the division walls of the interior, are laid with large square blocks of mud, prepared for the purpose by pressing the material into large boxes about two feet in height and four feet long. When the mud became sufficiently hardened, the case was moved along and again filled, and so on until the whole edifice was completed. This is a rapid mode of building; but the Mexi- cans seem never to have applied it to any purpose but the erection of fences or division-walls. The material of this build- ing is the mud of the valley, mixed with gravel. The mud is very adhesive, and when dried in the sun, is very durable. The 98 BARTLETT OX CASA GRANDE. outer surface of the wall appears to have been plastered roughly; but the inside, as well as the surface of all the inner walls, is hard finished. This is done with a composition of adobe, and is still as smooth as when first made, and has quite a polish. On one of the walls are rude figures, drawn with red lines, but no inscriptions. From the charred ends of the beams which remain in the walls, it is evident that the building was de- stroyed by fire. Some of the lintels which remain over the doors are formed of several sticks of wood, stripped of their bark, but showing no signs of a sharp instrument. The beams which supported the floors, were from four to five inches in diameter, placed about the same distance apart, and inserted deeply in the walls. " Most of the apartments are connected by doors, besides which there are circular openings in the upper part of the chambers to admit light and air. The ground plan of the building shows that all the apartments were long and narrow, without windows. The inner rooms, I think, were used as store-rooms for corn; in fact, it is a question whether the whole may not have been built for a similar purpose. There are four entrances, one in the centre of each side. The door on the western side is but two feet wide, and seven or eight high; the others three feet wide and five in height, tapering towards the top, — a peculiarity belonging to the ancient edifices of Central America and Yucatan. With the exception of these doors, there are no exterior openings, except on the western side, where they are of a circular form. Over the doorway corre- sponding to the third story, on the western front, is an open- ing, where there was a window, which I think was square. In a line with this are two circular openings. " The southern front has fallen in several places, and is much injured by large fissures, yearly becoming larger, so that the whole of it must fall ere long. The other three fronts are quite perfect. The walls at the base, and particularly at the corners, have crumbled away to the extent of 12 or 15 inches, and are BARTLETT ON CASA GRANDE. 99 only held together by their great thickness. The moisture here causes disintegration to take place more rapidly than in any other part of the building; and in a few years, when the walls have become more undermined, the whole structure must fall, and become a mere rounded heap like many other shapeless mounds which are seen on the plain. A couple of days' labor spent in restoring the walls at the base with mud and gravel, would render this interesting monument as durable as brick, and enable it to last for centuries. How long it has been in this ruined state, is not known; we only know that when visited by the missionaries a century ago, it was in the same condition as at present. " The exterior dimensions of this building are 50 feet from north to south, and 40 from east to west. On the ground floor are five apartments. Those on the north and south sides extend the whole width of the building, and measure 32 by 10 feet. Be- tween these are three smaller apartments, the central one being within the tower. All are open to the sky. There is no appear- ance of a stairway on any of the walls: whence it has been in- ferred that the means of ascent may have been outside. " On the south-west of the principal building is a second one in a state of ruin, with hardly enough of the walls remaining to trace its original form. The accompanying ground-plan will show what portions of the walls are standing. The dark lines represent the erect walls, the faint lines the heaps of fallen ones. The central portion, judging from the height of the present walls, was two stories high; the outer wall, which can only be estimated from the debris, could not have been more than a single story. " Northeast of the main building is a third one, smaller than either of the others, but in such an utter state of decay that its original form cannot be determined. It is small, and may have been no more than a watch tower. In every direction as far as the eye can reach, are seen heaps of ruined edifices, with no portions of their walls standing. To the northwest, about 200 lOO LATE NOTICES OF CASA GRANDE. yards distant, is a circular embankment from 80 to 100 yards in circumference, which is open in the centre, and is probably the remains of an inclosure for cattle. For miles around these in all directions, the plain is strewn with broken pottery and metates or corn-grinders. The pottery is red, white, lead color, and black. The figures are usually geometrical and formed with taste, and in character are similar to the orna- ments found on the pottery from the ruins on the Salinas and much further north. Much of this pottery is painted on the inside, a peculiarity which does not belong to the modern pot- tery. In its texture too, it is far superior. . . " The origin of these buildings is shrouded in mystery . . . One thing is evident, that at some former period the valley of the Gila, from this ruin to the western extremity of the rich bottom-lands now occupied by the Pimos and Coco-Maricopas, as well as the broad valley of the Salinas, for upwards of 40 miles, was densely populated. The ruined buildings, the irrigating canals, and the vast quantities of pottery of a superior quality, show that, while they were an agricultural people, they were much in advance of the present semi-civilized tribes of the Gila." As Bartlett says, the origin of these and of other noteworthy pueblo ruins scattered over the entire Gila-Salado-Verde drain- age is as yet unknown; but Mr. Hodge thinks it not unlikely that investigations now being conducted by Dr. J. Walter Fewkes under the auspices of the Bureau of American Eth- nology will, within the next few years, prove beyond reasonable doubt that some at least are the remains of buildings erected by certain Hopi (Tusayan or Moki) clans of undoubted southern origin. Accounts of Casa Grande as an object of tourists' curiosity, more modem than most of those above cited, are of course in- numerable; several plates have been published, and photographs are easily accessible. In general, these popular notices are fairly good descriptions, but historically worthless or per- b to o £ ^1 BEST MONOGRAPHS ON CASA GRANDE. IOI nicious. The best monographs by far are those of Cosmos Mindeleff, entitled Casa Grande Ruin, in 13th Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethn., pp. 289-319, pll. li-lx, and The Repair of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891, in 15th Ann. Rep., pp. 315-349, pll. cxii- cxxv. The first of these papers opens with the location and character of the ruin, after which a brief survey of its position in litera- ture is given, and then an extremely careful and minute descrip- tion of the main house and collateral ruins of the group, in the state of dilapidation in which they were found when visited by Mr. Mindeleff in 1890. Among the plates the most important in some respects is the first accurate ground plan ever published, showing that Casa Grande is by no means oriented as Font and others supposed. We reproduce this plate, together with a general view of Casa Grande, by the kind permission of Major J. W. Powell, director of the Bureau. The second monograph gives a complete account of the re- pairs authorized by Act of Congress of March 2, 1889, for which the sum of $2,000 was appropriated and duly expended. Sev- eral plates show what has been done in the way of clearing out debris, underpinning and bracing walls, filling in openings, etc. Rev. Isaac T. Whittemore is at present the official custodian of what has been well styled " one of the most noteworthy relics of a prehistoric age and people remaining within the limits of the United States." CHAPTER III. DOWN RIO GILA TO YUMA, NOVEMBER, 1775- Nov. I. We departed from the laguna [Camani], and having marched 4 leagues westnorthwest we ar- rived at the Rancheria de San Juan Capistrano, 1 where we were received by about a thousand Indians 2 'Otherwise Uturituc: see previous note 27 , p. 87. Font has it in full, San Juan Capistrano de Vturituc. This place was at or near the modern Sacaton, a mile or so S. of the Gila, on the reservation, in what would be tp. 4 S., range 6 E. It was also called Tutunitucan or Tutiritucar, and more fully San Juan Capistrano de Uturituc or Utilltuc. The saint named was Gio- vanni di Capistrano or Johannes Capistranus, a Franciscan monk, b. in the Abruzzi, Italy, June 24, 1386, d. at Illock in Slavonia, Oct. 23, 1456, and canonized 1690. Oct. 31 is his day. He wrote a book called Speculum Conscientiae, crusaded in 1443 under Pope Nicholas V. in Hungary and Bohemia against Hussites, and he also in 1456 led an army of crusaders to the relief of Belgrade, besieged by Mohammed II. A mission in California took his name Nov. 1, 1776, and still bears it. ' This is not to be taken as the population of the place. Anza puts the figures at 300. There were doubtless a good many natives from other settlements gathered there to see the whites, whose great medicine were the crucifix, a cloth with Holy Mary on one side and a lost soul on the other, a breviary that RECEPTION BY THE PIMAS. IO3 drawn up in two ranks. They had built a large bower (ramada) 3 in which to entertain us, in front of which had they set up a cross. Soon as we dis- mounted they passed from one to another to kiss our hand, 4 and saluted us in the name of God, as do all the other Christian Pimas. Since whenever [i. c, in 1768, 1770, 1 77 1, 1774] I have been among these poor gentiles they have received me with equal kind- ness, I have felt deep grief to find that I could not gratify such great desire as they manifested to become Christians; but on this occasion particular was my pain to see so many people unite in begging us to remain here to baptize them, who in plenitude of affability and mode of living together in their told how such medicine operated, and a magic compass-needle that showed the Spaniards where to go. 1 Ramada, for enramada, to translate which " bower " may seem like taking poetic license with such a prosaic affair as was the sort of hut or shed which the Indians built with branches of trees to accommodate their guests. Another local name of such a structure is wickiup. 4 It is extremely doubtful if the natives actually kissed the hands of the Spaniards; more probably, as a greeting of friend- ship inspired by religious fervor, the Indian grasped the hand of the priest, drew it toward his own mouth, inhaled from it the " breath of life," and then passed the clasped hands toward the mouth of the Spaniard, who was supposed to do the same. This custom, which is still common among the Zunis at least, may be regarded rather as a religious greeting than as a mere gesture of courtesy. — F. W. H. 104 PIMA POSSESSIONS. pueblo surpass all others of their nation; as it does not appear that the time has come to gather these sheep (ovejas) into the fold of the church. May God do that which may be to his greater pleasure! They waited upon us and were obsequious to the whole expedition. They possess flocks (ganado metwr) 6 very like those of Moqui, or much the same, as I will tell in the final reflections on the Diary. They have poultry (gaUinas) e and horses, some of which they bartered (cambalacharon) with the soldiers for red baize (bayeta). 7 They brought water for the party 1 Ganado menor — literally " minor stock," i. e., sheep, goats, or donkeys, as distinguished from ganado mayor, cattle or mules, ganado de cerdo, swine, etc. ' " A few chickens and dogs were seen [among the Pimas], but no other domestic animals, except horses, mules, and oxen." (Emory's Reconn., p. 85.) All of these were obtained originally from the Spaniards. The neighboring Maricopas had a few ducks.— F. W. H. ' Bayeta is a bright scarlet woolen cloth with a long nap, which was originally manufactured in Spain, imported into Mexico, and thus found its way among the southwestern In- dians until it became an article of commerce in eastern United States. Formerly the Navaho and Pueblo Indians un- raveled the bayeta and used the weft in the manufacture of their finest blankets; but the introduction of cheaper yarns and the more common use of the native wool have practically put an end to the use of this material. The Pimas used it for making blankets worn by both men and women. The only textiles manufactured by these Indians at present are baskets, splen- PIMA SPINNING AND WEAVING. IO5 to drink, and served us in all respects as well as the most faithful Christian vassals of the king could have didly made and well decorated by interweaving ingenious frets in black.— F. W. H. Regarding spinning and weaving cotton, the Rudo Ensayo says, p. 185: " In these things they take a pride and a pleasure, while the Pimas of the mountains make their women work in the fields, and they themselves spin and weave, although this is a woman's trade. With the instruments that these women employ, the be"st weavers in the world could not do better. They weave however with a kind cf rude beauty. Their spun cotton is a good but rough imitation of the table cloths and napkins made in Germany, which on this account are called Alemanis- cas. They also imitate ticking and any other thing they see, provided they are allowed to undo the warp of the model." The primitive loom of the Pimas is thus described by Emory, Reconn. of 1846-47, Ex. Doc. No. 41, 1848, p. 85: "A woman was seated on the ground under the shade of one of the cotton sheds. Her left leg was tucked under her seat and her foot turned sole upwards; between her big toe and the next was a spindle about 18 inches long, with a single fly of four or six inches. Ever and anon she gave it a twist in a dexterous man- ner, and at its end was drawn a coarse cotton thread. This was their spinning jenny. Led on by this primitive display, I asked for their loom by pointing to the thread and then to the blanket girded about the woman's loins. A fellow stretched in the dust sunning himself, rose up leisurely and untied a bundle which I had supposed to be a bow and arrow. This little pack- age, with four stakes in the ground, was the loom. He stretched his cloth and commenced the process of weaving." A fuller account of the Pima loom, with figure of an Indian in the act of weaving, occupies pp. 225, 226 of vol. ii of Bart- lett's Narrative: "The implements used by these tribes for spinning and weaving are of the most primitive character. A 106 ENCARNACION DEL SUTAQUISON. done. They were given tobacco and glass beads (abalorio). 6 Nov. 2. After the 3 padres had celebrated nine masses, which some Indians attended, we traveled 4 leagues west \ northwest, and halted on the bank of the Rio Gila near the pueblo called La Encarnacion del Sutaquison. 9 slender stick about two feet long passing through a block of wood which serves to keep up the momentum imparted to it, constitutes the spindle. One end of this rests on a wooden cup inserted between the toes, and the other is held and twirled by the fingers of the right hand; while the left hand is occupied in drawing out the thread from the supply of cotton, which is coiled upon the left arm in loose rolls. In weaving, the warp is attached to two sticks, and stretched upon the ground by means of stakes. Each alternate thread of the warp is passed round a piece of cane, which, being lifted, opens a passage for the shuttle in the manner of a sley. The operator sits in the fashion of a tailor, and, raising the sley with one hand, with the other passes the shuttle, which is simply a pointed stick with the thread wound upon it, between the threads of the warp. The work is beaten up after the passage of each thread by the use of a sharp smooth-edged instrument made of hard wood. . . The weaving is generally done by the old men." * There is no reason to suppose that these beads differed greatly from those which the Pimas still wear in profusion as necklaces and ear-pendants. They are usually ordinary Vene- tian glass beads, turquoise blue in color, although other tints are also employed. A blue bead of this description was found in the ruin of Halona, at Zuni, one of the Seven Cities of Cibola, which was abandoned about 1680. — F. W. H. ' For the name, see a previous note. Bartlett, ii, p. 268, quot- PIMA AGRICULTURE. 107 There came forth to receive us the Indians of the pueblo with demonstrations of much joy, and me- thought that they might be about 500 souls. In all these pueblos they raise large crops of wheat, some of corn {maiz), cotton, calabashes, etc., to which end they have constructed good acequias, 10 surrounding ing Font's Journal for Nov. 1 and 2, gives the name as Sutagui- son; but the q is plain in Font's handwriting before me. The Rudo Ensayo, 1762, Engl, trans. 1894, p. 129, speaks of two im- portant Pima rancherias on opposite sides of the river, one called Tusonimo, and " the other, Sudacson or the Incarnation, where the principal of their chiefs, called Tavanimo, lived " — besides a third further down, Santa Theresa (sic), at a copious spring of water. I do not think Sutaquison can be exactly located now, especially as different itineraries of this trip give the distance from the last place as either 2 or 4 leagues. But we cannot be much out of the way if we set Sutaquison on the Gila not far from the place now called Sweetwater, the settlement next below Sacaton. It may, however, have been a little further along, near the place now known as Store. 10 It would take us too far to go into the matter of Pima agri- culture by means of irrigating canals — the acequias of the text: see Hodge's Prehistoric Irrigation in Arizona, Amer. Anthrop. vi, pp. 323-330, July, 1893. The Rudo Ensayo has a misleading statement, p. 128: "Their irrigating canals, leading from the river and some springs, are well planned, the Indians undoubt- edly having been taught how to build them by Father Kino and other missionary fathers of the Society of Jesus, in their apos- tolic visits made from 1694 to 1751 "! This is loyal faith, but not fact; for ages before any white man entered Arizona immense acequias had been constructed by the builders of Casa Grande or their ancestors — works comparable in magnitude and effi- 108 PIMA DRESS. the fields (milpas) in one circuit common (to all), and divided (are) those of different owners by particular circuits. Go dressed do these Indians in blankets of cotton (fresadas de algodon) " which they fabricate, and others of wool, either of their own sheep or ob- tained from Moqui. Not is this portion of the river ciency to the greatest of the present-day irrigating systems, which have altered the whole hydrography of the Gila-Salado- Verde water-shed — some of these modern ditches utilizing por- tions of the prehistoric ones! But the Rudo Ensayo is about right in saying, /. c. : " Between these Casas Grandes, the Pimas, called Gilenos, inhabit both banks of the river Gila, occupying ranches for ten leagues further down, which as well as some islands are fruitful and suitable for wheat, Indian corn, etc. So much cotton is raised and so wanting in covetousness is the husbandman, that, after the crop is gathered in, more remains in the fields, than is to be had for a harvest here in Sonora — this upon the authority of a missionary father who saw it with his own eyes in the year 1757." The Moquis were noted for their cotton and weaving from the earliest times of which we have Spanish records (1540). " The dress of the men consisted of a cotton serape [fre- sada, blanket] of domestic manufacture, and a breech cloth . . . The women wore nothing but the serape pinned about the loins, etc.," Emory, Reconn. 1848, p. 84. The same styles of garments were worn until very recently, when town ordinances prevented the entrance into white settlements of Indians only partially clad. The men are now adorned with overalls, the women with calico skirts to or below the knees and a camisa or chemisette hanging loosely somewhat below the waist. Pimas still some- times wear sandals with soles of rawhide, but not moccasins. — F. W. H. LAS LACUNAS DEL HOSPITAL. IO9 abounding in pasturage (de pastos), but in this last pueblo called Sutaquison there is abundance, even to maintain a presidio, as has reported Sefior Capitan Don Bernardo de Vrrea, 12 having passed personally to inspect the situations most fit for founding mis- sions. In this Pueblo de Sutaquison and in San Juan Capistrano I manifested to the Indians the image of Maria SSma and that of the damned, and explained them in their language, which is the same as that of my pueblo (de San Xavier del Bac). Nov. j. Padre Font and I went from the place where we had camped to the Pueblo de Sutaquison, to distribute tobacco and glass beads. We returned to camp, and having gone 2 leagues northwest ar- rived at some pools of bad water, where some of our party were made sick, and for that were they called Las Lagunas del Hospital. 13 To the west of these u I have failed to trace the officer of whom Garces speaks, and the only mention of a contemporary Bernardo de Urrea I have happened upon is in Bancroft, North Mex. States, i, p. 569, who speaks of one of that name as a colonel on duty at Altar, Mar. 32. 1767, citing Cancio, Cartas, 1881-83, regarding operations at Guaymas. See chap, v, note 2 , Jan. 3, beyond. "The Hospital lagoons are hardly identifiable with requi- site precision by the data the text affords, but I cannot doubt that they are the place well known since the American occu- pancy as Maricopa Wells, six miles west of Sacaton station on the Maricopa and Phoenix railroad. Observe that " lagunas " and " wells " are both plural— the only case of the kind here- abouts. HO SIERRA DE ESTRELLA. lagunas is the Sierra de San Joseph de Cumars, 14 which ends on the Gila close to (junto) the place where this river is united with the Rio de la Asump- cion. 11 This river is much larger than the Gila, This is as far down the Gila as Garces goes before striking across country to cut off the Great Bend. But there is one old name of a place to be identified in this vicinity, if possible. This is the San Andres of Kino, more fully San Andres Coata. As early as 1694, according to the Apost. Afan., p. 253, Kino visited and named both Encarnacion (Sutaquison) and San Andres, the latter being given as 4 leagues below the former, both being Piman rancherias. Again, in 1699, coming up the Gila, Kino is said by the same authority, p. 276, to have dis- covered a Rio Azul, before reaching his San Andres, which was therefore above the mouth of Salt river, these two names being of the same river. Unfortunately, the distance of San Andres above Salt river is uncertain, as the various indications we have are vague or discrepant; but I think it was near Maricopa Wells, if not at that very spot; in which latter contingency, it would be identical with Garces' Lagunas del Hospital. Garces found nothing here; and on Nov. 28, beyond, where he first speaks of San Andres, he says that it was then depopulated. 14 These mountains, designated by the curiously mongrel name San Joseph de Cumars, are the Sierra de Estrella, or Estrella or Star range, sometimes lettered Santa Estrella mts., extending some 20 m. about N. W. and S. E., parallel with the Gila, on its left side, and for the most part above the confluence of Salt river, near which the mts. end, as text says. There is a similar range across the Gila, running down to the point be- tween this and Salt river. Font on the 8th applies the name Sierra de Comars to the Maricopa Divide: see beyond, note '*. 15 Or Rio de la Asuncion; present Rio Salado or Salt river, CUTTING OFF THE GREAT BEND. Ill which becomes very much (muchisimo) swollen in the summer by reason of the snows that there are in the sierras in which it rises and through which it flows, of which I will speak at the conclusion of the Diary. This position is found in 33 14' 30". Here we re- mained the 4th, 5th, and 6th days. 16 Nov. J. We departed from Las Lagunas (del Hos- pital); and having gone 6 leagues — 1 southwest, 2 westsouthwest, 3 west — we halted in an arroyo 17 the main branch of the Gila: see a note beyond, at date of Nov. 28. ie We are elsewhere told that the detention of three days was caused by the sickness of a woman. Font gives all the particu- lars, and various things happened. On the 4th, it being the day of San Carlos, and so of the King of Spain, Font and Eixarch said mass " with all possible solemnity," and Garces sang. When they were ready to march the woman was too sick. Then the senor comandante gave the troops a treat, which amounted to a pint of aguardiente apiece, with which they had a bigger drunk than usual (una borrachera mas que mediana), and some of them kept up the spree two days. On the 5th and 6th there was more sickness, apparently colic. Font was taken down with tertian ague, which he did not throw off till he had crossed the Colorado. The morning of the 6th, after mass, he passed in the tent of the commanding officer, drawing for him a plan of Casa Grande which Anza had desired. This was before he had had a chance to breakfast, and what with the heat of the tent on an empty stomach he presently fell sick with the chill of the fever (el frio de la calentura). 17 Arroyo is the most general name of a gully or gulch, less precipitous than the barranca, gorge or ravine, much less so than the cajon, caxon, or canon. An arroyo is generally the 112 ARROYO SECO OR DRY WASH. without water. In all these 6 leagues there is good pasturage, though no water. dry bed of a possible water-course, like a ivady in Arabian countries, a nullah in Indian, a flume in Italian, etc. This is familiarly styled a " wash " in our West and especially South- west. In fact, the arroyo sin agua of the text, oftener called arroyo seco or dry arroyo, is the one marked Dry Wash on some of our modern maps, though not shown at all on others; it makes northward with some westing into the Gila, 5 or 6 m. above the place where the similar dry wash of the Hassayampa river comes to the Gila in the opposite direction, from the N. Having left Maricopa Wells and cotoyed or flanked the Estrella range already mentioned, Garces has come little S. of W. along the old emigrant road to the Dry Wash, where he camps on the spot called Chimney and so marked on some modern maps (not shown on the latest G. L. O. map). The day's march, which takes Garces out of Pima into Maricopa county, is for the most part parallel with and a little north of the S. P. R. R., ending not far from Montezuma station. This road cuts off the whole of the Great Bend of the Gila, passing directly westward, with considerable inclination southward, from Maricopa Wells to the place on the Gila known as Gila Bend. In the bight of the bend, south of the river, are the Estrella range on the E., then the above described Dry Wash, in the middle, and next on the west the Maricopa range or divide, which Garces will cross to-morrow. In the course of its bend the Gila receives Salt river at the N. W. corner of the Gila river reservation — a point where the Gila and Salt River meridian crosses the base line of official Land Office surveys. Three miles below this point is the confluence of Agua Fria river — or was. before the Agua Fria W. & L. Co. canal carried off the water westward. From the Salt river junction the Estrella canal meanders the whole bight of the Great Bend; and the lower part of the Bend. S. of SAN SIMON Y JUDAS. 113 Nov. 8. We marched 9 leagues — 2 westsouthwest, 1 west, in order to pass through a gap in a sierra, 18 and the rest westsouthwest with some inclination to the west — and arrived at the Pueblo de los Santos Apostoles San Simon y Judas 19 of the Opa nation, the Hassayampa river and \V. of the Maricopa divide, is also meandered by the Gila Bend and Noonan canals. Font has much description of the Pimas at this date, and among other things a new name. Speaking of the adaptability of these Indians to missionary purposes, because they live in regular towns, he states that within an extent of some six leagues along the Gila there were five pueblos — the four above ?aid on this side, and on the other one which Garces had called San Serafino de Nabcub, after Kino. See Venegas' map, i, 1759, for San Serafin, and diaries quoted in Bancroft's Ariz, and N. M., pp. 359, 360, 385, 392, where appear the terms Guactum, S. Serafin, S. Serapin Actum, and S. Serafino del Napcub — all apparently synonymous. J " Sierra Maricopa, the Maricopa range or divide already men- tioned, intervening between the Dry Wash and that portion of the Great Bend of the Gila which flows on a mean course due S. from the mouth of the Hassayampa to the place called Great Bend, a direct distance of about 24 m. — more by the sinuosity of the stream. Garces passes the divide by the regular old road through the gap or puerto he mentions, elsewhere called Puerto de los Cocomaricopas, a little north of the place where the railroad now goes through. Across the Gila at a distance are the Gila Bend mts. and mesa. Font at this date speaks of going through the gap in the range " which is the Sierra de Comars." " San Simon y San Judas had previously been visited by Anza and Garces (1774), by whom it was probably given this saint name. The Maricopas called it Upasoitac (Opasoitac, Opar- 114 AMONG THE COCOMARICOPAS. or Cocomaricopa, 20 which is the same, who received soitac, Uparsoitac), a name of unknown meaning. It will be observed that this is the first settlement of the Maricopa en- countered by the Spaniards coming from the eastward, which definitely fixes the limits of the tribe in that direction at the date given (1775). There was another San Simon y San Judas rancheria (probably Papago) situated in Sonora between the missions of Cocospera and Busanic, which Kino visited and so named in 1700. The San Simon y San Judas of Anza is sus- picously identical with the San Simon de Tuesani of Kino and Mange. — F. W. H. The village of the Holy Apostles Sts. Simon and Jude — characters who probably need no introduction to my Christian readers, though nobody has succeeded in establishing their re- spective identities — corresponds to the place at the elbow of the river called Gila Bend; -railroad station of this name near there, and also the Gila Bend Indian reservation, six miles square (tp. 5 S., range 5 W., Executive Order of Dec. 12, 1882). Garces strikes the river on lat. 33 N., at the E. border of this reserva- tion, after a march of about 26 m. The extensive and high- flown name of the place he uses may have been originally im- posed by Father Kino during one of his Arizona entradas; but it does not appear on his map of 1701, though there is a " S. Simon Tuesani," perhaps the same place: see also " S. Simon de Tuesani " on Venegas' map of 1757, and " S. Simeon de Tue- sani " on the Kino map in Stocklein's Neue Welt-Bott. It is to be distinguished from a better known San Simon y Judas post in Sonora. It is given beyond (Nov. 28) by Garces as Vparsoytac, and appears in the Anza-Font itineraries of this trip as S. Simon y Judas de Opasoitac (or Uparsoitac) and also Posociom. It is the spot marked " 27 " on Font's map of the route. 