V I W THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION: Q kdclj of % (tjjemkal OF THE EAKTH, THE AIR, THE OCEAN. BY KOBEKT ELLIS, F.L.S. M.R.C.S. ETC. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMITTEE OF GENERAL LITERATURE AND EDUCATION, APPOINTED BY THE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. THE EIGHTH THOUSAND. LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE; SOLD AT THE DEPOSITORIES, GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS; 4, ROYAL EXCHANGE; 16, HANOVER STREET, HANOVER SQUARE; AND BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. LONDON: PRINTED BY w. CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET. PREFACE. NOTWITHSTANDING the exercise of much labour and thought during the progress of this volume through the press, in the en- deavour to bring'it below its present limits, the importance and variety of the subjects on which it treats have precluded the possibility of so doing. When the student of nature investigates the connexions and natural dependencies of those kingdoms which together constitute the scheme of creation, and even when only in one direc- tion, as in the present case, the subject is exhaustless. The Chemistry of Creation is a theme not for one, but for many volumes. In the present Work the attempt has been made to introduce all the recent dis- 2090817 vi PREFACE. coveries in chemical science, related to Nature's chemistry, and to apply them to the explanation of the chemical phenomena presented in the earth, the air, and the ocean. That this attempt has been made in the use of familiar language, and with the desire to avoid the technicalities of science, will not be allowed to detract from the value and importance of the narrated facts and discoveries of chemical philp- sophy. That this volume may be the companion of the lover of nature, and that it may assist him to trace in its varied and beautiful chemical phenomena the work of Him who is perfect in knowledge and excellent in working, is the desire of the writer, and the object of his book. R. E. CHELSEA, 1850. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Origin of Chemistry Egypt Arabia China Glass- blowers in Egypt Europe Dreams of the Alchemists- Transmutation of Metals Juggling Tricks Elixir of Life Universal Solvent- Birth-time of Scientific Chemistry Progress of the Science Cavendish Watt Davy Dalton" Faraday Liebig Prout Present Importance of the Science Knowledge of the Chemistry of Nature limited p. 1 PART I.-THE EARTH. CHAPTER I. THE IXOBGANIC CHEMISTBY OF NATURE. Common and Philosophical Observation The Scene What is an Element ? Gases Fluids Solids Remarkable Arrangement in Nature Laughing Gas Economy of Creation Imperfection of our Knowledge Oxygen- Hy- drogen Nitrogen Carbon Iron rusting Why ? Che- mical Affinity Composition of a Dew Drop Chemical Laws The First Oxygenated Water The Second The Third The Fourth Importance and Influence of these Laws This is not all LIGHT Prismatic Spectrum Composition of a Sunbeam Influence of Sunlight Light and Colours HEAT Operation of, in Nature Flowers ACTINISM Chemistry of Sunlight "Nature's sweet Re- storer " Daguerreotype Talbotype Magnetic Registers ELECTRICITY, necessary in Operations of Nature Use and Importance to Man Electric Telegraph Electric Clock Magnetism Gravity Whether Modifications of one Principle ? p. 21 VI CONTEXTS. CHAPTER II. CHEMISTBY OF THE LAND. Apparent unchangeableness of the Aspects of Nature Not real Secret Chemical Forces Destruction slow, silent, but Bure Agencies Water Carbonic Acid Oxygen Nia- gara Falls Recession of Salt-field of North wich Crystal Island Powerful Effect of Carbonated Water Professor Rogers' Experiments Effect of Oxygen Disease of the Granite The Kettle and Pans Porcelain Clay Forma- tion of, out of Granite Silver Mines California!! Gold Persistence of Egyptian Monuments Its Cause Debris Production of Mont Blanc Alps Rhine Valleys of the Cordilleras Alluvium Composition and History of Rocks and Hills crumbling to Dust p. 65 CHAPTER III. CHEM1STHY OF THE SOIL. Composition of the Vegetable Soil Mother-earth Mould Chemical History of a Valley A Delta Clothing witli Plants Deatli of a Tree Dispersion of its Elements Chemistry of its Death The Farm-yard The Dung-heap Ilniivis Use' of Vegetable Soil Carbon Formation of Coal Mackenzie River Chemistry of Coal Peculiar Character of its Decay Arrangement of Coal-beds The Diamond Chemical Origin of Amber p. 112 CHAPTER IV. CHEMISTEY OF THE IKTEKIOH. Disquiet within our Planet Deep Chemistries of the Earth High Temperature of Interior Proofs of Artesian Wells Source of Telrestial Heat The Sun Chemical Decom- position in Crust Central Heat Experiments of Mr. Grove and Dr. Robinson Curious Property of Intense Heat The Earthquake Phenomena of Causes of Electrical Origin of Protection against -Earthquakes in Britain The Volcano Chemistry of Jorullo The Moffettes Upas-tree and Valley Choke-damp Lake of the Solfatara Chemistry of Caves Fire-damp Niagara Salt-mine Singular Evolution of Gas -^Safety-lamp " Blowers " in Coal-mines Mud Volcano* Air Volcuuos- OuXI'KNTS. Vll Spriiigof Rock-oil Boracic Lagoons Remarkable Natural Barometer Metamorphism of Rocks Experiments of Mitscherlich Chemical Phenomena of Iceland Remark- able -Aspect of the Country Boiling Springs Origin and Explanation of Palagonite Rock Decomposition of by Volcanic Emanations Detection of Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas by a Cigar Formation of the Geysers Professor Bun- sen's Discoveries Great Geyser Explanation of Coun- tries rising Repose and Activity of the Interior of the Planet, alternate . . . .~ p. 110 PART II.-THK AIR. CHAPTER I. ITS PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION. The Air travels with the Earth Limits of Air A Journey to the Moon Finite Extent of the Atmosphpre Extreme Rarefaction Gay Lussac's Balloon Ascent Tides in the Air Cause Solar and Lunar Influence Atmospheric Waves Indian Summer Weight of the Air Barometer Weight of dry Air Weight of Water in the Air Effect on Barometer Effect of Pressure Anecdote Results of Pressure Limit to Aerial Navigation Cold of Expansion Machines for Ice-making Line of Perpetual Snow Snowy Mountain in Africa Blueness of the Air Remark- able Instance of Polarised Light The Polar Clock Elec- tricity of the Air p. 165 CHAPTER II. CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE AIB. Oxygen The Fire Annihilator Nitrogen Rude Analysis Eudiometer Accurate Analysis Result Exact Com- position of Air Air taken by a Balloon Air not a Che- mical Compound Physical Constitution Source of Oxy- gen-i Constancy of Composition Carbonic Acid in Air- Proportion Properties Power of Diffusion Effects Coal Gas Ammonia in Air Variation of Nitrogen in Food Source Manures Operation of Effect of Char- coal on a Rose-tret Normal Composition of the Atmo- sphere Properties of Air p. 201 Vlll COXTKMTS. CHAPTER III. OCCASIONAL INGREDIENTS OF THE AIE. Malaria Epidemics Origin Propagation of Air of Lou- don Air of Towns Dew of Rooms Organic Impurities in Air Asiatic Cholera Deficient Electricity M. Quete- let's Results Inorganic Impurities in Air Dry Fog Saleniuretted Hydrogen Black Rain Ozone Properties of Effects of Test for Sulphuretted Hydrogen Decom- positions in the Air Chemistry of Putrefaction Remark- able Exceptions Upper Egypt The Atmosphere Earth's Treasury p. 233 CHAPTER IV. THE WATERS OF THE AIB. Water in a Gaseous Form Philosophy of Dew Darnell's Hygrometer Phenomena of Dew Magical Properties of Hoar Frost Office of Dew Force of Evaporation Fog Vesicular ? Clouds Forms of Rain Phenomena of Rain without Clouds Chemical Functions of Import- ance of Rain and Plants Rain and Man Progress of Water into the Earth Self-purification of the Soil Hail Snow Crystals Electrical Origin of Rain, &c. Effects of Fires Artificial Rain p. 268 CHAPTER V. MOVEMENTS OF THE AIE. Cause of Motion in AirAbsorption of Solar Rays Heat of Sun Land and Sea Breezes Trade Winds Philosophy of Discovery of Two Currents Local Winds Rotatory Theory of Storms Chemistry of Aerial Movements Insensible Movements - Cause of Chemical Effects of Wind Benefits of a Fickle Climate Effects of Irregular Currents Effects of Trade Winds p. 309 CHAPTER VI. THE ATMOSPHERE AND ANIMALS. Respiration Chemistry of Breathing The Lungs The Blood Animal Heat Combustion in the Body The CONTENTS. IX Esquimaux and Hindoo Cold and Appetite Sources of Animal Heat The Breath of Life Breathing in Insects Changes in the Animal Frame Chemistry of Starvation Death p. 333 CHAPTER VII. THE ATMOSPHERE AND VEGETATION. Germination Nutrition of Plants The Orchids Soil not the chief Source of Carbon Proofs Experiment on a Vine Branch Carbonic Acid in the Air Forests of New World Effect of Vegetation on Air Sunlight and Plants Ac- tinism Light Heat Relation of to Plants Purification of the Air Trade Winds The Air and the Soil General Constitution and Laws of the Atmosphere ... p. 353 PART III.-TBE OCEAN. CHAPTER I. IT8 PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION. Depth Deep Soundings Pressure of the Waters Elasticity of Water Light in the Ocean Colour Blue and Green Grottos Phosphorescent Seas Luminosity of Marine Beings Temperature of the Ocean Zones of Animal Life Stratum of uniform Temperature Remarkable Law 01 Water Ground Ice Climate of the Channel Islands p. 383 CHAPTER II. CHEMISTRY OF THE OCEAN. Analysis of Sea-water Saline Contents Prof. Forchham- mer's Results Fresh- water overlying Salt Constancy of Composition Origin of Saline Matter -Explanation Special Arrangement The End in View Organic Matter in Sea-water Chemistry of Phosphorescence Discoveries of Ehrenberg Ozone and Phosphorescence Fluorine in Sea-water Self-purifying Property of the Ocean . p. 407 X CONTKXTS. CHAPTER III. MOVEMENTS OF THE WATERS. '. Effects of Heat and Cold Waves Analysis of a Wave- Great Tidal Wave Bore Order among Waves Mr. Scott Russell's Discoveries Speed and Height of Waves Capillary Waves Oceanic Currents Equatorial Polar Effect of Gulf- Stream Submarine Currents Chemistry of the Tides Effects of Air upon Mud Decompositions of Sea-weed The Ebbing Tide Mechanical Effect of Waves Remarkable Rocks Grind of Navir Disintegra- tion of the Coast Deposit of Sediment Extraordinary Accident Chemical Results of Waves Ocean Circu- lation p. 435 CHAPTER IV. ' LIFE IK THE WATERS. The Algse Zones of Vegetation Dredging Researches Antarctic Vegetations Kelp Analysis of Sea-weed Origin of its Constituents Purifying Influence of Sea- weed Light, -and Sea-plants Investigations on the Use of Sea-weed Animal Marine Life Innumerable hosts of Microscopic Beings Zones of Animal Life Researches of Prof. Forbes Chain of Animal Life Respiration of Ma- rine Animals Products of Molluscous Animals Coral Islands and Seas Reefs Conclusion p. 477 TOE ALCHEMIST. INTRODUCTION. WE must look through a long vista of ages if we would discover, buried in the obscurity .of time, the origin of what is now rightly called the science of Chemistry. We know little about the time when the few facts which formed its first beginnings were gathered together, but it appears probable that Egypt was the country where this took place. Some one, it is pro- bable, wiser than his fellows, first found out and applied the chemistry of a few common bodies ; he may have discovered