:-,i > '■< r "::»»,. .--'vM,^ r,^' pni =0 C3 ^/5AHVfifln-^^ >&AHVHfln.i>^ ^s^wwm MfJn-3UV^ 5^1-llBRARYQ^^ 30 '^.i/0^llV}JO>^ '^ -Ms'aiuv ^>;;0f CAllFORj^ ^•OF-CAllFOfi^^ "^/^Ajivjiflin^ "^(JAHyHfln-^^ v.inc lUffitp ^IIIBRARY^?/ ^WEUN'IVER% .v>:lOS-ANCElfj> %ji]v>jo^ »AHva8n-^>?^ ^Tiunuvsm^'^ Awn-ivvv^ ^.OF-CAIIFO/?^ -?< ^/JAHVJiaiH^^ ^OF-CAilFO;?^/. ^^ :mw-\'^^ ^.r^iww vj.lOS-AHCElfj> .■7v>^^l^^1•3vvC ^M,»^»u.:j^^ V/ru 1 V ni 1. n\\ ^;OF-CAUF0% ^ >t iKii\/!:r)o». 1 n(.' Atirci fr 'J 13.II>V .Ml ■ ■ " II :x! ^l ^.OfCAllfO% mm\i >aUS'ANCElfj> &AHV«fln-^V^ ^/?AHVHfln-^V^ ^IrttllNIVl aWEUNIVL ^VlOVANLtltf^ ^>^t•llBRARYa^ ^>M'UBRAKYOr^ 5 Mr-— i> .5 Mil iWii ^^WE•l]NIVER% ^lOSANCEiefy. 1^1 ISEl To Abolish Capital Punishment A Plea to the Citizens of Every Country Extracts from Addresses by KATHERINE TINGLE Y Leader of the Theosophical Movement Throughout the World I 1 Puhhshed by the Men's and Women's International Theosophical Leagues of Humanity POINT LOIVIA, CALIFORNM, U. S. A. I 1 Prpce, postpaid, 10 cents in the United States, 5d. in England ' 1 Order from the Secretary "Woman's International Theosophical League, Point Loma, California or from The Theosophical Book Co>, 18 Bartlett's Buildings Holhom Circus, London, E C^ England i^^. IMMENSE AUDIENCE ENDORSES KATHERINE TINGLEY'S APPEAL TO ABOLISH CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Extracts from the Theosophical Leader's Address (From the San Diego Union, April 6, 1914) AST night at Isis Theater, which was filled to its capacity, the whole audience save six responded to Katherine Tingley's appeal for a standing vote in support of resolutions for the abolishment of capital punishment. In a stirring and eloquent appeal Katherine Tingley spoke right to the hearts of her audience and by the force of her arguments won them over to complete sympathy with her. The meeting was opened by the sing- ing of songs, exquisitely rendered by the Raja-Yoga international chorus of some fifty voices, and the reading of appropriate quotations. Following are extracts from Katherine Tingley's address : " While we are in this atmosphere of music, of brotherly love, of com- passion for all that lives, we are obliged to admit, if we think at all, that human society is morally bankrupt. The sooner thinking people of the present genera- tion admit this the sooner will they reach a point of discernment whereby they can see things as they are and apply the remedy. Society Morally Bankrupt " How can you read your newspapers daily, as you do, and feel satisfied that all is well? How can the so-called Christians of the present age go to their prayers and to their homes satisfied? How can they do it? I ask this in love, with all due consideration for their beliefs : but I say, how can they do it ? Is it not true, if we think well, that we have missed the real meaning of the teachings of Christ and of the sages of old? If we had them in their simplicity and clear- ness and force of spiritual life, we should not have to admit that society morally is bankrupt, and that the conditions of the world point to a degeneracy in human nature that one scarcely dares to think about. " So when we take up the subject of capital punishment, before we look at it with unfriendly eyes, we must consider why it is^that witlT^all__the__ so-calle d education, culture and the prospelTtT-trf-ttrejt wenHeth c entury^ there is thjs-great ga: p be tw e en^ourserve?"alTd"ttre"^ Can you recaHjjiytliiiig-tbat-Christ eAreTTaugritror~aTiy-TjfniTr'Oreat^^ you, or the people at large, in taking a position that because a rrian2^ns_ jie i^s ^o bT'condemned ? That because he has sinned h"eT$"t6 be punished Jjirauglijjie Taws of^man? I find nothing in the teaching? of'C-hrtsl-tcr'snpport any such position. 890221 y 7MllBRARYGr ^WfUMfVERJ/A .\WMNIVERJ/A ^^:A}iv}ian-^^^ '^/?AHv}ian-^>{^ '^xnwuv^snv'^ vvlOSANCafX;> o ^;^MIBRARY6j, fc3 IIBRARY ^■lOSANCflfj-. O '^. "^//n-inv .fCAllFOfiV X;OFCAllfOJ as •^,. ^vMllBRAKYiy/- ^tfojnv}-jo>^ '^(tfOJiw-jo'^ \Wt-UMVtiYi>/ >l I 1 I I !», "N. \ ^.OFCAlfFO/?^ ^OFCAllFOft^ ^^•iMVMJin-^v^^ j^/?A«v«8nAV^ .^WE■UKIVER5■/A "^r^nHMv^m^ .v^lOSANCEli o ^^^t•llBRARYQr^ ^t'lIBRARY^^r^ '^/o^nv '^;/n-inv .5MEUNIVER% s inuvw^ o ^•lOSANCnfj> o c: <: 5,^^-l(BRARY{?, ilBRARY ^.OFCAllFOft(>^ 5: > ^,0F-CAIIF0% jslOSANCFlfj^ ^OUIWWl^ "^/OJMINOIUV ^^,0F CAIIFO/?^ OfCAllFO^ '^nxwrnm .....LUNIVERS/^ -kU v,M ilBRARYGr ^vjfCAltFO/?^ .^,.OF-CAlIF0/i'4^ \«tUNlVERy/^ ^^OSANCt.f .iiQNV-S01>^ '^/j^aiMf^n .xWEUfJIVERiyA ^^>;lOS■ANG[u^ u3 Of tU .\V\E'1)NIV£RS/A A>:lOSAfJCFlfj> Tl I If V o ii_ ^HIBRARY(?/: ^^^^•llBRARY6 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 930 878 4