20 The Opa, or Cocomaricopa, or Maricopa, tribe belongs to the Yuman stock and therefore speaks a language totally dis- tinct from that of the Pima. The Pima name of the Maricopa COCOMARICOPAS. I 15 us with great joy. There gathered in this pueblo to tribe, Awp-pa-pa, (aw/> = " enemy," the Pima name of the Apache) would seem to signify that the Yuman and Piman tribes were not always so friendly as they have been during late historic times, and indeed, farther on, Garces notes the fact that the Pima and Maricopa were not on amicable terms with the Yuman tribes to the west and north. It is stated that the Maricopa is a direct offshoot from the Cuchan or Yuma, and that they separated from the latter owing to a difficulty arising from an election of chiefs, establishing their settlements some- what farther up the Gila, the Yuma or Cuchan being settled about its mouth and on the lower Colorado. The Maricopa appear to have trended gradually eastward up the Gila until they came in contact with their old enemies the Pima, with whom they then formed a lasting friendship. According to Bartlett this occurred about 1822, but from Garces it is learned that the Maricopa as early as 1775 occupied San Simon y Judas, at Gila Bend: see note 3l . Like the Pimas they are agriculturists, and in all their general habits and customs the Maricopas and Pimas are similar. The two tribes have extensively intermarried, although they speak two entirely different languages. There are about 340 Maricopas under the Pima agency in southern Arizona. The Maricopas call themselves Pipatsje, meaning "people"; their Yavapai (Yuman) name is Atchihwa. Other forms of their Piman name occurring in literature are Cocamaricopa, Comari, Cocomarecopper, Cocomarisepa, Cocomiracopa, Co- komaricopa, Comaniopa. Comaricopa, Coro Marikopa, Mapi- copa, Maracopa, Marecopa, Miracope, etc. — F. W. H. After speaking of some ranches of these people on the Gila, the author of Rudo Ensayo says, p. 129: " The other ranches, well known on the South, are Stucabitic, Ojia-taibues, Uparch, Tuquisan, and Sudacsasaba; and, on the other side Tucsasic, and some others less well known— all possessing very rich soil. Il6 COCOMARICOPAS. see us some 10 hundred 21 souls, and they were given tobacco and glass beads. Here the Indians raise all sorts of grain (semillas), and regularly two crops each year, whether the season be good or bad; but apparently (segun vimos — according to what we saw) an acequia can be brought from the river, 28 which, as it already has been joined by the Rio de la Asumpcion, always carries much water. These In- dians go clothed much like (casi como) the Pimas Gilenos, of whom they are very good friends and companions in the campaigns that the one and the other make against the Yabipais Tejua, of whom I will speak beyond. Having shown them the Virgin and the lost soul, I preached through an interpreter, because theij language is not Pima, but Yuma. I asked them if they wished with all their heart to be Christians and to admit the padres in their land, and they replied very cheerfully, " Yes." Here we re- mained the 9th and 10th days. From Tumac, the most remote ranche of this nation, one does not encounter any more towns for forty leagues until this river [Gila] unites with the Colorado." n The MS. has a peculiar way of giving this number, 1000: it is a 10. (with a dot after it) and the circle of the cipher opened on top, making it look like a bad 6. a Not only one, but three large acequias concentrically flow past now— the Estrella, the Gila Bend, and the Noonan canals. SAN DIEGO — ARITOAC. 1 17 Nov. II. We went about 2 leagues west, and ar- rived at a rancheria of Opas Indians which was near the river. 23 Nov. 12. After going 5 leagues we arrived at ran- cherias of the same nation which were near the river and which we called (Rancherias de) San Diego; 24 the course was west \ northwest. Nov. IS- Having gone 4 leagues west \ southwest we arrived at a place called Aritoac, 25 having crossed the river a little above this locality. "One itinerary says i J / 2 league, and calls the place San Mar- tin rancheria; Font says two leagues short, and has no name. The place was probably within the reservation or township last said, about its W. border, very likely on the spot marked Cot- terrell's on some maps. The place is Font's camp mark " 28." "One itinerary says 4 leagues only; Font gives same name of San Diego, whose day is Nov. 12. The term was first applied on this occasion. Four or five leagues, following the river, should bring Garces into the township of range 7 W.; but there is nothing to identify the spot, unless, very likely, it was Ken- yon's. In this vicinity are the celebrated Piedras Pintadas or Painted Rocks, covered with native petroglyphs, and for this reason also called Piedras Escritas. They have been known since 1744 at least. Three plates of the petroglyphs illustrate Bartlett's Nam, ii, opp, p. 196, and three others opp. p. 206. 26 If we adjust the last two days' marches by Cotterrell's and Kenyon's respectively — both likely camping-places, and quite agreeable with the designated " leaguage " (or mileage) — we are brought to-day exactly to the most notorious spot on this portion of the Gila — no other than Oatman's Flat, sad scene of the massacre of Feb. 18, (or in March) 1851, when Roys (or Il8 OATMAN'S FLAT AGUA CALIENTE. Nov. 14. Having traveled 4 leagues westsouth- west we arrived at the Agua Caliente. 28 Immedi- Royse) Oatman, his wife, and four of his seven children were murdered, probably by Apaches, a son Lorenzo was left for dead, and two daughters, Olive and Mary Ann, were carried off captives. They were emigrants who had left Missouri in Aug., 1850, and were then traveling alone. Lorenzo recovered; the younger girl, aged 10, died in 1852; Olive, aged 16, was sold to the Mojaves, and ransomed in 1857; she is said to have died in an insane asylum in New York before 1877. Almost all books on Arizona treat of the tragedy: see especially that by Rev. R. B. Stratton, Captivity of the Oatman Girls, etc., i2mo, San Francisco, 1857, pp. 231; 21st thousand, New York, 1859, pp. 290, ills. One of the early accounts may be read in Bartlett's Narr., ii, 1854, pp. 203 and 218. Hinton's Handb. Ariz, has a cut of Oatman's Flat and grave on p. 174. Garces appears to have crossed the river at or near this flat, just below which on the other side was his Aritoac, so named also in Font, but called Rinconado in another itinerary. This is doubtless the same as Aritutoc of Father Jacob Sedelmair, Sedelmayr, or Sedelmayer, who visited it in 1744 on his way down the Gila: see his Rela- cion, p. 850. (His name appears as Jacobi Sedalman in Hin- ton's Handbook, p. 393; Sedlemayer in Bartlett, etc.) The crossing shows on Font's map: see mark "30." M Having come from Aritoac about 10 m. down the right bank, north side of the Gila, to a point at the S. end of the Bighorn mts., which here approach the river, Garces reaches a precisely identified spot, to be found by the Spanish name he uses on maps of to-day. This Agua Caliente, Ojo Caliente, or Hot Spring is situated almost exactly on lat. 33 in the N. W. *4, or about the middle of the W. border, of tp. 5 S., range 10 W., in the close vicinity (V/2 m.) of King Woolsey's ranche. (He was a famous character in Arizona a generation ago. I knew him in Pres- cott in 1864-65, when his reputation as an Indian fighter was SAN BERNARDINO. I K) ately in this position are the rancherias called of San Bernardino, and they are of the same nation. There great, especially after his infamous " Pinole treaty," in which many Indians, invited unarmed to a feast and council, were treacherously butchered in cold blood.) The spring is near the point of a hill; the Castle Dome canal runs by it; across the river is (or was) Burke's ranche, at a place later and now called Alpha. This long noted spring seems to have escaped Father Kino; but it has been known since 1744, when Sedelmair speaks of it unmistakably as at or near a Cocomaricopa rancheria he called Dueztumac. We hear of It from him still more explicitly on his next entrada, in 1748, when he came down the Gila again, and named the spring, as a fine site for a mission, Santa Maria del Agua Caliente. Sedelmair's Dueztumac appears to be the same ran- cheria above called San Bernardino; at any rate, the locations are practically identical; and all authors of the period agree that here was the last (lowest) settlement of the Cocomaricopas. Thus the author of the Rudo Ensayo, writing in 1762, says, p. 129: " These very nu- merous nations inhabit both sides for a distince of 36 leagues down the river, and at the far end of their territory there is a very abundant spring of hot water, a short distance from the river to the north." Standing at any sufficient elevation in this vicinity, and looking N. W., between the two parallel ranges of the Bighorn and Eagletail mts., which approach the river on S. E. courses, and are about 18 miles apart, we see, at a some- what greater distance from us, the bold prominences of Cathe- dral Rock and Sentinel mt. We are also almost upon the W. of Maricopa county, whence Garces will enter Yuma county on his first move. A plate of the Bighorn range and Gila at this point faces p. 198 of vol. ii of Bartlett's Narrative. Font's Diary for to-day is explicit concerning Agua Caliente 120 GOVERNOR AND ALCALDE. came about 200 souls to visit us. I showed them the pictures, and preached to them, and to the proposition whether (de que si) they wished to be baptized and have padres in their land, they answered, " Yes." ] proposed to the old men that they join our party, in order that the senor comandante might make in the name of the king a governor and an alcalde; 27 to and may be cited, especially as the name San Bernardino is in question: " This place has a grand spring of hot water, and some small springs of cold water, very good; and there is also grass, though not much, and rather poor, as far as the river, distant from Agua caliente about two leagues. . . The place is open, with a good outlook, but very inconvenient for settle- ment. On leaving camp (last night's) we climbed some low hills of black rocks heaped up as it were, and of mal pais, until we defended to the river, and were soon upon its borders, or bottomlands, which are very wide, and extend far from it. From the top of the hills we discovered at a great distance the Sierra de la Cabeza del Gigante, which the Indians call Bauqui- buri." On the 15th Font stayed, as Garces says. The governor ^nd alcalde whom Anza made were respectively given the names Carlos and San Francisco. After this function was over, and a semblance of civil government thus set up, " se intitulo este parage y su govcrmc'wn. San Bernardino del Agua Caliente." This fact should be borne in mind; for Anza, on his return trip of 1774, applied the name San Bernardino to a place four leagues further down river, as will be seen by referring to my note for Nov. 16, on p. 126. ''' An officer allied to a mayor, whose sole function was to direct the civil affairs of a settlement. As almost everything pertaining to the affairs of the natives of a village or a tribe, however, were directed by a religious priesthood or a society GOVERNMENT OF THE INDIANS. 121 which responded one old man very seriously: " Be- hold, the justice is to punish the bad; but none of us being bad, for what is the justice? Already have ye of warriors (whose function was also religious), the civil offi- cers appointed or selected had little or no power among their own people beyond the settlement of such petty squabbles and the like as would appear to be below the dignity of the heredi- tary social or religious priests. — F. W. H. The Rudo Ensayo. pp. 235, 236, has the following: "The civil government of the Indian towns consists in a Governor and Alcalde, a police officer, and an inferior minister of justice [to pile]. The governor is elected by the Indians themselves, the Ministering Father being present. By royal decrees ac- companying an order of the Royal Court of Guadalajara, dated September 25, 1786 [read 1746?], and a warrant of His Excel- lency the Lord Viceroy D. Juan Francisco de Guemes y Hor- casitas, dated in Mexico on the 25th of November, 1746, the Ministering Father guides the people in this election, so that they may give their votes to someone whose conduct of life will not serve as a stumbling-block but as a check upon evil and a spur for all good [just as Piatt and Croker do in N. Y. and Quay in Penn.]. . . The Governor having been elected they proceed in the same manner to elect the Alcalde, and these two officers, together with the ministering father, in the pres- ence of the people, appoint the Police Officer and the Topil [completing the bloom of bossism]. In the same manner a War Captain is chosen. Such is the Senate or body politic of this Indian commonwealth, and it governs the Indians with a view to their own protection and maintenance, and for the preservation of the Royal service [i. e., the spoils system] and of the Church and its Ministers [as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever will be, at the combined hands of priests and politicians who construct and operate a machine]." 122 INDIAN COSMOGONY. seen, Espaiioles, that we steal not, neither do we quar- rel, and though we be with a woman we take no lib- erty of doing anything wrong." I do not believe all that of their goodness, yet it is certain that this Opa nation is not less serious than the Pima. Hav- ing been asked what information they possessed of their ancestors (antepasados), they told me about the same things as {lo misnio poco mas 6 menos que) the (Pimas) Gilenos said to the senor comandante, and Padre Font put in his diary, concerning the deluge and creation; and added, that their origin was from near the sea in which an old woman created their progenitors; that this old woman is still somewhere (quien sabe en donde), and that she it is who sends the corals that come out of the sea; that when they die their ghost {corazon) goes to live toward the western sea; that some, after they die, live like owls (teco- lotes); 28 and finally they said that they themselves do not understand such things well, and that those who know it all are those who live in the sierra over there beyond the Rio Colorado. 29 The senor comandante made a governor and alcalde, who be- " From the Aztec or Nahuatl word tecolotl or teculutl, an owl. Some old maps show a place so called near the Arizona and Sonora boundary, and there is one now in New Mexico. "" This seems to be commendable as a simple yet compre- hensive system of cosmogony and eschatology; it is certainly modest, in disclaiming omniscience, and polite, in respectfully LAST OF THE COCOMARICOPAS. I23 haved very haughtily, saying that now their names would reach the king; this, perhaps, may cause some jealousy on the part of the (a vista del) Captain Palma. 30 Here is where ends this Opa or Coco- maricopa nation, which is all one; though neverthe- less some of them are found further down river. 31 It appears to me that this nation will number some 30 hundred souls. We saw, furthermore, that still referring the good padre to more authentic sources of informa- tion, just over the great river. It is also as credible as most others with which we are acquainted, and more consistent than are the different stories related in early chapters of Genesis. 80 The most noted Yuma chief of that time: much about him beyond, in his double character of model Christian convert and immodel heathen massacrer. See also my biography of Garces, antea, pp. 11-24. 81 The extension of the Maricopas varied at different periods. Thus Emory, Reconn., Ex. Doc. No. 41, 1848, p. 89: "we know the Maricopas have moved gradually from the gulf of California to their present location in juxtaposition with the Pimos. Carson found them, so late as the year 1826 at the mouth of the Gila; and Dr. Anderson, who passed from Sonora to California in 1828, found them, as near as one could reckon from his notes, about the place [Gila Bend] we are now en- camped in." This statement, however, is controverted by Bart- lett, ii, p. 269, who says: " I cannot learn that they were ever on thj Gulf; although it appears from the missionary authorities, that there was a band of them on the western bank of the Colorado, ' living in a valley 36 leagues in length, and for the space of 9 leagues, remarkably fertile and pleasant,' who were ' allied to the Coco-Mariocopas of the Gila.' " 124 JALCHEDUNES OR ALCHEDOMAS. continues the peace 32 which the last expedition 3S made through our intervention between this nation and the Yuma, when in order to assure it some of the Opas went down with us to the Yumas, where it was ratified with great rejoicing on the part of each (de ambas partes); and thus our assistance, among other good results, has the effect of preventing the innu- merable murders which were committed on both sides. 34 From this place word was sent to the Jal- chedun 35 nation of our coming, and that they should 33 Las pases, " peaces," in the plural, a locution we can only render by the paraphrase of the treaties or articles of peace. 33 The " last expedition " which Garces mentions is that of 1774, when he and Padre Juan Diaz accompanied Captain Anza with 34 men, 140 horses, and 65 cattle, from Tubac Jan. 8, via Caborca, Sonoita, etc., to Yuma and so on into California, to the mission of San Gabriel near Los Angeles, returning to Yuma May 10 and passing on up the Gila to vicinity of Casa Grande 24th, and home by Tucson and Bac, 26th. Orig. itinerary in Anza MS., Descubr. Sonora a California, aiio de 1774, etc.; digested in Bancroft, Cal., i, pp. 221-223, from Arri- civita, Cron. Seraf., p. 450 seq. See also Fourth Entrada of Garces, antea, pp. 38-46. "The sense of the clause is clear, as above; the wording is: " y consuelo nuestro pues entre otros bienes que de aqui se siguen resulta impedir innumerables muertes que de una y otra parte se hazian." " These were the Alchedomas, a Yuman tribe, or more prop- erly a subdivision of the Cocopa, formerly scattered at intervals along the Colorado near the mouth of the Gila and extending above and below the former stream from about its mouth to the PROGRESS DOWN THE GILA. I25 go down without fear to the Yumas in order to cele- brate peace. This position is found in latitude 33 02' 30". The 15th day we remained here. Nov. 16. We traveled 9 leagues westsouthwest, and came to a halt near the river, whose bed is here very broad. 36 vicinity of lat. 33 and perhaps farther northward along the stream on both banks. Their name seems to contain the Cuchan (Yuma) term ha-eli, "river" (Gatschet). Other forms of the name occurring in literature are Alchedomes, Alchedumas. Alchidoma, Algodomes, Algodones. Algodonnes, Halchedoma. Hudcoadamas, Hudcoadan, Jakechedunes, Jalchedon, Jalche- dum, Talchedon, Talchedums. As late as 1852 the remnants of the tribe were located on the Colorado below the mouth of the Gila, where Lieut. G. H. Derby marks " Algodonnes " on his map of 1852. They doubtless soon after became a part of the Yumas, but the name seems to survive in the California settle- ment of Algodones (as if Sp. "cotton" by corruption), near the Lower California line. — F. W. H. s " Continuing down the right bank, north side, of the Gila, about 24 m., Garces camps at or near Texas hill, in tp. 7 S., range 14 W. This is an isolated elevation close to the river, nearly midway between the points where the Eagletail mts. and the Castle Dome range respectively approach the Gila. The place is Font's camp mark " 32." His trail shows a long march to-day, which the other itinerary gives as 7 leagues, not 9. as above; it should also be noted that the published account, as digested in Bancroft, for example, says that San Bernardino is reached to-day — not yesterday, as Garces has it. There is noth- ing special to note on this side of the river; on the other, the railroad runs a few miles off, with stations called Aztec, Cristo- bal (" Chrystoval " by the kind of Spanish that appears on the 126 ANOTHER SAN BERNARDINO. Nov. if. Having traveled 2 leagues westsouth- west we came upon the river. 37 Nov. 18. With 4 leagues southwest we halted near G. L. O. map), and Texas Hill; there also are, or were, places on this side known as Sentinel, Stanwix, and Texas Hill camp. The difficulty or ambiguity in the case of the name San Ber- nardino lies simply in the fact that it was applied by Anza to two different places, and disappears on consulting Font's Diary. I have already cited him for the 14th and 15th. Now, on the 16th, he says, in substance: " Left Agua Caliente at 9.30 a. m. and at 4.30 p. m. halted near the river, having come some 9 leagues W. S. W. As this was my bad day, lest the calentura should catch me on the road, the sehor comandante let me go ahead with two soldiers, my young fellow, and my two pack- mules; and Padre Fray Thomas [Eixarch] came with me for the same reason, having caught a quartan ague, and this being also his bad day. The day's journey had to be about 4 leagues to the place that on the last expedition they called San Bernardino, which is an island that the river makes temporarily (por poco) when it rises, where there is grass enough, and some Indian rancherias." The poor padre had a hard time of it to-day; the guide lost the way, and they had to travel 10 leagues; the fever came on him; the guide said he would budge no further in any direction; the boy with the pack-mules got lost alone by him- self; and there is no saying what might have happened if Anza, seeing by their tracks that they had gone beyond where he intended to camp, had not sent a sergeant with two men to hunt them up and fetch them into camp. "To-day's advance is given in another itinerary as only ij4 league, and the camp made is there called El Pescadero. It is not an identifiable spot, and we simply hold the expedition in the vicinity of the Texas Hill camp above said. See Font's mark " 33." CERRO DE SAN PASQUAL. 1 27 the river at the foot of the Cerro de San Pasqual.'' 8 "* Garces says nothing of crossing the river on this lap, but Font's map takes the trail from N. to S. of the river (see his camp-marks " 33 " to " 34 "), and his Diary says that halfway on the road to-day they passed the river for the second time. This is correct; and we shall recross the river again to get to the Yuma camp on the 28th. Now we are on the S. side, and camp at the foot of Cerro de San Pasqual (better Pascual), which corresponds closely to Mohawk Summit, on the rail- road; camp apparently in vicinity of the place called Mohawk, close to the river. Cerro de San Pasqual, so named by Anza on the last trip, 1774, is the modern Mohawk range, otherwise called Sierra de la Cabeza Prieta, or Black Head range, extending S. E. from the Gila to within a short distance of the Sonora boundary, and apparently so named from the Tinaja de la Cabeza Prieta, a watering-place on the road through Mo- hawk valley to Quitovaquito, Sonora. Font describes it as very rough and rocky, of moderate elevation, and as coming to the river from Papagueria, i. e., from the south. This extensive range is directly in line with another from which it is separated by the Gila; for on the north side of the river the Castle Dome range continues in the same S. E. to N. W. direction. The latter is so named from its most conspicuous summit, known as the Dome, or Dome Rock, or Castle Dome, some 25 m. off the river. The Dome lends its name also to a landing on the Colorado river, by no means to be confounded with the rock or peak itself; and to Castle Dome District, a mining area bounded by this range on the E., Chocolate mts. on the N., the Gila on the S., and the Colorado on the W. Castle Dome range appears to be that sometimes called the Pagoda mts., the date of origin of which name is no doubt found in the fol- lowing passage of Bartlett's Narr., ii, p. 188, June 20, 1852, when his party had come 39 m. by road up the Gila: " On the northern side of the river, arose a mountain chain about 128 CERRO DE SANTA CECILIA. This locality was found to be in latitude 32 48'. Here we remained the 19th, 20th, and 21st days. 39 Nov. 22. Having gone 6 leagues southwest we arrived at the hill that the Indians call Cerro del Metate; 40 and we, (Cerro) de Santa 12 miles distant, presenting a continuation of fantastic summits, among which were three resembling the tops of Hindu pagodas. I took a sketch of these singular mountains; although at such a distance, but little more than the outlines could be discerned." A lettered plate of " Pagoda mountain " faces the page cited. 30 For the 19th Font says that last night a woman happily gave birth to a boy, on which account the expedition remained; after mass he solemnly baptized the newborn, who was named Diego Pasqual, because the day was the octave of San Diego, and the camp was San Pasqual. He also speaks of the moun- tains visible at a distance, looking northward, beyond which he was told lived the Jalchedunes; these mountains being evi- dently the Castle Dome range said in my last note. There came to camp the governor and alcalde who had been appointed such at Agua Caliente, with other Indians, intending to accompany the expedition to the Yumas. On the 20th, the lying-in woman was still unable to travel, and Font was much troubled with his passages, besides his fever. On the 21st a soldier found across the river a deposit of very fine salt, white as snow, with which the troops were supplied abundantly. The cold was intense, and there was not wood enough for fires. 40 From the Aztec or Nahuatl metlatl. A stone usually 18 in. or 2 ft long and about a foot wide, of sandstone or lava, of vary- ing degrees of coarseness, on which corn (and by the Mexican Indians also cacao) is ground by means of a mano or muller, generally of the same material, held in the hands. A coarse metate is usually first employed to crush the corn, then one of finer material, and lastly a metate of still closer grain which produces a fine meal. — F. W. H. SALINE LAGOON. 120, Cecilia. 41 Here were remained the 23d and 24th days. 42 Nov. 25. Having traveled 5 leagues west I north- west, we arrived at the edge of a saline lagoon (La- guna salobrc).* 3 Here came a Yuma Indian sent by 41 The distances for the 22d vary in different itineraries, and Metate or St. Cecilia hill is not easily identified. It may be Antelope hill, in the vicinity of Tacna station of the railroad, or possibly Pozo butte. But it may be also noted that there is hereabouts, on the north side of the river, a very conspicuous picacho, sometimes called Coronacion, at others Pagoda. Font in one place makes the full name Cerro de Santa Cecilia del Metate. ** On the 23d the pack-trains started, but were ordered back, as it was already past eleven o'clock, and the horse-herd had not been rounded up, the animals having wandered far in search of grass; also, the beef-herd arrived only at this late hour, having been unable to come up the day before. Some of the cattle had died of fatigue, hunger, and cold. The delay of the 24th was occasioned by a pregnant woman, who woke up sick, but was cured by the help of Anza, who took a notion to give her a plate of victuals (la que se retnedio Jiaviendola socorrido el senor comandantc con un antojo que tuvo, que fue un plato de comida — and if I do not mistake the Spanish the padre is satirical). ** Garces does not appear to use the term as a name; but it is given as such, in the form Laguna Salada, by Anza, who makes to-day's leagues 4 instead of 5. Font names Laguna salobre, which he says is about one league from the river from which it is derived. He describes the whole way to-day as sub- ject to overflow when the Gila rises, and without any grass except in the place where they camped, in which there were piles of driftwood and other debris brought down by the river I30 EXPECTED BY THE YUMAS. Captain Palma to assure us that all his people were awaiting us with great eagerness. From here has- tened on ahead the Cocomaricopa justices who were accompanying us, and they went to the Yumas. Nov. 26. With 4 leagues northwest we halted on the bank of the river. 44 in its formidable risings. The party appears to have come along past the place to be found on some maps by the name of Filibuster, and to have reached a point in the vicinity of what was called Mission camp in the stage-coach days, not far from present Adonde station of the railroad. " Filibuster " is perhaps a reminiscence of the abortive expedition of Henry A. Crabb, 1856-57. 