the properties of a com- mon acid, such as acetic acid ; or of a common B 2 INTRODUCTION. alkali, such as potash ; and combining or mix- ing them together, he found a substance pro- duced which was neither acid nor alkaline. This would lead him to reflection, and reflection to experiment, and experiment to a certain acquaintance with the properties of a number of substances around or familiar to him. Such a man was the first chemist. Imparting his knowledge to a few, of intellects as -keen as his own, in the course of ,a little time chemistry was acknowledged as a distinct occupation, although, from its very nature, it was confined to a few persons whose delight or whose interest it was to make it as mysterious a subject as possible. Those who have made the deepest research into this subject inform us that there can be little doubt that the philosopher we have thus alluded to was Hermes Trismegistus, who, in their opi- nion, is to be considered as the parent of the science. But it is questionable even whether such a man as he of this name ever existed ; and, it must be confessed, it is in our day a matter of but little moment whether he ever did or not ; it being sufficient for us to remember that it was in Egypt, and at a very remote and hidden period, that chemistry probably took its origin. From Egypt the knowledge of this new art and mystery was carried into Arabia. Here, a celebrated person of the name of Geber, a phy- sician, paid great attention to it, and discovered some most important facts, such as several salts, acids, and metals, which appear to have been either unknown to his predecessors, or to have been concealed in their usual manner by de- scribing them only in a language unknown to EARLY CHINESE CHEMISTS. 3 the rest of the world. From this country the science extended to surrounding nations by slow degrees. Even in far- distant China it appears certain that there was, at an early period, some knowledge of chemistry; for we find that they were well acquainted with many chemical dyes, and with several metals, such as gold, silver, mercury, lead, copper, iron, tin, and zinc, be- sides several salts and chemicals, and also medi- cinal preparations. In Egypt, also, the arts of working in metals, of manufacturing soap, and more singular still of manufacturing glass of the most beautiful description, were practised, in all probability, even before philosophers in that ancient country caught a glimpse of the beau- tiful science which was intimately connected with these processes. Nevertheless, the mere knowledge of the right employment of the dif- ferent substances used in these arts was a kind of chemistry, though not an enlightened one ; it was the chemistry of experience. It is very surprising to find how successful both the Egyptians aijd the Chinese were in these arts, notwithstanding their deep ignorance of the laws of the science. Some of the colours em- ployed by the Chinese for their porcelain, and some of their dyes, cannot be equalled even in our day, when so much is known about the principles and practice of chemistry. The Egyptians, before the Exodus of the chil- dren of Israel, or about three thousand five hundred years ago, were well acquainted with the means of colouring glass in the most exqui- site manner by some chemical substance, so that they used to make artificial gems, such as the 4 INTRODUCTION. amethyst, of glass, which could not be distin- guished from the stone itself. The accompany- ing hieroglyphics assure us also of the fact that they knew how to blow glass in the same man- ner as we do, and thus they may have formed useful chemical vessels for the early professors of this art. So far had the glass-workers of Egypt advanced in their art that even coffins were sometimes made of glass. GLASS-BLOWING IS EGYPT. The knowledge of chemistry came at length into Europe. During the dominion of the Moors in Spain, science of all kinds was much encouraged, and the arts and learning flourished luxuriantly. An immense library of books upon every subject existed at Cordova, whither the learned of Europe flocked, and where, in all probability, they first became acquainted with EARLY CHEMISTS. 5 the writings of the Arabian chemists ; the knowledge they thus obtained being afterwards communicated by them to others on their return home. The crusaders also, on their return from the Holy Land, are said to have brought the knowledge of chemistry into Spain, and from hence it spread into Germany, Italy, and France, and eventually into England. Up to this time, which reaches to the twelfth century, very little progress was really made in chemical knowledge, and we might in a few lines sum up every simple or compound sub- stance whose nature was accurately known to the early chemists. Passing these purely his- torical details, we may go on to mention some of those curiosities in the history of chemistry which are of a more extraordinary and interest- ing character than are to be found in the records of any other science whatever. Astrology forms a very curious portion, it is true, of the history of the noble science, Astronomy; but neither it nor any other delusion is te be compared to those which are unfolded to us as we look upon the chemistry of the past. We might say that chemists have had three dreams. First was the dream that they could turn the common metals into gold; next was the dream that they could or might discover the water of immortality; and, lastly, was the singular dream that they could invent a liquid which would dissolve every thing ! We can ascribe it to no other cause than the deep-rooted covetousness of the human heart, that, from the very first, men regarded chemistry as a means of making gold. It is a most remarkable 6 INTRODUCTION. circumstance, that whether derived from ancient Egypt or the remote empire of China, early chemistry was chiefly occupied in the attempt to turn the baser metals into gold. In short, for ages chemistry was supposed to have no other object in view, no other value than this ; and the alchemists, its first professors, were men who, from youth to age, toiled on in the arduous and ruinous task of attempting this art, called the transmutation of metals. Had they then no suc- cess? Were we to credit their own accounts, we must acknowledge that in a few instances their success was remarkable. Thus, one of them tells us, " I had long doubted whether gold could be made from quicksilver. One who wished to convince me of my error, sent me a drachm of a certain powder of a red colour having a pecu- liar odour, with which I was to make the expe- riment. To avoid the possibility of fraud, I purchased the requisite vessels and materials from an ordinary warehouse : I put the mercury into the vessel and cast the powder into it ; a strong heat was then applied, and immediately the whole mass was transmuted into ten drachms of the finest gold!" We are even told in his- tory that a celebrated philosopher, in the pre- sence of King Edward VI., by means of a certain powder, converted a mass of iron into gold, which was afterwards coined into rose- nobles. The powder of the true philosopher's stone (if one could only procure some of it) was so powerful, it was said, that a few grains of it would turn twenty tons of lead into gold ! These statements are sufficient of themselves to satisfy the modern reader of the painful JUGGLIXGS OF THE ALCHEMISTS. 7 amount of falsehood and deception which cha- racterises the records of the alchemists ; yet, on a smaller scale, it -is undoubtedly true that they appeared to possess the power of pro- ducing gold at pleasure. It was effected by clever juggling. Sometimes a piece of gold was slipped into the crucible by sleight of hand, sometimes the instrument used to stir the mixture contained it, and sometimes the cru- cible was artfully scooped out at the bottom, a small mass of gold having been put in, and covered over so as to be rendered invisible by a little paste. When the heat of the furnace had driven off the volatile substances forming the pretended mixture, the glittering yellow metal would then be discovered lying at the bottom. A similar trick was to make a nail half of gold, half of iron, which was painted over so as to look like a rusty nail, and on being put into a crucible would, of course, come out half as they said turned into gold. Sometimes we cannot doubt that the experimenters were sincere, although they were the victims of deceit on the part of others, or of self-deception in them- selves. Such was the first, and, strange to say, the last also of the chemical dreams ; for while the two others were of little influence and short duration, this lived down even to the end of the last century, one of its latest victims being a Dr. Price, of Guildford, who destroyed himself in disappointment at discovering the delusion under which he had been labouring. We need scarcely say the philosopher's stone, that won- derful compound, which was to turn all metals 8 INTRODUCTION. into virgin gold, was never discovered, and the " art of making gold," as it was termed, visually ended in reducing its professors to rags. Its vanity and certain results are well told in the following shrewd lines by the poet Spenser : " To lose good days, that might be better spent ; To waste long nights in pensive discontent ; To speed to-day, to be put back to-morrow ; To feed on hope, to pine with fear and sorrow ; To fret their souls with crosses and with cares ; To eat their hearts, with comfortless despairs : Unhappy wights ! born to disastrous end, That do their lives in tedious tendance spend." It was a striking example of that unquench- able hope, which will hope against hope, that the idea of an Elixir conferring immortality could ever have long occupied the attention of men styling themselves philosophers. The origin of this remarkable error admits of being traced, like that of so many errors, to an exag- geration of original circumstances. A celebrated physician of ancient time, by name Actuarius, makes mention in his works of a certain famous medicine which would preserve the body in health to the end of life. Geber, the alchemist, then asserted that he positively possessed a medicine capable of curing every disease, how- ever desperate, and of renewing " man's strength like the eagles." Succeeding alchemists then declared that they possessed the Elixir of Im- mortal Life. It was a natural effect in some respects, that the growing science of making gold should have the consequence o extending the desires of men to search for a draught which, when their exhaustless riches were supplied, would enable the possessor to satiate himself THE UNIVERSAL SOLVENT, OR ALCAHEST. 