44 At a point named in the other itinerary as Cerros del Cajon; it is hardly determinable with exactitude, but was in the vicinity of a mining camp once known as Oroville. The name has disappeared with the camp; the nearest I can find to it on maps of to-day is Monitor P. O. It will be observed that to-day is the first decided northwestlng, showing what bend of the river Garces is descending. Font records that the road yesterday was bad, but to-day worse, following the river and within sight of it, at greater or less distance, over sandy ground subject to overflow. He and Eixarch went fishing, and caught a fish they called matalote, which seemed to be the only kind in the river, and which was no doubt the so-called scaleless Gila " trout." There was found in camp some straw for the horses, and it seemed that some Yumas had lately been ranching there. Font speaks of the Gila range as a rather high sierra, rough, rocky, and arid, which comes from Papagueria to the river; on the other side of which latter is a similar range, of a reddish color; and there, facing camp, was seen a squarish peak with four points, which they called the Bonnet (El Bonete). GILA NARROWS. I3I Nov. 27. Having gone 2 leagues westnorthwest we halted in a very narrow gap {puerto) 45 through * Los Cerritos is the name given to this place in another itinerary, which makes the distance 3 instead of 2 leagues. The puerto or gap is the place where the river is hemmed in between the Gila range on the S. and other elevations on the N. (See Emory's map.) Font underscores the phrase Puerto por donde passa el rio Gila recogido, as much as to say Gila Narrows. This is not far from Gila City, once a notable mining camp, then a deserted village indeed, then in succession a station of the stage road and railroad. Gila City sprang up in 1858 with the discovery of gold placers along the Gila, and may have had a population of 500 at one time; but the diggings were soon exhausted, and in 1862 the place was drowned out. J. Ross Browne's lively description of 1863 is typical of many another mining town: " We camped at Gila City, a very pretty place, encircled in the rear by volcanic hills and mountains, and pleas- antly overlooking the bend of the river, with its sand-flats, arrow-weeds, and cottonwoods in front. Gold was found in the adjacent hills a few years ago, and a grand furor for the ' placers of the Gila ' raged throughout the territory. At one time over a thousand hardy adventurers were prospecting the gulches and canons in this vicinity. The earth was turned inside out. Rumors of extraordinary discoveries flew on the wings of the wind in every direction. Enterprising men hurried to the spot with barrels of whiskey and billiard-tables; Jews with ready- made clothing and fancy wares; traders crowded in with wagon loads of pork and beans; and gamblers came with cards and monte-tables. There was everything in Gila City within a few months but a church and a jail, which were accounted bar- barisms by the mass of the population. When the city was built, bar-rooms and billiard-saloons opened, monte-tables es- tablished, and all the accommodations necessary for civilized society placed upon a firm basis, the gold placers gave out. In 1$2 CAPTAINS PALMA AND PABLO. which flows the Rio Gila. Here came a brother of Captain Palma, and presently also Captains Pablo and Palma," who manifested singular joy, especially Palma, who went about embracing everybody. other words, they had never given in anything of account. There was ' pay-dirt ' back in the hills, but it didn't pay to carry it down the river and wash it out by any ordinary process. Gila City collapsed. In about the space of a week it existed only in the memory of disappointed speculators." " I will cite in full Font's portraiture of this interesting savage and his brother. " On the road there came to receive us a rela- tive of Captain Palma; and as soon as we camped, being at mess, there came to see us Captain Salvador Palma, and another captain, to whom we gave the name Pablo, accompanied by several Yuma Indians, and they saluted us with many demon- strations of contentment, especially Captain Palma, who em- braced us all, and presented some beans to the senor coman- dante, who in the evening took him through camp to visit the people, all of whom he went about saluting, giving an embrace to all, men, women, and children, in token of benevolence. This Captain Palma is he who at present commands in all the Yuma nation, which he has dominated by his intrepidity and verbosity, as commonly happens among Indians, but more by the appreciation of himself which the Spaniards have shown him, in these latter times, now on the part of Captain Ansa, and before that, of Captain Urrea; for which reason the other Captain Pablo recognizes him — he to whom we gave this name because he is captain of the rancherias that there are in the cerrito which Padre Garces antecedently called San Pablo — the same whom, on account of his ugly looks, on the last expedi- tion they named Captain Feo. The people of the rancherias of this Captain Pablo Feo are more numerous than those of the rancherias of Captain Palma, and he seemed to me to be of as CROSSING THE GILA. I33 Nov. 28. Having forded the Rio Gila at (con) * 7 5 leagues west | southwest, we halted in a bower much spirit as Palma, if not more, though he is subordinated to the latter. He is a great preacher, with a thick voice, and they say he is also a sorcerer, and to-night he made a grand sermon and long harangue to his people, which amounted to telling them that they must not rob or do any harm to the Spaniards, for these were friends who did no wrong. The senor comandante told me that this Captain Feo, the last time he was with the first expedition [of 1774], set himself to count the soldiers, and seeing they were not many, began to say to his people that it would not be difficult to kill them all and get hold of their horses and everything else the Spaniards had, and such were his intentions; which being learned by the senor comandante, he gave him (Pablo) to understand that if war was wanted, all his people and many others would unite, and he would see how they could defend themselves, and what ill would result; whereupon he (Pablo) forbore; and now he is very obsequious, and has manifested much affection, though then he sought to oppose the passage of the expedition over the rio Colorado." 47 " Habiendo vadeado el Rio Gila con 5 leguas . . . paramos en una enrramada," etc. The clause is ambiguous as to the crossing-place, but Font makes it clear that they went five leagues along the S. side and then forded the river to the N., within a league of its mouth. Font's words are, " paramos en la Playa del rio Colorado, despues de vadear tercera vez el rio Gila, haviendo caminado unas cinco leguas," etc. — we halted on the shore of the Colorado, after fording for the third time the Gila, having traveled some five leagues: see also his camp- mark " 39." " About a league below this place," continues Font, "which is that which on the former expedition [1774] they called the Isla de Trinidad, because then this piece of ground was isolated by the Gila and an arm of the Colorado^ 134 SAN DIONISIO. (enrramada) which Captain Palma had ordered to be built for this purpose. Many very festive Indians of both sexes soon gathered here, and in the presence though now there is no such island, owing to the shifting of land which the rivers make in their risings, the Rio Gila joins the Rio Colorado." Here we have the expedition, of course, with precision, in a place which received the name of San Dionisio from Father Kino on his entrada of 1700, because he reached it on the Areopagite's day, Oct. 3: " Poco mas adelante en la Rancheria grande de los Yumas del Rio Colorado en terreno mui bueno, y mui immediato al lugar, en que se junta con el Gila, llamado San Dionisio, por haver llegado alii dia de este Santo," Apost. Afan., 1754, p. 287. The location is in Arizona, N. of the Gila, E. of the Colorado, opposite the site of Fort Yuma: see Kino's map of 1701, place marked "$ S. Doonysio 1700"; Venegas' map of 1757, etc. On the edition of " Chino's " map of 1702, with Latin and German names, " S Dionysias 1700 " is marked with a mission house as big as any mountain in the vicinity, and so San Dionisio has often been treated as if it were a mission or settlement of whites, which it never was in Spanish times; for the establishments of 1780 were across the river, in California, where Fort Yuma was founded in 1850. Thus even Emory, a strong, able, and usually safe authority, in his Reconn. of 1846-47 (Ex. Doc. No. 41, 1848), p. 95, says: " Near the junction, on the north side [of the Gila], are the remains of an old Spanish church, built near the beginning of the 17th century, by the renowned missionary, Father Kino. This mission was eventually sacked by the In- dians, and the inhabitants all murdered or driven off." Here the allusion is evidently to the mission of 1780, destroyed by Palma on July 17, 1781, at Yuma, on the California side of the Colorado, and I have no idea what church ever stood on the Arizona side. The persistence of the fable that Kino estab- AT THE MOUTH OF THE GILA. I35 of all was confirmed the peace between the two na- tions, Cocomaricopa and Yuma. About a league lished a mission here is remarkable: what Kino established was a name — nothing more. Thus Bartlett, Narr., ii, 1854, p. 183, says: " He established a mission at the mouth of the Colo- rado [!] and one at the mouth of the Gila. The former did not last many years [never existed]. The latter was in existence as late as 1776, when Fathers Pedro Font and Garces came with a large party from Sonora to replenish the missions of California," etc. But this is obviously wrong; for here we have Garces on the spot in 1775 — nothing there whatever. Unless a hut or two, in which lived a priest or two, on an occasion or two, 1776 to 1779, can be called an establishment, no Spaniards were ever established here or hereabouts till the fall of 1780, and then they built on the west side of the Colorado. Indeed, I do not know that the Arizona site of San Dionisio was ever permanently peopled, except by Yumas, until about 1850. In Nov., 1849, just after the establishment of Camp Calhoun on the Californian side, a ferry was started; there was much emi- grant and other travel in 1850-54, and the latter year a paper " city " was surveyed and named Colorado City (later Arizona City). There was only a house or two in 1861, and hardly more than that in 1864 when I was there. Fort Yuma was then flourishing as a military post, and Arizona City, or Colorado City, later called Yuma, had more or less bona fide existence, becoming the county seat in 1871. The railroad came by in 1877, and its station, Yuma, on the S. side of the mouth of the Gila, where the Colorado was bridged, became a permanency. It will be understood that I here speak of the several settlements, including a mile or more on either side of the Gila, from Kino's original San Dionisio to present Yuma of the railroad. The geodetic position of the Gila disembogue is lat. 32° 43' 32" N., long., 114 36' 10" W. I36 HISTORY OF THE GILA. further down from this place the Rio Gila joins with the Colorado. The Rio Gila, 48 for all that I have * Rio Gila, Hila, Jila, Xila, Chila, also Hela, Helah, Helay, etc., has been longer known than the Colorado itself, and than any other river in Arizona or New Mexico; its present name is comparatively recent, taken from that of some place or region on its upper waters in Apacheria, dating from 1630. It was probably discovered in 1538 by two friars named Juan de la Asuncion and Pedro Nadal; this presumption is strengthened by the name Rio de la Asumpcion long applied to its principal branch, and colored by a statement Garces himself makes, be- yond. The Gila was certainly discovered in 1539 by the negro Stephen, Estevan, or Estebanico, avant-courier of Fray Marcos de Niza en route to Cibola, being crossed also by the latter immediately. Its mouth was passed in 1540 by Hernando de Alarcon, and of course the river was crossed and recrossed by Coronado's expedition, 1540-42, being doubtless the " deep and reedy " stream mentioned by Jaramillo. I do not know what name, if any, the Gila bore from 1539 to 1604, in which latter year it was named Rio del Nombre de Jesus by Juan de Onate, at the same time that he called the Colorado Rio Grande de Buena Esperanza, on his very memorable entrada from Santa Fe. There is almost silence till we come to Kino's time, when Gila or Hila first appears as a name of the river itself (above the confluence of Salt river, its main fork). The date of this appli- cation is said to be 1697, and that is probably about right, though Kino's biographer uses Gila in speaking of his earliest Arizona entrada of 1694. Feb. 27, 1699, is the exact date on which Kino named the Gila Rio de los Apostoles, at the same time he called four of its principal branches Los Evangelistas, and named the Colorado Rio de los Martires. Be the precise Kino dates what they may, his map of 1701 shows " R. Hila " for the main stream above Salt river, which latter is marked SIERRA DEL MOGOLLdN. 1 37 been able to ascertain in my travels, arises in the Si- erra del Mogollon, 49 and flows regularly from east to " R. Azul." We thus have Gila, in the form " Hila," definitely affixed to an upper portion of the stream; it appears as R. Gila on Venegas' map of 1757, but still above Salt river; the date when it first descended to the mouth of the river does not appear. The name Rio de los Apostoles or Apostles' river long stuck to the Gila; thus, it is given on some maps of the present century; for example, the one drawn by Captain Clark at the Mandans and forwarded to President Jefferson on Apr. 7, 1805; and it appears in fuller form Rio Grande de los Apostoles on Vaugondy's map of 1783. The misapplication to the Gila of the name Rio de los Martires, which Kino had bestowed upon the Colorado, and which appears on Humboldt's map, and various others, is of uncertain date, perhaps not prior to the time of Font and Garces; the latter bestows it upon the Mojave river, as we shall see beyond. Among the changes in names rung by mappists upon Kino of 1701 may be noted the " Tabula California; Anno 1702," whereon " spinnfluss Hila fl." appears for the Gila above Salt river, and " Azul oder Blaufluss " is made the main stream down to the Colorado. For considera- tion of this case, involving origin of the terms Rio Azul, Rio Salado, and Rio de la Asumpcion for the main Gila tributary, see a following note. 49 Named for Don Juan Ignacio Flores de Mogollon, native of Seville in Spain, once governor of Nuevo Leon, governor and captain-general of New Mexico, 1712-15. It appears that he was commissioned as such for five years at Madrid Sept. 27, and qualified Oct. 9, 1707, but did not take office till Oct. 5, 1712, when he was installed at Santa Fe, with a salary of $2,000. He is commonly called Governor Flores. He was accused of various things, relieved from duty by the king's order Oct. 5, 1715, and succeeded Oct. 30 by Felix Martinez. Some years 138 RIO DE SAN JUAN NEPOMUZENO. west, though from Vparsoytac 50 it inclines to the westsouthwest. In its course it is joined by (se le agregan) the Rios de San Juan Nepomuzeno, 51 de after he had left New Mexico his case was tried in 1721, and went against him, which, however, was of no consequence to him, as neither his person nor any assets could be found. He was an old man, in poor health, of whom we hear no more. (Bancroft, Ariz, and N. M., p. 231, seq.) The application of his name to the mountains which still bear it was no doubt during the period of his gubernatorial incumbency; it is also borne by a tribe of Apaches, who are so called from their former habitat on the Mogollon " mesa." The Mogollon mts. of present no- menclature are a range in New Mexico near the Arizona border, not far below the ultimate sources of the Gila. The Mogollon mesa, formerly often mapped as the mountains or range of that name, may be described as the elevated plateau which forms the watershed between the basin of the Colorado Chiquito on the N. and that of Salt river (including the Tonto basin) on the S. The name is frequently spelled Mogoyon, being pronounced in Arizona mogy-yon' or muggy-yon', g hard and a strong ac- cent on the final long syllable. 50 Otherwise San Simon y Judas of p. 113: see the note there. n Otherwise John of Nepomucen, Nepomuk, or Pomuk, patron saint of Bohemia, b. at Pomuk, a village in Klatau dis- trict, ca. 1330, tortured and murdered 1383 or Mar., 1393, re- garded as a martyr and miracle worker, canonized by Bene- dict XIII., Mar. 19, 1729; day fixed for May 16, and still celebrated at Prague. Marne, Vie de St. Jean de Nepomucene, Paris, 1741. Abel, Legende des heiligen Johannes von Nepo- muk, Berlin, 1855. The identity of two persons is supposed to be confused in the legends and myths which cluster about the name. mOS DE SAN PEDRO Y SAN CARLOS. 1 39 San Pedro, 52 de San Carlos, 53 and by that (river) which is doubtless the one traditionally (en las memorias antiguas) called Rio de San Francisco 54 and de la Asumpcion; this is composed of two, which are the Verde and the Salado. (The Gila) receives the prin- cipal volume of its waters from the Rio de la Asump- 02 For this note see p. 152. M The San Carlos is one of the smaller upper tributaries of the Gila, lying wholly in the present White Mountain Indian Reservation between the Gila and Salt river. It is chiefly nota- ble as forming, for most of its extent, a portion of the boundary between Gila and Graham counties, and for giving name to the important San Carlos Agency, once Camp or Fort San Carlos, where the dregs of the Apache dose are now being consumed. " This is simply a blunder of Garces, confusing the San Francisco with Salt river. The name seems to have been a very early one, and there was much confusion regarding the river which should bear it, in the minds of the comparatively early Spanish writers, for it has been applied to several, even as low down as the Verde. The original application or impli- cation of the term has escaped my search; we may recall in this connection that there were two Sts. Francis, one specially honored by the Jesuits, the other the founder of the rival Fran- ciscan order. The name has properly applied for about 100 years to one of the two initial forks of the Gila, arising in New Mexico in that portion of the Continental Divide represented by the San Francisco range and the Tulerosa mts., in the vicinity of old Fort Tulerosa. At the same time, the name San Francisco was applied for many years to the Verde. Emory speaks of " where the San Francisco flows into the Salt river " in 1848; and in my own Arizona time. 1864-65, I heard and used this name oftener than I did Verde. 140 RIO DE LA ASUNCION. cion," which is very much increased by the melting of the snows of the sierra through which it flows. On 64 Garces is quite right in composing Assumption river of the Verde and Salado, and in assigning so great a volume of water to their joint stream. They were comparatively well known in his day — quite well known in their lower reaches. Thus the author of the Rudo Ensayo, writing in 1762, says, p. 129: "... the Gila . . . receives the waters of the Assumption River, which, eight or nine leagues farther up to the northwest, is formed by two other rivers, taking their rise, according to an account of Father James Sedelmayr [of his travels to the Yumas in 1748], in an extensive ridge of mountains in the land of the Apaches, on the other side of the Gila, farther up towards the east. Of these two branches, one is called Verde, owing to the verdure of the groves which adorn its banks, and the other Salado, because it is salty to such a degree, that after its union with the Verde, and even after joining the Gila, the water for some distance is unpalatable." And again, p. 200: " The river Gila receives the Asuncion, whose two branches, the Verde and the Salado, of which it is composed, come . . . from the mountains of the Apaches and descend, in a southwesterly- direction, to the Gila." All of which is quite true, and the nomenclature of the two branches is the same as now, except that we usually say Salt for Salado, and properly consider this the main stream, which we fetch down to the Gila, thus throw- ing out Assumption river. Now turning to the state of the case a little earlier than the Rudo Ensayo, we find Rio Asul, Blue river, to be the recognized name of the joint stream. Thus Ortega, writing the Apost. Afan. of 1754, says of Kino's visit to his Gilan rancherias Encarnacion and San Andres, in Nov., 1694: '' A.qui supieron, que por el rio Gila abaxo al Poni- ente, y entre Norte, y Poniente en el rio Asul, y mas adelante en el rio Colorado viven las Naciones Opas," etc., p. 253. Again, p. 276, noting Kino's entrada of 1699, he says: " descu- HISTORY OF THIS RIVER. I4I the banks of the Rio Gila there are cottonwoods, wil- lows, and mezquites. Generally this river is found brieron otro rio llamado Azul, poblado de muchas frondosas alamedas; juzgaron, que recogeria sin duda sus primeros manantiales en las cercanias de la Provincia del Moqui." I take this passage to indicate the actual discovery and naming of the river, leafy with cottonwoods, and supposed to flow from Moqui, on March 2, 1699. The case is exactly set forth on Kino's map of 1701, where " R. Azul " starts from Moqui by several branches, is joined by one large branch, and brought into the Gila at about the right place, below the Santa Cruz. The Blue name was given from the New Mexican Sierra Azul where the river was supposed to head. This date of Mar. 2, 1609, is almost that on which Kino named the two branches Verde and Salado, lumped these with the Santa Cruz and San Pedro as the Four Evangelists, and styled the Gila itself Rio de los Apostoles; but we may search these records in vain for a Kinotic Rio de la Asuncion. The date of the latter name, sometimes given more fully as Rio de Nuestra Sehora de la Asumpcion or Asuncion, I have been able to trace to Sedel- mayr, 1743-44. On Venegas' map of 1757 it appears in due form, " R. Asump.", correctly composed of R. Verde and R. Salado, but brought into the Gila far too low down; while in its proper position " R. Azul" is also given! I have not Venegas' text at hand, nor Sedelmayr's Relacion; but the Apost. Afan., narrating Sedelmayr's entrada of 1743, p. 353- speaks of this padre's descent of the Gila, " que, incorporando- sele en aquel parage el de Assumption, corre bastamente caudaloso." Again, p. 357, referring to Sedelmayr's next en- trada, 1744, Ortega speaks of the river " muy caudaloso llamado de la Assumption, que se compone de otros dos nombrados el Verde, y el Salado; seSala el sitio, en que se junta el de la Assumpcion con el Gila," etc. This is conclusive of an As- sumption river dating back at least to 1743-44- It is curious to 142 HISTORY OF THIS RIVER. short of grass; but the soil of the rancherias de San Andres, now depopulated, and that in all the vicinity of Sutaquison, abounds in brushwood and carrizo (Phragmites communis?). There is found in this river no other fish than that which they call matalote 56 observe that in this very passage Ortega speaks also of a Rio Azul; but this one, which Sedelmayr had approached, travel- ing up the Colorado, was Bill Williams' fork, supposed to come from the Moquis. The origin of the name has been duly noted by Bandelier, Final Rep. pt. i, 1890, p. 113: " Fathers Sedelmair and Keller both visited the banks of the Salado, which they baptized Rio de la Asuncion, and they also examined the lower Verde." The only other nomenclatural point — the process by which this river was sometimes carried down to the Colorado, restricting the name Gila correspondingly — has been already noted. The Verde is the principal river in central Arizona, draining an extensive region south of the San Francisco mountains, but by no means approximating to Moqui, for the basin of the Colorado Chiquito intervenes. The Salado is still larger, with a course approximately parallel with that of the Gila, almost from the New Mexican border. Its earliest name dates from 1539, as it is the stream which Jaramillo, writing of the Coronado expedition, calls Rio de las Balsas, or River of the Rafts, because it had to be crossed by such means: see Hodge, in Brower's Mem. Expl., ii, Harahey, 1899, p. 42. An upper portion of its extent is sometimes called Black river. An alternative name of Rio Salado or Salt river was Salinas; and I have already noted that the Verde was for years called San Francisco river. " From the Nahuatl name of a certain or rather uncertain fish. No doubt those to which Garces refers were of the genus Gila, so named by Baird and Girard in 1853 from the river they inhabit. There are several species, as G. robusta, G. gracilis, etc. PREHISTORIC EDIFICES. I43 which is so very savory to the taste, but is trouble- some on account of the many bones that it has. On this river is found the Casa (Grande) said to be (que dizen scr) of Moctezuma, and very many other ruins, and other edifices with very many fragments of pottery (cascos de losd [sic, error of the scribe for loza]),* 1 as well with painting as without it; from what I have seen since (my visit to) Moqui I have formed a conception respecting these structures very different from that which I previously entertained. Nov. 29. This day was occupied in search of a path, in opening a way through the heavy woods " The prehistoric pueblo ruins of the Gila-Salado drainage, some of which, as Casa Grande, still rise to a considerable height above the surface of the sand drift, are usually of adobe; where stone was available for structural purposes, however, it was used, but generally to a limited extent, as the natural soil formed an admirable building material. Wherever such re- mains occur, their mounds and the vicinity are thickly strewn with pieces of earthenware, and it is these to which Garces refers as cascos de losd (read loza). Where adobe was em- ployed, the larger walls were usually constructed by first erecting two parallel rows of upright logs, the width of the pro- posed walls, then wattling them and filling in with grout. The smaller walls were made by rolling up balls of adobe mortar mixed with ashes or fine gravel, setting them in the wall as if stones, and plastering the exposed surfaces with the same ma- terial. So tenacious is this native mortar that, when dry, it withstands the elements sometimes for centuries, as Casa Grande still testifies.— F. W. H. 144 RI ° COLORADO. (grande arboleda) of the Rio Colorado, 53 and in seek- 58 This fixed name of one of the greatest rivers of North America is only one of many and by no means the earliest it has borne. Garces tells us beyond that the Yuman name was Javill; a word also rendered Hah-weal. Colorado is said to be the Spanish translation of the Piman name buqui aquimuti; I presume it to be of Kinotic date, as Kino's map of 1701 legends " R. Colorado del Norte," though the great Piman apostle also called it Rio de los Martires, perhaps commemorating the Three Holy Martyrs of Japan, as they were styled (there was a prin- cipal rectorate or missionary jurisdiction of this name in Sonora in Jesuit times). " Colorado 6 del Norte " also appears on Venegas' map, 1757, which is dressed on Kino's. " Coloratus fl. seu Nord-Strom " is the Latin-German legend of the Tabula California?, 1702, likewise based on " Chino." The " Norte " clause seems to have soon dropped out, leaving Colorado as we have it; a term often translated Red in English, and not seldom specified, among the many Red rivers of our country, as Red River of the West, or Red River of California, other- wise Rio Colorado del Occidente. But the great stream was discovered in 1540, and had a string of names for about half a century. The discovery was made at its mouth by Hernando de Alarcon, Aug. 26, 1540; he is said to have navigated it for 85 leagues, but this distance is dubious; he called it Rio de Buena Guia, or Good Guide river. The same year, Coronado, being at Zuhi (Cibola), sent a party under Cardenas to explore westward. They went through Moqui and on to the Colorado somewhere in the course of the Grand Canon, which they have the honor of discovering on or about Sept. 15. 1540. Melchior Diaz, who reached the mouth of the river overland from Sonora via the Gulf coast, probably early in October, 1540, called it Rio del Tizon, a term translated Firebrand river, on account of the cus- toms of the natives, who carried firebrands with which to warm themselves. On Jan. 25, 1605, Juan de Onate also reached the RIO COLORADO. 1 45 ing the ford, in order that the expedition might cross (the river). 69 Nov. 30. The Cocomaricopa justices (justicias) mouth, or nearly there, coming overland from Santa Fe; he named it Rio Grande de Buena Esperanza. But the most remarkable point in this connection is, that Onate crossed the branch now known as Colorado Chiquito or Little Colorado, and named this Rio Colorado; whence it appears, that " Colorado " was first applied to the minor stream at this date, and later extended to the principal river: the actual connection of the two rivers cannot have been known to Onate, as it was many a long year from his date before the place where the one flows into the other was determined. " For the 29th Font gives further particulars. He said mass in the " bower," which was about eight varas long and four wide, and in which an altar was set up with the banner of the Virgin, which Garces carried. " As the rio Colorado has such a current, and runs so scattered through the bottomlands, we found no Isla de Trinidad, neither was there now the ford by which passed the expedition on the former occasion, the In- dians saying that the river was now very deep at that ford: for these two rivers Colorado and Gila rise every year to such ex- cess, and run through these flat and friable grounds with such lack of restraint, that they appear to shift their channels, form- ing wash-outs, and dividing into branches, according as the force of the current bears more or less to this side or to that. The result is, that at its greatest flood the Gila itself extends more than a league, and presumably the Colorado much more. Wherefore it was intended to cross the river on rafts; but the senor comandante, considering that it would be a long and tedious job to cross such a train on rafts, went with some sol- diers to examine the river, and with some difficulty found a ford across the Colorado higher up than it formerly was, and above I46 FROM ARIZONA TO CALIFORNIA. departed on their return to their land. The whole expedition passed over the Rio Colorado 60 without the place where we were; and having found it, he opened a road in the afternoon through the brush and woodland of the river bottom, in order to make the crossing next day." Emory's Report already cited has a plate of the Gila junction with the Colorado, and the condition of things he describes on p. 95 may be compared with Font's: "The Gila comes into it nearly at right angles, and the point of junction, strangely chosen, is the hard butte through which, with their united forces they cut a canon, and then flow off due magnetic west, in a direction of the resultant due to the relative strength of the rivers. The walls of the canon are vertical, and about 50 feet high, and 1,000 feet long. Almost before entering the canon, in descending the Gila, its sea-green waters are lost in the chrome- colored hue of the Colorado. For a distance of three or four miles below the junction, the river is perfectly straight, and about 600 feet wide." This " canon " is exactly what the mis- sionaries of 1775-81 called the Puerto (or Puertezuelo) de la Purisima Concepcion; and the mission of the latter name was precisely on the site of Fort Yuma. 00 On making the ford the party passes from Arizona into California, and camps in the well-known locality of Fort Yuma, if not on the very site of this military post, which dates from 1850. The first establishment there was made in Sept., 1849, when Camp Calhoun was formed by Lt. Cave Johnson Couts, U. S. Dragoons, in command of an escort for Whipple's boun- dary survey. The tide of travel was just then setting strongly, the Indians were uneasy, and military protection was impera- tive. Next year a ferry boat was running; and on Nov. 27, 1850, Capt. and Bvt. Major Samuel Peter Heintzelman of the 2d Infantry arrived from San Diego with three small companies. The post he established that winter was called Camp Inde- pendence. Lt. George Hasket (or Horatio?) Derby, of the YUMA. 147 any mishap. Having gone about a league northwest Topographical Engineers, better known as a humorist by the alias of John Phoenix, sailed from San Francisco Nov. 1, 1850, and was up the river in January, 1851, then meeting Heintzel- man. (See his Report, Reconn. Gulf Cala. and Col. R., 1850- 51, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 81, 326. Cong. 1st sess., June 19, 1852, 8vo, pp. 28, map.) In March, 1851, Camp Independence was shifted to the site of the old Spanish mission of 1780-81 called La Purisima Concepcion, and thus was Camp Yuma or Fort Yuma established. In June, 1851, on account of the difficulty of getting supplies by wagon across the desert, the troops were withdrawn to Santa Isabel (then a shiftless Indian village, with a roofless church), except a small guard left at Yuma under Lt. Thomas Wm. Sweeny. In Nov., 1851, this guard was re-enforced by a detachment under Capt. Delozier Davidson, 2d Infantry, but he abandoned Yuma in a few days, some time in December, owing to Indian troubles, scurvy, and exhausted supplies, first destroying some of the stores and caching others. Major Heintzelman returned Feb. 29, 1852, to rebuild the fort and per- manently establish a garrison. This consisted of the original one, another company of infantry, and two of dismounted dra- goons; though the latter remained only a month. The Indians uncached the stores and carried them off, together with the boats, and were troublesome till late that year, when some sort of peace was made. (See Heintzelman's letter of July 15, 1853, in Ho. Rep. Ex. Doc. No. 76, 34th Cong., 3d sess., 1857; also, on early Yuma annals, articles in Yuma Sentinel, May 4, n, 18, 25, 1878.) In Oct., 1852, the Yumas are said to have been 972 in number; on the 26th, a fire destroyed much of the fort, in Dec. an earthquake altered the river to some extent, and that month the first steamer, Uncle Sam, which had been brought to the head of the gulf and