9 therewith. Discovering also, in the worship of their idol, the persistence and apparent immor- tality of gold, a foolish and illogical train of reasoning led them to believe that a solution of this precious metal was the grand desideratum ; and that in fact the elixir of immortality was a preparation of fluid gold. How lightly after all did they really estimate the misery of immortal life to an individual in the present world ! An immortality of the be- holding of suffering, sorrow, and sin, of wither- ing hopes, dying friends, unsatisfying occupations was this the object of their search ? Surely it was the voice of mercy, not of wrath, which pro- nounced, in solemn accents, death to be the wages of sin, that it might add the glorious intelligence that the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. The alcahest, or universal solvent, was the last of these three delusions. It may be con- sidered also the most harmless. Properly speaking, it was simply a foolish fantasy of chemistry. The idea was, that some fluid might be produced which would instantly dissolve all substances exposed to its influence ; and it seems to have had a long existence as a fanciful speculation, rather than as a subject of arduous experiment and tedious research. The expla- nation of this is not difficult. The Universal Solvent had little to offer which could excite the hopes, and nothing which could inflame the cupidity of mankind. Wealth was not in its right hand, nor length of days in its left. It was a reverie of the laboratory, without interest, because it was without effect upon the 10 INTRODUCTION. longings or passions of the great masses of the human family. Yet there were a few chemists at different times fully possessed with this folly also, and ardently engaged in its pursuit. The whole idea of the alcahest is overturned by a very simple consideration which has been frequently well put. If an universal solvent were possible, what vessel could retain for an instant such a fluid? Nothing could have been more truly injurious to the true advancement of the science of chemistry than the prevalence of these three dreams, and particularly of the first of them. So long as the philosophers thought they had a chance of opening, so to speak, a vein of gold in their laboratories, so long they neglected the truly useful and lucrative application of the powers of chemistry to common manufactures, and so long also they remained indifferent to the discovery of any of the principles and laws of the science. Thus while much was known about chemical -substances, nothing was known about what is termed chemical philosophy, that is, that part of the science of chemistry which teaches us the laws and governing principles of these substances. It was about the middle of the seventeenth century, a period which was like the very birth- time of all scientific knowledge, that, recognising at length the absurdities of their predecessors, philosophers began to lay the foundations of that noble system of chemistry, which is now at once the offspring, the pride, and the triumph of expe- rimental philosophy. The principles laid down in the celebrated work, called Novuni Organum, of BIRTH-TIME OF SCIENTIFIC CHEMISTRY. 11 the illustrious Francis Bacon, proved most bene- ficial to the development of true knowledge, and assisted to destroy many of the foolish systems of philosophy which had so long held it a captive. As chemical philosophy was among the earliest to benefit by these principles, so it soonest began to expand and to gather continual strength. The origin and further progress of the science has been happily compared to Milton's fine description of the erection of Pandemonium : " Soon had his crew Opened into the hill a spacious wound And digged out ribs of gold Anon out of the earth, a fahric huge Rose like an exhalation Built like a temple." About this period also the great scientific societies first took origin : the Royal Society in 1662 ; the Academy of Sciences at Paris in 1666. Thus the progress of knowledge received a most powerful impulse. The learned com- municated periodically with each other, and united in the prosecution of similar scientific inquiries. Chemistry enjoyed much of their attention ; and soon began to exhibit the hitherto concealed energies of a most important depart- ment of knowledge. Many of the elementary bodies were now known ; and new ones were in continual process of being added to the list. Phosphorus, that most curious and peculiar substance, at first the chemist's toy, and sold at the rate of one hundred shillings the ounce, now, in the form of the lucifer, our most common domestic resource, with many salts, acids, and chemical preparations, became common. The 12 INTRODUCTION. advance, if not characterised by method, was rapid and certain. .It was now time that chemistry should receive the requisite framework of a science. A vast number of experiments, with their results, were on record, and these were continually in- creasing. Gleams of the laws of combination, like scattered rays of light, darted upon the minds of experimenters. The comprehensive mind which should seize these indications, and reduce them to form and order, was yet wanting. Nevertheless, chemistry was gradually assuming the definite character of a science. The doctrine of affinity, or of elective attractions, by which it is taught that some bodies unite chemically with others by preference, in the presence of other substances for which they have a feeble attraction, was promulgated by Bergman, and became an important doctrine of chemistry. That -a great and most salutary revolution had been effected in the minds of the followers of this science may be learned, when we read, toward the close of this period, the good con- fession of one who, scorning the pursuit of science for the sake of gold, could write, " My kingdom is not of this world. I trust that I have got hold of my pitcher by the right handle ; the true method of treating this study. For the pseudo (or false) chemists seek gold ; but the true philosopher, science, which is more precious than any gold." It was in the same spirit that a just reproof was given by D'Alembert to an ambitious young man, and as it deserves remembering, we venture to record it. "Science," said he, "must be loved CHEMISTRY A SCIENCE. 13 for its own sake ; and not for any advantage to be derived from it: no other principle will enable a man to make progress in the sciences." Remarkable discoveries upon the nature of combustion succeeded, and were followed by the labours of Hales, Black, and Cavendish, in their important investigations upon the chemistry of gases. The great discovery of the gas, oxygen, and of a part of the chemistry of vegetation, were next in order of progression. Water was formed, by Cavendish, by the union of its constituent gases, hydrogen and oxygen. This discovery is justly considered as deserving a special place in the history of chemistry. Mr. Watt appears to have arrived at the right conclusion as to the composition of this fluid, even before Cavendish ; losing, however, as it is said, the honour of his discovery from the delay in the publication of his experiments. It would be tedious to follow in consecutive order the further progress of the science, and we shall, therefore, hasten to a close. With each successive year, it became richer in stores of facts, and more extensively applicable to the arts, comforts, and luxuries of mankind. The celebrated Dr. Dalton, the propounder of the atomic theory one of the most beautiful of the science pub- lished his views in 1803 ; and shortly after the immortal Davy rose to eminence by his electrical investigations. Subsequently Dr. Michael Faraday, by his splendid researches upon the electric principle and its important bearings upon Chemistry and chemical pheno- mena in general, gave an impetus to the science 14 INTRODUCTION. which will continue to be felt to the most distant ages of the future. We are thus rapidly and imperfectly brought to the state of the science in our own day. The remarkable speculations and discoveries of Dr. Prout on animal, and of Baron Liebig on vegetable chemistry, and the chemistry of agriculture, together with the won- derful discoveries of the phenomena of the che- mical rays of the sunbeam by Xiepce, Daguerre, Herschel, R. Hunt, and others, may be fairly taken as the most valuable additions made in recent times to this department of knowledge. In considering the present aspect and rela- tions of chemistry, we are 'struck with the ex- tent of its" influence, and with the importance of the position it occupies. Advancing years are continually extending the one, augmenting the other. Every branch of the arts now ex- periences its salutary reign. While it has con- tributed much to the growth of other sciences, by no means directly, or in the abstract, related to it, it has also added a variety of substances to our present list of domestic comforts and conveniences. While it has tinged the purple and bleached the fine linen of the great, it has endowed with equal snowiness, and an equally durable, though more homely lustre, the calico and coarsest fabric of the poor. Nor has it been less valuable in adding to our remedies for the sick. For medicine, in fact, it will pro- bably in future time do more, and this by reason of its intimate connexion with that art, than for any other department of science. In many instances .chemistry detects the disease, and points with much significance to the appropriate PRESENT IMPORTANCE OF THE SCIENCE. 15 remedy. It analyses the processes constantly in operation in the mysterious laboratory of f r i T i the human frame; and indicates with precision many of the changes which matter undergoes in the performance of the essential functions of life. It teaches us the most appropriate food for the strong and vigorous; and directs us how to modify and re-arrange the diet of the sick and feeble. Chemistry too bears more directly than will be readily conjectured upon the life and destinies of nations. It has engines of tremendous power* for the annihilation of fleets and armies ; yet, in its most peaceful applications, to renew and invigorate the soil, it gives promise to shed a full measure of peace and prosperity upon ages to come. In its products, while it has contributed much to the adornment of our persons, it has also warmed, lighted, and ventilated our dwellings, purified our beverage, and supplied us with the most exquisite utensils for our meals. While we are enumerating the boons conferred upon us by this science, the dim oriental outlines of the fabled genii rise to recollection, by whose supernatural agencies, held in control by the magic lamp or ring, houses were built and stocked, and many other wonderful works easily performed. Such a heaven-born power is ours in the science of chemistry the plaything of the child, the fascination of the student, the servant of man, obedient to his bidding, who * In all probability, Captain Warner's celebrated appa- ratus for the destruction of vessels at a great distance is an ingenious piece of mechanism charged with some explosive chemical compound perhaps the remarkable fluid, the Chloride of Nitrogen. 16 INTRODUCTION. has the true amulet of power knowledge. Surely the philosopher's stone, if it were a real existence, would prove a poor possession con- trasted with the riches placed at our command by this science. The instructive example has now been set before us of a science almost fruitless, and unproductive, when applied to base and un- worthy ends, becoming, when directed to its legitimate objects, an inexhaustible source of blessing to mankind. It is an instance too striking to be lightly passed by, of the really withering consequences of a persistence in oppo- sition to the wise and merciful ordinances of the " Creator of the ends of the earth," and of the truly valuable results which flow from using law- fully the knowledge given to us by the Author 'and Giver of every good and perfect gift. It has been thought useful to present this short sketch of the origin and progress of chemistry up to the present time, in order that it may be seen what a tide of ignorance and folly flowed over, and concealed that know- ledge of the chemistry of natural things, which, as gradually developed by modern experimen- ters, we are now enjoying. The poor alchemist, or he who ran after the phantom of an immor- tal-life-bestowing liquid, while skilled in the chemistry of the metals and in the preparation of purely chemical substances, was absolutely ignorant of the chemistry of nature. He could not have told us why his fire burned, still less could he have even guessed at the exquisite chemistry of a blade of grass. He knew not why the wind blew or the rain fell ; and was IGNORANCE OF NATURE'S CHEMISTRY. 17 ignorant even of the composition or mode of formation of a drop of dew. For a very long time, even after chemistry was pursued scien- tifically, the most fascinating of all its depart- ments the Chemistry of Nature was totally neglected. Dr. Priestley and Sir Humphry Davy almost alone seem to have caught sight of its interest and importance. And almost all the knowledge we now possess of this subject has been brought to light exclusively during the last few years. As may therefore be imagined, our information upon this point, although of great extent, is still very imper- fect ; and we require many experiments, and much labour of investigation, to clear up our present difficulties. If, then, instead of vainly groping after gold, or gasping after an elixir of life, or indulging in such-like dreams and abstractions, the early chemists had but applied themselves to the study of the chemistry of the humblest objects in nature : if they had only tried to solve the problem, How does a flower spring up ? how far advanced might we not at this time have been ! Instead of occupying a place at the threshold, we might almost have reached the goal. Let us be thankful, how- ever, that a brighter time in the history of the science has arrived; and let us look hopefully forward for the day when the chemistry of nature will be as well understood as that of the ordinary substances which find a place in the laboratory of the experimenter, or in the shop of the chemist. It is the intention of this work to explain the leading chemical phenomena observed in c 18 INTRODUCTION. nature, and to do so, as far as possible, with- out the unnecessary use and encumbennent of scientific terms or expressions. In .carrying out this design, the simplest plan appeared to be, to treat successively the chemistry of the earth, the air, and the ocean ; by which means, almost all that is of importance to be learned of the chemistry of nature, will come simply and naturally under discussion. Such a notice of the general principles of the science, as is re- quisite to render the subsequent pages free from difficulty, is added by way of a prefatory section to the chemistry of the earth. THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATIOK PART I.-THE EARTH. 'HIS HANDS PEEPAEED THE DBY LAND. CHAPTER I. THE INORGANIC CHEMISTRY OF NATURE. WHEN an admirer of paintings walks through a long gallery in which are displayed the most famous works of a great artist, he stands per- chance before one which more than all the rest attracts his attention, and becomes lost in the contemplation of its various excellences. The rich hues of the foreground become contrasted with the pale receding tones of colour on the horizon, and with these the deep transparent sky is exquisitely harmonized, the whole picture producing an impression upon his mind highly favourable to the skill of the painter. He goes 22 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. away, and the impression remains deeply en- graved upon his memory ; yet if called upon to account for this impression by separating the individual peculiarities of the painting in the form of an analysis, probably not one spectator out of a thousand could execute the task. The picture was agreeable to his rnind as a whole, and not as a combination of various parts, of different tints, and contrasted colours. But if, on the contrary, a student stands wrapped in thoughtful admiration before the same painting, one whose own hand has laboured at the brush and palette, and in whose 'breast the aspiration after the highest honours of his art is nursed in hope, how different the effect upon his mind to that we have just been con- sidering ! Having been carefully tutored in the principles of the art, he is able to recognise in the work before him, the various steps and processes by which the unity and harmony of the whole have been produced. He marks with a scrutinizing and admiring eye the care- ful manner in which the different portions of the picture are worked out so as to be in keep- ing with the tenor of the entire work ; and in various ways he is enabled to detect the deve- lopment of the peculiar principles upon which the art of painting fundamentally rests. The other gazed upon the picture and was pleased THE SCEXE. 23 he knew not why. This spectator also gazes upon it with gratification ; but it is of a higher and more refined nature, simply because he is acquainted with the various rules and axioms which guided the artist in its execution. Such is, in a word, the difference between " common " and " philosophical " observation, or, to use a more homely phrase, between " eyes and no eyes." The great majority of persons, when beholding the majestic landscape which the Divine hand has created, come under the first of these designations, they are common observers. It is true they mark with real and perhaps exalted pleasure the beauties of the scene, but they do not attempt to define the parts which in their union form the pleasing *' whole." They see but they do not analyze ; or in other words, they observe the scene as a scene, but do not discover and separate from one another the various parts which enter into its composition. It is the privilege of him whose mind has been opened to receive the truths of science, when placed in a similar situation, t6 enjoy all the gratification produced by the contemplation of the scene before him in its entireness, and in addition, the pure and intel- lectual pleasure of distinguishing the operation of various laws by the means of which he is aware that the harmony of the landscape has 24 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. arisen and is preserved. To the enjoyment of this privilege, in so far as the knowledge of the principal chemical phenomena of nature is con- cerned, it is intended that the present work shall Assist the reader. Place we ourselves then in such a scene.* On all sides but one, the rugged forms of ancient rocks project into the sky, their summits capped with meagre herbage, and their sides the occasional resting places of some mountain- flower. The roar of a cascade, formed by the accumulated waters shed from the hills in the distance, comes every now and then upon the ear. ' Above is the blue stretch of an almost unclouded sky. As the eye travels toward the horizon through the opening already alluded to, it sweeps over many miles of fertile land adorned with trees or yellow with corn, and enlivened by an occasional traveller, or by herds of cattle, until it rests upon the blue line of the ocean in the extreme distance. Here let us take our stand, and in the spirit of observation of which we have spoken, let us bring under review the interesting matters for chemical discourse pre- sented to us by such a spot. In so doing it is our intention to take up in succession the chemistry of the inorganic, the animal, and the vegetable kingdoms of nature, so * Vide the Frontispiece to this Part. WHAT IS AN ELEMENT? 25 far as it can be conveniently considered under the three great divisions of our work, the earth, the air, and ocean. An outline of many of the truths of chemistry will thus be brought under notice : but for purposes of scientific information of a more profound kind, and for the more abstruse doctrines of the science, the reader will naturally seek elsewhere. The object in view is more humble ; yet this work may fulfil a legitimate calling in provoking the desires of some minds to deeper investigation, and in other instances, in giving that peculiar interest in the objects of nature which arises from a perception of some of the intricate and beautiful machinery which directs and controls their movements. Attractive as the possession of this knowledge appears, it is not to be acquired nor retained without a general acquaintance with some of the fundamental principles of the science ; and as this is by no means a difficult task, we pro- pose, as briefly as may be, to acquaint the reader with a few of their leading features. Here our first attempt must be to reduce all material substances to their elementary or simple condition ; our next to discover the laws by which the elements are governed in their be- haviour one toward another. The ancient idea of the Elements was, as is well known, that there 26 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. were but four fire, air, earth, and water. But in truth none of these were elements ; three are compounds ; that is, each consists of two or more substances, and the fourth (fire) is only a con- dition of substances undergoing rapid chemical union. What then is an element? It may be described as a simple substance, which cannot be analyzed, or, in more popular terms, subdivided into two or more different substances. As an example we may select the element iron. All experiments upon this substance lead to the con- clusion that it cannot be decomposed or sub- divided into anything else than this simple ele- ment iron. Let the chemist try his powers on the other hand upon water; very different is the result; the fluid disappears, and two gases arise, thus informing us of the fact that water is a compound, while iron is a simple substance. Such then, is the difference between an element and a compound. To lay down the constitu- tion of an element in precise terms, we should say it is a simple substance, separate and dis- tinct from all other substances, and incapable of being resolved into any further constituents. Yet it is to be remembered that an element is proved to be so only negatively ; that is to say, we cannot discover it to be anything else by our present apparatus and means of analysis. It may, or may not, remain for the chemists of GASES FLUIDS SOLIDS. 27 future years to develop the truth or falsity of a view which has been entertained by the minds of some of the profoundest philosophers, as well as by those of the wildest of the alchemists, that all matter has a common origin; that in fact, there is but one element, of which all the others are but modified forms. Modern chemists have laboured to reduce, as far as possible, all substances within their reach to their ultimate constituents ; to separate them, that is to say, until it was impossible to separate them any further. In so doing it has been discovered that a number of bodies once conceived to be elementary, have no real claim to that character. Such bodies have been found to be in fact composed of two or more elements. The number of chemical elements at present recognised as such is sixty-two.