there put together, reached Yuma. Indian disturbances continued in 1853. Some of Walker's filibusters arrived in Apr., 1854, and Capt. Geo. H. Thomas of 148 YUMA. we halted on the bank of the river. We crossed this the 3d Artillery took command in July of that year. Then also the steamer General Jesup was running; the steamer Colorado was put on in 1855; since which time the navigation of the river may be considered to have been established. The General Jesup, under Capt. Johnson, ran for some years; on Jan. 23, 1858, she ferried E. F. Beale's party at Mojave, and left that day for Yuma. Ives' important exploration of 1857-58 is fully noted elsewhere. In Sept., 1865, when I spent some time at Yuma, it was a flourishing post, well built on the bluff, in adap- tation to the excessive heat, which often sent the mercury over ioo°, sometimes to 120 . One report gives a mean annual temperature of about 76° F., with a monthly mean of 93° for one July, and a daily rise to ioo° for 19 successive days. It is of Yuma, as of the hottest place in the United States, that are told the three stock stories; of the dog that ran howling on three legs across the parade ground because it burnt his paws, of the soldier who died and went to hell, but who came back for blankets, and of the hens that laid hard-boiled eggs. The egg story has some foundation in the fact that the mois- ture soon evaporates, leaving the contents sodden and sticky. But the air is so dry that the highest temperature is borne with comparative ease, if one keeps out of the sun. I often went shooting, and have suffered more from the heat in Washington, New York, and Quebec than I did at Yuma. Fort Yuma was turned over to the Interior Department by Executive Order of January 9, 1884; the military reservation was thus disposed of under Act of July 5, 1884, and by ruling of March 5, 1892, became part of the Yuma Indian reservation. The identity of Fort Yuma with the site of La Purisima Con- cepcion, the pueblo-presidio-mission founded in 1780 and de- stroyed by massacre in July, 1781, is established in the letter of Major Heintzelman above cited. I would quote it extensively, but it is too full of historical errors: for example, he says that YUMA. I49 river (where it was) divided into three branches " Pedro " Garces and Father Kino! founded the mission, that it lasted 7 or 8 years, etc. But some portions of the letter, de- scribing what was within the writer's knowledge, are extremely interesting. I extract as follows, pp. 34, 35: "A little east of north from here [Fort Yuma], 45 miles on the top of a ridge of barren mountains, is a detached rock, several hundred feet high, resembling a dome [i. e., Castle Dome] . . . and in a direction west of north about 18 miles distant, on another range of similar mountains, rises a solitary rock, 500 feet high, which we here call Chimney Peak . . . The Colorado winds its way between these two ranges, runs south along the base of the hill we are on, then turns short to the west, through this cleft, for nearly seven miles, giving us both banks for that distance, and turns again more to the south, and finds its way to the Gulf. . . " When we occupied this point the rough stone foundations of the houses, with their earthen ruins, could be clearly traced. The buildings appear to have been of mud, between upright poles or forks, to support the roof. The charred ends we dug up, with the remains of a copper, urn-shaped vessel, of the capacity of about a quart. There were eight or ten buildings, fifteen or twenty feet, nearly square, irregularly placed, cover- ing an area of about an acre, and including the site of the present commanding officer's quarters. It was an excellent position for defence against Indians; the only point above it being beyond the range of arrows, and commanding a fine view of the surrounding country. During the high water a broad slough, in the rear of the post, is filled, and cuts off all communication with the main land, except by the means of boats. On a detached sandy plateau, above the rise of the river, near Hut-ta-mi-ne, are also the ruins of an old Spanish estab- lishment." In the course of the foregoing Major Heintzelman speaks 150 YUMA. (brazos); its width I judged would be 400 varas, 81 of one Jose Maria Ortega, founder of the Concepcion " pre- sidio " as son of Don Francisco Ortega, commandant " of the expedition of the discoverers of Alta California"; also of Martinez Ortega (brother of Joachim Ortega, both living in 1853 at Santa Maria, Cal.) as a child three years of age at the time of the massacre. I know nothing of these names in the present connection. Mr. Hodge informs me that there was a ranch owned by Don Jose Maria Ortega, 7^ leagues west of Santa Isabel, S. Cala., visited by Whipple in 1849, this being evidently private claim 514 on the G. L. O. map of California. (See Schoolcraft, ii, pp. 101, 102.) This identity of Concepcion with Yuma is also evident from Bartlett's Narrative, ii, p. 161 : " Close by Fort Yuma the traces of the old Spanish Mission buildings may still be seen [June 16, 1852]. These consist of partly demolished stone walls of old buildings; though a few years since the walls of a church were also visible. At the time of our visit these had been removed, and used for building the barracks. There were 200 soldiers, artillery and infantry, here, under the command of Major Heintzelman." This garrison was then still cantoned in tents. Thus the identity of the two establishments extends to incor- poration of some of the building materials of the old one in the new. "The Spanish vara in Mexico is 32.9927 inches; it is taken in California at 33 inches, in Texas at 33 1-3 inches. Garces judged the river to be about 366 yards wide. Font gives the particu- lars of crossing the river, in substance as follows. We broke camp at 9.00 a. m. and the whole expedition made the ford at 1. 00 p. m. without any special mishap. Camped on the other side, having come a short league north. The width of the river where we crossed I judged to be 300 to 400 varas, and this is at its lowest; when it overflows it is some leagues wide. It was lucky to find the river here divided into three arms, so YUMA. 151 and at this time it was very low, but when it is swollen it extends for leagues. that the crossing was facilitated, which otherwise would have been difficult. The first branch was wide and deep; the second, not so deep, and more contracted; the third was deep and much wider than the first. All the people got over safely, though there might have been trouble, because the beasts were swim- ming before they got through. One person took a different course, as if he had no fear of the river, and soon went under so far that the water washed away a blanket and some coritas, and he let go a child he was carrying; but the Virgin wanted us to get over without anything worse than a wetting; for the water came up to the horses' backs, though they were tall ones, like my own, and I was wet up to the knees. The three pack trains crossed in four sections, thus lightening each pack by one-third, and thus the whole beef-herd, horse-herd, and pack- mules went over with felicity, except that my pack was wetted, in which were the holy oils and ornaments; for they made so little of me, and of anything I said, though I charged the mule- teers to take care not to wet this pack, and supplicated the senor comandante to the same effect, perhaps on this very account was my pack the less cared for. Three Yumas took Padre Garces over on their shoulders, two by his head and one at his feet, stretched out stiff, face upward, like a corpse. I crossed on horseback, and as I was sick, with my head dizzy, three naked servants went with me, one in front, leading the horse, and one on each side to keep me from falling off. The whole train was so large that it took three hours to cross, and in order to dry ourselves we stopped on the very bank of the river. . . In the afternoon the senor comandante went with Padre Garces and Padre Thomas to Palma's residence, to see where to build a shed or hut for the habitation of said padres, who were going to stay on the Colorado to catechise the Yumans and explore the minds of other nations, etc. 152 NOTE ON RIO DE SAN PEDRO. Note transferred from p. /jg. n Present name of one of the two principal tributaries of the Gila from the south, the other being Rio Santa Cruz. The San Pedro appears to have been so called from a place of that name, otherwise Casas de San Pedro, near its head, just over the Sonoran border, about lat. 31 ° 18', near long. uo°. This is an obscure spot in the vicinity of the old Spanish Presidio de Terrenate. There was another San Pedro, lower down the river, in Arizona, vicinity of our modern Camp Wallen and Camp Huachuca; and yet another application of the name to some mines still further down the river. No San Pedro appears on Kino's map in this connection, nor on Venegas' of 1757; so I suppose all these names to be post-Kinotic. In his time the name of the river was Rio de Quipuri, or Quiburi, so called from a then better known place in the vicinity of present Tomb- stone, Ariz. It may be noted that a place called San Pablo de Quipuri existed in Kino's time; and that Peter and Paul were so often paired off by their devotees that their names were sometimes transposed. " Kino passo a San Pablo de Quipuri," Dec. 10, 1696; again Nov. 9, 1697, " Kino llego a San Pablo de Quiburi," and therefrom " siguiendo las orillas del mismo rio Quiburi" he reached the Gila: Apost. Afan., pp. 266-68. In fact, the San Pedro or Quiburi was a highway from Sonora into Arizona in those early days and had been traveled as such since 1539-42, when Friar Marcos and the Coronado expe- dition took that route to Cibola, and one writer of the journey, Jaramillo, named it Rio Nexpa. The place on it above called San Pablo de Quipuri also figures later (about 1702) as San Ignacio Guibori, in Doc. para Hist. Mex., 4th ser., v, p. 136. The course of the river is approx. parallel with that of the Santa Cruz, a similar highway; the two are separated by the Santa Catalina, Santa Rita, and some lesser mountain ranges. Entering Arizona near long. uo°, just E. of the Hua- NOTE ON RIO DE SAN PEDRO. 1 53 chuca mts., the river runs N. with a little inclination westward through Cochise co., Ariz., cuts off a small N. E. corner of Pima co., continues between the Santa Catalina and " Galiuro " ranges, is joined by Arivaipa creek at Camp Grant, and joins the Gila at Dudleyville, Pinal co. The name " Galiuro " is a curiosity; as Bandelier says, Final Rep., ii, 1892, p. 473, " it can be traced on the maps, through Salitre, Calitre, Calitro. to Galiuro." CHAPTER IV. DOWN RIO COLORADO FROM YUMA TO THE GULF AND RETURN, DECEMBER, 1775- Dec. i. We went — the sefior comandante, Padre Tomas (Eisarc), and I — with some muleteers (arri- eros) to the house of Captain Palma, which was dis- tant from the place where we had halted about one league westward, for the purpose of building the hut (xacal) 1 which had to serve as our habitation until the return of the expedition. This evening Captain Palma put on the clothes which the sefior viceroy had presented to him in recognition of the good services he has rendered to the Espafloles. 2 This same even- 1 Aztec or Nahuatl xacalli (xalli, sand; calli, house, probably for the reason that it was originally a form of dugout or a brush shelter covered with sand or earth for temporary use). The term xacal or jacal is now applied to a low structure, made of brush or thatch usually closed on three sides, and sometimes covered with earth. It is the typical house shelter of the Yuma, Seri, and other southwestern Indians. Among the Pima and Papago the houses, although thatched, are much more elabo- rately finished and are more permanent in character. — F. W. H. 1 Some further information relating to this episode is rendered in the postscript which Garces' scholiast appends to the Diary CAPTAIN PALMA. I 55 ing came four Jalchedun women with one man, say- ing on behalf of their nation that already was it de- (see beyond). The Documentos para la Historia de Mexico, ser. i, tomo vi, pub. Mexico, 1854, contains the Diario Curioso de Mexico de D. Jose Gomez, Cabo de Alabarderos, on p. 11 of which is the following choice bit: " El dia 4 de Noviembre de 1776 en Mexico, en el real palacio, el Sr. virey D. Antonio Maria Bucareli; y Urzua dio el baston de capitan a un indio meco, y por bien le hizo poner un vestido de uniforme azul con vuelta encarnada, la chupa galeonada de oro: este indio se llamaba el capitan Palma, no tenia otro nombre porque no era cristiano: no se sabe cuando se bautizara: y fue en lunes el dia de San Carlos." And on p. 17 the following: " El dia 13 Febrero de 1777 en Mexico, en el Sagrario de la santa iglesia, se bauti- zaron cinco indios mecos, y entre ellos uno que era el capitan Palma, y les pusieron los nombres de Carlos, y fue su padrino . . . y fue en jueves." Here we have the date of the noble Yuman's investiture with the baton cf authority, likewise with a blue coat faced with red, and waistcoat trimmed with gold, also the date of his baptism, etc. These, however, were events after 1775, and we have only to turn ,in the present instance to Font, whose Diary for to-day has some particulars very much to the point regarding the same amiable savage: " Captain Palma appeared in the uniform which had been given to him on the part of the most excellent sehor Virrey (Bucareli), con- sisting of a shirt, trousers, waistcoat yellow in front with some trimmings, coat or cloak of blue cloth laced, and black velvet cap adorned with false gems, and a plume a modo de Palma. This captain is called Palma on account of the friendship that in past times he had with a majordomo of the mission of Caborca whose name was Palma, and which name he took; and he is called Salvador because he was given this name by the Indian Sebastian Tarabel when the latter came from Cali- fornia to Sonora, and was detained for some days in the house I56 VARIOUS INCIDENTS. termined, from the message that we had sent to them, to make peace with the Yumas. Here ensued this night a great joke (chiste). Asking the Jalchedun of affairs in his country, he told us that there was in his land a man who had fled from the new Conver- sions of Californias; 3 that this man had been killed of said captain. The seiior comandante brought the clothes on behalf of the Viceroy, and gave them to Palma this night, and made him put them on in his (Anza's) tent, without our concurrence, or letting us know anything about it; for he is so fond of keeping to himself all his actions, and setting him- self up in the opinion of others, that he will let nobody else have a hand in his affairs, nor admit to his presence anyone who might in any way attract the attention of the people he wants to keep for himself. So, though it would have been more regular for the presentation of glass beads and tobacco which he brought for the gentiles in the name of his majesty to have been made to the Indians at the hands of we three padres who accompa- nied the expedition, in order to exalt their minds, since in the end the religious have to be their ministers, and the Indians are inclined to recognize those who make them presents; never- theless, the sefior comandante always made such distributions with his own hand, and would never let us do it, and not once on the whole journey did he ask me if I wanted a string of beads to give to some Indian, excepting when we were return- ing, in the mission of San Luis (Obispo), where he gave me a few strings for which I begged." — Let us sympathize with poor Font, snubbed and abused, truculent and jealous, while we ad- mire the discipline enforced in all things, great and small, by the model commanding officer Anza. s The new conversions of California were the missions which had recently been established, namely: 1. San Diego de Alcala, A GREAT WIZARD. 157 and burned by the nations through which he passed, but that he had managed to come to life again in some mysterious manner (tenia havilidud de volverse remolino); that he carried with him a viper, and finally that he was a great sorcerer, and that he was killing the Jalchedunes; in consequence of which they were in great terror. The sefior comandante was some- what mortified notwithstanding the great patience which he expends upon Indians, worthy to be imitated by all who devote themselves to such enterprises. I begged him for a few glass beads, which I gave them (these Jalchedunes). 4 July 16, 1769; 2. San Carlos de Monterey, June 3, 1770; 3- San Antonio de Padua, July 14, 1771; 4. San Gabriel Arcangel, Sept 8, 1771; 5. San Luis Obispo, Sept. 1, 1772. These are fully noted beyond. * While Garces was thinking of such things, for his heart was in his missionary work, Padre Font, who had no stomach for anything but theology, continued full of trouble on this Dec. 1, and spreads it upon his pages. He proposed to Anza to take a geodetic observation, but Anza would not let him, he says, because Anza did not wish observations to be made in Font's name; and lest it should be said that Font made them, Anza always assisted in the operation, and would never let Font have possession of the instrument which Bucareli had sent, or do anything to enable Font to obey the orders he had received, etc. So to-day, as Anza could not assist in the operation, be- cause he was busy helping to build Garces' hut, he told Font that the observation could be taken next day. Then there was also trouble about a certain musical instrument. From the time Anza went through Font's mission of San Jose de Pimas, 358 FATHER FONT'S TROUBLES. Dec. 2. I continued the building of the hut with the sefior comandante; the Indians assisted some- he persisted in carrying this instrument, persuading Font that the psaltery would be very convenient to attract the Indians, especially the festive Yumas, and though Font strongly objected to this, for fear the instrument should be lost on so long a jour- ney, yet he had to condescend to Anza's importunities; and then, after Font had taken it along with detriment enough, Anza never said anything about it, nor wished to hear it, nor would let the people assemble in Font's tent for music — and all the while Font was carrying the useless thing along without being able to try it on the Yumas or anybody else — it was really quite too awful! Then again, Anza wanted to finish the hut in one day, but no, that could not be done; and to-night, after supper, Font asked him if they were going to start next day, and Anza said no. So Font begged him that, as they were to be detained another day, he would order camp shifted to the place where the hut was building, to escape the inconvenience to which they were subjected from dust and wind, which were such that no cooking could be done; but Anza condescended not to this supplication, etc. Again, Font asked him in what sort of a fix Padres Garces and Eixarch were going to be left on that river, among gentiles, with no escort, and other ques- tions that he wished answered. Then Anza got very hot, and wanted to know whose business that was, saying that he did not have to give Font reasons for anything he did; that he was already doing more than he was obliged to in building the hut, as he had no orders to that effect; and that it was none of his affair to look out for the way in which the padres had to live on the Colorado, for they had come of their own account, in fact had asked to be sent, without being ordered to do so by the viceroy, and so, having chosen to come, they could look out for themselves. Font admitted that there was some force in this, and Anza finally told him that the three interpreters, THE SUBJECT CONTINUED. 1 59 what, and to those who worked were given beads. This day was distributed tobacco to all the Yumas and beads to all the women who assembled. two muleteers, and two servants should stay with the padres. But the three interpreters were three useless Indians, good for nothing, not even as interpreters, because their Spanish was so bad. One of the muleteers was the Indian Sebastian Tarabel, who had already accompanied Garces on former travels, and the other was a boy who had come along with a soldier, and served Eixarch faithfully, and was the only one who was good for anything, though he got no pay for his services, as the sehor comandante said that the boy was none of his to look out for. The two servants were one of them a worthless young fellow who had volunteered to go with Garces, for whom he did noth- ing, and from the Colorado went back to Sonora, and the other a small boy whom Eixarch had brought along to take care of his horse. Font says that he notes all this that it may not remain unknown what commonly happens on such expedi- tions in dealing with los sehores comandantes, and to shed light on what ought to be assured from the start, without trusting to promises and smooth words, as Garces did, who having confided in the general offers Anza made him, found out afterward that they were not fulfilled in particulars; seeing as how these sefiores who command such expeditions have nobody over them to contend with, and are so absolute that there is need of real patience in putting up with them, etc. The unhappy padre, whose tale of woe is thus recorded, concludes for the day by citing the Venerable Padre Fray Antonio Margil de Jesus (1655-1726), who seems to have known how it was him- self, for he used to say: A militibus libera nos, Domine! To do Font justice, he must have rubbed his chin with an afterthought, for he adds in the margin the saving clause, Bien que no hay regla sin exception. l60 RATIONS ISSUED TO GARCES AND EISARC. Dec. 3. The hut was finished, and the expedition arrived on this spot. The sefior comandante issued to Padre Fray Tomas and to me what was allowed us for our subsistence. 5 5 Dec. 3 was Sunday, and Font's Diary is much more explicit. " The commanding officer determined to do as I begged him on the 1st, but not out of respect to my petition, or moved by my supplication. Padre Thomas said mass, and we all attended; after which we moved from the bank of the river Colorado at 10.30 a. m., and at noon reached the rancheria of Captain Pablo, having marched a matter of a league west one quarter south- west [see map. camp marks "40" to "41"]. The rest of the day was occupied in finishing the hut, and though it was not quite done, it was put in fair shape, and the padres were satis- fied with what was given them for their two selves and the seven persons who stayed with them, which was: one tercio of tobacco; two boxes of beads; one arroba [25 lbs.] of chocolate; one arroba of sugar; one arroba of lard; five oxen; three tercios of jerked beef; one carga [about 4 bushels] of beans; one carga of coarse flour; a little fine flour; one almud [from s l / 2 to n pints] of peas; a box of biscuit; three hams; six cheeses; one frying pan; one other pan; one ax; twelve cakes of soap; twelve wax candles; and one jug of wine, with which they could not say mass, for it was so bad that it neither looked nor tasted like wine, and they had to send to Caborca for some. This was something, but not much for nine mouths, and the time they had to wait for more provisions, on the return of the expedi- tion." At night Padre Font sent for Captains Palma and Pablo to come to his tent, and exhorted them to take good care of the two padres, promising to report them favorably to the king if they behaved themselves, etc. To all of which they replied that Font need have no fear; that since Palma had received his baton and uniform he represented Captain Don Juan (Riv- DEPARTURE OF THE EXPEDITION. l6l Dec. 4. The expedition went on its destination,* and there remained in our company six persons — two era y Moncada, lieutenant-governor of California), and would be a father to the padres, etc., and Pablo chimed in that if any- one tried to rob or hurt the padres, he would kill them. Upon which the padre responded that neither he, Font, nor God, wanted any killing done, for that would not be right; but if anybody hurt the padres, to catch him and give him a thrash- ing. This suited Pablo so well that he lay on the ground with his arms and legs stretched out, and said very impressively, " Ajot, ajot," which means " Bueno, bueno." During Font's speech Anza sent for Palma, for no other purpose than to get him away from the padre's tent, for it did not suit him to have anyone talk to the Indians, especially to captains, or give them any instructions; and in order to entertain the Indians he got up a dance for them by the light of the fire in front of his tent, so that Font had no chance to say anything more. * Font's Diary for the 4th, on the departure of the expedition, is specially interesting, as it clearly indicates the topography. Having said mass in the hut, and taken leave of his compadres, he left Palma's rancheria at 9.30 a. m., and at 2.30 p. m. was near a laguna where Pablo had his rancheria, one league below the Cerro de San Pablo, having gone some 5 leagues west one quar- ter southwest. Soon after breaking camp he forded an arm of the Colorado, which was given off a good way higher up, and here joined the river. About one league from camp he came to the Puerto de la Concepcion, a strait between two low hills through which the now united Gila and Colorado flowed. He stopped awhile to look at the very extensive lowlands which stretched before him, and through which the river ran, as it seemed to him from eastnortheast to westsouthwest; and at the northeast, some ten leagues off, was descried the Cabeza del Gigante, which the Indians call Bauquiburi, a great round peak in the rough sierra between the Gila and Colorado; while to the l62 GARCES PREPARES TO FOLLOW. Espanoles, one little boy, and three interpreters on account of the expedition — and another Indian that Serior Don Bernardo Urrea let me have. Dec. 5. Seeing that the occasion was very pro- pitious for visiting the nations of the Rio Colorado down to the disemboguement, and investigating their willingness to be catechised, which is what the senor viceroy ordered me (to do), I determined to depart for this purpose. I set apart what there was where- north, three or four leagues off, was the other peak called Pefiasca de la Campana, surmounting another rough sierra, the Cerro de San Pablo, by whose base the river runs, etc. The road, though mostly level, was toilsome, being so overgrown with brush that in many places only a narrow trail could be found, and for the most part so choked with mezquite, screw mezquite and other growths, among them one called cachanilla, that the expedition only got along with much delay and the loss of some animals. No one familiar with the scenery about Fort Yuma can fail to recognize the fidelity of this description. On the west, the Cerro de San Pablo is the range capped by Chimney Rock (La Campana) to the north, and ending on the south at Pilot Knob; while much further northeast rises Castle Dome, or Giant's Head (Cabeza del Gigante or Bauquiburi). From Palma's rancheria to Pablo's was five leagues; Palma's was one league above Puerto de Concepcion and Pablo's was one league below the ending of Cerro de San Pablo in Pilot Knob, leaving three leagues between Yuma and Pilot Knob, which is just about right. The identification of Pilot Knob with the end of Cerro San Pablo is assured; for Font's Diary of the 5th says that here cl rio da una quinada quasi al sur (takes a turn about south). GARCES DEPARTS FROM YUMA. 163 with to make them presents, and taking in my com- pany the Indian Sevastian Taraval and the other two interpreters I departed, after taking leave of my well- beloved companion padre. Having traveled five leagues westsouthwest I halted in the first Ran- cherias de San Pablo. 7 I talked to them, and ex- hibited the linen print of Maria Santisima and the lost soul. They told me that she was a nice lady, T This was a Cuchan (Yuman) rancheria the native name of which, if it had one, is unknown, but the position of which is fixed within a league of Pilot Knob, the prominent landmark already mentioned, on the right side of the Colorado, some seven miles west of Fort Yuma, and nearly on the present boun- dary of Lower California. The rancheria is also called Laguna de San Pablo, or Laguna del Capitan Pablo, apparently from the similarity of the names of the Yuman Indian and of the mountain range Garces called Cerro de San Pablo, ending at Pilot Knob near the rancheria. I also believe this place to be identical, or nearly so, with the site of the subsequent presidio- pueblo-mission of San Pablo y San Pedro de Bicuher, which was founded in the fall of 1780, and shared the sad fate of La Concepcion July 17, 1781. The location has been much dis- cussed, as it seems to me with needless uncertainty, and too great insistence upon the discrepancies found in the mileages of several writers. It was some eight or ten miles below Fort Yuma, about a league south of Pilot Knob, and thus so near the boundary between California Alta and Baja as to have occasioned some question whether the Franciscans or Domini- cans had the better right' there. This Californian San Pablo y San Pedro, on the west bank of the Colorado, is of course to be distinguished from each of the two places, the one called San Pablo and the other San Pedro, which Kino named on the 164 LAGUNA DE SANTA OLALLA. that sefiora; that the lost soul was very bad; that they were not such fools as not to know that up in heaven above are the good people, and down under the ground are the bad ones, the dogs, and the very ugly wild beasts; and that this they knew to be a fact because the Pimas had told them so. I laid be- fore them the proposition, whether they wished that Espanoles and padres should come to live in their land, and they answered " Yes," that they should then be well content, for then they would have meat and clothing. I gave them some tobacco and glass beads, with which they were much pleased. Dec. 6. I went 10 leagues southwest, though in order to visit various rancherias I changed it (this course) now west, now south, and arrived at the La- guna de Santa Olalla, 8 where I met the sefior coman- south side of the Gila, and which have never been identified, if they ever existed except in name. Pilot Knob is notable, among other things, as the locality of a certain Fort Defiance, a stone structure built in 1849 or 1850 by some Americans in connection with a ferry which had been established in that vicinity. The name of the fort appears only on Derby's map, among the many I have examined on this point. There was trouble here, owing to the behavior of the whites, ending in the massacre of a dozen or more of them by the Yumas. Accounts of the affair which have reached us are confusing: compare, for example, Bartlett's Narr., ii, pp. 174- 176, and Bancroft, Hist. Ariz, and N. M., p. 487. The existence of Fort Defiance was brief, and it never became well known. * Otherwise Santa Olaya, as on some representations of Font's LAGUNA DE SANTA OLALLA. 