* But several of these are doubtful ; and as science proceeds, it will probably remove many from the list. The phenomena exhibited by some of the so-called elements, in different ex- periments of the laboratory, are so suspicious as to perplex the mind of the chemist as to their real constitution, leading him to suppose that they are anything but simple bodies, and many are looking forward to a period when it will be found that the number of true elements is small indeed. * Dr. Fownes. 28 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. It is convenient to arrange them under the following heads : 1, gases ; 2, fluids ; 3, solids. Or they may be also described as 1, metallic; 2, non-metallic : 3, gaseous. But in these conditions bodies shade as it were into each other, the same body being under some circum- stances solid, and under others fluid, such as water or mercury when frozen, and at the com- mon temperature. Out of the number above mentioned, forty- seven are tolerably well-marked metallic sub- stances, about which little doubt now prevails ; thus the majority of the elements belong to this division. There are but four gases ; that is, of course, elementary or primary gases ; these are oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and chlorine. The remaining eleven are the non-metallic ele- ments, or elements of intermediate characters. When we come to consider the amount of relative importance which is borne by each of these elements to the rest of creation, we arrive at an interesting and somewhat startling result. It would have been more in accordance with the ideas and expectations of the human mind to anticipate that a number of elements compara- tively so small as that specified (sixty-two), was inadequate to form such singularly contrasted objects as surround us in creation, and to produce such varied results as are presented to us in the REMARKABLE SIMPLICITY IN NATURE. 29 kingdom of nature. Or, if we allowed that number to be sufficient, man would anticipate the entire exhaustion of its powers, and would suppose that the whole number of elements had been employed and put together in various ways, in the work of constructing a universe full of the most varied and opposite substances. Chemistry teaches us that such is far from being the case- Do we look to the framework of the solid globe, triumphantly expecting to discover in its count- less constituents the exhaustion of the whole range of elementary bodies ? Our investigations supply a very different answer, and we may almost without an hyperbole say that so far as the crust of the globe is accessible to our experiments and analysis, and our researches penetrate deep therein, chemistry declares in round terms that the earth en masse is composed of but seven ele- ments ! These are silicium, calcium, aluminum, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, united with the gas oxygen. Do we turn to the zoological and vegetable worlds, point to the countless myriads of species, and to the innumerable products of these kingdoms? How strange to discover that these are after all chiefly carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen ! Lastly, do our eyes rest upon the broad ocean, consti- tuting as it does three-fourths of the area of our planet? This vast accumulation of fluid 30 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. may have its principal components expressed in two words, oxygen and hydrogen. The num- ber of the metals employed in the work and service of man is equally small in comparison with the number known to chemistry. Gold, silver, iron, copper, zinc, lead, and tin being in commonest use ; the larger number of metallic substances being obtainable with so much diffi- culty as to render them of little comparative utility; and the metals on the whole, properly so called, form but a very small part of the crust of the globe. Thus while the forms in which material sub- stances and organizations present themselves to our notice, are of the most pleasing aspect and unbounded variety, and though the bodies them- selves possess the most opposite and dissimilar properties, all are reducible to a comparatively very small number of elements, or in other words, ultimate constituents. The results of this arrangement are very striking, How sur- prising to find that a gas (carbonic acid), dif- fused in fractional quantities even in the purest air, in one of its principal constituents (carbon) is one and the same with the solid material composing the dense forests ! How wonderful to learn that the millions of tons of wood con- tained in some of the primeval forests of the earth were actually in a great measure directly LAUGHING GAS. 31 derived from this gas dissolved in water, carried up by the roots, and metamorphosed in the leaves ! This variety of result may be illustrated in another manner. The acrid, dangerous, and highly corrosive liquid well known to every person as aquafortis, or impure nitric acid, in its pure condition one of the most powerful re-agents of the laboratory, is composed of ni- trogen and oxygen. These are also the consti- tuents of the summer breeze ! Whence then this notable change? The answer is, 1st, the relative proportions or quantities of the two elements are not the same in the one the pro- portion of oxygen to that of nitrogen is much greater than in the other ; and 2nd, in the case of the nitric acid the elements are in chemical union, in the air they are only in a state of mixture. Thus an apparently trivial alteration in chemical conditions and proportional num- bers effects a change of the most unexpected and startling order ! Another alteration again in our atmosphere would produce "laughing gas," a substance whose stimulating properties have supplied its title. Not to proceed further, here are three- products, of the most entirely opposite and unlike character, namely, nitric acid, atmospheric air, and laughing gas, com- posed of precisely the same elements. Why then 32 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. do they differ so strikingly from one another? Because air is only a mixture of the two ele- ments, laughing gas is a true chemical compound of the same, and nitric acid is also a chemical compound, but has five times the quantity of oxygen possessed by the laughing gas. But these are familiar examples. A more surprising vein of thought is opened when it is stated that chemistry is acquainted with substances which are absolutely identical, in the number and relative proportions or quantities of their ele- ments, yet are as totally unlike one another in their sensible properties, such as colour, odour, and taste, as might be conceived of substances in noways related to them. Such then is that peculiar and most wonder- ful feature in the constitution of creation, the accomplishment of astonishing variety out of the fewest materials, which at the very onset chemistry presents to our admiration. And such in fact is the universal language of science ; it may be called the economy of the creation. The Creator has taken, as it were, a mere handful of elements, and has formed out of them not only the gorgeous structure on which we dwell, but also ourselves, that is our material bodies, and our fellow-occupants of the earth, and the inha- bitants of the air and the sea. Chemistry alone can disclose this fact, because it has found it out "WE KNOW IN PAKT." 33 by searching and experiment. Yet while it catches a sure glimpse of this and other general laws, it also beholds phenomena of which it may take a dim cognizance, but as yet cannot com- prehend. Do we ask why? The solemn voice of revelation answers, " Now we know only in part." The foreground mists of ignorance disappear indeed before the light of science ; eternity and space, in their unfathomed realities, lie beyond. If, then, it has pleased Grod to rear this beautiful creation upon so small a comparative number of predominant elements; if it has pleased Him to show his glorious attributes of power and wisdom in the formation of such multifarious products out of, in the main, but a few materials ; what powers of developing new and exquisite harmonies, fresh and yet more lovely combinations of matter than earth has ever beheld, does chemistry suggest to us, should it be consistent with his will, in the form- ation of a new heaven and earth, to call into more extensive use the elements which in the present plan take so comparatively an insig- nificant part in the work of creation! If, as we may be permitted to conjecture, out of such limited resources such an astonishing variety has been produced, what may not the beauty of creation be, should all the resources we know D 34 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. to 'exist be brought prominently into operation ! If, to illustrate more clearly this idea, a great musician can produce charming music out of an instrument of but a few notes' compass, what soul-stirring melodies may we not expect when he is seated at a musical instrument better suited to display his powers ! These and other considerations which we might adduce, show us how partial and imperfect is our highest know- ledge. We only see, we only hear in part. Creation is but a partial display of the power and wisdom of its Author. It has been well said not to be a scheme of optimism. Beautiful as creation, so far as our world is concerned, appears, nature as yet only wears what we might call her working dress. When the sabbath of the world dawns, then will she appear all glorious in apparel, all beautiful in form. And if so fair and lovely now, what will she not then be ! The thoughts we have here attempted to throw out, not to pursue, are intended to quicken our aspirations after that long-desired and yet future time, for which all creation waits and groans, when in more of their fulness the attri- butes of the Creator will be displayed before our wondering eyes. We must consider the almost universally dif- fused element Oxygen, as occupying important OXYGEN HYDROGEN NITROGEN. 35 perhaps the most important, offices in the che- mistry, of nature. It is therefore by far the most abundant of the elementary bodies. It is the largest constituent by weight of the ocean, forming eight-ninths by weight of pure water. It forms a fifth part, by bulk, of the atmosphere : and it enters into a large number of combinations with the solid ingredients of the globe. It is possessed of the most exten- sive range of chemical affinities; that is, it is capable of entering into chemical union with by far the greatest number of the other ele- mentary or simple substances. Its connexion with, and its relation to, the vital functions of the animal frame, the necessities of mankind, the purity of the atmosphere, and the renovation of the face of the earth, will come into considera- tion in different portions of this work. When it- combines with another body, the chemical name of that process of union is " oxidation," and when it is completed the resulting substance is an " oxide." Hydrogen is also an important element. It forms about one-ninth of the weight of water, which is, in fact, an oxide of hydrogen; it also enters largely into the composition of animal and vegetable structures. Nitrogen forms one of the chief constituents of the atmosphere. It is remarkable chiefly for 36 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. its indifference to the other elements, not rea- dily uniting with the majority of them. But when under proper management it is made to combine with oxygen, the resulting substances are possessed of the most intense energies. United with the gas, hydrogen, it forms the important substance ammonia, upon which the life of vegetation, and, indirectly, of man himself and the animal world, appears to be dependent. Finally, the element, Carbon, must also be considered important. It exists in minute proportions in union with oxygen in the at- mosphere, as a gas, and in the solid form it composes, together with the elements of water and nitrogen, the chief part of the woods and vegetable clothing of the present, and of the coal formations belonging to a former period in the history of the earth. Such is a short and simple outline of the characters of the most active and abundant elementary substances entering into the com- position of the animal and vegetable worlds. In the mineral world we find a greater number of substances taking a prominent part in the chemistry of nature. The most important of these are silicon, calcium, magnesium, potas- sium, sodium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus, and sulphur. As we proceed we shall have sue- CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 37 cessively to consider the innumerable links of union which connect these together, and which, as a whole, constitute the beautiful scheme of the chemistry of creation. If a piece of polished iron is left in the open air, and is slightly moistened, we all know that it will very shortly rust, turning quite brown. Why does the iron rust? It is, because it, as an element, has a certain attraction for an- other element which is oxygen; so much so, that when they are placed together in favour- ing circumstances they will unite, or join to- gether, so as to form a new substance the rust. A certain unseen power draws the two elements together, and retains them by the closest bond in a new condition of union. This power or attraction is called Chemical Affinity. Each of the elements is under the influence of this power ; that is, every element has a tendency to unite with one or more of the other elements ; some with a greater, some with a smaller number. The iron unites with the oxygen because it is thus influenced. It is now found to be a general rule, that the more unlike to each other in their chemical properties bodies are, the stronger is their tendency to unite with one another. The tendency to unite between oxygen and iron is very powerful indeed; for these two elements 38 THE CHEMISTRY OF CEEATION. are strongly opposed to each other in their chemical properties. Hydrogen and iron, on the contrary, have little or no disposition to unite, for they exhibit many chemical properties in common. Bearing in mind this tendency of every element to unite or combine with its dissimi- lars, we may readily imagine what sad confu- sion would take place in nature if the power which they are thus endowed with were not itself subject to certain fixed rules beyond which it could not operate. To-day, for ex- ample, iron might unite with one element, to-morrow with another; to-day it might be found in one condition, to-morrow in another ; water might be to-day the fluid known to us as such, to-morrow it might be converted into one of another composition, and the third day might be resolved into its constituent gases oxygen and hydrogen, the great ocean, and the seas and rivers disappearing into the air, to the destruction of the animal and vegetable worlds. In a word, it is not too much to say that the entire system of our globe would be speedily broken up, and the elements would return to their original state of confusion or chaos. To obviate such a result, that Almighty Creator, who is not the Author of confusion but of order, has appointed certain fixed laws COMPOSITION OF A DROP OF DEW. 39 which limit this tendency to unite among the elements in a very simple and remarkable manner. A drop of dew supplies us with an excellent illustration of the operation of these controlling laws, by which we may hope to render their action readily intelligible. This drop of dew consists of two gases, oxygen and hydrogen, which are chemically united into one substance the water. Having obtained the same gases by chemical means, let us mix them together ; if we then set fire to the mix- ture there follows a great explosion, and we find the jar in which the gases were contained no longer filled with air, while drops of water bedew its sides.* Let the reader now ask himself, Why is this? Why are we quite sure that on mixing these gases thus together, and firing them, we shall produce water? Why not something else ? The reason is, that although these gases have a powerful tendency to unite together, there are certain laws which compel them to unite in a certain manner, and to produce, so long as they do so, a certain result. If these laws did not exist, it would be impossible for us to tell what would be produced when we mixed and lighted the * This experiment should only be performed with small quantities of the gases, and the jar should be thick and strong, and covered, all but the mouth, with a coarse cloth. . 40 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. two gases. These laws are the laws of chemical . combination. Having thus alluded to the elements, to their tendencies to combine together, and to the results that would without doubt follow were no controlling principles in existence to direct, harmonize, or neutralize the contend- ing powers, we may briefly mention the laws which effect these objects, and by their simple but beautiful adjustments, produce much of that harmony which we behold in nature. Other laws may be broken or rendered inoperative by the force of circumstances ; but these laws are fixed and unalterable. They are four in number. 1st. The same chemical compound (say water) must always possess a definite and unalterable constancy of composition. For example : If we took a glass-full of water from a way-side brook in England, and another from the bosom of the Ganges deep in Hindostan, or a third from some mountain- torrent of the Alps, and examined them each chemically, of course taking care to distil them separately so as to obtain the water free from all earthy or other impurities, we should find that the water in these three instances had precisely the same composition; that is, by weight, eight parts oxygen, and one hydro- OXYGENATED WATER. 41 gen. If, again, we wished to form water by uniting its constituent gases, we should find that we must take eight parts by weight of oxygen gas, and one of hydrogen, and that no other proportion would succeed. From these two experiments it would be manifest that water, wherever or however formed, is always the same substance, and is made up of the same component gases in the same relative proportions. If, again, we found a clear fluid, having all the appearance and character of water, and discovered, on analyzing it, that it contained sixteen parts of oxygen by weight to one of hydrogen, we should be immediately justified in declaring, on this account alone, that this was not water. Such a compound of oxygen and hydrogen actually exists, and has been called peroxide of hydrogen, or oxyge- nated water. From the circumstance of its possessing a different composition to that of water, however like that fluid it may appear, it is nevertheless a different substance. And this would be, because the first law of chemical combination declares that "the same chemical compound must always possess a definite and unalterable constancy of composition for the same substance." " The converse of this rule, however, is not so universally true; the same elements com- 42 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. bining in the same proportions, do not of necessity generate the same substance. Or- ganic chemistry furnishes numerous instances of this very remarkable fact, in which the greatest diversity of properties is associated with identity of chemical composition."* Thus, while the same substance is always made up of the same elements in the same proportion, the same elements, in the same proportion, do not always form the same substance. This may appear paradoxical, but it is strictly true, although at present we are not quite able to explain or understand the cause. 2nd. Every chemical body, in uniting with other bodies, does so in a certain definite quan- tity or proportion, or in multiples of that quan- tity, and this is called the "equivalent," or combining proportion of the body. For example : When oxygen unites with hydrogen to form water, it does so in this proportion, eight parts oxygen to one hydro- gen. Four parts oxygen would not unite with one of hydrogen, nor any other number but eight, or a multiple of eight, such as sixteen. Again, nitrogen unites with oxygen in the pro- portion of fourteen parts by weight to eight of this gas. Every other element has what is called its combining proportion, or equivalent, * Fownes : Chemistry, p. 174. COMBINING QUALITIES. 43 by which is to be understood, in the words of the law, that " certain definite quantity " in which, and in none other, will it unite with other elements. These proportions or equiva- lents are all different from each other, though some approach remarkably close to a common number ; thus, the " equivalent " of carbon is 6 ; that of lithium 6'43. 3rd. When a chemical body, say oxygen, unites with another in several quantities or proportions, or " equivalents," these propor- tions bear a simple relation to each other. For example : Oxygen unites with nitro- gen in five different quantities, or proportions, thus : Nitrogen 14 unites with 1 oxygen or 8 parts by weight. 2 oxygen or 16 3 oxygen or 24 4 oxygen or 32 5 oxygen or 40 In this table, while the proportion of nitrogen remains constant, that of oxygen increases in the simple ratio of 8, 1.6, 24, 32, 40. 