1 65 dante, Padre Font, and all the expedition. In these rancherias I met many of the Indians who live in the map: see his camp mark "44" (the 4th one down the W. side of the Colorado from the Gila confluence), made by Font to be in lat. 32° 33'. This latitude is nearly the same as that of the place, about 32° 30', where the international boundary line strikes the river on the other side, 20 m. S. of the mouth of the Gila, close by a place called Pedrick's or Padrick's. Santa Olalla (Santa Eulalia, St. Eulalie) appears to have been in the flood- plain of the Colorado in the course of New river, or nearly so, and not far from the spot to be found on some modern maps by the name of Captain Juan's. Examine also the places marked Bajadura and Five Wells on Sitgreaves' map, pub. 1854. It is probably not now determinable more closely than this. The floodplain down which Garces is wandering has an average breadth of six or eight miles on his side of the river. Font's Diary of the 6th gives the origin of the name Olalla on Anza's expedition of the year before (1774). It says that having left the Rancheria de Cojat (where was camp of the 5th, about halfway between Pablo's rancheria and Santa Olalla) he reached at five leagues southwest the Laguna de Santa Olalla, " nombre que se le puso en la expedition primera." The leag- uage given was not straight, for the road went twisting like a snake (culebreando) from south to west. On the return trip of 1774, the position of Santa Olalla is given as four leagues west of the river and altogether eight leagues (by the crooked road) westsouthwest of the mouth of the Gila. As already intimated, probably no closer location of Santa Olalla can be made than near (somewhat above) the entrance of New river into the main floodplain of the Colorado, and some six to ten miles west of the latter. It was a notable place in those days, as the end of the Yumas and beginning of the Cajuenches. Font describes it as follows: La Laguna de Santa Olalla is narrow, like a great ditch, more than a league long, approximately parallel with the l66 QUEMEYA OR COMEYA INDIANS. sierras and whom the Yumas call Quemeya. 9 They wear sandals of maguey-fiber (guarachas de mescal), to protect themselves from the stones. These In- dians descend to this land to eat calabashes and other river, but apart therefrom about two leagues or rather more, whence may be inferred how many leagues the river spreads when it overflows, even to the depth of two varas, as we saw by the rubbish high up on the trunks of the willows which grow on the borders of the laguna, left there by the river when at its flood it overruns those lands. It was humid ground, with plenty of grass, and quail [Lophortyx gambeli] in the brush; the Indians also caught the fish called matalote in the laguna, and one of a kind named lisa. 9 Or Cotneya. (Also found on some copies of Font's map as Quemexa, and elsewhere Quemeyab.) This appears to have been a collective name and to have been applied to several Yuman bands from the vicinity of San Diego (occupied by the Dieguenos) a hundred miles inland and even to the vicinity of the Colorado, in southern California, north and south of the present boundary, especially along San Felipe and Carrizo creeks, New river, and about Salton Lake. It is not unlikely that part at least of the Dieguenos were included by Garces in the group. They are no longer known as a tribe, having doubt- less consolidated with the Yuma, and probably with other Yu- man tribes now confined to reservations, except a small band known to the Mohave as Camilya in northern Lower California. As late as 1869 they were referred to, under the name " New River Indians," as a tribe, numbering 750, on intimate terms with the Cuchan (Yuma). Other forms of the name for them are Comaiyah, Comedas, Comoyah, Comoyatz, Comoyee, Comoyei, etc. — F. W. H. The Comeya were commonly identified with the Dieguenos. Thus Bartlett, Narr., ii, 1854, p. 179: "The Dieguenos, who de- rived their name from San Diego, are the Comeya of early times." HOME OF THE QUEMEYA. 167 fruits of the river. These Quemeya Indians live in the situations of San Jacome and San Sevastian 10 in the sierra, and as far as San Diego. In these ran- cherias ends the nation of the Yumas. 11 10 Neither of these places may be now identified, but both were on the route of the expedition, and Font's Diary throws some light on San Sebastian: Being at Santa Olalla on the 6th, Font went some 7 leagues W. N. W. to a place called Pozo salobre del Carrizal on the 9th; thence 7 leagues W. N. W to a dry gulch on the 10th; thence 14 leagues, mostly W. N. W., to Pozo de Santa Rosa de las Laxas on the nth; thence three leagues N. to a dry arroyo on the 12th; whence on the 13th, at 7 leagues further, about N. N. W., he arrived at San Sebastian, " which is a small rancheria of the mountain Cajuenches, or more properly of the Jecuiches." See his camp mark " 49 " X " 126." This place was a spring of warm or tepid water, deep and permanent, like a cienega, with little current, with rushes and some grass not very good, for the whole of the low ground was whitened with alkali, as if it had been dusted with flour, though the water itself was not very bad; also, near the spring was a creek (zanjon) much choked up, and with very unwhole- some water, and some mezquites and other brush. Here lived a few mountain Jecuiches, 20 or 30 souls, the most miserable creatures Font ever saw. He supposed them to be of the Quemaya nation, according to the account of Garces, and the same as some he afterward found in the Puerto de San Carlos. So much for the Rancheria de San Sebastian, which Font made in lat. 33° 08' N., and where the expedition stayed several days. But there was also a Sierra de San Sebastian, so named on the expedition of 1774, in front of camp, all snowy from summit to base. 11 On the other (east) side of the river, the last rancheria of the Yumas was named Santa Isabel by Kino in Nov., 1701. l68 THE CAJUENCHE NATION. Dec. 7. I remained at the Laguna de Santa Olalla in company with the seiior comandante, Padre Font, and the whole expedition. The latitude of this place was observed and found in 32 33'. At this laguna commences the Cajuenche 12 nation, and many of them joined us to-day, but not all, and so the popu- lation could not be ascertained. I distributed among them tobacco and glass beads, showed them the image of Maria Santisima and the figure of the lost soul, and gave them to understand the things of God. All showed by their great delight how much they were pleased with Maria Santisima, exclaiming that everything was all right, but the sight of the lost soul so horrified them that they would not look at it and wanted the picture reversed; 13 and (also exclaiming) 12 A Yuman tribe formerly living on the Colorado from a short distance below the influx of the Gila, especially on the eastern side. They had palisaded towns and spoke a dialect of the Cocopa. There are probably remnants of the tribe still in Lower California, and it is not improbable that others have been consolidated with the Yumas. Garces speaks beyond of the difference of their language from Yuman. This is as was to have been expected, as the Cajuenche were more closely re- lated to the Cocopa than to the Cuchan or Yuma proper, although all three belonged to the same linguistic stock. Font estimated the Yumas at 3000, and the Cajuenches at somewhat more (algo mas). — F. W. H. 18 Lest I be suspected of embroidering the passage a bit, I give the original: todas con gran regozijo manifestaron lo mucho que les quadraba Maria SSma, gritando que todo HOW HOLY MARY SUITED THEM. 1 69 that it suited them that the padres and Espaiioles should come to their lands. At this laguna and in all its vicinity there is so much grass that the soldiers all agreed that the horseherd {cavallada — cavalry) estaba mucho bueno: pero la vista del condenado les causo tanto horror que no querian mirarlo — " all with great joy manifested how much Holy Mary suited them, shouting that all was very good; but the sight of the damned caused them such horror that they wished not to see it." It would be hardly credible that a grown-up man could write such nonsense — but there it is! The gentle, lovable Garces, simple as a child in religion, his heart inflamed with zeal for souls, clutched at every straw which seemed to show which way the wind blew for his missionary enterprise. Font himself seems to have been im- mensely edified by the performance, though he was a stark theo- logian who detested and despised Indians, seeking their salva- tion only in an official and perfunctory manner. His Diary has the following on the same occasion. " In the evening Padre Garces assembled the Indians, distributed a little tobacco and some beads, and then showed them a grand picture of the SSma Virgin with the infant Jesus in her arms, and they manifested a great joy and hurrah at seeing the image, and said, through the interpreters, that it was good, and that they wished to be christians in order to be as white and handsome as the Virgin, and that with pleasure would they be baptized; to the which he told them, that just now it could not be — some other time it might. He whipped about the cloth, on the reverse of which was painted a lost soul, and they raised a loud cry, saying that that did not suit them, etc. He did the same with the Gilenos, Opas, and Yumas, and all responded alike, without manifesting repugnance to christianism; many rather desired it, and have begged to be baptized, but nobody has been baptized, because none have been catechised; and it is known that the people are 170 FRUIT OF THE LAND. could be well kept here. The Indians here raise countless calabashes and melons, 14 much corn and beans, with all of which the expedition was well sup- plied; and by bartering glass beads which the senor comandante gave to the troops a large stock of pro- visions was obtained. The whole expedition ceased sufficiently disposed to enter into the holy church, whenever arrangements are made therefor; and that they do not refuse subjection to the law of God, and to our sovereign, for they say that they wish that Spaniards and priests may come to live with them. It seems to me that a great Christianity could be had in these nations; yet, such is the fickleness of Indians that a pretty big presidio is always necessary, in order that respect for force of arms may restrain any insult they might intend to offer in the process of reducing them to subjection." Font evidently knew the use of having two strings to your bow — the man with a musket to back up the man with a crucifix. He was a saga- cious workman in the vineyard of the Lord. 14 Calabazas y melones, perhaps better translated squashes and cantaloupes, or pumpkins and muskmelons. The Piman and Yuman tribes cultivated a full assortment of cucurbitaceous plants, not always easy to identify by their old Spanish names. The sandia was the watermelon, invariably; the melon, usually a musk-melon, or cantaloupe; the calabasa, a calabash, gourd, pumpkin, or squash of some sort, including one large rough kind like our crook-neck squash. The cantaloupe is properly cantalu in Spanish, but this word does not occur in records like Garces'. Major Heintzelman says of the Yumans, p. 36 of his Report already cited: "They cultivate water melons, musk melons, pumpkins, corn and beans. The water melons are small and indifferent, musk melons large, and the pumpkins good. These latter they cut and dry for winter use." PREPARATIONS FOR DEPARTURE. ljl not to extol this land. The 8th day I also remained here. 16 16 Font assigns the above-said exhibition of the Virgin to the 8th — very likely there was more than one such performance — and has much more for this day. It appears in his Diary that Garces was balked in starting on his tour down river by the unwillingness of the interpreters to accompany him, for fear they might be killed, even though the padre should not be harmed. Font counseled him not to go alone, for there was no use of going to see the nations Garces had already visited [in 1771]; that the present purpose was so to order his journey as to sound the minds of the people for catechism and christian- ism, which could not be done without interpreters; and so it would be best for Garces to return to Eixarch and thence go to the Jalchedunes and neighboring nations; as for those down river, they could be got at when the presidio and mission should be established at the confluence of the Gila. Garces was about to take this advice, when this night there came an Indian say- ing that Palma and Pablo intended to go down river on the other side, to secretly observe how the Indians treated the padre, accompanied by some of their people, both on horseback and afoot. Font said this was not right, for if Palma went in that fashion people down river would think him on the war path, and then it might go hard with the padre — better tell the Indian to go back to Palma and ask him not to take that trip, or at any rate, if he must take it, to do so openly, in company with the padre; for he whose heart was right had no need of secrecy. While the interpreters were talking this matter over, there came the Indian, a relative of Palma's, who had gone out to receive the expedition on Nov. 15, and who, after agreeing with Garces that a messenger should be sent to Palma to tell the latter that he should not leave his rancheria, said that the thing to do was to send ahead of Garces two women, either from among the slaves that there were among the Cajuenches, 172 font's portraiture of garces. Dec. p. Having taken leave of the senor coman- dante, of Padre Font, and of all the expedition I de- parted, accompanied by several Cajuenches and one Yuma who lives among them, and by my inter- preters. Having traveled 4 leagues southwest I arrived at the Rancherias called de la Merced, 16 in- or from among persons of that nation who were married there, to say that Garces was about to return to visit those whom he had seen before, bringing presents for them, and establishing peace with the Yumas; and this project so pleased the inter- preters that they plucked up courage to go, and so Garces held to his previous intention. Apparently wondering that he should do so, under circumstances which Font would never have util- ized for missionary purposes, the latter indulges in some private reflections on Garces. " Padre Garces," he writes, " is so fit to get along with Indians, and go about among them, that he seems just like an Indian himself {que no parece sino Indio). He shows in everything the coolness of the Indian (gasta una Aetna en todo como los Indies) ; he squats cross-legged in a circle with them, or at night around the fire, for two or three hours or even longer, all absorbed, forgetting aught else, discoursing to them with great serenity and deliberation; and though the food of the Indians is as nasty and disgusting as their dirty selves, the padre eats it with great gusto, and says that it is appetising, and very nice. In fine, God has created him, I am sure, totally on purpose to hunt up these unhappy, ignorant and boorish people." What Padre Font does not say in his Diary, but doubtless thought is, " Faugh! what a fool that fellow Garces is! Catch me doing anything of that sort!" There is all the difference between the Good Samaritan and the Pharisee. Font could have preached and quoted De Imitatione Christi; Garces was imitating Christ. 1S I know of no other reference to the Rancheria de la Merced, AT THE RANCHERIAS DE LA MERCED. 1 73 habited by Cajuenches. In this land there is plenty of grass, with very heavy crops of calabashes, water- melons, corn, and beans; but little wheat grows. I gave them some tobacco, and through the Yumas who live among them I talked to them of God and his mysteries, and explained to them the pictures on the linen. They all showed great joy at seeing me; for no sooner had they known who I was and learned that I was among the Yumas than they expressed their desire to see me. The language of the Cajuen- ches is so very different from that of the Yumas that my interpreters could hardly use it; what I caused to be done was, that the interpreters should talk to the Yumas and these to the Cajuenches, inas- much as they are neighboring nations who under- stand each other. It was really wonderful to see this land so abounding in crops, for the other time I was here, in the year 1771, 17 it was very barren; and on the exact site of which is not now recoverable. According to his language, Garces should be found somewhere west of a place on the river called Ogden's landing. 17 This was Garces third entrada (second 1770, first 1768) : for details see this entrada, pp. 30-38. A point to be noted here is, that he distinctly affirms his previous being here, on the west side of the river, which has been questioned by some, e. g., Bancroft, Hist. Ariz, and N. M., pp. 387, 388. True, Arricivita's account is obscure and confusing; but he distinctly makes the same affirmation that Garces here confirms; so there can be no doubt of it. 174 ALL WELL WITH THE CAJUENCHES. my asking the reason why, they told me that they had also planted much then, but could gather no crops, because the Yumas were their enemies, who de- scended upon them in harvest time, killed them, and laid waste their milpas; but now that they are friends they have plenty to eat. I saw here about 300 souls. Dec. 10. I went a league and a half southwest, fol- lowing the rancherias, saw the same abundance of provisions, and they gave me the same reason there- for, saying that as they kept the peace with the Yumas which I effected on the former occasion when I was in their lands, now all was well with them; and for this, perhaps, was it that they showed me so much affection, and made me so many gifts; for it was a profusion of watermelons, muskmelons, corncakes (panes dc maiz), gruels of seeds (atoles 18 de semillas), and fish 19 that they presented to me. 18 Atole was a boiled mess or concoction which might be called soup, broth, gruel, porridge or mush, according to the con- sistency to which it was brought; any sort of grain or seed might enter into its composition. — E. C. The Yumas planted wheat in the river and laguna bottoms in Dec. or Jan., which ripened in May and June. The Cajuenche also had some wheat, Garces says. The atole, however, was possibly made of grass seed, as the Yumas at least are known to have raised it for food, though mesquite was their principal food, in all probability. It was usually prepared by pounding the pod in wooden mortars, then mixing the meal with water, kneading into a mass, and drying in the sun. — F. W. H. " Doubtless all the coast tribes ate fish. The Navaho, THE COCOPAS NOTED. 175 Dec. II. To-day I only went about a league south- west. I observed this position with the quadrant that Padre Font had given me, and found it in 32 25'. 20 There assembled at this rancheria an extra- ordinary crowd (un desmedido gentio). This day there came into it an Indian of the Cucapa 21 nation, Apache, and Pueblos strictly tabooed it and everything else that came out of the water, especially sea water, regarding such as sacred. — F. W. H. 20 To-day's league does not materially alter Garces' position; and if we are to take his 32 25' on its face, we must still hold him west of Ogden's landing, — rather above than below this place. His observations for latitude, as a rule, are less reliable than Font's, but in this instance I should suppose him to be about right. 21 More properly Cocopa. This tribe, which, like all the In- dians of Lower California, belongs to the Yuman stock, has occupied during historic times the lower Colorado from its mouth to a point about fifty miles up-stream where the Cuchan or Yuma rancherias formerly began, especially on the right bank of the river and extending into the mountains. They were once reputed to be a populous tribe, but probably on account of the incessant hostility of the Yumas, they were reduced to about a thousand by 1853. In arms, dress, manners, and cus- toms they were quite similar to the Yuma; and indeed, from their general appearance it was difficult to distinguish one from the other. They were agriculturists, raising corn, melons, pump- kins, and beans, and eking out their somewhat precarious exist- ence with grass seeds, roots, mesquite beans, fish, oysters, clams, mussels, etc. — in fact, nothing edible went amiss. The Alche- doma, Bagiopa, Coanopa, Cuculato, Cunai, Hebonuma, and Quigyuma (or Quiquima) have been regarded as former Cocopa divisions. The name appears in literature also as Cacopa, I76 JALLIQUAMAY OR QUIQUIMA NOTED. which occupies a wide area from the Laguna de San Matheo 22 to the sierra and the desemboguement of the Rio Colorado. This nation is hostile to the Jalli- quamay or Quiquima, 23 to the Quemeya who live in Cacupa, Cocapa, Cochopa, Co-co-pah, Cucapachas, Cucassus, Cucopa, Cucupah, Cupachas, Kokopa, etc. — F. W. H. In June. 1852, Bartlett notices the Cocopa as follows, Narr., ii, p. 179: " Between the Gila and the Gulf, and near the latter, there is also found a tribe called the Cocopas. They occasionally visit Fort Yuma, and profess to be at peace with the Americans. They are less numerous than the Yumas, with whom they are at war. Recently a party of Yumas were surprised by them, their chief and many others kille X and the party completely routed. At the latest accounts the Yumas were preparing for a campaign against them; and as their numbers are much larger, it may result in the annihilation of the Cocopas, who would not be the first tribe which the warlike Yumas have extinguished." " The Laguna de San Mattheo which Garces gives as a limit of the Cocopas was some sluice or overflow channel of the Colorado, not now identifiable, and very likely non-existent; I find no such name anywhere else, excepting beyond, at date of Dec. 16. " Of the Jalliquamay (Halliquamaya, Jallicuamai, Jallicuamay, Jallicumay, Tallignamay, Talligumai, Talliguamayque, Tlallai- guamaya. Tlalliquamalla, etc.) nothing is known beyond the fact that they were a Yuman tribe, allied to the Cocopa, residing on the lower Colorado, not far from its mouth. As Garces states, they and their Cocopa kindred were not on friendly terms. The padre also intimates that they were the same as the Qui- quima (Quigyuma, Quicima, Quihuima, Quigyama, Quimac, Quinquima, etc.), but whether or not this was true is now un- known. Indeed practically nothing more is known of these tribes than that which Garces gives. On Kino's map the Qui- KINO AMONG THE QUIQUIMA. 1 77 the sierra, and to the Cajuenche. I warmly em- braced this Cucapa Indian, and made much of him; quimas are placed farther southward in Lower California on the eastern coast, being divided from the Bagiopas by the " Sierra Azul " of his map. Garces seems to have been the first authority to apply the terms Jalliquamay and Quiquima to a lingle tribe, although they have many times since been loosely employed as distinctive names. From Zarate-Salmeron (1626), cited by Bandelier, Final Rep., i, 1890, p. no, it appears that be- low the mouth of the Gila dwelt successively the Halchedoma, the Haclli, the Cohuana, the Halliquamayas, and finally the Cucupas, who ranged as far as the gulf. Bandelier here identi- fies the Halliquamayas with the Comoyei or Comeya, but, not- withstanding the similarity in names, this is an evident error if we are to accept Garces' assertion as authoritative. There is little doubt that Garces' Jalliquamay or Quiquima (p. 176) are the Quigyumas, Quicimas, Quihuimas, etc., of other writers, as above noted. They were visited in 1604 by Onate, who men- tions them under the name Tlalliguamayas, as living in six ran- cherias not far above the head of tidewater, where Kino (1701 and 1702) likewise found them as below noted. — F. W. H. Kino visited the so-called Quiquima in Nov., 1701, and on the 19th entered the first of their rancherias on the east (Sonoran) side of the river, naming it San Felix de Valois. This was next to the last Yuman rancheria he called Santa Isabel. On the 21st, still going down the left bank, he crossed the river on a raft where it was 200 varas wide, naming this place La Presentacion. There, on the California side, he was still among the Quiquimas; he was visited by a throng of Coanopas, Cuteanas or Cutganas, and Giopas, Ojiopas, or Bagiopas; and was told he was only one day's journey from the mouth of the Colorado. Returning in Feb., 1702, with Father Francisco Gonzalez, he reached Santa Isabel March 1st, passed San Felix de Valois and La Presentacion, and came to a large 178 GARCES STILL AMONG THE CAJUENCHES. and he told me that he already knew in his own coun- try that I was traveling in these parts, and therefore came to see me on behalf of his nation. He was accompanied by an old woman; and I charged them both that they should deliver many greetings to their people, and should tell them that within three days I would come there. I showed them the crucifix, the breviary, and the compass-needle, that they might know I was the same who had been in their land years Quiquima rancheria they named San Rudesindo. Continuing down the left bank they passed other rancherias of the same nation, one of which they named San Casimiro on the 4th; on the 5th they were at tide water (now Heintzelman's point) ; on the 6th they failed in an attempt to cross from the Sonoran to the Californian side, and on the 7th reached the very mouth of the Colorado — the first and last time Kino was ever actually there. The Quiquimas long continued to be heard of by this name. Thus the Rudo Ensayo, written in 1762, p. 131, speaks of a portion of the Colorado that " affords ample space for a commo- dious dwelling place to the Cuhana nation; but on the other turn of the river, on resuming its course toward the South, there dwells, on a most fertile plain, ten or twelve leagues in length, on the left [bank], the nation of Quiqitionas, the largest of all the nations along the river until it empties into the Gulf of California." This is a mere misprint for Quiquimas; for on p. 132, the Rudo Ensayo continues: "He [Kino] particularly sets down in his diary of that journey [of 1701] that, besides the Quiquimas, who are to be found on the other [left] side, there are Cutcanas, Coanopas, Ojiopas, etc." (names appearing elsewhere as Cutaganas, Coanopas, and Giopas). A CAJUENCHE SHOT. 1 79 past (1771), and with this I dismissed them. The Cajuenches continued to show their satisfaction with great dancing and much shouting, and in the even- ing I went the league above said, all full of crops. Dec. 12. There gathered at the rancheria where I had slept a great crowd, almost all men, who were performing an extraordinary dance; and so great was the confusion of people that fell upon me when I came out of my little tent that I was obliged to re- tire into it, full of fear. At noon I heard great shout- ings and noise of runnings about. I came forth, and learned the news that a Jalliquamay Indian had wounded a Cajuenche in such manner that the flint penetrated near the heart, 24 and it had entered through the shoulder, and also there had remained within (the wound) a part of the shaft; they deter- mined to extract it in front, martyrizing him a sec- ond time. The medicine-man (hechizero) began to play his part of running, blowing, and gyrating. I commenced to pacify them when they sought to kill a young man whom they brought into my presence, and as this intention was not justified I told them 24 The expression is: havia jareado a un Cajuenche de tal modo que se tocaba el pedernal cerca del corazon. Here jareado is for hereado or herido, and pedernal may be either arrowhead or spearhead; but as we are told that a piece of the shaft remained in the wound, doubtless it was an arrow with which the Cajuenche was shot. I So OTHER INCIDENTS. that they should release him and that as soon as he went to his rancheria there would come others to defend him, whereupon both sides would be able to fight " a heap " (de monton). The old men shot ar- rows, and the boys came to gather up those that the other party shot. There were no further mishaps, except that one man was given a beating. I spoke to the captain of the rancheria. complaining that they should have so little sense {ton poco entcndi- micnto) as to set themselves to fighting. I being here who came to put them all at peace. He replied to me that since it had happened it could not be helped. but thc.t there would be no more of it (que ya lo hecho no tenia rcmedio, pero que ya no habia mas). The in- terpreters whom I brought, as they saw what was going on, told me that they were not going to the Cucapas in my company, and the Indians terrified them more by assuring them that those down river (de aba.ro) would do the same with us if we passed through their lands: on which transit the guides re- fused (to go). Not only were these afraid, but also those who had accompanied me were terrified, and they made me depart with all haste, fearing that at night they might come to injure us, or the animals be stolen; to which I agreed, first catechising the wounded man as well as I could, who joyfully re- ceived holy baptism. ARRIVAL AMONG JALLIQUAMAIS. l8l At this rancheria ends the Cajuenche nation. I departed thence, and accompanied by many Jalli- quamais traveled about 2 leagues east, 25 and arrived at a rancheria of the Jalliquamais nation, where I saw about 200 souls. Through these lands there is little grass but they have plenty of provisions, and are very generous Indians. I also noticed that these Indians are more cleanly than the Yumas and Cajuenches, and as the women do not paint so much they appear middling white. All received me with great pleas- ure and entertained me handsomely, and having spoken to them as well as I could of God, they seemed to believe what I told them; and at sight of the pic- tures they used the same expressions as the Cajuen- ches. I could not explain myself well to them, for though the idiom appears to be the same as that of the Cajuenches, yet it differs much. 36 My next project was to cross the Rio Colorado and thus go to *• We can only conjecture where Garces was after these five miles. As he goes E., toward the river, the rancherias pre- viously visited must have been on or near W. border of the flood-plain; and as he makes no southing, we cannot yet take him much if any below Ogden's landing. It is a pity he is not more explicit with topographical details, for no one gives the various tribal limits more definitely than he does, so that we should know them exactly, if we could identify his localities. M This apparent contradiction in terms is easily explained. All these Indians were of the same (Yuman) linguistic stock, speaking different dialects of one language. l82 STILL AMONG THE JALLIQUAMAIS. visit the Cucapa nation; and for this destination I de- parted the following day, as I will relate. Dec. 13. I departed for the east, but could not fol- low that route, for all told me that neither to the east, nor to the south, were there any people; for, though it was true that I had seen many on the other occa- sion when I went alone through these parts, yet all had retired to that (a aqudla, i. e., to the other) side of the riverthrough fear of the enemy. It was neces- sary to agree with them, and having turned from the east I took to the northeast, traveling about a league and a half, and halted at a rancheria of Jalliquamais of 200 souls, in form of a pueblo, 27 such as the Cajuen- ches also build, the one and the other the better to defend themselves thus from their enemies; in all these rancherias they received me well. Almost all these Jalliquamais were living in the year 1771 on the other side of the river in the rancherias which I then saw and named (Rancherias) de Santa Rosa. 28 See- "' That is to say, a village of more or less permanency, per- haps arranged in an orderly manner, perhaps with a plaza, etc., as distinguished from a rancheria, which might be occupied only at certain seasons. "A name occurring nowhere else, to my knowledge, and of no other identification than present text affords. The inference is that Santa Rosa was inhabited in 1771 and had been since deserted. We are still somewhere in the vicinity of Ogden's landing, but at a point impossible to specify. ARRIVAL AMONG THE COCOPAS. 