4th. The combining quantity, or " equiva- lent" of a compound substance, is the sum of the combining quantities of its component ele- ments. For example : is itric acid, without any water in its composition, is composed of fourteen 44 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. parts of nitrogen, and forty parts of oxygen ; that is, one equivalent of nitrogen, or 14+5 equivalents of oxygen or 40. Add these to- gether, and we have 54 as the equivalent or combining quantity of this acid. Of how great importance the knowledge of this, and indeed of all the laws of chemical philosophy, is in the Arts, need scarcely to be told. As an illustra- tion, if it were requisite to make pure nitrate of soda, and nitric acid and the alkali, soda, were put into our hands to form it with, this last rule teaches us exactly how much nitric acid and how much soda we ought to use, so that the one shall be in exact combining pro- portion to the other, and so prevent our wasting either of these substances. Thus, Soda is . Sodium 23 -27 Oxygen 8- 31-27 We already know the combining quantity of nitric, acid to be 54 ; therefore, in order to produce nitrate of soda, we must weigh out 31*27 grains or pounds of soda, and 54 grains or pounds of nitric acid. On mixing them we should exactly form nitrate of soda with neither acid nor alkali in excess. The im- mense works now in full operation as chemical INFLUENCE OF CHEMICAL LAWS. 45 factories, where many hundred weights of mate- rials are used at one operation, would succeed very indifferently, if at all, were not this last law taken as the guide of all their proceedings. Soda, glass, soap, paint, and a number of other substances, are now prepared in these works on purely scientific principles ; and were it otherwise as, indeed, it used once to be when the laws of chemistry were not known vast losses would in many instances take place from one or other of the materials employed in excess or the con- trary. The harmonious regularity and order of the world around us are dependent upon these laws. There is no confusion of substances and elements without a definite purpose, and with- out stability, in nature. Every particle of which this great earth is formed is held bound by the chain of these laws ; they direct its behaviour towards other particles, and the result is that the chemistry of nature, instead of presenting us with a scene of disorder and destruction, appears before us like some beau- tiful structure, every part of which has its appointed place, every stone its niche, every bolt its proper resting-place, while the whole is of exquisite beauty and design. When we have enumerated the elements, of many of which every object we behold, as we 46 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. stand on this fair spot, and of the whole, the round world and all that therein is, are com- posed, we have indeed learned much of the chemistry of nature. We can take up a stone and say. Such and such substances form it; or we can point to the tumbling waters of that cascade, and say, It is after all chiefly oxygen and hydrogen. We can say more we can declare that the elements which go to form all this lovely creation are under certain laws which we can lay down with the utmost pre- cision. This is to know much more still of this interesting subject. But this is not all. Had these blades of grass a voice, they would echo back, This is not all. Had the sunbeam a tongue, it would cry, This is not all. Had those fleecy clouds which have crept up from the horizon, and are now gently sailing above us, had these the power of speech, they too would cry, This is not all. Nay, could these very rocks cry out, they must tell the same truth, and say, This is not all. We should be very ignorant of what is going on all around us if we alone were to answer back, This is all. No ! there are wonderful forces in active ope- ration on every side, so delicate in their mode of action, and so subtle in their nature, that until we are informed of their existence, it were scarcely to be wondered at if we were THREE PRINCIPLES OF LIGHT. 47 to exclaim, Surely the knowledge of the ele- ments, and of the laws which they observe, must comprise all that can be learned of the funda- mental chemistry of creation. If we were to ask, Why is this grass so green, that flower so fair in its coloured rai- ment, this gentle air so warm and balmy, and every object around us, glittering with light? we must apply to the sunbeam for an answer, and in the answer we shall find that pervading all nature, and performing the most important part in its operations, there are three distinct principles all united in the sun-ray heat, light, and chemical power, or actinism. Could we break up these bright streams of light which are now pouring down on hill and dale, giving joy, gladness, and life to the scene, into in- dividual rays, and by some process separate one from all the rest, we should find all three in it that is, we should find it to consist of a ray of heat, a ray of light, and a ray of chemical force or actinism, each of these rays being itself made up of several others. A simple ex- periment will prove that these three different classes of rays co-exist in a ray of sunlight. If on a bright summer's day we allow the rays of the sun to pass through a hole into a dark room, and then through a glass prism, we shall find, on holding up a white card a certain dis- 48 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION'. tance off the prism, that the ray of light is broken up into a strip of various colours, which is called the prismatic spectrum. (See cut.) PRISMATIC SPECTBUM. This shows us that the ray of light is made up of several rays three, as it is commonly now believed, the others being made up by the mingling of these in various ways together. This streak of beautiful colours exhibits to us, then, the Light of the solar ray ; how are we to detect its Heat and Actinic force? If we take a very delicate thermometer, and put it first in the violet part of the streak, then bring it gradually downwards to the red, it would be found that the mercury rose very little in the violet part, and very much in the red part, and, strange to say, even a little beyond it, where we can see no colour at all, it would be highest of all ! This shows us not only the heat of the sunbeam, but also the curious fact, COMPOSITION OF A SUNBEAM. 49 that it exists chiefly in part of the prismatic spectrum where the red rays lie, and even where there is no light visible. It is supposed that this is accounted for by the rays of heat being less bent out of their direction by the prism than are the rays of light. We have still got to show the existence of that curious and interesting class of rays the Actinic. This also may be readily done. A piece of paper on which some solution of nitrate of silver, or lunar caustic, as it is commonly called, has been brushed, after it has been dried, must be placed in the streak of coloured light. After a little time it will be found that the paper is blackened where the violet and indigo colours shone, and even beyond them, but less quickly, or to a very trifling degree, where the other colours are placed. The truth has been, that the nitrate of silver lias been decomposed by the actinic, or chemical rays which exist chiefly in the upper part of this prismatic streak It is supposed that the actinic rays are most bent out of their direction by the prism, so that they appear at the highest point of the spectrum. Thus we see that every ray pouring down from the sun consists of light rays, of heat rays, and of chemical or actinic rays. Need it be said these have each a vastly important E 50 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. influence upon the many chemical processes of nature? We may spend profitably a few mo- ments in glancing at these three principles, upon which so much depends in the beautiful world around us. It is very remarkable that in the sublime, Divinely-inspired account which Moses has been authorized to give us of the Creation, }t is related that the first step was the creation of Light. " And God said, Let there be light : and there was light." Thus showing us the infinite importance that this principle bears to all .created things. Light is even now abso- lutely necessary to life, not less so than then, when its first beams darted upon a yet un- fashioned world "without form and void." To every animal and plant, and equally to man, the monarch of creation himself, light is indis- pensable, and is^ inseparably connected with health, motion, and activity. What a gloomy world were ours if a deep canopy of black over- hung the sky, leaving its inhabitants in dark- ness and the shadow of death ! Unhappy persons, for offences of a political ' kind, have been long immured in prisons where no ray of light ever stole to enliven the solitude and horror of their dungeon, and the result has been in- variably that such persons become of a death-like paleness, and lose every power both of mind SUNLIGHT AND COLOURS. 51 and body, being ultimately reduced to a pitiable wretchedness of condition. These effects are doubtless chiefly to be attributed to the absence of light. Little though it may be generally known, the flowers of various hues, the feathered tribes of glorious plumage, and the bright and beautiful among the insect tribes, and of those which inhabit the great deep all owe their many-coloured aspect to the influence of . light. Is it not in the glowing atmosphere of the Tropics that we find the most splendid flowers and birds and insects ? There, where the shadow of a cloud seldom flies over the bright and burning plains, where no fogs and vapours like those of our " distempered climate " interfere with the power and brilliancy of the solar rays, every object is in holiday attire, and gleams with colours such as we should seek in vain in our more temperate, but after all, more highly- favoured region. Some remarks by Professor Edward Forbes, in his Report on the Mollus- cous and Radiate animals of the ^Egean Sea, exhibit this very clearly : " The animals of Testacea and the Radiata of the higher zones are much more brilliantly coloured than those of the lower, where they are usually white, whatever the hue of the shell may be. Thus the genus Trochus is an example of a group of forms, mostly presenting the most brilliant 52 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. hues, both of shell and animal; but whilst the animals of such species as inhabit the littoral (or sea-shore) zone are gaily chequered with many vivid hues, those of the greater depth, though their shells are almost as highly coloured as the coverings of their allies nearer the sur- face, have their animals, for the most part, of a uniform yellow, or reddish hue, or else entirely white. The chief cause of this increase of in- tensity of colour as we ascend, is doubtless the increased amount of light above a certain depth." The sea-weeds and fish which have their abode near the surface of the water are far more beautiful than those which are found deeper down ; and where the finny tribe live at the bottom, or at depths where a mere glimmer of light is all that distinguishes day from night, they become nearly colourless. On a future page, it will become necessary for us to enter more fully into the chemical influence of light upon the vegetable world, where it will be found that the wood and green parts of plants are principally formed by its agency. Not less important is the principle of Heat in the phenomena of nature. It is this which assists to call into activity the germ of life lying dormant in the seed; this bids the in- sect's egg awake and live ; this breaks up the hard and stony surface of the ice-bound field, INFLUENCE OF HEAT IN NATURE. 53 and lets a thousand cold-imprisoned plants go free ; this clothes the forest with its leafy honours, ripens the green untempting burden of the orchard, and makes all creation to re- joice. All the day long the sun pours down upon the earth unfailing streams of this life- giving principle, which then become diffused into the surrounding air; so making the breeze soft and warm, or penetrate a little distance into the soil, whence they again in part disperse into the air at night, when the sun has left us. Every object we behold is influenced to a greater or less degree by this principle. This nettle and that blade of grass; the one all covered with hairs, the other polished and glistening, are both affected by the warm sum- mer rays, but not both alike. The nettle, being rough, is a good radiator, and therefore loses heat faster than the grass which is smooth and a bad radiator ; but then the nettle is also a good absorber of heat, whereas the grass absorbs it slowly. Undoubtedly this difference of properties as respects heat was not appointed in vain. We do not know why, but it is cer- tainly necessary for the well-being of both plants, that they should be as they are. Per- haps the nettle may require to absorb much heat, and very quickly, in order to perfect some of the chemical phenomena of its growth ; 54 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. and the contrary with respect to the blade of grass. But more than this : while every flower that blows is dependent upon heat for its expansion, and the perfection of its various functions, flowers differ from one another in what we may call the amount of their debt. Some absorb much heat, and with great rapidity ; others absorb less, and that slowly. Strange to say, this is connected with their various colours, for it has been proved by philosophical experi- ments that bodies variously coloured have dif- ferent absorbing and radiating powers with respect to heat.- Dr. Franklin placed pieces of cloth of different colours in the sunshine on the surface of snow in winter, and found that in proportion to the depth of the colour, the snow melted most rapidly, in consequence of the deep- coloured pieces having absorbed heat much faster than the rest. When we look therefore at the flower-garden all begemmed with brilliant colours, how interesting is it to remember these colours were not given in vain. The streaked tulip and the spotless garden lily do not absorb or radiate heat alike. The deep blush of the rose, the pale azure of the blue-bell, the glow- ing gold of the meadow butter-cup, are not therefore merely ornaments, or intended only to give variety to the scene, though doubtless CHEMISTRY OF SUNLIGHT. 55 that may be another object accomplished, by their different hues, but were all admirably adapted in order to enable the flowers to drink in that portion of the quickening influences, of the sun's rays, which is most expedient for their peculiar wants. The heat of the sun's rays performs other duties of a more momentous kind than any hitherto indicated. It is the grand agent by which currents are produced in the air. Yet, little do we think that the summer breeze that fans our cheek, little does the sailor think that the steady wind which impels his vessel, or the storm which threatens him and his ship with destruction, are alike put into movement by the subtile beams of the sun ! Thus the cir- culation necessary for the preservation of the purity of the atmosphere is sustained, thus the clouds are wafted to drop their burden on our thirsty fields, thus man can spread his canvas wings, and fly to the ends of the earth all as a consequence of this warm flood of sunshine in which the insects bask, and the landscape lies bathed and asleep. The heat of the sun is the great cause of the evaporation of water, and thus it lifts into the air the vapour, which, when condensed, comes down as the grateful shower to fertilize our land. Also, since chemical changes of all kinds go on -much 56 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. more rapidly at high than at low temperatures, the heat of the sun is largely concerned in each of the chemical phenomena, which are constantly taking place throughout nature. The most remarkable of the three principles hitherto found in the sunbeam is the Actinic ray. The discovery of this most remarkable principle if that is a correct term for it is quite recent, comparatively with that of the two others. Yet its effects have been known for ages. From time immemorial chemists have known that on exposing preparations of silver to the sun they become decomposed, and en- tirely altered in character. -The researches of many philosophers in modern times have now, as we have already shown, proved the existence of these rays of actinism, in the most unques- tionable manner. It is at present impossible to explain the real nature of the actinic force. We must rest satisfied by describing it as that power in the sun's ray which produces the chemical changes taking place in bodies exposed to the light. These delicate yet potent rays fall, like the sunlight in which they are found, upon every portion of the surface of the landscape, and together with those of heat and light, they then produce effects of a most important kind. The towering trees of yonder forest, as well as "NATURE'S SWEET RESTORER." 57 the humble moss which clusters on their bark, owe their health and vigour, nay, their very existence to the actinic rays. Take away these from them, and they become sickly and feeble, and die. To this subject, however, we shall have occasion to return by and by. It is almost more surprising to discover that these rays exert a most powerful influence upon in- animate bodies. It is found that it is impossible to expose any solid substance, whatsoever its nature, to the sun's rays without its undergoing some change in consequence of the operation of these rays on its surface. Wonderful thought 1 the sunbeam cannot even impinge upon a plate of the hardest steel without leaving a trace of its passage behind. Every object in this scene is affected by this agency ; those rugged cliffs, and those tall and frowning mountains, are for every hour that the sunlight strikes them undergoing a destructive change, and the most extensive effects would soon be produced, were it not that a beautiful remedy has been provided, by which the injurious results that would otherwise follow are entirely obviated. If the world had not, like man, its stated time of rest, it would soon undergo the most serious changes, the end of which would be undoubtedly an entire alter- ation of every object on its surface. During the silent hours of night, however, it has been 58 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. found that all these effects of the solar ray pass off, and all bodies restore themselves again to their original condition. It is not, therefore, to man and the animate world in general, and to vegetation, alone, that night and gentle sleep conie " as Nature's sweet restorers ;" the great earth must rest likewise. These fields and yonder, hills sleep, and become restored and refreshed equally with the. living and moving beings on their surface. Night is precious alike to all ; in truth, it is indispensable. The beautiful contrivance now so largely employed for the purpose of portrait taking, the Daguerreotype, exhibits in a singularly striking manner to us the potency and rapidity of action of the actinic rays of the sunbeam. In a darkened chamber, generally in a little box appropriately fitted, the rays of light pro- ceeding from the sitter's figure are collected by means of a lens, and are caused to fall upon a silvered plate, which has been prepared by exposing it to the vapour of iodine and bro- mine. In a second of time the most faithful picture of the person is fixed upon the metal surface, in lines which years cannot efface. By means of a camera obscura, and paper pre- pared in a peculiar manner, Mr. Fox Talbot has succeeded in producing the most exquisite sun-pictures, in which all the varying tones of PICTURES DRAWN BY THE SUN. 50 light and shade, and every line of the scene, is exhibited with an accuracy to which no painter has, nor can attain. This invention is called the Talbotype. Thus the researches of modern science have enabled us to press the sunbeam into our service as an artist more speedy in execution, and more admirably accurate in its productions than the most skilful of men. Nature's own pencil is now employed to depict itself the fairest landscape imprints its own image upon the enduring surfaces of metal or paper ; the most minute points of detail are thus indelibly preserved to us, and the wanderer in foreign climes needs little exertion of his own to store his portfolio with pictures drawn by the sun, which on his return may often serve to bring to his recollection scenes and objects far distant then. An important improvement has recently taken place in the photographic art, in the substitution of plates of glass for sheets of paper. The pictures thus obtained are ex- tremely beautiful. At Greenwich a great num- ber of the various observations are self-regis- tered by employing the actinic power of light. The details are too complicated to be easily undetood ; this application, however, is chiefly made in the case of the magnetical observations by little mirrors placed upon the needles, which reflect the light of a lamp on to a sheet of pre- 60 THE CHEMISTRY OF CREATION. pared paper. Thus, when the needles move, they cause the reflected light also to move a certain distance on the paper, and wherever this light falls it leaves its mark in the dis- coloration that instantly takes place. It has also been proposed to copy objects in the microscope by casting the image on prepared paper. This would be highly useful. This de- lightful art is called Photography, that is, light-drawing, but it would be preferable to style it Heliography or sun-drawing, since it is the actinic rays, not the strictly light or lumi- nous rays of the sunbeam which produce them. Hitherto we can only be said to have perfectly succeeded in producing pictures of one tint alone; but some singular experiments have been made, and are still in the course of pro- secution, which seem to indicate that in time it will be even possible to produce perfect pic- tures, each object being represented in its natural colours.* This would indeed be a triumph in the science of light. The warm and pleasant sunshine then, gently though it flies from hill to hill, and lies on the valley and distant waters, is an agent of astonishing power, and of the most vita] im- * Recent announcements have shown the possibility of this. It is said that pictures have actually been taken im- pressed with the natural colours of the objects. ELECTRICITY. 61 portance to all things around us. Though we cannot quite say, with the poet, that the glorious sun " plays the alchemist, Turning with splendour of his precious eye The meagre cloddy earth to glitt'ring gold ;" yet when we look at all the exquisite colours and forms which owe their existence to its beams, we can say that a ray of light fulfils a wonderful part in the chemistry of creation. We shall have occasion, as we proceed, to refer to its varied influences in the different kingdoms whose chemistry we propose to consider. Yet the sunshine after all only forms one of several agencies which combine together to give life to, and to preserve the many beauties of our landscape. The earth, the grass, the trees, yon shining river, and those sailing clouds, could they be again interrogated, would disclose to us yet another agent, which influences them all, and is for ever darting from and to them, silently and unseen, assisting in all the phenomena they exhibit, and consequently intimately concerned in the various processes of the chemistry of creation. This agent is electricity. This quick and wonderful principle passes incessantly through the soil on which we tread, influencing in various ways the chemical ingredients it