1 83 ing that my purpose of crossing the river was frus- trated, I determined to return to the nearest rancheria of the Cajuenches. Dec. 14. I returned to the rancheria whence I de- parted the day before. Dec. 75. I went 2 leagues west and halted near the rancheria of the wounded Indian whom I had bap- tized, as said above, and who had died that night in a rancheria which consisted of 200 souls of Jalliqua- mais and Cajuenches. In this rancheria I remained the whole day and also the next, because it was very cold; and all went well (y lo pase bien). Dec. 16. Having gone 3 leagues southsoutheast (sic — sursueste) 29 I arrived at the Laguna de San Mateo. The Cajuenches who accompanied me took me over in their arms, and leaving me on the other side departed; for here ends their land and com- mences that of the Cucapa nation to whom they are hostile. I pursued my route, and traveling 4 leagues in the same direction arrived at (a rancheria of) the " I cannot help suspecting this to be an error for southsouth- west, which is approximately the course of the river for many miles. Garces could hardly go his 34-4=7 leagues S. E. to- day without running into the Colorado, from any position whence we can conjecture him to have staited. Whatever the exact course, this is a long lap, ostensibly between 18 and 19 miles southward. I should suppose this distance to bring Garces within a few miles of tide water at Heintzelman's point. 184 AMONG THE COCOPAS. Cucapa nation; this was abandoned and destroyed, for here was the place where recently had fought the Yumas, Cajuenches, and Jalliquamais with the Cu- capa. Here I camped (" made night " — hize ncche), and regaled myself with some very savory water- melons. In all this land there is plenty of grass. Dec. 18. When I was ready to resume my march, I saw some Indians who were passing on their way up; I called to them, and they came very joyfully, shouting as is their wont. These Indians were Cu- capas; they told me that they were in search of me, that already had they gone forth once before for the same purpose, because already they had been given word that within three days I would come to visit them; that already were all their people ex- pecting me. Here there is plenty of grass, much carrizo [PJwagmitcs communis], and tule [Scirpus califomicus, probably] ; there are good mesas with a very beautiful prospect; and as the river is distant hence some 3 leagues, I consider that there could be founded here a good mission, without fear of inundations. I am persuaded that during the freshets this Laguna de San Mateo, which has now some 10 leagues of length, will be a large arm of the river; but its channel is so deep that no doubt it will keep free from overflow the mesas that there are in this locality. I mounted my horse and in 4 leagues AMONG THE COCOPAS. 185 southsoutheast, having on my right the Sierra de San Geronimo, distant about 3 leagues, I halted at a rancheria of Cucupas, who were so very numerous that though I began to make presents to them all I had to limit myself to only the women. Already had I halted when the Indian Sevastian, who was the only one that accompanied me, since the other two had stayed with the Cajuenches, possessed by fear, urged me not to remain here, as there was little grass, and the water was in wells (or pot-holes — pozos), where the animals could not drink. With the object of entertaining us both, an old man who seemed to be a chief invited us, saying that he would conduct us to his house. Whereupon we departed, traveling 3 leagues southeast, on which route I found two rancherias. I arrived at the house of the old man after nightfall {entrada la noche); there were very many persons gathered here, and among them was an old woman who well understood the Yuma tongue. I spoke to them of peace, (saying) that now all the nations above continued friendly and would not come down to do them any harm, and that they themselves had no occasion now to go up to fight. This proposition suited them well; for they said that the wars had impoverished them and compelled them to live where there was little water and no wood. But the old woman would not believe what I said. I 1 86 THE VIRGIN NOT ON EXHIBITION. asked her about the two little boys whom I had bap- tized when I was in this country in the year 1771, and presently she fell a-weeping, saying, " now they are both dead — dost thou not remember that I am the mother of one of them? " I made some presents to all, and consoled the old woman by telling her that her son was now in heaven. As all the baggage (ropa) had been left with the Cajuenche interpreters, I could not exhibit the Virgin, though they begged me to do so; for they had been told by those who brought them my message that they had seen her at the Cajuenches and thus they knew that I was now carrying her (que ya la llcbaba). But I told them about God and exhibited the crucifix, which they all kissed. All examined the breviary, and I had to show them all the leaves, because those who had seen them above had already told them that there were four or five, and so they were not satisfied to see only one. The compass-needle also I was obliged to pass from hand to hand, notwithstanding that they had already seen it on my other journey. I asked about the sea, and for those Indians who in the year 1771 took me across the river; and they replied that all were near by. Dec. 19. In the morning I went 3 leagues south- southeast and southwest, visiting various rancherias consisting of people of the lowlands and of moun- APPROACHING SALT WATER. 1 87 taineers (de la tierra y Serranos). At the last ran- cheria they insisted strongly upon my staying; but 1 did not do so because the Indian Sevastian did not wish it, for the reason that here there were no tulares and the water was in wells. 30 The Indians urged that I should not proceed, saying that further down there was no more grass or fresh water. But 1 did not mind them, and continued my journey, and soon (came upon) some shores (or beaches — playas) with- out grass, without water except that of some pools, and it was brackish. I halted on this strand, and took an observation as well as I could, and found the position to be in latitude 32 17'. 31 I began again 80 Pozos — not that we must understand wells artificially dug, but natural potholes or deep places in which water stood, as if in a well. This is the usual locution for water-holes in open country, those occurring among rocks being commonly called tinajas, and the latter being frequently known as " tanks " in Arizona, sometimes called tanques in Spanish. The tulares above said are low marshy places where grow tules or bulrushes and other coarse aquatic plants. A very extensive tract of country in California is known as the Tulares, and the term was also applied to Indians who lived there. The Californian tule or rush is of two species: Scirpus calif ornicus of the latest bo- tanical nomenclature, very similar to the widespread 5". lacustris of North America and Europe, in fact sometimes known as 5". lacustris occidentalis ; and the more different S. tatara. 81 This observation, if correct, would put Garces almost exactly halfway between Ogden's landing and Heintzelman's point; but he comes to tidewater so soon that I think he must have been lower down. 1 88 RANCHERIAS DE LAS LLAGAS. my journey south, with some deviations southwest and southeast, and continued along the same shore. The Indians who accompanied me, who were from the last rancheria whence I had departed in the morn- ing, insisted that now there would be found no more good water nor grass; that all this land was covered by the sea at high tide (quando crecia). The Indian Sevastian then told me that the animals had not drunk during the whole day; for which reason I de- termined to return to the nearest rancheria, in order to take the road the following day, after a rest (mas de espacio). I did so, and that night arrived at the rancherias which I persuade myself are the last ones there are down river; and the other time that I was through here I called them (Rancherias) de las Llagas. 32 Here I met the Indians who in the year of 32 The rancherias of the wounds or sores (of Christ) are not now identifiable, but the statement is noteworthy as indicating about how far down the west side of the Colorado Garces went in 1771. That these rancherias were within reach of the tide or bore of the river appears from a statement made by Garces on the 22d, beyond. This would indicate a position somewhere below Heintzelman's point, which is at the head of tide water, or very nearly so. Regarding the name Llagas, it may be observed that Garces was here or hereabouts in 1771 on Sept. 17, which is given as the day of the wounds or sores of the seraphic St. Francis Assisi, founder of the Franciscans, upon whom in his sleep an angel is said to have impressed the stigmata or llagas de Jesus, sc. the marks of the nails and spear AT TIDEWATER. 1 89 1 771 had crossed me over the Rio Colorado; which was to them and to me a great comfort. To reach this rancheria I went from where I took the observa- tion 4 leagues northeast. Dec. 20. I remained in this rancheria, regaled the Indians, and as well as I could spoke to them of God and of having padres, which they heard with gusto. I observed this place and found it in latitude 32 18'. Dec. 21. I went five leagues along a very extensive shore with neither grass nor any tree, on a general southwest course, with some deviations southeast and south. I arrived at the water and found that it was the sea; for it was salt, though from being neverthe- less mingled with that of the Rio Colorado it had not all the bitterness (acrimonia) which has that of the high sea (del mar adentro). This water made great waves like the sea; on the northeast it extended till with which Christ was wounded at the crucifixion. St. Francis was Giovanni Francesco Bernardino, b. at Assisi in Italy in 1 182, it is said with a nsevus or birthmark of a cross on his shoulder; d. there Oct. 4, 1226. He is described as an unedu- cated, dissolute youth, who early in life had an illness which appears to have unsettled his mind, as he retired to voluntary poverty in the convent of Porciuncula, to found his order in 1210; confirmed by Pope Honorarius III. in 1223. The miracu- lous stigmata, according to the legend, were impressed upon him after a visit to Egypt, which he made in 1219. He was then a hermit at Monte Alverno. He was canonized by Gregory IX. in 1228, and calendared for Oct. 4. 190 AT THE MOUTH OF THE COLORADO. the end was lost to view — hasta perderle el fin) ; on the south it was the same; and from east to west it would reach more than a league. Although now I knew by all the signs that I was on the sea and at the mouth of the Rio Colorado, 33 nevertheless to make myself more sure of this I went a little less than a league further down, ordered the Indian to get some water, and it could not be drunk for saltness. Then I retraced (deshize, " undid ") this league that I had gone, and halted on the edge of the water in the place where I had (first) tried it. Here I camped for the " That Garces has fairly reached the mouth of the Colorado is obvious from all that he says. But I cannot pretend to stick a pin in any modern map and say that this is the very point. In the first place, there is no assurance that the hydrography of the Coloradan delta, with its lowlands alternately submerged and exposed every day, its numerous side-sluices and its tremen- dous " bore " or push of rushing waters heaped up from the Gulf in the straitening of their course, is now or lately much like what it was a hundred years ago. In fact, it is impossible to square Font's map, the only one we have for 1775, with modern charts, most of which I have studied with care for our present purpose. Yet there is a position which answers pretty well, on the whole, to the indications that Garces gives. This is Arnold's point, about the upper end of the collateral channel called Hardy's Colorado, opposite Howard's Point, above Point Invincible and the five or six more or less well marked islands in the delta; and that such was Garces' position, approximately, I have no doubt. It should be observed that Font brings the trail-dots clear down to the open coast of the Gulf, at an ap- parently impossible point. THE BORE OF THE TIDE. 1 9 1 night {hize noche). About dark I noticed that the current of the waters (la corriente de las aguas, i. e., the tide) which in the morning ran toward the north- east, was turning to the southwest, and that it went down disclosing a low island; at the same time I heard a great noise of rushing waters [the "bore"], and hence inferred that the Rio Colorado runs to disem- bogue in the sea through two arms a little distance apart; but the next day I satisfied myself to the con- trary. Dec. 22. This (last) night I heard a very loud noise of waters; as soon as it was dawn I returned to the place where I had been the day before at dusk, and found that now was dry the whole shore (playa, strand, beach), nor was heard any noise of waters, there remaining only a little water in a tide-pool (sanjon) 3 * into which I threw a stick to see if there were any current, but it was no longer running (pero no se men-eo). That night had risen in the son j ones the water more than 30 paces (at the place where I was on the 21st). The water of the zanjon and of the other pools (charcos) which remained I saw was salt, but not so much so as that of the sea, from which I infer that on the 21st when I came to this spot I ar- 84 Sanjon — or sanjon, for copy has both forms — is literally a great ditch, here used for tide-pool ; cut-off, sluice-way, or col- lateral channel of the river. I92 EARLIER DISCOVERERS. rived at high tide, and that this is the legitimate dis- embogue of the Rio Colorado, 35 whose noise heard 35 We have seen the discovery of the mouth of the Colorado by Alarcon and Diaz in 1540; also, its rediscovery by Kino in 1702, March 7. In July, 1746, Fernando Consag entered the mouth by way of the Gulf; details may be read in Apost. Afanes, pp. 348-388: see also Venegas, ii, p. 308; Bartlett, Narr., ii, p. 170; Bancroft, No. Mex. St., i, pp. 463-464, with Consag's map re- duced. On this map an island at the mouth is named San Ignacio. Garces appears next, on the present journey — for we have no assurance that he descended quite so far in 1771. In 1826 Lieut. R. W. H. Hardy, R. N., made an exploration: see his Travels, London, 1829, p. 320. He put the mouth in lat. 30 51' N., long. 114 01' W. (it is about 115 ). The rest of the case seems to be quite modern, subsequent to our occupation of California in 1847. Probably the original map of this period is Derby's, already cited, 4 m. to the inch, plotting the river up to Yuma. This marks Pelican and Gull islands near the mouth; Point Invincible in lat. 31 ° 50' N., long. 114 39' W.; Howard's and Arnold's Points opposite each other, at the mouth of the river, where it was joined by the side sluice called Hardy's Colorado, inclosing a large island; and higher up Heintzel- man's point, near the head of tidewater; then Ogden's landing, Algodonnes, Fort Defiance, and Camp Yuma, with the mouth of the Gila in lat. 32 43' 32" N., long. 114° 32' 51" W.; such being almost his entire nomenclature. In 1857-58 came the de- tailed exploration of Lt. J. C. Ives, with full report and the beautiful map pub. in 1861. This has nearly the identical nomenclature of Derby's, and hardly any more names up to Yuma, though it marks Pedrick's at 32 30', close to where the U. S. and Mexican boundary line strikes the E. side of the river. His survey started at Camp No. 1, called Robinson's landing from the boat's captain (with whom I navigated the Colorado from Mojave to Yuma and back in 1865), near ■«- — ..,' jgi n r A pJ C"^; • W ' 1 rr. defiance nun hN..i. o III YI'MA ,■ / ' N E W X I (' O I •*U --"!> given permission for a specified number of days (f>or dias SfOa- lados), and regularly they do not fail to return, and sometimes they come with a gentile relative who stays to catechism, either through the example of the others, or attracted by the soup, which suits them better than their herbs and eatables of the woods, and thus these Indians are wont to be gathered in by the mouth [as we say, " the way to a man's heart is through his stomach"]. The doctrine which is recited in all the missions is the brief of Padre Castani, with total uniformity, without any padre being able to vary it by a word or add a single thing; and this is recited in Castillian, even though the padre may understand the (Indian) language, as is the case in the mission of San Antonio, whose minister, Padre Fray Buenaventura Sitjar, understands and speaks well the language of the Indians of that mission, and with all is recited the doctrine in Castillian, and as the padre translated (saco) the doctrine in the ver- nacular, the most that is done is to recite daily once in that, and again in Castillian; conforming thereby with that which has been so many times ordered since the first Mexican Council, and treated so well by Serior Solorrano, that the Indian be taught doctrine in Castillian, and be made to speak in Castillian, inasmuch as all the languages of the Indians are barbarous, and very lacking in terms (muy faltas de terminos). In the missions it is arranged that the grown-up girls (muchachas grandes doncellas) sleep apart in some place of retirement (recogimicnto) . and in the mission of San Luis (Obispo) I saw that a married soldier acted as mayordomo of the mission, so that the padre had some assistance, and his wife took care of the girls, under whose charge they were, and whom they called the matron (la maestro), and she by day kept them with her, teaching them to sew, and other things, and at night locked them up in a room, where she kept them safe from every insult, and for this were they called the nuns; the which seemed to me a very good thing. 264 FONT ON SAN GABRIEL MISSION. Finally, the method which the padres observe in these new mis- sions seemed to me very good, and I note that the same which is done in one, is done in the rest, and this is what suited me best; excepting the mission of San Diego, in which, it being the poorest, and the soil not permitting through the little suit- ability that it has, there are no fields in common, nor any private ones, nor is given soup to all, and the Indians are allowed to live on their rancherias, under obligation to come to mass on Sundays, as is done in California Baxa; and this is the reason why this mission is so backward, besides that its Indians are the worst of these new missions." The foregoing is no doubt the best description extant of San Gabriel as it was in 1776, just before Garces' visit. It is also the clearest indication I have found of the relative positions of the first temporary and second definitive sites; the former of which, however, was such a mere beginning that San Gabriel may be said to have always been in the other position. Font also gives us a very clear insight into the working of these missions in early days. Fancy a pack of stolid squalid root- diggers put through such a " demnition grind" of theology! But it can be said in favor of the system that they were fed, and allowed to sing; that the girls were locked up at night; and that all were taught to talk Spanish while they were being made to " walk Spanish." Mr. Hodge reminds me to say that those who would like to hear more of Padre Sitjar may look up his Vocabulary of the Language of San Antonio Mission, California. By Father Bonaventure Sitjar, of the Order of St. Francis. Printed under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution. New York: Cra- moisy Press. 1861. (Shea's Library of American Linguistics, vii.) The author was son of Antonio Sitjar and Juana Pastor, born at Perreras, near Palmas, in Majorca, Dec. 9, 1739; founder of the San Antonio mission, July 14, 1771, with Juni- pero Serra, and of the San Miguel mission, July 25, 1797. He died at San Antonio, Sept. 3, 1808, and was buried near the altar of the church. CHAPTER VH. FROM SAN GABRIEL THROUGH THE TULARES TO MO! APRIL 9-MAY, I776. Apr. p. I departed from this mission of San Gabriel, accompanied by two Indians of the mission and by my former companions. Having traveled a league and a half northwest and westnorthwest I arrived at a rancheria where were the Indians well content. I preached to them by means of an Indian of the mission, who is Castellano. 1 Hence 2 the two from San Gabriel returned. Apr. 10. With a guide whom the gentiles gave me I departed, and having gone two leagues and a half northwest arrived at another rancheria where 1 nooned (donde hizc media did); in the afternoon I traveled three leagues northnorthwest with some windings in other directions, holding always to the skirt of the Sierra de San Gabriel on my right/ 1 That is to say, tlie Indian understood Spanish, and could act as interpreter. 'Not on account of the good father's sermon, let us hope; but hence, de aqui, from this place. ' San Gabriel range is still the name of the mountains Garcea 265 266 TRAVELING TOWARD THE TULARES. Apr. ii. I tarried in this place to send back to San Gabriel for a small book that I had left there. Apr. 12. I went two leagues and a half northwest with some turns; passed a cienega and two arroyos, and arrived at a rancheria where the young women were in hiding on account of some experiences they had on the passing of the soldiers; for, though this is not the road, yet these people go down at times to the sea, and then have they seen and experienced various abuses. Since I departed from San Gabriel there was on my left another sierra. 4 I observed this position and found it in 34 13'. 5 is cotoying northwestward, approximately in line with the rail- road which now runs into Los Angeles. He is passing this way up San Fernando valley, and his progress thus far sets him somewhere between Sepulveda and the mission mentioned in the next note but one. * Portions of the Coast range now known as Santa Monica and Santa Susanna mts. lie in the direction indicated. 1 Observation not exact, but it is evident from the distances and courses that Garces is now in the vicinity of the mission of San Fernando, which was founded Sept. 8, 1797, and gave name to the valley in which it was situated. This was the 17th in order of time of the Californian missions, and the 4th of the five founded in 1797-98, between San Buenaventura and San Gabriel; it was started in Encina valley at Reyes' ranch, a spot known to the natives as Achois or Achoic Comihavit. It was under Gobernador Diego de Borica that Padre Presidente Fer- min Fernando Lasuen, with Padre Francisco Dumetz, dedicated the establishment to San Fernando Rey de Espaha. This saint VALLE DE SANTA CLARA. 267 Apr. ij. I passed over a sierra 8 that comes off from the Sierra Nevada and runs to the westnorth- west, and entered into the Valle de Santa Clara, 7 hav- ing gone two leagues on a north course; in the after- noon, having gone a league and a half northwest, I arrived at the Cienega de Santa Clara. One of the Jamajabs having been taken sick, I tarried in this place until the 23d day; during which time I visited various rancherias that there are in these sierras, as also the caxones and arroyos, with much water and most abundant grass, and from whose inhabitants I was Fernando III. of Spain, b. about 1200, d. 1252, King of Cas- tile 1217, and King of Leon 1230, thus uniting these crowns; canonized by Clement X. in 1671, and calendared for May 30. He was son of Alfonso IX. of Leon and Berengaria, sister of Henry I. of Castile; his exploits were directed against the Moors, from whom he took Ubeda in 1234, Cordova in 1236, Jaen in 1246, and Seville in 1248; he also caused to be trans- lated and codified the Forum Judicum or Visigothic laws. At the new mission besides Dumetz there was Padre Francisco Xavier Uria, and both served for several years, with very fair luck in raising neophytes, stock, and crops. * Making the pass through which the railroad now runs, and reaching the vicinity of stations Andrews, Newhall, etc., still in Los Angeles county, near the border of Ventura county. 7 Present name of the valley through which flows the large river of the same name from Los Angeles county through Ventura county to the sea near San Buenaventura; to be dis- tinguished from any application of the name in the much further northward Santa Clara county, etc., though the saint concerned is the same: see note 7 , p. 257. 268 OVER THE LIBRA MOUNTAINS. experienced particular meekness and affability. I baptized one infirm old man, the father of the chief of these rancherias, having instructed him by means of Sevastian, though with difficulty. There came other Indians from the northnortheast and promised to conduct me to their land, as also they did with five more Jamajabs who arrived these days to trade. Apr. 23. I departed west, and at a little distance took a course north, on which I surmounted the great sierra; and halted at a cienega that is on the descent, having traveled thus far nine leagues. 8 Apr. 24. I went half a league northeast and found a laguna, 9 and near thereto a rancheria where, accord- * This is a long lap, chiefly northward, with but little to guide us on his trail. But it appears probable, as well as I can gather from the scant indications, that the Santa Clara river was crossed at or near Castac, a place at the mouth of the creek of the same name; up which creek Garces went as far as its first fork, there taking the right-hand branch, to be found on modern maps by the name of Canada de la Laguna, and following this up over the Libra mts. There is no question that this range is the "great sierra" he makes to-day; the course here noted is quite right for Garces' " north," with due allowance for mag- netic variation E. ; and the laguna he finds to-morrow, half a league from to-night's camp, may not impossibly be the very one which gives name to the Canada de la Laguna. * This laguna is queried by Bancroft, Hist. Cal., i, p. 276, as Elizabeth lake, which it would be if Garces went on the usual road from Newhall, up San Francisco creek, and thus by the pass of the same name, over the Libra mts. But it seems to me VARIOUS INDIANS NOTED. 260, ing to the signs, had been Senor Capitan Faxes. '* The Indians were very affable, and the women clean- lier and neater than any I had seen before of this same Beneme nation. In the evening there came two Indians from the north, known to the Jamajabs by the name of Cuabajay. 11 a little too far E., and I must adhere to the determination made in my last note. 10 Or Fages — Capt. and afterward Lt.-Col. Don Pedro Fages, governor, etc., who seems to have been the first to approach the Tulares in 1773, as noted on p. 251. "I cannot trace the Cuabajay; they were, however, more likely Shoshonean (Paiutes) than Mariposan (Yakuts). Of the Inds. about Tulare valley and eastward. Powers (Tribes of Cala.. pp. 370-371) says: "So severe were the latter [the Paiute attacks] that the Yokuts, as a geographically solid body of allied tribes, were cut in two in one place and nearly in another. Their habitat stretched originally from the Fresno river to Fort Tejon; but the Paiuti tribes, swarming through Ta-hi'-cha-pa, Tejon. and Walker's passes, seized and occupied Kern river, White river, Posa creek, and Kern lake, thus completely severing the Yokuts nation, and leaving an isolated fragment of it at Fort Tejon, in a nook of the mountains. . . At the time of the American advent, therefore, the Yokuts occupied the south bank of the Fresno; the San Joaquin, from Whisky creek down to the mouth of the Fresno; King's river, from Mill creek down to the mouth; the Kaweah, Tule river, and Deer creek: the west shore of Tulare lake, and the isolated mountain nook at Fort Tejon. Their tribal distribution was as follows: On the San Joaquin, from Whisky creek down to Millerton, are the Chuk'- chan-si; farther down, the Pit'-ka-chi, now extinct. On King's river, going down stream, are the following bands, in their 27O VARIOUS INDIANS NOTED. Apr. 25. I completed the passage of the sierra, crossed a valley, and came upon another large sierra order: Tis-e'-chu, Chai-nim'-ai-ri, It-i-cha, Wi'-chi-kik, Ta'-chi, No-toan'-ai-ti, the latter on the lake, the Tachi at Kingston. On Dry creek are the Kas-so'-vo; in Squaw valley the Chu- kai'-mi-na. On the Kaweah river, beginning in the mountains, are the Wik'-sach-i, Wik-chum-si (in the foot-hills), Kau-i'-a [not the Shoshonean Kauvuya] (on the edge at the plains), Yu'-kol (on the plains), Te'-lum-ni (two miles below Visalia), Chu'-nut (at the lake). On Tule river are the O-ching'-i-ta (at Painted Rock), Ai'-a-pai (at Soda spring), Mai-ai'-u (on South fork), Sa-wakh'-tu (on the main river), Kai-a-wet'-ni (at Porter- ville). At Fort Tejon are the Tin-lin-neh (from tin'-nilh, ' a hole ' ), so called on account of some singular depressions in the earth in that vicinity. A little further north, near Kern lake, are the Po-hal'-lin-Tin'-leh (squirrel holes), so named on account of the great number of ground-squirrels [Spermophilus beecheyi] liv- ing in that place. . . Every [Yokuts] village consists of a single row of wigwams, conical or wedge-shaped, generally made of tule, and just enough hollowed out within so that the inmates may sleep with the head higher than the feet, all in per- fect alignment, and with a continuous awning of brushwood stretching along in front. In one end-wigwam lives the village captain; in the other the shaman or si-se-ro (Spanish hechizero) ." These houses do not agree with Garces' description. But see the Shoshone houses following: " Among these [Paiute] tribes [bordering on the Yokuts] are the Pal-li-ga-wo-nap' (from pal-up', ' stream,' and c-kc'-zvan, ' large ') on Kern river; the Ti-pa-to-la'-pa on the south fork of the Kern; and the Wi-nan- gik' on the north fork. Another name for the Tipatolapa was the Ku-chi-bich-i-wa-nap' Pal-up' (little stream). At Bakers- field was a tribe called by the Yokuts, Pal'-e-um-ni. In the famous Tahichapah pass was a tribe called by themselves Ta- hi-cha-pa-han'-na; by the Kern river Indians, Ta-hichp'; and by SIERRA DE SAN MARCOS. _7 I which makes off from the Sierra Nevada and extends northeastward; to which I gave the name of (Sierra de) San Marcos. 12 We made the ascent (hurimos alto) near an arroyo, having traveled thus far four leagues north. In the evening 1 went a league in the same direction, and halted in the cited arroyo. the Yokuts, Ka-wi'-a-suh. They are now extinct. The Kern River Indians were called by the Yokuts of Fort Tejon, Pi-tan'- ni-suh; and the Indians of Kern lake, Pal-wu'-nuh (which de- notes 'down below')- On Kern River slough are the Po-e'-lo; at Kern River falls, the To-mo'-la; on Posa creek, the Bc'-ku. On White river there are no Indians, neither have there been for many years, owing to the prevalence of malaria; but there are indications that the lands along this stream were once in- habited " (p. 393). [The Palligawonap] " live in wigwams made of tule, woven and matted into various fashions. Tule is also the material from which they construct a rude water-craft. This is only about six feet in length, with the bow very long and sharp-rounded, and the stern cut nearly square across " (p. 394)--F. W. H. 13 The Tehachapai or Tehachepi range of modern nomencla- ture, given off in the direction said from the main Sierra Nevada. It is crossed in several places, the best known of which is the Tejon pass, in which was situated Fort Tejon, a military post which was flourishing in the '50's. The San Mar- cos or Tehachapai range is what shuts in the Tulare valley on the southeast, across the head of the valley, by connecting the main Sierra Nevada on the west with the mountains which enclose the valley on the east. I take no exception to Ban- croft's statement that Garces " entered the great Tulare valley by way of Turner's and Tejon passes," for I think that this is most probable; yet I should hesitate to so affirm without a sav- ing clause. 2"J2 RANCHERIAS OF THE CUABAJAY. There are on this sierra large pines, oaks, and other trees. Apr. 26. I surmounted the Sierra de San Marcos, having traveled two leagues and a half north; thereupon I saw large sierras, and caxones very- leafy and grassy, and in three leagues and a half further, on courses west and southwest, I arrived at some rancherias of the Cuabajay na- tion, wherein they received me well, the old women regaling me with many seeds, especially of the chia 13 with which those grounds abound. 13 Chia is the Spanish name of the lime-leaved sage, Salvia tilinfolia, a labiate plant of the mint family. In Mexico, Ari- zona, and California chia is applied to several different indige- nous species of the same genus, especially S. columbarice, the seeds of which are edible, and also used for making a mucilagi- nous infusion something like flaxseed tea. On the general subject of food plants in the Tulare valley Mr. Hodge writes me: " Chia is doubtless the chelis of the Yokuts of the Tule River reservation. It is the shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris, a well-known cruciferous plant) ; ' the seed highly esteemed for pinole, a very nutritious, fari- naceous beverage which the Indians learned from the Mexi- cans ' (Powers, Tribes of Cala., p. 428). The la-chun (Com- posite) is used for the same purpose. Tule pollen, ail-loh, is also used for making pinole or mush; this is derived from Scirpus califomicus or 5". tatara. Hau'-pun (Span, fresnio) is a root highly esteemed as a purgative in certain internal diseases. Al'-lit is a " kind of salt," principally alum in a crude state, collected by these Indians as a seasoning for greens. They go in the morning, when the dew is on, to a low, alkaline piece RANCHERIA DE SAN TASQUAL. 2J3 This I named the Rancheria de San Pasqual. The disposition and form of their dwelling-house is as follows: A spacious square inclosure, completed by an archway or covering of mats upon bows of willow, the mats sewn of the same tule, of which material is the roof composed, in which are there some openings for the escape of smoke. 14 It has only two doors, on of ground, and either pull up the grass and dissolve the salt off from the water, or collect it by sweeping a stick through the grass and washing off the adhering salt (Ibid., p. 429). Ke'-yet-sah is a plant of the Crucxfera, with reversed siliques; its seed is used in making panada or mush. So'-gbn is a wild tobacco; dried and beaten up very fine, then wet and com- pressed together in solid lumps or plugs. Around old camps and corrals there is found a wild tobacco (pan) which Asa Gray pronounces Nicotiana quadrivalvis, and Prof. Bolander N. plumbaginifolia. Smoked alone or mixed with dried manza- nita leaves it has a pungent peppery taste, not unpleasant." "In the original: " Vn claustro ancho en quadro perfecto de bobeda, 6 cubierta de petates con arcos de saus cozidos los petates del mismo tule de su materia con que esta cubierto en el que ay algunas ventanas para que saiga el humo." This is a description of a type of the large communal houses built by various tribes of the Pacific slopes, the sides of upright logs or poles like palisades, the roof thatched with bulrush mats sup- ported on bowed sticks, the interior divided into separate rooms whose entrances face each other, and the outer wall with op- posite entrance on two sides. Compare note ", this chapter. The Beaumont MS. has: " Vn claustro ancho, con arcos de sauz, y la bobeda hecha de petates de tule dclgado y cosido, en la que ay algs. ventanas para que saiga el humo." etc. The printed Doc. differs again: " un claustro quadrado y grande 274 COMMUNAL DWELLING DESCRIBED. the east and on the west, and at each of these there is a sentinel all night. This cloister or corridor (daustro 6 galera) consists of several cells or compart- ments on all four sides wherein they enter to sleep whenever the hour arrives, and at this time each family stays by the fire in front of the door of its own room. I said that only the old women entertained me; inasmuch as, the Jamajabs having hastened for- ward to give notice of my approach, so soon as they knew that I was an Espafiol, all the young persons fled to the woods, and there remained none when I arrived at this rancheria. Therein they also thought might be Espanoles the two Jamajabs who went clothed on the whole journey, the one in my shirt and the other in my blanket; wherefore were they also regarded with suspicion. But after a while, seeing that I did them no harm, and that my companions were not Espanoles, but Jamajabs, all the people were coming out of the woods; and with much content- ment at the sight of me they kissed the crucifix, and showed by their manner that it was good, and that they would believe whatsoever I told them. They gave me to understand that for the night their cap- tain had caused to be sent all the animals from the part of the west to that of the east, for the reason that con arcos de sauz, y el techo de petates de tide delgado y cosido; tiene algunas ventanas," etc. SERVICES HELD IN THE GREAT HUT. JJ^ on the former side were there bad people. My Jamajabs were grieved because those of the rancheria ceased not to ask me if I was an Espanol of the west ; they said no, that I was of the east, that I did harm to no one, and that for this reason did all the nations desire me much; that they themselves accounted me as a Jamajab, and therefore came they with me. As these stories pleased them {sabidas estas borucas), at the approach of night I entered in the great hut. where I found each family at its own fireside; I went on greeting and laughing with them all until I came to that of the captain, where I seated myself, and by means of Sevastian and of another Indian who was well versed in the language of San Gabriel, I told him that I well knew he had a good heart and that no harm would he do me; but that they told me that hereabouts were there bad people, and would he in- form me if he knew anything about it? " Have no fear," he replied, " that any will do thee harm. I will accompany thee to-morrow with all my people to the next rancheria. We know that thou hast behaved well to the people of the great river." With which response was I greatly comforted. Thereupon I arose and recited the rosary (corona) of Maria San- tisima, singing the hymn (alabado) with the Indian Sevastian and the two Jamajabs who accompanied me from the beginning, and who already knew the 276 OTHER INCIDENTS. Ave Maria. This have I practiced in all the rancherias, and it has served to the great astonish- ment of all the nations. The first who witnessed and heard this performance gave prompt notification thereof, and of the compass-needle, breviary, and Santo Cristo, to all the others; and thus it occurred to me that they themselves asked me, " When dost thou pray? See! Those persons who are not now present do not wish thee to leave till they may see thee pray and sing." I have observed that this was to set me praying, that then their shoutings, dancings and chaffings (bonicas) ceased, and everything re- mained in profound silence. In many places they sought to trade my rosary for a multitude of white shells. A little while after the service began the wife of the chief arose, took a basket (corita) of seed (chico) and scattered it over the Santo Cristo I wore on my breast; the same did other women, and they even threw some of this seed (semi! I a) on the fire, in order that there should be a bright light. 14 " Having fin- ished the praying and singing I seated myself by the captain and the rest of the elders of the rancheria, who "°Garces misinterprets their design, which was not to make the fire blaze up. The casting of seed into the fire was doubt- less a form of sacrifice. The present Pueblos, before eating, frequently throw a small quantity of food into the fire. — F. W. H. EFFECTS OF TOBACCO JUICE. 277 had assembled as soon as I began the services. They smoked the tobacco that I gave them, and begged me to exhibit again — already had I done this with some of them during the evening — the breviary, compass- needle, and other little things, manifesting great de- light throughout. This seen (visto csto), the captain took a white stone, which he drew out of a bag and threw it on the fire, in order that it should be heated; he withdrew it at the proper time, and braying it well in a stone mortar mixed it with wild tobacco (tabaco del monte) and water till it became as it were a paste (atdle). Then he handed me the pestle of the mor- tar, that also was of stone, in order that I should taste that mess (caldo), which I found extremely bitter. I returned him the pestle, which he wetted again, and gave to an old man, who licked it very well though it was with great effort that he was able to swallow that sauce (salsa), which all the others successively tasted. My companions the Jamajabs having tried it were at- tacked at once with vomitings so violent that I thought one of them would die; which those of the rancheria greeted (celebraron) with great laughter. Then the meeting was broken up, for that there was no one else who would try it any more. I slept within the lodge near the door. I have been able to ascertain that they drink this sort of gruel (cstc gencre de atole) to cure fatigue, and consequently it is cus- 278 THE JOURNEY RESUMED. tomary to offer it to all their guests. I saw here small baskets (coritas), knives of flint, vessels (bateas) with inlays (embiitidos) of mother of pearl, like the shell-work {texidos de cuentas) on the handles of the knives, and all the other articles (obras — manufac- tures) that it is said there are on the Canal, with (the people of) which they carry on much commerce, and perhaps it is that very nation; according to the re- ports that I have they also agree closely in the dress and cleanliness of the women. Apr. 27. Accompanied by the captain and the greater part of his people I went a league and a half on a course westnorthwest. I passed by good grounds and woods of the same arroyo, and arrived at another rancheria composed of several large huts. They received me with pleasure and entertained me as in the former one. I observed this position and found it in 35 09'. 15 This was the last observation that I made on my journey; concerning which I note that for all former ones I availed myself of the tables computed by a re- ligious of my college for the meridian of Sonora. The Indians urged me not to proceed further, all of 16 This is about the latitude of Kern and Buenavista lakes, which are connected, both discharging northwestward into Kern river a few miles above Tulare lake. As Garces men- tions no such bodies of water, it is clear that he was east of them. TO WALKER RIVER. j~>, them, even Sevastian and the Jamajabs, refusing to accompany me; for which reason I tarried here until the 30th day, in which interval I mounted a horse twice and explored the neighborhood of this locality, returning to sleep on the same spot. Knowing the longings that I had to pass onward, they told me that could not be, for that the next nation called them- selves Noches, were very bad, and no relations of theirs. Finally, seeing me grieved, an old man of the Noche nation who was housed (casado — married) in this rancheria agreed to be my guide and companion. Apr. 50. Informing Sevastian and the Jamajabs that they should await me here for the four or five days during which I might dally, I set forth in com- pany with the old man eastward until we passed over some hills, and halted in an arroyo which I named Arroyo de Santa Catarina; 10 having gone thus far eight leagues north. On the road I met some small boys of the Noche nation, to whom I made presents. The Sierra de San Marcos extends through these parts to the northeast and north, and is distant from that of San Luis some eleven leagues. Whilst I was eating with the old man a very good herb which grows in the arroyo, we descried on the sierra three 10 This is Walker river, which Garces strikes two or three miles above its entrance into Kern river, having crossed the line of the present railroad near Pampa station. 280 TO KERN RIVER. Noches Indians; my old man went to speak to them, but seeing that they drew not nigh to where I was I directed my steps (me encamine) toward them in order to regale them. In all of which could I suc- ceed no further than that one of them approached and threw me from some distance two squirrels. I did the same with some white shells for himself and his companions, each one of whom, as soon as they saw them (the shells), threw me two squirrels; so that, with six others which they had already given to the old man, our larder abounded. We went to sleep lower down on the border of the same arroyo, where I found two families on their ranchos. May i. Having gone one league northwest I came upon a large river 17 which made much noise, at the 17 This is Kern river, which Garces beyond calls Rio de San Felipe, lettered Rio de San Phelipe on Font's map. He strikes Kern river at an exactly identifiable place where it leaves the mountains, and goes down it a little piece, then crossing it to the rancheria on its right bank. We thus have him safe and ^ sure on Kern river, a little distance above Bakersfield, capital of Kern county. This stream is the principal affluent of Tulare lake, emerging from the mountains on the east side of the valley, and below Bakersfield rounding northward to the lake. The Southern Pacific railroad, coming south through the valley, turns eastward through Bakersfield and so on across the moun- tains. See beyond, note S6 , p. 299, at date of May 7, when Garces returns to Kern river, and descends it a piece to Bakers- field. KERN" RIVER CROSSED. 28 1 outlet (al salir) of the Sierra de San Marcos, and whose waters, crystalline, bountiful, and palatable, flowed on a course from the (del) east through a straitened channel. As soon as I came thereupon I desired to cross; albeit the current was very rapid, to withstand it was not impossible; from which the old man dissuaded me. We proceeded down river, and in a little while found a rancheria, where they were obsequious to us; I descended further, accompanied by three Indians whom I met on the road, and reached a position wherefrom I perceived a rancheria on the other side of the river, and my old man told me that here could I cross. But great difficulties presented themselves. They asked me if I knew how to swim, and I answered them nay; I supplicated them that they should make a raft, and they answered me that they knew not (how to do so). 18 At last they ordered me to undress (desnudar), which I did, down to shirt and drawers; they insisted that I should put off every garment, but this I refused to do. They convoyed me across between four of them by swim- ming, two taking me by the arms, and the other two by the body; whereupon I took advantage of the " Respondieronme que no sabian — which might mean either that they did not understand what he said, or did not know how to make a raft. Both the Beaumont MS. and the pub. Doc. take the latter alternative; one adds hazerlas, the other hacerU. 282 NAMED RIO DE SAN FELIPE. occasion to bathe at my pleasure in that water so limpid and beautiful. The mule crossed by swim- ming, with the clothing {avito, for habito) and saddle in baskets {en coritas). The people of the rancheria had a great feast over my arrival, and having regaled me well I reciprocated to them all with tobacco and glass beads, congratulating myself on seeing the people so affable and affectionate. The young men are fine fellows, and the women very comely and clean, bathing themselves every little while; they take great care of the hair and do it up in a topknot (copete); they wear petticoats of antelope skin and mantas of furs, though they are not very coy (aunque son poco recatadas). 19 I rinsed my clothes, and in the evening came a captain of the rancheria on the west to invite me thither. I declined, with the statement that I was journeying northward; but even then they did not wish me to leave. Then I produced the com- pass-needle (agujon), and seeing that for all that they moved it about it always pointed in the direction that I said; they left me, all alike lost in amazement. No wonder — for in other nations, when they have seen the mariner's compass (bruxula) they have been given to understand that it possesses intelligence. On this famous river, which I named Rio de San " The scholiast notes in the margin playfully, " Casi en todas partes experimentaba buena hospitalidad este padre." RIO DE SANTIAGO OR POSA CREEK. 283 Felipe, there are abundant pastures, famous woods, and much irrigated ground (ticrra dc rcgadio). Dis- engaging myself as best I could from the Indians, I set forth from this rancheria on the bank of the river, and went this evening three leagues northwest and partly north; whereupon I reached a river that I named (Rio) de Santiago.- There is no great vol- ume of water at this time, but by the breadth of its bed it is evident the river increases largely on other occasions; it abounds in heavy timber. Here I " made night " in a rancheria of very handsome (bcl- lisima) people, who showed me every attention; and I managed to reciprocate with some trifling presents. As ever since I set forth from Rio de San Felipe my old man had traversed broken ground, he was weary, 70 This is the next stream north of Kern river, to be found on various maps as Posa, Poso, and Posey creek — one of a series of many streams, which successively come out of the mountains from the east into the great valley, and flow to or toward its sink in Tulare lake. It is delineated on Font's map. but without any name: see his trace between Rio de San Phelipe and " R. Sta Cruz." The saint concerned is James, one of several persons of apostolic times not very well identified, there being at least three in question. The one who became Santiago in Spanish acquired the character of a sort of national patron; his name attaches to much geography, besides furnishing a war cry which has occasionally been heard in territory now- owned or controlled by the United States from the time when Coronado stormed Hawiku in 1540 to the Hispano- American war of 1898. 284 SWEATHOUSES OF THE NOCHES. and determined to proceed not beyond this rancheria, saying that someone else should go in his stead. In this Noche nation, even as in the Beneme, is common the use of the temascal, 21 which consists of an under- ground room covered with sticks and grass after the manner of an oven ; it has no more than one opening, which in some (cases) is in the roof and in others at the side. The hour of entering therein is either dur- ing the morning, or during the evening. When once the persons are inside, they kindle a fire; and as there is little ventilation (desavgo), they cease not with the heat and the smoke to cry out and to sweat until the earth grows wet; when indeed they can endure no more they climb out by means of their ladder of sticks and throw themselves into the river. This is with- out doubt the cause of these peoples being so clean; but though of good habit of body (disposition) they are meager and quite tender-footed (de bastante deli- cadeza para andar a pie). 51 Temascal is a word adopted in Spanish for the estufa or sweathouse which Garces describes, from the Nahuatl temascalli, which is thus defined: " Salle, etablissement, maison de bain, etuve. Ces sortes de bains de vapeur sont encore en usage principalement sur les hauteurs du centre du Mexique, et le mot a passe dans la langue espagnole (temazcal). Avec la postp. co: temascako, dans un bain; yuhquin temazcalco, il fait chaud comme dans un bain." — Simeon, Dictionnaire de la Langue Nahuatl, 1885.— F. W. H. ANOTHER RANCHERIA. 285 May 2. I went in company with an Indian four leagues and a half north, and passing by some unin- habited {despobladas) rancherias I arrived at another where there were some bearded Indians, and among them one old man who had it (the beard) so grown {poblada) " long and gray that he resembled an anchorite much to be revered; and even more so when, having begged of me the crucifix, he hung it upon his breast. In this rancheria I found that the little damsels went naked; and though in other parts the same occurred among the women grown, I have not seen in them all (t*. e., in any rancheria) an im- modest action. 228 May 5. I went two and a half leagues to the north, accompanied by another Indian, and came upon the " Poblada is the word I have translated " grown " in this case, as I suppose it would not do to say " populous," or even " in- habited " of the reverend old man's beard, though that is the most usual meaning of poblada. Let us hope that it was neither, but despoblada, like the rancherias the friar passed by; for other- wise he might have regretted that he allowed the crucifix to be placed upon the graybeard's breast! " a My MS. has: " En esta Rancheria repare que las Doncel- litas iban indecentes, y aunque en otras partes sucede lo mismo, en las Mugeres mayores no he visto en todas ellas accion al- guna menos decente." The Beaumont MS. variant is: "En esta rancheria, repare, que las doncellas, ivan indecentes; y con todo que a vezes succede lo mismo en las mugeres, no he adver- tido, ni en esta, ni en otra rancheria de esta nacion la accion menos decente." The printed Doc. varies again, as follows: 286 RIO DE LA SANTA CRUZ OR WHITE RIVER. river that I called Rio de la Santa Cruz, 23 nigh unto which there was a rancheria as it were of 150 souls, who received me with great acclamation, commenc- " Repare aqui que las dencellitas (sic) iban indecentes, y aun a veces las mujeres, pero no vi ni aqui ni en otra rancheria accion menos decente." " R. Sta Cruz " on Font's map of 1777. This is no doubt present White river; the mileage alleged, 7 leagues north from Kern river, is near enough, and the small dry creek which intervenes between Poza creek and White river would hardly be named as a river by Garces. White river is one of the same series of streams making out of the mountains into the valley, and running toward or into Tulare lake according to the state of the water. Higher up than Garces comes to the stream there is a place on it called White River; and the railroad crosses it much lower down, between stations Alita and Delano. At White river Garces is quite up to the latitude of the southern border of Tulare lake, or rather beyond; but he is too far east to see or have anything to say of the great lake, being on the skirts of the mountains. The parallel of lat. 36° crosses about the middle of the lake, which is some 30 miles broad in any direction, though very variable in different states of the water, especially on its N. and S. sides. Garces on White river is at the northward limit of his excursion; and any map or record which carries him further on does so in error. His trail as dotted on the map in Bancroft, Hist. Cal., i, p. 59, loops around a branch of Tulare river itself, N. of lat. 36°; but this is a mistake. " On White river there are no Indians, neither have there been any for many years; . . . but there are indica- tions that the lands along this stream were once inhabited," says Powers, p. 393: see also note", this chapter. Garces here furnishes the evidence of the fact which Powers indicates. INDIAN REFUGEE — DYING CHILD. jSj ing to shout soon as they saw me, " Ba! Ba! Ba! Ba! " Then they gave themselves smart slaps with the palms on the thighs. To all I presented of the small store that I bore. Whilst they were kissing the Santo Cristo, there came to me one, and begged of me in Spanish {Castillo) paper wherewith to make cigars. I wondered much, and on questioning him he told me that he was from the sea where there were padres like myself; that in four parts had he seen Espanoles, and that it was distant herefrom a four days' journey. When he took to kiss it the Santo Cristo, he did so with great veneration, and set himself to preach to the rest. I had a suspicion that he might be some Christian who had just fled from the missions of Monte-Rey, since he made signs of shooting and of flogging. 24 Here there lay dying a little boy. I asked of his parents if they wished him to be baptized; they gave me so to understand, and I administered the sacrament with great consolation ; I fondled him and called him muchachito (dear little boy). Then spake the Indian who had begged of me the paper. saying, "Pare," pointing to the west; " Pare muclni- r/n'/o." 24a Whereupon I was finally assured that M Pues hazia senas de cscopeta, y dc azotar. I think tin. sen as above, qu: bore the marks of shooting and flogging? Ma My MS. and the Beaumont copy both have the word pare, and the former repeats pare as above indicated. The sense is 288 NOCHES PAGNINOAS. he was an Indian refugee from the missions. There came to conduct me to their rancherias some Noche Indians from the west, whom I de- nied. There came yet other Noches from the north to see me, called Noches Pagninoas, 25 and sought to take me to their land; but equally did I deny myself unto them, fearing lest Sevastian and the Jamajabs should betake themselves off and should leave me thus alone, if I returned not at the time appointed. Those Indians related to me that in their land had they taken the life of two soldiers (who I persuaded myself were deserters), because they were very wicked with the women; adding that they had cut off the hands, had laid open the breast and all the body, had torn them asunder, and scattered the remains. 28 I uncertain, unless the Indian meant to say that it was all over with the little boy. But the printed Doc. gives an entirely dif- ferent turn to the clause, having padre and muchachito in italics, as if the Indian simply pronounced these Spanish words, thereby indicating that he had picked them up at some mission. n Unidentified, but apparently some small division or ran- cheria of Yokuts, of the Mariposan linguistic stock; unless we can do violence to the dissimilarity in names, and regard them as possibly the Palligawonap, a Paiute division formerly on Kern river. — F. W. H. 2 " . . . . anadien lo que les habian cortado las manos, les ha- bian abierto el pecho y todo el cuerpo, los havian despedazado y tirado." What was done is plain, but the ambiguity of Spanish pronouns in such a construction makes it equivocal. Did the soldiers do that to the women, or did the Indians do that to OTHER UNIDENTIFIED INDIANS. 289 told them that also did the Espanoles put to death those who are evil-doers, and that presently would they punish two who had done wrong things with Indian women. They named to me toward the north yet other nations that I believe arc no more than ran- cherias of the same nation, and they call themselves Choinoc, Coguifa, Buesanet. 27 On the northwest 28 live the Telamoteris, 19 who slay and possess fire-arm?, and have stolen from these Indians some grown girls. They told me that nortlnvard seven days' journey there was a very great water that, according to their signs, was a river 30 and ran from the northeast, unit- the soldiers? A somewhat different locution, both in the Beau- mont MS. and the pub. Doc. makes it clear that the Indians thus disposed of the soldiers who had maltreated the women in some other way. a These three rancherias all belonged to the Mariposan linguistic stock. The Choinoc of Garces were doubtless the Chunut of Powers, the Choo-noot of Wessells (1853), the Cho- e-nuco of Barbour (1852), and the Choi-nucks of Johnston (1851).— F. W. H. 38 Copy is blind at the word, whether Nordcst. northea6t. or Noroest, northwest. The Beaumont MS. and pub. Doc, p. 297, both have norucstc, and so I read northwe-t. "Los Tclamoteris—sic, one word, as name of the tribe. The Beaumont MS. has Telam 6 Torim, three words (with the two accents grave instead of acute); pub. Doc, p. 297, prints Te- lam 6 Torim. But who the Telam or Torim wore i^ Kit open to conjecture. *°This great river is of course the San Joaquin: see the trace 290 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER NOTED. ing itself with the Rio de San Felipe. Let it be as I will say hereafter; one of the two branches into which it divides runs a course to the north; but they gave me to understand that the other river was three times larger than that of San Felipe. They insisted that I should go to see it, telling me that in all direc- tions except to the northwest and west there were good people. I desired much to see the river, which according to my computation should be distant from this place some 35 or 40 leagues, howbeit they told me seven days were necessary to reach it; but these Indians travel little, because they bathe much, and do not have any covering on the feet. I determined not to go, for the reason said above, and because I had no longer the wherewithal (que regular). The Sierra de San Marcos runs by here to the northnorthwest, on Font's map with the legend " Rio de quien se tiene noticia por el P Garces." What the text says of its " branches," and of its joining Rio de San Felipe, is a little dubious at first sight, but is correct in fact. Kern river runs into Tulare lake, and the issue from the lake unites with the San Joaquin. No doubt this connection of the lake with the river is what is meant by the " branch " of the latter, which " runs a course to the north." The pub. Doc. has a footnote on p. 297: " Este gran rio que corre a los 36° puede ser el que entre al puerto de San Francisco en la California, 6 al brazo del rio Colombia"; but we can take our stand on the San Joaquin as against any tributary of the Columbia river! It is a little remarkable that the Indians did not inform Garces of the lake itself. SIERRA NEVADA NOTED. 20J and between this and that of San Luis intervene some very broad plains; whence I infer that these are the Tulares of which Padre Font makes mention in his diary, and which his map shows with particularity. This Sierra de San Marcos is that which they saw snowy at about 40 leagues of distance on the east of the Tulares; for, though here there is no such dis- tance, I saw clearly how the sierras go widening or disparting (from each other) in such a manner that at the last only is seen that of San Marcos. 31 31 The last sentence stands thus in the original: " Esta Sierra de San Marcos es la que vian nevada como 40 leguas de di> tancia al Oriente de los Tulares, pues aunque aqui no ay esta distancia, vi claramente que se van abriendo, 6 apartandn de las sierras, de modo que a lo ultimo solo se ve lo de San Marcos." This puzzling statement is cleared up com- pletely if we omit the preposition de before las sierras; and that this de is a scribal error is evident on comparing our copy with the Beaumont MS. and the pub. Doc. I accordingly translate as above, but I may paraphrase it in plainer English, thus: '"This San Marcos range is the Sierra Nevada which Font, when he was with Anza's expedition, on the Bay of San Fran- cisco, saw at a distance of about 40 leagues across thr San Joaquin valley; and though here where I am the Tulares have- no such breadth, I could see them widening northward till the San Luis range ends and there is left only the Sierra \'< vada." The Sierra de San Marcos, which Garces first named at the Tehachapai range, he subsequently extended to include the Sierra Nevada as far as he knew it, on the east side of the whole Tulare and San Joaquin valleys; and this is the Sierra Nevada delineated and so lettered on Font's map, which runs " Tulare-, " 292 BACK TO A FORMER RANCHERIA. May 4. I went half a league east to visit a ran- cheria where they gave me wild rice, 32 urging me at the same time that I should make a night of it with them; and in order the more to oblige me, hardly had I arrived when all the young women came forth to bring grass for the beast, a thing whereat I won- dered much, not having seen the like in any other place. I gave them of the small store that I brought, and betook myself back to the rancheria whence I had set forth; where, refusing me the guide, they made it necessary for me to pass the day with them. The little boy that I baptized was now about to die (se iba ya muriendo); whereupon began to wail sorely his parents, with whom some old women took turns clear up through the San Joaquin valley from the Tulare valley proper to north of San Francisco. Garces' Sierra de San Luis is the whole range or ranges bounding this same interior valley on the west. The passage in Font's Diary which speaks of sighting the Sierra Nevada at 40 leagues is found on p. 209, at date of Apr. 2, 1776: " Como a distancia de unas quarente leguas divisamos una gran Sierra Nevada, cuyo rumbo me parecio correr de sursudeste a nornoroeste." On that date Font left Boca del Puerto Dulce, which " mouth of the fresh water port " he made out to be in lat. 38 05' 30", and which was about the modern Suisun bay and Carquines strait; traveled E. some 7 leagues, to the Arroyo de Santa Angela de Fulgino, where he camped (see his mark " 100 ") ; and between these two localities it was that from a hill he descried said " gran Sierra Nevada." M Arroz simarron; which, if we may take it botanically upon its face, means the seeds of the common Zicania aquatica. THE DANCE OF DEATH. J<;^ (alternaban) in weeping and singing. Successively came yet other women, and all the young fellows (gandulcs) of the rancheria, the same making a large circle and within it a bonfire; the parents of the boy began to wail anew, and the old women to accom- pany them in counter tenor (por contraulto) ; suddenly these ceased, and the captain, together with the men of the circle, commenced to sing in a mournful tone, yet keeping time (a compas). Presently all the men arose, and did so without putting the hands to the ground; they danced, bending the body to the meas- ures of the same incantation, with the arms hanging down; then opening the hands and putting the arms together they extended them forward, drew them back to the breast, stretched them out crosswise (en forma de criiz) palms downward {mirando las palmas d tierra), raised them over the head, and finally clasp- ing hands with a loud noise they squatted down plump (de golpe) on their hams, in all this keeping time to the tune of the song. I visited the little boy many times, and saw that his mother placed upon him all the shells that she had; I laid a small cross upon his breast, and left with him the cloth-of-gold (paiiito de sol) that I carried, to serve as a shroud when he should die. May 5. Still had not died the small boy. They urged me that I should not betake myself away, for 294 BACK TO RIO DE SANTIAGO. they said that there were coming from all parts people to visit me; but having the care of my companions upon me, and seeing that there was none willing to accompany me, I resolved to set forth alone. Soon did I perceive (eche de ver) that the refusal solely originated in a desire to detain me; for at a little dis- tance an Indian overtook me, and guided me to the rancheria whereat I had been before, which was dis- tant two and a half leagues south. From this five Indians set forth to accompany me; I traveled with them two leagues in the same direction, on the east of which I saw one rancheria; and on a southeast course I arrived at the Rio de Santiago. In the inte- rior of the sierra that is there the river runs more water. I passed over it, having gone thus far three leagues. 33 Here we halted to partake of that which the In- dians offered us to eat, and the same was not a little; they making me also great importunities, in order that I should rest myself. In this I did not concur, for the purpose of reaching the rancheria that I had seen on this very river when I came. Accompanied " Altogether "j l / 2 leagues S. and S. E., taking him back beyond Posa creek, which he strikes higher up than where he crossed it before. He is now on his return trip, and will soon bear away- eastward to leave the Tulares by a different pass through moun- tains from that by which he entered the valley. SPANISH DESERTER. 295 by all the men and women of this one, I depart c 1 down river, course southwest, and soon found an- other, and therein a captain very grave, who insisted that I should tarry, giving- me to understand that <»n the next day he would take me to see an Espanol who was married to an Indian woman of the Noches Colteches, 34 who are very nigh unto here on the east; adding that said Espanol wore on the breast a certain round thing that I conceived should be some medal or reliquary; that he spoke of God, and pointed out to them that he (God) lived in the sky; that he (the Espanol) already had a little son; that he was of a good heart, and was much in request of all, living (as he did) like the rest of the Indians; and finally he (the chief) made me signs that he (the Espanol) was still wearing some sort of clothes (ulgo de ropa). I persuaded myself that this should be some one of the deserters, whose life was spared with great clemency. This captain gave me some pieces of dried bear's meat (tasajos de oso) and with much feeling on the part of all I took my leave when it was already very late, beginning to travel with the assurance that I should soon arrive at the rancheria which I had seen when I entered [May 1]. Two Indians set out "Compare beyond, p. 304, date of May 12. These Indian-* were probably of the Mariposan linguistic stock, bordered on the east and south by intrusive Paiute bands— F. VV. H. 296 TRAVELING IN THE DARK. in my company, upon whom I urged that we should follow the current of the river; but they assured me that could not be, on account of the extent of the cajones in some places. Having passed a very high hill they put me on the road, making a sign whither were the rancheria and the river, and then left me alone, in spite of all the remonstrances that I made to them, to the end that they should accompany me. This is not to be attributed to any disaffection, but only to (the fact) that they went naked, it was very cold, and for another thing they were much afraid of the bears in which these lands abound. To noth- ing of this did I give heed, in the anxiety that I felt to reach the place where I had left my companions; and so at a little distance I fell upon great precipices, and already was it dark. It is true that I saw some tracks; but they being for those who go afoot, I soon encountered an impediment to the progress of the mule; whereupon (hasta que) God willed that I could descend into a large Canada that I judged led to some one of the rivers, or at least to the plains on the west. I traveled through this the rest of the night, having the happiness of coming out, though making some turns, upon the same Rio de Santiago, on whose banks I arrived at the break of day, having traveled four leagues and a half since 1 departed from the last rancheria, on courses west and southwest. TO THE NOCIIE RANCHER! A. _■■ ,J May 6. Ascending and descending the river, at a loss for the situation of the rancheria I sought, 1 descried on the upper part four Indians. I directed my steps toward them, and when they saw me ap- proach they fell to shouting and laughing. They were squatting down to rest under the burden of the much meat that they were carrying. They threw me some half-cooked squirrels, and bade me partake of the meat they were carrying, opening for this purpose a gray hide which appeared to be that of a mule; and as I saw with the meat a similar head, I formed the opinion that Sevastian had come in search of me, and that they had killed his beasts. Nevertheless, on ac- count of the kind treatment I experienced from them. I condescended to go to their rancheria, whither they invited me, traveling three leagues southeast and east, the whole way through the sierra. The ran- cheria contained more than ioo souls, of the same Noche nation, who received me with great gusto, and in a little while entertained me with a dance. Here they repeated the information of the Espanol. and urged upon me that I should go to see him, saying that I should arrive in a day and a half; under appre- hension of the injury I imagined done to Sevastian, I only desired to be freed from my care. May 7. I went three leagues southsouthea>t and came upon the Rio de San Felipe about one league 298 ON RIO DE SAN FELIPE. above the place where I first crossed it (mas arriba del paso de mi venida). I arrived at the rancheria where I had been on that occasion, and where they now advised me that I should descend the same river, and cross it without wetting myself. To this end I traveled two leagues southwest, wondering again at the extent of woodland, pasturage, and fitness for irri- gation (proporciones de regadio). I arrived at a ran- cheria which should contain some 150 souls; in which place runs the river now divided in two branches (brazos), and has the bed wider; so that they have been able to make a bridge of two trunks of alders, 36 which serve for the crossing, though at some hazard. The branch of this river which passes immediately by the rancheria takes a course to the westnorthwest, and they told me that lower down it turns to the north till it unites with that very large river of which the Noches Pagninoas cited above gave me some in- formation in the last rancheria. The other branch of this river, which is smaller, flows to the west, dis- charging its waters when they are swollen over some very fertile plains, in which are formed large lagunas " Alisos is the word used. Those whose notions of alders are based on such bushes as Alnus serrulata or A. incana, might wonder at a bridge said to be built of alders. But A. rhombi- folia, the species of the region where Garces is traveling, is a tree sometimes 70 or 80 feet high, and A. oregona grows still larger. The sycamore is also called aliso in California. AT SITE OF BAKERSFIELD. and marshes (pautdnos). This place, which has beau- tiful hills for the situation of missions free from all inundation, I named San Miguel de los Noches por el Santo Principe, 38 one of the patrons of the expedi- tion. The people were rejoiced at my coming, and regaled me with much game and fish, and with a kind of marquesote, 37 somewhat sweet, which they make of certain roots abounding in those surroundings. Nevertheless, I had the feeling that the greater part of the people would not kiss the crucifix, when they saw that one old man objected thereto. This indi- vidual said that indeed shells and tobacco were good, but that el Cristo was not, and that he held it in great dread. Hence arises the great risk that there is in these entradas, and in the beginning of the Founda- tions (of missions); a scene of the highest felicity and M Garces is back on Kern river, his Rio de San Felipe, at the point where it sends off two arms; one of these, the main stream, continuing to Tulare lake, and the other, an overflow stream, spilling in the direction of Kern and Buenavista lakes (apparently the lagunas and pantanos of the text). The ran- cheria named San Miguel, etc., may therefore be identified with the site of Bakersfield; see note ". p. 280. The whole context of to-day would indicate that he first struck Kern river at or near the mouth of Walker river, and thus not far above Bakers- field, to which place he now comes down. 37 Unidentified: compare macuilxochitl, defined in Simeon's Nahuatl Diet, as " Caryophyiium mexicanum, a medicinal plant."— F. W. H. 300 DEPARTURE FROM KERN RIVER. docility shifting in an instant to one of mishaps and fatalities. They told me that the sea was very far off; that otters they catch in lagunas very large; they possess many skins of deers, and there come to pur- chase them the Indians of the west, of whom I saw some who urged me that I should go to their land, conducting themselves toward me with great affabil- ity, and assisting the mule and the baggage to cross over. Though I used diligence to ascertain the depth of this branch of the river with a stout stick of about three varas in length, I was unable (to do so); for the strong current bent it, though it was steadied against the bridge. The Indian Sevastian told me afterward that when he came in search of me on this very spot, he tried it by fastening a large stone to the hitching-rope (cctbresto, for cabcstro), and that it took the whole length of the same, which was seven varas. The Indians told me that here had been Se- vastian, and that already had he gone away with the Jamajabs, and they gave (me) also to understand that they had killed (jareado) the mule; all of which added much concern to that which I felt, and confirmed me in the idea that had occurred to me above, when I saw the meat and the skull. May 8. I departed, accompanied by three Quaba- jay Indians, and by other mountain Indians (Serranos) who had come to that rancheria, and went three ON GROUND SQUIRREL PLAINS. 301 leagues southsouthwest. The Serranos betook them- selves to their land, and I proceeded with the Quaba- jay on courses southeast and east, passing by dry lagunas, woods, and a level plain much undermined by the tusas, 38 of which there are infinite numbers in all the plains that I have seen of the Quabajay higher up; we fell down, the mule and myself, and several times I was in danger of the same, because of the insecurity of the ground. In the fall I lost the com- pass needle, and did not think of returning to search for it, because it made me afraid to see a land so dry and dangerous to travel. I arrived at the Quabajais, having gone six leagues further. So festive were the Quabajais, that there was a dance this night and the next day; but I meanwhile was full of concern at find- ing here not one of my companions. There came next day [May 9] the Jamajab Luis with two beasts and a message from the captain of the Pueblo de San 38 Tuza, tusa, or tuga is a Mexican name of certain pouched rats or pocket-gophers of the genus Geontys, one species of which, inhabiting Florida, is now technically known as G. hUO. But these animals do not burrow in such fashion as t<> render a plain dangerous to ride over, and what Garces means is the common gray ground squirrel or spermophile of California, Spermophilus beecheyi, extremely abundant in the region he U now traversing, where it honeycombs the ground with its bur- rows, and is a nuisance to agriculture. See note ". this chapter, where the Pohallin-tinleh are so called on account of these squirrel holes. 302 AGAIN AT RANCHERIA DE SAN PASQUAL. Pasqual that I should come quickly to his rancheria. He told me that Sevastian had gone back in search of me to the Rio de San Felipe; I determined to await him, and he arrived in the evening with no news. May io. I went over to the Rancheria de San Pasqual, where I found two Jamajabs recently arrived from their land (the others who had accompanied me had already gone back, leaving only Luis and Ben- tura): hence is to be inferred the frequent commerce that the Jamajabs hold with these nations and those of the sea. Here they supplied us with pinole de chia, rabbits, and small loaves (*. e., cakes — panecillos) of seeds, offered in great glee and not even half paid for by what was given in return (ni aim medio pagado en la recampensa). They reiterated the question of when would I come back again ; I continued to coun- sel the captain that there should be no more war against those of Santa Clara, where they had killed another captain. I was intent upon persuading him that the Espanoles were a good people; to which he would by no means assent, bearing very much in mind the baskets (coritas) and other valuables of which the passengers 39 had robbed them. One old man among others who arrived gave the information that in those days there had passed by the western " Pasageros, passengers, travelers, wayfarers; sc, the members of the Spanish expedition. RETURNING BY A DIFFERENT ROUTE. 303 border of the sierra women and cattle; and further, that many people and horses had come back. 40 1 was obsequious to said old man, and urged upon the Jamajabs that they should return with me to (Rio de) San Felipe in order to follow up river to the Cheme- bet Quajala, but this they refused to do; for, though there was no difficulty about it, yet thence to their land there intervened very rough sierras that the beasts could not traverse because they were very lame. Although this project was unsuccessful, I ac- complished the return journey by a different route. 41 40 The return of the Anza-Font expedition of 1776, from San Francisco southward, was in April along those portions of the route to which Garces' old man referred in saying that mounted troops " had come back." It can be followed with precision in Font's Diary before me, but this is not the place to go into those particulars. a " Aunque no se consiguio esto logre el volvcr por dist into camino," which I have rendered rather freely in the text. From Apr. 24, when through the Tejon (?) pass Garces entered the Tulares, he has been knocking about a comparatively small area on the S. and E. of the valley and adjoining skirts of the mountains, never further N. than White river. We have fol- lowed him pretty closely, though not with entire precision. To-day, May 10, he starts from his Rancheria de San Pasqual to return to the Mojaves by a different route, until he strikes his outward trail on reaching the Mojave river. His mean course will be due E. to the Mojave river, crossing the moun- tains by the pass between the Sierra Nevada and Tehachapai ranges — the same by which the railroad now goes from Bakers- field to Mojave station. I was last over this road in 1891. 304 LEAVING THE TULARES. May 11. I surmounted the Sierra de San Marcos on the east and northeast, and having gone thus far two leagues I halted at a laguna which I called (La- guna) de San Venancio. 42 May 12. I went one league in the same direction; half a league northwest (sic), one league southsouth- east, and yet another southeast. Here I found a ran- cheria of a people of a different language from the Noches and Quabajais, and whom the Jamajabs call Cobaji; and I discovered them to be those whom the Noches themselves call by the name of Noches Col- teches. 43 There were here none but women and chil- dren, who made us presents of meat, seeds, and even of two baskets to take along with us. There are here firs, oaks, and many other kinds of trees. I returned the favor with some small shells (cuentesillas), such as they prize, but the women told me that they regaled me solely because we were so needy; that their nation was generous (bizarra), not stingy like that on the west. I believe they are right about this, for those of the west are dealers even among their very selves, 42 Certainly Garces never got over the main range in anything like two leagues; which I suppose to be only the distance he traveled between his San Pasqual and San Venancio. See May 17, P- 305, when he came out of the mountains. Bancroft, Hist. Cal., i, p. 277, says Garces " left the valley probably by the Tehachepi Pass but possibly by Kelso Valley." 43 See back, p. 295, date of May 5. NOCHES COLTECIIES — JOURNEY CONTINUED. $0$ and by so much the more do they value and take care of their possessions — though certainly I have no reason to complain of them. These people arc very robust, the women at least, who are the only ones I saw, as the men were out hunting. They told me that toward the northnortheast there were many peo- ple, and that I could go there. As the hospitality was good, I tarried at their invitation the 13th day. May 14. I went one league and a half southeast and halted in an arroyo that I called (Arroyo) de la Ascencion. 44 The Jamajabs knew not the road, so that I was obliged to charge it upon Sevastian that he should go to seek it accompanied by Bentura, I remaining with Luis [May 15, 16]. 45 May iy. I went six and a half leagues southsouth- east, and having come out from the sierra entered upon some plains, grassy but lacking in trees and water. 46 Nevertheless I found a small pozo; and at M Unidentified. 48 No entries for the 15th and 16th, during which days no doubt Garces stayed in camp, awaiting the return of his two scouts. Neither the Beaumont MS. nor the pub. Doc. has any- thing. 48 Garces emerges from the mountains in the vicinity of Mo- jave station, where the railroad branches, one line running due S. toward Los Angeles, the other continuing eastward to the Mojave river and so on. One who has traversed the dreary waste upon which Garces now enters will recognize the fidelity of his description. 306 BACK AGAIN ON MOJAVE RIVER. half a league further southward I found another, with only water enough for ourselves and the beasts; but by digging deeper these wells they would hold water in abundance, for the plain is marshy (pantanoso) like an alkaline cienega. May 18. Having gone two and a half leagues southsoutheast I entered upon a very wide plain wherein I found a pozo like the foregoing ones; it is evident that this plain has been a laguna in times past. 47 May ig. I traveled four and a half leagues in the same direction and fell upon the Rio de los Martires near the position observed before in 34 37'. 48 May 20, 21, 22. I retraced the same road that I had come, as far as the Pozos de San Juan de Dios. 49 May 23. Quitting the road of the coming, I di- rected my steps to the eastnortheast, and having gone 47 The whole alkaline waste between the mountains and the Mojave river is marked with small dry lakes, pools, and pot- holes, fully justifying this observation. w He is again upon the Mojave river: see back, 242, Mar. 17, where the observation for latitude taken on the river is given as 34 37'. Garces appears to strike the river about where the railroad does. 48 Having descended the Mojave river, Garces reaches the wells where he was on Mar. 8: see note 10 , p. 258. From this position he reaches the Colorado by a road a little further north than the one on which he went before. ADVANCING TOWARD MOJA\ ;. two leagues I halted in the sandy plain (mcdano) where there was a Chemebet rancheria. May 24. Here I tarried because some of the Jamajabs who had arrived at this rancheria for the commerce of shells were taken sick. May 25. I went four and a half leagues eastsouth east, completing the crossing of the sandy plain and of the Sierra de Santa Coleta. 50 May 26. I traveled three leagues eastnortheast, with one turn to the south, and halted nigh unto a pozo, scant of water in consequence of its shallowness, which I named (Pozo de) San Felipe Neri.'' 1 May 27. I traveled five leagues east and northeast. The continuous sierras abound in grass and arc clothed with a few trees. May 28. I went one league and a half on a course northeast, and came to a good watering-place that I named Aguage de la Trinidad. Here I saw a Chemebet rancheria. In the afternoon I went a 00 So named Mar. 6, when Garces was at Cedar springs: see back, p. 236. "St. Philip Neri. or Filippo de' Neri in Italian, was born at Florence July 22, 1515, founded the Congregation of the Ora- tory, died at Rome May 25, 1595, and was canonized in 162a. I do not feel quite sure of the Pozo named for him, but if it were not modern Rock springs, it was in that vicinity. Likt the place named Aguage de la Trinidad on the 28th was prob- ably Piute springs. 308 ARRIVAL AT MOJAVE. league and a half southeast and halted in another rancheria at the request of its Indians. In the sierra there is a water-tank. May 29. Having gone two leagues east I found a well of very abundant water, and having gone seven more on a course southeast, I reached the Pozo de San Casimiro. 52 May 50. Having gone three leagues eastsoutheast I re-entered into the Jamajab nation. Inexplicable are the expressions of delight which said nation made to see me again in their land. They had sum- monsed to my arrival the Yabipais Tejua, Jaguallapai, Chemebets, and Jalchedunes, in order that in my presence all might speak at great length and celebrate peace firmly. To this end they gave me to under- stand that a detention of eight days was required, notwithstanding they were aware {en medio de saber cllos) that I had received a letter from the senor comandante of the expedition, and another from my companion Fray Tomas (Eisarc), in which they noti- fied me to return without delay to the Yumas. 53 In 52 See back, at date of Mar. 4, p. 235 and note there. 63 Anza's expedition, having left the vicinity of San Francisco early in April, reached the Colorado at Yuma on May n (Font's camp mark "130"). The following extract from Font's Diary of that day bears upon the above passage: " Reciprocal and great was the joy that I had to see Padre Fray Thomas Eixarch content and safe in this place, living with WORD RECEIVED FROM THE EXPEDITION. 309 the general council of these five nations, such was the crowd, clamor, and confusion they made, that for this and the heat I feared that I might be sick. At last they all made terms of peace (las paces) with signs that it was to be kept up (con scnalcs de per sever ancia), to their great joy and my entire satisfaction. On this occasion I talked much with the Jallaguapais [sic] about the distance of Moqui and New Mexico; to such satisfaction among so many gentiles, who are well disposed toward the Spaniards, and worthy of appreciation and esteem, especially Captain Palma. This Puerto de la Concepcion, situated a little below the confluence of the Gila and Colorado, is a place of some bluffs (territos) of moderate elevation, which form a little pass, through which the Colorado is straitened, and on leaving which it again spreads; so that this is the situa- tion of a very pleasant vista, and the hest place I have seen on the river for settlement, because it is immediately upon the river, yet secure from its inundations, however much it may overflow; though of such little extent, that the small uneven mesa which it makes would hold no more than the church and a few houses, [etc. — a good description of the bluffs on which Fort Yuma stands]. Here we met Padre Fray Thomas Eixarch, who came to live here with Captain Palma, as this was a better place than that where we left him when we went away, distant from this puerto one league up river, where also- one could not maintain himself during the rise in the river. We were expecting to find in this place Padre Fray Francisco Garces; but he was not here, nor had Padre Fray Thomas had! any word from him since he went up river to the Jalchedunes. The last word we had had from Garces was the letter of Apri) 15 which he wrote to senor comandante Ansa from the mission 3IO DEPARTURE FROM MOJAVE. which they responded fully, giving me information of all the land that lay hence to the capital [Santa Fe]. I desired to go there, but the letters received obliged me to descend to the Yumas. Next day [May 31] I took leave of all, first mak- ing some presents, especially to the Jaguallapais. At the departure of these for their lands, when they reached the river some of the Jamajabs set up a yell. of San Gabriel, where he was during holy week, early in April. . . In this letter he said that he should return to the Jamaja nation, as that was necessary, and that afterward, if he should learn of anything worth his while (algo de bueno) he would keep on [to Moqui], but if not, he would come down the Colorado to await us, so that we could go back together. When we arrived at the mission of San Gabriel the padres there told us, that when Padre Garces left he said, speaking of his journey, that if he met Indians who would accompany him, and he did not think there would be much difficulty in this, his intention was to keep on inland (internarse) and discover a route to New Mexico. When we reached Puerto de la Concep- cion we got a rather confused report that Padre Garces was among the Jalchedunes. So the sehor comandante immedi- ately sent an Indian interpreter there with a letter in which he informed him (Garces) of our arrival, and saying that in three days we should continue our journey. This was time enough for the padre to come here, if he was there; but the padre did not come in the three days, nor did the messenger return, nor could we get any word of him after the more than three months which had passed. Whence I inferred, that Padre Garces had found a way and the means of going to New Mexico as he desired, or else that he had met with some great setback in his apostolic FRACAS AVOIDED. 3 I I wishing to kill them on account of some relatives of theirs whom they (the former) had killed in the pre- vious wars. This determination was repressed by the principal Indians of the rancheria, agreeably with the peace which had just been celebrated through my intervention. They brought the Jaguallapais to where I was; and seeing them so terrified and mis- trustful — as I likewise was, having little faith in the Jamajabs — I instantly told them to have no fear, for I was determined to accompany them myself. Noth- journeyings, on which he had started somewhat sick; if indeed he had not died or been killed by Indians. I note that when Sefior Ansa dispatched the interpreter with the letter, he ordered him, if he did not find Padre Garces, but found his beasts, to bring them. This he did without minding (sin hacersc cargo) that Padre Garces might be there, or further off, and would need them when he should return, as actually hap- pened. It shows the delicacy of Sefior Ansa, and such are the favors which he says he always shows to padres. This I knew for certain, because the interpreter himself told me so when he returned; on my asking him why he had brought the beasts, leaving the padre in want of them, he replied that he could do nothing else, being under orders, and that his master Sefior Ansa had so ordered; and this he said in the presence of Sefior Ansa, without being contradicted." Thus things are seen to have been as pleasant as ever be- tween Anza and Font, when they returned to the Colorado. The letter above said, which was dispatched on the 12th, ap- pears to have reached Garces at Mojave. The expedition crossed the Colorado, and left the mouth of the Gila on the 16th, taking with them Padre Eisarc and Captain Palma. 312 DETERMINATION TO GO TO MOQUI. ing could dissuade me from this resolution, even though there are encountered as a rule, many difficul- ties in such an enterprise. Immediately went on ahead one Jaguallapai with two Jamajabs to notify the nation of the former that I was coming to their lands. Anticipating that I should be unable to re- turn to the Jamajabs, I left orders with Sevastian that unless I was there within a few days he should go down with the Jalchedunes to their lands. This In- dian, who was the only one that remained still in my service — for the interpreters had returned to the ex- pedition — was unwilling to follow me, for all that I begged him to do so. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. . ■ ,, ,. '"WAl LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 844 279 o I Ma